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++ V 4? ■^ > A H -Ki. & 't, ■w d V *" v**' : „>' KING AND COMMONWEALTH Kin AND COMMONWEALTH A HISTORY OF CHARLES I. AND THE GREAT REBELLION B. MERITON CORDERY QrOJ^tkuy^Jl- AND J. SURTEES PHILLPOTTS HEAD MASTER OF BEDFORD SCHOOL ORMERLY FELLOW OF NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD Nothing extenuate Nor set down aught in malice PHILADELPHIA JOS. H. COATES AND CO. 1876 c\& JU/V i 13* PEEFACE. The aim in "writing this short history has been to give within a moderate compass a lively idea of the feelings and motives at work in what was perhaps the most important epoch of our national history. With this aim it seemed best to treat the main events with all that fulness of detail, which assists the imagination in realizing the past, and to omit such minor actions as seemed not essential to the understanding of the main facts. The same rule has been followed in dealing with the military history. For this, personal visits have been made to the battle-fields, and some rough sketches of the ground have been added. "No constitutional question has been touched without a preliminary attempt to put the growth and forms of the Constitution before the reader in such a manner as to encourage him to form a judgment for himself. In a joint work it is difficult to define exactly the part taken by each writer, but my own share in the book may be described rather as that of editor than author ; it has, in fact, been mainly confined to matters of style and arrange- vi PKEFACE. ment, with criticisms on events and on constitutional ques- tions. My coadjutor, who kindly undertook the subject at my suggestion, wrote the first draft of the whole book, and is not only responsible for the accuracy of the facts, but de- serves all the credit of research into original documents at the British Museum and Bodleian libraries. While for facts our endeavour has always been to go to contemporary records, yet it is impossible that any one can write on this period without feeling more obligation to the labours of Mr. Eorster than can be adequately expressed in foot-notes. Acknowledgement is also due for many sugges- tive ideas not only to Hallam and other writers on the time, but to Mr. Freeman for the light he has thrown on the early history of the English constitution, and to Mr. Bagehot for his vivid description of its practical working at the present time. I cannot conclude without expressing our thanks to Mr. B. W. Taylor for some corrections in the proof, to the Bev. C. E. Moberly for revising the earlier chapters, and above all to the Bishop of Exeter, whose occasional hints have given the kiud of help that can only be given by one who has not only an accurate knowledge of the facts, but a tho- rough grasp of the constitutional questions at issue. J. SUBTEES PHILLPOTTS. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAC.} I. CONSTITUTIONAL INTRODUCTION. — GOVERNMENTS OF ELIZABETH AND JAMES I. . .1 II. CHARLES' FIRST PARLIAMENTS.— IMPEACHMENT OF BUCKINGHAM.— PETITION OF RIGHT (1625—1629) 29 III. ELEVEN YEARS OF ARBITRARY GOVERNMENT (1629 —1640) ...... 51 IV. MEETING OF LONG PARLIAMENT AND TRIAL OF STRAFFORD (1640—1641) . ._ . .82 V. GRAND REMONSTRANCE. —IMPEACHMENT OF FIVE MEMBERS (1641—1642) . . . .99 VI. FIRST YEAR OF THE AVAR. — BATTLES OF EDGEHILL AND NEWBURY (1642—1643) . . .123 VII. RISE OF INDEPENDENTS. — EATTLE OF MARSTON MOOR. — SELF-DENYING ORDINANCE (1643 — 1645) 148 VIII. NASEBY. — END OF AVAR (1645 — 1646) . .179 IX. PRESBYTERIANS, INDEPENDENTS, ERASTIANS, AND THEIR THEORIES . . . . .199 X. TRIUMPH OF THE ARMY OVER PARLIAMENT. — DEATH OF THE KING (1647 — 1649) , .212 XI. SOCIAL STATE OF ENGLAND .... 248 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE XII. TEIUMPHS OF THE COMMONWEALTH BY LAND AND SEA (1649—1652) 277 XIII. FALL OF EEPUBLICANS, AND BAEEBONE'S PAELXA- MENT (1651—1653) . . . .303 XIV. THE FIEST THEEE YEAES OF THE PEOTECTOEATE (1654—1656) 328 XV. THE LAST TWO YEAES OF THE PEOTECTOEATE (1656—1658) 347 XVI. EICHAED CEOMWELL.— ANAECHY.— THE EESTOEA- tion (1658—1660) . . . . .367 APPENDIX ....... 386 INDEX . . . . . . .39-2 l, deciding what law is, tker it is broken or not. Arbitrary No trial by jury Ecclesiastical Courts. No trial by jury- Legal Arbitrary Exchequer d by king, e judgment lo equal law out having I Council Board ; council- lors ap- point, d and re- moved bi king use of torture I Star Cham- ber ; judges, council- lors, and others appoint- ed by king Council of North; president appoint- ed by king Courts of High bishops who were ap pointed by king Commis- sion ; judges appoint- ed by king GOVERNMENT, Arlitrary Judicial, deciding what law is, and whether it is broken or not I Legal Arbitrary No trial by jury Ecclesiastical Courts. No trial by jury I Legal Arlitrary I Equity I King who in King who by the eye of prerogative the law can 'do no wrong ' Common law. Trial by jury makes pro- raises loans, IS in chip-money, council grants mono- polies makes trea- ties, de- clares war, but has no standing army, and has no arrests by personal mandate, im- prisons with- out habeas corpus, bil- lets soldiers Court of Chancery ; lord chan- cellor ap- pointed by king King's Bench Common Pleas Exchequer judges appointed and removed by king-, b\it by their oaths bound to give judgment council according to the laws, and to do equal la and execution of regard to any person ' ;ht, without having 1 Council 1 Star 1 Council Board ; Cham- of North; council- ber ; jr sident lors ap- judges. appoint- point d council- ed by and re- lors, and Jang moved by others Icmy appoint- ed by use of king torture Courts of High bishops Commis- who sion ; were ap- judges pointed appoint- by king ed by kin? Parliament ; I Secretaries and coun- cillors appointed and removed by king, but in the eye of the law ' re- sponsible ;' carry- ing out laws and collecting revenue through their agents appoints lonls-licuten- ant, and officers of militia by sea and laud sheriffs enforce de» cisions of judges KING AND COMMONWEALTH. CHAPTER I. CONSTITUTIONAL INTRODUCTION.— GOVERNMENTS OF ELIZA- BETH AND JAMES I. No people ever was and remained free, but because it was determined to bo so; because neitber its rulers nor any other party in tbe nation could compel it to be otherwise. If a people — especially one whose freedom has not yet become prescriptive — does not value it sufficiently to fight for it and maintain it against any force which can be mustered within the country, it is only a question in how few years or months that people will be enslaved. — Mill, Dissertations and Discussions. A people, to be free, must take part in, or possess Three func- oontrol over, the three powers of government, Legisla- tlon sofgov- tive, Executive, Judicial. As to the first, if they are Legislative, to be masters of their persons and properties, neither tive, III" laws must be made nor taxes imposed without their Judicial consent ; secondly, ministers of the executive, whether councillors of state, tax-collectors, military or police officers, must be per- sonally responsible to the law courts, or they may infringe with impunity the laws the people have secured ; lastly, though per- sons and properties be protected by laws, and though ministers be liable to prosecution, this protection is nominal only, unless the judges who interpret the laws, are sufficiently independent of the executive. I. Englishmen of the seventeenth century shared in j. Legisia- the legislative power with the sovereign, who could make ^ ve - ¥^ er " , . , „ & ' „ ties of En- no laws without consent of the two Houses of Parlia- giishmenin liament. Their properties were protected from arbi- 17th cen5 trary seizure, their persons from arbitrary imprison- turi es. ment, by two statutes, the Magna Charta, first granted by King John, and the Confirmatio Chartarum, first granted by Edward I. 2 CONSTITUTION-I. LEGISLATIVE, [ixxeoduction-. These together provide, first, that no person shall be put in prison without legal warrant, or kept there without being brought to trial according to the laws of the land ; that is, that the question of law shall be decided by the established judge of the law ; secondly, that the question of fact, whether a man accused at the suit of the crown, has, or has not, committed the crime laid to his charge, shaU be decided by a jury of twelve of his country- men ; and lastly, that no taxes of any sort shall be imposed with- out consent of Parliament. Classes re- Several classes of the nation shared indirectly in the tZZ^ul government by being represented in Parliament. In " the Upper House sat the temporal and spiritual lords of the realm in their own right. To the Lower House aU the fifty- two counties of England and Wales, with the exception of Dur- ham, returned two members each, elected by freeholders possessed of lands or tenements to the annual value of 40s* The term Freeholders freeholder included two classes, holders of land by feudaf ten- kni g nt ' s service, and holders of land by free socage, f yeomen d Tlie first class was com P ose d of feudal tenants, gentle- men by birth, who had originally held land in return for military service, and whose tenure was still subject to several irksome burdens. The second class was composed of yeomen, men of ignoble blood, but with a tenure dating from feudal times. The Normans of the conquest would have thought it beneath them to hold land by any other than a military tenure. But in many cases they permitted the despised Saxons to remain in possession of their lands, sometimes on condition of performing agricultural services which soon took the form of a fixed annual rent ; sometimes on condition merely of taking an oath of fealty and paying occasional fines. Thus in England there sprang up in quite early times an independent class who were owners of the soil, and though not of gentle birth, sat on juries, voted at county elections, and attended the courts in which freeholders met to- gether to transact the business of their county. • Money was about four times its present value, that is, one shilling then could purchase as much food or other necessaries of life as four shillings now; so this would now represent land which would bring in £8 a year as rent and cost say £2oO to buy. t Socagers probably derived froin Saxon soc, "liberty," "privilege," J/^« 1Se U» 8 ° c ?9ers were bound to attend the court of the lord to whose soc or "right" of justice they belonged. constitution.] REPRESENTATION IN PARLIAMENT. 3 Besides county representatives, the House of Com- Burgesses, mons contained over four hundred members, returned according to usage by certain privileged towns. These were the classes possessed of political rights. Below these were the whole mass of the unenfranchised — hired labourers, tenants at will, and copy- holders.* These were the descendants of those Saxons Copyhoid- whom the Normans had reduced to a state of serfdom ; hired and, unlike freeholders, were incapable either of sitting labourei * on juries or voting at elections. For the last hundred sen ted. years, however, they had nearly all been free, and were protected in person and property by the same laws as freeholders. All classes being thus possessed of the same liberties, their common freedom gave them common interests, and caused them to unite in spite of social distinctions, and oppose the establish- ment of arbitrary government. In France the political condition of the people was No privi- inferior to that of the English, and thi° mainly from leged c ass ' want of union and fellow-feeling between the different ranks into which French society was divided. There was no class answeriug to the English yeomanry ; the feudal tenants were a noble and pri- vileged class, and were divided by this barrier of privilege from their unfortunate inferiors in rank, on whom the main burden of direct taxation fell ; as the inequalities of taxation increased, the different classes became more and more isolated, and thus the kings, never meeting with combined resistance from the whole body of their subjects, came by degrees to usurp absolute power, to impose taxes at will, and to govern without the aid of any national assembly. f II. A people are little benefited by the possession of n. Execu- good laws, unless those laws are respected and obeyed jj™ ^w£ r by those who are entrusted with the execution of them, cised by a The executive power was then, as now, exercised by of the legis- ministers of the crown. But in the course of two cen- lature « turies the position of these ministers has been totally changed. The queen's ministers are now in such close harmony with the Parliament, that they have been denned as a committee of the * The copyholder held land of the lord of the manor, subject to certain restrictions and agricultural services enumerated in the copy of the roll of the estate. So long as he performed those services he might not be dis- possessed. 1-2 4 CONSTITUTION— II. EXECUTIVE, [introduction. legislature.* Chosen out of the predominant party in Parlia- ment, they conduct the government only so long as they can command a majority of votes in the Lower House. If their measures are outvoted, they have no choice but to resign office, or by obtaining a dissolution, to appeal to a new Parliament for renewal of the support which is their only claim to power. Executive ^ n ^e sixteenth century, on the contrary, the exe- in i6th cen- cutive power lay entirely in the hands of the king, who cised by the settled all questions of administration, made peace and crown. war ^ appointed and dismissed officers of state, and ex- pended the revenue, uncontrolled by the representatives of the people. Yet, great as was the power thus exercised by the crown, two safeguards were provided against its abuse. The first was Two safe- negative, the absence of a standing army in England, guards. In France absolute power was upheld by an army, army in recruited in part by foreigners, and officered solely by England. nobles ; this army the king found no difficulty in maintaining, as he imposed taxes at pleasure. No such right, however, belonged to English monarchs, who were without the funds necessary for the support of a standing army ; and it was only by means of a standing army, possessed with an ' esprit de corps ' of its own, and divided in interest from the people, that arbitrary government could be permanently established. The House of Commons always originated money bills ; they held, therefore, the purse-strings of the nation, and were careful only to grant supplies sufficient for the ordinary purposes of government. * Though this is substantially true as a contrast to the position of the ministry in the 16th century, it would be a great mistake to disregard the influence of the forms under which the constitution works, (i.) Even now the control of the Commons is not so great as it seems. The ministers are not mere delegates, for Parliament controls rather than directs ; it has no right to tell the Queen's ministers what to do, though it can veto their pro- posals, and censure them for their acts when done ; the initiative remains with the cabinet, (n.) The influence of the crown is more than it seems, (i.) It has a voice in discussing despatches which settle foreign policy, (ii.) Though it cannot exclude from office a man who has made himself indis- pensable to the nation, it has, no doubt, a negative voice in the selection of the less conspicuous members of the cabinet, and thus exercises a real, though imperceptible, influence on the attitude of rising politicians. The form is always of vast importance in constitutional questions. The popular influence, which seems to be the substantial power, is the wind that fills the sails and gives the motion ; but the exact direction of the motion must still depend in a large measure on the helmsman. The shipwreck of the 17th century came from an attempt to sail in the teeth of the wind. A skilful helmsman may do much by gaining and losing tacks, but the Stuarts were not skilful. constitution.] SAFEGUAKDS— DANGER OF ABUSE. 5 The principles of the constitution contained a second and posi- tive safeguard against the abuse of the regal power. (2) Respon- Great lawyers had long since declared that the king, J 1 ^*" 7 ° f like his subjects, was bound to respect the laws. " The ministers, king," Bracton wrote as early as the thirteenth century, " also hath a superior, namely God, and also the law, by which he was made a king." It was not likely, however, that the subject would have either the power or the desire to arraign sovereigns themselves before courts of law. A fiction of the lawyers in- tervened and gave a better means of securing the same end. This fiction was that the " king could do no wrong." From this it followed that if wrong was done, the ministers, and not the king, must have advised and executed the wrong ; ministers could not screen themselves behind the king's name ; if they broke the laws in the performance of their functions, though, it was at the king's bidding, they were still liable to be sued by the injured parties in a court of justice. Still these safeguards had not been found sufficient Liberties to prevent the executive, from violating the law. In (i) inega| e ' the first place, several powers, sometimes simply op- P mvei * ex- pressive, sometimes actually illegal, were regarded as crown, belonging to the crown in right of the royal prerogative. By these both the subject's property and liberty were endangered. Thus the king, though he dared not tax without consent of Parliament, used to borrow large sums under the name of loans which were seldom repaid. Both the king and his council im- prisoned without showing legal cause. Proclamations were made by the King in Council, which, though regarded as temporary measures only, were in matter of fact laws, and sometimes had penalties attached to them for disobedience. So again, though the use of torture was not lawful by the common law, and contrary to several statutes, State prisoners were constantly put to the rack on the strength of warrants signed by the king. In the second place, though the law allowed the subject to seek redress, the redress was rarely attainable. Pew dared to incur the king's displeasure by attacking the conduct of his ( 2 ) Judges servants, and if they did, juries were often intimidated,* uponcrown. judges were often corrupt. The strength of the chain is the- * Under the Tudors, juries bad been fined and imprisoned for deciding against tbe crown. If they decided for the crown, though unjustly, they could not be punished, because thej could not have been tampered with by- ike sovereign ! 6 CONSTITUTION— III. JUDICATURE, [introduction. strength of its weakest point. The weak point of the English constitution lay in the dependence of the judges upon the crown ; unless the interpreters of the laws were independent, no law could ever effectually secure the liberties of the people. (3) Arbi- -^- nc * * n * ne third place, besides the common law trary courts, other courts of justice existed, in which the ac- cused was neither tried by jury nor sentenced according to known laws. in. Judi- Omitting the Court of Chancery, which had no juris- ciai. diction in political cases, there were then, as now, three chief courts of justice, the King's Bench, the Common Pleas, and the Exchequer, all of which sat at Westminster ; four or five judges belonged to each, who in all cases were bound to give judgment, not according to their own pleasure, or the will of the king, but according to the law of the realm, whether statute or common law.* Since the Act of Settlement in 1702 the common law judges hold office for life, receive salaries fixed by law, and can only be dismissed from office if convicted of some offence, or in conse- quence of an address of the two Houses of Parliament. But in the seventeenth century they only held office at the pleasure of the king, and being dependent in part upon his bounty for their salaries, were regarded as the servants of the court, f But these courts at any rate acknowledged the known laws, and tried prisoners by jury. Of a very different character was the Court of Star Chamber, so called because its sittings were held in a room leading out of Westminster Hall, of which the walls were decorated with stars. The germ of this court lay in a jurisdiction exercised from the time of Edward III. by the king's Common Council, which was accustomed to call to account offenders too powerful to be brought to submit to the ordinary courts of law. Then came a second stage. An Act of Parliament was passed in the reign of Henry VII. (1491), forming a court of justice, composed of certain members of the * The common law consists of customs banded down from Norman times, and of the judgments of judges founded upon those customs ; statute law of acts of Parliament. f Thus in James' time the Admiralty judge acknowledges the receipt of instructions, "by which I understand his Majesty's resolution to continue Sir John Eliot in prison. I am glad I did forbear to deliver my opinion of the state of bis cause, lest perhaps it might have differed somewhat." — Forster's Eliot, i. ii. 4. Elizabeth ] STAR CHAMBER— HIGH COMMISSION. 7 council, and entrusted with powers of judging cases of riots, the bribing of juries, and other specified offences. This second stage gave a parliamentary sanction to the court, but limited its powers and specified its persons. It was out of this chrysalis that the Court of Star Chamber emerged. By the end of Henry the Eighth's reign, it had reached its third, or final stage, in which it boasted parliamentary sanction, at the same time that it re- pudiated the conditions under which that sanction had been given. The limits of persons and of offences had both disap- peared. The powers formerly vested only in the members of the court of Henry VII. had silently passed into the hands of the whole body of the Common Council,* while its jurisdiction had been extended beyond the offences specified by the statute to cases of breach of trust, fraud, and libel. Besides the Court of Star Chamber, there was a second court, the Court of High Commission, which deprived the subject of the protection granted him by the common law, and of trial by jury. After Henry VIII. quarrelled with Pope Clement VII. about a divorce from Catherine of Arragon, Parliament passed an Act of Supremacy, declaring the king the supreme head of the Church. This was re-enacted when Elizabeth came to the throne (1558), and an addition made to it, granting the queen power to appoint persons to exercise jurisdiction in eccle- siastical affairs, as, for instance, in the reformation of heresies and abuses. Elizabeth, therefore, was acting within her powers when, in 1583, she erected a permanent commission, consisting of twelve bishops, privy councillors, and others ; but she undoubt- edly was straining her power when she gave this court an au- thority — not granted her by the statute — to try suspected persons by juries, or by any other means they could devise, and to punish by fine and imprisonment. Thus, while the Court of Star Chamber, by judging cases of libel, deprived the subject of liberty of speech, the Court of High Commission deprived him of liberty of conscience. Both alike, therefore, soon came to be hated by the people ; both were distinctly contrary to Magna Charta, for in neither was the accused tried by jury or by the laws of the land ; both were contrary to the first axioms of jus- * The king had two councils: his Privy Council, which advised with him in all State matters, and his Common Council. In the Common Council sat, not only all members of the Privy Council, but also some of the common law [judges, and others added at the pleasure of the king. 8 EELIGIOUS DIFFEEENCES-EEFORMATION. [.iizabetb. tice, the separation of accuser and judge, for in these courts the rmmsters of the crown first prosecuted a man in their capacity of jiXes ^selves passed sentence upon him as Queen Elizabeth was not disposed to yield up any powers ^ thin Xe fi had be0n eXerCiS6d by hCT P-«— on the thione She, however, was careful not to strain them be- yond what the temper of the nation would bear. Though sh. StSfSkh °™ n ™! atedth e rights of individuals, she never at- SSLtaS,° h , tacked tho ^ of large numbers at once, and always ££&. Cpt ° n S ° 0d tems with her Parliaments, by making ill w Tf T -1 timCS When a refusal would ha ™ ^used lil-fcehng. But notwithstanding the tact with which her govern- ment was conducted, as the people increased in knowledge and wealth, they grew more and more sensitive to infringements of then- rights, and gave signs that through their representative, the House of Commons, they would soon call upon the crown to resign the powers it had usurped to the great detriment of the suojects liberty. br^klw ^^tare should make laws, and the executive b wee,, « ' T a SUffiC ' ent CaUSe iD itS6lf t0 P rod «^ a rupture between the two powers. The probability, however, of such a uar^ TZ W inCTeaSed * the fect ** a "^ d - -or quarrel existed between the crown and the Parliament-religious SSL SdS?. lD f nSknd ' the Eeformatio » had !>»». directed b T f° aouDt > a popular movement, as it had been abroad • u,e E„ g , is „ but it was controlled and directed by a monarchy The o™ J" bUt a Part!al apathy ™«i its aims. The consequence was an exceeding moderation. The kin* was made head ofthe Church in place of the pope ; the monaster! s were dissolved ; the clergy were allowed to marry ; the doctrine efemcnf 2T" ^ " ™ S tk&t ° l a P^ sical ch »S e * the from cl V Jframent; images and crosses were removed iZ own f 6 ^ ^ Pe ? P ' e W6re aU ° Wed t0 ^ad the Bible in sZiZl S " e ; f 1 f Dglish Ht " rg y was imposed; and the ™£t>TZT%u ds of the Church > said > aS tt ™ re ' t0 «» Peope, Thus fax shall ye go, and no farther.' But no sooner " P T eS fiU ' Sbed their WOT k, than a new set of reformers arose, preaching another, fuller, more popular reformation. The mam principle of the reformers was to get rid of those 1558-1603.J NO TOLEKATION. 9 superstitious observances which marred the freedom Popu i ar i of the worshipper's communicating with his Maker ; reformers they did not believe in the necessity of priestly in- popish tervention, nor in the special sanctity of prayers in ceremorues - a foreign tongue. On the continent, this principle had been carried much further than in England ; and when exiles, who had fled the country during the persecutions of Mary's reign, returned home from Flanders, Strasburg, or Geneva, they regarded the English Church as hardly deserving the name of reformed. ' How many signs of Eomish superstition,' they said, ' are left in the prayer-book, and the services ! What abuses yet remain in administration ! Look at the plurality of benefices. How can one man be in a dozen places at a time ? Are the clergy still to flaunt the priestly surplice and gaudy popish vestments, foolish and abominable apparel, in which the Catholic priests pretend to make mere water holy, to achieve a miraculous transformation of bread and wine, or to conjure the devil out of persons and places possessed 1 Is the communion- table not to stand, table-like, in the body of the church, but to be set up in the chancel like the altar of the papists 1 Shall the sign of the cross in baptism, the bowing at the name of Jesus, the ring in marriage, the keeping of saints' days, all these re- mains of popish superstitions, be observed in a church that calls itself reformed ! Surely the snake is only scotched, not killed.' Elizabeth, on the contrary, while she regarded the authority of her bishops as a support to the power of the crown, also hoped, by disallowing further change in church ceremonies, to No conciliate Catholics. Her ecclesiastical power was ab- ai!owed°by solute. She, therefore, refused to give the Puritans Elizabeth, satisfaction even in matters of form. If the Puritan minister would officiate at the services of the Church, he must wear vest- ments he abhorred ; if he would baptize a child, he must make the sign of the cross ; if he would join two people in marriage, he must use the ring ; in all points, he must conform exactly to the minutise of the rubric. The Act of Supremacy was a double-edged sword, Act of cruel to Puritans and Catholics alike. All clergymen Supremacy, holding benefices, all laymen, holding office in the State, who re- fused to take an oath, when tendered, recognizing the queen as- hsad of the Church, were to be deprived of their benefices or 10 RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES— PRESBYTERIANS. [Elizabeth. Actof offices (1558). The Act of Uniformity forbade ministers, Uniformity, beneficed or not, to use any other than the established liturgy ; for the first offence, they forfeited all their goods and chattels ; for the second, they suffered a year's imprisonment ; for the third, imprisonment for life ; while fines were imposed upon laymen who stayed away from their parish church on Sundays or holidays (1559). But persecution, instead of suppressing the reformers, only in- creased their numbers and animosity. From attacking cere- monies, they went on to attack the authority of the desire^esta- bishops. If the Holy Scriptures, they said, contain all of'presb" 4 things necessary for salvation, then where in them is terian to be found mention of that proud hierarchy of arch- bishops, bishops, and priests, by which the English Church is governed ? Turning their eyes towards Scotland, they there saw established a church on a Presbyterian model, go- verned by assemblies of ministers and lay elders on less hierarchi- cal principles than the Episcopal. For this model they claimed the authority of a Divine Eight, as being the original form of church government established by the will of God in the time of the apostles. To the queen, this new programme of reform, attacking, as it did, not only episcopal authority, but her own prerogative as head of the Church, was still more distasteful than that which had required merely a reform of ceremonies. An established church may be either self -governed or governed Episcopal by the State. The Episcopal Church was a State church in Church the fullest sense of the term ; archbishops and bishops, upon the like ministers of state, were appointed by the sove- state. reign ; no laws to regulate the conduct of the laity in spiritual matters could emanate from any source but the queen in Parliament ; and, in fact, there was no spiritual authority dis- Presby- tinct from the State. On the other hand, the Presby- Cilurch in- ter i arL Church prided itself on being self -governed, dependent According to this system, every parish had its minister, of State . ° . J ' •-', „ . ,. control. its deacon, and its lay elder, together forming a little court of justice, or kirk session, which called parishioners to ac- count for spiritual and moral offences, such as drunkenness, scolding, or Sabbath-breaking ; and punished by censures, fines, or imprisonment. So many parishes formed a presbytery ; so 1558-1603.] DIVINE EIGHT OF KINGS. 11 many presbyteries formed a province, and both presbytery and province possessed a distinct judicial assembly, composed of lay elders and ministers. Lastly, there was a general assembly of the church, composed of all the ministers of parishes, together with a sprinkling of lay elders, and to this body appeals were made from the judicial decisions of the lesser assemblies. The orders and regulations made by the general assembly of the church were binding upon the whole nation, clergy and laity. This church had been established in Scotland by rebellion, and its ministers did not hesitate to set up their own authority in op- position to that of king and State. " Disregard not our threat- ening," they said to James VI., " for there was never yet one in this realm, in the place where your grace is, who prospered after the ministers began to threaten him." Of these two systems, the Episcopal form of church govern- ment, though less popular, was also less tyrannical than the Presbyterian. The powers of English bishops church less were far more limited than those of Scottish assem- t^nThe^ blies. The Church of Scotland, however, which gave Presby- terian. power to the ministers of the people, instead of to courtly prelates, suited the enthusiasm of the age, and naturally recommended itself to the more earnest reformers on this side the border. Rejoiced to find that Elizabeth regarded the Pres- byterians as rebellious fanatics, the bishops on their side now set up a counter claim of Divine Eight in favour of the Episcopal Church as administered by the queen ; and, in return Bishops for the privilege of fining, imprisoning, and ejecting poJErof 116 nonconformists, taught the people that kings rule by the crown. Divine Eight, as the viceregents of God upon earth, and that opposition to the commands of princes is disobedience to the commands of God. But Puritan ministers, though deprived of their livings, could not be silenced. They thought the whole state of so- „ . ± iruntfiTm ciety and religion in England needed to be penetrated cannot be with a new spirit. Themselves eager readers of their su PP ressed - Bibles, zealous preachers, active reformers, filled with true mis- sionary zeal, they found that the court and nobility cared little for serious matters, and that noblemen and gentlemen spent their time in gaming, in dancing, in attending grand shows, or in fight- ing on the continent. They aimed at a social as well as a religious 12 KELIGIOUS DIFFEKENCES— SECTARIANS, [elizabeth. reform. Printing had largely increased the numbers of readers and writers, and had at the same time extended the range not only of serious but also of profane literature. It was an age of poets. There were two hundred living in the last part of the century, Spenser and Shakespeare amongst them. The middle classes followed the same kind of amusements as their superiors, fre- quenting the bear-garden, the bowling-green, the gaming-house, and the theatre. The country people had their wakes and fairs and festivals. Amidst so much rioting and pleasuring the Puritans saw few ministers competent to lead the people to more serious paths. The clergy, so far from checking the freedom of society, were as eager in the pursuit of amusement as their parishioners : before the Reformation their incapacity had been the reproach of the Catholic Church ; it was now equally the reproach of the newly established Church. Many Catholics, rather than lose their livings, had taken the oaths required of them — were they reformed 1 While they passed their time in taverns, gaming and drinking, they were not likely to acquire the new art of preaching. " Dumb dogs," said the Puritans, are " left to guard the Church, while we are turned out." In many villages no sermon was heard " from year's end to year's end." Such a church seemed to invite reform ; and the Presbyterians were ready for the task. Persecution not going far enough to extirpate the reformers, only attracted the minds of others to the consideration of the questions in dispute, and discussion led to more advanced views on reform. Episcopacy was generally the religion of the upper classes. Presbyterian opinions prevailed amongst the middle ranks ; and now the very poorest of the nation began also to have their special ideas on reli- gious questions. Men, women, and children, poor people who had nothing to support them but their handicrafts and trades, would in summer-time meet in the fields outside London at five o'clock in the morning, and in winter in private houses, in order to worship after their own fashion. Every congregation, they maintained, however small, ought to be left free to settle its own affairs, without interference from either bishops or assemblies. Amongst these latest reformers were several distinct sects, which, without holding the same doctrines, agreed in their general view of church government ; and being taught by weakness to com- bine together in spite of minor differences of opinion, were the 2558-1603.1 PKOTESTANT EOEEIGN POLICY. 13 first to raise the flag of ' liberty of conscience.' More cruelty used than Presbyterians, many of these sectarians fled the country for Holland, where they established churches on their own prin- ciples. Those who stayed in England ran the risk of imprison- ment for life. In spite, however, of persecution, the reformers were Elizabeth devotedly loyal to the queen. For though, through supports political motives, she persecuted Puritans at home, causes" abroad she supported the Protestants in the fierce contiaent - conflict they were waging with Catholicism. On one side were arrayed the pope, the King of Spain, the Emperor of Austria, the Catholic princes of Germany ; on the other, Sweden, Den- mark, Holland, and the Protestant German princes ; and it was chiefly owing to the support of England that this side was able to maintain its ground against the Catholics. The popes had long desired to force back into their fold the country that was thus recognized ?s the head of Protestant States. Pius V. had said he wished he could shed his blood in an expedition against England ; and now Gregory XIII. urged on Philip II. of Spain to attempt the conquest of the heretic kingdom. He could not have found a prince or nation more suited for his purpose. The Spaniards and English hated one another with a national as well as a religious hatred. A love of enter- prize and discovery had spread rapidly amongst all classes during Elizabeth's long reign. Adventurers, led often by noblemen and gentlemen, sailed to America and the West Indies, making fruit- less efforts to discover gold mines, or to found colonies. Enmity On these expeditions they burnt the settlements and spahTand seized the treasure ships of the Spaniards, who, being England, already possessed of Mexico, Peru, and much of the West Indies, regarded themselves as sole lords of the New World, and were quite prepared for a war to the knife with the intruders. It was thus to fight the battle at once of the pope and of the nation that the Invincible Armada sailed from Spain. It sailed to take vengeance on a heretic queen, who, while supporting the Dutch in rebellion, disputed the claims of Philip to the possession of two continents. It came threatening England with conquest and Protestantism with destruction. But storms and winds and the courage of English seamen shattered and destroyed the Armada (1588). The triumph of England was the salvation of 14 JAMES I.— ACCESSION. [james I. the Protestant cause. The invaded now becoming the invaders, burned Spanish galleons in the very harbours of Spain. "With the people success will go far to justify even a poUcy a ' tyrannical government. Hence it was that, although ofEiiza" Se storms were rising, and the political atmosphere was beth's po- charged with electricity, no violent contention ever Dul&ritv arose between Elizabeth and her subjects. The oc- casional illegal acts committed by her government, the cruel sentences passed upon Puritans by the courts of High Commis- sion and Star Chamber, were forgiven because she pursued a foreign policy that accorded with the wishes of the nation, and caused England to be feared and respected. The bonds of loyalty seemed strong because they had not been tried too severely. It is a principle in mechanics that girders should not be strained beyond the limits of perfect recovery. An excessive tension may not only cause danger for the moment, but may be a source of permanent weakness. Such a tension came when the nation was ruled by monarchs who had neither the capacity to lead their Parliaments nor the temper to follow them. James I ^ u *^ e death of Elizabeth the great Tudor line was ins charac- extinct.* James VI. of Scotland, who outwardly united the two kingdoms, failed to unite his subjects to him- self. He was thought cowardly, conceited, pretentious. It was believed that flattery was the readiest road to his favour ; he certainly suffered himself to fall under the control of unworthy favourites, so that his court received the character of being the head-quarters of riot and vice, if not of far darker crimes. * Henry VII., 1492- -1509. Henry VIII., 1509—1548. Margaret= James IV. of Scotland. Edward VI. Mary. Elizabeth. James V. of Scotland. 1548—1553. 1553— i558. 1558—1603. | Mary, Queen= Lord of Scots. I Darnley, — ■ ' H. Stuart. James VI. of Scotland and I. of England, 1603—1625. Charles I., 1625—1649. Elizabeth=Frederick. I I Charles II. Mary. James II. Chaa Lcuis. Kupert. . Sophia. 1603-1625.] AEBITKAEY GOVERNMENT. 15 The members of the Commons refused to grant the money of the nation to be lavished on such favourites or wasted in such riot. James, therefore, did not trouble himself with often meet- ing the representatives of the peop'e. Holding the theory that he was possessed of absolute power, he ventured to try to carry that theory into practice. A few instances will show the manner in which the liberties of the subject were violated by his government. His first Parliament granted him for life duties on exports and imports, called tonnage and poundage (1604). These Jamegim . duties were fixed at a certain rate ; for instance, there poses nie- was a duty of 2s. 6d. on every hundred-weight of ga currants imported into the country. James, of his sole authority, trebled this duty, and afterwards, without asking the consent of Parliament, imposed heavy taxes upon almost all merchandise. In principle there is no distinction between the illegal levying of a direct or an indirect tax. The ignorant, however, are much more struck by that which comes plainly before them. Hence, had James attempted to raise a direct tax, such as the subsidies granted in Parliament, which were levied on land and articles of personal property, he would have aroused far more indignation than he did by the imposition of illegal customs. The subsidy must have been paid directly into the hands of the tax-gatherer, whereas the illegal duties were paid in the first instance by the merchants, and the fact that these merchants repaid themselves out of the profits of the consumer by raising prices, was not obvious to the vulgar. The people, however, really suffered in purse as well as in right, and Parliament would have been wanting in its duty, if it had not protested against this inter- ference with the property of the subject. The person of the subject was no safer than his property. It is contrary to the common law of England to force any man to criminate himself. The Courts of High Commission and Star Chamber, however, did not follow the procedure of the common law courts, and were in the habit of tendering the prisoner an oath, technically called the oath ex officio, to answer truly all questions put to him. Two Puritans, for refusing to take this oath, were imprisoned by the Court of High Commission. The common law allowed every man committed to illegal com- prison upon a criminal charge, to apply to the court of mit ments. King's Bench for a so-called writ of habeas corpus, directing the- 16 HIGH COMMISSION— FULLER'S CASE. [james i, gaoler to produce his prisoner and the warrant upon which he was committed, before the court on a stated day.* The judge, upon view of the warrant, discharged the prisoner, released him on bail, or sent him back to prison to await his trial, according as the charge against him was no offence in the eye of the law, or a bailable offence, or one for which no bail could be received. The two Puritans in question were brought before the judges of the King's Bench on a writ of habeas corpus. Fuller, their Arbitrary counsel, argued that they ought to be released, because procedure the High Commissioners had not been empowered by Higii Com- law to imprison, or fine, or administer the oath ex mission. officio. This argument struck at the root of the au- thority of the High Commission, and Fuller was himself sum- moned before the court, on the ground that he had slandered the king's authority. He refused, like his clients, to take the oath, " to answer truly all questions put to him," and applied to the Court of King's Bench for a prohibition to stay the proceed- ings. It was by means of such prohibitions that the common law courts were accustomed to prevent the ecclesiastical courts from meddling with cases which properly came under the cogni- zance of the common law. The judges sent the prohibition, but s.t the same time signified that they should not interfere, if the High Commissioners charged the prisoner with heresy and schism. The Puritan advocate was accordingly convicted of heresy, fined £200, and committed to prison. The common law judges would not interfere in his favour, though he appealed again to them, and he seems, eventually, to have regained his liberty only by submitting, and paying the fine.f The Courts of Star Chamber and High Commission, however illegally their jurisdiction was acquired and conducted, at least brought definite charges against the accused, and allowed him a * Habeas corpus ad subjiciendum are the first words of the writ to the gaoler, meaning that he is to have the person (of the prisoner) to produce before the court (so habeas corpus ad testificandum are the first words of a writ for producing a prisoner to give evidence). The writ was anciently called corpus cum causa, because it required the return of the cause of de- tention, as well as of the body imprisoned. The principle of the writ was contained in the Magna Charta of King John, which enacted that "no freeman should be imprisoned but by lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land." It was used between subject and subject in the time of Henry VI., and against the crown in that of Henry VII., so that it was fully recognized as law long before the re-enactments in the reign of Charles I., and the Habeas Corpus Act of Charles II., 1679. t Gardiner, Hist, of Eng. (1603—1616), i. 445. 1611.] ARABELLA STUAKT. 17 form of trial. The King's Council went even further than this, and constantly committed political opponents of Arbitrary the government, without bringing any charge against King's 0t - them, or allowing them the benefit of a trial. The Council, imprisonment extended from weeks, or months, to years, and the writ of habeas corjms, which ought to have protected any subject from such an outrage, was rarely obtainable. In the case of Arabella Stuart, the causeless displeasure of the king formed the ground of a life-long imprisonment. This lady, who was first cousin to James, married, through pure affection, a distant rela- tion, William Seymour, a descendant of Mary, the youngest daughter of Henry VII. James, jealous of the union Case of of two relations, both of whom had a distant claim to Jjabeiia the crown, confined Seymour in the Tower, and placed Stuart. Arabella in confinement at Lambeth. Both made their escape, with the intention of meeting at Leigh, near Blackwall, on board a French vessel, which was engaged to carry them across the Channel. Arabella arrived before her husband, and, in spite of her entreaties, her attendants, in fear of pursuit, forced the captain to sail. Seymour, on his arrival, finding the French vessel gone, hired a collier, and was landed in safety at Ostend. Arabella was not so fortunate. When Within sight of Calais, a vessel, sent from Dover in pursuit, overtook the fugitive, and carried her back to England. On her arrival, she was immedi- ately committed to the Tower, whence she wrote to the two chief justices, imploring them to secure her a trial by the usual writ of habeas corpus : " And if your lordships may not, or will not, grant unto me the ordinary relief of a distressed subject, then, I beseech you, become humble intercessors to his Majesty, that I may receive such benefit of justice as both his Majesty by his oath hath promised, and the laws of this realm afford to all others, those of his blood not excepted. And though, unfortunate woman ! I can obtain neither, yet, I beseech your lordships, re- tain me in your good opinion, and judge charitably, till I be proved to have committed any offence, either against God or his Majesty, deserving so long restraint or separation from my lawful husband.''" Arabella's just demand remained ungranted. Her marriage was no crime at law, and had she been brought before the judges, they could hardly have done less than order her re- lease. The idea of attempting to change the succession would 2 18 A PIEATE CASE. [james i. have been ludicrous, if true, but there was no ground for suspicion of political motive in the marriage to give a shadow of excuse for her restraint. Separated from her husband, and broken-hearted,. Arabella lost her reason, and, after some four years of confine- ment, at last died in the Tower. The Countess of Shrewsbury, Arabella's aunt, was brought up before the council, on the charge of being an accomplice in her niece's escape. Kef using to implicate herself, by answering- in any way to a charge so unknown to the law, she bravely re- plied, that, if the council had a charge against her, she would be ready to answer before her peers. Such an appeal to the hated liberties of the subject was not suffered to pass unpunished, and for several years her name appears in the list of unhappy in- mates of the Tower. It was not only the king's animosity which was to be dreaded, but the greed of the court. The interests of the nation were bought and sold by courtiers and ministers. Several of James' council were in receipt of salaries from the King of Spain. Others were in a nefarious league with the pirates who then preyed on our shipping. The story of Sir John Eliot and Captain Nutt sheds a flood of light on various judicial and executive anomalies of the reign. In 1623 Eliot was Vice-admiral of Devon. Amongst his duties were those of boarding pirate vessels, and deciding upon the lawfulness of prizes. Captain Nutt, an English pirate, who, at the head of several ships, had for three years past ranged the seas between the coasts of England and America, was noto- rious alike for audacity and cruelty. Sailing to Torbay and landing in force whenever he came ashore, he dared the vice- admiral to seize him, and boasted of the pardons he had already obtained. Armed with a copy of one of these pardons, con- ditional on the captain's surrendering himself within a cer- tain time, Eliot risked his life and went on board the pirate vessel. There was little doubt that the time within which the pardon was valid was already past, but Nutt, acting probably on the supposition that Eliot could only be influenced by merce- nary motives, agreed to surrender himself, and to pay a fine of £500, together with six packs of calves' skins. If the pardon were good, the fine would be shared between the vice-admiral,. Eliot, and the lord-admiral, Buckingham. Directly the man was- ashore, Eliot placed him under arrest, and then wrote an account J033.J IMPEISONMENT OF ELIOT. 19 of the whole transaction to the council. He took occasion to point out how the pirate, even while treating, had audaciously- seized a Colchester brig, laden with woods and sugar to the value of some £4000, but left the question of the validity of the pardon entirely to their lordships' decision. The first result of this was, that Eliot received a letter from Conway, the under-secretary of state, highly commending him for his good service, and intimat- ing that he should before long receive the honour of kissing the king's hand. "Within a few days Eliot repaired to London, not, however, to kiss the king's hand, but to become a prisoner in the Marshalsea, and answer in the Court of Admiralty charges pre- ferred against him by the Council Board. The pirate, Nutt, to give his court friends an excuse for shielding him, had the audacity to come forward as the accuser of his captor, alleging that Eliot, both by letter and message, had urged him to sail to Dartmouth and make prizes of divers ships that were there, laden with goods and money out of Spain ; and that it was not until thus encouraged that he had ventured on seizing the Colchester brig. The letter Nutt was unable to produce ; the charges were denied both by Eliot and his officers. The judge of the Admiralty, in his reports to the council, did not venture to express an opinion in regard to Eliot, but pointed out how the lord-admiral's interests might be neglected, if the vice-admiral were kept long absent from his post in Devon. But while Buck- ingham at the time was in Spain, Eliot's enemy, and Nutt'a friend, Sir John Calvert, the principal secretary of state, was in England. It was through his influence that the council had pro- ceeded against Eliot. The pirate had rendered him some service in the establishment of a colony in Newfoundland, and if his word may be believed, this was his sole motive for seeking to blacken the character of the vice-admiral, and obtain a pardon from the king for that "unlucky fellow, Captain Nutt." It was no wonder Eliot felt angry and used stronger language in writing to Secretary Conway than he usually employed. " I can- not so much yet undervalue my integrity, to doubt that the words of a malicious assassin, now standing for his life, shall have repu- tation equal to the credit of a gentleman." Nutt, however, by means of his powerful friend, obtained his pardon and, in addi- tion, a gra.ot of .£100 out of the ship and goods seized at Torbay. The duration of Eliot's imprisonment is uncertain ; probably he 2—2 20 PERSECUTION OF PURITANS. [jambs i. remained in the Marshalsea until the following October, at which time Charles and Buckingham returned from Spain. In the following month he was canvassing for a seat in the last of James ; parliaments.* While person and property were thus dealt with, it was hardly likely that there should "be any recognition of the later rights of freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Presby- terians and sectarians were forced to fly the country, in order to Puritans escape imprisonment. Puritan preachers were ejected persecuted. f rom their livings. Puritan writers were prosecuted in the Star Chamber. James himself made a jest of the fines inflicted on them ; — " it were no reason that those that will refuse the airy sign of the cross after baptism should have their purses stuffed with any more solid and substantial crosses."f But persecution that does not go far enough to extirpate its victims defeats its own ends. Sympathy was felt for the Puritans, their opinions spread, and the division between the two parties grew wider and wider. Clergymen who found favour at court adopted doctrines approaching to those of Eome, and supported the power of the crown by teaching the duty of passive obedience, and the doctrine of the Divine Eight of kings. Clergymen who found favour with the people taught that in the plain words of Scripture is to be found all that the Christian needs for his guidance ; and denounced to their hearers, as sinful and displeasing to God, popish ceremonies and doctrines, and the worldly court-life, with its drinking, swearing, acting, fine dressing, and dancing. Thus, at the end of James' reign, men of very various opinions were all alike designated Puritans. There was the sectarian, who desired that each separate congregation should be allowed its own special form of worship ; the Presbyterian, who desired to see a church similar to that of Scotland established in England ; the churchman, who objected to popish Puritan ceremonies and doctrines ; the patriot, who, from op- men g of ateS posing tyranny in the State, came to mistrust a church that taught the duty of passive obedience to kings' commands ; and, lastly, the earnest man, who, by merely leading, in his own person, a pure life, seemed to reprove * Forster : Life of Sir J. Eliot, i. 2. + Ellis Orig. Letters, iii. 450: Coins were called crosses from the stamp of the cross on the reverse, as sovereigns from the king's head on the obverse. various opinions 1619.] THIRTY YEARS' WAR. 21 the manners of the court ; all these became alike objects of the scoffs and jeers of the king's friends, and were classed together as factious hjqwcrites and Puritans. But neither James' pretensions to absolute power, nor his ac- tual infringement of the constitution, nor the persecution of Puritans, nor the vices of his court, did so much to alienate the affection of his subjects, as did the conduct of his foreign policy. The Thirty Years' War had now begun. Matthias, JaTnes > f _ Emperor of Germany, ruler of Austria, Hungary, and rei s n P° lic y Bohemia, was childless. To secure the succession, he division be- caused his cousin Ferdinand, archduke of Styria, to be s^and'hTs crowned as next king of his great kingdoms of Bohemia subjects. and Hungary.* This prince had been brought up by the Jesuits, and was so ardent a Catholic that he said he would sooner beg his bread from door to door, than that the Catholic Church should suffer injury. He had long since driven the Protestants out of his own duchy of Styria. Sooner than accept such a fanatic as their king, the Bohemians, of whom the majority were Protestants, rose in rebellion, and offered the crown to one of their own persuasion, Frederick, prince of the Palatinate,f who Ferdinand=Isabella of Spain. Maximilian I., Em- peror of Germany, Archduke of Austria. I Joanna =Philip the Eair. Kings of Milan, and Nether- Spain, Naples, lands. Archdukes of Austria, Kings of Bohemia, Hun- gary, and Emperors of Germany. CnARLES V., Emperor of Germany, 1519 — 1556. Philip II. , 1555— 159S. Philip III., 1598—1621. Philip IV., 1621—1667. f Ti Ferdinand I. (emperor after resignation of his brother Charles V.), 1556—1561. Charles, Archduke of Styria. Maximilian II., 1564—1574. I Rodolph II., Matthias, Ferdinand II. 1574—1612. 1612—1619. 1619—1637. ' Count Palatine represented, in theory, the king or emperor aa 22 THIRTY YEARS' WAR. [james z. accepted the dangerous gift, and was crowned King of Bohemia (August, 1619). Thirty This was the origin of the great religious struggle Years'War. "between Catholics and Protestants, which is called the Thirty Years' War. Frederick, the Protestant champion, had for his enemies, Ferdinand, elected Emperor of Germany on the death of Matthias (1619) ; the Catholic princes of the German empire ; and Philip III. of Spain. The Austrian Emperors of Germany, and the Kings of Spain, Milan, and the Netherlands, being near relations, always acted in one another's interests. Jealousy of the united power of Spain and Austria inclined France to prefer political to religious considera- tions, so that it usually supported the Protestant princes in with- standing the encroachments of the emperors ; but it was useless at the present time for Frederick to look for help to a country torn by civil dissensions, and governed by a minor. From James, his Protestant father-in-law, whose daughter, Elizabeth, he had married amidst the rejoicings of the English (1G13), as well as from his fellow Protestant princes of the em- pire, he might, not without reason, hope for support, in a war nominally undertaken in the interests of the Protestant cause. James, however, hating war, had made peace, on his accession, with the old Catholic enemy, Spain, and declared his intention to the French ambassador, of " avoiding war as his own damna- tion." But, on the breaking out of the Thirty Years' War, the king found himself placed in a dilemma. For he must either give up his theory of non-intervention, or suffer England to fall from the proud position to which Elizabeth had raised her, as head of the Protestant States. Even now, when we recognize the full evil of war, it seems hardly generous in those themselves possessed of liberty to refuse assistance to a free people maintain- ing their freedom against foreign armies. To English Pro- testants, in whose minds the remembrance of the Armada was still fresh, it seemed at once both base and foolish to look on judge in his own palace. Barons, especially those of frontier provinces, had similar royal judicial privileges delegated to them. Such provinces were called palatine. In Germany there was an upper and lower Palatinate; the lower Palatinate comprised the upper part of the rich Rhine valley, with Heidelberg for its capital, and conferred a vote at the election of the emperors of Germany. 1620.] WAVEKING FOREIGN POLICY. • , • j-ff „„ while a Protestant people were deprived of vf t^rscenTe ty aLies composed of foreigners and Sic T—t Europe was one country and a blow *uck atone Protestant State was regarded as a blow struck at piace, ue uc negotiating for assist his interests of a match that he naa oeen e * B(m -in-la W . SSrtMS ESS wZr d^t e^ny looked wfflof his subjected Infer ouroi The Bohemian urged, ^^^S^,^. and lawless, nobles, ^eauthors^hereb^^^ ^^ rf a SS^entg^eimperial^er^^ch^some took part in the ^strugg , Frederick was de f e ated and driven i %tirm,nra 2 cti'cable for England to maintain a large army in thStole and even the Attempt would have required sup- pL for trt than the country was disposed to grant James wis aware of these facts, and therefore the slower to enter upon ZtS It must be 'allowed that the Commons acted unrea- 24 FOREIGN POLICY. [ JAMES I. Commons sonably. The country gentlemen, who came up to KLto Westminster once in five or six years, were not en- TintS Ilghtened h ? newspapers, and had no means of ac- poUcy! but q^amting themselves with the intricate course of f oreio- n slow to politics, or of forming any correct estimate of the V vo- liecessary bable cost of a war. Now, while knowledge of their own incapacity prevented them from pretending to direct operations, their Protestant zeal caused them to press James to assist his son-in-law, and their ignorance to suppose that this could be done at comparatively a small expense to the country. Elizabeth had always had the skill so to direct the blow that it should inflict the greatest injury to her adversary at the least possible cost to herself. She would have seen that the sea was England's field of fame, and would never have marched an army to Heidelberg. Had she still sat on the throne, perhaps a dash upon some Spanish port might have rendered the Pro- testants a material assistance, by drawing Philip's armies oft from Germany. But her foreign policy, when not marred by misplaced parsimony or favouritism, had been marked by her exceptional genius, and it was unreasonable to expect her com- monplace successor to strike out a line of action at once spirited, effective, and economical. It was probably fortunate for Ens- gland that he never heartily made the attempt. The Parliament was asked for money sufficient to maintain for the winter some regiments of English volunteers, engaged in defending Heidelberg, the capital of the Palatinate. But the Commons, before voting money, desired to see the king commit C et7tii 0ns nims ? lf to a decidecl policy, and prepared a petition, SSmesto be gg in g nim to marry his son to a Protestant princess many his and to make war on Spain. James, hearing before-' Protestant hand of the contents of the petition, wrote a letter, pnncess. forbidding the House to meddle with his son's match ; and adding, as a warning to those who should disregard the royal command, that, « as for liberty of speech, he was free to punish any man's misdemeanours in Parliament, both durino- and after their sitting." In meddling with matters of peace and war, the Commons were not so sure of their ground, but liberty of speech* they regarded as a precious inheritance from their In™ J v ; en , in , Edward the Third's time, the Commons seem to have been al- lowed to debate on many things concerning the king's prerogative ; and 1621.] PARLIAMENT OVERRIDDEN. 25 earliest ancestors. A second petition was at once prepared, beg- ging his Majesty, "such a wise and just king, to recognise liberty of speech, their ancient and undoubted right." James replied by saying " he would not infringe their privileges, only he did not like their style of speaking — how could any privileges be their undoubted right and inheritance, when these were all de- rived from the grace and permission of his ancestors and himself V The Commons, too wise to let such doctrine as this pass un- challenged, entered a protest in their journals (18 Dec, 1621)$ to the effect that, ' Their liberties and privileges commons were the undoubted birthright of the subjects of enter in England ; the State, the defence of the realm, the journals Church, the laws and grievances were proper matters f theft 101 * for them to debate ; members have liberty of speech, privileges, and freedom from all imprisonment for speaking on any matters touching Parliament business.' James, in the full assembly of his council, and in presence of the judges, caused the journal- book to be brought before him, and, with his own hand, erased this protestation, declaring it to be invalid, void, and of none effect. The dissatisfaction of the nation at the king, and his Spanish Catholic match, was greatly increased after the dissolution of this Parliament (6 Jan., 1622). Abroad, the Pro- p r otestants testants were being defeated, persecuted, crushed. def eated. Frederick was driven, not only out of Bohemia, but out of Henry IV. promised to take no notice of any reports made to him of their proceedings before such matters were brought before him by the advice and assent of all the Commons. A Parliament, or "speaking-house," would be a poor guardian of liberties without itself having liberty of utterance. The principle was well stated nearly half a century after this (1667) : " No man can doubt but whatever is once enacted is lawful ; but nothing can come in- to an Act of Parliament but it must be first affirmed or propounded by some- body; so that if the Act can wrong nobody, no more can the first propound- ing. The members must be as free as the Houses ; an Act of Parliament cannot disturb the State; therefore the debate that tends to it cannot ; for it must be propounded and debated before it can be enacted." — May ! 3 Pari. Practice, 102. Besides freedom of speech on subjects of Parliamentary debate, the prin- cipal privileges of Parliament were : The right of both Houses of judging and punishing their own member* for any misdemeanour committed in Parliament. The right of the Commons of determining any disputed election. The right of members of both Houses to enjoy freedom from arrest, andi exemption from all legal process, while Parliament was sitting, except oa eharges of treason, felony, -and breach of the peace. 26 TOM TELL-TRUTH. [james I. his hereditary dominions, the Palatinate, and forced, with his family, to take refuge in Holland, and live on the alms of the Prince of Orange. Protestants were banished from Austria Proper. In Bohemia, the Protestant faith and civil liberty dis- appeared together. In the Palatinate, the Protestant worship was suppressed. In France, the government was in arms against the Huguenots, and succeeded in wresting one strong- hold from them after another. Spain seized the hopeful oppor- tunity to renew the war with Holland. The Puritan pulpits " rang against the Spanish rnar- marriage riage." In vain James told the bishops to prevent the written c l ei & v fr° m preaching on such topics ; in vain he issued preached proclamations, forbidding the people to talk ; their voices could no more be restrained than a " mountain torrent." Pamphlets were written and published which risked the ears, if not the lives of their authors. Most malignant of all, Tom Tell- " Tom Tell-Truth " attacked the king and his govern- Truth. ment on every side. " I, a poor unknown subject," says the pamphleteer, " who hear the people talk, will undertake that discontinued but noble office of telling your Majesty the truth. Some there are that find fault with your government, even to wishing Elizabeth were alive again, for we have lost by change of sex. Great Britain, say they, is a great deal less than little England was wont to be. The excess of peace hath long since turned virtue into vice, and health into sick- ness. " The Spaniards and the Duke of Bavaria play with your Majesty as men do with little children, at handy-dandy, which hand will you have ? and give them nothing. The very losers at cards fall a cursing and swearing at the loss of the Palatinate ; and, when told of your Majesty's proclamation not to talk about State affairs, answer in a chafe, ' You must give losers leave to speak.' " You sent my Lord of Doncaster into France to mediate peace. It would have been better had the money spent on that embassage been given to the poor Huguenots ; they may well call England the ' Land of Promise.' The princes that serve the Pope send arms ; you — that should fight the battles ■of the Lord — ambassadors. " No need for your Majesty to fear the Puritan religion ; if a king will be absolute and dissolute, it is a wonder he will suffer any other ; for it may be observed in some parts of Christendom* that let a king ruling over a Pro- testant people be never so wicked in his person, nor so enormous in his government, let him stamp vice with his example, let him remove the ancient bounds of sovereignty, and make every day new yokes and new scourges for * I.e., in England, 1623.] BEEACH WITH SPAIN. 27 his poor people, let liim take rewards and punishments out of the hand of justice, and distribute them without regard to right or wrong ; in short, let him so excel in mischief, ruin, and oppression, as Nero compared with him may be held a very father of the people. Yet, when he hath done all that can be imagined to procure hate and contempt, he may go boldly in and out to his sports, clothed in his quilted garments, stiletto-proof, he shall not need to take either the less drink when he goes to bed, or the more thought when he riseth. " His minions, a pack of ravenous curs, think all other subjects beasts, and only made for them to prey upon ; they may revel and laugh, when all the kingdom mourns. His poor Protestant subjects shall only think he is given them of God for the punishment of their sins, for the preachers shall praise him and make the pulpit a stage of flattery, He ought to be obeyed, not because he is good but because he is their king. The subject is tied to such wonderful patience and obedience as doth almost verify that bold speech of Machiavel, when he said, ' Christianity made men cowards.' "* James, after quarrelling with his Parliament, eagerly S ha ^ and renewed the Marriage Treaty with Spain. He hankered ham go to more than ever after the Infanta's dower, and hoped, pa,m ' by means of Philip's interest with the Emperor, to secure the restoration of the Palatinate to Frederick. The Spaniards, on their side, were ready for a treaty which would secure them from a war with England while fighting in Germany. Following the suggestion of the Spanish ambassador, Charles undertook a secret journey to Spain, intending to conclude the treaty in person, and return home with his bride by his side (Feb., 1623). He was ac- companied only by his father's favourite, George Villiers, Marquis (afterwards Duke) of Buckingham. Philip IV. took advantage of this foolish act to raise his de- mands, and obtained the consent of both James and Charles to secret articles, in which they engaged never to put the laws against Catholics into force, and to obtain the consent of Parlia- ment to their repeal within three years. The promise was worth- less ; for James well knew the Parliament would never consent. Wearied by the delays caused by the Spaniards, . Charles returned home (Oct., 1623) before the time Treaty with agreed on for the performance of the marriage cere- tenon?™" mony, and afterwards wrote to the Earl of Bristol, with whom he had left his proxy, that there was to be neither mar- riage nor friendship, unless Philip consented to restore the Pala- tinate to Frederick by force of arms. This demand broke off the * Somers' Tracts, II. 487—9. 28 DEATH OF JAMES. [1625. treaty ; for whatever delusive hopes Philip had held out to James, he had never undertaken to do more than endeavour, by his interest with the Emperor, to effect a peace favourable to Frederick. " We have a maxim of State," said a Spanish minis- ter, for once speaking the truth, "that the King of Spain must never fight the Emperor." Money Buckingham, who had quarrelled with the Spaniards, voted by was now eager for war. James found his favourite Parliament . . ... to carry on would leave him no peace till he summoned a Parlia- Spain* 1 1 nient, which he did sorely against his will, and then Buckingham, with Charles by his side to confirm his story, gave the two Houses a false account of what had taken place in Spain, declaring that the Spaniards broke off the match because the prince would not become a Catholic. James' court was not a good school for training a young prince in the duties of veracity ; and it was certainly unfortunate for Charles' character that the circumstance of his first introduction to Parliament should have been of so ambiguous a nature. However, the story thus supported was believed for the time, and the question of peace and war with Spain being submitted to the Commons' con- sideration, they voted a subsidy of £300,000 to defend the coasts and help Holland. The same year four regiments crossed the Channel to assist the Dutch in fighting the Spaniards in the Netherlands (1624). -. u While the nation desired a Protestant alliance, the l'rencn , Marriage king only thought of a dowry. James now proposed to Treaty. marry his son to another Catholic princess, Henrietta, sister of Louis XIII., King of France. He died, however, before the marriage took place, after a reign of twenty-three years (25th March, 1625). Though a French marriage was hailed as a deliverance after the Spanish project, yet the history of the next twenty years will perhaps seem to justify the Commons' antipathy to any Catholic marriage. CHAPTER II. CHARLES' FIRST PARLIAMENTS.— IMPEACHMENT OF BUCKING- HAM.— PETITION OF RIGHT.— (1625-1629). How shall we do for money for these wars ? Richakd II. Little was known of the new king, who was only twenty-four years old when he came to the throne, and had seldom appeared in public. His manners were grave and cold ; he loved order and propriety. " I will have no drunkards in my bedchamber," he said, and turned out of office one of Buckingham's own bro- thers. The courtiers followed the lead of their master, and led outwardly decorous lives.* But all hopes that were entertained or good agreement Certainty between king and people were doomed to a speedy end. jJgJSJ* Charles, who from his earliest years had heard taught King and at his father's court the doctrine of the Divine Bight ar iamen of kings, regarded it as the duty of Parliament submissively to vote supplies and carry out the wishes of the monarch, without questioning his government or bargaining for redress of grievances. His subjects, on the other hand, still smart- ing at James' disregard of the laws of the land and the pri- vilege of Parliament, were determined to make the new king ac- knowledge the limits which the laws set to the prerogative of the Crown. An immediate cause of quarrel between Charles and the nation lay in the ascendancy of Buckingham, whose popularity had faded almost as soon as born. For if he had broken off the Spanish match on the grounds alleged by himself, be had since brought about the king's marriage with another Catholic, Henri- etta Maria, sister of Louis XIII. It is rare for a favourite to * Birch, I. 12 ;— Hutch. Mem. 30 TONNAGE AND POUNDAGE. [1 pael. remain supreme during the life of one master ; still more rare for Bucking- him to gain the affection of a second. Disappointment his m C narac- *kat Buckingham had not been ruined on the death of ter. James now intensified the hatred felt by all classes to- wards him. Almost every officer employed by the Government was his creature, and at his command. " He on whom the duke smiled, was advanced; he on whom he frowned, cast down."* The highest nobles in the land found that, to stand well in the eyes of the king, they must court the favour of this haughty minion — this upstart country squire. Buckingham himself was ill-fitted to exercise power. Handsome, of fascinating manners, courageous and not implacable, he was yet vain withal, insolent, reckless, no genius, and utterly selfish ; a man who would embroil his country in war to salve a wound of vanity, and then, after pledging his country's word, break it again to satisfy a change of whim. Such was the adviser with whom Charles met his first Parlia- ment — a Parliament he soon summoned, as he was preparing a fleet for an expedition carefully kept secret from the country, and found himself in urgent need of money to fit this out. (18th June.) chul , A dreadful plague was raging in London, of which first Parlia- the people were dying by thousands a week, so that the Houses were anxious to finish their business quickly and end the session. A bill for two subsidies,! amounting to something short of ,£200,000, was brought into the Lower House, and the members understanding from a message sent by the king * Strafford, Letters and Despatches, I. 28. f A subsidy was an income tax of 4s. in the pound upon the annual value of lands, and a property-tax of 2s. 8d. in the pound upon the actual value of goods. Those whose lands were not worth 20s. a year, or whose personal property was less than £3 in value, were not taxed. These subsidies were levied by commissioners, appointed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer from amongst the inhabitants of the county or borough. The assessment was made with great laxity; owing to this tact and to a constant rise in the money-value of lands, and goods (the price of wheat for Instance, doubling in Elizabeth's reign, the real state of the subsidy was very much less than the nominal. A tenth or a fifteenth was generally voted in addition to the subsidy. These were originally the real tenth or fifteenth of all the movables or personal property of the subject. Each county or borough was responsible for a certain sum, which was levied by commissioners, appointed by its representatives in the Commons. Since the last valuation had been made in the reign of Edward III., in that of Charles I., when the purchasing power of money had den-eased five times, the tenths and fifteenths instead of being taxes of 2s. and of Is. 4d., were more like taxes of 5d. and 3d., in the £ respectively. m j ADJOUMmrar to oxeokb-disconteht. that he was satisfied with •^£££SZ£Z to re-assemble at "^^M^ aLmy emptied in large numbers to their homes i Tonnage and 'fflSSS. since the reign ? f Henry C_ . Although tne usu , uf th Comm ons, yea r the V Wbeen to grant the customs 101 m©, _ ^ Ton _ • tnThP thinness of their House, and their wish for owing to the thinness 01 on l y granted them Poundage. time to regulate the scale of " omy g ^ ^ to Charles ^J^J^^^M the U^per House ;* next session of Parliament lUfi ^m not care to get At tlic rallin" of James' last farliamem., »u liomentad- At the camiig , , ff tl , e c i u ke had allied iourn ed to. match with Spam was broken oft, the * au i^^ himself with the popular leaders. N«,^» thefleet; entirely free of their control, espeoaUy mttm nd ^ ^ he determined to bring about a iup tor - ^ ^ s0 effect a dissolution. Accordingly, on tte^ ay ^ Honses adjourned, and the king s «m* was rve ftey for two subsidies, the members hear^to their y,^ q were required, within a fortnights **£*"£» = h Jul ) a town where the plague ,had jt yet gj^fj^ J. ^hort as the interval was between uuc discontent. e^w^notwantingtobreeds^cion^dd*^ Dr. Montague, a clergyman, censured by the Own ^ Mng books upholding the Divine E gb of kin , ^ confession, the use of images, and otto Kom ^ been appointed chaplain to the k" ^ ™ h ^ F^^ French Marriage Treaty not to put ^ m » a = were n ow force; and these conditions *$£%£^ s ' t ill levied, beginning to be divulged, Eta™* o faaed to 82 FIRST PARLIAMENT DISSOLVED. [1625. clear the channel of the Turkish pirates, now ravaging the coasts, plundering merchant vessels, and carrying off captives by hun- dreds. There was an ugly story abroad, that eight ships had been actually lent the French king to assist him in blocking up the Huguenots, brother Protestants, in Eochelle. And now, as a crowning cause of discontent, the Parliament was re-assembled, at an unusual place, at the hottest time of a plague-smitten season (Aug 1st), and asked for sums that the king's ministers should have shown were necessary before. Long journeys were no light matter in those days, when roads were so bad that a coach and four could often go little more than four miles an hour. The members regarded the demand now made upon them almost as an insult, and felt convinced that Charles and Buckingham preferred this patent disregard of their convenience to revealing their whole policy at first. Thus, instead of granting a second supply, the House began to debate upon the abuses of the ad- ministration, and to point at the duke as the cause of them. " Strange, the adjournment for only a few days, and that meet- ing there in Oxford ! As it could not be that the king should have such mutability in himself, was not the real cause manifest to them ? To have the whole kingdom hurried in such haste for the will and pleasure of one subject ! All this was beyond example and comparison."* Parliament On this, Charley carried out Buckingham's intention, dissolved. an( j dissolved the Parliament at once (12th Aug.). There had been good cause for the caution displayed by the Commons in granting supplies. In the spring, Charles and Buck- ingham, keeping their purpose concealed even from the Privy Council, pressed seven merchant vessels, and sent them with a ship of war under Captain Pennington's command, to be employed by Louis XIII. in blocking up the Huguenots in Eochelle. lends Louis The sailors, however, showed their spirit. Learning against* Ro- at Dieppe their destined service, masters and men per- cheiie. sisted in sailing back to the Downs, swearing that they would be hanged or thrown overboard before they would fight ; while Pennington, who fully shared the feelings of the crews, wrote to the king, asking to be removed from command. In re- reply* however, he was only peremptorily ordered back to the French coast, and received a royal warrant authorizing him to * See Eorster's Life of Sir John Eliot, i. vi. 4. 1625.] WAE WITH SPAIN— PAILUKE. 33 compel obedience, "even unto the sinking of the ships." The men, being now told that the civil war in France was at an end, and that they were to be employed against Genoa, an ally of Spain, were with difficulty a second time persuaded to sail. At Dieppe, however, the truth could no longer be concealed. One vessel sailed back to the Downs, and the rest of the _ .. , ii-i • i Sailors do- crews deserted their ships, leaving them to be manned serttheves- by Frenchmen. A gunner — the only Englishman who &e 3 * took part in the service — was killed by a shot before Eochelle. This story was the common talk of the nation at the time of the dissolution of Parliament. An expedition so unpopular was especially unfortunate when the king was bent on going to war with Spain. No English king could hope to carry on war without obtaining large parliamentary grants, unless he was prepared to resort to illegal means of raising money. James had disliked Parliaments, and therefore, with good reason, clung to peace. Peace was still open to Charles, for war had not been declared ; but he preferred breaking the law to breaking his resolution. Money was raised in the form of loans. By these means, a fleet of ninety vessels was collected. Meet .. It sailed in the autumn (4th Oct.). Buckingham, against though lord-admiral, was too wise to command in per- pam ' son. Sir Edward Cecil, created Viscount Wimbledon for the occasion, was sent as deputy, to take the blame in case of failure. Success those who knew the state of the fleet hardly ventured to hope for. The agents the duke employed in manning, provision- ing, and furnishing the vessels, had shamefully embezzled the funds, so that victuals were bad, men sick, and ships leaky, even at starting. Wimbledon received secret instructions to seize shipping and stores in the Spanish harbours, and to capture a fleet of richly laden merchantmen, returning home from the West Indies. Charles had great hopes that his exchequer would be replenished with Spanish bullion. Wimbledon, however, after entering the harbour of Returng Cadiz and surprising a fort, found his troops disorderly, n °me dis- and finally returned to England without having fought gra ° e ' an enemy or made a prize (Nov., Dec). Disease broke out on the voyage home ; hundreds perished at sea; hundreds were landed in a dying condition, solely, as it was said, through the bad food supplied for both soldiers and sailors. Upon the success of 3 Si IMPEACHMENT OP BUCKINGHAM. [3 PAEU this expedition Buckingham's reputation was staked. It had been planned by him, by his advice its destination had been kept secret from Parliament, and he was justly regarded as the real author of the disgrace. SnnSn, Meantime the loans had fallen short ; the seamen a Second cam e up to London clamouring for their nav • ih* T', Tl r Che<1Uer — « There™ Tnres'eape and Charles had to snmmon a second Parliament, which met ord, some si* months after the dissolution of the first 6th Feb 16 "of The Ulega I methods of raising money, the employment of Enii hsh ships for crushing French Protestants, the fiasco of the fleet were all set down to Buckingham. ' KSifeed J' 16 **» l e c f ved hints of what was coming. "The to condyle office of high-admiral," wrote a friendly counsellor he county << requi onewMe maato executei J You ~^ hath another sea of business to wade through, and the voluntary resigning of this office would fill all men, yea, even your enemie 7 w-ih affection^ Buckingham, Lord High-Admiral of £££ Horse W 1 G °7™ 0, r. General ° f SCaS and Da ^> **«* *e Horse, Warden of the Cinque Ports, refused to resign one of these or his other titles to popular clamour. . ™ W i!' e ? ai ' leS 1!"* f ° r a Subsid y> the Commons appointed a committee to search into grievances. The committee soon satisfied themselves that all evils found their head and source in Buckingham. On this the king tried threats. « I must let you anv o"f mv '1 \ l T *° ^ H ° USe ' " that l ** ™* -Ho- any of my servants to be questioned amongst you, much less « m t f ^ f place and n ™° me ° Th - Id 5-£ But now it hath been the labour of some to seek what may be done against him whom the king thinks fit to honour. I wish you would hasten my supply, or else it will be worse for ZTfelile' any m happen ' J thilik x shaI1 be *■ '<"' Bucking- The Commons, undaunted, impeached the duke SchS forh 'S h crimes and misdemeanours (22nd April). In cases of parliamentary impeachment, the House of Commons is accuser, the House of Lords judge. The eariie t case occurred towards the end of Edward the Third's reign ( JW From the time of Henry VI. there was no impeachment foAearly 1626.] PRACTICE OF IMPEACHMENT. 35 two centuries (1449 — 1621), till the practice was revived in the reign of James I., when two of the king's ministers were impeached for bribery and corruption — Bacon, lord chancellor, in 1621 ; the Earl of Middlesex, lord treasurer, in 1624. In times when the Parliament and the crown, the law and the prerogative, were struggling for mastery, and when the crown dismissed and ap- pointed at pleasure both judges and ministers of State, such a power was a most useful weapon in the hands of the Commons. Now, since the trials of "Warren Hastings (1791) and Lord Mel- ville (1805), the right of impeachment has ceased to be exercised, because the relation of all parties has changed. The law has gained the victory over the prerogative. Courts of justice are independent, and ministers of the crown only hold office at the pleasure of the Commons. The reverse of all this might have been affirmed at the True charge time when Buckingham was impeached. Jhe special B g uckSg- allegations against him were his holding many offices at bam. the same time, selling places of judicature, leu ding ships to Louis to be used against Rochelle, with various other offences, in all thirteen. But the Commons did not, in fact, impeach Bucking- ham for any particular crime. Their quarrel with him was that he alone possessed the royal ear, and that he counselled Charles to commit illegal acts at home, and pursue a wavering course of foreign policy, detrimental to the interests of the Protestants. The English nation has always been intolerant of tyranny at second hand. It seemed to them now monstrous that the wishes of people and Parliament should be over-ruled by the fancies of one unworthy favourite. They determined, therefore, to im- peach the duke, as the only constitutional means then possessed of securing the change of ministry they desired. " What vast treasures he has gotten," said Sir John Eliot, con- g peec h of ducting the impeachment before the Lords, " what infinite sums Sir John of money, and what a mass of lands ! If your lordships please Ji ' 110t '- to calculate, you will find it all amounting to little less than the whole of the subsidies which the king has had within that time. A lamentable example of the subjects' bounties so to be employed ! His profuse expenses, his superfluous feasts, his magnificent buildings, his riots, his excesses, what are they but the visible evidences of an express exhausting of the State, a chronicle of the immensity of his waste of the revenues of the crown ? He wonder, then, our king is now in want, this man abounding so. And as long as he abounds, the king must still be wanting, . , . 3-2 36 IMPEACHMENT OF BUCKINGHAM. [2pael, " Of all the precedents I can find, none so near resembles him as doth Se- ianus and him Tacitus describes thus : that he was audax, sui obtegens, in alios criminator : juxta adulatio et superbia.* If your lordships please tc measure him by this, pray see in what they vary. He is bold, and of such a boldness, I dare be bold to say, as is seldom heard of. He is secret in his purposes, and more, that we have showed already. Is he a slanderer ? Is he an accuser ? I wish this Parliament had not felt it, nor that which was before. As for his pride and flattery, what man can judge the greater ? . . And now, my lords, I will conclude with a particular censure given on the Bishop of Ely in the time of Bichard I. That prelate had the king's trea- sures at his command, and had luxuriously abused them. His obscure kin- dred were married to earls, barons, and others of great rank and place. No man's business could be done without his help. He would not suffer the kind's council to advise in the highest affairs of state. He gave ignotis per- sonis et obscuris the custody of castles and great trusts. He ascended to such a height of insolence and pride, that he ceased to be fit for characters of mercy. And therefore, says the record, of which I now hold the original, per totam insulam publice proclametur ; — Pereat qui perdere cuncta EESTINAT; OpPRIMATUR NE 01INES OPPRIMAT"f (10th May). Charles "When Charles heard that Eliot had compared the visits the duke to Sejanus, he exclaimed, " He must intend me Lords, for Tiberius !" and with the defendant by his side, went to the Upper House, and tried to overawe the duke's judges by informing the Lords that he had given orders for punishment of some insolent speeches spoken to them yesterday, and that he could himself be a witness to clear the duke of every charge andim- brought against him (11th May). He was as good as prisons two h_i s word, and the same day committed to the Tower the Com- two of the managers of the impeachment, Sir Dudley mons. Digges and Sir John Eliot. The Lords, of whom many were concealed enemies of the favourite, let the king speak and depart in silence. The Commons agreed to do no business until their members were restored to the House. Charles Charles might have ended the struggle by a dissolu- soives y the S " ^ on ' but as ne s ^ hoped to obtain a supply, he pre- Pariiament. f erred to release the two members. Einding, however, that the Commons would not grant money, unless the duke waa first removed from office, he determined to put a stop to the im- peachment, by dissolving the Parliament. " No, not a minute!" he said to the Lords, who came in person to petition him to stay the * Tac. Ann. iv. 1. f Forster's Life of Sir J. Eliot, i. vii. 6. 1626.] THIRTY YEAES' WAE. 37 dissolution, and the next day lie carried out his purpose (15th June). The people had been anxiously watching the course _ Feirs enter* of events within the House. " This is the king's last tained in Parliament," they said, aware of Charles' indignation the countr y- at the impeachment of his minister. "And now that the Parlia- ment is dissolved, and the duke still in power, what will follow next ?" " Is it not time to pray 1 Unless God show us the way out, we are but in an ill case."* Charles did not keep his subjects long in doubt of his inten- tions. In fact, a series of measures followed, attacking more classes and more interests within a shorter period than had been ever known in English history. Although Charles was already engaged in war with Spain, and had not received a penny from his last Parliament, he had still the temerity to enter into war with France. Several causes of quarrel existed between himself and his brother-in-law, Louis XIII. Shortly before the death of James, Cardinal Richelieu, Louis' chief minister, had effected a league between France and the Protestant powers (1624). The French Protestant were to fight the armies of Austria and Spain, while ^Inst the King of Denmark, Christian IV., assisted by men Spain and from England, and money from France, was to lead the Protestant forces of Germany for the recovery of the Palatinate. The fleets of England and Holland were to attack Spain, while the Turks were engaged to fall upon Hungary. But as soon as Louis had reduced the Huguenots in Rochelle by the aid of the ships borrowed from Charles, he deserted his allies, and made peace with Spain (March, 1626). The reason of this sudden change in French policy was that the Huguenots, regardless of the interests of their co-religionists, seized the moment when France was about to engage in foreign war, to rise in arms against the government. The English contingent had already been fitted out with the money granted in James' last Parliament. But Louis now refused permission for these troops to pass through France on their way to join the German army, so that they were obliged to take a long sea passage to Zealand. Disease broken * Ellis. 