I !l!>li||||W||l|i§iiiJi^ W'lEw Ne'the'I^land* iiiiiiniii! iiillliiiiiiMlifiliiiiiiiliiiir TAT E S Class _£L^:i_ Book hj ^^ Copyright )J" COPYRIGHT DEPOSnV 1609-1909 the dutch in New Netherland AND The United States PRESENTED BY The Netherland Chamber of Commerce in Am.erica ON OCCASION OF The Hudson-Fulton Celebration in New York SEPTEMBER 2STI-I TO OCTOBER 9TH 1909 \ Nieuw Nederlant is een seer schoon aen- genaem gesont en lustigh lantschap daer . het voor alderley slagh van fuenschen be- ier en ruymer aen de kost of gernackelyck- er door de ivevelt te geraken is als in Ne- derlant offte eenige andere quariieren des werelts tnyn bekent. Adriaen van der Donck, 1656. Copyrighted The Netherland Chamber of Commerce IN America 1909 ^y^H^X 248567 CONTENTS PAGE Directors of the Chamber _ _ - - 5 Constitution of the Chamber - . - - 7 Contract with Henry Hudson - - - - 14 (Original text) Contract with Henr}^ Hudson - - - - 16 (English Translation) The Dutch in New Netherland and The United States . - - - 19-73 Nkw Nktherland Exploration of the Hudson in 1609 - - 19 Fur traders 1609-1612 - - - - 20 Block's exploration of Long Island Sound and formation of the United New Nether- land Company 20 Chartering of the West India Co. in 1621 - 22 First settlers arrived under leadership of Jesse de Forest ----- 22 Claims of Holland and England - - 23. Captain May, first head of the Colony - 24 Pieter Minuit, first Governor - - - 24 Erection of Fort Amsterdam - - - 25 Patroons and the Act of Privileges and Exemptions ----- 26 Settlement of Rensselaerwyk - - - 28 Wouter van Twiller, second Governor and arrival of the first garrison - - - 28 Origin of Governor's Island - - - 29 Troubles with the English in Connecticut 30 Governor Kieft and the Indian Wars - 32 Bronk's Treaty 35 Pieter Stuyvesant appointed Governor - 36 Religious intolerance of the Governor - 37 The patroons and the Governor - - 38 The capture of New Sweden - - - 40 Fall of New Netherland - - - - 41 Anton van Korlaer and Spuyten Duyvel - 43 Recapture by the Dutch - - - - 44 Nev/ Netherland exchanged for Surinam 44 The Dutch and English people and repre- sentative Government - - - - 45 Religious freedom and Public Schools - 46 The Church and the Dutch Domines - 47 CONTENTS (Continued) Page The Democratic Dutch . . - - 47 Troubles of the housewives - - - 48 The remaining years of Stuyvesant - - 49 The Dutch under English rule - - 49 King James II. dethroned - - - 50 The Jacob Leisler episode - - - 51 lyeisler and his son-in-law executed - - 52 Destruction of Schenectady - - - 53 Captain Kidd ------ 54 I\Iutual friendship of the Dutch and English people - - - - 55 The Dutch during the Revolutionary War 55 Support from Holland - - - - 57 The Dutch language ceases to be spoken in America 57 The Dutch Reformed Church - - - 58 Thb United States Holland Land Company - - - - 59 Emigration under the rule of King William I. 60 Settlers in Iowa under Domine Scholte - 60 Michigan and Chicago - ... 60 Fruit growers in California - - - 61 Paterson, N. J. - - - - - - 61 Sayville, L. I. ------ 62 Philadelphia, Pa. . - - - - 62 Extradition treaty made in 1872 - - 62 Holland America lyine - - - - 63 West India Mail 64 Holland newspapers in America - - 65 Conditions in New York City - - - 65 Professionals as emigrants - - - 66 Eendracht Maakt Macht - - - - 67 The Netherland Chamber of Commerce in America 68 The Netherland Club of America - - 69 The Netherland Benevolent Society of New York 70 Our Consul-General .71 Advice to newcomers - - - - 71 Birectorsf of tlTfje igetfierlanb Cfjamber of Commerce in America J^onorarp ^resibcut JHR. DR. J. LOUDON Minister of The Netherlands at Washington, D, C. ?i^onorarj> ^ice^^resibent J. R. PLANTEN Consul-General of The Netherlands at New York Cerm Cxpircsi m 1910 CORNELIUS VANDERBIIvT T. GREIDANUS Cerm Expires; in 19 U COL. JOHN JACOB ASTOR W. BAYARD VAN RENSSELAER D. G. BOISSEVAIN JOHN F. PRAEGER ^erm Cxpiresf in X9X2 STUYVESANT FISH W. C. HOUSTON A. GIPS J. SCHIMMEL (Biiittvi ^resibcnt D. G. BOISSEVAIN ■^icC'^reSibent STUYVESANT FISH ^ecretarp^tCreasurcr T. GREIDANUS Counsel A. L. PINCOFFS, LL.D. 5 Committee on Ilmport anb Cxport tCrabe For the Year 1909-1910 D. G. BOISSEVAIN, ex-officio T. GREIDANUS, ex-officio H. BRUGMAN J. EZN. LOUIS I. DUBOURCQ J. H. DUYS A. C. H. NYLAND glubit Committee For the Year 1909-1910 IvOUIS I. DUBOURCQ FRED. C. GOLDSMITH Committee on dominations For the Year 1909-1910 B. HENDRIKS E. VUERBOOM H. J. VON HEMERT il^ankerjs THE COAL AND IRON NATIONAL BANK De correspondentie met de Kamer kan in liet Hollandsch worden gevoerd. Con£{titution of ^etjerlanb Cfjamtjer of Commerce in America Incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, May 28, 1903. Artici^k I. This Society shall be called "Thk Nethkri.and Chamber of Commerce in America." Article II. (©bjECt " The Netherland Chamber of Commerce in Amer- ica " is founded to represent and foster in the United States the interests of the commerce, industry, agri- culture, navigation, arts and science of the Netherlands and its Colonies, and to increase the commerce of the United States with the Netherlands and its Colonies. Article III. (Offices The principal offices of the Chamber shall be in the City of New York. Branch offices may be established in other cities of the United States. Article IV. glnnual anb TLilt itlcmbersJ There shall be Annual and Ivife Members. Kligible to membership shall be : FirsL Hollanders, Dutch firms, corporations and institutions. 7 8 Constitution Secojid^ Naturalized Americans of Dutch parentage. Third, Americans of Dutch ancestr3\ Application for membership must be made to the Board of Directors, who shall elect the members. The dues of annual members residing in the United States shall be ten dollars, and of annual members residing outside of the United States ten guilders, paj^able the 1st of May of each year. The payment of two hundred dollars at one time by a person eligible to membership and residing in the United States, shall constitute such person a life member ; the payment of two hundred guilders by a person eligible to membership, and residing outside of the United States, shall likewise constitute him a life member, but only natural persons shall be eligible to life membership. The fiscal year shall run from the 1st of May to the 30th of April. Any member failing to notify the Secretary in writing before the close of the fiscal year of his inten- tion to terminate his membership shall be considered a member for the ensuing year. ARTICIvE V. iHemfaerg exofficio Dutch Consuls in the United States shall be mem- bers ex-officio. Article VI. llosisf of iflemfacrgfjip The Board of Directors shall have power to drop from the roll of members the name of an^^ member who may fail to pay his dues within three months after the same are due. Constitution 9 The Board of Directors may also expel any member for dishonorable conduct or dealings, but only after a hearing of such member at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors, at which no less than six directors must be present and by a two-thirds vote of the direct- ors present, provided that due notice be given by the Secretary- Treasurer, both to the accused member and to all the directors, of the day when such hearing shall be held and of the charge against such member. If the accused member shall not appear at such hear- ing in person or by proxy, the vote may be taken on his expulsion the same as though he had appeared. Article VII. jfounbersf anb Bonorg A donation of one hundred dollars by a member residing in the United States, or of one hundred guilders by a member residing outside of the United States, made within the first year after the incorpor- ation of the Chamber, shall entitle such member to the name of Founder, and a list of such Founders shall be published in every annual report of the Chamber. Such a donation made after the first year after the incorporation of the Chamber shall entitle such mem- ber to the name of Donor, and a list of such Donors shall also be published in every annual report of the Chamber, Article VIII, Associate jHembcrjf Any person, firm, corporation or institution, if engaged in pursuits connected with the purpose of the Chamber, may be admitted by the Board of Direc- tors as an Associate Member upon an annual payment of ten dollars. 10 Constitution Article IX. Bircciorjf, officers anb fjonorarp officer^ The affairs of the Chamber shall be managed by a Board of Directors, consisting in addition to the hon- orary officers hereinafter named, of ten members, who shall be elected at the annual meeting and who shall elect from their number a President, Vice- President and Secretary-Treasurer ; and all powers not specifically conferred on the members at their annual meeting shall vest in said Board of Directors. One-half of the members of the Board, including the President and Secretar^'-Treasurer, shall be resi- dent Hollanders or naturalized Americans. The other members shall be chosen from the members of Dutch ancestry . The members of the Board of Directors shall be chosen for terms of three j-ears, subject to the follow- ing provision : The Board of Directors to be elected at the first annual meeting (1904) shall divide itself into three classes, the first class consisting of four members retiring at the end of the first year, the second class consisting of four at the end of the second year, and the third class consisting of two at the end of the third year, the members of each class being half resident Hollanders or naturalized Amer- icans and half Americans of Dutch ancestry. In 1905 at the annual meeting, and annually there- after. Directors shall be chosen for terms of three years in place of those whose terms shall then expire. The members of the Board shall be eligible for re- election. The election of officers shall be by ballot and the majority of the votes shall be necessary for an election. Constitution 11 Should a vacancy occur in the Board of Directors, a successor for the unexpired term shall be elected by that body. The Minister of the Netherlands at Washington, D. C, shall be Honorary President. The Consul- Gen eral of the Netherlands in the City of New York shall be Honorary Vice-President. Article X. ill£ettng£( of tf)e ^oarb o! I^irectorsi The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President, and such shall also be made upon the written request of any three members of the Board. Three Directors shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. Article XI. JSutifS of 0iiittx^ Presidgtit. — The President shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the Chamber. He, or in his absence, the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings of the Chamber and of the Board of Directors, and he shall have the casting vote in case the number be equal on a division. In the absence of both President and Vice-President, a presiding officer shall be selected, chosen b}- and from the Board of Directors. In addition to the powers hereby specifically con- ferred, the President shall have such power as shall be conferred on him by the Board of Directors. Vice-President, — The duties of the President, in case of his absence, shall devolve upon the Vice- President. 12 Constitution Secretary- Treasurer. — The Secretary-Treasurer shall have the care of all documents and shall con- duct the correspondence of the Chamber and of the Board of Directors. He shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Chamber and of the Board of Directors. He shall notify members of their election and shall give due notice of all meetings. He shall prepare the annual report, covering the proceedings of the Chamber, as well as other reports which the Chamber may publish, under the general guidance of the Board. He shall have charge of all moneys and other assets of the Chamber. He shall at the annual meeting present a statement of the financial affairs of the Chamber. This state- ment must have been previousl_v audited by two members appointed for the purpose by the Chamber at the preceding annual meeting. The Board of Directors shall fix the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer. Article XII. The chamber shall hold an annual meeting on the third Saturday in the month of May for the purpose of electing members of the Board of Directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. In addition to the Annual Meeting, special meet- ings may be called when the Board shall judge proper, and also when requested in writing by any ten mem- bers; in such request the object for which such meet- ing is desired shall be specified. Constitution 13 Ten members of the Chamber shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. The Secretary shall give at least five days notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Chamber to the members residing in the United States, and at least three days notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors to the directors. Voting b}' proxy is not allowed at any of the meetings of the Chamber. Article XIII. The Board of Directors shall have power to make all By-I/aws not inconsistent with this constitution. ARTICI.K XIV. The Chamber is prohibited from engaging in an)"- commercial transaction on its own account or in any transaction other than those necessary- for the execu- tion of its purposes. Article XV. Smenbrnents Amendments to any part of this Constitution shall be made only at a special meeting called for the pur- pose of making such amendments, such object being expressed in the notice of such special meeting. 