i' > tli VERSES HOLY SEASONS ; QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION. ar - ~ ... BY ofF.^: af EDITED BY WALTER FAEQUHAR HOOK, D.D., TICAR OF LEEDS. LONDON : FRANCIS AND JOHN RIVINGTON; SIMMS AND DINHAM, MANCHESTER ; J. H. PARKER, OXFORD ; SLOeOMBE AND SIMMS, LEEDS. 1846. ./\ in v^}- MANCHESTER : PRINTKn Bt CHARLES SISIMS A>'n CO c,<^c>/ TO THE AUTHOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR, THIS ATTEMPT TO ADAPT THE GREAT PRINCIPLE OF HIS IMMORTAL WORK TO THE EXIGENCIES OF THE SCHOOL ROOM, IS INSCRIBED, WITH FEELINGS OF REVERENCE AND RESPECT, BY ONE OF THE MANY THOUSANDS WHO HAVE PROFITED BY HIS LABOURS. PREFACE. The following Hymns were written by a lady resident in Ireland, with a view of adapting the principle observed in The Christian Year to the capacities of the young and uneducated. This volume may, therefore, be considered as a Chris- tian Year for Children, in which the attempt is made, by simple hymns, to express the feelings, and enforce the instructions, which, in her dis- tribution of the year, the Church of England suggests. As the object has been to provide the young with verses which they may readily understand, and easily learn, the most simple metres have been adopted, and what may appear to some to be a kind of sing-song style of versification. Aware that several similar attempts have been made, though none, it is apprehended, on so VIU PREFACE. extensive a scale, the Authoress felt a diffidence in offering her work to the public, but was en- couraged by the liberal offer of the Publishers, who agreed to run all risks, on condition that its passage through the press should be super- intended by him whose initials are affixed to this preface. It is hoped that the volume will, in some respects, supply that want of simple hymns which is admitted to exist by all who are engaged in instructing the younger members of the Church ; and that it will be made very useful to the less educated portions of the community, by facili- tating the impression of truth on their minds, or by fixing there profitable and holy associations. W. F. H. Leeds, Oct. 30, 1845. CONTENTS. The First Sunday in Advent— Ti^e Coming of our Lord page 1 The Second Sunday in Advent— -H^o??/ Scripture 3 The Third Sunday in Advent— T^ Fastor 5 The Fourth Sunday in Advent— Pra^'er 7 Christmas Day 9 Saint Stephen's Day 11 Saint John the Evangelist's Day IS The Innocents' Day 16 The Sunday after Christmas — Morning 18 The Circumcision of our Lord — Obedience 20 The Epiphany 22 The First Sunday after the Epiphany— T^ Lord in the Temple 25 The Second Sunday after the Epiphany — The Marriage Feast 27 The Third Sunday after the Epiphany — Humility 29 The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany — The Storm 31 The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany —^ Harvest time 33 The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany — Our Heavenly Hope 35 Septuagesima Sunday — The Ancient Games 37 Sexagesima Sunday — The Good Seed 39 Quinquagesima Sunday — CMnY?/ 41 Ash Wednesday — i^epe?^^a;^C6 43 The First Sunday in Lent — Ze?2^ 45 The Second Sunday in Lent— The Heathen 47 The Third Sunday in JiQut — Idleness 49 The Fourth Sunday in JjQut — Forgiveness 51 The Fifth Sunday in Lent — The Graves of the Fathers. 53 CONTENTS. The Sunday next before Easter — The Triumph page 65 Good Friday— T^e Crucijlocion 57 Easter Even— The Burial 59 Easter Day — The Resurrection 61 The First Sunday after Easter— The Warrior 63 The Second Sunday after Easter — The Blessing 65 The Third Sunday after Easter — The Pilgrim 67 The Fourth Sunday after Easter — Early Teaching 69 The Fifth Sunday after Easter — (rood Fruits 71 Ascension Day — r^ Jsce^/o« 73 The Sunday after the Ascension — The Appointed Place 75 "WhitsMn^^y — The Descent of the Holy Ghost 77 Trinity Sunday — Jfysfer^/ 79 The First Sunday after Trinity — Rich and Poor 81 The Second Sunday after Trinity — Sisera 84 The Third Sunday after Trinity — Watchfulness 86 The Fourth Sunday after Trinity — A Brother's Fault 88 The Fifth Sunday after Trinity — Coz^r^^s^ 90 The Sixth Sunday after Trinity— Words 92 The Seventh Sunday after Trinity — Costly Gifts 94 The Eighth Sunday after Trinity — The Prince of Wales 97 The Ninth Sunday after Trinity — Types and Examples 100 The Tenth Sunday after Trinity — The Envious King 103 The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity —i\raawaw the Syrian 106 The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity — T^^ Dumb Boy 109 The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity — Our Neighbours 112 The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity — Prazse 114 The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity — The Lily 116 The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity— r^ Widow's Son 118 The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity — Idols 120 The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity — »S'M/2c?a2/s 123 The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity — The King and the } ^ . .125 Prophet . The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity — T^ Wedding Feast 128 The Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity— Oz^r Fathers and Motliers 130 The Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity — i)z^m6 Animals 133 The Twenty -third Sunday after Tvimi-s — Loyalty 135 The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity — The Ruler's Child... 138 The T wenty. fifth Sunday after Trinity — Soft A nswers 141 CONTENTS. XI Saint Andrew's Day page 143 Saint Thomas's Day 146 The Conversion of Saint Paul 147 The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, commonly called) The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin ) Saint Matthias's Day 152 The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 154 Saint Mark's Day 156 Saint Philip and Saint James's Day 158 Saint Barnabas's Day 160 Saint John Baptist's Day 163 Saint Peter's Day 166 Saint James the Apostle's Day 169 Saint Bartholomew's Day 171 Saint Matthew's Day 174 Saint Michael and all Angels 177 Saint Luke the Evangelist's Day 181 Saint Simon and Saint Jude's Day 183 All Saints' Day 185 Questions ,,... , , .,,.. 189 JT^e df itst Suntrag in Eibent. Blunia8. We tcorship One GOD in Trmity, and Trinity in Unity.- Athan. Creed. All coldly round our quiet homes We hear the wind in winter blow. We see not whence the roamer comes, His onward path we do not know ; And, when the winter passes by, The bright green leaves come back in Spring, We see not how, we know not why ; There's mystery in every thing. If then the flowers beneath his feet Man s feeble ken can scarce descry. How vainly would he strive to mete The awfiil things of God Most High ! The Babe sits on his Mother s knee, Bends on her lip his eye of blue, And, whatsoe'er her tale may be, His trusting spirit holds it true. so TRINITY SUNDAY, Thus ever meek, confiding still, Men must be children all their days ; Nor God will scorn when children thrill With solemn lip His mystic lays. Then let our Father's honoured creed In measured cadence fully pour, And hold we fast, in word and deed, The faith they kept so clear of yore. With thrilling heart, and bending knee, Sing we, with yonder Heavenly Host, Praise to Th' Eternal Trinity, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. i CJe jpmt Suntrag after Crintta. Son, remember that thou, iii thy lifetime, receivedst thy good things, and likezcise Lazarus evil things. — Luke xvi. 25. Shame on our false misjudging hearts ! Through all the world whom call we blest ? The rich, the high, the powerful. The man of many goods possest. With envious thought, mth raptured eye, We mark the great man s high estate, His pomp, his wealth, his lordly train, And wish ourselves as splendid fate. We look upon the poor man s needs. His pinching cares, his lot obscure, And almost wonder God should make Unequal thus the rich and poor. Because we deem this life is all. That dazzles to the eyes of men ; But, could we lift th' eternal veil. How vain were gold and glories then ! G 82 FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. There was a rich man, Christ has said, In purple clothed and linen fine, Whose hoard was sumptuously spread With costly meats and sparkling wine ; And he had all that this world gives. But had no heart to give away ; The lowly heggar in his rags Without his gate unheeded lay. The very dogs, more pitiful. Came round to lick that poor man's sore ; He only asked the crumbs that fell. From that rich board, and got no more. They died, the rich man and the poor ; How different, then, their after state ! To Abraham's bosom Angels bore The poor man lone and desolate ; The rich man lifted up his eyes. Far down in hell to torments driven ; He saw the beggar far away Within the golden gates of Heaven. Oh ! envy not the rich, the great, Nor wish your lowlier lot like theirs. For strong temptations wait on wealth, Who much possess have many cares. But ask we all of God Most High, Both rich and poor together bent, FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. To make His high ones poor of heart, To make His lowly sons content ; That all His gifts for Him be used, And still His Holy Church give praise, With liberal hands and lowly hearts Fulfilling well her earthly days. Ci^e ^econtr Suntjag after Exinit^. The Lord made me have dominion over the mighty. — Judges v. 13. Forth looked the Mother from her lattice high ; To Judah's valleys turned her proud dark eye ; — " Why do his chariot wheels delay so long ? " Why tarries thus the valiant and the strong ? " Have they not sped ? have they not won the day ? " To every man hath been a glorious prey ; " The gorgeous work by Syrian maidens planned, " And fair young slaves the brightest in the land ; " Sure he will deck his loved ones with the spoil." — In vain she looketh toward that favoured soil ; With shout and song, in peace returning home, He cometh not : nor e'er aojain shall come. ^O" Far, far away, within the Kenite's tent. His brow is pierced, his stately head is bent ; Where Kishon s ancient waters hurry by. On Taanach's plains, his trampled warriors lie ; SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 85 For Israel's God hath led the glorious fight, Abinoam's son has conquered in His might, And she, who sat by Bethel's judgment tree, Has risen to chant the sono^ of victory. One woman, dwelling in her tent alone, In The Lord's Name has slain the mighty one ; She heard the cry of battle on the blast, She stayed the flying Chieftain as he past. Then say not, here on earth are feeble things Too weak and mean to serve The King of Kings ; The shallow stream, scarce noticed in its course, Feeds the broad lake and swells the torrent's force. Prayers of the poor and lowly, heard above. Hang, like a charm, around The Church we love ; And sighs prevail, and simple words have power, More than we think, when foes like tempests lour. The lowliest child That Holy Church within, Hath his own work to do, his fight to win, To watch, to pray, to keep his own young heart ; God giveth strength for each appointed part. Ci&e Cfiirtr ^Suntag after ^xinit^. Be sober, he vigilant, for your adversary , the devil, as a roaring limi ' n-alketh abotit, seeking ivhom he may devour. — 1 Pet. v. 8. The shadows on the desert lay, By chistering palm trees made; There stood a little Afric hut Within their crested shade. All night the hunter watched his home With fire, and ready spear. Because the lion of the plain Was ever roaming near. And still, when moonhght shadows fell Along the desert dread, He deemed he saw his large red eye, And heard his stealthy tread ; And still his howl was on the blast That waved the palm trees high ; The w^eary watcher might not sleep^ Nor let his bright fire die* THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 87 Around our quiet Christian homes A cruel lion stalks, More fearful far ; he dogs our ways. And haunts our daily walks. Could our eyes see that evil one. How would we start, and cower. To mark him watching our poor souls, Still ready to devour ; Still pouring in the evil thought, Still rousing wrath and pride. And painting bright, earth vanities. Till Heaven is scarce descried. But we have spiritual arms To strive against his might ; We have a holy fire within, God's Spirit pure and bright. We must not let our armour rust, Nor let our fire decay ; Our foot is ever on the watch. Our fight is every day ; But strong in faith, and ^^gilant O'er word and deed and thought. Our watchful souls must struggle on Till the good fight be fought. Ci)e dFouttf) SunltaB aUn ^rinitg. And why heJwldest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, hut per- ceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye ? — St. Luke vi. 41. We walk together side by side. Within one hamlet we abide. And play beneath the same green tree ; Along the self same path we roam. The like temptations romid us come, And all are pilgrims hasting home Where Christ our Lord shall ever be. We must not linger in the race To look into each other's face. And count the sins our brothers do, And tell them oe'r, as though we found A pleasure in the grievous sound, As tho' our own hands were not bound, And we had nothing bad to rue. Each has his own appointed part. To watch the sins of his own heart. To keep his bridal garment bright, FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 89 The beam is dark in his own eye, He must not scan too curiously The little motes that dimly lie And darken less his brother s light. It is a sad unlovely sight. When little children take delight To tell a comrade's evil deed ; Far better would they look within And find out their own hidden sin, And then in penitence begin In truth the better life to lead. For, when our trial time is done, All for themselves, and each alone, Must stand before the judgment seat ; Then let us not with thought unkind Delight another's fault to find. The self-accusing humble mind ,For sinful man is far more meet. Cj&e dFiftfj ^untrag Kfttx Exinitvi. Be courteous. — 1 Pet. iii. 8. There are no little things on earth, There's nought heneath the Christian s care. No virtuous deeds of little worth ; The flower, upon the mountain bare. Where never came admiring eje, The Lord has carved as curiously, Has stained it with as gorgeous dye, As though a thousand looks were there. Deem not the simple charms, that dwell In gentle tone and smiling face, The courtesy, that flings a spell Of winning love and quiet grace Oe'r common deeds in silence wrought, Beneath the Christian s careful thought ; Another love Our Lord has taught. Adorning many a secret place. Upon the lonely mountain height He bids His fair young blossoms swell, For fragrance all and beauty bright Forth bursting from each dark green shell ; i FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 91 And shall no flowers of courtesie Within our lowly hamlets be, To brighten with their fragrance free The homes where poor men dwell ? Oh ! yes, the temple stones of old Admiring glances ever drew. All fair and beauteous to behold, Ranged in their polished order due ; And lovely deeds beseem us all. The stones in Christ's own temple wall. And nought is trivial, nought is small, That we, for His Great Name, can do. C$e Stiti) Suntiag after Crinitg. