LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. fflfpqu ffitipgrig^i If $*~i— .. ^ rr^b UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Illustrated Catalogue James B. Clow & Son, manufacturers and dealers in BRASS GOODS FOR PLUMBERS, STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, ETC. Wrought Iron Lap-Welded Pipe. MALLEABLE AND CAST IRON FITTINGS. Boiler Tubes, Galvanized Sheet Iron, Boiler and Tank Iron, Etc. Gas, Steam, Plumbers' and Boiler Makers' Suppplies, RADIATORS. Registers and Ventilators, Pumps, Garden Vases AND SANITARY SPECIALTIES. I ;ts. CHICAGO: CHAS. J. JOHNSON, PRINTER AND BINDER, I02 MADISON STREET. 1886. W\ <^v Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1886, by JAMES B. CLOW & SON, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.. ( - ' S* \ *tr Terms. MONTHLY SETTLEMENTS, UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED UPON. Remittances must be made with Chicago or New York Exchange. All claims for corrections or deductions must be made within ten days after receipt of the goods. All Goods after shipment at risk of purchaser. Boxing and cartage charged at cost. To avoid mistakes in ordering, please specify catalogue figure. All goods returned should be accompanied by a letter of advice to insure prompt credits. Discount sheets will be issued, but prices subject to change without notice. Please destroy all previous editions of our catalogue. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, Index PAGE Air Cocks 43 " Valves 40-42 " Vent 235 Alcove, Copper 228 Ale Cocks 90 Alexander Sanitary Closet 192 Angle Valves 23 Augers, Gasfitters' 317 " Well 306 B Back Pressure Valves 34 Ball Cocks 88, 106, 124 " Lever 148 Bands, Hose 138 Basin Clamps 148 Basin Cocks, Bracket 94, 95 " Compression 107 Double 108 Fuller 124-127 Low Down ..126 Self Closing 114, 116, 117, 119 Swing 94 Telegraph 119 Basins, Earthenware 212-213 Basin Grate 144 " Plugs 144 " Powell 143 " Waste, Foley 146 Weaver 145 Bath Cocks, Compression 108-110 " Fuller 130-131 " Plug 144 " Tubs, Cast Iron 169 " Copper 226 " Waste, Weaver 1 45 Beer Cocks 90 Bells 327 Bibbs, Ground 78-79 " Compression 96-101 Fuller 121-123 Self Closing 113, 115, 117, 118 Steam 40 Boiler Couplings 139 Force Pump 291, 292 Tube Cleaners 318 " Expanders, Dudgeon 318 " Prosser's 317 PAGE Boiler Tubes 6 Boilers, Copper 224, 225 Iron 224 Steam, Eureka 57-60 Boiler Safety Valve 146 " Stand 168 Bower Traps 231 Bracket Basin Cocks 94-95 Brass Fittings 22 Brass Traps 231 " Tubing 8 " Wire Cloth ... 301 " Sheet Perforated 301 Butterfly Valves 26 c Cast Iron Fittings 10-22 " " Pipe.. 7 « " Sinks 162,163 Cesspool, Brass 141 Iron .163-164 Plates 165 Chain 149 " Stays. 147 Check Valves 23-34 Chime Whistles , 38 "Chicago" Hydrant and Street Washer 238 Washout Closet 196, 197 Cisterns 204-207 Cleanout, Iron 232 Closet, Alexander 192 " Clow Washout 194-195 " Chicago " 196, 197 " Earth 208 Eclipse 191 Cistern 193 " Favorite 188-190 " Hopper 182, 183 " Royal 185-187 " Valve 183,184 " Bowls 213 " Connections 232 " Cranks 148 " Pans , 227 Clow Sight Feed Lubricator 45 Cock Hole Plug 214 Cocks, Air .. 43 " Ale 90 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. PAGE Cocks, Ball 88, 106 " Basin 94,95, 107 « Bath 108, 110, 131 " Beer 90 " Corporation 89 " Cylinder 39 " Gas Fixture 29-32 " Gas and Service 12 " Gauge 38,39 " Globe 93 " Hopper 104, 119, 120, 234 " Hydrant 86, 87, 105 " Iron 35 " Lard Tank 28 " Kerosene 93 " Liquor 93 " Lock 92 " Meter 27 " Pantry 126, 129 " Racking 92 " Rain and Well Water 88 " Rough Stop 80-85 " Self Closing 114, 116, 117, 119, 120 " Shampoo 128-132 " Shower 86,102 " Sill 103 " Steam 27 " Three Way 27, 35, 88 " Union Meter 28 " Urinal 103, 114, 116, 117 " Urn 91 Coils, Pipe 66 Compression Air Valves 42 Work 96, 110 " Ejector 111-112 Copper Boilers 224-225 " Goods 226, 228 Corporation Cocks 89 Couplings, Iron Rod 306 Wood Rod 306 Covering, Steam Pipe 69 Cross Valves 23, 33 D Daisy Lawn Sprinkler 136 Damper Regulator 68 Davis Air Valves 40 Drinking Slab -. 222 Drills, Well 302,305 Drip Trays 209 Drive Caps 307 Drive Head 307 E Earth Closets 208 Earthenware 210-214 Eclipse Cistern Closet 193 " Fire Hydrant 241 PAGE Eclipse Hydrants 236, 237 " Sanitary Closet 191 " Stop and Waste Valve 233 " Stop Box and Cock 243 " Ventilator 254 Ejector Compression Work 111-112 End Ferrule 140-141 Eureka Boilers 57-60 Expansion Joints 28 F Favorite Sanitary Closet -. . .188-190 Ferrule, End 140-141 Filter, Reversible 253 Finished Stops 85-86 Fire Hydrants, Eclipse 241 Fittings, Malleable and Cast 10-22 " Soil Pipe 151-160 Float Valves 301 Foot Valves 34 Forges 319 Fountains 329 Fuller Hose Pipes 136 " Work 121, 134 Furnace, Plumber's 321 c Galvanized Sheet Iron 9 Gas Cocks 27 " Fitters Hooks 22 " Fixture Cocks .. .29-32 " Pliers 315 Gauge Cocks 38-39 " Urn 91 Greenhouse Valve 160 Gauges, Water 37 Gem Hose Pipes 136 " Water Motor 251 Glass Tubes, Scotch 3.7 Globe Cocks 93 " Valves 23, 33 " Ventilator 254 Gongs 49 H Hopper Apparatus, Clow's. . . , 198-203 " ' Closets 182-183 " Cocks, Compression 104 " Eclipse 234 " SelfClosing 119-120-234 Hoppers, Earthern 210 Iron 180-181 Horizontal Double Acting Force Pump 289 Hose Bibb Ends 139 " Goods 135-138 " Reels 255 " Rubber 256 " Valves... 24 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. PAGE Hydrant Cesspool 164 Clamps 142 Cocks 86-87 " Compression 105 Handles 142 " Nozzles 142 Sockets 142 Hydrants 236-242 Chicago 238-240 Eclipse 236, 237, 241 Hydraulic Pressure Pump 292 Ram 292-294 Injectors 53 Inspirators 54 Iron Body Work 33-35 " Boilers 224 " Cleanouts 232 " Cocks 35 4 .11 .14 2.25 HM 1.66 1M, .21 .24 2.69 HM 1.90 2 .26 .30 3.66 ny 2 2.37 2^ .42 .47 5.77 8 2.87 3 .55 .62 7.54 8 3.50 3K .67 .83 9.05 8 4.00 4 .83 1.00 10.72 8 4.50 4M 1.00 1.25 12.49 8 5.00 5 1.20 1.50 14.56 8 5.56 6 1.50 2.00 18.76 8 6.62 7 2.00 23.41 8 7.62 8 2.75 28.34 8 8.62 9 3.70 4.75 34.07 40.64 8 8 9 68 10 10.75 12 6.50 54.65 8 13.00 1 inch and smaller sizes Butt Welded. IX inch and larger sizes Lap Welded. EXTRA FOR CUTTING THREADS. Size Vs M Vs % M 1 Ifc IK 2 %% 3 3K 4 4H 5 Price 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 25 35 45 55 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price .70 .85 1.00 1.25 1 50 2.50 ! JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. EXTRA AND DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG WROUGHT IRON PIPE. Nominal Size. Actual Outside Diameter. Both X and XX Strong. Actual Inside Diameter. X Strong. Actual Inside Diameter. XX Strong. Weight Per Foot. X Strong. Pounds. Weight Per Foot. XX Strong. Pounds. Price Per Foot. X Strong. Price Per Foot. XX Strong. % .40 .20 .40 •06M % .54 .29 .56 .06^ .09^ 67 .42 .75 V* .84 .54 .24 1.16 1.38 .19 % 1.05 .73 .42 1.61 2.32 .12 .24 1 1.31 .95 .59 2.32 3.25 .16 .32 m 1.66 1.27 .88 3.19 4.57 .22 .44 w* 1.90 1.49 1.09 3.28 6.25 .42 .84 2 2.37 1.93 1.49 5.22 7.94 .52 1.04 W2 2.87 2.31 1.75 7.28 14.32 .84 1.68 3 3.50 2.89 2.28 9.44 18.38 1.10. 2.20 3K 4.00 3.36 2.72 12.92 22.63 1.34 2.68 4 4.50 3.82 3.14 13.44 24.88 1.66 3.32 4K 5.00 5 5.56 6 6.62 Pipe away from the above standard will be charged at the price of Hydraulic Tubes. The outside diameter of Extra and Double Extra Strong is always the same as ordinary pipe. WROUGHT IRON STAY-BOLT TUBES. Inside Diameter. Inches. Outside Diameter. Inches. Weight Per Foot. Pounds. Price Per Pound. Cents. Inside Diameter. Inches. Outside Diameter. Inches. Weight Per Foot. Pounds. Price Per Pound. Cents. 3*6 14 16 1.70 16 A 1ft 3.10 16 ft \% 2.21 16 16 1ft 3.39 16 ft 1 2.40 16 1Q 16 1ft 3.99 18 ft 1A 2.61 16 H 1ft 4.13 18 A 1ft 3.00 16 TUYERE PIPE. 1 inch Special Tuyere Pipe, 25 to 30 foot lengths This Pipe is tested thoroughly. Every care is taken to have each piece perfect. .per ft., 32c. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Screw and Socket. Inserted Joint. LIGHT WROUGHT IRON ARTESIAN WELL TUBE, OR OIL WELL CASING. With Screw and Socket, or with Inserted Joint. Finished Smooth Inside. Diameter Diameter Pounds. Price per Foot. Diameter Diameter Pounds Price per Foot. Actual Nominal Weight per Actual Nominal Weight per Outside. Inside. Foot. Outside. Inside. Foot. IMin. 1H m. 1.665 $0.20 4^ in. 43^ in. 4M " 6.010 $0.60 2M " 2 " 2.238 .25 m " 6.650 .66 ^A " 2M " 2.755 .28 5 " m '' 7.226 .72 2% " 2% « 3.045 .31 5M " 5 " 7.667 .79 3 2% " 3.333 .34 5K " 5f 3 6 " 8.083 .86 3M " 3 " 3.958 .38 6 '• 5% « 9.346 1.00 3^ " 3M " 4.272 .43 6% " 6M " 10.064 1.30 3M " 3^ " 4.590 .45 7 " 6% " 12.435 1.45 4 " 3M " 5.320 .52 8 " 7^ " 15.109 1.85 4X " 4 " 5.500 .56 S 5 / 8 " 8M " 16.155 2.10 Flush Joint. Heavy Tubes can be made with Flush Joint, as above, but it is not adapted to light Casing. HEAVY WROUGHT IRON ARTESIAN OR OIL WELL TUBE. With Screw and Socket, or with Flush Joints, Finished Smooth Inside. Diam. Actual Outside. 1 _6_6_ 1 ioo I* 2% 2% 3^ 4 4K 5 PC 5 6 "100 6% m 8% Wo 10M Diam. Nom'l Inside. w 1V2 .12 2 2V 2 3 3K 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 Price per foot $0.10 .15 .22 .30 .40 .50 .60 .66 .90 1.20 1.65 2.20 3.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. TO TAKE THE PLACE OF ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Manufacturers' Revised Price List. Subject to change without notice. Revised and adopted June n, 1884. LAP-WELDED CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES. Outside Diameter. Price Per Foot. Thickness Nominal Outside Diameter. Per Foot. Thi Thickness Thickness. Nearest B'gmW. G. Weight per foot. ckness. Nearest B'gmW. G. Weight per foot. Inches. $ c. Inches. Pounds. Inches. $ c. Inches. Pounds. 1 • 23 .072 15 .70 4K .60 i34 10 6.17 iX .23 .072 15 .90 5 .72 148 9 7.58 1% • 23 .083 14 1.24 6 1. 00 165 8 10.16 1% .22 .095 13 1.66 7 i.45 165 8 11.90 2 .22 .095 13 1. 91 8 1.85 165 8 13.65 2% .25 .095 13 2.16 9 2.25 180 7 16.76 *V* .28 .109 12 2-75 10 2.75 203 6 21.00 2% • 3i .109 12 3.04. 11 3.25 220 5 25.00 3 • 34 .109 12 3-33 12 3-55 229 4V2 28.50 3%, .38 .120 11 3-9 6 13 4.20 238 4 32,06 3% • 43 .120 11 4.28 14 4-75 248 3% 36.00 3% • 45 . 120 11 4.60 i5 5-75 259 3 40.60 4 .52 .134 10 5-47 16 6.75 270 *% 45.20 The above prices are for tubes up to 20 feet long. For tubes in excess of that length, ten per cent, will be added to net of invoice. Extra thickness of tubes will be charged as per list of extra gauges. NET PRICES OF EXTRA GAUGES OF BOILER TUBES. Revised and adopted December 17, 1883. To take the place of all previous lists and subject to change without notice. For extra wire gauge " Boiler Tubes " away from standard, not exceeding four wire gauges, add one cent for each inch in diameter to the net price per foot for each additional number. To calculate price take discounts from list prices of regular tubes, and add net charge for extra wire gauge, thus : For 1 Number. For 2 Numbers. For 3 Numbers. For 4 Numbers. 2 inch, . 2M " .2 cts. 2 inch,. 2M " .4 cts. .5 " 2 inch, 6 cts. m " 6^ - 2K " ?K " 2 inch, 2% " 8 cts. 9 " .10 " Beyond four numbers price is per pound. Swaging or swelling 2-in. or 2%-in. Tubes, 5 cts. per end extra. S AF E ENDS. Net prices for Safe Ends to 6 inches long, inclusive. Over 6 inches long, the extra length will be charged for in same proportion. Size 1 1M 1^ m 2 9M 2K 2% 3 3M 3K 3% 4 4K 5 6 ! Each End . I .13 .13 1 .13 .13 .13| .14] .16 .18 1 .20 .22 .25 .27 .29 .32 .37 1.45 NET PRICES FOR REPAIRING AND SAFE ENDING OLD BOILER TUBES. Size 1 iM IK m 2 2% 2Vz 2% 3 m 3K B% 4 4K 5 6 Each Boiler Tube (both ends) . .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .68 .80 .94 1.00 1.17 1.40 1.61 1.78 2.08 2.70 3,12 NET PRICES FOR SAFE ENDS PUT ON NEW BOILER TUBES. Size 1 IX IK m 2 2M 2y 2 2% 3 3M|3^ 3% 4 4K 5 1 6 Each End .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .22 .23 .27 .31 .34 1 .38 .41 .44 .49 .56 .69 These prices for Safe Ends govern up to No. 10 Eng. W. G. Beyond that an extra charge will be made at rate of one cent per each inch in diameter for each Extra Gauge per safe end. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CAST IRON PIPE FOR WATER AND GAS, Thickness in Thickness in Weight per Foot Weight per Foot Lead per Yarn per Inches. Inches. Inches. in Pounds. in Pounds. Joint. Joint. Water. Gas. Water. Gas. About About 3 X % 17 12K 3^ lbs. 6oz 4 % % 22 18 A% " 7 " 6 % • % 33 28 8 " 9 " 8 % % 43 40 11 11 " 10 % X A 66 55 15 13 " 12 % % 93 77 20 18 « 16 % % 125 108 20 % % 197 160 24 1 % 250 190 30 Wz % 358 276 36 m l 480 380 Unless otherwise ordered, all Water Pipe is furnished Coated inside and out, and Gas Pipe not Coated. LIST AND WEIGHTS OF REGULAR FITTINGS. CROSSES. 1 TEES. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. 4x 4x 4x 4 140 232 12x1 2x 6x 6 16x16x16x16 525 1166 4x 4x 4 . 6x 6x 6 . 98 12xl2x 6 . 16x16x16 . 437 6x 6x 6x 6 ..210 970 6x 6x 4x 4 210 16x16x10x10 940 6x 6x 4 . 167 16x16x12 . 868 8x 8x 8x 8 364 16xl6x 8x 8 842 8x 8x 8 . 276 16xl6x 6. 740 8x 8x 6x 6 320 20x20x16x16 1400 8x 8x 6 . 267 20x20x20 . 1475 8x 8x 4x 4 290 20x20x12x12 1372 8x 8x 4 . 250 20x20x 8 . 1190 10x10x10x10 550 20x20x10x10 1287 10x10x10 . 360 20x20x G . 1061 lOxlOx 8x 8 467 425 20x20x 8x 8 20x20x 6x 6 1180 1100 lOxlOx 8 . lOxlOx 6 . 338 24x24x20 . 24x24x16 . 1866 lOxlOx 6x 6 370 1755 12x12x10x10. 606 24x24x20x20 2200 lOxlOx 4 . 344 24x24x10 . 1230 12xl2x 8x 8 568 REDU 24x24x 8x 8 CERS. .. ..1732 12x12x12 . 487 SLEE 24x24x 8 . VES. 1650 Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. Size. . Weight lbs. 4x3 ... ... 80 lOx 6 172 3 inch. . . 24 16 inch. . . 274 6x4 118 lOx 4 130 4 "... 40 20 " ... 328 6x3 8x6 116 137 12x10 233 212 6 " ... 68 24 " 410 12x 8 8 " ... 98 30 " ... 700 8x4 123 12x 6 272 10 "... 140 36 "... 835 8x3 121 16x12 300 12 " ... 160 10x8 201 24x20 914 ELBC )WS. PLL rGS. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. 3 inch. . . 45 12 inch.... 484 3 inch 9 8 inch 27 4 " ... 59 16 " .... 690 4 " 11 10 « 55 6 " .... 178 20 " .... 1218 6 " 20 12 " 80 8 " .... 10 " .... 221 292 24 "... 30 " .... 2500 CA PS. Size. Weight lbs. Size. Weight lbs. % and J- Bends about same weight as Elbows. 3 inch 20 8 inch 60 4 " 30 10 " 80 Estimate furnished on Cast Iron Flange Pipe 6 " 40 12 " 100 for Water or Gas. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. LIGHT GALVANIZED SPIRAL HOUSE LEADER, VENTILATING, AIR, AND BLOWER PIPE. Inside Diameter, inches 2 3 4 5 6 Galvanized, per foot $0.14 .19 .^5 .30 .38 Nominal weight, pounds, per foot % % m IX m PATENT ADJUSTABLE ELBOWS. SEAMLESS DRAWN BRASS TUBING. Measured by Brown & Sharpe's Gauge. Size, inches 2 3 | 4 5 6 Galvanized, price per dozen $2.40 8.60 4.80 6.60 8.40 TEE BRANCHES FOR SPIRAL PIPE. Size 2 o o 4 5 6 Price Galvanized, each .70 .80 $1.00 .90 1.10 1.00 1.20 1.30 ' ' Reducing, each „ . 1.50 Outsid ~ Gauge. Price Price Outside Gauge. Price Price Outside Gauge. Price Price Diamete r. per Lb. per Foot. Diameter. per Lb per Foot. Diameter, per Lb. per Foot. M in ., 18 $1.25 $0.15 1% in., 14 $0.55 $0.60 2^in., 8% $0.55 $2.50 5-16' 17 1.15 .20 1M " 13 .55 .70 2% " 8X .55 2.75 % ' 17 1.00 .20 iM " wt .55 .80 2% " 8V0 .55 3.00 7-16 ' 17 .90 .20 \% - 12 .55 1.10 3 " su .55 3.50 H ' 17 .75 .20 m " ny .55 1.25 33€ " BiX .55 4.00 9-16 < 17 .75 .25 m " n .55 1.45 ^A " 8y .60 4.50 % ' 17 .75 .30 1 13-16" n .55 1.55 4 " 8y .70 5.50 11-16 ' 17 .70 .40 1^ " n .55 1.65 5 " 8% .80 7.50 M ' 17 .70 .45 1 15-16" n .55 1.70 6 " 8 1.00 10.00 13-16 ' 17 .70 .50 2 " n .55 1.80 7 in. inside, 3 7 /s ' 15-16 ' 17 17 .65 .60 .50 .55 2V 8 " 2% " n ii .55 55 1.90 1 95 to 4 ft. long. 8 " 8 8 1 25 1.50 14.00 18.00 1 ' 17 .55 .55 n .55 2.25 When we cut Tubes w e charge by the foot. SEAMLESS BRASS TUBES- Iron Pipe Sizes. Heavy. Size, inches , Outside diameter, inches. . . . Weight per foot, lbs., about. Price per lb .40 80c. .54 60c. % H .67 .84 H 8-10 55c. 50c. % 1.05 45c. 1 1.30 1 7-10 45c. 1.66 45c. 1* 1.90 45c. 2.37 45c. 2K 2.87 45c. 3 3.50 8% 45c. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. GALVANIZED SHEET IRON. Volta Best Bloom (Juniata) and Refined Galvanized Sheet Iron, Nos. 14 to 20 inclusive. 21 to 24 ,12cts. .13 cts. Nos. 25 to 26 inclusive 14 cts. No. 27 15 cts. No. 28 16 cts. " 29 17 cts. No. 29 12 oz. " 28 13 oz. " 27 14 oz. " 26 15 oz. WEIGHT PER SQUARE FOOT FROM WIRE GAUGE. No. 25 16 oz. No. 21 24 oz. " 24 17 oz. "20 28 oz. " 23 19 oz. " 19 33 oz. " 22 21 oz. " 18 38 oz. No. 17 43 oz. %t 16 48 oz. " 15 53 oz. Sizes kept in Stock, 24 26 28 30 inches in width, by 72, 84, 96 inches in length. EXTRA LENGTHS. — One-half cent per pound additional for Pattern Sheets, /. e , all iron required to be of exact lengths specified, or of the same length. Sheets over 120 inches long, 1 cent per pound extra ; but iron of any length, between 72 and 96 inch inclusive, in bundles, in which one to two sheets of the same number and with, but shorter than full length ordered, are allowed to be put up in each bundle, will be considered ordinary length or merchant iron, and will not be subject to extra charge. BOILER PLATE AND TANK IRON. Ordinary lengths, fg to 1 in. thick, to 60 in. wide, at regular prices. Over 60 in. wide, extra. Tank and Safe Iron, to No. 14 gauge inclusive Charcoal Rolled, C. No. 1 C. H. No. i, Shell Iron Standard C. H. No. i Flange, tensile strength, 50,000 lbs Charcoal Hammered Flange, C. H. No. 1 best Flange, tensile strength 55,000 lbs. Extra Flange, finest Flange Iron made Fire Box •pc5o 3GG g a BOILER HEADS. Rolled to 66 in. diameter inclusive. . Extra. % IK 2 Rolled to 77 to 80 in. 81 to 85 86 to 88 diameter inclusive .... Extra. 67 to 70 << << 3K 71 to 76 n ( « 4i RECTANGULAR PLATE.— Extra Sizes. Ordinary lengths, T 3 g to 1 inch thick, inclusive. 61 to 66 in. wide by T 3 g to 1 in. thick, inclusive, 67 to 70 " i 71 to 75 " \ 76 to 80 " x 5 6 81 to 84 " f 9 85 to 88 " A . 3^c per lb. extra. • Mc " .ltfc. » ■lKc " .2c. .2^c. « Tapered Plates, special prices. SHEET IRON. Nos. 10 to 14 " 15 to 17 " 18 to 20 " 22 to 24 " 25 to 26 No. 27 " 28 " 30 Charcoal Sheet Extra Extra Refined Sheet o o5 It's 3 10 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. REVISED LIST OF Malleable and Cast Iron Fittings FOR Gas, Steam and Water Pipe. Our new patterns for Cast Iron Fittings, for beauty, finish and strength, are unequaled by any others in the market. In ordering, please state whether "Cast Iron" or "Malleable." Note.— All classes and sizes are made in Malleable, from £ inch to 2 inch, inclusive, also Ells, Tees, Crosses and Reducers, 2k inch to 4 inch as numbered, viz. : 38, 42, 46, 50, 254, 255, 256, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 282, 295, 391, 394, 397, 494, 495, 496, 497, 539, 542, 543, 547, 548 and 550. All other sizes above 2 inch are made of Cast Iron only. Also such sizes as are indicated by the letter " C " are made of Cast Iron. We keep all sizes of "Gas or Piain Fittings" up to 2 inch, except those marked "*," which indicates "Beaded." We keep in stock "Malleable" Galvanized Fittings, such numbers as marked "G,"also furnish TO order Galvanized Cast Iron Fittings. FITTINGS MADE TO ORDER AT AN EXTRA CHARGE. ELBOWS. No. 1 %x% 2 UxVs 3 MxU 5 %xM C 6 %x% 8 y 2 x% GO 9 y 2 x% * 11 %x% GC 12 %x y 2 GC 13 %x% C * 16 1 x% GC 17 1 x % No. GC 18 1 xl * 21 l^x % GC 22 13^x1 GC 23 1Hx1M * 26 13^x1 GC 27 13^x134 GC 28 1^x13^ GC 32 2 xl% GC 33. 2 x2 37 2^x2 G38 %%*%% No. 41 3 x2}4 G 42 3 x3 G 46 3^x3^ G 50 4 x4 52 .....4>£x4# 54 5 x5 56 ...6 x6 56^ 7 x 7 57 8 x8 58 9 x9 59 10 xlO STREET ELBOWS. No. G 60 y 2 x/ 2 G 62 %x% G 64 1 x% No. G 71 1*4x1% G72 l^xli^ G 75 2 x2 ELBOWS. WITH SIDE OUTLET. No. 7? %x%x% 80 y 2 xy 2 x% 83 %x%x% No. 88 lxl x 89 1 xlx 90 lx 1 x JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. II TEES. In describing Tees, the run is first named, then the outlet, thus: No. 100 y 8 x y 8 x y 8 107 Ux Mx u 108 Mx l Ax % 114 Mx^xM 115 %x%x % 116 %x^xM 120 Mx%x^ C 121 %x %x % C 122 %x %x y 2 128 y 2 x y A x % • 129 ^x%xM C 130 y 2 x %x % 131 ^x%x^ 132 y 2 x %x% 134 y 2 x y 2 x y A c 135 y 2 x y 2 x % gc 136 y 2 x y 2 x y 2 G C 137 Kx^xM 146 %x %x y 2 147 Mx%xM * 149 Mx^xM 150 %x %x % G C 151 Mx^x^ G C 152 Mx^xM C* 153 %x y 2 x\ 154 MxMxM G 155 %x %x % G C 156 %x %x y 2 G C 157 %x %x % G C 158 %x %x\ * 162 1 x %x % * 163 1 x %x\ * 166 1 x^K C 167 1 x y 2 x % * 168 1 xy 2 x\ * 170 1 x %x % G C 171 1 x %x y 2 G C 172 1 x %x M G C* 173 1 x %xl C* 174 1 x %xl34 175 1 xl x }£ 176 1 xl x % G C 177 1 xl x % G C 178 1 xl x % GC 179 1 xl xl G C* 180 1 xl xlM * 182 134x %xlM * 184 l^x y 2 x\ c* 185 l^x 3^x134 * 188 134x %x % C 189 .- \%x %x\ No. C* 190 .13^x %xl34 * 191 134x1 x % * 192 l^xl x % G C 193 134x1 x % G C 194 13^x1 xl G C* 195 13^x1 xl3^ C* 196, 134x1 xiy *197 l^xl^xM C 198 lMxl^xM G C 199 lMxl^x % G C 200 13^x13^x1 G C 201 ..13^x1^x13^ G C* 202 134x13^x1^ c*205 i^x y 2 x\y 2 C* 206 \y 2 x MxlM c*207 iy 2 x %xiy 2 G * 210 l^xl xl G C* 211 li^xl xl34 C*212 13^x1 x\% C 214 l^xl^x % G C 215 iy 2 xl}ixl G C 216 13^x134x134 G C* 217 \y 2 x\}ix\y 2 * 219 l^xl x % *220 l^xi^x y 2 G C 221 iy 2 x\y 2 x% G C 222 \y 2 x\y 2 x\ c 223 iy 2 xiy 2 xi}i C 224 l^xlKxl^ * 2241^ 1^x134x2 c* 225 \y 2 x\y 2 x% * 226 2 x 3^x2 C* 226% 2 x 2£x2 C* 227 2 xl x2 * 227% 2 xl34xl34 C 228 2 x\}4x\y 2 C* 230 2 xl34x2 G C 231 2 x\y 2 x\}i G C 232 2 x\y 2 x\y 2 C* 233 2 xl%x2 234 2 x\y 2 x%y 2 * 235 2 x2 x % C 236 2 x2 x % G C 237 2 x2 xl G C 238 ,2 x2 xl>4 G C 239 2 x2 xl% GC 240 2 x2 x2 249 2 x2 x2% 251 2%x2%x % 252 2y 2 x%y 2 xl G No. 253 %y 2 x%y 2 x\\i g 254 zy 2 x%y 2 x\y 2 G 255 2%x2%x2 G 256 2%x2%x2% 257 2%x2 x\y 2 258 2%xl%x2 259 2%x2 x2 260 2%x2 x3 261 2%x2%x3 262 3 x2 x2 263 3 x2 x2% 264 3 x3 xl 265 3 x3 xl34 266 3 x3 xl% G 267 3 x3 x2 G 268 3 x3 x2% G 269 3 x3 x3 270 3 x3 x3% 271 3 x3 x4 272 3 x2%x2 273 3 x23^x2% 274 3%x2%x2% 275 3%x3 x2% 276 3%x2%x3 279 3%x3%x2 280 3%x3%x2% 281 3%x3%x3 282 3%x3%x3% 285 4 x3 x3 287 4 x3%x3 289 4 x3 x3% 291 4 x4 x2 292 4 x4 x2% 293 4 xi x3 294 4 x4 x3% G 295 4 x4 x4 296 4%x4%x4% 296% < 5 x4 x4 297 5 x5 x3 298 5 x5 x4 299 5 x5 x5 300 6 x5 x5 301 6 x6 x3 302... 1 6 x6 x4 303 6 x6 x5 304 6 x6 x6 305 7 x7 x7 308 8 x8 x8 309 9 x9 x9 310 10 xlO xlO 12 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CROSSES. The outlets of a Cross are always the same size, and both denoted (jj by the last figure. No. 311 312 313 316 317 319 320 321 330 331 334 335 C 336 346 C 347 350, 351 C 352 C 353 *357 *358. • %x ••Mx -•Mx ,.y 2 x ..y 2 x ..y 2 x ..'Ax ..y 2 x ..%x ..Mx .-YaX Outlets. X X X X X X X X xl xl X 1 xl xl xl S A y 2 x Yz X J^x yx y 2 x %x %x %x %x %x X x Yt x % xl x % xl No. *360 *361 *362 C*363 C*364 C*367 *368. *869 *370 *371 C *372 0*373 0*374 *376. *379 *380, 0*381 0*382 0*383 0*384 387 Outlets. l^xlXx % iy±x\y A x y lMxiMx % .\%x\}ix\ 1M xiUx i)4 .iy x 134 x i iy x 134 x iy ,iy 2 xiy 2 x % iyxiy 2 x y ,iy 2 xiyx % ,iyxiy 2 xi ,iy 2 xiy 2 x .iy x\yx x \y 2 x x2 x x2 x2 x2 x2 .2^x2 vy iM V* % l vy 2 vy No. 388.. 389.. 390.. 391.. 392 . . 393.. 394.. 394% 395.. 397 .. . 398 .. . 399 .. . 399 U. 399%. 400 .. . 4-003^ . 401 . . . 401%. 401%. Outlets. .2% x2y 2 xiy .2% X 2%xi% .2yx2yx2 .2y 2 x2yx2y .3 x3 x2 .3 x 3 x2y .3 x 3 x 3 .vy xvy 2 x2y .syx3yx3 .3% xzyx 3% •4 x4 x3 .4 x 4 x 3% .4 x 4 x 4 .4%x4% X 4% .5 x 5 x 5 .6 x6 .7 x7 .8 x8 .9 x9 x 10 .10 x6 x7 x8 x9 x 10 DROP ELBOWS. No. Female. Drop. 402 MxM 403 %x% 404 YaX% G 406 %xy G 407 %x% DROP ELBOWS. No. Male and Female. Drop. 413 414 •MxM ■%x% 415 With Drop 2^ inches long. 422 ■V*x% .y&x^l 423 MxV*\ DROP ELBOWS. No. Flanges Right Side. Drop. 431 yxy 432 yx% DROP ELBOWS. No. Flanges Left Side. Drop. 436 yxy % 437 %x% DROP TEES. Female. No. 449 450 452 454 G 455 458 460 463 466 • %x . %x . y 2 x . y 2 x Kx Mx ■ Mx .1 X .1 X Drop Mx Mx Hx Vzx V*x y*x %x Ux 1 X DROP TEES. Male and Female. No. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. Drop. y x y x ■ % x y x MxMx %x%x yxyx %xy 2 x ■ %x%x ,1 x%x .1 xl X With Drop ?% inches long. 480. 481. x? X3/ CAPS. G 486 y G 487 % G 488 y G 489 M G 490 1 G 491 134 G 492 \y G 493 2 G 494 2y G 495 3 G 496 3% G 497 4 497% Ay 498 5 499 6 499% 7 500 8 500%. 10 PLUGS— Cast. 503. 504. g 505 y 2 G 506 % G 507 1 G 508 1M G 509 1% G 510 2 G 511 2y G 512 3 G 513 3% G 514 4 G 515 4% G 516 5 G 517 6 518 7 519 8 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO 13 REDUCERS. (Reducing Couplings.; 521 Hx 522 y 2 x 523 J / 2 x 524 %x G525 Kx 526 1 x 527 1 x G528 1 x 529 V4x 530 IX x 3531 IX x 531X lj^x 532 iy 2 x G533 l^x G534 V/ 2 x 535 2 x 536 2 x £537.... 2 x G538 2 x 539 2y 2 x 542 2/ 2 x 543 3 x 547 3 x 548... ., 'Sy x 550 4 x 551 4% x 555 5 x 560 6 x 1 % % i IX X 1 IX ix 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 MALLEABLE IRON COUP- LINGS. Right and Left. 571 X G572 3/ & G573 y G574 X G575 1 G576 IX G577 VA G578 2 WROUGHT IRON COUP- LINGS. Right II an c\ 587 % 588 X G589 y z 590 y> 591 X 592 1 593 IX 594 \y 595 2 596 2y 597 3 LOCK NUTS. 601 V 602 y & 603 y 604 X 605 1 606 IX 607 iy 2 608 2 609 2% 610 3 611 '3% 612 4 612# ,. 4% 613 5 613^ 6 WALL PLATES. 640 y 8 STRAPS. Plain or Galvanized. 614 M 615 y 8 616 y 617 X 618 1 619 ,.. IX 620 iy 621 2 CHANDELIER HOOKS. 637 CHANDELIER LOOPS. 636 ■)s EXTENSION PIECES. i Male and Female. 561 y s x3 /: RETURN BENDS. Open Pattern. Malleable. No. Size. Dist. het. Cen. 660 X IX 661 X IK G662 1 m 663 m 2M 664 V/z 2K 665 2 3 666 2y 4 RETURN BENDS. Close Pattern. Cast Iron. No. Size. Dist. bet. Cen 667 X IK 668 1 IX 669 1% 670 iy 2M 2y 671 2 3M 672 2y 3% 673 3 4K Also Cast Iron, Open Pattern. 