3rd Series, 227, 228. 38 WAR WITH FRANCE. [162& out, and 5000 men out of the 14,000 men perished before they saw the face of a foe.* Christian IV., thus left unsupported, was defeated at Lutter (27th August, 1626), and the armies of the emperor, Ferdinand II., were soon overrunning the north of Germany (1627-8). Charles, who had agreed in his marriage treaty not to put the laws against Catholics into force, and had afterwards lent Louis ships, expecting, in return, to receive aid for the recovery of the Palatinate, naturally felt aggrieved at the conduct of the French government. Moreover, Buckingham had some personal dis- agreement with Richelieu, which was believed to be his only motive for breaking the peace between the two nations. War with The war was unpopular in England, because the France. French, through their well-known jealousy of Spain and Austria, were regarded as the natural allies of the German Protestants. But Charles and Buckingham were ill advised enough to hope that, by merely declaring themselves friends of the Huguenots, they would be carried along on a flood-tide of popu- larity, and thus be able to raise money enough by illegal means for the support of two wars at once. A general loan was raised by il- demanded ; every man, rich or poor, was required to legal means, g- ve ^ ^ e same proportion as he had been rated in the last subsidy granted by Parliament. This so-called loan was in fact nothing less than a tax laid on land and property, without consent of Parliament. Henry VIII., the most absolute of the Tudor sovereigns, once endeavoured to raise money by means of a general loan ; but even in his time the attempt produced wide- spread discontent ; a serious insurrection broke out in Suffolk, and the imposition was withdrawn (1525). Since that time a steady increase in wealth and knowledge had for more than a century been strengthening the middle classes, and confirm- ing their attachment to their liberties. Leaders were now to be found in the House of Commons, ready boldly to point the attention of the nation to acts of arbitrary power, and to brave the consequences of the royal displeasure. It was- * Vessels were not then required, as they happily are now, to have on board a sufficient supply of lime juice, or other preventives against conse- quences of a salt diet. Hence the fatal ravages of scurvy in those times. The symptoms of this disease are described as — discoloured spots, swelled legs, extraordinary lassitude and dejection, sudden death resulting on the least motion or exertion of strength. See Gr. Anson's Voyage, I. x. 1626 1 FORCED LOANS. 39 hardly likely, therefore, that an aet from which Henry VIIL Z Cardinal Wolsey had shrunk, should fail to rouse nidigna- tion when attempted by Charles and his detested favourite. Opposition arose on all sides from rich and poor, oppose* The prisons were full of gentlemen who refused to o s eT0 iby lend. Lincolnshire "almost rebelled;" Shropshire ' **~ "utterly denied." Several gentlemen, on being brought before the Council Chamber, refused to kneel, for fear of seeming to acknowledge that they were in any way responsible for a legiti- mate refusal of an illegitimate demand. In London, only two or three in a parish would pay, and that though goods wer< » seized, aad the duke threatened, saying " Sirrah, take ? heeel w . t^ou do ; did not you speak treason at such a time J Charles him self was reported to be so inflamed against refusers, that he was " vowing a perpetual remembrance, as well as a present pumsh- 01 F*ve gentlemen, imprisoned for refusing the loan, applied to the Court of King's Bench for a writ of habeas cotyus.f the judge sent a writ to the gaoler, commanding him to produc* Ins prisoners before the court, with the warrant on which they had been imprisoned. The gaoler replied that they were committed by a warrant from the king's council, by the special command of his Majesty, but that no special cause of impiisoment judgmert was mentioned. Accordingly, the question was pleaded King before the judges of the King's Bench, whether or not B-g-J. the king had power to commit his subjects to prison „ without alleging any crime against them. The court was crowded, and shouts of applause were raised at the argu ments of the prisoners' counsel. The judges however, W d S ment in favour of the king, and the five gentlemen were remanded t0 Cplr, who refused the loans, were pressed into the service of the arm; and navy. On some districts » «^P"? £ was laid called "coat and conduct money," for fitting out the rdiet The rich had soldiers quartered on them who acted as thou'h the king's soldiers were as much above the law as then master. Not content with killing and carrying off oxen and sheen from the owners' grounds, they muraered and Dis d ,. robbed upon the highways, "nay, in fairs and mar- -ducttf kets, for to meet a poor man coming from the market • Straff. Letters, I. 38; Bireh. 190, 154, 167, 164. t S5. p. 16- 40 DEFEAT AT EOCHELLE. [I* 32 ?. with a pair of shoes, and take them from him, was but a sport and merriment." The highways became so insecure, that, to sup- Commis- press disorders, Charles issued commissions to execute sions issued martial law. The ordinary course of justice was then cutfonof set aside, and the commissioners tried and sentenced martial law. faq, soldiers under forms more summary than those of the common law. In spite, however, of the crimes committed, the remedy seemed to the nation worse than the disease. Stand- ing armies and courts-martial being alike unknown to English statute or common law, Charles had no more legal power to issue commissions to try soldiers by martial law than he had to try civilians.* To increase the general indignation, the clergy re- Clergy ceived orders to preach up the duty of passive obedi- S 'SSive* 7 ence and the divine ri S' ht of km £ s - Those who looked obedience, out for promotion complied, but the preachers were regarded as mere lacqueys of the court. It was adding insult to injury, first to take the people's properties illegally, and then to tell them that submission was a duty, pleasing to God. At last, at the expense of so much bitterness between king and commons, a fleet of 100 vessels was fitted out, and sailed for France (27th June). Buckingham took the command himself ; a Expedition landing was effected on the Isle of Eh6, and the hanito kmg " Huguenots in Eochelle were persuaded to trust to the Kocheile. honour of the English, and try the event of war against Louis XIII. once more. But, after two months had been spent in an unsuccessful siege of the fortified town of St. Martin,t Buckingham made a disastrous retreat along a narrow cause- way, beset on either side with salt pits and ditches. So many officers and soldiers were slain, so many taken pri- soners, that not above half the number of those who sailed re- turned to their homes. Beside the cries of private mourning * Kings of England had indeed always exercised the right of issuing ordi- nances of war for the regulation of their armies. But this military law had been confined to military offences committed on actual service, while these ' soldiers, mariners, and other dissolute persons,' were (1) not on actual ser- vice, and (2) had committed offences which were cognizable at the courts of common law ; hence fears were naturally entertained that so tempting a method of procedure would be extended to civilians. Since England has had a standing army, a Mutiny Act is annually passed, allowing courts-martial for punishment of military offences, and reserving the crown power to frame farther articles in case of actual war. t For map, see p. 46. 1838-] THIRD TAELIAMKNT. « we heard these of public indignation. Buckingham ^he- lved to have gone to Eoehelle in a pet, merely to gratify his Xen a^n I* Lonis, without earing cither for the Huguenots or t 1 troops ; and the people, in whose minds "embrace Elizabeth's triumphs was still fresh, went back to King Johns wl find a parallel disgrace, describing it, as *^— , f * overthrow the English have received since we lost Normanciy. AdTour was raised for a Parliament. The coasts were in- fested pirates entered the harbours, and sailed up the rivers ; he very fishermen were afraid to put out ; trade was decaying or merchants refused to build vessels only to be P-^d into he Ws service ; the sailors came round about the palace at White- M ciX out for pay. Charles had pledged himself to relieve » the siege of which, by Louis, was ^ on!y outcome o«s intervention ; but how he was to carry on two wars, in the face of al these difficulties, was a question to puzzle the wisest head. The ords of the council were afraid to try toed loans again, and Charles, though, as he truly said, he did " abomi- Cta*^ nate the name," consented to follow their advice, and ^ send out the summons for another Parliament. .,■ The House was filled with patriots, elected against conrt cand - dates by overwhelming majorities. Eliot Pym, Coke, »». of Selden Wentworth, were all there ; and Oliver Crom- w, „ weH a young man of twenty-nine, took his seat for I-* Te first y time°as member for the town of Huntingdon Charles opened this, his third Parliament, with threats (17th Mm-di). yo< he said, "should not do your duties m contributing ^what the State at this time needs, I must, in discharge of my con science, use those other means which God hath put into my hands" The threat only made the Commons more determined to put an end to the loans, billeting of soldiers, and imprison- ments, " those other means " which had caused such just and bit- ter resentment. «„*•„» n Debates on granting the king a supply, and. on finding a remedy for grievances, advanced hand in hand. The decision of the judges, that the king might not commit a subject to prison, except at his pleasure*™ thought a wanton outrage on tfie intelligence of the nation. According to this theory, the law* were only binding on the king so long as he graciously chose not * Forster's Life of Sir J. Eliot, ii. ix. 2. 42 PETITION OF EIGHT. [3 parl. to act in right of his royal prerogative, so that Acts of Parliament, regarded for centuries as the bulwarks of public liberty, were rendered absolutely meaningless. Judgment " To have m ^ bod 7 P ent U P in a g ao V exclaimed B iPh g a an incli g nant P atl "iot, " without remedy of law, and to vassed in be so adjudged . . If this be law, why do we talk Commons. of liberties an d melancholy spirit, after pondering over a remonstrance of the Commons, declaring Buckingham the cause of all the evils under which the kingdom suffered, con- ceived it his duty to rid his country of an enemy. The duke was at Portsmouth, preparing to set sail immediately in command of another fleet for the relief of Rochelle. He was in company with several officers, French and English, when, in passing through a dark lobby leading from a breakfast-room into a hall, he was stabbed to the heart. " The villain hath killed me !" he cried, pulled out the knife, staggered to a table, and fell dead in the •arms of the bystanders (23rd Aug.). No one had seen the blow struck, and suspicion was falling on the Frenchmen, when Felton stepped forward out of the crowd and said, " I am the man who did the deed, let no one suffer who is innocent." The people could not restrain their joy ; healths were drunk to the murderer, verses written in his honour. Crowds gathered to see him on his way to London and the Tower, greeting him as the slayer of the Philistine. " Now, God bless thee, little David/' " The Lord be merciful unto thee," " The Lord comfort thee," were the cries that reached his ears. On being brought before the council and threatened dare use of by Bishop Laud with the rack, unless he revealed the against the names oi his associates, he replied that he alone was common author of the deed, and that as for the rack, he could law. not say whether torture might make him accuse his lordship, or which of their lordships. The threat was not put into execution. The judges unanimously declared the use of tor- 1628.] POLITICAL ASSASSINATION. 4S ture was contrary to the common law of England, and the king did not think it prudent to override their decision. Felton was hanged at Tyburn. To the last he felt little remorse for the murder. Though he confessed he had done wrong in shedding blood, he could not be brought to doubt but that good would re- sult to Church and State from his act. The duke was only thirty-five. Charles called him "his martyr," and never forgave those who opposed him during life, or spoke ill of him after death. His fate shows the truth of the common maxim that those who are above the law are above the protection of law ; but the crime was the crime of a fanatic. Not a shadow of suspicion rests on the popular Popular leaders. They were at once too far-sighted and too impiTcated honourable. Acts of treachery and violence, whatever in the crime, the immediate advantage gained, are sure in the long run to recoil to the injury of the side that practises them. Sooner or later, violence is condemned by public opinion, for in a constitutional struggle, the mass of the nation have really more the feelings of a jury than of parties to a case. It is only by winning a favourable judgment from the large and wavering masses, that any party, which has no armed force behind it, can obtain a sure and final triumph. Violent partisans are always to be found ready to approve and employ all means without distinction to advance their euds ; but the English leaders knew that the statue of Wingless Victory can only stand in the shrine of law and right. The fleet, which now sailed under Lord Lindsay, was as unsuc- cessful as though Buckingham himself had lived to command it. While Charles delayed, Richelieu's genius and energy were at work. The city was gradually shut in on the land side by a line of circumvallation extending nine miles, while a vast mole of nearly a mile in length was raised across the roadstead. After two unsuccessful attempts to force their way through the mole, the English returned without having placed a morsel of food within reach of the starving inhabitants. The town had a strong position between the sea and the marshes on the rocky promon- tory from which it got its name of the " little rock." Originally a colony of serfs, who had fled from the oppressions of their feudal lords, it had a tradition of political as well as of religious freedom. Once a fief of the English kings, and now much dearer 66 FALL OF ROCHELLE. [3 FA.BL. as a stronghold of Protestantism, the English were deeply- interested in its heroic resistance, and regarded themselves and their country as irretrievably disgraced, when, after 16,000 were said to have died of famine, the city at last surrendered at dis- Fall of Rochelle, The fall was a fatal blow to the cause of the Hugue- nots. Liberty of conscience was still left them, but their fortresses were destroyed, their assemblies, their privileges, their organization by churches abolished. Instead of being a power within the state, they became a sect.* The English, after this defeat of their religion, could not con- sole themselves for long with the victory they had obtained over the government in the Petition of Eight. At first the people in London rung bells and made bonfires, believing their liberties to be now secured ; but their mistake was soon proved. Notwith- *. Lavallee. Hist, de France. 1628.1 WENTWOETH THE MINISTER, 47 standing the king's distinct promise to respect the rights enume- rated in the Petition, the customs were still levied. A merchant, a member of the Commons, who refused to pay ,£200 duty, had his goods seized to the value of £5000. " If all the Petition of Parliament were in you, we would take your goods," t en by said the custom-house officers. Men who ventured on nainisters. speaking or writing against the introduction of Catholic cere- monies and doctrines into a Protestant church, were brought before the Star Chamber on charges of libel, fined, cast into prison, and, in some cases, mutilated. Bishop Laud, a cruel persecutor of Puritans, was translated to the see of London (July). Clergy- men, tried and censured by the last Parliament for publishing books and sermons maintaining the right of the king to take his subjects' goods without their own consent, were now rewarded with bishoprics or rich livings. Charles did not seem to realize the alteration he had made in his position by giving his consent to the Petition of Right. Previously, no special tie bound him to act by law. No special charge of deceit, therefore, could be brought against him if, like his father, he tried to exalt his posi- tion into that of a French king, free arbitrarily to tax and im- prison his subjects. But now a victory had been fairly won by patriots armed only with the legal weapons of the constitution, and by confirming the old charters by a new statute, he had pledged his word to their observance ; by infringement now, he would lose the confidence as well as the affection of his subjects. Meantime the place of Buckingham was filled. The name of Sir Thomas Went worth had hitherto Went worth been counted among the chief leaders of the opposition. ^J*" But his subsequent conduct seemed to show that his P ldce ™ actions had been dictated by pride rather than by patriotism. Haughty and ambitious, scorning to hold a second place, he had chosen to rise to influence as an enemy of the court, rather than lower himself and sue for favour to Buckingham. Promotion, however, is sure to be offered to a dangerous oppo- nent, who will sacrifice principles to place. A month before Buckingham's death, Wentworth was raised to a barony. Thus when Felton made the first place vacant, Charles had already enlisted in his service a man, whose great abilities and commanding nature rendered him far more competent to be his adviser in the exercise of arbitrary government than the vain 48 WENTWOETH THE MINISTER. [3 paei, and frivolous favourite lie had lost. "VVentworth made uo con- ditions as to the policy to be pursued; thus he left his party, not to forward their views in office, but simply to gratify his in- ordinate ambition. He appointed a meeting with his old friend and companion, Pym, at Greenwich, and there discoursed to him " of the dangers they were like to run by the courses they were in, and what advantages they might have, if they would listen to some offers which would probably be made to them from court." " You need not use all this art," replied Pym, " to tell me that you have a mind to leave us. But remember what I tell you. You are going to be undone. And remember also, that though you leave us now, I will never leave you, while your head is upon your shoulders." Second ses- Thus "VVentworth, now Viscount "VVentworth, and a sion of member of the Privy Council, at the next session of Charles Third Par- Parliament sat amongst the king's ministers in the liament. XJpper House, ready to throw all the weight of his abilities and eloquence upon the side of arbitrary power (20th Jan.). The Commons immediately began to debate upon their griev- ances. ' The goods of merchants had been seized for refusing to pay illegal customs. Further, though no man ought to lose life or limb but by the law, the Star Chamber sentenced men to lose their ears.' " Next it will be our arms, and then our legs, and so our lives." Charles, not content with thus breaking his royal promise, had descended to subterfuge. Though by the king's own orders the Petition of Eight, with the proper answer, had been entered in the journals of the House, yet copies had subse- quently been dispersed over the country, with the first evasive- answer annexed, as well as the second. It was found that the printer had received royal orders to suppress the true copies, and make a new impression. ' Noblesse oblige/ but such doubtful dealing could only bring obloquy on the sovereign. The strength of loyalty lies in sentiment, and this was a fatal omen of the future for king and commons. Meantime Charles sent message after message bidding Commons . , . , - , . inquire into the House pass a bill, granting him the customs, ror this of ministers was * n ^ ac ^ *he only purpose for which he had called and officers the Parliament. " Let the merchants have their goods of. executive restored," said the Commons, " before the bill is 1629.] ELIOT'S DECLARATION. 49 passed." " Kings," said one, " ought not, by the law of God, thus to oppress their subjects. I know we have a good king, and this is the advice of his wicked ministers, but there is nothing can be more dishonourable unto him." They proceeded to question those ministers ; they demanded of the king's attorney-general by whose warrant he had discharged Catholic priests; they de- manded of the farmers of the customs on what warrants they had seized the goods of merchants who refused to pay illegal duties ; they demanded of the judges on what grounds they had refused to let the merchants have their cause tried at law. No acts could have given more dire offence to Charles. Other Houses of Com- mons had attacked some single minister of state, but none had ever ventured on questioning the conduct of the king's servants at large. An immediate dissolution being fully expected, the popular leaders determined not to separate, without first passing a vote against the illegal levying of the customs. On the. 2nd of March Eliot rose to address the House. The Speaker, The g pea]ier Pinch, a thorough courtier, rose also, and saying that refuses to he had the king's orders for an immediate adjourn- declaration ment, left his chair. Two members, Denzil Hollis and to the vote - Valentine, standing on either side, forced him back to his seat, and held him down, whilst Eliot made a short speech, in which he declared it to be the duty of the House to maintain religion and the rights of the subject, and brought forward a declaration to that effect, which he desired the Speaker to put to the vote. But Finch, with tears, refused to receive it or put it to the vote, declaring that he had the king's command to the contrary. Again he tried to rise from his chair, and again was forced down by Hollis and Valentine. " God's wounds," said Hollis, " he should sit there until it pleased them to rise." " You are the disgrace of your country, and the blot of a noble family," cried one of his own kinsmen. The king's councillors, m ,-n -i r -i i Tumult in, coming forward to rescue the Speaker, were forcibly theHouse. driven back to their seats. Blows were given, and messenger sword hilts handled. " Let all," said Strode, " who refused ad- desire the declaration read and put to the vote, stand up." Whereupon the majority of the House started to their feet, and Eliot flung down the paper before them. At this moment a messenger from the king came to the door, with orders to the sergeant to withdraw with the mace, which, by custom, always 4 ANGBY DISSOLUTION. [3 PiM ,., 1629 . lies on the Commons' table, while the Honse is proceeding with business. No sooner, however, had the sergeant laid his hand upon the mace than a cry was raised to lock the door, and Sir Miles Hobert urned the lock, and pnt the key in his pocket. Ehotthen read a protest against any who shonld levy or pay customs. "And for myself," he said, "I protest further^ as Iarf a gentleman rf my fortune be ever again to meet in thia'honour- able assembly, where I now leave, I will begin again." While he was speaking, the gentleman usher of the black rod, sent by for Id J?/ r0n0 T e , a dissolution > ™^ knocked at the door for adm ttance. And now Hollis, standing by the Speaker's chau^ with a paper containing three resolutions in his hand called oiit that he put the question, - that they were traitors who 'sho„ H introduce Popery; that they were traitors who should levy he customs, ungranted by Parliament ; that they were traitawho ?d°e U s ThT" 7 ^ Tf: " AJ ' "*" ™ touted 1 al sides. The door was unlocked, and the member rushed out Z23LEZ£&£r'- *" *—»"*«-£ The next day Charles signed a proclamation for a dissolution. xhe Commons "had," he said, « tried to erect an universal over whelming power to themselves, which belongs only to us, Ind not to them." They had in fact tried to gain control ov"r the executive power. So far the charge was true. The nation was weary of entering upon wars without its own a P p oval or on ent ; of givmg money for one object, and seeing TIpTt on another ; o seeing good laws not only violated by ministers of Xr n Th Ut ?1 A r d m ; gat ° ry by the < ' Uibbks <* t-e^v;^ judges. The Petition of Eight was already a dead letter Judges, ministers, custom-house officers, all acted as though the king , consent to such a law had never been given The Com "aveTV^ *T bUt aVain ««" ■*« gainst tyranny! have a king's word to the contrary.' They were on the X£ took when they sought to make the office^ the ^eutfve ES™;^ " f cording to the pri nci pl es of the c »- stitution they had always been. Charles, on his side, published a proclamation against Parliament, threatening "certain viperTof >resi , : t rr ta '' withcondign i«»»A«2 i*«zi CHAPTEE III. ELEVEN YEARS OF ARBITRARY GOVERNMENT. — 1629—1640. KPEQN. dWfij yap »/ fioi XP*1 yc rr}o8' dp%eiv yQovog; AIMQN. froXig yap ovk 'iaQ' ijrig avdpog koQ' kvog. KPEi2N. ov tov KparovvTog r) TroXig vofxi^BTai ; AIMQN. KaXojg tprjfitig y dv ov yfjg dp\oig f^ovog. Ceeon. lor my behoof I have right to rule this land. Haemon. It is no state where all belongs to one. Ceeon. Is not the state the sovereign's property ? Haemon. Amauless state how grand to rule — alone ! — Soph. Ant. 739, CHARLES had now made up his mind to govern without the aid of Parliament, and thus raise himself into the position of an absolute monarch. His education and his character had alike tended to blind his mind to the fact that, from the subjects' point of view, such an intention was criminal. Princes rarely converse with their fellows on an equal footing, or hear their own Charles' opinions and actions freely criticized. They are, there- and^charac- fore, apt to grow up prejudiced. Charles was especially ter. unfortunate in this respect. In James' court, no man could main- tain a footing who was not obsequious enough to let his own opinion follow that of his Majesty. The divine right by which kings rule, the superiority of the prerogative to the law, the sub- ject's duty of passive obedience, were household words to the young prince. His social training was as bad as his political ; the companions amongst whom he was thrown, were not only obse- quious but immoral, and when he became king, his father's influence lived on in one of the most worthless of his fa- vourites. Edward I., indeed, a king whose only thought was for his people's " security under fixed laws and customs " yet failed in inspiring his son with any such noble aims, though he banished the evil companions who were bent on marring that son's mind. But Charles was in all points a prince far superior to Edward II. Had he been trained by a father endowed with the noble qualities of Edward I., he might have run a peaceful course and lived and 4—2 82 CHAELES AND WE NT WORTH; [no pari. died in accord with his subjects. Charles' virtues, in fact, were his own, and displayed themselves in spite of his education. His manners and his tastes were refined, and his enemies were never able to deny that he was both a good husband and a good father. On the other hand, nature had bestowed on him no special gifts to counteract the evil effects of his political train- ing. His character was cold and unbending, and he was without any generous sympathies, that might have brought him to recog- nize good in cause or man opposed to his own fixed ideas. Obstinate and opinionated when he came to the throne at twenty- •four, so he remained to the last day of his life ; no amount of experience proved sufficient to teach him the necessity of yielding to public opinion, or even of listening with patience to arguments that offended his high notions of what was due to himself as a king. With such an education and such a character, he was born in an evil time for himself. He had found a minister who could put his wishes into act, for Wentworth set himself, with all the energy of his nature, to the support of arbitrary government. Having shared in the counsels of the patriots, and knowing their deep-rooted love of liberty, this clear-sighted counsellor never de- ceived himself into thinking that any half measures were sufficient for success. On the Continent, many instances had proved that a standing army was the surest support to an arbitrary throne. With a fleet only and without such an army, Wentworth would Advice of say, a government had but 'one leg to stand upon. ; To too^ood"f or secure an army he must have money. At present much Charles. f the monies taken from the pockets of the people passed into those of courtiers and their dependents, instead of enriching the royal exchequer. It was easier to save money than to get it, and Wentworth, therefore, advocated economy in admin- istration, in fact, the true financial policy of getting money's worth for money given. But Wentworth's advice was too good and his energy too great for his master. The minister was to be like the dwarf in the fairy tale, he was not to prescribe prudence but to save his employer from the results of imprudence. Advancing Wentworth as he did, Charles shrank from opposing the wishes of his wife and curtailing the perquisites of his friends. Under these conditions, the king's government might be violent, it could never be strong. Wentworth speedily concluded peace with France (April, 1629) jjggj COURT AND QUEEN. 6S and Spain (Nov., 1630). Experience had already proved that it was impossible to carry on war without applying to Parliament for aid To provide for the expenses of the court and govern- ment was no easy matter, even when the country was at peace. Charles' vain and passionate wife, Henrietta Maria, charaetor of who in an ill-temper could dash her hands through the Henrietta panes of a window, or turn a whole company out ot her presence with one of her royal scowls, was not a queen to be easily guided by a minister. With some, however, her smiles were fas potent as her frowns, and she soon won an ascendancy over her husband equal to that which Buckingham once exercised. To her, happiness meant a gay life at Whitehall, with a constant series of balls and masques, so that the expenses of the Charley court rose rapidly, and soon reached sums iar larger g0VOTi ment than those considered enormous in the time of James, corrupt Delighting, as she did, in the exercise of pow«r and patronage , it wi to the queen, and not to the king, or to Wentworth, that courtiers andVir dependents applied, in order to obtain lucrative monopolies, offices, or pensions. The court offices were, indeed Regarded as a sort of booty. Fixed salaries there -ere none but fees and perquisites were numerous, and every mans hand was open to a" bribe. There was no shame felt in the matte. The Earl of Dorset, a member o£ council, and a judge in the Star Chamber, openly declared that he thought it no crime for a cour- tier to receive a reward from one for whom he procured a favour. Out of the royal revenue* had to be provided, not only money sufficient to satisfy the desires of the court, but also to keep up the navy, to provide for the repairs of castles and forts, the ex- penses of ambassadors, and the salaries of officers of the executive. * The king's ordinary revenue consisted— (1 ) Of tines paid by feudal tenants. 2 \ Of rents accruing from lands belonging to the crown. (3 ) Of fines and fees paid in courts of justice. U'{ Of forfeitures of lands and goods for offences. 5 Of the first-fruits and tenths of all spmtual preferments m the king- don^ Tnelstluits or annates .ere the first year s who e pr o^s by a (Q)0£ the customduties, when granted to the king for life. To theso however, Charles had no legal claim. See p. 31. S4 DESPEKATE FINANCE. [no pam Since Parliamentary grants were out of the question and tha ordinary revenue did not nearly meet the demand, a raid was made upon the property of all classes of society. The nobility and gentry suffered as much as any. Holders of rSdV l Tt ° n the b ° rderS 0f ro ? al forests w ^re accused illegal ot having encroached on the king's domains ; the means judges received orders to ferret out the weak points of titles, and when the cases came into court, to intimidate jurors into giving verdicts in the king's favour. Adverse verdicts en- tailed fines of ruinous amounts, and the legal rule that no pre- scription holds good against the crown was carried so far that even lands held by a title of three hundred years were reclaimed as royal property. By these means, the bounds of Eockingham Forest were increased from six miles to sixty. But < depression of the nobility/ says Bacon, 'may make a king more absolute but less safe/ These, and similar encroachments, only helped to cement the alliance between peers and commoners. There was an old feudal custom, long fallen into disuse, that on the accession of a new king, all who held land of him by knights' service, worth above the paltry sum of ^20 per annum should receive the order of knighthood, or pay a fine. Fines were now exacted from noblemen and gentlemen in all parts of the country, for having neglected to be knighted when Charles came to the throne. The fines levied were three or four times the amount at which the delinquents would have been rated for subsidies. The Catholics in return for their support were allowed to compound at an easier rate.* The poor were also attacked. A statute, passed during the reign of Elizabeth, requiring that cottagers should have four acres of ground attached to their dwellings, had probably never been ?aked u S enf ° rCed ' had certainl y lon S since fall en into disuse ■■ up - the poor householders were now held responsible and complained that they were " mightily vexed," for commissioners- were sent twenty miles round London to search out and fine those who had disobeyed the statute. The commissioners employed were "needy men of no fame, prisoners out of the Fleet," whose services, of course, could be cheaply bought ; the money they collected mostly went to enrich two lords, who had received as a favour from the king, leave to put the commission into execution. * Ellis, Orig. Letters, ii. eclxxi. 1629 -j MONOPOLIES. 55 If no old law could be raked up, Charles would act by procla- mation For instance, lie forbade by proclamation the building of new houses, in or about London. Builders either bought licences, or else ran the risk of being called to account and punished for disregarding the proclamation * Thus one man waa fined £1000, and ordered to pull down forty-two dwelling-houses, stables, and coach-houses, by a certain time, on pain of paying a. second £1000. Any classes who refused such black mail were severely dealt with. The innkeepers of London were inhibited from dressing any meat, because they declined to pay an excise duty on wine, when levied by the sole authority of the Council. They were soon glad to compound. , As a further means of raising money, the king granted or sold patents for the exclusive sale or manufacture of certain articles. The monopolists formed companies, of which all Monopolies traders or manufacturers were forced to - become members and obey the regulations. By these means taxes were laid on articles of every-day use and consumption, such as salt, com, lace, tobacco, barrels, linen, cloth ; but most of the money so raised, while impoverishing the nation by raising the price of all necessaries, enriched, not the king, but his courtiers and then- dependents. For instance, out of every £12 raised by the mono- poly of wine, only £1 reached the exchequer, the other £11 stop- ping by the way amongst the vintners and the owners of the patent If the companies sold bad articles, there was no redress. The poor women in London complained that the soap made by the company burnt the linen, scalded their fingers and was full of tallow and lime. The soap-boilers were Catholics, and got the queen's laundress to subscribe to the goodness of the soap, but "she tells her Majesty she does not wash her linen with any other than Castile soap, and the truth is, most of the ladies tha* have subscribed have their linen washed with Castile soap. The Lord Mayor, whom the women followed about in the streets, * Lawful proclamations were those— m Issued bv the crown in its purely executive capacity. 2 Siting acts already prohibited bj 'law or calling on the subject 4 n Perform some duty to which he was bound by law. l ° CXl proclamations were those usurping the ^^ % V^^ the crown by right could only exercise in common with the two Houses ot Parliament as for instance, those granting individuals privileges against fhe rights of others, imposing duties not imposed by law, prohibiting under penalties acts which the law did not recognize as oftences. 66 PRIVILEGE OF PARLIAMENT. [no pabi* clamorously petitioning against the new soap, received a sharp reproof at the Council Board for giving too soft answers. The monopolies alienated London, which might have supplied the sinews of war to the king, as it eventually did for the Parlia- ment. It was noted that " discontinuance of Parliaments brings up this kind of grain, which commonly is blasted when they come." Besides being extortionate and arbitrary, the government was often cruel ; and the common law judges, instead of administer- ing justice impartially between subject and sovereign, allowed themselves to be made the instruments of oppression. Upon the dissolution of the last Parliament, several members of the Com- mons were imprisoned on warrants signed by the king, charging Members of them with having stirred up sedition. Their counsel late Parlia- ment com- argued that sedition was a bailable offence, and that, Sj]yto ille " therefore, they ought to be let free on bail. The prison. judges, however, following the king's instructions, required the prisoners, not only to find bail for the present charge, but securities for their good behaviour in the future. As they refused to comply with these demands, which would have kept them under the thumb of the court and its judges, they were ordered back into prison. These country leaders, who led the opposition in Parliament, risked much — property, liberty, life. Sir John Eliot, being of too noble a nature to be wrought upon either by corruption or intimi- dation, naturally became the victim of a government that always required submission before it relaxed its hold. He had long since been obliged to give away his property in trust for his children, to preserve himself and his family from ruin. An in- formation in the King's Bench was now brought against Hollis and Yalentine for raising a tumult in the Commons on the last day of the session, and against Eliot, for words spoken in the House. The three pleaded that the offences with which they were charged, being committed in Parliament, were not of King's punishable in any other place. The most important ifiot h ° U °f a ^ privileges of Parliament, freedom of speech con- Hollis, cerning matters of Parliamentary debate, was here called into question ; and the prisoners' counsel brought forward many precedents to show that the liberties and privileges of Parliament could only be determined in Parliament, and not 1629.] DEATH OF ELIOT. 57 by any inferior court. The King's Bench, however, decided that it had a right to judge the alleged offences, though committed in Parliament, and condemned the defendants to be imprisoned during the king's pleasure ; Eliot to pay a fine to the king of .£2000, Hollis 1000 marks* Valentine £500 (Feb. 12, 1630). t In the course of twelve months' time, the other prisoners either consented to find sureties for good behaviour, or paid their fines, or were allowed to go at large on some excuse or other. Sir John Eliot alone refused to make any concession of principle, and was still closely confined in the Tower. Consumption attacked him, and his doctors prescribed air and exercise, but he was not allowed to pass out of the walls of his prison. " I am now," he writes, " where candlelight may be suffered, but scarce fire f and this, though his lodgings had been changed to a dark End of Sir gloomy chamber. He sent a petition to the king, John Eliot, informing him that he had fallen into a dangerous disease, and praying to be allowed to take some fresh air. Charles replied that the petition was not humble enough. Sir John sent a second by the hand of his son. " I am heartily sorry," he wrote, "I have displeased your Majesty, and beseech you once again to command your judges to set me at liberty, that when I have recovered my health, I may return back to my prison." But no order for release came : and the Lieutenant of the Tower offered to present a third petition with his own hand, and made no doubt but that Charles would grant it if Sir John would only write so as to acknowledge his fault, and humbly pray for pardon. " I thank you. sir," re- plied Eliot, " for your friendly advice, but my spirits are grown feeble and faint, which when it shall please God to restore unto their former vigour, I will take it into consideration." He did not mean to use the language of a culprit, and purchase his own life by betraying the cause of the nation. Death soon re- leased him while still in the prime of his life (set. 40). His son sent a petition to the king, begging that his father's body might be buried in his own county of Cornwall. Charles wrote under * 1 mark = 13s. 4d. ; therefore.. 1000 marks, £666 13s. 4d. •}• In 1667, only seven years after the Kestoration, the Commons resolved that the judgment now given against Eliot, Hollis, and Valentine, though right as regarded the imputed riot, was illegal in extending to words spoken, in Parliament; the Lords concurred in the vote and reversed the judgment. This decision established, once for all, the privilege of freedom of speech iu Parliament, unlimited by any authority except that of the House itself. 58 CHAEiCTEE OF ELIOT. [no pabl/ the petition these words : " 'Let Sir John Eliot's body be buried in the church of that parish where he died.' And so he was buried in the Tower." Such was the fate of one of the purest- hearted of patriots (1632). His history shows in an eminent degree the nobleness of the leaders of the opposition and the constitutional rectitude of their aims : with a true loyalty to his king, whom he tried in vain to urge into right courses, he won the leadership of the Commons, not more by his vivid eloquence than by the single-minded devotion of his character. There was a true pathos in his stoical bearing under suffering. In the solitude of his prison he bade his friends, * for their own sakes forbear coming to visit him.' Dying in the Tower he appealed to his son at college not to let him 'receive by any misconduct of his that wound which no enemy could give — sorrow and affliction of the mind.' The limit he gently put to the intercessions of the friendly governor reminds us of the scene in Plato when Socrates put Crito's appeal aside by telling him that he heard the laws of his land remonstrating with him ' to think of right first, and of life and children afterwards.' Thus, unlike the Koyalist victim of the Revolution, he departed ' as a sufferer and not a doer of evil.'* His country did not lose by his adherence to principle. In later times when the cause of liberty was in peril its defenders thought of Eliot and fought on.f Illegal Illegal judgments were now the curse of the nation* Courtofthe ^ nere th e common law courts could find no crime, North. the illegal courts came into action. North of the Humber. the Court of the North, of which "Wentworth was president, took the place of the Star Chamber in the south. Its origin was even more questionable. Henry VIII., after an insur- rection in 1536, issued a commission to the Archbishop of York and several gentlemen of the north, to examine into the grounds of the disorder, and to punish offenders in riots and conspiracies. But long after all traces of the insurrection had disappeared, the court remained, and its authority was gradually extended. The people dwelling north of the Humber complained that they were, shut out from the protection of the common law courts at. "Westminster, and that their personal liberty and property were at the mercy of arbitrary judges, who sentenced according to their * See p. 98, and Plato, "Crito," 54. t See p. 105. 1629.] ILLEGAL COURTS. 6$ discretion. While the Court of the North was thus accused of encroaching even upon the civil jurisdiction of the Westminster courts, the Star Chamber was chiefly concerned with criminal cases, such as forgery, perjury, riot, libel, conspiracy, and every kind of misdemeanour. It adjudged any punishment short of death, as pillory, whipping, branding, cutting off the ears, fine, and imprisonment. The customs were levied with rigour, though they had never been granted to Charles by statute. Chambers, one of several merchants whose goods had been seized for refusing to pay illegal duties, vented his in- Sentence oi ; dignation by saying before the Council Board, "that the g^ £ ham " merchants in no part of the world were so screwed and Chambers, wrung as in England ; that in Turkey they had more encourage- ment." The judges of the common law courts could have found no law by which to inflict a heavy punishment for a few hasty words. The judges of the Star Chamber, guided in their judg- ment by their discretion, declared the expressions used were likely to make the people believe that Charles' happy government was a Turkish tyranny, and sentenced Chambers to pay a fine of £2000, and to sign a submission. Chambers wrote under the submission these words : "I do utterly abhor and detest the contents of this submission, and never, till death, will acknowledge any part thereof." He was refused by the judges his habeas corpus, and remained a prisoner many years. Wentworth, as the councillor who possessed most influence in the government, incurred the hatred of all lovers of liberty, with- out gaining the friendship of the queen or the court. Begardless of the interests of courtiers and their dependents, he Administra- resolutely endeavoured, as far as he could obtain wentworth. Charles' support, to govern with a view to increase the and Laud, power of the crown. This administration required the surrender of illicit gains, and the punishment of criminals, however close their connection with men in high places. While, therefore, its vices incurred the odium of the country, its virtues incurred the odium of the court. However much a Somerset or a Buckingham may have been hated by rival aspirants to royal favour, it was the men who were hated and not their regime. Under them, so long as the interests of the favourite remained untouched, free licence was given to all to make their fortunes by the first means CO WENTWORTH IN ENGLAND/ [no pael. that came to hand. The court and government of James had been thoroughly corrupt. The corruption of the courtiers under James had continued under Charles. But, where free rein was given him, Wentworth thus, not unaptly, describes the character of his administration : " Where I found a crown, a church, and a people spoiled, I could not imagine to redeem them from under the pres- sure with gracious smiles and gentle looks ; it would cost warmer water than so ... . True it was, indeed, I knew no other rule to govern by but by reward and punishment ; and I must profess that where I found a person well and entirely set for the service of my master, I should lay my hand under his foot, and add to his respect and power all I might ; and that where I found the contrary, I should not dandle him in my arms, or soothe him in his untoward humour, but if he came in my reach, so far as honour and justice would warrant me, I must knock him soundly over the knuckles."* In Yorkshire, as president of the Court of the North, by preventing the proceeds of his trenchant measures from being filched by petty tax-gatherers, he succeeded in raising the royal revenue in the four northern counties to four or five times its previous amount. In London, Laud was also a zealous servant of the crown, and though ruthlessly trampling on recalcitrant merchants who refused to pay illegal customs, would try to remedy abuses and give ear to complaints, if trade were in any way injured for the advantage of a courtier. In the year 1632 Wentworth was appointed Lord Deputy of Ireland. During the reigns of Elizabeth and James L, Ireland m t „ had for the first time been brought into complete Wentworth, LordDeputy subjection to English rule. English laws and English o re an . cus ^ oms k ac i been introduced into every province, and the Protestant Church established in place of the Catholic. The population was divided into three parts : 1st, the native Irish ; 2nd, the old English settlers in Dublin and the neighbour- ing counties of Kildare, Louth, and the two Meaths, which con- stituted ' the English pale ' ; 3rd, new English and Scotch settlers who had been planted upon lands taken from Irish rebela by Elizabeth and James. State of Ire- The Irish and old English settlers, forming a large land. majority of the population, were Catholics ; the new eettlers Protestants. Though the Acts of Supremacy and Uni- * Straff. Letters and Despatches, ii. 20. 1632.] WENTWORTH IN IRELAND. 81 formity had been enacted by an Irish Parliament, they were not fully put into force, because it was hardly possible to fine non- conformists, when 'in six parishes scarce six came to church/ Those, however, who refused to take the oath of supremacy when tendered, were shut out from holding any office in the State, or even from practising as lawyers. The people were ignorant and untaught. The Protestant clergy could not speak the same language as their flocks, and, while living with idle hands in a false position, had won for themselves an indifferent character. The Catholic bishops exercised far more power than the Protes- tant ; the great lords, whether English or Irish, oppressed their tenants ; the ministers of justice took bribes ; the officers em- ployed by the government, and the Protestant clergy, extorted large fees on every possible pretext ; an undisciplined army was scattered over the country, living at free quarters ; pirates from Dunkirk, Algiers, Spain, the Bay of Biscay, so infested the coasts, that the people were plundered in every creek ; while the cap- tains of the king's ships refused to move against them, alleging want of victuals, though the crews — 'mere rabbles of dis- orderly people ' — did the country more injury than the pirates themselves ; meantime merchant vessels were run aground, rifled and burnt in sight of Dublin Castle ; there was little trade ; the taxes did not pay the expenses of the government, so that there was a debt of ,£100,000 owing by the crown.* Wentworth was probably sent there because fair promises had been made to the Irish, which it was disagreeable to fulfil. The king hoped Wentworth's genius would keep Ireland quiet ; he could not yet have hoped it would forge Ireland into a weapon to use against English liberty, f Wentworth set himself to work to rule despotically, but after he had put first his master's interest, he showed some regard for that of the people entrusted to Went- him. No corruption was allowed ; the fees received by ministra^ the officers, high and low, in the government employ, tion - were inquired into ; judges were not allowed to act as mere in- struments of great lords' oppression : the army was remodelled ; discipline enforced ; Wentworth saw every single man himself, though it numbered nearly 4000 ; the soldier paid for all he took ; captains were made to understand that for the future they must perform garrison duty, must drill their troops, and provide them * Straff. Letters and Despatches, f See p. 89. 32 WENTWORTH IN IRELAND. [no fabl. with good arms and horses, instead of appropriating the funds for their own uses. They soon found that the lord deputy was not the sort of man to jest with ; they had either to do as they were told, or leave the service. The navy was unfortunately in- dependent of his control. In Went worth's own words, it grieved his heart that he had no power over the Admiralty. His grief indeed was no matter for wonder. The ship that was conveying over from England his wardrobe, furniture, and plate, was seized on the passage by that same Captain Nutt whom James I. and Secretary Calvert in 1623 let loose a second time upon the world.* As it was, to protect Dublin harbour from pirates, he fitted ont a vessel at his own charge. He encouraged trade, but only so far as he thought the increase of Irish trade not detri- mental to that of England. Thus in order to ensure to English manufacturers a readier sale for their cloths from the absence of Irish competition, he actually destroyed the woollen trade in Ireland. At the same time he introduced into Ulster the manu- facture of linen from flax, erected looms, brought workmen from France and Flanders, and sent the first cargo of linen to Spain at his own risk. For this prohibitive policy in the supposed interest of England, Wentworth deserves no special blame. It is a blot attaching quite as much to the character of English parliaments as to that of English kings. What was special in that policy now, was the length to which it was carried. No deputy before Went- worth had been in possession at once of the necessary energy, determination, and disregard of human suffering, to uproot one branch of industry in the vain hope of seeing another spring up in a moment. Notwithstanding this suicidal act, the vigour of the government soon produced striking results ; the debts of the crown were paid off, and in four years the customs were raised from ,£1200 to £40,000 and were still on the increase. Yet the Irish felt no gratitude to the deputy, for if he pro- tected them from the oppression of the government officers, and of their own aristocracy, he laid their property open to the rapa- city of the king, and their personal freedom to his own vengeance. The Irish had been required by Elizabeth and James to sur- render their lands, in order to receive them back to hold by feudal tenure. The grants, by which the land had been restored, ought to have been enrolled in the Court of Chancery. But though the Irish of Connaught had paid £3000 for the purpose, * See p. 18. 1634.] IRISH PARLIAMENT. 68 the enrolment had in many cases been neglected, and James' council had advised him on this pretext to forfeit the whole pro- vince, and to plant English Protestants on the lands thus taken from their rightful owners. When Charles came to the throne, the Irish, in terror of this project, proposed to support an army of 5000 men for three years, in return for fifty-three royal concessions or " graces." Of these the most important were, that the inhabi- tants of Connaught should be allowed to enrol their grants ; that the crown should lay claim to no estates that had been held for sixty years ; and that an Irish Parliament should be held to con- firm these graces. Charles had agreed, signed the graces, and pro- mised that a Parliament should be summoned to confirm them. This Parliament was at last summoned by Wentworth, wentworth after the army had been supported for four, instead of obtains a for three years, the time originally agreed upon. It from Irish would seem hardly credible that neither the king nor Parliament - his deputy, after having received the money, should have had the smallest intention of performing their part of the compact. Yet such was the case ; it was only with great reluctance that Charles allowed a Parliament, " that hydra, cunning as malicious/' to be summoned at all. Wentworth, however, was confident that he should be able to manage it, by playing off the jealousies of Protestants against Catholics, and of Catholics against Protes- tants, and succeeded so well, that he persuaded the Parliament to grant the king six subsidies, giving the members to understand that after they had proved themselves such dutiful subjects, the king would be sure to grant them their desires. Never were men more deceived. The perfidious deputy, when sure of the money, turned round and told the Commons that most of the graces were prejudicial to the crown, and that it was his duty to beseech his Majesty not to grant them. They were helpless. A law called Poyning's Law had been passed in 1495, by which no bills could be introduced into the Irish Parliament except/such as had been first allowed by the king and the English council. Hence the Irish House of Commons was not nearly so indepen- dent in action as the English, and the Parliament was dissolved without the most important graces having been passed into law. The consequences were soon experienced. Went- Lands in worth travelled west into Connaught, and inquired forfeited to into defective titles (1635). The Council Chamber, an crown. M WENTWORTH IN IRELAND, [no pakl. arbitrary court, answering the same purpose as the Star Chamber in England, fined the first jurors who declared against the crown .£4000 each. After this example, little resistance was made. Some lands were declared to belong to the crown, that had been held for 300 years, and land-owners were glad to be allowed to pay a rent to the king for part of their lands, and to give up the rest for him to bestow on new Protestant settlers. This attack upon their property was far from being all that the Irish suf- fered. The deputy's pride and vindictiveness were unparalleled. Any who offended he marked out for destruction, and hunted down. Lord Mountnorris, vice-treasurer in Ireland, and a captain in the navy, was suddenly summoned, with several other officers in Dublin, to attend the deputy at a council of war (12th Dec, 1635). Mountnorris found himself accused of having said, six months before, at a dinner table, that a gentleman, struck by Wentworth, " had a brother that would not have taken such a blow." The court, composed mainly of councillors, then and there, in the presence of the deputy, sentenced the victim to be deprived of all office, and to be shot dead. The latter part of the sentence Went- worth only intended to be passed, not executed ; the former he caused to be put in force, and prided himself on thus having humbled a man towards whom he had for a long time felt ill will. Laws against His ecclesiastical policy was somewhat less severe, not en- CS Though the endowments of churches had been given forced. to p ro testant bishops and clergymen, every parish was allowed its priest and its mass-house, simply because Wentworth did not feel himself strong enough to put the Act of Uniformity into full force. When the English should be more thickly settled, when there should be in the country an army composed entirely of Protestants, strong enough to crush rebellion, he looked forward to forcing every Papist to conform to the Protestant worship. Meantime the success of his Irish government did not lessen the number of the deputy's enemies at home. The queen and her tribe looked upon Ireland as a country where offices ought to be bestowed, as in England, upon her Majesty's recommendation. Wentworth begged the king that no office might be given away without the deputy's consent. Charles agreed, but ungenerously objected to make the denials himself. " You," he wrote, " must take upon you the refusing part." The disappointed courtiers displayed 1632.] THIRTY YEAES' WAE. 65 their spite by exclaiming against the deputy's pride and tyranny. True, they said, he refused to take bribes, but he was none the worse off, for he never gave any, as others refused his presents. If "Wentworth's enemies in London might be believed, Mountnorris was actually shot, and people could even tell where the bullets had entered his body. In spite of the great financial success of the Irish administra- tion, the revenue raised in that country could not possibly be made to provide for the expenses of the English government. Hence although Wentworth carefully husbanded his surplus funds, and although so many illegal modes of taxation were re- sorted to in England, poverty prevented Charles from rendering the Protestant cause on the continent any effectual support either by arms or by negotiation. The Thirty Years' War was still raging. The Em- Thirty peror Ferdinand II., after his armies had overrun the Years ' War - north of Germany, nourished hopes, not only of rooting the Pro- testant doctrines out of Germany, but also of reducing the Catholic princes to dependence upon Austria (1628 — 1630). But at the moment when his power seemed greatest, the Protestants were saved by the break up of the Catholic camp. The Catholic princes of Germany feared they niighu lose their own indepen- dence if they suffered the emperor to overpower their Protestant fellows. The pope himself, Urban VIII., alarmed at the inter- ference of Austria in Italy, joined the side of the French, and thus indirectly aided the Protestants. Finally Bichelieu, still the chief minister of Louis XIII., eager as his successors for a divided Germany, called on Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, to help in restoring the German princes to their ancient rights, by overthrowing the tyranny of the einperor. Gustavus, with a small army of 30,000 men, defeated the Lxl- perial general, Tilly, at Leipzig (Sept., 1631), and penetrated into the heart of Bavaria. At Lutzen he defeated the celebrated "Wallenstein, and lost his own life (Nov., 1632). After his death every nation engaged was fighting for some special in- terest, and the war continued for seventeen years with varied success. Frederic, prince of the palatinate, died in 1632, still an exile from his dominions, but leaving his son to continue his. claims. 6 66 SHIP-MONEY. |no pakl. The course of Gustavus -was followed in England with, deep interest. English and Scotch volunteers, after serving in the Swedish armies, returned home to note with grief that while they had been fighting in defence of the Protestant faith and political rights, their own country was falling subject to the sway of a religion that differed little from the Romish, and of a tyranny in the State that threatened to make government by Parliaments a thing of the past. Wentworth's influence, how- ever, foiled the war-party ; " Good my lord," he wrote to Laud in 1637, "if it be not too late, use your best to divert us from this war [with Austria] ; it will necessarily put the king into all high ways possible, else will he not be able to subsist under the charge of it, and if these fail the next will be but the sacrificing those who have been his ministers." Coasts of Not only, however, was Charles too poor to aid the festedby*" Protestant cause, he could not even defend the coasts of pirates. his own kingdom. Dutch and French fishing vessels encroached on the English fisheries, refusing even to ' vail their flags' to the king's ships, while pirates from Algiers made descents upon the coasts of both England and Ireland, and carried off captives to be slaves to the Mussulman. „, . To raise a fleet, Charles ventured on a great strain bhip-money. * ° of his prerogative, A lawyer, Nov, had found in the Tower some old writs, calling on the ports and maritime counties to provide ships for the public service. It was suggested by Finch, chief justice of the Common Pleas, that the same demand should now be made, not only on ports and maritime places, but also on inland counties, and that instead of causing each county to jDrovide so many ships, a general tax under the name of ship- money, should be levied on land and property, in the same man- ner as a subsidy granted in Parliament. People wondered, and even dependents of "Wentworth ventured to express their dislike to the new imposition. " I would rather," one wrote, " pay ten subsidies in Parliament, than ten shillings this new-old -way of dead Noy^." None, however, had yet re- sisted illegal demands with impunity, and no immoderate oppo- sition being offered, Charles gained yearly a sum of about £200,000 by this tax. He employed, indeed, the money on the object for which it was nominally raised. The Dutch fishers 1637] SHIP MONEY. 67 one year bought licences, and Eainsborough led an expedition against Salee on the coast of Algiers, whence he brought back from slavery 370 Englishmen and Irishmen (1637). So far the fleet restored England's supremacy, and the court gloried in the success of this high-handed policy. Privy councillors would laugh when the expression ' Liberty of the subject ' was used before them ; they said that the taxes and monopolies in England were nothing compared with those endured by other king- Di scon t e nt doms, and that the people ought to be thankful for the general in happiness of England, which grew rich in long years of peace while cruel wars devastated the continent and its inhabi- tants perished from famine. The facts were true enough, but it offers no satisfaction to sufferers to be told that others suffer more. The English people, who prided themselves on the free constitution of their country, felt as though an insult were offered them when their condition was compared with that of the slavish peasant of France, who could call nothing his own.* Gentlemen, freeholders, artisans, would talk and argue about their rights, and regret their old government by Parliaments. The students at the Inns of Court were noted for their loyalty, but even they, in getting up a masque in the queen's honour, could not forbear having a sly cut at the government. After the well-mounted masquers, with their gold and silver lace, their cloth of tissue, their silver spangles, followed the antimasquers, cripples, and beggars, on " poor lean jades ;" amongst them a fellow with a bunch of carrots upon his head, and a capon upon his fist, who begged a patent of monopoly as the first inventor of the art to feed capons fat with carrots ; after him came riding a man on a little horse with a great bit, who begged a patent that none might use any bits but such as were made by him. The crowd in the streets applauded, understanding a covert reproach at the monopolies, which raised the prices of the commonest necessaries of life. * During the reign of Henri IV. the prisons of Normandy were full of prisoners unable to pay the tax on salt. So many died, that 120 corpses were taken out at a time. The Parliament of Rouen begged his Majesty to take pity on his people ; but the king, who had been informed that the tax waa very productive, said he wished it to be continued, and seemed as though ha would make a joke of the rest — ' Semblait qu'il voulut tourner le reste en ristSe.' — La valine, iii. 57. 5—2 €B HAMPDEN— SHIP-MONEY CASE. [no pa*c Judgmentof John Hampden, a gentleman of Buckinghamshire, Court of Ex- wa s among the first to endanger his property and cn6Qu.er in ox ± */ Hampden's liberty in support of his country's rights. He refused case ' to pay the twenty shillings at which a piece of his land was rated for ship-money. Charles consented to allow the case to be tried at law. He thought himself sure of the judges, for he had already obtained the signatures of all twelve to an extra- judicial opinion, publicly read in the Star Chamber, ' that his Majesty might command all his subjects to provide and furnish such number of ships with men, munition, and victuals, and for such time as he should think fit, for the defence and safeguard of the kingdom, and that he was the sole judge both of the danger, and when and how the same was to be prevented and avoided.' The cause of Hampden was pleaded for twelve days before all the twelve judges of the Westminster courts, who by virtue of the Star Chamber opinion, stood in the same relation to the parties, as though previous to a trial for murder they had in a public and notorious manner declared their belief in the innocence of the accused. The whole nation, poor and rich, Puritans and Episcopalians, alike waited eagerly for the judgment. Hampden's counsel brought forward what seemed an overwhelm- ing weight of evidence. They could point to the various statutes from Magna Charta to the Petition of Eight, that declared taxation, without consent of Parliament, illegal. Even if precedents to the contrary were to be found in times when " the government was more of force than of law," such, they argued, must give way before the authority of statute law. This was in fact unanswer- able. But the crown lawyers maintained that absolute power — power to act without consent of Parliament — was innate in the person of the King of England. Some of the judges in giving sentence treated all constitutional statutes as waste paper. " Where Mr. Holborne," said Justice Berkeley, " sup- posed a fundamental policy in the creation of the frame of this kingdom — that in case the monarch of England should be inclined to exact from his subjects at his pleasure, he should be restrained, for he could have nothing from them but upon a common consent in Parliament — he is utterly mistaken herein. The law knows no such king-yoking policy. The law is itself an old and trusty servant of the king's ; it is his instrument or means which he useth to govern his people by. I never read noi 1637.] FAVOURS TO CATHOLICS. 6* heard that lex was rex, but it is common and most true that rex is lex." " The king," said another, u may dispense with any law in cases of necessity.'' Out of the twelve judges only two pro- nounced in favour of Hampden ; one of these had intended to give his judgment on the side of the crown, but changed his mind through the persuasion of his wife, who bade him not to fear danger for himself or his family, for she would sooner suffer any want or misery with him, than that he should act against his conscience (1637-8). But at the moment when the victory of the king seemed com- plete and courtiers were most exultant, danger was nearer than they thought. The decision gave universal discontent. It is hard to have your property taken from you illegally, but harder still to be told that that illegality is law. It was a Cadmean victory Charles had won ; the levying of ship-money was more difficult after the verdict than before, and he could not put thousands into prison for expressing discontent. Wentworth, wiser than his master, had not approved of the trial at all — " Hampden," like other opposers of tyranny, " had better have been whipped into his right senses ;" " if the rod be so used that it smarts not, I am the more sorry." The nation hated the government of the State as arbitrary, corrupt, and cruel; it hated, however, still more the con- nivance at Popery, which characterized the government of the Church. During the reign of Elizabeth, several severe laws had been passed against Catholics, condemning Government priests and Jesuits to suffer death as traitors, forbid- church. ding the exercise of the Catholic worship, and ordering recusants who refused to attend service in the parish church, to pay a fine of ,£20 a month. But now these laws were not put into force ; fines were not regularly levied : if priests were arrested, they were at once discharged on warrants signed by the king or his secretaries. A Catholic chapel, built at Somerset House for Queen Henrietta's use, was publicly consecrated with three days' cere- monies, masses, and singing of litanies. Agents from the court of Rome actually resided in London ; they were known to everybody ; their carriages rolled down the streets without any one daring to say a word against them. Many of the courtiers, some of the king's council, and even some of the bishops, were open or con- cealed Catholics ; court ladies constantly went over to Rome, and 70 FEELING AGAINST CATHOLICS. [no paiu. the queen's Capuchin friars boasted that not a week passed but there were two or three conversions. The king, however, all the time, had no thoughts of weakening his own prerogative by making the Church of England depen- dent on a foreign see. He was courting Eome to procure the pope's interest for the restoration of the palatinate to Charles, the eldest son of his sister, Elizabeth. The pope, on his side, was willing to keep on good terms with the heretical government, in order to save English Catholics from persecution. In itself this toleration was laudable. The motives, however, that influenced Charles to exercise it, were no enlarged views of religious tolera- tion. He forbore to put the laws against Catholics in force, because the Catholics supported his pretensions to arbitrary power. The public law was set aside by a private agreement. At the same time, to make the contrast more bitter, Puritans, often guiltless of any crime at law, were suffered to pine away in prison under sentences of the courts of High Commission and Star Chamber. Various causes afford excuse for the bitter and intolerant spirit Excuse for w ith which the Puritan regarded his Catholic fellow- of Puritans, countrymen. Many still lived who could recall to mind the events of 1588, when the Armada threatened the shores of England. Thousands still lived who remembered the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot. Jesuits had taught the doctrine, that here- tic princes might be dethroned and murdered. Several attempts had been made upon Elizabeth's life. William the Silent, the heroic maintainer of Dutch liberty, had perished by the hand of a fanatic. The same fate had befallen the great Henri IV. of France. Diversity in the Church was thought incompatible with unity in the State. On the continent, not only did Catholics persecute Protestants, and Protestants Catholics, but one Protes- tant sect could not tolerate another ; in England Presbyterians- approved of the persecution of sectarians. In fact the principles of toleration had hardly as yet been enunciated, much less had they received a fair trial. It is experience alone that gives con- fidence, and few are bold enough to enter upon an untried course of action. The ordinary Englishman regarded the free toleration of Catholics as a crime both against his God and his country ; as a Protestant he considered it a direct encouragement to the b-pread of idolatry and superstition ; as a patriot, an opening for 1637 -j THE PUEITANS. 71 Catholic priests to usurp political power, and bring England again into dependence upon a foreign jurisdiction. There were, indeed, grounds for the fear, entertained by -atony, that a union would finally be effected between the Established Church of England and of Borne. Altars and images were restored to churches ; popish ceremonies were revived, popish doctrines taucdrt ; the work of the Eeforniation was in part undone ; the worshipper was required to believe that all his church taught him was true and necessary for salvation, even though her teach- in- found no foundation in the Bible ; and again, in order to hold communion with God, he must seek the aid of priests g«**£ and assist in ceremonies he regarded as superstitious, tans. But though a Puritan, even if a Presbyterian or sectarian, could be forced to conform and attend his parish church, he could not be pre- vented from spreading his opinions and making them felt by others For his manners and his conduct betrayed him, and they were such as to command approval. Morality was inculcated by the ministers of the Church, as much as by the more popular preachers, but practice is more than profession, and that Church was supported by a court which treated vice lightly and made a scoff of virtue. The genuine Puritan, on the contrary, was distinguished by his strict observance of the moral virtues. He sought in the Bible, but more especially in the books of the Old Testament, for the rules by which to guide his actions ; he gained a vivid conception of a personal God, with whom his own soul could enter into .direct communion, and beneath whose displeasure it was fata to fall ; and he felt with the Hebrew of the Old Testament "he that keepeth the law, happy is he ; its ways are ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace ; if thouhadst walked m its ways, thou shouldst have dwelt in peace for ever." Imbued with such feelings, a certain seriousness of demeanour characterized the Puritan, and he not unnaturally preferred to pass his time in listening to sermons, in prayer, and in attending to the business of his calling, to idly seeking amusement at the theatre, the fair, or the dance, where he was sure to hear coarse and profane language spoken, and to fall into the society of drunkards. Confident that his conduct was approved by God, he could look down upon the unregenerate, and regard their scoffs with contempt. Amongst uneducated tradesmen and arti- Bans, there were manv fanatics, who refused to take part m any 72 LAUD AS PERSECUTOR. [no pahl. amusements, however innocent, and who almost seemed to court ridicule by their austere mode of life, their ostentatiously plain dress, their close-cut hair, and their frequent use of the words of scripture. At the head of the Church stood Laud, Archbishop of Canter- Character of bury. A man more unsuited to assuage the religious Laud. passions of the times could hardly have held the posi- tion. However great a virtue in itself, sincere zeal, when untem- pered by charity, has produced the cruellest of persecutors. Some by nature are possessed of a largeness of mind that enables them to sympathize with the thoughts and feelings of others ; while to some experience and education teach the duty, or at least the necessity of tolerating what they fail themselves to understand. Laud was sincere in his views, but nature had not generously gifted him with the quality of mercy. He came into power untutored by the experience won by working with others of different opinions. His abilities were only ordinary, and though his education was good for his time, it gave him learning rather than wisdom, and never succeeded in making up for the deficiencies of his heart. The new opinions seething around were nothing to him but a trouble- some and dangerous fanaticism that required to be suppressed. Such sincere bigots placed in power have often wrought their country untold harm. They may by force succeed in stifling the new movement for years, perhaps for centuries ; but, in either case, it is sure at last to break forth, possibly in some new form, and always with dangerous violence. Philip II., acting in the full belief that his work was sacred, drove freedom of thought out of Spain ; hence, to this very day, the tyranny of extremes retards his country's advance and prosperity. Happily for England, Laud's success was of short duration. The reaction came in his lifetime, and he paid a heavy penalty for his rash attempt to force conformity upon a people panting for spiritual freedom. The courts held by bishops, as well as the Court of High Com- Puritans mission, called to account ministers and laymen who conform, did not attend church, or who failed to perform every ceremony exactly as ordained in the Prayer-book, or, indeed, as prescribed by Laud on his sole authority. A minister of Durham, for speaking in a sermon against the use of pictures and images, was degraded by the Court of High Commission, fined i!500, and placed in prison, where he waited eleven years for the 1637.] PRYNNE AND LILBURNE. 73 hour of release. The Court of Star Chamber, in which Laud him- self sat as a judge, was always ready to support the cause of the Church. Three professional men, Prynne, a lawyer ; Burton, a London minister ; and Bastwick, a doctor, had written books in- veighing against the bishops. On being brought before Sentences of the Star Chamber, they were charged with felony, for b er on B Ur . having tried to stir up sedition, and sentenced to pay ^^. Bast " fines of £5000 each, to stand in the pillory in Palace Prynne. Yard, Westminster, to have their ears cut off, and to be im- prisoned for life. " So far," said Bastwick, addressing the crowd, surging round the pillories, " am I from base fear, or caring for anything that they can do, that had I as much blood as would swell the Thames, I would shed it every drop in this cause. Therefore, be not any of you discouraged, be not daunted at their power." " Had we," said Prynne, "respected (regarded) our liberties we had not stood here at this time." " Sir," said a woman to Burton, "there are many hundreds which, by God's assistance, would willingly suffer for the cause you suffer for this day." A mournful cry arose from the crowd, as the prisoners' ears were cropped, and many pressed forward to dip handkerchiefs into the blood streaming down the scaffold. John Lilburne, a young man about twenty years Lttbume re- old, was brought before the Star Chamber on a charge fuses illegal of being concerned in bringing seditious books over from Holland. He was required to swear, laying his hand upon the Gospels, to answer truly all questions put to him. He refused. " The oath," he said, " is of the same nature as the High Commission oath, which oath I know to be unlawful, and withal I find no warrant in the word of God for an oath of inquiry, and therefore, my lords, I dare not take it."* In accordance with his sentence, Lilburne was tied to a cart's tail and whipped from the Fleet prison to Westminster Yard, at every two or three steps receiving on his bare back a blow from a knotted treble-corded whip. The young enthusiast never flinched, but all the way quoted texts of Scripture, exhorting the crowd to resist the bishops. At Westminster Yard he bowed to his judges, whom he saw looking out at him from the Court of Star Chamber win- * State Trials, 1. 74. PEESECUTION OF PUKITAtfS. [no pasl. dow, and then sitting in the bent painful attitude required by the- pillory, continued his exhortations. " I will never take the oath,, though I be pulled to pieces by wild horses ; neither shall I think that man a faithful subject of Christ's kingdom, that shall at any time hereafter take it. My brethren, we are all at this present in a very dangerous and fearful condition, in regard we have turned traitors unto our God, in seeing His almighty great name and His heavenly truth trodden under foot, and yet we not only let the bishops alone in holding our peace, but most slavishly subject ourselves unto them, fearing the face of a piece of dirt more than the almighty great God of heaven and earth, who is able to cast both body and soul into everlasting damnation." He was still addressing the people in the same strain, when the warden of the Fleet came and placed a gag on his mouth. Such were the means taken by the archbishop to crush the spirit of the Puritans, and by him not considered sufficiently "thorough." As if for the sole purpose of irritating his opponents, the king, by his advice, ordered a proclamation, called the Book of Sports,, to be read by ministers after service, declaring that certain games, such as leaping, vaulting, and wrestling were lawful on Sundays. It had been originally published by James, but its reading not enforced. Now no minister might escape. Thirty who refused to obey in the diocese of Norwich — a stronghold of Puritanism — were suspended. Some temporized. A London minister read the proclamation, and after it the ten command- ments. "Dearly beloved," he said, "you have heard the com- mandment of God and of man, obey which you please." •Lecturers' The Puritans raised subscriptions for purchasing, put down, from laymen their right of presentation to livings and. for hiring lecturers to preach on afternoons in market towns. But Laud, not content with ordering that lecturers should wear the surplice and read the service, determined to break up the whole association. The trustees were declared by the Court of Exchequer to have misused the funds with which they were entrusted, and the whole were forfeited to the king, to be used for the good of the Church and the maintenance of conformable- ministers. The Church, however, lost its hold on the people, when it lost the most earnest and most popular of its preachers. Into the livings of the ejected Puritans were put ignorant men or court clergy, who bade their people be passively obedient, while they 1637.] PERSECUTION OF PUEITANS. 7& lost their cherished liberties. Of such pastors Milton wrote, as — " Blind mouths that scarce themselves know how to hold A sheephook, or have learned aught else the least That to the faithful herdsman's art belongs ! What recks it them ? What need they ? They are sped ; And when they list, their lean and flashy songs Grate on their scrannel pipes of wretched straw ; The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed, But swoln with wind and the rank mist they draw, Eot inwardly, and foul contagion spread ; Beside what the grim wolf with privy paw* Daily devours apace, and nothing said." While Laud thus awoke the hate of Puritans by intolerance, he aroused that of the laity geuerally by endeavouring to raise the political importance of the Church. As a politician, he was both ambitious and unscrupulous, as might be expected of one who had risen to power at the heels of Buckingham. Courts held by bishops now sent out writs in their own names, instead of in that of the king. Clergymen were made justices of the peace in place of country gentlemen. Bishops sat in the king's council and in the Court of Star Chamber. Juxon, Bishop of London, was ap- pointed by the king to the influential and coveted office of lord treasurer. "Now," wrote Laud in his diary, "if the Church will not hold themselves up under God, I can do no more." In order to escape persecution and tyranny, new Emigration homes were sought in America. In Virginia a Church to America - of England colony had been founded by adventurers in 1607. The earliest settlers in New England were the Pilgrim Fathers, a body of persecuted sectarians, who had sailed across the Atlantic in the " Mayflower," in 1620. Ehode Island was colonized in 1634, and liberty of conscience established. Lord Baltimore, a Poman Catholic, granted the same boon to all settlers in Maryland (1638). In the ten years preceding 1640, the number of emigrants to New England was estimated at 21,200. The Presbyterian Church had been long since established in Scotland by an act of the Scotch Parliament (1592). James I., however, had succeeded by not very creditable means in restoring Scotch bishops to the possession of their former titles, though to little of their former influence and position. * For the conversions to Popery, see p. 69. 76 LITURGY FOR SCOTLAND. [wo pael. Charles and Laud now determined on setting up a church government in Scotland, to answer in all respects to that esta- blished in England. Canons, to regulate the Church of Scotland, were drawn up by the Scotch bishops, and afterwards revised by Laud, in which no place was left for the action of any Presby- terian assemblies. The following year, in place of "Knox's Liturgy," as the Service-book ordinarily used by the Scots was called, a new Prayer-book, nearly the same as the English, was ordered to be read in all churches, from the 23rd July, 1637. In St. Giles', the cathedral church of Edinburgh, no sooner had the dean opened the new liturgy, than all the lower order of people in the church began to scream, clap their hands, hiss and groan, making such a hideous outcry that no one could either hear or be heard. Episcopacy The cry was, " Sorrow, sorrow, for this dreadful day ; in Scotland, they are bringing Popery amongst us." Sticks, stones, Bibles, stools, were hurled at the dean's head. In other places the Prayer-book received a like reception. By most it was looked on as little better than the mass itself. Its very exterior gave offence to the Presbyterian ; the red and black type, the Gothic letters, pictorial capitals, and other illustrations, seemed to imply a revival of Catholic times. The nobles were afraid of being required to restore church property acquired at the Eeformation ; when not moved by religious fervour themselves, their interests made them at heart on the side of the rioters. The whole nation was enraged. When James I. had introduced changes into the Presbyterian form of church government, he had at least obtained the sanction of a corrupt church-assembly and parliament. But Charles was endeavouring to establish the Episcopalian Church in the place of the Presbyterian, upon his own sole authority, as though he were indeed an absolute monarch, able to make laws without the consent of his subjects. The king, to whom a tumult raised by the rabble seemed no cause for alarm, sent orders that the new Service-book was still to be read. The lords of the Scotch council, however, dared not put his commands into execution. They Were themselves as- saulted in the streets of Edinburgh by an infuriated mob, and only rescued from death by the nobles and gentry, who now, following the example of the people, came flocking into the capital to sign an accusation against the bishops (18th Oct., 1637). 1639.] THE SCOTCH COVENANT. 77 The tumults rapidly took the form of rebellion : a council was chosen, composed of members from the into a cove- four classes, nobles, gentry, clergy, burgesses, which ^Vof^e- soon became a new power in the State, more formid- Hgious laws able than the king's council (15th Nov., 1637) ; at last, a national league was formed under the name of the Covenant (a forerunner of the 'Solemn League and Covenant' with the English in 1643), binding the signers to reject the new canons and liturgy, and to defend their sovereign, their religion, their laws, and liberties (1st March, 1638). An assembly of the Church, which met at Glasgow, refused to dissolve at the instance of the Duke of Hamilton, the king's deputy (28th Nov., 1638), and proceeded to abolish liturgy, canons, and epis- copacy itself. After thus defying the royal authority, the Cove- nanters prepared for war. The question of war had also to be debated in the king's council at home. The critical moment was now come, when the strength of the government was put to the test. " I am not for war," wrote one of the privy council ; " in the ex- chequer there is but £200 ; the magazines are totally -war with unfurnished ; commanders are there none for execution Sc °tkmd. or advice ; the people are so discontented, there is reason to fear a greater part of them will be readier to join the Scots than to draw swords in the king's service." Wentworth, who did not despair so quickly as these panic-stricken councillors, began to increase the size of the army in Ireland, and to call for sterner measures against defaulters. Yet to advise Charles to do nothing by halves, to introduce episcopacy into Scotland, and to govern that country as he himself governed Ireland, was much like tell- ing a man with a palsied hand to drive the nail home. The deputy, so proud of his Irish government, could not, or would not, read aright the signs of the times. Some of the council advised the calling of a Parliament, but Charles could not hear the pro- posal with patience. Money was therefore raised by loans and other illegal means. By the spring of 1639 an army of Charles and some 12,000 men was fitted out, and the king pro- ceecUo* " ceeded to York, followed, not only by his court, but by York. all the nobility and most influential gentry of the kingdom, whom he summoned to attend his person at their own charge, as had been customary in feudal times. He hoped by this display to overawe his needy Scottish subjects. 78 PACIFICATION AT BERWICK, [no pael., 1639. But the Scots were too much in earnest, and too well under- stood the state of feeling in England, to be easily overawed. By the time Charles reached Berwick, it was evident that they could not be reduced that summer. The first English force that saw the face of an enemy, made a precipitate retreat. The courtiers who longed for a return to their pleasures, the nobles and gen- tlemen who desired a redress of their wrongs, all urged the ne- cessity of coming to an agreement with the Covenanters. Charles Pacification f° un d himself obliged to sign a Pacification at Berwick, of Berwick. f n which it was agreed that both a Parliament and a Church Assembly should be summoned in Scotland, for the settle- ment of all grievances, religious and civil (18th June, 1639). The king, however, signed the agreement merely as a temporary measure, and with the full intention of raising a larger force and renewing the war next summer. The Scots had plenty of friends in England to warn them of the policy pursued ; how Wentworth had been summoned from Ireland, and created Earl of Strafford ; how the Irish army was being increased in size ; how a new army was being raised in England, and every nerve strained to get money. In foreign policy meantime Charles had been inconsistent and wavering. At one time he had entered into negotiations with France, at another with Spain, for the restoration of the palatinate to his nephew. Now, therefore, that he was involved Foreign m difficulties with his subjects, governments which govern- na d received cause of offence assumed an unfriendly friendly to attitude. The pope forbade the Catholics to be so iar es * ready in lending money and offering to serve in the army, for after all, Laud's religion, which did not acknowledge the pope as head of the Church, was no more the Catholic reli- gion than that of the Puritans. The Dutch grew so insolent that they destroyed a Spanish fleet which was riding in the Downs under Charles' own protection, while the English ambassador wrote from Spain that the Spaniards were instigating the Irish to rebel. Bichelieu, bearing in mind the expeditions in aid of Bochelle, now took the opportunity to repay his injuries by send- ing supplies of money and arms to the Covenanters. A copy of a letter written by the Scots to Louis XIII. was intercepted by Charles, who thought that with this proof of treason in his hand, he might venture on meeting a Parliament. But indeed, the neces- mat, 1640.] SHOUT PARLIAMENT DISSOLVED. 