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Entered according to Act of Congress, iu the year 1S74, ny ' CATLIN & LYDECKER, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at ^Va,: ! i i j i : .^ PIIELISnEI) BY CATLSN 8l LYDECKER NEAV YORK. 1ST4. H 7! 2 ■> jf 5. 1 blg= I -1 ^'7 ^ s '^ ■ =. Ill r. =■ :: c 2 H = = 1 5 H V Is; 2,3 ii cus 7: ^. - '^ '/■ - < - - ^ ~ > :iO S^3 i s 5 s 2 ;. J i 3 ;■ ■- 5 s r; ;i s s TheS Wheeler Domestic Grover & C/3 0) T 1 CO 0' c« ^w ^w . ..p. ....p. .^..•^f"« 9 CO CD 5' 0*3 i [it; 5' „ 00 '-_-> oj ^ cc cc-o v^ 4- '-j^ p^ -^ r r S^P ""? 1^ N Ln "b -f^ -^ ■+- "coo « « "be 4- ^ N) ^t "w " " T^ CO CO cT ffiH t— ' cx> SW ^1 CO H 02 • mm CM LI or wm. ALL RAIL ROUTE TO COLUMBIi^, ^IKEN", SAVANNAH, JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL POINTS IN — VIA— The through arrangements between the East and Florida have been made with the view to deserve the patronage of the pubhc. Are the essentials provided. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING GAES WILL BE RUN THROUGH FROM During the Fall, Winter and Spring IVIonths. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the through Pullman Sleeping Cars, can be furnished with full information by addressing O. E. :0. JBI^.^ITVEJE^I>, Ag-ent, 897 Broad\A^ay, Ne\v York. Persons visiting Aikeu, ^' en route " to Florida, will find this the most desirable route. TMROTFGH. TICKETS JiT THIS IjINE, good until used, with privi- lege of stopping over, can be obtained at all oflices of connecting lines, and at 'J'icket Offices in Jacksonville, Savannah,, and on board Steamers plying between Savannah and St. Johns River. ■W. J. WALKER, p f\ < ^ A. POPE, General Agent. , Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agent. 0^^ ;i» p UIDE TO TLORIDA, Five years after Christopher Columbus first saw land in the New World, another navigator, Sebastian Cabot, sailing under the English flag, discovered the coast of Florida. This was in 1497. It was not until the spring of 15 12 that the Europeans made a permanent landing, A veteran cavalier of Spain, Juan Ponce de Leon, impelled by a romantic fancy that in the West there existed a fountain whose waters restored the aged to perpetual youth, raised an expedition of enthusiasts like himself and set sail on this wondrous voyage of discovery. He saw the coast for the first time on Easter Sunday, in April, 15 12, which day the Spaniards call Pasqua Florida, and because the charming country spread before him was fairly radiant with wild flowers, he gave it the beautiful name of Florida. This landing was made near the site of the present city of St. Augustine The cavalier's search for the immortal spring was fruitless. The Indians harassed and picked off his ban- with poisoned arrows, and he was finally forced to quit the country. He carried with him to Cuba a mortal v/ound which caused his death soon after his arrival there. A dozen years later Spain again attempted to colonize the peninsula. Narvaez was appointed Governor and landed 4 GUID^ 'Q FLORIDA. with three hundred men. He made no attempt at settle- ment however, but wandered off on an exploring expedi- tion, and after many hardships, finally reached the far off country of the Mexicans. The illustrious Ferdinand de Soto, the discoverer of the Mississippi river, followed him to Florida. He landed in Tampa Bay with a thousand followers, in the spring of 1539. His march through the interior was disputed at every step by the aborigines, and his little army was so decimated by war, fatigue and sick- ness, that when his own body W3js, committed to the bosom of the ' ' Father of Waters ' ' two years later, but a third of them survived. The first actual settlement of Florida was made oy the French Huguenots who, under Jean Ribault, attempted to plant a colony at the mouth of the St. Johns River in 1564. This roused the ire of the Spaniards, who claimed the country as their own, and an expedition was sent out under the com.mand of Don Pedro Menendez to extermi- nate the Frenchmen. The Don did his bloody work effectually. ~)The little French city was taken by surprise^ and all of its inhabitants were massacred. Above their bodies, which he had suspended from the trees, Menendez left this inscription : " Not because they are Frenchmen, but because they are heretics and enemies of God." ^1 But vengeance on the cruel Castilians was swift. Three years later an expedition under De Gourgues, a Huguenot gen- tleman, set sail from France, and landing at St. Augustine, Avhich the Spaniards had just built, attacked and took it after a severe battle. A portion of the garrison were taken to the site of the ruined French settlement on the St. Johns, and there hung to the same trees, with this inscription over their heads: "Not because they are Spaniards, but because they are traitors, robbers and mur- derers. ' ' GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 5 It was in 1565 that Menendez founded the city of St. Augustine, the oldest within the present limits of the United States. From this foothold colonies were sent out along the coast and into the interior of the province, and for an hundred years or rnore Florida was a growing and thriving Spanish colony. The Indians were almost uniformly hostile, but the superior civilization prevailed over them. Many vestiges of the early Spanish settle- ments in the State remain to show what the country was at this flourishing era of its history. The period of its deca- dence was at the conclusion of the great Continental war of 1753-60, when it passed from Spain into the possession of Great Britain. In the meantime it had been the scene of many conflicts. The English, under Sir Francis Drake, attacked and plundered St. Augustine in 1586. It was pillaged by the Indians in 161 1, and sacked 'by the Buc- caneers in 1665. Governor Moore, of South Carolina, raided into the colony in 1702, and unsuccessful attempts were made by the Georgians in 1725, 1740 and 1743 to capture and destroy St. Augustine. In 1763 Spain ceded the whole territory of Florida to Great Britain. So greatly had its prosperity declined that its population did not exceed 600. In 1781, the Spaniards captured Pensacola, and three years later, by virtue of the treaty of 1784, they resumed jurisdiction over the country. During the last war with Great Britain the English troops under Col. Nichols occupied Pensacola, but General Jack- son appearing before the town, they decamped to their fleet. Jackson, while fighting the Indians in 181 8, was so affronted by the conduct of the Spanish governor that he took possession of Pensacola and sent the Spanish prison- ers to Havana. The Spanish government recognized ^* manifest destiny" in 1 819, and consented to the cession of the entire terri- 6 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. tory of Florida to the United States. The exchange of flags took place in 1821, a territorial government was established in 1822, and Florida was admitted as a State into the Union in 1845, From the time of the cession down almost to our own day, there have raged those desolating Indian wars which reddened the border settlements with the blood of white men, women and children, and made the Everglades re- sound with the dying whoop of the hunted Seminole. The story of the valor of Coa-cou-chee, of Osceola, and of Little Cloud, fighting the last battles of their race for the hunting grounds of their ancestors, has passed into poetry and romance. Florida, like her sister . Southern States, was a battle- ground between North and South in the late civil war. After the passage of the ordinance of secession in 1861, Fort Pickens in Pensacola harbor, was invested by the Con- federate troops, and the Navy Yard was occupied.'. - Fer- nandina and St. Augustine were captured by Admiral Dupont's fleet in 1862. The following month the United States forces occupied Jacksonville, and the Confederate authorities abandoned nearly the whole of Northern and Western Florida, including Pensacola, and withdrew their army into Georgia. The year 1864 was characterized by raids on both sides. General Birney penetrated to Trent Creek, and the Confederate salt works at Ocala were de- stroyed. In February of this year General Trueman Sey- mour marched westward with a large body of United States troops, and at Olustee was disastrously defeated by the Confederate army under General Joseph Finegan. He retreated with a loss of 1200 men, leaving his dead and wounded on the field ; and during the remaining months of the war the Federals v/ere on the defensive. After the surrender of General Lee, at Appomattox, GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 7 Virginia, the people of Florida abandoned further re- sistance, and the State was duly reconstructed by Con- gress. The State of Florida extends from the parallel of 31° North latitude to 25° North latitude, and lies within 80° and S2>° West longitude from Greenwich. It is in the same latitude with the Desert of Sahara, Southern China and Northern Mexico, but its comparative degree of heat is not accurately indicated by its latitude, for it is isother- mal with the Bermudas, Egypt, Northern Hindostan, Southern California and Louisiana. Moreover, lying between the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Stream, its main portion is fanned by ocean breezes which materially modify the temperature. The shape of the State has been likened to that of a boot ; the foot part being Northern Florida, and the leg being the peninsula. The first extends about 350 miles from East to West, and the peninsula 400 miles from North to South, and ninety miles, on the average, from East to West. The Gulf Stream skirts the Eastern coast about 300 miles. The State contains 59,868 square miles, or 37,931,520 acres, and is therefore a little larger than Georgia, Illinois or Michigan, and almost as large as the New England States or the rnited kingdoms of Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands. The extent of her coast line is rather extraordinary. It is not less than i , 100 miles ; a distance nearly equal to that from Portland, Maine, to Jacksonville, Florida, in a straight line. The surface of the eastern section of the State is gener- ally level. In Western Florida it is rolling or hilly. The 8 GUIDE TO FLORIDA, extreme southern part is covered with swamps. The coast is indented with thousands of bays and inlets formed by the jutting of the land, and by innumerable islands. The principal rivers are the Apalachicola, which has its source in the mountains of Upper Georgia ; the beautiful Suwanee, in Middle Florida ; the Withlacoochee, the Ocklawha and the Indian River, in Southern Florida. The great stream of the State, however, is the magnificent St. Johns, which rises in the Everglades, and. winds northward a distance of four hundred miles until it empties into the Atlantic Ocean below Jacksonville. The peninsula is filled with beautiful lakes, some of them being navigable for large steamers, and one of them. Lake Okeechobee, in the Everglades, being fully forty miles long and thirty miles wide. The lake scenery, in the neighborhood of the upper waters of the St. John, is un- surpassed in loveliness. Several of the larger bays on the coast deserve notice. Tampa Bay, Apalachee Bay and Pen- sacola Bay, are broad and deep enough to float navies. The State abounds in remarkable mineral springs. The Wakulla River rises about ten miles northwest of St. Marks from one of them. The water is moderately cold and highly impregnated with lime. From the big spring of Chipola bursts a furious river ; Silver Spring, in Marion County, is a basin of surpassingly clear and deep water. The Sulphur Springs of* the Suwanee are a curiosity, and enjoy a local reputation for curing rheumatism, dyspepsia and other kindred diseases. Springs of salt water are not uncommon in the interior. Scientists say that the geological formation of Florida is of comparatively recent origin. The opinion of one of them, relative to the peninsula, is expressed in this lan- guage : '^The who]e peninsula has been formed by the successive growth of coral reefs added concentrically from GUIDE TO FLORIDA. North to South to the first deposits, while the accumula- tion between these reefs has been a mixture of coral and fragments of shells, the coral prevailing in some parts, as in the regions of the Everglades, and in other portions, especially the Northern and Eastern, the shell." Agassiz assumes, of the lower half of the peninsula, ''that if the growth be one foot in a century from a depth of seventy- five feet, and that each successive reef has added ten miles of extent southward, it would have required, on this com- putation, 135,000 years to have formed the southern half of the peninsula. ' ' The upper part of Florida is, of course, much older. lo GUIDE TO FLORIDA, Florida undoubtedly possesses the most equable and salubrious climate, all the year round, of any State in the Union. The thermometer seldom rises above 90^ in the summer, nor falls below 3,0° in the winter. The summer may be said to be seven months long, but the heat is not intense. This is attributable in a great degree to the circumstance that the peninsula is fanned on the East by the Atlantic breezes, and on the West by those of the Gulf of Mexico, both of which can be sensibly felt in the middle of the State. The winter in Florida resembles very much the season known in more northern latitudes as the " Indian Summer." The climate of Florida, however, has the additional ad- vantage of being more dry and elastic. Rain falls rarely during the winter months. Five out of six days are bright and cloudless, and of the most agreeable temperature. In Southern Florida frost very rarely appears. Even as far north as the Suwanee River there are generally but two or three nights iii a whole winter when ice as thick as a half dollar is found. A consequence of the evenness of the temperature is the very delightful salubrity of the nights in the sultriest season of the year, by which the body is refreshed, the sleep rendered sound, and the natural facul- ties are restored to vigor. The following tables show the range of the thermometer throughout the year in Florida, and the evenness of the temperature as compared with that of given points in the Northern Stated. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 1 1 Observations made at Jacksofwille during the six months ending April 30th, 1874; showing the highest and lowest ranges of the barometer and thermometer during each month, the total rainfall, the number of rainy days, and the prevailing wind. (Furnished by Richard McLaughlin, Esq. ) Month. BAEOMETEE. THERMOMETER. Total Kainfall in inches. Highest Lowest Highest Lowest. Mean. November, 1873 30.437 29.374 83 30 1 59 1 2.88 8 sw December, " 30.480 29.643 79 32 56 ] 3.38 7 N January, 1S74 30.658 29.810 77 35 55 1 .82 7 N February, " 30.362 29.845 1 81 37 58 ! 7.33 12 NE March, " 30.335 29.761 i 87 37 m ; 2.13 7 SW April, 30.370 29.703 1 J 91 42 70 \ 1.60 6 SW It is proper to observe that there is a marked difference in the theometric range at Enterprise, two hundred miles south of Jacksonville, the temperature being much more even. The following is a comparative table, showing the monthly and yearly mean of twenty years at St. Augustine, of thirty -07te years at West Point, ajid of thirty -five years at Fort' Snelling, Minn. : Jan. Feb. Mar. Apl. May Jun. July Aug Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. YEAR. St. Augiislino, Fla . . . 57.03 59.94 63.34 68.78 73.50 79.36 80.90 80.56 78.60 71.88 64.12 57.26 69.61 West Point, N. Y. 2S.2S 28.80 37.63 48.70 59.82 68.41 73.75 71.83 64.31 53.04 42.23 31.98 50.73 Ft. Snelling, Minn. . 13.70 17.57 31.41 56.34 58.97 68.46 73.40 70.05 58.86 47.15 31.67 16.89 46.54 12 GUIDE TO FLORIDA In Florida an extraordinary variety of valuable produc- tions are successfully cultivated. Lying as it does partly within the temperate zone and partly within the semi- tropical regions, within its limits may be seen flourishing most of the vegetation familiar to the soil of the Middle and Western States, together with the fruits of the West Indies. At least one-fourth of the entire area of the State is south of the line of frost, and will grow successfully the orange, the lemon, the citron, the grape fruit, the banana, the pine-apple, and the cocoa-nut. Most of the tropical trees and shrubs grow spontaneously. Tobacco, sugar and hemp have been cultivated to some extent, and can be made very valuable productions if systematically treated. The yield of sugar is much more to the acre than in Louis- iana. Cotton has hitherto been the leading staple. In- dian corn has been largely raised, but not in sufficient quantities to supply the home demand. Within a few years the raising of early vegetables for the Northern trade has been commenced, with great success, on the St. Johns River, and along the railroads. Among the vegetables which are readily grown and bring remunerative prices, are tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, green peas, beans, cab- bages, turnips, beets, squashes, onions, asparagus, and sweet and Irish potatoes. Wheat has been partially culti- vated in the northern part of the State. The Ramie plant has just been introduced, an-l it is believed will become an important staple. Arrowroot, indigo, the castor bean, can be raised without difficulty. The large growth of the Mulberry renders the conditions favorable to the produc- tion of the silk worm. There is no reason why tea and coffee cannot be cultivated, as the climate and soil are especially adapted to the purpose. Of the fruits other than tropical, the peach, grape, fig, pomegranate and plum are produced. Berries grow profusely. GUIDE TO FLORIDA, 13 Florida is the best timbered State in the Union. Over 30,000,000 of acres are covered with heavy forests. The business of cutting and shipping knriber is large and in- creasing. Florida also exports naval stores, and at Key West there are extensive salt works. Further remarks on the soil and productiveness of the State will be found in the paragraphs devoted to the advantages of Florida for immigrants. PQ)Pwm^wMQ^^ MQ€mm mM^m ^@miwm^M According to the census of 1870 the population of Flor^ ida aggregates 187,748; of which 96,057 are whites and 91,689 blacks. This shows a proportion of a fraction ovei three inhabitants to the square mile"* a density about equal to that of the States of Kansas and Texas. The population of the State in i860 was 140,123, so that in spite of the ravages caused by the civil v/ar, the increase in ten years has been 47,625, or thirty-four per cent. ' The leading cities and towns in the State are Jackson- ville with a population of 13,000, Fernandina with 2,500, Tallahassee with 2,500, St. Augustine with 2,000 Lake City with 2,000, Pensacola with 2,000, Gainesville with 1,500, Key West with 3,000 ; Palatka with 1,000, Quincy with 800, and Apalachicola with 1,000. The seat of government is at Tallahassee. The new constitution, adopted by the people and approved by Congress in 186S, vests the executive power in a Gover- nor, who is elected for four years. He is assisted in his deliberations by a Cabinet, composed gf the principal officers in the State, viz : the Secretary of State, the Attorney-General, the Comptroller, the State Treasurer, the Surveyor - General, the Superintendent of Instruc- 14 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. tion and the Commissioner of Immigration. This is a novel feature in the framework of a State government, but was suggested by the success of the arrangement in the Federal system. The legislative power is vested in a Senate and Assembly. The former consists of twenty- four members, elected for four years ; the latter of fifty- three members, elected for two years. The judicial pow- er is vested in a Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, County Courts and Justices of the Eeace. The Judges of the Su- preme Court are appointed for life, of the Circuit Courts for eight years, and of the County Courts for four years. The election for State and County Officers and Members of the JLegislature takes place the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Annual Sessions of the Legis- lature are held, beginning on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January. The present State government (1874-5) ^^ ^^ follows ; Governor, - - - M. L. Stearns. Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, - - S. B. McLiN. Comptroller. - - - C. A. Cowgill. Treasurer, - - - C. H." Foster. Attorney- General, - - Wm. A. Cocke. Commissioner of Immigra- ) -^ e^gan tion, - - [ Superintendent of Public ) t c Gibbs Instruction, - ) At the last Presidential election in the State (1872) the vote was as follows : Grant, 17,765 ; Greeley, 15,428; Re- pubHcan majority, 2,337. The Republicans elected two majority in the State Senate, and three majority in the House of Representatives. Florida, though one of the first-settled countries on this continent, has really all the characteristics of a new State. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 15 r Its scanty population has been scattered over a territory of nearly 60,000 square miles, and has heretofore been en- gaged almost wholly in agriculture. The social conveni- ences and advantages enjoyed in the thickly-settled States further North must not, therefore, be expected here. But immigration is pouring in and the State is rapidly im- proving. Schools and churches are to be found in all the towns and villages throughout the State, and a new sys- tem of public education has been provided for in the new constitution. In reference to the feeling of the old inhab- itants towards newcomers, the State Commissioner of Im- migration, Mr. Adams, (himself a Northern man) writes : ''In our correspondence the question is often asked: 'Is it safe for a Northern man to come to Florida?' .