667K X 1% my i 2M 674 4 11 BUSHINGS. *1 Xsx M 2 X X X y 2 x Kxf8 Xx M Xx % Xx y 1 x Xs i x y i x x i^x M iMx K iMxi l^x X l^xl IK x iM x % xl xlX xiK xl xiM xiK x2 2 2 2 2 2K 2K 2K 2K *Brass, 3 x 1# 3 xlK 3 x2 3 x2K 3K x iy 3^x2 3K x 3tf 3^x3 4 x2 4x2^ 4 x3 4 x 3K 4K x 2^ 4Kx3 4K x 314 4^x4 5 x3 x3^ x4 x4^ x3 x3^ x4 x4K x5 x6. x7 14 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. revised Classification and price list. (SUPERCEDING ALL PREVIOUS CLASSIFICATIONS.) MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS. FOR STEAM, GAS AND WATER. Adopted by Manufacturers' Association May 19th, 1886. CLASS A Elbows, %, % x %, % x %. Tees, %, % x &, % x %, % x %. Reducing Couplings, 34 Couplings, R. H., %. Price 25 cts. per pound. CLASS B Elbows and Tees from }£ to %, inclusive. Street Elbows, all sizes. Elbows, Side Outlets, all sizes. Crosses, all sizes. Drop L's and Drop Tees, all sizes. Caps and Lock-Nuts, all sizes. Straps, all sizes. Price 13 cts. per pound. Reducing Couplings, % x 34 and larger. Extension Pieces. Right and Left Fittings, all sizes. Right Hand Couplings, 34 to 1. Waste Nuts, Chandelier Hooks. Return Bends, all sizes. CLASS C Price 11 cts. per pound. -c 1u -, -rt 1 «- J^-Orders for less than 25 pounds in Classes B and C will be charged at a uniform price of 13 cents per pound j and in Class A at 25 cents per pound. IN ORDERING, BE PARTICULAR TO STATE WHETHER FOR GAS OR STEAM. STANDARD LIST OF Galvanized Malleable Iron Fittings. Adopted by Manufacturers' Association May 19, 1886. elbows-%, y 2 y 2 x% m, %xy 2 1, ix%, 134, ifcxi, i&, 13^134, 2, 2x13^, 23^, 3, 33^, 4. STREET ELLS— %, %, %, \, 134> % 2. TEES. Size. Size. Size. Size. %x%x % 1 x |xl lMxi^x ^ 2 x2 x % Mx3^x M 1 xl x K l^xl^xlM 2 x2 xl ^x^x y 2 1 xl x M l^xl^xl^ 2 x2 xli4 ^x^x M 1 xl xl \%x\y 2 x y 2 2 x 2 x \y 2 Ix^x K 1 X 1 x 134 iy 2 x\y 2 x % 2 x\y 2 x% 9ixyx % l^xl X 1 iy 2 xiy 2 xi 2 x2 x2 %*%* % iM x 1 x 134 iy 2 xiy 2 xiu iy 2 xiy 2 x \y 2 2^ x 2J£ x 2% %*%x H lMxi^x M 3 x3 x3 |x|x % 134 x 114x1 iy 2 x\y 2 x2 33^ x 3K x 3^ %x%xl 134 x 134 x 134 2 x\y 2 x\y 2 4 x 4 x 4 1 x%x % lMxiMxi^ 2 x2 x y 2 caps-m, y 2 , %, 1, 134, m, 2. COUPLINGS— Right Hand, 3^, %, V 2 , %, 1, 134, V/ 2 and 2. COUPLINGS— Right and Left, 34, %, 3^, %, 1, 134, V/ 2 and 2. COUPLINGS— Reducing, %x%,lx%, LM x 1, V/ 2 x 1%, 2 x CROSSES- Straight Sizes, %, %, 1, 134, 13?, and 2. % LOCKNUTS— %, 1, 1^, 1J4 and 2. FEMALE DROP ELBOWS AND TEES— 3^, %. Galvanized Fittings as per Standard List. A 35 cents. B 20 cents. C 18 cents. Price per lb., An extra charge of 10 cents per lb. net, will be added to net price of Galvanized Fittings, not enum- erated in Standard List. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 15 FITTINGS FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPE. Cast Iron. Cast and Malleable Iron Fittings. Reduced Fittings, the largest opening governs the price. Malleable Iron. ELBOWS. Size, inches % M % H % 1 1M Wi 2 &A 3 3M 4 « 5 6 7 8 Price, Cast Iron, each Price, Cast Iron, Reducing or R. & L Price, Galvanized (above 2 in. C. I.) M .04 .05 .06 .05 .05 .06 .09 .07 .06 .07 .12 .09 .09 .11 .18 .15 .13 .16 .30 .22 .20 .23 45 .32 .25 .29 .55 .38 .40 .46 .85 .60 .75 .85 1.60 1 25 1.10 1.25 2.35 1.75 1.35 1.50 3.10 2.10 1.80 2.10 4.10 4.00 2.502.85 3.003.25 ....7.00 3.90 4.50 11.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 11.50 Price, Malleable Iron, each . 45° ELBOWS. Size, inches % % 1 iM 1« 2 \2y 2 3 W2 4 4M 5 6 7 8 Price, Cast Iron. . . . .10 .15 .20 .26 .35 .50)1.301.60 1.90 2.50 3.50 4.50 5.50 9.00 12.00 THREE-WAY ELBOWS. Size inches % X % 1 1M Price, each .08 .09 .14 .24 .32 TEES. Size, inches Vs H % V, M 1 1M VA 2 2M 3 3^ 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 Price, Cast Iron, each. . . .06 .07 .09 .13 .20 .30 .38 .60 1.10 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 5.50 10.0015.00 Price, Cast Iron, reducing .07 .08 .11 .15 .23 .35 .44 .70 1.25 1.75 2.30 2.90 4.00 4.60 6.35 11.5017.00 Price, Mai. Iron, each... . .05 .05 .07 .09 .18 .28 .40 .48 .75 1.40 2.10 2.50 4.15 Price, Galvanized (above 2 in. C. I) .07 .10 .14 .20 .36 .55 .851.20 2.25 2.85 3.80 5.25 8.00 12.50 FOUR-WAY TEES. X 1 1M .30 35 .45 16 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CROSSES, Size inches % M % X .12 .14 .11 .20 M .18 .21 .20 .32 1 .28 .32 30 .50 iM w 2 2V 2 3 *X 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 Cast Iron, each Cast Iron, Reducing Malleable Iron, each. . . . Galv'niz'd (above 2 in. C.I) '.06 .10 .12 .08 .15 .40 .46 .42 .80 .50 .58 .55 1.00 .80 .92 .85 1.60 1.50 1.70 2.00 3.00 2.20 2.50 3.10 4.25 2.70 3.00 4.00 5.50 3.50 4.00 5.75 7.00 5.00 6.00 5.70 6.60 ib'.ho 7.80 9.00 16.66 14.00 16.00 20.00 23.00 REDUCERS. Size, inches % X % 1 1M IK 2 2K 3 3K 4 ±X 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price, Cast Iron, each .75 .*85 1.20 i!30 1.50 l!90 2.00 2!50 2.75 3.00 4.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 22 00 Price, Malleable Iron, Price, Galvanized " each each .06 .08 .09 .11 .12 .16 .18 .25 .25 .35 .36 .45 .50 .60 PLUGS. Size, inches M % X % 1 1M IX 2 2K 3 %x 4 ±X 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, each Price, Galvanized, ea. .03 .05 .03 .05 .04 .06 .05 .08 .06 .10 .10 .15 .13 .23 .20 35 .35 .57 .50 .95 .75 1.35 .85 1.60 1.35 2.35 1.75 3.45 2.40 4.65 3.75 5.50 6.50 7.50 10.00 CAPS. Size, inches 1 3 8 k I 1 11 lil 2 2k 3 8* 4 4i 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, Cast Iron, each 50 .80 i*66 1.10 1.30 r.66 1.60 2.00 2.35 4.00 4.35 6.00 7.25 10.00 Price, Mall'ble Iron, " " Gal.(ahove2in)CI. .03 .05 .03 .05 .05 .07 .08 .10 .11 .14 .15 .20 .22 .30 .30 .40 i65 BUSHINGS. Size, inches 3 8 h 1 1 n li 2 21 3 Sk 4 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, each Price, Galvanized, ea. .05 .06 .06 .07 .07 .10 .09 .14 .13 .21 .17 .30 .27 .44 .42 .59 .60 .80 1.00 1.50 1.85 2.50 3.75 5.50 6.50 7.50 10.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 1? LOCK NUTS. Size, inches "64 H X u 1 iM V/% 2 2^ 3 3K 4 4K 5 6 1.90 7 2.50 8 Price, Cast Iron, each Price, Malleable, each . . . "04 "<)6 ".07 ".08 '.io ' . i 2 "25 .40 .50 .70 .95 1.25 1.35 3.50 'IBS UNIONS. i« Size, inches 3€ n X % 1 m 1M 2 2M 3 2.10 2.90 3^ 3.00 4.50 4 tei Price, Malleable, each. . . Price, Galvanized, each. .15 .20 .18 .24 .20 .27 .28 .37 .34 .50 .46 .70 .60 .90 .80 1.20 1.50 2.25 4.00 5.60 FLANGE UNIONS. Including Bolts and Packing. Size, inches, % 1 1M IK 2 2K 3 3^ 4 4K 5 6 7 8 9 12.50 10 15.00 12 Price, Cast Iron, each . .65 .70 .85 1.15 1.50 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.15 4.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 10.00 22.00 RETURN BENDS. Close Pattern x X 1 1M IK 2. 2K 3 Price, Cast Iron - - - - - ) .10 .15 .22 .34 2M .45 .75 Distance Centre to Centre, inches \ Price Malleable Iron . } .10 .15 .17 .22 .25 .34 m .40 .45 .75 Distance Centre to Centre, Right and Left inches .:•_■::: .52 .86 Open Pattern. . . Price, Cast Iron - ) .20 2Vs .30 2V 2 .48 .68 3M 1.15 4 1.75 5 2.75 Distance Centre to Centre, inches r 6K Price, Malleable Iron I .20 1% .40 2 .50 2M ■ .75 .90 3^ 1.60 4 2.60 4^ Distance Centre to Centre, inches r In ordering Return Bends for Coils, always state the length of Tubes to be used in the Coils so that the spread will be allowed for. 18 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. BEAM HOOKS. Long Shank. Size, Inches K ¥> 1 m IK 2 2V 2 3 Price, Each . .... .11 .12 .16 .18 .20 .28 .56 75 FLOOR PLATES. Size, Inches h M 1 W 1M 2 Price, each .06 .08 .10 .15 .18 23 CEILING PLATES For Wrought Iron Pipe. Size, Inches % 1 VX IK 2 Price, each .16 .18 .20 .25 30 CEILING PLATES— REED'S PATENT. For Wrought Iron Pipe. Size, Inches .- % 1 Ifc IK 2 Price each , .16 .18 .20 .25 .30 w EXPANSION PIPE HANGERS, OR RING HOOKS. Size, Inches % 1 1M IK 2 2K 3 .65 3K .90 4 Price, each .22 .25 .30 .38 .44 .55 1.15 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 19 HOOK PLATES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 For % inch Tipe, 2 in. between centres, Price. .06 .08 .11 .15 .19 .22 For 1 inch Pipe, 2% in- between Centres, " .07 .14 .18 .20 .26 .32 32 For 134 inch Pipe, 3 in. between Centres, " .08 .16 .20 .25 .40 For \y z inch Pipe, V/ z in. between Centres, .12 .24 .30 .36 .45 .60 For 2 inch Pipe 4^ in. between Centres, " .18 .36 .49 .56 .60 .75 III*** HOOK PLATES.— Expansion. Ko. of Hooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 For % inch Pipe, 2 in. between Centres, Price. . .08 .11 .14 .16 .20 .24 For 1 inch Pipe, 2% in. between Centres, .10 .19 .22 .25 .35 .40 For 1 x 4 inch Pipe, 3 in. between Centres, " .12 .20 .25 .32 .42 .50 ELBOWS AND TEES. For Water Connections. — Cast Iron. No 1. No . 2. No. 3. Size, Inches 1M IK 2 VA 3 4.00 4 4K 5 6 7 8 Price, each . . .No. 1 .39 .70 1.05 1.80 2.45 5.25 6.70 8.20 12.00 19.00 26.00 Price, each, Nos. 2 and 3 .60 1.05 1.58 2.70 3.70 6.00 7.90 10.50 12.30 18.00 28.00 39.00 Steam Engineers have found that the Standard Fittings have been cut so short that they are utterly unsuitable for Water Fittings, and also for Steam, where the full pressure is required for Engine or Steam Pumps, etc. The Radius (as will be seen) is very much in- creased over that of the ordinary fittings, thus reduc- ing the friction to a minimum. For Hydraulic and Steam Connections are invalu- able. CAST IRON. Y Bend. Return Bend Back Outlet. Size, Inches H X 1 iM IK 2 2K 3 m 4 5 6 7 8 YBend, Each .25 .30 .40 .60 .90 1.25 2.25 3.25 4.50 6.00 9.00 12.00 17.00 25.00 Return Bend Back Outlet. .Each .30 .40 .60 .90 1.25 20 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. BRANCH TEE FOR BOX COIL. BRANCH TEES FOR CIRCULATION. Branch Tees— Cast Iron. For Box and Circulation Coils. Number of Branches, 2 .65 3 .75 4 .95 5 1.15 6 1.35 7 1.55 8 1.75 9 1.95 10 2.25 11 2.60 12 3.10 13 14 15 16 For % in. Pipe, 2 in. Centre to Centre - Large Pattern, f % in. inlet, j.l « « .90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.50 2.85 3.35 IW " 1.05 1.15 1.35 1.55 1.75 1.95 2.15 2.35 2.65 3.00 3.50 5.50 6.25 7.00 '1 in. inlet, .90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.70 2.15 2.40 2.80 3.30 4.20 4.75 7.75 For 1 in. Pipe, m in. Cent, to Cent. < Large Pattern, W " 1.15 1.25 1.45 1.60 1.85 1.65 1.80 2.05 1.95 2.10 2.35 2.40 2.55 2.80 2.65 2.80 3.05 3.05 3.20 3.45 3.55 3.70 3.95 4.45 4.60 4.85 5.00 5.15 5.40 5.75 5.90 6.15 6.50 6.65 6.90 7.25 7.40 7.65 8.00 iy 2 « « 1.30 1.55 1.40 1.65 8.15 12 « " 8.40 For 1 in. Pipe, 2% m - Cent, to Cent. ■< Small Pattern, 1 in. inlet, .85 .95 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.55 1.80 2.05 i«" - 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.35 1.55 1.80 2.05 2.30 BRANCH TEES— CAST IRON. For Circulation Coils. Number of Branches, 2 3 4 5 6 7 ! 8 9 10 134 inch Inlet, 1.25 1.55 1.90 2.30 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.40 5.00 For 134 inch Pipe, 3 inches Centre to Centre, ■> Large Pattern, 1% " » 1.50 1.80 2.15 2.55 3.05 3.55 4.05 4.60 5.25 2 1.65 1.95 2.30 2.70 3.20 3.70 4.20 4.80 5.40 1% " " 1.90 2.20 2.55 2.95 3.45 3.95 4.45 5.00 5.65 (iy 2 - " 2.30 3.00 3.75 4.50 5.30 6.20 6.80 7.85 9.10 For 1% inch Pipe, 3% ins. Centre to Centre, < Large Pattern, 2 2.55 3.25 4.00 4.75 5.55 6.45 7.05 8.10 9.35 2% " 2.70 3.40 4.15 4.90 5.70 6.60 7.20 8.25 9.50 3 3.05 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.05 6.95 7.55 8.60 9.85 '2 3.10 4.20 5.30 6.40 7.55 9.10 10.10 11.10 11.35 12.35 For 2 inch Pipe, 4^ ins. Centre to Centre, - Large Pattern, 3 » " 3.35 3.50 4.45 5.55 6.65 7.80 9.35 10.35 12.60 4.60 5.70 6.80 7.95 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.75 [zy 2 « « 3.85 4.95 6.05 7.15 8.30 9.85 10.85 11.85 13.10 Branch Tees not specified above will be made to order at an advance of 25 per cent. Note. — Inlets and outlets same size as branches unless specially ordered. Small Pattern for Circulation have inlet and outlet on ends. Large Pattern for Circulation have inlet and outlet on ends. Small Pattern for Box Coils are tapped left hand and have a back outlet only. Large Pattern for Box Coils are tapped left hand and have a back outlet only. When Branch Tees are ordered left hand we take it for granted they are for Box Coils, and will so fill the order. If left hand are wanted for Circulation, the order must distinctly state that fact. In all cases please state for what purpose the Branch Tees are required, Box Coils or Circulation. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 21 WROUGHT IRON AND RIGHT AND LEFT COUPLINGS. Size, inches % ! 4 % £ % 1 IX IH 2 .28 .40 3 .60 3^ .80 4 ±y 2 5 1.65 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, Plain. ..ea .05 .05 .06 .07 .10 .13 .17 .21 1.001.50 2.40 3.25 4.25 5.50 7 50 10 00 •' Galvanized " .0? .09 .12 .15 .19 .25 .32 .45 .65 .90 1.10 1.402.00 2.50 3.50 " R&L.Mall." .04 .06 .09 .12 .18 .25 .36 .44 " R.&L.Galv." .08 .10 .13 .20 .25 .35 .42 .65 i .66 1.50 WROUGHT IRON COUPLINGS For Lock-Nut Joints. , FACED. Size, inches u % A % 1 V4 l 1 ^ 2 V4 3 Price, plain, each, .09 .10 .12 .16 .22 .30 .40 .50 .70 .90 LONG SCREWS. With Coupling and Lock- Nut Faced. Size, inches. . . . . .^ M % A % 1 1>4 1# 2 %y 3 Standard Length, inches 2H 3 %% 4¥ 2 5 5^ 6 $X 7 8 Price, Standard Length, each .30 .35 .40 .55 .75 1.00 1.30 i 70 2.70 3.70 ROUND LOCK-NUTS, FACED. Size, inches H % r y % 1 iM VA 2 zy 3 Price, plain, each .08 .09 | .10 .12 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 CAST IRON FLANGES. Size of Pipe, inches y % 1 iM iX 2 %y 3 sy 4 4M 5 6 7 8 10 Diarn. Flange— 3 inches VA " .17 .20 .26 .31 .40 .50 .55 .18 .21 .28 .33 .40 .50 .60 .68 .80 4 " .. .22 .28 .33 .42 .52 .62 .72 .80 .90 1.00 .25 .30 .35 .42 .52 .62 .72 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 4% " 5 " ... CO .31 .36 .42 .52 .62 .72 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 5*4 " .45 .55 .65 .75 .80 .90 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.45 1.65 1.90 6 " .55 .65 .75 .80 .90 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.65 1.90 2.00 2.25 &4 « .65 .75 .84 .96 1.08 1.22 1.37 1.52 1.69 1.90 2.12 2.35 2.60 Y 2 « .75 .87 1.00 1.13 1.26 1.55 1.75 1.85 1.95 2.25 2.50 2.85 114 " s 2 " ....... : 1.04 1.22 1.40 1.58 1.76 1.96 2.16 2.36 2.56 2.85 3.50 8H " 9 " 1.55 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.32 2.54 2.76 3.00 3.75 1.65 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.05 3.75 2 '.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.45 3.75 4.25 5 00 914 " 10 " 10^ " 11 " 113^ '« , 12 " 3.75 4.10 4.50 5. CO 5.50 6 , 25 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.60 6.25 6.90 13 " 14 " 6 00 15 " 6 60 16 7 25 17 " 8 00 Circle Flanges made to order at double above prices. FLOOR FLANGES. Size of Pipe, inches y % 1 1*4 IK 2 Diam. of Flange — 3A inches .17 4 " .21 .22 5 « .35 .36 6 " .55 22 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. NIPPLES. X % H X % 1 1« *x 2 2K Price, Close or Short .05 .07 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .05 .07 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .07 .09 06 .09 .07 .10 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .25 .27 .09 .13 .09 .11 .20 .21 22 ^23 .25 .27 .29 .31 .11 .16 .10 .15 .22 .24 .27 .29 .31 .33 .36 .40 .13 .19 .14 .20 .29 .31 .33 .35 .38 .40 .43 .46 .17 .24 .17 .25 .36 .38 .40 .42 .45 .48 .51 .55 .23 .31 .25 .35 .44 .49 .54 .59 .64 .69 .74 .79 .32 .40 .56 . 75 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 08 11 " 6 " .75 7 " .83 8 " .91 9 " 1.00 10 " 1.10 11 " 1.20 12 " 1.30 .65 " Lon.2:, Galvanized .85, Size, inches 3 3K 4 4K 5 6 7 8 9 10 .75 .95 1.00 1-25 1.25 1.60 1.75 2.25 2.00 2.60 2.75 3.60 4.00 5.75 1 ' Long " 5 in. Long 6 " .97 1.06 1.15 1.24 1.34 1.44 1.55 1.00 1.20 3.90 430 4.70 5.10 5.50 5.90 6.30 4.95 5.40 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.20 7.65 6.40 7.00 7.60 8.20 8.80 9.40 10.00 7.90 7 " 8 " 1.38 1 50 1.62 1.74 1.86 2.00 1.25 1.50 1.75. 1.92 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.70 1.40 1.90 2.20 2.38 2.56 2.75 2.94 3.15 1.90 2.40 2.70 2.95 3.20 3.45 3.80 4.20 2 40 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.90 4.20 4.50 4.80 3.50 4.40 8.65 9.40 9 " 10.20 " 10 " 11 " 11.00 11.80 " 12 " 12.60 " Close or Short, Galvanized .... Long, Galvanized Size, inches H % X X 1 1M IK 2 2V 2 3 R. and L., Short .10 .12 .10 .14 .1° .15 .20 .18 .24 .24 .35 .30 .46 .40 .60 1.00 1.30 1 25 R. and L. , Long 16 1.60 BRASS FITTINGS. Size, inches Vs M % X H 1 m IK 2 Elbows .10 .12 .12 .15 .25 .08 .08 .08 .16 .20 .30 .10 .10 .10 .25 .14 .08 .08 .25 .30 .30 .15 .15 .15 .30 .20 .12 .12 .40 .50 .75 .35 .35 .45 .55 .20 .20 .20 .45 .30 .20 .20 .70 .80 1.00 .45 .50 .70 .80 .25 .35 .25 .60 .35 .37 .37 .90 1.00 1.40 .60 .85 1.00 1.15 .40 .50 .40 .80 .50 .50 .50 1.25 1.50 1.90 .90 1.15 1.25 1.40 .50 .60 .50 1.00 .65 .65 .65 2.00 2.25 2.75 1.25 1 50 Tees 1.75 Crosses 1.95 Plugs .06 .06 .90 Caps Lock-Nuts .90 .90 Reducers 1.25 Couplings .08 .10 .06 1.25 Bushings to reduce one s'ze .80 Bushings to reduce more than one size .80 Return Bends, close pattern 2.75 Return Bends, open pattern 3.00 Unions .35 .15 .40 .20 .55 .30 4.00 M ipples 1.60 GAS FITTERS' HOOKS. Size of Pipe M % X H 1 1M 1.50 IK 2.00 2 Hooks, per 100. net .70 .75 .80 1.00 1.20 2.50 Wrought Iron. tm*®* MALLEABLE STRAPS. Price per pound, Plain 15c. | Price per pound, Galvanized 20c. Price per pound, Tinned 25c. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 23 Fig- 3- GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. Brass. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Size, Inches Vs M % K M 1 1M IK 2 2K 3 Price, each .60 .80 .60 .80 .75 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.35 1.75 1.80 2.50 2.80 3.35 3.90 4.60 5.90 7.00 11.25 14.00 16 00 Price, Frink's Seat, each 20.00 CROSS VALVES. Brass. Size, Inches M % K % 1 1M IK 2 2K 3 Price, each .65 1.00 1.50 2.00 2 50 3.50 5.00 8.00 16.00 24.00 CHECK VALVES. — Brass. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical. Fig. 4. Fi g. 5. Size, Inches .50 U .50 % K H 1 1M IK 214 3 Price, each .60 .85 1.15 1.55 2.30 3.25 5.20 10.00 14.00 STRAIGHTWAY CHECK VALVES. Fig. 6. Fig. 7 — Sectional View] Size % 1 1M IK 2 2K 3 3K 4 4K 5 6 7 8 10 Screwed Ends Flanged Ends Extra Valves and Seats. . Extra for Leather Disks. 1.50 i'.oo .20 1.90 i'.25 .20 3.00 l'.90 .20 4.00 2 '.40 .20 5.75 3] 50 .30 10.00 11.00 4.20 .40 12.50 14.00 6.00 .50 16.00 18.00 8.00 .60 18.00 20.00 10.00 .80 25.50 28.00 12.00 1.00 29.00 32.00 15.00 1.20 35.00 38.00 17.00 1.50 51.00 54.00 23.00 1.80 64.00 68.00 30.00 2.10 46! 00 2 50 24 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SAFETY VALVES. Brass. Fig. 8. Size, Inches X % % % 1 Ifc IK 2 Price, each 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 5.00 7.00 8.50 12.00 LOW PRESSURE SAFETY VALVES. Fig. 9. Size, inches K % 1 13* IK 2 Price, each 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 HOSE AND GARDEN VALVES. Brass. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Size, Inches • K % 1 1M IK 2 2% Price, each, Fig. 10 4.00 3.40 5.50 4.90 7.00 7.20 10.00 " Fig.ll 1.25 1.65 2.20 DOUBLE HYDRANT HOSE VALVE. Iron Body, Brass Mounted and Steam Metal. IRON BODY, BRASS MOUNTED. Fig. 12 Size, Inches 2y 2 xiy 2 3x2 33^ x 2% Price, each 10.00 14.00 22.00 STEAM METAL. 2KxiK 3x2 3K*2K Rough, each Finished, each For Caps, extra 18.00 30.00 .75 24.00 40.00 1.25 36.00 60.00 2.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 25 THROTTLE VALVE. BRASS AND IRON. Fig. 17. H % 1 1M W2 2 2^ 3 3K 4 Price, Brass, each. 6.50 7.50 9.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 10.00 11.25 13.00 12.00 13.50 20.00 18.00 19.25 30.00 24.00 26.00 Price, Iron, Screwed, each 32.00 35.00 40.00 43.50 48.00 Price, Iron, Flanged, each 52.00 Fig. 18. BUTTERFLY VALVES. Brass and Iron. ■Size, inches 1 IX W2 2 2M 3 sy 2 4 Price, Brass, each 3.50 4.50 5.50 8.00 11.00 8.00 16.00 12.00 Price, Iron, each ni6.oo 20 00 VACUUM VALVE. Steam Metal. Fig. 19. •Size, inches M % % % Price, each .75 1.00 1.25 1.75 26 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. RADIATOR VALVES. WITH PATENT WOOD WHEELS. Size, inches X % 1 1M 4.50 5.00 5.85 2 Price, Brass, Each 1.35 1.65 1.95 1.60 1.95 2.30 2.25 2.65 3.05 3.25 3.70 4.30 7.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 7.75 Price, Nickel Plated, with Frink Seat, each 8.75 Tapped Left hand on bottom and Right hand on side. Size, inches. Price, Brass, Each Price, Nickel Plated, each Price, Nickel Plated, with Frink Seat, ^ach H % 1 1M 1M 1.35 1.60 2.25 3.25 4.50 1.65 1.95 2.65 3.70 5.00 1.95 2.30 3.05 4.30 5.85 Size, inches Price, Brass, each Price, Nickel Plated, each Price, Rough Nickel Plated, with Frink Seat 7.00 7.75 8.75 Tapped Right hand on bottom and Left hand on side. H % 1 1M 1* 1.45 1.70 2.35 3.35 4.60 1.75 2.05 2.75 3.80 5.10 2.05 2.40 3.15 4.40 5.95 7.15 7.90 8.90 Tapped Left Hand on bottom and Right hand on side. WITH MALE UNION. Size, inches Price. Brass, each Price, Nickel Plated, each Price, " with Frink Seat, each 2.05 2.40 2.75 2.45 2.85 3.20 1 3.25 3.65 4.05 1M 4.50 5.05 5.65 Vi 6.50 7.10 7.95 10.00' 10.85. 11.85. Fig. 16. Tapped both ends Right hand. All Radiator Valves furnished Nickel Plated, unless otherwise ordered. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 2? Fig. 20. Fig. 23. STEAM COCKS.— Brass. Flat or Square Heads. Size, inches. . . X U » X M 1 iM VA 2 2^ 3 Price, each .70 .70 .75 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.50 1.65 1.70 2.25 2.45 2 55 3.75 4.00 4.15 4.80 5.10 5.40 7.25 7.65 8.00 14.00 14.50 20.00 Check and Waste , each 20.75 Male and Female, each .80 .85 STEAM COCK WRENCHES. Fig. 21. Malleable I ron. Size, inches X % 1 1M & 2 2V 2 3 Number Price, each, net 3 .07 4 .09 5 .14 6 .19 7 .25 8 .44 9 .56 10 1.00 THREE WAY COCKS. Brass, Fig. 22. Size, inches X •3Z /4 1 IK IK 7.00 2 2K 3 Price, each 1.65 2.25 3.40 5.50 10.00 18.00 26.00 GAS SERVICE COCKS. Brass. Size, inches X M % k X 1 1 X< V4 2 &A 3 Price, each .55 .55 .65 .75 1.00 .85 1.00 1.50 1.20 1.40 2.45 1.70 2.20 3.25 2.60 3.00 4.25 3.60 5. CO 6.50 5.75 10.00 15.00 Price, Male and Female, each. . 11.50 17.00 Fig. 24. GAS METER COCKS. Brass. Size, inches u % X % 1 1« IK 2 Price, each .70 .80 .85 1 20 1.70 2.60 3.60 5.75 28 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Fig. 25. UNION METER COCKS. Brass. Size, inches K % 1 1M IK 2 Price, each 1.00 1.30 2.00 3.00 4.^5 6.75 Fig. 26. GAS SERVICE COCK WRENCHES. Cast Iron. Size, inches K % 1 l£ IK 2 Price, each, net .07 .09 .14 .19 .25 .44 BRASS LARD TANK COCKS. For Iron Pipe. Size of opening, inches IK 2 Price, each 7.25 9.75 Fig. 27. Fig. 28. EXPANSION JOINTS. Brass and Iron. Size, inches M % K k 1 m IK 2 2.K 3 24.00 3K 4 5 6 8 10 Price, all Brass, ea. 1.10 1.25 1.50 2.00 2 75 4.00 5.50 8.00 16.00 1.... Price, IronBody with Brass Sleeve, each 11.00 13.00 17.50 25.00 30.00 45.00 55.00 100.00 185.00 Traverse, inches. . . 1 2 2 2M 2H 2H 2K 2K 2M 3 3M 5 5 i % SWING JOINTS. For Steam Pipe. Size, inches M .K K 9i 1 1M IK 2 Price, each 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.75 4.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 Fig. 29. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 29 Brass Gas Fixture Fittings. TWO-LIGHT PENDANT COCK. BRACKET COCK. Fig- 30. igp| Fig. 3 1 - Size,Fig.30 %xM %*Ys U^A Perdozen 9.70 9.70 8.00 Size,Fig.31 %x% %xM K*K Perdozen 9.50 8.00 7.50 UNIVERSAL BRACKET COCKS. (NOT ILLUSTRATED.) Size „ %x% %xU %^A Perdozen ....13.50 12.00 12.00 ELBOW BURNER COCK. ELBOW PENDANT COCK. Fig. 32. Fig. 33. Size, Fig. 32 %, % M % Perdozen 7.00 6.00 5.25 4.50 Size, Fig. 33 %xM % * % M * M H* l A Perdozen 5.40 5.40 5.30 4.40 30 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. STRAIGHT COCK. PILLAR COCKS. Fig. 34. Fig. 35- Size, Fig. 34. . . . Per dozen K*H 5.40 5.00 MxM 4.50 Mx% 4.40 3.50 Size, Fig. 35 Per dozen H 7.50 6.50 X 5.25 H 4.00 3.25 TOP SWING. REVOLVING COCK. Fig. 36. Fig. 37. Size, Fig. 36 %x% H * Vs M*M Perdozen 8.00 8.00 7.00 Size, Fig. 37 %x% % x ^ Perdozen 6.00 5.00 UNIVERSAL REVOLVING COCKS. (NOT illustrated.) size %xu %x% %*% PerDozen 9.40 9.40 10.20 MxVs 7.00 5.00 MxVs 10.20 MIDDLE SWING. UNIVERSAL SWING. Fig. 38. Fig. 39. Size, Fig. 38 M X M Perdozen 4.25 Size, Fig. 39 %xH %^4 Va^A Perdozen 8.60 7.90 7.90 4.25 x% 3.75 MxVs 7.40 7.40 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 31 SIDE NOZZLES. STRAIGHT NOZZLE. gj| Fig. 40. Fig. 41. Size, Fig. 40 M l A Per dozen • • • /4 $1 70 /a 1 00 Size, Fig. 41 M 1 00 Per dozen . $] 70 STIFF JOINT. CONNECTING BALL. Fig. 43- Fig. 42. Size, Fig. 42 Per dozen ^xK 2.90 MxM 2.00 KxM 2.00 %xM 1.70 VsxU 1.50 HxVs 1.40 Size, Fig. 43 MxM 1.70 Per dozen STREET LAMP COCK. STREET LAMP COCK. Fig. 44. Fig. 45- Size, Fig. 44. Per dozen. . . •%*% %*% %*% 7.50 6.50 5.00 Size, Fig. 45. Per dozen. . . MxVs 8.50 7.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. Lava Tips, (J. Von Schwarz's). . .per gross, $1.65 Box Plates, (spun) Gold Bronze. . per doz. $1.50 Brass Pillars for Lava Tips " 1.65 Mica Smoke Catchers for Chim- Iron Burners " 5.00 neys, one leg ... Mica Smoke Catchers for Chim- 2.25 Brass Burners " 4.50 Scotcli Tip Burners " 6.67 neys, three legs ' 3.00 Iron Billiard Burners " 9.17 Mica Smoke Catchers for Globes, Empire Burners, with lava tips. . " Star Tips 8.50 three legs ' 6.00 5.00 Tin Canopies for Globes, 7 in « 5.00 Sign Tips " 5.00 v « (< <« i< g << < 5.00 Brass Bases " 4.16 10.00 " 9 " ... Goosenecks ' 6.67 Argand Burners (noiseless) per doz., 3.00 Atmospheric Burners, for heating ' ' 2.09 Patent Sockets ' 4.17 " with attachment " 5.00 Burner Cups ' ' .10 Dare's Burners, for heating " 3.34 Bracket Backs (struck up) 2% in . ' .32 " " with attachment. " 6.67 " 3 " .42 Novelty Heaters " 5.00 " 4 " .85 Monitor Heating Stands " 5.00 Ceiling Plates (spun) 2k in. Polished ' .55 Eureka Self -Lighting Burners. . . " 10.00 " 3 " .80 Gasoline Burners (Clough) " 4.60 (< <( << 4 " << < 1.13 Barker's Adjustable Gasoline Burners" 6.67 5 " 1.80 Globe Holders, (struck up) 2% in . " 67 6 " " 3.30 " " 4 in. Stamped Ring " 1.10 Spun Checks for covering Tube %x% ' .60 ,i 5 « 1.25 " '< " " " %*%< .50 " " 5 " 3 prong BrassWire " .35 .. « „ « u l Ax% < .50 Pat. Taper Torch & Key, Nickel 30 ins. " 9.00 « « - " " y 2 x%' .50 " " « " " Brass " 14.00 " « " " " %x%< .42 Keys ' 7.80 u « « « « %xM « .42 Taper Holders, (common) " 3.60 " " » " " MxM* .40 Cone Shade Holders, 10 inch. . . . 2.25 Chandelier Centres (iron) 2 lights ' 2.40 Tin Cone Shades, 10 in. with Holder " 5.25 " 3 " 3.00 12 " " 6.25 " 4 " 3.60 Moon Shades, 4% inch " 1.00 «« l€ " 6 " 4.80 " " 5 " " 1.10 Mohair Tubing for Portable Stands, p «< « i< a "perb Brass Covering Tube, finished, erft., .20 ox " .16 6 " 1.30 Portable Nipples for rubber tube . " 1.67 Mohair Tube Connections, 7-16x5-16 " 1.67 Polished Bronze pei -lb. 1.25 Burner Cleaners " .42 Brass Covering Tube, finished, Reflector Nipples " .50 French Bronze .84 Brass Caps, % Chased " 1.50 French Bronze Powder ' 3.50 " " % Burnished " 2.08 Wax Tapers (120 Tapers to a pound) .67 Ceiling Hooks " 1.67 Pat. Cigar Lighter, complete. . . . 2.78 Box Plates (spun) French Bronze " .90 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 33 IRON GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. Brass Mounted. Fig. 46. Size, inches Price, Screwed End, each . Price, Flange End, each. . . Diameter of Flange, inches Fig. 47- 5.00 6.75 7.50 9.50 10.50 13.50 IRON GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. With Yoke. Fig. 48. Fig. 49. Size, inches 2 2K 3 3% 4 &A 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price, Brass Stem, screwed. . . Price, Brass Stem, flanged . . . 8.00 9.75 10.50 12.50 14.50 17.50 18.00 21.50 21.00 25.00 28.00 32.00 32.00 36.00 44.00 49.00 75.00 80.00 97.00 103.00 173.00 180.00 252.00 262.00 Diameter of Flange, inches . . 