*f y ^^ -^^^^^^^^ -^^^ m l^iSty -. CHARTER S BY-L^4^A^^ NORTH-WESTERN I CHRISTIAN ONIVERSITY. I W % OlM) I isr^N C K FOR THE GCn^ERNMENT OF THE INSTITUTION ^^^^^es^i^ga^^ ^^^ TXDlAiN APOLIS: p 1 Xni.A N A POLL- JOURXAL f()MPANY, PRINTERS. Vj'' °" IS.) 7. % .^Jtfj^ \ m 1 ^ m 1 y yi CHARTER BY-LA^T\^S NORTH-WESTERN It CmiSTIAN UNIVEESM, ORDINA-ISrCE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE INSTITUTION. INDIANAPOLIS: INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1857. FIRST BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Elected . July 14th, 1852. OVID BUTLER, George Campbell, Jeremiah Smith, Elijah Goodwin, H. St. John Van Dai^e, Jambs Ford, Chauncy Butler, James H. Marsteller, James M. Mathes, David G. Stewart, Allen May, President. Benjamin Irwin, Oliver P. Badger, Daniel C. Stover, Parmetus M. Parks, Perry M. Blankenship, Love H. Jameson, William H. Craig, James Sulgrove, Ephraim S. Frazee, Benjamin F. Reeve. SECOND BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Elected July 11th, 1856. OVID BUTLER, Love H. Jameson, Allen May, H. St. John Van Dake, John B. New, James M. Mathes, Elijah Goodwin, Daniel C. Stover, William H. Craig, R. B. Duncan, Beverly Vawter, President. Joseph L. Martin, W. W. Thrasher, Benjamin F. Reeve, James Ford, Jeremiah Smith, HiGGiNS Lane, E. S. Frazee, George Campbell, Chauncy Butler, A. D. Hamrick. L. H. JAMESON, Secretary. OVID BUTLER, Treasurer. K^ACULTY. JOHN YOUNG, A. M., [ACTING PRESIDENT.] PROFESSOR OF NATURAL SCIENCE AND LAW. A. E. BENTON, A. M., PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. G. W. HOSS, A. M., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND CIVIL ENGINEERING. J. R. CHALLEN, A. B., PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH AND NORMAL SCHOOL. A. isr A. O T To Incorporate the North Western Christian University, Section I, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Staie of Indiana, That F. D. Wheeler, John K. Mentel, J. M. Mathes, Thomas Connelly, Benjamin Irwin, Elijah Goodwin, J. B. Craft, John O'Kane, B. F. Reeve, S. K. Hoshour, George Campbell^ Jeremiah Smith, John Brownlee,. Ambrose D. Hamrick, Higgins Lane, James Ford, A. E. Drapier, Milton B. Hopkins, J. B. New, R. S. Browne, Michael Combs, 0. Butler, L. H. Jameson, J. Mo Bramwell, A. Houghton, Jacob Wright, T. J. Edmonson, E. F. Peabody, P. T. Russell, Paris C. Dunning, G. W. New, G. W. Smith, Corbly Martin, B. F. Flinn, M. Cole, D. C. Stewart, Ste- phen Younger, Thomas Lockhart, John Longley, A. B. Cole, Alfred Davis, M. R. Trimble, and Thomas M. Adams be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, under the direction of whom, or any of them, subscriptions may be received to the capital stock of the North-Western Christian University, hereby incorporated, and they, or any of them, may cause books to be opened at any time for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said Company, and may continue the same open until such a subscription to the capital stock of said Company, as is necessary to its incorporation, shall be obtained. Sec. 2. The capital stock of said Company shall not be less than seventy-five thousand dollars, nor more than five hundred thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, which may be subscribed for by any individual or corporation, or by any Chris- tian Church, society, or congregation, in the name of its Trustee, •which Trustee shall, however, be personally responsible for such subscription; and as soon as seven hundred and fifty shares of such capital stock shall be subscribed to the satisfaction of said Commis- sioners, or a majority of them, the subscribers of said stock, their successors, or assigns, shall be, anil they are hereby, declared to be incorporated into a Company by the name of "The North -Western Christian University," and by that name shall be capable in law of receiving, taking, purchasing, holding, selling, leasing, and convey- ing or using, occupying and enjoying all such real and personal estate and property as shall or may be necessary or proper for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, not exceeding, however, in value, at any one time, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ; and shall have perpetual succession, and by such corporate name may sue and be sued, and may have and use a common seal, which they shall have power to alter or renew at pleasure, and shall have and enjoy, and may exercise all the powers, rights, and privileges, which other corporate bodies may lawfully do, for the purposes mentioned in this act. Sec. 3. That the objects and purposes contemplated by this act of incorporation are hereby declared to be, to estabhsh, found, build up, maintain, sustain, and perpetuate, through the instrumentality of said Company, at, or in the vicinity of the City of Indianapolis, in the State of Indiana, an institution of learning of the highest class, for the education of the youth of all parts of the United States, and especially of the States of the North-West; to establish in said institution departments or colleges for the instructing of the students in every branch of liberal and professional education ; to educate and prepare suitable teachers for the common schools of the coun- try ; to teach and inculcate the Christian faith and Christian mor- ality, as taught in the Sacred Scriptures, discarding as uninspired and without authority all writings, formulas, creeds, and articles of faith subsequent thereto ; and for the formation [promotion] of the sciences and arts. The affairs and business of the said Company, and of said institution, shall be under the control and management of a board of twenty-one directors, to be elected by the stockholders every third year ; and that at the election of said directors, and on all other occasions where a vote of the stockholders is to be taken, each stockholder shall be allowed one vote for each share owned by him or her, and each stockholder may vote either in person, or by proxy duly appointed, and authorized in writing so to do. Sec. 4. So soon as seventy-five thousand dollars of the capital stock of said company shall be subscribed, to the satisfaction of said commissioners, or a majority of them, they shall appoint a time and place for holding the firsc election of directors, of which they shall give such notice as they may deem proper and sufficient ; said com- missioners, or a majority of them, may also prescribe the manner of holding and conducting said first election ; and subsequently thereto in every three years, there shall be a like election of directors, to be holden at such time and place, and upon such notice, and in such manner, as the Board of Directors shall prescribe. Sec. 5. The directors so chosen shall serve as such for the term of three years, and until their successors are chosen, and shall con- stitute the Board of Directors of the North- Western Christian University : they shall choose one of their own body as President of said Board, and may choose either from their own members or other stockholders in said company, a Treasurer, Secretary, and such other servants and agents of said company and of said Board as to them shall seem necessary and proper, all of whom shall serve as such during the pleasure of the Board. The said Board shall have power to make its own by-laws, rules, and regulations, and may prescribe and define the rights and powers, duties and liabili- ties within the limits of this act, and of the laws of the State, of each, any, and all the servants and agents of the said company or of the said Board. Sec. 6. The said Board of Directors are hereby empowered to expend any amount which may be necessary, not exceeding one- third of the capital stock of said company, in the purchase and procurement of a* suitable site and ground for the said Institution; and in the purchase of, or the building and erecting thereon, suita- ble buildings for the said incorporation, and in the purchase and procurement of all proper fixtures, appurtenances, appa,ratus, furni- ture, library, &c., for the use of said Institution. The balance of said capital stock not so expended and applied, shall be kept and retained as a permanent fund for the endowment of the said Insti- stution, and may be loaned out by said Board upon good and ample security, at an interest of six per cent, per annum, payable annually in advance, such interest to be used and applied to maintain, sustain, and support such Institution. Sec. 7. The stock subscribed shall be payable to the said Board of Directors, or to their proper agents, upon their requisition. And said Board are liereby authorized, at any time, or from time to time, as said Board may think proper, to make such requisitions either for the whole or for such share and proportion thereof as said Board shall think necessary : Provided, That for so much and such share and proportion of each subscription,* as by the foregoing section is contemplated to be kept and retained as a permanent fund, for the endowment of said Institution, each shareholder shall be a preferred borrower, and shall, if he desire it, have the privi- lege of retaining the same as a loan from said company, upon full and prompt compliance with the terms of this act, prescribed to the borrowers of said fund, and