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MDCCCLXXXI. r^9 PRINTED BY THE PROVIDENCE PRESS COMPANY, PRINTERS TO THE I ITY. CI r y o F rn o vin e xc e . KESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. - [Apiii-ovfd (»ctol>er 15, 1S7'.I.] Kksolved, That alilermaii Elisha C. Mowry, and Messrs. Charles E. Carpenter, J. Lewis Peirce, and Hugh Hamill, of the common council, be and they are hereby appointed a joint special committee to cause the proceed- ings at the dedication of the city hall to be printed, together with such other matters connected therewith as they may deem expedient, the expense thereof to be charged to the ajipropriation for contingencies. Witness: Henky V. A. JusLiN, City Clerk. C ( ) N 'J^ E N T S . PREFACE. CITY HALL, ......... 1 LAYING OF CORNER-STONE, 17 ORATION OF GENERAL HORATIO ROGERS, . . .31 ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL, *3 DEDICATION • • • -53 ORATION OF HON. ABRAHAM PAYNE, ... 09 BEPORTS : City Hall Commissioners, . . . . . .89 Committee on Furxituke, ...... DESCRIPTION OF CITY HALL, .... 9fi ice PREFACE The city hall is the finest and most inijM(sinjr publit^' building in the city of Providence. The interest with which it lias been visited, and the favoi'able criticisms which it has universally received from strangers and citizens alike, both. as to its completeness of architectural design and its spacious and convenient accommodations for the transaction of municipal business, are the highest tribute to the efforts of the committee who secured the plans, the architect who designed, and the commissioners who supervise. when it was "Resolvkd, That in the opinion of the city council, the safety of the city records and the convenience of the city gov- ernment, and of the citizens generally, require more safe and ample accommodations. "Resolved, That Messrs. George B. Peck, John J. Stimp- son, Moses B. Lockwood, Edward S. Williams, Daniel E. Carpenter, Nathaniel F. Potter, of the common council, and Thomas M. Burgess, mayor, and Thomas C. Hojipin, alder- man, be, and they are hereby appointed a connnittee to cause one or more plans for a city hall to be prepared, with estimates of the cost for carrying the same into execution ; that said committee report said plans and estimates to the city council, and some mode of paying for said city hall ; also a suitable location therefor, and that the cost of such plans and estimates be paid by the city tresisurer out of the appropria- tion for contingencies upon the order of the committee, and that said committee report at the meeting in January." In January, 1840, this conmiittee reported, "that they have two plans prepared, but as they have been finished but a few days, the committee are not prepared to make a defi- nite recommendation, and they therefore ask leave to make further report at a future meeting." From that time to the year 1853, various resolutions were ^ THE CITY HALL. passed hy successive councils, appointing committees to select a proper site for the location of a building to be used by the municipal government. February lo, 18.54, a committee was directed to purchase the land whereon the city hall now stands, wliich was accord- ingly done on the 22d of April following. March 26, 1874, nearly twenty years after this purchase, a resolution was passed "that Messrs. Alincr .1. Barnaby, Cliarles A. Xiehols, Sturgis P. Carpenter. Archibald B. Rice, Raymond G. Place, and (Jeorge H. Pettis, of tiie com- mon comicil, with aldermen Addison Q. Fisher, Abner H. Angell, and William V. Daboll, be, and they arc hereby appointed a committee to advertise for ))huis, with approxi- mate estimates of the cost of a city hall, to be built u])on the lot l)e]onging to the city, known as the city hall lot. boiuided I)y Dorrance, \A'asliington, Kddy and Fulton streets ; said plans to be presented to the conmiittee ujton the follow- ing conditions : that the city shall pay to the person or per- .sons whose plans shall l)e selected l)y the conuuittee, and adopted by the citj' council, such sum as shall bo fixed by the committee, not exceeding one thousand dollars, and no compensation shall be allowed to .any j)erson or persons pre- senting such plans, unless the same shall have been selected by the committee and adopted by the city council. And the committee are hereby directed to reserve the right to reject any and all plans that may be presented to them as afore- said." April 16th, of the s.ame year, Mr. Henry A. Cory was added to the committee, and a resolution was passed })ermit- ting the payment of a premium to the successful competitor u|)on the award of the conunittee. without the approval of the pl.an by the citj^ council. This committee immedi.ately proceeded to act under the authoritv conferred upon them, and September 21, 1874, sulimitted a partial report us follows : THE CITY HALL. To Ihe Honoruhh' Ihr Cili/ ('ouiicll of the f'-lfi/ of Froridena! : The joint special ooiniuittoe appointed by resolution num- ber 532, passed March 2(;, 1874, to advertise for plans, with approximate estimates of the cost of a city hall, to be built ui)()u the lot belonging to the city, known as the city hall lot, and bounded by Dorrance, Washington, Eddy and Ful- ton streets, submit a partial report, as follows : The committee secured the services of Mr. E. L. Angell, as advisory architect, in making the general floor i)lans of the building. In determining the size of the structure to be erected, a very liberal allowance of room was made to each depart- ment, so that each department could grow within its own allotted rooms, thus avoiding any changes or alterations in the building for a long period of time ; and also to leave a fair proportion of the buikling unused at present, to accom- modate the future growth of the city. These oeneral plans were very carefully considered in all their details, and although the progress made by the com- mittee may have appeared slow to members of the city coun- cil, who, knowing the needs of the city, were anxious that this great work for the convenience of our citizens sliould go forward as rapidly as possible, yet the committee feel that the care bestowed upon this preliminary work, has been amidy repaid in the perfection of the plans presented to the council this evening. Plans and estimates were advertised for, ujion the follow- ing conditions : one thousand dollars to l)e paid for the pbui selected by the committee for a city hall ; five hundred dol- lars to be paid for the i)lan selected as second liest ; and three hundred dollars for the plan selected as third best. All plans for Mhich a premium should be paid to be the property of the city, the connnittee reserving the right to reject any or all plans. 4 THE CITY HALL. In accordance wilh .said advertisement, twenty-one plans were received I)_y the committee, many of them from archi- tects of the highest reputation. After a most careful examination of the plans presented, in which work the judgment of the committee was materially .assisted bj- members of the city council, and other of our cit- izens most competent to criticise such work, and also by Messrs. A. C. Morse, architect, .and Henry Childs, buildci', M'ho were engaged to advise with the committee, and make estimates of cost of the various plans presented, and to tiie thoroughness of whose work the committee are greatly in- debted, the committee selected for a city hall the plans with the device a " Blue Seal." As being entitled to the second j)remium, they selected those bearing the device a ''Maltese (Jroxs" : and for the third premium, those with the motto "Fiat.'' Of the three plans selected, none tilled all the re(iuirements of the committee, and none, in the o])inion of the committee, was entirely suital)lc for a cit\' hall without modification and amendment. The committee therefore selected those to which the tii'st |)remium had been awarded as being of the style of aichi- tecturc that afforded the i>est promise of ultimate perfection, and requested the author, ]Mr. S. J. F. Thaj'^er, of Boston, to make such moditications as were suggested ; and through his ready comijliance and indefatigable labors we are enabled to l)resent the perfected plans this evening. The building proposed to be erected in accordance, with the plans presented, will have a frontage on Dorrance street of 133 feet, extending back on ^^'asllington street l.'iS feet, covering 21,014 square feet. It sits back on Washington street l^^^**^ feet from the street line, and on Fulton street 20 feet, which Mill allow for the proper widening of those streets, shoidd such action ever be determined by the city. The structure is to be of granite, five stories in height, with cellar. The committee earnestly hope that Rhode Island THE CITY HALL. D •rranite, some of which is veiy beautiful, may be used in its construction. For a complete description of the whole building, the council are referred to the communication of Mr. Thayer, attached to, and made a part of, this report. The cost of the building has been very carefully calcu- lated in all its details by ^Messrs. Morse and Childs, and it is believed cannot in an3' event exceed their estimates of $63.5,000 ; and it is believed will fall below that sum, with the competition sure to occur in extensive contracts of this kind. For a detailed estimate of cost, the city council are referred to the communication of ^Morse and Childs, attached to this report. The committee earnestly recommend the plans which they hei-ewith present to the city council for adoption ; believing that a city hall erected from them will be an honor and credit to our city, a great convenience to our citizens, and, consid- ering the large and ever increasing amount paid for the rental of city offices, not at all burdensome to the tax-payers of the city. Your committee are ;nvare that the enterprise, character and progressive spirit of a city is quite general!}' judged by the character of its public buildings ; and while they believe that buildings of this kind should not be too elaborate in decoration, but rather challenge public approbation by the simplicity, beauty and grandeur of their proportions, yet tliink that a style of too severe simplicity may be as faulty as one of profuse ornamentation. They have therefore endeav- ored to tind the happy medium, and in the plans which are recommended this evening they believe that this idea is fully realized. In the hope that the same excellences in these plans which first attracted the attention, and finallj^ confirmed the judgment, of the committee, maj- be equally satisfactory to <) THE CITY HALL. the city council, we unauiinou.sly unite in recommending the jiassage of the accompanying resolutions. Abneu J. BAr..N.\uv, Chahles a. Nichols, Sturgis p. Carpenteu, A. B. Rice, E. G. Place, Geo. H. Pettis, Hexkv a. Cokv. Addisox Q. Fisher, Abneu H. Akgell, Wm. V. Daboll. ■ description of design for new citv hall, providence. (IKNKliAI. AS TO I>I.AX. Ill plan the building is loctaiigular, l;?3 feet on Doriance and Eddy .streets, by 158 feet on Wasliington and Fulton streets, liaving a projection of 4X54 feet on Dorrance street, and eaeli of tlie other froiils liaving the central portion recede aliout 2 feet, thus forniinj; a central pavilion on the Dorrance street front, and pavilions at the angles of the Hanks on each of the other fronts. Archilectiiral features which will be described here- after, and are fully illustrated by the drawings herewith submitted. The stories comprise a cellar, varying from 74 to !I4 feet in height, as reijuired for heating apparatus, and to avoid excessive expense on account of the danger from tide water; a basement story located about 4 feet above the grade of the sidewalk on Eddy street, having a double entrance from Dorrance street, and entrances in the centre of each of the fronts on the other streets. This story is designed to accommodate the police, lire, health and poor departments, together with all their adjuncts, and other officers, as city registrar, superintendent of hacks, lamps, and sealer of weights and measures, etc. Large (ire-proof rooms are pro- vided for the storage of documents, and an ample staircase and elevator leads to the upper stories. Kvery room is lighted direct from the exte- rior, and each department is conveniently accessible from the corridors. First story : Is reached, first, by the principal entrance in the centre of the Dorrance street front, and also by the entrances on Washiugton, Eddy, and Fulton streets, through the basement story. The principal entrance leads direct to a large central hall ; on its right Is the mayor's suite, on the left the treasurer and collector. Tlie whole of the Eddy street front is THE CITY HALL. i devoted to larjre and convenient rooms for records, register of transfers, assessors, and all their adjnncts; the balance of the floor is given to the auditor, city messenger, and janitor. The elevator is located as nearly in the centre of the baiUling as possible, and easily accessible from all entrances. The principal staircase is in the centre of the central hall or light area, and stopping at the second floor secures abundant light for the whole interior of the building. The mayor's suite, and all the ofl[ices, are provided with ample necessary conveniences, as safes, closets, fireplaces, etc., and are studied