6 6K W2 8& 9 9M 10J* 12 14 14 20 20 Length face to face of Flange 6 7 7% 9 10 11 123€ 14 17 19 24M 26^ IRON CROSS VALVES. Fig. 50. • Fig. 5*- 2 *% 3 3^ 4 V4 5 6 7 8 6.50 9.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 18.50 Price, Screwed End, Yoked, each . . . 23.66 28.25 27.00 33.00 35.00 41.00 40.00 46.00 54.00 61.50 90.00 98.00 105.00 Price, Flange End, Yoked, each 114.00 34 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. IRON CHECK VALVES. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical. Fig. 52. Size, inches 2 %A 3 3^ 4 « 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price, Screwed, each. . . Price, Flanged, each. . . . 3.75 5.50 6.25 8.25 9.75 12.75 12.75 16 25 15.00 19 00 20.00 24 00 24.00 28.00 33.00 38.00 55.00 60.00 81.00 87.00 150.00 157.00 210.00 230.00 /^fjffll-- ffl =J0 SS3sJj^== •wl- =— > *-p<«# i ^ IRON SAFETY VALVES. Fig. 53- Size, inches 1 1M W% 2 %A 3 %A 4 ±A 5 6 7 8 Price, Screwed, each. Price, Flanged, each . 3.50 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.50 13.00 16.00 18.00 22.50 24.00 29.25 30.00 36.00 36.00 42.00 44.00 50.00 60.00 67.50 105.00 113.00 145.00 154.00 Fig. 54- BACK PRESSURE VALVES. Size, inches 2 *A 3 &A 4 5 6 8 Price, Screwed End, Price, Flanged End, each each 8.00 9.75 10.50 12.50 14.50 17.50 18.00 21.50 21.00 25.00 32.00 36.00 44.00 49.00 85.00 91.00 Fig. 55- FOOT VALVES, WITH STRAINER. Size, inches 1 IM i* 2 VA 3 3^ 4 5 6 7 8 Price, each 1.50 2.10 3.00 3.75 4.60 5.75 8.00 10.50 16.00 24.00 30.00 50.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 35 Fig. 56. IRON COCKS. Size, inches % X Ya 1 1M IK 2 2% 3 3^ 4 5 6 Price, Iron Plug, each. . . . Price, Brass Plug, each. . . .75 1.10 .80 1.20 .90 1.60 1.25 2.00 1.50 2.75 2.00 4.00 2.60 5.00 4.50 9.50 6.50 13.50 12.00 30.00 16.00 40.00 33.00 45.00 IRON THREE-WAY COCKS. Fig. 57- Size, inches M 1 1M iy z 2 2% 3 3K 4 Price, Iron Plug, each 1.30 2.00 1.75 2.50 2.00 3.25 2.75 4.75 4.00 6.50 6.00 11.00 8.50 15.50 15.00 33.00 20.00 Price, Brass Plug, each 44.00 Straightway Double Gate Valves, BRASS. Fig. 58. Sectional Cut. Gates. Fig. 59- Size % H % V* % 1 V4 1H 2 2% 3 Screwed, each $1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.75 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.50 15 00 22.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Straightway Double Gate Valves. Fig. 60. WITH QUICK MOVING SLIDE STEM AND LEVER. Fig. 61. FOR HOSE. Size 1 IX W 2 2% 3 Fig. 60, each $4.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 19.00 25.00 Size 1 1M IK 2. 2K 3 Fig. 61, Without Cap and Chain, each $3.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.25 11.00 17.50 21.00 25.00 Fig. 61, With " " " each 30.00 STRAIGHTWAY GATE VALVES. Iron Body, Brass Mounted. Fig. 63. Fig. 62. Size, inches 2 2% 3 3K 4 ^A 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price, Screwed, each Price, Flanged, each. . . . 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 43.00 40.00 53.00 50.00 69.00 65.00 94.00' 90.00. STRAIGHTWAY DOUBLE GATE VALVES. Iron Body, Brass Mounted, Hub End. Fig. 64. Size, inches 3 4 6 8 10 12 Price, each 15.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 65.00 90.004 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 37 WATER GAUGES. Fig. 65. Fig. 66. Fig. 67. Fig. 68. Fig. 65. Rough, 3^X10 Glass, % Iron Pipe, each $2.75 " 65. " %X12 < % " ' " 66. " %X12 < % " ' " 67. Finished, %K 12 ' M " ' " 68. " %X12 ' % " ' " 68. " %X1G ' % " ' 3.00 3.50 4.25 7.00 10.00 SCOTCH GLASS TUBES. For "Water Gauges. Length, inches 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 30 38 48 % inch diameter, each ... .55 .55 .55 .65 .65 .65 .65 .70 .75 .80 .85 .95 1.05 1.50 2.00 3.00 % inch diameter, each 45 .45 .45 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .70 .80 Rubber Washers for same, 15 cents per dozen, net. Gauge Glass Cutters, $2.50 each. Red Reflecting Glasses same list. STEAM WHISTLES. Diameter of Bell, inches 1 1M m 2 %% Size of Pipe, inches 1.70 3 50 2.00 3.75 2.50 4.00 % 3.25 4.75 % Without Valve (Fig. 65), each . . . 4.50 With Valve (Fig. 66), each 6.50 Diameter of Bell, inches Size of Pipe, inches Without Valve (Fig. 69), each frig. 69. With y alve (Fig< 70) each __ 3K 8.50 11.00 11.00 14.00 IK 18.00 22.00 24.00 30.00 2M 65.00 80.00 10 3 125.00 175.00 250.00 350.00 F, g- 7o. WHISTLE VALVES. Size of Pipe, inches X M 1 M W .2 2% 3 Rough, each 2.25 2.75 3.25 4.00 5.50 9.50 20.00 30.00 38 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CHIME WHISTLES. Fig. 71. Fig. 72. Fig. 73- Diameter of Bell, inches 2 "IS 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 Size Steam Pipe, inches % 1 1M IK 2 ^A 3 Fig 71 without Yalve 5.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 9.50 11.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 22.00 25.00 28.00 30.00 35.00 38.00 70.00 85.00 90.00 110.00 130.00 140.00 150 00 Fig. 72 with Upright Valve 180.00 Fiff. 73, With Side Valve 200.00 The peculiar merit of this Whistle consists in producing three distinct tones pitched to the first,, third and fifth of the common musical scale, which harmonize and give an agreeable musical chord. GAUGE COCKS. COMPRESSION. WITH SOFT METAL SEAT. ■Hit s*z^ma^ ^M Will Chase (Iron Pipe Size), inches H H % % WL^/^m^^%^mm ■nK&n Diameter of Shank, inches % 1 liP^Y w | Price, with Wood Handle, each 1.10 1.20 1 35 Fig. 74- COMPRESSION, WITH STUFFING BOX. SOFT METAL SEAT. . ^ _ Will Chase (Iron Pipe Size), inches % % 1, V ^ mm 1 ■ jp% y nd Ife Diameter of Shank, inches 1 11 ^W"4 IK 2 2^ 3 Diameter of Blank JShanks, inches . ... % % % iy* 1/8 w W 2 2% 2% S# Price, Rough, each. . . 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.50 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 25.00 35.00 Price, Finished, each.. 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.25 3.00 4.50 6.00 10.00 18.00 30.00 40.00 DAVIS PATENT AUTOMATIC AIR VALVES. Fig. 84. Fig. 85. Fig. 86. Fig. 87. Fig. 88. Fig. 89. Figure 84 85 86 87 88 1.42 89 Brass, each $1.13 1.13 1.25 1.25 1.42 Nickel Plated, each „ 1.25 1.25 1.42 1.42 1.60 1.60 JAMES B. CLOW Space between Boiler and Dc GOOCOCXOCOCOCCX)aOOOGOaOOOOCOOOOOOOO-Q^0505C7rCn Height of Dome. Diameter of Dome. GCCCGC0Ca0CCGOa000GCGCG0GOGCG0CO~3-3~3-3-3£.4^^rfx^^^co 00 CO CO co to to to ! ts\t>&\ : CO CO CO LO CO CO CO CO co to to to to to to to to NT's »^s^\ti)\(0 N ^\t^\ tO W tO M M r- -. -« tO\NSco\tO\ V to to to to to to to to to to © Ox Ox i CO O O O GO -7 -T CS OX CClOOiOlOiOOOt ooooooooo OX *- CO — > o o o oooioacio oo oo o o o Size Steam Feed. Size Return Pipe. Number of Brick Required to Set. Size Square of Brick Work. x X 'x x x x x -x a :i ot ^ o< ox at ox oo oo to to o o go go ; to io to to to\to to to to to\to to to (0 to to to. to'~ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ©©©©©©©©oo©©©©©©©©© ocoocoooocooooooooooccoo tOli-^'-'M-'Wi^-i-iM - C X -3 s: 55 *- i: to > O- ;© GO -1 CS C71 OT 4^ >£> CO CO tO tO C O w' Ul XX O Cn Cn in Oi © © JO © © to 0» © ©I © W © Cn p ooooooooooooooooo oooooo © OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooooooo Diameter of Circ. Smoke Flue. o ? ztl w CI so w > m > w > H o > > 50 > H C C/3 > O D M CO O 3 S3 2 ° d > 60 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. EUREKA LOW PRESSURE STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. The table, page 41, in its number and variety, serves the trade much better than any list on the market. With this list the trade are enabled to go into the smallest buildings, and from that, on a graduated scale, up to the largest buildings. Not only do we furnish a better list, but the excellence of construction and perfect working conveniences fur- nished with each boiler, make them far more desirable than any work to be found. The superior conditions are as follows, viz. : I. The entire surfaces, inside and out, are fire surfaces. IT. The exterior surfaces, instead of being exposed to the cold air, which chills the same, acting against the fire surfaces, are turned to the fire. III. From thirty-three to fifty per cent, is added to the steam generating surfaces, and with the same fire thirty three to fifty per cent, more of steam is made, or the same steam with from twenty-five to thirty-five per cent, less fuel. IV. The steam taken from the supplemental steam chamber is dryer, stronger steam, free from priming, and more active in circulation. V. The convenience of the clear space on the steam chamber for leading out the supply pipes is superior to any vertical constructions before the public. VI. The smoke pipe opening out at the side is easily accessible at any time for cleaning, and is removed without extra labor or the removal of other work. VII. The arrangement of the cast iron base, with the grate conveniences, is superior to that of any other boiler. VIII. While it is of the most thorough construction, it can be supplied to the public at as low prices as any good work. IX. The expense of setting is very light compared with most other boilers. All these boilers are made of the best C. H. No. 1 flange and fire-box irons, and the tubes of best make. All boilers are fitted entire before leaving the shop, and of a strength of one hundred and fifty pounds hydrostatic pressure to the square inch. We would especially call the attention of all to the patent fire grate, which is a shake and dump grate, or is easily cleaned at any time without losing the fire. The convenience of this grate alone is worth more than the value of most boilers. With this convenience, fire may be carried from Fall to Spring, if wished. Boilers of all sizes, complete, consist of one boiler proper, with supplemental steam chamber, with three nipples and locknuts for connection io the boiler. Also, one full ornamental front, with doors, one feed mouth, one fire grate and grate bar, one ash grate (two pieces), one base, one base plate, one hoe, one poker, one shaker, one direct and indirect smoke flue with dampers, three handles and "S" for doors, five hand-hole boxes, one steam cleaner, one cleaner box with door, one check draft box and door, one combina- tion box. A base with fire grate only will be furnished with the larger sizes, if the depth of cellar will not admit of setting base with both grates. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 61 EUREKA RADIATORS. Fig. 141. Fig. 83 is a side view, showing a radiator with its construction, and quadruple ex- tended surfaces. The steam entering at the port a, passes up and through the radiator, returning to b (at which point the surface is removed to show working parts), where it passes out at the opposite side into the next radiator of the series. The diaphragm c, seen between the ports a and &, having underneath a pocket or water seal d, is a cut-off, giving the steam a positive circulation the entire length of the pipes, and also furnishing the waters of condensation, which return to this point from both pipes, a ready means of exit, they passing either way underneath the diaphragm, and discharging through either of the nipples, as may be necessary. The surface of the radiators (when made up) pocket into each other, and those on opposite radiators (at their sides) on to and under each other at the ends of the flanges, so that any two of the continuous flanges of two radiators, form a separate passage from that of any other of the several passages, for the air passing between the said two radiators. By this means the air is thoroughly stratified, and the size of the passages may be increased or decreased as necessary, according to the strength of the current of air that is to feed through the same. This stratifiaction of the air brings it evenly against the heated surfaces, without its passing, in strong gusts, unevenly heated to the rooms above. In simplicity of construction and results, no radiator on the market compares with this : — 1st. It gives twenty-eight per cent, more of radiating surface to the square foot of body surface than any other. 2d. It is more easily connected or disconnected in its place than any other. 3d. It having a larger per cent, of surface to its net weight than others, its radiating surfaces are stronger. 4th. It occupies less size of chamber, in proportion to its surfaces, than any other. 5th. It manipulates the air more thoroughly and evenly than any other. 6th. The lock joint will not admit of any one radiator dropping out of line with t he others. 7th. It requires sixty per cent, less of fittings to connect it in stack, than any other positive-circulating, end-connecting radiator. 8th. It is more easily connected by ordinary tools than any other. 9th. While containing all these superiorities, it has no defects or objections existing against it. As to the desirableness of an all-thread connection, in preference to packed joints (existing in most works on the market), there is no question in the judgment of practical men. 62 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. EUREKA RADIATORS. Fig. 142. Number of Tubes in each Bow. Surface. Extreme Length. Extreme Width. S ZE OF Valves. Rows. FEED. return. Square Feet. Feet. Inche Inches. Inches. Inches. "1x2 10 81 7 1 4 1x3 15 121 7 1 t £ 1x4 20 1 4 7 1 ii 4 O 1x5 25 1 n 7 1 3. 4 H « 1x6 30 2 0i 7i 1 3 4 M lx 7 35 2 3f 71 • 1 8 4 g 1 x 8 40 2 7f n 1 ii 4 cc 1x9 45 2 111 H 1 f 1 x 10 50 3 3i H 1 ii 4 "2x 3 30 1 If m 1 1 2x 4 40 1 5 m 1 * 2x5 50 1 81 m 1 4 2x6 60 2 01 121 li 1 w 2x .7 70 2 4 12* li 1 o 2x8 80 2 7f 121 H 1 ^ 2x9 90 2 111 12J H 1 o e-t 2x 10 100 3 3J 12J H li 2 x 11 110 3 7 124 il li 2x 12 120 3 10f 12J H H 2x 13 130 4 2| 124 H li 2x 14 140 4 61 124 il li 2 x 15 150 4 10 12J- il H Other sizes desired must be specified when ordered. THE ADVANTAGES OF THE EUREKA DIRECT RADIATORS. First. — Beauty of design, finish and appearance — the general design, especially the top, being handsomer and more elaborate than any other on the market. Second. — The diameter of the tubes being large, gives a prompt and easy circulation of steam. Third. — The formation of the base, peculiar to this radiator, is such that water can not remain in it, and it relieves through feed valves or return as desired. Fourth. — Each tube being independent, there is no strain to joints from expansion as is the case with double tube return bend shape of radiators. Fifth. — In case of breakage, the broken tube can be easily removed and a new one substituted, the only machinery required being an ordinary screw wrench. Sixth. — There is a greater amount of radiating surface in the same floor space than with any other radiator. Seventh. — The extended surfaces act as deflectors, throwing heat to the floor — results not attained by ordinary radiators. Eighth. — In the sizes having two rows of tubes, the open air space between the tubes being liberal, allows a freer circulation of air than most other radiators. Ninth. — Owing to the large size of the tubes, and the size and peculiar formation of the base, this radiator is especially adapted to the single pipe system of an individual construction, and is particularly adapted to the Holly system of steam heating. JAMES B. CLOW r & SOX, CHICAGO. 63 WALWORTH RADIATORS. Fig. 143. RECTANGULAR. Number Tubes in Each Row. Surface- Sq. Feet. Length. Width. Valves Required. of Rows. Supply. Return. r 1 * 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X } x 1 X 1 X 1 X L 1 x 4 4 6 & 12 16 20 24 28 32 38 Ft. In 1034 1 2^ 1 6)4 2 2M 2 1034 3 6)4 4 2U 4 10)4 5 6M 6 6>4 434 4X 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 Inch. % % % i 134 Inch. M M M M M M M M 1 6 C ■ c 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 38 f 2x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x I 2 x 4 8 16 20 24 32 40 48 56 64 76 10M 1 6M 1 1034 2 2M 2 10)4 3 6M 4 2% 4 1034 5 6M 6 6)4 634 634 634 614 614 634 <5X 634 6)4 634 % % 1 1 1 1 Hi IS % % % M % 8 10 12 c 16 20 f 24 28 1 1 32 38 1 1 r 3 x 3 x 3 X 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x I 3 x 4 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 114 1 6M 2 2M 2 iom 3 634 4 2M 4 1034 5 6M 6 6M 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 834 l l 134 1M 1)4 134 1J4 I 1 8 O 12 16 20 24 K 28 1 ? 32 38 1 1 ' 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 v 4 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 1034 1 6M 2 2M 2 1034 3 634 4 2)4 4 1034 5 634 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 134 04 1)4 1)4 1)4 M M M 1 1 00 1. 8 12 16 20 .. D 24 IX g 28 134 134 32 64 JAMES B CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Radiators. — Continued. CIRCULAR. Fig. 144. No. 1, Circular 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, fNo. 10.. ~ t S : H° U 11. 12 13. 14 Surface. Sq. Feet. 18 30 54 72 102 130 160 56 80 102 130 160 Diameter. Ft. In. 1 m 1 &A 1 11*6 2 2^ 2 1034 3 2 a 9, 4M 2 o Valves Required. Supply. Return, % 1 1 iM iM iM iM 1M M 1 1M 1 1M 1M 1M INDIRECT. Fig. 145- Length of Base. Width of Base. Supply. Return. 16 Square Feet Ft. In. $A 1 W2 1 5A 1 9K 2 m 2 9% 3 5^ 4 1) 2 4 9K Inches. m m 1 1 1 1 m m % 1 1 24 " "' 32 " " 40 " " 48 ' " 64 " " 80 '• " 1 96 " " 1 112 " '•■ 1 Radiators bronzed or painted must be boxed at extra cost. The warming capacity and cost of Circular Radiators may be varied by leaving out any number of tubes, except the outer row, without changing the external appearance. The tubes left out may be replaced at will. Radiators may be made of any desired height; the standard height is 35 inches. A Circular Radia- tor with marble top makes a handsome table. The colored marbles, known as the "Knoxville," and No. 2 Tennessee^ are well adapted to Radiators, as they arc not discolored by heat. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 65 BUNDY RADIATORS. DIRECT RADIATOR. Fig. 146. HOT CLOSET RADIATOR. Fig. 147. INDIRECT RADIATOR. Fig. 148. Catalogues containing full information regarding these goods, together with prices, furnished on application. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Plain Box Coil. For Sizes see Table, Page 40. IRON PIPE COILS Ornamental Box Coil. For Sizes see Table, Page 40. Fig. 149. Ornamental Bracket Coil. One and Two Tubes Wide. Fig. 150. Fig. 151. PATENT IMPROVED STEAM TRAPS. ii Fig. 152. SIZE. Draining Capacity. Price, Each. No. 1 1,500 feet of 1-inch pipe. 4,000 " 10,000 " $25 00 35 00 " 2 " 3 65 00 STEAM TRAPS. SIZE. Draining Capacity. Price, Each. 12-inch 1,500 feet of 1-inch pipe. 3 500 " 5,000 " $23 00 36 00 15-inch 18-inch 54 00 Fig. 153 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. G7 TABLE OF NUMBERS AND SIZES ONE-INCH BOX COILS. co fa CO » a' co fa M a CO fa » a j 3 P o 4 n Q c 4 a - 55 ►j w O 2 O 25 ► £ 3 o o 'A £ £ o o o £ M o O f n 00 co co co CO 00 co co co J fc fa fa ri g J fa fa j g j fa fa J fc iJ fa » S S s & fa fa o fa O u £ £ o w 5 £ Ph o fa 5 o Ph £ O E c £ £ fa o Ph fa o fa O fa o fa o £ fa o fa O fa o fa o Ph fa o fa o fa o fa o £ fa o fa o fa fa fa _ « fa fa &. B fa fa « fa S3 fa fa fa fa E fa fa fa fa w H o fa fa fa o H fa fa o u fa fa B . s S3 pa pq Eh a PQ PQ PQ Eh O S pa fa Eh s pa pa a fa 55 a a a fa 15 a a a fa fc a a a fa fc a a p fa a - & & fa fa p p p fa fa p p p fa fa p p to ft, J fe & & £ h3 ft ft £ ft J ft ft ft h ►3 ft ft 1 56 39 3 6 26 156 39 6 8 51 250 50 6 10 76 368 46 8 12 2 58 41 3 6 27 164 41 6 8 52 250 60 5 10 77 375 50 9 10 3 61 32 4 6 28 166 50 4 10 53 250 50 5 12 78 392 46 10 10 4 69 46 3 6 29 167 50 5 8 54 266 50 8 8 79 395 74 8 8 5 75 37i 4 6 30 170 50 5 10 55 269 46 7 10 80 400 60 8 10 (3 78 39 4 6 31 175 37J 8 56 273 41 8 10 81 400 88 7 8 7 82 41 4 6 32 182 39 7 8 57 276 46 6 12 82 400 50 8 12 8 9-2 46 4 6 33 184 46 6 8 58 280 60 7 8 83 414 46 9 12 9 94 37£ 5 6 34 191 41 7 8 59 287 41 7 12 84 417 50 10 10 10 97 39 5 6 35 192 46 5 10 60 292 50 7 10 85 420 60 7 12 11 100 50 4 6 36 200 37J 8 8 61 296 74 6 8 86 432 74 7 10 12 100 37^ 4 8 37 200 60 5 8 62 300 60 6 10 87 440 88 6 10 13 102 41 5 6 38 200 60 4 10 63 300 60 5 12 88 444 74 6 12 14 104 39 4 8 39 200 50 6 8 64 306 46 8 10 89 450 60 9 10 15 109 41 4 8 40 205 41 6 10 65 308 74 5 10 90 450 50 9 12 16 115 46 5 6 41 209 50 5 10 66 320 60 8 8 91 460 46 10 12 17 123 46 4 8 42 215 46 7 8 67 322 46 7 12 92 470 88 8 8 18 125 50 5 6 43 219 41 8 8 68 333 50 8 10 93 480 60 8 12 19 125 37£ 5 8 44 230 46 6 10 69 345 74 7 8 94 493 74 8 10 20 130 39 5 8 45 230 46 5 12 70 345 46 9 10 95 500 60 10 10 21 134 50 4 8 46 233 50 7 8 71 350 60 7 10 96 500 50 10 12 22 137 41 5 8 47 239 41 7 10 72 350 50 7 12 97 513 88 7 10 23 1,50 37* 6 8 48 240 60 6 8 73 352 88 6 8 98 518 74 7 12 24 153 46 4 10 49 245 46 8 8 74 360 74 6 10 99 540 60 9 12 25 153 46 5 8 50 246 41 6 12 75 360 60 6 12 100 555 74 9 10 NUMBER OF PIPES WIDE. Coils 3 pipes wide are 8 inches in width. « 4 " " " 10J- " " u 6 u « « J5j si Coils 7 pipes wide are 18 inches in width. " 8 " " " 20J- " " a g a u u 2g a u u 10 t< c< « 25J u NUMBER OF PIPES HIGH. Coils 6 pipes high, 4 feet long or less, are 22 inches hig 8 10 12 6 8 10 12 27 " 32 << « a a Q>y over 4 feet long, are 25 " «« " " 31 it << a a oiy a u « « 4.3 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ORNAMENTAL SCREEN. ■With Marble Top for Enclosing Coils. Fig. 154. Finished in Bronze, Chocolate or Gold, Price per foot (inside measure) $2.50 (Marble Slab not included in this price.) Plain Castings only, Price per pound 12 Width of Panels 4% inches, 7 inches, 9 inches, 11 inches, 12% inches and 14% inches. " front corner piece 2 " " back corner piece at bottom 3 " back corner piece at top 4 Height under marble t 2 feet 8 CLARK DAMPER REGULATOR. Fig. 155- No. 1, for Boilers of 5 Horse-Power and under, each $10.00 " 2, " 20 " " " 15.00 " 8, " 30 to 500 Horse-Power, each 25.00 LOW PRESSURE DAMPER REGULATOR. Fig. 156. Price, each $10.00 AUTOMATIC WATER FEEDER. For High or Low Pressure. Fig. 157. Price, each $20.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON", CHICAGO. Bradley's Insulated Air Coverings, Fig. 158. 2 inches, 2^ 3 3K 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1M» 1%in., per linear ft. per linear ft ■ $0 .25 .27 .31 .36 .40 .44 .47 .50 .58 .66 .73 .80 .90 .00 Coverings for Boilers, Domes, Drums and other Steam Surfaces, made specially to order, at 25 cents per square foot, surface measure. All goods sold in sections three feet long. There have been a vast army of compositions and combinations placed upon the market under the name of "Pipe and Boiler Coverings," but the great majority of them have been condemned after prac- tical tests, failing either as non-conductors or in some of the important essentials of durability, finish or cost. "Bradley's Insulated Air Coverings" are the best in the world for the following reasons : (1) They combine the best non-conductors known — wool felt and confined air. (2) They do not powder down like hair felt, nor crack and fall off like cement. (3) They are unequaled for durability, and are not effected by expansion, contraction, or shaking of pipes. (4) They are easily put on, and can be readily removed and reapplied without damaging their effectiveness. (5) They are light in weight, and are not liable to injury by handling or in transportation. (6) They can be applied without creating any dirt or muss in the neatest of apartments. (7) They are the best known protector from frost and for sweating pipes. (8) They provide, in combination with our Elbow, Tee and Valve Coverings, the neatest and most complete, as well as the most effective line of coverings for every variety of surface that have ever been produced. FITTINGS. ELBOWS. TEES. VALVES. Fig. J 59 Size, inches Elbows, each Tees, " Valves, " Fig. 160. Fig. 161. % 1 1M V/% 2 2V 2 3 3^ 4 4K 5 .55 .25 .25 .25 .27 .31 .36 .40 .44 .47 .50 .33 .33 .33 .33 .36 .41 .48 .53 .59 .63 .67 .25 .25 .25 .25 .27 .41 .48 .53 .59 .63 .67 6 .58 .77 .77 70 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CREAMER'S NEW PATENT LEVER ADJUSTABLE HOT AIR REGISTER, The superiority of these Registers consists in the adjustable lever movement, and the spring and screw attachment thereto, whereby they can be set permanently, if desired, in any position, making a proper distribution of heat throughout the building. As a floor Register, where the valves are operated by the foot (as is always the case), the lever movement is unhesitatingly pronounced, by those who have seen and tried it, the best ever produced. The Registers are thoroughly well made in every respect, the valves being rabbeted and overlapping each other, making them perfectly tight when desired. There is no danger of dirt or sweepings obstructing or clogging the movement, as the lever handle increases the power three-fold. They need only to be seen to be appreciated. All sizes are manufactured of standard dimensions, to suit the regular size border frames. Note. — All of our Square and Round Registers may be used as Ventilators, by the substitution of an ornamental casting, called a Spider, in place of the Knob or Shifter. To the Spider are attached the Cords. We also furnish Index Plates, showing which cord to pull, to open or close the valves. The dimensions of Registers given are the outside measurement of the box containing the valves. If the Registers are to be used as Ventilators, and placed horizontally or overhead, it should be so stated when ordering, as a different fixture is used for this purpose. If Registers are placed in Side Walls, and so ordered, we send a Knob in place of the Flat Button. We have also made a most radical improvement in the construction of Registers, which consists in making THE BOXES SECTIONAL. to hold the valves, instead of casting them all in one piece; by this plan we can make the box nearly straight instead of tapering. Again, if the box is broken in transportation or otherwise, the broken piece can be replaced with slight cost. Each side will be dis- tinctly marked in the casting to facilitate ordering of extra pieces. We also put project- ing nipples on the sides, making a firm anchorage in the plaster, which will be an immense advantage in plastering them in side walls, as there will be no danger of their coming out. All Square and Round Registers (except Convex) may be made to lock, at an additional cost of thirty cents extra, net. This is a desirable feature for Nurseries, Public Halls and Public Buildings generally. JA3IES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 71 NEW NOVELTY REGISTER, FOR SIDE WALLS ONLY. -■__:. . ,.-_^_. -. .._, -^-^'._^.-_-.