14 The Dutch in New Netherland M^^ontract met ||enrp llubson ^ /^P heden Den 8 January inV Jaar onses Heeren Een Duysent ses Hondert e7i negeyi syn met 7nalkan- dcren geaccordeert en overkomen De Bezvintheb- beren van de Oost Indische Compagnie vafi de Carner van Amsterdam van de tienjarige Reeckse ter eenre^ En Mr. Henry Hudson Engelsman ter andere syde^ In nianiere navolgende . Te weten : Dat de voorst : Beuuinthebberen metten eersten sullen equyperen een scheephen ofjaght, van onitrent Dertigh lasten waar- mede de voom : Hudson omtrent den eersten van April, van volck, vivres en andere nootlyckheden wel voorsien sal seylen om passagie te soecken door V noorden, benoorden Nova Senibla om, en soo lange de longitudine vervolghen, dat hy sal konnen sylen zuyd- waart tot op de hooghte van sestigh graden, en soo veel kennisse van Landen sien te be konnen als sonder menchelyck tyt vei^lies sal konnen geschieden en is V doenlyk stracks wederom keereii, 07n aan de Bezuinthe- bberen te doen getrouzvelyck rapport en relaes van syn reyse, en overgeven syn Journalen, Coursen^ kaerten, en alles zvat hem op de reyse zvedervaeren is, sonder iets aghter te houden, Opwelcke aanstaende reyse de Bezvinthebberen aan den voo7'st: Hudson sullen betalen soo tot syn uytrustinge op de voorst: reyse, als tot onderhoui van syn vrouzv en kinderen, de somme van aght Hondert Gulden, en ingevalle {daar Godt voor sy) hy in een jaar niet zvederomme hier te lande, of hier omtrent en quaine te arriveren, sulle7i de Beunnt- hebberen nogh aaii syn Huysvrouwe betalen twee Hondert Gl courant, en alsdan aan hem en syne erven niet vorder gehouden syn. Ten zjuaere hy doer n.x and The United States 15 nogh moghte komen te arriveren, ofte dat hy bi?inens jaars gekomen waar, ende de passagie goet ende bequaeni datse Cofnp: wedercnime sonde gebruycken^ gevonden hadde, In welcken gevalle de Benmithebberen aan den voorn: Hudson voor syne periculen, moeyten en kojiste sullen recompenseren tot hare discretie waarmede de voorn : Hudson tevrede7i is. Ende in- gevalle de Beivinthebberen goetvonden alsdan deselve reyse te vervolgen en continueren^ is met den voorn : Hud so 71 geaccordeert en verdragen dat hy hier te Lande syn woonstee met vrouw eji kinderen sal nemen^ en hem vait niemant anders als van de Comp: laten gebruycken en dat tot redelyckheid en discretie van de Beivinthebberen die hem ook van den selven dienst vorderen alsdan in alle billyckheit en redelyckheit beloven te vergenoegen en contenteren, A lies sonder argh of list. In ken?iisse der waerheyt syn hier vaii gemaeckt twee contraden van eenen teneur, en by beyde partyen onderteyckent, alsmede by Jodocus Honditis, als tolck en getuyge, Datum als bovefi, was eeteeckent, Dirck van Os, J. Poppe, Henry Hudson, lager sfont By my Jodocus Hondius als getuyge, 16 The Dutch in New Netherland ontract toitf) l^enrp l^ubs^on r\N this daVy the 8th of January in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Six Himdred and Nine the Directors of the East India Company of the Chamber of Amsterdam of the ten yearly series on the one part a7id Mr. Henry Hudson, Englishman, on the other part, have agreed as follows. To ivit: The Directors mcfitioned above ivill equip a ship or yacht of about thirty tons, ivith which the said Hudson, pro- vided ivith a creiv, victuals and other necessaries, will sail on or about the first of April to look for a passage through the North^ north of Nova Sembla^ and will continue to sail in longitudinal direction until he will be able to sail to a latitude of sixty degrees, and will endeavor to obtain as tnuch knozvledge as possible of countries as ivill be possible zvithout exceptional loss of time and, if possible, luill afterwards return to report faithfully to the Directors, ivill deliver his logbook, courses, charts and 7uill relate all events of his jour7iey, zvithout hiding anything ; for which voyage the Direc- tors will pay unto the said Henry Hudson ^ as well for his equipment as for the keep of his wife and children, the sum of Eight Hundred Guilders, and in ca^e {which the Lord pr eve nieth) he does not j-eturn in this country, or in its neighborhood, within a year, the Directors zvill make an additional payment to his wife of Two Hundred Guilders currency, and after that will not be held to any further payments to him- self or his heirs. Unless after that time he were still to return, or in case he returns within a year, atid that he has properly found the passage so that the Company can make use of same again ^ in zvhich case the Direc- and The United States 17 tors will reward the said Hudson as they may see fit for his perils, troubles and s/iill, with zvhich the said Hudson will be satisfied. Ana in case the Directors decide to continue the use of this same route, it is agreed that the said Hudson, with his ivife and child- ren, will take up domicile in this country and will not place his services at the disposal of anyofie but the Company and such at the discretion of the Directors, who will demand of him such services and promise to reward him as is just and reasonable. All this agreed to in good faith. In witfiess whereof two contracts have been made of the same tenor and signed by both parties, as also by Jodocus Hondius as interpreter and witness. Date as above, was signed, Dirck van Os, J. Poppe, Henry Hudson, and lower. By me Jodocus Ho7idius as witness. Wi)t Butdj in Mt^ i^etfjerlanb anti tlTfje ^niteb States?. That ' ' the Dutch have taken Holland " is so well known that such statement will never give any cause for argument; but that the Dutch once upon a time also took ' ' little old New York, ' ' or rather the land upon which our proud city now stands, we have onlj;^ recently been reminded by the preparations for the great celebration which is now so near at hand. And even at present the accomplishments of the Dutch in America are somewhat crowded into the back- ground by the name of the Englishman command- ing the first ship that explored the waters of the great and majestic river now bearing his name. The exploration of this river however was only incidental to the subsequent events that have been very material agents in creating a form of government and conditions as we know them to-day. It is there- fore the intent of this little booklet to give, in brief, the story of happenings in this section of the world, and principally to show the part played by the Dutch people in the development of political and social life. Recent publications have fully informed us regard- ing the entering of the bay by '* De Halve Maene," under command of Hudson, on September the of the Hudson 2nd, 1609; that he sailed up the river to the present in i609 site of the city of Albany, and again set sail for Europe on October the 4th, arriving in Dartmouth on November the 7th. Here *'De Halve Maene" was detained by the English, but after some delay a new crew arrived from Holland and she was taken 19 20 The Dutch in New Nether land Fur Traders 1609-1612 Block's explo- ration of L,ong Island Sound and formation of the United New Nether- land Company back to Amsterdam, with Robert Juet in charge, Hudson remaining in England and re-entering the service of the Muscovy Company, with which he had been connected before contracting with the Kast India Company. The stories brought to Holland about quantities of furs obtainable in the valley of this river, induced many merchants to despatch vessels to the newly dis- covered territory, and between the years 1609 and 1612 we find records of large numbers of vessels which set sail for our coast. If during these years settlements were built, they must have been of a very temporary nature, merely for the purpose of collect- ing furs, as we find no reliable records referring to permanent colonies. Amongst the many traders visiting these shores, we find the names of Adriaan Block and Hendrick Christ- iansen, who in 1612, respectively in the " Tyger " and the " Fortuin," set sail for the new world. Returning from one of his voyages. Block brought back with him, in addition to the usual cargo of furs, two sons of Indian chiefs, the first which had ever been seen in Holland. Christiansen thoroughly explor- ed the Hudson river between the years 1612 and 1621, during which period he made ten trips to the Upper Hudson, in which region he built a fort on the site of the present city of Albany, while iu 1614 he erected a "ronduit, " or circular fort, at Esopus. Adriaan Block's vessel, from some cause or other, caught fire and was totally destroyed. A new ship, of about 16 tons burden, was built to replace the "Tyger". This vessel, called the "Onrust, '* rep- resented the first product of the shipbuilder's skill on the island of Manhattan. and The United States 21 At this time, in March, 1614, the Dutch Congress promised that he who discovered a new country and should give information thereof within a fortnight after his return in the fatherland, after having made four voyages to the new land, would receive a monopoly of its trade. His ambition fired by this offer, Block decided to sail up the East River and explore the country in that direction, when, to his great surprise, in proceeding up the Long Island Sound, he found what he at first believed to be an inland sea. It should be added that up to this time it was believed that New England came down to the sea, and no knowledge existed regarding a sea-arm between the mainland and an island facing the ocean. He explored the surrounding country and waters, discovering Block Island and Block Island Sound, which have perpetuated his name. While Block was engaged in exploring the Sound, Christiansen made a trip along the south coast of Long Island, and their combined efforts resulted in a complete map of the island and the surrounding waters. On October the 1st, 1614, Block arrived in Holland with this new map, showing the island, numerous waterways and a new approach to Manhattan, as also many rivers and the location of several Indian tribes. On the 11th of the same month a charter was issued and "The United New Netherland Company" was formed, which controlled the territory lying between the Connecticut and Susquehanna rivers. As the foregoing events have shown, the only object in visiting these shores was the gathering of riches— no desire for permanent settlement existed as yet— this was to be brought about by other causes. At this time, during the twelve year's truce, Holland 22 The Duich in New Netherland Chartering of the West India Company in 1621. First settlers arrive under leadership of Jesse de Forest was prosperous, and her ships visited every sea and ever}' shore to obtain valuable merchandise for the markets of the fatherland. And even during war times far more applicants were found to join the fleet and go forth to capture rich Spanish galleons, than could be obtained to follow the peaceful and quiet pursuit of settling in and developing a new country. In 1621, after the truce wdth Spain had expired, the West India Company was chartered. The Governor- General of the corporation had to be commissioned and approved by Congress, but, with this exception, its powers were sovereign. It could effect treaties and alliances with princes and potentates, erect forts, plant colonies, carry on war and establish govern- ments. As we have said, there were few Dutch willing to set forth as colonists of the new possessions, and settlers were hard to find. There were in Hol- land, however, several hundred thousands of Wal- loons, living as exiles from their own country in the land where religion and speech was free, and of these some few were willing to try their fortunes in the new world. Under leadership of Jesse de Forest thirty-one families from Ivcyden set forth in the ' ' Nieuw Neder- land," in March, 1623, accompanied by the armed yacht, "DeMakreel," under command of Captain Cor- nelis J. May. On arrival in the bay, several families disembarked on the land named after the seven states of the Republic, Staten Island. In a " bocht " or bend in the East River others made a settlement, in commemoration of which event this ' ' bocht ' ' was afterwards called ' ' Walen Cocht, ' ' and the change to the present name of "Wallabout" in Brooklyn can easily be traced. Eighteen families were carried Holland and England and The United States 23 up the river, settling on the site of the city of Albany, under command of Adrian Joris, the Lieutenant of Captain May; and it was in this settlement, in June, 1625, that the first baby in the colony was born. Before proceeding further it might be well to see in how far the Netherlands had a clear title to the terri- Claims of tory newly occupied, according to international rights as understood in those days. In the original charter of Virginia, as issued in 1606, King James of England claimed possession of that part of America lying between the 34th and 45th parallel, but at the same time it should be borne in mind that it was Queen Elizabeth v/ho asserted the doctrine that mere discovery of lands across the sea was not sufficient to provide the discoverer with a valid title, but that this should be followed up by set- tlement and occupation. In 1619, Thomas Dermer, an English navigator, was sent out by the Plymouth Company to make a trip of exploration through these waters, and on this occasion he followed the same route taken by Adrian Block, only in reversed direction. He came down the East River and passed Manhattan without touching, and without noticing any Dutchmen. In the spring of 162U he returned and found on Manhattan many busy fur traders, to whom he remarked that they were trespassing on English territory, to which they replied that they had found no Englishmen when they came here and hoped that they had given no offence. When Dermer returned to London with the news of the busy fur trade which was carried on in Manhattan, a new charter was drawn up in the name of the Council of New England, by which possession was claimed of all lands lying on the American Conti- 24 The Dutch in New Nethcrland Captain May, first head of the Colony Pieter Minuit. first Governor nent between the 40th and 48th parallel and reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. In this docu- ment it was claimed that King James was credibly informed that these lands were not yet settled by Christian people, but taken in consideration that such territory would also include New France, it may reasonably be suspected that the King's information did not come from very reliable sources. A year later the English ambassader in the Hagne was instructed to call the attention of the States Gen- eral to the fact that the Dutch in America were occu- pying territory belonging to England, but the result- ing discussions do not seem to have had any effect, and it cannot be traced whether any answer was sent to the English Government. In opening up these settlements, the Dutch had the advantage over their neighbors in the previous exper- ience of the Dutch East India Company in other parts of the world. They knew