c ^ntbKtDGE PHVTlCj>o*R.(fSr>/ CoC(£Ty. *77 1 vat-ic^Tions ©< ' o \S THE SENTENCE. 35 Serle, Floyd, Dorrington, were all with hoods and in clookes in ye Towne and that they went out to see a playe as Serle sayeth that one Heele Johis hath threatened to box him. Mr Turret did not strike as he himself sayeth. [THE SENTENCE 1 .] Sir Heath suspensus a gradu. The bachelors with clubbs to be suspended a gradu, and or ye wall an ech satisfied for ye wall and windows. Not bachelors to be whipped, and the degrees to be not till Mr (Mr Vicechan- cellor) lisense. Sir Oxleys fault and the stagekeepers fait to be respited till that they be knowen. Drs Tyndale, Duport, Rat- clyffe. Dr Richardson Dr Branthwait the bachelors and schollers to be punished for clubbs according to ther de- grees. Dr Hill. Dr Carey agreeth in the punishment but desyreth res- pitt of the punishment till both parties of both colleges maye be knowen. The bachellors with longe clubbs to be suspended a gradu. [The line ending in a flower seems to indicate that the rest of the Court came over to Dr Carey's opinion that punishment ought to be respited till both parties of both colleges had, been discovered; the line ending in an arrow indicates that Dr Carey assented to the opinion of the rest of the judges that " the bachellors with longe clubbs " were to have their degrees suspended.] 1 This Sentence (see opposite page) is written on the back (reversed) of p. 9 of the MS. It appears in a different form, with additions, on the next page. 36 RECORD OF VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. [THE SENTENCE (in another form).] February 25 1610 1 . For the damages of the walls and windows broken to be istima/ted by 2 seniors of both Colledges and 2 workmen, and to be repaired by the berers of clubbs and throwers of stones. Dr s Duport, Richardson, Branthwayte, Carey, Chatterton. Dr Ward. The stagekeeper in the light carsey his suyte and small lace ; the stagekeeper in the red suyte and whyte lace and headpeece, and the other that did lincke Sir Oxley and Sir Elborough without iust cause, when they be found to be suspended. The matters of Sir Oxley for the first quarrell and the snachinge the torch to be referred to the Master of St Johns. The lyncking Sir Dawson by Nevell Senior, the abusinge of Mr Layfeild by the stagekeeper in the rugg gown and steel capp ; Mr Coote for the challenge to be suspended degree, and satisfye the college, and not to be absolved (?) till that he have some mediators from St John's; et postea comparuit et suspensus a gradu suscepto et suscipiendo (etc.) presente Magistro Coote. Mr Stannopp Mr Gouldingham Mr Coote referred to the censure of Dr Nevell. The stone casters to be suspended of degree yf graduates, yf noe whipped. 1 Francis ye Porter a longe clubb. My ton 2 2 Sir Maurice he confesseth a long Jackson cudgell. Kinge 3 Ds Tompson he had a clubb. Fordham 4 Ds Couper Jo Parry 5 Sir Rowles confesseth he had it, but Ed Purkis after the tight. Hilton non co' 6 Sir Palmer fatetnr. 