79 sity of calling a Parliament if the war were to be con- IU al . tinued, was daily becoming more and more manifest, mands op- ' Men's consciences awoke/ and forbade them to pay pose . ' ship money. Even in Yorkshire, where Strafford possessed sc much influence, gentlemen refused to equip soldiers without re- ceiving some security for repayment of the money. Strafford advised the lords of the council to send for them to London, and " lay them up by the heels."* " What," he asked, " should be- come of the levy of 30,000 men in case the other counties should return the like answer 1" A pregnant question, for everywhere the same spirit was manifested ; London refused loans, country gentlemen made excuses, and the king was at last driven to that resource, which last year he would not hear mentioned. He summoned his fourth Parliament on the 13th April, 1640. Charles asked for an immediate grant of money. . Charles* Pym rose, and in a speech of two hours, while speak- fourth Par- ing respectfully of the king, laid bare the offences of liameut - the government against religion, justice, and the power and privilege of Parliament. The House, with deep attention, heard him out, and then voted that they would find a remedy for their grievances before granting the king a supply. The letter of the Scots to Louis XIII. did not trouble the Commons at all, and was no fair proof of treason, as it was dated before the Pacification of Berwick. " The people," it was said, " would sooner pay sub- sidies to prevent the unhappy war than to carry it on." Grievances formed such an ample subject of debate, that Charles, growing impatient, sent a message saying, if the Parliament would grant him twelve subsidies, to be paid in three years, he would never levy ship money without consent of Parliament (4th May, 1640)* Though the Commons felt indignant that they should be asked to purchase immunity from an illegal tax, they were about, after a long debate, to put the question to the vote, whether a supply should be given to the king, without, for the present, specifying any particular sum, when Sir Henry Vane, Charles' secretary, rose and said it was of no use to put # that question, for the king would not accept less than he had asked. In disgust the House broke up ; and the next morning, Charles having lost patience, dissolved the Parliament (5th May, 1640). * I.e., to fetter, or put in gyves. See Shaks. Henry VIII. v. 3. 80 PEEES AT YOEK. [no pael. Arbitrary measures were now again employed to raise money for the war ; and refusers of loans were imprisoned. But no severity was able to suppress the spirit of opposition. The gentry of Yorkshire sent a petition to the king, complaining of the bil- leting of unruly soldiers, " to whose violence and insolence we are so daily subject, as we cannot say we possess our wives and chil- dren in security. Wherefore, 5 ' continues the petition, "we are emboldened to present these our complaints, beseeching your Majesty that, as the billeting of soldiers in any of your subjects' houses is contrary to the ancient laws of this kingdom confirmed by your Majesty in the Petition of Eight, this insupportable Soldiers mu- charge mav be taken off."* Eiots broke out in Lon- tinous ; re- don ; the militia refused to serve ; officers and soldiers g ' said they would not fight ' to support the power and pride of bishops.' Soldiers had to be pressed, and arti- sans were daily dragged from the shops and forced on board the fleet. A disorderly army was at length formed ; when formed it would not fight. Some regiments dispersed of them- selves ; others killed officers who were Catholics ; others broke open the prisons, and made havoc of the country through which they passed. Before Strafford, the general of the army, reached the camp, his soldiers fled before the enemy ; this was at Newburn Ford, on the borders of the two kingdoms (28th Aug., 1640). The Scots, having by this easy success gained possession of the passage of the Tyne, entered Newcastle without opposition, and continued to advance in the direction of York. Charles' weakness was now proved. Doubtful and despondent, he knew not what to do or whither to turn for counsel. The Irish army, though in good training, was only about 5000 strong, and was required in Ireland to overawe the people. The Scots were in the kingdom, masters of the four northern counties, while his own army refused to fight. Yet a Parliament seemed a terribly caustic remedy to apply to his difficulties, and he bethought himself of calling an assembly, composed solely of peers, as had occasionally been the Assembly of custora of English kings four centuries before, when the peers at House of Commons was hardly recognized as an in- tegral part of the government. Perhaps, thought some credulous courtier, this assembly of peers might even vote * Petition of Yorkshire gentry, 28th July, 1640, MSS. Clar. Pap. and Eushworth. NOV., 1640.] LONG PARLIAMENT SUMMONED. 81 the king money. But the nation thought otherwise. " If," said two lords consulted by the king's council, " it be intended to raise money by any other way than a Parliament, it will give no satisfaction."* Charles was left in no doubt of his subjects' wishes ; counties sent petitions for a Parliament ; twelve of the chief peers of the realm signed a petition for a Parliament ; the City of London petitioned for a Parliament ; the Scots sent a petition : ' they were loyal subjects, their grievances were the cause of their being in arms ; they begged their king to settle a firm and durable peace by advice of a Parliament/ Charles So at last, forced by necessity, Charles yielded. When KTti^Par- the peers met at York (24th Sept., 1640), he informed liament. them that he had already sent out writs for a Parliament, and asked their advice for treating with the Scots. " They were so taken," writes the king's secretary, " with his Majesty's speech and with his Majesty's offer of a Parliament that whatever was afterwards proposed they yielded to. . . . There is no doubt but this black storm will be dispersed."f Sixteen peers, none of them favourable to arbitrary govern- ment, negotiated with eight Scottish commissioners at Eipon. It was agreed that a cessation of arms should be made for two months ; that both armies should remain where they were; that the northern counties should support the Scottish army by paying it .£5600 a week, until a peace should be concluded in London (23rd Oct., 1640). Then king, lords, and Scottish commissioners hastened to the capital, where Charles met his fifth and last Par- liament (3rd Nov., 1640). * Clar. State Papers, 1—112. f Windebank to Sir A. Hopton, 1st Oct., 1640, MSS. Clar. Papers in. Bodleian. CHAPTEE IV. MEETING OF LONG PARLIAMENT AND TRIAL OF STRAFFORD. 1640—1641. Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my king 1 , he would not in mine age Have left me naked to mine enemies. — Henry VIII., iii. 2. "Westminster Hall, in the year 1640, was just the same build- ing that we see to-day : but the house in which the Commons sat was utterly different. At right angles to the hall, between it and the river, stood a building which was once a chapel of the old palace of Westminster, but was now fitted with tiers of horse- shoe benches for the members of the Commons. The building House of itself was small, somewhat dingy and gloomy ; though Commons, sittings were generally by day, on winter afternoons candles were placed on a table in the centre. The appearance of the members, however, belied the meanness of their meeting-house; for these were peers' sons, country gentlemen, merchants, lawyers, dis- tinguished in their towns or counties for birth or wealth, or both ; their dress displayed their quality — the sword by the side, the vel- vet coat, the large frilled linen collar to protect the lace and gold or silver trimming from the long hair falling in curls upon the shoulders, were sure signs that the House did not count among its members any of the fanatics from the lower orders, who cut their hair close and prided themselves upon the especial plainness of their attire. Leading Chief amongst the many notables of that assembly were members. John p^ John Hampden, Lord Falkland,* Edward Hyd e, Oliver Cromwell . Tym, the old opposer of tyranny in the pre- vious reign ; Hampden, the ship-money hero, gentle and affable to all, aud now the most popular man in the House ; Lord Falkland, whose truthful, generous nature made him the declared enemy of injustice in high places ; Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and * He had succeeded his father (Sir H. Cavy, Deputy of Ireland), as second Viscount of Falkland, in the county of Fife, in Scotland. He sat as burgess for Newport, Scotch peers being eligible before the Act of Union (1707). »ov., 1640.] MEETING OF LONG PARLIAMENT. 83 the Koyalist historian of the Kebellion, now carried along with the stream, and as eager as his friend Falkland to restore the old govern- ment of England by Parliaments ; Cromwell, member for the town of Cambridge, a country gentleman, dressed in a plain cloth suit ; and as yet little remarked, save for his activity in defending the poor of his own neighbourhood from oppression. The members of both Houses of Parliament, urged by a hun- dred different motives, were almost unanimous in their deter- mination to make the agents of the government answer for their conduct, and above all, the chief offender, Strafford. The noble ruinously fined in the Star Chamber ; the courtier of whom Strafford had used sharp words, as ' that the king would do well to cut off his head ;' the merchant, forced to pay illegal customs ; the patriot, indignant at the judges' verdict that Grievances, ship-money was a just and legal tax ; the Presby- delinquents, terian fined and insulted by the Court of High Commission, were all alike eager to gratify, as the case might be, their desires for reform, or justice, or revenge. The House proceeded to business at once. Votes were passed that all monopolists should be deprived of their seats (9th Nov.), that ship-money was against the laws of the realm (7th Dec.),* that all agents of the crown who had taken part in the collection of ship-money, or had shared in any other acts condemned by the * Lord Falkland felt and spoke strongly on the extra-judicial opinion the judges had given at Charles' request, on the king's right to ship-money. " No meal undigested," he said, "can lie heavier upon the stomach than that unsaid would have lain upon my conscience." He complained that the judges, " the persons who should have been as dogs to defend the flock, have become the wolves to devour it ;" that they had exceeded their functions, "being judges of law and not of necessity, that is, being judges and not philo- sophers or politicians;" that to justify the plea of necessity, they have "sup- posed mighty and eminent dangers in the most quiet and halcyon days, but a few contemptible pirates being our most formidable enemies ;" they also " sup- posing the supposed doings to be so sudden that it could not stay for a Parlia- ment which required but a forty days' stay, allowed to the king the sole power in necessity, the sole judgment of necessity, and by that enabled him to take from us what he would, when he would, and how he would." He especially de- claimed against the Chief Justice (at this time Lord Keeper) Finch, who impor- tuned the other judges " as a most admirable solicitor, but a most abominable judge." ..." He it was who gave away with his breath what our ancestors have purchased with so long expense of their time, their care, their treasures, and their bloods, and strove to make our grievances mortal and our slavery irreparable," . . . " he who hath already undone us by wholesale [and no-w- as chancellor] hath the power of undoing us by retail." — MSS. Clarendon Papers, No. 1464, and Eushworth. 6-2 84 STRAFFORD IMPEACHED. [long pael House, were l delinquents,' and might be proceeded against at any moment. This made offenders of all ranks tremble, lords of the Council and Star Chamber, lords-lieutenant of counties, sheriffs, judges, besides a host of inferior officers. It was not so much the intention of the Commons to proceed against all these delinquents, as to terrify them into submission. The chief crimi- nals alone had real cause to fear. Strafford* had seen the storm gathering and was anxious to return to Ireland, but Charles wrote him a positive trusts in command to come to London, assuring him, ' as he Charles. was jQ n g f England, he was able to secure him from any danger, and the Parliament should not touch one hair of his head/ The king was in fact afraid of meeting his enraged Par- liament unsupported. Accordingly Strafford came prepared with charges of treason against some of the leading members, for having . encouraged the Scots in rebellion. They were aware of his inten- tion and determined to strike first. No time was lost. Their feelings at this crisis are analyzed in Browning's lines : " Now, by Heaven, They may be cool who can, silent who will — Some have a gift that way ! Wentworth is here ; Here, and the king's safe closeted with him Ere this. And when I think on all that's past — how all this while That man has set himself to one dear task, The bringing Charles to relish more and more Power — power without law, power and blood too — Can I be still?" Strafford had only been one day in London when, on the 11th of November, Pym proposed in the House of Commons to ment of impeach of high treason the man who, " according to Strafford. ^.e nature of apostates, had become the greatest enemy to the liberties of his country, and the greatest promoter of tyranny that any age had produced." The process by impeachment has been described in Bucking- ham's case,t it is still more familiar to us from the trial of Warren Hastings in the following century (1788). The king having no part in an impeachment, and the House of Lords being judge, the only preliminary required is a resolution of the Commons to pro- * Wentworth created Earl of Strafford, 12 Jan. 1640. f See page 34. 1640 .] STRAFFORD AND LAUD IN TOWER. 85 secute The Commons now agreed to the proposal without a dis- senting voice, and Pym, followed by a train of three hundred members, went up straight to the Lords' house, and there accused the earl of high treason, desiring that he might be lodged a pri- soner in the Tower, until the time of his trial came on. Thus, at one blow, was the king deprived of his ablest adviser, and Strafford himself of the awe with which power had previously invested him. Strafford was in consultation with the king when the news came. Hastening to the Lords' house with a " proud, glooming countenance, he makes towards his place at the board- head But at once many bid him void the house. After con- sultation, being called in, he stands, but is commanded to kneel, and on his knees, is delivered to the keeper of the black stra fford rod, to be prisoner until he was cleared of those crimes ^J to the House of Commons had charged him with. As he passed through the gazing crowd outside to find his coach, nc man capped to him, before whom that morning the greatest of Euo-land would have stood discovered, all crying, 'What is the matter V He said, < A small matter, I warrant you.' They re- plied ' Yes, indeed, high treason is a small matter.' " The next month Laud was impeached too (18th Dec), and followed his friend to the Tower, amid the curses and other that hath declared this — endeavouring to subvert the fundamental laws — to be high treason. Jesu! my lords, where hath this fire lain all this while, so many hundred years together that no smoke should appear till it burst out now, to consume me and my children ? Hard it is, and extreme hard, in my opinion, that I should be punished by a law subsequent to the act done. ... If I pass down the Thames in a boat, and run and split myself upon an anchor, if there be not a buoy to give me warning, the party shall give me damages ; but if it be marked out, then it is at my own peril. Now, my lords, where is the mark set upon this crime ? where is the token by which I should discover ? if it be not marked, if it lie under water and not above, there is no human provi- dence can prevent the destruction of a man instantly and presently. My lords, I have troubled your lordships a great deal longer than I would have done ; were it not for the interest of those pledges, that a saint in heaven left me, I should be loath, my lords [here his weeping stopped him] — what I forfeit for myself is nothing ; but I confess that my indiscretion should for- feit for them, it wounds me very deeply ; you will be pleased to pardon my importunity, something I should have said, but I see I shall not be able, and therefore I will leave it. . . ."* * Nalson, ii. 123. 1641.] KING PROPOSES A COMPROMISE. 93 And then lifting up his hands and eyes, he said, * In te, Domine, coniido ne confundar in sternum.' Strafford's defence had laid bare the real principle at issue, as far as the court was concerned. A law has a relation to the innocent as well as to the guilty. If the law of high treason meant that those guilty of such and such crimes should die, it meant just as much that those not guilty of them should have their lives safe, as far as the crime of treason was concerned. Such stretching of a law might be as dangerous to the liberty of the subject as the offences with which Strafford was charged. For if the words, ' compassing the king's death ' should at one time be made to include a scheme of subverting the laws, they might, he argued, at another be made to include some other offence equally far from their literal meaning, and thus men's lives, finding no protection in the law, would lie at the mercy of any party in power. Strafford carried his judges with him in thus repelling the charge of compassing the king's death. Peers indeed had no wish to extend the responsibility of ministers too far. The prosecutors, however, felt that the exten- sion of this principle was the only security for their lives ; they considered that the simple meaning of the words could not be trusted as a complete exponent of the cases included, with- out implying a perfection of form in English law which did not exist, and that the gist of his argument was, that a male- factor who found a new way to break the principle of a law should get the benefit of his ability at the expense of their liberties, while, as to the possibility of future consequences from such straining of law, they felt that their chief fear in that respect was from Strafford himself. It had fallen to Pym to reply to the earl's defence. As he ended his speech, he caught the eye of his old friend earnestly fixed upon him : he faltered, turned over his papers, and, with difficulty recovering himself, asked their lord- ships to close the proceedings for the day. Strafford's friends, meanwhile, were not idle. The queen, fond of exercising power, and anxious to avert this blow to royalty, now exerted herself in his behalf. Torch in hand, she was nightly to be found holding conferences with popular lords, offering them, as she thought, all they could desire, if only they would save Strafford's life.* A compromise was proposed : Charles offered to opposition form a ministry out of the opposition leaders both in refu se office. * De Motteville, i. 94 TRIAL OF STRAFFORD. [long parl. Lords and Commons ; the Earl of Bedford was to be treasurer ; St. John, a member of the Commons, had already been made solicitor-general ; places were to be found for the Earl of Essex ; for Hampden, Pym, Hollis, and others. The new ministry, on their side, were to allow Strafford to escape with his life, and to ward off any attack made against the bishops by the Presbyte- rians. The compromise, however, was never effected. Bedford died, Essex was not to be persuaded : " Stone dead," said the blunt, plain-spoken earl, " hath no fellow ;* if he be fined or imprisoned, the king will grant him his pardon as soon as the Parliament is ended." Pym and Hampden were not less far- sighted than Essex, and had even better reasons for distrusting any advances from the king. The Scottish and English armies were still in the northern counties, awaiting the ratification of the treaty, after which the one was to be disbanded and the other to return to Scotland. The Parliament, looking upon the Scots as friends, who would, in case of need, render assistance against the king, had voted them £300,000 as a free gift. But the English army had no love for the Parliament, which had no wish to do anything for them. The soldiers had become discontented be- cause their pay was in arrear, while of the officers, many were Catholics, almost all devoted partizans of the king. Ill-feeling towards the Parliament was so general, that some of the leading officers in London ventured on talking over with the queen an ill-matured plan of bringing up the army to coerce the Parlia- ment. Charles gave his assent, though at the very time he was negotiating with the leaders of the Parliament. Naturally he would sooner have seen Hampden, Pym, and Essex changing places with Strafford and Laud in the Tower, than have had them sitting by his side in the council chamber. Still, such a double-dealing game was a hazardous one to play, and Pjth was not an easy man to overreach : he had his spies abroad to tell him the tavern discourse of too sanguine officers ; he had his friends even in the court circle ; in fact, the whole plan had been betrayed by Lord Goring, one of the conspirators, and Pym was only holding back his knowledge from the Parliament until he should find the fittest moment for revealing it. While these * Clar. Hist., i. 395. 1641.] ARMY PLOT REVEALED. 95 negotiations and army plots were going on behind the scenes, the nation still had its attention fixed on the Bill of Attainder, which did not easily make its way through the Lords. Charles tried to intimidate by threatening to refuse his assent. He summoned the two Houses, and told them that he did not consider the earl fit to serve him even in the position of a constable, but that no fear, no respect whatsoever should make him act against his conscience in consenting to his death (1st May). But if the king threatened on the one side, the people threatened on the other. The next day was Sunday; the London pulpits preached the duty of justice upon a great delinquent. By the Monday London was roused ; some thousands of apprentices and others, armed with swords and cudgels, gathered around Westminster Hall, crying, ' Justice on Strafford, justice on traitors/ and demanding from every lord as he went into the house, 'that they might have speedy execution on the earl, or they were all undone, their wives and children.' The Lords, dismayed at their violence, spoke them fair, and sent word to the Commons to demand aid in suppressing the tumult. But the messenger could gain no ad- mittance; the doors of the Commons' house had been locked since seven o'clock in the morning, and remained locked until eight o'clock that evening. Within, fear, horror, and amazement sat on the faces of the members, for Pym was revealing to them, not only that grand idea of bringing up the army to crush the Par- liament, but various other desperate designs formed by the friends of Strafford ; how there was a plan of sending a hundred picked men into the Tower, where Strafford was confined, under the name of a guard ; how bribery had been attempted on the governor to let his prisoner escape : how, lastly, there was some dark design of bringing over a French force into Ports- mouth. A protestation was drawn up on Pym's motion, to defend the privileges of Parliament and the lawful rights of the people, and signed by every member present. Hyde, who had written his name second on the list, took it up to the Lords himself to receive their signatures.* Great was the panic in London when the doors of the Commons were unbarred. To think of an army led by Boyalist and Papist officers, marching into their city, the strong- * Eorster : Lives of British Statesmen, iii. 185. Grand Remonstrance. 93 TRIAL OF STRAFFORD. [long pakl. hold of Presbyterian faith ! Eumours of plots, true and false, were in every man's mouth, and easily found credence. The Lords began to think their own lives in danger from the populace, if they delayed the trial any longer. Having already voted the facts of some of the articles of impeachment proved, they now appealed to the judges on the question of law. The judges unani- mously declared ' that upon all their lordships had voted to be proved, the earl was guilty of high treason.' On this the Lords passed the Bill of Attainder, voting the earl guilty, not Bm of paSS upon all the articles, but only upon the fifteenth, the Attainder, quartering of troops upon the people of Ireland, and the nineteenth, the imposing an unlawful oath upon the Scots in Ireland. In voting on the bill, it is important to observe, that they acted as nearly as possible as if they had been giving judg- ment on the impeachment, for they used the forms in which they were accustomed to vote as judges, not as legislators.* Thirty- four lords stayed away ; twenty-six voted for the bill, nineteen against it (7th May). Strafford's warning that the precedent of the case might be used against others no doubt had weight with many who had supported the king in unconstitutional acts, but these only suc- ceeded in protecting themselves so far as to insert a clause in the bill, to the effect that the judges should count nothing as treason in consequence of this bill which was not treason before. As the judges had pronounced the acts were treason, the clause was un- meaning. But now Charles' turn was come. If he had in him the courage to resist, if not to resent, intimidation, in these des- perate circumstances he had still the opportunity of securing one of two triumphs, either of saving the life of the earl, or of throw- ing on Parliament the reproach of executing him against law, for that he possessed the legal right to refuse his consent to any bill was at that time undisputed. It might have been thought, therefore, that the king would have been glad of the substitution * The difference between voting on a Bill of Attainder and an impeachment is, that in giving judgment on the latter a peer professed to be bound by the letter of the law and of the rules of evidence; in voting for the former, though bound by the spirit, he professedly held himself emancipated from the letter. Further, there was a great difference in form. Iu voting for a bdl a peer says 'aye' in his seat, and if a division is called, walks in silence past the teller of his side ; in voting on an impeachment each peer stands up in Lis place, puts his hand on his breast, and says, ' Guilty (or not) on my honour.' 1641.] TRIAL OF STRAFFORD. 97 of the bill for the impeachment, since the change gave him an opportunity of making good his promises to Strafford. But these were not Charles' feelings. His chief misery lay not in the fact that Strafford must die, but that his own hand must consent to his death. The angry rabble followed „, , him to Whitehall, with their shouts of " justice, jus- passes Bill of tice, we will have justice." The queen wept bit- Attaillder - "terly, in fear, it seems, for her own safety, as she began to make preparations to leave the country. In anguish of soul Charles asked his councillors how the rioters were to be suppressed ; they bade him please his Parliament and pass the Bill of Attain- der : he asked five bishops how he was to remove his scruples of conscience ; all but one told him he had both a public and a private conscience, and that the duty of saving the life of a friend or servant was as nothing compared with that of preserving his kingdom. The same day a letter was handed him from the earl bidding him pass the bill — " Sire, my consent shall more acquit you herein to God than all the world can do besides ; to a will- ing man there is no injury done." "My Lord of Strafford's condition," said Charles, "is more happy than mine."* He shed tears, but sent a commission for others to sign the bill, a mode of relieving his conscience suggested to him by his council. ' Put not your trust in princes, nor in the sons of men, for in them there is no salvation,' Strafford ex- claimed when told that the king had consented to his death. After passing the bill, Charles sent a letter to the House of Lords by the hands of the Prince of Wales, requesting the Parliament to commute the punishment of death into that of perpetual im- prisonment; the letter, however, had a postscript: 'If he must die, it were charity to reprieve him till Saturday.' But the discovery of the plot for Strafford's release had made longer im- prisonment impossible, and the House ordered the execution for the next day (12th May). In forming a judgment on the justice of the conviction upon which Strafford suffered, we must recall the various Question of points— that the lawyers and judges in serving the straff owl's interests of the crown, had really enlarged the statute ; conviction, 'that undoubtedly the earl had technically offended against the * Radcliffe's Life in Straff. Despatches. 98 TRIAL OF STRAFFORD. [long pabl. law, by quartering troops to coerce the people ; that the Com- mons heard the points of law argued at length in their house, and decided that his acts fell within the provision of the statute, before they passed the third reading of the bill ; that after this the judges declared that the facts voted to be proved amounted to high treason by law ; that the Lords, by voting judicially upon the bill, were acting as supreme judges when they also declared that in their view the offences came within the statute ; and lastly, that proceeding by bill only gave the king a chance of exercising his prerogative of mercy, which he would not otherwise have had. Briefly put, the case would amount to this, that the judicial compe- tence of the House of Lords was unquestioned, but in this case Strafford's peers, acting simply as a jury, declared certain facts proved, the judges of the land declared the law on these facts against him, and the peers then pronounced the verdict ; and though the fact that the conviction itself was on small and tech- nical grounds might well be pleaded as an extenuating circum- stance to reprieve him from the full punishment of death, yet his own conduct towards others deprived him of any such claim to exceptional mercy. It has hardly been sufficiently observed that, whatever the contemplated object of the bill, its actual effect was not to enlarge the statute retrospectively, but only to alter the procedure. If we apply the standard of the nineteenth cen- tury to judge of the procedure of the seventeenth, we shall say that this conviction of treason was not just, though it was far more just than any other of that day. So far as to the technical issue. At the bar of history, Strafford is arraigned as a traitor to the constitution. He is proved guilty by the undoubted evidence of his own correspondence. The two restraints on the executive are, the freedom of Parliament and the independence of the judges. According to Strafford's scheme, judges were to receive percentages on verdicts for the crown, and dismissal for verdicts against it. Parliament was only to vote subsidies, and not inquire into grievances. Discontent at griev- ances unredressed was to be quelled by a standing army. This standing army was to be supported by taxes levied, like ship- money, on the sole authority of the crown. If we turn now to Pym's ideal, since realized, and look upon this picture and on that, we shall with Hallam 'distrust any one's attachment to the English constitution, who reveres the name of the Earl of Strafford.' CHAPTEE V. GRAND REMONSTRANCE. — IMPEACHMENT OP FIVE MEMBERS. 1641—1642. * * It is not so, thou hast misspoke, misheard ; Be well advised, tell o'er thy tale again : It cannot be ; thou dost but say 'tis so : I trust I may not trust thee ; for thy word Is but the vain breath of a common man : Believe me, I do not believe thee, man ; I have a king's oath to the contrary. — KlNG JOHN, iii. 1. DURING Strafford's trial, the Commons had not been unmindful of reform. Early in the year Charles had given his consent to a bill which required that a Parliament should be elected once every three years, and that no future Parliament should be dis- solved or adjourned, without its own consent, in less than fifty days from the opening of the session (16th Feb.). In order that the act might not remain a dead letter, it provided that if the Idug failed in his duty, various officers employed in the Government should send out writs for elections in his stead ; and that if these failed in their duty, the electors should meet of them- selves and choose their representatives. The too long continuance of the same Parliament changes the character of the House of Commons from that of a popular assembly to that of an oligarchical senate, by making the members heedless of the wishes of their constituents, and apt to sacrifice their duties to their interests. The too frequent election of new Parliaments renders members subservient to their electors, so that instead of following some settled course of action according to their own convictions, they act merely as delegates apt to reflect every prejudice that obtains amongst the multitude. There is no universal rule of right in this matter. In the seventeenth century, new Parliaments might, without injuryto their character, have been elected every year, so slight was the control constituents possessed over their representatives. The House of Commons was subject 7-2 100 AN INDISSOLUBLE PAKLIAMENT. [long PAUL, to the influence of the court ; the county members were gentle- men by birth, often connected by blood or marriage with peers and ministers ; while the members for small boroughs were returned according to the directions of neighbouring peers and gentlemen. No public meetings were held for the debate of political questions. No petitions of a political character had been presented to any previous Parliament. No newspaper press existed before the com- mencement of the civil war. The votes of members were un- recorded. Parliamentary debates were never published. The privilege of excluding strangers from the House was constantly exerted by the Commons. London, however, in stirring times, knew much and judged freely ; but at duller periods there was a want of the coffee-houses of a later date to bring public opinion to a focus. The knowledge of events in London took months in circulating through the country. The action, therefore, of a Triennial Bill would have been beneficial in itself, and the expe- rience of the last eleven years had shown the absolute necessity of a guarantee for the meeting of Parliaments. The measure which followed was of a different character. At the same time that he gave his consent to the Bill of At- tainder, Charles, sick at heart, without heeding its contents, passed Parliament a second bill, depriving him of the right to dissolve the Sss n oivc b d Parliament without its own consent (10th May). This without its i^vi had been introduced into the Commons upon the S. C ° n " disclosure of the Army Plot, which gave Pym and Hampden good cause to doubt, whether their own lives or the liberties of the people would be safe, were the Parliament once dissolved. . _ If too long Parliaments become oligarchical, much more will a Parliament which is indissoluble. It may now, in fact, Sembly be taken as an axiom that a Parliament which can only nSbeS" dissolve of its own consent, will never dissolve unless solved, forced to do so by some power external to itself. Either it is in accordance with the popular feeling, in which case there is no reason it should dissolve as it is still representative ; or, again, if the pulse of popular opinion beats feebly, it feels it can go on governing as it likes ; or, lastly, public opinion is strongly against it, and under these circumstances it feels that dissolution is suicide, so it is then most determined to ride over the storm and wait for a time when sympathy is restored. But in a moment of terror like this such far-sighted calculations would have seemed 1641.] EEFOEM IN LAW AND CHURCH. 101 but mistrust of the patriotism of fellow-members.* It is not the only occasion on which the disregard of future dangers, induced by the terrors of the present, has brought countries into a consti- tutional dead-lock. Statutes were passed to abolish those great engines of tyranny, the courts of Star Chamber, of High Commission, and „, , IllC°*cll of the North, and deprive the king's council of all juris- courts diction, criminal or civil, and of the power of imprison- abollshed - ing without showing legal causef (July) ; as also to prevent the recurrence of what was practically confiscation, by fixing the extent of the royal forests ; and, lastly, to declare the illegality of all customs levied without consent of Parliament. In the Church, reform was also carried on. The Reform in times were likened to ' a little Doomsday ;' ministers churcl1 - who frequented taverns instead of teaching and preaching, those who burned three hundred wax candles in honour of our Lady, who called the communion table, altar, who taught the people that all they had belonged to the king, or in other ways had the character of being popishly or slavishly inclined, were now all alike turned out of their livings, fined, and imprisoned. All over the country the Presbyterians and sectarians rose again to the surface. The Presbyterians looked for- p res bytcri- ward to overthrowing the Episcopal Church; the aspira- a n s and In- tions of the sectarians, or Independents, as they were often called, from the name of their most influential sect, looked rather to securing liberty to worship as they pleased. Men who had lain hid in corners, or migrated to New England, re-appeared to spread their special doctrines. Conventicles were filled, preach- ings held, by the poorest of the people. No wonder, it was said, " that chandlers, salters, and such like preached, when the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, instead of preaching, had busied himself in projects about leather, salt, soap, and the like. They had but reciprocally invaded each other's calling."^ Nevertheless there * According to an act passed in the first year of George I. (1717), Parlia- ments now sit for seven years, unless previously dissolved by the crown. f The statute abolishing the arbitrary courts contained a clause, that any person imprisoned by the command or warrant of the king, or any of his council, should be entitled to a writ of Habeas Corpus from the Courts of King's Bench or Common Pleas, without delay on any pretence whatsoever. —See p. 16.) % May, L. P., 75. 102 QUESTION OF EPISCOPACY. [long pael. were numbers both in the Parliament and the country unwilling to see strange forms of Church government, free preaching, and the Episcopaii- growth of schism uncontrolled by the authority of political re- tne bishops. Hence when religious matters were de- formers, bated, the House was far from being at unity. ' Let us keep the Church as it is/ said Hyde and his Church party. ' Let us allow bishops to keep their office, but shut them out of all share in State government, and lessen their power over the clergy/ said Pym and Hampden and the political reformers. 'Let us bring them down, root and branch/ said a third, the Different Presbyterians. The Independents joined their votes religious to the Presbyterians, for although they did not wish the Presbyterian Church to be established by law, they knew there was little hope of escaping persecution, until the old rule of Episcopacy was overthrown. " I can tell you, sir, what I would not have, though I cannot tell you what I would," said Cromwell, their leader, one day when pressed to declare his views.* The country was as divided in its wishes as the House. The abolition of Episcopal government was demanded by a petition of 15,000 Londoners (11th Dec, 1640), its maintenance by nineteen petitions from different counties. After the discovery of the Army Plot, the force of the Presby- terians in the Commons was much increased, for Pym and Hamp- den, with the political reformers, though not ill disposed to the Church, found it necessary to form an alliance with the Presbyteri- ans. Hence for the present, in religious or political questions alike, these two sections voted as one. The results of this powerful coa- lition were soon shown in the introduction into the Lower House of a bill called the ' Eoot and Branch Bill/ which required, not simply ' Eoot and ^ that the clergy should be deprived of all civil power, and thrown out. the bishops consequently of their seats in the House of Lords, as one did that had already passed the Commons (1st May), but that the very order of bishops should be abolished, their titles, their power over the clergy, their revenues, all taken from them (27th May). On this parties plainly declared them- selves, and the previous unanimity gave way to a fierce division, which crushed the bill. Men such as Hyde and Falkland drew back from further change whether in Church or State. The work of reform and justice, they argued, had now been completed ; * Warwick, Memoirs, 177. 1641 ., EOYALISTS DEAW APAKT. 103 Strafford had paid the foil penalty of Wj fS£ Laud was in the Tower, a prisoner tor life , othei *orm«L clrits had been punished by fine, imprisonment or banish- ment; to ensure liberty, new statutes had been made, and I the illegal courts abolished. If more was demanded of the km the* Commons would be trespassing on h* p- Mng* and altering the ancient form of government as it had existed _More Charles' first encroached on the liberties of the people. On the other hand to Pym, Hampden, and their followers the r^ Army Plot, and other intrigues in Strafford s behalf • • ~-p~ +i-,of Phqrlp^ was not to be tinsteci. ZZ"Z d^to C mS bills, how had he given "1": 1 His deep reluctance was not subdued it was on y Kdineita time till he could use force to recover what he had lost" Even now the queen was talking of going to Spa nomi- :ly to recover her health, really to try and gam some foreign aid to help her husband in crushing the Parliament ; Charles, ot tturncv to Scotland, no doubt to strengthen his party there, and ZT to foster the discontent of the English army he would Z through. And what then? So old friends parted com- ,P T„ The mrtv of Hyde and Falkland, now become royalist, r/t'onlwa^ tiat ofpymand Hampden, foUowed by all the Presbvterians and Independents, another. Clilrles, on his way to Scotland, visited the English army, at the time disbanding (Aug.), and readily obtained promises of assistance from Papist officers and soldiers of for- *,« tune But his opponents were generals enough to have organized their intelligence department well : they num- bered friends among the king's friends, and one wrote to the Earl of Essex, that strange attempts had been made to pervert ^iSintoTad, Charles granted the Scottish Parliament the establishment of the Presbyterian Church and tnennial Parliaments, and bestowed honours and pensions upon the lead- L Covenanters, hoping by such means to win the favour of nobles and people, and prevent them from befriending g^ his enemies in England. At the same time he sought **- _ to obtain proofs against the leaders of the Parliament of having been in communication with the Covenanters in 1640, and or *hese he intended impeaching them of high treason on his return. 104 IRISH REBELLION. jlong pare, "I believe after all be done," he wrote to his secretary, who reported Pym's apparent cheerfulness, " that they will not have such great cause of joy." While his conduct, narrowly scanned as it was, was making Parliament more and more doubtful of his good faith, an act fell out that cast upon him the suspicion of all his Protestant subjects. On the 1st November, the Commons, holding their breaths through horror, heard that on the 23rd of Irish October, the Irish of Ulster had risen in arms, and Rebellion, nearly surprised Dublin, and all over their own pro- vince were driving the Scotch and English from their homes with robbery, plunder, murder, while they displayed a commission, stamped, as they said, with the king's great seal, authorizing them to take up arms. Every week with fresh despatches the tale increased in horror. Ulster was the province where the settlers were most thickly planted, but the rebellion and its atten- dant massacre spread fast from county to county, from province to province. The scattered remains of Strafford's army, still some 3000 in number, joined the insurgents, the ' degenerate English/ also Papists, uniting with the Irish. It was a fearful time, a whole people in rebellion to avenge years of oppression and wrong, a people, moreover, brutal through ignorance, burning with fanaticism. Heartrending were the accounts that came to England, how men, women, and children were mercilessly butchered ; how people of all conditions, spoiled and stripped, with only rags for coverings, some wounded to death, others frozen with cold, came crowding into Dublin, now almost their only asylum, until barns, stables, and outhouses were over-filled with dying wretches ; how the Irish boldly declared their pur- pose to extirpate English Protestants, and not to lay down arms until the Romish religion was established, the government settled in the hands of natives, and the Irish restored to the lands of their ancestors.* King and Though Charles declared that the commission pub- pecteVo?" listed in his name was a forgery, and offered to commit complicity the care of the war entirely to the Parliament, he did not succeed in counteracting the prevailing and persis- tent opinion that both he and the queen had been concerned in the rebellion. * Lingard, vii. 283, from Nalson. 1641.] GEAND EEMONSTEANCE. 105 History has revealed that there was grave cause of suspicion. Charles, when the Parliament had insisted on his disbanding Strafford's army, had sent private instructions to the Earl of Antrim, in Ireland, to get the same forces together again, and to engage the lords of the Pale to seize possession of Dublin castle, and declare for himself against the English Parliament. But it is ill playing with edged tools. The native Irish, who had planned an insurrection on their own account, possibly with the knowledge and consent of the queen,* seized the occasion to wreak vengeance for the seizure of their lands, and rising before the English Catholics were ready to join them, began the rebellion with the inhuman massacre of the Protestant settlers, f The king seems now to have cherished the strangely mistaken idea that the horrors of the rebellion might make his English subjects more in- clined to support his own authority. " I hope," he wrote to his secretary, "this ill news in Ireland will hinder some of these follies in England." It had, of course, quite the opposite effect. Before Grand Re- Charles returned from Scotland, Pym and Hampden monstrance, caused a Kemonstrance to be drawn up, which it was intended afterwards to print and disperse thi oughout the country. This Remonstrance began by indicting the king's government for all its past errors, the voyage to Cadiz, the loss of Eochelle, the long im- prisonments and cruel sentences of the Star Chamber, and the death of one whose "blood still cries for vengeance, or repentance of those ministers of State who at once obstructed the course both of his Majesty's justice and mercy."£ Next followed a statement of the reforms effected by the Parliament, the abolition of the illegal courts, the beneficial laws passed, the justice meted to evil councillors. After this came a complaint against the enemies of the Parliament, who had tampered with the army, and whose " de- signs defeated in England and Scotland, had succeeded in Ire- land," and this led up to the final demand that for the future the king should select councillors in whom Parliament could confide. To understand the motives which led a body of country gentle- * The suspicion against the queen was revived at the Eestoration by the ex- traordinary exertions she then made to procure for Antrim the restoration of the estates forfeited by his treasonable belp to Cromwell. It was supposed ho knew some dark secret ; and the only other motive her apologist suggests was certainly inadequate. See Carte's Ormond, 277 — 293. t Godwin, ii. J See p. 58. 106 GRAND REMONSTRANCE. [long pael : men to propose what was in fact the first step to a revolution, we must imagine ourselves environed with the dangers that they saw around them on every side. In England, Pyni's life had been attempted, not only by a loath- some attempt to inoculate him with the plague, but in Westminster Hall another man had been stabbed by mistake for him. From Scotland accounts came of a plot to assassinate both Hamilton and Argyle ; there were suspicions, which history has confirmed, that the would-be murderer was Montrose. The popular leaders had strong reasons for believing that there was a second Army Plot brewing in Scotland, by which Parliament was to be crushed. Meantime, within the House the union which had \ been strength was gone ; the Lords were inclined to retrace their steps ; in the Commons, the longer Parliament lasted the more court influence increased. The secession of Hyde had carried with it even Falk- land, though noted as a lover of justice, and of Parliament as the fountain of justice. Outside there was one of the reactions which ensue on revolutionary legislation, however salutary. The weak are alarmed ; the violent remain dissatisfied ; while the masses, on finding their wild and unreasonable hopes have met with an inevitable disappointment, are apt to echo the cries of the privi- leged classes who resent or dread interference. The people in such a mood will sacrifice their friends, and let slip all they have gained, unless some leader appears to restore confidence by show- ing clearly what is yet to be done, and how. The Eemonstrance was Pym's manifesto. In its pages the good of government by Parliament was contrasted with the well-known evils of govern- ment by Prerogative ; the remedy was shown ; the old method of electing the king's council must give way to a new and more con- stitutional one ; and the country must be governed by ministers in whom the Parliament had confidence, whether the king had confidence in them or not. After a debate which lasted for more than fifteen hours, the House divided on the question whether the Eemonstrance should be passed. It was passed. The yeas num- bered 159, the noes 148. Whereupon a member moved that it should be printed at once. To print it was to appeal from the king to the people. Hyde and Colepepper said, if the motion were persisted in, they should ask leave to enter their protest in the journals of the House, a custom occasionally adopted in the Upper House, but unknown in the Lower. Pym and Hollis re- 1641.] GRAND REMONSTRANCE. 107 f erred to the usage of the House. An opponent then, putting aside the question of leave, called out that he did then and there protest for himself and for all the rest of his party. ' All ! all !' shouted the enemies of the Remonstrance, waving their hats over their heads and snatching their swords from their belts. In the passion of the moment, blood might have been shed within the walls of the Commons' House itself, had not Hampden, ever ready, calmed the turbulent spirits by a few well-timed words. Debates were then by day and not by night, but though no final vote was taken, it was not until two o'clock in the morning that the wearied members, depressed or elated by that majority of eleven, left their gloomy chamber for their homes* (Nov. 22). So far the political reformers had gained a victory, but they were still far from carrying the whole sense of the House or the nation with them. Even in London, among the wealthier citizens a royalist party appeared, and celebrated the king's Royalist return from Scotland by a great demonstration. A W*?- royalist Lord Mayor was elected, who, attended by the city alder- men in their scarlet robes, by troops of horsemen, by gentlemen richly clad in velvet coats and chains of gold, went out to meet the king and queen, and entertained them royally in the city. Charles, elated by the rise of a royalist party, and with the lightly-given promises of Scotch nobles and army officers fresh in his mind, felt confident that he should yet be able to get the better of his enemies in the Parliament. But his acts gave warning of danger. A proclamation for the enforcement of laws against Puritans was published ; the trainband that formed the guard of the two Houses, was dismissed by his orders ; Balfour, a friend of the Parliament, was removed from the command of the Tower ; and Lunsford, a cavalier of bad reputation, appointed in his place (22nd Dec). On the news of this appointment, tumults arose in the city, where there was already excitement enough to warn Charles that his friends were not so many as he thought. But though he consented to cancel it within twenty- four hours at the representation of his friend the Lord Mayor, he could not allay the suspicion to which such peculiar measures had given rise. The Remonstrance, printed by order of the House (15th Dec), was * Forster's Grand Remonstrance ; Warwick's Mem 108 BISHOPS' EXCLUSION BILL. [long pari* already in the hands of the citizens. Reports were abroad that a charge of treason was intended against some members of Parlia- Biiifor ment. At this critical time, a bill to deprive the bMiopsofc bishops of their seats in the House of Lords, was seats. rejected for the second time, owing, as was said, to the opposition of papist peers. It was the Christmas holidays ; and apprentices, watermen, workmen, crowds of all sorts, came flood- ing out of the city to Westminster, threatening the lords opposed to the bill, and insulting the bishops. Meanwhile, there had gathered round Charles at Whitehall, officers from the late disbanded army, young students from the inns of court, gentlemen from the country, eager for a fight with the Parliament. " What !" said one, in actual hearing of some members, " shall we suffer these base fellows at Westminster to domineer thus 1 Let us go into the country and bring up our tenants to pull them out?"* These reckless men, spreading themselves between Whitehall and Westminster, soon drew their swords upon the citizens, who were often armed only with clubs. In Westminster Hall, in Westminster Abbey, frays took place ; citizens were wounded, and a knight, who supported the Parliament, was slain. The names of Roundheads and Cava- Frays be- ^ ers were now ^ rs ^ heard, bandied as epithets of re- fcween J Ca- proach. The spiritual peers, as the cause of the 'Round- quarrel, suffered most from the insolence of the mob ; heads.' one j a y ^ e Archbishop of York nearly had his robes torn off his back; on another, in real or pretended fear, the bishops slipped out of the House by back ways, or went home in the coaches of the popular lords. After this last adventure, eleven bishops, following the lead of Protest of Williams, Archbishop of York, who, as some think, bishops. liacl arranged the whole matter with Charles, drew up a protestation declaring that all that should be done during their compelled absence from the Parliament was null and void- The protestation was presented to the king, who ordered it without delay to be read to the Lords (30th Dec.) fancying that now any bill passed by them during the bishops' absence would be recog- nized as void in law. The Lords, deeply offended at the conduct of the absentees, sent the protestation down to the Commous, who * Ludlow, i. 19. 16*1-3.1 PEOTEST OF BISHOPS. 109 immediately impeached the bishops of high treason, for endeavour- ing to subvert the fundamental laws of the realm (30th Bishops Dec). The violence offered in no case seems to have been impeached. great, in fact three prelates still continued to frequent the House ; and, if a bishop had met with injuries while attending his post in the House of Lords, the question might have entered the minds of those not unfriendly to the Parliament, whether, after all, the tyranny of a king was not more tolerable than the tyranny of a mob. But, at the very time when his friends might have won golden opinions as the victims of violence, he laid himself open to the suspicion of double dealing. Straws show which way the wind blows ; and his message only made the House think that he intended hereafter to declare acts of Parliament null and void, be- cause the bishops had been too timid to face the menaces of a crowd. The suspicion in Pym's mind was not removed by a secret offer now made him of the chancellorship of the exchequer. At a pre- vious crisis, such an offer had tempted one of the ablest pym re f U scs leaders of the opposition to forsake the principles he office - professed. But Pym was not Strafford. The Eemonstrance was not a bid for office, but a demand for a constitutional ministry. This demand could be satisfied not by a secret concession to one of its subscribers, but by the public resignation of a point of pre- rogative. The secrecy was itself a proof that there was no con- cession of the principle. Failing Pym, Charles sought new ministers out of the party of his friends. Lord Falkland, with reluctance, became secretary of Falkland state. "I choose to serve the king," he said to his peppe^take friend Hyde, " because honesty obliges me to it, but I office - foresee my own ruin." Charles, who had made him his minister only because of his influence in the Parliament, felt no gratitude; a man who objected to the opening of letters, or the employment of spies, was of little use for the measures he contemplated. Sir John Colepepper, another member belonging to the same party, was made chancellor of the exchequer (1st Jan., 1642). Hyde refused office, only to serve the king's interests in the House with less suspicion of his honesty. Charles, however, had framed his policy before he appointed bis ministers ; for he now determined on carrying into execution a deep-laid plot, which he had been discussing with the queen and his confidants ever since he went to Scotland. Among patriots, vague rumours of impending danger 110 FIVE MEMBERS IMPEACHED. [lono pari, thickened. The Commons, growing more and more suspicious, petitioned the king to allow the restoration of their proper guard (31st Dec). Charles took three days in replying, and then sent a refusal, concluding thus : "We do engage unto you solemnly, ON THE WORD OF A KING, THAT THE SECURITY OF ALL AND EVERY ONE OF YOU FROM VIOLENCE IS, AND SHALL EVER BE, AS MUCH OUR CARE AS THE PRESERVATION OF US AND OUR children " (3rd Jan.). Upon the same day that this message was received, the king's attorney impeached of high treason, in the king's name, at the bar of the House of Lords, Lord Kimbolton, and five members of the Commons, Im h- -P ym > Hampden, Hollis, Haslerig, and Strode ; and ment of five desired immediate possession of the persons of the mem ers. accuse d. He read seven articles of accusation, but the real charge, which Charles hoped hereafter to substantiate by proof, was the fourth, that of having invited a foreign foe to in- vade England. This referred to secret encouragement that had been given by some of the popular leaders to the invading Cove- nanters of 1640, the very men on whom the king had just been conferring honours in Scotland ; and though such a charge could not be fairly made after the Scotch Act of Oblivion, passed in 1641, it was quite possible that, the members once in his power, he could find means to ensure tk< dr suffering the penalty of high trea- son. Shortly after the articles of impeachment had been read in the Upper House, a sergeant-at-arms entered the Lower and said, " In the name of the king, my master, I am come to require Mr. Speaker to place in my custody five gentlemen, members of this House, whom his Majesty hath commanded me to arrest for high treason." The Lords had refused to deliver up Lord Kim- bolton ; the Commons replied by sending a committee to the king, in which were both Falkland and Colepepper, to inform him that their members should be forthcoming as soon as a legal ill ralitv of c ^arge was preferred against them (3rd Jan.). The kin- s pro- answer of the Commons meant more than it said, for . ^ e king's whole method of proceeding was illegal : 1st, a commoner cannot be called to answer at the suit of the crown to a criminal charge, unless the articles contained in the bill of accusation are first declared by a grand jury not to be groundless ; 2nd, a commoner, unless impeached by the Commons before the House of Lords, can only be tried for treason before 1642.] ATTEMPT ON FIVE MEMBEES. Ill the common law judges by a petty jury, after the bill of accusa- tion has been 'found' by a grand jury; 3rd, the king cannot arrest in person or by a messenger, but only by a warrant drawn up and signed by a magistrate or councillor ; and for this reason, that, if the arrest is illegal, an action may be brought against a fellow-subject, but not against the king, who, in the eye of the law, is himself the fountain of justice. Though the members, who should have been prisoners, were the heroes of the hour, Charles was far as yet from doubting his triumph. The next morning the queen at Whitehall was urging him not to hesitate in playing out the second act of his plan. li Allez, poltron" said she, as he seemed to hesitate, "go, pull those rogues out by the ears, ou ne me revoyez jamais." " In an hour," said the king, as he kissed her, " I will return master of my kingdom ;" and, followed by a train of some three hundred armed men, proceeded to Westminster to arrest his enemies in person. The Commons had received intimations from various quarters that some violence was intended, and were sitting, foreboding evil, when a friendly officer, who had climbed over the roofs of some neighbouring houses to be in time, entered the House with the information that, from this vantage point, he had seen the king set out from Whitehall, attended by his guards and a long train of cavaliers. The five members slipped out Five mem- through the Speaker's garden, and thence took boat bers esca P e - for the city, not a moment too soon, as they were hardly out of the House before Charles was entering Palace Yard, outside Westminster Hall. He came to the door of the Commons' House, and taking his nephew, now elector palatine,* in with him, commanded all others upon their lives to stay without. "So the doors were kept open, and the Earl of Eoxburgh stood within the door leaning upon it. Then the king came upwards towards the chair with his hat off, and the Speaker stepped out to meet him ; then the king stepped up to his place, and stood upon the steps, but sat not down in the chair. And after he had looked a great while, he told us he would not break our privileges, but treason had no privilege ; he came for those five gentlemen, for he expected obedience yesterday, and not an answer. Then, * Charles Louis, p. 14. 112 ATTEMPT ON FIVE MEMBERS. [long parl. lie called Mr. Pym and Mr. Hollis by name, but no answer was made. Then he asked the Speaker if they were here, or where they were. Upon this, the Speaker fell on his knees, and said, 'May it please your Majesty, I have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place, but as the House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am here, and humbly beg your Majesty's pardon, that I cannot give any other answer than this, to what your Majesty is pleased to demand of me.' l Well/ replied the king, ' since I see all the birds are flown, I do expect from you that you shall send them unto me as soon as they : hither, otherwise, I must take my own course to find them. I assure you, on the word of a king, I never did intend force, but shall proceed against them in a fair and legal He then left the House, amid cries of ' Privilege ! privile^ (4th Jan.). Notwithstanding his protest, the House felt that bloodshed had only been averted by the narrow escape of the five members. The next morning, still adhering to his resolution of obtaining the persons of the accused, Charles, unattended by any guards, drove from Whitehall into the cit3 r . As he passed through the streets, cries were raised of ' Privilege of Parliament/ to Guildhall, and some daring hand flung into his coach a paper mands per- Scribed, ' To your tents, O Israel !' a menace of re- sons of five volt like that of the ten tribes to Rehoboam. Arrived at Guildhall, he addressed the lord mayor, aldermen, and common councilmen, demanding them not to shelter in the city those whom he had accused of high treason, and saying re- peatedly he must have those traitors. But he had come on a bootless errand. Even among the city dignitaries his friends were few, while his foes were many, and cries of ' God bless the King/ were drowned by those of ' Privilege of Parliament.'* " I have/' said Charles, " and will observe all privileges of Parlia- ment, but no privileges can protect a traitor from a trial " (5th Jan.). Westminster being regarded as no longer safe, the Com- mons were installed in the Guildhall, where the city set a guard to defend them. There was no chance of Charles getting the members into his power, unless by force. The citizens were com- pletely alienated. Even those who had doubted the reports of previous plots against the Parliament, now believed in them all, * Forster, Five Members. 1642.] FATAL RESULTS OF ATTEMPT. 113 and recognized the foresight of Pym and Hampden, city alien- whom they had thought alarmists. All that had been ated - whispered of Ireland was now talked aloud and printed, while the shops of the city were shut, as if an enemy were at the gates. " Our late troubles have been attended with one benefit," said Hampden to Hyde, " that we know who are our friends. I know well you have a mind we should be all in prison." "Whether Hyde and the two new ministers did know or not, is still a moot point. Every one disclaims complicity in a plot that has failed. In Hyde's case even a knowledge of the intended impeachment involved treachery to friends he had long worked with. Accord- ing to Hyde's own account, Charles had promised nothing should be done without their knowledge, and then concealed this from them. The best solution is to suppose that Hyde knew he was not to know. There was now no hope of reconciliation between the two parties, short of Charles submitting to rule through a ministry responsible to Parliament. The march of those 300 on West- minster was in fact looked on as the declaration of war, war in- or rather as war without a declaration. Men who re- evitable - membered Eliot's fate, could not renounce self-defence after such a hair-breadth escape. Charles' hope had been, Periander like, to cut off the ears that overtopped. History has shown that a country can be unmanned by such a policy for a time. But by failure he had rather given the party heads than taken them away. The 11th of January was a gala day, a day of triumph for Pres- byterians and reformers. While the London train-bands marched along the banks of the Thames, to the sound of drum and trum- pet, as a guard, the five heroes of the day went by water from London Bridge to Westminster, followed by hundreds of boats and barges thronged with people and adorned with flags and streamers. Whitehall was silent as they passed. Charles had retired the day before to Hampton Court with his family to avoid the spectacle. " Where now are the king and his cavaliers ? What has become of them ?" cried the people, as with shouts of triumph they rowed on to reseat the members at Westminster. On landing the members were met by 4000 gentlemen and free- holders, who had come on horseback from Buckinghamshire, Hampden's native county, as a guard of honour for their insulted 8 114 COMMAND OF MILITIA. [long pael, representative, bringing with them a petition to the Parliament against the king's evil councillors. The king had made a great mistake. A momentary triumph, if won, is not a final victory ; and no successes won by violence or chicanery can make up for the lost vantage ground of clean hands and frank conduct. Charles was especially unfortunate ; his secret plots were always revealed, always failed, and always County precipitated the discussion of vital questions. It was militia. now necessary to raise forces to send against the Irish rebels. To whom was the right of commanding and calling out the county militia to belong 1 By the statute of "Winchester, passed in the thirteenth year of Edward I., every man was required to possess arms in quantity and value according to the value of his lands and goods, so that each county was provided with a sort of feudal militia, which was called out in lieu of police by the lord- lieutenant of the county, in case of any tumult or riot. Two rights with regard to this militia the king of England had always exercised ; first, that of nominating the lords-lieutenant and other officers in command ;* secondly, when invasion was threa- tened, that of sending so-called commissions of array to the lords-lieutenant, bidding them call out the militia and train them for service. But whether in time of peace the king could summon his subjects to service outside their respective counties, was a question that had never yet been determined, or if at all in the negative, as Charles had just passed a bill which deprived him of the power of pressing troops into his service. Both sides were equally keen on the question. The failure that rankled in Charles' breast was due, he thought, to the fact that his volunteers were enough to overawe the Commons, but not Command of enough to overawe the capital. The Parliament had militia. seen i w h a t use Charles intended to put the sword, if he got it. Accordingly the Commons sent a petition to the king, asking that Parliament should nominate the command- ers of fortified places, and the lords-lieutenant and other officers, of the militia forces. The people beset the Upper House, de- manding that the lords should both join in petitioning for the inilitia, which they had refused to do, and pass the bill removing ecclesiastics from all civil offices. Between the 20th of January, and 5th of February, numbers of * Hallam, Const, Hist. i. p. 552. 1642.] KING LEAVES LONDON. 115 petitions to this effect flowed in from town and country, Lordg pass from young men, apprentices, seamen, tradesmen, por- ^J^^'^f ters, women. Many lords left the House in disgust at the noise and violence of their petitioners. Those that remained yielded in both the points required, and an ordinance was at once prepared to transfer the command of the militia from the king to the Parliament (Feb.). Since his departure from London, Charles had been preparing for war. The queen was to cross to Holland to procure arms and ammunition by the sale of the crown jewels. He intended himself to fix his residence at York, where it was expected his friends would gather round him, and the people be found more devoted to their king than in the im- mediate neighbourhood of London. When the bill to deprive the bishops of their seats in the House of Lords was presented to Charles, Colepepper urged him to yield, hoping that he Charles con- might save the command of the militia. ' It is better/ Chops' Ex- he said, ' to satisfy them in one or other of these bills ; elusion Bill, this one can easily be repealed, and while the sword remains in your hands, there will be no attempts to make further alterations.'* 1 Is Ned Hyde of this mind V asked the king. ' No, he does not wish that either of the bills should be passed ; a very unreason- able judgment, as times go.' ' It is mine too, though/ replied Charles, ' and I will run the hazard.' Finding the king obsti- nate, Colepepper went to the queen, and assured her that in con- sequence of this refusal, the Parliament would stop her journey abroad. Henrietta, eager to get out of a country in which she felt herself always hated and now defenceless, never ceased impor- tuning her husband with tears till he gave his consent to this bill. At Newmarket, on his way to York, Charles gave his final answer to the commissioners sent by the Parliament to ask his consent to the Militia Ordinance. 'Talk of your fears and jealousies/ he said indignantly, after hearing a bitterly worded declaration read, ' what would you have ? Have I violated your laws ? Have I declined to pass one bill for the ease and security of my subjects ? I do not ask you what you have done for me. God so deal with me and mine as all my thoughts and bu t refuses intentions are upright for the observance of the laws Militia Bm - of the land.' ' I wish/ said one of the commissioners, ' your * Clar. Mem. 114. 8—2 116 PEELUDE TO WAE. [long paei. Majesty would reside nearer your Parliament.' * I would you. had given me cause ; but I am sure this declaration is not the way to it.' ' Might not the militia be granted for a time f 1 By God, not for an hour. You have asked that of me in this, was never asked of a king, and with which I will not trust my wife and children ' (9th March). At York, Charles found himself again in possession of power. The Cavaliers followed in eager crowds ; friends, who had been forced into exile, returned to his side, and many gentlemen from the neighbouring counties came to offer their support to his Ccause. His first step was to demand admittance to Hull, at that Charles re- time the arsenal of the north. On his approach he Knee into 11 " f° un(i tne S ates snut ' tne k rid g es drawn, the walls Hull. manned, as though an enemy were expected : and Sir John Hotham, who had been lately sent down as governor by the Commons, came upon the walls and, kneeling down, said he durst not open the gates, being placed in trust by the Parliament (April). When the Commons were attacked as endangering the foundations of private property by thus denying the king access to his own arsenal, Pym replied by attacking as unconstitutional the principle, "that his Majesty hath the same right and title to his towns and magazines that every particular man hath to his house, lands, and goods. ... This erroneous maxim, being infused into princes, that their kingdoms are their own, and that they may do with them what they will (as if their kingdoms were for them, and not they for their kingdoms) is the root of all the subjects' misery, and of all the invading of their just rights and liberties. Whereas, they are only intrusted with their kingdoms. . . . By the known law of this kingdom, the very jewels of the crown are not the king's proper goods, but are only intrusted to him for the use and orna- ment thereof ; as the towns, forts, treasures, magazines, offices, and people of the kingdom, and the whole kingdom itself, are intrusted unto him for the good, and safety, and best advantage thereof ; and as this trust is for the use of the kingdom, so it ought to be managed by the advice of the Houses of Parliament, whom the kingdom hath trusted for that purpose ; it being their duty to see it be discharged according to the condition and true intent thereof." Even the pretence of peace could hardly be maintained much 1642 .] MEETINGS IN "5T0EK.SHIEE. u » loucer : and events we hurried on by the gentlemen of York- diffe who held a meeting in which it was proposed to ra.se a g^rd for the king's person (14th May). On the other s,de a e I century and a half of civil peace, the great body of the nation whatever the injuries they suffered, were not willing to see tne fl^nes of civil war re-lighted; and now, whale the gentleme were assembling, the freeholders of the county came crowding into York, declaring that they also ought to have been summoned, for the knights and gentlemen had no right to act m their name,. To satisfy them, a second meeting was held on the 3rd of June, at Heyworth Moor, where some 40,000 men assemb ed Meeting at to meet the king. The freeholders had prepared a geywth petition beting him to dismiss the Cavaliers and be at accord wTthliis Parliament. The Cavaliers, indignant at its contents tore the petition out of the hands of those who were r ad ng it to approving group, Yet the freeholders had their wish for young Thomas Fairfax, a Yorkshire gentleman, who Vmpathize'd with them, forced his way right up to the king, and Jailing upon one knee, fixed a copy of the petition npon the pom- mel of the royal saddle. The Parliament, on its side, was making active preparations. First it formed itself into a war-council, eliminating Parliament obstructives. The House had made np its mind on the b-ome^ end to be pursued, and freedom of discussion was eon- fined henceforward to the mean, Open supporters of theroyal enemy were put in confinement for a time or expelled the House One by one, as occasion or excuse offered, the king's friends fled to York the House of Peers, in which, when the Parliament first met lad sat above eighty, now dwindled down to twenty mem- beitt of the House of Commons sixty-five departed, amongst them Hyde and Falkland. An order was passed for raising troops and money (10th June) ; the money lent was to receive eight per Z, interest, the Parliament promising repayment »n the nation s credit Within a few days, such an amount of money and plate was brought to the treasurer at Guildhall, that there was hardly Tom to stow it; the wealthy bringing then- large bags and goblets, the poor women their very wedding-rings, and their gold fnd slver hair-pins, thimble and bodkin money,* as the realists contemptuously called it. The city was treated as a * Clar. Mem. 134 t Hallam, i. 537. J May, 1„9. 118 PKELTTDE TO WAII. [long fabl. camp ; one who called the leaders traitors as a spy. In the artillery grounds in Finsbury fields, the muster ground of the volunteer troops, citizens were nearly all day at drill. The Presbyterians, who had formerly looked on the grounds with dis- favour, as the resort of courtiers and gentlemen, now hastened thither to practise themselves in arms, and enlist in the London trained bands. Major-General Skippon soon commanded eight regiments, above 8000 soldiers. The militia ordinance was put in force without further care for the king's consent. In the same counties, in the same towns, sometimes on the very same day, appeared the officer appointed by the Parliament, and the officer appointed by the crown, the one summoning the people to arms in the name of the ordinance, the other in that of the king's commission of array. Without slackening their preparations, the Parliament sent to the king at York nineteen propositions, for the first time formally- tabulating their demands. Their hope was not so much that the king would grant them, as that the blame of the war would fall upon him for his refusal. They asked, that he should resign to Parliament (1) the nomination of his privy councillors and other officers of state, (2) the command of the militia and all fortified places ; (3) that he should suffer the Church to be reformed by the advice of Parliament, and (4) not marry his children without Charles re- asking its consent. Though securities practically equiva- sitions of 1 * " ^ en ^ *° these ar e now incorporated in the constitution, York. the king of the seventeenth century was indignant at their bare proposal. " These being passed," he said, " we may be waited on bare-headed, have swords and maces carried before us, and please ourselves with the sight of a crown and sceptre, but as to true and real power, we should remain but the picture, but the sign of a king." The Commons fixed on the Earl of Essex as the general for their army. He had fought in his youth for the Protestant cause in the Low Countries. Charles had appointed him lieute- nant-general in the first Scotch campaign, and after it had dis- missed him with studied discourtesy. In earlier times he had suf- fered a deeper wrong from the Stuart court, for James the First had caused him to be divorced from his wife, in order to marry her to his own profligate favourite, Robert Carr, afterwards Earl of Somerset. Thus experience and personal antecedents seemed alike to fit him for the post. His nomination was acceptable to the Pres- 1642.] ESSEX APPOINTED GENERAL. 119 byterians, who sympathized with his creed ; to gentlemen, who would have scorned to serve under a general of inferior rank ; to the people at large, who loved his honest, pointed straightforward nature. On being voted general (4th s eneral - July), he proved at once his honesty and courage, by accept- ing the dangerous honour, defeat meaning death to the leader of a rebel army. Several members of the Parliament received commands ; St. John, Hampden, Hollis, were named colonels of regiments of foot ; Cromwell, Haslerig, Fiennes, of regiments of horse. Great excitement prevailed in London ; everybody went about decorated with orange ribands, the colour of Essex' house, the shops were closed, and civil business was almost at a standstill. The king was not idle ; the queen sent arms and Ki raiseg money from Holland, and, as soon as a small force his stan- was collected, he raised his standard on a hill near Nottingham (23rd August). Thence he marched into the west, making many friendly speeches to the people on his way, de- claring his good intentions towards the laws and liberties of the kingdom.* His nephews, Rupert and Maurice, sons of his sister Elizabeth, came over from Germany to fight for him ; the Ca- tholics lent him money, and by the middle of October he mustered at Shrewsbury an army of about 12,000 men. And now the people had to choose between King _ , , and Commons. Declarations and pamphlets were pictedby eagerly devoured. Though half a year had passed, ^ty^t^ the Grand Remonstrance still served as the chief mani- and persc- festo of the Parliament. In that document the king had been depicted as the tyrant, imprisoning without law, and taxing without right ; as the friend of Rome and the persecutor, cruelly maiming his subjects' bodies, and more cruelly maiming their souls' health ; while the Parliament stood forth as the up- holder of true and tempered liberty, who kept the property of the rich safe from the grasping hand of confiscation, the hard- won earnings of the poor from being wasted by monopolies and illegal customs ; who enabled peer and peasant to walk again on English soil, free of all constraint but the well-known laws ; and above all as the protector of tender consciences, godly itself, and * May, 134. 120 PRELUDE TO WAR. [long pake. a shield to the godly against the courts which formed the new- English Inquisition. Commons ^ n tne ro 7 a li s * pamphlets the king was God's depicted by anointed, ruling by divine right, a pillar of the rebels and Church, the preserver of order, the upholder of the fanatics. ancient constitution, yet giving up his right at his sub- jects' desire, and passing every law that conduced to his people's good ; while the Commons were rebels, bent on encroaching alike on the king's prerogative and the rightful authority of the peers, friends of anarchy and misrule, ready to plunge the country in civil war to gratify their inordinate ambition, with a sullen and fanatical religion, which could neither take enjoyment itself, nor tolerate it in others ; in fact, with that in them which might make a tyranny of many, far worse than any tyranny of one. Charles the But since the Bemonstrance the king had unf ortu- deceiver. na tely added to the reckoning his enemies kept against him. Not only had the tyranny received a new illustration in their eyes from the attempted arrest of the five members ; the friendship with Borne by the muster of Catholics, and the perse- cution from a proclamation against Puritans ; but a new count of crime was added. The solemn assurance to the Commons, that their preservation was as much his care as that of his wife and children, had been used to lull them into a false security ; the oath that, on the honour of a king, he had never intended force, stood blankly contradicted by his armed retinue at the door. The untruthfulness of character suspected from his answer to the Petition of Eight, and more than suspected from the army plots, now seemed a certainty. To the Parliament the king was not only the tyrant and the persecutor, but the deceiver. This count was really the cause of the war. Charles was not incapable of the position of a constitutional governor. He had ability above the average, dignity of manners, and a higher dignity, raising- him above all low tastes ; and he had not that unbending obstinacy, which would amount to incapacity, as a governor. But he was believed to have admitted an unfortunate distinction between a public and private conscience, which dispensed him from the necessity of keeping faith with political opponents. Measures past, concessions obtained, promises to observe the law,, all these the cherished victories of peaceful patriots, seemed as unavailing as bands to bind a Proteus. The very awe of majesty 1642.] CHAELES THE DECEIVER. 121 requires a king's truthfulness to be above suspicion. But the leaders of the Commons had to work with a vision of the Tower ever before their eyes : the fairer the offers made to them the more the dread of foul play. This prevented the due action of that safety-valve of the State, a constitutional opposition. Even in foreign diplomacy, where bad faith is not uncommon, the dis- coverer of fraud is held justified in laying arbitration aside and drawing the sword at once : at home the interests of king and subjects being really identical, deceit has still less occasion for practice. Devoted partisans on either side were not very many in num- ber. Those of the king were mostly to be found in the soldiers of fortune from Germany, and the more reckless of the country gentlemen, who looked forward to the excitement of war. On the Parliament's side the Presbyterians and sectarians, seeing in their own cause the cause of God, strove for the overthrow of the Established Church with all the ardour of religious enthusiasts. But between the views of these two extreme parties opinion generally fluctuated, and men took sides doubtingly as their natures or circumstances prompted. The greater part of the nobility and gentry either openly joined the king, or tried to remain neutral, and generally had Gentry with sufficient influence over their tenantry to cause them to ng * embrace the same side as themselves. To many it seemed absurd to hazard wealth and a secured position to avoid paying a few shillings arbitrarily raised ; an upheaval from below was more dangerous to them than pressure from above ; others, again, who recognized the importance of the principle at stake, were still in- clined to their king by the instincts of chivalry, or the abhorrence of fanaticism. On the other hand, the inhabitants of manufactur- ing towns, independent county freeholders, merchants, Towns and and others, who had made fortunes in trade, and after- ^h com- wards bought land in the country, showed themselves, mons. as a rule, friendly to Parliament. Besides being influenced by re- ligion and a sense of independence, these classes had especially suffered from the monopolies and extortions which had raised the price of necessaries and shackled the enterprise of trade. There were exceptions, however, on both sides. Many gentlemen felt that the cause of the Parliament was so good, they were bound to take up arms in its defence ; many yeomen and burghers adhered to then* 122 PRELUDE TO WAR. [loko pael. county magnates and their king. As a general rule, where the con- tagion of neighbourhood or the necessities of religion did not decide the question, the king was preferred to the Parliament. It was only the men of strong convictions, of unusual foresight, who would coolly and deliberately embark on an unknown sea, without chart or compass of guidance, and risk all for the sake of liberty, and the doubtful gratitude of posterity. So with unwilling hearts did men array themselves. One Royalist wrote to his wife, that though he loved not his side, ' grinning honour 7 compelled him to stay by it, for he could not bring himself to fight for the Par- liament, and if he remained neutral he should be called a coward.* " You," said Sir Edmund Verney, the king's standard-bearer, to Hyde, who reproved him for looking melancholy, " are satisfied in conscience that the king ought not to grant what they desire. I have eaten my master's bread, and served him near these thirty years, and will not do so base a thing as to forsake him, but for my part I do not like the quarrel, and wish he would yield."f Sir William "Waller, one of the Parliament's commanders, wrote to Sir Ralph- Hopton, a Royalist officer : " The great God, Avho is the searcher of my heart, knows with what reluctance I go upon this service, and with what perfect hatred I look upon a war without an enemy. The God of peace in His good time send us peace, and in the meantime fit us to receive it ! We are both on the stage, and we must act the parts that are assigned us in this tragedy ; let us do it in a way of honour, and without per- sonal animosities." At any rate, thought these unwilling enemies, one battle will decide everything, so that, whatever the consequences to the vanquished, our country will soon rest again on 'the gentle bosom of civil peace.' * Forsfcer, B. S. iii. 50. f Clar. Mem. 160. CHAPTER VI. FIRST YEARS OF THE WAR. — BATTLES OF EDGEHILL AND NEWBURY.— 1 642—1 643. They stood aloof, the scavs remaining, Like cliffs which had been rent asunder, A dreary sea now flows between, — But neither heat, nor frost, nor thunder, Shall wholly do away, I ween, The marks of that which once hath been. COLEEIDGE. It must not "be supposed that the Commons declared q nstitu- # war against the king. The popular leaders were most tudefof careful to maintain a quasi-legal ground for their re- Commons, sistance. Novel and subtle as their principles seemed at the time, they have since been largely accepted. Pym's speeches in fact may be said to have laid down the lines of the theory on which modern constitutional government is based. Thus the Remonstrance was framed as an attack, not on the king, but on his councillors ; and when the king objected that actions which he avowed as his own were ' censured under that common style/ Pym's answer was, "How often and undutifully soever these wicked counsellors fix their dishonour upon the king, by making his Majesty the author of those evil actions which are the effects of their own evil counsels, we, his Majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects, can use no other style, according to that maxim in the law, ' the king can do no wrong,' but if any ill be committed in matter of State, the council must answer for it : if in matters of justice, the judges."* So now the Commons went to war with the actual king to protect the ideal king of the constitution from evil counsellors. This appears in their declaration " that, whereas the king was seduced by wicked counsel to make war against the Parliament, who proposed no other end unto themselves than the * Forster, British Statesmen. Pym, p. 269. 124 BATTLE OF EDGEHILL. [was 1st yb. care of his kingdom and the performance of all loyalty to his-, person, it was a breach of the trust reposed in him by his people, and tending to the dissolution of his government." The legal maxims of the royal lawyers of the past had received a new reading from the popular lawyers of the present. The new wine seemed bursting the old bottles, but the bottles have since ex- panded to the strain. That these ideas were genuine beliefs of the time, is shown as well by the cherished clause of the covenant, "to preserve the king's person and authority," as by the real horror felt when Republicans first broke through this reserve, or when Cromwell averred that his pistol would be no respecter of persons. The patriots were not, however, wanting in readiness to chastise their ' poor, semi-divine, misguided father, fallen insane.'* Essex marched from London into the west (9th Sept., 1642), and took up his head-quarters at Worcester, where he remained without venturing to offer the Royalists battle. Charles, wishing to fight before the rebel army could be reinforced, broke up his camp at Shrewsbury (12th Oct.), and marched across the country in the direction of London, feeling certain that Essex would follow him to protect the city. He went by way of Wolver- hampton, Birmingham, Kenilworth, and passing Southam, on the road to Banbury and Buckingham, arrived at Eclgecote, without having any knowledge of his enemies' movements (22nd Oct.).t Here, however, Rupert, who was encamped with the rear at Wormleighton, learnt from his scouts that fires were to be seen from the Dassett hills, and that Essex had his head-quarters that night at the village of Kineton, half way between Warwick and Banbury, and only ten miles to the north-west of Edgecote. The king, aroused from sleep at three in the morning, on hearing this news, at once summoned a council of war, in which it was agreed to hold without delay a general rendezvous of the army on the top of Edgehill. To appreciate the tactics of the time it is necessary to remember Armour of the nature of the weapons. The soldiers on, either side foot soldiers. were arme d a fter the same fashion. The introduction of fire-arms had caused the defensive armour of the ordinary horse and foot soldiers to be reduced to a back and breast piece and a 1 1 road iron hat, commonly called a pot ; cal ves'-leather boots reach ing up to the knees, and a long buff coat worn under the armour, * Carl. i. 160. t See Map, p. 127. 23 OCT., 1642.] ARMOUR AND WEAPONS. 125 completed their equipment. Officers often wore open helmets, arm and shoulder pieces, and tassets or skirts to protect the thighs. The cavalry was divided into three classes — the cuiras- Cavalry> _ siers, the carabineers, and the dragoons.