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Baca, shall be in danger oj^ the ^ council, but ivhosoever shall say " Thou Fool," shall be in danger of hell Jirer— St. Matt. v. 22. Go strike the sounding harp aright, Melodious strains shall fill thine ear ; Go speak the words of love and light, And sweet shall he thy speech to hear. But if rude hand should sweep the chords, For gentle strains shall discord be ; And angry speech, and spiteful words. Mar all the spirit's harmony. The tongue, it is a little thing. But, oh ! how much of sin and wrong Does that small member round us fling ! The harsh reproof, too stern and strong. The bitter name, the careless speech, — Alas ! we pour them every where, Nor think that to high Heaven they reach, And The Great God records them there. \ SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 93 The large ship sailing o'er the deep, The hand of man can turn its course ; His own rude tongue he cannot keep. He will not check or tame its force. Watch well thy lips ; as w^aters leap From a full source, their accents fall ; Watch well thy heart, the fountain deep Whence spring thy words and actions all. If sinful anger, unforgot, Bring to thy lips the answer keen, Oh ! Christian, pause, and speak it not, And love shall make thy bosom clean. If coward fear or treachery Would clothe thy lip with specious art. Remember, ere thou speak the lie, God knows the secrets of the heart ; And time hastes on the fleeting hours Till Christ Our Lord come back again ; We know each thought and deed of ours, And word^ shall be recorded then. Cfie ^ebentS Suntrag after Crinitg. Nay hut I will surely buy it of thee at a price; neither tvill I ojfer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing. ^2 Sam. xxiv. 24. When Israel's Monarch stood of yore Beside Araunah's threshing floor, And when the princely subject twice Refused the Monarch's proffered price^ And freely would have given Oxen and wood, in sacrifice Unto The God of Heaven, The Princely Penitent forbore The generous donor's offered store. Though kinglike to a king preferred ; He turned aside with gentle word. And forth his fifty shekels brought ; He would not offer to The Lord Of that which cost him nought. Our love is not like theirs of old. Our hands are closed, our hearts are cold, A little time, a little thought, SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 95 That brings no loss, that costs us nought, A little gold in ofFerin"^ To Him, Who our full safety wrought, Is all the gift we bring. Oh ! not with things of smallest A^'orth Should Christians serve The Lord on earth : Christ said, " Your daily crosses take. Bear pain, use trouble for My sake, Deny yourselves for Me, Remembering all I bore to make Your sinful spirits free." If wealth, so perilous to hold, Be yours, give freely of your gold ; Not the poor pittance pleasure spares From luxury's ideal cares ; Nor let the poor and low Deem, he with his rich brother shares Nought fitting to bestow. Give God that first best sacrifice. An humbled heart's repentant sighs ; Give Him some hours, that else were spent In sleep or sloth or merriment, For prayer and holy deed ; The praises of a heart content With all by Him decreed. 96 SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. God looketh on our inward life, He knows the cost, He sees the strife ; Alike accepted, in His sight, The rich man s thousand talents bright Given all in quiet lowliness, And the poor Widow's lonely mite Saved from her hard distress. a:i)r iSigf)t]^ Suntrag after ^rmitB* Heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. — Rom. viii. 17. Of late, from London's turret hoar. Glad tidings filled the winter morn. The Monarch's trial time was o'er, The heir of all the realm was horn. To city vast, to hamlet shade. Went forth the voice of general joy, And not a British heart hut prayed For blessings on the princely Boy. A day of gladness, and of smiles ; — And meet it was, that such should he, Through all his hirthright of fair Isles, Encompassed by their subject sea. There is a heritage more fair Than merry England's royal sway. And it hath many a new born heir, — Why heed we not their natal day ? H 98 EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. In all our village Churches lone, With mystic words of faith and love. By many a font of old grey stone. Those heirs are horn of Heaven above ; And white-winged Angels hover o'er, For crimson banners floating fair ; And for the cannon s joyous roar, Are uttered vow and whispered prayer. Yea, we ourselves are born anew, Heirs of a glorious crown, more bright Than ever earthly Monarch knew His own by old ancestral right. Then still as year by year we view Expanding fair that royal flower. Ours is a future kingdom too, A higher sway, a holier power. And for his Queenly Mother's sake. And for the loyal love we bear, The tear shall fall, the heart shall break. When his young brows the circlet wear ; But not a sigh, and not a tear. Shall rend the heart or dim the face. When all Christ's ransomed children dear Inherit their eternal place. EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 99 Then pray we all, for us, for him, The trust of England's after day ; That earth's gay dreams, her visions dim, Exclude not Heaven s more perfect ray ; But, to Our Father's promised home, The kingly crown, the robe washed white, The Peasant and the Prince may come, All heirs of everlastino^ lio-ht. K^t jStntf) Suntag after ©rmitg. Notv ikesethings were our examples^ to the irdent we should not I after evil things, ds they also lusted,—! Cor. x. 6. Still year by year, on hill and plain, The flowers in Spring as brightly blow As if no wind had laid them low, As if no winter s frost and snow Upon their silent roots had lain. Sweet types, in their new life, are they Of mortal man's returning day ; Like them he sleeps in short decay. Like them he lives and blooms asrain. ^o" Each bud that bursts, each flower that springs, It hath a lesson of its own, If we would only hear the tone That breathes from hill and valley lone ; And thus it is with holier things ; Within their hidden meanings lie, And thoughtful sphit may descry Pure precept and example high Beneath their mystic shadowings. NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 101 When Israel's hosts, heloved of God, From Egypt sought the desert dread ; By day the cloud before them sped, By night the fiery pillar led ; Unhurt the red sea depths they trod ; He rained down bread from Heaven s blue height, He bade the rock yield water bright, Till promised Canaan met their sight With blushing vine and fertile sod. We seek a land of more delight Than aught that promised Canaan gave ; We have escaped from sin s dark grave, Have passed the pure Baptismal wave ; Christ leads us on by day and night. The Bread, That feeds our weariness, The Eock, That, in the wilderness, Still gushes pure and free to bless Our souls with spiritual might. We must not be like IsraeFs band, Who tempted God by deed and thought, Who scorned the law His Prophet taught. Who loathed the precious food he brought, And wished again for Egypt's land ; His Holy Faith they would not hold. But loved the tales the Heathen told, And made them idol Gods of gold, Provokinoj His Almighty hand. 102 NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. These things are our examples, given. That we, who walk in brighter day, May hold our faith more pure than they ; Nor in this bad world go astray To sin, by evil passions driven ; Till He, whom type and lay foretold In mystic signs and songs of old, Shall lead us o'er life's dreary wold, Safe to our happy home in Heaven. i €$e Centj^ Sunt^ag after ^xinitvi* A?id Ahah said to Elijah, "Hast thou found ine, mine enemy V' 1 Kings xxi. 20. The tears are in King Ahab's eyes, His brow is dark with care, Because the poor man s vineyard lies So near his garden fair ; He flings his purple mantle by, Falls on his silken bed, The Queen and all her dames draw nigh, ^ He turns away his head. Not pomp, nor wealth, nor high degree, True happiness impart ; She dwells with peace and charity Within the holy heart. There's envy in King AhaVs breast, He's Lord of hill and plain, He cannot sleep, he cannot rest, For Naboth's poor domain. 104 TENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. And SO, at that bad woman's word, The just man s blood is shed, — "Arise ; possess his land, my lord ; The Jezreehte is dead." He rides with pompous equipage, The crown upon his brow. To seize the poor man s heritage ; — Is Ahab happy now ? Oh ! no, that spot of envied ground God's Prophet stands within ; Behold, his enemy hath found The slayer in his sin ; He speaks the bitter doom of Heaven ; Where now the Monarch's pride ? He turns away, his robe is riven, His gems are cast aside. Thus when our wandering feet have erred, Through pride, or discontent, Comes conscience, like the Prophet's word. And speaks our punishment. Oh ! happiest they who, early taught Within Christ's holy school. Have learned to check the envious thought, The bad desire to rule. Joy came not when the Jewish king His blood- won prize had bought ; TENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. I Go It never comes from earthly thing Too hotly, wrongly, sought. Then tread we our appointed path, Pleased with what God has sent. Not envying what another hath, Still holy, still content. C$e iSlebentJ SuntraB after Ctmitg. Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel. — 2 Kings v. 12. He, whom the leper s plague had made So lonely in his state, The Captain of the Syrian host, Stood by Elisha's gate. The Prophet's messenger has met The Warrior, and his train, — " Go wash in Jordan seven times, Thy flesh shall come again/' " What ! will he lay no hand on me, Nor call his God to save ? Hath not Damascus streams as clear As Jordan's boasted wave ? " Is not Abana's stream as bright. And Pharpar's fount as pure ?" — He turns in anger from the door. He scorns the simple cure. i ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 107 Alas ! man's heart is full of pride, Of ignorance, and sin ; He will not choose Gon s simple ways, And humbly walk therein. We have a stream more pure and clear Than Jordan's silver tide. The Blood of Him Who washed our sins. And bore them when He died. Our hearts are cold, our hearts are proud, Contemning our o-wti good ; We do not love Him as we ought. Nor serve Him as we should. We think well of our own poor deeds, We deem our own ways right. To us Abana's waves are clear. And Pharpar s waters bright. 'Twas well the warrior sought at last That river s healthful shore ; Thence, healed and cleansed, returned to bless The Prophet from his store. 'Tis well when we, from sin's bad ways And from earth's vain delight. Turn to Our Lord in penitence, And plead His Cleansing Might. ]08 ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. O Christ ! Thy little children's robes Have lost their first white hue, Lord, wash them in Thy Cleansing Blood, Each day Thy Grace renew ! I ?r$e Eto^lftJ SunlraB after Ctinftp- A^td straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue wa$ loosedi and he spake plain. --St. Mark vii. 35. Within the quiet village street, Where seldom ruder sound is heard Than the quick tread of children's feet, Or whistle clear or greeting word, Where hangs, heneath yon cottage eaves, White jessamine her silver bells, And roses spread their broad red leaves Through every month, the dumb boy dwells. His rustic cheek is rosv red. His eye is large, and bright, and mild, The passers by stroke down his head. And smiling say, " How fair a child/' Poor silent solitary Boy ! He dwells alone with his own heart, And all earth's many tones of joy No sounds to his dull ear impart. 110 TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. And but for shapes and forms that roll Before his eye, and leave a dim Strange impress on his thoughtful soul, This outward world were not for him. My coming from afar he spies, He runs and lays his hand on me, Then looks up with his violet eyes Into my face, and laughs for glee. And when, for every kindliness. My words of soothing love are said. His rosy finger he will press On lip, and ear, and shake his head. Then have I thought, if He, the God, Who healed of old the deaf and dumb, When, poor and shelterless, He trod Judea's shores, might hither come, How, by His gentle touch unbound. Would lip and ear and heart rejoice. Sense visit the dull ear, and sound Plow sweetly from the tutored voice. Not yet, not yet, though still beside His form is veiled from mortal men ; The Bridegroom is not with the Bride ; We wait until He come again. TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Ill But still for us those lips have speech Even in their silent solitude, And well their gentle lesson teach Of pity and of gratitude. We, to whom God has freely given Sweet sense of sound, expression's flow, If we abuse the gifts of Heaven, Nor praise, nor feel for other s woe, — Sure, when our fleeting life is past, A heavy judgement will be ours ; For each must give account at last For gifts bestowed and wasted powers. irje EJirteentJ Suntrag after €xinitVi. Go and do thou likewise.'— St. Luke x. 37. Who is thy neighbour, Christian Child ? Thine infant vow is writ above, That promised, at God's Holy Font, Him as thyself to love. Who is he ? All men great or small. Who need thine aid, or claim thy fear. Thou hast a duty unto all, And all are neighbours dear. Not only they who, loved and fond, Around thy lowly dwelling press ; The cold, the distant, the unkind. Claim too thy kindliness. He was a stranger to his hearth, He was his nation s deadly foe, Whom erst the good Samaritan Found bleeding, cold, and low, THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 113 He took the wounded stranger up. He kindly bound his bleeding frame The Lord Christ says to each of you, " Go thou, and do the same/* The Priest turned to the other side, The Levite looked and passed him by ; Shall hearts baptized be found as cold To Christian sjnupathy? Go thou and love thy neighbour too On this our earth are none that live But they may work another's good, Though small their power to give, With loving heart, with soothing tone, That raise the heart by sorrow riven, With cheering word, and helping hand. Unasked, but freely given. Nor say, thou canst not reach to some. Too great, too high, too far away ; One bond is for the rich and poor. And, Christian, thou canst pray. In little drops the night dews fall, They nurse tall tree and lovely flower; And lowly deeds bear precious fruits, And simple prayers have power. I C^e jpouxUmtfi Suntrag after Etmitg* There are not found that returned to give glory to God save this stranger, — St. Luke xvii. 18. We walk amid a world of beauteous things, Unnumbered blessings all around us flowing, Till we forget the Gracious Hand that brings, Unheeded in Its bountiful bestowing. Sweet sights, glad sounds, are round us every day, The golden da\\Ti, the gentle breath of even. The scent of summer flowers, the sun s hot ray, And all for pleasure, all for comfort given. We walk in a new life ; for us the stain That fell on this bright world, God's fair creation, Is washed away ; and we are made again The Sons of God, the heirs of high salvation ; And angels wave their guardian wings around. Communion with eternal things is ours, Hopes brightening still, and joys that are not found On this fair earth, with all her songs and flowers. FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 115 Where are our deeds in grateful service doue ? Where are the words with thankful rapture burning ? Alas ! we all are cleans'd ; there's scarcely one With voice of praise and works of love returning. Ye, late baptised in God's Thrice Holy Name, Whose glad young life in every vein rejoices, Lo ! one poor leper puts your zeal to shame ; — Come praise The Lord Christ with your infant voices. But words are weak, when thoughts lie deep and strong. And hearts run o'er, in deeds their love expressing; Be all your holy lives one grateful song, Be all your acts one voice of praise and blessing. Cije dfifttentf^ ^untrag after Exinitv^. Consider th£ lilies of the field hoiv they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his fflory was not arrayed like one of these. — St. Matt. vi. 28 29. There grew a fair white lily in the shade Of a green wood, where never man drew near, But round the lonely flower bright sunbeams played, And the dew fell in drops as silver clear. The sceptered king, his golden gates within. Had not a robe as beautiful and bright As that poor flower, that did not toil or spin, Wore in the wild wood, far from human sight. She saw no hand to bring her the sweet dew. To shield her from the hot sun s noontide ray, Yet without care or thought the fair thing grew, And shed her patient perfume every day. Shall man then fret and pine at his poor lot, And mourn his state so friendless and unknown ? The God, of Whom the flower is unforgot, Much more, much more. He careth for His own. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 117 When want's dark cloud hangs o'er the present hour, And all to-morrow's ills look darkly thro', Shall he not learn a lesson from the flower, And trust The Lord in faithful patience too ? Children, that, pressing round the poor man s hearth, Have learnt the care that need so early brings. Seek ye the joys that are not of this earth, And the good God shall give all other things. C^e ^ixttmtf^ Suntrag after Einxit^. And when The Lord saw her. He had compassion on her and said, " Weep not."— St. Luke vii. 13. Look on the train, through the city gate Bearing the dead man in slow array, Look on the poor mother desolate, Weeping alone o'er the mouldering clay. She was a Widow, she had but him, The star that lighted her lonely age ; Her staff is broken, her light is dim. She must finish alone her pilgrimage. She has covered her forehead with ashes, For his eyes cannot brighten her gloom, She has kissed down their motionless lashes. She must follow her child to the tomb. Oh ! human sorrow and hopelessness, Little ye think on the Good God nigh ; He comes in pitying tenderness. He looks on her grief with gentle eye ; SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 119 He hath touched the cold dead on his hier In the might of His Hfe giving power; — Mother, where now is thy anguished tear ? Widow, where now is thy lonely hour ? There lie green graves in the churchyard cold, Long lowly graves where the grass grows fair ; Should w^e mourn, like that mother of old, For our loved ones, laid mouldering there ? For the Christians, who lay down in trust Of a waking more glorious, more blest. When the soul shall rekindle its dust. And the saints shall have heavenly rest ; When the sweet voice, that gave back of yore To the vddowed and childless her son, Shall awaken His blessed once more To the life that His patience has won. CJe S>ebentemt$ Siuntrafi after CtinitB. Thus saith The Lord God ; '^ Repent, and tmm yourself from your idols." — Ezek. xiv. 6. Where cedars wave on Syrian height, Were altars reared for votive rite ; And silver Jordan swept along To anthem loud, and choral song. But not for Great Jehovah's praise Did Israel's matrons pour their lays, And not for Him, in wooded glade, On sunny height, the shrine was made. And Judah's maids wild dances trod To many an unclean heathen god ; And impious sires, in lone green wood. For offering poured their children's blood. They drank their flowing cups at noon, They praised at night the fair round moon ; The chosen of the King of kings. They bowed down to created things. SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 121 Yea, gods they made of wood and stone ; — Poor human hearts ! thus ever prone To leave the ways that God has shown. And make false idols of their own ; As trees heside some water bright, Whose brows are set to heaven s blue height, Yet bend their branches down, and look On the false sky within the brook. We do not bend the adoring knee To demon gods 'neath forest tree ; And when the fair round moon returns, No heart in votive rapture burns ; But wrong desire, and cherished sin. And selfish care enshrined within, And angry passions, prompt to wake ; These are the idols Christians make. We will not cleanse the sinful breast, Because we love our own ways best. Better than Him, from sins foul sway Who died to turn our hearts away. We must not scorn our Master thus ; Earth's vain deceits are not for us ; Her idol shrines, her gilded cares. Befit not heaven s immortal heirs. 122 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Great Lord God enthroned on high, He sees the soul's idolatry ; He claims the first love of our heart, Nor takes what is but His in part. Cfie msiiteentif ^unKag aftct €rttt itg. Also, I gave them My Sabbaths to be a sign beticeen them, and Me.- Ezek. XX. 12. Now our six days' work is done ; Softly sank the evening sun ; Man, and child, and weary beast. Hail your universal feast ! From the labour and the toil, Bearing burdens, tilling soil. From close loom and anvil red, 'Eest to-day, the Lord has said. Thus, in smiling Palestine, Won of old by Jacob's line. Through the vales where honey flowed, Where the fruitful cattle lowed, O'er green height and watered sod, Held they erst the rest of God ; Knew no toil, no burden bore. Till the Sabbath hours were o'er. 124 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. We our festival of rest Hallow with His name most blest. Who, Omnipotent to save, Sprang to-day from Joseph's grave ; And, through all the quiet air, Gentle bells shall call to prayer ; Twice to-day, with heart and word, Shall we praise our living Lord. Golden links at distance found In the chain that binds us round, Scented flowers, that strew the way Where our weary feet must stray. Are our happy Sundays, given To lead up our souls to heaven, Turning for awhile our eyes From earth's cares and vanities. Heavily God's anger burned. When His sinful people turned And polluted with their crime His own chosen Sabbath time. We, our dear Lord's festival Hail we gladly, one and all, And, with holy hand and heart. In His service bear our part. 2ri)c Xmeteentij Suniag after Crinitg. Tl^e God Whom thou servest co7itinuaUy , He will deliver thee. Dan. vi. 16. Around the monarcli's restless couch To-night the voice of song be mute ; No gentle maids, with soothing touch, Draw music from the melting lute, Nor fill the cup for royal feast ; Alone the Mede in sorrow hes. And mourns the wrath, to famished beast That gave the holy and the wise. Could he have changed the stern decree ! How slowly wears the night away 1 The stars are fading silently ; Bright flashes in the eastern day; — Behold the guilty monarch steal To yonder den with slaughter died. With trembhng hand his signet seal He breaks, and rolls the stone aside 126 NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. He sees the lions' large red eyes Far gleaming through the darkness lone ; " Daniel, dost thou live ?" he cries, " And hath thy Lord God kept His own ?" He bends his head, he strains his ear, — Lo ! to his lamentable call The Prophet's voice comes, calm and clear As if he trod his palace hall ; " King, live ever in thy might ; " God's holy angel hath been here, " He watched beside me all the night, " The famished lions drew not near ; *' Thus ever doth The Lord God shroud " Who serve His Name in innocence." Now, joy to Media's monarch proud ! Now, draw the rescued Prophet thence. Where now is Daniel's spirit high. When trials wait on Christian deed; When evil men stand scoffing by, And mock our hope, and scorn our meed ? Where now, when foes and fears are round. The faith that hath no doubt, no care ? In vain for him the monarch frowned, And chid the oft repeated prayers- Still, thrice a day, the exile set His face where western sunbeams fall, NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 127 And faithful memory wandered yet To Solomon's forsaken wall. We turn back at a word, a jest, We tremble at a comrade's sneer, We know it right, we feel it best. To serve the Lord ; and yet we fear. Yet times have been of sterner strife, When beasts had power o'er holy men, And mart}Ts deemed that better life Worth all the pains they suffered then. Shame on our cold and coward love ! Who faint and weary every day, Whom words affiight, whom shadows move, From treading in God's perfect way. CJe STtoentieti) S)UnlfaB after Ciinitg. And they all ivitfi one consent heganto make excuse. — St. Luke xiv. 18. " Go call my guests," the monarch said, " The ready hoard is richly spread. The rosy wine runs hright. The bridegroom and the bride are here ; Go, let my bidden guests draw near, And bid them taste our royal cheer. And grace the festal night/' In vain the obedient servants speed ; They do not hear, they will not heed ; — The busy cares of life Have all their hearts so closely bound, They cannot hear that gentle sound, One seeks his oxen, one his ground, And one will wed a wife. Oh sorrow ! Is that royal board, With costliest dainties richly stored, Untasted left and bare ? TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 129 Can these not cast their toils aside ? Can this not bring his wedded bride, Ahke accepted, at his side, To pay her homage there ? The glorious King of earth and sky Has spread His marriage feast on high, And bids us come and share ; Still day by day, and year by year, The sweet sounds linger in our ear, God's chosen servants say ^' Draw near, For heaven your hearts prepare." If we, unheeding, turn away, If worldly toil, or pleasant play, Fill all our foolish breasts So full, we have no time to pray. To watch, to tread our Master s way, — ' Then, sure we are as bad as they. The king's ungrateful guests. Not thus, not thus, Christ's blessed band ; Come, take your loved ones by the hand, Obey the festive call, Put on your wedding garments fair, Ye know not, lost in worldly care, How soon the Bridegroom will be there ; Be ready, one and all. CJe STto^ntg^ftrst ^untrag after KxinitVi. My Son, hear the instruction of thy Father, and forsake not the law of thy Mother ; for they shall be an ornamerd of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck, — Pro v. i. 8. 9. Within our happy cottage homes Are sounds of mirth and gladness free ;- Whose gentle voice, the sweetest, comes Controlling all their glee ? Whose hosom pillows the sick head ? Who sings the song for infant ear ; And neatly lays the cradle bed ? Who but our mother dear ? And when the stars begin to show. And dews are rising from the plain. Who, with tired limb and weary brow, Comes whisthng down the lane ? Who, for his own dear little ones. Hath early toiled, and laboured late ? How fast each little lisper runs ! " Our father's at the gate/' TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 131 How oft, when we are weary men, And toiling for our own scant store, Shall the sweet song come back again Our mothers used to pour ! And we shall dwell, with lingering thought, Upon our fathers* silver hairs. And ponder all the truths they taught. And bless them for their cares. O filial love ! round peasant hearts The sweetest tie, the purest bond, — Have courts, and towns, with all their arts A joy to show beyond ? What ornament so bright and fair. Of golden chain or rich attire. As duteous love and reverent care To mother and to sire ? And God has blessed the sacred flame, His type for holiest feelings given, And bids us call His dearest name. Our Father, up in heaven. And who was He who, even in death. Thought on His mother s bitter woe, And left her, with His parting breath. To him best loved below ? The noontide hours are hot and bright. And eve is sweet when toil is done ; 132 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. But streaks of rosier softer light Hung round the rising sun ; And where, as lengthening years roll on. Shall man meet love as pure and high As that which filled his father's tone. And lit his mother s eye ? Kfit Cijoents^gecontr Suntrag after Erinitg. The righteous man regardeth the life of his beast , hut the tender mercies of the wicked are crz^eZ. — Pro v. xii. 10. Be kind to all ; the beasts that feed, The birds that wander to and fro. For use or beauty all decreed. And to thy comfort or thy need Made ministers below ; The little insects, born to day. And dying in one sunny hour ; To all that lie beneath thy sway, Good Christian, gently use thy power. On them hath fallen, for man s offence. The doom of death, earth's primal curse ; Think you to show your penitence For deeds that drove sweet concord hence. By making their lot worse ? And do ye well to hurt or mar What God set with us through the land. The cuiious living things, that are The work of His Almighty Hand ? 134 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Yon patient ass, by you abused, Of old his lowly Master bore, Whom man deserted and misused ; And, when the proud cold world refused To own her Lord, and shut the door Against His Virgin Mother mild. She sought the cattle's humble shed, And o'er the manger-cradled child The horned oxen bowed the head. God loves the heart where kindliness And pitying love have place ; From them, who wantonly oppress His creatures in their helplessness. He turns away His face. And thoughtless boys make cruel men. For habit hardens into crime ; Be kind, be good, be gentle then To all things, in your childhood's time. Efit CbDentg-tl^irt Suntrag after Ctinite. Ren6/ir therej^ore unto CcBsar the things which are CcBsar's.- St. Matt. xxii. 23. I SAW within the forest hoar An aged oak grow broad and green, A hunored rolling years and more That knotted trunk unscathed had seen ; And little violets, darkly blue, With breath that perfumed all the glade. Sprang through the soft green moss that grew Like velvet in the quiet shade. With purple eye, and light green shoots. As if they loved that ancient tree, Arouid his rough and hoary roots Th(5 little flowers twined lovingly ; Through all his boughs the wdnds of heaven Wife murmur hoarse did come and go, Yet round them hung, at balmy even. The fragrance breathing from below. 136 TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. And thus it is ; things low and mean Can reach to great things far above ; And thus does mighty England's Queen^ Still claim her peasants' lowly love. Our hearts are selfish, narrow, cold ; With swelling pride, with weakness fraught ; 'Tis well they sometimes learn to hold Devotion high and reverent thought. 'Tis well our love should sometimes rise, Like perfume through the evening air. To where the sign of empire lies Within that hand so small and fair. He bade us render all their due. Who was Himself of kings the King ; Nor doubt we of His meaning true. Nor ask what peasant hearts can bring. The love that breathes no slighting word. That holds her name a charmed somd ; The prayers, the blessings, ever heard, Of hearts in loyal duty bound ; These all may feel and all may show ; There's many a simple village fane, Where sweet child voices whisper lov Her royal name, and not in vain. TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 137 For round the Monarch's lofty throne Are gathering clouds and brezes high, And cares, of childish hearts unknown, Will oftimes dim her weary eye. God's blessing guard our Lady sweet, The circled brow, the sceptered hand ; All love be her s and honour meet, The Caesar of our mighty land. 'Ef)t Ctoentg^outti) ^untrag after Crmits. The maid is not dead, but sleepeth. ■— St. Matt. ix. 24. Left in her little room alone, The Ruler s child lay stiff and dead, While, vainly warm, the Syrian sun Played round her cold and silent bed ; While, vainly soft, from Judah's hills Sighed through the lattice the soft air. That could not move the close white lip. Nor heave again the bosom fair. The voice of anguish and despair Is loud, ^^dthin the chamber near, Of them lamenting bitterly Her early doom with groan and tear. Her mother maketh grievous moan : — " Ah ! had the sire more swiftly sped, " And brought the mighty Prophet here " E're the last linsrerino; breath was fled I TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 139 " What now avails that far away " Comes o'er the plain his hastening tread ? " Go tell him that he trouble not " The Master more ; my child is dead/' Dead, is all o'er when that is said ? Are hope, and trust, and comfort, gone ? The servant tells the weeping sire, And yet the Prophet journeys on. He stands amid the mourning throng : — " Why do ye make this bitter cry ? " The damsel is not dead, she sleeps." They laugh in scorn, they saw her die. Yea, but they see not the strong power For life, and death, that standeth by. Nor read the awful Godhead, veiled Beneath that meekly patient eye. Go forth, then, unbelie^dng throng; The three apostles, and the twain Who love so tenderly, alone Shall see her spirit come again. Now waken, waken, little maiden. His foot is on thy chamber floor, The Lord God of the living cometh Thine earthly being to restore. 