;•::• a - - ■' ■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/voyageofhismajesOOmcle AFT, MU1IAY MAX"' 3 8 s-7 VOYAGE HIS MAJESTY'S SHIP ALCESTE, ALONG THE y> COAST OF COItEA. TO THE ISLAND OF LEWCHEW ACCOUNT OF HER SUBSEQUENT SHIPWRECK. BY JOHN M'LEOD, SURGEON, OF THE ALCESTE. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. 1818. ^"«^ DSsot rrinUA by W. CLOWES, NorthumberlanJ-court, Strand, London. W TO JAMES WOOD, ESQ. OF POTTER HILL, THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE INSCRIBED, AS A TESTIMONY OF THE HIGH RESPECT AND ESTEEM IN WHICH HE IS HELD BY THE AUTHOR. By trans*®? **w *4jK ADVERTISEMENT. The author of the following pages has attempted to narrate (in the best and shortest way he can) the occur- rences of a voyage rendered remarkable by a combina- tion of extraordinary events, and the circumstance of a communication with an interesting people, with whom, for the first time, Europeans have had any intercourse ; and he has ventured a few occasional remarks, precisely as they arose in his mind on the spot, and which more mature re- flection has not induced him to alter. He is aware that his thoughts, as well as his mode of expressing them, may be liable to comment ; but he hopes that those who are mighty in criticism will be merciful in censure, and not visit with asperity that which is humble in pretension. His acknowledgments are due to Lieut. Dwarris for four Drawings, very correctly portraying the costume of the Coreans and the people of Lewchew. DIRECTIONS FOR PLACING THE PLATES. Toface Portrait of Captain Maxwell Title-Page Islanders of Sir James Hall's Group 42 Corean Chief and Attendants 44 Lewchewan Chief and Attendants « 71 Garden of the Temple at Lewchew 76 Fort Maxwell 251 part/>j e L ' H. M. S. ALCESTE TO CHINA CHAPTER I. Voyage from England to the Brazils, the Cape oj Good Hope, Java, and the Gulf of ' Pe-tche-lee. I HE British Government, on the repre- sentation of the Court of Directors of the East-India Company, respecting the trade with China, decided, with the view of re- lieving that branch of its commerce from the increasing vexatious impositions of the local authorities of Canton, on the mea- sure of sending an embassy to the court of Pekin. As on a former occasion of a si- milar kind, a distinguished nobleman had been selected to fill the situation of Em- bassador Extraordinary from the King of B 2 VOYAGE OF H.M.S. ALCESTE Great Britain to the Emperor of China, who carried out with him a numerous suite, composed of gentlemen well skilled in every branch of natural knowledge, with many curious and costly presents ; so it was now determined to leave no- thing short that couJd contribute to the splendour and respectability of the pre- sent embassy. The Right Hon. Lord Am- herst (who had already filled the high situation of Embassador at the court of Sicily) was appointed to conduct this dif- ficult and delicate mission. Mr. Henry Ellis (formerly employed in a successful negotiation with the King of Persia) was named secretary of embassy, with dormant powers to act as Minister Plenipoten- tiary, should any accident to the Em- bassador render that circumstance ne- cessary. The Hon. JerTery Amherst, as page ; Mr. Hayne, as private secretary ; Mr. Abel, as surgeon and naturalist; the Rev. John Griffith, as chaplain ; Mr. Havell, as artist ; and Dr. Lynn, with Mr. Marrige, Mr. Poole, and some others TO CHINA. to fill the respective departments, consti- tuted the suite of his excellency. Lieut. Cooke, of the Royal Marines, was also attached to the embassy, on its landing in China, the guard being selected from that corps. The Hon. Mr. Abbot, Messrs. Martin, and Somerset, were likewise added to it at this period. Many valuable presents, supplied, as on the former occasion, by the East-India Company, for the emperor and his minis- ters, consisting of specimens of our im- proved manufactures, made by the first hands, were also prepared. The command of the naval part of the expedition was in- trusted to Captain Murray Maxwell ; and the Alceste, a frigate of forty-six guns, was fitted up for the reception of the Em- bassador and suite. His Majesty's brig Lyra, commanded by Capt. Basil Hall, and the General Hewitt Indiaman, by Capt. Campbell, accompanied the Alceste, the latter carrying out the presents. On the 9th of February, 1816, the ships sailed from Spithead, and soon cleared the Channel, with a favourable breeze, which b2 4 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE continued with us to Madeira, where we arrived on the 18th. In Funchal road we found the Phaeton, having Sir Hudson and Lady Lowe, with their suite, on board, in their way to St. Helena ; and the Niger, with Mr. Bagot, on his mission to America. Our stay here was only twelve hours, and, in the evening, we pursued our course to the south-westward. The weather becom- ing hourly warmer, our people, who had been badly clothed, and had suffered a good deal from the severity of the cold in fitting out the ship, now began to thaw a little : things were beginning to find their proper places in the ship ; and those unaccustomed to the rolling motion had, by this time, ac- quired their sea-legs. On the 4th March, in the evening, at the moment of crossing the equinoctial line, the voice of some one, as from the sea, announced himself as Nep- tune's eldest son, and, after putting the usual interrogatories, added, that his father being a little indisposed, and rather squeamish about exposing himself to the night air, had deferred his visit until the morning, when he would personally call on board TO CHINA. to inspect the strangers who were now en- tering his dominions. The son of Neptune seemed now to sink again into the deep. In the morning, his godship, agreeable to promise, appeared, seated in his car (a gun-carriage), with his trident and other insignia, attended by Amphitrite, and all his usual train of inferior deities. He was received by a strange-looking guard of his own, the band striking up " Rule Britan- nia!" After paying his respects to the Embassador, the Captain, and the rest, the novices, of whom -there were not a few, were forthwith shaved, according to a practice immemorial, with a rusty iron hoop, full of notches ; and the lather being washed off, by playing the fire-engine in their faces, they were then wiped dry with a dirty swab. Much mirth and good hu- mour prevailed; and a double allowance of grog finished the ceremony. We expe- rienced none of the calms usual near the line, and nothing of moment occurred until we reached the lat. 20° 4" north, long. 31° 52" west, on the 16th March, when the Lyra and Hewitt were directed to make the best 6 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTl of their way to the Cape of Good Hope, whilst the Alceste proceeded to the capital of the Brazils, where we arrived on the 21st of that month. All the bold, as well as beautiful, features of nature, have conjoined to enrich the scenery of Rio Janeiro. The luxuriant de- scriptions of former travellers are by no means exaggerated, for it would indeed be difficult to exceed the truth in portraying the sublimity and grandeur of such a scene as presents itself on entering the har- bour. The numerous islets appearing on this extensive sheet of water, — its richly- wooded banks, rising like an amphitheatre on either hand, studded with villages and country seats, — added to the distant view of lofty and picturesque mountains, — form, altogether, a very unusual and noble land- scape. The death of the queen, which hap- pened the day previous to our arrival, at the good old age of eighty-two, had rather cast a gloom over the city of St. Sebastian. The batteries and ships fired five-minute guns during the whole day and night; the TO CHINA. Alceste, Indefatigable, and a Spanish fri- gate, following this example ; displaying also the usual exterior marks of grief, by hoisting the colours half-staff high 7 and top- ping the yards. The officers likewise wore crape ; and, from a positive order being issued to all the inhabitants to go into mourning, (which none dared, under the severest penalties, disobey,) the prices of all black articles felt a sudden and enormous increase. The government of the Brazils seems perfectly despotic ; and it is painful to see even Englishmen lose the natural free- dom of their character under such domi- nion. Some, who from long residence had imbibed the feelings of the Portuguese, would, in answering any question relative to public affairs, look cautiously around, to see who was near them, and then whisper their reply. The barbarous system, however, which formerly imposed the most annoying re- strictions on strangers, and prevented their landing, unless guarded like felons, has been happily overturned by the circum- 8 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE stances attending the arrival of Sir Sidney Smith with a British squadron, who could not be expected to submit to this kind of treatment; and consequently, a more rational and liberal state of affairs in this re- spect, has been gradually brought about. The prince (now the king) during the period her majesty lay in state, was shut up, according to their usage, not to be seen by any but his chamberlain. Swarms of priests occupied every avenue to the palace, and hung in clusters on the staircases. St. Sebastian seems to be a soil, in which these members of the autos dafc still thrive well. With them the monastic discipline seems to be far less austere, than that which is ex- ercised over the poor nuns of the convent of Santa Teresa, who are said to be so de- tached from all former friends and con- nexions in this world, that even the death of a father or a mother is not communicated by name ; it being merely notified that a parent of one of them is this day dead, and they are called upon collectively to pray for the soul of the unknown deceased. TO CHINA. The Brazils have lately been raised from the state of a mere colony to the dignity of a kingdom ; and the residence of the court has conferred still more substantial advan- tages on it, arising from the emigration of the chief nobility from Portugal, and the transfer of their wealth to this country. Its commerce has of late years increased to a great degree, chiefly, however, under the direction of English houses. The return of the court to the mother country, it is thought, would be the signal of revolt ; for it is not probable the Brazils would long remain in their present fettered state, whilst colonies in all directions around them are freeing themselves from the oppres- sion of the mother country. The want of the usual public attentions of saluting the flag of a foreign power might have been ac- counted for under the present circum- stances of the court; but it was singular (considering, more particularly, our late relations with Portugal) that a house for the accommodation of the Embassador and suite, during their short stay, and which had been granted to the former embassy, 10 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE should have been refused in the present instance. The hospitality, however, of Mr. Chamberlayne, the British minister here, amply supplied this deficiency. The places of public amusement were of course shut; and the only spectacle, during our stay, was the funeral of the queen, which took place by torch-light ; all the military that could be collected, both horse and foot, lining the streets (which were illumi- nated) from the palace to the convent of Ajuda. The hearse and state-coaches were drawn up at the grand entrance, covered with black cloth, and near them the chief mourners, who were eight of the nobles, on horseback. Their dress was the ancient Portuguese costume of mourning. Each had a large broad-brimmed hat, rather slouch- ing down upon the shoulders ; a long black cloak, or robe, with the star of some order affixed to it ; conveying to the mind of an English spectator the whimsical combina- tion of a coal-heaver, a priest, and a knight. The king, accompanied by the two elder princes, attended the coffin to the principal porch, and saw it deposited in the hearse, TO CHINA. 11 when the whole cavalcade drove off, and the body was interred in the convent, with the usual religious ceremonies. The royal family next day appeared at the balconies of the palace ; on which occasion it is usual for the Portuguese to stand uncovered in the square opposite ; and, if any of the royal carriages are met on the road, the passengers on horseback must dismount, and even kneel. Neither of their Portuguese majesties can themselves be considered as regular beauties; but the princesses are good figures, and cer- tainly, upon the whole, handsome women. Don Pedro, their eldest son, promises to be a man of some spirit. Much indolence seems to exist among the inhabitants, and they are said still to possess their charac- teristic contempt of all reading; so that a publisher of books in the Brazils would probably earn but a lean livelihood. This country produces all the various fruits of the warmer climates ; such as pine-apples, oranges, limes, mangoes, guavas, melons, bananas, &c. ; the tea-shrub still conti- nues to be an article of growth, under the 12 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE direction of some Chinese accustomed to manage it ; and it is to be hoped they may succeed in extending and improving its cultivation. The slave-trade still exists to its fullest extent ; and this class of the population, however useful they may be, are certainly not ornamental ; being the ugliest race of negroes that can be collected from the African coast — Gaboons, Congos, and Angolas. Our West-India islands having been generally supplied with Fantees, from the Gold Coast, with Eyeos, and Ashantees, who are a much finer-looking people ; this circumstance, added, perhaps, to their im- proved condition, their better clothing, and general treatment, gives a slave of Jamaica a far less degraded appearance than one in this country. Yet, though the situation of the former is much ameliorated (and un- doubtedly superior to his native state in Africa), it is unfortunate that the first Eu- ropean settlers of colonies, had not, instead of hunting down and oppressing the na- tives, trained them to habits of industry ; when the term slavery, so revolting to hu- manity even under the most favourable TO CHINA. 13 circumstances, so contrary to reason and natural rio;ht, need never have been known. Our East-India possessions, and late occu- pation of Java, sufficiently demonstrate the practicability of this system. They do Buonaparte, here, the honour of being very much afraid of him ; and keep a bright eye to windward, lest he should break adrift from St. Helena, and come down upon them before the wind. This silly ap- pearance of fear is something like the weakness of ordering his name never to be mentioned, than which, perhaps, nothing tends more to keep up his con- sequence. This part of the Brazils is naturally hot during the months of December, January, and February ; but (more especially as the southern are found to be comparatively colder than corresponding northern lati- tudes,) it enjoys, during our summer, a sort of tropical winter, and is not considered an unhealthy climate. The town of St. Sebastian, without any public edifice worthy of notice, is regularly built, and, from the late influx of inha- 14 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE bitants, is daily extending its limits ; but its police is bad, and the streets filthy. Although this country produces plenty of beef, yet, from want of care and manage- ment, it is such as would be considered carrion in England ; and in few parts of the world is there less accommodation for travellers, there being only a few casas, or inns, of the most wretched description. The Brazils display an inexhaustible field for the researches of the naturalist, for no where else can the objects of his inquiry be more varied or multiplied. The state of so- ciety here is represented, by those whose Ions residence and close intercourse afford them the means of judging, as extremely demoralized. The men, in their exterior appearance, are a squalid, hysterical, grim- looking set; but the ladiespthough generally little, and dark-coloured, are not deficient in beauty or expression of countenance; they want, however, that elegance of gait and graceful walk, peculiar to the Spa- niards. They are said to be more atten- tive to the external forms of decorum than to the essential practice of modesty ; but TO CHINA. 15 this, if true, may " depend/' as was sug- gested by an elegant writer of the last embassy, " on the example of the men f for it would scarcely be reasonable to expect the perfection of female morals, where every manly virtue is unknown. At least three- urths of the world are in a slate of bar- barism where women have no character at all; being either immured in seraglios, or the mere slaves and play-things of their savage lords ; but among those na- tions in that portion of it which has a claim to civilization, where they are al- lowed to have minds, and assume their just rank, the slightest glance will shew, that when honour, intelligence, and worth, are held in most esteem by the one sex, they are uniformly rewarded by corresponding good qualities in the other. The ship having recruited her supply of very excellent water*, and other matters * Captain Cook complained of the water here being very bad. — At that time, perhaps, the aqueduct was not so extensively covered, and secured from the admission of impurities, as at present. 16 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE adjusted, we took our leave of the American shore on the 31st of March, steering south- easterly until we got from 36° to 39° south, where we found the prevailing westerly winds. Keeping in the usual tract for ships crossing the Southern At- lantic, we passed the islands of Tristan d'Acunha, about fifty miles to the north- ward of them. The wind continuing fa- vourable, we saw the Table Mountain on the 18th of April, and anchored on the same day in the bay. We arrived at a gay time, in the middle of horse-racing and balls. An India fleet touched here, homeward bound, one of the ships having on board the Countess of Loudon and family, on their passage to England. Cape Town has now become almost an English place, and is too well known to require any descrip- tion here. As strangers, on first landing here, we were forcibly struck by the remarkable difference of complexion in the female part of the society, compared with the brunettes we had just left at Rio Janeiro ; and an Englishman is probably the more inclined TO CIITNA. 17 to esteem the beauty of the Cape ladies from its great resemblance to that which he is accustomed to admire at home. It is hinted, however, that this resemblance exists chiefly during youth, and that, in their maturer years, they are apt (from sedentary habits and want of exercise) to acquire a peculiar Hottentotish obesity. But this, perhaps, is only said by ill- natured people. The ship having gone round to Simon's Bay, and the necessary refitment being completed, his lordship embarked at this place, with the usual marks of attention on the 6th of May, and we proceeded on our voyage. From 38° to 40° south, we found our expected winds ; but, as winter was far advanced in this hemisphere, (latter end of May, and beginning of June,) the weather was cold, bleak, and boisterous, with a heavy sea. On the 24th May we made the islands of St. Paul and Amsterdam. Smoke was seen, as we approached, issu- ing from the crevices of the latter. It is here where the hot springs so nearly adjoin to the great salt-water basin, as to afford the c 18 VOYAGE OF H. M.S. ALCESTE singular exhibition of catching fish in the latter, and boiling them in the former, with- out taking them off the hook, and within reach of the rod. The state of the weather, which was very rough, and the time of the evening, did not allow us to verify this fact, but there is no doubt of its truth. An im- mense crater (now apparently converted into a sort of harbour, the sea having flowed into it) appears on the eastern side of the island. Having got sufficiently to the eastward for the purpose of fetching Java with the usual tropical winds, we began to haul to the northward and eastward, the wea- ther of course becoming daily warmer; and, on the 8 th of June, we saw Java Head, and anchored next day in Anjeri road, where we found the Lyra at anchor, and saw the Hewitt off Cape Nicholas, on her way to Batavia, they having only arrived two days before us *. This pas- * The superior sailing of the frigate enabled us to touch at Rio Janeiro, without in any way delaying the general passage ; as, notwithstanding this, she nearly overtook her consorts at the Cape. The same was the TO CHINA. 19 sage was extraordinary for its rapidity, for in ninety -two days, under sail, the ship had traversed about fourteen thousand miles, and visited every quarter of the globe. After staying a day or two at the village of Anjeri (where we were amused with the ceremony of a Javanese wedding,) Colonel Yule, the resident of the Bantam district, accompanied by Mr. M'Gregor, waited on the Embassador to pay their respects ; and having provided the necessary accommo- dation for his lordship and suite to pro- ceed overland to Batavia, they all set out on their journey thither. During our short stay here, the king, or sultan, of Ban- tam, died; and his uncle (the nearest heir to the sovereignty) refused to accept the title, preferring to live in humble retire- ment The Alceste, having completed her water, sailed also for Batavia, as she had brought out duplicate despatches for the evacuation of the island of Java. The case here, though she remained ten days behind, being able to afford them, in such a run, a start of 1000, or 1500 miles. c 2 20 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE Lyra, in the mean time, had been sent on to China, with a communication from Lord Amherst to Sir G. Staunton. On the 21st June we sailed from Batavia, with the General Hewitt ; saw the island of Lucepara on the 23d, and entered the straits of Banca. Our voyage up the China sea presented nothing unusual. On the 9th of July we met His Majesty's ship Orlando, and received intelligence of the motions of our coadjutors at Macao. We joined them at anchor near the Grand Lemma on the following clay, and found along with the Lyra, the Discovery, and Investigator, two surveying ships belonging to the Company, having on board Sir G. Staunton, and some other gentlemen * be- longing to the factory, whose knowledge of the Chinese language rendered them necessary as interpreters. The apparent reason of choosing this rendezvous, was to be free from the im- pertinence of the Canton official people, * Messrs. Morrison, Manning, Toone, Davis, and Pearson. TO CHINA. 21 who might naturally be expected to thwart the measures, and throw every possible im- pediment in the way of the embassy. Circumstances occasioning the delay of a day or two, the ships passed on to an an- chorage among the Hong Kong islands ; where the Anjeri water, not being deemed good, was changed for that which fell from the rocks, and was certainly uncontaminated by any vegetable matter, for few places present a more barren aspect than these islands. They are also called the Ladrones, from being the haunts of pirates ; and for such a purpose their situation is extremely well adapted. Here a message arrived, stating the emperor's pleasure that the em- bassy should be received as in the former instance ; and that the necessary orders had been sent to the ports of the Eastern and Yellow Seas for that purpose. On the 13th July the squadron (four ships and the brig) sailed ; and, coasting along the provinces of Quang-tung and Fokien, passed through the Straits of Formosa, and entered the Tung Hai, or Eastern Sea. 22 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE The breeze altered its direction occasion- ally, but was always favourable ; and, pass- ing out of sight of the Chusan islands, we saw the land to the eastward, which we at that time conceived to be the south-west point of Corea. On the 24th we made Staunton's island, and Capes Gower and Macartney, on the south-east part of the Shan-tung promontory; and, the next day, rounding close the north-east point, we stood towards the Gulph of Pe-tche-lee. The country here had an extremely rugged and sterile look. On the 26th we passed through the Mee-a-tau islands, and steered to the mouth of the White (or North) River *, despatching the Lyra a-head, to announce the approach of the squadron. An address was now publicly read by Lord Amherst, to all the individuals who were to be attendants on the embassy, touching the great necessity of maintaining * It is doubtful whether Pei means white or north ; most probably the latter; as Pei or Pe-kin signifies Northern Court. TO CHINA. 23 the strictest regularity and propriety of con- duct in their intercourse with the Chinese, so as to avoid every cause of offence or dis- agreement; and laying down general re- gulations for their conduct in all respects. During our passage up the Yellow Sea the weather was remarkably serene and fine, and we experienced none of the fogs which usually hang over the shallower parts of the ocean. We anchored, on the 28th, not many miles distant from the mouth of the river ; but the land is here so very low, that the mast-heads of the junks in the river, and the tops of the houses only of the village of Ta-coo, were visible from the ship. It would appear that the ships had entirely out- stripped the expectations of the Chinese ; for they had no idea of seeing them so soon, or that they should not have heard of them in their passage up. Such rapidity of movement never entered into their concep- tions ; for they, in fact, had scarcely heard of them at one end of their empire, when they found them at the other. 24 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE The viceroy of this province (Pe-tche-lee) had been for some offence dismissed from his office; and his successor, having not yet left Pekin, it was not until the 4th Aug. that two duly-authorized mandarins of rank (Chang and Yin) came on board to pay their respects to the Embassador, and to give the necessary directions for the dis- embarkation of the presents. To those who had seen, for the first time, the Chi- nese costume, these mandarins had a very strange appearance. — On a back view, their short jacket, or gown, with their crape petticoats, gave them the look of bulky old women ; but, in confronting them, their clumsy boots and " beards forbade the in- terpretation/' Here also we observed their clerks, or men of letters, distinguished by twoenormous claws on theirleft hand, which render that limb in a great degree useless to them. The fishermen in this vicinity, (almost within a hundred miles of the capi- tal,) were literally naked, — even without a fig-leaf. This sort of indecency we were little prepared to meet, amongst a people TO CHINA. 25 who affect to be so outrageously decorous as to discourage the art of sculpture, because it displays too distinctly the shape and lineaments of the human body. Chang was a civil, Yin a military, man- darin ; and they had, as usual, the title of Ta-zhin (or great man) added to their names. They were saluted on approach- ing the ship with seven guns each, and received with a guard. Every body was in full dress ; and it could not be said of this, as of the last embassy, that there was any want of splendour in this respect. After a conference, in some degree cere- monious, and partly for arranging future proceedings, they partook of a banquet in the captain's cabin, and then returned to the shore. Quang, the Chin-chae, im- perial commissioner, or legate, (as he has been variously termed,) holding a superior rank to either of the others *, being ready to * The person holding such an office as this, under the great seal, obtains a kind of temporary rank, entitling him, for the time, to take precedence even of the vice- 26 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE receive the Embassador on shore, his lord- ship and the gentlemen of the embassy took their leave of us for awhile, landing in great state on the 9th of August ; the squadron being dressed in colours, the standard flying, the yards manned, and a salute of nineteen guns fired from each ship. They proceeded into the river attended by a number of Chinese junks, and by our boats in regular order. During the time we remained at this place, presents of bul- locks, vegetables, rice, tea, garlic, and other refreshments were, according to usage, sent off to the ships, but by no means in great abundance. Several of the bullocks were brought alongside dead, having been drowned in the bottom of the boats, or died otherwise in their passage off. This, how- ever, was not meant as disrespect or inci- vility, for they make no distinction them- selves between an animal that is killed by roy of a province, although he may have an inferior button or ball on his cap, and be a mandarin of lower order in the state. TO CHINA. 27 the butcher, and one which dies naturally ; and in this way they eat dogs, cats, rats, and, in fact, all manner of carrion and vermin. In this respect, therefore, they made no strangers of us, for they gave us their own family fare. 28 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE CHAP. II. The ships visit Chinese Tartar/), the Provinces of Pe-tche-lee and Shantung, and examine the Coast of Corea. IT was now determined, by the senior officer, that the Lyra, attended by the In- vestigator, should take a southerly direction in the Gulf, whilst the Alceste and Dis- covery were to proceed to the north, a cer- tain rendezvous being pointed out for our meeting again, to which the General Hewitt was also directed. On the 11th we weighed, and stood to the north-eastward ; the Discovery in com- pany : the Lyra and Investigator to the southward. On the 13th saw the Sha-loo- poo-tien Islands, extending from north- west by north to west by south, distant about five leagues. We coasted along the TO CHINA. 29 western shore of the Gulf of Lea-tun g, hitherto unexplored by any European ship; and found the land, as we advanced, be- came more and more mountainous. About noon, on the 14th, in latitude 39° 29' N. longitude 120° & E., the great wall of China opened to the view, bearing north-west by west, its nearest and lowest point being then distant about six or seven leagues ; but we approached it closer in the after- noon. Rising from the sea, this immense bar- rier passed over the first or lowest hill, and, mounting the second, was seen stretching to the right, in our point of view, ob- liquely towards its summit ; then on the third and still higher land, it inclined to the left, making an angle with the last range ; and, ultimately ascending the highest and most distant mountain, it was there lost. It extends for about fifteen hundred miles, and is carried equally over mountains and rivers. — " It is said not to be more than five-and -twenty feet high, flanked with towers at short distances, but 30 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE of sufficient breadth for several horsemen to travel easily abreast. Report says, that one-third of the men in China, capable of labour, were employed in its construction, and that it was finished in the space of five years/' The opportunity of surveying this extraordinary structure, which, for more than twenty ages, has been deemed one of the greatest wonders of the world, afford- ed, more especially in this unexpected way, from the deck of a British man-of-war, the most pleasing sensations. Whether it is considered, as it is by some, a mighty ef- fort of human industry, or, as by others, a monument of laborious folly, still it is an amazing object, not only from its im- mense extent, but on account of its great antiquity ; and, from being so seldom vi- sible to an European eye, to have beheld it, even at this distance, was a high grati- fication of curiosity. Beyond the wall is a remarkable head-land, very much resem- bling Cape Sicie, a notorious place, near Toulon. The wind heading us here, we stood across, about sun-set, toward the TO CHINA. 31 coast of Chinese Tartary ; and on the 15th, in the evening, anchored in a bay * shel- tered by winds from the north-west to south, but open to the southward and west- ward, lat. 39° 33' N., long. 121° 19' E. We found here a cascade of water gushing from the rock, which was excellent. The natives, who most probably had never seen any ships of our class before, crowded down next morning on the beach, but shewed no inclination to come on board. Indeed the people here seemed to be less amphibious than those generally found on sea-coasts ; few fishing or other boats were to be seen, although a very large and fine harbour, for vessels of twelve or fifteen feet water, extended inland round a point from the head of the bay. The first officer who wandered up to the villages, about two miles from the watering- place, was nearly devoured by the curiosity of the inhabitants. Being seated beneath a tree, every part of his dress underwent the strictest scru- * Named Ross Bay. 32 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE tiny, from the shirt-frill to the shoes ; but the anchor-buttons seemed most to attract attention, for they would refuse a dollar, and gladly accept a button, for any thing. The women here had, universally, small feet, all who were seen (and on the first morning every woman in the village made her appearance) being crippled. This we by no means expected to have found so far on the Tartar side of the great wall. But these people are, in fact, completely Chinese ; the language, dress, and religion of that country evidently prevailing: and they appeared to differ in no material re- spect from those we afterwards saw in the province of Shan-tung, except that they were less rude and uncivil. No public officer, or man of any rank, made his ap- pearance to inquire into the motives of our arrival. They were remarkably neat in their houses and gardens ; and there was an air of comfort about their villages, not always to be found in the more civilized parts of Europe. The face of the country is mountainous, and extremely denuded of wood ; not a tree being visible, except in TO CHINA. 33 the immediate vicinity of their dwellings. The hills had the appearance of sheep- feeding downs in England ; and the soil, as far as we could penetrate, was excel- lent, and a good deal cultivated ; the holcus sorghum appearing a prominent object. Many deep fissures or gulleys were ob- served on the sides of the mountains, occa- sioned by the torrents from the melting- snow in summer ; for, although this part of the country is in the same parallel as the north of Italy or south of France, and was now (in August) very warm, yet the wintry season must be extremely cold, from the general situation and appearance of the country, and the bleak Avinds blowing over the uncultivated wilds to the northward of it. The rocks here were composed of a very ponderous sort of stone, evidently containing a great proportion of iron ; and some slate was observed. There would ap- pear to be some town of commercial im- portance situate at the head of the Gulf^ from the number of junks we saw passing up and down. Some matchlocks were no- ticed at this place, but they were merely in 34 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE the hands of individuals, as fowling-pieces ; for no military people made their appear- ance. We were unable to procure a supply of fresh beef; — not from want of cattle, but they could not comprehend the value of Spanish dollars; this coin, of such universal circulation, being melted down, the mo- ment it gets into the hands of a Chinese of Canton. Having completed our water, we weighed on the 19th, and steered along-shore to the southward. At four in the afternoon, we saw a considerable town, lying in a hollow between two red cliffs, the neighbourhood immediately around it being rather fine, and better wooded than usual. It seemed a place of some trade, and a number of junks were lying at anchor in the roads. The narrow promontory which here extends into the Yellow Sea, and forms the eastern boundary of the Gulf of Lea-tung, was, from its resemblance to a sabre, named the Regent's Sword: the south end of it is the extreme Tartar point, and was called Cape Charlotte, in honour of her royal highness the princess. TO CHINA. 35 Leopold's Isle lies a little to the north- west of this cape. The coast along this shore from our an- chorage was not unlike that from Plymouth Sound to the Start. Next morning (20th), steering southerly, we passed through a cluster of islands (nearly opposite and not very far distant from theMee-a-taus), which were named the Company's Group. The space between them and Cape Charlotte, St. George's Channel ; that through which we had formerly sailed, Leadenhall- Passage ; Ried's Rock and Grant's Island were also names appropriated on this occasion*. Soon after we saw the Mee-a-tau Islands ; and, in the afternoon, passed the city of Ten-cheu- foo, at which Lord Macartney, in the last embassy, touched. It looks very well from the sea, but the wall seems of much greater extent than is necessary for the town. We stood on to the eastward, and entered, in the evening, the bay or harbour of Kin- san-seu or Zew-a-tau. The clear and # This range naturally divides the Gulf of Pe-tche-lee from the Yellow Sea. D 2 36 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE accurate description of it, by Sir Erasmus Gower, enabled the Alceste to proceed in without the least hesitation or difficulty. Here we found the General Hewitt. Capt. Campbell had communicated with the town of Ten-cheu-foo. There are two towns on the peninsula, forming the north- west side of the harbour, and one on the opposite shore. They have no fortifica- tions here; at least none deserving that name. The people appeared extremely gross and boorish, and we enjoyed the hap- piness of being crowded with them from daylight till dark, when they always went away without the least expression of thanks for civilities shewn them. We here noticed that all the females, high and low, had small feet, which is by no means the case in the southern provinces, especially about Canton. At the latter place, among the middling and lower classes, the feet are al- lowed to remain in their proper state, un- less the girl promises to be handsome, in which case she is crippled, in order to give the finishing touch to her beauty, and with the view of preparing her for the mandarin TO CHINA. 37 market, where small feet bring a higher price, and she occasionally, also, obtains some interest or favour for her parents through the connexion. They walk, or rather totter along, like one shuffling on her heels only, without putting the fore part of the foot on the ground ; and, in moving quick, they not unfrequently tumble down, when they must get up again the best way they can ; for, Chinese gallantry was never observed to extend so far as to afford any help on such an occurrence. Some more cautious, were seen to move about, supporting themselves by the walls of the houses. Girls, from early infancy to eight or nine years old, were carried about in arms, their feet being too tender, during the first years of this absurd and cruel operation, to enable them to bear their weight ; the four smaller toes being turned down under the sole, the whole foot and ancle cramped, and the growth impeded by tight bandages, and a small shoe, which is generally again en- closed in a larger one. The pain and ir- ritation excited by this horrid process, as 38 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE well as the want of exercise, evidently in- jures their general health, for all the female children had a sickly pallid look. It would be as difficult to account for the origin of this barbarous practice, as that of squeezing the waists of Englishwomen out of all natural shape by stays (an usage which has not long been laid aside) ; or of " treating men like mere musical in- struments/' and tuning them, as such, in Italy. We had here also an opportunity of ob- serving the mode in which Chinese wo- men ride ; a young lady, who appeared from her dress and the smallness of her feet, to be of the first fashion, being met by a party of the officers, on a path so narrow and rugged, as to afford time on both sides for a mutual and closer inspection than could have been otherwise obtained. She was only accompanied by an old man, who led the animal, which she bestrode, as men do in Europe ; but the stirrups were so short, and the saddle of such construction, that she looked as if seated in a chair. She wore a loose gown or wrapper, with TO CHINA. 89 trowsers, which drew close above the ancle, to shew the feet and embroidered shoes; and her head was decked with a profusion of flowers. She had that lan- guid and insipid cast of countenance which may be seen by referring to a china tea- cup, where very faithful delineations of their higher class of females may be ob- served. It is somewhat extraordinary her being found at large in this manner. On shore the people were inhospitably rude, and even the children were encou- raged to be insolent, and to throw stones. One mandarin seized a basket of vege- tables from the officers' steward, ordering him and the interpreter (whom he also beat) into the boat, with a number of oppro- brious epithets, such as " Foreign Devils ! " Spies ! and Fanguays." Our relation with the embassy tied our hands at this time. Finding no refreshment was to be ob- tained here, and being told, by some one in authority, that there was a greater pro- bability of getting cattle at another har- bour, forty miles farther to the eastward, we prepared to proceed thither. 40 VOYAGE OF H. M. S, ALCESTE We had by this time been joined by the Lyra ; Captain Hall having surveyed the western and southern shores of the Gulf of Pe-tche-lee, which were found to be in ge- neral low. One place, remarkable for its height over the adjoining land, had been named Mount Ellis. Here we parted for a time with our worthy friends of the Ge- neral Hewitt, the companions of our voyage outward ; that ship proceeding to Canton, to complete her ulterior objects. On the 26th we weighed from Zeu-a-tau, and next morning arrived at Oie-aie-oie, a very extensive and secure harbour, the Lyra sounding the passage in. On our entrance a number of mandarins, (or, as the seamen termed them, mad marines) came on board to pay their respects; and an old turret on the face of a hill fired three popguns by way of salute, turning out about a dozen and a half of soldiers, who looked a good deal like the stage- military in an old-fashioned play. Their salute was returned by an equal number of guns from the ships. At this place died Mr. Gawthrop, the master, aged TO CHINA. 