* The cuiras- three siers being almost without exception gentlemen, arming themselves at their own expense, came to battle magnificently appointed, with silver-hilted swords, plumes of feathers waving above open helmets, and buff coats gay with gold and silver trim- mings. Their usual weapons were the sword and pistol. The carabineers were so called from the name of their carbine or mus- ket. The dragoons were light armed, having only the buff coat and iron hat, and were like mounted riflemen, fighting as much on foot as on horse, but with swords for cavalry work. The infantry was divided into bodies of pikemen and M US k e t musketeers, the use of musket and bayonet not yet and pike, being combined in the same weapons. The pike, made of ash, was fifteen or sixteen feet long, and headed with steel. The musket or matchlock was not advanced beyond the first stage of invention. The spark to fire the gunpowder was applied from the outside, instead of being produced by the concussion of flint and steel. The match consisted of little ropes of tow, boiled in spirit ; these, when lighted at one end, smouldered on until the whole was consumed. The musket was still such a heavy and cumbersome weapon that it had to be fixed on a rest. This rest was made of ash-wood, headed at one end with iron to fix in the ground, and having at the other a half hoop of iron. 'Before the end of the war the musketeer was relieved of this additional burden. Eests were disused owing to the introduction of lighter and more portable muskets. To a belt, fastened round the musketeer's left shoulder, hung a bullet bag, some twists of spare match, a flask of touch powder, and a bandeleer, with twelve little cases, made of leather or tin, each of which contained a separate charge of powder. As loading and firing were both long operations, only one rank fired at a time, and the * The dragoons are said to have received their name from the locks of the first muskets in use amongst them, on which was represented a dragorCs head with a lighted match in its jaws, a natural image of a death-dealing engine. Both weapon and name came from France, The cuirassiers were so called from the original name of the hack and breast piece, a cuirasse. Like other pieces of defensive arms the cuirasse was made of leather (euir) before it was made of iron. Buff was leather like buffalo-hide ; it would often turn a sword-cut. 12Q BATTLE OF EDGEHILL. [wab, 1st te musket was by no means so great an advance in the art of des- truction as we might suppose from our experience of the modern rifle. Field guns were also cumbersome, and seem to have done little execution. It was when the ranks had come to push of pike, or when the victors mercilessly cut down the flying foe with the sword, that the dead fell thickest. There were no regu- lar unforms. Different regiments of infantry on either side often wore buff coats dyed the colour belonging to the house of their colonel. Thus Hampden's men wore green coats ; Lord Grey's blue ; others, red, purple, and gray. All the officers of the Parlia- ment wore orange scarfs, the colour of the house of Essex. But in the confusion of the battle, a twig of green, a sprig of broom, or a bit of coloured riband, fastened to the hat, with the help of the word for the day, was the chief guide by which to distinguish friend from foe. Edgehill, which forms ' the face or edge of the tableland of the north of Oxfordshire,' looks abruptly down on the Warwickshire level below, and as it is approached from Kineton, stands out a Battle of long bold nne oi nu "l against the horizon. The eastern Edgehill. slopes rise more gently, and hither on Sunday morn- ing, the 23rd of October, came the Koyalist regiments from their scattered quarters on the Southam and Banbury road, many of them having to march eight miles or more before they reached the summit. The side of the hill, which faces Kiueton, is now covered with large trees, wearing on an October day all the varied tints of autumn, but then only a few bushes were scattered over it. The undulating plain below, lying between Kineton and Rad- way,now all brought under cultivation and crossed by innumerable hedgerows, was then an open desolate-looking pasture ground ; one long hedge alone, which survives to the present day and probably marked the enclosure of an old homestead there, struck across it about midway between the two villages. Essex saw the Royalist horse moving on the top of Edgehill before eight o'clock, and at once formed his army in front of Kineton, facing south-east, ready to fight if the king should come down and offer battle on equal terms. Several causes induced Charles to gratify the wishes of his enemies, and abandon his unassailable position on the summit of Edgehill. Extreme confidence prevailed amongst the Cavaliers. Rupert made no doubt of victory, and urged immediate battle. It was known MAP OF EDGEHILL. 127 ^Northampton © ^ 128 BATTLE OF EDGEHILL. [wab, 1st yb. that two regiments of horse and one of foot under Colonel Hamp- den were a day's march behind the rest of Essex' army, engaged in bringing up some artillery, which it was hard to drag through the heavy clayey soil. Lastly, ever since the army had reached KLenilworth, there was no food to be got. The country people, in these Midland counties more inclined to the Parliament than to the king, and frightened by reports of the cruel and plunder- ing habits of the Cavaliers, had hidden their provisions, so that some of the common soldiers were half starved, and had hardly eaten bread for forty-eight hours. The prince thought no better remedy could be found to bring the people to their reason than a victory gained over the rebels. Accordingly the Eoyalists' formed on the top of Edgehill, fronting the north-west, ready to march down the hill and give the enemy battle on the level between Had way and Kineton. The king's army was about 12,000 strong ; that of Essex about 10,000. Both were disposed Disposition according to the tactics of the time. The main body of of armies. f 00 t ^g^ ^^g ce ntre. Every corps of infantry consisted of pikemen and musketeers, the pikemen drawn up in the centre, the musketeers in the flanks. The lines were rareJy less than ten deep, in order that when the front rank of musketeers had fired, they might have time to retire to the rear, form and reload, while the other nine ranks were severally performing the same motions. In either wing was placed the horse, generally supported by regiments of infantry or dragoons. A body of horse was kept in reserve, ready at any critical moment to assist friends or press hard upon foes. Essex commanded his centre in person. On his left wing, he placed his principal body of horse, and part of five regiments of infantry ; on his right, three regiments of horse, his artillery on some slightly rising ground near where Battle Farm now stands, and dragoons on foot to line the long hedge that ran across the ground. The king's centre was commanded by his general-in-chief, the Earl of Lindsey. Rupert was half a mile off to the right ; Colonel Wilmot, who commanded the left vang, as far off on the left. Rupert, though far more distinguished for courage than judg- ment, and only twenty- three years old, had been made by Charles lieutenant-general of the horse. His temper was imperious, his manners overbearing, and now, refusing to obey any commands, except those received directly from the king's lips, he acted as though he was entirely independent of the Earl of Lindsey. 23 OCT., 1642.] ESSEX' WINGS KOUTED. 129 About one o'clock, the Royalists, having a front of two miles, streamed down the hill in three lines, their two wings gradually converging towards their centre as they approached the enemy. It was already three o'clock, and the October day on its decline, before the battle commenced. "Come life or death," said Charles to his principal officers, as he left his tent, " your king will bear you company," and with his own hand fired the first piece of artillery. As Rupert was advancing upon the enemy's left wing, Sir Faithful Fortescue, a major in Essex' army, and his whole troop of horse, rode forward and joined the ranks of the prince. Thus encouraged, the Cavaliers charged impetuously, while the Parlia- ment's horse, inexperienced, and panic-stricken by the base deser- tion of their comrades, having once fired their pistols into the air, turned their horses' heads and fled, throwing into confusion several regiments of infantry behind them, which also Essex' left took to flight, in spite of all the efforts of their officers, wingrouted. " The Lord Mancleville's* men would not stand the field, though his lordship beseeched, nay cudgelled, them ; no nor yet the Lord Wharton's men ; Sir William Fairfax his regiment, except some eighty of them, used their heels." Horse and foot fled in one confusion together towards Kineton, whither they were closely pur- sued by Rupert, who was intent on plundering the baggage carts, which could be seen standing unguarded in the village streets. Meanwhile, on the king's left wing, the Royalists had been equally successful in clearing the field of the larger part Essex' right of the Parliamentary horse. But whatever advantage wing routed. these mounted gentlemen gained over the raw recruits of the Parliament, who had but just learnt to sit a horse or fire a pistol, was all lost through want of subordination to their general. For what folly in Rupert to be plundering at Kineton, instead of seeing how the battle went under Edgehill ! What rashness in the king's reserve of horse, whose special function it was to decide the day by a charge at the critical moment on the critical point, and as a reserve never to follow up an advantage till the whole field was theirs, to clap spurs into their horses, and without orders join in this idiotic pursuit of one wing of the enemy, while his centre was still unbroken ! These heedless acts lost the king his victory. In the absence of all the Royalist horse from the field, * Lord Simbolion (p. Ill), afterwards Earl of Manchester (p. 155). 9 igo BATTLE OE EDGEHILL. [>ab, 1st ye. the Parliament's reserve, after charging through the enemy's lines and spiking several pieces of cannon, fell upon the rear of his centre. At the same time Essex, supported by the officers from his broken wings, who, scorning to fly with their men, had Meeting of rallied around their own main battle, put himself at the centres? head of his infantry, and fiercely charged the Eoyalist ranks in front. And now came the real struggle of the day. Charles, conspicuous in his steel armour and black velvet mantle, on which o-littered his Star and George, rode into the leading ranks, en- couraging his troops to hold their ground. But no valour could resist the odds against which his men were fighting, attacked at once in front and rear, and outflanked through the absence of their own wings and the superior numbers of the enemy. What slope of the ground there was favoured the troops of the Parlia- ment ; the slain and wounded fell by scores in the space of a few yards ; the Earl of Lindsey, badly shot, was carried off the field by the enemy ; the king's standard-bearer was slain, and his stand- ard placed in the hands of Essex. But a gallant Royalist captain, by the simple artifice of fastening an orange scarf to his person, and riding boldly up to the earl's secretary, to whose keeping the prize had been entrusted, succeeded in quietly taking it from him, saying it was not fit for a penman to have the* honour of carrying that standard ; then bearing it back in triumph to the king, he was knighted beneath its shadow. Charles, though he had only a hundred horse about him, and was within half a musket- shot of the enemy, refused to retire. He ordered Charles and James, his two boys of twelve and nine years old, who were by his side, to be taken out of danger. His phy- sician, the great Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation of the blood, having retired with the princes to the shelter of some bushes, took a book out of his pocket, and read, quite regardless of the turmoil round him, until a bullet grazed the ground close by, and warned him to remove his charges out of range. Meanwhile Rupert and the Cavaliers, after plundering the "baggage, were following up the pursuit of the Parliament's horse, when they were stopped at a hill a little beyond Kineton, which is still known as Rupert's headland, by the approach of Hampden's three regiments with the artillery. Rupert retreated hastily, but , only to find the Royal infantry forced up under the tires before foot of the hill, and the ground he had occupied in Hampden. the llI0 :-ning now held by the troops of the Parlia- 1642.] DOUBTFUL EESULT. 131 ment. " I can give a good account of the enemy's horse," he said, when he saw the confusion of his party. " Ay !" exclaimed a Cavalier, with an oath, " and of their carts too." As it was now half-past five, it was quite impossible to distinguish friends from foes, and the two armies drew apart. The Royalists passed the night at the foot and on the side of the hill, where, pinched with cold and hunger, they made what fires they might out of the few bushes growing about. Essex' troops also spent that Sunday night on the field, in little better plight than their enemies. " I had tasted no meat," says one, " since the Saturday before, and having nothing to keep me warm but a suit of iron, I was obliged to walk about all night, which proved very cold by reason of a sharp frost." Large numbers on both sides deserted during the night, and the next morning there was, in either army, a general unwillingness to renew the battle. The king retired, over Edge- hill into Oxfordshire ; Essex to Warwick, whence he had come.* Though the Parliamentarians laid claim to a victory, the re- sults of the battle seemed to favour the king. Banbury, Results of Abingdon, Henley, opened their gates without a show battle - of resistance ; and soon Rupert and the Cavaliers were plunder- ing the country in the very neighbourhood of London. The disposition of London was most important. Not only did the opinions and acts of the Londoners exercise weight all over the kingdom, but on the readiness of the city mer- „ , . J Disposition chants to lend money was likely for some time to de- of London- pend the pay and maintenance of the Parliament's ers ' army. Though often terrified, the city never failed in its support to the Parliament, nor was it unfairly called by Charles " the nursery of the rebellion." It opened wide its coffers ; sent out apprentices by thousands to enlist in the army ; organized a for- midable force of its own under the name of the city trained bands ; and, in fact, was always ready to give the nation some striking, if not turbulent, proof of its zeal. The principal motive that urged the citizens to support the war was their eager longing to be allowed to worship according to the forms of the Presbyterian Church. Had Charles at this time granted toleration to Presbyterians, he would have deprived the Parliament of some half of its most zealous supporters. The day * Gar. Hist., iii. ; Ludlow, i. ; Ellis, Ori£. Letters, 2nd series, iii. 303 ; May, 23 ; Warwick Mem., 231 ; Beesley, Hist, of Banbury, 308, 320 ; Grose, Hist, of Ancient Avniour. 9—2 LONDON THREATENED. [wab, 1st yr. Uidgenui, auui CB }j u t]imk t0 "Gentlemen, citizens of London, he said, you m u fio-ht in the sighs and tears of your wives and children. Therefore when you hefr the drums beat, say not, I beseech you I am not of the" led band, nor this, nor that, nor the other, but doubt not to 2 out to the wok, and this shall be the day of your deliverance. What is it we fight for ? It is for our religion, and for ^ our God and for our liberty and all. And what is it they fight for I For their lust, for their wills, and for their tyranny ; to make s slaves, and to overthrow all. Gentlemen, methmks I see yom courage in your faces. I spy you ready to do anything, and the general's resolution is to go out to-morrow, and do as a man of courage and resolution, and never man did like him. t In spite however, of the exhortations of the leaders of the Par- liament, and the presence of Essex and his army, fear was so pre- valent in the city that the Commons sent a petition to the king, Proposed proposing a treaty. Charles, after returning a gracious Treaty. . answe r, in which he called God to witness his great BreSd. desire for peace and offered to treat at Windsor or wherever else he might be (12th Nov.), took advantage of a thick mist to advance unperceived from Colnbrook, and f all upon a few regiments of foot and a small party of horse, that garrisoned Brent- ford and protected the road to London (13th Nov.).* For this action he was accused by his enemies of treachery. Since no ces- * Heir to Sir Fulke Greville, to whom James I. granted the barony, with Warwick Castle. u . t Par .Hist. Ji J On this occasion Milton fixed this sonnet on his door, claiming the revei- ence Lysander showed to the city of Euripides, and Alexander to the poet ot Thebes : Captain or colonel, or knight in arms, Whose chance on these defenceless doors may seize, If deed of honour did thee ever please, Guard them, and him within protect from harms. He can requite thee, for he knows the charms That call fame on such gentle acts as these, And he can spread thy name o'er lands and seas, Whatever clime the sun's bright circle warms. Lift not thy spear against the muses' bower : The great Emathian conqueror bid spare The house of Pindarus, when temple and tower Went to the ground : and the repeated air Of sad Electra's poet had the power To save the Athenian walls from ruin bare. ie42 j EAST VERSUS WEST. 133 sation of arms had been made, lie was justified, by the rules of war in seizing any advantage that offered him an opportunity of treating from a more favourable position. Still he had been trusted as a king rather than as an enemy, and the citizens were exasperated on finding that his gracious answer to their petition had been intended as a mere blind, and that his hope, when he gave it, had been to enter London at the swords point Not a word was any longer heard of a treaty. All the night after the action at Brentford, the indignant city was indication pouring out men, encouraging its apprentices to en- 1L ' _ list, and reinforcing the army of Essex out of its own train- bands. " Come, my boys, my brave boys," said their com- mander, Skippon, to these new troops, "I will run the same fortunes and hazards with you. Kemember, the cause is tor God, and for the defence of yourselves, your wives and <*ndren Come, my honest and brave boys, pray heartily, and tignt heartily, and God will bless us." Two days after the fight, 24 000 men were reviewed on Turnham Green, midway between London and Brentford ; yet Essex, habitually cautious, refused to risk a battle, so that the king was allowed to withdraw his troops, without opposition, to the neighbourhood of Oxford, a town devoted to his cause, which he intended making his head- quarters for the winter. The whole country now began to take part in the whole war. Leaders on either side appeared in nearly every ™l ged • ._• -j _ j 14. — „ ■nr^vfo.-o Trvwms. struggle in le. eounty, and maintained a desultory warfare. Towns, struggi castles, houses, were fortified, garrisoned, and besieged. The number of the troops on each side depended on the inclinations of the people. Those counties alone enjoyed peace withm then- borders, in which one party far outnumbered the other. In the east, where there were many towns engaged in the staple manufacture of England— woollen cloth— as Norwich, Sud- bury, Colchester, Yarmouth, and Lynn, the king's enemies so far outnumbered his friends, that all opposition to the Parliament was quickly crushed by the energy of Colonel Cromwell, who associated the seven counties of Norfolk, Essex, Suffolk, Cambridge, Hunt- ingdon, Lincoln, and Hertford together into a confederacy against the king. In Kent and the other south-eastern counties, though many of the gentry were Royalists, the Parliament's friends were so far the stronger, that little opposition could be offered them. 13* TOWN VERSUS COUNTRY. [ WAE> 2nd tb. Berkshire went with Oxford for the king, while Hampshire and Wiltshire were battle-grounds between the two. In the west where there were fewer freeholders than in the east, the king's friends predominated, though even here many important trading, manufacturing, or fishing towns were held for the Parliament, as Bristol, the second town in the kingdom for size and wealth, Glou- cester, Weymouth, Plymouth, and Lyme. The backward district of Wales, and the Cornish, like their Breton brethren in later time, went wholly with their king and feudal lords : but elsewhere in the west, the king's enemies were generally to be found in num- bers sufficient to keep the country in a state of constant warfare. In the midland counties, the partisans of the Parliament again predominated, though here the Eoyalists made head against their enemies, and held a strong garrison at Newark, in Nottingham- shire, by which communication was kept up between Oxford and York. North of the Humber, the two parties were about equally matched. The Earl of Newcastle and his numerous tenantry de- clared for the king ; but many of the county freeholders joined the inhabitants of Bradford, Leeds, Wakefield, Halifax, Man- chester, and the other seats of the woollen manufacture, in ad- hering to the Parliament. Thus, as generally happens in times of movement, the towns favoured progress, the country reaction. The queen, who had been successful in Holland, through the interest of the Prince of Orange, her son-in-law, returned to Eng- land in the spring, accompanied by four ships, laden with arms and ammunition, soldiers and officers (22nd February.) She escaped the fleet of the Parliament in her passage, but about two days after her landing at Bridlington, in Yorkshire, the town was bombarded by Admiral Batten with such effect,' that she was forced to fly from her lodging, and seek shelter in a ditch in the open fields, where balls scoured over her head. She escaped however without injury, and by the union of her re- sources with those of the Earl of Newcastle, a formidable army was soon raised, which was called by the friends of the Parliament ' the Northern Papist Army, ; being regarded with special aversion. Newcastle's Papists there were in plenty amongst its ranks, for n^litL. ' Charl es ' thou g n in his printed delarations he constantly denied the fact, had ordered Newcastle to let any serve who would. "You see," said the joking earl, one day as he pointed out the weakness of some fortifications, "though they call us the army of Papists, we cannot trust in our good works." 1643.] , PEACE PARTY IN LONDON. 135 The increasing power and success of the Royalist forces now caused discouragement to many friends of the Parliament, who had thought to bring the king to terms within a few months. In the Parliament and in the city, a peace party appeared, com- posed in large part of men who observed with annoy- Peacs P arfc y j.1. • a -x t,- -u 4.1, ■ • formed m ance the influence into which the war was raising London, both sectarians and people of inferior rank. It was not plea- sant to the lord to hear himself spoken of as on an equality with a plain country gentleman ; the Presbyterian did not like to hear the sectarian demanding toleration for all creeds ; indig- nation burnt in more breasts than those of Royalists, when the tale was told how Admiral Batten had done such an ungracious, unchivalrous act as to fire on the very house the queen was in. Some began to think it time to change sides. The governor of Scarborough betrayed his trust, and surrendered the town to the queen. Sir John ITotham, governor of Hull, would now have fol- lowed this example, had not the Parliament discovered his inten- tion in tim* to prevent its execution. Many Presbyterians would gladly have made peace, if only they could have obtained the king's consent to the establishment of their own Church : while the evils of the hour made those who were no friends to arbitrary power overlook the many proofs they had experienced of Charles' ill faith, and forget the importance of the cause for which they were engaged. But the leaders of the Commons, Pym, Hampden, and their close followers, never wavered for an instant ; they had taken the resolution of continuing the war until the king was really conquered and forced to submit to terms that would de- prive him of power to injure his subjects' liberties, and from this resolution they never swerved. These firmer spirits found the:r warmest supporters in the sectarians, to whom peace and a conse- quent triumph of Presbyterians or Episcopalians offered nothing but a prospect of bitter persecution. At Oxford councils were as divided as at Westminster. There also two parties appeared ; the one desired to restore Charles to the exercise of absolute power at the sword's point ; the other to obtain by negotiations a peace re- storing him to the exercise of power bounded by law. p arties in The war party was led by the king's nephews, Rupert Oxford. and Maurice, two imperious young foreigners. " Tush," Rupert would say, when any objection was made to his commands, as contrary to law, " we will have no more law in England but the 13 6 PEACE PARTY IN" OXFORD. [wab, 2nd ts. sword." This party was supported by the professional soldiers from the continent, the Papists, many of the country gentlemen, and by courtiers and self-seekers generally, who thought that if a peace were effected by negotiation, the rebels at Westminster would get too good terms for themselves, and the king be unable to reward his friends sufficiently for their services. The peace party, on the other hand, was composed of men of less selfish and less violent dispositions, who, though fighting under Charles' banner, loved their country's liberties, and grieved over its suf- ferings. The people, indeed, endured much, and the war was raising up a bitter spirit even between members of the same families. The nearest relations constantly fought in opposite ranks, and it was no uncommon tale to hear of the dying soldier who took his death the more heavily because he had seen the fatal shot fired by a brother's hand. The courteous and affable Lord Falkland was so altered by grief, that to his friends he seemed hardly the same man. He became pale, morose, short in his answers, untidy in his dress ; and sitting among his friends would after a long silence cry out passionately, " Peace, peace," and say, " that the very agony of the war, and the view of the calamities and desolation the kingdom did and must endure, took his sleep from him, and would shortly break his heart." So loud was the cry for peace raised, both in London and at Oxford, that the extreme party on either side was obliged to yield and Peace pro- allow negotiations to be held (March). The proposi- offaredat ^ ons now drawn up for the king's acceptance, like Oxford. those before offered at York, required him to abolish Episcopacy, and to resign the command of the militia and other executive powers to Parliament. Charles, having been proved a match for his opponents in arms, of course refused these terms. Though he pretended to be exceedingly desirous for peace, he belonged at heart to the war party, and looked forward to being restored to an arbitrary throne by the force of his friends' swords. Angrily interrupt- ing the Earl of Northumberland, when reading as one of the Parliament's propositions, 'A bill to vindicate the five mem- bers,' he proposed as his final answer that the Parliament should deliver into his hands forts, towns, magazines, ships, and revenue, and adjourn to some place twenty v miles from the capital, in which case he would consent to the disbanding of the armies, 1643.] DISTRUST OF ESSES, 137 and speedily return to London. By this, negotiations were at once broken off (15th. April). Soon after a plot was Waller's plot, discovered, which had been formed by some of the disappointed peace party. Their design was to seize the leaders of the Parlia- ment, occupy the military posts, and then admit the royal forces into the city (May). The intercepted letters by which the plot was discovered im- plicated Waller, the poet, a cousin of Hampden, and a member of Parliament ; and by his confessions, several others were in- volved. But though it was startling to discover the presence of traitors within the very walls of the Commons' House, Pym, act- ing with his accustomed moderation, did not increase the irrita- tion of the friends of peace by pressing uncertain evidence. Out of five persons condemned by court-martial, only two were exe- cuted. Waller, who had made a most abject submission, was allowed to escape with no greater punishment than a fine and a short imprisonment. Meanwhile, both parties made ready for a second summer's cam- paign. The Parliament's officers were divided in counsel. Hamp- den advised an immediate advance upon Oxford, but Essex persisted in first laying siege to Beading. The war party began Distrast f to be doubtful of the zeal of their general, and took Essex - little trouble to see that his troops were well supplied with pay and clothing. His conduct led men to think that he wished, not to reduce the king to the Parliament's mercy, but only to keep up a balance of parties and so bring about a peace by negotiation. After Edgehill, he had retreated to Warwick, leaving the road to Lon- don open to the enemy — a movement several of his officers failed to understand. After the action at Brentford, he had refused to risk a battle, saying he dared not trust his young and raw recruits. Men who wished to conquer would gladly have seen Colonel Hampden command in Essex' place. Hampden's regiment of green-coats, raised and trained by himself, was known as one of the best in the army ; his military genius he had proved unmis- takably in many minor actions ; his daring was more likely to lead to victory than Essex' caution. But no one ventured to propose to displace the earl. All the peace part} r , all the Presbyterians, were warmly attached to him, while many noblemen and gentlemen would have been averse to serving under any one his inferior m rank. 138 DEATH OF HAMPDEN". [war, 2nd ye, But the first and last duty of a general is to win, and he must be chosen for no other object. A half-hearted policy ruins an army, and either ruins a cause or prolongs the miseries of war. Through the hesitation of their aristocratic leader, a series of disasters now befell the Parliament's forces. Essex' head-quarters were at Thame, a few miles east of Oxford. His army, through disease and desertion, had gradually dwindled down to a force of about 5000 men. Though long urged by Hampden to act boldly on the offensive, or at least to concentrate his troops, now too scat- tered to be safe, he persisted in maintaining a defensive attitude on a weak and extended line. His troops, thus dotted about in detachments, were hardly able to defend their own outposts, much Essex at l ess the neighbouring counties, against the Cavaliers, Thame. w h -weekly, almost nightly, crept out of Oxford to burn and plunder villages and manor houses. It was on one of these occasions that the Parliament experienced the loss of a leader who was not to be replaced. A body of Royalists, com- manded by Rupert himself, had surprised a troop at Chinnor on the Chilterns, and were bearing off booty and prisoners in triumph to Oxford. Colonel Hampden started in pursuit from Watlington, and overtook them at Chalgrove Common on their way to the bridge over the Thame at Chiselhampton. A sharp . skirmish followed. At the first charge two balls Hampden entered Hampden's shoulder and broke the bone. A (24th June). pr i soner brought the news to Oxford. " I saw him," he said, " ride off the field before the action was done, which he never used to do, and with his head hanging down, and resting his hands upon the neck of his horse" (18th June). Hampden only lived for a week more. After receiving the sacrament, he prayed with his last breath that the God of hosts would ' have 'these realms in His special keeping : that He would level in the ' dust those who would rob the people of their liberty, and would ' let the king see his error and turn the hearts of his wicked 1 counsellors from the malice of their designs.' "O Lord, save my bleeding country," were almost the last words he spoke. His body, carried from Thame to be buried at his native village of Hampden, was followed as a hero's to the grave by soldiers with heads uncovered, drums and ensigns muffled, arms reversed. The grief of soldier and citizen was real enough. As general and as states- man Hampden had the true leader's spirit, whose presence inspires. 1643.] ROYALIST TRIUMPHS IN WEST. 139 followers with confidence and commands their sympathy by mere contact. " The memory of the deceased colonel," says a newspaper of the day, " is such that in no age to come but it will more and more be had in honour and esteem ; a man so religious, and of that prudence, judgment, temper, valour, and integrity, that he hath left few his like behind." After two hundred and thirty years we can but endorse the verdict. It seemed as though all the forces of the Parliament were dispirited by Hampden's death. In the north Fairfax, defeated by Newcastle at Atherton Moor near Bradford (30th June)., was shut up in Hull, so that the eastern counties lay R 0ya ii S t open to the approach of the northern ' Papist ' army, successes in In the west their successful general, Sir William Waller, west. suffered two severe defeats ; in fact, the king's commanders there, Prince Maurice and Sir Ealph Hopton, 'the soldier's darling/ gained one success on another, until the Parliament lost all its hold over the three counties of Devon, Somerset, and Wilts. The Cornish peasants and the Cavaliers united overcame all enemies. The former would ask their commander's leave to fetch off cannon from hills surmounted with breastworks, and dauntlessly perform what they proposed — a feat repeated by their Breton brethren at La Vendue — the latter would think it play-work to storm defences, on which the soldiers of the Parliament would have looked askance. Stories went about amongst the terrified garrisons " that the king's soldiers made nothing of running up walls twenty feet high, and that no works could keep them out." One town after another surrendered during the summer and autumn months ; Taunton, Bridgewater, Bath (July), Dorchester, Weymouth, Portland, Barnstaple, Bideford (August), Exeter (September 4). Prince Eupert took Bristol by storm. The governor, Nathaniel Fiennes, capitulated without disputing his entrance by a hand to hand fight in the streets, though Eupert's losses had been heavy enough to warrant the attempt (25th July). It was agreed that the garrison should march off with arms and baggage, and B r j s t i the townspeople be preserved from plunder and stormed by violence. But the Cavaliers, without regard to the terms they had made, plundered the waggons belonging to the garrison and sacked the city ; and so mercenary, was the spirit of some of the Parliament's troops, that they took service in Eu- pert's army, and pointed out to their new friends the houses 140 PEACE PARTY IN LONDON. [wak, 2nd tr. where the most valuable plunder might be found. By the middle of the summer, Gloucester was the only important city still held for the Parliament in the west. The news of the surrender of Bristol, the second town in the Peace pro- kingdom, caused extreme depression in London. The positions House of Lords drew up propositions for peace, the most moderate yet brought forward. Both armies were to be disbanded ; the militia question was to be settled by a future Parliament, the Church by a future synod. After a long and fierce debate, the propositions were carried in the Commons by a majority of twenty-nine votes (5th Aug.). The vote was an act of political suicide, and the war party appealed from Parliament to the people, knowing that if Charles returned to London on these terms, his word would be no guarantee for the performance of his promises. The result was that Tumults in * w0 days after the propositions were passed, the London. Lord Mayor and Common Council came to the door of the Commons to present a petition against peace, followed by a tumultuous rabble of several thousands. The demonstration succeeded, and the House agreed by a majority of seven to lay aside the peace propositions (7th Aug.). Two days after this scene had occurred, some hundreds of women, wearing white silk ribands in their hats, as an emblem of their mission, came to the Commons' House, bearing a counter- petition for peace. Four or five members went to the door, and telling them that the House was no enemy to peace, ordered them to return to their homes. But dissatisfied with this answer, they stayed on, and by noon there were some 5000 women, with men amongst them dressed in women's clothes, pressing round about the house, allowing none to pass in or out, and crying, " Peace, peace," " Give us those traitors that are against peace," " Give us that dog, Pym." The Parliament's guards, after firing powder without dis- persing the mob, loaded with ball and shot a ballad-singer dead at the moment she was urging her companions on with her songs. A troop of cavalry at the same time coming up, charged in upon the crowd, slashing with their swords at hands and faces, until the women fled on all sides, leaving some seven or eight of their number lying wounded or dead upon the ground (9th Aug.). The friends of peace, disgusted with such scenes 1643.] LONDON FORTIFIED. 141 and with their own defeat, tried to persuade Essex to make use of his army in forcing the Parliament to offer proposi- tions to the king. But Essex, though he had himself advised the Parliament to treat, was too honourable to think of betraying his trust, and felt indignant that such a proposal should have been made to him. In consequence of his refusal, seven lords and several members of the Commons changed sides and went to Oxford.* Extreme danger now threatened the Parliament. I] ^ uc< j? s 3 There was no force between Oxford and London merit. to oppose the king's approach, except Essex' wretched army, whose thinned ranks had not yet been refilled. The Parliament, says May, its own historian, " was then in a low ebb ; and before the end of that July, they had no forces at all to keep the field, their main armies being quite ruined. Thus seemed the Parliament to be quite sunk bej^ond any hope of recovery, and was so believed by many men. The king was possessed of all the western counties from the farthest part of Cornwall, and from thence northward as far as the borders of Scotland. His armies were full and flourishing, free to march wherever they pleased, and numerous enough to be divided for several exploits." Charles judged rightly that the time had come, when one bold stroke might finish the war. His plan was conceived with Charles' unusual force and spirit. His own and Newcastle's ^archon army were to converge on the capital and form a London. junction within sight of it. But his generals were jealous of one another, and slow to obey even royal commands. Newcastle was not inclined to give up the independent authority he had in the north, merely to be domineered over by Prince Rupert ; so he sent word to Charles, that he could not carry out his orders and march through the associated counties upon London, because he was sure the gentlemen in his army would refuse to leave York- shire unless Hull were first reduced. Meanwhile, the desertion of many of the peace party had united the friends of the Par- liament, while the extremity of the danger itself inspired them. The Londoners were hard at work raising fortifications London for the protection of their threatened city. Thousands fortified. were to be seen, men and women of every " profession, trade, and occupation," marching out daily in a body to dig at their appointed place of labour, with colours flying and drums beating before * Gar., iv. 175 ; May, 214. j42 SIEGE OE GLOUCESTEK. [wae, 2nd tb. them. The tailors went out 8000 strong, the watchmen 7000, the shoemakers numbered 5000 ; the very oyster women from Billings- gate 1000. It was one of those stirring moments when all feel proud to labour, and knights, ladies, and gentlemen mightbe seen march- inq av eKaaraiat perafSoXai tu>v LvTvyi&v itbiffTdvTai. lv pkv ydp ap W K ai dya0oi£ rrpayfiaaiv ai re TroXae Kai ol ISiSrai dptivovgrdg yvupag l X oviropiav tovkcB VHipav jS/aioc SiddffKaKoQ mi Trpbg rd irapovra rag opyag tujv ttoXXuv c/ioioT.— Thuc. iii. 82. The communities of Greece suffered all the embittering results of civil strife that visit men, and always will visit them, so long as human nature remains the same, though with more or less intensity, and varying in form, accord- ing to the specfal circumstances that arise in each case The fact is, that m times of peace and prosperity, states alike and individuals form their judg- ments in a better spirit from the absence of constraining necessities, while war, by besetting daily life with difficulties, teaches violence, and frames men s temper to suit then.' surroundings. THOUGH the Parliament was saved, the Royalists might fairly boast that the balance of success was on their side. In the west they had driven their enemies out of every important town but Gloucester. In the north, the reduction of Hull would leave them masters of the whole of Yorkshire. It might well seem that the current of their success would remain unchecked, or that if there was a check, they could at any moment win a favourable peace by negotiation ; but there were causes at work which made either of these results impossible. Success did not improve the character of the king's troops. Character of Tne cavaliers and omcers were becoming cruel and ra- king* ' ' pacious in their habits of warfare ; while the common troops. so idiers, often in want of pay, and retained in little discipline, followed the example of their leaders, and plundered the country people without distinction of friend or foe. Though 1C43.] "WAE EMBITTERED. 149 feelings of honour still caused generals and officers to treat pri- soners, their own equals in rank, with courtesy if not with gene- rosity, the common soldier was too often ruthlessly handed over to the care of some inhuman gaoler. Eupert, on one Cruelty to occasion, marched prisoners from Cirencester to Ox- prisoners, ford, half-clad, bareheaded, barefooted, bound together by cords, with gaping wounds still undressed, though there was a cut- ting wind and snow on the ground : the king, the two princes, and several lords, rode about a mile out of Oxford on purpose to see Eupert's prisoners come in ; Charles was observed to smile : no words of pity, no order for their relief, passed his lips. If a tender-hearted Lord Falkland were by, what wonder he grew weary of his life, when such were the acts of his party 1 For the captives such marches were but the beginning of misery. Prisoners were kept crowded together for months in noisome dungeons, and sometimes left two days together without food. " I was so hungry," said one prisoner, after making a vain at- tempt to cut his throat, " the devil tempted me to cut it and be out of my misery."* This cruel usage of prisoners was not con- fined to the Eoyalists. The governor of Windsor Castle so starved the common soldiers committed to his keeping, that three men, it was said, fell down dead in the street on their release. Some hypocrites went so far as to parade their brutality as a proof of godliness. " My soul abhors to see this favour done to the enemies of Cod," said a turn-coat captain, addressing the wife of the governor of Nottingham Castle, as she bound up the wounds of her Eoyalist prisoners. Tales such as these, sayings ascribed to Puritans or Cavaliers, not to mention the harrowing details of battles and sieges — all these were published weekly, almost daily, in papers and pamphlets, and spread broadcast over the kingdom. No story was too foul or false to be refused a place in these publications. For instance, the Mercurius Aulicus, the chief Oxford paper, selecting domestic grief as an instance of God's judgments, after relating in a tone of exultation that death had deprived Hampden of his two eldest children, added gratuitously the lie that of his two remaining sons, the one was a cripple, the other a lunatic, t Slander thus did its part with violence and cruelty in embittering the feelings of men who, in * Somers, Tracts, iv. 510, 532. f Eorster, ii. 353. 150 RELIGIOUS ANIMOSITY. |wab, 2nd ye. the outset of the war, had felt almost as friends. Religious ani- mosity helped to broaden the gulf. Ministers especially suffered. If they refused to read out the king's declarations, where the kin** had power, or the Parliament's declarations, where it had Sufferings of power, they had to fly their parishes to escape iinpri- ciergy. sonment. Thus deprived of home and livelihood, Puritans and Episcopalians had no choice but to take refuge with the nearest friendly garrison or come to regiments as chaplains. As they suffered most, they hated most. It was not bad usage only; as wars go on, the questions which touch men's hearts most deeply come more and more to the front. The church question was one of these, and one on which the ministers could not but feel deeply. So it was that the religious influence which should have tempered the bitterness of faction, gave its sanction to acts breathing more of the Old Testament than the New ; and those who should have been the mediators taught that any parleying with the foe was treason against God. Thus the demands of the Parliamentarians increased, and there was no basis for negotia- tion, unless Charles would consent not simply to lessen the power of bishops, but to establish a non-Episcopal church. Through Scottish influence, Parliament had already summoned to London an assembly of divines to settle uniformity of Assembly of worship for the two countries. This, of course, simply divines. meant to discuss the means for the establishment of the Presbyterian Church in England (1st July). The bishops had completely lost all influence in the country, and as far as that went, Episcopacy was already dead. London was quite changed from the time when a gay court was held at Whitehall, London a when Laud lived at Lambeth, when cavaliers daily Puritan city visited the artillery gardens, when crowds frequented the theatres. The grass was already growing in the courts of White- hall ;* Lambeth Palace was deserted, and was soon to be used as a prison. In the artillery gardens, once so gay, grave citizens now learnt the use of pike and musket ; the theatres were all closed by order of Parliament (September 2nd, 1642). Services, preach- ings, and fasts had taken the place of the old bonfires, dances, and feasts. The book of sports had been burnt by the com- mon hangman by another order of Parliament (5th May, 1643). * Scotsman's letter in Somers Tracts, v. 1643.] PRESBYTERIAN INTOLERANCE. 151 Services were no more conducted with vestments and postures, lighted candles, and choirs. The wearing of any vestment was become a matter of indifference ; the liturgy was read or prayers extemporized as minister and congregation pleased ; organs, images, altars, were gone from churches. The beautiful old crosses, remains of Catholic times, and still left standing in the streets, were removed by order of Parliament. Presbyterians re- joiced to see bonfires made of " fine pictures of Christ and the saints, of relics, beads, and the like remains of Catholic supersti- tion."* The gaming houses were put down, and laws and ordinances for the punishment of vicef so strictly enforced, that no swearing was to be heard, no drunken man to be seen in the streets. Everybody led, or affected to lead, a life of strictness ; for he who failed to attend some place of worship, or in public swore or drank, was looked upon as a reprobate, and could not hope to exer- cise any influence amongst his fellows. Sundays were no longer holidays of pleasure, but were strictly spent in religious services. In the evening men might pass through the town, and hear nothing but the voice of prayer and praise, from private houses as from churches. J No fruiterer or herb woman dared stand about and sell in the streets ; no milk- woman cry her milk on that day, but at stated hours ; no one but travellers by necessity might be re- ceived in taverns. Even if a child danced round a maypole, its parents were fined twelvepence for the offence. Fast days were ob- served after each success or failure, and, soon after the breaking out of the Irish rebellion, an order of Parliament was issued, enacting that the last Wednesday in every month should be kept regularly as a solemn fast and day of humiliation (8th January, 1642). The Presbyterians, who now ruled, regarding as they did their own as the true church coeval with the early p resby . ages of Christianity, Were unwilling to tolerate any terian in- other worship, and had they possessed the power would have been as despotic as the bishops. As it was, they per- secuted as far as they dared. They hunted out Catholic priests, and put to death on an average about three a year ;§ others they -sent into banishment or left to die in prison. To keep under the * Birch, ii. 355 ; Baillie, i. 425. f Neal. ii. 606. X Neal, ii. 503 ; iii. 37. § Lingard, viii. 35, 323. 152 NEW POLITICAL KEFORMEKS. [wab, 2nd ye; sectarians, they tried to restrain the liberty of the press by pass- in^ an ordinance for the suppression of slanderous papers and pamphlets (11th June). But the sectarians were now too numer- ous to be crushed, and could disobey the ordinance with impunity. Ideas grow rapidly in times of revolution. The habit of private judgment grows still more rapidly. The very means by which the popular leaders have carried the mass to their point of view, soon carry it beyond them. The pamphlets of the Presbyterians and Episcopalians had made the people controversialists ; and in many cases undermined the authority of the teachers who had converted them. The same phenomenon occurred in the region of political strife. The war of words, bandied between patriots and Royalists, discussing the rights of King and Parliament, had familiarized the people with the discussion of constitutional questions. When such questions are left to popular discussion moderation is soon lost ; violent opinions grow apace, and the claims of custom and prescription evaporate, like cai reform- subtler elements, in that rough crucible. Out of ers- the ranks of the sectarians arose a new set of poli- tical reformers, who no longer ascribed the divisions existing between King and Parliament to evi] counsellors, but spoke of Charles as personally in fault. Some went further. A pamphlet was published, saying that if the king did not yield to what was demanded of him, he and his race ought to be destroyed, Henry Marten, one of the Independent party, defended the writer in the Lower House. " I see no reason," he said, " to con- demn him ; it is better one family should be destroyed than many." " I move," said another member, " that Mr. Marten be ordered to explain what one family he means." " The king and his children," replied the Republican boldly. The use of such language horrified the Presbyterians, and Marten was for some time expelled the House. It was evident that there was an advanced party with whom the Presbyterians were as much at issue as they were with the Royalists. But the presence of a common danger checked a schism for the time. The Presbyterians still far outnumbered all other sections on their side, and the misfortunes that befell the arms of the Parliament in this summer of 1643, made the Independents not merely rally to them, but agree to call in the aid of Scotland on terms which would require the establishment of the national 1643.] SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANT. 153 church of the north. The interest of the Scots was really identical with that of the English Presbyterians, for if Charles and Episcopacy were restored together, Scotland would not long be allowed to retain her own form of worship. They tried, therefore, to bind their allies down by prescribing a solemn league and covenant (August). Subscribers to this document bound themselves : (1.) To endeavour to reform religion league and in England and Ireland according to the Word of God, covenailt - and practice of the best reformed churches, and to bring the three churches in the three k ngdoms to uniformity in confession of faith, form of church government, and directory or prayer- book for worship ; (2.) To extirpate Popery, prelacy, schism ; (3.) To preserve the liberties of the kingdom, the king's person and authority, and to bring malignants to punishment ; (4.) To assist and defend all such as should enter into the cove- nant. All civil and military officers, all ministers holding livings, and all members of Parliament were required to take the cove- nant. Thus Episcopalian representatives were obliged to leave the Assembly of Divines, and over 1500 ministers resigned their livings. Union in a State must of course necessitate many sacrifices of the individual. A subject must often be required to give a passive submission, and sometimes an active co-operation, to acts of which he does not approve. There are two limits to such interference. Firstly, it should be confined, as far as possible, to political as distinguished from religious duties, since it is only when religious questions have taken a political form that they can lead to the dis- ruption of the State ; and further, in political matters covenant a the duty of bowing to the majority is more clear, and test - the conscience less tender, than in cases which seem to touch the intercourse of man with his Maker. Secondly, the interference should be limited to overt acts as distinguished from opinions ; if a man does what is required by the law, he should not be required to make a declaration of his feelings. Such a requirement is simply inquisitorial, and generally defeats its own ends, by en- couraging either open defiance, or a disregard of the sanctity of oaths. The Presbyterian system recognized no such limits to in- terference. Some of the Independents, indeed, had learnt the lesson of a higher duty, and strove earnestly to make the league with Scotland a political league only, and not a religious covenant ; in fact, Sir Henry Vane, had power been in his hands, would ha /e 254 DEATH OF PYM. [wab, 2nd yb been ready to grant toleration even to Catholics. The Scots, how- ever were impracticable, and all Yane could do was to procure the insertion of the ambiguous words "to endeavour the reforma- tion of religion according to the Word of God and the best re- formed churches." These words, though, when taken in connection with their context, they obviously referred to the Presbyterian Church, yet served as a loophole for the Independents in the army, the Parliament, and the Assembly of Divines, who subscribed in numbers to a test which was intended to eliminate them. The 2nd clause left the Episcopalians no such opening, yet many Failure of followed the example of the Independents, putting test Cove- gome forced meaning on the words to suit their own nant sub- & . scribed to consciences. Such laxity of conscience must not be too pendente, severely censured. In these cases the real guilt lies rather on those who induce hypocrisy than on those who practise it. The determination of successive governments to exact oaths of fidelity to themselves resulted finally in a general relaxation of the moral fibre of the nation. For the time, however, the power of the Presbyterians seemed to have overwhelmed the Independents. Four Scotch ministers were admitted into the Assembly of Divines ; a Scotch army was engaged to enter England early in the ensuing spring ; and Scotch commissioners were joined with a committee of the two Houses, who sat in the capital at Derby House to direct the operations of the war. Causes of ^ n s pite, however, of Scotch support, the ascendancy decline of f the Presbyterians was already on the decline ; for rian ascen- though superior in position and in numbers, their leaders dancy. were no match for the Independents in ability. Hamp- den's death had been a blow to the moderate party. Pym, like Hampden, had possessed the trust of both parties, of Indepen- dents, because of the vigour with which he had prosecuted the war, and of Presbyterians because he seemed to acquiesce in their Death of views of church matters, and had agreed with them Pym (Stb. ... Dec). politically in advocating a limited monarchy. Himself sincere, yet no bigot, he had long kept the peace between the intolerant Presbyterians and Independents. His death now came after a short illness, in which he preserved his usual calmness of temper, telling his chaplain "that it was a most indifferent thing to him to live or die ; if he lived, he would do what service 1643.] ARMY OF INDEPENDENTS. 155 he could ; if he died, he would go to God whom he had served, and who would carry on his work by others *' (8th Dec). In Oxford bonfires were lighted the night the news came that Pym was dead, and the Cavaliers "drank deeper healths than usual to the confusion of the Soundheads." In London there was real sorrow among all parties. The Commons paid off a sum of .£10,000, the amount of debts their great leader had incurred in his country's service, and erected a monument in his honour in "Westminster Abbey. The political reformers, who hitherto had implicitly followed Pym, now drifted to the right or the left, and either became absorbed in the ranks of the Presbyterians, or passed over to the new men who were now rising into influence. Thus after Pym's death the breach with the Independents widened rapidly, and the Presbvterians were soon in a false position. Obliged F alse posi- .,.-,, . tion of Pres- to continue the war, because the kmg refused to grant byterians. them the establishment of their Church, they were, at the same time, afraid of winning a decisive victory, which they saw would only encourage the sectarians and men of new ideas in politics. On the other hand, the Independents desired nothing more than to crush the king's forces, and so bring the war to a speedy end. They were already in possession of a force fitted, if any, Eastern ( for the accomplishment of the task. Cromwell, lieu- army. tenant-general of the horse to the Earl of Manchester, had been very active in forming a new army, raised by order of Parliament in the eastern counties. He had long seen that Essex and "Waller's half-hearted soldiers were not the men to gain great victories. "Your troops," he said one day to Hampden, "are most of them old decayed serving men, and tapsters, and such kind of fellows ; their troops are gentlemen's sons, younger sons, and persons of quality ; do you think that the spirits of such base and mean fellows will ever be able to encounter gentlemen, that have honour and courage and resolution in them ; you must get men of a spirit ; and take it not ill what I say — I know you will not — of a spirit that is likely to go as far as gentlemen will go — or else you will be beaten still." Hampden thought the notion good, but impracticable. Cromwell undertook to put it into practice. He sought out soldiers amongst the more independent classes, the sons of freeholders and artisans, sectarians, Cromwell's who fought not for pay and plunder, but with the Ironsides. 156 CHAELES' IEISH TEOOPS. [wae, 3kd te, higher motive of winning liberty to worship God according to their own fashion. From the very first, when Cromwell only commanded a troop of horse in Essex' army, it was observed that his men were of a different stamp to their fellow-soldiers. They did not plunder or drink ; he who swore paid his twelvepence ; he who drank was put in the stocks. And now Cromwell was forming a whole army on the same principles, not heeding to what despised sect his recruits belonged, so long as they proved good soldiers. " I raised such men," he boasted long afterwards, " as had the fear of God before them, as made some conscience of what they did, and from that time forward, I must say, they were never beaten, and wherever they were engaged against the enemy, they beat continually." The valour of the troops thus raised was early attested by their popular name of " The Iron- sides." The rise of the Independents created no alarm at Oxford, as Charles expected to reap a new advantage from the divisions of his enemies. He exulted, moreover, in having found a fresh means of increasing the strength of his own armies. Since the rebellion broke out in 1641, the war in Ireland had Cessation of been carried on with great success on the part of the Irish. Catholics, and a Catholic council of twenty-four persons established at Kilkenny now ruled the larger part of the kingdom. The old English settlers at the head of this party were, however, now eager to make peace with the king, and caused numerous petitions to be sent to Oxford, begging for the free exercise of the Catholic worship, and the calling of a Parliament. Charles, making no absolute promises, agreed to a cessation of arms for a year, and then ordered the Duke of Ormond, his general in Ire- land, a devoted and able Koyalist, to send over to England ten regiments of the troops that had hitherto been engaged in fight- ing Irish rebels. This truce with the Irish Catholics excited indignation not only amongst Charles' enemies, but also amongst his Protestant friends. It was believed that many rebels were to be found among the regi- ments sent over by Ormond. " The queen's army," it was com- monly said, " of French and Walloon Papists, the king's army of English Papists, together with the Irish rebels, are to settle the Protestant religion, and the liberties of England."* * May, Brev.; Whitelock. 1644.] ARMIES OF KING AND PARLIAMENT. 157 Hyde suggested to the king that, in order to make his cause more popular with the nation, which reverenced the very word ' Parliament/ he should summon to sit at Oxford oxford those members whom fear had driven from West- Parliament, jninster. Charles unwillingly consented ; he feared the proposed assembly would force peace on him, and so mar the success he hoped from the new accession to his forces. His fears proved cor- rect. This body, though it was Eoyalist, showed a strong dislike to certain of the council, as Papists, and as having been the old instruments of tyranny. They even showed some suspicion of the king's own intentions ; and, in fact, this half Parliament was evidently inclined to make peace with its other half at "West- minster. All overtures, however, proved nugatory, for "the Lords and Commons" of the Long Parliament refused to hold any communication with the king while he spoke of the Oxford as- sembly as on an equality with themselves. After a three months' session, Charles gladly adjourned the Parliament of his friends (16th April), which he described, in writing to his wife, as " this mongrel assembly, the haunt of cowardly and seditious motions." When hostilities re-commenced, the Parliament had Armies no less than five armies afoot ; the army of Lord Fair- of the fax, now moving freely in Yorkshire, as the siege of Hull had been raised by the advance of the Scots ; that of Essex, now being recruited in London after its successes at Gloucester and Newbury ; that of Waller, now reinforced after its expulsion from the west ; the eastern counties' army, under the command of Cromwell and Manchester ; and, lastly, the army of the Scots, 21,000 strong, commanded by a Scotchman, Leslie, Earl of Leven. Charles had two large armies — his own, at Oxford, Armies of 10,000 men ; that of Newcastle, in Yorkshire, of of the 14,000 men ; besides several considerable forces scat- tered over the country, and regiments of English and Irish troops landing from time to time in Wales, and at Chester and Bristol. The Parliament had laid on the country heavy taxes Taxes, for the maintenance of its armies. Custom duties were levied on various articles of export and import. An ordinance had been passed for a weekly assessment of ,£10,000 on London, and of £24,000 on the rest of the kingdom. This tax, like the sub- sidy, was levied on lands and goods, but not after the same 158 SIEGE OF OXFORD. [war, 3ed tk. fashion. The subsidies had been levied after an old rate, and by commissioners appointed by the Chancellor from amongst the inhabitants of the county or borough. Through the laxity of these commissioners the receipts had steadily decreased. Now a specific sum was laid upon each county, and raised by com- missioners named by Parliament. By further ordinances, the ex- cise duty, a tax hitherto unknown in England, was introduced, which consisted of a tax on the manufacture of commodities as distinct from the custom duties on their importation, and as touching home rather than foreign produce. The ignorant always prefer customs to excise, because the incidence of the former is less visible ; but the objection to customs is that they take much more out of the pocket of the consumer than they bring to the ex- chequer. Customs, being mainly levied on raw produce, have to- be paid by the merchant ; his payment has to be recouped by the manufacturer and the dealers, besides other intermediaries, all of whom require a profit on the money sunk in the payment of the tax. Excise, being levied on the last stage before sale, is, there- fore, a more economical tax. The Dutch had employed it before this, but its introduction into England was due to the genius of Pym. Such excise was now laid upon many articles of every-day use and consumption ; upon ale, cider, perry, wine, oil, sugar, pepper, salt, silk, soap, and even meat (May, 1643 — July, 1644). Counties under the power of the Eoyalists were no better off than those under the power of the Parliament. The Oxford Parliament copied that of "Westminster, and laid on an excise ; irregular contri- butions were constantly levied by the king's troops, and his whole army, when unpaid, as it now often was, lived at free quarters. The committee of the two nations, sitting at Derby House, directed the movements of the generals. Fairfax, Manchester, and Lesley received instructions to attack Newcastle's army, and lay siege to York ; Essex and Waller to invest Oxford. When it was known within Oxford that a siege was impending, Discontent faction and discontent broke all bonds of control., in Oxford. Money was getting scarce, and . everybody was out of humour. The queen took fright, and departed for Exeter, bid- ding Charles her last farewell. Courtiers grumbled, and con- sidered themselves neglected. The officers wanted to govern everything, and quarrelled with the civilians in the council. The 1644.] BATTLE OF CEOPEEDY BELDGE. 1-50 number of Papists in the town annoyed many of the king's Pro- testant friends. Charles was incapable of silencing discontent and making men work together. He had no faculty for putting the right man into the right place. Promotion went by caprice or im- portunity. His officers quarrelled with one another for command. In fact it was a reign of jealousy before ; and now, to gratify his nephews Rupert and Maurice, he displaced and offended some of the best and most trustworthy of his servants. Oxford was already nearly invested, when Charles, by a skilful manoeuvre, saved both his army and the town. At the dead of night, accompanied by his cavalry and 2500 foot, he passed un- discovered between the two armies of Essex and Waller (3rd June), and proceeded by quick marches to Worcester, and thence across the Severn to Bewdley. Rupert, in command of his Cavaliers and some of the troops which had been sent over from Ireland, was now in Lancashire, engaged in reducing the fortified places which were held for the Parliament. But Charles, hearing that Newcastle — who was closely besieged in York — could not hold out for six weeks longer unless relieved, sent orders to Rupert to march straight to York and relieve it by engaging the Scots. Meanwhile, the Parliamentary leaders, as soon as they became aware of Charles' escape, agreed that Waller and his army should pursue the royal forces, while Essex and his army reduced the towns in the west. Waller thought the king was making for Lancashire to join Rupert, and so kept ahead of him on the eastern bank of the Severn. But Charles' plan was much bolder ; on hearing the Parliament's forces were divided, his aim was to re- gain his head-quarters immediately and attack before his enemies could re-unite. With this view he crossed the river behind Waller, and on the 20th June was again in Oxford. Without giving any time for Essex to reappear, he marched out at once at the head of his whole army, and soon fell in with Waller, who, on hearing of his movements, had returned in haste to cover the road to London. The two armies were in sight of one another as they marched northwards from Banbury, Charles being on the eastern, Waller on the western, bank of the Cherwell. About midday, Waller, observing that the rear of Battle of the king's army was some distance behind the main B^dg^ 7 body, forced a passage across Cropredy Bridge, and (Map, p. 127.) fell upon it in front, while at the same time he sent a body of i60 MAKSTON MOOK. [wae, Sed ye. horse to make their way over a ford about a mile lower down the river. Charles, seeing his rear about to be attacked on two sides, at once recalled his advanced troops, and a succession of skir- mishes followed, in which the Koyalists were generally victorious, takino- several pieces of cannon, and beating the enemy back both over the ford and the bridge. Fighting lasted until night caused the two armies to separate. The action in itself might have been called indecisive, but the king gained all the advantages of a vic- tory, for death and desertion soon reduced Waller's army to half its numbers. Three clays after the battle of Cropredy Bridge, the eastern counties' army was brought into action in Yorkshire. It was supporting the Scots in besieging York ; but the generals of the Parliament, on hearing that Eupert was marching from Lanca- shire with 20,000 men to raise the siege, withdrew from their entrenchments to Hessay Moor in order to oppose his approach (30th June). The prince, however, disappointed their expecta- tions, for instead of following the high road from Knaresborough, over Skip Bridge, he crossed the Ouse with his army above its junction with the Nidd, and entered York the same evening without opposition (1st July). As Eupert had already effected his object in relieving the town, Newcastle wished to avoid, or at least delay a battle ; urging in the first place that divisions would probably break out in the enemy's army, composed as it was of Scots and English, Presby- terians and Independents, in the second, that he was expecting a reinforcement of 3000 men, and that no battle ought to be fought until after their arrival. But Eupert, confident of victory, put forward the king's letter : " I have his Majesty's commands," he said ; u I am bound to fight." " I am ready to obey your High- ness," replied Newcastle, " as if the king himself were here." The prince's army was encamped a few miles to the north of York, and it was agreed that Newcastle's foot should be ready by two o'clock at night to march out and unite with it. Their sudden and unlooked-for deliverance seemed, however, for the time to have demoralized the York forces. Some of the soldiers were out seeking for booty in the deserted trenches of the enemy ; others were already drawn together, when a report spread that before marching they were to receive their pay; at once the men broke from their ranks and dispersed, and some hours elapsed be- 2ND jult, 1644.] POSITION OF FAIRFAX. 161 fore they could be gathered together again.* Eupert rode out of the town at daybreak, without waiting for Newcastle,f and pro- ceeded to lead his army across the Ouse at Poppelton, where the Scots had left standing a bridge of boats (2nd July). The counsels of the Parliament's generals were, like those of the Eoyalists, divided. The English were for seeking out the enemy and- fighting, but the Scots proposed to retreat to Cawood, where, by forming a tete-de-pont to defend the bridge at the junction of the branches of the Ouse, they might oppose Rupert's further ad- vance south. The Scots' counsel prevailed, and the army drew off from Hessay Moor southwards, in the direction of Tadcaster : those in the van had already advanced some miles, when it was attacked in the rear by Rupert's horse at Marston village and forced hastily to turn and form in order of battle. Both Hessay and Marston Moors form part of a low plain, watered by the Ouse and the Nidd. Drainage and tillage have now changed the character of a tract that was then in the main really moor, open and unenclosed. Immediately south of the road that joins Tockwith and Marston, the dead level ends, and an easy ascent of ten minutes leads to the summit of a line of higher ground, running from one village to the other. The Parliamentarians on the first attack promptly faced about to the north, and formed upon the brow of this hill, on Marston Field, a large enclosure with crops of rye then dotted over it. Their right wing, consisting of Sir Thomas Fairfax' regiments of horse and foot, together with the larger part of the Scotch horse, and a reserve of Scottish infantry, occupied a position immediately west of Marston village, where the elevation is highest. Their main battle was composed of Scotch and English infantry, commanded by Lords Leven and Manchester and Sir Thomas's father, Lord Fairfax. Still farther west, resting on the village of Tockwith, where the hill is much lower than at Marston, was the left wing, comprised of three regiments of Scottish cavalry and the eastern counties' horse, under the command respectively of David Leslie * There is a curious account of the ' battle of York ' {i.e., Marston Moor) in the Clarendon State Papers at Oxford. The writing is in the same hand as a paper printed in the Clar. State Papers, ii. p. 181, which is endorsed by Hyde, ' Sir Hugh Cholmeley's Memorials.' The writer, whoever he is, tells us" he received his account ' from a gentleman of quality of that country who was a colonel and had a command there and present all the time.' The other accounts of the battle given by eye-witnesses are nearly all written by Parlia- mentarians. t William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle (p. 131), now Marquis. stuu He Ssa: \» Poppleton • -Moor V__ lth Maraton ^^©, 0' J W^ ■" " — - __'- H.vs.. under Fairfii: ; ii ?% W/?. m / 2nd jult, 1644.] POSITION OF ROYALISTS. 163 and Lieutenant-General Cromwell. Its outer flank was sup- ported by a body of Scotch dragoons. Rupert, who was following from the north-east, finding that his enemies were facing about to accept battle, formed his army upon Marston Moor, awaiting meanwhile impatiently the arrival of the York forces. After some delay the marquis, " accompanied with all the gentlemen of quality which were in York, came to the prince, who said, ' My lord, I wish you had come sooner with your forces, but I hope we shall yet have a glorious day/ The marquis informed him how his foot had been a-plundering in the trenches, and that it was impossible to have got together all at the time fixed, but that he had left General King about the work, who would bring them up with all the expedition that might be. The prince, seeing the marquis' foot were not come up, would with Jiis own forces have been falling upon the enemy, but the marquis dissuaded him, telling him that he had 4000 good foot as were in the world coming. About four o'clock in the afternoon General King brought up the marquis' foot, of which yet many were wanting, for there was not above 3000. The prince demanded of King how he liked the marshalling of his army, who replied, he did not approve of it, being drawn too nsar the enemy and in a place of disadvantage. Then said the prince, ' They may be drawn a farther distance. 5 'No, sire,' said King, 'it is too late.'" The two armies were drawn up so close together that "their foot," says a Parliamentarian, " was close to our noses." Rupert had been beforehand in gaining possession of a deep ditch that ran in a straight line between them. In this he placed four bodies of musketeers opposite the eastern counties' army. His right wing he led in person. Newcastle's foot fell into position on the extreme left of the main body, which was placed under the command of General King ; the left wing was com- manded by Colonel Goring. A few fields cut up the moor on this side, so that the only approach for the horse on the enemy's right lay up a narrow lane with a hedge on one side and a ditch on the. other, both lined with dismounted dragoons. All along the line waved banners magnificent with gold and silver fringes. Here a red pennon with a white cross, and motto, ' Pro rege et regno ;' there a black coronet and sword reaching from the clouds, ' Terribilis ut acies ordinata ;' while far on the right the presence of the prince was marked by a standard nearly five yards 11—2 IM MARSTON MOOR, [wab, 3ed yb. long and broad, with a red cross in the centre. Each army was nearly 23,000 strong, so that never before in the course of the war had such large forces met face to face. The Parliamentarians wore as their mark a white paper or handkerchief in their hats ; their word for the day was • God with us.' The Royalist mark was to be without bands or scarfs ; their word ' God and the king. 3 Since two o'clock the cannon had been booming, but still the two armies delayed to join battle. The Parliament's generals, trusting in Rupert's proverbial daring, waited for him to disorder his lines by being the first to charge across the ditch. Their soldiers meanwhile ' fell to singing psalms/ a sign that they at least were nerved and ready for any odds. When the forces from York had at last arrived, Rupert's im- petuosity was restrained by the representations of Newcastle and King, both of whom were averse to fighting because of the late- ness of the hour. He declared accordingly his intention of delay- ing the battle till the next day, ordered provisions to be brought for his army from York, and with most culpable neglect suffered many of his horsemen to dismount and lie on the ground, with their horses' bridles in their hands. But that long summer's day was not so to end. It was already seven o'clock when Leven, who acted as commander-in-chief, find- ing that the enemy would not charge him, determined to charge them, and ordered the whole line of his army to advance. " We came down the hill," says Oliver's scout-master, " in the bravest order, and with the greatest resolution — I mean the left wing of our horse, led by Cromwell, which was to charge their right wing, led by Rupert, in which was all their gallant men." At the sound of the enemy's alarums, the prince in hot haste sprung to horse and galloped up to the front of the field. He found his own regi- ment taken by surprise, and in some disorder. " 'Swounds !" he cried, " do you run — follow me !" and fiercely led the way to meet the enemy's charge. Meanwhile Manchester's foot, in the face of a fierce fire, dashed down the hill at a bit of level, where there was a break in the ditch, and thus taking the Royalist mus- keteers in flank, drove them out of their shelter. A desperate struggle ensued. The horsemen discharged their pistols, and then, flinging them at one another's heads, fell to with their swords. A company of Cavaliers, led by Rupert in person, charged Crom- well's own division of three hundred horse in front and flank. A 2nd jult, 1644.] ROUT OF FAIRFAX* WING. 1C5 shot grazed the lieutenant's-general's neck. "A miss is as good as a inile," he exclaimed, and, scattering his assailants before him "like a little dust," pressed onwards till he broke through the lines of the enemy. " Manchester's foot, on the right hand, went on by our side," says Oliver's scout-master again, " dispersing the enemy's foot almost as fast as they charged them, still going by our side, cutting them down that we carried the whole field be- fore us, thinking the victory wholly ours, and nothing to be done but to kill and take prisoners." Soon Rupert's whole wing, horse and foot, was in full flight, and the Cavaliers were swept off the field, flying northwards " along by Wilstrop woodside as fast and thick as could be." Meanwhile the Parliament's troops on the right wing found their advance impeded by the hedge and ditch which protected the enemy's left. They could only march up the lane three or four abreast, and were exposed all the while to a hot fire from the musketeers stationed by Rupert on either side. After forcing their way to the open ground at the end of the lane, they were received by large bodies of the enemy, who fell upon each party as it emerged. Fairfax, indeed, in face of all difficulties, charged right through Goring's squadrons, at the head of four hundred horse. But finding himself left unsupported, he was fain to take the white handkerchief out of his hat, and pass for a Royalist com- mander while he rode hastily back to his own side. Meantime his van, composed of newly-levied regiments, had wheeled round before the enemy, and disordered his own in- fantry and the Scots' reserve, so that on his return, he found his whole wing broken and already in flight. Some of the Cavaliers, with their usual impetuosity, pursued the flying enemy over the hill which shut out their view of the field, and miles on to the south in the direction of Cawood and Tadcaster ; others tarried to plunder the carriages and baggage left by the Parlia- mentarians on the top of the hill ; others under the command of Goring joined Newcastle's regiment of "Whitecoats, and wheeled round on the unprotected right flank of the enemy's centre. Thus attacked in front and flank, the Scots' infantry on this side gave way. In vain Leven exhorted his men to stand. " Though you run from your enemies," he cried, "yet leave not your general." Believing the battle to be lost, he joined the stream of fugitives, and never drew rein until he came to Leeds. 166 MARSTON MOOB. [war, 3ed ye. Thepenerei Tne confusion was not confined to the Parliament side, confusion - « t k ne w not for my soul," says one who was there look- an°ey?- ° ing for Rupert, " whither to incline : runaways on both witness. s i ( i es? s0 man y ? so breathless, so speechless, not a man of them able to give me the least hope where the prince was to be found, both armies being mingled, horse and foot. In this terrible distraction did I scour the country, here meeting with a shoal of Scots crying out, ' Wae's us, we're a' undone !' then with a ragged troop, reduced to four and a cornet, by-and-by with a little foot-officer, without hat, band, or anything but feet." It is a time of confusion such as this that gives an opening for the calm and collected officer who has his men well in hand. Half the Royalist left wing were far away, triumphantly driving the blow home, as they thought, by a hot pursuit. Goring had only Newcastle's Whitecoats and a sprinkling of his own Cava- liers, when the fading light revealed to him a new enemy occu- pying the very ground he had himself held in the morning. Cromwell -^ was tne Parliament's left wing, led by Cromwell redeems and Leslie ; who, after disi^ersing the Royalist right, had relinquished pursuit and crossed the battle-field to support their less fortunate friends. Once again Cavaliers and Ironsides fiercely charged, and once again victory re- mained with the Ironsides. The Cavaliers fled the field, while Newcastle's regiment of Whitecoats, a thousand brave Northumbrians raised out of his own tenantry, scorning to receive quarter or to fly, were all, save some thirty, cut down to a man, in the same order and rank in which they stood. Major-General Porter, who had forced back part of the Parliament's main battle, now, in the moment of success, found foes in his own rear, and had to surrender with his men. Broken and routed, the Royalists on all sides fled, and were chased with terrible slaughter to within a mile of York. By ten o'clock, the battle was over, and after scarce three hours' fighting, more than 3000 Royalists lay dead upon the field. The Parlia- mentarians lost, it was said, only some 300 men ; they made 1500 prisoners, and took all the enemy's artillery, ammunition, and baggage. " The Earl of Manchester," says his chaplain, " about eleven o'clock that night, did ride about to the soldiers both horse and foot, giving them many thanks for the exceeding good service they had done for the kingdom ; and he often earnestly 1644.] ESSEX m WEST. 167 entreated them to give the honour of the victory unto God alone. The soldiers unanimously gave God the glory of their great de- liverance and victory, and told his lordship with much cheerful- ness that, though they had long fasted and were faint, yet they would willingly want three days longer, rather than to give up the service or leave his lordship." It was not, however, till noon the next day, that the joyful news reached Leven, who had fled in the belief that the battle was irrecover- wails his ably lost. Upon hearing of this, he knocks upon his fllght * breast, and says, " I would to God I had died upon the plain."* Newcastle, in disgust at seeing his army destroyed and power gone through Eupert's rashness, went beyond seas, accom- panied by more than eighty gentlemen. The prince returned to Chester, with the remnants of a broken army. York sur- rendered to the Parliament, and the king lost all hold in the north. Such was one result of the battle ; but there Results of was a second hardly less momentous. The Inde- battle - pendents had triumphed not only over the Eoyalists, but over the Presbyterians. In London, it was told how " Cromwel], with his unspeakable valorous regiments, had done all the service ; the Presbyterians, the Scots, had fled."f As though to render the triumph of the Ironsides the more complete, a terrible mis- fortune befell the army in which the Presbyterians placed their trust. The Eoyalist leader, Sir Eichard Grenville, on hearing of the presence of Essex in the west, raised the siege of Plymouth, and marched for refuge into Cornwall. Essex had already advanced as far as Exeter, when the news reached him that the king had de- feated Waller, and was now following in pursuit of himself. Some of his officers, who had estates in Cornwall which they wished to visit, persuaded him to march after Grenville, instead of turning at once to meet the royal forces. He soon found that he had taken a fatal step. The country people were Eoyalists, and gave him no support. The country itself is enough to embarrass a general, with its bare back-bone of mountain, moor, or marsh, while the southern coast, which is the least desolate, is split up into a succession of deep valleys running to the sea. * Rushworth ; Ormond Pap., i. 56 ; Fairfax' Mem. ; Cromwelliana ; Sir H. Slingsby's Mem. ; Letters and Accounts of Ash, Watson, and Steward, in King's Pamphlets, 164, 166; Memorials touching the battle of York, in Clarendon Papers in Bodleian, f Baillie, ii. 40. 16 g ESSEX IN WEST. [wae, 3rd yb. Essex had his head- quarters at Lostwithiel, in the valley of the Fowey, then spelt, as it is still pronounced, Foy, when the kin<*, advancing from Liskeard, pitched his camp and stand- ard on Broadoak or Braddoc Downs, near Boconnoc. Hoping to profit by the enmity existing between the Presbyterian and Independent commanders, he wrote Essex a letter, calling on him to end the war by uniting the two armies, and promising on the word of a king that he would ever prove a faithful friend to both him and his army. The Eoyalist officers after- wards set their names to a letter, in which they undertook to see carried out all that his Majesty might promise. But Essex' honesty stood the test. In answer to their overtures he de- clared his inability to treat, and referred the king to the Parlia- ment. His generalship, however, did not prove equal to his honesty. Though he was in possession of the valley of the Foy, from the haven itself to Lanhydrock, a house belonging to the Parliamenta- rian Lord Eobartes, so that supplies could be brought into his army, both by sea and land, from all sides, excepting the east ; yet with little opposition, he suffered the king to draw the toils so Surrender at closely round him, that starvation or surrender were Lostwithiel. tne on }y alternatives left. Grenville, at the head of 1400 men, advanced from Bodmin, gained possession of Lanhy- drock, and thus opened communication with Charles on Broadoak Downs, and shut in the army of the enemy on the north (12th August). Essex had neglected to occupy View Hall, a house on the east bank of the river opposite Foy, and Pernon Fort, standing on the same side and commanding the entrance of the harbour. These important positions were now seized and occu- pied by the Royalists, so that the Parliamentarians were pre- vented any longer from bringing provisions into Fowey by sea (13th August). Their position at Lostwithiel soon became still more circumscribed. Sir Richard Grenville advanced from Lanhydrock and drove Essex out of Lestormel Castle, which commands the Fowey valley scarce a mile above Lostwithiel (21st August). The same day the king, advancing from en- closures which bounded the south side of Boconnoc Park, forced the Parliamentarians to quit their quarters on a beacon hill, which stands about a mile east of Lostwithiel. Here the following night, he raised a battery, whence he shot right into their camp, the west was now the only side still open to 1644. ESSEX' ARMY SURRENDERS. 169 Essex, and even from this he was shortly to be cut off. Goring and the horse seized possession of St. Austell, and thus com- manded all the country round Tywardreath Bay, whence pro- visions had still reached Lostwithiel by sea (25th August). Essex had now no choice left but to surrender. The horse escaped by riding off about three o'clock one misty morning, between the armies of the king and Prince Maurice, which were encamped a small distance apart (31st August). Essex and the foot marched from Lostwithiel for Foy, hoping as a last resource to escape across the river and sail from Lante- glos to Plymouth. Before leaving Lostwithiel, they tried to break down the bridge over the river, but were prevented by the enemy's infantry, who followed them through the town and down the valley, forcing them to a hasty retreat. On the march they came to some high ground and enclosures, which they occupied, and succeeded for the time in making a successful stand and driving the enemy back. The next day, Essex sailed from 170 MONTROSE IN SCOTLAND. [wab, 3rd ye. Foy, in company with his principal officers. As he left the harbour, he narrowly escaped being taken prisoner by the garrison of Pernon Fort. The infantry, about 6000 in number, surrendered their ammunition, artillery, and arms, on condi- tion that they should be allowed their liberty and conducted to the nearest quarters of their friends. The terms, however, were not kept ; the men were maltreated and plundered all the way on their march through the enemy's country, and so many were the deaths and desertions, that only some 1000 arrived at Poole in safety. Thus the two Presbyterian generals in the west were crushed in a single campaign. " Mr. Sheriff," said Charles, on his departure from Cornwall, "I leave the country entirely at peace in your hands."* At this time the flames of civil war had spread from England into Scotland. Before the cessation of arms had been concluded with the Irish, and before the Scots had declared themselves for Civil war in the Parliament, the Marquis of Montrose had formed Scotland. with Charles a secret plan of raising the Highlanders and uniting them with a body of troops to be transported from. Ireland, and thus beginning a second civil war in Scotland. An attempt was made to carry this plan into execution during the pre- sent summer ; and Montrose, coming down from the Highlands at the head of a brave, but savage and undisciplined, army of High- landers and Irishmen, twice defeated such forces as the Cove- nanters were able to bring together during the absence of their best troops in England. t Hostilities were carried on in a more and more brutal spirit. This was especially the case after the introduction of Irish troops into England. The introduction of troops of a lower order of civilization is always looked upon with horror. If not savages as Indians in America, or ' Turcos ' in France, both High- landers and Irish were looked upon as such. They both fought Irish and without regard to the ordinary rules of war. Mon- Highianders trose > s Highland < hell hounds/ as they were called^ were allowed to plunder and butcher at will ; while the Irish came stained with the blood of massacred Protestants. An ordi- * Letter of Sir E. Basset ; Hals' Parochial History (both apad Davies Gilbert's History of Cornwall); Clar. Hist.; Sir E. Walker's Historical Dis- courses. f At Tipper Muir, 1st September, 1644. At Bridge of Dee, 14th Sep- tember, 1614. 27th Oct., 1644.] SECOND BATTLE OF NEWBURY. 