■.mm LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. PRESEN fED t UlflTED STATES OP AMEJiiUA. f^^^ms^ mm ^JX ml m)^^f^mM-m>z^. «^^^M^»^ ^mr^MTT REMARKS ON MATHEMATICAL OR DEMONSTRATIVE REASONING: ITS CONNEXION WITH LOGIC; AND ITS APPLICATION TO SCIENCE, PHYSICAL AND METAPHYSICAL, WITH REFERENCE TO SOME RECENT PUBLICATIONS. Vld^l EDWARD ^AGART, F.G.S. .•.IINISTER OF THE CHAPEL llf LITTLE PORTLAND-STREET, REGENT-STREET. ^ " The light of human minds is perspicuous words ; but by definition first snuffed, and purged from ambiguity." — Hobbes. " It is an old remark that geometry is the best logic." — Berkeley's Analyst. LONDON: JOHN GREEN, 121, NEWGATE STREET. 1837. ^0 1^ .Tlil) 1!Y lUCIIAnC KINDER, NEW STREET, FETTER LAN THE REV. W. TURNER, JUN. OF HALIFAX. My Dear Sir, To your valued instructions in Manchester College, York, I am indebted for much of the pleasure which I have occasionally derived from metaphysical inquiries and discussions. In the metaphysical as well as theo- logical department of that Institution, we were taught to study with care and candour the best works, not to cavil and confute, " nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider." To you, therefore, as one well skilled in weighing arguments and detecting fallacies, I beg leave to inscribe this little volume, and remain Your grateful pupil, EDWARD TAGART. Bayswater, September 1S37. a 2 PREFACE. The remarks here offered to the reader were commenced some time ago, with the design of adapting them to the pages of a Heview or Magazine. Hence they have perhaps too much of a critical and contro- versial air for a distinct Essay on an abstract subject. But the remarks grew under my hands ; and becoming, as they grew, less and less fit for any existing periodical, they are now presented, but with great diffidence, in Vi PREFACE. a separate form — with what advantage, the reader of course will judge. The well-instructed student of mathema- tics, of logic, of the nature and theory of language, and of what is called moral evi- dence, will be apt to remark at the close of the work, that it makes no specific addition to the amount of his knowledge. But if the views presented even to him be admitted to be correct as far as they go ; if some thoughts are here conveniently brought together which must at least be sought for in widely-scat- tered sources ; if they have the good eftect of awakening the attention of the less profound to important points connected with the sub- ject before him, hitherto overlooked ; if they suggest or stimulate inquiries worthy of con- tinuance, — the publication will not be in vain. Much use has been made of the sentiments PREFACE. Vll of others, so as to form a sort of philo- sopliical discussion in which many authors are made to speak for themselves. But an ample apology for this, if one be necessary, will be found in the words of Dr. Law in his preface to the translation of Dr. King's Essay on the Origin of Evil : — " A writer often does more good by show- ing the use of some of those many volumes which we have already, than by offering new ones, though this be of much less advantage to his own character. I determined there- fore not to say anything myself where I could bring another conveniently to say it for me ; and transcribed only so much from others as was judged absolutely necessary to give the reader a short view of the subject, and by that sketch to induce those who have leisure, opportunity, and inclination to go Vlli PREFACE. further and consult the originals, and to afford some present satisfaction to those who have not, " But how judiciously this is performed, the notes themselves must testify." CONTENTS. Page. Introductor))' remarks ..... 1 Mathematical reasoning sets out fj'om definitions . 5 Tliese definitions settle the meaning of terms . 1 These terms, signs of ideas of figure and quantity — ideas originating in sensible impressions . . 20 Mathematical reasoning supported by diagrams, or evidence of the senses . - ... 22 Mr. Whewell's language on experience as the source of mathematical conceptions, criticised . . 27 Beddoes on Demonstrative Evidence, and Playfair on Beddoes, considered . . . . .33 Influence of habit, or constant connexion of the terms with the same ideas, in producing assent to mathematical processes . . . . .36 Fewness of premises and of terms in n:iathematical reasoning ....... 38 Distinctness and simplicity of ideas of number and figure 40 Final and essential characteristic of deinonstrative reasoning ....... 44 CONTENTS. SECTION II. Page. Mr. Dugald Stewart's, Dr. Wlaately's, and the Edin- burgh reviewer's remarks on mathematical and general reasoning contrasted . . . .50 Sir John Herschel's character of Sir Isaac New- ton 57 Whately's opinion on the sameness of the reasoning processes asserted and vindicated . . .60 Account of logic in the Encycloppcdia Britannica . 63 Logic another term for reasoning . . .65 Whately's logic considered . . . . .68 His analysis of arguments . _ . . . .73 Nature of syllogism . . . . . .74 Comparison of' logical and mathematical reasoning . 80 SECTION III. The connexion between language and reasoning in general ........ 92 Approach to mathematical exactness in metaphysical sciences, how attainable . . . . .95 Distinction between mathematics which commence, and inquiries which end, with definitions . .96 Demonstration not always necessary . . . 1 00 On demonstrative reasoning in physical science . 102 CONTENTS. Advantages of physical science. . Works of reference .... Cuvier on the stud}^ of natural history . Metaphysical science .... Metaphysical discussions concern the mean words ...... Stewart's and Mackintosh's dissertations Stewart's estimate of Locke Mill's Fragment on Mackintosh . Mackintosh on Hartley Laplace's Essay on Prohabilities . Pla}-fair on Laplace .... Laplace on association Character of Mr. Austin's work, " The Prov: Jurisprudence determined" Austin's remarks on demonstration connecte- ethics ...... ng of nee of with XI Page. 104 107 108 109 111 112 113 118 121 124 126 127 130 131 REMARKS. It is more than a century since Locke con- ceived and maintained, after Hobbes and perhaps others, that demonstrative reasoning was apphcable to other subjects besides the mathematics, and particularly to morahty. Doctors Law and Hartley, the disciples and successors of Locke, entered fully into his views ; and Dr. Hartley especially was fond of exhibiting his reasoning in a mathematical form, and in some instances has very happily applied algebraic formulae to illustrate, I do not say to confirm, his trains of moral spe- culation. Mr. Whewell's Thoughts on Mathematics, in which he affirms that mathematics afford the best example of practical logic, and the elaborate article in the Edinburgh Review, "A INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. No. 126, on Mathematical Studies, which treats generally of the influence of mathe- matics upon the intellectual character and powers, have in some degree recalled atten- tion to the subject, and induced me to offer some thoughts upon it, which I trust will not appear altogether unworthy of perusal. I do this with earnestness, and even anxiety; not because I conceive that anything original or remarkable will be found in the following observations ; for I bear in mind an aphorism of Dr. Johnson, " He who tries to say that which has never been said before him, wdD probably say that which will never be re- peated after him ;" but because clear and just views on this subject have a close and important bearing upon the pursuit of science of all kinds, whether physical or metaphy- sical ; upon the attainment and diffusion of truth ; upon the mental and moral improve- ment, and consequently the harmony and happiness, of man. These clear and just views appear to be absent from the minds and writings of many w^hose names are of no small account in the Uterarv and scientific INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. d world, although within easy reach of tiie in- quiring, if they will use the glass supplied by the plain and manly writers of the true English school of philosophy. I venture upon it further, because Mr. Whewell, in the second edition of his pam- phlet, declines going more at length into the matters touched upon by the reviewer. He has therefore left the field open to any one who may dare to enter the lists against that formidable and heavily-armed knight. The interest wdiich may have been felt in the papers alluded to has perhaps already subsided, but the subject to which they re- late is of permanent importance. Mr. Whewell discussed the relative value of different modes of pursuing mathematical studies, assuming their usefulness and im- portance. The reviewer, however, went into a much wider field, namely, the influence of mathematical studies upon the mental powers and character in general. And it was his strain of remark, so far as it was of a metaphysical character, his obser- vations about " two logics," " dissimilar de- B 2 4 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. velopments of thought," and "higher and lower faculties," which induced me to review the reviewer, and put together a few thoughts upon the nature of reasoning and evidence in general. With many of the positions of the reviewer and of those Vv^hom he quotes, about mathematical evidence and mathematical pro- cesses, the matter of this Essay will be found substantially to coincide ; but if there be any truth in his view of the disqualification of mere mathematicians for inquiries into mental and moral philosoplw, I have en- deavoured to approach more closely to the sources of that disqualification, or rather so to point out the distinction between the nature of our thoughts and lang-uage on mathe- matical and other subjects, as to furnish some useful guidance to reasoners and in- quirers in morals and rehgion. Moreover, while it seemed to me that the reviewer had merely taken occasion from Mr. Whewell's pamphlet to propound cer- tain semi-German notions, and heap together certain Kantian phrases, than which none are more utterly distasteful to a healthful DEFINITIONS. 