with care as to the proper relation to each other. SECOND FLOOR. This floor, containing, as it does, the legislative rooms of the govern- ment, has been arranged to accommodate them with the utmost degree of convenience and elegance. The council chamber is in the centre of the Dorrance street front, and the mayor anil aldermen's chamber is located at the corner of Dorrance and Washington streets. Each has an excep- tionally ample and convenient arrangement of space for members, the public, and such adjuncts as lobbies, committee and coat-rooms, etc. The balance of this floor is devoted to the water board, municipal court, city clerk, and superiuteudent of schools, together with two committee rooms. On this floor the central staircase is discontinued fur light as before stated, and stairs leading to the upper stories are located on the Fulton street side of the central hall or area. The third and fourth stories, beside liberal accommodations for the highway, public buildings, engineer and fire alarm departments, contain seven large rooms fit for committees or offices, as yet unappropriated. Attention is asked to the complete general arrangement of the plans, as to regularity, system, and simplicity, admitting of the soundest con- struction, with the least complicated methods; also to the ample and ele- gant arrangement of corridors, stairs, tlie central hall, and the larger public rooms. The exterior is fully illustrated by the drawings, showing each front in detail. The style of architecture is Renaissance, of the character widely adopted for civic buildings in the most advanced countries of the world. The materials to be used are light granite for all the fronts. The princi- pal front having a considerable greater degree of elaboration than the others, but all having the prominent features developed with the utmost care and finish. CONSTRl'CTIOX. The construction of the building is intended to be of the most substan- tial character, using granite for the foundation walls, brick for all the prin- cipal and most of the minor partitions. Finely vvroughtgranite for all the exterior walls, backed with a vaulted brick wall. Fire-proof floors are THE CITY HALL. intended for the basement anil first story, and all surronnding tlie record and transfer rooms, and elsewhere shonld it be deemed desirable. Tlie roof, under any eircumstances, should be of incoml)ustibIe materials. Wherever timber floors are used, an effective system of mortar fire-proof- inj; is intended. Tile floors are to be used in all principal corridors and business rooms, and the staircases are to be of stone ov iron. The finish about the doors and windows is intended to be of hard wood. Very respectfully subnntted, S.\MrKl. J. F. TiiAVHR, Archili'rt. E.STIM.\TES OF PROB.VBLE COST. Providence, Sept. 21, 1874. Estimate of probable cost at present prices to erect a new city hall building according; to first premium design marked by a blue wafer, S. .7. ¥. Thayer, architect. Jtems. viz. : Piling, ...... Si:i,.")(M) Stone foundations, .... 2(),KO0 Concreting cellar, .... 1 (iOO Granite work complete, . . . 2.')0,000 Brick work complete, .... 72,000 Fire-proof floors (iron and brick), . . 20,514 Fire-proof floors (wood), . . . 13,500 Iron work (stairs, girders and columns), . 20,000 Iron and slate roof, flre-proof, . . . 14,7.04 Iron and tin roof, fire-proof, . . ll,;ns Plaster and stucco work, . . . 15,000 Upper flooring (hard wood), . . 8..500 Tiling, ...... 21,2;!8 Marble mantles, soapstone fire-places, and grates, 1,000 Hardware and window weights, . fi.OdO Gas piping, speaking tubes and l)ell work, . 2,000 Plumbing, ..... 12,000 Vaults, safes and locks, .... 5,000 Painting and glazing, . . . 13,000 Glass, ...... 10,500 Elevator, ..... ,S,000 Carpenters' work, .... 70,0.">() Heating and ventilation, . . . 23,520 Total, ..... $G33..S0(I Add excavating, .... 1,200 $635,000 THE CITY HALL. ' ni.rE ^yA^ER. Fire-proofing throughout, ..... $670,000 Fire-proof floors in b.i.sement, first and second stories, . . 650,000 Fire-proof basement, and till over and under record and trans- fer rooms, ...... 033,800 "MALTESE CROSS." Fire-proof througliout, ...... $829,000 Fire-proof floors in basement, first and second stories, . . 809,000 Fire-proof basement and all over and under record and trans- fer rooms, ..... 789,000 Fire-proof throughout,- ...... $689,000 Fire-proof floors iu basement, first and second stories, . . 669,000 Fire-proof basement, and all over and under record and trans- fer rooms, ..... 6-19,000 This design is estimated ou the same basis as the others as to interior finish. E.Kecuted as the author intends, it would prove the most expen- sive of the three. The above figures, in our judgment, represent tlie cost of building the several premiated designs for the proposed new city hall, Providence, R. I. A. C. Morse, Architect. Hexky Guilds. Providence, Sept. 21st, 1874. October 5th, the following' resolutions were adopted : " Resolved, That three tax i)ayers of the city of Provi- dence, to l)e hereafter elected l>y concurrent vote, ha and they are hereby constituted and appointed a commission, and as such ai"e authorized and empowered, to build a cit}^ hall, upon the city hall lot, so called, bounded by DoiTance, Washington, Eddy and Fulton streets, in accordance with the plans and elevations recommended by the joint special committee ou city hall plai>s, and presented with their report. 10 THE CITY HALL. '■Resolved, That the said commissioners shall make a (|uni- tcrly report to the city conncil of their doings, which report sliali contain a detailed statement of all receipts, disl)ursc- mcnts, and contracts, l)y them received, dishnrsed, or made during said quarter." On the eighth of the same month, ]\lcssrs. James Y. Smith, George H. Corliss and "William G. R. Mowry, were elected commissioners to build the city hall. The commission organized on the 12th day of Octolier. 1874, by the election of Hon. James Y. Smith, diairman, and immcdiateh' entered upon their duties as i)rescrihed by the following ordinance, passed on tiie day of their election : AX OUDINANCE PRESCRIBIXG TIIE DUTIES OF THE CITY HALL COJI.MISSION. [I'asstil October 8, 1874.] It is ordained hy the City Cotiin-il of the (.'itij of Proiidvncr ax foUous : Section 1. It shall be tlie duty of the city liall commis- sioners to proceed fortliwith to tiie construction of a city iiail, upon the city hall lot, so called, bounded by Dorrance, AVashington, Eddy and Fulton streets. Said commissioners are authorized to select one of their number to act as chair- man. Two commissioners shall be a quorum for the exer- cise of tlie powers and performance of the duties of said office ; provided, iiowever, that the city council l)y conciu- rent vote of two-tiiirds of the members elected to eitlier ))oard, voting in the atHrmative, may remove said commis- sioners, or either of them, from otfice, for an}* misconduct or unfaithful performance of duty, neglect or incapacity. In case of a vacancy in the commission, In' death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, such vacancy shall l)e tilled by tlie aiipointment of another commissioner b}' the city coiuicil by concurrent vote of the two branches, who shall hold said office, with all the powers and subject to all the restrictions l)ro\ided in this ordinance. THE CITY HALL. 11 Sec. 2. Said commissioners shall have authority to make contracts for labor and materials for the construction of said city hall, which shall be valid and binding npon the city. All contracts for such labor and material shall he in writing: and executed in trii)licate, one of whicli trii)licates shall be kept by the commissioners, one shall be delivei-ed to the city auditor, and one to the contractor : and no such conti'act shall be executed unless good and satisfactory security for the faithful performance of the same, and also to indemnify and save the city harmless from and against all claims against said city, under chapter l(j() of the general statutes, Ijy per- sons who may have done work or laI)or in the construction and erection of said city liall at tlie request of such contrac- tor, shall be given by the contractor and approved by the commissioners. Said commissioners, when not otherwise authorized l\y the city council, shall ad\ertise in one or more newspapers in this city, and in other cities and places, if they think best, for sealed proposals for all such contracts, speci- fying the time and place where the same shall be received ; and such proposals, in order to be received and acted upon, shall set forth a specitied sum or price to be paid for all such labor and materials, or for either, without condition, limita- tion, or alteration, and shall be accompanied with a l)ond, satisfactory to the commissioners, conditioned for the faith- ful execution of the proposal, if the same shall be accepted ; ])rovided that said commissioners may, in their discretion, reject anj^ or all such propostds ; and proceed to contract for such lal)or and materials at a pi-ice not greater than the bid of the lowest responsible liidder; and no contract shall be assiirned without the written assent of said conunissioners. Said commissioners shall have power and authority to employ such agents, clerks and servants, as they maj' deem neces- sary, and to agree with them for their compensation, whicli shall be paid out of the city treasury ; provided that no com- mission shall be paid to ixny architect employed by said conunissioners for plans or sujierintendence. 12 THE CITY HALL. Sec. ?>. Xo one of said commissioners, and no person appointed to an}' office, or cmplo\ed by virtue of this ordi- nance, shall be interested, directly or indirect!}-, in any con- tract, bargain, sale, or agreement, in relation to said city hall, or any matter or thing connected therewitii, wherein the city is interested, without an express vote of the city council : and any and all contracts, bargains, sales or agree- ments made in violation of this section shall l)e utterly void as to the city. Sec. 4. The said commissioners shall sujx'rintcnd the construction of said cityiiall, .and keep a record of their offi- cial proceedings in the matter, and report to tiic city council once in three months, and at such other times as said city council shall i-equire, a general exhibit of the state of tiie work. Said coinniissioners shall keep regular books of account, and all claims against the cit\' on account of the construction of the said city iiall, shall be jiresented to saitl commissioners, and when apj)roved by them shall l)e j)rc- sented to the city auditor, and be [)rocecded with and paid as other claims against the city are proceeded with and paid. Sec. 5. The city hall commissioners shall receive no sal- ary or compensation lor their services as such commissioners. October 19, 1874, work was first commenced on the exca- vation of tiie lot, and contracts for piling, building founda- tion walls, furnishing cut granite, brick, lime and cement, and for setting granite and laying brick, were awarded by the commissioners in quick succession, and so expeditiously was the work pushed forward, that the commissioners were enabled to extend the following invitation to the city council to attend the ceremonies of the laying of the corner-stone, tlie foundation Avails having been completed on the liSth day of June, 1875 : THE CITV HALT,. Okfick of the City Hall Cojimissionkks, j Providioxce, If. I , Jiniu 14, 1875. j' Til llie Honoralilf Cily Vomiril of (he ('ill/ of I'rociih'iice : Gentlejien :— The corner-stone of the new city hall will be laid on Thursday, June 24, 1.S75, at 1 1 o'clock. By direction of the cit}' hall commissioners, I have the pleasure of inviting you to honor the occasion with your [iresence. The mayor of the cit}' has lieen invited to preside ; the jTrand master of masons for Rhode Island has accepted an invitation to lay the stone with the imposing formalities of the Masonic fraternity, and (ien. Horatio Rogers has accepted an invita- tion to deliver an address. It is ho})ed and expected that the ceremonies will be Avorthy of the city and the occasion. I am, very lespectfully, James Y. Smith, Chairman. PEOCEEDINGS LAYII^G OF THE ( 'OimER-STOKE. PEOCEEDIXGS LAYING OF THE CORNER-STOXE. Tlie corner-stone was laid on the 241h day of June, 1875, it being the day kept liy the INfasonic fraternity in honor of St. John the Baptist. The difl'erent lodges from various parts of the State formed at the appointed hour, and a short march was made through the streets of the city, and upon arrival at the City Building on Market square, his honor the mayor, members of the board of aldermen and common council, and other city officials, joined tlie procession, and were escorted to the foundation of the city hall in the following order : Police Skirmishers. Police, iiuder coraraand of Chief of Police .Johu M. Kiiowles. Grand Marshal W., Charles R. Braytou. Aids to Grand Marshal — Brotliers Charles 1!. Bucklin, George F. Chap- man, .John J. Jeucks, John G. Massie. FIRST DIVISION. Platoon of Police. Assistant Grand Marshal, W., George H. Burnham. Aids. Brothers Frederick Miller and H. .J. Spooner. Redwood Band of Newport. St. John's Comniandery, Providence, Eminent Commander William Jackson. Rising Swn Lodge, U. D., East Providence, George N. Bliss, Master. 