subject to the same conditions and liabiHties as other borrowers : Provided, also, So long as such stockholder so retaining as a loan a portion of said subscription, shall faithfully and promptly comply with every requisition of the Board as to the securing, or further or better securing, the amount so retained by him as a loan, and shall faithfully and promptly pay the annual interest thereon in advance, he or she may so retain as a loan, an amount equal to two-thirds of his or her said subscription; but in case of his or her failure to comply with any such requisition of the Board, or to pay said interest promptly, the right so to retain the same shall be held to be forfeited, and the amount shall there- upon be taken, and held to be presently due and collectable. Sec. 8. In case any subscriber shall fail to make full payment of his subscription, as contemplated by the provisions of this act, the Board of Directors may at any time after said failure, either before or after suit therefor, declare the stock of said delinquent subscriber forfeited, and strike his name and his stock from the books of the company. Sec. 9. Upon the full payment and security of the amount of his or her subscriptions, as herein contemplated, each subscriber shall receive from the said Board of Directors a proper certificate or certificates of the number of shares and amount of stock held by him or her, which stock shall be transferable and transmissable as other personal property : Provided, That no assignment or trans- fer of said stock shall be recognized or allowed by the said Board, or by said company, unless such assignment and transfer be made and entered on the books of the company. Sec. 10. The said Board of Directors are hereby authorized to keep the books of said company open to receive further subscriptions to the capital stock of said company, to any amount which they may think proper, not exceeding, however, in the whole, the said sum of five hundred thousand dollars, and all such new subscribers shall enjoy the same rights, and privileges, and be subject to the same duties and liabilities as the original shareholders. Sec. 11. The said Board of Directors, in loaning out the funds of the said company, are authorised and required to provide that the same be amply secured by mortgage or otherwise, and said Board, so often thereafter as they may think proper or necessary so to do, may require further and additional security, to the satis- faction of the said Board, from any of the borrowers of said funds, and in case any borrower shall fail to comply promptly with any such requisitions o£ the Board, or shall fail to make punctual pay- ment of the annual interest in advance upon his or her loan, he or she shall forfeit all further credit on such loan, and the amount so loaned him or her shall be taken and held to be immediately due and payable, and may be collected by due course of law. Sec. 12. The said Board of Directors are hereby authorized and empowered, for, and in the name of said company, to select and locate, in the City of Indianapolis, or in its vicinity, a suitable and proper site and location for the buildings of the Institution, and to purchase and procure the same with such adjacent grounds as they may think proper, to be conveyed to the said company in fee, to provide and establish thereon an Institution of learning to be called ''The North Western Christian University ;" to purchase and procure, or build, and erect thereon, all such halls, buildings, and edifices as shall be necessary for the use and occupancy of such Institution, and to purchase and procure for the use of said In- stitution all proper fixtures, appurtenances, apparatus, furniture, and hbrary, and to open, maintain, sustain, and support the said North Western Christian University, for the purpose herein speci- fied. Sec. 13. The said Board of Directors shall have the control and management of the said Institution — may establish as many Chairs and Professors, and appoint such Presidents and Professors, as they may think proper, and remove the same at pleasure ; and may, by their by-laws and ordinances, determine and define the powers and duties of such Presidents and Professors, both indi- vidually and collectively : Provided, No degree shall be conferred, or diploma granted, except to students who have attained the same proficiency in the liberal arts and sciences as is customary for stu- 2 10 dents in other similar institutions, to entitle them to the same de- grees and diplomas. Sec. 14. The Board of Directors shall meet annually, at Indi- anapolis, on the Tuesday next after the fourth Monday in May in each year, and at such other times as said Board may determine, until the opening of the said Institution, and thereafter the times and places of their meetings shall be determined by the Board, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum. The President, or any three of the Directors may, at any time, call a special meeting of the Board. Sec. 15. From and after the opening of the Institution, each stockholder, whose stock is fully paid or secured, as herein con- templated, shall receive interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum on the amount of his or her stock, payable, however, solely and exclusively in tuition in said Institution, at the usual rate for tuition therein, when demanded, and payable to such stockholder, Lis or her order or assigns, at any time within ten years after such interest shall accrue. Sec. 16. All property, either real or personal, held by said company for the purposes hereby contemplated, shall be exempt from taxation. Sec. 17. This act shall be taken and held as a public act, and shall be liberally construed for every beneficial purpose hereby in- tended, and no omission to use any of the privileges hereby grant- ted shall cause the forfeiture* thereof : nor shall any gift, grant, purchase, sale, or conveyance, to or for the benefit o^said company, be defeated or prejudiced by any misnomer, misdescription, or in- formality whatever. Sec. 18. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. G. W. CARE, Speaker of the House of Bepresentatives. JAMES H. LANE, President of the Senate. Approved January, 15, 1850. JOSEPH A. WRIGHT. BY-LAWS OF THE BO^ED OF EIRECTOHS OF THE NOETH WESTERN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, ADOPTED AT THE ANNUAL SESSION, JUNE 29th, 1857. The Board of Directors of the North Western Christian Uni- versity, do hereby make, ordain, and establish the following By- Laws, Rules, Ordinances, and llegulations, to-wit : ARTICLE I. Sec. 1. The Triennial Election of Directors required by the Charter shall be held at the University Buildings, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of the Annual Commencement day of the Institution, of every third year commencing with, and holding the first election hereafter in the year 1858. It shall be the duty of the President of the Board, to give at least one month's previous notice of the time and place of any such election, in such manner as he may deem best. Sec. 2. In case of a failure to hold any such election at the time specified, the same may be held at any subsequent time, on the call of the President, provided that the President shall give notice thereof, as required by the preceding section. Sec. 3. The stockholders present at any such election shall se- lect one of their number to preside and to serve as inspector of such election, who shall call to his assistance, two stockholders as Judges, and two other stockholders as Clerks of such election. Sec. 4. Those stockholders, equal in number to the number of Directors to be elected, who shall receive the highest number of votes, at such election, shall be taken and held to be duly elected 12 Directors for the term of three years next thereafter, and until their successors shall be duly elected. A certificate of such elec- tion shall be made out, and signed by the Inspector and Judges, and attested by the Clerks thereof, and together with the poll books and tally papers shall be filed in the ojBSce of the Secretary of the com- pany, who shall record such certificate in the order book of the Board. Sec. 6. The Secretary shall notify those persons elected as Di- rectors, of their said election, and of the time and place of the meeting of the Board next thereafter, designating the time thereof which shall be within thirty days after such election. ARTICLE II. OF THE MEETING- AND RULES OF THE BOARD. Sec. 1. The Board of Directors shall meet annually, at the oflSce of the Company in the University Buildings, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the Mcnday next preceding the Annual Commencement day of the Institution. Other meetings of the Board may be call- ed, and held according to the provisions of the Charter. Sec. 2. A majority of the Directors constitute a quorum, for the transaction of business, according to the provisions of the Char- ter. It shall be necessary to the validity of any act, or the pas- sage or adoption of any order or resolution, that it be sustained by the concurring vote of a majority of all the Directors present, pro- vided that in all elections of President, Secretary, Treasurer, or any member of the Facully, the concurring vote of a majority of all the Directors, shall be necessary to a choice. Sec. 3. The following shall be the order of business at each session of the Board, — but the rules may be suspended, and any matter postponed upon the order of the Board, to-wit : 1. The reading, approving, and signing the minutes of the last preceding session of the Board, or so much thereof as shall not have been previously approved. 