Oass_{/^: Cj I ' Book _a,_Cj ^V OFFICIAL DONAXION. .-X^ Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 81 Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 5 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES ]). WALCOTT, J )i rector CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY JOSEI^H BARLOW LIF^I^INCOTT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 9 3 J^BLICATIONS OF UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The publications of the United States Geological Siirrey consist of (1) Annual Reports; (2) Monographs; (3) Professional Papers; (i) Bulletins; (5) Mineral Resources; (6) Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers; (7) Topographic Atlas of United States, folios and separate sheets thereof; (8) Geologic Atlas of United States, folios thereof. The classes numbered 2, 7, and 8 are sold at cost of publication; the others are distributed free. A circular giving complete lists may be had on application. The Bulletins, Professional Papers, and Water-Supply Papers treat of a variety of subjects, and the total number issued is large. They have therefore been classified into the following series: A, Economic geology; B, Descriptive geology; C, Systematic geology and paleontology; D, Petrogi*aphy and mineralogy; E, Chemistry and physics; P, Geography; G, Miscellaneous; H, Forestry; I, Irrigation; J, Water storage; K, Pumiiing water; L, Quality of water; M, Gen- eral hydrographic investigations; N, Water power; O, Underground waters; P, Hydrographic progress reports. Complete lists of papers relating to water supply and allied subjects follow. (B=Bulletin, PP= Professional Paper, WS=Water-Supply Paper.) Serums I— Irrigation. WS 2. Irrigation near Phoenix, Ariz., by A. P. Davis. 1897. 98 pp., 31 pis. and maps. WS 5. Irrigation practice on the Great Plains, by E. B. Cowgill. 1897. 39 pp., 11 pis. WS 9. Irrigation near Greeley, Colo., by David Boyd. 1897. 90 pp., 21 pis. WS 10. Irrigation in Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, by F. C. Ba,rker. 1898. 51 pp., 11 pis. WS 13. Irrigation systems in Texas, by W. F. Hutson. 1898. 68 pp., 10 pis. WS 17. Irrigation near Bakersfleld, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1898. 96 pp., 16 pis. WS 18. Irrigation near Fresno, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1898. 94 pp., 14 pis. WS 19. Irrigation near Merced, Cal., by C. E. Grunsky. 1899. 59 pp., 11 pis. WS23. Water-right problems of Bighorn Mountains, by Elwood Mead. 1899. 62 pp., 7 pis. WS 32. Water resovirces of Porto Rico, by H. M. Wilson. 1899. 48 pp., 17 pis. and maps. WS 43. Conveyance of water in irrigation canals, flumes, and pipes, by Samuel Fortier. 1901. 86 pp., 15 pis. WS 70. Geology and water resources of the Pati-ick and Goshen Hole quadrangles, Wyoming, byG. I. Adams. 1902. 50 pp., 11 pis. WS 71. Irrigation systems of Texas, by T. U. Taylor. 1902. 137 pp., 9 pis. WS 74. Water resources of the State of Colorado, by A. L. Fellows. 1900. 151 pp., 14 pis. The following i)apers also relate especially to irrigation: Irrigation in India, by H. M. Wilson, in Twelfth Annual, Part II; two papers on irrigation engineering, by H. M. Wilson, in Thir- teenth Annual, Part III. Series J— Water Storage. WS 33. Storage of water on Gila River, Arizona, by J. B. Lippincott. 1900. 98 pp., 33 pis. WS 40. The Austin dam, by Thomas U. Taylor. 1900. 51 pp., 16 pis. WS 45. Water storage on Cache Creek, California, by A. E. Chandler. 1901, 48 pp., 10 pis. WS 46. Physical characteristics of Kern River, California, by F. H. Olmsted, and Reconnaissance of Yuba River, California, by Marsden Manson. 1901. 57 pp., 8 pis. WS 58. Storage of water on Kings River, California, by J. B. Lippincott. 1902. 100 pp., 32 pis. WS 68. Water storage in Truckee Basin, California-Nevada, by L. H. Taylor. 1902. 90 pp., 8 pis. WS 73. Water storage on Salt River, Arizona, by A. P. Davis. 1902. 54 pp., 25 pis. The following paper also should be noted under this heading: Reservoirs for iiTigation, by J. D. Schuyler, in Eighteenth Annual, Part IV. Series K— Pumping Water. WS 1. Pumping water for irrigation, by Herbert M. Wilson. 1896. 57 pp., 9 pis. WS 8. Windmills for irrigation, by E. C. Murphy. 1897. 49 pp., 8 pis. WS 14. New tests of certain pumps and water lifts used in irrigation, by Ozni P. Hood. 1898. 91 pp., 1 pi. WS 20. Experiments with windmills, by T. O. Perry. 1899. 97 pp., 12 pis. WS 29. Wells and windmills in Nebraska, by E. H, Barbour. 1899. 85 pp., 27 pis. WS 41. The windmill; its eflSciency and economic use. Part I, by E. C. Murphy. lv«)l. *:i pp., 14 pis. WS 42. The windmill. Part II (continuation of No. 41). 1901. 73-147 pp., 15-16 pis. (Continued on third page of cover.) IRR 81—2 Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 81 Series M, General Hydrographic Investigations, 5 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, Director CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY J^OSEL^LI BARLOV^ LIP»P»I]SrCOTT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 V. CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal 9 Introduction 11 Relation of rainfall to run-off in California 14 Diagrams and tables 14 Statistics by basins 17 Sacramento River Basin 17 San Mateo Creek . 18 Salt Springs Valley watershed 18 Stanislaus River Basin 19 Tuolumne River Basin . 19 San Joaquin and King river basins 19 Mohave river 20 Cuyamaca reservoir watershed - . 20 Sweetwater reservoir Basin _ . .. 20 Evaporation . . _ 20 LakeTahoe 20 Reno, Nev : 21 Sweetwater reservoir . 22 Kern and Tulare counties 22 Clear Lake, Lakeport, Cal 31 Discharge tables 32 Aguilar Creek . _ . . 32 Alameda Creek . . 32 Alder Creek 40 Aliso Creek 40 American River 40 Armas Creek 42 Armitas Creek . 42 Arroyo Burro 43 Arroyo Carnero 43 Arroyo Grande . 43 Arroyo Leon 43 Arroyo Seco . 44 Bear Creek 46 Beams ditch . 46 Bear River 46 Big Rock Creek 50 Williams River : . . . 50 Bloomington flume, San Bernardino County 50 Briscoe Creek, Glenn County 50 Burney Creek 50 Butano Creek 50 Cache Creek . 51 Cajon Creek 1 53 Calaveras River 53 Caliente Creek 56 Calloway canal 59 Camp Carlton ditch, San Bernardino County 59 Canyada del Corral ... 60 3 4 CONTENTS. Discharge tables — Continued. Page. Canyada Lares 60 Canyada Refugio 60 Canyada Verde 60 Capitan Creek 60 Carpenteria Creek 61 Carson River . 61 East Fork Carson River 61 West Fork Carson River 63 Cascade Creek, Tuolumne County 64 Cherry Creek, Tuolumne County 64 Chino Creek, Riverside County 64 Chowchilla Creek . 65 CityCreek 68 Cold Spring Canyon_ 68 Coldwater Creek 69 Colorado River ^ 69 Colton and Colton Terrace, San Bernardino County 71 Convict Creek 71 Cosumnes River 72 Cow Creek, Tuolumne County 75 Cucamonga Creek 75 Daley ditch, San Bernardino County 78 Deer Creek 78 Dinsmore Creek 81 Dobbins Creek . 81 Dos Pueblos Creek 81 Dry or Jackson Creek 82 East Riverside Water Company, San Bernardino County 85 Eaton Canyon 85 Eleanor Creek 85 Falls Creek 85 Fall River 85 Feather River 85 Ficay Creek 87 Fort Tej on Creek 87 Fresno Creek 88 Gage canal 90 Gato Creek 91 Gazoo Creek 94 Gorman Creek 94 Green Spot pipe line 94 Grindstone Creek 94 Gubernador Creek 94 Hat Creek 94 Haws and Talmage ditch . 94 Honey Lake 94 House Creek 94 Kaweah River . 95 Kern River 99 King River 109 Little Rock Creek 119 Lobetus Creek 119 Logsdon and Farrel ditch, San Bernardino County 120 Loina Abajo 120 CONTENTS. Discharge tables^Continued. Page. Lopez Creek 123 Los Angeles River 123 Los Flores Canyon 137 Lytle Creek 139 Mammoth Creek 148 Maria Ignacia Creek 148 Mariposa Creek 149 Mayberry Canyon 152 McCloud River 152 ]\j:clntyre ditch . 152 McKenzie ditch . . 152 Meeks and Daley ditch 152 Merced River 152 Mill Creek ( King River) . 158 Mill Creek (Santa Ana River) 158 Mill Creek, Green Spot pipe line 163 Mill Creek (Stanislaus River) 163 Mill flume and pump, Riverside Water Company 163 Mission Creek - 163 Mohave River 164 Mokelumne River 168 Mono Lake drainage 173 Niagara Creek 173 Owens River 173 Pacoima Canyon. . . 174 Padaro Creek 174 Pallett Creek 174 Pasadena Mesa 174 Pastoria Creek 180 Pescadero Creek 181 Pilarcitos Creek 181 Piru Creek 181 Pit River 182 Plunge Creek 182 Pomponio Creek I 182 Poso Creek . 183 Purissima Creek 185 Putah Creek 186 Rabel dam ditch, San Bernardino County 186 Ranchero ditch, San Bernardino County 186 Red Hills developments 186 Redlands canal 186 Rincon Creek 186 Rubicon River ._ 186 Riverside Water Company, Upper Canal 186 Sacramento River 186 Salinas River . 199 Tributaries of Salinas River _ _ 202 Arroyo Seco 202 Nacimiento Creek "_ 205 Burnett Creek . 206 San Antonio Creek 206 San Lorenzo Creek 207 Salt Spring Valley 208 6 COTSTTENTS. Discharge tables — Continued. Page. San Antonio Creek 209 San Bernardino Valley . 315 San Diemas Wash . 225 San Fernando Creek _ _._ . 225 San Francisquito Creek 225 San Gabriel River 225 San Gregorio Creek 259 San Joaquin River 259 San Jose Creek . ' 268 San Luis Rey River , 274 San Mateo Creek . 275 San Roqui Creek 276 Santa Ana River 279 Santa Barbara County 321 Santa Clara River _ _ 322 Santa Monica Creek . 323 Santa Paula River 324 . Santa Ynez River 324 Sawpit Creek 328 Sespe Creek 328 Shasta River 328 Snow Creek 328 Spring Valley Water Company 328 Stanislaus River _ . . 329 Stony Creek 340 Susan River 343 Sutter River . 344 Sweetwater River 344 Tecolote Creek .._. 357 Tejon Creek . 357 Tejon House Creek . . 357 - Temescal Creek 358 Toro Canyon 360 Trabuco Creek : _ _ _ . 360 Truckee River : 360 Tule River .. 374 Tumitus Creek 380 Tunis Creek 381 Tuolumne River 381 Twin Creeks 400 Walker River . 401 Ward & Warren ditch 402 Warm Creek 402 White Creek 403 Whitewater River . 406 Whiting ditch . 407 WillowCreek . 407 Yuba River _... 407 Maximum flood measurements 410 Weir tables.- T . 412 Rainfall tables 420 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Map of California 12 Fig. 1 . Diagram showing increase of rainfall with rise in elevation over the Sierras in central California 16 2. Annual and mean run-off from California watersheds, based on several years' observations 17 3. 'Map showing location of wells near Pasadena 175 4. Figure showing construction of weir. , 411 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey, Division of Hydrography, Washington, D. C, January 15, 1903. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a paper entitled "Cali- fornia Hydrography," by Mr. J. B. Lippincott, containing a summary of as much of the data concerning the water supply of California as is available from printed records and from observations of other engi- neers and investigations made by this Survey. The published records on the subject, hitherto much scattered, some of them out of print and difficult to secure, are here brought together, and the paper should therefore form a convenient and valuable book of reference for the use of engineers, irrigators, and all who are interested in the development of the valuable water resources of California. For convenience in the use of the book the prominent drainage basins have been placed in alphabetic order, and the minor tribu- taries of the larger streams have been arranged alphabetically under the name of the trunk stream into which they discharge. The min^r tributaries and irrigation ditches have in addition been cross-entered in alphabetic place, so that they may be found independently under their local names. The discharge measurements include both low- water and flood records and are accompanied by useful precipitation data. Very respectfully, F. H. Newell, Hydrographer in Charge. Hon. Charles D. Walcott, Director United States Geological Survey. CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. By Joseph Barlow Lippincott. I:N^TR0 DUCTIOIS^. The purpose of this pubUcation is to assemble under one cover as much of the data concerning the water supply of California as is available from printed records, observations of other engineers, and investigations made by this Survey. The greater portion of the data are obtained from the latter source. The records of stream flow that have been published bj^ the United States Geological Survey appear, first, in numerous Water-Supply Papers, which are published annually, soon after the end of the j^ear's work, and contain a brief summary of the past year's operations, and, second, in large annual reports, showing the average monthly discharge and other records of streams in all portions of the United States. Thus, while the published record is complete, it is distributed through many volumes, and numerous investigators do not have a complete set of these publications. The methods of stream measurement j^racticed by the Geological Survey are fully described in Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 56. In brief, they usually consist of measuring the cross section of the stream with a tape and a sounding rod, and determining the velocity at numerous points in this cross section by means of a cur- rent meter, usually of the Price type. On large streams the meter measurements are usually made from cables. On small streams they are often made from foot bridges. The velocity observed is applied to each subdivision of the cross section where it is made, and the aggregate discharge of these cross sections is taken as the total dis- charge of the stream. On small streams weir measurements are often made. When a record of daily flow is to be kept on smy river a gage rod is established on the stream near the point of measurement, and the height of the water on this rod is observed and recorded at the time each measurement is made. By properly selecting periods of high, low, and average water for the times of measurement it is possible to 11 12 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. formulate a rating or discharge curve for the river in terms of volume discharged and water height on the rod. A local observer is employed to read the rod daily, and from these observed rod readings a state- ment of daily, monthly, and annual discharge is deduced. Some of the data given were contributed by irrigation and power companies from daily records kept at their head works. In cases of this kind due credit is given. The reports compiled and published by the California State engi- neering department between the years 1878 and 1884" are now out of print and hard to obtain. The information contained in them is there- fore included in this paper. The method of stream measurement most commonly practiced by the State engineering department consisted of stretching two wires across the stream at a fixed distance apart and noting the time of passage of floats through the section observed from the upper to the lower wire. Cross-sectional areas were measured and the velocities indicated by the floats were applied thereto, thus deter- mining the discharge. Daily records of river heights on gage rods were kept on a number of the streams in a manner similar to that prac- ticed by the United States Geological Survey. A rating table for the station was obtained from the discharge measurements, and, by apply- ing it to the daily rod readings, monthly and annual discharge tables were determined. In several instances, however, where records have been kept on neighboring streams the State engineering department has prepared theoretical discharge estimates of other streams in the same locality by using the rate of run-off per square mile obtained from a measured stream and applying it in determining the probable run-off from the basin of a neighboring stream. In cases of this kind the discharge figures are marked with a star. In each instance the effort has been made to give the date of the measurement, the name of the observer, the volume discharged, and a description of the locality and stream. The measurements have been grouped in the principal drainage basins, but it would obviously be impossible to adhere rigidly to this arrangement. For instance, all the streams of the San Joaquin Val- ley are, technically speaking, tributary to San Joaquin River, but it would be manifestly improper to include all the main rivers from the Sierras in this section under the head of San Joaquin River. The rule therefore has been adopted of giving each prominent drainage basin its place in alphabetic sequence ; the minor tributaries of these large streams are then arranged alphabetically under the name of the trunk stream into which they discharge. For instance, Tuolumne River is considered an independent stream, but Eleanor Creek, Falls Creek, etc., are considered minor tributaries and are arranged under the heading "Tuolumne River." The effort has been made, however, a No measurements were made by the California State engineering department subsequent to 1884, as the office was then discontinued. T •NrrrT?rkTvTTr<'T'Trk"i\r 18 LippiNcoTT.] INTEODUCTION. 13 to cross-enter all these minor tributaries, so that they may be found independently under their local names, reference being made to the trunk stream into which they discharge. Undoubtedlj^ many measurements that are not available for this publication have been made for corporations and individuals by engineers of California. These data, if they could be obtained, would doubtless be of great value, and the suggestion is here made that it would be a public benefit to send this information to the United States Geological Survey, where it would be available for publication in subsequent bulletins of this nature. The records of the Signal Service and Weather Bureau are also contained in annual reports extending over a long term of years, and the engineer who possesses a complete file of these publications is indeed fortunate. The rain water which forms the source of the water supply for agri- culture in California falls in large part upon the mountain ranges of the State. It is a well-known fact that within the State there are vast differences in rainfall with increase or decrease of elevation, particu- larly on the western slopes of the mountain ranges. Rainfall statis- tics have been compiled in great mass for the valley districts, where farming is actually carried on, but the engineer who is investigating plans for storage and power is much more interested in the rainfall of the mountains. An attempt has been made to include in tliis paper all available data relative to precipitation at the higher elevations. The Weather Bureau publishes its records of precipitation in calen- dar years, beginning with the 1st of January, which is the middle of the rainy season on the California coast. A record beginning on the 1st of January may show for that and following months conditions of excessive drought, while for the following November and December of the same calendar year it may give records of excessive rainfall, the result indicated for the calendar year being a mean rainfall, whereas there may have been a dry season followed by one of excessive precip- itation. For this reason the rainfall records for the mountain dis- tricts have been classified in seasonal years, and it is believed that their presentation in this form will avoid for the engineer man 3^ labo- rious retabulations of results. Particular effort has been made to collect and present new data. Each table of precipitation is accompanied with a statement show- ing the approximate position of the station and its elevation, as well as the authority for the record. These records are in part taken from the annual reports of the Weather Bureau and rearranged in seasonal instead of calendar years, as stated above. All the regular stations of the United States Weather Bureau are situated at relatively low elevations with the exception of Mount Tamalpais, but some vol- untary observers report to the Weather Bureau from mountain sta- 14 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. tions. These observers use a variety of measuring devices. Sortie use glass graduates, with various-sized catchment cups, and some employ more primitive implements. The records of mountain pre- cipitation, however, are so scarce that they are all given here, because it is believed that any information tending to throw light on this subject is of value. All the records that are credited to the Southern Pacific Railroad were obtained from Mr. William Hood, chief engineer of the system. The rain gages used by the railroad company are small gages with 3-inch catchment cups, usually set on posts about 6 feet in height, and the observations are made by the local railroad agents. Their reports are sent in promptly to San Francisco and are there tabulated by a corps of clerks whose time is devoted entirely to this subject. In many places in the high mountain districts, particularly at the greatest elevations, the gages have been lately furnished by the hydrographic branch of the United States Geological Survey. The gages used in these places are of the standard type, with an 8-inch measuring cup. Snow observations are made by melting the snow and reporting the resultant water. REIiATIOlSr OF RAINFAIjIj TO RTJlSr-OFF I:N^ CAIilFORKIA. DIAGRAMS AND TABLES. The accompanying diagrams and tables are presented as the result of a study of the available rainfall and run-off data for California watersheds. As the run-off diagram was to be used in estimating the water sup- ply available for various storage reservoirs for irrigation, it was thought best to represent the run-off in acre-feet per square mile. The majority of the discharge reports give the depth of run-off in inches. The accompanying table has been made for converting deptli of run-off in inches to run-off in acre-feet per square mile, the follow- ing formula being used : Depth of run-off in inches X (0.0833 x 640) =run-off in acre-feet per square mile. LippiNooTT.] EELATION OF RAINFALL TO RUN-OFF. 15 Table for converting depth of run-off in inches into acre-feet per square mile. Depth of run-off. Acre-feet per square mile. Depth of run-off. Acre-feet per square mile. Depth of run-off. Acre-feet per square mile. Depth of run-off. Acre-feet per square mile. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 0.01 0.533 0.26 13.867 0.51 27. 200 0.76 40. 533 .02 1.067 .27 14. 400 .52 27. 733 ^ . 77 41.067 .08 1.600 .28 14. 933 .53 28. 267 .78 41.600 .04 3.133 .29 15.467 .54 28. 800 .79 42. 138 .05 2.667 .30 16.000 .55 29. 333 .80 42. 667 .06 3.200 .31 16. 533 .56 29.867 .81 43.200 .07 3.733 .32 17.067 .57 30.400 .82 48.738 .08 4.267 .33 17. 600 .58 30. 983 .83 44. 267 .09 4.800 .34 18.133 .59 31.467 .84 44. 800 .10 5.333 .35 18.667 .60 82. 000 .85 45.333 .11 5.867 .36 19.200 .61 32.533 .86 45.867 .12 6.400 .37 19.733 .62 33. 067 .87 46. 400 .13 6.933 .38 20. 267 .63 33. 600 .88 46. 988 .14 7.467 .39 20. 800 .64 34.138 .89 47.467 .15 8.000 .40 21.333 .65 34.667 .90 48.000 .16 8.533 .41 21.867 .66 35.200 .91 48.538 .17 9.067 .42 22. 400 .67 85.733 .92 49.067 .18 9.600 .43 22. 933 .68 36. 267 .93 49. 600 . .19 10. 133 .44 23. 467 .69 36. 800 .94 50. 183 .20 10. 667 .45 24. 000 .70 37. 383 . .95 50. 667 .21 11.200 .46 24.533 .71 37.867 .96 51.200 .22 11.733 .47 25.067 .72 38.400 .97 51. 733 .23 12. 267 .48 25. 600 .73 38. 933 .98 52.267 .24 12. 800 .49 26. 133 .74 89.467 .99 52.800 .25 13. 333 .50 26. 667 .75 40.000 1.00 58. 333 At the outset many difficulties presented themselves. The most serious one was that of obtaining measurements of rainfall at the higher elevations. The streams having the largest run-off, and on which discharge records had been kept, have their sources on the western slopes of the high Sierra Nevada, where there are few or no inhabitants above 7,000 feet, and consequently no observers of rain- fall ; but the valuable rainfall records of the Pacific Railway s^^stem along the line of railway from Sacramento to the summit of the Sierra Nevada at Railroad Pass offered a solution of this difficulty. In fig. 1 the mean rainfall and the elevation of the station are plotted as ordinates, and the distance inland of the station as abscissas. The rate of increase of precipitation from Sacramento to Cisco, at the elevation of 6,000 feet, the point of maximum rainfall, seems to 16 CALIFORNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. be 0.6 inch per 100 feet of rise. The precipitation above the 6,000- foot point decreases with the elevation approximately at the rate of 0.4 inch per 100 feet of rise. Fortunately, in Tuolumne River Basin, about midway between Amer- ican and King river basins, there is another series of rainfall sta- tions, including Lagrange, elevation 293 feet above sea level; Sonora, elevation 1,824 feet; Second Garrote, elevation 2,900* feet, and Crockers, elevation 4,453 feet. The mean rainfall of these stations, plotted as in the above diagram, indicates the rate of increase from Lagrange to Crockers to be 0.84 inch per 100 feet of rise. This rate of increase has been taken to hold good up to an elevation of 6,000 feet, and above this the rate of decrease of rise to be 0.4 inch per 100 feet to an elevation of 9,000 feet. Probably the rate of increase and 50 25 25 50 75 100 J25 150 175 200 225 250 Miles. Fig. 1.— Diagram showing increase of rainfall witli rise in elevation over the Sierras in central California. decrease would be more correctly represented by a curved line, but the data are not sufficient to warrant such representation. At these rates of increase and decrease, the mean precipitation for the years 1896-1899, at an elevation of 9,000 feet in the Tuolumne River Basin, w^ould be 49.8 inches; if snow converts into water at the ratio of 8 to 1, the snowfall would be 33.2 feet at this elevation. It was found impossible to use the run-off data of Kern River Basin — though that stream is without doubt more closely watched than any other stream in the State and the record is the oldest for any large stream in the State — because of the exposure of the water- shed and because of the scarcity of rainfall data. This watershed is bounded on the west for almost its entire length by a high mountain range. Concerning the precipitation on the eastern slope of this range, little is known beyond the fact that it is very much less than on the western slope. lilPPINCOTT.] STATISTICS Br BASmS. 17 In 1896 the total run-off from King River Basin, comprising 1,775 square miles, was 1,871,005 acre-feet. For the same year the run-off from Kern River Basin was 619,630 acre-feet. The ratio of the area of King River Basin to Kern is 1 to 1.32, and the ratio of run-off, 1 to 0.33, though the higher drainage areas of the streams are contiguous. It was also thought best not to use the run-off and rainfall data for Piru Creek Basin, furnished by the Antelope Valley Water Com]3any, because the ratio of discharge in acre-feet per square mile was greater than any other record. There is little doubt about the accuracy of both the run-off and precipitation records, the explanation being that the rainfall observation stations were necessarily situated at so low an elevation that the record did not represent the mean rainfall for the higher portions of the basin. ' y- - / *" \^ /' a » ?fe r ^ ¥ . ■ 'j:fl '^ / o*o. f>y ' . cA s X. rW • Zy' ^ y^^ o M ''.''^' ^^' '^y^ ^ /^s Ai r /^rt " ^ /■"' '^^ ..c^^' K4^ Ar » o i^ (.' (fK ^'-^■J^ t Ja '' r^°: ^ T^» A' » " 500 ^.>; '^'/ ««^ ^V;^;; &■' °H ft Jf ^€'ir' <*^t;'J^ -f^' ^'^ y^ 'y%«^ ''>m'^' S^^^'' fl" i> ■^J i: * 4 r^^ ^.iS^ ^^' ENS. NEWS. ) 5 1 1 5"" 2 2 5 3 Anr 3 ua\ F 5 4 ?ainfal 4 in 5 5 Inche 5 s. 5 6 6 5 7 7 5 80 o W. Portion of Peninsular tVatershed, San Mcrteo Creet< D Sacramento River Watershed 6 S.E. Portion of Peninsular IVatershed, San Mateo Creek V Above S.E. and N.E. Portion of Peninsular Watershed. San Mateo Creeh ■X Cuyamaca Reservoir Watershed ^ Sweetwater Reservoir Watershed + Arrowhead Reservoir Co. • Piru Creek Watershed X Salt Spring yalley Watershed I Stanislaus River Watershed J Tuolumne River Watershed * San doaquin River Watershed ■ Kings River iiYarershect O Ring enclosing Symbol indicates Mean Rainfall Pig. 2.— Annual and mean run-off from California watersheds, based on several years' obser- vations. « The run-off and rainfall data of the streams which were used to make the discharge diagram, fig. 2, will be mentioned in the order from north to south in which their watersheds occur. STATISTICS BY BASINS. Sacramento River Basin. — The rainfall stations used in determining the mean annual precipitation for Sacramento River Basin were the following; Red Bluff, Rosewood, Redding, Delta, Dunsmuir, Shasta, Sisson, and Fort Bidwell. There were absolutely no records for the great interior mountain- « For derivation of *•' Newell curves," see Nineteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 2, 1894, p. 151. IRR 81—03 2 18 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHy. [no. 81. ous and lava country in Siskiyou, Modoc, and Lassen counties, com- prising more than 5,334 square miles of the watershed. Fort Bidwell is situated outside of the watershed, on the eastern slope of the mountains that form the boundary, and would probably have a less rainfall than Modoc County. The record was kept there for a period of twenty- two years, and the mean rainfall is 20. 8 inches. The average rainfall at Red Bluff for a period of twenty-three years was 23.9 inches; at Rosewood, for a period of six years, 25.63; at Red- ding, for twenty-four years, 35.69 inches. The precipitation at these three latter stations was taken to get the average for Sacramento Val- ley for the years 1896-1899, during which years run-off measurements were made at Jellys Ferrj^ The mean rainfall of Pit River drainage area (5,334 square miles), which has an average elevation of 5,000 feet, was taken to be the same as that of the Sacramento Basin above Red Bluff. The average rainfall at Delta for a period of fourteen years was 62.39 inches; atDunsmuir, for ten years, 57.16 inches; at Shasta, for six years, 53.26 inches; at Sisson, for ten years, 32.75 inches. The rainfall at these four stations was taken to obtain the mean rainfall for the mountainous area of the watershed for the years 1896-1899. San Mateo Creek. — The Spring Valley Water Company's record of rainfall and run-off from the watershed of San Mateo Creek is without doubt the oldest record in the State, having been kept for thirty years. In the table given on page 390 of Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 38 of the United States Geological Survey, no allowance has been made for evaporation from the surface of the reservoir; 20 per cent has here been added to the run-off as calculated from those tables to cover eva]3oration. The drainage basin of San Mateo Creek ranges in elevation from 250 to 1,800 feet, with an average of about 750 feet. The hills are undulating. There is a limited growth of timber on the northern slopes near the summit, but a large amount of brush covers other portions of the basin. On the southern slopes and crest the hills are frequently bare of brush, but are covered with grasses. Salt Springs Valley watershed. — The basin of Salt Springs Valley is largely of red clay, which scantil}^ covers a bed rock of granite and slate. The topography is undulating rather than mountainous, about 20 per cent of the total drainage area being valley land. There is little brush or timber in the valley, and only a scattered growth of oak and scrubby pine on the hills. To obtain the mean for the basin 10 per cent has been added to the rainfall for North Hill, 6 miles north- west of the dam. To obtain the total run-off for the basin 4,132 acre- feet haA^e been added to the amounts given in the table on page 337, Part IV, of the Eighteenth Annual Report of tlie United States Geological Survey, to compensate for evaporation from the reservoir surface. The methods of measurement of discharge from the reservoir are LIPPINCOTT.] STATISTICS BY BASINS. 19 very crude, and this may partly account for the very high iDercentage of run-off from this basin, which contains 25 square miles. Stanislaus River Basin. — N^o rainfall data were obtained for this basin, but since it joins the Tuolumne and is in most respects similar to that, the rainfall for Tuolumne Basin has been taken to apply to both. Tuolumne River Basin. — To obtain the mean rainfall for this basin the average elevations and the areas of the various jDortions were taken from the topographic maps of the United States Geological Survey. The areas were obtained by the use of a planimeter. La Grange was taken as the base station, and the percentage of increase for the various elevations is shown by the diagram, fig. 1. The fol- lowing example, for the year 1896, will illustrate more particularly the method : Table of estimated rainfall, Tuolumne River Basin. Average elevation. Number of square miles. Estimated rainfall, 1896. Mile-inches. 1,200 75 26.4 1,980 1,500 88 29.0 2,552 2,500 182 37.4 6,807 3,500 46 45.8 2,107 4,000 105 50.0 5,252 4, 500 147 54.2 7,967 5,500 90 60.9 5, 481 6,000 143 63.3 9,052 6,500 105 61.3 6,437 7,500 189 57.3 10, 830 9,000 330 51.3 16,927 1,500 75, 692 75,692 1,500 = 50.3 inches mean for basin, 1896. San Joaquin and King river basins. — There were practically no rainfall data for either San Joaquin or King River Basin. The estimated mean rainfall for Tuolumne River Basin for the years 1896-1899 is 48.2 inches; the depth of mean run-off for the same period is 20.8 inches; the depth of mean run-off for San Joaquin River for this period is 18.4 inches. Since the topography, exposure, etc., in the two basins are similar, the rainfall will proba- bly be proportional to the run-off. Example, 20.8 : 18.4 : : 48.2 : 42.7. Similarly, the mean rainfall for King River Basin will be 37.8 inches. 20 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no. 81. Mohave River. — The meteorologic and hydrograpliic work of the Arrowhead Water Company has been carried on for a number of years at the head of Mohave River. Twenty-eight rain gagef=, carefully located at elevations of from 2,100 to 7,200 feet, have been maintained. The measurements of run- off from several tributaries have been made over weirs. The areas of the basins are each less than 50 square miles. The watershed is covered with a thick growth of timber on the crest. The growth of timber diminishes as the desert is approached, the northern part of the watershed being covered with brush only. The mean elevation of the watershed above sea level is about 5,250 feet. Cuyamaca reservoir ivatershed — The area of this watershed is 11 square miles and the mean elevation above sea-level is probably 5,500 feet. The run-off is carefully measured. There is only one rain gage maintained, and that is at the dam. The resident engineer, Mr. F. S. Hyde, says that as this rain gage is located between two high wooded peaks, which act as condensers of the moisture-laden clouds, the recorded precipitation is undoubtedly heavier than the average of the watershed. This probably explains why the mean annual run-off is so far below the general curve. Siveekvater reservoir basin — The evaporation and run-off records from this basin date from 1888, and have been very carefully kept. There is no doubt that many of the points on the curves (fig. 2) would be changed if we had more definite information as to the rain- fall, but the curves are the best that could be made from the infor- mation at hand. The mean discharge for the period of observation on each stream is used, together with the mean rainfall for the same years. These means are considered the more satisfactory, as they tend to eliminate erratic stream and rainfall records. EVAPORATION^. LAKE TAHOE. On May 17, 1900, a galvanized-iron tank, 2 feet square and 2 feet deep, was placed in Lake Tahoe at its outlet, where it would be pro- tected from the heavy waves of the lake, for the purpose of measur- ing the evaporation from the lake surface. A finely divided scale was placed in this tank, and daily i-eadings taken at about the same hour of each day by Mr. J. U. Haley, general freight and passenger agent of the Lake Tahoe Railway and Transportation Company. The tank was at all times kept full to within 1 or 2 inches of the top, and was floated by means of a timber frame, which also served as a protection from waves and drift, so that the water level inside and outside was about the same. The depth of water in which the tank was anchored was about 6 feet, and the water in the tank was fully exposed to wind and LippiNCOTT.] EVAPORATION. 21 sun. The following table shows the monthly evaporation from May 17 to November 30. « Evaporation at Lake Tahoe, as measured in tank in lake at Tahoe City. Date. Depth in inches. 1900. May 17 to 31 1.83 June - - -- - - - 3.80 July . - - - - 4.00 August -- -- - _-- - 5.15 September _ -_. . 3.10 October ___. _ . _ 2.15 November .---.. __ .._.. 1.38 Total- 21 Al While it is possible that the evaporation from the lake surface was somewhat greater than from the tank, owing to its greater roughness and consequent greater surface, relatively, in contact with the air during high winds, it is believed that the results here given are as near to the truth as it is possible to attain, and that they represent very closely the loss of water which may be expected from evapora- tion from natural lakes or storage reservoirs situated at about 6,000 feet altitude in this portion of the Sierras during the period over which the record extends. RENO, NEV. During the year 1894, from May 11 to November 30, a series of observations were made at Reno, Nev., with a view to determining approximately the depth of evaporation at that point. For this pur- pose a small galvanized-iron tank, 18 inches square and 18 inches deep, was sunk in the ground until the rim was but half an inch above the surface. This was kept filled to within less than 1 inch of the top at all times and was so placed that it was fully exposed to the sun and wind. The earth immediately around the tank was kept wet. The results, while not absolutely reliable as an index to the actual evaporation from a lake reservoir or canal surface, are believed to be a fairly close approximation to what would occur from such a surface at Reno, and since the conditions influencing evaporation — temperature, humidity of atmosphere, winds, etc. — over the lower por- tion of the Truckee River Basin are nearly identical with those at Reno, they should be roughly applicable to other points in that por- tion of the basin. aTaylor, H. L., Water storage in the Truckee Basin: Water-Sup. and Irr. Paper No. 68, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1902. 22 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. Evaporation from tank in earth at Reno, Nev. [NO. 81. Date. Depth in inches. 1894, May 11 to 31 June July August September October November . . Total 2.80 5.35 8.45 9.12 7.44 4.31 2.75 40.22 SWEETWATER RESERVOIR. The following table shows the amount of evaporation, wind move- ment, humidity, and temperature at Sweetwater reservoir for a series of years : Annual evaporation, temperature, etc., in Sweettoater Basin, San Diego County. [Elevation of reservoir, 250 feet.] Period. Evaporation. Wind. Humidity. Temper- ature of air. Temper- ature of water. 1889-90 Inches. 56.47 57.54 58.65 49.60 48.68 46.31 45.18 «41.24 61.93 &32.54 Miles per hour. 4.9 4.6 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.9 5.8 Per cent. °F. °F. 1890-91 1891-92 72 68 70 79 71 76 73 72 61 61 60 59 61 61 60 59 68 1892-93, 67 1893-94 67 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 « Evaporation January 1 to August 31. &Evaparation September 1 to April 30. KERN AND TULARE COUNTIES. « To ascertain the amount of evaporation from exposed surfaces of water, experiments have been made in Kern County at various points, and in Tulare County at Kingsburg. The experiments in Kern County commenced in the latter part of "Authority, Physical Data and Statistics of California. LippiNCOTT.] EVAPOEATION. 23 June, 1879, and were continued at several localities through July, August, and September, the three hottest months of the j^ear. Sub- sequently observations were made until December 20, 1879, at Rio Bravo ranch, about 10 miles east of Bakersfield. The experiments at Kingsburg, Tulare County, commenced on November 1, 1881, and were continued to November 1, 1885. In making the Kern County experiments pans of galvanized iron 2 feet square and 1 foot deep were used, some of the observations being made in pans floated in large bodies of water, and others in pans set in open ground, as will be explained more fully for each of the records. The pans used in making the later observations at Kingsburg were 3 feet square and 15 inches deep. The water surface was maintained about 5 inches below the rim of the pan. The amount of water required from time to time to maintain its surface in the pans at a fixed height was measured in standard cups prepared for the purpose and graduated to represent depth of water in the pan for which they were used. When floated in a lake or river the pans were protected from the splash of waves. The contrivance used in King River, at Kings- burg, for this purpose was a large wooden frame, into which the pan was fitted so as to float horizontally, but not be protected from the sun or movement of the air. Observers at Kingsburg were instructed, among other things — To fill the pan to the normal plane once every day during the summer months; less frequently at other seasons of the year. To take an observation at the commencement of everj^ fall of rain, and to restore the water surface to the normal plane at the end of every fall of rain. To keep a daily record of the temperature of the air, of the water in the pan, and of the water surrounding the pan. To keep a rainfall record. The earlier observations made in Kern County were conducted less systematically, but still with sufiicient care and thoroughness to serve a good purpose. The results of the observations made in Kern County are embodied in Tables No. 1 to 6, which are a rearrangement of data published by the State engineering department in the report of 1880. In Table No. 1 are given the results of the experiment made in Reeder Lake, which is a narrow body of water, 12 to 15 feet deep, sur- rounded by large cotton wood trees and willows. The pan was placed in a shallow arm of the lake, fully exposed to the sun, but protected from the wind. Panama Slough (see Table No. 2) was selected for another set of observations. The pan was placed in running water 10 feet deep, showing a much lower temperature than Reeder Lake. It was fully exposed to the sun, but protected from the wind. 24 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGEAPHY. [NO. 81. The pan in the center of Kern Lake (Table No. 3) was about 2 miles from shore, in 5 feet of water. On September 5, 13, and 29 the wind was northwest; on September 19 it was southwest. The pan near the shore of Kern Lake (Table No. 4) was placed on the northeast side of the lake, in about 2 feet of water. In Tables No. 5 and 6 are given the results of observations made at the Rio Bravo ranch, 3 miles below the mouth of Kern River Canyon. The pan in Kern River was freel}^ exposed to sun and wind, but was immersed in water to within 2 inches of its top. The pan placed on top of the ground was free to the action of all elements, producing extreme evaporation. In Tables No. 7 to 11 are presented, in condensed form, the results of observations covering a period of four years. The total depth of water evaporated during each month, each period of three months, and each year is given in a separate table for each of the four years. The tables contain also the averages of daily temperature records. Table No. 11 is one of averages, in which columns are added, show- ing the rate of evaporation per twenty-four hours, and the amount evaporated per second per square mile, during the different time periods. The pan in the air referred to in the Kingsburg tables was, after the first three months, set into the ground, earth being banked up around its sides to the same elevation as the water in it. Its surface was fully exposed to sun and wind. During November and December, 1881, and January, 1882, this pan was on the railroad bridge, exposed on all sides to sun and air. Evaporation at several points in Kern County, June to December, 1879. Table No. 1.— Pan in Rbeder Lake. Time of day. Temperature (degrees P.). Evapo- ration (depth in feet). Evapora- tion per 21 hours (depth in feet). Evapora- tion in Date. Water in pan. Water surround- ing pan. Air. cubic feet persecond per square mile. 1879. June 23 9.55 a. m _ June 33 to 25 June 25 to 28 June 28 to 30 June 30 to July 5 . July 5 to 8 6.25 a. m.- 7.50 p. m.. 5 p. m 4.50 p. m.- 5 p. m 83 81 82 87 92 92 90 79 73 77 0.040 .068 .035 .096 « . 072 0.0168 .0222 .0187 .0192 (( . 0240 5.42 7.12 6.04 6.20 " 7. 74 June 23 to .311 .0203 6.56 July 8. "Water fell, leaving the pan at the top 6 inches above water surface. LIPPINCOTT.] EVAPORATION. 25 Evaporation at several points in Kern County, June to Decernber, 1879 — Cont'd. Table No. 2.— Pan in Panama Slough. Date. Time of day. Temperal Water in pan. uure (degr Water surround- ing pan. eesF.). Air. Evapo- ration (depth in feet). Evapora- tion per 24 hours (depth in feet). Evapora- tion in cubic feet per second per square mile. 1879. July 9 12.30 p. in- July 9 to 11 July 11 to 21 6.20 p. m._ 9 a. m 72 76 0.030 0.0134 4.34 July 21 to 24 6.50 p. m __ 88 88 92 76 68 .037 .054 .0108 .0108 3.48 July 24 to 29 July 29 to Au- 6.15 p. m__ 7 p. m 7 a. m 6.45 a. m_- 76 79 72 64 71 77 74 67 3.48 gust 5. August 5 to 13 August 13 to20__. .084 .0120 3.87 July 9 to (' . 490 «.0116 « 3. 74 August 20. « Approximate. Table No. 3.— Pan in Center ok Kekn Lake. 1879. August 30 10.40 a. m _ 11.30 a. m - 88 89 86 81 90 90 August 30 to Sep- tember 5. 0. 105 0. 0175 5.63 September 5 to 13. 12.30 p. m. 86 86 118 .096 .0119 3.90 September 13 to 19 12.05 p. m _ 86 86 120 .150 .0250 8.08 September 19 to 29 12.10 p. m_ 78 78 88 .180 .0180 4.80 August 30 .531 .0173 5.70 to Se p- tember 29. Table No. 4.— Pan near shore of Kern Lake. 1879. August 14 10.40 a. m _ August 14 to 30--- 10.40 a. m - 88 86 90 0.480 0. 0300 9.67 August 30 to Sep- tember 5. 11.10 a. m_ 79 83 90 .201 .0334 9.81 September 5 to 13. 12m 88 90 118 .195 .0242 7.81 September 13 to 19 12m 81 89 120 .156 .0259 8.36 September 19 to 29 12 m 76 80 88 .189 .0190 6.18 August 14 to 1.221 .0265 8.55 September 29. 1 26 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Evaporation at several points in Kern County, June to December, 1879 — Cont'd. Table No. 5.— Pan in Kern River at the Rio Bravo Ranch. Time of day. Temperature (degrees F.). Evapo- ration (depth in feet). Evapora- tion per 24 hours (depth in feet). Evapora- tion in Date. Water in pan. Water surround ingpan. Air. cubic feet per second per square mile. 1879. October 2 October 2 to 11.-. October 11 to 18.. 4 p. m_ .. .. 4p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 66 68 68 62 55 56 54 53 52 50 52 64 66 66 61 55 56 54 53 52 50 52 74 84 78 67 63 62 64 68 54 54 54 0.104 0.0116 3.73 October 18 to 25 _ _ October 25 to No- vember 1. November 1 to 8.. Novem.ber 8 to 15 .052 .052 '. 045 .0074 .0074 .0064 2.38 2.38 2.06 November 15 to 22 November 22 to 29 November 29 to December 6. December 6 to 13 _ December 13 to 20. .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .0043 .0043 .0043 .0043 .0043 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 October 2 to «. 408 «. 0052 «1.67 December 20. « Approximate . Table No. 6.— Pan on open ground at the Rio Bravo Ranch. 1879. October 2 7 a. m October 2 to 3 October 3 to 11 _-- October 11 to 18 .. October 18 to 25 _ _ October 25 to No- vember 1. November 1 to 8.. November 8 to 15. November 15 to 22 November 22 to 29 November 29 to December 6. December 6 to 13 . December 13 to 20. 1 p. m 4 p. m 4p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 4 p. m 68 68 80 78 70 58 65 64 62 58 55 55 94 74 84 78 67 63 62 64 68 54 54 54 0.037 .148 .071 .147 .148 .113 .030 .070 .052 .015 .037 .037 0.0292 .0180 .0101 .0210 .0211 .0176 .0043 .0100 .0074 .0021 .0053 .0053 9.40 5.80 3.25 6.76 6.79 3.46 1.88 3.22 2.38 .68 1.71 1.71 October 2 to .906 .0115 8.70 December 20. LIPPINCOTT.] EVAPORATION. 27 Evaporation at Kingshurg Bridge, King River. Table No. 7.— Novembkb 1, 1881, to October 81, 1882. [Elevation 297 feet.] Time of day. Tempera- ture of air. Pan in river. Pan in air. Date. Tempera- ture of water in river. Tern pera- ture of water in pan. Evapora tion (depth in feet). Tempera- ture of water in pan. Evapora- tion (depth in feet). 1881. November December 1882. January 4.30 p.m.. 4.30 p.m.. 4.30 p.m.. 5 p. m 5.15 p. m.. 5.15 p.m.. 5.45 p. m .. 6.30 p.m.. 6.30 p.m.. 6 p. m 6 a. m 10 a. m.... 66 55 54 56 64 73 84 88 98 96 81 68 56 52 52 55 60 63 63 67 80 84 73 63 55 52 50 54 59 62 63 68 81 85 73 63 0.220 .050 .090 .115 .180 .260 .305 .475 .660 .665 .475 .135 60 55 53 56 66 72 83 91 85 75 60 0.335 .120 .200 February March ... .105 .265 April .435 May .835 June _ _ . .940 July . 1.075 August . .875 September October .575 .195 November to Jan- .360 .555 1.440 1.275 .655 uary. « February to April & May to July ^ .805 2.850 August to Octo- 1.645 ber.^^ Total, No- 3.630 5.955 vember to October. « First period. b Second period. c Third period. d Fourth period. 28 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Evaporation at Kingsburg Bridge, King River — Continued. Table No. 8.— November 1, 1882, to October 31, 1883. 1882. November December 1883. -January February March April May June July . August September October November to Jan- uary. « February to April ^ May to July c August to Octo- ber. '^ Total, No- vember to October. Time of day. Tempera ture of air. 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m_.. 10 a. m.-_ 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m... 10 a. m. .. 10 a. m... 10 a. m.. - Tempera- ture of water in river. 53 51 43 54 69 67 76 92 96 93 49 63 71 63 Tem- pera- ture of water in pan. 64 Evapora- tion (depth in feet). Tempera- ture of water in pan. 0.115 .08^5 .060 .100 .305 .270 .160 .500 .760 .920 .730 .400 .260 .675 1.420 2.050 4.405 45 61 Evapora- tion (depth in feet). 0.100 .090 .040 .070 .310 .260 .310 .850 .970 .970 .705 .230 .640 2.130 1.965 4.965 a First period. b Second period. c Third period. d Fourth period. LIPPINCOTT.] EVAPORATION. 29 Evaporation at Kingsburg Bridge, King River — Continued. Table No. 9.— November 1, 1883, to October 31, 1884. Time of day. Tempera- ture of air. Pan in river. Pan in air. Date. Tempera- ture of water in river. Tem- pera- ture of water in pan. Evapora- tion (depth in feet). Tempera- ture of water in pan. Evapora- tion (depth in feet). 1883. November December 1884. January 10 a. m 10 a. m ... 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 59 49 47 52 61 67 76 77 83 78 75 68 55 48 48 52 56 60 59 57 61 64 63 62 54 47 48 52 57 61 61 60 63 66 63 63 0.170 .080 .105 .050 .090 .160 52 44 44 49 57 61 0.140 .065 .075 February March April .060 .105 .180 Mav . 320 69 .400 June .295 .380 .370 .320 .350 61 73 69 64 60 .505 July .670 August September October .670 .530 .310 November to Jan- .355 .300 .995 1.040 56 68 64 .280 uary^ 9 a. ni 9 a. m 9 a. m 60 79 74 56 59 63 57 61 64 February to April ^ May to Julyc August to Octo- ber^ .345 1.575 1.500 Total, No- 2.690 3.700 vember to October _ _ « First period. b Second period. c Third period. d Fourth period. 30 CALIFORNIA HYDROGKAPHY. [NO. 81. Evaporation at Kingsburg Bridge, King River — Continued. Table No. 10.— November 1, 1884, to October 31, 1885. Time of day. Tempera- ture of air. Tempera- ture of water in river. Tem- pera- ture of water in pan. Evapora- tion (depth in feet), Tempera- ture of water in pan. Evapora- tion (depth in feet). 1884. November December 1885. January February March April May June July August September October November to Jan uary.« February to April ^ May to July ^ August to Octo- ber.^ Total, No- vember to Octo- ber. 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a, m 9 a. m. 9 a. m. 9 a. m 9 a. m 9 a. m 63 0.200 .180 .010 .140 .240 .160 .340 .660 .710 .930 .640 .470 51 60 71 .390 .540 1.710 2.040 62 4.680 0.120 .140 .010 .130 .220 .270 .660 .810 .900 .930 .660 .360 .270 .620 2.370 1.950 5.210 a First period. b Second period. « Third period. d Fourth period. LIPPINCOTT.] EVAPORATION. 31 Evaporation at Kingsburg Bridge, King River — Continued. Table No. 11.— November 1, 1881, to October 31, 1885. [Average for four years.] Pan in river. Pan in air. Date. Evapora- tion (depth in feet). Evapora- tion per 24 hours (depth in feet). Evapora- tion in cubic feet per second per square mile. Evapora- tion (depth in feet). Evapora- tion per 24 hours (depth in feet). Evapora- tion in cubic feet per second per square mile. November December January February March . 0.176 .099 .066 .101 .204 .213 .281 .483 .628 .721 .541 .339 0.0059 .0032 .0021 .0036 .0066 .0071 .0091 .0161 .0203 .0233 .0180 .0109 1.89 1.03 .69 1.16 2.12 2.29 2.93 5.20 6.54 7.51 5.82 3.53 0.174 .104 .081 .091 .225 .286 .551 .776 .904 .861 .615 .289 0. 0058 .0034 .0026 .0033 .0073 .0095 .0178 .0259 .0292 .0278 .0205 .0093 1.87 1.08 .84 1.05 2.34 April May June 3.08 5.74 8.35 July 9.41 August . - - 8.96 September October 6.62 3.01 November to January « February to April b May to July ^' _ . August to Octo- ber rf .341 .518 1.391 1.601 .0037 .0058 . 0151 .0174 1.20 1.88 4.88 5.61 .359 .603 2.231 1.765 .0039 .0068 .0243 .0192 1.26 2.19 7.83 6.19 Total No- vember to Octo- ber 3.851 .0106 3.40 4.958 .0136 4.38 a First period. b Second period. f Third period. d Fourth period. CLEAR LAKE, LAKEPORT, CAL. Evaporation records have been kept by the United States Geologi- cal Survey at Lakeport, Cal., on Clear Lake, since February 1, 1901. The evaporation pan is 3 feet square and 1.5 feet deep, and is floated on a triangular raft anchored in a cove where it is not exposed to the full force of the wind. Evaporation observations were begun on the 32 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81 land at the same point September 15, 1901. Capt. D. C. Rumsey is the observer. The following table gives the evaporation by months : Evaporation record of Clear Lake, Lakeport, Cal. January February March April May June - - - July August September October November December Total for period of observa- tions. Lake. t« 0. 85 .95 2.40 3.05 3.70 3.95 5.15 5.00 3.35 2.30 .85 1.30 32.85 &1.60 2.45 1.05 .95 6.05 January . _ .. . February March April May June July August September October .-. November December Total for period of observa- tions. Lake. 0.85 .25 1.60 2.60 4.00 4.65 6.65 4.40 4.10 1.95 .45 .40 31.90 0.85 .30 1.55 2.35 3.70 5.15 7.40 4.95 4.40 1.85 .45 .45 33.40 a Estimated. & September 15-29 only. DISCHARGE TABLES. The following tables, showing measurements of the discharge of California streams, are arranged alphabetically under the names of the streams considered. AGUILAR CREEK. Discharge measurement of Aguilar Creek. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. —,1899 G. F. Wright Sec.-ft. .12 Santa Barbara County. ALAMEDA CREEK. Alameda Creek, in Alameda County, Cal., flows westerly into San Francisco Bay. The stream passes through narrows at Niles, where a weir dam known as the Niles dam is situated, and below this point spreads over certain absorbent gravel beds, at the lower end of which wells supplying considerable volumes of water are located. In the crest of the Mies dam is a rectangular weir opening. The length of this weir can be adjusted by inserting flash boards or planks. When the water reaches high stages it fills the rectangular weir opening LIPPINCOTT.] ALAMEDA CREEK. 33 and flows over the top of the walls of the dam on the side, so that the large flood measurements that have been computed contain con- siderable elements of error. The measurements of smaller volumes, however, are doubtless more accurate. The Spring Valley Water Company, of San Francisco, has a pumping station which is supplied from an intake above the Niles dam, so that the amount of w^ater pumped, as given in the following tables, should be added to the amount of water passing over the weir, in order to get total discharge. During a term of years the Spring Valley Water Company kept observations at this weir dam of the height of water on the weir and the length of weir, and also of the amount of water pumped. These data were presented as Exhibit 11 in a certain suit entitled " Clougli V. Crystal Springs AVater Company of San Francisco." involv- ing water rights to Alameda Creek, tried in the Alameda Count}^ superior court in the fall of 1901. The record is not entirely complete, but the available data were assembled and computations of discharge were made by this office, and average monthly flow is given in the following tables. In some instances uncertainty exists as to the proper length of weir. This matter has been taken up, however, with the Spring Valley Water Compan}^, and all corrections have been made for which the data are available. While the record is not considered perfect, it is the best obtainable, and in view of the extent of the data it is deemed to be worthy of publication. Discharge measurements of Alameda Creek, Alameda County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality, Dec. 18,1896 Dec. 19,1896 Dec. 20,1896 W. W. Brier do do iiec.-ft. 38.68 32.49 30.94 63.44 57.25 51.06 7.74 6.19 . 77 44.87 40.23 34.04 Niles dam. Do. Do. Jan. 11,1897 do Do. Jan. 12, 1897 Jan. 18,1897 do do Do. Do. Dec. 18,1896 Dec. 19,1896 Dec. 20,1896 do do do 3 miles below Niles. Do. Do. Jan. 11,1897 -do Do. Jan. 12,1897 Jan. 18,1897 do do Do. Do. IRR 81—03- 34 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81 Estimated monthly discharge of Alameda Creek at Niles dam. Month. 1889. January February _ March April May - - - June July August _-. September October November . December . The year . 1890. January... February _ March April . May ... June July August September October November . December The year . Discharge over weir* Maximum. Minimum. Second-feet. 2,577 ,792 ,813 .853 412 253 88 47 22 88 28 22 293 Second-feet. 412 237 824 176 82 41 22 16 16 16 16 81 Second-feet. 996 1,664 1,007 646 242 144 62 31 20 17 17 19 49 326.5 L.IPPINCOTT.] Estimated monthly ALAMEDA OEEEK. 35 of Alameda Creek at Niles dam — Continued. Discharge over weir. Maximura. Minimum Quantity of water pumped. 1891. January-.- February . March April May June July August September . October - - - November. December . The year - 1892. January February -. March April - May June July August September - October . . - November. December . The year . Second-feet. 165 3,311 3,965 253 79 47 19 Second-feet. 38 38 98 84 47 22 2 1,701 324 279 2,016 752 324 34 14 3,566 4,951 Second-feet. 58 457 424 147 60 Sec-feet. 84 « 159.1 78 86 190 168 111 23 &4 599 120 ^4,332 997 10 5 10 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10.17 12 11 9 11 12 12 a Eight months' mean. bMean of July 1 to 19, inclusive. cMean of November 28 to 30, inclusive. 36 CALIFOElSriA HYDEOaRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Alameda Creek at Mies dam — Continued. Month. Discharge over weir. Quantity of water pumped. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. 1893. January _ _ . . _ Second-feet. 2,016 2,577 Second-feet. 120 237 Second-feet. 437 743 Sec-feet. 6 February « __ __ March . . _ April ._ . May - June 2 July 12 August 12 SepteTnher 9 October 8 November 8 December 7 The year &590 5.3 1894. January 3 February March . ... 1 April . - _ _ 8 May 8 June 8 July - _- 8 August 8 September 8 October . . _ 8 November .. .. _ ... 2 Deceniber 9 to 31 ^3,700 79 659 The year 5.2 a No record for rest of year. b Two months mean. c No record prior to December 9. LippiNCOTT.] ALAMEDA CREEK. 37 Estimated monthly discharge of Alameda Creek at Niles dam — Continued. Month. 1895. January . _ _ February _ March April May June July August September . October November . December . The year _ January . _ . February . March April May June July August _-- September October _ . . November - December _ The year . Discharge over weir. Maximum. Minimum. Second-feet. 4,521 « 2, 577 224 176 224 58 16 3 <^2 47 14 25 2,936 306 200 2, 577 224 54 16 2 4 23 25 872 Second-feet. 200 206 125 71 54 16 3 1 Mean. Second-feet. 1,221 625 170 124 92 30 10 1 a Record missing February 15 to 28, inclusive. b No record previous to July, o Record missing September 16 to 30, inclusive. dSix months mean. 191.6 534 118 121 336 137 29 5 1 1 3 115 Quantity of water pumped. Sec. -feet. &4 12 12 12 12 12 _ 1879. January February March April May June ^ July & August & September ^ . October & November ^ . December &.. The year '^ 1880. <^ January February . March April May June July August September October November . December . The year .. Sec-feet. 229 648 1,068 680 166 98 24 295 267 221 393 614 4,174 1,473 196 24 10 246 613 Acre-feet. 14, 081 35, 988 65, 669 40, 463 9,878 5,831 1,476 18, 139 191,525 13,589 22, 606 37,753 248, 370 90, 571 11,663 1,476 615 15,126 441,769 0.47 1.32 2.18 1.38 .34 .20 .05 .60 .55 .45 .80 1.25 8.50 3.00 .40 .05 .02 .50 1.25 a Authority, California State engineering department '>For November and December, 1878, and from June, I87i), to Octobei*, 1884, estimated from run off of neighboring stream. ^Estimated from runoff of neighboring stream. LiPPiNcoTT.] CALAVERAS RIVER. 55 Estimated monthly discharge of Calaveras River at Bellota — Continued, Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Run-off. Per square mile. Depth. 1881 /< January . . . February . March April May June - July August September October November . December . The year _ 1883. « January . . February . . March April May June July August September . October November December . The year . Sec-feet. 1,473 3,700 544 344 443 1,719 1,719 3,946 246 98 147 147 651 Acre-feet. 90,571 149, 950 60, 381 58, 433 12,053 4,403 3,013 4,550 Sec-feet. 3.00 5.50 3.00 3.00 .40 .15 .10 .15 383, 353 31,153 34, 547 105, 697 103, 388 181,143 14, 638 6,036 8,747 9,039 473, 376 1.11 .70 .90 3.50 3.50 6.00 .50 .30 .30 .30 1.33 Inches. 3.46 5.73 3.31 3.33 .46 .17 .13 .17 14.65 .81 .94 4.04 3.90 6.93 .56 .23 .33 .35 18.08 "Estimated from run-off of neighboring stream. 56 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Calaveras River at Bellota — Continued. 1883. « January February _.-.-_ .__ March April May June Jiily _-- ._. August September October November . _ December The year 1884.^' January February March April May June July August _ . September . October Mean dis- charge. Sec-feet. 491 393 737 982 491 196 74 24 49 196 2,455 2,946 2,455 491 491 196 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 30, 190 21,826 45,316 58, 433 30, 190 11,663 4,550 1,428 3,013 206, 609 12, 052 141,213 181,142 146, 083 30, 190 29,217 12, 052 Run-off. Per square mile. Sec-feet. 1.00 .80 1.50 2.00 1.00 .40 .15 .05 .10 .58 .40 5.00 6.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 .40 Depth. "Estimated fi'om run-off of neighboring stream. CALIENTE CREEK.« Discharge measurements of Caliente Creek, Kern County. May 1,1895 Hy dr ographer . Dis- charge. J. B. Lippincott _ Sec-feet. 23 Locality. li miles northwest of station. a Stream usually dry in summer months. LIPPINCOTT.] CALIENTE CREEK. 57 Estimated monthly discharge of Caliente Creek, Kern County, at base of foothills, (f [Drainage area, 423 square miles.] 1878. November . December . January - _ February _ March April May June Jnly August September . October November . December _ 1879. The year _ 1880. January . . February . March April May June _ . July August September October November _ December . The year . Mean dis- charge. Second-feet. 106 76 25 110 212 54 508 973 1,100 1,227 846 212 21 85 212 432 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 2,091 3,277 1,845 6,307 4,673 1,488 6,545 13, 035 39, 261 31,236 55, 968 67,636 73,012 52,019 12,615 1,291 5, 058 13, 035 311,870 Run-off. Per^^guare p^^,^. Second-feet. 0.08 .14 .07 .25 .18 .06 .26 .50 .13 1.20 2.30 2.60 2.90 2.00 .50 .05 .20 .50 1.02 a Estimated from run-off of neighboring streams. Authority, California State engineering department. 58 OALIFOBNIA HYDEOGEAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Caliente Creek, etc. — Continued. 1881. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1882. January February March April May June - July August September October November December The year Mean dis- charge. Sec-feet. 212 428 423 423 423 212 ■ 51 181 212 212 42 68 59 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 18, 085 28, 492 26, 009 25, 170 26, 009 12,615 8,186 129, 466 8,186 3,499 18, 035 12,615 2,582 3,749 8,874 42, 490 Per square mile. Sec. -feet. 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .12 .43 LiPPiNcoTT] CALIENTE CBEEK. Estimated monthly discharge of Caliente Creek, etc. — Continued. 59 Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. . Per square mile. Depth. 1883, January February March April May June July _ August September October November _.. December The year 1884, January ___ .., February March April May June . July August .. September October 338 212 169 42 42 63 83 212 1,269 1,269 846 169 212 Acre-feet. 3,874 3,499 20, 783 12,615 10,391 2,582 2,499 3,874 Sec-feet. 0.15 .15 .80 .50 .40 .10 .10 .15 60,117 13,035 72, 994 78,028 50, 340 10,391 12,615 .20 .50 3.00 3.00 2.00 .40 .50 Inches. 0.17 .16 .92 .56 .46 .12 .11 .17 2.67 .58 3.24 3.46 2.23 .46 .56 CALLOWAY CANAL. See Kern River, Calloway canal. CAMP CARLTON DITCH, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. See San Bernardino Valley, Camp Carlton ditch. 60 CALIFOENIA HYDBOGEAPHY. CANYADA DEL CORRAL. Discharge measurement of Canyada del Corral Creek. [NO. 81. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. —,1889 a. F.Wright - Sec-feet. 0.15 Santa Barbara County. CANYADA LARES. Discharge measureme7it of (Janyada Lares Creek. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. —,1889 G. F.Wright Sec. -feet. 0.08 Santa Barbara County. CANYADA REFUGIO. Discharge measurement of Canyada Refugio Creek. Date. Hydrographer . Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. —,1889 G.F. Wright Sec-feet. 0.31 Santa Barbara County. CANYADA VERDE. Discharge measurement of Canyada Verde Creek. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. —,1889 G-.F. Wright Sec-feet. 0.08 Santa Barbara County. CAPITAN CREEK. Discharge measurement of Capitan (El) Creek. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. — , 1889 , G.F. Wright Sec-feet. 0.23 Santa Barbara County. LippiNcoTT.] OARPENTERIA CREEK AND CARSON RIVER. CARPENTERIA CREEK. Discharge measurement of Carpenteria Creek. 61 Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. —,1889 June 16,1900 G. F. Wright R. Moyer Sec-feet. 0.08 .003 Santa Barbara County, 1 mile above Placitas Road. Do. CARSON RIVER. EAST FORK CARSON RIVER. This branch of Carson River has its source in the high Sierra of California, and flows northward, crossing the Nevada-California boundary line and entering Carson Yalley at Rodenbah's ranch, about 20 miles from Carson, a little east of south. There it turns to the northwest, and a short distance above the town of Genoa unites with the West Fork, forming Carson River. The drainage area above Rodenbah's is 414 square miles in extent, and is mapped on the Markleeville and Dardanelles atlas sheets of the United States Geological Survey. This gaging station was established by L. H. Taylor on October 1.7, 1900, at the pl-ace where measurements were made in the years 1890, 1891, and 1892. The rod was an inclined timber securely fastened to posts set in the right bank of the stream. The bench mark was on a basalt rock at the edge of the stream, 20 feet from the gage, and was at an elevation of 6.3 feet above gage datum. The channel at the station is straight and the banks are high. The stream bed is of cobbles and gravel, and is quite stable. Meas- urements are made from a cable. and suspended car. On August 2, 1901, a loose rock dam was raised a short distance below the gaging station, which affected the velocity at the latter point. The dam was partly washed out by a freshet on December 4, 1901. On March 10, 1901, a new gage was established a short distance downstream from the original one, which had been destroyed. It consists of a vertical timber driven into the stream bed at the right bank and spiked to a Cottonwood tree. A bench mark was also established on a large granite bowlder 20 feet south of the gage, under the cable from which the measurements are made. Its elevation is 8.10 feet above the datum of the gage. 62 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of East Fork Carson River, near Gardnerville, Nev, Hy drographer . Gage height. Feet. 4.00 4.55 5.85 5.40 3.70 3.70 3.40 Dis- charge. Mar. 10,1901 Apr. 30,1901 June 4, 1901 June 9, 1901 Sept. 29,1901 Nov. 7, 1901 Dec. 19,1901 L. H. Taylor_ do do .....do do do do Sec. -feet. 459 ^«864 1,868 1,356 «137 «117 156 « Approximate. Estimated monthly discharge of East Fork Carson River, at Oardnei'ville (Rodenbah), Nev. [Drainage area, 1,519 square miles.] 1890, April _ May June July August September October November December 1891, January February March April May June July August 1.. September Mean dis- charge. Sec.-ft. 1,026 2,654 2,430 1,789 597 415 386 384 379 402 783 452 1,445 1,328 618 408 1891— Continued October November December The year 1892. January February March April May June .... July August September October November . . . December The year Mean dis- charge. Sec.-ft. 385 385 438 619 390 388 422 478 1,226 1, 158 506 413 414 416 414 1,097 610 LIPPINCOTT.] CARSON RIVER. 63 For further details of the flow of East and West forks ot Carson River, see the Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, Pt. II, page 351. WEST FORK, CARSON RIVER. This stream rises on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada in Cal- ifornia, immediately southeast of the source of Truckee River, and, flowing in a general northeast direction, crosses the State line into Nevada and joins the East Fork near Genoa, in Carson Valley. The drainage area is mapped on the Markleeville atlas sheet of the United States Geological Survey. This gaging station, established by L. H. Taylor on October 18, 1900, is about three-fourths of a mile above the post-office at Woodfords, near the point where measurements were made in 1890, 1891, and 1892. The gage at present in use is a vertical timber, but it is only temporary, the equipment of the station being incomplete. The channel at the station is straight, the banks are high and rocky, and the bed is of rock and gravel and not likely to shift. Measurements are made from a car suspended on a steel cable across the stream. Discharge measurements of West Fork, Carson River, near Woodfords, Cal. Hydrographer Gage height. Dis- charge. Mar. 8, Apr. 28, May 26, May 31, June 13, Sept. 21, Nov. 6, Apr. 22, May 13, July 3, July 30, Aug. 6, Sept. 9, 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 L, H. Taylor . . . clO' do _-. do do do do ._-. .... D. W. Hayes... C. V. Taylor ... D. W. Hayes -_. do C. V. Taylor ... L. L. Richards . Feet. 3.30 3.95 3.80 4.05 3.75 2.35 2.60 Sec-feet. 1.58 «3.21 2.85 «3.50 2.74 .31 .68 182. 50 422. 50 157. 60 46.70 53.00 40.00 ^Approximate. 64 CALIFORNIA HyDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of West Fork Carson River, at Woodfords, Cal. [Drainage area, 70 square miles.] Month. 1890. April May June Jnly_-. August September October November December 1891. January February March April Mean dis- charge. Sec.-ft. 284 657 614 380 135 75 67 49 53 52 48 61 127 1891— Continued, May June July August . . September October November . December The year 1892. January . February March .i . . . Mean dis- charge. Sec.-ft. 534 338 130 65 41 48 43 47 128 45 46 65 Discharge measurements in Carson River Basin. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Location. Aug. 6, 1902 C.V.Taylor Sec. ft. 0.72 Indian Creek and Harvey's ditch. Do do 1.18 Hawkins Creek, one-fourth mile above Hawkins's house. Sept. 9, 1902 L.L. Richards 1.10 Do. Aug. 6,1902 C.V.Taylor 1.27 Petersons Creek, near old sawmill. Sept. 9, 1902 L.L.Richards .42 Petersons Creek, above Cohn's meadow. Aug. 6, 1902 C.V.Taylor 2.84 Bruns Creek, mouth of canyon. Sept. 9, 1902 L.L.Richards 3.48 Do. CASCADE CREEK, TUOLUMNE COUNTY. See Stanislaus River, Cascade Creek. CHERRY CREEK, TUOLUMNE COUNTY. See Tuoliimne River, Cherry Creek. CHINO CREEK, RIVERSIDE COUNTY. See Santa Ana River, Chino Creek. LippiNCOTT] DISCHAEaE TABLES. CHOWCHILLA CREEK. Estimated monthly discharge of Chowchilla Creek at I [Drainage area, 268 square miles.] 65 3 of foothills. (^ 1878. November December 1879. January February March April May June . July August September October November December .... The year _ 1880. January _ . February March April May ^ June 'J . . _ July ^ August ^ September ^ October ^ November ^ December ^ The year . Discharge. •Sec-feet. 140 1,000 760 800 140 192 1,000 18 1,500 91 6,380 Minimum. Mean. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 5 167 19 1,266 53 27 201 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 492 3,110 3,874 2,856 861 o" 738 11,931 307 9.606 1.168 75, 332 3,259 1,607 0_ 12, 359 145 ' 103,638 Per square mile. Sec- feet. 0.03 .21 .24 .18 .05 ' .04 .06 Depth. 0.03 22 .28 .20 .06 .04 .83 .02 .62 .07 I 4.72 .20 .10 I .75 .54 .02 .07 .08 5.26 .23 .11 .86 7.23 "Authority, California State engineering departtnent ^Estimated from previous measare-nenti, or froai ran-oii of neighboring stream. IR.R 81 — 03- 66 CALIFORNIA. HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated moiithly discharge of Chowchilla Creek at base of foothills — Continued. Discharge. Maximum. Minimum Total dis- charge. 1881. « January February _ _ . _ March April May June July .__ August September October November December The year . 1882. January « February March ^pril<' May '■ June " July " August " September « October ^'' _ _ . . _ . November « December « The year _ Sec. -feet. 1,130 10, 770 Sec-feet. •,.-feet. 295 875 83 11 27 54 164 1,168 268 54 53 27 149 Acre-feet. 18, 139 20, 826 5, 103 655 1,660 46, 383 3,320 9,108 71,818 15, 947 3,320 3, 154 1,660 108, 327 Sec. feet. 1.10 1.40 .31 .04 .10 .25 .20 .61 4.36 1.00 .20 .20 .10 .56 I "Estimated from previous measurements, or from run-off of neighboring stream. LippiNcoTT] CHOWCHILLA CEEEK. 67 Estiiuated )iionthhj discharge of Choivchilla Creek at base of foothills — Continued. January . - - February . March April May June July August September October November. December _ The year . 1884.'' January February March April May June July August September October .._ . Discharge. Sec-feet. Minimum. Mean. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 53 268 134 107 54 Run-off. Total dis- ; charge. ; Per I square mile. 4,919 2,943 16, 479 7,974 6,579 38, 894 0.30 .20 1.00 .50 .40 , D .20 I 27 1,340 1,608 , 1,072 i 804 804 268 27 1,660 77, 078 98, 872 63, 788 49, 436 47,841 16,479 1, 660 .10 5.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 .10 Depth. Acre-feet. Sec-feet. Liche; 0.35 .21 1.15 .56 .46 2.73 .12 5.39 6.92 4.46 3.46 3.35 1.15 .12 a Estimated from previous measurements, or from run-off of neighboring stream. CALIFOEN^IA HYDEOGRAPHY. CITY CREEK. [NO. 81. Discharge measurements of City Creek at mouth of ca7iyon, San Bernardino County. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. June 11, 1 Sept. Mar. Aug. July Oct. Apr. Sept. 9, 1898 25, 1899 25, 1899 12,1900 1,1900 7, 1902 4, 1902 J. B. Lippincott _ . _ do S. G.' Bennett do do W. W. Cockins, jr S. G. Bennett W. B. Clapp Sec-feet. 3.03 .07 8.80 .17 .16 .21 12.5 Note.— For measureinents of sundry small canals from City Creek in San Bernardino Valley see Santa Ana River near Cotton. Detailed desci'iptions given in Water-Supply Paper No. 59. COLD SPRING CANYON. Discharge measiirevients of Cold Spring Canyon, Santa Barbara County. Date. Aug. 13,1897 Do Sept. 6, 1897 Do Sept. 12.1897 Do Oct. 2, 1897 Do Dec. 8, 1897 Do,_____ Jan. 26.1898 Do June 14,1900 Do Apr. 19,1898 June 10,1900 Do Mar. 22,1896 Do_...... Aug. —1889 Hy drographer. Montecito Water Co_ do do do do do do do do do do do R. Moyer do : Montecito Water Co- J. B. Lippincott do Montecito Water Co. do G. F. Wright Dis- charge. 'c.-feet. 0.66 .08 .31 .06 .31 .09 .28 .09 22 .09 .22 .11 .02 .04 .41 Dry. .06 Dry. .23 Locality. City tunnel. Creek at falls. City tunnel. Creek at falls. City tunnel. Creek at falls. City tunnel. Creek at falls. City tunnel. Creek at falls. City tunnel. Creek at falls. City tunnel, station 29+97. City tunnel, 100 feet from head, station 29+27. City tunnel. City tunnel at Portal. Creek at falls. City tunnel. Creek at falls. LIPPTNCOTT.J DISCHARGE TABLES. COLDWATER CREEK. 69 Discharge measurements of Coldwater Creek, Riverside County, one-fifth, mile above dam. Hy dr ographer . Dis- charge. Jan. 4, 1899 Jan. 18,1899 Jan. 27,1899 Feb. 3, 1899 Feb. 11,1899 Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 18, 1899 24, 1899 1,1899 12, 1899 Mar. 17,1899 Mar. 25,1899 Mar. 31,1899 Apr. 14,1899 15, 1899 21,1899 26, 1899 5, 1899 13,1899 17,1899 May 29,1899 May 31,1899 Do June 5, 1899 June 7. 1899 Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May F. Rolfe .__-do ._ _ -do -_ ._.-do .- .___-do .- _..-do ._ ...--do -- ._-_-do -- ._.--do -- .----do -- -..-do ._ .---do .- .----do -_ .-..-do -. ..do . ..do .-do --do . .-do . -do . .-do . .-do -_do ..do Sec.-feef. 0.82 1.43 .84 .99 .97 .78 .94 .92 .71 1.60 1.18 .84 .68 .62 .26 .38 .37 .21 .21 . 27 .38 .30 .30 COLORADO RIVER. Discharge measurements of Colorado River. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. 18,1875 U. S. Engineers Feet. Sec.-fect. 18,410 Stones Ferry. Camp Mohave. Aug. 20,1875 -- -do 11,610 7,659 9,737 21 . 094 Mar. 15,1876 do --- Yuma. Jan. 17,1895 Apr. 18,1895 J. B. Lippincott do 20.3 20.2 Do. Do. July 10,1895 May 20,1896 .. ..-do ... do 21.2 45,533 22.2 1 57,903 Do. Do. 70 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Colorado River — Continued. Hydrograplier. heigM. Dis- charge. Feet. Sec.-feet. 20.71 18,683 17.2 3,637 17. 15 3, VS9 23 38, 400 20. 52 14, 799 21.06 18, 350 18.5 6,030 17.9 4,798 17. 5 3, 559 17.6 4, 203 17.5 3,547 17.4 3,614 17.5 3,865 18. 55 5, 276 18. 05 4,213 18 4,368 18.10 4,600 18. 45 5, 500 18.40 4,979 18. 50 5, 544 20 12, 596 19. 25 7,862 18.85 6,347 18.3 4, 825 18.2 5,081 18 4,669 17. 65 3, 818 17.5 3,589 18.3 5,361 18. 05 4,607 18. 05 5, 237 17.7 4,698 18 4,863 18.1 5,356 18.3 5, 497 18 4, 588 17.7 4,176 Locality. Aug. Jan. Feb. May July July Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. ,1901 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 1902 , 1902 ,1902 ,1902 , 1902 , 1902 , 1902 , 1902 , 1902 ,1902 , 1902 , 1902 , 1902 , 1902 , 1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 ,1902 H.G.Heisler .__ J. B. Lippincott. S. G. Bennett _ _ _ do do W. W. FoUett _ . S. G. Bennett _ _ _ R.P.H.Laney _ do do do S. G. Bennett . . . -__„.do .... ._- W. D. Smith. ___ do ____do ._..do . ..__do . -__.do . ..._do - __._do .___do . ...do . ..._do . ..-_do . _.-.do . ....do . .-..do .___do ...-do .....do ....do - .. .do . ...do ....do . .--.do . ..-.do . Yuma. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. LippiNCOTT] COLORADO RIVER. Estimated monthly discharge of Colorado River at Yuma. [Drainage area, 325,049 square miles.] 71 Discharge. Minimum. Mean Total dis- charge. Depth. 1902. January . _ February March April May June July August September October November December . The year Sec-feet. 4,520 4,720 5, 340 11,400 59, 200 56, 200 27, 000 5, 560 8,360 6,600 5, 540 12,600 Sec-feet. 3,230 3, 300 4, 340 4,340 11,400 29, 000 5,130 3,230 3, 050 3, 140 3, 140 3, 590 59, 200 3, 050 Sec-feet. 3, 727 3, 955 4,903 6,179 35, 961 42, 520 12,527 4, 183 3,819 4,299 4,187 5, 412 Acre-feet. 229, 164 219, 650 301,474 367, 676 2,211,156 2, 530, 115 770, 255 257, 203 227, 246 264, 335 249, 144 332,771 Sec-feet. 0.017 .018 .022 .027 .160 .189 .056 .019 .017 .019 .019 .025 Inches. 0.020 .019 .025 .030 .184 .211 .065 .022 .019 .022 .021 .028 10,973 7,960,1 .049 Discharge vieasurements of Colorado River at Bulls Head Canyon. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- cbarge. Dec. 5, 1902 Dec. 10,1902 J. T. Whistler L. M. Zarnes Fc et. 3 2.65 2.45 2.95 3.50 3.23 2.45 2.20 Sec-feet. 5,786 4,051 Dec. 13,1902 Dec. 17,1902 Dec. 20,1902 Dec. 24,1902 Dec. 29,1902 Dec. 31,1902 do do • do .._-do do ■ do 3,222 4,138 4,792 4,939 3,366 2,913 COLTON CITY AND COLTON TERRACE, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. See San Bernardino Valley. CONVICT CREEK. See Owens River, Convict Creek. 72 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY COSUMNES RIVER. Discharge tneasurements of Cosumnes River, Eldorado County. [NO. 81. Date, Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Sept. 16,1899 Do Sept. 12,1900 Do S.G.Bennett Sec-feet. 2 2 1.7 3.7 Bridge near Latrobe, Jackson do _do _ . _ road. Ditch on south side of Latrobe, Jackson road. Bridge near Latrobe, Jackson road. Ditch on south side. do Esfimated moufJdi/ discharge of Cosumnes River at Live Oak Suspension Bridge, Sacramento County. (f [Drainage area, 580 square miles.] November . December _ 1878. January . . . February _ March April ..,__. May June July . August September - October November . December . . 1879. The year _ ^ec -feet. 29 29 290 1,218 1,740 3, 132 3, 248 3.480 422 116 23 17 52 406 1,179 Total dis charge. Acre-feet. 1,726 1,783 17,831 67, 644 106, 988 186, 367 199,712 207, 074 25, 948 7,133 1,369 1 , 045 3, 094 24, 964 849, 169 Pex-^scjuare ^^^,^^ Sec. feet. \ Inches. 0.05 I 0.06 .05 i .08 1 .50 2.10 3 5. 40 5. GO 6 .73 .20 .04 .03 .09 .70 2.03 .58 2.19 3.46 6.03 6.46 6.6^ .84 .23 .04 .03 .10 .81 27.46 « Authority, California 8tate engineering department Estimated from run-olt of neighboring di'ainage hasins. LTPPTNCOTT.] COSUMNES RIVER. ^ 73 Estimated monthly discharge of Cosiunnes River, etc. — Continued. 1880 January February March April May June July August - - - September October November December The year 1881. January February March . April May - June Jnly _--_-. August September October November December The year Mean dis- charge. Sec-feet. 232 441 me 4, 582 5,104 6,090 2, 72G 848 29 17 12 290 Total dis- charge. 1,714 6^4 074 102 190 074 218 174 58 174 522 1,199 Acre-feet. 14, 265 25, 367 42, 795 272, 648 313,838 362, 880 167,615 21,398 1,726 1,045 714 17,831 1,341,617 99, 170, 67, 189, 189, 72, 10, 856 721 750 818 018 476 699 349 177 566 854 097 Per sciuare mile. Sec-feet. 0.40 .76 1.20 7.90 8.80 10.50 4.70 .60 .05 .03 .02 .50 2.96 856, 885 5.30 1.90 5.50 5.80 2. 10 .80 .15 .15 .10 .30 .90 IncheH. 0.46 .82 1.38 8.81 10.15 11.71 5.42 .69 .06 .03 .02 .58 40, 13 2.07 3.26 5.52 2.19 6.14 6.11 2.84 .85 .17 .17 .12 .33 1.04 27.71 74 CALIFOKNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Cosumnes River, etc. — Continued. Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1889. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1883. January February March April May June . July August September October November December The year 1,740 2,320 4, 524 2,900 696 580 52 232 100 100 1,191 348 290 522 1,740 3,480 2,320 580 232 87 87 116 116 Acre-feet. 32, 097 28, 990 106, 988 138, 050 278, 170 172, 562 42, 795 35, 663 3, 094 14, 265 5, 950 6,149 Sec-feet. 0.90 1.20 1 .09 .40 .17 .17 864, 773 21,398 16,106 32, 097 103, 537 213,977 138, 050 35, 663 14, 265 5, 177 5,349 6,902 7,133 2.05 -.60 .50 .90 .40 .15 .15 .20 .20 827 599, 654 1.43 i.TPPTNcoTT.] cue AMONG A CREEK. 75 Efifiiiintcd monthly discharge of Cosumnes River, etc. — Continued. Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Run-off. sqnai nile. Depth. 1884. January February March April May June Jnly August September October Sec-feet. 145 1,740 3,480 3,480 2,900 2,320 2, 320 580 116 87 Acre-feet. 8,916 100, 086 213, 977 207, 074 178.314 138,050 142, 651 35, 663 6,902 5, 349 Sec.-feet. 0. 25 o 6 6 5 4 4 1 .20 .15 Indies. 0.29 3.24 0.92 6.69 5. 76 4.46 4.61 1.15 22 .17 COW CREEK, TUOLUMNE COUNTY. See Stanislaus River, Cow Creek. CUCAMONGA CREEK. Discharge measurements of Cucamonga Creek, San Bernardino Connty. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Aug. 26,1898 July 11,1900 Oct. 7, 1901 Apr. 3, 1902 F. H. Olmsted S. G. Bennett Sec.-feet. 1.04 1.08 2.06 4.80 Head works in canyon. Do. do . do Do. Do. 76 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. i^ 5 pea 'xiJ^o^ pu'BjJ9 •uos -■ees snoiAejtd uitja pm? SXI9AV xx^-^c>:^S •uep.X'B^ 'BUiqo •8.lO'B-06 •SuT.idg op.tnqix •g pa's X 'SOX 1 sxT^-*^ UBisoc^JY "3 -BSau -oio 'Sm.idg oiuoij ,/(!,, '■eSeuai.') "^v^ I g -ox lauunc^ jo :^S8Avq:^.iou SuT.idg :^ a o q :^ I AV jiJ^^oj, oi OS Q t- oi o 'Xi 55 (M »c eS S g S i Oi ^ t^ lO lO t- 05 -* :^ ^ S ^. ID CD «D CO g ;S I ' »C lO CO -*! S ^ S? S iJ s O O l^ g r^ CO 35 CO lO OS t- 5 ti ^ CO CO CO CO CO S S S i2 i CO CO lO 1 S^^'^l I ox 9881 o:^ aoijd :^ 1 1 n q 'xauun:)^ a i ^ CO i ^ ^ qeuun^. j Sui.idg .i'b:^s 9UOT i S §5 S 1 ^' ^ Jg 1 OS -JO 110 »o : 8 8 ■BSsuero 'Buiqo -9H8Iui;iinq"pa -unc^ A puT3 auq qoui-9i: 'i: xoq xViq ■aaq qoui-og 'xoq -ATQ 5199.10 O i^ w ~ CO 1.0 >o ' CO CO '—■ CO CD rH — i 1-1 5^ Ol »n so < a; be ; ^ ^ -S 00 CO OO CO CO CO " ■* -^ ©" •*' icT s 1879. January <^ February <' March c Aprils May ^ June^ July c August^ September (■ ._. October c November '' . . December '> The year . 1880.^ January . . . February March April May . _ June July August September October November December The year . Sec-feet. 80 117 202 202 102 54 Sec. -feet. 66 66 124 66 Sec-feet. 80 118 156 79 15 109 49 5 150 130 Total dis- charge. ■re-feet. 1,660 4,443 7,256 9,283 4, 858 893 6,702 35, 095 307 8,628 984 64, 740 3,320 1,607 13, 404 92, 990 Sec-feet. 0.10 29 .43 .57 .29 .06 .40 .18 .02 .55 .06 4.00 .20 .10 .80 .48 "Authority, California State engineering department. ''November and December, 1878, and from November, 1879, to October, 1884, inclusive, esti- mated from runoff of neighboring streams, c Measured. LippiNcoTT.l FRESNO CREEK. 89 Estimated monthly discharge of Fresno Creek, etc. — Continued. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Total dis- charge. Run-off. Month. Per square mile. Depth. 1881.^' January Sec.-feet. Sec.-feet. Sec.-feet. 544 544 272 Acre-feet. 33, 449 30, 212 16.725 Sec.-feet. 2.00 2.00 1.00 .40 .20 Inches. 2.31 February _ . - . 2.08 March 1.15 April . 109 ' 6.486 .45 May 54 27 3. 320 1,660 .23 June - July August September . October November .10 December . .12 The year 129 91,852 .48 6 34 1882. « January 54 1>63 1,088 272 54 27 54 27 3,320 9, 053 66, 899 16, 185 3.320 1,660 3,213 1,660 .20 .60 4.00 1.00 .20 .10 .20 .10 .23 February .62 March 4.61 April - . . _ 1.12 May .23 June July August - - - September ... . October .12 November 22 December ... _ . .12 The year 145 105, 310 .53 7.27 "November and December, 1878, and from November, 1879, to October, 1884, inclusive, esti- mated from run-off of neighboring streams. 90 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Estimated monthly discharge, of Fresno Creek, etc. — Continued. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. Depth. 188eS." January February March April May June July August September October November December _ . The year _ 1884. « January February March April May June July August . _ . September October Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 82 54 272 136 109 Acre-feet. 5, 042 2, 999 16.725 8, 093 6,702 Sec-feet. 0.30 .20 1.00 .50 .40 54 39, 561 .20 1,360 1,632 1,088 816 816 272 ^7 1,660 78, 228 100, 348 64, 740 50, 174 48, 555 16, 725 1,660 .10 5.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 .10 Inches. 0.35 .21 1.15 .56 .46 2.73 .12 5. 39 6.92 4.46 3.46 3.35 1.15 .12 « November and December, 1878, and from November, 1879, to October, 1884, inclusive, mated from run-off of neighboring stream?. GAGE CANAL. See San Bernardino Valley, Gage canal. LIPPINCOTT.] DISCHARGE TABLES. 91 GATO CREEK. Gato Creek was measured by Charles J. Johansen for the Pacific Improvement Company, as given below. It was gagexl a short dis- tance above its junction with the Loma Abajo, and at the time of its measurement no water was being conveyed in the pipe line situated alonii; this stream. Dii^charge iiirasKiu'iiieiii^ of Gato Cre(^k\ Santo Barbara Count jj. Date. Hydrogi-apher. Dis- charge. Locality. ^er.-feet. Feb. 7,1890 Charles J. Johansen 2. 20 At month. Feb.- 14,1890 do 2.37 Do. Feb. 27,1890 do -- 2.81 Do. Mar. 2, 1890 do 2.05 Do. Mar. 4, 1890 do 1.95 Do. Mar. G, 1890 do .- 1.85 Do. Mar. • 9, 1890 do 1.85 Do. Mar. 11, 1890 ' do 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.36 1.45 1.36 1.27 1.09 1.09 Do. Mar. 13,1890 do Do. Mar. 15,1890 . .do - Do. Mar. 17,1890 do... . .. . Do. Mar. 21,1890 do ^ Do. Mar. 23,1890 do Do. Mar. 25,1890 .do Do. Mar. 27,1890 -.do -. . Do. Mar. 29,1890 do Do. Mar. 31,1890 do 1.00 1.00 Do. Apr. 2. 1890 do Do. Apr. 4, 1890 -do . .92 .92 Do. Apr. 6, 1890 do Do. Apr. 8, 1890 do .92 Do. Apr. 10,1890 do .83 .83 Do. Apr. 12,1890 do Do. Apr. 14,1890 do .76 .76 .68 .76 Do. Apr. 16,1890 -. -do : Do. Apr. 17,1890 do _... - Do. Apr. 18,1890 do Do. Apr. 20,1890 do .76 .76 Do. Apr. 22,1890 do Do. Apr. 24,1890 -.--do... .68 .68 .60 .68 Do. Apr. 26,1890 do . Do. Apr. 28,1890 do Do. Apr. 30,1890 do - Do. May 2, 1890 do .60 Do. 92 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no, 81. Discharge measurements of Gato Creek, Santa Barbara County — Contimied. May May May May May May May May May May May May May May June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June July July July July July July July -July July July July July 1890 1890 1890 18D0 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 Hydrographer. Charles J. Joliansen_ do _do . _do _ -do . .do _ .do - .do - -do . -do - _do _ -do . _do . _do . _do . .do . .do - .do - .do . _do . _do . _do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do - -do . .do . .do . .do . .do . -do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 0.68 .68 .60 .53 .53 .46 .53 .46 .46 .59 .59 .58 .56 .56 .54 .49 .50 .49 .44 .50 .45 .50 .58 .50 .49 .44 .47 .45 .42 .44 .49 .34 .35 .32 .34 .34 .35 .33 .35 Locality. u mouth. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. * Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. LiPPiNCOTT?.] GATO CREEK. 93 Discharge measurements of Gato Creek, Santa Barbara County^-Continiied. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Jtily July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 25, 1890 27, 1890 29,1890 31, 1890 2, 1890 4, 1890 6, 1890 8, 1890 10, 1890 12, 1890 14, 1890 15, 1890 17, 1890 19, 1890 21, 1890 23, 1890 25, 1890 27, 1890 29, 1890 31,1890 2, 1890 4, 1890 6, 1890 8, 1890 10, 1890 12, 1890 14, 1890 16, 1890 18, 1890 21,1890 22, 1890 24, 1890 26, 1890 28, 1890 30, 1890 2, 1890 4, 1890 6, 1890 7,1890 Charles J. Johansen . do do do do do do do .... do ..._.do ....-do do do .....do do .....do do do .....do do do do . do do do do do do do ... .._-do .__-do do do - do .-.-do ...-do .--.do .-_-do ....do Sec-feet. 0.26 .32 .34 .34 .34 .34 .29 .27 .32 .35 .30 .27 .26 .28 .35 .28 .30 .30 .28 .26 .26 .26 .26 .26 . 22 .22 .26 .30 .22 .22 .22 .37 .60 .42 .35 .30 .30 At mouth. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 94 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. GAZOO CREEK. Discharge measurements of Gazoo Creek, San Mateo County. [NO. 81. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Oct. 17, 1893 W.W. Brier Sec-feet. 1.85 6 miles above mouth. GORMAN CREEK. See Pirn Creek, Gorman Creek. GREEN SPOT PIPE LINE. See Santa Ana River, Green Spot pipe line. GRINDSTONE CREEK. See Stony Creek, Grindstone Creek. GUBERNADOR CREEK. Discharge measurement of Gubernador Creek, Santa Barbara County. Hydi'ographev. Dis- (;liarge. Locality Aug. --, 1889 G.F.Wriglit _ Sec-feet. 0.58 HAT CREEK. See Pit River, Hat Creek. HAWS AND TALMAGE DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley, Haws and Talmage ditcli. HONEY LAKE. Annnal inflow estimated by State (Engineering department 200,000 acre-feet. HOUSE CREEK. See Tejon Honse C'reek. LIPPINCOTT.] DISCHARGE TABLES. 95 KAWEAH RIVER. Discharge ineasure7nents of Kaweah River, Tulare County. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Nov. 20,1895 Sept. 1,1898 Sept. 6, 1899 Sept. 3, 1900 Nov. 20,1895 Aug. 81,1898 Sept. 1,1898 Sept. 6, 1899 Sept. 3, 1900 Do Oct. 20, 1901 Do Ang. 31,1898 Sept. 6, 1899 Sept. 3, 1900 Do Aug. 31.1898 Sept. G, 1899 Sept. 3, 1900 Sept. 1,1898 Sept. 6,1899 Sept. 1,1898 Sept. 6,1899 Sept. 25,1902 Do Sepi. 26,1902 Sept. 27,1902 Do Do Do. J.B.Lippincott. -...do S.G.Bennett... do J.B.Lippincott. do do S. G. Bennett do do _._-do do J. B. Lippincott . S. G. Bennett do .__-do- J. B. Lippincott . S.G. Bennett.-^. do J. B. Lippincott . S.G.Bennett.__. J. B. Lippincott - S. G.Bennett E.T. Perkins ___. Sept. 28,1902 ._do - ,.do_ .do. ..do. ..do. .do. -do. Sec-feet. 70 35 41 78.5 18 33 72 15 52 1.5 8.1 1 4.5 4.9 6.7 .3 1.1 4.3 29 20 4 15 15.5 Headworks above upjjer large power canal. Do. Do. Do. Iron bridge, wagon road. Southern Pacific branch rail- road bridge. Iron bridge, wagon road. Do. 1 .000 feet below iron bridge. Watumna Canal at head-gutr. Iron bridge, 1,000 feet below. Watumna Canal. Kaweah irrigation and power ditch (Pogues lower ditch). Do. Do. Myers ditch al>ove Pognes upper ditch. Pogues upper ditch. Do. Do. North Fork at inouth. Do. South Fork canals. Do. North Fork at lower end Davis ranch. South Fork, 200 yards above bridge on road to Visalia. Middle Fork, :): mile above Se- quoia National Park' line. Middle Fork, 100 yards above junction with Marble Fork. Marble Fork, 100 yards above junction with Middle Fork. East Fork, |- mile above head- works Mount Whitney power plant. East Fork, 200 feet below head- works Mount Whitney power plant. East Fork. 100 yards below trail from Soldiers ' Camp to Tar Gap. 96 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Dificharge measurements of Kaweah River, Tulare County — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Sec-feet, Sept. 39,1902 E. T. Perkins 1 South Fork, Horse Creek at lower end Hackett Meadows. Do do. 2 South Fork, lower end Sand Meadows. Sept. 27,1902 L. M. Lawson 33 i mile above iron bridge. Sept. 29,1902 do 9.8 South Fork, at Sequoia National Park line. Sept. 30,1902 .do . 31 Middle Fork, 3 miles above Three Rivers. Sept. 10,1902 R.McF.Doble 31 Middle Fork, i mile inside Se- quoia National Park line. Sept. 12,1902 do 18 East Fork (total flow) ,1.600 feet from head of Mount Whitney Power Co. flume. Estimated monthly discharge of Kaweah River at Wachurmia Hill, Tidare County J [Drainage area, 619 square miles.] Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Depth. 1878. November ^ . December'^-. Second-feet, 155 155 Acre-feet. 9,223 9,531 Second-feet. 0.25 .25 Inches. 0.28 .29 1879. January ^ . _ _ February <' _ . March ^' April <-' May c June ^ July <^ ___-_-- - August ^' September '^ October^ November ^' _ December <' . _ 248 279 402 867 774 557 124 31 31 62 124 279 15, 249 15, 495 24,718 51,590 47, 591 33, 144 7,624 1,906 1,845 3,812 7,379 17, 155 .40 .45 .65 1.40 1.25 .90 .20 .05 .05 .10 .20 .45 The year. 315 227, 508 .51 .46 .47 .75 1.56 1.44 1.00 .23 .06 .06 .12 .22 .52 6.89 « Authority, California State engineering department. ti Estimated in part from rnn-off of neighboring streams. c Based in part on measurements and rod records near Three Rivers, LIPPINCOTT.] KAWEAH RIVER. Estimated monthly discharge of Kaiveah River, etc. — Continued. 97 1880. January « . . _ February « _ . March « . April «_ May « June".-. --- July « August ^ September ^ . October^ November '^ . December &. _ The year - January * . . . February ^ . _ March & . . _ April ^K May ^ "- June ^ July « August « September « . October" November « . December «-- 1881. Mean dis- charge. The year _ d-feet. 248 310 464 !,352 !,786 1,900 748 155 99 50 74 871 963 526 774 619' 393 238 990 371 155 43 74 124 279 549 Total dis- charge. Per square | mile. ! Acre -feet. 15, 249 17,831 28, 530 189, 954 171,304 232, 066 45, 685 9,531 5,891 3,074 4,408 22,812 696, 830 32, 342 42, 986 38,061 82, 889 76, 122 58, 909 22, 812 9,531 2,559 4,550 7,379 17,155 Second-feet. 0.40 .50 .75 3.80 4. 50 6.30 1.20 .25 .16 .08 .12 .60 395, 295 1.56 .85 1.25 1.00 2.25 2.00 1.60 .60 .25 .07 .12 .20 .45 Depth. Inches. 0.46 .54 .86 4.24 5.19 7.02 1.38 .29 .18 .09 .13 21.07 1.30 1.15 2.51 2.31 1.79 .69 .29 .08 .14 11.98 a Based in part on measurements and rod records near Three Rivers. ''Estimated in part from run-off of neighboring streams. IRR 81 — 03- 98 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Kaiaeah River, etc. — Continued. 1882. January « . _ . February « . _ ]^iarcll (' April ^' May^' June (' July & August ^ _ - _ September '^ . October ^ November ^' _ December '^_ . The year . 1888. ^> January _ _ February _ March April May June July August ___. September October November December . Mean dis- charge. Second-feet. 155 310 464 1,393 3,228 929 743 198 93 87 124 93 568 The year _ 155 124 619 ■ 805 1,021 990 402 99 74 62 74 74 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 9,531 17,217 28, 530 82, 889 136, 994 55,279 45, 685 12, 175 5,534 5,349 7,379 5,718 375 j Per square mile. 412, 280 9, 531 6,887 38, 061 47, 901 62, 779 58, 909 24,718 6,087 4,403 3,812 4,403 4-550 Second-feet. 0.25 .50 2. 25 3.60 1.50 1.20 .32 .15 .14 .20 .15 272, 041 .92 .25 .20 1.00 1.30 1.65 1.60 .65 .16 .12 .10 .12 .12 .61 Depth Indies. 0.29 .52 .86 2.51 4.15 1.67 1.38 .37 .17 .16 . .22 .17 12.47 .21 1.15 1.45 1.90 1.79 .75 .18 .13 .12 .13 .14 8.24 o Based in part on measurements and rod records near Three Rivers. b Estimated in part from run-o£f of neighboring streams. LippiNcoTT.] KAWEAH AT^D KERN RIVERS. 99 Estiiiiated i)io)ithly discharge of Kuweah River, etc. — Continued. Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Pex^scjuare ^^^,^^ 1884/' January . _ February March April May - . June July August September _ _ . . . October Second-feet. 248 2,177 2,290 1,548 2,847 4,271 3,497 990 495 248 Acre-feet. 15, 249 125 222 140, 807 92,112 175, 055 254, 142 215,022 60, 873 29, 455 15,249 ;cond-feet. 0.40 3.52 3.70 2.50 4.60 6.90 5.65 1.60 .80 .40 0.46 3.80 4.27 2.79 5.30 7.69 6.51 1.84 .89 .46 « Estimated in part from run-oflE of neighboring streams. KERN RIVER. Tlie gaging' station on Kern River, established in 1ec.-feet 12,700 849 2, 584 2, 852 9,400 7,900 2,584 624 520 440 15, 700 972 15, 700 43, 930 7,040 4,490 10, 840 21,830 21,180 13, 240 6,260 780 2, 034 1,450 1,170 43, 930 Sec. -feet. 849 676 728 1,546 1,930 2,986 572 250 215 215 250 572 215 Total dis- charge 520 1 , 040 2, 034 1,642 5, 548 7,040 3, 280 728 440 360 480 440 Sec. -feet. 1,689 748 1,712 2,098 5,881 5, 127 1,278 398 301 309 1,310 726 1, 4,337 3,319 2, 965 4,492 11,093 14, 363 6, 258 2 292 534 535 694 668 4,296 Acre-feet. 103,853 41,542 105,267 124,840 361,609 305, 078 78,581 24, 472 17,911 19, 000 77, 950 44, 640 1,304,748 266, 672 190, 392^ 182,311 267, 293 682, 082 854, 658 384, 789 140, 930 31,775 32, 896 41,296 41,073 3,116,167 Per square mile. Sec. -feet. 0.97 .43 .98 1.20 3.38 2.94 .73 .23 .17 .18 .75 .42 1.03 2.49 1.90 1.70 2.58 6.37 8. 25 3. 59 1.32 .31 .31 .40 .38 2.47 LTPPiNcoTT] KING RIVER. 119 Estimated 7ii(>nthly discharge of King River, etc. — Continued. 1902. January . . . _ . February March April May June - . . - . July August September _ i . . October November December The year Di&chax"ge. '-'('c. feet. ■ 520 2, 852 4,490 26, 380 13,760 13, 240 3,600 910 360 520 1,170 1,040 26, 380 f^ec.-feet. 360 360 1,040 1,450 3. 440 3,760 1,040 320 250 215 250 400 215 ■feet. 440 665 422 163 532 063 638 626 304 265 451 497 J, 089 Total dis charge. Acre-feet. 27, 055 36, 932 87, 312 247,716 401,637 479, 782 100,717 38, 491 18,089 16, 294 26, 836 30, 559 1,511,420 Run-off. Rer.-feet. 0.25 .38 .82 2.39 3.75 4. 63 .94 .36 .17 .15 .26 .29 1.20 Depth. Inches. 0.29 .40 .95 2.67 4.32* 5. 16 1.08 .42 .19 .17 .29 .33 16.27 LITTLE ROCK CREEK. Dificharge measurements of Little Rock Creek, Los Angeles County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. .Locality. Sec. feet. June 2, 1896 J. B, Lippincott ._. 2 Head works Little Rock irriga- tion district. Apr. 20, 1896 J. A. Vogelson 7.2 Head works South Antelope Valley Water Company. June 2, 1896 J. B. Lippincott 1 Do. Feb. 9, 1897 do 21.3 Do. Apr. 7, 1897 do . 120 Do. Jan. 5, 1898 do 3 Do. July 19, 1900 B.Cole . 1.4 Pumped water in cienaga. LOBETUS CREEK. Discharge measurement of Lohetus Creek, Sa7i Mateo County. Hydrographer. Dis charge. Locality. Oct. 17, 1893 i W. W. Brier . Sec-feet. 0.18 1 mile above mouth. 120 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. LOGSDON AND FARREL DITCH, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. See San Bernarcliuo Valley, Logsdon and Farrel ditch. LOMA ABAJO. The Loma Abajo was measured by Charles J. Johansen for the Pacific Improvement Company, as indicated below. The point of measurement was a short distance above the junction with the Gato. At the time of these measurements no water was flowing in the pipe line from the Loma Abajo to the Ontare ranch. List of discharge measurements of Loma Abajo River in Santa Barbara County. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 14 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 , 1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 , 1890 :, 1890 ,1890 Hydrographer. Charles J. Johansen . do .do . _do . _do . _d6 -do . _do . .do . _do _do _do . .do .do .do . _do .do . .do .do . .do _ .do ^ .do _do -do .do . _do . -do -do -do . -do Dis- charge. Locality. Sec-feet. 3.84 Above junction with Gato. 3.00 Do. 5. 67 Do. 3.21 Do. 3.00 Do. 2.80 Do. 2.80 Do. 2.24 Do. 2.06 Do. 2.06 Do. 1.88 Do. 1.88 Do. 1.88 Do. 1.55 Do. 1.55 Do. 1.55 Do. 1.39 Do. 1.39 Do. 1.39 Do. 1.23 Do. 1.23 Do. 1.08 Do. 1.23 Do. 1.08 Do. .92 Do. .76 Do. .76 Do. .76 Do. .76 Do. .76 Do. LippiNcoTT.] LOMA ABA JO RIVER. 121 List of diseJparge measurements of Loma Ahajo River, e^c. ^Continued. Hydrogi'apher. Dis- charge. Locality. Sec-feet. 0.76 Above junction with Gato. .70 Do. .76 Do. .68 Do. .68 Do. .60 Do. .60 Do. .60 Do. .46 Do. .60 Do. .53 Do. .53 Do. .74 Do. .59 Do. .59 Do. .61 Do. .61 Do. .59 Do. .58 Do. .49 Do. .49 Do. .44 Do. .47 Do. .47 Do. .42 Do. . 50 Do. .56 Do. .52 Do. .49 Do. .42 Do. .45 Do. .42 Do. .37 Do. .34 Do. .42 Do. .26 Do. .24 Do. .23 Do. .24 Do. .24 Do. Apr. Apr. May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June July July July July July July July 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 Charles J. Johansen _ do _.do ..do _.do __do .,do ._do . _.do ..do . _-do ..do ..do . .-do . ..do . ..do -.do . -.do . .-do -.do . . .do ..do . -.do . .-do . ..do . ..do . --do . ..do . .-do : -.do . ..do . .-do . ..do . ..do . ..do . .-do . ..do . ..do . ..do . ..do 122 CALIFOENIA HYDROGEAPHY. [no. 81. List of discharge measurements of Loma Ahajo River, etc. — Continued. July July Jnly July July July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. , 1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 , 1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 , 1890 ,1890 , 1890 , 1890 , 1890 ,1890 , 1890 ,1890 :, 1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 ,1890 Ilydrograplier. Charles J. Johanseu- do do do . .,_do _____._. _do _ .do _ _do . .do _ .do _ .do . .do . .do . .do _ .do . _do . .do . .do _ .do . .do . .do _ .do . .do . _do . .do . .do . _do _ .do _ .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do -do . .do . .do .do .do . Dis- charge. Locality. Sec-feet. 0.24 Ahove junction with Gato. .20 Do. .23 Do. .17 Do. .20 Do. .18 Do. .21 Do. .21 Do. .23 Do. .24 Do. .26 Do. .20 Do. .18 Do. .24 Do. .27 Do. .30 Do. .12 Do. .13 Do. .17 Do. .11 Do. .12 Do. .12 Do. .11 Do. .09 Do. .07 Do. .08 Do. .12 Do. .06 Do. .09 Do. .07 Do. .09 Do. .09 Do. .11 Do. .08 Do. .09 Do. .12 Do. .13 Do. .14 Do. .30 Do. .20 Do. LiPPiNCOTT] LOS AISGELES RIVER. 123 IJ^t of (liHcliarcte measurements of Lomci Abajo River, ete. — ContinuetT. Date. Hydrograplier. Dis- charge. Locality. Oct. 4,1890 Oct. 6,1890 Charles J. Johansen do _ - . Sec-feet. 0.14 .14 .07 .04 .11 .04 .46 .07 .31 .06 Above junction with Gato. Do. Aug. 18, 1890, a. m Aug.] 8 1890, p. Ill do do Below Upper Forks. Do. Aug. 21, 1890, a. 111.-..- - Aug.21,1890,p.m do .do . Do. Do. May 21,1890 _do Upper Forks— East Fork. Upper Forks — West Fork. Upper Forks — East Fork. Upper Forks— West Fork. Do do ..__' June 4, 1890 Do do do LOPEZ CREEK. Diseliarge measiirements of Lopez Creek, San Luis OJnsjw County. Date. Hydrographer, Dis- charge. Locality. Nov. 19, 1897 W. W. Brier Sec-feet. 5. 51 10 miles above Arroyo Grande. LOS ANGELES RIVER. Los Angeles River heads inmiediately soiitli of Santa Clara River, its varioijs tribntaries receiving their supply from the mountains sur- rounding tlie San Fernando Plains. It j)asses out of the lower end of the plain through a narrow valle}" known as The Narrows, at the lower end of which is the city of Los Angeles. The streams entering San Fernando Valley have brought down immense quantities of sand and gravel from the mountainous area, and thus have formed the San Fernando Plains. This coarse deposit acts as a natural regulator, absorbing the flood waters, which gradually apjDear loAver down. The rainfall of Southern California has been deficient for the last few years, but the discharge of Los Angeles River at The Narrows, has been exceptionally constant, the decrease in 1900 being not more than 20 per cent of the average. On account of the numerous lawsuits which have arisen regarding water rights on this riVer, a thorough study of its discharge has been instituted by the citj^ of Los Angeles, the work being under the direction of J. B. Lippincott, as consulting 124 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. engineer for the city. The majority of the measurements have been made by C. A. Miller, although a number of them were made by F. H. Olmsted, city engineer. Several weirs have been placed in the river wliere the measurements are made. The x)oints of measurement are as follows, in order downstream: Weir A, at the intersection of Pacoima avenue with Los Angeles River, in the Lankershim E-ancho subdivision. Weir B, at the intersection of Vineland avenue with Los Angeles River. Weir C, at the intersection of Fernando avenue with Los Angeles River. Weir E, at the southwest corner of block 73, Providencia Rancho. Weir G, at the intersection of the east line of block 71, Providencia Rancho, with Los Angeles River. Weir L, 770 feet above weir H. Weir H, approximately 300 feet east of the intersection of Buena Vista street with Los Angeles River. Weir I, 2,543 feet below weir H. Weir J, 600 feet east of the west line of block 69, Providencia Rancho. Weir K, in block 79, Providencia Rancho, 300 feet west of center. Measuring bridge P, near the southwest corner of block 81 , Providencia Rancho, in the head works site of the city of Los Angeles, commonly known as the Pom- eroy & Hooker tract, where river turns to the east at angle of 90°, Measuring bridge Q, about 400 feet above the junction of the Verdugo Wash with Los Angeles River. Measuring bridge No, 2, about 600 feet above the head of the power ditch of the Los Angeles City Water Company, in the so-called Crystal Springs tract. Weir No. 7, 1 mile below the head, in the main supply ditch, sometimes called the Woolen Mill ditch, in the headworks site. Measuring point No. 7B, at a 3-foot cement i)ipe in the same ditch, west of bridge No. 2 and at the Los Felix ranch house. Weir No. 17, opposite bridge No. 2, on what is called the Glassell tributary. To get the total flow of river at bridge No. 2, there should be combined the flow at bridge No. 2, weir No. 17, and measuring point No. 7B, In case measure- ments were not taken on the main supply ditch at No. 7B, the measurement observed at weir No. 7, above No. 7B on the main supply ditch, was used, and the loss between No. 7 and No. 7B, 2.49 second-feet, was deducted. This is shown in detail in the table for bridge No. 2. For bridge Q a similar process is followed, omitting No. 17. For bridge P the observed flow at the bridge is combined with either the flow at No. 7 or at No. 7B. Weir No. 9, at the mouth of Tujunga Creek, near the western end of the head- works site, and near the intersection of Buena Vista street with Los Angeles Riyer. Weir No. 10, approximately.200 feet west of weir No. 9, at the outlet of a small cut which was run into the gravel bed for the development of water. Weir M, block 67, Providencia Rancho, on a small stream entering the river in the headworks tract. LIPPINCOTT.] LOS ANGELES EIVER. 125 Discharge measurements of Los Angeles River. AT WEIR A. Date. Dis- charge. Average for month. Date. Dis- charge. Average for month. 1899. AiTg'iist 14 Sec-feet. 0. 565 .660 .500 .500 .687 .725 .721 .678 .768 Sec-feet. \ 0.612 1 .500 .687 1 .723 1 . 723 1900. May 17 Sec-feet. 0.461 .461 .402 .310 .368 .372 .430 .378 .400 .328 .380 Sec-feet. 0.461 August 19 June 12 } .431 September 20. _ _ June 29 September 26 October 24 August 1 - . . August 8 Novem.ber 24 August 15 [ .370 NovfTYibf^r 28 August 31 December 7 September 8 September 11 September 27 November 10 _ _ December 28 _ . ... [ .368 .380 Mean Mean .649 .402 AT WEIR B. 1899. August 14 September 20. September 26. October 24 _ . . November 24. November 28 _ December 7 • - . December 28 _ Mean 0.500 .500 .500 .755 .937 .941 .864 .982 0. 500 .500 .755 .939 .923 .723 1900. May 17 June 12 June 29 July 27 August 1 August 15 August 31 September 8 _ _ _ September 11 _. September 27 . . November 10. . Mean .482 .430 .280 .160 .180 .197 .219 .209 .223 .176 .260 126 CALIFORNIA HYDKOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge measurements of Los Angeles Rwer — Continued. AT WEIR C. Date. Dis- charge. Average for month. Date. Dis- charge. Average for month. 1899. August 14 . . ... Sec.-feet. 2.88 2.88 2.69 2.26 2.88 2.98 3.45 3.42 3.44 Sec.-feet. } 2.88 1 2.48 } 2.93 } 3.43 • 3.44 1900. May 17 Sec.-feet. 2.98 2.91 2.45 2.50 2.48 2.48 2.55 1.58 2.38 1.63 2 42 Sec.-feet. 2.98 August 28 June 12 July 27 August 1 August 8 2.91 September 20 September 26 October 9 2.45 October 24 . August 15 2.50 November 24 August 31 November 28 ..... September 8 September 11 September 27 _ _ November 10 December 28 1.86 2 42 Mean ! Mean 3.03 2.52 AT WEIR E. 1899. August 14 August 28 September 20 September 26 5.55 5.55 5.35 5.25 5.99 6.53 6.24 6.24 6.24 6.30 1 5.55 1 5.30 5.99 1 6.38 • 6.26 1900. May 15 June 12 ... - . June 29 July 12 5.45 5.18 4.81 4.80 4.80 4.53 4.47 4.88 4.49 4. 65 4.30 4.67 5.45 1 4. 99 1 4.80 October 25 July 27 November 17 November 28 December 13 . . _ August 1 . . August 15 August 31 4.63 December 21 September 8 September 11.. September 27... ..- November 10 . Mean . . December 26 . _ ] 4.48 4.67 Mean 5.89 4.84 LIPPINCOTT.] LOS ANGELES RIVER. 127 Discharge measurements of Los Angeles River — Continued. AT WEIR G. Date. Dis- charge. Average for month. Date. Dis- charge. Average for month. 1899. August 14 August 28 September 20 September 26 October 9 Sec-feet. 7.92 7.92 7.60 7.60 7.66 8.60 9.17 8.99 8.90 8.90 8.92 Sec-feet. \ 7.92 1 7.60 1 8.13 1 9.08 ■ 8.90 1900. May 15 Sec-feet. 7.94 7.63 Sec-feet. 7 94 June 12 } .3t June 29 7.00 6.45 6.45 6.80 6.87 6.72 7.00 6.68 6.99 July 27 6.45 August 1 - - October 25 . August 15 August 31 [ 6.70 November 17 November 28 December 13 September 8 September 11 September 27 . [ 6.80 December 21 December 26 - November 13 . _ 6.99 Mean Mean 8.33 7.03 AT WEIR L. 1899. August 14 August 28 9.08 8.93 8.59 8.89 8.59 9.58 9.48 10. 15 9.93 10.02 10. 02 10.30 1 9.00 } 8.74 ■ 9.22 1 10.04 [ 10.11 1900. May 15 May 23 June 12 June 29 8.85 8.73 8.-62 8.30 7.53 7.53 7.59 7.69 8.02 7.82 8.20 7.76 8.34 } 8.79 September 20 1 8.46 September 26 October 9 July 27 August 1 August 8 August 15 August 31 September 8 . : September 11 September 27 7.53 October 25 - . . October 27 November 17 [ 7.71 November 28 December 13 December 21 . . December 26 .. 7.92 November 10. 8.34 Mean Mean 9.42 8.12 128 CALIFORNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge measurements of Los Angeles River — Continued. AT WEIR H. August 14 August 28 September 20. September 26. October 9 October 25 . . . October 27 _ . . November 17 _ November 28 _ December 13 _ December 21 _ December 26 _ Mean __ Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 11.88 12.19 11.60 12.03 11.60 12.66 12.66 13.73 13.47 13.42 13.64 13.80 Average for month. Sec-feet. \ 12.04 13.60 12.68 1900. May 15 May 23 June 12 Jime 29 July 27 August 1 August 8 August 15 August 31 September 8 . . September 11 _ September 27 _ November 10. Mean _. Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 11.42 11.21 11.01 10.68 9.96 9.96 10.16 10.13 10.57 10.15 10.39 10. 03 10. 54 AT WEIR I. 1899. August 14 August 28 September 20 _ September 26. October 9 October 25 . . . November 17. November 28 . December 13 _ December 26 . Mean 17.18 16.91 17.15 17.32 17.19 18.33 19.04 18.72 18.93 18.99 I- }n. 17. 18.88 18.96 1900. May 15 May 23 June 12 June 29 July 12 July 27 August 1 August 8 August 15..-. August 31 September 8 . . September 11- September 27. November 10 _ Mean .. 16.25 16.05 15. 66 15.49 15.58 14.74 14.37 14.94 14.69 14.80 14.54 14.74 14.31 14.92 LIPPINCOUT.J LOS ANGELES EIVER. 12^ Discharge measure} aents of Los Anyeles River — Continued. AT WEIR J. Note.— Total discharge of river at weir J equals diBcharge over weir + discharge at No. 7, or + No. 7B + 2.49. August 14___- August 28 September 20. September 2G. October 9 October 25 . . .. November 17- November 28 _ December 13 . December 26 _ Mean ._ May 15 May 23 June 12 June 29 August 15 August 31 September 8 _ _ September 11 _ September 27- November 10 . Mean ._ 1899. 1900. Discharge at No. 7, or N0.7B+2.49, Discharge over weir. Secoiul-feet. Second-feet. 18.59 0.55 17. 90 .49 17.90 .49 18.28 .49 18.08 .44 17.45 1.85 18. 02 2.91 13.78 6.71 13.90 6.34 1.73 13.66 20.09 16.37 19.81 16.31 18.49 19.25 19.81 17.59 14.84 1.39 1.67 .86 .86 .41 .46 .42 .52 .39 1.49 Total dis- charge for weir. Average for month. ond-feet. 19.14 18.39 18.39 18.77 18.52 ^ 19.30 / 20.93 I 20.40 f 20.24 20.89 / 21.48 18.04 20.67 17.17 18.90 19.71 20.33 17.98 16.33 nd-feet. 18.76 18.58 18. 91 20.71 20.31 19.45 19.76 J 8. 92 19. 31 19. 15 1G.33 18.69 IRR 81—03- 130 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge tneasurenients of Los Angeles River — Continued. AT WEIR K. NoTK. — Total discharge of river at weir K equals discharge over weir + discharge at No. 7, or + No. 7B + 2.43. Discharge at No. 7, or N0.7B+2.49. Discharge over weir. Total dis- charge for weir. Average for month. August 14 August 28 September 20- September 2G_ October 9 October 25 November 17 _ November 28 _ December 13 _ December 26 _ Mean __ May 15 May 23 July2_._-_-.. August 1 August 15 August 31 September 8 _ . September 11- September 27- November 10 . Mean -- 1899. 1900. ' Second-feet. 18.59 17.90 . 17. 90 •18.28 18.08 n.45 18.02 13. 78 13.90 13.66 Second-feet. 4.13 3.92 3.91 3.98 4.13 5.70 6.97 10.69 10.69 10.92 20.09 16.37 16.32 18.49 19. 25 19.81 17.59 li.84 Second-feet 22.72 21.82 21.81 22.26 22.21 23.15 24. 99 24.47 24.59 24.58 4.94 4.94 2.93 2.55 2.71 2.55 2.81 2.80 2.50 4.12 Second-feet. 22.27 22.03 22.68 24.73 24.58 25. 03 21.31 19. 25 21.20 21.80 22.61 20.09 18.96 23.: 23.17 19.25 21.50 21.35 18.96 20.85 LIPPINCOTT.] LOS ANGELES EIVER. 131 Discharge 7neasuremeiLts of Los Angeles River — Continued. AT BRIDGE P. Note. — Total diacliarge of river at bridge P equals discliarge at bridge + discharge at No. 7, or + discharge at No. 7B. Discharge at No. 7, or No. 7B. Discharge at bridge. Total dis- charge at bridge. Average for month. August 25 September 20 _ September 27. October 10 . . _ October 25 . _ October C8 _ _ . November 17 _ November 28 - December 13 _ December 26 . Mean _ May 15 May 28 June 12 July 2 _ July 12 August 1 August 8 August 15 September 8 . September 11 _ September 28. Mean __ 1899. 1900. Secoitd-ff>et. 18.66 17.90 18.66 18.08 17.45 17.45 18.02 13.18 13. 90 13.66 17.60 13.88 17.32 13.83 14.00, 14.00 14.00 16.00 17.32 15.10 'cond-fect. 20.22 19. 36 21.08 19.81 17.62 21.06 25.73 27.75 31.94 27.67 21. 22 20.28 18.59 19. 51 16.99 17.04 18.71 19.94 19.26 19.67 18.38 Olid-feet. 38.88 37.26 39.74 37.89 35. 07 38.51 43.75 40.93 45. 84 41.33 Sec-feet. 38.88 38.82 34.16 35.91 33.34 30.99 31.04 32.71 35. 94 36.99 33.48 38.50 7.16 42.34 43. 58 40.09 I 36. 49 35. 91 I 32.16 33. 23 35.23 34.60 132 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge ineasureinenU of Los Angeles River — Continued. AT BRIDGE Q. NoTK.. — Total di«(;liarge of river at bridge Q equals discharge at Q + discharge at No. 7 — 2A{ or + No. 7B. Discharge at No. 7-2.49, or 7B, Discharge at bridge. Total dis- charge at bridge. Average for month. September 20 - September 27 _ October 10 _ _ . October 25 . _ . October 28 . _ _ November 17 . November 29 . December 13 - Decembei 26 . Mean _. May 15 May 23...... June 12 July2 July 12 August 1 September 8 . . September 11. September 28 . Mean ._ 1900. Second-feet. 15.41 16.17 15. 59 8.21 8.23 9.36 12.20 11 Al 11.17 Second-feet. Second-feet. 17.60 13.88 17.32 13.83 14.00 14.00 17.32 15.10 28.12 27.99 27. 77 27.66 36. 48 39.71 33.89 35.99 31.86 28. 42 27.97 27.64 26.20 24.79 24.48 27.09 26.22 29.33 43.53 44.16 43. 36 35. 87 44.71 49.07 46.09 47.40 43.03 Sec-feet. 43. 84 41.31 47.58 46.02 41.85 44.96 40.03 38.79 38.48 43.54 44.43 45.21 44.49 43.93 44.96 39.41 38.48 43.8 42. 15 LTPPINCOTT.] LOS ANGELES BIVER. 133 Discharge measurements of Los Angeles River, Los Angeles County, near bridge No. £. Date. Hydrographer Dis- charge. Locality. June 15,1889 Do- Wm. Mulholland do Sec-feet. 36.7 11.1 11.2 River. Power ditch. Do do Main supply ditch. Total flow at bridge 2. Wm. Mulholland do . 59.0 July 15,1889 Do 33.3 11.0 14.1 River. Power ditch. Do do Main supply ditch. Total at bridge 2. Wm. Mulholland do 58.4 Nov. 18,1891 Do 68.0 10.0 3.0 81.0 River. Power ditch. Do - do Main supply ditch. Total at bridge 2. Wm. Mulholland do Nov. —,1893 Do, 58.8 15.0 (V) 51.8 . 7 15.0 River. Power ditch. Do .do Main supply ditch. River. Glassell tributary. Main supply ditch. Power ditch, measurement Feb. 28, 1898 Do do do Do do Do- - - .do Total at bridge 2. above. 67.5 134 CALIFORNIA HYDRO IRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge measurements of Los Angeles River at bridge No. 2. Note.— Total discharge of river at bridge No. 3 equals discharge at No. 2 + discharge at No. 7B, or No. 2 -f- No. 7-2.49. 1899. August 19 August 25 September 20- September 27 _ October 10 . . . October 25 . . . October 28 . . . October 31 _ . . November 17 . Novem.ber 29. December 13 . December 26 _ Mean ._ 1900. May 16 May 23 June 12 July2 July 13 August 1 August 8 August 15 August 31 _ - September 8 September 11 September 28 November 10 Discharge i at No. 7— I Discharge 3.49, or No. at No. 17. 7B. Siec.-feet. Mean 15. 16. 15. 16. 15. 8. 8. 8. 9. 12. 11. 11. 17.60 13.88 17.32 13.83 15.32 14.00 14.00 16.00 16.76 17.32 15.10 14.84 Sec-feet. 0.06 .06 .06 .06 .05 .05 .05 .05 .06 .06 .07 .07 Discharge "^^^fJ^, at bridge. «^J[||^^* Sec-feet. 41.29 42. 41 40.23 40.07 39.35 48.88 44. 45 48.73 49.71 43.40 46.69 46.89 39.61 38. 46 39.23 35.38 40.10 34.62 34. 77 38.58 35.36 34. 27 35. 56 34.28 39.45 Average for mouth. Sec-feet. 56. 94 58. 64 55. 70 56. 30 54.99 57. 14 52.73 57. 56 59. 13 55. 66 58. 17 58. 13 57. 35 52. 48 56. 69 49.31 55.56 48.72 48.87 54. 68 52. 22 53. 08 49.46 54. 39 Sec-feet. I 57. 79 .00 55.61 I 57. 39 I 58. 15 .99 I 54.91 56.69 I 52. 43 i 51.12 51.27 54.39 53.46 LTPPTNCOTT.] LOS ANGELES RIVEB. 135 Average discharge of Los Angeles River at uieir No. 9. January _ February March April May June 1899. Sec.-feet. 1.17 1.00 1.16 1.10 .71 .69 Sec-feet. 0.52 .49 .39 .38 .30 .24 July August September . October November December _ . Sec-feet. \ Sec-feet. 0. .48 .44 .64 .56 0.15 .18 .20 Average discharge of developed umter at tveir No. 10. January _ . February March April May - June I Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 0.89 0.96 .93 .90 .86 July 81 : August -_- 86 September October _ . _ November December - 1900. Sec-feet. 0.79 .79 .83 .86 .94 .91 Sec-fcct. 0.74 .73 .70 Average discharge of small tributary of Los Angeles River at iveir M. 1899. January _ February March __. April May June _ . . . Discharge. Sec-feet. 0.29 .20 .20 .14 .07 .06 1899. -July August ... September October ._. November- December . Digcharge. Sec-feet. Dry. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Average discharge of cut of West Los Angeles Water Company in San Fernando Valley, from gravel beds of Los Angeles River. Month. 1899. 1900. Month. 1899. 1900. May Sec'feet. Sec-feet. 5.79 5. 85 5.75 5. 87 ■ September Sec-feet. 6.02 5.94 6.07 6.08 Sec-feet. June October November December July August . 6.01 136 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. Average discharge of Los Angeles River. [NO. 81. Measuring point. Interven- distance along river. Average discharge, August to December, inclusive, 1899. Rate of growth per 100 feet, 1899. Average discharge May to No- vember, inclusive, 1900. Rate of growth per 100 feet, 1900. Weir A Feet. Sec-feet. 0. 649 0.001 .066 Sec -feet. 0.402 10, 280 0.001 WeirB .723 3.03 .276 2. 52 Weir C . 3,486 .064 7,069 .039 .033 WeirE 5.89 4.84 '7.03'" 8.12 4, 585 .053 .105 .048 Weir G 8.33 9.42 WeirL 1,041 .105 770 .424- .310 Weir H 12.68 17.97 10.51 15. 17 18.69 20.85 34.60 42. 15 53.46 Weirl . 2,543 .210 .038 .183 3,926 .089 Weir J . 19.45 3,600 .100 .060 WeirK _ .. ._ ._ 23. 06 40.09 Bridge P 6,345 .268 .095 .185 .217 4,629 .163 Bridge Q 44.49 56. 99 Bridge No. 2 6,756 .167 LTPPTNCOTT] LOS ANGELES RIVEE AND LOS FLORES CANYON. 137 Discharge measurernents of Los Angeles River, Los Angeles County. Data. Ilydrographer. Di.> charge. Locality. Sec. -ft. Aug. 21,1899 S.G.Bennett 0.0 Pacoima, mouth of canyon. Jan. 9, 1901 L.Mesmer 50. Do. Sept. 20,1901 S.G.Bennett 0.0 Do. Aug. 21,1899 do .44 Tujunga, Headwords Monte Vista Canal. Oct. 9, 1900 W.W.Cockins .19 Do. Sept. 21,1901 S.G.Bennett .22 Do. Nov. 22,1900 do 18.7 Tujunga Railroad, main line. Do do .05 Tujunga, 3 miles below above measurement. Do- do - - 10.60 Tujunga Railroad, main line, flood marks. Aug. 21,1899 do ... 0.0 Tu j unga — little . Discharge measurements of Los Angeles River at pumping stations in San Fernando Valley. Year. "1 Hydrographer. Dis- chai'ge. Remarks. 1897 1898- . J. B. Lippincott do Sec.-ft. ^'0.11 «.33 «.99 «1.77 Total output, 4 plants. Total output, 7 plants. Total output, 21 plants. Total output, 33 plants. 1899 1900 .- .-do do "Reduced to continuous flow for summer months. LOS FLORES CANYON. Los Flores Canyon is situated on the southern slope of the Sierra Madre, in Los Angeles County. The area of the drainage basin above the line of township 1 north, above which all diversions occur, is 0.35 square mile. The canyon is in granite, largely shattered, with iDre- vailing lines of cleavage extending northwest to southeast, but with other distinct lines bearing northeastward. Below the mouth of the canyon are the beautiful Pasadena Mesa lands. The scarcity of water, coupled with the general desirability of tliese lands, has caused much " development work" to be done for the purpose of increasing the water supply. Twelve tunnels in all liave been run into this granite rock. The experience has been that as the fissures and cracks of the rock are opened a considerable discharge has resulted ^'or a period of a few weeks, after wliich tlie flow decreased, and the tunnels would then again be extended or iiew ones run. 138 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Following is a list of the tunnels, showing their lengths: Los Flores tunnel: No. 1 Feet. 23 No. 2- No. 3_ No. 4. - 96 55 Mining tunnel 37 Twaddell tunnel 130 McNally tunnel 430 Los Flores tunnel: No. 5 . 185 No. 6 475 No. 7 200 No. 8 357 Twaddell's Tiptop tunnel 133 Total length 2,172 From the nature of the drainage basin and the data obtained from neighboring streams a reasonable natural run-off from this drainage basin, including flood waters, of from 0.10 to 0.15 second-foot might be expected in average years. The granite bed rock in the drainage basin is covered with a few feet of coarse, disintegrated, granitic soil, very absorbent of water. Rain falling upon this is rapidly absorbed, and the tunnels show within a few weeks the effect of rainfall. During the years when measurements of the tunnels vfere made the rainfall was, as a rule, much below normal. In the following discharge measurements all the water which is diverted, both developed and natural flow, is included, but probably a few winter storms occurred that produced greater run- off than the capacity of the diversion pipes, and consequently some of the water must have escaped unmeasured. The lesson to be drawn from this particular case is that the expend- iture of the large amount of money required to construct these tun- nels was ill advised, the water supply having been not materiallj^, if at all, increased beyond the normal flow of the canyon prior to the construction of the tunnels. A similar experience is the result of like work in Eaton Canyon, which adjoins the Los Flores to the east. Discharge 7)ieasurements of Los Flores Canyon, Los Angeles County. Date. Mean dis- charge. Remarks. 1895 1896 1897 Sec-feet. 0.18 .10 .12 .08 .10 .09 .09 22 inches of rain. 10 inches of rain. 21 inches of rain. 1898__. 1899 9 inches of rain. 7 inches of rain. 1900 1901 , 11 inches of rain. 12 inches of raid. LTPPINCOTT.] DISCHARGE TABLES. 139 LYTLE CREEK. This sm-all stream di-aiiis the southern sloi^e of the Sierra Madre and discharges its waters on the jDlains northwest of San Bernardino. Although it drains a comparatively small area of 52 square miles, at the mouth of the canj^on its waters are important for irrigation pur- poses. Owing to the controversies which have arisen over its diver- sions, a number of lawsuits for the settlement of the claims have been instituted from time to time. A number of measurements of this stream at the mouth of the canyon from 1892 to 1896, inclusive, are given below. They are copied from court records of proceedings in which the water supply of this creek was involved. These cases were tried in the San Bernardino courts hy Judge J. W. McKinley. The measurements were made b}^ A. H. Koebig and G. O. Newman, on weirs, and are believed to be accurate. Discharge measurements of Lytle Creek at mouth of canyon, San Bernardino County, Cal. 1892. June 3 September 30 . _ _ September 80 October 28 November 21 . _ . November 27 _ _ _ 1898. September 7 September 18- __ September 25 _ _ _ October 4 1894. June 6 June 8 _ July 10. July 11 _ July 25 - It (I- feet. 35. 58 18.70 22.04 20.64 22.04 20. 68 49.20 49.20 46.34 45. 30 17.96 15.50 13. 22 13.22 13.36 Date. 1894. August 19-- ..-.. August 25 October 3 1895. September 2 September 30 1896. March 3 . April 23 April 24 April 25 May 3 ...- May 4 May 10 May 25 May 26 _. Discharge. Second-feet. 11.44 12.32 16.20 56. 40. 18. 19. 18. 20. 18. 17. 18. 15. 12. 10 140 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Beginning in 1894, measurements of Lytle Creek were also made by H. -D. Sibley, who was zanjero of the Lj^tle Creek canals at tha;t time. The measurements were usually made because the discharge of the stream was below normal. In the winter and spring only the amount of water needed for irrigation was turned into the ditches, but later in the summer the entire flow was diverted. These measurements also ^ere made over weirs and are believed to be fairly accurate. During 1898 trouble was experienced through miners' taking the water from the natural channel and turning it into dry channels, sluice boxes, weirs, mill races, etc. , thereby causing an alleged loss of from 20 to 25 per cent of the total flow of the creek. Only a portion of these latter diversions were returned to the creek. The measurements of Mr, Sibley would not show the full flow of Lytle Creek at all times, and sometimes show less than the full discharge, for the reasons men- tioned above. During 1899 the amount of water which was diverted into the main canal was measured daily b}^ the Anglo-American Canaigre Company, at a weir erected near the head of its cement ditch. The volumes given have been occasionally checked by visit- ing the canal and making meter measurements. It is believed that during 1899 practically all the water of the stream was diverted into the canal. LIPPINCOTT.] LYTLE CREEK. 141 Discharg(^. in second-feet, of Lytle Creek niaiii canal above Rialto, San Ber- nardino County, Cal. [Drainage area, 52 square miles.] 1894. Day, Apr. May. June, i July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 1 15.5 1 ' 2 3 24.1 17.2 10.9 13.5 i 4. .. .... . -- 5 16.1 10.8 6 22.6 7 14.1 11.4 14.5 8 19.9 10.8 13.0 9 \ 13.7 10 ^""T------^ V--- 11 17.8 18.5 14.3 10.8 13.7 12 . ... 13 21.8 i 13.4 14 14.3 13.2 15 16 22.6 19.1 14.4 17 ! 18 19 22.6 15.0 14.1 13.7 11.5 14.5 1 20 1 • 21 14.8 12.7 1 1 22 24.9 11.9 12.7 ' 12.9 23 . . __ ._ . 14.6 i 24 . 18.2 14.9 25 25.4 14.2 26 27 15.0 28 1 16.6 i 29 30 ..,..' ! 12.5 31 . 11.7 13.4 142 CALIFOKNIA HYDKOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge, in second-feet, of Lytic Creek main canal, etc. — Continued. 1895. Day. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 54.4 ' 2 1 3 36.9 4 68.0 51.4 5 -. _.- . 6 30.5 8 _ . 33.9 31.5 9 .._ 10 48.8 11 24.9 12 ... ___ 50.8 13 22.0 14 15 ■ 16 50.4 1 17 44.8 18 26.4 43.8 41.9 19_-. _ 1 20 ! 21 57.5 1 36.5 34.1 22 ! 24.0 23 37.4 52.5 24 j 47.1 25 26 ^ 1 54.4 27 28 ! 36.5 34.5 29 --- 30 31 . _- 34. 5 June 5 to August 1(5, ditch broken; no measurements. AilPPlNCOTT.J LYTLE CREEK. 143 Discharge, in scvoiid-feet, of Lytic Creek main canal, etc. — Continued. 1896. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jtxne. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 17.8 13.2 2 22.2 14.1 11.1 3 1 4 i 5 20.0 12.2 6 11.4 11.5 12.2 7 8 19.2 11 1 i 9 13.5 12.5 11.6 16,0 10 1 _..._|..... 12.2 11 1 13 11.9 ! 10.5 i \ 13 18.4 1 1 ] 14 ' 12.2 12.2 16.0 15 i 24.9 \ 16 21.4 19.8 17 1 j 1 13.7 10.8 17.0 17 18 19.7 i 11.3 1 19 j 11.8 i 20 10.5 21 1 12.0 22 - 1 16.0 23 . ! ' 12.5 1 11.1 24 22.4 12.5 25 - i 28.0 26 11.8 20.0 27 - ..^_ ! 10.7 28 13.5 29 17.5 30 15.0 24.0 31 _ i ! i Heavy rains March 1 to 15 njid Otttober 2ii\ all water turned out of canal. 144 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. INO.81. Discharge, in second-feet, of Lytic Creek iiiain canal, etc. — Continued. 1897. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. ! Apr. , May | June. i i i July. Aug. 1 2 3 60.0 4 ' 36.0 5 6 60.0 1 7 . 24.0 8-... ' ! ... - _ . 1 i 9 50.0 30.0 10 16.0 11 ' 12 1 10.6 13 ! 14 60.0 15 16 24.0 34.0 17 18.- 80.0 1 19 60.0 20 [ I 21 50.0 22. - 1 23 i 24 I 1 50.0 25 20.0 60.0 26 27 28 56. 70.0 40.0 29 28.0. 30 31 1 j i Heavy rains February 8 and 18, March 28, September U. Chicala Water Company took oharge of station June 1. LIPPINCOTT.] LYTLE CREEK. 145 Discharge, in aecond-feet , of Lytle Creek main canal, etc. — Continued. 1898. Day. May. June. July. Day. May. June. July. Day. May. June. July. 1 10.9 12_... 23.... 2 ! 13 1 24 3 . - . - 14. _ ! 25 4... 15 13.9 26..__ 5 t 16 27 6 17 28 ... . 29.- 14.6 9.0 7 ' 18.... I 8 19 30 9 20. __ 21 11.5 31 10 1 11 t 22 11.7 No measurements for January to April, inclusive, and August to December, inclusive. iRR 81— o;j 10 146 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [noJ Discharge, in second-feet, of Lytic Creek main canal, etc. — Continued. Day. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. !._._ 11.1 11.8 11.2 9.7 11.2 12.2 6.3 9.4 14.5 10.9 10.5 11.1 2,.._ 11.1 12.1 11.1 8.9 10.9 10.4 6.8 10.4 15.1 10.8 10.3 11.3 3.-.. 12.1 12.1 11.2 8.5 10.9 9.7 6.4 9.6 16.6 10.8 10.3 11.4 4.... 11.4 12.4 11.1 12.6 10.5 9.5 6.4 10.7 16.7 10.8 10.6 11.1 5 -_-- 11.7 12.4 10.8 12.5 10.5 9.4 6.4 12.2 16.0 10.7 10.5 11.3 6-... 11.6 12.5 10.6 12.1 10.5 9.6 6.4 11.0 16.0 10.6 10.6 11.3 7-.._ 11.6 12.6 10.4 11.9 10.5 9.2 6.3 10.8 16.0 10.1 10.6 11.3 8_.-. 11.6 12.4 10.4 11.8 10.2 9.0 6.2 11.0 15.9 9.9 9.9 11.6 9-_-- 11.6 12.1 10.9 11.7 11.8 6.2 11.0 16.5 10.2 9.9 11.4 10._.- 12.0 11.8 10.6 11.9 9.5 7.2 6.0 8.7 16.1 10.8 10.0 11.5 11 ..._ 16.1 11.8 10.6 11.7 9.5 7.5 5.9 12.0 16.0 11.7 10.2 11.4 12_... 13.1 11.8 10.6 11.7 9.2 8.2 6.0 12.0 15.8 ^'72. 1 10.5 11.3 13.... 12.2 11.8 10.7 11.0 9.6 8.1 5.9 12.2 15.3 12.4 10.9 11.2 14.... 12.0 11.6 10.7 10.6 9.5 7.8 5.9 12.1 15.4 13.5 11.0 11.1 15.... 11.9 11.5 10.7 10.6 9.8 6.0 12.3 16.0 12.7 11.3 11.2 16.... 12.0 11.5 15. 3 10.7 9.4 7.6 6.0 12.3 15.5 13.0 11.7 12.9 17._.- 12.0 11.5 14.7 10.6 9.4 7.8 5.8 12. 2 15.3 13.0 11.5 11.8 18.. ,_ 12.0 11.3 13. 7 10.7 9.4 7.9 5.4 12.6 14.3 12.3 12.0 11.8 19.. ._ 11.9 11.4 12.3 10.2 9.7 7. 7 5.6 13.0 15.7 12.0 11.9 11.6 20 ... - 11.8 11.3 13.7 10.8 9.8 7.3 5.6 13.0 14.9 11.4 11.8 11.6 21 ... . 11.7 11.3 13.1 9.9 9.5 7.5 5.8 12.5 15.2 11.2 12.2 11.3 22.... 11.8 11.3 12.9 9.9 9.4 7.6 7.2 12.4 16.1 11.6 12.7 11.1 23.... 11.7 11.3 12.8 10.3 9.4 7.4 8.6 12.4 10.8 11.9 12.1 11.1 24 . .-. . 11.6 11.8 13.2 10.6 9.2 7.1 9.3 12.5 10.4 10.3 12.0 11.1 25 ... - 11.6 11.4 14.8 10.5 9.2 7.2 8.9 12.4 10.3 10.7 13.8 10.9 26__.. 11.6 11.4 13.5 10.4 9.0 7.4 9.2 12.6 10. 3 11.4 11.7 11.2 27 . . - - 11.6 11.3 13.4 10.4 9.0 7.3 9.4 12.5 10.5 11.3 11.5 11.1 28...- 11.6 11.3 13.6 10.4 9.0 7.2 9.5 12.2 10.5 11.1 11.5 11.1 29 -.-_ 11.6 13.6 11.0 9.4 6.7 9.7 12.3 10.6 11.0 11.4 11.2 30--.- 11.6 13.5 11.2 9.3 6.4 9.6 12.2 10.6 11.4 11.2 11.1 31 11.7 13.5 10.0 12.1 11.3 11.3 Mean 11.9 11.7 12.2 10.8 9.8 8.1 7.1 11.8 14.3 13.3 11 2 11.3 «Eain in mountains. LiIPPlNCOTT.] LYTLE CREEK. 147 The siiumier of 181i8 wan one during which the smallest stream flow occurred in southern California of which we liave record. The period of smallest summer flow was during the month of September. During this minimum j)eriod the Edison Electric Company had certain meas- urements made on Lytle Creek at half hour intervals, to determine the diurnal fluctuations. The discharge of the stream was as follows : Discharge ineasureiiients of Lytle Creek at Millers Narrows, San Bernardino County. Date. Time. Dis- charge. Date. Time. Dis- charge. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Sept. 15,1898 7 a. Ill 9.16 Sept. 15, 1898 10.30 p. m 8.88 Do 7.30 a. Ill 9.16 Do 11 p. ill 8.88 Do 8a. m ...^ 9.16 Do 11.30 p. m 8.88 Do 8.30 a. in 9.16 Do 12 midnight 9 Do 9 a. Ill 9.00 Sept. 16, 1898 12.30 a. m..... 9 Do 9.30 a. m 10 a. Ill 7.94 8.02 Do Do 1 a. Ill 9 Do 1.30 a. m 9.16 Do 10.30 a. Ill 11 a. m 8.02 8.02 Do Do 2 a. m 9.16 Do 2.30 a. in 9.16 Do 11.30 a. in 7.74 Do 3 a. Ill 9.16 Do 12 m 7.46 Do 3.30 a. m 9.16 Do 12.30 p. ni 7.34 Do 4 a. m 9.16 Do 1 p. m 7.20 Do 4.30 a. m 9.16 Do 1.30 p. m 2 p. m 7.20 7.20 Do Do 5 a. m 9.16 Do 5.30 a. m 9.16 Do 2.30 p. m - 7.20 Do 6 a. m 9.16 Do 3 p. m 1 .Ob Do 6.30 a. m 9.16 Do Do 3.30 p. m 4 p. m 7.06 6.94 7.06 Sept. 16, 1898 12-hour mean 7 a. Ill 8.86 Do 4.30 p. m 9.28 Do 5 p. m 7.06 Do 7.30 a. m 9.28 Do 5.30 p. m 7.34 Do 8 a. m 9.16 Do. 6 p. m 7.46 Do 8 30 a in 9 Do 6.30 p. m 12-hour mean 7 p. m 7.46 7.77 Do Do Do Do 9 a. in 9 9.30 a. m 10 a. m 10 30 a in 8.03 8.02 Sept. 15,1898 Do 7.46 7 74 7.30 p. m 7.74 Do 11 a. m 7.74 Do 8 p. m 8.40 Do 11.30 a. m 7.46 Do 8.30 p. m 8.58 Do.__ 12m 7.20 Do_ 9 D. m 8.52 Do 12.30 p. m 1 p. m. 7 20 Do 9.30 p. m 8.72 Do 7.06 Do lOp. m 8.88 Do 1.30 p. m 6.94 148 OALIFOKNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Discharge rueasurements of Lytle Creek at Millers Narrows, etc. — Continued. Sept. 16,1898 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Z p. m 2.30 p. m 3 p. m 3.30 p. m 4 p. m 4.30 p. m 5 p. m 5.30 p. m 6 p. m 6.30 p. m 13-lionrniean Sept. 16,1898 Do Do Do Do Do_._-_. Do 7 p. m 7.30 p. m _ 8 p. m 8.30 p. m - 9 p. m 9.30 p. m _ 10 p. in_._ Dis- charge. Sec. -feet. 6.80 6.94 7.20 7.20 7.34 7.34 7.46 7.46 7.60 .75 8.02 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 8.88 Sept. 16, 1898 Do Do Do Sept. 17, 1898 Do Do Do_..... Do_ Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Sec-feet. 10.30 p. ni 9 11 p. m 9 11.30 p. m 9 12 midnight . . . 9 12.30 a. m 9.16 1 a. m 9.16 1.30 a. m 9.16 2 a. m __. 9.16 2.30 a. m 9.16 3 a. m 9.16 3.30 a. m 9.16 4 a. m 9.16 4.30 a. m 9.06 5 a. m 9.28 5.30 a. m 9.28 6 a. m 9.28 6.30 a. m 9.28 12-honrmean Dis- cliarge. 9.04 The following measurements were made by the United States Geo- logical Survey : Discharge 'measurements of Lytle Creek at month of canyon, San Bernardino County. July 24,1896 June 10,1898 Aug. 27,1898 Aug. 29,1899 Hy drographer . J. H. Quinton J. B. Lippincott F.H. Olmsted- S. G. Bennett . . Dis- charge. Sec-feet. \ 15.7 I 10.7 10.0 12.5 June 8,1900 Sept. 29, 1900 Apr. 4,1902 Sept. 5,1902 Hy drographer . ! Dis- j charge. S. G. Bennett . W.W.CocMns,jr S.G.Bennett _.. W.B.Clapp ... Sec-feet 6.2 4.6 19.9 5.0 MAMMOTH CREEK. See Owens River, Mammoth Creek. MARIA IGNACIA CREEK. Discharge ineasnrement of Maria Ignacia Greek, Santa Barbara County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Aug. —,1899 Geo. F.Wright Sec feet. 0.23 LIPPINCOTT.] DTSCHAHaE TABLES. MARIPOSA CREEK. 149 Estimated monthly discharge of Mariposa Creek at has& of fooihiils, MarijJOSu County. « [Drainage area, 123 square miles.] 1878. November December 1879. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year . 1880. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year . Discharge. Sec -feet. Sec. -feet. Total dis- chargo. Sec.-feef. 20 e-feet. Sec-feet. 1,111 3, 767 2, 559 246 Oj I ! j I 922 , 605 .16 .37 .35 .03 .12 .09 1,230 2,819 1,476 1,428 1,107 714 5, 657 14, 431 .16 "Authority, CJalifornia State engineering department. Estimated from run-off of neighbor- ing streams. 150 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Mariposa Creek, etc — Continiied. 1881. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year . 1882. January February March April May June July August September October November December Discharge. Maximum. Minimum^. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. The year . Sec-feet. 134 171 38 5 Total dis. charge. Acrefeet. Sec-feet. Per square mile. 8,239 I 9,497 I 2,337 I 298 I I I 20,371 1.333 4, 550 5.831 1,071 738 13, 523 1.10 1.40 .31 i .04 I .15 Depth. 1.27 1.46 .36 .04 3.13 .21 .70 .89 .17 .12 2.09 LippiNcoTT.] MAKIPOSA CREEK. 151 Estimated monthly discharge of Mariposa Creek, etc. — Continued. 1883. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year _ 1884. January February . . March April May June July August September October . Discharge. Sec. -feet. Sec. -feet. '.feet. 49 24 122 73 37 25 Total dis- charge. Acre- feet. 3,013 1,333 7,501 4,344 2 275 18, 466 12 488 671 488 244 122 49 738 28, 070 41,258 29, 037 15, 003 7,259 3,013 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.40 .20 1.00 .60 .30 .21 .10 4.00 5. 50 4.00 2.00 1.00 .40 Depth. Inches. 0.46 .21 1.15 .67 .35 .12 4.31 6.34 4.46 2.31 1.12 .46 152 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. MAYBERRY CANYON. Discharge measurements of Mayherry Canyon, Los Angeles County. [NO. 81. Date. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. Locality. Oct. 19,1898 J. B. Lippincott do Total flow of can- yon J. B. Lippincott Sec.-ft. 1.40 .24 Alhambra water — i n cl ii d i n g pumped water. May berry water— i n cl u d i n g pumped water. 1.64 Sept. 23,1899 1.38 Alhambra water— including pumped water. McCLOUD RIVER. Discharge measurements of McCloud River, Shasta County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Sept. 9, 1901 Sept. 23,1902 Sept. 24,1902 Sept. 26,1902 Sept. 24,1902 S. G. Bennett do Chas. A. Miller do do Sec.-ft. 1,096 1,272 1,325 1,356 67 One-fourth mile above Unit.cl States fishery. At Hirze Mountain. 1 mile above Squaw Creek. United States fishery. Squaw Creek at bridge above mouth. McINTYRE DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley, McTntyre ditch. McKENZIE DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley, McKenzie ditch. MEEKS & DALEY DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley, Meeks & Daley ditch. MERCED RIVER. Merced River above Merced Falls drains approximately 1,090 sqnare miles of the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Included in the eastern portion of its drainage area are a large number of high peaks, the highest. Mount Lyell, reaching an elevation of 13,090 feet. LIPPINCOTT.] MEECED RIVER. 153 The midsummer flow of this stream is larger in proportion to its drainage area than that of the Tnolumne River, which adjoins it on the north. In their jplunge into the Yosemite Valley the waters of the Merced River and its tributaries form most beautiful waterfalls. The measurement and record of this stream was undertaken in resi^onse to numerous requests from persons interested in mining and irrigation. The midsummer flow of the stream is less than the com- bined capacity of the irrigation and power canals taking water in the vicinity of Snelling. The owners of these canals offered to pay $100 toward the expenses of equipping and maintaining the gaging station for the first year. Mr. H. H. Henderson, county surveyor of Merced Countj^, established a gaging station at a point 1 mile above Merced Falls, April 6, 1901. Meter measurements are made from a cable. The observer is Mr. Charles Siegfeldt. Discharge measurements of Merced River, Merced County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. Sept. 11,1899 Do_ - S. G. Bennett Feet. Sec-feet. 35 5 16. 5 6.5 37 125 63 1,379 4,139 1,122 220 1,302 5, 413 109 27 2.1 89 River, 1 mile above head- do _ works Crocker-Hoffman Canal. « Old Mill Valley ditch. Crocker - Hoffman Canal, Do do ..._.- Sept. 10,1900 Sept. 4, 1902 Nov. 27,1895 do 300 feet below head- works. Do. L. M.Lawson J. B. Lippincott Crocker-Hoffman Canal, 3 miles below Snelling. Merced Falls. Sept. 10,1900 Apr. 6.1901 June 11,1901 Aug. 2,1901 Aug. 31,1901 Mar. 6, 1902 May 13,1902 Sept. 3, 1902 S. G. Bennett Do. .-..-do J. B. Lippincott S. G. Bennett do do do L. M. Lawson 10.3 12 10. 05 8.6 10.1 12.15 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sept. 10,1900 S. G. Bennett Merced River Mills Canal, Do do --.- - - 2 miles below Snelling. Snelling ditch. Yosemite Valley, Stone- man House. Aug. 22,1890 J. B. Lippincott a Several small ditches are taken out of Merced River above this point. 154 CALIFORNIA HYDROaRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Merced Bive}\ Merced County — Contimied. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. Feei. Sec-feet. Sept. 25,1894 N.C.Ray 135 Sec. 6, T. 4 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M.; floats. Sept.l-10,lS95 do 080 Sec. 36, T. 3 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M.; floats. Mcir. 25,1899 do 4,000 Sec. 22, T. 3 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M. ; floats. Sept. 20,1899 J. H. McKenzie 64 Sec. 6, T. 4 S., R. 17 E., M. D. M.; estimated. Oct. 20, 1899 N. C. Ray . _ 1,050 Sec. 22, T. 3 S., R. 16 E., M. D. M.; floats. Sept. 3, 1900 do 55 Flume at Nameless Min- ing Co.'s dam; all water turned in. Nov. 22,1900 _do 20, 228 Over crest of Nameless Mining Co.'s dam. Oct. — , 1901 A. Britt 67 Over weir during construc- tion of Mas. C. and M. Co.'s dam. Sept. 3, 1902 E. T. Perkins 33 150 yards above junction of Illilonette. Do do 2.7 Tenaya River, 50 yards above bridge. Do do 6.2 Illilonette River, 100 yards above junction of Mer- ced. Sept. 4, 1902 ■ do . 2 Bridal Veil Creek, below bridge in Yosemite Val- ley. Do do 3.2' South Fork at Wawona, below all buildings. Aug. 30,1902 L. M. Lawson 76 Benton Mills power flume at Benton Mills. Aug. 31,1902 do 97 . 15 Horseshoe Bend. Sept. 1,1902 do Ditch below power house at Merced Falls. Do_. do 78 1.000 feet below Merced Falls. LTPPINCOTT.] MEKCED RIVER. 155 Estiuiated Diontlily discharge of MerceA River at Merced Falls, Merced Cou7ity.(^ [Drainage area, 1,070 square miles.] 1879. January February . March ..__ April May June July August _._ September October . _ _ November _ December _ The year 1880. January February _ March April May June July August .-- September October . . _ November _ December _ The year Discharge. Sec. -feet. Sec-feet. -..-feet. 354 ,506 ;,098 :,120 i,336 172 75 75 172 646 1,321 387 753 807 4,250 4,842 5,111 2,744 753 323 269 237 1,291 1,814 Total dis- charge. Act 21 83^ 129^ 185, 205, 198; 59, 10 4 4 10 feet. ,767 ,639 001 653 123 ,506 ,520 ,576 ,463 ,612 ,235 721 952,816 23, 43, 49, 252, 297, 304, 108, 46, 19, 16, 14, 79, 796 313 621 893 723 126 722 300 220 540 102 380 1,315,736 Run-off. Per square raile. Sec-feet. 0.33 1.40 1.95 2.90 3.10 3.10 .90 .16 .07 .07 .16 .60 Depth. 1.23 .36 .70 .75 3.95 4.50 4.75 2. 55 .70 .30 1.20 Inche.'i. 0.38 1.46 2.25 3. 24 3.57 3. 46 1.04 .18 .08 .08 .18 .69 16.61 1.69 .42 .75 .86 4.41 :]. 19 O.30 2.94 .81 .33 .29 .25 1.38 22 "Authority, state engineer, from 1879 to 1884, inclusive. Figures for January, February, and March, 1879, May, June, and July, 1881, November and December, 1882, and the years 18S3 and 1884, are estimated from the run-off of neighbormg streams. Those from April, 1879, to April, 1881, and from August, 1881, to October, 1882, inclusive, are estimated in part from rod records. 156 OALIFORKIA HYDROGBAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated 'monthly discharge of Merced River at Merced Falls, etc. — Continued. 1881. January February March April May June July August September .._ October November. . . December The year . 1882. January February March April May June July August - . . September October . . November- . .. December . . Discharge. Maximum. Minimum The year . .-feet ,044 ,443 ,560 ,798 ,412 ,336 .506 377 129 75 75 323 172 753 506 260 658 336 076 215 12D 484 387 237 1,184 Total dis- charge. 125, 191 9; 166, 271, 198, 92, 23, '^; 4, 4, 19, ■feet. 681 ,214 ,921 ,493 283 506 600 ,181 676 612 463 1,201,489 10, 41, 92, 134, 224, 198, 66, 13, 7, 29, 23, 14, 576 820 600 479 922 506 161 220 676 760 028 573 857, 319 Per square mile. Siec.feet. 1.90 3.20 1.45 2.60 4.10 3.10 1.40 . 35 .12 .07 .07 .30 1.55 .16 .70 1.40 2.10 3.40 3.10 1.00 .20 .12 .45 1.10 LippiNcoTi.] MEKCED ElVER. 157 Estimated monthly discharge of Merced River at Merced Falls, etc. — Continued. 1883. January -- February _ March April May June July August - . - September October _ _ . November December _ The year 1884. January February March _ . April May June July August September October Discharge. Sec-feet. ■.-feet. 344 355 915 ,260 ,488 ,412 ,184 377 237 183 161 172 1,341 237 712 820 896 434 510 358 130 237 172 Total dis- charge. Aere-feet. 21,152 19,716 56, 261 134, 479 337, 444 262, 532 72,801 23,181 14, 102 11,252 9,580 10,576 973, 071 14, 573 155,996 234, 883 291,332 334, 124 387, 372 267, 963 69,481 14, 102 10,576 Per square mile. Sec-feet. .32 .33 .85 2.10 5.10 4.10 1.10 .35 .22 .17 .15 .16 1.25 .22 2.52 3.55 4.55 5.05 6.05 4.05 1.05 . 22 .16 Depth. Inches. .37 .34 .98 2.34 5.88 4.57 1.27 .40 .25 .20 .17 .18 16.95 .25 2.72 4.09 5.07 5.82 6.75 4.67 1.21 .25 .18 158 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGKAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated inonthly disclutrge of Merced River, Merced County, 1 mile (dwve Merced Falls .^t [Drainage area, 1,U;X) square miles.] Discharge. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. Depth. 1901. April May June July August -- September October November December 1902. January February March April May June July August - - September October November . _ _ December The year .Sec-feet. 5,000 9,450 8,220 4,560 2,090 250 990 780 2,090 410 4, 020 5, 720 5, 460 6,240 5,460 1,110 320 110 280 1,110 1,340 6,240 1,090 2,700 3,380 1,090 220 130 150 220 195 170 460 730 2,180 1,220 280 110 65 65 90 195 65 Sec-feet. 2,687 5, 419 5, 389 2,096 704 183 265 399 236 749 1,367 2, 457 3, 795 3, 142 481 191 88 90 246 303 1,095 Acre-feet. 133,240 333, 201 320, 678 128,878 43. 287 10, 889 16,294 23, 742 35,478 14,511 41,597 84,054 146, 202 233, 345 186,962 29, 576 11,744 5, 236 5, 534 14, 638 18,631 792, 030 1.55 4.97 4.94 1.92 .65 .17 .24 .37 .69 .25 ;.25 .48 ;.88 .44 .18 .08 .08 .23 .28 1.01 1.73 5.73 5.51 2.21 .75 .19 .28 .41 .61 ,25 .72 1.44 2.51 4.01 3.21 .51 .21 .09 .09 .26 .82 13.62 « U. S. Geol. Survey. MILL CREEK. See King River, Mill Creek. MILL CREEK. This stream is one of the larger tributaries of Santa Ana River, although on account of its importance for irrigation it is generally considered as an independent stream. It rises on the western shjpe of the San Bernardino Mountains, draining the area immediately south of the headwaters of Santa Ana River. Mill Creek appears from its canyon about 5 miles east of Redlands. The Crafton Water I.IPPINCOTT.] MILL CREEK. 159 ConipMiiy diverts all the water of this creek at the moath of the canyon, i)articnlarly in the summer. The water j^asses over a Aveir, and the volume is therefore determined with considerable accuracy. Discharge measurements of Mill Creek at Jiecultcorks Crafton Caiuil, San Bernar- dino County. Hydrographer. Dis- cliarge. Nov. 9, Dec. 8, July 15, July 23, Jan. 12, Apr. 29, Oct. 2, Apr. 12, June 12, Sept. 8, Oct. 18, Mar. 23, May 6, May 81, June 15, July 27, Aug. 24, Do_. Apr. 14, July 13, Do_. Mar. 30, May 5, Do_. 