3 18 THE CITY HALL. Ionic Lodge, No. 28. Greene, W., George K. Tyler, Master. Granite Lodge, No. 20, Biirrillville, W., Frank Keach, Master. Hope Lodge, No. 25, Peace Dale, W., William C. Clarke, Master. Central Falls Band. .Jeuks Lodge, No. 24, Central Falls, W., Augnstine A. Mann, Master. Jillson's Cornet Band, of Wyoming. Charity Lodge, No. 23, Ilopkinton, Brother Edward F. Greene, Senior Warden, Acting Master. What Cheer Lodge, No. 21, Providence, W., Charles B. Webster, Master. SKCONl) DIVISION. Assistant Grand Marshal, W., Henry R. Barker. Aids, Brotliers Theodore A. Barton and J. L. Sherman. Woonsocket Cornet Band. Woonsocket Coniniandery, Woonsocket, Eminent Commander Lebbeus C. Tonrtellot. Franklin Lodge, No. 20, Westerly, W., James Potter, Master. Temple Lodge, No. 18, Greenville, W., Ethan C. Thornton, Master. Manchester Lodge, No. 12, Anthony, W., Harvey S. Bartlett, Jlaster. Warwick Lodge, No. IG, Pheiiix, W., Samnel T. Whipple, Master. Harmony Lodge, No 9, I'awtuxet, W., Eleazar Kalph, Master. King Solomon's Lodge, No. 11, East Greenwich, W., Thomas W. Bickuell, Master. ■nilltl) DIVISION. Assistant Grand Marshal, W., John P. Luther. Aids, Brothers A. P. Bartlett and J. S. Kellogg. Westerly Brass Band. Narragansett Commandery, Westerly, Eminent Commander James M. Pendleton. Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 8, Smithlield, W., Samuel G. Aull, Master. Friendship Lodge, No. 7, Cliepachet, W., Albert Potter, Master. Bristol Cornet Band. St. Alban's Lodge, No. G, Bristol, W., J. Howard Manchester, Master. Washington Lodge, No. 5, Wickford, W., Josepli E. Spink, Master. Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 4, Providence, Brother Marcus M. Burdick, Senior Warden, Acting Ma.ster. FOURTH DIVISION. Assistant Grand Marshal, W., Amos M. Hawkins. Aids, Brothers Oscar Lapham and J. W. Munroe. Pawtuckct Band. Union Lodge, No. 10, Pawtucket, W., Stephen F. Fiske, Master. Grand Council Royal and Select Masters. Marshal, J. A. Hill. THE CITY HALL. 19 G. G., George Fuller, G. R., Walter Bloclget. 6. Tr., J. M. Wadsworth. G. C. G., George A. Sweet. G. C, G. A. Young. G. P. C. of W., Frank H. Harrington. I. G. M , Robert E. Dwelly. D. P. G. M., John F. Adams. M. P. 6. M., Albert H. Ciishmau. Grand Royal Arch Chapter. G. P. S., J. Co.vle. G. C. of H., J. C. Fiske. G. L., H. Greene. G. C, Rev. Wm. N. Ackley. G. S , J. C. Blake. G. T., W. F. Lawton. G. S.,0. H. Briggs. G. K., J. F. Gilmore. D. G. H. P., W. T. C. Wardwell. M. E. G. H. P., F. G. Jillson. Washington Lodge, No. 3, Warren, W., Benjamin Martin, Master. St. John's Lodge, No. 1, Providence, W., Newton D. Arnold, Master. St. John's Lodge, No. 1, Newport, Brother William G. Stevens, Senior Warden, Acting ILaster. Calvary Commandery, mounted, Senior Warden Nathaniel Grant. American Band of Providence. Calvary Commandery, Providence, Eminent Commander Eugene D. Burt. Committee of Arraugemcuts : R. W., Henry A. Pierce, W., Herbert M. Kimball, W.. Albert H. Chaffee. M. W., Thoma.s A. Doyle, Mayor of Providence, with City and State Otticei'S and Commissioners. Grand Tyler -with drawn sword, W., Ebenezer B. White. Grand Stewards with white rods, W.. J. B. Pierce, W., E. J. Townsend. Past Masters. Grand Pursuivant, W., Alfred K. Hall. Grand Musical Director, W., William R. Greene. Grand Lecturer, W., Stillman White. A Brother with a golden vessel of corn, Henry J. Reynolds. Two Brethren with silver vessels of wine aud oil, H. W. Blauding and Fred. A. Gladding. Two Brethren with working tools and trowel, William T. Smith and John B. Winship. Grand Architect with implements. Brother Samuel J. F. Thayer. First D. D. G. M., R. W., Millen S. Greene. Second D. D. G. M., W., Cyrus B. Manchester. Third D. D. G. M., R. W., Charles D. Greene. 20 THE CITY HALL. Fifth D. D. G. M., R. W., Dwiglit R. Adams. Graiul Secretary, R. W., Echvin Baker. Grand Treasurer, R. \V., Clintou I). Sellew. A Past Master with a burning taper, W., Leonard Wright. Past Master Israel R. Slieldon with Great Lights, supported by W., Wni. N. Bodlisli, \V., John W. McKnight as Stewards. Two Past Masters with burning tapers, W., Asahel S. Hawkins and W., Stephen Wright. Grand Chaplain, Rev. and W , Henry W. Rugg. Grand Orator, R. W., Horatio Rogers. Tuscan Order, Brother ,Tas. B. Chace. Composite Order, Brother John W. Sutton. Doric, Ionic ami Corinthian Orders, Brothers Nehomiah Crowell, George D. Morris, Emerson P. Blake. Past Grand Wardens, R. W., Hiram Hill, Charles J. Fales. Past Deputy Grand .Masters, R. W., Charles R. Culler, Philip B. Bourne, and Willi.am B. Snell. Past Grand Masters, M. W., Brothers Oliver Johnson and Ariel Ballou. The two globes, borne by Brothers H. S. Chace and B. Ward. Grand Junior Warden, R. W., John Myers. Grand Senior Warden, R. W., Thomas Vincent. The Master of the oldest Lodge (St. John's Lodge, No. 1, Newport), R. W., Robert S. Franklin, carrying tlie Book of Constitutions. R. E., Charles Stott, Grand Commander of Templars in Massachusetts and Rliode Island, as Guest. The M. W., Grand Master, Nicholas Van Slyck, supported by the Grand Deacons, W., Anson Greene and W., James M. Davis, with black rods, on a line seven feet apart. Grand Sword Bearer, W., Charles Salsleen. Two Stewards with white rods, AV., Brothers Benjamin .\. Reynolds and David L. Fales. The exercises, after :i voluntar}' l)y the band, commenced with the followinjr : ADDRESS BY THE JIAYOR, THOMAS A. DOYLE. Feixoav Citizens : — From the earliest period it has 1)een the custom upon the erection of any gretit pul)lic l)uildino-, to set with more or less ceremony a particular stone, wliic-h was thereafter known as the chief corner or foiuidtition stone of the work. In the course of time this duty came to Ijc per- formed 1)V a society whose ora^anization and earlv iiistorr THE CITY HALL. 21 is lost in antiquity, but who, despite tlie lapse of time, and the opposition of the church and state, has continued to flourish until its representatives are to he found in cver}^ part of the globe. Upon being requested by those in authority, this society has gathered, and with always the same cerenion\-, but with varying pomp, have placed the stone in position. In tliis countrv the aencral o-overnment lias recoo-nized the institution, and upon the building of the capitol, its various department edifices, its custom houses, post offices and court houses, have generally had a corner-stone laid by this organ- ization. The states have at difitrent times followed its example, and their various capitols, as well as the city halls of various municipalities, have likewise called this institution to perform the duty. When our own state built its first public monument, the legislature invited the iSIasonic organ- izations to come, and they came, brought forth the stone and laid it in its place. In view of these facts the commis- sioners, who were elected by the city council to erect the city hall for the city of Providence, invited the grand master of Masons, and the officers and members of the (jrand Lodge to place a corner-stone, wilii their j^eculiar ceremonies, in tills building, and their action was approved b}^ the city council. For that purpose M^e are here assembled, and as the presiding officer of the occasion, invited hy the courtesy of the commission, it is now my duty, Most Worsliipful ^Master, to request you to proceed with the work of laj'ing tlie foundation of tlie city hall of tlic cit}" of Pro\idence, in accordance with tlie rights and usages of our ancient organi- zation. The Masonic ceremonies were then begun by the grand master commanding silence. Following the invocation by the grand chaplain, the invitation of the commissioners to the Grand Lodge to lay the corner-stone was read by the lain, delivered an eulogy upon Masonry, " worthy of the 22 THE CITY HALL. occasion nnd the organization in behalf of wliich it was littered." Upon the conchision of the eulogy, a h^nm was sung, and the casket which was to be deposited beneath the corner- stone was produced, and a list of its contents was read, as follows : CONTEXTS OF THE BOX DEPOSITED BENEATH THE CORNER- STOXE. 1. A silver plate with the followins inscription : This foundation stone of a City Hall, erected by the City of Providence, to be occupied for the purposes of the muuicipal government, was laid in ample and ancient form, according to the usages of tlie fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, on Thursday, June 2i, A. L., 5875, A. D., 1875, by tlie Most Worsliipfnl Nicliolas Van Slyck. Grand Master of Masons in Rhode Island, assisted by the Most Worshipful (irand Lodge, and the Subordinate Lodges in the jurisdictiou. R. W., Edwaki) L. Fhekmax, Deputy Orand Master. R. W., Thomas Vinckkt, Grand Senior Warden. R. W., Joiix Myers, Grand Junior Warden. R. W., Cli.vtos D. Sellew, Grand Treasurer. R. \y., Edwin Bakeie, Grand Secretary. COMMITTEE OF AliUAXGEMEXTS. R. "W., Henry A. Pierce; W., Herbert M. Kimball; W., Albert H. Chaffee. Ulysses S. Grant, being President of the United States, Henry Lippitt, Governor of Rhode Lsland, and Thomas A. Doyle, Mayor of Providence. BOAKD OF AI.DERMEX : President, Addison Q. Fisher. Alfred Metcalf, Addison Q. Fisher, Jolni B. Anthony, George T. Spicer, Albert H. Manchester, Nallianiel F. I'otter, Abner H. Angell, J. Lippitt Snow, William V. Daboll. Amasa M. Eaton, Clerk, Samuel W. Brown. THE CITY H.VLL. 23 Elisha C. Mowiy, John P. Cooue}', John C. I'egrara, Sturgis P. Carpenter, Abner J. Barnab}', Charles F. Sampson, Henry A. Cory, Archibald B. Rice, Jerothnuil B. Barnaby George W. Babcock, Russell A. Deuison, George II. Pettis, Hugh Hamill, Hiram A. Short, COMMON COUNCIL: President, Francis Cohv Stillman White, Henry L. Parsons, iJexter B. Lewis, Edward C. Ames, William W. Paine. William W. Rickard, John W. Briggs, Henry C. Bradford, William D. Hilton, Edwin A. Smith, Nicholas A. Fenner, Henry R. Barker, James J. Nolan, cll. Oren Westcott, William W Douglas, Clinton D. Sellew, Thomas A. Millett, Francis Colwell, William Spencer, William S. Hayward, Daniel E. Day, William S. Johnson, Benjamin Hunt, Jr., James Ardern, William Y. Potter, John Morris. Clerk, Joshua M. Addeman. JOINT SPECUL COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO PROCURE PLANS AND ESTIMATES FOB A CITY HALL. Abner .T. Barnaby, Archibald B. Rice, Henry A. Cory, Charles A. Nichols, Raymond G. Place, Addison Q. Fisher, William V. DaboU, Sturgis P. Carpenter, George H. Pettis, Abner H, Angell. CITY HALL COMMISSIONERS : James Y. Smith, Chairman, William G. R. Mowry, George H. Corliss, Charles F. Eddy, Secretary. ARCHITECT : Samuel J. F. Thayer. SUPERINTENDENT : Sumner P. Brown. 2. Silver trade dollar, silver half dollar, silver quarter dollar, silver twenty cent piece, silver ten cent piece; nickel live cent piece, nickel three cent piece; bronze one cent piece, all of 1875 coinage, in a sealed box. Fractional currency, fifty cents, twenty-five cents, fifteen cents, ten cents, five cents, three cents, all in a sealed bottle. 3. Ordinances of the City of Providence. 4. Resolutions of the City Council for 1873—1-5. 5. Rules of Order of the Board of Aldermen, 1875. 6. Rhode Island Manual for 187-t-5. 24 TIIK riTV HALL. 7. Providence City jr;niual, 1875. 8. Piovitlcuce Tax Book, 1S74:. !). Providence Directory and Hliode L^Iand BM>iuess Directory and Kegister, 1875, 10. Ueport of City Auditor, for 1874. 11. Keport of Highway Comiiiissioner.s for 1874. 12. lieport of School Cotnmittee for 1874. 18. Report of City Engineer for 1874. 14. Keport of Fire Department for 1874. 15. Keport of Chief of Police for 1874. 1(). Report of Superintendent of l*ul)lic Buildings for 1874. 17. Keport of Providence Reform School for 1874. 18. Keport of Superintendent of Lights for 1874. 19. Seini-.\nuual Keport of City Solicitor. •20. Report of Inspector of Millj for 1874. 21. Fifth Quarterly Report of \Vater Commissioners, June 1st, 1875. 22. Fifth Report of Board of Water Coinniissioiiers on Sewers. 23. Report upon Lighting of Street Lamps by Electricity. 24. Report coucerning a Scheme of Harbor Improvements for Provi- dence Harbor and Adjacent Basijis, with proposed Harbor Lines. 25. Report of .Joint Special Committee appointed to procure Plans and Estimates for a City Hall. 26. Message of the Mayor relating to the Piling and Foundations of the City Hall, with acc(nnpanying papers. 27. Report of City Hall Commissioners to the City Council. 28. Report of Rhode Island Historical Society, 187S-4. 2'J. Report of the Trustees of the Rhode Islanil Hospital, 1874. 30. Report of Providence & Worcester R. R. for 1874. 31. Report of Boston & Providence R. R., 1874. 32. Estimates of the Receipts and Expenditures of the City of Provi- dence for the financial year ending September 30, 187G. 33. Warrant of the Mayor for calling meetings. 34. Coraniissiou of the Mayor for appointment on the Police force. 35. City Government of the City of Providence for the year 1875. 36. Board of Trade Charter, By Laws, Regulations and list of Ollicers and Members. 37. Dorrance and Washington Street Views of the new City Hall. 38. Piling and Foundation Plans of the new City Hall. 31t. Granite Plans and Specifications of the new City Hall, '40. Iron Plans and Specifications of the new City Hall. 41. International Exliibition, Fairmount Parl<, Philadelphia, ls7(;; Acts of Congress relating thereto; Rules and Regulations, and Descrip- tions of Buildings. 