2. The reading the minutes of the proceedings of the Business Committee since the last preceding session of the Board — the re- vision of such proceedings and the action of the Board thereon. 3. The report of the President with the reports of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Agents. 4. The reports of Committees other than the Business Committee. 13 6. Other business ; which shall have precedence in the order in which it shall be presented. Sec. 4. The President shall have all the privileges of a Direc- tor, but shall not participate in debate, while himself occupying the Chair. Upon each vote by ayes and noes, his name shall be called last. Sec. 6. The final vote upon all questions of business, shall be taken by ayes and noes, and entered upon the record, and at the request of any Director, any other vote shall be so taken and entered. Upon the request of any two Directors, any election by the Board shall be by ballot, otherwise, all such elections shall be viva voce, and shall be recorded, and if it require more than one vote to make an election, each vote shall be recorded. Sec. 6. No second shall be necessary to any motion to entitle it to be entertained by the Board. Motions to rise and to adjourn shall at all times be in order. The previous question — motions to take from or lay on the table, and motions to rise and to adjourn, shall be decided without debate. Each day shall constitute but one sitting of the Board, but the Board may rise at any time at its pleasure. ARTICLE III. OF THE BUSINESS COMMITTEE. Sec. 1. The Board, at any meeting thereof, may appoint a Committee to be designated, "The Business Committee," to serve as such until the annual meeting of the Board nezt thereafter. — Such Committee shall consist of seven Directors, of whom the Pres- ident of the Board shall be one. Sec. 2. Said Committee shall have full power, for, and on be- half of the Board, to do and transact all affairs and business which the Board might rightfully do, and which shall be necessary and proper to be done and transacted in the interim, between the meet- ings of the Board, subject however to the revision of and approval by the Board, Provided, that the acts, doings, proceedings, and ap- pointments of such Committee, shall have full force and ejBFect un- til the meeting of the Board next subsequent thereto, but no longer, unless approved by the Board. Sec. 3. The said Business Committee shall meet quarterly, at office of the Company, in the University Buildings, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of the first Mondays of January, April, July and October. u Said Committee may also meet at any other time or times, upon the call of the President, and personal notice thereof to its members. Sec. 4. A majority of the Business Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a concurring vote of a majority of the members of the Committee, shall be necessary to the validity of any of its acts, or to the passage or adoption of any order or resolution by it. Sec. 5. The votes in the sessions of the Business Committee, shall be taken and recorded as above provided for the Board. ARTICLE IV. OF THE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD AND OF THE COMPANY. Sec. 1 . The President of the Board, the Secretary and Treas- urer of the Company, and a Treasurer of the Institution, shall be elected by the Board at the first meeting thereof next succeeding each triennial election. The President shall serve until the next succeeding triennial election, and until his successor is elected, un- less sooaer removed by the Board or Business Committee. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Treasurer of the Institution, shall serve until the first meeting of the Board next after the triennial election next succeeding, unless sooner removed by the Board or Business Committee. Sec. 2. Vacancies at any time existing or occurring in either of said offices, may be filled by the Board at any meeting thereof. In the interim between the meetings of the Board, such vacancies may be filled by the Business Committee, until the meeting of the Boai'd next thereafter. Sec. 3. Such officers shall receive such compensation for their services as shall be fixed and allowed by the Board. ARTICLE V. OF THE DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT. Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all the meetings of the Board and of the Business Committee, and shall sign the daily minutes of the proceedings of each, vv^hen properly entered and ap- proved, provided however that, upon the call of the President, any member may occupy the Chair temporarily, and provided also that, in case of the absence of the President, the Board or the Committee may appoint a temporary Chairman. 15 Sec. 2. The President shall be the general Fnancial Agent of the corporation, and shall see that all its funds are properly ac- counted for and promptly paid or secuied according to ihe By-Laws, rules, orders and directions of the Board, or of the Business Com- mittee. Sec 3. He shall be the general Superintendant of the opera- tions, affairs, business, and accounts of the corporation, directing, managing, and conducting the same according to tjie provisions of the Charter, and the By-Laws, Rules, orders, and directions of the Board, or of the Business Committee. Sec. 4. He may appoint any and all agents, necessary or proper for carrying on or conducting, or transacting the affairs and business of the corparaiion, subject however to the approval of the Boaid or Business Committee, if such appointments are designed to con- tinue longer than till the meeting of the Board or Business Com- mittee next thereafter. No appointment of any agent, however made shall be for a longer period than till the triennial election next thereafter. Src. 5. The President shall devise and procure all the necessry printed forms of Stock Certificates, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Notes and other instruments and papers, and all necessary blank books, for the use of the corporation, its officers and agents. Sec. 6. He shall sign all warrants drawn upon the Treasury, and all Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Notes, Certificates of Stock, and other agreements and contracts of the Corporation. Sec. 7. He may at any time, require the Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer of the Listitution, Faculty of the University, or any other officer or agent of the Corporation or of the Board, to make report to him in writing, in reference to any or all matters in their charge respectively. Sec. 8. He may temporarily fill any and all vacancies which may occur in the oflfices of Secretary, Treasurer, or Treasurer of the Institution, until the meeting of the Board or Business Com- mittee next thereafter. Sec. 9. He may, by and with the advise and consent of any three Directors, suspend any oflficer or agent of the Corporation or of the Institution, until the Board or Business Committee can be convened to act in the premises. In such case he shall imme- diately convene the Board or Business Committee, and make report thereto of such suspension, and of the cause or causes thereof. 16 Sec. 10. He shall, at each annual meeting of the Board, make thereto full report in writing, of the state and condition of the af- fairs of the Corporation, and of the Institution, and of the opera- tions, business and transactions of the Corporation, and of the Institution, during the fiscal year next preceding such report, and shall, together with his report, present to the Board all such reports as may have been made to him by the Secretary, Treasurer, Faculty and Treasurer of the Institution, and also such reports of agents as he may deem necessary for the information of the Board. Sec. 11. When, in the opinion of the President, the security upon any loan of the funds of the Corporation, is or has become in- sufficient, he shall, for and on behalf of the Board, require the stockholder or other borrower of such fund, to give further and better security upon such loan. It shall be the duty of the President to proceed with all reasonable dispatch, according to the best of his judgment, in collecting the funds which are, or may be due the In- stitution, and in securing, and when he shall deem it called for, in further securing the stock of the Institution. ARTICLE VI. OP THE DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. Sec. 1. The Secretary shall have the care, custody and keeping of all the books and papers of the Corporation, except such as shall be required to be kept by other officers or agents thereof. The books and papers in the -Secretary's office, shall at any time and at all times be open to the inspection of the Board — the business or other Committee of the Board — the President or any one of the Direc- tors, and also of any three stockholders who may jointly apply to inspect the same. Sec. 2. The Secretary shall keep a book to be called the Order Book of the Board. He shall keep and promptly record in said Order Book, full and complete minutes of all the acts and proceed- ings of the Board, and of the Business Committee. Sec. 3. The Secretary shall issue and attest all Warrants drawn upon the Treasury — all Certificates of Stock, and all notes or scrip issued for interest upon stock, and shall also attest all Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, and other contracts and agreements of the Cor- poration, and to such as shall require a seal, to give them validity, he shall also attach the seal of the Corporation. 