what should be pro- vided for, and came well equipped with building and farming implements, seeds, etc. In 1625 the first two shiploads of cattle and horses, pigs and sheep arrived, so that the colony was now w^ell on the way to become a full fledged community, prepared to sup- ply its own wants. Tlie first settlement in Manhattan was started under the leadership of Captain May, who in 1624 was suc- ceeded by Willem Verhulst. The colony, however, began to look so promising, that the West India Com- pany decided to send a Director-General to take over the reins of the government. As such it appointed Pieter Minuit, who sailed on December the 19th, 1625, in the good ship ' 'Zeemeeuw, ' ' arriving on INIay the 4th, 1626 and bringing with him the " ziekentroosters", and The United States 25 or comforters of the sick, Sebastiaan Janseii Krol and Jan Huyck, to look after the spiritual welfare of the burghers. Isaac de Rasieres, who had arrived July the 26th, 1625, on the ship "Het Wapen Van Am- sterdam," was appointed as his secretary, and he was further assisted in the task of governing by a council of five members, which were chosen from the Dutch in the colony, Pieter Minuit's first official act was the purchase from the Indians of the island of Manhattan, and for the sum of sixty guilders, or twenty -four dollars, he obtained for the com munit}^ about 22,000 acres, which were paid for in beads, knives and similar articles. The next work in hand was the building of a fort, which was erected on the site where the present custom house now proudly stands. The builder of Erection of this fort, which was called Fort Amsterdam, was Ft. Amsterdam Kryn Frederickse. It had four bastions, brick work on the inside and sodded on the outside, but no moat was dug around it. It may also be remarked that the colony was equipped with a horse-mill for the bolting of flour, the loft of which on Sundays served as place of worship. The settlers of the upper Hudson in Fort Nassau in the meantime had succeeded in winning the good will of the Mohawk Indians, and carried on a lively trade in furs from that valley. The colonists of New Amsterdam went after the same product in their vessels and cruised the coast from Connecticut down to the Delaware river. In order to promote this trad- ing, Pieter Minuit greatly encouraged shipbuilding, and had even the keel laid of a ship of 800 tons bur- den, called the " Nieuw Nederland," which was loaded with furs and despatched to the fatherland, in 26 The Dutch in New Netherlarid order to show what the colony could do. More and more the attention of Holland was drawn to the New World, which showed such great possibilities ; demon- strated in a way by the following trade figures of New Amsterdam for the year 1630 : Imports, - - 113,000 guilders. Exports, - 130,000 (or an excess of exports of 17,000 *' ) Though this may be considered a fairly good show- ing for a colony only newly started in a wilderness, it was hardly sufficient to create much excitement amongst the Directors of the West India Company. The principal object of this organization was to go after the spoils of war, which promised such rich harvests in the captured fleets of the Spanish, while colonization was only a secondary consideration. If it be realized that the capture of the silver fleet in 1628 left the company proceeds of $15,000,000, and that the next year sundry privateers brought in a bounty of over $8,000,000 ; that in 1630 Brazil was taken and occupied — these successes resulting in dividends of 25 and 50 per cent. — it need cause no wonder that so little attention was paid to the settlements in the Hudson River Valley. Those were "getting rich quick " days for large corporations, and the slow and tedious procedure of colonizing and cultivating new countries found little favor in the eyes of the men at the helm. The realization that greater inducements had to be offered to increase the development of the colony, led to the creation of the so-called " patroon system." In 1629 the West India Company issued its charter of " Privileges and Exemptions," by which it was de- clared that any member of the Company who should a72d The United States 27 bring to and settle in New Netherland, within tlie next four years, 50 grown up persons, should receive a liberal grant of land to hold as *' patroon ' ' or lord. Such land might have a frontage of 16 miles if on one side of a river, or 8 miles if situated on both sides. The patroon would be chief magistrate on his land, but disputes of more that 50 guilders could be appealed to the Director and his Council in New Amsterdam. The tenants would be free from all taxation for 10 years, but during this period they v\ould not be allowed to change from one estate to another, or to move from the country to the town. The patroons would have full liberty to purchase goods in New Netherland, New England or New France, with ex- ception of furs, but such goods would have to pay in New Amsterdam an export tax of five per cent, before they could be shipped to Europe. The fur trade remained a monopoly of the Company. The weaving of cloth was prohibited in order not to curtail the field for the looms in Holland. The first manor under this charter was acquired by Samuel Godyn and Samuel Blommaert, two of the Company's Directors, who started a settlement called Swaenendal on the Delaware Bay, but the colonists, 32 in number, after the settlement had been in exist- ence for only a short while, were murdered by the Indians. The second venture was by Michael Pauw, who obtained land on the present site of Jersey City, call- ing it Pavonia, which name still survives. The enter- prise however, was not a financial success and he finally sold his holdings to the West India Company. The most successful of the settlements started under the patroon ship charter has been the colony on 28 The Dutch in New Netherland Settlement in Reusselaerwyk Wouter van Twiller, second Governor, and arrival of the first garrison the upper Hudson by Kiliaan van Rensselaer, an Amsterdam jeweler and member of the Chamber of Amsterdam. From the Mohawks he purchased a plot of land now represented by Albany and Rensselaer counties, which settlement was called Rensselaerw^^k and to which he brought several families from the town of Nykerk, the place of his birth. It did not take long before disputes arose between the patroons and the Company, both sides claiming that the contracts were not lived up to, and an indi- rect result of these difficulties was the recall of Pieter Minuit who left for Holland in March, 1632, in the good ship ' * Eendragt. " His successor was Wouter van Twiller, a clerk in the Company's office and a nephew of Kiliaan van Rensselaer, through whose influence he seems to have obtained his appointment. He arrived in April 1633 on the ship ' ' Zoutberg, ' ' accompanied by Domine Kverardus Bogardus, the first clergyman, and Adam Roelandzoon, the first schoolmaster, who came to New Netherland. There also came over with him 104 soldiers, the first garri- son to take up its abode in New Netherland. Van Twiller, in later years, has often been made the subject of caricaturists, who have either wilfully misrepresented him or who erred through lack of knowledge of the real facts. In the first place he is usually pictured as a large, fat man of advanced age in which case he is substituted for his father, one of the Directors of the Company, as he was a young man of 27 years when he was sent over as Director-Gen- eral of the colony. His lack of decision in many cases has given him the name of "De Twyfelaar," or "Doubter," but this a7id The United States 29 hesitan-cy should not be blamed upon him personally, but on the peculiar conditions which existed during his rule. In other instances, where his course was clear, he certainly showed a good deal of activity, courage and chivalry. At the time of his arrival the war with Spain was still raging, and the new Governor received instruc- tions from the States-General not to begin hostilities with his English neighbors under any circumstances, as Holland at that moment could hardly afford to be entangled in a war with still another country. Never- theless there were sufficient grounds for a call to arms, on account of the utter disregard by the Eng- lish on the Connecticut river of the Dutch territorial rights, but bound hand and foot by instructions from home, van Twiller could only resort to a game of bluff ; if this did not have the desired result, he could not back up his demands by force of arms. There seems to be no doubt, however, that van Twiller was somebody of an over-convivial character and at the many gatherings with his comrades, v/as wont to imbibe rather freely, which could hardly in- crease his prestige amongst the burghers and their wives. He has also been accused of not being averse to peculation and to have made use of his exalted position to obtain many lands, while it also may be added that, though the Government farms hardly paid expenses, his private bouweries yielded him large revenues yearly. One of his first acquisitions was "Nooten Eiland" or Nut Island, called Pagganck by the Indians, which Ons^o of he obtained from the aborigines in exchange for some \s\zxi^ axe-heads, a string of beads and a few nails. After 30 The Dutch in New Netherland this purchase the island's name was changed to Governor's Island, which name it has retained until the present time. The main difficult}- with which van Tv/iller had to contend was the aggressiveness of the English, who, by virtue of the charter of the Council of New England, did not recognize the territorial rights of the Dutch. A few days after his arrival, Jacob Eelkins, formerly in the service of Amsterdam merchants, during which period he had built Fort Nassau (now Alban}'), but who had since entered the service of Clobery & Co., a L/ondon firm, entered the river in command of an English ship, named "William." Van Twill er order- ed him to come ashore and asked him what the obj ect of his visit was, to which Eelkins replied that he was on English territor}- and came to trade with the Indians. Notwithstanding the counter arguments of van Twiller, nothing seems to have been done and Eelkins, after two days delay, quietly sailed up the river, van Twiller apparently being at a loss what to do under the circumstances in connection with the instructions from home. After a few days, however, persuaded by Captain de Vries, who had been in com- mand of the ruined colony at Swaanendael, it was decided to send a pinnace and a caravel with part of the troops after Eelkins, whom they overtook near Fort Orange. He had already collected a large quantity of furs, which were confiscated, and the ship was escorted down the bay to start the homeward trip without cargo, saving ballast. Other troubles faced van Twiller on the Connecticut river, where, in 1632, large tracts of land had been purchased from the Indians and where, on the present site of Hartford, Fort "De Goede Hoop" had been erected. Van T^dller appointed as commander of the and The United States 31 new fort his former playmate, Jacobus van Corlaer, who also came from Nj^kerk, while Hans Janse Ken- cluys was put in charge of the two cannon which had been placed on the fort. At the mouth of the river they nailed to a large tree the arms of the States- General, which place was called Kieviet's Hoek. The English people of the Plymouth colony, how- ever, hardly relished these proceedings and in order to show that they did not recognize the claims of the Dutch, in 1635, the younger John Winthrop, acting under orders, pulled down the arms of Holland at Kievit's Hoek and erected a fort which he called Say brook. When van Twiller learned of this, he sent a sloop from New Amsterdam with soldiers tore- gain possession, but, as the commander of this sloop found the fort armed with two cannon, which would necessitate a rather vigorous fight, they returned to the town, mindful of the instructions from home to avoid war at any cost. In the year before. Lieutenant William Holmes had sailed up the river to take possession of some lands which had been purchased from the Mohegan Indians. As they passed fort "De Goede Hoop," the com- mander summoned them to return, as, otherwise they would be fired upon. Holmes replied that he was acting under orders of the Governor of Plymouth and would go on, volley or no volley, and the Dutch again had to pocket their pride and let him pass. Holmes thereupon proceeded to Windsor where he built a house with a strong stockade around it. Later van Twiller sent a force of 70 men to drive the Knglish from their stronghold but as such evacuation could only be obtained by a vigorous fight, and not by par- liamentary negotiations, they had to return to New Amsterdam without having accomplished anything. 