^-^JL^^Jie^t^, /\ V^^^»xn 000125^H5H 6-1915-10M. (POCKET EDITION ) DIGEST OF IMPORTANT GENERAL GAME AND FISH LAWS OF MICHIGAN 191r5 = lQie Compiled and issued by authority of GAME, FISH AND FOREST FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN COMMISSION W. R. OATES, Commissioner. PUBLISHED BT COLEMAN C. VAUGHAN SECRETARY OF STATE (In effect on and after August 24th, 1915.) WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO. STATE PRINTERS LANSING, MICHIGAN DIGEST OF IMPORTANT GENERAL GAME AND FISH LAWS OF MICHIGAN 1915-1916 Compiled and issued by authority of GAME, FISH AND FOREST FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN COMMISSION W. R. OATES, Commissioner. PUBLISHED BY COLEMAN C. VAUGHAN SECRETARY OF STATE (In effect on and after August 24th, 1915.) "WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO. STATE PRINTERS LANSING, MICHIGAN <\\ °» of D, 'JG 3 ., FOREWORD The Game, Fish and Forest Fire Department of the Public Domain Commis'sion seeks the cooperation of all sportsmen, in the protection, preservation and conserva- tion of the game and fish of the State and in the proper enforcement of the laws. It is desired to call particular attention to the new hunter's license law, which provides that all hunters hunt- ing either small or large game or fur bearing animals, must first secure a license to hunt either IN or outside of the county in which they reside. Sportsmen and fishermen are earnestly reminded that wall-eyed pike, white bass, calico bass, sunfish, perch, blue gills, rock bass and crappies are now protected game fish and the law regulates the number that can be taken in one day, the size and the quantity which can be had in possession at one time, and the purchase or sale of these fish is now absolutely prohibited. Spring shooting of all water fowl is prohibited and our State now conforms to the Federal provisions governing these birds and water fowl. Hunting from automobiles is now a violation of the game laws. Under the title of "General Provisions" following herewith will be found certain new and very important provisions governing the manner of taking, possession, sale and transportation of our game and fish. It has always been the position of this department that it would rather prevent than prosecute violations of the game and fish laws.' The earnest cooperation of all sportsmen is asked in this regard and our object in issuing this digest is to make clear to everyone interested what the laws are and we have endeavored to emphasize the important changes now in effect. We quote from the letter of transmittal of the Game Commission of Pennsylvania a paragraph which repre- sents our viewpoint on the value of our wild life: " Our idea is to make an open park of all the wild lands of this Commonwealth, a place in which our people of all classes can find pleasure and maintain their strength, where" the well and strong can enjoy an outing that will keep them well and make them stronger; where those who are starting on the road to shattered nerves, and inability to meet the demands they are called upon to face, can strengthen their hold on all those things, that fit men the better to meet the requirements of every day battle with the world. The presence of game or fish is a lure to strenuous outdoor exercise, that means better health to those who hunt or fish, and therefore better citizenship. To us, hunting or the pursuit of game, does not appear simply in the light of recreation, or pleas- ure, nor does it appear as a waste of time; but instead is in every sense of the word a national necessity." W. R. OATES, State Game, Fish and Forest Fire Commissioner, of the Public Domain Commission. NOTE. — All violations of the game and fish laws should be reported to the State Game, Fish and Forest Fire Commissioner, Lansing, Michigan. GENERAL PROVISIONS. HUNTING ALL PERSONS over seventeen years of age must secure from the State Game, Fish and Forest Fire Commis- sioner, county clerk or deputy, a license to hunt, — no matter whether person is hunting in or outside of his own county. (See license fee specified in table.) TRAPPERS. Must have a license for taking fur bearing animals. (See license fee specified in table.) BEAVER. A special license must be secured to take beaver. AUTOMOBILES AND POWER