140 TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. He takes her cold resistless hand : — " Damsel, I say to thee, arise." Lo life returns, with mantling flow, To cheek, and brow, and kindling eyes. She riseth up, she walketh forth, Her lip is red, her heart is warm ; . He gives her to her mother s kiss, He gives her to her father s arm. Surely, we too have hope in sorrow. Who for our Christian brethren weep, Christ is our Life and Resurrection, They are not dead, they do but sleep. Efit ?rb)entg:=fift5 Suntrag after Exinitvi. A soft anstver turneth away wraths hut grievous ivords stir up strife.- Prov. XV. 1. The storm gust meets the tall green tree, And breaks his branches high ; The little flower bends down her head, And the rude wind sweeps by. The lake's calm waters break and yield Beneath the dashing oar, The boat sweeps on — the soft waves meet As smoothly as before. The gentle word, the meek reply, When angry passions wake, Unscathed shall meet them, like the flower That bends, but does not break. The soul that beareth patiently Harsh word or chiding hard, Flows on, in her own quiet peace, Unrufl[led and unmarred. 142 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The quick retort, the hasty speech. The gibes that will not cease. How ill the children they beseem Of the dear Prince of peace ! It was not thus in olden time, When heathens, as they strove. Looked on Christ's brother band, and said, " See how those Christians love !" And He, whose lip did ne'er resent Fierce taunt and cruel blow, He blest the peaceable of heart, God's children here below. And sure that blessing high were worth The strife with self and sin ; To cast away the angry thought. To keep the harsh word in. To yield in loving gentleness, That your poor homes may be Faint emblems of that glorious place Where all is Unity. And ye are pledged to do and bear Where e'er Christ's banner leads ; Come, take your crosses in your hands, True love is shown by deeds. Saint antrreto'^ Bay. Jesus saw two brethren, Simon, called Peter, and Andrew, hi» brother. — St. Matt. iv. 18. O'er all the earth, with even course. The seasons come and go. We know them by the fruits and flowers That mark their ebb and flow. The little snowdrops, pure and white, Come back with every spring ; And what a heap of blooming sweets Does rosy summer bring ? And autumn has her ripe red fruits, On branches bending low ; And dark green leaves, and berries red. Shine through the winter s snow. And thus, with feast and sacred tide. And name of Saint and seer, The Holy Church hath flowers to mark Her spiritual year. 144 SAINT Andrew's day. Sweet flowers they are that bring to us A breath of heavenly air, Awakening in our hearts the thousrht Of happy spirits there ; Glad thought of many a glorious saint, Gone safely home before, Who love their brothers toiling still Where they toiled on of yore ; Till, gazing on their patient faith, Our spirits learn to feel Some semblance of their holy love, Some portion of their zeal. Ah ! what were earth without her charm Of ever blooming flowers ? And what were we, if nought beyond This outward world were ours ? If we had not a home on high, A glorious King to meet, A band of brothers waiting there In saintly commune sweet ! — Then surely, with no causeless care. The Church holds holy days. That we may love Christ's blessed saints, And learn to tread their ways. Saint €i^oma!5'j3 Sag^ A?id Thomas answered and said unto Him, My Lord, a?id my GOD.- St. John. XX. 28. Blessed were they who, in "the days of old. Saw the Lord's face, and listened to His word ; More blessed they, His gentle voice has told, Who never saw, and yet believe their Lord. " Except I look upon the risen dead, " And lay my finger where the nails ran thro', " And touch His wounded side," Saint Thomas said, " Your words are wild, I will not hold them true." On those eleven, met to pray and watch, The last red sunbeam flung a twilight gloom. No foot had stirred, no hand had raised the latch, — There stood another in the lowly room. " Look on my hands, faithless heart"! He cried, " Behold the prints of cruel nails are here, -' Put forth thy finger now and touch my side, " There deeply drank the Roman s hated spear." L 146 ST. THOMAS S DAY. No more th' Apostle's doubtful soul is dim, Bursts from his quivering lip the cry of faith, " My Lord, my God ;" henceforth content for Him To bear the life of scorn, the martyr's death. And dear to us that word, in later day Who hold, in faith, the tilings we might not see ;- " Thou seeing hast believed ; more blest are they Who have not seen, yet have believed on Me." C^e Qtonhttmn of ^aint ^auL For he is a chosen vessel unto Me, to hear Mp Name before the Gentiles —Acts ix. 15. The golden vale where Pharpar rolls, Where proud Daraascus' turrets rise, Is basking in the noontide ray That falls from cloudless eastern skies. Look on that eager angry man, O'er yonder height who leads his train, And, with bent brow and flashing eye, Shows the fair city in the plain. Turn now from sunny Syrian vale. From palmy grove and glittering dome, To where old Tiber's dark blue wave Flows murmuring round imperial Rome. A captive waits in yonder cell ; The Eoman's axe is sharp to-night That with the morrow drinks his blood ; His soul is calm, his eye is bright. 148 CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. Thus conquering Prince, on battle eve, Might watch the last red sunbeam thrown O'er lovely lands, that, ere that light Declines again, shall be his own. The proud stern man, who sought with chains All those who called on Christ's dear name ; The captive clinging to His cross In faithful hope ; are these the same ? Yea, both are one ; the zealot Jew, Strong in his self-esteeming pride ; The meek Apostle, knowing nought But " Christ," and '' Christ the crucified." What changed the lion to the lamb ; The slayer to the suffering saint ? — With perfume, from Damascus borne. The noontide breeze came hot and faint ; A mighty sound was in the air. The frightened train stood speechless all : To him in gentler tones it spake, " Why dost thou persecute Me, Saul V O haughty hearts of human pride ! We, too, have erred in thought and word ; With angry speech, with wrathful deed. Have sinned against our gentle Lord. CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. 149 Would our repentant liearts were found In meekness such, in love as free. As his who left friends, kindred, fame. And glory's dream, and high degree ; And, for the brightness of his crown. Deemed loss was gain, all sorrows light ! High glory to the King of Saints, Who calls His own, and gives them might ! Efit presentation of (Efirtst in t$e Cemple, COMMONLY CALLED \I7iey brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord.-— St. Luke ii. 22. Jerusalem, why are thy voices dumb ? Where, Sons of Jacob, are your notes of glee ? Behold ! the Lord God, Whom ye seek, doth come To-day unto His temple suddenly. Where stand the Levite bands their King to greet ? What waiting guards attend upon His state ? — One lowly Virgin beareth up the street Her first-born Son unto thy temple gate. Her forty days of loneliness are o'er ; What present doth the virgin Mother bring ? The two young pigeons from her scanty store, And Him, the full sufficient Offering. PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. 151 Haply, to-day, with pomp and proffered gold, Young noble mothers sought the holy dome, Paid the full price that Moses bade of old, And bore their ransomed treasures proudly home ; But not for them the Prophet's eye, grown dim With watchful years, lit up in extasy ; Nor aged Anna looked in them for Him, Whom she had served so long, so patiently. And when resistless broke the glowing word, " Now let Thy servant die, my work is done ; " Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Lord ;'' The Prophet looked upon the Virgin's Son. He was the perfect sacrifice, foreshown By shadowy type of old, and symbol high ; The first-born of unnumbered Sons, alone In Him accepted, and in Him brought nigh. No treasured gold shall buy Him back again, Self-ofifered gift to shrive a whole world's sin ; Open thy gates ; the Victim and His train Draw near; the Virgin bears her First-bom in. ^Kint iHattSias's Sag. And the lot fell upon Matthias. — Acts i. 26. Why, when our thoughts could turn to thee, Oh ! chosen saint, Apostle dear ! Why mhigles with the memory A feeling strange of awful fear ? Because, rememhrance of His doom Who lost Thy place for foulest sin Across the trembling heart will come. Till the scared spirit shrinks within. Thus men have watched the morning light Break calm along the wild sea shore, Yet thought upon the fearful night Of storms and wrecks, that went before. So, conscious of our own heart's stains. The weak bad thoughts that in us dwell, We think on mercy spent in vain, On the high place from which he fell. SAINT MATTHIAS S DAY. 155 Oh ! who shall boast the name he bears. His privilege of service high, The saintly commune that he shares, While still temptation watches nigh ? When one of Christ's own twelve on earth Forswore his faith, betrayed his trust. And gave v/hat whole worlds were not worth For some few grains of silver dust ? How should we watch our hearts, and mark The first small covetous desire. And quench the little growing spark. That else may kindle endless fire ! And still thy name shall hope renew Who filled so well the traitor s place. Thy faith held on, firm, constant, true ; — We too in Christ, have strength and grace. CJe annunciation of f^t Mtmtn Vixqin ilHatg. Aiid the angel came in unto her, and said. Hail, thou that art highly fawuredi The Lord is with thee ; blessed art thou among women. — St. Luke i. 28. Of royal line, of holy heart, But poor, and mean, and lowly bred Was she, upon whose Mother-breast The Lord Christ laid His infant head. Beneath no lofty palace roof The flower was nursed all bright and pure, Within whose fragrant cup lay hid That precious seed, a whole world's cure ; Beside the poor man's humble door, His snowy wing the angel staid ; And to the peasant's promised Bride He said, " HaO, highly favoured maid !" He spake of God's mysterious will ; While marvelled much the maiden mild, As the rapt stranger gladly poured The wonders of her heaven-sent Child. ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. 155 Then meekly bowed the Virgin s head. As deep her thoughtful soul adored ; " Be it to me as thou hast said, " Behold the handmaid of the Lord." Most loved, most favoured, whose young arm Was cradle to her Saviour's rest, Above all women honoured high, Above all earthly creatures blest. Alas ! that human hearts have erred. Profaning her dear name with words That would have grieved her lowly heart. With prayers that should be all her Lord's. We bless her with a meeter love, And think the while, with awful praise, Who said, " Yea, rather blest are they *' Who hear My word, and choose My ways.'* Saint jeiarlt^g JBeb. And some EvaTigelists,— E-phes. i\. 11. When erst the rich man, from the lake of fire Where hope might breathe no more, nor comfort come. Looked up to heaven ; and prayed of the Great Sire To send some spirit to his father's home ; '' Nay," Abraham said, " they need not to be told ; " They have what Moses wrote, what prophets sang of old." And holy men, who lived with Our Dear Lord, Knew all His love, and looked on all His woe, By God's Great Spirit moved, for us have poured The words He spake, the deeds He wrought below ; Cast on our earthly path truth's golden ray. And told of heavenly joys, and showed the only way. SAINT mark's day. 15? What need we other voices from the dead ? They sang of One, Who died and rose anew, Who trod for us the gloomy portal dread. And, living, leads His chosen children through, That, by their gospel taught, our souls may prove Constant in faith, and firm, and loyal in our love. We, round our happy hearths, in quietness Pore o'er the page, and ponder the sweet strain, Mindful of them who, in their deep distress, Evangelist, and saint, and mart^T train. Nursed the pure flame through heathen ages dark ; And call their names to mind, as thine, to-day. Saint Mark ! And, even for the love we bear that Word, Those honoured names shall fall upon our ear With a sweet grateful sound ; we love the bird That sang the strain we loved at t\^ilight clear. And " beautiful their feet," th' inspired band Who poured salvation s strain through all the dark- ened land. 5atnt ^ffilip mti 5aint James's ©ag. Jesus Jindeth Philip, and saith unto him. Follow me. • St. John. i. 43. Unto the guileless Israelite Saint Philip spake of old, " Come, we have found Whom Prophets sang, Whom Moses erst foretold, " Where Galilean peasants toil, " And spread the frugal board " In the poor homes of Nazareth ; "• Come forth, and see the Lord." Happy were they in hamlet lone. Or on the lake's green shore. Who met the Lord whom Judah's seers Had prophesied of yore. He found them at their daily toil. Mean, lowly, and unknown, The fisher, and the peasant poor, And chose them for His own. SAINT PHILIP AND SAINT JAMEs's DAY. 159 We patiently fulfilling each The task hy heaven assigned, Still toiling in our lowly place, Our Saviour too shall find. For still the peasant's lowly shed He fills with light and love, And sanctifies the meanest work That's wrought for God ahove. The happy saints are gone to heaven, They always see Him there ; We too, who serve him here below, His unseen Presence share, •Who do our own work duteously. With meek eyes heavenward set; Such men He called His own of old, With such He lino;ers vet. mnt iSarnafias'^ fflag. And they called Bamabas, Jupiter ; and Pavl, Mercurius.