^^-~:,T|i| i^ift^^^^^^rt^i^^^^rt^^n^J ! f&BSB^giK&l . i^: i ■ mm A *C Hi InSs ill ilfil gum l|{y^»S^WSgBBg| Fig. 162. The face of this Register, projecting about an inch and a half from the wall, allows an air duct of cool air to pass in between the wall and the column of heated air, in this way preventing discolora- tion of the plaster (so objectionable in fiat side wall Registers). They can also be used as ventilators, and worked with cords, when placed high up on side walls. With Wall Frame to be adjusted first ; and when painters and masons are through, the Register is attached by machine screws. The Registers can be removed in a few moments for repairs. Size of Opening. Black or White Japanned. Gold or Copper Bronzed. Nickel or Electro Copper. Without Valves Japanned. 6 x 8 $2.00 2.30 2.80 3.10 3.60 4.00 4.00 4.50 $2.50 3.10 3.60 3.80 4.50 4.75 4.75 5.25 $4.10 4.50 5.25 5.60 6.00 6.50 6.50 7.25 $1.40 6 x 10 1.70 8x10 2.10 8x12 2.50 9 x 12 2.70 9 x 14 3.00 10 x 12 3.00 10 x 14 3.25 72 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. PATENT CONVEX SIDE WALL VENTILATORS AND REGISTERS. The success of this style of new Register for Hot air and ventilating purposes demands the close attention of dealers and parties using Registers. The advantages are as follows: 1st. The design is so much more open, and the front being convex, makes the available area about equal to the whole opening of the Register. 2d. The valves all work within the front, no part of the Register going in the wall, hence the heat is thrown out in the room more effectively, and are admirably adapted to thin partitions, their being no box to obstruct the flow of air to upper chambers. 3d. When the Registers are to be placed high up and used as Ventilators, please so specify, and we will furnish a triangle-pull, with swivels, without extra charge, in place of the handle shown in cut. 4th. The important improvement recently made consists in the attachment of a flange or frame in the opening, and to this the Register is attached by machine screws. By this arrangement there is less trouble in fitting them into the wall than is met in setting the ordinary Registers. The Register itself need not be attached until the house is finished, and can be removed in five minutes, if necessary, for repairs, re-decoration or cleaning the pipes. See cut below, showing frame, etc. Fig. 163. Side Wall Frame for Convex Register. Size of Opening. White or Black Japanned. Gold, Silver or Copper Bronzed. Nickle Plated and Polished. Faces Black or White Japanned. Outside Dimensions over all. 6x 8 $2.75 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.60 6.25 8.20 11.00 $3.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.60 6.20 6,70 7.75 0.50 12.50 $5.25 5.75 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.25 11.75 15.50 $1.20 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 250 3.15 4.00 4.80 8 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 12 10 x 14 9U x 15^ 11 x 16 12 x 15 12 x 18 14 x 20 16 x 24 6x10 8x 10 8x 12 8x14 9x 14 10x13 lOx 16 12x 18 14x22 For wainscoting, these Registers make a very neat finish. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. Creamers Patent Lever Registers, Fig. 164. REGISTERS. FACES. Size of Opening. 4^x Width. Height. £ 6 o o o ■g§\S go* a> as 7 x 10 $2.25 $4.25 $2.85 $4.50 $0.90 $2.60 8 x 12 2.95 5.00 3.60 5.35 1.15 3.20 8 x 14 3.40 5.40 4.10 5.75 1.30 3.30 9 x 12 3.40 5.40 4.10 5.75 1.30 3.30 10 x 14 4.10 6.30 4.90 6.70 1.75 3.95 11 x 16 4.60 7.00 5.40 7.40 1.90 4.30 12 x 17 5.20 8.00 6.05 8.50 2.00 4.80 11 x 13 3.55 5.75 4.35 6.15 1.55 3.75 13 x 15 4.60 7.00 5.45 7.45 1.75 4.15 16 x 17 6.50 9.25 7.50 9.85 2.50 5.25 13 x 11 3.55 5.75 4.35 6.15 1.55 3.75 15 x 13 4.60 7.00 5.45 7.45 1.75 4.15 17 x 16 6.50 9.25 7.50 9.85 2.50 5.25 Fig. 166. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 75 IRON BORDER FRAMES. Size for Register Opening. Black Japanned. White Porcelain Enameled. Gold Bronzed. Nickel Plated. 4% X 63^ 4 X 8 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 15 4 xl6 4 x 18 6 \ 8 $1.15 1.20 1.25 1.45 1.55 1.75 2.50 1.30 1.30 1.50 1.80 1.40 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.00 2.40 2.60 2.70 2.80 3.35 2.65 3.15 3.70 4.25 3.40 3.80 4.35 4.75 6.75 7.00 7.50 7.75 8.75 8.00 $2.50 2.60 2.70 3.10 3.28 3.45 5.00 3.05 3.00 3.25 3.60 3.15 3.35 3.30 3.75 3.90 4.00 3.90 4.15 4.50 4.60 4 90 6.00 4.80 5.55 7.25 9.00 6.00 7.25 9.00 9.25 13.30 14.00 $1.35 1.40 1.50 1.80 1.90 2.10 3.00 1.50 1.55 1.80 2.15 2.40 1.65 1.75 1.95 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.90 3.10 3.25 3.40 4.00 3.15 3.70 4.35 5.20 4.25 4.65 5.20 5.65 8.00 8.25 9.00 9.25 10.25 9.50 $2.80 6 x 9 2 90 6 xlO 3.00 n x 14 3.40 6 x 16 3.60 6 x 18 3.80 6 x 24 5.50 7 x 10 3.40 8 x 8 3.30 8 x 12 3 60 8 xl5 4.50 9 x 9 3.50 9 x!2 3.70 10 x 10 3.70 10 x 14 4.40 10 x 16 4.75 10^x16^ 12 x 12 4.90 4.50 12 xl5 12 x 17 4.35 5.65 12 x 18 5.80 12 xl9 12 x24 6.00 7.40 14 xl4 6.00 14 xl8 14 x22 7.00 8.00 15 x25 16 x 16 10.00 7.00 16 x20 7.95 16 x24 9.75 20 x20 10.40 20 x26 21 x29 15.55 27 x27 24 x32 27 x38 30 x30 IRON ROUND BORDER FRAMES. Size of Opening. Nickel or Copper Plated. White Porcelain Enameled. Gold or Copper Bronzed. Black Japanned. 6 $2.95 3.15 3.25 3.55 3.80 4.30 5.00 6.00 7.35 4.60 $2.45 2.60 2.75 3.00 3.30 3.70 4.20 5.50 7.00 9.00 $1.20 1.30 1.40 1.55 1.70 2.05 2.65 3.50 4.55 5.50 8.60 $1.00 1 10 7 8 1 20 9 1 30 10 . . 12 1.40 1 80 14 2 25 16 3 00 18 4 00 20 5 00 24 6.50 76 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ROUND VENTILATING REGISTERS. Two Valves, for use with Cords only. Size, inches. Black or White Japanned. 5 1.00 1.25 1.30 1.70 2.00 ICE HOUSE OR CELLAR VENTILATING REGISTERS. With Lever Movements. These are sectional square boxes, without faces. Other sizes can be furnished if desired. 10 xlO, 90 cts.; 10x20, $1.60. STOVE PIPE VENTILATORS. These are open work screens with tins to spring them in. They are a most desirable substitute for a tight cover when the stoves are not in use, and act as Ventilators also. Size, inches. &A 5 5K 6 7 Gold Bronze or White Japanned, per doz 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.25 3.50 SMOKE PIPE REGISTERS, The sizes are for the opening for a Smoke Pipe through the body of the Register. Size, inches G 7 8 9 Black Japanned 3.00 3.00 3.00 3 00 Iron Border 2.50' 2 50 2.50 2.50 Ornamental Plate for finish on ceiling below, $2.00 each. ROUND REVOLVING REGISTERS. Size, inches 10 12 14 16 Black Japanned 1.45 1.95 3.00 4.00 CEILING VENTILATORS. For Churches and Large Halls. Size, inches 24 30 36 48 60 Painted and Tipped with Bronze 7.00 10.50 14.00 25.00 35.00 ORNAMENTAL PEDESTAL REGISTERS. "With Valves, "White Marble Top, O. G. Edges. Size, inches 16x16 16x21 21x21 Gold Bronzed 23.50 29.00 36.00 Chocolate, Tipped with Bronze 21.50 26.50 33.00 All Flat Registers can be made to work with cords or rods, and will go lengthways or upright ; the latter position always looks the best. They can be placed in ceilings also. It is best to give the position of the Register when ordering ventilating attachments. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 77 Dimensions of Registers, Size as Given on List. Opening to admit Body of Register. Extreme Dimensions of Reg- ister Face. Opening to admit Iron Border. iU x 6% *H x Q'/s 4x8 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 15 4 x 16 4 x 17# 6%x 8% 6% x 9 6% x 10 6% x 13% 6% x 16 6 x 18 6% x 2434 7 x 10 8x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 834 x 14 8 x 15 8 x 18 9%x 9% 9 x 10% 9 x 12% 9 x 14 1034 x 1034 10 x 12 10% x 14% 10 x 16 10% x 16% 10 x 18 12 x 12 13% x 1534 1234 x 1734 1234 x 18 12% x 1934 12 x 24 1434 x 1434 14 x 1834 1434 x 22 15# x 25% 16 x 16 16% x 20% 16% x 24% 20X x 2034 20 x 24 2034 x 2634 20% x 29 24 x 24 27 x 27 27 x 38 3034 x 3034 5X x iy 8 5% x 9% 5% x 11% 5y 8 x 14 5% x 16% 5% x 17% 5% x 1934 7%x 9% 7% x 10% 7% x 12 8 x 15% 8 x 17% 8 x 20 8 x 26 $K x ivx 9% x 9% 9% x 11% 9% x 13% 9% x 15# 9% x 16% 9% x 19% 10% x 10# 10% x 11% 10% x 13% 11 x 16 12 x 12 11% x 13% 1234 x 16% 12 x 18 12% x 18% 12 x 20% 14 x 14 13% x 16% 14 x 19 14 x 19% 14% x 21 13% x 25% 16% x 16% 16% x 2034 16% x 24% 17% x 27% 18^8 x 18% 17% x 22% 18% x 27 2234 x 2234 2234 x 26 22% x 28% 23% x 31% 2634 x 2634 29% x 29% 2934 x 4034 32% x 32% 4 x 8 4 x 10 4 x 12 4 x 15 4 x 16 4 x 18 6x8 10% x 12% 10% x 13% 10% x 14% 10% x 1834 ny s x 2134 10% x 23 10% x 28% 11% x 14% 12% x 12% 13 x 15 13 x 16% 13 x 18% 13 x 19% 13 x 22% 13% x 13% 14 x 15% 6 x 9 6 x 10 6 x 14 6 x 16 6 x 18 6 x 24 7 x 10 8x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 8 x 14 8 x 15 8 x 18 9 x 10 9 x 12 1434 x 1734 9 x 14 14% x 1934 10 x 10 15 x 15 10 x 12 15 x 17 10 x 14 15% x 19j£ 10 x 16 15% x 21% 10% x 16% 10 x 18 12 x 12 1634 x 22% 14% x 22% 17% x 17# 12 x 15 16% x 19% 12 x 17 17% x 22>£ 12 x 18 17 x 23 12 x 19 12 x 24 17% x 2434- 1734 x 29% 14 x 14 20% x 20>£ 14 x 18 20% x 24 2034 x 27^ 15 x 25 22 x 32 22 x 22 16 x 20 21X x 25% 16 x 24 22 x 30% 20 x 20 26% x 26% 20 x 24 26 x 29^ 20 x 26 2734 x 3334 21 x 29 28 x 36 24 x 24 31 x 31 27 x 27 34 x 34 27 x 38 34 x 45 30 x 30 37% x 37% — _ — - 78 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. PLUMBERS' BRASS GOODS. PLAIN BIBBS. Fig 167. Size, inches X % K % % 1 1M IK 2 Price, Finished, per doz 10.00 12.00 17.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 15.00 17.50 24.00 18.00 20.50 30.00 24.00 26.50 39.00 36.00 39.00 62.00 60.00 84.00 170.00 " Nickel Plated, per doz " Silver Plated, per doz HOSE BIBBS. Fig. 168. Size, inches X % % 1 m IK 2 Price, Finished, per doz 16.00 18.50 25.00 19.00 21.50 31.00 26.00 28.50 41.00 39.00 42.00 65.00 64.00 90.00 180.00 ' ' Nickel Plated, per doz Silver Plated, per doz PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. Fig 169. Size, inches M % K % % 1 iM IK 2 Price, Finished, per doz 11 00 13.00 18.00 10.00 13.00 15 00 21.00 12.00 16.00 18.50 25.00 15.00 19.00 21.50 31.00 17.00 26.00 28.50 41.00 23.00 39.00 42.00 65.00 35.00 64.00 90.00 180.00 " Nickel Plated, per doz " Silver Plated, per doz " Rough, per doz 56.00 78.00 160.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 70 HOSE BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 170. Size, inches. 5' V6 Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . Price, Rough, per doz 17.00 19.50 26.00 16.00 20.00 22.50 32.00 18.00 28.00 30.50 43.00 25.00 42.00 45.00 68.00 38.00 68.00 96.00 190.00 60.00 84.00170.00 PLAIN BIBB, FLANGE AND THIMBLE. Fig. 171 Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickle Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz Price, Add if with Hose End, per doz. $19.00 22.00 28.00 $24.00 27.50 36.00 1.00 #8.00 31.50 43.00 1.00 $40.00 44.00 58.00 2.00 $53.00 57.00 81.00 3.00 PLAIN BIBB, SCREWED FOR WOOD. Fig. 172. Size, inches M % H % % 1 \m 1 IK 2 Price, Plain, per doz 11.00 13.00 18.00 13.50 15.50 21.50 17.00 19.50 26.00 20.00 ! 27. 00 1 41.00 68 00 94.00 195.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 22.50 29.50 44.00! Price, Silver Plated, per doz 32.00 42.00 67. 00! so JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ROUGH STOP, T HANDLE, RIVET. Fig 173- Size inches M % X H % 1 1M 1H 2 Price, Plain, per doz 6.50 7.50 8.50 9.50 11.50 12 50 14.50 15.50 18.50 20.00 27.00 29.00 45 00 48.00 62.00 66.00 105.00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 115.00 ROUGH STOP, T HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER. Fig • 174. Size, inches 3€ % X % % 1 1U IX 2 Price, Plain, per doz Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 19.00 20.50 28.00 30.00 46.00 •49.00 64.00 68.00 110.00 120.00 ROUGH STOP, T HANDLE, NUT AND WASHER. For Lead and Iron Pipe. Fig • 175- Size, inches M % X % % 1 1M IK 2 Price, Plain, per doz 7.50 8.50 9.50 10.50 12.50 13.50 16.00 17.00 20.00 21.50 29.50 31.50 48.00 51.00 67.00 71.00 115.00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 125.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 81 Rough Stop, T Handle, Rivet, for Lead and Iron Pipe. Fig. 176. Size, inches % H M 1 114 IK 2 Price, per doz 13.50 .50 17.50 .50 21.50 .50 32.00 1.00 54.00 1.00 78.00 2.00 130.00 Add for Nut and washer, per doz 5.00 Rough Stop, T Handle, Nut and Washer, Screwed for Iron Pipe. Fig • 177. Size, inches M % % % M 1 lfc ±Vz 2 Price, Plain, per doz 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 13.00 14.00 17.00 18.00 21.00 22.50 31.00 33.00 50.00 53.00 70.00 74.00 120 00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 130.00 Rough Stop, T Handle, Nut and Washer, Screwed Outside and Inside, for Iron Pipe. Fig . 178. Size, inches u % H % % 1 1H IK 2 Price, Plain, per doz 7.50 8.50 9.50 10.50 12.50 13.50 16.00 17.00 20.00 21 50 29.50 31.50 48.00 51.00 67.00 71.00 115.00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 125.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ROUGH STOP, LEVER HANDLE. Fig. 179. Size, inches Ya % H H M 1 1M IK 2 Price, Plain, per doz Price, with Check and Waste, per doz $7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 19.00 20.50 28.00 30.00 46.00 49.00 64.00 68.00 110.00 120.00 ROUGH STOP, LEVER HANDLE. FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Fie:. 180. Size, inches % % % % X 1 m IK 2 Price, Plain, per doz $7.50 8.50 9.50 10.50 12.50 13.50 16.00 17.00 20.00 21.50 29.50 31.50 48.00 51.00 67.00 71.00 115.00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 125.00 ROUGH STOP, LEVER HANDLE, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 181. Size, inches Price, Plain, per doz Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 00 10.00 .00 11.00 13.00 14.00 X % 17.00 18.00 21.00 22.50 31.00 33.00 im n 50.00 70.00120.00 53.00 74.00130.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 8:5 Rough Stop, Lever Handle, Screwed Inside and Outside for Iron Pipe. Fig . 182. Size, inches M $7.50 8.50 % 9.50 10.50 12.50 13.50 % 16.00 17.00 % 1 13* IK 2 Price, Plain, per doz. . . . 20.00 21.50 29.50 31.50 48.00 51.00 67.00 71.00 115.00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 125.00 ROUGH STOP, T HANDLE, ROUND WAY, NUT AND WASHER. Fig. 183. Size, inches H K % % 1 m IK 2 Price, Plain, per doz . 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 21 00 25.00 26.50 44.0C 46.00 70.00 73.00 100.00 104.00 180.00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 190.00 Rough Stop, T Handle, Round Way, Nut and Washer, for Lead and Iron Pipe. Fig. [84. Size, inches % K H 21.00 22.00 M 26.00 27.50 1 45.50 47.50 1M 72.00 75.00 IK 103.00 107.00 2 15.50 17.50 18.50 185.00 Price, with Check and Waste, per doz 16.50 195.00 84 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Rough Stop, T Handle, Round Way, Nut and Washer, Screwed for Iron Pipe. Fig. i ?5.- Size, inches % % H % 1 Ifc IK 2 Price Plain per doz 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 23.50 24.50 27.00 28.50 47.00 49.00 74.00 77.00 106.00 110.00 190 00 Price with Check and Waste, per doz 200.00 ROUGH STOP, LEVER HANDLE, ROUND WAY. Fig. i Size, inches. Price, Plain, per doz Price, with Check and Waste, per doz. 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 25.00 44.00 70.00 100.00 21.00 26.50 46.00 73.00 104.00 m 1M 180.00 190. Ve. % 1 1* Price, Fig. 198, per doz $11.00 18.00 16.00 21.50 33.00 54.00 RAIN AND WELL WATER COCK. Fig. 199. Size, inches. M % /2 % 3/ 1 1« IK 2 Price, per doz 50.00 70.00 84.00 120.00 200.00 RAIN AND WELL WATER COCK, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 200. Size, inches % 1 1* IK 2 Price, per doz $56.00 79.00 96.00 138.00 230 00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 89 Corporation Stop, Screwed for Mueller Tapping Machine, Bent Coupling. Fig. 201. Size, inches % H % X 1 Price, each 1.20 1.35 1.70 2 50 3.85 Corporation Stop, Screwed for Mueller Tapping Machine, Straight Coupling. Fig. 202. Size, inches % X % % 1 Price, each 1.20 1.35 1.70 2.50 3.85 Corporation Stop, Screwed for Mueller Tapping, Machine and Iron Pipe. Fig. 203. Size, inches X % M 1 Price, each 1.35 1.70 2.50 3.85 CORPORATION COCK, FOR WOOD MAINS. Fig. 204. Size, inches H % % 1 Price, each 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.40 90 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ALE LOCK COCK. Fig. 205. Price, Finished, per doz .$30.00' LAGER BEER COCK. Fig. 206. Price, Finished, per doz $32.00> LAGER BEER COOLER COCK. Fig. 207. Length, inches 14 16 18 20 22 Price, Finished, per doz 40.00 44.00 48.00 52.00 56.00- LAGER BEER COOLER COCK. Fig. 208. Length, inches 14 16 18 22 Price, Finished, per doz 52.00 56.00 60.00 66.00' JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 91 COOLER COCK. Fig. 209 Size, indies Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. u 7.00 8.50 7.50 9.00 9.00 12.00 10.50 14.00 URN COCK, DROP HANDLE. Fig. 210. Size, inches M I 5 6 % /« Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 28.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 32.00 38.00 32.00 34.00 41.00 36.00 38.50 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 48.00 URN COCK, IVORY HANDLE. Fig. 211. Size, inches u % 16 X Price, Finished, per doz 20.00 22.00 27.00 21.00 23.00 29.00 24.00 26.50 33.00 28.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 30 50 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 37.00 URN GAUGE. Fig. 212. Price, each $5 00 Price, Nickel Plated 6.00 Price, Silver Plated 9.00 92 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. RACKING COCK, TO DRIVE. RACKING COCK, TO SCREW. Fig. 213. Fig. 214. Size, inches M % 7 50 % % M 1 Price, Fig. 213, Finished, per doz 5.00 10.00 14.50 17.00 30.00 Size, inches U % H % % 1 Price, Fig. 214, Finished, per doz 5.50 8.00 11.00 16.00 19.00 32.50 LOCK COCK, TO DRIVE. LOCK COCK, TO SCREW. Fig. 215. Fig. 216. Size, inches u % « % M 1 Price, Fig. 215, Finished, per doz 6 50 8 50 12.00 16.50 20.00 35.00 Size, inches U % V2 % M 1 Price, Fig. 216, Finished, per doz 7.00 9.00 13.00 18.00 22.00 37.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 93 GLOBE COCKS, LEVER HANDLE. Tinned End. To Screw. Fig. 217. Fig. 218. Size, inches M n X % M 1 Price, Fig. 217, Finished, per doz 9.00 11.00 14.50 18.00 24.00 36.00 Size, inches M % v% % M 1 Price, Fig. 218, Finished, per doz 9.50 11.50 15.50 19.50 26.00 38.50 KEROSENE COCK. LIQUOR COCK. To Screw. To Screw. Fig. 219. Fig. 220. Size, inches ! % 15.00 % 19.00 % 26.00 1 Price, Fig. 219. Finished, per doz 12.50 42.50 Size, inches H H % M 1 Price, Fig. 220, Finished, per doz 12.50 15.00 18.50 26.00 42.50 94 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SWING BASIN COCK. Fig. 221. Price, Finished, per dozen 21 .00 Price, Nickel Plated, per dozen 25 . 00 Price, Silver Plated, per dozen , 33.00 BRACKET BASIN COCK. Fig. 222. Price, Finished, per dozen 18.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per dozen 22.00 Price, Silver Plated, per dozen 26.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 95 BRACKET BASIN COCK. Fig. 223. Price, Finished, per doz 34 .00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. 40.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 44.00 BRACKET SHAMPOOING COCK. Fig. 224. Price, Finished, per doz 30.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 34.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 38.00 96 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION WORK. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBB. Fig. 225. Size, inches % X % % 1 '1M IK 2 Price, Finished, per doz 9.00 11.00 16.50 10.00 12.50 19.00 12.00 14.50 24.00 18.00 20.50 33.00 34.00 37.00 60.00 52.00 80.00 160.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz COMPRESSION HOSE BIBB, Fig. 226. Size, inches % H % X 1 m IK" 2 Price, Finished, per doz 10.00 12.00 17.50 11.00 13.50 20.00 13.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 22.50 35.00 37.00 40.00 63.00 56.00 86.00 170.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 97 Compression Plain Bibb, Screwed for Iron Pipe, with Shoulder. Fig. 227. Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . 10.00 12.00 17.50 2 11.00 13.50 20.00 K 13.00 15.50 25.00 20.00 22.50 35.00 37.00 56.00 40.00 63.00 VA 86.00 170.00 Compression Hose Bibb, Screwed for Iron Pipe, with Shoulder. Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 11.00 13.00 18.50 12.00 14.50 21.00 5,; 14.00 16.50 26.00 22.00 24.50 37.00 40.00 43.00 66.00 \\ 60.00 V4 92.00 180.00 Compression Plain Bibb, Screwed for Iron Pipe, without Shoulder. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 1 m IK 2 37.00 40.00 56.00 86.00 170.00 63.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION HOSE BIBB, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Without Shoulder. Fig 230. Size, inches % 11.00 13.00 19.00 H % %. 1 IV l 1 ^ 2 92.00 Price, Finished, per doz 12 00 14.50 21.00 14.00 16.50 26.00 22.00 24 50 37.00 40.00 43.00 66.00 60.00 180.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBB, FLANGE AND THIMBLE, Size, inches % % % % 1 Price, Finished, per doz 16.00 19.00 25.00 18.00 21.50 30.00 21.00 24.50 36.00 28.00 32.00 46.00 51.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 55.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 79.00 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBB, FLANGE AND THIMBLE. tig. 232. f= -• * Size, inches n X % X 1 Price, Finished, per doz 17.00 20.00 26.00 19.00 22.50 31.00 22.00 25.50 37.00 30.00 34.00 48.00 54.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 58.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 82.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION WASH TRAY BIBB. Fig. 233. Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 10.00 12.00 11.00 13.50 1300 15.50 19.00 21.50 36.00 39.00 Compression Wash Tray Bibb, Screwed for Iron Pipe. Fig. 234. Size, inches % % % M 1 Price, Finished, per doz 11.00 13.00 12.00 14.50 14.00 16.50 21.00 23.50 29.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 42.00 Compression Wash Tray Bibb, Flange and Thimble. Fig- 235. Size, inches % H % H 30.00 1 Price, Finished, per doz 17.00 19.00 22.00 53 00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 100 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION BATH BIBB. Fig. 236. Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 14.00 16.50 23.00 17.00 19.50 29 00 26.00 28.50 41.00 42.00 45.00 68.00 COMPRESSION BATH BIBB, FLANGE AND THIMBLE. Fig. 237. Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 59.00 63.00 87.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 101 COMPRESSION BATH BIBB, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 238 Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz Yz 15.00 17.50 24.00 18.00 20.50 30.00 % 28.00 30.50 43.00 45.00 48.00 71.00 COMPRESSION STOP. Fig. 239. Size, inches H H % M 1 Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz : 10.00 12.00 17.50 11.00 13.50 20.00 13.00 15.50 25.00 19.50 22.00 34.50 36.00 39.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 62.00 COMPRESSION STOP, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Fig. 240. Size, inches H H % 13.50 16.00 25.50 M 1 Price, Finished, per doz , 10.50 12.50 18.00 11.50 14.00 20.50 20.50 23.00 38.50 37.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz ... Price, Silver Plated, per doz 40.00 63.00 102 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION STOP, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 241 Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz , Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 11.00 13.00 18.50 12.00 14.50 21.00 14.00 16.50 26.00 21.00 23.50 38.00 38.00- 41.00 65.00- COMPRESSION SHOWER BATH COCK. Fig. 242. Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . 12.00 14.50 21.00 14.00 16.50 26.00 20.50 23,00 35.50 37.00 40.00 63.00 COMPRESSION SHOWER BATH COCK. Screwed for Iron Pipe. Fig. 243 Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz X % 13.00 15.50 22.00 16.00 22.50 18.50 25.00 28.00 37.50 40.00 43.00 66.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 103 COMPRESSION URINAL COCK. Fig. 244. Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 18.00 21.00 28.00 COMPRESSION SILL COCK. Fig. 245. Size, inches. H Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. 28.00 32.00 28.00 32.00 104 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION HOPPER COCK. Size, inches Price, Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz Price, Bough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz Price, Rough, Silver Plated Flange and Handle, per doz 16.00 18.50 25.00 % 19.00 21.50 81.00 % 24.00 26.50 39.00 COMPRESSION HOPPER COCK, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 247. Size, inches X % M Price, Rough, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz 17.00 19.50 26.00 20.00 22.50 32.00 26.00 Price, Rough, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz 28.50 Price, Rough, Silver Plated Fiance and Handle, per doz 41.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 105 COMPRESSION HYDRANT COCK. Fig. 248. - Size, inches. Price, per doz. 14.00 % % 17.00 22.00 1 38.00 COMPRESSION HYDRANT COCK, FOR LEAD AND IRON PIPE. Fig. 249. Size, inches. Price, per doz. 14.50 _% 18.00 23.00 1 39.50 COMPRESSION HYDRANT COCK, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 250. Size, inches V* % % 1 Price, per doz 15.00 19.00 24.00 41.00 106 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION BALL COCKS. For Lead Pipe. Screwed for Iron Pipe. Fig. 251. Fig. 2 52. Size, inches % K ( '■% \ % 1 Price, Fig. 251, per doz 8.50 9.50 I 11.001 17.00 30.00' Size, inches % X H % 1 Price, Fig. 252, per doz 9.50 10.50 12.00 19.00 33. 0O COMPRESSION PANTRY COCKS. Fig. 253. PLAIN END. Fig. 254. Price, Fig. 253, Finished, per doz 30.00> Price, Fig. 253, Nickel Plated, per doz 34.00 Price, Fig. 253, Silver Plated, per doz 45.00 HOSE END. Price, Fig. 253, Finished, per doz 33.00' Price, Fig. 253, Nickel Plated, per doz 37.00 Price, Fig. 253, Silver Plated, per doz 48.00 - PLAIN END. Price, Fig. 254, Finished, per doz 60.00' Price, Fig. 254, Nickel Plated, per doz 68 00 Price, Fig. 254, Silver Pla t ed, per doz 80.00 HOSE END. Price, Fig. 254, Finished, per doz 63.00' Price, Fig. 254, Nickel Plated, per doz 71.00 Price, Fig. 254, Silver Plated, per doz 83.00- JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 10? COMPRESSION BASIN COCKS. Tee Handle. Cross Handle. Fig. 255. Price, Fig. 255, Finished, per doz 17.00 Price, Fig. 255, Nickel Plated, per doz 20 . 00 Price, Fig. 255, Silver Plated, per doz 26.00 Fig. 256. Price, Fig. 256, Finished, per doz 19.00 Price, Fig. 256, Nickel Plated, per doz. ... 22.00 Price, Fig. 256, Silver Plated, per doz 28 . 00 COMPRESSION BASIN COCK. Cross Handle. Fig. 257. ^ Price, Finished, per doz 38.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 42.