1898 1898 1899 1898 1899 1898 1900 1898 1898 1898 1898 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1901 1900 July 6, Feb. 18, July 29, Dec. 5. Apr. 5, Do_. May 31, July 10, Sept. 3, Nov. 5, 1901 1899 1896 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 F. H. Olmsted do S. G. Bennett J. B. Lippincott S. G. Bennett . . . . . J. B. Lippincott- ._ W. W. Cockins, jr. J. B. Lippincott -- - ....-do .....do F. H.Olmsted. ._. S. G. Bennett do do do do do do do do do do do do do do J. H. Quinton S. G. Bennett do .....do do do W. B. Clapp S. G. Bennett Sec-feet. 15. 12. 7. 11. 10. 18. «8. 15. 18. 18. 15. 15. 14. 11. 6. 4. ^b. n. 10. ft 5. c8. 20. ^8. 23. 10. 14. 14. 15. &5. 19. 10. 5. 12. Of which 1.85 i^ pumped. c" Pumped. 160 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81.. Dischavfje measurements of Mill Creek at Mountain Home, San Bernardino County. [Measurements made by Edison Electric Company.] Date. Sept. 15, 1898: 7 a. m 7.80 a. in 8 a. m 8.30 a. in 9 a. ni 9.30 a. m 10 a. m 10.30 a. m 11 a. in 11.30 a. m 12 m 12.30 p. m 1 p. m 1.30 p. m 2 p. m - - . 2.30 p. m 3 p. m 3.30 p. m 4 p. m 4.30 p. m 5 p. m 5.30 p. m 6 p. m 6.30 p. m 12-hour mean Sept. 15, 1898: 7 p. m 7.30 p. m 8 p. in-__ 8.30 p. m 9 p. m 9.30 p. m 10 p. m 10.30 p. m 11 p. m 11.30 p. m 12 midnight . . . Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 11.74 11.74 11.58 11.74 11.74 11.42 11.26 11.26 11.08 10.78 10.48 10.32 10 9.84 9.54 9.40 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.24 9.54 9. 54 10.35 9.54 9.42 9.84 9.84 10 10.16 10.36 10.48 10.48 10.78 10.62 Sept. 16, 1898: 12.30 a. m 1 a. m 1.30 a. m 2 a. m 2.30 a. m 3 a. m 3.30 a. m 4 a. m 4.30 a. m 5 a. m 5.30 a. m 6 a. m 6.30 a. m 12-hour mean Sept. 16, 1898: 7 a. m 7.30 a. m 8 a. m 8.30 a. m 9 a. m 9.30 a. m 10 a. m 10.30 a. m 11 a. m 11.30 a. m 12m 12.30 p. m 1 p. m 1.30 p. m 2 p. m 2.30 p. m 3 p. m 3.30 p. m 4p. m 4.30 p.m 5 p. m 5.30 p. m MPPiNcoTT] MILL CREEK. 161 Discharge 7iieasurements of Mill Creek at Mountain Home, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis- charge. Date. Dis- charge. Sept. 16, 1898: 6 p. m Sec-feet. 9.08 9.40 Sept. 17, 1898: 12.30 a. m Sec-feet. 10.48 6.30 p. m 1 a. m__ 1.30 a. m ... . 10.48 9.92 10.64 12-hour mean 2 a. m ... 10.78 Sept. 16, 1898: 7 p. m 7.30 p. m -_ 8 p. m 8.30 p. m 9.54 9.68 9.68 9.84 9.84 9.84 10.16 10.16 10.32 10.32 10.32 2.30a.m ! 3 a. m 3.30 a. m : 4 a. m 4.30 a. m 5 a. m 5.30 a. m 6 a. m 6.30 a. m 12-hour mean 1 10.78 10.78 10.78 10.78 9 p. m 9.30 p. m ' 10 p. m 10.30 p. m 11 p. m 11.30 p. m 12 midnight 11.08 11.08 11.08 11.26 11.26 10.46 Discharge measurements of Mill Creek, San Bernardino County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. July 15,1899 Oct. 2,1900 S. G. Bennett . W.W. Cockins, jr Sec-feet. 8.9 7.3 Redlands Power Co., lower in- take. « Do. «Loss from this intake to head of Crafton Canal, 1.46 .second-feet, IRR 81 — 03 11 162 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Mill Creek at Crafton Canal headivorks. [Drainage area, 47 square miles.] 1895. August September October 1896. May June July August September October February _ March April May ._. June July August September October . . _ November, December . 1900. '' January February March April May _ _ - June July August September October . . . November 1 to 17 . Discharge. Maximum. Minimum Sec-feet. 27.6 26.5 24.5 21.4 16.0 16.0 13.2 15.0 13.1 13.0 16.0 18.0 12.0 17.0 7.2 7.2 5. 7 8.5 11.2 14.6 10.6 10.0 13.2 13. 3 17.0 8.2 0.3 Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 24. 24. 5 19.5 I 22.0 17.0 I 19.6 Total discharge. ! 8.5 ! « Exclusive 13.4 10.3 11.5 11.6 11.5 10.5 11.6 12.2 11.8 11.2 8.7 5.8 5.8 4.1 6.5 8.6 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 7.0 5.0 5. 5. 5.0 5.0 )f pumped water. 9.4 5.1 6.1 8.7 7.4 9.0 11.0 10.0 11.0 10.0 4.0 4.8 2.9 2.0 4.3 6.1 5.3 9.8 9.8 9.6 8.9 3. 3 4. 3 4.3 3.8 5. 1 -re-feef. 1,505 1,310 1,205 825 615 709 716 687 637 644 750 702 689 518 317 357 244 400 512 584 615 555 615 595 738 417 307 307 298 307 298 Run-ofif, Per square mile Sec-feet. 0.52 .47 .42 .26 I .25 I .23 I .19 I .12 ! .09 i .14 I .18 I .20 I 22 I 16 I 11 \ 11 I U I tl i 11 ' LiPPiNCOTT.] MILL CREEK. 163 Estimated monthly discharge of Mill Creek at Crafton Canal headtvorks — Cont'd. 1901. > to 30 . . June 19 July August (23 days)«-. September . . _ . October November December Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. ^ec.-feet. 20.9 19.1 50.0 16.6 13.2 12.3 12.3 Sec.-feei. 19.4 13.9 15.0 11.4 12.3 11.6 10.3 Sec-feet. 20.1 15.9 19.1 14.0 12.6 12.3 12.0 Acre-feet. 478 975 870 835 774 731 738 Rnn-off. Sec-feet. .43 .34 .41 .30 Depth. .19 .39 .35 .33 .31 .29 .30 oOn August 16 a cloudburst in Mill Creek Canyon and Crafton Hills filled zanje and siipply canal with sand. No record from August 16 to 23, inclusive. MILL CREEK, GREEN SPOT PIPE LINE. See Santa Ana River, Green Si:)ot x)ipe line. MILL CREEK. See Stanislans River, Mill Creek. MILL FLUME AND PUMP, RIVERSIDE WATER COMPANY. See San Bernardino Valle}'. MISSION CREEK. Discharge measurements of Mission Creek. Santa Barbara County, 200 feet aboue dam. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Jan. 15, 1888 A.Poett._ .. . ,_ Sec-feet. 0.93 Jan. 24, 1888 do 2.80 Feb. 7, 1888 do 1.87 Mar. 16.1888 do . . . . 2.23 July 26,1888 do .86 July 13,1889 do .43 Aug. —,1889 G.F.Wright .46 Sept. 1,1889 A.Poett _ ... .32 June 11,1892 do ,, .36 June 17,1900 R. Moyer «.05 "Above diversions, but not on bed I'ock. 164 CALIFOENIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. MOHAVE RIVER. The streams forming the headwaters of this river have their source ou the northern slope of the Sierra Madre and flow northerly, the river finally disappearing in the sands of the Mohave Desert. At Victorville, a station on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, the river passes through a narrow gorge, locally known as The Narrows. This place has been under investigation as a possible dam site, and soundings for the. depth of bed rock were made by the United States Geological Survey during the season of 1899. The greatest depth of bed rock was found to be 54 feet. The diamond drill showed the rock to be a fine-grained granite.^'' Above The Nar- rows the valley broadens into a large reservoir site, and at the 145-foot flow line is said to cover 7,718 acres. In order to determine the amount of water available for storage for this reservoir, a gaging station was established February 27, 1899. The rod is a 2 by 6 inch timber, bolted to a vertical cliff on the right bank of the river, 600 feet upstream from the wagon bridge. The bench mark is top of east rail of the Santa Fe track, 75 feet south of center of wagon bridge over track. The zero mark of rod is 12.84 feet below bench mark. Discharge measurements of Mohave River at Victorville Narroivs, San Be/rnardino County. Date. Hydrograplier. height. Dis- charge. 1899. Feb. 27 B. Cole Feet. 1.0 .9 .9 .85 .85 .9 .9 .9 .9 •9 .9 .85 .85 .85 Sec-feet. 44 May June 13 S. G. Bennett do 33 31 July 26 Sept. 1900. Apr. 13 Apr. 28 May 11 May 23 May 29 June 3 do 27 do 28 .do 36 P. H. Leahy : do . . - 42 36 _do _ - 34 do 26 do - - 24 June 20 do . - 29 July G July 25 do 31 do 28 a Twenty-first Ann. Rept. U. S. Geo!. Survey, pt. 4, 1901, p. 472. LippiNcoTT.] MOHAVE RIVEE. 165 Discharge measurements of Mohave Biver at Victorville Narrows, etc. — Continued. Date. Hy drographer . Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. Feb. 11 S. G. Bennett . Feet. 1.4 1.3 .9 .9 .9 .85 .85 .85 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 ,9 .9 .9 Sec-feet. 664 Mar. 4 P. H. Leahy 512 Mar. 25 .. .do.- . 50 Apr. 9 do 39 Apr. 27 May 10 do do ._ 48 47 May 25 do 51 June 10 do 43 June 25 do .. 42 July 12 do 40 July 28 do 42 Aug. 8 do 45 Aug. 81 do 55 Sept. 6 do 49 Sept. 20 do . _- - . . 61 Oct. 5 do 57 Oct. 24 do . 82 Nov. 6 do 78 Nov. 24 do 76 Dec. 10 _do 76 Dec. 25 do 69 1902. Jan. 4 do 47 Jan. 21 do 53 Feb. 1 do 58 Feb. 25 do .... . ... . . 63 Mar. 5 do 66 Mar. 29 do. 66 Apr. 5 do 67 Apr. 19 do _ 62 Apr. 26 do 47 May 10 May 25 June 8 do - - . 37 do 49 do 53 June 27 do 47 July 5 do . . 38 July 26 do 41 Aug. 9 do ... ...... 48 Aug. 15 do 33 Oct. 20 .....do 49 Oct. 30 do 45 Nov. 10 do .. 1 43 Nov. 27 ... do 50 Dec. 11 do 68 Dec. 19 .... do. 69 Dec. 27 S. G. Bennett 55 166 CALIFOKNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Mohave River at Victorville. [Drainage area 400 square miles.] Discharge. Maxiraum. Minimum. Mean, Total dis- charge. Depth. 1899. January - . - February March April May June July August September October _ _ November _ December 1 to 1:] . 1900. January February March _ April May June July . August September October November December . Sec-feet. Sec^feet. Sec-feet. Acre-feet. Sec-feet. The year 44 60 80 44 33 33 29 29 29 33 3,200 33 3,200 28 2,275 2,202 2,029 1,726 1,660 1,476 1,309 1,414 1,607 1,722 0.09 .07 .07 .06 .05 .06 .07 .07 44 49 57 35 33 30 26 29 29 32 139 33 2, 705 2,721 3,505 2,083 2,029 1,785 1,599 1,783 1,726 1,968 8,271 2,029 32, 204 0.10 .10 .09 .08 .08 .07 .06 .07 .08 .08 .13 .12 :16 .10 .09 .09 .07 .08 .39 1.49 LippiNcoTT.] MOHAVE EIVEE. 167 Estimated monthly discharge of Mohave River at Victorville — Continued. 1901. January February March April .. May June July August September October November December The year 1902. January February March April ._ May June July August September October November December The year Discharge. Maximura. Minimum. Mean. Scc.-feet. 4,180 4,820 660 44 49 42 40 50 55 69 77 73 4,820 53 63 66 67 49 53 41 ^8 («) Sec-feet. 50 50 50 44 49 42 40 50 55 69 77 73 40 («) 33 •.-feet. 183 925 178 44 49 42 40 50 55 69 77 73 149 Total dis- charge. Run-off. Per square mile. Acre-feet. 11,252 51,372 10, 945 2,618 3,013 2,499 2,460 . 3, 074 3,273 4,243 4,582 4,489 Sec-feet. 0.46 2.31 .45 .11 .12 .11 .10 .13 .14 .17 .19 .18 103, 820 50 60 66 59 43 50 40 40 47 46 65 3,074 3,332 4,058 3,511 2,644 2,975 2,460 2,460 2,618 2,890 2,737 3,997 36, 756 ti Estimated. 168 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO, 81. MOKELUMNE RIVER. The Mokelumne River drains 537 square miles of the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada above Electra, Cal. A gaging station was estab- lished at this point by Burr Bassell, C. E., while employed by the Standard Electric Company. Daily gage readings were taken from January 1 to June 30, 1901, and numerous meter measurements were made. Discharge measurement a of Mokelumne River, Amador County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Discharge, Locality 1900. Sept. 12 Sept. 12 1901. Jan. 8 Feb. 4 Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 26 Mar. 4 May 3 May 21 S. G. Bennett Feet. Second -feet. 37 4.8 1,717 608 966 13,213 6,330 3,846 2,723 2,232 3,016 Amador ditch at Camp Ta- beaud. « Butte ditch above Electra. do :.--- B. Bassell do do do do do do do 5.9 4.2 4.8 11.0 8.6 7.4 6.6 6.2 6.7 Electra. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do E.T.Perkins Do. 1902. Aug. 14 Aug. 14 51 30 Do. do Electra power plant discharge. Total 81 1895. Jan. 6 Mar. 20 Aug. 27 1899. Aug. 20 Sept. 14 J.B. Lippincott-_ do do . .do 12.25 8.0 1.3 1,063 1,068 91 56 33 Lodi.ft Do. Do. Do. S. G. Bennett .... Mokelumne Hill. a Capacity of ditch, 64 second-feet; Authority, Burr Bassell. b The Woodbridge diversion dam, 25 second-feet carried out of basm to .Jackson and Sutter 2 miles below Lodi, affects gage heights. ijppiNCOTT.] MOKELUMNE KIVER. . 169 Discharge measurements of Mokelumne River, Amador County — Continued. Date. Hydrographer: Gage height. Discharge. Locality. 1900. _ Feet. Sec. feet. Sept. 12 S. G. Bennett _ . . . 15 Mokelumne Hill. 1902. Aug. 12 do 2.8 40 Woodbridge Canal at head. Aug. 16 L.Lawson 3.0 29 Do. Aug. 12 Aug. 13 S. G. Bennett 33 At Woodbridge. do 1.0 67 i mile below Lancha Plana dam. Aug. 14 E. T. Perkins 51 Amador ditch, ^ mile above tunnel. Aug. 14 do 53 Standard Power Canal at flume No. 59, near Electra. Aug. 15 do 21 Mokelumne ditch in flume South Fork Mokelumne River! Aug. 15 do 1.7 Middle Fork, 150 feet below bridge near West Point. Aug. 15 do 61 North Fork, i mile above bridge ■ near West Point. Aug. 16 do 4.8 Mokelumne ditch. 2 miles south- east Fort Mountain, South Fork. Aug. 14 L.Lawson 65 Clements. Aug. 15 .....do.... i 126 i mile below Lancha Plana dam. 1 170 OALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. LNO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Mokelumne River at Lone Star Mills, ci' [Drainage area 657 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minim^um Total dis- charge. Run-off. 1878. November ^ . _ December '^ 1879. January ^ February March April May June July August ^ September ^ . _ October^ November ^ _ _ December The year . 1880. January February March April May June Jnly : August September October ^ November ^' December The year Sec-feet. 2,107 7,575 3,420 5,072 6,170 5, 610 1,117 624 288 520 728 9,642 8,071 7,326 5, 201 480 134 998 Sec. -feet. Sec-feet. 33 Acre-feet. 1,964 2,029 Sec-feet. 0.05 .05 134 676 1,579 1,348 .1,579 224 328 1,198 1,369 3,065 3,247 3,629 538 164 26 19 59 465 20, 168 66, 534 84, 177 182, 380 199, 650 215, 941 33, 080 10, 084 1,547 1,168 3,511 28, 592 1,175 846, 833 256 288 520 728 3, 048 4, 685 572 134 279 396 644 4,553 5, 031 6,054 2, 745 365 29 164 98 291 17, 155 22, 778 39, 598 270, 922 309, 344 360, 238 168, 783 22, 443 1,726 10, 084 5,831 17,893 1,721 1,246,795 .50 1.82 2.08 4.67 4.94 5.52 .82 .25 .04 .03 .09 .71 1.79 .42 6.93 7.66 9.21 4.18 .55 .04 .25 .15 .44 2.61 't Authority, California State engineering department. '> Estimated from run-off of neighboring streams and from previous measurements. LippiNCOTT.] MOKELUMNE RIVER. 171 Estimated monthly discharge of Mokelumme River at Lone Star Mills — Cont'd. Discharge. Total dis- charge. Run-off. 1881. January February March April May June July August « September « _ _ October « November « _ . December ^< The year . 1882. « January February March April May - June. July August September October November December The year _ Sec. -feet. 8,536 8,852 2,701 4,556 4,298 2,701 520 Sec-feet. 192 624 728 1,810 1,579 572 -feet. 037 049 126 195 034 237 159 98 98 66 207 624 1,160 591 62^ 971 628 927 285 788 66 59 230 207 207 1,298 Acre-feet. 63, 763 169, 333 69, 235 190, 116 186, 553 73, 607 9,777 6,026 5,831 4, 058 12,317 38, 368 Sec. -feet. 1.58 4.64 1.71 4.86 4.62 1.88 .24 .15 .15 .10 .32 .95 828, 984 1.77 36, 339 34, 655 121,192 156, 377 302, 949 195, 471 48, 452 4,058 3,511 14, 142 12,317 12,728 .90 .95 3.00 4.00 7.50 5.00 1.20 .10 .09 .35 .31 .31 942, 191 1. (t Estimated from run-off of neighboring streams and from previous measui-ements. 172 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Eatimated inonthly discharge of Mokelumne River at Lone Star Mills — Cont'd. 1883. « January February March April - May June July August September October November December The year . 1884. « January February March April May June Jnly- August September October Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 414 328 591 1,971 3,942 2,628 657 263 132 132 938 164 1,971 3,942 3,942 3,285 2,957 2,628 657 131 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 25, 456 18,216 36, 339 117,283 242, 384 156,377 40, 397 16,171 5,831 6,026 7,855 8,116 680,451 10, 084 113,373 242, 384 234, 565 201,987 175, 954 161,589 40, 397 7,795 6,026 Per square mile. Depth. Sec feet. 0.63 .50 .90 3.00 6.00 4.00 1.00 .40 .15 .15 .20 .20 I 1.43 .25 3.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 1.00 .20 .15 Inches. 0.73 .52 1.04 3: 35 6.92 4.46 1.15 .46 .17 .17 .22 .23 19.42 .29 3.24 6.92 6.69 5.76 5.02 4.61 1.15 .22 .17 "Estimated from run-off of neighboring streams and from previous measurements. LiIPPINCOTT.] MOKELUMNE RIVER. 173 Estimated vionthly discharge of Mokelumne River at Electra. « [Drainage area, 537 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minim.um. Mean. Total die- cliarge. Per square mile. Depth. 1901. January _ . . February . March April May June - - July August September . October November . Sec-feet. 4,600 13,210 4,020 3,160 9,980 6,790 Sec-feet. 330 610 1,130 950 1,960 1,350 Sec-feet. 000 302 004 040 627 833 260 190 60 76 210 Acre-feet. 61,488 183, 384 123, 221 121,388 284, 503 228, 145 15,987 11,683 3,570 4,673 12, 496 Sec-feet. 1.86 G.15 3.73 3.80 8.62 7.14 .48 .35 .11 .14 .39 2.14 6.40 4.30 4.24 9.93 7.97 .55 .40 .12 .16 .44 a Authority, United States G-eological Survey. MONO LAKE DRAINAGE. Discharge 7neasurements in Mono Lake drainage basin, Mono County, Cal. Date. Hy dr ographer . Discharge. Locality. Sec. -feet. July 29,1902 F. H. Olmsted 46.72 Mill Creek, just below Lundy Lake and above all diversions. July 30,1902 do . 89.00 Leevining, just above Rhinedollar Lake. Aug. 1,1902 do 26. 36 Walker Creek, easterly from Bloody Canyon. Do do 21.65 Parker Creek. Do do 62.40 Rush Creek, above Silver Lake. NIAGARA CREEK. See Stanislaus River, Niagara Creek. OWENS RIVER. Discharge measurements of Owens River, Inyo County. Date. Hydrographer. Discharge. Locality. Aug. 4, 1902 Do F.H.Olmsted do Sec-feet. 26.87 37.14 Mammoth Creek at sawmill. Convict Creek near crossing of Bishop road. 174 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. PACOIMA CANYON. See Los Angeles River, Pacoima. PADARO CREEK. Discharge measurement of Padaro Creek, Santa Barbam County. Date. Hydrogi'apher. Dis- charge. Aug. — , 1899 G. F. Wright. _ Sec-feet. 0.31 PALLETT CREEK. See Big Rock Creek, Pallett Creek. PASADENA MESA. UNDERGROUND WATER OBTAINED FROM THE BED OF ARROYO SECO AND PASADENA MESA. An examination of the underground water supply in the vicinity of Pasadena was made by Mr. J. B. Lippincott in October, 1898, the results of which are given in the following paragraphs : Pasadena Mesa, lying south of the Sierra Madre, is bounded on the west, along the eastern bank of Arroyo Seco, by a low range of gran- ite and clay hills; on the south by Raymond Hill, which is of sand- stone, and by a dike, the capping of which apparently consists of adobe or gIslj. This dike extends from Raymond Hill, on the south side of the city of Pasadena, in a direction a little north of east, through Sunnj^ Slope and Baldwin ranches to the base of the Sierra Madre near the mouth of Santa Anita Canyon. The mesa proper con- sists of deposits of sand, gravel, and bowlders, the larger bowlders Ijang near the mountains and the finer material near the southern slope. The voids in this absorbent material act as a storage reser- voir, being filled by the flood waters issuing from the steep slopes on the southern face of the Sierrit Madre. The underground waters are reenforced b}^ the return water from irrigation on the mesa. From 1893 to 1902, inclusive, was a period of unusual drought, but most of the developments were new in 1898. Arroyo Seco, draining 21 square miles of the Sierra Madre, issues from these mountains on the north side of Pasadena Mesa, passes through an opening in a granite spur known as Devils Gate, and joins Los Angeles River at Los Angeles. Between the point where the water from this basin issues from the mountains and Devils Gate lies a broad river bottom 2 miles in length, composed of coarse material. In passing over this the water sinks rapidly, diminishing in volume from the mouth of the canyon to Devils Gate. L.IPPINCOTT.] PASADENA MESA. 175 Pasadena water companies have built extensive development tun- nels above Devils Gate, cross cutting beneath the eastern bank and under the mesa land. A submerged dam at Devils Gate assists the tunnel developments by intercepting the underflow. An examination of these tunnels shows that no impervious stratum is encountered after the granite ledge at Devils Gate is passed. Of the water obtained from these development works, G9 per cent is gained from the portion of the tunnel which is beneath the mesa. A well about Fig. 3.— Map showing location of wells near Pasadena. 4,000 feet upstream from the tunnel and 200 feet deep, in the bed of the wash near the mouth of the mountain canyon of the Arroyo Seco, was drained by the extension of this line of tunnels under Pasadena Mesa. From the investigations the conclusion is reached that the water from Arroyo Seco which sinks between the mouth of the canyon proper and Devils Gate passes under the eastern bank of Arroyo Seco between these points and augments the underground water of 176 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Pasadena Mesa. Otherwise it would be difficult to account for the large amount of water which is obtained from the lower development works at the southern dike of Pasadena Mesa. This mesa is under- lain throughout with a sheet of water extending from the foot of the mountains, where its depth below the surface is from 150 to 200 feet, to the dike at its southern exposure, where the water is practically at the surface, making itself manifest in numerous small springs which rise in drainage lines on the southern face of the dike. With the exception of the Arroyo Seco developments, which in the tabulations are classified by themselves, the principal water product of this mesa is obtained along these drainage lines from the springs. Numerous wells from which water is pum^Ded have been sunk and tunnels have been run through the dike into the water-bearing gravel. An interesting feature of these development works is the constant strife existing between the various tunnel and w^ell owners along the dike. For instance, the owner of a certain piece of property discov- ered by a tunnel the presence of a considerable body of water on his land; his neighbor to the south, whose land is at a lower elevation, drained the first tunnel by digging another on a lower grade and extending it to his northern property line. This has been done repeat- edly, in some cases the water having been so diverted by two or three owners in succession. The wells are usually bored and are lined with 7-inch casing. South of the Santa Fe Railroad a charge of 50 cents a foot is made for com- pleting the first 50 feet in depth of the well, with an increase of 50 cents per foot for each additional 50 feet in depth. North of the rail- road, where the bowlders are larger, a charge of from 10 to 20 per cent more is made for boring. These prices do not include the cost of casing. The data given below concerning depth of wells and depth of water were in nearly all cases obtained from statements made by the owners. On the following pages is given a compilation of facts with refer- ence to the depth of water in wells through the district and a sum- mary of the water crop from the principal development works. It has been impossible to form an exact estimate of the amount of water taken for domestic use and for minor irrigation purposes from the large number of small wells on the mesa, but the water from the larger developments has been accuratelj^ measured and included in this summary. DESCRIPTION OF WELLS IN PASADENA MESA.« 1. Gidding; on Colorado street between Hollister and Chester streets; eleva- tion, 815 feet; depth to water, 103 feet; dug mostly through gravel with no hard" pan; digging cost $1 per foot and 25 cents extra for every 25 feet additional; 109 feet deep, with 6 feet of water; elevation of water, 712 feet. a The unit of measurepaent is the California miner's inch, which is 0.02 of 1 ciibic foot per second, LippiNcoTT] PASADENA MESA. 177 2. McCallum; Colorado street, in McCallum wash; elevation, 785 feet; 151 feet deep; was dug originally 83 feet; at 90 feet sandstone for 10 feet; 101 feet from surface to water; 50 feet of water; elevation of water, 684 feet; water raised by- windmill. 3. Hoover; a bored well with windmill; 115 feet deep, with 17 feet of water; elevation, 775 feet; water elevation, 677 feet. 4. Moses; bored well; 200 feet deep; elevation 790 feet; water elevation, 684 feet; origirally 100 feet of water, now 94 feet, commencing 106 feet from the surface; l|-horsepower gasoline engine with 8-inch stroke, 3-inch cylinder, pumping 1,000 gallons an hour. 5. King; 227 feet deep; elevation, 800 feet; water elevation, 678 feet; originally 117 feet of water, now about 105 feet; water raised by an engine with 12-inch stroke and 4-inch cylinder, pumping 2,500 gallons per hour. 6. Stevens; 121 feet deep; 31 feet of water; 90 feet to water surface; elevation, 781 feet; water elevation, 091 feet; was dug thirteen years ago. 7. McAdam; 150 feet deep; 57 feet from surface to water; elevation, 740 feet; water elevation, 683 feet. 8. Merwin; 95 feet deep; 55 feet to water; elevation, 735 feet; water elevation, 680 feet; pump capacity, 20 gallons per minute; costs 3^ to 4 cents an hour to run engine with gasoline. 9. Butler; bored well; 93 feet deep; 48 feet from surface to water, originally 40 feet; elevation, 718 feet; water elevation, 670 feet. 10. Hutchinson; bored well; 230 feet deep; 36 feet from surface to water; ele- vation, 713 feet; water elevation, 677 feet; well bored through clay; pressure comes from below. 11. Daniels; 107 feet deep; 40 feet from surface to water; water 67 feet deep; elevation, 715 feet; water elevation, 675 feet; strata of clay and bowlders with coarse gravel at bottom were encountered. 12. Hodge; 169 feet deep; 33 feet to water; elevation, 725 feet; water elevation, 692 feet. 13. Miles; bored well; 225 feet deep; J. 43 feet to water; elevation, 817 feet; water elevation, 674 feet. 14. Wilkeson; 177 feet deep; 30 feet from surface to water; elevation, 720 feet; water elevation, 690 feet; Jack Butler, well borer, says that wells during 1898 were 15 feet lower than in previous years. 15. Ackerman; bored well; 149 feet deep; 75 feet from surface to water; eleva- tion, 710 feet; water elevation, 635 feet. 16. Thorndyke; 275 feet deep; 30 feet from surface to water; elevation, 705 feet; water elevation, 675 feet; fine clay encountered at 69 feet and 73 feet from sur- face, the remainder being gravel strata. 17. Lamanda Park; 180 feet deep; originally 80 feet from surface to water; ele- vation, 740 feet; present water elevation, 680 feet. 18. Titus; 558 feet deep; from surface to water, 12 feet, originally 4 feet; eleva- tion, 690 feet; water elevation, 678; several strata of cement 1 inch thick were encountered. 19. Butler; 175 feet deep; 75 feet from surface to water; elevation, 720 feet; water elevation, 645 feet. 20. Graves; 88 feet deep; 40 feet from surface to water; elevation, 720 feet; water elevation, 680 feet. 21. Krouser; 113 feet deep; 15 feet from surface to water; elevation, 700 feet; water elevation, 685 feet. 22. Wakefield; 60 feet deep; originally 20 feet to water, now 30 feet; elevation, 703 feet; water elevation, 673 feet. IRR 81—03 12 178 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. 23. Pavey; 360 feet deep; water elevation, 670 feet; originally flowed 16 miner's inches of water; still flowing, but in less volume. 24. Chapman; flowing well; 175 feet deep. There are about 12 wells flowing on this ranch. 25. Hassleys; 500 feet deep; elevation^ 600 feet; originally artesian, but now cut by a tunnel at a lower elevation. 26. Raymond; 40 feet to water, which is 4 feet deep; water fell 2 feet during season of 1898; 91 miner's inches of water were pumped from this well during October, 1898; well is brick lined and 12 feet in diameter. 27. Marengo tunnel; run into Raymond's hill at Terminal Railway, Fair Oaks station; it is discharging 18 miner's inches. This tunnel drained a small tunnel on the west side of Fair Oaks avenue. 28. Finer; dug well, Ipswich street; depth, 48 feet; water, 12 feet; dug in Octo- ber, 1897; at first there was a supply of 50 miner's inches, but the supply has diminished to 30 miner's inches; a 6-inch centrifugal pump, with 20-horsepower engine, pumps out the well in 1.5 hours. 29. Stoneman tunnel; was first run in 1892, 178 feet, and in summer of 1898 was extended 164 feet; flows 14.4 miner's inches. 30. Graves tunnel; 530 feet of tunnel and about 100 feet of ditch; water 26 feet below the surface of the ground at the upper end; 20 miner's inches of water obtained. 31. Oak Knoll; about the same class as Rhodes well and discharging the same amount of water, 4 miner's inches. 32. Brickyard well; near Lake avenue, northeast from Oak Knoll; 40 feet of well are through clay, 7 feet through sand and gravel; 7 miner's inches of water is obtained; this is a brick-lined dug well. 33. Rhodes well; near corner of Lake avenue a,nd Hawkeye street; 49 feet deep and water approximately 8 feet in depth; steam plant, 15-horsepower boiler, with Smith valve pump; a continuous flow of 4 miner's inches is obtained. 34. Alhambra water, in Maybsrry Canyon; 64 miner's inches is obtained, which is not the full capacity of the plant. There are six wells, from 350 to 750 feet deep, of which five are being pumped and one flows. 35. Patton tunnel, near Kewen Lake; produces 7 miner's inches. 36. Surface water; Patton water in West Canyon, 2 miner's inches. 37. Patton water, East Canyon; 24 miner's inches. (San Gabriel water not included in this. ) 38. San Gabriel Mission; 24.9 miner's inches; comes from the same canyon as Patton water in East Canyon; it is surface water and has been reduced by devel- opment works. 39. Shorb water; from tunnel under- orange grove on Shorb place; approxi- mately 2 miner's inches is obtained. In small canyon northwest of house there is a stream, approximately 5 miner's inches; there are three artesian wells (No. 42) southeast of the ranch house, from whicji 17 miner's inches is obtained. 60. Lower Painter well; dug in 1894; 96 feet deep; water, 79 feet from surface; elevation, 1,040 feet; water elevation, 961 feet; this is a 4-foot by 7-foot dug well, the material passed through being large bowlders. 61. Upper Painter well; dug well much resembling No. 60; 162 feet deep; 132 feet to water; elevation, 1,129 feet; water elevation, 997 feet. 62. Becker; 200 feet deep; depth to water, as measured in May, 1898, 173 feet; a 6-horsepower gasoline engine is used which has pumped 5 miner's inches; it is a bored well; cost $250, including casing ($1 per foot plus 25 cents additional for each 50 feet additional depth); elevation, 825 feet; water elevation. 652 feet. 63. Stafford; bored well; 241 feet deep; depth to water, 173 feet; elevation, 825 feet; water elevation, 652 feet. LippiNCOTT.] PASADENA MESA. 179 64. Krank; 300 feet deep; 290 feet to water; elevation, 1,070 feet; water eleva- tion, 780 feet. 65. Meers; on E street; 300 feet deep; 75 feet of water in August, 1897; eleva- tion, 1,060 feet; water elevation, 835 feet. 66. Stone; 100 feet deep; 85 feet to water; elevation, 1,040 feet; water eleva- tion, 955 feet; approximately 15 miner's inches is obtained when pump is run. This is a dug and timbered well and cost for excavation $1,75 per vertical foot until water was struck; passed through, say, 65 feet of gravel, 15 feet of sand, and 12 feet of clay. 67. Called Painter well; 170 feet to water; 14 feet lower ground than No. 41; water elevation, 830 feet. 50. Hurlbut; bored well, about 1,300 feet deep; 95 feet through clay; but little water; elevation, 816 feet; water elevation, 745 feet. 26. Olmsted; 39 feet deep; elevation, 750 feet; water elevation, 740 feet; the usual depth of water from the surface is 8 feet, but in October, 1898, was 10.5 feet. 51. Pasadena and Pacific power-house well; elevation, 750 feet; water stands 11 feet from original surface of ground; water elevation, 739 feet. 52. Baker; 35 feet deep; elevation, 740 feet; water elevation, 734 feet; supply is said to come from northeast. 53. Pasadena West Side Water Company; about 70 feet deep and 3 feet to water; elevation, 718 feet; water elevation, 715 feet; water comes from northeast. 68. Morehouse; cesspool at this point of 70 feet and no water is encountered; surface elevation, 790 feet. 69. On top of a hill 500 feet east of No. 53; 60 feet deep and no water found; surface elevation, 825 feet. 74. In Arroyo Seco, at mouth of canyon; 250 feet deep and dry. Amount of tvater developed in Pasadena Mesa, October, 1898. [1 miner's inch is 0.02 of 1 cubic foot per second.] Miner's inches. 27. Raymond Improvement Company's tunnel at Fair Oaks avenue 18 26. Marengo well, near Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe station, Raymond . _ _ 91 26. Surface water in Marengo Canyon, near railroad crossing (Southern Pacific) 20 28. Fluer well on Ipswich street, near Santa Fe Raymond station; intermit- tent pumping 30 29. Las Roebles Water Company, near new Graves tunnel 14 29. Stoneman Canyon heads, near Fluer well 3 30. Walter Graves's new or upper tunnel 20 31. Oak Knoll well 4 32. Brickkiln well 7 33. C. H. Rhodes 's well, near Lake avenue and Hawkeye street 4 34. Alhambra water, artesian wells and air-compressing plant 64 35. Patton tunnel, near Kewen Lake 7 36. Patton water in west canyon . 2 37. Patton water from east canyon 24 38. San Gabriel Mission water 25 39. Shorb water northwest from ranch house 5 39a. Shorb water in tunnel southwest of ranch house 2 40. Graves's lower tunnel (dry) 41. Richardson's two tunnels, near Kewin Lake 18 42. Shorb's three artesian wells southeast of house 17 43. Pump, 13 inches; artesian, 3 inches; tunnel, 22 inches; all belong to Shorb _ 38 180 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Miner's inches. 44. Rose well, east side Santa Anita avenue 20 45. Winston wells, Santa Anita avenue 12 46. Alexander water, east of Santa Anita avenue 25 47. Titus ranch 19 48. Sunny Slope developments 66 59. Chapman .106 Total 661 Developments yiear Devils Gate hy the United Water Companies. 56. Pumped from well below Devils Gate, but entering tunnel above sand box- 7 57. Weir at mouth of northeast tunnel . 8 58. Weir at mouth of northwest tunnel 123 Total from Devils Gate 138 59. Total from North Branch .... 118 Total from submerged dam and from under arroyo above dam 5 Flow from the 900-foot tunnel, east bank of arroyo, or six-tenths of whole Devils Gate flow from tunnels 77 70. Richardson tunnel below Devils Gate . 24 71. Wilson tunnel below Devils Gate ... 10 Developed at Devils Gate . 138 Total upper arroyo development 172 42. Upper Painter well 37 41. Lower Painter well 40 48. Stone well .__. 15 Pump near reservoir No. 1 22 Total.. 114 72. Sheep Corral Springs, in development cut 74 73. Above shaft No. 2, detail of No. 58 22 Summary of water development from Pasadena Mesa. Devils Gate development . . 172 Sheep corral. . 74 Lower dike in 4^ miles . 661 Total - 907 PASTORIA CREEK. Discharge measurement of Pastoria Creek, Kern County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis charge. Locality. Nov. 13,1895 Dec. 15,1896 J. B. Lippincott do Sec. feet. 0.04 0.00 Mouth of canyon. Road crossing. LippiNCOTT.] DISCHARGE TABLES. PESCADERO CREEK. Discharge 7neasurement of Pescadero Creek, San Mateo County. 181 Date. Hydrographer. Dte- charge. Locality. Oct. 17,1893 W.W.Brier Sec-feet. 4.67 6 miles above Pescadero. PILARCITOS CREEK. Discharge measurement of Pilarcitos Creek, San Mateo County. Date. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. Locality. Oct. 17, 1893 W.W.Brier Sec-feet. 0.80 3i miles above Half Moon Bay. PIRU CREEK. Discharge measurements of Pirn Creek, Ventura County. Date. Hy drographer . Gage height. Dis- charge. Locality. Mar. 10,1895 Jan. 21,1896 J. B. Lippincott S. Stewart Feet. 0.27 Sec-feet. 3.54 18.00 13.30 0.92 .20 ^'61.00 ^'152. 00 5.00 1.30 . 2.20 Robertson Mill. Smith's. Jan. 31,1896 Atig. 11,1898 Dec. 15, 1896 J. B. Lippincott F.H.Olmsted 1.75 Do. French House. J. B. Lippincott - Gorman Creek below Gor- Mar. 16,1899 S. G. Bennett man Station. At Pirn City, wagon road crossing. Do. Narrows, near Dntton's. Mar. 17,1899 Mar. 14,1899 do .do Ang. 19,1899 Oct. 8, 1900 do Head of Pirn pipe line. Lower Pirn Creek, ditches from. W.W.Cockins, jr _ « Ditch is cai'i'ying 10 second-feet on both dates in addition. 182 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGKAPHY. [NO. 81. PIT RIVER. Discharge measurements of Pit River, Shasta County. 1901. Sept. — Sept. 9 Sept. — Sept. — Sept. — Sept. 9 1902. Sept. 17 Sept. 16 Do__. Sept. 15 Do_.. Sept. 27 Do_.. Hydrographer. Robt. McF. Doble_ S. G. Bennett Robt. McF. Doble. do do S. G. Bennett . -do . _do . _do . _do . -do . Chas. A. Miller do ... Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 2,230 2,682 177 1,447 627 208 1,543 583 2,350 209 2, 508 37 Locality. Peck's Bridge. Silverthorn Ferry. Burney Creek, tributary of Pit River. Fall River, near mouth. Hat Creek, Carbon bridge. Squaw Creek, near Copper City bridge. Pit River above mouth of Fall River, at Fall River Mills. Fall River, at bridge. Hat Creek, at Carbon bridge. Peck's bridge. Burney Creek, i mile below Burney Falls. Silverthorn Ferry. Squaw Creek, near Copper City bridge. PLUNGE CREEK. Discharge measurements of Plunge Creek, at headworks in canyon, San Bernar- dino County. Hydrographer . Dis- charge. June 12,1898 Sept. 9, 1898 Mar. 25,1899 Aug. 25,1899 July 12,1900 Apr. 7, 1902 Sept. 4, 1902 J. B. Lippincott do S. G. Bennett . . . do do do W. B. Clapp .... Sec-feet. 2.30 .20 10.90 .50 .34 12.40 .37 POMPONIO CREEK. Discharge measurement of Pomponio Creek, San Mateo County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. . 1893. Oct. 17 W.W. Brier Sec-feet. 0.27 2 miles above mouth. LippiNCOTT] DISCHARGE TABLES. POSO CREEK. Estimated monthly discharge of Poso Creek at base of foothills. (^ [Drainage area, 289 square miles.] 183 1878. November . December , January _. February . . March April May June July August ... September October November December . 187' The year . 1880. January _ _ . February . . March April May .. June July August September . October November . December _ The year Mean dis- charge. Sec-feet. 347 665 751 838 578 145 14 58 145 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 1,414 2,221 1,230 4,284 3,197 1,012 4,463 8,916 26, 737 21,336 38, 251 46,177 49, 864 35, 540 8,628 861 3,451 8,916 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 294 213, 024 0.08 .14 .07 .25 .18 .06 .26 .50 13 1.20 2.30 2.60 2.90 2.00 .50 .05 .20 .50 1.02 « Authority, State engineer. Estimated from run-off of neighboring streams. 184 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Estimated monthly discharge of Poso Creek at base of foothills — Continued. 1881. « January - - February . March April May -- June July August September . October _-_ November December . Mean dis- charge. Sec. -feet. 145 289 289 289 289 145 Total dis- charge. Run- off Per square mile Acre-feet. 8,916 16, 050 .17,770 17,197 17,770 8, 628 ■.-feet. 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 Depth hiches. 0.58 1.04 1.15 1.12 1.15 .56 The year . 1882. « January , . February _ March April May June July August September October . _ _ November December _ The year 123 2,152 88,483 35 43 145 145 29 43 14 2,152 2,388 8,916 8,628 1,783 2, 559 861 38 27,287 .42 .13 .14 5.74 .14 .16 .58 .56 .12 .17 .06 1.79 "Estimated from run-off of neighboring stream. LippiNCOTT.] POSO CREEK. 185 Estimated moyithly discharge of Poso Creek at base of foothills — Continued. - Total dis- charge. Run-off. charge. Per square mile. Depth., Sec-feet. Acre-feet. Sec.-feet. Inches. 43 2,644 0. 15 0.17 43 2,388 .15 .16 331 14,204 .80 .92 145 8,628 .50 .56 119 7, 317 .41 .47 29 1,783 .10 .12 29 1,726 .10 .11 43 2,644 .15 .17 57 41,334 .19 2.68 145 8,916 .50 .58 867 49, 870 3.00 3.24 867 53, 310 3.00 3.46 578 34,393 2.00 2.23 119 7,317 .41 .47 145 8,628 .50 .56 1883. ^< January February March April May - June July August . September October November December The year 1884. « January February March April May June July August Sex)tember October "Estimated from run-off of neighboring stream. PURISSIMA CREEK. Discharge measurement of Piirissima Creek, San Mateo County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis charge. JLocality. 1893. Oct. 1 7 W. W. Brier Sec.-feet. 2. 03 1\ miles above Purissima. 186 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. PUTAH CREEK. Discharge measurement of Putah Creek, Napa County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1900. Sept. 23 S. G. Bennett Sec-feet. 4.4 6 miles above Winters, at Devils Gate. RABEL DAM DITCH, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. See San Bernardino Valley, Rabel dam ditch. RANCHERO DITCH, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY. See San Bernardino Valley, Ranchero ditch. RED HILLS DEVELOPMENTS. See Cncamonga Creek, Red Hills. REDLANDS CANAL. See Santa Ana River, Redlands canal. RINCON CREEK. Discharge measurements of Eincon Creek, Santa Barbara County. Hydrographer . Aug. —,1889 June 16,1900 G. F. Wright . R. Moyer Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 0.12 .03 RUBICON RIVER. See Middle Fork American River. RIVERSIDE WATER COMPANY, UPPER CANAL. See San Bernardino Valley. SACRAMENTO RIVER. This river rises in the extreme northeastern corner of California and flows in a general southerly direction, draining a large area in north- ern California between the Coast Range on the west and the Sierra Nevada on the east. It discharges into San Francisco Bay. A num- LIPPINCOTT.] SACEAMENTO EIVER. 187 ber of storage reservoirs have been constructed on the various tribu- taries of the river, and are used for hydraulic mining purposes and to a less extent for irrigation. The gaging station of the Geological Survey, established April 30, 1895, is located 12 miles above the town of Red Bluff at the crossing of the country road at Jellys Ferry. The gage consists of a vertical rod made in three sections and nailed firmlj^ to trees near the ferry landing. A second rod is located 1,206 feet above the gage, and a third one 350 feet below the main rod, in order to determine the slope of the water surface. The three rods are referred to the same datum. Bench mark No. 1 is on an oak tree on the left bank of the river 300 feet below the cable, and is 22.429 feet above gage datum. The ferry cable is used in the discharge measure- ments. The channel for 1,000 feet above and below the station is nearly straight. The right bank is high, but the left bank is liable to overflow when the water rises above the 25-foot mark. The bed of the stream consists of gravel and changes only slightly. The gaging station of the State engineering dej^artment was at the mouth of the river. Discharge measurements of Sacramento River. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. 1878. Oct. — 1879. May 12 July 16 May 16 May 21 July 14 May 22 July 14 Mar. 3 Mar. 20 Jan. 24 United States Engineers. State engineering de- partment. do do . do do do do do do do Sec-feet. 6,425 16,000 7,000 38, 000 26, 000 13,000 39, 000 15,000 40, 000 56,000 12, 000 Sacramento. Knights Landing. Sacramento Slough. Gray & Shaws. Above mouth of American River. Do. Sacramento, foot of I street. Do. Freeport. Do. Brannan Slough. 188 CALIFORNIA HYDROaRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at CollinsvilleJ^ [Drainage area, 36,187 square miles.] Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Per^square ^^^^^^^ 187: November. December _ 1879. January... February . March April May June July August ... September October November. December _ The year _ 1880. January February _ March April May June July August September . October November . December . . The year . Sec-feet. 8,000 9,000 Acre-feet. 476, 033 553. 388 Sec-feet. 0.31 .34 12, 000 30, 000 110,000 110,000 75,000 45, 000 16,000 8,500 6,500 8,000 7,500 27, 000 737, 851 1,666,115 6, 763, 640 6, 545, 450 4,611,570 2, 677, 686 983,802 522, 644 386, 776 491,901 446, 281 1,660,165 37, 958 27,493,881 28, 000 21,000 22, 000 95,000 135, 000 110,000 53, 000 18, 000 9,000 7,500 7, 000 20,000 1,721,653 1,207,933 1,352,727 5, 652, 892 8, 300, 828 6, 545, 450 3, 258, 843 1,106,777 535, 537 461,157 416, 529 1,229,752 43, 792 31,790,078 .46 1.14 4.20 4.20 2.86 1.72 .61 .32 .25 .30 .29 1.03 1.45 1.07 .80 .84 3.63 5.16 4.20 2.02 .69 .34 .29 1.67 n Authority, State engineer. LippiNCOTT.] SACRAMENTO RIVER. 189 Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at Collinsville — Continued. Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Run-off. Persquare ^^^,^^ 1881, January February March April May June - - - July August September October November December The year 1882, January February . . . . March April May June July August September October November December The year Sec-feet. 95, 000 115,000 77, 000 90, 000 70, 000 25, 000 14, 000 8,000 6,500 7, 000 8,200 16,000 Acre-feet. 5,841,322 6, 386, 776 4, 734, 545 5, 355, 372 4, 304, 132 1 , 487, 603 860, 826 491,901 386, 777 430,413 487, 934 983,802 Sec-feet. 3.63 4.39 2.94 3.44 2.67 .95 .53 .30 .25 .27 .31 .61 44,308 31,751,403 24, 000 22, 000 55, 000 90, 000 92, 000 74, 000 17, 000 8,000 6,500 10,000 14, 000 11,000 35, 292 1,475,702 1,221,818 3,381,818 5, 355, 372 5,656,859 4, 403, 306 1,045,289 491,901 386, 777 614, 876 833,058 676, 364 25, 543, 140 1.69 .92 .84 2.10 3.44 3.51 2.82 .65 .30 .25 .38 .53 .42 Inches. 4.18 4.57 3.39 3.84 3.08 1.06 .61 .35 .28 .31 .35 .70 1.06 .87 2.42 3.84 4.05 3.15 .75 .35 .28 .44 .59 .48 1.35 18.28 190 CALIFOET^^IA HYDROGEAPHY. [no.81. Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at Collinsville — Continued. Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge - Run-off. Per square mile. Depth. 1883. January _ _ February .. March April May June - . July August September . October November . December . . The year _ 1884. January _ February . March April May June July August September October Sec. -feet. 12,000 17, 000 21,000 73, 000 80, 000 32, 000 12, 000 7,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 7,400 Acre-feet. 737,851 944, 132 1,291,240 4, 343, 801 4,919,008 1,904,132 737, 851 430, 413 386, 776 430, 413 446, 281 455,008 Sec. feet. 0.46 .65 .80 2.79 3.05 1.22 .46 .27 .25 .27 .29 23, 533 17,026,906 12, 000 24, 000 80, 000 105, 000 111,000 90, 000 31,000 12,000 7, 500 8,000 737,851 1,380,496 4, 919, 008 6, 247, 934 6, 825, 124 5, 355, 372 1,906,116 737, 851 446, 281 491,901 .90 .46 .92 3.05 4.01 4.23 3.44 1.18 .46 .29 .30 Inches. 0.53 .68 .92 3.11 3.52 1.36 .53 .31 .28 .31 .32 .32 12.19 .53 1.01 3.52 4.47 4.88 3.84 1.36 .53 .32 .35 LIPPINGOTT.] SACEAMENTO RIVER. 191 Discharge measurements of Sacramento River, Iron Canyon, 4 miles above Red Bluff, Tehama County, Cal. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. Oct. 30 Dec. 13 1902. Jan. 28 Feb. 12 Mar. 3 May 10 Sept. 13 Dec. 31 S. G. Bennett . do do Wm. F. Lnning _ S. G. Bennett . _ _ do Chas. A. Miller _. S. G. Bennett . . _ Feet. 1.02 2.68 1.35 20.6 10.6 5.5 .84 3.20 Sec-feet. 5,187 9,651 5,912 «110,824 41,570 18, 927 4,425 9,858 a Float measurement . Discharge measurements of Sacramento River at Red Bluff, Tehama County, Cal. Date. Hy dr ographer . Gage height. Feet. 10.7 4.8 8.4 20.8 17.7 Dis- charge. 1894. Dec. 20 1895. Mar. 19 Apr. 27 1896. Jan. 21 Jan. 22 A. P. Davis and J. B. Lippincott. J. B. Lippincott . do _do . _do . Sec-feet. 45, 000 15,461 36, 181 109, 432 83, 558 192 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at Red Bluff, Tehama County. C' [Drainage area, 9,356 square miles.] b Discharge. Maximum. Minim^um, Total diS' charge. Eun-off. Per square mile- 1895. January February March April _ . May June July -A August September . . . October November December Per annum. SeC'feet, 123, 000 65, 600 85, 360 33,880 48, 600 18, 600 9,040 6,150 10, 820 6,285 6,690 36, 880 123, 000 1896. January 140,000 February 46,860 March 74,050 April 72,910 May 81,030 June 21,150 July . _ August 5,910 September 5,830 October I 6,555 November I 57,200 December 106, 880 The year _ 140,000 Secr-feet, 15, 220 13, 860 15,220 26,670 16, 840 9,040 6,150 5,990 5,830 5,910 5,910 6,150 Sec-feet. 47, 267 26, 792 32,517 29, 566 30, 238 12, 764 7,235 6,057 6,321 5,989 6,046 10, 095 Acre-feet. 2, 906, 320 1,487,940 1,999,418 1,759,300 1,859,250 759, 510 444, 863 372, 436 376, 106 368, 261 359, 792 620, 760 Sec-feet. 5.052 2.864 3.475 3.160 3.232 1.717 1.364 .647 .676 .640 .646 1.079 5,830 18, 390 13,313,956 1.9656 6,150 9,040 9,700 16, 370 19, 660 8,600 5, 990 5,660 5,660 5,660 5,660 11,380 51,702 15,231 25, 533 30, 708 35,019 13, 599 6,907 5, 738 5,696 5,730 11,260 33,316 3, 179, 876, 1,569, 1,827, 2, 153, 809, 424, 352, 338, 352, 670, 2, 048, 032 120 981 271 252 215 694 858 977 336 058 546 037 14,602,340 5.53 1.63 2.73 3.28 3.74 1.45 .74 .61 .61 .61 1.20 3.56 2.14 a Authority , United States Geological Survey. & Drainage areas were measured from maps of United States Geological Survey. LippiNcoTT] SACRAMENTO KIVER. 193 Discharge measurements of Sacramento River at Jellys Ferry, Tehama County. Hy drographer . J. B. Lippincott do - . A. P. Davis and J. B. Lippincott . J. B. Lippincott J. B. Lippincott, . do C.C.Babb Richard Gernon_ Fred Lemstrom _ do J. B. Lippincott- . Fred Lemstrom . do do do do do . do do do do do do .-.--do do do do-. do --- J. B. Lippincott - Fred Lemstrom - Gage height. Feet. 12 6.75 5.55 5.5 25.9 22.7 6.6 5.9 IRR 81—03- -13 194 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Sacramento River at Jellys Ferry, etc. — Continued. Hy drographer . Gage height. Jan. 28 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Mar. 13 Mar. 28 Apr. 13 Apr. 27 May 13 May 28 June 3 June 13 June 28 July 13 July 28 Aug. 13 Aug. 27 Sept. 13 Sept. 28 Oct. 12 Oct. 28 Nov. 28 Dec. 13 Dec. 28 1899. Jan. 14 Jan. 28 Feb. 13 Feb. 28 Mar. 13 Mar. 29 Apr. 13 Apr. 28 May 13 June 3 June 13 June 28 July 13 July 28 Aug. 13 Aug. 28 Sept. 13 Sept. 28 Fred Lemstrom do ._. do do do do do do do J. B. Lippincott . Fred Lemstrom . do -do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do .do . .do . -do .do .do Fred Lemstrom . do _.do _ _.do . ..do - ..do _ ..do . .-do - ..do . ..do . ..do. .-do. ..do . ..do . ..do . ..do . ..do. ..do. Feet. 5.7 8.3 15.32 6.95 6.1 6.1 6.2 5.5 7.92 7.1 5.9 5.45 5.2 5.1 5 5 5 5.1 5.15 5.15 5.2 5.2 5.3 .65 LippiNCOTT.] SACRAMENTO RIVER. 195 Discharge measurements of Sacramento River at Jellys Ferry, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrograplier. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1900. Feb. 17 Richard Gemon Feet. 6.8 7.1 6.4 5.0 10.0 9.46 7.8 Sec.-ft. 8,374 9,586 Apr. 29 May 28 Sept. 20 Dec. 18 do _ do 7,173 S. G. Bennett do 4,105 18,361 1901. Jan 27 S G. Bennett 15, 908 11 112 Apr. 9 Sept. 2 do do 4.9 4,390 Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at Jellys Ferry, Tehama County. [Drainage area, 9,134 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. Depth. 1896. January _ February March April May June - _ Jnly August September October November December The year Sec-feet. 130, 050 34, 460 62, 870 59, 500 75, 120 20, 515 8,960. 6,720 6,360 8,000 43, 000 93,000 Sec-feet. 6,360 10,070 11,310 16, 920 19,300 9,200 6,720 6,180 6,000 6,000 6,360 8,480 Sec-feet. 46, 152 15, 468 24, 099 25, 793 30, 941 14,217 7, 591 6,394 6,204 6,163 11, 965 22,318 Acre-feet. 2,837,813 889, 764 1,481,801 1,534,819 1,902,543 846, 018 466, 789 393, 201 369, 163 378,960 712,014 1,372,304 Sec. -feet. 5.05 1.69 2.64 2.82 3.39 1.56 .83 .70 .68 .67 1.31 2.44 Inches. 5.86 1.82 3.05 3.14 3.91 1.74 .95 .81 .75 .77 1.46 2.82 130,050 6,000 18,109 13,185,189 1. 27.08 196 CALIFORNIA HYDKOaRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at Jellys Ferry, etc. — Cont'd. Discharge. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1897. January ... February March April May June ^ July August September October November December The year 1898. January February March April May June - . . . July August September October , November December The year ^ec.-feet. 49, 765 89, 100 44, 340 28, 710 18, 520 9,200 6,550 5,120 4,600 6,680 8,600 16, 940 89, 100 6,525 33, 600 22, 500 7,260 10, 800 10, 500 5,150 4,475 4,475 4,925 6,892 5,950 Sec. -feet. 8,320 17, 420 13, 100 18, 830 9,200 6,680 5,120 4,600 4,600 4,600 5,120 5,380 Sec. -feet. 14, 280 36, 108 21,790 22, 807 13, 737 7,620 5,699 4,776 4,600 4,955 5,590 7,792 Acre-feet. 878,050 2, 005, 335 1,339,825 1,357,108 844, 660 453,420 350, 420 293, 667 ■ 273,718 304,673 332, 627 479, 114 Sec-feet. 1.56 3.95 2.39 2.50 1.50 .83 .62 .52 .50 .54 .61 .85 4,600 12, 480 8,912,617 5,835 5,835 6,525 6,525 5,375 5,150 4,475 4,250 4,250 4,475 4,475 4,700 6,120 12, 479 9, 745 6,872 6,632 6,674 4,700 4,276 4,280 4,631 4,785 4,991 376, 307 693, 049 599, 201 408,911 407, 789 397, 130 288,994 262, 923 254, 677 284, 751 284, 727 306, 887 .67 1.37 1.07 .75 .73 .73 .52 .47 .47 .51 .52 .55 33, 600 4,250 6,349 4,565,346 .70 LiPPiNCOTT.] SACRAMENTO RIVER. 197 Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at Jellys Ferry, etc. — Cont'd. Discharge. Maximum. Minimum Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1899. January February March - . April May June July August September October November December The year 1900. January February March April - _ May June July August September October November December The year Sec-feet. 42, 600 8,644 83,400 16, 100 7,530 15, 200 4,760 4,170 3,980 10, 550 53,480 45, 600 Sec-feet. 5,065 5,810 6,750 7,800 6,030 4,965 4,170 3,980 3,980 3,980 4,760 8,915 Sec- feet. 13, 498 6,646 20, 915 10, 837 6,908 6,199 4,531 3,986 3,980 5,063 14, 532 14,519 Acre-feet. 829, 965 369, 100 1,286,022 344,845 424, 759 368, 865 278, 592 245,061 236, 826 311,314 864, 712 892, 744 Sec-feet. 1.48 .73 2.29 1.19 .50 .44 .44 .55 1.59 1.59 83, 400 3, ,301 6, 752, 805 119, 24, 123, 16, 19, 700 800 000 700 780 265 760 805 170 520 800 100 10, 400 7,800 10, 700 8,630 6,265 4,760 3, 805 3,805 3,630 3,805 4,560 6,030 30, 661 11,687 23, 288 12, 082 9, 572 5,477 4,212 3.805 3,981 6,381 8,205 15,553 1,885,271 649,063 1,431,923 718,929 588, 559 325, 904 258, 986 233, 960 236, 886 392, 352 488, 231 956,317 1.02 3.36 1.28 2.55 1.32 1.05 .60 .46 .42 .44 .70 .90 1.70 123, 000 3,630 11,242 8,166,381 1.23 198 CALIFOENIA HYDKOGRAPHy. [no.81. Estimated monthly discharge of Sacramento River at Jellys Ferry, etc. — Cont'd. Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Total dis- chai'ge. Per square mile. 1901. January. _. •Febrnary March April May June July .--. August September October November December . The year 1902. January February March April May June July August September October . November December The year Sec. -feet. 74, 240 101,880 46, 100 16, 700 13, 700 7,265 4,760 3,980 5,380 5,380 44, 100 61,800 Sec-feet. 8,915 9,800 12, 200 9,200 7,530 4,965 3,980 3,805 3,630 3,980 4,360 5,380 Sec. -feet. 20, 983 34, 138 20, 628 10,870 9,804 5,596 4,365 3,850 3,922 4,194 7,745 12, 149 Acre-feet 1,290,194 1,895,928 1,268,366 646, 810 602, 824 332, 985 268, 393 236, 727 233, 375 257, 879 460, 859 747, 013 Sec-feet. 2.30 3.74 2.26 1.19 1.07 .61 .48 .42 .43 .46 .85 1.33 101,880 3,6 11,520 8,241,353 1.26 6,750 151,320 61,700 53, 800 24, 460 13,450 7,060 5, 880 5,220 11,750 118, 200 39, 100 4,760 5,660 14, 150 14,150 10, 150 7,060 5, 880 5,440 5,000 5,000 5,660 8,110 5,376 69, 153 27, 371 21,992 17,803 9,998 6,192 5,674 5,007 5,931 19, 834 17, 506- 330, 557 3, 840, 563 1,682,077 1,308,615 1,094,663 594, 922 380, 731 348,881 297, 938 364, 683 1,180,204 1,076,402 .59 7.44 2.94 2.37 1.92 1.08 .67 .61 .54 .64 2.13 1.88 151,320 4,760 17,653 12,501,135 1.90 Discharge measurement of Upper Sacramento River, Shasta County, 1 mile above junction with Pitt River. Date. Hydrographer. Q-age height. Dis- charge. 1901. Sept. 10 S. G. Bennett Feet. Sec-feet. 242 LiPPiNCOTT.] SALINAS EIVEE. Discharge measurements of -^Sacramento River. 199 Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Locality. 1902. Sept. 22 Do Charles A Miller Feet. Sec-feet. 384 286 15 4,455 Castle Crags, Shasta County. S. G. Bennett Bards Station, Shasta County. Do Charles A. Miller Soda Creek at Castle Crag's, Sept. 14 ._do Shasta County. Balls Ferry, Tehama County. . _do- _ . . Sept. 15 313 27 Battle Creek, near Balls Ferry, Do do Tehama County. Ditch from Battle Creek, near Total Balls Ferry, Tehama County. 340 5,848 Sept. 26 S. G. Bennett 7. 22 Sacramento, Sacramento County. SALINAS RIVER. Salinas River rises in San Luis Obispo County, flows in a north- westerly direction through Salinas Valley, and discharges into the Bay of Monterey. The crest of the Coast Range, locally known as the Santa Lucia Mountains, forms the boundary of the watershed on the south and west; the crest of the Gabilan Mountains and the Mount Diablo Range forms the eastern boundary of the watershed. The total area drained is 4,780 square miles. The principal tributaries of the river, Nacimiento and San Antonio creeks and Arroyo Seco, drain the eastern slopes of the Santa Lucia Mountains. The only important stream entering from the east is San Lorenzo Creek, which drains the western slopes of the Mount Diablo Range. A reconnaissance survey for reservoir sites on Salinas River and its tributaries was made during the period from May 28 to August -31, 1900, under the direction of Prof. Charles D. Marx, of Stanford University. These studies were continued by Mr. Homer Hamlin dur- ing the years 1901 and 1902, and the results are being prepared for publication. A gaging station was established on the river January 8, 1900, by D. A. Porter. On account of the shifting nature of the channel dur- ing floods, four gage rods were set between January 8 and April 2, 1900, and each was referred to a different datum. On June 8, 1900, a permanent station was established at the county bridge, 3f miles south of Salinas. The gage, which is vertical, is attached to one of the piers of the bridge. The bench mark is a nail in the washer in the top of a redwood post, 13 inches by 15 inches in size, on the north bank of the river, at an elevation of 20 feet above gage datum. On account of the continual shifting of the stream bed and the improbability of its water being used for either power or irrigation purposes, the record on this stream was discontinued August 3, 1901. 200 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Dificharge measurements of Salinas River, near Salinas, Monterey County. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. S.G.Bennett D. A. Porter do do do do do do do do ._._. do do do do do do do do do -._. do do do do do ... do do ... do do do S. G. Bennett J. B. Lippincott W. W. Cockins, jr_ do .... .do ... .do ... .do ... .do ... do ... .do ... Feet. 4.20 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.10 4.25 4.15 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.1 4.1 4.05 4.05 4.0 4.05 4.05 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.65 3.70 3.70 3.65 3. 65 3.45 3.45 3.7 4.2 5.9 15.6 9.7 Sec. -feet. 25.51 26.04 15.44 13.10 17.04 33.85 18.91 18.02 16.40 17.50 17.85 17.94 16.23 17.20 17.43 13.32 15.29 14. 05 15.79 15.32 13. 93 12.91 11.47 10.50 9.96 9.56 10.10 1.7 1.7 1.1 8.6 31.6 2. 056 829 743 33.. 600 12,851 Strong wind upstream. Do. No wind. Do. Strong wind upstream. No wind. Do. Do. Do. Light wind. Do. No wind. Do. Windy. No wind. Do. Do. Light wind. Do. No wind. Light wind upstream. No wind. Fresh wind upstream. No wind. Do. Light breeze downstream. No wind. 1 mile below sugar factory . Float. Do. LTPPiNCOTT.] SALINAS RIVEE. 201 Discharge measurements of Salinas River, near Salinas, etc. — Continued. Date. 1901. Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Feb. 9 Feb. 19 Apr. 12 Mar. 17 Mar. 24 Mar. 30 Apr. 6 Hydrographer. S.G.Bennett do W. W. Cockins, jr . S. G. Bennett do .... W. W. Cockins, jr . do do do do heillt. Dis- charge. Feet. Sec. -feet. 6.8 2,142 5.8 1,338 5.9 1,598 7.9 4,982 6.05 1,561 4.7 342 5.6 1,204 5.2 668 4.9 541 4.75 512 Estimated monthly discharge of Salinas River at a point 4 miles south of Salinas, Monterey County. [Drainage area, 4,084 squai-e miles.] 1900. January 8 to 31 February March April May _.-.- June July - August September _ . . _ October November December The year • Discharge in second-feet. 33, 600 2,700 223 223 40 223 25 32 19 19 17 17 15 10 6 8 6 8 2 4 1 33, 600 1,050 82 Total in acre feet. 848 105 2,413 295 318 40, 368 5, 831 4,489 1,309 1,045 952 492 430 357 123 143, 583 18,139 217,118 Second- feet per square mile. 0.21 .03 .02 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .59 .07 .08 Depth in inches. 0.19 .03 .02^ .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 202 CALIFOEI^IA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Salinas River, etc. — Continued. Discharge in second-feet. Total in acre- feet. Second- feet per square mile. Depth in inches. 1901. January February March April May _-- June July 35, 162 20, 927 1,772 405 2,012 160 30 540 430 160 160 30 25 4,921 4,172 1,063 270 533 56 27 302, 580 231,701 65, 361 16, 066 32,773 3,332 1,660 1.21 1.02 .26 .07 .13 .01 .01 1.39 1.06 .30 .07 .15 .02 .01 Discharge measurements of Salinas River at bridge, Bradley, Monterey County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. Feb. 14 S. G. Bennett Feet. Sec-feet. 1,424 TRIBUTARIES OF SALINAS RIVER. ARROYO SECO. This stream rises on the eastern slope of the Santa Lucia Mountains, flows eastward, and empties into Salinas River at Soledad, Cal. A gaging station was established December 30, 1900, by W. W. Cockins, jr., at Foster's ranch, near Piney, Cal. The high water of January, 1901, enlarged the old channel, and the gaging station was removed to Pettit's ranch, 4 miles below. The purpose of establishing these gaging stations was to get the maximum flood discharge and the amount of water available for storage. The total area of watershed drained above Pettit's ranch is 215 square miles. LiPPiNCOTT.] TEIBUTARIES OF SALINAS RIVER. 203 Discharge measurements of Arroyo Seco, a tributary of Salinas River. Hydrographer. Gage height. Discharge. Locality. 1900. June 20, 3.30 p. m. June 20, 3.10 p. m- June 21, 8 a. m- June21,3.20p. m. June 21, 4.55 p.m. 1901. Feb. 11-. Mar. 26 Apr. 2_.. July 10 _. Sept. 24 . Nov. 6 - . 1902. Feb. 24. Feb. 25. Feb. 26. Apr. 29. July 18. Aug. 7 . D. A. Porter .do . _do . .do . .do S. G. Bennett . W.W. Cockins,,ir. do Homer Hamlin _ do H.E.Green S. G. Bennett _ _ . do do do Homer Hamlin . do 3.70 5.8 5.3 5.2 8.2 11.7 9 5.75 5.08 4.9 Sec-feet. 11.78 12.42 10.40 6.14 162 105 23 «1,720 «7, 883 «2, 777 144 10.4 2.3 First pool above en- trance of Santa Lucia, Monterey County. Between second and third pools above entrance of Santa Lucia, Monterey County, Cal. Road crossing of stream between Moor's and Ab- bott's houses, Mon- terey County, Cal. 200 feet above Cur- rier's dam site, Monterey County, Cal. 50 feet below head gate Salina Valley Water Co. 's Arroyo Seco ditch No. 2. Canal was taking all water of creek on this date. Point near Foster's, Monterey County, Cal. Do. Pettitt's Ranch, Monterey County, Cal. Do. Do. Do. ct Float measurements. 204 Estimated monthly CALIFOENIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. discharge of Arroyo Seco, a tributary of Salinas River, at Piney, Monterey County. [Drainage area, 215 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minimum., Total dis- charge. 1901. January February March April May June July August September __. October November December The year . 1902. January February March April May June July August September October November December Sec-feet. 4,500 2,860 610 2,500 40 2,860 2,320 1,650 105 55 15 7 3 55 750 145 Sec-feet. 105 160 105 95 Sec-feet. 888 931 246 195 95 58 22 15 8 10 22 26 Acre-feet . 54, 601 51,705 15,126 11,603 5,841 3,451 1,353 922 476 615 1,309 1,599 Sec. -feet. 4.13 4.33 1.14 .91 .44 .27 .10 .07 .04 .05 .10 .12 209 148, 601 25 25 185 145 .55 15 7 3 11 25 The year . 28 605 620 270 74 32 12 4 9 57 54 147 1,722 33, 600 38, 122 16, 066 4,550 1,904 738 246 553 3,392 3,320 104,213 .13 2.81 2.88 1.26 .34 .15 .06 .02 .00 .04 .27 .25 .68 lilPPINCOTT.] TEIBUTAEIES OF SALINAS RIVER. 205 NACIMIENTO CREEK. This stream drains the eastern slopes of the Santa Lucia Mountains and enters Salinas River 5 miles above Bradley, Cal. A gaging sta- tion was established on this stream at Harris ranch, near Bryson, Cal., by S. G. Bennett, on February 17, 1901. The record on this stream was discontinued April 30, 1901. The total area drained above the gaging station is 171 square miles. Discharge measurements of Nacimiento Creek, a branch of Salinas River, at point near Bryson, Monterey County. 1901. Feb. 17 Mar. 25 Apr. 3 Hydrographer. S.G.Bennett W. W. Cockins, jr do Gage height. Dis- charge. Feet. Sec-feet. 6.15 284 5.3 105 5.3 121 Discharge measurements of Nacimiento Creek, a branch of Salinas River, near Newhall Ranch house, San Migulito ranch, Monterey County. Date. Hydrographer. heigM. Dis- charge. 1901. Jan. 18 Feb. 13 S. G. Bennett do Feet. 6.1 6.5 4.82 4.42 Sec. -feet. 106 169 June 3 H. Hamlin 33 July 12 do 3.8 Estimated monthly discharge of Nacimiento Creek, a tributary of Salinas River, at Bryson, Monterey County. [Drainage area, 171 square miles.] Discharge. Total dis- charge. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Acre-feet. Sec-feet. Inches. February 17 to 28 3,300 295 855 20,350 5.00 5.21 March 365 110 184 11,314 1.08 1.24 April . 670 87 99 5,891 .58 .65 Discharge measurements of Nacimiento Creek, a tributary of Salinas River, 4 miles above mouth, San Luis Obispo County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. Feb. 15 S. G. Bennett Feet. Sec-feet. 527 206 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. BURNETT CREEK. [NO. 81. Discharge ineasurements of Burnett Creek, tributary of Nacimiento Creek, a branch of Salinas River, San Luis Obispo County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. Apr. 4 W.W. Cockins, jr. . Feet. Sec-feet. 21 SAN ANTONIO CREEK. This stream drains the eastern slopes of the Santa Lucia Mountains and enters the Salinas River at Bradlej^, Cal. A gaging station was established near Jolon, Cal., December 15, 1900, by W. W. Cockins, jr. The total area drained is 161 square miles. The record on this stream was discontinued April 30, 1901. Discharge measurements of San Antonio Creek, Salinas River, near Jolon, Mon- terey County. Date. Hydrographer. height Dis- charge. 1901. Jan. 19 S. G. Bennett Feet. 4.45 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.3 4.1 Sec-feet. 185 Feb. 12 do _ _ . 242 Mar. 18 W. W. Cockins, jr 148 Mar. 26 do 76 Apr. 5 Apr. 18 July 11 do 76 do 59 H. Hamlin . _. . .64 Discharge measurement of San Antonio Creek, Salinas River, Los Ojitos Dam site, Monterey County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. Apr. 17 J. B. Lippincott . .. -. -. Feet. Sec-feet. 50 Discharge measurement of San Antonio Creek, Salinas River, Pinker^ton Dam site, Monterey County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage heigtit. Dis- charge. 1901. Apr. 17 J . B. Lippincott Feet. Sec. feet. 37 LIPPINCOTT.] TRIBUTAEIE8 OF SALINAS RIVEK. 207 Estimated monthly discharge of San Antonio Creek, a tributary of Salinas River, at Jolon, Monterey County. [Drainage area, 161 square miles.] 1900. December 15 to 28 . . 1901. January February March April Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean Sec-feet. 200 3,700 1,700 400 740 Sec. -feet. 170 64 110 84 Sec-feet. 184 523 509 171 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 5,109 32, 158 28, 268 10,514 4,939 Sec-feet. 1.14 3.25 3.17 1.06 .52 Depth. Inches. 0.59 3.75 3.31 1.22 .58 SAN LORENZO CREEK. This stream drains the western slopes of the Gavilan Mountains and enters the Salinas River near Kings Citj^ Cal. There is a reser- voir and dam site on the stream 5 miles above its mouth. The stream is entirely dry during the summer months. The flood waters are used for winter irrigation. A gaging station was established December 16, 1900, by W. W. Cockins, jr., at Hollenbeck's rancli, a quarter of a mile below the dam site. The area of the watershed drained is 2o5 square miles. Discharge measurements of Sa7i Loixnzo Creek, Salinas River, at dam site, 5 miles above King City, Monterey County. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Locality. 1901. Jan. 22 Feb. 14 Mar, 27 Apr. 1 Apr. 15 Nov. 2 1902. Jan. 24 Feb. 24 Apr. 30 July 16 S. G. Bennett _ do W. W. Cockins, jr _ do do H.E.Green S. G. Bennett _ _ . do do Homer Hamlin _ 5.3 4.3 4.2 4.1 .9 1.09 .9 Sec-feet. 28.7 71.2 12.6 5.1 2.1 2.8 4.6 43.0 1.8 Near Hollenbeck ranch house. Do. Do. Do. Do. Near Mathews ranch house. Do. Do. Do. Do. 208 CALIFORNIA HYDROGEAPHY. rNo.81. Estimated monthly discharge of San Lorenzo Creek, a tributary of Salinas River, at King City, Monterey County. [Drainage area, 235 square miles.] Discharge. Total, discharge. Run-ofiE. Per square mile. Depth. 1900. December 16 to 31 . January . February March April 1901. Sec-feet. 13 2,540 9,200 27 13 Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 171 725 17 Acre-feet. 10,514 40, 264 1,045 476 Sec-feet. 0.04 .73 3.09 .07 .03 Inches. 0.02 .84 3.21 .08 .03 Estimated monthly discharge of San Lorenzo Creek at King City. [Drainage area, 235 square miles.] Discharge. Total dis- charge. Run-oflf. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth. 1902. January February Sec-feet. 15 795 875 5 200 15 Sec-feet. 5 5 5 3 15 5 Sec-feet. 6 69 81 4 85 7 Acre- feet. 369 3,832 4,980 238 5,057 430 Sec-feet. .03 .29 .34 .02 .36 .03 Inches, .03 .30 March _ . _ .39 April November .02 .40 December :o3 SALT SPRING VALLEY. Estimated seasonal discharge into Salt Spring Valley reservoir near Milton, Cal- averas County, Cal.<^ [Drainage area, 25 square miles.] Mean dis- charge. Total for year. Run-oflf. Rainfall. Yt>ar. Per square mile. Depth. Run-oflf. 1889-90-_. Sec-feet. 36.7 6.3 4.9 30.8 22.5 35.4 8.5 20.7 Acre-feet. 26, 606 4,591 3,560 22,311 16, 323 25, 664 6,221 Sec-feet. 1.47 .25 .20 1.23 .90 1.42 .34 Inches. 19.95 3.39 2.71 16.69 12.21 19.27 4.61 Inches. 30.38 13.06 16.98 26. 46 25.37 32.31 23.98 Per cent. 65 1890-91 26 1891-92 16 1892-93 63 1893-94 48 1894-95 59 1895-96 19 Mean 15,099 .83 11.26 24.08 42 a Evaporation not considered in this table. LIPPINCOTT.] DISCHARGE TABLES. 209 SAN ANTONIO CREEK. The discharge of the streams of southern California was unusually low in September, 1898, and these measurements were made by the Edison Electric Company to determine the minimum with its hourly fluctuation. Discharge measurements of San Antonio Creek, at Water Company's weir, San Bernardino County. [Measurements by Edison Electric Co.] Dale. Dis- charge. Date. Dis- charge. September 15, 1898: r ■" Scc.-feet. September 15, 1898— Cont'd. Scc.-feet. 7 a. m 5.60 9 p. m 5.44 7.30 a. m ' 5.60 9.30 p. m 5.60 8 a. m 5.60 lOp. m 5.60 8.30 a. m 5.60 10.30 p. m 5.60 9 a. m 5.58 11 p. m 5.60 9.30 a. m 5.58 11.30 p. m 5.70 10 a. m 5.58 12 midnight 5.70 10.30 a. m _.. 5.44 September 16, 1898: 12.30 a. m la.m 11 a. m .. . 5.32 5.32 5.70 11.30 a. m 5.70 12 m- 5.32 5.32 5.06 1.30 a. m . 2a. m 2.30 a. m 5.70 12.30 p. m 5.70 1 p. m 5.70 1.30 p. m 5.06 3 a. m 5.70 2 p. m 5.06 3.30 a. m 5.70 2.30 p. m 5.06 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.92 5.06 4 a. m 5.70 3 p. m_ ... 4.30 a. m 5 a. Tn 5.70 3.30 p. m. 5.70 4 p. m 5.30 a. m 6 a. m 6.30 a. m 12-hour mean September 16, 1898: 7 a. m 7.30 a. m 8 a. m 5.70 4.30 p. m . 5.60 5 p. m . ... . . 5.60 5.30 p. m 6 p. m . 5.57 6.30 p. m 12-hour mean . 5.22 5.60 5.60 September 15, 1898: 5.60 7 p. m 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.44 8.30 a. m 5.60 7.30 p. m 9 a. m ._- .- 5.60 8 p. m 9.30 a. m ... 5.60 8.30 p. m 10 a. m 5.44 IRR 81—03^—14 210 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Discharge measurements of San Antonio Creek, etc. — Contintiecl, Date. September 10, 1898— Cont'd 10.30 a. m 11 a. m 11.30 a. m 12in 12. 30 p. m 1 p. m 1.30 p. m 2 p. m 2.30 p. m 3p. m :-. 3.30 p. m 4p. m 4.30 p. m • 5 p. m 5.30 p. m 6 p. m 6.30p.ni 12-hour mean September 16, 1898: 7 p. m 7.30 p. m 8 p.m 8.30 p.m Dis- charge. Cec-feet. 5.20 5.18 5.06 5.06 4,94 4.94 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.06 4.80 4.80 4.56 5.06 5.06 5.06 4.92 5.16 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.06 Date. September 16, 1898— Cont'd 9 p. m 9.30 p.m 10 p.m 10.30 p.m 11 p.m 11.30 p.m 12 midnight September 17, 1898: 12.30 a.m 1 a.m 1.30 a.m 2 a.m 2.30 a.m 3 a.m 3.30 a.m .... 4 a.m 4.30 a.m 5 a.m . 5.30 a.m 6 a.m 6.30 a. m 12-hour mean Dis- charge. •.-feet. 5.44 5.44 5.'^4 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.60 5.53 Discharge measurements of San Antonio Creek, San Bernardino County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Sec-feet. July 23, 1896 _ July 2, 1898 __ J. H. Quinton 7.9 Mouth of canyon. Do. F. H. Olmsted- --.-_--- 6.59 Aug. 26, 1898 _ do 5.18 Division weir. Aug. 25, 1899- S. Q. Bennett 4.48 Mouth of canyon. July 11, 1900 - do 4.07 Do. Sept. 25, 1900- W. W. Cockins, jr 3.72 Division weir. April3, 1902_. S.G.Bennett 11.40 Do. July 23, 1896 J. H. Quinton 1.88 Ontario water from tunnel. July 2, 1898 __ F. H. Olmsted 3.36 In creek^at Pierce's camp. LippiNcoTT.] SAN ANTONIO CREEK. 211 The water of San Antonio Creek is utilized to a large extent. The Pacific Electric Light and Power Company, commonly called the San Gabriel Electric Companjs has a power plant in the canyon at an elevation of 3,250 feet. The water from the tailrace of this power house passes over a measuring weir and is discharged into the pipe line of the San Antonio Water Companj^'s power plant. It is carried in this conduit on the right bank of the canyon to a point opposite the old division weir between the San Antonio Water Company and the Pomona Land and Water Company, from which point it is dis- charged through the power house of the San Antonio Water Company. The portion of the water which goes to the San Antonio Water Com- pany is again diverted through a pipe line and used at a third power house, at an elevation of about 1,900 feet, near the left bank of the canyon. In addition there is a tunnel in the mouth of the canyon run through the bowlders and gravels of the river bed to bed rock, up to and near the old division box mentioned above. This tunnel water together with all other water after it has been used for power is used for irrigation near Ontario and Pomona. The second power plant on the river was constructed by the San Antonio Water Company during the j^ear 1902, and before the water was diverted into the conduits of this corporation a board of engineers was appointed by the San Antonio Water Company to make measure- ments of the water in various portions of the canj^on in order to determine what effect, if any, would result from the diversion of the stream which they contemplated from the upper power house of the San Gabriel Electric Company to the old division box. This board of engineers consisted of W. II. Saunders, chief engineer, F. E. Trask, Samuel Storrow, and J. B. Lippincott, consulting engineer. Suitable weirs were erected, and automatic river-height-recording devices were installed on most of these weirs. The San Gabriel Electric Company's power-house weir was located in the tailrace of the power house, and measured the main volume of water in the river at that point. The "Fountain of Life " spring is a small steady flow of water issuing from a spring near the San Gabriel Electric Company's power house, but the water is not included in that measured in the power-house weir. A small amount of water was flowing in the bed of the stream oppo- site the San Gabriel Electric Companj^'s power house, and was not included in either the power-house weir or the "Fountain of Life" spring measurements. The Spring Hill weir was located in the main river below the San Gabriel Electric Company's power house and measured total flow\ The "Baby Ruth" weir was also in the main stream below the San Gabriel Electric Company's powerhouse, and above the division weir, and measured the full stream. The division weir was located in the main stream opposite the power house of the San Antonio Water Company. At this point the 212 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. water is divided between the San Antonio Water Company and the Pomona Land and Water Company, but before the division occurs a certain amount of water, known as gird water, is taken OTit of the stream and not included in the measurement of the main division weir. The water measured in the San Antonio tunnel is picked up from the sands and gravels of the river bed below all the above-mentioned points of measurements, and this water is not included in any other measurement. All these measurements were made prior to the time when the diver- sion occurred through the new pipe line and power plant of the San Antonio Water Company. All these measurements were made for the San Antonio Water Company by the engineers in question. They were supplemented by further continuous records obtained from the automatic registers; but these records are not now available for publication. Discharge measurements of San Antonio Creek. Date. Hydrogapher. Dis- charge. Loc;aliiy. 