32 The Dutch hi New Netherland Governor Kieft and the Indian wars It can be fully realized how irritating these pro- hibitive instructions were for a young man like Wouter van Twiller, and to do him justice, it should be said that in cases where there was no question of the rights, as between Dutch and English, he proved to be of the right mettle, and not afraid to have re- course to force of arms. Witness his proceedings in reference to the Indians, whom he held to a strict accounting for any misdeeds they committed, regardless of whether the victim was English or Dutch, and by keeping order amongst the aborigines in this territory, he certainly strengthened the Dutch territorial rights. Though the colony had prospered greatly under the rule of van Twiller, during which time a second church was built in New Amsterdam and a large number of wnndmills were erected on Manhattan, he was not without enemies, and the end of his reign was drawing near. Domine Bogardus denounced him to the States-General for peculation and for favoring his uncle's colony at Rensselaerwyk; this resulted in his dismissal from oi^ce while the Company was investi- gating the charges made against him. As his successor was appointed Willem Kieft, and if ever a bad choice was made by a company ha^^ng charge of such large territory, it was made in this case. It is hard to understand why the Directors of the West India Company selected him, as it appears that there were many rumors about his former life, and it may be fairly deduced that his antecedents were not properly investigated, but that his promises of enforcing reforms won him the appointment. Kieft seems to have been a man without sagacity or diplomacy, which qualities were of the utmost necess- and The United States 33 ity in a country populated by so many Indian tribes, all having their differences and grievances. Moreover, through a more liberal way of encourag- ing emigration, since 1638, Huguenots, English and other settlers had begun to arrive in the colony, and these different units likewise had to be kept at peace wath each other. It had been decided that foreigners should have the same rights as Hollanders and that all monopolies should be abandoned. Emigration was further encouraged by free transportation to New Netherland of intending settlers with their families, who then received free of charge farms, cattle and implements, for which they had to pay, for 6 years, an annual rental of about |200; while further pro- visions were made for loans of money, and for the supply of necessaries on credit. Kieft arrived in March, 1638, on the ship "Haring" and at once took a strong hold of the affairs of Gov- ernment. As his councillor he appointed Jean La Montague, a Huguenot physician, and between them they constituted the whole Government, I/a Montague having one vote and Kieft two. Kieft' s administration was one of proclamations, entirely ignoring the wishes of the population. No trading was allowed without a license, capital punish- ment was instituted, sailors were not allowed to s\z.y on shore after sundown without special permission, and so forth. One of his first acts was to build a brewery, the first in the United States, while he also erected a hotel at the corner of Pearl Street and Coenties Slip, which became later the Stadthuys or City Hall. The same iron hand with which Kieft started out to rule the burghers of New Amsterdam, he meant to be 34 The Dutch in New Netherlarid felt by the Indians of the neighboring territories, and it is this rule by force, without diplomacy or wisdom, which was the cause of the many bloody massacres and the almost total devastation of New Netherland dur- ing his administration. It appears that some pigs were stolen from a settler in Staten Island by one of the Company's servants, but it was claimed that the theft had been committed by some of the Raritan Indians, who lived twenty miles inland. Without proper investigation, Kieft, in order to punish them, sent a company of soldiers who killed several, burned their houses and destroyed their crops. The Raritans revenged themselves by massacring a settlement in Staten Island; which Kieft met by offering a premium for every Raritan 's head. At the same time a wheelwright of Manhattan, Claes Smit, had been murdered by a Weckquaesgeck Indian of Yonkers, in settlement of an old score, and the sachem of his tribe refused to give up the mur- derer. In order to be able to insist upon the giving up of the culprit, which might mean war, it would be necessary to put the town in a state of defense and re- pair the fort. In order to raise the revenue to cover the cost of these repairs, Kieft laid a tax on the river Indians, which act greatly incensed the whole Dutch population, as this was contrary to all the precedents and principles of the Dutch, always ardent defenders of the maxim "no taxation without representation." A similar event happened in Hackensack, where a settler was shot and killed by a drunken Indian. The chiefs of the murderer's tribe offered to pay 800 fathoms of wampum, or bead money, to the victim's widow, in atonement for the deed, but claimed that they could not deliver the murderer as he had fled to the Haverstraw Indians. Bronk's and The United States 35 A few months later a party of Mohawks, armed with Muskets, came down the river to gather tribute from the river tribes who, greatl}' alarmed, sought refuge treaty in Pavonia and Manhattan. This seemed to Kieft an exceptional opportunity to settle his grievances and in the middle of the night he sent down his soldiers, who massacred 120 Indians, bringing in the heads of their victims as trophies of war. This resulted in a general warfare, with continuous murder and retalia- tion on both sides. After a while, however, the Indians as well as the Dutch began to understand that the carrying on of a war is a costl}' affair. Both sides began to get tired of the controversy and at last a treaty of peace was signed at the home of Jonas Bronk, in the present Borough of the Bronx. Notwithstanding this treaty it was found that the peacemaking was premature, and hostilities began a- new, until a force of 150 Dutch soldiers, under com- mand of Captain James Underbill, an exile from Boston, defeated the Algonquins near Stamford on a clear winter night, leaving 700 dead Indians on the field. Ere long the tribes on I^ong Island and West- chester sued for peace, which finally ended the war. The greatest burden of these wars naturally fell on the people, who had to pa}^ taxes to meet expenses, and great dissatisfaction was felt with the rule of Kieft. In the meantime a council of eight men had been chosen, as Kieft found it was impossible to pro- ceed altogether without consulting the representa- tives of the people. Six months after the war these eight men addressed a letter to the States General explaining how the country had been devastated and asking the recall of Kieft, charging him with the responsibility of causing the war, Melyn and Kuyter, 36 The Dutch in New Netherland members of this council, taking the initiative in the accusation against Kieft. After this letter reached Holland, the Company de- cided to relieve Kieft of the administration of the Colony and appointed in his place Pieter Stuyvesant, formerly Governor of Curasao. If anybody could be expected to regain the con- fidence of the people and to be received with the re- spect due to an officer of such high rank, it would be Stuyvesant, who had a long, honorable, military career behind him, and who carried the proof of being a brave soldier around with him in the form of a wooden leg, having lost the natural one in one of the West Indian wars. No matter how much respect a military Governor may command, or how true a servant of his superiors he may be, as a civil administrator he often proves a failure if he does not alter his tactics, and Stuyvesant was no exception. The colonists of New Amsterdam were free-born burghers, not soldiers who could be ridden over roughshod. In the fatherland they had been brought up with a firm belief in representative government and this be- lief had not left them when setting forth to the New World, as subsequent events will show. Stuyvesant arrived in New Amsterdam on May 24th and was ceremoniously welcomed by the population. With him came his wife, who was accompanied to the colony by her sister, Mrs. Bayard and her three children. On his arrival he found the fort in a deplorable state. Cows grazed on the grass}' slopes and trampled down the walls, while hogs rooted under the palisa- does of the stockade. At once he began levying and The United States 37 taxes to repair and rebuild the stronghold, placing a new excise on spirits and wines, and increasing the export duty on furs, in order to meet the expenses. At the outset this caused trouble with the council, who claimed that the company should pay for the defences itself, but should not levy taxes from the burghers for this purpose. As in the days of Kieft, proclamation followed proclamation and the people began to ask themselves if they were so much better off than under the rule of the former Governor. One of the leaders of the opposition was Adriaan van der Donck, who incurred the disfavor of Stuj^esant to such an extent that the Governor threw him into prison. It would lead us too far to relate in detail all the squabbles between Stuyvesant and the council, but suffice to say that they resulted at last in the sending of the famous ' * Vertoogh ' ' or demonstration to the States-General ; this was written by Adriaan van der Donck, who, in the meantime had been released from prison, on the return of Melyn and Kuyter. Van der Donck, with two others chosen from the foremost burghers, was sent to Holland to present this docu- ment to their High Mightinesses at the Hague, and pleaded so well, that in 1635 New Amsterdam was in- corporated as a city with a free municipal government, consisting of a schout, two burgomasters, and five schepens. At this moment the city could boast of a population of about 800 souls. One of the main grievances against Stuyvesant was his intolerance in all matters pertaining to religion, forbidding the erection of any churches except Cal- vinistic Dutch Reformed, and in many cases cruelly persecuting people belonging to any other faith. It Religious Intolerance of the Governor 38 The Dutch in Nezv Netherland The patroons and the Governor seems strange that a man like Stuyvesant should have shown such intolerance, coming, as he did, from a country whose people had fought for years for relig- ious freedom and where no restrictions existed re- garding worship according to individual belief. It. should further be mentioned that since the West India Company had offered more liberal terms to in- tending emigrants, quite an influx of foreign emi- grants had begun, of people who fled from religious persecution in their own country. There were Swed- ish and German Lutherans, Baptists from Rhode Island and Quakers from Boston ; while in 1654 the first Jews, 23 in number, arrived in New Amsterdam, having fled from Brazil after its recapture by the Portuguese. Public sentiment revolted against the persecution of these people, who had expected to find in New Netherland a haven of refuge, and when remonstran- ces were made to the States-General, they found sympathetic listeners, as it also was against the wishes of the people in the fatherland. The Governor re- ceived a rebuke, and this seems to have ended the controversy. It will be necessary to leave this city for a while and proceed up the Hudson to the colony of Rens- selaerwyk, established by Kiliaan van Rensselaer, This colony had prospered more than any other in New Netherland, and with prosperity came a certain overbearance on the part of the patroons. They had always refused to acknowledge the authority of the Governor at New Amsterdam, claiming that they had received their grants from the States-General direct, and not from the Company. Emboldened by the ease with which they could resist the Governor, they even proceeded beyond the limits of the original grant and The U^iited States 39 and seized an island in the Hudson on which van Rensselaer erected a fortress. This happened during the reign of van Twiller, who wrote him asking by what right he had seized the island. The answer was ''By wapen regV ( by the right of arms ) and this seems to have settled the question. It was discovered that many furs had been bought in his dominion by private traders, thus depriving him of the profits of this trafi&c, which induced him to invest this for- tress, called Rensselaerstyn, with another right, namely the ' 'staple right, ' ' levying tribute from every passing vessel. One day when Govert Ivoockermans passed the fortress in his yacht "De Goede Hoop," a shot was fired from the fort and he was ordered to strike his flag. When asked for whom, the watch- master Koorn of the fort replied ' ' Voor Heer Kiliaan en het stapelreo;t van Rensselaerstyn " (for Lord Kilian and the staple right of Rensselaerstyn), upon which Ivoockermans replied that he would not strike the flag for anybody but the Prince of Orange and their High Mightinesses the States-General, upon which three shots were fired, damaging the ship. For this act Koorn was summoned to New Amster- dam and punished. Sundry similar acts and the sale of firearms to the Indians, which was forbidden on Manhattan, caused many wordy wars between Stuyvesant and the pat- roons, until at last the matter was laid before the States-General, which resulted in the curtailing of the powers of the lordly masters of Rensselaerstyn. Another important event during Stuyvesant 's admin- istration was the capture and annexation of the Swedish settlements on the Delaware river. "William Usselinx, an Antwerp merchant who had done much to promote the founding of the West 40 The Dutch in New Netherland India Company, afterwards approached King Gustavus Adolplius of vSweden with similar proposals, leading to the formation of the South Company, which sent out ships with emigrants and implements to the Dela- ware river, where on the South shore, under leader- ship of Pieter Minuit, who, in the meantime, had entered the service of Sweden, they built fort Christina, followed later by a settlement under John Printz on Tinicum island, about 12 miles south of Philadelphia, called New Gottenberg. Also some English from New Haven tried to settle in that section, on Salem creek, but they were promptly deported by the Dutch and sent back to New Haven. Though the Dutch were far from pleased with this invasion of the Swedes in their territory, their strong- holds in this section were not powerful enough to resist by force or arms, as their only fortress was a fort called Nassau, on the Delaware, and afterwards a stockade on the present site of Philadelphia, erected by Andries Hudde and named Beversvrede, the total garrison of both fortifications being six men. The same reason which kept the Dutch from opposing the English by the force of arms in the occupation of their territory, withheld them from ousting the Swedes, as the States-General did not wish to run the risk of getting into war with another power as long as they were still fighting Spain. In 1651 however, Stuj^vesant had straightened out other matters, so that he could devote more time to the invaders in the south. Moreover, the treaty of Miinster had been signed, while the Swedes were in the midst of their war with Poland, so that no better opportunity could be expected. He therefore made a call for volunteers in New Amsterdam and succeeded in forming an army of about 700, which was more than and The United States 41 sufficient to overpower the Swedish colony, the whole population of VN'hich did not consist of more than 