17 Sec. 4. He shall be the Book-Keeper and Accountant of the cor- poration, and shall keep all its books and accounts upon the sys- tem of double entry. He shall keep a Day Book, a Journal and a Ledger, in which he shall promptly enter in due and proper form, all the business transactions of the corporation proper to be entered upon the books thereof, and shall keep separate and distinct accounts of, and with the several funds of the corporation — with the Treas- urer, the Agents, the Stockholders, the borrowers of the funds, and with all other persons having business transactions with the corpo- ration, and with whom accounts should properly be kept. Sec. 5. He shall also keep the following Registers, to-wit : A Register of unclosed Stock subscriptions. A Stock Register. A Bill Register. A Register of Stock Certificates, A Transfer Register. A Register of Loans to Stockholders. A Register of Cash Loans. A Register of Treasurer's Receipts. A Register of Warrant3 drawn. A Register of Interest scrip issued. And all such other books as he may find necessary or convenient for the proper keeping of the accounts of the Corporation. Sec. 6. He shall enter in the Register of unclosed stock sub- scriptions, in separate lists for the different counties or other con- venient localities, all unclosed stock subscriptions, showing in each entry, the date of the subscription, the name and residence of the subscriber, the number of the subscription list on which the sub- scription was made — the number of shares and amount of the subscription, and the terms and conditions thereof if any were at- tached thereto, and showing what payments have been made thereon, and what notes orother securities have been given therefor, and noting as the same may occur, each future payment thereon or security therefor, or the closing up of the same, according to the By-Laws of the Board. Sec. 7. He shall enter in the Stock Register in separate lists, for the diflferent counties or other convenient localities all closed stock, showing in each entry the number of the stock certificate if issued, the name of the stockholder — the number of shares and amountof stock— 3 18 the payments made thereon, (except for interest to Endowment Fund,) separating the Building and Endowment Fund portions thereof, the securities given therefor, noting their character and -description, and separating the Building and Endowment Fund portions thereof, and noting as the same may occur, all future payments thereon. Sec. 8. He shall enter in the Bill Register, all the notes and other obligations, (except those for, or on account of loans of the Endowment Fund,) due or accruing due to the corporation, showing in each entry the date of the obligation — the name of the payor thereof — the amount — the time when due, and the character and description of the obligation, and noting as the same may occur all payments thereon. Sec. 9. The register of stock certificates shall contain two sep- arate lists. The one of stock certificates issued upon stock closed by loan to the stockholder in whole or in part, as authorized by the Charter and By-Laws — and the other of stock certificates, issued upon full payment of stock in cash or its equivalent. In the first named fist, the Secretary shall make entries, in numerical order, showing in each entry the date and number of the certificate — ihe name of the stockholder — the number of shares and amount of stock — the amount paid and the amount loaned, with the num- ber of the bond or other security therefor, and shall note as they may occur all future payments thereon, and when fully paid, shall issue a final certificate thereon, and transfer the same to the other list. And in the last named list, the Secretary shall make entries in numerical order, of all stock certificates issued upon stock fully paid out m money or its equivalent, showing in each entry the date and number of the final certificate — the name of the stockholder — the number of shares and the amount of the stock. Sec. 10. He shall, in like manner, make proper entries upon the Transfer Register of all the stock transferred, according to the provisions of the Charter and the By-Laws and orders of the Board. Sec. 11. He shall enter upon the Register of loans to stock- holders, in numerical order, all amounts retained by stockholders and properly secured as loans of the endowment fund, showing in each entry the date and number of the loan — the name of the stockholder to whom made — the time at wich interest thereon com- mences and is payable, and the character and description of the security therefor, and note as they may occur all payments either of principal or interest thereon. Id Sec. 12. He shall enter in the register of cash loans in numer- ical order, all loans of the endowment fund, (other than loans to stockholders of portions of their stock under the provisions of the charter,) showing in each entry the date and number of the loan — the name of the borrower — the character and description of the se- curity therefor — the time when due of principal and interest, and the amount thereof, and note as they may occur all payments either of principal or interest thereon. Sec. 13. He shall enter in the register of receipts in numerical order, all the receipts of the Treasurer which may be presented to, and filed with him, showing in each entry the date and number of the receipt — the name of the payor — the account on which the payment is made — the amount thereof and the fund to which it belongs. Provided, That in all cases in which the Treasurer's re- ceipts are not presented to, and filed with the Secretary in time for making out his reports, he may fill out such entries upon his reg- ister from the register of receipts, kept by the Treasurer, for which purpose he shall have access thereto — noting however in each such entry the fact that the receipt has not been filed with him. Sbc. 14. He shall enter in the register of warrants drawn, in numerical order, all warrants drawn upon the Treasurer, stating in each entry the date of the issue — the number of the warrant — the name of the payee — the account for which the allowance is made — the date of the allowance by the Board or Business Com- mittee — the amount and the fund out of which it is made payable. Sec. 1 5. He shall enter in the register of interest scrip issued, in numerical order, all notes or scrip issued to stockholders, on ac- count of interest payable in tuition upon their stock, showing in each entry the date and number of the scrip — the number of the certificate of stock upon which it is issued — the name of the payee — the amount and the time for which it is intended as payment of interest. Sec. 16. Upon presentation to the Secretary, to be filed in his office, of any receipt of the Treasurer, he shall give to the person presenting the same a quietus of the payment therein named. Seo. 17. In making out his account with the Treasurer, the Secretary shall charge the Treasurer with all sums, the receipts whereof shall be so presented and filed, and with all other sums which, by the reference to the Treasurer's register of receipts, as 20 provided for in Section 13th of this article, may appear to have been received by him, and shall credit him in aggregate amounts with all such sums and amounts as may be shown by his reports, ac- cepted and approved by the Board or Business Committee, to have been paid out by him in the redemption of warrants. Sec. 18. The Secretary, by the first day of June in each year, shall make to the President of the Board an annual report in wri- ting, of the state and condition of the books and accounts of the corporation and other matters, and things in his charge up to the close of the fiscal year next preceding, and especially showing the following items, to-wit : 1. The number and amount of the unclosed stock subscriptions — the amount paid and the amount unpaid thereon. 2. The number of shares and amount of closed stock. 3. The amount due the corporation upon notes or bills. 4. The number of shares and amount of stock upon which cer- tificates of stock have been issued. 6. The amount retained by stockholders as loans of endowment fund and unpaid. 6. The amount of cash loans of endowment fund. 7. The amount of the Treasurer's receipts during the last fiscal year, and the funds respectively upon which the same waere paid. 8. The amount of warrants drawn upon the Treasury during the last fiscal year, and the funds out of which the same were made payable. 