5 English palate, it is perceptible, if I mis- take not, that Mr. Whewell himself is not altogether so clear and satisfactory as lie might be, his own mind being apparently tainted in some slight degree with German phraseology and metaphysics. But I shall not trespass further upon ground which lies beyond the limits which it is my present in- tention to occupy, nor detain the reader from the real subject before us. Now in order to perceive the possible ap- plication of mathematical or demonstrative reasoning to metaphysical subjects, the first requisite is to understand exactly the nature of that reasoning. In order to do this I ob- serve, then, — ■ First, That it is the important character- istic of mathematical reasoning to proceed from definitions. It sets out from these as precise data, to which appeal is made in every step of the demonstrative process. If these definitions be not clearly understood, if they be not fully granted and well laid up in the mind, in vain does the student or pupil attempt to proceed. The foundations DEFINITIONS'. of the science v/ill then be broken up, the- field of mathematical reasoning will then be closed, for these are the gate of entrance. It affects not the truth of the above position to inquire and settle whether the definitions are hypotheses or facts ; whether they be explanations of terms, abstractions of the mind, inductions from observation, or assumptions which have no foundation in the nature of things ; nor to inquire whether the definitions of any particular treatise or mathematician, from Euclid and his nume- rous editors downwards to Newton and his successors, are in every respect the best possible, such as suit best the subsequent course of reasoning, are most easily ad- mitted by the student, or bring most clearly before the mind the principle necessary for future guidance ; nor to inquire how far the postulates and axioms partake of the nature of definitions, may be resolved into them, or mRj be dispensed with altogether, without injury to the study. These may be proper subjects for the metaphysician or logician. They may, to a certain degree, call for the DEFINITIONS. 7 early attention of the mathematical student ; but the tutor who should begin with telling his pupil all that has been said or might be said about the definitions, postulates, and axioms, would probably never get him over the asses' bridge. Suffice it, as a matter of fact, that when you open any elementary treatise on mathematics, Euclid, the conic sections, plane and spherical trigonometry, and even books of arithmetic and algebra, the first objects of careful attention to the student are definitions. These are the foun dations of his science, the elements of his reasoning. To these he must adhere ; and if there be anything inconsistent with them, confusion ensues, demonstration ceases. "It is in this last circumstance (I mean the peculiarity of reasoning from definitions) that the true theory of mathematical reason- ing is to be found," says Dugald Stewart in his chapter on Mathematical Reasoning, chap. ii. sect. 3, of his second volume of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, one of the best portions of his writings, yet tinctured deeply with his peculiar faults. This is the 8 DEFINITIONS. point upon which he rests ; and the writers to whom he refers, and with quotations from whom he is so fond of nibbhng, will be found substantially to agree with him. The following passage from Hobbes' Le- viathan is also apt to my puqjose. " To the priviledge of absurdity, no li^dng crea- ture is subject, but man onely. And of men, those are of all most subject to it, that professe philosophy. For it is most true that Cicero saith of them somewhere ; that there can be nothing so absurd, but may be found in the books of philosophers. And the reason is manifest. For there is not one of them that begins his ratiocination from the definitions, or explications of the names they are to use ; which is a method they are to use onely in geometry ; whose conclusions have THEREBY been made indisputable." — Part i. chap. v. The importance of the detinitions admits of the following familiar illustrations. It happened to me to commence the study of Suclid with a youth who stumbled at the first definition, — " A point is that which hat li DEFINITIONS. il no parts, or wliich hath no magnitude." " Then," said he, " it is a nonentity, — it is nothing." He could not or he would not admit such an abstraction ; and he began to puzzle himself about the infinite divisibility of matter, the nature and extension of ultimate atoms, the impossibility of finding a given place for that which had no parts, and so on. He was not content to take this or any other definition as a matter of course, and wait to see how far the mathematician would be consistent with himself in his subsequent reasoning. He was determined to weigh and settle the justness of every definition in his own mind before he would proceed further ; in short, he would concede nothing and dis- pute everything. Consequently he never took kindly to mathematical studies ; and perhaps to this hour he looks upon mathe- matics as a multitude of words about non- entities, or things Avhich have no real ex- istence, and consequently no practical value. I by no means imply that in mathematics the student is to begin with submitting to authority, and not to think about the B 5 iO DEFINITIONS DECIDE meaning of the language he uses ; nor that the tutor should not be prepared to defend his own preliminary statements. Of this, perhaps, more hereafter. It is sufficient to add at present, that Mr. De Morgan, in his work on mathematical studies, published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, ranks definition first among the characteristics, and, I may say, as at the foundation, of mathematical reasoning. Secondly, It may appear to many super- fluous, but it is important to observe that the definitions on which mathematical rea- soning depends are definitions properly so called ; that is, they are explanations of terms — determinations of that sense in which the words employed as signs and instruments of thought are to be taken, used, and under- stood. Every one who reads over the definitions of Euclid must, I should think, immediately assent to this. One definition may be better than another of a line, or a straight line, of a circle, or of parallel lines ; but its superiority can only consist in fixing THE MEANING OF TERMS. 11 more clearly that sense of the word about to be used, or that quality in the mind's con- ception of the thing signified, (more simply, the signification,) which alone is to be pre- sent to the mind in its subsequent appli- cation of the term. Tlie definitions of geometry concern, it is obvious, the meaning of the terms point, line, straight fine, superficies, angle, triangle, circle, and so on, so far as they are de- finable. And the student would have little occasion to pore over these definitions if all the terms were previously familiar to him, and all had that fixed and clear meaning in his mind ; that is, were the signs of those certain ideas of figure for which they stand in the mind of the geometrical reasoner. If Mr. Dugald Stewart had kept Euclid open before him when speaking of the definitions, I can scarcely imagine he would ever have called them hypotheses ; and if he had not called them hypotheses, he w^ould not have maintained that it is the peculiarity of mathematical reasoning to employ hypo- 12 DEFINITIONS DECIDE theses instead of facts as the data on which we proceed. See Stewart's Philosophy, A^ol. ii. pp. 158, 160. Take for example the ninth and eleventh definitions. " A plane rectilineal angle is the inclination of tw^o straight lines to one another, which meet together but are not in the same straight line." "■ An obtuse angle is that which is greater than a right angle." With what propriety can it be said that these are h}^otheses? An hypothesis is that mode of accounting for certain appear- ances which, although probable, remains to be verified by future experiments or obser- vations ; or it is the supposed cause of certain effects, whose adequacy or invariable an- tecedency is assumed until disproved by further investigation. This is the sense in which the term hypothesis is generally em- ployed. In this sense the Ptolemaic and Tycho-Brahic systems of astronomy were hypotheses ; in this sense the theory of gravitation, as it first occurred to the mind of Sir Isaac Newton, as accounting for the phases and motions of the heavenly bodies. THE MEANING OF TERMS. 13 was an hypothesis ; in this sense the midu- latory theory of hght is an hjq^othesis. Now there is no analogy between this meaning of the term hypothesis and the definitions of geometry, or of any branch of mathematical science. These definitions are not imaginary explanations of given pheno- mena, nor supposed causes of given effects ; they are, as above said, simple explanations of terms, or attempts, by the substitution of other words in place of one general term, to place before the mind, often assisted by diagram or sensible representation to the eye, that object of thought to which the said term is invariably and solely to be ap- plied. " Every general term," says Aristotle, " is the abridgement of a definition." . I observe that Mr. De Morgan, on the Study of Mathematics, p. 70, places reason- ing from hypothesis second among the characteristics of geometrical reasoning. "•' In the statement of every proposition," he says, " certain connexions are supposed to exist, from which it is asserted that certain con- sequences will follow. Thus, in an isosceles 14 DEFINITIONS DECIDE triangle, the angles at the base are equal, or, if a triangle be isosceles, the angles at the base will be equal. Here the hypothesis or supposition is, that the triangle has two equal sides ; the consequence asserted is, that the angles at the base, or third side, v.ill be equal." Let us remark, however, that still the hypothesis implies a clear understanding of the words employed, as in the above in- stance, isosceles and triangle, both of which have been clearly defined and are well under- stood. Hypothesis here is strictly and merely supposition ; a certain figure or relation of lines is supposed or granted to exist, from which certain consequences are deduced, Tlie reasoning would not be vahd, or there would be no reasoning at all, if the terms employed did not in the first instance ex- actly express the thing intended, — the object of thought. Much of common reasoning is reasoning from hypothesis in this sense ; that is, it consists in supposing certain re- lations to exist, and in showing that certain consequences follow. THE MEANING OF TERMS. 