171 nance passed by the Parliament forbidding quarter to be given to any Irishmen or Papists taken in arms (Oct. 3rd), was in their case literally enforced. Irish soldiers seized on their way to Eng- lish ports were tied back to back and cast into the sea ; those made prisoners in England were shot by hundreds. The more moderate of the Eoyalists had objected to the introduction of the Irish ; but the less scrupulous, not to be behind in acts of cruelty, would retaliate by hanging English prisoners, taken in arms, twelve at a time, on a tree, or by putting members of garrisons to death on slight excuses, contrary to articles of capitulation. Thus the war was more and more embittered as it went on. Charles, on hearing of Montrose's victories, regarded the disastrous day of Marston Moor as already retrieved. He ex- pected either that the Scotch army would return to defend their homes, or else that Montrose would march into England, fight the Scots, and recover his lost ascendancy in the north. But his wishes made him overlook the character of Montrose's army. After a raid on the Lowlands, the Highlanders' custom was to return to the mountains, and enjoy their spoil. The present ex- pedition was nothing to them but a raid on a larger scale than usual; and no sooner did the winter set in, than they melted away from their leader, who found his Irish troops insufficient to protect him, and was fain to follow his Highlanders and take refuge in their mountains. Charles, meaiitime, was marching back from Cornwall to Oxford- shire. He had passed through Wiltshire, and reached Newbury, when he heard that the armies of Waller, Essex, and Manchester were advancing from London to meet him. The Independents, content with the proved superiority of their army, had not pressed their victory over the fallen Essex and Waller. Waller's army had been recruited once moie ; and Essex' men had been re-fur- nished with arms on returning from their catastrophe in the west. Essex himself pleaded sickness, and remained absent from his army, feeling that since the relief of Gloucester, the day of his triumphs was over. As the united armies of the enemy were 16,000 strong, and his own forces not above 8000, Charles, not venturing to risk a battle in the open field, took up a strong defensive position in Newbury, between the rivers Kennet and Lamborne. On the south the town was protected by the Kennet. On the north- 172 SECOND BATTLE OF NEWBUKY. [war, 3ed ye. east troops were quartered in Shaw village, which was strength- ened with a breastwork, and in a large house, called Doleman's, still standing, as the map shows (p. 144), a little in advance of the village on the northern bank of the Lamborne. Bodies of horse occupied a gentle eminence rising immediately east of Doleman's House, and a few neighbouring hedges were lined with musketeers. On the west Prince Maurice's infantry was quartered in the village of Speen; and in two large fields, lying north of Newbury, between the rivers Kennet and Lamborne, was stationed a large body of horse together with a train of artillery. Approach to this quarter was rendered the more difficult by the neighbourhood of Don- nington Castle, which was held by a strong garrison for the king. The Parliament's generals took possession of Clay Hill, lying to the north-east of Newbury, and agreed to make a combined attack upon Shaw and Speen. For this purpose, the greater part of Manchester's horse, all Essex' horse and foot, and almost all the forces under Waller, separated from Manchester, and making a detour beyond Donnington Castle, surprised the Royalists in their quarters on the north-west. Many of the king's guards being absent from their posts, the Lamborne was crossed without opposi- tion, and Prince Maurice's infantry quickly dislodged from Speen. A fierce three-hours' contest followed in the fields lying between Donnington and Newbury. The king, who was present in person, could not prevent some of his troops from flying under the walls of the castle for protection. Essex' men, crying out "that they would be revenged for the business of Cornwall," carried off in triumph the very cannon they had before surrendered. The Royalists, however, succeeded in retaining possession of the field, and when night caused the battle to end, Waller retired into Speen. Meanwhile, on the other side of the town, a still fiercer struggle had been maintained. Manchester had agreed with Waller that as soon as the sound of cannon should be heard from Speen, he would advance with his forces upon the Royalist quarters at Shaw. During the morn- ing he " rode about from regiment to regiment to encourage the soldiers, and to keep them in due order fit for that service which every hour almost was expected." It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when, says an eye-witness, "we saw the firing of the mus- kets in Speen, which discovered the service to be very hot, and with joy and thankfulness beheld the hasty disorderly retreat of the enemy towards Newbury." On this encouraging sight 3000 27th Oct., 1644.] CKOMWELL VERSUS MANCHESTER 173 of Manchester's foot burst down Clay Hill singing a psalm as they came, intending to storm the defences of the Royal- ists, and meet their friends in the fields lying between New- bury and Donnington. Charging furiously, the Parliamenta- rians forced the king's horse back into the garden of Dole- man's House, and made their way right up to the breastworks. Here, however, they were exposed to a murderous fire, and fell in numbers, while they were able to do little execution upon enemies sheltered by walls and earthworks. As was not seldom the case in this war, with the approach of night, friends were mistaken for foes ; so that after one company of Manchester's foot had possessed themselves of one of the enemy's outworks, a second beat them out again with great loss of life to both. After four hours' hard fighting, the Parliamentarians gave up the attack and drew off, while sheltered from pursuit by their own horse, which had stayed all the time barely beyond range of the enemy's pistols. It was now ten o'clock, and a clear, moonlight night. Charles, seeing that he had lost ground upon the western side of the town, forsook his quarters, and, without meeting any opposition, withdrew by Donnington Castle to Wal- lingford, passing between Waller's and Manchester's armies.* It was a victory, but not a victory to break the king's power in the south, as Marston Moor had broken it in the north. When the generals returned to London, Cromwell Dissensions laid a heavy charge against the Presbyterian earl 1U -London. in the House of Commons ; how Manchester had always been for such a peace as a victory would be a disadvantage to ; how he had often acted as if he thought the king too low and the Parliament too high, but especially at Donnington Castle : " Though," said Cromwell, " I showed him evidently how this success might be obtained, and only desired leave with my own brigade of horse, to charge the king's army in their retreat, leaving it to the earl's choice, if he thought rroper to remain neutral with the rest of his forces. But he positively refused his consent, and gave no other reason but that, if we met with a defeat, there was an end of our pretensions — we should all be rebels and traitors, and be executed and forfeited by law." * Ludlow Mem.; Clar. Hist.; E. Walker's Hist. Discourses; A true re- lation of the most chief occurrences at and since the Battle at Newbury, (by Simeon Ash, chaplain to Manchester) in King's Tracts. 274, SELF-DENYING ORDINANCE. [war, 3rd tr. Manchester, in turn, retorted on his lieutenant-general charges of insubordination, and of deep dark designs ; of having said, *' that it would never be well in England till I were plain Mr. Montague, and there was never a peer nor a lord in the land." Indeed, it was reported that Cromwell said to his soldiers, " if he met the king in battle, he would fire his pistol at the king as at another." The charges were not pressed on either side, and no judgment was passed. But the Presbyterians from this time feared Cromwell as the ablest and most determined of their opponents. Pyni was dead nearly a year now, and there had risen up in his place a man they owned to be " of a very wise and active head, universally well-beloved as religious and stout, being a known Independent, and loved by the soldiers." Their fears made them the more eager to effect a peace, which would secure their own ascendancy, and crush the hated Independents. Peace propositions were accordingly brought forward, and passed both Houses of Parliament after meeting much opposition from the Independent party (9th Nov.). Charles agreed to send seventeen commissioners to Uxbridge, to discuss the terms proposed, with thirty-five members of Parliament and the Scottish commissioners. But while the Presbyterians were intending peace, the Inde- pendents were preparing to re-model the army, and place it in the hands of men who knew how to conquer ; for it was evident that the war would never be brought to a successful close while the command of the forces of the Parliament was divided between rival generals of different principles, some of whom did not wish to push matters to an extreme. To effect their purpose, they Proposed to deprive of office, civil and military, all denying members of Parliament. The House was considering ordinance. ^ e sac i condition of the kingdom, when Cromwell rose and spoke to the following effect : " It is now time to speak, or for ever hold the tongue. The important occasion now is no less than to save a nation out of a bleeding, nay almost out of a dying condition. . . . For what do the enemy say 1 Nay, what do men say that were friends at the beginning of the Parlia- ment ? Even this, that the members of both Houses have got great places, and commands, and the sword into their hands, and will not permit the war speedily to end, lest their own power should determine with it." " Whatever is the matter," continued another member ; " two summers are passed over, and we are not 1644.] UXBRIDGE NEGOTIATIONS. 175 saved. A Bummer's victory has proved but a winter's story ; the game has shut up with autumn, to be new played again next spring, as if the blood that has been shed were ouly to manure the field of war I determine nothing, but it is apparent that the forces being under several great commanders has oftentimes hindered the public service." " There is but one way of ending so many evils," said a third member. " I move that no member of either house shall, during this war, execute any office or com- mand, civil or military " (9th Dec). The motion was acted upon, and a ' self-denying ordinance ' to the effect proposed was ordered to be brought into the House. Since the Presbyterians fully understood that this measure was intended to place the army under the sole control of the Independents, they were not inclined to relax in their opposition. But they had now been three years at the head of affairs and not yet brought the war to an end. Public opinion was strong against them and turned the waverers, so that the ordinance was carried by a small majority of seven votes (19th Dec). In the Upper House, the opposition was even stronger than in the Commons. The peers of England had always held the highest command in the state, and were now unwilling to make way for the rise of their inferiors in rank, by yielding up honours that they regarded as their hereditary right. They accordingly rejected the ordinance, saying, that they did not know what ■shape the army would take (15th Jan., 1645). The Independents answered the objection by introducing into the Commons a second ordinance for the re-modelling of the army. Ordinance There was only to be one army, to consist of 21,000 Jj™*^ men. Sir Thomas Fairfax was named commander-in- army, chief ; Skippon, major-general ; and a blank was left for the name of the new lieutenant-general. This ordinance also passed the Commons, and was sent up to the Lords (28th Jan.). Meanwhile, commissioners from king and Parliament met, as agreed, at Uxbridge. The question of religion was first dis- cussed. The Parliament demanded that Episcopacy should b3 abolished, the Presbyterian Church established, and the king himself take the covenant. The king's commissioners TT , . , Ux bridge offered so far to reduce the power of bishops that, in negotia- most points, they should be incapable of acting with- tlons - out the consent of the ministers of their respective dioceses. 176 TJXBKIDOE NEGOTIATIONS. [tab, 4th ie. This concession might have been accepted at the beginning of the war, before the hopes of the Presbyterians had soared so hio-h. But the two nations were now bound together by their solemn league and covenant, and nothing would satisfy Scotch or English Presbyterians but the entire abolition of the order of bishops. Next came the question of the militia. The king offered to resign the command to Parliament for seven years, on condition it should then revert to the crown. Two years ago, this concession also might have given satisfaction, but the strength of the Independent party was now far too great to allow of its acceptance by the Commons. Thirdly it was required that the ces- sation of arms, made by Charles with the Irish, should be declared void, and, hardest of all, that all his friends, even his very nephews, should be excepted from receiving the benefit of the royal preroga- tive of pardon. It was through the Independents that the strin- gency of the terms had been increased. The offer of peace was genuine on the part of the Presbyterians, who were most anxious that the king should accept terms before the army passed out of their hands. It was certainly a time for Charles to consider the question seriously. If he accepted, the Presbyterians would re- store him — at least, in a manner — to his throne ; the army of the Scots, the armies of Essex and Waller, united with the Cavaliers, would present a force more than enough to meet any opposition the Independents might offer. On the other hand, if he refused, the Independents would gain the sole control of the forces of the Parliament, and the result was sure to be some crushing defeat to himself. This was the sober truth ; but Charles' eyes were dazzled by a far more brilliant prospect, as he sat over letters and despatches in his rooms at Oxford. The queen, who had fled from Exeter to Prance, when Essex marched into the west, constantly sent her husband advice, much in the shape of command, bid- Charles opposed ding him be careful of making any peace that should to peace. nQ ^ res t ore ^^ i n i s f ^ rights, and ensure her own safety. Montrose, who had gained a third victory in Scotland, at Inverlochy (2nd Feb.), wrote to implore him not to make himself 'a king of straw,' promising, before the end of the next summer, to be in England at the head of a gallant army. Charles, however, did not need to be dissuaded from accepting the terms offered by the Parliament, for he still believed in the final success of his arms.. 1645.] SELF-DENYING ORDINANCE. 1W He was soliciting both France and Denmark for assistance, and, through, the queen, was carrying on a negotiation with the Duke of Lorraine for the transportation of 10,000 soldiers into England. He was writing to Ormond that if the Irish Catholics should assist him, and he be restored to his throne by their means, he would consent to repeal all the penal statutes made against them.* He was trusting for success to the divisions of his enemies, and believed that, if he failed in the field, he could still play off one against the other, and that either section must be glad to bid high for his support against the other. Buoyed up by such hopes, Charles wrote to the queen, that he would never quit Episcopacy, nor the sword which God had put into his hands, and that she need not doubt the issue of the negotiations, for there was " no probability of a peace." He forbade the commis- sioners to make any further concessions, and the negotiations at Oxbridge were accordingly broken off (21st Feb.). The king's rejection of the propositions was a terrible blow to the Presbyterians. The Lords, of whom only five or six had any sympathy with the Independents, had now to pass the Lords ordinance for the re-modelling of the army (15th Feb.), self-denying , i ic i • t t • • ordinance. and a second self-denying ordinance, depriving mem- bers of any office conferred on them since the election of the Par- liament (3rd April). Any further opposition on their part would onJy have accelerated the speed of the revolution, by causing the Commons to declare their ordinance good at law without the con- sent of the House of Lords. For, in times of revolution, when the real powers in the State are the sword and the people, an upper chamber is useless and weak. The Commons, now acting as the executive, commanded the sword, the people supported the Com- mons, and the Lords were powerless to guide or stay the march of events. The self-denying ordinance, which now passed the Upper House,, differed in an important point from the one before rejected. By this, members were not precluded from taking office on any fu- ture occasion. Its only effect was, in fact, to make, as it were, a fresh start. The existing Presbyterian generals were practically cashiered, but new nominees could be generals as well as mem- bers. But the Presbyterians, though foiled in these matters through their political half-heartedness, could still console them- * Ludlow, iii. 232, Letter to Ormond. 173 EXECUTION OF LAUD. [war, 4th yk. selves with their ecclesiastical supremacy. In that sphere they never pretended to be tolerant. Their victim now was Laud. He had been impeached of high treason at the same time as Strafford, "but the charge in his case was not pressed to an issue, and Pym and his party had contented themselves with leaving him to die a natural death in the Tower. Now, however, through iJentof " the bigotry of Scotch and English Presbyterians, these Laud. proceedings were revived against the old man, already a four years' prisoner. His innovations in religion, the cruel sentences of the Star Chamber, and his interference with the judges, were charged against him, as an endeavour to subvert the laws and overthrow the Protestant religion. The judges, on being asked their opinion by the Lords, replied that the charges did not fall within the legal definition of high treason. The Lords would doubtless have followed the opinions of the judges. The Presbyterians, however, being determined on his Laud con- death, voted him guilty by an ordinance of Parliament, OTdurulc^'of w ^^ cn * ne House of Lords wanted spirit to reject. Parliament. The verdict of the judges marked this as far more unjustifiable than Strafford's case. The fact that the chief pro- secutor was Prynne, whose body showed the marks of the cruel judgments of the Star Chamber, roused, no doubt, a strong feeling against the archbishop. But a Parliament cannot plead the excuses of a mob, and cruelty did not constitute high trea- son. The conviction shows how little the securities that fence justice round are likely to be regarded when a popular assembly usurps the functions of the judicature. It shows, also, the evil of the precedent which was set when Strafford's conviction was secured by a Bill of Attainder instead of the legal process of an impeachment. The ordinance was simply a Bill of Attainder without the king's consent. The Presbyterians desired the blood of their former persecutor ; and the Independents, in return for the passing of the self-denying ordinance, refrained from offering opposition to the gratification of their rivals' vengeance. CHAPTER VIII. NASEBY. — END OF WAR (1645 — 1646). .Fellows in arms, and my most loving; friends, Bruised underneath the yoke of tyranny, * * v * In God's name cheer ly on, courageous friends, To reap the harvest of perpetual peace By this one bloody trial of sharp war.— Rich. III., v. 2, 1 — 16. The army, re-modelled at Windsor, was reduced, according to the ordinance, to a body of 21,000 men— 14,000 foot, 6000 horse, 1000 dragoons. Though a smaller, it was a far more formidable force than it had ever been before, its ranks beiDg now almost entirely composed of sectarians, and these either freeholders' sons or arti- sans. A clause introduced into the self-denying ordinance al- lowed religious men to serve without first taking the covenant, so that the new army was in no way bound, to the Presbyterians. These men had taken up arms, not to earn pay, but to win the victory of liberty of conscience. They proved no ordi- Re-modelled nary soldiers. A severe but popular discipline banished arm y- profane language and drunkenness from their camp. They would pass hours with their officers reading and expounding the Bible, and were able and ready to win converts for their doctrine by argument. A Presbyterian, appointed chaplain to one of these regiments, found his life a ' daily misery,' from abhorrence of the new views of these zealots. One soldier would argue against set forms of prayer ; another against the baptism of infants ; a third would maintain the thesis that there was no need of ordained ministers at all, since any man might be moved by the Spirit of God to preach and pray — a doctrine as horrible to the Presbyte- rian as making priests of the lowest of the people to the Levite ; while all alike would contend for liberty of conscience, including the right of every sect to worship with its own forms, and pro- mulgate its own doctrines, 12—2 180 FAIKFAX' REMODELLED ARMY, [wab, 4th yb. In Oxford the new army was rather despised than feared. The Cavaliers scoffed at "Noll Cromwell" going forth "in the might of his spirit, with his swords and his Bibles, and all the train of his disciples, every one of whom is as David, a man of war and a prophet." Yet such confidence was singularly ill founded. It was Cromwell's men who had overthrown the Cavaliers on Marston Moor, and now a whole army was coming against them, fired by the same fierce enthusiasm as the Ironsides. Fanatical as these might be in their zeal, their courage was undoubtedly steeled by the conviction that, like the Israelites of old, they were fight- ing in God's cause, and that in such a cause victory must come, and death was better than delaying it.* Obedience— the first step to victory — was rigidly enforced. Soon after the army left Windsor, a council of war was held upon several soldiers for disobeying regulations, and the body of one was left hanging upon a tree, as a warning to his comrades. The following day a proclamation was made that it was ' death for any to plunder.' The man whom Charles described as the " rebels' new brutish general," was Fairfax. He had been the chief framer of the new model army. He was no self-seeker, but a simple and straightforward patriot. Too refined to be a fanatic, he was deeply religious. His family had fought for the Protestant cause in the Low Countries, and he had himself seen service there as a lad. Fearless as a lion, fire and daring were his chief charac- teristics at first, but he soon showed power as an organizer, and was as vigilant as he was collected in the field. His wife was a general's daughter, and cheered his soldiers by her presence in the camp. Though of delicate health, he was as ready to face discomfort and hardships as peril. Once, when his own regiment grumbled at being ordered to bring up the rear instead of leading the column, he dismounted from his horse, and himself marched on foot that whole day at its head. Lessons like these have not to be read twice. By the self-denying ordinance Crom- * The spirit of the Ironsides is not wholly extinct. In 1856 the question ■whether Kansas was to be a free or slave state gave rise to a border waiv John Brown, a descendant of one of the English pilgrims who sailed to America in the " Mayflower" in 1620, formed a camp of God-fearing Puritans, who were " earnestness incarnate." Sis of them were bis own sons. Twenty- eight of these defeated fifty-six pro-slave borderers, and once 2000 Missou- rians retreated before 250 of his men. John Brown was taken and hanged in 1859, but his story became the marching-song in the great war of aboli- tion (1861—1865). 1645.] RUPERT STORMS LEICESTER. 181 well had been displaced. But Cromwell's name had become a talisman of victory, and instructions were soon sent him by the committee of the two nations to take command of a body of horse in the west (23rd April). Fairfax and his officers not long afterwards petitioned the Lower House for Crom- Cromwell well's appointment as lieutenant-general of the horse glnerafot^" (6th June) ; and though the appointment was nomi- new army. nally temporary, it was always renewed, and his position, both as officer and member, soon became unassailable. On the other hand some of the best of the king's officers had been killed, others displaced to make way for worse men than themselves. Goring and Grenville, two unprincipled adventurers. commanded in the west, and were ruining the king's cause by their conduct towards one another and the people. tt i i /-h i • i t V* • Royalist Hyde and Colepepper were sent with the Prince decline in of Wales, now a boy of fourteen, to bring them to west " obedience ; but the prince's presence only added new fuel to the fire, and between the jealousy of the generals, the insubordi- nation of the officers, and the marauding habits of the soldiers, the king's interest declined rapidly in those parts. Early in May the king himself left Oxford for the north, and joined Rupert near Chester, intending to take the enemy in de- tail, and attack the Scots before he met the re-modelled army of Fairfax. This plan was changed on the news that the re- modelled army was itself investing Oxford. He now determined to march east towards the associated counties, expecting that Fairfax would draw off his forces from Oxford for their protection. The line of march led the army by Leicester, which was held for the Parliament. Bupert erected a battery, and sent a summons to the garrison to surrender. Not receiving an answer at once, he opened fire. For some, hours "both sides plied each other with cannon and musket-shot as fast as they could charge and discharge, and so continued all day" till midnight, when a great breach was made, and on the morning of the fourth day a general assault was storming of ordered on six or seven different points, and, after a Leicester - terrible struggle, the Cavaliers forced their way into the town, falling three to one, according to their own calculation. The gar- rison, about 1000 in number, threw down their arms and became prisoners of war ; but the townspeople suffered dreadfully, the Royalists at their first entrance putting many to the sword, and 282 FAIKFAX ATTACKS NASEBY. [war, 4th tr. plundering churches, hospitals, Royalists and Roundheads indis- criminately.* Charles was so much elated by this success that, 9 ievr days after the storming of Leicester, he wrote to the queen : "I may, without being too much sanguine, affirm that since the rebellion my affairs were never in so fair and hopeful a way." Rupert was still in favour of one of the bolder courses, of marching either east against the associated counties, or northwards on the Scots ; but Charles was persuaded to turn south and relieve Oxford, which he believed was still closely invested. He was grievously misinformed. On hearing of the fate of Leicester, Fairfax had raised the siege, and was now marching north to offer the king battle. On reaching Kislingbury, within five miles of the Royalist quarters, which were on Borough Hill, outside Daventry (12th June), he learnt from some stragglers that the enemy were in complete ignorance of his movements, the king- out hunting, the soldiers in no order, the horses at grass. Yet all that night the careful general rode round his outposts in the rain, half expecting the Royalists would attempt a surprise on hearing of his presence. But at three in the morning he saw a blaze on Borough Hill ; the Royalists had fired the huts they had made of the furze then covering the hill, and could be seen riding- fast away to the north. The unexpected arrival of the enemy had, in fact, determined Charles to return to Leicester, and there recruit his army before risking a battle. Fairfax was holding a council of war at six in the morning, when Cromwell, just made lieutenant-general of the horse, came in from the associated counties, bringing with him a troop of six hundred horse and dragoons. The soldiers greeted Cromwell's arrival with huzzas ; the generals soon settled their plans ; the king was pur- sued ; and that same evening (13th June) a body of horse under Ireton beat up the Royalist rear at Naseby, taking several pri- soners. The fugitives carried the news that night to the main body, who had advanced some seven miles to Harborough. The Charles king himself was lodged at Lubenham Hall, a mile or council of * w0 wes t °^ Harborough, to which town he rode at once> war - and summoned a council of war, 'resting in a chair in a low room,' till his officers were roused from their beds, and col- lected from their various quarters. Of the council, some proposed * Sprigge (but see p. 392) ; King's Tracts, 213. 1645.] NASEBY FIELD. 183 to wait for reinforcements expected from the west, but the majo- rity agreed with Rupert that the insult was too much to be en- dured ; that, as the Roundheads pleased to follow, they would turn and fight, not doubting they would defeat the psalm-singing saints, who had cast off their natural leaders. Between Sibbertoft and Naseby the country rises and falls in a succession of rounded undulating hills. Both villages stand high; the lowest depression between the two is a piece of marshy land, now called Broad Moor. From Broad Moor the ground rises rapidly at first to the south ; it is then broken by smaller hollows, and then continues to rise more gradually to the village of Naseby. This country, now covered with trees, hedges, corn- fields, and meadows, on that morning of the 14th of June lay still in nature's keeping, for the most part an open pasture- ground, scattered over with furze-bushes. Patches of corn-land were discernible here and there, but the ground was mainly un- enclosed, as in fact it remained till within the last half-century. Fairfax, who early in the morning saw large bodies of horse moving on a hill a little south of Harborough, drew up his army on the brow of Mill Hill, which immediately slopes down into Broad Moor. Cromwell and the Ironsides occupied the ground on the right, flanked by Naseby rabbit-warren. Fairfax himself commanded the main body. The left wing, led by Ireton, was composed of horse, with some dragoons on foot, who were set to line the one hedge on the field which then, as now, marked the boundary line of the parishes of Naseby and Sulby. The baggage was left behind at Naseby, nearly two miles in the rear. The word for the day was passed along the ranks as "God is our strength." About ten o'clock the Royalists were seen advancing over the Sibbertoft Hills in order of battle. The two armies Battle of were both between 10,000 and 11,000 strong, there not f 4 a t h5une being "five hundred odds in number." The king's force 1645. consisted of about 5520 horse and 5300 foot. The Parliamenta- rians were stronger in infantry than in horse. Fairfax, wishing to conceal from the advancing enemy the exact form of his battle, ordered his soldiers to fall back a hundred paces in a hollow be- hind the brow of Mill Hill. Rupert, who, as usual, commanded the Royalist right wing, gathered from this movement that the enemy was in full retreat, and' thought the day already his OAvn. • LEICESTER 1645.] BATTLE OF NASEBY. 185 It was the work of a moment to send word back and bid Charles come on with all speed, and then he and his Cavaliers, shouting their word, " Queen Mary!" dashed down Dust Hill, over Broad Moor, and up Mill Hill. The dragoons who lined Sulby hedges on his right fired hotly on him as be passed, but he charge of charged till he drove into Ireton's horse, sent them fly- & u pert. ing before him, and in headlong course galloped away hard up to Naseby hamlet. There he spied the baggage-train, and made for it ; the commander, hardly thinking the Cavaliers could be there already, seeing, as he thought, his own general officer approach- ing, asked, hat in hand, " How goes the day ?" " Will you have quarter V was Eupert's curt rejoinder, for it was he. The com- mander declined, and Rupert, still nothing doubting his friends were as successful as himself, wasted much precious time in an attack on the baggage, which the guard successfully repelled. The other divisions of the king's army hurried on after the right wing, in slight disorder and too quickly to bring up all their artillery with them. Their left wing was ordered to charge up the hill against Cromwell, who commanded the Parliament's right wing. But before they had time to charge home, the Ironsides came on over rabbit-burrows and furze-bushes, swinging ironsides down upon Broad Moor with all the impetus of the Royalist hill, broke the Royalist horse, and sent them flying fast left - and far behind their foot. Leaving some horse to prevent their rallying again, Cromwell turned round with the remaining troops to assist his friends. The infantry in the Parliament's centre was in difficulties ; on the first charge of the king's foot all, except Fairfax' own regiment, "gave back in disorder," but their officers snatched the colours, and, with the help of the reserve, soon rallied and brought them on again. Fairfax, with animation in voice and eye, looking even taller than his wont, rode about in the thick of the danger, cheering on his troops. His helmet was beaten off by a sword, and the colonel of his guards, seeing him riding bareheaded amid showering bullets, begged him to take his own in its place. " ; Tis well enough," shortly replied the general. Skippon behaved as bravely ; though dangerously shot in the side, he refused to leave the field — " As long as one man will stand, I will not stir." It was at this critical moment, when the Royalist left wing was broken, Rupert and the right wing nowhere to be seen, that Cromwell's horse rode up and charged the king's main 186 BATTLE OF JSA.SEBY. [wae, 4th ye. body in flank. This decided the day. The Eoyalist lines turned and fled. One regiment of Bluecoats, indeed, rivalled the gallantry of Newcastle's Whiteeoats on Marston Moor in resisting the efforts of the enemy to break them. Leavirig their greater number lying wounded or dead upon the ground, they too at last were scat- tered before the combined charge of Cromwell and Fairfax. The Eoyalist reserves of horse and foot now alone remained undis- ordered. Rupert, as usual, brought back some of his Cavaliers to the field in time to see the battle lost. His return awoke a gleam of hope in Charles' breast, who, placing himself at the head of his horse-guards, prepared for a last desperate charge upon the Iron- sides. " Face about once!" he cried, "give one charge more, and recover the day !" But a Scotchman, the Earl of Carnwath, seized his bridle and turned his horse's head, swearing and saying, "Will you go upon your death ?" Some one at the same moment cried out, " March to the right I" an order which caused the whole troop to turn their backs on the enemy, thinking they were in- tended to shift for themselves. In an instant all were in full flight, and had ridden a quarter of a mile before they could be rallied again. And then, indeed, the day was lost, for the Eoyalist foot were flying, hopelessly broken by the final charge of Crom- well and Fairfax. " They ran away," says a Parliamentarian, "both fronts and reserves, without standing one stroke more." Off went the beaten Cavaliers after the foot, leaving for the enemy King's let- their cannon, carriages, arms, jewels, clothes, and a ters taken. ca bi ne t of letters belonging to the king, " supposed to be of great consequence." The battle had lasted only three hours wdien the day was won. The chase was carried for twenty miles, through Harborough, to within sight of Leicester ; 5000 prisoners were taken ; 2000 Eoyalists said to be left dead on the ground.* The victory was complete, but it was not the Eoyalists only who were depressed by it. The Presbyterians felt their sun had set to the Independents, and became more desirous than ever to conclude a peace with the king. This was the king's chance, but the cabinet of letters foiled it. The Independents agreed tho Presbyterians should have their way if this prize proved the king was not the deceiver they had painted him. A trial of the * Rusliworth ; Whitelock ; Clar.Hist. v., 175 ; Sprigge, Anglia Kediviva ; King's Tracts, 212 ; Markkam, Life of Lord Fairfax ; Carljle, Letters aud Speeches of Cromwell. 1645.] KING'S CABINET OPENED. UT king's capacity for keeping treaties was then held before a crowd of citizens at Guildhall. The letters were read, and amongst other passages the following, addressed to the queen : — " I give- thee power to promise in my name, to whom thou thinkest most fit, that I will take away all the Penal Laws against Eoman Ca- tholics in England, as soon as God shall make me able to do it ; so as by their means I have so powerful assistance as may deserve so great a favour, and enable me to do it" (5th March, 1645). — " I must again tell thee that most assuredly France will be the best way for transporting the Duke of Lorraine's army, there being divers fit and safe places of landing for them upon the western coasts" (Oxford, 30th March, 1645). These letters were then published by order of Parliament, who were bound to make known to the nation the dangers that menaced it. A cry of in- dignation rose on all sides against the king. Men said there could be no doubt of his bad faith. Though he had so often declared his intention of maintaining the Protestant religion, he was allowing his wife to make promises to the Catholics in his name ; and then, while his commissioners were negotiating peace at Uxbridge, he had been intriguing to bring over foreign soldiers into England. The questions of peace, war, and religion were all to be settled by the Catholic queen ; she was to have the disposal of the destinies of England, and the concessions at Uxbridge had been only a blind — no peace was ever intended. To offer the' repeal of the law as a price for the aid of the English Papists was either a mockery, or a proof of the intention to rule without Parliaments. The war now entered on its last stage. Charles' army was. gone ; all that was left were small forces, scattered Last stage about in the west, or engaged in garrison duty. The of war - Scots, who had been besieging the towns near the Border, now marched right down through the country and laid siege to Here- ford, while Fairfax and Cromwell marched west, driving before them Goring and Grenville's beggarly troops, with their knavish leaders — as Clarendon himself described them — and forcing the garrison of one town to surrender after another. The king, meanwhile, with a body of 1000 horse, was in Wales and the western counties, flitting about from place to place in a purpose- less way, and sometimes hardly knowing where to betake himself for safety. " Whatever you do," writes Colepepper, still with the 188 KEBTTCTION OF WEST. [wae, 4th te. Prince of Wales, to Lord Digby, "take care of the king's person. I assure you these skipping jaunts make my heart ache." Though the war had now reached its lowest ebb, the country .suffered more than ever. The adherents of the Parliament, whose estates lay in districts hitherto Royalist, now came down upon their tenants for rents already paid to the king's friends. Excisemen, sent by the Parliament into the country, compelled the people to pay taxes for sheep, money, or provisions of which they had been robbed by the plundering Royalists. In some cases so much suffering ensued, that the very soldiers said " they would starve before they would be employed in forcing the tax, or take any of it for their pay." In the north the Scots lived at free quarters, and their conduct made the people look on them as freebooters rather than as friends. In the west the king's sol- diers became mere marauders ; men were captured with as much as £20 in their pockets ; while their leaders cast innocent men into prison, merely to exact a ransom. When Fairfax and Cromwell marched into the west, they found €lubmen in ^at m these counties the country-people had begun to west - assemble in bodies, sometimes 5000 strong, to resist their oppressors, whether they fought in the name of King or Parliament. They were called clubmen from their arms, and carried banners, with the motto — " If you offer to plunder our cattle, Be assured we will give you battle.' The clubmen, however, could not hope to control the movements of the disciplined troops who now appeared against them. After a few fruitless attempts at resistance they dispersed, leaving the new army to do their work more effectually by completely sup- pressing the Royalists. Charles himself, in the midst of his wanderings and reverses, was too proud to think of leaving England or deserting his throne, or even as yet of humbling himself to purchase peace from Pres- byterians or Independents. But his friends began to despair. Rupert himself wrote to counsel peace, and soon after- surrenders wards surrendered Bristol, the most important town in Bristol. t k e wes k The defences had been stormed and par- tially carried by Cromwell and Fairfax ; and though Rupert was severely criticized by men who believed the town might still have held out, there seems no just ground for attributing the capture 1645.] DEFEAT OF MONTKOSE. 189 to any pusillanimity in the prince. Charles, however, who had understood from Rupert that, if no mutiny happened in the gar« rison, he would keep the place for four months, felt deeply wounded at this apparent desertion of his cause. He sent the prince an indignant letter, with a pass to take him beyond seas. The surrender of Bristol was soon followed by a second blow. Montrose had come down from the Highlands for another sum- mer's raid, in which he gained three victories over the Covenanters (Aulderne, 4th May; Alford, 2nd July ; Kilsyth, 15th August); gentlemen of the Lowlands had been induced by his success to de- clare for the king ; Edinburgh had opened its gates : and the army of the Covenanters in England had been obliged to raise the siege of Hereford, and march back northwards to meet this new enemy. Charles, on hearing of the surrender of Bristol, started to join Mon- trose, now, as he believed, about to fulfil his promises, and enter England at the head of a Royalist army. But at Chester his own troops were defeated and dispersed by Poyntz, a commander of the Parliament, and, after he had escaped himself to Wales, he heard the disastrous news that the army he sought to Montrose "join no longer existed. Montrose, surprised by Leslie defeated at Philiphauo-h at Philiphaugh, on the border, not far north of Car- (13th Sept., lisle, had been entirely routed, and had again become 1645 ^ a fugitive in the Highlands. The king with difficulty now made his way first to Newark, and afterwards to Oxford, where he was thankful to find himself once again in safety for a time (6th Nov.). But it was evident that Oxford would not be safe for long. Pair- fax was completing his victorious career in the west ; that over, the siege of Oxford would follow at once, and then it would not be long before the king was a prisoner of war. Overtures of peace were the only hope, and Charles sent one message upon the heels of another, offering to come to London and treat in person with the Parliament (Dec. and Jan., 1645-6). But his messages met with no friendly reception at Westminster. The Presbyterians,. no doubt, would before have been glad to treat, preferring even the Royalists to the Independents ; but they p res i 3y t e . had now lost alike the power and the will to treat, "an decline. Two causes had weakened their power. During the i. New autumn months 130 new members were elected to fill eleotlons ' the vacancies five years had caused by death, desertion, or expul- sion. Though Presbyterians were returned in larger numbers. ig DECLINE OF PRESBYTERIANS. [war, 5th ye. yet through want of experience, or want of ability, they did not carry half so much weight with them as the new Independent members, many of whom had already won distinction in politics or in war. Such were Hutchinson, Ludlow, Blake the admiral of the future, Fleetwood, Ireton who soon afterwards became Cromwell's son-in-law,* and Algernon Sidney son of the Earl of Leicester. The officers who got their seats by these new elections did not come under the provisions of the self-denying ordinance, so that, while the Presbyterians had lost their commissions, the newer party won their seats and kept their commissions as well. The second cause that weakened the influence of the Presbyte- ir. Conduct rians was the oppressive conduct of their friends the of Scots. Scots while quartered in the northern counties. But, supposing the Presbyterian party had had the power to make peace of themselves, at this time they had no longer the will. This was in consequence of a new disclosure. A year before this Charles had authorized Ormond to make promises to the Irish Catholics in his name.f The Catholics, however, were wary, and refused to hear of a peace, or of rendering the king any assistance, without first obtaining his consent to the establishment of their own religion in Ireland. If Charles granted these conditions, he knew the affection of his own party in England would be cooled, while the hate of the Puritans would be increased ten-thousand- fold against him. The problem that had been occupying his mind for the last twelve months was how to obtain aid from the Irish, and yet keep concealed from the English the terms on which it was granted, until victory should enable him to set public opinion at defiance. He had solved it by entrusting to Lord Herbert, Earl of Glamorgan, the most loyal of Catholics, a secret warrant, signed by his own hand, and sealed with his private seal, giving him power to make terms with the Council of Kilkenny, without III. Glamor- the piivity of the Earl of Ormond. Accordingly Gla- treatywltii mor g an concluded a secret treaty, in which it was Irish. agreed that, all penal laws being repealed, the Eoman Catholics were to be allowed the public exercise of their religion, and to hold the revenues of all churches of which they had gained possession since the war first broke out. As they held far more than half the churches, this amounted to the establishment of their religion. They, on their side, were to send 20,000 men to assist his Majesty in England (12th Aug., 1645). After the defeat * Married Bridget Cromwell, 15th June, 1648. f See p. 176. 1646.] TREATY OF GLAMORGAN. 191 at Naseby, Charles also wrote to the pope, engaging his royal word to fulfil whatever conditions should be agreed upon by Glamorgan. .'But this treaty came to light, like Charles' other secret plots. In a skirmish fought in Ireland, duplicates of the whole transaction were taken in the carriage of a Catholic archbishop, and sent to London to the committee of the two nations (Oct., 1645). After having reserved this secret for three months, the Independents caused the papers to be read in Parliament and published, at the very time when Charles was sending one message after another for a treaty of peace (Jan.). The country was in a ferment of in- dignation. The establishment of the Roman Catholic religion in a Catholic country seems an innocent proposition, if not a just concession. To understand the ferment it raised, it is necessary to recall the circumstances of the time. The Thirty Years' War was still in progress. The fire of the Reformation was still burning in men's hearts. They had come out of a great struggle, in which Europe had been*' split into two camps. Protestant nations had preserved their religious independence only by resisting the armed assaults of Catholicism. The gain was worth the struggle, but there is no struggle without some bitterness remaining, and the Catholics were the victims of this bitterness. The hate felt by Protestants towards Catholics was, in fact, one of the characteristics of the age. The Protestants re- garded the Catholic religion as at once idolatrous and subversive of all good government. The gorgeous and imposing ceremonies, standing in such striking contrast to the simplicity of Puritan worship ; the blind obedience to the pope ; the doctrine that the end justifies the means, illustrated as this had been by the mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew, the Gunpowder Plot, and the late butchery in Ireland — all this had raised up in the nation's mind such a wall of prejudice that the Catholics, regarded as a class, were shut out of all sympathy whatsoever. For a people with these feelings to see, as it seemed, the fruits of the victory over Spain bartered away by the king in return for the loan of savage and Popish troops, to be used against the liberty of Protestant subjects, was more than could be borne. The Royalist Hyde, in the history he wrote of the rebellion, omitted all mention of this business with Glamorgan, which he could not palliate. In his private correspondence he calls it "inexcusable to justice, piety, and prudence." 192 TEEATY OF GLAMOKGAtf. [war, 5th yb. While Charles' friends were disgusted with the ti'eaty, his enemiea looked upon it as another proof of the unfathomable deceitf ulness of his nature : for, " while he was protesting before God to the Parliament, sa)ing, i I will never abrogate the laws against the Papists/ he was underhand dealing with the Irish rebels, and indignation P rom i sm g to repeal the laws against them ; and while felt in the he said, ' I abhor to think of bringing foreign soldiers into the kingdom/ he was soliciting the Duke of Lor- raine, the French, the Danes, the very Irish, for assistaDce." The newspapers had their scathing criticisms. " We are experienced," wrote a weekly Intelligencer, " that kings often deal like water- men : look one way and row another. What else mean those overtures of a treaty with us, when those bloodthirsty rebels are proffered the enjoyment of Popery ! Now judge whether the king hath any real intention of peace, when he labours to bring over 10,000 of the Irish rebels to cut our throats here, as they have done to divers of our brethren there !" Meantime, to save the king's character, the Earl of Ormond put Glamorgan at once into prison, as though he had acted without authority. Charles again offered to come to London for a personal treaty, declaring to the Parliament that, until Glamorgan's arrest, he had never heard of the negotiations (January 29th). His words, however, found no credit at Westminster, and his warrant to Glamorgan still remains to give the lie to his statement. Glamorgan, who had been devoted enough not to reveal his secret instructions, was released after a month's imprisonment (February 1st), and continued the negotiation. The landing of a body of Irish troops was, it seems, only prevented by the war coming to an end before they were ready to sail. Whether or no such a treaty would have been politic at any time in the war, it was certainly impolitic now. The one chance now was to divide the two parties ; the arrival of Irish soldiers on such terms would have thrown Presbyterians and Indepen- dents into one another's arms as brothers, while the troops themselves would have been taken at sea, or crushed on landiug, where there would have been no force to join them. By the end of March, the royal forces, scattered over the west, were all defeated and dispersed, or forced to take refuge in garrison towns. Hyde and the Prince of Wales were driven down to the very extremity of Cornwall, and had to sail from the 1646.] CHARLES' FLIGHT TO SCOTS. 193 coast (March 1st). Sir Jacob Astley, an old gray-headed Cavalier, was the last to resist in the open field. " Now, gentlemen," he said, to the officers of the Parliament, on surrendering, " yon have done your work, and may go play, unless you choose to fall out amongst yourselves " (March 22nd). It was on the belief that his enemies would still fall out among themselves, that Charles uoav grounded his hopes of restoration to his throne. At the same time that he was courting the Presby- terians, and proposing to come to London and treat with them in person, he was making secret offers to the Independents to root out the Presbyterians, offering them freedom of conscience, if they would ensure the same to the Eoyalists. " I am not without hope," he wrote about this time, " that I shall be able to draw either the Presbyterians or Independents to side with me for extirpat- ing the other — that I shall be really king again.''' But the dis- trust he had engendered was too deep : his advances were not met, and he soon found that, unless he made haste to get out of Oxford before it was invested, he should fall into his enemies' hands, without having bound them to any conditions at all. Af ter much consultation, it was agreed that his best plan would be to seek a refuge in the Scottish army. M. de Montreuil, the French ambassador, had been authorized by Cardinal Mazarin, the chief minister of Louis XIV., to negotiate an agreement be- tween Charles and the Scots, and engage the faith of France for the performance of whatever promises either side should make. Though Charles refused to agree to take the covenant, Montreuil at first obtained some civil speeches from the Scots' commis- sioners in London, to the effect that if the king came to them, they would receive him as their natural king, offer no violence to his person or conscience, and endeavour to procure a happy and well-grounded peace. But the London commissioners soon drew back, thinking they had gone too far ; while the commissioners at the Scottish camp refused to make any such agreement, only promising to receive the king, and demanding that he should give them satisfaction in the question of religion, by which they meant, take the covenant, as soon as possible. Upon this poor security, Charles, accompanied by two companions, left Charles with Oxford in the guise of a servant (27th April), and after Scots - nine days' wanderings, arrived in safety at Kelham, near Newark, the head-quarters of the Scots. Montreuil brought him some 13 19 4 ANGER OF INDEPENDENTS. f war, 5th tr, verbal promise of safety and introduced him into the camp (5th May). The chief officers affected extreme surprise at his ap- pearance, but at the same time great gratitude for the trust he had placed in them. " I shall be well satisfied," replied the king, " if you perform the conditions upon which I have come to you." But they corrected him when he used the word " conditions," saying, 'they had never been privy to anything of that nature; and if the king had made any treaty, it must be with the Scottish commissioners in London, which was no concern of theirs.' Charles' spirits fell, and he already wished himself out of their power. When the news reached London, the Independents w r ere furious. They thought the king would never have taken the step without having made up his mind to consent to the covenant, es- tablish the Presbyterian Church, and in return be allowed to rule subject to Presbyterian guidance ; while they, the true conquer- ors, would be persecuted by Presbyterians and Royalists, their noble army be disbanded, their noble cause — freedom of con- science — be stifled at its birth. To stave off such an end as this, they might, no doubt, have used their army, and appealed to force. But the Independents still aimed at a victory within the lines of the constitution. Parliament, and not the army, was the supreme authority ; it was in the sacred name of Parliament that they had won their victories, and they still wished to lead the Parliament, and not to fight it. Although, therefore, inclined in the first flush of anger to have followed the Scots and taken possession of the king's person by force, they contented themselves with doing all in their power to produce a rupture between the two nations, in order that the Commons might vote war, and they, in obedience to the supreme authority of the nation, might lead the Ironsides to fight the hated allies. In the newspapers, in' pamphlets, in Parliament, at all times, in all places, the Inde- pendents attacked the Scots as traitors, the cruel oppressors of the northern counties, w 7 ho designed to betray and ruin England. The national hatred was readily excited, and, after many debates, the Commons voted that the Scotch army was no longer re- quired, that it should be asked what was owing to it, and be requested to withdraw (11th June). But the Scots, who had already retreated in fear as far as Newcastle, were willing to bear any amount of reproach rather 1646.] NEWCASTLE PEC-POSITIONS. 195 than draw clown upon themselves the Independent army. On their side, the English Presbyterians, still the majority in the Commons, were far more anxious to disband the dangerous sec- tarian army, than to batten it on the blood of their own northern allies. The Independents could not bring about a war, when so many were determined not to quarrel. Charles outwardly did what he could to effect an agreement. He sent messages to the two Houses, urging them to draw up peace propositions ; ordered the commanders of all towns and castles still held for him to surrender (10th June); bade Montrose, who was then a wan- derer in the Highlands, to lay down his arms ; and made a parade of sending orders to Ormond to make no peace with the Irish rebels — orders which Ormond had secret instructions to dis- obey (11th June). Charles' outward submission aided the efforts of the Presby terians, and he finally received peace propositions from Newcastle Parliament (23rd July). By these, he was required propositions. to take the covenant, to establish the Presbyterian Church, to surrender to Parliament, for twenty years, the command of the army, navy, and militia ; to consent that seventy-seven of his friends should be excluded from amnesty, and that all his party should be shut out from public employment' during the pleasure of Parliament. Anxiously was Charles' answer looked for on both sides. If he consented, the Independents would either be obliged to submit to Presbyterian tyranny, or begin a second civil war against Scots, English Presbyterians, and Royalists united. If he refused, the Presbyterians were checkmated ; they could make no concession on the Church question ; on the militia question they could not get easier terms for him against the opposition of the Independents, and dared not offer easier terms if they got them, because they had no confidence in his' word. The possible prospect of his refusal revealed darkly looming before them a thousand difficulties in retaining their own supremacy over the sectarians. " The great God," was their prayer, " soften that man's heart, or else he will fall in tragic miseries, and bring ruin upon himself and us together." The king endured a bitter trial for the next six months. He would have made some concessions about the militia, had not his wife forbidden him ; but he could not bring himself to establish a new Presbyterian Church in England. Some trace his reluc- 13—2 198 CHARLES REJECTS PROPOSITIONS. [war, 5th tr. tance on this point to a belief that the support of the Church was even more essential to monarchical power than the com- mand of the militia ; but this view seems to do injustice both to his sense and his sincerity. He had too much ability to believe the pen of the bishop could guard his throne as well as the sword of the army. The ' command of the militia ' had been the stake of the war, and there was now not a militia, but an army, to command. Secondly, a careful study of his letters induces the belief that his religious convictions were deeper and stronger than his political views. His political views may have been taught to him by his father and his ministers ; his religious views were taught by his father, his ministers, and his heart. Yet it was on this very point that his friends, both at home and abroad, most urgently pressed him to yield. They thought that if this concession by itself did not win over the Parliament, it would certainly win over, the Scots. To keep the militia, to yield the Church, was the command, rather than the advice, of his wife. " By granting the militia," she wrote, " you cut your own throat, for then there is nothing you can refuse, no not my life even, if they ask it ; but I will take care not to fall into their hands/"* Her letters were always written in the same heartless tone. She was far less tender of her husband's happiness, conscience, or life, than she was of his power. If he regained his old authority, she was ready to return and share it with him ; if he lost it, she would sooner he stayed a prisoner in England than trouble her with the presence of a crownless fugitive. Charles, however, wrote doleful letters, pointing out that if he did not quit the kingdom now, he might lose his last chance of escape. These she only answered by forbidding him to think of escape, until the Scots should have declared in plain language they would not protect him. Poor Charles ! there were two acts for which lie felt real regret, and to both of which he had been urged by his queen ; the first was, in his own words, " that base, unworthy concession about Strafford f the second, " that great wrong and injustice to the Church, of taking away bishops' votes in Parliament." Though he sacrificed his personal safety to her wishes, he refused to load his conscience a third time for her * " Vous vous etes coupe la gorge; car vous ne leur pouvez rien refuser, pas meme ma vie, s'ils vous la demandent. Mais je ne me inettrai pas entre leurs mains." 164G.J HIS SCRUPLES. 197 satisfaction. He did, indeed, endeavour to meet her wishes by a compromise. He proposed to her that he should let the Presby- terian Church remain as the established Church of England for three years, on condition that the question should then be re- ferred to Parliament for an ultimate decision after previous dis- cussion by an Assembly of Divines. This compromise was approved by Juxon, to whom Charles submitted it as at once the keeper of his conscience and the maintainer of the Church. But the queen treated the compromise with scorn ; she taunted him with the folly of having a conscience which would give up a point for three years, when nothing was to be got by it, and yet scrupled to give up the point for life to save his kingdom. " Per- mettez moi de vous dire, que je crois, si je me pouvais dispenser f °r that they will come thonshta of * ime *"£ C1 ' ai y miU advisiug him uot to «° ° ut ° f «• ht head 9 « > m . the P ,° Wer ° f the ""V *» fuch a hah- of the r™t' t, ? J" C ,° Utmued > "«• I kwe made concessions, and ^ advt r " < 6nd ' a " d eSpedaUy Si " Ce l W rec iTOj tins advice (you guess from whence it comes), I am resolved to stay here, and God's will be done." It was n fact Ms wife's wdl which was still to be done, till her fatalTnflue, h d finl ruined hm, The will of the army was soon shown. EegS a e reg.ment presented petitions to Fairfax demanding* 'that the same fault may have the same punishment in a king°or lord "ad in pIT ?""' A UUit6d Arm ^ P ~ tiance was -^ndZZfr ^eut, requirmg the House to set aside the treaty and pioceed aga.nst the king in a way of justice.' By a majority of nmety the Commons decided not to tike the A^vZ! strauce into consideration. On the 2nd of December they were debating whether the king's commons were sufficient to serve as a bask of peace. Mel! Faiiav T iTT- tekinS UP their < J Uarters ^ the City, and Fan fax was estabhshmg himself at Whitehall. "The debate mlt Our nt f de '" Said , Prynne ' " UUtil We » e a *Z Parlt bv the , » ^TrT* be withlibe ''tynowwe are environed ad beeTf ■ ? « , 7 (DCC - 40l) tbe "— Came that Cba ^ Hm-st Casir f hy ?^° l -»iers from Carisbrooke to Jiu.st Castle, a gloomy fortress on the Hampshire coast. The Presbyterians more indignant than alarmed, declared the honour of Parliament at stake, for it had voted that the king should t eat in honour, safety, and freedom. Prynne appeared as the Veal "MrT Vft imd i imeS ChaUged WitMQ the last ei gbt years. Mr. Speaker," he said, "all the royal favour I ever vet received from Ins Majesty was the slitting off my ears in a most dec. 6th, 1648.] PEIDE'S PUEGE. 237 barbarous manner ; the setting me upon three several pillories for two hours at a time ; the burning of my books by the hand of the hangman ; the imposing two fines upon me of ,£5000 a piece ; expulsion from the University of Oxford ; above eight years' imprisonment without pens, ink, paper, or books except my Bible. If any member envy me for such royal favour, I only wish him the same badges of favour, and then he will no more asperse me for a royal favourite or apostate from the public cause." For hours he continued speaking, showing that there was no danger to liberty in accepting the king's concessions, and calling on the House not to sacrifice its freedom to fear of the army. " If the king and we shall happily close upon this treaty, I hope we shall have not such great need of their future service ; however, fiat justitia, mat coelum — let us do our duty and leave the issue to God." It was five o'clock on Tuesday morning before the House di- vided, when a resolution was carried by 140 to 104, that the answers of the king were a sufficient ground to proceed upon for a settlement of the kingdom. The next day (6th Dec.) was memorable as that of Pride's Purge A party of officers, headed by Ireton, had determined to put an end to what they considered Presbyterian dictation. Cromwell was on his way from Scot- land, and did not reach London till the next day ; and Fairfax was in ignorance of the designs of his officers. But by seven o'clock in the morning every approach to the Commons' House was barred by soldiers. At the door stood their officer, Colonel Pride, with a list of the proscribed in his hand. When a leading Presbyterian came up the staircase, Lord Grey of Groby pointed him out to Pride, and if the member refused to go away of his own accord, the soldiers forced him down the staircase. Forty Presby- terians were thus excluded, while several others were frightened and kept away of themselves. As the House refused to proceed to business until its absent members should be restored, the next morning the same scene was repeated, and forty more members were excluded (Dec. 7). A minority of twenty-six withdrew of their own accord ; the remainder, nicknamed the Pump, formed a House of fifty-three members, all bound to work in accordance with their friends in the army. First, in order to have a law by which to convict Charles of treason, the Commons voted that it was treason in the King of 238 TRIAL OF THE KING. [rump pael England to levy war against the Parliament and kingdom ; next, in order to have a court by which to try him, they framed an Ordinance ordinance for making a special or High Court of Court of Justice, composed of men of their own party. As the Justice. House of Lords, though it had now dwindled down to twelve members, still had spirit enough to reject the ordinance unanimously, the Commons resolved, that whatever is enacted by the Commons has the force of law without the consent of king or House of Peers, and then passed the ordinance in their own name alone (Jan. 6th). The court first met in private in order to make preparations for the trial. 135 judges were named on the ordinance, but many refused to attend the sittings. Algernon Sidney came once, and interrupted the debate by saying, "The king can be tried by no court, and no man by this court." " I tell you," said Cromwell, " we will cut off his head with the crown upon it." " You may take your course, I cannot stop you," replied Algernon ; " but I will keep myself clean from having any hand in the business."* He then left the room and never returned. Sir Henry Vane retired into the country ; Fairfax attended the first meeting only. Charles had already been removed from Hurst Castle to Windsor, and after a few days was taken on to London. The trial was held in Westminster Hall. The judges, about eighty in number, sat upon benches, which rose one above another at the upper end of the hall. Bradshaw, Cromwell's cousin, sat on a chair of state as Lord President of the Court. Below the President's chair was a table, on which lay the sword and mace of the House of Commons. Twenty-one gentlemen, bearing 'partisans/ were ranged on either side in front of the judges. At the other end of the table, opposite the President's seat, was placed a red velvet chair for the prisoner ; within a bar on the right-hand side of the prisoner's chair stood the three solicitors for the Commonwealth. Ladies and others were seated in galleries. The body of the hall was filled with a tearful, expectant crowd, separated from the soldiers by scaffoldings. The king was •conducted up the centre of the hall by a guard of soldiers. He did not raise his hat or show any sign of respect to the court, but after regarding his judges severely for some moments, turned round * Blencowe, Sidney Papers, i. 237. 1649.] TEIAL OF THE KING. 239 and inspected the crowds behind. Cook, the solicitor of the Com- monwealth, read the charge, in which Charles Stuart was accused of having endeavoured to overturn the liberties of the people, and of being guilty of all the murders and spoils under which the nation had suffered, "wherefore the people of England impeached Charles Stuart as a tyrant, traitor, and murderer." The king smiled visibly when he heard the words, " tyrant, traitor, murderer.'' He persist- ently refused to answer to the charge, asserting that the court had no lawful authority derived from the people of England by which to try him, and that therefore in refusing to plead " he stood more for the liberties of the people than did his pretended judges." Cook accordingly demanded that sentence might be pronounced against the prisoner, in accordance with the rule of law, that if the accused refuses to plead guilty or not guilty, his silence be taken as a confession of guilt. The king was brought before the court for the fourth and last time to hear his sentence read. The President had changed his black for a scarlet -gown. He spoke as follows : ' Gentlemen, it is well known to all, or most of you here present, that the prisoner at the bar hath been several times brought before the court to make answer to a charge of high treason, exhibited against him in the name of the people of England ' ' It's a lie ! not one half of them. Oliver Cromwell is a traitor !' shouted a voice from one of the galleries. A violent commotion arose in the hall ; murmurs of indigna- tion amongst the soldiers, of applause amongst the crowd. The speaker was found to be no less a person than Lady Fairfax, and order with some difficulty having been restored, Bradshaw offered the prisoner for the last time leave to answer to his charge, before sentence was pronounced. " I desire," said the king, " to make a proposal to the Lords and Commons in the Painted Chamber, touching the peace of the kingdom and the liberty of the subject." The judges withdrew for half an hour, and on their return Bradshaw first informed the king that his proposal was rejected, and then made a long speech to justify the conduct of the Parliament, charging the king with having ruled as a tyrant, and thereby rendered resistance both a duty and necessity. "A great necessity," he said, " occasioned the calling of the Parlia- ment, and what your designs and plots and endeavours all along have been for the crushing and confounding of this Parliament 24.0 TEIAL OF THE KING. [rump pare. hath been very notorious to the whole kingdom ; it makes mc call to mind that that we read of a great Konian emperor — by- the-way, let us call him a great Eoman tyrant — Caligula, that wished that the people of Borne had had but one neck, that at one blow he might cut it off. And your proceedings have been somewhat like to this, for the body of the people of England hatb been represented but in the Parliament, and could you but have confounded that, you had at one blow cut off the neck of Eng- land. But God hath reserved better things for us, and hath pleased for to confound your designs and to break your forces, and to bring your person into custody that you might be respon- sible to justice." The whole court stood up in sign of assent, while the clerk read the sentence, that Charles Stuart, as a tyrant, traitor, and murderer, should be put to death by the severance of the head from the body. The king appeared deeply agitated and now tried to speak, but as he had refused to plead before the sentence was given, he was not allowed to speak after, and the judges rose and retired. The king, in the midst of vain endeavours to make himself heard, was forced down the hall by the soldiers, who shouted in his ears, ' Justice ! justice !' ' Execution !' As he passed in his chair from Westminster to Whitehall, the windows, the shops, the streets, were crowded with people weeping and praying 1 God to bless the king'* (Jan. 27th). On taking leave of his two youngest children, who were still in England, Charles bade the Lady Elizabeth, a girl of twelve years old, tell her brother James it was his father's last desire that he should no longer look on Charles as his eldest brother only, but be obedient to him as his sovereign. Then taking the little Duke of Gloucester on his knee, he said to him, " Sweet heart, now they'll cut off thy father's head ; mark, child, what I say, they'll cut off my head, and perhaps make thee a king ; but mark wha.t I say, you must not be king so long as your brothers Charles and James live ; for they'll cut off your brothers' heads- when they can catch them, and cut off thy head too at last ; and, therefore, I charge you not to be made a king by them.' ' I wili' be torn in pieces first/ said the child weeping.t Charles kissed^ * Herb., Mem., 168. + Eusbwortb, vi. 604 ; Herbert, 180. jan. 30, 1649.] EXECUTION OF THE KING. 241 them both, and bade Bishop Juxon have them taken away, while he turned to the window to hide his own emotion. The next morn- ing the king walked from St. James's to Whitehall amidst a guard of soldiers, with Juxon on one side and Col. Tomlinson on the other, talking to them on the way calmly and cheerfully. About noon he was conducted through a passage, made in the ■ wall of the Banqueting House at Whitehall, on to the scaffold, which had been erected in the open street. Men and women who had forced their way into tho hall uttered prayers in his behalf as he passed by. The soldiers throughout the whole occa- sion kept a deep silence, awed by the solemnity of their own act- On the scaffold, which was hung with black, stood two execu- tioners disguised in masks. Soldiers filled the space immediately below, so that the crowded spectators beyond could hear no word the king uttered. Charles died in the firm belief in which he ii)id lived, that in the quarrel between himself and his subjects lie had been always in the right, they always in the wrong. He addressed a short, cold speech to the few assembled on the scaffold, in which he asserted this belief, and then prepared calmly to die. " Hurt not the axe," he said to a gentlemen who touched its edge while he was speaking ; " that may hurt me." In the words of Marvell : " He nothing common did or mean Upon that memorable scene, But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try ; Nor call'd the gods with vulgar spite To vindicate his helpless right ; But bow'd his comely head Down, as upon a bed." " I go from a corruptible to an incorruptible crown," he said to the bishop, " where no disturbance can be, no disturbance in the world." Then putting his head upon the block, he said to the executioner, " When I put out my hands this way, then — ; stay for the sign." Within a few moments the sign was given, and the executioner, holding the head up in his hand, cried to the people, " Behold the head of a traitor." By Charles' trial two issues were decided, the king's depo- sition and his execution. The two issues are distinct. That a king holds office for the good of his people, and, if he perverts his power to their injury, may justly be deprived of it 16 242 INSTANCES OF DEPOSITION. [rump parl. by their representatives, is a constitutional principle, which has "been acted on in the later as well as in the earlier years of our history. Forty years after the trial and execution of Charles I., Parliament resolved that his son, King James II., having en- deavoured to subvert the constitution of the kingdom by break- ing the original contract between king and people, and having violated the fundamental laws, and having withdrawn himself out of the kingdom, had abdicated the government, and that the throne had thereby become vacant. The crown which the House of Stuart thus for a second time forfeited, they proceeded to bestow upon William and Mary of Orange. For a hundred years, in fact till the death of Charles Edward in 1788, that the kings ruled by a Parliamentary title was not merely a theoretical principle, but the actual basis of the settlement of the crown. It was also one of the original principles of the nation. The Saxon kings were, in fact, elected, and the principle was partly recognized that what the nation gave, it could take away ; Sigeberht, iEthelred, Harthacnut were all deposed by the Witenagemot, or great council of the nation. Hereditary succession was not established as the rule in practice till the accession of Edward I. The sanction of the nation was added in doubtful cases. Nor did the Great Council, when transformed into the two Houses of Parliament, forget the use of its ultimate power of depo- sition. In 1327 the moral sense of the nation revolted at the conduct of its king. A bill, charging him with immorality, incapacity, cruelty, and oppression was read and admitted as a sufficient ground of deposition. By this, Parliament declared that Edward II. had ceased to reign, and bestowed the crown on his son. In 1399 thirty -three charges were read in Parliament against Richard II. The king was declared guilty on every charge, and his deposition pronounced. The scene was one which the great dramatist had made familiar to the nation. When, therefore, the court told Charles that he was responsible to the Commons of England, and was tried in the name of the people of England, they were introducing no new principle into the constitution. In such cases, the fictions of lawyers, which in ordinary times may often be useful as preventives against revolutions, are cast aside like gossamer threads, and the king, " who can do no wrong," stands arraigned as a common criminal. If Charles then had been merely deposed by Parliament, he 1649.] EXECUTION OF THE KING. 243 would never ha.ve gained the reputation he has had as a martyr. The justice and legality of the course taken to compass his death is, however, a distinct question. His trial and execution was the work, not of a full Parliament, but of a small minority which could make no pretence of representing the people of England. To carry out their end, this minority proceeded to violent measures which only circumstances of extreme necessity could justify. They excluded members by violence from the House of Commons ;* they virtually abolished the House of Lords ; they passed a .retrospective ordinance ; and, instead of exercising their function in Parliament according to precedent, they erected a new and arbitrary court of justice. It must, indeed, be said that a great advance had been made in the treatment of deposed kings since the fourteenth century. An arbitrary court and an ex post facto law are better than the secret murder which was the lot of Edward and Kichard. The light of day and the presence of the chief men of the nation gave the semblance of a fair trial. Even this semblance is less de- basing to the morality of the community than the sanction of murder by government. Compared with this, informalities were but a slight evil ; indeed it could scarcely be expected that a ^constitution could provide special legal forms for the trial of the * This great blot on the proceedings was well hit by a remonstrance ruldressed to Ireton. " The godly and moral jealousy, I have over you and others related to the lieutenant-general, makes me present these few lines Surely of all others the change of laws and govern- ment had need to be done in full Parliament. But that it may be as near as possible the act of the whole people, as many as may be should be present, lest it fails of the esse of magmim consilium, or that the absence of many by a forced or legal impediment be not judged a just impediment to proceedings. And whether this Parliament be either a free or impartial one will abide disputed at least, and if ever time shall come in which ex- amination may be of things and present transactions in reference to this Parliament, who can tell if it may not be judged beyond the Earl of Straf- ford's fault, which was but arbitrary government, which is but a slighting of laws — much of this a total abolition of them? It may, perhaps, come to be said of your many dangerous ends and extraordinary actings, as the .Romans of Pompey the Great, his daughter, it was a fair and happy daughter, brought forth of an ugly and odious mother ; I wish it may be ■so — only thus much, if you save the people of this land in the way } r ou are in, it must be both against their wills and prayers." "This I delivered to Ireton about a fortnight before the king's trial. Signed, John Clayton." See an unpublished pamphlet among Clarendon Papers in Bodleian, entitled, * : State Colours and Compactions, in which »*e reasons against the proceed- ings to try the king." 1(3 — 2 244 EXECUTION OF THE KINO. [rump pabi* chief of the State, who could never be tried except after a revo- lution. On the one hand it has been said that the people had been rent asunder into two great bodies, one engaged for the king, the other for the Parliament, and that, therefore, if Charles was to be put on trial for his life at all, he ought to have been tried, not by the- rules of common or statute law, but by those of international law, which obtain between foreign nations. These forbid that the victors should take the lives of the vanquished. It was, in fact, on these principles that the struggle had been maintained. Prisoners on either side had rarely been put to death as traitors, the fellow-feeling of the combatants, as well as the fear of retaliation, having prevented such cruelty. The rules of international law ap- plied as much to the leaders as to their followers. On the other hand, it was undoubtedly true that Charles was guilty in a sense in which no other leader was guilty, and no mere general could have been. For it was his deceptions, followed as they were by the refusal of the necessary Militia Bill, that caused the war. Had he read aright the history of the past, he would have seen that the great Edward's " pactum serva " contained the whole law for a constitutional king. Charles was not punished as a com- batant, but as the cause of the combat, in other words, for his- previous actions as a king. As for the rights of war, the Inde- pendent leaders could scarcely have doubted that, had the cases been reversed, he would have meted the same measure to them. The voice of the nation, however, was for clemency in the hour of their king's fall ; they did not think he had com- mitted such sanguinary crimes as justified the violation of law to accomplish his death. Thousands had fought on his side ; thousands who had fought against him wished to spare his life. His enemies might plead that they were acting in self- defence ; but if they counted on the king's death stopping the reaction, they greatly miscalculated. When Charles was dead, they had his son to deal with, who had not, as his father, lost the confidence of the nation. These objections were so strongly felt at the time, that several officers, and several Bepublicans, stood aloof from the whole pro- ceeding. Fairfax, Skippon, Vane, Algernon Sidney, exerted all their influence to prevent a trial for life, wishing to see the king merely deposed. On the other hand, the mass of sectarians, 1649.] THE FEELINGS OF THE ACTORS. 245 republicans, and Levellers pressed fox Charles' execution as a grand and signal display of justice ; one that had not its •record in history, and might serve as a warning to all crowned heads for the future. Charles, according to them, had broken his coronation oath, in which he swore to govern by the laws of the land, and had thereby been the author of the civil war, and the bloodshed attendant upon it. Any accommoda- tion was alike unsafe and wicked ; unsafe, because his dupli- city had been proved over and over again ; wicked, because of the express words to be found in God's law, that " blood defiletli the land, and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it."* " As for Mr. Hutchinson," s&ys his wife, " although he was very much confirmed in his judgment concerning the cause, yet being here called to an extraordinary action, whereof many were of several minds, he addressed himself to God by prayer, desiring the Lord, that, if through any human frailty he were led into any error, He would open his eyes and not suffer him to proceed — and finding no check, he proceeded to sign the sentence against the king. Although he did not then believe but it might one day come to be again disputed among men, yet both he and others thought they could not refuse it without giving up the people of God (whom they had led forth and engaged themselves unto by oath) into the hands of God and their enemies." Cromwell and Ireton placed themselves at the head of the move- ment they were powerless to prevent. There is no doubt that they sympathized in it. Only once does Cromwell allude to the execution, at least in the letters and speeches that still remain. " They," he says, " that acted this great business have given a reason of their faith in the action, and some here are ready, further, to do it against all gainsayers."t Such a decision as the Independent leaders had to make in regard to the execution of Charles I., shows what is •really terrible in revolutions. It is not that men carry their lives in 'their hands, the soldier thinks nothing of that. It is that crises come then, when men cannot choose the good, cannot stand aside, but must choose between two evils, and see the evil of what they choose. At such a time many a man would gladly oppose both and fall ; but a leader is bound to the helm, though he may see no course but to run his ship on the rocks, and drown * Numbers xxxv. 33. t Clirl - u - 21 °- 246 EXECUTION OF THE KING. [rump PAist. some to save many. This is what is most terrible in revolutions \ after the fact it is terrible to all ; it is terrible at the time only to the weaker or more delicate spirits. These birds of calm are caught by the storm and drowned while doubting. Not so the real leaders of revolutions. They ride upon the storm. They see but as the lightning flashes. To them the lesser evil seems a transcendent good. Charles had hoped by his intrigues to crush Cromwell ; he failed ; and Cromwell thenceforth looked upon him as hopelessly false ; as one who was destitute of that sense of truth between man and man, which was a necessity of political life. Such a man, if a ruler, he held, must be dealt with by banishment or by death, as an incurable evil of the common- wealth. His was a stern mind, and a mind into which an idea of privilege did not enter. There was with him no respect of persons. If he had no mercy on Lilburne's misguided Leveller, who endangered the fidelity of a regiment, he was as severe to the prince, who endangered the liberty of the country. Such a mind, intensely confident of its own sense of justice, never recoiled from its conclusion. If it could not draw back, still less could it conceal its purpose. As it abhorred secret murder, so it abhorred that lingering murder, which, while it shrinks from taking away life, shrinks not from taking away the means of life. If Charles was to die, it could not be by the lingering death Charles himself had assigned to Eliot. There was no secrecy in Cromwell's dealing with prince or private ; the one was given over to martial law before the eyes of his comrades ; the other was given as openly to no less stern inquisitors of blood. The world, however, has not judged as Cromwell did. And, though on grounds of abstract justice, it is hard to say why a king deserves a mercy which he has denied to his subjects, yet many faults will be forgiven to those who have had the diffi- cult task of governing others. Among the causes which have won an excess of sympathy for Charles, we observe the natural pity for the greatness of the fall, a disinclination to judge hardly of the fallen, but, above all, the deep-rooted sentiment of loyalty, which the restriction of prerogative has itself attached to the king, by making his throne the ideal element of the constitution, and thus so raising him above parties, that when his ministers do well, he receives the. honour, when ill, he can restore, or even increase, his own popularity by ridding himself of his advisers^ 1649.] CAUSES OF SYMPATHY. 247 Besides these general considerations, it will be remembered that the interpreter of his times for all the generations before our own, has been one who wrote in the full tide of the reaction, and who, as is now known, has not shrunk on occasion from suppressing truth, in his endeavour to palliate the faults of one side or blacken those of the other. The historian has been seconded so ably by the painter and novelist, that a Cavalier has been held the type of all that is noble, and a patriot of all that is mean. It will be noticed that the two classes by whom Charles has been most admired, have been the clergy, who may have been unconsciously biassed by a not unnatural antipathy to the religious theories of his opponents ; and those whose lives have brought them least in contact with public interests : these have judged him as one of their own society, and have been carried away by the many virtues of his private life, his courage in the field, his tender nature and his piety, as well as by the noble attitude in which these qualities sustained him at his death. Those, on the other hand, who have interested themselves deeply in the cause of the people, must perforce judge public men by what they have done for the nation. In their roll of martyrs will come not Charles, who died from reluctance to abandon boldly a prerogative which had been proved to be untenable and perni- cious, but Eliot, who died in defence of the necessary rights of the Commons' house, and the ransacking of whose most secret papers has only proved more clearly what was clear before, that the only ends he aimed at were his country's, his God's, and truth's. Those who look to national interests will hold that the first in- tellectual virtue of a ruler is an insight into the spirit of his time and the first moral virtue, a sympathy with his people's hopes and fears. As men may be too good fathers, if they use patronage as a vehicle of nepotism, so kings are too good husbands, when they give or withhold their consent to the nation's wishes according to the tempers or caprices of their wives, and too good churchmen, when they put one half of their subjects without the pale of toleration. This is not the sense in which, with kings, as with others, " England expects every man to do his duty." CHAPTEE XI. SOCIAL STATE OF ENGLAND. OIgQ' ovv on Kal dvQpoj-wv tidr) roaavra dvdyKrj Tporrcjv eivca, Zaatrsp Kal 7ro\miwv ; rj o"a.t tic Sovoq TroQtv ?/ Ik Trtrpag rag 7ro\iTiiag yiyveaQai, aW ou%l tic tiov 7)QCjv tCjv tv tcJq iroXtaiv, a dv loGTrep pexpai'Ta rdWa t seek work for himself, was compelled to provide for him. P the over- 270 THE LABOUEER. [social Charles I. a labourer generally received from eightpence to one shilling a day, or from four shillings to six shillings a week, with- out board. As, however, four shillings then would buy as much as fourteen now, his living was not inferior to that of many agri- cultural labourers at the present time. So much land, moreover, still remained unenclosed, that he probably possessed a bit of garden- ground attached to his cottage, and fed his cow, or pig, or flock of geese, on the neighbouring common. His ordinary fare was rye- bread, barley-meal, onions, carrots, bacon, and beer. Vegetables common now, were then rarities. Potatoes, first brought from Ame- rica by Hawkins, Drake, and Raleigh, sold at two shillings a pound. Articles of clothing, candles, salt, sugar, and wheaten bread, were all much dearer than they now are, though meat and beer were much cheaper. The wages of artificers and those engaged in manu- factures were also fixed by the justices of the peace ; and gene- rally ranged at about one shilling a day. At Kidderminster there were few beggars, the common trade of stuff- weaving providing work for men, women, and children. 'But none were very wealthy, as the wages only served to provide food and raiment.'* seers could not find him full employment, they were required to make up any deficiency in wages out of rates. In consequence of this system, farmers purposely underpaid their labourers, knowing the parish could not refuse re- lief, while the labourers themselves were deprived of any motive for self- exertion. As the overseers were not appointed by the ratepayers, there was no check upon the expenditure, and the poor-rates rose with extraordinary rapidity. In 1760, the population was 7.000,000; the rates were £1,250,000. In 1834, the population had rather more than doubled, being 14,372,000, the poor-rates had increased by more than five times, £6.317,235. In 1834, the Reformed Parliament passed the Poor Law Amendment Act. A central authority was created — a board of three commissioners, with power to regu- late the administration of relief throughout England and "Wales. Parishes were united into unions, directed by boards of guardians, of whom the ma- jority were elected by the ratepayers. The commissioners put an end to the allowance system, only granting outdoor relief to the able-bodied poor in ex- ceptional cases. This Act made no alteration in the Law of Settlement. The 35th George III. had already prohibited the removal from a parish of any newcomer, until he should have become actually chargeable (1795). The 9th and 10th Victoria prohibits the removal of any person who shall have resided five years in a parish without being chargeable. The 11th and 12th Vict, re- lieves the parish of the cost of maintaining persons who have so become chargeable, and lays it on the common fund of the union. The continuance of the Laws of Settlement to the present time is consequent upon the principle, that every parish, however poor itself, is bound to relieve its own poor. The entire abolition of these is still required, as well as the universal substitution of union instead of parochial chargeability ; and, where necessary, an equa- lization of the poor-rates over wider areas than a single union presents. — NlCHOLLS ON THE POOR LAWS. ChITTY'S STATUTES. * Baxter's Life, 33. •state.] TRAVELLING. 