1902. June 28 July 12, 11.40 a. in July 12, 1.13 p. m _ J. B. Lippincott - do _... do __ Sec-feet. 7.69 6.88 6.58 6.15 6.15 5.99 5.61 4.88 4.74 Baby Ruth weir. Do. Do. Aug 2 11.15 a. ni do Do. Aug. 9, 11 a. m do Do. Aug. 9, 1.12 p. m do Do. Aug. 29, 11.45 a. m .do Do. Sept. 29, 12.30 p. m Oct. 18, 12.30 p. m do do Do. Do. do June 28 6.56 .42 Division weir. Do do Grird water. do _do .. 6.98 Total. July 12, 10.58 a. m Do 5.76 .35 Division weir. Gird water. do 6.11 Total. July 12, 2.40 p. m 5.20 .35 Division weir. Do do Gird water. 5.55 Total. LiPPiNCOTT] SAN ANTONIO CREEK. Discharge measurements of San Antonio Creek — Continued. 213 Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. 1902. Aug. 2, 10.30 a. m Do J. B.Lippincott-- do Sec-feet. 4.83 .36 Division weir. Gird water. do do - -. 5.19 Total. Aug. 2, 2.30 p. m Do 4.35 .36 Division weir. Gird water. -- do _do 4.71 Total. Aug. 9, 10.18 a. m Do 4.76 .35 Division weir. Gird water. do 5.11 Total. Aug. 9. 2.40 p m 4.18 .35 Division weir. Do do Gird water. do .....do... 4.53 Total. Aug 29. 10.55 a. m Do 4.26 .38 Division weir. Gird water. do do 4.64 Total. Aug. 29, 2.27 p. m_._ Do 3. 55 .38 Division weir. Gird water. do 3.93 Total. Sept. 27, 10.30 a. m Do 4.00 .33 Division weir. do Gird water. do do 4.33 Total. Sept. 27, 2.15 p. m Do 3.57 .33 Division weir. Gird water. do do 3.90 Total. Oct. 18, 10.55 a. m Do 3.98 .38 Division weir. Gird water do 4.36 Total. June 28 .34 .34 .30 Fountain of Life spring- weir measurement. Do. July 12, 12.15 p. ni do Aug. 2, 12.05 p. m :--_-do Do. 214 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge nieasuremeuts of San Antonio Creek — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. 1902. Sec.^feet. Aug. 9, 11.42 a. m J.B.Lippincott-. 0.32 Fountain of Life spring- weir measurement. Aug. 29, 12.20 p. m do .29 Do. Sept. 27, 11.33 a. m do .29 Do. Oct. 18, 12 m do .30 1.38 Do. June 28 _ . do San Antonio tunnel — weir measurement. July 12, 10.36 a. m do ..._ 1.27 Do. Aug. 2, 10.10 a. m do 1.19 Do. Aug 9, 10 a. m do 1.17 Do. Aug. 30, 10.30 a.m. do 1.15 Do. Sept. 27, 10.12 a.m -do 1.12 Do. June 28 .__-.. do 7.40 San Gabriel Electric Com- pany's power house- concrete weir basin- weir measurement. July 12 12.20 p.m do . 6.10 Do. Aug. 2, 12 m .do . 5.59 Do. Aug. 9, 11.48 a.m do 5.67 Do. Aug. 29, 12.30 p.m do 4.59 Do. Sept. 27, 11.37 a. m do 4.64 Do. Oct. 13, 11.38 a. m do 4.31 Do. June 28 do .55 San Gabriel Electric Com- pany's power house- weir measurement in creek. July 12, 12.33 p. m do .47 Do. Aug. 2, 12.10 p. m do .40 Do. Aug. 9, 12.11 p. m -_ do .40 Do. Aug. 29, 12.40 p. m -----do ..- .35 Do. Sept. 27, 12 m do .36 Do. Oct. 18, 12 m do .39 Do. Aug. 2, 11.45 a. m do 6.31 Spring Hill weir. Aug. 9, 11.22 a. m do 6.36 Do. Aug. 9, 1 p. m do 5.88 Do. Aug. 29, 12.07 p. m do 5.59 Do. Aug. 29, 12.10 p. m do 5.40 Do. Sept. 27, 12.05 p. m do 5.28 Do. Oct. 18, 12.12 p. m do 5.01 Do. LTPPINCOTT.J DISCHARGE TABLES. SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY. 216 Discharge measurements of San Bernardino Valley, between San Bernardino and Riverside. Date. Dis- charge. Locality. Sec-feet. June, 1898 0.61 Developed water. Camp Carlton ditch. September, 1898 . _ _ _ 1.20 Do. March, 1899 2.13 Do. June, 1899 1.63 Do. August, 1899 . 1.02 Do. . March, 1900 _.._._.. 2.55 Do. June, 1900 2.60 1.67 Do. September, 1900 .,._ Do. October 7, 1902 1.70 Do. June, 1898 .67 Beams ditch, natural water. September, 1898 .65 Do. March, 1899 .72 Do. June, 1899 .52 Do. August, 1899 .40 Do. Mcrch, 1900 .68 Do. June, 1900 .50 .33 Do. September, 1900 .... Do. October 13, 1902 _... .22 Do. June, 1898 5.26 Bloomington flume, developed water. Do. September, 1898 .... 5.49 March, 1899 .00 Do. June, 1899 5.93 3.05 Do. August, 1899 Do. March, 1900 3.80 Do. June, 1900 3.68 3.28 Do. September, 1900 Do. October?, 1902 2.28 Do. June, 1898 6.82 City of Col ton ditch, developed water. September, 1898 7.40 Do. March, 1899. 3.20 Do. June, 1899 5.49 3.89 Do. August, 1899 Do. March, 1900 4.94 Do. June, 1900 3.21 3.54 Do. September, 1900 Do. October 7, 1902 ..... 3.53 Do. June, 1898 1.97 Colton Terrace Water Co., developed water. Do. September, 1898 1.61 216 CALIFORNIA HYDROGBAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of San Bernardino Valley, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis^ cbarge, Locality. Sec-feet. March, 1899 1.69 Colton Terrace Water Co. , developed water. June, 1899 1.30 Do. August, 1899 1.30 Do. March, 1900 1.69 Do. June, 1900 1.54 Do. September, 1900 _ . . . 1.53 Do. October 7, 1902 1.08 Do. June, 1898 .63 Daley ditch, natural water. September, 1898 .67 Do. March, 1899 .71 Do. June, 1899 .51 Do. August, 1899 .51 Do. March, 1900 .72 Do. June, 1900 1.12 Do. September, 1900 .54 Do. October 13, 1902. ___ .00 Do. June, 1898 4.40 East Riverside district, or Riverside Highlands Water Co. , developed water. September, 1898 ___. 4.43 Do. March, 1899 4.25 Do. June, 1899 2.08 Do. August, 1899 2.00 Do. March, 1900 6.59 Do. June, 1900 5.38 Do. September, 1900 3.70 Do. June, 1898 1.16 Gage canal, Santa Ana River, natural water. September, 1898 1.16 Do. March, 1899 .72 Do. June, 1899 .24 .64 Do. August, 1899 Do. March, 1900 .395 Do. June, 1900 .29 Do. September, 1900 .17 Do. October 7, 1902 .00 Do. June, 1898 26.26 Gage canal. Palm avenue weir, developed water. September, 1898 ..._ 25.07 Do. March, 1899 26.68 Do. June, 1899 25.22 Do. August, 1899 23.47 Do. March, 1900 21.96 Do. June, 1900 22.23 Do. UPPINCOTT] BAN BERNABDINO VALLIY. 217 Discharge measurements of San Bernardino Valley, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis- charge Locality. Sec -feei. September, 1900 27. 85 Gage canal, Palm avenue weir, developed water. October 11, 1902. 30.17 Do. June, 1898 .84 Haws and Talmadge ditch, natiiral water. September, 1898 .... .00 Do. March, 1899 .28 Do. June, 1899 .00 .00 Do. August, 1899 Do. March, 1900 .00 Do. June, 1900 .00 Do. September, 1900 .00 Do. September 30, 1902.. .00 Do. June, 1898 .72 Logsdon and Farrell ditch, natural water. September, 1898 ... .63 Do. March, 1899 1.61 Do. June, 1899 1.15 Do. August, 1899 .54 Do. March, 1900 1.26 Do. June, 1900 .49 .20 Do. September, 1900 .... Do. October 13, 1902 ... . .00 Do. June, 1898 .37 Mclntyre ditch, natural water. September, 1898 _ . . , .038 Do. March, 1899 .82 Do. June, 1899 .15 .00 Do. August, 1899 Do. March, 1900 .14 Do. June,1900 .01 Do. September, 1900 .... .00 Do. October 7, 1902 .00 Do. June, 1898 2.54 McKenzie ditch, natural water. September, 1898 2.08 Do. March, 1899 9.40 Do. June, 1899 3.86 Do. August, 1899 2.00 Do. March, 1900 _ 2.30 Do. June, 1900 1.57 Do. September, 1900 1.69 Do. September 30, 1902 -_ .00 Do. June, 1898 8.42 Meeks and Daley ditch, natural water. Do. September, 1898 17.00 218 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no 81. Discharge measurements of San Bernardino Valley, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis- charge. Locality. Sec. feet. March, 1899 .._ 17.00 Meeks and Daley ditch, natural water. June, 1899 15.48 Do. August, 1899 . 10.45 Do. March, 1900 ........ 13.94 Do. ■ June, 1900 13.78 Do. September, 1900 14.68 Do. September 30, 1902. _ 13.40 Do. June, 1898 1.94 Mill pump, developed water. September, 1898 2.04 Do. March, 1899 .00 Not running. June, 1899 1.77 Mill pump, developed water. Do. August, 1899 1.67 March, 1900 ' .00 Not running. June, 1900 1.88 Mill pump, developed water. Do. September, 1900 .... 1.52 September 30,1902.. 1.20 Do. June, 1898 5.37 Rabel dam ditch, natural water. September, 1898 3.07 Do. March, 1899 2.26 Do. June, 1899 1.54 Do. August, 1899 .94 Do. March, 1900 .... .54 Do. June, 1900 .35 Do. September, 1900 .... .07 Do. September 30,1902.. .00 Do. Jime,1898 1.75 Ranchero ditch, natural water. , September, 1898 1.64 Do. March, 1899 1.64 Do. June, 1899 1.00 .41 Do. Do. August, 1899 . March, 1900 .24 Do. June, 1900 .55 Do. September, 1900 1.33 Do. Do .80 Ranchero ditch, developed water. June, 1898 '3.12 Riverside Water Company, natural water. September, 1898 .... 3.36 Do. March, 1899 5.30 Do. June, 1899 7.29 Do. August, 1899 2.56 Do. March, 1900 2.67 Do. LIPPTNCOTT] SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY. 219 Discharge measurements of San Bernardino Valley, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis- charge. Locality. Sec-feet. June, 1900 2.17 Riverside Water Company, natural water. Do. September, 1900 .94 September 30,1902.. .50 Do. June, 1898 ... 2.30 Shay or Stout dam ditch, natural water. September, 1898 .... 2.08 Do. March, 1899 2.23 Do. June, 1899 . 1.13 .90 Do. August, 1899 Do. March, 1900 .507 Do. June, 1900 .40 Do. September, 1900 .. . .16 Do. September 30,1902-. .00 Do. June, 1898 1.00 Swamp ditch, natural water. Do. September, 1898.... 1.02 March, 1899 .85 Do. June, 1899- .77 Do. August, 1899 .69 Do. March, 1900 .70 Do. June, 1900 .89 .86 Do. September, 1900 .... Do. October 14, 1902 .93 Do. June, 1898 1.60 Ward and Warren ditch, developed water. Do . 72 Ward and Warren ditch, natural water. September, 1898 1.60 Ward and Warren ditch, developed water. Do .72 1.60 Ward and Warren ditch, natural water. March, 1899 Ward" and Warren ditch, developed water. Do 1.49 .615 Ward and Warren ditch, natural water. June, 1899 Ward and Warren ditch, developed water. August, 1899 1.56 Do. March, 1900 1.60 Do. Do .95 Ward and Warren ditch, natural water. June, 1900 1.60 Ward and Warren ditch, developed water. Do .10 Ward and Warren ditch, natural water. September, 1900 .53 Ward and Warren ditch, developed water. October 14, 1902 .... .30 Do. Do 1.58 Ward and Warren ditch, natural water. June, 1898 .26 Whiting ditch, natural water o Do. September, 1898 .01 March, 1899 .76 Do. June, 1899 .246 Do. 220 CALIFOBNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Discharge measurements of San Bernardino Valley, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis- charge. Loca.ity. Sec-feet. August, 1899 0.01 Whiting ditch, natural water. March, 1900 1.12 Do. June, 1900 .13 Do. September, 1900.... .00 Do. October 13, 1902.... .00 Do. June, 1898. .. .34 .38 Whitlock ditch, natural water. September, 1898 Do. March, 1899 .47 Do. June, 1899 .28 Do. August, 1899 .09 Do. March, 1900 .23 Do. June, 1900 .00 .00 Do. September, 1900 Do. October 13, 1902.-.. .00 Do. List of discharge measurements of San Bernardino Valley between San Bernar- dino and Colt on. Dis- charge. June, 1898 Do September, 1898 _ _ . Do March, 1899.. Do June, 1899 Do August, 1899 Do March, 1900 Do June, 1900 Do September, 1900 . . . Do September 30, 1902 Do Sec. -feet. 18.00 41.04 17.54 43.80 18.04 42.49 17.50 36.42 27.50 24.54 24.54 37.40 32.36 20.58 27.00 34.02 26.08 21.89 Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upper canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upper canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upper canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upper canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upi)er canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upper canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upper canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co,, upper canal, natural water. Riverside Water Co. , upper canal, developed water. Riverside Water Co., upper canal, natural water. LIPPINCOTT.] SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY. 221 Discharge measurements of return waters below Slover Mountain, above Riverside Narrows, San Bernardino Valley, between San Bernardino and Riverside. Date. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1902. Sec-feet. September 29 5.94 West Riverside pumping plant, developed water. October 11 4.38 Rogers pumping plant, developed water. Do 2.95 Riverside Water Co., pumping plant No. 1, Santa Ana River flume, developed water. Do 2.08 Riverside Water Co., pumping plant No. 2, Santa Ana River flume, developed water. September 29 3.07 Riverside Water Co., flume head of lower canal, natural water. Do 7.19 Roubidoux Canal, natural water. Do 2.17 Evans ditch at north line Riverside County line, natural water. Do .53 Evans ditch 1 mile south Riverside County line, natural water. Do 5.35 Evans Island ditch, west end of West Riverside bridge, natural water. • Do 1.96 Alvetriz ditch at east end West Riverside bridge, natural water. October 10 43.25 Santa Ana River at Riverside Narrows. Total 63.52 222 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81 Comparative amounts of water, in second-feet, flowing in canals above Cotton. ■NToTno r>f rii+^Vi JuHG, Sept., Mar., June, Aug., Mar., June, Sept., Sept., iMameoiaitcn. moa ^qqq tcoq laoQ jggg ^^^ -^^^ -^^qq ^g^g Haws & Talmage- Rabel dam ■ Shay or Stout dam McKenzie Meeks & Daley -.- Beam. Riverside Water Co., upper ca- nal 6 Timber Gage canal , Santa Ana River . Gage canal , Palm avenne Logadon & Far- rell Whitlock Daley Mclntyre Whiting Swamp Ranchero Ward & Warren. Mill flume of Riv- erside Water Co Mill pump of Riv- erside Water Co Camp Carlton East Riverside - - . Colton Terrace Water Co City of Colton . _ . Bloomington flume West Riverside 350-inch pump- ing plant Rogers pumping plant . Santa Ana River flume; River- side pumping plants Nos. 1 and2 Total - 0. 5.37 2.30 2.54 8.42 .67 5.26 138.11 0.00 3.07 2.08 2.08 «17.00 ^>.65 61.34 .00 1.16 C25. 07 .63 .38 .67 .038 .01 1.02 1.64 «2. 32 3.36 2.04 1.20 4.43 1.61 7.40 5.49 144. 69 0.28 2.36 2.23 9.40 17.00 .72 60.53 .00 .72 ^26. 68 1.61 .47 .71 .82 .76 .85 1.64 3.09 5.3 2.13 4.25 1, 3.20 0.00 1.54 1.13 3.86 15.48 .52 53.92 .00 .24 c25. 22 1.15 .28 .51 .15 .246 .77 1.00 .615 7.29 1.77 1.62 2.08 1.30 5.49 5.93 146.44132.11 0.00 .94 .90 2.00 10.45 .40 52.04 .00 .64 ^-23. 47 .54 .094 .51 .00 .01 .69 .41 1.56 2.56 1.67 1.02 2.00 1.30 3.05 110.14 0.00 .54 .507 2.30 13.94 .68 61.94 i .00 .395 C21.96 1.26 .23 .72 .14 1.12 .70 .24 2.55 2.67 (^) 2.55 6.59 1.69 4.94 52. 131.46 ^•22. 23 .49 .00 1.12 .01 .13 .89 .55 1.70 2.1^ .60 117.41 I 0.00 .07 .16; 1.69| 14.68, .33 i 61.02 .00 C27. 85 .20 .00 .54 .00 .00 .86 1.33 .53 .94 1.52 1.6' 3.70 1.53 3.54 3.28 125. 61 0.00 .00 .00 .00 13.40 .22 47.97 .00 .00 •30. 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .93 2.28 1.88 .50 1.20 1.70 1.08 3.53 .00 5.94 4.38 .03 120. 21 a Interpolated. ^ Above Slover Mountain. '•River water not included. ff Pumps not run. LIPPINCOTT.] SAN BERNARDINO A^ ALLEY. Return ivater, natural floiv in second-feet, compared ivith develojjed ivater Bernardino Valley above Colt on. 223 in San Name of ditch. Haws & Talmage- _ . Rabel dam Shay or Stout dam- . McKenzie Beam Riverside WaterCo. , upper canal Gage canal, Santa Ana River Gage canal, Palm avenue w^eir Logsdon & Farrell. . Whitlock Daley Mclntyre Whiting Swamp Ranchero Ward & Warren Mill flume of River- side Water Co Mill pump of River- side Water Co Camp Carlton ditch. East Riverside dis- trict, or Riverside Highland Water Co Colton Terrace WaterCo City of Colton pump- ing plant- Bloomington flume . Meeks & Daley ditch . Total Devel- oped. 18.00 26.26 1.60 1.94 .61 4.40 1.97 6.82 5.26 Natu- ral. 0.84 5.37 2.30 2.54 .67 41.04 1.16 .72 .34 .63 .37 .26 1.00 «1.75 .12 September, 189d. Devel- oped. 17.54 25.07 8.42 71.25 1.60 2.04 1.20 4.43 1.61 7.40 5.49 66.38 Natu- ral. 0.00 3.07 .65 1.16 .63 .38 .67 .038 .010 1.020 1.640 .720 3.360 «17.00 .31 Devel- oped. 18.04 26.68 1.60 Not run. 2.13 4.25 1.69 3.20 .00 57. 5^ Natu- ral. 0.28 2.23 9.40 42.49 .72 Devel- oped. 17.50 25. 22 1.61 .47 .71 .85 1.64 1.49 5.30 1.77 1.62 J 1.30 5.49 5.93 17.00 88.85 61.525 a Interpolated. 224 CALIFOKNIA HYDROGRAPHY. , [no.81. Return ivater, natural flow in second-feet, etc. — Continued. Name of ditch. August, 1899. March, 1900. June, 1900. September, 1900. September, 1902. Devel- oped. Natu- ral. Devel- oped. Natu- ral. Devel- oped. Natu- ral. Devel- oped. Natu- ral. 0.00 .07 .16 1.69 .33 34.02 .17 .20 .00 .54 .00 .00 .86 .53 .94 Devel- oped. Natu- ral. Haws & Talmage_ _ _ Rabel dam Shay or Stout dam _ _ McKenzie Beam Riverside Water Co. , upper canal Gage canal, Santa Ana River Gage canal. Palm avenue weir Logsdon & Farrell . _ 27.50 23.47 0.00 .94 .90 2.00 .40 24.54 .64 .54 .09 .51 .00 .01 .69 .41 2.56 24.54 21.96 1.60 0.000 .540 .507 2.300 .680 37.40 .395 1.26 .23 .72 .14 1.12 .70 .24 .95 2.67 /Not \run. 13.94 0.00 32.36 22.23 1.60 1 1.88 2.60 5.38 1.54 3.21 3.68 0.00 .35 .40 1.57 .50 20.58 .29 .49 .00 1.12 .01 .13 .89 .55 .10 2.17 13.78 27.00 27.85 .80 .53 1.52 1.67 3.70 1.53 3.54 3.28 26.08 30.17 2.28 .30 1.20 1.70 0.00 .00 .00 .00 .22 21.89 .00 .00 Whitlock Daley Mclntyre Whiting Swamp Ranchero Ward & Warren. _._ Mill flume of River- side Water Co Mill pump of River- 1.56 1 1.67 1.02 2.00 1.30 3.89 3.05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .93 1.58 .50 side Water Co Camp Carlton ditch _ East Riverside dis- trict, or Riverside Highland Water Co 10.45 2.55 6.59 1.69 4.94 3.80 Colton Terrace Wa- ter Co City of Colton pump- ing plant 14.68 1.08 3.53 .00 5.94 4.38 5.03 Bloomington flume . Meeks& Daley ditch West Riverside 350- inch pumping plant 13.40 Rogers pumping plant Santa Ana River flume; Riverside pumping plant Nos. 1 and 2 Total 65.46 44.68 67.67 63.79 74.48 42.93 71.42 54.18 81.69 38.52 LippiNcoTT] DISCHARGE TABLES. 225 From the two preceding tables it will be noted that despite severe droughts which existed from 1898 to 1902, inclusive, the output of water from the gravel beds above Colton has but slightly diminished, the total being 144.69 second-feet in September, 1898, as compared with 120.21 second-feet in September, 1902. The amount of developed water in September, 1898," was 66.38 second-feet, and in Septentber, 1902, 81.69 second-feet, while the natural return water between the same dates decreased from 78.31 second- feet to 38.52 second-feet. During this period much deA^elopment work was done, and while these new supi:)lies do not mean an absolute addition to the output from the district, the fact that the total supply was maintained notwithstand- ing the drought is a decided achievement. SAN DIEMAS WASH. See San Gabriel River, miscellaneous measurements, San Diemas Wash. SAN FERNANDO CREEK. Discharge measurement of San Fernando Creek, tributary of Los Angeles River, at San Fernando Mission, Los Angeles County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1901. Jan. 28 J. B. Lipj)incott . . Sec-feet. 3.21 SAN FRANCISQUITO CREEK. Discharge measurement of San Francisquito Creek at junction with Santa Clara River, Los Angeles County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1898. Aug. 11 F. H. Olmsted :__ . Sec-feet. 2.07 SAN GABRIEL RIVER. The drainage basin of this river lies on the southern slope of the Sierra Madre, the watershed being included in Los Angeles County, Cal. The various tributaries join the river before it enters its lowest canyon, whence it appears finally on the plain in the vicinity of Azusa. The seepage waters appear lower down in the valle5^ The floods discharge into the Pacific Ocean through a number of poorly defined storm channels. All the summer flow uf this stream is now used for irrigation purposes in the vicinity of Azusa. Owing to the numerous diversions, it has been diificult to obtain accurate dis- charge measurements, but during 1898 the San Gabriel Electric Com- pany completed its system, and measurements are now obtained with greater ease, and hence with greater accuracy. The head works of this company are located al)0ut 6 miles above the mouth of the can- yon, the water is carried along the left side by a series of tunnels and IRR 81—03^=^10 226 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. conduits, and a liead of 400 feet is obtained where the electric power is generated. Weirs are placed on the conduit of the electric com- pany, and tlie low water is measured at this point. The capacity of the conduit is 00 second-feet. The gaging station on the main river is located at the mouth of the canyon. The equipment consists of a rod, a cable, a car, and a tagged wire. Discharge ineasnrejnents of San Gabriel River at point near mouth of canyon near Azusa, Los Angeles County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. ' 1895. Sept. 10 Nov. 5 • J. B. Lippincott .do _ Feet. 1.19 Sec-feet. 34.93 13.25 0.00 37.50 Total flow, meter measure- ment. Total flow. Dec. 11 do River. Do do Canals. do do . 1.9 Dec. 21 Do -- 27.30 26.60 River. Canals. Total 53.90 J. B. Lippincott Dec. 21 27.05 26.60 River. Do-_- do . . . Canals. Total 53.65 1896. J. B. Lippincott do 1.35 Feb. 17 Do-._ 4.86 33.00 River. Canals. Total .__ 37.86 J. B. Lippincott do 2.27 Mar. 22 Do.__ 69.91 35.20 River. Canals. Total 105.11 J. B. Lippincott , . ._ Apr. 30 0.00 55.20 25.14 River. Do-__ . do Canals. June 17 do Irrigators upper weir. do Do_-_ 19.94 3.99 1.54 River. Do_._ do Azusa irrigation develop- ment. Vineland tunnel. Do_._ do .. Total i 25.47 July 22 John H. Quinton 0.00 26. 75 0.00 River. Do_.- do Canals. Nov. 22 J. B. Lippincott - - Do-_. do .-.- 21.10 Harials LIPPINCOTT.] SAN Discharge measurements GABRIEL RIVER. 227 of San Gabriel River, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrogi'apher. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1897. Jan. 10 Do.-- Feet. J. B. Lippincott ___!__. 1. 28 do Sec,-feet. 4.50 19.93 1.65 River. Canals. Do_-_ do ._._ Total Vineland canal water. 26.08 J. B. Lippincott do 2.00 Jan. 25 Do 57.79 16.20 1.13 River. Canals. Do . do Vineland canal water. Total . _ 75.12 J. B. Lippincott _ . do 5.1 Feb. 1 Do... 1,725.0 00.0 422.1 00.0 River. Canals. Feb. 2 Do___ do 3.4 River. Canals. do ___. do 3.3 Mar. 12 Do-__ 410.1 18.0 River. Canals. Total 428.1 J. B. Lippincott -do 2.6 Apr. 29 Do_.. 162. 30 71.27 River. Total 233. 57 J. B. Lippincott do 2.08 May 24 Do___ 76.00 67.90 River. Canals Total 143. 90 A. Q. Campbell June 30 0.00 55.68 0.00 53.94 0.00 31.37 0.00 24.25 0.00 19.28 River Do.__ do __ _ Canals. July 5 do . River. Do... do Canals. Aug. 7 do River. Do.-_ do 2.33 Sept. 1 _do River. Do do 2.2 Canals Sept. 29 do ..... . River. Do_-_ do 2.1 Canals do Nov. 13 7.56 24.16 River. Do-._ do Canals. Total 31.72 228 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge 7neasurements of San Gabriel River, etc. — Continued, Eydrograpiier. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1897. Nov. 27 Do_.- Nov. 28 1898. Jan. 12 Do__. Mar. 8 Do-.. Apr. 2 Do_. May 10 Do _ _ . May 17 Do_.- July 1 Do_. July 21 Do_-. Aug. 16 Do._- Do--. Do.. Do... Do... Aug. 21 J. B. Lippincott . do Total J. B. Lippincott . -do .- .do .. Total . H. F. Crowe do Total river J. B. Lippincott . do Total river J. B. Lippincott . do _do -do Total F. H. Olmsted. do Total river . J. B. Lippincott _ . do .do _-.do . ...do ...do . _._do . __.do . ...do . 1.36 1.03 Sec-feet. 3.50 32.89 36.39 42 11 23 29 25 00 48 29 12 3 36.9 49 2 11 30 29.92 41 22 23.34 15.40 44.61 60.01 3.59 11.78 15.37 13.21 6.20 5.78 5.60 5.60 5.78 5.78 River. Canals. At San Gabriel Power Com- pany's intake; total flow. River. Canals. Duarte canal. Azusa canal. Duarte canal. Azusa canal. River. Canals. River. Canals. Duarte canal. Azusa canal at Slaughter- house tunnel. River. San Gabriel Power Com- pany's canal headworks. Power Co.'s headworks; 3 p. m. Canals; 3 p.m. Canals; 4 p.m. Canals; 5 p.m. Canals; 6 p.m. Canals; 7 p.m. Canals; 8 p.m. r.TPPTNCOTT.l SAK GABRIEL RIVEE. 229 Discharge measurements of San Gabriel River, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1898. Aug. 22 Do._- J. B. Lippincott do Feet. Sec-feet. 0.00 6.20 8.48 River; 8 p.m. Canals; 8 p.m. River: 10 a. m Aug. 23 Do_.. . _do . . do Daily maximum; 10 a. m. do do 1.16 1899. Jan. 11 Do_ 15.9 5.0 28.3 River. Waste. Do___ do Canals. Total 49.2 H. F. Parkinson do S. G. Bennett-. Jan. 16 to 19. Aug. 26 1900. Nov. 21 18.00 5. 5 River and canals. Canals; no water in river. River; 11 a. m. do Do.._ 20.15 26.13 Waste Do___ .do _ Canal. Total 46.28 S. G. Bennett do 6.16 1901. Jan. 7 Do. 2,709.0 River (calculated). Canals. do do -2.30 Feb. 4 Do__. 112.0 65.0 River. Canals. Total 177.0 S.G.Bennett do 7.6 Feb. 5 Do 6,253.0 River (calculated). Canals. do .do 4.1 Feb. 22 Do__. 700.4 65.0 River. Canals. Total 765.4 S.G.Bennett do 3.00 Mar. 5 Do... 248.0 65.0 River. Canals. Total 313.0 230 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of San Gabriel Ri\^er, etc. — Continued. Da^e. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1901. Mar. 29 S. G. Bennett Feet. 2.25 Sec-feet. 96.5 33.0 River. Do do Canal. Total 129. 5 S.Gr. Bennett July 11 Do 31.6 River. _do Canal. W.B.Clapp. ,_. _ 1902. Jan. 25 50.94 River. Do... do Canals. J. B. Lippincott do 2.05 Feb. 26 Do 126.19 64.00 River. Canal. Total 190.19 J.Ahern do 1.57 Mar. 6 Do_ 46.2 62.0 River. Canals. Total 108.2 S.G.Bennett do 1.4 Apr. 8 Do_-. 26.0 44.6 River. Canals. Total 70.6 S. G. Bennett June 12 25.7 5.0 River. Do. do Canals. Sept. 1 W. B. Clapp Total flow. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Sec. -feet. 3.99 .22 .30 Locality. June 17,1896 Aug. 24,1898 Do J. B. Lippincott do do Azusa Irrigators Development Tunnel. Same place; river being diverted through power company's conduit. Irrigators Development Tunnel, pumped; additional. LiPPiNCOTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 231 Discharge measurements of San Gabriel River, Azusa, Los Angeles County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. June 17,1896 Do Apr. 29,1897 Do Do Do May 24,1897 J. B. Lippincott do - Sec-feet. 1.54 2.11 2.23 2.11 2.13 1.07 1.88 Mouth of Vineland tunnel. Same; pump running. Mouth of Vineland tunnel. Same; shaft No. 2. Same: at head of flume, between do . do do _ . - do do shafts Nos. 3 and 4. Same; right fork, above shaft No. 4. Mouth of Vineland Tunnel. Discharge measKrements of San Gabriel River at intake of San Gabriel Power Company. Los Angeles County. [Measurements by Edison Electric Company. The flow was uiiusually small in September, 1898, and these measurements were made to determine this minimum and its hourly fluctuation.] September 15, 1898 7 a. m 7.30 a. m 8 a. m 8.30 a. m 9 a. m 9.30 a. m 10 a. m 10.30 a. m 11 a. m 11.30 a. m 12 m 12. 30 p. m 1 p. m 1.30 p. m 2p.m 2.30 p.m 3 p. m 3.30 p.m 4 p. m 4.30 p.m 5 p. m 5.30 p.m Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 8.16 8.28 8.40 8.50 8.72 8.84 a. 84 8.84 8.84 8.72 8.62 8.40 8.28 8.06 7.84 7.62 7.50 7.40 7.18 7.04 6.94 6.94 Dis- charge. September 15, 1898— Cont'd. 6 p. m 6.30 p.m 12-hour mean September 15. 1898: 7 p. m 7.30 p.m __; 8 p. m 8.30 p.m 9 p. m 9.30 p.m lOp.m 10.30 p.m 11 p. m 11.30 p.m 12 midnight September 16, 1898: 12.30 a.m 1 a. m __. 1.30 a. m 2 a. m 2.30 a. m j Sec-feet. \ 6.94 6.94. 7.99 6.94 6.94 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.04 7.18 7.18 7.28 232 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Diiicharge measnreinents of San Gabriel River, etc. — Continued. Dats. Dis- charge. Date Dis- charge. September 16, 1898— Cont'd. Sec. -feet. September 16. 1898— Cont'd. Sec-feet. 3 a. m . 7.40 5.30 p. m 6 p. ni 6.82 3.30 a. m 7. 50 6.82 4 a. m 7.62 7.72 6.30 p. m 12-lionr mean 6.82 4.30 a. m 8.02 7.84 7.96 September 16, 1898: 5.30 a. Ill a. m 8.06 7 p. m 6.72 6.30 a. m 8.06 7.30 p. m , 6.60 8 p. m 6.60 12-lionr mean 7.29 8.30 p. m 9 p. m 6.60 September 16, 3898: 6.60 7 a. m 8.28 9.30 p. m 6.60 7.30 a. m 8.40 10 p. m , 6.50 8 a. m 8.28 10.30 p. m 6.50 8.30 a. m 8.50 11 p. m 6.60 9 a. m 8.72 11.30 p. m 6.60 9.30 a. m 8.94 12 midnight 6.72 10 a. m 9.06 9.06 September 17, 1898: 12.30 a. m 10.30 a. m 6.82 11 a. in_ 8.94 1 a. m 6.82 11.30 a. m 8.84 1.30 a. m 6.82 12 m 8.72 2 a. m 6.94 12.30 p. m 8.50 2.30 a. m 7.04 1 p. m 8.28 3 a. m ._.__. 7.04 1.3Dp. m 8.06 3.30 a. m 7.04 2 p. m 7.84 4 a. m 7.00 2.30 p. m . 7.62 4.30 a. m _ 6.92 3 p. m 7.50 5 a. m : . . 7.40 3.30 p. m 7.40 5.30 a. m 7.50 4p. m 7.18 6 a. m-_ 7.62 4.30 p. m :. 7.04 6.94 6.30 a. m 12-hour mean 7.72 5 p. m 6.89 LTPPINOOTT.] BAN GABKIEL RIVEK. 238 The following table is prepared from iiieasuroinents made three times daily for the San Gabriel Electric Company, and filed in a suit before the United States land office at Los Angeles, Cal. The mean of the three daily measurements is here given. Estimated daily discharge, in second-feet, of San Gabriel River over weir on West Branch of North Fork, at Sycamore Flat, for 1900. [Observer, San Gabriel Power Company.] Day. July. August. September. October. 1 0.23 .23 .23 .26 .17 .23 .23 .22 .12 .12 .19 .19 .19 .19 .15 .26 .23 .23 .23 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 .23 .18 .18 .25 .20 0.19 , .19 .17 .22 .12 .12 .22 .18 .20 .22 .22 .22 .22 .18 .18 .12 .12 .25 .15 .12 .15 .12 .15 . 22 .27 .26 .26 .22 .20 .17 0.20 2 3 4 0.28 .27 .27 .26 .28 .24 .23 .25 .23 .25 .25- .22 .27 .27 .31 .31 .27 .31 .39 .39 .24 .26 .26 .28 .37 .37 .26 .23 .23 .23 .12 .18 .18 5 23 6.. _ . .23 7 .19 8 9 .19 19 10 11 ._ _.. .19 .19 12 13 14 15 . ... .19 .22 16 __ 17 -. 18 19 20 . - 21 22 .... 23 24 25 26 27. - . 28 29 ... 30 . ...... 31 Total .28 .21 .19 .19 234 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated daily discharge, in second-feet, of San Gabriel River over iveir on North Branch of North Fork, at Sycamore Flat, for 1900. [Observer, San Q-abriel Power Company.] Day. July August. September. October. 1 0.89 .89 .89 .95 .95 .74 .74 .74 .77 .77 .74 .74 .77 .68 .74 .62 .65 .65 .62 .60 .60 0.62 .62 .62 .62 .60 .65 .61 .61 .83 .61 .61 .63 .61 .63 .63 .59 .59 .59 .59 .59 .53 .53 .53 .81 .68 .65 .65 .68 .68 .68 0.65 2 3 92 92 92 89 89 89 82 80 70 81 83 .86 .95 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 96 07 95 95 96 68 68 89 86 68 .72 .68 4_ 5 6 .68 .68 .68 7 .56 8 . . _. .56 9 .56 10 11 12 --- .57 .59 59 13 - .59 14 15 ... 16 17 18 19 20 21 - -.- 22 23 1 .55 .52 .52 .56 .57 .57 1 .57 .74 24 25 - - _- 26 27 28._.__ 29 30 31 - Total ... 89 .70 .63 .62 LIPPINCOTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 235 Estimated daily discharge, in second- feet, of San Gabriel River over weir on West Fork above mouth of North Fork for 1900. [Observer, San Gabriel Power Company.] Day. July. August. September. October. 1 2 3 0.55 .62 .68 .62 .53 .55 .55 .55 .44 .34 .29 .26 .24 .20 .13 .12 .16 .16 .12 .12 .07 .12 0.05 .02 0.12 .12 .12 .12 .08 .11 .16 .12 .12 .16 .16 .12 .12 .16 .16 .16 .16 .11 .12 .12 .16 .16 0.16 .16 .16 4 _- .16 5 .15 6 .20 .20 8 _ -- .16 9_ .16 10 .13 11 .08 .07 .08 .08 .12 .10 .12 .10 .12 .12 .10 .07. .08 .08 .20 12 .20 13 ., __ .20 14 15 16-- 17 : ' 18. __- 19 20 21 22-- 23 . 24 - 25 .08 .12 .20 .16 .16 .13 .14 26 27--- .08 .08 .10 .12 .10 28 .05 .08 .05 .05 29 - . 30 31 Total .29 .09 .14 .17 236 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated daily discharge, in second-feet, of San Gabriel River over weir on Cold- water Creek, S\ miles above mouth, for 1900. [Observer, San G-abriel Power Company.] Day. July. August. September. October. 1 0.43 0.52 .58 .62 . 57 .55 .56 .51 .51 .56 .50 . 55 .53 2 0.60 3 .49 .46 .54 , 53 .50 .50 . 53 . 53 .51 .43 .47 .43 .45 .47 .47 . 52 .55 .56 .51 .49 .45 .44 .45 .43 .42 .41 .40 .56 .62 4 .61 5 . _ _ . .63 6 .61 7 .58 8 .58 9._ ... _ .58 10 11 .55 .60 12 .60 13 .64 14.... .. . 15 16 -- 17 18. 19 ... 20 21 22 23 24.. ... 25 _ . 26 27 0.37 .49 .50 .47 .46 28 29.... . 30 31 Total .46 .48 .55 .60 LIPPINCOTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIV^EE. 237 Estimated daily discharge, in second-feet, of San Gabriel River over weir 100 yards above Fish Fork, for 1900. [Observer, San Gabriel Power Company.] Day. July. August. September. October. 1 2.24 2.48 2.48 2.42 2.33 2.27 2.06 2. 12 2.09 2.15 2.09 2.15 2.15 2.03 2.03 2.12 2.00 2.00 1.97 1.97 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.97 2.18 2.00 2.00 1.95 1.77 1.77 1.67 2 1.67 3 1.72 1.71 4 • 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 97 92 85 80 68 76 68 68 64 68 68 68 68 76 68 60 60 68 68 97 1.84 5 1.84 6 1.80 7 1.72 8 1.67 9 1 84 1.71 10 11 _ 80 72 76 72 76 76 80 71 72 72 68 59 63 79 89 84. 84 67 63 67 79 1.71 1.75 12 - T.76 13 14 1.89 15 16 17 . 18 . -- - .-- 19 . - 20 - . 21 22 23 24_ ___. .__ __ .- 25 . . ..: 26 ... 27 28 29... . ... 30 31 Total-... ... 2.09 75 1.74 1.75 238 CALIFOENIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated daily discharge, in second-feet, of San Gabriel River over weir on Fish Fork, 100 yards from mouth, for 1900. [Observer, San Gabriel Power Company.] Day. July. August. September. October. 1 1.42 1.66 1.68 1.66 1.28 1.25 1.16 1.18 1.08 .98 .96 .98 .98 1.04 1.02 ' 1.25 .93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.06 1.02 .90 .90 .90 .87 .87 0.95 2 .90 3-_. _- _ _ - _ .- 0.99 .96 1.02 1.06 1.06 .92 .95 1.02 .99 1.11 1.11 1.02 .99 .90 .90 .84 .84 .95 .89 .90 .90 .90 .92 .92 .92 .92 .99 .95 1.08 .95 4 5 6 .96 .93 .93 7 93 8 .93 9 10 11 12 13 1.52 .92 .96 1.13 1.10 .99 1.08 .94 .93 .89 .86 .84 .84 .80 .98 1.02 1.01 .98 .78 .80 .81 .84 .90 .89 .95 .95 1.01 14 15 16 17 .. 18 19 20 21_ 22 _ _ 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 29 .. 30 31 Total 1.11 .96 .96 .94 LIPPINCOTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 239 Estimated daily discharge, in second-feet, of San Gabriel River over weir on Iron Fork, 100 yards from mouth, for 1900. [Observer, San Gabriel Power Company.] Day. July. August. September. October. 1 1.97 1.97 2.03 2.09 1.89 1.91 1.83 1.66 1.55 1.58 1.50 1.39 1.42 1.42 1.44 1.42 1.42 1.37 1.37 1.42 1.31 1.34 1.37 1.24 1.29 1.24 1.26 1.21 1.09 1.14 1.24 1.05 2 0.87 1.05 1.09 1.16 1.16 .62 1.16 1.12 1.16 1.24 1.06 1.09 1.20 1.24 1.12 1.12 1.09 1.09 1.16 1.12 1.12 1.02 1.02 .95 .95 .95 1.02 1.09 1.09 1.12 1.08 3 - - . 1.05 4 1 12 5 1.20 6 1.12 7 1.09 8.-- ... 1.16 9 1.09 1.12 1.12 1.09 1.09 1.12 1.16 1.09 1.16 1.09 1.09 1.05 .91 .87 1.12 1.27 1.20 1.20 1.05 1.01 1.01 1.16 1 12 10 11 12 1.09 1.20 1.20 13 _. 1.23 14 _. _. 1.31 15 16 17 18 19 20 . . 21. 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 29 30 31 Total _ 1.50 1.07 1.09 1 14 240 CALIFORNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of San Gabriel River at point above Iron Fork. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. November, 1896 _ _ F.C.Finkle _ Sec-feet. December. 1896 do 7 4 January, 1897 ,do 28.4 February, 1897 March, 1897 do ___.. 42.0 do ... 52. 1 April, 1897 do 27 9 May, 1897 do 24.7 June, 1897 do ,... ... 25.4 July, 1897 do . 17.8 August, 1897 - - do 16.4 September 1897 do 16.5 April, 1900 J. B. Lippincott et al. . 5.76 Discharge measar-emejits of Iron Fork of San Gabriel River at mouth. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. November, 1896 F.C.Finkle ... ... Sec-feet. * 5.6 December, 1896 do . 8.0 January, 1897 do 10.1 February, 1897. do 18.3 March, 1897 .. .do ... „. 18.9 April, 1897 do ...._ 10.2 May 1897 . do 8.9 June 1897 -do July 1897 . ..do ... 8.6 August, 1897 - do 3.9 4.1 1.69 September 1897 do April, 1900 . J. B.. Lippincott et al . . LippiNcoTT.] SAN GABEIEL RIVER. 241 Discharge measurements of North Fork of San Gabriel River. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. November, 1896 December, 1896 F. C. Finkle . _.do _ Sec-feet. 3.7 3.6 January, 1897 do 10.8 February, 1897 do 17.0 March, 1897 _do 19.4 April, 1897 _do __ . . 13.8 May, 1897 _ do 11.2 June, 1897 do 7.1 July, 1897 .do 5.9 August, 1897 . ._do __-. 4.1 September, 1837 do _ _ _ 3.9 April, 1900 J. B. Lippincott et al 1.43 Discharge rtieasurements of Coldvater Creek, San Gabriel River, Los Angeles County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. November, 1896 F.C.Fincle Sec-feet. 4.1 December, 1896 -do 4.2 January, 1897 . do . 11.3 February, 1897 do _ ._ 19.1 March, 1897 do 17.8 April, 1897 do 11.3 May, 1897 do 9.8 June, 1897 -do 8.3 July, 1897 . _ _ - do . -. 6.5 August, 1897 do ..-.: 5.1 September, 1897 do 5.0 April, 1900 .... J. B, Lippincott et al 1.46 IRR 81 — 03- -16 242 CALIFORISIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge mcasnrcmenta of Bear Creek. S::iii Gibriel River. Lou Aitaeleti Coirnti/, Col. Date. Eycrographer. Dis- charge. November, 1896 F.C.Fincle Sec-feet. 3.3 December, 1896 do 3 4 January, 1897 _do 9.1 February, 1897 _.. do _ 24.7 March, 1897 do 33 9 April, 1897 do 17 3 May, 1897 . -. . _do __ 14.1 Discharge measurements of Bear Creek, San Gabriel River, at point near mouth, Los Angeles County, Cal. June, 1897 July, 1897 August, 1897 September, 1897 . Hydrographer. Dis- charge. F. C. Fincle . do do do April, 1900 _ j J. B. Lippincott et al _ ■c.-feet. 6.3 6.2 4.4 4.5 2.43 Discharge measurement of West Fork of San Gabriel River above Bear Creek, Los Angeles County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. ^ ^iV^ April, 1900 J. B. Lippincott et al Sec-feet. 1.80 Discharge measurement of West Fork of San Gabriel above junctio7i tvith East Fork, or Main River, Los Angeles County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. August 33, 1898 J. B. Lippincott Sec-feel. 3.67 LIPPJNCOTT.] SAN GABEIEL KIVEE. 243 Discharge imasiirement of East Fork of San Gabriel above junction a-ith West Fork, Los Angeles County, Cat. Date. Hydrosrrapher. Dis- charge. August 23, 1898 _ ^ - J. B. Lippincott J. . See. -feet. 7.11 Discharge measurement of San Gabriel River at junction of East and West forks. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. .August 23, 1898 Do J. B. Lippincott do Sec.-feet. 9.78 « 8. 42 Loss 1.36 n San Gabriel River at lieadworks of San Gabriel Power Company. Discharge measurement of Cattle Canyon above Coldwater, San Gabriel River, Los Angeles County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. April, 1900 J. B. Lippincott et al Sec. -feet. 0.32 Discharge lucasio-eiiicnts of San Gabriel River at various joints in icatershed below El Monte Narrotvs. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. July 3, 1898 Do._ Do Do Do Do_:.- .. F.H. Olmsted. .do .do _do . _do . -do . Do_ -do Sec.-feet. 2.52 9.06 8.79 6.18 3.36 1. 22 29.79 Whittier ditch. El Monte road cross- ing. Temple ditch, left of Narrows flume. Baldwin ranch house road. Original river channel. Campers station. Puente ditch: 50 per cent of usual head in ditch. Old mission bridge (Rio Hondo). Total ! 60.92 244 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no.81. Discharge measurements of San Gabriel River at various points in watershed. Date. 189" Dec. 5 190( ). Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Sept. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Hydrographer. 5 J. B. Lippincott _ - S. G. Bennett . _do . -do -do _do _do _do .do _do _do -do _do W. W. Cockins _ do do .do .do -do -do . Locality. San Gabriel River, Los Angeles and Whittier road bridge. East Whittier ditch at El Monte road cross- ing. Killion's pumping plant, 4 wells near El Monte. Cameron or Sheep Creek ditch. Rincon ditch Old Temple ditch Cate ditch, near head- Standif er ditch Banta ditch Total, San Gabriel River at intake of Standifer and Banta ditches. Rodriguez ditch, near Old Mission. Rio Honda or Old San Gabriel, under Mis- sion bridge. Arroyo ditch Little Lake « Agricultural ditch _ . . Bradbury ranch, Santa Anita, and Rose ave- nues. San Gabriel Sanitari- um tunnel. W. A. Highland, Ross avenue, Lamanda Park. Chapman ranch, 2 wells pumped; 1 ar- tesian well. Chapman ranch, 4 wells pumped. Chapman ranch, natu- ral flow of cienaga. Chapman ranch dairy . Chapman ranch, total. f San Gabriel River dry below this point. A rea of section. Sq. feet. 4.08 5.76 9.62 1.99 1. 22 9.47 9.34 11.45 Mean velocity. Ft. per sec. 1.4 1.774 .25 1.24 .98 .02 1.557 1.349 1.67 .74 1.83 .37 Dis- charge. Sec. -feet. 106 .52 ; 1.38 1.90 .07 .72 3.70 LippiNCOTT.] SAIS^ GABRIEL ElVER. 245 Discharge measurements of San Gabriel River, etc. — Continued, Hydrographer. W. W. CocMns . do _do . _do . _do . .do . -do . _do . _do . _do -do . _do . -do . .do -do . -do . .do _do . -do . Locality. Alhambra Water Co., weir No. 1. Alhambra Water Co., weir No. 2. Total Area of section. Sq. feet. Ft.persec. Santa Anita Canyon, natural flow. Sierra Madre Water Co. (weir). Remamettes east of Sierra Madre. Monrovia Water Co., 8 wells pumped. Monrovia Canyon, to Monrovia Water Co. (weirs). To Bradbury Total - 0.12 Duarte Mutual Im- provement and Ca- nal Co. Beardsley Water Co _ _ - M o r e n g o Water Co. Southern Pacific Co. 's.Grarfield station (weir). Morengo Water Co.'s weir in Morengo Canyon (weir). Los Robles Water Co. 's reservoir (weir). Reservoir at junction of Glenarm and Los Robles avenues, Pas- adena (weir). Graves & Bean tunnel. Brick kiln between Molino and Hope streets, Pasadena. Oak Knoll Park, Pasa- dena. Patton tunnel, near Kewen Lake. Patton 's east canyon -. Patton 's east canyon, natural flow; pump not running. 2.06 .096 .047 .87 .36 Mean velocity. 0.75 5.34 3.53 3.80 1.70 1.03 Sec-feet. 2.58 246 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. Discharge measurements of San Gabriel River, etc. — Continued. " [no. 81. Date. Hydrographer. Locality. Area of section. Mean velocity. Dis- charge. 1900. Sept. 17. Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 Sept. 15 W.W.Cockins .... do do do do __.-. do do do ..__ -_.- do Irwin F. Daniels .. do Mission ditch, Fatten ranch. Winston ranch Shorbes ranch (weir) S(2. feet. Ft. per sec. Sec-feet. 0.20 0.60 0.93 .50 .18 Yoakham's ranch (weir). Robert LiddehSan Pas- qual and Shorb(weir) . R. W. Scoville (weir) .12 .10 ■ .07 Mrs. Black, San Pas- qual and Craig streets (weir). M r n i n g s i d e ranch (weir). Glendora, Aznsa irri- gation Co. : Massey well "'i .07 .04 Sept. 27 1.50 Paine well . _ . . _ . .90 Total 2.40 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27' Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Wells in San Diemas wash: Daty & Sons 1.80 do do do do do do .... . ...do do do J. ...do . ...._do . .i.J.do do San Diemas Irriga- tion Co., F. D. Smith well _ . _ 1.20 Thacker well .80 Smith well (pri- vate). Chapman well .30 .70 Rnddock well _ ... .50 Artesian Belt Co. , 2 wells. Azusa city well _ 1.60 .?0 Walker's well .90 Citizens' Water Co. ■ (Covina). Covina plant, Dea- con well. Natural flow, San Diemas Canyon. Spark's well .10 .44 .04 .40 Total 11.38 I.TPPINCOTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 247 Discharge measurements of San Gabriel River at irells on Lordsbnrg Mesa. Date. Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. .27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Sept. 27 Hydrographer. Irwin F. Daniels. do _do .do _do _do -do .do . Locality. Area cf Mean Dis- section, velocity, charge. Richards, 4 wells . Sumner Sheldon Bros La Verne Land Water Co. Rodgers True (5 days in 30) Rodney Soper Hayes & Stratton . . and Sq.feef. Ft.pr.sec. Sec-feet. \ I 1.52 ..:.....' : .48 I .30 ' .70 do Wallace. _ do . ..\ Mullard _ -do _do -do . -do Douglas c: CcQuilly. Norris .... Williams Trc s- Kulp ( intermit tent ) . south of Mesa avenue. -do D. Fulton -do Steves .do j Daniels & Overholtzer. - do ... Massey, 2 wells .do ... Hauser Bros .do I Moorwaw & Son .do Sleider .do .do .. .do Rutherford & Co New Deal Water Co . Kiser Total. .10 .16 .24 .20 .16 .30 .76 .30 .80 .20 .50 .20 1.34 .54 .76 .50 .88 .40 .40 .90 12.64 248 CALIFORNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of San Gabriel River at Azusa, Los Angeles County. [Drainage area, 222 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. . 1894. May June July August September October November 1 to 15. 1895. August 8 to 31 Septem.ber - . October November December 1896. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year - Sec. -feet. 50 27 17 27 23 16 14 47 39 32 50 45 25 28 134 46 177 16 12 177 Sec-feet. 27 17 9 10 13 13 13 38 29 27 29 37 Sec-feet. 32 23 12 14 15 14 13 re-feet. 1,968 1,369 738 861 893 861 387 1,999 1,904 1,783 2,380 2,582 Sec-feet. 0.14 .10 .05 .06 .07 .06 .19 .14 .13 .18 .19 4,612 655 738 179 123 7,673 0.05 .05 .34 .05 .05 .01 .01 .05 Note.— During the summer m.onths all this water is diverted by the canals. For 1894 and 1895 the above table is for the total discharge from the drainage basin. Subsequent to 1895 the table shows the separate flow in river and canals, except where combined and so stated. LiPPiNCOTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 249 Estimated montlilij discharge of San Gabriel River at Azusa, etc. — Continued. Discharge. Minimum. Mean, Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1897. January - February March April May June July August September October . _ November December The year 1898. January February March April May . _ _ June July August September October November December The year Sec-feet. 130 1,710 1,765 345 141 28 1,600 15 5 1,765 Sec-feet. 5 46 275 141 28 .2 .4 3.0 Sec-feet. 40 332 448 259 82 5 72 Acre-feet. 2,484 18, 420 27, 572 15,417 5,042 274 4, 458 475 221 Sec-feet. 0.181 1.494 2.020 1.166 .369 .021 .322 .036 .016 104 74, 302 .469 14 11 0.03 4.5 622 2 277 63 2.5 1,764 0.06 .05 .02 .01 250 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Estimated monthly discharge of San Gabriel River at Azusa, etc. — Continued. Discharge. 1899. January February March April May June July August September October November December _ . . _ _ The year 1900. January February March April May June July August - : September October November Decem ber The year Sec-feet. 16 13 16 49 38 5,168 5,168 Sec-feet. 1.2 .42 .13 Total dis- chai'ge. Acre-feet. 74 26 100 123 123 io,2;r) 10 481 Per square mile. Sec. -feet. 0. 005 0. 002 .007 0.01 .01 LippiNcoTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 251 Estimated monthly discharge of San Gabriel River at Azusa, etc. — Continued. 1901. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1902. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year Discliarge. Maximum. Minimum. Sec. -feet. 1,450 2,600 370 75 200 27 70 2,600 57 318 37 318 Sec-feet. 70 80 13 18 Sec-feet. Ill 613 158 43 55 7 3 83 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 6,825 34,044 9,715 2,559 3,382 417 184 Run-off. Per square Depth, mile. Sec-feet. 0.50 2.76 .71 .19 .25 .03 .01 57, 126 167 2,337 417 2,921 .37 252 CALIFOKNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of San Gabriel canals at Azusa, Los Angeles County. [Drainage area, 222 square miles.] 1896. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1897. January February March April May Juno July August September October November December The year Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean, Sec-feet. 26 34 43 45 42 27 15 36 19 17 24 25 45 Sec-feet. 26 26 35 40 29 13 9 9 11 10 15 18 Sec-feet. 26 30 36 43 36 19 12 14 13 11 17 20 23 17.56 13.10 17.14 35.30 62.97 63.20 38.13 26.45 20.66 18.03 23.30 26.84 30.20 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 1,599 1,726 2,214 2,559 2,214 1,131 738 861 774 676 1,012 1,230 16, 734 1,072 726 1,051 2,102 3,810 3,759 2,343 1,613 1,226 1,106 1,385 1,648 21,831 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.12 .14 .16 .19 .16 .09 .05 .06 .06 .05 .10 0.079 .059 .077 .159 .284 .285 .171 .118 .088 .081 .105 .121 .136 LippiNcoTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 253 Estimated monthly discharge of Sa7i Gabriel canals at Azusa, etc. — Continued. Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean, Total dis- charge. Run-off. Per square mile. January . _ _ February -. March April . May June July August September . October November . December _ The year _ 1899. January February March April May June July August September _ _.. October . . November December The year _ Sec-feet. 32 34 48 37 45 30 14 9 10 10 11 18 Sec-feet. 23 10 28 25.3 20.0 14.5 9.0 5.0 6.1 7.5 8.0 11.7 48 Sec-feet. 26 29 35 33 32 19 11 7 10 14 Acre-feet. 1,591 1,618 2,129 1,950 1,947 1,159 672 456 467 533 580 5.0 19.4 13, 934 15 20 18 16 12 5 3 4 3 4 10 16 21.8 22.0 26.0 21.0 14.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 11.1 14.0 20.0 14.4 1,340 1,244 1,623 1,262 842 565 221 295 220 683 847 1,247 10, 389 Sec. -feet. 0.12 .13 .16 .15 .14 .09 .05 .03 .04 .04 .04 .06 .09 0.098 .102 .119 .096 .062 .043 .016 .022 .019 .050 .064 .091 .065 254 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Fsti-iiKited monilily discharge of Sail Gabriel canals at Azusa, etc. — Continued. 1900. January February March April . May June July August _ . , September October November December 1 to 16 The year ^ . 1901. January February March April May _ - June ... July August September October November December . . The year . . Discharge. Sec. -feet. 50 23 30 26 56 22 10 5 6 6 55 53 55 Sec. -feet. 22 18 16 13 16 . 8 4 4 3 4 5 31 Total dis- charge. Sec. -feet. ' Acre-feet. Sec-feet. 18 3,566 3,721 3,874 3,987 4,058 3,332 1,845 1,230 1,012 1,291 1,904 1,660 1,845 1,111 1,230 1,012 2,152 893 369 246 238 307 833 1,269 Per square mile. 11,505 31,480 0.14 .09 .09 .08 .16 .07 .03 .02 .02 .02 .06 .18 .08 0.26 .30 .28 .30 .30 .25 .14 .09 .08 .09 .14 .12 .20 i.ippiNcoTT.] SAK GABRIEL RIVER. 255 Est'unated luoiit/ili/ (Uncharge of San Gabriel canals at Azusa, etc. — Continued. Discharge. Total dis- charge. Run-off. Moil til. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Deptli. 1902. January Februar y Sec-feet. 51 63 62 62 48 29.5 17 8.5 6 Sec-feet. 24 27 55 46 30 13.5 7.5 6 4.5 Sec- feet. 28 34 61 59 39 20 11 7 5 19 32 Acre-feet. 1,722 1,888 3,750 3,510 2,398 1,190 676 430 298 430 1,131 1,968 Sec-feet. Inches. March _ April _- May June ! July _._ August September October 10.5 5.5 62 1 7. 5 November 1 i ^ _ December _ . . . 68 16 The year 68 4.5 27 19,391 Estimated monthly discharge of San Gabriel River and canals at Azusa, Los Angeles County. [Drainage area, 222 square miles.] Discharge. January . February . March April May June July August _-_ September October . . . November . December _ 'T'he year . Sec-feet. 51 61 169 91 40 27 •15 36 19 188 40 37 Sec-feet. 26 36 37 40 29 13 9 9 11 10 15 17 Sec-feet. 37 41 111 54 36 19 12 14 13 24 19 22 34 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 2,275 2,358 6,825 3,213 2,214 1,131 738 861 774 1,476 1,181 1,858 24, 349 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.17 .18 .50 .24 .16 .09 .05 .06 .06 .11 .09 .10 .15 Depth. Inches. 0.20 .19 .58 .27 .18 .10 .06 .07 .07 .18 .10 .12 2.07 256 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated rtionthhj discharge cf San Gabriel River and canals at Azusa, Los Angeles Count u — Continued. Discharge. Maximum, j Minim.um. Mean, Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1897. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1898. January .... February March April . May June _ . July August September October November December The year Sec. -feet. 147 1,713 1,765, 370 196 91 52 34 23 1,640 34 34 1,765 Sec. -feet. 25 64 294 201 94 54 27 22 18 22 31 28 Sec-feet. 57.9 344.8 465.6 294.4 145.0 67.8 38.1 26.4 20.7 90.5 33.3 30.5 Acre-feet. 3,617 19, 146 28, 023 17,519 8, 851 4,033 2,343 1,013 1,226 5,564 1,860 1,875 Sec-feet. 0.260 1.553 2.097 1.325 .653 .306 .171 .118 .088 .403 .141 .137 18 134.6 96, 270 .604 28 32 28 25.3 25.0 14.5 9.0 5.0 6.1 7.5 8.0 11.7 5.0 40 40 35 19 11 7 8 9 10 14 22 2,453 2,241 2,131 1,950 2,223 1,159 672 456 467 533 - 580 832 15, 697 0.18 .18 .16 .15 .16 .09 .05 .03 .04 .04 .04 .06 .10 LIPPINCOTT.] SAN GABRIEL RIVER. 257 Estimated 7nonthly discharge Of San Gabriel River and canals at Azusa, Los Angeles County — Continued. Discharge. 1899. January - . . February . March April May June - July August September . October November . December . The year . . _ 1900. January February March April . _ May June July August September October November December 1 to 16 The year . . . Sec-feet. 33 28 40 28 17 22 4 40 89 23 30 26 86 '22 10 5 6 6 5,200 53 5,200 Sec-feet. 15 20 18 16 12 5 3 4 3 4 10 16 Sec-feet. 23 22 26 21 14 10 4 5 4 11 14 20 32 20 20 17 37 15 6 4 4 5 186 40 32 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 1,414 1,244 1,623 1,262 •842 565 221 295 220 709 • 847 1,247 10,489 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.104 .102 .119 .096 .062 .043 .016 .022 .019 .050 .064 .091 .065 1,968 1,111 1,230 1,012 2,275 246 238 307 11,068 1,269 21, 0.14 .09 .09 .08 .17 .07 .03 .02 .02 .02 .84 .18 .15 Depth. Inches. 0.120 .106 .137 .107 .071 .048 .018 .025 .021 .058 .071 .105 .887 0.16 .09 .10 .09 .20 .08 .03 .02 .02 .02 .93 .11 1.85 IRR 81—0:3- -17 258 Estimated monthly CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. of San Gabriel River and canals at Azusa, Los Angeles County — Continued. Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean, Per square mile. 1901. January February March '. April May June July August September October . November December The year 1902. January February . . March April May June July August . September October November December The year Sec-feet. 1,450 2,605 440 130 272 93 41 27 20 122 50 2,605 51 120 378 99 48 29.5 17 10.5 80 68 378- Sec-feet. 28 137 135 95 83 41 24 15 15 15 29 Sec-feet. 169 680 221 110 121 63 30 20 17 24 32 27 Acre-feet. 10,391 37, 765 13, 589 6, 545 7,440 3,749 1,845 1,230 1,012 1,476 1,904 1,660 Sec-feet. 0.76 3.06 1.00 .50 .55 .28 .14 .09 .08 .11 .14 .12 15 126 88, 606 24 38 63 48 30 13.5 7.5 6 4.5 5.5 7.5 16 4.5 1,722 2, 055 6,087 3,927 2,398 1,190 676 430 298 430 1,131 1,968 22,312 .57 0.13 .17 .45 .30 .17 .09 .05 .03 .02 .03 .09 .14 .14 LIPPINOOTT.] DISCHARGE TABLES. 259 SAN GREGORIO CREEK. Discharge measurement of San Gregorio Creek, San Mateo County. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. Locality. 1893. Oct. 17 W.W. Brier _ Sec. ft. 6.49 One-third mile above San Gregorio. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER. The headwater tributaries of this river receive the drainage from the crests of the Sierra Nevada north of Mount Whitney. The fall of the river is rapid, with many favorable locations for power devel- opment, and in one case advantage has been taken of the fall on the North Fork, and a power plant constructed, dev^eloping electric power for transmission to Fresno and Hanford, Cal. During 1899 a second storage reservoir was under course of construction on the North Fork, which will tend further to regulate the flow of the river. No permanent diversions above the gaging station are made, but the water is extensively used below for irrigation purposes. The gage rod at the station was established b}^ the Southern Pacific Railway Comjjany in 1879. The old trestle bridge was torn down by the railroad company during 1899 and a new iron structure was erected in its place. This necessitated a new gage rod, which was set to the datum of the old gage and bolted to the western side of the central concrete pier. The bench mark is a nail in a post at the south end of the bridge on the west side, 0.2 foot above the ground and marked "B. M." It is at an elevation of 24.12 feet above gage datum. The channel for some distance above and below the bridge is straight, and the water has a uniform velocitj^ The right bank is high, rocky, and steep. The bed of the stream is of sand and gravel. Discharge measurements of San Joaquin River at Herndon, Fresno County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1895. Jan. 9 Mar. 22 A. P. Davis and J. J. B. Lippincott. _ B. Lippincott Feet. 4 3.85 6.65 8.00 3.00 2.6 2.55 4.1 9.33 2.75 Sec-feet. 1,995 1,938 May 5 do : 7,419 June 23 do 11 225 Aug. 31 do 677 Oct. 11 do . _ 332 Nov. 25 -. .do- 270 1896. Apr. 13 June 11 J. A. Vogleson J. B. Lippincott 2,406 15, 942 424 Nov. 2 do 260 CALIFORNIA HYDROaEAPHY. [no.81. Discharge measurements of San Joaquin River at Herndo7i, etc. — Continued. Hydrographer G-age height. 1897. Feb. 14 May 31 July 16 Sept. 8 Nov. 2 Dec. 21 1898. Apr. 19 May 30 July 28 Sept. 2 Dec. 20 1899. Mar. 5 Apr. 18 May 13 June 2 June 27 Aug. 1 Sept. 8 1900. Feb. 2 Apr. 3 May 15 June 18 Aug. 9 Sept. 1 Sept. 28 Dec. 30 1901. Jan. 30 Mar. 2 Apr. 3 July 31 Oct. 16 1902. May 14 Sept. 11 J. B. Lippincott- do A. Q. Campbell-. do do J. B. Lippincott . J. B. Lippincott- do do do do J. B. Lippincott _ S. a. Bennett _ . . do do do :_.- do do B. Lippincott. G. Bennett ^ _ . ..do ..do .-do ..do --do -.do S. G. Bennett . do do do do S. G. Bennett - L. M. Lawson. Feet. 3.58 8.60 4.5 2.66 2.92 3.00 5.42 4.58 3 2.52 2.5 3.25 6.34 5.76 4.90 3.32 2.67 3.25 4.66 5.91 5.67 2.83 2.50 2.33 3.33 5.67 2.25 7.35 "Gage height at beginning, 6.75; at ending, 7.25 LippiNcoTT.] SAN JOAQUIN RIVER. 261 Discharge measurements of San Joaquin River, Fresno County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Local-;ty. 1899. Sec-feet. Sept. 8 S. G. Bennett 269 500 feet above Pollasky Bridge. 1900. Sept. 28 S. G. Bennett 188 Do. Sept. 28 J. S. Eastwood 188 1901. Oct. 16 S. G. Bennett 315 At Pollasky Ford. 1900. Aug. 31 E. G. Hamilton 31 South Fork at Blaney Meadows. 1902. Sept. 27 S. G. Bennett 589 Above railroad bridge near Lathrop, San Joaquin County. Sept. () E. T. Perkins .7 Granite C^eek 100 feet below sheep bridge. Sept. 7 do 342 150 yards below junction Jackass Creek. Sept. 7 do 3 Jackass Creek 50 feet above junction with San Joaquin. Sept. 8 do 148 Middle Fork 100 yards above Miller Bridge. Sept. 10 do 51 Mono Creek at Trail Crossing. Sept. 10 do 107 South Fork at Trail Crossing. Sept. 10 do 9 Big Creek at dam site of J. S. Eastwood. Sept. 8 L. M. Lawson 309 Pollasky. Sept. 9 do 18 Canal at Reservoir, North Fork, at San Joaquin power house. Sept. 10 do 310 San Joaquin Electl'ic Co.'s power house. Sept. 12 do 25 Below dam at Mendota. Sept. 12 do 260 Miller and Lux Canal at small dam. Sept. 12 do 265 Miller and Lux canal at bridge near dredger. 262 CALIFORKIA HyBROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of San Joaquin River at Hamptonville , Fresno County. [Drainage area, 1,637 square miles.] Discharge. Total dis- charge. Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth. 1878. « Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Sec. feet. Acre-feet. Sec-feet. Inches. November 330 410 19,636 25,210 0.20 .25 0.22 December .29 1879. « January 3,010 370 609 37, 446 0.37 0.43 February 5,420 620 1,276 70,865 .78 .81 March 3,340 1,300 1,953 120, 085 1.19 1.37 April 8,560 2,360 3,849 229,031 2.35 2.62 May 10,030 2,850 5,302 326, 007 3.24 3.74 June 11,*640 4,200 6,379 379, 576 3.90 4.35 July 4,460 1,300 2,303 141,606 1.41 1.63 August 1,300 550 786 48, 329 .48 .55 September 480 310 381 22, 671 .23 .26 October 480 260 373 22, 935 .23 .27 November . 420 370 411 24, 456 .25 .28 December . _ 4,700 700 1,140 70, 096 .70 .81 The year 11, 640 260 2,063 1,493,103 1.26 17. 12 1880. « January 1,020 770 825 50, 727 0.50 0.58 February 2,360 770 942 54, 184 .57 .61 March 1,640 1,120 1,229 75, 568 .75 .86 April 15,580 1,300 4,846 288,357 2.96 3.30 May 25, 000 25,600 14,650 4,700 5,420 14, 180 3,350 840 13,170 18,120 8,010 1,730 809,792 1,078,214 492,516 106, 374 8.05 11.07 4.89 1.06 9.28 June 12.35 July. _ 5.64 August 1.22 September 840 550 734 43, 676 .45 .50 October 480 450 6,730 380 370 395 422 380 2,001 25, 948 22,612 123,037 .26 .23 1.22 .30 November .26 December 1.41 The year 25, 600 370 4,367 3,171,005 2.67 36.31 a Authority, California State engineering dexmrtment. lilPPINCOTT.] SAN JOAQUIN EIVER. 263 Estimated monthly discharge of San Joaquin River at Hamptonville, Fresno County — Continued. Discharge. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1881. « January . . February . March April May . June. July August September . October November . December . . The year _ 1882. « January . February March April - - - - May June July August September & October ^ November & December & The year _ Sec-feet. 59, 800 22, 450 6,570 13, 250 16,500 9,230 5, 180 1,640 760 490 530 2,740 59, 800 330 520 3,890 7,360 12, 860 13, 980 6,900 1,630 Sec-feet. 1,024 2,440 2,440 5,900 5,900 4,300 2,200 760 490 430 380 340 Sec-feet. 3,856 6,340 2,855 8,008 9, 095 5,948 3,064 1,260 584 463 461 632 Acre-feet. 237, 096 352, 106 175, 547 476, 509 559, 230 353, 931 188, 398 77, 474 34, 750 28, 469 27, 431 38, 860 Sec-feet. 2.35 3.87 1.74 4.89 5.56 3.63 1.87 .77 .36 .28 .28 .39 340 3,547 2, 549, 801 290 280 340 2,540 7,360 4,280 700 450 303 330 1,522 3,409 8,850 7,867 2,918 591 240 564 490 320 18,631 18,327 93, 584 202, 849 544, 165 468,119 179,421 36, 339 14, 281 34, 679 29, 157 19,676 2,370 1,659,228 2.17 0.19 .20 .93 2.08 5.41 4.81 1.78 .36 .15 .34 .30 .20 1.40 "Authority, California State engineering department. ft Estimated from, previous measurements and neighboring streams. 264 OALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of San Joaquin River at Hamptonville, Fresno County — Continued. 1883. « January & February '^ March & April ^ May & June^ .-- July& August ^ September ^ _ _ . October ^ November ^ _ _ . December '> The year _ 1884/' January '^ February '' March ^> April '> May ^ June ^ July& August ^ September ^ October ^ Discharge. Maximum. Minimum Sec. -feet. Sec-feet. -feet. 320 320 150 130 370 220 470 490 410 330 250 250 1,726 410 2,460 4,090 3,270 8,190 16, 400 13,100 3,270 980 820 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 19, 676 17,771 70,711 126,744 453, 164 370, 116 90,887 30,129 24, 397 20,291 14, 876 15,372 1,253,634 25,210 141,501 251,484 194, 578 503, 583 975, 868 805, 488 201,064 58,814 50, 420 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.20 .20 .70 1.30 4.50 3.80 .90 .30 .25 .20 .15 .15 1.05 0.25 1.50 2.50 2.00 5.00 10.02 8.00 2.00 .60 .50 Depth. Inches. 0.23 .21 .81 1.45 5.19 4.24 1.04 .35 .28 .23 .17 .17 14. 87 0.29 1.62 2.88 2.23 5.76 11.18 9.22 2.31 .67 .58 « Authority. California State engineering department. h Estimated from previous measurements and neighboring streams. LIPPINCOTT.] SA:N^ JOAQUIN EIVEK. 265 Estimated monthly discharge of San Joaquin River at Herndon, Fresno County. [Drainage area, 1,637 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean Total dis- charge. Run-off. Per square mile. 1895. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1896. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year Sec-feet. 11,225 8,500 9,318 9,863 19,960 14, 250 8,000 2,301 8,500 1,260 426 19, 960 750 176 920 080 300 180 700 390 750 Sec. -feet. 1,260 909 1,554 3,354 5,100 7,250 2,148 793 260 260 260 Sec-feet. 2,881 2, 568 2,779 5,834 13,124 10,674 4,528 1,417 1,085 420 362 373 Acre-feet. 177. 146 142, 619 170, 874 347. 147 806, 963 635, 147 278, 416 87, 128 64, 562 25,825 21,540 22, 935 Sec-feet. 1.76 1.57 1.70 3.56 • 8.02 . 6.52 2.77 .87 .66 .26 .22 .23 260 3,837 780, 302 250 950 1,180 1,920 2,560 6, 544 1,600 700 80 80 430 430 2,119 1,177 2,612 2, 675 5, 394 11,799 4, 177 1,048 534 167 697 18, 800 130, 335 67, 696 160, 649 159, 192 331,700 702, 106 256, 865 64, 463 31,817 10,275 41,492 40, 957 80 2, 756 1,997,547 1.29 . 72 1.60 1.64 3.30 7.21 2.55 .64 .33 .10 .43 .41 266 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [N0.81. Estimated tnonthly discharge of San Joaquin River at Herndon, Fresno County — Continued. Discharge. Maximum. Minimum.. Mean. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1897. January _ _ . February . March April May June July August --_ September. October _ . _ November _ December _ The year . 1898. January February March April May June ._ July -.-- August September October November December The year . Sec-feet. 1,180 15, 660 4,600 11,708 18, 600 12,332 4,300 1,300 535 820 4,300 4,000 18, 600 763 1,425 1,242 5,846 5, 141 3,744 1,730 610 1,882 763 350 1,181 5,846 Sec-feet. 535 1,180 1,675 2,305 9,565 2,390 1,300 590 105 105 120 «513 Sec-feet. 655 2,598 2,325 6,541 13, 545 5,862 . 2, 493 898 227 279 872 995 Acre-feet. 40, 275 144, 286 142, 960 389,216 832, 855 348, 812 153, 290 55, 216 13, 507 17,155 51,887 61,180 Sec-feet. 0.40 1.59 1.42 4.00 8.27 3.57 1.52 .55 .14 .17 .53 .61 105 3,108 2, 250, 639 530 530 763 1,018 2,262 1,730 530 350 220 350 290 240 658 842 908 2,944 3,206 2,718 959 480 363 509 308 384 40,459 46, 762 55, 831 175, 180 197,131 161,732 58, 967 29, 514 21,600 31,297 18, 327 23,611 220 1,190 0,411 1.90 0.40 .51 .56 1.80 1.96 1.66 .59 .29 .22 .31 .19 .24 .73 a Minimum of 60 second-feet given in Nineteenth Ann. Rept. is error. LIPPINCOTT.j SAK JOAQUIN RIVER. 267 Estimated inonthly discharge of San Joaquin River at Herndon, Fresno County — Continued. Discharge. Total dis- charge. 1899. January February March April May . June July August . September October November December . The year 1900. January February March ... April May June July August September October November December The year Sec-feet. 1,170 1,060 16, 206 7,354 7,090 9,070 3, 105 745 220 776 1,175 4, 775 16, 206 15, 932 745 2,780 2,780 9,730 8, 674 3,445 630 240 990 20, 780 1,285 Sec-feet. 170 350 692 2,030 1,830 2,620 955 250 70 69 130 220 Sec-feet. 463 645 2,689 4,233 3,730 5,700 1,664 428 152 214 565 1,018 Acre-feet. 28,469 35, 821 165, 341 251,880 229, 350 339, 173 104, 284 26, 317 9,045 13, 158 33,620 62, 595 Sec-feet. 0.28 .39 1.64 2.59 2.28 3.48 1.02 .26 .09 .13 .34 .62 1,792 1,299,053 745 355 640 1,520 2,170 3,620 630 240 180 180 240 745 2 244 534 1,748 2,060 5,725 5,728 1,642 390 204 451 1,834 1,033 137, 978 29, 657 107, 480 122, 578 352,016 340, 840 100, 962 23, 980 12,139 27, 730 109, 130 63,517 1.09 1.37 .33 1.07 1.26 3.50 3.50 1.00 .24 .13 .28 1.12 .63 20, 780 180 1,428,007 1.20 268 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of San Joaquin River at Herndon, Fresno County — Continued. Discharge. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. Depth. 1901. January February March April May _- June July August . September _ . . October . November December The year Sec-feet. 21,372 12, 940 6,830 12, 400 17,870 15, 662 14, 294 5,850 500 2,480 1,550 2,060 Sec-feet. 810 1,550 2,480 1,930 4,775 7,882 3,110 500 360 340 500 460 Sec-feet. 3,506 4,983 4,191 4,680 10, 935 11,998 3,466 2,373 399 489 702 872 Acre-feet. 215,576 276, 742 257, 695 278, 479 672, 367 713, 930 213,116 145,910 23, 742 30, 067 41,772 53, 617 21,372 340 4,050 2, 923, 013 Sec-feet. 2.14 3.04 2.56 2.86 6.68 7.33 2.12 1.45 .24 .30 .43 .53 2.47 Incites. 2.47 3.17 2.95 3.18 7.71 8.17 2.45 1.67 .27 .35 .48 .61 33.48 Discharge measurements of Chiquita San Joaquin River, Madera County. Date. Hydrographei'. Dis- charge. Sept. 27,1900 J. S. Eastwood Sec-feet. 22.6 SAN JOSE CREEK. Discharge measurements of San Jose Creek, Santa Barbara County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Aug. —,1889 G.F.Wright . Sec-feet. 0.27 The following measurements of San Jose Creek were made by Charles J. Johansen for the Pacific Improvement Company. The pipe line along the West Fork of San Jose Creek was not carrying water in the year 1890. LIPPINCOTT.] SAN JOSE CEEEK. 269 The point of measurement of the West Fork was a short distance above its junction with the East Fork, or main stream. The main stream, or East Fork, of San Jose Creek was gaged a short distance above its junction with the West Fork, and the pipe line along this stream was not carrying water in the year 1890. List of discharge measurements of San Jose Creek, Santa Barbara Comity. Hydrographer. Dis- cliarge. Locality. Charles J. Johansen _ do , do do do do do do ..do .... ..do .... _.do .... ..do __-_ _.do .... ..do .-._ ..do .... .-do .... .-do .... ..do -.-_ _-do --.. .-do --.. -.do ---_ .-do .... ..do .... ...do .... .-do .... ..do .... -.do ..-. -.do --.. ..do .... ..do .... ..do .... ..do ._-. --do .... ..do .... Sec-feet. 1.57 .54 .94 .60 .60 .54 .54 .50 .50 .44 .44 .44 .50 .44 .40 .40 .40 .40 ^ .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .35 .40 .40 .32 .29 .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 .35 West Fork at mouth. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 270 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. List of discharge measurements of San Jose Creek, etc. — Con tinned. Hydrograplier. Dis- charge. Locality. 1890. May May May May May May 11 May 12 May 13 May 15 May 17 May 19 May 21 May 23 May 25 May 27 May 29 May 31 Jnne 2 Jnne 4 June 6 Jnne 8 Jnne 10 Jnne 12 Jnne 14 June 16 June 18 June 20 June 22 June 24 June 26 June 28 June 30 July 2 July 4 July 6 July 8 July 10 July 12 July 14 Charles J. Johanson . _ ....do ....do ... ....do ....do ...-do ....do .--.do .--.do .. ...-do . ..-.do -.-.do ---.do ...do ...do :. --..do ....do _--.do .-.-do .----do ...--do -..-do .-.-do ----do ....do ...-do -...do ....do .-..do . -..-do _--_do ....do .... -...do ....do --.-do ..--do . ....do ... -.--do ----do Sec. -feet. 0.32 .26 .32 .32 .26 .26 .23 .26 .23 .26 .26 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .21 .21 .21 .21 .18 .23 .21 .21 .27 .21 .19 .21 .17 .19 .17 .17 .18 .17 .17 .17 .16 West Fork at mouth. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. • Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. LiPPiNCOTT.] SAN JOSE CREEK. 271 List of discharge measurements of San Jose Creek, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. 1890. Sec-feet. July 16 Charles J. Johansen - _ _ 0.16 West Fork at mouth. July 18 do .14 .16 Do. July 20 -----do Do. July 22 do .14 .17 .16 Do. July 24 -do Do. July 26 do .. Do. July 28 do .17 .17 Do. July 30 do Do. Aug. 1 Aug. 2 do .17 Do. do .17 Do. Aug. 3 do .17 Do. Aug. 4 do .17 Do. Aug. 6 do .17 Do. Aug. 8 do .17 Do. Mar. 1 do 6.38 5.76 East Fork above West Fork. Mar. 3 _ -_-d0 Do. Mar. 5 -..do- 5.17 Do. Mar. 7 -do -.-- 4.88 4.59 4.03 Do. Mar. 9 _ _-do Do. Mar. 11 do .- Do. Mar. 13 do 3.76 Do. Mar. 15 do 3.51 Do. Mar. 17 do 3.00 Do. Mar. 19 do 3.51 Do. Mar. 21 do 5.11 Do. Mar. 23 do 4.59 Do. Mar. 25 do 4.59 Do.. Mar. 27 do - 4.31 4.31 4.03 Do. Mar. 29 do Do. Mar. 31 do Do. Apr. 2 -do 4.03 ■ 3.51 Do. Apr. 4 do Do. . Apr. 6 do 3.51 Do. Apr. 8 do 3.51 Do. Apr. 10 do 3.25 Do. Apr. 12 do 3.00 Do. Apr. 14 do 3.00 1.97 Do. Apr. 15 do Do. Apr. 17 ,,...do.._,. 2.24 Do. 272 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. List of discharge measurements of San Jose Creek, etc. — Continued. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. 1890. Apr. 19 Apr. 21 Apr. 23 Apr. 25 Apr. 27 Apr. May May May May 7 May 9 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 15 May 17 May 19 May 21 May 23 May 25 May 27 May 29 May 31 Jnne 2 June 4 June 6 June 8 June 10 June 12 June 14 June 16 June 18 June 20 June 22 June 24 June 26 June 28 June 30 July 2 Charles J. Johansen . ! do do do .. do _.... do do do do do do do do ...-do do do :. do .__.do do do do do do do do do do ... do do do ... do _. do .....do do do do do do do Sec-feet. 2.10 2.10 1.97 1.97 1.97 ' 2. 10 1.97 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.18 1.59 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.19 1.19 1.25 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.12 .94 .88 .91 .91 .94 1.00 1.12 1.06 1.00 .82 .82 .88 .94 .82 .76 East Fork above West Fork. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. LippiNcoTT.] SAN JOSE CEEEK. 273 List of discharge measurements of San Jose Creek, etc. — Contimied. Date. Hydrographer. 1890. July 4 July 6 July 8 I do July 10 do July 12 do July 14 j do July 16 do Charles J. Johansen . --..do -- July 18 July 20 July 22 July 24 July 26 \ do July 28 ' do July 30 : Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 ' Aug. 4 ' Aug. 6 I Aug. 8 ' Aug. 11 Aug. 13 Aug. 15 Aug. 17 Aug. 19 Aug. 21 Aug. 23 Aug. 25 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 Aug. 31 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 6 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 Sept. 12 Sept. 14 -.-do -.. -.-do _.- ---do ... --.do --- -._do _.. -.-do --. ...do --- --_do ... ---do --- -..do .-- --.do -_. - -do .-. ---do --. ---do -_- .--do ... ..-do --. -.-do .-- ---do -- ...do -_- ...do --- -do .-- ...do .. .--do ... ...do ... ...do ..- Dis- charge. Sec. -feet. 0.76 .79 .76 .71 .73 .70 .70 .65 .62 .60 .60 .63 .54 .60 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .88 .88 .82 ,.65 .60 .60 .60 .65 .65 .60 .60 I . 57 .40 I • '^^ i .44 I .54 .50 Locality. East Fork above West Fork. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. IRR 81—03- -18 274 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGKAPHY. [no. 81. List of discharge measurements of San Jose Creek, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality • 1890. Sept. 15 Sept. 18 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 24 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 4 Charles J. Johansen . - _ do do .. do do do do . do do do Sec-feet. 0.60 .60 .65 .60 .71 .71 .82 .71 .71 .68 .60 .61 East Fork above West Fork. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Oct. 6 Oct. 7 do do _. Do. Do. SAN LUIS REY RIVER. Discharge measurements of San Luis Rey River, San Diego Countj Date. June 20,1899 ,1900 Aug. 19, Sept. —. Sept. — , Apr. 2. May —, Oct. — : Dec. 8, Dec. 20, Jan. 15. Mar. 8, Apr. It Apr. 17, May 10, May 19; 1899 1900 1894 1894 1894 1894 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 Hydrographer. S. G. Bennett H. N. Savage . do do do E. F. Tabor . . do do do do do - do do -. do ...l-do Dis- charge. Sec.-feet. 1.04 2.00 2.50 <<3.50 10.00 6,716 4 10 240 5,000 152 100 72 39 19 Locality. Headworks Escondido Irriga- tion District canal. Do. 4 miles eastof Sicklers Mill, Pala. • Do. «H. N. Savage state3 this to be minimum prior to September, 1899. LippiNCOTT.] DISCHARGE TABLES. 