15 It was not in this sense that Mr. Dugald Stewart maintained that " in mathematics we employ hypotheses instead of facts" as a general proposition ; but rather with intent to show that the whole of mathematics rested upon assumptions, and therefore dif- fered from reasonings which turn upon ob- servation, and what he calls facts. He often implies that mathematical reasoning remains good, though there be no such things in reality as points, lines, triangles, circles, and squares in the mathematical sense. But if it be so, even admitting all this, still let us remember that the hypotheses or assump- tions, so far as the definitions are included in them, are of a certain kind ; namely, that certain words shall invariably be associe^ted with certain meanings or ideas, and no other : for example, that you shall not reason about a triangle as if it could possibly mean a circle, nor about parallel lines as if they were not equidistant at all points. " It is not on the definition but the con- ception," Mr. Whewell asserts, " that the properties and demonstrations are built." 16 DEFINITIONS DECIDE But why separate definition and concep- tion ? Are they not virtually the same thing ? unless by definition we are to understand mere words without signification, little black marks upon a piece of white paper. The definition is of value solely in fixing, and, as it were, embodying the conception. Human beings reason with words, which are the signs or channels of ideas. You can only convey your conception of a straight line or triangle to another mind by a definition or descrip- tion. It is the object of the definition to single out that quality or property in the mind's conception of the thing which distinguishes it most completely from every other object or thing whatsoever ; and which, by being so distinguished, and having such settled pro- perty, becomes the subject of reasoning. If it belonged, for instance, to anything else besides an angle to be composed of two straight lines meeting together, but not in the same straight line ; in these words we should have no sufficient definition of an angle. In the Appendix to his work on the Con- nexion of Number and Magnitude, Mr. THE MEANING OF TERMS. 17 De Morgan makes some admirable and use- ful observations on the definitions, postulates, and axioms of Euclid ; and thus expresses -himself: — "Some of the definitions contain assumptions of certain conceptions existing, to which names are to be given ; namely, those of a point, a line, the extremities of a line, a straight line, a surface, the extremi- ties of a surface, a plane surface, a plane angle, a plane rectihneal angle ; others assume the possibility of certain relations existing, as will appear from the form in. which they are put." He afterwards speaks of these as " in- definable notions," and places the common definitions of them in the light of postulates ; thus, " Let it be granted that a point has no parts or magnitude, and that we are con- cerned with no other property of it, if there be any." Again, he speaks of some of the definitions, those from the eleventh to the fourteenth, and from the nineteenth to the twenty-third, as purely nominal, and there- fore needing no remark. From the tenor of his language, which the reader who is not 18 DEFINITIONS DECIDE acquainted with it will do well to consult, it would seem that he considered the geometry of Euclid as resting very much on common notions (xoivrj swoia) which scarcely admit of definition. Nevertheless I do not think that his language countenances any separation between the conception and what is usually considered the definition, but the contrary. The object of all the definitions clearly is to associate a certain term with a particular notion or conception, and thus to fix and limit the meaning of the term. In his paper on the study of mathematics, Mr. De Mor- gan says, (p. 69.) " This {i.e. definition) is merely substituting, instead of a description, the name which it has been agreed to give to whatever bears that description." In regard to nominal definition, it is to my purpose to quote here wdiat Dr. Whateley says in his Elements of Logic, p. 155, fifth edition ; and although I begin the quotation in the middle of a sentence, no alteration is made in its force or meaning : — " all that is requisite for the purposes of reasoning (which is the proper province of logic) is. THE MEANING OF TERMS. 19 that a term shall not be used in diiferent senses ; a real definition of anything belongs to the science or system which is employed about that thing. It is to be noted, that in mathematics (and indeed in all strict sciences) the nominal and the real definition exactly coincide ; the meaning of the word and the nature of the thing being exactly the same. This holds good also with respect to logical terms, most legal, and many ethical terms." Upon the whole we conclude that the definitions of geometry settle the meaning of terms.* Thirdly, These terms are the signs of our ideas of figure and quantity, including in the latter term number and magnitude (both the * Pascal, in his Reflexions sur la Geometrie en General, justly observes, however, that many notions are assumed, and terms are used in mathematics which are not defined. " Cette judicieuse science est bien eloignee de definir ces mots primitifs, espace, temps, mouvement, 4galit^, ma- jorite, dhninution, tout, et les autres que le monde entend de soi-meme." And this must be the case in all reason- ing ; for, as definition is merely explaining one term by many, it is obvious we might go on defining without end, and not advance a step towards any valuable con^ elusion. 20 MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTIONS how many and how great, quantus) ; which ideas or notions come to us, so to speak, originally from without ; i. e. they originate in sensible impressions. They are not signifi- cant merely of what passes within, or of mental states, like the terms memory, the will, judgement, attention, and desire, unless indeed every sensation, such as of whiteness or blackness, be considered a mental state, and every idea an affection of the mind. Here, perhaps, I am treading upon the most doubtful, because metaphysical, ground. Right or wrong, however, in what may be said under this head, it will not invaUdate what has been said about definition and its object. It appears to me that mathematical reasoning consists in tracing the relations of our ideas of figure and quantity by means of exactly defined symbols, whether words, diagrams, or other symbols, one with another, in re- spect of agreement or disagreement, equa- lity, or inequality ; and these terms and ideas receive clearness and strength by constant application and reference to external things, or sensible impressions ; and also by their ORIGINATE IN SENSIBLE IMPRESSIONS. 21 observed, clear, uniform, and well-defined relation to each other. The subject matter of mathematical reason- ing may tlierefore be considered to be real existencies, with as much justice as the sub- ject matter of any other reasoning. For in all reasoning, what has the mind before it but its own abstractions or notions, and terms affixed to those notions ? And who can say that circles, angles, squares, lines, have not as much foundation in, and refer- ence to, things as they exist, as white, blue, black, soft, hard, or other quahties of body, solid, Hquid, brittle, or elastic ; or the ab- stract ideas of space, time, beauty, honour, virtue, and so on? Our ideas of number and figure are ideas constantly forced upon us by sensible objects, and all that fills this visible diurnal sphere ; the terms significant of these ideas are in constant use and appli- cation in ordinary life. They are employed by the humblest in station and education with uniformity of meaning, with clearness and accuracy for their purposes. It is true thev mav not know anvthins: of the rela- 22 DIAGRAMS. tioiis and properties of triangles, squares, circles, parallelograms, as traced by the ma- thematician ; but the mathematician's skill and wisdom consist only in having traced and studied these relations by means of his exact definitions, and by his deeper or more frequent meditation on their several con- nexions and consequences. The ideas or notions of number and figure are common to all minds. Attention and instruction only are necessary to furnish them with the exact definitions and new combinations. In num- ber, it is obvious that the terms or figures are themselves definitions, or their equivalents. It is because the subject matter of mathe- m^atical reasoning consists, in our ideas of figures and magnitudes or quantities, that the reasoning may be carried on by other signs than words, viz. sensible diagrams. The Arabic numerals, and the notations of algebra, are artificial contrivances or abbre- viated symbols for tracing the relations of quantity as they are wanted, or as those re- lations follow from the nature of the con- trivances themselves. These diagrams, these DIAGRAMS. 23 figures and notations, are the signs and in- struments of the mathematician's or alge- braist's thoughts ; and it is because they are alwaj^s of a clear and certain nature, and bear a uniform, fixed, and definite relation one to another, that the geometrical reason- ing, and the arithmetical and algebraic pro- cesses are the same to every mind. Upon this circumstance, namely, the power of fixing the attention and carrying on the reasoning by means or help of sensible dia- grams, Locke fastens, as, of the first import- ance, and the great peculiarity in mathema- tical studies. " That which has given the advantage to the ideas of quantity, and made them thought more capable of certainty and demonstration, is, first, that they can be set down and represented by visible marks, which have a greater and nearer correspondence with them than any words or sounds whatsoever. Dia- grams drawn on paper are copies of the ideas in the mind, and not liable to the uncer- tainty that words carry in their signification. An angle, circle, or square, drawn in lines, 24 DIAGRAMS. lies open to the view, and cannot be mistaken : it remains unchangeable, and may at leisure be considered and exa.mined, and the demon- stration be revised, and all the parts of it may be gone over more than once without any danger of the least change in the ideas. This cannot be thus done in moral ideas ; we have no sensible marks that resemble them, whereby we can set them down." — (Book IV., chap, iii., § 19.) It matters not that he is the best mathe- matician, or arithmetician, who needs least the sensible diagram, or the figure on the paper ; nor to say, with Mr. Stewart, that the figure on paper cannot pretend to that precise exactness which is the object of our reasoning ; that the line we draw will have some breadth, and the circle, however steady the instrument and the hand, may deviate in some point from equidistance. The most skilful reasoners can only have a certain idea of visible figure, and of the relation of its several parts present to their minds, which the less skilful require for facility and permanency of reference on the paper. The DIAGRAMS. 