=■-^^'^• V'^.Vo»* ,^'«- «^, ♦ %'"^*'/ ^o,'^'^*/ \^^-/ % ,0^- -o^ ^-t:.' v^ <^. '-•*- A^ \.','' ^ * ^* • I* ^* ^•^. 'i^. •^^o^ • (fCir. MfiPh: ha.fi:: (i:)(^? ASCfENSIO ISAIiE VATIS, OPUSCULUM PSEUDEPIGRAPHUM, MULTIS ABHINC SECULIS, UT VIDETUR, DEPERDITUM, NUNC AUTEM APUD iETHlOPAS COMPERTUM, ET CUM VERSIONE LATINA ANGLICANAQUE PUBLIC! JURIS FACTUM A RICARDO LAURENCE, LL,D. \ HEBRAIC.^ LINGUA PROFESSORE REGIO, ^.DTS CHRISTI CAN ONI CO, ETC. OXONIiE, TYPIS ACADEMICIS, IMPENSIS EDITORIS. PROSTAT VENAHS APUD J. PARKER, OXONI-Ej ET F. C. ET J. RIVINGTON, LONDINI. 1819. O.0 HONORATISSIMO ILLUSTRISSIMOQUE DOMINO, COMITI DE LIVERPOOL, yERARII VIRIS CUM SELECTIORIBUS PRJiFECTO, REGI^ MAJESTATI AB INTIMIS CONSILIIS, aUiE, DEO ADJUVANTE, EUROPE RES COLLAPSAS RESTITUERUNT, ATQUE FIDEM AC LIBERTATEM, EX TERRIS EVOLANTES, RESTINCTIS BELLIS, REVOCARUNT, ETC. ETC. PATRIAE PROPUGNATORI5 ECCLESI^ TUTORI, OMNIUMQUE, QUI AUT DE PATRIA, AUT DE ECCLESIA, BENE MERERI STUDEANT, FAUTORI MUNIFICO, HOCCE, aUOD ULTIMAM ANT I aU IT ATE M PR^FERT, OPUSCULUM, CRASSISSIMIS EX TENEBRIS, IN QUIBUS DIU ABDITUM LATUERAT, NUNC PRIMO EXTRA CTUM, PERVULGATUMQUE, QUO IN ADORNANDO5 SI INFELICITER, CERTE NON INDILIGENTER, ELABORAVIT, UT PROPTER BENEVOLENTIAM IN SE COLLATAM, CUJUS SIBI RECORD ATIONEM NULLA DIES ERIPIET, GRATI ANIMI QUALECUNQUE EXTET MONUMENTUM, OBSERVANTI^ ERGO, EA, QUA PARTIUM BENEFICIIS DEVINCTI EST, RELIGIONE, DAT, DICAT, CONSECRAT EDITOR. i I i PRiEFATIO JL ENES me codex est iEthiopicus^ quodam casu '^ comparatus, in quo exarati sunt totus Isaise liber^ ut in scriptis canonicis legitur, et, qui in publicum nunc pFodit^ libellus. Subjunguntur calci prioris haec verba; " Hie absolutus est Isaias Vates;" quem posterior sub titulo, "Ascensio Isaiae" statim exci- pit. Accedit etiam in eodem Codice Esdrse liber, juxta Vulgati Latini ordinem quartus, qui i^thio- pica in versione, prout in Arabica, quam olim An- glice vertit S. Ockley, Professor Cantabrigiensis ^, appellatur primus. Quam quidem Versionem aliquo in numero esse habendam non solum inde patet, quod duo prima, duoque postrema capita, ut Ara- bica, facit missa, et plurima in capite septimo inter- jicit, seJ quod variis etiam in locis optimis lectioni- bus scatet. De libello, quem in lucem nunc profero, hie loci idcirco multus esse nolo, quod in eodem argumento ^ Ab J. Smith Bibliopola Londinensi in vico ** Driiry Lane," qui eum ex quibus nescivit libris sub hasta divenditis mercatus I erat. I '' Vid. Whiston's Primitive Christianity, vol. iv. vi PRiEFATIO. mox ^ alibi versabor. Est opusculum cujusdam^ fidei Christianae addicti^ plane apocryphum ; at procul- dubio antiquissimum ; si apostolica a sinceritate alie- num^ tamen apostolica ab setate non remotum^ im- mo etiam