>The answer is : That there is no sort of danger whatever. The immigrant of good character and habits will be readily received by all. Southern men and v/omen are not su- per-human, and cannot be expected suddenly to absolve themselves from the domination of those trains of political thought and those prevalent social notions that have ruled them for years, or to sympathize at once with the political ideas of a triumphant radicalism, j But the whole popula- tion of the State is becoming rapidly convinced that 'men, money and labor,' are to be watch-words in the success of the future of Florida. * * * - Indeed, any good citizen that proposes to pay special attention to his own affairs, will be welcomed by all, and this without any sacrifice of principle or any abridgment of his rights of free thought and free speech. Northern men and women, who may come and persist in associating exclusively with each other, and sequester themselves diligently from all social intercourse with old residents, will be allowed thus to indulge their social predilections without let or hin- drance. ' ' i6 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. The All-Rail Routes. Visitors to Florida, going from the North, make Sa- vannah the first objective point. It can be reached from Eastern points via connecting lines to Baltimore. From N. Y. by the N. Y. and Phila. R. R., rmming through trains — to whicli are attached cars having all the modern improvements — to Baltimore, Washington and Richmond. From Baltimore, via Bay Li7i€ of Stea7ners to Ports^nouth, Va., connecting with ^^ Atlantic Coast Line^ Or, From Washington, via All Rail, ox Ac quia Creek, to Richmond; at Richmond two routes compete for the travel— the, ' ' Upper Route," via Danville, Charlotte and Augusta, and the "Atlantic Coast Line," via Petersburg, Wilmington and Charleston. The '' Great Southern Mail Route," via Washington, Lynchburg, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Macon, and Jesup Junction, gives the tourist an opportunity to visit the most interesting localities in the entire South. Travelers from points North and West of the Ohio River will find at the Railroad Ticket Offices in all of the principal cities schedules, giving the distances and time to Savannah and Florida. From Clevelajid, Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, De- troit, jDlaces on Lakes Erie and Michigan, and points North and East of Louisville, the "Short Line" is via Louisville and Nashville R. R. From St. Louis, and points North and West, the most direct route is via the St. Louis and Iron Mountain R. R. The Rail connections. North and West, are in excellent condition. Drawing Room and Palace Sleeping Cars are attached to all Through Trains. Polite and attentive Conductors and good Eating Houses on the entire route. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. I7 Schedules of the different routes will be found on adver- tisement pages at back of book. Through Tickets For Sale at BO§T®I^— At §^, '?'9, §2 & 134 Washington Street; Boston & Providence Depot; Boston & Albany Depot; Old Colony Depot ; No. 3 Old State House ; Boston^ Hartford & Erie De- pot; and N©. 15 U. S. Hotel Block. WE1¥ YOKM— 229, 263, 303, 31 T, 397 & 944 B'dway, 9 Astor House ; and all the principle Hotels ; and at foot Court- landt Street. BROOKLYN— 7 Court St. , City Hall Square. PHII^AI>EI^FIIIA— At 409, 700 & 838 Chestnut st.; Ex- change in Continental Hotel ; 44 South Fifth Street ; and at the "^ Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Depot, corner Broad and Prime Streets. BAILTIMIIRE— At the Camden Street Station, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depot; 149 & 150 W Baltimore st. ; S. E. cor- ner Baltimore and Calvert Street. ^i^ASm]^CJTOx¥— At Adams Express Building, opposite Balti- more Depot; at the Maryland Avenue Depot ; at 511 & 60S Pennsylvania Avenue ; Steamers, foot 7th Street ; and at the principal Hotels. Also at the Railroad Ticket Offices in Richmond, Charleston, Macon, Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Louisville, St. Louis and New Orleans By Sea to Florida. From New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. (By Steamship to Savannah, and thence to Florida.) The Sea Routes from New York are via New York and Savannah Steamships, consisting of three lines of com- modious and well appointed Steamers. The Zeo and Cleopatra, of Murray, Ferris & Go's Line, sail from Pier 16 East River, alternately on Tuesdays. The Steamships Her- \ man Livingston, Genl. Barnes^ San Jacinto and San Sal- \ vador, of the Empire Line, from Pier 43 North River, on all Thursdays and Saturdays, 1¥. R. Garrison, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green ; and the Steamships Himtsville and i8 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. Montgomery of the Black Star Line, will also leave Pier 13, North River, every Saturday. Robt. Lowden, Agent, 93 West Street. The New York and Charleston Line of Steamships, composed of staunch and favorite vessels, thoroughly sea- worthy and well-appointed in every respect, sonsisting of the James Adger, Manhattan, South Carolina, Champion, Georgia^ and Charleston^ sell Through Tickets to all points in Florida. Their sailing days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from Pier 29, North River. Jas. W. Quintard & Co., Agents. By Sea, from Boston. The Boston and Savannah S. S. Co. dispatch the nev." and elegant Steamers Semiiiole and Oriental, on the loth, 20th and 30th of each month ; returning, leave Savannah on the same dates. Through Tickets to all points in Flor- ida sold by F. Nickerson & Co. , Agents 205 State Street, Boston. By Sea, from Philadelphia. The Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Co. have a weekly line to Savannah, leaving every Saturday, from Queen Street Wharf. The Wyoming and C. W. Lord are noted as first-class vessels, and have obtained a most en- viable reputation for the regularity of their trips. Through Tickets sold to all points in Florida and the interior of Georgia and Alabama. W. L. James, Agent, 237 and 239 Dock Street, Philadelphia. By Sea, from Baltimore. The Baltimore and Savannah Steamship Compan} des )atch, at intervals of five days, one of theij GUIDE TO FLORIDA 19 thoroughly sea-worthy and commodious Steamers to Sa- vannah, The Line is extremely well managed, and the A7nerica and Saragossa are commanded by experienced and able officers. Through Tickets to all points in Florida and the interior are sold by the Agent, James B. Andrews, Flannigan's Wharf, Baltimore. \ From Charleston and Savannah to Florida. The traveler has choice of routes from Charleston. First, via All Rail to Savannah by way of the Savannah and Charles- ton Railroad to Savannah, and from thence via the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, to Live Oak, Florida, at which point he connects with the Florida network of railroads, and is thus brought in close railway or steamboat communication with all the principal points in the State. The Express trains of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad leave Savannah daily at 14.30 P. M., on the arrival of trains from Charleston. The conductors on the route are courteous and attentive, and to the night train Pullman Palace and Sleeping Coaches are attached. The tourist is, however, advised to provide himself with a hand basket, as no very superior restaurant ' accommodations exist along the line. Or, Second, by the Steamers of the Charleston and Florida Steamship Co. j the Dictator and City Point leaving Charleston on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8.30 P. M., making a short stop at Savannah, thence running direct to Jacksonville and Palatka, connecting at both places with steamers for the upper St. Johns, and at Tocoi with the St. Johns Railway for St. Augustine. The steamers of this line are staunoh, sea-worthy vessels, commanded by old and reUable captains, selected for their knowledge of the Coast and their thorough seamanship. The tabled' are 20 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. also bountifully supplied with all the delicacies in season, and the officers are courteous and obliging. Florida can also be reached from New Orleans by Steamers of the New Orleans, Florida and Havana S. S. Co., which touch at Cedar Keys, en route to Key West and Havana. Northern visitors to Florida, who wish to return home either by the way of Havana or the Missis- sippi River can avail themselves of this convenient route, embarking at Cedar Keys. I. K. Roberts, Agent New Orleans, Florida and Havana S. S- Co., New Orleans, La. It has been well said that no part of the United States can furnish a more exciting and agreeable winter hunting- ground than Indian River and the Gulf Coast. Turkeys, Ducks, Squirrels, Deer and Bear are to be found through- out the State. The hunter in the Indian river region ' ' may comfortably camp out, month after month,, with a single blanket, taking as he needs his sweet potatoes from the ground, and the orange, lemon and banana from the ' plantations along the route, and in the continuous sunshine of an unending spring surfeit himself with the pursuit of game." In the rivers and bays of Florida the lover of angling will find his real paradise. They literally swarm with valuable fish. Mullet, Bass, Sheepshead, Trout, Perch — salt water and fresh — and innumerable other varieties abound. The fish caught in the Lower St. Johns will run from one to forty pounds in weight. Lakes Harney and Jessup are abundantly stocked with fish of excellent quality, which are easily caught with nets, hooks or spears. FAYORITE FLORIDA ROUTE VIA Baltimore, Portsmouth aud Wilmington, Popularly known to the traveling public as the Persons visiting FLORIDA should remember that the mmm ^^w mEmm mm mwmMmmmm Is one of the oldest and best managed lines to the South. The Steamers of this Line are the Largest, Fastest and Most Elegant south of New York. LEAVING DAILY (Sunday Excepted) on the arrival of the Morning Train from NEW YORK, andNoon Train from PHILADELPHIA. A Section of the Steamers, with State Rooms, Berths, «fec., is reserved ex- clusively for Ladies and Children traveling alone. Passengers arrive at Tn time to take the through train to WILMINGTON (WITHOUT CHANGE,) Connecting with ©HAK&Bl®@ir AW® AWi^¥SlA» Connecting at both the above points with through trains for SAlfilNMH, m ILL PdliWS IN FLORIDA. o The Meals furnished are unequalled ; having access to the markets of Balti- more and Norfolk, unquestionably the best in the country. ^ SUPPER AND BREAKFAST AND AN ENTIRE NIGHT'S REST ON THE BAY LINE STEAMERS. Baggage Checked Through to all the principal points. Persons returning north will find Schedule, &c., &c., equally as perfect as going south. TICKETS GOOD UNTIL USED, with the privilege of stopping over at all Terminal Points, can be obtained at all Principal Ticket Offices, North and South. Schedules giving time and all necessary information can be obtained wherever Through Tickets are sold. W. J. WALKER, EMMET BROWN, General Passenger Agent. General Ticket Agent. TO AND FROM FLORIDA AMD THE lORTH —VIA— Oil lOliillOl Mil AND THE Atlantic Coa st Line of Railways. Elegant Side-Wheel Passenger Steamers. OLD DOMJNSON, - - - - 2222 Tons. WYANOKE, --...- 2067 " ISAAC BELL, - - « - - 1600 " GEO. W. ELDER, (Propeller), - -2000 " RICHMOND, ' - - 1700 " The Steamers are ths largest aud most comfortable sailing out of New York. Leaving Pier 37, North River, Foot of Beach Street, EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, At 3 O'clock P. M. The Steamers Leave E^ORFOLK EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATURDAY, At 7:30 P, M., on the arrival of the southern trains. ONLY 26 HOURS ^EA VOYAGE by this line, avoiding exposure along the Coast of Cape Hatteras, &c. Time through from all Points South and Southwest to Uew York, within 4 hours of all the Rail Routes. Tickets by this Route include Meals and State Room accommodations on Steamers. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. For Tickets, Time Cards, and full information apply at OLI> I30]MIIVI0rV S. S. 00-, Or, 397 BROADWAY, A. POPE, W. H. STANFORD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Atlantic Coast Line. Sec. O. D. S. S. Co. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 23 Alligator hunting is a sport peculiar to these southern latitudes and can be enjoyed to perfection along the rivers, lakes and lagoons of Florida. It takes a practiced eye to detect an alligator, for it closely resembles a rotten log, half-submerged and motionless. Shooting the alliga- tor from the decks of the river steamers is a common enough custom, but the real alligator hunt is to be had on the upper lakes where they swarm in almost countless numbers. Hunting parties for Lake Harney are made up at Enterprise, on the Upper St. Johns. The expense is not much and the amusement prodigious. St. Augustine. The antiquarian and enthusiast in historical research will find abundant material of interest in the visible traces of the Spanish occupation of two and three centuries ago. Remains of ancient cities, forts, breastworks, churches, and roads may be found, sometimes when least expected, in the midst of dense forests which have grown up and covered the vestiges of the early civilization, St. Augustine 24 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. the oldest city on the North American continent, is unsur- passed in interest to the antiquarian. The battle fields of the later Indian wars also have a peculiar attractive- ness. Here the tourist may study the historic spots illus- trated by the valor and genius of Jackson, Taylor and Worth. The State of Florida offers rare opportunities for study to the students in Geology and Botany. The former have an interesting and important subject for in- vestigation in the extraordinary coral formation of the peninsula; the latter in the wonderful and varied growth of floral and other vegetation. Several professors of Natural History from Northern institutions of learning were in Florida last year, collecting specimens of insects, birds, fishes and beasts. There are several excellent tax-' idermists in Savannah who make a business of preparing specimens for naturalists. There are those to whom field and water sports are un- interesting. They travel for a love of change merely, or to behold the beautiful and novel in nature or to enjoy idleness — as a relaxation from severe and unremitting labor. The soft, balmy air, the clear, blue sky, the genial, though never enervating warmth, the tropical richness of the verdure, the bright-plumaged birds filling the forests with their music, the placid, transparent lakes and river scenery of unsurpassed loveliness, fulfil all the conditions required by this class of tourists. No American need seek an Italy across the waters when one lies here, almost within a day's travel. k:^^ GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 25 For more than a century Florida has been a resort for invalids from all parts of the world and particularly for those afflicted with pulmonary complaints. The dryness, evenness and salubrity of the climate are a most delightful and health-restoring change from the piercing winds and frigid temperature of the Northern, Middle and Western States in the winter. That many consumptives who have come to Florida die of the disease is true, but it is equally certain that they had postponed their visit until it was beyond the power of any climatic change to effect a cure. But there are thousands of persons threatened with the consumptive's death who have recovered their health in Florida, or at least have lengthened their days not un- pleasantly. It is estimated that at least forty thousand people visited Florida last winter, of whom about a fourth were invalids. The many beautiful villages and landings on the St. Johns River, as far up as Enterprise, were crowded with these seekers for renewed life and health. St. Augustine and the Indian river country, on the Atlantic coast, were also filled with visitors of the same character. Among these were not only people troubled with lung diseases, but those who were suffering from nervous complaints and from physical and mental prostration. Many were over- worked business men from the great cities of the North and West, who sought this delicious and invigorating mode of recuperation. The mildness of the atmosphere in winter permits much exercise in the. open air. It is not uncommon for the native ladies to walk late in the moonlight evenings covered, as to the head, only with a lace veil. Some nights are damp and chilly, particularly in the Northern 2b GUIDE TO FLORIDA, parts of the State, and a little fire is comfortable ; but usually, throughout the winter, the inhabitants sit without a fire and with open doors and windows. These remarks are not intended to convey the idea that caution as to clothing can be neglected by the invalid. A writer on this point says : ''As a rule, invalids should not expose themselves to the night air nor be tempted on warm, bright days to lay aside thick shoes and comfortable clothing. The invalid should always be clad in woolen clothing, and the robust do not require a linen suit except in the summer months." Statistics testify to the healthfulness of Florida. Not- withstanding the fact that so many thousands of consump- tives resort to the State for relief, the proportion of deaths from pulmonary complaints in it is less than in any other State in the Union. The census of 1870 showed that these deaths were as follows : Massachusetts, - - - one in 283 Maine, - - - - " 3^5 Vermont, - - - - '' ^ 463 New York, - - - - '' 379 Pennsylvania, _ _ _ <' 470 Ohio, -----*' 507 California, - - - ''450 Virginia, - - - - - " 585 Indiana, . . . - ''599 Illinois, - - - - '' 698 Florida, - - - • - ''1,433 There is a wide-spread misapprehension respecting the malarial character of the interior of Florida, It is sup- posed that in some parts the air is charged with the most poisonous and noxious vapors arising from the swamp lands, and that fevers are common in consequence of it. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 27 It is true that there is much swampy land in the State, and that wherever there is a dense vegetable growth accom- panied by decomposition, malarious diseases arise, but in this case, the magnificent breezes, which sweep across the country, clear the atmosphere and purge it of its evil humors. All fevers in Florida assume a much milder type than in other sections where they are prevalent. Surgeon-General Lawson, of the United States Army, in his report explicitly asserts this. He says that statistics show " that the ratio of deaths to the number of cases of remittent fever has been much less among the troops serv- ing there than in any other portion of the United States. In the Middle Division the proportion is i death to t,6 cases of remittent fever ; in the Northern Division, i to 52; in the Southern Division, i to 54; in Texas, i in 78; in California, i in 122; in New Mexico, i in 148; while in Florida it is i in 287. The remedial character of the springs, which abound in every part of the State, must not be overlooked. Some are known to be highly beneficial to rheumatic and dys- peptic patients. A reference to the index of this work will give inquirers the location of several of the best esteemed spas in the State. 28 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. The Legislature of Florida has taken active measures to induce immigrants, from the North and West and from Europe, to settle in the State. A Department of Immigra- tion has been established in connection with the State Government j the officer is styled Commissioner of Immi- gration, and he is a member of the Governor's Cabinet. The Bureau furnishes, upon application, all the informa- tion an intending settler m.ay desire about the price, character and situation of lands and the means of getting to them. It may be succinctly said that the inducements to immi- gration to Florida consist in the cheapness of the lands, ease of tillage, wide scope of crops, heavy profits and healthfulness of climate. The lands of the State are classified as swamp lands, high and low hummock and pine. The first are the most durably rich lands in the Union. Ditching is indispensable in preparing them for profitable cultivation ; then they produce a succession of luxuriant crops with the most wonderful vigor. They are especially adapted for sugar, and have been known to yield four hogsheads to the acre, which is more than twice the average of Louisiana productiveness. There is at least a million of acres of this land vacant in Florida, most of which can be bought of the State for less than two dollars per acre. The characteristic of the hammock, as distinguished from the pine land, is, that it is covered with a growth of underbrush, while the latter is open. Whenever the land is not so low as to be called a swamp and produces an undergrowth of shrubbery, it is called hammock. These lands stud the pine forests every few miles and vary in extent from twenty acres to forty thousand acres. The GUIDE 10 FLORIDA. 29 low hummocks require a little ditching, and are adapted to the growth of the cane. The high hummocks are composed of very rich soil and produce, with very little cultivation, all the crops of the country. They require ho other preparation than clearing and ploughing, and are the lands most sought after by new settlers ; the price varies from 25 cents to ^25.00 per acre, according to location. The pine lands are generally cleared by girdling the trees and cutting away the underbrush. The following year nothing remains but the trunks and dry branches which offer no further impediment to the rays of the sun. The fertility of what is denominated " first-rate pine " is remarkable. Some districts have yielded during fourteen yesiis of successive cultivation, without the aid of manure, 400 pounds of Sea Island Cotton to the acre. The poorer classes of pine lands are valuable for the raising of Sisal hemp. They afford an excellent range for cattle, and are vvorth still more for their timber and naval stores. Prices 3f ''first-rate pine" land varies from 25 cents to ^10 oer acre, according to location. Unimproved lands on the St. Johns River can be had It from $5 to ^15 ; and improved lands in the same locality at from ^20 to $30. Plantations in other parts Df the State, partially cleared ■ and having some improve- iTients, such as buildings and fences, are worth from $^ to gio per acre. Lands, having orange groves in bearing, ire from ^50 to ^250 per acre. On account of the genial :limate, the finished, compactly-built dwelling-houses of he more rigorous North are not required. Less expen- ive buildings, the cost being not more than from ;^20o o $500, will answer every purpose of health and comfort. The extraordinary variety of crops suitable to the |oil of Florida is alluded to on another page. Many of 30 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. them, with much less of the cost and hard labor expended in other farming sections of th3 Union, can be made exceedingly profitable. For settlers of small means the early vegetable cultivation and the raising of fruit make handsome returns, and for large capitalists there are fortunes in the production of cotton, sugar, fine Cuban tobacco and naval stores. There are also similar induce- ments in stock raising, the cutting of timber and lumber, salt making and the fisheries. Enterprising men and women, who know ^' how to keep a hotel," can settle any- where along the railroad lines or on the St. Johns, and depend on constant and remunerative business. Visitors to Florida, for the first time, are usually appre- hensive about snakes. Notwithstanding its tropical situ- ation there are few poisonous reptiles in Florida. In some localities the rattlesnake may be found, if sought for diligently, but generally the only snake visible is a species of harmless, water snake. The alligators are not aggres- sive towards strangers. They are rather disposed to run than fight when attacked. The mosquitoes flourish in the summer season, as they do everywhere else, but are less voracious than the Jersey breed. The other bugbear to the stranger in Florida — the malarial fever, is spoken of elsewhere. When it does occur, it is of the very mildest type, is not necessarily dangerous and yields easily to simple rejtr^edies. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 31 Charleston, the principal city of South Carolina, and the largest on the Atlantic coast of the United States south of Baltimore, is situated on a tongue of land between the rivers Ashley and Cooper. Its population in 1870 was 48,956, of which 26,173 were negroes and mulattoes. It is a large cotton and rice mart, and is connected with the interior of the country by extensive lines of railway. History — Charleston was originally settled by the iEnglish in 1679. It was one of the most important and opulent of the old colonial cities. In 1776 the British fleet, under Sir Peter Parker, was beaten off by the fort on Sullivan's Island. The city was captured by the British in 1780. The great civil war of 1860-65 began here with the passage of the ordinance of secession in December, i860. Harbor — The harbor is one of the largest and hand somest on the coast of America. The ruins of Fort Sum- ter, situated at its entrance, constitutes the spot of most interest to strangers visiting Charleston. Castle Pinckney, a short distance from the city, and Fort Moultrie, on Sulli- van's Island, are also fortresses of historic renown. A packet yacht conveys visitors to these points every after- noon, ilnformation of the hour of sailings etc., may be bbtained at the hotels. Hotels — Visitors will find that the Charleston Hotel continues to deserve its well-earned popularity under the eflficient management of its proprietor, Mr. E. H. Jackson. Its entire service is unexceptionable. In the ticket office of the house will be found the well-known and obliging General Ticket Agent, Mr. A. Butterfield, from whom tour- ists may obtain all necessary information relative to routes, 32 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. time, distance, and rates of fare. Among other favorite houses, too, may be mentioned the Pavilion Hotel, kept by G. T. Alford & Co. During the past year it has been refitted and decorated throughout, and offers first-class accommodations to its guests at reasonable prices. Its cuisine is said to equal that of Delmonico. Streets — Meeting street is the longest and most ele - gant avenue. King street is the fashionable shopping thoroughfare. They run parallel the entire length of the city. Public Mllildiiags — St. Michael's Church, a ven- erable edifice on the corner of Broad and Meeting streets, is worth seeing. The Post Office building at the lower end of Broad street, is an ante-revolutionary structure. In its cellars American prisoners were cruelly incarcerated during the war for independence. The new Custom House is an imposing marble building. The Orphan House on Calhoun street is one of the architectural ornaments of the city. On its grounds is a marble statue of William Pitt erected by the citizens of Charleston previous to the Revo- lution. The Charleston College, the Medical College, Roper's Hospital, the City Hall, the Citadel, and the Ar- senal, are large and handsome buildings. There is an in- teresting museum connected with the Charleston College. Fiaces 'worth Yisitillg' — Pleasant trips may be made by the ferry-boats to Moultrieville and Mount Pleas- ant, the summer resorts of the Charlestonians. Those who prefer to sail or row around the historic waters of Charleston Harbor, will find a fine collection of boats for hire, on reasonable terms, at Capt. Young's wharf. Magnolia ' Savannah & Charleston R. R. THE INITIAL ROUTE SOUTH OF THE .G-REAT ATLANTIC COAST LINE. FROM CHARLESTON TO JACKSONVILLE, Fla. so XZOXJXXS. Passengers from Charleston to all points in Florida make the quickest time by this roate. On all Night Trains. SCHEDULE. EXPRESS TRAINS. DAY TRAINS (Sundays excepted). Leave Charleston 8.10 a.m. Arrive Savannah 3.30 p.m. Leave Charleston, Daily 5.00 p.m. Arrive Savannah, " 11.45 " Leave Savannah, " 11.30 " Arrive Charleston, " 7.05 a.m. Leave Savannah 9.30 a.m. Arrive Charleston, , 4.16 p.m. S. C. BOYLSTON, C. S. GADSDEN, Gen'l Freight & Ticket Agt., Charleston. Engineer and Supt. NOTRH EASTERN RAILROAD. Connecting at FLORENCE with the Wilmington, Augusta & Columbia Eailroad, And at CHARLESTON with the ©nSAT JLTLiLHTIO COAST LINE, For and from ALL POINTS ON THE ATLANTIC SEABOARD. SCHEDULE. Leave Florence 3.45p.m. ll.SOnight. Arrive Charleston 9.15 p.m. 3.46 a.m. Leave Charleston ^ . 6.30 a.m. 7.00 p.m. Arrive Florence... ,. .,,..,.,, ,...,,,, 11.55 noon. 1.25 a.m. P, lU, C!«EAP©R, F. K. HUCER, « General Ticket Agent, guperiBt©o4est 34 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. Cemetery, a short distance beyond the city lines, is a beau-- tiful spot and has many fine monuments. The Battery, at the lower end of Meeting street, is a magnificent prome- nade and afi'ords an excellent view of the harbor. The Burnt District, which extends from river to river across the middle of the city, marks the track of the great fire of 1864. The Markets should be visited on a Saturday night, and some of the large Rice Mills are interesting. A trip to the wonderful Phosphate Grounds should not be omitted. At the Academy of Music, one of the most elegant theatres in the Union, operatic and dramatic performances are given during the winter. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 35 [advertisement.] Pulaski House— S. N. Papot & Co., Proprietors. This house, which has for many years been considered the leading hotel in Savannah, if not in the South, has lost none oi its prestige, and we can assure our readers that they will consult their comfort by patronizing it. Its location gives it many advantages over the other hotels of the city, not least among which is its southern frontage of 273 feet, looking directly on Johnson Square (one of the most beautiful squares in the city), thereby giving all of its front rooms a southern exposure — a most important desider- atum in this climate, either in winter or summer. Since the death of its former proprietor, Major W. H. Wiltberger, i it has been leased to Messrs. S. N. Papot & Co., who have had the house thoroughly renovated. It has been painted, inside and out, many important changes made in the in- terior arrangements, the furniture has been renewed, and in fine everything has been done to make its guests abso- lutely comfortable. If kind and courteous treatment, with <:omfortable rooms, which cannot be excelled, offer any inducements to our friends going South, either for health ■or pleasure, we think we can safely recommend them to patronize the Pulaski during their sojourn in Savannah, Passengers holding through tickets will take Pulaski House omnibuses. ^6 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. The commercial emporium of the Empire State of the South is beautifully situated on the Savannah River, about 1 8 miles from its mouth. Savannah, next to New Orleans, is the largest port of shipment of cotton in the Southern States, and one of the largest in the world. It is advan- tageously placed for a great, thriving and increasing busi- ness, the Savannah river affords it water communication with the Northern part of the state for 380 miles. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad connects it with the rich and growing sections of Southern, Middle and Upper Georgia, and with Florida and the Gulf ports. The Georgia Central road running through Middle Georgia to Atlanta and the Savannah and Charleston Railroad to Charleston, S. C, are important links connecting the city with the West and North. There are four lines of first class steamers to New York, and weekly lines to Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston. Savannah according to the census of 1870 had a popula- tion of 28,235, of which 13,068 were colored. Its receipts of cotton in 1872-3 amounted to 626,768 bales. It also exported 34,000,000 feet of lumber, and the total value of its exports that year was ^50,000,000, which gave it the rank of the third exporting port in the United States. The city is handsomely laid out with broad streets closely shaded by water oaks, live oaks, magnolia, sycamore and pride of India trees. At nearly every other corner there is a public square, planted with these magnificent shade trees. The number of these squares is 24. South, Broad and Bay streets have grassy promenades in the middle, with carriage ways on either side. Hotels. The principal hotels are the Pulaski House (S. N. Papot & Co.) the Marshall House, (A. B. Luce,) the European House, (John Bresnan,) and the Pavilion Hotel, (P. J. Hobart,) all of which are advertised elsewhere. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 37 There are many fine buildings in Savannah, among which may be mentioned the City Exchange, New Market House, St. Andrews Hall, the New Custom House and the Hall of the Georgia Historical Society. The Independent Pres- byterian Church and St. John's Episcopal Church have considerable architectural merits. Strangers will find many spots in and about Savannah worth visiting. Fort Pulaski, a few miles down the river was the scene of a long siege during the late war. The original cost of its construction was ^988,859. Forsyth Park though small in area (20 acres)— is quite a resort for the citizens and attractive to strangers, as it is composed mostly of the natural growth of the forests. The fountain in the centre, is considered a beau- tiful model. It is after the style of the fountains in the Place de la Concord in Paris. The walks are prettily laid out, and covered with shell. It is the fashionable resort for the elite of the city. - BonaTenture Cemetery, one of the loveliest spots in the world, has rural charms peculiar to itself. The long avenues, by the side of which the dead are sleep- ing are arched by the branches of great trees from which the gray moss sweeps in heavy festoons. There are some noticeable monuments in this cemetery, which derives its name from the original tract of which it formed a part, and which was first settled in or about 1670 by Col. John Mul- ryne, an Englishman. By the marriage of his daughter Mary in 1761 to Josiah Tatnall of Charleston, it came in- to possession of the latter family, and Gov. Tatnall of Georgia was born there in 1765. This marriage is of especial interest, as having, it is said, been the occasion of the planting of the great live oaks which now grace the spot. Tradition has it that they were planted in the forms 38 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. of the letters M and T — the initials of the bride's and groom's respective family names. In 1847 the estate passed into the hands of a Capt. P. Wiltberger, and was by him adapted to its present use. His remains now rest within its limits.* Thunderbolt, a picturesque bluff, 5 miles from the city, from which a good view of the country can be ob- tained, is a favorite resort for pleasure parties. JTlonuments. A monument in honor of General Nathaniel Greene adorns Johnson Square. One to the memory of Count Pulaski is erected on the spot where he fell in the attack on the city in 1779. The Theatre is open during the winter season and presents the best musical and dramatic artists of the coun- try in succession. Views of Savannah, visitors invariably endeavor to visit the Photographic Studios and Ferrotype rooms of J, N. Wilson, situate at 143 Broughton St. and 21 Bull St. It is the oldest and finest establishment of the kind in the city, and visitors are always welcome whether they buy or not. Here may be seen a large and varied assortment of stereoscopic views of the beautiful Forest City and its lovely environs, the aggregate forming a complete art gallery. Savannah enjoys an enviable reputation for salubrity. During the winter months the hotels and private boarding houses are filled with Northern visitors. The climate is better suited to some invalids than points further South. Tourists bound to Florida usually sojourn a few days in Savannah to enjoy its genial weather and visit its places of interest. * This sketch was kindly furnished by Commodore JosiahTatnaU,andwi|l prove of interest to aU vJsiting: Savannah, 39 Points of ProDiinence in Florida and Sontliera Seorgia, on tlie Line of tie Atlantic anlMRailroai This Railroad is the great connecting link between the Atlantic coast railroads from the North (via Savannah) and Southern Georgia and Florida. It affords a through railroad connection for passengers and freight between those flourishing sections and Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The main trunk extends from Savannah to Bainbridge, on the Flint River, nearly to the Alabama State line, a distance of 236 miles. There are two branch roads ; one beginning atDu Pont and extending to Live Oak, a distance of forty-eight miles, and connecting with the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad ; and the other from Tkom- asville to Albany, Ga., a distance of fifty-eight miles. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad also connects at Jesup with the Macon and Brunswick R. R., and at Way Cross with the Brunswick and Albany R. R. ; passengers and freight are taken either for the coast, or for all points in Middle and Upper Georgia and Alabama. The following are the stations on the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad after leaving Savannah :. Tl^ays — 15^ miles from Savannah, 220^ miles from Bainbridge. Wood station. There are Presbyterian and Baptist Churches near here. The County seat of Bryan County is near here. Within one mile east of this station the road crosses the Great Ogeechee River. Some of the largest rice plantations in Georgia are situated on its banks. A short distance below the bridge the blockade runner, '^Rattlesnake," previously the *• Nashville," was sunk by the guns of the Federal fleet, then lying below Genesis Point. On this point was the Confederate battery, Fort McAllister, which was cap- 40 GUIDE TO FLORIDA tured after a sharp fight, by Sherman's Army, on its *' march to the sea." F'lemiilg — 24 miles from Savannah and 212 miles from Bainbridge. Telegraph office. About fifteen miles from here, on the shore, is the harbor of Sunbury, one of the best on the Georgia coast, and one of the ear- liest settlements in the State. Visitors may see there the old Sunbury Fort and have a fine view of St. Catherine's Sound. At Fleming are Methodist and Baptist Churches. Mclllt^sll — 32 miles from Savannah and 204 miles from Bainbridge. This station is two and one- half miles from the village of Flemington, Liberty County ; five miles from Hinesville, the County seat ; and ten miles from Riceboro, the head of water navigation on the North Newport River. ^WalttlOMFVille — 39 miles from Savannah, 197 miles from Bainbridge. The village of Walthourville is two miles from the station, and in ante bellum days was the summer residence of the wealthy planters of Lib- erty County. It was the birth-place of a number of the most eminent men of the State, and was noted for the intelligence and refinement of its society. Present popu- lation, 300. The place is a resort for invalids. There are good boarding houses kept by Messrs. Brown and Miller. Rates from ^1.50 to ^2.00 per day for transient visitors. The neighborhood abounds with deer and partridge. There are two churches in Walthourville, one Presbyterian and one Baptist. ttfolinstoil — 46 miles from Savannah, 190 miles from Bainbridge. Population, 150. The village con- tains a boarding-house, kept by Mrs. Johnston, two saw mills and a shingle mill near by. Plenty of game will be found in the vicinity. Upon leaving this station, the road descends into the GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 4I valley of the Altamaha River. This river is one of the largest in the State and is formed by the junction of the Oconee and Ocmulgee Rivers ; the former, navigable for steamboats to Dublin, and the latter to Macon. Darien, where a large trade is carried on in lumber and timber, lies near the mouth of the Altamaha. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad crosses this stream upon a substantial lattice bridge of four spans, formed upon brick pieces of suffi- cient height for steamers to pass below. The swamp abounds in cypress and oak. The cypress is manufactured into shingles, and shipped to Macon, Savannah and North- ern ports, and quantities of oak staves are exported to France and Spain. I^OCtOFtoifSI — 53 miles from Savannah, 183 miles from Bainbridge. This station is near the site of an old Indian town, which was the abode of a famous "medicine man," whence the name of the station. JTesup — 57 miles from Savannah, 179 miles from Bainbridge. Telegraph office. Junction of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad. Passengers take cars here for Macon, Atlanta, and all points in Middle and Northern Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. Connection is also made here with the growing and prosperous city of Bruns- wick, forty miles distant on the Atlantic coast. Jesup will also be the Northern terminus of the Great Southern R. R. to Jacksonville, now under construction. The population of Jesup is about 500. Hotels, kept by Mrs. Blain and Mr. Williams, will accommodate about sixty guests. Rates $3.00 per day. Th.Q Jesup Georgian is published here. Screveii — 68 miles from Savannah, 168 miles from Bainbridge. Wood station. Upon the line of the road for the thirty miles west of this station, in the finest lumber region of the State, are situated eight or ten large circular saw mills. The 42 GUIDE TO FLORIDA lumber interest is annually increasing in importance, and adds largely to the revenues of this road. The shipments of lumber over the road have increased from 8,000,000 feet in 1866, to 32,000,000 feet in 1871. Short lateral branches are being constructed into the virgin forests on either side of the line, and it is probable that the annual shipments will continue to increase for many years to come. Patterson — 77 miles from Savannah, 159 miles from Bainbridge. There are three churches in the vicinity. Mlackstiear — S6 miles from Savannah, 150 miles from Bainbridge. Population, 800. County seat of Pierce County. There are in the village and vicinity four saw mills and a grist mill. The Knoles House (Mrs. Way) accommodates travelers at $2.50 per day or $7.00 per week. The country hereabouts is heavily timbered, and large quantities of round and square timber are cut and shipped. There is a Methodist Church in the village. Way Cross — 96 miles from Savannah, 140 miles from Bainbridge — Junction of the Brunswick and Albany R. R. — 57 miles from Brunswick. Population 600. County seat of Ware County. The town, which was laid out in 1 87 2, stands on a sandy ridge, with a clay sub-soil, and a clear, bold stream of running water on the south. There is a commodious hotel (board $2.00 per day or $30.00 per month), a fine Church (Methodist), a neat Academy and a number of beautiful residences. CeSjeauville — 97 miles from Savannah, i39' miles from Bainbridge. Telegraph office. Population about 100. Situated near the head of the great Okafono- kee Swamp, which abounds with game and fish, and is a famous resort of ihe sportsman. The Railroad House at this station, kept by J. W. Remshart, will accommodate about thirty guests at ^2.00 per day. y ,, GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 43 Homer SVille— 122 miles from Savannah, 114 miles from Bainbridge. Population, 200. CouD-ty seat of Clinch County. The Okafonokee Swamp is near by. Cowart's Hotel and Hodge's boarding house afford good accommodations to visitors and sportsmen. Sugar cane is raised to some extent on the neighboring plan- tations. J>U Pont — 131 miles from Savannah, 105 miles from Bainbridge. Telegraph office. Junction with the Florida branch of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, (which see, at the end of this article.) The Railroad House accommodates travelers at ;^2,oo per day. In the village the Primitive Baptists have a small meeting- house. The climate here is agreeable and the water excel- lent. The country is heavily covered with yellow pine. Stockton — 1 39 miles from Savannah, 105 miles from Bainbridge. Wood station. ]¥ayBor — 144 miles from Savannah, 97 miles from Bainbridge. Population, about 75. There are two saw mills and a wool-carding establishment near here. Valdosta — 157 miles from Savannah, 79 miles from Bainbridge. Telegraph office. Population, 2000. County seat of Lowndes County. The largest town on the rail- road between Savannah and Thomasville. It ships about 5000 bales of cotton per season, and contains several mills, five white and two negro Churches, and two good hotels, Stuart's Railroad Hotel and Tranquil Hall, where accom- modations may be had at ^5.00 per week for permanent guests. The South Geoi'gia Times is published here. In the neighborhood are many natural curiosities; one of the small rivers enters a cave and disappears. Ocean Pond and Long Pond, from three to five miles in extent, afford the best fresh-water fishing in Georgia. From this station westward to Thomasville, the road 44 GUIDE TO FLORIDA passes throttgh a region which, perhaps, offers more inducements to emigration than any other part of Southern Georgia or Florida. It is a rolling country, well watered, and thickly wooded with yellow pine and other timber, There are many thrifty farmers engaged in planting cotton, corn and sugar cane, and in raising stock for the Savannah market. In summer the southerly winds are cooled in passing over the Gulf of Mexico, and the nights are always pleasant. Cases of malarial disease are rare, and mosquitoes are almost unknown. In short, there is no other part of the Southern country possessing the same advantages of climate, soil and productions, of health, proximity to schools, churches and centres of trade, where land can be purchased at as small a price as in this vicin- ity. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad was only extended to Thomasville at the beginning of the late war, and as it is not on any of the great Southern Through Lines, it has in a great measure escaped the attention of persons going South in pursuit of health or seeking a home. OMSley — 1 66 miles from Savannah, 70 miles from Bainbridge. Population, 150. Travelers are accommo- dated by J. A. and W. H, Ousley, In the vicinity are several pretty lakes. Two miles west of this station the road crosses the Withlacoochee River, an affluent of the Suwanee. Upon its banks and near the road are two springs (one of them a sulphur spring), which enjoy quite a local reputation. Qliatmail — 174 miles from Savannah, 62 miles from Bainbridge. Telegraph office. One of the most flourishing towns in Southern Georgia. Population, 1500. County seat of the fertile county of Brooks, which contains ten water and six steam mills. In Quitman are two carriage manufactories, a cotton and wool factory with a capital of ;^ 7 5,000; five churches, belonging to the Methodists j GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 45 Baptists and Presbyterians ; thirty business houses, mostly built of brick, and three educational institutions ; the Lovick Pierce College with 60 students, Quitman Academy with 100 students, and the Howard Institute (colored) with 60 students. This young town was planned and the streets blazed out of the pine forests in i860. Two weekly papers, Gallaher^s Independent and the Quitman Reporter^ both well conducted sheets, are published here. In the county is a partially explored cave, called the Devil's Hop- per, which is a great natural curiosity. The sulphur springs are four miles distant from the town. Travelers are ac- commodated at the City Hotel (D. U. McNeil), and Mc- intosh House (J. R. Edmonson). Rates $2.00 per day. -'Dixie — 'tZ\ miles from Savannah, 55 miles from Bainbridge. Bryan's Hotel has good accommodations at ^1.50 per day. Near by is Dry Lake, a large and beauti- ful sheet of water, and a sink hole into which three rivers empty and show no outlet again. Soston — 188 miles from Savannah, 48 miles from Bainbridge. Population, 400. Ships 1800 bales of cotton. Several steam saw mills here, and Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches. Boston is the proposed terminus of two new railroads \ one to St. Marys, Georgia, and the other to Greenfield, Georgia, and is growing rapidly. '^ 'Thoiliasville — 200 miles from Savannah, -T^d miles from Bainbridge. Telegraph office. Junction with Albany branch of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad,' (which see, at the end of this article.) Population, 4000. County seat of Thomas County. The town is situated on the highest land between Savannah and the Flint River, and rs 97 feet higher than Albany. It is the centre of a thriving trade and bids fair to become the most important town in Southern Georgia. Ite location is dry and healthy, and 46 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. it is tnerefore a favorite resort for Northern invalids. The streets are broad and beautifully shaded with evergreens. The town has Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic churches ; five saw mills, a foundry and a tannery, and two newspapers, the Southern Enter- prise and Thomasville Times. The South Georgia Agri- cultural and Mechanical Association holds its annual fairs here, generally continuing five days. The country around is cultivated with cotton and sugar, and is well settled. Travelers and invalids will find accommodations at the Gulf Railroad House, kept by G. W. Parnell, and Young's Hotel, by John McKinnon; charges $3.00 per day or $12.00 per week. At the boarding houses rates are from $20.00 to $25.00 per month. A Swiss Colony is success- fully engaged in the grape culture near Thomasville. Thomasville shipped about 1 2,000 bales of cotton last year. Cairo — 214 miles from Savannah, 22 miles from Bain- bridge. Population (i(>. Boarding houses kept by W. T. Rigsby, William Powell and Wily Pearce. Rates ;^i.oo per day. Whigham — 221 miles from Savannah, 15 miles from Bainbridge. 'A considerable trade done here with the surrounding country. Climax — 228 miles from Savannah, 8 miles from Bainbridge. Wood station. At this station the road descends westward into the valley of the Flint River. Bain bridg^e— 236 miles from Savannah. The Western terminus of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. Telegraph ofiice, and the head of navigation on the Flint River, which is navigable all the year. Steamboats make semi-weekly trips to Columbus, Georgia, on the Chattahoochee and Apalachicola, Florida, on the Gulf of Mexico. The population of Bainbridge is 2000. It con- tains a cotton factory, two steam saw mills, and three GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 47 churches. Two newspapers, the Southern Sun and the Argus are printed here. The neighboring lakes abound with fresh- water fish. The Sharon House, kept by John Sharon, is a first-class country house. Board ^3.00 per day, ;^i5.oo per week. Bainbridge is the county seat of Decatur County. The local shipments of cotton are 11,000 bales. The steamers landing here bring about 16,000 bales per annum for ship- ment by rail to Savannah. The town is rapidly improving. It is also the terminus of the Bainbridge, Cuthbert and Columbus Railroad, (narrow gauge) now under construc- tion. F^mmmm ^mm^^m @f wmm ^wmm^ww ^^rp From Du Pont, Georgia, to Live Oak, Florida. Du Pont — 131 miles from Savannah, 132 miles from Jacksonville. The junction of the main trunk of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad and the Florida Branch. Forrest — 143 miles from Savannah, 121 miles from Jacksonville. Wood station. ^tateOTille — 151 miles from Savannah, iii miles from Jacksonville. Population, about 50. The place con- tains Baptist and Methodist churches. Jasper— 163 miles from Savannah, 99 miles from Jacksonville. Population, 150. County seat of Jasper County. Invalids take conveyances here for the Upper White Sulphur Springs, 18 miles distant. The country here- about is pleasant and healthy. Visitors to Jasper can be accommodated at the Stewart House, kept by Judge H. J. Stewart, and the Hately House, by Mrs. Z. Hately. Charges, ^15.00 to ^20.00 per month, ^2.00 per day. 48 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. SilllV£lliee — 171 miles from Savannah, 90 miles from Jacksonville. Wood station. About one mile from his station is a most remarkable Sulphur spring, upon the rocky shore of the widely-sung ''Suwanee Ribber," and embowered in the live-oak and magnolia trees which shade its placid surface. The spring is about fifteen feet deep and as many feet in diameter ; its crystal-pure waters, as they pour into the river, are so clearly separate from the dark current flowing down from the Okafonokee Swamp, that the line of demarkation may be observed for some distance below the spring. This spring is well known for its efficiency in cases of rheumatism and dyspepsia, as is also the Upper White Sulphur, some miles farther up the river. liive Oak — 179 miles from Savannah, 8^ miles from Jacksonville. Telegraph office. Junction with the Jack- sonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad. From Thomasville to Albany, Georgia. Thomasville — 200 miles from Savannah, 60 miles from Albany. Junction of the main trunk and the Albany Division of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. Oklokliee — 211 miles from Savannah, 49 miles from Albany. PelliaiBl — 224 miles from Savannah;, 2>^ miles from Albany. Camilla — 232 miles from Savannah, 28 miles from Albany. Telegraph office. A new town, laid out in 1857, and growing rapidly. Population, 500. Ships 5000 bales GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 49 of cotton. It is situated in the midst of a flourishing cot- ton region. The town contains several steam saw mills, two corn mills, Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches, two good hotels and a number of boarding houses. Prices at the former, per day ^2.00 to ^2.50; per week, ^5.00 to ^6.00. County seat of Mitchell County. From this station to Albany the road runs near the east bank of the Flint River, and through an almost continuous belt of extensive and fertile cotton plantations. Bacoilton — 242 miles from Savannah, 18 miles from Albany. filardairay — 25 2 miles from Savannah, 8 miles from Albany. Albany — Telegraph Office, 258 miles from Savannah and on the Flint River. The terminus of three railroads, the Albany Branch of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, the Brunswick and Albany Railroad to the Atlantic coast, and the South-western Railroad to Macon. Population, 3500. County seat of Dougherty County. This is also a new place and has risen to the dignity of an incorporated city. It contains a number of mills and foundries, seven churches, two newspapers, the News and Central City^ and two ho- tels : the Town House, kept by Collier & Co., and the Albany House by M. Burnes. Rates $3.00 per day and $30.00 per month. Upland cotton is the staple product of the surrounding country. Blue Spring, three miles from Albany, is a bold stream, gushing from the earth, and abounding with fish. The many ponds in the county are supposed to have an underground connection with this spring. 50 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. From Quincy, via Live Oak, to Jacksonville, by the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad. The Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad con- nects the Apalachicola River in Western Florida with the Atlantic Ocean at Jacksonville, and therefore traverses the entire Northern section of the State, east of the Apalachi- cola. It also connects at Live Oak with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, and all stations in Georgia ; at Tallahassee with St. Marks and the Gulf of Mexico, and at Baldwin with Fernandina in the North and Cedar Keys in the South. At present the road is in running condition from Quincy east to Jacksonville, a distance of 189 miles. The road will be completed this winter to Chattahoochee, and the work of making the connection with Pensacola and Mobile will be pushed forward rapidly. The following are the stations on this road, going east : Quincy — 189 miles from Jacksonville. Telegraph oftice. Population, 800. County seat of Gadsden County. The Willard House, kept by Mrs. Willard, is recommended. Board, $3.00 pei day. There is a board- ing-house kept by Mrs. Innes. Quincy has three churches : Methodist, Episcopal and Presbyterian. A weekly news- paper, the Quincy Journal, is published here. The village is situated in Gadsden County, which before the war cultivated fine Cuba tobacco on a large and remu- nerative scale. The early vegetable business is flourishing. The neighborhood of Mount Pleasant, 12 miles from Quincy, is engaged in the cultivation of the Scuppernong grape, and produces a wine equal to the best of the Cali- GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 51 fornia and Ohio vintages. A number of Swedish immi- grants have settled in Gadsden County, and have done so well that a large party has been induced to join them. Quincy is 22 miles from Bainbridge. Georgia, and with it has daily stage communication. midway — 12 miles from Quincy. 177 miles from Jacksonville. Tallaliassee — 2 4 miles from Quincy, 165 miles from Jacksonville. Telegraph office. The capital of the State of Florida, and county seat of Leon County. Population, 2500. There are two newspapers published in Tallahassee, the Floridian, conservative, and the Sentinel, republican. The principal hotel is the City Hotel, by Mrs. Mary Archer It has accommodation for 150 guests. Board, ;^4.oo per day. There are no manufactories. Leon County, in which Tallahassee is situated, is wholly a farm- ing county, and contains some of the best rolling lands in the State. About 12,000 bales of cotton are raised an- nually. )The climate is delightful, the summer's heat being tempered by the Gulf breezes. In the neighborhood of the city are Lakes Bradford, Jackson and Lafayette. The name of the second was given by General McCall, who was on Jackson's staff. Lake Lafayette received its name from the grant of land made by Congress to the Marquis, within the area of which the lake is situated. Tallahassee is connected with St. Marks on the Gulf of Mexico, by a branch of the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad. Trains run through in an hour and a half. (See notice of St. Marks, at the end of this article.) The society of this town is distinguished for its intelligence and refinement. Chaires — 35 miles from Quincy, 153 miles from Jacksonville. Ijloyds — 42 miles from Quincy, 147 miles from Jack- sonville. Population, 200. The village contains a Bap- 52 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. tist and two Methodist Churches. The railroad here runs through a flat, pine-wood country. Monticello Junction — 51 miles from Quincy, 138 miles from Jacksonville. Connection is had here with the town of Monticello, county seat of Jefferson County, which is the terminus of a branch road, four and a quarter miles distant. The population of Monticello is about 2000. Telegraph office. The Monticello Advertiser is published here, and there are Episcopalian, Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches. The principal hotel is the Monti- cello, with good accommodations, and kept by Mrs. M. A. Madden. Board and lodging may be had for $25.00 per month. Lake Miccosukie is in this vicinity. Its banks are famous in the ancient history of Florida, as the camping ground of De Soto ; and in modern history, as the field of a sanguinary battle between General Jackson and the Miccosukie tribe of Indians. Monticello is twenty miles distant from Dixie, on the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. Aucilla — 58 miles from Quincy and 131 miles from Jacksonville. CrOOdman — 65 miles from Quincy and 124 miles from Jacksonville. These two stations are shipping points for a fine planting country. madison — 79 miles from Quincy and no miles from Jacksonville. Telegraph office. Population between 700 and 800. County seat of Madison County. The village contains Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches. The lands hereabouts are good, and there is considerable early garden truck raised for the Northern markets. The Phoenix Mills in the village are of large capacity. Trav- elers can be accommodated at the house of Mr. W. E. Howells, at $2.50 per day. In the County of Madison the beautiful Lakes Rachel and Mary Frances, and Cherry Lake are situated. They abound with fish. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 53 EillaTille — 94 miles from Quincy and 95 miles from Jacksonville. An extensive lumbering place ; situated on the Suwanee River, which empties into the Gulf of Mex- ico. Population, about 500. There are large saw mills at this place, whose cutting capacity is fifty thousand fee{; daily, also planing and grist mills. A boarding house in the village is kept by Mrs. Drew. The church is used by all denominations. Ijive Oak — 107 miles from Quincy and 82 miles from Jacksonville. The junction with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad to Savannah, and all railroad points North. Telegraph office. Countyseatof Suwanee County. Popula- tion, 800. The village contains a saw mill, a planing mill, a manufactory and a church, which is used alternately by the Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians. The Live Oak Herald \s published here. Conner's Hotel affords good accommodations. Fare, $3.00 per diem. There is a private boarding house kept by Mrs. McLarran. Near the village are many waterfalls, some of them very pretty. The site of Live Oak was once an Indian camping ground. The Live Oak Times is published here. Welitoorn — 119 iniles from Quincy and 71 miles from Jacksonville. Passengers going to White Sulphur Springs stop here. Population, 350. Wellborn is situated on the highest point above the level of the Gulf, on this railroad. It is in a healthy country and a resort for inva- lids. ^ The celebrated White Sulphur Springs on the Suwaiiee River, are eight miles distant. They are much used by sufferers from dyspepsia and rheumatism. Lake Wellborn and several other inland sheets of water, are in this neighborhood, and are well stocked with fish. The village contains two churches, one used by the Baptists, and the other by the Methodists and Presbyterians. ^ Trav- elers and invalids are accommodated at the houses of H. 54 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. D. Rigsbee, S. L. Williams and others. Rates, ^1.50 daily, ;^7.oo to ^8.00 weekly, ;^2o.oo to ^jo.oo monthly. liake City — 130 miles from Quincy and 59 miles from Jacksonville. Telegraph office. A city of 2000 'inhabitants. An United States signal service station and the seat of justice of Columbia County. The place con- tains cotton, saw and grist mills j and seven churches be- longing to the Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopalian and Baptist denominations. The Lake City Press J edited by Captain E. W. Davis, is published here. Lakes Isabella, De Soto and Hamburg are within the city limits, and Indian Lake within a quarter of a mile. There is a chalybeate (iron, sulphur and magnesia) spring, about half a mile from the city, and one of the best sulphur springs in the South within 12 miles. The lakes and -Streams are stocked with trout, bream, perch, (mawmouth, speckled, sand and mud) gar and other varieties of fish ; and the surrounding country with deer, bears, wild turkeys, partridges, snipe, (English and gray) and wild ducks. Every planter has from one to two dozen orange trees. The dim remains may be seen, about hrJf a mile from Lake City, of trenches built by De Soto in his conflicts with the Indians over three hundred years ago. The city has three hotels, the Cathey House by J. W. Cathey, Hancock House by Mrs. Ashurst, and Thrasher House by T. B. Thrasher, each containing from 25 to 30 rooms. Olustee — 142 miles from Quincy and 47 miles from Jacksonville. Olustee is the site of the most important battle fought in Florida during the late civil war. Major General Trueman Seymour, with a large body of United States troops, in February, 1864, marched from Jackson- ville, westward, and at this place encountered the Confed- erate army under Brigadier-General Joseph Finegan. A desperate battle ensued, which lasted all day, and was GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 55 characterized by great bravery on both sides. General Seymour was beaten, and retreated from the field, aban- doning his dead and wounded to the enemy. His loss was 1 200, including Colonel Fribley, of the negro troops, killed. Finegans's loss was 250. The Confederate cavalry pursued General Seymour as far as Baldwin, picking up many prisoners. Sanderson — 152 miles from Quincy and 37 miles from Jacksonville. Telegraph Office. County seat of Baker County. ^SSaldwin — 170 miles from Quincy and 19 miles from Jacksonville. Telegraph Office. Junction with the Florida Railroad, connecting with Fernandina and the Atlantic Ocean on the north, and Cedar Keys and the Gulf of Mexico, on the south. (See article on the Florida Railroad.) The telegraph line to Cuba branches off at this station. White Mouse — 178 miles from Quincy and 11 miles from Jacksonville. Jacksonville— 189 miles from Quincy. Termi- nus of the J. P. & M. Railroad. Telegraph Office. Boats for all points on the St. Johns River, and connecting with the St. Augustine Railroad at Tocoi, are taken here. (See article on the St. Johns River.) From Tallahassee to St. Marks. A branch railroad of 21 miles in length, connects Tal- lahassee with the port of St. Marks, on the Gulf of Mexico. St. Marks — 21 miles from Tallahassee. Telegraph Office. A small settlement. Connection is made here with steamers for New Orleans, Pensacola, Apalachicola, Cedar Keys, Key West and Havana. 56 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. From Fernandina, via Baldwin, to Cedar Keys, BY THE Atlantic, Gulf and West India Transit Go's Railroad. The Florida Railroad stretches across the State, from the city of Fernandina in the extreme north-east, to Gedar Keys on the Gulf of Mexico, 154 miles south-west; thus connecting the waters of the Gulf and the Atlantic with an iron link. The road is well built and comfortable, and passes through some of the most picturesque parts of Florida. Through trains leaving daily from either termi- nus make the passage in twelve hours. The following are the stations on this route : Fernandina — Telegraph Office. An old but thriving city ; situated on the inner or western shore of Amelia Island, and at the mouth of the Amelia River, which divides it from the main land, and forms, with Cum- berland Sound, one of the best and safest seaports on the Atlantic coast, south of the Virginia capes. The city was built by the Spaniards. For , many years it languished, but the completion of the railroad connection with the Gulf of Mexico gave it a new start, and it is now one of the most promising cities in the South. The population is about 2500. The harbor of Fernandina is so capacious, that, during the war of 181 2, when the town was Spanish and neutral, more than three hundred square-rigged vessels were congregated together in its waters at one time. The harbor is land-locked, aud indeed can hold immense fleets in safety from the raging gales of the Atlan- tic outside. Vessels drawing 19 or 20 feet can cross the bar at high tide, while vessels of the deepest draught can unload at the wharves. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 57 The lumber interest in this city is very considerable and is increasing. There are four large saw mills in operation, and others are contemplated. English capital has lately started a large cotton-ginning establishment, and there is a prbspect of the town becoming a large depot for Govern- ment naval stores. It is to the market gardener that the neighborhood of Fernandina offers the greatest induce- ments. Vegetables can be raised, particularly in the win- ter season, so much earlier than at the North, that they are a very profitable article of shipment to New York. Fernandina has seven churches, one Episcopal, one Presbyterian, two Methodist, two Baptist and one Roman Catholic. It is the seat of the Episcopal Bishoprick of Florida. A large and flourishing academy for young ladies is under the charge of the Bishop. There is one newspaper published in the city, entitled the Fernandina Observer. A good first-class hotel is greatly needed in Fernandina, and any capitalist would find the establishment of such a house abundantly remunerative. At present the rates charged per day are from $2.00 to $3.50, but there are numerous boarding houses where hberal term.s can be made by the week or month. The healthfulness of Fer- nandina cannot be surpassed in the South. The cool sea breeze in summer makes it a delightful residence, while the general mildness of the climate in winter renders it equally attractive. Direct communication is had with all the principal railroad points in Florida and seaports to the northward j and a new railroad is contemplated from Fernandina to Jacksonville, which will lessen the traveling distance be- tween that place and Savannah. Besides its pleasant climate, Fernandina has, in its neighborhood, some places of historical interest and natural beauty, which make it 58 GUIDE TO FLORIDA attractive to visitors. The magnificent sea beach affords at low water a drive of eighteen miles on a road as smooth and hard as the bed of a billiard table. An interesting excursion is to Dungeness, — miles distant ; the seat of the illustrious General Nathaniel Greene of Revolutionary- memory. The estate was presented to the General by the people of Georgia, in recognition of his services as com- mander of the Southern provincial army during the most critical period of the struggle. It consists of ^ about 10,000 acres, and has been laid out with great taste and care. QyThe gardens are superb. The visitor can see here how the olive flourishes in the South, making beautiful groves traversed by avenues ; also avenues of live oaks, those giants of the forest, hanging with the sombre though graceful Spanish moss, which droops in long festoons from every limb. On the beach, about half a mile from the Dungeness mansion, may be seen the grave of General HenryLee, of Virginia, the famous '^ Light Horse Harry" of the Revolution. He died at this place in March, 181 8, aged 6^ years. A headstone, erected by his son. General Robert E. Lee, the Commander-in-chief of the Confed- erate armies, marks the spot where the hero is buried. Hart's Road — 12 miles from Fernandina, 142 miles from Cedar Keys. Wood station. Callahan — 27 miles from Fernandina, 127 miles from Cedar Keys. Junction point of the Great Southern R. R. from Jesup to Jacksonville, now under construction. The village has two churches. The station is situated on an extensive marl bed, and is surrounded by a valuable forest of yellow pine, cypress, live oak, white oak, &c. Travel- ers who have a curiosity to see live rattlesnakes can gratify it in the woods hereabouts. Baldirin — Telegraph Office. 47 miles from Fer- nandina, 107 miles from Cedar Keys. The junction with GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 59 the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Florida Railroad. The City of Jacksonville is only 20 miles distant. Population of this settlement, about 150. It contains two hotels, the Baldwin House and the Florida House, which have accommodations for 100 guests. Charges, ^^4.00 per diem. Trail Rid^e — 62 miles from Fernandina, 92 miles from Cedar Keys. I§tarke — 73 miles from Fernandina, 81 miles from Cedar Keys. Population, 250. There is a church in the village, and three within the distance of a mile, all Meth- odist. No hotel, but a good boarding house, kept by Mrs. T. B. Hoyt, who charges ^1.50 per day or ^25 per month. There are a number of lakes from two and a-half to ten miles distant, some of them large with very clear water. Game is scarce, but fresh water fish abound in the lakes. This part of Florida is principally inhabited by small far- mers, who cultivate the sea island cotton, corn, sugar cane, sweet oranges, peaches and a variety of garden pro- ductions. Waldo — 84 miles from Fernandina and 70 miles from Cedar Keys. Junction of the railroad now being con- structed to Tampa Bay. Population, about 125. Has two Baptist and one Methodist churches. No hotel, but board can be obtained in private families, at from ^^15,00 to ^20.00 per month. The village has two mills for gin- ning cotton. Santa Fe Lake is about two miles distant. It is about nine miles long and four wide, and affords excellent facilities for boating and fishing. About six miles from Waldo there is a natural sink in the land cover- ing about two acres. A stream runs into it continually, and yet there is no visible outlet. The Santa Fe River disappears several miles from the village, and flows under grOun(fy thus forming a iia,tur?il bi-idge, Th^ lakes md 6o GUIDE TO FLORIDA. creeks here about are filled with trout and perch, and the woods with deer, ducks, quails, etc. This neighborhood is remarkable for its healthfulness. The only local dis- ease is the malarial fever, which prevails during the later months of summer, but which is in a mild form and easily controlled by remedies. The climate is peculiarly adapted to sufferers from diseases of the lungs, the air being dry and pleasant. Gainesville — 96 miles from Fernandina, 55 miles from Cedar Keys. Telegraph Office. The largest and most important station on the Florida Railroad, and a favorite resort for invalids. County seat of Alachua County. Population, 1500. The town contains Presbyte- rian, Baptist, Methodist and Episcopalian churches, three flourishing academies, two newspapers, the Independent, republican, and the New Era, conservative, and three hotels with good accommodations. The latter are : Oak Hall, Colonel Lemuel Wilson, proprietor ; Exchange Hotel, P. Shemwell, proprietor; Beville House, Mrs. S. P. Beville; board, ^2.00 to ^3.00 per day, or ^25.00 to ;^30.oo per month. There are two livery stables, affording; ample means for conveyance into the interior and to the natural curiosities with which the vicinity abounds. The Alachua, a body of water, termed in Florida, a '^sink," is the recipient of several streams, with a subterranean passage to the ocean. It is filled with alligators and all kinds of fish, and the surrounding scenery is very charm- ing and romantic. In Alachua County there is a large and beautiful prairie, twenty miles long and five miles wide. The county is the largest in the State, with a pop- ulation of 20,000. There are twenty-eight public schools. A tri-weekly mail line starts from Gainesville for Tampa on the Gulf. Passengers are taken. There is plenty of game in the woods. Oranges, lemons, limes, grapes^ GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 61 bananas and peaches thrive here. Peach trees sometimes bear at the age of fifteen months, a thing unknown in any other section of the Union. Garden truck is raised in abundance for the Northern markets. Immigrants are welcomed. Land from 75 cents to ^50.00 per acre. New- mansville and Micanopy are important towns in the county, which have stage connections with Gainesville. Archer — 113 miles from Fernandina, and 41 miles from Cedar Keys. The Suwanee River is distant about 25 miles. Population, 200. No hotels, but travelers are accommodated at the houses of Joseph S. McDonell and Mrs. Young. There are three Methodist and one Baptist churches. Hereabouts are magnificent pine forests and beautiful prairie views. ^Sronson — 122 miles from Fernandina, and 32 miles from Cedar Keys. A new place, settled mostly since the war. Population about 100. It is the county seat of Levy County. There is one church (Methodist), and a hotel of limited capacity, the Jackson House, but the fare is excellent. Board can be obtained in private families at about ^i.oo per day. Twelve miles from the village is an inexhaustible bed of iron ore, which has not yet been worked. The railroad here passes through some of the finest land in the State, the Gulf hummock, adapted for the culture of sugar cane, cotton, corn, &c. In the neighboring creeks, besides many varieties of fish, there are an abundance of soft-shell turtles, which, when prop- erly prepared, make a very savory and delicious dish. Otter Creek — 135 miles from Fernandina, 19 miles from Cedar Keys. Palmetto — 144 miles from Fernandina, 10 miles from Cedar Keys. Cedar Keys-^i 54 miles from Fernandina, 126 miles from Jacksonville. The Gulf of Mexico terminus of the 62 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. Florida Railroad. Regular packet steamers connect here with New Orleans, Key West and Havana. Population, 400. There are two hotels, the Gulf House, fare ^^2.50, and the Exchange, ^^3.00 per day. The Suwanee River en- ters the Gulf eighteen miles west of Cedar Keys, and the Withlacooche, eighteen miles south. The former is navigable to Ellaville. Cedar Keys is situated on a fine, large bay, which affords excellent facilities for bathing, boating and fishing. The New Orleans, Florida and Havana Steamship Com- pany dispatch one of the steamers of their line every Saturday morning for Havana, New Orleans and Key West. Passengers desiring to go by these steamers should be in Cedar Keys on Friday night. , Wmm Bt. Iqm^s Mirmm. This grand water-course of Eastern Florida, has it^ source in the springs and swamps of the southern extremity of the peninsula, and flowing northward, for a distance of four hundred miles, turns abruptly eastward in the neigh- borhood of Jacksonville, and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Its whole course lies through an extremely level region. For one hundred and fifty miles it has an average width of more than one and a-half miles, and is said to carry a volume of water much larger than does the Rio Grande, which is one thousand miles long. In some places it expands to a width of six miles, nor does it con- tract at any point to less than a mile, below Lake George. " Many of the tributaries of the St. Johns are navigabU to quite a distance by steamboats, and it is believed that GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 63 this river and its navigable branches give one thousana miles of water transportation. The river scenery is not only beautiful, but to the stranger's eye, has the additional charm of novelty. The luxuriance of the tropical vegeta- tion, the pretty villages nestling amid magnificent shade trees or orange groves along the banks, and the broad, placid waters through which the steamer ploughs its way, combine to make a picture of surpassing loveliness. v The banks of the St. Johns are the principal attraction to the invalids coming to Florida in search of a balmy climate, change of scene and pleasant surroundings. Thousands of visitors from the North are scattered among its towns and villages every winter. The means of access are easy and comfortable. Large steamers ascend as far as Palatka, from which smaller steamers continue the tour- ist's journey on the St. Johns to Lake Monroe, and on the Oclawaha River to Silver Springs, and the interior lake country.^'', The regular packets from Jacksonville are the Florence, which runs to Palatka, 75 miles and back, every day; and the steamers Darlington and Hattie, a semi- weekly line to Enterprise, a distance of 205 miles. These steamers are commanded by polite and gentlemanly officers, and are very well furnished. The local fares on Brock's line of steamboats, from Jacksonville to Green Cove Springs and intermediate landings, are ^i.oo ; from Jacksonville to landings between Green Cove Springs and Palatka, ;^ 2. 00. Meals, ;^ i . 00 each extra. From Jackson- ville to Mellonville and Enterprise, including meals and staterooms, ^9.00; and from Palatka to Mellonville and Enterprise, including meals and staterooms, ;^6.oo. The through trip from Jacksonville to Enterprise, including time of stoppages, consumes 36 hours. The following are brief notices of the principal points on the river : NORTON & KOOKER, Recti JEstate JLgertts, DEALEES IN SXJBXJI^BAIV LOTS. The aiteutiou of Capitalists and those coutemplating an investment for residential purposes, is directed to the beautiful Suburb of S©R IMS RIBS x\djoiniDg the City ol Jacksonville. Springfield is laid out in four acre squares, giving in each square twelve lots 69 2-S by 156 feet and four lots 58 by 209 feet. The streets are all four rods wide except Broad avenue (now shelled) which is one hundred feet wide. There are about twenty acres in the centre of the tract set aside for a park. There are already several of the neatest and most commodious dwellings in this vici ity located in Springfield, all belonging to the right kind of people, and quite a number of other lots have been sold, that are not yet built upon, for from $200 to $250 per lot. Title is perfect and beyond any f ossi- bility of dispute. We now propose to sell a limited number of lots on the following terms : To approved parties who desire to make homes, and who will build a neat dwelling, worth at least $1,200, fence and set out shrubbery and a line of shade trees along the fro t of their lot, fifteen feet from the front line, we will sell one lot, size as above, for $25. To parties who do not want to build at once, but who will fence and set trees and shrubber as above, we will sell one lot for $50. We also offer to s perintend the fencing and clearing of lots, setting of trees, and the construction of houses, without extra charge of any kind, for parties who will fur- nish the money to pay for actual expenses of labor and material us.^d. We will even go so faras tosu -erintend the planting and care of orange trees for those who desire it, until they come into bearing, for a trifling consideration, and will guarantee suc- cess By this means, for a small sum, one can get a lot which in a short time will in- crease in value to the amount of fro n $300 to $500 at least, and if planted with oranges and grapes to very much more. ^ .,. ^ , i, xu It may appear strange to you that we sell lots at these prices, and then take all the trouble of improving them without charge when we claim that so small an outlay will make them worth so much money. The secret is this : We have over one thousand of these lots, more contiguous and easy of access to the business portion of Jacksonville than any others to be had, higher and more healthful than any other locality, but m order to sell them rapidly we must induce pe pie to improve. In order to do this we must offer inducements to pioneers and shom' them that there is money in IT. We must make Springfield popular and turn attention in that direction. If one good man buys and improves a lot, his improvements enhance the value of all the sur- rounding lots and induce some one else to buy, settle and improve there also. We can afford to be liberal to those who come first, and we propose to be so. The liberal policy is much preferable and more sure of rapid success as the result than the stupid, old fogy plan of trying to make all the money ourselves. We intend to make money and give purchasers a chance to make money also. We desire to " live and let live." In addition to all this we propose to spend all the money received for lots over $2o each, in opening and grading streets, setting out shade trees, building walks, Ac, until the whole tract is impro ed, after which we expect t make a snug sum of ' $" for We mean business, and are full of faith that in five years Springfield will be the locality where most of our best residences will be found, as the land is higher and niore healthful, more contiguous to the centre of business than any other locality. It is free from any unpleasant surroundings. It has no shanties nor dwellers in shanties and WILL NOT HAVE, as we will not sell to them at any price No other section of the city Or suburbs can say this, as in all others all classes and conditions are mixed in toge her from one end of the town to the other. . Now is just the time for you to buy a lot in this growing young city, and Springfield is the best locality in which you can select it, either for residence or for profitable speculation. Loans on Real Estate. Security carefully placed for Capitalists. Visitors always welcome, and information given with pleasure. Office, Cor, Ocean St., near Bay St. JACKSONVILLE, Fla GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 65 Springfield, a locality to the North of Jacksonville, of more recent growth, is expected to be in time the centre of the growth of fashionable residences of northern sojourners. The land here slopes from a considerable height south- ward to Hogan's Creek, the city limit, and commands a fine view of the St. Johns River and surrounding country. Those who wish to know more of this spot will receive courteous attention from Messrs. Norton & Kooker, whose notice appears elsewhere in this book. The villages of Riverside, Reed's Landing, South Shore and Alexandria are reached by ferryboat. Land at either of the points mentioned can be advantageously purchased. The principal business thoroughfare is Bay street, and from this, at right angles, branch off the other streets of Jacksonville. Bay street, for a distance of three-quarters of ^ mile, is built up on both sides with soUd brick busi- ness houses, and is a leading feature of interest to visitors. Hotels* From its attractions as a winter resort, Jack- sonville has acquired most excellent hotel accommodations, and we can refer our readers with satisfaction to the list of hotels and boarding houses at the end of this book. The Grand National, which is the finest house to be found south of Charleston, is situated on Bay street, about 200 yards from the depot. This hotel has a frontage of 175 feet, an enclosed park opposite for the use of guests, com- manding one of the loveliest views of the St. Johns River, and is conducted by Mr. Geo. McGinley, one of the most successful of hotel managers. The St. Johns, a large and commodious house, kept by Wilder & Co. The Metropol- itan, by J. B. Togni (ad. page 15), and several other good hotels, besides many boarding houses, afford ample and desirable room for travelers at reasonable rates. Educational EstaMishments. Both the Pro- testant and Roman GathoHc portions of the commmiity 66 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. are furnished with the means of careful education. For the former St. Mary's Priory, under the personal supervision of the Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese, and for the latter, the St. Joseph's Academy, under the Lady Superior, as- sisted by the Sisters of the Order of St. Joseph, offer com- plete courses of study and discipline, without sectarian proselytism, to those whose children's health demand a southern climate. Commerce and Jlldlislries. As a trade centre, this city must, as the outlet for the immense lumber busi- ness of the State on the one hand, and its chief port of entry for the merchandise of the world on the other, nec- essarily retain its pre-eminence, and continually attract to its counters the business of dealers from the interior, who, even now, rarely go as they did once to Savannah or Charleston to buy their goods. Jacksonville merchants show in this, and many other regards, the enterprise which not only deserves but commands success. There are nine large saw mills in operation, for instance, while many others located along the thousand miles of inland naviga- ble water ship their lumber from this port. During the present winter, too, it is expected that the Great Southern Railroad will be opened to travel, shortening the ride to New York by at least twelve hours. Banking facilities are offered at the Banking Houses of D. G. Ambler and Denny & Brown, both on Bay street. There is a Freedman's Saving Bank situated on the corner of Ocean and Bay Streets, and a New National Bank is this year to be started. Among the industrial enterprises may be especially mentioned the manufacture from the palmetto leaf of a fine quality of bank note paper. A shoe factory and a cotton factory are both talked of, and, more important than all, direct steamship communication with New York is seriously contemplated for the coming season. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 67 Nor should mention be forgotten of the novel industry of wild orange champagne manufacture, recently entered up- on by Mr. J. H. Paine, a chemist, who has lately made Jacksonville his home. From the refuse of the wine pro- cess he also eliminates a valuable wax, and an essential oil which commands a high price. The Fire Department of Jacksonville is, in its apparatus BXidi personel^ another unmistakable evidence of the city's enterprise, and includes in its equipage two fine Amoskeag engines and several handsome hose carriages and trucks. Points of Interest. A visit to Jacksonville would be incomplete without a drive out by the magnifi- cent shell road, cut one hundred feet wide through the pine forest, a distance of four miles, to the now famous Mon- crief s Springs, the waters of which possess rare medicinal virtues, especially beneficial for sufferers by malarial com- plaints. The place is said to have derived its name from a French Jew who, having married an Indian maiden, was here robbed and slain by her relatives. Recently a com- pany was formed, with the Mayor of Jacksonville at its head, for the purpose of improving the grounds about the springs, and rendering them a pleasant resort for Jack- sonville visitors. Two fine baths, or pools, have been es- tablished with dressing rooms attached; a restaurant, pavilion and orchestra stand have been erected, and now there are few, if any, pleasanter springs than Moncriefs to be found anywhere throughout the South. Visitors desiring to carry home mementoes of Jackson- ville, will find at the gallery of Messrs. Wood & Bickle, on Bay street, a fine assortment of stereoscopic views of the many interesting points in and about the city. At D n Greenleaf s Museum of Florida Curiosities, il§© OR Bay street, they may pass^ too, an instructive and en= 68 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. tertaining visit in inspecting his valuable collection of liv- ing reptiles, birds and wild animals. This museum, where crowds daily assemble, is among the fashionable resorts of the city during the winter season. A point which we would suggest to tourists to Florida, is the folly of taking supplies with them. An inspection of the advertisements of Jacksonville merchants, elsewhere published, will direct the reader to where, on arrival, he may purchase all the luxuries, as well as all the necessaries of life at the most reasonable and moderate rates. Every firm whose card is admitted to this Guide may be relied upon for probity and fair dealing with the traveler. N. B.