41 forty -three years, (thirty -three of which he had been at sea,) after a severe illness con- tracted at the Cape of Good Hope. He had been distinguished as a good seaman and correct navigator ; his career in the navy had also been marked by his abilities as a surveyor of coasts and harbours ; and, although a man of blunt manners, his ho- nesty was sterling. The ship's reckoning had been kept, during his confinement, by Mr. Taylor, the chaplain. We buried him at sea, near the mouth of the harbour, with military honours ; it not being considered right to inter him among a set of men who would have dis- turbed the grave for the coffin or the clothes, and of whose thievish disposition Ave had had the fullest example. We lost no time at this place, where nothing sub- stantial was to be found*, but proceeded to sea on the 29th, standing to the east- ward along the Shan-tun g shore. On the 31st we saw the land bearing east ; but, # Here parted for Macao the Discovery and Investi- gator. They were towed up, and sailed down again, 42 VOYAGE OF H.M. S. ALCESTE the wind being light, anchored in forty- three fathoms. Towards morning we weighed, and the next day anchored again among a cluster of islands, lat. 37° 45' N. long. 124° 40' 30" E. on the coast of Corea. The natives here exhibited, by signs and gestures, the greatest aversion to the landing of a party from the ships, making cut-throat motions by drawing their hands across their necks, and push- ing the boats away from the beach ; but they offered no serious violence. These islands were named Sir James Hall's Group ; the main land, of considerable height, was in view, and not far distant. Weighed again, and, the wind being easterly, stood to the southward. On the 2d we were out of sight of any land; but, the wind changing made sail easterly, and, on the 3d, passed a num- ber of islands, with which the sea was studded as far as the eye could reach from the mast-head ; and, on the 4th, stood into a fine bay formed by the main land to the northward and eastward, and sheltered in a great degree in other points by Helen's TO CHINA. 43 and other islands to the westward ; and anchored in six fathoms in front of a vil- lage, a larger town being observed at some distance. In the evening six or seven large boats came off to the Lyra (being nearest the shore), having on board a chief (most probably of this district), attended by a numerous retinue. There he met the commodore ; and, after partaking of some refreshment, proceeded, although it was now dark, on board the Alceste. He was saluted, on leaving the Lyra, with three guns, which was repeated by the frigate. As he shoved off from the brig, one of his attendants, having in some way or other misbehaved, was by his order extended on the deck of the boat, and received, in a summary way, about a dozen and a half blows with a flat bamboo over the seat of honour ; and, as the culprit squalled, a number of his companions standing round him joined in the howl, either in derision, or to drown his noise. This ceremony finished, a flourish of trumpets and other instruments announced his approach to the frigate. He was a man apparently 44 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE about seventy years of age, of a very ve- nerable and majestic mien ; his hair and beard of a hoary whiteness. His dress was a light blue robe, with lpose sleeves, and fastened round his middle by a buff- coloured leathern girdle. He had on his head an immense hat, not less than five or six feet round the brim, made of some sub- stance resembling horse-hair varnished over. The cavity to receive the head being fixed under the brim, that which rose above it, as in European hats, was not larger than a common tumbler. He wore a kind of half-boots, very much peaked and turned up at the points ; and in his hand he held a short black stick, twisted round with a silken cord, which seemed to be the badge of his office. Divested of his broad-brimmed hat, he would not upon the whole have made a bad representative of old King Lear. Of his attendants some were military, being distinguished by a short sword or ra- pier, the officers wearing peacocks' feathers in their hats (a distinction which also exists in China for men of merit) ; and the rest were civilians. He was ushered into the TO CHINA. 45 cabin, where, in preference to chairs, he sat down upon one of the sofa-cushions, placed upon deck. It appearing to be etiquette for the head to be covered, the whole party, consisting of Captains Max- well, Hall, and other officers, conformed to this rule, and, squatting on the cabin- floor, with gold-laced cocked hats on, amid the strange costume of the Coreans, looked like a party of masquers. Much edifying conversation was no doubt lost on this occasion ; for much was said, but unfortunately not one word was understood ; the Chinese interpreter we had on board not being able to write his own language ; and some of the Coreans could write, although they could not speak, at least that dialect which he compre- hended. The old gentleman, however, displayed, by signs, his satisfaction at the mode of his reception ; and, after par- taking of some liqueurs and sweetmeats, took his departure late in the evening from the ship, when he was again saluted, his band striking up one of their martial airs. His own people, when speaking to 46 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE this chieftain, put their two hands upon their knees, and bent their bodies forward. During the night several boats were an- chored near the Lyra, apparently to watch her motions ; and early in the morning the same chief, accompanied by a still greater retinue, was seen embarking at the nearest village, and soon after he visited the Lyra, where he breakfasted. He had in his train some secretaries, who employed themselves in noting down every thing relative to the ships which could be acquired by signs : the complement of men was described by pointing to them, and then, holding up ten fingers a certain number of times, they counted the guns, examined the mus- kets, measured the decks, and made other remarks. A shot was fired, by express wish, from one of the carronades ; and the dis- tance it went, but particularly its recochet- ting along the surface of the water, seemed to strike them with astonishment. After breakfast, a small party of the officers (Captains Maxwell, Hall, Messrs. Clifford, Lav/, and M'Leod) got into the boats with the view of landing at the village ; and the TO CHINA. 47 old chief, thinking they were proceeding on board the frigate, accompanied them, his own boats attending. But no sooner did he per- ceive the course directed to the shore than his countenance fell, and he seemed altoge- ther in a state of great perturbation, making signs that he washed to go to the Alceste, and shaking his head when the\ r pointed to the town. Having reached the beach, the party landed, and were immediately surrounded by a concourse of people. The old chief- tain hung his head, and clasped his hands in mournful silence ; at last, bursting into a fit of crying, he was supported, sobbing all the way, to a little distance, where he sat down upon a stone, looking back at theofflcers with the most melancholy aspect. His feelings appeared to be those of a man who imagined some great calamity had befallen his country in the arrival of strange people; and that he was the unhappy being in whose government this misfortune had occurred. The natives, who had in the mean time been driven by their soldiers to a respectful 48 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE distance, stood gazing in astonishment alternately at their afflicted chief and at our party. Captain Maxwell, observing the distress it occasioned him, would permit no advance on our side, and, beckoning to him to come back, he arose, and slowly returned. It was explained as well as could be done that no injury was intended, and that we were friends. The old man then pointed to the sun ; and, describing its revolving course four times, he drew his hand across his throat, and, dropping his chin upon his breast, shut his eyes, as if dead ; intimating that in four days (probably the period in which an answer could arrive from Kin-ki- tao, the capital, for he also pointed to the interior) he would lose his head. One of his secretaries, or legal advisers (an amazing- long-winded man), squatted on the top of a large stone, now made a harangue of con- siderable length, the purport of which was evidently against the advance of the stran- gers. Signs were made by us for something to eat and drink (thinking hospitality might induce them to invite us into their houses); TO CHINA. 49 but messengers were instantly despatched to the village, who brought down little tables, with mats to sit on, and some re- freshments : these, however, not being the objects, they were not accepted, making them understand that it was unbecoming to offer them in that unsheltered manner, on the open beach ; and, by way of a hint that this was not our mode of treating strangers, invited them to return to the frigate, where they should dine handsomely, and meet with every respect. The old man, who had observed attentively, and seemed per- fectly to comprehend, the meaning of the signs, answered by going through the mo- tions of eating and drinking with much appearance of liveliness and satisfaction, smiling and patting his stomach afterwards, to say all was very fine ; then, looking grave, he drew his hand across his neck, and shut his eyes ; as if to say, " What signifies your " good dinners when I must lose my head?" Perceiving it was impossible to penetrate farther into the interior without violence, which we had neither the right nor the in- clination to use, the party re-embarked, E 50 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE affecting to be much hurt at the treatment they had received. The old gentleman followed on board the Alceste, seemingly much dejected, and looking as if ashamed that he could not pay more attention. Wandering about the decks, attempting to converse, by signs, with every one he met, he took a piece of paper from a gentleman who was sitting at his desk, and wrote some characters upon it, which he seemed to require an answer to, but of course none could be given. The paper was retained ; and, being shewn some months afterwards to Mr. Banner- man, at Canton, turned out to be " I " don't know who ye are ; what business " have ye here?" It was pretty evident, however, that he was acting from orders which he dared not trifle with, rather than from any inhospitable feeling in his own nature; for in this respect there was a manly frankness in the behaviour of all the Coreans we saw, and not what could be considered an inclination to be rude. He received a Bible, which Captain Maxwell (to whom he seemed very thank- TO CHINA. 51 fill for not insisting upon going into the town) presented him with, and carried it on shore with much care, most likely sup- posing it to be some official communica- tion. These people are stated to have so great a veneration for books, that the act of purchasing them is, in fact, a religious ceremony. Basil's Bay (which this place was named) lies in lat. 36° 9' N., long. 126° 32' E., be- ing, in sea-phrase, at least 120 miles high and dry up the country, according to the exist- ing charts. This afternoon (5th) got under weigh, and stood to the southward, through in- numerable islands, which were all high, rising like mountains out of the sea. None of them seemed of great extent, few appearing longer than three or four miles, and, as far as we could see, in some de- gree cultivated, the inhabitants generally crowding to the top of the highest emi- nence, where they remained huddled to- gether, and gazing until the ships were passed. On the 8th, anchored in lat. 34° 26' N., e 2 52 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE and here we discovered that the land seen an coming up the Whang Hai or Yellow Sea, (at present considerably to the southward and westward of us,) and which had been at that time Called Cape Amherst, was not the continent. It was now named Alceste Island ; and another range, about twenty in number, running north and south, rather within it, but outside the Corean Archipelago, were called the Amherst Isles. This morning, after sounding our way in, we came to an anchor in a most excellent harbour, named Murray's Sound ; the two islands which principally form it, Sham- rock and Thistle. Here a number of observations were taken, and surveys made, to ascertain the exact geographical position of the land, and the qualities of the anchorage; and distinguishing names were, of course, given to remarkable spots, which might serve on future occasions as leading marks. From the top of Montreal, one of the highest, 135 other islands were distinctly counted ; the main land, which seemed very lofty, was seen ranging from north-east to east- TO CHINA. 53 south-east, distant about forty miles. From Murray's Sound, Craig Harriet, a very peculiar rock, rising in sugar-loaf form from the sea, bears south 39°, west five miles. Another rock, Huntly Lodge, situate on an island, south 40° east, resembles a church with a square tower. Windsor Castle, north 40° 50' east. The direction of the sound itself north north-east half east, and south south-west half west ; it is a very se- cure anchorage, with excellent holding ground. The intervening spaces between the multitude of isles, generally from one to two, or three, and even four miles across, are all (at least as far as the boats ex- amined) close harbours, and capable of containing, in security, all the navies of the world. They form, in fact, an almost endless chain of harbours, communicating with each other. The rise and fall of tide is here considerable, but the setting of the currents among such a number of islands must, of course, be extremely various. They appear to be all inhabited, and there- fore must possess fresh water. On our first landing on Thistle Island, the women fled, 54 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE with their infant children, over the hill, to a place which we named Eagle Point (from a large eagle being perched on the precipice as we came in), and hid themselves in recesses among the rocks ; whilst the men, in a body, but unarmed, waved and hallooed to us not to advance, mak- ing the usual signal with their hands across the throat. When they found, however, by repeated visits, that no hostility w T as intended, and that we were rather inclined to give than to take from them, they became a little more tame, would crowd round the officers to see them fire at a mark, bring them wa- ter to drink, and offer them part of their humble fare to eat; but all this they seemed to do in a perfect spirit of inde- pendence, and not from fear. Then sud- denly, as if recollecting they were acting contrary to orders in holding any cor- respondence whatever with strangers, they would lay hold of some of the gentlemen by the shoulders, and push them away, pointing to the &hip, intimating that was the most proper place for them ; and this TO CHINA. 55 conduct was uniform wherever we touched. We observed no fire-arms among them, but some who came on board the Alceste dis- covered considerable acquaintance with the sword exercise. They cultivate as much grain as they want for their own consump- tion ; they feed cattle (at least for domestic purposes) ; and, as may naturally be sup- posed, from their peculiar and insular situation, they subsist a good deal by fish- ing. Of their government, general man- ners, and customs, it would be impossible to speak with any accuracy from so limited an intercourse as we had with them. China has very little communication with the barbarians of the west, and that is chiefly confined to a particular spot, the port of Canton ; Japan has still less, and Corea none at all. A connexion, however, is kept up with China by two or three annual junks from the eastern coast. What little knowledge we possess of Co- rea is mostly derived from the Jesuits of China, who certainly were not infallible guides in all matters ; but in the geogra- phy, general literature, and delineation of 56 VOYAGE OF H, M. S. ALCESTE manners and customs, when unconnected with their own superstitions, their labours are entitled to a distinguished place in the republic of letters, especially when the dif- ficulties they had to struggle with are taken into consideration ; but here they were freed from every motive to deceive, and had only to tell the simple truth *i Corea (or Kaoli) is tributary to the em- peror of China, and sends him triennial Em- bassadors expressive of its homage. We saw enough, however, to convince us that the sovereign of this country governs with most absolute sway; and that, occasionally, he makes very free with the heads of his subjects. The allusion to this danger could not have been so constant and uniform, in * However well the Jesuits may have fared about the courts of Europe, their situation in China was by no means a sinecure ; and they must have been very much in earnest indeed, in that cause which could have induced them to remain in a country where, as helpless strangers, they were often extremely ill-treated, and received unmerciful bambooings. They have very pathetically described the face slapping punishment which was occasionally inflicted on them. TO CHINA. 57 places so remote from each other, without some strong reason. This country, which is also called Chau- tsien by the Chinese, and Solho by the Mantchew Tartars, is, by the most authen- tic reports, separated on the north and north-west from the Tartar provinces by a chain of mountains, and at one part from Lea-tong by a barrier of palisades ; it is bounded on the west by the Yellow Sea, and on the east by the sea of Japan ; the straits of Corea, about 86 miles wide, di- viding it on the south-east from the latter country. It is represented as divided into eight large provinces, " containing forty inferior districts, in which there are thirty-three cities of the first class, fifty-eight of the second, and seventy of the third *. Its chief rivers, the Ya-lou and Tou-men rise from the Shanelin, or Ever-white Mountain, indicative of its being perpetually covered with snow. It is intersected in all directions * These cities are probably not very large. 58 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE by mountains. It produces abundance of wheat and rice. From a species of palm found in this country, a gum or balsam is extracted, of which a yellow varnish is pre- pared, said to be little inferior in beauty to gilding. It has a small breed of horses, only three feet high. The sea-coast abounds with fish of various kinds ; and many whales are found every year towards the north- east ; some of which are stated to have the harpoons of the European whale-fishers sticking in their bodies, and must, conse- quently, have come all the way from Green- land, through the Arctic Ocean, along the north-coast of Asia or America, and by Behring's Straits, into the seas of Kam- tshatka, Jesso, and Japan/' " Their women are not under the same restraints as in China. Every seventh year, all the males of the several provinces who are fit to carry arms are obliged to attend at the capital in succession, doing military duty for two months ; so that during this seventh year, the whole male population of the country is in motion and under arms." About the end of the 16th century, it TO CHINA. 59 appears the Japanese invaded and overran Corea, but were driven out again by the natives, assisted by the Mantchew Tartars. The latter, at this time, attempted to compel the Coreans to cut off their hair, and alter their dress ; but this occasioned a general revolt, which was only appeased by the Tartars yielding their point *. The law against intercourse with fo- reigners appears to be enforced with the utmost rigour*-}-. At one of the islands to the north, where we first landed, a Corean, in an unguarded moment, accepted a but- ton which had attracted his attention ; but soon after, as the boats were shoving off, he ran down into the water, and insisted on restoring it, at the same time (by way * The Chinese, in a similar case, evinced a very differ- ent kind of spirit. An empire consisting, according to their own returns, of three hundred and thirty millions, tamely permitted a handful of Tartars to shave their heads and dress them as they thought proper. *f It is said that the crew of a Dutch vessel, a con- siderable time since wrecked on the eastern coast, were detained in slavery for nineteen years, without being heard of, when some of them managed to get away. 60 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE of reparation) pushing the boat with all his might away from the beach. On almost all occasions they positively refused every thing oiFered to them. His Corean majesty may well be styled " king of ten thousand isles/' but his supposed continental domi- nions have been very much circumscribed by our visit to his shores. Except in the late and present embassy, no ships had ever penetrated into the Yellow Sea ; the Lion had kept the coast of China aboard only, and had neither touched at the Tartar or Corean side. Cook, Perouse, Bougain- ville, Broughton, and others, had well de- fined the bounds on the eastern coast of this country, but the western had hitherto been laid down on the charts from imagina- tion only, the main land being from a hun- dred to a hundred and thirty miles farther to the eastward than these charts had led us to believe. The Jesuits, therefore, must have taken the coast of Corea from report, and not from observation, for their chart is most in- correct, and by no means corresponds with their usual accuracy. The Chinese written TO CHINA. 61 characters have found their way here, but they would appear to be confined to the literati, for the common language has no resemblance in sound to the colloquial language of China. 62 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTF. CHAP. III. Arrival at the island of Grand Lewchew — our kind Reception by the Natives — with some Ac- count of the History, general Character and Manners of this singular people — Remarks on the Climate and Produce of the Island. ON the 10th we got under weigh and proceeded on our voyage, standing through the south passage, and made sail to the southward, (giving the name of Lyra to an island which bore cast of Alceste's about ten or twelve leagues, and distant nearly the same north-westerly from Quelpart). On the 11th, sounded in forty-nine fathoms muddy bottom, in lat. 31° 42' N., long. 126° 30' E. On the morning of the 13th we made Sulphur Island, a volcano, situated in lat. 27° 56 N., long. 128° 11' E. Whilst yet at a great distance, we could observe a TO CHINA. 63 volume of smoke at short intervals bursting from its crater. We hove-to for some time under its lee, in front of a horrid chasm, from whence the smoke issued, but found it impossible to land, as there was much wind and swell, and the surf broke with tre- mendous violence around its base. The island, which does not appear above four or five miles in circumference, rises pre- cipitous from the sea, except in one or two spots ; and its height must be considerable, judging from the distance we saw it, per- haps 1,200 feet. The sulphurous smell emitted, even when two or three miles off, was very strong *. One end of the island displayed strata of a brilliant red-coloured earth, which had been noticed before on some part of the Corean main. One would almost be induced to believe that the mer- cury and sulphur, so abundant in these regions, had combined to give this ver- * A few families are placed here, at certain periods of the year, to collect the sulphur emitted by this volcano, which forms a considerable branch of revenue to the king of the Lew-chew islands. 64 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE milion hue to the ground. From hence we stood on to the southward with a strong wind at north by east, which soon increased to a gale. Not having sufficient run for the night, and being totally unacquainted with the coast we were approaching, the ship was put under snug canvass, and hauled to the wind on the starboard tack. On the morning of the 14th we again made sail, and soon observed an island rising like a cone to a considerable height, with that of grand Lew-chew immediately behind it. The state of the weather would not war- rant our standing closer in with the land than about eight miles, as it now blew fresh from the west-north-west, which made it a lee shore. We hauled to the south-west- ward, and in the afternoon saw breakers under our lee, the Lyra being closer in, and rather a-head. To have put about with the wind, as it then was, would have em- bayed us for the night ; for the main body of the island seemed to form, with the peak we had left astern, and the position we were now in, a sort of bight. The Lyra, indeed, could not have tacked TO CHINA. 65 in such a swell, and was almost too near to attempt wearing. Both ships, therefore, stood on with every sail they could carry, on the starboard tack, endeavouring to weather the reef. Much anxiety existed, at this moment, on board the Alceste, for the fate of the brig ; the breakers rearing their white tops close to leeward of her, and rolling, with terrific force, upon the rocks. By steady steerage, however, and a press of sail, she at last passed the dan- ger, and bore up through a channel formed by the reef and some high islets to the southward, very much to the satisfaction of all concerned ; and she was followed by the frigate. We hove-to, for the night, under the lee of the larger island, and the next morn- ing's dawn, the weather being now ex- tremely fine, displayed to our view a rich extent of cultivated scenery, such as we had not been lately accustomed to, on the naked coasts of Tartary and China. Rising in gentle ascent from the sea, the grounds were disposed more like the finest country- seats in England than those of an island so remote from the civilized world, — the tran- 66 VOYAGE OF H. M. 8. ALCESTE quil, placid, and refreshing look of every thing around, forming a very pleasing con- trast with the boisterous sea and dangerous condition of the previous day. We were in front of a town, having a sort of line wall, along the water's edge, from whence some fishing-boats approached the Lyra, which by this time had anchored ; and on the people being interrogated, by signs, as to the proper anchorage, they pointed round the south-west end of the island, kindly offering, at the same time, some vegetables and fresh water, which they had in their canoes. We made sail in the direction indicated, carefully sounding and looking out as we advanced along shore, and at night an- chored in deep water. On the 16th, at day-light, we continued our course, and about noon descried a considerable town, with a number of vessels at anchor under it, in a harbour, the mouth of which was formed by two pier-heads. In the after- noon, having explored our passage through the adjacent reefs, (the Lyra leading), we anchored in front of this town. The asto- TO CHINA. 67 nished natives, who most probably had never been visited by an European ship before*, were perched in thousands on the surrounding rocks and heights, gazing on the vessels as they entered. Soon after, several canoes came alongside, containing some people in office, who wished to know to what country we belonged, and the nature of our visit. By the assistance of the Chinese interpreter, whose language some of them understood, they were informed that we were ships of war belonging to the King of England, which had carried an Embassador from that monarch to the Emperor of China ; and, after having landed him and his retinue near Pekin, we had, on our return to Canton, where the Embassador was to re-embark, met with violent weather at sea, in which the ship had sprung a leak, obliging us to put in there, in order to repair our damages. To make this story feasible, the well was filled * Captain Broughton, after the loss of the Providence in 1797, anchored at this place in a schooner, and re- mained forty-eight hours. I 2 68 VOYAGE OF H. M . S. ALCESTE by turning the cock in the hold ; and the chain-pumps being set to work threw out volumes of water on the main deck, to the great amazement of these people, who seemed to sympathize very much with our misfortunes. This ruse was necessary to free their minds from that state of alarm, which must naturally arise on the arrival of ships of such unusual appearance and force, and of a people with whose motives they were unacquainted, and who might justly be considered as the objects of suspicion had no reason but mere curiosity been assigned. They returned on shore, and put in requi- sition a number of carpenters, and people acquainted with the construction of their own vessels, who, at daylight in the morn- ing, hurried on board, bringing with them the rude implements of their art, in order to render what assistance they could in stopping the leak. This offer of kindness was, of course, civilly declined by the se- nior officer, on the ground that we had plenty of good carpenters on board, who were perfectly equal to the task; and stating that an asylum was all we required during TO CHINA. » 69 the time of repair, with permission to take on board some fresh provisions and water, of which we stood much in need ; and all this we would most cheerfully pay for. An immediate supply of bullocks, pigs, goats, fowls, eggs, and other articles, with abundance of excellent sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruit then in season, and even candles * and fire-wood, followed this inti- mation ; supplies of the same description being sent on board as often as was ne- cessary, for about six weeks, the period of our stay on the island ; those who brought them taking a receipt to shew they had been delivered safely ; but the chief authorities, who sent them, obstinately refusing any payment or remuneration whatever. Meantime, it being found impracticable for the frigate to swing in the inner harbour at low water, the road in which we lay was accurately examined, and found to be so protected with coral reefs to seaward, * Their candles are made of unrefined wax, with paper wicks, and give an excellent light. 70 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE and covered by the land to the eastward, as to be completely sheltered, except in a very slight degree at its entrance, and of sufficient extent and depth to contain even ships of the line. On the 20th, we moved up to the head of this road, to a place which we called Baronpool, where we afterwards rode out the equinoctial gales (or change of the monsoons). On inquiring of them where the king was, they said, after some hesitation, ten thousand miles off; and when it was hinted that it was necessary to have a party on shore, such as ropemakcrs and smiths, where they could have more room to work, and thereby expedite our refit, they requested this might not be done until they heard from the king, it being an unprecedented case, in which they were incompetent to act without orders. Unwilling to give cause of alarm or un- easiness to a people who seemed so well disposed, and for whose fears and suspi- cions it was but reasonable to make every allowance, we remained quietly on board - TO CHINA. 71 until the 22d, when intimation was received that a great personage intended paying a visit to the commodore. At the mouth of a little river, opposite which we were anchored, we observed this chief embarking amidst a great concourse of people. He was saluted on his ap- proach with three guns from each ship, and received on board with every mark of respect. He was a man about sixty years of age, with a venerable white beard : his dress a purple robe, with very loose sleeves, and fastened round his middle with a sash of red silk ; he had sandals on his feet, with white gaiters, not unlike short stockings. His cap (the badge of his dig- nity) was made of some slight material, twisted neatly into folds, and covered with a light purple-coloured silk. He had a numerous suite with him; some were offi- cial people of different ranks, and the rest his persona] attendants. Here the occa- sion of our visit was again discussed ; the pumps were set to work to shew the effect of the leak ; and promises, on their part renewed, of every assistance. 72 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE Although they had not heard from the king on the subject of our coining on shore, and notwithstanding it was contrary to a general rule for any stranger to land upon their coast; yet, they now said, a few of the officers were always welcome to walk about within certain bounds. After partaking of a very handsome entertain- ment, he took his leave, the captain pro- mising to return his visit. At one o'clock on the following day the boats were manned, and Captains Maxwell and Hall, with several of the officers in full uniform, proceeded into Napa-kiang *. This har- bour is the mouth of a river, at the en- trance of which, on each side, are strong- built walls or piers, for a considerable way up, and inside were anchored several rather large junks. Vessels under the # Napa appears to have been tine original name of the town ; but, since their connexion with China, the term Foo (or city of the first class) has been added ; making Napafoo. Kiang, another Chinese word, signifies river, and, when coupled with Napa, means merely the river, port, or anchorage of the place. TO CHINA. 73 size of frigates could be received very well in this river ; — the bottom is soft mud. The river widens somewhat immediately above the anchorage, and in it is situated a very pretty and well wooded little island. At the landing-place the party were met by some of the chiefs, who had been most in the habit of visiting the ships, each of whom, taking one of the officers by the hand, led him through an immense col- lection of spectators to the gate of a public building, where the old gentleman already mentioned attended to welcome them into the house. Here an entertain- ment was served up in a style, which a pastry-cook, or connoisseur in eating, might describe, but which to another might be a difficult task. The utmost good humour, however, prevailed, and a liqueur (chazzi), something like rosolio, was passed round in abundance, so that it was quite a man's own fault if he was not cheerful. Many loyal and friendly toasts, appli- cable to both countries, were given and drank with enthusiasm. As they had 74 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE hitherto generously supplied the ships with fresh provisions, vegetables, and fruit, and constantly refused any kind of payment, either in money or by way of barter, the captains thought this a proper opportunity to offer, as a mark of their personal re- gard, some presents to the chiefs, consist- ing of various wines, cherry brandy, Eng- lish broad cloths, a telescope, and other articles ; and on this ground only they were accepted ; reserving it to themselves, at the same time, to make what personal return they might think proper to this inter- change of friendship. At the end of this conference, it being proposed to take a walk over the city, a consultation was held among them ; when the request was mildly declined, (supposed to be through the influence of Buonaparte, a man of dark and peculiar aspect, so named because he was suspected of being the most inclined to keep us at arm's length,) stating, they were afraid some bad people might be induced to treat us with disrespect. It was evident they had not the power, without higher authority, TO CHINA. 75 to admit us to freer access ; for the people themselves, almost without exception, ap- peared by this time to have no apprehen- sion about our motives. After much hilarity the party took their leave, attended in the same way as on landing. It was worthy of notice how much regu- larity and decorum existed among so many thousands as were here collected. A lane was formed, on the inner side of which the smallest boj^s (generally kneel- ing) were placed ; another row squatted be- hind these; then the men (those nearest stooping a little) ; and outside the still taller people, or those mounted on stones, &c. ; so that all, without bustle or confusion, might have a complete view of the strangers. The utmost silence reigned, and not a whisper was heard. Perhaps they had purposely sent their women out of the way,— but the ladies managed (as usual) to outwit them, and to gratify curiosity in defiance of every precaution to the con- trary. A number of them had either been placed intentionally on the other side of the river, or left there in consequence of 76 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE all the men having come over to the show ; but the boats, in going out, had to pass within a few yards of their pier-head ; when, finding themselves in almost exclu- sive possession of that bank, they left their station on a hill, ran down to the point, and had their peep, whilst their friends on the opposite shore were unable (had it been their intention) to keep them in the back ground. About this period a mutual friendship began to exist between us ; confidence took place of timidity ; and now, instead of permitting only a few to visit the shore at a time, they fitted up the garden of a temple as a sort of general arsenal for us : the habitations of the priests were allotted as an hospital for the sick, whilst other temporary buildings of bamboo were erected for the reception of our powder, which required airing, and for various stores wanting inspection and repair. The rope-makers, smiths, and other artificers, were established at a convenient spot, about a mile farther along the beach. They continued their usual supplies, bringing TO CHINA. 17 us even fresh water on board in their boats ; and, understanding we required some wood for spars, they felled fir-trees, floated them down the river, and towed them alongside, singing their usual boat- song, which had a very plaintive and pleasing effect. The island of Lewchew * is about fifty miles long and from twelve to fifteen broad ; Napa-kiang, our position, (and within five miles of Kint-ching, the capital,) lying in lat. 26° 14/ N., long. 127° 52' \" E. This is its south-west point, the main body of the island extending from hence north a little eastwardly. It is washed on the one side * It is called by an infinity of names in books and charts, such as Lekeyo, Lieoo-Kieoo, Lequeyo, Licu- Kieu, Likeo, Lieuchieux, Liquieux, and Loochoo; none of which have the most distant resemblance to the real sound, except the latter ; but as the first syllable is, ac- cording to the pronunciation of the superior order of the natives, liquid, as in Llewelyn, or the terminating syllables of Curlew and Pelezv, for which loo would be unsuitable, so Lewchew is here adopted as the only mode of spelling, which conveys the true tone or accent of the word. It is often by the lower classes corrupted into Doo-Choo. 78 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE by the Northern Pacific Ocean, and on the other by the Tung Hai, or Eastern Sea. The rocks about it are all of the coral kind, and immense masses, some assuming very odd shapes, were seen every where along the sea-shore; and many of the same formation were found on the higher land, at some distance from the beach, whose situation is not easily to be accounted for, unless we suppose them to have been elevated by the force of volcanic fire. It is the principal island of a group of thirty-six, subject to the same monarch, and the seat of the government. The na- tives trace their history back to a period long anterior to the Christian era; but their first communication with the rest of the world, Avhen their accounts became fully corroborated and undisputed, was about the year 605, when they were in- vaded by China, who found them at that time — a time when England and the greater part of Europe were immersed in barbarism — the same kind of people they are at the present day, with the exception TO CHINA. /'J of a few Chinese innovations ; or, at least, they appear to have altered but in a very slight degree. Indeed, it is very obvious that a revolution in manners, and altera- tion of habits, are by no means so likely to occur with a people thus living in an obscure and secluded state, as among those who have a wider intercourse with other nations. The only connexion which the Lewchewans have had with their neigh- bours, and that but very limited, has been with Japan and China, from neither of whom they were likely to receive any example of change. The clearest, and, perhaps, the only ac- count given of their history is by Su-poa- Koang, a Chinese doctor or philosopher, who was, in 1719? sent as embassador to them *. The following is the substance of his report as to their origin : — " The Lew- u chewan tradition states, that, in the be- *' ginning, one man and one woman were " produced in the great void or chaos. * Vide Lettres Edifiautes, tome xxiii. 80 VOYAGE or II. M. S. AtCESTE " They had the joint name of Omo-mey- " kicou. From their union sprung three " sons and two daughters; the eldest " of the sons had the title of Tien-sun, or " Grandson of Heaven, and was the first " king of Lewchew ; the second was the " father of the tributary princes ; the rest " of the people acknowledge the third as " their progenitor*. The eldest daughter " had the title of Celestial Spirit; the " second the Spirit of the Sea. After " the death of Tien-sun, twenty-five " dynasties reigned successively in this " country, occupying (according to their " story) a period of 17,802 years previous " to the time of Chuntein, who com- " menced his reign in 1187. This is their " fabulous history, of which they are very " jealous ; but nothing certain was known " until 605, before which the inhabitants " of Formosa and the adjacent islands " were denominated by the Chinese the # It seems rather unaccountable, in this marvellous tradition, that the third sun, to whom uo wife is assigned, should have had the most numerous progeny. a TO CHINA. 