500 all told. With this force he sailed for the Delaware, where he demanded surrender of both fortresses, which was promptly acquiesced by Prince, without a drop of blood being shed. Thus ended the power of Sweden in the new world, the colonists mostly pre- ferring to stay under the Dutch rule instead of repatri- ating, the choice given them by Stuyvesant. While Stuyvesant was busy settling matters on the Delaware, reports reached him of a renewed outbreak amongst the Indians and he had to hurry north. As usual the cause had to be found in the unjustified killing of an Indian by a white man, and in a few days about 350 colonists had been wantonly slain. The fortifications were repaired and under the able leader- ship of Stuyvesant peace was soon restored, but at the cost of a renewed disgust on the part of the people with the Company who failed to protect them in time of danger. As we have seen before, the income of the West India Company originated mainly from the capture of Spanish fleets, as development of peaceful trading and colonizing was a branch of industry which was hardly considered worthy of its attention. Since the war with Spain had ended, this source of revenue had dried up, while in 1651 a further blow was struck at the prosperity of this corporation by the navigation act, which stipulated that all goods which came on the English markets, should be brought in English ships. These two causes had impoverished the Company so much, that when, in 1664, rumors were abroad that an English fleet had been despatched with the intent of capturing New Netherland, and Stuyvesant asked for ships and reinforcements, the Company was not Fall of New Netherland 42 The Dutch iji New Nether la?id able to give them, as it was then tottering on the verge of bankruptcy. According to the views of King Charles II. of Eng- land, New Netherland belonged to England already, and he therefore felt himself justified in granting these lands to his brother, the Duke of York and Albany, simply ignoring the doctrine of Queen Eliza- beth. In order to expel the trespassers, a fleet of four vessels was equipped, while the States-General in Holland were hoodwinked by the claim that this fleet was sent to enforce Episcopacy upon the New England Colonies. The fleet really did sail to Boston, under command of Colonel Richards Nicolls, already ap- pointed Governor of the colony to be seized. From there it .sailed to New Amsterdam, and on Saturday, August the 30th, 1664, came up the bay and demanded surrender of the city. It was found that Nicolls had omitted to sign the paper containing this demand, and it was sent back for his signature, which gave Stuyve- sant an opportunity to consult wnth the burgomasters and schepens. The governor did not wish to surren- der, but as the city was in no condition to offer any resistance and the attacking force more than overwhelming, the burgomasters and schepens w^ould not listen to such proposals, as they would only cause unnecessary bloodshed and could not change the final outcome. Moreover, they were not sorry to bid fare- well to a ruler like the West India Company who had failed to protect them in time of danger, had levied heavy taxes and had trampled on their ideals of representative government; but, on the contrary, had burdened them with harsh administrators who had ruled them in an arbitrary way, and through mis- management had been instrumental in causing them to lose what they had gathered through years of weary and The United States 43 toil. Capitulation was therefore decided upon, and on Tuesday morning Nicolls stepped ashore and took over the reins of government. Before bidding farewell to Stuj^vesant and his rule, for the sake of completeness, we might mention the name of Anton van Korlaer, a trumpeter of the garrison, and, according to the popular version, his right-hand man Friday; authentic history does not reveal anything remarkable about him, so that the glory of this name may be granted to be due to the need of story writers of later date of material to work upon. It is claimed that when Stuyvesant found little support for his plans of resistance amongst the burghers in New Amsterdam, he despatched van Korlaer to summon the colonists along the Hudson to the rescue. It happened to be very stormy weather, and when he came to the Harlem river, no boatman could be found to ferry him across, as the attempt to do so was considered foolhardy. Van Korlaer was not to be thwarted by the elements in his determina- tion to reach the other side, and swore that he would get across ''In spyt va7i den duiveV (in spite of the devil). He thereupon endeavored to swim across, but was drowned in the attempt, and since that day the scene of this occurrence is called "Spuyten Duyvel." After the capitulation and the landing of Nicolls, the banner of St. George was run up to take the place of the tricolor of the Republic, and it may well be asked why no efforts were made by the States-General to retake the colony; but apparently other matters of weightier importance prevented them from taking drastic measures, as soon afterwards we see the Republic at war with England, with whom it had been on such friendly footing for so many years. Anton van Korlaer and Spuyten Duyvel 44 The Dtdch in New Netherlayid Recapture by the Dutch New Netherland exchanged for Surinam New Amsterdam was rechristened New York and the fort named Fort James, which it retained for nine years, i. e.: until 1673 when the Dutch were engaged in their third war with England. At last it seemed that a fleet could be spared to attend to matters in the New World and in July of that year a Dutch fleet of five vessels, under command of Commodore Cornelis Evertsen, Jr., sailed up the bay and demanded surrender. If the Dutch should be taken to task for having their defenses in such a deplorable condition that no resistance could be offered when a European enemy threatened them under the rule of Stuyvesant, the same can be said of the English on this occasion, and after an attempt at delay by negotiation, the city surrendered and once more the flag of Holland floated over this offspring of the land of dykes and water. The second occupation, however, lasted only for a short while, as the next year a treaty of peace between the two powers was signed at Westminster, by which it was agreed that New Netherland would be given back to England in exchange for the Surinam Colony in South America. At the present day it seems rather odd that at that time it was conceded by the English that in granting this exchange, the Dutch got the best of the bargain, but then again it should be remembered that in those times possessions in the tropical belt were valued much higher than those of a northern climate. And after all, considering that the English have been ousted for more than a century from these, their erstwhile provinces, and that Surinam even at the present day is still a Dutch possession, it may be that the Dutch did get the better half of the bargain after all. a7id The United States 45 Curiously enough, by the way, Surinam, which is called by Knglish speaking people Dutch Guiana, takes its name from the Earl of Surrey after whom it was named Surreyham, and which was afterwards changed by the Dutch to its present form. After having seen the Dutch flag hauled down for good in the northern part of the western hemisphere, let us analyze the people who raised it here and who had to live on in this country under new conditions. It has often been claimed that representative government of the people in the western hemisphere, is not of Dutch origin, as some of the English colonies had local government long before a city charter was granted to New Amsterdam. This cannot be denied, but at the same time it should be conceded that this was not due to a lack of clamor for such government on the part of the people, as has been seen in the preceding pages, and which was the cause of continuous disputes between the burghers and the Governors. Moreover, conditions in the other colonies were different. No greedy corporations held sway, and the fatherland was not engaged in a long lasting war with a mighty power, which required the full attention of the Government at home, while the Dutch at that time were, as they are to-day, a law-abiding people, who would not easily endeavor to obtain by revolt against the acknovdedged authorities what they could not gain by patient and persistent remonstration. They could also hardly afford to sever themselves from the Government to which they looked for protec- tion in time of danger, surrounded as they were by savages who outnumbered them a thousand fold. They were, however, not lacking in ideals of poli- tical and religious freedom such as they had learned The Dutch and English people and repre- sentative Government 46 The D2itch in New Netherland Religious Freedom and Public Schools at home and which they transplanted to American soil. Even if they had a long struggle before they obtained that freedom for which they clamored, it should be noted that this struggle never ceased, and when at last the time came that these ideals won the field, the experience in popular government on a larger scale than the administration of local communities, which the Dutch had gained in their fatherland, was of great importance in forming the first confederacy in later years. In other matters, which are now the fundamental principles of our great republic, the Dutch were far ahead of their English neighbors. Religious freedom was an acknowledged right, and, in those days, a factor of no mean importance, and we have seen how Stuyvesant incurred the general disapproval when he tried to meddle with this principle. Public education stood on a far higher level than anywhere else in the world, and no distinction was made between boys and girls, both going to the same schools and receiving the same education, being the same principle which is adhered to in the present American public school system. In other countries this was as yet something unheard of, and the schooling which the girls received was generally of a ver}' limited character. The schooling of the children w^as considered a duty of the State, and it created a great deal of dissatisfaction and hostility when, under English rule, this item was taken off the list of public charges. The result was that this matter was taken in hand by the Dutch churches and, as we can see to-day in Canada how instrumental church education is in retaining the old national tongue and customs, it ^^-ill readily be seen how this drastic measure of the English aided to keep the Dutch together as one unit in an English colony. and The U7iited States 47 Owing to the greater freedom of speech and the written word in the Dutch RepubHc, printing presses had plenty of work and, as a result, books were cheap. They were obtainable for everybody and led to a broader education and more liberal ideas. Such oc- currences as burning of T\dtches would have been impossible in New Netherland, as the people were too well read and too enlightened to make such things possible. In those days, when newspapers w^ere not yet in existence, political events were considered fitting material for sermons from the pulpit and usually, to be a Domine or preacher, meant to be a harsh critic of the Government. Especially Domine Bogardus was an ardent agitator, and when the good burghers pre- pared themselves on Sunday for divine service, they could be assured that they would not have to complain about the dulness of the sermon, which goes to show that New York of to-day is not so very different from New Amsterdam after all, as every New Yorker vvdll admit. They were plain and truly democratic people that came to these shores in those days. The long struggle against the common foe in the time of the reformation had levelled caste prejudice, and nobleman and peasant had fought side by side against the Spanish oppressors. No royal court, wdth retinue of lordly followers, was known in Holland, and the foremost men of the republic were those who had distinguished themselves by valor, strateg>^, diplomacy or superior knowledge. All were alike and equal, and it was only during the English period that an aristocracy was formed out of the followers belonging to the Govern- or's retinue. The Church and the Dutch Domiues The Democra- tic Dutch 48 The Dutch in New Netherlayid It is difficult to imagine that such people should consist mainly of big, stout, lazy fellows, spending the day in smoking tobacco out of long churchwardens and filling in the rest of the time in drinking gin, as some of the caricaturists of later day so fondly picture them, especially when it is remembered that the smoking of tobacco was not in common usage in Hol- land in those days, but was adopted from the Con- necticut Knglish. Referring to domestic life, we might also cite the Troubles of the difficulties of the housewdves in obtaining suitable housewives help. In the early days every woman was, as a matter of course, her own cook and had to attend to every- thing herself. As prosperity came and work in the house and on the farm multiplied, help had to be found, and as this could not be obtained in the colony, girls had to be sent from Holland. There were a great many single young men in the colony, who left the fatherland attracted by the possibility of an adventurous life, and who were eager suitors for the hand of the maidens from home. The result was that the housewives did not remain long in possession of the newly acquired domestic treasures and as these usually came out under some kind of a contract, the passage money ha\4ng been paid for by her mistress, many w^ere the cases of breach of contract which were brought before the magistrate for his learned decision, and apparently they were usually decided in favor of the wooing swain. By and by it became possible to train the Indians to do housework, which helped a little, and afterwards these were supplemented by the negro slaves, which the West India Company began to import into the and The United States 49 colon}^ though very much against the \\411 of the burghers. Before passing on to the next chapter of the history of the Dutch in America, it should be mentioned that Stuyvesant, after a short stay in Holland, in order to