9. The number and amount of interest scrip issued. And shall also show clearly the amount and character of all other indebtedness to the corporation, and the amount and charac- acter of all its debts and liabilities. Sec. 19. The Secretary shall faithfully hand over to his suc- cessor or to the Board or Business Committee, or President when demanded, all the records, books, papers and all other articles or things in his hands, care or keeping by virtue of his office belong- ing, or in anywise appertaining to the Corporation, or to the Insti- tution. Sec. 20. The Secretary shall give Bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, with security to be approved by the President — conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of Secretary during his continuance in office — that he will safely keep the books L>1 papers, and oUier articles and things committed to his care, or be- lonoino- to his office, and that he will promptly hand the same over to his successor in office, or to the Board, Business Committee, or President of the Board when demanded. ARTICLE VII. THE DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. Sec. 1. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all moneys that may be paid to him, or come into his hands as Treasurer, noting in each receipt the account on which the same is paid, and the fund to which it belongs. He shall safely keep all such moneys, and faithfully disburse the same upon the proper warrants drawn upon the Treasury. Sec. 2. He shall keep a register of receipts, in which he shall enter in numerical order all the receipts at the Treasury, showing in each entry the date and number of the receipts — the name of the person from whom received — the account on which payment is made — the amount thereof, and the fund to which it belongs. Sec. 3. He shall keep a register of redeemed warrants, in which he shall enter in the order of time of their redemption all warrants by him paid or redeemed, showing in each entry the date and num- ber of the warrant, the person to whom payable, the amount thereof, and the fund out of which the same is made payable. And shall write upon the face of such warrant, over his own signature, the word "redeemed," and the date of such redemption. Sec. 4. He shall keep a register of interest scrip redeemed, in which he shall enter, in the oider of time in which he receives the same, all scrip or notes payable in tuition given to Stockholders as interest on their stock, and paid in on tuition, shov.'ing in each entry the date and number of the scrip, the payee and the amount thereof, and shall write upon the face of such scrip, over his own signature, the word "redeemed," with the date of his reception thereof. Sec. 5. He shall keep a Ledger, into which he shall post, in proper form, from his registers of receipts and of warrants redeem- ed, his accounts with the corporation, and with the several funds thereof. Sec. 6. He shall, by the first day of June in each year, make to the Preisdent of the Board an annual report, in writing, of the state and condition of the Treasury,, and of all receipts and disburse- ments during the last fiscal year, showing in such report the receipts and disbursements for or on account of each of the several funds of the corporation. Sec. 7. Upon the presentation to the Board of the Treasurer's annual or other report, he shall also present for inspection and ex- amination his several registers, and also the redeemed warrants and interest scrip named or included in his said report, and if, upon examination, it shall be found that the entries upon the said regis- ters are rightly and properly made, and that said redeemed war- rants and scrip are correct and conformable to such entries, the report and account of the Treasurer shall be approved, and the said warrants and scrip cancelled and filed for safe keeping in the Secretary's ofiice, in convenient packages, properly labelled ; and thereupon the Secretary upon his books shall credit the Treasurer the amount of his disbursements as shown by his report. Sec. 8. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury or paid out by the Treasurer, but upon warrant signed by the President and attested by the Sec>;etary ; and no warrant shall issue for any claim not previously allowed by the Board or Business Committee. Sec. 9. The Treasurer shall deliver over to his successor in oflSce, or to the Board, Business Committee or President, when demanded, all the books, papers, moneys, or other articles or things belonging or appertaining to the corporation, in his hands, care or custody by virtue of his office. Sec. 10. The Treasurer shall give bond in the sum often thou- sand dollars, with security, to be approved by the President, condi- tioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of Treasurer during his continuance in office, that he will safely keep all moneys that may come to his hands as Treasurer, and faithfully and promptly disburse the same upon proper warrants drawn upon the Treasury, and promptly pay and deliver over to his successor in office, or to the Board, Business Committee, or President of the Board, when demanded, all moneys in the Treasury, and all the books, papers, and other articles and things in his hands or custody by virtue of his office, belonging to the corporation. ARTICLE VIII. OF THE DUTIES OF THE TREASURER OF THE INSTITUTION. Sec. 1. The Treasurer of the Institution shall receive and receipt for all moneys and scrip paid in by students lor or on account of tuition. He shall keep a register in which he shall make entries of all such receipts, showing in each entry the date and number of the receipt, the name of the student paying the same, the time for which tuition is paid, the aggregate amount, the amount in money, the amount in scrip, and the number and description of the scrip. Sec. 2. He shall as often as monthly, during the sessions of the Institution, pay over to the Treasurer of the corporation all the moneys and scrip by him received, and take the Treasurer's re- ceipt therefor. Sec. 3. He shall, as often as monthly, make report, in writing, to the Secretary of his accounts as Treasurer of the Institution, and by the first day of June in each year, shall make to the President an annual report thereof, in writing, showing his account in full for the fiscal year next preceding. ARTICLE IX. OF SELLING STOCK, CLOSING STOCK SUBSCRIPTIONS, &0. Sec. 1. The books for the sale of, or subscription for stock in this corporation, shall be kept open until the maximum amount allowed by the charter shall be obtained. Sec. 2. Any person subscribing for or purchasing the stock of the corporation shall be required to make prompt payment therefor. Provided, That any such subscriber for or purchaser of stock may, if he desire it, have the privilege of retaining any portion of the stock so subscribed for or purchased by him not exceeding two-thirds thereof, as a loan from the corporation of its endowment fund, to commence on the first day of May next thereafter, or at such other time as may be approved by the President, upon his giving bond, with good mortgage or other security therefor, to the satisfaction of the President of the Board, conditioned that the interest upon such loan, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, shall be punctually paid annually in advance at the office of the Treasurer of the Company, commencing at the time of the com- mencement of such loan as above specified ; and that he will faith- fully comply with any and every requisition of the Board of Directors, as to the securing or further or better securing the amount of said loan ; and, also, that, upon any failure to comply with any such requisition of the Board, or to pay any such interest, or any part thereof, as the. same shall become due, the principal of said loan and all interest then due thereon shall be presently and immedi- ately paid at the office of the Treasurer of the Company, without any relief whatever from valuation or appraisement laws. Provided, also, That time may be given, in the discretion of the President, for the paymen-t of that portion of the stock so subscrib- ed for or purchased, which shall not be so retained as a loan. And also, provided further, That the President may, in his discre- tion, upon the sale of any stock as above provided, authorize the loan of the whole, or any portion thereof, exceeding the two-thirds as above provided, to the purchaser or subscriber as of the endow- ment fund. Sec, 3. Subscriptions for stock heretofore made and still un- closed, according to the provisions of the Charter and By-Laws, are required to be promptly closed by full payment thereof. Provided, That any such subscriber, if he desire it, may have the privilege of retaining the whole, or any portion of the amount of his said stock subscription, as a loan from the corporation of its endowment fund, to commence on the first day of May next, or at such other time as may be approved by the President, upon his giving bond with like security, upon like terms and conditions, and similar in all respects to that required in the last preceding section of borrowers upon stock hereafter to be subscribed for or pur- chased. Sec 4. j^o person shall be entitled to any certificate of stock, or to vote as a stockholder, or to any interest upon his stock, until he shall have fully paid out