- Acts xiv. 12. By Listra's wall the ready priest awaits With the wreathed oxen crowned for sacrifice ; The people hasten to the city gates, Kending the quiet air with eager cries, As wild they press around those two meek men, Shouting, " The gods, the gods, are come to earth Was it hecause the cripple in the street Eose up and walked at sound of that High Name? Or for the words all eloquent and sweet. That from the hps of one so richly came ? Or for kind looks that filled the other s eye. Of pitying love henign, and gentle sjonpathy ? What say the honoured train? Their clothes are torn, Their voice is loud, — "Alas ! what would ye do. SAINT BARNABAS'S DAY. 161 " People of Lystra ? We are mortal bom, '■' Men who like fears, like passions, have with you ; ''We bid you turn from these dead vanities, "•' And serve the Living God, Who made the earth and skies/' Then first God's praise o'er Lycaonian vale Arose ; and Lystra's wondering sons adored. We too this day, recalling the old tale, Find hope, and pleasure, pondering their word ; Thinking how men, as poor and weak as we. Fought the good fight of faith, and won the victory. Ye^ still the " Son of Consolation," brings A comfort to our hearts ; while here we stray, With strife of inward sin, and outward things. Tempted, and frightened, from the narrow way ; God's saints have trod the same rough path before, Had passions like to ours, and pains and perils more. Nor only solace draw we from the theme ; His holy lite hath many a lesson meet ; How little he did worldly wealth esteem, Who laid his all at the apostle's feet ! How earthly honour grieved his lowliness ! How full his heart of grace, and love, and gentleness! M 162 SAINT BARNABAS'S DAY. Like scented airs, from some far garden brought Perchance across the traveller s weary track ; Example, comfort, counsel, holy thought. Come, as our memories fondly wander back To that old saint ; and higher lead us still Unto " The King of Saints" upon His heavenly hill. S^atnt foi^n ISapttst's Slag. * A prophet, yea I say unto you, and much more than a 2^^ph€t.' St. John, vii. 26. By Jordan's wave the wild ass stoops to drink. And the bee murmurs in her loneHness Over the sweet flow'rs springing on his brink ; Why throng the people to the wilderness ? Why do they gather round that ancient river From proud Jerusalem, from Judah's land ? Come they to see the tall reeds bend and quiver. By the wind shaken, on that lonely strand ? Seek they for one in gorgeous robe arrayed ? Lo ! such are found in kingly palace fair ; Better beseem that solitary glade, The leathern girdle and the camel's hair, The deep stern voice pouring its awful word. As in the desert cries the lonely Seer, " Prepare ye for the coming of The Lord ; " Eepent ye, for His kingdom draweth near." 164 SAINT JOHN BAPTISTS DAY. The people found a Prophet in the wild, Yea, and much more, even him whom Christ has named " Greatest of woman horn," the destined child Whose wondrous birth the Angel erst proclaimed, When the Priest Father in the Temple bowed His silver hairs God's mystic shrine before. And the bright stranger hung upon the cloud Of grateful incense sweet that hovered o'er. Not in his childhood's home among the hills Caught he that note of preparation high, That warning stern, whose awful import thrills The conscious sinners as they tremble nigh ; God's Spirit filled him from his natal hour, Bidding him serve, in loneliness and might. Even till the maiden, in her wanton power, Made him the price of Herod's vain delight. Yet Christ has said, The least and lowliest. From this world's want and weariness set free, And to the happy kingdom of the Blest Gone home in peace, is greater far than He. Yea, he is greater, even on this earth. Whose chastened spirit heavenly commune knows. SAINT JOHN baptist's DAY. 165 On whom, beloved, The Lord of his new birth His strength, His Spirit, and Himself, bestows. Oh ! blessed hope ! — By Jordan's wave no more The desert Prophet lingers ; to the light Of his Lord's presence him the Angels bore, Mid the foul joys of that unhallowed night. And we too hear deep voices through the land. Saying, " Repent ye, for The Lord doth come /' We walk with Him below, we hope to stand Where all are sfreat in that eternal home. Saint Jeter's ©ag. Andj The Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. — St. Luke xxii. 61 Where o'er Judaea's fertile plains Bright eastern sunbeams break, There dwelt a lowly fisher by The Galilean lake ; He heard Our Blessed Saviour's voice Say, " Simon, follow Me," And straightway he forsook his nets, And left that dark blue sea. He left his ship with her white sail Dipt idly in the wave. Because the voice was in his ear Of Him who came to save ; Because he felt a holier work To him on earth was given, Commissioned by The Lord Most High To lead lost souls to Heaven. SAINT PETERS DAY. 167 So turned he from liis pleasant home Upon the lake's green shore. And kindred ties, to follow Christ And serve Him evermore. Yet once his fiery soul forgot The vows so freely said, When he, in that long Judgment hall, Watched for the sentence dread ; When curious looks were bent on him With many a taunting word. And thrice the coward lip refused To owTi his sufi*ering Lord ; When, through the slowly purpUng dawn, Again the shrill cock crew, And The Lord turned and looked on him, Twice perjured, thrice mitnie. How sad then must have been the look Of that calm patient eye ; I do not wonder that it made His own Saint Peter cry. And, Oh ! how terrible his grief When he went out alone, To weep, in bitter agony. What his false heart had done. 168 SAINT peteb's day. But well we know that his Dear Lord, His servant's sin forgave ; For when His three days' sleep was o'er Within the conquered grave, When first to Mary Magdelene He showed Him risen anew, " Go tell it my Disciples all," He said, " and Peter too." And well, by deeds of after truth. The great Apostle proved How dearly That Forgiving Lord, How faithfully, he loved ; Who through contempt, and strife, and chain, Bore on his Master's Name ; And died at last, by Eome's old wall, His Master's death of shame. Christ ! who loved Saint Peter so. Have mercy too on me. And make me patient, true, and brave, Denying self for Thee ; That, in Thy holy paths below. My little feet may tread. With all Thy blessed company Of Saints alive and dead. 5amt f ames t^e ^po^tW^ Sag. IV 5Aa^^ indeed drink of the cup that Idnnk of; and with the baptism that I am baptised withal shall ye be baptised.— Saint Mark x. 39. First martyred of Christ's chosen train ! Then did the Mother plead in vain ? Or could she ask no higher fate, Than when the vengeful Jewish King Made thy true soul an offering Unto his people's hate ? " Yea, Lord, my lip Thy cup would share, " I too Thy baptism would bear ;" So spake he in his strong desire, Yet little deemed what Spirit bright Would fill his soul Tvdth love and light, Baptising him with fire ; Nor thought how full of agony. How deep and red the cup would be, For his Dear Master s lip outpoured ; Nor deemed, how soon himself should know Some portion of his bitter woe Beneath the slayer's sword. 170 SAINT JAMES THE APOSTLE's DAY. Yet, favoured in his early fall, O'er earthly pride and honours all, Beyond his Mother s fondest prayer. We cannot tell who nearest stand Unto Our Saviour's Blest Eight Hand, But sure Saint James is there. Thus many times we make request ; Still hears Our Lord, and gives the best ; — We ask for ease from all our woes ; He giveth patience to endure. High hope, meek sorrow's fittest cure. And toils that bring repose. We, in our blind and selfish woe, When sickness lays our loved ones low, Ask for new health and lengthened life ; Christ in His mercy takes away The good man from the evil day. From toil, and sin, and strife. And all is good, all given in love ; No faithful prayer sent up above. That doth not meet God's patient ear ; And whether joy, or ease, or pain. Or lingering grief His will ordain. We trust His mercies dear. Saint iSatti^cilometo'0 33ag- Wh€?i thou xvast wider the Jig-tree I saw thee. — St. John i. 48. There was no sound in earth or air, Save when the green leaves lightly hlown Did rustle on the fig tree tall, Where good Nathaniel sat alone Beneath that shadow darkly green ; When not a human form was nigh, And not one voice of living thing iBroke in upon his musings high. And yet the Eye that never sleeps Was o'er him in his lonely rest, Knew every simple guileless thought, And read the secrets of his hreast. Not yet had Philip bid him come The Presence of His Lord to share. And yet unseen, unsought of him. The very Lord Himself was there. 172 SAINT Bartholomew's day. 'Tis ever thus ; there is no hour, No place on earth, where God is not ; As well the wild flower on the hill Might shun the noontide radiance hot, As well the rock refuse to touch The wave that circles at its hase, As sinful man attempt to flee The God that fiUeth time and space. Not when from joyous comrades far Apart thy secret footsteps tread. Not when at night the curtains fall Around thy lone and silent bed. — The vast sea swells against the shore, The sunbeam gilds the flow'ret fair, God looketh upon all we do. His broad bright Eye is every where. Oh ! happy, when that piercing glance Our inmost souls shall search and scan. If they be found as true and pure As his, that guileless Jewish man. Happy if all our holy lives Like that beloved Saint's shall prove. As firm in self-denying zeal. As fervent in their loyal love. What though no warning voice of man Be nigh to chide thy secret deed, SAINT BARTHOLOMEW S DAY. 173 Though, close within, no mortal eye Thy bosom's sinful purpose read ; Yet, Christian, do the rightful act. Make clean thine heart in awful fear. God's Mystic Presence girds thee round; Be watchful, Christ Himself is near. ^aint M^tti^WQ Ba^, And lie left ally rose up, and followed Him.St. Luke vi. 28. " Oh ! Mother, Mother, saw you not " That lordly coach sweep hy ? " How fast the four great horses went, " They almost seemed to fly. " I wish I had such costly things, " And lived in high estate ; " It must be sure a pleasant thing " To be so rich and great." " Hush, hush, my Boy," the Mother said, " Put such vain thoughts away, " How merrily the Church bells ring, " It is Saint Matthew's day ; " Eound our low cottage pleasantly " Murmurs the Autumn air ; " Come, take your little sister s hand, " And fetch your book of prayer. SAINT Matthew's day. 175 " And we shall hear of better things " Than gold or rich array, " While gravely speaks the solemn Priest, " Or swells the sacred lay ; " And holier thoughts shall to our hearts " Far brighter dreams inspire, " When, kneeling down, we ask of God " To check each wrong desire. " He was a rich man whom to-day, " For lesson pure and high, " In earnest prayer, and holy tale, " We call to memory ; "He sat beside his treasured heaps " When The Dear Lord drew near, " He met the glance of His mild eye, " His voice was in his ear ; " And not his hoards of gathered gold, ^ " His heaps of silver bright, " Could hold him back, whose soul had found " The mine of true delight ; " In vain earth spread her gayest dreams, " And wealth her pleasures poured, " He knew it better, happier far, " To know and serve The Lord. " Dear Boy, these outward things are fine, " But they will fade and rust, 176 SAINT Matthew's day. " There are true treasures up in Heaven '' That never turn to dust ; " And yet our fooHsh hearts forget, " They love to linger here ; " Oh ! do we well to wish for that " That makes this earth more dear T' " The gentle bells have ceased to chime, " Come, learn a better lore ; " Thou canst not rise, like him of old, " And leave thy golden store, " But the vain covetous desires " That in thy bosom wake, " The wish for what God has not given, " These may thy soul forsake." Saint Mitftatl antr all aneels^ Ajzd to an innumerable company of Angels. — Heb. xii. 22. The Mother at the harvest toiled, And she had laid her habe to sleep Beside the hedge, while over him His little brother watch did keep. Gravely the little guardian watched. In conscious pride, the close-sealed eyes, While, with his wand of birchen wood. He drove away the busy flies ; And ever, when the baby stirred. He tried to sing some cradle air ; — I looked on the unconscious child, So heedless of its guardian's care. — Still hot above the western hills The broad sun Hngered, loth to leave The blitheness of that harvest scene Unlit ; it was Saint Michael's eve. N 178 SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. I thought upon the mysteries The morrow's rites would celebrate, Of the bright beings heavenly That all around us watch and wait, The Spirits sent to minister Unto Salvation's honoured heirs. The Ano;el forms that come and 0:0, And walk amongst us unawares. But we are like that sleeping Babe, Who thinks not on his guardian kind ; We wander on unheedingly. Nor call their presence to our mind; We kneel down when, at dewy eve, The sweet flowers fold their blossoms fair. We think not who, with folded wings, Stand waiting on our offered prayer; Our eyes are dim in danger s hour. We see not half the Christian's aid, The Armies of The God of Hosts For us in battle line arrayed ; We think not how, in olden time, They triumphed o'er our deadliest foe ; We think not how they came by night The "tidings of great joy" to show; SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. 179 And how they watched Redemption s work, In love and wonder waiting near ; And how they strike their gladdest strains For every sinner s contrite tear. Sweet thought ! that they, so bright and blest, Whom care or sin can never soil, Should feel for poor man's happiness, And share his joys, and watch his toil. And not in vain to us is given This fellowship invisible, That we may love as Angel's love, And try to serve The Lord as w^ell. — The gleaners from the field were gone, I trod alone the twilight dew, I knew that God was with me there, God, and His Holv Ano^els too. Saint Eufee tje iSbangelist. Luke is with me. -'2 Tim. iv. 2. His voice was like the melting strain Of some sweet harp well strung, He loved to pour the gentle lays That holy lips have sung ; Still echoing down the stream of time, As sweet the measure flows As when, by Judah's ancient hills. The sacred numbers rose ; As when perchance, within the cell Of the old martyr Paul, He sung them as the sun went down Along the Roman wall. His was the gentle soothing art That stays the throb of pain, That to the racked and weary frame Brings joyous health again ; SAINT LUKE THE EVANGELIST. 181 And men have told, his hand could trace Fair forms of earth and sky. Could paint the evening's sunset glow, The morning's rosy dye. Blest, who like him shall consecrate To God all highest powers; — And if no touch of gifted hand, No charm of song be ours, One art was his, one gentle art, That all alike may own. Who soothed the aged captive's pain Within his dungeon lone. When Cresceus sought Galatia's shore. When Demas false forsook. Nor even his Titus lingered nigh, Still stayed "Beloved Luke ;" Watched the bright star, whose upward course His pen had traced before. Set in the light of martyrdom On that Italian shore. Still, all the year, in Holy Church, At morn and even song. The lovely lays he treasured up Our infant lips prolong ; 182 SAINT LUKE THE EVANGELIST. And still dear love and kindliness Our inmost hearts may touch. And we can soothe the cares of age, And cheer the sick man s couch. ^aint ^imon anb Saint futie And Thaddeus, and Simon the Canaanite. — St Mark iii. 18. The mir ship sailing o'er the sea. When loud the T^dnds at midnight roar, Sees fai away the heacon light That warns, or welcomes to the shore. Above the glowing wave it burns, Betweei the ocean and the sky ; The weary sailors bless the beam With graceful heart and steadfast eye. , They cannot ?ee the careful hands That tend br them that kindly spark ; They only maik its radiance, thrown Across the vaters deep and dark. Oar hfe is like i dark wild sea Where spirits fail in trial's hour, God's Word to m is as the light From the tost feaman s beacon tower. 