1 The first line of these notes runs as follows: " P a 18 d Marke Nitinghall juratus famulus I) 8 Newton Procafi." This memorandum has nothing to do with the case. 2 These seven names are written on a corner of the page with a line drawn round them. THE SENTENCE. 37 Sir Randell a little clubb. Sir Auger a rapier. Sir Symonds to mend Sir Vaughan a short stick. the windowes 1 . Sir Osborne a clnbb. Sir Elborrough a clubb confesseth. Sir Oxley a clubb confesseth. Brookes. Sir Symonds and all suspended a gradu. Those with long clubbs to pay for the battelments mending and for the windowes there broken that night ; those that bore weapons, and bachelors, to be suspended a gradu ; those with the weapons there committed to the prison. Nicholas Jackson, Porter These to be comitted to prison Jo Parry and there to remaine till Saturday Fordam X of the clocke, and then to be Jarmin Warde broght out to the stage to be made Daniell Boyse at the bullring, and therevppon to be sett in the stocks with papers in text letters with these inscrip- tions : Nicholas Jackson Jo Parry Fordam Jarmin Warde Daniell Boyse 1 The sentence on Symonds is written below the line which includes the above names, and is separated by a vertical line from the list of confessions to the left of it. 3—3 APPENDIX. LIST OF PERSONS MENTIONED IN THE RECORD. Aldred, Alured, Benj. Allott, Allot, Jeffryor Jefferye Andrews, ? Edw Archer, Geo Archer, (Goodwyfe) . . . Augar, Hauger, Augur, Agar, N ich. . . . Baguly, Bagley, Barnes, Bartin, Barton, Bayley, Benns, Benes, Bettson, Bickly, Tho. Agnes... ? Matth. Tho (Mother) Tho. Binn, Binns, Bins, Bynnes, Rob. . . Bowles, Boyse, Bran tli wait, Branthwayt, Brett, Brookes, Burnell, Burt< >n, Cally, Canterbury, Carey, Carell, Carill, Carr, Carre, Carr, Carre, Cecill, Chappell, John Daniell, Danyell Will Rob. . Laur. . ? Edw. Deane of Valentine Edw. John Nich. ? Tho. Joh. Trin. Trin. Joh. Joh. Trin. Joh. Pet. Trin. Cla. Joh. Joh. Joh. Chr. Chr. Trin. Trin. Joh. Joh. Trin. Chatterton,Chaderton, Laur Chr. Claxton, Clayton, Cleyton, Rich. Joh. Matric. 3 July 1606; adm. Scholar 22 Apr. 1608; Minor Fellow, 1612 servant A.B. 1608, A.M. 1612; stagekeeper innkeeper (Crown Inn) wife to G. Archer A.B. 1608, A.M. 1612 Matric. 13 Dec. 1608; A.B. 1611, A.M. 1615 maidservant to And. Goodwin A.B. 1601, A.M. 1607 ; Tutor to John Carre A.B. 1608, A.M. 1612 A.B. 1607, A.M. 1611 a carpenter bookbinder, stepson to Jarniin Ward A.B. 1582 ; Emm. A.M. 1586, B.D. 1593, D.D. 1598 ; Master of Gonv. and Cai. 1607-1619 ?A.B. 1611, A.M. 1615 A.B. 1600, A.M. 1604, D.D. 1624 A.B. 1613 see Nevile A.B. 1588 ; Joh. A.M. 1592 ; Chr. B.D. 1599, D.D. 1610. Master of Chr. 1609-1622 Matric. 10 Apr. 1609, A.B. 1613 Mr Bartin's pupil. Matric. 