temporum illorum eequale, cum lux Chris- tiana orbi terraruni primum affulgeret. Id quidem tanto in honore semper fuisse videtur apud ^thio- pas, ut cum ceeteris apocryphis parum aut non om- nino abesset, quin haberetur canonicum. His paucis prsemissis, ne longius prsefatio excur- rat mea, ea, quae ante oculos, libel lum hunc Latine vertens, ponebam, et quae alia aggress us sum, quam brevissime explicabo. Cogitanti mihi saepenumero, quo tandem modo veram Versionis ^Ethiopicae formam, et quasi effigi- em, accurate exprimerem, hoc ne in dubium quidem visum est vocandum, omni verborum et ornatu et ambitu necesse fore, ut supersederem. Namque con- cinnitati si consuluissem, me ab eo, quod spectandum esset, proposito aberraturum fuisse persuasissimum habeo. Quid enim ei, qui, quae scripta obruerit ve- tustas, ut eruat, elaborat, sanctius esset existiman- dum, quam, ut, splendore orationis posthabito, om- nia simpliciter, adstricte, et >taTa itolx, tametsi humil- ^ Vid. ** General Kemaiks" (juae ad calccm V^ersioiiis Angli- canab annectuutur. PRiEFATIO. vii lime, verbum de verbo redderet ? Quod si in non- nullis vocabulis, de quibus Lexica prorsus silent, exponendis, et in paucis locutionibus, quae durse no- bis videntur ac implicitse, enodandis, minus fuerim feliciter versatus, in iis si leviter offenderim, quis jure me graviter reprehendet? Nemo certe aequus harum rerum arbiter, qui in memoriam revocet, vix adhuc aut ne vix ex incunabilis quidem extractas esse literas iEthiopicas. " Nihil enim est," ut mo- net ^Theod. Petrseus, " frequentius, quam hserere, et " nihil proclivius quam labi, in hisce incognitis et " difficilibus linguarum orientalium studiis." Ego profecto non is sum, qui venditatione quadam et ostentatione tantam mihi tamque miram vim men- tis esse insitam confirmem, ut hasce linguas orien- tales, ^thiopica non excepta, nullo fere tempore, nulloque fere negotio, divino quasi afflatu ediscere possim. Si enim, quantum vellem, tantum ingenio valerem, me mea tamen et studiorum ratio, et ea- rum, quae in talibus extant difficultates, experientia, ne ad id pervenirem arrogantiae, prohiberent. Sed qualis sit cunque in his facultas mea, et quo- modo se cunque res habeat, totus in hoc curam im- pendi, ut verba auctoris mei quam pressissime se- * Juclae Epist. Catliolicae versio Arab, et ^thiop. &c, p. 24. viii PRiEFATIO. querer, idque eo consilio, non tantum ut ea fidelius redderem, sed ut ad obscuram linguam quasi fax iis, qui earn expetant, prseferretur. Quod restat, ut, quae in hoc opusculo continen- tur, uberrime aperirem, interpretationem adjeci Au- glicanam, Latina paulo liberius expressam. Quo etiam in sermone multa de eo, ut diligenter perves- tigetur, dignissimo, attamen non plura, quam