\y\ ^BV\ / [a-».CslAJUv< <^t ■,r\ 9^ ClassllSji. I ■ / / r / i A letter from the eorapiler, C.S. 'Jlfalton, Edison Building, Los Angeles, Gal., dated Jan. 21,1914, states: "Since publishing this chart, I have discovered some inaccuracies in it, to^eth^r with n larje numbor of additional facts and it is ray intention in the future to nublish another edition" . GENEALOGICAL CHART SHOWING A PART OF THE AMERICAN ANCESTRY OF ADELAIDE BEREMAN WALTON PREPARED WrTH LOVING CARE BY HER FATHER. LOS ANGELES. CAL.. 1905. 10 REV. WILLIAM WALTON (1' W UliMbcil. Jo 111) Martlm Nat h (111 id SAMIIKI- josinh Mriric I ft 29- Sc.it'>n, England . Andrew Mansfield M- Munjoy 1636 Hinghiiin. Mom. i639i;i7 Mnrblchead, " 1 64 1- " 1646 " " M. R(il)Ctt JJarllctI I. Krv. WiUlntn Walton wna n Puritan MlnUI#r of promlncnc* who afriveil 1m Nrw Rii|;1in M. 164.1 I-icul Jns. Converse Mary |6]6- Rctxcca l(.iS' John •/-„i i6i9i6S3 M. 1 Abipiil Norton i Ineteiue Hoirell Zaclitf>' Joshua Hnnnab Ruth neboMh 1631 1*34- Co or HUMttlWIll < cKtldnn. an.! Mtnat LufT U*IT«. •> M •Ml. "IxhaH" on July 7. tt,n, tnm 111 Cliailnun «li(i« UmloliyiMT*^ 11* l«liMillh*thuivhlu lAA llf lotDttl iliv Aacl*nl aad llononbU AiilIltTy In ifl^ 14 SAMUEL WOODS M Alice 19 CART. JAMES PARKER i6i7-'70' M Woburn.MaM. 1643 Elizabeth Long 27 G Thomas Elizabeth NATHANIEL Mary Abigail Hannah 1663. i66s- !667- 1670- 1672- 1674-1703 Grotoii, Mass. . Siiinuel Woods woa and hia landa were i II "orlelii.nl projirielor. 1 Urolon. iiHzabeih Annie Hatuiah John Joseph James Jodah SAMUEL Joshua Zacbaiiah Eleazer Sarah 1645- 1646- 1647- M 1649- 1651- i65J'i694 M. 1655- M. 1656.7 Nathaniel Blood Mary barker Eliz. Suxoa of Boston l**. Ca|)t. JaniM Parker. Coinmiuloiied I.i«Hlcnaiit Mny IT, IftTJ; C->|itaiii Oct. IS, 16TA. Coinniniii785 Reading, Moss. Nathaniel Daniel John ISAAC Rathsheba Hannah Phoebe Aaron Moses Reuben Phoebe (2) Jonathan 1694- 1696-Killed by Indians 1 1698. 1704- '705- 1707- 1709- 1711- i7'3- 1716- M. CoUis Morse M. John Farmer James Robert Samuel JOHN Abigail Jonathan Racbael Eunice 1 686- 1 754 M. 16S8- M. 1696- M. -1733 M. Abigail, d. of John Prescotl Deborab, 1694. d. of John Prescoit and Miir>' Lokcr TI103. Tnrbell Sarah. Both killed by Indians Sept. 21, 173,; ■ 1730 Josiab Boydeu 20. Samuel Parker. In Capt. Tho*. Rnittle'a Co,, KIhk PUItllp' War 1676 ( Bodee), Selectman Grotoii 16<»-lT0M-4-6. // 73 7 CAPTAIN JOHN WALTON (4) M- Roiling. M»». 1739 Mary Wllllai;is nog-'yei 16 ISAAC WOODS M. Groton, Mass. 1725 Abigail Stevens 21 JOHN PARKER M Groton. Mass i7i9 Joanna Eames 32 Naac 1733- Reading. Mass. Matthu 1735- M«rv 1740- Mm nil ret 1741- JOHN 1744-1833 " BridRct 1746- " Picrpont 1753- " *. Cnpi hi Jnhl W^ihiii w.ia kn ■wn n> I.lcut. Jn Greer •• Rc^t , LextiiKloii Alar 111. April Ifl. 1776. 16. ^%a^c Woods was a "eentinci" Lieut. Jos. Fairbank'a Co. in I- Majesty'b service 172^1724. ± ' 6 I OUCON JOHN HriLTON (5) M. Reading. Mass. 1770 Kazllh Villi (Steadmaii) JOHN 1770-1862 Cnmhridgc. Ma^s Catherine 1785.1818 M Rev. Timothy Dnvis 1 Jr.. ill Capt. Pnvjd Grcen'k Co. V* ' ■ F>a, a ., - L—j ^ i p. ■■ I l y ' y ^ s 13 samuelJhosle' Isaac 1725- Epbraim i727->757 Thomas 1728-1756 Nathaniel 1731- HENRY 17331804 Jonas '7.^5-i75'> D- Fori William Henry Caleb '757- Prudence 1738 17,^8 i_7S7 D. Albany i74»- M. Robert Anitas 1747- Capl, J, Sartell's Co , Lexington Alarm John Robert Jcnisha Sarah Beulah Jonathan I Relief \ DEBORAH Oliver 1719- 1720- 1725- 1737. 