1 2 Apr. 1 606 A.B. 1597, A.M. 1601, B.D. 1609 Scholar Apr. 12, 1605 ; A.B. 1607, A.M. 1611 ; Minor Fellow 1610, Major Fellow 1611 A.B. 1567, A.M. 1571, B.D. 1578; Emm. D.D. 1613; Master of Emm. 1584-1622 A.M. 1579, B.D. 1587, D.D. 1592 40 APPENDIX. Cooper, Coper, Couper, Fra. Cooper, Cootc, Copley, Hen. . Tho. . Godfr. Cotton, Rob Cutler, Cuttler, Gerard .. Dauson, Dawson, Dawsonn, Rob. Dilaker, Dillacre, Diliker, Edm. Divall, Dyvall, Griffin .. Dody, John Dorrington, Rich Duport, Ekin, Ekines, Jos. John Elborogh, Elborow, \ Elborrough, Ellbor- 1 rough, Elborough, V Joh. Elborowe, Elburrow, Elsborrough, I Ellice, Ellis, Lionel Etherington, Edrington, Geo. Feme, Geo. . Floyd, Simon Fordam, Fordharn, Fortho, Furtho, Tho. . Fowler, Rich. . Edw. John Francis, Freeman, Freisbien, Freisbyen, Goodwyfe Fresby, Frysby, John Good, Edw Goddin, Godwyn, Andr Goddin,Goodin, Goodwin, Edw. . . . Goldingham, Gouldingham, Grace, Hall, Hall, Hall, Halliwell, Heath, Heathe, Heath, Heme, Heron, Higle, Hill, ?Tho Jane, Jana. Tho Geo. Sam. Sam. Joh. Joh. Trin. Joh. Trin. Joh. Joh. Trin. Trin. Jes. Joh. Joh. Joh. Joh. Trin. Trin. Trin. Joh. Trin. Joh. Trin. Joh. Trin. Trin. Trin. Trin. Matric. 4 July 1605 ; A.B. 1608, A.M. 1621, B.D. 1620 Matric. 13 Dec. 1606; A.B. 1610 Scholar 16 Apr. 1602 ; A.B. 1605, A.M. 1609, B.D. 1608 ; Minor Fellow 1608 Matric, 9 July 1607; A.B. 1610, A.M. 1615 A.B. 1610, A.M. 1614 A.B. 1608 A.B. 1605, Edw. A.M. 1609 Matric. 12 Apr. 1606; A.B. 1609, A.M. 1613 B.A. 1569, A.M. 1573, D.D. 1590; Master of Jes. 1590-1618 Matric. 6 July 1610; A.B. 1613, A.M. 1617 Matric. 12 Apr. 1606; A.M. 1613 A.B. 1610, A.M. 1614 Matric. 17 Dec. 1607 Scholar 22 Apr. 1608 Matric. 4 July 1605 ; A.B. 1609 Scholar, 1582 Matric. 17 Dec. 1607; A.B. 1611, A.M. 1615 porter Mr Thompson's man tobacconist apothecary (A.B. 1605, A.M. 1609; Min. Follow, t 1608 A.B. 1600, A.M. 1604, B.D. 1612 A.M. A.B. 1584, A.M. 1588; "Senior of S. John's" barber Matric. July 1607 ; A.B. 1610 ; stage- keeper A.B. 1578, A.M. 1582, B.D. 1587, D.D. 1595 A.B. 1588, A.M. 1592, B.D. 1599, D.D. 1608 APPENDIX. 41 Hilton, Sam. Horsmander, Dan. Hoult, Hutton, Huttonn, Art. Jackson, Nich. Johnson, ? Art. Kennston, Kynaston, Fra. Kemp, Kempe, Tim. King, Kinge, Joh. Lawson, Lawsone, Wm, Layfeild, Layfield, Tho. Linge, 1 Tho. Marchand, Marchant, Marchante, Paul Mason, Rob. Maurrice, ? Joh. Metcalfe, Rob. Muncaster, Joh. My ton, ? Rob. Novell, Nevill, ? Geo. Nevile, Tho. Jeremiah Joh. Joh. Joh. Trin. Trim Nevill (the 2nd), Newton, Osborne, Osburne, Otbey, Otbye, Oxly, Oxlye, Oxely, Oxley, Oxeleye, Paget, Pagett, Palmer, Parry, Pickering, Pilgrim, Pylgrime, Pratt, Purkis, Randell, Ratclyffe, Richardson, Roane, Rone, Rowles, ?Ed. Fogg ?Ja Tristram Rob Nath Sir ?Edw. Jo. Walt. .. ? Edm. ?Rob. Jere. Joh. Humphrey Gabriel .... Chr. I Matric. 7 July 1608 Joh. I A.B. 1603, A.M. 1607, B.D. 1614, D.D. 1627 A.B. 1599, A.M. 1603, B.D. 1610 A.B. 1607, A.M. 1611 tollgatherer's son ?A.B. 1576, A.M. 1580, B.D. 1587; President of St John's A.B. 1605, A.M. 1609; Scholar 12 Apr. 1605; Minor Fellow, 1609 A.B. 1601, AM. 1605 ; ? Scholar 5 May 1598 porter at Trinity barber A.B. 1606, A.M. 1610 A.B. 1608 Matric. 12 Apr. 1606 A.B. 1609, A.M. 1613, LL.D. 1628 A.B. 1611 A.B. 1596, A.M. 1602 brewer in S. Botolph's parish. See Acta Curiae, 1610 Matric. 18 Dec. 1609; stagekeeper Matric. Feb. 1565; A.B. 1569, A.M. 1572, D.D. 1589 ; Master of Trinity College, 1593-1615; Dean of Can- terbury 1597-1615 Matric. 