25 diagram approaches sufficiently to sensible exactness to keep before the mind that qua- hty of the figure which is the sole object of the reasoning ; and it is sufficient that the more nearly the specific figure before us approaches to exactness, the more applicable will the reasoning be to that figure, — or, more cor- rectly, it is only in so far as the figure fairly represents the mind's view of its qualities that the reasoning applies to it at all. There is no such mystery in the most obscure of the definitions as to niake us deny their re- ference to a certain specific quality of ob- jects, that is, to real existencies, in the only practical sense of the words. The constant application of mathematical rea- sonings to the various branches of natural philosophy, and the common use of mathe- matical terms in the mathematical sense, prove the contrary. We speak, for in- stance, of the line between one shade of colour and another, and length without breadth is the only object of the mind's contemplation in so speaking. Points and angles are words oi perpetual occurrence : the c 26 MATHEMATICAL NOTIONS former in the sense of the commencement or termination of Unes, without being any de- cided parts or given portions of the hne ; and the latter in the sense of the meeting of two or more hnes together, converging or diverging v^dth more or less of rapidity or extension. It is perhaps of little consequence to de- termine whence we get the notions or con- ceptions upon which mathematical reasoning turns, whilst it is certain we have the notions and defined terms appropriate to them, ex- cept in so far as it appears that in numerical calculations, and in the geometry of Euclid, there is a certain verification of the reasoning by an appeal to the evidence of the senses. In fact, it is hard to divine Vv^hence we get notions of figure or quantity if it be not from the sight and the touch, or from expe- rience, — a word of extensive signification, comprehending all the results of observation and reflection. Those who say we do not get these notions or conceptions from expe- rience, would do well to tell us whence we do get them, or produce the mathematician DERIVED FROM THE SENSES. 27 upon whom God has not bestowed the five senses with which lie has happily blessed the rest of mankind. I will here venture a remark upon Mr. Whewell's language, in his pamphlet on Ma- thematical Studies (second edition, p. 32) : " I mentioned it," says Mr. Whewell, " as likely to make the study of mathematics less beneficial as a mental discipline than it might otherwise be if the first principles of our knowledge be represented as borrowed from experience, in such a manner that the whole science becomes empirical only. " I will not suppose that any person who has paid any attention to mathematics does not see clearly the difference between neces- sary truths and empirical facts, — between the evidence of the properties of a triangle and that of the general laws of the structure of plants. The peculiar character of mathe- matical truth is, that it is necessarily and inevitably true ; and one of the most im- portant lessons which we learn from our ma- thematical studies is a knowledge that there c2 28 MATHEMATICAL NOTIONS are such truths, and a famiharity with their form and character. "' This lesson is not only lost, but read backwards, if the student is taught that there is no such difference, and that mathe- matical truths themselves are learnt by ex- perience. I can hardly suppose that any mathematician would hold such an opinion with regard to geometrical truths, although it has been entertained by metaphysicians of no inconsiderable acuteness, as Hume. We might ask such persons how experience can show, not only that a thing is, but that it must be ; by what authority he, the mere recorder of the actual occurrences of the past, pronounces upon all possible cases, though as yet to be tried hereafter only, or probably never. Or, descending to par- ticulars, when it is maintained that it is from experience alone that we know that two straight hues cannot enclose spa.ce, we ask, who ever made the trial, and how ? And w^e request to be informed in what way he ascertained that the lines with which he DERIVED FROM THE SENSES. 29 made his experiment were accurately straight. The fallacy is in this case, I conceive, too palpable to require to be dwelt upon," A meaning of the word empirical has crept into our language lately, in conse- quence of the freedom with which some phi- losophers treat the king's English, and I fear also from the bad translation of some Ger- man writings, which it was not wont to have, as if it v^ere simply equivalent to ex- perimental ; whereby we are threatened with the loss of a good word for a very important idea, namely, that of quackery, or the ob- servance of rules drawn from a narrow ex- perience, in neglect or defiance of a large and true experience. In eight instances of the use of the word by our best old English authors, which Johnson gives, it is inva- riably associated with this latter meaning. No fact, which is a fact, can deserve the epithet empirical. Mr. Whewell would have done well, if we do not get our knowledge of the first principles, or, as he better expresses it, the fundamental conceptions of mathema- 30 MATHEMATICAL NOTIONS tical science from experience, to inform us whence or how we do get them. As he has not supphed that information, his reader may be apt to pause ; and if he be a friend of that wise and cautious old gentleman hight Experience, he will not easily allow the laugh to be turned against him. Just so Mr. Dugald Stewart, in his remarks upon demonstrative reasoning, says, "It is by no means sufficient to account for the essential distinction which every person must perceive between the irresistible cogency of a mathe- matical demonstration and that of any other process of reasoning:" "that, in mathema- tics, there is no such thing as an ambiguous Vv^ord." But Mr. Stewart does not help his reader to account for it in any other way. Thus he first plunders him of an all-sufficient principle, and then leaves him in the dark ; nay, he lays it down as his own principle, that it is the peculiarity of mathematics to reason from definition, as if keeping to him- self what he would not allow to another.* * See on this the passage of Du Hamel's, quoted by the Edinburgh reviewer, p. 427. DERIVED FROM THE SENSES. 31 It appears to me very reasonable to ask, " What but experience can show, not only that a thing is, but that it must he ?" — a very general and perhaps useless proposition. — Experientia clocet ; and let every man be careful how he limits the extent and value of her lessons. As we did not make our own senses, nor the external world, we are supplied by the constitution of our frame with certain conceptions which are natural to, and inseparable from, that frame. We make words or signs for our conceptions, and by use the words become indissolubly associated with those conceptions ; and so long as we make those signs or words stand for those certain conceptions, so long, in fact, as being signs they have signification, we act the part of rational and consistent beings. If a plain man be asked how he knows that two straight lines cannot enclose space, he may, in his turn, ask the questioner whether he ever knew it otherwise ; and so may force him to own that constant experi- ence taught him that truth ; that nature had furnished him with the notions of a line and 32 EXPERIENCE. of straightness, and the words belonging to those notions ; that his mathematical studies had built upon that experience ; and that, in regard to ascertaining that any given lines be- fore him were accurately straight, it was clear that the straighter they were, in any conceiv- able meaning of the term straight, the less likely they were to enclose a space. If I were asked how I know that in any right- angled triangle the square which is described upon the side subtending the right angle is equal to the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle, my first an- swer might be, that I knew it by studying the 47th of the first book of Euchd. But the study of Euclid forms a small part of my ex- perience, which includes all my observations and reflections upon the contents of Euchd, and all the conceptions gathered from the study of the relations traced and traceable be- tween the various figures therein the subject of meditation. In short, experience, like na- ture, is a word of such very comprehensive im- port, as containing within itself so completely the sources of knowledge and instruction, that BEDDOES ON DEMONSTRATION. 33 whatever does not fall within the boundaries of that wide domain, can be nothing short of immediate inspiration.* If a friend asks me to shoiu him that the thing must be so, or in other words to furnish him with Euclid's proof, or a mathematical proof of the truth of that 47th proposition, that is another question ; and then I should recal the steps of the demonstration ; and what demonstration is, is the matter into which we are now inquiring. There is a well-known work by Dr. Beddoes, on the nature of Demonstrative Evidence, which contains many uspful observations on the connexion between language and thought, in which he endeavours to show that Euclid's reasoning begins from experiment and pro- ceeds by experiments. There is an awkward- * Of course it would be absurd to contend that the truths and demonstrations of geometry are lessons of mere experience in a sense strictly analogous to that in which we apply the term to the observations and details of our ordinary daily existence and sensation. We are discussing solely the origin of the fundamental concep- tions on which mathematical reasoning rests- — -the data from which it starts. c 5 34 PLAYFAIR ON BEDD0E9. ness in the phrase mental experiments, which the Doctor uses, and which might have been avoided by a different mode of stating his argument or view ; and which seems to be this, — that the fundamental notions or con- ceptions from which mathematical reasoning starts, and to which it appeals, are as much the result of experience, and rest as much upon the evidence of the senses, and the natural meaning of our own words, in con- nexion with that evidence, as the funda- mentals of any physical science whatsoever ; and he instances particularly the axioms, as they are called, that " two straight lines cannot enclose a space," and " the vvhole is greater than its part," In a review of a treatise of Leslie's, on mathematics, attributed to Professor Play- fair, in the twentieth volume of the Edin- burgh Review, there are some remarks upon this work of Dr. Beddoes, which, coming from Professor Playfair, are entitled to particular consideration. Playfair sug- gests that Beddoes was no great mathe- matician. But with submission, this is no HARTLEY ON PROPOSITIONS. 