271 Some of the master workmen got one shilling and eightpence a day. There were no large factories, as little machinery had been introduced, but weaving and other manufacturing processes were carried on in the poor people's homes by hand labour. Though the table of wages of the seventeenth century may not compare unfavourably with that of the nineteenth, in other re- spects a great improvement has taken place in the material con- dition of the working classes. In the seventeenth century the ravages of fire, disease, and famine often inflicted a greater amount of suffering than a war would now bring upon the country. Destructive fires took place periodically in most towns, for the houses were all of wood, and there were no appliances at hand with which to quench the flames. Whether the town were wholly or partially destroyed depended principally upon the direc- tion of the wind at the time of the breaking out of the fire. Owing to an utter neglect of the laws of health, villages and towns were subject to the visitation of frightful plagues and diseases, for which no remedies were known. At such times the deaths in London would increase by several thousands a week.* Famines were com- mon in England then, for the same reasons as they are now in India. The badness of the roads prevented ary rapid communication from one part of the country to another, so that the people in York- shire might be near starving from lack of bread, while those in Kent possessed a superfluity of corn. It was customary to travel with a coach and four horses, not from ideas of grandeur or speed, but because otherwise there was no chance of getting through the bogs. Often a coach would be six or eight hours in going a distance of twelve miles. An overset was not the worst danger e that might befall the traveller. He sometimes had to pass through gloomy forests and over far-stretching heaths without seeing a single enclosed field for a distance of forty or even fifty miles, and under these circumstances, it was a lucky chance if he came to his journey's end without being „. , stopped by a band of highwaymen and robbed of money men. and goods. At the close of the civil war, many Cavaliers, finding they had ruined themselves in the service of the king, took to * The deaths from plague in London were : — 11,503 in 1592 35,428 in 1625 12,102 in 1636 30,583 in 1603 1,317 in 1630 2,876 in 1637 State Papers, 16C7. 272 LONDON. [social the road, and ended their lives on the gallows. Thus, in ] 656, a notable highwayman was secured, the chief of a company which had robbed the carrier of York of ,£1500. " And it is reported," says the newspaper, " that he and his companions have, in little more than a twelvemonth's time, robbed to the value of ,£11,000 ; [and have taken] so great sums of money at a time, that, instead of telling it, they shared it by the quart pot. >; * Charles was the first to establish a post-office, to carry letters between London, Edinburgh, Chester, Holyhead, and Post-office. * & ' i other towns. The charge was twopence a letter on any distance under eighty miles. During the war, the post fell into disuse, but was re-established on the return of peace. London itself was the centre of trade, wealth, and inte'ligence. It was, as it still is, a chartered or self -governed town. The city was Corporation divided into twenty-six wards. The householders or of London. f re emen of every ward elected the members of a common council, which formed the legislative body of the corpo- ration, making bye-laws and police regulations to be of force within the city boundaries. The aldermen were also elected by the house- holders, and these with the lord mayor were the principal magis- trates. In the Old Bailey they had an independent criminal court for the trial of treasons, murders, and felonies, committed within the city of London and the County of Middlesex. The independence and power of the city have been shown in the previous history. The Guildhall was the asylum of the five members of the Parliament. "Without the support of the corporation, that is to say, of free- men, common council, and city aldermen, the Parliament could never have commenced the war with the king ; at a later hour, when the corporation went with the Presbyterians for the king, the Independent leaders, though backed by a veteran army, were greatly weakened by the defection. The city had supplied the sinews of war; indeed, from no other town in Englard could enough money have been borrowed to pay the troops of the Par- liament. Had the king had the city at his back, he need never have been bankrupt, and might have checked the marauding- habits of his army. It was in fact in London that the richest merchants of the kingdom were collected. The nobles them- selves had not houses more magnificent, furniture more costly and collections of pictures and rarities more valuable. The * Cromwelliana. STATE.] THE STEEETS. 273 Thames served as a highway between the city and "Westminster. There were numbers of public landing-places, where boatmen waited to ferry passengers to any part up and down the river, or over to Southwark. Old London Bridge was the one bridge that had then been built ; the highway across, passing under gateways and flanked by houses, gave it the appearance of a castellated street. Some noblemen still lived in the Strand, and had gardens attached to their dwellings, sloping down to the river's edge, with private landing-places; but the more fashionable quar- ter was now further west, about Covent Garden and Drury Lane. Though London was then considered of enormous size, on the east it hardly extended beyond the Tower; on the west it touched the city of Westminster. In the north, around the old Convent or Covent Garden, Inigo Jones had lately designed new streets, connecting the City with St. Giles', then really a hamlet in-the-Fields. The old houses were all of timber, with high-gabled roofs, and stories jutting out one above the other. As few could read, not only every tavern, but every shop, possessed its signboard, and the streets presented a succession of Cross Keys, Three Pigeons, Golden Lambs, Ships, and Black Swans. The principal streets alone were paved, and these merely with little round jolting stones. The dirt was frightful. Into the kennel, or open gutter- like sewer, refuse was thrown out of houses and shops, and there rotted and reeked until it was carried away by the rain to Fleet Ditch and the Thames. Eain, in fact, did yeoman's service, though the pipes on the house-roofs first conducted their contents to the heads of passers-by. Kites and ravens were kept to act as scavengers, and the bonfires lighted on every occasion of rejoicing- served a good purpose in occasionally consuming the rubbish. The streets, before the great fire, were rather to be called alleys ; in some, friends could shake hands across from the projecting upper stories. Coaches had been introduced into England from Germany about 1580. Some enterprising man, a few years later, set up hackney-coaches in London, and in 1634 there were said to be 1900 such vehicles ready for hire in the streets. Sedan chairs followed. The first was brought by Buckingham from Spain. The street mob hooted at the hated favourite, regarding it as a 'mastering pride' in him to be borne upon men's shoulders ; but the convenience of the conveyance overcame prejudice, and, like coaches, sedan chairs were soon in common use. 18 274 APPRENTICES. [social Hyde Park was a fashionable drive, where coach-races were sometimes held. Spring Gardens, opening into St. James' Park, was a favourite resort of ladies and gentlemen. There was drink- in tr going on always under the trees, and quarrels took place two or three times a week. Cromwell, much to the discontent of Royalists, caused both gardens and park to be closed for some .months.* Before the breaking out of the Civil War, St. Paul's Cathedral had been lised as a daily lounging and meeting-place by people of every rank and profession. Its uses were, perhaps, less worldly when it became the stable of the sectarian horse during the war. The streets were always a Babel of sounds. Masters or their apprentices stood at the shop doors, touting for customers with cries of 'What d'ye lack, sir — what d'ye please to lackl' Pish- wives, orange-women, broom-men, chimney-sweepers, with the original costard-applemongers, passed up and down, crying their wares or services. Over this motley crowd hung the warn- ing gallows, occupying a prominent position outside the Old Bailey on Ludgate Hill. Felons and others were hung there every Monday morning. Riots and scuffles often took place. We have seen how ready the populace of London was to rise, and how rival parties in Parliament raised mobs to intimidate their oppo- nents. On all such occasions the apprentices took a leading part. There was a strong class feeling and close union amongst them. The apprentice was bound to his master for seven years, after which he might set up in business for himself, and rise if he could to be a member of the Common Council, a City Alderman, and even sworn Lord Mayor of London. If an apprentice were assaulted, he raised the cry of "Prentices, clubs!' and out of every shop in the street rushed friends to the rescue. The students of the Inns of Court, mostly gentlemen by birth and Royalist at heart, felt themselves natural enemies of Presbyterian shop- keepers, and a standing feud produced frequent fights between Templars and apprentices. Like the athletic sports of the time — boating, bowling, shooting, football, cudgelling — the London street fights helped to form the raw material of a soldiery. Formerly the London train-bands had been famous for their archers. The Artillery Company had been originally formed in 1585 by volun- teer citizens and officers, when the country was threatened with invasion ; and from this small beginning had developed the new Evelvn, Diary ; Kn ; gat ; i. 191; Character of England, Somers Tracts, vii. state.] THIEVES AND WATCHMEN. 275 •set of train-bands raised upon the breaking out of the Civil War. These, however, were not used as police, and the citizen of London had to trust in the strength of his own arm to defend his property and life from the assaults of thieves and robbers. There were no street lamps, though, indeed, an order existed for every householder to hang out a lanthorn over his door at night ; and at stated times bellmen walked the streets, ringing their bells, and crying, ' Hang out your lant- horns !' The order, however, seems to have been but little observed, so that the city remained practically unlighted. Stand- ing watchmen, who remained at their posts only till one or two o'clock in the morning, formed but an inefficient police, and, when it grew dark, even the chief streets grew dangerous for all but the well-armed. London was, indeed, the head-quarters of thieves and rogues of all descriptions, and the exercise of their profession required but little ingenuity or caution. The country gentleman was known to them at once by his manners, his accent, and the cut of his clothes. While he, a stranger in the great city, was gazing upon the new sights round him, thieves cut the string of his purse, which he wore, as was the custom, attached to his girdle. Sharpers prevailed upon him to enter taverns in their company, where his pockets were soon emptied of his cash. In the intervals of business, all rogues could find an asylum in Whitefriars, which took its name from a house of white-hooded friars ; before the Eeformation it had been a sanctuary for criminals, and still remained one for debtors. Accordingly, not only bankrupts and debtors, but highwaymen, false witnesses, robbers, and murderers herded together in Whitefriars and other congenial haunts, where the officers of justice dared not enter unattended by a guard of musketeers * A very slight comparison of the England of to-day with the England of the seventeenth century is sufficient to show what a vast advance has been made in the material condition of the country. Yet, because an efficient police system now renders roads and streets nearly as safe by night as by clay ; because the population has more than quadrupled ; because towns have sprung up where once were villages ; because trade has increased to an * In 1697 an Act of Parliament was passed, abolishing the privileges of Whitefriars and of the Savoy, another haunt of the same kind. See Macau- lay, chap. xxii. ig _ 2 276 SOCIAL STATE OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. extent far beyond the vision of the statesmen of the Long Parlia- ment ; because science has done much to prolong life and alleviate suffering — it would be a great mistake to suppose that, because of these things merely, future generations will regard the nineteenth century as superior to those before it. The men of the time of James I. and Charles I. are not now allowed any special credit, because in travelling they used coaches instead of riding on horse- back ; because they built better houses than their great-grand- fathers, and slept on softer beds ; because they had more wealth, more knowledge, and more refinement ; all this was the result of work done before they were born. Material well-being must, in the first instance, spring from certain qualities of mind, and the people who, while they have inherited the well-being, have lost the qualities of mind which enabled their ancestors to bequeath it them, are far less likely to be at the highest than at the lowest stage of their career. The claim of any age to the respect and gratitude of posterity rests on the manner in which it dealt with its own special problems. Judged by this test, the patriots of the seventeenth century can never be found wanting. It has taken a course of two hundred years but to polish off the work that they rough-hewed. The material advantages now enjoyed spring in great part from the principles then so boldly maintained. Science can- not flourish in a land where men are imprisoned for speaking and writing what they believe ; trade cannot flourish amid the shackles of monopolies and restrictive laws ; abuses will rarely be reformed, or bad laws abolished, where the light of free discussion never j^enetrates. On the other hand, the mistakes of their age may be warnings for other generations : to take a single instance, the history of the witchcraft laws shows that education is vital to the morality of a state, and that the association of false theories with cherished beliefs is a means by which cruel and heartless oppression may win the support of religion and piety. The problems of the present century are distinct from those of the seventeenth, but, perhaps, no less important. Two or three hundred years hence it may be possible to form a fair judgment of the manner in which those problems have been treated. It may well be doubted whether future generations will allow that they owe us as great a debt of gratitude as we and they owe the men whose judgment, fortitude, and self-sacrifice alone prevented the establishment, of arbitrary government in England. CHAPTER XII. TRIUMPHS OF THE COMMONWEALTH BY LAND AND SEA. — (1649—1652.) True dispatch is a rich thing; for time is the measure of business, as money is of' wares. — Bacon. The Commons now formally abolished the House of Lords (19th March), and settled the government as a ' commonwealth or free state' (19th May, 1649). A Republican government is more or less democratical according to the number of those that are privi- leged to take part in it, either directly as rulers, or indirectly as electors. The government now established under the name of a republic was, in fact, a close oligarchy, and not so popular in con- stitution as the monarchy which it had overthrown. The body that exercised both the legislative and executive functions num- bered about 120, and of these there were rarely more than fifty present at a debate. Though these members had been elected moi-e than eight years ago, and represented but a small fraction of the nation, they had the power of refusing all share in the government to any but their own partisans, while they could not themselves be legally removed without their own consent. Yet, if the Republican ideal was to be carried into act, it had to be done by this remnant of a Parliament. The dissolu- tion of the House involved too great a risk. If all the electors were allowed to take part in choosing a new representative, the majority of members would be Presbyterians and Royalists ; if, on the other hand, Presbyterian and Royalist electors were dis- franchised, the army officers would get an assembly which only represented themselves. Under these circumstances, both the honest men in the House and the self-interested were agreed in wishing to avoid a dissolution — the former, such as Vane, Mar- tin, Ludlow, Hutchinson, and Bradshaw, because they thought that, in founding a republic, they were rendering their country 278 THE EEPUBLIC— ITS ENEMIES. [rump pari* an incalculable benefit; the latter, either through desire of power in the future, or fear of consequences for the past. " We slipped into circumstances by degrees," says the lawyer Whitelock, one of these followers with the stream, "by little and little plunging further in, until we knew not how to get out again."* To carry on the executive for the present a council of state was appointed, containing forty-one of the most influential men in the army and the House. The Commonwealth had so many enemies that, but for the sup- port of Cromwell and the army, it could not have stood for a day. At home it was threatened with danger alike from the country people and the Levellers : abroad it was threatened from Scot- land, where the Prince of Wales had been proclaimed king of the three countries (Feb. 12th) ; from Ireland, where Ormond was still supreme ; from the Channel, which Rupert held with the re- volted ships ; and from Europe at large, whose princes refused to recognize the rule of Republican rebels. The Emperor of Russia drove English merchants out of his dominions. The foreign re- presentatives of the Commonwealth were assassinated. Dr. Doris- laus, the agent of the Republic to the States of Holland, was murdered by six Scotch followers of Montrose the very evening of his arrival at the Hague (May 3rd). A like fate befell Ascham, the agent of the Commonwealth to Spain. Two days after his arrival at Madrid, six men entered his chamber while he was at dinner, and, taking off their hats, saluted the company with the words, " Welcome, gallants, welcome !" Ascham rose, thinking them to be friends, and in another moment lay dead on the floor along with one of his companions. Out of the six criminals the Spanish government brought but one to justice. These disgrace- ful murders of "the things called ambassadors" were open sub- jects of rejoicing with Royalist exiles. The Commonwealth, while thus attacked by its open enemies abroad, found no support among the masses at home. The im- mediate result of Charles' execution was to produce a revulsion of feeling in his favour. His faults were buried in his grave ; his private virtues lived after him. A book was published, entitled Eikon Basilike, or the Royal Image, which professed to be written by Charles himself during his captivity at Carisbrooke Castle. In it the theory of Divine Right was pic- tured in its softest colours. Without abating one jot or tittle of * Whitelock, Mem. 417. 164-9.] EIKON BASILIKE. 279 the king's high pretensions as ruling by the will of God, Charle* was portrayed as the father of his people, the lover ot the established laws and of Parliaments, yielding in all points to the desires of his subjects, save where conscience and honour forbade. Against such a prince the people had taken up arms, mislea by a few bold, bad men acting from love of power, blind party passions and greed to satisfy their own necessities out of the lands and revenues of the Church. By these men the king's acts had been misrepresented, his good faith unreasonably questioned, but he remained frank and generously forgiving as ever In his instruc- tions to his son he is represented as bidding him entertain no dislike of Parliaments, but remember that the rebels had acted from misapprehension of their own good. In the prayers with which each chapter of the book closes, he is found beseeching God to bestow upon his enemies repentance and pardon, in place of punishment for the sin of fighting against Gods anointed. For himself, let what would happen, he could still patiently sub- mit to God's chastening hand, in the full assurance that Ins Saviour's crown of thorns was more precious than any crown of -old. Though in fact a forgery of Doctor Gauclen, the book Educed as great an effect as if it had proceeded tao . Chare, own hand. 48,000 copies of this Image of the Martyr-King were sold in a year.* To increase the reaction in the king's favour, famine ap- peared in many parts of the country. The present Common- wealth and the !ate government of the two Houses were associated in the mind of the people with a standing army and heavy taxes T Charles' rule with the happy memories of unbroken peace, tales of distress often came before the House-of a town reduced almost to penury, because the commander of the garrison left un- p™vided by the government, was forced to allow the soldiers to Uve at free quarters ; of tumults against the tax-gatherer^ m wMch the string people declared " that they wouh Heave tte* Wives and children to be maintained by the gentry, for the biead was eaten out of their mouths by the taxes.''! From all this discontent the Republicans had little to feai, so Ion- as the army remained faithful. Discontent, however, was widespread there. A successful revolution, however much it ; ?JBfc EiSt - 'V ^et^l! «, «3 ; Carlyle, i. 345. 280 MUTINY OF LEVELLEES. [hump pari., offends moderates, must disappoint extremes. Fifth Monarchists, Levellers, Anabaptists, found that neither the equality of men nor the millennium had come with the Republic. Petitions came that the House should dissolve in August ; that new parliaments should be held every year; that excise and customs should be abolished; that the law and the church should be reformed ; and, lastly, that none should pay rent or homage to fellow-creatures. Aroused by hunger or belief in natural right, bands of men began to dig and plant unenclosed lands. Pamphlets and papers were published supporting the principles of the Levellers. " The gentry," it was said, " held all authority and command, and drove on designs for their own interest and the people's slavery. The nobles, who had come in with William the Conqueror, had seized the lands of the people and forced the king to consent to laws necessary to preserve themselves, but had never acted from any love to the poor Com- mons." The impracticable Liiburne, the leader and mouthpiece of all the discontented, published tract after tract to stir up the soldiers to mutiny by attacking the ambition of the officers and the tyranny of the House. "The officers," he wrote, "are inferior to the essential part of the army, the soldiery, and ought to be controlled and overthrown when they try to overthrow and con- trol the soldiery. We were before ruled by a King, Lords, and Commons ; now by a General, a Court-Martial, and a House of Commons. We are but under an old cheat, the transmutation of names, but with the addition of new tyrannies to the old ; and the last state of this Commonwealth is worse than the first." The moment was critical. Prince Charles was invited to Ire- land, and, should he land the Irish army in England in the midst of all this surging discontent, Presbyterians and Royalists might rise and defeat an army and party divided against itself. To meet the danger at its source, the Council of State appointed Cromwell commander-in-chief, with orders to make an expedition against Ireland. The soldiers, however, now refused to obey the orders of their officers, and broke out into open mutiny. In Oxfordshire, in Gloucestershire, in Wiltshire, bodies of men marched off from their head -quarters in arms. Fairfax, however, and his officers followed closely on the insurgents, who w r ithin a fortnight were all either taken prisoners or defeated and dispersed. The last body of mutineers had marched north from Salisbury, forded the Thames, and reached Burford, in Oxfordshire. Fairfax was at 1649.] STORMING OF DROGHEDA. 281 Andover, but, by a march of fifty miles in the day, he surprised them the same evening in their quarters. The larger part of the army had, in fact, remained faithful to their generals, who could be tender, without being weak, stern, without being cruel, so that their soldiers loved and respected them accordingly. " Those," said Cromwell, " that thought martial law a burden should have liberty to lay down their arms, and be paid their arrears the same as those that stayed ; for the rest, the Parliament would in time do all that they desired." Of the Burford mutineers, out of 400 prisoners, every tenth man was condemned by court-martial to be shot. The sentence was only executed upon three ; the others felt grateful for the mercy extended to them : Cromwell's words brought them to their reason ; the men repented, and their leader confessed that many of his party "were so enraged against the Parliament that he did think (in his conscience) there would have been great cruelty exercised by these men, and that it was a happy hour they were surprised and prevented." Meantime the Duke of Ormond had effected a peace with the Catholics in Ireland by promising them, in the name of Charles Stuart, the free exercise of their religion (Jan., 1649). He had further succeeded in uniting in the Prmce's favour all four parties in the island — the Irish Catholics ; the Catholic descendants of the old English settlers ; English Episcopalians, whether fugitive Royalists or men whose fathers had been planted by Elizabeth and James on the lands of Irish rebels ; and, lastly, the Scotch Presbyterians of the Ulster settlement. Accordingly, when Crom- well arrived in Ireland at the head of 12,000 men, he found almost the whole country under the power of the Royalists (Aug. 15th). A Parliamentary garrison in Dublin itself had only escaped a siege by surprising the enemy on the banks of the Liffey (Aug. 2nd). The general first marched against Drogheda, then called Droghdagh or Tredah, and summoned the garrison to surrender. Sir Arthur Ashton, the governor, refused ; he had 3000 of the choicest troops of the confederates and enough provisions to en- able him to hold out till winter should compel the enemy to raise the siege. But within twenty-four hours the English batteries had made a breach in the wall. Oliver, after twice seeing his soldiers beaten off, led the in on in person and carried the breach. A terrible massacre followed. " Being in the heat of action I forbade them," Cromwell wrote in his despatch to the Parlia- 282 STORMING OF DEOGHEDA. [rump pari* merit, " to spare any that were in arms in the town ; and I think that night they put to the sword about 2000 men." Of these, one-half probably fell in the streets ; the other half Cromwell describes as having been slain at early dawn in St. Peter's Church. This he looks upon as a judgment for their previous proceedings there. "It is remarkable/' he writes, "that these people at first set up the mass in some places of the town that had been monasteries ; but afterwards grew so insolent that, the last Lord's day before the storm, the Protestants were thrust out of the great church called St. Peter's, and they had public mass there ; and in this very place near 1000 of them were put to the sword, fleeing thither for safety. I believe all the friars were knocked on the head promiscuously but two." Of the original garrison of 3000, many must have fallen in the defence ; and of the remainder who escaped for that night, the officers were ' knocked on the head,' and the soldiers mostly shipped for Bar- badoes. "I am persuaded," he further writes, "that this is a righteous judgment of God upon these barbarous wretches, who have imbrued their hands in so much innocent blood ; and that it will tend to prevent the effusion of blood for the future, which are the satisfactory grounds to such actions, which otherwise cannot but work remorse and regret. The officers and soldiers of this garrison were the flower of their army. . . . That which caused your men to storm so courageously, it was the Spirit of God, who gave your men courage, and took it away again ; and gave the enemy courage, and took it away again ; and gave your men courage again, and therewith this happy success. And, therefore, it is good that God alone have all the glory." Royalist accounts assert that many hundreds of women and children were slain in St. Peter's Church. It is, of course, pos- sible that some of the townspeople, fleeing thither for safety, lost their lives in the general massacre of the garrison. There is, how- ever, no trustworthy witness* for any lives being taken except * Dr. Lingard gives credit to the story of Cromwell's massacre of towns- people — men, women, and children — but the only direct testimony is a story told by Thomas Wood (the brother of Anthony Wood, the historiographer of Oxford). This Thomas Wood had fought on the king's side, and alter the king's death, "being deeply engaged in a Cavaliering plot in 1648, he, to avoid being taken and hanged, fled to Ireland," where, according to his brother's account, he got a command in the regiment of Ingoldsby, an old schoolfellow, and then a Parliamentary officer ; and thus, having changed* eides, " was engaged in the storming and assaulting" of Drogheda. He tells 1649.] IRISH CAMPAIGN. 283 those of soldiers and friars. Cromwell did not sanction the killing of any but those with arms in their hands, though he seems to have approved of the fate of the friars. The fanatical zeal of his letter, and the fact that he takes the full credit or discredit for the slaugh- ter of the garrison, makes it improbable that he concealed anything ; and this is substantiated by his subsequent declaration, in which he gives this challenge : — " Give us an instance of one man, since my coming into Ireland, not in arms, massacred, destroyed, or banished, concerning the massacre or the destruction of whom justice hath not been done, or endeavoured to be done." With the enemy's troops Cromwell carried out the determined mode of warfare which he began at Drogheda. They were mostly scattered over the country, occupied in garrison duty. Before whatever town he came he demanded immediate surrender, or threatened to refuse quarter. Town after town opened its gates to this grim summons. Wexford, which refused to surrender, was stormed, and the whole garrison, 2000 in number, put to the sword (Oct. 11th). While condemning these massacres we must remember, not only that there had been a terrible massacre of Protestants eight years before,* but that the Celts, whether Irish or Highlanders, failed themselves to observe towards others the rules of war obtaining among more civilized nations ; and further that, even according to the rules of war of that time, the garrisons of places taken by storm were presumed to have lost their right to quarter ; the Ca- tholic generals on the Continent had, in fact, put to the sword, not only the garrisons, but the inhabitants of Protestant towns. Yet Cromwell was probably not so much influenced by precedents of his own day as by those drawn from "the wars of the Lord" a tale, in Spenser's manner, of a "most handsome virgin, arrayed in costly and gorgeous apparel," whom a soldier treated as though he were Phineas and she a Midianitish woman; whereupon Wood, "seeing her gasping, took away her money, jewels, &c., and flung her clean over the works." His hrother says " he had an art of merriment called buffooning," and he seems to have practised this on "his mother and brethren," to whom he often told this story. Ormond, writing from the neighbourhood, and speaking gene- rally of great cruelty having been exercised for five days after the town was taken, makes no mention of a massacre of townspeople. The Catholic Council of Kilkenny, in the manifesto they published at Clonmacnoise at this time, make no mention of a massacre of townspeople at Drogheda, and even think it necessary to warn the Irish against being deceived by a show of clemency. It is ir his answer to this manifesto that Cromwell makes the statement quoted in the text. Ormond Papers, ii. 412 ; Lingard, viii. Appendix. * See p. 101. 284 DEDUCTION OF IRELAND. [rump pari.. in his Bible. It is not the only time that religion has been made to seem at war with humanity through the mistaken idea, that usages tolerated among uncivilized nations 3000 years ago are a model for the observance of Christians. The history of the Indian mutiny, in our own time, shows that the danger of an uncritical interpretation of the sacred records is not past for us. It was only in the case of these two garrisons that Cromwell was merciless, but this blot on his character increased his diffi- culties in the next Scottish campaign by inspiring groundless fears in the civil population. In other respects, while Cromwell's rigour and determination saved bloodshed in the end by the rapidity and completeness of his conquests, his conduct in Ireland contrasted favourably on many points with that of the Royalists there. His own soldiers, for ill- using the people contrary to regulations, were sometimes cashiered the army, sometimes hanged. When a treaty was made, he kept faithfully to its terms. Garrisons that yielded on summons were allowed either to march away with arms and baggage, or else to go abroad and enter the service of any government at peace with England. Before the war was over he had rid the country, on these terms, of some 45,000 soldiers. Taking advantage of the divisions of his enemies, he persuaded several garrisons of English soldiers to desert the cause of Charles Stuart for the Common- wealth. His conduct of the war was so successful that, during the nine months of his stay in Ireland, the forces of the Royalists were shattered, and the provinces of Leinster and Munster reco- vered for the Parliament. Cromwell returned to England in May 1650, leaving his son-in-law Ireton to complete the conquest of the country. The last garrisons in Ulster and Munster surren- dered during the course of the ensuing summer and autumn. Ireton crosse 1 the Shannon and drove the Irish back into the bogs and mountain fastnesses of Connaught, their last refuge, where fighting still continued for two years after all the rest of the country had been reduced (1651-2). Cromwell had hastened from Ireland because a pressing danger now threatened England from Scotland. The Scots were divided into three parties — first, the Strict Covenanters, followers of Argyle, who had been placed in power by Cromwell after the de- feat of Hamilton in Lancashire (1648) ; secondly, the Lax Cove- nanters, or Engagers, who had taken part in Hamilton's invasion; 1650.] PARTIES IN SCOTLAND. 285 thirdly, the old Royalists, headed by the Marquis ot Montrose. Though the Strict Covenanters declined to fight for a king who refused the Covenant, they grew indignant at seeing Republicans and Sectarians triumph over Presbyterians in England ; and, having hopes that the son would be less recalcitrant than the father, sent deputies to the Hague to offer Charles the crown of Scotland, on condition of his taking the Covenant, and promising to rule by the advice of Parliament and Kirk. At the time this treaty was being negotiated, Montrose was defeated and taken prisoner by the Covenanters. Charles, though he had given him a full commission, yet, not wishing to break off the treaty, basely disowned the earl, and caused word to be sent to Argyle that he felt no sorrow for the defeat of the man who had drawn the sword " contrary to the royal command." The outrages of Montrose's savage levies were long remembered in the Lowlands, and the Covenanters, in revenge, now determined to execute him with all the circumstances of shame they could devise. He was sentenced to be hung on a gibbet, thirty feet high, in the Grass- market in Edinburgh, the place of execution for the lowest felons, his body quartered, and his limbs fixed on the gates of four towns in Scotland. Montrose, by the calmness and dignity of his bearing, cast back the scorn and the ohame into the faces of his enemies. He had always loved to play the hero, and never had such a scene been offered him before. He walked calmly to the place of execution with a "grand air," magnificently dressed, as if he had been going to wait upon the king. His country honoured him in his death more than in his life (May 21st). The Republican statesmen were aware that, if Charles Stuart reigned in Scotland, English and Scotch Presbyterians would unite in an attempt to place him upon the throne of England. They determined, therefore, to ward off the danger by being the first in the field. Fairfax, however, refused to command. The Republicans knew that the only man able to take his place was Cromwell. Cromwell's power they feared already, but it was in vain they begged and implored Fairfax to go ; in vain Cromwell himself entreated him, which he did so earnestly that none could doubt his sincerity ; in vain it was urged upon him that the Scots had already broken the Covenant by one invasion under Hamil- ton, and were now, without doubt, intending a second. Fairfax, however, refusing to march against the Scots unless they first 286 SCOTCH CAMPAIGN. [bump parl. actually entered England, resigned his command to the Commons, who appointed Cromwell commander-in-chief of the whole army in his stead (June 26th). When Cromwell, at the head of 16,000 men, crossed the border (July 22nd), he found silence and desolation around him. The country people, frightened at horrible tales spread about of cruel- ties practised by the Sectarian soldiers, had obeyed the orders of the Scotch Parliament and fled for refuge to the towns, leaving behind them only a few women, who baked and brewed for the invaders. When Cromwell arrived at Musselburgh he found the Scotch army of 24,000 men occupying a long line of entrench- ments, running from Leith to the hills called Salisbury Crags and Arthur's Seat, which lie to the east of Edinburgh Old Town. David Leslie, the Scotch general, had taken up this un- & ^V,lCHj up assailable position with the intention of starving the English out of the country. His own army was amply supplied with provi- sions from all the north of Scotland lying at his back ; while, the eastern Lowlands having been purposely laid waste, his enemies were entirely dependent for their supplies upon a fleet which had followed them from England. Cromwell marched and countermarched, in hopes of drawing Leslie out of his fastness and bringing on a general engagement. But his efforts were in vain. As autumn approached the difficul- ties of the situation increased. The weather was wet and stormy, the soldiers fell sick, and the ocean was so rough that provisions were landed with difficulty. A council of war agreed to retreat to Dunbar, a town on the sea-coast, lying between Edinburgh and Berwick, which might, at the worst, be fortified, and afford some quarters for the winter (Aug. 31st). Accordingly the "poor, shattered, hungry, discouraged army" first shipped 500 sick men for Berwick, and then marched from Musselburgh through Had- dingtonshire to Dunbar (Aug. 31st). Leslie, who mistakenly supposed that his enemies had put on board their great guns and a large number of troops, followed closely in pursuit, with the in- tention of putting himself between them and their communica- tions with England. Having succeeded in passing them, he thus made it impossible for them to continue their retreat with- out cutting their way through his army, which now faced about to front them. They were cooped up between Belhaven Bay and the mouth of the Broxburn, on a strip of coast not above Sed Sept., 1650.] DUNBAR FIELD. 287 two miles long. Behind there was no shelter but the little fish- ino- town of Dunbar. Immediately in front of this, "barely a mUe off, was Doon Hill, rising like a hog's back to a height of more than 500 feet, and forming the northern extremity ol the dreary and boggy Lammermoor range. Upon the long level summit of this hill was stationed the Scots' army, commanding from its vantage ground the surrounding lowland country, and ready to seize any opportune moment to descend and annihilate the smaller force beneath it. In order the more completely to close the road to Berwick, Leslie's right wing of horse descended and occupied the undulating but comparatively level ground spreading between the foot of Doon Hill and the sea-coast. South of Doon Hill, the Lammermoors gradually approach closer and closer to the sea, until, at Copperspath, some eight or nine miles south of Dunbar, the road to Berwick runs through a narrow pass, "where ten men to hinder are better than forty to make their way," which was itself already held by the enemy. To return westwards to Musselburgh was worse than useless. An attempt to escape in their ships was full of danger, as they would be open to attack from the Scots in their rear while em- barking. To advance was destruction, as long as Leslie com- manded the road to Berwick. To fight was impossible, so long as he remained upon the top of Doon Hill. Oliver prepared for the worst, but did not despair. He wrote to Hasleng, then o-overnor of Newcastle, telling him to collect what forces he could, for the army was so blocked up he could not get out without "almost a miracle," and his soldiers were falling sick beyond imagination." Neither did Oliver's men despair, to judge from the °spmt of a musketeer with a wooden arm, who was taken prisoner in a skirmish. When asked by Leslie « if the army in- tended to fight," he replied, "What else do you think we came here for V « Soldier, how will you fight when you have shipped half your men and all your great guns?" « Sir, if ywi . please to draw down your men to the foot of the hill, you will find both men and great guns also." Leslie sent him back again free The Broxburn is a small stream which divides the foot of Doon Hill from the base of the little promontory upon which stands Dunbar It flows in a glen with steep grassy banks between forty and fifty feet high, and as many apart. The easiest passage across is at a point about a mile from the sea-coast, near the 3*d Sew., 1650.1 BATTLE OF DTTNBAlt. 289 Duke of Roxburgh's seat, Broxmouth House, where the sides of the glen slope gently down to the water, and the high road to Berwick now crosses by a bridge. Oliver, about four o'clock on Monday afternoon (Sept. 2nd), was walking in the garden of Broxmouth House and watching the movements of the enemy upon Doon Hill, when he perceived that Leslie was actually bringing his whole army down below the steep part of the hill-side, strengthening his right wing, opposite the duke's house, with two-thirds of the cavalry from his left, and posting his infantry in the cornfields which sloped gently down to the Broxburn. What did this movement mean 1 Cromwell divined at once. Leslie's purpose was to seize the easy passage over the brook near Broxmouth House by a surprise, and then bring his forces over and light at pleasure. Cromwell saw that, by attacking first, he might seize the passage, outflank Leslie's right wing, and drive it back upon the main body, and thus rout the whole army while hemmed up in that narrow space between the steep of Doon Hill and Broxburn glen. He suggested the plan to Lambert, who said he had meant to say the same thing, and the action was agreed upon for the morrow. It was the Presbyterian Committee who had persuaded Leslie to abandon his masterly inactivity on the hill-top. They thought it a mistake to adopt a policy which would let the Sec- tarians surrender, and thus escape utter destruction. Moreover, while the English were provided with tents, Leslie's own men were absolutely without shelter, exposed to all the furies of wind and weather. Leslie himself, as his forces numbered 22,000 men while those of Cromwell, supposing all the men had been in fighting condition, were not above 12,000, had no doubt of the event, and gave out in his camp that, by seven o'clock on the Tuesday, " they would have the army of the enemy dead or alive." A misty morning followed a wet and tempestuous night. By four o'clock Cromwell had already set his troops in motion. Large bodies of horse and foot were massed opposite the Scots' right wincr while, for a mile along the bank of the Broxburn, great guns'were stationed, and regiments of foot drawn up, in readiness to assault Leslie's main battle, now lying in the stubble of the reaped cornfields opposite. At six o'clock the trumpets sounded, the cannon fired all up the line, and the soldiers charged, shouting their word of battle, "The Lord of hosts-the Lord of hosts! 19 290 BATTLE OF DUNBAR, [eump tajil. The Scots' foot were hardly well awake, and had let their matches, then ropes of tow, nearly all out, so that they could not so much as return the fire that assailed them from the opposite side of the o-len. Only at the passage, where the road to Berwick then went through the Broxburn, was the struggle fierce. For here the Scotch horse, themselves preparing f<5r ,a surprise, returned the charge with spirit, and forced their enemies back over brook and hollow. Few, however, were their moments of triumph. Crom- well's own regiment of foot, coming up to battle, drove them back in turn at push of pike ; two foot regiments, which had crossed the glen below Broxmouth House, took their wing in flank ; the English horse, charging a second time, broke through horse and foot. Leslie's whole wing then turned and fled right back upon his own main battle, disordering the whole line, and trampling their friends to death beneath their horses' feet. For nearly an hour the whole scene was enveloped in mist ; when at last the fog broke and the sun shone out upon the sea. Oliver shouted aloud the battle cry of Israel, "Now let God arise and scatter His enemies !" and, as the fog was more and more dispersed, and the battle-field more clearly revealed, he cried again, " I profess they run!" and there "was the Scots' army all in confusion and running, both right wing and left and main battle." In all direc- tions they fled — some back towards Copperspath, some in mad panic northwards across the Broxburn to Dunbar itself, but the mass of the fugitives, horse and foot, along the skirts of Doon Hill west- wards towards Haddington. Thus within one short hour the situ- ation of the two armies was more than reversed. The English were victorious; destruction surrounded the Scotch. Before joining the chase, the general and those about him halted and sang Psalm cxvii. : — "O praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise him, all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great towards us, and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the Lord." Such was the battle, or rather the rout of Dunbar. Upon the place, or near about it, 3000 men were killed or trampled to death; the chase was pursued for nearly eight miles; 10,000 pri- soners were taken ; the whole of the Scottish baggage and artillery fell into the hands of the conquerors (Sept. 3rd, 1650). Cromwell in his turn advanced ; the town of Edinburgh opened its gates, and he laid siege to the castle. Alter the defeat of the army of Strict Covenanters at Dunbar, 1651.] CHAELES INVADES ENGLAND. 291 the middle party obtained greater influence in the State. The members of this party were called Engagers, from their having entered into that ' Engagement ' to free the king, which led to Hamilton's invasion in 1648. The Parliament met at Perth, and voted that not only Engagers, but Royalists, who submitted to public penance, should be allowed to serve in the army. Charles himself was crowned king at Scone (Jan. 1st), and made com- mander-in-chief of the army, which by the spring was again raised to a force of 20,000 men. Many Covenanters, however, could not hide from themselves the truth of reproaches cast upon them by Cromwell, that Charles hated the Covenant and sacri- ficed his conscience for love of a crown. The officers of a new army, raised during the autumn in the western Lowland counties, had presented a remonstrance, refused to fight for the king, and finally joined the invaders. The governor of Edinburgh Castle had shared the views of the remonstrants, and opened its gates to Cromwell (Dec. 19th, 1650). Leslie and Charles, adopting the strategy of the former year, took up a strong position near Stirling, where they could not readily be attacked. Cromwell determined to starve them out. He crossed his army over the Firth of Forth at Queensferry, dis- persed the force sent to oppose his landing, and thus gained pos- session of Fife, and shut Charles off from all the north of Scotland. Perth, the seat of the Scottish government, itself surrendered. Charles, finding his supplies cut off, and the road to England open, played the desperate game which Cromwell seems almost to have designed for him. Suddenly breaking up his camp (July 31st), and getting three days' start of the enemy, he marched straight into England, becoming in his turn the invader. He bent his course towards Gloucester- shire, hoping that the people in the west would rise in his favour, and increase the size of his army before he turned upon London. But his friends were unprepared. Only a few partial risings took place, and, when the royal standard was raised at Worcester, his army barely numbered 16,000 men (Aug. 22nd). The Republi- cans despatched the militia, and every force that could be raised, to check his progress. Cromwell himself, having left 5000 men under General Monk, to complete the con quest of Scotland, fol- lowed fast in pursuit, and having effected a junction with the other 19—2 292 BATTLE OF WORCESTEK. [rump pari,. Republican forces, found himself by the time he reached "Wor- cester, in command of a force of 30,000 men (Aug. 28th). The city of "Worcester, which stands on the eastern bank of the Severn, was then, as now, connected by a bridge with its western suburb of St. John's. The surrounding country, on either side of the Severn, was cultivated, and the numerous fields, lanes, and ditches rendered it all unsuited for cavalry fighting. "West of the Severn a fruitful plain stretches away uninterruptedly as far as the Malvern Hills ; but on the eastern side of the river the country is broken, and, at the distance of about a mile from the city, Red Hill, crowned by the Perry Woods, bounds the view. Around and within city and suburb Charles entrenched his army. On a small but abruptly rising eminence, which looks down on "Worcester from the south-east, the Scots planted guns and raised an entrenchment, which they called Tort Royal. A bridge at Upton, some miles below "Worcester, was broken down, to secure the suburb of St. John's from attack, by preventing the enemy from crossing to the Severn's western bank. The work, however, was not thoroughly done. Some of Lambert's soldiers straddled across a parapet left standing, and, after a fierce struggle, drove the Royalists out of Upton, and repaired and maintained the bridge. The next day, the 29th of August, Cromwell, advancing from Pershore and "Whiteladies Ashton, occupied Red Hill and the Perry "Woods with the main body of his army. On the 2nd of September, Fleetwood took over the repaired bridge at Upton a formidable force of 10,000 men. Several difficulties, however, re- mained to be overcome before he could approach St. John's,, for the Royalists held the only bridge over the Teme at Powick, and had placed a strong detachment of troops in the village before it. To ensure a close communication with the other forces, from which he was now separated by the Severn, Fleetwood brought boats up from Upton and Gloucester, and made a bridge of them over the Severn. He then made a second bridge, within pistol- shot of the other, over the Teme, to be ready for use in case his troops could not force the Powick Bridge. Fleetwood began his march from Upton at five o'clock in- the morning, but the bridges were not completed until about three in the afternoon. A furious assault was then made upon the Royalists' advanced guard at Powick, and, after a hard struggle, Fleetwood's soldiers succeeded in driving them from their position, and forcing a pas- <294 BATTLE OF WOKCESTEB. [eump pari. sage over the Terue. This success, however, was but momentary. On seeing the confusion of their friends, large bodies of horse and foot poured out from St. John's, and, charging furiously, forced the Parliamentarians back again upon the Teme. At this critical moment Cromwell brought several regiments of horse and foot across by the bridge of boats over the Severn. A body of Highlanders gallantly but vainly threw themselves in the way of their advance. Cromwell "led the van in person, being the first man that set foot on the enemy's ground." He effected a junction with Fleetwood's forces, and once for all turned the tide of battle on this side the river. "We beat the enemy," he says, "from hedge to hedge till we beat him into Worcester." Charles, with his principal officers, was watching the operations from the tower of Worcester Cathedral. On seeing regiment after regiment of Parliamentarians stream across the bridge of boats to the western side of the Severn, he determined to assail the posi- tion of the forces still remaining on Eed Hill. From the number of the enclosures which cut up the ground, the action was mainly confined to the infantry. The Royalists charged out of Sudbury Gate with even more than their usual gallantry, but could not succeed in breaking two of Cromwell's foot regiments, who bore the brunt of the shock. Before they had found time for a second charge, Oliver, with several regiments, had re-crossed the bridge of boats. He now charged himself, at the head of his veterans, and the fiercest struggle of all came on. The Highlanders, when their powder was spent, rather than retreat, fought with the butt-ends of their muskets ; the artillery from Fort Royal played upon the ranks of the Parliamentarians ; the king led his troops on in person again and again. Cromwell saw the position of the Royalists was really untenable ; he " did exceedingly hazard himself, riding up and down in the midst of the fire; riding himself in person to the enemy's foot to offer them quarter, whereto they returned no answer but shot." In spite of the courage displayed by Charles and his troops, the battle ne- cessarily ended in their complete discomfiture. Closely pur- sued by Cromwell, they were forced back into the city, where the bloody struggle was continued in the streets. About seven o'clock Fort Royal itself was stormed, and the guns turned upon Worcester. On the south-east side of the city, by Sudbury Gate, and on the west side, over Severn Bridge, the Parliamentarians pressed in at the same time. Charles, in despair, rode up and 3ed Sept, 1651.] ESCAPE OF CHARLES. 295 down the streets, now calling on the foot soldiers, who were throw- iug away their arms, to stand again ; now imploring the horse to charge once more, crying that he would rather they should shoot him than let him outlive that fatal day. But his words were spent in vain ; his troops were being pressed back to the north end of the town ; the streets were becoming strewn with the dead bodies of men and horses ; at last, to avoid falling into the hands of his ene- mies, he was obliged to fly hard out of the city's northern gate.* Leslie himself was taken prisoner, but while prisoners of note, both Scotch and English noblemen, were captured daily, the Commonwealth's troops, though they scoured the country up and down, failed to light upon the greatest prize of all. Riding north from Worcester the night after the battle, Charles, early the next morning, reached Whiteladies, a house belonging to a Eoyalist gentleman. Here he changed his clothes for a peasant's dress ; a coarse linen shirt, a pair of old green breeches, a coat of green, his own stockings with their em- broidered tops cut off, and a pair of clumsy shoes, formed his apparel. His face and hands were dyed brown with walnuts. Richard Penderell, one of five brothers, tenants on the estate, clipped off the fugitive's long locks, and took him to a neighbouring wood for concealment. They had only left White- ladies half an hour, when soldiers in pursuit came and searched the house. It was wet and cold in the wood, and Penderell sent his sister, Joan Yates, to the king with a blanket and a mess of milk, butter, and eggs. Charles started when she came. "Good woman," he said, " can you be faithful to a distressed Cavalier V "Yes, sir," she replied; "I would rather die thau betray you." At nightfall Charles left his retreat, hoping to get across the Severn and escape into Wales ; but the bridges being all guarded, and no boat obtainable, he was obliged to retrace his steps to Whiteladies, where he spent a day, in company with a Cavalier, Captain Careless, in an oak, the thick foliage of which concealed the two fugitives from the sight of passers by. William Penderell and his wife gathered sticks near at hand, ready to give warning of danger, for occasionally soldiers came along the path near the tree, and looked about the surrounding woods and meadows. * Cromwelliana ; Carl vie; Boscobel Tracts ; Personal Expenses of Chavlea II. in City of Worcester, communicated to the Transactions of the Historical Society by E. Woof. 296 FOREIGN AFFAIRS. [bump pabl. After running many risks of discovery, Charles made his way through the country to the south coast, and, sailing from Brighton, was landed in safety at Fecamp, in Normandy (Oct. 16th). His escape spoke much for the good faith and loyalty of the English people. He had been a wanderer for forty-four days, and at the mercy of forty-five persons at least whose names are known — peasants, servants, gentlemen, women, Protestants, Catholics— of whom none were prevailed upon to betray him either by fear or greed ; and this though the House of Commons had declared all his harbourers traitors, and offered a reward of £1000 for his dis- covery. During the two troubled years in which Cromwell was re- ducing Ireland and Scotland, the Council of State had not neglected foreign affairs. Milton had been appointed their Sec- retary for Foreign Tongues (March 13th, 1649), and with Blake, Popham, and Dean for their admirals, they were engaged in strengthening the navy and raising England's power by sea. Prince Rupert, driven from the Channel and from Ireland, fled for refuge to the Tagus. Blake pursued him with eighteen ships of war, blocked up the mouth of the river, and inflicted so much damage on Portuguese merchants by seizing vessels coming home from the Indies, that the King of Portugal gave the prince orders to quit the coast (1650). Rupert sailed first to the Medi- terranean, but when most of his vessels were destroyed by Blake he made with the remaining three for the West Indies, where being still pursued, wherever he went, by the Commonwealth's fleets, he at last gave over his pirate's calling, and sold his vessels to the King of France (March, 1652). His brother Maurice, who accompanied him, had been lost in a storm. By the end of the year 1652 there was hardly a corner of the British dominions that dared any longer openly support the cause of Charles. Guern- sey was the last to give in, but Jersey, the Scilly Isles, and the colonies planted on the North American coast and in the West India Islands had all been visited by the Republican admirals, and had consented to recognize the authority of the Common- wealth. After the victory of Worcester, foreign princes hastened to make friends of men w r ho might prove formidable enemies, and no longer hesitated to recognize the Republic as the lawful govern- ment of England. Tuscany, Venice, Geneva, the Swiss cantons, 1651.] PORTUGAL— FKANCE. 297 the Hanseatic towns, German princes, sent and received agents ; Sweden, Denmark, and Portugal sent extraordinary ambassadors. A Spanish ambassador, as early as December, 1650, received audience of the Commons. The aspirations of the Republican statesmen, Vane, Bradshaw, Martin, and their companions, rose with success. To foreigners they seemed "filled with pride," and vast schemes of advancing England's power and commerce were believed to float before their minds. ''They intend," writes a foreigner, " to destroy the trade of Holland and usurp it to them- selves. The Dutch must serve on board their fleet, and all the shipwrights, sailmakers, and ropemakers will be obliged to go and earn their living in England. Then they will turn their arms against Denmark, and will oblige Norway to sell their wood to no other nation than England. They will send their fleets against Spain and Lisbon to destroy their trade with the East Indies, and usurp the trade of all the European nations. All the earth must submit to them, work for nobody but them, and they will, from time to time, come into their ports and sweep away all their trea- sure. All commodities will be worked up in England, so that the best artificers will flock thither ; and, if they will have any fine linen or good cloth to wear in another country, the flax and wool must be sent to be manufactured in England."* When the King of Portugal sought a treaty, the Republicans demanded a very large sum as indemnity for the expenses Eng- land had incurred in fitting out the fleet against Rupert. The ambassador, on hesitating to agree to such terms, was peremptorily ordered to quit the country (May, 1651). Louis XIV. had allowed French vessels to join with those of Rupert in seizing- English merchantmen. The Republicans were now in posses- sion of the more powerful navy, and retaliated severely on the French for their former ill-will. There was no means by which Louis could come to more friendly relations but by sending an ambassador to England and making a treaty. But, though eager for England's support or, at least, neutrality in the war in which he was now engaged with Spain, his pride forbade him to recognize as lawful rulers the men who had driven his young- cousin into exile, and put his uncle to death on the scaffold. The French merchants, in despair at the injuries inflicted on their * Sorbiere to M. fie Courcelles at Amsterdam, 1st July, 1652, in Harris, Life of Cromwell, 270- 298 FOREIGN RELATIONS. bump pari. commerce, asked permission of the English Parliament to send an agent to London to treat privately. " I cannot/'' replied the Secretary of the Council of State, " procure for you a safe conduct to come in the capacity you propose. But, if the Trench Government will consider the wrongs by it committed, and will save us the necessity of seeking justice for ourselves, and treat with the Eepublic in the forms usual between sovereign states, I have no doubt that this State will be willing to entertain any honest and just propositions for the settlement of differences"* (Dec, 1650). Meantime Louis' delay not only affected the inte- rest of merchants, but threatened the success of his own military expeditions. Agents from the revolted city of Bordeaux appeared in London, soliciting aid of the Eepublicans, and offering in return to place England in possession of a port it could secure for them on the west coast of France. The English fleet did not hesitate to seize some French vessels carrying provisions for the relief of Dunkirk, at the time besieged by the Netherlanders. The town, in consequence, was forced to surrender (Sept.) ; and, when the French government complained of the conduct of the English fleet, the Eepublicans replied that the act was merely a reprisal for damages inflicted on English merchants by French vessels in the Mediterranean. Thus pressed, Louis at last con- sented to send an ambassador to England, and formally recognized the Eepublican government (Dec.) Though the Eepublicans, by the energy of their government, caused England to be feared and respected, yet their foreign policy was not marked by any true insight into the relations of states at the time. France, though a Catholic country, was no deadly enemy of Protestantism or of progress ; the governments of Spain and Austria were distinguished for their fanatical and reactionary spirit. The Eepublicans, however, showed themselves inclined to support Spain against France, and now entered into a disastrous war with Holland, the enemy of Spain, a Protestant country, and their own natural ally. This war was, partly, the result of com- mercial jealousy. The aspiring spirit of the Eepublicans caused them to make unjust and unreasonable demands as the price of their friendship with the sister republic. We have before had occasion to notice the commercial rivalries existing between the * Guizot, i. 448. 1652.] HOLLAND. 299 English and the Dutch, the cruel murders perpetrated in the East Indies, and the consequent depression of English trade.* The unfriendly feeling thus produced became still more pro- nounced after the execution of the king and the establishment of the Eepublic. The Dutch were afraid that England, now that it had a government like their own, would also turn its atten- tion to commerce, and, by the superior size and resources of the country, eclipse the smaller luminary at its side. On the other hand the Republicans had been so successful in founding and maintaining their new form of government, that now no designs seemed too bold for accomplishment. At first, try- ing fair means to prevent the Dutch from acting as their rivals on the sea and the destroyers of their commerce, they had sent two extraordinary ambassadors, Strickland and St. John, to Holland, offering the renewal of a former treaty of 1495, and proposing further that the two countries should unite in a kind of confederacy and have the same friends and enemies (Jan., 1651). The States of Holland, in place of a confederacy, pro- posed terms of their own for an alliance. Dutch statesmen fore- saw that if England and Holland were confederated together, their country being the smaller and less powerful, would prac- tically lose its independence, and in its foreign relations be forced to act in the interest of England. The negotiations were broken off, and the English ambassadors recalled (June, 1651). " My lords," said St. John to the States commissioners upon taking his leave, " you have your eye upon the issue of the affairs of the King of Scotland, and therefore have despised the friend- ship we proffered you ; I will assure you that many in the Par- liament were of opinion that we ought not to have come hither, or to have sent ambassadors till we had first overcome our diffi- culties, and seen an ambassador from you. I now see my fault, and perceive very well that those members of Parliament judged right. You will in a little time see our affairs against the King of Scotland despatched, and then you will by your ambassadors come and desire what we now so cordially come to proffer. But assure yourselves, you will then repent you have rejected our kinduess."t After the battle of Worcester (3rd Sept., 1651), the victorious * See p. 253. f De Witt, Interest of Holland, 393. 500 FOREIGN RELATIONS. |r™ p *^- Republicans passed the Navigation Act, the heading of which briefly expressed its contents : " Goods from foreign parts ; by •whom to be imported. 1 ' First, with a few exceptions named, it forbade any goods to be imported into England from Asia, Africa, or America, excepting in English ships, or in ships belonging to the English colonies ; secondly, it forbade the pro- duce or manufacture of any country in Europe, to be imported into England, except in English ships, or in ships of the country in which the goods were produced (9th Oct., 1651). The framers of this law had two ends in view. The first, to transfer part of the carrying trade* of the Dutch to Englishmen ; the second, to increase the strength of the English navy. The first end was contrary to the principles of free trade. If the Dutch could im- port foreign goods into England cheaper than English merchants, the English consumer was benefited by the trade being in their hands, and a saving of labour was made. The second end, how- ever, that of national defence, may, perhaps, then have partly justified the law. English merchants were practically compelled to build vessels in order to import the goods formerly imported by the Dutch ; and from the merchant marine came the sailors, and often the ships, that guarded the coasts and caused foreigners to hesitate before insulting the English government. The usage English traders had experienced in the East Indies from the Dutch, in the West Indies from the Spaniards, had proved the necessity of England's possessing a powerful navy, if she was either to extend her trade or protect her colonies. The Dutch sent ambassadors to resume the negotiations, and obtain the repeal of the new law, but so unfriendly was the feeling existing between the two nations, that while the ambassadors were still in the country, the English and Dutch admirals, Blake and Van Tromp, engaged with their fleets in the Downs (19th May). Each admiral accused the other of having been the aggressor, and war with Holland was now declared (19th July.) Blake sailed to the eastern coast of Scotland, where he surprised 600 Dutch fishing vessels, and exacted from them the tribute of the tenth herring. Meanwhile Van Tromp was prevented by a contrary wind from approaching a small fleet of fifteen vessels, left in the channel under the command of Ayscue to guard the * See p. 252. 165 2.] WAR WITH THE DUTCH. 301 English coasts. He sailed north in search of Blake, but while in the German Ocean a violent storm so damaged his fleet, that he returned to Holland with his vessels reduced to a third of their former number. The Dutch, who thought themselves better sailors than the English, were deeply mortified at their misfor- tunes, which they ascribed to the " witch-wind" that prevented their admiral from attacking Ayscue. Nor were the English satisfied with such fortuitous successes. They remarked that the country had run great hazards during the summer, from which it had escaped rather by fortune of wind and weather than by the providence of committee or admiral. The committee of council which was at the head of the Admiralty, was, in the opinion of many, too large a body to conduct the affairs of the navy with the skill and expedition required in time of war. The council was now informed that "they were letting slip many fair opportunities, and were like to play a very dangerous after-game, for the Dutch were preparing a great fleet, and would pass through the channel to convoy their merchantmen, when the best of the English ships would be called in for want of victuals. * These fears proved not unfounded. Some of Blake's ships were under repair, while twenty others had been despatched to the Mediterranean, when Van Tromp, with 95 vessels, passed down the channel. Though Blake had only 37, he preferred fighting to retreating down the channel, and thus leaving the coast towns nnguarded. An engagement took place off Dover, which lasted from eleven in the morning until dark. Although the fleets were so unequal in numbers, Blake under cover of the night, suc- ceeded in reaching the Thames in safety with the larger part of his damaged fleet. Two vessels fell into the hands of the Dutch the " Garland " and one other merchantman, which, when the rest made off, were left fighting 'board and board' with Van Tromp s own flagship (29th Nov.). On news of this defeat great discouragement prevailed amongst the seamen, great fear amongst the people. General Monk wasasso- ciated with Blake and Dean in commandof the fleet,andfour or five special commissioners of the Admiralty were appointed, with Vane at their head. Vane'sname itself was sufficient to serve as a guaran- tee for an honest administration. The commissioners made every effort to repair the fleet and place it in a flourishing condition. * Colonel Thompson's Notes upon the Dutch War in Bodleian MSS. $02 FOREIGN RELATIONS. [eump pam*. " They sent letters to all vice-admirals and mayors of sea towns to stir up seamen to engage in the service. The best and ablest commanders that could be heard of were invited to the service and entertained, if they were men of courage and civil conversa- tion, and keeping good order in their ships. No fee or gratuity was suffered to be given or taken by any man for their places. The seamen were well paid ; the wives and children of the slain were provided for ; pensions were given to the wounded. Inquiry was made after misdemeanours in officers, and of embezzlements of stores and prize goods, and such officers were removed whose actions appeared to be ill. The commissioners sat daily at White- hall, both early and late, and were private in their debates."* Early in the spring Yan Tromp, convoying on their return voyage up the channel more than 200 laden merchantmen, fell in with the English admirals off Portland Isle. On three successive days the two fleets, each of 80 or 90 sail, were engaged. The battle, begun off Portland Isle, extended to the coast of Holland. The Dutch were entirely defeated, and compelled to seek refuge in the shallow waters of the Texel, whither the English vessels, which drew more water than theirs, were unable to pursue. In this defeat the Dutch lost eleven men-of-war and thirty merchant- men (18, 19, 20 Feb., 1653). * Colonel Thompson's Notes. CHAPTER XIII. FALL OF REPUBLICANS, AND BAREBONES' PARLIAMENT (1651—1653). "Nothing is good for a nation but that which arises from its own core and its own general wants, without apish imitation of another ; since what to one race of people, of a certain age, is a wholesome nutriment, may, perhaps, prove a poison for another. — Goethe's Conversations with Ecker- MANN. Cromwell, in his despatch to the Parliament, called his victory at "Worcester a crowning mercy, words which the Republicans under- stood in a double sense. Conscious that he adhered to their party rather by sufferance than on principle, they dreaded to what use he might turn his influence with the army, now that his sword was sheathed. There was certainly cause for fear. The size of the army had been gradually increased during the late wars, so that the forces in England, Ireland, and Scotland numbered up- wards of 50,000 men. The character of the army, moreover, was to some extent altered from what it was in the year ; 48, when the soldiers nearly mutinied against their officers for treating with the king. Since Fairfax' resignation, Cromwell had used his posi- tion as commander-in-chief to weed out of the ranks violent agi- tators, supplying their places by any who were willing to enter the service, even old Royalists, so long as these proved themselves orderly and good soldiers. Thus the men, no longer accustomed to hold meetings, pass resolutions, and form plans of their own, had, as a rule, become more ready to obey the commands of their general without questioning his purposes; while the fanatical ele- ment which still remained, the Anabaptists and Fifth Monarchists, at this time placed a blind confidence in Cromwell, because they knew that he shared their desire of reforming the law and the Church. A change was not only discernible in the character of the ranks, but also in that of the council of officers. Here also it was due to 304 DEATH OF IRETON. [ruaip pari, Cromwell, who, unwilling that the government of the country should rest upon a small Eepublican faction, was always ready to advance merit wherever he met it, and constantly succeeded in attaching to his service men of contrary principles to his own. Lord Broghill, to whom the Commons had just voted £2000, had been a Royalist. He was a son of the Earl of Cork, and his Irish influence made him an important acquisition. He was passing through London, on his way to join Charles Stuart on the continent, when Oliver, about to proceed to Ireland, paid him an unexpected visit, and told him he must either go to the Tower, or accept a command in the Irish army. Brog- hill asked for a little time in which to make up his mind. " Im- possible," replied Cromwell ; " if I leave you, my offer rejected, you will be at once a State prisoner." The offer was accepted. General Monk, now commander-in-chief in Scotland, was also an old Royalist, who had once fought in the king's armies in Ireland. Men such as these, unlike the heroes of Marston Moor and Naseby, allowed their principles to be identical with their interests. Ac- cepting facts as they stood, it seemed to them unreasonable to follow any other line of action than that of supporting whatever govern- ment was best able to support itself. Meantime, the one link that remained between the Republicans and Cromwell was gone, when Ireton died at the age of forty-one, with a burning fever upon him, while still acting as commander-in-chief in Ireland (Nov. 26th), Ireton had great influence with the army ; he used to say to his soldiers and f ellow-ofncers, ' You may not want to do a thing, but you must do it, because the good of the State requires it of you ;' sternly just, and though fond of his own way, yet ready to yield to those that first yielded to him, as hard to himself as to others, he won obedience by the confidence he inspired in his men. The Republicans he inspired with an equal confidence, and when they distrusted Cromwell they still trusted Ireton. But now aware of the change produced in the army, the Republicans were indignant with Cromwell for having, as they said, turned out "godly men, and put in rascally turncoat Cavaliers, pitiful sottish beasts of his own alliance." Yet there could be no matter of doubt that Cromwell was right alike in rendering the army more sub- missive in temper, and in conciliating men of all parties, whatever their principles or views. An army that refuses obedience to its commanders necessarily becomes demoralized, and can only bring 1651.] DOCTRINAIRE REPUBLICANISM. 305 mischief upon the country it professes to serve. The Eepublicans, dreading the increased power of the general, forgot the danger with which their government had been threatened by the muti- nies of the Levellers. The second point, that touched the neces- sity of conciliating political opponents, was more important still. No government, whatever its inherent merits, however honest and upright the men who conduct it, can hope to be lasting unless it conciliates a general support sufficient to make it rest on a national as distinct from a party basis. In this the Republicans had entirely failed. The dream of Vane, Bradshaw, Martin, Ludlow, and Hutchinson, of establishing a " free commonwealth, with the hearts and affections of the people to support it," was still as far from fact as on the day when Colonel Pride stood at the door of the Commons and turned Presbyterian members back from the threshold. The Republicans had, in fact, made a capital error in abolishing the two established institutions of monarchy and an Upper House in obedience to a theory. No single form of government can be said to be good for all nations without regard to circumstances of climate, race, progress, and the history of the past. To alter a form of government, to change the relations which the executive, judicial, and legisla- tive powers hold to one another, is a most delicate operation. Governments grow with the growth ot nations, and shape them- selves according to the circumstances of the national history. Hence a government rooted in the past is strong in the affections of a people, while a constitution transplanted or written on paper rarely lasts beyond the particular exigency which called it forth. Reforms, therefore, which, in an advancing state of civilization must always be needful, ought never to be introduced by means of violent changes, but, as far as possible, under the dis- guise of those old forms to which a people is already accustomed. A. despotism, it is true, can rarely be changed into a free govern- ment without, as it were, setting the axe at the root of the tree, and planting a new constitution in the place of one man's will. This was the case in France at the time of the Revolution. Put her history ever since has been a warning of the danger of snapping the chain that connects the past with the present. It has been well said that those who do so must prove that their work pro- duces more good than evil. The men who established a republic 20 306 BACON ON EEFORMS. [bump parl. in England in the seventeenth century failed to prove the good they did was greater than the good they undid. The English con- stitution they upset was distinctly free, though certain reforms were needed to shear the crown of prerogatives which in bad hands were fatal to liberty. Part of the work had been done by the laws passed by the Long Parliament ; there remained the second, and possibly more difficult part of finding a king who would con- sent to allow his ministers to be responsible to Parliament. The foresight of Pym had provided for the emergency. There is little doubt that when he invited to London Charles Louis, the elector palatine, and elder brother of Rupert, he thought he had found such a king, and contemplated a change of succession. But Pym was long dead and gone, and there had now risen a race of politicians who drew their statesmanship from Biblical or classical models, and not from the study of English constitutional history. The scheme of the Republicans happened unfor- tunately to be utterly incapable of fitting on to old institu- tions. They would not hear of a government consisting of two Houses of Parliament, with a president bearing the name of king, though such a government might have been made practi- cally Republican. What they proposed to establish was govern- ment by a standing assembly, re-elected or recruited at stated in- tervals ; and to this it was impossible that the nation should give a willing adherence. They might have accomplished more for their country, had they laid to heart the weighty sentences of the great philosopher of their youth. "It is true," says Bacon, "that what is settled by custom, though it be not good, yet, at least, it is fit ; and those things which have gone long together are, as it were, confederate within themselves, whereas new things piece not so well ; but, though they help by their utility, yet they trouble by their inconformity ; besides, they are like strangers, more admired and less favoured. It were good, therefore, that men in their innovations would follow the example of time itself, which, indeed, innovateth greatly, but quietly, and by degrees scarce to be perceived, for otherwise whatsoever is new is unlooked for ; and ever it mends some and iwipairs other ; and he that is holpen takes it for a fortune, and thanks the time ; and he that is hurt for a wrong, and imputeth it to the author. It is good . also not to try experiments in states, except the necessity be urgent, or the utility evident ; and well to beware that it be the 1651.] HIGH COURTS OF JUSTICE. 307 reformation that draweth on the change, and not the desire of change that pretendeth the reformation."* The dislike of nobles, gentry, lawyers, the Presbyterians,, the masses, to the new government was mainly one of sentiment, arising from the abolition of monarchy and the House of Lords. With those who were moved by these constitutional feelings, any attempt at conciliation would probably have been useless. The Republicans, however, despite their numerical weakness, made a second error, and did not try to conciliate even the democratic party beneath them by granting the reforms desired in the law and the church. In fact, the character of their government to- wards all parties alike was harsh and revolutionary. Nor was this a matter of surprise, for the form of that government was in- trinsically bad. The Commons were sole legislators ; they ap- pointed executive officers out of their own number ; they often took upon themselves to act as judges ; they were not held in check by fear of a dissolution ; they were, in fact, in possession of absolute power. It is hardly possible for a body of men, thus emancipated from the control of constituents, to act the part either of just or moderate rulers. The selfish, cruel, and avaricious will number as many as the generous and upright. Tempta- tions will be great, and the indifferent, sheltering themselves behind numbers, will consent to deeds which they would blush to own, were they acting on their sole responsibility. The treatment Royalists experienced from this body was of Royalists. .not such as to allay enmity, or heal wounds yet green. Following the bad precedent set at the trial of the king, High Courts of Justice were constantly instituted to try those suspected of treason against the Commonwealth. The Duke of Hamilton and two other leaders engaged in the Royalist risings and the Scottish invasion of the year 1648, were put to death by the sentence of one of these revolutionary tribunals. During the second war with the Scots there were in England four Royalist and Presbyterian plots, and twenty-seven persons engaged in them were executed in thirteen months. f Lilburne hit the weak points of the government in one of his seditious pamphlets. ' When/' he wrote, " I came to hear Capel make his defence be- fore the High Court of Justice, and cite statutes to prove all treasons should be tried by the rules of the common law, looking * Bacon's Essays, xxiv., of Innovations. t Guizot, i. 152. •20—2 308 TKIALS AND CONFISCATIONS. [bttmp paei*, round about him and saying, ' I am an Englishman, and the law my inheritance, and the benefit of the Petition of Eight my birth- right ;' — and looking upon the president, ' where is my jury ? I see none of my jury ; I demand the right of my jury, without verdict of whom I cannot in law be condemned ;' — bringing for- ward their own declarations to maintain the fundamental laws of the nation ; — but when all was to no purpose, I confess my heart was ready to sink within me, and I had much ado in the open court to contain myself from an avowed detestation of their abominable wickedness."* In order to provide funds for the war, Cavaliers who had hitherto escaped were hunted out and forced to compound. In 1651 seventy Cavaliers had all their lands and goods confiscated ; in 1652, the year after the battle of Worcester, twenty-nine suffered in the same manner, while 682 had to pay to the republic one third part of the value of their lands and goods. Where the sufferers had really fought against the government, no exception could be taken to the severity used, though it was not likely to. conciliate; but too often estates were confiscated and fines imposed with gross injustice, and the ' Commonwealth men' grew rich on spoils unfairly wrung from their prostrate enemies. + Cromwell's, indignation rose as he saw " poor men driven like flocks of sheep by forty in a morning to the confiscation of goods and estates, without any man being able to give a reason why two of them had deserved to forfeit a shilling."! Levellers, like Royalists, received harsh measure. Lilburne,. Lilburne as concerned in the mutinies of the soldiers, was tried banished. \yj j ur y for high treason, and, much to the discontent of his accusers, acquitted (Oct., 1649). It was not long, how- ever, before he was again in trouble. His uncJe, George Lilburne,. was deprived of some coal mines in Durham by sentence of the county committee for sequestering delinquents' estates. An ap- peal was made to ' the Committee of Parliament for the composi- tion of delinquents' estates/ and a second time the cause was ( lecided against George Lilburne. Hereupon ' Freeborn John * presented the House with a petition containing a fierce attack upon Haslerig, as the chairman of the county committee. The House, upon the report of a committee appointed to investigate f Fund. Liberties of England vindicated (1649). f Hutob.., 353, 355 ; see also Hallam, i. 657. £ Carlyle, iii. 44. 4651—2.] BANISHMENT OF LILBCJKNE. 309 •the case, negatived the charges stated in the petition, and voted that Lilburne should pay ,£3000 to the republic, £2000 to Has- lerig, be banished for life, and in case of return suffer death as a felon. As he refused to kneel at the bar of the House and hear his sentence read, an Act of Parliament, embodying its contents, was drawn up and passed against him. The irregularities of this course are obvious enough. In the first place county com- mittees are found still sitting and taking the place of proper courts of justice, as in the confessed revolutionary times pre- ceding the king's execution ; in the second, the Legislature is seen acting as a court of justice, and passing a sentence out of all proportion to the offence committed. Had Lilburne been tried for defamation, and found guilty by jury in a court of common law, the heaviest punishment that the judges could by law have inflicted upon him, would have been a fine and corporal punishment.* Those who condemned him to banishment for life were not unbiassed judges, but political enemies, who acted as jury by declaring him guilty of crime, as judges by passing sentence upon him, as legislature by embodying their sentence in a law. Nor was Lilburne's a solitary case.f " The House," says Whitelock, " took upon them and exercised * Godwin, iii. 337- f The discoverer of unsequestered property belonging to 'delinquents' received Is. in the £. By the warrant of county committees, the property of any who had rendered the slightest service to the royal cause was liable to be sequestered. For instance, John Browne, a gentleman owning estates in Herefordshire, being a minor and left destitute of the means of subsistence, was "forced to seek out his guardian and go into the king's quarters, where- by he became a delinquent." He did, indeed, bear arms as a Royalist, but. atoned for this by serving afterwards for three years in the Parliament's army. Petitioning on that account to be admitted to compound for his estate, he was still fined a-tenth of his property. A Lancashire husbandman, for simply supplying a cheese to the soldiers at a Royalist rendezvous, (where he was summoned on pain of death by Lord Derby's officers), had his pro- perty sequestered, though he ever after lived in the Parliament's quarters, submitted to their committees, and took the covenant. Members of these committees were often paid the debts owing to them by Parliament out or" delinquents' estates. " God of His mercy grant," says a journal of the time, " that for the future, it may never see a perpetuity added to the two Houses of Parliament ; nor committees to manage the justice of the kingdom and sit judges of men's liberties, estates, and fortunes, admitting not the law for their rule, but their own arbitrary, revocable, disputable orders and ordi- nances." It was said, indeed, that if a man had a single enemy on a com- mittee, it was impossible to obtain justice, for 'against malice there was no , fence. '—Military Mem. of Col. Birch, 63, 96, 219, 236 ; Sir Roger Twys den's Journal, quoted in Bisset, Omitted Chapter of English History. 310 SHOKTCOMINGS OF EEPUBLICANS. [eump par£. all manner of jurisdiction, and sentenced persons at discretion, which was disliked by many lawyers of the House (of which I was one) ; and we showed them the illegality and breach of liberty in those arbitrary proceedings." While the House treated Royalists and Levellers harshly, ift passed over lightly the offences of friends. For instance, a certain Lord Howard of Esrick, was proved to have been bribed by Eoyalists to give them easy terms in compounding. Though sentenced to be fined and imprisoned, he was kept in confine- ment but a very short time, and his fine remitted. Many of the- members themselves took advantage of their position to secure salaries or grants of land from their party. Even in the matter of religious toleration, the House fell far short of the principles of the best men in it ; Catholic priests taken in the country w T ere banished, and the Long Parliament's laws enforced, which for- bade Episcopalians the exercise of their own forms of worship. It must not, however, be supposed that unjust sentences and harsh votes were passed without opposition ; Martin would seek to save the life of a Royalist, urging what was, perhaps, the only argument that could have weight in such a House, the old adage that ' the blood of the martyr would be the seed of the church :' and there were others beside him who still remained faithful to the great principle of liberty of conscience. Vane showed the pecuniary incorruptibility which is the boast but not always the practice of republican virtue : he was the first to break through the iniquitous usage by which the commissioners of the navy received a percentage on the money expended ; after re- funding vast sums and securing a fixed salary for his agent, he worked himself for nothing. Yet members such as Vane, Martin, Bradshaw, and Ludlow, in spite of their integrity, noble intentions, and high principles, were unable to drag along the dead weight behind them. The House was judged by the votes and acts of the majority, and the government of this absolute Parliament was as much detested as that of any single tyrant. Cromwell took a line of his own. The Republicans had always complained he was not hand and glove with them ; they now doubted whether he would give them even a passive support. His aim as well as theirs had been the establishment of a free govern- ment, which should win the nation's trust and regard. Their means to this end had been tried and had failed. Their failure Cromwell 1652.] POSITION OF CROMWELL. 