qui- bus, ut credo, opus fuerit, disserui. Neque me pro- hibuit insimulationis, quam parvi facio, partibus studendi metus, ne de ejus usibus cum theologicis turn criticis, pauca, quae majoris sint momenti, nee forsan intempestiva, interponerem. R.L. dC7t: MfiS>h: hdfi:: ASCENSIO ISAI^ VATIS ocit: MfiPh: hfhfi:: CAP. L 1. (DPh: nWiF^'-Y: ht^cdx: n^^'i'lAvi;:: Aa^Ti ^: orM:: oaitt: A^t:: 2. ©8(ir^: a^^oo: Mfipti: oA^: A^K*: i'©4^p-: d>At: fr^^: haa.i>: -^T/u;: c?iP:: 3. (DT^hhPt: HAc^A/^: (D^^i't: H'JU^/^: -tih: ©H-^jSAtiM: 4. (D^At: vjB^ft: A4^: c^P: a^^i>:: 5. a)OT>mp: *At: f^^^h: Hf\ih: (Dh^t: (Domt: A4:*c:: ASCENSTIO ISAIiE VATIS. -CAP. I. 1 . JlLT factum est anno 26 in regno Ezechise Regis Jehudse, ut vocaret Manassem, filium suum, ^ qui ei fiiit unicus. 2. Et vocavit ilium coram Isaia^ filio Amos vatis, coramque Josheb filio Isaiae, ut traderet ei verba justitise, quae rex ipse '^ consideraverat. 3. Nempe, quce attinent ad judicia sempiterna, et cruciatus Gehennse, quae aeternum est territorium, et ejus angelorum^ principatuum, et potestatum. 4. Et verba^ quce attinent ad fidem Dilecti^ et quae ipse consideraverat in 1 5 anno regni sui^ anno regni, ^ quo aegrotaret. 5. Et scripta ei tradidit^ quae Shemna scriba transcripserat^ et quae ei dederat Isaias filius Amos, et alii vates, ut scribcrentur^ atque apud ilium ^ re- ponerentur^ ea, quae solus rex consideraverat, de angelorum judicio, et de hujus mundi excidio, et de vestimento sanctorum, exituque eorum, et de mu- tatione eorum, et expulsione ascensuqu^ Dilecti. ^ In capita libellum totum, quo facilius citetur, distribui 3 et quasdara_, quae codici meo sunt solae, interpunctiones pro versi- culis seu comniatibus habui. ^ quia. ^ viderat. *^ in morbo sua. • manerenU B 2 4 OClir: MfiJPh: ho^i: 6. ri;^o;oot: OD-^^/iU-t:: mhn^Ph: chP: A, ^/Ji'h: ^/^tn: H-'^aH-: ooomp: a/lPiTi^: cdaa: (DorM:: ^•iH: jeA,^^: ^^h: jstar/n>: A-p-rt,^: (DAA: AA.^jSi'h:: 7. (DJBaA-: A,^jsph: ti^ii^Ph: "iTAv: qaji: na^-tt: ft^^oo: p^H^: wfidOr: /hi'or: h^H,A ^rh>c: HMrP: JSfi 9c: noo: n^A-'i: M^t: t^H'H: ©^A^: *At: jB8 CO,: ix'ha: /^m: (DA;^n: ©a'l^^: }\M%{h: aAv ^?: Avop: Aiiorc: A^:: 8. QjBtAAVi: ft^PA: cfoAn^d^: ixp^i^: ©re- A-: : a^c /'A: hF^\P:: 9. (D^Hii'i: nA,P4rtA>/^: ©njeihfl: j'+ott^ at>^: iS;^vjs<^7t: k-j?-^: (d^apc: fih^c: aoa: /^•irt,: (Da?\^^ih: A^: hr\-(DfiC:: 10. (Dftc7!i;o: a^-M^ph: H'it: *a: nnp: oaP: : noo: jg^^-A-: a ASCENSIO ISAI.E VATIS. 5 6. Anno 20 regni Ezechise^ Isaias ea vidit *vati- cinia, ^ quae narravit filio suo Josheb. Et dum prae- cipiebat^ Josheb Isaiae filius stabat. 