35 answer to Beddoes'" argument, and rather too near an approach to the common tac- tics of controversial writing, in which the reader's attention is diverted from the ques- tion, and the pursuit of truth, by some in- sinuation against the character or abiUties of an adversary. Playfair tells us that " geome- trical reasoning is a process purely intellec- tual, and resting ultimately on truths which the mind intuitively perceives.'" Are we, then, to rest here without going further, — without venturing to ask what are " truths intuitively perceived" ? In what sense this is true, the present observations are meant to illustrate, and, if I am not very much deceived, will sufficiently, or in a great measure, help the reader to understand. Meantime I beg to call his attention to a remarkable and just sentence of Hartley's, in his invaluable and profound chapters on " Words, and the Ideas associated with them, and on Propositions and the Nature of Assent." "Rational assent to any proposition may be defined a readiness to affirm it to be true, proceeding from a close association of the ideas sug- 36 FORCE OF HABIT gested by the proposition, with the idea or internal feehng belonging to the word truth, or of the terms of the proposition with the word truth ;" and then follow some observations on geometrical and mathematical reasoning, which are as clear, beantiful, and unanswer- able, as any observations upon abstract truths Avithin the circle of human science and phi- losophy. But, fourthly, whencesoever w^e get the notions or conceptions with which we are concerned m mathematical reasoning, I think it must be admitted, that habit, i. e. the constant recurrence of the same simple ideas of number and figure, and the constant association of the same terms with the same ideas, has much to do with that feehng of certainty and satisfaction, that readiness and confidence of assent, wiiich we recognise in connexion with the processes of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. How much there is in habit may be easily and irresistibly showm. Thus we say that 2 and 3 make 5, and the three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles ; IN MATHEMATICAL REASONING. 37 and we feel the truth as we pronounce the words. But if we take higher numbers, and more advanced propositions, — if we say that nine thousand six hundred and seventy- three (9673) times seventy-three thousand six hundred and nine (73,609) make 712,019,857, or upwards of seven hundred and twelve millions ; or if we take some of the propositions relating to proportion in the fifth book, or go on to the more abstruse calcu- lations in algebra, trigonometry, and fluxions, will our assent be so ready? Who will assert it ? And why ? — because we are not in the habit of attending to high numbers and advanced propositions. Doubt, ignorance, and difficulty attach themselves to our terms. He who has just risen from calculations, or the study of mathematics, will feel a confidence in terms and propositions which others do not. A ready accountant casts up with a glance or two a long column of accounts ; he perceives the relation of each item to the whole amount in a space of time that appears incre- dibly short to one wholly unaccustomed to such work. Those who are in the habit of 38 FEWNESS OF TERMS AND PREMISES estimating the number of persons in a crowded room or assembly, can tell by looking at the mass, wdth reference to the space occupied, how many may be present with much more correctness than another who should try for the first time to count the heads. So the bare statement of a pro- position, and a glance at the diagram, mil enable the quick mathem.atician to under- stand the whole demonstration, and to re- peat the various steps of the process faith- fully to another ; while he who is slow at combining the ideas of figure, notwithstand- ing ever so careful reading of the proof, will be still at a loss to perceive its cogency ; and will pass from the words to the figure, and the figure to the words, without being a whit the wiser, or having any distinct idea of what he is about, or where he is, present to the mind. The elaborate paper of Sir W. Hamilton, of Dublin, to the Royal Society*, appears a chaos of warring elements, a mere jumble of letters and figures to the tyro * " On a General Method in Dynamics." — Phil. Trans. 1834, Pt.ii.,p. 247. IN MATHEMATICAL REASONING. 39 in algebraic studies ; " monstrum horrendum inform' ingens cui lumen ademtum;" but to that of the learned reader, and to his own eye, it appears as the harmonious and beau- tiful arrangement of simple* elements, each having its due place and force, combining to one noble, important, and useful result. Further, in geometrical and mathematical reasoning the premises are few ; the terms employed are few ; and the mind is only en- gaged in tracing the relations of a few dis- tinct simple ideas, which are fixed by sen- sible impressions. The whole vocabulary of Euclid may be comprised in a couple of pages. Each book turns upon a few defi- nitions. The whole volume is filled with repetitions of the same terms, with appeals to the same brief premises ; attention is more or less frequently recalled to each pro- position as it passes in review, and which ranks, when proved, among the foregone premises. The notations of algebra are comparatively few ; the letters which stand for unknown quantities derive their meaning solely from connexion with, and relation to, the known quantities, at least in their first 40 SAMENESS OF TERMS use ; and at last from their relation to each other, in consequence of an extended mean- ing in the symbols, with which meaning, by habitual contemplation, the mind becomes famihar. Among the fig-ures of arithmetic there are but nine units ; after ten you begin with new relations of the first nine ; hun- dreds are combinations of tens, thousands of hundreds, and so on. And with regard to the higher numbers, we can always make clear their value to the senses ; for though we could form not the least notion how many men there might be in a field of battle, or how many grains of corn in a sack, by looking at them in the mass, yet divide them into companies of thousands, of hun- dreds, and tens, and by this arrangement the mind gains a clear and practical sense of the number. It is doubtless by understanding the number and character, and the due arrange- ment of his forces, that a commander-in-chief is enabled to dispose of them to the best ad- vantage, and form the order of battle. Our ideas of number and figure are what Locke calls " distinct simple modes ;" and however varied in combination or relations, AND SIMPLICITY OF IDEAS. 41 the same signs or terms are invariably con- nected with the sam.e conformations of figure, and the same relations of number. Put down a three-sided figure in lines, or any four or more of the Arabic numerals in a line, as 4565, and every human being using the English language would express the relation in the same terms, — w^ould pro- nounce the one a triangle, and read the other four thousand five hundred and sixty-five. " The idea of two is as distinct from that of one," says Locke, B. II., chap, xiii., "■ as blueness from heat, or either of them from any number ; and yet it is made up only of that simple idea of an unit repeated ; and repetitions of this kind joined together, make those distinct simple modes of a dozen, a gross, a million." Thus also he speaks concerning figure, § 6 : " The mind having a power to repeat the idea of any length directly stretched out, and join it to another in the same direction, which is to double the length of that straight line, or else join another with what inclina- tion it thinks fit, and so make what sort of 42 FEWNESS OF TERMS angle it pleases ; and being able also to shorten any line it imagines by taking from it one-half, or one-fourth, or what part it pleases, without being able to come to an end of any such division, it can make an angle of any bigness ; so also the lines that are its sides of any length it pleases, which joining again to other lines of different lengths, and at different angles, till it has wholly enclosed any space ; it is evident that it can multiply figures, both in their shape and capacity, in infinitum ; all which are but so many different simple modes of space." There does not appear any advantage, but the contrary, in the use of the term " mode,'" and alternating it with " idea,'" as Locke does in this and in other parts of his Essay; but whether ideas or modes, it is e^ddent they are simple, because they do not admit of being resolved into other ideas or notions still simpler, but result at once from uni- formity in the structure and impressions of the senses, which uniformity laj's the foun- dation for language and reasoning. The simplicity and uniformity of the sen- IN MATHEMATICAL REASONING. 43 sible impressions of space, or figure and number, and the comparative fewness of the terms or symbols in use in mathematical reasoning, constantly associated with the same impressions, — terms or symbols w4iich are in fact human contrivances for conveying those impressions from one mind to another, — these things are to be borne in mind, and duly weighed, in estimating the nature of demonstrative evidence. Nor let any man despise mathematical studies, or think them a mere ringing of changes upon the same set of bells, because the terms employed are few, and the original simple ideas few ; otherwise, let him despise the EngHsh lan- guage, or language in general, because there are only twenty-six letters in the alphabet. For what endless varieties of thought, — what worlds of wisdom, — what vast structures of science, are these twenty-six letters, all-suffi- cient ! And what would human life be with- out them ? But we have not yet analysed the nature of mathematical reasoning. We have said that mathematical reasoning sets out from 44 FINAL CHARACTERISTIC definitions ; that these definitions settle the meaning of terms ; that these terms are the signs of onr ideas of figure and quantity, of numbers and magnitudes ; that these ideas are among the simplest, clearest, with which our minds and senses are conversant ; that the terms in use, and the simple ideas to which they are uniformly appropriated, are comparatively few ; that the constancy of connexion between the terms and ideas, that is, habit, has much to do with that feeling of assent and conviction to which the reasoning gives rise, by which the processes are accompanied, as any one must perceive who begins to instruct children in arithmetic or in geometry. But further, fifthly, and lastly, the demon- strative quality of mathematical reasoning consists essentially in this, — the perception of the agreement or disagreement of certain ideas and certain terms with other inter- mediate ideas and terms, which are used as a measure or test of truth, such ideas and terms having been previously selected by the mind for a measure or test ; in other words, OF DEMONSTRATION. 