justify and explain his conduct in connection with his surrender of the city, returned to New York, where he retired to his farm on the Bowery, then far outside the city, living there until his death in 1672, at eighty years of age. He was buried in St. Mark's church and a tablet in the wall in this building announces this fact to visitors. After the English had taken possession of this colony, and the people had at last got rid of the hated West India Company, the Dutch soon learned that their cherished hopes of a more liberal and repre- sentative government were to be disappointed. The promises which had been made were not kept, and though it is impracticable within the limits of this booklet, to relate in detail all the controversies which arose, it may be said that the struggle was never given up and when at last the Revolutionary War broke out, which was to free the American colonies for- ever from the yoke of European denomination, the people of this province had been well prepared to take their share of the struggle, through this never ending fight for their natural rights. This does not mean , however, that the people did not have their temporary successes, as shown by the fact that in 1683, during the rule of Charles II. and under Governor Dongan, a charter was enacted in- suring the rights of the people by means of a perma- nent popular representative assembly. The remaining years of Stuy\'esant The Dutch under English rule 50 The Dutch in New Netherland Charles II. died, however, before he had signed the document, and his successor the Duke of York and Albany, refused to complete the work begun by his brother, and sent secret instructions that the charter should be forthwith repealed. It should be mentioned that it was in this charter that, for the first time in any such document, the ex- pression, '''The People"" was used, which, in the later days, was to become a term of such sovereign meaning. It was under the rule of King James II. under which name the Duke of York and Albany ascended the throne of England, that the rights of the people were ignored in the most arbitrary manner. Not- withstanding all grants and charters. King James united New England and New York in one province, appointing as Governor of the new territory Governor Andros of Boston and recalling Dongan, who, though an Irish Catholic, was esteemed by Protestants and Catholics alike. Under Governor Andros a law was passed forbidding the bolting of meal in any place in the province except New York, which naturally great- ly irritated the rural population and the inhabitants of the inland towns. History tells us that the Englishmen at home did ^,. ^ ^^ not fare better than the colonists in America regarding King James II o <=> dethroned infringement of their rights; oppression in England led to the revolt against King James, who fled from his country in December 1688, and the invitation to Will- iam III. of Orange to take up the reins of Government. After William III. had been proclaimed king of Eng- land, Governor Andros was taken prisoner by the people of Boston, where a Committee of Safety was organized to take charge of public affairs. a7id The Uiiited States 51 The province was consequently left without a direct representative of the reigning sovereign, while the royal governor of New York, Nicholson, had fled, and the remaining oS5cials were all appointees and agents of the King who had been overthrown. Something had to be done to safe-guard public order and to protect private property; and, as in Boston, a Committee of Safety was organized which selected Jacob L/eisler to be commander of the fort. Jacob Leisler was the son of an exiled French Hugue- not minister, who had fled to Frankfort in Ger- many, where Jacob was born. Originally he enlisted as a soldier in the service of the Dutch West India Company, and rapidly rose to higher rank, came afterwards to New Netherland, where he prospered and at the time of this episode, was a merchant and a judge. As the representatives of the new King did not ap- pear as soon as expected, Ivcisler was elected Gover- nor of the province, and was assisted in the task of governing by a council chosen by the community. Exceptional circumstances necessitate exceptional measures, and though the placing in power of I^eisler was done without consultation wifh the Government at home, for which there was no opportunity, (and the absence of which opportunity was in fact the reason why this power was conferred upon him) his assumption of the office seemed the wisest course pos- sible under the circumstances, and as he took up the reins of government by the wish of his fellow citizens, he can hardly be accused of usurpation of power. It is therefore rather remarkable that the Dutch Church, which had always been on the side of the people, in this case sided with the royalists, the dismissed digni- The Jacob I,eisler episode 52 The Dtttch in New Netherland taries of King James; and that the Domines de- nounced Ivcisler from the pulpit as a rebel and a usurper. Undoubtedly this was due to a great extent to the fact that the rich aristocracy, as represented by these dignitaries, had become a mighty factor in the Church and that the Domines were well aware that, sooner or later, this class would again be uppermost in the community. The plain people and the rural popula- tion however sided with the I^eisler party and were greatly embittered against their pastors, and this led to open acts of hostility, so that many of the clergy had to flee from the city, while one of them was thrown into prison. In the meantime the community was anxiously awaiting the agents of the new Government, but, as may be expected after the overthrow of a ruler, so many matters had to be attended to at once, that the affairs of the far-off colonies could not be taken in hand immediately. At last Sloughter was appointed Governor ; he was shipwrecked in the Bermudas and sent on Captain Ingoldsby ahead of him, who, on his arrival at New York, demanded surrender of the fort, but as he came without credentials, his demand was naturall}^ refused. Three months later Sloughter arrived, and the administration was handed over to him ; whereupon Ivcisler, at the instigation of his enemies, was arrested on the charge of treason, and the same fate befell his son-in-law, Milborne. They were tried and condemned to be hanged, I,eisler and while their property was confiscated ; but Sloughter his son in-law before signing the sentence, wished to get the sanction executed ^^ ^y^^ King, so they were placed in prison awaiting the reply from England. Such delay, however, hardly and The United States 53 suited the royalists, who arranged a banquet to which the Governor was invited. I^ater in the evening, after heated arguments and under the influence of strong drink, the death warrant was placed before him for his signature and he yielded. After this sig- nature had been obtained, the royalists were not slow in executing the sentence, and on the 16th of May L/eisler and Milborne were hanged and buried near the gallows, on the site of present Tribune Building, in Nassau Street. Afterwards Parliament legalized Leisler's action and Queen Anne repealed the confiscation of his and Mil- borne 's property, it being restored to their respective heirs. In 1698 the bodies were exhumed and buried in the Dutch Church in Garden street, now Exchange Place. It was about this time, in 1690, during the French and Indian wars, that the Dutch settlement in the Destruction of Mohawk valley, Schenectady, was burned, and the Schenectady majority of the inhabitants murdered. It is claimed that the name Schenectady is of Indian origin, but we cannot help thinking that the original Dutch name of the settlement, Schoon-Echtenbeek, may have some- thing to do with the later title. In 1689 Montreal had been destroyed by the Mohawks, the allies of the English and Dutch, leaving a score to be settled by the French. Though the settlement at Schenectady was sur- rounded by a palisade, provided with gates, j-ears of undisturbed peace had made the colonists careless, and at night the gates were usually left open. On a winter night the French swooped down upon the hamlet and killed 60 of the inhabitants, only about 25 escaping, while the village was burned. Later, the place was rebuilt but for many years conditions in the 54 The Dutch in New Nether land valley remained unsettled, until the taking of Canada by the English, and it was quite customary for the farmers to start for their work in the field armed with muskets. Though the famous pirate, Captain William Kidd, was not of Dutch descent, and has no connection with the story of the Dutch in America (nothwithstanding he married a Dutch lady) he has become such a hero of folklore, especially in the youthful mind, that in filling out our canvas we must not omit to mention him here. During the period of which we have spoken, piracy on the high seas had been of regular occurrence, and as the colonies did not have enough men-of-war to pro- tect shipping along the coast, it had become customary to provide private vessels with commissions as pri- vateersmen to pursue pirates. Such commission was granted by Governor Bellomont of New York to Captain William Kidd, but soon afterwards the news reached the Governor that the privateersman had turned pirate himself. This lasted for about two years, when Cap- tain Kidd had the audacity to appear with his ship in Boston Harbor, where he was seized and imprisoned. He appealed to Governor Bellomont, claiming that whatever he had done on the high seas, had been done on the strength of his commission as privateersman, and that certain English vessels, which had myster- iously disappeared, had not been molested by him. The action of Governor Bellomont in this matter gave rise to the rumor that he had shared part of the plunder and therefore endeavored to protect Captain Kidd, who afterwards confessed to some of his crimes, re- sulting in the discovery of some of his booty in Gardiner's Island in Long Island Sound. Captain Kidd was subsequently hanged, and it is claimed that aytd The United States 55 Mutual friend- ship of the Dutch and English people a large part of his plunder still lies buried in the sand along the Long Island coast, awaiting discovery by some lucky adventurer who may happen to strike the right spot. Although, during the term of existence of New Netherland, differences continually arose between its Governor and those of the neighboring English Colonies regarding territorial rights, the Dutch and English people had always been on a good footing with each other, and it is for this reason that in after years, under the English Governors, no distinctly Dutch party existed, as such, in opposition to the English factors. There was, however, the party of the People, clamoring for freedom and the right to be represented in the affairs of the Government, as op- posed to the royalists who sided with the agents of the Government across the water, and it was wnththe former party that the Dutch sided, with few excep- tions. There was, of course, the Dutch Church party, but this was a matter of religion, as they insisted on the right to worship in their own way, without the inter- ference of the Government, which tried to force the Episcopalian Church upon the colonies ; and in this opposition the Dutch sided with the English Puritans, not on account of intolerance towards the Episcopali- ans, to whom they bore no malice, but on account of the old principle that full freedom in matters of re- ligion should be allowed, to all the People without interference on the part of their Rulers. In relating the story of the Dutch in America, we should therefore have to fall back upon the narrative ^^^^j^^^J^e of the exploits of those individuals who, during the Revolutionary course of later events, especially shone out amongst war 56 The D2itch in New Netherland their fellow citizens ; this would lead us a good deal further than space permits. It may be said, however, that during the Revolutionary war the Dutch of New York carried their share of the burden, and did their full duty by the community of which they formed a part. And if in the historical records we find afterwards only comparatively few Dutch names, it should not be forgotten, that, compared with the total population of the United Colonies at the outbreak of the war, the Dutch formed only a small percentage, owing to the cessation of emigration from Holland after the fall of New Netherland. The development of the East and West-Indian possessions, and the many wars in Eur- ope in which Holland engaged in after years, de- manded the services of so many of her sons, that few could be spared to add to the population of the colonies of a foreign power. When we read, however, auout the eager endeav- ors of the English authorities during the revolution to capture the Dutch Domines, it may be concluded that the Dutch Reformed Church, as under the rule of the West India Company, had remained a political factor, and that the followers of this faith were amongst the foremost fighters in the ranks of the Continental Army. We may further mention the name of General Schuyler as one of the prominent American leaders; he had already given proof of his valor in the war of the English against the French in Canada. There is further Simeon de Witt, who was geographer in the army and afterwards rose to the rank of staff officer of General Washington. Later, after the war was over, he became Surveyor-General of the State of New York. It w^as in these days of struggle that the new Com- monwealth received support from its elder-sister and The Ujtited States 57 republic in Europe — Holland, in December 1780, mak- ing a treaty whereby the Independence of the United States was acknowledged, leading to relations of re- ciprocal friendship. It was further agreed that if England should make war on Holland, the latter country and America should assist each other, and that no peace should be made without mutual consent, and this was soon followed by an open declaration of war with Holland by England, thus adding one more to her enemies who should harrash her on the high seas. A similar treaty had been made with France two years previous but it should be mentioned that at the time