7 July 1608; Scholar 22 Apr. 1608 A.B., M.A. 1594, B.D. 1601, D.D. 1606; Provost 1610-1612 Matric. July 1 607 Matric. 10 Apr. 1609; A.B. 1612, A.M. 1616 Joh. Trin. Jes. *Joh. Joh. Trin. Pem b Trin. Kings Joh. Joh. Joh. Cai. Trin. Cla. A.B. 1609, A.M. 1613 Scholar, 1610; A.B. 1610-1611 ; Minor Fellow, 1614; Major Fellow, 1617 Joh. A.B. 1612 Joh. A.M. 1613 A.B. 1609 Trin. A.B. 1570, A.M. 1574, B.D. 1581, D.D. 1588 Jla. A.B.1581;Emm A.M.1585,B.D.1592, D.D. 1597; Master of Pet. 1609- 1615 ; Master of Trin. 1615-1625 Trin. I A.B. 1600, A.M. 1604, B.D. 1611 ; stagekeeper Joh. I Matric. 13 Dec. 1606 42 APPENDIX. Rutisse, Edw Scarlett, ? Edw Scholes, ?Aegid Searl, Serle, Edw Senhouse, Eic Shittleworth, Shutleworth, Leon Sherrocke, Shorrock, Hen Simonds, Symonds, John Simonds, Symonds, John Sishton, Sir Slegg, Slegge Rob Smart, Smyth, Wm Sotheby, ? Joh Stanhope, Stanopp, Stannopp, Geo. . . Synowes, see Senhouse Thompson, Tompson, Paul Thompson, Joh Tillett, Trott, Ric Twelves, Twelles, Wm Tyndale, Humphrey . . Turret, ?Theo Vaughan, ? Joh Vicars, Vickears, Fra Vice-Chancellor, see Newton Warde, Jarmin,Jermin Ward, Sam Ward, Warde, ?Wm Warr, ?Wm Waterhowse, Jere Webster Whaly, Wheley, Wm Whaley,Whaleye,Wheley, Tho. ... Whitgrave, Walt Wilbey, Matth Wilkin, Wilkinson, Tho Williams, Willyams, John Winge, Winter, P Winscall, John Wood, Isaake Woodrofe, Trim Chr. Trim Job. Joh. Joh. Joh. Joh. Joh. Trin. Trin. Joh. Trin. Trin. Pemb. Joh. Joh. Trin. Chr. Trin. Trin. Trin. Joh. Trin. Trin. Trin. Joh. Trin. Chr. A.B. 1603; Magd. A.M. 1607, B.D.1616 A.B. 1611, A.M. 1615 A.B. 1608, A.M. 1612 ; Scholar 12 Apr. 1605; Minor Fellow, 1610; Major Fellow 1612 B.D. 1606, D.D. 1622 Matric. 17 Dec. 1610 A.B. 1593 servant to the butler of King's Coll. A.M. 1613, B.D. 1620 A.B. constable of the Round Parish 1611. Licensed Victualler Round Parish 1608-1611. Buried 13 Apr. 1622 porter at Trinity A.B. 1609 Scholar 1602; stagekeeper Minor Fellow 1606 A.B. 1582, A.M. 1586, B.D. 1593 A.B. 1610; Cla. A.M. 1614 innkeeper A.B. 1608, A.M. 1612 A.B. 1566, A.M. 1570, B.D. 1577, D.D. 1582; Pt of Queens' 1579-1614 Matric. 17 Dec. 1607, A.B. 1611 Matric. 5 July 1604, A.B. 1608, A.M. 1612 A.B. 1592, A.M. 1596, B.D. 1603, D.D. 1610; Master of Sid. Suss. 1610 Matric. 16 Apr. 1609 Matric. 12 Apr. 1606; A.B. 1613, D.D. 1632 A.B. 1593, A.M. 1597, B.D. 1605 drawer at Tillett's Matric. 13 Dec. 1606 churchwarden of Trin. Parish A.B. 1596, A.M. 1600, B.D. 1608 Matric. 7 July 1608; A.B. 1611, A.M. 1615 carter A.B. 1605, A.M. 1609 A.B. 1601, A.M. 1605, B.D. 1613, D.D. 1617 pavior Adm. Scholar 12 Apr. 1605 servant to Mr Senhouse A.B. 1611, A.M. 1615 CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. CAMBRIDGE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. RECENT PUBLICATIONS. [A Complete Catalogue can be had on application.] Proceedings, Vol. X (N. S. IV). Proceedings, 24 November, 1898, to 23 May, 1900. With Com- munications, No. XLI. pp. 1 — 98. Illus. 9. 5s. net. J. G. Clark, A Denarius of the Empress Plotina. 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