275 SAN MATEO CREEK. San 'Francisco obtains its domestic water supply from a series of impounding reservoirs located in the southern portion of the peninsula between San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The drainage basin of these reservoirs ranges in elevation from 250 to 1,800 feet, with an average of about 750 feet. The hills are undulating. There is a limited growth of timber on the northern slopes near the summit, but a large amount of brush covers other portions of the basin. On the southern slopes and crests the hills are frequently bare of brush, but are covered with grasses. The Spring Valley Water Company owns the entire area of the drainage basin and protects the forest covering, not even permitting grazing within its limits. Mr. Herman Schussler, chief engineer of the water companj^ has furnished this office with a statement of the rainfall and run-off of the drainage basins which contribute to the water supply under the control of the company. The table given below extends from 1869 to 1899, and shows the seasonal rainfall, together with the percentage collected in the reservoirs. The record is therefore thirty years in length. It is by far the oldest table of run-off in the State, and for this reason is of unusual value. The seasonal year rather than the calen- dar is given. Column No. 1 shows the year; column No. 2 the inches of rainfall in the respective basins; column No. 3 the percentage of this rainfall which is caught and delivered, the evaporation being deducted. The portion of the discharge table marked " Southeasterly portion of the watershed southeast of old dam," etc., refers to the area above the reservoir, which was constructed at an early date. At a later period, at a point lower down the stream, the Crystal Springs dam was constructed and flooded water over the top of the original dam and into the valleys of other streams. This explains the change in the description of the drainage basin which occurs in 1888. The portion of the table marked "Above southeasterly and northeasterly portion of peninsula watershed, total Crystal Lake drainage," is for the entire area above the Crystal Springs gage datum. The remark- able variation in percentage strikingly illustrates the necessity for storing water from the drainage basins in order to provide for periods of drought. In the western portion of the drainage basin there was practically no run-off in the season of 1876-77, and in the easterly por- tion of the basin there was practically no run-off in the seasons of 1881-82, 1882-83, and 1897-98. It would therefore be necessary to store enough water in the reservoirs to furnish a supply for two summers and at least one winter. Another feature of interest in this table is that w^hile the run-off in the seasons of 1881-82 and 1882-83 was practically nothing from the easterly portion of the basin, the percentage of rainfall in the western portion of the watershed was 29.4 and 23, respectively. 276 CALIFORI^IA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no. 81. Rainfall and run-off from basin of San Mateo Creek, California. Rainfall. Run-off. Inches. Percent. 41.95 22.6 34.70 9.8 80.42 31.4 39.31 28.4 48.88 29.5 44.26 21.2 69.24 39.2 23.83 .7 72.51 37.8 56.10 29.2 56.14 35.0 53.81 43.0 i 34.33 29.4 1 33.89 23.0 54.99 33.2 38.25 30.0 51.90 43.9 34.44 29.1 37.53 29.2 41.17 28.1 73.67 44.7 37. 69 22.8 43.10 13.3 58.25 24.4 54.90 21.8 66.93 25.2 49.45 21.0 50.47 34.0 26.26 9.6 42.56 17.7. 1,450.83 808.2 48.36 26.94 Western portion of penin- sula watershed: 1869-70 1870-71.. 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74.. 1874-75 1875-76....; 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 . 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83-., 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86. 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89... 1889-90 1890-91- 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 Total -.- Mean Southeasterly portion of peninsula watershed (southeast from old dam): 1877-78 178-79.. L879-80-. .880-81.. .881-82.. .883-84.. 884-85.. .885-86.. .886-87.. Total.. Mean.. Above southeasterly and northeasterly portions of peninsula watershed, to- tal Crystal Lake drainage: 1889-90 - 1890-91. 1891-92. 1893-94-. 1894-95.. 1895-96.. 1896-97-. 1897-98.. Total.. Mean. . Inches. 57.70 43.12 48.01 38.78 25.02 23.06 40.32 25.67 35.58 72.68 31.92 24.16 47.07 33.08 55.77 32.62 35.62 18.17 30.37 381.46 38.15 r cent. 29.3 12.2 15.1 34.1 .9 .0 26.8 13.1 25.4 9.7 5.3 7.4 179.5 14.94 53.2 24.4 8.0 34.3 29.0 33.8 16.2 19.3 0.0 11.0 230.1 23.01 SAN ROQUI CREEK. San Roqui Creek was measured during the year 1890 by Charles J. Johansen for the Pacific Improvement Company. The point of measurement was a short distance below the San Roqui tunnel, which was being built from 1899 to 1901, the point of measurement being near an old dam in the stream. This drainage line is called San Roqui Creek in its mountainous portions, but lower down and south of the Southern Pacific Railroad it is called the Arroyo Burro. LiPPiNcoTT.] SAN ROQUI CKEEK. 277 List of discharge measurements of San Roqui Creek, Santa Barbara County. Date. Hydi'Ographer. Dis- charge. Locality. 1890. Sec-feet. Feb. 13 Charles J. Johansen _ - - 4.96 At old diversion box below tunnel. Feb. 19 do 5.70 9.61 11.03 Do. Feb. 21 do Do. Feb. 26 do Do. Mar. 1 do 6.91 6.28 Do. Mar. 3 do Do. Mar. 5 do 5.67 5.67 5.20 Do. Mar. 6 .. .do Do. Mar. 8 do Do. Mar. 10 do 5.20 Do. Mar. 12 do 4.96 Do. Mar. 14 do 4.96 Do. Mar. 16 do _.._ 4.27 Do. Mar. 18 do 4.27 Do. Mar. 20 do 4.73 4.73 4.27 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.42 Do. Mar. 22 do . Do. Mar. 24 do Do. Mar. 26 do Do. Mar. 28 -do -. . Do. Mar. 30 do Do. Apr. 1 do ... .... Do. Apr. 3 do 3.42 3.42 3.21 Do. Apr. 5 do Do. Apr. 7 do Do. Apr. 9 do ... 3.21 Do. Apr. 11 do ■ 3.00 Do. Apr. 13 do .... 2.80 Do. Apr. 15 do .... 2.62 Do. Apr. 17 do 2.62 Do. Apr. 19 .. ..do - 2. 42 2. 15 Do. Apr. 21 do Do. Apr. 23 do 1.88 Do. Apr. 25 do 1.80 Do. Apr. 27 do 1.80 Do. Apr. 29 do 1.55 1.55 Do. May 1 do Do. May 3 do 1.39 Do. May 5 do .._ 1.39 Do. May 7 do 1.39 Do. May 9 do 1.23 Do. Mav 11 do 1.23 Do. 278 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. List of discharge measur'ements of San Roqui Creek, etc. — Continued. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. Locality. 1890. May 13 May 15 May 17 May 19 May 20 May 22 May 24 May 26 May 28 May 30 June 2 June 4 June 5 June 7 June 9 June 11 June 13 June 15 June 17 June 19 June 21 June 23 June 25 June 27 June 29 July 1 July 3 July 5 July 7 July 9 July 11 July 13 July 15 July 17 July 19 July 21 July 23 July 25 July 27 July 29 July 31 Charles J. Johansen ..__do _-._do -...do ..._do ....do . .._.do ..._do _...do ._-_do do do . do ....do do _.: do do ....do do ....do .....do ...do do -..-do do .-.-do do do do do do do do do do do -... do do do do do Sec-feet. 1.30 1.23 1.23 1.23 .63 .65 .65 .65 .54 .54 .52 .52 .44 .40 .35 .35 .35 .35 .38 .38 .35 .29 .29 .29 .29 .26 .26 .26 .26 .23 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .24 At old diversion box below tunnel. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. LippiNcoTT.] SAN ROQUI CREEK AND SANTA ANA RIVER. 279 List of discharge measurements of San Roqui Creek, etc. — Continued. Hydrographer. Charles J. Johansen -___do .._-do do _-.-do ..._do do do ..._do do ..__do ..._do do .. ....do ..... do do do do do ..._do do do do do do do do do do do ...do do do Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 0.24 .24 .24 .26 .26 .26 .23 .23 .20 .20 .17 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .09 .09 .07 .04 .04 .05 .04 .04 .04 .04 Locality. At old diversion box below tunnel. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Below old diversion box. • Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. SANTA ANA RIVER. The river has its source on the southwestern slope of the San Ber- nardino Mountains and flows west, appearing from its canyon 6 miles northeast of Redlands. Its waters are completely used in San Ber- nardino Valley. At the lower part of the valley the water appears again in the vicinity of Rincon, where the river passes through a 280 CALIFOENIA HYDROGEAPHY. [no. 81. comxDaratively narrow gorge, and the stream flows thence in a general southwesterl}^ direction, emptying into the Pacific Ocean. The sta- tion, established June, 1896, is located 5 miles northeast of Mentone, Cal., three-fourths of a mile below the head works of the Santa Ana canal aiid opposite the warm springs in the canyon. The gage is an inclined timber fastened to a large bowlder and posts set in the bank of the river. On October 16, 1898, owing to some local legal compli- cations, an nnusually large volume of water was turned into the Santa Ana canal by the Bear Valley Company. This water was wasted from the canal at a point below the old gage rod, necessitating the establishment of a new gage rod upon this stream at a point below where the waste from the canal was turned into the river. The new gage was put in November 9, 1898, and since that date daily observa- tions have been kept on the lower gage, which is a 2 b}^ 6 inch timber firmly bolted to a granite cliff, which forms the left bank of the river, and is situated 800 feet below the mouth of Warmsprings Canyon and 100 feet above a ford on the canyon road. A landslide occurred below the gage rod April 16, 1899, which changed the condition of the rating for the station. Owing to the shifting nature of the stream bed it has not been possible to construct perfectly satisfactory rating curves, but the tables as presented are based on the best information that could be obtained. This river is one of the most difficult streams in the State to accurately gage. The Edison Electric Com- pany diverts the greater portion of the water of Santa Ana River above the gaging station, but also returns all of it above the station. Only limited portions of the water are allowed to pass out of the con- duits during certain hours of the day, the water being held back for the purpose of obtaining additional power when the greatest demand exists. An effort is being made to arrange with this compan}^ to obtain a*record of the number of gates, the sizes of the openings, and the hours at which the various wheels are run, in order to more accurately determine the volumes of water. The Santa Ana canal, as mentioned above, also diverts water from Santa Ana River above the station, but the greater part of it is returned to the channel of the stream before passing the point of measurement. It was found that this station could not be used during high water, and on January 1, 1901, observations were resumed at the old station and on Santa Ana Canal near the river station. From June 1 to December 31, 1901, and for the entire year 1902, except from February 26 to April 23, inclusive, the discharge of Santa Ana River was obtained by observations on the weirs at the head works of Green Spot i)ipe line. Highlands canal, and Redlands canal. The flow from Redlands tunnel and Morton Canyon was assumed to offset the loss by evaporation between the old gaging station and the mouth of the canyon. The drainage area used prior to 1902 was obtained from Land Office maps. Subsequently the Geological Survey completed its contour LIPPINCOTT.] SANTA ANA EIVER. 281 map of this basin and an area of 182 square miles above the gaging station was obtained therefrom and was accepted. Discharge measurements of Alder Creek, a branch of Santa Ana River, San Bernardino County. Hy drogr apher . Dis- charge. August 8,1897-._ August 31, 1897- _. November 14, 1897 Aprill4,1900 October 8, 1901.- -_ A. Q. Campbell . do J.B.Lippincott- S. G. Bennett - - - do Sec-feet. 0.88 1.00 2.00 1.90 Discharge measurements of Santa Ana River above mouth of Bear Creek, San Bernardino County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. July 27,1896 August 31, 1897 J. H. Quinton A.Q.Campbell Sec-feet. 14.2 17.9 November 14, 1897 J. B. Lippincott 17.5 The discharge of the streams of southern California was unusually low in September, 1898, and these measurements were made to deter- mine this minimum with its hourlj^ fluctuation. Discharge ^neasurements of Santa Ana River above mouth of Bear Creek. [Measurements by Edison Electric Company.] Date. Dis- charge. Date. Dis- charge. Sept. 15,1898: 7 a.m Sec-feet. 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.22 8.46 8.10 7.98 7.86 7.76 7.48 7.54 Sept. 15, 1898— Continued. 1.30 p.m - _ Sec-feet. 7.12 7.30 a.m _-. 2p. m - -_ 7.20 8 a.m 8.30 a.m 9 a.m 9.30 a.m - lOa.m 10.30 a.m 11 a.m 11.30 a.m 12 m . 2.30p.m 3 p. m 3.30 p.m 4 p.m 4.30 p.m 5 p.m 5.30p.m 6p.m 6.30 p.m 7.06 6.92 6.86 6.66 6.98 6.44 6.22 6.22 6.10 12-hour mean 12.30 p. m --...-- 1 p.m 7.43 282 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Discharge measurements of Santa Ana River, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis- charge. Date. Dis- charge. Sept. 15, 1898— Continued. 7 p. m ._- Sec-feet. 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.02 6.02 6.02 6.02 6.02 6.32 6.96 6.60 6.66 6.66 6.86 6.92 7.06 7.20 7.32 7.54 7.66 7.66 7.86 7.76 7.76 Sept. 16, 1898— Continued. 1.30 p. m 2p.m 2.30 p.m . 3 p. m 3.30 p. m _ . --- Sec-feet. 7.32 7.30 p. m 7.20 8 p. m 7.06 8.30p. m 9 p. m 9.30 p. m 6.86 6.66 4p.m 4.30 p. m 6.44 10 p. m 6.32 10.30p.ni 11 p. m 11.30 p. m 5 p. m 5.30 p.m 6 p. m . 6.22 6.10 6.02 12 midnight 6.30 p. m 6.02 12-hour mean Sept. 16, 1898: 7.23 12.30 a. m 7p.m... .. 7.30 p.m 8 p. m 1 a. m 6 20 1.30 a. m_ _ ._ 6 20 2a. m 6.20 2.30 a. m ._ 3 a. m.. . . - -. 8.30 p.m 9 p, m 6.20 5.76 3.30 a. m 9.30 p. m 5.92 4 a. m . _.. 10 p. m 5.92 4.30 a. m . . 10.30 p.m 11 p. m 6 02 5 a. m ._. 6.22 5.30 a. m 11.30 p. m . 12 midnight 6.32 6 a. m - . - _ . 6.32 6.30 a. m Sept. 17, 1898: 12.30 a. m 1 a. m... 12-hour mean 6.80 6.44 7.76 7.76 8.10 7.98 8.04 8.10 7.82 7.98 7.86 7.76 7.48 7.44 7.32 6.66 7 a. m 1.30 a. m 6.76 7.30 a.m 2 a. m 6.86 8 a. m 2.30 a. m . 3 a. m 3.30 a. m 8.30 a. m 9 a. m ... - 6.92 7.06 7.20 9.30 a. m 10 a. m 4 a. m -- 4.30 a. m 5 a. m 5.30 a. m _ -- . 7.32 10.30 a. m 7.32 11 a. m.._ . . . 7.54 7.54 11.30 a. m 6 a. m 7.66 12 m . 6.30 a. m . _ 7.76 12.30 p. m . ... 12-hour mean. . 1 p. m 6.68 i.ippincott] SANTA ANA RIVER. 288 Discharge measureme^its of Bear Creek above Santa Ana River, San Bernardino County. [Measurements by Edison Electric Co.] Date. Dis- charge. Date. Dis- charge. Sept. 15, 1898: 7 a m Sec-feet. 23.30 23.30 23.30 25.94 23.30 23.30 23.30 23.10 23.10 22.84 22.66 22.66 22.66 22.66 22.66 22.66 22.66 22.44 22.44 22.44 22.02 22.02 22.02 21.80 Sept. 16, 1898: 12.30 a. m Sec-feet. 19.74 7 30 a m 1 a. m . _-- 19.74 8 a. m --- 1.30 a. m 2 a.m 19.54 8 30 a. m 19.34 9 a m 2.30 a. m 19.14 9.30 a. m 10 a m 3 a.m -- 3.30 a.m 18.72 18.72 10 30 a m 4 a.m . 18.32 11 a m 4.30 a.m 18.32 11 30 a m 5 a, m 18.12 12 m 5.30 a.m 6 a.m 6.30 a.m 18.12 12.30 p. m 1 p. m 17.92 17.80 12-hour mean 7 a.m . 1.30 p. m . 2 p. m 2.30 p. m 19.84 17.92 3 p. m 3.30 p. m 7.30 a.m 17.92 8 a.m . . 17.80 4 D. m 8.30 a.m 16.94 4.30 p. m 5 p. m - 9 a.m 9.30 a.m 17.34 17.24 5.30 p. in_ .... 10 a.m 10.30 a.m 17.12 6 p. m 6.30 p. m 17.12 11 a.m 16.84 11.30 a. m 22.86 16.94 12-hoiir mean 12 m 12.30 p. m - 16.56 7 p. m 7.30 p. m. ._ 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.40 21.06 21.18 20.98 20.98 20.78 21.60 19.94 16.94 1 p. m . 16.76 8 p. m.... 1.30 p. m 16.76 8.30 p. m 9 p. m 2 D. m 16.56 2.30 p. m 16.56 9.30 p. m lOp. m. _ -_ 3 p. m 3.30 p. m 4 p. m 4. 30 p. m 16. 56 16.56 10.30 p. m 16.38 11 p. TTI 16.38 11.30 p. in 5 p. m 16.38 12 midnight ... 5.30 p. m 16.38 284 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. Discharge measurements of Bear Creek, etc. — Continued. [NO. 81. Date. Dis- charge. Date. Dis- charge. Sept. 16, 1898— Continued. 6 p.m. 6.30 p. m . ... Sec-feet. 16.38 16.38 Sept. 17, 1898: 12.30 a. m Sec-feet. 16.38 1 a. m .._ . _ _._ 16.38 1.30 a. m - - 16.86 16.38 12-hour mean 2a.m 2.30 a. m_ . 16.38 7 p. m 16.38 16.38 . 7.30p. m 16.28 8p.m ._.J 16.28 3 a. m 3.30 a. m_.- 16.38 16. 38 8.30p.m ! 16.28 4 a. m 16.38 9 p. m 9.30 p. m 10 p. m 10.30 p. m_.. 11 p. m 16.18 16.38 16.38 16.38 16.38 16.38 16.38 4.30 a. m . 5 a. m 5.30 a. m .__, 6 a. m 6.30 a. m 16.38 16.38 16.38 16.38 16.38 12-hour mean 11.30 p. m 16.36 12 midnight Discharge measurements of Bear Creek above Santa Ana River, San Bernardino County. Hy dr ographer . Dis- charge. July 27,1896 Aug. 31,1897 Nov. 14,1897 J.H.Quinton.,. A. Q. Campbell _ J.B. Lippincott- Sec-feet. 70.6 54.3 8.95 Discharge measureinents of Green Spot Pipe Line, Santa Ana River, San Ber- nardino County. Hydrographer. 1896. Nov. 21 1898. Jan. 8 Apr. 12 Apr. 12 Apr. 29 June 12 July 23 Sept. 8 Oct. 18 Nov. 9 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 J.B. Lippincott _ . J.B. Lippincott-- do :.. _-do ._-do .__do : .-_do ...do ._ .H.Olmsted ... ...do ...do ...do rt Intake. Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 0.40 «1.88 M.74 2.94 .63 . 2.20 0.00 1.36 .50 .50 &.15 ?' Outlet (lower end). LippiNCOTT.] SANTA ANA RIVEE. 285 Discharge measurements of Green Spot Pipe Line, etc. — Continued. Hydrographer. S. G. Bennett . do _______ do do do do do do do do do do S. G. Bennett do W. W. Cockins, jr. . G. Bennett - ..-do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do S. G. Bennett do do W. W. Clapp. S. G. Bennett a Intake. b Outlet (lower end) . 286 OALIFOENIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Bear Valley Water, Green Spot Pipe Line, Santa Ana River, at head of Crafton ditch, San Bernardino County. Month. 1897, August September October 1 to 21 . . 1898 April May June July . August September October . . November December _ . 1899 January 1 to 9 . . . February March April May June Sec, -feet. 21.5 15.8 13.2 17.0 17.2 13.2 9.1 9.1 8.2 9.0 10.0 10.7 11.0 11.6 12.2 11.8 11.2 5.4 1899, July .._ August September October November December 1900, January February . . March April May June July 1 to 15 August- September October . . . November December Mean dis- charge. Sec-feet. 5.8 5.8 4.1 9.5 2.1 2.5 1.5 2.3 1.9 .4 1.1 Estimated monthly discharge of Green Spot Pipe Line, Santa Ana River, at Headworks Weir, San Bernardino County. Month. Mean dis- charge. Mean dis- charge. 1901 June July August September Sec-feet. 1.5 2.3 2.7 5.5 1901— Continued, October November December Sec-feet. 5.7 1.7 1.2 L.IPPINCOTT.1 SANTA ANA EIVER. 287 Discharge measurements of Highlands or North Fork Canal at intake weir, Santa Ana River, San Bernardino County. Hydrographer. J. B. Lippincott . J. B. Lippincott - H. Crowe J. B. Lippincott . do do do F.H. Olmsted. __ do do S. G-. Bennett- do do do do do do do S.G.Bennett do W. W. Cockins, jr . S. G. Bennett- do do do do S. G. Bennett - W.B.Clapp._ S.G.Bennett- (' "Water not going through weir basin; weir was being repaired. 288 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge measurements of Santa Ana River above Keller Creek, San Beriiardino County. « [Measureraents by Edison Electric Company.] Sept. 15, 1898: 7 a. ni 7.30 a. m . 8 a. m .---- 8.30 a. m 9 a. m 9.30 a. m 10 a. m 10.30 a. m 11 a. m 11.30 a. m 12 m 12.30 p. m 1 p. m 1.30 p. m 2 p. m 2.30 p. m 3 p. m 3.30 p. m 4 p. m 4.30 p. m 5 p. m 5.30 p. m 6 p. m 6.30 p. Ill 12-hoTir mean 7 p. m 7.30 p. m 8 p. m 8.30 p. m . 9 p. m... 9.30 p. m..._ lOp.m 10.30 p. m .. 11 p. m 11.30 p. m 12 miidniglit a The discharge of the streams of and these measurements were made with its hourly fluctuation. Dis- charge. 29.16 29.30 28. 22 28.20 28.20 28.20 28.20 28.20 28.20 .28. 20 28.20 28.20 Sept. 16, 1898: 12.30 a. m . 1 a. m 1.30a. m._ 2 a. m 2.30 a. m _ . 3 a. m 3.30 a. m _ _ 4 a. m 4.30 a. m _ . 5 a. m 5.30a. m.. 6 a. m 6.30 a. m.. 12-hour mean, 7 a. m 7.30 a. m 8 a. m 8.30 a. m J a. m. Sec.-feet. 29.30 30.44 23.30 30.44 1.44 30.44 30.44 30.44 30.44 30.44 29.30 29.30 29.30 29.30 29.30 29.30 29.30 28.20 28.20. 1.20 28.20 9.30 a. m- 28.20 10 a. m. 28.20 10.30 a.m. 29.30 11a.m. 11.30 a. m _ 12 m. 12.30 p. m . 1 p. m.- 1.30 p. ni _ 2 p. m_ 2.30 p. 3 p. m. 3.30 p. m. 4 p. m. 4.30 p. m . 5 p. m. 5.30 p. m - southern California was unusually low in September, 1898. by the Edison Electric Company to determine this minimum LIPP1NCOTT-] SANTA ANA EIVER. 289 Dificliarge measurements of Santa Ana River, etc. — Continued. Date. Dis- charge. Date. Dis- charge. Sept. 16, 1898— Contimied. 6 p. m Sec-feet. 21.80 22.80 Sept. 17, 1898: 12.30 a. m Sec-feet. 22.80 6.30 p. m . 1 a. m 22.80 1.30 a. m 23.74 23.86 12-hour mean 2 a. m 23.86 7 p. m . 22.80 22.80 22.80 23.86 23.86 22.80 22.80 22.80 22.80 22.80 22.80 2.30 a. m 23.86 7.30 p. m 3 a. m 23.86 8 p. m 3.30 a. m 23.86 8.30 p. m . 4 a. m -- 23.86 9 p. m. __ 4.30 a. m 23.86 9.30 p. m 5 a. m 23.86 10 p. m 5.30 a. m 22.80 10.30 p. m , 11 p. m 6 a. m 6.30 a. m 12-hour mean 21.80 22.80 11.30 p. m 23.20 12 midnight Discharge measuremerits of Keller Creek, a tributary of Santa Ana River. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1897. Nov. 14 1900. Apr. 14 A. Q. Campbell. S. G. Bennett. Sec-feet. 1.00 .67 IRR 81—03 19 290 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Discharge yneasurements of Morton Canyo7i Water, tributary to Santa Ana River. Date. Hy drographer , Dis- charge. Apr. 12 Apr. 29 June 12 1899. May 31 June 15 July 15 Aug. 24 1900. Apr. 14 July 13 Oct. 2 J. B. Lippincott _ do do S. G. Bennett . do do do S. G. Bennett ..... do W. W. Cockins, jr . Sec. feet. 0.20 .20 .12 .23 .17 .12 .11 .12 Discharge measurements of Redlands or South Fork canal iveir at Sand Box, tributary to Santa Ana River. Date. Hy drographer. Dis- charge. 18£ July Nov. 6. 29 21 8. 8 9 12 29 12 23 8 18 9 8 9. 12 18 23 6 31 15 27 15 24 J. J. J. H J. H. Quinton Sec-feet. 40.62 B. Lippincott . 12.00 188 Jan. B. Lippincott . 21.32 Mar Crowe.- . 22.22 Apr. Apr. June B. Lippincott 16.70 do - - . 13.00 ..do 18.40 July Sept. Oct. F. S. ..do 15.00 do 15.40 H.Olmsted . .. . 7.26 Nov .do 10.20 Dec. do 12.00 189 Jan. G. Bennett -. .. 15.10 Feh do 15. 70 Mar. .do... 17.00 May May June do 15.49 do - 14.67 .do 7.76 June do - - - 12.40 July Aug. do _ 12. 70 ..do - 5.71 LippiNcoTT.] SANTA ANA RIVER. 291 Discharge measurements of Redlands or South Fork canal weir, etc. — Conf d. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1900. Apr. 14 July 13 Oct. 2 1901. Mar. 30 May 31 July 6 Aug. 20 Oct. 8 Dec. 5 1902. July 10 Sept. 3 Nov. 5 S.G-. Bennett do W. W. Cockins, jr S. G. Bennett _ do do do do do S. G. Bennett _ W.B.Clapp... S. G. Bennett . . Sec-feet. 12.10 10.65 6.25 80.00 19.60 19.91 16.75 24.10 14.27 10.06 14.60 7.55 Discharge measurements of Redlands or Bolea tunnel, tributary to Santa Ana River. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1896. Nov. 21. 1898. June 12 Sept. 8 1899. June 15 July 15 Aug. 24 1900. Apr. 14 July 13 Oct. 2 1901. July 6 Dec. 5 1902. July 10 J. B. Lippincott - J. B. Lippincott - ._._do S.G.Bennett. do do Sec. -feet. 1.00 1.24 1.24 .67, 1.03 1.10 S. G. Bennett do W. W. Cockins, jr S. G. Bennett . do .do .84 .85 1.40 .90 .90 292 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Discharge measurements of Santa Ana Canal, San Bernardino County. « Hydrographer. J. B. Lippincott . J. H. Quinton _ _ _ J. B. Lippincott _ J. B. Lippincott. _ do do do A. Q. Campbell _ _ do _do . _do- .do . .do . A. Q. Campbell . do J. B. Lippincott - do do do., do F.H.Olmsted __ do do ... S. a. Bennett : do do ._-_.do do . do ^. do - do do a For total flow of river and canal see Santa Ann River, total flow. LTPPTNcoTT.] SANTA ANA EIVER. 293 Discharge measurements of Santa Ana Canal, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1901. Mar. 80 S.G.Bennett- _ _.. ._ ... Sec-feet. 3.40 Oct. 8 do 13. 20 Dec. 5 do 9.70 1902. May 31 S. G. Bennett 20.70 July 10 do -...._ . . 18.5 Sept. 3 W.B.Clapp 14.2 Nov. 5 S. G. Bennett 12.7 Ducharge measurements of Santa Ana River and Canal at Warm Spring, San Bernardino County. Date. Hydrograi^her. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1896. Apr. 27 J. A. Vogleson _ . . Feet. Sec. -feet. 51.00 July 25 J. H. Quinton ._- - __. _ -.. 75.00 June 20 J. B. Lippincott . "61.77 Do_. do -- '>18.28 Total _ 80.05 1896. Jaly 28 J. H. Quinton -- _ 1.29 «59.72 Do._ do M4.98 Total 74.70 J. B. Lippincott do .98 Nov. 21 Do «31.68 '>3.50 Total 35.18 J. B. Lippincott - ._ .. _ Nov. 21 ^27.40 J. B, Lippincott - - - , _ . . 1897. Jan. 27 «48.58 Do_. do H.OO Total . 47.58 J. B. Lippincott Mar. 4 « 100. 70 Do-. do -... ..-- ft 5. 00 Total 105. 70 Santa Ana Canal. Total flow at mouth of canyon. 294 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. ft Discharge measurements of Santa Ana River and Canal, etc.- [NO. 81. -Continued. Date. Hydrographer. height. Dis- charge. 1897. June 15 J B Lippincott Feet. 1.15 Sec-feet. «63 74 Do_, _ -do '>19.00 Total 82.74 A. Q. Campbell 1.20 July 1 «72.29 Do_. .- .do b 18. 50 Total 90.79 A. Q. Campbell 1.1 July 6 «60.35 Do__ ....do ... '>11.02 Total _ . . ■ 71.37 A. Q. Campbell 1.32 Aug. 8 «56.28 Do_. _do . &18.68 Total - _ 74.96 A.Q.Campbell .. . Aug. 8 Aug. 31 '^'83.22 do . t^78.10 Do_. do ^^78.37 Sept. 30 .do 64.53 Do do 1.13 «42.53 Do. do ^22.95 Total - . - 65.48 1.25 Nov. 14 Do.. A.Q.Campbell do ^i 39. 92 ?>7.29 Total 47.21 J. B. Lippincott 1.00 1898. Jan. 8 « 25. 56 Do do - _ - &8.72 Total .- _ - -. -. 34.28 H. Crowe 1.05 Mar. 9 « 43. 78 Do.. do &7.04 Total 50. 82 a River. b Santa Ana Canal. '• Weil' above Santa Ana Canal intake, t'' Meter above Santa Ana Canal intake. LippiNCOTT.] SANTA ANA RIVER. 295 Discharge 7tieasurements of Santa Ana River and Canal, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1898. Mar. 9 H.Crowe .. . .. . -.- Feet. Sec-feet. « 68. 01 Apr. 11 Do J. B. Lippincott do .98 &31.61 ^^7.67 Total 39.28 J. B. Lippincott.. .. .90 Apr. 29 Do.,. & 29. 67 do ^ 12. 66 Total 42.33 J. B. Lippincott do .. .. .. 1.10 June 12 Do._. &35.14 <'3.92 Total ... 39.06 J. B. Lippincott do 1.10 July 23 Do . . . &42.22 <^5.34 Total 47.56 J. B. Lippincott . ... 1.05 Sept. 8 ?>35.01 Do... do ^1.66 ■ Total 36.67 F. H. Olmsted .95 Oct. 18 6 22.78 Do do ^7.92 Total - 30.70 F. H. Olmsted 1.10 1.13 1.07 Nov. 9 ^21.78 Dec. 8 do .... «f24.74 S. G. Bennett 1899. Jan. 12 6 38.00 Do-._ .do . ^0 Total . . 38.00 S. G. Bennett ''2.16 Feb. 18 6 28.04 Do... do ... ^4.00 Total . - 32.04 S. G. Bennett do --... 2.30 Mar. 23 Do... 6 29.62 ^7.60 Total 37.22 « Above Santa Ana Canal intake. i* River. <-' Canal. . December &. . The year _ 1880. January & February ^ March ^ April ^ May June July August . . _ . September October ... November b December & The year _ Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 9,830 6,960 7,390 6,060 6,720 2,230 10, 980 10,820 4,630 Sec-feet. 42 42 Acre-feet. 2,499 2,582 Sec-feet. 0.04 .04 350 3,260 2,950 3,160 1,320 525 1,994 4,523 4,307 4,098 4,387 1,584 126 21 21 74 630 1,858 4,370 5,240 1,680 315 526 630 5,781 7,251 7,742 3,255 735 74 32 21 630 2,249 32,281 110,741 278, 108 256, 284 251,976 261,044 97, 396 7,747 1,249 1,291 4,403 38, 737 .50 1.89 4.30 4.09 3.90 4.17 1.51 .12 .02 .02 .07 .60 1,341,257 1.77 19, 369 30, 256 38, 737 343,993 445, 846 460,681 200, 142 45,193 4,403 1,967 1,249 38, 737 0.30 .50 .60 5.50 6.90 7.37 3.10 .70 .07 .03 .02 .60 1,630,573 ! 2.14 29.09 "Authority: California State engineering department from November, 1878, to October, 1884; United States Geological Survey from June, 1895, to December, 1900. & Estimated from run-off of neighboring streams and from previous measureraents. 332 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no.81. Estimated monthly dischai-ge of Stanislaus River, etc. — Continued. Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean, Total discharge. Run-off. 1881. January « February « . _ . March « April « May « June« July August September . . . October November ._. December The year _ 1882. January February March April May June « July « August « September « October « November « December « The year _ Sec. -feet. Sec-feet. -feet. 102 255 102 729 255 733 960 360 140 120 150 Acre-feet. 129, 247 291,847 129, 247 281,394 323, 117 162, 625 59, 028 22, 136 8,330 7,378 8,925 91,493 Sec-feet. 2.00 5.00 2.00 4.50 5.00 2.60 .91 .34 .13 .11 .14 1.42 2,116 1,514,767 4,771 3,782 5,155 5,255 1,892 105 105 473 368 210 24, 472 50, 428 293, 357 225, 044 316, 968 312,694 116,334 6,456 6,248 29, 083 21,897 12,912 1,951 1,415,893 2.01 0.38 .86 4.54 3.60 4.91 5.00 1.80 .10 .10 .45 .35 .20 1.85 "Estimated from run-off of neighboring streams and from previous measurements. LippiNcoTT.] STANISLAUS EIVER. 333 Estiynated monthly discharge of Stanislaus River, etc. — Continued. 1883. January February « March « April « May « June<^ July « August « September « _ , October « November « . . December « The year _ 1884. « January ._ February _. March April May June July August September . October 1895. June July August September ._.. October November December Discharge. Sec. -feet. 8,510 3,842 550 3,161 246 179 414 Sec-feet. ,842 550 145 145 145 179 145 -feet. 525 420 840 102 255 204 051 315 210 168 210 210 1,292 5,686 1,778 330 638 176 179 198 Total discharge. Acre-feet. 32, 281 23, 325 51,649 125,078 323, 117 250, 155 64, 623 19,368 12, 496 10, 330 12, 496 12,912 937, 830 16,171 181,362 258, 494 281,394 290, 775 312, 694 258,494 64, 623 12, 496 9,715 338, 340 109, 330 20,304 37, 970 10,'802 10, 651 12,208 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.50 .40 .80 2.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 .30 .20 .16 .20 .20 1.23 0.25 3.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 5.00 4.00 1.00 .20 .15 5.41 1.69 .31 .61 .17 .17 .19 a Estimated from run-otf of neighboring streams and from previous measurements. 334 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Estimated monthly discharge of Stanislaus River, etc. — Continued. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1897. January February March April May June July August September October November... .._ December The year Discharge. Maximum. Minim.tim. Sec-feet. 6,956 1,208 12,000 9,050 13, 050 11,000 3,156 2,412 962 370 4,514 1,750 13, 050 2,251 10, 580 5, 062 9,234 9,980 3,974 1,180 230 190 250 780 1.516 Sec-feet. 150 632 694 1,966 2,290 2,656 470 218 252 218 252 470 150 410 1,264 1,264 1,880 5,480 860 250 170 140 140 170 210 10, 580 Sec-feet. 1,806 782 2,464 3,274 4,717 6,541 1,293 385 332 239 705 681 1,935 609 3,252 1,915 5,064 7,324 2,077 582 198 152 176 255 411 140 I 1,835 Total discharge. Acre-feet. 111,058 * 45, 038 151,505 194,870 290, 092 389, 247 79, 503 23, 703 19, 761 14, 695 41,968 41,904 Per square mile. 1.403,344 37, 446 180, 607 117,750 301,328 450, 338 123, 590 35, 786 12, 175 9,045 10, 822 15,174 25, 272 Sec-feet. 1.72 .75 2.35 3.11 4.57 6.22 1.23 .37 .32 .22 .67 .65 1.85 0.58 3.10 1.82 4.81 6.97 1.98 .55 .19 .14 .17 .24 .39 1,319,333 I 1.74 23.55 LippiNcoTT.] STANISLAUS RIVER. 385 Estimated monthly discharge of Stanislaus River, etc. — Continued. 1898. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year 1899. January February March April May June July August September October November December _ _ . . . The year Discharge. Sec-feet. 336 1,372 1,000 3,920 2,540 880 384 100 100 100 100 315 1,240 690 13, 940 5,270 5,780 4,632 1,120 265 130 1,200 2,340 5,015 13, 940 Sec. -feet. 74 156 336 536 536 480 74 27 50 74 50 74 27 70 130 220 1,450 1,450 1,045 175 90 50 90 90 550 Sec. -feet. 207 389 572 1,813 1,378 647 167 66 61 77 71 139 466 457 355 2, 425 3,525 2,559 2,663 502 150 85 309 1,092 1,461 50 1,299 Total discharge. Acre-feet. 12, 728 21,604 35, 171 107, 881 84, 730 38, 499 10, 268 4,058 3,630 4,735 4,225 8,547 Per square mile. 336, 076 28, 100 19,716 149, 108 209, 752 157,348 158, 459 30,867 9,223 5,058 19, 000 64, 978 89, 834 941,443 1.24 Sec. feet. 0.20 .37 .54 1.73 1.31 .62 .16 .06 .06 .07 .07 .13 .44 0.44 .34 2.31 3.35 2.43 2.53 .48 .14 .08 .29 1.04 1.39 336 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Estimated 7iionthly discharge of Stanislaus River, etc. — Continued. 1900. January February March April _ - . May • June July August September October November December The year Discharge. Maximmn. Minimum, Sec-feet. 7,050 1,100 2,640 3,000 4,377 3,125 960 110 70 2,760 6,037 1,640 7,050 Sec. -feet. 820 540 540 1,260 1,260 960 70 30 30 70 310 610 30 Sec-feet. 1,944 700 1,829 1,761 3,343 1,863 349 64 46 448 1,220 871 1,203 Total discharge. Acre-feet. 119, 532 38, 876 112,461 104, 787 205, 553 110,856 21,459 3,935 2,737 27, 546 72, 595 53, 556 873, 893 Per square m.ile. ■Sec-feet. 1.85 .67 1.74 1.68 3.18 1.77 .33 .06 .04 .43 1.16 1.15 Depth. Inches. 2.13 .70 2.01 1.87 3.67 1.97 .38 .07 .04 .49 1.29 .95 15.57 Discharge measurement of Cascade Creek, Stanislaus River, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Oct. 21,1896 J. B. Lippincott Sec-feet. ■ 0.0 Discharge measurement of Cow Creek, Stanislaus River, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Oct. 21,1896 J. B. Lippincott Sec-feet. 0.5 LIPPINCOTT.] STANISLAUS RIVER. 337 Discharge measureitient of Stanislaus River, Main Fork, Eureka Valley, Tuolumne County. Date. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. Nov. 20,1896 J. B. Lippincott _ - .. _ Sec-feet. 158.0 Discharge measurement of Mill Creek, Stanislaus River, Tuolumne County. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Oct. 21,1 J. B. Lippincott _ Sec-feet. 1.5 Discharge measurement of Niagara Creek, Stanislaus River, Tuolumne Cou7ity. Oct. 21,1896 Hydrographer. J. B. Lippincott _ Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 1.5 Discharge measurement of Stanislaus River, Middle Fork, Donnels Flat, near mouth of Niagara Creek, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Remarks. Oct. 12,1899 Mr. Coul . Sec-feet. 144 Mean of 12 measurements not influenced by reservoired water; no diversion above. Discharge measurement of Stanislaus River, Middle Fork, north of Shot Gun, Tuolumne County. 1901. Sept. 16, 17 Hydrographer . C. E. Moore _ Dis- charge. Sec. feet. 300 IRR 81—03 22 338 CALIFORNIA HYDROaRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge measurement of Stanislaus Biver, Oakdale Ditch Company's Flume Stanislaus County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks, 1899. May 19 1902. May 12 Do_- S. G. Bennett Feet. Sec-feet. 10.6 36.0 73.0 18.71 S. G. Bennett .. .do 23 Flume No. 18, main canal be- low head of Oakdale Canal. Flume No. 6, main canal be- Do 1 do low head of Oakdale Canal. 1 Discharge measurements of Stanislaus Water Company's Canal, Stanislaus River, near Knights Ferry, Stanislaus County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1896. Sept. 8 Oct. 30 H. Crowe Feet. Sec-feet. 66 38 J. B. Lippincott J. B. Lippincott 1897. Feb. 16 26 18 Below forks. Do .do Little John Canal. Total 89 J, B. Lippincott May 30 54 12 Main canal below forks. Do do Little John Canal. Total 66 A. Q. Campbell July 13 Do-_ 86 15 Below forks. . .do Little John Canal. Total 51 A. Q. Campbell Sept. 6 Do_. 52 1 53 Below forks. . .do Little John Canal. Total A. Q. Campbell Oct. 29 35 1 Below forks. Do._ do Little John Canal. Total 36 J. B. Lippincott Dec. 19 17 4 Below forks. Do... do Little John Canal. Total 21 LiPPiNcoTT.l STANISLAUS RIVEE. 339 Discharge measurements of Stanislaus Water Company's Canal, etc. — Continued. Date. Hy drographer . Gage height. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1898. Apr. 17 J. B. Lippincott Feet. Sec-feet. 58 do June 1 72 42 33 33 74 71 95 85 129 3.5 July 29 do Do Oct. 5 do Oct. 6 .. .do ... _ 1899. May 19 S. G. Bennett Do. June 6 do Do 1900. May 9 Sept. 7 S. G. Bennett do 2.79 Do. 1902. May 12 Aug. 16 S. G. Bennett E. T. Perkins 1.14 Flume No. 3, main canal. San Antonio CJreek VjpIoaat do mouth of Big Tree Creek. Aug. 17 67 1 Angel's ditch near head North Fork Stanislaus. North Fork 400 feet below Do. . -do .._- Total suspension bridge. 68 E.T.Perkins Aug. 17 2.3 54 16 Mill Creek at junction Love and Morgan creeks. Power company's flume above ditch tender's house, South Fork. Do Aug. 20 do ^.. Do-_ do Aug. 21 do . 53 Do_ do 126 73 53 193 170 168 171 166 154 die Fork. Do.. do of Clarks Fork. Middle Fork above inonth Aug. 14 do... . of Clarks Fork. StandcLrcl ditcli at fiiiine No Aug. 22 L.M.Lawson . 59. Below Colliers Aug. 24 do Abbotts ferry. Parrotts ferry. Robinsons ferry. Knights ferry. Aug. 21 Aug. 23 do do .6 Aug. 19 do Aug. 17 do below intake. 340 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Stanislaus Water Company' s Canal, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrographer. G-age height. Dis- charge. Remarks. 1900. Sept. 7 Sept. 7 S. G. Bennett _ Feet. Sec- feet. «28 i>85 At head works Sta n i s 1 a u s do Water Co.'s Canal. 6 miles above Knights Ferry. Total 113 « River. & Canal. Discharge measurements of Stanislaus River, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Locality. 1896. Sept. 3 1901. Sept. 17 .J. B. Lippincott Feet. Sec. -feet. 60 300 South Fork at Sugar Pine. In flume; not entire flow of river. Middle Fork, 15 imiles above C. E. Moore junction with North Fork. STONY CREEK. This stream drains 700 square miles of the eastern slopes of the Coast Range. After reaching the Sacramento Valley It flows north for a number of miles, contrary to the general drainage, and then turns eastward and enters the Sacramento River 20 miles below Vina, Cal. A large portion of the basin near the heads of the stream is heavily covered with commercial timber. There are a number of good reservoir sites on this stream and its tributaries. On January 30, 1901, a gaging station was established by Mr. Burt Cole at Julian's ranch, 6 miles northwest of the town of Fruto, Cal., to determine the amount of water available for storage. For a description in detail of the reservoir sites and drainage basin of Stony Creek, see Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. SQ. LippiNcoTT] STOI^Y CEEEK. 341 Discharge 7iieasurements of Stony Creek, Glenn County, Cal. Date. Aug., 1900« Sept., 1900« Oct., 1900« Nov. 22,1901 Aug. 3, 1900 Sept. 30,1900 July 28,1900 Aug. 3, 1900 Sept. 30,1900 Sept. 22,1900 Aug., 1900« Sept., 1900C' Oct., 1900« Nov. 22,1901 Sept. 21,1900 Sept. 1,1899 Nov. 11,1900 Feb. 19,1901 Feb. 27,1901 Mar. 9, 1901 Apr. 30,1901 Sept. 3, 1901 Nov. 21,1901 Jan. 26,1902 28, 1902 ,1902 24, 1902 21,1900 Feb. May Sept. Sept. Do. Sept. 26,1900 do Hydrographer. [Burt Cole . . . H. E. Green. Burt Cole _ do .... do do do S. G. Bennett . •Burt Cole . . . H. E. Green. Burt Cole W. W. Brier Burt Cole . do do do S. G. Bennett . do H. E. Green- _. S. G. Bennett . do S. G. Bennett . do B. Cole do Sept. 21,1900 .do Gage height. 5.6 4.9 3.17 4.3 3.9 10.0 5. 33 3.00 Discharge. Sec-feet. 0.0 38.0 1.7 1.4 2.3 1.7 1.3 .0 Locality. 13. 3. 62.0 /Grindstone Creek, 4 miles \ above mouth. Grindstone Creek, point above bridge. Hall ditch. Hall ditch, 100 feet above head gate. Orland ditch. Do. Do. 1 mile below Elk Creek. Briscoe Creek, at mouth. Briscoe Creek, above dam site. Brown ditch. Thomas Creek, Tehama County, at Richfield Sta- tion. Julian's 18,000. 2,583. 933. 382. 3. 165. 126. 7,336. 1,080. 14. 20. _ ng station, ranch. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Laux ditch. Stony Creek, near Stony Fork, above Laux ditch. Stony Ford ditch, at head- gate. Welton ditch headgate. a Dry. b Estimated. 342 CALIFORNIA HYDROaRAPHY. [•NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Stony Creek at Julian's ranch. [Drainage area, 760 square miles.] Discliar ge. Maximum. Minim.um. Mean, Total dis- charge. Per square mile. Depth. 1901. February March April May June July August September October _ _ November December 11 months 1902. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year _ Sec-feet. 10-, 385 2,215 630 555 195 15 10 725 340 1,125 3,875 Sec-feet. 725 435 225 225 5 2 5 35 77 10, 385 150 14, 650 7,000 4,680 1,000 370 9 5 14 225 5, 005 2,765 Sec feet. 2,707 893 361 349 66 7 4 35 130 161 425 Acre-feet. 150, 339 54, 908 ■ 21,481 21,459 3,927 430 246 2,083 7,993 9,580 26, 132 Sec-feet. 3.56 1.18 .48 .46 .09 .01 .01 .05 .17 .21 .56 428 298, 578 109 109 920 690 270 5 55 109 690 114 4,201 2,588 1,522 578 132 3 3 9 92 1,584 1,132 7, 233, 159, 90, 35, 7, 010 312 130 565 540 855 184 184 536 657 255 604 .57 0.15 5.53 3.41 2.00 .76 .17 .01 .12 2.08 1.49 Inches. 3.71 1.36 .54 .53 .10 .01 .01 .06 .20 .23 .64 7.39 0.17 5.76 3.93 2.33 .88 .19 .01 .14 2.32 1.72 14, 650 997 703, 832 1.31 17.35 LiPPiNcoTT] DISCHARGE TABLES. 843 SUSAN RIVER. Discharge measareinents of Susan River at Honey Lake Basin, Lassen County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Locality. 1899. Feet. Sec. -feet. Apr. 18 Apr. 18 Apr. 23 June 4 Albert Halen 25.0 Mouth of Willow Creek. W. D. Minckler 25.0 Do. Albert Halen 28.0 Do. do 25.0 28.0 Do. Apr. 24 W. D. Minckler Willow Creek, near Raven- crofts. June 4 do 24.0 21.0 Do. June 11 Albert Halen.. Do. June 1 1 W.D. Minckler. . . 21.0 Do. 1900. June 4 L.H.Taylor 2.60 16.0 Do. July 30 do 2.85 2.80 26.0 20.0 Do. Oct. 10 do Do. 1899. Apr. 18 Albert Halen 139.0 Main river, dam near mouth of Willow Creek. Apr. 23 .....do. 115.0 37.0 33.0 34.0 14.5 Do. June 4 do Do. June 1 1 do Do. June 11 do Main river, below dam. Apr. 18 W.D. Minckler Do. Apr. 23 do . 41.0 34.0 Do. June 11 do Main river, below Colony dam. do 23.0 Do. 1900. June 30 L. H. Taylor 3.20 40.0 Near Susanville. July 5 do 2.60 8.0 Do. 1901. Mar. 16 do 4.30 274.0 Do. Apr. 5 do 4.00 178.0 Do. May 20 do 4.50 351.0 Do. June 7 do 3.60 84.0 Do. 344 CALIFOENIA HYDROGflAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Susan River at Honey Lake Basin, etc. — Continued. Date. June 11 Apr. 24 June 4 Apr. 4 June 4 Apr. 18 Apr. 23 June 4 June 11 Hydrographer. W. D. Minckler _ do do do do do do do do Dis- charge. Sec. -feet. 33.00 31.00 30.00 11.00 7.00 30.00 27.00 15.00 18.00 Locality. North and South branches above Colon J dam. South Branch, Otis Johnson's. Do. North Branch, Otis Johnson's. Do. Tanners Slough. Do. Do. Do. SUTTER RIVER. Discha7'ge measurement of Sutter River, Amador County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. 1899. Sept. 18 S. G. Bennett Sec-feet. 1.00 At Sutter Creek (estimated). SWEETWATER RIVER. The drainage basin of Sweetwater River is in the extreme south- western corner of the United States, being in San Diego County, Cal. , adjacent to the Republic of Mexico. The river flows from the western slope of Cuyamaca Mountain, which rises to an elevation of 6,000 feet. The city of San Diego, on the coast, is about 33 miles west and 12 miles south of this peak. The drainage basin is 34 miles in length by about 5 miles in width, its total area above the reservoir being 186 square miles, as determined in part from survey and in part from the county maps. This area is classified as follows : Sq. miles. Steep and rocky mountains favorable to large run-off 26 Lower rolling mountains, usually covered with brush 99 Rolling hills, covered with soil and disintegrated granite 30 Agricultural lands (17 per cent) and river bottom 81 Total-.. 186 The most noticeable topographic feature of this basin influencing the run-off is the abrupt flattening of the slopes at the base of the moun- tains into agricultural fields. The drainage lines deepty cut into the steep hillsides are quickly lost or are poorly defined in crossing the flat LippiNCOTT] SWEETWATEK RIVER. 345 alluvial cones or partly filled valleys on the low grounds. In turn, the nearly level fields or parks drain into deep canyons. The occa- sional flood caused by a heavy rain rushing down the mountain side spreads out over the flat lands, much of it disappearing before it can reach the lower canyon. The steady percolation which might he expected at points beloAV is to a large extent cut off by the high rate of evaporation, and thus the percentage of run-off, taking the basin as a whole, is small. A more detailed description of this river is given in William Ham. Hall's report on irrigation in southern California. The figures relating to the amount of water draining from this basin and also the other details given in the following table have been com- piled from data obtained by Mr. H. K. Savage, chief engineer, and Mr. James D. Schuyler, consulting engineer, of the San Diego Land and Town Compan}^ The first column in the table gives the evapora- tion from the surface of the Sweetwater reservoir in inches in depth per month. This was measured from a metallic pan exposed to the direct rays of the sun at a point near the dam, this being continued in use until May, 1893. Subsequently observations were made by means of a Piche evaporometer.'^ This was placed in an instrument shelter of the ordinary type used by the Weather Bureau. This shelter is 15 feet above the ground and about 40 feet above the level of the lake, being located 500 feet northeast from the gate tower. It has been noted that the records from the Piche evaporometer which cover the same months as those from the pan are in the ratio of 48 to 57. It is believed that the exposed j)an gives more nearly the evaporation from the water surface than the Piche evaporometer. If the evaporation were annually 5 feet in depth from the surface of the reservoir — that is, from the 70-foot level down to the 65-foot level — the loss Avould amount to 24 per cent of the total amount stored. The area of the reservoir at the 70-foot level is 721.86 acres. The average wind velocity given in miles per hour is that noted at the city of San Diego, 12 miles from the reservoir, and under similar conditions. In this connection it may be well to note the results obtained by Prof. Thomas Russell as to the effect of velocity upon evaporation obtained by whirling the Piche evaporometer at varying rates. Experiments were made which show that the effect of the wind on the evapora- tion from a vessel exposed in the open air is very great. Two Piche instruments were taken, one suspended in quiet air and the other fixed rigidly on the end of the 28-foot arm of the whirling machine set up in the inclosure of the Pension Office building. The whirling machine was the one used in standardizing anemometer. The instruments, filled with water, were first weighed on a fine balance to the hundredth of a gram. The whirling arm was then turned so that the Piche on its end moved with a velocity of 5 miles an hour. The motion was continued for "Described by Prof. Thomas Russeli in the Monthly Weather Review for September, 1888, in connection with a report upon the depth of evaporation in the United States. 346 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. half an hour, and at the end of the time both Piches were again weighed. Then the Piche that had been suspended in quiet air was put on the arm, and the one that had been on the arm was put in its place. The whirling was then started again at the same velocity, and continued for another half hour. At the end of the time the Piches were again weighed. While this was being done the humid- ity of the air was determined from time to time by means of whirled wet and dry bulb thermometers. Observations were also made in the same way with the Piche moving at veloci- ties of 10, 15, 20, 25. and 30 miles per hour. At a velocity of 5 miles an hour the evaporation from a Piche was 2.2 times that from one in quiet ^ir; at 10 miles, 3.8 times; at 15 miles, 4.9 times; at 20 miles, 5.7 times; at 25 miles, 6.1 times; and at 30 miles, 6.3 times. During the time the observations were made, June 25 and 26, 1888, the average temperature of the air was 83.7 and the relative humidity 50 per cent. Measurements were made of the relative humidity at the reservoir during 1893 and 1894. When not obtained at this point they are given from the Weather Bureau figures for San Diego. The temperature of the air is taken as the average of the maximum and minimum daily readings. The temperature of the water in the lake and also in the pan was taken daily. That in the pan was observed at about 2 p. m., thus giving a reading slightly higher than that of the lake, as the pan under the hot sun caused the water to warm slightly. If two readings had been taken each day at intervals of twelve hours the average would probably have been verj^ nearly that of the lake. It is noted that the water in the lake was usually a few degrees warmer than the atmosphere. RAINFALL IN SVS^EETWATER BASIN. The rainfall has been measured at two rain gages, one at the reser- voir and one at Descanso, 25 miles east of the reservoir and at an elevation of 3,500 feet. The Descanso gage is 3 miles to the east of the summit of a ridge which may act in such a manner as to cut off the precipitation, thus reducing it below a theoretical amount for this position. In addition to the two rain gages within the drainage basin, the record from a third — that at the Cuayamaca reservoir — is given. This is at an elevation of 4,800 feet, and is only 3 miles distant from the divide between the drainage of Sweetwater and of San Diego River. The gage here is in a narrow valley or canyon, and the results obtained, being probably influenced by local topography, are regarded as excessive for this altitude and the locality. The rainfall at the dam in the winter of 1900-1901 was 11 inches. The total amount of precipitation, as obtained at the reservoir and at Descanso, is not considered as showing the rainfall upon the drain- age basin as a whole. One of the gages is located too high and the other too low to fairly represent the average conditions. In order, therefore, to obtain approximately the total amount of water falling upon the basin, certain assumptions are made and corrections are LippiNCOTT.] SWEETWATER RIVER. 347 applied to the recorded precipitation. It is assumed that there is a regular increase in the rate of precipitation with altitude, and that this is at the rate of 0.6 inch of rain for each 100 feet increase in elevation. It is also assumed that the mean elevation of the whole basin is approximately 2,200 feet. Taking San Diego, which is nearly at sea level, as the base station, this, under the assumptions just given, would indicate that the rainfall on the basin should average 13.2 inches greater than that at San Diego. As the average rainfall at San Diego is 9.92 inches, the rainfall on the Sweetwater catchment area should be 9.92 plus 13.2 inches, or 23.12 inches. In the same way the average rainfall is deduced from the measure- ments at the points within the basin. At Descanso the average rain- fall is 26.38 inches. This point, having an altitude of 3,500 feet, is 1,300 feet above the assumed altitude of Sweetwater basin. Deduct- ing, therefore, 7.8 inches leaves 18.58 inches as the average rainfall. Again, taking the results obtained at the rain gage at the Sweetwater reservoir, 12.01 inches, at an elevation of 250 feet, and adding to this the theoretical increase due to altitude of 11.70 inches, the sum 23.71 can be applied to the basin. The average of these two computations, based on the observations at Descanso and at the reservoir, is 21.14 inches for the basin. This method has been used in the following table, page 351, in determining the average rainfall throughout the 186 square miles in the catchment basin for each year, additions being made to the rainfall recorded at the reservoir, and subtractions from that at Descanso, the average of the two results thus obtained being given in the table. RUN-OFF FROM SWEETWATER BASIN. The discharge from this watershed, embracing 186 square miles, during the winter of 1900-1901, was 280,000,000 gallons, or 861 acre- feet. The run-off shown in the table on page 351 has been computed by Mr. H. N. Savage. The stream "usually ceased flowing about the 1st of June and remained dry throughout the summer, water flowing again in the fall or early winter after the rains began. At this latter time the reservoir is at a low stage, the water having been used for irrigation during the hot season. The flow into the reservoir, being wholly held, is therefore computed from the increase of height shown by the readings on the gage rod in the reservoir, due allowance being made for evaporation and the amount withdrawn. Later, when the reservoir is full and some of the water overflows, an additional amount must be added. To obtain this amount is a somewhat difficult matter, as the water flows out through a gate valve, over the waste weir, and also occasionally, during floods, over the top of the dam. 348 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Evaporation, temperature, and rainfall at Sweetwater reservoir, Sa7i Diego County. Evapora- tion. Wind (miles per hour). Humid- ity. Temperature. Air, degrees Fahren- heit. Water, degrees Fahren- heit. At reser- voir. At Des- canso. 1888. September _ _ October November __ Decem.ber _ _ _ 1889. January February _ , _ March April May June July August September __ October . November __ December _ - . 1890. January February ___ March April May June July August September __ October November. ... December _ . _ 1891. January February __. March April 1.990 3.336 3.380 4.961 5.822 6.806 7.398 8.253 7.360 2.998 4.800 .246 1.588 2.214 3.280 4.141 6.140 7.302 7.380 9.020 6.482 4.920 5.535 1.845 3.608 1.353 3.075 3.707 4.8 5.7 5.4 5.6 5.9 5.5 5.1 5.0 5.1 4.7 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.2 4.9 5.1 4.6 5.4 4.7 4.6 4.3 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.4 5.8 5.3 4.9 70 Inches. 0.00 .36 2.81 3.20 1.56 .82 3.87 .36 .21 .33 .01 .00 .00 2.22 1.08 7.07 2.20 2.07 1.30 .10 .41 .00 .00 .07 .42 .45 .93 2.29 .83 5.28 .23 1.27 LippiNCOTT.] SWEETWATER RIVER. 849 Evaporation, temperature, and rainfall at Sweetwater reservoir, etc. — Continued. Evapora- tion. Wind (miles per hour). Humid- ity. Temperature. Air, degrees Fahren- heit. Water, degrees Fahren- heit. Rainfall. At reser- voir. At Des- canso. 1891. May Jnne July August September . October November . December . 1892. January _ . February . March April . May June July August - . . September October November . December . Inches. 5.599 6.027 6.501 8.890 6.150 6.314 4.100 2.752 2.542 1.394 3.075 5.822 4.674 6.478 8. 808 6.540 6.273 6.560 4.766 2.614 1893. January 2.7f February 2.214 March 1.076 April 5.002 May 4. 902 June 3.411 July 5.318 August 4.693 September _.. 4.864 October ! 4.586 November j 4.513 December ! 6. 283 "End of measurements 5.4 4.6 4.0 3.8 4.7 3.8 3.8 5.4 3.7 4.7 4.8 5.5 5.7 5.6 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.2 3.7 4.3 Per cent. 75 74 78 77 76 79 74 65 58 75 73 82 68 69 73 74 74 65 50 4.0 5.1 6.2 5.3 5.8 4.9 5.1 5.0 5.1 4.6 4.5 4.5 69 78 80 82 76 72 64 54 54 63 66 70 71 74 78 78 76 «68 60 56 I Inches. 0.83 .09* .00 .03 .00 .00 .13 2.42 3.47 .55 .93 1.39 .07 .00 .02 .00 .15 .04 2.12 1.96 6.50 .27 .20 77 65 76 .00 77 69 81 .16 75 72 80 .00 75 66 77 .00 67 65 "70 .33 65 58 60 .84 60 58 58 2.08 from pan and beginning of observations on Piche 0.00 .00 1.50 2.00 3.01 2.64 14.07 .50 .00 ! .00 ! .75 .00 .25 1.25 3.15 4.38 e vapor ometer. 350 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Evaporation, temperature, and rainfall at Sweetwater reservoir, etc. — Continued. Evapora- tion. Wind (miles per hour). Humid- ity. Temperature. Rainfall. Month. Air, Fahren- heit. Water, degrees Fahren- heit. At reser- voir. At Des- canso. At Cuya- maca. 1894. January February March April May Inches. 3.897 • 3.533 3.008 3.634 3.451 4.683 3.161 3.066 4.637 3.232 3.347 2.344 2.357 2.850 3.121 3.939 4.119 3.188 «6.428 «6.744 5.0 5.2 5.8 5.4 5.7 5.6 5.2 4.8 5.1 3.8 3.9 4.3 6.0 5.0 5.3 5.2 5.8 Per cent. 68 - 67 73 70 74 72 75 77 76 72 76 73 74 77 50 50 56 59 59 62 67 68 69 64 59 54 53 54 56 58 63 66 69 71 52 56 59 65 68 76 80 82 75 70 64 59 Inches. 0.36 .71 1.69 .04 .15 .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 3.03 9.63 1.52 1.18 .44 .35 Inches. 2.10 3.40 3.63 .13 .50 .38 .12 .13 .00 .00 .00 7.62 19.52 2.76 3.13 .64 .63 Inches. 2.05 2.05 3.00 .00 1.00 June .50 July .00 August September October November December 1895. January February March April May 1.50 .40 .00 .00 12.76 28.43 6.05 5.52 1.20 .16 June .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 July .00 August .00 .00 .00 LIPPINCOTT.] SWEETWATER RIVER. 351 The following table gives, for the period from 1888 to 1901, the esti- mated precipitation upon the catchment basin, obtained as stated on page 347, also the depth of run-off in inches and the relation which this bears to the depth of rainfall, by years. The years chosen are not calendar years, but extend from September to August, inclusive, as this division is more in accordance with the distribution of rainfall and the discharge of the streams. Estimated rainfall upon the Sweetwater catchment basin; also depth c age of run-off. i percent- Rain. Run-off. Year. Per square mile. Inches. Per cent. 1887-88 - -. Inches. Sec-feet. 0. 0524 .1875 .1525 .1602 .0460 .1210 .0099 .5452 .0098 .0512 . 00003 .0018 .0063 1888-89 21.00 25.71 23.40 17.14 20.00 14.76 27.14 19.54 24.91 18.18 18. 51 19.10 23.65 20.29 2.54 3.71 2.07 .62 1.61 .14 7.12 .101 .665 .0005 .025 .087 12. 000 1889-90 14. 000 1890-91 9.000 1891-92 - . 4.000 1892-93- .- _ -_ 8.000 1893-94 1.000 1894-95 26. 000 1895-96 .517 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 - 2.67 .003 .135 1899-1900 1900-1901 .368 1901-1902 . 352 OALIFORJ^IA HYDKOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. The figures showing evaporation, wind movement, humidity, and temperature are brought together for comparison by years in the fol- lowing table. In this case, as stated above, the years extend from September to August, inclusive, as this most nearly agrees with the natural division. Annual evaporation, temperature, etc., in Sweetwater Basin, [Elevation.of reservoir, 250 feet. ] Period. Evaporation. Wind. Humidity. Tempera- ture of air. Tempera- ture of water. 1888-89. Inches. Miles pel- hour. Pe7- cent. Deg. F. Deg.F, 1889-90 56.47 57.54 58.65 49. 60 48. 68 46.31 45.18 a41.24 61.93 &32.54 4.9 4.6 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.9 5.8 5.7 1890-91 1891-92 72 68 70 79 71 76 73 72 75 61 61 60 59 61 61 60 59 61 62 68 1892-93 67 1893-94 . 67 1894-95 ._.:.. 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 a Evaporation January 1 to August 31. & Evaporation September 1 to April 30. FLOODS IN THE RIVER. The Sweetwater, like the other rivers of southern California, is lia- ble at times to extraordinary floods, due to heavy precipitation upon the catchment basin. In 1893 two floods furnished 70 per cent of the annual discharge of the river for that year. For the 24 hours ending March 24, 1893, the river discharged 3,069 acre-feet. For the seven days ending March 27, the total amount discharged was 7,980 acre- feet. In January, 1895, a flood was carefully watched and the flow computed at short intervals, as shown in the following table. The total run-off from 5 p. m. on January 14 to noon on January 22 was equivalent to a trifle over 4.70 inches over the whole drainage basin, or in all 46,670 acre-feet. This same storm gave a maximum dis- charge from Cedar, Boulder, and Colman creeks, aggregating 100 square miles within the drainage basin of San Diego River, of 13,000 second-feet. LippiNcoTT.] SWEETWATER RIVER. 353 Rate of flow during flood of January, 1895, in Sweetwater River. January 14: 5 p. m January 15: 7 a. m . _ _ . 12 m 3 p. m 4 p. m 5 p. m 6 p. m 7 p. m 9 p. m lOp. m__. January 16: 5 a. ni 6 a. m 7 a. m 8.30 a. m . 9.30 a. m . 10.30 a. m 11.30 a. m 12.30 p. m 1.30 p. m _ 2 p. m 2.30 p.m.. 3.30 p.m.. 4 p. m 4.30 p. m_. 5.30 p.m.. 6.30 p.m.. 7.30 p.m.. 8 p, m .... January 17: 5 a. m .... 6 a. m 8 a. m _ .__ Second- feet. 84 1,855 6,410 5,214 5,262 4,152 6,135 5, 567 5,080 3, 297 4,720 3,585 5,316 5,370 6,602 8,713 8,713 13, 684 13, 000 15, 148 18, 148 14, 034 14, 490 7,227 9,420 8,310 6,930 5,302 3, 545 3,954 January 17 3 p. m January 18: 8 a. m 9 a. m 10 a. m 7 p. m January 19: 5 a. m 8.30a. m.- 9.30 a. m_. 10.30 a. m . 11.30 a. m _ 1.30 p. m.. 3 p. m 3.30 p. m_. 4 p. m 4.30 p.m.. 9 p. m January 20: 7 a. m -Continued. 10 a. m 11 a. m.-- l p. m 2 p. m January 21: 7 a. m 10 a. m 12 m 5.30 p. m . January 22: 7 a. m 12 m INCREASE OF PRECIPITATION WITH ALTITUDE. In connection with the above data concerning the rainfall and run- off on the Sweetwater drainage basin, the writer has given a discus- sion of the precipitation in southern California, and has brought IRR 81—03 23 354 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. together figures showing the increase of rainfall with altitude. The following statement is quoted from a report made on this subject: The warm, moisture-laden winds from the sea on their inland journey are driven up the slopes in the Coast Range. As they rise in elevation they expand under the lighter atmospheric pressure, become chilled, and are deprived of all moisture in excess of the point of saturation at that temperature and pressure. This lowering of temperature in their ascent is more pronounced in winter than in summer, and, coupled with the fact that a high barometer is normal off the coast of southern California during the summer season, the winds yield much less rain. The year in California is naturally divided into a wet and a dry season, the dry season beginning about the 1st of May, with little rain falling, except in thunder- storms in the high mountains, before the 1st of October. The rains then grad- ually increase, reaching their maximum in January. The records of the United States Signal Service and the Weather Bureau begin the year with the 1st of Jan- uary. This is not a proper division in this region, as it will not show either the maximum or minimum years of rainfall. Engineers divide the year either with the 1st of July or the 1st of September. The effect of topography on rainfall is given in a report by Prof. G. E. Curtis « in the following words: ' ' In general the amount of rain increases with the elevation above sea level up to a maximum plane, after which a decrease takes place. S. A. Hill has shown that in the northwest Himalayas, where the rainfall is most remarkable in amount and rate of variation, the observations can be represented by the following empir- ical formula: R=l+1.92 7i— 0.40/i^+0.027i^, in which R represents the amount of rain and li the relative height in units of 1,000 feet above the assumed plane, which is itself 1,000 feet above sea level. From this formula the height of maxi- mum rainfall is computed to be 3,160 feet above the plane, or 4,160 feet above sea level. It is further shown that this elevation is that at which, according to the observed law of decrease of temperature, the southwest monsoon is cooled just below its dew-point. This point will be that at which in the mean we should expect the maximum precipitation to take place. * * * A very rapid diminu- tion takes place on the leeward side, where the stations record only about half the amount of rainfall given by stations of equal elevation on the windward side." Similar conditions prevail in California. In illustration the following table (p. 355) is given, in which the results obtained at a base station are compared with those from other stations in the vicinity and on that parallel. The base sta- tion in each case is one whose record is of long standing. In the table the second column gives the period during which the record has been kept. The third shows the elevation of the station above sea. The fourth gives the annual average recorded rain at that station. The fifth gives the relation of the rainfall at the base station, during the years that rainfalls were actually recorded at the station under consideration, to the total average rainfall recorded at the base station during its entire period of observation. The record at the second station is then adjusted by this ratio and a probable average rainfall is determined for the station considered and entered in the sixth column under the head '' ' Probable mean rain. ' ' & For example, take the station Poway. The record at this point is for ten years, while the record at the base station, San Diego, has been kept for a period of a Signal Service Notes, No. 16. Tlie effect of wind currents on rainfall, by G. E. Curtis, "Wash- ington, 1884, pamphlet, 11 pp., pp. 6-7. fcSee statement of Arthur Jacobs, late executive engineer for irrigation, Her Majesty's Bom- bay Service, in Van NogtraTid'a Science Series, No. 6, p. H. LippiNCOTT] KELATIOJSr OF KAINFALL TO ELEVATION. 855 forty-five years. Now, the average annual rain for a period of forty-five years is probably nearer the actual average than that given by a record extending over a much less period. The tvro stations, being so near together and subject to the same general climatic conditions, have probably a close relation. If during the time that the record has been kept at Poway the rain at San Diego is found to be 117 per cent of the average of forty-five years, then the recorded rain at Poway is assumed to be 117 per cent of the average there. By examining the data available, it has been found that the increase in precipi- tation due to elevation is approximately at the rate of 0.6 of an inch of rain for each 100 feet rise in elevation on the western slope of the Coast Range and of the Sierra Nevadas in California. There is also an increase due to elevation on the eastern slope, but this is very much less in amount. The figures in the seventh column in the table below have been obtained by adding the computed increase due to elevation above the base station to the recorded rain at the base station. By comparing these figures in the seventh column, showing theoretical rainfall, with the recorded mean rainfall and the probable mean rainfall given in the fourth and sixth columns, the applicability of this deduced rate of increase of precipitation with altitude is shown. Table showing the relation of rainfall to elevation in California. Eleva- tion. ^®" PpTPftTit Probable corded. Percent. ^^^^^ ^ Theoret- ical. First group. San Diego « Sweetwater, reservoir Poway . Descanso Julian Cuyamaca Second group. Los Angeles « Bear Valley, reservoir Third groiip. Sacramento « Auburn Colfax Cisco Summit Fourth group. Truckee Reno Wadsworth 1850-95 1888-95 1878-89 1889-95 1879-84 1887-95 1871-94 1883-94 1849-89 1870-84 1870-84 1870-84 1870-84 1870-84 1870-91 1870-91 Feet. 250 460 3,500 4,500 4,800 330 >,000 31 1,360 2,422 5,934 7,017 5,919 4,497 4,085 Inches. 9.92 12.37 13.38 26.65 37.75 44.66 16.96 54.03 19.90 32.72 44. 81 57.41 47.93 29.53 5.17 3.83 Inche.s. 103 117 101 130 102 12.01 11.43 26.38 29.04 43.79 11.42 12. 68 30.92 36.92 38.72 110 49.09 50.92 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 32.08 43.93 56.28 46.99 28.95 5.07 3.75 27.78 34.20 55.20 61.80 54.60 46.56 44.28 « Base stations. 356 CALIFOKTN^IA HYDROGRAPHY, [NO. 81. The stations of the first and second groups are located in San Diego County, and are all on the western slope of the Coast Range. Bear Valley is 80 miles east of Los Angeles on the same slope. The third group comprises the stations along the Central Pacific from Sacramento east to the summit, and the fourth those along the same line of road on the eastern slope 14, 49, and 83 miles by rail beyond the summit. This fourth group is given to show that wholly different conditions prevail on the eastern and on the western slope of the mountain. All these records are seasonal, the year being divided at the 1st of September when possible. Data are given from Signal Service and Weather Bureau reports, and from those of the California State engineer, the former being accepted in cases of difference. Excepting the fourth or last group, which is given simply to show that the conditions prevailing on the eastern slope are different from those of the western, it may be seen that the theoretical rain is very nearly the same as the probable mean rain. The instances where the widest variations exist usually can be explained. In regard to the value of the theoretical rainfall, reference may again be made to the paper by Professor Curtis. He states (p. 8) that the Signal Service, in an investigation of the rainfall on the summit of Mount Washington to determine the local distribution and the average rainfall for the station, placed five gages on the summit of the mountain, one in the center and four to the four points of the compass 75 feet distant from it. It has been known for a long time that a gage placed at an elevation above ground usually recorded less than one placed on the ground below, this difference being caused by wind currents. The increased velocities of the wind around the corners and over the tops of the buildings, hills, or even the gage, tend to increase the slant of the falling rain at those points, and when just past the obstruction, the velocity of the wind being again reduced, a heavier fall of rain will be deposited. In this experiment on Mount Washington observations v/ere made from September 1, 1882, to October 1, 1883. As the meas- urement of snow was reported as altogether unreliable, it was excluded. In the following table it is shown that the windward gages had received during this period 24.64 inches of rain and the leeward ones 28.43 inches, single storms show- ing greater variation. The conclusion reached is that precipitation varies mate- rially within distances of only 100 or 200 feet. The most remarkable feature of the experiment is the different results obtained from gages with 3-inch and 8-inch catchment cups. The gages that were set to the four points of the compass had 3-inch cups and the regular station gage had one 8-inch cup. For the period in question the four exterior gages recorded 45.82, 51.19, 45.40, and 42.63 inches, respectively, while the regular station gage recorded 58.70 inches of rain. Comparative reading of 3-inch and 8-inch gages in wind. Wind velocity in miles per hour. 15 40 60 75 Diameter of gage Amount of rain Inches. 3 1.75 Inches. 8 1.84 Inches. 3 2.77 Inches. 8 3.37 Inches. 3 1.60 Inches. 8 2.44 Inches. 3 1.87 Inches. 8 3.49 Per cent . 100 105 100 122 100 152 100 186 LTPPINCOTT.] TECOLOTE AND TEJON HOUSE CREEKS. 357 In view of these records, which are taken with experimental care, the statement would be justified that the " Probable rainfall," as shown in the table on page 351, agrees with the " Theoretical rainfall " as closely as it can be measured, the gages being of different makes and sizes. The recorded rainfall of the Cuyamaca gage is probably in excess of the average rain for this elevation and the locality, and it is so considered by engineers in San Diego. The gage is in a narrow valley or canyon, and is probably affected by the winds and the topography. It will be seen that Cisco, with an elevation of 5,934 feet, has a rainfall of 56.28 inches, while Summit, 13 miles beyond, with an elevation of 7,017, has only 46.99 inches of rain. It may be that this variation is due to the wind action, especially on the snow, which averages each year 31 feet in depth, or to the fact that "Sum- mit is above the plane of maximum rainfall, as mentioned on page 354. TECOLOTE CREEK. Discharge measurement of Tecolote Creek, Santa Barbara County. 1899. Aug. - Hydrographer. G. F. Wright _ Dis- charge. Sec-feet. «0.27 a Drainage area, 2 square miles. TEJON CREEK. See Fort Tejon Creek. TEJON HOUSE CREEK. Discharge measurements of Tejon House Creek, at Tejon Ranch House, Ker^n County. Date. Hydrographer . Dis- charge. 1895. Mar. 6 Apr. 3 Sept. 4 Nov. 18 1896. Feb. 1 Feb. 2 June 4 June 5 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 J. B. Lippincott do__ A. P. Davis and J. B. Lippincott _ J. B. Lippincott J. B. Lippincott - do _do . .do. .do . .do . Sec. -feet. 22.7 17.2 1.57 3.46 7.82 18.3 6.09 8.31 3.96 2.66 358 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY, TEMESCAL CREEK. [NO. 81. Discharge measurements of Temescal Creek at lower pipe line, Temescal Land and Water Company, Temescal, Riverside County, Cal. 1899. Jan. 28 Feb. 1 Feb. 11 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Mar. 4 Mar. 12 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Mar. 31 Apr. 14 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 30 June 9 June 15 July 4 July 19 July 25 Aug. 5 Aug. 11 Aug. 21 Hy dr ograplier . F. Rolfe do _ do _ do _ do - do _ do _ do- do_ do _ do . do _ do. do _ do . do . do _ do _ do . do - do - do _ do _ do - Dis- charge. ;, -feet. 0.66 0.00 .31 1.39 1.56 4.22 3.55 2.69 2.91 3. 42 .89 2.28 2.28 4.46 2.55 3.08 3.10 2.36 2.87 2.03 2.49 1.12 2.40 2.65 LTPPINCOTT.] TEMESCAL CEEEK. 359 Discharge measurements of Temescal Creek at upper pipe line, Temescal Land and Water Company, Temescal, Riverside County. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. S.G.Eennett- F.Rolfe ....do .....do ....do ....do do ...do do ...do do do do.. .. do do do do do .,_.do . ...do do do do do do do ...... Sec-feet. 0.99 .74 1.62 .87 3.67 3.37 3.87 5.10 3.56 3.74 4.16 2.93 3.71 3.22 2.80 4.02 4.21 4.01 3.36 3.52 3.21 3.20 3.67 1.48 4.26 3.84 Discharge measiwements of Evans ditch, Temescal Creek, Temescal, Riverside County. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 3.75 3.00 860 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. TORO CANYON. Discharge measurement of Toro Canyon, Santa Barbara County. [NO. 81. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1900. June 16 J. B. Lippincott Sec-feet. 0.05 TRABUCO CREEK. Discharge measurement of Trahuco Creek, Orange County. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. May 24 F. Rolfe . Sec-feet. «1.08 rt Ditch near San Juan Capistrano. TRUCKEE RIVER. TRUCKEE RIVER AT TAHOE, CAL. Truckee River, the natural outlet of Lake Tahoe, leaves the lake at the city of Tahoe. About 500 feet frota the lake there is a timber dam across the river, which has been maintained for more than twenty years for the purpose of controlling the discharge from the lake. During the early part of the year 1900 the gates in this dam were kept closed, not being opened until June 17, when a gage was placed in the stream for the purpose of recording the height of the water in the river. The gage is a vertical timber driven into the stream bed at the left bank, about 300 feet below the dam, and is spiked to the root of a tree growing on the bank. The bench mark is cut in the side of the tree, and is 4 feet above gage datum. The measurements are made from a cable and suspended car about one- fourth of a mile below the gage, which was placed as near the city of Tahoe as possible for the convenience of the observer. At the point of measurement the right bank is low, and is subject to overflow at very high stages of the stream, but the left bank is rather high. The channel is nearly straight for a short distance above and below the station, and the bed of the river, which is of gravel and coarse sand, is smooth and stable. The. purpose of the station is to ascertain the actual outflow from Lake Tahoe, with a view to determining its value as a storage reservoir. LIPPINCOTT] TRUCKEE RIVER. , 861 Discharge measurements of Truckee River at outlet of Lake Tahoe, Placer County. Date. Hydi'ograplier. Dis- charge. 