of the treaty with that country the outlook for the final success for America seemed favorable, while at the time of the alliance with Holland the Contin- ental Army had suffered many reverses. For years, the Dutch had been aiding the Revolutionists and most of their war supplies had been brought into the country by way of the Dutch West Indian Colonies. It was in these Colonies, at the island of St. Eusta- tius, on November the 16th, 1776, that the flag of the new Republic was first saluted by a Foreign Power. The support of the Dutch, however, w^as not confined to the making of a treaty; liberal sums of money were loaned to the new Republic, and when, in after years, these sums were repaid to a total of about $14,000,000, they were invested in lands in western New York and Pennsylvania, which were developed under the man- agement of the Holland I/and Company. After the w^ar was over and republican ideals, which brought with them religious freedom and public schools, had triumphed, the necessity of sticking to- gether as people of one race, with its own church, had vanished; this re-iulted in a gradual neglect of the mother-tongue and about in 1800 the Dutch language Support from Holland The Dutch lang-uage ceases to be spoken in America 58 The Dutch in New Netherland ceased to be spoken in the erstwhile Dutch com- munities, English having become the universal language. The only remnant of Dutch Institutions which still exists to-day is the Dutch Reformed Church of America, which, as an organization, had certainly flourished steadily enough during these centuries of the changing and confusing influx of foreign elements. In looking back upon past events, it is wdth feelings of regret that we note how our own proud city, and the capital of our state, have retained the names placed upon them through an outburst of royal vanity, names which have no historical meaning and which should have vanished with the cessation of the English rule. We cannot help feeling that the old names New Amsterdam and Rensselaerwyk (or Beverwyk as it was originally called) would have conveyed to posterity a more fitting memory of the past, and would have commemorated better than their present names, the pluck and courage of our ancestors. Our narrative has so far related the histor}^ of the early Dutch settlers and of their descendants, but after the recognition of the United States of America by Europe, these descendants, as well as those of the English, Swedish and other early settlers, became A^nericans, having no further connection with their fatherlands, so that we cannot class them any more as anything but Americans. In speaking therefore of the Dutch in America, in modern times, we have to refer to such Hollanders as emigrated to the United States since the establish- ment of the Republic, and the following pages are devoted to this new class of settlers. and The United States 59 Sundry causes led to a renewed influx of Hollanders into the New World from this date, the first being Holland i.and the outcome of the formation of the Holland Land Company Company referred to above, which induced farmers in Holland to leave their homesteads in the old country and to devote their energy to the development of lands in New York and Pennsylvania, which they offered on easy terms. The many Dutch names on the map of the State of New York, such as, Barneveld, Amsterdam, Rotter- dam, Batavia, Tromp, Linklaen, etc., facilitate the task of locating the section where these settlements were originally started. From this time dates also the arrival of Harmen Jan Huidekoper, so well known in the circles of the Unitarian Church, who settled in Meadville, Pennsylvania, where the Meadville Theo- logical School was afterward established. It was once a standard saying that if anybody inquired into the basic principles of the Unitarian faith, the answer would be ' 'Nobody knows but Huidekoper, and he won't tell." A further tide of travel toward the West set in from Europe on account of the political disturbances during the Napoleonic wars, when many of the most ardent champions of the popular party considered it advisable to leave the country after Holland became a kingdom under Napoleon's brother Louis. Among these politi- cal exiles were Colonel Adam G. Mappa and Adriaan van der Kemp, the former becoming afterwards agent of the Holland Land Company, while the records of Ulster County Court show that the latter held the office of Assistant Justice in that district. The next emigration movement took place about 50 years later, in 1848, and we regret to say that this 60 The Dutch i7i New Nether land Emigration under the rule of King William T. Settlers in Iowa under Domine Scholte Michigan and Chicago was caused through the curbing of the freedom of re- ligion, the one ideal for which the Dutch had fought so long a struggle and which in former years had been the universal merit of their fatherland, having been instrumental in bringing to its cities so many exiles of sterling worth, from other countries. After the throne of the Corsican had been over- thrown and the European powers were once more separated by their former boundaries, Holland re- mained a kingdom, but this time under the rule of a descendant of the house of Orange, King William I. However, the business of being King, like any other, has to be learned, and it is rather remarkable that Wil- liam I. did not realize the necessity of a liberal gov- ernment for a people like the Dutch, but ignored all the experience and precedents of his ancestors. The old form of representative government was changed to a bureaucratic rule, which was enforced with an iron hand, and the aid of the army, and which lasted until the Dutch Government secured his abdication. He was succeeded by his son, vv^ho ascended the throne under the title of William II. In the meantime several pastors, embittered by the persecution which they endured, gathered their flocks around them and set out in search of a new home where they might find rest and freedom . Domine Scholte led his faithful followers to the valley of the Mississippi, in Iowa, where they settled in Pella, from which settlement the now existing Dutch colonies in Orange City, Sioux Center and others are the offspring of later date. Domine van Raalte led his constituents to the shores of lake Michigan, where they founded the commun- ities of Grand Rapids and Holland, in after years so and The United States 61 well known for their furniture industry. Also the Chicago suburbs, Roseland and Pullman are prin- cipally settled by emigrating Dutchmen . Dutch colonies in the United States have further sprung up through the formation of land companies in Holland, which peddled out their large purchases in America to their enthusiastic fellow countrymen, emigrating in the hope of soon doubling their wealth through the fabulous yield of the rich virgin soils of these territories. Some succeeded, but many others discovered the truth of the old adage "it is not all gold that glitters," and lost all they had. In the eighties for instance, quite an exodus took place to far-off California, where it was claimed that fortunes could be made in the fruit growing business, but when at last the new orchards began to yield a pro- duct, hard times set in and no buyers could be found for the crops, which rotted on the trees. Another large Dutch centre can be found in Pater- son. N. J., where it is estimated that the Dutch colony, including the first American born generation, counts about 15,000 souls. Jersey has always been a Dutch section from the time of the first settlement of that region, and many who intended to try their luck in the new world, were naturally drawn to surround- ings where they might find relatives or friends who had already a firm footing in the land which was to be their second fatherland. They were, or rather are, the emigrants from Friesland and Zeeland especially who may be found in Paterson, and the casual stranger, passing through North Main street, would hardly imagine himself on American soil if he pays attention to the names painted on the shop windows, which gives the street more the aspect of the principal thoroughfare in a Frisian village. Fruit Growers in California Paterson, N. J. 62 The Dutch in New Netherland The writer, who is himself a Frisian, remembers how on the occasion of his first visit to Paterson, which was on a Sunday, he happened to be in this section of the town, just at the moment that the good people were leaving church. To see, in this far-off land, the women with their national headgear, the well known "ooryzer" and to hear them converse and greet each other in their own familiar style, in the language of our own northern province, was a real pleasure and it was even with a certain amount of emotion that it came home to him, how even here, only an hour travel from the hustle and bustle of the busy surroundings of lower Manhattan , the old familiar cheer for " Fryslan boppe " would be met with an enthusiastic response. Another characteristic colony which should be men- tioned is the settlement in Sayville, I/ong Island, on the Great South Bay, consisting exclusively of Zee- land oyster farmers, which village is the nucleus of the oyster industry on Long Island. Like many other small communities, Sayville may boast of its fore- most citizen who holds more or less the same position as the "squire" in an English village. Philadelphia has also recently come into the fore- ground as a Dutch community with its ' ' Holland Society of Philadelphia", to which belong the many Hollanders who follow a course of study at the Phila- delphia Dental College, and who are destined to spread afterwards in the old world the fame of the advanced scientific status of American dentistry. There was a time when emigration to America in Extradition Holland was looked upon as being more or less a dis- 1872 ^ ^^ ^ ^" grace, casting something of a slur on the character of the emigrant who set forth to try his fortune in the Sayville. I^. I. Philadelphia, Pa. and The United States 63 new world. The origin of this w^as found in the fact that no Extradition Treaty had been made as yet with the United States, which still offered a haven of refuge to defaulters or others who were fugitives from justice for acts committed in the old country. More- over, if there was a black sheep in any family, the most convenient wa}^ to get rid of him was to ship him over to America and leave him to shift for himself. Europe is comparatively small and distances short, so that a social exile can always find a way to get back to his relatives, even from the remotest part of that continent, an enterprising rascal having many ways of beating his way back to the fleshpots of Egypt, even if he has not a penny in his pocket. If, how- ever, his relatives placed a large sheet of water like the Atlantic Ocean between themselves and the delin- quent, it was looked upon as the surest safeguard against the possible reappearance of the afore men- tioned black sheep. An Extradition Treaty between the two countries, however, was signed in 1872, and since that time the United States were closed to the fugitives from Dutch justice. In the same year the ' 'Nederlandsch Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maatschappy" or in English, "Nether- Holland land American vSteamnavigation Company" was or- America l,me ganized, briefly named "Holland- America Line." This line is an offspring of a regular service insti- tuted between Rotterdam and New York by the firm of shipowners, Messrs. Plate, Reuchlin & Co. Their steamers each had room for 10 first cabin passengers of which two overnight had to be accommodated on the benches in the dining saloon ; couches which were too cold and too uncomfortable in winter time, and in 64 The Dutch in New Netherland this season the carrying capacity was accordingly re- duced to eight persons. This made no difference however, as in winter such a crowd of passengers as ten persons, were never expected to materialize. The Holland- America Line started its regular ser- vice with the two following steamers : S.S. "Rotterdam" with a tonnage of 2,100 Tons S.S. '*Maas" with a tonnage of 1,800 Tons having a speed of 10 knots and a carrying capacity of: 40 first cabin passengers, 35 second cabin passengers , and 100/150 steerage passengers, and if we compare these tiny ocean carriers with the latest leviathan of this line, the S.S. "Rotterdam," of 24,170 Tons Register and 37,190 Tons displacement (one of the five largest vessels in the Atlantic pas- senger trade, and unsurpassed by any steamer in comfortable and luxurious equipment) we must con- gratulate the enterprising Directors with the phe- nomenal success of their line. In mentioning the Dutch mercantile marine in West India connection with the United States, we may also point Mail to the progress made by the Royal Dutch West India Mail. This company originally organized a regular mail service between Amsterdam and the Dutch West Indian colonies, afterwards extending the route of travel to New York and returning again to Holland by way of the West Indies. Since last year a separate weekly service has been opened by special steamers between the colony of Surinam and New York, which vessels have been especially fitted up for the carrying of bananas for the New York market, while they also have excellent passenger accommodation. and The United States 65 During the latter part of the 19th century we have seen a renewed emigration from Holland en masse, forming Dutch communities in certain sections. In recent years, such emigration has ceased and those who come over now, come as individuals prepared to make their way on the strength of their personal merits. In these communities there exists, as a matter of course, a certain amount of characteristic Dutch social life, with its special social events and news. These conditions have given birth to several Dutch news- papers, which in general outline give the news from the Fatherland, the American news, and, last but not least, the social gossip of the community. There are at present 16 of such publications in the United States, divided as follows over the different states : 2 in Paterson, N. J. 1 in Rochester, N. Y. 1 in Chicago, 111. 