81 Oriental Barbarians. In this year the emperor sent to examine them ; but, from want of interpreters, no clear ac- " count was obtained. They brought " back, however, some of the islanders to " Sin-gan-foo, the capital of the province " of Chen-si, and the seat of the court " under the Souy dynasty. Some Japan- " ese, who happened to be there, knew " the people, and described them as a race " of barbarians. The Emperor Yang-ti " sent forthwith some who understood their " language to Lewchew, to command " their homage, and acknowledgment of " him as their sovereign. The prince of " Lewchew haughtily replied, that he " would own none as his superior. A fleet " with ten thousand men was now fitted " out from Amoi and the ports of Fo-kien, " which force, overcoming the efforts of " the islanders, landed at Lewchew ; and " the king, who had put himself at the " head of his people to repel the enemy, " being killed, the Chinese burned the 44 capital, and, carrying off five thousand " of the natives, as slaves, returned to o 82 VOYAGE OF H. M. S» ALCEST& " China. From this, until 1291, the " Lewchewans were left unmolested, when " Chit-soo, an emperor of the Yuen fa- M mily, reviving his pretensions, fitted out " a fleet against them from the ports of " Fo-kien ; but, from various causes, it " never proceeded farther than the western " coast of Formosa, and from thence re- " turned unsuccessful to China. In the " year 1372, Hong-ou, emperor of China, " and founder of the Ming dynasty, sent a " great mandarin to Tsay-tou, who go- " verned in Tchon-chan, the country being " at this period divided, in consequence " of civil disturbances, into three king- " doms, who, in a private audience, ac- " quitted himself with such address as " to persuade the king to declare him- " self tributary to China, and to request " of the emperor the investiture of his " estate. " Having thus managed by finesse what " arms had been unable to effect, the em- " peror took care to receive, with great " distinction, the envoys sent by their " master. They brought offerings of fine TO CHINA. 83 " horses, scented woods, sulphur, copper, " and tin, and were sent back again with " rich presents for the king and queen ; " among which was a gold seal. " The two kings of the other districts, " Chan-pe and Chan-nan, followed the ex- " /ample of Tchon-chan, and their submis- " sion was most graciously received. Thirty- " six Chinese families w 7 ere sent to live in " Cheouli*, where grants of land were " conceded to them ; here they taught the " Chinese written characters, introduced " Chinese books, and the ceremonies in " honour of Confucius. The sons of the " Lewchewan grandees were also sent to " Nankin to study Chinese, and were edu- " cated with distinction, at the expense of " the emperor. " The reigns of Ou-ning and Tse-chao, " the son and grandson of Tsay-tou, pre- " sented nothing extraordinary ; but that " of Chang-pa-chi was marked by the re- " union of Chan-pe and Chan-nan with * That district of Tchon-chan in which the capital is situated, and where we resided. G 2 84 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE " Tchon-chan into one kingdom, and the " government has since continued in the " hands of a single chief. Lew chew is " said henceforth to have had consider- " able intercourse with China and Japan " in the way of commerce, much to her " advantage, and to have even mediated " between those two powers when misun- " derstandings had occurred. " The famous Tay-cosama, however, " emperor of Japan, whom the Chinese " call ambitious, piratical, irreligious, " cruel, and debauched, because he had " pillaged their coasts, sent a haughty letter " to Chang-ning, commanding him to " transfer his homage from China to Ja- " pan, which Chang-ning as firmly refused. " Notwithstanding the death of Tay-cosa- " ma, the Japanese fitted out a fleet at " Satsuma, made a descent on Lewchew, " took the king prisoner, and carried him " off, having plundered the palace, and " killed one of his near relations, who " also resisted the acknowledgment f " the Japanese. During a captivity of two " years, Chang-ning acquired the admira- TO CHINA. 85 " tion of the captors by his unyielding " firmness and constancy in refusing to " swerve from his first allegiance, and " they generously sent him back to his " states. " The Tartar dynasty, soon after this, " was placed, by conquest, on the throne " of China, and made some alteration in " the nature of the tribute to be paid, stipu- " lating that envoys, in future, should be " sent to Pekin only once in two years. " Cang-hi paid much attention to the wel- " fare of Lewchew ; and his memory to " this day is much respected by the peo- " pie. It is said to be nearly a thou- " sand years since the bonzes of the sect " of Fo introduced their mode of worship " into these islands, which has continued " to the present time. " When they make a vow, it is not be- " fore the statues or images of their idols ; '* but they burn incense, and, placing " themselves in a respectful attitude before u certain consecrated stones, which are to " be seen in various public situations, they " repeat some mysterious words, said to 80 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE " have been dictated by the divine daugh- " tersof Omo-mey-kieou. They have also " among them a set of holy women, who " worship certain spirits deemed powerful " among them, and who visit the sick, " give medicines, and recite prayers. This " seems to have given rise to the accusa- " tion of an old missionary at Japan, who " said they practised sorcery and witch- " craft. Cang-hi likewise introduced among " them the adoration of a new deity, under " the name of Tien-fey, or Celestial Queen. " Polygamy is allowed here, as in China, " but seldom practised. Men and women " of the same surname cannot intermarry. " The king can only take a wife from one " of three great families, who always hold " the most distinguished posts : there is " also a fourth, of the highest considera- " tion, but with which the princes cannot " form an alliance, because it is doubtful " whether that family is not itself of the " royal line. Their chiefs are generally " hereditary, but not always ; for men of " merit are promoted, and all are liable " to be degraded for improper conduct. TO CHINA. 87 " The king's revenue arises from his own " domains ; from imposts on salt, sulphur, " copper, tin, and several other articles ; " and from this income he defrays the " expenses of the state, and the salaries " of the great officers. " These salaries consist nominally in a " certain number of bags of rice; but they " are paid generally in silks, and various " other necessary articles of clothing and " food, in proportions equal to the value of " so many bags of that grain. All their " interior commerce or marketting is per- " formed by the women and girls at regu- " lated limes. They carry their little loads " upon their heads with singular dexterity, " consisting of the usual necessaries of " life and wearing apparel, which they ex- " change for what they more immediately " want, or for the copper coin of China and " Japan*. The men are said to be neat " workmen in gold, silver, copper, and other # We saw no money among them. Lieut. Dwarris on one occasion observed a chief paying a man for some- thing with a note, which induced him to think they had paper money; but this note might have been an order for a bag of rice or piece of cloth. b» VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE " metals; and there are manufactories " of silk, cotton, flax, and paper. They " also build very good vessels, quite large " enough to undertake voyages to China " and Japan, where their barks are much " esteemed. They have adopted the Chi- " nese calendar with respect to the division " of the month and year. This island pro- " duces rice, wheat, and all sorts of vege- " tables, in abundance*. The people of " the coast are expert fishermen, and the " sea and rivers are well furnished with fish. " They are famous divers, and obtain shells " and mother-of-pearl, very much esteemed " in China and Japan. " They possess many woods proper for " dying ; and one tree in particular yields " an oil which is held in great repute. " They have likewise a great variety of " most delicate fruits, oranges, citrons, le- " mons, long-y-ven, lee-tchees, grapes, &c. " Wolves, tigers, and bears, are unknown ; " but they have many useful animals, " such as horses, water-dogs, black cattle, * The Sago-tree was also observed to be very plen- tiful. TO CHINA. 89 " stags, poultry, geese, peacocks, pigeons, " doves, &c. " The camphor, cedar, and ebony, are " among the number of their trees ; and " they have also wood well fitted for ship- " building, and for public edifices. They " are represented as disdaining slavery, " lying, and cheating. They are fond of " games and amusements, and celebrate, " with much pomp, the worship of their " idols, at the end and commencement of " the year; and there exists much union " among the branches of families, who " give frequent and cheerful entertainments " to each other.'" The ceremony of installation of the king of Lew chew is thus described : " When " the king dies, his heir sends an embassa- " dor to the emperor, to make known that " circumstance, and to demand his inves- " titure. — Meantime the Lewchewans treat " as king and queen the prince and the " princess his wife, though it is not, ac- " cording to the Pekin regulations, until " after the installation that they assume " the titles. The emperor either sends 90 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE from himself a qualified person to per- form this ceremony, or grants full powers to the Lewchewan embassador to do so on his return. " If the former is determined upon, the emperor orders the tribunal of ceremo- nies to find a fit person to sustain with dignity the majesty of the Chinese em- pire ; and the choice falls on whom they know the emperor wishes, a second being named in the event of death or sick- ness. The emperor, after approving the choice, admits the embassador to an audience, and gives him the necessary in- structions, and the presents intended for the king and queen. The mandarins of Fo-kien are ordered to equip a vessel, and to choose a captain, officers, sailors, sol- diers, and pilots, sometimes amounting to three hundred and fifty persons. The embassador is conducted from court with great pomp to the capital of Fo-kien, where he is lodged in a commodious palace, and treated with much distinc- tion. " He is embarked with great state, when, TO CHINA. 91 " after the usual ceremonies to propitiate " heaven, and the goddess Tien-fey, they " make sail. On their anchoring near Napa- " kiang, the king gives the necessary or- " ders for receiving the embassador, with all " the honours due to the title of Celestial " Envoi/, that is, to the envoy of the son of " heaven, or the emperor of China. The " princes and grandees repair to the port " in their court dresses. A number of ves- " sels, richly ornamented, conduct the " stranger into harbour, where the embas- " sador and suite lands, and is attended " to his palace with great pomp by the " princes and grandees, who take care to u make such an appearance as to do ho- " nour to the nation. Every thing is regu- " kited with respect to the maintenance of " the embassador and retinue, who are all " permitted, even to the lowest domestic, " the privilege of carrying a certain quan- " tity of money, and of Chinese merchan- " dise, to make a little trade. In the time of " the Ming dynasty, the profits of the " Chinese were considerable at Lew- " chew ; at present only moderate. The 92 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE embassador ordinarily piques himself on having no personal connexion with com- merce *. " After having taking some repose, he repairs to the grand hall, where he finds a magnificent estrade, on which he seats himself. On a signal given, at the same instant, the princes, ministers, and gran- dees of the first order, placed according to rank, make the nine prostrations to salute the emperor. The embassador stands ; and, after the ceremony, makes a profound reverence. When the chiefs of the second and third class prostrate themselves, he also stands, and after- wards presents his hand to them. On the performance of the inferior chiefs, the embassador is seated, but afterwards presents his hand to them. This ceremo- nial finished, some grandees on the part of the king come to congratulate the em- bassador on his safe arrival. The rest of the day is spent in repasts, public rejoicings, * This is quite in the inflated style of these celestials, whilst in the practice of every thing that is sordid. TO CHINA. 93 " and concerts, in all the cities and neigh- " bouring villages, and on board the ves- " sels. On a certain day the embassador " goes to the temple of the goddess Tien- " fey, to return thanks for her protection, " and from thence to the imperial palace, " where he performs the Chinese ceremo- " nies, in honour of Confucius. On another " day the embassador with all his retinue " repairs to the royal hall, where are the " tablets of the deceased kings ; the heir to " the throne also appearing, but as a prince " simply. " The embassador then performs, in the " name of the emperor, the Chinese marks " of respect in honour of the deceased king, " the predecessor of the reigning prince, " and also for his forefathers; and presents " the odours, the silks, manufactures, and " silver, sent by the emperor for that pur- " pose. The prince then makes the nine " prostrations to thank the emperor, and " inquires after the state of his health. " He next salutes the embassador, and " dines, familiarly, and without ceremony, " with him. When all is regulated for 94 VOYAGE OF H. M.S. ALCESTE the instalment, the embassador, with all his suite, and a great number of people, proceed to the palace. The court is rilled with lords and chieftains, richly attired, and ranged in due order. On his entrance, the embassador is received by the princes, and con- ducted, with music sounding, to the royal hall, where there is an elevated estrade for the prince and princess, and a distinguished place for the embassa- dor. All the princes, grandees, and minis- ters, standing, the embassador reads, with a loud voice, the imperial diploma; in which the emperor, after some eulogy on the defunct sovereign, acknowledges for king and queen the hereditary prince and princess his wife. This declaration is accompanied by exhortations of the emperor to the new monarch, to govern according to law ; and to the people of the thirty-six isles to be faithful in their allegiance. After it is read, the imperial patent is presented to the king, who transfers it to the minister, to be re- tained among the archives of the court. TO CHINA. 95 " Then the king, queen, princes, &c., " make the nine prostrations, to salule and " thank the emperor. The embassador " next displays the rich presents from his " master to the king and queen, when the * usual thanks are returned. Whilst the " embassador reposes himself for a short " time in an adjoining apartment, the king " and queen, seated on their thrones, " receive the homage of the princes, " ministers, grandees, and deputies, of the " thirty-six isles. The queen then retires, " and the king entertains the embassador " with much splendour. " Some days afterwards, seated in the " royal chair, borne by many porters, the " king, followed by the princes and minis- " ters, and a brilliant suite, goes to the " hotel of the embassador. " The road is ornamented by triumphal " arches ; and at certain distances are " found tents, in which are placed fruits, " flowers, and perfumes. Around the " chair of the king are seven young girls, u on foot, carrying his flags and umbrellas. " The princes, ministers, and grandees, 96 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE are on horseback, and are emulous to distinguish themselves, on this occasion, by their superb dresses and numerous suite. " The embassador, at the gate of the hotel, receives his majesty with great respect, and leads him to the grand hall. The king now again salutes the emperor ; after which he honours the embassador, by offering with his own hand wine and tea. This the embassa- dor declines; and, returning the cup, he takes one for himself, which he does not drink until after the king has first drank his. This ceremony finished, his majesty and suite return to the palace. He names, some days afterwards, an em- bassador to proceed to the court of the emperor, to thank his majesty, and to send him presents, a list of which is communicated to the Chinese embassador, and he orders a vessel to be equipped, which accompanies that of the Chinese on its return. At last, the imperial envoy, having determined the day of his departure, takes leave of the king ; and TO CHINA. 97 " some time afterwards the latter pro- " ceeds to the hotel of the embassador, " to wish him a happy voyage, and to " make the usual prostrations in honour " of the emperor, and to return him " thanks. " During the sojourn of the embassador, " the king gives him frequent entertain- " ments ; sometimes in the grand palace ; " at others in his pleasure-houses ; and, " occasionally in water parties. The " queen, princesses, and ladies, assist at " these ceremonies. They have music, " dancing, and comedies, with songs, in " praise of the imperial and royal families, \\ and of the embassador, Sec." Such is the account of Supoa-Koang ; and, having observed a great part of what he relates to be true, it is but fair and rea- sonable to give him credit for what we had not the opportunity of actually seeing. One thing appears very evident, — that these poor islanders have been much cajoled and humiliated, as well as en- cumbered with a load of ceremonies, very H 98 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE foreign to their nature, by the usurpation of the Chinese. The dress of these people is as remark- able for its simplicity as it is for its ele- gance. The hair, which is of a glossy black, (being anointed with an oleaginous substance, obtained from the leaf of a tree,) is turned up from before, from be- hind, and on both sides, to the crown of the head, and there tied close down ; great care being taken that all should be per- fectly smooth ; and the part of the hair beyond the fastening, or string, being now twisted into a neat little top-knot, is there retained by two fasteners, called camesashee and usisashee, made either of gold, silver, or brass, according to the circumstances of the wearer ; the former of these having a little star on the end of it, which points forward. This mode of hair-dressing is practised with the greatest uniformity, from the highest to the lowest of the males, and has a very pleasing effect, whether viewed singly, or when they are gathered together. At the age often years the boys TO CHINA. 99 are entitled to the zisisashee, and at fifteen they wear both. Except those in office, who wear only a cap on duty, they appear to have no covering for the head, at least in fine weather. Interiorly, they wear a kind of shirt, and a pair of drawers, but over all a loose robe, with white sleeves, and a broad sash round their middle. They have sandals on their feet, neatly formed of straw ; and the higher orders have also white gaiters, coming above the ancle. The quality of their robes depends on that of the individual. — The superior classes wear silk of various hues, with a sash of contrasting colour, sometimes inter- woven with gold. — -The lower orders make use of a sort of cotton stuff, generally of a chesnut colour, and sometimes striped, or spotted blue and white. There are nine ranks of grandees, or public officers, distinguished by their caps; of which we observed four. — The highest noticed was worn by a member of the royal family, which was of a pink colour, with bright yellow lozenges. — The next in dignity h 2 100 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE was the purple ; then plain yellow; and the red seemed to be the lowest. On the female attire we could make but little observation. — The higher ranks are said to wear (and some indeed were seen with) simply a loose flowing robe, without any sash ; the hair either hanging loose over the shoulders, or tied up over the left side of the head, the ends falling down again. The lower orders seemed to have petticoats scarcely deeper than a High- lander's kilt, with a short, but loose habit above. One lady, who very frequently promenaded at the nearest village, in front of the ships, appeared to have her robe richly embroidered. The island of Lewchew itself is situate in the happiest climate of the globe. — Refreshed by the sea-breezes, which, from its geographical position, blow over it at every period of the year, it is free from the extremes of heat and cold, which oppress many other countries ; whilst from the general configuration of the land, being more adapted to the production of TO CHINA. 101 rivers and streamlets than of bogs or marshes, one great source of disease in the warmer latitudes has no existence : and the people seemed to enjoy robust health ; for we observed no diseased objects, nor beggars of any description, among them. The verdant lawns and romantic scenery of Tinian and Juan Fernandez, so well described in Anson's Voyage, are here dis- played in higher perfection, and on a much more magnificent scale ; for cultiva- tion is added to the most enchanting beauties of nature. From a commanding height above the ships, the view is, in all directions, picturesque and delightful. On one hand are seen the distant islands, rising from a wide expanse of ocean, whilst the clearness of the water enables the eye to trace all the coral reefs, which protect the anchorage immediately below. To the south is the city of Napafoo, the vessels at anchor in the harbour, with their streamers flying ; and in the intermediate space appear numerous hamlets scattered about on the banks of the rivers, which meander in the valley beneath; the eye 102 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE being, in every direction, charmed by the varied hues of the luxuriant foliage around their habitations. Turning to the east, the houses of Kint-ching, the capital city, built in their peculiar style, are observed, opening from among the lofty trees which surround and shade them, rising one above another in gentle ascent to the summit of a hill, which is crowned by the king's palace : the intervening grounds between Napafoo and Kint-ching, a dis- tance of some miles, being ornamented by a continuation of villas and country- houses. To the north, as far as the eye can reach, the higher land is covered with extensive forests. About half a mile from this eminence, the traveller is led by a foot-path to what seems only a little wood ; on entering which, under an archway formed by the intermingling branches of the opposite trees, he passes along a serpentine laby- rinth, intersected at short distances by others. Not far from each other, on either side of these walks, small wicker doors are observed, on opening any of which, he is TO CHINA. 103 surprised by the appearance of a court- yard and house, with the children, and all the usual cottage train, generally gam- boling about ; so that, whilst a man fancies himself in some lonely and sequestered retreat, he is, in fact, in the middle of a populous, but invisible, village. Nature has been bountiful in all her gifts to Lewchew : for such is the felicity of its soil and climate, that productions of the vegetable kingdom, very distinct in their nature, and generally found in regions far distant from each other, grow here side by side. It is not merely, as might be expected, the country of the orange and the lime ; but the banyan of India and the Norwegian fir, the tea-plant and sugar-cane, all flourish together. In addition to many good qualities, not often found combined, this island can also boast its rivers and secure harbours ; and last, though not least, a worthy, a friendly, and a happy race of people. Many of these islanders displayed a spirit of intelligence and genius, which seemed the more extraordinary, considering 104 VOYAGE OF H. M.S. ALCESTJE the confined circle in which they live ; such confinement being almost universally found to be productive of narrowness of mind. Our friends here were an exception to the general rule. — Madera Cosyong, one of our most constant and intimate friends, acquired such proficiency in the English language, in the course of a few weeks, as to make himself tolerably understood. He evidently came on board, in the first instance, as a spy upon our conduct, before they were satisfied that we meant no harm ; and no man was ever better adapted for this duty; for, as his conci- liatory and pleasing manner won upon all hearts, he had therefore a natural access every where; and, had " stratagems or schemes" existed, he of all others was the most likely to have discovered them. Not assuming his proper character, which was that of a man of some dis- tinction, until his mind was satisfied about us, and then doing so with frankness, is a proof that such were his original motives. To acquire our tongue, he marked the sound of any English word for the most TO CHINA. 105 Familiar articles of the table, or terms of conversation, and noted them in symbols of his own language, with their significa- tion, which enabled him, with slight re- ference to his vocabulary, to manage with- out having recourse to the interpreter. If he happened to be walking on shore with any of the officers, he would not lose the sound or meaning of a word because he had not his book with him, but scratched it on the leaf of a tree, and transcribed it at his leisure. His first attempt to connect a sen- tence was rather sudden and unexpected. Rising to go away one evening after his usual lesson, he slowly articulated, " You " give me good wine, — I tank you, — I go " shore/' — He delighted in receiving in- formation, and his remarks were always pertinent. — The map of the world, with the track of the ship across the various oceans from England to Lewchew, with the different intervening continents and islands were pointed out and explained to him, which he, as well as others, seemed to trace with peculiar care, and at last, in a great degree, to comprehend, although the sub- 106 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE ject was, in the first instance, entirely new to them, for they certainly had no idea of the vast extent or figure of the globe. He was gay or serious, as occasion required, but was always respectable; and of Madera it might be truly said, that he was a gentle- man, not formed upon this model, or according to that rule, but " stamped as " such by the sovereign hand of Nature." They all seemed to be gifted with a sort of politeness which had the fairest claim to be termed natural ; for there was nothing constrained, nothing stiff or studied in it. Captain Maxwell having one day invited a party to dine with him, the health of the king of Lewchew was drank in a bum- per : — one of them, immediately addressing himself with much warmth and feeling to the interpreter, desired him to state how much they felt gratified by such a compli- ment ; that they would take care to tell it to every body when they went on shore ; and proposed, at the same time, a bumper to the king of the Engelees. A Chinese mandarin, under the like circumstances, would, most probably, have chin-chinned TO CHINA. 107 (that is, clenched his lists) as usual ; he would have snivelled and grinned the esta- blished number of times, and bowed his head in slavish submission to the bare mention of his tyrant's name ; but it never would have occurred to him to have given, in his turn, the health of the sovereign of England. This superiority of manner brought to our recollection the boorishness of the Chi- nese near the Pei-ho. Some mandarins, who were not of a rank sufficiently high to be entertained in the cabin, were invited to dine with the officers ; and some of them, after gnawing the leg of a fowl, would without any ceremony thrust the remains of it into any other dish near them ; and instead of following our example (as the Lewchewans uniformly did), in pouring out the wine into glasses, or, indeed, in any way accommodating themselves to our style, they would take up, with both hands, the decanter, and, applying it to their greasy mouths, thereby secure the exclusive possession of that bottle. These islanders are represented as being remarkable for their honesty and adherence 108 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE to truth, and to this character they appear to be fully entitled. The chiefs informed us that there was little probability of their stealing any thing ; but, as iron implements were a great temptation, they begged that none might be left carelessly about. — Although, however, the rope machinery and other articles remained, for many nights, unguarded on the beach, and their oppor- tunities on board were numberless, yet not one theft occurred during the whole of our sojourn among them. That proud and haughty feeling of na- tional superiority, so strongly existing among the common class of British seamen, which induces them to hold all foreigners cheap, and to treat them with contempt, often calling them outlandish lubbers in their own country, was, at this island, completely subdued and tamed by the gentle manners and kind behaviour of the most pacific people upon earth. Although completely intermixed, and often working together, both on shore and on board, not a single quarrel or complaint took place on either side during the whole of our stay ; on the TO CHINA. 109 contrary, each succeeding day added to friendship and cordiality. Notwithstanding it was an infringement of their established rules for strangers to land upon their coasts, yet they granted every possible indulgence, and conceded the point as far as they could ; for their dispositions seemed evidently at war with the unsocial law. When any of the officers wandered into the country beyond the bounds prescribed, they were never rudely repulsed, as in China or Morocco, but mildly entreated to return, as a favour to those in attendance, lest they should incur blame ; and, as this appeal was powerful, it was never disregarded. They erected little temporary bamboo watch-houses or sheds, where those engaged in this duty resided ; and, as we wandered about, handed us over from one post to another. In these houses they always pressed the officers to partake of their fare, which was often very good, especially a kind of hung beef, which they have the art of curing extremely well. 110 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE They appeared to be much accustomed to these pic-uic sort of parties, having a small japanned box, containing sliding drawers for the various viands, which a boy generally carried, on the end of a bamboo, to any part of the fields where they thought proper to dine. One man, very often accompanied by Geroo, or (as he was sometimes termed, from having a constant smile upon his countenance) thelaughingmandarin,seemed to carry about with him a constant supply of these refreshments, and chazzi, a liqueur, which led us to believe that he had been deputed for the express purpose of paying attention to our officers. The sudden vicissitudes of weather to which we had been exposed, by leaving England during extreme cold, and pass- ing suddenly into the torrid zone ; then im- mediately afterwards into the cold raw cli- mate of the southern Atlantic ; meeting with heat again at the Cape of Good Hope; then crossing in rather a high latitude the chilly Southern Ocean ; and, quickly following TO CHINA. Ill that appearing on the burning coast of Java; might, in fact, be said to have exposed us, in the short period of four months, to the effects of three summers and three winters; and proved, as might naturally be sup- posed, extremely trying to the health of the men. On our arrival at Lewchew, our cases of sickness, though not numerous, were se- vere ; and to the kindness of the natives may, in a great measure, be attributed their recovery. They were not only comfortably lodged, but the higher class of people * daily attended, inquiring into their wants, giving additional coogas or eggs, and other delicacies, to those whose cases more par- ticularly required them, and paying a cheering attention to the whole ; for theirs * One elderly man, whom Mr. Fisher (the assistant surgeon), who was always at the hospital, thought to be a physician, wrote something at the desk, which Mr. Fisher concluded was a prescription. On translating it afterwards at Canton it turned out to be a moral maxim, " Let not " the present day be passed in idleness. — The days of our " youth will not return. — By being diligent and studious " we arrive at offices of rank." — (Literally) " We ride " on horseback, and wear embroidered clothes." 112 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE was a substantial, not a cold or ostentatious, charity. A young man, whose case had long been hopeless, died here. On that night a coffin was made by our own carpenters, whilst the natives dug a grave, in the English man- ner, in a small burial-ground under some trees near the landing-place. Next morning; we were astonished to find a number of the principal inhabitants clad in deep mourning (white robes with black or blue sashes), waiting to attend the fune- ral. The captain came on shore with the division of the ship's company to which the man belonged, and proceeded to the garden where the body lay. His messmates bore the coffin, covered with the colours; the seamen ranged themselves two and two, in the rear of it ; next were the midshipmen ; then the superior officers ; and, last of all, the captain, as is usual in military cere- monv of this kind. The natives, who had been watching attentively this arrangement, and observing the order of precedence to be inverted, without the least hint being given, but with that unassuming modesty TO CHINA. 113 and delicacy which characterize them, when the procession began to move placed themselves in front of the coffin, and in this order marched slowly to the grave. The utmost decorum and silence prevailed whilst the funeral service was performing by the chaplain, although there was a con- siderable concourse of people ; and after- wards they marched back, but in different order, to the garden. Here they took the directions for the shape of a stone to be placed at the head of a tomb, which, as a mark of respect, they had already begun to erect over the grave. This was soon finished ; and the shape of the English let- ters being drawn with Indian ink, they, notwithstanding the simplicity of their tools, cut out with much neatness the following epitaph, which, when explained to them, seemed to be highly gratifying: — Here lies buried, Aged Twenty-One Years, William Hares, Seaman, Of His Britannic Majesty's ship Alceste. Died Oct. 15, 1816. This Monument was erected By the King And Inhabit ts Of this most hospitable Island. 114 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE The day after the interment they appeared at the tomb, with their priests, and per- formed the funeral service according to the rites of their own religion. There is not an act of these excellent and interesting people which the mind has not pleasure in contemplating and recollecting. Not sa- tisfied with having smoothed the path of death, they carried their kind regards even beyond the grave ! Of our religion they could form no idea, nor was it possible to explain it to them. They seemed at first to consider us as wor- shippers of the sun or moon, and, of course, our astronomers as high priests, from seeing them busied about an observatory which had been erected in our garden, with a large telescope for the examination of the hea- venly bodies. One Sunday a munber of them were ob- served, during divine service, peeping through the quarter-deck ports, but were not noticed in sufficient time to invite them in. Captain Maxwell, in riding one morning to inspect the progress of the artificers, by TO CHINA. 115 the stumbling of his horse, which fell among the rocks, not only fractured the bone, but badly dislocated the joint of his fore-finger. Some of his Lewchewan friends, who were near him, ran to the next village for one of their surgical professors. He soon arrived, and, after much salutation, proceeded to examine the injury, (the dislocation had in the interim been reduced by the coxswain pulling upon it,) and stated that he would come on board the ship, whither the cap- tain was then proceeding, in an hour, with the applications he thought necessary for it. At the time appointed, one of the chiefs, with this surgeon, and another more in the character of a physician, and their retinue, some of them bearing a medicine-chest, made their appearance alongside. The in- jury being again examined, (and it having been previously decided that they were to have the management of the cure, under surveillance, in order to observe how they would act,) a fowl was killed with much form, and skinned, and a composition of flour and eggs, with some warm ingredients about the consistence of dough, was put i 2 116 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE round the fractured part, (which had the effect of retaining it in its position,) and the whole enclosed in the skin of the fowl. As this fowl appeared to have been sacrificed, its skin being applied to enclose the whole was most probably meant to act as a charm. The manual part finished, the physician proceeded to examine the general state of health, and the pulse appeared to be his chief, and indeed only guide, in this re- spect. The arm was laid bare to the shoul- der, and he applied his fingers with great attention, and with as much solemnity as ever issued from Warwick-lane, to the course of the artery, and at all parts of the arm where he could feel it beat, to ascer- tain whether it was every where alike ; and, lest there should be any mistake in this point, the other arm underwent the same investigation ; the whole party looking all the while extremely grave. Having now decided as to the medicines necessary on this occasion, his little chest was brought forward, with his pharmacopoeia, and a sort of Clinical Guide, directing the quantity and quality of the dose. TO CHINA. 117 His chest was extremely neat, its exterior japanned black, and a number of par- titions in it, again subdivided, so as to contain about a hundred and eighty dif- ferent articles (quite enough in all con- science, even among the greatest hypo- chondriacs and drug-swallowers) ; but they were fortunately all simples, being a col- lection of wood-shavings, roots, seeds, and dried flowers of his own county. There appeared also some ginseng, a product of Tartary and Corea, much in vogue in these parts. Small portions of the specified articles were measured out with a silver spatula, and put up in little parcels md directions were now issued as to the i.iode of boiling and drinking the decoction. Next day they were highly delighted to hear the good effect of their medicines, though they had never been taken (as many a poor doctor is cheated by cunning patients) ; and a new application was brought for the finger, termed a fish poul- tice, so composed as to look, and indeed to smell, something like currant-jolly. Having carried on this scheme for a few 118 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE days, they were then informed that the finder was so much better as to render their attendance unnecessary any longer ; and, as a reward for their services, they were presented with some little articles, and among others, as an addition to the chest, some spirits of hartshorn, displaying to them its effect on the olfactory organs, with which they were quite astonished and pleased ; some spirits of lavender and oil of mint, they also considered a great acquisition. The physician, more espe- cially, seemed to be a very respectable man, and was treated as such by those about him. Their practice seems to be a good deal derived from the Chinese, for their notion of the circulation of the blood, or rather their having no correct notion about it, is the same. Neither have they any idea of anatomy from actual observa- tion, and, of course, the greater opera- tions cannot be undertaken ; one man only was examined by Mr. Rankin, who had lost his arm, and his stump was rather a rude one. Some corn was left with them, which they promised to cultivate ; and for- TO CHINA. 119 Innately Captain Hall had some English potatoes, which were likely to be pro- ductive, and the mode of planting them was particularly described. Their own, or sweet potatoes (convolvulus batatas) with which they supplied us, contain a great quantity of saccharine matter, and are extremely nutritious. Their fields were extremely neat, and their furrows ar- ranged with much regularity by a plough of a simple construction drawn by bulls, assisted occasionally by the use of a hoe ; and they practised irrigation in the culture of their rice. A young bull of English breed (though calved on the island) was presented to the chief autho- rities by Captain Maxwell, leaving them also a cow (having two on board), so that it is possible the next visitors who touch at Lewchew may find a larger, though they cannot find a better, race of cattle. The mode of dancing of these people may, strictly speaking, be termed hop- ping ; for they jump about upon one leg only, keeping the other up, and changing occasionally, making a number of extra- vagant motions, and clapping with their 120 VOYAGE OF Hi M. S. ALCESTE hands, and singing at the same time their dancing song. According to our notions, this was their only ungraceful action. A number of them thus engaged, more espe- cially when joined by the officers, (who must needs acquire their style,) formed rather a grotesque assembly. They at- tempted our mode of country-dancing, and managed (considering it was necessary to make use of both feet) tolerably well. The Lewchewans are a very small race of people, the average height of the men not exceeding five feet two inches at the utmost. Almost the whole animal crea- tion here is of diminutive size, but all excellent in their kind. Their bullocks seldom weighed more than 350lbs., but they were plump and well-conditioned, and the beef very fine ; their goats and pigs were reduced in the same proportion, their poultry seeming to form the only exception. However small the men might be, they were sturdy, well-built, and ath- letic. The ladies we had no opportunity of measuring, but they appeared to be of corresponding stature. These islanders, most probably, ori- TO CHINA. 