42. Silver and Bronze Centennial Medals. 43. The following newspapers published in the city of Providence : Temple of Honor, June 1st, 1S75; General .Advertiser, June 19th, 1875; Providence Suu, June rjth, 1875; Town and Country, June 22d, 1875; THE CITY HALL. 25 Providence Evening Press, June 23cl, I87r>; Pi-ovidence Evening Bnllctin, June 23il, 1875; Providence Morning Star, Jnue 24tli, 1S7."> ; Providence Daily Journal, June 24tli, 187r>, 44. Proceedings of tlie M. W. Grand Lodge of R. I. for 1870-1. 45. Proceedings of tlie M. W. Grand Lodge of I!. I. fur 1873-4. 41). Constitution of tlie M. W. Grand Lodge. 47. Order of Service for Dedication of Masonic Ilalls. 48. Order of Service for Constitution of Masonic Lodges. 40. Masonic Burial Office. 50. Copies of circulars relating to the Corner-Stone of the City Hall. 51. Order of Service for laying the Corner-Stone. 52. Organization of the M. W. Grand Lodge for 1875. 53. Copy of the Seal of the M. W. Grand Lodge. 54. Proceedings of Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1872-3. 55. Proceedings of Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1873-4. 56. Proceedings of Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Rliode Is^land for 18G7-0. 57. Proceedings of Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Rhode Island, 1872-3-4. 58. By-Laws of St. John's Lodge, No. 1, in the town of Providence. 59. By Laws of Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 4. CO. By-Laws of What Cheer Lodge, No. 21. 01. By-Laws of Corinthian Lodge, No. 27. G2. Copy of Freemasons' Repository, June, 1875. 63. Copy of music sung at Peace Jubilee, 1872, containing also the music sung at the laying of this corner-stone. 64. Copy of the music sung at the laying of the corner-stone of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. 65. Copy of music sung at the dedication of the same. The box contiiiniiio' the aforejjoinj; avticles, which was made of cop})er, tin-lined, nine inches wide, seventeen inches in length, and eleven inches in depth, was encased in a lead casket, and was placed by the grand treasurer, during solemn music by the band, in a cavity in the stone upon which the corner-stone rests, — the corner-stone being the stone on the front of the liuilding, at the corner of Washington street and Dorrance street, and is the section of the plinth moulding adja- cent to the corner section which extends up Washington street. The workino: tools of the order havini;- been presented to the appropriate officers, the grand master, accompanied Ity 4 26 THE CITY IIALI,. tbe deputy grand mastoi'i grand wardens and grand chap- lain, approached the corner-stone and si)road the cement mider it, and (hn-ing solemn music bytlie hand the stone was lowered to its place, stopping twice on its wu}'. At each stop a gun was tired, the grand honors 1)eing given at the same time, and repeated wiien the stone reached its proper position. PKAYEU I!Y THE GRAND CHAPLAIN. O, Thou Intinile and Holy One, God over all blessed for- ever, our Father and our Friend, >\e rejoice in Thee as our Creator, Ivuler and .ludire. A\'e rejoice in Thee as the source of life and the foundation of all ijood. At this time in the midst of our solemn ceremonies we pause to lift to Thee our desires and our aspirations, our acknowledgments for bles- sings conferred, and our petitions for future good. May Tiiy si)irit, i^racc and wisdom direct and attend ns now and alwav's. A\'e invoke Thy lilessing upon t lie craft here assembled, upon liu! grand master of masons and those associated with liim in authority, upon the honored executive head of the city, and othei's who Iiave large influence and assist in tlie man- agement of our municipality, ^la}- they all be directed by true ■wisdom and discretion, that their work may result in the carryiTig forward of the best interests of this commnnitj'. O F\ither, let thy blessings rest tipon these solemn services. Grant tliaf those who have charge of th(0)Uilding of this edi- fice, the foundation stone of which has just been laid, may caiTy forward their work successful!}' ; that here may be reared an cditice to rejoice all eyes, one for us to look upon and admire, ilay Thy grace rule our fraternity, and insj)ire all hearts with wisdom and love, so that llie l)retlircn may be drawn together more and more closely by the influence of our beloved institution. We invoke Thy blessing in 1)ehalf of this city, and for all who reside here, and pray that Thou Avouldst direct those who rule and those wiio serve. Preserve from accident the workmen who shall lal)or here. Let Thy THE CITY HALL. 27 spirit rule and direct all hearts. Sanctify this occasion to our individual and common good. And Thine be the glory and praise forever. .Vmen. After prayer and singing, the square, level and pluml) were severally applied to the stone by the projjcr otiicers. Mho reported to the grand master that the M'ork had been skillfully done. The grand master then approached the stone, and irivino- it three blows with his ijavel, a o;un beino; tired at each blow, said : " The craftsmen having faithfully and skillfully performed their duty, I now declare the corner-stone to be iveJl formed, true and fnisfi/, laid by us in ample and ancient form, as the foundation of a ])uilding to be used by the municipal govern- ment of the City of Providence for the jnirposes of the municipality." The deputy grand master poured corn upon the stone, saying : "May the Grand Architect of the Universe strengthen and sustain the craftsmen while engaged in this important work ; and may he ever bountifully vouchsafe the corn of nourish- ment to all employed in honest and useful toil." The grand senior warden poured wine upon the stone, and said : "May the Great Giver of all good, enable the craftsmen in due time to complete this noble l)uilding; and during their intervals from labor may they constantly lie blessed with that refreshment of which this wine is emblematical, and maj* the government of this city be abundantly prospered in all their efforts for the good of their fellow-men." The grand junior warden poured oil upon the stone, and said : "May the blessing of Heaven descend upon this and all good works ; and ma}' our loved fraternity long exist to pour forth the oil of joy upon the hearts of the widowed, the fatherless, aiid the distressed." The grand master then said : 2s THE CITY HALL. " Mii3'Hlic Supreme Gniiid Architect of the Universe con- tinue to protect inul hless tlii.s city; ni;iy He prosper tlic l:iii(l:il)le M'orks of all its iniuil)itants ; may He protect the workmen employed on tiiis building from every accident, and long preserve it from decay ; may He grant to us all an ever-bountiful suppl}' of the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy ; and may this goodly city, M'here the pure principles of religious liberty were first pro- claimed on this continent, exist in peace and prosperity through future generations." Nine guns were fired, Ijy three times three. The grand master returned the working tools to the archi- tect, saying : " My brother, having as grand master of masons l;ud the corner-stone of this structure, I now return to j'ou these implements of your profession, congratulating you upon bciniT selected for the i)osition vou hold, with full confidence that under your direction this building will raise its beautiful l)roportions, a 2)roud monument of yoiu- skill and of the munificence of our city." In obedience to the order of the grand master, the grand marshal made })roclamati()n as follows : " By order of the Most AVorshipful Urand Master of Masons in Rhode Island, I now proclaim the corner-stone of the City Ilall of the Cit}' of Providence, to be laid in ample and ancient form, according to the customs and usages of Free and Accepted Masons. This proclamation I make once, twice, thrice, in the South, in the West, and in the I]ast." Then was suncars was conferred on the embryo town, nearly two hundred and forty years ago, in grateful recogni- tion of the Providence of God. Such names of some of our streets as Benelit, Benevolent, and Hope, attest the faith of our ancestors. Here Eoger Williams and his five compan- ions realized that perfect freedom of the soul they had crossed the ocean to seek, hut, hitherto, had sought in vain. Here, long subsequent!}', was the haven of refuge for sufterers for conscience's sake — the olyects of persecution from those who had themselves been persecuted, and M'ho should thus have learned by their own sulferings the Divine precept of doing unto others as they would have others do unto them. When that handful of exiles landed on yonder shore, almost within sight of where wc stand, the red man haunted the primeval forest that shaded them, and the waters of the Seekonk, the Mooshausick, and tlie AVoonasquatucket, ran to the sea lui vexed by the devices of industry. There are certain crises in municipal, as in hnnian aflairs, when it is healthful to indulge in some reflections on the past, and in some anticipations for the future. When our municipality, therefore, is just completing its first hundred thousand inhabitants, when it is realizing a fuller measure of prosperity than it has ever ))efore attained, and when it is 32 THE CITY HALL. a1)otit to rear for its officers and servants new and more ele- gant aeeoniniodations, as well as a fitting nionunicnt to its thrift, it ma}' not he amiss to jjanse for a moment and weave together a few threads of fact, tiiat we may rememher tiie name our beloved city bears, and that we may be reminded of its appropriateness now, as well as on the day of its first ai)plication. 1'hough allusion lias been made to the founding of the city, I nnist dwell again u})on the grand fundamental prin- ciple that drew its early settlers iiither, for it is the boast and pride of every true Ehode Islander that his little common- wealth, yea, this very spot our eyes now scan, was the Ijirth- place and ci'adle of soul-liberty. These are the words of Governor AVinthrop, in speaking of our founders: "At their first coming thither, Mr. Williams and the rest did make an order that no man should be molested for his conscience." The code of 1(!47 established for the colony of Providence Plantations contains nothinii' ndatinji' to religion, and it closes with this significant declaration : "These are the laws that concern all men, and these are the penalties for the transgression thereof, which, by common consent, are rati- fied and established throughout the whole colony ; and other- wise than thus what is herein forliidden, all men may walk as their consciences persuade them, ever}' one in the fear of his God. And let the saints of the Most High walk in this colony without molestation, in the name of Jehovah, their God, forever and ever." At another time this language was used : "Freedom of different consciences to be protected from enforcement was the principal ground of our charter, * * * which freedom we still prize as the greatest hajjpiness men can possess in this world." Such were our founders : •■Just men tliey secincrl and all tlieir stiiipon our expansive development, it Avas to impress you with a grateful sense of the goodness conferred upon us. May we never forget that Divine Providence which named us in the wilderness, which reared us in adversity, and which has showered so many blessings upon us ; and, fellow citi- zens, may it never forget us. ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL DEDICATION ACTION OF CITY COUNCIL PRIOIl TO DEDICATIOK At the iirst meeting of tlie city cotineil held after the laying of the corner-stone of the city hall, the following res- olutions were passed, and received the approval of the mayor on the 12th day of July, 1875 : " Kesolved, That the thanks of the city council of the city of Providence are hereby tendered to the grand lodge of free and accepted masons, for their services in the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the new city hall, and to Gen- eral Horatio Kogers for his able and eloquent oration. "Eesolved, That alderman Metcalf, with Messrs. Douglas, Hayward and Pettis, of the common council, are hereby appointed a committee to wait upon General Rogers and request a cop}^ of his oration, and to cause the same, with the proceedings of the occasion, to l)c printed for the use of the city council." September 30th, of the same year, a committee consisting of Messrs. Abner J. Barnaby, Dexter B. Lewis, andAVilliani Y. Potter, of the common council, with Hon. Thomas A. Doyle, mayor, and alderman Addison Q. Fisher, were author- ized and directed to procure the proper furniture for, and to 44 THE CITV HALL. t"iinii>Ii the new city hall ; and llic sum of fifty thousand dol- lars M'as ai)})roj)riated for the jiurpose. Siil)sc(iuently comuilman Ilcniy L. Parsons was added to the committee, and Decemlier 7, LS 7 7, alderman "William S. Ilayward was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Addison C^. Fisher. Dexter B. Lewis also resigned his position jNIarch 17, 1878, when the city council added alderman Edmund W.Kaynsford and couiicilmen Still- man White, J. Lewis Peirce, James C. Goff, Charles E. Car- penter, James B. Winsor and Silas A. Sweet to the connnit- tee on furniture. On the 2(ith day of March, 1876, a vacanc}' was made in the board of connnissioners to build the city hall, by the death of Hon. James Y. Smith, notice thereof being com- municated to the citv council I)v the mivor the day foUowino' his death. Mayor's Office, City of Pkovidfa-ck, March 27, 187G. 5 Gentlemen of (lie C'dij Council: The Honorable James Y. Smith died at his residence in this city, yesterday morning. Seldom, if ever, has it happened to one man in this city- to have filled so many positions of public trust as jNIr. Smith was called to occupy ; every duty of which was jierformed with the most exact fidelity. He was Governor of the state from 18(53 to 18G(), and was Mayor of Providence from June 4, 18^5, to June 20, 1857. At the time of his decease, he was a member of the school committee from the second ward ; a commissioner of the Dexter Donation, to which office he had been annually elected, with the exception of a single }^ear, since June, 1855 ; a member of the lioard of commissioners of the cove lands; a member of the board of commissioners of siidcing funds; a counnissioner to sui)erintend the erection of the city hall, 45 THE CITY HALL. ^'^ and a trustee nm\ev the mortgage of the Providence and Springfield Railroad Company. His name is rarely found recorded as absent from a session ofthese bodies, and in this respect he has left an example worthy of imitation. , . , i His death is not only a great loss to the city m which he lived, but many of tlie largest business interests, both at home' and al.road, will miss his wise and prudent counsels. The charitable organizations of this city have lost a liberal friend, and the poor a generous benefactor. Of him it may be truly said, a friend to the friendless, a helper to the helpless, and an honest man, has passed from ''''l recommend, as a mark of respect for his memory, that the several departments of the government be closed, from ten o'clock, a. m., until two o'clock, P. M., on the day of his burial, and that the municipal government attend the funeral ceremonies. ,^ Thomas A. Doyle, Mayor. The message of the mayor having been read, the city council unanimously adopted the following resolution :— "Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory ot the late Honorable James Y. Smith, ex-governor of the state and ex-mayor of the city, the several departments of the city o-overnment be closed on Wednesday, the 29th inst., from ten o'clock, a. m., until two o'clock, p. m., the day of the funeral of the deceased ; and that the oificers of the city gov- ernment attend the funeral ceremonies." April 6, 187(5, George H. Corliss tendered to the city council his resignation as a member of the commission, which was accepted o.i the 13th day of the same month when the city council proceeded to elect Scth Padelford and Amos C. Barstow to fill the vacancies caused by the death ot Mr. Smith and the resignation of :\Ir. Corliss 46 THE CITY HALL. In recognition of tiic services rendered by George II. Cor- liss, tlie city council inuuiiiuously passed the following reso- lution : " Resolved, That, regretting the necessit}- which has com- pelled the lion. George II. Corliss to resign the office of city liull commissioner, the city council hereby tenders to him the thanks of the city, for tlie able and valual)le services ren- dered l)y him as such commissioner."' April 19, 1870, the mayor presented to the city council the following mcssajje : M.vVoit's Oi'l'iCE, J City ov Puovidence, Apiil 11), 187G. ) Getitlemen of the Cily Council: I have received and transmit herewith, the declinations of Hon. Amos C. IJarstow and Hon. Scth Padelford, to accept the positions upon the commission to build a city hall, to which they were elected by concurrent vote of the two branches of the city council. It is a matter of public regret that these gentlemen cannot serve the city in tlie manner proposed. TnoMAS A. Doyle, Mayor. ruoviDEXCE, April 15, 1876. Hon. Thomas A. Doyle, Miiijnr : Dear Sir: — I notice by the jjulilic papers, that tiie city council has done me the honor of electing me a member of the board of commissioners to build a city hall. It was my fortune, as chairman of a committee of the city council, to purchase the lot for this use, and also to present the first plans for a hall to be erected on it. Though twent3^-one years have elapsed, I still feel a lively interest in the enterprise, — an interest which I would gladly illustrate by accepting this appointment, had not these 3'ears brought THE CITY iiArx. 47 with them a burden of cares, hirgely of a public nature, fully taxinij my time, and often crowding my strength. I beg vou, therefore, to tender to the city council, with my respectful declination of the trust, the assurance of my gratitude for this new expression of its confidence. Yours, truly, A. C. Baustow. Provipen'CR, April 17, 187G. Hon. Thomas A. Doijlf, 3Iai/or, etc. : Dear Sir:— I feel very grateful for the confidence placed in me by the city council, in electing me a commissioner for tlie l)uilding of a city hall, in place of the lion. James Y. Smith, deceased. l' fully appreciate the importance of the trust, and tlie unwearied care and faithfulness necessary in the performance of its duties. I have made arrangements to be absent during a part of the time which would reiiuire my presence here, i"t" I accepted the trust in good faith. I must, therefore, respectfully decline the same. Yours, respectfully, Seth Padelford. April 27, 187G, Henry G. llussell an.l William M. Bailey were elected commissioners to rill the existing vacancies, and the Iward organized on the 4th day of May following, by the election of William G. 11. Mowry as chairman. June 3, 1878, the mayor notified the city council that it was anticipated that the city hall would be ready for occu- pancy before the end of the year, and recommended tliat a committee be appointed to make the necessary arrange- ments for appropriate services of dedication to be held when it was completed. Acting upon the suggestion of the mayor,^ a committee of arrangements was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Henry R. Barker, Jerothmul B. Barnaby and Charles 48 TITF, f'lTV HALL. E. Carpenter, of the common council, M'itli aldermen Elisha C. Mowrv and George T. C'liacc. The committee apjiointcd to make the arrangements for proper services at the dedication, organized by the election of Henry R. Barker, chairman, and extended the following invitation to Hon. Abraham Payne to deliver the oration : PuoviDKXCK, .Tuly 2C, 1878. Hon. Abraham Payne : Dear Sir : — The new city hall is to be dedicated some- time in October, and I ani instructed by the joint special committee of the city council to make arrangements therefor, consisting of Prof. Chace, Messrs. Henry K. Barker, J. B. Baniaby, Charles E. Carpenter and myself, to invite you to deliver the address on the occiision. It is the intention of the council to linve the dedication in keeping with the char- acter of the building; and it is the unanimous opinion of the committee that no person now li\iiig who has been con- nected with the city government is capable of doing greater honor to the occasion than j'ourself. Please inform nie at ^-our earliest possible convenience whether your business engagements and inclination will allow us to name j'ou as the orator of the occasion. Very respectfully, etc., E. C. MowRY. I'Roi-n.ic Hoi'SK, N. H., July 30, 1S78. E. C. Mownj, Esq. : Dear Sir : — I received yours of the 2(>th, last evening, and am gratified by the invitation which it contains. Being out of practice in woi-k of this kind, and my hands being rather full of professional work just now, I have had some hesitntion in accejiling, but, rnshly ])erh:ips. have decided to TilE CITY HALL. 4!1 try. Plcaso cxpvcs.s my thanks to the coininitteo for the honor implied in their invitation. Exeuse an informal reply to your kind note. Very truly yours, Abraham Payxe. October 29, 1878, was tixed by the city council for the day of dedication, Avhich was subsequently postponed to Thursday, November 14, 1878. 7 THE DEDICATIO]N'. THE DEDICATIOK On Tliursdiiy, Novoinl)ei- 14, 1878, the city council and invited guests assembled at the old city building on Market square, and at 10.30 o'clock, a. m., a procession was formed under the direction of Henry V. A. Joslin, Chief Marshal, in the following order, and marched to the city hall by the way of Westminster and Dorrance streets : Police Skirniisliers. Chief Miirshal, Henry V. A. Josliu. Aids. Williaiii W. Nichols, Aurioii V. Chevcrs. Aineiican Band, D. W. Reeves, leader. Police Department of Providence, under command of Deputy Chief, John T. Brown. COMMITTEE OK ARRAXGEMKXTS FOB THE DEDICATION OF THE CITY HALL. Henry U. Barker, Chairman. Jerothmul B. Barnaby, Charles E. Carpen- ter, Elisha C. Mowry, Geoi-ge I. Chace. CITY HALL COMMISSIONERS. AViUiam G. R. Mowry, Chairman, Henry G. Russell and William M.Bailey. Clerk of the Commissioners, Daniel W. Vaughan. Architect, Samuel J. F. Thayer. Superintendent, Sumner P. Brown. ORATOR. Hon. Abraham Payne. THE CHAPLAIN.S OF THE DAY. Rev. E. G. Robinson, D. D., and the Rt. Rev. T. F. Hendricken, D. D. co:mmittee to trocure plans for the city hall. Abner .1. Barnal)y, Chainnan.* Couneilmen Stnrgis P. Carpenter, Archibald B. Rice, Raymond G. Place, George H. Pettis, and Henry A. Cory. Aldermen Addison Q. Fisher, Abner H. Angell, and William V. Daboll. * Mr. Ilariuiby was also cliainiiaa of the coiaiuittt-c to procure furniture for the city hall. 54 THE CITY HALL. COMMITTRE TO PROCURE FURNITURE FOR THE CITY HALL. Messrs. SUUinan White, J. Lewis Peirce, James C. Gotl". .Tamos B. Win- sor, Silas A. Sweet, William Y. Potter, from tlie Council, and Messrs. Edmund W. Rayusford and William S. ILiyward, from the Board of Aldermen. THE CITV SEIiOK.VNT. Edward S. Khodes. HIS HO.NOR THE MAYOR. Tlioinas A. Oojie. EX-.MAYOR.S. .Tabez C. Kniifht, George L. Clarke, and Edward P. Knowles. Amos C. Barstow F.X-PRESinEXT OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. George P. Tow EX-rRESIDENTS OF THE COMMON COUN'CIL. James C. Hidden, John N. Francis, Nelson W. .Aklrich, Nicholas Van Slyck, Horatio Rogers, Francis Colwell. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN':* William S. Ilayward, President. Elisha C. Mowry, George T. Spicer, Nicholas A. Fcuner, George I. Chace, William Spencer, Dutee Wilcox, Benjamin W. Persons, Robert E. Smith, Edmund \V. R.iynsford. Samuel W. Brown, City Clerk, and Clerk of the Board. MEMUEItS OK THE COMMON COrXCIL : Charles P. Robinson, Presitlent. Stillman White, Elisha S. Aldrieh, John P. Coouey, Joseph Whelden, James Lewis Peirce, J. Carter B. Woods, Jeremiah S. Parish, Thomas A. MiUett, Arthur F. Dexter, James C. Gofl', Arnold Green, Charles F. Sampson, George A. Steere, Henry B. Franklin, .lames McNally, John W. Briggs, Thomas J. Hill, Charles E. Carpenter, William Cyrus Barker, Thomas M. Rounds, Stephen C. Arnold, Daniel E. Day, George H. Burnham, .Jerothmul B. Baruaby, Andrew Winsor, Frederick M. Ballou, James B. Winsor, Raymond G. Place, Silas A. Sweet, Edmund S. Hopkins, Leonard F. Joslin, George A. Rickard, William W. Bray ton, Henry R. Barker, William 11. Shattnck, Joseph F. Brown, John M. Brennan, .John Belian, Harrison G. Macomber. Joshua M. Addcman, Clerk. * All the members of the board of aldermen and common council for 187S are here printed as a matter of record, though several of them murclied in the position assigned to the committees of whicli they were also members. THE CITY HALL. 00 United States officials. State officials. City officials. Es-menibers of the BoarJ of Aldermen E.x-raenibers of the Common Council. Other invited guests. On the arriviil of the pfoccssioii ;it the city h:ill, the police formed in two ranks at open order froni the main entrance to the door of the council chamber, and the remainder of tlie lirocession marched into, and took the seats on the floor of the council chamber. The balcony was reserved for ladies. Henry R. Barker, Escp, chairtnan of the committee of arrangements, presided, and announced tiie foUowinir order of exercises : OIlUEIl OF E.XEKCI.SES. Music, Amkkican Band. Description of the building, Samuel J. F. Tiiaykk. Music, Ameuicax Band. Presentation of keys, AViLLi.vM G. R. MownY, Esq., Ciiahimax of City Hall Commission-. Response, His Honor Thomas A. Doyle, Mayor. Music, Amkrican Band. Dedicatory Prayer, Rkv. E. G. Robinson, D. D. Music, Ameuicax Band. Oration, Hon. Abiiaiiam Payne. Music, American Band. Prayer and Benediction, Rt. Rev. T. F. Hendkicken, D. D. After appropriate music by the l)and, Mr. Thayer, the architect, was introduced by the chairman, and gave a descrij:)- tion of the building, as follows : — Mr. Chairman, Gentlemen of the City Hall Commission, Ladies and Genthmen : On the 12th of September, 1874, I received the following telegram : " Come to Providence by first train. Abner .T. Barnaby, Chnirwan." From that moment to this, my connection with this work has been close and continuous. A little more than a month 56 THE CITY HALL. later I was invited l)y the tirst commission to confer witii them, and directly afterward was duly appointed architect. "Work was commenced without delay, "i'he j)cculiar exi- gencies of the situation at that time demanded of all the agents of the city the utmost eflbrt to cany into execution this puVdic work, which, I am informed, had been mooted for nearly thirty years. The