184 SAINT SIMON AND SAINT JUDE. Above our strife, through all our fears, The constant ray falls clear and bright ; But, for the hands that lit of old And fed our watch-fire on the height, A few brief words of Holy Writ, A name just breaking through the gloom That shrouds their early mart3Tdom, Is all that meets us of their doom. But still our light is bright afar. Still safe we sail the dark deep sea. Led onward by our guiding star, Where all the blest shall ever be. And what to us their earthly course, Who follow in the flame they funned, Who know their faithful toil is oer, Their ships have touched the silver strand ! And as we trace the glorious beam. And praise The Lord all goad and great. We pause to bless their pious 3are, Their holy deeds to emulate. ail Saints;' Sag. To the geiieral cissembly a?id Church of the firstborn ^ ivhich are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect. — 'Rob. xii. 26. There's many a happy household band Brought up around one Father s knee. And fed by the same Mother s hand Through all their happy infancy ; But years roll on, the world is wide, And seas perchance and lands divide The brothers that played side by side, The sisters loved so tenderly. Yet faithful still, though far apart. They wear their childhood's early chain ; Still truly thrills each kindred heart To other s joy, for other s pain ; And if one lonely pilgiim dies The tears fall down from many eyes, And still their home's old s}Tnpathies Will sometimes wake ao:ain. 186 ALL saints' day. There is a holy household, bound In closer bond than ties of home Or kindred claim ; the wide earth round. Those children of One Father roam. Space cannot mar their unison, For still their hopes and joys are one, In town, and plain, and desert lone. And far isles girt with foam. And time, that wears each other bond. Breaks not that holy brotherhood ; The patriarchal days beyond. Beyond the old destroying flood. It clasps dim ages far away. It holds the true of every day Who love the Lord and choose His way. The faithful, wise, and good. Nor even death dissolves the charm With her cold touch so stern and chill ; The love that braved all other harm Shrinks trembling from that last worst ill. And men seal up the fading eye. They seek no more for sympathy From lips that cannot frame reply ; But saints look further still. For them the dead can never die, With them the living strive and pray ; ALL saints' day. 18? Oh ! happy commune, pure and high, And happy all who feel its sway. Blest in their One Eedeeming Lord, And hlest by His own precious word ; — Well may we linger to record Our brothers dear to-day. The gentle warriors bold and kind, With steadfast brow and solemn tone. The holy men of earnest mind. Whose prayers are mingling \\dth our own. And they, for ever blest and bright, With robes in Christ s own Blood washed white, With palms in hand, and crowns of light, Who stand around His throne. QUESTIONS. JFirsft ^mUag in ^htnt Q. In what state did our Lord first come on earth ? Q. In what land did He live ? Q. Will He come again in the same manner ? Q, How then will He come ? Q. You did not see Him when He came at first ; shall you see Him when He comes again ? Q. What do you mean by keeping white your baptismal robe ? A. My sins were forgiven, and my soul was cleansed at my baptism ; every sin that I commit now stains it again, as if I were to soil a clean robe in which I had been newly drest. Q. How should faithful servants wait for their Lord ? Q. Who are Christ's children ? Q. What does Advent mean ? Q. What should be our thoughts during this season of Advent ? A. We should think with gratitude how our Lord has once come to save us ; and we should prepare our hearts watclifuUy and carefully, for His second coming to judge the world. Q. What begins at this time ? 1 90 QUESTIONS. A. The Church begins her year, all through which she tries to lead Christians to think of their Lord, and to live with Him, by commemorating the different events of His life ; as on Christmas Day, His Birth ; then His Circum- cision ; His Presentation in the Temple ; His Fasting Forty Days in Lent ; His Sufferings in Passion Week ; His Death on Good Friday ; His Burial on Easter Eve ; His Glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday ; His Ascension on Ascension Day ; His sending the Holy Ghost on Whitsunday ; His eternal incomprehensible Unity with the Father and Holy Ghost on Trinity Sunday ; and all the other Sundays recall some of His miracles, or of the words that He spoke for our instruction and comfort ; and she has interspersed days which bid us remember His Mother, His Apostles, the Saints, and the Holy Angels — those whom He loved, and who loved Him — so that all the year round, if we listen to her teaching, she leads us to our Great Head, and bids us live with Him. Q. Who has given us the Holy Scriptures ? Q. Where is it said that the Judgments of the Lord are more to be desired than gold, and sweeter than honey ? Q. Is it not a great privilege to have Bibles to read ? Q. How then should we use this great privilege ? Q. Should not we use holy things reverently ? A. Yes ; the freeness of God's gifts must not make us forget their sanctity ; we must not play, nor laugh, while this book is in our hands, but reverently remember that it contains God's owi solemn mysterious Words. Q. Why is it said the Scriptures were written ? QUESTIONS. 191 A. ''For our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope." See the Gospel for the day. Q. Why do you say the Clergyman is like a Shepherd ? A. Because God has commissioned him to lead us and feed our souls, as a Shepherd leads and guides his flock. Q. To which of His Apostles did our Lord speak as to a Shepherd ? A, To Saint Peter, when he said " Feed My Sheep," and afterwards, "Feed My Lamhs." Q. Who are the lambs of Christ's flock ? Q. What is that more beautiful land to which the Clergy- man leads us ? A. He tells me of the kingdom of heaven, and teaches me how I may reach it. Q,. Who is the Great Shepherd of all souls ? jF0urt5 ^nntSKv in mbtnt Q. Repeat a passage of Holy Scripture which commands you to pray ? Q. What do you mean by praying for strength to strive in Christian fight ? A. I promised at my baptism to fight under Christ's 192 QUESTIONS. banner against sin, the world, and the devil, and I need God's help to do this every day. Q. Is not the Lord God very good to allow us to pray to Him ? Q. For Whose sake does the Lord God hear our prayers ? Q. Why do you say we live £b better life in Him ? A. Because at our baptism we were born into a new life, we are now Christians, in a state of salvation, and we must live like such. Q. Why do you say that in Christ's Name we are brought near to God 1 A. Because Christ reconciled us to God, He has made us God's children, and allows us to pray to Him and to call Him our Father. Q. To whom did Angels announce the birth of our Lord? Q. Where is it fit that we should go to praise Christ for His mercy in coming down among us ? Q. In what state was the Lord Jesus Christ born upon earth, and where ? Q. In what state were we born ? Q. Did we then require to be born anew ? Q. When did this new life begin in us I Q. How must we live now, then ? Q. How should Christians live ? A. They must try to be like Christ, to live holy lives, striving every day against sin, the world, and the devil, as they promised to do» QUESTIONS. 193 Q. Who must help us to do this ? A. God the Holy Ghost. Q. What event then does the Church call to our minds to-day ? A. The Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ ; the season of Advent, which is just over, was meant to prepare our minds to celebrate this great festival with due feelings of gratitude , joy, and humility. Q. Who was Saint Stephen ? Q. Who murdered him ? Q. What vision did he see as he was dying ? Q. How can we imitate Saint Stephen ? A. By bearing patiently all opposition, and even per- secution, that would prevent us from doing right, steadily persisting in our duty, remembering that Christ is looking down on us from Heaven, our promised inheritance. Q. What did Our Lord say on the folly of preferring prosperity" on earth, to happiness in heaven ? A. He said *' What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ?" Q. Why is the soul much more worthy of care than the body ? Q. How else can we imitate Saint Stephen ? A. By forgiving our enemies, and praying for them as he did. 1 94 QUESTIONS. Q. Who is the Jewish exile mentioned here ? Q. To what place was he banished ? Q. Where is Patmos ? Q. Give some account of Saint John the Evangelist ? Q. What Books of Holy Scripture did Saint John write ? Q. Which of these Books describes the mysterious things of futurity ? Q. What is that bond called which unites the true members of Christ, alive and dead ? A. The Communion of Saints. Q. Where shall all the Saints meet at last ? ^ixnQttntf I9a^. Q. Who were the Holy Innocents ? Q. What is meant by " Eachel weeping for her children"? A. The Jewish mothers wept for their murdered babes, and they are all called by the name of their ancient mother, Eachel. Q. Who was Rachel ? Q. How can children now glorify Christ in their lives, as these did in their death ? A. They can praise Him, love Him, and serve Him, and be so entirely His, that they would give their lives for Him if He required it. QUESTIONS. 195 ^untfajj after Ci^rt^tmas'. ■Q. Does God accept the service of little children ? Q. Is it ever too early to serve The Lord ? Q. When were you first made the Children of God ? Q. Who was He who condescended for our sakes to Ijecome a little Child ? Q. Should you not try to imitate His example 1 K'fyt Cirtumci^t0n» Q. What great proof of obedience to the Law did Our Lord give when He was a little Child ! Q. W^hen was the rite of Circumcision first instituted ? Q. At what age were Jewish children circumcised ? Q. How can children now imitate the obedience of Our Lord? A. By obeying God first, and afterwards all those who are set over them in this world. Q. What part of the Catechism teaches you whom chil- dren ought to obey ? A. In my duty towards my neighbour, I say that I am to "love, honour, and succour my father and mother; to honour and obey the King, and all that are put in authority under him ; to submit myself to all my governors, teachers, spiritual pastors and masters ; to order mj^self lowly, and reverently to all my betters;" &c. Q. Repeat some passages of Holy Scripture in which obedience is commanded ? 196 QUESTIONS. Q. In commemoration of what event is the feast of the Epiphany held ? Q. Who were these wise men ? Whence did they come ? A. They are generally supposed to have heen Kings, or powerful Gentile Princes ; they were also observers of the heavenly bodies, and, seeing a strange star, followed it from the East to Bethlehem. Q. Why are we particularly interested in the manifes- tation of Christ to the Gentiles ? A. Because we are descended from Gentiles, and could have had no hope, if Christ had only saved the descendants of Abraham. Q. Who are the true children of Abraham ? Q. Can little children serve The Lord, as well as mighty Kings ? Q. What does King David say is the sacrifice that God will not despise ? A. " A broken and a contrite heart." See Psalm, li. 18. Q. Children, whose example have you for attending Church ? Q. What age was Our Lord when His parents found Him in the temple ? Q. What was He doing there ? Q. How may children imitate Our Lord in this respect ? Q,. When were you made members of Christ's Church ? QUESTIONS. 197 ^ccxinU Jjuntfat) after t\)t (^^i^l^Km, Q. Where was the feast held of which you speak f Q. Where was Cana ? Q. What miracle did Our Lord work at this feast ? Q. Who urged Him to perform this miracle ? Q. What was His answer to her ? Q. How should Christians feast ? A. With sobriety and gratitude. Q. Will The Lord bless such feasts ? A. Yes ; He will bless all our undertakings, if we try to do them in the manner most pleasing to Him. Q. He That could change the water into wine, has He not power over all things ? Q. What should we ask Him to change for us ? A. Our sinful hearts. Q. Can we do this of ourselves ? A, No ; unless God work in us, we can do nothing good. Q. What lesson do you learn from the conduct of this Roman Centurion ? A. Humility. Q. Prove from Holy Scripture that humility is acceptable to The Lord ? Q. On what occasion did Our Lord point out a little child as an emblem of humility ? Q. What do you mean by the word Type ? Q. What then ought to be the feelings of little children ? 198 QUESTIONS. Q. Who were they in the little ship which you describe ? Q. What sea was Our Lord crossing with His Disciples ? Q. How was He engaged when the storm began ? Q. How did He quiet the storm 1 Q. How may we be comforted when we think of this miracle ? A. We may think that Christ is always with us to help us in danger, though we do not see Him ; and we must no+ be afraid, like the disciples, who thought as He was asleep He did not care for them. Q. Are there any things that put us in fear and danger, which we may compare to this storm ? A. Yes ; we have many sins to tempt us, and sorrows to trouble us, and we must ask Our Lord to deliver us from them. iffiftt) ^tmtfa^ after t^t ^pi^l^Kn^. Q. Who spoke the parable referred to in these lines ? Q. What is meant by the corn ? Who are the weeds ? Q. What is the harvest time ? Q. What do you understand by the weeds and the corn all growing together until the harvest ? A. We see good and bad people living together in this world, and God is very good to all ; but they are all waiting for the day of judgment. Q. Will there be a difference then ? A. Yes ; the Angels will take the good people to Heaven, and send the wicked to Hell. QUESTIONS. 199 Q. What then should be our prayer ? A. That Christ will give us grace to be His Own child- ren, bearing good fruit in Him, unto everlasting life. Q. Why do we compare man to the leaves and flowers which wither in autumn ? Q. How does his death differ from theirs ? Q. Will our after state be better than that we Kve in now? Q. Bepeat some passages of Holy Scripture which des- cribe our heavenly home ? Q. Who may hope to reach this happy place ? Who has won it for them ? Q. How then should the Christian keep his heart on earth? Q. Who is our Great Example for all holiness and purity ? Q. Who shall be our companions in heaven? Q. Whose Presence shall we there behold for ever ? ^^ptuag^^ima ^unUap. Q. Who compares our Christian life to the Grecian games Q. What were these games ? Q. How did the combatants prepare themselves ? Q. What was their reward ? 200 QUESTIONS. Q. If they took such pains for things of so little worth, what may Christians learn from thence ? Q. How can we prepare ourselves for our struggle ? Q. What is the Christian's reward ? Q. What does Septuagesima mean 1 Q. What is meant by the "good seed," in the Parable of the Sower? Q. Have you opportunities of hearing the Word of God ? Q. What is meant by the different kinds of ground where the seed fell ? Q. When the Clergyman speaks God's Word to us in Church, which of these places should our hearts resemble ? Q. If we hear carelessly, who will soon take away the good seed ? Q. What kind of hearts are those where the Word sprang up from little root, and was soon withered ? Q. What things will soon choke the Word if we do not take care ? Q. What kind of fruits should Christians bring forth ? Q. Why is this Sunday called Sexagesima ? Q. What is the meaning of " Charity ? " Q. Repeat a text in which our Lord tells us to love one another ? QUESTIONS. 201 Q. How can little children break the rules of Charity ? A. By being selfish, and quarrelsome, and feeling jealous of each other. Q. Where does St. Paul tell us Charity will always be? A. In heaven. When we have got all we hoped for, and when we see all we believed, we shall live in love with God and His Holy Angels for ever. Q. If we hope to live with the Angels hereafter, should we not try to be like them now ? Q. Who was He — greater than the Angels — who gave a perfect example of Charity ? Q. How did He show His great Love to us ? Q. Why do we say we can only see dimly, and far off, the time when our love shall be perfect ? A. Because we are not in heaven yet, and can only understand its beauties and perfections by what we hear ; like people looking through a telescope at something far away. Q. What does Quinquagesima mean ? ^^5 WittsntitSK^. Q. What day is Ash Wednesday ? Q. What is Lsnt kept in remembrance of? Q. Why does the Church appoint solemn times of fasting and humiliation ? A. That we may recollect our sins, confess them, and repent of them. Q. Why does She tell us to fast ? A. That we may get the mastery over our own inclina- tions, and learn the habit of denying ourselves. 202 QUESTIONS. Q. Have children sins to repent of ? Q. What should be your feelings, then, at this time ? A. We should feel grieved and humbled for our sins; we should think them over, and confess them to God, and ask of Him strength to strive against them. Jftr^t ^ttntfaji in Hent Q. How long does Lent last, and why ? Q. What may we learn from our Blessed Lord's long fast in the wilderness before His temptation ? A. That we must prepare ourselves by self-denial, watch- fulness, and sobriety, for the temptations we shall have to meet. Q. In Whom alone are all our services acceptable ? Q. Are there any parts of the world where the Name of God is not known ? Q. Have you not great cause to be thankful that you were born in a Christian land ? Q. How can Christians show their gratitude ? Q. Why are you worse than the little heathens if you indulge your bad passions ? QUESTIONS. 