1899. July 9 Aug. 8 Aug. 14 Aug. 18 Sec-feet. 136 75 56 49 Discharge measurements of Truckee River at Tahoe, Placer Coimty. Date. Hydrographer. height. Dis- charge. 1900. June 18 June 30 L. H. Taylor do - Feet. 0.75 1.45 1.60 1.40 .40 .95 1.15 1.94 1.85 1.57 1.23 1.00 Sec-feet. 92 2.40 July 12 do . 2.77 Sept. 7 Oct. 23 do 225 do 52 Oct. 23 do 130 Oct. 23 _do 158 1901. Sept. 5 C. V. Taylor 386 Sept. 12 Nov. 11 do 356 do 296 Nov. 11 do .... 187 Nov. 11 do 141 1902. Oct. 22 E. C. Murphy 320 Discharge measurements of Truckee River one-half mile beloiv Truckee. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1900. June 3 Sec. feet. 364 June 12 264 862 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. Estimated monthly discharge of Truckee River at Tahoe. [Drainage area, 519 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean, Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1895. July August September October November December 1896. January February 1900. March April May June July August September _ _ _ October November December 1901. January February March April May . June July August September . _ . October November December Sec. -feet. 1,185 441 392 496 471 253 292 236 260 260 224 177 200 99 117 117 30 30 178 293 555 390 308 293 189 Sec-feet, 442 393 357 344 408 246 244 211 177 155 85 30 30 156 293 117 251 189 100 Sec-feet. 914 425 374 415 437 250 262 290 52 214 232 196 159 135 81 102 81 30 9 30 225 419 326 282 247 111 Acre-feet. 56, 200 26,111 22, 244 25, 538 26, 002 15, 388 16,102 16,677 3,106 13,131 14, 261 11,667 9,781 8,047 4,981 6,262 4,502 1,845 565 1,765 13,809 25, 760 19, 395 17,308 14,678 6,841 Sec-feet. 1.76 82 The year , 155 112,730 LTPPINCOTT.] TRUCKEE RIVEB. 863 Discharge measurements of tributaries of Truckee River at various points. DEER CREEK, PLACER COUNTY. Date. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. 1900. June 16 Sec-feet. 25.2 SQUAW CREEK, PLACER COUNTY. 1900. June 5 June 16 Sept. 14 81.4 46.0 2.76 DONNER CREEK, NEAR DONNER LAKE. 1900. May 16 May 29 July 13 Aug. 20 Sept. 13 127.8 73.4 1.09 69.0 19.2 DONNER CREEK, NEAR TRUCKEE RIVER. 1900. May 21 324.5 June 3 127.0 June 12 98.9 July 13 14.7 1902. Oct. 22 E.G. Murphy 3.25 COLD CREEK, NEVADA COUNTY. 1900. Sept. 13 1.35 364 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of tributaries of Truckee River, etc. — Continued. MABTIS CREEK. Date. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. 1889. June 1 Sec-feet. 19 June 22 1900. May 21 June 4 24.51 17.52 Sept. 14 8.54 JUNIPER CREEK AT CLINTON. 1889. May 30 1900. June 6 Sept. 15 JOE GRAY CREEK AT ICELANB. 1889. May 31 1900. May 19 Jnly 28 Sept. 15 ALDER CREEK AT FLORI8TON. 1889. May 31 1900. May 19 July 25 43 «30 12.63 Sept. 10 10.29 LippiNcoTT.] TEUCKEE RIVER. 365 Discharge measurements of tributaries of Truekee River, etc. — Continued. DOG VALLEY CREEK AT VERDI. Hydrographer. D.W.Hays. TRUCKEE RIVER AT ESSEX, WASHOE COUNTY, NEV. SQUAW CREEK ABOUT HALFWAY FROM LAKE TAHOE. CREEK NEAR TAHOE TOLLGATB. DONNER CREEK. 1889. July 3 8 July 6 5 July 11 2 July 16 1 Aug. 7 .9 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 .3 .3 366 CALIFORNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of tributaries of Truckee River, etc. — Continued. COLD CREEK THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILE BELOW CONNER LAKE. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1889. June 28 July 3 July 6 July 11 Aug. 7 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Sec-feet. 11 10 5 1 1 1 .7 PROSSER CREEK. E. C. Murphy . «145 a 25 « 9. 54 &21.24 LITTLE TRUCKEE RIVER AT BOCA. ^600 492 8. 94 27. 14 HUNTER CREEK. 40.7 5.93 INDEPENDENCE CREEK AT INDEPENDENCE LAKE. E.G. Murphy . .27 c Approximate. LIPPINCOTT.] TRUCKEE RIVER. 367 Discharge nieasiirenients of streams flowing into Lake Tahoe. WARD CREEK. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1900. May 5 Sec-feet. 147 BLACKWOOD CREEK. 1900. May 6 140 THREE SMALL STREAMS BETWEEN IDLEWILD AND MCKINNEY'S. 1900. May 6 «12 M'KINNEY CREEK. 1900. May 6 150 GENERAL CREEK. 1900. May 7 100 MEIGGS CREEK. 1900. May 7 130 EIVE SMALL STREAMS BETWEEN MEEKS CREEK AND EMERALD BAY. 1900. May 7-! «12 EMERALD BAY CREEK. 1900. May 60 "Estimated. 368 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.J Discharge measurements of streams flowing into Lake Tahoe — Continued. CASCADE CREEK. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1900. May 8 Sec-feet. 30 TAYLOR CREEK. 1900. May 8 160 ' UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER. 1900. May 9 ■ 350 TEN SMALL. STREAMS BETWEEN BLJOU AND GLEN BROOK IN NEVADA. 1900. May 10 «15 TRUCKEE RIVER AT NEVADA- CALIFORNIA STATE LINE. This river has its source on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada in eastern California and flows northward, entering Lake Tahoe. This lake is at an elevation of 6,225 feet, and is the largest body of fresh water in the United States at this considerable altitude. The area of the lake itself is 193 square miles. As the State line between Nevada and California passes through the lake, a portion of it is in each State. The outlet of the lake is at Tahoe, Cal., and Truckee River from this point has a general northward course, receiving a num- ber of important tributaries which contribute to its flow. There are a number of lakes at the headwaters of the branch stream, which have been surveyed and recommended as reservoir sites. The drainage area is mapped on the Pyramid Peak, Truckee, Carson, and Marklee- ville atlas sheets of the United States Geological Survey. The basin is now partially included in the Lake Tahoe forest reserve, set apart by Executive proclamation of April 13, 1899. September 7, 1899, a station was established on this river by L. H. Taylor, at the State line, 17 miles west of Reno, Nev. The gage is vertical, driven into the bed of the river and wired to a granite bowlder. The bench mark LIPPINCOTT.] TRUCKEE RIVER. 369 is the top of the rock to which the rod is fastened, and is at an eleva- tion of 10 feet above gage datum. The channel is straight for a short distance above and below the station. The banks are not liable to overflow. The bed of the river is of gravel and cobbles and is quite stable. Discharge measurements of Truckee River at State line. Date. Hydrographer. height. Dis- charge. 1899. Sept. 7 1900. Apr. 10 May 15 May 22 June 1 L. H. Taylor _ , . . Feet. 2.0 2.9 4.1 4.3 3.7 3.2 2.5 2.5 2.3 1.9 1.5 4.5 3.4 3.9 2.6 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.95 1.75 Sec-feet. 303 L. H. Taylor 753 do . 1,493 do 1,629 do 1,113 June 15 do . 901 July 1 July 14 Sept. 6 Oct. 2 .. do .. . .. 534 do 551 do 447 do 318 1901. Feb. 13 C. V. Taylor 298 Feb. 27 do 2,474 Mar. 11 do - -- _ . 1,262 June 9 ., _do _ - .... 1,741 July 13 Aug. 16 Sept. 3 Sept. 14 Nov. 9 do . 811 do 528 do 570 do 478 do . - _ 437 Dec. 14 do . -._ 353 1902. Apr. 10 C. V. Taylor 1,492 May 10 do 2,384 IRR 81—03-- -24 370 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of TrucJcee River at Nevada-California State line. [Drainage area, 955 square miles.] 1899. September 17-30 __ October November . December 1900. January February March April May June July August September . _ . October November December The year _ Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean, Sec. 'feet. 363 632 1,566 328 897 363 1, 131 1,409 1,885 1,409 533 486 486 897 897 1,131 1,885 Sec-feet. 295 295 295 264 295 264 295 735 1,196 328 401 328 205 234 328 205 205 Sec-feet. 303 354 581 295 392 318 797 902 1,528 950 459 396 367 481 480 407 623 Total discharge. Acre-feet. 18,030 21,767 34, 572 18, 139 24, 103 17,661 49, 006 53, 673 93, 953 56, 529 28, 223 24, 349 21,838 29, 575 28, 562 25, 025 452, 497 Run-off. Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.32 .37 .61 .31 0.41 .33 .83 .94 1.60 .99 .48 .41 .38 .50 .50 .43 .65 Depth. Inches. 0.36 .43 0.47 .34 .96 1.05 1.84 1.10 .55 .47 .42 .58 .56 .50 TRUCKEE RIVER AT VISTA, NEV. On the lower courses of this river there are considerable stretches of irrigable land which, however, have not yet been developed to their fullest extent. The drainage basin is peculiar in that its mountain- ous collecting area is located in the State of California, while the lands which can be irrigated are situated in Nevada. This may lead in the future to certain legal difficulties, but not to the extent that it would if there were agricultural lands in both States. Truckee River, after entering Nevada, flows in a general easterly and then northerly direc- tion, emptying into Pyramid Lake. The drainage area is mapped on the Pyramid Peak, Truckee, Markleeville, Carson, Reno, and Wads- worth atlas sheets of the United States Geological Survey. The station at Vista, Nev., was established August 18, 1899, by L. H. Tay- lor, and is located 7 miles east of Reno. The rod is spiked to posts driven into the bed of the river. The bench mark is on a bluff of rock 500 feet east of the gage, and is at an elevation of 17.50 feet LIPPINCOTT.] TRUCKEE EIVER. 371 above gage datum. A new bench mark was established March 14, 1901, on the top of a 2 by 2 inch plug driven 2 feet into the ground at the upper end of the inclined gage on the left bank. Its elevation is 9.60 feet above the datum of the gage. Both banks are high and not liable to overflow. The bed is rocky and not subject to change. Discharge measurements of Truckee River at Vista, Nev. [L. H. Taylor, hydrographer.] 1899. September 5 October 28 1900. April 25 May 14 May 23 June 9 June 14 June 19 June 28 1 July2 July 10 July 24 August 22 September 28 . 1901. February 22 March 14 March 20 . June 21 July 12 August 15 September 2 September 14 November 13 December 15 Gage heiglit. Feet. 2.0 2.75 3.30 3.80 4.30 3.80 4.10 2.90 2.70 2.20 2.05 2.00 2.30 2.25 6.35 3.85 3.88 4.10 2.70 2.20 2.50 2.40 3.05 2.78 Dis- charge. Sec,-feet. 105 477 7.57 1,326 967 1,150 471 372 207 138 99 198 226 3,077 «899 «911 1,165 417 198 325 276 584 448 a Results too small. 372 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Truckee River at Vista, Nev. [Drainage area 1,519 square miles.] Discharge. Total dis- charge. Run-ofiE. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth. 1890. April Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 4,496 5,990 4,162 2,198 952 682 742 765 750 Acre-feet. Sec-feet. Inches. May June July Auanist SpDtember October November December - _ . 1891. Jamiary «700 «650 «650 1,523 2,765 1,905 945 485 558 561 503 508 February . . . . _ _ March April May June July August - ... September October November December The year 980 1892. January . . _ . 593 505 723 854 937 February March April May_ a Estimated. LiPPiNcoTT.] TRUCKEE RIVER. 378 Estimated monthly discharge of Truckee River at Vista, Nev. — Continued. 1899. August 18-31. September October November December 1900. January February March April May June July August September . . _ October November December The year . 1901. January February March April May _._. June . July August September.. October November December The year . Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean, Sec. -feet. 188 1,066 1,123 709 1,210 529 1,094 1,239 1,477 1,239 307 283 283 1,123 1,298 1,268 1,477 1,505 4,213 2,209 1,942 4,213 1,942 995 492 467 720 882 1,287 4,213 Sec. -feet. 74 144 355 331 380 380 454 479 843 259 74 61 105 258 331 429 61 418 418 938 747 1,410 854 146 128 251 370 467 322 128 Sec-feet. 114 152 378 516 456 479 426 857 756 1,257 709 110 122 192 430 566 554 538 661 1,486 1,328 1,380 2,145 1,263 425 315 329 477 557 510 906 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 9,073 23, 251 30,713 28,019 29, 445 23, 671 52, 668 44, 982 77, 289 42, 201 6,746 7,513 11,449 26, 456 33, 660 34, 049 390, 129 40, 82, 81, 82, 131, 75, 26, 19, 19, 29, 33, 31, 644 529 657 117 894 155 133 369 577 330 144 357 652, 906 Run-off. Sec-feet. 0.10 .25 .34 .30 0.32 .28 .56 .50 .83 .47 .07 .08 .13 .28 .37 .36 .35 0.44 .98 .87 .91 1.42 .83 .28 .21 22 .31 .37 .34 .60 374 CALIFOKNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. TULE RIVER. Tule River drains a portion of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. Its watershed is somewhat less productive of run-off than that of Kaweah River, which joins it on the north, and much less elevated and snow covered than Kings River basin. The waters of this stream are all appropriated during the irrigation season, and a portion of them are used in irrigating valuable orange lands in the vicinity of Porterville, Cal. The gaging station is located about 8 miles east of Porterville, at a point just below the wagon bridge near the McFarland ranch, and about 1 mile above the moiith of the South Fork of Tule River. The station was established April 18, 1901. The gage rod is situated on the right bank of the river, 100 feet below the bridge. The zero of the gage is 8 feet below a spike driven into a large cottonwood tree. The area of the watershed above the gaging station is approximately 300 square miles. Discharge measurements of Tule River. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Location. Nov. Nov. 18, 1895 18, 1895 2,1900 2, 1900 3, 1902 3, 1902 3, 1902 3, 1902 19, 1901 3, 1902 23, 1901 28, 1901 J. B. Lippincott do .... - Sec-feet. 32.1 28.4 In Pioneer canal. River below canal. Total 60.5 S. G. Bennett Sept. Sept. 4.3 4.7 Canal. do . River. Total 9.0 L. M. Lawson Oct. 7.0 8.2 Canal. Oct. do River. Total 15.2 L. M. Lawson Oct. 14.0 7.0 19.8 8.2 152.0 164.6 At head works, Pioneer canal. Oct. do . . 1 mile below intake, Pioneer July Oct. A.E. Chandler L. M. Lawson canal. Below intake of Pioneer canal. May June W.N.Frickstad A.E. Chandler Rockford Bridge, 6 miles west of Porterville. 14 miles above Porterville. LippiNcoTT.j TITLE RIVER. Discharge measurements of Tule River, Tulare County. 375 Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1902. Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 E.T.Perkins - do do Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. _do . .do . do do L. M. Lawson_ do Sec-feet. 2.6 14.0 24.0 15.0 10.0 3.0 3.2 (a) 4.0 Middle Fork, trail crossing below lo- cation of Doyle's headworks. Middle Fork 100 yards above head Doyles ditch. Middle Fork at trail crossing near junction with East Fork, East Fork 100 yards above mouth. East Fork at trail crossing Nelsons to Indian Reservation. • South Fork 6 miles below Indian Agency. South Fork near Tom Wheaton's ranch. South Fork at junction of North Fork. Pioneer canal at Porter ville. «Dry. Discharge measurements of Tule River at McFarlands Bridge, above mouth of South Fork. Date. Hydrographei*. height. Dis- charge. 1901. Apr. 18 S. G. Bennett . . Feet. 2.5 2.85 2.65 2.00 1.23 1.00 1.44 1,33 2.2 3.03 .92 Sec-feet. 233 May 22 June 10 J. B. Lippincott do 338 311 June 28 July 29 A. E. Chandler S. G. Bennett 148 30 Oct. 18 do 18 Dec. 9 do 58 1902. Feb. 5 do . 43 Mar. 8 do 156 May 15 do ___ . 371 Oct. 2 L.M.Lawson .. .. ... _. 15 376 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Lower Tule canal at Tulare Lake. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1901. June 24 A. E. Chandler . Sec. -feet. 198.2 Discharge measurements of Pioneer canal, Tulare County. Date 1898 Sept. 1 1899 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 1902 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Hydrographer. P. M. Baler . S. G. Bennett _ do do L.M.Lawson do Dis- charge. Sec. feet. 6.0 13.1 8.48 7.06 14.0 7.0 200 feet below head works. 1 mile below head works. 2 miles below head works. At he ad works. 1 mile below headworks. Discharge measurements of South Fork of Tule River at mouth, 7 miles east of Porterville, Tulare County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1901. June 10 J.B.Lippincott Sec-feet. 47.8 July 29 1902. May 15 S. G. Bennett «.5 do _. _. 103.0 LIPPINCOTT.] TULE EIVER. 377 Estimated inonthly discharge of Tule River at Porterville/^ [Drainage area, 437 square miles.] Discharge. Total dis- charge Run-off. Month. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Per square mile. Depth. 1878. November Sec. -feet Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 131 131 Acre-feet. 7,795 8,055 Sec-feet. 0.30 .30 Inches. 0.33 December .35 1879. January 57 87 61 118 105 350 35 26 26 74 140 271 3,505 4,832 3,751 7,021 6,456 20, 826 2,152 1,599 1,547 4,550 8,330 16, 663 0.13 .20 .14 .27 .24 .80 .08 .06 .06 .17 .32 .62 0.15 February .21 March .16 April .30 May .28 June .89 July . .09 August . .07 September . .07 October .20 November _ . . .36 December .71 The year _ . _ 113 81,232 .25 3.49 1880. January 577 1,040 1,079 1,289 1,040 721 350 87 44 44 87 219 35,478 59,821 66,344 76, 701 63, 946 42, 902 21,520 5,349 2,618 2,705 5,177 13,466 1.32 2.38 2.47 2.95 2.38 1.65 .80 .20 .10 .10 .20 .50 1.52 February 2.57 March 2.84 April 3 28 May 2.75 June 1.84 July .92 August . .23 September . 11 October . 12 November 22 December . . .58 The year . 548 396, 027 1.25 — = 16 98 "Authority, California State engineering department from November, 1878, to October, 1884, 378 CALIFOKNIA HYDKOGRAPHY. [no:8i. Estimated monthly discharge of Tide River at PoritervilZe— Continued, 1881. January February March April May June July August September .... October November _ . December The year _ 1882. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year _ Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. Sec-feet. 219 437 437 874 874 437 219 175 87 66 57 66 329 87 109 306 660 1,748 660 437 131 66 44 365 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 13, 466 24, 270 26, 870 52, 006 53,740 26, 003 13, 466 10, 760 5, 177 4,058 3,392 4,058 237, 266 5,349 6,053 18,815 39, 273 107,480 39, 273 26, 870 8,055 3,927 2,705 3, 927 4,058 265, 785 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 .50 .40 .20 .15 .13 .15 .75 0.20 .25 .70 1.51 4.00 1.51 1.00 .30 .15 .10 .15 .15 .83 LippiNcoTT.] TULE RIVER. 879 Estimated monthly discharge of Tule River at Porterville — Continued. 1883. January February March April May June July August September -_. October November December The year _ 1884. January . . February . March April May June July August September October Discharge. Sec-feet. Minimum. Mean. Sec-feet. Total dis- charge. Sec-feet. 87 87 437 656 874 874 350 87 66 44 44 66 1,748 1,311 874 2,185 3,059 2,622 874 350 175 Acre-feet. 5,349 4,832 26, 870 39, 034 53, 740 52, 006 21,521 5,349 3,927 2,705 2,618 4, 058 222,009 16,109 100, 546 80, 610 52, 006 134, 350 182,023 161,220 53, 740 20,826 10, 760 Run-off. Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.20 .20 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.00 .80 .20 .15 .10 .10 .15 .70 0.60 4.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 7.00 6.00 2.00 .80 .40 Depth. Inches. 0.23 .21 1.15 1.67 2.31 2.23 .92 .23 .17 .12 .11 .17 9.52 0.69 4.31 3.46 2.23 5.76 7.81 6.92 2.31 .89 .46 380 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Tule River at McFarlands Bridge near Porterville, Tulare County. [Drainage area, 437 square miles.] 1901. May June July August September October November December 1902. January February March April May June - July August September October November December The year Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Mean Sec. -feet. 875 408 126 30 23 109 71 64 51 1,415 2, 735 4,615 408 324 78 33 17 93 144 204 4,615 Sec. feet 298 126 30 18 10 18 35 39 34 45 144 249 273 78 26 18 14 14 27 45 14 Sec-feet. 418 240 61 19 17 29 43 50 45 159 362 571 343 190 43 21 15 24 50 62 157 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 25, 702 14, 281 3, 751 1,168 1,012 1,783 2,559 3,074 2,767 8,830 22, 259 33, 977 21,090 11,306 2,644 1,291 893 1,476 2,975 3,812 113, 320 Per square mile. Sec.-f6et: 0.96 .55 .14 .04 .04 .07 M .11 .10 .m .83 1.31 .79 .43 .10 .05 .03 .05 .11 .14 TUMITUS CREEK. Discharge measurement of Tum^itus Creek, San Mateo County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge, 1893. Oct. 17 W.W. Brier . Sec-feet. «1.14 LIPPlNCOTTj DISCHARGE TABLES. 381 TUNIS CREEK. Discharge measurement of Tunis Creek, Kern County. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. June 4 Dec. 15 J. B. Lippincott- do Sec. -feet. 1.98 .7 a At mouth. TUOLUMNE RIVER. HETCH HETCHY DAM SITE, HETCH HETCHY VALLEY. The entire drainage of Tuolumne River above Lagrange is about 1,500 square miles, some 400 square miles of which lie above the Hetch Hetchy dam site, the elevation of which is 3,630 feet above sea level. This upper drainage area consists of high granite moun- tains culminating in Mount Dana, Mount Gibbs, and Mount Lj^ell. A gaging station was established at this point May 30, 1901, by J. B. Lipx)incott, for the city of San Francisco. For detailed description of Hetch Hetchy reservoir site see Twenty- first Annual Report of U. S. Geological Survey, Part IV, page 450. Discharge measurements of Tuolumne River, Hetch Hetchy Valley, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. Location. 1899. July 31 Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 23 1901. Aug. 13 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 14 Oct. 5 Oct. 11 Aug. 25 Sept. 28 1902. Aug. 29 H.Ramel Feet. Sec-feet. 238.0 230.0 131.0 101.0 69.0 472.0 190.5 155.7 77.5 115.6 88.0 231.3 144.7 66.0 do do _. do do J. B. Lippincott and W. W. Cockins, jr. W.W.CockinsJr do do do do do do E. T. Perkins _ . 12.93 12.65 12.42 12.92 12.60 13.28 13.11 Ford in Hetch Hetchy Val- ley. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1,000 feet above dam site. Do. Upper end Hetch Hetchy Valley. 882 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge rneasurements of Tuolumne River at Hetch Hetchy dam site. Hy drographer . Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. June 29 July 4 July 12 July 21 July 29 Aug. 2 Aug. 13 Sept. 20 C. A. Miller and W. W. Cocklns, jr . C.A.Miller .. do . do W. W. Cockins, jr . do J. B. Lippincott W. W. Cocklns, jr Feet. 36.00 30.00 26.10 24.17 21.50 20.83 15.70 12.32 Sec-feet. 7,621.00 3, 296. 00 2, 720. 00 1,886.00 1,160.00 1,137.00 754. 00 66.12 Discharge 7)ieasurements of Tuolumne River at old bridge above Rancheria Creek, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. heigM. Dis- charge. 1901. July 13 Aug. 26 Sept. 28 Oct. 11 C. A. Miller Feet. Sec-feet. 1,849 W. W. Cockins, jr 160 do . .. 120 _.do 60 Discharge measurements of Rancheria Creek {tributary to Tuolumne River) at old sheep bridge, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. heigS:. Dis- charge. 1901. Aug. 26 1902. Aug. 29 W. W. Cockins, jr _.. Feet. Sec-feet. 36.2 E T. Perkins «7.0 a At head of falls. CHERRY RIVER AT ELEANOR TRAIL CROSSING. Cherry River is a tributary of the Tnolumne and enters that stream 1 2| miles below Hetch Hetchy Valley. The area drained is 130 square miles. A gaging station was established at the point where Eleanor trail crosses the river, on May 26, 1901, by J. B. Lippincott, for the city of San Francisco. L.IPPINCOTT.] TUOLUMNE RIVER. 383 Discharge measurements of Cherry Creek, a tributary of Tuolumne River, at Eleanor trail crossing. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. July 8 July 17 Aug. 9 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 Sept. 1 Sept. 7 Sept. 17 Sept. 22 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 C. A. Miller Feet. 11.40 10.40 8.75 9.10 8.40 8.10 7.80 7.70 7.00 7.06 9.05 8.96 8.00 Sec-feet. 915.0 do 510.0 W. W. Cockins,jr 112.0 do 132.0 . .._do 107.0 do 43.0 do 17.5 do 6.1 do . _ 4.3 do do . 4.5 141.0 do 120.0 Oct. 10 1902. Aug. 30 Aug. 30 do E. T. Perkins 43.0 «4.4 .._ do _..... 6.0 a 1,500 feet below trail crossing. ELEANOR CREEK AT ELEANOR TRAIL CROSSING. Eleanor Creek is a tributary of Cherry River and enters that stream 6 miles above its mouth. The elevation of the outlet of Lake Eleanor is 4,655 feet above sea level. The drainage area above the gaging station is 81 square miles, and consists of high granite mountains cul- minating in Richardson Peak, elevation 9,845 feet; Haystack Peak, elevation 9,966 feet; and an unnamed peak, elevation 10,510 feet. The average elevation of the drainage basin is probably 7,500 feet. A gaging station was established at the outlet of Lake Eleanor June 1, 1901, by J. B. Lippincott, for the city of San Francisco. For a detailed description of Lake Eleanor reservoir site see Thir- teenth Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, Part III, page 402. 384 Discharge CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. measurements of Eleanor Creek at inlet to Lake Eleanor, Tuolumne County. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1901. June 11 C. A. Miller Feet. Sec. -feet. « 226.0 Do_- do _ &74.0 Total 300.0 C. A. Miller July 16 «121 Do_. do &23 Total . 144.0 W. W. Cockins, jr Aug. 18 «75.0 Do-- do ^11. 6 Total _ 86.6 W. W. Cockins, jr Aug. 27 «8.3 Do_. do ''1. 5 Total - 9.8 W. W. Cockins, jr . . Oct 1 «47.6 Do ..do ^7.4 Total . 55.0 fewest Branch. 6 East Branch. Discharge measurements of Eleajior Creek at outlet of Lake Eleanor, Tuolumne County. Hydrographer, Gage height. Dis charge. 1901. June 10 June 22 July 8 July 16 July 18 July 27 Aug. 3 Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Aug. 19 Aug. 23 Aug. 27 Aug. 30 C. A. Miller do J. B. Lippincott . _ . C.A.Miller do W. W. Cockins, jr. do -do . .do _do -do . -do . -do . Feet. 8.67 9.76 8. 57 7.92 7.80 7.45 7.10 6.92 6.48 6.68 6.47 6.26 6.05 Sec. feet. 411.0 793.0 310.0 263.0 225.0 145.0 84.0 75.0 30.0 42.0 32.0 17.8 13.9 LippiNCOTT.] TUOLUMNE RIVEE. Discharge measurements of Eleanor Creek, etc. — Continued. 385 Hy drographer . Gage height. Dis- charge. W. W. Cockins, jr. do do do do do Feet. 5.90 5.70 5.72 5.85 6.40 6.21 Sec-feet. 6.22 4.08 5.02 ■ 5.77 34.5 21.2 Discharge measuremeyits of Tuolu7iine River. Date. Hy drographer. Dis- charge. Location. 1902. Sec-feet. Aug. 22 E. T. Perkins 6.0 North Fork at headworks, Groldwin Min- ing Co.'s canal. Aug. 27 do 152.0 i mile above junction of South Fork. Do do 20.0 South Fork, ^ mile above junction of main river. Aug. 29 do .5 Tiltill Creek at trail crossing. Do_. do . _ 89.0 Lower end Hetch Hetchy Valley. 100 yards below bridge, Middle Fork. Aug. 31 do 3.0 Sept. 2 do 23.0 Above falls, lower end Tuolumne Meadows. Aug. 25 do 22.0 Jacksonville. Aug. 26 do 159.0 Ward's ferry. Aug. 28 L. M. Lawson 150.0 Jacksonville, Tuolumne County. Aug. 27 do 4.0 Mining Company's ditch at Lagrange, Stanislaus County. Do. do 105.0 Turlock canal. Discharge 7neasure7iients of Frog Creek at inlet Eleanor Lake, Tuohnnne County, Cal. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. C.A.Miller do ... W. W, Cockins, jr do do Sec-feet. 116.0 33. 5.7 1.0 4.9 IRR 81—03- -25 386 CALIFOEIS^IA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge measureme7its of Falls Creek at Lake Vernon (upper end) , Tuolumne County, Cal. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1901. Aug. 12 Sept. 5 Sept. 19 Oct. 4 1902. Aug. 29 J. B. Lippincott _ - W. W. Cockins, jr do do E. T. Perkins Sec-feet. 36.5 9.8 3.0 16.0 4.0 Tiltill trail crossing. Do. Do. 100 yards above junction with Tuolumne. TUOLUMNE RIVER AT LAGRANGE. This river rises on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in Cali- fornia and drains the country located between Stanislaus River on the north and Merced River on the South. The northern half of the Yosem- ite National Park includes a portion of its drainage basin. The river is fed largely from small mountain lakes occurring high in the drainage basin, where snow remains on the mountain slopes through- out the year. The stream has a heavy fall, and the opportunities for power development are numerous. There are also a number of reservoir sites in the basin where water could be stored during the irrigation season. The gaging station, established August 29, 1895, is located at the wagon bridge in the town of Lagrange, Cal. The rod is vertical and is bolted to the right-hand pier of the bridge. The bench mark is a nail driven into the bottom of the west post of the fifth bent south of the south iron cylinder, and is 15.31 feet above gage datum. The station is located below the high dam of the Tur- lock and Modesto irrigation districts, and also below the head of the canal of the Lagrange Hydraulic Mining Company. This latter canal diverts water from the left bank of the river 14 miles above Lagrange dam. This water is used for hydraulic mining, and partly returns above the gaging station, depending on the convenience of the miners. During 1898 water was first turned down the Turlock Canal in small quantity, and was used for puddling the banks and testing dams of certain reservoirs. Whenever measurements at the gaging station were made, the Turlock Canal and the mining company's canal were also measured. The channel at the station, both above and below the bridge, is straight for several hundred feet, and the velocity of the stream is rather uniform. Both banks are high and not subject to overflow. LippiNcoTT.] TUOLUMNE EIVER. 887 Discliarye ineasureinents of Tuolumne River at Lagrange, Stanislatis County. Hydrographer. Gage height. J. B. Lippincott. do do Feet. 4.4 5.8 4.2 6.95 7.0 9.3 4.9 J. B. Lippincott . ! 4.45 J. A. Vogleson . H.Crowe do do do do A. Q. Campbell _ do ... do J. B. Lippincott _ .do . .do .do . .do . Total _ J. B. Lippincott- S. G. Bennett . . _ do do do do do 5.8 9.25 5.7 4.0 4.73 4.85 7.18 3.95 .do. 5.0 0.72 8.47 6.15 3.70 3.58 Total a Turlock Canal. '' La Grrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's Canal. ■388 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGEAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Tuolumne River, etc. — Continued. Date. Hydrographei". Gage height. Discharge. 1900. April 5 S.G.Bennett Total _._ . . Feet. 6.08 Sec.'feet. r«2,286.00 & 129. 00 i c 24. 00 2 439 00 May 20 S. G. Bennett . 8.4 7.09 8 720.00 do June 22 r c4, 629. 00 \ «^9.50 Total ... &12.50 4,651.00 S.G.Bennett Aug. 11 r C17.00 1 « 117. 00 Total . I &12.00 146. 00 S.G.Bennett . Sept. 8 r «35.00 1 ^9.05 Total - . - i ^ 10. 90 54. 95 Dec. 27 S. G. Bennett 5.32 5.75 6.10 964. 00 1901. Jan. 29 S. G. Bennett 1,419.00 ....do . Apr. 7 1^2,382.00 I &7.00 Total - - 2, 389. 00 June 12 J. B. Lippincott _ . . . _ . 7.63 5.45 4.30 6.00 6, 470. 00 Aug 2 S G. Bennett 1,354.00 Aug. 31 do 248. 00 S.G.Bennett . .-...- 1902. Mar 6 rc2,351.00 ] « 103. 00 Total i &5.00 2,459.00 « River, '' Tuiiock Caual. « La Grange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's canal. LTPPTNcoTT.] TUOLUMNE RIVEE. Discharge measureinents of Tuolumne River\ etc. — Continued. 389 Date. Hy drographer . Gage height. Dis- charge. May 18 S.G.Bennett Total - _ _. _ Feet. 8. 35 Sec. -feet. «9,476.00 & 253. 00 C5.00 9, 734. 00 L. M. Lawson : .. Total Aug. 27 r «15.00 H05.00 i ^4.00 124. 00 n River. l> Turlock Canal. <' La Grange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's canal. Estimated monthly discharge of Tuolumne River exclusive of canals at Lagrange, Stanislaus County. [Drainage area 1,501 square miles.] Discharge. Maximum. Minimum Total dis- charge. Run-off. Per square mile. Depth. 1895. August September _ . _ October November _ . . December 1896. January February March April May June July August September October November December Sec-feet. Sec. -feet. Acre-feet. Sec. -feet. 2,182 299 129 1,004 7,610 1,780 11,798 7,990 10,100 9,320 5,830 3,050 1,620 350 5,710 3,620 78 112 129 350 1,080 1,006 2,670 2,670 5,140 960 227 182 75 227 670 263 134 113 270 2, 312 1,164 2,725 3,522 4,429 7, 692 3,008 485 432 120 1,135 1,088 15, 635 8, 231 6,698 16,614 142, 159 66, 954 167, 578 209, 574 272, 371 457, 705 184, 677 29, 828 25, 742 7,366 67, 548 66, 603 0.18 .09 .08 .18 1.54 .78 1.82 2.34 2.95 5.13 2.00 .32 .29 .08 .75 .72 0.20 .10 .08 .21 1.78 .84 2.10 2.60 3.40 5.74 2.31 .37 .32 .09 .83 .83 The year«_ 11,7 75 2,342 8,100 1.56 21.21 a During 1896 there was no water in the Turlock Canal, and the Lagrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's Canal was flowing 32 second-feet approximately. The Lagrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's Canal was flowing approximately 35 second-feet during 1895. 390 CALIFOENIA HYDROGEAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of Tuolumne River, f'fc— Continued. 1897. January February March April May - June July August .._--- September _ _ October November _ . . December The year ''' . 1898. January . February March April May June Jnly - - August September October November December . . The year ^> . Discharge. Maximiiin. Minimum, Sec-feet. 3,930 13,200 10. 800 13,500 14, 700 9,300 4,840 570 140 75.0 3,540 4,060 14, 700 750 2,500 2,060 7,800 6,960 ' 3, 280 750 100 82 2,060 7,800 Sec. feet. 660 1,840 2, 500 3,280 9,600 2. 500 480 76 28 76 260 570 300 300 750 1,270 2,280 750 88 76 32 16 32 Sec. -feet, 1,231 5. 172 4,032 7,735 11,923 5, 673 2,181 237 86 222 768 1.104 Total dis- charge. 3,364 454 900 1,224 4,014 4, 620 2,247 277 85 20 256 1,182 Acre-feet. 75, 692 287, 238 247, 920 460,263 733,121 337, 566 134,105 14, 573 5,117 13, 650 45, 699 67, 883 2, 422, 827 27, 49, 75, 238, 284, 133, 17, 5, 1, 3, 916 983 261 849 075 705 032 226 190 197 321 741 854,496 Sec-feet. 0.82 3.45 •2.69 5.15 7.94 3.78 1.45 .16 .06 .15 .51 .74 2.24 0.30 .60 .82 2.67 3.08 1.50 .19 .06 .01 .03 .03 .17 "There was no dis(;harge from the Turlock Canal during the year 1897 past the Lagrange gaging station; it was wasted into the river above. For flow of the Lagrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's Canal, see special measurements of that canal. 'j During the year 1898 the Turlock Canal was not discharging any material amount of water past the Lagrange gaging station, and the Lagrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's Canal was carrying abovit 24 second-feet. LippTNcoTT.] TUOLUMNE RIVER. • 391 Estimated monthly discharge of Tuolumne River, etc. — Continued. 1899. January _ _ February .. March April May June . - July August ..- September October _ _ - November . December _ The year ' 1900. January February March April . . May _- - . June . . July August September October . November _ . _ . . December . . The year '> . Discharge. Maximum. Minimum. Sac-feet. 1,940 1,440 21,800 8,040 8,680 9,960 2,490 570 45 2,285 6,400 8,040 21,800 13,160 1,300 3,100 4,320 9,320 8,680 1,740 140 110 5,760 14, 440 2,080 14, 440 Sec-feet. 110 410 570 2,285 2,080 2,285 330 45 15 5 660 850 1,060 750 950 1,440 3,100' 2,285 140 35 410 850 Sec-feet. 487 740 3,616 5,193 4,513 6,660 1,010 145 33 505 2,428 3,047 2, 315 2,384 967 2,343 2,389 6,796 5,291 694 43 11 1,228 2,536 1,332 2,160 Total dis- charge. Acre- feet. 29, 945 41,098 222, 341 309, 004 277, 495 360, 594 62, 103 8,916 1,964 31,051 144, 476 187, 354 1,676,341 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 0.32 .49 2.41 3.46 3.01 4.04 .67 .10 .02 .34 1.62 2.03 1.54 146, 586 53, 704 144, 065 142, 155 417, 870 314, 836 42, 672 2,644 655 75, 507 150, 902 81,902 1,573,. 1.59 .64 1.56 1.59 4.53 3.53 .46 .03 .01 .82 1.69 .89 1.45 « For record of discharge of Turlock Canal beginning July 1, 1899, see Turlock Canal. Lagrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's Canal discharged about 24 second-feet during the year. '>For discharge of Turlock Canal for 1900 see Turlock Canal. Lagrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Company's Canal, January 1 to Jime 23, 24 second-feet; from June 24 to October 20, 12 second-feet; and from October 21 to December 31, 10 second-feet. 392 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no.81. Estimated tnontlily discharge of Tuolumne River, etc. — Continued. Discharge. Minimum. Mean Total dis- charge. Per square mile. 1901. January February March April May June July _-- August September __. October November December The year^'- 1902. January February . March April May June July August September October November December The year . Sec-feet. 18, 280 19, 240 7,080 7,080 13,160 13,160 9,960 2,080 350 1,590 1,300 5,800 19, 240 850 6,780 5, 810 12, 630 11,360 11,360 2,690 300 200 560 2,690 2,690 12, 630 Sec-feet. 560 1,440 2, 080 1,740 4,075 4,900 1,440 200 55 300 200 Sec-feet. 3,351 7,204 3,720 3,961 8,036 9,387 3, 701 784 175 211 574 1,339 Acre-feet. 206, 145 400, 090 228, 733 235,696 494, 114 558, 566 227, 566 48,206 10,413 12, 974 34, 155 82, 332 Sec-feet. 2.23 4.80 2.48 2.64 5.35 6.25 2.47 .52 .12 .14 .38 3,537 2, 538, 990 200 250 1,180 1,320 2,470 3,140 350 35 15 250 350 352 1,443 2,103 4,735 6,334 6,519 998 91 89 113 676 809 2,022 21,644 80, 140 129, 308 281, 752 389,462 387, 907 61,365 5,595 5, 296 6, 948 40, 225 49, 743 1,459,385 2. 37 0.23 .96 1.40 3.15 4.22 4.34 .66 .06. .06 .06 .45 .54 1.35 a Record for Turlock Canal for 1901 is incomplete. The Lagrange Ditch and Hydraxilic Min- ing Company's Canal discharged from January 1 to March 31, 10 second-feet; April 1 to July 28, 7 second-feet, and flow was not material after that. LIPPINCOTT.] TUOLUMNE EIVER. 393 Discharge measHrements of Lagrange Ditch and Hydraulic Mining Companifs Canal. 1896. Apr. 15 1897. May 29 Oct. 30 Dec. 20 1898. Apr. 18 May 31 July 30 Oct. 7 1899. Mar. 3 Apr. 21 June 29 Aug. 3 Sept. 11 1900. Apr. 5 June 22 Aug. 11 1901. Apr. 7 Aug. 31 J. A. Vogleson .. J.B. Lippincott- A. Q. Campbell . J. B.Lippincott J.B.Lippincott do do do J.B. Lipplncott- S. G. Bennett . _ . do do do S. G. Bennnett _ do do S. G. Bennett . do Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Sec-feet. 32.0 22.0 6.2 24.0 « 30. 26.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.5 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 12.5 12.0 7.2 4.5 rt Estimated. 394 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measurements of Turlock canal, Lagrange, Stanislaus Cotlnty, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1897. Sept. 7 1898. Oct. 7 A. Q. Campbell Feet. Sec.-ft. 43.0 J. B. Lippincott 30.0 1899. Apr. 21 May 20 June 6 S. G. Bennett 10.0 _do _ 61.0 do . 10.0 June 29 do 0.75 1.70 1.0 2.0 .50 1.90 1.15 .0 2.92 3.0 2.6 18.0 Aug. 4 Sept. 9 1900. Apr. 6 June 22 do 85.0 _ __do _ __ ___. 29.0 S. G. Bennett 129.0 do 9.5 Aug. 11 Sept. 8 1901. Aug. 31 1902. May 13 July 23 Aug. 27 do 117.0 do 35.0 S.G.Bennett __. .0 S.G.Bennett 253.0 do - L.M.Lawson ._ __ 260.0 105.0 LtppTNcoTT.] TUOLUMNE RIVER. 895 Estimated vionthly discharge of Turlock canal at Lagrange, Stanislaus County. Discharge. July August September . October November . December _ January February .. March April May - - . June July August September . October November . December _ The year _ January February .. March April May _- June Jnly August September _ October November _ December . 1900. 1902. Sec-feet. 48 86 34 10 3 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 36 133 286 360 380 420 460 367 47 Sec-feet. 1 1 8 1 28 64 133 9 400 215 105 The year . 460 396 CALTFOENIA HYDROGEAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge measiiremeiits of Tuolumne River at Modesto, Stanislaus County. Hydrographer. Grage height. Dis- charge. 1895. Jan. 8 Mar. 21 May 1 May 2 Juiie 27 Aug. 27 Nov. 30 1896. Apr. 14 July 4 SQpt. 5 Oct. 31 J. B. Lippincott- do .....do do do A.P.Davis J. B. Lippincott- J. A. Vogleson_- C.C.Babb H. Crov^e J. B. Lippincott. Feet. 7.7 6. 75 10.25 12.9 13.0 4.0 3.42 7.9 9.6 4.5 3.92 Sec. -ft. 3,003 2,429 6,078 13, 546 9,308 294 213 3,745 3,719 362 375 Estimated monthly discharge of Tuolumne River at Modesto, Stanislaus County J [Drainage area, 1,635 square miles.] 1878. November December 1879. January February March April May - - _ June July August September _ _ . October November December The year . Discharge. Maximum. Minimum^. Sec. -feet. 14, 230 6,920 8,360 8,230 11,870 4,670 4,790 Sec-feet. 830 2, 350 2,740 4,670 570 140 478 ,87.6 ,797 ,456 ,086 ,061 ,977 183 39 30 101 903 2,082 29, 104, 171, 265, 312, 420, 121, 11= ^'. 1, 6, 55, 591 187 980 150 726 158 560 252 321 844 010 523 Per square mile. Sec. -feet. 0.04 .04 1,502,102 0.29 1.15 1.71 2.73 3.11 4.32 1.21 .11 .02 .02 .06 .55 1.27 Depth. Indies. 0.04 .05 0.33 1.20 1.97 3.04 3.59 4.79 1.39 .13 .02 .02 .07 .63 17.18 « Authority, California State engineering department from 1878 to 1884, inclusive. LipPiNCOTT.] TUOLUMNE RIVEE. 397 Estimated monthly discharge of Tuolumne River, etc. — Continued- Discharge. Minimum. Mean. Total dis- charge. Run-off. Per square mile. 1880. January February March April May June July August September _ . _ October November December The year 1881. January February March April May June July August - - . September October November December Sec-feet. 1,290 5,150 1,550 19, 300 16,300 17,050 13, 220 2,960 5, 020 22, 900 5,020 10, 340 10, 200 8,630 3,970 1,380 Sec-feet. 170 130 370 770 6,280 10, 340 3,295 300 Sec-feet. 409 625 832 7,141 10,371 14, 075 7,618 1,233 134 56 35 1,095 Acre-feet. 25, 148 35, 950 51,157 424, 918 637,687 837, 521 468, 412 75,814 7,973 3,443 2,082 67, 328 Sec-feet. 0.25 .38 .51 4.37 6.34 8.61 4.66 .75 .08 .03 .02 3,635 2, 637, 433 2,640 2,440 3,290 4,790 3,540 690 884 755 879 260 274 225 996 391 125 130 193 620 177, 330 375, 153 177,022 372, 495 447,261 310, 909 122, 729 24, 041 7, 437 7,993 11,484 38, 122 The year _ 2,894 2,071,976 .22 1.76 4.13 1.76 3.83 4.45 3.20 1.22 .24 .12 .38 1.77 398 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated mojitlily discharge of Tuolumne River, etc. — Continiied. 1882. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year . 1883. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year _ 1.884. January February March ___. April May June July August September October Discliarge. Maxiinum. Minimum. Mean. Sec-feet. 1,360 11,410 5,780 11,250 13, 670 5,650 Sec-feet. 430 2,270 4,670 4,550 •.-feet. 620 573 i,164 ,543 , 461 1,046 1,745 574 255 873 570 327 2,310 654 490 1,310 3,270 8,180 6,540 1,635 490 327 262 327 327 1,^ 410 490 6, 540 7,360 7,360 8,180 6,540 1,635 327 245 Total dis- Acre-feet. 38, 122 823 059 823 759 770 783 294 31, 133, 210, 458, 478, 168, 35, 13, 43, 33, 20, 1,666,522 40, 211 27, 213 80, 548 194, 578 502, 968 389, 157 100, 532 30, 129 19, 457 16,110 19,457 20, 106 1,440,466 25,210 28, 185 402, 129 437,950 452, 548 486, 743 402, 129 100, 532 19,457 15, 064 Run-off. Sec-feet. 0.38 .35 1.32 2.17 4.56 4.92 1.68 .35 .14 .53 .35 .20 1.41 0.40 .30 .80 2.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 .30 .20 .16 .20 .20 1.21 0.25 .30 4.00 4.50 4.50 5.00 4.00 1.00 .20 .15 LippiNCOTT] TUOLUMNE RIVER. 399 Estimated mofithly discharge of Tuolumne River, etc. — Continued. 1895. January February March April May June July August September October November December The year _ January 13, February . March April May --- June July August September . October November . December _ Discliarge. Maximum. Minimum, Sec-feet. 16,130 19,650 10, 785 10,012 16, 000 12, 530 6,692 1,550 5,616 200 500 730 19, 650 The year _ 1, 11, 14, 14, 14, 873 754 754 735 118 918 474 802 560 14, 754 Sec-feet. 1,398 1,322 1,710 3, 255 6,097 5,616 1,550 285 200 120 210 180 120 Sec-feet. 4,828 3,915 3,165 5, 824 11,798 9,163 3,831 848 615 152 255 283 3,719 246 950 1,006 1,970 2,550 6,990 I 1,306 I 300 220 180 273 516 180 3,080 1,182 2,725 3,577 5,180 11,648 4,121 575 574 224 1,210 1,028 2,927 189, 68, 167, 212 318, 693, 253, 35, 34, 13, 72, 63, 370 007 578 828 500 104 408 392 191 797 012 247 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 296, 900 217, 430 194,610 346, 570 725,400 545, 110 235. 540 52, 125 36, 600 9,346 14, 985 17, 405 2, 692, 021 ,121,434 Per square mile. Sec-feet. 3.22 2.61 2.11 3.88 7.87 6.11 2. 55 .57 .41 .10 .17 .19 .45 2.05 .79 1.82 2.38 3.45 7.09 2.75 .38 .38 .15 .81 .69 1.90 400 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. TWIN CREEKS. Discharge measurements of East Tumi Creek in Canyon, San Ber7iardino County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1898. June 1 1 J. B. Lippincott 8- { ^c.-feet. «1.95 Total ■_ . '^.U 3.06 ' J. B. Lippincott .. Sept. 9 «.43 Sept. 9 . do &.30 Total .73 S. G. Bennett 1899. Mar. 24 «3.88 Mar. 24 -do . . ^.50 Total 4.38 S. Gr. Bennett Aug. 25 Aug. 25 «.58 do ^>.16 Total .74 S. G. Bennett 1900. July 12 { «.62 Total &.15 .77 W. W. Cockins, jr Oct. 1 «.36 Total ^'.21 .57 1902. Apr. 4 S. G. Bennett { ^4.7 Total b.2 4.9 W. B. Clapp . . . Sept. 4 .4 LIPPINCOTT.] WALKER KIVER. 401 Discharge measurements of West Twin Creek in Canyon, San Bernardino County. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. June 11 Sept. 9 1899. Mar. 21 Aug. 25 1900. July 12 Oct. 1 1902. Apr. 4 Sept. 4 J. B. Lippincott- Sec.-feet. r «1.06 C.40 Total _ 2.14 J. B. Lippincott- S. G. Bennett . do ....do W.W.CockinsJr . S. G. Bennett . W.B.Clapp__ 3.00 .20 .23 .16 3.20 .13 "Pipe line to "Waterman Ranch. ''Flume to Settlers. ''Hot Springs at Old Ranch. WALKER RIVER. Discharge ineasureuients of Walker River, East Fork. Date. Hy drographer . Dis- charge. Location. 1902. July 24 Aug. 27 Oct. 6 July 26 Aug. 21 Do . _ . Oct. 6 Do_. Oct. 7 Do-_. Oct. 5 L.H. Taylor.,. D.W.Hays---. do F.H.Olmsted. D.W.Hays--. do -do . -do . .do . .do , .do Sec-feet 196. 5 79. 5 57.0 119.8 75.7 43.2 24.0 20.0 4.2 7.12 5.7 10 miles below Bridgeport. Lower end Bridgeport Valley. Below all diversions in California. Robinson Creek below Twin Lakes. Do. Buckeye Creek west of Bridgeport. Robinsons Creek, Twin Lakes. Buckeye Creek, Buckeye Springs. Somers, southwest of Bridgeport. Green Creek above Standard Dam. Virginia Creek bridge at Huntoon Ranch. IRR 81— 03- -26 402 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. Discharge measurements of Walker River, West Fork. [NO. 81. Date. Hy drographei; . Dis- charge. Location. 1902. July 22 F.H.Olmsted . Sec-feet. 417.0 15.5 10.5 71.5 95.0 330.6 69.7 69.8 221.8 3 miles above Larsens. Do_ _ do Silver Creek. July 23 Do do -do Quinton Creek. Leavitt. July 24 July 25 Aug. 23 do At Middle Fork. L.H.Taylor Upper end Antelope Valley. Do. D. W. Hays Oct. 4 do Do. Aug. 8 do Bridge above tollhouse. Discharge ineasui^ernent of Big Walker River, Leavitts, Mono County. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. 1896. Oct. 18 J.B. Lippincott. Sec-feet. 45 Discharge measurement of Little Walker River, Hardy s. Mono County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Location. 1896. Oct. 17 1902. July 24. J.B. Lippincott F. H. Olmsted Sec-feet. 39 101.6 Blackburns Junction. WARD AND ^A^ARREN DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley. WARM CREEK. WARM CREEK, HAWES AND TALMADGE DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley. WARM CREEK, M'KENZIE DITCH, See San Bernardino Valley. LiPPiNooTT.] WHITE CREEK- 403 WARM CREEK, MEEKS AND DAILY DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley. WARM CREEK, RABEL DITCH (DAM). See San Bernardino Valley. WARM CREEK, SHAY OR STOUT DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley. WHITE CREEK. Estiriiated monthly discharge of White Creek at base of foothills, Tidare County .^ [Drainage area, 90 square, miles.] Montli. 1879. January . _ _ February. _ March April May June July August _-_ September October . . . November . December _ The year , Run-off. Mean dis- charge. Total dis- charge. Per square mile. Depth. Second-feet. Acre-feet. Second-feet. IndLe.'i. 7 430 0.08 0.09 12 666 .14 .14 6 369 .07 .08 23 1,368 .25 .28 16 984 .18 .21 5 297 .06 .07 23 1,368 .25 . .28 45 2,767 .50 .58 11 8,249 .13 1.73 MThe entire record is estimated from records of neighboring drainage basins. Authority, California State engineering department. 404 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated monthly discharge of White Creek, etc. — Continued. January February March April - May June July August September October . - November December The year 1881 January February March April May June July August September October November December The year Mean dis- charge. Second-feet. 108 207 234 261 180 45 5 18 45 Total dis- charge. Acre-feet. 6,640 11,906 14, 388 15, 530 11,067 2,677 307 1,071 2, 767 66,353 2,767 4,998 5,534 5,355 5,534 2,677 676 38 : 27, 541 Run-off. Per square mile. Second-feet. 1.20 2.30 2.60 2.90 2.00 .50 .06 .20 .50 1.02 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .12 .42 LTPPiNCOTT.] WHITE CREEK. 405 Estimated monthly discharge of White Creek, etc. — Continued. 1882, January February March April May : - _ June July August September October November Deceni])er The year 1888 January February March April May June July August September October November December The year Mean dis- charge. Heco ad-feet. 11 14 45 45 9 9 14 18 Total dis- charge. .Ure-feei. 076 2,767 2,677 558 558 888 807 9,148 861 777 4,427 2,677 2,218 553 585 12, 904 Run-off. Per square mile. nd-feet 0.12 .15 .50 .50 .10 .10 .15 .06 .14 0.15 .15 .80 .50 .40 .10 .10 .15 .19 406 CALIFORNIA HYDKOGEAPHY. [no. 81. Estimated vionthly dischcwge of White Creek, etc. — Continued. 1884, January February March April May June July August September October Mean dis- charge. Total dis- cliarge. Second-feet. 45 270 270 180 36 45 2,767 15, 530 16,601 10,710 2, 213 2,677 Per square mile. Second-feet. 0.50 3.00 3. 00 2.00 .40 .50 Deptii. Inche.'i. 0.58 3.24 3.45 2.23 .46 .56 \A^HITEWATER RIVER. Discharge measurements of Whitewater River and tributaries at various points., San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Date. Hydvographer. • Dis- charge. Jjocality Feb. 15, 1898 Mar. 4. 1899 J. B. Lippincott do Sec. feet. 7.42 2.52 14.24 4,64 .82 17.77 South Fork at tunnel. Do. Feb. 16, 1898 do Main river at foot of Bear Val- Feb. 17, 1898 do ley trail. North Fork at mouth. Do do Middle Fork at mouth. Do. do Main river 2 miles above mouth. Discharge measurements of Bear Valley Ditch, Riverside County. Date. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. Feb. 17, 1898 Sept. 28, 1899 Sept. 29, 1899 J.. B. Lippincott do do Sec-feet. 3.05 5.20 2.49 i mile northeast of ranch house. At headgate. 1 mile below headgate. LTPPINCOTT.] YUBA KIVER. 407 Discharge measiirements of Bear Valley and Palm Spring joint lieadwor'ks,ino%it}i of Canyon, Riverside County. Hydrographer. Dis- cliar ge. Sept. 7, 1898 Aug. 25, 1899 J. B. Lippincott . S. G. Bennett _ , . Sec. -feet. 9.35 6.34 WHITING DITCH. See San Bernardino Valley. WILLOW CREEK. See Susan River. YUBA RIVER. Discharge measurements of Yuba River. Date. 1878. Dec. 9 Dec. 12 1879. Feb. 14 Mar. 6 Mar. 9 Mar. 12 Mar. 19 Aug. 28 » Hydrographer. State engineering de- partment. do do --.-do ..-.do ..-.do do do Dis- charge. Sec- feet. 510 510 18,000 25, 750 11,500 9,500 7,000 600 Locality Marysville. 3 miles below Smartsville. Marysville. Do. Do. Do. Do. Smartsville to Marysville. 408 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Discharge measurements of Yuba River below Parks Bar Bridge, Smartsville, Yuba County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1900. June 28 H. D. H. Connick Feet. 3. 15 2.95 2.65 2.65 2.60 2.42 2.50 2.50 2.23 2.30 2.25 2.20 2.60 Sec-feet. 1,212 June 29 do . . 1,086 July 11 July 12 do 820 .. _do _. 811 July 13 July 22 do _ _ . 774 do . 622 July 23 July 24 do 686 .do _-- 673 Aug. 7 do _ _ ._ 537 Aug. 8 Aug. 14 do 571 do 534 Aug. 28 _ _do _ 474 Sept. 14 1902. Sept. 1 do ._. 736 Chas. A. Miller 487 Discharge measurements of Yuba River, North Fork, above power company''s dam, Yuba County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1900. July 3 H.D.H. Connick Feet. 2.05 1.95 1.70 1.65 1.65 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.57 1.48 1.48 Secfeet. 606 July 6 July 17 July 18 July 27 July 29 July 31 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 .do ... 567 do 438 do 419 do . .do 366 371 do 364 do 328 do . ... . 322 do ... '. 282 do 285 LTPPINCOTT.] YUBA RIVER. 409 Discharge measurements of Yuba River, Middle Fork, at Freeinans Bridge, Yuba County, Cal. Date. Hydrographer. Gage height. Dis- charge. 1900. July 1 July 3 July 4 July 7 H. D. H. Counick do . ., . . Feet. 2.40 2. 35 2.30 2. 57 2. 30 2.17 2. 15 2.20 2.20 2. 15 Ser.-feet 191 180 .do , - 185 do - 163 July 29 Aug. 11 do 109 do - _ _. 79 Aug. 13 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 do . 78 _do 69 do 68 Sept. 18 do 64 Discharge measnrenienfs of Yuba River, Yuba County, Cal. Hydrographer. Dis- charge. Locality. S. G. Bennett - Chas. A. Miller - do Total ... S. G. Bennett. .do .do . .do . -do . .do . Sec-feet. 58 55 32 58 9.3 7.0 52 64 221 South Fork, at Eldorado "bridge. South Fork, at Bridgeport bridge. Excelsior Mining and Irrigation ca- nal, at Pleasant Valley. South Fork, 75 feet above Edwards bridge. South Fork, North Columbia, Eureka Lake Company's canal. South Fork, North Bloomfield ditch. Middle Fork, i mile below Delihi mine. Middle Fork, 300 feet below Free- mans bridge. North Fork. Bay Counties Electric Co.'s flume, below headgate. 410 CALIFORinA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no. 81. MAXIMUM FXjOOD MEASUREMEIS^TS. The following flood measurements are given as having probable interest to the engineer in connection with the designing of bridges and of spillways for reservoirs. It is not intended that these should be considered as the maximum floods that will ever occur on these drainage basins. They are rather given as a record of the largest observed volumes known to the author. It is, of course, exceedingly dif&cult to measure accurately a river in great flood, and it seldom falls to the fortune of a hydrographer to be present at the maximum flood wave, but it is believed that these data may be valuable for the purposes mentioned: Gila River at Florence, Ariz., February, 1891; 17,750 square miles drainage area; discharge, 102,500 second- feet, or 7.5 second-feet per square mile. Salt River, Arizona, February, 1891; area of drainage, 12,000 square miles; flood discharge, 300,000 second-feet, or 24.6 second-feet per square mile. Gila River at Gila bend, February, 1891, probable flood discharge, 250,000 second-feet. Mormon Canyon, Los Angeles County, 15^- square miles drainage; elevation from 1,000 to 3,800; flood discharge by Schuyler from 700 to 800 second-feet, or 48.5 second-feet per square mile. Sweetwater River, 186 square miles drainage area; January, 1895, 18,150 second- feet, or 97.5 second-feet per square mile. Tuolumne River at La Grange dam, drainage area, 1,501 square miles; eleva- tions to 14,000 feet; flood discharge, 46,000 second-feet, or 30.6 second-feet per square mile. Yuba River, South Fork, at Bowman dam, elevation, 5,500 feet; drainage area, 19 square miles; discharge, 5,000 to 7,000 second-feet from melting snow, or 316 second-feet per square mile. Cherry Creek, Colorado, area, 175 square miles; flood discharge, 10,000 second- feet, or 57 second-feet per square mile. LTPPTNCOTT.] MAXIMUM FLOOD MEASUREMENTS. 411 Maximum flAyoda meafiured by the United States Geological Survey, 1896-1901. Date, Stream. 1885. _ 1901 . . 1901.. 1896 _. 1900- _ 1901.. 1901.. 1900. _ 1900- . 1899. - 1900.. 1899.. Arroyo Seco (Sali- nas). Kern . King Mokelnmne Sacramento San Antonio San Gabriel . San Joaqnin. San Lorenzo Santa Ana . . Stanislaus Stony Creek - Tuolumne . . . Locality. Above diversion Near Bakersfield Red Mountain ._ Electra Jellys Ferry Near Jolon (above Pinkerton site). Azusa Herndon . . _ dam Warm Spring Oakdale Julian's ranch . Lagrange Area of watershed Hq. miles. 218 2, 345 1,742 640 9, 184 322 222 1,637 285 188 1,051 760 1,501 Maximnm measure- ments. Sec-feet. 24, 050 9,380 43, 930 13,213 130,050 15,315 6, 250 21,372 10,269 1,564 13, 940 « 18, 000 21,800 Discharj^e per scjuare mile Sec. feet 1 10. 23 4.00 25.21 20.64 14. 23 47. 56 28. 15 13. 05 42.00 8.32 13. 26 23. 76+ 14. 52 «Glage height, 14. February, 1902, gage height reached 15.7. Fig. 4. —Figure showing construction of weir. It has been found that the usual method of measuring the head on weirs, as practiced by water companies and water users, is to use an ordinary foot rule divided into inches and sixteenths. As no general weir table is available for heads so measured, the following has been prepared. 412 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. WEIR The following conditions should be observed in construction of weir: depth of box or canal, and distance c d of opening from side of canal Discharges in seoond-feet, rectangular weirs [Formula Q — 8.33 Head. Length of weir. 1 1 1 .d .d .d .d ■ .d d .d =1-1 S -* .d 1 -h 0.005 2 1% 1 .010 .015 .021 0.0011 .0021 .0033 0.0017 .0032 .0050 0.0036 .0048 .0075 0.00353 .00648 .00997 3 4 0.0125 0.0150 0.0200 0.0250 0.0300 0.0350 0.0400 0.0450 .5 T% .026 .0046 .0069 .0104 .0139 .0174 .0209 .0379 .0349 .0419 .0489 .0559 .0629 8 f .031 .0060 .0091 .0137 .0183 .0229 .0275 .0367 .0459 .05,51 .0643 .0735 .0827 7 /b .036 .0075 .0114 .0172 . 0230 .0388 .0346 .0463 .0578 .0894 .0810 .0926 .104 8 i .042 .0092 .0139 .0310 .0281 .0353 .0422 .0564 .0706 .0847 .0989 .113 .127 9 T% .047 .0110 .0166 .0250 .0335 .0419 .0504 .0673 .0843 .101 .118 .135 .152 10 A .052 .0138 .0194 .0293 .0392 .0491 0590 .0788 .0986 .118 .138 .158 .178 11 ih .057 .0147 .0323 .0337 .0451 .0566 .0680 .0908 .114 .136 .159 .182 .205 12 i .062 .0167 .0254 .0384 .0514 .0644 .0774 .103 .129 .155 .181 .207 .233 13 U .068 .0187 .0285 .0432 .0579 .0735 .0872 .117 .146 .175 .205 .234 .263 14 i .073 .0209 .0318 .0483 .0646 .0810 .0974 .130 .163 .196 .239 .281 .294 15 ^i .078 .0231 .0352 .0534 .0716 .0897 .108 .144 .181 .317 .253 .290 .326 16 1 .083 .0254 .0387 .0587 .0788 .0988 .119 .159 .199 .239 .279 .319 .359 17 1t\ .088 .0277 .0423 .0643 .0862 .108 .130 .174 .218 .263 .305 .349 .393 18 1^ .094 .0301 .0460 .0699 .0938 .118 .142 .189 .237 .385 .333 .381 .428 19 h% .099 .0335 .0498 .0757 .102 .128 .153 .205 .357 .309 .361 .413 .464 30 n .104 .0349 .0536 .0816 .110 .138 .166 .222 .378 .334 .389 .445 .501 21 u% .109 .0375 .0576 .0877 .118 .148 .178 .338 .398 .359 .419 .479 .539 22 if .115 .0401 .0616 .0939 .126 .159 .191 .255 .330 .385 .449 .514 .578 23 1/h .120 .0437 .0657 .100 .135 .169 .204 .273 .342 .411 .480 .549 .618 24 u .125 .0454 .0699 .107 .144 .180 .217 .291 .364 .438 .511 .585 .659 25 ll% .130 .0481 .0742 .113 .152 .193 .231 .309 .387 .465 -544 .622 .700 26 11 .135 .0508 .0784 .130 .161 .203 .244 .327 .410 .493 .576 .659 .742 27 IH .140 .0536 .0829 .127 .171 .215 .259 .346 .434 .532 .610 .698 .785 28 li .146 .0564 .0873 .134 .180 .226 .273 .365 .458 .551 .644 .736 .829 39 1^- .151 .0593 .0919 .141 .190 .338 .287 .385 .483 .581 .678 .776 .874 30 n .156 .0633 .0965 .148 .199 .351 .302 .405 .508 .611 .714 .816 .919 31 iM .161 .0651 .101 .155 .309 .363 .317 .435 .533 .641 .749 .857 .965 32 2 .167 .0680 .106 .162 .319 .276 .332 .446 .559 .672 .786 .899 1.012 33 2t^b .172 .0710 .111 .170 .339 .288 .348 .466 .585 .704 .822 .941 1.060 34 2i- .177 .0740 .115 .177 .339 .301 .364 .488 .613 .736 .860 .984 1.108 35 3^ .182 .0769 .120 .185 .350 ■ .315 .379 .509 .638 .768 .898 1.027 1,157 36 2i .187 .0799 .125 .193 .360 .338 .395 .531 .666 .801 .936 1.071 1.206 37 ^1% .193 .0830 .130 .201 .271 .341 .412 .553 .694 834 .975 1.116 1.257 38 31 .198 .0863 .135 .208 .382 .355 .428 .575 .733 .868 1.015 1.161 1.308 39 2/6 .203 .0893 .140 .216 .293 .369 .445 .597 .750 .903 1.055 1.207 1.359 40 2^ .208 .0924 .145 .224 .303 .383 .462 .620 .778 .937 1.095 1?253 1.412 41 2t% .213 .150 .233 .315 .397 .479 .643 .808 .973 1.136 1.300 1.465 42 2i .219 .155 .341 .326 .411 .496 .667 .837 1.007 1.178 1.348 1.518 43 2ii .224 .161 .349 .337 .425 ..514 .690 .867 1.043 1.319 1.396 1.572 44 2f .229 .166 .257 .349 .440 .531 .714 .897 1.079 1.262 1.444 1.637 LIPPINCOTT.] TABLES. CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. 413 The depth a h of weir (fig. 4, see j). 411) must uot be over one-third must not be less than depth ah. with end contractions; original computation. (L -.3 H) H2.] Addition f or Length of weir— Continued. increase of length. -P 4^ qn +• q-l =w =H %A '^ to .^ IC CO '- CO 05 " " ___L*._ " " 0.00039 0.00354 1 3 ! ! .00054 .00650 3 0.0500 0.0600 0.0700 0.0800 0.0900 0.100 0.130 0.140 0.160 0.180 0.300 .00083 .01001 4 .0898 .0838 .0978 .113 .126 .140 .168 .196 .334 .353 .380 .00117 .0140 5 .0918 .110 .129 .147 .166 .184 .221 .358 .294 .331 .368 .00153 .0184 6 .116 .139 .162 .185 .209 .232 .278 .334 .371 .417 .463 .00193 . 03.33 7 .141 .170 .198 .226 .255 .283 .340 .396 .458 .510 .566 .00336 .0283 8 .169 .203 .236 .270 .304 .338 .405 .473 .541 .608 .676 .00283 .0338 9 .198 .237 .277 .316 .a56 .395 .475 .554 .633 .712 .791 .00330 .0396 10 .228 .273 .319 .365 .410 .456 .547 .639 .730 .821 .913 .00380 .0457 11 .260 .312 .364 .416 = 468 .520 .634 .728 .833 .936 1.040 .00433 .0530 13 .293 .351 .410 .469 .527 .586 .703 .821 .938 1.055 1 173 .00489 .0587 13 .;527 .392 .458 .524 .589 .655 .786 .917 1.048 1.179 1.310 .00546 .0656 14 .362 .435 .509 . 582 .654 .726 .872 1.017 1.163 1.308 1.453 .00606 .0737 15 .399 .479 .559 .640 .730 .800 .960 1.120 1.380 1.441 1.601 .00667 .0801 16 .437 .525 .613 .700 .788 .876 1.051 L227 1.403 1.578 1.753 .00731 .0877 17 .476 .572 .667 .763 .859 .954 1.145 1.337 1.528 1.719 1.910 .00796 ,0956 18 .516 .620 .724 .827 .931 1.035 1.343 1.449 1.657 1.864 3.071 .00864 .104 19 .557 .669 .781 .893 1.005 1.117 1.341 1.565 1.789 2.013 3.337 .00933 .112 30 .600 .720 .841 .961 1.081 1.303 1.443 1.684 1.935 2.166 3.407 .01005 .120 31 .643 .772 . 901 1.030 1.160 1.389 -1.547 1.805 3.064 3.333 3. 580 .0108 .129 33 .687 .825 .963 1.101 1.239 1.377 1.654 1.930 3.306 3.483 3.758 .0115 .138 23 .732 .879 1.026 1.174 1.321 1.468 1.763 2.057 3.351 3.645 3.940 .0123 .147 34 .778 .935 1.U91 1.248 1.404 1.561 1.874 2.186 3.499 3.813 3.135 .0130 .156 25 .825 .991 1.157 1.323 1.489 1.655 1.967 2.319 3.650 3.983 3.314 0138 .166 36 .873 1.049 1.224 1.400 1.576 1.751 3.103 2.454 3.805 3.156 3.507 .0146 176 27 .922 1. 107 1.293 1.478 1.664 1.849 3.330 2.591 3.963 3.333 3.704 .0155 185 28 .971 1.167 1.362 1.558 1. 753 1.949 3.340 3.731 3.133 3.513 3.904 ,0163 .195 29 1.022 1.228 1.433 1.639 1.845 3.050 3.463 3.873 3.384 3.696 4.107 0171 .206 30 1.073 1.289 1.505 1. 721 1.937 3.153 3.586 3.018 3.450 3.883 4.314 .0180 ,216 31 1. 125 1.352 1.579 1.805 2.032 3.358 3.711 3.165 3.618 4.071 4.534 .0189 ,227 32 1.178 1.416 1.653 1.890 2.127 2.365 2.839 3.314 3.788 4.363 4.737 ,0198 .237 33 1.232 1.480 1.728 1.976 2.225 3. 473 2.969 3.465 3.963 4.458 4.954 .0307 .248 34 1.286 1.546 1.805 2.064 2.323 3.583 3.101 3.619 4.138 4.656 5.174 .0216 .359 35 1.342 1.612 1.882 2. 153 2.423 3.693 3.234 3. 775 4.316 4.856 5.397 .0325 .370 36 1.398 1.680 1.961 2.243 3.525 2.806 3.370 3.933 4.497 5.060 5.633 .0235 .283 37 1.455 1.748 2.041 2.334 2.637 3.921 3.507 4.093 4.680 5.366 5.853 ,0244 .393 38 1.512 1.817 2. 122 2.427 3.731 3.036 3.646 4.356 4.865 5.475 6.085 .0354 .305 39 1.570 1.887 2.203 2.530 2.837 3.153 3.787 4.420 5.053 5.686 6.320 .0264 .317 40 1.629 1.958 2.286 3.615 2.943 3.373 3.939 4.586 5.344 5.901 6.558 .0274 .339 41 1.689 2.029 2,370 3.711 3.051 3.393 4.074 4.755 5.436 6.118 6.799 .0284 .341 42 1. 749 2.102 2. 455 2.808 3.161 3.514 4.319 4.935 5.631 6.337 7.043 ,0394 .353 43 1.810 2.175 2.540 2.906 3.271 3.636 4.367 5.098 5.838 6.559 7.390 .0304 .365 44 414 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGEAPHY. lno.81. Discharges in second-feet, rectangular Length of weir. 3 3i\ 3i 3/b 3f 3/, 3i 3A 3f 3H 3| 3if 31 QIS "TB 4 4i 4A 4i 4r1 4| 4/t 4i 4t% 44 4ii 41 4ii 41 4i; 5 5t^6 5i 5i Ore 5i 6,«c 53i 5i 511 51 .245. .250. .255. .271. .276. .281. .302. .30:_ .312- .318. .323. .344. .349. .354. .359. .365. .370. .375. .396. .401. .406. .411 . .417. .422. .427. .432. .437. .443. .448. .453. .458. .463. .469. .474. .479. .484. .490. 0.171 I .177 .198 .204 .291 .300 .309 .318 .327 .336 .345 .354 .363 .372 .381 .391 .400 .409 .419 .428 .438 .448 .457 .467 .477 .506 .516 .407 .420 .432 .444 .456 .469 .481 .494 .507 .520 .532 .545 .558 .572 .585 0.455 .469 .484 .499 .515 .530 .546 .561 .577 .707 .721 .735 .749 .764 .778 .793 .807 .850 .864 .879 .953 .968 .983 .998 1.014 1. .641 .658 .674 .691 .708 .724 .741 .758 .776 .793 .810 .953 .971 1. 1. 1.045 1.064 l.( 1.101 1.120 1. 1.158 1.177 1.196 1.216 1.235 1.255 1.274 1.295 1.314 .567 .585 .717 .737 .756 .776 0.738 .762 .787 .812 .857 .877 .898 .919 .940 .961 .982 1.003 1.025 1.046 1.1 1.1 1.112 1.134 1.156 1.178 1.201 1.224 1.246 1. 1. 1.315 1.337 1.361 1. 1.407 1.431 1.455 1.479 1.502 1.526 1.550 1.575 1. 1.018 1.045 1.072 1.100 1.127 1.155 1.183 1.211 1.! 1.; 1.: 1.325 1.354 1.383 1.413 1.442 1.472 1.502 1.532 1.562 1.593 1.624 1.1 1.1 1.717 1.748 1.779 1.810 1.843 1.874 1.906 1.9 1.971 2.004 2.037 2.070 2.103 2.137 2.170 0.927 .958 .989 1.020 1.051 l.( 1.116 1.148 1.181 1.214 1.247 1.281 1.315 1.349 1.383 1.418 1.453 1.488 1.524 1. 1.595 l.( l.( 1.705 1.742 1.779 1.817 1. 1. 1.930 1. 2. 2.047 2.086 2.125 2.164 2.205 2.244 2.284 2.405 2.447 2. 2.530 3.571 2.613 2. 2. 2.740 1.116 1.153 1.190 1.228 1.266 1.305 1.343 1.383 1.422 1.462 1.502 1.543 1.584 1.625 1.667 1.709 1.751 1.794 1.837 1.880 1.923 1.967 2.011 2.056 2.101 2.146 2.191 2.237 2.283 2.329 2.375 2.422 2.469 2.517 2.565 2.612 2.661 3.709 2.757 2.806 2.855 2.904 2.954 3.005 3.055 3.105 3.156 3.207 3.259 3.310 1.305 1.1 1.1 1.436 1.481 l.J 1.571 1.617 l.( 1.711 1.758 l.f 1.853 1.91 1.9 2.000 3.049 2.099 2.150 2.200 2.351 3.303 2.355 2.407 2.459 2.512 2.565 2.619 2.673 2.727 2.*; 2.837 2.^ 3.949 3.004 3.( 3.117 3.174 3.345 3.404 3.462 3.521 3.581 3.640 3.700 3.760 3.8 3.8 LippiNCOTT.] WEIR TABLES. weirs with end contractions — Continued. 415 Length of weir — Continued. Addition for increase of length. »c «D 4i 00 o (N ^ « B i L871 2.249 2.627 3.005 3.383 3.761 4.516 5.272 6.028 6.783 7.589 0.0315 0.378 45 L934 2.324 2.715 3.105 3.496 3.886 4.667 5.448 6.229 7.010 7.792 .0335 .391 46 1.997 2.400 2.804 3.207 3.610 4.013 4.820 5,627 6.433 7.240 8.047 .0336 .403 47 2.060 2.477 2.893 3.309 3.725 4.142 4.974 5.807 6.639 7.472 8.304 .0347 .416 48 2.125 2.554 2.983 3. 413 3.842 4.271 5.130 5.989 6.847 7.706 8.565 .0358 .429 49 2.190 2.633 3.075 3.517 3.960 4.402 5.287 6.172 7.058 7.943 8.828 .0369 .443 50 2.255 2.711 3.167 3.623 4.079 4.535 5.446 6.358 7.270 8.182 9.093 .0380 .456 51 2.321 2.791 3.260 8.729 4.199 4.668 .5.607 6.546 7.484 8.423 9.862 .0391 .469 53 2.388 2.871 3.354 3.837 4.320 4.803 5.769 6.735 7.701 8.666 9.632 .0403 .483 53 2.455 2.952 3.449 3.946 4.442 4.939 5.932 6.926 7.919 8.913 9.906 .0414 .497 54 2.524 3.034 3.545 4.055 4.566 5.076 6.097 7.118 8.140 9.161 10.182 .0435 ..511 55 2.592 3.117 3.641 4.166 4.690 5.215 6.264 7.318 8.362 9.411 10.460 .0437 ..525 56 2.661 3.200 3.739 4.277 4.816 5.355 6.432 7.509 8.586 9.664 10. 741 .0449 ..539 57 2.731 3.284 3.837 4.890 4.943 5.495 6.601 7.707 8.813 9.918 11.024 .0461 .553 58 2.801 3.369 3.936 4.503 5.070 5.638 6.772 7.907 9.041 10.176 11.310 .0473 .567 59 2.872 3.454 4.036 4.617 5.199 5.781 6.944 8.108 9.271 10.435 11.598 .0485 ..582 60 2.944 3.540 4.136 4.733 5.329 6.925 7.118 8.311 9.503 10.696 11. 889 .0497 .596 61 3.016 3.627 4.238 4.849 5.460 6.071 7.293 8.515 9.737 10.960 12.182 .0509 .611 62 3.088 3.714 4.840 4.966 5.592 6.218 7.470 8.722 9.973 n.225 12. 477 .0522 .636 63 3.162 3.802 4.443 5.084 5. 725 6.366 7.648 8.929 10.211 11.493 12.774 .0534 .641 64 3.235 3.891 4.547 5. 203 5.859 6.515 7.827 9.139 10.451 11. 763 18.074 .0547 .656 65 3.310 3.981 4.652 5.323 5.994 6.665 8.007 9.350 10.692 12.034 13.376 .0559 .671 66 3.384 4.071 4.757 5.443 6.130 6.816 8.189 9.562 10.935 12.308 13.681 .0573 .686 67 3.460 4.161 4.863 5.565 6.267 6.969 8.373 9.776 11.180 12.584 13.988 .0585 .702 68 3.535 4.253 4.970 5.688 6.405 7.122 8.557 9.992 11.427 12.862 14. 296 .0598 .717 69 3.612 4.345 5.078 5.811 6.544 7.277 8.743 10.309 11.676 13.142 14.608 .0611 .733 70 3.689 4.438 5.186 5.935 6.684 7.433 8.930 10. 428 11. 926 13.423 14.921 .0634 .749 71 3.766 4.531 5.296 6.060 6.825 7.590 9.119 10.648 13.178 13. 707 15.237 .0637 .765 72 3.844 4.625 5.405 6.186 6.967 7.748 9.309 10.870 12. 433 13.993 15. 554 .0650 .781 73 3.922 4.719 5.516 6.313 7.110 7.906 9.500 11.093 13.687 14.281 15.874 .0664 .797 74 4.001 4.814 5.627 6.440 7.253 8.066 9.692 11.318 13.944 14.570 16.198 .0677 .813 75 4.081 4.910 5.739 6.569 7.398 8.227 9.886 11.545 13.203 14.863 16.520 .0691 .829 76 4.161 5.007 5.852 6.698 7.544 8.390 10.081 11. 772 13. 464 15.155 16.847 .0705 .846 77 4.242 5.104 5.967 6.829 7.691 8.553 10. 278 12.002 13. 727 15.451 17.176 .0719 .862 78 4.328 5.201 6.080 6.959 7.838 8.717 10. 475 12.233 13.990 15.748 17.508 .0733 .879 79 4.404 5.299 6.195 7.090 7.986 8.882 10.678 12. 464 14.356 16.047 17.838 .0747 .896 80 4.486 5.398 6.311 7.223 8.136 9.048 10.873 12.698 14.523 16.348 18.173 .0760 .912 81 4.568 5.497 6.427 7.356 8.285 9.215 11. 074 12. 933 14. 791 16.650 18.509 .0775 .929 82 4.650 5.596 6.543 7.489 8.436 9.382 11. 275 18. 168 15. 061 16. 954 18. 846 .0789 .946 83 4.733 5.697 6.661 7.624 8.588 9.551 11.479 13.406 15.383 17.360 19.187 .0803 .964 84 4.816 5.797 6.778 7.759 8.740 9.721 11.682 18.644 15.606 17.567 19.529 .0817 .981 85 4.901 5.899 6.897 7.895 8.894 9.892 11. 888 13. 885 15. 881 17.877 19.874 .0832 .998 86 4.986 6.002 7.017 8.033 9.04S 10.064 13.096 14. 127 16. 159 18.190 20.221 .0846 1.016 87 5.071 6.105 7.138 8.171 9.204 10.238 12.304 14.371 16.438 18.504 20. 571 .0861 1.033 88 5.157 6.208 7.259 8.310 9.361 10. 412 12.514 14. 616 16. 718 18. 830 20.933 .0876 1.051 89 5.243 6.312 7.380 8.449 9.518 10.586 12. 724 14.861 16.999 19.136 31.378 .0891 1.069 90 5.329 6.416 7.503 8.589 9.676 10. 762 12.936 15.109 17. 282 19.455 21.628 .0906 1.087 91 5.416 6.521 7.626 8.730 9.835 10.939 13. 149 15.858 17. 567 19. 776 21.985 .0921 1.105 92 5.504 6.627 7.750 8.872 9.995 11.117 13.863 15.608 17.853 30.098 22.343 .0935 1.133 98 5,592 6,733 7,873 9,014 10, 155 11.295 13,577 15.858 18.140 20. 421 23. 703 . 0951 1.141 94 416 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharge,^ in second-feet, rectangular Length of weir. 51-i 6 I 495;. .500'. .505L .510L, .515! .521. .5311. .5361. 61i .56r . .573 . . 57^' . .5ip3 . .589. .594. .604. .609. .615. .62f .630. . 635 - . 641 . .646. .651 . .656. 7i| 8 8i 8ii 81 8}? 8i 8i-i .667. .672. .677. .682. 714. 719. 724. . 745 . . 75(t - 1.044 1.060 ].aS4 1.354 1.374 1.394 1.414 1.434 1.455 1.475 1.495 1.516 1.537 1.55' 1.577 1 59r 1.619 1.640 1.661 1.682 1.703 1.725 1. 746 1.767 1.788 1. 1.830 1.851 1.624 1.649 1.673 1.6W 1.722 1.747 1.772 1,798 1.822 1.848 1.873 1. 1.924 1.949 1.975 2 001 2.027 2.053 2.079 2.106 2.132 2.158 2.184 2.210 2.236 2.263 2. 2.316 2.343 2.370 2.397 2.423 2.451 2.477 2.505 2.532 2.559 2.586 2.614 2.642 2.669 2.697 2.725 2. 752: 2. 780, 2. 836 2. 863 2. 891 2. 9I9I 2.203 2.237 2.271 2.304 2.339 2.373 2.407 2.442 2.4' 2.511 2.547 2.581 2.616 2^652 2.687 3.723 2.759 2.795 2.830 2.867 2.904 2.940 2.976 3.012 3.049 3.085 3.123 3.160 3.196 3.234 3.271 3.308 3.346 3.384 3.422 3.459 3. 3.535 3.574 3.613 3.650 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.844 3.8 3.922 3.961 4.001 2.912 2.955 2. 3.043 3.087 3.131 3.175 3.220 3. 3. 3.354 3.400 3.445 3.491 3.536 3.582 3.62t 3.675 3.722 3. 3.815 3.861 3.908 3.956 4.003 4.050 4.0 4.146 4.193 4.242 4. 4. 4. 4.436 4.484 4.534 4.583 4.632 4. 4.732 4.781 4.831 4.881' 4,932; 5.032 3.362 3.415 3. 467 3.519 3.572 3.624 3.6781 3.732 3. 785 3.839 3 893 3.947 4.002 4.057 4.112 4.167 4. 223 4.278 4.334 4.391 4.447 4.504 4.560 4.617 4.674 4.731 4.789 4.846 4.904 4. 963 5.021 5.079 5.138 5.196 5.256 5.315 5.374 5.433 5. 494 5.554 5.614 5.674 6.735 5.' 5. J 5.918 5.979 6.040 6.102 6. 164 4.260 4.876 4.313 4.948 4.377 6.021 4.43S 5.093 4.503 5.166 4.567 5.240 4.63C 5.313 4.695 5.387 4. 759 5.461 4.824 5.536 4.88C 5.611 4. 955 5. 686 5.02c 5.762 5.08C 6.837 5. 15C 6. 914 5.219 5.991 5.286 6.067 5.352 6.144 5.419 6.221 5.486 6.298 5.654 6.376 5. 623 6.455 5.690 6.533 6.758 6.611 5.827 6.691 5. 895 6.770 5.964 6.849 6.034 6.939 6.103 7.009 6.173 7.090 6.242 7.170 6.313 7.251 6.383 7.332 6.454 7.414 6.525 7.496 6.696 7.677 6.667 7.660 6.739 7.742 6.810 7.824 6.882 7.908 6.955 7.991 7.027 8.075 7.099 8.158 7.172 8.242 7 945 8.327 LiPPiiv-coTT.] WEIR TABLES. weirs with end contractions — Continued. 417 Length of weir — Continued. Addition for increase of length. XO -+-'■ Oi 4^ o ^ i -1^ s in .s T-l 5.680 6.839 7.998 9.157 10.316 11. 475 13.793 16.111 18.429 20. 747 33.065 0.0966 1.159 95 5.769 6.947 8.134 9.301 10. 478 11.656 14.010 16.365 18. 720 31.074 33.439 .0981 1.177 98 5.858 7.054 8.250 9.446 10. 641 11. 837 14. 329 16.630 19.012 21. 404 33.795 .0997 1.196 97 5.948 7.162 8.376 9.591 10.805 13.020 14.448 16.877 19.306 31. 735 34. 164 .101 1.314 98 6.038 7.271 8.504 9.737 10.970 13.203 14.669 17.135 19. 601 22.067 24.533 .103 1.333 99 6.128 7.38C 8.631 9.883 11.135 12.386 14.890 17.393 19.897 23.400 24.903 .104 1.252 100 6.219 7.490 8.760 10.031 11.301 13.573 15.113 17.654 20.195 23.736 25. 277 .108 1.271 101 6.311 7.600 8.889 10. 179 11.468 12.758 15.336 17. 915 20.494 33.073 25.652 .107 1.289 103 6.402 7.710 9.018 10.337 11.635 12.944 15. 560 18.177 30.794 23.411 26.028 .109 1.308 103 6.494 7.822 9.149 10.477 11.804 13.133 15. 787 18.442 21.097 23. 752 26.407 .111 1. 338 104 6.587 7.934 9.380 10. 627 11.974 13.320 16.014 18. 707 31.401 24. 094 26.787 .113 1.347 105 6.679 8.045 9.411 10. 777 13.143 13.509 16.241 18.973 21.705 24.437 27.169 .114 1.366 106 6.773 8.158 9.543 10.929 12.314 13.700 16. 470 19.341 22.013 24. 783 27.5.54 .115 1. 385 107 6.866 8.27] 9.676 11.081 13.485 13.890 16. 700 19.509 33. 319 35.139 37.938 .117 1. 405 108 6.961 8.385 9.809 11.234 13. 658 14.083 16.931 19. 780 83.639 35.478 28.337 .119 1.424 109 7.055 8.500 9.944 11.388 13.833 14.376 17.164 30.053 32.941 35.839 38. 717 .120 1.444 110 7.150 8.614 10.078 11.542 13.005 14.469 17.397 20.324 33. 2.52 36.180 29.107 .123 1.464 111 7.245 8. 729 10. 213 11.696 13.180 14.663 17.631 20.598 23.565 26.532 29.499 .134 1.484 113 7.341 8. 845 10.348 11.852 13.355 14. 859 17.866 20.873 23.880 36. 887 29.894 .125 1.504 113 7.438 8.962 10.485 12.009 13.533 15.056 18.103 21.150 34 197 27.244 30.291 .127 1.524 114 7.534 9.078 10. 622 12.165 13. 709 15.353 18.340 31. 437 34.514 27.601 30.688 .129 1.544 115 7.631 9.195 10. 7.59 13.333 13.886 15. 450 18.578 31.705 24.833 37.961 31.088 .130 1..564 116 7.728 9.313 10.897 13.481 14.065 15.649 18.817 31.985 25.154 38.333 31.490 .132 1.584 117 7.826 9.430 11.034 13. 639 14. 343 15.848 19. 056 33. 365 25. 474 38.683 31.893 .134 1.604 118 7.923 9.548 11. 173 12.798 14.423 16.047 19.297 22.546 35. 796 39.046 33.395 .ia5 1. 625 119 8.022 9.667' 11.313 13.958 14.603 16.249 19.539 33.830 36.131 39. 413 33. 703 .137 1.645 130 8.121 9.787 11.453 13.119 14. 785 16.451 19. 783 33.115 36.447 39. 779 33.111 .139 1.666 131 8.220 9.907 11.593 13. 280 14.967 16.6.53 30.027 33. 400 26.774 30.147 33.530 .141 1.687 132 8.319 10.027 11.734 13. 442 15.149 16.857 20.273 23.687 27.102 30.517 33.932 .143 1.708 133 8.419 10.148 11.876 13.604 15.332 17.061 30.517 23.974 37. 