2 in Grand Rapids, Mich. 1 in Pella, la. 2 in De Pere, Wis. 3 in Holland, Mich. 1 in Kalamazoo, Mich. 2 in Orange City, la. 1 in Sioux Center, la. Hollaud news- papers n America Curiously enough there is no Dutch newspaper in New York City, but it should be added that, though there are several thousand Hollanders in greater New York, they are scattered all over the city, and differ greatly in social status, so that little or no unity exists among them. There are Dutch bankers, lawyers, architects, clerks, artisans, waiters, in short, there are Hollanders in almost every part of the mercantile Conditions in New York City Professionals as emigrants 66 The Dutch in New Netherlajid or industrial life of the great city and, taken as a whole, they are reckoned as foremost to a remarkable degree amongst their colleagues in each particular sphere of occupation. This condition not only exists in New York, but we jSnd Hollanders scattered all over the Union, engaged in the most varied occupations. Through the large financial interests of Holland in several of the Western Railroads, quite a few Dutchmen are connected with these enterprises. In Port Arthur, Texas, a Dutch land company, with Dutch employees, is engaged in aiding to develop this port. The City of Galveston, almost entirely destroyed by the great hurricane and flood of a few years ago, has her city level raised by a Dutch contracting firm. In Texas we find Dutch rice farmers and even in the Dominion of Our Lady of the Snows; we find Dutch importing houses in the cities of Toronto and Winnipeg. In a "Holland- American Almanac," published in 1883, more especially written for the benefit of intend- ing emigrants, we find the rather curious warning that ''there is no bread for professionals in America," and that it is only advisable for skilled laborers and servant-girls to come to the United States. Though we are at a loss to understand what is exactly meant by "professionals," we presume that this refers to people following vocations which require some learn- ing. Perhaps conditions have changed since then, but if our interpretation of the expression cited above be correct, we might point out to the writer of this almanac many examples of "professional" men amongst our fellow countrymen, who have been very successful here. In fact, there is room for all pro- fessions, provided the young men who come over here and The United States 67 possess the necessary knowledge, courage and perse- verance to grapple with their new life in a strange country. The population of the United States in- creases yearly about one and a half million, mostly through emigration, and, as the optimistic American is wont to say ''lue need them all.'''' This country is only beginning to grow, and offers plenty of opportu- nity for those who come with the firm intention of succeeding. This, as a matter of course, depends on personal ability and inclination, and it must be ex- pected that, notwithstanding the opportunities, the weak ones must be "failures" and fall by the way, even sooner than they would at home, where the helping hand of relatives or friends may be more promptly available. Referring again to conditions in New York City, it should not be concluded that in our city there exists no nucleus of Dutch social life. Away back in 1864 there was founded the society "Bendracht Maakt Macht," having for its object the promotion of social life amongst the Hollanders, while a fund was further created for support of its members in case of sickness and for the defraying of funeral expenses. Most of the members of this society, however, were, (and are), people of limited means, who could not go much further than the occasional hiring of a hall, where their meetings were held, and their annual St. Nicholas celebrations took place. Thus matters stood, when, in 1901, some of our Hollanders endeavored to bring enough of the scat- tered elements together to organize a dinner at the "Holland House," in celebration of the Queen's marriage in February of that year, w^hich proved such a success that it was decided to repeat this again some time during the next winter season. 68 The D2itch in New Nether land The Nether- land Chamber of Commerce in America The following year the Hollanders met again, this time at the "Manhattan Hotel," under presidency of Her Majesty's Minister at Washington, D. C, W. A. F. Baron Gevers. At this gathering, His Excellency took the initiative in submitting a plan to bring the several Dutch elements of this city permanently to- gether, either by the creation of a Netherland Cham- ber of Commerce, a Club, or a Benevolent Society, or all three; and a committee was at once appointed to take these matters under consideration, and to report at a later date. Before proceeding with our narrative, we wish to extend a word of thanks to Baron Gevers for his ini- tiative in this matter. The possibility of creating something by united effort had often been discussed, but nobody had ever seriously tried to bring it about. Most of the Hollanders were comparatively strangers to each other. The writer remembers how during the first years of his sojourn in this city, he only occa- sionally met any of his fellow countrymen, owing to the enormous distances in our city, and the great variet}' of occupation of the Hollanders in New York. The first outcome of the deliberations of this Com- mittee was the incorporation on May the 28th, 1903, of ' ' The Netherland Chamber of Commerce in America, ' ' wdth ofl&ces at 68 Broad Street, which, in October of last year, were moved to 136 Water Street. The Chamber is now in the seventh year of its existence, and during that period has received numerous in- quiries for information, as well from merchants in Holland and the colonies, as from exporters and im- porters in the United States. The annual reports give a synopsis of its activities and events have shown that the Chamber provides for existing needs in the and The United States 69 commercial relations between the United States and the Netherlands. The organization in now engaged in a campaign placing before the public the facilities of the port of Willemstad on the island of Curasao, which promises to become the centre of maritime traffic in the Carib- bean sea, after the opening of the Panama Canal, and it was with great satisfaction that it recently learned of the formation of a syndicate in Holland, having as object the enlarging of the shipping facilities at that port. The formation of the Chamber of Commerce was follow^ed a few months later by the incorporation of ' ' The Netherla7id Club of New York, ' ' which opened its Club building at 47 Kast 25th Street, in October of the same year. This club has become a real "Dutch Home" in New York and is now the rendezvous of most travelling Hollanders who come to our city. Many a young Hollander, who has come to New York as a total stranger, has profited by the advice and information to be gathered among these homelike surroundings, which formerly he would have had to learn by hard and expensive personal experience, and not a few have succeeded in obtaining positions through the assistance and influence of acquaintances made in this Club. It was through the initiative of the officers of the Netherland Club that H. M. protected cruiser "Gel- derland" visited the port of New York in the summer of 1907, and the enthusiastic welcome which the officers and crew received on that occasion, from Americans as well as from Hollanders, has demon- strated the bond of friendship which still exists so strongly between Old and New Netherland. The Nether- land Club of New York 70 The Dutch in New Nether land The Nether- land Benevo- lent Society of New York After these two organizations had been launched in 1903, it was considered inadvisable to attempt at the same time the formation of a benevolent society, as quite a demand had been made already upon the generosity of our small community, in order to get the Chamber and the Club on a firm footing. In Febru- ary, 1908, the project w^as, how^ever, brought up again, and a committee appointed to prepare the necessary plans, A few months later the plans were complete, and ' ' The Netherland Benevolent Society of New Kcri^." with oifices at 11 Broadway, was organized. Her Majesty, Queen Wilhelmina, was petitioned to favor the new society by becoming its Protectress, which petition was favorably received. During the first year of its activity, following the financial and commercial panic of 1907, this society has already done a good deal of work, by either assisting stranded Hollanders with loans in ready money, by procuring them a place of refuge, or by aiding them in ob- taining work. Though these organizations are now well under w^ay and to the best of their ability endeavoring to answer the purposes for which they were created, it should not be imagined that are all as prosperous as might be the case. In our colony there are comparative!}^ few who are well to do, so that the burden of all these societies falls on the one small community. Also the work to be done is of such nature that it has to be taken up in turn by a very few of the same small circle. It is therefore of the utmost necessity that they retain the support of their patrons in Holland and of all those who, directly or indirectly, reap the benefits of our activity for the national cause. and The United States 71 In drawing a picture of social life amongst the Hollanders in New York, we may not omit to mention the dean of our colony, Mr, John Rutger Planten, the Consul-General of the Netherlands in New York, who has now been in the consular service for over 35 years. During these years he has gained many friends through his genial manners, universal kindness and his ever ready willingness to lend a helping hand whenever his assistance is requested to further a good cause. The general respect and friendship of the Dutch Colony towards him was demonstrated by a reception tendered to Mr. Planten last winter, to celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of his appointment as Consul, and when Her Majesty's Minister, Jhr. Dr. J. Loudon, announced that Her Majesty had commissioned him to inform Mr. Planten of Her appreciation of his service, as a token whereof She conferred upon him the order of ' 'De Nederlandsche Leeuw, ' ' the hearty cheers which were heard told better than many written volumes how beloved he is by his fellow citizens; we hope sincerely that for man}' years to come we may have him among us. This is, in short the history of the Dutch in these regions, from their first advent to the present day. Many have come before us and many will come after us, and it is more especially for the latter that this booklet has been written, so that they may know, be- fore starting out to make history for themselves, what their predecessors have done. A word of advice to our young and inexperienced countrymen who come to this country to make it their future home, may therefore not be out of place. They will come to Our Consul General Advice to newcomers 72 The Dutch in New Netherland a strange land with a ver}^ mixed population and strange manners, materially differing from those they knew at home. They will be apt to make compari- sons and the sum of their conclusions will always be in favor of conditions in the fatherland. Our advice is, — don't do it, — make no comparisons, — take things as they are, for all your criticism and grumbling will not make things different. Whatever 3-ou ma}^ think strange or unjust, be assured that there is a reason for it, and usually a very good reason, too. If you don't like things American, you may be certain that America Tsill not change because you do not approve, but, on the contrary, America is likely to change you. Grumbling and dissatisfaction with things as they are will only make you unhappy and unfit, but the world will go on just the same. Just as American ways may seem peculiar to you, so your ways may seem to Americans, but usually they will be too polite and too experienced to make any remarks about it. Therefore, in critizising, do not forget that it may be once again the case of the mote and the beam. When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do. When you come to America, be an American, and you will soon find how much good there is in this country which is not found elsewhere. If a country offers you hospitality, it may expect that you do your duty by it and give it your hearty co-operation. Whether Dutch or Eng- lish, German or Irish, Swede or Italian, Jew or Gentile, we are all alike and all have to give the best that is in us to further the welfare of the Union and the prosperit}' of the countr}-. You earn American Dollars and eat American bread, and therefore, be American. Do no hold aloof because the strangers you meet have other ideas and other views of things than you have. Mingle with the crowd and they will and The United States 73 soon cease to be strangers, their ideas will become yours and 3'ou -^dll feel at home and learn to appre- ciate what at first looked irrational . At the same time, be a Hollander, by upholding the dignity of our Nation and our ancestors, as it has been upheld for centuries by those Americans who are descendants of the first Dutchmen who settled here. Do not forget that the past is gone forever but that the future lies before us. Conditions have changed and there are no more new lands to be discovered, but in other ways there is plenty of opportunity' to push forward and to spread the name of the people of Holland as a people of integrity and sterling merit. We have no right to stand forever on the record of our ancestors but we ourselves will some day be history of the past, and it is up to us to see that our descendants can look back upon us, the pilgrims of the latter days, with the same pride as we do upon our ancestors. Before concluding we wish to extend a hearty wel- come to our countrymen who have undertaken the long voyage across the ocean in order to be with us during our celebration, and we hope that our en- deavors may have aided them in recalling those events of the past which go to make this tercentennial celebration an occasion of such importance for our State and Citv. y New York, September 10, 1909 ALBERT HEPP & CO. PRI NTERS N EW YORK CITY OCT 7 1009 U6RABY0FC0NGRES