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 50.00 108 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BASIN COCK, FOR BACK OF SLAB. P Fig. 258. Price, Finished, each $5.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 5 . 50 Price, Silver Plated, each 6 . 50 COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK. Fig. 259. Price, Finished, each $6.50 Price, Nickel Plated, each 7.00 Price, Silver Plated, each 8.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 109 COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, WITH CHAIN STAY. Fig. 260. Price, Finished, each $7.50 Price, Nickel Plated, each... , 8.00 Price, Silver Plated, each 9.50 COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, WITH RING CUP. Fig. 261. Price, Finished, each $7.50 Price, Nickel Plated, each 8.00 Price, Silver Plated, each 9.50 110 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK. Fig. 262. Price, Finished, each , $5 . 00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 5.50 Price, Silver Plated, each. . . 7.00 COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, HANDLES IN FRONT. Fig. 263. Price, Finished, each $7.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each . .. 7.50 Price, Silver Plated, each 9.00 COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, HANDLES ON TOP. Fig. 264. Price, Finished, each $7.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 7.50 Price, Silver Plated, each 9 . 00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Ill EJECTOR COMPRESSION WORK. Fig. 265. COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, FOR LEAD PIPE. Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 10.00 12.50 19.00 12.00 14.50 24.00 18.00 20.50 33.00 1 34.00 37.00 60.00 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, FOR LEAD PIPE. Fig. 266. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches H % % 1 Price, Finished, per doz 11.00 13.50 20.00 13.00 15.50 25.00 20.00 22.50 35.00 37.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 40.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 63.00 COMPRESSION PLAIN BIBBS, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 267. (Not illustrated. ) Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz, Price, Silver Plated, per doz . 11.00 13.50 20.00 ■'8 13.00 15.50 25.00 % 20.00 22.50 35.00 37.00 40.00 63.00 COMPRESSION HOSE BIBBS, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 268. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. H % % 12.00 14.50 21.00 14.00 16.50 26.00 22.00 24.50 37.00 40.00 43.00 66.00 COMPRESSION WASH TRAY BIBBS. Fig. 269. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. 11.00 13.50 13.00 19.00 36.00 15.50 21.50 39.00 We recommend these goods as the very best work made for high pressure, and far superior to the ordinary Compression work. 112 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. EJECTOR COMPRESSION WORK. Fig. 270 Compression Double Bath Cock. Fig. 273. Price, Nickel Plated, each. . . 16.00 Price, Silver Plated, each 21 .00 COMPRESSION BASIN COCK. Fig. 270. Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 35.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 45 . 00 COMPRESSION URINAL COCK. Fig. 271. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz. . . . Price, Nickel Plated, per doz . Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 18.00 21.00 28.00 20.00 23.00 33.00 COMPRESSION PANTRY COCK. Fig. 272. (Not illustrated.) Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 48 .00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 58.00 Fig. 273. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 113 PRIER'S SELF-CLOSING WORK. PLAIN BIBB FOR LEAD PIPE. Fig. 274. Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz. '2 % 24.00 39.00 42.00 27.00 42.00 51.00 PLAIN BIBBS FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 2 75- (Not illustrated.) Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . 28.00 43.00 46.00 31.00 46.00 55.00 STOPS FOR LEAD PIPE. Fig. 276. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz.. . . Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 24.00 39.00 42.00 27.00 42.00 51.00 STOPS FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 277. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 30.00 45.00 48.00 33.00 48.00 56.00 114 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. PRIER'S SELF-CLOSING WORK. BASIN COCK. Fig. 278. Price, Finished, per doz 45 . 00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 48.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 60.00 URINAL COCK. Fig. 279. (Not illustrated.) Price, Finished, per doz 36 . 00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 48.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 60.00 PANTRY COCK. Fig. 280. (Not illustrated.) Price, Finished, per doz 62.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 71 . 00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 75.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 115 ZANE OR BOSTON SELF-CLOSING WORK. PLAIN BIBB FOR LEAD PIPE. Fig. 281. Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Siiver Plated, per doz. . 21.00 36.00 39.00 24.00 39.00 42.00 27.00 72.00 42.00 51.00 PLAIN BIBB FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 2S2. (Not illustrated). Size, inches. Price, Finished, per do - ? Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . 25.00 40.00 43.00 28.00 43.00 46.00 31.00 46.00 55.00 78.00 STOP FOR LEAD PIPE Fig. 283. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz y 2 24.00 39.00 42.00 '8 27.00 42.00 51.00 STOP FOR IRON PIPE Fig. 284. (Not illustrated). Size, inches •. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 32.00 47.00 50.00 35.00 50.00 59.00 116 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ZANE OR BOSTON SELF-CLOSING WORK. \ BASIN COCK. Fig. 285. Price, Finished, per doz 45 00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. 48.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 60.00 URINAL COCK. Fig. 286. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches X Price, Finished, per doz . . . - 06.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . 48.00 60.00 PANTRY COCK. Fig. 287. (Not illustrated.) Price, Finished, per doz 54.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. 64.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . 72.00 HOPPER COCK WITH PLATES AND HANDLES. Fig. 288. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches H Price, per doz 60.00 LONG HOPPER COCK. Fig. 289. (Not illustrated.) Size, inches H Price, per doz 30.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 117 DOHERTY'S SELF-CLOSING WORK. Fig. 290. PLAIN BIBBS, FOR LEAD PIPE. Size, inches X % Price, Finished, per doz 24.00 37.50 40.00 27.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 40.00 Price. Silver Plated, per doz 48.00 PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 291. (Not illustrated). Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 27.00 40.00 44.00 H_ 30.00 45.00 52.00 BASIN COCKS. Fig. 292. (Not illustrated). Price, Finished, per doz , Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. , 42.00 48.00 56.00 URINAL COCKS. Fig. 293. (Not illustrated). Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 35.00 45.00 60.00 PANTRY COCKS. Fig. 294. (Not illustrated). Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . Hose Ends, extra 60.00 69.00 72.00 4.00 STOPS, FOR LEAD PIPE. Fig. 295. (Not illustrated). Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 24.00 37.50 40.00 27.00 40.00 48.00 STOPS, FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 296. (Not illustrated). Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 30.00 45.00 48.00 33.00 48.00 56.00 HOPPER COCKS, FINISHED FLANGE AND HANDLE. Fig. 297. (Not illustrated). Lead 28.00 | Iron BALL COCKS.— Including Weighted Ball. Fig. 298. (Not illustrated). Lead, Y 2 inch 31.00 | Iron, % inch 30.00 34.00 18 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. TELEGRAPH PLAIN BIBB. Fig. 299 Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz „ Price, Nickel Plated per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 15.00 17.00 23.00 17.00 19.50 26.00 20.00 22.50 32.00 % 26.00 28.50 41.00 TELEGRAPH PLAIN BIBB, SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 300 Size, inches Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 16.00 18.00 24 00 18.00 20.50 27.00 21.00 23.50 33.00 28.00 30.50 43.00 TELEGRAPH COOLER COCK. Size, inches % Price, Finished, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 19.00 21.50 31.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 119 TELEGRAPH BASIN COCK. Fig. 302. Price, Finished, per doz 24.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 27.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 33.00 LONG SELF-CLOSING HOPPER COCK. For Lead Pipe. Fig. 303 Size, inches X % % Price, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz 24.00 26.00 33.00 26.00 28.50 38.00 30.00 Price, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz 32.50 Price, Silver Plated Flange and Handle, per doz 45.00 120 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. LONG SELF-CLOSING HOPPER COCK. For Iron Pipe. California Pattern. Fig. 304 Size, inches. Price, Finished Flange and Handle, per doz Price, Nickel Plated Flange and Handle, per doz. Price, Silver Plated Flange and Handle, per doz. 30.00 32.50 39 00 SELF-CLOSING HOPPER COCK. Single. Fig. 305. Price, per doz * - . « 26.00 SELF-CLOSING HOPPER COCK. Double. Fig. 306. Price, per doz 40.00 JAMES B. CLOW ^^J c 2.05 MBm&r I 2.15 HI^P**^ t 2.25 Fig. 433- i 4.50 ' 5.50 QUARTER BEND. With Heel Outlet. Standard. Ex. Heavy. Pr ice, 2 inch, , 3 « 1 4 .1 * .4 " , 5 u ' 5 " . g u , 6 ,< « 6 " ' 8 " • 10 " .70 .85 .95 1.05 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 3.50 4.50 .80 " 2 " " 2 " " 3 " " 2 " " 3 " « a " « 3 CI " 4 «' «i 4 11 n 4 «« 1 00 It 1 40 iugrL I I 1.50 HB1B It 1.65 - -^ A>£^~W] a 1.75 ^MF it 2.05 ■^ it 2.15 ft 2.25 Fig. 434- 1 1 4.50 " 5.50 152 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. LONG QUARTER BEND. Standard. Ex. Heavy. * Price, 4 inch, 18 inches long in the clear 1.50 2.25 2.50 2.25 Fig. 435- " 5 « " " " " 6 " " •' " 2.75 3.25 SIXTH BEND. Fig. 436. Price, 2 inch, each. « 4 " 5 " 6 Standard. .40 .55 .65 1.00 1.20 3.00 EIGHTH BEND. > M Standard. Ex. Heavy. S3 Price, 2 inch, each , " 3 " " .35 .45 .60 .90 1.05 2.75 3.75 .45 .65 %•# " 4 '• " 1.00 ^W " 5 " " 1.20 ^ " 6 " " 1.40 Fig. 437- " 8 " " 3.75 " 10 " " 5.00 Fig. 438. SIXTEENTH BEND. Price, 4 inch, each T BRANCH. Standard. .60 Fig. 439- 2 x 3 x 4 4 4 5 5 x 5 x 5 x x 2 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 5 1 4 3 9, Standard. Ex. Heavy. .40 .60 .55 .80 .65 1.20 1.20 1.50 6x 61 6x 5 6x 4 6x 3 I 6x2 1 8x 8 to 8x 2 10x10 to lOx 2 Standard. 1.40 3.25 6.50 Fig. 440. SANITARY T BRANCH. Price, 4x4 inch, each. Standard. 1.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 153 T BRANCH, WITH SIDE OUTLET. Standard. Ex. Heavy. Price ,4x4 inches, 4x3 " 4x2 5x5 " 5x4 " 5x3 " 5x2 " 6x6 6x5 " 6x4 " 6x3 " 6x2 " with 2 inch outle^ « 2 <> " 2 " " 2 " " 2 " " 2 " " 2 " " 2 " « 2 " " 2 " " 2 " << 2 " " each il 1.25 1.80 2.00 .■!■' 1.80 IBM << : 1 1 II IhIebiI (t 1 ■pHl << ::::::: 2.10 I Hj tt I 1 -"'SB 6x4,36 " 1 1 8.00 VENTILATING BRANCH, amm Standard. Ex. Heavy. l i Mil Price tt < t a 2x2, each .80 1.25 1.50 2.00 3.00 6.00 1.25 3x2, " 1.75 P 4x2, " 5x2, " ..... .............) 2.00 M l 5x4, " 6x4, " t 2.75 4.00 V 8x4, " | rig. H--+J- 8x5, *< t 8.50 CROSS HEAD BRANCH. Fig. 444. x 2 .. x 3 ) x 2 f x 4 x 3 x 2 x 5 1 x 4 I x 3 f x 2 j Standard. .80 1.10 1.25 1.60 Ex. Heavy. 1.00 1.40 1.75 2.00 6x61 6 x 5 | 6 x 4 j* 6 x 3 | 6 x 2 J 8x8) to y 8x 2| 10 x 10 . . Standard. 2.50 5.00 8.00 Ex. Heavy. 3.25 7.00 11.00 154 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Y BRANCH. Fig. 445- x 2 .. x 3 ) x 2 j" x 4 ) x3 (■ x 2 x 5 -] x 4 ! x3 x 2 J x 6 x 5 x 4 Standard. 0.60 1.20 1.60 2.00 Ex. Heavy. 0.80 1.25 1.60 2.25 3.25 6 x 6 x Standard. 2.00 5.00 7.00 Ex. Heavy. 3.25 7.50 11. ©0 Y BRANCH. With Side Outlet. Fig. 446. 4x4, with 2 inch side outlet 4x3, " 2 4x2, " 2 5x5, <: 2 5x4, " 2 5x3, " 2 5x2, " 2 6x6, " 2 6x5, " 2 6x4, " 2 6x3, " 2 6 x 2, « 2 1.80 2.20 2.60 Ex. Heavy. 2.20 2.85 3.85 Jp ' DOUBLE ANGLE Y. Standard. Ex. Heavy. 111 4x4, each. . 5x4, each.. 6x4, each.. 3.50 4 50 5.75 4.50 5.75 Fig. 447. 7.25 DOUBLE Y BRANCH. Fig. 448 Standard. 1.00 1.25 1.65 2.25 3.00 Ex. Heavy. 1.25 1.60 1.90 3.00 4.00 x 6 x 6 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 10 x to 10 x Standard. 3.00 .00 9.00 Ex. Heavy. 4.00 .00 14.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 155 HALF Y BRANCH. Standard. Ex. Heavy. Standard. Ex. Heavy. , wm 2x2. 3x3 3x2 4x4 4x3 .60 .80 1.20 1.60 .80 1.25 1.60 2.25 6x61 6x51 6x4 [ 6x31 6 x 2 J 8x81 8 x 6 | 8x5 y 2.00 5.00 />W \ A i 3.25 11 Fig. 449. 4x2 5x5^ 5x4 5x3 5x2 7.50 8x41 8 x 2 J DOUBLE HALF Y BRANCH. Fig. 450. 2x2.. 3x3) 3 x 2 f 4x4 4x3 4x2 5x51 5x4 I 5 x 3 ( 5 x 2 J Standard. LOO l'.25 1.65 2.25 Ex. Heavv. 1.25 1.60 1.90 3.00 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 6 1 5 4 3 2 8 6 5 4 2 Standard. .00 6.00 Ex. Heavy. 4.00 .00 OFFSET. Standard. Ex. Heavy. Price, 2 inch to offset 4 inch. p.a.oh .50 .60 .70 .80 .85 .75 .80 .90 1.00 .85 1.00 1.15 1.25 1.40 1.65 1.80 2.25 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.40 2.00 2.25 2.40 2.75 .90 " 2 " 6 « " 2 " 8 ' " 2 " " 10 ' " 2 " " 12 ' " 3 " " -4 ' " a " 6 < " 3 « 8 ' " 3 " " 12 < " 4 " " 4 ' " 4 '« " 6 ' " 4 " " 8 ' " 4 " " 10 ' h 4 „ « 12 « " 4 " " 14 « u 4 <> „ 16 « " 4 " " 20 « « 5 «i 4 < « 5 " 6 ' " 5 " 8 ' « 5 »< a 12 « " 5 " " 16 ' » 6 " " 4 ' " 6 " 6 ' « 6 " 8 ' " 6 " " 12 ' 1 00 1 10 1.20 1.25 1.10 1.20 1.35 If J ^ 1.40 J>^^ 1.25 f ^^B 1.40 f ^^ 1.50 V 1.60 } 1.80 Wa^L 2.00 Fig. 45 1. 2.25 3.00 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.50 156 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. OFFSET. With 2 inch Outlet. Standard. Ex. Heavy. A^M Price, 4 inch to offset 4 inch, each 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.70 1.95 2.10 2.55 1.55 H^WJ " 4 " " 6 " " 1.70 If " 4 " " 8 " " 4 " " 10 " " 1.80 1.90 WM " 4 " " 12 " " 2.10 lM " 4 " " 14 " " 2.30 " 4 " " 16 " " 2.55 tig. 452. " 4 " " 20 " " 3.30 SINGLE HUB. Fig. 45; Price, 2 inch, each. " 3 " « 4 « " 5 l < « Q « « 8 " " 10 " Standard. .25 .35 .40 .60 .75 1.40 2.50 DOUBLE HUB. Standard. Ex. Heavy. Price < i 2 inch, 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 8 " 10 " each .30 .45 .65 .75 .80 1.50 2.50 .40 fppiff .55 £k**l .75 << .90 «< 1.15 Fig. 454- << 3.25 " 4.00 REDUCER. Standard. Ex. Heavy. Price a pH V Price 1 :: , 2 inch, 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 8 " 10 " each .30 .40 .50 60 .70 1.10 1.75 .40 r— T v^- .55 ^H, )/~~ (< .65 Xsa^ tt .80 Fig. 460. << 1.00 c< 1.75 tt 2.50 PIPE HOOK. f Fig. 461. Price, 2 inch, each. " 3 " tt 4 " *< " 5 « " '. tt 6 tt a g « .08 .10 .12 .15 .20 .40 S TRAP. Standard. Ex. Heavy. 1 Price, 2 inch, each .80 1.25 1.50 3.00 3.75 1.25 1 %# M % { 1 " 3 " " 1.75 " 4 " " 2.50 B " 5 " " , 4.00 Fig. 462. « 6 " " 5.00 158 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. S TRAP. With Heel Outlet. Fig. 463. Price, 4 inch, S Trap, each. " 4 " J^STrap, " . " 4 " % S Trap, " . THREE-QUARTER S TRAP Standard. 2.00 2.00 2.00 Ex. Heavy. 3.00 3.00 3.00 S TRAP. With Vent on Top. Standard. Ex. Heavy. m 11 Price, 2 inch, with 2 inch Vent, each " 3 " "2 " " " " 4 " " 2 " " " ; 1.30 1.75 2.00 3.50 4.25 1.75 2.25 3 00 " 5 • " "2 " " " 4 50 Fig. 464. " 6 w " 2 " " " . . . 5.50 JUTT /'TSBk Standard. Ex. Heavy. ! ; :i:i : , : ;.;• h» Price, 2 inch, each .80 1.25 1.50 3.00 3.75 1.25 |/m|j ^BhBh r " 3 " " 1 75 " 4 " " 2 50 " 5 " " 4.00 Fig. 465. " 6 " " .... 5.00 HALF S TRAP. ~%~\ if " Tr^ = ' Standard. Ex. Heavy. H Price, 2 inch, each .80 1.25 1.50 3.0Q 3.75 1.25 — am m " 3 " " 1.75 a 4 a a 2.50 " 5 " " 4.00 Fig. 466. " 6 " " 5.00 Fig. 468. HALF S TRAP. With Side Outlet. Standard. Ex. Heavy. l|pF Price, 4 inch 3*2 S Trap, each 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 " 4 " ¥8 " " 3.00 Fig. 467. " 4 " S " " 3.00 HALF S TRAP. Without Hand Hole. Price, 4 inch, each. Standard. 1.50 Ex. Heavy. 2.50 RUNNING TRAP. m^h \m 1 Standard. Ex. Heavy. i W Price, 2 inch, each .80 1.25 1.50 3.00 3.75 1.25 «# " 3 " " a 4 a a 1.75 2.50 ^Hjgp " 5 " " 4.00 Fig 469. " 6 " " '. 5.00 [iiijiS RUNNING TRAPS. rf With Hub for Vent. ||Bfi|||v // Standard. Ex. Heavy. Price, 4 inch with 4 inch vent 5 " "4 " " . << 6 " "4 " ft g « tt Q ii ii < i, JQ .i ii Q H ii _ 2.00 3.50 4.25 10.00 3.00 4.50 5.50 13.00 Fig. 470. 21.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO- 159 GREENHOUSE PIPE FITTINGS. RETURN BEND. Price, 2 inch, each 65 " 3 " " 85 " 4 " " 1.25 " 5 " " 2.00 " 6 " " 3.00 RETURN BEND. Double Hub. Price, 4 inch, each 1 . 25 RETURN BEND. Spigot Outlet. Price, 4 inch, each 1.50 RETURN BEND. Hub Outlet. Price, 4 inch, each 1.50 DOUBLE ELBOW. Price, 4 inch, each 1 . 75 TRIPLE ELBOW. i Price, 4 inch, each 2 . 50 THREE-WAY ELBOW. Price, 4 inch, each 2.50 V Fig. 471. Fig. 472. Fig. 473- Fig. 474. Fig. 475- Fig. 476. Fig. 477. Fig. 483. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 161 WROUGHT STEEL SINK. Fig. 484. 16 x 24 x 6, each. PAINTED. .... 1.80 2.50 16 x 24 x 6, 18 x 30 x 6, 18 x 36 x 6, 20 x 30 x 6, 20 x 36 x 6, 20 x 40 x 6, 16 x 24 x 6, 18 x 30 x 6, 18 x 36 x 6, 20 x 30 x 6. 20 x 36 x 6, 20 x 40 x 6, GRAY each ENAMELED. . .. "6.50 18 x 30 x 6, " . 8 50 18x36x6, " . .... 3.00 < t . . . 9 50 20 x 30 x 6, " . .... 3.00 .... 3.70 << . .. 9.00 20 x 36 x 6, " . « 10.50 20 x 40 x 6, " . .... 4.00 ,'< 11 50 GALVANIZED. 16x24x6, each 18x30x6, " .... 4.00 5.10 WHITE ENAMELED, each . .. 6.50 8 50 18x36x6, •' . 6.50 << 9.50 20x30x6, " . ... 6.25 i I . . . 9 00 20x36x6, '* . 7.75 ,< . . 10 50 20 x 40 x 6, " 8.50 " 11 50 OVAL STEEL SINKS. Size, Inside of Rim, 10 x 20 Inches. Fig. 485. With Overflow. Price, Painted, each 2.50 Price, Galvanized, each 4. 00 Price, Gray Enameled, each , 6 . 00 Price, White Enameled, each 6.00 These Sinks are made from one plate of steel and are superior to cast iron sinks in every particular, being lighter, stronger, and more durable. It is well known that cast-iron sinks break easily in shipping, storing, placing in position for use, and from various other causes, adding largely to average cost to plumbers and dealers, and annoyance and loss to users. These sinks, being of wrought steel, will not break from heat, cold, or any cause whatever. Steel being less porous than cast-iron, they are comparatively odorless, and their greater elasticity avoids the breakage of dishes. The bowl and projecting thimble are stamped in one piece from the same plate, and we are enabled to attach strainer and pipe more satisfactorily than is possible with cast-iron sinks. Our new coupling, for either wrought iron or lead pipe, is pronounced by all plumbers the best thing on the market. We furnish these Sinks at prices, freedom from breakage considered, less than for sinks made from cast-iron. 162 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CAST IRON SQUARE SINKS. Sizes, Inches. Depth, Inches. Plain. Galvanized. Gray Enameled. White Enameled. 13 x 19 5 1.25 2.60 2.60 4.75 14 x 20 6 1.50 3.20 3.20 6.00 15 x 23 6 1.70 3.40 3.40 6.25 15 x 25 6 1.75 3.60 3.60 6.50 15 x 27 6 2.00 4.25 4.25 7.25 16 x 24 6 1.80 4.00 4.00 6.50 16 x 28 6 2.10 4.50 4.50 7.50 16 x30 6 2.25 4.75 4.75 7.75 18 x 30 6 2.50 5.10 5.10 8.50 18 x 32 6 3.00 6.25 6.25 9.50 18 x36 6 3.00 6.50 6.50 9.50 18 x42 6 4.00 8.75 8.75 11.75 19 x38 6 3.80 8.00 8.00 11.00 20 x 30 6 3.00 6.25 6.25 9.00 20 x 36 6 3.70 7.75 7.75 10.50 20 x40 6 4.00 8.50 8.50 11.50 20 x42 6 4.25 9.00 9.00 12.00 22 x 42 6 4.25 9.00 9.00 12.00 24 x 48 6 5.75 12.25 12.25 15.00 24 x 50 6 7.50 16.00 16.00 18 00 22 x 62 6 10.75 22.00 22.00 26.00 22 x 76 6 15 00 32.00 32.00 Add to List, if with Patent Overflow: Plain, 1.00; Galvanized, 1.25; Gray Enameled, 1.25; White Enameled, 1.50. Add, if with Plug Strainer: Plain, 20c.; Galvanized, 25c; Enameled, 50c HALF-CIRCLE SINK. Fig. 487. Number. Back. Width. Depth. Price, Plain. Price, Galvan- ized. Price, Gray En- ameled. Price, Enam- eled. 1 24 in 27 ' 5 28 " 31V 14 in. 14 » 16 « 17 " 6 in. 6 " 6 " 6 " 1.50 1.80 2.00 2.25 3.25 3.90 4.50 4.75 3.25 3.90 4.50 4.75 6.00 7.00 3 4 8.00 9.00 Fig. 488. CORNER SINK. Number. Side. Front. Depth. Price, Plain. Price, Galvan- ized. Price, Gray En- ameled. Price, Enam- eled. 1 2 17 in. 20 " 22 " 25 in. 28 " 31 " 6 in. 6 " 6|" 1.25 1.75 2.10 2.75 3.50 4.20 2.75 3.50 4.20 6.00 7.00 3 8.00 SQUARE SLOP SINK. Size, inches 16x16 20x14 24x20 Depth, inches 10 12 12 Price, Plain, each , 2.70 5.25 5.25 7.50 3.50 6.50 6.50 8.50 5 00 Price, Galvanized, each 9 50 Price, Gray Enameled, each 9 50 Price, Enameled, each 11.50 Fig. 489. Furnished with Patent Overflow or Plug Strainer same extra Price as Square Sinks. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 163 Fig. 490. SQUARE SLOP SINK. With Rounded Corners and 4 inch Outlet in Center. Size, inches. Depth, inches Price, Plain, each Price, Galvanized, each Price, Grey Enameled, each. 16xlG20x 10 12 3.25 6.00 6.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 Fig. 491. F.g. 49 2 - HARRIS SLOP SINK. With Bell Trap. Size, inches. Price, each. 12x12 2.00 14x14 2.25 16x16 2.50 SLOP HOPPER. With Bell Trap. Price, each 3 . CESSPOOL. WITH BELL TRAP. Sectional Cut. Fig. 493- Size. 4x4, 1}{ inch Outlet, each. " 6x6, 1% " " " . " 9x 9, 3 " " " . " 13x13,4 " " " . .50 .75 1.00 2.50 164 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. EXTRA HEAVY CESSPOOL. With Bell Trap and Grating. Sectional Cut. Fig. 494. ¥ TT I T ? ? Size, 16 x 16, Depth, 10 inch, 4 inch Outlet, each. Size, 27 x 19^, Depth, 14 inch, 4 inch Outlet, each. 4.50 14.00 Fig. 495- HYDRANT CESSPOOL. Size, inches 12x12 14x14 16x16 Depth, inches 6 6 6 Price, Plain .... ... 1.00 1.15 1 30 SEWER TRAPS. Fig. 496. Size, 16 x 16 inches, each 2.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 165 CESSPOOL PLATES. Fig. 497. Fig. 498 Fig. 499. Fig. 500. Size, inches ... 0x8 Size, inches Gx6 50 Price, each 30 VENTILATION PLATE. To fit Hub End of Soil Pipe. Fig. 501. Size inches 4 5 6 Price, each. .20 .35 .50 SINK BACK. Pig. 502. Sizes. Plain. Galvanized. Gray Enam'd. White Enam'd. Price, 30 inch, each 2.00 2.75 3.50 4.25 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 5.00 " 36 " " 6.00 " 42 " " 7.00 " 48 " " 8.00 SINK LEG. For All Sizes of Sinks. Fig. 503- Price, Plain, each 50 Price, Galvanized, each 1.00 166 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SINK BRACKET. Fig. 504. Plain. Galvanized. Price, No. 1, Takes Sink up to 18 inches wide " " 2, " " " 23 " .60 .75 1.00 1.C0 1.25 "3, " " " 32 " 1.50 SINK STRAINER. Fig. 505. Price, Plain, per doz « 1 . 50 Price, Galvanized, per doz 2 60 Price, Gray Enameled, per doz 2 . 60 Price, White Enameled, per doz 3.00 SINK COUPLING. Fig. 506. Price, Plain, per doz Price, Galvanized, per doz. 1.50 2.00 SINK COUPLING. Tapped for Iron Pipe "Waste. Fig. 507. Price, each 75 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 167 IRON SINK PLUG. Fig. 508. Price, Plain, per doz 3.25 Price, Galvanized, per doz 5 . 00 Price, Gray Enameled, per doz 5 .00 Price, White Enameled, per doz 6 . 00 SINK BOLT. Fig. 5°9- Price, per doz. ,40 SOAP CUP. Fig. 510. Price, Plain, per doz 2.50 Price, Galvanized, per doz 4.00 STREET WASHER BOX. STOP COCK BOX. Fig. 55 Fig. 512. Price, each f 1 . 25 Price, each. 50 Plumber's address cast on Covers to order. 168 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. STRAP SOLDER MOULD. Half Round Bar. SOLDER POT. Fig. 514. Fig. 513- Price, each 3.00 Size, inches 5 6 9 12 Price, each .50 .65 1.30 3.00 BOILER STAND. Fig. 515. SIZE. Price, Galvanized. 12 inch "Ring, for 18, 24 and 30 gallon Boiler; 13 t << i 14 ' " ' 16 18 < t< < 20 1 " ' 22 < n < 24 t << 35 gallon Boilers. 40 gallon Boilers 52 and 63 gallon Boilers 66 gallon Boilers 82 gallon Boilers 100 and 120 gallon Boilers 120, 144, 168 and 192 gallon Boilers. 2.50 2.60 2.70 3.25 3.80 4.50 5.00 6.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 169 IRON BATH TUB. French Pattern. Fig. 516. Sizes 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. 5^ft- 6 ft. Price, Painted 18.00 34.00 9. CO 20.00 38.00 9.50 22.00 42.00 10.00 24.00 46.00 11.00 26.00 Price. Porcelain lined 50.00 If with Wood Pvim, add 12.00 If tapped at bottom for Iron Pipe, Hot and Cold Water Supply and Waste, 1.50. All French Tubs are 23 inches wide, 19 inches deep, and 25 inches from floor to top of rim. IRON BATH TUB, Plain Pattern. Fig. 517. Sizes 4^ ft. S^ft. 6 ft. Price, Plain 18.00 33.00 20.00 36.00 22 00 Price, Porcelain Lined 42.00 If tapped at bottom for Iron Pipe Hot and Cold Water Supply and Waste, 1.50. All Plain Pattern Tubs are 26 inches wide, 19 inches deep, and 23 inches from floor to top of rim. 170 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. IRON WASH STANDS. HALF CIRCLE AND CORNER WASH STANDS. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Couplings. Fig. 518. Height to front of Slab, 30 in. Height to top of Back, 33 in. Length of Back, 22 in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled, on Bronzed Standard 11.50 Fig. 5*9- Height to front of Slab, 30 in. Height to top of Back, 34 in. Length of Side, 16 in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled, on Bronzed Standard 11.50 IRON SLABS AND BOWLS. Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Coupling. Fig. 520. Length of Back, 22 in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled, Bronzed Outside 9 . 50 Fig. 521. Length of Side, 16 in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled, Bronzed Outside 9 . 50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 171 IRON WASH STANDS. HALF CIRCLE AND CORNER WASH STANDS. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Couplings. Fig. 522. Height to front of Slab, 28 in. Height to top of Back, 32 in. Length of Back, 19 in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled, on Bronzed Standard 9.50 Fig- 5 2 3- Height to front of Slab, 28 in. Height to top of Back, 32 in. Length on Side, 13% in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled, on Bronzed Standard 9.50 IRON SLABS AND BOWLS. Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Coupling. Fig. 5 2 4- Length of Back, 19 in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled, Bronzed Outside 7 . 50 Fig. 525- Length on Side, 12% in. Diameter of Bowl, 12% in. Enameled. Bronzed Outside 7.50 172 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. IRON WASH STAND. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Couplings. Fig. 526. Height, 29 inch. Length of Back, 24J4 inch. Diameter of Bowl, 12^ inch. Enameled on Bronzed Standard 11.00 DOUBLE IRON WASH STAND. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Couplings. Fig. 527. Height, 82 inch. Length of Back, 41 inch. Diameter of Bowls, 123^ inch. Enameled, with Bronzed Standards 23.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 173 IRON WASH STAND ON FRAME. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Couplings. Fig. 528. Height, 31 inch. Length on Back, 24% inch. Diameter of Bowl, 12% inch. Enameled, on Bronzed Frame 11.00 DOUBLE IRON WASH STAND ON FRAME. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Couplings. Fig. 529. Height, 31% inch. Length of Back, 46 inch. Diameter of Bowls, 12% inch. Enameled, with Bronzed Frame 22.00 174 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. H O Q CQ 2 tf ^ w ^N m H PQ 02 D « ti CO < D £ 2 Q O H 04 Ph J _} < W 2 O 5 -a JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. .75 SECTIONAL IRON WASH STAND. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Coupling. Fig- 531. Height to front of Slabs, 28 in. Height to top of Back, 3834 in - Length of Back 48 in. Diameter of Bowls, 12% in. Price complete as shown, (with End Piece on right hand side.) Enameled, with Plated Union Strips, on Bronzed Standards 33.00 Additional Sections furnished at one-half of above price. 176 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SECTIONAL IRON WASH STAND. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Coupling. Fig- 532- Height to front of Slabs, 28 in. Height to top of Back, 38^ in. Length of Back, 48 in. Diameter of Bowls, 12^ in. Price complete as shown, (with End Piece on left-hand side.) Enameled, with Plated Union Strip, on Bronzed Standards 33.00 Additional Sections furnished at one-half of above price. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 177 IRON WASH BASINS. Common Overflow, Enameled. Patent Overflow Rubber Plug, Enameled. Fig. 533- Fig- 534- Price, 14 inch, each. .00 Price, 14 inch, each. 3.50 The above prices include Plated Plugs and Stoppers. IRON HALF CIRCLE URINAL. IRON CORNER URINAL. Plain and Enameled. Plain and Enameled, Fig. 535- Fig. 536. Size, inches 12 15 Size, inches 9 12 Price, Plain, each 1.15 1.50 Price, Plain, each 1.15 1.45 Price, Enameled, each 2.50 3.00 Price, Enameled, each 2.25 2.75 178 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. IRON HALF CIRCLE LIPPED URINAL. With Brass Supply and Waste Couplings. Fig- 537- Size, 18 x 17 inches on back. Price, Plain 6.00 Price, Enameled 10 . 00 Price, Enameled, Electro- Bronzed Outside, to protect from rust 12 .00 IRON HALF CIRCLE LIPPED URINAL. Brass Supply and Waste Couplings. With Ventilating Hood. Fig- 538. Price, Plain 7.00 Price, Enameled 11.00 Price, Enameled, Electro Bronzed Outside, to protect from rust 13.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 179 IRON PRIVY SINK. Fig. 539- Single. Length. Width. J Depth. 4 feet 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23% 16 in. 12 in Price. 16.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 25.00 28.00 34.00 37.00 40.00 43.00 50.00 53.00 56.00 59.00 62.00 70.00 73.00 80.00 83.00 86.00 89.00 92.00 Double. Length. Width. Depth. Price. 6 feet 7 •' 8 " 31 in. <( a it (( (< a 11 in. 30.00 38.00 42.00 9 " 46.00 10 " 11 " 12 " 50.00 54.00 58.00 Lengths over 12 feet are made in two sections. Add for Patent Lifting Attachment: Single, 4 . 00 j Double, .... 5 . 00 If wanted can furnish Single Privy Sinks 17 inches wide; and lengths over 7 feet, 14 inches deep, and Double Privy Sinks 33% inches wide and 14 inches deep. The sizes named in above list are the Standard, and generally used. IRON URINALS FOR PUBLIC PLACES. Plain and Enameled. Fig. 540. Number 1 2 Length, inches 42 48 Price, Plain, each 8.00 21.00 9.00 Price, Enameled, each 25.00 180 JAMES B. £LOW & SON, CHICAGO. IRON HOPPER. Philadelphia Pattern, with Side Arm. Fig. 541. Height, 16 inches. Diameter on top, 14 inches. Outlet, %% inches. Price, Enameled 2.00 IRON HOPPER. New Pattern, with Side Arm. Fig- 542. Height, 16% inches. Diameter on top, 14 inches. Outlet, 3)4 inches. Price, Enameled 2.25 IRON FRENCH, OR SHORT HOPPER. Plain, Painted, Galvanized and Enameled. Fig. 543- Height, 8 inches. Outlet for 4 inch Soil Pipe. Price, Enameled 2 . 75 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 181 LONG OVAL FLUSHING RIM IRON HOPPER. With Brass Supply Connection. For Iron or Lead Supply Pipe. For Direct Pressure or Tank Supply. Fig. 544- Price. Enameled 5 . 50 Price, Enameled, with Hardwood Rim , 7 . 00 SHORT OVAL FLUSHING RIM HOPPER. With Brass Supply Connection. For Iron or Lead Supply Pipe. -For Direct Pressure or Tank Supply Furnished with full S, % or y 2 S Trap. Fig. 545- Height, 16 inches. Outlet, 4 inches. Price, Enameled on Painted Trap 7.25 Price, Enameled on Enameled Trap 8.50 Add for Vent on Trap . 50 Add for Hardwood Rim 1.50 182 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. IRON HOPPER VALVE CLOSET. STRAIGHT. Self-Raising Round Seat. Fig. 546. Price, Enameled, each. 10.00 IRON HOPPER VALVE CLOSET. WITH TRAP. Self-Raising Round Seat. Fig. 547- Price, Enameled, each. . . , , 11 00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 183 IRON FLUSHING RIM HOPPER VALVE CLOSET. For Prison and Hospital Service. With Single aDd Double Acting Valve at Back. Iron Seat balanced to self -raise, and Wood Rim. Substantially made. Fig. 548. Price, Enameled, each 12.00 IMPROVED IRON FLUSHING RIM HOPPER VALVE CLOSET. For Prison and Hospital Use. On Enameled Elbow. Iron Seat, Hard Wood Rim. The Elbow is tapped for waste water from basin,, Fig. 549- Price, Enameled on Enameled Elbow, each 15.00 Price, Enameled on Painted Trap, each 14.75 Price, Enameled on Enameled Trap, each 16.00 Made with 2 inch and 4 inch outlet. PHILADELPHIA OR ALL RIGHT VALVE CLOSET. Brass Levers. Fig. 55°- Price, with Plated Cup and Pull, each 10 00 184 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. J. B. C. VALVE CLOSET. Fig- 551. Price, with Plated Cup and Pull, each „ 7 .-00 J. B. C. CISTERN CLOSET. Complete with Cranks, Ball Lever and Valve. Fig- 552. Price, with Plated Cup and Pull, each 7.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 185 ROYAL SANITARY WATER CLOSET. Sectional Drawing of Valve and Plunger. Fig. 553- The above Figure represents the valve used on our Royal and Eclipse Closets now used extensively throughout the United States. It has many advantages and has given very general satisfaction. It is the most simple Valve made, there being but the two working-parts, the main plunger and the balance plunger. The full pressure from the main is always exerted on the balance plunger and when the pull is raised the balance plunger pressing against the lever assists the float in opening the valve, which as shown opens against the pressure and closes with it. In closing the balance valve pressing against the lever entirely prevents the water hammer so troublesome with most closets under heavy pressure. In case lead chips or other matter gets into the valve it can easily be taken out without taking off the cover of closet by simply unscrewing the lower part of valve when the plunger can be taken out, washer put on or dirt taken from valve. It will work equally well under high or low pressure. From the body of valve there is a wash tube which allows a stream of water to run into reservoir when closet is used thus each time filling the reservoir with pure water. The spring is merely used to keep the main plunger perfectly true in r ositioi. We guarantee every Closet to be satisfactory. All of our Closets have Flushing Rim. The Royal is a Plunger Closet with Side Outlet Bowl and Iron Reservoir. The connection between outlets of basin and reservoir are so close that the contents of bowl are quickly discharged and before reservoir is entirely emptied. The fresh water coming in from wash tube then fills the reservoir with clean water. The Flushing Rim makes a thoroughly good wash that cleans the bowl perfectly. The Eclipse Closet we consider the best Sanitary Closet on the market. The outlet is in center of bowl and is closed \a ith a Diaphragm Valve, very simple but perfect in its operation. The failure of a somewhat similar Closet has hurt the sale of the Eclipse, but as it becomes better known our sales have constantly increased. We highly recommend it as a first class Closet in every respect. 186 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ROYAL SANITARY CLOSET. With Trap. Fig. 554- With Plated Trimmings, Painted Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each. . , With Plated Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each. 20.00 25.00 ROYAL SANITARY CLOSET. With Offset. Fig. 555- With N. P. Trimmings, Painted Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each, . . With N. P. Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each. 20.00 25.00 Drip Trays furnished suitable for all styles Water Closets and Hoppers. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 18T ROYAL SANITARY CLOSET. Straight. Fig- 556. Price, with Plated Trimmings, Painted Reservoir and Flushing Rim. . . Price, with Plated Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir and Flushing Rim. 20.00 25.00 ROYAL SANITARY CLOSET. Outline Drawing. Fig. 557- For full description of Valve and Closet, see page 185. 188 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. FAVORITE SANITARY WATER CLOSET. Outline Drawing of Valve and Plunger. Fig. 558. The F.vorite Valve is a Balance Valve, but on a different principle from the Royal, as in this valve the one Plunger only is used. On the Plunger near the top there is a small Cup Leather that acts as a washer in passing through the upper part of Valve. It will be noticed that the space covered by the second Cup Leather is considerably larger than the seat just below it. The direct pressure from the mains is always exerted between the two cup leathers and as the pressure is of course greater on the large sur- face of the second Cup Leather as against the small surface of the seat, the Valve will close as soon as relieved of the weight of Float. When the Pull is raised and Float drops, the Valve instantly opens and gives a full stream and closes under the heaviest pressure without the slightest noise. It is the best closet made for muddy or gritty water. As shown it opens with and closes against the pressure. It has a Wash Tube similar to Royal and Eclipse, so that the Reservoir is filled with fresh water every time closet is used. The overflow is on the Syphon principle and is large enough to take off all the water on the highest pressure. We guarantee every closet to give perfect satisfaction. The Favorite Closet is similar in construction to the Royal, both using the same style Bowl. In the Favorite the overflow is cast in the reservoir instead of being in the plunger. Many prefer it in prefer- ence to any other Closet, and in many cases it has been used successfully when every other style has failed. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 1SJ» FAVORITE SANITARY CLOSET. With Trap. Fig. 559- Price, with Plated Trimmings, Painted Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each. . . Price, "with Plated Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each. 20.00 25.00 FAVORITE SANITARY CLOSET. With Offset. Fig. 560. Price, with Plated Trimmings, Painted Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each. Price, with Plated Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each 20.00 25.00 190 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. FAVORITE SANITARY CLOSET. Straight. Fig. 561. Price, with Plated Trimmings, Painted Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each . . Price, with Plated Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir and Flushing Rim, each 20.00 25.00 FAVORITE SANITARY CLOSET. Outline Drawing. 1 ig. 562. For full description of Valve and Closet see page 188. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. m ECLIPSE SANITARY CLOSET. Straight. Price, with Plated Trimmings, Painted Reservoir, each . . Price, with Plated Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir, each 20.00 25.00 ECLIPSE SANITARY CLOSET. Outline Drawing. Fig. 564. For full description of Closet and Valve, see page 185. 192 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. THE ALEXANDER SANITARY CLOSET. Fig. 565. A FEW FEATURES OF ITS EXCELLENCE. 1. In the Iron Body Closet, the porcelain bowl, being cemented in an iron casing, makes it secure from breakage, and no possibility of leakage. 2. There being a direct outlet from bowl, the contents will be discharged quicker, and the bowl left cleaner than in any other closet. 3. There is no possibility of float being fouled, the bottom of bowl and lower valve being thoroughly washed each time by the flush from tank. 4. There being a flushing rim, the bowl will fill very quickly. 5. The water in the bowl only being used each time, prevents the noise being heard through the house, as in other closets where their whole contents are discharged at once. 6. There is less waste of water with better effect than in any other closet. 7. The bottom valve is very simple and strongly constructed, and it may be easily rewashered by unscrewing porcelain washer. There is no disconnecting of closet. 8. Should the supply of water be shut off, the water in the tank, which rises to same height as in the bowl, would be sufficient to flash the closet several times. 9. The rock shaft has a stuffing nut to the trunk, preventing any escape of sewer gas. There is a flow of water that runs between the trunk and bowl on the rock shaft, preventing any paper from lodging there. 10. The overflow is large and doubly trapped, with outlet for ventilation. 11. The water valve is strong, simple and hardly possible to get out of order, easily rewashed, having sufficient size of ball and leverage to shut off at any pressure and without any noise. 12. By adjusting the ball, the height of water can be as desired. Price, Iron Body, with Plated Trimmings 20 . 00 Price, all Earthen, " " 35.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 193 ECLIPSE SANITARY CISTERN CLOSET. With Tank Complete Fig. 566. Price, with Plated Trimmings, Painted Reservoir, each . . Price, with Plated Trimmings, Enameled Reservoir, each 30.00 35.00 194 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CLOW IMPROVED WASH-OUT CLOSET. WITH TANK COMPLETE. Fig. 567. Price, with Pull and Chain and Fig. 578, Iron Tank 30.00 Price, with Pull and Chain and Fig. 581, Copper Lined Tank 33 .00 Add for Walnut and Cherry Seat and Galvanized Legs 6.00 Add for Enameled Iron Drip Tray 2.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 195 CLOW IMPROVED WASH-OUT CLOSET. WITH TANK AND SEAT COMPLETE. Fig. 568. Price, with Iron Tank, Fig. 580, Seat and Galvanized Legs, complete 40.00 Price, -with Copper Lined Tank, Fig. 583, Scat and Galvanized Legs, complete 43 . 00 Deduct if without Seat 6 . 00 Add for Enameled Drip Tray 2.50 196 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CHICAGO WASH-OUT CLOSET. Earthen Bowl and Iron Trap, with Tank Complete. Fig. 569. Price, with Pull, Chain and Fig. 577 Iron Tank ...'.. 22.50 Price, with Pull, Chain and Fig. 581 Copper Lined Tank 30.00 This Closet was made at the request of leading architects and plumbers to be used where a Washout Closet was wanted, but where the regular Earthen Closet would prove too expensive. It is a first-class closet in every respect, and is meeting with well merited success. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 197 CHICAGO WASHOUT CLOSET. With Tank and Seat Complete. Fig- 57o. Price, with Iron Tank, Fig. 580, Seat and Galvanized Legs, complete, each 28 .50 Price, with Copper Lined Tank, Fig. 583, Seat and Galvanized Legs, complete, each 31 .50 Deduct, if without Seat and Legs 6.00 Add, for Enameled Iron Drip Tray 2.50 198 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CLOW IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM HOPPER APPARATUS. Long Oval Earthenware Hopper with Pull Attachment. Fig. 571- Price, complete with Fig. 578 Iron Tank and Pull 22.00 Price, complete with Fig. 581 Copper Lined Tank and Pull 25.00 Add, if with Seat and Galvanized Iron Legs 6.00 Add, if with Enameled Drip Tray 2 . 50 Deduct, if with Enameled Iron Hopper, Fig. 544 3.50 This is an excellent apparatus for private residences or stores where a Hopper Closet is wanted, but where the complete Fore and After Wash Closet proves too expensive. Cost of this Closet can be reduced 4.50 by using Fig. 577 Iron Tank. For description of Tank see Fig. 578. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 199 CLOW IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM HOPPER APPARATUS. Short Oval Earthenware Hopper and Trap with Pull Attachment. Price, Complete, with Fig. 578, Iron Tank and Pull, each Price, Complete, with Fig. 581, Copper Lined Tank and Pull, each Add, if with Walnut or Cherry Seat and Galvanized Legs Add, if with Enameled Iron Drip Tray Deduct, if with Enameled Iron Hopper, Fig. 545 23.00 26.00 6.00 2.50 3.25 This apparatus is preferred by many persons in place of Fig. 571, as it has the advantage of having the Trap above the Floor. 200 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CLOW IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM HOPPER APPARATUS. Long Oval Earthenware Hopper with Fore and After Wash Tank, Seat and Legs Complete. Fig- 573- Price, complete with Fig. 579 Iron Fore and After Wash Tank, Walnut or Cherry Seat and Galvanized Legs 30.00 Price, complete with Fig. 582 Copper Lined Fore and After Wash Tank, Walnut or Cherry Seat and Galvanized Legs 33 . 00 Deduct, if with Enameled Iron Hopper, Fig. 544 3.50 Add, if with Enameled Drip Tray 2.50 For Public Buildings, Hotels, &c, this Closet has no superior. The Tank is without exception the very best now on the market. (See Fig. 579 for full description ) JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 201 CLOW IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM HOPPER APPARATUS. SHORT OVAL EARTHENWARE HOPPER AND TRAP. With Fore and After Wash Tank, Seat and Legs Complete. Fig. 574- Price, complete with Fig. 579 Iron Fore and After Wash Tank, Walnut or Cherry Seat and Galvanized Legs 31 .00 Price, complete with Fig. 582 Copper Lined Fore and After Wash Tank, Walnut or Cherry Seat and Galvanized Legs 34.00 Deduct, if with Enameled Iron Hopper Fig. 545 3.25 Add, if with Enameled Iron Drip Tray 2.50 This Apparatus is preferred by many persons in place of Fig. 573, as it has the advantage of having the Trap above the floor. For description of Tank see Fig. 579. 202 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CLOW IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM HOPPER APPARATUS. Philadelphia Pattern Earthenware Hopper with Pull Attachment. Fig- 575- Price, complete with Fig. 578 Iron Tank and Pull 18.00 " " 577 " « « 13.50 " 581 Copper Lined Tank and Pull 21.00 Add if with Enameled Iron Drip Tray 2.50 This Closet is specially designed for Servants' Apartments or where a good cheap Hopper Apparatus is desired. It will be found very effective. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 203 CLOW IMPROVED FLUSHING RIM HOPPER APPARATUS. Philadelphia Pattern Earthenware Hopper with Fore and After Wash Tank, Seat and Legs Complete. Fig. 576. Price, complete with Fig. 579 Iron Fore and After Wash Tank, Walnut or Cherry Seat and Galvanized Iron Legs 23.50 Price, complete with Fig. 582 Copper Lined Fore and After Wash Tank, Walnut or Cherry Seat and Galvanized Iron Legs 26.50 Add, if with Enameled Iron Drip Tray 2.50 This Closet is specially designed for Servants' Appartments or where a good, cheap Hopper Apparatus is desired. It will be found very effective. 204 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. CLOW IMPROVED CISTERNS. Iron Pull Tank. Fig. 577- Price, Painted, each 7 . 50 This is a very excellent cheap Tank. The Float is Porcelain. Ball Cock will stand any pressure. The Tank is adapted to all kinds of Closets and Hoppers. The Yalve has a 4 inch opening and the large Service Box fills so rapidly it insures a good wash. As a Cheap Tank for Washout Closets it has no equal. CLOW IMPROVED CISTERNS. Iron Pull Tank. Fig. 578. Price, Painted, each 12.00 Without any single exception this is the very best Pull Tank now on the market. The Tank Valve is very simple in operation, and unlike other Tanks of this description it is noiseless in its operation, quite an advantage when used in residences. This Tank is particularly adapted to Hoppers and Wash- out Closets. After regulating the amount of water wanted, the same flush is obtained every time Tank is used. There is no waste or small wash so annoying in many Tanks. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 205 CLOW IMPROVED CISTERNS. Fore and After Wash Iron Tank. Fig- 579- Price, Painted, each 15.00 This Tank will be found simple but very effective. It has the same noiseless principles as in Fig. 578. The Fore Wash is about two quarts, the After Wash between two and three gallons. This Tank is adapted particularly to Hoppers. When once regulated as in Fig. 578 the same wash is always obtained. CLOW IMPROVED CISTERNS. After Wash Iron Tank. Fig. 580. Price, Painted, each 14.00 This has the same general features as Fig. 579, but is After Wash only, and is best adapted to Washout Closets when used with seats. It has the same noiseless principles as Fig. 578. 206 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. CLOW IMPROVED CISTERNS. Copper Lined Pull Tank. Fig. 581. Price, each 15.00 This Tank is similar in action to Fig. 578. All of our Copper Lined Tanks are lined with 16 oz. Copper, and are thoroughly first-class in every respect. CLOW IMPROVED CISTERNS. Copper Lined Fore and After Wash Tank. Fig. 582. Price, each 18.00 This Tank is similar in action to Fig. 579. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 207 CLOW IMPROVED CISTERNS. Copper Lined After Wash Tank. Fig- 583. Price, each 17.00 The Tank is similar in action to Fig. 580. CISTERN TANK VALVES. For Pull Tank. For Fore and After Wash Tank. Fig. 584. Fig. 585. Price, Fig. 584, each 5.00 Price, Fig. 585, Fore and After Wash, each :.. 8.00 Price, Fig. 586 (Not illustrated), After Wash, each 7.00 As many Plumbers prefer to make their own Tanks, we furnish our Tank, Valves for Wood Tanks, as Illustrated above, and offer them to the trade as the best Tank Valve now on the market. 208 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. HEAP'S PATENT EARTH CLOSETS AND COMMODES. EARTH CLOSET. Size, 48 inches high, 24 inches wide and 29 inches deep. Price, Plain Soft Wood, in the White 15.00 Price, Soft Wood, Finished 18.00 Price, Ash, Finished 25.00 Price, Red Oak, Finished 25.00 Price, Antique, Finished 27.50 Fig. 587. BEDROOM COMMODES. Size, 42 inches high, 23 inches wide and 29 inches deep. Price, Black Ash, Panelled 30.00 Price, Red Oak, Panelled 30.00 Price, Antique, Panelled 32.50 , The most perfect Dry Earth Closet made. Over 20,000 in use. Awarded 16 First-Prize medals. Fig. 588. The want of proper drainage or water-works often prevents the use of Water Closets in the house. These DRY CLOSETS can be placed anywhere INSIDE THE HOUSE, or the apparatus can he built in, and thus all the convenience and comfort obtainable from the best Water Closet is satisfactorily secured. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ENAMELED IRON DRIP TRAY. Round. Fig. 589. Price, each. • • 2.50 ENAMELED IRON DRIP TRAY. Oval. Fig. 590 Price, each «• • 2 . 50 EARTHENWARE DRIP TRAY. Fig. 59 1 - Price, each 3.50 210 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. EARTHENWARE. Clow Flushing Rim Long Oval Earthenware Hopper. Price, each 9.00 Clow Flushing Rim Short Oval Earthen- ware Hopper, with Earthenware Trap. Fig. 593- Price, each 10.00 Hopper, Philadelphia Pattern. Earthenware. Flushing Rim Earthenware Hopper. Philadelphia Pattern. JAMES B. CLOW & SON", CHICAGO. 211 URINALS. CORNER URINAL. FLAT URINAL. Fi g- 597- Large. Small. Large. Small. Size, inches 12x12 lOl^xlOl^ Size, inches 15x18 11^x14 Price, each 6.90 4.85 Price, each 6.90 4.85 LIPPED URINALS. Large. Small. Not Illustrated. Large. Small. Size, Flat, Fig. 598.... 15x18 12x15 Size, Corner, Fig. 599.. 12x12 11x11 Price, each 8.50 6.90 Price, each 8.50 6.90 VENTILATED URINAL With Hood and Lip. Fig. 600. CAR URINAL. Fig. 601. Large. Small. Size, Flat Back, inches 15x18 12x15 Price, each.... 4.10 Price, each 8.50 7.50 212 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COMMON OVERFLOW WASH BASIN, For Metal Plug. Fig. 602. Diameter, outside, inches 12 13 14 15 16 Price, each. 1.05 1.25 1.40 1.90 2.40 PATENT OVERFLOW WASH BASIN. For Metal Plug. Fig. 603. Diameter, outside, inches 12 13 14 15 2.10 16 Price, each 1.15 1.30 1.50 2.70 PATENT OVERFLOW WASH BASIN. For Rubber Plug. Fig. 604. Diameter, outside, inches 12 13 14 15 16 Price, each 1.40 1.55 1.70 2.30 3.00 We carry a large stock of Decorated Basins both Round and Oval, varying in prices from $3.00 to $13.00. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 213 OVAL WASH BASIN. For Metal Plug. Fig. 605. Diameter, outside, inches. 15x19 Price, each. 5.00 WASH BASIN WITHOUT OVERFLOW. For Metal Plug. Fig. 606. (Not illustrated. ) Diameter, outside, inches 12 13 14 15 16 Price, each .80 1.00 1.15 1.60 2.00 ROUND CLOSET BOWL. Fig. 607. Price, each I.45 SLAB AND BASIN COMBINED. Square or Flat Back. Fig. 608. Size of Slab, inches 18 x 18 14 x 14 Inside Diameter of Basin, inches 11 11 Price, each 9.25 6 50 214 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SLAB AND BASIN COMBINED. Corner. Fig. 609. Size of Slab, inches. 19x19 14x14 Inside Diameter of Basin, inches . 11 11 Price, each. 9.25 6.50 SOAP DISH, Fig. 610. Price, each. 75 COCK HOLE PLUG. Fig. 61 ! Price, each , 15 JAMES B. (SLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 215 WHITE CROCKERY WASH TRAY. CERAMIC. F\g. 612. PRICE LIST OF WASH TRAYS AND FIXTURES. One Tub, without Stand or Top 20 . 00 Two Tubs, with galvanized iron stands and ash top, bolts and screws 51 .00 Three Tubs, with galvanized iron stands and ash top, bolts and screws 75.00 Four Tubs, with galvanized iron stands and nsh top, bolts and screws 99.00 Five Tubs, with galvanized iron stands and ash top, bolts and screws 125.00 Galvanized Iron Stands for set of 2 tubs. Wood Top for set of 2 tubs. 3 " . 4 " . 