7. Et Isaias allocutus est regem Ezechiam, nee solum coram Manasse, dicens, " Ut vivus est Deus, " cujus nomen huie mundo non transmissum est, et " ut vivus est Dilectus mei Domini, et ut vivus est " Spiritus, qui per me loquitur, omnia haec prae- " cepta, haecque verba negligentur a filio tuo Ma- " nasse, et opere ejus manuum cruciatibus corporis " mei ego ^ affligar. 8. "Et Samael Malkira ministrabit Manassi, om- " niaque, quae exoptet, praestabit, et fiet ille disci- " pulus Berial, ^ me relicto. 9. " Et multi in Hierosolyma et in Judaea ut ^ a " sancta fide desciscant efficiet, et Berial in Ma- " nasse habitabit, manibusque ejus ego serra disse- " cabor " 1 0. Et hoc dictum audiens, Ezechias flevit copio- sissime ; et vestes suas laceravit, et in caput suum posuit cineres, prociditque super faciem suam. 1 1 . Isaias vero ei dixit ; " Consilium Samaelis de " Manasse impletur ; in his rebus tibi non gratifi- " cabor." 12. Et Ezechias ^in animo suo statuit, ut filium suum Manassem interficeret. ^* verba ejus vaticinii. ^ et tradidit. *-" iho. ^ a me. ' aJidejust'iticB. * in corde suo. 6 oot: (^fifiPh: ha,fi:: 13. ofidOr: XfifiPh: A^^Ti^Ph: AfTCo^: *: ©ti^'^P: Mfinw. (DAooAhVi-tih: (da-^js A-tu-:: 3. ©«^m: at: Afvu-: Jsa: nv: ^j^-oo: i^: Ar'h'M^i'h: *At: ^A^: (Dt^P*: A^^}iA^r^vC:: 4. o^m: Ao: F^Hd: nc^: fi-f^hfi: a^cpa: ^hoo: ooAAM: ooo^: HhA^^n: o;a/^: orM:: ^cpa: Hho^: oom'^OTvh: (DarAt: jSta^m^h: n A.P4.^A>/^: aoa: /^«iA,: Qje-^jSA-: ahn^Av: o notroq: HtHCA: nA,P<;.i^A>;^:: 5. (DA'Hrh: rtIA: (D/u;(j,jB: cotrnjerf : oAht* ,u;f>: o-Ho^t: ©rh^^: ^AiXt: ^hfi: ©h^t: 8J?- ^•i: riA^: /^lA,: ©nA^: ^An^d^: ©aA^: moj': m^^: ©aA^: e^Mh: HA/^A^ft: ©aA^: ma. *: "if JB:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 7 13. Sed Isaias dixit Ezechiae; "Dilectus consi- " Hum tuum missum fecit, ^ nee, quod tibi in animo " est, eveniet, nam ego hac vocatione vocatus sum, *^ hsereditatemque Dilecti mei ego possidebo." CAP. II. 1 . Et factum est, post mortem Ezechiae, ut reg- naret Manasses. Praecepta patris sui non in memo- ria tenuit, sed eorum est oblitus. Et Samael in Manasse mansit, eique adhsesit. 2. Et Manasses destitit Deo servire patris sui, atque servivit Satanae, ej usque angelis, ac potestati- bus. 3. Et familiam patris sui pervertit, cui coram Ezechia fuerant verba sapientiae, et quoe se Deo de- diderat. 4. Et Manasses cor suum ad serviendum Berial convertit, angelus enim iniquitatis, cui est hujus mundi potestas, est Berial, cujus nomen Matanbu- kus. Atque ille super Hierosolyma propter Manas- sem laetabatur, et apud eum valebat in efficienda secessione, et in iniquitate, quae Hierosolymae disse- minata est. 5. Et ars magica multiplicata est, et incantatio, et augurium, et divinatio, et fornicatio, et adulte- rium, et expulsio sanctorum, per Manassem, et per Belkiram, et per Tabiam Judicem, et per Johan- nem de Anatot, et per Zalik Nevay. * nee animi tui cogitatio erit. 6. (D''\-M^: hlc: ^t: jr/tr+^: Ao^-^i:: arht: (DHor^: t'^/hiu: ?v/^A,P<.