121 ginated from Japan or Corea, having a good deal of the Corean lineaments, but rather milder, and softened down. They are obviously not of Chinese origin, having nothing whatever of that drowsy and elon- gated eye which peculiarly distinguishes the latter ; nor would it seem that the few Chinese and their descendants settled on the island freely mixed with the native Lew- chewans, the national features and the natural disposition of the two people being perfectly distinct, and differing in every respect. Neither have they any mixture of Indian blood, being quite as fair as the southern Europeans ; even those who are most exposed being scarcely so swarthy as the same class of society in Spain or Portugal . The Chinese language is learnt by a few, as the French is in our own country ; but the Bonzes, or priests, who are also school- masters, teach the boys their native lan- guage, which is a dialect of the Japanese, and is rather soft and harmonious ; and they have nothing of that hesitation in utterance, or appearance of choking, which is observed 122 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE in the former, often requiring the action of the hands to assist the tongue*. The orders and records of government are in their own, or Japanese character; but they have books in the Chinese language. They burn the bodies of their dead, and deposit their bones in urns, (at least in our neighbourhood,) in natural vaults, or caverns of the rocks along the sea-shore. The graves of the few Chinese residents here are formed in their own style. Crimes are said to be very unfrequent among them, and they seem to go perfectly unarmed, for we observed no warlike in- struments of any description ; and our guns, shot, and musketry, appeared to be objects of great wonder to them. It must have been the policy of the Chinese to disarm them, for it appears that, in the first instance, they defended themselves nobly against their attacks, as well as those of the Japanese. Not even a bow or arrow * In this respect the Chinese seem to resemble what is said of a Frenchman : — That if his hands are tied he cannot speak. TO CHINA. 123 was to be seen ; and, when they observed the effect of fowling-pieces in the hands of some of the gentlemen, they begged they might not kill the birds, which they were always glad to see flying abont their houses ; and if we required them to eat, they would send in their stead an additional, quantity of fowls on board every day. An order was immediately issued by the commanding officer to desist from this sort of sporting. The people of Tatao and the north-east islands are reported to have been in pos- session of books previous to the Chinese attack on Grand Lewchew, and to have been even more polished than in the prin- cipal island. Tatao and Ki-ki-ai are said to produce a sort of cedar, termed kien- mou by the Chinese, and iseki by the inha- bitants, which is considered incorruptible, and brings a great price, the columns of the palaces of the grandees being generally formed of it. A remarkable production is found on this island, about the size of a cherry-tree, bearing flowers, which, alternately on the same day, assume the tint of the rose or the lily, as they are exposed to the sun- 124 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE shine or the shade. The bark of this tree is of a deep green, and the flowers bear a resemblance to our common roses. Some of our party, whose powers of vision were strong (assisted by vigorous imagina- tions) fancied, that by attentive watching, the change of hue from white to red, under the influence of the solar ray, was actually perceptible to the eye; — that they altered their colour, however, in the course of a few hours was very obvious. The vessels of these islands, in the gene- ral appearance of their hulls and plan of rigging and sails, are precisely the same as we had observed throughout the whole of our track from the Gulf of Pe-tche-lee to Napa-kiang. They had, in common use, canoes hollowed from the trunk of a tree, much the same in shape as those of other parts of the world where they are employed, and of sufficient size to contain easily from six to eight or ten people. For purposes of heavier burden, they had boats strongly built, and rather flat-bottomed. In these boats they brought our water, bullocks, and other stock, on board. The water was not sent in barrels, but in open TO CHINA. J 25 tubs, and baled from these into our casks. During our stay here, the Lyra was de- tached by the Commodore, in consequence of the people having told us that there was a closer and more secure harbour to the northward, to circumnavigate and examine the coast of the great island ; which service Captain Hall performed, and returned to Napa-kiang, in seven days. The state of cultivation was represented as very fine on Sugar-loaf Island, (that which we first made on the day of our ar- rival), and a town was observed, which had a very handsome appearance from the sea ; trees, as usual, filling up the interstices between the houses, which rose from the water- side to the foot of the high land. About twelve miles easterly from this island they anchored near an islet, which was named Herbert's Isle ; and from thence proceeded in the boats to examine what seemed to be the mouth of a river; it is reported that within this place the depth was not less than ten fathoms, the whole passage being narrow, and the direction 126 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE tortuous ; in fact they here discovered a har- bour, not inferior in any respect, and in some superior, to Port Mahon, in Minorca. The banks of this winding arm of the sea are high rocks, overgrown with climbing plants and flowers. It has, moreover, the advantage of Mahon of having a second outlet or communication with the sea : it being discovered that an island in the mouth of a deep indent in the coast of the main island formed a circumnavigable passage, with safe anchorage in every part of it, and a sufficient depth of Avater for the largest class of ships, with good holding ground. It was named Port Melville. In glens, formed by the opening of the rocks on its right bank, were observed several little villages, prettily situated ; and the inhabitants were found to be the same civil creatures as on every other part of the island. The north-eastern parts of the great Lew- chew would appear not to be so populous, and therefore not so much cultivated, as the south-western side, or Cheouli, a greater extent of forest land being noticed; TO CHINA. 127 and on the western side also seemed to be the best and safest places for anchorages. A few days previous to our leaving the island, intimation was sent that a man of the first distinction (said to be one of the princes, and nearest heir to the crown) in- tended paying a visit to the ship. He was carried down to the mouth of the little river, opposite to the anchorage, in a close chair, or palanquin, amidst an immense concourse of people, who had flocked from all parts to this spot. He embarked in great state, in their own boats, with their flags flying ; and was saluted, on his approach to the ships, by seven guns from each, and received on board the Alceste with every possible mark of respect and attention ; the rigging being manned, and the officers in full dress. He was above the usual size of theLewchewans, and had rather more of the European cast cff countenance. His robe was of a dark pink- coloured silk ; the cap rather lighter, with bright yellow lozenges on it. In his mien and deportment there was much dignified simplicity ; for, although his carriage was that of a man of high rank, it was totally 128 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE unmixed with the least appearance of hauteur ; and his demeanour was, alto- gether, extremely engaging. As he passed along the decks, his own people saluted him by kneeling ; clasping the hands before their breasts and bowing the head. He examined minutely every thing about the ship, and seemed equally pleased and surprised with all he saw. After joining in a sumptuous collation in the cabin, he took his leave with the same honours as when he came on board, having previously invited the captain and officers to an entertainment on shore. The day appointed for this feast hap- pening to be the 25th of October, the anniversary of our venerable Sovereign's accession to the throne, a royal salute was fired, at sun-rise, by both ships ; at noon the standard was hoisted, the ships dressed in colours, and another salute fired ; after which the boats, with their flags flying, containing the captains and every officer that could possibly be spared, proceeded into Napa-kiang. They were received precisely as on the TO CHINA. 129 former occasion, except that the number of grandees was greater, and there ap- peared a higher degree of state. The prince received the party at the gate, and conducted them into the hall. Three tables were laid close to each other ; the first for the great man and the captains, the second for the superior officers, and the third for the young gentlemen. This prince, or chief, did the honours of his own table, occasionally directing his attention to the others ; but a man of some rank was added to each of them, for the purpose of seeing the strangers properly treated, as well as to pass and proclaim the toasts ; and for this purpose they were allowed to be seated, all the rest standing round the room, but, at the same time, joining heartily in the general mirth and glee. The healths of our King and Royal Family were toasted with much respect, and the anniversary of his Majesty's accession was a day of real jubilee at Napafoo. The sovereign of Lewchew, the queen and princes, were proposed by our party; whilst our hosts (never deficient in politeness) K 130 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE toasted the wives and children of their friends the Engelees. In dining on board the ship, Captain Maxwell had given con- fectionary to those who were married, in parcels, proportioned to the number of children they had; and on this occasion they returned the compliment ; in the dis- tribution of which the greybeards were highly amused on observing some of the young midshipmen acquiring at once wives and large families. Some personal presents from the cap- tains were on this day offered to the chiefs, consisting of various articles as before, adding some damask table-cloths, and elegantly cut decanters and glasses, which they seemed greatly to admire. Spe- cimens of their manufactures in cloth were sent on board the ships in return. At their departure, the prince attended the party nearly to the landing-place ; and, when about to take his leave, two small additional presents (at the suggestion of Captain Hall) were given to him, as memorials. One was a very neat pocket thermometer (the use of the larger ones TO CHINA. 131 having been explained to him on board), and the other a cornelian seal set in gold, with a ribband attached to each ; they were hung round his neck ; and the cere- mony, being in public, had the appear- ance of investing him with an order, with which he seemed to be highly gratified. As the boats shoved off from the landing- place, the crews, whom they had hand- somely entertained, gave them three cheers, which they returned in their own style of salutation ; and in this manner followed the boats along the pier, to the mouth of the river. They had sent on board the ship a great number of coloured paper lanterns, for the purpose of illuminating her at night, in honour of our King. This was done after dark, the lanterns being regularly ranged along the yards and rigging, the main-deck ports illuminated, sky-rockets thrown up, and blue lights burnt at the yard-arms, bowsprit, and spanker-boom ends, with a feu-de-joie of musquetry, thrice repeated round the ship. The whole had a very brilliant effect from the shore, where thousands of k 2 132 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE the natives had collected to view this display. The occurrences of this day, so novel and remarkable, will often be recalled with delight by all who witnessed the pleasing scene of two people differing widely in national manners, language, and dress; distinct, in fact, in every thing that is exterior, yet so harmoniously united in hearty good-will and convivial friendship. The king himself never made his appear- ance (at least publicly), but about this time a letter was written by him, and presented to Captain Maxwell, to be de- livered to our Sovereign ; the purport of which was to state the happiness he felt in having had an opportunity of affording an asylum to his ships, and expressing a hope that the attentions he had been able to shew them during their stay at his island, might prove satisfactory to the King of the Engelees. About this time the boatswain's wife of the Alceste, who had been a good deal on shore, and was much noticed by the higher TO CHINA. 133 class of natives, had a splendid proposal made by a deputation from some great man, to remain behind; a grand house to live in, and all manner of finery and attentions ; great offers were also made to the boat- swain to induce him to comply with this bargain ; but (after two days' considera- tion) the negotiation was broken off on the part of the husband, who refused to part with her. These proposals most likely came from the king, for it is not probable that any subject could have entered into a treaty of this sort. It was observed, how- ever, that the prince who visited the ship, very courteously presented her with a fan as he passed her on deck. A young lady of high rank, who had a great curiosity to see this Inago-Engelese, or Englishwoman, was brought to her one day when she was quite alone, and walked round her for a considerable time, eyeing her with great appearance of surprise. The marriages of this country are not managed blindfold, as in China ; but the young people are permitted to make their own choice, and to communicate without 134 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE reserve; and the kind manner in which they treated their children, indicated the full enjoyment of domestic happiness. The period of our departure being now fixed, all the stores were embarked on the evening of the 26th October. The next morn- ing, as the ships unmoored, the Lewchew- ans, as a mark of respect, arrayed them- selves in their best apparel, and, proceeding to the temple, offered up to their gods a so- lemn sacrifice, invoking them to protect the Engekes, to avert every danger, and restore them in safety to their native land ! In the manner of this adieu there was an air of sublimity and benevolence combined, by far more touching to the heart than the most refined compliment of a more civi- lized people. It was the genuine benignity of artless nature, and of primitive inno- cence. Immediately following this so- lemnity, our particular friends crowded on board to shake hands, and say " Farewell V whilst the tears which many of them shed, evinced the sincerity of their attachment. Even hard-faced Buonaparte was not un- moved ; and, as the ships got under weigh, TO CHINA. 135 they lingered alongside in their canoes, dis- playing every sign of affectionate regard. We stood out to seaward ; and, the breeze being favourable, this happy island soon sunk from the view ; but it will be long re- membered by all the officers and men of the Alceste and Lyra; for the kindness and hospitality of its inhabitants have fixed upon every mind a deep and lasting impression of gratitude and esteem. 136 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE CHAP. IV. Passage from Lewchewto Canton — Discuss weighty Matters with the Chinese Authorities — Result of these Discussions — Observations on the Chinese People. STANDING between what had been termed Lyra's Reef (where she had been so nearly lost) and the Isles of Amakirrima, we pursued our course to the south-west- ward. On the next day we saw Typinsan, one of the most considerable of the Lew- chewan group. It was on some reefs not far distant from this island, that the Providence, sloop-of- war was wrecked in the year 1797, whilst employed on a voyage of discover}^ in these seas. Having a little schooner in company, the lives of the people were fortunately saved ; but the very small quantity of water and provisions in this vessel, with such a TO CHINA. 137 sudden addition to her crew, rendered it absolutely necessary to apply to the natives here for assistance. Captain Broughton says, " After an- choring the schooner, a canoe immedi- ately came off to us, and to them we expressed our wants, which they seemed to comprehend, as they left us directly and soon after returned with water. " From the vessel we could see two large villages ; and a boat, with an officer, went to each of them. They were received in the most friendly manner, and the boats returned full of water. In the afternoon they sent in canoes a much larger quantity, with some wood and large packages of canary seed *, also some poultry and pigs, without asking for any thing in return, or seeming to expect it. They strongly ex- pressed a desire for us to proceed to the eastern village, where they could more con- veniently supply our wants, whither we pro- ceeded and were made welcome with a boat- load of wood and three large hogs. After *T his was most probably millet. 138 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE breakfast on the following day, we paid a visit on shore to our humane friends, who received us with the greatest civility in a large and convenient house, well adapted to the country : the floors were matted, and every thing relating to the furniture ex- tremely neat. On these mats we sat in the oriental custom, and partook of the refresh- ments they offered, such as tea, pipes and tobacco. " Several venerable old men encircled our party, dressed in large loose gowns of fine manufacture, similar to tiffany, of va- rious colours, and different patterns. These flowing garments »were tied round the middle with a sash ; and they also wore trowsers and sandals. The crown of their heads were shaved, and the hair from behind brought up to a knot on the top, and se- curely fastened by metal pins in the Malay style. They made use of fans universally; and some wore neat straw hats, tied under the chin. The aged men had most respect- able beards. " The house appeared to belong to the principal people, and was in an elevated TO CHINA. 139 situation, at some little distance from the sea, environed by a square wall of stones, twelve feet high, with a gateway to enter by, over which was a guard-house. The rooms were spacious, opening on the sides, with projecting balconies. We found no difficulty in making them comprehend our wants ; but extreme satisfaction in finding they had not only the inclination, but the power of supplying them. " We were desirous of walking about the town, but this they strongly objected to, nor could all our persuasions induce them : not wishing to give any offence we gave up the point, and proceeded in the boat, some distance to the watering-place, where we found the inhabitants most cheerfully as- sisting our people in drawing water from a stone well, that had been made for water- ing the adjacent plantations/'' The account also relates that a party was sent in the boats to examine that part of the coast, where they conjectured any pro- visions from the ship might have drifted on shore, but without success. This party landed on another little island which they 140 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE found inhabited and cultivated, but inac- cessible except at one part. They found here human skulls in caverns, among the rocks which (from being unacquainted with this mode of depositing the bones of their dead) they imagined were the remains of some shipwrecked people, not so fortunate as themselves. Here also the natives had water and po- tatoes ready for them on landing, and otherwise treated them with great civility. Having received a number of bags of wheat, of rice, and sweet potatoes, with a bullock, some hogs, plenty of poultry, and even jars to hold their water, they prepared for their departure. " When the schooner was ready for sailing" (says the narrative), " we paid our last visit, carrying with us some trifling presents, the most acceptable we had. We endeavoured to make them comprehend how sensible we were of their kind attention, and I believe we succeeded, as they accepted our gifts with great satis- faction, particularly a drawing of the ship and a telescope. " After partaking of their refreshments, TO CHINA. 141 these venerable old men accompanied us to the beach, where the long-boat, com- pletely rigged and fitted with sails, lay at anchor, ready for their acceptance. They received her with great joy, and directly took possession. " Thus did we part most amicably with these humane civilized people, not unaf- fected by the favours we had received from them in our distressed situation.'" It also appears that on touching at another of these Islands, about sixty miles farther to the westward, the inhabitants must have heard of their misfortune, for here likewise they were ready with refreshments for them. The same manners, character, and dis- position seem, therefore, to prevail among the inhabitants of all the Lewchewan Isles, and it is also worthy of remark, that their treatment of the crew of the Providence, who had no force, but, on the contrary, were helpless and distressed, could only have proceeded from the purest spirit of benevolence. On the 30th, we descried Botel Tobago Xima, rising high, rugged and precipitous 142 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE from the sea, and very much resembling, in its general features, St. Helena. Passing to the northward of it, we discovered, on the same day, the island of Formosa. The south- east part (that which we saw) is extremely high and mountainous, as, indeed, the whole of it is represented to be ; and with the wind at N. E., as we then had it, and blowing strong, the surf rolled in with dreadful force upon the reefs extending from it. The western parts of Formosa are under the dominion of the Chinese, but the eastern shores are still occupied by the aboriginal inhabitants. They are stated to be in a very uncivilized condition; that they can run with the swiftness of a greyhound ; and are such expert marksmen with the bow and arrow, as to kill a pheasant on the wing with the greatest certainty. The water of the island is considered most insalubrious. The mode of courtship here is rather odd : When a young man fixes his affections, he hovers about the house where the object of his regard resides, and plays upon some musical instrument, which signal the lady answers by coming out to meet him, and TO CHINA. 143 settle the matter, provided he is to her taste ; should it be otherwise, she takes no notice, the gentleman whittles in vain, and must try his fortune elsewhere. The bride- grooms here transfer their filial duty to their fathers-in-law, and, in fact, are considered, after the marriage, as part of the wife's family. Captain Broughton remarked that, instead of boats or canoes, they used small floats in fishing here, composed of bam- boos lashed together, about twenty feet by six, the mast in a wooden step in the cen- tre ; and they appear to sail fast, each float containing three men. It is somewhat sin- gular that on the coast of Tartary we observed the same sort of rafts, though not formed of bamboos. Becoming too dark to see our way between the south end of this island, and the rocks of Vele Rete, we bore up, until, by our run, we were fairly to the southward of this danger, and then hauled to the wind on the starboard tack. The passage across the Straits of Formosa was boisterous in the extreme, blowing a severe gale at N. E., with that sort of tum- bling sea felt in many other parts of the 144 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE world, and which is infinitely more trying to ships than the long expansive swell of the wider ocean. The Alceste was a good deal injured, and the Lyra had nearly foundered, the foretop-sides giving way, and sustaining other damage. On the 2d November saw the grand Lemma ; and on the same day pushed up to the anchorage, at the island of Lin tin, without a pilot. Here we remained unnoticed for some days, when a number of men-of-war junks an- chored near us, and a mandarin (their admiral) came on board, who, after the usual interrogatories, promised that a pass and pilot should be sent to us, to proceed up the river. In the time of Lord Anson, the Typa, near Macao, was of sufficient depth to receive the Centurion, a sixty- gun ship ; but, at the present day, no frigate of large size can with propriety enter it, having become much shallower from the deposition of mud. To have brought up the provisions and stores for the use of the ships, which had been left at that place, (subject to the conjoined imposi- tions of the Chinese and Portuguese,) in TO CHINA. 145 hired vessels, would have been expensive : the Lyra, therefore, was ordered down for that purpose. We soon began to experience the invete- rate ill-will of the viceroy, or Tsong-tou, of Canton, who, well aware that the object of the embassy was, in a great measure, directed against his extortions, and those of his myrmidons, on our commerce, naturally entertained the most perfect hatred and detestation for any ship attached to such a mission. The people of Lintin (no doubt by the influence of their superiors) dammed up the course of the water ; and it was not until sentries were placed along the little stream, to keep it clear, that we were en- abled to fill our casks. The Comprador, or the person employed to supply ships with provisions and necessaries, could only smuggle himself on board after dark ; and then hurried away trembling, for fear of being found near us at daylight with his boats. His master, (or partner,) Aming, had very lately been tortured, imprisoned, and fined ; or, to use the Chinese phrase, squeezed in a very heavy sum, on suspicion L 146 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE that he knew of the intention of the captains of some Indiamen to proceed into the city, in order to present a memorial to the viceroy ; and that he had not given infor- mation of this circumstance, that it might have been prevented. It seems the viceroy, in malicious feeling to the General Hewitt, because she had been connected with the embassy, would not permit her to load, under pretence that she was a tribute ship ; that she must wait to carry back the unac- cepted presents, and of course could have no room for teas. Had it even been intended that she should carry back the pre- sents (which was not the case, as, in the event of their not being received, they were to be otherwise disposed of), still they would not have occupied the tenth part of her tonnage ; and, besides all this, it was no business of the viceroy to intermeddle with the arrangements about the unaccepted tribute. The senior captain of the India- men, attended by a party of his brother officers, and some of the gentlemen of the factory, on finding other measures vain, proceeded, therefore, to make a personal TO CHINA. 147 application to the viceroy, and to present a memorial, stating the great hardship and unreasonableness of this prohibition. This bold manoeuvre, however, was unattended with success ; and so far from the memo- rial being received they were treated with every indignity, and hooted by the people. The General Hewitt was guarded with more rigour than ever, being surrounded by war junks ; and, previous to our arrival, Capt. Colin Campbell, of the navy, who, being unemployed, accompanied his brother in this voyage, with all who happened to be on board, were detained prisoners, at the second bar, for more than live weeks. On the 7th another mandarin came on board, who disclaimed any knowledge of the former, or what he had promised, stating, through the medium of an inter- preter, (who seemed himself a man of some little consequence, and who evi- dently enjoyed peculiar satisfaction in re- peating whatever was galling to the feel- ings of a Briton), that he had been making fools of 2is about sending a pass; that the Embassador had been sent away in dis- 148 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE grace from Pekin ; that he must soon arrive here, when he would be immediately sent on board, and dismissed with all the English ships from the country, and so forth ; adding that we must remain at our present anchorage, not attempting to pass up the river; and even,- during our stay here, it would be necessary to have a security-merchant to answer for our good conduct. The latter part of this rhodo- montade about a security-merchant for the king's ship, Captain Maxwell begged might not be repeated, unless they wished to be thrown overboard ; quietly telling them he would wait a reasonable time longer for the viceroy to send down a pass, or chop, to proceed up the river, which he was de- sirous of doing for two reasons: 1st, The ship required caulking and other repairs, which it was impossible to accomplish in her present unprotected and exposed situa- tion. Next, the Lion, in the former em- bassy, had been admitted to a place of safety ; and the emperor having, in the first instance, expressed his pleasure that the Alceste should have the same re- TO CHINA. 149 ception, it could only be considered an indignity to be excluded ; and would be a bad precedent. They now became a little more cool ; and, after some desultory con- versation, took their leave : but previously Captain Maxwell insisted on their admit- ting (to exclude them from all shuffling), that, if a pass was not sent down within a certain time, he was to take it for granted that leave was given. That time arrived without the least no- tice being taken of us ; and the pilot who had come on board, in the hope of carry- ing us up, sneaked off in the dark, say- ing it was dangerous for him to have any connexion with us . Against an open attack a British com- mander can never be at a loss how to act; but the present was a most trying and em- barrassing case, and imposed a very heavy and serious weight of responsibility. That His Majesty's ship should be supplied by an unauthorized individual under cover of night, and by stealth, was not to be en- dured ; to be denied admission to the har- bour, and detained in an unprecedented 150 VOYAGE OF 11. M. S. ALCESTE manner, at this season of the year, in an open and dangerous road, could not be viewed but as an act of absolute hos- tility; and to all this were added sneering insult, and contempt, of the most mortify- ing kind. To have waited longer for an explicit answer would have been vain ; for a Chinese who could so far forget himself, even in the most common occasions of intercourse, as to give a frank, ingenuous, and undesigning reply to any communica- tion, would be considered by his own countrymen a fool, and by foreigners a prodigy. They are a people, who, by early edu- cation and constant habit, are ?nan(zuvrers, and always enjoy a much higher satis- faction in obtaining any purpose by fraud, trick, and overreaching, than by the most direct, candid, or honourable means ; and afford a strong exemplification of the dis- tinction between low cunning and true wisdom. On the other hand, the king's represen- tative was in their power, and this circum- TO CHINA. 151 stance rendered a decision on the case still more difficult; but it was equally clear that the government- which attempted to dishonour the flag would not respect the Embassador ; and experience has fully proved, that the tame submission of other nations has only added to the arrogance, and fostered the insolence of the Chinese. This, perhaps, was the impression on Captain Maxwell's mind, when he got under weigh on the 12 th ; but not a word was expressed. ' The examination, how- ever, of the locks and flints on the car- ronades by the gunner, with a few other minor preparations, were hailed as auspi- cious omens, and excited the most pleasing hopes ; for the Chinese have no foreign friends ; every seaman, whether of the navy or merchant's service, from expe- rience of their faithless conduct, consider- ing himself in a state of warfare from the moment he enters their territory. We got up as far as Lankeet Flat that night, without a pilot; but Mr. Mayne, the master, who knew the ground, volunteered to carry up the ship as far as she could 152 VOYAGE OF II. H. 8. ALCESTE swim. Here we anchored for the night, and spoke the Cornwall Indiaman, bound homewards. About two o'clock P. M. next day we again weighed, the flood tide serving, and beat up towards the Bocca Tigris, or Bogue, then distant a few miles. The Bocca Tigris is the mouth of the principal branch of that river, on which Canton is situated, and where it is contracted to about the breadth of the Thames at London ; but the banks are formed by high land, more especially on the east side. The fortifications on this pass were for- merly insignificant, and allowed to remain in a very dismantled state; but lately they have been repaired and strengthened with much care ; an additional battery of forty guns being built, rather farther up, and on the same side with old Annan-hoy ; a hundred and ten pieces of cannon, of dif- ferent calibres, being at present mounted on these forts, including that of the island of Wangtong opposite, the whole three being able to keep up a cross fire, as they TO CHINA. 153 are within half-gunshot of each other, with a garrison at this time of about 1,200 men. Chumpee, which lies in a corner farther down, has about twelve or fourteen guns ; but a ship may keep out of reach of them. As we advanced, some war-junks formed a line off Chumpee, and were soon after .joined by several more, making altogether seventeen or eighteen. They carry, on an average, six guns, with from sixty to eighty men each. About this time (five o'clock) the same loquacious linguist before men- tioned came on board from the mandarins, and desired, in a high and domineering tone, that the ship should be directly anchored ; and stating that, if we pre- sumed to pass up the river, the batteries would instantly sink her ; availing himself, at the same time, of that favourable oppor- tunity, to express his personal sense of low consideration for us, and plainly telling the captain he thought him very impertinent. The latter calmly observed that he would first pass the batteries, and then hang him at the yard-arm, for daring to bring on board a British man-of-war so impudent a 154 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE message : his boat was then cut adrift, and himself taken into custody. The junks now commenced firing blank cart- ridge, which we returned with three guns from the ship, affecting to consider this as a mere salute. On the next tack we passed close to these warriors, who remained quiet until we got inside of them, and opened Chum pee ; when that fort, little Annan-hoy, and the junks (now under weigh), began to fire at us with shot. At this moment the wind becoming light and baffling, we were obliged to drop anchor in Anson's bay, in order to hold the ground we had gained, and that they might not suppose they had driven us back ; and in the act of wearing for this purpose, we gave the admiral of the junks a single shot only, by way of a hint*. The forts immediately ceased firing; and their * This first shot was fired by the Captain's own hand, that, in the event of the Chinese demanding those who fired, instead of those who ordered, or of seizing upon any innocent person, he might fully place himself in the situa- tion of being individually responsible for all consequences. TO CHINA. 155 junks anchoring near us, all remained quiet until a little after eight o'clock, when a light breeze sprung up, which enabled us to lay our course, and the anchor was again weighed. The moment this was ob- served by the junks, they beat their gongs, fired guns, and threw up sky-rockets, to give the alarm, and in an instant the bat- teries were completely illuminated, dis- playing lanterns as large as moderate-sized balloons, (the finest mark imaginable for us), commencing also a warm, but ill- directed fire, from both sides. Steering a steady course, the ship returned a slow and regular fire, as the guns could be got to bear, without yawing her. From the lightness of the breeze, which the cannonade seemed to lessen, it was a considerable time before we got abreast of the largest battery. At last, when within pistol-shot of the angle of it, and just be- fore they could get all their guns to bear into the ship, a whole broadside, with cool aim, was poured in among them, the two- and-thirty pounders rattling the stones about their ears in fine style, and giving 156 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE them at the same time three roaring cheers. This salvo was decisive at this particular point ; their lights disappeared in a twink- ling, and they were completely silenced ; but from the island opposite they still con- tinued their fire, the balls which passed over and around us striking New Annan- hoy, which had thereby the full benefit of their own as well as our shot. Soon after this our point was gained ; and, standing up the river, we displayed our stern to these gentlemen. It is somewhat extraordinary that it should have been gained so easily ; for, notwithstanding we were nearly an hour wrangling in this nar- row passage, not a man (on our side) was killed, the ship only hulled twice, and some trifling damage done to the rigging. Al- most any European gunners, with the same advantages, would have blown the frigate out of the water. During this affair, the flashing of the guns on the glassy surface of the river, and the rolling echo of their reports along the adjoining hills, had a very grand and animating effect, and reminded TO CHINA. 157 our people of other days. The Chinese linguist, who had crawled below when he saw matters taking a serious turn, and having observed there was no joking in the case, began in real earnest to think, as one part of the promise had been fulfilled, that his time had now arrived. Coming trem- bling upon deck, he prostrated himself, and, kissing the Captain's feet, begged for mercy. At that moment, hearing the order given to " stand by the larboard guns for " Tiger Island," (on which we then sup- posed there was a battery,) he said, with a rueful countenance, " What ! no hab done " yet?" " Not half done" was the reply: " How many guns have you got on Tiger " Island V — but, without waiting to answer this question, (or indeed reflecting in his perturbation that there were none at all,) he wrung his hands, groaned heavily, and dived again below. We stood on for some miles further, and then anchored. The Chinese, no doubt were rather astonished to find that we could not only pass their forts, but sail up the 158 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE river, even in the dark without a pilot. — The truth is, Chinese pilots are utterly useless, and although all our ships are obliged to receive them on board, and pay them, yet they must trust entirely to their own ma- nagement. Next morning, before day, we found ourselves surrounded by their grand fleet; but they were wise enough to make no attack ; for, having now broken the ice, it was too late for half-measures, and there was plenty of grape at hand to pick their teeth, had they offered the least molestation. Half-measures seem to be a bad system in any dealings, but more especially with uncivilized people, for they are apt to attri- bute forbearance to fear, and acquire, under that impression, fresh courage. When the late Admiral Drury was in- duced to make a show of force at Canton, but was withheld, by circumstances, from proceeding to actual hostilities, there was no end to their gasconading ; they consi- dered his retiring as a great victory gained, and it is celebrated as such by an inscrip- tion in one of their pagodas. TO CHINA. 159 On the morning of the 15th, the Alceste anchored among the Indiamen at second bar, still attended, but with perfect respect, by their fleet. In the evening, Captain Maxwell, at- tended by two gentlemen of the ship, pro- ceeded in person to Canton to demand satisfaction (after having taken it) for the insult offered in firing upon the king's ship. On their way up they remained one evening with Captain Campbell, of the Hewitt, and on that night, the news of the business with the batteries having become public, much alarm was at first excited at Canton, as to the consequences of this measure ; but the next morning they were agreeably surprised by the appearance of several tea-junks alongside, with part of her cargo ; the vice- roy having given permission for her to load immediately ! — It also came to pass that the said viceroy thought proper to send down to the frigate, on this day, a high mandarin, attended by one of the Hong merchants, to wait upon the captain to welcome him into the river, and compliment him with all pos- sible politeness ! 160 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE It appeared, therefore, that the late head- thumping ceremony produced both tea and civility ; and, most probably, it is the only mode of Ko-towing *, by which we will ever receive either, on reasonable terms, from the Chinese. They affect in their usual disingenuous cant, to despise our com- merce ; they say they could do perfectly well without it, and it is a mere matter of grace and favour that we are permitted to approach their shores, and carry on a trade * Ko-tow is the ceremony exacted from all tributary princes and embassadors on approaching the presence of the emperor, and consists in kneeling, placing the hands forward, and then knocking the head thrice against the ground. The patient now stands upright, and, by word of command, kneels and knocks again, and afterwards a third time, making, in all, three prostrations, and nine thumps; on which the music strikes up the tune of " Sub- jugation manifested! a glorious subjugation!" ( Ellis's Account of the Embassy) : and this is required not merely in the imperial presence, but on receiving any message, or donation of broken victuals, from the emperor, and the Dutch Embassy (whom they lodged in a stable,) ac- tually performed this ceremony for some half-gnawed bones in 1 795, without gaining a single point. (Vide Van Braam's own account.) A man, to be much about court in China, would require a skull as thick as a buffalo's. TO CHINA. 