5 " . 8.25 11.00 13.75 16.50 2.75 4.00 5.25 6.50 WHITE CROCKERY SINK. Made of Same Material as the Tubs. Possessing Strength, Durability, Smoothness of Surface. No Labor Required to Keep Clean. Fig. 613. The above cut shows a Kitchen Sink set up on Galvanized Iron Legs, with a heavy, well- seasoned Ash Top firmly secured. This plan will recommend itself as being Strong, Durable and Cleanly in appearance. Sizes as follows are outside measurements. Butler's Pantry, 24 x 1 8 x 8 8 00 Kitchen, 42 x 22 x 1% 20.00 30x18x11 Kitchen, 30 x 20 x 7 14.00 12.00 Slop, 19x19x15 14.00 Galvanized Iron Stand and Ash Top for 30x22x7 12.00 kitchen sinks 8 . 00 37x22x7^ 16.00 Galvanized Iron Brackets, per pair 2.00 216 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SOAPSTONE AND SLATE WASH TUBS. Fig. 614. All measurements are outside. Number Parts 2 3 Length.. , . . . . 4 ft. 6 in. 6 ft Width 2 ft. 2 ft Depth 16 in. 16 in Price, Soapstone, Price, Slate, each each 26.50 20.00 36 00 27 00 Soap Cup and Backs extra, and are never sent unless specially ordered. Add for Galvanized Legs for Two-Part Wash Tray, Net 4.50 Add for Galvanized Legs for Three-Part Wash Tray, Net 6.00 SOAPSTONE AND SLATE SINKS. Fig. 615. Length , 2 ft. 3 ft. 3 ft. 6 in. 4 ft. Width 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in. Depth 7 in. 7 in. 7 in. 7 in. Price, Soapstone, each 8.50 10.50 11.50 14.50 Price, Slate, each 5.50 7.00 7.50 9.50 . Soap Cups, extra 50 cents. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 217 MARBLE. CORNER SLAB. With Two Backs. Fig. 6 1 6. Size of Slab, inches 18 19 20 21 22 24 Xo. of Feet in Slab with 8 inch Backs . 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in. 6 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. No. of Feet in Slab with 10 inch Backs- 6 ft. 3 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. 1 in. 9 ft. No. of Feet in Slab with 12 inch Backs. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. 1 in. 8 ft. 7 in. 9 ft. 10 ft. 1 in. SQUARE SLAB. With Single Back. Fig. 617. "Size of Slab, inches 19x24 19 x 26 20 x 24 20 x 26 No. of Feet in Slab with 8 inch Back. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. No. of Feet in Slab with 10 inch Back 5 ft. 7 in. 6 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. 3 in. No. of Feet in Slab with 12 inch Back. ... 6 ft. 6 ft. 5 in. 6 ft. 2 in. 6 ft. 8 in. Size of Slab, inches 20x28 20x30 22x30 22 x 36 No. of Feet in Slab with 8 inch Back 6 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 8 in. 7 ft. 1 in. 8 ft. 6 in. No. of Feet in Slab with 10 inch Back . . 6 ft. 8 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 9 ft. No. of Feet in Slab with 12 inch Back 7 ft. 1 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. 9 ft. 6 in. All Slabs are shipped with 8 inch Backs unless otherwise ordered. We carry every size named in our list in stock cut for two cock holes. When wanted for one cock hole the same slab can be used by putting in either a Chain Stay, Fig. 409, or Cock Hole Plug, Figs. 415 to 609. All Slabs cut for 14 inch Basins unless otherwise ordered. "Slabs without Backs cost more per foot than when furnished with Backs. Slabs for Ov: 1 Basins or Combination Cocks should be either 22 or 24 inches wide. 'IS JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SQUARE SLAB. With Back and Right Hand End. Fig. 618. Size of Slab, inches 19x24 20 x24 20x26 20x28 20 x 30 No. of Feet in Slab with 8 inch Backs 6 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 9 in. No. of Feet in Slab with 10 inch Backs 6 ft. 11 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. 1 in. 8 ft. 6 in. No. of Feet in Slab with 12 inch Backs 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 10 in. 8 ft. 4 in. 8 ft. 9 in. 9 ft. 2 in. SQUARE SLAB. With Back and Left Hand End. Fig. 619. Size of Slab, inches 19x24 20x24 20x26 20x28 20x30 No. of Feet in Slab with 8 inch Backs 6 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 9 in. No. of Feet in Slab with 10 inch Backs 6 ft. 11 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. 1 in. 8 ft. 6 in. No. of Feet in Slab with 12 inch Backs 7 ft. in. 7 ft. 10 in. 8 ft. 4 in. 8 ft. 9 in. 9 ft 2 in. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 219 RECESS SLAB, WITH BACK AND TWO ENDS. With Nosing. Fig. 620. When Recess Slabs are made, like Fig. 618, they are measured to extreme ends and one inch for the edge. In ordering Recess Slabs care should be taken to have measurements very exact. RECESS SLAB, WITH BACK AND TWO ENDS. Without Nosing. Fig. 621. This Slab finishes flush with the wall. Recess Slabs vary so in size that a table of measurements would be of no benefit. 220 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. BARBER'S SLAB. For Two Basins. Fig. 622. Sizes 44x20 46x22 48x22 Number of feet in Slab. ... - 7 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 4 in. BARBER'S SLAB. For Three Basins. Fig. 623. Size, across "widest part 3 ft. 6 in. : : ! ft. 8 in. 3 ft. 10 in. Number of feet in Slab 13 ft. 5 in. 14 ft. 8 in. 16 ft. EARBER'S SLAB. For Three Basins. Fig. 624. Size, across widest part 8 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 8 in. 3 ft. 10 in. Number of feet in Slab 13 ft. 5 in. 14 ft. 8 in. 16 ft. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 221 BARBER'S SLABS. For Four Basins. Fig. 625. Size, across widest part 3 ft. 10 in. 4 ft. 4 ft. 2 in. Number of feet in Slab 16 ft. 17 ft. 4 in. 18 ft. 9 in. Fig. 626. Size, across widest part 3 ft. 10 in. 4 ft. 4 ft. 2 in. Number of feet in Slab 16 ft. 17 ft. 4 in. 18 ft. 9 in. Fig. 627. Size, across widest part 3 ft. 10 in. | 4 ft. 4 ft. 2 in. Number of feet in Slab 16 ft. 17 ft. 4 in. 18 ft. 9 in. Other sizes or designs will be made to order. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. RADIATOR TOP. Oblong. Fig. 628. Corners rounded to 23^ inch radius, (5 inch circle). In measuring allow about % inch projection all around. RADIATOR TOP. Round. Fig. 629. In measuring allow about % inch projection all around. We strongly recommend the use of Pink Knoxville or No. 2 Tennessee Marble for Radiator Tops. It presents a very handsome appearance and does not stain. They also make good Radiator Bottoms. DRINKING SLAB. Fig. 630. We make to order any style Drinking Slab wanted. In ordering, if possible, always send diagram, and give full directions how slab is to be cut. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 223 URINAL STALLS. Fig. 632. We make Urinal Stalls of all descriptions, using the Foster Patent Fastenings. In ordering, it is always best to send drawing and full specifications of just what is wanted. The figures above are the style generally used. We also make Urinal Stalls of slate and marble, with glass back when wanted. Estimates furnished on any specification. 224 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. GALVANIZED IRON RANGE BOILERS. Fig. 633. Capacity. Size. Price. 3 ft. x 12 in. m " x 12 « 4 " x 12 " 4*£ '* x 12 " 5 " x 12 « 5 " x 13 " 6 " x 12 « 3 " x 14 " S% " x 14 « 4 " x 14 " 4% " x 14 " 5 " x 14 " 6 " x 14 " 4 " x 16 " 4^ " x 16 " 5 " x 16 " 6 " x 16 " 4 •' x 18 " 5 " x 18 " 6 " x 18 " 5 " x 20 " 6 " x 20 " 5 " x 22 " 6 " x 22 " 5 " x 24 " 6 " x 24 " 7 " x 24 " 8 " x 24 " 14 05 * 21 " 14 85 * 24 " 15 75 27 " 17 50 * 30 " 19 00 * 35 " 20.75 36 " 24 35 24 « 19 00 28 « 32 " 19.80 20 75 36 " 21.50 * 40 " 48 " 24.00 29.75 42 " 25.75 47 " 28 75 * 52 " 30.60 * 63 " 38.00 53 " 31.50 * 66 " 36.00 79 " * 82 " 44.00 45.50 98 " 54.00 *100 " 54 00 120 " . 63.00 *120 " 61.50 144 " 70.00 168 " 84.00 192 " 95.00 All Boilers are Tested and Warranted. Prices are for Boilers only. Stands, Tube and Couplings are extra. Sizes marked with a * are always in stock; other sizes made to order. H COPPER BOILERS. Heavy Pressure Rivet Head. Capacity. Price, each, 30 gallons 26.00 40 " 34.00 60 '• 55.00 80 " 72.00 100 " 95.00 Above Boilers are for pressure not to exceed 40 lbs. For heavier pressure we make special Boilers. Every Copper Boiler should be fitted with Vacuum Valve. Fig. 634. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 225 PATENT SEAMLESS RANGE BOILERS. Copper. Fig. 635. Fig. 636. For many years efforts have been made to produce a reliable House Boiler, in which the danger of bursting or collapsing, and destruction by rust as in iron, could be overcome. We have succeeded in producing this desired article, and now offer with perfect confidence, our Patent Seemless Range Boilers. They are made of Copper, and guaranteed to stand a vacuum, and are all tested at Two Hundred Pounds internal pressure to the square inch. The Boiler consists of two seemless shells, with rounded ends to insure greater strength, joined at the center by a long lap joint, which is covered with a wide seemless band. By cupping these shells from the sheet, a uniform thickness, spring temper* and increased tensile strength are obtained. A seamless band is attached to the bottom of the Boiler, which adapts it to any stand in the market. They are coated with tin on the inside, are handsome, durable, and well finished in all respects, and especially designed for first class residences. Price, 30 gallon, each 30 . 00 Price, 35 gallon, each 35.00 Price, 40 gallon, each 40.00 226 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COPPER GOODS. COPPER BATH TUB. 5, 5)4 or 6 feet long. Fig. 637. Outside Width at Head and Foot 24 inches. | Outside Depth 19 inches. Outside Length of Tubs, 5, 5%, and 6 feet Weight of Copper, ounees 10 12 | 14 16 18 20 Price, each 13.75 15.75 1 17.75 | 19.75 21.75 23.75 Zinc Tnbs, 5, 53^ or 6 feet, price each 8.00 | Larger or Special Sizes of Tubs, to order. FRENCH BATH TUB. Fig. 638. Outside Width at Head and Foot 26^£ inches. | Outside Depth 22 inches. Standard Length, 4% feet. Weight of Copper, ounces, . Price, 4 feet, 6 inch long, (Standard), " 5 " long, each " 5 " 6 inch long, each " 6 " long, each each. 10 15.00 17.00 12 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 14 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 16 21.00 23.00 25.00 27.00 18 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 20 25.00 27.00 29.00 31.00 SEAT TUB. Size, 24 x 22 inches. Fig. 639. Weight of Copper, ounces 10 12 14 16 Price, each 9.00 10 00 11.00 12.00 FOOT TUB. Size, 16 x 20 inches, 10 inches deep. Fig. 640. Weight of Copper, ounces 10 12 14 16 Price, each - 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO, SQUARE COPPER PANTRY SINK. F g. 641. Size, inches 12x18 12x20 14x16 14x20 14x24 16x24 16x30 18x30 4.50 5.00 4.50 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 11.00 OVAL COPPER PANTRY SINK. Fig 642. Size, inches 12x18 12x20 14x16 14x20 14x24 16x24 16x30 18x30 Price, each 5.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 COPPER BALL. @= Fig. 643. Size , inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price, per doz 6.00 7.00 10.50 24.00 48.00 72.00 CLOSET PAN. Fig. 644. Weight, ounces, Copper 18 20 24 Price, per doz 8.00 10.00 12 00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. COPPER ALCOVE. Fig. 645. Price, No. 1, each 12.01) Price, No. 2, each 9.50 TINNED COPPER SHOWERS. Plain Shower. ^ Fig. 646. Price, per doz , 12.00 FANCY TUBULAR SHOWER. With Flange and Thimble. Fig. 647. Price, per doz. 1.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 229 WATER HEATER AND HOT WATER RESERVOIR. For Barber Shops, Bath Houses, Hotels, and Small Green Houses. The above Heater is particularly adapted for all places where a large quantity of hot water is used. The Stove can be used without the Reservoir if you have a storage place for the heated water, and so connected with Stove as to circulate. The door to feed by is in a por- tion of Smoke Pipe which we furnish. Fire can be kept in Self-Feeders for twelve hours without attention. Small Sizes — Not Self-Feeders. V a V u i2 V 3 n bflu ^53 Bj Price. o 2^ u •S.S .5 • regular service box, and gives a base having openings 1% inches larger than regular size. Price, Fig. 705 each 40 Fig. 706. Extension Section for in- creasing length of boxes two feet. Price, each 55 Fig. 706. Key for Opening Cover. T Fig. 707. Cover for Water Service. Cover for Gas Service. Fig. 70S. Fig. 709. Price, Fig. 708, each 25 Price, Fig. 709, each 25 246 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SERVICE BOXES FOR GAS AND WATER. 2 inch Inside Diameter. No. 5. No. 4. No. 3. No. 2. No. 1. Fig. 710. Fig. 7] Fig. 712. Fig. 713. Fig. 714. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 Extending 13in.to213^in 2 ft. to 3 ft. 3 in 2 ft. 8 in. to 4 ft 2 ft. 10 in. to 4 ft. 10 in 3 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. 6 in. Price, each 1.00 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.60 Add for rod, each, net, 25 cents. This Box is designed for cities where a rod box is required and for this purpose is the best Box made. It weighs only about one-half as much as the regular Boxes and for this reason is preferred by some on account of freight. While we recommend the use of our regular Box this one will be found to give just as good satisfaction. The only difference being in the diameter. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 247 LARGE SERVICE AND SMALL VALVE OR DRIP BOXES. Double Thick Metal and Extra Large Diameter for 3 inch Valves, and Large Services. No. n. Fig. 715. Fig. 716. These Boxes are made strong enough to use in streets outside of the curbstone, and allow heavy travel passing over them without injury. They are especially desirable for placing over valves for elevators at the curb or in the street as they can be opened so easily. Inside diameter of upright shaft 4}^ inches at smallest pert. Inside diameter of lower section, No. 11, at the bottom 5% inches. Inside diameter of lower section, No. 13, at the bottom 7}£ inches. Covers 63^ inches diameter, afe secured with a brass bolt sunk flush in same manner as smaller service boxes. Fig. 715 intended for large services. Fig. 716 intended for small valves or drip-pipe. Price, Fig. 715, extending 2 ft. to 3 ft. 4 in 2.00 2 ft. 11 in. to 4 ft, 2in 2.75 3ft. 7 in. to 4 ft. 10 in 3.25 3ft. 7 in. to 5 ft. 10 in 3.75 Price, Fig. 716, extending 2 ft. 1 in. to 3 ft. 5 in 2.25 2ft. 9 in. to 4 ft 3.00 3ft. 6in.to4ft. 9 in 3.50 3ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. 8 in 4.00 248 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO- VALVE BOXES. EXTENSION VALVE BOX. DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING VALVE BOX. When setting a valve box in its place, the base should rest two or more inches above the flanged joints of the valve dome. The nut of valve should be about on a line with the hub or upper part of the valve box base where connected with the upright shaft; this will leave ample space all around the valve and prevent the box from touching it in any way. We recommend the use of a large size base over valves. In many places our No. 4 or No. 6 base is used on 16 in. valves and under; when such is the case the valves are covered by earth to within 13 inches of the top of tne nut, the base of valve box completely protecting the working parts of the valve. LENGTH OF VALVE BOX. It is unnecessary to have the valve box quite as long as the depth of the main pipe, as the base of the box does not extend below the flange joint of valve dome, which is from 3 to 6 in. above the pipe. Fig. 717. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 249 PRICE LIST OF EXTENSION VALVE BOXES. A. 5 n. B. 5 a. C. 5 u. D.5] Q. E. 5] n. F. 5- n. G. 5 n. H. 5 u. I. 7 n. J. 7 in. K. 7 m. L. 7 m. M.7 in. N.7 n. 0. 7 ii. P. 7 a. i. upright shaft, valve box extends from 2 ft. 4 in. up to 3 ft. 1^ in., with 2 ft. 11^ in. up to 3 ft. | in. 3 ft. 3 in. up to 4 ft. Z% in. 3 ft. 3 in. up to 5 ft. 2j| in. 4 ft. lO^in. up to 5 ft. 10 in. 4 ft 10*| in. up to 6 ft. 10 in. No. 6 ft. 6 ft. \% in. up to 7 ft. 1 \% in. up to 8 ft. }* in. [ in. 6 oval base .. 4.50 6 .. 5.00 6 .. 5.25 6 .. 5.75 6 .. 6.00 6 .. 6.50 6 .. 6.50 6 .. 7.00 6 .. 5.50 6 .. 6.00 6 .. 6.25 6 .. 7.50 6 .. 7.50 6 .. 8.75 6 .. 8.50 6 S17.P hfl.sft is i .. 9.75 pmiirpd Base No. 6 is used as a standard for quoting lengths and prices. When any c the length of valve box and price of same is reduced or increased in accordance with the size desired. ROUND BASES. For Valve Boxes. No. 4 Round Base, for 4 in. valves or smaller sizes, reduces price of valve box 35 cents. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 10% in., height 8% in. With this base valve box will be 3 in. shorter than with No. 6 base. No. 6 Round Base, for 6 in. round valves or smaller sizes. This is the standard size, used in quoting lengths and prices. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 14% in., height 1134 in. No. 8 Round Base, for 8 in. round valves or smaller sizes, increases price of valve box 25 cents. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 1734 i n -> height 1134 in. With this base the valve box is the same length as with No. 6 base. No. 16 Round Base, for 12 or 16 in. round valves, increases price of valve box $1.25. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 24 in., height 153^ in. With this base the valve box is 4% in. longer than with No. 6 base. OVAL BASES. For Valve Boxes. No. 4 Round Base, described above, is used with either oval or round valve. No. 6 Oval Base, for 8 in. oval valves or smaller sizes. This is the standard size used in quoting lengths and prices. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 15 in. x 11% in., height 11% in. No. 12 Oval Base, for 16 in. oval valves or smaller sizes, increases price of valve box 35 cents. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 19% x 1134 i 1J -> height 12% in. With this base the valve box is 1^4 in- longer than with No 6 base. No. 20 Oval Base, for 24 in. oval valves or smaller sizes, increases price of valve box $1.25. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 23 x 1434 i n -> height 15% in. With this base the valve box is 434 i n - longer than with No. 6 base. No. 24 Oval Base, for 36 in. oval valves or smaller sizes, increases price of valve box $3.50. Dimensions inside: diameter at bottom 29 x 17 in., height 23^ in. With this base the valve box is 12% in. longer than with No. 6 base. All of our bases are adapted to be used with either 5 in. or 7 in. upright shaft. When sending orders give the letter of valve box and size of base required, as per catalogue. 250 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. Fig. 718. MUELLER'S Machine for Tapping Water and Gas Mains WHILE UNDER PRESSURE. Any main can be tapped while under pressure, without losing any water or gas, except what is contained in the cylinder of the machine which will go out only when the tapping is done and machine taken oft the main. The machine, weighing only fifty pounds, can be easily transported, and one man of ordinary intelligence can tap a main in fifteen minutes. Its simplicity and practicability recommend it at once to every one interested in gas or water works. Each machine for water mains is furnished with or_e of each, %, %, % and 1 inch Drills, Taps and Plugs for Corporation Cocks, Chain and Wrench; also four Gaskets, 4, 6, 10 and 12 inch, will be sent, unless otherwise ordered. Each Machine for Gas Mains is furnished with three iron saddles, one each, Tap and Drill combined, %, 1 and 1% inch; one each, Socket Wrench for %, 1 and 1% inch Pipe. In ordering Tapping Machine, please state diameter of pipes used in your city. Price, for Water Mains, each 100 .00 Price, for Gas Mains, each 62 . 00 MUELLER'S Improved Automatic Water Pressure Regulator. This Regulator can be set at any pressure desired in a building, and it will maintain the same, regardless of the highest pressure in the street main. We absolutely guarantee this Regulator to maintain a uniform pressure in buildings, regardless of the pressure in the mains, such as is produced where the Holly system, or heavy or unsteady pressure is had from Stand-pipe or Reservoir systems. Using the Regulator, we guarantee a steady and uniform pressure, without any jar to the pipes or any noise usually called "Water Hammer." Any pressure may be secured that is desired, not exceeding the pressure in the mains, but may be of any less pressure. The Regulator is simple of construction, and not liable to get out of order, and by attaching it, lighter pipes may be used and more than the expense of the Regulator saved. No splashing of water from too heavy a pressure; no bursting of pipes or boilers, caused by excessive pressure or defective plumbing. A pressure of 20 to 30 pounds, as may be desired, can be maintained in any building, notwithstand- ing a fire pressure of 120 pounds or more on the mains. By using this Regulator, an effective pressure for fire purposes is obtained sooner, as the house supply pipes are not filled to a fire pressure. A Relief Valve is provided for expansion of hot water where a boiler is used, so that at no time there need be more than 20 to 30 pounds, or the amount of pressure desired in the house supply pipes. Every Regulator warranted. Price, for % inch Pipe, each 10.00 Price, for 1 inch Pipe, each 13. 00 Fig. 71 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 251 THE GEM WATER MOTOR AND HYDRAULIC PUMPING ENGINE. Connect Water Works Here. % inch Pipe. To Sewer or Bibb for House Supply. x /i inch Pipe. Discharge to Tank. % inch Pipe. Suction from Cistern. % inch Pipe. Fig. 720. This Motor is especially designed to take the place of the ordinary hand force-pump in residences where cistern water is preferable to the public water supply, for the Bath, Kitchen, or any other use for which it may be desired. The Motor consists of two cylinders connected together, one a perfect water engine, the other a double acting force pump operated by the former. It is automatic, noiseless and positive, and altogether combines s} r mmetry, strength and utility in the highest degree. For indoor use it cannot be equaled by any other pump in the market. All parts are interchangeable and made in the best manner — with special tools for their manufac- ture — and every Motor is subjected to the most severe tests before they leave our factory. The entire working machine is made of bronze, including the cylinders, pistons, cylinder heads, piston rod, valve rod, valves and stuffing boxes and provision is made for thoroughly draining every part to prevent freezing. DIRECTIONS FOR CONNECTING. The Motor is usually placed above the kitchen sink on the drip-pan and brackets provided for that purpose, and the family supply drawn through it. Connect the motor at the % inch hole on the engine end with the city supply. The % inch hole is the exhaust; this pipe may be continued and the house supply drawn from it, or, a bibb-cock can be put on the end at the sink, for kitchen use. Whenever a valve or faucet in this pipe is opened, the motor works, and pumps from the cistern into the tank above, an amount equal to that drawn from the water works. When the pipes are closed the motor stops and there is no possible leakage. The lower holes in the pump end are for the suction, one of which connects with the cistern. The upper holes are for the discharge, one of which connects with the tank above. The Tank should, in all cases, have an overflow back into the cistern. We make three sizes of Power Cylinders to suit various water pressures: No. 1. 2% in. Power Cylinder, 2% in. Pump Cylinder, for 40 to 50 lb. pressure and over, Price. . . 40.00 No. 2. %% " " 2% " " 20 to 40 " " " ...45.00 No. 3. 4 " " 2% " " 10 to 20 " " " ...50.00 For No. 1. It is a safe rule to calculate each pound pressure will raise the water one foot from the cistern. For No. 2. Calculate one pound pressure will raise the water from the cistern from one and a half to two feet high, except in very low pressure. (See table.) For No. 3. One pound pressure will raise the water from two to three feet. No. 1 with 1 " 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Table of Heights Different Pressures Will Raise. 20 ft. hiffh from cistern. 20 lbs. pressure on Power Cylinder will lift and force 25 " " " " « 30 30 " « " " " 35 35 " " " " " 40 40 " " " " " 50 50 " " " " " 70 15 " '• " " " 20 20 " " " " " 40 25 " " " " " 50 30 " " " '« " 70 35 « " " " " 80 40 " " " " " 100 10 " " " " " 30 12 " " " " " 40 15 " " " " " 50 20 " " <( " " 70 252 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. EYSTER IMPROVED WATER MOTOR. Fig. 721. Price, No. 1. Diameter of Wheel, 7 inches " " 2. " 12 " " 3. " 18 " « 4 " 24 " " 5. " 30 " " 6. » 48 - 15.00 21.00 65.00 100.00 150.00 300.00 TABLE SHOWING POWER GAINED BY THE MOTOR UNDER PRESSURE OF 30 TO 100 POUNDS. First Figure in Column gives Estimated Horse Power at 30 Pounds, and Second Figures give Estimated Horse Power at 100 Pounds. Number of Motor 1 2 3 4 5 6 Horse Power. Horse Power. Horse Power. Horse Power. Horse Power. Horse Power. Two 3^ in. Nozzles " % " " " V2 " " " % " " % to 2J4 Mto3K 1 toG Mto 1% %\o 4 iMto 73^ 2 to 12 Mto 23^ 1 to 6 l^toll 3 to 19 Mto 3^ l%to 8 2 to 15 4 to 25 %\o 4 l%tol0 3 to 19 5 to 31 ^to 5 2 to 12 S% to 23 6 to 38 DISCHARGE IN GALLONS, PER MINUTE. Pounds Pressure 30 40 50 GO 70 80 90 100 Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Two 34 m - Nozzles " % " " " v 2 - " " % " " 12 39 55 88 13 34 G3 102 15 38 71 114 17 42 78 125 18 45 84 135 20 48 90 145 21 51 95 153 22 54 101 162 The best Motor made. Can be seen in operation at our store where a No. 5 Motor, with two 3^ inch nozzles, using 15 gallons of water per minute, is running a 2 inch Pipe machine Every Motor guaranteed to give satisfaction. Pun Sewing Machines perfectly, and at an expense of only about One Dollar per year. It is the most economical power known where the water pressure is over twenty-five pounds. JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 233 CROCKER'S Reversible Self- Packing and Self- Condensing Filter. This Filter provides for filtering all the water intended to be filtered, by passing it through two fine metal strainers and a body of fine animal charcoal (the best filtering material known), and differs from any other reversible or revolving Filter which has ever been put on the market, in the following essen- tial particulars: First, in the manner of its packing; second, in the manner of holding the ball contain- ing the filtering material; third, in its sell-packing stem or handle; fourth, in the construction of the strainers and the manner of putting them into the ball, and fifth, in the provision for a free passage of the water without filtering, when desired; and is unquestionably, and according to the judgment of ex- pert mechanics, the best Filter which has yet been produced in this or any other country. DIRECTIONS FOR USE AND CLEANSING. ¥ or filtering water, place the handle horizontally. For a full and free supply of water without filtration, place the handle in a perpendicular position. For cleansing the filter, shut off the supply of water, reverse the ball inside by turning the handle, then let on the water again, and in half a minute the water will run clear and be fit for use. If you want to examine what is removed from the water by the Filter, catch the first glass of water which comes from it after reversing the ball. The ball should be reversed from three to six times a day. If the Filter should, by neglect, become filled with impurities, reverse several times, letting on the water each time, running it a few moments; it will soon become free and clean again. Repack with fresh bone charcoal once in six months. PRICE LIST. DOMESTIC FILTER. Price, Xo. 0, to attach to % inch Hose Bibb Cock, each 1.50 " " 0, with Pipe attachment, for Swinging Faucets, each 2.00 " " 1, to attach to % inch Hose Bibb Cock, each 2.50 " 2, " " " " " " " 4.00 " 3, " " " " " " " 10.00 MANUFACTURERS' FILTER. Price, No. 4, 10 inches diameter, % inch inlet, each 60.00 " 5,18 " " 2 " " " 150.00 « 6,24 " " 3 " " " 250.00 " 7,30 " " 4 " " " 400.00 " 8,48 " " 6 " " " 600.00 Larger Sizes made to order. Warranted never to become inoperative. 