ground upon which this l)uilding stands is of artiticial formation, and few massive structiax's stand upon so tieach- erous and variable a base. The soundings and I)orings Avhieh we caused to be made, developed the fact that the safest levels varied from seventeen to forty-seven feet below mean high watermark. Those familiar with l)uil publi<' school-houses and was informed THE CITY HALL. 71 of the nature of the instruction given in them lie niiglit ask upon what principle the ]ieople could he taxed to provide for such ample education in the higher hranches. The ma_yt)r Avould tell him that the suhject had been fully discussed, and the system cordiall}' supported b^^ the great mass of the people. He \vould notice the private schools, including the Friends' School, and tinally the University, where young men are trained for professional service, and where, I hope, at no distant day, the young maidens may have a chance. Then the charitable institutions — the Butler Hospital minis- tering to the mind diseased ; the Kiiode Island Hospital caring for the ills that flesh is heir to ; the Dexter Asylum for the poor who are always with us ; the provisions for orphan and neglected infancy ; the Homes for destitute old age. Then the churches — from the chsipel where the wor- shippers hardly believe in a God, to the cathedral where the faithful believe all that the church teaches — including all forms of faith — all working peacefully together and each more intent on right living than upon doctrinal teaching. And all these institutions, surrounded by thousands of homes in which the domestic virtues are the sources and safeguards of domestic happiness, might convince him that his lively experiment has proved a grand success. If there is another side to this picture, if sin and sutfering are still among us, Ave arc to rememl)er that, with all these appliances at our hands, we ought as individuals to use our best exertions for the reformation of the vicious and the relief of the unfortu- nate. Mr. Knowles, in the ))refacc to his Life of Ivoger Williams, expresses his regret that there was then no good history of the State of Rhode Island. His own work went far to sup- l)ly the defect, and the well worn copy in the Athenieum attests the interest of the people in the subject. There is no longer any ground for such complaint. In addition to many valuable contributions to the history of the State, of 72 TIIK CITV. lIALh. local and special inti'ivst, tlioro arc (hrcc sources of informa- tion worthy of mention. The History of Kbodo Island, hy Sanuiel (i. Arnold, tlic result of patient industry and conscientious research, stimu- lated and sustained liy enlisrhtened and generous ,sym|)athy with the people and institutions of the state, ina\- always I)e consulted with conHdence, and it is gratifying to know that the call for repeated editions is the indication of a just appre- ciation of the work. The Annals of rro\idence, l>y \\'iiiiam R. Staples, is a work of rare and peculiar merit. Disdaining all rhetorical ornament the author tells the story of the settlement and growth of the town of I'rovidenco with fullness, accuracy and candor, and yet reveals on every page his warm and abiding love of lil)erty, his calm and linn fidelity to con- science, and his concentrated iiatred of tyranny and persecu- tion. There ought to be a new edition of this work in such form that every Providence hoy and girl could have access to it, and make the study of it an essential part of education. The works of Job Durfee are a mine of historical research and philosophic thought which the intellect of the state may Mork to advantage. IJhode Island never had a wiser friend. Some of those whom I now address can remember the great magistrate as he pn^sided in the Supreme C'oiut : calm and courteous in manner, modest in his estimate of himself', and yet conscious of an ability competent to deal with the higliest problems of jurisprudence, his judgments nut the ajjproval of Whipple, .Vtwell, Cari)enter, Ames, and the other instructed counsellors who contended in his tribunal. His lectures upon the Indians, his lecture before the Rhode Island Historical Society, his oration before the Phi lieta Kappa Society, illustrate the okl detinition of history : " philosojihy teaching by exanii)les." His charges to the grand jury were a revelation to the people of the true origin, functions and authority of the state. Whoever aspires to serve Rhode Island at the bar, on the bench, in congress, or THE CITY HALL. 73 in the general assem1)ly, should make a careful study of the works of Jol) Durfee. I do not propose to detain you with a narrative of events in the history of the state or of the city. More skillful hands than mine have been emplo^-ed in that work. Nor shall I disturl) the old controversies, now nearly at rest, about the banishment of Roger Williams. I have from time to time read much upon that subject, and it is, for the most part, a wearisome and profitless study. Nor shall I here controvert or defend the abstract doctrine which is known under the name of " soul liberty." Abstract propositions about government may no doubt have a certain value ; but, after all, government is " a ccnitrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants."' It must be confessed that the supply of wisdom has not always been equal to the demand, but it may be doubted whether the deficiency can be sup- plied l)y theory. Catharine of Russia remarked to a philos- oplicr who was instructing her in the art of government : " that is all very well for you ; you work upon paper which can make no resistance ; I have to deal with the human skin, which is ticklish at times." It is not many days since I listened to some eminent divines from Massachusetts discoursing in this city about Roger Williams, and I amused myself with what he might have said if permitted to take part in the discussion. " Paint me as I am," was the stern command of Cromwell to the artist. He expressed the natural feeling of every strong man. " Do not trouble yourselves," Roger Williams might saj-, " about those old quarrels between me and the brethren in ilassachusetts. They were never an important part of my life, and they are now of no consequence at all. Nor do I attach any great importance to my writings, or to any opin- ion which I may have entertained, or expressed, upon abstract or difficult questions of theology, or al)out the rela- tions and powers of church and state. It is well to have these collected in handsome volumes, for the examination of 10 74 THE CITY HALT,. those wlio m:iy be eurious in such things, as it is well to open ]):irks and build monuments in m^' honor. I am orate- ful ibr these things, but 1 base my claim to the attention of this generation upon other grounds. Whatever may have been the cause or the justification, those people in Massachu- setts certainly did send me away. I journeyed for fourteen weeks in the wilderness, not knowing w hat l)read or bed did mean, and I lost neither my courage nor my temper. I came here, antl dealt honestly with all men, savage oi' civilized. I purchased territory of the Indians, and I allowed my asso- ciates to share in the jiurchase. I offered a welcome to men of all opinions, and they gathered around me. I so won the confidence of the Indians that in their wildest raids they would not hurt a hair of my head, and I was able again and again to save the conimunities, who would not tolerate my presence, from the tomahawk and the scalping knife. I resisted with success the atttunpts of i\Iassachusetts and Con- necticut to encroach upon my borders and to foment disaffec- tion among my people. I visited England and procured charters under which life, liberty and property were safe in Ehodc Island for two hiuidred years. In a word, I ruled as Pericles ruled in Athens, as Henry of Navarre ruled in France, as Cromwell ruled in England, l)y force of honest purposes, consinnmate judgment and that ascendancy over men which was their birthrijiht and mine. Under m\' rule there came into existence a commonwealth in which individual liljcrty and public order have been reconciled as they have been nowhere else upon the face of the earth." It is this grand practical result « liich makes the history of Ehode Island uniipie and valuable ; and it is widely appre- ciated. A lady who has travelled far, but whose heart is still at home, once said to me : "there is no better place to hail from, in any i)art of the world, than the city of Provi- dence."' And a gentleman said to me : " I have lived in ever}' state from Maine to Texas, and have found no jjeople so friendly as the people of Ilhode Island." THE CITY HALL. 7i) The explanation is simple, Rhode Ishmd men and women, while ehuniing the right to form their own opinions and to regulate their own condurt, do not seek to control or find faidt with the opinions and conduct of other people. It would be pleasant to dwell upon some of the illustra- tions of this, which have fallen under my own observation, during a period of not much less than half a century, and to attempt to bring before you some of the men and women I have known in their habit as they lived ; but the time Mould fail, and I might trespass upon the dignity of history, of which I am very careful. Let it suffice to allude to the burning of the Gaspee, when the sober citizens of Providence in conscious recti- tude, and in a just cause, but without law, and against law, committed the earliest of those grand acts of rebellion which ended in national independence ; to the long and persistent resistance, in the interest of liberty, to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, probably unwise, but none the less characteristic, earnest and sincere. On the other hand, remember how the law was upheld in the sup- pi-ession of the Olney street riots. I might cite the events of eighteen hiuidred and fortj'-two ; but though the old tires have died away, the eml)ers are alive under the ashes, we should not l)c quite at one upon all points, and this is no time or place for controversy. We shall all admit that law and order jirevailed in those daj's, and here I must relate an anecdote which. uj)on the occasion to which I have referred, a Massachusetts divine of rare gifts and virtues did not properly locate. It was shortly after eighteen hundred and forty-two, and when at a dinner in 'Sew York some gentle- men were expressing great anxiety about the anti-rent dis- turl>ances in that state, "Gentlemen," said Mr. Webster, " the remedy is plain ; annex yourself to Rhode Island." It is well to study the past, to reverence the great and good men who have lived before us, and to build monuments in their memory. Happy is the individual who can trace 76 THE CITY HALL. his descent from a virtuous anccstr^y I Happy the nation whose annals record great achievements in war and peace ! It is as true of communities as of individuals that " all the foregone days of virtue work their hcnltii into this." These jTj'eat advantages Rhode Island and her citizens, native and adopted, may justly claim. I say adopted, as Mcll as native, for though a great Rhode Islander once spoke of the immi- grants from other states as " men who have come among us without our invitation, and upon whose departure there is no restraint," he alluded only to those who impertinently med- dled with institutions which they were unable to appreciate. To all such as have intelligence enough to know Mhen they are well ofl", Rhode Island lias always extended a cordial welcome. But Rhode Island will not forget that while she has excelled them ail, other daughters have done virtuously. Each one of the old Thirteen has a grand history, and together they have created a "noble and puissant nation (even now) rousing herself like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invincil)Ie locks, as an eagle mewing her mighty youth, and kindling her unda/./led eyes at the full mid-day beam." But the achievements and virtues of the past will avail us only as they encourage us to act well our parts in our day and generation. In a very important sense it is better to forget those things which are behind and press forward. Our work is in the living present. And there is work enough. The fields are white for the harvest. As a nation we are entering upon a new century of life. Grave (piestions are under discussion. Great opportunities encourage exertion. Serious dangei's call for vigilance. There once prevailed an impression that the last act in the great drama of the race was to be enacted here. If we failed, the experiment of free government would never be renewed. I do not share in tiiis impression. I have faith that the world improves from age to age, l)utlsee no reason THE CITY HALL. 77 why the same causes which have dcstro3'ed other nations, may not also destroy this nation. I know of no reason why we may not furnisii anotlier example, " How luiUons sink, by ihuliiii; schemes opprost, When vengeance listens to the fool's request." I am quite contident that only the old-fashioned virtues will save us. I expect wonderful discoveries in science, add- ing in the future, as similar discoveries have added in the past, to the physical imijrovemcnt and felicity of the race ; but I expect "no new discoveries in morality, nor many in the great principles of government, nor in the ideas of lib- erty, M'hich were understood long before we were born, altogether as well as the3' will be M'hen the grave shall have heaped its mould upon our presumption and the silent tomb shall have imposed its law upon oiu' pert loquacity." Hon- esty, piu-ity, industry, tidelity, a sense of obligation to fel- low men and of responsibility to God were as well imder- stood l)y the Hel>rew law-giver as they ever will be under- stood, and their relation to the well-being of individuals and nations is the same yesterday, to-da}^ and forever. But I see no reason for discouragement. I see no signs of national decay. It is true that a glance at the morning papers might seem to indicate that embezzlement, robbery, adulter}-, suicide, and crazy schemes for making money out of paper have taken possession of mankind. But we must remember that a newspaper collects the exceptional cases. He was a wise man who said : " Because half a dozen grass- hoppers under a fern make the field ring with their importu- nate chink, whilst thousands of great cattle repose beneath the shadow of the British oak, chew the cud, and are silent, pray do not imagine that those who make the noise are the only inha1)itants of the Held." Forgive me for quoting Burke so often. I fear that some of my younger liearers are not so t\imiliar with him as those of us who I'ead the Enolish classics some fifty j-ears since. 