1G1 highly to our advantage ; but, when the company's agents were lately driven to the necessity of abandoning Canton, of stop- ping the trade, and giving up all concern with them, having actually taken their de- parture, struck the flag and flag-staff, and were on their way down the river, the Chinese authorities became alarmed, and sent after them to beg they would return, making such fair promises as patched up, for a time, their differences. Neither will they trade honestly, or say at once there is an end of all intercourse ; and day after day we are trifled with and insulted by them. The removal of our trade for a single year, and the appearance of a few of our lightest cruizers on their coasts, would throw the whole of this celestial empire into con- fusion ; for they are not prepared for the loss that would occur in the one case, nor to meet the tumult and convulsion that would be excited by the destruction of their fisheries and coasting trade in the other. So feeble is their naval power, that, after warring with the pirates for many years, who chased their vessels up the river, and M 162 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE sacked the towns and villages within a few miles of Canton, they were at last obliged to compromise with them, bribing the whole to be quiet, and making their chiefs first- chop mandarins. Krusenstern, the intelligent Russian navi- gator, who had occasion, in his voyage round the world, to touch at this port, where he experienced much vexation and insult, says, with great truth and pro- priety, what all equally feel, that " the forbearance and mistaken lenity of the greater civilized powers have emboldened these savages, not only to consider as bar- barians all Europeans, but actually to treat them as such/' Captain Maxwell, on arriving at the city, sent in a strong note to the viceroy on the subject of his rudeness to the ship, which the latter answered by a letter from the Hong merchants to Sir Theophilus Met- calfe, the chief of the factory, who told the merchants, that, having no control over the king's officers, he neither could receive nor communicate it. The Hong people next applied to Captain Maxwell personally, TO CHINA. 1G3 with their letter of explanation about the fracas that had occurred ; but he refused to receive either them or their letter, on the ground that Chinese merchants were not the proper channel of communication be- tween him and the viceroy. There the matter rested. The substance of this epistle was known to be some flimsy excuse about a mistake in sending down the chop or pass, which not being received by the mandarins at the forts, they were obliged to act ac- cording to orders. But Avhat shewed the barefaced effrontery of their assertions was their public account of the business, whilst in the very act of presenting this letter of explanation, (for they affect to give a public account of all transactions), which stated that the affair at the Bogue was a mere chin-chinning or saluting matter alto- gether. The first report, previous to the official fabrication, was forty-seven killed, besides a number of men spoiled-'' (wounded), * Among these wise and enlightened people, if a man is materially spoiled he must die; for they neither will per- mit the necessary knowledge to be acquired for the per- M 2 164 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE which probably might be near the truth, considering they stood rather thick ; but, after the appearance of the edict, it be- came a subject on which " no man can talk*." This is what the Chinese call " making " face" or keeping up appearances, with respect to any circumstances they are desirous of having reported their own way ; and the people on the spot are literally ordered not to believe the evidence of their own senses, but to take the pro- formance of any operation, nor will they allow a stranger, who has that knowledge, to save him, but at the risk, of his own life ; as, in the event of the patient dying within forty days, from that or any other cause, the anatomist would certainly be strangled, or, if he had plenty of money, well squeezed, at least. * There was, however, a good deal of talk, sub rosa, upon the subject, and the shot found in the battery having been sent up to Canton and weighed, they hai- yawed a great deal at what w r e termed our smaller ships throwing shot of 25 catties (52lbs.) each, asking seriously about the probable consequences of the rejection of the embassy, and whether our larger ships could come up the river. The last accounts from China state that these feelings have rather ncreased than diminished. TO CHINA. 165 clamation or edict * (as it is termed) for their guide, which is spread about in other parts, and handed down to posterity as good history, which no man dares to con- tradict. Few, it is supposed, will be cre- dulous enough (who have ever been in China) to believe, that the people have the privilege of criticising the conduct of their superiors, or even of remarking publicly on the conduct of the Emperor. The law which permits them to do so may, indeed, be considered as a very severe piece of irony on their actual state. That the viceroy had an intention of insult beyond the mere exclusion of the ship is rendered more than probable from the circumstance of a number of barges having been placed in the back passage to Macao, and not in the route of Lord Macartney to Canton, which were re- moved from that situation immediately * Some how or other the word edict has crept into general use for any piece of common information, whether it is from the Emperor, or has the force of a law or not. 166 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE after the late occurrence; and likewise from the general tenour of his conduct throughout. Be this as it may, it would clearly have been a triumph to his cause, and that of his adherents, that the Em- bassador should have arrived at Canton with as little eclat and appearance of respect as possible; it would have added (as exterior is every thing with them) in the eyes of the Chinese, as well as foreign- ers, to the idea of disgrace and discomfi- ture to an obnoxious mission. But the advance of the ship to Wampoa not only commanded as brilliant an entry for the embassy * as ever had been witnessed on # That the Chinese did not join in it, is only an addi- tional proof that they would have prevented it, had they dared ; indeed, a few days before the arrival, of the Embas- sador, it became necessary, from their conduct in stoning and annoying our boats in passing up and down the river, to write to the Viceroy, requesting this practice might be discontinued ; and hinting that the next application to him would be a personal one. The letter was translated into Chinese by Mr. Bannerman, and as a ship employed in an embassy is assumed by the Chinese to be, for the TO CHINA. 167 any other occasion; but, what was of equal importance, it sustained the dignity of the time being, in the service of the Emperor, it was couched as follows : — " His Britannic Majesty's Ship Alceste, " December, 16, 1816. " Sir, u The very distinguished honour 1 at present enjoy of being employed in the service of his Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of China, together with the profound re- spect and duty I owe to my own Sovereign, must have entirely prevented my incurring the risk of any further humiliation to their respective services, by addressing a second letter to your Excellency, whilst a moon had passed away, and my former one, stating the insult and outrage offered to both, in the assault made upon this ship on the 13th of last November, was still unanswered. " But, as the Chinese people, who live in the boats, and upon the banks of this river, encouraged, no doubt, by the unfriendly and inhospitable conduct of your Ex- cellency towards us, have also commenced an attack, by using most opprobrious language, making signs as though they would cut our heads off, and frequently throwing large stones, so as to endanger our lives, when passing quietly to and from Canton, it becomes an essential duty for me to inform your Excellency that there are limits to the patience and forbearance of an English ship of war; any trespass beyond which it would be cowardice and ignominy to endure. 168 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE flag, and reduced the viceroy (after offer- ing every insult) to the meanness of con- " My instructions from my King are most positive to treat the Chinese people with the greatest kindness and regard, which I have hitherto done, and am anxious to continue to do ; but as his Britannic Majesty, when giving these gracious orders, could not have anticipated that his ship was to be fired upon by Chinese forts and fleets, with the view of destroying her; and that his offi- cers and men were to be daily exposed to insult and injury from the unrestrained licentiousness of the lower classes of the people of China, I must endeavour, should your Excellency not deem it expedient to put an imme- diate stop to these disgraceful and dangerous proceed- ings, to act under such unlooked for circumstances, as I think will best merit hereafter his Majesty's approbation, who always estimates the honour and dignity of his crown, by the safety and protection it affords to his people in every quarter of the globe. u I have the honour to be, " Your Excellency's " Most obedient and very humble servant, " Murray Maxwell." " To " His Excellency the Viceroy of " Canton." An edict or order was immediately placarded on receipt of this, desiring the people to desist from any molestation of the English. TO CHINA. 169 gratulating those who had defied his flotilla and battered his fortifications. Canton may be considered the most in- teresting city in China. It is one of the first in point of size, and, perhaps, the very first with respect to wealth ; and here, as the native manners may be seen in all their purity as perfectly as in any other part, the traveller has also the advantage of viewing them as connected with Europeans, and of noticing their brightest efforts of imitative genius, which the encouragement afforded by the commerce of the place calls forth. The number of junks * and boats of all descriptions in motion upon the Tigris surpasses even the busy scene displayed upon the Thames ; for here the boats are the only residence of some thousand fami- lies, who live entirely on the water, and manage to obtain a livelihood, some by plying passage, others by fishing and pick- ing up floating articles, and not unfre- quently by exercising their talents like our mud-larks and river pirates. # A Chinese junk accords with our conceptions of the appearance of Noah's ark. 170 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE The Pagodas on the banks of the Tigris are magnificent objects, and the appearance of the river at night, completely illuminated by the lamps and lanterns in all the boats, has a very pretty effect. Infanticide is said not to be so common in China as was at one time believed ; but that it actually exists is not attempted to be denied even by the Chinese themselves ; one of whom, on being inter- rogated seriously on this subject, readily admitted, without seeming to consider it as a crime, that they certainly did drown their children when they were so numerous as to be inconvenient to them; but that boys might be exposed alive, and, if picked up, they became coolees or slaves. It would appear, therefore, that female children are most likely to become the victims in this way, from being less useful to their parents when they grow up ; for the patri- archal law of China considers the sons as slaves of their father ; and he is entitled to sell them as such, should occasion require. The entertainments given by the Hong merchants at Canton to their European friends are considered to be very super Id. TO CHINA. 171 Seldom fewer than a hundred people sit down in the great hall to dinner, which is usually dressed in our style, (although they have also their chop-stick feasts), and plenty of the best viands, wines, and fruits, cover the table. Bird-nest soup is also handed round as a great treat, to which the Chinese attribute very extraordinary and invigo- rating qualities. On us, however, it pro- duced no unusual effect ; and we should not have known it from any other, had it not been pointed out. These bird-nests, which are collected in the Sunda Archipelago, are rather expensive articles, being purchased by an equal weight of silver. Their com- position is not yet exactly known, but it is some gelatinous substance, most likely of the vegetable kind, which the swallows pick up. They have also a soup made from sharks' fins, which they consider a great delicacy. People who have an aver- sion to dog-eating, cautiously avoid their hashes *. * The puppies intended for the tabie, which are carried about in baskets for sale, have a very sheepish look, being covered with a lamblike woolly coat. A specie* 172 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE During the whole of the entertainment, a play is performing on a stage erected at one end of the hall, the subject of which it is difficult, in general, for an European to comprehend, even could he attend to it, for the deafening noise of their music. By collecting together in a small space a dozen bulls, the same number of jack-asses, a gang of tinkers round a copper caldron, some cleavers and marrow-bones, with about thirty cats ; then letting the whole commence bellowing, biding, hammering, and caterwauling together, — some idea may be formed of the melody of a Chinese orchestra*. Their jugglers are extremely adroit, and the tumblers perform uncom- mon feats of activity. The Chinese government, with regard to religion, is tolerant. It appears to be in worldly concerns only that it is tyrannical, and seems to be indifferent as to what a A species of dogs with black tongues, mouths, and throats, are likewise very common throughout China. * Their softer music, employed at their weddings, and other occasions unconnected with the stage, is not un- pleasing to the ear. TO CHINA. 173 man professes, provided he does not inter- fere in state affairs. Some one, calling himself a Catholic bishop, was, a short time before our arrival, strangled in one of the provinces, being suspected of intermed- dling with temporal matters, and pro- moting the late rebellions. Another was said to be under sentence of death on the same accusation. They not only worship their own tutelary deities, but they are represented as making offerings to evil spirits, or, as it is vulgarly termed in this country, they " hold a " candle to the devil/' in order to avert mischief. They have not the advantage of any particular day set aside for public worship, nor do they attend their temples congregationally. Their priests or bonzes are not treated with that reverence and re- spect which is justly and reasonably due to the respectable ministers of religion in all countries. They are otherwise free, however, from indecorum and irregularity, having no wild fanatics, such as exist in India; they are not troubled with domineering spiritual inquisitors, as in some of our neighbouring 174 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE countries; nor have they any impious quacks and mountebank preachers, abusing toleration and dishonouring religion, as in England. The Chinese are strangers to love : from the spirit of their institutions, which unnaturally prohibit all intercourse between the sexes, that passion can never be felt ; and marriage is a mere cold-hearted bargain, conducted through the medium of some female agent, whenever a man finds it convenient to have a wife. As he never sees the lady until he unlocks the door of the sedan chair in which she is brought home, the key of which is previously sent to him, he is, of course, very liable to have tricks played upon him. — For example, more especially as polygamy is allowed, a man may have a wife suffi- ciently young to be considered his daugh- ter ; should he want money, and the lady another husband, (both very likely cases,) or from any other reason should they wish to part, and think proper to act in collu- sion, she is sold as his daughter to another man, who is thus imposed upon by having a second-hand wife palmed off upon him, TO CHINA. 175 instead of a new one. The rigour of the law against offenders of this kind, which awards a very severe bambooing to all principals, aiders, and abettors, affords a proof that frauds of this description are not un frequent. The gentleman has the pri- vilege, on the first sight, of locking the door of the chair, and of sending his bride home again to her parents, (provided he can afford to lose the money he paid for her) but for the poor woman there is no choice left. On her side it is a " better or worse" case ; and what seems still more unfair, a Chinese husband is empowered, (in addition to the other causes of divorce existing in most countries,) to put away his wife, should she turn out either sickly or too talkative. With a people who still imagine the earth to be a plain, and China in the middle, with all her tributary kingdoms around her; who are equally uninformed with regard to astronomy ; who, in the pro- hibition of the study of the human frame, preclude the attainment of the very basis of all medical knowledge ; and who, in fact, 176 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE in every branch of natural philosophy, are equally ignorant, and resolved to continue so; it is evidently impossible to connect the term science in any shape or manner. The natural productions of the country, and their acquaintance with agriculture and the arts, (as far as they had advanced previous to that glorious edict which stamped them perfect, and commanded they should not proceed beyond the bounds of excel- lence,) have already been described, by those whose peculiar opportunities, as well as talent forobservation, enabled them to speak fully, and with precision, on those subjects. The government of China, however plau- sible it may sound in theory, is, by all that can be observed in a transient view, and by every concurrent testimony of residents in the country, most iniquitous and tyran- nical in practice. The mandarins, and even the Emperor, it is true, cannot boldly and openly chop off heads like a Turkish bashaw or the dey of Algiers, but they have the knack of rendering life very miserable, and assume the power of bam- TO CHINA. 177 booing, torturing, fining (or squeezing), and every species of oppression short of death. The human kind can scarcely be more de- graded than in China, for no where is power more diabolically perverted. Their laws, with the exception of some absur- dities (such, for example, of visiting mere accidental homicide with the same punish- ment as the most deliberate murder), read very well ; and, were they duly and impar- tially administered, might be found suffi- ciently adapted (as all laws ought to be) to the genius and character of the people they are formed for ; but this is by no means the case; bribery and corruption being so common, as scarcely to be the objects of indignation or remark. A few years since an affray took place (as usual) between some of the seamen of the Indiamen who were at Canton on leave, and the Chinese mob, in which one of the latter by an unlucky blow was killed. The Chinese authorities demanded blood for blood, one of the seamen having been seized and detained in the factory : this, however, was not tamely yielded to (as in N 178 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE the case of the innocent gunner, who was sacrificed in so cowardly a manner many years ago), but was resisted on the ground either of the aggression of the Chinese, or of a mutual inclination to fight, in which a man happened to be killed, without the least previous intention of murder. For- tunately the Lion, of 64 guns, Captain Rolles, happened to be there, which pro- bably gave some weight to these argu- ments ; and the mandarins, having no ob- jection to compromise the matter for money, proposed that a certain sum should be paid to them for the benefit of the de- ceased's relations, and a slave could then be purchased of the Portuguese at Macao, who might be strangled in lieu of one of the sailors, and thus the law would be per- fectly satisfied ! It may easily be imagined this proposal was not acceded to ; and at last, after much discussion, the matter was arranged in some way or other without resorting to this hor- rible mode of expiation *. * Related by J. Cotton, Esq., of the English factory at Canton. TO CHINA. 179 It is lamentable to observe that the in- stitutions of any nation should have the effect of deadening every feeling of sym- pathy, and of exciting, instead of discou- raging, " man's inhumanity to man ;" but such is the case in this country ; and when any one is severely wounded by accident, or falls into a river, or other situation of danger, he is certain of receiving no assist- ance from the by-standers, who will most probably take to their heels, in order to save themselves from being the last person seen near him. About midnight, some time in Novem- ber, 1816, when the Alceste was lying at second bar, the shrieks of some people in the water were heard near the ship. The Hon. Mr. Stopford, who had the watch, and another gentleman, collecting a few individuals who happened to be on deck, jumped into a boat alongside ; pushed off to their assistance ; and, directed by their cries, picked up, one after the other, three Chinese, who were plunging about in the river, which is here several miles wide. It was a fine night, and a number of N 2 180 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE small junks were moving up under easy sail, several of whom passed within a few fathoms of these people who were bawling for help ; and although they could, with- out the slightest difficulty, have saved the whole, they continued their course, the crews standing upon deck, and viewing their struggles with the most callous indif- ference. On carrying the three men on board the frigate, it appeared they had been crossing the river at this place, in a little Sanpan, or boat ; in which were, besides themselves, the wife and child of one of them ; and that this boat had been run down by one of the headmost junks, which passed on without taking the least notice, and regard- less of their fate, although they had occa- sioned the mischief; the others coolly following their example ; when they were fortunately heard from the ship, and pre- served by the boat. The poor woman and child being unable to swim, sunk and were drowned. Before day-light these people got a pas- sage on shore by a boat which happened to TO CHINA. 181 be passing near the ship, and in the course of the forenoon one of them returned on board with a cumshaw, or present, of three wild ducks, which he presented on his knees to the gentleman who had saved him, stating that, by the junk running over their sanpan, he had lost his wife and a bull child, (his only mode of expressing a boy,) and must himself with the other men have perished also, but for the assistance we af- forded them. Pleased with this appearance of heart and gratitude, where so little was expected, some money and provisions were given him for his ducks, and he was allowed to bring on board fish and other articles for sale, which, from becoming rather a fa- vourite, soon enabled him to repair the loss of his boat. The Chinese, viewing them in every point, are assuredly a very singular race, and afford a melancholy example of the perverseness of human nature — they exhibit the extraordi- nary instance of a people who have had for some thousand years a dawn of civilization, which, from the operation of the most nar- row-minded principles, has never brightened 182 VOYAGE OF H. ft. S. ALCESTE into day. But for the presumptuous folly of supposing themselves at the summit of per- fection, and the absurd tyranny of fettering the human understanding, by forbidding all innovation and improvement, China might and ought to have been at the present hour the greatest nation of the world. Instead of impotent and gasconading pretensions to universal supremacy, she might have en- joyed, from her early and local advantages, the real glory of being the seat of arts, literature, wealth, and power. What have the governors or the governed gained by this pretended non-intercourse, and stupid contempt of the rest of man- kind ? The frequent change of dynasty and constant rebellions tend to shew that the former have been by no means secure ; whilst the debased and humiliated state of the people sufficiently evinces that their sordid and illiberal plan confers no benefit on the general mass. The Chinese, however, are not without their admirers. Some attribute their sus- picious meanness, knavery, silly pride, and other ill qualities to their depraved mode TO CHINA. 183 of government, which narrows their ideas by compelling their attention, and attaching importance entirely to the observance of useless forms and ceremonies ; and by ad- mitting of no deviation from one contracted path, even in the simplest transactions of life ; and that, were it not for these shackles of the mind, they would be a gay, civil, industrious, and honest people. Per- haps there may be a good deal of truth in this argument, and it is, therefore, extremely unfortunate that some change does not take place in a system which produces effects so injurious to the reputation of mankind. Another, and very distinct class of encomiasts, (of the true antediluvian school,) affect to hold them in high es- teem, solely on account of their unvarying habits, and tenacious adherence to their ancient customs ; and as they are now, in all respects, precisely what they were two or three thousand years ago, they venerate them as living monuments of former times, and as valuable specimens of the antique ! In their present state, however, from whatever cause it is produced, few moderns will take 184 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE their leave of them with sentiments of regard or estimation ; and even the most invete- rate antiquarian, had he more concerns with them than those merely speculative, might be divested, perhaps, of some of his prejudices. Of the embassy, we had heard nothing distinctly for nearly five months, except that it had not been received ; and it was not clearly understood, until its arrival at Canton, that the refusal to submit to a humiliating ceremonial,consideredas stamp- ing it with a character purely tributary, was the cause of this failure ; and that a recep- tion on the unconditional terms of the Chinese would have been deemed more prejudicial to the objects of the mission than even a rejection by a firm resistance. But these weighty matters are foreign to the subject of a mere simple sea-voyager, and are so well described by those officially connected with them, as to render any far- ther observation unnecessary. Although the viceroy of Canton was in daily com- munication with the legate, or commis- sioner, appointed to accompany the em- TO CHINA. 185 bassy through the country, yet he main- tained a sullen silence as to the probable period of its arrival, making no communi- cation that we might prepare for that event; and it was not until the 31st of December that a letter of old date, having been detained for some time, was put into Captain Maxwell's hand, from Lord Am- herst, stating when the embassy was likely to enter Canton, which took place on the following day. A procession of boats, consisting of the barges of the two men-of- war, those of the factory, the American consul*, and all the Indiamen, which were very numerous, with their respective flags. # Mr. Wilcox on this occasion very handsomely vo- lunteered to attend the entry of the Embasador into Can- ton, stating, that he considered it right for nations in amity with each other to shew a mutual respect in all countries, but more especially in one like this, request- ing only a suitable position for his barge and flag in the procession; and a place perfectly satisfactory to him was immediately assigned by Captain Maxwell. He was the only public functionary of any foreign power, then present, who, in this respect, seemed uninfluenced by the Chinese, and fearless of their opinion. 186 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE the captains and officers in full dress, and the boats' crews in uniform clothing, pro- ceeded some miles up the river, where they fell in with the Chinese barges, having the embassy on board. This meeting was highly gratifying to both parties, after a separation of nearly five months, during which each had, in .its respective route, observed many novel scenes, and encoun- tered extraordinary occurrences. Lord Amherst removing into his own (or the Alceste's) barge, a double line of boats were formed on each side, and in this order proceeded down the river, and was landed at the entrance of the great temple, on the Honan side, from whence he was conducted to his residence by a very numerous assemblage, who had col- lected to receive him. The apartments in this place had been fitted up with much taste and great appearance of comfort, under the inspection of Mr. Urmston, of the factory, and was by far the most com- modious and respectable quarters they had met with in China. A temporary build- ing, or wooden frame covered with yellow TO CHINA. 187 screens, and containing a chair of state, having also yellow ornaments and the usual insignia of the Emperor, was erected in the principal square, for the occasion of the viceroy's interview with the Embassa- dor, in order to deliver the Emperor's letter to the Prince Regent. This cere- mony took place some days after the arrival of his lordship. The viceroy had been ordered by his court to make a speech to the Embassador, on presenting this letter (which speech had been in rehearsal for some months, and the sub- stance of it publicly known through the medium of Portuguese translations) ; and it appeared that the tenour of this embryo harangue was rather of an insulting na- ture, containing such expressions as " Your " good fortune has been small ;" " You " sighed after happiness, and were unable " to lift your eyes up to heaven," i. e. to view the celestial Emperor, and others of a similar kind. The preamble of this edict also stated, that there appearing to be no want of respect in the King or Prince, who had sent over so many seas to pay him 188 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE homage, but that the fault lay in the Em- bassadors not understanding the rules of true politeness ; he therefore " wishing to " shew lenity to inferiors/' had accepted some trifling articles of the presents of the said King, and in return had bestowed pre- cious gifts, agreeably to the maxim of Confucius, "Take little, and give much;"* and that, " on the receipt of these gifts, the Embassadors became exceeding glad, and expressed great contrition -f- for their * The precious gifts (bestowed agreeably to the maxim of Confucius) would not probably bring five pounds, if put up to public auction. *f" A tolerably strong example of this sort of jctce- making occurred during the discussion about the per- formance of the ceremony, in which they had recourse to an imperial lie ; the Emperor declaring, through his mi- nisters, that he himself had seen Lord Macartney per- form it; and they coolly called on Sir G. Staunton, who had been page in that embassy, to vouch for the truth of the fact ; and that he did submit to the Ko-tow is the face they have put upon it in all the records of the em- pire. They also hinted to Lord Amherst, " that he might perform the Ko-tow here, and make any report he pleased when he returned to England." A proposition which, of course, was treated with the contempt it deserved. TO CHINA. 189 conduct; and went on to say " that the viceroy, on their arrival, was to give them an entertainment in compliance with good manners, after which he was to rid himself of them as soon as possible ; and should they again supplicate him to accept their presents, he was enjoined to say to them, 6 The edict has passed, and cannot be revoked ! the Emperor can be troubled no more Y and so forth." As it appeared this intended address had been made by them matter of public notoriety, it was under- stood, that, in order to prevent any palaver of this sort, a hint was given to the viceroy the day previous to the interview, cau- tioning him against the use of any im- proper language, as it might call forth replies which would be unpleasant. At the time appointed this meeting of ceremony took place, and was accompanied by the appearance of guards, music, and other attendants, there being much state ob- served on each side. The Emperor's letter, contained in a bamboo case, covered with yellow silk, was now taken from this throne, and presented 190 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE to the Embassador, who transferred it to his secretary ; and the persons on either side, who were (by previous regulation) allowed chairs, having taken their seats, and the usual unvarying number of com- plimentary questions having been gone through, such as " What age are ye ?" and some others of the same high importance, the viceroy began to state, through the medium of Mr. Morrison, who interpreted, " By the favour of the Emperor you have traded to this country for more than a hundred years, very much to your ad- vantage/' — " Tell him/' said Lord Am- herst, " the advantage is mutual/' This being done, the viceroy replied, " No, the advantage is very much on your side." " Repeat to him/' said his lordship, " that the advantage is strictly mutual/' From the dignified and independent manner in which this was spoken, (a manner which, of course, from his peculiar situation, and the different style of those he had to deal with, he could have no conception of), and perceiving, also, a determination to repulse every thing bordering on imperti- TO CHINA. 191 nence, he seemed to be quite awed and disconcerted ; the thread of his discourse was broken, and he got no farther on with this mighty specimen of altiloquence, than to say something about " the sub- ject being a disagreeable one ;" when the Embassador, considering the public busi- ness ended by the presentation of the Emperor's letter, rose up, and wishing him a very good morning, retired in the same state as on coming to this hall of audience. A public breakfast was, a few days after this, given in the hall of the factory, to Lord Amherst and Kwang, the impe- rial commissioner, who had accompanied the embassy on its route, when the man- ner in which Chinese mandarins exact respect from their inferiors was displayed by the personal attendants of the said Kwang, who were, as usual, supplied with ropes, bamboos, and other instruments of punishment. A Chinese, who had been thrust, by those behind him, too near the mandarin's chair (on his leaving the fac- tory), was seized by two of these people, 192 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE who threw the noose of their rope around his neck, and pulled with all their force in opposite directions, until the poor wretch fell down senseless, and black in the face. He was then thrown out into the yard opposite the factory ; but as their intention had not been to strangle him completely, he in a short time revived. The whip is not only in constant use, to keep in order the humbler mob, but even within the precincts of the imperial palace it was observed, on the morning on which the embassy was there, to be exercised most unmercifully upon some of the court man- darins, by those of still higher rank, who literally flogged them like a pack of hounds. This sort of discipline may, per- haps, be quite necessary, and very pro- perly applied ; but surely that society which either requires, or is willing to sub- mit to such treatment, cannot be con- sidered by any rational mind, of that polished, civilized, and refined character, which has been so long (but so falsely) attributed to the Chinese. On the 20th, every thing being ready, TO CHINA. 193 his Excellency left Canton on the forenoon of the 20th January, 1817, and was attended in the same style as on entering it, except that, in passing the various ships in that branch of the river, leading to Wampoa*, each saluted with nineteen guns, the Chinese war-junks also saluting. The viceroy, just as the Embassador had embarked in his barge to proceed down the river, approached near in his boat, and made a tender of a complimentary card, which was not accepted, it being deemed an improper time and mode of presenting it. On the 21st the Alceste weighed and stood down the river ; and on the morning of the 22d, as we passed our friends at the forts, each battery fired a distinct salute, in honour of the Embassador, as did the different war-junks ; and their whole mili- tary force, exclusive of that in the bat- * The Alceste had at first only advanced to the second bar, but some whispering among the Chinese, that she was not to be permitted to come up as far as the Lion, occasioned her sudden appearance one day (with- out any leave), at Wampoa, the Lyra in company. O 194 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE teries, was drawn out in line in Anson's Bay, and fired a feu-de-joie with their match-locks. The ship answered all these in rotation, with three guns to each. On the same evening we anchored off the city of Macao, and the next morning his Excellency landed ; but here the ghost of the late queen made its way through the centre of the earth, (for we were now antipodes to the Brazils), and prevented any public attentions being paid to the Embassador, because the accounts of her death had just arrived. The fact is, these poor people dare not, were they ever so willing, do any thing which they think may be displeasing to the Chinese, under whom they live in a state of miserable thraldom ; the latter having it in their power, and frequently resorting to the measure, of stopping their allowance of provisions whenever they dis- play the least symptom of being unruly ; and in the present case it seemed to be the wish of the Chinese to have the whole manage- ment of the honours to the Embassador ; a mandarin receiving him on going on shore, TO CHTNA. 196 although within their walls, precisely as he would have done, had the Chinese flag, instead of that of the Portuguese, been flying there. In China there seems to exist a super- stitious dread of all foreign women, and their importation is strictly prohibited. They imagine that the most calamitous effect would be produced by their setting foot on the celestial soil ; or, perhaps, that their unrestrained liberty would be a bad example for their own secluded females. English ladies, therefore, w r ho frequently arrive here in ships that have touched at India, are, in order to prevent them from doing any mischief, obliged to land at this settlement before the ships are permitted to pass up the river ; and a heavy duty must also be paid upon each, which the Man- darins pocket, notwithstanding the women are strictly confined within the narrow limits of the Portuguese territory. Macao is stated to be a possession of little or no value to the crown of Portugal ; and, under the circumstances of its present tenure, certainly not one that is either o 2 196 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE honourable or independent. The cave of Camoens is the only object here which attracts the notice of a traveller, from its being the spot in which he composed his celebrated poem of the Lusiad. Camoens, certainly the greatest, and, perhaps, the only, Portuguese poet whose fame ever extended beyond the boundaries of his own country, deserved a better fate ; and it is painful to think that he died a beggar in the streets of Lisbon. TO CHINA. 197 CHAP. V. The Ships visit Manilla. ON the 9th of January, the Embassador having re-embarked, we took our leave of China, steering for Manilla, the capital of the Philippines, or Spanish India, where we arrived on Monday the 3d of February, but found it was only Sunday at this place, owing to the different routes by which the Spaniards and the Portuguese advanced to the Asiatic seas ; the one by Cape Horn, the other by the Cape of Good Hope; a circumstance which may produce an awkward effect on people newly arrived at Manilla ; — for instance, a stranger invited to a party on Wednesday, without at all reflecting on the way he came thither, might dress himself for the L#8 VOTAGE OF H. M. 3. ALCESTE occasion, and make his appearance on Tuesday. The town of Manilla, from its peninsular situation, having on one side the sea, and on the other a deep and rapid river, with strongly-fortified ditches across the isthmus, ought to be, with a proper garrison, very defensible, for there are no commanding heights in its immediate vicinity ; but their soldiers consist almost entirely of mulattoes and blacks, and seem to be in a very lethargic state of dis- cipline. The Metees, or Mulatto women, who are a mixture between the Spaniards and the natives, are remarkable for their sym- metry of form and stately mien, and this sort of beauty is so universal as hardly to admit of an exception. The religion of the Indians, under the immediate control of the Spaniards, is Christianity ; and they have even native priests, but their minis- terial powers are very limited, and they are not admitted to the same privileges as the regular Spanish clergy. At Mindanao and the other islands (of which there are more than a thousand), where they are TO CHTNA. 199 governed by their own sultans, it is said to be a mixture of Mahomedanism with their original Pagan rites. The banks of the river, as well as the lake from which it issues, called the Laguna de Bayo, (its nearest part about eighteen miles from the city), are represented as extremely beau- tiful, and abounding in tropical scenery. This lake extends more than thirty miles into the interior. Near its head are some remarkable hot springs, called " Los Banos," or baths ; but they seemed rather too hot for that purpose. Luconia * is # Canada is said to have derived its name from the Spaniards, when they landed in that quarter, repeating the words " aca nada," or " nothing here," (meaning there was no gold to be found,) which the Indians caught the sound of. Some similar occurrence appears to have occasioned the name of Lu§on. When Magellan's party first went on shore they found one of the native women beating rice, as is usual at the present time, in a mortar hollowed frcm the trunk of a tree; and, finding her- self surrounded by strange men, she held up to them the large wooden pestle, calling out Looson, which is the native term for it; and this becoming a by-word among the Spaniards, they named the island Lucon, which has been modernized into Luconia. 