431 30.887 34.344 .144 1.738 134 8.519 10.269 12. 018 13. 767 15. 516 17.266 20. 764 24.263 37.762 31.360 34.759 .146 1.749 135 8.619 10.390 13.160 13.930 15. 700 17. 471 21.011 34.553 28.093 31. 633 35. 174 .148 1.770 136 8.721 10.512 13.303 14.095 15.886 17. 678 31. 260 24.843 28.436 33.009 35.593 .149 1.791 137 8.821 10.634 12.447 14.359 16.072 17. 884 31.510 35.135 38.760 32.385 36.010 .151 1.813 138 8.924 10.758 12.591 14.435 16.259 18.093 21. 761 35.429 29.097 32. 764 36.433 .153 1.834 139 9.025 10.881 12. 736 14.591 16.446 18.312 23.012 25. 723 29.434 33.144 36.855 .155 1.855 130 9.128 11.005 12.881 14. 758 16.635 18.511 22.365 26.018 29. 773 33.525 37. 378 .156 1.877 131 9.230 11.128 13.026 14.934 16.823 18. 721 22.517 36.314 30.110 33.906 37. 703 .158 1.898 133 9.334 11.254 13.173 15.093 17. 013 18.933 32. 773 26.613 30.453 34.292 38.133 .160 1.920 133 9.437 11.379 13.321 15.262 17.204 19.145 23.039 26.912 30.795 34.678 38. 561 .162 1.942 134 9.541 11.604 13.467 15.431 17.394 19.358 23.384 27.311 31.138 35.065 38.993 .164 1.963 135 9.645 11.630 13.615 15.600 17.586 19.571 33.541 27. 512 31.482 35.452 39.433 .165 1.985 136 9.749 11.757 13.764 15.771 17.778 19. 785 23.799 37.813 31.828 35. 842 39. 856 .167 3.007 137 9.853 11.883 13.912 15.941 17.970 19.999 24.057 38. 115 33.174 36. 232 40.390 .169 3.039 138 9.959 12.010 14.061 16.112 18.164 20.315 34.317 38.430 32.522 36. 624 40. 727 .171 2.051 139 10.065 12.138 14.211 16.385 18.358 30.432 24.578 38. 725 32. 872 37.019 41.166 .173 2.073 140 10.171 12.267 14.363 16.578 18.554 20. 649 34. 841 29.032 33.224 37. 415 41.606 .175 2.096 141 10.276 12.394 14.513 16.630 18.748 30.866 35.103 29.338 33.574 37. 810 42.043 .177 3.118 143 10.383 13.523 14.663 16.804 18.944 21.085 35.365 29. 646 33.927 38.308 43.489 .178 2.140 143 10.490 12.653 14.815 16.978 19.141 21.304 35.630 29.956 34.282 38.607 43.933 .180 2.163 144 IRR 81—03- -27 418 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Discharges in second-feet , 1'ectangidar Head. Length of weir. 1 CD •S S .2 5 •d •d in 4^" .3 4i '^i 145 9iV % 9i 9A 9f 9/b 9x% 9| nh 91 9ii 9^ 911 10 0. 755 .760 .765 .771 .776 .781 .786 .793 .797 .802 .807 .812 .818 .823 .828 .833 4.040 4.080 4.120 4.160 4.199 5.133 5.184 5.235 5.286 5.338 5.389 5.441 5.492 5.544 5.596 5.648 5.701 5.754 5.806 5.858 5.911 6.226 6.288 6.351 6.413 6.476 6.539 6.602 6.665 6.729 6.792 6.856 6.921 6.985 7.049 7.113 7.177 7.319 7.392 7.466 7.540 7.614 7.689 7.7as 7.838 7.913 7.988 8.064 8.140 8.216 8.292 8.368 8.444 8.411 8.496 8.581 8.667 8.753 8.839 8.925 9.011 9.097 9.184 9.271 9.359 9.447 9.534 9.623 9.711 9.504 9.600 9.697 9.794 9.891 9.988 10.086 10.184 10. 282 10.380 10. 479 10.579 10. 678 10. 777 10.877 10.977 146 Ml US 149 150 4.239 4.280 4.320 151 15'^ 158 4.360 4.400 4.440 15-1 155 156 4.482 4.522 4.563 4.604 4.644 157 158 159 160 LippiNCOTT.] WEIR TABLES. iveirs ivith end contractions — Continued. 419 Length of weir— Continued. Addition for increase of length. =w !0 ii CO a -|j s =w CO 'S 4^ 8 .d +i i:).597 12. 782 14.967 17. 153 19.338 21.534 25.894 30.285 34.636 39.007 43.378 0.182 2.185 145 10. 704 13.913 15. 121 17.329 19.537 21.745 28. 161 30.577 34.994 39. 410 43.826 .184 2.208 146 10.812 13.043 15.274 17.505 19. 735 21.966 26. 428 30.889 35.351 39.813 44.274 .186 2.231 147 10.920 13.174 15.428 17.681 19.935 22.188 26.696 31.203 35.710 40. 217 44. 724 .188 2.254 148 11.029 13.306 15.582 17.859 20.135 23. 412 26.965 31.518 36.071 40. 624 45.177 .190 2.277 149 ll.i;38 13. 438 15. 737 18.037 20.336 22.638 27.235 31.834 36.4a3 41.032 45. 631 .192 2.300 150 11.247 13.570 15.892 18.215 20.537 22.860 27.505 32. 150 36.795 41.410 46.085 .194 2.323 151 11.356 13.702 16. 048 18.393 20.739 33.084 27. 776 32.467 37. 158 41. 849 46.540 .196 2.346 152 11. 466 13.835 16.204 18.573 20.941 23.310 28.048 32. 785 37.523 42. 261 46.998 .197 2.369 153 11.576 13.969 16.361 18.753 21. 145 33.537 28.321 33. 105 37. 890 42. 674 47.458 .199 2.392 154 11.687 14.102 16.517 18.933 21.348 23.764 28.594 m. 425 38.256 43.087 47.918 .201 2.415 155 11. 798 14.237 16.676 19.145 21.553 23.992 28.870 33.747 38.625 43.503 48.380 .203 2.439 156 11.909 14.372 16.834 19.296 21. 758 24.221 29. 145 34.070 38.995 43.919 48.844 .205 2.462 157 12.020 14.506 16.992 19.478 21.963 24.449 29.421 34.392 39.364 44.a36 49.307 .207 3.486 158 12. 132 14.642 17. 151 19.661 22. 170 24. 680 29.699 34. 718 39. 737 44. 756 49.775 .209 2.510 159 12. 244 14. 777 17. 310 19.843 22.377 24.910 29.976 35.043 40. 109 45. 175 50. 242 .211 2.533 160 420 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. RAIIS^FALL TABLES. The following records of precipitation are arranged alphabetically by counties : Record of precipitation at Tamarack, Alpine County. [Latitude, 38° 37'; longitude, 119° 58'; elevation, 8,030 feet. Authority, P. C. Huntington.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1898-1899 12.80 6.65 4.30 11.35 2.50 4.60 6.40 4.60 1.75 0.65 .95 1.68 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 T. 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.17 0.00 «17.05 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 0.00 0.00 1.60 6.10 3.30 2.69 4.25 8.50 3.22 8.10 2.05 2.38 3.00 13.65 3.37 2.85 15.90 13.00 36.20 58.71 43.89 46.27 1 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Jackson, Arnador County. [Latitude, 38° 21': longitude, 120° 45'; elevation, 1,975 feet. Authority, Richard Webb.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May .June. July. Aug. Total. 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1883-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1891-92. 0.05 .58 .75 .90 .26 .23 0.70 .97 2.92 .15 1.38 5.62 L43 1.70 3.00 .86 4.33 .60 1.82 3.34 1.48 .10 12.80 1.08 7.48 5.28 LIO .93 8.78 2.25 2.11 5.81 8.33 3.64 1.45 .70 5.38 10.47 5.33 1.44 1.59 14.64 2.78 8.03 5.52 3.35 15.50 3.67 4.61 3.18 2.70 7.45 3.24 3.23 8.45 5.56 2.30 8.86 3.86 3.61 4.02 1.89 7.97 3.21 1.3.04 5.26 3,44 4.77 3.89 1.95 8.58 .27 .75 3.03 5.55 6.97 3.51 2.11 7.71 3.85 9.41 .26 4.54 4.89 1.97 4.97 13.59 2.96 3.72 2.25 7.65 1.34 8.04 2.70 0.34 2.19 2.41 .49 4.63 .99 .15 3.85 0.04 .25 .05 .10 1.85 .59 .46 1.48 1.10 .43 1.00 .06 .08 .15 .01 .04 T. .07 .04 . T. .0 T. T. 0.18 .12 .07 T. T. 33.44 37.78 37.88 29.97 28.87 27.44 37.90 2L20 37.12 a 27. 25 1892-93 .40 L34 1.10 1.14 .23 .19 .40 .41 3.39 .50 3.68 .28 L35 3.05 1.04 5.86 2.74 2.62 a 13. 44 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97.. 1897-98 1898-99.. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2.. 9.88 12.04 8.79 4.77 1.47 5.20 2.37 7.13 L25 10.84 6.22 .43 5.04 4.91 .57 2.15 1L24 9.36 2.52 3.86 5.18 7.66 1.18 14.60 4.37 3:58 4.37 1.38 3.92 10.89 L46 1.11 L49 3.52 3.83 2.71 4.15 2.68 2.11 .03 1.64 1.07 1.83 1.18 L99 40.72 50.17 33.64 35.15 19.41 30.25 33.42 39.74 33.70 18-year mean 3.82 33.16 a Year incomplete. LTPPTNCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 421 Record of precipitation at Cherokee, Butte County. [Latitude, 39° 38'; longitude, 1^1° 34'; elevation, 1,200 feet. Authority, L. Glass.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 .25 1.52 2.60 .90 1.31 2.95 .94 4.65 .24 10.19 1.72 2.09 4.20 2.92 3.23 5.21 5.41 3.89 5.02 14.28 10.41 10.09 8.46 16.48 .43 6.96 10.58 3.21 9.79 10.84 8.48 7.70 19.63 8.26 3.16 14.95 4.04 1.42 12.25 9.18 6.74 .38 11.95 3.10 20.00 9.09 2.20 7.31 8.32 1.31 6.16 2.33 .59 7.36 1.90 13.36 3.84 8.87 18.23 18.07 2.34 6.47 8.10 11.89 3.11 2.14 3.57 1.16 2.66 .75 3.53 5.66 2.79 1.49 4.59 3.12 9.27 0.45 .88 1.58 .66 .23 1.51 1.14 3.66 1.16 6.98 .80 0.56 .11 1.04 1.28 .60 .35 3.87 1.19 47.73 28.35 51.59 35.34 55.48 « 28. 62 1877-78 1878-79. 1879-80 1880-«1 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 4.32 2.39 12.64 .42 .39 4.65 1.06 3.60 .69 3.88 16.84 6.79 3.72 1.17 .10 .45 .28 63.96 52.22 49.54 44.51 34.42 33.84 46.12 12-year mean 45 26 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Cherokee Reservoir, Butte County. [Latitude, 39° 38'; longitude, 121° 33'; elevation, 1,200 feet. Aiithority, L. Glass.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1873-74 1874^75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 L28 0' 1.98 5.99 LOO 12.90 2.22 2.40 5.80 16.99 15. 20 5.70 3.12 18.25 L15 11.26 3.98 13.07 12.47 11.03 ■11.10 23.54 8.89 8.15 .61 13.08 3.62 24.00 10.28 10.78 3.76 15.94 6.62 12.01 2L06 4.83 .10 3.48 L62 4.98 7.68 1.03 LIO LOO 2.53 1.67 5.06 2.00 1.87 .50 1.00 .80 . .73 .68 61.91 44.17 73.72 42.34 78.78 60.97 6-year mean 1 60.32 j Record of precipitation at Fonts Springs, Colusa County. [Latitude, 39° 20'; longitude, 132° 40'; elevation 1,650 feet. Authority, John F. Fouts and S. E. Stites.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1892-93.. (0.00) T. 0.20 .70 19.43 .20 L25 4.85 2.83 4.35 9.29 2.00 10.83 2.08 12.57 2.00 7.88 .70 7.11 4.06 1.65 2.12 5.00 5.17 5.01 L66 (3.33) 1.95 .79 0.50 T. 2.14 T. T. 0.65 T. (0.00) (0.00) 42.93 17.39 28.25 CI 16. 31 1900-1901 ! 5.41 « 22. 83 1 3-year mean. 29.52 1 a Year incomplete. 422 CALIFORIS^IA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Record of precipitation at Little Stony, Colusa County. [Latitude, 39° 25'; longitxxde, 122° 30'; elevation, -feet. Authority, C. M. PoUey.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1884-85 8.40 3.51 1.39 3.44 1.04 1.10 1.38 3.89 1.19 "13 30 1885-86 0.27 13.29 " 25. 50 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Mount Diablo, Contra Costa Coiinty. Latitude, 37° 53'; longitude, 121° 54'; elevation, 3,848 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway system. J. S. Hall.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1874-75 4.95 1.89 0.63 6.23 1.11 T. 0.65 .02 0.33 (.39) .45 0.62 (.33) .03 .03 «1.58 1875-76 1876-77.. 0.00 T. 0.18 2.95 9.19 .27 3.11 5.60 4.63 30.66 lLa5 2-year mean 21.01 n Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Eldorado, Eldorado County. [Latitude, 38° 41'; longitude, 120° .51'; elevation, 1,609 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway system.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888 89 4.00 14.94 5.48 9.09 10.33 4.26 14.37 3.79 3.62 2.88 2.70 . 6.73 2.23 3.40 0.31 12.48 1.07 3.48 5.40 8.74 14.25 13. 8^ 3.51 L43 4.60 3.87 6.90 Lll 0.38 5.67 6.93 5.75 2.56 11.90 .4.18 .15 4.50 2.19 .57 1.99 8.73 10.75 8.41 10.04 6.71 7.34 8.02 2.25 3.94 7.80 7.63 .86 13. 10 5.15 L69 4.31 L60 3.00 3.52 3.61 3.13 1.63 4.06 9.56 1.65 .53 1.03 3.40 5,54 2.46 7.50 3.45 .93 4.91 1.51 3.98 2.34 2.59 .23 2.67 1.80 1.70 .89 .83 0.12 .95 .15 LOO .55 .GO 1.57 .62 ■ .01 .03 .06 a 23. 33 1889-90...... 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 1.77 .09 .08 1.14 .67 1.41 .41 .17 .37 .10 2.41 7.46 - .10 .85 2.04 .65 3.52 LOO 2.54 .95 7.18 3.26 1.89 6.32 LOS 7.80 4.58 1.05 .78 9.49 2.21 2.45 6.19 8.11 2.91 63.37 27.46 36.25 40.87 40.13 48.38 39.93 32.59 16.08 39.19 36.31 37.45 30.68 13-year mean 36.81 a Year incomplete. LiTPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 423 Record of precipitation at Georgetotvn, Eldorado County. [Latitude, 38° 54'; longitude, 120° 50'; elevation, 2,500 feet. Authority, C M. Fitzgerald ] Year. 1872-73 1878-74.. 1874-75.. 1875-76.. 1876-77.. 1877-78-. 1878-79... 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83.. 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90-. 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 30-year mean Sept. .66 2.03 .16 1.60 .80 1 16 .53 .41 2.81 .17 .67 2.06 1.26 2.64 .83 .30 .53 1.00 4.50 0.61 3.86 1.90 11.47 1.03 2.56 3.85 .18 4.23 7.75 4.10 3.54 3,43 10.45 .19 1.80 3.11 1.60 6.22 .20 1.76 4.25 2.22 9.87 5.49 3.32 Nov. 4.3(J .55 14.60 24.12 .80 4.30 2.66 6.25 .37 3.30 7.00 1.94 .03 20.77 1.79 1.44 4.67 1.23 T. 1.59 13.31 10.94 1.53 •2.18 17.18 4.09 4.34 10.33 8.99 4.72- 18.72 16.60 1.24 10.85 1.97 .48 11.73 22.67 10.32 3.31 3.50 33.73 7.03 6.90 7.66 7.99 22.94 7.65 3.74 15.76 7.19 20.93 7. 27 6.37 5.57 3.35 11.91 4.08 16.66 17.87 13.09 12.44 16.21 11.24 5.47 20.83 8.59 4.70 7.53 4.37 18.32 3.36 14.21 .66 19.90 .06 5.48 8.44 13.89 20. 52 19.55 4.83 2.13 8.59 5.07 10.40 1.92 13.05 8.03 .04 9.97 2.14 22.78 12.41 6.00 12.85 5.88 3.08 13.80 .82 1.16 15.79 3.14 .68 8.96 10.39 8.44 8.20 16.25 7.69 .77 18.26 8.83 .61 4.29 13. 70 16 95 3.05 13.87 5.07 14.54 7.78 10.92 17.57 5.50 3.84 10.44 8.73 19.94 .24 7.75 2.40 6.02 12.29 14.70 10.00 7 90 17.69 4.74 4.67 11.*^ 13.65 1.80 21.39 6.(55 2.78 6.47 Apr. May, 3.11 5.80 .31 4.78 1.74 2.99 9.65 25.63 2.40 7.11 3.87 15.07 3.98 15.04 6.54 1.18 2.77 3.86 3.79 7.47 6.34 2.40 4.77 16.51 2.40 92 1.60 5.46 6.48 3.69 0.12 1.32 2.03 1.22 3.87 .99 3.39 5.97 .40 2.06 7.34 1.52 .19 7.07 4.66 2.71 7 58 1.51 .20 2.06 .24 .12 .34 2.28 .18 3.65 2.28 .06 .18 1.56 25 .10 2.22 .38 5.25 j 1.61 4.30 ! 4.81 j .20 i I 2.78 ! 2.32 i 1.88 I 1.44 ; July, 0.03 .77 .03 04 .42 T T T. .03 . .20 i I .08 i T. i 1 Aug. Total. 46.46 63.64 47.08 81.24 40.48 61.31 60.96 70.40 65.82 54.14 45.94 72.66 50.01 73.05 41,32 36.16 36.79 86.80 40.24 44 55 74 93 66.13 71.99 65.51 66.52 31.90 46.70 55.67 53.99 49.13 56.72 424 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no. 81. Record of precipitation at Placerville, Eldorado County. [Latitude, 38° 44'; longitude, 133° 8'; elevation, 2,109 feet. Authority, Gr. M. Barlow and Pacific Railway system.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1873-74. 13.58 4.73 10.77 3.93 1.96 33.95 1874-75 3.42 9.59 1.18 13.58 .08 8.88 .61 1.58 1.84 33.76 1875-76 1.20 17.64 6.75 10.79 8.01 11.86 3.60 1.40 0.49 0.07 61.81 1876-77-- 0.02 6.16 .78 10.54 1.17 4.00 22.67 1877-78- .66 .99 2.25 1.55 10.45 11.73 6.53 1.80 1.67 .05 .03 .03 37.72 1878-79 .53 1.50 2.04 .41 7.75' 8.00 9.38 6.35 2.48 .33 .02 .02 38.70 1879-80 3.47 5.28 7.53 5.04 6.58 5.96 17.93 4.43 56.21 1880-81 .35 .58 16.94 15.53 7.01 3.38 3.36 1.89 48.04 1881-82-- 1.08 2.80 2.87 7.70 6.71 5.15 9.30 5.53 1.19 .13 42.46 1882-83 .93 5.73 4.94 1.98 3.74 2.58 6.88 3.54 6.25 36.56 1883-84- 1.67 3.38 1.67 2.63 6.08 11.56 14.46 11.82 1.60 3.51 .03 57.39 1884-85- .85 3.47 .10 22.65 4.15 .97 .33 3.32 .27 1.43 36.53 1885-86 .55 15.97 5.32 13.03 1.15 5.33 11.75 1.24 .50 T. 54.63 1886-87- 1.42 .91 5.02 3.18 14.18 3.09 5.71 ,53 .38 33.33 1887-88 .58 .06 1.43 8.34 11.37 2.39 5.26 .91 1.10 1.50 .04 T. 32.87 1888-89 .88 T. 5.98 7.06 1.03 .86 9.78 L93 8.05 .16 T. 35.73 1889-90 9.07 7.77 18.18 14.57 7.46 13.81 3.36 4.01 T. 78.33 1880-91- 1.64 T. T. 6.89 1.40 9.13 7.83 3.62 1.33 .85 .05 24.10 1891-93 .45 .50 L48 12.57 4.43 6.83 8.28 4.33 5.35 44.20 1893-93 - .20 2.23 12.14 15.48 7.94 7.52 13.29 4.83 1.34 T. 63.97 1893-94 L40 .95 6.19 5.30 11. 55 14.40 3.31 2.35 4.55 1.39 T. 51.29 1894-95 L35 4.25 1.20 19.03 17.85 5.07 4.43 4.75 2.58 T T. 60.51 1895-96- 1.79 .16 .77 5.34 16.38 .78 11.11 12.00 3.56 .03 .15 51.97 1896-97 .63 1.51 11.71 4.47 4.68 14.61 9.49 3.33 .36 1.09 .05 50.83 1897-98 .13 3.39 2.68 3.43 1.78 6.18 1.38 .58 2.70 .66 T. 21.81 1898-99 .11 1.00 2.30 3.80 5.63 .48 14.98 3.01 1.78 .88 .10 32.06 1899-1900 7.73 6.72 8.33 3.93 3.89 5.84 4.32 1.15 .68 T. 41.57 1900-1901 .55 3.62 9.83 3.30 9.95 9.53 3.34 6.54 1.05 46.70 1901-2 3.13 2.12 3.74 3.58 i.a5 10.15 5.33 3.73 1.35 .60 .14 34.32 29-year mean 43.58 T.TPPTNCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 425 Record of precipitation at Shingle Springs, Eldorado County. [Latitude, 38° 39'; longitude, 120° 55'; elevation, 1,427 feet. Authority, M. Phelps and Pacific Rail- way System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May, June. July. Aug. Total. 1849-50-. 1850-51-. 1851-53. . 1852-53-. 1853-54. . 1854-55.. 1855-56. . 1856-57. _ 1857-58.. 1858-59.. 1859-60. . _ 1860-61.. 1861-63.. 1862-63. . 1863-64. . 1864-65.. 1865-66.. 1866-67. . 1867-68.. 1885-86. . 1886-87-. 1887-88.. 1.23 .40 1.20 .70 .83 0.08 .10 .30 .50 .75 3.73 .42 3.25 .15 1.20 .78 .08 .45 3.24 5.65 .65 3.45 7.20 6.40 3.70 3.40 2.15 4.04 .50 11.16 .50 6.90 .37 2.05 9.94 6.84 4.73 7.17 1889-90.- 1890-91.. 1891-92. . 1892-93.- 1893-94. - 1894-95. - 1896-97-. 1897-98-. t-1900-. .49 1.50 .04 .15 .85 1.40 .25 .25 1.66 T. 8.73 .08 .70 2.30 .40 3. .55 .15 1.05 3.15 .80 1.08 4.45 7.85 1.10 7.85 4.98 .99 3.53 11.75 1.40 1.90 10.04 2.70 7.80 11.40 4.10 3.50 5.70 6.35 1.99 6.30 2.40 7.43 11.22 3.84 6.30 9.13 3.57 18.77 33.76 4.99 3.50 6.18 4.45 17.35 5.40 7.58 8.35 3.30 14.50 3. .56 7.18 3.35 3.05 7.30 13.07 4.80 3.30 13. 70 4.40 3.30 4.10 6.50 3.37 1.32 2.20 3.78 34.13 1.45 7.29 5.13 11.08 9.17 12.12 10.77 1.67 8.83 .40 13.50 1.40 3.55 4.97 7.07 11.33 14.07 4.35 3.15 .40 .50 3.40 3.40 1.10 .80 7.05 13.00 1.15 4.60 6.75 4.96 3.31 5.63 3.46 7.51 3.70 .69 13.31 1.08 .70 6.70 7.65 6.43 4.17 9.40 4.48 .30 12.75 3.80 .37 3.10 9.60 8.20 4.30 3.50 3.40 1.94 4.00 5.81 4.71 8.34 6.90 4.01 .63 1.13 6.21 4.09 14.39 3.84 1.45 4.22 9.01 10.48 7.97 4.95 9.78 1.60 1.98 6.33 7.00 .05 14.13 0.45 4.80 7.25 3.00 5. 40 2.10 1.20 1.70 1.83 3.40 .20 7.34 3.76 3.94 3.50 1.31 6.01 0.05 .30 .10 .35 .60 .03 .05 1.90 .18 0.35 3.56 9.51 .43 1.98 2.75 3.80 3.36 3.95 1.03 3.20 8.21 .97 ,40 .60 .71 .06 .18 7.80 3.65 1.60 1.98 .95 3.25 1. 70 1.79 .22 3. 10 1.28 30- year mean « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Jacinto, Glenn County. [Latitude, 39° 35'; longitude, 122° 00'; elevation, 110 feet.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98-- 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 0. 63 .47 1.20 2.3:3 .63 .35 1.31 .06 1.33 .68 3.13 .41 3.68 3.42 6.33 3.67 .35 1.10 3.06 1.16 0.49 4.40 5.00 8.13 1.61 8.69 .94 5.38 1.40 1.39 3.40 4.30 4.50 8.73 9.37 3.78 .76 6.36 3.06 3.99 1.47 1.86 ,24 3.54 3.42 .17 3.71 .89 1 74 3.93 1.72 .31 4.39 1.37 0.87 ,51 3,49 4,03 .77 3.07 .36 1.68 1.44 1.34 .2-Z .69 60 1.31 .72 0.44 .53 0.36 0.53 39.49 13.43 36.97 32.14 20.50 11.24 15.39 17.38 «7.43 8-year mean. ! . 19.57 i " Year incomplete. 426 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [no Record of preeipitaiion at JuUanH, on Stony Creek, Glenn County. [Latitude, 89^ '■iSi'; longitude, 12^'' 80'; elevation, 750 feet. Authority, Mrs. Lee Julian.] Year Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 19()tMi»01 4.26 9.27 0.12 3.24 1.24 2.37 0.50 2.06 • «6.12 1901-2 1.07 0.60 3,18 0.82 0.85 23.46 n Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Christmas Prairie, Himiboldt County. (Latitude, 40" 55'; longitude, 124^ 00'; elevation, 3,(H)0 feet. Authority, J. H. Blake.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nor. Dec Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1883-84 1 1.56 1.57 0.24 1.17 0.01 «1.81 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 3.23 .93 2.17 1.65 4.72 1.37 31.99 3.93 26.44 1 8.79 18.85 1 16.59 13.73 15.97 8.39 6.30 20.92 1.45 6.51 5.00 3. 30 12.97 1.34 2.83 58.05 99.79 «64.27 ■ " 2- year mean .. 1 78.92 1 i '< Year incomplete. Record precipitatio7i at Bishop Creek, Inyo County. [Latitude, 37° 21'; longitude, 118'' 22'; elevation, 4,450 feet. Authority, Pacific Railvp^ay System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1883-84 0.12 0.11 0.38 0.62 0.64 0.94 0.05 2.86 1884.^5. 1.00 .67 .14 L81 1885-86 .02 0. 35 1.03 .50 .38 2.28 1886-«7 .20 .m 1.58 .35 0.55 0.35 3.68 1887-88. .15 .15 ,05 1.10 1.37 .47 .05 .35 0.20 3.89 1888-89. 1.72 .40 .10 .50 1.46 .12 .30 4.60 1889-90 .03 .35 1.20 4.75 .30 0.50 7.13 1890-91 .69 1.00 8.70 .28 2.90 .03 8.60 1891-92- .19 3.52 .10 .70 1.10 .25 T. 5.86 1892-93. ,20 1.42 2.27 1.22 1.12 .15 L05 T. 7.43 1893-94 .19 .10 .49 .30 .75 .09 .05 T. .35 T. .23 2.55 1894-95 T. 1.18 1.10 .50 .22 .29 .15 .11 .21 .07 3.83 1895-96 T. .16 .15 T. 1.07 .60 .05 .03 .57 .06 2.69 1896-97 .05 T T. .16 .32 1.67 1.75 .12 T. .01 .05 4.13 1897-98 ,09 .89 T. .49 .05 .18 T. .21 .27 T. T. .06 1.69 1898-99 .41 .21 .11 1.65 T. .64 .02 .05 3.09 1899-1900 .14 .05 1.05 .49 .01 .54 .60 .34 .12 T. 3.34 1900-19(J1 .39 .03 2.69 .17 4.89 1.01 T. .50 L29 T. .93 11.90 1901-2. ..81 .61 .13 .07 .55 1.53 .61 .06 T. .12 4.48 19-year mean 4.53 "Year incomplete. LIPPINOOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 427 Record of precipitation at Caynp Independence, Inyo County. [Latitude, S ° 50'; longitude, 118° 10'; elevation, 4,598 feet. Authority, United States War Department.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1865-66 0.21 .44 .14 .65 .40 .66 0.65 2.27 12.19 1.17 1.00 4.70 1.18 3.40 .62 2.42 5.46 .16 .20 2.40 1.73 1.51 .76 1.63 1.36 1.28 .30 .40 1.00 .70 4.76 .32 .28 .87 .62 .98 .09 .12 0.16 .53 .40 .11 .21 .55 .59 .02 .02 T «3.23 1866-67-- 1867-68 1868-69 1869-70 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75-. 1875-76 1876-77 1891-92 0.07 .10 .40 .01 .16 0.32 .32 .74 1.10 .80 .26 0.76 .71 .36 .27 .18 .69 .96 T. .10 .01 .30 .01 .15 .07 .11 T. 0.01 .10 .03 .35 .28 .15 .19 T. ■1 T. 1.15 .10 .12 .05 .56 T. T. .51 .04 11. 43 19.46 3. as 2.63 3.68 7.06 1.63 7.06 3.33 5.27 2.46 al 65 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 - - T. T. T. .35 .83 .23 .10 .67 1.61 .75 1.89 .08 1.51 .12 1.24 2.91 .42 1.18 8.38 2.34 4.48 a 1.58 1896-97 1897-98 .01 .67 .05 1.05 .16 .02 .62 T. .17 .23 .03 .22. .36 .04 T. .37 .04 .01 T. .01 .08 .10 .17 .11 .06 T. .32 .13 u 50 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2- .20 T. .75 .30 .01 .&5 .10 .85 1.34 .22 .20 .56 .13 .06 .54 .31 2.81 .04 T. .05 .64 1.69 1.54 3.70 6.51 4.23 18-year mean 1 5 47 1 M Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Keeler, Inyo County. [Latitude, 36° 35'; longitude, 117° 50'; elevation, 3,622 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1883 84 0.20 .82 .40 1.14 .12 .12 .10 T. .25 T. .05 .01 L25 T. 1.60 .04 .30 .08 .20 .37 .58 T. T. T. .15 T. T. .23 .40 0.80 .08 T. .20 .01 .30 T. T. T. T. .50 T. .14 .52 .17 T. .06 1.41 .11 T. .25 T. .10 T. 0.20 .11 .08 .10 T. L71 .02 T. T. 1.42 .19 T. T. .90 T. "2.80 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 - 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 - 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901 2 l.(;8 .06 .08 .93 .19 T. T. T. .50 .14 T. .35 0.25 .01 .84 .56 .03 .04 .81 T. T. .15 T. .09 .50 0.65 .08 .01 1.68 .05 .12 .11 .03 T. T. 1.75 .45 0.70 .36 .48 .82 .56 .22 .31 .54 1.48 1.05 T. .25 T. .30 T. 0.49 T. .70 .04 .42 .26 .71 T. .35 .45 .10 .40 T. .75 T. 0.14 .93 1.21 T. .01 LOO .19 .75 .29 L15 .27 .45 .25 .25 0.12 .60 .30 .52 T. 2.01 .32 L50 .01 T. T. .13 .16 L25 1.83 3.H 2.72 5.51 8.31 3.69 5.06 1.87 5.83 1.92 2.80 3.27 1.44 .34 1.66 3.49 3.19 2 18-year mean 2.89 "Year incomplete. 428 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Bear Valley, Kern County. [Latitude, 35° !(»'; longitude. 1 18° 30'; elevation, 4,0()0 feet. Authority, Philip Fickert, Tehachapai.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1894-95.:..— L48 6.38 1.25 22.37 29.22 6.64 7.42 3.25 6.57 0.04 0.20 84.82 1895-96 5.18 1.25 2.08 9.45 25.39 1.66 14.47 18.32 10.03 .72 .68 89.23 1896 97 2.13 2.57 18.35 8.02 5.96 3.44 4.18 3 11.95 16.05 10.44 3.20 19.12 23.34 3.35 1.65 2.51 .80 3.93 4 a 74. 57 1897 98 3 1.01 T. .93 a 26. 98 1898-99 .73 3.07 6.26 60.44 1899-1900 14.16 11.91 12.81 2.77 1.34 1 5.05 2.47 51.51 1900-1901 1.76 2.71 .32 1.91 5.30 2.75 L77 1.43 T. 17.95 1901-3 1.27 .56 .90 3.20 5 5.36 3.48 .75 « 20.52 ! 54.08 1 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Caliente, Kern County. [Latitude, 35° 17'; longitiide, 118° 41'; elevation, 1,290 feet. Authority,- Pacific Railway System.] 1875-76. . 1876-77. . 1877-78. . 1878-79. . 1879-80. . 1880-81. . 1881-82. . 1882-83. . 1883-84. . 1884-«5.. 1885-86.. 1886-87.. 1887-88. . 1888-^9. . 1889-90. . 1890-91.. 1891-92.. 1892-93.. 1893-94.. 1894-95-. 1895-96. . 1896-97. . 1897-98. . 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-2 26-year mean Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 0.13 .08 .52 .27 .60 .10 0.52 .42 1,08 0.81 1.01 .76 .32 .05 T. .63 1.35 .05 .10 .20 3.31 LOO 90 .25 T. 0.84 .10 1.77 0.35 .30 .69 .05 .25 3.88 1.45 .05 6.14 1.05 T. 1.51 55 .45 1.52 2.13 2.31 .10 3.46 3.56 .51 .37 (L81) 3.25 1.33 1.33 1.43 2.18 3.65 4.30 3.73 2.80 3.45 4.39 1.20 3.55 2.02 1.08 3.81 1.61 1.51 .04 2.00 .35 1.59 .59 (1.25) .19 .75 LOO 3.30 5.28 2.53 1.25 1.67 1.73 .50 .89 1.70 2.02 .47 4.47 .34 1.51 1.54 3.30 1.76 4.98 .66 2.79 1.14 .30 1.15 2.83 1.00 2.15 1.40 3.10 .35 4.96 .70 .41 .98 2.10 3.80 1.09 1.91 .73 .82 5.00 .45 2.62 .07 L50 3.15 1.10 .40 4.25 3.71 1.60 L67 3.30 2.41 1.45 3.26 0.53 1.27 3.20 1.43 3.53 .64 L59 2.42 2.90 3.00 2.65 2.66 .60 1.60 .30 .70 1.58 .35 1.75 L33 2.70 T (0.52) .03 .20 .23 1.07 1.10 1.05 .31 .81 1.63 LOO .50 .87 .56 .13 1.40 1.13 2.35 L18 .11 0.04 .56 1.38 .50 .70 (.12) 0.05 T. .05 «4.21 4.94 17.35 3.16 15.04 9.84 10.13 8.18 19.96 8.52 12.78 8.89 6.43 12.86 1L17 9.84 11.85 10.36 1L45 17.31 13.58 14.20 8.90 8.04 8.79 7.98 13.08 10.91 « Year incomplete. L.1PPINCOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 429 Record of precipitation at Fort Tejon, Kern County. [Latitude, 34° 55'; longitude, 118° 44'; elevation, 3,245 feet. Authority, United States War Depart- ment, and J. G. Stitt, Bakersfield.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1854r^5 1.58 2.24 7.39 1.22 .20 .26 3.78 4.98 .04 5.37 2.37 .60 T. 0.61 4.62 .63 .09 .20 .43 1.20 .21 .07 .01 0.30 .12 .35 .07 .16 T. a 5. 97 1855^6.. 1856^7- 1857-58 1858-59 - 1859-60 1860-61 0.99 .08 .44 8.58 0.05 .05 2.11 2.62 .16 3.12 1.04 .25 1.02 7.50 6.54 4.50 3.07 4.41 .37 2.60 .29 .22 .73 7.88 .95 .75 1.69 .25 .31 32.97 11.97 25.40 12.02 11.61 a 1.73 1861-62 1862-63 T. .10 .30 T. 18^3-64 1894-95 2.02 1.00 .71 4.32 .43 3.08 .40 5.14 1.55 .50 .66 5.86 1.84 2.14 4.01 3.63 1.36 2.99 .85 1.97 1.80 1.44 3.33 .95 .40 .55 1.82 .78 1.09 1.31 2.05 .30 .25 1.57 .90 .04 .22 .78 T. .26 13.34 «7.97 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 - .53 .60 .05 1.06 .05 1.46 1.63 1.39 1.10 1.61 1.42 1.74 .65 1.71 1.71 .26 1.25 4.47 1.72 .73 1.40 .50 T. 3.07 3.52 1.89 2.57 2.12 1.80 17.77 21.61 8.61 9.62 11.28 14.58 nl.92 12-year mean 1.5.90 i « Year incomplete. Becord of precipitatiori at Isabella, Kern County. [Latitude, 35° 48'; longitude, 118° 25'; elevation, 2,600 feet. Authority, Stephen Barton, Isabella.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June.! July. Aug. Total. 1895-96 0.10 1.93 0.89 0.04 0.06 2.57 0.01 «5.60 1896-97 0.32 .15 .04 .30 1.17 .78 .24 .64 0.48 .85 5.53 .13 0.70 1.24 .33 .78 .05 a 2. 67 1897-98 1898-99. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.54 1.95 LIO 1.20 .34 .99 .19 .65 2.74 6.05 .58 1.89 .65 .33 2.27 .06 .28 .73 .36 1.02 .54 .25 1.06 1.98 .05 .45 .02 .99 4.10 5.38 6.62 13.72 10.50 5-year mean. 8.06 a Year incomplete. 430 CALIFORTSriA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Keene, Kern County. [Latitude, 35° 12'; longitude, 118° 40'; elevation, 2,705 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. July. Aug, 1877-78..., 1878-79... 1879-80-... 1880-81-... 1881-^2.--. 1882-83.-.. 1883-84-... 1884-85.... 1885-86.... 1886-87.... 1887-88.... 1888-89-... 1889-90.... 1890-91.... 1891-92..-. 1892-93-.-. 1893-94.... 1894-95.... 1895-96.... 1896-97-... 1897-98.... 1898-99.... 1899-1900- . 1900-1901- . 1901-2 25- year mean 0.58 .12 .42 .41 .22 .14 .35 .03 .27 0.47 .50 .22 .21 1.40 .45 2.55 .28 T. 1.32 2.23 .16 .35 .05 1.37 1.01 .61 .70 .45 1.43 .25 .16 .36 3.73 1.95 .50 1.28 1.30 .10 .08 .65 .18 .30 1.65 1.01 .40 3.16 1.94 1.75 .74 5.37 3.43 .30 .47 1.06 5.22 .46 1.10 1.72 2.29 5.17 3.57 6.37 1.98 1.50 4.59 1.90 2.94 3.02 .62 .90 .30 4.37 .67 2.36 2.12 1.40 .17 3.14 .30 2.02 .51 1.30 .36 3.15 .23 1.65 2.20 3.60 6.03 .82 2.28 1.73 .41 7.49 .55 1.21 2.42 2.57 3.31 7.46 .13 .64 3.20 1.70 1.97 6.59 2.22 3.26 1.65 2.71 7.49 .75 1.17 1.12 5.35 6 91 2.72 .83 ].15 1.96 1.42 2.55 4.80 .65 3.74 1.98 1.30 4.10 6.70 2.25 2.40 2.47 3.17 2.04 4.10 .54 1.30 4.80 2.10 1.97 4.07 .72 1.44 2.04 3.16 1.47 2.84 2.73 .78 .95 .50 1.30 1.86 1.30 .55 1.95 2.82 .14 .35 .66 2.57 1.19 2.70 0.12 .19 3.23 .11 T. 2.03 1.77 1.30 1.35 .60 T. .40 1.25 1.30 1.12 1.18 L.55 .80 .45 0.10 1.79 .10 T. .20 .05 1.07 .20 .59 .79 0.06 T. T. .68 1.05 T. 0.02 18.43 5.23 16.31 11.32 9.58 11.05 24.25 10.95 12.92 10.61 12.84 10.67 19.42 14.90 18.17 17.30 10.82 19.63 13.88 17.62 10.02 9.36 11.37 13.43 17.43 13.^ Record of pv^ecipitation at Kernville, Kern Couiity. [Latitude, 35° 45'; longitude, 118° 27'; elevation, 2,600 feet. Authority, Stephen Barton and A Brown, Kernville.] - Year Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. : Total. 1893-94 1.10 5.10 3.52 3.40 .58 i.e5 .80 1.35 .30 1.88 1.55 3.60 .99 .19 .53 2.92 3.07 0.42 1.80 1.54 2.57 .58 1.89 .58 .15 2.10 0.17 .37 .86 .10 T. .•>8 .52 .31 .74 0.53 .54 .25 90 1.62 .10 0.20 .45 .00 2.25 .00 0.01 .05 .70 00 "4.11 1894-95- 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 - 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2.. I 0.60 ,04 .79 0.50 1.48 45 .78 .10 .72 0.95 .41 1.14 .85 5.09 .15 5.31 .40 .85 11.32 .:^ .73 14.73 10.27 12.41 15.60 5.38 5.69 13.03 7.18 7year mean. i 11.02 1 ! "Year incomplete. LIPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 431 Record of 2:>reiiipitation at Mount Breckiyiridge, Hanlon, Kern County, [Latitude, 35^^ 2b'; longitude, 118° 35'; elevation, 6,750 feet- Authority- G, Otterman.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr May. 0.40 June. 0.10 July. Aug. Total. 1896-9T 2.26 5.95 2.70 5. 13 7.72 av4.^5 1897-98 ft 1898-99 1.79 3.17 a i. 96 (« Year incomplete. ft No record kept in 1898. Record of 2yrecipitation at Taylor's ranch, Wei don, Kern, County. [Latitude, 35° 3U'; longitude, 118° 17'; elevation, 2,640 feet. Authority, Geo. E. Carleton and Annie Alexander, "Weldon. ] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1899- 19(M) ! 0.78 4.29 .12 0.66 0.71 ■ 1.06 .26 0.47 1.96 4.37 0.50 .05 1.41 0.39 .41 .31 0.82 1.02 0.02 0.03 2.60 "4 38 1900-1901..... 1901-2.. 0.62 0.02 .39 12.03 6 86 2 year mean. 1 1 9.45 1 i « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Tehachapai^ Keim County. [Latitude, 35° 06'; longitude, 118° 26'; elevation, 3,964 feet. Authority, Pacitic Railway System.] Year. 1876-77 0.08 1877-78 1878-79- 1879-80. 1880-81 1881-82 .32 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88_. 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 .50 1891-92 1.17 1892-93 1893-94- 1894-95 .10 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98.. .02 1898-99 1899- 19CX) 1900-1901 1901-2 Sept. Oct. 0.45 T. .30 .52 .75 .10 .74 .81 .13 T. .86 .50 .44 L45 Nov. 0.50 .04 1.03 .10 . 50 .18 .14 .29 3.70 1.15 .26 .70 .50 60 .53 T. 1.53 1.53 Dec. 2.91 .64 5. 52 2.14 .12 .50 .72 3 96 .53 .60 1.44 3.65 5.30 3.48 3.10 .40 5.25 3.75 .36 1.13 1.00 .20 .61 Jan. 0.58 2.59 2.62 2.81 1.79 1.05 15 1.54 .10 1.58 .50 2.57 .40 1.75 .03 . 92 .85 2.80 3.21 1.57 1.78 1.20 .68 .64 1.17 . 80 Feb. .45 1.94 2.05 2.07 4.55 6.06 8.88 2.60 .60 .70 3.45 2.68 3.61 1.68 .69 2.03 .34 . 60 .39 3. 29 3.90 Mar. 26-year mean 10.23 0.89 1.76 .19 1.47 3.15 1.45 1.51 3.48 .26 4.10 .24 1.20 3. .56 .30 .80 2.73 5.00 1.08 3.80 .18 1.35 1.62 .29 .25 1.05 Apr 0.60 1.93 L39 2.30 .50 .63 2.89 1.85 1.48 4.57 L95 1.25 3.96 .90 .61 .(55 (.18) .50 1.29 .26 1 73 May June. July, Aug. 0.12 0.02 .28 0.09 T. 1 .09 .12 .20 .15 1.73 1.26 1.05 .m .05 .31 .10 .26 0- .35 () 1.07 .80 .70 (0.00) (1 .55 .83 .27 .75 .85 .82 .32 .38 .50 23 T. .79 1,70 I Total. 2.88 16 38 5.84 15.59 10. 48 6.59 12.25 18.42 6.88 20.63 13.58 10. 43 14.04 11 45 9.86 11 75 10.51 11.50- 10.08 7.15 r.85 5.21 3.70 6.05 9.47 7.98 482 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Tejon Ranch, Kern County. [Latitude, SS'^ 01'; longitude, 118° 45'; elevation, 1,450 feet. Authority, R. M. Pogson, Baker sfield.] Year. Isept. Oct Nov, Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1894-95 5.05 1 90 1,39 .37 1.70 4.22 1.11 1.62 .49 .48 "9 74 1895-96. 1896-97 2.VS 1.41 2.12 1,06 13.19 «2.12 1897-98 2.32 1.30 1.17 1.28 1.6J 1.68 2 10 .a5 4.69 1.46 .94 4.03 .41 .95 2.74 .17 .82 1.97 1.36 2.02 .84 1.57 1.28 .98 .02 T. a 5. 95 1898-99.. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.84 06 .42 1.81 67 ,40 1.82 1.06 .17 .87 1.67 .84 .60 10.45 10.29 11.69 9.98 5-year mean. 11.12 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Bartlett Springs, Lake County. [Latitude, 39° 10'; longitude, 122° 45'; elevation, 2,375 feet. Authority, J. E. McMahon.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 3.50 1.53 13.14 7.51 14.59 1.71 Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1896-97 6.78 8.36 127 7.62 22.38 5.36 .19 8.49 6.42 1.67 5.98 0.75 .63 -85 3.23 4.52 5.20 2.39 2.47 .88 L40 3.40 1.10 a 16. 89 1897-98. 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1.70 4.79 2.31 1.87 10.06 3.72 1.28 7.87 21.93 28.05 42.03 «29.80 1901-2 1.17 1.80 5.86 4.02 51.52 4-year mean. 35.88 1 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Kono Tayee, Lake Comity. [Latitude, 39° 5'; longitude, 122° 43'; elevation, 1,350 feet. Authority, R. S. Floyd.] Year. ! Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. 1 Aug. Total. 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79.. 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1893-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96. 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.73 .42 .70 .18 .25 .50 .71 .29 .51 T. .54 8.70 1.17 .20 1.65 .41 .91 .63 1.64 .99 .84 .42 1.22 .73 L24 .46 3.78 8.11 1.04 6.25 6.96 3.-50 2.23 1.37 3.57 3.54 2.90 4.42 .39 6.53 3.76 .74 1.69 3.38 1.64 1.15 5.56 3.89 8.87 0.29 5.12 1.98 .33 5.72 1.92 1.77 .98 .70 5.57 2.84 10.70 2.12 5.93 2.12 1.27 4.14 1.67 L19 1.88 9.16 6.05 3.17 14.16 3.01 6.24 5.50 L74 1.40 4.17 8.84 6.92 14.45 9.42 2.85 .71 7.74 8.10 5.57 1.81 3.60 .38 4.22 2.81 11.04 3.41 8.85 6.58 3.20 .60 L91 4.15 4.32 2.32 .25 4.01 4.19 T. 1.27 4.33 10.28 4.62 .92 8.84 1.40 4.60 9.15 4.74 .64 2.84 8.81 5.85 5.41 1.11 3.13 2,31 3.76 .11 5.43 2.89 L83 8.85 2.05 .10 .50 1.48 .47 .48 .95 1.54 .95 3.88 2.06 .91 .98 4.62 .90 .64 .70 2.32 2.05 2.42 0.45 .84 0.79 .64 .25 .12 .40 2.41 .06 .66 .90 1.14 1.69 .90 1.67 .45 .67 .96 1.59 0.42 .50 .45 .25 4.08 1.64 ,; .48 .45 .28 T. .45 T. .18 0.07 .05 T. T. .27 T, T. T. 12.60 21.96 81.96 12.08 39.13 18.84 25.76 19.50 14.52 16.63 22.23 29.24 22.57 35.18 28.53 23.18 12.77 18.17 23.73 23.36 26.09 21 -year mean 22.53 LilPPlNCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 433 Record of precipitation (it Lakeport, Lake County. [Latitiide, J2;i° 0'; longitxxde, 'Sd° ()'; elevation, 1,325 feet. Authority, D. C. Eumsey.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June. July. Aug. Total. 1900-1901 1901-2 .88 4.25 2.20 5.55 4.18 4.20 9.20 3.00 3.95 12.86 1.25 3.70 2.15 3.30 0.62 2.45 31.17 32.57 31. 86 Record of precipitation at Middletown, Lake County. [Latitude, 38° 46'; longitude, 122° 37'; elevation, 1,300 feet. Authority, Leon Lake.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87-. . .. 0.91 .55 .90 2.55 .50 .15 1.36 0.06 L26 2.93 L36 2.08 .54 8.38 0.02 LOS 5.07 .57 .05 19.42 9.59 2L86 8.09 1.47 2.34 22.93 6.60 3.96 14.77 3.36 20.52 5.59 11.21 7.07 17.85 2.86 2.25 8.25 2.54 13.61 2.2.5 6.25 14.37 28.90 25. 78 2.48 5.95 6.80 1.92 5.25 L37 0.32 10.74 7.82 8.32 3.40 .06 4.64 1.83 4.60 7.25 12.82 12.82 0.70 1.71 9.32 2.09 5.87 ■ 5.79 22.21 2.52 2.57 3.69 8.36 8.42 1.32 8.03 3.88 2.65 L77 8.54 1.76 0.29 .65 3.97 .06 .30 1.64 L49 2.06 L75 2.23 0.34 3.28 2.98 .27 .89 58.40 50.72 28.43 29.45 44.84 53.99 42.93 «28.33 1892-93. 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 .91 .78 1.28 L86 .48 2.05 .36 3.18 1.10 15.64 3.06 1.92 3.06 7.55 0.10 .01 0.10 62.13 37.94 68.69 53.02 « 20. 34 11-year mean 48.23 "Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Susanville, Lassen County. [Latitude, 40° 23' ; longitude, 120° 35' ; elevation, 4,195 feet. Authority, T. B. Sanders.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1885-86 1886-87 . 0.71 0.50 1.32 5.92 3.23 2.23 4.27 0.92 5.57 2.70 1.70 1.28 L22 0.57 0.30 23.32 (' 9. 12 1887-88....... 1 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 .71 .15 .65 .71 L65 .30 3.00 i.;« .55 .10 .25 .59 .01 4.18 T. .45 .83 .60 1.96 .10 .50 2.65 .80 5.21 2.67 2.28 L45 2.74 .35 LIO 10.66 1.80 .40 1.95 3.88 3.13 1.74 2.70 3.29 1.72 1.89 8.55 3.47 4.91 6.80 .95 8.66 2.91 2.96 2.22 .65 3.59 2.00 1.89 .03 8.72 LOO 1.77 4.82 6.10 10.29 6.94 5.99 .45 2.90 L50 4.76 .70 .60 4.71 7.84 2.96 3.53 3.53 3.00 .05 4.25 2.38 .31 L22 3.17 5.14 4.81 4.60 2.49 2.80 1.55 2.85 1.26 3.23 2.60 .35 3.32 2.97 L50 2.56 1.07 1.03 .80 2.80 1.83 .95 .50 5.10 .30 .24 .92 .90 1.57 1.31 6.26 1.51 2.41 1.35 .67 1.55 1.50 2.22 .90 .54 1.42 .64 .92 .35 L55 .14 L65 .98 .75 T. T. .42 1.02 .40 .27 .05 .55 T. T. .20 .63 .54 .15 T. T. .20 .20 .20 .08 .08 .46 .02. 1.77 .09 18.43 36.36 20.71 19.77 81.40 20.43 28.07 25.90 23.21 13.61 12.62 19.78 22.17 17.17 15-year mean 22.20 « Year incomplete. IRR 81—03- -28 434 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Azusa, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 8'; longitude, 117° 54'; elevation, 630 feet. Authority, H. F. Parkinson.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1897-98....... 1898-99....... 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-3 .06 T. .13 T. 4.25 T. 2.55 .34 2.35 0.25 T. 1.79 10.25 .67 T. 0.50 1.00 T. 1.75 2.81 1.31 3.77 2.24 1.25 T. T. 4.86 2.84 0.81 2.49 1.71 .50 3.99 0.25 T. 1.05 .73 .38 3.63 T. 3.79 1.91 .18 T. 1.35 T. .08 T. T. T. T. T. 11.19 7.11 12.20 22.49 12.73 5-year mean. 1 13.14 1 1 ■ Record of precipitation at Calabasas, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 09'; longitude, 118° 38'; elevation, 925 feet. Authority, J. G. Chapman.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1901-2 1.28 4.35 2.17 7.80 Record of precipitation at Colby^s Camp, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 118° 05'; longitude, 34° 15'; elevation, 3,875 feet. Authority, D. W. Colby, Pasadena.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1898 99 2.90 1.15 6.94 2.50 0.25 13.54 3.15 2.75 2.00 .67 3.55 0.17 1.38 3.65 1.84 0.60 3.25 1.10 .20 0.79 .10 .10 0.25 a 7. 46 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2... 0.25 .10 3.66 .45 3.15 1 25 8.]5 1.26 13.95 34.10 14.59 3-year mean- 30.88 n Year inc omplete . Record of precipitation at Follows Camp (Azusa) , Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 14'; longitiide, 117° 49'; elevation, 1,800 feet. Authority, R. M. Follows, Azusa.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1895-96 1.02 1.61 .27 .70 .44 .15 2.77 5.43 3.59 T. 10.39 9.80 .84 T. 6.55 8.25 2.49 2.40 0.70 .15 .85 .13 1.77 0.36 .28 6.16 2.98 T. 1.03 .91 0.07 LIO .07 .53 «13.57 1896-97 1897-98.. 1898-99 1899-1900 T. .45 .12 2.95 7.85 3.03 1.03 .20 1.70 1.64 .80 30.16 27.14 10.35 n. 13. 38 1901-2 a. 95 3-year mean. 22.55 a Year incomplete. EAINFALL TABLES. 435 LTPPINCOTT.] Record of precipitation at La Liebre, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° W; longitude, 118° 40'; elevation, 3,170 feet. Authority, J. W. Forbes, Neenack.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov, Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1896-97 . . . 0.50 1.47 0.90 0.40 .66 .46 3.67 .53 1.79 1.24 4.01 .04 2.30 .81 3.26 0.10 .09 a 10. 08 1897 98 0.45 .04 0.27 a 3. 07 1898-99. 1899-1900 0.20 .05 5.35 «4.12 n Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 03'; longitude, 118° 15'; elevation, 330 feet. Authority, Signal Service and Weather Bureau.] 1871-72. . 1872-73.. 1873-74. . 1874-75-. 1875-76. . 1876-77.. 1877-78. . 1878-79. . 1879-80.. 1880-81.- 1881-82. . 1882-83- - 1883-84.- 1884-85- - 1885-86. . 1886-87 . - 1887-88. - 1890-91..-. 1891-92.... 1892-93. . . 1893-94.... 1894-95-... 1895-96.... 1896-97.... 1897-98.... 1898-99..... 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-2 Sept. 0.06 T. T. T. .05 .11 .18 .03 .34 .06 .06 T. .73 T T 02 T. T .03 1.81 40 .86 .14 93 .14 .82 .05 1.42 .39 30 .02 .17 .40 6.96 .03 .33 .24 1.30 2.47 .09 1.59 .26 1.88 0.74 1.89 7.57 .45 3.44 .67 .27 1.82 1.07 5.55 1.18 .80 4.02 1.35 .13 4.40 .20 .80 1.66 .01 T. .90 6.53 46 4.42 5.74 .20 .83 3.93 4.70 6.53 8 40 .52 .08 2.56 4.65 1.65 6.26 15.80 2.32 1.99 4.18 3.65 4.62 2.08 5.51 17.22 6.54 3.48 3.33 3.59 1.33 L43 1.01 1.63 3.15 1.05 7.78 .20 6.04 .25 7.83 .25 .88 6.29 .94 5.84 3.23 3.70 1.26 2.64 1.17 2.49 1.62 2.25 7.19 9.77 .15 7.92 .01 7.68 .97 1.56 .36 2 66 3.47 13. 37 .01 1.41 9.25 .80 .92 1.36 8.56 3.19 2.27 .49 .46 T. 5.62 .51 .04 T. 4.38 3.a5 0.43 .05 1.09 .23 3.41 .83 2.57 .49 1.45 1.66 2.66 2,87 12.36 .01 2.52 .29 3.17 6.48 .66 .41 8.39 8.52 .37 3.77 2.97 2.31 .98 1.81 .99 .45 Apr. May. June. mean 16.00 0.97 .45 .07 .45 .36 1.71 1.19 5.06 .46 1.83 .15 3.58 2.01 2.32 2.36 .12 .27 .22 1.26 .32 ,19 .13 .46 .19 .02 .03 .18 I 0.10 .42 .05 .03 .30 .66 .24 .04 .01 .63 2.02 .39 .06 ,01 .20 .05 .65 .03 .31 2.06 .06 .20 .19 .30 .10 1. 75 .04 1.81 1.50 .03 0.07 .03 T. .03 l.;39 T. .11 .07 .01 .01 .02 .06 ,03 T. 01 T. T. T. .58 T. T. T. July.' Aug. T.- T. 0.02 T. .27 .07 .04 T. T. T. T. .02 T. .07 T. T. 0.22 L06 T. T. .02 T. .21 T. .10 .28 .03 .01 .01 T. .01 T. .01 T. .09 «3.97 14.80 23.72 21.67 26.74 5.28 31.26 ll.;35 20.34 13.13 10.40 13.11 38.36 9.25 22.18 14.01 14.16 19.57 34.60 13.33 11.86 26.27 6.74 16.10 8.54 16.83 7.13 5.53 7.90 16.38 10.51 a Year incomplete. 436 CALIFORlSriA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Magic Hill, No. 1, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 23'; longitude, 118° 22'; elevation, 2,820 feet. Authority, B. L. Hutchins, Burbank.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1897-98 1898-99 3.12 .07 .54 0.10 0.30 0.25 1.60 1.34 6.71 0.61 .15 6.68 ■2.07 1.67 .78 0.34 .14 2.05 1.79 0.29 1.65 4.40 .57 1.80 .05 .06 1.35 .04 0.52 a5.56 ra8 78 1899-1900 1900-1901.-... 2.25 .71 1.07 6.53 1.20 14.15 &24.31 a Year incomplete. & Record stopped. Record of precipitation at Manzana, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 45'; longitude, 118° 35'; elevation, 2,850 feet. Authority, E. A. Silrey.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-94. . .. 0.21 2.79 1.09 2.70 .63 1.15 1.11 3.20 .67 0.37 3.04 .02 T. .10 6.68 1.52 0.36 1.36 1.70 1.71 .47 L35 .93 .25 1.14 T. 0.08 .63 .04 .04 .42 .61 0.35 T. T. .01 .24 .09 .38 .12 .15 0.17 T. .04 T. T. 0.10 .10 .28 .08 .65 «1.56 1894^95. 1895-96 1896-97. - 1897-98 1898-99. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.49 T. .10 T. 0.40 .61 .21 1.27 .09 2.02 0.48 .30 T. .71 2.55 .20 3.60 .18 1.46 .14 .50 .29 T. 8.32 4.58 10.15 1.71 3.17 5.29 14.25 5.70 8-year mean 6.65 a "Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Mou7it Lowe [Echo Mountain post-office) , Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 15'; longitude, 118° 07'; elevation, 3,200 feet. Authority, Louis Svs^ift and Edgar L. Larkin.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1895 96 1.35 2.17 .22 .98 2.85 6.42 1.55 3.29 0.10 7.47 2.32 4.10 6.67 1.65 3.40 2.90 1.18 5.97 0.60 .19 2.70 .20 2.15 L14 L35 0.30 .87 2.17 1.90 4.05 4.45 .33 0.10 .40 .40 .75 .30 0.15 T. O9.30 1896-97.. 1897-98-- 1898-99 1899-1900 0.25 .25 2.39 2.57 .30 3.00 1.66 4.18 1.55 .40 2.85 11.71 1.05 27.98 13.48 10.73 al5.35 1900-1901 1901-2 .23 7.55 1.88 5.42 3.48 34.11 18.77 5-year mean. 21.01 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Mount Sister Elsie, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34'" 17'; longitude, 118° 14'; elevation, 5,021 feet. Authority, L. T. Rowley, Monte Vista.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1898-99 2.95 .85 8.92 0.12 12.13 3.37 1.87 .95 0.58 1.30 3.60 0.08 3.02 1.93 0.78 T. a 7. 88 1899-1900 1900-1901 . 0.35 .09 2.10 .81 1.34 6.70 0.41 1L34 C35.13 « Year incomplete. <^ Record discontinued. LTPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 437 Record of precipitation at Newliall, Los Angeles County. [Latitudo, 34° 25'; longitude, 118° 33'; elevation, 1,268 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] 1876-7T.. 1877-78.. 1878-79. . 1879-80- . 1880-81. . 1881-82. . 1882-83.. 1883-84. . 1884.^.. 1885-86. . 1886-87.. 1887-88. . 1888-89- . 1889-90.. 1890-91.. 1891-92. . 1892-93. . 1893-94. 1894-95. . 1895-96. . 1897- 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-2 Sept. 0.02 .35 .13 .80 .14 0.03 .37 1.23 .16 .16 .60 .65 .40 (2.50) .30 .72 .10 1.55 1.00 1.63 .08 2.32 0.32 3.10 .26 .12 1.20 1.10 9.01 .87 1.46 3.69 3.36 4.72 1.09 1.00 .90 5.24 .70 Dec. 1.45 2.33 9.23' 6.22 4.21 3.34 3.89 2.25 .21 4.26 5.64 15.70 1.94 2.12 4.16 3.90 7.59 .11 2.23 .22 .64 Jan. 1.56 3.78 2.25 .10 .57 .43 1.96 6.66 .47 5.22 6.74 .a5 6.30 .31 1.32 3.91 .85 7.11 2.15 4.86 .45 5.13 1.00 Feb. 2.95 14.53 .69 12.38 1.17 (.08] 4.41 9.99 3.02 1.34 .29 .31 .15 5.08 3.14 26-yearmean ' j. 15.10 0.43 1.02 1.08 1.70 4.71 3.07 9.73 .07 3.11 .15 4.21 9.39 .44 .88 4.07 7.90 .62 3.66 4.04 3.32 1.98 1.97 .13 2.53 Apr. 0.60 1.46 1.52 3.39 .34 .93 3.85 1.75 4.27 1.96 .29 .40 .33 1.26 .06 .47 .15 .39 1.03 .10 May. 0.56 .15 .05 2.28 2.17 I .10 j .04 I .56 (0.00)' .66 ' 2.08 .34 .66 .20 .08 .93 1.31 June. July. 1.67 .06 0.03 T. .03 T. .25 Aug. 3.05 11.44 6.77 19.52 9.15 13.99 11.62 42.11 7.96 24.55 15.70 18.84 21.59 33.04 15.39 12.80 23.14 7.19 19.86 9.12 18.12 5.62 5.44 7.59 19.08 Note.— February and October, 1889, and May, 1890, estimated by War Department. Record of precipitation at Palmdale (Headworks) , Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 25'; longitude, 118° 03'; elevation, 3,299 feet. Authority, Burt. Cole and S. T. Berkley.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1895-96. 1896-97.. 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 T. 0.32 T. T. T. L42 .86 1.28 .20 .32 0.75 .43 T. .37 1.79 .04 0.10 .98 .14 .87 .32 LOO 3.78 2.38 1.00 .65 1.34 1.17 T. 3.71 .07 .31 4.50 1.08 2.50 1.31 .90 .97 .80 .38 L96 T. 0.04 .57 .15 .20 0.32 .21 .76 T. T. 0.25 .03 .02 1.35 1.57 .05 .33 5.95 13.91 4.63 3.15 4.65 8.69 4.77 7-year mean 6.86 438 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at San Fernando, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 16'; longitude, 118° 26'; elevation, 1,066 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1877-78....... 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81.. 1881-82 1882-83.. 1883-84.. 1884r-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88- 1888-89 1889-90.. 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94- 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98- 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 .04 .32 .36 .12 .10 T. T. 0.04 .16 .33 .95 .28 .70 .42 .78 .22 .36 6.17 .40 .61 .02 .21 1.48 1.66 .25 1.65 .14 1.40 0.48 .09 2.15 .86 .16 .68 1.00 7.94 .87 .90 3.24 1.60 .18 1.48 .05 .90 .96 .82 6.19 .50 2.36 1.20 6.29 4.72 .32 2 76 4.96 1.17 .24 1.41 5.40 14.40 1.61 1.03 4.40 2.23 5.82 .61 2.12 .20 1.04 4.15 3.97 .95 1.28 .62 1.32 3.00 .90 6.70 .21 5.09 .09 5.40 .30 .57 2.63 .59 7.62 2.42 5.39 1.42 1.29 1.31 4.17 1.05 6.89 .86 2.00 .34 1.70 3.17 10.60 T. 8.54 1.39 .63 2.72 6.32 2.53 3.67 .61 1.11 .05 5.58 .57 5.20 2.72 2.08 .18 1.14 1.75 3.21 1.30 10.51 T. 3.36 .27 3.40 8.95 .53 1.23 2.65 6.93 .75 3.72 3.32 2.88 .86 1.45 1.45 .15 2.80 2.55 1.41 2.97 .50 1.56 .13 3.48 1.48 3.39 2.52 .44 .56 .05 .96 .21 .56 .24 .55 .29 .10 .25 .72 .29 0.36 .10 2.12 1.05 .21 T. .43 .10 .98 1.68 .08 .32 .28 .15 1.42 T. 1.87 .62 2.00 .68 0.19 . .17 T. 0.06 .33 18.91 7.87 15.83 9.45 8.62 9.00 34.10 8.97 22.75 13.43 12.89 19.72 31.29 11.94 8.79 20.15 5.45 19.12 8.28 18.41 6.20 3.97 8.39 17.19 8.76 25-year mean 13.98 1 Record of precipitation at San Gabriel Electric Company^ s power house, Azusa, Los Angeles, County. [Latitude, 34° i longitude, 117° 54'; elevation, 1,000 feet. Authority, San G-abriel Electric Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1900-1901 1901-2 0.19 3.15 9.76 .64 5.23 1.98 3.81 3.03 0.58 4.69 L35 .36 L87 .23 0.14 0.03 12.87 14.22 2-year meau- 13.55 Record of precipitation at San Gabriel Electric Compa7iy\^ headgate, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 34° 13'; longitude, 117° 52'; elevation, 1,100 feet. Authority, San Gabriel Electric Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1900-1901 1901-2 0.10 4.58 11.25 1.08 .18 6.44 1.83 5.09 3.61 0.48 6.24 L15 1.35 2.90 .10 .19 0.02 27.43 19.16 2-yeai* mean 23.30 1 LTPPINCOTT.j RAINFALL TABLES. 439 Record of precipitation at San Gabriel Electric Company's Sierra power house, Los Angeles County. [Latitude, 84° 13'; longitude, 117° 40'; elevation, 2,750 feet. Authority, San Gabriel Electric Company.] Year, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1900-1901 10.35 2.13 8.15 3.45 0.78 7.53 0.36 L13 2.78 .20 0.01 .11 .03 (122.43 1901 2 3.99 0.97 0.24 19.78 "Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Coulterville, Mariposa County. [Latitude, 37° 43'; longitude, 120° 12'; elevation, 1,660 feet. Authority, N. C. Ray.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2. 0.18 1.35 4.37 3.82 1.92 0.76 5.70 8.27 2.09 2.04 3.32 1.39 1.39 4.69 2.01 4.99 0.46 .60 8.04 8.85 1.47 1.28 0.53 2.90 .66 0.34 1.14 3.29 0.97 .33 T. .09 T. T. T. 18.64 21.84 31.92 6.82 4-year mean. 19.81 1 Record of precipitation at Yosemite, Mariposa County. ' [Latitude, 37° 45'; longitude, 119° 35'; elevation, 4,063 feet. Authority, Galen Clark.]' Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1896-97 085 1.36 6.19 9.33 6.62 11.53 16.32 0.40 0,62 0.16 rt53.88 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Camp Wright, Mendocino County. [Latitude, 39° 45'; longitude, 123° 00'; elevation, 1,800 feet. Authority, U. S. War Department.] Year. Sept. Oct. 0.85 .87 3.75 .25 .84 .31 .36 .34 5.61 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. 0.43 June. July. Aug. Total. 1864-65.. 1865-66 0.03 .81 1.56 .05 1.42 .50 .05 6.19 16.67 5.92 6.38 2.79 5.38 1.28 4.03 5.20 4.98 12.99 12.20 2.05 24.67 29.03 6.63 8.06 1.19 16.64 7.24 15.60 2.27 3.64 15.83 8.92 8.61 -13.57 7.03 2.66 U.52 3.55 12.94 9.83 4.88 4.30 7.85 5.89 4.13 6.61 4.60 19.78 6.92 5.46 1.06 3.57 n.80 2.38 9.11 3.80 2.40 7.10 5.34 2.91 7.26 1.76 0.36 1.05 3.10 3.25 4.51 2.02 1.07 .66 1.13 3.72 .59 32.15 «o3.38 1866-67 1867-68 1868-69 1869-70 1870-71. 1871-73 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 .01 .71 .55 .39 1.96 .12 .04 1.16 2.32 1.58 .04 .30 .26 0.10 .01 0.20 52.85 69.87 36.28 34.15 19.86 59.14 27.75 51.68 36.43 10-year mean 42.02 . 31 Year incomplete. 440 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Beco7^d of precipitation at Alturas, Modoc County. [Latitude, 41° 30'; longitude, 120'^ 30';' elevation, 4,300 feet. Authority, J. H. Stewart.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1901 2 0.83 0.74 1.21 0.01 2.79 Record of precipitation at Fort Bidwell, Modoc County. [Latitude, 41° 53'; longitude, 120° 11'; elevation, 4,640 feet. Authority, U. S. "War Department.] Sept. Apr. July. Aug. 1866-67- . 1867-68. . 1868-69.. 1869-70. . 1870-71-. 1871-72. . 1872-73.. 1873-74- . 1874^75-. 1875-76.. 1876-77. . 1877-78.. 1878-79.. 1879-80.. 1880-81.. 1881-82. . 1882-83. . 1883-84. . 1884-85.. 1890-91.. 1891-92. . 1892-93.. .20 1.18 .40 .10 .70 .10 .05 .24 .48 1.40 .09 .05 .33 1.60 .13 .91 .10 .03 .20 .46 .63 .99 1.80 1.99 .80 .30 1.34 .50 3.55 2.73 1.18 .73 .75 1.36 .20 3.61 .10 .19 L28 3.50 3.10 .80 2.37 2.29 .79 1.69 1.14 2.74 2.62 4.32 3.03 .25 1.75 .56 2.87 .92 1.14 T. 8.46 1.06 .38 2.03 2.20 1.57 3.12 5.80 8.20 .90 2.30 9.10 3.25 1.94 3.29 .13 1.54 2.05 .a5 .20 6.60 6.09 3.40 1.77 1.06 6.81 3.74 4.25 2.40 3.28 3.78 1.00 2.76 2.64 12.00 3.50 2.50 12.71 1.23 1.16 2.22 1.51 2.10 3.57 9.36 3.90 3.10 10.00 3.44 2.52 1.14 2.09 5.78 3.31 3.28 2.81 7.45 .50 .79 2.60 4.80 .40 .40 5.40 3.26 3.97 1.66 1.08 .07 .32 3.30 4 65 2.63 3.80 6.00 2.82 1.82 2.16 4.85 1.81 .20 3.97 3.98 1.20 2.92 6.70 4.00 2.36 3.21 3.21 1.32 .60 1.05 2.15 1.50 1.46 .77 .72 .04 1.48 .97 3.28 7.31 3.97 3.83 l.< 1.30 .60 1.55 1.41 .77 2.06 L12 .45 .53 2.14 1.05 1.00 5.60 3.02 1.72 1.56 .68 3.45 2.20 1.96 .16 2.40 .70 2.87 .97 1.82 .78 1.40 1.38 .84 .64 1.30 .40 1.99 L44 L47 1.50 L07 L57 L57 1.66 0.60 4.10 .20 1.36 .16 .06 .10 1.06 1.00 .78 2.73 L46 .01 0.10 .35 .70 .14 .05 .10 .25 .15 .72 .32 .16 .67 L38 .41 .18 .34 .05 L55 .15 .50 1.40 .05 .02 37.20 30.25 10.41 32.89 20.65 13.80 13.04 12.24 10.88 12.59 34.47 14.72 11.98 28.43 30.57 20.68 12.69 14.32 20.93 27.33 20.85 15.62 19.64 27.40 18.44 12.81 19.17 27-yearmean 20.13 LTPPINCOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 441 Record of precipitation at Jolon, Monterey County. [Latitude, 36° 00'; longitude, 121° 15'; elevation, 960 feet. Authority, F. T. Tidball.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 lS90-91-_ 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 lb94-95.. 1 95-96 1 96-97.. 1 97-98 1898-99.. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.50 .21 .60 .90 T. 1.20 .03 .03 .15 .30 .05 0.25 .60 2.60 .10 .35 .21 7.38 (.14) .23 T. .75- 1.80 .75 .43 .16 2.10 2.00 1.16 2.05 .60 13.15 .48 .94 5.64 4.09 .57 .03 6.40 .15 .30 .96 3.20 .12 .24 1.50 7.53 1.69 2.75 1.00 4.09 2.42 .61 4.42 4.48 11.42 2.25 2.99 6.61 2.31 8.30 .50 2.11 .46 .40 2.30 .53 1.25 5.75 2.31 8.51 .57 5.64 1.23 6.58 .55 .84 3.83 1.48 6.16 8.14 4.61 .85 4.55 3.03 4.84 .99 0.85 7.56 T. .86 8.52 .16 1.40 4.59 8.75 1.78 3.29 .68 .32 .03 2.50 2.10 .13 .11 6.21 6.49 5.05 9.02 T. 2.37 .38 4.81 9.65 2.50 .89 2.31 5.30 .46 1.68 2.61 3.54 .60 4.31 1.00 2.58 3.03 0.75 3.a5 2.15 4.01 1.11 .59 05 .94 .32 1.35 .22 .85 3.62 .07 1.74 .68 2.10 1.28 2.45 .50 .40 .37 1.12 .30 .02 2.25 .22 1.35 .02 .09 .52 .17 1.18 .33 .08 0.60 T. .01 T. T. . .52 .08 T. T. T. (.00) 0.05 .10 T. T. 0.25 .03 (.00) .05 .08 .03 15.90 28.63 11.75 31.42 12.42 16.77 24.74 36.94 14.97 10.66 27.23 7.27 19.58 17.96 16.85 5.30 12.00 11.90 26.12 14.77 20-year mean 18.16 Record of precipitation at Matthews Ranch, near King City, Monterey County. [Latitude, 36° 15'; longitude, 121° 00'; elevation, 333 feet. Authority, J. L. Matthews.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1901-2 1.37 0.10 0.71 3.74 2.38 0.81 9.11 [Latitude, Record of precipitation at Priests Valley, Monterey County. B6° 12'; longitude, 120° 45'; elevation, 2,250 feet. Authority, A. J. Myers and Mrs. Martin Griffin, Soledad.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total 1898-99.- 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.13 0.17 3.61 2.50 2.57 0.36 1.82 7.98 2.08 0.34 2.81 .64 .66 4.01 2.53 6,27 .70 0.16 9.51 5.42 5.30 2.37 .80 3.60 1.33 1.17 2.44 1.84 0.52 L23 1.59 .24 . 12.16 15. 70 31.13 17.11 4-year mean 19.18 442 OALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Salinas City, Monterey County. [Latitude, 36° 41'; longitude, 121° 36'; elevation, 45 feet. Authority, Dr. E. K. Abbott.] Sept. Oct. Nov May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1871-T2... 1872-73... 1873-74... 1874-75... 1875-76... 1876-77... 1877-78... 1878-79..., 1879-80... 1880-81... 1881-82..-. 188^83-... 1883-84..., 1884-85-... 1885-86-... 1886-87. _.. 1887-88-.-. 1888-89---. ■"I 1890-91-. 1891-92- . 1892-93. . 1893-94.. 1894-95. . 1895-96.. 189&-97. . 1897-98.. 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-2 30-year mean 0.01 .10 .05 .05 .10 .38 .19 .11 .02 .71 .56 .12 .08 1.16 .02 JyQ .17 0.10 1.83 1.04 .12 .60 1.05 .28 1.43 1.19 1.79 .17 .66 .33 .87 .56 1.01 .78 .38 2.65 .69 .50 0.20 1.42 5.17 .05 1.00 .20 1.08 .57 .67 .65 .25 1.64 2.41 .44 .30 4.09 .66 .41 .79 3.08 .97 .34 2.96 5.65 1.27 6.80 4.25 1.98 2.39 .35 2.28 5.56 1.24 1.95 .90 4.48 1.30 .72 2.16 2.20 8.90 2.05 4.66 2.13 1.5') 5.35 .83 2.03 .96 1.18 1.80 .71 .20 3.40 3.42 4.50 6.16 2.54 7.05 2.42 1.65 3.33 1.78 .91 1.71 1.09 5.10 .75 4.15 .64 5.99 .59 .44 1.07 5.17 5.10 .84 1.01 2.40 .15 3.55 .16 8.77 2.81 1.16 3.32 2.31 .95 4.49 .05 1.47 4.73 .53 1.65 3.05 4.40 1.57 2.91 3.36 1.41 .22 3.34 1.66 .50 .77 5.44 3.50 0.80 2.15 .69 4.53 .30 2.57 1.85 1.64 2.26 5.09 .19 2.16 .54 3.28 3.31 1.79 .43 2.78 5.14 .82 2.07 1.68 4.51 1.06 4.11 1.00 .50 2.58 0.95 .10 1.93 3.90 .66 1.01 1.28 3.05 1.21 3.83 1.63 .95 .60 2.53 .85 .91 .53 .94 2.64 .11 .33 1.41 1,48 .87 0.01 .40 .83 .46 .49 1.98 .73 .12 ,07 0.15 .38 .19 0.18 .42 aO 13.41 11.17 8.59 21. 49 4.64 23.83 10.94 13.23 14.07 12.93 11.79 20.43 9.30 20.56 9.88 13. 70 11.63 27.59 11.06 11.54 18.99 14.20 17.76 13.24 14.93 8.50 10.55 11.68 16.51 10.58 13.86 rt Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at San Ardo, Monterey County. [Latitude, 36° 09'; longitude, 131° 10'; elevation, 452 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 188^90 1890-91 1891-92.. 189^93.. 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901.. „. 1901-2 0.14 1.10 .14 .65 T. T. .05 0.37 4.74 .15 .35 1.48 .45 .78 ,13 1.65 .88 .94 35 .32 3.24 3.96 .11 1.80 .31 .03 2.86 2.73 ,05 .30 .96 4.30 1.49 0.17 2.07 3.31 7.16 1.41 1.57 3.40 1.06 4.43 .30 1.54 .43 .15 1.09 .08 0.58 3.44 .83 3.36 .43 .58 1.55 1.18 3.98 5.10 .89 .38 3.24 1.68 3.89 .66 5.58 .28 .80 3.59 3.99 .48 1.31 .34 .23 1.18 .89 .03 .15 4.17 4.39 0.17 3.91 6.16 .99 .76 1.37 3.94 .13 .94 3.11 3.19 .ro 2.81 1.15 .51 2.30 0.76 .11 .49 1.04 .08 .62 .10 .41 2.27 .06 .84 .39 .67 .74 0.05 .37 .37 .43 .03 1.61 .15 .68 .03 .35 .43 T. .66 L20 T. 0.36 .15 T. T. T. 0.04 .33 .02 T. T. 7.92 9.91 14.10 33.37 8.87 5.83 12. 92 3.85 10.93 14.59 9.06 3.65 7.40 7.73 1.5.70 10.37 IB-year mean 10.38 LlPPINdOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 443 Record of 2)recipitaii07i at Boca, Nevada County. [Latitude, H9° •^4'; longitude, 1:^0'^ (16'; elevation, 5,531 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] 1869- ro 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 Sept. 1896-97.. 1897-98. .! T 1898-99.-.. 1899-1900. . 1900-1901.- 1901-2 32-year mean Oct. Nov. 0.80 2.15 T. .25 .99 .20 .10 .80 2.45 .80 .70 1.50 .70 1.50 .25 .61 .11 2.10 1.28 4.42 3.04 0.04 .60 .20 3.70 1.56 .02 1.50 1.60 .98 1.20 .%) .50 2.40 .70 .30 .95 4.55 .25 8.a5 2.42 .50 .01 2.47 2.80 1,84 2.59 5. 73 1.15 1.10 7.30 3.60 4.30 .60 1.65 .30 4.18 3. 74 l.(Ki .m .60 8.20 2.98 .70 3.74 1.45 19.85 3.65 8.;w 6.95 3.70 11.80 1.52 1.80 2.72 1.58 4.53 4.58 3.77 Jan. Feb. 2.50 3.00 1.80 4.70 6.30 8.10 5.22 3.94 j 5.47 i I ' 3.90 I 1.15 I 4 60 ] l.(M) s. a5 2.40 4.18 4.18 14.60 1.25 .70 4.55 5. 10 8.36 7.75 2.:iO 1.55 6.80 1.57 7.17 3.85 2.32 .90 4.10 2 40 .0 3.60 6.74 2.92 3.00 3.60 2. 20 6.30 .10 .85 12.70 1.00 3. 63 5. 40 11. 80 3.:^ 8.90 7.55 1.20 .50_ 6.:35' 2.90 1.85 .60 6.76 2.50 Mar. 1.82 1.60 10 .10 6.20 .65 4.72 .46 .86 4.80 2.90 .12 10 20 1 70 5.10 .10 4.40 2. 40 1.15 5.45 2.50 1.70 4.00 .45 6.30 8.a5 2.50 7.95 3.52 2.24 2.70 Apr. 0.81 .45 1.50 .10 .80 .60 .70 .95 1.30 3.08 6.95 I.IJO .90 1.9 .70 6.65 10 1.30 .85 4.27 2.04 T. May June. July. .50 T. .51 3.90 .70 .84 3.10 i.a5 .;33 .90 3.10 .50 .85 2.40 1.10 1.86 T. 0.26 .10 .40 .10 ,13 1 40 .m .26 .10 .26 .26 .70 (I T T .25 .40 1.00 .10 2.67 0.12 2 00 Aug. Total. .05 T T. .18 ,50 .98, 1.22 -08 >i 7 41 10.91 13 50 9.65 lO. 60 14.50 20.66 7.37 14.85 18.48 18.96 3.86 21.14 10.05 23.29 12.00 20.93 19.51 12.92 15.48 53 95 22.85 21.40 37.55 21.65 24.52 28.49 ^3.02 17.72 25.64 26.49 34.16 12. 72 19. 93 (I Year incomplete. 444 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Boimnan^s dam, Nevada County. [Latitude, 39'=' 27'; longitude, 120° 39'; elevation, 5,400 feet. Authority, H. C. Perkins and W. H. Radford.] Year. Sept. 0,:t Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1871-72 187^73 1873-74.. 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79..^.... 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83.. 1883-84 1884-85 - 1885-86 1886-87.. 1887 -88 25 .41 2.33 2.94 2.45 1.08 1.26 0.98 .73 1.24 4.54 3.09 10.76 1.52 2.83 3 41 6 09 11.47 .5.03 3.04 2.25 7.88 5.43 4.37 15. a5 23.43 .53 8.26 5.36 9.62 .65 4.25 6.51 2.46 24.96 1.76 1.25 38.20 17.41 23.47 1.58 10.77 1.71 i.ai 15.00 25.05 10. 78 4.32 5.20 46.57 8.66 6.95 8.97 12.98 5.73 21.53 16.91 17.62 14.33 17.00 14.50 9,27 27.82 11.46 5.06 13.50 4.49 17.84 7.46 27.08 16.17 9.98 .25 11.70 3.18 21.21 14.28 8.17 15.08 7.47 5.28 19.45 3.74 2.99 21.60 7.52 3.82 17.73 5.18 18.01 7.49 10.07 20.97 9.51 7.29 15.17 12.79 18.02 .80 7.24 2.27 4.57 3.20 5.47 .83 5.92 3.17 2.57 9.57 31.72 4.44 7.96 5.15 12.44 6.41 13.22 5.81 1.09 2.65 3.93 2.85 .99 3.33 2.06 3.93 8.90 1.22 1.16 2.01 1.57 3.20 1.93 1.04 .45 2.38 .36 1.17 .10 .71 3.53 2.64 .76 0.88 .06 .25 1.28 .09 .05 0.08 .13 .10 102.22 55.45 88.25 50.12 93.17 44.37 64.72 73.60 95.60 8L55 66.67 53.52 84.09 70.34 79.37 50.79 a 10. 22 1894-95 8.77 1.92 18.31 12.23 2.54 4.44 18.79 21.08 9.65 14.95 18.91 2.63 26.31 10.77 4.67 9.26 18.45 2.85 2.10 L73 6.62 5.99 5.96 9.15 8.98 .92 3.95 4.80 2.67 1.73 2.76 .11 4.04 2.12 1.04 .40 T. .46 T. .09 .02 T. .09 .37 1.00 T. 1.15 .05 T. a 27. 94 1895-96 1896-97.. 1897-98 1898-99 1899-19(IC» 1900-1901 1901-2-. 10. 12 2.05 .61 .55 1.38 4 12 .45 2.83 4.74 2.64 16.27 12.98 4.28 2.81 19 40 5.35 7.51 12.53 11.47 7.54 11.20 10.31 5.31 3.22 15.72 8.15 8.01 29.85 4.88 3.01 14.11 9.60 14.30 2.40 99.93 84.50 42.05 65.60 79.04 79.51 65.96 72.63 1 a Year incomplete. L.IPPINCOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 445 Record of precipitation at Grass Valley, Nevada County. [Latitude, 39° 13'; longitude, 121° 4'; elevation, 2,090 feet. Authority, Mr. Lontzenhuser and B. F. Berriman.] Sept. Apr. May. July, Aug. 1872-73. . 1873-74.. 1874^75- . 1875-76. . 1876-77. . 1877-78. . 1878-79.. 1879-80. . 1880-^1.. 1881-82. . 1882-83-. 1883-84. . 1884-85. . 1887-88.. 1889-90. . 1890-91.. 1891-92. . 1892-93.. 1893-94.. 1894-95. . 0.06 .68 1.25 1.88 1.44 .98 2.65 .26 .55 1.95 .21 .23 L64 1.01 3.87 1.53 .51 .61 0.83 2.95 .97 8.72 L21 2.09 2.79 .04 3.71 7.88 3.03 3.30 L66 12.49 1.00 2.72 L49 4.91 .02 1.72 3.07 2.08 10.33 2.99 15.91 16.99 .62 3.78 2.54 6.54 .30 3.52 4.78 1.48 .05 19.27 .67 1.38 4.29 8.76 1.76 13.44 8.77 1.38 L17 13.65 4.56 4.31 11.58 13.13 19.01 L08 7.44 1.74 .75 8.86 22.69 8.31 2.83 2.31 28.39 6.36 5.46 6.85 8.70 21.08 5.51 10.26 1L22 5.55 16.55 7.27 5.78 3.97 2.73 11.35 4.01 13.71 15.56 12.01 10.18 15.74 10.72 6.40 19.20 6.03 3.05 7.80 3.65 12.40 3.38 11.81 .64 18.64 1.54 4.70 7.31 11.24 22.26 20.34 3.65 1.44 10.76 1.39 10.75 2.44 17.76 1L51 4.83 8.50 6.30 2.97 10.27 1.76 L43 15.72 2.59 1.08 10.02 13. 70 7.15 6.83 11.72 6.18 .93 14.40 8.36 .47 2.54 L39 n.7i 4.14 12.47 4.79 10.18 18.07 4.07 3.33 7.96 9.25 13.98 .83 4.83 1.69 5.22 12.95 13.69 6.22 6.61 12.40 2.96 5.01 6.94 8.47 .52 19.60 7.40 2.32 3.76 .29 2.80 L14 2.78 7.08 2.33 L85 5.27 2.38 10.98 3.17 1L38 6.54 .50 3.87 3.52 2.98 6.37 5.80 1.67 3.38 12.47 2.25 (.90) L70 3.93 2.56 L05 L18 1.23 L40 .59 3.08 6.23 .05 1.18 5.77 1.00 .16 1.09 .64 3.10 2.06 6.49 1.30 3.46 3.46 4.87 .10 2.53 3.72 1.31 0.10 2.28 .74 1.50 3.30 .90 .52 2.26 .40 .02 L27 2.05 .13 yearmean _ 49.41 0.08 .03 .24 .13 .03 T. .43 .03 44.78 65.31 30.09 53.78 56.90 42.14 57.46 43.43 40.79 54.59 43.19 59.41 36.28 31.33 39.69 91.32 36.13 44.55 61.25 50.58 64.63 58.16 52.24 27.13 46.23 56.05 Record of precipitation at Malakoff mine, Nevada County. [Latitude, 39° 22'; longitude, 120° 50'; elevation, 8,200 feet. Authority, R. D.- Wheeler.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1886-87 1887 88. 0.64 2.39 0.80 1.68 5.32 8.26 5.06 13.14 34.40 34.11 18.13 3.67 7.28 L36 3.37- 7.53 0.89 0.49 42.86 a 25. 39 1894-95 7.01 10.30 5.18 17.78 6.03 6.61 T. 0.14 .06 0.41 .15 «50.45 1895-96.. 1896-97 6.32 L90 .56 2.33 2.27 17.42 7.36 7.02 76.68 a 28. 67 2-year mean. 59.77 a Year incomplete. 446 CALIFOKNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Nevada City, Nevada County. [Latitude, 39° 16'; longitude, 131° 2'; elevation, 2,5()0 feet. Authority, J. S. Brown.] Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. 'June. July. Atig. Total. -0.59 1.91 .34 .15 .41 .69 1.38 3.22 1.28 1.87 1.62 .71 .06 2.04 .04 .26 1.71 1.21 3.36 1.55 .60 .37 .55 3.36 2.03 3.63 .43 .50 3.82 .79 .55 .67 3.06 1.75 9.85 1.35 2.32 3.15 .06 3.03 7.65 3.60 3.61 13.05 .04 .90 .95 1.25 4.83 2.18 3.36 1.96 10.24 5.52 4.16 1.00 17.05 14.29 9.61 16.11 1.49 4.67 4.32 5.00 4.05 1.35 15.08 16.56 1.04 4.31 2.88 5.50 .28 2.53 5.34 1.62 31.55 1.70 4.69 8.55 .04 1.42 13. 87 7.78 1.38 1.87 12.63 4.38 3.49 10.85 9.22 5.45 3.50 17.42 1.95 32.70 41.95 10.62 6.29 5.32 27.31 12.25 24.27 .90 5.90 2.65 .96 8.76 24.78 9.14 3.87 2.84 27.92 6.77 7.53 8. 44 24.50 6.38 9.56 14.19 5.23 30.61 6.14 6.46 3.17 2.37 10. 37 4.(M) 5.35 0.90 9.71 15.47 14.21 11.01 16.85 9.23 11.08 18.16 2.82 11.16 16.57 13.47 10.26 17.62. 11.62 6.67 18.88 7.29 4.39 13.66 3.51 11.32 T 24.05 2.18 6.48 8.02 11.71 22.87 19.61 4.38 1.92 9.12 7.81 11.53 1.91 0.50 4.38 5.60 10.00 6.36 12.62 14.48 6.26 16.67 12.40 7.32 2.11 12.41 3.45 16.61 10.97 5.48 6.26 5.42 3.06 12.01 1.54 12.64 3.52 3.59 10.07 18.66 6.04 8.29 10.85 5.53 .99 13.63 9.91 .49 2.36 13.12 18.28 38-year mean _ _ 54. 5.38 2.09 14.24 6.23 33.30 6.96 7.58 5.41 5.28 1.96 12.30 3.97 13.88 4.18 10.05 19.28 5.09 4.44 9.21 14.37 14.70 .53 6.93 4.80 7.14 14.68 13.40 3.64 7.37 13. 75 3.26 5. 12 7.39 9.13 .87 15.88 7.51 2.35 5.02 3.25 1.75 7.23 5.72 4.70 5.55 3.76 2.47 4.51 .27 2.17 1.43 3.80 5.90 22.54 1.70 12.07 3.23 12.49 7.24 .68 5.20 3.11 2.93 7.17 6.23 3.17 3.83 13.63 3.08 .95 1.52 4.83 5.59 4.66 2.75 1.31 4.50 1.93 1.50 1.62 .65 3.26 .17 2.20 1.32 1.56 1.53 1.97 1.05 3.83 5.58 .52 6.92 1.67 .21 1.23 .70 .42 7.63 3.35 1.93 5.80 1.33 3.54 3.43 4.88 .32 2.73 2.61 1.90 1.39 1.47 3.27 .04 1.08 .11 3.43 .72 .43 .15 1.47 2.47 1.36 .37 2.40 .58 .01 .73 .20 1.&5 T. .83 1.27 .91 .03 .24 0.03 .71 .07 "Year incomplete. -Record from January, 1887, to February, 1893, inclusi\!;e, from J. F. Colley. LIPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 447 Record of precijntation at North Bloomfield, Nevada County. [Latitude, 39° 33'; longitude, 130° 54'; elevation, 3,160 feet. Authority, H. C. Perkins and W. H. Eadford.J Year, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73-- 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78-- 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81-. 1881-83 1882-83- 1883-84 1884-85- _ 1885-86-- 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99.- 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-3 0.16 .06 .31 1.75 3.74 1.79 1.98 2.55 1.90 .58 .95 4.51 1.61 .83 .53 .67 4.88 2.09 10.46 LIO 3.34 3.03 3.86 6.86 3.66 3.43 - 2.33 5.05 2.87 14.53 8.33 3.98 3.34 6.30 4.47 3.37 13.53 15.53 .85 4.22 3.73 6.43 •.41 4.05 5.72 1.48 30.33 17.43 6.13 5.66 13.33 10.99 4.68 4.31 25.19 1L77 19.00 1.31 7.64 L96 L18 13.57 21.10 8.73 3.59 2.84 37.31 7.98 7.03 5.41 4.10 13.09 4.95 5.87 7.54 13. 71 4.16 15.17 .15 10.98 9.98 15.73 10.00 5.96 19.46 8.03 3.69 9.31 3.65 13.49 5.06 2.38 10.88 9.33 7.73 1.60 5.94 18.22 11.09 7.08 .88 10.20 3.89 16.97 9.49 5.68 13.13 6.77 3.94 10.02 1.91 1.78 16.57 13.03 1.01 5.20 13. 46 18.04 5.03 5.73 2.50 n.i6 3.56 13.02 4.93 9.23 16.63 5.45 4.92 10.02 10.45 15.65 .79 3.18 11.16 .79 18.34 9.64 3.97 6.40 4.36 3.84 3.40 4.04 .30 4.03 3.07 3.44 6.69 33.31 2.59 5.39 3.39 10.31 3.62 12.36 3.70 1.18 1.98 6.82 6.37 5.39 3.36 1.39 L57 1.78 3.68 1.06 2.66 .95 3.84 5.63 i.as 1.82 2.66 .71 1.15 .20 4.47 3.91 2.44 1.73 1.70 0.12 .41 .25 .63 .01 .91 .64 1.57 4.03 2.14 1.45 1.70 .65 T .19 0.10 1.76 T .01 T .09 0.03 .01 .24 .11 T .67 T. .04 a5.51 74.52 38.75 62.54 37.87 66.33 36.05 52.59 55.76 69.04 63.51 50.41 40.38 6L65 55.44 61.63 66.93 40.60 50.55 74.37 57.37 53.39 33-year mean 54.38 '448 CALIFORNIA HYDE0(3^RAPHY. Record of precipitation at Truckee, Nevada County. [Latitude, 39° 19'; longitude, 120° 01'; elevation, 5,820 feet. Authority, Pacific Eailway System.] Sept. Apr. May. July. Aug. Total. 1870-71 1871-72-. 0.20 1872-73 1873-74.. 187^75 .04 1875-76 T. 1876-77. .03 1877-78. .04 1878-79 .23 1879-80 .07 1880-81.. 1881-82. .25 1882-83. 1883-84 .28 1884-85 .78 1885-86.. .47 1886-87 T. 1887-88 1888-89.. .28 1889-90 1890-91 .80 1891-92 .98 1892-93 ,29 1893-94.. 1.22 1894-95 .13 1895-96 1.32 1896-97.. .32 1897-98 T. 1898-99 .40 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2. .50 0.02 .40 .11 2.44 .62 3.64 .75 1.40 2.50 .85 2.46 1.50 .85 3.13 .45 .05 .37 .35 1.12 .34 .40 .55 .06 6.49 1.02 2.78 0.51 5.35 .60 .42 3.54 8.94 .07 166 2.14 3.78 .45 2.70 104 2.50 6.95 1.10 .30 2.38 3.29 .45 5.73 3.96 .60 .50 3.86 3.20 2.95 2.80 2.50 3.63 167 16.23 3.74 8.70 .60 4.90 .05 .24 .50 4.98 9.51 3.80 .80 162 13.14 2.22 2.29 4.80 158 2.51 3.70 6.34 8.15 2.82 13.95 2.96 2.50 3.15 150 1.80 2.70 1.55 4.80 3.42 3.78 9.54 8.50 9.85 9.45 5.97 7.70 2.95 5.71 6.40 1.55 6.65 1.80 7.08 3.43 2.35 . .80 16.20 1.22 2.65 5.44 8.06 1113 7.07 2.35 105 7.80 2.63 5.00 1.10 6.18 4.23 10.49 9.55 6.15 .20 5.50 .39 1180 2.68 4.65 2.13 4.95 3.05 11.20 .54 .50 12.25 1.40 8.90 8.36 '2.80 8.02 10.95 192 .40 7.97 3.65 2.70 .80 7.97 3.30 3.18 3.63 169 9.35 1.20 6.95 1.84 2.07 5.25 4.65 1.86 12.05 165 5.38 .56 2.90 .36 2.51 7.29 3.92 3.00 5.18 2.65 172 2.05 9.50 4.20 2.50 5.60 0.12 2.00 4.11 136 2.61 .90 183 1.03 .80 1.55 12.74 .49 189 2.19 3.90 2.04 178 2.00 T. 101 .45 2.17 2.96 3.73 2.15 .50 9.36 .30 .25 110 1.90 180 1.28 .55 .68 .84 112 117 .45 2.50 .40 .85 1.13 .14 2.04 .70 4.51 144 2.90 4.20 179 1.05 2.40 .54 T. .30 .75 .80 .70 .55 0.80 .35 .30 .11 181 .01 .36 .10 1.02 .56 .37 .80 .46 .95 T. .18 101 .34 .92 110 '15.15 17.02 44.35 2167 38.30 19.66 39.52 17.98 24.13 2125 37.88 21.99 36.97 12.79 35.25 20.69 23.95 25.09 9.87 14.47 43.43 23.98 24.38 38.70 33.21 33.47 27.65 20.72 14.20 27.68 22.43 24.19 21.84 32-year mean 26.21 « Year incomplete. Note.— During July, 1902, there was also 3 feet of snow at Truckee. Record of precipitation at Alta, Placer County. [Latitude, 39 ^ 13'; lon^dtude, 120 ° 49'; elevation, 3,612 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1869-70 13.75 5.45 13.85 10.00 7.17 .01 4.72 2.35 14.80 13.10 4.90 11.80 6.40 160 8.60 .60 6.56 7.0D .45 .95 3.76 3.40 9.08 6.10 11.65 24.30 3.10 3.50 15. 40 9.06 7.00 .10 3.73 3.50 .38 3.03 5.75 .40 1.07 2.60 2.50 7.73 1160 .50 3.20 3.43 5.20 2.48 132 150 1.27 .12 180 2.61 .33 2.45 2.90 1.15 6.07 .50 0.66 2.00 .80 .80 3.00 100 a 26. 02 1870-71 187172 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76. 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79.. 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 0.40 .60 112 2.70 .60 .12 0.25 3.92 .02 7.00 1.70 2.96 1.50 4.50 7.65 160 100 2.75 T. .19 .90 12.86 18.52 .70 3.90 4.18 9.53 1.00 5.60 5.64 2.05 3.94 6.50 6.50 15.59 .09 8 30 1.00 1.00 10.02 13.80 13.60 2.31 3.10 14.08 5.21 1125 165 12.66 13.17 7.70 10.00 9.10 12.80 2.70 2100 5.93 4.08 3.50 150 0.02 29.35 32.43 22.57 47.50 35.97 51.23 32.16 44.98 69.12 46.25 5160 57.70 42.54 35.15 a 20. 88 14-year mean 1 42.75 ....... .._.__ a Year incomplete. t-Alta ceased reporting after June, 1885. LIPPINCOTT.l RAINFALL TABLES. 449 Record of precipitation at Auburn, Placer County. [Latitude, 38° 53'; longitude, 121° 05'; elevation, 1,363 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. 1869-70. . 18T0-71.. 1871-73. . 1872-73. . 1873-74. . 1874-75.. 1875-76.. 1876-77.. 1877-78.. 1878-79.. 1879-80.. 1880-81. . 1881-82. . 1882-83.. 1883-84. . 1884^5.. 1890-91-. 1891-92.. 1893-94. . 1894-95.. 1895-96.. 1896-97. . 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-02.... Sept. 0.50 .92 .84 1.70 .56 .64 1.09 .30 2.63 .15 .70 .67 2.04 .20 .26 .45 2.39 Oct. 0.54 .38 .34 1.57 .85 4.52 2. as 2.72 5.19 2.51 2.25 .89 5.75 .14 1.33 1.76 1.11 3.87 .13 1.75 5.94 4.50 5.71 Nov. 2.80 3.13 1.25 9.64 11.39 .65 2.46 1.53 3.82 .25 3.01 4.08 1.00 15.24 1.26 1.22 .95 6.13 5.33 7.09 1.04 Dec. 0.46 13. 55 8.43 11.97 .82 6.05 1.55 .91 7.88 13.91 5.87 L65 2.52 16.37 4.05 4.88 4.90 5.83 11.94 5.13 7.36 8.99 3.88 13.56 3.39 3.50 2.75 5.47 2.01 3.95 Jan. 3.74 7.46 10.00 7.56 6.94 10.61 6.34 3.13 9.61 4.60 2.86 5.33 1.74 8.25 2.04 7.07 4.00 5.33 6.96 12.99 11.88 2.78 1.13 4.78 5.47 7.82 1.70 Feb. 9.35 7.44 4.14 .44 5.62 1.47 10.19 7.16 4.90 8.20 4.99 L06 7.63 1.27 12.38 1.40 .52 3.96 6.80 4.91 ■4.74 9.89 4.14 .49 11.40 6.44 .17 2.11 8.84 12.72 31-year mean 33.40 Mar. 3.92 1.85 3.59 .53 6.26 2.73 10.10 2.14 7.60 8.78 2.62 2.43 6.05 5.19 10.17 .57 4.10 1.50 3.25 9.57 8.08 5.40 5.96 9.20 L95 3.09 6.21 8.05 .32 13.25 3.69 Apr. 2.63 3.57 3.50 1.22 2.56 .10 1.97 .72 1.75 5.94 13.02 1.38 4.63 .70 1.36 2.83 2.23 3.11 3.71 1.35 3.38 7.66 1.51 .49 .51 3.42 4.83 3.10 May. .57 .61 .61 1.53 .98 2.43 3.85 .53 4.07 .85 .65 .30 .40 4.65 2.30 .88 4.55 .78 2.77 L88 2.42 " .28 2.36 1.28 2.19 .88 .80 0.81 .23 1.82 .27 .46 1.40 .28 1.23 .70 1.55 .69 1.38 .43 .17 .97 1.43 T. .50 July. 0.41 T. T. .14 T. T. T. Aug. 0.21 T. (T.) T. .13 .25 T. .03 !02 Total. a5.12 17.51 40.00 25.19 34.55 27.73 44.77 18.24 36.18 34.94 4L55 37.18 33.60 25. 64 40.96 25.56 42.31 27.59 21.68 26.75 48.68 34.78 32.17 40.79 35.31 50.80 36.07 124.19 37. 29 36.96 40.55 a Year incomplete. IRR 81 03- -29 450 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitatio7i at Cisco, Placer County. [Latitude, 39° 19'; longitude, 120° 33'; elevation, 5,939 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1869-70 13.46 8.40 12.55 14.00 7.00 ,45 22.20 .30 11.85 10.34 7.10 12.91 8.50 4.85 12.00 1.28 2.40 22.85 2.72 9.97 14.90 n.88 7.61 8.50 18.65 3.70 2.40 3.98 L60 14.00 4.80 17.20 .53 2.00 16.42 7.60 6.10 25.30 9.25 14.65 2.20 7.40 .80 6.10 2.70 8.70 6.45 8.55 7.78 5.30 0.65 3.05 6.05 1.60 4.10 .90 .70 2.87 2.00 5.50 11.90 4.81 5.60 3.50 10.10 3.95 7.50 3.95 2.20 L65 1.50 3.70 6.30 3.55 0.40 4.95 L14 1.50 3.10 .82 1.20 3.71 4.00 2.90 3.90 .91 6.96 .30 1.45 .40 1.50 8.10 2.50 2.25 8.30 1.60 2.60 T. ■ 0.04 «18.21 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-.74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 0.40 .50 .20 .01 2.16 .83 1.40 .50 .15 .68 3.11 .21 .30 .10 1.20 .20 .60 .55 2.70 L75 2.48 .60 1.45 2.10 .82 2.93 8.28 1.50 2.32 1.45 .15 11.72 .55 1.00 .95 .90 2.80 6.20 2.65 1.35 7.07 8.55 4.20 4.52 1.85 8.17 .62 3.60 3.75 2.20 17.05 L05 L60 5.38 9.54 1.76 12.60 5.38 1.50 4.40 24.89 9.51 14.40 .50 5.30 1.30 1.25 8.92 16.33 8.76 2.88 2.70 25.05 4.87 6.10 8.80 9.88 25.57 7.90 2.83 n.20 8.80 21.60 6.40 6.50 5.60 7.70 8.40 18.50 7.20 9.60 9.30 4.80 33.46 11.71 .90 8.40 2.30 14.75 4.90 9.75 1.40 23.90 2.20 5.10 3.20 16.45 0.85 L03 2.05 T. .80 .30 .03 3.30 .48 3.45 .95 1.20 .47 .30 3.75 1.40 T. 0.53 .03 T. .20 34.45 63.47 37.06 52.20 28.19 75.40 22.09 35.87 49.58 54.52 78.36 69.95 41.20 55.00 39.75 55.92 4L50 34.02 40.38 97.63 41.99 43.06 46.13 60.73 «24. 10 1895-96 1896-97 3.90 3.80 10.70 8.40 10.95 1.54 10.20 5.60 2.60 6.43 22.45 14.17 15.20 1.30 19.56 9.56 4.70 5.40 7.00 9.00 1.30 4.85 4.40 1.80 .50 T. a 36. 30 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-02 .49 .83 .33 2.41 2.48 2.10 12.83 7.57 3.27 14.00 4.80 13.47 10.43 5.38 .50 1.10 12.14 7.50 8.80 3.40 2.10 1.53 3.25 .90 1.10 2.10 .60 .40 .15 T. 42.67 47.69 70.96 7L58 44.07 29-year mean 50 88 1 «Year incomplete. L.IPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 451 [Latitude, 3 Record of precipitation at Colfax, Placer County. ; longitude, 130° 57'; elevation, 3,431 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Sept, Apr. May. June. July, Aug. Total. 1869-70. . 1870-71. . 1871-73. . 1873-73.. 1873-74. . 1874^75.. 1875-76.. 1876-77.. 1877-78 . 1878-79. . 1879-80.. 1880-81.. 1881-S3. . 1882-83.. 1883-84. . 1884-85. - 1885-86. . 1886-87.. 1887-88.. 1888-89. - 1889-90. . 1890-91.. 1891-93.- 1892-93.. 1893-94. - 1894-95. . 1896-97.. 1897-98-. 1899-1900. . 1900-1901.. 