78 THE Cnv HALL. In nn' opinion the heart of the people is sound, most men are honest, and faithful to trusts. I hope I do not underrate the exceptions or their fearful eonse(iuenees. But eorrup- tiou, fraud and venality are not new in history, and their punishment, thousrh often delayed, has always I)een sure. There is mueh to l)e read in these days about the exist- ence of a personal God. May I he [jerniitted to say that fo my mind the revelation in history of what the Greeks called Nemesis, and what we call I'rovidence, is .stronger evidence of the presence of a righteous and intelligent Ruler than any si IIENDKICKKS. Aliuiglity and cvcrlasliiig (iod, wc; how down in liuiiiMc ucknowlednniciit ofTliy .supreiiie dominion over us, and of our al)solutc dependence upon Thee. Hallowed he Thy name: notwitstandinji' our inanil'old oHenee.s Thine eyes are always open to our miseries, and Thine ears ever ready to hear the supplications vvc ofter unto 'I'liee. 'J'o-da}' our hearts an; tilled with gratitude for new favors. This edifice in which we are assemhled is the work of Thine own hands. Thou hast inspired its hcauty and construction, and enahled us fo hrinir it to a successful termination. \\ <.' know that unless the Ijord huild the house, in vain have tlii-y lahored who huild it. AVe have i)lanted and watered it is true, hut it is to Thee we look for th(! increase. It is not to please the fanc\' that this niagniticent struelure is erected, hut to \no- vide accoinmodation suitahle for the dignity and growtli of a great city, and for those who will share in its government. Give us, O Loi'd, men of honest energy and sound sense, who will carry on the cit\' atlministration on the? same husi- ncss principles with whicii they conduct their own jjrivate concerns. Teach our chief ni;igistrates in the future as 'Thou hast graciously taught them in the past, to act as non-partisan representatives of \\w nnmicipal interests, turning neither to the right hand, nor to the left, ignoring j)arty politics, hut devoting themselves entirely to the inter- ests of the city. 'J'each them a wise and far-sighted (!con- omy — not such as will slop needed imi)r()vcinents, hut such as will guard us against willful waste, political haipies, unscrupulous and su[)crtluous officials. We wish to have everything made beautiful and attr.ictive around us ; fine huildings, and handsome residences ; the necessaries of life, such as fine jiai-ks with pure air, ])ure water, clean and well paved streets with ample sewerage. These invite wealth from elsewhere to settle amongst us. Whatever in this way helps THE CITY HALL. 85 to enrich tlic city and ijromotc tiie general prosperity of the people, we will gladly encourage, and in procuring them we ask of Thee, O Lord, Thy powerful assistance. But as the interests of the soul are pai'aniount to those of the hod^-, we beg of Thee, the Spirit of Wisdom, tliat we may always desire eternal things in preference to the goods of this world ; the spirit of iniderstanding, that free from perjjlexitv and donI)ts we may neither he slow in believing nor in working; the spirit of counsel that we may be pro- tected against all irreverent conduct and hasty decision ; the spirit of virtue, that strengthened by the divine grace, we may l)e willing to lose all our temporal possessions, our lives and oui- liberties, rather than yield to the transgressions of Thy divine law. Grant us to have compassion on the poor, tiiat we may do them good, and bear the evil they do us without l)reaking forth into expressions of anger and cruelty against them. Finally, O Lord, we acknowledge and thank Thee for the exhaustless wealth of this great country ; for the genius of its citizens, the advancement of science, and the immense growth of our material prosperity'. May these favors never retard our modern pi'ogress. It is not for our indulgence that Thou bestowest such blessings, but that we may become better Christians. Let us not mistake unbelief for enlight- enment, nor licentiousness for independence. Teach us that authority is not inconsistent with liberty, and that individual freedom can and ought to exist without anarchy. Teach us never to forget that religion nmst be the; real basis of good government and social prosperity' ; and that whatever tends to lessen our faith on Divine truths, leads to selfishness, loss of patriotism, and danger to our common country. Amen. THE BENEDICTION. May the blessing of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, descend upon 30U, tilling you with all manner of good things, and abide with you forever and ever. REPORTS EXTRACT FROM THE FINAL REPORT OF TIIH CITY HALL COMMISSIONERS. Tlie following arc the entire disbursements of the City Hull Coiumission for the originally contemplated work, with the olijects of the expense, and the separate amounts expended on them. Excavation, B. F. Gladding, contractor, Piling and foundation, Boynton Bros., contractors, Granite \vorl<, J. G. Battersou, contractor, Briclv acconnt, Hopl^ins & Poniroy, contractors. Laying briclv and setting granite, H. G. Macoraljer, contractor, $1,512 47 34,G3G 80 222,071 68 54,817 38 47,543 05 IKON WORK. Wrought and cast iron vvorli, roof, etc., etc. First contract witli C. H, Parker &, Co., Boston; second witli .\rchitec- tural Iron Worlvs, New York, and the completion of it l)y A. R. Whitney, Esq., New York, bondsman of latter Co., Iron work extra, outside of contract, A. R. Whitney, Iron work in dome, per contract, A. R. Whitney, contractor, Wire lathing substituted for concrete tiles, A. R. Whitney, personal contract, ...... Area coverings with Hyatt light, A. R. Whitney, personal contract, ....... Flue pipes, contract with Architectural Iron Works, Iron window frames and shutters, in place of wood as con- tracted for, G. W. & F Smith, Boston, contractors, .\raouut carried forward, ..... 12 122,957 35 14,672 92 3,962 00 11,735 00 874 00 1,510 00 4,087 79 1520,380 44 90 THE CITV HALL. Amount brought forward, ..... $520,380 44 Corru2;ated iron floor and partitions in dome, .T. 15. & J M. Cornell, New York, ...... 3,0fi.". 09 Vaults, doors and frames, C. E Kirksluiw, . . . 2,315 00 Heating and ventilating apparatus, Davidson & Mars, con- tractors, finished by Edward Mars, New York, original contract, •1li20,420, ...... 31,3G1 41 Plastering and stucco work, .Tolin Mack, Boston, contractor, original contract, SIR, 200, ..... 18,22733 Carpentry and contingent work, Morton & Chesley, Boston, contractors, original contract, $71), 828, . . . 103,,'334 08 Plumbing account, P. & .T. Tierney, Providence, contractors, original contract, .§7,879, ..... 17,218 97 Marble work, A. Wentworth Roberts & Co., Boston, con- tractors, original contract, .$1G,700, Electric work, tubes, wires, indicators, clocks, etc., O. C. Williams, contractor, Providence, Spanish tiling for floors, .John Chadwick, New York, con- tractor, ....... Bronze lamp pillars, lanterns, etc., in front and on the sides, Shreve, Crump & Low Manufacturing Co., contractors, Boston, ....... Lightning rods, VV. A. Orcott, contractor, Boston, Gas piping, etc., Walworth Manufacturing Co , contract, 6«f;9, and extra, ...... 1.78720 Concreting sub-basement, floors, walls, etc., contract with Portland Cement Stone Co., Levelling up floors with cement, concreting, etc., contract with G. W. Lewis. ...... Passenger elevator, Galland, Bash & Co., New York, con- tractors, ....... Side walk lifts, T. Stebbins & Whitlier Manufacturing (^o., contractors, ....... Water and sewer connections. Providence Water Works, Fire proof ceilings and partitions, contract with J. G. Haley, Hot water boiler, P. & J. Tierney, City of Providence, bill for engineering, Oftice rent and expenses, .... Clerk hire, ...... Advertising, ...... Books, stationery and printing, Superintendent, contract with S. P. Brown, Architect, contract with S. J. F. Thayer, Amount carried forward, .... 25.047 80 18,733 03 4.r,3i 49 2,320 74 750 00 8,150 71 5,884 79 6,5GG 09 921 25 2,834 75 5,856 25 589 09 2,fi34 00 1,601 75 3,102 GG 910 2G 238 38 8,750 CO . 26,148 00 .$823,3C0 5C THE CITY HALL. 91 Amount Ijrouglit forward, . . . . . Carpentry chiriug construction, alteration account, grad- ing, etc , . Extra masonry during construction, . . . . Coal account, contracts and orders of commissioners, Birch lumber, flooring account, contract with Waumbek Lumber Co., ...... Laying track from H. P. and Fishkill track to yard, . City of Providence for water, . . . . . Various bills not classified, which on the commissioners' books are charged to " sundry account " : — Paper under floors, dome, etc., etc., H. Staples & Co., Cloth for windows during construction, Models of columns, pilaster, etc., and boxing. Wire guards for basement windows, H. H. Fenner, C. A. Hall, measuring accouut. Flag-staff and two side staffs, and work on them. Paints, oils, varnish, brushes, etc., etc., Rice. Draper & Co Work on heating, gas, etc., various small bills. Wood Winsor, ...... Blacksmithing, sharpening tools, iron work, etc., Thomas Wyatt, G. W. Smith, .... Temporary heatin.g accouut, iutluding coal. Oiling and filling floors, .... H. Morgan, teaming, ..... Bronze rosettes, ...... Work ordered by lamp department, in dome, etc.. Work on ventilator in dome, sinks, etc., Spicers & Peckham Electrical expert, L. W. Clarke, Work on ventilator, etc., H. T. Root, ... Painting roof and puttying same, L. Levesidge, .§823,300 5G 8.084 04 2,3.')8 02 2, .538 71 3,876 19 1,329 35 79.5 83 32fi 91 111 8.5 022 00 85 00 317 98 416 89 319 80 3G1 87 1,435 94 410 97 342 38 43 70 40 00 225 10 394 55 50 00 96 94 210 05 Bronze work l)}- John R. Shirley Bronze rail. Nickel plated rail. Bronze work, Letters on mail boxes, U. S. mail box. Iron ventilator, Lamps, per contract, Lantern posts, Gas piping, etc , Gate and trimmings, §15 50 18 00 25 25 40 00 55 00 90 00 195 00 200 00 90 00 114 63 843 38 .Amount carried forward, . $848,998 01 92 THE CITY HALL. Amount brought forward, Bronze work, Posts, lanterns and gas work, Picture rods, etc., etc., Tablet, Guards for elevator, .... Providence Gas Co.'s bill (-SlOO for work on pipes). Pay rolls of S. P. Brown, superintendent, ashes for floors sand, gravel and labor hi lis. Painting vestibule and furnishing se.nl, Heating apparatus. Walker, Pratt & Co., Hardware, tools, etc., Barker, Chadsey & Co., Repairing wood work, paint, etc., after exliibition of build ing, Morlock & Bayer, .... Iron gallery, stairs, shelves, etc., extra in treasurer's vault Builders' Iron Foundry, .... Storm doors, sash, etc., Morton & Cheslcy, Matthew Chace, Iron work, jobbing, Wyatt & Barton, Personal expenses of the commissioners with the superin tendent to, from, and in New York on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of February, 1877, to inspect certain buildings previously to consummating the interior contracts on city hall, ....... .5848,998 01 .S212 27 179 3G 310 51 400 00 1,102 14 . 90 00 907 40 floors. , 9,213 97 200 00 74 00 , G2 G3 287 45 300 00 1,0C8 70 190 00 8G 00 S8G2,580 30 From this amount deduct profit on oak lumber sold con- tractors, $91)5.29, and sundry sums credited " sundry accounts," §135.97, ...... 1,131 26 $8G1 449 04 This sum, -5801,449.04, not only includes the actual amount exp(tnded by this commission conformably to the esti- mates, but it includes the enhanced cost of the change agreeably to resolution No. 122, 2Gth February, 1875, of the city council, of making the structure fire proof, as well as the increased expense resulting from many important alterations and additions ordered from time to time to be made by the city council. The commission has also, agreeably to instructions, expended for sidewalks, not contemplated in estimates. The commission includes among its expenditures the expenses of laying the corner stone, ..... 