200 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE about four hundred miles in length, and two hundred in breadth ; and, were it made the most of, is fully capable of affording all the. productions of either Western India or of the neighbouring Archipelago. It is so healthy, that the medical people have scarcely any practice, and complain that there are no " enfermedades rey- nantes," or reigning diseases, such as the yellow fever, as it exists at the Havannah, Vera Cruz, Carthagena, and other settle- ments more (by their reckoning) to the eastward. This misfortune most probably proceeds from the very limited intercourse which Manilla has, compared to any of the others, with Europeans, or new-comers, the Spaniards w T ho inhabit it being almost without exception Creoles *, and therefore assimilated from their birth, to the climate. This restricted intercourse may be observed in there not being a single inn for the : This term does not mean a person having the least mixture of black blood, but merely a white born in the country. TO CHINA. 201 accommodation of strangers in the whole city of Manilla or its suburbs. Chinese emigrants are here in thousands, and are very industrious and money-making, being the chief artificers and traffickers in small matters, resembling the lower class of Jews. From their being found scattered about in all the Indian islands, they might indeed be considered as the Jews of the east, were they only half as honest. Not- withstanding their contempt of foreigners, Chinese emigrants are found living under foreign governments in greater numbers than those of any three European nations put together. The Spaniards appear not to be fully in possession of Luconia at the present day. They may be said, indeed, only to be masters of the ground they occupy in a military point of view ; for, by their own accounts, it is not only dangerous to travel without an escort in the country, but it is not safe for a Spaniard to walk out singly after dark about the suburbs of Manilla. A day or two after our arrival, three of the natives, who had been concerned in the 202 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE murder of a marchioness, were strangled before the porch of one of their churches. These people seemed to have been actuated not by a spirit of plunder, but of revenge, for some real or supposed injuries, as the deed was committed in the public square, by dragging her from the carriage on her return home in the evening ; and in this way frequent assassinations occur. A gen- tleman of the Alceste being in a party one evening, where observations on the murder- ous character of the natives were the subject of conversation, took occasion to observe that if such was the case it would be neces- sary to keep a look-out in going homewards ; but he was assured that, as an English officer, he had nothing to fear. " No, Senor, " temen ustedes, pero matan a nosotros," " They are afraid of you, but they kill us/' It cannot be fear alone that induces the na- tives to spare the English officers, who certainly freely exposed themselves at times and in situations the most favourable for assassination, without suffering the slightest injury ; and it is probable that a French, German, or any other transitory stranger TO CHINA. 203 might do the same ; for it evidently is to their own immediate rulers that this feeling of hostility exists ; and it is, no doubt, the result of their impolitic mode of governing. Such a state of things would render the Philippines a very easy conquest to amy in- vading force in time of war ; but the court of Spain, at present, seems to have most to fear from those sentiments of independence which have extended from Buenos Ay res to Manilla, and appear to be a point of union in which almost all classes are agreed, not excepting even the hierarchy. The celebrated and unfortunate Perouse, when at this place in his voyage of disco- very, made the following remarks : — " Ma- " nilla is built on the shore of a bay of the " same name, which is more than twenty- " five leagues in circumference. It lies at " the mouth of a river, navigable as far " as the lake from which it rises, and is, per- " haps, the most delightfully situated city " in the world. Provisions of all kinds are " in the greatest abundance there, and ex- " tremely cheap ; but clothing, European " hardware, and furniture, bear an exces- 204 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE " sively high price. The want of compe- " tition, together with the prohibitions and " restraints of every kind laid on commerce, " render all the productions of India and of " China at least as dear there as in Europe ; " and this colony, although the various " imports bring near 800,000 piastres an- " nually into the treasury, costs Spain " 1,500,000 besides, which are sent there " every year from Mexico. " The immense possessions of the Spa- " niards in America have not admitted of " the government essentially directing its " attention to the Philippines, which resem- " ble the estates of those great lords whose " lands lie uncultivated, though capable of " making the fortunes of many families. " I should not hesitate to assert, that a very " great nation, possessed of no other colony " than the Philippine Islands, and who " should establish the best Government of " which they are capable, might behold all " the European settlements in Africa and " America without envy. " Three millions of inhabitants people «* these various islands, of whom that of TO CHINA. 205 '* Luconia contains nearly one-third. These " people appear in no respect inferior to u those of Europe. They cultivate the " earth like men of understanding; are " carpenters, joiners, smiths, goldsmiths, " weavers, masons, &c. I have walked " through their villages, and found them " kind, hospitable, and communicative; " and, though the Spaniards speak of and " treat them with contempt, I perceived " that the vices they attributed to the " Indians* ought rather to be imputed " to the government they have themselves " established/' Speaking of no encou- ragement being given to labour, he states, that " as soon as the inhabitants have the " quantity of rice, of sugar, and of vege- " tables, necessary for their subsistence, " the superflux is of no value whatever. " In such circumstances, sugar has been " sold for less than a halfpenny the pound, # It is remarked that an island, not far from Luconia, is inhabited by woolly-haired negroes, the descendants of some Africans, who (in a slave-ship from that coast) were at one time wrecked on it. 206 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE " and the rice remained upon the ground " without being reaped. " It would be difficult for the most un- " enlightened society to form a system " of government more absurd than that " which has regulated these colonies for " the last two centuries. " The port of Manilla, which ought to " be free and open to all nations, has been " till very lately shut against Europeans, " and open only to a few Moors, Ameri- " cans, and the Portuguese of Goa. The " governor is invested with the most de- " spotic authority; and the xludiencia, which " ought to moderate his power, is totally " impotent before the representative of the " Spanish government. In point of fact, " though not by law, it lies in his breast " to admit or confiscate the merchandise " of foreigners whom the hope of advan- " tage may have brought to Manilla, and " who would not expose themselves to this " risk but on the probability of a very " great profit, ultimately ruinous to the " consumers/' It is undoubtedly as unac- countable, as it appears to be unen- TO CHINA. 207 lightened, that a nation should take deli- berate measures to make a colony a burden to it, which is not only fully able to maintain itself, if permitted, but to enrich the mother country. It seems almost equal to the sublime policy of restoring the Inquisition. The Spanish authorities here were marked in their attentions to the Embassa- dor during his stay ; and, on the 9th of Feb- ruary, having re-embarked, we got under weigh, bound homeward, and parted com- pany with our consort, the Lyra, which soon afterwards proceeded from hence with despatches for India. 208 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE CHAP. VI. Depart from Manilla — Shipwrecked on Pulo Leat — Attacked by the Malays — Occurrences on the Island — Passage of Lord Amherst and the Embassy to Batavia. A COURSE was now shaped to avoid the numerous rocks and shoals, not well defined, which lie in that part of the Chi- nese Sea more immediately to the west- ward of the Philippines, and to the north- westward of Borneo ; and having by the 14th passed the whole, and got into the usual track for the passage of either the Straits of Banca or Caspar, it was resolved to proceed through the latter, as being more direct and less subject to calms than the former, and considering them equally safe, from the latest surveys and directions TO CHINA. 209 being on board, some of them by those who had personally examined them. At day-light in the morning of the 18th we made Caspar Island, exactly at the time expected, and, passing it, stood on for the Straits. As is customary in approaching any coast or passage whatever, but more especially one that all are not familiarly acquainted with, the utmost precaution was taken by keeping the leads going in both chains, men looking out at the mast- heads, yard-arms, and bowsprit end ; the captain, master, and officer of the watch, on whom the charge of the ship at such a time more particularly devolves, having been vigilantly on deck during the whole of the previous night and this morning. Steering under all these guarded circum- stances, the soundings exactly correspond- ing with the charts, and following the ex- press line prescribed by all concurring directions to clear every danger (and the last danger of this sort between us and England), the ship about half-past seven in the morning struck with a horrid crash r 210 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE on a reef of sunken rocks, and remained immovable ! It was very soon indeed but too evident that any attempt to move her would be attended with the most fatal consequences; for, on each side of the rocks on which she hung, the water deepened from ten to seven- teen fathoms immediately around her; and, from the injury received, she must have gone down in a few minutes, had she forced her way over this narrow reef. The best bower anchor was therefore let go, to keep her fast ; and the pumps were soon abandoned, being clearly of no avail. The boats were now hoisted out, and Lieutenant Hoppner, with the barge and cutter, ordered to proceed with the Em- bassador and suite, and all those not essen- tially required, to the nearest part of the island, which seemed about three miles and a half distant. Meanwhile every exertion was used by the captain and officers, who remained by the ship, to secure what pro- visions and stores could be obtained ; a task of considerable labour and difficulty, TO CHINA. 211 for all was under water, which now rose above the orlop-deck. When she struck the tide must have been rising, for towards the afternoon it fell outside, and consequently inside the ship several feet ; thereby enabling us to save ourselves from absolute starvation by laying hold of some articles of provender which floated up, assisted by divers, and which the boats were employed in con- veying to the shore. A raft was also con- structed, on which were placed the heavier stores, with some baggage, and towed towards the island. By the return of those boats which carried his Excellency on shore we learnt the very great difficulty of effecting a landing, the mangrove-trees growing out to a considerable distance in the water ; and it was not until after ranging alongshore for nearly three miles from the place they at first attempted that a small opening appeared, through which, by scrambling from rock to rock, they at last obtained a footing on terra fir ma. Here, by cutting away a quantity of the smaller jungle at the foot of a hill (for the p 2 212 VOYAGE OF H. M.S. ALCESTE island was completely overgrown with wood), a space was cleared away, where, under the shade of the loftier trees, they bivouacqued for that day and night. On board the ship the work went on with activity, endeavouring to save what- ever might be most useful on such an occasion ; but, as the tide rose, the swell of the sea lifting her from the rocks, she dashed on them again with such violence, as to render it necessary about midnight to cut away the topmasts. At day-light, on Wednesday the 19th, Mr. M'Leod landed with two men who had been severely wounded by the fall of the masts, and with a report from the captain to Lord Am- herst. The spot in which our party were situated was sufficiently romantic, but seemed at the same time the abode of ruin and of havoc. Few of its inhabitants (and among the rest the Embassador) had more than a shirt or pair of trowsers on. The wreck of books, or, as it was not unaptly termed, " a literary manure," was spread about in all directions ; whilst parliamentary robes, court-dresses, and mandarin habits, inter- TO CHINA. 213 mixed with check shirts and tarry jackets, were hung around in wild confusion on every tree. On his lordship being informed that no fresh water had as yet been obtained from the ship, and that it was barely probable some might be got by scuttling the lower deck, he desired every body might be called around him, and ordered that a gill of that which had been sent on shore the day before (what happened to be on deck in the dripstones and water-jugs), with half that quantity of rum, should be equally served out to every man without distinc- tion, and, taking his own share with per- fect good humour, afforded to others an example of calm fortitude, and a cheerful readiness to share in every privation, which never fails on such occasions to have a powerful and beneficial effect, more espe- cially when that example is found, where it ought to be, in the first rank. Parties were now returning, who had been searching for water in vain, every attempt to dig for it having proved fruit- less ; or, being too near the sea, salt water 214 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE alone had oozed into the pits. At one spot they found the skeleton of a man, and the horrid idea of his having died from thirst rushed on every mind. Those who went into the wood, on these excursions, were obliged to notch the trees, and leave marks as they advanced, in order to find their way back. In the forenoon Captain Maxwell came on shore, to confer with Lord Amherst on the best mode to be adopted in the perilous situation in which they were then placed. The boats were utterly incapable of conveying half our number any where ; and, as some must necessarily go to the nearest friendly port for assist- ance, Captain Maxwell judged it best that his Excellency and suite should proceed with a proper guard for Batavia, or what- ever part of Java they could fetch, from whence vessels could be despatched to bring off those who remained behind. This being what is termed the north- west monsoon, there was every likelihood of the boats reaching Java (the current being also in their favour) in three days ; and by this arrangement, which very TO CHINA. 215 happily was settled without loss of time, two grand purposes were answered, the nearest to the captain's heart and his first duty ; viz. the immediate conveyance of the Embassador and suite to a place of safety; and, by their safety 4 ensuring more effectually than by any other means that of the officers and men who remained with himself upon this desert isle. It was thought probable that row-boats might be despatched from Batavia after the arrival of his Excellency, so as to reach the island (even against wind and current) in twelve or fifteen days ; and, as Mr. Ellis volunteered to return with the first boat or vessel that shoved off to our assistance, an additional assurance was thus given, that, combined with the influence of the Embassador with the Dutch govern- ment, no delay would occur in forwarding relief. After a short, and very slender f&te champetre in this wilderness (in which salt was viewed with the same horror as ar- senic), his lordship, about five in theevening, accompanied by the gentlemen of his suite, by Lieutenant Hoppner, in command of 216 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE the boats, Mr. Mayne to navigate, Lieu- tenant Cooke, R. M. (with a party, as officer of the guard, in the event of falling in with any of the Malay pirates who infest these seas), Mr. Blair, midshipman, and Mr. Somerset (who had come to see the world a little), waded out to the edge of the reef, and embarked in the barge and cutter. They were in all forty- seven persons, and had with them a small stock of provisions, con- sisting of a side of mutton, a ham, a tongue, about twenty pounds of coarse biscuit, and some few more of fine ; seven gallons of water, the same of beer, as many of spruce, and about thirty bottles of wine. This was all that could be spared ; and, being deemed equal to sustain nature for four or five days, in which period they must either make the land, or be so disposed of as to require no provisions, it was considered sufficient by the party themselves, and they looked for no more. After pulling outwards a little way to clear all the rocks, they made sail to the southward, attended by the best wishes of every man on the island, and were soon out of sight. The number left behind was TO CHINA. 217 two hundred men and boys, and one woman. The first measure of Captain Maxwell, after fixing a party to dig a well in a spot which was judged, from a combination of circumstances, the most likely to find water, was to remove our bivouac to the top of the hill, where we could breathe a cooler and purer air ; a place in all respects not only better adapted to the preservation of our health, but to our defence in case of attack. A path was cut upwards, and a party em- ployed in clearing away and setting fire to the underwood on the summit. This last operation tended much to free us from myriads of ants, and of snakes, scorpions, centipedes, and other reptiles, which in such a place and climate generally abound. Others were employed in removing up- wards our small stock of provisions, which were deposited (under a strict guard), in a sort of natural magazine, formed by the tumbling together of some huge masses of rock on the highest part of this eminence. On board the wreck a party was stationed, endeavouring to gain any accession they 218 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALC'ESTE could to our stock of provisions and arms, and to save any public stores that could be found. There was a communication for this purpose between the shore and the ship whenever the tide permitted. For the last two days every one had experienced much misery from thirst : a small cask of water (the only one which could be ob- tained from the ship) was scarcely equal to a pint each in the course of that period ; and perhaps no question was ever so anxiously repeated, as " What hope from the well V About eleven at night the dig- gers had got, by rather a tortuous direction (on account of large stones), as far down as twenty feet, when they came to a clayey or marly soil, that above it being a red earth, which seemed rather moist, and had no- thing saline in the taste. At a little past midnight a bottle of muddy water was brought the captain as a specimen, and, the moment it was understood to be fresh, the rush to the well was such as to impede the workmen ; therefore it became necessary to plant sentries to enable them to complete their task, and permit the water to settle a TO CHINA. 219 little. Fortunately alxn.it this time a heavy shower of rain fell, and, by spreading sheets, table-cloths, $c. and wringing them, some relief was afforded. There are few situa- tions in which men exposed without shelter to a torrent of rain would, as in the pre- sent instance, hail that circumstance as a blessing : bathing in the sea was also re- sorted to by many in order to drink by absorption, and they fancied it afforded relief. Thursday, 20th. This morning the captain, ordering all hands together, stated to them in few words, that every man, by the regulations of the nav3 r , was as liable to answer for his conduct on the present as on any other occasion ; that, as long as he lived, the same discipline should be exerted, and, if necessary, with greater rigour than aboard; a discipline for the general welfare, which he trusted every sensible man of the party must see the necess^r of main- taining ; — assuring them, at the same time, he would have much pleasure in recom- mending those who distinguished them- selves by the regularity and propriety of 220 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE their conduct ; — that the provisions we had been able to save should be served out, although necessarily with a very sparing hand, yet with the most rigid equality to all ranks, until we obtained that relief which he trusted would soon follow the arrival of Lord Amherst at Java. During this day the well afforded a pint of water for each man ; it had a sweetish milk-and-water taste, something like the juice of the cocoa-nut, but nobody found fault with it*; on the contrary, it diffused that sort of happiness which only they can feel who have felt the horrible sensation of thirst under a vertical sun, subject at the same time to a harassing and fatiguing duty. This day was employed in getting up every thing from the foot of the hill ; boats passing to the ship, but unfortunately almost every thing of real value to us in our present case was under water. We were in hopes, however, that, as no bad * It was happily said, when mixed with a little rum, to resemble milk-punch ; and we endeavoured to persuade ourselves that it was so. TO CHINA. 221 weather was likely to happen, we might be enabled by scuttling at low water, or by burning her upper-works, to acquire many useful articles. On Friday (21st) the party stationed at the ship found themselves, soon after day-light, surrounded by a number of Malay proas, apparently well armed, and full of men. Without a single sword or musquetfor defence, they had just time to throw themselves into the boat alongside, and push for the shore, chased by the pirates, who, finding two of our other boats push out to their assistance, returned to the ship, and took possession of her. Soon afterwards it was reported, from the look- out rock, that the savages, armed with spears, were landing at a point about two miles off. Under all the depressing circum- stances attending shipwreck ; — of hunger, thirst, and fatigue ; and menaced by a ruthless foe; — it was glorious to see the British spirit staunch and unsubdued. The order was given for every man to arm himself in the best way he could, and it was obeyed with the utmost promptitude and 222 VOYAGE OF II. M. S. ALCESTE alacrity. Rude pike-staves were formed, by cutting down young trees ; small swords, dirks, knives, chisels, and even large spike- nails sharpened, were firmly affixed to the ends of these poles ; and those who could find nothing better hardened the end of the wood in the fire, and, bringing it to a sharp point, formed a tolerable weapon. There were, perhaps, a dozen cutlasses ; the marines had about thirty muskets and bayonets, but could muster no more than seventy-five ball-cartridges among the whole party. We had fortunately preserved some loose powder drawn from the upper-deck guns after the ship had struck, (for the magazine was under water in five minutes,) and the marines, by hammering their buttons round, and by rolling up pieces of broken bottles in cartridges, did their best to supply themselves with a sort of langrage which would have some effect at close quarters, and strict orders were given not to throw away a single shot until sure of their aim. Mr. Cheffy, the carpenter, and his crew, under the direction of the captain, were busied in forming a sort of TO CHINA. 223 abattis, by felling trees, and enclosing in a circular shape the ground we occupied ; and, by interweaving loose branches with the stakes driven in among these, a breast- work was constructed, which afforded us some cover, and must naturally impede the progress of any enemy un supplied with artillery. That part of the island we had landed on was a narrow ridge, not above musket-shot across, bounded on one side by the sea, and on the other by a creek, extending upwards of a mile inland, and nearly communicating with the sea at its head. Our hill was the outer point of this tongue, and its shape might be very well represented by an inverted punch-bowl : the circle on which the bowl stands would then shew the fortification ; and the space within it our citadel. It appeared by the report of scouts, a short time after the first account, that the Malays had not actually landed, but had taken possession of" some rocks near this point, on which they deposited a quantity of plunder brought from the ship ; and during the day they continued making these predatory trips. 224 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE In the evening all hands were mustered under arms, and a motley group they pre- sented ; it was gratifying, however, to ob- serve, that, rude as were their implements of defence, there seemed to be no want of spirit to use them if occasion offered *. The officers and men were now marshalled regularly into the different divisions and companies, their various posts assigned, and other arrangements made. An officer and party were ordered to take charge of the boats for the night, and they were hauled closer into the landing-place. An alarm which occurred during the night shewed the benefit of these regulations, for, on a sentry challenging a noise among the bushes, every one was at his post in an instant, and without the least confusion. * Even the little boys had managed to make fast a table-fork, or something of that kind, on the end of a stick, for their defence. One of the men who had been so severely bruised by the falling of the masts, and was slung in his hammock between two trees, had been ob- served carefully Jishing, or fixing, with two sticks and a rope-yarn, the blade of an old razor. — On being asked what he meant to do with it, he replied, " You know I " cannot stand ; but, if any of these fellows come within u reach of my hammock, I'll mark them." TO CHINA. 225 On Saturday morning (22d,) some of the Malay boats approached the place where ours were moored ; and, with the view of ascertaining whether they had any inclination to communicate on friendly terms, the gig, with an officer and four hands, pulled gently towards them, waving the bough of a tree, (a general symbol of peace every where,) shewing the usual demonstrations of friendship, and of a desire to speak to them ; but all was vain, for they were merely reconnoitring our position, and immediately pulled back to their rock. The second lieutenant (Mr. Hay) was now ordered with the barge, cutter, and gig, armed in the best way we could, to proceed to the ship, and regain possession of her, either by fair means or by force; the pirates not appearing, at this time, to have more than eighty men. Those on the rocks, seeing our boats approach, threw all their plunder into their vessels, and made off. Two of their largest proas were now at work on the ship ; but, on observing their comrades abandon the rock, and the Q 226 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE advance of the boats, they also made sail away, having previously set fire to the ship, which they did so effectually, that in a few minutes the flames burst from every port, and she was soon enveloped in a cloud of smoke. The boats were unable to board her, and therefore returned. Here was a period to every hope of ac- commodation with these people, if, indeed, any reasonable hope could ever have been entertained on that head. The Malays, more especially those wandering and pira- tical tribes, who roam about the coasts of Borneo, Billiton, and the wilder parts of Sumatra, are a race of savages, perhaps the most merciless and inhuman to be foimd in any part of the world. The Battas are literally cannibals. In setting fire to the ship, they gave a decided proof of their disposition to us ; but, although certainly with no good intention, they did merely what we intended to do ; for, by burning her upper works and decks, every thing buoyant could float up from below, and be more easily laid hold of. The ship continued burning during the TO CHINA. 227 whole of the night ; and the flames, which could be seen through the openings of the trees, shed a melancholy glare around, and excited the most mournful ideas. This night also all hands were suddenly under arms again, from a marine firing his mus- ket at what he very properly considered a suspicious character near his post, who appeared advancing upon him, and refused to answer after being repeatedly hailed. It turned out afterwards that the branch of a tree, half-cut through the day before, had given way, under one of a race of large baboons, which we found about this time disputed the possession of the island with us. At the well, where there generally was kept a good fire at night, on account of the mosquitoes, the sentries had more than once been alarmed by these gentlemen shewing their black faces from behind the trees. They became so extremely trouble- some to some ducks we had saved from the wreck, (seizing and carrying them up the trees, and letting them foil down again when alarmed,) that on several occasions they left their little yard, and came up q 2 228 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE among the people, when the monkeys got among them, thus instinctively preferring the society of man for protection. On Sunday morning, (23d,) the boats were sent to the still-smoking wreck, and some flour, a few cases of wine, and a cask of beer, had floated up. This last God- send was announced just at the conclusion of divine service, which was this morning held in the mess-tent, and a pint was or- dered to be immediately served out to each man, which called forth three cheers *. This seems to be the only style in which a British seaman can give vent to the warmer feelings of his heart. It is his mode of thanksgiving for benefits received ; and it equally serves him to honour his friend, to defy his enemy, or to proclaim victory. This day we continued improving our fence, and clearing away a glacis immediately # Some decorously righteous man, observing to the chaplain that he had never seen such a scene in England as the congregation cheering at the church-door; the latter replied, with proper liberality, (and tolerable good humour,) " perhaps you never saw a thirsty English audience dismissed with the promise of a pint of beer a-piece." TO CHINA. 229 around it, that we might see and have fair play with these barbarians, should they ap- proach. They had retired behind a little islet, (called Pulo Chalacca, or Misfortune's Isle J about two miles from us, and seemed waiting there for reinforcements ; for some of their party had made sail towards Billiton. Monday morning, (24th,) the boats, as yesterday, went to the wreck, and returned with some casks of flour, only partially da- maged ; a few cases of wine, and about forty boarding-pikes, with eighteen muskets, were also laid hold of. With the loose powder secured out of the great guns in the first instance, Mr. Holman, the gunner, had been actively employed, forming musket- cartridges ; and by melting down some pewter basins and jugs, with a small quan- tity of lead, lately obtained from the wreck, balls were cast in clay moulds, increasing not a little our confidence and security. A quart of water each had been our daily allowance from the well hitherto, and on this day a second was completed near the foot of the hill, in another direction, whicji 230 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE not only supplied clearer water, but in greater plenty; and we could now, without restriction, indulge in the luxury of a long drink, not caring even to excite thirst, in order to enjoy that luxury in higher perfection. On Tuesday, (25th,) the boats made their usual trip ; some more cases of wine, and a few boarding-pikes were obtained, both excellent articles in their way, in the hands of men who are inclined to entertain either " their friends or their foes/' On shore we were employed completing the paths to the wells, and felling trees which intercepted our view of the sea. "Wednesday, (26th,) at day-light, two of the pirate proas, with each a canoe astern, were discovered close in with the cove where our boats were moored. Lieutenant Hay, (a straight-forward sort of fellow,) who had the guard that night at the boats, and of course slept in them, immediately dashed at them with the barge, cutter, and gig. On perceiving this, they cut adrift their canoes, and made all sail chased by our boats ; they rather distanced the cutter TO CHINA. 231 and gig, but the barge gained upon them. On closing, the Malays evinced every sign of defiance, placing themselves in the most threatening attitudes, and firing their swivels at the barge. This was returned by Mr. Hay with the only musket he had in the boat, and, as they closed nearer, the Malays commenced throwing their javelins and darts, several falling into the barge, but without wounding any of the men. Soon after they were grappled by our fellows, when three of them having been shot, and a fourth knocked down with the butt end of the musket, five more jumped overboard and drowned themselves, (evidently disdaining quarter,) and two were taken prisoners, one of whom w r as severely wounded. This close style of fighting is termed by seamen man-handling an enemy. The Malays had taken some measure to sink their proa, for she went down almost immediately. Nothing could exceed the desperate ferocity of these people. One who had been shot through the body, but who was not quite dead, on being removed 232 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE into the barge, with a view of saving him, (as his own vessel was sinking), furiously grasped a cutlass which came within his reach, and it was not without a struggle wrenched from his hand : he died in a few minutes- The consort of this proa, firing a parting shot, bore up round the north end of the island, and escaped. Their canoes* (which we found very useful to us) were also brought on shore, containing several articles of plunder from the ship. They appeared to be the two identical proas which set fire to her. The prisoners (the # During the time the boats were absent in chase, Mr. Fisher, anxious to secure one of the canoes, which was drifting past with the current, swam out towards it. When within a short distance of his object, an enormous shark was seen hovering near him, crossing and re-cross- ing, as they are sometimes observed to do, before making a seizure. To have called out might probably have un- nerved him (for he was unconscious of his situation), and it was resolved to let him proceed without remark to the canoe, which was the nearest point of security. Happily he succeeded in getting safely into it, whilst the shark, by his too long delay, lost a very wholesome breakfast. TO CHINA. 233 one rather elderly, the other young) when brought on shore, seemed to have no hope of being permitted to live, and sullenly awaited their fate ; but, on the wounds of the younger being dressed, the hands of the other untied, and food offered to them, with other marks of kindness, they became more cheerful, and appeared especially gratified at seeing one of their dead com- panions, who had been brought on shore, decently buried. The Malays are a people of very unprepossessing aspect ; their bodies of a deep bronze colour ; their black teeth and reddened lips, (from chewing the betel-nut and siri), their gaping nostrils, and lank clotted hair hanging about their shoulders and over their scowling countenances, give them altogether a fiend-like and murderous look. They are likewise an unjoyous race, and seldom smile. The state of one of the wounds received by the Malay (his knee-joint being pene- trated, and the bones much injured) would have justified, more particularly in this kind of field practice, amputation; but, on 234 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE consideration that it would be impossible to convince him of this being done with the intention of benefitting him, and might have the appearance of torture, which it was not improbable might suggest the idea of amputation and other operations to them, in the event of any, or all of us, falling into their hands, it was determined, therefore, to try the effect of a good constitution, and careful attention. A little wigwam was built, and a blanket and other comforts given to him, his comrade being appointed his cook and attendant. They refused at first the provisions we offered them ; but, on giving them some rice to prepare in their own way, they seemed satisfied. Never expecting quarter, when over- powered in their piratical attempts, and having been generally tortured w T hen taken alive, may account for the others drowning themselves. . In the forenoon, immediately after this rencontre, fourteen proas and smaller boats appeared standing across from the Banca side, and soon after they anchored behind Pulo Chalacca. Several of their people TO CHINA. 235 landed, and carrying up some bundles on their shoulders, left them in the wood, and returned for more. We had some hope, from the direction in which they first appeared, as well as their anchoring at that spot (the rendezvous agreed upon at the departure of Lord Amherst), that they might have been from Batavia to our relief. The small flag (belonging to the em- bassy) was brought down and displayed on the look-out rock ; the strangers, each, immediately hoisted some flag at their mast-heads. Anxious to know still more about them, Mr. Sykes was allowed to advance Avith the union-jack, accompanied by some more of the young gentlemen, along the strand, to a considerable dis- tance ; and soon after some of their party, with a flag, set off to meet them. As they mutually approached, the Malays drop- ped a little in the rear of their flag-bearer, and laid down their arms ; ours also fell astern, and the two ancients (or colour men), wading into a creek which separated them, cautiously met each other. The 236 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE Malay salamed a good deal : many fine Yorkshire bows were made on the other side : shaking hands was the next cere- mony, and then, joining flags, they walked up arm and arm to the place where the captain and several others were stationed. Satisfied now they must be friends sent to our assistance, they were welcomed with cheers, and every countenance was glad- dened. But our joy was of short dura- tion ; for, although their flag was laid sub- missively at the captain's feet, and all were sufficiently civil in their deportment, yet they turned out to be mere wanderers, employed gathering a sort of sea-weed, found on the coast of these (but in still greater abundance among the Pelew) islands, said by some to be an article of commerce with the Chinese epicures, who use it like the bird-nests in their soups. All this was made out chiefly by signs, added to a few Malay words which some understood. Mr. Hay, with his division armed, pro- ceeded down to their anchorage, himself and some other officers, going on board TO CHINA. 237 with their Rajah (as they styled him), who expressed a great desire to see the captain on board, and sent him a present of apiece offish, and some cocoa-nut milk. During the night many schemes were proposed as to the best mode of negotiating with these people. Some thought that, by the hope of reward, they might be induced to carry part of us to Java, and our four remaining boats would then be equal to the con- veyance of the rest. Others, adverting to the treacherous character of the Malays, and the great temptation to murder us when in their power, from that sort of pro- perty still in our possession, and to them of great value, considered it safest to seize upon and disarm them, carrying ourselves to Batavia, and then most amply to remu- nerate them for any inconvenience they might have sustained from being pressed into the service. The morning of Thursday, the 27th, however, perfectly relieved us from any further discussion on this subject, the Rajah and his suite having proceeded to plunder the wreck, which by this time the/ 238 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE had espied. It is probable they were not certain of our real situation on the first evening, but might have supposed, from seeing the uniforms, colours, and other military appearance, that some settlement, as at Minto, (in the Island of Banca) had been established there ; and this may also account for their civility in the first instance; for, from the moment their harpy-like spirit was excited by the wreck, and they saw our real condition, there were no more offerings of fish, or of cocoa-nut milk. To have sent the boats openly to attack them was judged impolitic ; it would only have driven them off for a moment, and put them on their guard against surprise by night, should it be thought necessary, in a day or two, to do so. They could deprive us of little ; for the copper bolts and iron work, which they were now most interested about, were not to us of material importance. We had the day before moved the boats into another cove, more out of sight (from the overspreading branches of the trees), and safer in case of attack, being com- TO CHINA. 239 manded by two strong little ports (one having a rude draw-bridge), erected on the rocks immediately above it, and wattled in, where an officer and piquet were nightly placed ; and a new serpentine path was cut down to this inlet, communicating with our main position aloft. On Friday, the 28th, the Malays were still employed on the wreck. A boat approached us in the forenoon ; but on the gig going out to meet it, they refused to correspond, and returned to their party. No relief having appeared from Batavia, and the period being elapsed at which (as was now thought) we had reason to expect it, measures were taken, by repairing the launch and con- structing a firm raft, to give us additional powers of transporting ourselves from our present abode, before our stock of provi- sions was entirely exhausted. On Saturday, the 1st of March, the Ma- lays acquired a great accession of strength, by the arrival of fourteen more proas from the northward (probably of the old party), who joined in breaking up the remains of the wreck. 