Author Title. Imprint i«'> — :1029»- I QPO SIT ADDRESS OF ((^ u. s. MISS ELIZABETH BRANHAM, (OF SAN JOSE,) ON THE PRESENTATION OF THE FLAG BY THE PIONEER LADIES TO THE .SQCIETV OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. SEPTEMBER !), 1853. Mr. President and Members of the Pioneer Association : Before you enter upon the ceremonies whicli you have devised to commemorate the day which welcomed our State into the T^nion, tlie Ladies of your families desire to pay some tribute to the sagacity, en- terprise, and love of independence, which have led to your organiza- tion, under the jiroud title of " Pioneers of California." They recollect with sympathy your toilsome march across the dreary plain and rugged mountain, your tedious voyage around Cape Horn, and [lerilous transit across the unhealthy Isthmus. They acknt»wledge with pride, as the result of these toils and hardships, the foundation of our new State, already rivahng her elder sisters in the worth and intelligence of her citizens, the magniticence of her cities, tlie fertility of her faniis, and the comforts of her domestic firesides. Already, the newly arrived immigrant, as he views the i)resent greatness of Cal- ifornia, and contemplates her future grandeur, seeks to know who were the Pioneers — the founders of this sudden em[)ire. In future years the question will be asked with greatei- reverence and gratitude, and it will be an honor to your children to boast descent from the Pioneers of Calitbrnia. Such is your proud distinction, Mr. President, and Gentlemen, members of the Association. We, whose sex forbade our further i)articipation in the toils which led to its accomplisjimeiit than l)eing your companions, desire to testify our sympathy and approbation by the presentation of this Flag. It is the emblem of our country, whii-li some of you once fancied to wave a last adieu to you, as you sought this then foreign .shore. But you yet enjoy tlie Ijlessing of living beneath its jjrotectiiig folds. We can conceive of no more ap- propriate testimonial, l)elii'ving that none are more worthy to I'eceivi' it and able to guard it. than the Pioneers of California. \a n 0017 167 187 5