1901-02.... T. 0.56 1.63 .40 1.08 .80 .63 .68 .25 3.75 .53 .85 1.00 2.29 1.64 T. .36 LOO 3.95 1.31 3.36 3.94 T. 1.38 3.96 3.97 3.55 1.96 .84 .10 9.95 T. .40 2.30 1.23 5.75 1.62 3.86 1.43 9.63 7.33 4.45 3.58 4.25 3.99 3.27 13.89 14.84 .62 3.38 2.08 4.68 3.40 4.03 1.34 T. 15. 48 .46 1.61 3.28 9.60 1.06 1.55 9.32 1.77 14.39 3.28 4.46 13.06 12.27 4.83 3.94 9.80 10.48 18.84 1.13 7.10 1.76 .85 9.16 16.47 8.01 3.60 3.33 33.60 6.77 6.13 6.00 9.57 31.85 4.34 1L04 16.95 5.08 34.17 8.85 5.58 5.80 3.01 13.83 3.96 5.45 7.34 10.02 2.90 10.93 13.32 10.40 9.29 13.10 8.73 4.53 15.59 9.09 1.68 7.57 2.85 12.17 2.99 13. 28 .50 17.90 1.95 4.85 7.62 13.43 20.57 23.23 4.15 1.80 9.29 6.41 13.91 .5.55 4.85 13.68 11.12 6.62 .19 7.20 1.76 12.21 8.87 6.60 9.30 7.11 3.33 9.73 1.66 .34 9.34 3.18 .90 8.00 14.60 7.55 5.68 9.76 5.55 .93 15.86 9.61 .87 4.38 15.75 18.14 5.41 4.30 1.24 10.13 3.23 14.39 4.36 9.23. 14.62 2.85 3,83 6.97 7.98 12.27 .68 3.69 1.51 3.80 13.90 14.70 9.60 7.45 13.80 3.60 4.76 6.36 7.46 1.89 20. 73 7.79 2.65 7.11 /-year mean _ 47. 44 3.19 4.03 3.40 .1.81 3.53 .20 3.23 1.36 L79 6. .57 21.09 1.53 3.98 2.93 10.94 2.39 10.86 4.93 .95 3.00 3.95 3.45 5.73 4.23 4.48 16. 15 1.38 1.16 5. 74 6 55 4.84 0.35 3.55 .61 2.04 1.31 1.90 1.43 1.67 .43 3.91 4.39 T. 1.13 5.93 1.38 1.08 .17 9.14 '3.85 1.70 6.14 1.30 3.45 4.80 5.39 0.13 .40 T. ..57 T. .37 1.31 .13 3.01 1.18 .25 3.60 .60 3.45 " 85 3.98 1.50 3.41 ! 1.73 3.12 I .10 1.91 I .90 i .70 0.90 T. T. 0.03 .28 .10 .30 .02 a4.40 30.83 46.85 33.58 53.62 36.21 59.53 27.61 42.83 45.46 56. 14 48.03 42.83 32.73 52.61 35.61 .51.01 27.92 31.20 40.89 89.80 40.89 44.82 52.85 54. 08 66. 88 65.07 .51.. 55 32.10 45.73 63.06 65.33 50.36 a Year incomplete. 452 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO, •< Record of precipitation at Emigrant Gap, Placer County. [Latitude, 39° 17'; longitude, 120° 40'; elevation, 5,230 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1869-70 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-76 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79.. 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1886-87. . 1887-88. . 1890-91.. 1891-92. . 1893-94. . 1894-95- . 1896-97. 1897-98. 1883-84 1.25 .91 .53 .05 .10 : I .10 ! 1.20 .50 1.25 2.00 1.75 .32 2.25 3.30 6.68 7.95 3.66 1.93 2.96 3.00 11.81 .65 .20 1.70 2.00 2.41 2.41 25-year mean! . .20 2.70 1.00 9.10 .60 5.44 3.04 5.11 .30 2.90 2.15 1.20 18.69 .40 1.50 1.77 11.41 2.40 15.02 5.95 .90 1.90 15.65 17.30 .40 3.90 1.62 .75 12.33 15.38 5.64 3.31 3.15 31.20 7.38 8.00 7.70 6.20 12.90 19.97 9.19 9.19 4.00 6.30 10.02 5.85 14.80 4.30 15.72 15.43 10.10 25.69 10.03 4.12 17.05 1.10 16.90 1.70 5.42 5.50 10.10 17.90 17.40 2.70 7.15 14.58 18.50 10.42 .20 5.70 .05 16.87 13.21 9.88 5.42 9.40 4.00 10.20 2.15 1.97 18.80 3.92 1.10 9.80 7.88 7.46 6.38 15.50 1.40 7.88 2.96 2.70 22.12 2.90 7.30 .50 7.17 21.69 9.75 5.49 16.60 10.06 15.18 .40 5.42 5.69 13.15 4.55 5.70 10.05 18.00 .50 8.00 12.80 1.20 3.16 2.80 4.44 1.58 ,50 1.00 2.70 ,50 3.87 7.76 21.76 4.63 2.60 3.30 10.84 3.89 11.90 6.17 3.30 2.29 L72 3.15 3.00 5.71 2.62 1.60 11.50 1.40 1.10 0.46 3.34 .27 3.34 .63 2.50 1.50 1.20 .53 2.81 3.42 .37 1.55 4.90 2.10 .20 2.73 1.02 2.23 8.61 3.37 2.70 5.60 .69 1.60 1.20 L20 T. 0.04 .41 .63 1.50 .80 .83 .34 .06 2.54 .4.0 2.77 1.83 T. 1.14 3.04 .38 2.40 .70 2.29 .30 '10.05 33. 13 '25.37 48.78 65.57 17.35 46.10 9. 73 51.54 67.93 75.71 58.57 45.19 68.38 44.77 47.83 28.43 89.01 29.55 43.38 65.12 68.45 35.10 54.90 a 19. 86 a 7. 86 50.05 a Year incomplete. LTPPINCOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 453 Record of precipitation at Iowa Hill {Strawberry Flat), Placer County. [Latitude, 39° 07'; longitude, 120° W; elevation, 2,825 feet. Authority, C. F. Macy.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1878-79 12.50 5.00 20.75 8.92 4.37 8.05 3.03 10.89 3.61 11.73 .58 20.87 1.96 4.01 6.91 11.07 18.64 17.77 3.44 2.04 6.93 4.43 9.94 1.15 12.50 6.10 10.50 6.80 4.24 11.26 1.48 .68 15.61 2.41 .71 10.74 10.52 5.36 5.80 12.25 5.57 .70 15. 83 8.10 .83 3.39 12.61 15.75 18.25 7.88 4.62 10.43 10.63 16.50 .68 6.46 2.23 4.59 12.12 14.13 8.28 7.11 12.94 4.20 4.60 10.93 11.33 1.68 18.06 6.40 1.98 7.54 18.87 3.15 7.59 3.67 13.33 2.93 12.19 6.55 1.47 4.20 3.03 3.55 6.03 6.69 3.10 3.93 14.01 3.15 .99 1.15 4.59 6.55 8.90 3.25 6.25 .13 1.55 7.22 1.60 .05 1.87 .78 1.14 8.26 3.48 2.03 6.57 1.44 4.03 3.92 4.58 .15 2.83 2.41 3.59 .96 1.04 0.25 2.12 .73 3.52 1.60 2.60 .22 .08 2.13 .41 1.64 1.32 1.49 1.15 .10 .66 1 a 54. 62 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884^85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92.- 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96.- 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 2.50 .35 .75 1.60 1.20 .48 .35 2.29 .30 .51 1.81 .78 2.91 1.00 .45 .44 .99 4.12 3.50 .75 4.25 8.50 4.54 2.43 2.28 9.20 .a5 .98 2.51 1.35 4.06 .17 .49 3.09 1.87 9.18 5.67 3.98 3.63 .75 3.90 6.63 2.02 15.83 .80 .95 3.78 8.49 1.51 8.21 8.30 1.48 1.61 13.42 3.49 4.03 9.08 9.65 4.72 13.35 20.80 10.56 2.69 3.75 24.22 6.14 5.75 6.52 8.14 21.04 7.34 11.64 11.88 5.37 17.57 5.87 5.13 5.31 2.84 8.15 3.16 6.08 0.06 .05 .83 T. T. .03 .11 T. . .05 T.. T. 0.05 T. .06 T. .51 .27 .06 .32 .07 .15 64.58 63.57 57.23 48.30 64.21 38.02 55.25 37.66 31.95 38.47 91.04 39.28 43.91 56.89 52.63 60.85 58.72 54.26 29.47 40.03 47.96 51.58 49.09 23-year mean 51.08 i «Year incomplete. 454 CALIFOENIA HYDEOGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Summit, Placer County. [Latitude, 39° 19'; longitude, 120° 27'; elevation, 7,017 feet. Authority, Pacific Eailway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mai'. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1870-71-.-. 1871-72-... 1872-73-... 1873-74-... 1874-75---. 1875-76.... 1876-77-... 1877-78.... 1878-79.-.. 1879-80-... 1880-81-... 1881-82-... 1882-83-.-. 1883-84.... 1884-85-.-. 1885-86. _-. 1886-87--.. 1887-88---. 1888-89-.-. 1889-90 _-.. 1890-91-.-. 1891-92..-. 1892-93--.. 1893-94---. 1894-95--.. 1895-96-... 1896-97--.. 1897-98-.. 1898-99... 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-2 32-year mean 0.33 .56 .30 .44 .60 .75 .10 1,10 .05 T. 1.20 •0 .95 .20 .40 .03 .95 1.40 0.24 .40 3.80 8.18 .59 1.35 1.55 3.38 13.26 1.06 3.13 3.10 .07 5.65 .05 .60 .30 1.28 .90 2.50 4.40 16.05 3.50 4.20 3.22 9.33 2.63 7.22 .53 .89 6.22 .55 3.40 4.39 1.33 13.60 1.70 1.50 1.90 6.80 .30 8.80 .53 1.40 12.30 26.50 2.50 9.15 .94 7.78 .22 2.50 1.66 17.00 9.52 5.50 3.55 9.40 3.00 5.75 11.60 5.26 18.50 7.40 11.90 9.50 6.00 9.53 8.30 4.10 4.20 3.60 7.90 3.50 2.80 8.44 4.44 2.56 5.00 8.65 16.28 17.89 14.11 11.51 7.33 8.00 8.01 1.11 8.44 1.40 13.90 6.25 9.20 1.00 19.20 1.50 4.00 7.90 15.50 25.80 10.50 4.05 4.00 12.70 5.25 11.30 4.00 17.61 18.00 13.89 9.67 .64 13.58 4.67 10.00 2.88 14.11 .58 1.40 20.70 1.29 1.50 11.60 1.38 3.40 10.80 15.25 4.20 .70 14.35 7.10 5.20 4.75 14.20 16.30 3.38 6.55 6.72 5.22 15.33 3.82 3.38 23.37 9.99 1.67 10.33 8.50 10.11 .10 7.80 1.40 8.05 9.55 14.00 5.10 7.40 14.50 3.40 4.70 9.70 18.00 5.20 15.75 8.15 4.50 2.77 6.22 2.72 2.22 .89 3.33 .31 2.67 5.02 33.71 1.11 3.61 3.77 14.00 4.88 6.40 5.80 2.30 1.90 4.60 4.50 9.20 4.30 2.50 18.20 1.25 5.50 3.00 0.31 .33 1.52 3.33 1.58 1.11 4.03 1.61 2.83 3.86 .05 1.00 .95 .95 1.04 6.30 .80 1.10 6.30 2.40 2.40 5.40 2.90 3.60 3.97 1.00 1.10 0.89 .11 2.64 .02 .11 .52 4.10 .80 1.60 3.72 .22 .20 .70 .90 .70 .50 .30 1.26 .10 3.50 .21 .25 0.10 .09 T. T. .28 .02 1.00 T. 1.00 23.34 40.24 60.72 37.56 42.52 56.51 87.99 23.46 49.51 43.82 57.62 22.39 47.10 47.35 42.55 27.63 76.55 21.08 38.25 61.30 47.15 51.89 54.63 56.05 54.13 51.20 60.77 51.35 47.70 47.74 TjIPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 455 Record of precipitation at Towles, Placer County. [Latitude, 39° 18'; longitude, 120° 38'; elevation, 3,704 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 _ 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93.. 1893-94.. 1894-95.. 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.80 .10 1.08 2.75 1.20 4.25 8.04 .10 .48 .10 20.01 0.80 1.11 6.03 1.02 1.72 2.74 1.76 5.60 .80 1.08 1.78 2.85 9.08 8.16 1.10 14.40 .80 .90 1.08 4.11 8.10 2.23 12.54 10.62 L60 2.16 3.12 9.29 5.35 10.90 18.06 19.10 7.00 3.00 1.06 1.01 11.40 8.03 11.18 17.33 6.78 13.88 7.61 6.07 4.61 3.36 10.64 11.60 15.91 9.80 4.85 20.14 .45 19.40 1.81 4.95 9.06 13.76 19.05 21.34 5.25 2.95 8.54 8.04 5.99 1.75 0.50 11.60 1.71 .90 14.60 14.65 7.16 8.65 10.10 7.24 1.08 13.34 8.29 .90 19.06 14.16 22.25 5.10 LIO .60 3.00 10.52 9.32 16.61 5.39 4.60 14.03 5.48 .50 19.51 3.07 6.08 1.11 3.80 1.20 2.59 7.78 7.98 2.42 5.15 15.66 2.48 .50 1.48 1.02 .50 T. 1.00 2.86 8.10 2.34 2.06 4.76 7.21 .30 3.18 2.49 .10 1.10 L52 1.06 2.52 .75 2.15 L30 2.09 1.60 T. 0.08 LOO 1.40 T. 1.14 41.40 22.85 24.95 5.15 60.54 53.60 54.27 78.18 57.79 63.08 74.14 46.46 33.29 47.70 61.91 65.25 82.25 17-year mean 51.54 Record of precipitation at Laporte, Plumas County. [Latitude, 39° 41'; longitude, 120° 59': elevation, 5,000 feet. Authority, Weather Bureau.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-94 3.05 2.00 8.55 9.32 0.71 4.64 4.43 2.57 2.09 2.28 3.49 .09 3.94 2.73 1.48 .36 T. .64 T. 1.41 .31 T. .06 T. .02 0.17 .29 .25 T. .04 .82 T. .05 T. «8 71 1894-95 1895-96.- 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 1.13 8.42 2.29 L26 0.94 .61 5.26 8.87 .69 3.09 4.84 3.31 18.30 13.02 4.82 L32 3.35 23.87 9.34 6.67 15.96 14.30 9.10 15.47 9.98 12.88 6.63 3/36 16.23 8.79 8.16 22.01 32.43 6.04 2.53 12.95- 11.95 17.25 2.64 6.65 2.84 17.92 13.04 2.96 5.66 18.35 33.50 6.12 16.20 13.51 1.62 25.26 12.24 6.24 10.09 4.00 16.63 3.13 1.49 2.92 6.51 7.48 9.59 75.82 100.51 87.37 48.16 64.83 89.84 88.18 86.10 8-year mean. 1 80.10 j i a Year incomplete. 456 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of pn at Mumford Hill, Plumas County. [Latitude, ' 53'; longitude, 131° 05'; elevation, 4,750 feet. Authority, J. A. Edman, Meadow Valley.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1876-77 11.40 18.15 12.38 10.06 16.57 9.94 5.00 26.52 12.62 7.96 13.28 8.60 5.13 9.44 30.15 5.18 3.60 10.75 2.50 2.10 6.53 23.54 3.21 7.48 3.00 1.85 3.60 6.42 .84 2.05 1.72 1.13 .54 0.52 .30 0.70 .29 .90 a 29. 37 1877-78. 1878-79 1879-80. 1880-81 1881-82 1886-87 2.10 1.36 1.10 2.75 4.01 3.28 3.05 5.15 7.20 .76 4.32 2.10 3.75 14.16 24.34 11.23 65.31 80.45 79.43 63.14 59.01 44.30 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 - 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 1.50 1.50 .50 .32 1.79 1.17 9.35 1.43 .70 .26 .20 4.86 18.77 .75 1.50 2.61 1.27 6.54 1.13 2.53 3.78 2.27 15.38 12.51 4.27 10.83 1.10 2.06 22.70 9.46 2.26 3.48 16.64 8.17 4.10 13.09 13.13 8.85 29.40 8.18 13.60 24.98 4.40 24.00 9.22 11.13 5.21 1.94 1L89 7.70 6.81 31.33 2.00 5.45 11.47 17.46 26.11 32.70 5.44 1.73 13.12 10.99 16.79 2.38 18.44 22. 65 5.12 13.07 16.48 5.83 1.20 13.80 12.74 3.01 3.10 15.36 25.43 20.25 7.90 5.40 13.89 7.03 10.59 13.33 12.07 1.41 17. 04 8.95 4.94 10.60 6.33 3.17 6.35 8.43 3.94 3.80 16.25 1.59 1.25 2.35 6.24 5.62 6.77 3.00 2.39 6.03 3.23 2.85 7.18 7.20 .06 4.94 2.92 1.63 L34 2.49 1.95 .16 2.26 2.14 2.11 .64 .61 1.25 .08 .13 1.45 .27 .22 1.64 .05 .50 .02 138.85 52.84 46.01 100.86 68.44 87.75 94.16 66.83 .42.04 49.29 71.93 78. 09 72.60 19-year mean 71.64 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Banning, Riverside County. [Latitude, 83° 56'; longitude, 116° 55'; elevation 2,317 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81- . 0.02 .52 2.84 .87 1.08 4.55 2.37 .75 0.66 L59 2.77 L48 2.40 5.59 14.92 «1.39 1898-99. 2.70 1.29 4.12 2.74 .72 .05 6.46 4.83 2.14 1.19 .81 4.63 .08 2.22 .60 1.00 0.01 1.80 1.21 .06 0.48 T. 0.14 L19 "6. 13 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.10 .69 .47 1.17 2.23 8.94 .50 .88 10.35 18.90 15.07 11.82 M Year incomplete. .TPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 457 Record of precipitation at Beaumont, Riverside County. [Latitude, 33° 55'; longitude, 117° 00'; elevation, 3,560 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1887-88 1.39 1.15 3.71 .96 2.97 .30 11.49 1.68 5.00 L58 2.64 1.45 4.08 2.51 1.18 1.95 4.74 8.70 . 3.53 2.66 2.09 2.28 .65 5.91 .75 1.02 4.77 3.59 5.78 5.27 1.13 1.07 3.18 9.67 .35 2.72 4.48 4.60 1.95 1.40 1.16 .35 4.14 0.87 .61 1.15 1.72 .37 .40 .32 1.24 1.00 .35 2.33 .35 1.07 0.40 .29 1.05 2.43 1.87 .43 T. .82 3.00 .10 1.72 1.80 .24 1.07 0.15 .25 .05 0.50 .15 .87 .18 .31 .51 nlO.13 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901 2 1.U4 .48 .42 .25 0.30 1.53 1.45 .14 2.24 .88 .38 1.56 3.92 .67 .43 .23 1.65 1.90 1.05 2.85 3.98 .43 4.19 11.09 2.74 2.43 1.95 4.34 8.89 .34 .30 .43 1.20 .89 17.68 25.40 19.00 13. C5 19.48 9.28 27.04 10.57 19.10 8.71 7.78 n.28 16.47 14-year mean 15.60 "Year incom^plete. Record of precipitation at San Gorgonio Pass, Riverside County. [Latitude, 33° 54'; longitude, 117° 02'; elevation, 2,560 feet. Authority, J. J. Ring and M. Murray.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. 0.12 T. .20 .22 .09 Total. 1874-75 0.40 L23 4.28 .92 9.39 1.00 9.31 5.55 6.03 2.88 L78 0.60 5.54 2.03 10.49 L78 3.81 .20 3.93 1.33 .01 .14 T. 0.26 .62 0.03 .30 .03 T. n2.00 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-7a 1879-80 1880-81 0.03 .19 .03 .18 1.30 LOO 1.33 .80 .97 4.10 6.26 3.93 4.40 .55 3.04 0.99 2.59 6.81 3.23 6.94 25.04 18.70 35.96 11.18 29.29 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 .50 .53 1.33 ,1.33 10.27 .42 2.48 3.30, L86 7.29 3.39 4.38 3.62 4.21 .35 .35 1.30 .94 .62 24.74 23.73 1884-85 1885-86 2.97 .06 L73 5.07 3.07 .08 1.24 2.94 .14 .07 n9.01 1886-87 1887-88 1.23 .58 L51 3.36 12.30 a 2.74: 8-year mean. 22.62 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Whitewater, Riverside County. [Latitude, 33° 54'; longitude, 116° 39'; elevation, 1,123 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1877-78....:.. 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83....... 1883-84 T. 15 T. .78 .18 1.62 .34 .57 1.30 .46 2.08 1.70 1.93 1.40 L30 .51 .15 LIO 0.98 .28 .42 .48 .34 6.96 0.45 .34 .20 2.25 .20 .80 3.05 2.35 .30 .12 .01 .16 .55 0.01 0.25 .46 6.48 2.86 5.21 4.91 .84 2.41 13.81 7-year mean 5.22 Note.— Whitewater ceased reporting aftor August, 1884. 458 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO 81. Record of precipitation at Sacramento, Sacramento County. [Latitude, 38° 35'; longitude, 121° 30'; elevation, 71 feet. Authority, Signal Service and Weather Bureau.] Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June, July. 0,25 1.00 .02 .06 .08 .01 T. T. T. .05 T. .29 .30 .57 .90 .60 .08 .02 .55 .80 .10 .18 .22 .56 1.50 .18 .01 1.01 .20 .66 3.01 .91 .36 .12 .48 2.12 .02 .21 .22 .31 2.26 .44 3.45 .73 .55 .88 .55 2.63 .97 2.01 6.02 T. .10 .70 .12 1.06 .17 .55 1.96 .64 4.46 1.74 1.56 2.25 2.14 6.00 1.50 2.41 .15 6.48 .18 2.17 1.49 6.72 2.43 3.43 3.81 .77 .85 .58 1.22 1.93 1.21 3.80 1.07 .51 2.05 .05 1.88 3.23 .61 11.34 .21 .45 4.28 3.15 .48 6.60 2.92 .48 1.54 3.56 .61 .61 12.50 7.07 13.41 1.54 1.15 2.00 2.40 6.63 4.34 1.83 4.28 8.64 2.33 1.82 9.51 12.85 2.61 1.96 .97 10.59 5.39 10.01 .44 5.52 1.43 .47 3.41 11.81 3.27 1.13 .44 10.45 5.76 2.21 ^.82 3.34 3.28 1.54 1.76 1.64 2.30 2.91 1.38 1.19 4.50 .65 .58 3.00 3.25 2.67 4.92 1.38 2.44 .96 2.31 2.67 15.04 1.73 1.08 4.78 7.70 3.44 6.04 4.79 1.37 5.20 8.70 3.18 1.64 6.14 1.89 2.23 3.43 2.16 7.95 1.12 4.81 .15 6.62 .53 1.78 3.27 4.17 8.42 9.76 3.66 .98 3.94 3.54 3.70 .95 0.50 .35 .12 2.00 8.50 3.46 .69 4.80 2.46 3.91 .93 2.92 4.26 2.75 .19 .71 3.01 7.10 3.15 3.63 3.24 1.92 4.74 4.36 1.86 .55 3.75 1.04 8.04 3.88 1.83 5.06 2.40 1.11 4.46 .49 4.06 6.61 2.84 2.66 3.92 1.84 .09 4.15 3.19 .04 .32 5.32 6.52 10.00 1.88 6.40 7.00 3.25 4.20 1.40 .67 2.88 1.64 5.11 3.32 2.80 2.36 1.30 .48 2.02 1.01 4.35 2.94 1.64 1.94 .55 3.05 .80 4.15 .56 3.09 4.88 1.70 1.37 3.78 3.70 8.14 .08 2.68 .94 3.04 6.25 3.00 1.78 3.02 3.51 .74 1.20 2.57 2.54 .04 6.02 1.61 .48 1.99 4.25 1.14 .19 3.50 1.50 4.32 2.13 1.21 .98 2.87 .48 .82 1.69 1.08 1.37 .48 1.80 2.31 1.24 2.12 1.45 .61 .51 .89 T. 1.10 .19 1.07 2.66 14.20 1.64 1.99 .67 4.08 2.53 .10 .26 1.33 3.04 1.20 1.08 .34 .86 5.34 .25 1.45 .21 1.15 1.84 .30 1.04 2.49 .59 1.81 .35 .74 .46 2.35 .01 .27 2.38 1.05 1.70 .51 .92 .30 1.50 .54 .45 0.31 .01 .03 .35 .10 .02 .13 ,01 .09 .10 T. .01 T. T. .02 T. T. 1.10 .01 .13 .50 .10 1.45 .11 53-yearinean - 19.62 LIPPINCOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 459 Record of precipitation at Barstow, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 51'; longitude, 116° 59'; elevation, 2,150 feet. Authority, W. L. Burbeck, Geo. R. Gooding, G. W. Fetts, and others.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888-89 0.14 .36 0.04 .15 2.47 0.93 T. T. .07 .05 0.12 T. T. 0.13 .15 .06 al 36 1889-90....... 1890-91 1891-93 0.07 .59 .08 0.23 0.70 .05 T. 3.87 .52 .25 5.60 3.74 a. 33 1893-93 .11 .02 1.06 .16 2.15 .27 .21 .65 .06 .20 .08 .11 .06 T. .22 T. T. 1.10 T. .07 .87 .18 a 2 31 1893-94 1894r-95 1895-96 1896-97 .22 .33 1.55 T. T. .25 .72 .93 .30 1.45 2.18 1.51 5.19 6-year mean 3 28 1901-3 aO « Year incoraplete. Record of precipitatio7i at Deep Creek, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 15'; longitude, 17° .07'; elevation, 5,200 feet. Authority, Arrowhead Reservoir Company.] Year Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-94. 1894.-95 1895-96 1896-97.. 1897-98 1898-99 L95 .49 .28 L19 .30 2.28 3.92 L20 2.45 1.65 1.17 .53 4.16 18.41 1.09 2.41 1.40 .49 L94 13.14 1.86 5.43 4.20 1.89 2.13 .05 13.03 LIO 2.75 7.21 3.52 7.59 1.89 0.70 L36 L75 .17 1.01 .38 .19 2.93 0.13 .10 .05 0.09 .11 0.80 .78 .55 17.80 43.04 11.78 32.68 17.77 aL02 1899-1900 1.40 .28 3.07 3.70 4.75 «12.30 5-year mean. 24.61 "Year incomplete. Record of precipitatiori at Bear Valley darn, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 15'; longitude, 116° 58'; elevation, 6,500 feet.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. ' Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1883-84 - 94.60 1884^85 28.06 1885-86 1 65.51 1886-87 24.00 1887-88.- 62.30 1888-89 46.03 1889-90-. 93.40 1890-91 78.40 1891-92 '38.00 1892-93 44.32 57.46 10-year mean 460 CALIFORISriA HYDEOGRAPHY. [no. 81. Record of precipitation at Glen Ranch, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 50'; longitude, 117° 30'; elevation, 3,112 feet. Authority, Jas. M.Applewhite, Cajon.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total, 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901 2 0.10 .31 0.03 .46 3.61 0.96 9.39 .58 1.00 .10 2.15 6.53 1.73 0.10 9.78 3.67 3.84 .43 5.54 1.35 1.40 .53 1.69 .96 0.02 .24 0.01 11.25 29.26 15 00 3-year mean 18.50 Record of precipitation at Holcomb Creek, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 17'; longitude, 117° 05'; elevation, 5,220 feet. Authority, Arrowhead Reservoir Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1894-95.. 10.06 L56 3.35 3.05 0.61 T. 7.89 .52 4.86 3.24 3.42 L27 0.62 1.02 .10 0.25 .11 1.46 0.20 0.47 .66 a 16. 15 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 0.38 L70 3.32 L66 1.05 1.09 .57 0.41 L82 .90 .48 8.61 19.54 12.75 aL05 1899-1900 .38 .21 1.14 125 L20 a 4. 18 3-year mean. 13.63 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Little Bear Valley, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 15'; longitude, 117° 13'; elevation, 5,150 feet. Authority, Arrowhead Reservoir Com- pany.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-94 1894-95- L21 .52 1.49 .38 2.55 7.61 20.12 2.48 2.25 3.16 0.62 1.34 0.12 0.04 0.31 23.18 a 21. 03 1896-97 1897-98 3.80 1.38 2.49 .25 4.56 a 12. 48 1898-99-- T. .62 .74 aL36 1899-1900 1.39 .43 3.42 3.11 4.63 a 12. 98 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Mill Creek "A," San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 05'; longitude, 116° 54'; elevation, 5,000 feet. Authority, Redlands Electric Light and Power Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1899-1900 2.52 4.32 0.43 6.00 2.28 .71 4.49 .39 « 9. 72 1900-1901 9.05 .83 L85 L30 a 23. 53 1901-2 1.95 a 2. 77 a Year incomplete. LIPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 461 Record of precipitation at Mill Creek "5," San Bernardino County. [Latitude. 34° 04'; longitude, 116° 58'; elevation, 2,915 feet. Authority, Redlands Electric Light and Power Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1899 1900 1.41 0.07 1.43 3.74 3.31 a% 96 1900-1901 1.14 1.15 4.96 7.25 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Morsels house, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 12'; longitude, 117° 12'; elevation, 5,350 feet. Authority, Arrowhead Reservoir Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-94 1894-95.. 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98..,.--. 1898-99 0.25 .67 .73 2.44 .47 3.83 5.08 .34 2.75 4.18 1.96 1.93 .74 14.73 26.77 3.11 2.73 1.85 1.28 4.78 18.00 5.95 9.34 6.37 3.93 5.85 .08 20.14 2.96 5.00 12.54 7.90 15.61 4.22 1.37 2.91 2.63 .15 .70 2.08 .89 .18 8.27 0.60 .40 .25 0.02 .08 0.74 .46 .30 38.69 67.21 25. 20 54.34 32.74 a 2. 36 1899-1900 2.20 ,44 3.83 5.81 8.64 «20.92 5-year mean. 43.64 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Rancho del Jurupa, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 02' ; longitude, 117° 27' ; elevation, 1,000 feet. Authority, United States post hos- pital. ] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1882-83 1883-84 2.89 .44 7.50 2.04 0.25 1.64 0.67 2.34 3.15 3.09 0.33 1.14 0.18 16.11 «9.55 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Redlands, San Bernardino County. [Lati-^ude, 34° 03'; longitude, 117° 10'; elevation, 1,335 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar \ Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888-89.. 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.31 .88 .97 .03 .18 .10 .83 .01 = 05 .50 0.05 1.50 29 1.00 .08 .03 1.72 1.92 .01 .65 .53 .92 4.12 .52 .46 .05 1.17 2.07 .07 .25 1.28 3.88 .09 4.64 13.72 3.02 1.51 1.14 2.59 4.35 .33 .16 .51 .40 .46 T. 0.68 4.69 .87 2.39 .67 6. .54 1.29 4.33 2.56 1.92 1.20 2.25 1.64 1.47 3.03 9.28 4.37 2.65 .90 1.12 .06 3.89 .60 .71 T 3.79 2.58 5.70 .89 L19 2.06 6.26 .59 2. 74 2.47 1.92 .84 1.50 .78 .46 2.82 0.99 .16 .91 .13 .05 .31 .43 .10 .18 .08 2.03 T. .36 0.58 .68 1.10 .62 .45 .85 .19 1.59 .24 L41 1.62 .08 0.23 0. .87 .04 .31 .03 ,04 .07 0.28 2.16 1.63 .11 1.03 T. .04 18.51 27.66 18.53 9.91 13.01 7.02 15.38 7.66 14.38 9.10 6.03 7.90 13.07 8.87 14-year mean ' . i 12.64 1 462 CALIFORNIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Rings Station, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 02'; longitude, 116° 46'; elevation, 4,300 feet. Authority, John J. Ring.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1874-75- 1875-76 1876-77.. 1877-78. 1878-79 1879-80 1880-Sl 1881-82 0.09 .43 .19 0.61 T. .18 1.30 1.00 .50 1.30 2.55 4.06 0.80 .97 4.10 1.05 .08 0.78 .25 4.03 1.52 9.39 10.27 .42 5.64 9.31 5.75 6.03 2.88 1.78 2.48, 3.30 2.08 5.54 2.33 10.49 5.11 2.81 1.86 7.29 0.58 6.23 3.93 4.41 .55 3.04 3.39 5.38 0.37 .99 2.59 6.86 3.23 1.39 2.93 4.21 0.20 3.93 1.33 .14 .35 .35 0.26 1.30 0.03 .30 .03 .94 0.20 .09 12.70 27.04 19.20 35.74 14.26 23.74 23.77 23.63 8-year mean. 22.51 Record of precipitation at Santa Ana Canyon, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 09'; longitude, 117° 07'; elevation, 3,000 feet. Authority, Edison Electric Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1899-1900 0.74 1.10 5.87 1.38 a 6. 61 1900-1901 5.53 7.82 1.36 a 17. 19 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Squirrel Inn, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 12'; longitude, 117° 15'; elevation, 5,300 feet. Authority, Arrowhead Reservoir Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96.. 1896-97.. 1897-98.. 0.38 .50 .05 L90 .34 3.20 .37 5.00 2.92 1.60 8.93 16.38 1.98 2.23 4.00 14.22 4.51 7.65 4.98 3.23 5.35 13.31 L95 3.54 9.58 5.60 12.17 2.98 1.17 2.53 .98 .13 .68 1.37 .89 3.03 6.50 0.23 .20 0.62 .38 30.37 48.90 17.26 43.52 a 17. 09 1898-99 .70 1.35 a 2. 47 1899-1900 1.73 .26 3.04 4.81 6.37 a 16. 21 4-year mean. 35.01 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Upper Holcomh Valley, San Bernardino County. [Latitude, 34° 18'; longitude, 116° 55'; elevation, 7,200 feet. Authority, Arrowhead Reservoir Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1897-98 2.60 0.40 L50 0.50 a5.00 a Year incomplete. LTPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 463 Record of precipitation at Campo, San Diego County. [Latitude, 32° 37'; longitude, 116° 30'; elevation, 2,660 feet. Authority, A. Campbell, Campo.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1876 77 2.29 L84 .60 3.56 5.00 1.01 1.08 5.75 2.01 4.00 1.52 1.10 0.91 .41 .12 .18 0.04 .26 0.50 2.32 .13 .07 .62 1 a 4. 78 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 0.01 .02 .02 0.35 .31 .68 .73 1.50 .55 3.00 .'85 .11 2.44 1.29 2.23 4.85 .24 1.79 2.18 3.00 L74 3.10 5.45 1.32 2.15 .53 4.57 0.01 .41 1.37 .53 21.86 8.26 18.47 16.68 12.47 a. 02 1888-89 - 4.65 7.25 13.30 4.55 3.65 5.83 .10 8.22 4.72 4.00 1.69 .50 3.30 7.19 1.01 .55 4.00* 1.86 1.20 1.25 1.54 .80 2.07 .54 1.33 .45 .90 .75 2.75 .41 4.38 1.04 1.18 .07 .10 .16 .35 1.26 .10 .12 2.26 .61 2.34 2.50 2.67 &16.10 .63 «11.70 1889-90 1890-91. 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 .50 1.80 .57 .24 .05 1.10 .44 .12 .11 .60 .28 1.02 1.67 .95 .25 .71 3.38 1.61 4.47 .43 9.34 2.80 3.21 .50 2.08 1.15 .23 2.40 .75 3.55 5.89 2.65 2.03 4.28 31.80 37.84 16.41 17.67 25.31 10.11 18.70 18.44 13-year mean 19.54 « Year incomplete. & Cloudburst; rain gage washed away. Record incomplete. Record of precipitation at Cuyamaca Reservoir, San Diego County. [Latitude, 33° 00'; longitude, 116° 40'; elevation, 4,800 feet. Authority, San Diego Flume Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Fteb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1893-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97.. 1897-98 1898-99.. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.21 .03 1.45 .69 .30 3.00 L06 .36 .92 .08 0.78 3.82 3.82 .58 .30 1.90 1.03 4.93 5.09 4.51 .74 1.94 3.64 8.33 1.64 3.63 .45 2.87 3.30 6.01 3.45 L07 .88 3.45 11.97 1.48 6.00 13.30 20.96 12.14 6.75 3.76 2.75 12.80 L66 3.74 2.46 .96 2.49 .04 .52 3.35 2.99 8.05 7.23 5.55 2.05 28.43 5.77- 6.32 5.47 7.02 3.63 8.17 8.17 3.12 4.70 16.36 34.70 6.47 9.13 2.05 4.60 .20 8.14 L97 1.53 .26 13.26 5.70 4.12 12.85 4.00 3.17 7.76 15.60 5.89 3.01 8.56 4.06 7.23 2.51 2.32 13.82 0.21 3.44 1.02 3.50 3.35 1.00 ,0 1.10 1.78 .22 1.24 .98 6.69 1.24 2.09 2.22 3.92 3.69 5.90 1.00 1.00 L16 .92 ,38 5.97 .47 2.81 3.87 .14 0.67 .50 2.96 .10 .17 0.93 .09 .04 1.20 L29 .04 .28 T. 1.54 0.04 1.71 .90 .30 .30 .50 0. .87 •1.32 T. .09 22.19 53.57 60.79 63.19 89.27 40.71 14.05 54.28 25.54 36.80 29.01 33.07 26.72 42.63 35.65 15-year mean 37.76 Record of precipitation at Descanso, San Diego County. [Latitude, 32° 50'; longitude, 116° 40'; elevation, 3,500 feet. Authority, E. W. Hulburd, Descanso.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1895-96 1896-97. 1897-98 1898-99. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 T. 0.03 .56 .25 T. 0.38 2.71 2.83 1.63 .63 1.25 4.37 2.12 .40 .35 .25 6.50 .87 LOO 2.43 2.90 LOO L06 .15 .12 2.93 6.48 5.28 3.49 4.00 3.25 4.47 0.10 6.27 .89 L69 .75 11.00 4.53 8.04 5.21 4.11 2.73 L25 1.40 8.00 1.14 .16 .90 .25 4.25 .57 L50 0.17 .21 2.35 L45 2.69 L53 .06 0.01 .06 0.30 .62 .15 .15 T. .45 L38 .04 .83 .38 T. .78 19.81 26.29 21.20 11.49 15.93 26.06 21.24 7-year mean. 20.29 i " " 464 OALIFOBNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. Record of precipitation at Julian, San Diego County. [NO. 81. [Latitude, 33° 04'; longitude, 116° 36'; elevation, 4,500 feet. Authorities, J. S. Beck and Mrs. S. L. Harritt.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov.. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1879-80.- 2.13 4.50 1.50 5.75 9.25 7.50 30.63 1880-81 2.25 2.75 5.13 4.88 8.13 2.75 . 25. 89 1881-82 1.88 6.88 5.13 3.38 7.13 4.88 29.28 1882-83 5.13 6.25 10.04 6.63 9.13 4.13 41.31 1883-84 2.75 6.00 2.25 20.63 15.63 10.63 3.63 61.52 1889-90. . 6.12 .07 10.39 19.32 3.63 2.09 1.11 2.66 2.54 3.00 1.25 .89 a 25. 04 1890-91 1.25 2.00 6.36 37.64 1891-92 .81 2.25 8.61 6.17 6.69 1.54 6.11 3.55 0.41 .11 36.25 1892-93 .56 1.53 2.81 3.76 3.72 14.42 .66 .62 1.65 .41 30.14 1893-94 _. .03 2.20 3.25 4.00 4.40 2.77 4.19 .32 .68 .04 .17 .34 22.39 1894-95 .21 T. 9.38 16.32 3.80 5.04 .95 .45 T. T. .70 36.85 1895-96 .70 2.60 .75 4.55 .40 6.10 1.40 .10 .17 . .34 17.11 11-year mean 33.55 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Laguna, San Diego County. [Latitude, 32° 50'; longitude, 116° 31'; elevation, 5,440 feet. Authority, Arch. Campbell, Campo.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1884-85 2.10 1.36 0.17 0.21 L87 2.43 ct5.50 1885-86 0.44 .29 2.71 L40 0.60 a 6. 39 1886-87 a 1.69 1890-91 .60 .45 .25 115 L50 2.83 3.83 a 4. 58 189^95- 1895-96 1896-97 0.03 .20 3.35 2.50 1.85 .40 1.42 6.40 2.48 9.97 2.74 1.80 17.44 3. 3.60 2.87 55 1.08 2.70 5.60 1.55 a33.43 .22.68 «13.25 1897-98 1898-99 8.10 16. 00 1.00 .95 6.15 4. 3.80 .71 1.05 44 2.19 2.09 .11 .30 .21 .42 2.32 L25 .48 16.87 «16.00 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 2.70 6.20 .54 1.65 .35 3.30 5.60 .40 .37 8.60 .35 17.16 26.42 13.38 5-year mean - 19.30 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Nellie, San Diego County. [Latitude, 33° 20'; longitude, 116° 55'; elevation, 5,240 feet. Authority, N. A. Clark. Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1901-2 2.55 1.75 0.55 17.60 7.34 10.21 2.20 0.25 0.06 a 42. 51 a Year incomplete. LIPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 465 Record of precipitation at San Diego, San Diego County. [Latitude, 32° 45'; longitude, 117° 8'; elevation, 69 feet. Authorities, U. S. War Department and Weather Bureau.] 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-2 52-year mean Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. j June. July. Aug. Total. 0.02 .09 .07 .01 .10 1.59 .36 .05 .11 .39 .03 .04 .01 .07 T. T. .04 T. .65 .08 T. .01 .01 T. T. .07 T. .06 .53 .08 .81 .96 .29 .53 .24 .41 2.01 .35 .31 .05 T. .26 2.12 .01 .04 .22 .11 T. .27 .97 1.06 .35 .30 2.82 .25 1.45 1.28 .04 2.15 1.22 2.16 .28 1.49 2.88 1.19 .05 .73 2.41 .52 .24 .45 2.00 2.32 .18 1.33 .77 .88 2.25 .04 -.06 2.77 .28 .12 .39 .20 .11 1.56 .95 2.08 1.83 .12 .72 .10 .94 .91 1.19 .98 .02 .15 .86 1.43 .41 1.93 3.74 4.50 1.77 3.29 .41 1.30 1.30 3.10 1.79 2.99 3.20 .93 .04 1.04 .84 1.82 3.06 1.52 .94 .42 1.39 1.40 5.46 .55 .41 .15 3.89 1.57 6.30 4.15 .30 .13 1.82 5.12 .71 .10 1.14 2.84 7.71 1.61 1.29 .69 1.91 2.26 .27 2.18 0.03 .58 .50 .99 1.97 1.27 .26 1.52 .72 .82 5. 56 .32 .04 L28 5.05 2.32 3.37 2.88 .54 .52 .99 .44 3.11 L05 1.45 3.54 .61 .52 4.53 1.09 1.34 .35 6.95 .04 1.96 1.72 2.79 1.21 1.58 7.33 1.27 3.13 L71 2.34 2.08 1.70 L13 1.51 1.84 .20 2.56 3.59 L86 1.76 .44 1.89 L49 .79 1.39 1.09 2.50 3.00 3.48 .85 L63 1.88 1.35 2.63 4.15 3. 73 .37 2.44 .18 4.83 1.04 1.50 .45 2.55 .95 9.05 .02 1.51 4.51 1.48 1.80 1.70 4.84 2.96 .47 .49 .53 .02 2.72 .06 .30 .03 4.77 1.57 1.00 .34 1.87 1.52 1.88 1.30 1.59 L24 .20 .15 .05 .97 .33 .20 L47 7.88 .73 1.98 .33 .01 .46 .11 1.20 .45 1.78 1.44 1.41 .10 1.43 1.88 1.02 .41 6.23 .78 3.73 .02 2.79 2.20 .41 .27 .96 5.50 1.05 L43 2.89 L58 .91 .85 .53 1.07 1.86 .85 .25 .89 1.52 2.17 .04 .17 .04 1.05 .13 .01 .56 .11 .48 1.20 .53 .20 .70 .26 .10 .34 .12 2.91 .60 1.34 1.35 .45 .31 2.84 1.20 1.95 2.14 .10 .19 .05 .76 .41 .22 .11 .11 .25 .02 .22 .29 1.26 .01 .21 0.71 .17 .04 .16 .02 L25 .09 .04 .15 .33 .28 .34 .12 .03 .34 .20 ,05 .43 .58 T. .06 .04 .18 1.14 2.17 .61 .04 .47 .22 .03 .08 .35 1.15 .12 .66 .10 1.45 .77 .06 0.07 .02 .14 .11 .11 1.29 .51 .05 .04 IRR 81— 03- -30 r' Year incomplete. 466 CALIFOENIA HYDROGEAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Warners, San Diego County. [Latitude, 33° 5'; longitude, 116° 40'; elevation, 2,894 feet. Authority, Charles E. McGary.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1900-1901 1.93 2.58 5.98 o.a5 0.20 0.97 nl2.01 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County. [Latitude, 34° 25'; longitude, 119° 40'; elevation, 100 feet. Authority, United States War Depart- ment and Weather Bureau. Sept. Oct. Nov, Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1869-70-. 1870-71.. 1871-72. . 1872-73.. 1873-74.. 1874-75- - 1875-76- - 1876-77.. 1877-78.- 1878-79- . 1879-80- . 1880-81- . 1881-82.. 1882-83-. 1883-84-. 1884-85-. 1885-S6- . 1886-87-. 1893-94- . 1894-95-. 1898-99-... 1899-1900.. 1900-1901.. 1901-2 0.05 .44 .38 .03 1.50 .18 1.36 3.17 .04 0.30 1.04 .09 L91 .32 .32 .41 .25 1.47 .37 1.32 1.02 .19 .39 .31 .07 8.65 .42 .62 .78 .55 .92 1.44 .14 2.06 .15 2.31 1.25 .65 .27 1.83 .27 1.30 6.53 L32 1.62 .28 .33 .79 9.84 .87 1.10 5.62 3.21 .48 0. 3.70 T. .11 .77 3.51 1.97 3.99 1.16 12.67 4.26 .57 1.41 6.56 4.34 5.26 .31 3.12 5.16 4.57 9.73 .95 .10 2.76 6.62 2.47 .86 4.43 5.59 10.64 3.53 2.26 7.31 3.50 4.16 .93 2.92 .36 2.a5 .02 T. 2.53 .58 4.54 14.84 7.56 2.72 7.17 5.24 1.30 2.83 1.13 2.18 6.33 1.23 5.12 .31 10.15 .29 5.32 .50 1.04 4.52 .65 6.25 6.84 4.35 .63 4.48 2.32 4.86 1.36 2.00 2.12 5.87 2.92 1.81 5.48 3.17 .18 5.67 11.73 .71 10.86 .m 2.38 2.92 9.68 .07 L19 8.64 1.30 1.29 2.96 8.82 2.48 3.55 .50 .67 3.65 1.39 .05 3.65 4.40 1.08 4.22 .83 .02 .18 .05 .78 .38 2.73 .82 2.47 .34 1.15 L25 5.74 3.64 9.77 .35 2.03 .13 3.86 7.31 1.10 L65 3.36 7.53 .22 1.99 2.37 2.73 1.58 .16 .18 3.34 1.60 5.73 2.60 3.00 3.40 1.43 .16 .49 .31 1.90 .34 .46 L78 .02 T. .64 .42 2.07 1.40 .74 .37 .14 .45 .29 .21 2.79 .39 • .33 0.07 .14 .07 .20 .35 1.62 .03 T. .13 .05 .05 .78 .01 .10 0.02 T. T. .09 25.19 15.77 10.27 8.91 14.96 10.50 14.44 18.71 23.07 4.49 29.51 13.58 25.64 15.23 14.27 13.41 34.47 13.08 24.24 12.99 2L71 21.58 32.37 18.38 10.28 27.41 6.85 15.85 13.77 18.10 4.99 12.35 12.68 15.53 14.06 35-year mean 16.82 LIPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 467 Record of precipitation at Mount Hamilton (Lick Observatory) , Santa Clara County. [Latitude, 37° 20'; longitude, 121° 38'; elevation, 4,440 feet. Authority, Lick Observatory.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90.-..,.. 1890-91 1891-92-- 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.10 .65 .65 .15 .33, .49 .80 .28 .24 .48 1.64 .08 .47 .07 .39 T. .08 1.07 0.33 6.16 2.60 3.71 .05 .60 .09 .03 4.38 .02 .61 .38 .66 2.98 .78 1.91 1.26 L33 6.37 3.48 2.29 0.91 3.45 1.48 .01 3.01 2.82 .90 3.27 4.69 .58 .38 10.30 4.01 .84 2.46 1.51 1.33 4.92 7.76 2.89 9.72 L93 2.05 33.84 6.76 2.34 1L25 4.23 13.19 5.39 9.54 5.56 3.38 11.90 3.16 4.93 2.70 2.13 4.16 2.21 1.61 3.11 3.55 3.10 5.60 L99 4.53 3.83 10.04 1.04 7.92 1.38 1.97 3.29 8.74 10.00 9.54 3.50 L50 5.63 3.26 5.74 1.47 5.99 2.90 3:75 13.76 .57 1.80 7.80 1.38 1.43 2.04 6.52 2.99 3.40 10.52 3.08 1.08 5.92 4.16 .75 1.70 5.92 9.25 L13 5.40 8.66 16. a5 1.15 5.77 1.39 3.40 6.17 4.39 4.36 5.98 8.99 2.54 1.46 3.83 3.40 2.04 11.11 3.37 1.98 5.18 0.98 4.70 2.66 11.96 2.08 6.79 5.75 .68 1.92 1.79 3.08 1.90 3.61 .89 2.80 6.70 .78 .83 L40 4.06 3.33 2.98 0.09 .48 7.56 1.34 .16 .70 .25 L25 3.21 2.42 L12 3.52 .95 2.78 2.39 2.10 .27 3.41 L47 L35 L07 1.19 0.33 1.06 3.85 .36 .30 .a5 .57 .32 .16 .64 .03 .39 .38 .39 T. .02 0.04 .03 .01 T. .01 0.15 .03 T. T. .28 .13 .02 .05 all. 63 29.15 37.37 58.69 44.-53 29. 56 34.12 39.34 3La3 40.82 23.72 27.49 36.88 34.66 36.60 30.04 27.34 16.86 35.95 39.22 31.64 27.93 21-year mean 31 60 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Delta, Shasta County. [Latitude, 41=' 00'; longitude, 122° 23'; elevation, 1,138 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System. Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 188^83. 1883-84 1884.-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 189^1900 1900-1901 1901-3 0.10 L03 T. (0.16) LOO L31 L53 3.85 4.00 5.18 T. .97 3.28 9.20 6.18 6.01 .60 L30 (7.14) 26.71 .40 2.24 3.40 .15 7.33 3.50 3.40 1.95 9.85 15.68 2.95 8.U 1.10 .56 29.38 .30 (7.18) 10.03 1.99 13.08 8.05 3.30 3.15 12.00 3.55 3.35 19.60 10.51 1L37 3.94 4.24 16.24 13.94 8.81 3.33 10.56 25.83 7.24 7.21 19.51 3.10 33.17 5.98 17.23 6.05 2.00 6.40 8.04 5.55 1.00 15.57 2.91 9.95 3.84 10.40 .15 17.18 3.73 5.55 3.17 14.30 18.55 31.43 4.66 .75 8.19 12.25 13.43 3.93 4.55 3.53 .50 10.37 4.67 1.02 31.11 13.70 4.01 3.10 3.70 7.03 .60 7.13 13.55 (6.13) 4.60 9.28 39.82 14.46 13.44 .37 3.52 3.37 L70 37.52 16.50 2.06 8.34 11.90 2.60 7.73 11.81 4.63 11.81 9.45 L58 8.48 8.49 16.55 3.54 10.19 5.53 3.91 4.78 8.95 6.31 8.90 2.75 L71 16.72 1.30 L35 .65 8.59 6.81 7.70 9.94 3.73 .67 8.16 L26 2.45 5.81 3.33 4.76 5.22 3.30 3.50 6.a5 6.92 5.85 1.10 4.10 .65 4.02 7.13 L60 .60 .82 3.30 L07 1.98 .04 2.25 .07 2.75 L40 4.05 L56 .32 0.25 .75 .10 T. L07 .17 T. T. T. 0.20 .38 55.27 7L73 34.46 75.84 35.50 25.50 73.52 124.47 44.56 42.32 66.88 43.25 90.73 80.85 53.20 35.90 39.23 76.77 66.95 85.59 80-year mean 61 13 468 CALIFORNIA HyDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Fort Crook, Shasta Cou7ity. [Latitude, 40° 10'; longitude, 121° 20'; elevation, 3,390 feet. Authority, U. 8. War Department.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 185T 58 2.23 1.81 2.14 1.20 8.22 3.60 1.10 3.16 4.38 5.96 4.78 4.89 3.09 3.16 2.57 4.06 5.10 4.03 3.53 2.80 .58 2.23 8.25 .75 1.28 L26 3.09 L82 2.64 1.00 LOO 1.20 .87 L86 0.13 .60 3.06 1.33 2.59 .40 1.34 1.30 0.34 .44 .66 2.45 .35 .60 2.23 .02 0.08 .05 « 10. 96 1858-59 1859-60.- 1860-61 1861-62 1863-63. 1863-64 1864-65 1865-66 0.04 1.80 .33 .40 1.02 .80 3.67 3.97 .09 .09 .39 1.05 L55 .73 .50 1.32 3.85 L33 6.18 .06 7.00 8:75 .80 L12 .56 6.39 1.00 5.04 9.75 L81 2.00 7.47 25.16 22.97 23.39 40.36 13.19 6.82 26.17 a 20. 44 1866-67 1867 68 11.75 5.27 4.44 , .50 .30 1.67 .16 25.67 a 4. 48 1868-69 3.25 2.85 4.82 1.56 a 13. 54 8-year mean. 32.97 rt Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Redding, Shasta Cou7ity. [Latitude, 40° 3;>'; longitude, 122° 27'; elevation, 565 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. bept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1890-91 L68 1.19 4.18 9.69 12.84 14.52 4.42 .54 9.68 6.45 6.33 1.37 9.95 1.32 4.75 7.65 3.08 .79 6.80 3.77 L04 2.86 5.52 19.97 3.05 L41 9.17 3.20 2.78 4.17 5.29 8.86 3.68 .57 4.73 2.31 2.31 3.94 3.60 .99 4.05 3.02 .76 .61 2.59 5.11 4.69 3.17 3.23 1.-35 L31 2.61 8.97 3.64 .82 3.12 .41 3.94 1.91 .20 .65 .35 1.59 .15 2.46 L38 T. 0.75 .95 T. T. .01 .01 0.42 T. .38 T. .08 .16 T. .03 « 22. 82 1891-92 1892-93. 1893-94 1894^95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 189&-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2.. 0.13 3.05 1.59 3.24 .81 .15 .13 2.48 3.11 0.02 2.46 .27 5.85 .01 L99 1.36 L56 4.83 6.47 3.08 0.08 8.96 7.60 .99 2.12 6.30 1.69 2.23 8.50 3.03 6.45 8.36 14.27 3.97 15.35 4.36 8.98 3.60 2.35 4.18 3.14 4.37 18.25 49.08 40.41 47.08 42.96 39.20 15.66 29.80 37.75 33.07 50.75 11-year mean 36.72 "Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Sims, Shasta County. [Latitude, 41° 05'; longitude, 122° 21'; elevation, 1,387 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1887-88 4.74 LOO 1.87 5.53 3.53 3.55 2.64 4.37 2.73 .65 0.14 «12.78 1888-89. 0.10 28.57 13.33 9.21 19.85 0.42 17.84 rtl7.88 1889-90.. 18.30 19.83 126.53 1890-91 1.44 8.80 4.01 5.29 2.85 6.03 4.36 2.17 .40 35.35 1891-92 L50 4.08 3.51 7.36 1.12 4.39 8.81 8.39 7.27 .74 .19 47.36 1893-93.. 1.24 L64 13.39 26.93 3.50 4.39 8.94 9.67 4.57 T. 74.26 1893-94.. 3.48 10.98 4.40 6.37 1.00 3.42 2.52 T. 0.36 33.53 1894-95. 2.80 L65 4.45 4-year mean 70.88 a Year incomplete. IjTPPINOOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 469 Record of precipitation at Coles, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 42° (X)'; longitude, 122° 39'; elevation, 2,905 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1887-88 1.21 2.20 0.24 .96 1.90 2.74 2.79 .10 0.85 T. a 6. 99 1888-89 0.85 1.43 1.82 0.15 a 9. 75 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Dunsmuir, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 41° 12'; longitude, 122° 16'; elevation, 2,285 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888-89.. 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-98 1893-94 1894^95 1895-96. 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.90 1.52 .05 3.27 .20 5. 75' 1.46 .53 T. 1.20 20.15 2.13 2.68 L15 9.65 .05 2.78 1.71 7.10 6.13 6.83 11.65 2.82 7.47 1L35 2.90 1.40 11.07 4.84 2.98 15.29 7.16 10.88 2.95 20.57 8.05 9.65 14.03 5.08 29.30 4.89 13. 94 4.98 11.43 7.40 8.29 5.06 0.30 23.60 .55 3.41 3.65 17.53 15.30 22.25 4.08 9.76 6.80 9.93 8.93 2.69 0.33 16.50 2.59 8.81 6.40 7.60 6.50 1.54 10.63 10.62 .50 3.32 6.90 29.40 4.39 11.85 2.70 5.30 18.30 6.05 8.15 10.23 6.33 10.31 6.27 L92 3.76 2.43 11.85 4.95 5.48 8.75 L70 3.55 11.43 1.02 L20 .48 4.85 2.58 1.21 7.08 2.45 3.07 8.96 4.06 4.35 4.40 6.23 .14 4.20 L60 3.18 T. L74 1.12 .40 2.88 1.22 2.10 .17 2.85 1.50 1.90 .90 0.67 .35 .20 1.55 .84 T. 0.07 .90 T. .05 25.41 119.02 26.43 37.65 60.59 60.18 80.50 63.77 51.02 39.38 39.14 58. 24 43.11 54.79 54.23 Record of precipitation at Edgeivood, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 41° 28'; longitude, 122° 23'; elevation, 2,955 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1898-94 189^95 1895-9G 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.89 1.05 .84 .58 1.51 .69 1.59 .71 T. .68 1.16 0.15 7.80 .22 .43 L07 .76 1.75 .05 .40 1.27 .78 1.87 4.97 2.00 2.35 .20 5.35 2.65 .82 .75 3.45 1.90 1.51 3.79 .91 2.28 0.75 5.80 8.00 2.80 7.88 .85 9.55 .51 5.16 2.68 2.21 2.24 0.80 5.60 .55 .15 .95 5.13 4.56 6.64 1.18 .90 8.37 1.00 .37 0.10 5.90 2.45 .12 .20 .50 .36 .30 1.63 4.75 .52 .91 8.21 7.88 8.43 5.04 .18 2.67 2.90 1.88 2.84 2.68 1.85 .17 1.67 1.85 • .18 2.48 0.69 .70 1.96 .86 3.48 .15 .08 4.66 .15 1.64 .19 2.25 1.02 3.47 2.80 l.GO 2.04 L63 .95 3.56 .73 1.35 2.03 2.49 1.72 L58 .98 .97 0.11 1.72 1.45 .69 .80 .42 1.78 .51 .29 .85 .10 0.33 .67 .80 .66 .07 .11 .48 .82 0.45 .05 .46 .94 .77 .85 .99 .43 .28 .65 .86 16.05 36.46 13.62 1L19 24.33 18.12 23.33 19.79 18.69 17.30 7.10 19.03 16.85 32.11 14-year mean 18 78 470 CALIFORNIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Fort Jones, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 41° 35'; longitu.de, 122° 51'; elevation, 2,570 feet. Authority, U. S. "War Department.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1852-53 3.78 .54 1.38 2.62 3.39 .75 1.02 1.99 1.17 .21 0.41 .63 0.13 .20 0.21 a 11. 28 1853-54 0.20 0.48 4.47 1.19 13.49 1854-55 4.18 .48 1.13 1.58 3.83 5.24 1.50 .87 .08 18.89 185S^6 .20 1.40 ■1.77 6.47 1.59 .42 1.18 1.84 2.77 .60 .20 18.44 1856-57 .13 1.78 8.93 3.62 7.59 2.35 .69 1.86 26.95 1857-58 .60 .80 4.47 4.24 6.15 8.78 3.69 1.15 1.55 .60 32.03 21.96 "Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Hornhrook, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 41 ° 50'; longitude, 122° 50'; elevation, 2,154 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 189^-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.15 .32 .55 .45 .80 .55 .58 .28 1.10 0.12 1.95 .65 .68 1.60 1.30 2.02 .60 1.45 1.27 3.81 .70 0.92 2.57 2.93 .70 2.65 4.17 .70 .60 6.04 4.48 3.02 4.66 3.96 1.17 2.58 2.94 2.92 1.90 4.55 3.98 3.33 2.30 2.95 5.85 3.18 .77 2.80 3.13 .93 1.16 .60 6.00 .35 .70 1.05 3.20 2.40 6.30 .85 2.95 2.17 3.24 3.60 1.08 .10 9.91 2.99 .ao 1.15 .70 .20 .90 2.10 .10 .63 .02 2.13 4.96 0.61 2.07 .70 .67 1.40 .30 1.50 2.47 .80 3.90 6.10 .10 .55 T. 0.43 .20 .90 1.50 1.50 .20 2.00 .40 .57 1.11 2.58 2.34 .: .50 1.20 3.78 1.20 1.80 .81 .10 .46 .13 1.27 2.74 .60 1.60 .60 T. 1.12 1.50 .10 .55 .51 0.15 .85 .35 .95 .60 ,80 T. 0.17 .46 .60 .57 T. .10 .60 12.26 11.37 26.96 11.16 11.50 13.91 20.20 13.69 18.94 18.64 12.12 12.42 19.67 16.96 12.90 15-year mean 15.51 Record of precipitation at Montague, Siskiyou County. {Latitude, 41° 44'; longitude, 122° 31'; elevation, 3,542 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92. 1892-93 - 1893-94 1894.-95 1895-96 - 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 0.61 .90 .15 .72 .44 0.16 3.20 .20 .44 1.00 .16 .90 0.98 L60 .35 L25 3.05 .54 .56 •2.25 .76 2.18 3.15 0.30 3.74 1.40 1.83 2.21 2.34 1.75 L58 L43 L63 .20 2.95 0.50 3.70 .70 .10 .51 2.72 2.25 3.40 1.49 .30 .72 0.04 6.05 2.33 T. 1.88 2.13 .55 .40 2.66 1.63 .22 L78 3.60 .75 .75 .87 2.28 .40 1.49 1.35 .10 1.50 0.55 .33 .45 .40 1.75 .05 .81 .20 L70 .83 1.74 1.40 .44 2.50 .81 .96 .80 .60 0.60 L15 1.25 1.04 1.11 .53 .45 .35 T. 0.35 .48 .56 7.22 24.54 9.97 5.53 8.91 17.27 7.30 10.12 10.29 5.22 6.87 "7.00 11-year mean 10.29 ! " Year incomplete. LIPPINCOTT.] KAINFALL TABLES. 471 Record of precipitation at Scott Valley, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 41° 45'; longitude, 123° 02'; elevation, 2,570 feet. Authority, Isaac Titcomb.] Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total, 1858-59- . 1859-60. . 1860-61-. 1861-62. . 1862-63. . 1863-64. . 1864-65. . 1865-66. . 1866-67. . 1869-70. . 1870-71. . 1871-72. . 1872-73. . 1873-74.. 1874-75.. 1875-76-. 1876-77- . 1877-78-. 1878-79-. 1879^80-. 1880-81- . 1881-82-. 1882-83. . 1883-84. . 1884-05-. 1885-86.. 1886-87.. 1887-88-. 0.87 .49 .02 .40 .04 1.15 .40 .06 1.00 .01 .37 .41 .37 1.02 .01 .36 .11 .76 1.44 1.00 2.22 .51 .15 .25 .31 1.33 .08 .88 .50 .01 .03 .05 .16 .94 1.55 4.45 3. 75 .45 2.81 .81 .18 3.53 2.86 2.41 1.04 .53 1.85 .09 .40 3.95 4.33 2.00 11.56 .12 1.85 6.00 9.79 2.51 1.75 .77 3.04 1.00 1.62 2.67 1.71 4.33 7.31 .54 .67 2.16 4.64 .32 2.40 2.72 1.11 .16 10.24 .78 L75 1.94 3.37 0.75 5.74 10.63 1.90 6.17 12.75 1.21 11.75 9.68 2.80 3.56 3.50 7.68 3.38 4.49 .43 7.33 .01 1.62 1.14 4.58 6.76 8.18 3.26 6.67 5.88 1.59 12.84 2.59 1.12 4.75 2.07 9.12 3.06 5.76 5.00 1.86 4.18 1.33 6.38 3.13 2.26 1.71 9.72 3.25 10.62 13.95 4.48 2.58 4.28 2.50 7.22 5.18 6.18 2.71 21.81 1.25 2.50 3.75 1.75 .43 2.40 3.50 2.02 1.50 1.13 2.91 2.47 6.94 3.00 1.80 .17 3.33 4.23 6.53 3.54 2.32 6.53 5.69 1.51 3.14 3.49 1.32 4.96 L77 .50 11.10 4.12 2.50 •1.32 2.45 .64 3.70 1.32 1.73 L62 1.40 1.05 3.65 1.79 3.94 3.10 3.74 .79 2.22 1.11 3.45 .11 1.32 1.07 2.43 4.35 0.75 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.70 .32 .02 1.34 1.14 3.61 1.37 2.27 .34 1.50 1.55 .35 .71 1.23 .27 2.66 5.39 1.19 2.45 3.25 3.06 1.98 3.23 2.63 .18 2.56 2.00 .54 1.00 .40 .51 .05 1.72 .41 .18 1.52 1.12 .55 .25 .27 .71 .75 L19 1.48 .20 1.40 1.32 .17 L29 2.65 1.65 1.40 1.77 .94 1.80 4.71 1.93 .31 .75 .62 .04 1.06 .03 .03 .13 .12 .18 .71 .12 .27 .02 1.04 .08 4.21 .19 1.62 .10 .25 .35 .50 .13 .35 .01 .03 .01 .38 .34 .12 .01 .38 .37 .54 2.49 .40 1.62 1.16 2.13 .37 .60 1.11 0.50 .24 .09 .63 .26 .01 .05 .09 .05 1.50 .02 .06 .47 .07 .04 .63 .01 .01 .85 .18 .11 30-year mean «0.50 20.02 20.41 40.96 15.81 16.14 26.16 36.10 28.17 23.35 18.29 19.87 13.91 22.88 13.88 21.83 13.05 32.54 17.93 32.90 31.51 29.99 22.90 27.01 22.03 32.73 24.99 25.36 20.64 f53.07 24.05 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Sissons, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 41° 27'; longitude, 122° 25'; elevation, 3,555 feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1881-82 1882-83 1888-89-- 1889-90-- 1890-91.. 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96. 1896-97 0.99 1.19 .40 1.20 .32 1.71 .68 .99 4.65 2.53 4.44 3.70 16.45 .13 .30 1.03 .61 3.65 3.70 3.34 3.20 2.17 5.80 .35 8.75 4.25 1.70 .70 8.54 L65 2.91 16.13 3.18 11.20 9.57 2.87 11.13 4.31 6.35 .99 .60 5.69 .40 2.34 3.10 10.72 9.12 21.09 2.59 5.55 8.64 11.97 1.83 2.90 LIO .40 9.33 7.17 .66 2.80 2.60 L24 .21 4.86 10.45 L03 L04 8.99 21.73 L74 10.15 16.27 5.30 .61 4.19 2.77 3.45 3.84 4.16 .43 4.70 2.98 9.92 .62 4.14 L65 6.15 .63 2.98 3.64 5.38 2.60 .70 1.27 3.55 .53 1.05 .23 3.49 2.73 5.08 0.60 2.40 2.75 2.65 3.74 2.66 2.85 2.05 3.02 6.13 1.32 2.05 .95 2.87 0.23 .44 .44 .39 .03 2.25 .15 L03 .89 1.24 T. 0.60 .55 .13 .13 26 .38 0.31 1.32 .16 .36 4.16 28.64 28.87 29.71 64.87 20.02 28.87 35.02 30.98 35.54 45.83 a 8. 56 1897-98 1898-99. 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 .67 2.08 2.31 4.01 10.76 1.93 2.62 L70 10.83 4.52 6.58 3.72 2.10 5.67 3.80 2. 77 32.14 17.12 47.05 45.63 53.55 15-year mean 36.26 1 « Year incomplete. 472 OALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Walla Walla Creek, Siskiyou County. [Latittide, 41° 42'; longitude, 123° 55; elevation, 3,000 feet. Authority, S. Titcomb.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888 89-- ... 1.86 11.86 1.70 2.38 0.25 9.10 6.13 .47 3.85 4.93 2.03 2.39 1.66 1.24 1.11 2.94 3.46 1.29 3.28 1.29 0.19 .28 .99 .76 1.11 .22 .35 0.85 .40 013.38 1889-90 1890-91 - 1891-92 189^93 1.84 1.18 .82 8.95 .10 .39 3.37 .19 1.10 8.09 3.85 13.40 44.96 21.84 25.65 rt 82 3-year mean - 30.82 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Yreka, Siskiyou County. [Latitude, 41° 45'; longitude, 122° 32'; elevation, 2,635 feet. Authority, Dr. L. Antervinth]. Year. Sept. Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1871-72- . 1872-73. . 1873-74- . 1874-75- . 1875-76- . 1876-77.. 1877-78- . 1878-79. . 1879-80-. 1880-81-. 1881-82- . 1882-83- . 1883-84- . 1884-85- . 1885-86. . 1886-87- . 1887-^8. . 1888-89- . 1890-91.. 1891-92- . 1893-93- - 1893-94. . 1894-95. . 1895-96- . 1896-97.. 1897-98-. 1899-1900. . 1900-1901- . 1901-3 0.33 .25 .44 .90 .90 .25 .25 .30 .90 .33 .33 .49 .21 .87 I 1.34 1.55 .55 1.29 3.34 3.05 .30 .45 .77 .13 3.34 1.88 1.35 .29 .34 3.53 1.98 1.43 1.17 2.16 5.29 .43 3.84 1.15 2.33 .10 2.98 .30 1.04 1.13 3.23 2.61 3.92 3.20 6.07 .26 .95 .45 7.23 2.42 1.60 2.09 2.95 6.19 3.10 4.14 1.99 4.08 3.78 4.35 3.00 1.20 6.12 1.53 2.43 11.78 1.81 1.38 2.10 1.16 4.03 3.21 4.90 1.30 3.59 .43 .05 .54 1.60 T. .51 2.34 3.66 1.28 2.20 3.37 7.83 .57 .86 5.03 2.94 3.74 5.00 3.00 1.81 3.93 3.64 3.11 5.40 4.31 3.70 3.76 1.04 3.80 3.33 3.09 1.65 1.20 7.59 5.30 7.37 .43 .83 3.75 1.35 8.13 1.91 1.77 1.62 .19 1.93 3.24 3.91 1.41 .61 2.58 1.96 .47 1.20 2.94 .91 3.01 1.19 1.30 8.89 3.59 .15 2.53 3.33 1.03 1.08 3.89 1.44 1.95 3.13 3.86 6.68 ■year mean 16.88 1.67 .40 1.49 1.49 3.07 1.48 3.80 3.96 1.20 .19 .42 .53 2.34 .74 .41 1.16 2.13 3.09 1.15 1.03 1.53 3.33 3.36 1.89 3.18 .42 1.77 1.12 .98 1.53 2.04 .90 .74 .17 .42 .74 .37 1.56 3.33 .48 1.30 1.36 1.41 1.13 1.78 3.35 .11 1.33 0.44 .60 .34 .51 .65 1.56 .56 1.43 .41 1.03 1.76 1.40 3.65 1.05 1.42 1.13 1.70 0.44 .30 .30 .65 .39 .15 1.28 1.78 1.66 .84 3.39 .10 0.14 .07 .83 .18 .75 .33 .38 1.33 .58 1.51 1.38 0.19 .15 .25 .51 .15 .81 1.03 3.10 .10 .81 2.28 .39 .48 .21 .43 .40 1.21 1.48 1.30 .87 3.31 1.59 3.75 .58 3.08 .63 .37 .53 1.36 .87 .82 .70 .81 1.51 .10 .61 1.36 .03 16.19 12.10 12.77 10.53 23.48 18.69 20.40 12.94 17. CO IS. 91 12.23 12.74 17.36 18.43 10.03 18.96 14.35 11.13 «35.41 n8.92 13.59 16.88 81.03 19.68 38.91 19.30 13.92 12.49 19.31 33.16 18.54 a Year incomplete. LIPPINCOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 473 Record of precipitation at Weaverville, Trinity County. [Latitude, 40° 48'; longitude, 12'S° 35'; elevation, 2,163 feet. Authority, George E. Noonan.] Year. Sept. Oct. N"ov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1869-70 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76. _ 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-^4 1884-85 1885-86 1.06 .64 .29 .C5 L80 .07 1.28 .03 .93 1.38 .88 .44 1.03 L39 .40 .78 4.39 L57 2.82 7.38 1.83 L80 2.08 .55 3.77 8.36 2.45 .11 . 8.01 0.41 11.50 3.01 4.02 10.30 15.39 L50 8.72 3.58 8.09 L49 3.58 .78 1.50 16.56 6.15 9.43 3.53 6.33 9.57 1.32 11.94 .29 6.50 4.91 13.20 14.14 8.00 5.05 4.97 6.78 10.11 8:16 19.62 6.51 15.40 6.59 9.69 6.27 19.83 2.02 6.64 18.61 4.19 4.46 8.81 3.68 8.71 9.64 11.19 15.09 4.29 4.41 .46 9.49 6.24 16.20 6.48 2.59 11.05 6.90 L50 3.56 3.70 .80 2.05 3.02 3.11 3.78 3.12 3.14 8.23 4.53 8.53 12.84 4.72 1.31 3.62 3.34 5.10 .15 2.94 L06 1.73 2.43 .50 3.58 .19 3.79 2.26 2.42 4.05 10.78 3.13 2.44 5.00 6.39 3.78 0.33 1.03 .84 .27 3.67 1.33 1.63 1.62 1.07 4.03 L46 I.IS L29 3.73 1.60 .51 0.14 .17 .70 .93 .15 1.73 .07 .68 .23 .99 3.93 1.41 0.47 .03 .03 .03 .38 .13 0.25 .31 .03 .03 .36 39.33 43.14 57.22 24.81 49.66 24.73 63.60 33.70 65.22 41.71 50.56 53.32 33.72 33.49 38.23 36.13 a 13. 45 16-year mean 1893-94 42.85 11.47 5.02 4.60 3.33 " 33. 31 1 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Milo, Tulare County. [Latitude, 36° 15'; longitude, 118° 50'; elevation, 3,300 feet. Authority, Henry Murphy.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1900-1901 1901-3 0. 51 i.{;o 1.47 0.37 5. 74 1.00 4.06 6.47 i.as 4.33 3. 45 1.69 3.36 .54 T. a 16. 94 18.08 « Year incomplete . Record of precipitation at Mountain Home, Tidare County. [Latitude, 36° 10'; longitude, 118° 48'; elevation, 6,680 feet. Authority, Fred MoUer and N. T. Bailey.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1895-96 14.36 5.70 0.84 7.45 8.93 6.07 8.63 .40 1.30 L85 3.70 .30 0.65 0.50 a 37. 91 1896-97 0.60 3.45 0.40 .73 1.95 3.31 .26: a 34. 87 1897-9« 0.10 a 6. 59 1 a Year incoraplete. 474 CALIFOENIA HYDROGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Porterville, Tulare County. [Latitude, 36°; longitude, 119°; elevation, 461 feet. Authority, Southei-n Pacific Company, M.F. Murphy, agent.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-93 0.54 .07 .04 1.71 .94 .50 .27 .88 3.44 .71 2.43 .61 3.13 .51 .93 .89 .35 .91 .30 T. 0.83 1.52 3.82 1.61 1.96 .75 1.01 .97 2.74 .84 1.85 .83 1.54 T. 2.46 1.55 .17 .16 1.78 2.96 3.68 .70 1.10 .67 2.00 .68 2.92 .89 .30 2.28 0.27 .32 .41 .82 .30 .19 1.94 2.19 1.53 0.42 .35 .13 .42 .55 .10 2.41 1.97 .15 1.09 .85 .69 T. T. T. T. a9 60 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901..... 1901-2 0.43 2.10 T. .41 .15 .23 .65 1.19 1.08 .04 .45 5.56 10.97 6.37 9.66 6.11 7.96 9.24 12.76 9.33 10-year mean 8 76 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Crocker s {Sequoia post-office) , Tuolumne County. [Latitude, 37° 50'; longitude, 119° 53'; elevation, 4,452 feet. Authoi"ity, H. R. Crocker.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1895-96 3.10 .11 a 3. 10 1896-97 1897-98. 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.14 .45 1.58 .62 3.28 2.30 6.09 L87 n.50 9.71 4.59 9.18 2.70 1.85 7.45 17.43 3.90 5.41 3.80 2.12 12.18 L39 2.50 6.56 2.60 11.72 5.98 16.99 2.33 15.97 7.15 L80 1.18 15.71 15.03 21.80 3.74 18.09 &4.28 3.03 8.55 L33 LIO 1.60 3.56 6.35 6.54 3.74 .15 1.80 3.81 L80 0.75 L65 .47 63.44 3L37 43.43 48.40 75.04 48.63 6-year mean. 51.55 « Year incomplete. h March, 1900, violent hailstorm. Record of precipitation at Bering Creek {30 miles east of Sonora) , Tuolumne County. [Latitude, 38° 00'; longitude, 119° 40'; elevation, 7,000 feet.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar^ Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1898-99.. L85 2.88 2.78 9.95 2.77 17.08 0.12 a 37. 43 a Year incomplete. LIPPINCOTT.] RAINFALL TABLES. 475 Record of precipitation at Second Garotte, Tuolumne County. [Latitude, 37° 33' N.; longitude, 120° 34'; elevation, 2,714 feet. Authority, J. P. Chamberlain.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1882-83 1.25 8.00 4.00 10.00 1.00 7.75 .50 15.00 2.00 2.25 6.00 10.50 13.00 12.00 4.00 2.75 6.76 5.25 11.00 1.25 4.52 14.00 1.00 13.75 1.50 1.00 6.75 14.00 3.25 7.25 10.75 4.25 10.75 6.00 1.00 1.25 17.75 11.75 8.27 16.00 5.50 1.25 3.00 9.75 7.25 5.00 7.00 11.25 2.25 8.75 5.55 9.01 2.50 14.00 3.75 1.25 4. 75 2.00 9.00 1.50 6.25 5.50 1.25 .50 2.00 3.50 2.00 2.50 1.25 2.00 7.25 .53 .25 .53 4.00 4.00 3.25 3.50 1.00 .50 1.25 5.75 1.75 .25 6.25 3.75 1.50 .25 T. 2.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.48 3.50 .25 1.00 T. T. T. <^ .25 2.50 a 19. 54 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 188&-87 1887-88 1888-89....... 1889-90 1890-91.. 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96.. 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901 2 0.63 .25 1.00 .50 2.27 .25 .50 2.00 T. 2.00 .25 2.25 0.75 2.00 1.00 6.50 .25 1.25 .25 2.00 3.00 2.75 1.50 6.72 5.00 2.25 0.75 18.00 1.75 2.00 5.00 5.75 10.00 3.00 .50 1.75 6.00 1.00 1.50 6.75 14.00 2.00 1.00 18.50 5.00 2.75 7.00 4.25 32.00 9.00 11.25 8.75 4.00 18.00 2.75 4.50 2.50 1.00 6.00 1.50 2.00 52.61 29.60 46.50 27. CO 25. CO 27.25 ■67.25 36.02 32.25 47.25 37.;i5 52. CO 32.05 37. 79 20.25 29.29 35.22 55.75 a 30. 50 18-year mean 38.35 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Sonora, Tuolumne County. [Latitude, 37° 58'; longitude, 120° 22'; elevation, 1,900 feet. Authority,* John Shaw.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1887-88 188a-89 1889-90.- 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 - 0.64 .54 1.69 .36 .38 .53 1.21 .61 .25 .10 .87 .14 2.42 6.83 .09 .37 1.88 .35 4.74 .21 2.85 3.35 .84 6.90 5.10 1.81 0.70 4.45 7.04 .10 .08 10.28 3.39 .75 6.74 2.15 1.51 7.02 10.29 3.15 5.76 5.04 18.25 10.23 9.10 6.52 3.87 14.53 2.51 3.97 2.53 2.64 5.38 2.05 2.40 7.92 .88 13.59 L74 L69 4.88 8.76 11.19 10.80 3.31 1.71 6.99 3.20 9.04 L35 1.32 1.75 9.37 9.60 4.20 5.93 n.46 4.62 ' .49 11.89 5.79 .42 1.37 12.89 7.86 3.91 7.22 7.40 3.79 6.40 ILll 2.39 4.01 5.00 8.37 1.96 14.03 2.75 1.26 5.53 0.25 .96 2.66 3.77 2.93 2.51 1.32 3.25 8.65 .29 .60 1.08 4.38 4.73 2.45 L02 4.77 2.35 .60 5.18 .27 3.96 2.40 1.14 .25 2.70 2.18 2.01 L18 1.44 0.23 .05 .68 .09 1.48 .31 .15 2.17 .20 .07 T. 0.40 T. 0.02 .61 .08 .03 .04 .01 31.75 35.66 67.39 32.29 30.40 43.76 37.53 45.95 31.17 38.23 21.04 32.81 33.14 46.79 28.42 15-year mean 85.76 476 CALIFORNIA HYDEOGRAPHY. [NO. 81. Record of precipitation at Frazier7riine, Ventura County. [Latitude, 34° 45'; longitude, 118° 00'; elevation, 8,0(X) feet. Authority, Harry C. Porter.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1894-95 0.40 1.03 .28 0.15 .02 3.73 .48 a 0.40 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 - . 0.33 0.30 1.47 1.00 0.90 .73 T. 0.68 4.07 1.35 2.94 7.37 6.33 3.12 4.05 2.22 .16 15.07 24.96 «2.68 1898 99 0.60 •0 a 60 20.02 "Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Mutah Flat, Ventura County. [Latitude, 34° 38'; longitude, 119° 03'; elevation, 4,850 feet. Authority, Burt Snedden GriflEen.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98. 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901 2 0.22 1.80 1.70 .85 .65 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.85 1.60 1.50 L30 5.10 .65 4.10 7.33 1.10 2.80 .15 .30 2.25 0.54 9.80 4.58 9.10 .60 2.25 2.80 7.00 .75 1.41 .78 3.50 LOO 4.60 3.23 0.30 2.95 4.79 3.59 .80 2.50 1.95 .25 2.80 0.13 3.50 .50 .40 1.10 1.41 0.79 .52 .60 L80 .58 0.40 0.30 .30 9.19 21.71 17.04 22.54 5.30 7.35 12.50 18.63 11.69 13.99 Record of precipitation at Nordhoff, Ventura County. [Latitude, 34° 27'; longitude, 119° 08'; elevation, 1,200 feet. Authority, R. Robinson, J. W. Wolf, and H. Lathrop.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1886-87.. 086 LIO 0.78 0.22 16.81 0.44 1.88 0.18 1 «21.77 1887 88 L63 5.96 5.29 7:23 7.46 L28 5.47 .54 .26 «21 93 1888-89 a 13. 18 1890-91 aO :91-92 0.25 T. 2.58 .67 3.75 3.68 .47 L39 11.79 1892-93 1.08 I.a5 8.75 5.80 3.64 7.75 .45 T. 28.82 1893-94 .61 T. 3.45 .68 .74 .29 .19 .97 0.03 6.96 1894-95 .03 .45 6.39 8.61 .46 3.66 .39 19.99 1895-96.. .10 L09 5.78 3.42 L72 .22 T. 12.33 189&-97 1.38 L03 3.00 4.11 7.16 2.91 19.59 1897-98 .43 2.71 .27 a. 43 1898-99 .13 3.98 a 7. 09 1899-1900 17.13 1900-1901 36.37 1901-2 .25 4.38 i.» L37 5.50 4.13 2.50 19.38 9-year mean 19.15 a Year incomplete. LIPPINCOTT.] EAINFALL TABLES. 477 Record of precipitation at Smithes ranch, Ventura County. [Latitude, 34° 44'; longitude, 118° 47'; elevation, 4,000 feet. Authority, "William Smith, Grorman Station.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1898-99 0.82 1.20 2.35 LOO 2.25 1.45 L12 .10 0.12 .32 0.75 .45 0.95 a 3. 27 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.15 .10 0.95 .25 o.a5 3.10 .20 o.a5 5.14 9.67 «.55 2-year mean. 7.41 a Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Snedden's ranch, Ventura County. [Latitude, 34° 41'; longitude, 119° 03'; elevation, 4,900 feet. Authority, Bui-t Snedden Griffin.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1892-93 0.14 0.02 an ifi 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.03 .75 .33 .14 L75 0.72 .16 LIO .70 1.50 L75 0.91 L35 .47 4.52 L75 4.45 6.99 .55 2.40 .05 .30 .27 1.31 6.31 3.47 8.30 .60 2.&5 1.40 3.70 .56 0.65 .49 2.92 .41 T. 3.80 3.95 0.45 1.50 5.02 2.71 .65 1.50 1.45 .10 L85 0.16 .11 3.79 .02 .50 .50 LIO .50 0.75 .57 .54 1.40 .47 0.35 1.15 .25 T. .25 .20 1 9.67 16.15 14.72 19.58 3.44 6.70 6.99 13.69 9.36 11.14 « Year incomplete. Record of precipitation at Upper Lake, Ventura County. [Latitude, 34° 41'; longitude, 119° 03'; elevation, 4,900 feet. Authority, U. S. Weather Bureau.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1890-91 T. T. 0.87 T. .03 T. .07 oO 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96.. 1896-97.. 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-2 0.95 T. .85 .53 .46 .42 .08 .60 .03 1.11 0.62 1.17 .47 2.05 T. L04 L67 1.01 3.49 3.96 1.09 0.71 3.50 4.83 1.13 3.50 5.07 2.38 1.66 6.33 5.08 4.35 7.35 5.30 2.82 1L62 5.30 6.47 2.61 L34 9.79 3.63 2.09 3.93 4.08 10.43 14.92 11.18 3.45 .93 8.16 3.98 6.44 1.35 2.50 5.19 6.21 4.15 .80 6.35 4.57 .25 L31 4.75 12.82 3.18 5.47 1.80 3.20 2.39 4.58 .36 5.59 3.53 L06 3.87 2.84 2.37 L46 1.41 6.01 .42 .43 .90 2.13 2.43 2.85 3.71 1.04 1.02 L39 2.07 .22 1.90 1.00 .81 .70 1.60 0.49 1.12 .97 .58 .05 .35 T. 0.05 T. .05 T. T. 26.28 28.12 31.01 40.45 32.58 29.04 15.51 20.59 31.72 28.08 3L20 11-year mean 1 28.60 1 1 a Year incomplete. 478 CALIFORNIA HYBEOGRAPHY. [no. 81. Record of precipitation at Ventura, Ventura County. [Latitude, 34° 20'; longitude, 119° 20'; elevation, 50 feet. Authority, Mr. Saxby.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77.- 1877-78. 1878-79. 1879-80 1880-Sl. 1881-83 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85. 1885-86 1886-87....... 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 0.06 .06 .84 .98 .95 0.50 .34 .57 .25 1.98 .31 1.00 .38 .03 .02 .02 .04 4.45 .70 .85 .10 0.50 .75 5.00 3.65 1.91 .84 .25 .71 .84 .33 .94 2.71 4.47 2.85 .40 2.15 .25 4.50 .25 4.07 4.98 8.19 .81 .10 4.46 4.95 1.03 .64 2.86 4.39 11.04 2.69 L75 5.80 2.04 3.13 3.75 13.75 7.75 3.60 4.10 4.67 L41 2.47 .60 3.48 7.38 1.25 6.16 .20 8.19 .20 5.01 .45 1.05 3.17 .81 5.25 4.75 .12 5.75 8.51 1.09 7.63 .18 2.79 2.35 9.96 .23 .34 11.08 1.62 1.46 185 7.12 4.54 3.02 .50 LOO 1.00 .12 2.25 .50 1.45 .23 1.95 L53 4.20 1.95 9.44 L58 2.27 .39 4.51 5.64 .45 3.10 .29 7.88 .27 3.17 0.37 2.26 2.14 3.61 .45 1.23 .18 2.06 .23 1.97 1.37 .34 .60 .42 .17 .47 0.50 .75 .25 .25 .06 2.41 ..13 .09 .11 .65 .16 .40 .50 .86 0.02 1.70 .07 '^ 0.03 15.00 15.24 2L00 11.62 20.23 12.79 22.06 13.91 1L98 11.51 36.13 9.46 20.22 14.75 20.31 16.85 25.68 15.36 8.61 23.54 5.39 15.00 22-year mean 16.85 Record of precipitation at Rumsey, Yolo County. [Latitude, 38° 51'; longitude, 122° 14'; elevation, — feet. Authority, Pacific Railway System.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1888-89 1889-90-. 1890-91 . 1891-92 189^93 0.80 .35 .85 7.90 1.03 6.55 4.13 .35 10.57 5.15 12.07 3.91 4.98 11.37 0.95 12.01 .87 3.49 4.80 L35 4.52 13.60 2.84 5.42 8.20 5.32 1.16 3.02 5.77 L40 L17 1.92 L21 1.76 2.45 1.29 L28 2.78 .77 0.15 27.00 48.41 23.09 19.52 41.49 5-year mean. 31.90 Record of precipitation at Colgate, Yuba County. [Latitude, 39° 22'; longitude, 121° 10'; elevation, 650 feet.a Authority, Bay Counties Power Company.] Year. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Total. 1900-1901 1901-2 1.48 6.79 3.61 7.45 4.39 5.31 6.98 1.44 5.07 18.22 2.11 4.23 4.10 0.08 .80 28.48 43.58 2-year mean. 36.03 "Gage at bottom of canyon 1,000 feet deep. INDEX. Abbotts Ferry, stream measurements at 339 Agricultural ditch, measurements of 244 Aguilar Creek, measurements of 32, 321 Alameda Creek, measurements of 32-39 Alder Creek, measurements of 281, 364 Alhambra "Water Company, stream meas- urements at weirs of 245 Aliso Creek, measurements of 40 Alsetrez ditch, measurements of 221, 299, 320 Alta, rainfall at 448 Alturas, rainfall at 440 Amador ditch, measurements of 168-169 American River, measurements of 40-42 American Valley, stream measurements at. 86 Anaheim, stream measurements at 320 Anaheim canal, measurements of 310 Anaheim Union canal, measurements of. . . 309 Angel's ditch, measurements of 339 Ant Creek, measurements of 100 Antelope Valley, stream measurements in. 402 Armas Creek, measurements of 42, 321 Armitas Creek, measurements of 42 Arroyo Burro, measurements of 43, 321 Arroyo Carnero, measurements of 43, 321 Arroyo ditch, measurements of 244 Arroyo Grande, measurements at and near 43, 123 measurements of 43 Arroyo Leon, measurements of ... ? 43 Arroyo Seco, measurements of 44-46, 202-204 Arroyo Seco (Salinas River), flood measure- ments of 411 Artesian Belt Company, wells of, measure- ments of 246 Auburn, rainfall at 355, 449 stream measurements near 42, 46 Auburndale, stream measurements at and near 309, 311, 320 Azusa, flood measurements at 411 rainfall at 434 stream measurements at and near 226- 230, 231, 248-258 Azusa canal, measurements of 228 Azusa city well, measurements of 246 Baby Ruth weir, stream measurements at . 212 Bakersfield, flood measurements near 411 Bald Mountain, stream measurements south of 100 Balls Ferry, stream measurements at 199 Banning, rainfall at 456 Banta ditch, measurements of 244 Bards station, stream measurements at 199 Barstow, rainfall at 459 Bartlett Springs, rainfall at 432 Page. Basin Creek, measurements of 100 Battle Creek, measurements of 199 Bay Counties Electric Company's flume, measurements of 409 Beams ditch, measurements of 215, 319 Bear Creek, measurements of 110,242,283-284 Bear River, measurements of 46, 49 Bear Valley dam, rainfall at 459 Bear Valley ditch, measurements of 406 Bear Valley headworks, measurements of Palm Spring and 407 rainfall at 355, 428 Bear Valley trail, stream measurements at foot of 406 Beardsley Water Company, stream measure- ments at station of 245 Bearskin Meadow, stream measurements near 110 Beaumont, rainfall at 457 Bellota, stream measurements at 54-56 Benton Mills, stream measurements at 154 Bicknel, stream measurements at 322 Bicknell station, stream measurements at. . 319 Bidwell Bar bridge, stream measurements at 81 Big Bend Tunnel, stream measurements at. 86 Big Canyon Creek, measurements of 41 Big Creek, measurements of 261 Big Meadows, stream measurements at 86 Big Rock Creek, measurements of 50 Big Spring Branch, measurements of 86 Big Tree Creek, measurements below mouth of 339 Big Walker River, measurements of 402 Bijou, Nev., measurements of ten small streams between Glen Brook and 368 Bishop Creek, rainfall at 426 Bishop road, stream measurements near. . . 173 Black, Mrs., weir of, stream m.easurements at 246 Blackburns Junction, stream measurements at 402 Blackwood Creek, measurements of 367 Blaney Meadows, stream measurements at. 261 Bloody Canyon, stream measurements at . . 173 Bloomington flume, measurements of 215, 319 Blue Canyon Creek, measurements of 160 Boca, measurements at 366 rainfall at 443 Boulder Creek, measurements of 110 Bowman dam, flood measurements of Yuba River at 410 rainfall at 444 Bradbury ranch, stream measurements at. . 244 479 480 Brannan Slough, measurements of 187 Bridal Veil Creek, measurements of 154 Bridgeport, stream measurements at and near 401, 409 Bridgeport Valley, stream m easurements in . 401 Briscoe Creek, measurements of 341 Brown ditch, measurements of 341 Brundege place, stream measurements at. . 317 Bruns Creek, measurements of 64 Brush Creek, measurements of 101 Bryson, stream measurements at and near. 205 Bubbs Creek, measurements of 110 Buckeye Creek, measurements of 401 Buckeye Springs, stream measurements at. 401 Bull Run Creek, measurements of 100 Bulls Head Canyon, measurements at 71 Burnett Creek, measurements of 206 Burney Creek, measurements of 182 Burney Falls, stream measurements below. 182 Burts Ferry, stream measurements at 85 Butano Creek, measurements of 50 Butte ditch, measurements of 168 Butte Valley, stream measurements at 86 Butte Valley Creek, measurements of 86 Cache Creek, measurements of 51-53 Cajon Creek, measurements of 53 Cajon Creek Canyon, stream measurements in 318 Calabasas, rainfall at 434 Calaveras River, measurements of 53-56 Caliente, rainfall at 428 Caliente Creek, measurements of 56-59 California State engineering department, acknowledgments to 12 Calloway canal, measurements of 99-100 Cameron or Sheep Creek ditch, measure- ments of 244 Camp Carlton ditch, measurements of . . . 215, 319 Cainp Independence, rainfall at 427 Camp Mohave, stream measurements at. . . 69 Camp Tabeand, stream measurements at . . 168 Camp Wright, rainfall at 439 Campers station, stream measurements at. . 243 Campo, rainfall at \ 463 Camulos, stream measurements 2 miles east of 323 Camulos ditch, measurements of 323 Canyada del Corral Creek, measurements of 60,321 Canyada Lares Creek, measurements of . . . 60 Canyada Llaces Creek, measurements of. . . 321 Canyada Refugio Creek, measurements of . 60, 321 Canyada Verde Creek, measurements of. . 60, 321 Capitan (El) Creek, measurements of 60 Carbon Bridge, stream measurements at . . . 182 Carpenteria Creek, measurements of 61, 321 Carson River, measurements of . . .' 61-64 Carson River Basin, measurements in 64 Cascade Creek, measurements of 336, 368 Castillo ditch, measurements of 309 Castle Crags, stream measurements at 199 Cate ditch, measurements of 244 Cattle Canyon, measurements of 243 Chapman ranch, stream measurements at . 244 Chapman well, stream measurements of . . . 246 Chatsworth, stream measurements at 40 Page. Cherokee, rainfall at 421 Cherokee Pipe crossing, stream measure- ments at 85 Cherokee reservoir, rainfall at 421 Cherry Creek, Colo., flood measurements of 410 Cherry River, measurements of 382-383 Chillie Bar, stream measurements at 41 Chino Creek, measurements of 309-310, 320 Chiquita San Joaquin River, measurements of 268 Chowchilla Creek, measurements of 65-67 Christmas Prairie, rainfall at 426 Church ditch (Fresno Canal), measure- ments of 110 Cisco, rainfall at 355, 450 Citizens' Water Company's well, Covina, measurements of 246 City Creek, measurements of 68, 318 Claremont, stream measurements in 317 Clark Creek, measurements of 100 Clarks Fork, measurements of 339 Clear Creek, measurements of 101 Clear Lake, evaporation at 31-32 Clements, stream measurements at 169 Clinton, stream measurements at 364 Colby's camp, rainfall at 434 Cold Creek, measurements of 363, 366 Cold Spring Canyon, measurements of 68 Cold Stream Creek, measurements of 321 Coldwater Creek, measurements of . . . 69, 236-241 Coles, rainfall at 469 Colfax, rainfall at 355, 451 stream measurements near 42 Colgate, rainfall at 478 Colliers, stream measurements near 339 Collinsville, stream measurements at 188-190 Colony dam, stream measurements near. . . 348 Colorado River, measurements of 69-71 Col ton, measurements in canals above. . . 221-225 stream measurements in vicinity of 220, 299, 307-308, 319 Colton ditch, measurements of 215 Colton Terrace Water Company, stream measurements at station of 215- 216,319 Consolidated Water Company's Pomona plant, weir of, measurements at 317 Convict Creek, measurements of 173 Copper City, stream measurements near . . . 182 Copper Creek, measurements of 110 Corral Creek, measurements of 100 Cosumnes River, measurements of 72-75 Coulterville, rainfall at 439 Covina Irrigation Company, pumping plant of, stream measurements at 317 Covina, well at, measurements of 246 Cow Creek, Tuolumne County, measure- ments of 336 Crafton canal, measurements at head works of 159,162,163 Crafton ditch, San Bernardino County, measurements at head of 286 Crafton Water Company's pumping plant, stream measurements at 319 INDEX. 481 Page. Crocker - Hoffman canal, measurements near 153 Crockers (Sequoia post-office), rainfall at.. 474 Crown Creek, measurements of 110 Crown Jleadow, stream measurements near 110 Cucamonga Creek, measurements of 75, 317 Cueamonga Land and Water Company, weir of, stream measurements of 317 Currier's dam site, stream measurements above 203 Cuyamaca, rainfall at 355 Cuyamaca reservoir, rainfall at 463 run-off in watershed of 20 Daley ditch, measurements of 216, 319 See also Meeks & Daley ditch. Daniels & Overholtzer well, measurements of... 247 Daty & Sons, well of, measurements of 216 Davis ranch, stream measurements at 95 Deacon well, measurements of 246 Deep Creek, rainfall at 459 Deer Creek, measurements of 78-81, 110. 363 Del Monte Water Company, weir of, stream measurements at 317 Del Rosa canal, measurements of 318 Delihi mine, stream measurements near... 409 Delta, rainfall at 467 Democrat Springs, measurements of 101 Dering Creek, rainfall at 474 Descanso, rainfall at 355, 463 Devils Gate, stream measurements at and near 45, 186 Dinkey Creek, measurements of 110 Dinsmore Creek, measurement of 81, 321 Discharge tables, list of 32-409 Dobbins Creek, measurement of 81 Dog Valley Creek, measurements of 365 Donner Creek, measurements of 363, 365 Donner Lake, measurements near 363 Dos Pueblos Creek, measurements of 81, 321 Dotta, or Lower Big Spring Branch, meas- urements of 86 Douglas and McQuilly well, measurements of : 247 Doyles ditch, measurements near 374 Dry or Jackson Creek, measurements of . . . 82-84 Dry Meadows, stream measurements at 100 Duarte canal, measurements of 228 Duarte Mutual Improvement and Canal Company, stream measure- ments at station of 245 Dunsmuir, rainfall at 469 , Durkee ditch, measurements of 300, 320 Dusy Meadows, stream measurements at. . . Ill Dutton's, stream measurements near 181 Eaton Canyon, stream measurements in . . . 85 East Riverside district, stream measure- ments in 216 East Riverside ditch, measurements of 319 East Twin Creek, measurements of 318 East Whittier ditch, measurements of 244 Eastwood, J. S., dam site of, stream meas- urements at 261 Eaton Wash, measurements of wells in 85 Edgewood, rainfall at 469 IRR 81—03 31 Edwards bridge, stream measurements near 409 El Capitan Creek, measurements of 321 El Monte Narrows, stream measurements near 243 El Monte road crossing, stream measure- ments at 243 Eldorado, rainfall at 422 Eldorado bridge, stream measurements at. . 409 Eldorado ditch, measurements of 41 Eldorado flume, measurements of 40 Eleanor Creek, measurements of 383-385 Eleanor Lake, measurements at 385 Eleanor trail crossing, measurements at. . 382-383 Electra, flood measurements at 411 stream measurements at 168, 173 Elevation, increased rainfall Avith, diagram showing 16 relation of rainfall to 35-5-357 Elk Creek, measurements below 341 Emerald Bay, measurements of streams be- tween Meeks Creek and 367 Emerald Bay Creek, measurements of 367 Emigrant Gap, rainfall at" 452 Enterprise, s.tream measurements at 86 Enterprise canal, measurements of Ill Escondido Irrigation District canal, stream measurements at head works of. 274 Esperanza station, measurements opposite. 310 Essex, Nev., stream measurements at 365 Eureka Lake Company's canal, measure- ments at 409 Eureka Valley, measurements in 337 Evans ditch, measurements of 221, 359 Evans Island ditch, measurements of 221 Evans lower ditch. Riverside County, meas- urements of 299 Evans upper ditch, measurements of 300, 320 Evaporation at Sweetwater reservoir 348 measurement of 20-32 methods of 23 Excelsior Mining and Irrigation canal, meas- urements of 409 Fall River, measurements of 182 Falls Creek, measurements of 386 Farmers ditch, measurements of 323 Farrell ditch. See Logsdon