240 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE At day-light, on Sunday, the 2d, still greater force having joined them during the night, the pirates (leaving a number at work on the wreck) advanced, with up- wards of twenty of their heaviest vessels, towards our landing-place ; fired one of their patereroes ; beat their gongs ; and, making a hideous yelling noise, they an- chored in a line, about a cable's length from our cove. We were instantly under arms, the party covering the boats strength- ened, and scouts sent out to watch their motions, as some of their boats had gone up the creek, at the back of our position ; and to beat about, lest any should be laying in ambush from the land. About this time, the old Malay prisoner, who was under charge of the sentries at the well, and who had been incautiously trusted by them to cut some wood for the fire, hearing the howling of his tribe, left his wounded comrade to shift for himself, ran off into the wood, and escaped, carrying with him his hatchet. Finding, after waiting a short time in this state of preparation, that they made no attempt to land, an officer was TO CHINA. 241 sent a little outside the cove in a canoe, waving in a friendly manner, to try how they would act. After some deliberation, one of their boats, with several men armed with creeses, or their crooked daggers, ap- proached : here, as usual, little could be made out, except a display of their ma- rauding spirit, by taking a fancy to the shirt and trowsers of one of the young gen- tlemen in the canoe ; but, on his refusing to give them up, they used no force. A letter was now written, and addressed to the chief authority at Minto, a small settlement on the northwest point of Banca, stating the situation in which we were placed, and requesting him to forward, if in his power, one or two small vessels to us, with a little bread and salt provisions, and some ammunition. Again the officer went out in the canoe, and was again met by the Malay boat. This letter was given to them, the word Minto repeatedly pro- nounced, (which they seemed to under- stand,) the direction pointed out, and signs made that on their return with an answer they should be rewarded with abundance R 242 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE of dollars, shewing them one as a specimen. This was done more to try them than with any hope of their performing the service ; for, although a boat went down to Pulo Chalacca, (where they appeared to have somebody in superior authority,) yet none took the direction of Banca. Meantime their force rapidly increased, their proas and boats of different sizes amounting to fifty. The larger had from sixteen to twenty men ; the smaller about seven or eight ; so that, averaging even at the low r est ten each, they had fully five hundred men. The wreck seemed now nearly exhausted, and appeared to be a very secondary ob- ject, knowing the chief booty must be in our possession ; and they blockaded us with increased rigour, drawing closer into the cove, more especially at high water, fearful lest our boats, being afloat at that period, should push out and escape them. In the afternoon some of the Rajah's peo- ple (whom we at first considered our friends) made their appearance, as if seek- ing a parley ; and on communicating with them, gave us to understand, by signs, and TO CHINA. 243 as many words as could be made out, that all the Malays, except their party, were ex- tremely hostile to us ; that it was their de- termination to attack us that night; and urging also that some of their people should sleep up the hill, in order to pro- tect us. Their former conduct and pre- sent connexions displayed so evidently the treachery of this offer, that it is need- less to say it was rejected, giving them to understand we could trust to ourselves. They immediately returned to their gang, who certainly assumed a most menacing atti- tude. In the evening, when the officers and men were assembled as usual under arms, in order to inspect them, and settle the watches for the night, the captain spoke to them with much animation, almost verbatim as follows : " My lads, you must all have observed this day, as well as myself, the great increase of the enemy's force, for enemies we must now consider them, and the threatening posture they have as- sumed. I have, on various grounds, strong reason to believe they will attack us this night. I do not wish to conceal our real r 2 244 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE state, because I think there is not a man here who is afraid to face any sort of dan- ger. We are now strongly fenced in, and our position in all respects so good, that, armed as we are, we ought to make a for- midable defence against even regular troops : what then would be thought of us, if we allowed ourselves to be surprised by a set of naked savages, with their spears and creeses ? It is true they have swivels in their boats, but they cannot act here. I have not observed that they have any matchlocks or muskets ; but, if they have, so have we. I do not wish to deceive you as to the means of resistance in our power. When we were first thrown together on shore, we were almost defenceless ; se- venty-five ball-cartridges only could be mustered : we have now sixteen hundred! They cannot, I believe, send up more than five hundred men ; but, with two hundred such as now stand around me, I do not fear a thousand, nay, fifteen hundred of them ! I have the fullest confidence we shall beat them ; the pike-men standing firm, we can give them such a volley of TO CHINA. 245 " musketry as they will be little prepared " for; and, when we find they are thrown " into confusion, well sally out among " them, chase them into the water, and " ten to one but we secure their vessels. " Let every man, therefore, be on the alert " with his arms in his hands ; and, should " these barbarians this night attempt our " hill, I trust we shall convince them that " they are dealing with Britons." Perhaps three jollier hurras were never given than at the conclusion of this short but well- timed address. The woods fairly echoed again ; whilst the piquet at the cove, and those stationed at the wells, the instant it caught their ear, instinctively joined their sympathetic cheers to the general chorus. There was something like unity and con- cord in such a sound, (one neither resem- bling the feeble shout nor savage yell,) which, rung in the ears of these gentlemen, no doubt had its effect ; for about this time (8 P.M.) they were observed making signals with lights to some of their tribe behind the islet. If ever seamen or marines had a strong inducement to fight, it was on the 246 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE present occasion, for every thing conduced to animate them. The feeling excited by a savage, cruel, and inhospitable aggression on the part of the Malays, — an aggression adding calamity to misfortune, — roused every mind to a spirit of just revenge; and the appeal now made to them on the score of national character was not likely to let that feeling cool. That they might come seemed to be the anxious wish of every heart. After a slender but cheerful repast, the men laid down as usual upon their arms, whilst the captain re- mained with those on guard to superintend his arrangements. An alarm during the night shewed the effect of preparation on the people's minds, for all like lightning were at their posts, and returned growling and disappointed because the alarm was false. Day-light, on Monday the 3d, discovered the pirates exactly in the same position in front of us ; ten more vessels having joined them during the night, making their num- ber now at least six hundred men. " The u plot began to thicken/' and our situation TO CHINA. 247 became hourly more critical. Their force rapidly accumulating, and our little stock of provisions daily shortening, rendered some desperate measure immediately necessary. That which seemed most feasible was by a sudden night attack, with our four boats well armed, to carry by boarding some of their vessels, and, by manning them, repeat our attack with increased force, taking more, or dispersing them. The possession of some of their proas, in addition to our own boats, (taking into consideration that our numbers would be thinned on the occa- sion,) might enable us to shove off for Java, in defiance of them. Any attempt to move on a raft, with their vessels playing round it, armed with swivels, was evidently im- possible. Awful as our situation now was, and every hour becoming more so ; — starva. tion staring us in the face, on one hand, and without a. hope of mercy from the savages on the other; — yet were there no symptoms of depression, or gloomy despair; every mind seemed buoyant; and, if any estimate of the general feeling could be collected from countenances, from the manner and 248 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE expressions of all, there appeared to be formed in every breast a calm determina- tion to dash at them, and be successful ; or to fall, as became men, in the attempt to be free. About noon on this day, whilst schemes and proposals were flying about, as to the mode of executing the measures in view, Mr. Johnstone, (ever on the alert,) who had mounted the look-out tree, one of the lof- tiest on the summit of our hill, descried a sail at a great distance to the southward, which he thought larger than a Malay ves- sel. The buz of conversation was in a moment hushed, and every eye fixed anxi- ously on the tree for the next report, a signal-man and telescope being instantly sent up. She was now lost sight of from a dark squall overspreading that part of the horizon, but in about twenty minutes she again emerged from the cloud, and was decidedly announced to be a square-rigged vessel. " Are you quite sure of that V was eagerly inquired : — " Quite certain" was the reply :— " it is either a ship or a brig stand- ing towards the island, under all sail !" — The TO CHINA. 249 joy this happy sight infused, and the grati- tude of every heart at this prospect of de- liverance, may be more easily conceived than described. It occasioned a sudden transition of the mind from one train of thinking to another, as if waking from a disagreeable dream. We immediately dis- played our colours on the highest branch of the tree, to attract attention, lest she should only be a passing stranger. The pirates soon after this discovered the ship, (a signal having been made with a gun by those anchored behind Pulo Cha- lacca,) which occasioned an evident stir among them. As the water was ebbing fast, it was thought possible, by an unex- pected rush out to the edge of the reef, to get some of them under fire, and secure them. They seemed, however, to have suspected our purpose ; for, the moment the seamen and marines appeared from under the mangroves, the nearest proa let fly her swivel among a party of the officers, who had been previously wading outwards*, * The shot was picked up by one of the young gentlen* n, and appeared to be of malleable iron, not quite round. 250 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCEST1L and the whole, instantly getting under weigh, made sail off, fired at by our people, but unfortunately without effect; for, in addition to the dexterous management of their boats, the wind enabled them to wea- ther the rocks. It was fortunate, however, this attack on them took place, and that it had the effect of driving them away ; for, had they stood their ground, we were as much in their power as ever, the ship being obliged to anchor eight miles to leeward of the island, and eleven or twelve from our position, on account of the wind and cur- rent ; and, as this wind and current conti- nued the same for some time afterwards, they might, most easily, (with their force,) have cut off all communication between us. Indeed it was a most providential and ex- traordinary circumstance, during this mon- soon, that the ship was able to fetch up so far as she did. The blockade being now raised, the gig, with Messrs. Sykes and Abbot, was despatched to the ship, which proved to be the Ternate, one of the com- pany's cruizers, sent by Lord Amherst to our assistance, having on board Messrs. TO CHINA. 251 Ellis and Hoppner, who embarked on the day of their arrival at Batavia, and pushed back to the island. The gig was able to return (being a light boat); but our friends, who attempted to pull ashore in the cutter, were compelled to put back, after struggling with the cur- rent for nine hours, during the night of Monday, and morning of Tuesday, the 4th. That day was employed in getting all the moveables we had saved from the wreck ready for embarkation. Wednesday, the 5th, landed Messrs. Ellis and Hoppner : — the recollection of the voluntary promise made by the former at parting, now ful- filled, and re-appearing as a deliverer, added to the many interesting and pecu- liar circumstances of the meeting, gave a new glow to every feeling of friendship, and, on entering Fort Maxwell, they were received with heartfelt acclamation by the whole garrison under arms. This fortification and its inhabitants had altogether a very singular and romantic look. The wigwams (or dens, as they were called) of some, neatly formed by branches, 252 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE and thatched with the palm-leaf, scattered about at the feet of the majestic trees, which shaded our circle ; the rude tents or \ others ; the wrecked, unshaven, ragged ap- pearance of the men, with pikes and cut- lasses in their hands, gave, more especially by fire-light at night, a wild and picturesque effect to this spot, far beyond any robber- scene the imagination can portray. Two of the Termite's boats also arrived with a twelve- pounder carronade, some round and grape, and musket ammunition, in the event of the pirates thinking proper to return before we had finished our busi- ness ; which, from the difficulty of commu- nicating, required the whole of Wednesday to perform. On Thursday, the 6th, the majority of the officers and men embarked in the boats (now increased in number), and proceeded to the Ternate ; the raft, also, with four officers and forty-six men, (and a cow,) got under sail, and, after a comfortable cold- bath navigation, of eight hours, reached the ship after dark. Every article which could not be carried off, and was thought might TO CHINA. 253 be of the slightest use to the savages, was piled into a heap, on the top of the hill, and made into a bonfire. At midnight the boats returned to bring off Captain Maxwell, and those remaining with him ; the whole arriving safe on board the Ternate on the morning of the 7th March, where we were most hospitably received by Captain Davidson and his officers*. The island of Pulo Leat is about six miles long, and five broad ; situate about two degrees and a half to the southward of the equator : it lies next to Banca, and is in the line of islands between it and Borneo. As far as we could explore, (and exploring was no easy task,) it appeared to produce nothing for the use of man. We found a great number of the rinds of what Ave after- wards discovered at Batavia to be the far- famed and delicious mangustin, which only thrives near the Line ; — but the baboons, who manage to live here, had previously * The wounded Malay was also carried to Batavia, and he is now (although with rather a disabled joint) most pro- bably employed on board the Temate. 254 VOYAGE OF II. M. S. ALCESTE monopolized all the fruit. Had we found any entire, we might have indulged in them, even without knowing their nature; as, more especially in a case of short commons like ours, there could be no great danger in following the example of a monkey. We found a number of oysters adhering to the rocks along the sea-shore, which at first we were afraid to eat, from their exciting thirst ; but as soon as we were happy enough to obtain a sufficient supply of water, they very speedily disappeared. The soil of the island appears to be capable of affording any production of the torrid zone, and, if cleared and cultivated, would be a very prett}" place ; the tree which produces the caoutchouc or Indian rubber grows here. From something like smoke having been repeatedly observed rising at one particular place among the trees, about a mile from the head of our creek, it was by some imagined that either the island was peopled, or that the savages had taken post there. In various attempts, however, to reconnoitre this spot, no trace of human footstep could be found, TO CHINA. 255 being in every direction an impenetrable thicket ; and we ultimately ascertained that it was entirely uninhabited. The small stock of provisions saved from the wreck, and the uncertainty of our stay there, rendered economy in their distri- bution, as well as the preventing any waste or abuse, a most important duty. The mode adopted by Captain Maxwell, to make things go as far as possible, was to chop up the allowance for the day into small pieces, whether fowls, salt beef, pork, or Hour, mixing the whole hotch-potch, boiling them together, and serving out a measure of this to each, publicly and openly*, and without any distinction. By these means no nourishment Avas lost ; it could be more equally divided than by any other way ; and, although necessarily a scanty, it was not an unsavoury, mess. All * Truth requires it to be stated, and it may naturally be supposed, that, among so many, one or two progging sort of people might be observed, who had no disincli- nation to a little more than their just allowance ; but the general feeling was much too maul) and fine to admit of contamination. 256 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE the bread, except a few pounds, was lost. The men had half allowance of rum divided between dinner and suppei, (sometimes more on hard fags,) and the officers two glasses of wine at dinner, and a quarter allowance of rum (a small dram-glass) at supper. It is astonishing how soon order sprung out of confusion, and the general cheerfulness and content which prevailed, for Saturday night was drank in defiance of the Malays. A small bag of oatmeal was found one morning, which some of the young Scotch midshipmen considered as their own, and sat down, with great glee and smiling countenances, round a washhand basin* full of burgoo, made from it ; but they reckoned too securely on the antipathies of their English friends, for (not thinking this, perhaps, a proper time for indulging national prejudices) they claimed their share, and managed to get through it without a wry face. A few weeks schooling on a desert isle would also be a great * Not the only extraordinary mess-dish which this occasion had reduced some to. TO CHINA. 257 blessing to many thousands who are capri- ciously unhappy in the midst of superfluity, and wretched only because they have never known distress. The guards at the posts, covering the boats, were generally under charge, alter- nately, of Lieut. Hay, Messrs. Casey, John- stone, Sykes, Abbot, Brownrigg, and Hope. The garrison duty, at night, was conducted, in turns, by the surgeon, chaplain, Messrs. Eden, Raper, Mostyn, Stopford, and Gore ; thus making it light, and enabling them to keep their eyes open, and walk vigilantly round to observe that all the sentries were on the alert, and called out every quarter of an hour ; the younger midshipmen, Messrs. Maxwell, Martin, Hawthorn, Gordon, and Browne, being perched, in rotation, on the look-out rock during the day, to watch the motions of the pirates, and give notice of any ship or vessel which might appear in the offing. As there is no evil from which some good may not be derived, so the younger officers had, on the present occasion, an opportunity of marking the resources which spring from s 258 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE self-possession and cool exertion, even un- der the most appalling difficulties ; and thereby of imbibing a character of promp- titude, with a contempt of helpless indeci- sion — a failing of all others, in cases of danger or emergency, not only the most injurious to private fame, but to the public service. It is somewhat remarkable, that, during our stay here of nineteen days, exposed alternately to heavy rain, and the fierce heat of a vertical sun, none were taken sick, and those who landed so (some very ill) all recovered, except a marine, who was in the last stage of a liver complaint, contracted whilst in China, as one of the guard to the Embassador*. Another man, of very trou- blesome character, thought proper to leave his companions on the third day after landing. He may have been bitten by a serpent in the woods, and died there, or have fallen into the hands of the savages ; but he was never afterwards heard of. We marked with oil and blacking, in large * The only complaint made by this poor fellow, (Denyer) in his enfeebled state, was his inability to turn. out with his comrades and face the Malays. TO CHINA. 259 characters, on the rocks, the date of our departure, to be a guide to any that might come there in quest of us, and in the after- noon of the 7th, we bid adieu to Pulo Leat, where it is not wonderful that, in our situ- ation, we should have suffered some hardship and privation; but it is remarkable, indeed, that, surrounded by so many dangers, the occurrence of any one of which would have proved fatal, that we should have escaped the whole. We had, for example, great reason to be thankful that the ship did not fall from the rocks on which she first struck into deeper water, for then all must have perished ; — that no accident happened to the boats which conveyed the embassy to Batavia ; for, in that case, we should never have been heard of; — that we found water ; — that no mutiny or division took place among ourselves ; — that we had been able and willing to stand our ground against the pirates ; — and that the Ternate had suc- ceeded in anchoring in sight of the island ; which she was only enabled to do by a for- tuitous slant of wind for an hour or two. Had we been unfortunate in any one of s 2 200 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE these circumstances, iew would have re- mained to tell our tale. It is a tribute due to Captain Maxwell to state, (and it is a tribute which all most cheerfully pay,) that, by his judicious arrangements, we were preserved from all the horrors of anarchy and confusion. His measures inspired confidence and hope ; whilst his personal example, in the hour of danger, gave courage and animation to all around him. We arrived at Batavia on the 9th, and, from the Ternate being so small, a number of our party crossed in the boats, which kept company with the ship. On the 10th we landed, and were most hospitably received by Lord Amherst, who converted his table into a general mess for the officers, as well as the embassy. Comfortable quarters were also provided for the men*, who, in a day or two, landed, and marched * The hospitable houses of Messrs. Milne and Terre- neau, afforded lodging to the officers during their stay ; and much kind attention was experienced from Captains Forbes, Dalgairns, Hanson, and M'Mahon ; on the staff of Sir William Kelr. TO CHINA. 261 through Batavia to Weltevreden, with the flag which had been saved. They were met at Ryswick by his lordship, who kindly accompanied them up to his own house, from whence, after receiving some refresh- ment, they proceeded to their barrack. At Weltevreden, also, the officers met with a small, but choice, band of their country- men, whose society will not be easily for- gotten, or ever remembered without plea- sure. A short journal of Lieutenant Cooke describes the passage of the embassy across the Javanese sea, in the boats. — " i\t seven ** in the evening of Wednesday, the 19th " of February, all arrangements having " been speedily made, the barge and cutter " weighed, and pulled out to seaward, there " being a heavy swell across the reef; — " soon after made sail, and sounded in " nineteen fathoms ; — kept more to the " southward, having got into mid-chan- " nel;— at nine at night, Entrance Point, in " the island of Banca, bore west, three or " four miles. " Thursday, the 20th. — At day-light, the " cutter in company ; moderate breezes at 262 VOYAGE OF H. SI. S. ALCESTE " W. N. W., and fair, with a smooth sea; " high land of Banca bearing north ; — " having been much crowded in the night, " some shifted into the other boat, in order " to equalize the numbers. At seven, " served out, for the first time, some pro- " visions : a small portion of fresh meat " and biscuit, with a gill of water and half " a gill of rum, to each person. At ten a " heavy squall occurred, attended by rain, " which enabled us, by spreading cloths, " and wringing them, to catch a bucket of " rain-water, affording, to each person, " about half a pint. Light airs, and calm : " occasionally found it necessary to pull " eight oars, and, by the assistance of the " marines, we had two reliefs. Spelled the " oars every two hours. Served out pro- " visions and grog in the usual small pro- " portions. Lowered the sails, the wind " being adverse, afterwards becoming " calm, and at other times light breezes " from the south-west : each person had " about half a pint of beer. Lightning " from west to south-west, — water very " smooth, — midnight, light airs. " Friday, the 21st. — Moderate breezes TO CHINA. 263 " from the westward, which soon became " squally, and more to the southward, " occasioned by a swell of the sea. At 44 seven o'clock served out the remains of " the fresh meat, and the usual gill of 44 water, and half a gill of rum. Examined " stock after breakfast, and found remain- 44 ing six gallons of water ; spruce beer, " eight gallons ; rum, four gallons and a " half; beer, four gallons ; wine, nineteen 44 bottles; five ditto of additional water, 44 one ham, one tongue, and thirty pounds 44 of bread. Served out, at twelve o'clock, 44 some spruce to all hands. In the after- 44 noon, served grog in the usual quantity. 44 Continued rowing all night, and gave 44 some spruce beer to the rowers, who " began to be much fatigued. Wind 44 variable from west to south-west. 44 Saturday the 22d. — Continued pulling 44 all this morning, the breeze being very 44 light ; mustered provisions, and found 44 them much reduced. At seven o'clock 44 issued grog and a little bread to each, 44 reserving a ham, the only meat now 44 remaining, until dinner time. All the 264 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE " gentlemen who could pull relieved the " rowers. About one o'clock a favourable " breeze sprung up at N. W. : made all " sail, and at half-past three o'clock saw " Carawang Point, in Java, distant about " nine or ten miles. At six o'clock " the land-breeze coming off obliged the " boats to anchor. Served out part of the " ham, and a little biscuit and grog, as " usual. At seven the wind moderated a " little, and an attempt was made to row " in ; but, the people being nearly ex- " hausted, anchored again at nine o'clock ; " the cutter having no grapnel, made fast " to the barge. The night was fine, but a " heavy swell occasioned the boat to roll " extremely. " Sunday morning the 23d, the people " having had some repose, and a little ;t refreshment served out to them, weighed " the grapnel, and pulled towards Batavia. " Between the two points of land here, we " accidentally fell in, although at a con- " siderable distance from the shore, with " a stream of fresh water running into the " sea, which put all in high spirits. To TO CHINA. 265 " prevent any ill consequences, a little " rum was put into a bucket, and every " man drank about a pint. A favourable " breeze also sprung up, and at half past " ten o'clock we went alongside the ship " Princess Charlotte, in the roads, where ie we were very kindly received, our stock " of provisions for forty-seven being at this " time four or five pounds of bread, and " (previous to falling in with the stream " of fresh water in the sea), one gallon of " water, one gallon of rum, and five " bottles of wine, with some Madeira in a " jar/' During the whole of this little voyage the strictest equality was observed in the distribution of provisions ; and if any distinction was made it was in favour of the rowers, those gentlemen who were unable to pull themselves taking a rather smaller proportion than those who did. The circumstance of the stream of fresh water, which seemed so providentially to extend into the sea, and afforded so much relief, is found to exist in many parts of the world, and has been lately turned to advantage by out Toulon fleet, which was 266 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE enabled to water at the mouth of the Rhone, almost without losing sight of the port it was blockading. Off the Mississippi, ships can water even out of sight of land ; and the same is stated to be the case with the Oronoco, in South America. This will most probably be found in all narrow-mouthed rivers, which burst suddenly on the sea ; where from the fresh being specifically lighter than the salt water, it naturally floats on the surface of the heavier body, and remains unmixed as long as the current retains its force. The chief discomfort of this boat-voyage proceeded from being so crowded, and being obliged to sit so long in a particular posture, and the great distress arising from thirst. It was very difficult indeed to prevent the people from drinking salt water; one man became delirious, and it was attributed to this cause. It most probably, however, arose from the ex- treme irritation occasioned by thirst; for salt water, although an article of Materia Medica in very extensive use, has never been known to take the direction of the head . TO CHINA. 267 About the 21st March the ship Char- lotte, which had sailed for the purpose of relieving us, returned to Batavia, in company with the Ternate, having on board Messrs. Mayne, Blair, and Marrige. After beating against wind and current, from the 24th February to the l6'th March, without being able to fetch farther than the south-east end of Banca, the current constantly sweeping them to leeward the mo- ment they opened the Straits, Mr. Mayne, rinding nothing was to be done in the ship, resolved to shove off in the barge, accompanied by the above gentlemen, and Mr. Thompson the supercargo, with two casks of water and one of beef for us, in the event of being still on the island. They tugged at the oars until the next day, when, arriving in sight of the place we had occu- pied, they found a large flotilla of the pi- rates at anchor there, three of whom imme- diately gave chase to our boat. There was no time to be lost; the barge made sail; but, in addition to their sails, the Malays pulled furiously, and were gaining fast. The beef and water were now thrown over- 268 VOYAGE OF H.M.S. ALCESTE board, to lighten the barge ; and, knowing whom they had to deal with, they pre- pared, being tolerably armed, to sell them- selves as dearly as possible. Fortunately at this moment a strong squall occurred, which compelled the Malays to lower their sails, whilst the barge, carrying through all, got a-head and escaped, the pirates hauling their wind again towards the island. These proas were probably of the more distant islands, who, having only lately heard of the wreck, had arrived a day after the fair, and were hungry, and annoyed at finding no plunder. The ready acquiescence of Lord Amherst to proceed in the boats, appears to have been attended with the happiest conse- quences ; for the indecision of a single day in this respect would in all probability have placed him in the hands of these savages, and thereby occasioned the most fatal results. TO CHINA. 269 CHAP. VII. Remarks on Java — Passage homewards — Touch at the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena — Arrival in England. NOTHING could exceed the deplorable state of Java at the period of its conquest by the British forces in 1811. The natives had at all times been enslaved and oppressed by the Dutch colonists ; and, from the strict blockade of our cruizers, the produce of the soil which they were unable to export was rotting in their warehouses, and re- ducing the latter to a state of bankruptcy. The system of government immediately introduced by Lord Minto, undertheablesu- perintendence of Mr. (now Sir Thos.) Raffles, corresponding with that existing in British (and what is here termed western) India, very much altered the state of affairs; but it 270 VOYAGE OF If. M. S. ALCESTE more especially ameliorated the condition of the native Javanese. It had been usual to compel the people to labour at the pub- lic works, whenever occasion required, with- out any, or at least for a very inadequate, remuneration. They were also obliged to deliver in a certain quantity of produce, often exceeding what they were able to af- ford ; whilst they were tyrannically restrict- ed to the cultivation of those articles onlj T which best answered the purposes of the Dutch monopolists. By the new order of things these forced services were imme- diately abolished. The people were paid a reasonable price for their voluntary labour ; and, instead of arbitrary and compulsory deliveries, encouragement was given to grow what were considered the most valuable productions of the island, and the Javanese were now stimulated to exertion by having an interest in the fruits of their industry. The revenue was now raised (except in one or two immaterial instances, which could not at once be conveniently altered) by a moderate land-tax on the whole. The Ra- jahs or Regents of the different districts TO CHINA. 271 were allowed (and indeed preferred) a fixed salary, to abandon their claims to the former harsh method of raising their in- comes, whilst they were still intrusted under proper surveillance with the administration of the laws, which were also new-modelled and rendered more equitable, torture being abolished, and the instruments burnt in the public square. The Chinese farmers of revenue, employed under the Dutch, who possessed peculiar ingenuity in squeezing the natives, were either removed, or their conduct narrowly inspected by the British residents*. In Java there is no interrup- tion to the course of vegetation. The spring is eternal ; and it is quite usual on the same day to see them sowing in one field, the * Sir T. Raffles, in his elaborate work on Java, states, " that whenever the Chinese formed extensive settlements " in Java, the native inhabitants had no alternative but " that of abandoning the district, or of becoming slaves " of the soil. Their monopolizing spirit was often ** even pernicious to the produce, as may be seen " at this day in the immediate vicinity of Batavia, " where all the public markets are farmed by them, and " the degeneracy and poverty of the lower classes are " proverbial." 272 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE second in half blossom, and reaping in the third. But with all these advantages of soil and climate the people had been driven to relinquish their native villages, and even to destroy the trees which the cruel impo- licy of the whites compelled them to cul- tivate, equally against their interest and their inclination. In the first settlement of colonies, it is notorious that enormities were committed by all Europeans on the aborigines of the country ; but without flattering our amour ■propre national, this unconciliatory and over- bearing system seems to have been far less practised by us than by other nations, if we may judge from the comparative per- sonal security with which a Briton roams every where at large. Previ > to our possession of Java, (when travelling became even more safe than in England), no Dutchman ever ventured to undertake a journey among the natives without a guard. The same is the case with the Portuguese and the original Brazilians, as well as the Spaniards at Manilla, and throughout the whole island of Luconia. TO CHINA. 273 With the Javanese harsh and rigorous measures seem, and indeed have been clearly proved to be, as unnecessary as they are unjustifiable, for few people bear a more mild, docile, or inoffensive character. They are a distinct race from the Malays of the coasts, not only speaking a different language, but are anxious not to be con- founded with them. Lord Minto, who was personally at Java at the period of its falling into our possession, made the fol- lowing observations on the existing state of affairs, and the alterations he judged necessary : — " Contingents of rice, and, indeed, of " other productions, have been hitherto " required of the cultivators, by govern- " ment, at an arbitrary rate; this also, is " a vicious system, to be abandoned as " soon as possible. The system of con- " tingents did not arise from the mere " solicitude for the people, but was a mea- " sure alone of finance and control, to "enable government to derive a revenue " from a high price imposed on the con- " sumer, and to keep the whole body of T 274 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTJi, " the people dependent on its pleasure " for subsistence. I recommend a radical " reform in this branch to the serious and ; ' early attention of government. The " principle of encouraging industry in the M cultivation and improvement of lands, " by creating an interest in the effort and " fruits of that industry, can be expected " in Java only by a fundamental change " of the whole system of landed property " and tenure. A wide field, but a sorne- " what distant one, is open to this great " and interesting improvement ; the dis- " cussion of the subject, however, must " necessarily be delayed till the investiga- " tion it requires is more complete. I " shall transmit such thoughts as I have " entertained, and such hopes as I have " indulged, in this grand object of ame- " lioration ; but I am to request the aid of " all the information, and all the lights, " that this island can afford. On this " branch, nothing must be done that is " not mature, because the change is too " extensive to be suddenly or ignorantly " attempted. But fixed and immutable TO CHINA. 275 " principles of the human character, and " of human association, assure me of ulti- " mate, and, I hope, not remote success, " in views that are consonant with every " motive of action that operates on man, " and are justified by the practice and " experience of every flourishing country " of the world." The wisdom and sound policy of these liberal and enlightened views have been fully proved by the increasing happiness and prosperity of the colony, from the day they were practically adopted, up to the period of the transfer of the island; and that the same system should be continued under the restored government appears to be the decided opinion of the wisest and most clear-sighted of the Dutch colonists ; as well for its obvious justice and humanity, as from a conviction of its superior efficacy in every other respect. At the same time measures were taken to abolish slavery, for the continuance of which, in Java, there appeared not even the plea of expediency. The farther impor- tation of slaves was forbidden, (for they were t 2 276 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE generally brought, for obvious reasons, from the neighbouring islands), and regu- lations were formed for the protection and better treatment of those actually existing. They were not allowed, for instance, to be sold or transferred from one master to another, but with their own approbation ; they were permitted the right of acquiring property either by their own industry, or from the gifts of others, independently of the control of their masters, which they might appropriate, if they thought proper, after a certain term, to the purchase of their freedom, at a reasonable valuation, subject to the approval of a magistrate. An annual registry of each slave was also required, and a tax laid upon that registry, the proceeds of which were applied to charitable purposes ; and, in any instance where this registry was omitted to be given in, the slave was declared free. Although their present religion is that of Mahomet, (with a mixture of Paganism), yet the numerous relics of Hinduism, in high preservation throughout the island, TO CHINA. 277 evidently shew that the latter was the original mode of worship. Indeed, Balli, one of the neighbouring islands, perforins the Hindu rites at this day. Batavia is considered, and with much reason, to be one of the most unhealthy spots in the world. But this character is applicable only to the town itself; which, agreeably to Dutch usage, wherever they could find one, is built in a swamp. The effect of this, within seven degrees of the equator, is precisely what might be ex- pected ; but at Ryswick and Weltevreden, where the ground rises, certainly, not above a dozen or fifteen feet, and situated within three miles of the town, health is retained, at least as perfectly as in any other part of India ; and it has been even said that a battalion of a regiment quartered there has returned a smaller sick report than the other, stationed in some part of England. No Euro- pean, who can possibly avoid it, ever sleeps in the city ; but, after transacting his business, removes to the neighbourhood. Among seamen and soldiers, a night or two spent in Batavia is deemed mortal ; but the in- 278 VOYAGE OF II. M. S. ALCESTE creased fatality among this class of the com- munity proceeds evidently from their never sleeping there but for the express purpose of getting drunk ; and, when immersion in pu- trid and marsh effluvia, in so hot a climate, is applied to a body, rendered highly suscep- tible of their impression from previous ebriety, it is not to be wondered that a fever of the worst class should be the con- sequence. They are also not so likely, in these cases, to receive that prompt as- sistance which alone can save them ; for, conscious of having been irregular in their conduct, they are ashamed and unwilling to make application until it is often too late ; and the loss of a single day will, in severer cases, be attended, in all probability, with the most dangerous consequences *. * Captain Charles Ross, of the Pique, in the West Indies, among other judicious regulations of that ex- cellent officer, (whose orders were neither multiplied nor confused, and, for that reason, more likely to be rational,) always considered a man found drunk to be an object for the surgeon's immediate care, in the first instance ; and it is astonishing the good effect this had, not only in preventing drunkenness, but in obviating its effects. TO CHINA. 