— FOR DIRECTORY OF JACKSONVILLE ADVEETISEM I'lNT^ SEE END OF THIS BOOK. Mulberry CJroVC — The first landing-place after leaving Jacksonville, 1 2 miles distant, on the west bank. A beautiful grove. Mandarin — 15 miles from Jacksonville, on the east bank, a village of 200 inhabitants, one of the old- est settlements on the river j has several stores and two or three fine orange groves. This place is of interest to Northern visitors as being the winter residence of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Her house is near the bank, a few rods to the left of the shore end of the pier. It is a GUIDE TO FLORIDA- 69 moderate-sized cottage of dark brown color. The most conspicuous feature of her place are some towering water- oaks. She owns about 40 acres of land, three or four of which are planted with orange trees. fiibemia — 25 miles from Jacksonville, on the west bank. This is quite a resort for invalids. Mrs. Fleming has a large, commodious house, which will accommodate about forty boarders and is one of the first to fill up. jflag^nolia — 28 miles from Jacksonville, on the west bank ; a beautiful place, with a fine hotel kept by Mr. Houghton. With the contiguous cottages about eighty guests can be accommodated. Near by is Magnolia Point, one of the highest points of land extending into the river between Jacksonville and Palatka. A short distance north of Magnolia Point a navigable stream, called Black Creek, empties into the St. Johns. Small steamers from Jackson- ville make weekly trips up Black Creek as far as Middle- burg. Large quantities of lumber are floated down this stream to a market. The banks abound with alligators. Crreen Cove Springs — 30 miles from Jackson- ville, on the west bank; one of the most popular re-^orts on the river. The Union House, kept by Remington and Reed, will accommodate comfortably about fifty guests. There are other hotels and several good hoarding houses. Rates at the hotels, ^3.00 per day; at the boarding houses, per week, ^10 to ^15. One of the attractions at this place is the Spring, which is held in high esteem for its health- giving qualities. " The water has a temperature of about 75 degrees ; is as clear as crystal and has a slight sulphurous taste, not unpleasant. Facilities are afforded to both sexes for bathing at the Spring. Green Cove promises to be- come in time a flourishing and populous village. Hogarth's "Wharf— 35 miles from Jacksonville, on the east bank ; a post-oflice and wood landing. -JO GUIDE TO FLORIDA. PiCOlata— 45 miles from Jacksonville, on the east bank. This small settlement is the site of an ancient Spanish city, of which scarce one vestige remains. Two centuries ago, it was the main depot of supply for the Spanish plantations of the up country, and through it, were shipped to St. Augustine and abroad, such products as the settlers raised. The Franciscan monks erected a splendid church here and some religious houses for their order. Opposite Picolata, on the western bank, are the remains of a great earthwork fort belonging to the Spanish era. Tocoi — 53 miles from Jacksonville, on the east bank. The depot of the St. Augustine Railroad. The distance to St. Augustine is 15 miles, and trains connecting with the river boats run through in 40 minutes. Before the use of locomotives the time required to make this journey was two hours. There are a few objects of interest to be seen in the time allowed here, and the restaurant of Mr. Thomas can be recommended to tourists. Palatka — 75 miles from Jacksonville, on the west bank. The largest town on the St. Johns River after leaving Jacksonville. Population, about 1000. It occupies an elevated site above <"he river, and extends about half a mile along the banks. As Palatka has a thriving back country to support it, there are many stores and a flourish- ing business doing. A telegraph line is in operation at a convenient point, connecting this thriving town witlj all points of the United States. A newspaper is pub- lished here. There are two good hotels, the Putnam House, kept by Col. Hart, well known to Florida tourists; and the St. Johns, by P. & H. Peterman. This place is steamboat headquarters for the Upper St. Johns and its tributaries. The steamers Florence, Darlington and Hattie^ en route to Enterprise, He over one night at Palatka, tc discharge and receive freight^ giving passengers an oppor GUIDE TO FLORIDA, 7* tunity to spend a few hours on shore if they desire. Steam- ers run from Palatka to Dunn's Lake, and also up the Ocklawaha River to Silver Spring, Ocala, and the head of navigation, a distance of i8o miles. Opposite to Palatka, on the eastern bank, is a handsome orange grove of 500 trees. It is kept in excellent order and is worth visiting. The growth of the orange is rapidly increasing, and the profitableness of its culture justifies the labor expended on it. As evidence of its profitableness we may mention the fact, which comes from good authority, that one year's product of a five acre lot sold for $9,000. The St. Johns becomes narrower at this point. IVelaka — 100 miles from Jacksonville and 20 miles from Palatka, on the east bank, is the site first, of an old "'Indian village, and afterwards, of a flourishing Spanish settlement. It is near the entrance to Dunn's Lake, and also to the Ocklawaha River. The scenery along the Ocklawaha is very wild and picturesque, and is much ad- mired by tourists. There are some magnificent planta- tions on the banks, and large quantities of cotton and sugar are raised. Silver Spring is a basin of beautiful, clear and deep water. This the site of a Seminole village of 600 inhabitants. liRke Creor§^e — After leaving Welaka, the river widens into Little Lake George, four miles wide and seven miles long, and then into Big Lake George, one of the loveliest sheets of water in the world ; twelve miles wide and eighteen miles long. It is dotted with pretty islands, one of them called Rembert, being seventeen hundred acres in extent, and having one of the largest orange groves on the river. The banks of Lake George are musi- cal with the song and brilliant with the plumage of the Southern birds. Flocks of herons, the white curlew, the crane, the pelican, the loon and the paroquet may be seen. The latter cajn be bought of the negroes. 72 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. Volusia— 5^ miles from Lake George, and 65 miles from Palatka, on the east bank; a wood station, with a considerable settlement back from the river. This is the site of another ancient Spanish city, wiped out by the wars of the past, so that not a trace remains. It was the principal point on the line of travel between St. Augus- tine and the Musquito Inlet country. The modern village was settled in 181 8. ' During the Seminole war a fort was built here, and from this post General Eustis, in command of the left wing of the army, composed mostly of regu- lars and drafted three months' men from South Carolina and Georgia, set out to cross the country to the Withla- coochee, to join General Scott. After a brief and fruit- less campaign of three months. General Scott and his army recrossed the river at Volusia on their way to St. Au- gustine. Means can be had at Volusia to get to New Smyrna and Indian River on the coast; a famous country for the hunter. New Smyrna is celebrated as the spot settled by Dr. Turnbull and his colony of 1500 Minorcans, in the year 1767. TurnbuU's wife being a native of Smyrna, in Asia, the settlement was named New Smyrna. The crop cultivated by Turnbull was indigo, of which he raised thousands of dollars' worth anniuiUy. These col- onists not being dealt with according to contract, all abandoned the settlement and located in and near St. Augustine, where their descendants now reside. The only permanent monument left by Turnbull is a large canal, draining the swamp that bears his name into the Hillsboro' River at New Smyrna. Orang^e G-roVe— 10 miles from Lake George. Wood landing. ' . Hai¥kiiliiiTille— 20 miles from Lake George. Wood Undine:. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 73 Blue 8prm^ — 33 miles from Lake George. Wood landing. Near here is one of the largest springs in the State. The water boils up from a bottom eighty feet wide, and forms a considerable river. The spring is several hun- dred yards from the St. Johns, but the stream flowing from the spring is large enough, at its confluence at the river, for the steamers to float in it. It is a most interesting sight to look over the side of the steamer, into the crystal- clear water, and observe the every-day life of the shoals of fish below, as they flit here and there, seeking a living, making love to and war on each other, quite unconscious of the lookers-on in the element over their heads. It is a capital place for a naturalist to observe the ordinary habits of aquatic animals. Mellonville — 125 miles from Palatka, and 200 miles from Jacksonville ; on the west bank of Lake Mon- roe. One of the most important landings on the Upper St. Johns. It was formerly the site of Fort Mellon, built during the Indian War. There are two hotels here : either one of them furnishing fair accommodation, at moderate figures. There is a flourishing back country, and several stores do a good business. The orange groves in the neighborhood are handsome and productive. Lake Monroe, upon which Mellonville is situated, is twelve miles long and five miles wide. It is crowded with fish of many varieties, and the opportunities for rare sport to the angler, are unsurpassed. Wild fowls are likewise abun- dant. Enterprise — Almost directly opposite Mellonville, on the east bank of Lake Monroe; is 130 miles from Palatka and 205 miles from Jacksonville, and the head of regular steamboat navigation. Here is one of the best and most popular hotels on the river, the Brock House ; a large comfortable building, capable of entertaining on« 74 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. hundred guests. It is usually crowded during the winter. Attached to it are a billiard saloon and a ten-pin alley. The rates for board rank from ;^ 15.00 to ;^ 20.00 per week, according to rooms. The Green Spring, at Old Enter- prise, about a mile from the Brock House, is worth a visit, as well as the orange groves in the vicinity. The Spring is of a delicate green color, and at times transparent. It is nearly eighty feet in diameter, and fully one hundred feet deep. The waters are sulphurous, and few fish live in them. Enterprise is the great headquarters for the sports- man. Fishing and hunting expeditions are fitted out here for the upper lakes and the Indian River country. Horses and boats are kept on hire, and during the winter a small steamboat makes frequent excursions to Lakes Jessup and Harney, taking parties who wish to enjoy the ravishing scenery and indulge in that novel and exciting sport, alligator shooting. The run up to Lake Harney and back, can be made in a day. Lake Jessup, which is in the neighborhood of Lake Harney, is seventeen miles long by five miles wide, and is so shallow, that it cannot be en- tered by a boat drawing over three feet of water. The St. John's River has its rise in the Everglades, fully 120 miles further south than Enterprise, but tourists do not usually ascend beyond Lake Harney, twelve miles from Enterprise. The climate in this locality is perceptibly milder than below. The winter resembles very much the months of May and June at the North, though without their occasional scorching heat. The Southern Inland Navigation and Improvement Company have contracted to deepen the waters of the St. Johns, from Enterprise, as far as Lake Washington. This much-needed improvement will give inland commu- nication with Indian River, Sand Point, Mosquito Inlet, Indian River Inlet, Susannah, Jupiter Inlet; and the capesj I GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 75 and opens up the entire south-east coast of Florida to the extremity of the Peninsula. To the tourist in search of adventure, this section of the State presents a magnificent field. The Indian River is alive with every variety of fish that inhabit the Southern waters, and the woods abound in game. Since the completion of the railroad from St. Augustine to Tocoi, on the St. Johns River, access to this picturesque and beautiful old Spanish town has been easy, pleasant and rapid. The regular packet steamers up the St. Johns River leave Jacksonville at eight and nine o'clock a. m., daily, Sundays excepted ; and connect at Tocoi (5 7 miles from Jacksonville) with the St. Augustine Railroad. The train runs through from Tocoi to St. Augustine in forty minutes. The distance between Tocoi and St. Augustine is fifteen miles. Through fare from Jacksonville, by steamers Florence, Darlington and Hattie, $3.00. Meals and staterooms, $1.00 extra. St. Augustine, the most ancient town in North America, is situated on a peninsula nearly surrounded by the St. Sebastian River and St. Augustine Bay. The population is 2,000 souls, mostly of Spanish and Minorcan descent. Across the Bay is Anastasia Island. The town was founded by Menendez, the Spanish Governor of Florida, in 1565, which was forty-three years before the settlement of Jamestown, in Virginia, and fifty-five years before the landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock. St. Augus- tine has had an eventful history. O First, it was laid waste by the French, under De Gourgues ; in 1580, it was attacked and plundered by the English, under Sir Francis 7^ GUIDE TO FLORIDA. Drake. In 1611, it was pillaged by the Indians. In 1665, the English buccaneer, Davis, sacked it, after the inhabi- tants had taken refuge in the fort. In 1702, Governor Moore, of the English Colony of South Carolina, invaded Florida, and attacked the city, but was baffled by the fort. In 1 71 2, the inhabitants suffered from a famine in conse- quence of the non-arrival of supply ships from Spain. In 1725, the Georgians, under Colonel Palmer, were beaten off. 'In 1740, General Oglethorpe, the Governor of Geor- gia, laid regular siege to the place, planting his batteries on Anastasia Island and bombarding the fort for thirty-eight days. He failed to force the Spaniards to surrender, and retired. ' The city passed into British possession, by treaty, in 1763, and held a British garrison during our Revolutionary war. In 1784, it was re-ceded to Spain, and in 181 9 transferred to the United States. During the late war between the States, it changed masters three times. The following is a brief summary of the principal places of business and of interest to visitors in St. Augustine. Hotels.— The St. Augustine Hotel (E. E. Vaill & Co., Proprietors) is a large, commodious building, and has first rate accommodations. Florida House (J. H. Remer), Magnolia House (W. W. Palmer), and a number of good boarding liouses. St. Augustine has telegraphic commu- nication with Jacksonville. Old Town Wall— Built by the Spaniards two centuries ago. It protected the town on its northern side, and extended across the peninsula from shore to shore. The gateway of the old wall still stands, and is a pictur- GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 77 esque and imposing ruin, with ornamented lofty towers and loop-holed sentry-boxes. The ditch is clearly marked. Fort Iflarion — The old Spanish fort once called San Juan. It was begun in 1620, and built principally by the forced labor of Indian slaves who toiled on it for one hundred years. It stands on the sea front, at the upper Harper Bros. Interior of Fort Marioiio end of the town, and its material is almost wholly the Coquina rock, quarried on Anastasia Island. A ramble through its heavy casements, its crumbling Roman chapel, with elaborate portico and inner altar and holy-water niches, its dark passages, gloomy vaults, and more recently- discovered dungeons, bring you ready credence of its many traditions of inquisitorial tortures. In one of the arched dungeons, discovered by accident, beneath the 78 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. walls of the fort, was found a sealed up stone doorway, which being dug away, gave access to an inner dungeon. In this place were found two cages, in each of which were jikeletons, one of them that of a female. One of these is now preserved in the Smithsonian Institute, the other was interred on the north side of the fort. A visit to the fort by moonlight also is recommended. Cathedral. — The old Catholic cathedral, with its quaint Moorish belfry, its chime of four bells in separate niches, and its clock, together forming a cross, and its antique interior, is one of the most interesting objects in St. Augustine. The oldest of the bells is marked 1682. Other ChurcheiS. — The Episcopalians have a neat chapel on the Plaza. There are also Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches in the city. The Plaza. — A fine public square in the centre of the city is called the " Plaza de la Constitution. On it stand the ancient markets, and it is faced by the cathe- dral, the old palace, the convent, and the Episcopal church. In the middle is a monument erected in honor of the Spanish Liberal Constitution. Effigies of John Hancock and Samuel Adams were burned on this spot by the British troops early in the Revolution. The Plaza is a very pleasant resort for idlers, who will find a firm, green turf for lounging, benches and shade trees. The visit by moonlight is enchanting. The Palace^ or old Government house of the Span- ish era, on the Plaza, is now used as the post-ofiice, Court, St. Aug. Library and Reading Rooms, and Peabody School. Barracks— occupied by United States troops, said to have once been a monastery or convent. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 79 Convents. — There are three, the old Spanisn con- vent of St. Mary's, the one in the rear of the palace, a taste- ful edifice built of Coquina, and largest of all, the new con- vent on St. George street, near the Barracks. Cemeteries.— The old Huguenot burying-ground is a place of much interest. In the military burying-ground, under three pyramids of Coquina, stuccoed and whitened, are the ashes of Major Dade and 107 men of his command, who were massacred by Osceola and his band, Sea-Wall.— A fine sea-wall of nearly a mile in length, built of Coquina, with a coping of granite, pro- tects the entire bay front of the city, and affords a de- lightful promenade on a moonlight evening. In full view of this is the old light-house on Anastasia Island, built more than a century ago, and now surmounted by a fine revolving lantern. A new light-house, 160 feet high, has also been erected here by the Government. The Bay and Anastasist Island. — Boating on the bay is a favorite amusement on moonlight nights. The sail by day across the bay to Anastasia Island is charming. Beautiful shells of all descriptions may be gathered on the beach, and sea-mosses and lichens may be collected for albums. Streets. — They are nearly all quite narrow ; one, which is nearly a mile long, being but fifteen feet wide. Many of the houses, with high roof and dormer windows, have hanging balconies along their second stories, which seem almost to touch each other across the narrow street. ImproTements. — Half a million dollars have been expended on improvements, public and private, in St. Augus- tine since 1870. Charlotte, St. George and Bay streets are all interesting thoroughfares. Among the private resi- dences recently completed may be named those of Henry Ball, of Ball, Black & Co., costing $50,000; of John How- gQ GUIDE TO FLORIDA. ard, costing $30,000 ; and of Wm. H. Aspinwall, costing $25,000. Speculation in land has been rife for some time, and the natural charms, added to its historic, will probably make St. Augustine soon outstrip in development the younger cities of the State. The country west of the Apalachicola River has not yet been brought into railroad communication with the other parts of the State. Its comparative isolation was the cause of the recent movement in favor of annexing it to Alabama. The extension of lines of the Jacksonville, Pensacola and the Mobile Railroad, will soon remove any feeling of discontent which may exfet in Western Florida. Apalachicola. — This city was formerly the seat of a very considerable trade. It was the shipping port for that rich cotton-growing region lying on the Chatta- hoochie and Flint Rivers, which empty into the Apalachi- cola River, and thus into Apalachicola Bay. The Chatta- hoochee is navigable as far up as Columbus, Georgia ; a distance of 367 miles. The building of numerous rail- roads in lower Georgia and Alabama, which tapped the river line, diverted trade from this old city to Mobile and Savannah. The population has decreased, but it still can boast about 1000 inhabitants. Owing to its fine site there is no reason why, with capital and energy, its former pros- perity should not be revived. Iflarianna. — County seat of Jackson County. This town is situated on the Chipola River, an affluent of the Apalachicola, and navigable at certain seasons by small craft to Marianna. The business of this town is ordina- rily done through Bellevue and Neal's Landing, about 18 miles distant, on the Chattahoochee. GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 8i The extension of the Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad will pass through Marianna, and must very much increase its prosperity, already ensured by the fertility of the adjacent country. Pensacola — The principal city of Western Florida. Population, 2,000. It is situated on Pensacola Bay, and is enjoying a lucrative and growing trade. At the entrance of the bay lies Santa Rosa Island, upon which is built Fort Pickens, the scene of one of the most famous sieges of the earlier years of the late war between the States. The city was laid out by the English in 1763. Pensacola may be reached from Jacksonville and Eastern Florida by means of the railroad to St. Marks on the Gulf, and regular packet steamer from St. Marks to Pensacola Bay. The Pensacola and Louisville Railroad connects at Pollard with the Mobile and Montgomery Railroad. ;The following observations upon the future of Pensacola are taken from a pamphlet issued by the ** New City Com- pany :" "The City of Pensacola has natural advantages which destine it to become, by rapid strides, the Chicago of the South. \\. is situated on the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico, in latitude 30 deg. 28 m. north, and longitude 87 Atg. 22 m. west of Greenwich, only ten miles from the open sea. Its thoroughly land-locked harbor covers an area of over two hundred square miles, being about thirty miles long, and from five to eight miles in width, having unsurpassed anchorage, and a depth of from thirty to thir- ty-five feet. The entrance to the harbor is about half a mile wide, with an average depth on the bar of twenty-four feet. The same depth is readily secured at the wharfage line of the city. A laden ship of largest tonnage can ap- proach the city at any time in the year, or leaving its wharves can be in the open sea in an hour-and-a-half. 82 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. "The rapid development of the iron mines of Ala- bama, whose natural outlet to the markets of the world is the port of Pensacola, will not only contribute a consid- erable quota to the commerce of this port, but will, in connection with the Florida forests, furnish superior mate- rial for ship-building, which, at no distant day, must rival in extent the similar industry of northern ports ; the prox- imity and cheapness of all material required giving build- ers in this locality peculiar advantages." Southern or Tropical Florida is, properly speaking, that part of the State lying south of latitude 28 deg. north. It comprises an area of 20,000 square miles, and has a pop- ulation of about 9,000 inhabitants. About half of this population reside on the Island of Key West and the neighboring Keys and islands extending into the Gulf of Mexico, and are engaged m the business of wrecking and fishing. The raising of cattle upon the main-land is the all-absorbing business of the inhabitants, who 'reside from 30 to 40 miles apart, and