311 had foreseen from the first, but at the time of the establishment of the republic he had not been strong enough to oppose their wishes without endangering the common cause. Now he might hope, not only to head, but to some extent to guide, his party. The army was a far more obedient instrument to his hand than it had ever been before, while the feeling of the levelling and reforming party towards him was entirely changed. "When he treated with Charles, they had joined with the Republican}* against him ; now they looked upon him as their own leader in the cause of popular reform. Misgovernment, disorder, injustice, Cromwell detested as only a man can who is himself possessed of the genius to govern well. There may, therefore, be truth in the assertion that after the ' crowning mercy ' at Worcester, he did determine in his own mind to bring the present government to an end. Yet he was no self-seeking intriguer, such as his enemies supposed him. Ambitious he was in the true sense of seeking a vantage-ground for good. Conscious of ability, he hears the voice of his suffering nation calling aloud for a physician. Unhasting, he can wait till more eager hands have tried and failed. If he desires power, it is to accomplish a task that none other can. Had Cromwell fallen short of this amount of ambition, he would have fallen short also of being the greatest man of his time. More, how- ever, than his country's needs, more than the knowledge of his own capacity in some measure to relieve them, urged him on to the destruction of the republic. For in the long course of events that had raised him, who once lived as a country gentleman on his farm, to be now the most powerful man in the state, he saw the directing hand of God. When he would have treated with Charles and allowed him to retain the title of king, Republicans and Levellers had been given the power to force him from his path. Fairfax' resignation of the chief command, victory following upon victory, had invested him with extraordinary power. To use this power for, what he now believed, the good of his country, seemed a duty imposed upon him by God. If it was necessary to convert old friends into enemies, he must not sacrifice duty to friendship. " I need pity," he wrote in a private letter to the father of his daughter-in-law ; " I know what I feel. Great place and busi- ness in this world is not worth the looking after ; I should have no comfort in mine, but that my hope is in the Lord's presence. 312 POSITION OF PARLIAMENT. [rump parl. I have not sought these things ; truly I have been called untc them by the Lord, and therefore am not without some assurance that He will enable His poor worm and weak servant to do His will, and to fulfil my generation. In this I desire your prayers."* Standing in the midst of the universal discontent, Cromwell seemed to feel himself the friend and protector of all the oppressed. When the Catholics petitioned the House for relief, Vane spoke in their favour and was beaten : Cromwell, without heeding the votes, gave protection from persecution by his own hand and seal.f In the distribution of livings between Presbyterians and Independents, the Republicans unduly favoured the Indepen- dents ; it was Cromwell, the Independent, who sent a guard to a church to prevent an Independent from taking violent pos- session of a pulpit belonging to a Presbyterian : he tolerated even the Presbyterian preachers who told his soldiers that they broke the covenant in making war upon the Scots. It was Cromwell who, when Royalists were being deprived in large numbers of their estates, persisted in making the House pass an Act of Oblivion for the pardon of offences committed before Wor- cester (24th Feb., 1652) : the Republicans had looked to the confiscations as a support for the Dutch war, but Cromwell thought funds for a foreign war were ill bought by stirring the embers of civil strife at home. And, lastly, it was Cromwell who could be trusted to attack the abuses which made the Ana- baptists cry out for reform in the church, and who could sympa- thize with plain-dealing soldiers like Colonel Pride who " wished to see the lawyers' gowns hanging up in Westminster Hall by the side of the colours and trophies taken at Dunbar." It was certain that the present relation of parties could not last. Since the Commonwealth was first established, the House had been repeatedly called upon by the officers to do two acts, to reform the law, and to fix a time for a dissolution. Though committees upon both questions were appointed, they did not advance quickly in their work. . Through the opposition of the lawyers, a strong and influential body in the House, little reform was effected in the law beyond the passing of an act that all law-books should be translated out of Latin into English, and that all law proceedings should be conducted in the English * Carl., ii. 161. f Harris, Life of Cromwell. 1652.] DISSOLUTION OR PERPETUATION? 31.3 language. Members again were by no means anxious to divest themselves of the supreme power they possessed, and up to the date of the battle of Worcester (3rd Sept., 1651), the House had come to no decision whatever on the question of its own dissolu- tion. When, however, the general and his officers entered London, as the victors of Dunbar and Worcester, and demanded with voices not to be gainsaid, that they should know for how long the present government was to continue, the House, by a very small majority, passed a vote that it would dissolve on the 3rd Nov., 1654, thus giving itself three more years of life (17th Nov., 1651). The date proposed was so distant that the vote gave no satisfaction. The eager reformers of law and church looked to Cromwell to bring matters to a speedier conclu- sion. The officers, generally, had no intention of allowing a clique of some fifty politicians to remain sovereigns for three years longer. Before the time of Pride's Purge, they had peti- tioned in favour of elective monarchy, by * which they meant the kind of government afterwards represented by the Protectorate. They now simply petitioned for a Dissolution Bill providing for the calling of a new Parliament. Themselves preferring a Re- public, they were, nevertheless, too practical in their aims to care more for the form than the substance, and were likely to be content with any government that assured influence to them- selves, and a safe existence to the army. Thus pressed, the Republicans consented to introduce a bill for a new representa- tive (13th Aug.), but at the same time were careful so to frame it that they themselves should still remain in exclusive possession of sovereign power. The next House of Commons was to consist of 400 members ; all members, however, of the present House were to keep their seats, and be able at pleasure to reject newly- elected members. The officers held repeated conferences with members of Parliament about the bill that was now being has- tened through the House. "This is no dissolution," they said, " nothing but a perpetuating of yourselves ; we want men who will reform the law, and you were three months settling what a single word, ' incumbrance/ meant ; reform will never get on at that rate." " You must go," said Oliver ; " the nation loathes your sitting." The members, however, far from being wrought upon to alter their bill, replied obstinately that in the House they had the right of their yeas and their noes. 314 EXPULSION OF LONG PARLIAMENT. [bump pakl. On the 19th of April, a conference held at "Whitehall ended with an agreement that the objectionable bill should be laid aside until a second meeting had been held the following afternoon at the same place. The members, however, who made this agree- ment had no real power to bind the House. The next day, while about forty officers and members were discussing the question of dissolution, messages were brought to the general that the objec- tionable 'Perpetuation Bill' was being hurried through the House, and would shortly be made law. Cromwell left the conference, and ordering a company of his own regiment of musketeers to follow him, led the way to "Westminster. Leaving the soldiers at the Commons' door, he entered the House, not in uniform, but " clad in plain black clothes and gray worsted stockings, and sat down, as he used to do, in an ordinary place." He listened for some time with interest to the debate, but when the question was about to be put ' That this bill do now pass,' he whispered to Major-General Harrison, " This is the time ; I must do it," " rose up, put off his hat, and spoke, at first in commendation for their pains and care of the public good, but afterwards he changed his style, told them of their injustice, self-interest, and other faults." "Perhaps you think," he said, "this is not Parliamentary lan- guage ! I confess it is not, neither are you to expect any such from me." " The first time," said Sir Peter Wentworth, rising, " I ever heard such unbecoming language given to Parliament ; it is the more horrid in that it comes from our servant, and that servant whom we have so highly trusted and obliged." But as he was going on, the general stepped into the midst of the House, " Come, come, I will put an end to your prating," and " clapping on his hat," walked up and down the floor and chid them roundly, saying, " You are no Parliament ; I say you are no Parliament ;" and looking and pointing at one member, said, " There sits a drunk- ard," and then pointing at a second gave him a bad word, though without mentioning names, while to Harrison he called out, '•'Bring them in." And then entered some thirty musketeers, ready to obey their general, whatever his orders might be. "This is not honest," cried Vane from his seat; "yea, it is against morality and common honesty." ""What shall we do with this bauble ? Here, take it away," said Oliver, picking up the mace, and handing it to a musketeer. " Take him down," he then said, addressing Harrison, and pointing at the Speaker. 20tk Apbil, 1653.1 EXPULSION OF LONG PARLIAMENT. 315 " Come down," said Harrison. " I will not come down, anless 1 am forced," replied Lenthall, frowning, and trying to rise to the occasion, as he had done when Charles in that same House had demanded the five members of him. " Take him down," repeated Oliver ; whereupon Harrison pulled Lenthall by the gown, who descended from his chair, and the rest of the members, fifty-three in all, after a little pretence of resistance, followed their Speaker out of the House. When all were gone, the Lord General locked the door, and put the key in his pocket. By break of day the next morning some Royalist wit had stuck a placard on the Commons' door : " This house is to be let, now unfurnished."* Thus the law that this Parliament should not be dissolved without its own consent was broken by one of those who had given his vote to its making. f The original justification of the law was that it secured the just rights of the nation against the violence of the king. That this was the original purpose was shown by the fact that it was passed within three months of a triennial bill, which it was intended to supplement rather than supersede. When it was diverted from this purpose, and was used to secure the selfish aims of the members against the just rights of the nation, it became at orce unconstitutional. The Commons had received a definite commission, and had no right to enlarge this commission without a fresh reference to the people who had appointed them. Temporary trustees have no right to make their tenure perpetual. The Commons were temporary re- presentatives, and had no right to make themselves life peers, still less to intrigue for a power of co-optation by demanding a veto on new elections. The temporary justification was gone. The king was no more ; the House of Lords was no more ; the House of Commons was no longer a representative body. Danger resulted to the nation from the continuation of the House, not from its dissolution. In conquering Charles it had saved England from the establishment of a despotism, but it had not shown itself capable of the necessary afterwork of reconstruction. The country was drifting into anarchy ; the people submitted to the govern- ment solely through fear of the army ; the army and the House were in collision. The so-called bill for a ' new representative' being really a perpetuation bill, was practically a coup d'etat. ' * Sydney Pnpers, 141 j "Whitelock, 554 ; Ludlow, li. IS, 21,. f See p.'lOO. 316 END OF LONG PARLIAMENT. [babebone's. Powers of State must have either right or might; this Par- liament had neither. Still, to resort to armed force is a blot on the origin of any new power. The establishment of a go- vernment that should unite in itself the elements of order and of reform, and thus save the nation from a third civil war, could alone justify Cromwell's employment of military force against the civil power. The responsibility of the act does not rest specially on Cromwell. The officers were determined on a dissolution, and for some weeks past had only been restrained from effecting their purpose by the opposition of Cromwell him- self, who to the last clung to the hope that the House would yet be persuaded to dissolve itself. " I speak here," he said, a few months later, " in the presence of some that were at the closure of the consultations, and, as before the Lord, the thinking of an act of violence was to us worse than any battle that ever we were in, or that could be, to the utmost hazard of our lives ; so willing were we, even very tender and desirous, if possible, that these men might quit their places with honour," A temporary executive was constituted at once. The council of officers, and a new council of State, composed of nine army men and four civilians, now conducted the government between them. Cromwell, all-powerful as he was, did not attempt to assume the position which at this time he, perhaps, felt must ultimately be his. He was pledged to the Fifth Monarchists and the Anabap- tists for the reform of the law and the church, and it was accord- ingly in the hands of men really determined on reform that he now placed the government. Orders were sent out by the council of officers to Independents and other sectarian ministers in every county to consult with their congregations, and return the names of ' godly men,' fitted to sit in a new Parliament of saints. Out of the returns thus made certain persons were selected, to whom Cromwell sent, in his own name, writs of sum- mons, bidding them attend him at Whitehall, as representatives of different towns and counties. Five members were chosen for Scotland, six for Ireland, six for Wales, 139 for England. The new assembly is sometimes called the Little Parliament, Barebone's sometimes by the nickname of Barebone's Parliament, Parliament. f rom ^he name of one of its members, Praise-God Bare- bone, a leather-seller in Fleet Street. It has been represented by its enemies as composed of a set of ignorant fanatics. This, how- 1653.] LAW REFORM. 317 ever, was not the case. Many members were gentlemen, most were men of some mark, if not able to boast of great fortunes or high birth. In it were General Monk and other distinguished officers; Admiral Blake ; Lockhart, afterwards ambassador in France ; Viscount Lisle, son of the Earl of Leicester ; and Alderman Ire- ton, brother of the late Lord-Deputy of Ireland. The first grand reform which the Parliament undertook was that of the law. The general administration of English law was then, as it still is, divided into two distinct branches, that of common law, administered by the three Courts of King's Bench, Com- mon Pleas, and Exchequer, and that of equity, administered by the Court of Chancery. English common law originated in the unwritten rules or customs, derived in part from Saxon times, in part from the feudal system as introduced by the Normans. These unwritten rules or customs were in the course of time embodied in the decisions of the judges, who were guided, not only by the customs already spontaneously observed by the people, and the analogy of previous decisions, but also, though not professedly, by their own studies in Eoman law and their own ideas of right and expediency. The ideal of early times is a fixed law unaltered by those in power. There is little demand for an adjusting legislation and less supply. But as circumstances change, the justice of one generation be- comes injustice to another. The present source of adjustment is mainly in statutes made by Parliament, but for a long time there was little adjustment at all, and what there was came mainly out of the breasts of the judges, who used legal fictions as their means of quietly modifying the law. Such fictions have been justly de- scribed as t invaluable expedients for overcoming the rigidity of law/ but they do not adjust the law either rapidly or completely enough, and their use gradually loads a system with technicali- ties. It necessarily followed that English common law became a complicated system, not easily reducible to general rules, and not easily understood except by those who had received a special education. Complaints were raised by the reformers that the client was left at the mercy of his advocate, for none could under- stand the law but lawyers trained ; that law-books were so many and so costly that few could buy them ; that decisions of former judges were often contradictory ; that the fees demanded by law- yers were excessive, the delays of justice intolerable, and costs so 318 LAW KEFORM. [BAEEBONKb. great that the poor were shut out from redress at law ; while the punishments enacted were unnecessarily severe, and were often arranged so as to press heavily on the offences of the poor, and let •the rich off easily. Bentham, as late as the beginning of the present century, repeats the complaints of the reformers of the seventeenth: — "It is the people's interest that delay, vexa- tion, and expense of procedure should be as small as possible ; it is the advocate's interest that they should be as great as possible. As to uncertainty in the law, it is the people's inte- rest that each man's security against wrong should be as complete as possible ; that all his rights should be known to him ; that all acts which, in case of his doing them, will be treated as offences, may be known to him as such, together with their eventual pun- ishment, that he may avoid committing them. ... It is the law- yer's interest that people should continually suffer for the non- observance of laws, which, so far from having received efficient promulgation, have never yet found any authoritative expression in words. This is the perfection of oppression ; yet propose that access to knowledge of the laws be afforded by means of a code, lawyers, one and all, will join in declaring it impossible. To any effect, as occasion occurs, a judge will forge a rule of law ; to that game effect, in any determinate form of words, propose to make a law, that same judge will declare it impossible. It is the judge's interest that, on every occasion, his declared opinion be taken for the standard of right and wrong."* The institution of Chancery arose from an attempt to make law advance of itself with the increasing complexity of civilization. It became the chancellor's duty to interfere when, through the rigidity with which the common law was administered, some wrong was done for which law gave no remedy. Thus, in the now common case of property being vested in a third person as trustee, the common law acknowledged only the title of the trustee, ignoring altogether the moral rights of the parties for whose benefit the property was held. In these and similar cases the Court of Chancery intervened, on this ground — that although not legally bound, yet in foro conscieniice the trustee could not violate the trust or confidence reposed in him. Another example may serve to illustrate the adjusting power of the two kinds of law. By the rules of common law, a married woman received at * Bentham. on Fallacies. 1653.] LAW AND EQUITY. 319 her husband's death, by inalienable right, a dower of one-third of all the lands which had ever formed part of his estate. As society advanced, and the inalienable right was found to hamper the transfer of property, the common law courts adjusted the diffi- culty somewhat at the expense of the woman's security, by tole- rating a palpable evasion of the law of dower through a fictitious suit and a conveyancer's quibble. When Chancery stepped in, by a piece of judge-made law, it avoided the inconvenience without entirely losing the object in view, securing women's property by settlement, and yet making it transferable by trustees. As time progressed, the Court of Chancery became itself as much bound by technical rules as the courts of common law. From the fact that the chancellor was originally an ecclesiastic, the proce- dure of the Roman or civil law was adopted in his court. This procedure was in itself more complicated than that of the common law. A complicated procedure in itself causes delay, and in Chancery the issues themselves are complex ; for suite may not merely require sentences with the simple 'Yes' or 'No' of common law, but involve administering large estates and assign- ing various rights to different interests. In this system there was little check on the abuses of judges and officials. Much was delegated to the masters in Chancery, and Coke says these bought their appointments and recouped themselves by extor- tions from suitors. Moreover, the court was peculiarly open to the charge of corrupt motives, as before a body of precedents was formed the decision of each case was supposed to rest largely on the discretion of the chancellor. Complaints were made " that there were 23,000 causes depending upon the court, some of which had been depending five, twenty, thirty years and more J that there had been spent therein thousands of pounds, to the ruin of many families ! in one word, that the Court of Chancery was nothing but a mystery of wickedness and standing cheat I" Thus, while common law was felt to be harsh and technical, Chancery was still more disliked as both dilatory and corrupt. Many of the complaints raised were only too well founded, especially those that referred to the brutality of the criminal law,* and the delay and expense involved in the proceed- ings of all the courts. The reformers went boldly to work to remedy the evils of both systems. A committee without a single * See p. 261. 320 A REFORMING PARLIAMENT. [babebone's* lawyer upon it, was appointed to consider the reform of the- law, and boldly undertook to reduce ' the great volumes of the law to the bigness of a pocket volume ;' while a bill for the abolition of Chancery was ordered to be brought into the House. A simple and uniform code is an invaluable boon to a nation. In attempting, however, in that early time, to limit the judge's discretion, and also to secure simplicity for civil and criminal code alike, the English reformers overlooked the necessities of a complex and changing state of society. In times of little legislation, it has been owing mainly to the allowance of discre- tion in the judges that English law has had the merit of advan- cing hand in hand with the needs of society. There is no reason, in the nature of things, why equitable principles should not have been recognized in the common law courts, so as to avoid the inconvenience of two different and conflicting systems. But the common law courts, having always had equity courts, by their side to correct the shortcomings of their branch of the law, retained theories based on a totally different state of things, which would have caused monstrous injustice, had not the appro- priate remedies been provided by Chancery. In the bill for the abolition of Chancery which was finally brought in and read twice, some provision was made for this need, at least for the time, by the appointment of commissioners to settle causes already before the courts, and, apparently, to deal with future cases of an equitable nature. What was wanted was a fusion of the two systems, not the abolition of equity. After the law followed church reform, both tithes and the right of patronage being brought into question. Tithes were then, as at the present day, the legal endowment of all parishes in England and Wales, and were paid in kind, the farmer giving the tenth pig, tenth corn-sheaf, tenth gallon of milk, and the like. Abuses had arisen in early times. The monasteries had been treated as spiritual corporations, and as such had received the whole tithes, of which they paid only some small portion to the vicar or substitute who did the duty for them. When the monasteries were suppressed, the great tithes which had been kept by the spiritual corporations often fell into the hands of laymen, while the vicar still received only what were called the small tithes. The abuses were obvious, and the mode in which tithes were raised was itself burdensome, and a frequent source 1653.J ABOLITION OF PATRONAGE. 321 of quarrels in parishes. The reformers did not propose to remedy the abuses of this system, but to sweep it away. The spiritual life of the age had come from ministers whose support had been the free gifts of their congregations, while the tithe- supported clergy had opposed the political and spiritual interests of the people. The popular notion, therefore, was to abolish tithes, and substitute a voluntary system which would render the minister dependent on the parishioner. The first point which the reformers dealt with was patronage, or the right of presenting ministers to livings ; this right had often passed with the great tithes into the hands of laymen, which had proved a natural and fruitful source of nepotism, and had also caused the scandal of next presentations being offered for sale. These usages, anomalous enough at all times, were then especially liable to abuse. Lay patronage had been long allowed, but it had always been supposed that the Church in some way se- cured that none but duly qualified ministers should be presented to livings. The patron nominated, the Church, at least in form, approved. But now in most parishes the endowments remained while the check of an Establishment was gone. The Presbyterian Church, though established by ordinance of Parliament, had been only set up in Lancashire and Middlesex. Hence patrons, being unchecked by either bishop or presbytery, were at liberty to impose upon congregations any ignorant or drunken kinsman on whom they pleased to confer a living. The reformers in Par- liament held, as did sectarians generally, that congregations ought to elect their own ministers, as the only security against abuse of patronage. The propensity of lawyers to treat public offices as private rights, has left a door open for abuse even now ; how much more opening was there then? And though, in later times, the interests of laymen in church property, anomalous though they are, have, no doubt, often saved the Establishment when threatened, yet in that time of enthusiasm the existence of such anomalies only increased the desire of the reformers to uproot the whole system. "Some young artist from Oxford/ they complained, "enters and takes possession of the tithes, of the care and cure of souls, for this his father hath bought for him, and who shall say him nay? What a sad account have the most of these proprietors for the many thousand souls 21 322 ABOLITION OF TITHES. [barebone',-3. that have perished by their means !"* Accordingly they passed a vote that patrons should be deprived of their right of present- ing to livings, and that the choice of the minister should be vested in the parishioners, and a bill was ordered to be brought in to that effect (Nov. 17th). The next question was that of the sup- port of the minister, when chosen. A committee reported in favour of the continuance of tithes ; it had, no doubt, seen that the interests involved were too complicated to be dealt with in the off-hand fashion which was in favour with the enthusiasts, who formed a majority of the House. Simply to sweep away tithes would have been to make a free gift to landowners, while there would have been many difficulties in diverting them to other uses. But the House, bent on a voluntary system, rejected the committee's report by a majority of two (Dec. 10th). Besides these violent changes many useful reforms were pro- posed, which do honour to Barebone's Parliament, and show that, though rash in execution, its legislators were in most points nearly two centuries in advance of their age. Chief amongst these was an act for the relief of debtors. The laws of debt were such that they gave the creditor unlimited power over the person of his debtor, but little or none over his property. Hence bankrupts, guilty of no criminal, often of no moral offence, were liable, through the cruelty of their creditors, to be imprisoned for life ; while fraudulent debtors, by not applying for release, could keep possession of property in defiance of their creditors. A ' humble petition of all the prisoners for debt within the several tyrannical dens of cruelty, prisons, gaols, and dungeons in this land/ says truly enough that "restraint of men and women's per sons in gaol pays no debts, but defrauds the creditors, feeds the lawyers and gaolers, and murders the debtors ; witness the many thousands that have thus perished miserably, as the gaolers' books and coroners' records do testify. Your poor enslaved brethren, therefore, humbly pray that there may be no more arresting nor imprisonment for debt." In every county in England and Wales commissioners were appointed by the Parliament to investigate the cases of those confined for debt. Debtors who were genuinely bankrupt, and perishing in prison only' through the cruelty and obduracy of creditors, were to be granted their liberty, either un- * Somers, Tracts, ii. 1653.] EEFORMS— WISE AND FOOLISH. G23 conditionally, or for a limited space of time, at the discretion of the commissioners ; on the other hand, the commissioners were empowered to order to close imprisonment those well able., but unwilling to pay. To protect prisoners from extortion, the act enjoined that wholesome provisions should be sold them at a rea- sonable price ; that a table of moderate fees should be hung up in every prison ; and that gaolers transgressing such tables in any particular should forfeit fourfold to the party injured, and be set in the pillory. This act was at once carried into execution, and •300 persons were let out of London prisons alone. Another im- piortant euactment which this Parliament made was one for the registration of births, marriages, and deaths : this occurred as a clause in an act making civil marriage before a magistrate com- pulsory, the religious ceremony apparently being added or not at the discretion of the parties ; some change was no doubt neces- sary after the disestablishment of the Episcopal Church, but so violent a change can hardly have been otherwise than unpopular. Bills were also prepared for a new system of workhouses and pro- vision for the poor, for fixing the fees of lawyers and clerks, for the prevention of bribery and the delay of justice, for checking the greediness of the courts by paying judges by salary and not by fees, for establishing a registry for deeds affecting land, and county judicatures to make justice accessible to the poor. Excellent as many of these reforms were, they failed of their accomplishment. By voting the destruction of the Court of Chancery, and by proposing the abolition of tithes, which would have deprived the clergy of regular stipends, the reformers had shown they were not fit to be rulers, for they went much faster than the nation would follow. They had cut the knots instead of untying them. Abolishing equity was a violent mode of reform- ing the Court of Chancery ; making all ministers dependent upon their parishioners, a needlessly radical means of providing that livings should only be bestowed upon men of good character. Such measures especially enraged the lawyers, whose feelings could not be disregarded, for their support had always been one of the chief pillars of the Commonwealth. Besides lawyers — Boyalists, Presbyterians, patrons, ministers — all whose interests were attacked, or who felt, as most men do, attachment to old customs, regarded the innovators with hate and scorn, and looked up to Cromwell as the man who alone could stop the rash course 21 2 324 FINAL VICTORIES OVER DUTCH. [barebone's. of the Parliament, and act in time to prevent its votes from being turned into laws. In fact, even now supreme power belonged rather to Cromwell than to the Parliament. Ambassadors from Sweden, from Hol- land, and from France, were ordered to present themselves to Cromwell, their governments already recognizing the future monarch in the victorious general. The course which the Dutch war took in this summer served incidentally to increase his renown as commander-in-chief of the English forces. In the first engagement, the Dutch admirals, Yan Tromp, De Ruyter, and De Witt, met Blake, Dean, and Monk off the North Foreland. The battle raged for two days. Admiral Dean was killed by a shot, and fell at Monk's feet, who flung a cloak over the body in order that the sailors might not be disheartened by knowledge of their loss. In the end, the Dutch were entirely defeated ; nineteen of their vessels were destroyed, and 1300 of their sailors taken prisoners (2nd June). Again, before the end of July, Yan Tromp, who was once more on the water in joint command with De Witt of a fleet of nearly 120 sail, met Monk off the coast of Holland. Though Monk had only ninety vessels, yet after a desperate fight of nine hours, the struggle ended in the complete defeat of the Dutch, whose brave admiral, Yan Tromp, was killed by a shot as he walked the deck, sword in hand. The Dutch vessels were pursued right up to their own coasts, 26 men-of-war were destroyed, and 1200 sailors were picked up as prisoners from the wrecks. The English only lost two ships, but 500 sailors, besides several captains, were killed in the action (31st July). After this second defeat the Dutch no longer thought of continuing the war. They had in the spring sent ambassadors to Cromwell to open negotiations, and now only endeavoured to obtain fair terms of peace. While the nation had reason to be proud of its generals and admirals, it had no sympathy with its Parliament. There had always been a considerable minority in that body itself, that opposed the violent votes carried by the reformers. On the morning of the 12th of December, members of this party took their seats early in large numbers, and proposed that the House should repair in a body to the Lord General, and deliver back into his hands the power they had received from him. The speaker, without venturing to put the question to the vote, left 1653.] END OF BAREBONE'S PARLIAMENT. 32S Ids chair, and attended by about forty members, went to White- hall, where he and his companions signed a resignation of their power to Cromwell. Within two or three days, above eighty members — a majority of the whole Parliament — had consented to sign their names to the same instrument (12th Dec.) There was ' a drinking of sack, and a making of bonfires' at the Tnns of Court, when the news was told that Barebone's Parlia ment had come to an end. Yet the despised fanatics were in many points wiser than the lawyers. Of the reforms proposed by them, the larger number have been adopted, while others •have been held advisable, if not practicable, in the present century. That delays of justice should be prevented in Chancery as else- where, that the costs of transferring land should be diminished by the establishment of an effective registry for titles, are reforms still called for in England as they were in the time of Barebone's Parliament.* A council, composed of the leading officers and some civilians, now brought forward an ' Instrument of Government/ in which Cromwell was given the title of Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The executive government was vested in the protector and a council of state. The councillors were named in the instrument, and were not removable at the pleasure of the chief magistrate, but were to sit for life. A Parliament was to be summoned to meet in nine months, the date fixed being the 3rd of September (1654). Until the meeting of this Parliament, the protector and his council were.granted the power * Injustice to Barebone's Parliament, its reforms should be compared •with the course of subsequent legislation, (i.) Parliament passed Acts foi* the relief of debtors in 1813 and 1843: by the Act of 1861, fraudulent debt was dealt with as a criminal offence, and imprisonment of common debtors abolished for the rich, though practically retained for the poor : Acts were also passed for the reform of prisons in 1774, 1823, and 1835 ; (ii.) After the Restoration, criminal legislation was retrograde, and between that time and the death of George III., a period of 160 years, the punishment for 187 more offences was made capital : by successive Acts between 1824 and 1861, the punishment of death was limited to murder and treason ; (iii.) Since 1828, several reforms have been introduced, which diminish the delays, and to some extent the costs, of the courts of common law and the Court of Chancery: the establishment of county courts for the recovery of small debts has rendered justice obtainable by the poor (1846) ; (iv.) An Act for the registration of births, marriages, and deaths was passed in 1836 ; (v.) By Acts passed under William IV. and Victoria tithes were commuted into a rent charge upon land, payable in money, varying with the price ot *.corn. S2C CROMWELL INAUGURATED LORD PROTECTOR. of making ordinances to have the force of laws. After this date- the power of legislation was vested entirely in the Parliament, the protector having only a suspensory veto on bills for twenty days after their passing, at the expiration of which time they were to become law of themselves. Parliaments were to be dis- solved every three years, according to the provisions of the Trien- nial Bill. On the occurrence of any vacancy in the council, the protector was to choose a new member out of six candidates nominated by Parliament. The protector was to have command of all forces by sea and land, but in questions of peace or war was only to act with the consent of his council of state, and Parliament was to be immediately summoned in case of war. On the death of the protector a successor was to be appointed by the council. Cromwell was inaugurated Lord Protector in the Court of Chancery at Westminster Hall. He there took the oath tendered him to observe the articles of the New Instrument, and received from Lambert a sheathed sword to replace his own, as a sign that his rule was no longer military (16th Dec, 1653). The great scheme of a parliamentary republic had failed both in its original form and in that of the provisional government which followed the fail of the pure Republicans. That of a presidential republic had now to be tried, when the republican ideal was already discredited by a double failure. It will be seen in the sequel how this had again to be modified till it ap- proximated so closely to the old government that it became a monarchy in all but the name. We can see clearly enough the folly of the persistency with which the Republicans adhered to an experiment of which the failure was inevitable. Yet their errors were natural to their age. In judging them, men are too apt to forget that the history of the last two hundred years, which has revealed so much to us, was a sealed book to them. No instance of a government like that which now exists in England was then to be found. Greek and Roman history told the tale of tyrants overthrown, liberty and prosperity assured by the rule of republican assemblies. In Europe could be seen absolute monarchies, as in France and Spain on the one hand, or pure republics, as in Venice and Switzerland, on the other. The virtues of republican governments and the happiness of their citizens had formed the common talk of scholars since the re- 1653.] BREACH WITH REPUBLICANS. 327 vival of classical literature in the beginning of the previous cen- tury ; while almost within living memory a republic had been actually founded in Holland. With no alternative before them, the most forward minds in an age of revolution naturally de- veloped into the most uncompromising Eepublicans. Two men, however, the most remarkable of all, were not in the strict sense Eepublicans. At the beginning of the war, Pym had guided his followers towards the true land of promise, where kings should reign and not govern. Yet had Pym lived, it is doubtful whether even he, with all his vast Parliamentary influence and experience, could have stemmed the current of the prevailing fanaticism without being overwhelmed by those who had been his own sup- porters. Views which Pym might have set aside with a smile as impracticable dreams, had become the declared policy of men versed in public affairs, of great incorruptibility and ot deepest conviction. These were the men whom Cromwell had to face They were his friends, and had been his political chiefs, yet he had to prefer the safety of the State to private friendship and the ties of party. Had he been less than he was, he too might have been a Kepublican, and his name, like that of Vane, have passed as a model of integrity. Being what he was, it was inevitable that he should take a different path, but it augured ill for his o-overnment that its very foundations should have to rest upon the irreconcilable enmity of the noblest of his feLow- workers in the cause of freedom. CHAPTEE XIV. THE FIRST THEEE YEARS OF THE PROTECTORATE (1654 — 1656). Heaven knows, I had no such intent. But that necessity so bowed the state That I and greatness were compelled to kiss. Henry IV., pt. ii., hi. 1. I will discover to you a political secret, which must ere long be made public. Capo d'Istria cannot long continue to administer the affairs of Greece ; he wants one requisite indispensable in that position — he is no sol- dier. There is no instance on record in which a mere statesman has been able to organize a revolutionary state, and keep under his control the mili- tary and their leaders. With the sabre in his hand, at the head of an army, a man may command and make laws, secure of being obeyed, otherwise the attempt is hazardous. Napoleon, if he had not been a soldier, could never have attained the highest power ; and Capo d'Istria will soon be forced to play a secondary part. — Conversations with Goethe, translated prom the German oe Eckerhann. Cromwell held bis power by will of the army. Though Ana- baptists and Eepublicans were hostile to the new government, the larger number of the common soldiers, and all the principal officers — Monk and Lambert, the protector's son-in-law Fleet- wood, and his brother-in-law Desborough — were well content to effect a final settlement of the kingdom by raising their general to be the head of the State. Milton, who, though a Kepublican, con- sented to continue in office as Secretary for Foreign Tongues to the Council of State, thus exhorted his "chief of men:" — ' Recol- lect that thou thyself canst not be free, unless we are so ; for it is fitly so provided, in the nature of things, that he who conquers another's liberty, in the very act loses his own ; he becomes, and justly, the foremost slave Thou hast taken on thyself a task which will probe thee to the very vitals, and disclose to the eyes of all how much is thy courage, thy firmness, and thy forti- tude ; whether that piety, perseverance, moderation, and justice really exist in thee, in consideration of which we have believed that God hath given thee the supreme dignity over thy fellows. To 1651] THE PKOTECTOR'S IDEAL. 329 govern three mighty States by thy counsels, to recall the people from their corrupt institutions to a purer and nobler discipline, to extend thy thoughts and send out thy mind to our remotest shores, to foresee all and provide for all, to shrink from no labour, to trample under foot and tear to pieces all the snares of pleasure and all the entangling seducements of wealth and power— these are matters so arduous that, in comparison of them, the perils of war are but the sports of children. These will winnow thy facul- ties, and search thee to the very soul ; they require a man sus- tained by a strength that is more than human, and whose medi- tations and whose thoughts shall be in perpetual commerce with his Maker.'* Cromwell, who from the first had fought in defence of liberty in Church and State, and who came of the same breed of men as Eliot, Pym, Vane, and Milton himself, would have scorned to rule a race of slaves. " Of the two greatest concernments," he says, " that God hath in this world, the one is that of religion, and of the just preservation of the professors of it, to give them all due and just liberty ; the other is the civil liberty and interest of the nation, which though it is, and, indeed, I think ought to be, sub- ordinate to the more peculiar interest of God, yet it is the next best God hath given men in this world, and, if well cared for, it is better than any rock to fence men in their other interests. Besides, if any whosoever think the interest of Christians and the interest of the nation inconsistent, I wish my soul may never enter into their secrets."f Such was Cromwell's ideal of govern- ment — one which, while leaving a people free, was to work at once for their material and moral improvement. In Cromwell's mouth, the words 'interest of religion' did not mean the interests of any sect : in his use of the term, he comprehended the whole moral life of the nation; a good education, the suppression of cruel sports, a reform of the criminal law — all that could tend to ele- vate the minds of men, he classed under the category of the in- terest of God. The protector certainly could not fairly be accused of having overthrown the free institutions of his country. Except during the dictatorship of the first few months, the powers he pos- sessed were rather those belonging to the chief magistrate of * Defensio Secunda (Godwin, iv. 20). + Carlyle, iii. 222. 330 ENEMIES OF PliOTECTOEATE. [peotect, a republican state, than those exercised by former Kings of Eng- land. The executive was placed under the control of the legisla- ture ; the chief magistrate was denied a veto on laws ; his office was rendered elective. " For myself," he said to his first Parlia- ment, " I desire not to keep my place in this government an hour longer than I may preserve England in its just rights, and may protect the people of God in a just liberty of their consciences."* Yet there was much to hinder Cromwell in achieving his cherished object of establishing a free and constitutional go- vernment. Too much hung on a single life, and that one past its prime. Time, the great conciliator, could not do much for one who was already fifty-five. The mass of the people were sure to be long prejudiced in favour of their old line of princes. Ex- cepting his own immediate supporters, no political party favoured his government. Old Royalists and Presbyterians denounced him as guilty of treason and rebellion. The Ee publicans, Vane, Brad- shaw, Hutchinson, Ludlow, did not scruple to avow their hostility, and their intention of rising whenever a good opportunity should offer for the restoration of the Commonwealth. Fanatical Levellers and Fifth-Monarchists joined with Eoyalists in plotting against the new government, deluded enough to think that, after they had overthrown it, they should be able to crush their allies and setup a Parliament of their own. There was, however, a surer and readier means than insurrection by which the protector's enemies might attempt the accomplishment of their wishes — assassination. " There remains nothing for him to do," said the Swedish Chan- cellor Oxenstiern, when he heard of the establishment of the Pro- tectorate, " but to get him a back and breast-plate of steel." A proclamation was drawn in the name of Charles Stuart, and secretly dispersed amongst malcontent Eoyalists, Fifth-Monarch- ists, and Anabaptists, to the effect that, a certain base mechanic fellow, by name Oliver Cromwell, having usurped the throne, whosoever killed him by sword, pistol, or poison should receive a reward of ,£500 a year (1654). The life and government of the protector were constantly endangered by the plots of Eoyalists and Levellers, or of both parties united. Cromwell, however, proved himself more than a match for his enemies. He made use of his insight into character to find the right men to serve as spies, and was generally in full possession of the plans of his * Carljle, iii. 8i. 1651] TEMPOEAEY DICTATOESHIR 331 enemies. Conspirators, after having advanced with their pre- parations until within a few hours for the moment of action, found themselves suddenly swooped upon by the officers of justice, and lodged securely in prison. When the protector met his first Parliament, at the appointed date (3rd Sept.), he was prepared with a good account of his nine months of rule. Much to the indignation of Republicans and Ana- baptists, who still clung to the ambitious project of reducing the States and incorporating the two Republics, Cromwell had ended the ruinous war with Holland by granting peace on fairly moderate terms. The Dutch agreed to lower their flag to the English navy ; to banish from their territories enemies of England ; to restore to England the island of Poleron, in the East Indies, seized by them during James' reign ; to pay ,£170,000 damages to the East India Company ; and to give to the heirs of those massacred at Amboyna (p. 253) during the same reign a sum amounting to near £4000, to- gether with a compensation of nearly £100,000 to English traders to the Baltic. With the Danes (July, 1654) and with the Swedes (April, 1654) the protector had also concluded treaties favourable to the interests of English merchants. Portugal, long in disgrace for harbouring Rupert's fleet of privateers, had only obtained a treaty by consenting both to refund the expenses incurred by the English government in consequence of this unfriendly act, and also to allow English merchants liberty of conscience to worship in chapels of their own, and to have free use of Bibles and other Protestant books throughout the Portuguese dominions. So much for foreign affairs ; at home the protector had made active use of the powers granted him by the Instrument of Government. He had had the right to make ordinances and impose taxes, with the assistance of his council, until the meeting of Parliament. No less than eighty-two ordi- nances had been passed. Amongst others were two for the reform of the Church. The first empowered thirty-eight com- missioners, a body of laymen and ministers, commonly called ' triers,' to examine and approve every person, whether presented by a patron, or in any other way introduced to a living, before allowing him to take possession (March 20th, 1654). The second appointed from fifteen to thirty commissioners in every county to expel from their offices any ministers or schoolmasters who set the people a bad example by neglecting their duties, and passing 332 REFORM IN REPRESENTATION. [protect. their time in taverns, playing at cards and dice (28th Aug). Cromwell's principles of toleration, made him desirous of uniting Protestant sects, and he named, as commissioners upon these ordinances, Presbyterians, Independents, and Ana- baptists. To their political opinions he was indifferent, so long as he thought them the right men to do the work required. Amongst them sat, not only Fairfax, though now at heart almost a Koyalist, but Republicans who were bitter enemies of the pro- tector. The great Presbyterian, Baxter, was a ' trier' himself, and, though he could never forgive Cromwell's usurpation, he ad- mitted that good resulted from this reform. " And with all their faults," he says, " thus much must be said of these triers, that they saved many a congregation from ignorant, ungodly, drunken teachers, that sort of men who intend no more in the ministry than to patch a few good words together to talk the people asleep on Sunday, and all the rest of the week go with them to the alehouse and harden them in sin; so that, though many of them were somewhat partial to the Independents, Fifth-Monarchy men, and Anabaptists, many thousands of souls blessed God for the faithful ministers whom they let in."* By another of his ordinances Cromwell reduced the costs of suits in Chancer}" by simplif} ing the procedure and cutting down the fees of counsel and solicitors, one of those acts which few subsequent govern- ments have been found strong enough to repeat. A reform was carried out in the system of representation. This reform had been proposed by the Republicans, and was laid down in the Instrument of Government. In early times, when the Lower House was summoned solely for the purpose of grant- ing the king subsidies, attention had naturally been paid to allotting members to places in proportion to population anc* wealth. But, in the course of years, inequalities appeared. Towns which returned members lost their trade, and decreased in the number of their inhabitants, while unrepresented villages 1 >e- came large and thriving cities. This evil was increased by the practice of the princes of the Houses of Tudor and Stuart, who, in order to maintain their authority in the Commons, created new boroughs out of mere villages, which returned members according to the directions of servants of the crown. Thus Elizabeth added •sixty members to the House of Commons, the loyalty of petty * Baxter, Life, 69. 1654. J CROMWELL'S FIRST PARLIAMENT. 333 Cornish hamlets being especially favoured in the distribution of these seats. An inequality had from the first existed in the county representation, since counties, however unequal in size, as York- shire and Eutland, had always returned two members each. Ac- cording to the reform now made, the number of members returned for England and Wales was reduced from 500 to 400. The county members, or knights of shires, were increased to 261, Yorkshire returning twelve members, Essex thirteen, Warwickshire four, and other counties in like proportion. A large number of rotten boroughs, some of which contained only a few houses, were disfranchised, while members were given to a few rising places, such as Leeds, Manchester, and Halifax ; 149 members were returned in all for the towns and boroughs.* The county franchise, formerly confined to freeholders possessed of lands or tenements to the annual value of 40s., was extended to any resi- dent in the county, the capital value of whose property, real or personal, amounted to £200. t As the value of money now is one-fourth of what it was then, the constituency was not as de- mocratic as the present; when owners of freeholds of the annual value of 40s., and occupiers of property of the rateable value of £12, are qualified as county electors. J The reformed Parliament was imperial, representative of the three nations, thirty members being summoned to sit for Scotland, and thirty for Ireland. Those who had borne arms against the Parliament since 1641 were rendered, by the Instrument of Go- vernment, incapable of voting at elections for the present Parlia- ment or the three following triennial Parliaments. This disfran- chised not only the Royalists, but some of the Presbyterians, who had joined in Hamilton's invasion, or in that led by Prince Charles. The House, however, contained many Presbyterians, besides Republicans and others opposed to the government. These proceeded to debate the question whether they should approve the government by a single person and a Parliament ; in other words, to attack the Instrument of Government * There had been 400 members for towns, 100 for counties (p. 2). f After the Restoration (1660) the old system of representation was re- stored, and no reform was made until 1832. X Reform Act, 1867, by which county votes were also given to owners of property other than freehold of the annual value of £o ; and borough votes to all ratepaying householders, and even to lodgers who have occupied for a year rooms of the annual value of ±110. •g34 FIE ST PAELIAMENT DISSOLVED. [peotect. by authority of which they, as well as the protector, ruled. More than a week had been spent upon this subject of debate, when Cromwell summoned the members to the Painted Chamber, and there informed them that he was in possession of the government by a good right from God and man ; by Divine right, because it was by his hand that God had saved the nation ; by human right, because they had come to sit there in virtue of his writ, and, therefore, could not call in question the authority by which the Parliament itself existed. They would now, before again entering the House, be required to sign their names to an engagement to be true and faithful to the lord protector and Commonwealth, and not to propose or consent to any alteration of the govern- ment as it was settled in one person and a Parliament (Sept. 12th, 1654). Though this engagement eliminated a hundred members who refused to sign it and so lost their seats, the enemies of the government still maintained a ma- jority in the House, which did not offer the protector either the nioney bills necessary for the support of the arm3 r , or any others for his consent. Accordingly, as soon as five months were spent, the length of session required by the Instrument of Govern- ment, Cromwell did not delay a day in dissolving the Parliament. " Divisions and discontent," he told the members, " which, like briars and thorns, had nourished themselves under their shadow, had been more multiplied during the five months they had sat than in some years before. ... I bless God I have been inured to difficulties, and I never found God failing when I trusted in Him. I can laugh and sing in my heart when I speak of these things to you or elsewhere. And though some may think it is an hard thing to raise money without Parliamentary authority upon this nation, yet I have another argument to the good people of this nation, if they would be safe, and yet have no better principle — whether they prefer the having of their will, though it be their destruction, rather than comply with things of necessity ? That will excuse me. But I should wrong my native country to sup- pose this" (Jan. 22nd, 1655). The divisions existing between the Parliament and the protector gave courage to his enemies to plot murder and insurrection, whe- ther these were Eoyalists on the one hand, or Levellers and Fifth- Monarchists on the other. The best of the Republicans— men such as Vane, Ludlow, and Hutchinson— refused to join in conspira- 1654. J KOYALIST EISINGS. 335 cies of which the success was doubtful, while they scorned the thought of resorting to assassination as a means to overthrow the government. Several conspiracies, however, were formed in Eng- land and Scotland, but were nipped in the bud by the timely seizure and imprisonment of the ringleaders. "Wildman, a Level- ler, and member of the late Parliament, was seized sitting at his table, and dictating a declaration against 'The tyrant, Oliver Cromwell, Esq.' Several plots were laid against the protector's life, ' little fiddling things,' as he once called them. In March partial risings of the Royalists took place in several counties. A body of 200 Cavaliers rode into Salisbury in the middle of the night, and seized the persons of the judges who had come to hold the assizes (10th March, 1655). The townspeople, how- ever, refused to compromise themselves by offering the insurgents any support. The town crier, being ordered by Penruddock, their leader, to proclaim Charles Stuart at the Market Cross, " made ' O Yes ' (Oyez) four times, but still, when Penruddock said, ' Charles the Second, king,' he stopped, though much beaten by them, and said he could not say that word, though they should call for faggots and burn him presently." Within twenty-four hours of their arrival, the Cavaliers were obliged to ride hastily out of the town, in c^der to avoid meeting the protector's troops. The insurgents were overtaken and dispersed, and above fifty taken prisoners, among whom were their leaders, Penruddock and Grove. The prisoners were regularly tried by jury for treason. Of those condemned, seventeen were executed ; others transported to the Barbadoes, and their ser- vices as slaves sold to the English planters there for a period of five years.* No Republicans or Levellers were brought to trial. Cromwell, who had intimated not obscurely to his Parliament that rather than suffer his government to be overturned he would resort to arbitrary measures, now carried his threat into execution, with the determination to keep up the army and with it maintain order at any cost. He continued to enforce ordinances made in council, which the Instrument of Government had only granted * This early form of transportation or penal servitude was first introduced by the Long Parliament, who applied it to some of the Scotch prisoners taken after the defeat of Hamilton at Warrington in 1648. Such treatment seems quite indefensible when applied to prisoners of war: insurgents are even now liable to the treatment of convicts, but the substitution of private masters instead of the State is an outrage to sentiment. 336 AEBITEAEY GOVERNMENT. Lmoteox him power of making until the meeting of his first Parliament, Thus he passed an ordinance for the continuance of the monthly assessment of £60,000 for the support of the army. Of his sole authority he imposed on Eoyalists, whose estates exceeded the worth of £100 per annum, an income tax of ten per cent., and this whether they had been engaged in the late risings or not. He divided England into eleven districts, over each of which he placed in command a major-general, with power to call out the county militia for the enforcement of his orders (Aug., 1655). Major- These major-generals were, in fact, military governors, Generals. w ] 10 encroached on the duties of the ordinary justices of the peace and other civil authorities, and acted at once as judges and police officers. There was no appeal from their de- cisions, except to the protector and his council. They received instructions to suppress tumults and rebellion, to see that Papists and Eoyalists had no arms in their possession, to collect the income-tax imposed upon Eoyalists, to arrest and imprison suspected persons, to aid in ejecting scandalous ministers, to suppress horse races, cock-fightings, bear-baitings, and other sports at which the disaffected collected. Some of the chief men in the army, as Fleetwood, Skippon, and Desborough, held office as major-generals. They do not seem to have abused the power entrusted to them, though no doubt they carried out Cromwell's instructions to the full, exacted the last penny of the income tax from Eoyalists, and required Eoyalist justices of the peace, mayors, and sheriffs, to make way for men friendly to the government. A severe ordi- nance was issued, forbidding any to take into their families ejected Episcopalian ministers as chaplains or school-masters (Jan., 1656). Many Eoyalists and Republicans, known malcon- tents, were imprisoned, or forced to confine themselves to one place of abode. The movements of both Vane and Ludlow were at one time or another thus placed under restraint. An order of council was issued that no paper should be published without permission from the Secretary of State ; and all but two, out of <-ight, weekly papers were suppressed (Sept., 1655). Whether we admit, or not, the ' tyrant's plea, necessity/ we must not fail to mark the difference of motive that caused Charles and Cromwell to exercise arbitrary government. Charles im- posed taxes without consent of Parliament, and committed men 1655-6.] TREATMENT OF CONSPIRATORS. 337 illegally to prison, in order to break the spirit of the people, and convert a constitutional into an absolute monarchy. Cromwell really taxed the country for the country's good, because his own government was all he saw able to stand between anarchy on the one side and the loss of freedom of conscience on the other. History will always judge by very different standards the arbi- trary acts that break up an existing order and those which restore order out of disorder. The king who tries to make slaves- of a free people has none of the excuses of one on whose shoulders has fallen the herculean task of remaking a nation out of the chaos of a revolution. Cromwell was marked out as the pilot to steer the storm-tossed State into port, and nothing would induce him to quit the helm. " I can sooner be willing," he said, " to be rolled into my grave and buried in infamy than I can give my consent unto [it]." Hence, unlike Charles, Cromwell never resorted to arbitrary measures, until either his government or his life were in real danger, and then he was never cruel ; the imprisonments he inflicted were generally short ; he never sought the ruin of his adversary. He counselled his son. Henry, when command- ing in Ireland, not to let the discontent of some make too much impression upon him. " Time and patience may work them to a better frame of spirit, and bring them to see that which for the present seems to be hid from them ; especially if they shall see your moderation and love towards them, if the}' are found in other ways towards you." Tyrants who have been raised by an army to a throne have often proved themselves the most suspicious of mankind. But the protector's nature remained as generous and trustful as it had been in his earlier years, when none grudged the quiet country gentleman his life. He only took a few necessary pre- cautions for his safety by looking closely after his guards, and letting a report spread that he wore a mail coat under his clothes. So far, indeed, did he seem removed from personal feelings of fear and revenge, that he would pass over insulting words and even outbursts of deadly hatred, as though they concerned him not, so long as he preserved his power intact. When he imprisoned men without showing legal cause, he had good reason to suspect their intentions. Republicans, Levellers, Anabaptists, even those of them who sought his life, he always looked upon as friends 22 338 COMPARATIVE CLEMENCY. [protect. estranged rather than as enemies. A lesser man might have freed himself from the charge of tyranny, and at the same time made his own life more secure, by bringing traitors to the gallows, for there is little doubt Cromwell had evidence enough if he had chosen to use it. A true tyrant, still more one who was conscious he had deserted the cause to which he was first engaged, would have been slow to deal leniently with old Eepub- lican friends, whose conduct might have seemed as a perpetual reproach to his own. But of all the Levellers, Fifth-Monarch- ists, or Anabaptists, who conspired against the protector's life or government, only one suffered by the hand of the execu- tioner.* Sexby, a Leveller, died in prison, but he was a fanatic who plotted with Eoyalists to take the protector's life, and sent to England some "strange engines to that pur- pose."! Though towards Eoyalists less mercy was shown, they admitted themselves that their condition was greatly improved from the time of the dissolution of the Long Parliament. A committee of officers restored to their Eoyalist owners, estates unjustly sequestered, and inflicted condign punishment on false informers. J In matters of life and death too, Eoyalists re- ceived far more lenient treatment. Not nearly so many Eoyalist * The contrast of Bonaparte's conduct may enable us to appreciate more fully Cromwell's magnanimity. Bonaparte bad also for enemies two im- placable parties, Jacobins and Eoyalists. As be was driving to the opera an attempt was made to kill bim by blowing up a barrel of gunpowder close to his_ carriage. The plot bad been laid by tbe Eoyalists, and two of tbe assassins were brought before a court of justice, condemned, and executed. Bonaparte, however, though he knew the contrary, affected to believe that the Jacobins were guilty, five of whom lost their lives by sentence of a military commission, while 300 others were transported. Cromwell's govern- ment by major-generals for a year and a half, may again be contrasted favourably with the present French government, which keeps half France under martial law for more than three years because of a revolt of the capital. *t* Clarendon State Papers, iii. 311. £ " On Saturday last, Faulkener, one of the Lord Craven's accusers, was condemned to the pillory for perjury ; it is believed his lordship will have his estates cleared and the purchaser to be satisfied with other lands ; here be many others that hope for right in the like case ; some interpret this favour (for here it is a great one to have justice) as an inclination to oblige the royal party, but such plausible things could never be more seasonable" (27th May, 1653). " The committee of officers have restored several parties to their estates with reparation for what is past. Sir John Stowel is out of prison upon bail, and many such plausible things are done to stroke the poor easy Cavalier" (3rd June, 1653).— Eoyalist letters of intelligence anion <* MS. Clar. Papers in Bodleian. 1655—6.] IMPARTIAL JUSTICE. 339 conspirators were put to death by Cromwell as by the Republi- cans, and a High Court of Justice, which he occasionally erected, never convicted any but undoubted traitors.* Cromwell's government, even whilst arbitrary, was in many respects conciliatory. No oaths of allegiance were required to be taken to it, and none but those who conspired against it were shut out from holding office in the State. The protector, in fact, endeavoured to obtain for the service of his country the most able of her sons without inquiring too closely into their political -antecedents. The Kepublican, Admiral Blake, still remained in command of the fleet. Milton continued in the post of foreign secretary. Lockhart, the English ambassador in France, was a Eoyalist and a Scotchman. The judges appointed by Cromwell were not partisans of his own, who might be ready to wrest the law to serve his will, but incorruptible men, of all parties, who dared administer the laws impartially, not only between subject and subject, but between the subject and the govern- ment. Sir Matthew Hale, the chief justice, refused obedience to the Lord Protector himself, when he would once have inter- fered in the trial of a criminal case ; and there is no doubt that the men appointed to office by Cromwell and the Republicans introduced many beneficial reforms into the administration of the law.f It was possible for the judges gradually to modify the proce- dure of the courts, where it was dependent only upon custom and precedent ; but for a thorough reform of the law itself, the interference of the legislature was necessary. Cromwell was desirous of reforming the anomalies and harshness of the criminal code, as well as the dilatoriness and expense of the civil code. The object of punishment is the protection cf society, the primary object being to deter men from committing criminal acts, * Godwin, iv. 34, 91, 357. f " The practice of questioning juries for their verdicts, the exclusion of oral testimony" [as was the case in Raleigh's trial, see p. 88], £> and the use of torture, were wholly swept away during the ten years which succeeded the death of Charles I., and were never afterwards revived. Just and rational principles of evidence, sound views of the object of penal laws, and of the proper means of enforcing them, first sprang up during the early years of the Commonwealth. Under the wise and moderate superintendence of such minds as Hale, Whitelock, and Rolle, our judicial institutions under- went a total revision and reform." — Jardine's Heading on the Use cf Torture. 90 Q 3&) CEIMINAL CODE. [protect, the secondary object to act beneficially on opinion, and so remove the motives to criminal acts. To deter criminals, the main requirement is not that the penalty should be terrible, but that it should be inevitable. To act beneficially on opinion, it is necessary that the punishment should be approved as just by the general judgment of the community. A criminal code that lags behind the humanity of the age to which it belongs not only fails in acting on opinion, but often defeats its primary end as a deterrent. The criminal either escapes unpunished, because his jury, con- trary to evidence, refuses to find a verdict of guilty ; or if he does go to the gallows, he dies an object of sympathy rather than of abhorrence. "There are wicked and abominable laws," Cromwell said to his first Parliament, "which it will be in your power to alter. To hang a man for six-and-eightpence, and I know not what ; to hang for a trifle, and acquit murder — is in the ministration of the law, through the ill-framing of it. I have known in my experience abominable murders acquitted. And to see men lose their lives for petty matters, this is a thing God will reckon for. And I wish it may not lie upon this nation a day longer than you have an oppor- tunity to give a remedy, and I hope I shall cheerfully join with you in it." To effect a reform of the law, it was necessary to secure the co-operation of the lawyers. Lawyers, however, were averse to changes which were often hurtful to their pecuniary interests, or contrary to the prejudices of their profession. It was not without difficulty that they were brought to submit to the protector's Ordinance for the Eeform of Chancery. A rule of but five years was too short to carry out reforms in the face of a most influential profession, which was strongly represented in Parliament. " The sons of Zeruiah," as Cromwell once said, " were too strong for him." Had his life lasted twenty years in- stead of five, he might have done as great wonders as a social reformer and legislator as he did as a ruler and administrator. Nor were his interests merely practical. Though not learned himself, Cromwell both honoured and rewarded learning in others. He asked one Eoyalist, a celebrated scholar, Meric Casaubon, to write an impartial history of the civil war ; to the Eoyalist philosopher, Hobbes, was offered the post of secre- tary in his household ; he put men of ability at the head of the universities, and founded a new university at Durham. 1655—6.] RELIGIOUS TOLERATION. 341 Though the protector always kept up fitting state as ruler of England, his court at Whitehall was neither luxurious nor extra- vagant. His very enemies confessed "he had much natural greatness, and well became the place he had usurped." Nor did foreign ambassadors ever find him less than the peer of kings in the dignity of his bearing or the manner of their entertainment. Equal, however, to every occasion, the protector could unbend at times. " He would sometimes," says one of his councillors, " be very cheerful with us, and laying aside his greatness, he would be exceeding familiar with us, and by way of diversion, would make verses with us, and every one must try his fancy ; he commonly called for tobacco, pipes, and a candle, and would now and then take tobacco himself ; then he would fall again to his serious business." Cromwell treated religious opponents in the same liberal spirit as political. But for the intolerance of the people, he would have allowed Catholics the public exercise of their worship. At one time he even formed a project of allowing a Catholic bishop to reside in England, and preside over the English Catho- lics. The severe ordinance he framed at one time against Epis- copalians was only enforced as long as they were engaged in fomenting insurrection. Episcopalians preached publicly in London and in the country, and both Catholics and Epis- copalians were left unmolested in their private worship.* No oath of fidelity to the government was imposed upon ministers ; and the church was made wide enough to admit to her livings Presbyterians, Independents, and Anabaptists. " If a man of one form," said Cromwell, addressing one of his Parliaments, " will be trampling upon the heels of another form, I will not suffer it in him. But God give us hearts and spirits to keep things equal. Which truly I must profess to you hath been my temper. I have had some boxes and rebukes on the one hand and on the other ; some censuring me for Presbytery, others as an inletter to all the sects and heresies of the nation. I have borne my reproach, but I have, through God's mercy, not been unhappy in hindering any one religion to impose upon another. + „ . . Here is a great deal of truth among professors, but very * Guizot, Hist, de Rep., 643 ; Weal, 74, 124 ; Evelyn's Diary, passim, f Carl., iii. 182. 342 TREATMENT OF QUAKERS. [protect. little mercy. When we are brought into the right way, we shall be merciful as well as orthodox, arid we know who it is that saith, ' If a man could speak with the tongues of men and angels, and yet want that, he is but sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.' " The Eepublicans had passed a law for the punishment of blas- phemous opinions ; any person who said he was God, who taught that swearing, drunkenness, and murder are as holy and righteous as prayer, preaching, aud thanksgiving, was for the first offence to suffer six months' imprisonment : for the second, to abjure the dominions of the Commonwealth, and in case of return to suffer death as a felon (Aug., 1650). If the enumeration of such opinions shows the prevalence of strange fancies in that revolutionary time, their prohibition shows how little the framers had learnt of the distinctions between the spheres of law and of public opinion. Though a merciful law as compared with that passed by the Presbyterians,* it was not in accordance with the professed prin- ciples of its framers. "With a large Presbyterian element in it,. Cromwell's Parliament was not likely to be more tolerant than the Rump. The plain-spoken protector exhorted them to mode- ration. " What greater hypocrisy," he says, " than for those who were oppressed by the bishops to become the greatest oppressors themselves, as soon as their yoke was removed?" There were several sects whose doctrines gave offence, and whom Cromwell could with difficulty save from suffering under the intolerance of men whose watchword had once been ' liberty of The conscience.' The Quakers, for instance, were at this Quakers. ti me special objects of persecution. Lord Say-and-Sele, a suppo ter of the Independents, turned some of his tenants, who held Quaker opinions, out into the streets. Their peculiar doctrines, that it is wrong under any circumstances to go to war or to take an oath, excited much indignation, and they often brought suffering upon themselves by pressing their views out of season. George Fox, the founder of the sect, went into churches and contradicted the teaching of the ministers, into markets and exhorted traders to sell fairly, into inns and bade drunkards reform their lives. Vain enthusiasts, men half de- ceivers, half deceived, copied the example of Pox, and went about the country preaching, pretending to work miracles, and; * See p. 203. 1055-6.] TREATMENT OF FANATICS. 343 calling themselves inspired by the Spirit of God. Some dozen men and women believed that the Spirit of Christ dwelt in an old soldier called James Naylor, as it had never dwelt in any other man before. These walked by his side as he rode into Bristol, strewing garments in his path, and shouting, ' Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Israel.' One woman declared that she had been restored to life by him, after having been two days dead. The protector merely confined the wilder fanatics until they promised to keep quiet and give up working- miracles. But his Parliament was far less merciful, and but for its timely dissolution, would have passed an act shutting out Quakers and several other sects from toleration.* Cromwell wished to allow even the Jews a legal residence in the country, though they had been banished from England for four hundred years ; and a conference was held in London between some citizens, lawyers, and clergymen, and some Jews of Amsterdam. The divines, however, objected to admitting the unbelievers ; the citizens were divided in their opinions ; and the conference closed without coming to any decision on the point, t The protector afterwards of his own authority permitted several Jews to reside in London, where they built a synagogue and worshipped with- out molestation. In regard to toleration, indeed, Oliver's views were so far in advance of those generally held in his time, that they were treated as a subject for apology rather than for praise, even by friends and admirers. " It is true, his heart being tender to all," writes one, " especially such as were peaceable, he did not use that severity ordinarily towards the Quakers, or others of that mind, as was by some expected. But what other con- siderations did therein sway him to so much lenity, I cannot tell, neither is it fit for every one to know, much less to judge ; but this we know, that he was merciful to all. "J In Scotland, as in England, order was established under the protector's government ; justice fairly administered ; liberty of conscience ensured. Both the Eepublicans and Cromwell desired to incorporate the two countries under the same go- Union of vernment, and thus prevent a recurrence of the Scotch a ^f gcot- invasions of England, which had occurred twice within land - five years. The Eepublicans were deprived of power before they had carried out their purpose ; but Cromwell passed an ordinance, * Meal, iv. 91. + Godwin, iv. 249—300. % King's Tracts. 344 UNION WITH SCOTLAND. [peotect. which was confirmed by his second Parliament, establishing the union of England and Scotland (April 12, 1654). This union lasted till the Eestoration, when there was again a separation till the union was finally effected in the reign of Anne when it was sanctioned by the consent of both nations (1707). At the time of the Commonwealth, the national antipathy was so strong that, whatever the advantages of union, the Scots would not volun- tarily have consented to abandon their independent government. Being, however, a conquered people, they were forced to submit to the will of their masters ; and thirty members for Scotland were summoned to sit in each of the protector's Parliaments. The executive was administered in Scotland by General Monk, assisted by a Council of State, of which, out of nine members' only two were Scotchmen. The army was gradually raised to a force of 20,000 men, and the country heavily taxed for its main- tenance. The union, though so much disliked by the Scots, conferred upon them several undoubted benefits : freedom of trade with England, a boon unprecedented at that time ; the abolition of feudal tenures, which had kept the Scotch people in a state of almost servile dependence upon their lords ; a pure administra- tion of justice ; security not only from the plundering raids of the Highlanders, but also from the still more destructive strife of factions. For under it the two hostile camps of Presbyterians —those that owned and those that disowned Charles' right to the throne— were forced to live in peace together. Pour English- men, assisted by three Scotchmen, were appointed to go on circuits and administer justice in place of the Scotch Court of Session, which was exceedingly corrupt. Their fairness was long remem- bered : " Deil thank them, a wheen (pack of) kinless loons," said a Scotch judge of the next century, when reminded of then- im- partiality. " During this period," says Burnet, himself a Scotch- man, " Scotland was kept in great order ; there was good justice done, and vice was suppressed and punished ; so that we always reckon on those eight years of usurpation as a time of great peace and prosperity/ The Eepublicans in the Kunip, while still in office, had passed Ireland. a severe law for the settlement of Ireland. They Settlement. ha ^ not entertained the idea of reconciling the Irish to English rule, regarding it as impossible that 1653—6.] SETTLEMENT OF IKELAND. 345 men who were Catholics and Royalists should ever give willing submission to a government carried on by Sectarians and Re- publicans. The Irish were accordingly treated as a conquered people. In the course of the Irish war, two and a half millions of acres in Ireland had been pledged to the " adventurers," who lent the Long Parliament money on the assurance that, when Ireland was subdued, they should be repaid with interest out of the lands forfeited by the rebels. In order to satisfy these State creditors, the act of settlement had dealt hard measure to Irish landholders. A free pardon was granted to the mass of the people, to husbandmen, ploughmen, labourers, artificers, and others of in- ferior sort, not possessed of lands or goods above the value of £10. All engaged in the massacre of 1641 were exempted from pardon of life or estate. So many, however, of the original rebels were either dead or undetected, that sufferers under this clause num- bered only about two hundred.* Those who, though not en- gaged in the massacre, had fought against the Parliament in the war that followed, were to forfeit two thirds of their estates, and to receive lands to the value of the remaining third in such other parts of the country as the government should think fit to ap- point. Those who had not favoured the cause of the Parliament were to forfeit one third of their estates, and to be assigned lands elsewhere to the value of the remaining two-thirds (Aug., 1652). The barren and boggy province of Connaught, laid desolate by the late war, was reserved for division amongst these ejected Irish landowners. In this province, they would have the Shannon as a barrier to prevent their attacking the newcomers, and settled there it was not likely that they could ever succeed again in overpowering the Protestant population. The lands thus taken from the Irish were granted to the 'adventurers,' and to soldiers who had fought in Ireland, and whose pay was in arrears (1653). A strong Protestant army, maintained in the country, compelled submission. Fleetwood, commander-in- chief of the forces in Ireland, Ludlow, lieutenant-general of the horse, and three other officers were appointed by the Re- publicans as commissioners to conduct the government. Their government was distinguished by its severity ; they refused to allow Catholics the exercise of their worship in public or in private, and forbade them to live in a garrison town, to possess * Godwin, iv. 433. 346 CEOM WELL'S IEISH POLICY. [r E0TECT arms, or to travel without a licence. Priests and Jesuits found in the country were declared traitors, and the celebration of the mass was made a capital offence. This persecution is said to have been maintained for two years (1653-4). The jDrotector summoned thirty members for Ireland, to sit in each of his Parliaments. Fleetwood returned to England in 1655, and the government was entrusted by Cromwell to his second son, Henry, first as commander-in-chief of the army, and afterwards as Lord Deputy. The young man inherited some of his father's capacity for government, and Ireland prospered under Lis administration. He treated the Irish more mercifully than the Eepublican commissioners, and even saved some families from the terrible transportation into Connaught. He treated all re- ligious parties with moderation, and refrained from persecuting Catholics. Absolute freedom of trade was granted, and all manufactures were encouraged, so that the country soon assumed a flourishing aspect, in spite of the desolation caused by the late war. " There were many buildings," says the Royalist Hyde, " raised for beauty as well as use, orderly and regular plantations of trees and fences, and enclosures raised throughout the king- dom, purchases made by one from another at very valuable rates, and jointures made upon marriages, and all other conveyances and settlements, executed as in a kingdom at peace within itself, and where no doubt could be made of the validity of titles." CHAPTER XV. TIIE LAST TWO YEARS OP THE PROTECTORATE. — 1656 1658. Cromwell, our chief of men, who through a cloud Not of war only, but detractions rude, Guided by faith and matchless fortitude, To peace and truth thy glorious way bast plough'd; And on the neck of crowned fortune proud Hast reared God's trophies, and his work pursued, While Darwin* stream, with blood of Scots imbrued, And Dunbar's field, resounds thy praises loud, And "Worcester's laureate wreath. Yet much remains To conquer still ; peace hath her victories No less renowned than war ; new foes arise, Threatening to bind our souls with secular chains : Help us to save free conscience from the paw Of hireling wolves, whose gospel is their maw. MlLTOJT. During- the year and a half that Cromwell ruled arbitrarily, his government took root, for whatever its faults, it at least assured to the country the blessings of order and peace. Royal- ists and Presbyterians either sullenly acquiesced in the change of dynasty, or at least deferred their hopes of restoring Charles Stuart, till after the death of the present protector. As soon as the need of arbitrary government was past, Cromwell wished his use of it to pass too. " When matters of necessity come," he had said to his Parliament, " then without guilt ex- traordinary remedies may be applied, but if necessity be pre- tended there is so much the more sin." He determined to meet a Parliament that should restore the government to a nearer approach to its old form, and confer upon himself the title of king. To secure this result he would have to stretch his prero- gative once more to oust the Republican opposition, but after this the legitimate career he longed for might be open to him. The Instrument of Government, which had been drawn up merely by * Joining the Kibble just south of Preston, the scene of battle of 17th August, 1648 348 CEOMWELL'S SECOND PARLIAMENT. [protect a council of. officers, an unconstitutional authority, wanted a legal sanction, and in place of lasting settlement, only opened to the view of the nation a dreary vista of military rulers, elected by the will of the army. The title of protector was strange and unacceptable to the people generally, nor did it conciliate the Republicans, who called a protector ' A stately tiling, That confesseth itself but the ape of a king.'* Timid and time-serving supporters of Cromwell's government remembered that by a statute of Henry VII., all persons adhering to the king de facto were pronounced guiltless of treason. The pro- tector, therefore, by receiving from a Parliament the title of king, might hope to calm the fears of many of his friends, to gratify the monarchical prejudices of the people, and even to establish a con- stitutional monarchy in England under kings of his own house. To ensure meeting an assembly favourable to his interests, he did not hesitate to resort to an arbitrary stretch of power. The Instrument of Government authorized the protector and council to make a scrutiny of the returns of elections, and examine whether persons returned were qualified to sit. This clause was intended as a precaution against the admission of any that had borne arms against the Parliament since 1641, and all members of Cromwell's first Parliament had according^ received tickets from the council, certifying that they were duly returned. Par- liament met on the 17th of December ; without any legal ground of exclusion, a hundred members, Republicans or other opponents of the government, were for the time refused tickets by the council. "When they complained to the Parliament, Crom- well's friends carried a vote by 125 to 29, that they must apply to the council for redress. The residue did not employ them- selves very profitably at first. For the first three months of its sitting, the Parliament was almost solely engaged in debating .upon the punishment due to James Naylor, the man who had ridden into Bristol, and was worshipped by his followers as divine. According to statute law, this fanatic could only have been imprisoned for six months, and in case of a second offence, banished from the dominions of the Commonwealth. But the Commons, imitating the refinements of the Star Chamber, sen- * See the lines found among Col. Overton s papers, quoted in G-ui^ot, ii. vi. 1656—7.] PETITION AND ADVICE. 349 tenced him to be six times whipped, put twice in the pillory, have his tongue bored, his forehead branded, and then to be kept in solitary confinement on short rations. This was dealing hard measure to one at the worst half fool, half knave, and gave all liberally or mercifully minded men cause to regret the time when the House of Commons did not resolve itself into a court of justice and inflict arbitrary punishment at pleasure. The protector sent a letter to the House, desiring to be informed of the grounds of its proceedings. The question raised long debates, which resulted in the drawing up of a new instru- ment of government, called the Petition and Advice. Petition and Cromwell was to bear the title of king and to appoint Advice. his successor to the throne. New Parliaments were to be sum- moned once every three years, and were to be composed as formerly of two Houses. The Upper House was to consist of not more than 70 or less than 40 persons, who were to be named by the king. Members of council and officers of State were to be approved by Parliament. The chief magistrate was presum- ably allowed a negative voice on bills, as no clause was introduced to deprive him of a power hitherto always exercised by English monarchs. The command of the Army and Navy was to rest with the chief magistrate, with consent of Parliament. Thus this :iew instrument restored the ancient monarchy with some of those checks which the Long Parliament had sought to impose upon Charles I. The protector, who intended to govern in accordance with the articles of the Petition and Advice, encouraged his friends in the Parliament, to abolish both the office of major-general and the income tax of ten per cent, upon Eoyalists. The major-generals, however, to whom arbitrary government was not so distasteful as to their chief, took offence at their removal from office, and displayed their ill-will and jealousy by opposing the Petition and Advice in the Commons' House, and especially the first clause, which conferred on the chief magistrate the title of king. Their motives may have been selfish ; they may have disliked to see their fellow-soldier raised so far above themselves, when before any might have entertained a hope of succeeding, Oliver in the office of Lord Protector. But the ground they publicly put forward was their attachment to the Eepublican ideal. Their feeling was shared by the army, and a deputation of a hundred officers waited upon the general, to pray him not to accept the 3 50 TITLE OF KING REFUSED. [protect. title of king. The protector replied in words to the following effect : ' that the title king, a feather in a hat, is as little valu- able to him as to them. But the fact is, they and he have not .succeeded in settling the nation hitherto, by the schemes they clamoured for. That the nation is tired of major-generalcies, of uncertain arbitrary ways. That the original instrument of government does need mending in some points. That a House of Lords, or other check upon the arbitrary tendencies of a single House of Parliament, may be of real use ; see what they, by their own mere vote and will, I having no power to check them, have done with James Naylor : may it not be any one's case, some other day ?'