279 The insalubrity of Batavia is attributed, but with little appearance of justice, to the numerous canals which intersect the town ; for they rather seem to do good, by acting as drains, in a marshy soil; and, if they are the receptacles of filth and -carcasses, (which appeared not to be the case,) it is the fault of the police, and not of the canals. Rice-fields, creating an artificial swamp, in addition to the natural moisture of the ground, are an evident cause of mischief, and certainly ought not to be permitted to exist in the immediate vicinity of a po- pulous city ; as they cannot be at all necessary in a country, two-thirds of which is uncultivated. The climate of Java may be varied at pleasure, from the suffocating heat of Ban- tam, or Batavia, to the cool, and even keen air of the mountains, where fires and blankets are necessary ; which, to invalids requiring an immediate change of tem- perature, is an advantage of the highest importance. It is observable that all colonies are very defective in seminaries of education ; — a 280 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALOESTE defect, more especially in those that are extensive and populous, for which there can be no good excuse, and is attended with much inconvenience ; for either the youth of both sexes receive no education at all, or must be sent home, at a great expense, for that purpose. This would appear to be much the case at Batavia, for the young men required to fill situations of responsibility must be supplied by fresh importations ; and the ladies, surrounded by a crowd of flattering slave-girls, gene- rally creolizc* the whole day in a delectable state of apathy, without any sort of occu- pation ; at sun-set, perhaps, taking a short airing in the environs. The elder dames inveterately adhere to the kubaya (a loose sort of gown, or wrapper, sometimes richly embroidered) ; but the English and French modes are universal among the rising ge- neration. They form a curious contrast * Creolizing is an easy and elegant mode of lounging in a warm climate; so called, because much in fashion among the ladies of the West Indies : that is, reclining back in one arm-chair, with their feet upon another, and sometimes upon the table. TO CHINA. 281 on public occasions, for, although sump- tuary laws exist, which prevent, more espe- cially ladies, from wearing jewels beyond a certain amount, and appearing abroad at- tended by servants exceeding the number allowed for the particular rank of their husbands or fathers, yet all classes, male and female, seem privileged to undress themselves as they please. One evening, on our passage outwards, at a grand ball given at the Harmonie by the British army officers, on the anni- versary of the battle of Waterloo, an old gentleman, in a full suit of black, highly trimmed, and in the cut of the last century, was seen strutting about the room with a white night-cap on his head. Indeed, at dinner, in the best companies, they do not hesitate to wear their hats, if there is the least motion in the air, for they dread nothing so much as sitting in a current. The villas of the councillors of the Indies are distinguished by having black instead of white statues in their fronts, and about their gardens. They are, generally, heavy- looking houses, situated on the Jacatra 282 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE * and Ryswick roads, but have an air of stateliness. The restored Dutch government profess to act upon the principles which have been found successful during our possession; but a circumstance which occurred a short time before our arrival here evinced strong symptoms of a recurrence to the system of terror. A body of the natives, about five hundred in number, having had some dispute with the local authorities near Indra Mayo, whilst making representation about some hardship (which they had been lately freely in the habit of doing, whenever they considered themselves in any way aggrieved), were seized, and confined in a house, which, like the black hole at Calcutta, being too small for the prisoners, they, in desperation, attempted to break through the roof; when a body of military having by this time been collected, they were fired upon, the greater part killed, and the remainder, in some way or other, destroyed. It is somewhat remarkable that the Dutch, who are, at home, a very unassuming, plain, and moral sort of people, should have displayed, TO CHINA. 283 on so many occasions, a ferocious and blood-thirsty disposition in their colonies *. Marshal Daendels, it is confessed, made many judicious arrangements by the vigour of his measures, had he only been a little more scrupulous as to the mode of obtain- ing his purposes ; but, to use his own expression, he " found it necessary to put " himself above the usual formalities, and " to disregard every law but that which " enjoined the preservation of the colony " intrusted to his management/' On one occasion he is said to have requested the magistrates to demolish their grand church in Batavia, which was not only in the way of some favourite scheme he had in view, but its cupola was the only land-mark for entering the bay, and, as such, greatly assisted the enemy's cruizers. The burgomasters ventured to oppose this project. In a very short time the church was found to be on fire ; and the building being thereby in a great degree consumed * The Dutch will have considerable difficulty in retaining their possessions in this quarter. 284 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE and damaged, the remainder Avas soon razed to the ground *. His great military road, carried some hundred miles across the island, cost the lives of thousands of the Javanese, who were sacrificed to the system of forced services. lie appears to have been little less despotic with the whites ; and many stories are told about him, " that he could even make hens lay " eggs when he thought proper;" but, although all seem to agree that he carried a high and imperious hand, yet none dare, even now, speak ill of him, for fear he may return. In equipping a considerable army, merely from the resources of the country, when entirely cut off from any communi- cation with Europe, supplying them with a cloth adapted to the climate, and fur- nishing them with most of the other accoutrements, he put the manufacturing talents of the natives to the test, and he succeeded. Sir William Keir, Mr. Fendal, and * The incendiaries were never found out. TO CHINA. 285 Mr. Cranssen, were still, at Batavia, for the purpose of finally adjusting the trans- fer of the colonies, with the commissioners of his majesty, the king of the Nether- lands. The Dutch squadron was absent at the different islands, resuming possession of them. They had, as well as the land- forces, suffered a very heavy loss from deaths; and the Baron de Capellan, who is individually a man of humanity, and was extremely solicitous about their pre- servation, was stated to have personally interfered with the medical staff, who appear to have been much wedded to the old-fashioned practice, and to have given positive orders that the mode of managing the sick, which had proved successful with our troops on the very same ground, should be adhered to. The ship Caesar, Captain Taylor, which had been engaged to carry to England the embassy, with the officers and crew of the Alceste, being now ready for sea, her equipment having been expedited by the assistance of our artificers, Lord Amherst embarked on the 12th of April, attended 286 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE by Sir William Keir, and all his staff, and received from the Dutch authorities every mark of respect due to his rank. We sailed on the same morning, and soon clearing the Straits of Sunda, proceeded with a fair wind across the Indian Ocean. The gay scenes we had experienced for the last few weeks among our friends at Weltevreden and Batavia, which we had enjoyed with the greater spirit from our previous adventures, made us now more susceptible of the dull sameness attending our present sky-and-water view. But a cir- cumstance occurred, of all others, pro- ducing; the most instantaneous and effectual relief from this feeling of tedium vitce or ennui. The ship, one morning, was de- clared to be on fire in the after store-room, and (to render the intelligence still more agreeable and interesting) close to the magazine, whilst the flames seen in that direction, and volumes of smoke now bursting forth, left no doubt of the fact. In a moment the liveliest bustle took place of listless yawning, and every mind was roused into a state of the highest activity. TO CHINA. 287 To be in a ship on fire in the middle of the ocean is supposed to be the most awk- ward and unenviable situation in which a man of weak nerves can be placed. Some again assert that it affords, more than any other occasion, an opportunity for the display of coolness, presence of mind, and decision. Happily, there were not want- ing many possessing the latter qualities, who, by pushing through the smoke to the point of danger, and scuttling the decks immediately above the place, succeeded in extinguishing the flames in about three quarters of an hour, but not without con- siderable difficulty and damage. Very fortunately it was washing morning, and, of course, buckets, and other water uten- sils, were at hand. Had the accident taken place during the night, or had it been unobserved for a few minutes longer, and the fire had communicated to some oil and other combustibles near it, no human power could have saved us. This alarm- ing occurrence, so nearly proving fatal, was occasioned by an idle looby, belonging to the Caesar, carelessly pumping off spirits 288 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE with a naked light, in order to preserve the body of a parrot, which had died the night before. It had the effect, however, of oc- casioning the most rigorous precautions in future. Notwithstanding the crowded state of the Caesar, two passengers, of rather a singular nature, were put on board at Batavia, for a passage to England : the one, a snake of that species called Boa Constrictor; the other, an Ourang Outang. - — The former was somewhat small of his kind, being only about sixteen feet long, and of about eighteen inches in circum- ference; but his stomach was rather dispro- portionate to his size, as will presently appear. He was a native of Borneo, and was the property of a gentleman (now in England), who had two of the same sort; but, in their passage up to Batavia, one of them broke loose from his confinement, and very soon cleared die decks, as every body very civilly made way for him, and ran up the rigging, or to some other place of security. Not being used to a ship, however, or taking, perhaps, the sea for a TO CHINA. 289 green field, he sprawled overboard, and was drowned. He is said not to have sunk immediately, but to have reared his head several times, and with it a consider- able portion of his body, out of the sea. His companion, lately our shipmate, was brought safely on shore, and lodged in the court-yard of Mr. Davidson's house at Ryswick, where he remained for some months, waiting for an.opportunity of being conveyed home in some commodious ship sailing directly for England, in which he was likely to be carefully attended to. This opportunity offered in the Caesar, and he was accordingly embarked on board of that ship with the rest of her numerous passengers. During his stay at Ryswick he is said to have been usually entertained with a goat for dinner, once in every three or four weeks, with occasionally a duck or a fowl, by way of a dessert. — He was brought on board shut up in a wooden crib or cage, the bars of which were sufficiently close to prevent his escape ; and it had a sliding door, for the purpose of admitting the u 290 VOYAGE OF II. M. S. ALCESTE articles on which he was to subsist ; the dimensions of the crib were about four feet high, and five feet square ; a space sufficiently large to allow him to coil him- self round with ease. The live stock for his use during the passage, consisting of six goats of the ordinary size, were sent with him on board, five being considered as a fair allowance for as many months. At an early period of the voyage we had an exhibition of his talent in the way of eating, which was publicly performed on the quarter-deck, upon which he was brought. The sliding door being opened, one of the goats was thrust in, and the door of the cage shut. The poor goat, as if instantly aware of all the horrors of its perilous situation, immediately began to utter the most piercing and distressing cries, butting instinctively, at the same time, with its head towards the serpent, in self-defence. The snake, which at first appeared scarcely to notice the poor animal, soon began to stir a little, and, turning his head in the direction of the goat, he at length TO CH7NA. 291 fixed a deadly and malignant eye on the trembling victim, whose agony and terror seemed to increase ; for, previous to the snake seizing his prey, it shook in every limb, but still continuing its unavailing show of attack, by butting at the serpent, which now became sufficiently animated to prepare for the banquet. The first opera- tion was that of darting out his forked tongue, and at the same time rearing a little his head ; then suddenly seizing the goat by the fore leg with his mouth, and throwing it down, it was encircled in an instant in his horrid folds. So quick, indeed, and so instantaneous was the act, that it was impossible for the eye to follow the rapid convolution of his elongated body. It was not a regular screw-like turn that was formed, but resembling rather a knot, one part of the body overlaying the other, as if to add weight to the muscular pressure, the more effectually to crush his object. During this time he continued to grasp with his fangs, though it appeared an unnecessary precaution, that part of the animal which he had first seized. The u 2 292 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE poor goat, in the mean time, continued its feeble and half-stifled cries for some minutes, but they soon became more and more faint, and at last it expired. The snake, however, retained it for a consider- able time in his grasp, after it was apparently motionless. He then slowly and cau- tiously unfolded himself, till the goat fell dead from his monstrous embrace, when he began to prepare himself for swallow- ing it. Placing his mouth in front of the head of the dead animal, he com- menced by lubricating with his saliva that part of the goat; and then taking its muzzle into his mouth, which had, and indeed always has, the appearance of a raw lacerated wound, he sucked it in, as far as the horns would allow. These pro- tuberances opposed some little difficulty, not so much from their extent, as from their points ; however, they also, in a very short time, disappeared ; that is to say, externally ; but their progress was still to be traced very distinctly on the outside, threat- ening every moment to protrude through the skin. The victim had now descended as TO CHINA. 293 far as the shoulders ; and it was an asto- nishing sight to observe the extraordinary action of the snake's muscles when stretched to such an unnatural extent — an extent which must have utterly destroyed all muscular power in any animal that was not, like himself, endowed with very peculiar faculties of expansion and action at the same time. When his head and neck had no other appearance than that of a serpent's skin, stuffed almost to bursting, still the workings of the muscles were evi- dent ; and his power of suction, as it is erroneously called, unabated ; it was, in fact, the effect of a contractile muscular power, assisted by two rows of strong hooked teeth. With all this he must be so formed as to be able to suspend, for a time, his respiration, for it is impossible to conceive that the process of breathing could be carried on while the mouth and throat were so completely stuffed and expanded by the body of the goat, and the lungs themselves (admitting the trachea to be ever so hard) compressed, as they must have been, by its passage downwards. 1294 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE The whole operation of completely gorging the goat occupied about two hours and twenty minutes : at the end of which time, the tumefaction was confined to the middle part of the body, or stomach, the superior parts, which had been so much distended, having resumed their natural dimensions. He now coiled himself up again, and laid quietly in his usual torpid state for about three weeks or a month, when, his last meal appearing to be com- pletely digested and dissolved, he was presented with another goat, which he killed and devoured with equal facility. It would appear that almost all he swallows is converted into nutrition, for a small quantity of calcareous matter (and that, perhaps, not a tenth part of the bones of the animal) with occasionally some of the hairs, seemed to compose his general faeces ; — and this may account for these animals being able to remain so long without a supply of food. He had more difficulty in killing a fowl than a larger animal, the former being too small for his grasp. TO CHINA. 295 Few of those who had witnessed his first exhibition were desirous of being present at the second. A man may be impelled by curiosity, and a wish to ascertain the truth of a fact frequently stated, but which seems almost incredible, to satisfy his own mind by ocular proof; but he will leave the scene with those feelings of horror and disgust, which such a sight is well calcu- lated to create. It is difficult to behold, without the most painful sensation, the anxiety and trepidation of the harmless victim, or to observe the hideous writhing of the serpent around his prey, and not to imagine what our own case would be in the same helpless and dreadful situation. A lion, a tiger, and other beasts of prey, are sufficiently terrible ; but they seldom, unless strongly urged by hunger, attack human beings, and generally give some sort of warning; but, against the silent, sly, and insidious approach of a snake, there is no guarding, nor any escape when once entwined within his folds. As we approached the Cape of Good Hope, this animal began to droop, as was 296 VOYAGE OF H. M. 5. ALCESTE then supposed, from the increasing cold- ness of the weather, (which may probably have had its influence), and he refused to kill some fowls which were offered to him. Between the Cape and St. Helena he was found dead in his cage ; and, on dissection, the coats of the stomach were discovered to be excoriated and perforated by worms. Nothing remained of the goat except one of the horns, every other part being dis- solved. It may here be mentioned, that, during a captivity of some months at Whidah, in the kingdom of Dahomey, on the coast of Africa, the author of this narrative had opportunities of observing snakes more than double the size of this one just de- scribed ; but he cannot venture to say whether or not they were of the same species, though he has no doubt of their being of the genus Boa. They killed their prey, however, precisely in a similar manner; and, from their superior bulk, were capable of swallowing animals much larger than goats or sheep. Governor Ab- son, who had for thirty-seven years resided TO CHINA. 297 at Fort William, (one of the African Com- pany's settlements there,) described some desperate struggles which he had either seen, or had come to his knowledge, between the snakes and wild beasts, as well as the smaller cattle, in which the former were always victorious. A negro herds- man belonging to Mr. Abson (who after- wards limped for many years about the fort) had been seized by one of these monsters by the thigh ; but from his situa- tion in a wood, the serpent, in attempting to throw himself around him, got entangled with a tree; and the man, being thus pre- served from a state of compression which would have instantly rendered him quite pow r erless, had presence of mind enough to cut with a large knife, which he car- ried about with him, deep gashes in the neck and throat of his antagonist, thereby killing him, and disengaging himself from his alarming situation. He never after- wards, however, recovered the use of that limb, which had sustained considerable injury from his fangs, and the mere force of his jaws. 298 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE These larger reptiles are seldom ob- served to be venomous, the smaller tribe being, in this respect, much more dan- gerous. In this country they had a smaller species of snake, called Daboa, which is the object of their worship and adoration. It is perfectly harmless, (to larger crea- tures,) and is tameable. Great attention is paid to any that are found, being- lodged in their temples, and fed by the priestesses with rats, mice, and smaller animals. People who are sick apply to it for relief; and should one of them happen to entwine itself around a preg- nant woman, it is considered the happiest possible omen for herself and child. In this state she proudly marches through the town, sanctified, as it were, by the attachment of the snake, which encircles her naked frame ; and followed by crowds, those who meet her falling on their knees, and snapping their fingers (the usual salu- tation) as she passes. The Ourang Outang, also a native of Borneo, is an animal remarkable not only TO CHINA* 299 from being extremely rare, but as possess- ing, in many respects, a strong resemblance to man. What is technically denominated the cranium, is perfectly human in its ap- pearance ; the shape of the upper part of the head, the forehead, the eyes (which are dark and full), the eye-lashes, and, indeed, every thing relating to the eyes and ears, differing in no respect from man. The hair of his head, however, is merely the same which covers his body generally. The nose is very flat, — the distance between it and the mouth considerable ; the chin, and, in fact, the whole of the lower jaw, is very large, and his teeth, twenty-six in number, are strong. The lower part of his face is what may be termed an ugly, or caricature, likeness of the human countenance. The position of the scapulae, or shoulder blades, the general form of the shoulders and breasts, as well as the figure of the arms, the eJ bow-joint especially, and the hands, strongly continue the resemblance. The metacarpal, or that part of the hand imme- diately above the fingers, is somewhat elon- gated ; and, by the thumb being thrown a 300 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE little higher up, nature seems to have adapted the hand to his mode of life, and given him the power of grasping more effectually the branches of trees. He is corpulent about the abdomen, or, in common phrase, rather pot-bellied, look- ing like one of those figures of Bacchus often seen riding on casks ; but whether this is his natural appearance when wild, or acquired since his introduction into genteel society, and by indulging in a high style of living, it is difficult to determine. His thighs and legs are short and bandy, the ankle and heel like the human ; but the fore part of the foot is composed of toes, as long and as pliable as his fingers, with a thumb, situated a little before the inner ankle ; this conformation enabling him to hold equally fast with his feet as with his hands. When he stands erect he is about three feet high, and he can walk, when led, like a child ; but his natural locomotion, when on a plane surface, is supporting himself along, at every step, by placing the knuckles of his hands upon the ground. All the fingers, both of the hands and feet s TO CHINA. 301 have nails exactly like the human race, except the thumb of the foot which is without any. His natural food would appear to be all kinds of fruit and nuts ; but he eats biscuit, or any other sort of bread, and sometimes animal food. He will drink grog, or even spirits, if given to him; has been even known repeatedly to help himself in this way (and was actually turned out of the boatswain's mess, for taking more than his allowance) ; he was also taught to sip his tea or coffee, and, since his ar- rival in England, has discovered a taste for a pot of porter. His usual conduct is not mischievous and chattering, like that of monkeys in general ; but he has rather a grave and sedate character, and is much inclined to be social, and on good terms, with every body. He made no diffi- culty, however, when cold, or inclined to sleep, in supplying himself with any jacket he found hanging about, or in stealing a pillow from a hammock, in order to lie more soft and comfortably. Sometimes when teased by shewing •302 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE him something to eat, he would display in a very strong manner the human pas- sions, following the person whining and crying, throwing himself on his hack, and rolling about apparently in a great rage, attempting to bite those near him, and frequently lowering himself by a rope over the ship's side, as if pretending to drown himself; but, when he came near the water's edge, he always re-considered the matter, and came on board again. He would often rifle and examine the pockets of his friends in quest of nuts and biscuits, which they sometimes carried for him. He had a great antipathy to the smaller tribe of monkeys, and would throw them overboard if he could ; but in his general habits and disposition there is much docility and good nature, and, when not annoyed, he is ex- tremely inoffensive. He approaches, upon the whole, nearer to the human kind than any other animal. On the 27th May we anchored in Simon's Bay, at the Cape of Good Hope, from which we sailed again on the 11th of June, steering for St. Helena, where we arrived TO CHINA. 303 on the 27th. The exterior of this island has much of that appearance which induced Madame Bertrand to term it the birth- place of the demon of Ennui ; but the in- terior is not destitute of beauties, for there are many very pleasing spots situated in its different valleys. One cannot help, in contemplating the calm tranquillity which reigns about Long- wood (now the peaceful habitation of the once mighty agitator of the world), being forcibly struck by the great mutability of human affairs. Buonaparte had for a considerable time past been very retired and difficult of access, but he was perfectly disposed to see Lord Amherst ; and on the day pre- vious to our departure his lordship rode out there, accompanied by the gentlemen of his suite. He was introduced by Ber- trand with not a little form, and had, as well as Mr. Ellis, a very long private conver- sation previous to the introduction of the other gentlemen, who in the mean time were attended by Generals Bertrand, Mon- tholon, and Gourgaud, in the next room. 304 VOYAGE OF H. M. S. ALCESTE At last they also were ushered in ; and a ring having been formed by the grand Marshal round the principal personage of the group, Lord Amherst presented to him first Captain Maxwell, to whom he bowed very civilly, and said his name was not unknown to him ; observing, that he had commanded on an occasion where one of his frigates, La Pomone, was taken in the Mediterranean. " Vous Stiez tres ?nechant—Eh bien ! your government must not blame you for the loss of the Alceste, for you have taken one of my frigates." He said he was very happy to see young JerTery Amherst, and good-humouredly asked him what pre- sents he had brought with him from China, and so forth. The author of this narrative he interro- gated about the length of time he had served, and whether he had been wounded; repeating the last question in English. Proceeding next to Mr. Abel, (who, al- though the chief medical attendant of the embassy, was introduced as naturalist), he inquired if he belonged to the Royal Society, or any of the public institutions, or was a TO CHINA. 305 candidate for that honour ; asking if he had been happy, in this voyage, in making any discoveries in natural history, which could add to our stock of knowledge on that sub- ject. Whether he knew Sir Joseph Banks, whose name, he said, had been a passport in France, and his wishes always attended to, even during war. Mr. Cooke's name induced him to ask if he was a descendant of the celebrated navigator ; observing, " You had a Cook, who was, indeed, a great man/' He requested to know, on Dr. Lynn being pre- sented, at what university he had studied. — " At Edinburgh" was the reply. — " Edin- boorg!" he repeated; and went on to inter- rogate him whether he was a Brunonian in practice ; or if he bled and gave as much mercury as our St. Helena doctors. Mr. Griffith, the chaplain, was next in- troduced, whom Buonaparte termed C An- monier, and pronouncing, also, in English, dair-gee-man. " Well, sir/' he continued, " have you found out what religion the Chi- nese profess V Mr. G. replied it was some- what difficult to say ; but it seemed a poly- x 306 VOYAGE OF H. M.S. ALCESTE theism. Not appearing to understand the meaning of this word, spoken in English, Bertrand remarked, "Pluralite de Dieux." — " Ah ! pluralite de Dieux/' said he ; " do they believe in the immortality of the soul?" " I think they have some idea of a future state" was the reply. ** Well," said Buonaparte, " when you go home you must get a good living ; I wish you may be made a pre- bendary, sir." Proceeding to Mr. Hayne, he also questioned him in some general way ; and having now completed the circle, and said something to every body, he very courteously bowed to each of the party as they retired, who all felt much gratified at the opportunity of the interview. Although there was nothing descending in his manner, yet it was affable and polite ; and, whatever may be his general habit, he can behave himself very prettily if he pleases. He is by no means so corpulent as is usually re- presented, and his health appears to be excellent. Longwood, from its situation, ought certainly to be highly salubrious. On the 2d of July we sailed from St. Helena, touched at the Island of Ascension on TO CHINA. 307 the 7th, and, on the 12th, crossed the line, and got into our own hemisphere. Our passage homewards was extremely favour- able, on the 16th of August making the land, and the next morning brought us to Spithead, from whence we landed once more in our native isle; not merely with the common feeling of happiness which all mankind naturally enjoy on revisiting the land of their birth, but with those sensa- tions of pride and satisfaction with which every Briton may look round him, in his own country, after having seen all others. END OF THE NARRATIVE. x '■> APPENDIX. No. I. ON our arrival at Portsmouth, a court-martial (as is usual in the Navy) was held on board the Queen Char- lotte, to inquire into all the circumstances attending the loss of the ship, and into the conduct of the officers and men on that occasion ; composed of Captain Sir Archibald Dickson, Bart. President; Captains Alexander, Dacres, Meynell, and Hickey ; Moses Greatham, Esq. Judge Advocate ; when, after Captain Maxwell's interesting Nar- rative, detailing the facts relative thereto, having been read, and a number of witnesses examined on the various state- ments contained in it, the Court pronounced the following Sentence, after the usual preamble: — " Having maturely and deliberately weighed and consi- " dered the whole, the Court is of opinion that the loss " of his Majesty's late ship Alceste was caused by her " striking on a sunken rock, until then unknown, in the ** Straits of Gaspar. That Captain Murray Maxwell, w previous to the circumstance, appeared to have con- 310 APPENDIX. " ducted himself in the most zealous and officer-like man- " ner; and, after the ship struck, his coolness, self-col- w lection, and exertions, were highly conspicuous ; and " that every thing was done by him and his officers " within the power of man to execute, previous to the " loss of the ship, and afterwards to preserve the lives of " the Right Honourable Lord Amherst, his Majesty's " Embassador, and his suite, as well as those of the " ship's company, and to save her stores on that occa- " sion ; and therefore adjudge the said Captain Murray " Maxwell, his officers and men, to be most fully " ACQUITTED." The Court was extremely crowded, and there were present Lords Amherst and Colchester. The former, being examined by the Court, stated, " that he had se- " lected Captain Maxwell, on the occasion of the em- " bassy, from motives of personal friendship, as well as " from the high opinion he entertained of his professional " character, which opinion had been much increased by " the events of this voyage." APPENDIX. 311 No. II. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST of the Kings of Lewchew, from the End of the Twelfth Century, to the Beginning of the last. First Year of their Reign. Lived. Reigned. NAMES OF KINGS. . _, ' — A. D. V ears. Years. Chun-tien 1187 72 51 Chun-Machuny, son of Chun-tien .1238 64 11 Ypen, son of Chun-Machuny 1249 — — Yn-tsou ., 1260 71 40 Ta-tching, son of Yn-tsou 1 30 1 — 9 Yn-tse, second son of Ta-tching. . 1309 — 5 Yu-tching, fourth son of Yn-tse . . 1314 — 23 Ly-Oucy, son of Yu-tching 1337 23 14 Tsay-tou 1350 — 46 Ou-ning, son of Tsay-tou 1396 — — Tse-chao, son of Ou-ning 1406 — 16 Chang-pa-tchi, son of Tse-chao . . 1424 6S 18 Chang-tchong, second son of Chang-pa-tchi 1440 54 — Chang-tse-ta, son of Chan-tchong . 1445 42 5 Chang-kin-foo, paternal uncle of Chang-tse-ta 1450 52 4 Chang-tai-kieou, brother of Chang- kin-foo 1454 46 7 312 APPENDIX. Fir9t Year of their Reign. Lived. Reigned. NAMES OF KINGS. A. D. Years. Years. Chang-te, third son of Chang- ta-kieou 1461 29 9 Chan-y-ven 1470 62 7 Chang-tching, son of Chang-y-ven. . 1477 62 50 Chang-tsing, third son of Chang- tching 1527 59 29 Chang-y-ven, second son of Chang- tsing 1556 45 17 Chang-yong, second son of Chang- y-ven 1573 35 16 Chang-ning, grandson of Chang- tsing 1588 57 32 Chang-fong, descendant of a bro- ther of Chang-yong 1621 51 20 Chang-hien, third son of Chang-fong 1641 23 7 Chang-tche, brother of Chang-hien 1648 40 21 Chang-tching, son of Chang-hien . . 1669 65 41 Chang-pen, grandson of Chang- tching 1710 34 3 Chang-king, son of Chang-pen. ... 1713 — — The above list being copied, by Pere Gaubil, from the Chinese Report of Supoa-Koang, they have, in that translation from the original language, no doubt, acquired their present Chang-chong character of expression. APPENDIX. 313 No. III. NAMES and SITUATION of the Lewchew Islands, according to the same authority. To the North-eastward. Yon-chang-pou Fokou Yeoula Oa-kinou Kia-ki-luma Tatao (of considerable size) Ki-ki-ai To the South and Westward. Typin-chan, or Ma-kou-chan Ykima Yleang-pa Koulima Talama Mienna Oukomi Pat-chong- chan (Patchusan) Palouma Yeouni Koumi Kaumi Te-ke-tou-non Kauli-che-ma Ola-ke-se-kou Pa-tou-li-ma To the North and Westward. Gan-kini-chan Kichaa Ye-Kichan Lun-koan-chan (or Sulphur Island) Mat-che-chan, surrounded by five islets Another Mat-che-chan Koumi-chan To the Eastward, Kon-ta-kia Tsin-kinou Ysi Pama The whole situate at various dis- tances, extending from the main island towards Japan, Corea, and the islaud of Formosa, four only lying to the eastward. The Chi- nese have in this instance, as in the list of kings, applied their own abominable and harsh-sounding terms to the greater number of these islands, such as JLieou Kieou, Yon- chang-pou, Lun-Koan-chan, and Pat-chong-chun ; whilst all the native names, as Lewchew, Era- boo, Agtnhu, Ashumah, Talama, and so forth, are very soft and pleasiug to the ear. 314 APPENDIX. No. IV. MR. FISHER collected a few of the Lewchewan words, which may tend to give some idea of the sound of their language. Beard. Figoo. Button. Tama. Book. Shumutsee Bite. Quayon. Boat with Sails. Tima. Boat rowed with Oars. Chunee. Branches of Trees. Tanun. Comb. Sabachee. Chair. Ee. Cows. Ooshu. Cold. Fuisa. Cut. Chichau. Candle. Doe. Coffin. Quan. Come a shore. Chung. Cloth. Dasha. Colours (Ensign). Chuata. Coral. Ooru APPENDIX. Day. Okiou. Drink. Nummee. Dead. Sijoug. Eye. Me. Egg. Cooga. Earth. Sinna. Eat. Conun. Fingers. Ibec. Feet. Fisha. Fowls. Fuee. Fan. Ogee. Fan-ning. Ogee-shun Fish-iug. Juh-shun. Goat. Figa. Good. Yutissa. Grave (for dead). Haeka. Good-by ? or adieu. Wa-coutee. God. Joh. Hair. Carasee. Hat. Camuree. He. Adee. Handkerchief. Sagee. Horse. Mah. Head-pin with a star-head . Camesashee. Head-pin with a scoop-head. Usisashee. How do you do ? Uga-ma-bidda ? Ink. Tamagufing. Jar. Tusaadzee. I or me. Oau I will come again. Atucara. I do not i understand. Chi-carang. I thank you. Ca-fush. 315 316 APPENDIX. I will go. Oa Atchung. 1 will sing. Oa Utshang Knife. Sigu. Large. Ufisha. Moon. Stee. Musquito. Gadjang. Milk. Chee. Man. Ekegah. Nose. Hana. Nails. Cimee. Night. Masta. Not good. Wassa. No. Arang. Oil. Unda. Paper. Cabee. Potatoes (sweet) Moo. Physician or Surgeon. Isha. Priest. Bozy. Pig- Oa. Rain. Amuie. Riding. Ditaugin. Sun. Tida. Stars. Hushee Shoes. Saba. Stones. Ishee. Sit down. Iree. Ship (large). Ufubuny. Ship (small). Cubunee. Sleep. Ninjun. Sick. Yadon. Sailor. Biotee. Shell. Keh. APPENDIX, 317 Silk. Stone-mason. Square used by ditto. Serpent. Sea. Sand. Sash or Girdle, worn by the Lewchewans. Stop. Small. Teeth. Trowsers. Trees. Tobacco-pipe. To bring. Tea. Temple, or house of wor- ship in the garden, where the sick were. Umbrella. Very good. Water. Wind. Wood. Woman. You. You give me. Yes. You are a good fellow. Dunsy. Ichi-secu. Banjoganee Onegha. Ooshu. Sinna. Ubu. Ichuna. Coosa. Ha. Jacama. Ifcoojee. Tsidee. Toute-coo. Cha (Chinese). J ah Joh. Cassa. Churissa. Midzee Casechute. Kee. Inago. Ya. Yare Currau. Simung. Churamung. 318 APPENDIX. NUMERALS. 1 Titsee. 30 Sanjoo. 2 Tatsee. 3] Sanjoo-Titsee, &c. 3 Metsee. 40 Sinjoo. 4 Yutsee. 41 Sinjoo-Titsee, &c. 5 Ititsee. 50 Gunjoo. 6 Mutsee. 51 Gunjoo-Titsee, &c. 7 Nanatsee. 60 Docodoo. 8 Jatsee. 61 Docodoo-Titsee, &c. 9 Cucunutsee. 70 Stigoo. 10 Too. 71 Stigoo-Titsee, &c. 11 Too-Titsee. 80 Hacheegoo. 12 Too-Tatsee, and so on to 81 Hachegoo-Titsee, &c nineteen. 90 Cunjoo. 20 Nijoo. 91 Cunjoo-Titsee, &c. 21 Nijoo-Titsee, &c. 100 Hiacoo. The numbers after each ten were always repeated in a manner similar to our own arithmetic. APPENDIX. 319 No. V. THE FAREWELL. The following Lines written by Mr. Gillard, on leaving our hos- pitable friends at Grand Lewchew, speak not onlu his own, but the general feeling on that occasion. THE sails are set, — the anchor's weigh'd; Their seaward course the ships pursue ; And, friendly signs at parting made, We bid the land a last adieu ! From crowded boats, that grace our wake, Where all appear in vestments gay, Their mute " Farewell" the natives take, Yet, lingering, seem to court our stay. Slowly the vessels glide along, While groups from every village pour, And rushing downward join the throng Assembled on the sandy shore, 320 APPENDIX. High on the arch that spans the tide, In faint perspective, crowds appear; While thousands line the river's side, And throng the boats that hither steer. From neighbouring heights, with verdure crown'd, The toiling hinds in wonder gaze ; And still-increasing groups are found At every spot the eye surveys. Yet all is as the night serene, And not a sound disturbs the air : So thronged, and yet so still, the scene, It might be deemed some spell was there : — Save that, along the crowded shore, Are raised a thousand waving hands, As, till the ships are seen no more, Each gazing friend unwearied stands : — Save too, as slow their boats return, The chiefs their parting signs renew, While, bending o'er the vessel's stern, We waft our silent — last — " Adieu !" Now, springing from the distant hills, The favouring breeze more freshly blows : And all the spreading canvass fills, While fainter every prospect grows. APPENDIX. 321 The harbour dimly shews astern; In mist the curling bie^kers fade; — Nor aught can no%\ the eye discern W ithout the glass's friendly aid. The path beside the watering-place, Where branching pines adorn the hill, The assisted eye can faintly trace, And mark its numerous windings still. Oft on that spot have hours been past, Mid smiles that broken converse drew; And oft we deemed they fled too fast, When evening bade us say — Adieu ! There, too, the stone enclosure stands, Within whose high extensive walls The Pagan native lifts his hands, And on his wooden idol calls. Though Wisdom there has never shed A ray, to chase the mental night ; — Though sacred teacher ne'er has spread, The faith that springs from heavenly light;— Yet ye, who boast the Christian name, Blush at a deed that marks them well : — Thither they bore our sick and lame, And bade them in their temples dwell. Y 322 APPENDIX. In yonder grove's encircling shade, Where Time will long the truth attest, — The last sad rites by strangers paid, — A youthful seaman's ashes rest. What though Oblivion o'er his name May spread her veil of deepest gloom, Full many a favorite child of Fame Would not disdain an equal tomb. Yet not alone the drooping frame, Or rites sepulchral, claimed their care ; With Nature's gifts they daily came, And bade the ships their bounties share. While friendship thus was shewn to all, Congenial minds attached a few ; And Memory oft will pleased recall The names of " Mad'ra" and " Ge-roo." Farewell, dear Isle ! — on thee may ne'er The breath of civil discord blow! Far from your shores be every fear, And far — oh ! far — the invading foe ! To distant climes our course we bend, Where Fashion boasts her splendid reign ; Where Science, Fame, and Wealth, attend, While Luxury revels in their train. APPENDIX. 323 Meanwhile, ne'er 'mid your smiling scenes May Pride ami fierce Ambition spring ! Ne'er may they know what misery means, Which Vice and Dissipation bring ! Still on your plains may Plenty shine ! Still may your happiness increase ! And Friendship long your hearts entwine With Love, with Innocence, and Peace ! No mere ; — for now the freshening breeze Impels us swiftly o'er the deep : Your verdant shores no longer please, And faint appear your mountains steep. Their summits now are clothed in gray, And scarce the eye their place can tell ; And now they're melted quite away, — Once more, dear island, Fare thee well! G. THE END. sr^ Printed by W. CLOWES, Northumberland-court, Strand, London.