BOATS. Hunting partridge or water fowl from automobiles or power boats prohibited. SPRING SHOOTING. Spring shooting of ducks and other water fowl unlawful. This law now conforms to Federal regulations. RABBITS, HARES and PARTRIDGE. Seasons NOW open same time, — October first. It is unlawful for any person to be found hunting any game before this date. DOGS. For the information of those desiring to hunt birds with dogs during the deer hunting season, the department rules that bird dogs can be used during the deer hunting season and had in possession in the woods, hunting camp, logging camp or club house, providing that such dogs do not attempt to hunt, pursue or kill deer. The owner of the dog assumes this risk and deputies will be instructed during the deer season to kill on sight any dog found hunting, pursuing or following upon the track of a deer. It will be lawful to train dogs for hunting birds fifteen days prior to the opening of the season, pro- vided that no firearms are in possession of person training them. BAG and CREEL LIMITS. (Especial attention is drawn to the table herein, showing number of game animals, birds and fish which it is lawful to take and have in possession.) FISHING HOOK AND LINE. Defined by law to mean that it shall be construed to be a single line or single rod and line with hook or hooks attached, while being used for still fishing. CASTING and TROLLING. Defined to mean a single line or single rod and line with hook or hooks attached or with a natural or artificial bait, not to exceed six inches in length and one or more hooks or gangs of hooks attached, to be used for casting or trolling for fish, and the method of capturing fish shaU be by- means of fish taking bait or hook in the mouth. GRAB HOOKS, SNAG HOOKS, SET LINES, and NIGHT LINES. Unlawful to use. ICE LINES. Defined to be a single line with a single hook attached and five such lines may be used by one person during December, January and February, for taking all kinds of fish, except the different kinds of trout and bass through the ice. NETS, excepting dip nets and minnow seines. Unlawful to use or to have in possession within one half mile of any inland lake or stream. SPEARING and DIP NETTING. Suckers, mullets, redsides and grass pike can be taken in the streams and rivers by this means during March and April. MINNOW SEINE. Not more than twenty feet in length may be used for taking chubs, shiners, suckers, dace and stoneroller minnows from any of the inland waters of this State to be used for bait only. WALL-EYED PIKE, BLUE GILLS, SUNFISH, PERCH, CRAPPIES and ROCK BASS are NOW protected fish as well as all species of trout and bass. These fish cannot be bought or sold, and hotel pro- prietors and resort keepers are admonished that neither these nor any other protected fish can be served to guests where a charge is made for the service, provided that fish caught by guests may be served to them at their request. JACK AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS, DYNAMITE AND ALL OTHER EX- PLOSIVE SUBSTANCES. Unlawful to use or have in possession on any of the inland waters or within one half mile thereof. FIREARMS. Unlawful to use for taking any kind of fish in any of the waters of this STATE at any time. ONE DEER. Lawful to hunt or take only one deer. METAL TAGS ATTACHED TO DEER. Deer must be tagged with metal self-locking seal immediately after being killed. These seals will be furnished by county clerks with license. License tag attached to deer at shipping station in the presence of shipping agent. Metal self-locking seal should be attached through gamble, or to antlers in permanent manner. HEAD LIGHTS. Unlawful to "have in possession at any time. NON-RESIDENTS. May ship one 'deer out of the State when license tag and seal is attached thereto, provided that permit printed on back of licer.se coupon is cancelled by agent at initial billing point. • 3 : £ : © lH r\*S • "53 HS ,3 H60 "•^ ^ 3 13 £ 3 o3 • J=! § O.S |i £ o3 P Unlawful to use artificial light or dogs in hunting, or to kill deer in red coat or fawn in spotted coat or while in the water. Unlawful to use ferrets or other rodents in hunting. Farmers and fruit growers may use ferrets to hunt rabbits on their own lands. '02 tn 03 UI en O a 03 h ■•^ +j is 3 ^ Q . Pi 02 §co £° One. Unlawful to have in possession more than 30 days after close of season. 