* The officers agreed to withdraw their oppo- sition to the Petition and Advice with the exception of the first clause. But in the House, councillors, lawyers, and other civi- lians, outnumbered the army men, and the insertion of the title was carried by 123 against 62 votes (29th March). Cromwell, however, dared not accept a crown at the risk of offending the army. After six weeks' delay, during which he vainly sought to overcome the prejudices of officers and soldiers, he informed the Parliament, that though he approved of all the other articles of the new instrument, he could not undertake the government with the title of king. Accordingly it was agreed that while retaining the title of protector, he should exercise the powers vested in the chief magistrate by the Petition and Advice ; and thus virtually become King of England in all but name (25th May). Though the union now existing between Cromwell and his Parliament was a great discouragement to insurrection, still Royalist exiles, and fanatical Levellers, continued to conspire against the government. Their hopes were cheered by a promise of aid from a new quarter. As soon as the protector's foreign policy was declared, and there was no doubt that he would unite with Prance against Spain, the Spaniards promised to assist Charles Stuart with a body of 6000 men, as soon as any English port declared in his favour (April). An invasion had been planned for the preceding winter (1G56-7). But the Royalists and Presby- terians refused to rise, before Charles had actually landed in the country ; the Spaniards were found readier at promises than at performance, while Royalist exiles and Levellers, in spite of their common desire to overthrow the government, were suspicious * Abridged from Burton in Carl., iii, 217. 1657.] SYKDERCOMB'S PLOT. 351 of one another's final intentions. Thus this grand political com- bination resulted merely in another attempt at assassination. Syndercomb, an old quarter-master, was supplied with J1600 from Spain, with which he engaged the services first of another old soldier, and then of one of Cromwell's life-guardsmen. These agreed to fire Whitehall, and kill his highness in the tumult that would follow. One evening after a public service, there was left upon the floor of the chapel at "Whitehall, a basket, filled with combustible matter, to which were attached two pieces of lighted match, intended to serve as a train, which should fire it about midnight. The sentinel, however, smelling fire, discovered basket and train, and the guardsman confessed the whole plot (March, 1657). Syndercomb, who was tried by jury and convicted of treason, poisoned himself in prison to escape the execution of his sentence. On this the Leveller, Sexby, wrote a pamphlet en- titled 'Killing no Murder,' which compared Synder- 'Killing no comb to Brutus, and justified all attempts to 'cut off' Murder.* the protector (May). The Eoyalist exiles approved of the treatise. " It is only," wrote Hyde, " to show the lawfulness and conveniency that he be presently killed."* There was, indeed, no hope for the Eoyalists except in Crom- well's death. His government was now believed at home and abroad to be securely established for his life. His authority had been bestowed upon him by a Parliament in place of a council of officers. Though he still bore the title of Lord Protector, he pos- sessed regal power, and was addressed in the same language and style as those employed to sovereign princes. He had parted on good terms with his Parliament, which, before its prorogation on the 26th of June, had granted him supplies of money, besides the confirmation of the ordinances he had made in council. Eoyalists dared not rise. His worst enemies could only shame their own cause by making vain attempts at assassination. Nor were his triumphs confined to his home government ; abroad, as well, his policy had been crowned with success, and he had already taught foreigners to court the friendship and dread the enmity of England. " Your general," said Christina, Queen of Sweden, to the English ambassador, " hath done the greatest things of any man in the world. I have as great a respect and honour for him * Clarendon State Papers, iii. 313. 352 FOKEIGN POLICY. [protect. as for any man alive, and I pray let hini know as muck from me." Though Cromwell was not regarded by most princes with as much favour as he was by the daughter of the great Gustavus, they held the same opinion of his abilities, and dreaded the con- sequences of his ambition. Even before the expulsion of the Long Parliament, Louis XIV. was frightened by a report that the General of the English Commonwealth intended to land in France at the head of his renowned troops, and assist the French nobles, then in arms against his government. But Cromwell, unlike Napoleon, had no aspirations for the glory a mere soldier might earn by leading on his countrymen to foreign conquest. In him was nothing of the adventurer. The object of his am- bition at home, was to establish in England a free government in Church and State ; abroad, his single aim was to support the cause of freedom in Europe, by a coalition of progressive and Protestant States against the reactionary kingdoms of Spain and' Austria. He would have scorned to rule a people reduced to a slavish condition ; he would have scorned to conquer without some deeper motive than the mere aggrandizement of himself or his country. Somewhat haughtily he bade the French ambas- sador set his master's fears at rest. " Looking at his hair, which is white, General Cromwell said, that if he were ten years younger, there was not a king in Europe whom he could not make to tremble ; and that, as he had a better motive than the late King of Sweden, he believed himself still capable of doing more for the good of nations than the other ever did for his own ambition.''* Europe, no doubt, at this time opened a field for new com- binations. The Thirty Years' War had been long brought to a close by the Treaty of Westphalia (Sept., 1648). During the latter years of the war the religious object of the struggle had dropped out of sight, and the belligerents were chiefly influenced by poli- tical motives. The Swedes fought to gain a footing on the south- ern shores of the Baltic. The French from the first had assisted Protestants against the emperor, in order to extend their own ter- ritories at the expense of Germany. The Catholic princes of the German empire had become more eager to maintain their poli- tical rights against the increased power of the emperor, than to eradicate Protestant heresy. By the conditions of the Treaty. * Guizot, i 418 ; Forster, Biog. Essays 1654—7.] FRANCE AND SPAIN. 353 of Westphalia, Protestant princes of the empire were to be put on an equality with Catholic; Protestant subjects of Catholic princes, Catholic subjects of Protestant princes, were to enjoy any religious immunities they possessed before the war began ; part of the Lower Palatinate was to be restored to Charles Louis, the brother of Rupert and Maurice, and eldest son of the unfor- tunate Elector Palatine, who married the sister of Charles 1. Though the German war was over, the struggle between France and Spain was continued with great animosity, each country striving to crush her rival, and become the first power in Europe. Both Louis XIV. and Philip IV. of Spain were bidding for the protector's support. Spain offered the possession of Calais, when taken from France ; France, the possession of Dunkirk when taken from Spain (1655). Cromwell determined to ally himself with France against Spain. France, though a Catholic country, did not adopt a Catholic policy abroad, while at home she tolerated Huguenots, and did not suffer her progress to be impeded by a blind submission to the Papacy. With Spain, on the other hand, collision was almost inevitable. For while she aspired to the leadership of Europe, her principles were in direct antagonism to all the new ideas, religious or political, that after a century of strife had at last forced their way into the hearts and minds of men. With the exclusion of Protes- tantism she shut ail free life out of her dominions ; and the Spaniards were recognized as the most fanatical nation in Europe, burners of heretics, supporters of the pope and the Inquisition, the declared enemies of freedom of conscience. It was in the West Indies that the obstructive policy of Spain came most into collision with the interests of England. Her kings based their claims to the possession of two continents on the bull of Pope Alexander VL, who in 1493 had granted them all lands they should discover from pole to pole, at the distance of a hundred leagues west from the Azores and Cape Verd Islands. On the strength of this bull they held that the discovery of an island gave them the right to the group, the discovery of a headland the right to a continent. Though this monstrous claim had quite broken down as far as the North American continent was concerned, the Spaniards, still recognizing "no peace beyond the line," en- deavoured to shut all Europeans but themselves out of any share in the trade or colonization of at least the southern half of 23 354 BLAKE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN. [protect the New World. They had imprisoned and murdered English traders, and had already exterminated one French and English colony at St. Kitts (1629), and two English settlements, one at Tortuga (1637), another at Santa Cruz (1650). Accordingly, when Spain sought an alliance, the protector required satisfaction for the blood of both the Eepublican envoy, Ascham,* and other murdered Englishmen ; and demanded liberty of trade to the "West Indies, and permission for English merchants and sailors to use their Bibles in any part of the Spanish dominions, unmolested by the Inquisition. "But/' said Cromwell, addressing his second Par- liament, " there is not liberty of conscience to be had ; neither is there satisfaction for injuries, nor for blood. When these two things were desired, the ambassador told us, e It was to ask his master's two eyes ;' to ask both his eyes, asking these things of him !"f Nor was Cromwell's disdain expressed in words only. Two large fleets were fitted out by his orders, without any special purpose being assigned for them. The one sailed under Blake to the Mediterranean, with instructions to obtain redress from any nation bordering on that sea, that had committed injuries upon the English (Oct., 1654). This fleet touched other offenders but left Spain alone, for the present, as war had not yet been de- clared. The Duke of Tuscany paid ,£60,000 damages. The Dey of Algiers agreed to allow English captives to be ransomed. "The Algiers men-of-war," says a paper of the time,$ "are become associates with the English ; they take Sallee ships and others that have any English in them, and bring them to General Blake, who at this very instant rides triumphant in the Levant." The Governor of Tunis refused satisfaction. " Here are our castles," he said, " do what you can : do you think we fear the show of your fleet ?" Blake replied by shattering the castles with two hours' bombardment, and then burning nine ships of war in the harbour. This example had its effect, and at Tripoli his demands obtained immediate compliance. § The second fleet, consisting of thirty vessels, with 4000 troops on board, was despatched to the West Indies. On opening their instructions at Barbadoes, the commanders, Admiral Penn and General Venables, found they were to surprise the two important islands of St. Domingo and Cuba. Though war with Spain had not yet been declared, there * See p. 278. + Carl., iii. 164. J E11 iS; Orig. Letters, 2nd series iii. 378. § Heath, 692 ; Thurloe, iii. 413. 1654—7.] CONQUEST OF JAMAICA. 355 was no breach of faith, as whatever the relations of the two governments at home, no peace was recognized beyond the line. Penn and Venables sailed first, as directed by the instructions, to the former island. But instead of boldly entering the harbour of the capital, St. Domingo, they landed the troops at a point forty miles distant, thus giving the Spaniards time to prepare for defence (April 14, 1655). It was a fatal error, and a period of terrible disaster followed. Two regiments of Oliver's old soldiers were engaged upon the expedition, but the troops mainly con- sisted of an undisciplined medley of Cavaliers, Levellers, and other unruly spirits from England, together with transported English, Scotch, and Irish Eoyalists from Barbadoes. The general and the admiral, the land and the sea forces, disagreed. There was a long march of forty miles under a burning sun. There was want of water and want of food. The soldiers nearly mutinied when forbidden to plunder, and from eating unripe fruits dropped down by hundreds sick and dead on their march. Two unsuccessful attempts were made to gain possession of the town. In the second the army fell into an ambuscade, when coming up a narrow path, flanked on either side by woods, where not above six could march abreast. The guns from a battery, aised by the Spaniards, fired right down the path ; the foot fell back on the horse, and the whole army was thrown into con- fusion ; the enemy fired from the woods on either side. " Never was anything so wedged as we, which made the enemy weary of killing."* A body of seamen at length drove the Spaniards out of the woods, and night ended the slaughter ; 1000 men had fallen. As Penn and Yenables dared not return home while they had only this disastrous tale to bring to the protector's ear, they agreed to sail for Jamaica, then in the possession of the Spaniards. Here their success was greater, for the colonists, about conquest of five hundred in number, taken by surprise, fled upon Jamaica^ their approach, and the island was reduced without opposition (May 10, 1655). In face of many obstacles offered by the climate, and the reckless and improvident habits of the English troops, now turned into colonists, Cromwell set to work to render Jamaica a flourishing settlement. He sent out able men as governors, shipped arms, provisions, and soldiers, directed the building of fortifications, and the planting of plantations, and, in short, laid * From collection of Thurloe, iii. 510. 23—2 356 BLAKE AT TENERIFFE. [peotect. the foundations of the future power of England in the West Indies.* While war was now proclaimed with Spain, a treaty of peace was signed between France and England, Louis XIV. agreeing to banish Charles Stuart and his brothers from French terri- tory (Oct. 24, 1655). This treaty was afterwards changed into League with a league, offensive and defensive (March 23, 1657), France. Cromwell undertaking to assist Louis with 6000 men in besieging Gravelines, Mardyke, and Dunkirk, on condition of receiving the two latter towns when reduced by the allied armies. By the occupation of these towns Cromwell intended to control the trade of the Channel, to hold the Dutch in check, who were then but unwilling friends, and to lessen the danger of invasion from any union of Royalists and Spaniards. The war opened in the year 1657 with another triumph by sea. During the summer of 1656, Blake had made a second expedition to the Mediter- ranean ; he was now engaged in blockading Cadiz, when he learnt that a fleet with bullion, from Mexico, had taken refuge in the bay of Santa Cruz, in the island of Teneriffe. The horse-shoe bay was defended by castles at the two points, and by seven forts round the shore, connected by lines, bristling with guns and manned by musketeers. Ten small vessels were moored close to the shore ; six large galleons farther out in the bay, their broad- sides towards the sea. This position the Spaniards believed un- assailable : they still thought that ships had no chance against forts. The master of a Dutch merchantman asked leave to sail out of the bay. "lam very sure," he said, " Blake will presently be amongst you." " Get you gone, if you will, and let Blake come, if he dares," replied the Spaniards.t The English fleet numbered five-and-twenty sail. A favourable wind carried them into the bay. They attacked forts, ships, and galleons at once. After four hours' fighting the forts were silenced, and all the Spanish vessels burnt with the exception of two, which were sunk. The English fleet started homewards the same day. Blake was worn out with hard service, and before he could receive from, his countrymen the thanks and honours that were his due, he " who would never strike to any other enemy, struck his topmast to death," within sight of Plymouth (Aug. 7). It was said of this gallant seaman, that with him valour never missed its reward, Thurloe, v. 130; Carl., iii. 129, t Heath, 721. 1654-8.] SUEEENDEE OF DUNKIEK. 357 nor cowardice its punishment. Ever loyal to his country, all he said to his sailors when he announced a change m the govern- ment was " Tis not our duty to mind State affairs, but to keep foreigners' from fooling us." The chief of the State, indeed, was not the man to let foreigners "fool" us. In accordance with the terms of the French League, Cromwell had sent 6000 ot his best troops to the Netherlands. But Mazarin, instead of besiege* Mardyke and Dunkirk, commenced operations in the interior of the country, and tried to put his ally off with promises. "Tell him," Cromwell wrote to Lockhart, his ambassador in France "that to talk of what will be done next campaign are but parcels of words for children." " If the French," he wrote aeain " are going to be so false as to give us no footing on that side the water, we must ask for satisfaction for our expense, and draw off our men."* The story went that Cardinal Mazarin changed countenance whenever he heard the protector named, and was not so much afraid of the devil as he was of Oliver Cromwell He dared not trifle with him any longer. Mardyke was besieged, taken in ten days, and delivered over to the Eng- lish (Sept, 1657). In the spring of the following year the siege of Dunkirk was commenced (May, 1658). The Spaniards trie, to relieve the town, but were completely defeated in an engage- ment called the Battle of the Dunes from the sand hills among which it was fought ; the defeat was mainly owing to the courage ^d disc^Hne of Oliver's troops, who won for themselves the name of " the Immortal Six Thousand." James Stuart tnT future king, commanded the left wing of the Spanish army, and narrowly escaped with his life. Ten jgng^ days after the battle Dunkirk surrendered, and the d Dun . French had no choice but to give over to the ^l EnSn ambassador the keys of a town they thought un » Ion vXeau (June 25).t At this time no honour was considered I Zl to be paid to the protector's envoys. During the "i o ^ D^k hk! Lord Fauconberg, lately become Cromwell's SO nl-la- arrived from England to meet Louis at Calais. The governor of the town, accompanied by many persons of duality came to receive him on his landing ; the kings own sXr Warded his door ; the king and queen's own officers 2S nun at meal, Louis held a private interview with him *CarL,iii.311,313. t Thurloe, vii. 174. 358 THE VAUDOIS PROTECTED. I protect, and remained uncovered the whole time. Cardinal Mazarin after a conference accompanied him downstairs, and saw him into his- coach, a courtesy he seldom paid to his own sovereign.* Catholic governments dared not molest the protector's subjects. An Englishman in Portugal was imprisoned by the Inquisition. Cromwell's resident at Lisbon expostulated. The king replied that he had no authority over the Inquisition. At their next interview the resident intimated, that since his majesty had no power over the Inquisition, the protector declared war upon it. The Englishman was released, t Cromwell had not been content with protecting his own sub- jects 01 lly from persecution. While his friendship was still being courted by both France and Spain, the Duke of Savoy had ordered the Vaudois living in the valleys of the Savoy Alps to embrace the Catholic faith, or to quit their homes within three days (Jan. 25, 1655). It was the depth of winter, the people were slow to obey, and appealed for aid and advice to the Protestant cantons of Switzerland. The duke, to suppress discontent, quar- tered soldiers in the valleys. Quarrels naturally ensued, and horrible barbarities were committed by the troops upon the inhabitants of the valley of Lucerna, whose sufferings stand com- memorated in Milton's noble sonnet. Cromwell appeared as^ then champion. For their immediate needs he started a sub- scription list with a donation of ,£2000. The heart of England was moved with sympathy : a regular canvass was made ; the' soldiers gave freely, and for love or shame almost everybody sub- scribed. An agent was sent at once, by Cromwell's orders, to intercede with the Duke of Savoy in their favour. Milton, by his directions, wrote letters to the Kings of France, Sweden, and Denmark, to the Protestant cantons of Switzerland, and to the States of Holland, appealing to their feelings of humanity to take measures to put an end to these cruelties. The pope's inter- ference was prevented by a hint that he might hear the thunder of English cannon off Civita Vecchia. The duke himself was an ally of Louis XIV., and no treaty would Cromwell sign with France unless the Vaudois were first protected from persecution. In vain Louis objected that he had no right to interfere with an independent prince, such as the Duke of Savoy. Finding Crom- well was not to be put off, he consented to mediate, and by his- * Thurloe, \i. 157. f Burton's Diary, Introduction. 1655-8.] SPANISH WAK JUSTIFIABLE. 359 [dvice the duke forgave his rebellious subjects, and confirmed their ancient privileges* The disgraces of Buckingham s ad- ministration were wiped out by this vigorous policy, and the position of England abroad was even higher than it was m the memorable days of Elizabeth. The remembrance of these suc- cesses made the nation smart the more when the Eestoration reduced her to the position of a dependent upon France. Foreign policv, iudeed, must be judged on other considerations than mere national glorification. No war can be approved that is undertaken merely for the sake of conquest, increased revenue, or personal aggrandizement. A nation, however, is often justified, not only in defending itself against insult and wrong, but entering on an aggressive war, when made either to preserve the liberty of other nations from foreign attack, or to wrest an ad- vantage which belongs by right to all mankind from the grasp of some single power. Cromwell's policy was, in the main, con- fild to these ends. It was an act of self-defence , to punish Spain for the wrongs she had committed upon English subjects it was an act of public right in the widest sense of he : term to deprive Spain of her unjust monopoly of trade with the West Ind es. On the other hand, if it is said that England gamed oo much by the war for her motives in carrying it on to be regarded 7 rfectly pure, in the first place, it is natural that the most injured party should be chief prosecutor of wrong ; and secondly, Z best interests of the world were served by the protectors p Ucy of making England the head of Protestant ^ata , and upholding the cause of liberty of conscience. At least one ha o Western Europe was governed by tyrants, who were bent on lint free institutions and the free expression of opinion by mprisoninent, banishment, torture, and the stake Cromwell Z"n. all that was best and highest in the nation, declared eternal hostility to these powers of obstruction and reaction, and St the weight of England into the cause of freedom and fZel, r^sld her, as much by moral as by material force, to the foremost place amongst European nations ^judging the policy of wars defended on public 01 mter nationa "rounds, three criteria may be applied ; first, has he S invoked been sanctioned by history as one really CdTngtothe highest good of mankind 1 secondly, has the ' Guizot, ii. 629; Cavlylc, iii. 108 ; Lizard, vim. 233. 360 NEW HOUSE FO LORDS. [protect. attempt a fair chance of success ? and, thirdly, is the war likely to entail a more than compensating weight of misery on the poor and struggling classes of the nation ? Cromwell's policy has passed two of these tests, it will be seen that it passes the third too. The government which effected such great results was carried on at comparatively a small cost. No waste, no corruption, was allowed, and the protector offered to lay' the accounts of the expenditure open to inspection. The tax for the support of the army and navy was reduced from .£120 000 to £90,000, and afterwards to £60,000 a month. The success of Cromwell's foreign policy, however glorious it rendered their country, yet failed to conciliate the Eepublicans, who seized the opportunity of the re-assembling of Parliament to display their enmity (20th Jan.). According to the terms of the Petition and Advice, this Parliament consisted of two Houses, with the second House composed, not of the old peers, of whom the majority were Royalists, but of lords newly created for the purpose by the writs of the pro- tector. To create lords whose title to the peerage, like that of Oliver's to the throne, rested not on hereditary descent but on superior capacity, was an overbold attempt to return by a short cut to the old forms of the constitution. For the unques- tioning, unreasoning respect given to the possessors of titles is of slow growth, and new creations can only pass muster, if few enough to be undistinguishable among the mass of the old. These new lords were regarded by high and low as impostors.' Out of sixty-three persons summoned to the protector's Upper House some twenty declined. Even the Earl of Warwick refused to attend, though a personal friend, and the grandfather of Cromwell's son-in-law, Mr. Rich. The old earl said that he could not bring himself to sit in the same assembly with Col. Pride, once a drayman, and Col. Hewson, once a shoemaker. Members of the Commons no longer had to be approved by the council before taking their seats, for an article of the Petition and Advice required that, as in former times, persons chosen to serve in Parliament should not be excluded from sitting, except by the judgment of the House of which they were mem- bers. Thus, any of the opponents of the government, who were excluded before,* were now suffered to take their seats * See p. 348, 1658.] SECOND PARLIAMENT. 361 without opposition, on swearing the requisite oath of allegiance to the protector. The violent Republicans, Scot, Haslerig, Bradshaw, and others took the oath without scruple, and then at once set to work to attack the government. Aided by the absence of many of Cromwell's ablest friends, who had been removed to the Upper House, they readily obtained a ma- jority to follow their lead. First they debated what rights belonged to the ' other House/ and tried to prove that the Petition and Advice gave it no co-ordinate power with the Commons in making laws and imposing taxes. They then proceeded to dispute with the protector's party as to the name they should call the ' other House,' refusing to allow it that of ' House of Lords.' For three weeks, while they occu- pied their time in these useless debates, dangers multiplied around the government. Charles Stuart, to whom the Dutch had sold twenty vessels, came to Ostend, intending, if only the Royalists would first attempt a rising in his behalf, to cross the Channel at the head of several regiments of transported Irishmen. At home, all the disaffected began to engage in conspiracy, or in trying to get up petitions hostile to the government. There was one petition being prepared for the restoration of the Stuarts; a second for the reduction of Cromwell's authority ; while the Republicans were secretly publishing seditious papers, and tam- pering with the army, in which they still possessed considerable influence. The protector's passion rose. The Parliament, he said, represented all the bad humours of the nation, and had become the Parliament of the Republican, Haslerig.* Though it had sat but fifteen days, he determined to dissolve it ; its con- tinuance would soon have led to anarchy and another civil war. "That," he said, addressing the members of the two Houses, "which brought me into the capacity I now stand in, was the Petition and Advice given me by you ; who, in reference to the ancient constitution, did draw me to ac- cept the place of protector. There is not a man living can say I sought it ; 310, not a man nor woman treading upon English ground. But contemplating the sad condition of these nations, relieved from an intestine war into a six or seven years' peace, I did think the nation happy therein ! I can say in the presence of God — in comparison with whom we are but like poor creep- ing ants upon the earth — I would have been glad to have lived under my woodside, to have kept a flock of sheep, rather than undertaken such a government as this. But undertaking it by the Advice and Petition of your * Whitelock, 672 ; Documents in App. to Guizot, ii. 629. 362 SECOND SESSION— DISSOLUTION. [pbotecx I did look that you who had offered it unto me should make it good I do not speak to these gentlemen" (pointing to his right band), " or lords, or what- soever you will call them. I speak not this to them, but to you" (gentlemen of the House of Commons). " You have not only disjointed yourselves, but the whole nation, which is in likelihood of running into more confusion in these fifteen or sixteen days that you have sat, than it hath been from the rising of the last session to this day, through the intention of devising a Commonwealth again, that some people might be the men that might rule all ! And they are endeavouring to engage the army to carry that thing. ...These things tend to nothing else but the playing of the King o Scots' game, if I may so call him ; and I think myself bound before God to do what I can to prevent it. It hath been not only your endeavour to per- vert the army while you have been sitting, and to draw them to state the question" [i.e., to petition] " about a Commonwealth ; but some of you have been listing of persons, by commission of Charles Stuart, to join with any insur- rection that may be made. And what is like to come upon this, the enemy being ready to invade us, but even present blood and confusion ? And if this be so, I do assign it to this cause — your not consenting to what you did invite me by your Petition and Advice, as that which might prove the settle- ment of the nation. And if this be the end of your sitting, and this be your carriage, I think it high time that an end be put to your sitting. And I do dissolve this Parliament. And let God be judge between you and me" (4th Feb.). Cromwell, in his noble zeal for liberty, had really attempted an impossibility. Parliamentary government is perfectly feasible after a mere change of dynasty, but after revolutionary forces have been allowed to rim their course, time must solidify existing rule before it can be exposed to the rude dissolvents of discussion and debate. A real revolution decomposes a nation into numberless parties, each of which cannot be content with anything less than all it aims at, and in a free Parliament any two of these parties, how- ever opposite in policy, may combine for the sole purpose of de- stroying any intermediate party which seems to be more repre- sented by the ruler of the time. It was natural for intolerant Presbyterians to wish for the overthrow of the Puritan apostle of toleration, and natural for Eepublicans to hate the man who ruled where their oligarchy had failed ; but both showed an in- capacity for discerning the possibilities of the time, and for re- cognizing facts under forms. The alliance of these two parties against the protectorate could only promote the Episcopacy which was fatal to the one, and that absolute monarchy which was the true enemy of the other. The Parliament dissolved. Cromwell set his hand to crush ign 1658.] CONSPIRACIES CRUSHED. 363 the conspiracies that had sprung up around. " An old friend of .yours is in town," he said to Lord Broghill,* now a councillor, " the Marquis of Ormond ; he lodges in Drury Lane, at the Papist Burgeon's ; if you have a mind to save your old acquaintance, let him know that I am informed where he is and what he is doing." On this hint, Ormond, who had ventured across the Chan- nel in order, if possible, to concert a rising, hastened back to Hol- land, and told his young master that his friends were far more ready to promise than to perform. The Eoyalists were, in fact, disconcerted at the dissolution of the Parliament, on which they had relied as the cat's paw to wrest the protector's power from him. They now refused to venture property and life on what seemed a hopeless cast. Several conspirators were already ap- prehended and in prison. Five Eoyalists, engaged in various plots, were tried by a high court of justice, and executed as traitors. Officers implicated in Eepublican plots were cashiered. Disaffection, however, had not spread far, and the larger part of the army remained devoted to their general. Summoning the officers to Whitehall, Cromwell explained to them the cause of the sudden dissolution of the Parliament, and the plots and con- spiracies to which its sitting had given rise, and expressed a hope that if he should be forced to take money by arbitrary means, they would give him their support. " We will live and die with you," they shouted in reply, t In spite of the prejudice of the nation in favour of its old line of princes, the peaceful and order-loving classes were beginning to dread any change of government. Englishmen, even if they dis- liked the usurper, could hardly fail to be proud of their great countryman, who had humiliated the Spaniards, and raised England to the first place among European powers. National pride could not fail to be gratified by the surrender of Dunkirk, and the unprecedented honours paid to England's ambassadors. The very energy and success with which plots were suppressed and political enemies disconcerted, itself awoke admiration. The protector's dignity, his lenity, the uprightness of his administra- tion, forced respect even from unwilling subjects. He was now intending, within the course of a few montns, to summon another Parliament, in order to avoid resorting to arbitrary means for the * See p. 301. f Thuvloe, vi. 786; Guizot (Documents), ii. 610. S64 CEOMWELL'S LAST ILLNESS. [protect. raising of money. By taking means to exclude the Republicans, he might have obtained one friendly to his government, and would perhaps again have been offered the title of king. There was a wide-spread feeling that the 'fall of the present govern- ment would be the occasion of great disasters to the nation.' The protector's popularity had been much increased by the pos- session of Dunkirk ; petitions were even sent in by some coun- ties, desiring him to take the title of king ; and whether men feared or hoped, the expectation that he would be crowned was general throughout the country.* But this expectation was never to be realized. Sorrows fell upon Cromwell iu his own family, and these to him were harder to bear than the plots and machinations of his enemies. Death had already deprived him of two relatives — Eobert Bich, lately married to his youngest daughter (16th Feb.), and the Earl of Warwick, a firm friend to himself, the young man's grandfather (19th April). And now his fa- vourite daughter, Lady Claypole, " of excellent parts, civil to all persons, courteous, friendly ,"f lay ill at Hampton Court, " under great extremity of bodily pain," dying in fact by some terrible internal disease. The protector was constantly by her bedside, and so overpowered with grief for his dying child, that he had but little attention to bestow on public business. The groom of his bedchamber relates how " his sense of her outward misery, in the pains she endured, took deep impression upon him, who indeed was ever a most indulgent and tender father. "£ He also relates how the text, ' I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,' was what restored him from despair. For •' this scripture," as Cromwell himself said, " did once save my life when my eldest son died, which went as a dagger to my heart, indeed it did.'§ Lady Claypole died (6th Aug.), and a fort- night after her death his own health, which had for some time past been failing, quite broke down. He was seized with a dan- gerous ague, and by advice of his physicians removed from Hampton Court to Whitehall (21st Aug.). Men prayed for his recovery, looking into the dark future * Thurloe, vii. 144; Guizot (Documents), ii. 631, 643. f Whitelock, 674. J King's Tracts.* 792 ; Carl., in. 368. § Robert, who was buried at Felsted, in Essex, set. 19, in 1639 (Forster's Essays, p. 54). 3ED Sept., 1658.] DEATH OE CROMWELL. with dismay at the anarchy that might ensue, when the SX":^ on": su W people, Meed for »™ who had added no little sorrow to mm, hat at St tim he seemed to forget hi, own family 'f.'^fj^, ions -' " He would frequently say, < God > good mdeed He «, i • ja™ v P t God will be with His people, lie was very S^tS P-of °the [Thursday] -££*&££ "f- ^o^rth^e^dtXtn^^toTnich wasdes^edtotakett^ame „na ^ _ ^ my he answered, 'It is not my oesi „u _. np >» + The next afternoon of that day Oliver Cromwell lay dead. Born the year before the eentury began, ^J^^ 8 ^ his sixtieth "year, when he was ^^f «\^X-5>tTell he bad done, the perils and pr ™ Ums ^t^Aottli term, have taken even more than ten years "-^ to his It was nearly two centuries bef o e usti ce memory. Strange ^.S^- could have deluded into believing that * e »° b1 ^ d bitter partisaus been the 'great wicked man that blind ami P ^ , • i. i w •> mere revolutionary demagogue, wuu depicted ; he a mere le j abroad . he a restorer of order at home 2 ^ ,^~es quailed at last, not at hard and selfish usiirpei^dmsestcartneve q ^ ^ theattemptsof assassins, but at the a = o j .thickest in£3 ; he a prince of hypocrites, who, »J*^ t0 shield the pi r ess of domestic anarchies,' fo-*- , half . consci ous poor Protestants of Piedmont,! and whose e Umrings w«e 0^— «-* » I ^ with His people ! The <*aii e e f the letters a nd 5ST rcXir- ff* of Mr. Carlyle, .. .. + King's Tracts., 7M. J^,W; C.,1., iii. 303. § 1st ed, pub. Dec, 1845. 366 CHARACTER OF CROMWELL. labours has been thus .admirably stated by the closest student of those times, whose testimony is the more valuable, as that of one who had himself held a different view of the character and aims of the greatest of the statesmen of the Commonwealth. "To collect and arrange in chronological succession, and with elucidatory comment, every authentic letter and speech left by Cromwell, was to subject him to a test from which false- hood could hardly escape ; and the result has been to show, we think, conclusively and beyond further dispute, that through all these speeches and letters one mind runs consistently. Whatever a man's former prepossessions may have been, he cannot accom- pany the utterer of these speeches, the writer of these letters, from their first page to their last, travelling with him from his grazing lands at St. Ives up to his protector's throne ; watching him in the tenderest intercourse with those dearest to him ; ob- serving him in affairs of State or in the ordinary business of the world, in offices of friendship or in conference with sovereigns and senates ; listening to him as he comforts a persecuted preacher, or threatens a persecuting prince ; and remain at last with any other conviction than that in all conditions and on every occasion Cromwell's tone is substantially the same, and that in the passionate fervour of his religious feeling, under its different and varying modifications, the true secret of his life must be sought, and will be found. Everywhere recognizable is the sense, deeply inter-penetrated with his nature and life, of spiritual dangers, of temporal vicissitudes, and of never-ceasing respon- sibility to the Eternal. ' Ever in his Great Taskmaster's , eye.' Unless you can believe that you have an actor continually before you, you must believe that this man did unquestionably recognize in his Bible the authentic voice of God ; and had an irremovable persuasion that according as, from that sacred source, he learned the divine law here and did it, or neglected to learn and to do it, infinite blessedness or infinite misery hereafter awaited him •for evermore."* * Forster, Essays, p. 33. CHAPTER XVI. RICHARD CROMWELL. — ANARCHY. — THE RESTORATION. — 1658—1660. Quand on se trompe dans quelque projet pour sa fortune, ce n'est qu'un. <3oup d'epee dans l'eau; mais dans les entreprises de l'Etat, il n'y a pas de v-oup d'epee dans l'eau. — Montesquieu. CROMWELL, by uniting in his own person the offices of general and protector, had curbed the ambition of his military subordi- nates, while he established a government capable of winning the respect if not the affection of civilians. The standing army was a fact and a necessity against which it would have been vain for him to contend, but none the less was it a worm in the bud of the Protectorate. The retention of such an army in the hands of the executive must in time have proved fatal to liberty. It was indeed just possible that the new protector might possess both the ability and moderation of his great predecessor, be willing to rule as a constitutional king, and be able to bridle the army till he could dispense with it. But if these qualities were not found combined in the same man, the nation must expect shipwreck on one rock or the other. Should the new protector be capable without being moderate, he would use the army as an instrument of arbitrary power ; should he on the contrary be moderate without being capable, his officers might depose him and inaugurate a vicious succession of ephemeral military governments. The Petition and Advice gave the protector power to appoint his successor, and Pichard Cromwell, Oliver's eldest son, now took office in right of his father's deathbed nomination. The young man was by nature not ill fitted to play the part of a con- 368 RICHARD CROMWELL'S PARLIAMENT. { EICHAEn ^ PA »^ I BUMP PABL. stitutional king in quiet times ; lie was unprejudiced and not fanatical ; his temper was mild ; he was always ready to give- ear to counsel. On the other hand he was deficient in those qualities which are most essential for a ruler in troubled times ; he had not the qualities which ensure obedience and respect ; he had no insight into character ; no firmness, no power of com- mand. Hence the ambition of the officers, combined with his own weakness, produced a period of anarchy and misgovernment which caused the Eestoration of our English Bourbons to be re- garded for a time as a blessing to the country. At first, indeed, the shadow of Oliver's greatness shielded his son ; at home no faction dared raise its head ; abroad foreign governments recognized the new protector, and refused to hold any communication with Charles Stuart. This tranquillity, however, lasted but a few months. The Republicans scoffed at the idea of a man of third-rate capacity maintaining a throne they had been at such pains to overthrow ; the soldiers despised a general who had never led them to battle. The leading officers M-ere no admirers of privilege, and were unwilling to allow that the weak and vacillating Richard gained any right to stand above themselves from the mere accident of birth. Fleetwood wished to divide the offices of protector and general and to govern as general in Richard's name. Lambert was believed to aspire to the protectorship itself. " I wish Lambert was dead," writes a Royalist, " there is no small danger his reputation with the army may thrust Dick Cromwell (who sits like an ape on horseback) out of the saddle, and yet not help the king into it."* The meet- ing of Parliament was the signal for action to both. Republicans and officers (Jan. 27). Vane opposed Richard's right to the protectorship in words winged to reach the hearts of both Re- publicans and soldiers. " The people of England," he said, " are now renowned all over the world for their great virtue and disci- pline ; and yet suffer an idiot without courage, without sense, nay, without ambition, to have dominion in a country of liberty ! One could bear a little with. Oliver Cromwell, though, contrary to his oath of fidelity to the Parliament, contrary to his duty to the public, contrary to the respect he owed that venerable body from which he received his authority, he usurped the govern- * Clar. State Papers, iii. 408. 1659.J FALL OF RICHARD CROMWELL. 369 ment. His merit was so extraordinary, that our judgments, our passions, might be blinded by it. He made his way to empire by the most illustrious actions : he had under his command an army that had made him a conqueror, and a people that had made him their general. But as for Richard Cromwell, his son, who is he ? what are his titles 1 We have seen that he had a sword by his side, but did he ever draw it 1 And, what is of more importance in this case, is he fit to get obedience from a mighty nation, who could never make a footman obey him ? yet we must recognize this man as our king, under the style of pro- tector ! — a man without birth, without courage, without conduct. Tor my part, I declare, sir, it shall never be said that I made such a man my master."* Richard, however, had many able friends in the House, such as the lawyers St. John and Whitelock, Thurloe his secretary, and other civilians and councillors, who hoped to establish an hereditary and constitutional monarchy under the- house of Cromwell. These succeeded in obtaining a majority to follow them. Richard's ' right ' to govern, though not his ' un- doubted right J was recognized, and a vote was carried to transact business with Oliver's lords, the ' Other House.' The officers, however, desiring themselves to govern the country, and jealous of the influence which civilians exercised in Richard's counsels, determined on the dissolution of the Parliament. Desborough,. acting as their spokesman, told the protector that if he would do as they proposed, the officers would take care of him, but if he- refused, they would do without him and leave him to shift for himself. Richard yielded, and thus virtually surrendered his authority into their hands (April 22nd). The struggle between the army and the civil power, which Oliver had closed by the establishment of the protectorate, was now renewed. Conscious of their own unpopularity with the country, instead of summoning a new Parliament, the officers re- stored the Rump (May 7th). At the request of this body, Richard retired from Whitehall and thus formally resigned his ten-months 1 dignity (July). The officers intended to govern in the name of their allies ; the Rump on its part meant to rule the soldiery. But. in revolutionary times might is right, and the people fully under- standing the terms on which this extinct Parliament was revived,. * Guizot, Richard Cromwell, i. 54, 293. 24 370 THE RUMP COMES AND GOES,. [rump pari,. only derided its assumption of power. " Do the men in the Parliament House signify any more," says a pamphlet, " than the man that stands upon the clock in Westminster Abbey with the hammer in his hand, and when the iron wheel bids him strike, he strikes : hath it not been so between the army and the Parliament, as it is called ?"* During Oliver's protectorate the Presbyterians with all their dislike to his rule would never unite with " malignants " for the restoration of Charles Stuart. But now the dread of military tyrants overcame fears and pre- judices. The union of Royalists and Presbyterians, however, itself restored in turn a forced accord between the House and the officers, which for the time crushed the hopes of the rival coalition. The same spies whom Oliver had once employed now revealed to the new government the conspiracies of its opponents. Only in Cheshire did any considerable rising take place. Sir George Booth, who appeared at the head of 4000 men, was de- feated by Lambert and brought a prisoner to London. After this success the old quarrel was renewed. The officers asked that a standing senate should carry on the government in conjun Lion with a House of Commons ; and further that no commissions should be revoked without the consent of a court-martial. By the first demand they thought to place the government virtually in their own hands ; by the second to secure for the military a com- plete independence of the civil power. The House in its turn tried to keep the army dependent upon themselves for pay by voting it treason to levy money without consent of Parliament. Having thus as they hoped defended themselves against a sudden disso- lution, they proceeded to cashier Lambert, Desborough, and six other colonels ; and to put the command of the army in com- mission, by reducing Fleetwood, whom they had appointed com- mander-in-chief to check Booth's rising, to the position of a mere president of a board of seven (Oct. 12th). These votes were equal to a declaration of war, and the next day Lambert marched to Westminster at the head of 3000 soldiers. He found a guard of several regiments, friendly to the Republicans, already sta- tioned round Parliament House. These regiments refused to light their old comrades in arms, and fraternized with Lambert's men. Lenthall, the Speaker, tried in vain to recall the troops * King's Tracts, 1659.] ANARCHY.— THE RUMP AGAIN. 371 to allegiance to the House. As the nominal head of the new government he had lately renewed the officers' commissions. " I am your general," he said, " I expect your obedience." " If you had marched before us over Warrington Bridge" (p. 229) " we should have known you," was the curt reply. The will of the army had been expressed, and the Rump discontinued its sittings. The officers now conducted the government by a Committee of Safety, consisting of a few Republicans and a majority of their own party. These military rulers, however, were foiled in their turn. There was in Scotland another army and another com- mander-in-chief, whose consent had not been given to this pro- nunciamento. General Monk owed no allegiance to Desborouo-h or Fleetwood ; locked in his breast he had his scheme of a settle- ment for the kingdom. Setting his army in motion to march south, he astutely proclaimed his intention 'to stand to, and assert the liberty and authority of Parliament.' The Monk Republicans understood that he came to restore the fronfscot- Rurap ; the Cavaliers and Presbyterians that he came land. to summon a free Parliament, and thus prepare the way for the restoration of the Stuarts. Republicans, Presbyterians, and Cavaliers all took courage and refused obedience to the Com- mittee of Safety, and the country was practically without any government at all. A part of the fleet declared for the Republi- cans, and took custom duties of all ships passing up and down the Thames. The governor of Portsmouth admitted into the town some regiments of Republican troops. Taxes could only be levied by force, for all over the country the people refused to pay ' without consent of Parliament.' The support of Presbyterian London at the opening of the war had enabled the Parliament to make war upon the king. But Presbyterian London was now become strongly Royalist, and its hostility threatened to be fatal to the ascendancy of a divided army. Fleetwood and Desborough tried in vain to cajole the Common Council into advancing a loan of £30,000. Soldiers had to be quartered in the city to prevent the apprentices from rising ; quarrels ensued, and lives were lost on both sides. The goldsmiths in Cheapside and Lom- bard Street closed their shops and concealed their money and goods. The courts in Westminster Hall ceased to sit, for the commissions of the judges had expired, and there was no autho- rity competent to renew them. After having thus brought all 24— <3 372 MONK MARCHES TO LONDON. j JSmraSrar government to a standstill, the officers saw only two courses open to them — the one to join with the Presbyterians and restore the House of Stuart ; the other to reinstate the Republicans. The latter was preferred, and the members of the Eump resumed their sittings (26th Dec). Monk, meanwhile, was advancing from Scotland at the head of 7000 men. Lambert some weeks previously had marched north to oppose his approach with a force of 10,000 men (Nov.). But when his force had reached Marston Moor, the great Yorkshire- man, Lord Fairfax, emerged from his retirement in Wharfedale to decide the fate of England. Like other sincere patriots, he re- garded the restoration of the Stuarts as the only means of saving his country from utter anarchy. He had already promised Monk to effect a rising and attack Lambert in the rear as soon as the Scotch army had engaged him in front. But his victory was bloodless. A message came that a whole brigade in the rear of Lambert's army was ready to join him the next day on Marston Moor. Upon his arrival the troops presented their old general with a petition in favour of a free Commonwealth and against a government by a single person. Fairfax in reply tore the paper in pieces, and placed himself at the head of his raw Yorkshire levies, as though with them alone he were ready to fight a veteran army. His de- cision produced a strange effect. Troop after troop, regiment after regiment, came over to his side. Lambert, almost entirely deserted, slunk away to a country house* (3rd Jan.). Monk was now able to march to London unopposed. When his troops were once securely quartered in the capital, he declared himself plainly Monk de- f or a ' free Parliament/ This meant the return of free C parUa- Charles Stuart, for which every four men out of five ment. now longed (10th Feb.). The city went wild with delight. Bells were rung ; loyal healths were drunk in every street ; the whole heaven was made aglow with the light of hundreds of bonfires ; hardly one without a rump roasting be- fore it, ' for the celebration of the funeral of the Parliament.' That funeral was near at hand. The Republicans were still sitting when the old Presbyterian members, who were expelled by Colonel Pride eleven years before, were escorted by a guard to retake their seats at Westminster (21st Feb.). According . * Markham, Fairfax, 381 1659—60.] THE RESTORATION. 373 to promises made to Monk, these members carried the voluntary dissolution of the House, and named the 25th of LongPariia. April for the meeting of a new and free Parliament JSSnJj'its (16th March). This new Parliament is commonly own act. described as a convention, being summoned without the royal writ. Conventions are, in fact, national assemblies held, when the constitution is in abeyance, for the specific purpose of esta- blishing some form of government. The Lower House was tilled with Cavaliers and Presbyterians so Eoyalist in feeling that the few Republicans who were returned hardly dared show their faces among their fellow-members. The House of Lords was represented at its opening by only ten peers, Pres- byterians, who resumed their seats after an absence of eleven years. This Convention at once invited Charles Stuart to return to his kingdom. There was reason, however, to fear that his return might not be accomplished without bloodshed, for, though the nation was united, the national will was opposed by a body of 50,000 fighting men. Every precaution was taken by Monk to divide the army and raise a force that might be able to cope with it. The fleet had now declared itself on the side of the nation ; the London trainbands alone numbered 20,000 men ; the militia was being trained and organized in every county ; the citizens spared neither wine nor money to secure the favour, or at least the neutrality, of Monk's troops, who were quartered amongst them. Yet men and officers would sooner have fought their new friends than feasted with them. ' They were like beasts,' the}^ would say, when feasting in the city halls, ' set up a-f atting for the slaughter.' But the army, though numerous, was not cap- able of combined and decisive action. Numbers, even though backed by bravery and skill, can avail little without a leader. The position of Monk commanded the obedience of the soldiers, while the support of Fairfax conciliated their feelings. On the other hand, neither Lambert, Desborough, nor Fleetwood could inspire the confidence that where they led victory must follow Charles Stuart returned from his exile in peace and triumph. Yet on the day when the new king made his entry into the capital, and on his way passed through the army which was drawn up on Black- heath to meet him, the officers kissed the royal hand with evident reluctance, while the men, as they stood sullenly amidst rejoicing thousands, looked like some black thunder-cloud that might end 374 KEACTIOXAKY GOYEKXHENT. [conclusion-. the sunny day of triumph by dispersing the crowds of wel- comers in terror to their homes (29th May).* The dangerous day of entry over, the standing army was within a few months disbanded. The enemies of the royal prerogative feared it might be remodelled into an instrument of tyranny ; while zealous Royalists still dreaded the terrible troopers who had raised a Cromwell to the throne. The return of the Stuarts, therefore, benefited the country by saving it from the rule of military governors who might have tried to play the role of the great protector without his incomparable genius for statesman- ship. The longer the struggle lasted, the fiercer and more san- guinary it must have become, and all peace-loving men dreaded the day when the Fifth-Monarchists, Anabaptists, and Republicans who filled the army should each in succession sig- nalize a short-lived triumph by a proscription of political and religious opponents. The Stuarts or anarchy — that was the only choice. The Restoration may therefore justly be regarded as a necessity, but nevertheless the day that brought back the exiled race to our shores, was the beginning of a brief but dark period of decay. The reaction which follows a revolution is always a heavy drawback on the advantages which may ultimately spring from the triumph of the people in a struggle. With the return of Charles Stuart came a great reaction. An heroic age had gone by, and with it all noble aspirations. The government of Charles II. was the most shameless England ever endured. The leaders of the State and the leaders of society were alike venal and im- moral. As in the worst days of the Roman empire, virtue and self-respect vanished together, f Avowedly governed by self- interest, cupidity, and mere sensual desires, they refused to be- lieve in the existence of higher motives of action. The king and his courtiers alike lived profligate lives ; the king and his mini- sters alike received pensions from France. The Episcopal Church again set herself to work to teach the divine right of kings and the duty of passive obedience, and repaid the Presbyterians for the active help they had given in the Restoration, by rejecting all proposals for accommodation and inaugurating an universal persecution of nonconformists. The House of Commons, in an. excess of loyal zeal, undid much of 'the best work of the first years of the Long Parliament ; it passed persecuting laws, which. * Hacaulny, I. cb. i. f Contemptu famae contemni virtutes. — Tac. CAUSES OF KEACTION. continued for nearly two centuries to inflame f* K ^ passions of the strong, and corrupt the morals of «»*"*; Lke up theunionwhielUhe united efforts ofVaneandCromw ennial Bill destroyed the only security then existing for the con tiuuity of Parliamentary life ; and, by returning « *« °M svstem of representation, placed in power a »m(*«l«2 re—tin" hut a mere minority of the Baton, which tried to mess own the most active forces of opinion, causing upheaval a tribal, till the buried giants were rtb* -^harm- less bv the outlet given through the Eeform Bill of 1832. The lotion which set in in favour of the Stuarts was a neces- popular revolution is successiui . j ^ ment, not having prescription on its side cauno p sanie'mild treatment of political ars magna fui. J " " It pierces my heart," says Strafford himself on his trial, " though not with guilt, yet with sorrow, that in my gray hairs I should be so much mis- understood by the companions of my youth, with whom I have formerly spent so much time." Wentworth's contemporaries cer- tainly considered him as an apostate. An attempt has recently been made (Quarterly Review, April, 1874), to defend him from the charge. The article bears evidence of most careful research* and the writer certainly shows that in the Parliament of 1628 $ Wentworth differed from Eliot on details as to the best means to be employed in securing the liberty of the subject, but does not APPENDIX. 3S7 prove that he differed about the end in view. The main facts remain that Wentworth was imprisoned in 1627 for resisting a forced loan, that he was returned to the Parliament of 1628 as an extreme advocate of popular rights in the teeth of an opposi- tion from the court, which made his supporters afraid to disclose their names. Wentworth's speeches in this Parliament, as quoted in the article itself, seem to tell their own tale. " I can- not forget the duty I owe to my country, and unless we be secured in our liberties, we cannot give (any supplies);" ao-ain he wished the committee " to draw into a law what may assure us of our liberty of our persons and propriety of our croods before we report the resolution of our gift f and further, "some character must be put upon it (this law), and the council must not on every occasion leap out of it. Therefore, let some penalty be set on the violators thereof." When the king promised to observe Magna Charta, and to govern according to the laws and statutes of the realm, and wished Parliament to crive up the proposed bill and trust to this declaration, Went- worth persevered against the king's express wish, and proposed to "confirm Magna Charta and those other laws, together with, the Hug's declarations," by the objectionable bill This was the man who became the king's minister without conditions, the chief enemy of popular rights, and the advocate of the policy of Thorough. Paqe 6 9._Out of the twelve judges, two only, Hutton and Croke, decided in favour of Hampden on the ground of prin- ciple, viz., the illegality of the tax. Denham, who ym very dl, Ze a short written judgment, expressing no opmmn on the ferity of the tax, but deciding in favour of Hampden on tech- nical founds, viz., that the action was brought m the wrong om. Bramston and Davenport both agreed that in .me of danger the king had the power of levying the tax, and that he tXle judge of the danger. Like Denham, however, they gave lutmen in favour of Hampden on technical grounds, vi, that CSS APPENDIX. The judgment of the majority, as that of the court, was delivered agaiust Hampden, 12th June, 1638. lb. Cadmean [or suicidal] victory, see Hdt. i. 116. Page 70. — 12th December, 1638. Address of Anthony Cham- peney, dean of the secular Catholic clergy in England, exhorting them to pray for the king's success against the Scots. (From Clar. MSS. in Bodleian, No. 1158. Copy by Windebank.) " Dearly beloved Brethren, — Though I doubt not but that you daily present your humble and earnest prayers unto Almighty God for his Majesty, according to St. Paul his exhortation in these words : Obsecro fieri orationes pro Regibus et omnibus qui m sublimitate sunt, ut quietam et tranquillam vitam agamus in omni pietate et castitate, hoc enim bonum est, et acceptum coram Salvatore nostro Deo ; yet, considering these broken times, I could not admit at this present to stir you up now earnestly to the performance of this your duty towards your sovereign, wishing you all and every one of you to exhort the Catholics with whom you converse, and you also yourselves, to have more frequent recourse to Almighty God by prayer, for the peace and quietude of his Majesty's dominions in these general troubles of all Europe, and for the prosperity of his Majesty, the Queen, and all the royal issue, begging of Almighty God in their behalfs that which the prophet Baruch did for the king and prince under whom he lived, ' ut sint dies eorum sicut dies caeli super terrain, et ut det Dominus virtutem nobis, ut illuminet oculos nostros et vivamus sub umbra eorum et serviamus eis multis diebus.' And also that their subjects may be indued with the spirit of dutiful submission and obedience, for as St. Paul teacheth us, l Non est potestas nisi a Deo, itaque qui resistit potestati, Dei ordinationi resistit. Qui autem resistunt, ipsi sibi damnationem acquirunt.' " Considering the reports which are spread abroad concerning the discontented humours of some of his Majesty's subjects in Scotland, although I hope they are not so bad as the general voice doth make them, yet in regard that good subjects cannot be too zealous in that which concerneth his Majesty's service, I do earnestly entreat you all to exhort, move, and insist seriously with the Catholics that as the religion which they profess doth teach them next after God to honour and serve their Prince, and as they themselves have always professed to be ready to lay their APPENDIX. 339 lands and goods at his Majesty's feet, in witness of their allegi- ance and loyalty towards him, so they would at this present, of their own accord, without expecting to be called on, endeavour and think of some means, every one according to his liability, to make an efficacious and real expression of the same, to the end that his Majesty may understand that if he should have use of them, they are ready in all occurrences that may fall out to serve to the utmost, both with their fortunes and persons, according as his Majesty shall please to command or accept of their service in that kind." Page 83.— Cromwell was already known to the government as a supporter of popular rights. The municipal government of the town of Huntingdon, Cromwell's birthplace, had been vested in a body of bailifi's and burgesses elected annually by the residents. By a new charter this body was changed to a mayor, alderman, and recorder, all elected for life. The people opposed the change, and were supported by Oliver Cromwell, who used some strong language against the new mayor and new recorder. The council was appealed to, and a messenger was despatched to Huntingdon with a warrant for the apprehension of Oliver Cromwell, who. on the 26th Nov., 1630, was brought before the lords of the council. After five days' detention, the case was gone into, and < both sides had a long hearing,' but it was finally referred to the Lord Privy Seal, the Earl of Manchester, who owned Hinchin- brook in the neighbourhood of Huntingdon, until lately the resi- dence of Sir Oliver Cromwell, the uncle of the future protector. Manchester's report is as follows : " Whereas it pleased your lordships to refer unto me the dif- ferences in the town of Huntingdon about the renovation of their charter and some wrongs done to Mr. Mayor of Huntingdon, and Mr. Barnard, a counsellor-at-law [the recorder] by disgraceful and unseemly speeches used of them by Mr. Cromwell of Hunt- ingdon . . I have heard the said differences, and do find those supposed fears of prejudice that might be to the said town by their late altered charter, are causeless and ill-grounded, and the •endeavour used to gain many of the burgesses against this new corporation was very indirect and unfit, and such as I could not but much blame them that stirred in it. For Mr. Barnard s car- riage of the business in advising and obtaining the charter, it 530 APPENDIX. was fair and orderly done, being authorised by common consent n„eh t 7 , 7 ame ' anU the thin S effected ^ him tend* much to the good and grace of the town For the words spoken of Mr. Mayor and Mr. Barnard by Mr. CromweTl as they were ill, so they are acknowledged to be spoken in heat and ,_' and desired to be forgotten; and I found Mr Cromwell my willing to hold friendship with Mr. Barnard, who with a good-will remitted the unkind passages past and enter- tamed the same. So I left all parties reconciled, and wished XStttot r . inthmgSthatmaybef - h; — °« " December 6th, 1630." « H Manchester A few months after the earl's award, Cromwell sold his pro- per y at Huntingdon, and removed to St. Ives.-Calendar of btate Papers, 1629—1631. Page 84.-Browning's Strafford I., i. The words are put in the younger Vane's mouth. p Page 9£ l.-Wentworth obtained from Charles enlarged powers or himself, as Pres.dent of the Court of the North. 1 jud^cf assize acted in opposition to them, whereupon Wentworth wrote from Ireland to Lord Cottingdon as follows • tl,rp d0 Tt hU f bly heSee ° h tMs J ud S e ma y be opened at meanoT \T ^^ ** *»» * W0 ^ ^ ZT£2 ', ' ', ', I am a m ° St earnest suitor t0 ^ Majesty and their lordships, that he be not admitted to go that circuit hereafter; and indeed I do most earnestly beseec! his Ma est by you, that we may be troubled no more with such a peevish nd^crcet piece of flesh. I confess I disdain to see the gownmeu in this sort hang their noses over the flowers of the crown, blow and snuffle upon them till they take both scent and beauty off them • or to have them put such a prejudice upon all other sorts L? ' ", I" "' W6re aWe OT WOrth y t0 be ^trusted with honour and administration of justice but themseW-Strafford -Letters and Despatches, i. 129 the^orfn .^ e T nt T th ' s ad ™ e > Charles agreed to bestow upon theLmd Chief Justice and Lord Chief Baron of Ireland four com^?-' ."A ° Ut ° £ fte &St yearf y rent ™ sed "P™ «>e doTten, t f eCtlVe tUleS - " N ° V " wrote Wentworth; << they do intend ,t with a care and diligence such as if it were theb APPENDIX. 3 gi own private. And most certain the gaining themselves every four shillings once paid will better your revenue for ever after at least five pounds." — lb., ii. 41. " It is plain, indeed, that the opinion delivered by the judges, declaring the lawfulness of the assignment for the shipping is the greatest service that profession have done the crown in my time. But unless his majesty hath the like power declared to raise a land army upon the same exigent of State, the crown seems to me to stand upon one leg at home, to be considerable but by halves to foreign princes abroad. Yet sure this me. thinks convinces a powder for the sovereign to raise payments for land forces, .... and if by degrees Scotland and Ireland be drawn to contribute their proportions to these levies for the public, omne tulit punctum . . . this piece well fortified for ever vindicates the royalty at home from under the restraints of subjects . . . settles an authority and right in the crown to levies of that nature, which thread draws after it many huge and great advantages more proper to be thought on at some other seasons than now." — lb., ii. 62. A description of Wentworth, written by Sir Thomas Eoe to Elizabeth, wife of the Elector Palatine. *' My Lord Deputy of Ireland doth great wonders and governs like a king, and hath taught that kingdom to show an example of envy by having Parliaments and knowing wisely how to use them ; for they have given the king six subsidies, which will arise to £24,000, and they are like to have the liberty we con- tended for, and grace from his Majesty worth their gift double ; and which is worth more, the honour of good intelligence and love between the king and his people, which I would to God our great wits had had eyes to see. This is a great service, and to give your Majesty a character of the man — he is severe abroad and in business, and sweet in private conversation ; retired in his friendships, but very firm ; a terrible judge, and a strong enemy ; a servant violently zealous in his master's ends, and not negligent of his own ; one that will have what he will, and though of great reason, he can make his will greater, when it may serve him ; affecting glory by a seeming contempt ; one that cannot stay long in the middle region of fortune, but entrejirenant : but will either be the greatest man in England, or much less than he is ; lastly, one that may and his nature lies fit for it, for ho 302 APPENDIX. i« ambitious to do what others will not — do your Majesty very great service, if you can make him." Page 107.— The decision of the question was deferred by a vote, which was carried, 'that this declaration shall not be printed without a particular order of the House.' Page 139.— « A feat repeated by their Breton brethren at La Vendee."— See Alison's History of Europe, iii. 326, 342, 365. Page 181.— Richard Symonds, a Royalist officer, and Sir Edward A\ alker, Garter-king at arms, both of whom were with the royal army, give the following account of the storming of Leicester : On Thursday (29th May), the royal army sat down before the city. On Friday (30th May), Rupert raised a battery and sent a trumpeter to demand surrender. No satisfactory answer being returned, he caused the battery to play, which by six o'clock made a great breach in the watt Between twelve and two o'clock at night the town was stormed and taken. Symonds says the garrison was 600 men; Walker, that officers, soldiers, and townsmen in arms together amounted to 1200. Walker says the town was 'miserably sacked,' as do Symonds and Sprigge ; but bpngge's account of the siege lasting four days seems wrong. Page 203. -Milton's sonnet-Edwards wrote " Reason against Independence and Toleration" (1641). Page 221.-Morrice, chaplain to Lord Broghill, tells the well-known story how Cromwell and Ireton, in the disguise of troopers, found a letter of the king's to the queen, concealed in a saddle. He heard the story from Lord Broghill, who had heard it from Cromwell. Morrice says that in the letter "the W acquainted the queen that he was courted by both factions, the fccoteh Presbyterians and the army, and which bid fairest for him should have him ; but he thought he should close with the bcots sooner than the other" (Morrices Life of Broghill pre- fixed to Orrery State Letters, 1743). The contents of the leLr are usually take n from Richardson's account of a conversation e Ron" A"'! B f n fr ke - " L ° rd Bo ^roke told us" [ie 1 ope a«d Richardson] (12th June, 1742), "that Lord Oxford had often told him that he had seen and had in his hand an original letter that Charles I. wrote to the queen, 'that she APPENDIX. 893 might be entirely easy as to whatever concessions he should make, for that he should know in due time how to deal with the rocmes' » [i.e., Cromwell and the others], "'who, instead of a silken ^rter should be fitted with an hempen cord.'" Richardson merely says that those concerned awaited and intercepted the letter, without specifying persons or place. (Richardsomana, by the late Jonathan Richardson, jun., 1776). Page 242. Sigebehrt, King of Wessex, deposed (755) by his successor, Cenwulf, and the West Saxon Witan; jhthtlnd the Second (the Unready), deposed in favour of the invader Swegen, (1013), and restored (1014). Harthacnut deposed from his West Saxon kingdom, while still uncrowned because ^insisted on remaining in Denmark (1037) : afterwards re-elected to the whole kingdom of England (1040). See Freeman's Norman C °Set S^JZF*. Witan had the power to depose thfkfcg, if bis government was not conducted for the good of ^Xftubbs, however, limits the cases of real deposit! on to , A. TTer,tarchic period, a time of unexampled civil anarchy. The in- are amon" the Northumbrian kings. Alcred or Ealhied (7 74) denosT' by the counsel and consent of his own people/ i.e by than w^ his depositiom-Stubbs' Const. History, i. p. 138. 7, 974 275 -For an excellent account of the times, see Pages 274, 275. -coi a Alsatia, lb. Sir W. Scott's Fortunes of Nigel, chap, l, ana xvi., xvii. r* • ~* t o+tprq of Intelligence, from MSS. in Page 338.— Copies of Letteis oi j.nw»ufe , Bodleian. « 4th April, 1653, N.S. -B was debatedin the House a fortnight ago whether we should 394 APPENDIX. send an ambassador for Holland or no ; they seemed much di- vided about it. . . . The same day the House debated this, the council of officers at St. James' had resolved to turn them out, and to have shut up the House doors, had not the general and Col. Desborough interceded, who asked them if they destroyed that Parliament, what they should call themselves, a State they could not be. They answered that they would call a new Par- lament. Then says the general, the Parliament is not the su- preme power, but that is the supreme power that calls it, and besides the House is now endeavouring a treaty with Holland (which is the only way that we have left for the destroying of the combination of our enemies, both at home and beyond sea), and if we destroy them, neither Holland nor any other State will «nter into a treaty with us. This seemed to satisfy them at present, but they have met since, and are framing a petition." "May, 1653. " I will not trouble you with the names of our new Council of State, nor with the proclamation subscribed by the general, because they are in print. The people generally entertain and acquiesce in it, yet in the army are some divisions about it, and there is a party which menace a second purgation because some persons have been refused to sit at the helm whom they pro- pounded. Our general is very sedulous to give satisfaction to all parties, and after he hath made a peace with Holland (which, if once they treat we doubt not of), he will cement all other differ- ences. He is very kind to the old malignant party, and some have found much mora favour since the late dissolution than in seven years' solicitation before. This hath been effected by the Court of Articles, where the honour of the army is much con- cerned. Mr. Bradshaw is president, who checked a councillor at that bar for saying the Parliament was dissolved, which many of the members will not acknowledge, terming it only a disturb- ance." Page 290. — "Copperspath" (i.e. Cobburn's-path) is Cromwell's version of the Scotch Cockburn's-path. INDEX. Act of Settlement, 6 ; of Settlement for Ireland, 342 ; of Supremacy, 9 ; of Uniformity, 10 ; for triennial Parlia- ments, 99, 375 ; rendering Long Par- liament indissoluble but by its own consent, 100, 315 ; abolishing illegal courts, 101 ; excluding ecclesiastics from civil office, 102, 10S, 115 ; Navi- gation, 300 ; for conducting law pro- ceedings in English, 312 Amboyna, 253, 331 America, 75, 253, 254 Anabaptists, 204, 303, 330 Areopagitica, 207 Argyle, Duke of, 227, 230 Armada, Spanish, 13 Armour, 125, 126 Army, remodelled, 178, 214, 217, 220, 224, 236, 371, 373 Ascham, 278 Ashburnhani, John, 222 Assembly, of Divines, 150, 154, 195, 203 ; of Peers, 81 Astley, Sir Jacob, 193 Austria, 22, 65 Bacon, Sir Francis, 252, 262, 30G Balfour, 108 Barbadoes, 335 Bastwick, 73, 86 ' Batten, Admiral, 134 Baxter, 32 Berkeley, Judge, 85 Berkley, 222 Berwick, Pacification of, 78 Bill, Dissolution, 313 ; for command of militia, 114 ; bisbops' exclusion, 114 Bills of Attainder, 91, 96, 98 Birch, Colonel, 233 Bishops, 11, 108, 109, 114 Blake, Admiral, 190, 296, 300—302, 317, 322, 339, 354, 356, 384 Booth, Sir George, 370 Bradshaw, 238, 239, 384 Brentford, 132 Bristol, 139, 24S Broghill, Lord, 304, 363 Brook, Robert Greville, Lord, 132 Brownists, 204 Buckingham, George Yilliers, Duke of, 27—34, 40, 43, 45 Burton, 73, 86 Byron, Lord, 146 Cadiz, 33, 356 Calais, 353, 359 Calvert, Sir John, 19 Casaubon, Meric, 340 Catholics, 69, 70, 151, 312, 341. See Ap- pendix Cecil, Sir Edward, 33 Chambers, 59, S6 Charles I. visits Spain, 27; marriage treaty broken off, 28; refuses assem. to Tonnage and Poundage Bill, 31 ; lends ships to Louis XIII. , 32 ; im- prisons managers of Buckingham's impeachment, 36; war with Prance, 37 ; demands general loan, 38, 39 : answers to Petition of Bight, 42, 43, 47 ; proclamation of, against Parlia- ment, 50 ; education and character, 51 ; love of art, 256 ; court of, 29, 53 ; arbitrary government of, 54 59 ; at- tempts to establish Episcopacy in Scotland, 76, 7S ; foreign policy of, 78; summons Assembly of Peers, 80 ; conduct towards Strafford, 84, 96, 97 ; assents to Ariny Plot, 94 ; concessions in Scotland, 103 ; suspected of com- INDEX. plicity in Irish rebellion, 104, 105 ; re- action in favour of, 106, 107 ; guard at Whitehall, 10S ; attempts to seize five members, 110, 111 ; visits Guildhall, 112 ; prepares for war, 114 ; consents to Bishops' Exclusion Bill, 115 ; refuses Militia Bill, 11G ; refused admittance into Hull, 116 ; rejects York proposi- tions, 118 ; raises standard, 119 ; de- ceit, cause of war, 120 ; at Edgehill, 124-131 ; attacks Brentford, 132 ; classes on side of, 134 ; answer to Ox- ford propositions, 136 ; success of forces, 139, 141 ; besieges Gloucester, 142 ; at Newbury, 145 ; habits of troops, 148, 158 ; cessation of arms with Irish, 15S ; Oxford Parliament, 157 ; defeats Waller, 160 ; forces Essex to surrender, 167 — 169 ; at Newbury, 172 ; breaks off Uxbridge negotiations, 177 ; at Naseby, 186 ; letters published, 187; treaty with Irish Catholics, 191, 192 : goes to Scotch camp, 193 ; rejects Newcastle propositions, 197 ; removed from Holmby by Joyce, 215, 217 ; re- jects army propositions, 219 ; flies to Isle of Wight, 222 ; treaty with Scots, 225 ; concessions at Newport, 235 ; hesi- tates to escape, 236 ; trial and execu- tion, 238—247. See Appendix. Charles Louis, elector palatine, 306, 353 Chillingworth, 211 Church, Episcopalian, 9—13, 20, 40, 69— 75, 102, 150 ; Presbyterian, 10, 75, 202 ; Independent, 12, 195 Christina, Queen of Sweden, 35 Claypole, Lady Elizabeth, 364, 3S4 Clubmen, 1S8 Colchester, 227. 330 Colepepper, 106, 109, 181, 187 Colonies, 75, 251—254, 296 Companies, 250, 253 Confirmatio Char tar am, 1 Confiscations, 212, 233, 309 Cooper, Sir Antony Ashley, 3S8 Copyholders, 3, 267 Cotton, Sir Robert, 255 Council, King's, 7, 17, 101 Court, of Admiralty, 19 ; of Chancery, 6, 318—320, 332 ; of Exchequer, 6, 68, 74 ; of King's Bench, 16, 39, 57 ; of the North, 58 ; of High Commission, 7, 16, 72, 101 ; of Star Chamber, 7, 15, 59, 73, 74, 101, 267 Courts of Common Law, 6, 317—320 ; High Courts of Justice, 23S, 307 Covenant, Scotch, 77 ; Solemn League and, 153 Covenanters, Scotch, 77— SO, 227, 285, 291 Cromwell, Hemy, 337, 346 Cromwell, Oliver, member for Hunting- don, 41 ; for Cambridge, 83 ; leader of Independents, 102 ; lieutenant-general of eastern counties' army, 155 ; cha- racter of troops, 156 ; at Marston Moor, 163—166 ; quarrels with Man- chester, 173 ; supports Self-denying Ordinance, 174 ; lieutenant-general of remodelled army, 182 ; at Naseby, 1S5 : in west, 18S ; character and appear- ance, 209, 210, 341, 366 ; views of set- tlement, 216, 218, 221, 224, 226 ; sup- presses mutinies in army, 224, 281 ; defeats Scots at Preston, 22S— 230; supports execution of king, 23S, 240 ; in Ireland, 281 — 2S4 ; commander-in- chief of army, 2S5 ; in Scotland, 287 ; at Dunbar, 2SS— 290 ; at Worcester, 292 —295 ; political views of, 303—313 ; expels Long Parliament, 314 ; sum- mons Barebone's Parliament, 316; protector, 227 ; ideal of government, 229 ; plots against, 330, 351, 363 ; reform of Church, 331 ; of Chancery, 332, 340 ; quarrels with Parliaments, 334, 348, 361 ; rules arbitrarily, 336 ; moderation of, 337 — 339 ; urges re- forms of law, 340 ; encourages learn- ing, 260, 840, 377 ; toleration of, 341— 343 ; refuses title of king, 350 ; foreign policy of, 331, 352—359 ; pro- tects Vaudois, 35S ; economy of go- vernment, 360 ; friends of govern- ment, 363 ; illness and death, 364 — 366. See Appendix Cromwell, Richard, 367— 3G9 Cropredy Bridge, 159 Customs, 15, 31, 157, 251 Davenant, Sir William, 260 Dean, Admiral, 296, 325 Debtors, 323 Denmark, 331 De Ruvter, 325 Desborough, 32S, 336, SCO, 370 Digby, Lord, 1SS Dorislaus, Dr., 27S Dragoons, 125 Drogheda, 282 Dunbar, 2SS— 290 Dunkirk, 353, 356, 357, 363 Edgehill, 126-131 Eikun Basilike, 278 Eliot, Sir John, IS, 19, 35, 50, 56, 57, 255 Elizabeth, Queen, government of, 8—14 Elizabeth of Bohemia, 14, 22 Engagers, 230, 291 Erastians, 200 Essex, Robert Devcreux, Earl of, 94, 118, 12S, 130, 133. 137, 141, 143, 145— 147, 159, 107, 168, 212 Excise, 158 Exports, 253 Fairfax, Lord Ferdinando, 161 Fairfax, Lady, 239 Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 117, 161, 165, ISC, 213, 215, 223, 227, 231, 233, 23S. 244. 259, 2S0, 332, 372, 3S3 INDEX. 337 Falkland, Sir Lucius Gary, Lord, 82, 83, 103, 106, 110, 117, 136, 146, 255 Fauconberg, Lord, 357 Felton, 44 Fiennes, Nathaniel, 119, 139 Fifth-Monarchists, 204, 303, 330 Finch, Sir John, 49, 66, 85 Fleetwood, 190, 292, 32S, 336, 344, 369 Fox, George, 343 France, 3, 38, 298. 353, 356, 359, 330, 381 Frederic, Prince of the Palatinate, 14, 21, 23, 25 Freeholders, 2, 121, 134, 264, 266 Glamorgan, Lord Herbert, Earl of, 190, 255 Gloucester, 143 Goring, Colonel, 163, 165, 1S1, 1ST, Government, three functions of, 1—6. See Appendix Grenville, Sir Richard, 167, 1S1, 187 Gustavus Adolphus, 66 Habeas Corpus, writ of, 15, 16, 101 Hale, Sir Matthew, 339 Hamilton, James, Duke of, 227, 229, 307 Hammond, 222 Hampden, John, 68, 91, 107, 110, 113, 114, 119, 128, 130, 137, 13S, 149 Harlech Castle, 212 Haslerig, Sir Arthur, 110, 119, 2SS, 30S, 361 Henrietta Maria, 53, 64, 93, 97, 105, 111, 115, 158, 176, 196, 236 Heyworth Moor, 117 Highlanders, 170 Hobbes, 211, 340 Holland, 252, 253, 299, 300 ; war with, 301, 302, 325, 331, 361. Hollis, Denzil, 49, 106, 119, 383 Hopton, Sir Ralph, 122, 139 Hotham, Sir John, 135 Howard, Lord, of Esrick, 310 Huguenots, 37, 40, 44—46 Huntingdon, Major-General, 231 Hutchinson, Colonel, 190, 203, 208, 245, 259, 382 Hyde, Edward, 82, 103, 106. 109, 113, 117, 181, 191, 258, 346, 351, 3S4 Impeachment, 34, 35, 37, S4, So, 110 Imports, 253 Independents, 102, 154, 167, 195, 201, 234 India, 251, 253 Instrument of Government, 326 Ireland, 61, 63, 64, 104, 156, 278, 2S1-- 284, 316, 333, 345, 375 Irish troops, 157, 170 Ireton, Henry, 183, 185, 190, 209, 217, 219, 221, 230, 235, 237, 243, 245, 284, 304, 384 Ironsides, 156, 164, 166 Jamaica, 355 James I., government of, 14—28, 25* , 262 Jermyn, Lord, 258 Jews, 343 Jones, Inigc, 256 Joyce, Cornet, 215 Judges, 6, 44, 68, 83, 323, 339 'Killing no murder,' 351 King, General, 163 Labourers, 270 Lamb, Dr., 41 Lambert, 289, 292, 36», 370, 372 Laud, William, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 59, 72—75, 85, 178 Law, English common, 317 — 320, 339 ; martial, 40 ; see Act, Ordinance Leeds, 248 Leicester, 181. See Appendix I Lenthall, William, 112, 219, 370 Leslie, Alexander, Earl of Lcven, 157, 161, 164, 165, 167 Leslie, David, 161, 2S7— 290, 291—295 Levellers, 221, 223, 235. 245, 2S0, 335, 337, 350 Lilburne, John, 73, 86, 221, 234, 307 Lindsey, Earl of, 128, 130 Loans, 5, 38, 39 Lockhart, 339, 357 London, 113, 117, 131—133, 135, 140, 151, 216, 220, 226, 248, 251, 272—275, s71 Lords, House of, 2, 117, 177, 23S, 277, 349, 360, 373 Louis XIII., 33, 37, 7S Louis XIV., 298, 356, 357 Lunsford, Colonel, 107 L-dlow, Edmund, 190, 20S, 219, 220, 336, 346, 382 Magna Charta, 2 Major-generals, 336, 349 Manchester, Edward Montague, Earl of, 110, 129, 155, 172, 174, 383 Manchester, 247 Mardyke, 356, 348 Marston Moor, 161—167 Marten, Sir Henry, Judge of Admi- ralty, 6 Marten, Henry, son of Judge, 152, 313, 382 Massev, 142 Maurice, Prince, 14, 119, 135, 139, 296 Mazarin, Cardinal, 193, 357 Mercantile system, 350 Mercurius Aulicus, 149 Militia, 114, 116, 118 Milton, John, 75, 132, 200, 203, 206—208, 259, 296, 328, 339, 346, 358, 377, 383 Monopolies, 55, 67, 249 Monk, General, 291, 301, 304, 317, 325 371—373, 376, 383 Montreuil, M. de, 193 Montrose, Marquis of, 170, 176, 189 195. 2S5 MountnorvLs, Lord, 64 398 INDEX. Naseby, 182— ISO Naylor, 343, 34S, 350 Newcastle, Marquis of, 134, 141, 15S, ICO, 163, 165, 167 Newbury, 143-147, 173 Newspapers, 100, 149, 20S, 336 Noy, 06 Nutt, Captain, 19 Ordinance, Self-Denying, 175, 177 ; for remodelling army, 175 ; for new Prayer-book, 202 ; for establishment of Presbyterian Church, 202 ; for sup- pression of blasphemies and heresies, 203 ; forbidding use of Prayer-book, 204 ; for High Court of Justice, 23S ; forbidding t Episcopalian ministers to act as chaplains or schoolmasters, 336 ; for reform of Chancery, 332, 340 ; for union of England and Scotland, 344 Ordinances or proclamations made in council, 5 ; for suppression of vice and observance of Sundays, 151 ; for reform of Church, 331 ; for restraining unlicensed printing, 152, 207, 208 Ormond, Duke of, 156, 190, 192, 195, 235, 2S1, 363 Oxenstiern, 330 Oxford, 133, 135, 157, 15S Palatinate, 22, 353 Parliament, privileges of, 25, 232 ; classes represented in, 2, 3, 333 ; character of, in seventeenth century, 100 ; of 1621, 24 ; o/1625, 30—32 ; o/1626, Bucking- ham impeached, 35 ; of 1628, Petition of Right, 41—43 ; session of 1629, 48, 49 ; Short Parliament of 1640, 79 ; Long Parliament, meeting of, 83 ; proceed- ings against Strafford, 84, 87 — 93, 97 ; against delinquents, S3, 85 ; votes Scots £300,000, 94 ; reforms of, 99, 101 ; religious parties in, 102 ; debates on Grand Remonstrance, 106 ; five mem- bers impeached, 110 ; sits in Guildhall, 113 ; a war council, 117 ; constitu- tional attitude of, 122 ; classes on side of, 121, 133 ; peace party in, 135 ; peace propositions of Lords, 140 ; petitioned by mobs, 140 ; parties in, 152 ; armies of, 157 ; quarrels with army, 212 —214 ; yields to army, 216 ; intimidated by Presbyterian mob, 219 ; fugitive members restored, 220 ; votes no more addresses to king, 225 ; reverses votes, and negotiates with Charles, 231 ; causes of unpopularity, 231—234 ; financial administration of, 233 ; accepts king's concessions, 237 ; purged by Pride, 237 ; Bump erects high court for trial of king, 238 ; establishes Republic, 277 ; raises a powerful navy, 296 ; government re- cognized abroad, 297 ; foreign policv, 297—299; war with Holland, 299— £02 ; severity of government, 307—310 ; eform of raw, 312 ; bill for new re presentative, 313 ; expelled by Crom- well, 314 ; restored by officers, 370, 371 ; Presbyterian members restored by Monk, 372 ; votes own dissolution, 373. Barebone's, reforms of, 317—325 ; First of Protector, 333, 334 ; reformed representation, 333 ; Second of Protector, sentence on Naylor, 34S ; Petition and Advice, 349 ; Second Session, new House of Lords, 360 ; dissolved, 362 ; o> Bichard Gromviell, 368 ; Convention 373 Oxford Parliament, 157. Patronage, 323 Pembroke Castle, 227 Penderells, 295 Penn, Admiral, 354, 356 Pennington, Captain, 32 Penruddock, 334 I Peters, Hugh, 3S3 | Petition and Advice, 349, 360, 367 Petition of Right, 42 Pilgrim Fathers, 75, 254 Pirates, 32, 66 Poor Laws, 26S— 270 Popham, 296 Population, 24S Portugal, 296, 331, 358 Post Office, 272 Prerogative, royal, 5, 29, 42, 51, 6S Presbyterians, in England, 10, 102, 150, 151, 155, 17S, 189, 192, 195, 202, 214, 231, 237, 307, 330, 302 ; in Scotland, 11, 76, 153, 201 Preston, 227—230 Pride, Colonel, 237, 312, 300 Prisoners, 149, 3:35 Prisons, 261, 323, 325 Proclamations, 55 Propositions, of York, US ; of Oxford, 136; of Uxbridge, 176; of Newcastle, 195 ; of army, 217 ; of Newport, 235 Prvnne, 73, 236 Puritans, 9, 12, 20, 22, 70—74, 256, 25S, 377, 37S Pvm, John, 42, 4S, 84, 91, 95, 102, 103, 106, 109, 160, 116, 123, 154, 306, 382, 384 Quakers, 342 Raleigh, Sir "Walter, 23 Regicides, fate of, 382, 3S3 Remonstrance, Grand, 116, 120 Republicans, 152, 205, 225, 299, 234, 244, 304—307, 327, 330, 334—337, 348, 361, 368, 370 Rich, Robert, 360, 364 Rochelle, 32, 40, 44, 46 Royalists, 121, 134, 136, 139, 149, 157, 167, 227, 273, 307, 335, 33S, 350 Royal Revenue, 53 Rubens, Peter Paul, 256 Rupert, Prince, 14, 119, 126, 128— 13:. 135, 138, 139, 142, 149, 159, 161-167. 181. 185 1S8, 296 INDEX. Salmasius, 383 Santa Cruz, 354 Savoy, Duke of, 358 Say-and-Sele, Lord, 342 ■Scots, 77, 80, 94, 154, 190, 193, 198, 225, 227, 229, 284, 285-291, 316, 333, 344, 375 .Sectarians, 12, 135, 152, 204 Selden, 201 Sexby, 33S, 351 Seymour, William, 17 Sheffield, 247 Ship-money, 66, 6S, S3. See Appendix Shrewsbury, Countess of, 17 Sidney, Algernon, 190, 23S, 244 Skippon, US, 133, 185, 213, 244, 336 Socage tenure, 2 Spain, 22, 28, 33, 37, 350, 353, 355—357 Statute of Winchester, 114 St. Domingo, 355 St. John, 119, 299, 303, 369 St. Kitts, 354 Strafford, Sir Thomas Wentworth, Earl of. 42, 47, 52, 60-65, 78, S5, S7— 92, 95, 97. See Appendix Strickland, 299 Strode, 110 Stuart, Lady Arabella, 17 ; Lady Eliza- beth, 217, 240 ; Charles, Prince of Wales, 130, 181, 192, 227, 236, 278, 2S5, 291—296, 350, 361, 363, 370 ; James, 357, 379 Subsidies, 15, 30, 15S Superstitions, 262 Sweden, 331 Syndercomb, 351 Taylor, Jeremy, 211 Teneriffe, 356 Thirty Years' War, 22, 65, 352 Tithes, 320, 321, 325 Tom Tell-Truth, 20 Tortuga, 354 Torture, 5, 44, 378 Trade, 249—254 Travelling, 271 Treason, law of high, 87 Tunis, 354 Uxbridge, 174-177 Valentine, 49, 56 Vandyke, 256 Vane, Sir Henry, the elder, 79, 89 Vane, Sir Henry, the younger, 91, 153, 205, 207, 244, 277, 301, 310, 312, 314, 336, 369, 3S4, 386 Van Tromp, 300—302, 322 Vaudois, 355 Venables, General. 354, 355 Verney, Sir Edmund, 122 Waller, Sir William, 122, 139, 157, 159, 167, 172 Waller, the poet, 137 Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 300, 364 Westphalia, Treaty of, 353 Wexford, 283 Whalley, Colonel, 223 Whitelock, Bulstrode, 27S, 369 Wildman, 335 William III., 242, 379 WRlianis, Archbishop of York, 103 Wilmot, Colonel, 12S W'tchcraft, 263 Worcester, 291—295 Wroth, Sir Thomas, 225 Yeomen, 2, 206 York, 116, US, 15S, 160, 167 THE END. 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