254 JAMES B. CLOAV & SON, CHICAGO. ECLIPSE HOT AND FOUL AIR EXHAUSTER AND VENTILATOR. Fi g- 7*3- Price, 2 inch, each ... 1.00 Price , 10 inch, each. ... ... 5.75 Price, 24 inch, each. . . ... 40.00 " 3 " " ... 1.50 <( 12 " " .... ... 6.75 " 30 " " ... ... 65.00 " 4 " " ... 1.75 " 14 " " . .. ... 13.00 " 36 " " ... ... 90.00 " 5 " " ... 2.50 " 16 •' " .... ... 20.00 " 40 " " ... ...120.00 " 6 " " . .. 3.40 1 1 18 " " .... ... 27.00 " 48 " " ... ...145.00 " 7 " " .... . .. 4.00 i t 20 " "..... ... 33.00 " 60 " " .... ...225.00 " 8 " " ... 4.65 The Eclipse Ventilator is constructed on strictly scientific principles, combining simplicity with the best possible effect. It is stationary, durable, and does not get out of order. It is storm proof, and is specially adapted for "Ventilating Water Closets and Soil Pipes. It makes an excellent Chimney Cap. Every Ventilator is guaranteed and we recommend the Eclipse as the best Ventilator in use. GLOBE VENTILATOR. Fig. 724. CAPACITY AND PRICE LIST. Getting the number of square inches in your Chimney Flue, you can decide what size Ventilator to order by this table. Size. Capacity. Price. Size. Capacity. Price. 2 inch. 4 inch. 1.00 16 inch. 192 inch. 20.00 3 " 7 " 1.50 18 " 232 " 27.00 4 " 12 " 1.75 20 " 300 " 33.00 5 " 19 " 2.50 24 " 432 " * 40.00 6 " 27 " 3.40 30 " 675 " 65.00 7 « 37 '* 4.00 36 " 972 " 120.00 8 " 48 " 4.65 40 'U 1200 " 180.00 10 " 75 " 5.75 48 " 1728 " 240.00 12 " 108 " 6.75 60 " 2750 " 360.00 14 " 147 « 13.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 255 HOSE REELS. THE SUCCESS HOSE REEL. Strong, Light. Handsome, Cheap, Simple, Salable. Fig. 725- No. 1 carries 100 feet, % inch Hose, price 2.50 No. 2 carries 200 feet, % inch Hose, price 3.40 This is the best cheap Hose Reel. It has wrought iron braces, iron bearings, and as the most important feature, has six supports or rounds, which keep the Hose in circular form and prevent its cracking, as occurs when wound upon four arms or hung on a peg. This has ratchet for Reel, nozzle loops, etc., the same as the Holly. The iron work is japanned, the wood work is oiled and varnished. The Reel is substantial, neat and cheap. THE IMPROVED HOLLY HOSE REEL. Useful, Light, Beautiful, Strong. Fig. 726. No. 1 carries 100 feet, % inch Hose, price 5.00 No. 2 carries 200 feet, % inch Hose, price 6.00 No. 3 carries 300 feet, % inch Hose, price 8.00 This is the best Drum Reel offered by any one. The open drum allows the Hose to dryland does not get dented or knocked out of shape. The castings are nicely japanned; the wood work is painted in three colors and striped, and the parts are all bolted together in the most substantial manner. If you want an ornamental Reel for your lawn, be sure and buy the Holly. 256 JAMES B. CLOW & SON", CHICAGO. RUBBER HOSE. The Two Ply, or conducting, is not calculated to stand much pressure. The Three Ply, for Hydrants, etc., is made to stand a pressure of 75 pounds to the square inch. The Four Ply (used for Locomotives and for Leading Hose for Force Pumps, Fire Engines, and other purposes), is made to stand a pressure of 150 pounds to the square inch. Hose made specially to order for Steam Fire Engines and Steam Pumps (where unusual strength is required), to stand a pressure of 400 pounds to the square inch. It is furnished in lengths of 50 feet or less, and of any size or strength required, suitable for Hand and Steam Fire Engines, Force Pumps, Hydrants, and conducting fluids generally. The sizes indicated in the list are the inside diameters, and each size will fully measure what it is marked. CONDUCTING HOSE. A % 1 ¥ %A diam. inch. Two Per foot. . .. .20 ... .25 ... .33 .42 .50 .58 .66 .75 .83 Ply. Int. diam. 2% inch. 3 4 5 6 7 Fe 10 r foot. .92 .99 1.32 1.65 1.98 2.31 2.64 2.97 3.33 Int. diam. % inch. 3a HYDRANT HOSE. Three Ply. Per foot. Int. diam. 25 2 inch. 30 .40 .50 .60 .70 W4 3 4 Per foot. . . .80 . . .90 .. 1.00 .. 1.10 . 1.20 . . 1.40 . 1.60 Int. diam. inch. ENGINE HOSE. Four Ply. Per foot. Int. diam. .30 2 inch .37 2^ 1 1M ,50 .62 .75 .87 2A 2% Per foot. .. 1.00 .. 1.12 . . 1.25 . . 1.37 .. 1.50 .. 2.00 Five Ply Hose made to order, at an advance of 25 per cent, on the price of Four Ply. STEAM PACKING. Rubber Steam Packing, in its various forms and applications, is now an indispensable article to the engineer. It keeps his steam machinery and fixtures in proper working condition. It possesses great elasticity, and will stand 300° of heat. It is supplied in every possible form, to meet the requirements of Engineers and Machinists. Steam Packing, Cloth Insertion. Cloth on One or Both Sides. Thickness. Per lb., One Ply. Per lb., Two Ply. Per lb., Three Ply. Per lb., Four Ply. 1-64 inch , 70 cents 65 " 60 " 55 « 63 cents 58 " 55 « 66 cents 61 " 58 " 55 " 1-32 " 1-16 " ., 3 32 " 1-8 " 3 16 " 61 cents 58 " 1-4 " 55 " One ply of cloth for every 1-16 inch thickness. Three cents additional per pound will be charged for each extra ply of cloth. Piston Packing, Round and Square, per pound ,85 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 257 BAR SOLDER. Fig. 727. Block Solder. Pig Tin. Fig. 728. Fig. 729. LIST OF SIZES AND WEIGHTS OF LEAD PIPE. CALIBER. % inch Tubing Fish Seine I inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong.. . . \ inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong AA Ex. Strong — Ex. ex. Strong & inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong. . . . Ex. ex. Strong f inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong . . . Ex. ex. Strong Weighi PER FOO'J Lbs. Oz. 6 15 8 9 12 10 12 4 12 12 4 12 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 8 3 3 8 1 1 8 2 2 4 3 CALIBER. I inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light 1 inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong. . . . Ex. ex. Strong 1£ inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong — Ex. ex. Strong H inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong If inch Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong — Weight PER FOOT. Lbs 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 3 3 4 5 6 7 9 3 4 5 6 . Oz 4 12 12 12 12 12 CALIBER. 2 inch Waste Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong. . 2| inch Waste Light 3-16 thick % thick 5-16 thick f thick 3 inch Waste Light 316 thick i thick 5 16 thick f thick 3| inch Waste i thick 5-16 thick 4 inch Waste i thick 5-16 thick f thick 4i inch Waste 5 inch Waste Weight Per foot. Lbs. Oz. 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 8 4 6 8 11 14 17 3 5 9 12 16 20 5 15 5 16 21 25 6 8 Sheet Lead of following weights, per square foot : 2£, 3, 3£, 4, 4|-, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 lbs. and upward. Pure Block Tin Pipe of all the usual sizes and weights. 25b JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. PUMPS. PITCHER SPOUT PUMPS. Closed Top. Open Top. Fig. 730. Fig. 731. Our Pitcher Spout Pumps are all made with Brass Valve Seats, and fitted for Lead or Iron Pipe. The Spout is made so that all the water will drip off and not run down the Pump. They are nicely painted and work easily. They will work perfectly in wells from twenty to twenty-five feet deep and are more extensively used than any other Pump made. Unless otherwise ordered Close Top Pitcher Pumps are always shipped. Sizes and Prices, Figs. 730 and 731. Price, No. 1, 2% inch Cylinder, fitted for \% inch Pipe, Iron Cylinder, each . . 4.25 " 2,3 « « " " \% " " " " " 4.75 " 3,3^ " " " " 1M " " " " " 5.25 " 4,4 " " « " \}i " " < ! " « 5.75 " 5,4^ " " " " 2 " " " ■" " 6.25 Any one of our Pitcher Spout Pumps can be fitted for X% or 2 inch Pipe when so wanted. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 259 REVOLVING TOP CISTERN PUMP. On Base. With Brackets. Fig. 732. Fig. 733- The Cistern Pump is still preferred by some to the more commonly used Pitcher Spout Pump. We make them with Brass Valve Seats and cast a lug on the spout to hold bueket. They can be used in wells from twenty to twenty-five feet deep. We always ship Cistern Pumps on Base Iron Cylinder when not otherwise specified. Sizes and Prices, Figs 732 and 733. Number. Size Cylinder. Fitted for Price, Iron. Price, Brass Cylinder. 2 inch. 1 inch pipe. 3.50 5.50 1 2M " 1 " " 4.00 6.00 2 *% " 1M " " 4.50 7.00 3 2H " iM " " 5.00 8.00 4 3 iM " " 5.50 10.00 5 m - iy 2 « « 6.50 13.00 6 3K " 2 " " 8.00 18.00 260 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ANTI-FREEZING WELL PUMP. With Wrought Iron Set Length. Fig. 734- Price, No. 2, 2% x 10 inch Cylinder, fitted for 1^ inch Pipe, each 7.50 " 3,2%xl0 " " " 134 " " " 8.00 " 4,3 x 10 " " " 1M " " " 8.50 " 5,33^x10 " " " 1% " " " 9.00 " 6,3^x10 " " " 1% " " " 10.00 This style Pump is used largely in wells from twenty to thirty feet deep. The Cylinder is placed four feet below the base, and hole drilled in Pipe above the Cylinder allowing the water to run out below the freezing point. The Pump is well made and nicely painted. No. 6 can be fitted with 2 inch Pipe and 4 x 12 Cylinder, and makes an excellent Stock or Farm Pump. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 261 ANTI-FREEZING, TIGHT TOP WELL PUMP. With Wrought Iron Set Length. Fi g- 735- Price, No. 2, 2^ x 10 inches, Cylinder fitted for 13^ inch Pipe, each. " 3, 2% x 10 " 11 4,3 x 10 " " 5,3^x10 " " 6,3^x10 " it U (« (t % " " 5,4 " 1M " 2 10.00 11.00 13.00 19.00 21.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 27.00 33.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 279 FORCE PUMP ON BASE. FORCE PUMP WITH BRACKETS. HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE. HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE. With Revolving Fulcrum, Air Chamber and Brass Piston Rod. With Revolving Fulcrum, Air Chamber and Brass Piston Rod. Fig. 768. Fig. 769. Sizes and Prices. Size. Iron. Brass Cylinder. Price, Fig, 7G8, No. 1, 2 inch diameter, fitted for \}£ inch pipe » %Wz « .; « 1M " 3,3 " " " \}£ " 4, 3K " " " IK " " 5, 4 " " " 2 Price, Fig. 769, No. 1, 2 inch diameter, fitted for 1% inch pipe « 2, 2^ " " " 1M " 3,3 " " " \}i » 431^ „ „ ., 1M " 5 4 « „ „ 2 9.50 10.00 12.00 18.00 20.50 14.00 15.00 16.00 25.00 32.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 25.00 32.00 280 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. FORCE PUMP ON BASE. FORCE PUMP WITH BRACKETS. WITH COCK. WITH COCK. With Revolving Fulcrum, Air Chamber and Brass Piston Rod. With Revolving Fulcrum, Air Chamber and Brass Piston Rod. Fig. 770. Fig. 771. SIZES AND PRICES. Size. Iron. Brass Cylinder. Price, Fig. 770, No. 1, 2 inch diameter, fitted for 1% inch pipe " 2,2^ " " " 1M " " 3, 3 " " " 1% " . " 4, 3^ " " " IK " " 5,4 " " " 2 Price, Fig. 771, No. 1, 2 inch diameter, fitted for 1}£ inch pipe " 2, 2% " " « lU « " 3, 3 " " " 1M " 4,zy 2 " - » iy 2 « " 5, 4 " te " 2 11.00 12.50 14.50 21.50 22.50 16.50 18.00 19.50 29.50 35.50 11.00 12.50 14.50 21.50 22.50 16.50 18.00 19.50 29.50 35.50 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. ^81 WIND-MILL FORCE PUMP ON BASE. WITH COCK. Fig. 772. Price, complete, No. 2, 2%, inch Cylinder 13.50 " 3,3 " '* 15.00 282 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. WIND-MILL FORCE PUMP WITH BRACKETS. WITH COCK. Fig. 773- Price, complete, No. 2, 2% inch Cylinder 13.50 " 3,3 " " 15.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SOX, CHICAGO. 283 HOUSE FORCE PUMP. Mounted on Plank, with Connecting Rod and Guide. Fig. 774. Size. Iron Cylinder. Brass Cylinder. Price, No. 1, 2 inch Cylinder, fitted for 1% inch pipe, each 14.00 15.00 16.50 22.00 18.00 " 2, V4 " " " 1M " " 20.00 " 3, 3 " " " \}4 " " 22.00 " 4, SU " " " V-A " " . 32.00 284 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. HOUSE FORCE PUMP. Mounted on Plank, with Connecting Rod, Guide and Air Chamber. Fig. 775. Size. Brass Cylinder. Price, No. 1, 2 inch Cylinder, fitted for pipe 1% inch calibre, each " 2, 2% « " " " 134 " « 3) 3 tt « „ „ t ig « 21.00 23.00 25.00 35.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 285 HOUSE FORCE PUMP. Mounted on Plank, With Connecting Rod, Guide and Air-Chamber. Fig. 776. Size. Price, No. 1, 2 inch Cylinder, fitted for pipe 1}£ inch Calibre, each. 2,2^ 3, 3 4, 3^ <« f Iron Brass Cylinder. Cylinder. 17.00 23.00 18.00 25.00 20.00 27.00 27.00 37.00 286 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. HOUSE FORCE PUMP. For House Use, With Cock on Lower Discharge. Fig. 777. Size. Iron Cylinder. Brass Cylinder. Price, No. 1, 2 inch Cylinder, fitted for pipe 1% inch Calibre, each « « 2,2^ » << « " - \y A « " 3,3 " ; < " " " 1^ " « „ 4)3 ^ „ „ „ „ „ xy% „ 18.00 19.00 22.00 28.50 27.00 28.00 30.00 40.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 287 BRASS HOUSE FORCE PUMP. Fig. 778. Price, 2 inch Cylinder 20 . 00 This Pump is used largely to raise water to upper floors of buildings when the water pressure is not heavy enough to force it up. It is all brass and well made. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SHIP BILGE PUMP. With Copper Lined Cylinder and Reversible Lever. This Pump is designed for use on small vessels or for pumping out wheel pits, wells, docks, etc. It is a very superior Pump, the valves are large, and capable of being withdrawn with ease. The openings or waterways are so large and free, that any substance that will pass the suction orifice, will easily pass through the valves. Fig. 779. Price, No. 1, Cylinder, 6% inch, diameter, capacity of stroke, / gallons, fitted for 2 inch suction Pipe, each 16.00 Price, No. 2, Cylinder, 10 inch diameter, capacity of stroke, f gallon, fitted for 3 inch suction Pipe, each. , 28.00 DOUBLE ACTING FORCE PUMP. This Pump is Compact, light and strong; it is made with either leather or metallic valves. It has, because of its many unique points, been pronounced by all ship masters and naval experts, the perfection of Force Pumps for fire and other pur- poses on board of ships. As the cut shows it is supplied with Vacuum Chambers, Trip Valves, Brass Piston Rods, Let-Off Cocks to avoid injury by frost, enlarged Water Ways, Rubber Bumpers to relieve the shock on Air-Chamber. It will lift water 30 feet. It will throw a % inch stream 100 feet hori- zontally. When supplied with folding breaks, it is one of the best stationary fire engines made. All parts are made interchangeable. We make' 4 sizes as follows : Fig. 780. Size. Iron. Brass Lined. Brass. Price, No. 1, 2% inch Cylinder, capacity per stroke, "23 " " " " " 35.00 40.00 55.00 80.00 40.00 50.00 67.00 85.00 50.00 X4 " " 60.00 " 3,4 " 4, 4 10 ■ 1 •' " 80.00 95.00 Metallic Valves, extra, $5.00. Folding Breaks, extra, $15.00. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 289 HORIZONTAL, DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMP. Fig. 781 Sizes and Prices. Number. TV Diameter Cylinder. Double Suction. Double Discharge. Stroke. Capacity per Rev. Floor Space. Price. 2 2% inch. 134 inch. 1 inch. 5 inch. 5 gals. 8 x 20 inch. 16.00 4 3 1M " 1 5 " 3 c 1 8 x 20 " 18.00 6 BM " IK " 1H " 2 << G 8 x 20 " 24.00 8 4 IK " iM " 5 " H " 8x20 " 31.00 290 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. HAND ROTARY PUMP. Iron. Bronze. Price, No. 1, 1% i nek suction 1 inch discharge, each. . . 20.00 42.00 " " 2, \)i a 1 " " 23.00 47.00 " " 3, IK " 1M " " " . . . 27.00 52.00 " " 4, \% < t IK " " " . . . 35.00 65.00 " 5, 2 " 2 " u 40.00 75.00 " 6,3 " 2K " " " 50.00 95.00 Fig. 782. These Pumps are made Anti-Freezing, and are Adaptable to all the Purposes for which LIFT or FORCE Pumps are Used. The peculiar advantages of our celebrated Rotary Pumps over all others may be briefly stated. The pistons or cams require no packing, and hence cannot get out of order. From the construction of the cams they operate with very little friction, and consequently the least degree of wear. By our applica- tion of a patented principle, a uniform strain is brought to bear on all the working parts of the Pump, giving a smooth and easy operation, with an almost total absence of noise, jar and friction. Their com- pactness, durability and simplicity, and the small amount of labor necessary to work them, render these Pumps eminently fitted for use in hotels, manufactories, railway stations, oil refineries, etc, while their large capacity well adapts them in convenience and utility for pumping out mines, quarries, and other places where there are considerable accummulations of water and it is not practicable to transmit ma- chine power. A thread is cut on the spouts of these Pumps for attaching hose, with which appliance they make a very effective garden or fire engine. We make these Pumps for pumping hot or cold water, oil, spirits or any acetous fluids. We also consiruct them to order for breweries, distilleries, malt houses, etc. These Pumps, when used for hot liquids, should, when permissible, be made with Iron Case and Bronze Cams in order to provide against the unequal expansion of these parts. POWER ROTARY FORCE PUMP. Fig. 783. The driving shaft is made long enough to put a balance wheel on the end of it, beyond the bearing, so that, if ordered, we can furnish the Pump with one at the extra charge named in list. For a small Fire Pump it is admirably suited, and will throw water from 75 to 100 feet horizontally. Price, No. 1, 1)4 inch suction, 1 inch discharge, each. 2,134 " 3, 1% ' 4, IK ; ' 5, 2 " 6,3 8* 2K Bronze. 49.00 56.00 63.00 78.00 90.00 110.00 Balance wheels for above Pumps, $1.00, $2.00 and $3.00, according to size. JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 291 STEAM BOILER FORCE PUMPS. On Base, for Hand Use. With Brackets, for Hand Use. Fig. 784. Fig. 785. These cuts represent our Steam Boiler Feed Pump, for hand use, for supplying: boilers under low pressure. They are very generally used in private houses and other buildings heated by low pressure steam. They have revolving Fulcrums and Metallic Fittings for pumping hot as well as cold water. Sizes and Prices Figs. 784 and 785. Price, 2 inch diameter, 1 inch Pipe 12.00 " 2% " land \}i inch Pipe 14.00 292 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. STEAM BOILER FORCE PUMP. For Power. Fig. 786. Price. No. 2, diameter of Cylinder 134 inch, stroke 6 inch. " 3, ' ' it V4 " " 6 " 4, 1 2 "'.'.'. " 4 " ... For price of Brass Cylinders, double above Bases. .90 2.45 3.20 4 1.25 3.20 3.95 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.25 2.75 25 50 75 00 25 50 50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 list. Cistern Pumps, Nos. 0, 1 and 2 75 85 1.00 1.15 1.25 Pitcher Spout Pumps, No. 1 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 House Force Pump, small, 2 and 2% inch. "3 " 3^ and 4 " . Shell or Body of Cylinder — Iron. 10 inch Cylinder, 2 and 2^ inch 1 . 50 2% inch 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.25 10 " " 2K 10 " 2% 10 « 3 10 " 3M 10 " " 3K 10 " 4 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. PUMP REPAIRS. Shell or Body of Cylinder — Iron Continued. 12 and 14 inch Cylinder, 2% inch 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 14 14 11 11 14 16 inch Cylinder, 2 2% 3 4 inch. . 2y 2 2% 3K 4 BRASS BODY. 2.30 2.45 2.55 2.70 3.00 3.25 3.80 2.80 3.05 3.30 3.55 3.80 4.00 4.30 10 inch Cylinder, 2% inch 3. 75 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 2% 2% 2% 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 Cylinder Top and Bottom Attachments or Caps. All sizes up to and including 3 in. Cylinder. 33^ to 4 inch Cylinder .75 .90 Stocks or Standards Only. Well Pumps " Force Pumps , .. Wind-mill Pumps, plain, Nos. 3 and 4. " " " " 5 and 6. " force Pump Standards Lower Valves. Cistern Pumps. Pitcher Spout Pumps Well Pumps # Set Length Force Pumps Hand Force Pumps Iron and Brass House Force Pumps. Syphon Pumps Brass Valve Seats. Cistern Pumps, Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. " 5 " 6 Pitcher Spout Pumps, No. 1 " 2 .25 .35 .25 .30 .25 .25 .35 .75 1.00 1.25 .75 .90 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.00 1.00 1.25 " 4 " 5 Well and Well Force Pumps Hand and House Force Pumps up to 2% in. " '• " " over 2^ in.. Brass Soldering Tubes. For 1 and lj^ inch pipe 50 " 1% inch pipe 75 " 2 " " 1.00 Iron Pipe Nuts, for Cistern and Pitcher Spout Pumps, Spout and Air Chamber Nuts. For 1 and 1% inch .35 " 1% inch 45 " above 2 inch 50 Cross Heads, Including Nuts Set Screws, and Links. For all style Pumps 75 Caps and Stuffing Boxes. Cap. S. Box. Deep Well Pumps 75 .50 Set Length Force 50 .75 Hand Force, 2 inch. 50 .75 2% and 3 inch 50 1.00 " 3^ and 4 " 65 1.00 Iron House Force Pumps 65 1 . 00 Brass " " " 2.25 1.00 Brass Stuffing Bowls. For House Force Pumps 1 . 25 Air Chambers. Deep Well Force 3 . 00 SetLength " 2.50 Syphon Pump 6 . 00 Piston and Connecting Rods. Iron. Brass. For Well and Hand Force Pumps . . .60 1 . 00 " House Force Pumps 60 1.50 " Syphon " 1.75 2.50 Plunger Valves. Irorio Brass. 33^ inches and less 20 .35 S% " " over 35 .50 Miscellaneous Pump Repairs. Braces 50 Spouts 50 Yoke and Link 75 Valve Cases or Funnels for Hand Force Pumps 80 Gas Pipe Flange for Syphon Pump 90 Base for Syphon Pump 1 . 00 Inside Cylinder for Syphon Pump 6 . 00 Outside Shell " " " 4.00 Bearer Bolt and Brass Nut for House Force Pump 75 Connecting Slide for Wind-Mill Attachment .50 Sleeve for Round Rod of Wind-Mill Pumps .50 Turned Malleable Pins for " " .15 Lower Section with Pipe Flange for Three- way Pumps 8 . 00 Platform Section for Three -Way Pump 2.50 Goose Neck " " " .... 60 Oscillating Fulcrum for Wind-Mill Pumps, 6 inch stroke 50 Oscillating Fulcrum for Wind-Mill Pumps, 10 inch stroke 75 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 299 DRIVE WELL POINTS. ROUSE PATENT MALLEABLE POINT. Fig. 794. The accompanying cut is an illustration on the Improved Well Point, A showing the openings (for admitting water) before the wire cloth or Perforated Brass is soldered on. B showing section after wire cloth has been soldered on. G showing section after both wire cloth and perforated brass have been soldered on. These Points are Electro-Plated with Pure Block Tin inside and outside before receiving the coverings, there being no raw iron to corrode or rust or cause an unpleasant taste to the water. Price, 1 inch Calibre. " 1U " " . IK 2 1.50 2.50 6.00 Price, 2% inch Calibre „ 3 " 4 9.00 12.00 35.00 The 134 Point is 24*^ inches long and has twenty-four 1% by % openings. This is equal to 536 one-fourth inch drilled holes (commonly in Gas Pipe Point), or equal to 342 five-sixteenth holes or 239 three-eighth drilled holes. So it is plain to be seen that the capacity of the Point is three to one greater than in any other in use, not barring length. We recommend it as the best Point made. BRASS JACKET POINT, Fig. 795- This Point is made of a Perforated Tube, covered with wire cloth, or gauze, and protected by a Perforated Metalic Shield or covering. For Sizes and Prices see page 300. WASHER POINT. Fig. 796. This Point is made by counterboring the perforations and placing in them wire gauze, protected by brass washers. It has no superior in the market, being simple and plain, and capable of enduring more rough usage than almost any other Point made. For Sizes and Prices see page 300. 800 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. SIZES AND PRICES OF DRIVE WELL POINTS. No. 60 Gauze being the Standard. Inside Length. No. of Holes, and Price. No. of Holes, and Price. No. of Holes, and Price. No. of Holes, and Price. No. of Holes, and Price. Extra Net Price for Gauze. Diameter. No. 80 No. 90 20 inch | 40 3.00 50 3.25 60 3.50 [ .40 iM .60 1M 80 4.00 100 4.50 120 5.00 [ .40 .60 1M 30-inch • 80 5.00 100 5.50 120 6.00 140 6.50 [ .55 .80 1M 86-inoh •< 100 6.00 120 6.50 140 7.00 160 7.50 [ .70 1.00 1M 42-inch -j 120 7.00 140 7.50 160 8.00 180 8.50 [ .80 1.20 1M 48-inch -| 120 7.50 140 8.00 160 8.50 180 9.00 200 9.50 [ .95 1.40 24-inch -j 80 6.00 100 6.75 120 7.50 [ .45 .70 i% iH 30-inch j 80 7.50 100 8.25 120 9.00 140 9.75 [ .70 .95 36-inch -j 100 9.00 120 9.75 140 10.50 160 10.75 [ .80 V4 1.15 42-inch ■] 120 10.50 140 10.75 160 12.00 180 12.75 [ .95 m 1.40 IX 48-inch -] 120 11.25 140 12.00 160 12.75 180 13.50 200 14.25 [l.l.O 1.60 2 30 inr>h -) 200 12.00 250 14.00 300 16.00 36 inch j 250 15.00 300 17.00 350 19.00 2 300 20.00 350 22.00 400 24.00 36-inch | 300 20.00 350 22.00 400 24.00 2% 21/C 350 24.00 400 26.00 450 28.00 *72 23^ 60-inch j 400 28.00 450 30.00 500 32.00 3 36-inch \ 350 25.00 400 27.50 450 30.00 j 48 inch -j 400 30.00 450 32.50 500 35.00 3 60 inch , -j 450 35.00 500 37.50 600 42.00 3 4 500 40.00 600 45.00 60-inch -j 500 45.00 600 50.00 700 55.00 4 4 72-inch •] 600 50.00 700 55.00 800 60.00 JAMES B. CLOW & SON, CHICAGO. 301 STRAINER FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPE. Fig. 797. Price, 1 and 1% inch Plain, each 25 Price, 1 and \% inch Gauze Covered 40 WIRE CLOTH. Price List of Regular Market Grade of Brass Wire Cloth. • ■■■■■■■■mi Fig. 798 from No. 16 Wire, per sq. ft. .50 .50 .50 it < 18 " a << ' 19 " " .50 " • 20 " a .50 " « 22 " a .50 a ' 23 " a .50 " ' 24 " «< .50 " ' 25 " " .50 " ' 26 " <( .50 " ' 27 «' << .50 " ' 28 " <( .50 tt < 29 "