his stock, or shall have paid that por- tion thereof not retained by him as a loan, and secured such loan, as prescribed in the preceding sections of this article, and until the time for the commencement of such loan, and for the first payment of interest thereon. But certificates of stock shall be promptly issued to all stockholders not included in the above restrictions. Sec. 5. No interest scrip shall be issued to any stockholder while in arrears for interest on his loan. Sec. 6. The stock upon which any loan shall have been, or shall hereafter be made, under the provisions of the Charter and of these or any former By-Laws, shall, as further security for any such loan, be held liable to forfeiture for the non-payment thereof, and in case of such non-payment, according to the terms of the :i5 loan, the Boaid or the Business Committee, either before or after legal proceedings to enforce such payment, may declare such stock forfeited. Upon such or any other forfeiture of stock, according to the provisions of the Charter and By-Laws, the stock so forfeited shall be held to be withdrawn and extinguished, and such forfeit- ure shall be to that extent a reduction of ihe capital stock of the corporation. Sec. 7. No stock or stock subscription shall be assigned or transferred upon the books of the corporation, unless before or at the time of such transfer the same be fully paid out, or the assignee or transferee give new securities therefor equivalent to those re- quired of the original stockholder or subscriber, but subject to the foregoing restrictions, any stock or stock subscription is assignable and transferable upon the books of the corporation. In case of any such assignment or transfer, proper entries thereof shall be made upon the books of the corporation, but no note thereof need be made in the transfer register, unless the certificate of stock shall have been previously issued. In case such certificate of stock shall have been issued, the same, upon such assignment, shall be surrendeied to the Secretary with the assignment endorsed there- on; whereupon the Secretary shall issue to the assignee a new cer- tificate of stock, numbered in the order of transfer, and retaining the original number thereon, and shall make proper entry thereof in the transfer register, and also note the transfer in the register of stock certificates. ARTICLE X. OF CASH LOANS OF ENDOWMENT FUND. Sec. 1 . That portion of the endowment fund of the corporation which has been paid or may hereafter be paid into the Treasury, shall be promptly loaned out in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, and for periods of not less than one nor more than ten years, on interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable annually in advance, the borrower giving his bond and good mortgage security therefor, conditioned that he will promptly pay, at the ofiice of the Treasurer of the Company, without any relief whatever from valua- tion or appraisement laws, the interest thereon annually in advance and the principal at the time specified for the payment thereof, and that at any time during the continuance of the loan, whenever and so often as required by the Board of Directors or the President 4 26 thereof, he will give further and additional security therefor, to the satisfaction of the said President; and that, in case of any failure for thirty days to make any such annual payment of interest, after the same shall become due, or in case of any failure to give such further and additional security when so required, the principal of such loan shall be taken to be then presently due and payable, and together with the interest then due thereon, shall be presently and immediately paid, at the office of the Treasurer of the Company, without any relief whatever from valuation or appraisement laws. Sec. 2. Any person applying for a loan of any portion of said fund shall be required to furnish to the President an abstract of his title to the land proposed to be mortgaged therefor, and to produce for his inspection the title papers ; also, to produce and file in the office of the Secretary of the Company the proper certificates of the Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the land hes, showing that there is no judgment, mortgage or lien of record, or otherwise, in their offices by which said land is or may be in anywise incum- bered, and also, his affidavit, made before some person authorized to administer oaths, that he is the owner in fee simple of said land, that the same is free and clear from all judgments, liens, and in- cumbrances of any kind whatever, either legal or equitable, to the best of his knowledge and belief, ■ and may also be required, if thought necessary by the President, to procure and produce an appraisement of such land, at the fair cash value thereof, indepen- dent of all perishable improvements to be made by such person or persons as the President may select. Sec. 3. No loan shall be made to any amount exceeding the one-half of the fair cash value of the land mortgaged therefor, ex- clusive of all perishable improvements. Nor shall any loan be made to any married man unless his wife join in the mortgage therefor. Each borrower shall pay all the expenses incident to the loan, including the record of the mortgage. Sec. 4. So much of the said endowment fund as has heretofore been, or may hereafter be appropriated to building purposes, is excepted from the provisions of the foregoing sections of this article, until repaid by the building fund. But the same shall be regarded and held as loaned to the building fund, at the times respectively of the appropriations thereof, to be repaid with interest, so soon and so fast as as the means of the building fund will permit. Pro- per entries, in conformity with the above regulation and disposition. 27 shall be made by the Secretary, upon the books of the corporation, in the accounts of the building and endowment funds. ARTICLE XI. OF THE FUNDS OF THE CORPORATION. Sec. 1 . The capital stock of the corporation and all other its funds and means shall be divided into three classes, to be respect- ively designated and known as the Building Fund, the Endowment Fund, and the Endowment Interest Fund. Sec. 2. The building fund shall consist of the one equal third part in aggregate amount of the capital stock of the corporation, and of the whole of all gifts, grants, donations, and bequests, made or to be made to the corporation, to which, by the terms of the gift, grant, donation, or bequest, no other direction is or may be given. All partial payments upon stock subscriptions remaining unclos- ed after such payment, shall also be carried and appHed to the building fund, until the closing up of such stock subscription, and the consequent increase of the capital stock of the corporation. Sec. 3. The building fund is chargable with any and all sums and amounts paid or to be paid for or on account of — The University grounds, and the buildings and improvements made or to be made for the corporation thereon ; The proper Fixtures, Appurtenances, Apparatus, Furniture, and Library for the use of the Institution ; The necessary Books and Stationary for the use of the officers and agents of the Corporation, and of the Board, other than those of the Institution ; And the compensation and salaries of the members of the Board and the officers and agents of the corporation and of the Board, other than those of the Institution. Sec. 4. The endowment fund shall consist of the two equal thirds part in aggregate amount of the capital stock of the corpora- tion, and of the whole of all such gifts, grants, donations, and bequests to the corporation, as by the terms of the gift, grant, do- nation, or bequest, are or may be made or designated, as to, or for the use of the said endowment fund. The said endowment fund shall neither be expended or dimin- ished, but shall be kept, retained and preserved as a permanent fund for the endowment of the Institution, and shall be loaned out •2^ according to the provisions of the ninth and tenth articles of these By-Laws, Seo. 5. The Endowment Interest Fund shall consist — Of the interest upon all loans of the endowment fund ; Of all the cash receipts for tuition in the Institution; And of all gifts, grants, donations, and bequests to the corpora- tion, which, by the terms of such gift, grant, donation or bequest, are or may be made or designated as to or for the use of the said endowment interest fund. Sec. 6, The endowment interest fund is chargeable with any and all amounts paid or to be paid for on account — Of compensation or salaries to the President, Professors, Teach- ers and Tutors in and of the Institution, or to any other officer, agent or servant thereof; Of the necessary books, stationary, fuel and lights, for the use of the Institution ; And of all the other necessary expenses thereof. Sec, 7. Separate, clear, distinct and full accounts of each of the funds shall be kept upon the books of the corporation, so as to show at all times the true state and condition thereof. For the purpose of equalizing the said funds, upon the principles hereby recognized and contemplated, any amount may be transferred and carried from one fund to another on the books of the corporation, which may be