45 a means or standard of comparison. To demonstrate is to show that a certain propo- sition not granted to be true is true by virtue of some premise previously admitted or as- sumed as a criterion of truth, or by virtue of some other truth previously demonstrated."* In other words, to demonstrate is to discover and trace farther and new relations amongst our ideas by comparing them one with an- other ; which new relations will be of deter- minate and constant character, in proportion as the intermediate ideas which are used as a means of comparison, as a measure, are themselves of distinct and constant character and value. Or again, it is to show that ideas not clearly perceived to harmonize or agree, do harmonize, by comparison, with other ideas whose agreement is clearly per- ceived. Thus in the first proposition of Euclid, the sides of a given triangle are proved to be equal when they are ail shown to belong to the class of lines which radiate * The reader may consult the papers on mathematics, by Mr. De Morgan, who gives this just account of de- monstration. 46 FINAL CHARACTERISTIC from the centre to the circumference of the same circle, or of equal circles ; of which class of lines equality is previously premised in the fifteenth definition. This essential quality of demonstrative reasoning is thus distinctly laid down by the great master Locke, book iv., c. ii. : — " The next degree of knowledge is where the mind perceives the agreement or dis- agreement of any ideas, but not immediately. Though wherever the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of any of its ideas there be certain knowledge, yet it does not always happen that the mind sees that agreement or disagreement which there is between them, even vvhere it is discoverable ; and in that case remains in ignorance, at most gets no further than a probable con- jecture. The reason why the mind cannot always perceive presently the agreement or disagreement between two ideas, is because those ideas, concerning whose agreement or disagreement the inquiry is made, cannot by the mind be so put together as to shew it. In this case, then, when the mind cannot so OF DEMONSTRATION. 47 bring its ideas together, as by their imme- diate comparison, and, as it were, juxta- position and apphcation one to another, to perceive their agreement or disagreement, it is fain, by the intervention of other ideas, (one or more as it happens,) to discover the a2;reement or disa2;reement Vvhich it searches ; and this is what we call reasoning.''' Again, § 3 : — " Those intervening ideas which serve to show the agreement of any two others are called proofs ; and where the agreement and disagreement is by this means plainly and clearly perceived, it is called demonstration." Again, § 7 : — " In every step reason makes in demon- strative knowledge, there is an intuitive knowledge of that agreement or disagreement it seeks with the next intermediate idea, which it uses as a proof ; for if it were not so, that yet would need a proof; since without the perception of such agreement or dis- agreement there is no knowledge. If it be perceived by itself, it is intuitive knowledge ; if it cannot be perceived by itself, there is 48 FINAL CHARACTERISTIC need of some intervening idea, as a common measure to show their agreement or disagree- ment. * * * =^ So that to make a thing a demonstration, it is necessary to perceive the immediate agreement of the intervening ideas, whereby the agreement or disagree- ment of the two ideas under examination (whereof the one is alw^ays the first and the other the last in the account) is found." It is not without reason that Locke dwells upon this ; and he repeats himself in ch, xv. of the fourth book on Probabihty, which the reader may consult. In this analysis of demonstrative or mathe- matical reasoning, it is finally to be obseiwed that the definitions are used as the primary common measures or tests ; they are the original ideas or settled notions by means of which the relations of other ideas one with another are traced, and the agreement or disagreement ascertained and settled, and by which the new relations, so ascertained, become themselves of determinate and con- stant character. Each book begins with its necessary definitions ; and each proposition, OF DEMONSTRATIVE REASONING. 49 when settled, becomes itself a premise or test, by help of which further relations are traced, and new agreements or disagreements as- certained and fixed. The mind is con- tinually reverting to its original simple no- tions, builds carefully upon them, and not only has a power to retrace, but is very frequently employed in carefully retracing every step of its progress. Thus we return to the point from which we set out, that definition is the basis of mathematical reasoning, and gives it its peculiarly fixed, clear, and cer- tain character. The reader who may doubt whether this be a correct or perfect analysis of mathematical or demonstrative reasoning, is requested, by a careful examination of mathematical works, to supply the deficiency. Let him apply it to the most simple or the most abstruse propositions and demonstra- tions, and say what essential quality of such reasoning has been omitted. 50 STEWART CONTRASTED SECTION 11. Having now analysed with all the com- pleteness in our power, the nature of de- monstrative reasoning, we are prepared for the inquiry, wiiether it differs from other reasoning, or reasoning in general, in any respects or particulars whatsoever. And, if it do not so differ, we are then prepared for the important inquiry, how the cogency and certainty of mathematical science can be applied to and obtained in moral, political, metaphysical, and religious subjects. Now the tendency and almost the object of Mr. Dugald Stewart's chapters on mathe- matical demonstration, and on the Aristo- telian logic, is to draw a broad hne of dis- tinction between mathematical reasoning, mathematical evidence, and other kinds of reasoning, other kinds of evidence. " JNIa- thematical definitions," he says, (vol. ii., p. 156, 4to,) " are of a nature essentially dif- ferent from the definitions employed in any WITH WHATELY. 51 of the other sciences." Agam, p. 157, he speaks of " the essential distinction which everyperson must perceive between the irre- sistible cogency of a mathematical demon- stration and that of any other process of reasoning." He repeats this idea in various places. I need only refer to p. 203, where he says, " If the account which has been given of the nature of demonstrative evidence be admitted, the province over which it extends must be limited almost en- tirely to the objects of pure mathematics." But what says Dr. Whately in his Ele- ments of Logic ? " One of the chief impediments to the attain- ment of a just view of the nature and objects of logic^ is the not fully understanding, or not suffi- ciently keeping in mind, the sameness of the reasoning 2}rocess in all cases. If, as the ordinary mode of speaking would seem to indicate, mathe- matical reasoning, and theological, and meta- physical, and political, &c., were essentially differ- ent from each other, i. e. different kinds of reason- ing, it would follow that, supposing there could be at all any such science as we have described logic, there must be so many different species, or at least different branches of logic. And such D 2 52 EDINBURGH REVIEWER is perhaps the most prevaihng notion/^ — 3rd. ed. p. 23. Again, p. 25, lie says, — " Supposing it to have been perceived that the operation of reasoning is in all cases the same, the analysis of that operation could not fail to strike the mind as an interesting matter of inquiry." And thus, p. 50 : — " Whatever the subject matter of an argument may be, the reasoning itself, considered by itself, is in every case the same process; and if the writers against logic had kept this in mind, they would have been cautious of expressing their con- tempt of what they call syllogistic reasoning, which is in truth all reasoning." Let us contrast with this, — for there is nothing more instructive than bringing into juxtaposition the different aspects in which these recondite matters are presented to our attention, — let us contrast with this the barely intelligible language of the Edinburgh reviewer, p. 413. " Now as all matter is either necessary or con- tingent, (a distinction Avhich may be here roughly assumed to coincide with mathematical or non- CONTRASTED WITH WHATELY. 