203 5CIjirtr ^uttlJaj) in Utiit Q. Is it a sin to be idle ? Q. What does St. Paul say on this subject? Q. Who is always ready to put bad thoughts into idle hearts ? Q. In what parable did our Saviour show this ? Q. What was the fate of the man whose heart was empty, swept, and garnished ? Q. When were you pledged to serve the Lord Christ ? Q. What doom befel the servant who buried the talent ? iffBxtxtt) ^uiitfag in Entt* Q. Is it our duty to forgive one another ? Q. What did our Lord say about this duty of forgiveness? Q. Whose example is mentioned in these verses? Q. Who was Joseph ? Q. How did his brothers injure him? Q. What was his conduct when he might have resented their ill usage ? Q. W^hat did he say to them ? Q. What may we learn from Joseph's conduct ? Q. Are we to suppose, as the Jews did, that Abraham and the Prophets are dead ? 204 QUESTIONS. A. No ; we know they are alive somewhere, though they are gone from earth. Q. How do you know they are alive ? A. Because God says, "I am the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob ;" and God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Q. Where are Horeb, and Carmel, and who dwelt by the brook Cherith? Q. Where did Moses die ? Is his burial place known ? Q. Who were laid in the cave of Machpelah ? Q. How was Elijah removed from earth ? Q. Have we the same hope as the Patriarchs and Prophets ? Q. What has Our Lord told us about this ? A. "If a man keep My sayings, he shall never taste of death." Q. Why is this Sunday commonly called Palm Sunday? Q. In what manner did our Lord ride into Jerusalem ? Q. Was His entering Jerusalem thus foretold ? Q. How did the Jewish multitude treat Our Lord soon after ? Q. What do we learn from this ? A. That unless our hearts are really full of faith and love, the expressions of our lips are not to be relied on. QUESTIONS. 205 Q. Who died on Good Friday ? Q. How do we know that the Lord Jesus Christ loved us very much ? Q. What should be our feelings on this day ! A. We should be very sorry for our sins, and love the Lord very much. Who has saved us from them. Q. What hope have we in our sorrow to-day ? A. We know that His death has won for us life everlast- ing; that His precious Blood has redeemed us, and washed away our sins. Q. What is this week called ? — and why ? Q. What day is Easter Even ? A. Our Lord lay in the grave through this day, His sufferings and death being over. Q. In whose grave was our Lord laid ? Q. What prophecy was fulfilled by His lying in the grave of the rich Joseph of Arimathea ? See Isaiah, liii. Q. Who asked Pilate to seal the stone, and set a watch on it? Q. How were we once buried with Christ ? , A. We were buried with Him in baptism, and we must be all our lives dead to sin, and alive to every thing good, like people born again into a better life. 206 QUESTIONS. Q. Who rose from the grave on Easter Sunday ? Q. What hope have we by the Resurrection of our Lord ? A. As His body rose from the grave, our bodies too shall rise and inherit the joys of heaven. Q. Who has opened for us the gate of heaven ? Q. Has Easter long been observed as a feast in the Church ? A. Yes ; from the very earliest times the Lent fast and the festival of Easter have been observed. dftr^t J5untfaji uittv ^a^ter. Q. Who compares our Christian life to a state of warfare ? A. Our Lord Himself, see Luke xiv. 21 ; and Saint Paul, see Ephes. vi., 1 Tim. vi. 12, &c. Q. Who is the Captain of our host ? Q. When did we vow to fight manfully under His banner ? Q. Who are the Christian's enemies in the conflict ? Q. What is the Christian's reward ? ^tidnts ^imlfag afttr (iFa^ter. Q. Where is this remarkable history found ? Q. Who was Balaam ? Q. Who asked him to curse Israel ? QUESTIONS. 207 Q. Relate the circumstances of their interview ? Q. What lesson may we draw from this account ? A. That God over-rules the designs of wicked men for the good of His Church and the glory of His Name. Q. Why are Christians said to be like pilgrims ? A. Because this world is not their home ; they are travel- ling through it to their Father's land in heaven ? Q. What kind of path has the Christian Pilgrim to tread ? A. A narrow, thorny path ; for it is often very difficult to do right. Q AVhat temptations will he have to contend with ? A. The world, the flesh, and the devil, will try to lure him into the broad path that leadeth to destruction. Q. What do you mean by the flowers he meets ? A. God has given us all many blessings here below, which we must thankfully receive, but take care so to use them that they may not impede our heavenward course. dF0urt5 J^unlras Kittv d^^^ttv. Q. What commandment did God give the Jews about teaching their children ? Q. Is it ever too soon to begin ? Q. Why did St. Paul commend young Timothy ? Q. How do you know that our Lord loved little children to come to Him ? 208 QUESTIONS. Q. What thought will be pleasant to Christians in their old age ? A. It will be pleasant to them to remember that they were very soon taught to know the Lord, and that they have served Him from their earliest infancy. Q. Who compares Christian works to good fruits ? Q. What kind of fruit should Christians bear. Q. Will not our opportunities of prayer and hearing God's Word condemn us, if our conduct be not good ? A. Yes ; we must do what we hear, and try to act up to what our lips have prayed ? Q. How does Saint James describe true religion ? Q. From whence did Our Lord ascend into Heaven ? Q. Describe the circumstances of His Ascension ? Q. Is He not still present with us, though we cannot see Him? Q. Repeat some passage of Holy Scripture which affirms this ? Q. What is Our Lord doing for us at the Right Hand of God ? Q. Will he ever come again ? — and when ? Q. Where should our hearts be now ? Q. How can we in heart ascend to Heaven ? QUESTIONS. 209 A. By loving to think of heavenly things, and making it our principal care to prepare ourselves for heaven. ^unlJag after ^^ttn^ian Bag. Q. Should we not love very much to go to Church ? Q. AVhere are the prayers contained that are so dear to us? A. In the Book of Common Prayer. Q. What is meant by Christ's chosen Shepherd ? A. The Clergyman, Christ's appointed Minister, who teaches us in Church. Q. Why should we not go to any other place of worship than The Church for praise and prayer ? A. Because we cannot have, elsewhere, properly ordained Ministers to administer to us the Sacraments ; and besides, when people divide one from another, they break the unity of the Church. Q. Is it wrong to cause divisions in the Church ? A. Yes. Unity is one great mark of the Church ; and St. Paul says, " Mark them which cause divisions among you, and avoid them." Q. What event is conmiemorated on Whit Sunday ! Q. What was this time called among the Jews ? Q. Describe the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles. P 210 QUESTIONS. Q. Repeat some texts in which Our Lord had promised the Holy Ghost to His disciples. Q. How does the Holy Ghost come to us now ? Q. Where is the working of God's Spirit in our hearts compared to the action of the wind ? Q. What does the Holy Ghost do to our hearts ? A. It sanctifies them. Q. How many persons are there in the Trinity ? Q. Can we understand all that we are commanded to be- lieve ? Q. What is the meaning of Mystery ? Q. What should be our feelings concerning the Mysteries of our Holy Religion ? A. We must believe them because we are told to do so without doubt or question. Q. What is the Creed called that is repeated to-day, and on some other days in the year ? — and why ? A. It is called the Athanasian Creed, though it was not written by Saint Athanasius. It was composed in the fourth century, and is called by the name of Athanasius because it maintains the doctrines which he was all his life engaged in defending. Q. Who was Saint Athanasius ? A. A very holy and learned Bishop of Alexandria, who was born 296 years after the birth of Our Lord. He de- fended the cause of truth against the Arian heretics, who did not rightly believe the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. He was verj^ much persecuted by them, being several times banished from his Bishopric. QUESTIONS. 211 JFixit 5>uuUai) Kittv Crinttg* Q. Repeat the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Q. Which was happiest in the end, the rich or the poor man ? Q. Had that rich man made good use of his riches ? Q, What does this story teach us ? A. That we ought not to envy the rich and great, since their possessions make them liable to many temptations. Q. Ought the rich and the poor to pray for each other ? A. Yes. Every station has its oa^ti temptations ; we should be satisfied with that in which God has placed us, and fervently pray for each other/and for ourselves. ^ttnnts ^mitSKyi after Crmto* Q. Who is supposed to speak the words with which these lines commence ? Q. Who was Sisera ? Q. Who judged Israel at that time ? Q. What was the fate of Sisera ? Q. What do we learn from this ? A. That God makes use of the weakest instruments to accomphsh His purposes ; and none is too low or feeble to serve Him in His appointed way. Q. How can Christians always help the Church and each other ? A. By their prayers. Q. Who composed a song of triumph on the overthrow of Sisera I 212 QUESTIONS. Q. Who likens our spiritual enemy to a lion ? Q. Is he always on the watch to assail us ? Q. How does the devil assault Christians ? Q. What weapons have we to resist him ? Q. Should we be continually on our guard to resist him • dTnurt^ ^unlfag after Exinit^* Q. What did Our Lord say about finding fault with others ? Q. Whose sins are we to observe and watch ? Q. For whom will each have to give account in the Day of Judgment ? JFiit^ ^untiaj) after Crtnitg* Q. Are the little courtesies of common life beneath the Christian's attention ? A. No ; for these things tend to make others happy : and any thing that makes us more gentle and dear, more considerate and less selfish, is good for us. Q. What should be the motive of all our actions ? Q. Where are Christians likened to stones in a building ? QUESTIONS. 213 ^iytt) ^untrag after Crinitp. Q. Repeat some passages in which Our Lord speaks of governing our tongues. Q. What does Saint James compare the tongue to ? Q. But must we not watch our hearts as well as our tongues ? Q. When shall we have to give an account for every idle word? Q. What king refused to sacrifice to the Lord of what cost him nothing ? Q. What was Araunah's proposal ? Q. On what occasion did this conversation take place ? Q. Should we he satisfied with giving to the Lord what we care Kttle ahout ? Q. What did Our Lord say about denying ourselves ? Q. Can poor people deny themselves for Christ's sake, and make Him as acceptable offerings as the rich ? Q. What proof have you of this in the Bible ? A. Our Lord saw a poor widow casting two mites into the treasury, and He said she had given more than the rich people who cast in their abundance. Q. Why was the widow's mite so acceptable ? A. Because it was all that she had, and it cost her much self-denial to give it to the Lord. 214 QUESTIONS. ^iQ^U) ^untSKv after Crtnitg^ Q. To what kingdom are Christians born heirs ? Q. When were we born to this glorious inheritance ? Q. How then should we live ? A. Like " Heirs of the kingdom of Heaven," whose home is not in this world, and who do not forget the place they are going to. 0hxi^ ^untrag after Crtnitg. Q. Are the natural objects around us images of other things ? A. Yes ; and we may learn much from them if we look on them in this light, as, from the withering and blooming again of flowers, we are led to think of our own death and resurrection. Q. Are there types in spiritual things also ? A. Yes, if we read carefully the Old Testament, we shall find it full of types of our Christian course. Q. What is the coming of the Children of Israel out of Egypt a type of ? A. Of our escape from the bondage of sin. Q. What does the passage through the red sea typify I Q. What heavenly food have we on our journey ? Q. Who is our Eock, and Cloud, and Fiery Pillar ? Q. What is the promised land we are journeying to ? Q. What warning should we draw from the conduct of the Israelites ? Q. Who tells us to make this use of their history I QUESTIONS. 215 Cnxtlj ^tmtfai) after Exinityi. Q. Why -svas King Ahab sad ? Q. What does this teach us ? A. That earthly possessions cannot give happiness unless the heart is at peace and contented. Q. How did the King possess himself of Naboth's vine- yard. Q. Who met him there ? Q. What sins does this story teach us to avoid ? A. Envy, and too eager pursuit after any earthly object. a^Ubtni^ ^tmtfag after €^rtnto. Q. Who is the leper spoken of here ? Q. How came Naaman to resort to Elisha ? Q. What was the Prophet's answer to him ? Q. Why did it displease him so much ? Q. Did he go at last ? — and what induced him ? Q. What plague have we that resembles leprosy ? Q. What is the stream that washes away our sin ? A. The Precious Blood of Our Lord jEsrs Christ. Q. How can we be like Naaman when he scorned to wash in Jordan ? A. If, instead of turning to Christ with penitence and faith and good works, we think we can be saved by any way of our own, or if we live on carelessly, not caring for Him, or thinking about our sins. 216 QUESTIONS. SCfcD^Ht^ ^ttntfag after Crtnttg* Q. How did Our Lord cure the deaf aud dumb man ? Q. What should be our feelings when we see others thus afflicted ? A. We should feel pity for them, and gratitude to God, Who has made our faculties so perfect, Q. How should we use these faculties ? A. To the honour of God, remembering that much will be required of them to whom much is given. Q. Who spoke the parable of the Good Samaritan ? Q. What do we learn from it ? A. That all men are our neighbours, and we must be kind to all as we have opportunity. Q. When did you promise to love your neighbour as your- self? A. At my Baptism I promised to keep God's Holy Com- mandments; and my duty towards my neighbour is con- tained in them. Jfauxttmi^ ^untrag aftar Crtnttg. Q. How many lepers were, at the time here referred to, cured by Our Lord ? Q. How many returned to thank Him I QUESTIONS. 217 Q,. How can Christians resemble these ungrateful lepers ? Q. What have we to be thankful for besides temporal blessings ? Q. How can we best show our gratitude ? Q. What lesson did Our Lord draw for us from the lily of the field ? Q. To Whom should we trust in our worst extremity ? Q. What things ought we to seek before all earthly good? Q. Relate the affecting story of this miracle. Q. Where is Nain ? Q. Should Christians then despair when those they love are taken from them by death ? A. No : for Christ, Who raised the poor widow's son, will surely raise them up again at the last day. Q. Did the Children of Israel often commit idolatry ? Q. What did they worship ? — and with what fearful rites? Q. How can Christians commit idolatry ? 218 QUESTIONS. A. By loving anything in this world — riches, or plea- sure, or their own quiet and comfort — better than God. Q. What does Saint Paul say is idolatry ? Q. Can we serve God with part of our time and affec- tion, and the world with the rest ? A. No : Christ said, "Ye cannot serve God and Mam- mon." Q. To Whom is the Christian's day of rest dedicated ? Q. On what day did the Jews keep their Sabbath ? Q. Why did the Christians change it ? Q. Which of the commandments relates to the observance of the Sabbath? Q. Did not God enforce particularly on the Jews the observance of His Sabbath ? Q. How should Christians keep their Lord's feast ? A. By resting their bodies ; by praising Him, and pray- ing to Him, in His house ; and lifting up their thoughts to Him, free from the toils and cares of the world. Q. Why was Daniel thrown into the lion's den ? Q. Why could not the King prevent it ? Q. What do you learn from Daniel's conduct ? A. That we must faithfully serve God in spite of all opposition, and even danger ? Q. What kind of opposition are you most likely to meet with in doing what is right ? QUESTIONS. 