necessary to that result. ARTICLE XII. OF THE INSTITUTION. Sec. I . The Institution of the North-Westem Christian Univer- sity shall be subjest to the supervision, management and control of the Board of Directors, and shall be governed by such By-Laws, Rules, Orders and Regulations as have been, or may be passed or adopted by the Board or Business Committee for that purpose. Sec. 2. The Faculty of the Institution, by its President or act- ing President, shall, by the first day of June in each year, make, to the President of the Board, an annual report, in writing, showing the state and condition of the Institution, and its operations during the last fiscal year, and specially noting by name and circumstance any case or cases of peculiar merit or excellence among the stu- dents. And also, presenting, so far as can then be prepared, a catalogue of the then current session of the Institution; which 29 report and accompanying papers shall be said before the Board of Directors, by its President, at the annual meeting thereof next thereafter. ARTICLE XIII. MISCELLANEOUS. Sec. 1. The fiscal year of the corporation shall commence on the first day of May in each year, and close on the last day of April next thereafter, both days inclusive. Sec. 2. The seal heretofore adopted by the Board shall be, and remain the seal of the corporation. The seal shall be aflfixed to all certificates of stock, deeds, mortgages, bonds, and other obligations of the corporation requiring a seal. Sec. 3. The office of the corporation shall be in the University buildings, and shall be in charge of the Secretary, who shall keep his office therein. Sec. 4. No allowance shall be made, or warrant issued to any agent for services until he shall have made full and acceptable report of his proceedings, and his account shall have been audited and settled. Sec. 5. The code of By-Laws passed and adopted by the Board on the 24th day of November, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, and all other By-Laws, Rules, Orders, and Regulations heretofore made, passed, or adopted, inconsistent with, or contra- vening these By-Laws, are hereby repealed and rescinded, Sec. 6, These By-Laws may be altered or amended by the Board, at any meeting thereof; Provided, that no such alteration or amendment shall be made but by the concurring vote of a ma- jority of all the members of the Board. ^N ORDiisr^isrcE FOR THE GOYERNMENT OF THE UNIVERS[TY. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Board of Dirctors of the Xorth Western Christian University, That the government of the several Schools, Colleges, and Societies of the University, under the pro- visions of the Charter and By-Laws, is committed to the Faculty. OF THE FACULTY. Sec, 2. The Faculty shall consist of a President, and such Professors as the Board may, from time to time, deem proper to ap- point, under the provisions of the 13th Section of the Charter, and also of the Principal of the English School. Provided, however, that the Board may, whenever they deem it expedient, leave the office of President vacant, in which case some member of the Fac- ulty shall be designated to discharge the duties of President, who shall be styled the Acting President. Sec. 3. The Faculty shall have power, and it shall be their duty to enquire into, all infractions of the laws of the Institution, and to inflict such punishments as are herein after provided, for them to infl.ict. Sec. 4. They shall hold regular meetings once in each week, for the purpose of inquiring into all infractions of the laws of the In- stitution — to call delinquents to account, and to communicate with each other in reference to the attention proficiency, and general de- meanor of each student. Sec. 5. Besides the regular meetings of the Faculty, the Pres- ident or Acting President, or any Professor, may call a meeting at any time, whenever the exigencies of the Institution may, in his opinion, require the same. Sec. 6. In all meetings of the Faculty, the President or Acting President shall preside. The Faculty may prescribe rules for the government of their own meetings and deliberations. A majority of the Faculty shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of bus- 81 Seo. 7. Tlie Faculty shall appoint their own Secretary, to be styled, the Secretary of the Faculty. They shall keep a record o^ all their acts which may be of a permanent interest to the Institu- tion. They may prescribe regulations for the government of the departments and classes. They may, under the direction, and with the assent of the Board, prescribe the studies for a full or par- tial College course. They shall also keep a College Register, in which at the close of each term, the reports shall be recorded, and at the close of each year, the names and residences of those ad- mitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or Master of Arts, or any other degree, shall be recorded. OF THE PRESIDENT. Sec. 8. The President, shall be charged with the general over- sight of the Institution. He shall act as the organ of the Faculty, in all matters of business or discipline. In concert with the Pro- fessor in each department, he shall regulate the instructions in the same, in sijbordination to the course of studies prescribed, as before herein diiected. He shall exercise a general oversight over the conduct of the students, and whenever the case may, in his opinion, require it, he shall communicate by letter, with the parent or guar- dian of any student, all such information in relation to attendance, proficiency and demeanor, as he shall judge necessary. He shall open the exercises of the University every morning, at such hour as may be determined upon by the Faculty, and shall execute all sentences passed by the Faculty, shall preside at all examinations and Commencements, and shall act as the organ of the Board, in conferring all degrees and honorary distinctions. OF THE PROFESSORS. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of each Professor to discharge with fidelity, the services appertaining to his particular chair, to be punctual in meeting his Classes at the hour appointed for lecture or recitation ; and to maintain good order in the class room. Sec. 10. Each Professor is empowered and required to admonish before the class, any student who shall be guilty of any impropriety in the class room ; and he shall have power to suspend from recita- tions of his department any student who shall be guilty of disre- spectful language or behaviour towards him, and shall report the same to the Faculty ; nor shall any such suspended student be re- 32 stored to his standing in any class, without the consent of the Professor of the department. Sec. It. It shall be the duty of each Professor to keep daily record of the attendance, proficiency, and demeanor of each stu- dent in his department, and report the same monthly to the parent or guardian. Sec. 1 2. It shall be the duty of each Professor to report imme- diately, to the President or Faculty, all infractions of the laws and rules of the Institution, or other improprieties of conduct which may come to his knowledge ; and, in general, he is required to co- operate with the President in all efforts to maintain the discipline and good order of the Institution. Sec. 13. Each Professor shall have charge of the apparatus and instruments properly belonging to his department ; and he shall be responsible to the Board of Directors, for any losses by negli- gence or inattention on his part. Sec. 14. Each Professor shall, at the close of each session, re- port to the President and Faculty, the general condition of his de- partment, with suggestions of such improvements in the same as may be desired. Sec. 15. Each Professor shall have power to establish and en- force such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the good order and government of his department, subject in all cases to the revision of the Faculty. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of each Professor at the close of each session, to furnish the Secretary of the Faculty, with a list of the names and residence of all the graduates of his department, to be entered on the College Register ; also, at the close of each ex- amination, with a list of the names and relative standing of the under graduates, examined in the various classes in his department, which shall also be registered. OF TUTORS. Sec. 17. The Board may appoint the necessary Tutors in the various schools and departments. The Tutors shall conduct their instructions, under the supervision of, and according to the rules and modes of teaching prescribed by the Professor of such school or department ; and it shall be the duty of the Professor to exam- ine frequently, such classes and ascertain their progress and stand- ing. OF THE SECRETARY OF THE FACULTY. Sec. 18. It shall be the duDy of the Secretary of the Faculty, to keep the record of the acts and proceedings of the Faculty, herein before provided for, and also the College Register ; to attend to all correspondence which may be ordered by the Faculty, and keep a record of the same ; and, generally, to do the writing of the Faculty as a body. OF STUDENTS. Sec. 19. Students of either sex, of good moral character and habits, shall be entitled to admission into the University. Every candidate for admission, as a student, must pay to the Treasurer of the Institution the tuition fees in advance, at least, to the end of the current term, not being less than half a term. Each Student of the age of fourteen years or upwards, when he or she applies for admission as a student, shall procure and read a copy of the By-Laws pertaining to the duties of Students, and shall then sign his or her name in a book to be kept for that purpose, by the Sec- retary of the Faculty, stating his or her age and place of nativity, and the name of his or her parent or guardian, under a caption, in the following words : "Having carefully read the By-Laws per- taining to the duties of Students of the North Western Christian University, I do hereby subscribe myself Student thereof, and I do hereby solemnly promise that, during my connection with it, I will faithfully observe and obey its laws, rules, and regulations." Sec. 20. To remain a Student, in connection with the Univer- sity, every Student is required to observe the following regulations: 1st, Immediately after Matriculation, the Student shall select from the different schools, with the advise and consent of the Fac- ulty, an amount of study equivalent to three daily recitations. 