53 mathematical;,) we have thus^ besides a theoretic or general logic, two practical or special logics in their highest universality or contrast. "theoretical LOGIC. Practical logic, as spe- Practical logic, as spe- cially applied to neces- cially applied to con- sary matters = mathe- tingent matter ::= philo- matical reasoning. sophy and general rea- soning." He says, p. 422,— " How opposite are the habitudes of mind which the study of the mathematical and. the study of the philosophical sciences require and cultivate, has attracted the attention of observers from the most ancient times. Tlie principle of this con- trast lies in their different objects, in their differ- ent ends, and in the different modes of considering their objects," He speaks also of matliematics as " de- termining dissimilar developments of thought from other sciences," as " not developing the higher faculties," as " dependant on the lower imagination." Again, p. 422 : — "Mathematics, departing from certain original hypotheses, and these hypotheses exclusively de- termining every movement of their procedvire, and 54 GENERAL INFLUENCE the images or vicarious syraljols^ about which they are conversant, being clear and simple, the deductions of these sciences are apodictic or demonstrative; that is, the possibility of the con- trary is at every step seen to be excluded in the very comprehension of the terms. On the other hand, in philosophy, (with the exception of the science of logic,) and in our reasonings in general, such demonstrative certainty is rarely to be at- tained ; probable certainty, i. e. where we are never conscious of the impossibility of the contrary, is all that can be compassed ; and this also not being internally evolved from any fundamental data, must be sought for, collected, and applied from without." " From this general contrast it will be seen how an excessive study of the mathematical sciences, not only does not prepare, but absolutely incapaci- tates the mind for those intellectual energies which philosophy and life require. ^Ye are thus dis- qualified for observation either internal or external, for abstraction and generalization, and for common reasoning." Now common reasoning we conceive to be very bad reasoning ; such reasoning as fails to satisfy the man who is seeking for clear and exact views, who fears to be misled by words, and who remembers that fine phrase- ology teaches nothing. It may be observed OF MATHEMATICAL STUDIES. 55 here, that whatever force or justness there is in the reviewer's general course of observation, it all lies in the word " excessive" — " an ex- cessive study of the mathematical sciences." And it is perfectly obvious that he who is con- versant only with mathematical notions and mathematical processes, may be ignorant of many other objects of human attention, which come nearer home to the business and bosoms, the pleasures and pains, of mankind at large. He who is always dwelling in circles and squares, ellipses and parabolas, differentials and integrals, may have a pro- portionally confined range of thought. He will not understand the feehngs and thoughts of other men ; and he may fancy, from the habitual association of his ideas, or from his determining everything in the same way, that he can ascertain the precise quantity of en- joyment which a company of aldermen de- rive from eating and drinking, by means of the differential or integral calculus, and de- termine the relative merits of Homer and Virgil by the rule and compasses. But what then ? Shall matliematical studies not be 56 GENERAL INFLUENCE valued as an essential part of the training of the youthful mind ? Is Mr. Whewell's sentiment invalidated, that they are the best practical ex- emplification and exercise of logic ? If there be one mode of stud3dng mathematics better than another, shall not a mathematical pro- fessor discuss this question, and endeavour to settle which is best ? How many sciences are there which require for their pursuit, comprehension, and enjoyment, a thorough knowledge of the higher branches of mathe- matics, such as astronomy, optics, dynamics, and all those which go under the name of the mixed sciences. Who would undervalue the hisrhest mathematical attainment when o applied to these branches of science ; and not rather regret, when he sees the mathe- matician soaring in the clouds and lost in the dim distance of algebraic formulae, his inability to follow ? ' ' Non omnes possumus omnia." But we can all enjoy and apply those practical and simple conclusions, for the establishment of which the most pro- found mathematical investigations are oft- times necessary. OF MATHEMATICAL STUDIES. 57 If the question be, What degree of time and attention should be given up to mathe- matical studies in a thoroughly comprehen- sive course of academic education ? or, How far exclusive encouragement should be given to high mathematical attainment in an uni- versity? (which the reviewer has in part raised and discussed,) this may be settled without depreciating the importance and value of mathematics for the discipline of the youthful mind. You have then to take into account the great and general purposes of education, the whole constitution of the human mind, the condition, and wants of society at large, the fitness of an individual for the particular station which he is de- signed to occupy, and the kind of knowledge which his meditated profession may re- quire. It is curious to contrast the reviewer's statement of the injurious influence of mathematical science in disqualifying for ob- servation, either internal or external, for abstraction and generalization, with the in- tellectual character of Sir Isaac Newton D 5 58 herschel's character drawn by Sir John Herschel in his Treatise on the Study of Natural Philosophy, p. 271. " His wonderful combination of mathematical skill with physical research enabled him to invent, at pleasure, new and unheard-of methods of in- vestigating the effects of those causes which his clear and penetrating mind detected in operation. Whatever dej)artment of science he touched, he may be said to have formed afresh. Ascending by a series of close-compacted inductive arguments to the highest axioms of dynamical science, he succeeded in applying them to the complete ex- planation of all the great astronomical phenomena, and many of the minuter and more enigmatical ones. In doing this, he had every thing to create ; the mathematics of his age proved totally inade- quate to grapple with the numerous difficulties which were to be overcome. * * * Of the optical discoveries of Newton we have already spoken ; and if the magnitude of the objects of his astrono- mical discoveries excite our admiration of the mental powers which could so familiarly grasp them, the minuteness of the researches into which he there set the first example of entering, is no less calculated to produce a corresponding impression. Whichever way Ave turn our view, we find our- selves compelled to l)ow before his genius, and to assign to the name of Newton a place in our veneration which belongs to no other in the an- nals of science. His era marks the accomplished OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. 59 maturity of the human reason as ai^plied to such objects. Every thing which went before might be more properly compared to the first imperfect attempts of childhood, or the essays of inexpert though promising adolescence. Whatever has been since performed, hoAvever great in itself, and worthy of so splendid and auspicious a beginning, has never, in point of intellectual effort, surpassed that astonishing one which produced the Prin- cipia." I refer to this treatise with a strong feeling of interest, because it is evident from the observations on nomenclature, and on science generally, that Herschel's clear English mind duly estimates the importance of settled terms with settled meanings ; and while he dwells on the necessity of having exact and uniform standards of measure- ment and value, his reader is set upon the inquiry into the nature and purposes of measures or tests. He who can perceive the importance of a proper use of words in physical science, must feel that importance also in metaphysical. Without it, in fact, we can have nothing worthy of the name of science. Sir John Herschel would probably 60 LOGIC DEFINED. smile at the idea of mathematical science disqualifying for generalization and abstrac- tion or any useful exercise of mind. I have indulged in these references to Dugald Stewart, Dr. Whately, the Edin- burgh reviewer, and Sir John Herschel, with a view to place before the reader in an easy manner the different lights in which the same objects, or objects closely alUed in nature and character, are presented to our attention, and the necessity of close and cautious investigation. Now bearing in mind the foregone analysis of geometrical or demonstrative reasoning, in order to perceive its connexion with logic, it is necessary to understand what logic is. Is Dr. Whately right or wrong when he says the reasoning process is the same in all cases ? If he is right, of course it follows that mathematical or geometrical reasoning is but one illustration or practical application of logic. I am unable to attach any other consistent meaning to the term logic, than that it is an- other word — the Greek word — for reasoning. LOGIC DEFINED. 61 As a science it investigates the principles of reasoning, or analyses and determines the process of the mind in reasoning ; as an art it is the practical application or exemplifica- tion of the rules so deduced. On this point nothing can be clearer and more satis- factory than Dr. Whately's observations in his preface and throughout his treatise. Yet notwithstanding this clearness, and notwithstanding Dr. Whately's correction of the error of Watts in considering logic as "the right use of reason," "a method of invigo- rating and properly directing all the powers of the mind," a writer on logic in the edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica now in the course of publication, says, " Logic may be defined as the science of the laws of thought considered as thought. This is the central notion towards which the various views of the science, from Aristotle downwards, gravi- tate ; it is the one definition in which others, apparently the most opposite, find their com- plement and reconciliation." Then, by way of elucidating this definition, the writer (whom from his use of the term laws, and the 62 LOGIC AS TREATED epithets, contingent, necessary, universal, di- rigible, and so on, I could suspect to be the Edinburgh reviewer already alluded to) pro- ceeds to tell us, first, that logic is conversant about thought ; in the second place, about thought considered as thought ; and in the third place, it is the science of the laws of thought, because it is conversant about the universal and necessary in thought. These are the remarks of a writer who comments on the erroneous definition of logic, in an article which the editor of the Encyclopaedia has reprinted ; an article which tells us that " Logic is the art of properly conducting reason in the knowledge of things, whether for instructing ourselves or others ; or it may be defined the science of human thought, inasmuch as it traces the progress of knowledge ; and that its business is to evolve the laws of human thought, and the proper manner of conducting the reason, in order to the attainment of truth and knowledge." And while the writer comments on this article, he further tells us that from Aristotle downwards the purity of the science BY THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. 