allow the cattle to graze on the public domain. The herds are immense ; in Manatee County alone, there are 100,000 head of cattle. The main-land is level and divided into hummocks, pine openings and prairies. The hummocks are very rich, and are covered over with a dense growth of timber ; consist- ing of live oak, water oaks, magnolia, bay, etc. The soil is sandy. The pine openings are covered with scattering pines and a grass which affords fine pasturage. The prairie lands occupy the interior portion of the vState, bordering upon the Kissimee River, the head waters of the St. Johns, and the upper Caloosahatchee. They are dotted over with GUIDE TO FLORIDA 83 small clumps of hummocks, containing from, one to five acres each, which give beauty and variety to the scenery, and afford shelter during the heat of the day to innumer- able herds of deer and cattle. There are also numerous small lakes of pure water, filled with fish, some of which are only a few rods in extent, while others are from two to ten miles in length. These prairies are the paradise of the herdsmen and the hunters. This section of Florida is capable of producing all the different products of the West Indies. There is a constant sea-breeze off the Gulf Stream, commencing about eight o'clock, A. M., and lasting until nearly sundown. The climate is very exhilarating. The thermometer averages, the year round, 73 deg. and the extremes are 5 7 deg. and 92 deg. A railroad is projected from Jacksonville, along the St. John's River into Southern Florida. At present, the means of getting to the harbors, on the extreme southern coast, are by sailing vessels from Jacksonville, Key West and New Orleans, or overland, by the mail carrier's con- veyances from Gainesville on the Florida Railroad, and Enterprise on the Upper St. John's River. The following are some of the most notable places in Southern Florida: — Tampa Bay— On the western coast, is a noble har- bor for the largest vessels, and is about 40 miles long. Towards the interior it divides into two branches, called Little Tampa and Hillsborough Bay. It is dotted with small islands, the pleasantest of which is Egmont. In the waters of Tampa Bay enormous quantities of fish and tur- tles may be found. In shoal places the fish are so numer- ous that they impede the passage of boats. Sea fowl are exceedingly numerous ; the beautiful flamingoes, in partic- ular, appear in long files drawn up on the beach, like GUIDE TO FLORIDA bands of soldiers in red uniforms. The village of Tampa has regular mail communication with Gainesville, and passengers avail themselves of the mail wagon for transit. A railroad is projected to Waldo, on the Cedar Keys and Fernandina Railroad ; when it is completed, Tampa will become one of the most important ports on the Gulf. Charlotte Marl>oa% or Boca Grande, on the west- ern coast, south of Tampa Bay. It is about 25 miles long, and eight to ten miles wide, and is sheltered from the sea by several islands. The entrance between Boca Grande Key and Gasperillo is six fathoms deep and three-quarters of a mile wide. The fisheries in and around Charlotte Harbor are very valuable, and may be made more so. Probably a thousand persons could find profitable employment. The fish are caught with seines. The finest oysters on the coast are gathered here. Alpativkee JSn^ainp, upon the head waters of the St. Lucie River, is the only swamp of any magnitude in Tropical Florida. Indian K-iver is a vast lagoon along the Atlantic coast of Florida, extending a distance of nearly 100 miles. In some places it is four miles wide, and in others, not more than fifty yards wide. The Indian River country is filled with game, and is a celebrated resort of the sportsman. liake Okee-cho-bee — A large, wild, solitary lake, near the everglades. Its length is twenty miles. Tlie Everg"iades — Situated almost in the southern extremity of the peninsula, is a vast shallow lake, over- grown with grass, pond lilies and other aquatic plants, in- terspersed with innumerable small islands, of from one to one hundred acres each. These islands are principally hummock lands, covered over with a growth of live and water-oaks and cocoa plums, with an undergrowth of GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 85 morning-glories, grapes and other vines, and are extremely fertile. The water is from four inches to four feet deep, and is very clear and pure. In many places are channels and sinks where the water is from ten to fifty feet deep ; these holes are well supplied with fish, of which the trout is the most desirable. Alligators and turtle are abundant, and panthers, wild-cats, and bears are quite numerous. Flowers of the sweetest fragance, and of every hue and color, greet the eye. The border and outer margin of the Everglades is prairie, of from one-fourth to one mile in breadth, and comprises some of the finest and richest land in America, having once been a portion of the Everglades, and formed by the receding of the waters. During the Indian war the Everglades were the last retreat of the Semi- noles, and it was with the utmost difficulty that the gov- ernment dislodged them, so well adapted w^re the almost hidden islands for defence and concealment. Biscayne Bay — At the end of the peninsula, and emptying into Barnes' Sound and Florida Bay, is an ex- cellent harbor for all vessels drawing less than ten feet of water. It can be entered at all times. Great quantities of turtle and sponges of the finest variety are secured here. The sponges and turtle taken from these waters are valued at ;^ I GO, 000 per annum. Lieutenant Governor Gleason says of the Biscayne Bay country : " The pure water, the chalybeate and other mineral springs, the magnificent beauty of its scenery, the salubrity and equability of its climate, must make Biscayne Bay, at no distant day, the resort of the invalid, the tourist, and the lover of adven- ture." The Keys. — These are a series of islands, extending along the south coast, from Cape Florida to the Dry Tor- tugas, lying between the main-land and the Florida Reefs, and within three to five miles of the Gulf Stream. They 86 GUIDE TO FLORIDA. are of uniform character, being of coral formation and very rocky. Some are only a few acres in extent, while others contain as many as 15,000 acres. Cayo Largo is the largest. These Keys are only a few feet above tide- water, and are mostly covered with a growth of hard- wood timber. The land is too rocky to admit of general cultivation. Key West — (The city and port of.) Telegraph Office. Is situated on the island of the same name, which is seven miles long and one-and-a-half wide. It is eleven feet above the sea level. The population of the city is about 3,000 It has a large trade in sponges, turtles and fruits, and is a place of some manufacturing importance. There are twelve or fifteen cigar factories, making in the aggregate thirty to thirty-five thousand of the best Havana cigars per diem. There is also a manufactory in successful operation, for canning the pineapple — the only one in the United States. From five to eight thousand cans are put up daily. Key West has five churches and the usual pub- lic buildings. The United States Admiralty Court sits here. Two newspapers are published, the Dispatch, dem- ocratic, and the Guardian, republican. There are a few lakes on the island, and several beautiful drives. The land is covered in mid-winter with the greenest of foliage, and tropical flowers grow in profusion. The climate hereabouts is mild and agreeable, the thermometer ranging from 79 to Z6 degrees in summer, and 48 to 60 degrees in winter. The island is much visited by invalids. Constant communication is had with New York, New Orleans, Havana, Galveston and Cedar Keys by packet steamers. The passage to Havana occupies but a few hours. The New. Orleans, Cedar Keys and Havana steamers afford weekly connection with all points in Upper and Middle Florida, by means of the Florida Railroad. The principal GUIDE TO FLORIDA. 87 hotels in Key West are the Russell House and the Leland Hotel, recently erected by a stock company. Board can be obtained in numerous private families at reasonable rates. The Dry Tortug^as islands, at the extreme end of the Florida Keys, and extending some distance into the Gulf of Mexico. They were used as a penal place for Confederate prisoners during the late war, and several of the Lincoln conspirators were confined there. They are forlorn, barren rocks, defended by fortifications, and ornamented (?) with a light house. 88 St. Augustine, Fla., E. E. VAU.L & CO., Proprietors. THE ST. J^TJG-TJ&rCTlSTJSl KCOTDEX, COMMANDS A FINE VIEW OE THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, THE BAY AND HARBOR OF ST. AUGUSTINE, AND A BIRDS-EYE VIEW OF THE CITY ITSELF. The proprietors will endeavor to make their guests as ooinlort- able as possible, no pains having been spared in providing the best help from the North. The Prices of Board vary according to location of XQom md length of sta^. 89 INDEX Page. Alachua Sink 60 Albany, Ga 49 Alexandria..,.,.^ 65 Alligator Shooting 23-71 Altamaha River 41 Alpotivkee Swamp 84 Anastasia Island 76 Ancient Florida 23-70-72 Apalachicola 80 Archer 61 Area of Florida 7 Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. ... 39 A. G. & W. I. Trans. Co. R.R. 56 Ancilla 52 Baconton 49 Baldwin 55-58 Bainbridge,...., 46 Bissayne Bay 85 Bishop of Florida, RE 57 Blackshear 42 Blue Spring, (Albany Ga,),... 49 Blue Spring, (St. John's Riv.) 70 Bonaventure Cemetery 37 Boston, Ga 45 Brock's Steamer Line. 63 Bronson.. 61 Brunswick, Ga <. 41 Cairo 46 Callahan 58 Camilla 48 Cathedral, St. Augustine 75 Cedar Keys 61 Cession of Florida to U. S,... 5 Chaires 51 Chalybeate Spring...,. 54 Page. Charleston, S. C 31 History 31 Harbor 31 Hotels 31 Streets 32 Public Buildings 32 Places worth visiting 32 Charlotte Harbor 84 Chipola Big Spring 8 Civil War 6-31-37 Climate of Florida 10 Climax 46 Consumptives, Florida for. .25-26 Cotton 12-29-36-47-51 Darlington, Steamer 63 Devil's Hopper 45 Di^ie 45 Doctortown 41 Dungeness Estate 58 Dunn's Lake 68 DuPont 43-47 Dry Tortugas 87 Ellaville 53 Enterprise 73 Everglades 84 Fernandina.. 5^ Fevers 27 Finegan, General 6-54 Fishing in Florida 20 Fleming 4° Forrest Station 47 Forsyth Park 37 Fort McAllister 39 go NDEX. Page. Fort Marion 77 Fort Pulaski 37 Grinesville 60 Geography of Florida 7 Geological Formation 8 Goodman 52 Goverhment, present State. ... 14 Great Southern Mail Route... 16 Green Cove Springs 69 Greene, Genl. Nathaniel, Es- tate of 58 Green Spring 74 Hardaway 49 Hart's Road 58 Hattie, Steamer 63 Hawkinsville 72 Havana Steamers 62-86 Hibernia 69 Historic Sketch 3 Hogarth's Wharf. 69 Homersville 43 Hotel business in Florida 30 Houses, Cost of Building 29 How to get to Florida 16 Huguenots in Florida 4 Hunting in Florida. . 20-23-74-83 Immigrants, Florida for 28* Indian River 72-75-82 Invalids, F lorida for 25 Jacksonville S5-64 Topography and Suburbs. 64 Hotels and Educational Establishments 65 Commerce & Industries. . 66 Points of Interest 67 Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad 50 Jasper 47 Jesup 41 Johnston 40 Keys, the Florida 85 Key West 86 Lake City 54 Page. Lake George 71 Lake Harney 74 Lake Jessup 74 Lake Monroe 73 Lake Rachel 52 Lands, Cheap 28 Lands, Price of 29 La Villa 64 Lee, General 58 Leon County 51 Live Oak 48-53 Little Lake George 71 Lloyd's 51 Lovick Pierce College 45 Lumber Business 1 3-30-5 7 Madison 52 Malaria in Florida 26 Mandarin 68 Marrianna.... 80 Mcintosh , 40 Mellonville 73 Micanopy 61 Miccosukie 5^ Midway 51 Mobile Steamers 62 Monticello 52 Monuments 38 Moncriefs Springs 67 Mosquitoes 30 Mulberry Grove 68 Naylor 43 Newmansville 61 New Orleans Steamers 62 New Smyrna 72 Northern Florida 5° Northern Settlers 15 Ocklawaha River ; 71 Okafon9kee Swamp 42-43 Okeechobee 84 Okloknee 48 Olustee, Battle of 6-54 Olustee Station 54 Orange Grove 72 Orange Raising 29 Otter Creek 61 Ousley 44 INDEX. 9' Page. Palatka 7^ Palmetto • 6i Patterson 4^ Pelham 4^ Pensacola 5"^' Picolata 7° Pleasure Seekers, Florida for. 20 Political Parties •••• H Population I3 Quincy 5*^ Quitman 44 Rain in Florida i^ Rattlesnakes 3° Rembert Island 71 Riverside 65 Sanderson 55 Santa Fe Lake 59 Savannah, Ga 36 Hotels 36 Parks and Cemeteries.... 37 Points of Interest 38 Scott, General 72 Screven 41 Scuppernong Grapes 50 Sea Routes to Florida. 17-18 Seminole War.. 6 Seymour's Defeat 6-54 Silver Spring 8-71 Southern Florida 82 Springs. 8-44-48-53-54-69-72-74 Springfield 65 Starke 59 Statenville 47 St. Augustine 5-^3-75 Hotels 76 St. John's River 62 St. Marks ,. 55 Page. Stockton 43 Stowe, Mrs. H. Beecher ...... 68 Sunbury Fort 40 Sulphur Springs (Suwanee)... 48 Sulphur Springs (Withlacoo- chee) 44 Suwanee Station 48 Suwanee Spa 8 Swedish Colony 51 Swiss Colony 46 Tallahassee 5^ Tampa Bay 83 Tebeauville 42 Thermometer, Range of 1 1 Thomasville 45-48 Thunderbolt 3^ Tocoi 70 Trail Ridge 59 Turnbull •• 72 UpperWhiteSulphurSprg's . 47-48 Valdosta 43 Vegetable Trade 12-57 Volusia 72 Wakulla River 8 Waldo n-- 59 Walthourville.. SI .. 40 Way Cross 42 Way's Station 39 Welaka 7i Welborn 53 Western Florida 80 Whigham 4^ White House 55 White Sulphur Springs 53 Wine Culture..,.,,,..... 5° Charleston Hotel, E. H. J^OKISOIV Sc CO. PROPRIETORS. 93 THE ST. GEORGE STRl^ET, W. W. PALMER, Proprietor. (Late HOUGHTON & PALMER.) This favorite Hotel has been completely renovated, internally and externally, and now presents unsurpassed accommodations for TOURISTS AND INVALIDS. Single rooms and family apartments, en suite. The cuisine is in every respect unexceptionable. The Magnolia stands upon the highest ground in the city and com- mands a fine view of the ocean. 94 Aiken, South Carolina. Situated on the South CaroHna R R., 120 miles northwest of Charleston, at an elevation of 600 feet above tide water, and 400 feet higher than the Savannah River at Augusta, Ga. (17 miles listant). The dimate being dry, the air is clear, warm and highly oxygenized, and consequently invig- orating to the syst :m. The Hi&hland Park Hotel Has been enlarged to nearly double its former capacity. Rooms are large, with open fireplace, and each have sunny exposure. * PUBLIC PARLOR, OFFICE AND GENTS' SITTSNC ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR (facing the South) i ELECTRICAL BELLS TO EACH ROOM, HOT AND COLD BATHS ON EACH FLOOR; CHILDREN'S PLAY ROOM, BILLIARD ROOM, BARBER'S SHOP, &.C., IN THE BASEMENT. A -WELL STOCKED LIVERY STABLE Connected with the hotel. Grounds ample, with facilities for various amusements. Circulars and rates for board furnished by addressing B. P. CHATFIELD, Proprietor, Note. — Planters Hotel, Augusta, Ga., refitted and furnished new throughout. Rooms at Highland Park Hotel can hfi secured here. Open the whole year- ^ ^, P. CHATFJELP. FrQfrktm- 95 FLORIDA TOURISTS! ON YOUR RETURN NORTHWARD, YOU WILL FIND THE -FOR- BOSTonsr NEW LONDON & WORCESTER, THE MOST DIRECT AND POPULAR ROUTE FOR O^^SUMMER PLEASURE TRAVEL. STEAM E R S CITY OF Capt. H. C. LANPHEAR, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, CITY OF 1 § i f § 1 Capt. WM. D WARD. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, « I>. 3J[. j From Pier 40, North River, ) ^ I*, m:, *-"^ in Summer. ( Foot of Canal and Watts Streets. ) in Winter. CONNECTING with Express Train at New London, via Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad, for Boston, Blackstone, Franklin anc* Walpole. And, via Worces- ter for Boston, Framingham, Fitchburgh, Groton Junction, Lowell, Lawrence, Nashua, Manchester, Concord and White Mountain?. Also, connecting at New London with tlie Central Vermont Railroad, via Palmer, Brattleboro, &c., to all points North. ■ For Through Tickets, Time WALTMB F, PAMKBB,^ Agent, Tables,etc., inquire of Pier 40, North Biver. 96 COOK'S Cheap American Tours. Excursion Tickets issued to all parts of the United States, Canada, Nova Scotia, Etc., Etc, These tickets allow the holder to stop off at any point en route, which ordinary tickets do not ; they are not limited in time, and are sold at a reduction from the ordinary rates; they are specially arranged in little books similar to our well-known European Tourist Tickets. Tickets for almost any Tour can be purchaseu at our offices in Boston, Wasliington City, New Orleans, to commence and end at those places, and many other principal cities and towns. COOK'S AMERICAN HOTEL COUPONS, Specially adapted for the use of travelers on Cook's Tourist Tickets, and are sold to no other traveler; they are accepted at many of the principal hotels in the United States, Canada, &c. , &c. ; they are sold at the uniform rate of $3.50 per day. These Cou- pons provide for a full day's accommodation at each hotel, while fractional parts of a day may be paid in cash at the same rates. "COOK'S EXCURSIONIST," Published monthly, contains fares and expenses for upwards of 1200 specimen tours, tickets for which are issued by Cook, Son & Jenkins. The " Excursionist " is sent by mail upon receipt of Ten Cents. Address Cook, Son & Jenkins, 261 Broadway, New York. p. O, Box 4265. 97 HEADQUARTERS nOURISTS! (interior view op an ERIE RAILWAY SLEEPING COACH.) 241 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. The Erie Kailway Company calls attention to its beautiful scenery of the Ram apo Pass, Delaware River, Susquehanna Viaduct and Valley, Portage Bridge and Niagara Falls. Combination Pleasure Excursion Tickets are sold during the summer season to Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, River St. Lawrence, Cooperstown, Lake George and all other prominent points of interest^ embracing all the chief places of Summer resort, at the lowest rates of fare. Tourists will get more for their money on the ERIE Railway than on any other road in the country. Remember the Office, 241 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. I>ei>ot, Foot of diam'bers (Street, Ne^w TITorl^, JNO. N. ABBOTT, QenH Passenger Agent, 98 THE ^4t?T6iilit ami Pisssiii CHARLESTON, S. C. '%. w TERNANDIN A, CEDAR KEYS, MANATEE, JACKSON- VILLE, TAMPA, APALACHICOLA, HAVANA, KEY WEST, AND ALL INTEEMEDIATE POINTS. P. M. The following magnificent side- wheel Steamships sail Tri-weekly at every Ttiesday, TJiursday and Sattirday, CHAMPION, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, -Cap\ R. W. Lockwood. Capt. Jas. Berry, Capt- J. T. Beckett. MANHATTAN, JAS ABOER, GEORGIA, Capt. M. S. Wcodhiill. Capt. T. J. Lockwood. Capt. S. Crowell. MAKING CLOSE CONNECTION WITH THE Charleston and Florida teamship Co. Atlantic, (xiilf and West India Transportation Co, PASSAGE RATES, including first-class Stateroom and Meals on Steam- ships to Charleston. SAVANNAH, $20.00. Jacksonville $21 75 jFernardina 27 75 licolata 28 7) ■Crreen Cove Springs 28 75 H hernia 28 75 Orange Mills 30 25 jMonticello 31 25 ]VEsr>^^"5i^5 Touching at Cedar Keys and Key West, and connecting with Steamers for Apa- lachicola, St, Mark's, Tampa and the Suwanee Eiver. These Steamers are first-class— have good passenger accommodations — are kept in good condition, and are commanded by careful and experienced oflBlcers, who make every effort for the safety, comfort and pleasure of travelers. The advantages to travelers seeking safety, comfort and pleasure on a steam- ship, are apparent in selecting this route, as rough sea is almost unknown in these waters. RATES OF FIRST CLASS PASSAGE. PROM New Cedar Tarn- Key -TO Ha- Jack- Fer- Char- Sa- Orl'ns. Keys. pa. West. vana. s'nville n'ndi'a leston. van'h. New Orleans. $25 $H5 $40 $40 $31 $31 $35 $35 Cedar Keys.. $25 10 20 25 Tampa Key West.. . . ! 3.5 io 25 35 16 16 25 25 40 20 25 12 26 26 32 32 Havana 40 25 35 12 26 26 35 35 Jacksonville. 31 16 26 26 Fernandina. . 31 16 26 26 Charleston . . 35 32 35 Savannah 35 82 35 .. For further imformation apply to Atlantic, Gulf & West India Transit Company Fernandina, Florida. Florida Central Railroad Co Jacksonville, " E. J. Lutterloh Cedar Keys, " MlUer & Henderson Tampa, " Jno. Jay Philbrick Key West, " Ravenel & Co Charleston, S. C. Agents Florida Steam Packet Co Savannah, Ga. Lawton Bros., 13 Mercaderers Street Havana, Cuba. 120 Common Street, New Orleans, La. I02 'LOEII The Safest, Cheapest, and only Comfortable Route to Florida. THE FIRST-CLASS NEW YORK BUILT STEAMERS, DICTATOR, Capt. Togel, CITY POINT, ..... Capt. Fitzgerald, Having been completely refurnislied and refitted, CONNECT AT CHARLESTON & SAVANNAH With Railroad and Steamers for Pernandina, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Hibernia, G-reen Cove Springs, and Palatka, la. INCLUDING All Landings on the St. Johns River, Connecting at PALATKA with Steamers for ENTERPRISE, SANFORD and INDIAN RIVER, as also with Steamers for the OCKLAWAHA RIVER. A first-class table and clean, comfortable State-Rooms pro- vided. No extra charge for Meals and State-Rooms. ^ All Railroad Tickets good by this Line. For Freight or Passage, apply to AGENTS IN NEW YORK of the various Oharloston and Savannah Steamship Lines. Or, to RAVENEL & CO., Agents, COKNEB OF VaNDERHORST'S WhARF AND EaBT BaT, Charleston, South Carolina, 103 All Points in Florida, The South and South- West. New York and Savannah Steamship Line. Making close connections with the Atlantic and Gulf Kailroad to all points irs Florida, and via Central R. R. and Atlantic and Gulf E. R., to all points in GEORGIA, ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, TEMESSEE M LOUISIANA, The passenger accommodations of these Steamers are not surpassed by anj Line out of New York. FOUR STEAMERS PER WEEK. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, PASSAGE RATES, including Meals and Staterooms on Steamers hetweeiB New York and Savannah. SAVANNAH Jacksonville, Fla $27 T5 Fernandina 27 75 Picolata, Fla 29 75 Green Cove Springs 28 75 ffibemia, Fla. . . 