^A>.^: (Dhfii: at: A rtv/^: HjBi>^:: 8. (DAVPv,: UA*: oooq: ^H-*^: cpfi^/u;: ?\/n> at: ArJv/^: «^a^: arht: ^^c: noon^: 9^/^:: 9. o^ni'h: ^ajs: ©A'i'iP: A^P^: ©a,P'A,a: (D^•i^f/^: (DA.P'rt,^: (DA A: (D-nH-ii*i: ?\a: PA /^v: oat: rt^jB: oovje/ro^-^: t^^t^.: ©va^^: arht: ^^c:: 10. re-A-o^: u;t: jeto^^i: on^A-ory: ^apt: ^o^-^t: /^-^tv.: A'^h: AAOo^: /^hA>if^: M: 0(^*0^: ^a^•ii:: on^A-o^: jBAa^o).: A/h: oaP: n^'^t: ha>tt: ?\h(^A,A:: 11. (Dh^: AAOo^: HjenAQ-: H^'iaA: ^/^a: 9^/^: jS+^T^fr: Js/^AJ^oc: a)A^i\Ara^: fifift^: F^hn: A.fifiS'h: ha.fi: a)^ai: arht: A^nc: a)ar ht: Aor^c: HAA.: t^ofot: oofOA:: 12. o^/^^a^-m: UA,;cDa^: arht: 9^/^: ou Ao: Ad\^: ^/Si\: art^CP: Hho^: ^An^cJ-: }\p^ A7i^^: Art^^i'h: a)A^: n'FA'i: a\^^: ^ajs: h cro*ia<.: aat: Artv/^: oa^'M^j'h: a)A^: ri'ih,: h ASCENSIO ISAI.E VATIS. Q 6. Et quoad reliqua ejus facta, ecce scripta sunt in libro regni Jehudae et Hierosolymse. 7. Et, Isaias filius Amos, cum videret injustitiam magnam, quae Hierosolymse faciebatur, et servitu- tem ejus Satanse, ejusque protervitatem, ab Hiero- solyma secessit, et Bethlehem Jehudae habitavit. 8. Atque illic etiam magna fuit injustitia, et ille ex Bethlehem secedens, super montem habitavit in loco agresti. 9. Et Michaias propheta, et Ananias senex, et Joel et Habbakuk et Josheb filius ejus^ et multi qui credebant fideles in coelum ascensuros esse, se- cesserunt habitaruntque super montem. 10. Omnes ii cilicio tegebantur, omnesque ii erant vates, nihil penes se habentes, qui nudi erant ; om- nesque ii lugebant magno luctu propter errorem Is- raelis. 1 1 . Nee iis erat, quod ederent, praeter olera agri quce effodiebant e montibus ; et coctio eorum cibum praebuit iis cum Isaia vate ; habitaruntque super montes, et colles, duos dierum annos. 12. Posthaec fuerunt in campo, et quidam erat Samaritanus cui nomen Belkira, ex stirpe Zedechiae filii Canaan, mendacis vatis, cujus habitatio fuit in Bethlehem. Et ^ Zedechias filius Canaan erat ^ cog- ^ Ezechias. Sic MS. sed proculdubio mendose pro Zedechias. ^ frater. 10 ocii-: A^^fiPh: hihfi:: h(J^A,A: oou^a^: (ir?\+: AOP: ^ru't: haqiA: q ajB:: 13. (DorM:: t8?sA: ^/^AnA-n: cDtoj^P: <^ nj'h: arht: l^^^i: /^hA: rt^^i'h: hVLfi: UA (D.: /^hA: AMW: (da^: aa^^/^: AAAAor:: 14. 0A,APh: HhP^^m: nh/^l^tx^: fi%}\^: aatthp: (DArt^cP: oarKii^: t^nP: a^'it: ATV 7{.P: noo: n^hnrv: a^^iM jeooart: nrt^^cp: ah^: An: «ific: t^cDU-n: Jshoo: +tA: ^fUPt: ?i ^HA^rfvC:: 15. om: rt/^Q-: ^aPt: rhrtH-: ^a: F^ht\: Anr"MJP: ©A^: AnA-n: A/n>^4i^: a,pa,a:: i6. (D(irA+: A.^n.d-: A-vu^: Art^^P: rt^;t^ 0^: A^oo•^;cD: AArriiP: *iTu;: Ar'^'j: oA^^n, pfi: ©AAAn.d':: ^ CAP. III. 1. (DAao): (DChP: <^nh: A^^fiPh: cDUhajP^: hAa: p^ht^ih: hh(^: (ir?