02 3 03 k 33 two* 3 03 CO III 03 O O O ft o3 ^03 I-* OJ— 1 Om O a is 3^ OS T3 3 §§ 2 03 03 Q 03 3 03 03 ,0 03 _o3 0: to s-g ■|03 02 Unlawful to destroy houses or dams or to have in posses- sion without license seal attached. m 3*o£ m ^ 3 S •* OT — CG .3 -« 2 (h o o 6 tri "3 in 3 s ■3 a c3 >> Bears and other ani- mals not protected by laws of this State. 0.3 2* u, r Xl 3 Q 3 «3 ce a taOu O.C3 3 3 ^T3 P£ 10 Hi •0-0 1! 53 GO o H P O w c .2 '55 EG 0) OT O a > c3 . || P 8 O '§ g O ft c o > S3 . £1 |i »Js3 03^ 3<« P Unlawful to have in possession more than 30 days after season closes. Unlawful to make use of auto- mobile in hunting. QQ ffl 6 in one day. 15 in possession at any one time. 25 in one season. o < H O 0) So SO p 3 o . |l |& P > 3 O 0Q Q S s [a O Q g 3 Mongolian or English pheas- ants, quail, black fowl, cap- ercailzie, hazel grouse, spruce hens or Canada grouse, prairie chicken, wild turkey, killdeer, wading, shore and meadow birds. g 3 O S 3 S3 CO a o CD bfiro Is CQ 3 O H bfl g 3 w . .C r* 02 o £ o <£ © o las p .2-2 g M i>> ®s S SS o 2,0 3 a <*-. © o > fcn SO is c a - G M p || za cs CD O >> a t>co _ c3 in .3 C 02 "^ G M o^o 3 G vh 02 O * t- cc SOcS -2 C 02 G K M P £"2 ■OS 8*3 §° .ag — o . Is X c a> 3.3, 02 - £ (NIC 6 in one day. 20 in possession at. any one time. 25 in one season. 10 in one day. 20 in possession at any one time. 25 during season. September 1st to De- cember 15th, inclu- sive. Woodduck, unlawful to kill until 1918. 6 3 o to 00 5r! « 02 lis September 1st to De- cember 15th, in- clusive. Other shore birds pro- tected until 1920. O 3 °JG il 02 >-< „: lei ■£ 02,2 May be killed at any time by securing permit to do so from State Game, Fish and Forest Fire Commissioner. i m o •5 *>2 o o o o -o o o X 02 o > J% ° 33. ©s Co ^ i* ^ be O 02 02 _ m >s O 02 "2 02 fc- G 33.0 c3 3 G c3 bo cS O o o "a G 02 02" a 2 03 a> <3 ,3 s aa G „ea G £0 g o3 Q2g 02 G 3 c3 12 > W w P P^ o w H 55 W Q w pel O p o w ££ o o o o •s-g T3n3 S d -*3 o© ' 03 03 d d 03 05 o o c a •3 "3 O O >>3 >>3 >>c >5 3 c d o c c 3 eg '5 rt"55 rf 'S eg •"eg ® ijtg >) i 02 >>_ m >> OT gaSftC da 2d o w ^o O 03 O O OJ o 3 O— i » "d 3 >"3 us^ ■d^^ ^3 t-3 C^cjg eg -c o eg — . o d^ eg o P e3 <-,—. o X+* ^ O X** t-,o ^*° <-,o ^*s w oa°W) §3°£P 3°^ O,— i O 3 Ph ■diss -d'Sos.H — ^ G »- -G c3 d 3 ■" "H -+a "^ .t^'d'-P'O £p .•S 7^ "-S "C £p ^P Ip" 03 d d Q o d o • o o >> d c3 >> d d eg d eg w5 c3 «2 H 5 ^ a ^ "eg 3$ a c bo d "S) d 5 d cc be O d o d o bo p WO £Ph d K**m 03 ^oc ^fel n2 f^' 55 3 b^'x ^cgS d^8 d ^ «S .3-rj w ^ ^ TO — ' 03 O m oj o ,H 0)O «co . 2 d ft . oa 3 ft . P CD o 03 fiO 05 »0 03 |.s-s.§ •2-S--I |3.S.S |d.aj ,H iOO ooo"^ o»oio --, IC iC t^COlO i— 1 r-l I— 1 rH?c^ & 03 --h s-g . »*§ . 3 S 2 rf £> Ph O d o"w ©^ >; d o'S X5 " e^^ £ 3 •-s 3 1-3 a" - ' . > c GS S3 23 ii £p With hook and line also spear and dip net in streams dur- ing March and April and spear through the ice Janu- ary and Februjrfy without artificial light. M o © a d CO O o ,3 xi Unlawful to spear with arti- ficial light. Lawfi'l to have in possession imported frogs November 1st to March 14th, inclusive. Must secure license. Resident fee, $1.00; non-resident fee, $50.00. 5 inches in length. 25 in one day. 25 in possession at any one time. ■6 © 1 q 3 © 'oo ■d 3 c3 © 2 3 5 -d © 1 3 3 © 'oo T3 d C3 1-1 © ,3 2 3 5 Number and size unlimited. Possession unlawful March 15th to May 31st, inclusive, except for scientific pur- poses. •6 © 3 3 M © a 3 3 -3 9 © N QQ Ms ■& a 3 oo Co rf o © © M . >»c © co c<3 >a "- +- 3 * c c6 c§ © © © M . >>c © c8 c3 >> be© 3 oo ^ ^ 3 © £co!» t^2 c3 G 5 © O . t? © o£ w oo o = +» o 03 '"1 ©t5 cm •-a 1 c« . 22 o -^ 3 O0 -FH oo 3 « a o 11 O 2 <» m i oo 13 oo © cS © 2 « Sco ^'oa a All other kinds of fish not mentioned herein. oo' 2 00 * 3 O 2^ ce a O R a ,3 cS2 -.3-3 •3 H o © 14 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION OF PROTECTED GAME and FISH. Unlawful to ship by express, freight or baggage or in any other manner, but shall be carried only as open hand baggage without cover in such manner as to be readily seen and inspected. Unlawful to ship outside the State at any time, provided that NON-RESIDENT HUNTERS may carry outside the State as open hand baggage with- out cover, one day's legal bag limit of birds. 