28 75 Orange Mills, Fla 30 25 Monticello, Fla 31 25 Quincy, Fla 32 50 Atlanta, Ga 27 50 Albany, Ga 31 50 Selma, Ala 35 00 Mobile, Ala 40 00 New Orleans, La 47 00 $20.00. St. Augustine, Fla $31 75 Palatka, Fla 29 75 Enterprise, Fla 35 75 Gainsville, Fla 30 25 Lake City, Fla 30 25 Madison, Fla 30 25 Tallahassee, Fla 31 25 Macon, Ga 27 00 Eufaula, Ala 32 00 Montgomery, Ala 35 00 Chattanooga, Tenn 30 00 Rome,Ga 30 25 Atlanta 27 50 Every TUESDAY, from Pier 16, E. R. foot of Wall St. MURRAY'S LINE. X. EJ O I "V^IDEiG-O Murray, Ferris & Co., Agents, 61 & 62 South St. Every THURSDAY, Pier 8, N. R. EMPIRE LINE. H. Liyingston | Gen. Barnes Wm. R. Garrison, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green. Every SATURDAY, from Pier 8, North River. EMPIRE LINE. San Salvador | San Jacinto Wm. R. Garrison, Agent. No. 5 Bowling Green, Every SATURDAY, Pier 13, N. R. BLACK STAR LINE. HuntsTille I Montg-omery R. Lowden, Agent, No. 93 West Streets CEO. YONCE, Agent, Cent'l R. R. of Georgia, 409 Broadway. The PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHEEN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. despatch one of their Steamers, Wj-^oming or Tonawanda, every Saturday. Returning, kave Savannah same day. W, L, JAMES, Agent, 237 Dock St., PhiJa. BALTIMORE TO SAVANNAH, GA. The AMERICA, SARAGOSSA AND NORTH POINT, leave on 10th, 20tk and 30 of each month. JAS. B. ANDREWS, Agt, Flanigan's Wharf, Baltimor* Information given, and Tickets sold by rail or steamship, to all points in Florida, in connection with the " Atlantic and Gulf Railway." C. D. OWENS, Stenl. Agent, 229 Broadway, comer of Barclay Street, New York. 104 Tbe Atlantic AY. The steamers remain through the day at Port Royal, affording passengers an opportunity to visit Beaufort and the celebrated Port Eoyal Harbor and Islands, and to arrive at Fernandina on the following morning. fl^^^This is the only Direct Line to Florida. No Transfer of Baggage, or Detention by missing Connections ! For Freight or Passage apply to HERM GELPCKE, Agent, 5 William Street, New York. 107 HOUKT PLEASANT Military Academy, A Boys' Boarding School, AT SING SING, ON THE HUDSON. This Institution, founded in 1832, has long been widely and favorably known. The location is unsurpassed in beauty and health- fulness j the grounds are ample and attractive ; the build- ings neat and commodious. The corps of teachers embraces six resident teachers, three visiting teachers, and three lecturing professors. There are five graded classes in the Regular Course of study, and parallel courses in the Latin, Greek, French, and German languages. Instruction in Penmanship, Enghsh Composition, Elocution, and Vocal Music is given to every member of the School. It is believed that ample provision is made for every department of study, and for the proper moral and physical care and training of the young. For further particulars, address the Principal, J. HOWE ALLEN, Sing Sing, N. Y. io8 W. ^/V. SILVER, 102 Fulton Street, New York. S^(0rtralt#7 X.a%4#^^f e#« FACTORIES, BUILDINGS, Machinery and Yiews of Every Description Taken AT SHORT NOTICE. OLD PORTRAITS COPIED AND ENLARGED, AND FINISHED IN INDIA INK, WATER COLORS OR OIL. PHOTOGRAPHING ON WOOD. 109 LIST OF SOUTHERN HOTELS. NORFOLK, VA Atlantic, Central and National. RICHMOND, VA. Ballard and Exchange, St. James, St. Charles and Ford's. . PETERSBURG, VA Jarrett's Hotel. WELDON, N. C Emory House. WILMINGTON, N. C Purcell, National and Gaston. CHARLESTON, S. C Charleston and Pavilion. COLUMBIA, S. C Wheeler, Columbia, National and Rose's. AIKEN, S. C Highland Park Hotel. AUGUSTA, GA Planters', Augusta, Globe and Central. ATLANTA, GA H. L Kimball House. SAVANNAH, GA Pulaski, Pavilion, Marshall, European, Screven and McConnell's. MACON, GA Brown, Lamar and National. COLUMBUS, GA Rankin House. MONTGOMERY, ALA Exchange, Central and Madison. MOBILE, ALA Battle and Gulf City. NEW ORLEANS, LA St. Charles, City and Verandah. FLORIDA HOTELS. PALATKA St. Johns, St. James and Putnam. JACKSONVILLE... Grand National, Metropolitan, St. James, Florida, Mattair, Bufifington, Keen and Stickney. ST. AUGUSTINE St. Augustine, Magnolia and Florida. MAGNOLIA Magnolia House. GREEN COVE SPRINGS Clarendon and Union. ENTERPRISE Brock's House. no MEMORANDA. in TO THE PUBLIC. In presenting to the public this revised edition of the Guide to Florida for the season of 1874-5, the undersigned point with pardonable pride to the popularity and usefulness of the work, as evidenced by the Uberal advertising patron- age bestowed by the great lines of travel, the hotels, and the enterprising business men of the Florida towns. It has been carefully revised since the pubHcation of the previous edition, and will be found to contain this year many new facts of interest to the Florida tourist. We shall, in each ensuing issue, be pleased to incorporate any additional information of importance, relative to the material interests of Florida, of which our friends there or elsewhere may be kind enough to place us in possession. Meanwhile, we send forth the present edition in the hope that it may prove a useful Pocket Companion and Guide to every one visiting the Land of Flowers during the coming season. CATLIN & LYDECKER. Advertising Directory. Charleston Advertisements. P AVILION HOTET ( CHARLESTON, S.G This long established and favorite House having been thoroughly renovated, painted and newly furnished, and having had the celebrated "Artesian Water and Baths " in- troduced, is now open for the reception of the traveling public. The Proprietors have spared neither pains nor expense in making this Hotel equal to any in the South, and trust by strict attention to merit a share of public patronage. Terms^ $3,00 per Day, TRANSFER COUPONS TAKEN BY OMNI- BUSES OF THIS HOUSE. G. T. AI-FORD & CO, Chaeleston Adveetisements. CTi^EBRATEo m THE ABOVE YACHT, | Safely, Hanilsofflely anil Comfortatily Anpiiitei, POSSESSING ASTONISKSNG SPEED, WILL LEAVE SOUTHERN WHARF EVERY DAY At 10 A. M, and 3.30 P. M., FOR il Mf 1 111 WAilll, And all the other interesting points around the Harbor. For engagements apply on board, to Capt. THOMAS YOUNG. Charleston, Oct., 1874. i Charleston and Savannah Adyeetisements. 4 G. N. BARNARD, 263 King Street, CHARLESTON, S. G. miSCiPIC ifliS IF FiT Sim illlSTi And Vicinity. Mf mil iof iL Cor. Bull and South Broad Streets, SAVANNAH, Ga. A FAMILY HOTEL OF OLD STANDING, Possessing all the advantages and requirements of a quiet and genial home. p. J. HOBART, Proprietor, 5 Savannah Advertiseeents. SAVANNAH, GA. Your attention is respectfully called to the above House as ^ Fimsw- €&Mgg M&WME^ in every respect. The House has been thoroughly repaired and re- furnished, and is now provided with every necessary convenience for the accommodation and comfort of its patrons ; the rooms are large, airy, and neatly furnished, and ample means are afforded for bathing. The location is desirable, and convenient to the business portion of the city. THE TABLES will at all times be bountifully furnished with meats, &c. , from the North, and we have all the vegetables and delicacies which the market affords. THE RATES OF BOARD have been reduced to $3.00 per day, and liberal terms will be offered to parties wishing to engage rooms by the month or season. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY STABLE is connected with the House. Omnibuses and Baggage Wagons will always be in attendance at the various Depots and Steamboat Landings to convey passengers to the Hotel. TELEGRAPH & R.R. TICKET OFFICE IN THE HOTEL. THE LAUNDRY is excellent and its service will be expeditious and satisfactory. THE BARBER SHOP has been re-fitted and is in charge of a skillful and attentive man. THE NEWS ROOM will be regularly supplied with all the Daily and Weekly Papers. The Bar is supplied with the best Wines, Liquors, Segars, &c. The Proprietor begs to repeat emphatically that every care and exertion will be exercised by himself and his assistants to make the Marshall House in every respect unsurpassed as an attractive and satisfactory place of home resort. Hoping to obtain a liberal share of patronage, I remain, Yours respectfully, A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Savan:n^ah Advertisements. 6 EUROPEAN HOUSE 156, 158, 160 & 162 BRYAN STREET, Opp. the Market, SAVAHNAH, Ga. The Proprietor having completed the necessary additions and improvements, can now oiTer to his guests all the comforts to be obtained at other hotels at less than A RESTAURANT ON THE EUEOPEAN PLAN has been added, where guests can AT ALL HOURS order whatever can be obtained in the Market. Booms, tvlth Board, $1.50 per day. DETERMINED TO 13E All I ask is a tbial, confident that complete satisfaction will be given. JOHN BRESNAN, Proprietor. J. IN. "VTILSOTV, PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT IN SAVANNAH, Opposite Pulaski and Screven Houses. Photographic Rooms, - - 143 Boughton Street. Ferrotype Rooms, 21 Bull Street. Stereoscopic Views for sale and on exhibition, in great variety, at both places. Fine collection of Wilson's Views may be seen in all the principal Hotels. Over 300 Views, always on hand of Savannah, Bonaventura and vicinity. Mr. Wilson employs experts excelled by none in this country or in Europe. Savannah Advertisements. Baltimore & Savannah Steamship Line CONNECTING CLOSELY AT SAVANNAH, GfA., With the ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD for all points in FLORIDA, and with Central Railroad and Atlantic and Gulf, to all points in the Sonth and Southwest. The Line is composed of the following Staunch, First-class Steamships, well fitted up for passengers. 1,000 Tons, 1,000 Tons, SAILING AVEEKLY. RATES OF PASSAGE, Including Meals and Staterooms on Steamers between Baltimore and Savannah. SAVANNAH. $20,00. St. Augustine, Fla $31 25 Palatka, Fla 30 25 Enterprise, Fla 36 25 Gainesville, Fla 30 25 Lake Citv, Fla 30 25 Madison,' Fla 36 25 Tallahassee, Fla 31 25 Macon, Ga 2T 00 Eufaula, Ala S2 00 Montgomery, Ala -r • 35 00 Chattanooga, Tenn 30 00 Rome, Ga 32 25 Atlanta 27 50 Jacksonville, Fla. . $27 75 Pernandina, Fla '/7 75 Picolata, Fla 29 25 Green Cove Springs 29 25 Hibernia, Fla 29 25 Orange MiUs, Fla 30 25 Monticello, Fla 31 25 Quincy, Fla 32 r>0 Atlanta, Ga 27 50 Albany, Ga 31 50 Selma, Ala.... 35 00 Mobile,Ala 41 00 New Orleans, La 47 50 JAMES B. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents, Savannah, Ga, ANDREWS, Agent, 73 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE. Savaxnah and Feknandina Adyerttremextr. 8 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Ml THE UTEST PUBLtOATtON0 CON$TANTlV OH HAND* BOOKS FORWARDED BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OE PUBLISHER'S PRICE Stereoscopic Vieivs of Savannah and vicinity in great variety. JOHN M. COOPER <& CO., Corner of "Whitaker and St. fTulian Streets, WILLIAMS, SWANN & CORLEY, Eeal Estate Agents, FERNANDINA, FLORIDA. Correspondence solicited and promptly attended to. Fernandina Advertisements. J. & T. KYDD Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu s,^ CLOTHTNa, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, New York and Fernandina, Florida. New York IIou§e, 86 Leonard St. DRY COOPS AT NEW YORK PRICES. H. E. DOTTERER, DEALER IN FiMIlI ©E0@ERIES AND PROVISIONS, jVo. 33 Centre Street, FERNANDINA, FLORIDA Mrs. A. C. FISHEH, Milliner Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Ladies'Rustic Palmetto Hats. ALSO, GAMALIEL FISHER, DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Centre Street, Fernandina, Fla. Jacksoitville Advertisements. 10 DAMON GREENLEAF, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, BAY STREET, BetweeD Ocean and Pine streets. j3CKS0nVUi6) rl3i Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, RICHARD MCLAUGHLIN, Real Estate Agent, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. All descriptions of Real Estate Bought and Sold. MONEY INVESTED. TAXES PAID. TITLES EXAMINED. Refers by permission to : Wm. Astor, Esq., New York Ex-Gov. A. G. Curtin, Bellefonte, Pa. Lewis H. Redner, Philadelphia. W. Stokes Boyd, Philadelphia. D. G. Ambler, Banker, Jacksonville. Henry Tucker, Boston, Mass. 11 Jacksonville Advektisements. MoicrMsSpriiCiiif, JACKSONVILLE, FLOEIDA. T. W. OSBOBNE, President. H. BISHER, Jr., Treas'r. PETER JONES, Sec'y lOIOllllS SPllIi. ]TIiiicral Water^ Sliell Road^ Pleasure Park, Race Course, Blegaut Satli Mouses, Restaurant, and l>anemg Pavilion. The MoNCETEFS Spring Company was incorporated October 25tli, 1878 and purchased the magnificent Mineral Spring known as Moncriefs Spring. This Spring is four miles from Bay Street, Jacksonville. The Spring discharges one hundred and fifty gal- lons of water per minute. The Company have completed a magnificent Shell Eoad from Bay Street to the Spring. This Road is not surpassed by the re- nowned shell roads of either Mobile or New , Orleans. The Park, consisting of twenty acres, is enclosed and beautified. The water in the Spring has been raised, in a fountain eighteen feet across, seven feet above its natural level. The water is as trans- parent as the atmosphere. The most elegant brick bath houses, for both ladies and gentlemen, have been constructed, a beautiful restaurant built, and a dancing pavilion is in course of construc- tion. The race course — one mile track — will be fully completed and enclosed by the first of December of this year, and labor is rapidly progressing on it. No race course in the Southern States will be superior to it in the perfection of the track and buildings. The Company will continue to develop and beautify this property as rapidly as labor can be advantageously expended. By what has alread}^ been done the attractions of Jacksonville in the winter of '74 and '75 will be double what thejMiave hereto- fore been. The Company will offer greater facilities to invalids, tourists and pleasure seekers, for health and enjoyment, than any Other place in the entire South. Jacksonville Advertisements. 12 GROVE A. PELTON, DEALEK m 11^ ft ^MWWAMWWWWU ALLIGATOR TEETH AND SEA BEANS, Fruits, &c , &c., -Jacltsonville, Florida. G. H. GATO, HUAN & CO. Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in IMPORTED &0GMESTIOSEGARS, MANUFACTURERS OF TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &c. At the Wew Store^ ^'^ La Favorita,'^^ Baldwin's Palmetto Blocks corner Bay and Pine Streets, Jacksonville, Fla. Wholes le and Retail Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERY AND FRUITS. Also, John T. Wilson & Go's Choice Crackers & Biscuits. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SE&AES S TOBACCO. New Store, Bay Street, bet. Pine and Lanra Streets, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 13 Jacksonville Advertisements. No. 2 Freedman's Bank Building', JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Having secured the services of Miss V. L. Lawrence as we are prepared to fill orders in that line with promptness and in the LATEST style. TRTIXalsIAm RICH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Polk's Block, Bay Street, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. DECIDEDLY the CHEAPEST HOUSE in the CITY. All Orders Promptly Filled. i7. H. CROlTITBXalM, dealer in Leather and Findii^s, CASH PAID FOR Hides, Skins, Furs, Wax, Wool, &c. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Jacksonville Advertisements. 14 PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF S. R. MATTAIR, Three Story Brick Building, witti Tliree Piazzas, HAVING A SOUTHERN ASPECT. FORSYTH STREET, Bet'ween Ocean and Pine Streets, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. LIVINGSTON & GO., PHYSICIANS PRESCRiPTIONS carefully compounded, at any hour of the day or night, under the personal superintendence of Mr. Livingston. The Choicest Perfumes and Family Toilet Articles Always on hand in great varieties. No. 6 BALDWIN'S BLOCK, J ACKSONVILLE, FLA . A. N. PACE. GEO. E. PACE. PACE & BHO , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in TOBACCO, Liquors, Wines, Ales, Porter, &;c., BAY STREET, Ja-clisoix^v^illo, Fiox'lcla, 15 Jacksonville Advertisemen-ts. JOHN C. FENGLE, Dealer in Drugs and Miedicines, "VfETRQPQLITAN HQTET^ JacksoiivUle, Fla, The attention of tourists is respectfully called to the above house, as a first-class hotel in every respect, constructed of brick, entirely new throughout, the rooms are large, airy, neatly furnished and ample means are afforded for bathing. All the beds have celebrated Tucker Springs in addition to superior mattrasses. Is located in a pleasant portion of the city, near Post-Offtce and other public places, has Reading room, well supplied with current literature, and a Billiard room, the largest and finest in this section of the South. Tables are supplied with Meats, etc., from the North, and with every delicacy of the season. Rates of Board reasonable, and liberal terms made to parties for the month or season. No pains are spared to make the sojourn of tourists comfortable and pleasant. The Choicest Wines, Ales, Liquors and Segars to be had in the Restaurant. JOHN B. TOGJVI, JProprietor. Jacksonville Advertisements. 16 MRS. G. L. BUFFINGTON, JACKSONVILLE, Oonier of Ocean ancl A. Linen Lax^ns and all goods comprising Ladies' ixrear. HOSIERY OF ALL KINDS. Millinery of the Latest Styles constantly on hand, and tiHfde tip to order . New Goods constantly received and for sale low for Cash. SUMMERS' BLOCK, BAY STREET, Bet. Ocean & Pine sts. Jacksonville, Fla. DR. H. ROBINSON, ~ WHOLESASE AND RETAIL DRTJGGMST, Jacksonville Florida. Wholesale Orders at Savannali Prices. Compounding Prescriptions a Specially. IT Jacksonyille Advertisements. J. J. noi-iLA.:Ni>, AND DEALER IN SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARES. FLORIDA CURIOSITIES, &c. Corner of Bay and Pine Streets, Jacksonville, Fla. Agent for the Celebrated BOREL So COURVOISIEE WATCH. Watches a nd Jewelry neatly Repaired and Warranted. P. McQUAID, Shipping! Commission lerchant, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN HAY, GRAIN, AND PROVISIONS; BAY STREET, JaclisoiiT^ille, Flor-ida. Estate of C. Parkhurst, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CORN, FLOUR. HAY, Liquors, Cigars, &c. No. 1 Parkhnrst's Block, Ocean Street, JACKSOIVVILLE, FLA. Jacksonville Aveetisedments. 18 Grraciiaate oi" PliariTLacy, DEALER IN BtUaS MIC MECiOIIES. THE CHOICEST AND LATEST PERFUMES, Foreign and Domestic, always on hand in great variety. The Proprietor gives liis personal attention to the prepar- ation of all Prescriptions and Recipes. Corner of Bay and Laura Streets^ JACKSONVILLE, FLA. F. JORDAN 86 CO., ' WHOLESALE QEOCEHS AND DEALERS IN Sega I* s and Tobacco. The finest brands of Imported Cigars on hand in great varieties. BAY STREET, Jacksonville^ Florida, J. H. OCHUS, DEALER IN PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC, And Musical Instruments. PICTURES AND FRAMES. Florida Stereoscopic Views a Specialty. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. 19 Jacksonville Advertisement-!. A. O. HUSSEY. J. W. HOWELL k^ DEALERS IN ^ Bools,Sloes,Leate&FiiiiIiu£s, Bay Street, near Laura, Jacksonville, Fla. \^° Sole xlgents in Jacksonville for Dunbar's Children's Fine Shoes. ^M^ CHARLES L MATHER & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Statifliers, Booksellers M Heislealers, BAY STMEET, Jacksonville, Florida. All goods in our line at the lowest prices. Ag^eiit§ for A\TlIO.^¥'S FLORIDA VIEWS. Newman Street^ opp. Metropolitan Hotel, Pleasure Carriages with Careful Drivers. OMNIBUSES, PHAETONS & BAGGAGE WAGONS At all trains and boats. Jacksonville Adveetisements. 20 Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu lP4Kim¥ ©M@®1M1^, ALES, W^INES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, SILVEP\ LIGHT KEROSENE LAMPS, FIXTUI\ES, ETC. Garden Seeds a Specialty, \ No. 4 REED'S BLOCK, BAY STREET, Jacksonville, Fla. OLD ESTABLISHED PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY CONDUCTED BY Messrs. ViTOOD & BICKLE. VIEWS AND PORTRAITS Executed in the highest style of the art. BAY STREET, JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA. W. H. AVERY, NATIONAL LIVERY STABLE, Oor. Cedar and Forsyth Streets, One Square from Rail Road Depot and Grand National Hotel JACKSON VI1.JLE, FL.A. All kinds of Carriages for Invalids, careful Drivers, good Teams. ALSO, CAERIAGES, BUGeiES AND HORSES CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOE SALE. 21 Jacksonville Advertisements. CHARLES A. FAIROHILD, STORE AND WHARVES IMMEDIATELY WEST OF MARKET, Bay Street^ Jacksonville, Florida. AGENT FOR H. W. LOUD & CO.'S Weekly Line of Sailing Vessels from New York. New York Office, 28 South Street. MILL, SHIP AND STEAM VESSELS' SUPPLIES. CAMPING PARTIES SUPPLIED. MANUFACTURER OF Yellow Pine Lumber^ Lath, Pickets, and Plained Lunfiber Of all kinds. Schooner "Ida Smith" Regular St. Augustine Packet. Linus of PACKETS —BETWEEN— NEW YORK & JACKSONVILLE, St. Augustine, AND OTHER POINTS ON THE J20 Wall Street, New York. Jacksonville Adveetisements. 22 EST^13LISI13i:i> 1856. E. P. WEBSTER & CO., rtlili & Aiitlieiliiij No. 6 Reed's Building, Bay Street, JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Choice Drugs, Medicines and all the popular Proprietary articles used and recommended by the medical faculty. N. B. — Purest and best articles used in compounding prescrip- tions, the reliability of this establishment is well known. W. T. DBLAPORTB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IB j^ I R. McLaughlin, " 10 Adv. Dir. Williams, Swann & Corley, Fernandina, 8 " Books and Stationery. Jno. M. Cooper & Co., Savannah , 8 Adv. Dir. Chas. L. Mather & Co., Jacksonville 19 " Drugs and Medicines. Livingston & Co., Jacksonville. 14 Adv. Dir. Jno. C. L'Engle, " 15 " Dr. H. Robinson, " ........'..*..'''.'.'..'..'... ..16 *' 29 H. A. L'Engle, Jacksonville -,« . . ,,. E. P. Webster & Co., " i? ^^\: I>ir. s. W.Moody, M.D.,Paiatka.:: ■.■.;::;■.;: ^„2« N. H. Moragne, " .'.'.".'.'.'.'.".' 24 " rioiida Curiosities, Grove A. Peltou, Jacksonville i o a ^ tv Damon Greenleat, " In .. "'■ James H. Fry, Paiatka .■;■.■..'.■ ;;.■ '. ; .' .;.■ ; .■.■.■.■.■.■;;; ;.■;;;;;■; ^ General Merchandise. Robert R. Raid, Paiatka oa ah,, -n- M.H.Rogero^ Co.. Paiatka l\^^\^'''' C. Parkhurst's Estate, " ' ^' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.['..'. 25 Groceries and Provisions. - H. E. Dotterer, Fernandina q a .u, nu- J. B Roche & Co., Jacksonville V. 22 - W.H.Lucas, '' ^7, u Wm.Rich, " ^X Pace&Bro., " |^ C. Parkhurst's Estate, " It L. Warrock, " iL F.Jordan&Co. " '.'''.'.' ^' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.[['.'. 18 Hatsf Boots and Slioe^^. Mrs. A. C. Fisher, Fernandina, o Adv T>ir Gamaliel Fisher, " . . o Ad^.^Dll. J. H. Crowell, Jacksonville ...... . -jo u Hussey & Howell, " ".'..'.'.'.'.".'..".'.'.'.'.'.".".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.' 19 ^ ,^ Hay, Grain and Provisions. P. McQuaid, Jacksonville 18 Adv. Dir. Itivery Stables- C. B. McClenny, Jacksonville 19 Adv. ',!.. W. H. Avery, " 20 ' • ' ' Iiunil)er and Building Materials. Charles A. Fairchild, Jacksonville 22 Ad /. " --■' Millinery and Dry Goods and Notions. ^ J. & T. Kydd, Fernandina 9 Adv - A^ H. H. Fay & Co., Jacksonville ! .13 '"' O. L. Keene, " 'l6 u Oranges, (By Barrel or Case.) James H. Pry, Paiatka , 25 Adv. Dir. Photographers' W. W. Silver, New York -los G. N. Barnard, Charleston .' .4 Adv V^"^' J. N. Wilson, Savannah ....6 V,'- Wood & Bickle, Jacksonvil e " 20 -, • x^i Pianos, Organs and Music- J. H. Ochus, Jacksonville 18 aJv. uir. Military Academy. J. Howe Allen, Sing Sing. N. Y. lOT Segars and Tobacco- G. H. Gato, Huan & Co., Jacksonville 12 Adv. Dir. Sewing Machines- Singers Reverse of Map. Toys and Confectionery- W. T. Delaporte, Jacksonville 22 Adv. Dii-y/) "Watches and Jewelry- "^ Damon Greenleat, Jacksonville 10 Adv. Dii'. J.J.Holland, " , 17 '* I C: I ^^^ 4" ^v ^cf- ^,%ii\\\::^ ^^c: :^ .0- ■M ^^ .^>^' '1>%^ .x^^'"^-^'- v^ ^ ..0^ V- u V. ^ .0 <^' ^ V'^: 1 ^ " 'v^^~ ^^ ■^^. %; ^ * *- /^ c \- ^ ' /, ■^' ^ •5'" /- '- ■^\-y-> iV ■ ■ c. ^.'^ ,^^ -%. iv||\i^_ ' , X ^ ,A '?/. 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