63 has been contaminated by foreign infusions. He speaks of Dr. Wliately's Elements as vague and vacillating in its views, its doctrines neither being developed from the primary laws of thought, nor combined to- gether as the essential parts of one necessary whole. In short, being desirous to make something more of a subject than has ever yet been made of it, and to see further into things than any one else has seen, he plunges into darkness and a wood of words, " hunc tegit omnis Lucus, et obscuris claudunt convallibus umbrae," or, like many of his brethren, he is so blinded by the mists of his own land that he cannot enjoy the cheerful^ sun and daylight loved by the children of the south ; and when he is pleased to consider thought as thought, he forgets that no one in his senses was likely to mistake it for " cakes and ale." Indeed, but for the eminence to which the Encyclopaedia Britannica aspires, and is in part deservedly raised as an authority in the sciences, he might be benevolently left to the condition and neglect in which the New 64 LOGIC AS TREATED Poor-Law leaves those who will not help themselves when they can. Seriously, however, when we talk of the science of the laws of thought, do we know what we are talking about ? With confidence, I answer No. The vdiole subject of meta- physics, the whole state of our knowledge and language on the nature, qualities, powers, and affections of the human understanding, as may be inferred from the article meta- physics in this very Encyclopsedia, is such, that to talk of the laws of thought, to speak of primary laws, which implies secondary, and universal and necessary, which implies particular and contingent, is to talk of no- body knows what. What has logic to do with the laws by which thoughts come and go in the mind of a child or of a maniac ? for I suppose a maniac has thoughts, and, if so, is subject to laws of thought. True enough, all logic supposes a thinking mind ; but so does every other science ; so do carpentry and masonry ; and wherever we have thinking minds, there we have minds subject no doubt to what we are pleased to call laws. BY THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. 65 But to set the mind hunting after the gene- ral laws of thought, under pretence of study- ing logic, is to entrap the student into un- looked-for difficulties, to leave Aristotle utterly in the lurch, to give us our labour for our pains, and to bring us, after a fatiguing hunt, like Spenser's good knight, only to the cave of despair. If logic be the science of the laws of thought, what is the province of mental philosophy ? I do not question that the one touches closely the province of the other, but science used for- merly to consist in nicely distinguishing rather than confounding the things that dif- fer, howsoever minute that difference. At the risk of appearing merely to reprint what my reader may find elsewhere, but what cannot be too strongly impressed upon the mind, I must use the words of Dr. Whately, and say that "the attempt to comprehend so wide a field is no extension of science, but a mere verbal generalization, which leads only to vague and barren declamation. In every pursuit, the more precise and definite oux 66 NATURE OF REASONING object, the more likely we are to attain some valuable result." Without further discussion, I must assume that logic is but another word for reasoning; and the object of it as a science is to ascer- tain the process of the mind, to which we specially give that name. Now we have analysed the nature of mathematical reason- ing, or, in other words, we have examined the process of the mind in that reasoning. Can we, then, abstract what is peculiar to the mathematics, and talk of reasoning in general without regard to any particulars ? May we not ask what is meant by reasoning as a term standing alone ? Is there one determinate process of mind to which the term reasoning is peculiarly and alone appro- priate ? Nature and the senses give me the idea of a man and of a horse. I suppose the body and legs of a horse joined to the breast and head of a man, and call that supposition or conception by the name of a centaur. Doing this, would you say I reason? No, I only EXAMINED. 67 imagine, and give a name to the object of my imagination, which are indeed important elements of the reasoning powers. But when I say all animals have feeling, no vegetable has feeling, therefore no vegetable is an animal ; you would say I reason, although from the very obviousness of the words, and from their arrangement, and the smallness of the effort of which we are conscious in following that arrangement, the portion of reason concerned, if we could divide reason into measureable portions, is almost too in- significant to be worthy of the name. But if this be reasoning, what have we ? First of all, words, or audible sounds asso- ciated with many sensible impressions or objects — animals. Secondly, These objects classified, and viewed in a common relation or under the affirmation — having feelings. And thirdly. Other objects, viewed under a different relation, having no feeling, there- fore excluded from this class, no vegetables animals, or vegetables no animals. In this who can detect any thing but the 68 WHATELY S LOGIC results or lessons of human experience or registered observation, classified, and clothed in appropriate language, — that which is affirmed of one being denied of the other class, — language being to us the means and very element of thought, at least of thought conveyed from one mind to an- other ? and hence the beauty of the Greek word T^oyog, which is at once verbum and ratio — the audible sound and mental ap- prehension. I prefer, however, taking a work of au- thority like Dr. Whately's as a guide for the course of thought which it appears most useful and important to pursue. In ana- lysing the operation of the mind in reason- ing, Dr. Whately says, " It will be found that every conclusion is deduced in reality from two other propositions, thence called premises." He contends there must be two propositions, and says, (section third,) of a valid argument, "It is impossible for any one who admits both premises to avoid ad- mitting the conclusion." Then, after giving an example of the true syllogism, he says CONSIDERED. , 69 there is this maxim resulting from it, " that whatever is predicated universally of any class of things, may be predicated in like manner of any thing comprehended in that class," — the celebrated principle called the dictum de omni et nullo of Aristotle. After some observations on the substitution of letters and symbols for the terms of the syllogism, on apparent arguments, on the importance of finding a proper middle term, on generalization and abstraction, he winds up the analysis with the remark, " that it consists in referring the term we are speaking of to some class, viz. a mid- die term, which term again is referred to or excluded from (as the case may be) another class, viz. the term which we wish to affirm or deny of the subject of the conclusion." With a very strong sense of the value of Dr. Whately's Elements, — of the cor- rectness, and usefulness of the principles and views therein detailed, — it may be permit- ted me to observe, that even that work is, in some degree, deficient in the rigid 70 whately's logic propriety of language which the subject demanded, and which might easily have been given to it. The analytical outline of logic can scarcely be regarded as a successful and complete elucidation of the science. Dr. Whately himself calls it an imperfect and irregular sketch. For as the analytical outline, and the syn- thetical compendium, appear in juxtaposi- tion, the reader naturally expects that they should answer exactly the one to the other, the analysis being the resolution of the whole into the parts, or, if the reader like it better, the tracing of given effects to the causes from which they spring ; — the syn- thesis, — the enumeration of the several parts which combine to make the whole, or the advance from the cause to the varied effects or consequences. But this corre- spondence is by DO means so clear as it might have been, — as it ought to be. For in- stance : having in the analysis stated that the operation of reasoning is in all the cases the same, (p. 25, fifth edition,) and that in every instance in which we reason a certain CONSIDERED. 71 process takes place in the mind, which is one and the same in all cases, Dr. Whately opens the compendium by saying, " There are three operations or states of the mind which are immediately concerned in argu- ment." Again, after having in the analysis described the process in reasoning as the deduction of a conclusion from two other propositions, thence called premises, in the compendium he says, " Reasoning is the act of proceeding from one judgement to an- other, founded upon that one, or the result of it." These discrepancies may be more apparent than real ; they may be of slight consequence : but the careful reader is, to a certain degree, distracted. And as the great object of the study of logic is to clear and to brace the mind, — as it is but the athletics and gymnastics of the reasoning faculties, — as clearness and strength are entirely depend- ant on perfect precision in the use of terms, — so the teacher of logic should avoid a ver- bal discrepancy as fatal to his science, as the man under training should avoid diluents and laxatives of every kind. 72 ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS. I am aware that some may think I have drawn too strictly the parallehsm between the analytical and synthetical modes ; but, after a careful perusal of Mr. Dugald Stewart's remarks upon the use of these terms in ancient and modern philosophy, showing that authority may be pleaded for using them in an exactly opposite and mu- tually convertible sense, and that he himself is at a loss to give them precise meaning, — - sometimes confuting in the notes what he lays down in the text ; — after reading also what Maclaurin says about these modes, in his ac- count of Sir I. Newton's discoveries, — I cannot help considering them in a very simple and obvious light, as different or opposite modes of going over the same or a precisely similar path ; according to the simile of Condillac, one being up and the other down the hill : only instead of saying,' with Condillac, that as the two methods are contrary to one an- other, if the one be good the other must be bad, I rather say both may be good, accord- ing to the position and view which we as- sume, and the walk which, for the time, we ANALYSIS OF ARGUMENTS. / : ^:^~s?iii^