219 A. We may, very likely, be laughed at, and taunted ; besides it may cost us a good deal of personal inconvenience to go and pray to God with His people in His Church. Q. How many times a-day did Daniel pray ? Q. Does it always please God to deliver His Saints miraculously ? Q. Did the Holy Martyrs of old, notwithstanding, shrink from His service ? A. No : they bore the most fearful deaths, knowing that their reward was in heaven. CiDentutl) J?unlfas after Criuitg. Q. Repeat the parable of the Marriage Feast ? Q. Who is meant by the King ? Q. Who are the Guests ? Q. Who is the Bridegroom ? Q. When do we resemble the ungrateful guests ? A. When we allow the things of this world to fill up our hearts, so that we forget God, and do not think of preparing ourselves for heaven. €^£Denti)^ltr^t ^unism Kfttx Crmto. Q. Which of the commandments orders obedience to parents ? Q. Did our Lord love His mother when on earth ? Q. What proof of His love for her is here alluded to ? Q. Who is our Father in heaven ? 220 QUESTIONS. €^mtyi''^ttonts ^untfa^ after Crinitg^ Q. Is it right to ill-treat inferior creatures ? A. No : every kind of cruelty tends to harden our hearts, and make us unfeeling. Q. When did our Lord ride on an ass into Jerusalem ? Q. By whose sin was a curse brought upon the whole creation ? Q. What mark of a good man is mentioned in Scripture ? A. That he is " merciful to his beast. " Q. What is the meaning of the command, " Render unto Csesar the things that are Caesar's" ? A. It means that there are earthly powers set over us, and that we have duties to perform to them. Q. Repeat some other passages of Scripture in which we are desired to obey the King. Q. Who is to us in the place of Csesar ? A. Our Queen. Q. How can poor people and children, who perhaps never saw her, render the Queen her due ? A. By speaking of her with affection and reverence ; by obeying her laws , and praying for her. Q. Do we pray for the Queen in Church ? A. Yes : there is a prayer for the Queen in the Morning and Evening Prayers for every day in the year ; and she is prayed for in the Litany, and in the Communion Service. Q. Where have we a command to do this in the Bible ? QUESTIONS. 221 CiDentg-fnurt^ J^unUag after t!Lvinityi* Q. Why did the Ruler send to our Lord ? Q. Was the child dead when our Lord reached the place ? Q. What did He say to the mourners ? Q. W^hom did He permit to be present at the miracle ? Q. What comfort may we draw from our Lord's words ? A. The Christian's death is but like a sleep : Christ is our Life and Resurrection ; and we shall rise again, like the Ruler's child. d»nitg4tft5 ^uulfag after Crtnitg* Q. What is the effect of a gentle, kind answer when others are angry ? Q. Is it the duty of Christians to answer in this manner ? A. Yes : it is the duty of Christians to promote peace by every means in their power. Q. What did our Lord say of the peace makers ? Q. Is it always easy to give soft answers ? A. No : it is frequently very difficult. We may be wrongfully reproached, and it is hard to restrain anger ; but we must restrain it ; we must subdue our selfish tempers for the sake of our Lord. Q. Of whom was it said, " See how these Christians love ? " 222 QUESTIONS. Q. Who was Saint Andrew ? Q. When did he first see Our Lord ? Q. What was his first action when he heard the Lord himself ? Q. When did Our Lord call him to follow Him ? Q. What further does history tell us about him ? A. Scythia is said to have been the scene of his labours, till coming to Patra in Achaia, he was martyred by -^geas the Proconsul, who scourged him, and bound him with cords to a cross till he died. Q. Why does the Church appoint Saints' days ? A. To put us in mind of holy men, and to teach us, by thinking about them, to endeavour to be like them. ^atnt C!)tfmas'^ B^v. Q. Who was Saint Thomas ? What surname was given to him ? A. He was one of the twelve Apostles, and is called Didymus. Q. Can you give any proof of Saint Thomas's attach- ment to Our Lord ? Q. What circumstance of Thomas's life is alluded to in hese verses ? Q. What did Our Lord say to Saint Thomas on this oc- casion which may comfort us, who have never seen Him ? Q. How can we believe on Him ? A. We must be sure that all that the Bible tells us about QUESTIONS. 223 Him is true, and we must live as if we believed these great truths. Q. Can you tell anything more about Saint Thomas ? A. He travelled as far as India, preaching the Gospel ; there the Brahmins, who are idolatrous Indian priests, had him murdered. There are still Christians in India, whose forefathers derived their first knowledge of the truth from the preaching of Saint Thomas. ^]&e €anbtxiion of ^mxt \B^\xt. Q. What book of the Bible contains most of the history of Saint Paul ? Q. Where was he bom, and how was he educated ? Q. Give me an account of his conversion. Q. What was his after life ? A. It was entirely devoted to the service of his Lord ; he preached in most parts of the known world, and was finally killed by Nero^ at Rome. Q. What books of Holy Scripture did Saint Paul write ? A. One Epistle to the Romans, two to the Corinthians, one to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Hebrews, two to the Thessalonians, two to Timothy, one to Titus, and one to Philemon. Q. What do we learn from the conversion of Saint Paul ? A. That whatever be our natural temper, the Spirit of God can change it ; He makes the proud humble, the pas- sionate gentle, and we should watch and pray that He may work thus in our hearts. 224 QUESTIONS. tlLf^t ^xt^tntKtion at Cl^ri^t in ft^t Cemple. Q. Why is this Feast called "The Purification of the Virgin Mary?" A. Because every Jewish woman to whom God had given a child, was obliged, by the law of Moses, to come to His temple after forty days, and make an offering to God ; a lamb if she were rich enough, or else two young doves or pigeons. The Virgin Mary, who was very poor, made her offering on this day of two young pigeons. Q. Why is it also called " The Feast of the Presentation 1'' A. Because it was also declared by the law of Moses that the eldest son belonged to God, and must be presented to Him in His temple, and ransomed for a sum of money. Q. What was the redeeming of the first-bom a type of ? A. Of the redemption of the whole world from sin and death. Q. What was the price of our redemption 1 A. The precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Who were Simeon and Anna ? Q. When was the coming of the Lord to the Temple foretold ? Q. Who was Saint Matthias ? A. The Apostle chosen in the room of Judas Iscariot, when, by his wickedness, he had lost his place among Christ's chosen twelve. * Q. What sin did Judas Iscariot commit? QUESTIONS. 225 Q. What may this teach us ? A. That we must be very watchful over ourselves, and not think that we are safe from temptation because we are Christ's baptized members, since one of His own Apostles sinnecTso awfully. Q. How was Saint Matthias chosen ? Q. Can you tell me anything more about him ? A. Nothing very certain is known of his after life. He is thought to have travelled eastward, where he suffered martyrdom from the barbarous people. Some say he was stoned by the Jews as a blasphemer. El}t ^nnuntmtuin nf i^t Wt^^tts WixQin :^arg. Q. What do you mean by the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary ? A. On this day the Angel announced to her that she was to be the mother of Our Lord. Q. Who was the Virgin Mary ? Q. What did she answer to the Angel ? Q. What do we learn from the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary ? A. We learn to be holy and humble, and ready to do whatever God appoints for us. Q, What observation drew from Our Lord the words repeated in the last of these verses ? 226 QUESTIONS. Q. "Who was Saint Mark ? Q. What does Evangelist mean ? Q. How is Saint Mark mentioned in Holy Scripture ? Q. What was the after history of Saint Mark ? A. He travelled through Egypt and Lybia preaching the Gospel, and was finally barbarously murdered by the Egyp- tians. He is supposed to have been the particular friend and attendant of Saint Peter. Q. What Parable is here alluded to ? Q. Who have we to teach us besides Moses and the Prophets ? A. We have all the books of the New Testament written by Evangelists and Apostles, and Our Lord Himself has come to us from the dead to lead us to heaven. ^amt P5tli|i aixtf ^amt B^tntf^ IBag. Q. Who was Saint Philip ? A. He was probably a fisherman of Bethsaida in Galilee. Q. What did he say to Nathaniel ? Q. What does this teach us ? A. That we should be glad to see others good, and should advise them to be so. Q. What more is said of Saint Philip ? A. He preached the Gospel in Upper Asia and suffered martyrdom at Hierapolis, in Phrygia. Q. What is Saint James called in Holy Scripture ? QUESTIONS. 227 A. " The brother of The Lord :" this word in Hebrew may be applied to any near relation. Q. What is he called to distinguish him from the other James ? Q. Tell me something more of Saint James ? A. He was made Bishop of Jerusalem, and suffered martyrdom there through the malice of the Scribes and Pharisees about twenty-four years after the Ascension of Our Lord. Q. What book of the Bible did Saint James write ? Q. Who was Saint Barnabas, and what does his name signify ? A. He was a Jew of Cyprus, his name signifies "the son of consolation." Q. What great proof of charity and self-denial did Saint Barnabas give ? Q. What event of his life is alluded to in these verses ? Q. Who were Jupiter and Mercurius ? Q. Have we any further account of Saint Barnabas ? A. He is said by some to have preached in Italy ; but he is generally supposed to have suffered martyrdom in his owTii Island, Cyprus. Q. What may we learn from the conduct of Saint Barnabas ? A. We learn not to seek the applause of man ; to be kind and loving, and self-denying, in serving The Lord, 228 QUESTIONS. Q. Who was John the Baptist ? Q. Who were his parents ? What remarkable circum- stances attended his birth ? Q. What prophecies in the Old Testament relate to John the Baptist, and by what name is he called ? Q. Where did he preach ? Q. Whom did he baptize in the river Jordan ? Q. How was John the Baptist killed ? Relate the cir- cumstances. Q. What enquiry did John the Baptist send two of his disciples to make of Our Lord ? Q. What did Our Lord say about John the Baptist ? Q. Who was Saint Peter ? Q. What was his occupation ? When was he first called by Our Lord ? Q. What was Saint Peter's character ? Q. Tell me some circumstances that are recorded of him in Holy Scripture ? Q. On what occasion did he deny the Lord ? Q. What does this teach us ? A. Not to be too confident in ourselves. Saint Peter trusted to his own powers of resisting temptation and he fell. Q. Relate the conversation of Our Lord with Saint Peter after His resurrection ? Q. How did Saint Peter suffer martyrdom ? A. He was crucified with his head downwards, at the command of the Emperor Nero. QUESTIONS. 229 Q. Who is that Saint James we commemorate to-day ? Q. What was his end, and where is it recorded ? Q. What was his mother's petition for him and his brother ? Q. What was Our Lord's answer ? Q. How did Saint James drink his Master's cup ? Q. Where was he baptized with fire ? A. At the feast of Pentecost, when he received The Holy Ghost in the shape of a tongue sitting on his head. Q. What may we learn from the history of this Saint ? A. That Christ knows what is good for us, and grants our prayers, not always in the way we think best. Q, Who is St Bartholomew commonly identified with ? A. With Nathaniel. Q. What did Our Lord say of this Nathaniel ? Q. How did our Lord express to Nathaniel that He is present every where ? Q. What does this teach us ? A. That there is no place, however retired, where the Eye of God does not reach us. Q. Do you know any thing more of Saint Bartholomew ? A. He preached in Northern and Western Asia, and was at last cruelly murdered by the Governor of Albanople, a city of Armenia. Q. Who was Saint Matthew ? Q. What book of Holy Scripture did he write ? Q. What was his birth and profession ? 230 QUESTIONS. A. He was a Jew by birth, a publican or tax-gatherer by profession. Q. How was he engaged when Our Lord called him ? Q. What further is known of him ? A. He travelled to Ethiopia, where he is said to have suffered martyrdom ? Q. What do you learn from his history ? A. He rose and left his wealth to follow Christ ; so we should love to serve The Lord better than the things of this world; we should be ready to give them up for His sake if we have them, and if not we should check all vain covetous desires for their possession. ^aint Mi^^tl antf all ^uQtU. Q. What are we told of Saint Michael ? A. That he was an Archangel who particularly guarded the Jewish nation, that he led an army of Angels who fought with the dragon, and that he contended with Satan for the body of Moses. Q. What is particularly told us of this contention ? A. That the Angel brought no railing accusation against his adversary, but said, " The Lord rebuke thee." Q. Mention some passages of Holy Scripture in which the Holy Angels are said to have ministered to men ? Q. What books of the Holy Scripture did Saint Luke write ? A. The Gospel of Saint Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. QUESTIONS. 231 Q. What are instanced in these verses as having been recorded by Saint Luke ? A. The divine song of Simeon and Anna, and the blessed Virgin !Mary, and of Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, which are not mentioned by the other Evangelists. Q. What more is said of Saint Luke's acquirements ? A. Saint Paul calls him the "beloved Physician," and he is commonly said to have been a painter. Q. How do you know that he soothed Saint Paul's last moments ? A. Because Saint Paul in his Epistle to Timothy, written just before his death, says "Demas hath forsaken me, hav- ing loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessa- lonica, Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia, only Luke is with me." Q. Which of the characteristics of Saint Luke can we certainly imitate ? A. We can love God's Saints as he did, and be kind to suffering and afflicted. Q. How should we use other powers, if God bestows them upon us ? A. We should use them to His honour and glory. Q. Tell me something more about Saint Luke ? A. The ancients are not agreed as to the place and man- ner of his death ; some say it happened in Greece, some in Egypt ; he is said to have suffered death by being hanged on an olive tree. Q. What was Saint Simon named ? A. The Canaanite, and also Simon Zelotes. Q. Where is he supposed to have preached, and suffered martyrdom ? 232 QUESTIONS. A. In Egypt, Greece, and Lybia, and he is said to have gone into Britain, and suffered martyrdom there, but other accounts say he was killed in Persia. Q. What do you know of Saint Jude ? what did he write ? A. He was brother of Saint James the less, so of Our Lord ; he wrote one Epistle. Q. Is he called by any other name in the Bible ? A. Yes, Thaddeus and Lebbeus. Q. What further is known of Saint Jude ? A. He preached in Arabia, and Mesopotamia, and suffered martyrdom in Persia ? Q. What do we learn from remembering these good men, of whom so little is known ? A. That we should be satisfied that our good actions be known to God alone, for the applause of men is not what Christians seek, but the approval of God. ail §}Kint^' JBag. 4 Q. Who is this day kept in remembrance of ? Q. Who are the Saints ? Q. Why does the Church appoint this feast ? A. That God may be honoured in His Saints, and that we may try to be like them. Q. What do you mean by the Communion of Saints ? A. The Saints have One God, One Christ, One Spirit, one Faith, one Baptism, one Hope ; they feel for each other, love each other, and pray for each other. Mancliester ; Printed by Charles Simms and Co. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: March 2009 Preservationlechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION in Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-2111 *^.*5 ,.^y\ siii * V ' ^^ ,