30 DAYS AFTER SEASON CLOSES. Lawful to have in possession game birds and animals, legally killed. HUNTER'S LICENSE. RESIDENT. Residents hunting protected game birds or animals or fur bearing animals, other than deer or beaver, must procure a license, — fee, $1.00. Per- sons hunting on their own lands upon which they are regularly domiciled and their minor children, exempt. Deer hunter's license fee, $1.50. NON-RESIDENTS. License fee to hunt or kill pro- tected game birds or animals and fur bearing animals, other than deer and beaver, $10.00. Deer license fee, $25.00. ALIEN RESIDENTS. Alien residents of this State who have not declared their intentions to become citizens, and who hunt protected birds or animals or fur bearing animals, other than deer and beaver, must secure a license, — fee, $10.00. Deer license fee, $25.00. SPECIAL BEAVER LICENSE. Fee $10.00, which permits holder to take fifteen beaver. TRAPPER'S LICENSE. Fee $1.00. NON-RESIDENT ANGLER'S LICENSE. Applies to non-residents of the state only. Non-resident males over twenty-one years required to procure a license to fish. Fee for license to take all kinds of fish, except trout, $1.00. Fee for license to take all kinds of fish, including trout, $3.00. Eighteen years is age basis for balance 1915. SHIPMENT BY NON-RESIDENT. One day's legal- catch of fish may be taken or shipped out of the State by a licensed fisherman. Coupon from license must be attached to package. SALE OF PROTECTED GAME. Unlawful to buy or sell at any time any game. SNARES, DEADFALLS and EXPLOSIVES. Un- lawful to use. POSTED ENCLOSED LANDS, PUBLIC PARKS, GAME PRESERVES, GAME REFUGES AND ALL OTHER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ENCLOS- URES. Unlawful to hunt thereon at any time. PEARLS, CLAMS and MOLLUSKS. Unlawful to take without license. Resident $1.00; non-resident S50.00. Open season from July 1st to March 31st. TURTLES. Not protected. No device can be used to take turtles which will take other fish. NON-GAME BIRDS. Unlawful to kill at any time. This includes all kinds of song and insectivorous birds and other birds not designated as a game bird, except BLACKBIRDS, ENGLISH SPARROWS. CROWS, COOPER'S HAWKS, SHARP SHINNED HAWKS, GREAT HORNED OWLS. PRIVATE GAME FARMS and GAME and FUR BEARING ANIMALS RAISED IN CAPTIVITY. Any game or fur bearing animals taken during the open season may be held in captivity during the closed season by securing permit to do so from the State Game, Fish and Forest Fire Department. Permit fee for each species, SI. 00. REPEALED LOCAL ACTS PERTAINING TO FISH. AIL local acts, except acts prohibiting the spearing of fish in any county, township, lake or stream repealed. LOCAL ACTS PROTECTING DEER. In full effect in following counties: Berrien, Calhoun, Genesee, Ingham, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Oakland and St. Clair until 1920, and in Bois Blanc Island until 1918. MOOSE, ELK and CARIBOU. Unlawful to kill at any time. SUNRISE and SUNSET. It is unlawful to take or kill any wild water fowl from one half hour after sunset until sunrise the following morning. 16 FROGS. Unlawful to kill for any purpose from Novem- ber 1st to June 1st each year. Unlawful to use artificial light in spearing. Unlawful to have in possession from March 15th to June 1st for any purpose, except live frogs may be had in possession for experimental and scientific purposes. Unlawful to have in possession from November 1st to March 15th, except when imported from other state or countries. Persons having frogs in possession at this time, must show invoice on demand of officers. PUBLIC LAKES. Any lake connected with any other public waters by any means whatever by which fish can migrate to and from such waters for any length of time during any season of the year is a public lake. — See People vs. Horling, 137 Michigan 406. PRIVATE LAKES. Lakes which are not connected with any other public waters in any manner by which fish can migrate to and from such waters during any season of the year for any length of time. — 137 Michigan 406. TRESPASS. Unlawful to trespass upon the enclosed lands of another person without consent of owner for the purpose of hunting, fishing or any other purpose. Ga Jlord Bros. Mak« Syrac W. JAN. use, N. Y 21, 1908 ;..■■'. < '■■■ ■ •'■ I