\+: js^-n/ivc: Hat: A (h>F^: (Dt8/^^: A/^'ift.: (DarM:: fiH-^fxfi: /hrtt: nA,P4^A>/^: (D-AH-ii'i: A/^a,P*^a>^: ^a: d\^ <^: F^ht\>\h: ©or ^+rt: hF^fi^CP: orAl::: ASCENSIO ISAL^ VATIS. 11 natus patris ejus, et in diebus Ahab, regis Israelis, docuit 400 vates Baal, percussitque ille palma, ob- jurgavitque Michaiam filium Amada vatem. 13. Et ille ipse objurgatus est ab Ahab; et Mi- chaias conjectus est in carcerem cum Zedechia vate. Fuerunt cum Akazju filio Almerem ^ . . . . 14. Et Elias Tishbita, quiy^z^ ex Gilead, objur- gavit ^Ahaziam, et Samariam, isque vaticinatus est de Ahazia, ut in cubili moriturus esset in Samaria, ex morbo, qui '^per mediam Aquilam cadenti ei ^al- latus erat, quoniam trucidaverat vates Domini. 15. Et cum audirent vates mendaces, qui erant cum Ahazia filio Ahab ex monte Juel, 16. Et ille Ibkira cognatus Zedechise, audientes adduxerunt Ahaziam ut crederet ^ Deo Aguaron, et Michaiam et ^Belkiram. CAP. III. 1 . Et Belkira cognovit, viditque locum Isaiae, et vatum, qui erant cum eo, nam iste shabitabat in regione Bethlehem, adhaesitque Manassi. Et vati- cinabatur mendacia in Hierosolyma, multique erant ex Hierosolyma, qui cum eo consociati sunt. Is au- tem ex Samaria fuit ^ Vid. Not. b Akuzia. ^ per cor Aquilce. Vid. Not. ^ datus. ^ regi. f Fortasse pro Ibkiram. ^ Vid. Not. C 2 12 ocit: (i,f\fiPh: hf\,fi:: 2. (DT^h: (xh: oo^iM hcoc HPc: •JTu;: A^iCP: (DQ.QT: Art^Ci': (D^i/iUA: thc^-tiM a^.'H^.: n^T: (DOrt^o^: arht: aa^orct: ^^"i: (dA^aT: mH'i:: 3. 7{(irM:: (d4h: t-^T^A: axro^A: a,P4.i^a>/^: 4. ©t^nn: aootcta: a^-n^Ph: txhw: fi'^nic: hld^i-: o;^:: 5. ©AhtT^JS;cD: ^t: a^.'M^i'h: ©t/hT^A: ^ rh>^: at: Arlv/^: ©A^oD',:: 6. (DAhtT^p-: aArtd^: AA^^jSh: (DA^ifUPt: h a: /^hA>u^: h'^H: je^A: A.^jsph: q^a: ^hA>i>: jBt^n^: aoa: a.P4.«^a>/^: (daoa: avt^: jbi>^: noo: fin\: A^h,a: "iT/iu: n^:: 8. ©AA,iM A^i^jBi'h: fid: }\<*i^: ^,^4-^: ?\a^ rt,: ha.fi:: Q. (r^Cifi: fid: AAo: ^hfi: Hfiih^: riKin. Arrive: ©P/hP: (DXfifiS'h: fifi: hh: CXW/^: A hn}Lh^(h>c: ©^t: /hp©*: A^:: ASCENSIO 1SAI.E VATIS. 13 2. Et factum est, ut ^Shalmanezer rex Assy rise veniret, expugnaretque Samariam, abduceretque no- vem partes populi in captivitatem, deduceretque eos in provincias Medorum, ^ flumenque magnum Eu- phratis. 3. Iste juvenis lateret, veniretque Hierosolymam, in diebus Ezechise regis Judaese, nee ambularet in via patris sui Samaritani^ quia Ezechiam timebat. 4. Et repertus est in diebus Ezechise, sermonem habens impium in Hierosolyma. 5. Et accusavit eum famulus Ezechiae, sed se clam subduxit in regionem Bethlehem, fidemque fecit. 6. Et accusavit Belkira Isaiam vatesque, qui erant cum illo, dicens, " Isaias iique, qui sunt cum illo, *^ vaticinantur contra Hierosolymam et contra urbes " Jehudae, ut devastentur, .et contra Benjaminum, " ut abeat in captivitatem, et contra te, Domine " rex, ut ^ coactu catenisque ferreis moveas. 