1739. '732- i73'^-i: 33. Joanna Eainea, prohalily < and PriaclUn Kimliall liia March 25, 1698. Icr l»Yn Clerk 1780-1T90- OOGTOfl JOHN WILTON (6) M. Groton. Mass. 1791 Marj Bullard of Newton 1773-1848 12 JOHN H3SLEY M. Townsend, Mass. 1781 Sarah Woods 23 CAPT. JOEL BEREMAN M. Elizabeth Shepherd ABEL THOMPSON 29 FREDERIC AUGUSTUS John Charles Vilcs William James A. Bcnjnmln A. Catherine M, James Sumner 1793-1861 Peppcretl. Mass. i;95.i883 i7.)f" 1798. 1800- " " 1803- " 1805-1873 1807*1878 " Dr. John Wnllon, sraduale of Harvard Univcmlty, M. B. 1794, M. D. 18II. Prac- ticed medicine in Pepperell for over 60 yearn. Town Clerk. 1817. Cnnalltiilion- nl Convention. 1H3I. M. Christopher W- Bellows i8i 1-1877 M. Mary Miranda Shattuck Becca 1781- Sarah i784- BETSEY KEY:S 1794-1873 Nancy 1 796. Pepperell. Mass. JOEL SHEPHERD Samuel Harris - 23. Capt. Joel Bereman w.ia a Captain in Lieut. Col. Robt. SalIord*s Re^rt- Ohio Militia, War 1812 FREOERIOX AUGUSTUS WUTON (7) M. Pepperell. Mass. 1814 Bllllf Kiyis Hoiliy JOSEPH WITHAM 33 ^ Susan Neville 34 i>otl)of England 24 JUDGE JOEL SHEPHERQ BEHEM&H M. Wathington c. H. Ohio stea TboiDpion SAMUEL SMITH 30 M. Tereisa Hcury A, 1816-1853 Pepperell, Mass. M. Barbara Tiiiiibull 1^44 WILLIAM FREDERIC 1817-1897 Catherine S. 1834- " " ANNIE ESTHER B. Nov. 18, 1824. ou British Ship. Halifax Harbor. N. S. D. June 16, 1892, Los Angeles. Cal. 1830-1865 24. A prominent lawyer, afterwards judge. One of the firat newapaper publiahera in Ohio. Prescilla AdelaUe i839-i873 Wilmington. Clinton Co . OUio, WILLIAM FREOERIO WUTON tS) M. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Dec. 6. 1844 ArdIi Ellhir Witbini (11) 25 CLAYTON BEREMM M. 1857. WaihingtonC. K.Ohio Preicllll lilsliliti SdiIUi 31 1839-1873 Frederic Augu-slus 1845. Brooklyn. N. V. g. William K. Walton .arrived in San Francisco, Cal.. Aur. 1«. 1849. Florence Elizabeth 1847.1902 New York Cily, N. V. via "the Horn." He wa» a life member of the Society of Cal, Plo. Frank Neville 1850-1886 Pepperell. Mass. noera. He waaa whwleMlc merelinnt in thccariy dnyaof Callfor- CHARLES STRONG 1S58. San Francisco. Cal. "'"• """^ '*"' ■ ™'"« <»«n«^- Birdsall Clayton Franklin Smith Tercssa VIRGINIA CLAYTON 1859-1895 Washington C. H-. Ohio i86t- 1863-1865 Sept. 17. 1865 CHARLES STRONG WALTON ^9^ M. Los Angeles, Cal., Jul) 9th, 1890 16 Virginia Clayton Ber iman ADELAIDE BEREMAN 9. Arrived in Loa AnpelM Nov. 15th. IS87. Arrived in Loa Angeles Nov. l»t. 1884, ADELAIDE BEREMAN WALTON CIO) Bom at 2337 Thompson St.. Los Angees, Cal , October 4th, 1895. Frederic Augustus Walton Married [1] Alameda. CaL, June 10, 1868. Sarib K Porter 1845-1896. (2] Oakland. Col.. Nov. tg. 1897. Mrs. Nettie Brown Ttittle. Children — FREDERIC Al 5USTUS r869-i887: FRANK PORTER1878 ; CLARA 1880-. M Los Angeles. April 27. 1905. Heniy Washington PrcscoU; CHARLES MOTT i883 1901 Florence Elizabeth Walton San Francisco. Cal., Nov. 16, 190a. Sao Frandsco. Cal., Dec. 3. 1867, Warring Wilkinson. MAUD Bom Sa Francisco. Cal.. Sept. 19th, 1868. Married Berkeley. Cal., April »6. 1900, Leon Jotlah Richardson B Keen*. N. H.. iW8. Frank Neville Walton San Fraoclsco, Col., Feb. 5, 1886. San Francisco, Cal,, June, 1883, Clara L. Blackburn. John James Walton of Brooklyn, N. V.. son of Henry A. and Barbara Walton. B. April aft, 1R46. Married October 39, 1873. Agnes C. Hunter. Children — ADELE, March |th. 1875: DUBOIS HUNTER, June 25lh. 1877; FRANCIS EAMHS, May 17th. 1883; HENRY AUGUSTUS, Sept 24*. 1884; FLORENCE. July 6th. 1887. M. Married B. Born D. Died Date before a dash - Dote of Birth Date after a dnsh - Date of Deotli Ploc€ of Birth follows date ^/jy.' be above data bas been compiled from Town Records unt) auibcniic Histories, the miliijtry records of the Stales of MassacliusctU and Ohio, and the information herein contained, while nccc*sanly »omcwbat incomplete. i>