2nd. That the Student be diligent in study, and punctual in at- tendance upon recitations, examinations, and other College Exerci- ses. 3rd. That having entered any College class, the Student shall not leave it without the permission of the Faculty. 4th. That the Student neither introduce, nor use, upon the premises of Ihe University, any intoxicating beverages. 5th. That the Student do not bring, or use, upon said premises anv fire arms, dirk, bowie knife, or any other kind of deadly weapon. Gtli. That the Student abstain from profauity, the desecration of the Lord's day, all kinds of gaming, even for amusements, and whatever is inconsistent with good order, good taste, or good morals. 7th. That the Student attend public worship at least once every Lord's day. 8th. That the Student be stiictly moral in language and con- duct, respectful to the officers of the Institution, and courteous and kind to all the Students of the University. 9th. That the Student carefully observe all the rules and regu- lations contained in any part of this Ordinance respecting fees, so- cieties, and University grounds and buildings. 10th. The marriage of any Student, during the term times, shall, in the discretion of the Faculty, be regarded as sufficient reason for the disconnection of such Student with the Institution, during the balance of the term. Sec. 21. The studies for a full and partial course shall be ar- ranged by the Faculty with the concurrence and approbation of the Board of Directors, or Business Committee. The graduation fee shall be Five Dollars, and the Diploma shall be signed by the Fac- ulty, and sealed with the seal of the Corporation. No Diploma si] all be issued to any one who is in arrears to the Corporation for any dues or penalties. OF DISCIPLINE. Sec. 22. The Discipline of the University is confided to the Faculty, under the provisions herein contained. As far as practi- cable, it shall be' parental, and all severe and disgraceful punish- ments shall be avoided, and appeals addressed to the reason and conscience. But to maintain good order, and to secure the very important objects for which the Institution was founded, the Faculty may inflict, at their discretion, according to the character of the offence, any of the following penalties: 1st. Private admonition. 2nd. Public admonition. 3rd. Suspension for a time at the discretion of the Faculty. 4th. Expulsion. No Student shall be publicly suspended or expelled without an opportunity of being fully heard in his or her own defence ; and in all cases of expulsion, the party expelled may appeal to the Board within thirtv davs, in which case the action of the Faculty shall not be linal, till confirmed by the Board of Directors or Business Committee. The appeal shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board, and shall be acted on by the Board or Business Committee, as soon as either can be called together But whenever the Fac- ulty are satisfied that, owing to habitual idleness, profanity or any other cause, the presence of a Student in the University is unfa- vorable to its prosperity, and the welfare of the other Students, they may suspend him or her privately, or require the parent or guardian to remove such Student immediately from the Institution. In all cases of suspension or expulsion, the delinquent shall forfeit the tuition fee for the remainder of the term. Sec. ^3. The Faculty may, from time to time, make such pru- dential regulations pertaining to the intercourse of the sexes, as they may deem expedient. The Professor or Teacher in the En- glish School, shall be governed by such rules and regulations, iu the exercise and enforcement of discipline, as may be agreed upon by the Faculty. OF LITERARY SOCIETIES. Sec. 24. Literary Societies shall be considered as integral parts of the University, and subject to its laws and regulations. They shall observe all the established rules of morality, decorum and good order, and such conventional regulations respecting the char- acter and order of their exercises as the Faculty may prescribe. — No society or association of any kind shall be formed without the consent of the Faculty. Literary contests between the societies are prohibited. OF TERMS, EXAMINATIONS, AND COMMENCEMENTS. Sec. 25. The Collegiate year is divided into two terms of twen- ty weeks each ; the first commencing on the Wednesday next preced- ing the autumnal equinox, in each year, and continuing twenty weeks, exclusive of Christmas holidays ; and the second commencing on the second Monday in February, in each year, and continuing iwenty weeks. At the close of each term there shall be a pubhc examination of the classes. Conimencement day shall be on the third day of July, unless the third should fall upon Saturday or Sunday, in which case, the commencement day shall be the pre- ceding Friday. ;56 OF THE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. Sec. 26. The Library and Museum shall be under the direction of the Faculty, They shall appoint a Librarian, advise and direct him in the discharge of his duiies, prescribe rules for the regulation and management of the Museum and Library, impose fines and en- force penalties for che violation of the rules of the Library, and the Librarian shall present to the Board of Directors, annually, at their meeting, a detailed report of the actual state of the Library and Museum. Sec. 27, The Librarian shall be chosen annually. It shall be his duty to take good care of all the books and other property be- longing to the Library and Museum; to arrange in proper order, all the books, pamphlets, charts, &c., and to make a full and accu- rate catalogue of the same. Also, a full catalogue of the specimens of shells, fossils, minerals, and other geological specimens in the Cabinet and Museum, and furnish copies to the Secretary of the Board. He shall record and collect all fines for violations of the rules of the Library, and pay the same over to the Treasurer, reporting to the Secretary of the Board ; and perform such other duties apper. taining to his ofi&ce, as the Faculty may, from time to time pre- scribe. The privileges of the Library shall be withdrawn from all persons who fail to comply with its regulations. Sec. 28. The forfeitures and penalties for violations of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the University, shall be paid into, and constitute the Library fund, and shall be so kept by the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board, and shall be expended under the direction of the Board of Directors, for the increase and pre- servation of the Library. OF the university grounds and buildings. Sec. 29. Any person who shall cut, scratch, hack, mark, de- face, break, or injure the University Building, or any part thereof, or any furniture or apparatus therein and belonging thereto ; or who shall cut, box, bore, hack, bark, or peel any forest or orna- mental tree, sapling, or shrub growing in or upon the University grounds, shall, for each such offence, forfeit to the corporation, not less than one dollar, nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered in 37 any Court of competent jurisdiction, and shall also be liable for the damages done thereby. Sec 30. The Faculty shall exercise a general oversight and care over the University grounds and buildings. Sec. 31. The Board shall employ a Janitor, whose duty it shall be to keep the rooms of the University building clean and in order; to attend and watch the same at all times ; to keep the fences and walks of the grounds in order ; to plant and cultivate shrubbery; and to do such other acts and services in connection with the de- tails, a& may be required of him by the Faculty or Board of Direc- tors ; and particularly to ascertain and report to the President of the Board, or to the Faculty, all violations of the twenty-ninth section of this ordinance. Sec. 32. The ordinance for the government and police of the University, passed May 29th, 1856, be, and the same is hereby repealed. . 02830081^ y^