8G1,449 04 22,994 9G I.IOG 28 Amount carried forward, 35,550 28 THE CITY HALL. 93 Amount brought forward, ..... $885,550 28 The two following charges, being sums allowed by the city council on an appeal from a (.lecision of tliis commission, are included among its disbursements ; H. G. Macomber, on contract for laying briclj and setting granite, ....... 10,500 00 S. J. F. Thayer, arcliitect, ..... 10,000 00 $906,050 28 The following are the appropriations which have been made to this commission, M'ith the dates showing the times they were granted : 1874. October 28. No. 1, December 3. No. 2, 1875. July 6. No. 3, 1876. February 3. No. i. September 28. No. 5, 1877. March 15. No. 6, July 5. No. 7, 1878. February 11. No. 8, April 18. No. 9, July 10. No. 10, October 21. No. 11, $10,000 00 100,000 00 200,000 00 100,000 00 100,000 00 100,000 00 100,000 00 38,498 00 50,000 00 75,000 00 75,000 00 $948,498 00 The whole amount expended by tliis commission agreeablj' to foregoing statement, ..... 906,050 28 Leaving an unexpended balance of forty-two thousand four hundred forty-seven and 72-100 dollars, agreeably to the books of this commission, .... 42,447 72 Tlie following charges against the city hall have been fur- nished by the auditor, and they are expenditures over which your commissioners have had no voice nor control : Boynton Brothers, .... $83,14005 Asphalt pavement, .... 11,30928 Grading, ...... 1,321 45 Telegraphic expense, .... 1,780 00 Amount ordered to be taken from appropriations to the city hall commission, and transferred to furniture committee, . . . 28,225 OO Amount caried forward, 575,775 78 94 THE CITY HALL. Amount brought forward, Amount ordered to be taken from appropriation to the city hall commission, and transferred to furniture committee, Amount ordered to be taken from appropriation to the city liall commission, and transferred to furniture committee, §•75,775 78 725 00 300 00 $76,800 78 This expenditure of seventy six thousaml eiirht hundred and 78-100 dollars being by the city charged to the city hall account, lessens by precisely this amount the balance, which, bj' the commissioners' books, appears to its credit. Your commissioners, therefore, have requested your honorable body that so much of their original appropriation as may be necessary to meet all liabilities included in the sum of $900,050.28, be restored to tlie credit of this commission, accordingly on February 4, 1879, $30,000 wa.s so added, and on May 7, 1879, $5,000 was also added, Add balance as shown by the books of the conimissiou. Unexpended balance. $35,00000 +2,4-17 72 77,447 72 76,800 78 $04G 94 The models of column.^, pilasters, etc., are supposed to be in the possession of J. G. Batterson, the contractor, and should be retuinied, as they may, in case of accident, be of value to the city. Having conii)lctcd the duties assigned to them, the commissioners respectfully request that the hon- oi'able council indicate to whom the books, papers and mate- rial in their ofBce shall be delivered. Upon the presentation of the final report of the city hall commissioners, the city council unanimously passed the fol- lowing resolutions, M'hich were approved by the mayor June 20, 1879 : Resolved, That the final report of the city hall commis- sioners be received, and the city council herebj' tenders to THE CITY HALL. 95 said commissioners congratulations upon the completion of their work, and thanks for gratuitous services rendered in the erection of this substantial and elegant edifice. Resolved, That the city hall commissioners be requested to deliver to the city clerk, all hooks, papers, and material belonging to the city, now in their possession. EXT E ACTS REPORT OF JOINT SI'ECTAL COMMITTEE TO PROCURE FrHXITlRE FOR CITY HALL. 0<'tobcr 1, 1877, a contnict was made witli ]Mr. Samuel J. F. Thayer, to make the designs and working plans, and to superintend the construction of the furniture and fittings to be purchased by the committee. On the 12tli of October, 187(1, the committee were directed by the city covuicil, to consider and report upon the suggestions of the city hall commissioners in their report of the same date, relative to the proper assignment of the rooms in the city hall to the several departments of the government. The committee grave lon<; and careful considerations of this matter, and caused entirely new floor plans to l)e made by the architect, introducing many alterations of minor parti- tions, and radically changing the location of many of the departments. The result of this labor was reported to the city council, January 11, 1877, and the report was adopted by joint resolution No. 30, series of 1877. On the 29th of January, 1877, the committee reported to the city council the advisability of greatly increasing the size of the large i-oom of tlu; water departments by a change of l)artitions, and also of altering and enlarging the entrance THE CITY HALL. 97 doors to this room. The suo^gestions so made were approved and ordered to be made by joint resolution Xo. 64, serie.s of 1877. On the 26th of April, 1877, the message of the mayor, relative to the size of the aldermen's chamber, and advising its re-location and enlargement, was referred to the committee as to its propriety and cost. On the 7th of ]\Iay, 1877, a report was presented to the city council from a majority of the committee adverse to any change, and also a report from the minoi-it}^ of the committee recommending that a change lie made. The report of the majority was adopted by the city council. By joint resolution No. 282, series of 1878, twelve thou- sand dollars was appropriated to defray the expenses of painting so much of the interior of the building as might be thought advisable, and this committee were authorized to cause the work to be done. Subsequently, In'joint resolution No. 376, same series, the appropriation for painting was added to that for furnishing. On the 24th of August, 1878, the committee were author- ized to sell by public auction such of the furniture in the old city building as might not be required in the new city hall, the proceeds of such sale to be added to the appropriation for furnishing the new city hall. Under this authority sale M'as made on the 15th of February, 1879, the net proceeds of which were §1)36.87, and this amount was paid over to the city treasurer. ***** On the 24th of August, 1878, the committee was charged by the city council with the duty of properly connecting the various departments of the city government in the city hall with the lines of telegraph used by them, the expense thereof to be charged to the ap])ropriation for the city hall. The committee have completed this duty, and will make a sepa- rate rejiort upon this subject. On the 24th of August, 1878, the claim of S. J. F. 13 98 THE CITY HALL. Thayer for compensation for extra services as architect of the city hall was referred to the committee with authorit}' to settle the same. The committee held several long sessions on this matter, and carefully heard the testimony of parties on both sides, causing the testimony to be taken dow'n by a short hand reporter. An amicable settlement was finally made, reducing the amount claimed by nearly one-half, which settlement was reported to the city council January 20, 1879. On the 15th of March, l.STit, the committee were author- ized to settle a claim of Messrs. Potter, Denison & Co., against the city for a desk, etc., contracted before the appointment of this committee. After a careful considera- tion of the matter it was found to be impossible to make a settlement satisfoctory to the conuiiittee, and a report to that effect was made to the cit}" council May 22, 1879. April .'), 1879, tiie matter of tiie claim of F. Hacker & Co., for pay for a picture and frame, was referred to the commit- tee with authority to settle the same. On the 19th of May, 1879, the committee reported to the city council that the pur- chase was not made l)y them, and (liat settlement had better be made in some other way. Ajjpropriations have been made for furniture for the city hall as follows : By Kcsolutioii No 589, series of 187."i, No. 282, " 1878, No. 383, 1878, No. 464, 1878, No. 611, 1878, No. 160, 1879, Total, •«;.50,ooo 00 12,000 00 936 87 10,000 00 5,.500 00 725 00 .$79,161 87 Expenditures have been made by tlje committee as follows for the articles hereinafter named •: THE CITY HALL. 99 New furniture, ....... .$29,925 ."il Labor aud inatcrial-i in tlie repair an. Sweets Co., ..... 536 50 Tillingliast & Sherman, .... 37 00 Perliins Institute for the Blind, 132 48 Daniel F. Hayden, ..... 18 00 H. A. Hall, 1 50 H. T. Rider, 8 75 Isaac Hale, ...... 4 00 F. G. Hagan, ..... 52 20 Amount carried forward, .... . -578. C24 86 THE cm- HALL. 101 Amonnt brought forward, H. T. Brown & Co., W. Barstow & Co., Wallace & Co., . E. J. F. Barton, Grant & linge, F. H. Smith, . E. J. N. Stent, Thomas H. Ferkin."!, Tucker Manufacturing Co., Hartwell, Kicharcl.s & Co., Barker, Chadsey & Co., P. & J. Tierney, Biigbee & Hall, A. C.Eddy & Studleys, A. M. Bishop & Co , Total, . §78,624 86 30 00 G5 45 6 00 2.T 00 7.5 no 50 00 100 00 105 00 20 00 i 55 66 50 13 64 48 50 29 25 21 80 679,285 55 The committee have had frequent consultation.? with the cit}^ hall commissioners, to the end that the furniture and iittings might harmonize with the interior tini.sh of the build- ing. The uniform courtesy and valuable advice so received have been of great assistance in the attainment of any suc- cess achieved in this respect. The committee have held sixty-one meetings, and the sub- committee on the reception of furniture have been on duty constantly for more than half tlie time between May 1, 1878, and January 1, 1879. In conclusion, your committee desire to state that they have endeavored to carry out the original ideas of the pro- jectors of the city hall, and have been desii'ous that the inte- rior, in its fuiuiiture, fittings and decoration, should compare with the dignity and character of the building, in solidity, strength and titness for the purpose designed, and they feel sure that there is not a more complete structure, in all its details, among the public buildings in the country. DESCEIPTION OF CITY HALL DESCRIPTION OF CITY HALL. The city hall is built of cut granite, having its main entnmce from Dorrance street. Viewed from any point upon Exchange place, it presents a striking appearance, and has been an object of great interest to the thousands who have visited it since its completion in November, 1878. Externally the building presents a massive but plain front. There is very little ornamented carving, but the predom- inance of lofty pillars and heavy arches gives to the whole a majestic beauty. It occupies an entire square, fronting upon Exchange place, and is bomided by Dorrance, Washington, Eddy and Fulton streets, and is surrounded by a sidewalk composed of granite blocks from five to six feet in width, and from eighteen to twenty-one feet in length. The basement, entered l)y doors on each of the four streets surrounding the building, is occupied by the police depart- ment, board of public works, superintendent of health, super- intendent of public schools, and the sealer of weights and measures, and is finished plainly, but elegantly, in oak. Beneath the basement is a cellar, or sub-basement, contain- ing the four fifty-horse power boilers designed to heat the buildiuir, the shops connected with the water department, and the machinery for operating the elevator. The main or first floor is reached from the street by a broad flight of steps on Dorrance street. Over the main entranee^'are the dates, 1874-78. Within, the departments 14 106 THE C'lTV HALL. are arranged al)<)iit a liollow .s(juare, the central part of the building being devoted to spacious corridors, with tloors of white marble and wainscoting of variegated marbles, iu which black and gray predominate, and to a broad flight of white marble stairs, which, leading from the main floor to that above, divide to the right and left at a landing twenty- tive feet above the main floor, at the head of which is a bronze tablet, surmounted l)y the city seal })ainted ui)(ni til- ing, and bearing upon it this inscription : ronuT stone Laid, .Iiiiie 24, 1875. Comiiiissioncrs from 1.S74 to ISTf! : .Iamks Y. Smith, George H. Cokmss, William G. R. Mowky. Coramissioiiers from IS"!! to 1878: William G. K. Mowky, Henry G. Russkll. William M. Bailey. I)«licatl(>/ I'llhlir j : St f pi. of Sr/imUr. Il FwMi'c I I r^ 2-r D Suplo/'HeaM I tiJ I U ^ U ^ ' , ^ PrivHlr. n — ^&iptofPiMk Schools. Sciwafys. Stnf. (fSr/i/to/ "3 T ■ffliTfr- ^ p 5s. n * S»pl.ofHcalfli niirJ n/t/ffcqis/rar. ('(/i/h't')j(s/riii: S] E Cot/iiii>s.sioi/<'rs . J O O ■'V l^MHWL— P ij c^ CORRIDOR. i Sra/rr ■ cfllrf^/i/s /7//f/. Wt'asiifi's Ml ^ S J u £/cfya/or. c= 1^ / Civnf/it/fn' fi(xvit CROSS CORRIDOR. P^ C^id^ Sizfr Bocrcf of Puf,/,r Works. Conf -u^ \. or o o n [ ^1_ h HsfiSule.. n r /'.y/^-/-.'. Po/ice Room. m CORRIDOR ] Sea/, of Board' Harks. Pmv!/eSfa/fC\ ;!!! aerk/^/7hfi\ J — 1 Pn^^fr/e S/airC .\\:^S J (J fr~J Board of ^tMclforks l-^ A' c ° ■• = . '■* n^ . ' " , "vj A t ° " ° » <>^ • «? •^. ^y 0^ •^^0^ A^^ C° .' o f i^. X/ ^^^ % / fl^tV.. \ o -,.0-' 0-^ ?.°-n^ .•' ^ ^. --W^v > °o ,-/.^!.:.°C'^ o V -^^o^ c , • - o WM^: .^' ■^ -' -r ■^^ ■0 X. 'y t .^ -.,^ S^: '^o^' :^&^ ^> ,0-?-, - ■■• ■'■-,i'i<' 40^ * ir^ri^^i^? „* ^. .^ ' ^^-^^-^ -^^ /^^ / >v .^^^, WWW,' ^' V'^ ^^" "-^^^ 'T.^ r> <", <:t5^-.'. 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