7. " Sed illi falso vaticinantur in Israelem et Je- hudam. 8. " Ipseque Isaias, inquit, 'Video amplius quam *' Moses vates.' 9. " Moses dicit, ' Nemo est, qui videat Deum, et " vivat/ sed Isaias dicit, ' Ego vidi Deum et ecce *' vivus ego.' 10. " O Rex igitur cognosce, quod vates menda- ' Alagar Zagar. ^ Jiumina Tazon. "^ Vid. Not. 3 4 OfClt: AAfiPh: h(hfi:: t: fi{hA\: (D(\fM^F^: ihna: lli^d^: i^^a^: (D^if^: AhtT^P-: AA.^jeph: oA^fUi'^i': a-^n: 1 1 . Q^a^: 41CPA: orht: Afi: /^«irt,: (Darht: An: oo/^hVit: jbi>^: cd^'^p;^: oH^^T'i: (dhoo /n)ii(j,^: -^T/u;: (dA^t^: .^^4.^: hli: ^An,d^:: 12. (Dc^^cd: ©A/hH: r\A.f\fifh:: 13. ?\hoD: ^cpa: ao^c^^: oaje: ua-: aoa: A^i^jejPh: tyP^inh^: ohF^Wivv: HUrtf : Art^PA: ©noro: Ah-^^AiM AhtCAP: /^K^At: A4^*n: A /^1^410: rt^js: (Dt(DA/i>f : ©c^t: od-APh,: aH: UA©: JSH^QA^: Ai^AP: rt^A: (Dh^%\: HjBrt^^: (DM)^?'V\: HU/v: ^'fet: Ahd^AA: jeui^je^: ©/n> jTAt: i©e: AC^A,i>: ©t/^vct: ©ncroh,: ua ^: ^^cA): rt'inH-: nod: jBrt+A: o^hA: Cf^^or: 1 act: 00^^: jSrt+A: ©no«: a^^^cx: fi'^^ac: 14. ©i: ©e: Aa^: /^hA>i>: jstot/: ot: © ot^th,: Aa: Po^rv: <^*^^:: 15. ©c^t: «TOAAYi: Hat: nchtJ''^: A'it: n rt^Pt: UA©t: HorAt: a^i»^: ooto: ©odaavi: Hoo'^cih: ^^h:: i6. ©<«inAA: oDAAn: ooAAYit: ^^i^'^: noo: A^iAht: OAt: PC-v: oo*^^:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 15 " ces sunt isti ; et Hierosolymam Isaias Sodom ap- " pellavit, et principes Jehudae Hierosolymaeque po- " pulum Gomorram fecit." Et crebro accusavit Isai- am et vates apud Manassem. 1 1 . Et habitavit Berial in corde Manassis^ atque in corde principum Jehudse et Benjamini, et ^satel- litum et consiliariorum regis. Et placuit ei maxime sermo Belkirae. 12. Et misit apprehenditque Isaiam. 13. Nam Berial ^valde iratus fuit adversus Isai- am, propter visionem propterque manifestationem, qua manifestavit Samaelem^ et quia per ilium vide- batur adventus Dilecti e septimo coelo, et mutatio ejus, et descensus ejus, et forma ejus, in quam mu- tabitur, scilicet, in formam hominis, et rejectio ejus, qua rejicietur, et cruciatus, quibus filii Israelis ex- cruciabunt eum, et adventus 12 discipulorum ejus, doctrinaque, et quod ante sabbatum in ligno sus- pendetur, cumque viris auctoribus iniquitatis sus- pendetur, et quod in sepulchro sepelietur. 14. "Et," inquit Isaias, "duodecim qui cum eo, " offensionem accipient in eum, et custodes consti- " tuentur, qui custodient sepulchrum. 15. " Et descensio erit angeli Ecclesiae Christia- " nae, quae in coelis existens erit ultimis diebus, et '^ angeli Spiritus Sancti, 1 6. " Et Michaelis, ^ archangeli, ut in tertio die " aperiat ejus sepulchrum. ^ Eumichorum. ^ in ira magna. ^ angeli angelorum sanctorum. i6 (fCli-: A^^fiPh: \a.fi:: 17. (DorM:: 4^*c: hihcT: ^n: (^±W^\r(r:y: AiVt^a^A: fiof^K: ojea^v: loe: ac^a,im: 18. (Dje^^vi: n^/v: Aa^Ha: (Dre*/v: my. a 't'iuiA,: **c: (dM: tA^^v: ao^htA^: jbj^^v: 19. (Dnoo: UA(M ►nifii'i: ?\a: jBtA<^v: nt: 20. (D-nif^: tA/^c: ©c^'iVic: jsnor^: narv. AorM:: oDcpoA:: 21. (Dh/n)^^^: At^nt: P^j^T: ac^a.im t /^vct: hi: oe: rhTCP^: (DVje^Tt: 4^^^a^: 22. (Dfinarv. (DWih: ^n^h: A/^^At: qa+^ nt:: 23. (DaorM:: ooTe^A: ^.ifij*^: /Sa: p^^4.: ih. oot: ^-^h: oi^'i: ^aa:: 24. (Djenorv: ^H-ii'^: a.^'iH-: o^o^q-^: ©t* A-t: •}4'0t: AO^/Jo^: ojenarv: <7ou;m: aA,® 25. ©je^Anv: ^ijfii'i: w^i: A^rtfo^: a^a ^•^: aA^rtt: 004:^^: oc^: (Djenar-^: ^uia: 9fr: ^iH-"^: aarht: ^totoa: (Do^4^^d.'i: n^c: H'M: 26. (Djsnarv: /hoojet: (DiU^^fijp'i: ^H^-h: o ASCENSIO ISALE VATIS. T; 1 7. " Et ille Dilectus, sedens super humeros Se- " raphim, veniet^ mittetque suos 1 2 Discipulos. 18. "Et docebunt omnes populos omnesque *na- " tiones resurrect! onem Dilecti ; et qui credunt cru- '^ cifixioni^ salvi fient; et resurrectio ejus erit in sep- " timum coelum^ ex quo venerat. 19. " Et multi, qui credent in eum, per Spiritum " Sanctum loquentur. 20. " Et multa signa miraculaque fient ^ in " istis diebus. 21. " Et postea de ejus appropinquatione disci- " puli ejus missam facient doctrinam 12 Apostolo- " rum, fidemque ^ suam dilectam ac puram. 22. " Et multa erit contentio de ejus adventu et " appropinquatione. 23. " Et in istis diebus erunt multi, qui diligent " officium, carentes sapientia. 24. " Et erunt multi seniores iniqui, pastoresque " oppressores suorum ovium, et erunt rapaces, nee " assidue in suam curam incumbent pastores sanc- " ti ^. 25. " Et multi commutabunt ^honorabilem ves- " tem sanctorum cum veste amatoris auri, et saepe '' erit ^personarum acceptio in istis diebus, et erunt " amatores honoris hujus mundi. 26. " Et saepe erunt calumniae et calumniatores, '' linguas. ^ Vid. Not. '^ siii amoris suceque puriUdis. ^ Vid. Not. ^ honor em vestis. ^ faciei. D 18 ()ni': AAfiPh: ^ruM: 27. (DAJSyAd).: aarM:: ootoa: irfUPH-: ^iH-ii*^: ©a.Na: js^rii: jr^iflft: Kiarn 0: 0: no^n-it:: 28. A^•it: oD-^^rt: /hrt^: (d-ho^h-: ©ho^*: ^-nuA^: Ajen-v: A^-nc-f : mnv: (DA^A: jSH-on /i: 'MVit:: 29. (DjencD^i: ^<^^nA^'a^: 8AA: Ofi.P: nf A^'t: (DAA^^or'it: aajBitifor^:: 30. ^hoD: ^"iM-: oajs: jBnar*^: a^ii^: <^T oa: JShoo: n^A-: HA4^tP: a^^oo: Mfi'i^ih: 31. (Di'^CQ-: H-'^at: ^ap^: h?\a: ^/n)^;?-^ P: (Dd'JSPH'PH,: M: P8CIM noo: 7*-hot: Ao^^: CAP. IV. 1. JB^}i•I,n,: ^'H^Ph: cda,?*^^: oA.e-P: M: 2. (DX/n>J?'/>i^: tJl^oo: JBCDCJM ^CPA: o^AA ii: oa,jB: •^tiu'M: (^a^: HArhH: hF^h<^: hai: (DficDCJ^: hF^f^HO^: (xd^hP: ^}\fi: "iTw: Q(^v. ASCENSIO ISAI^ VATIS. 10 " et vacui honore appropinquationis Domini, et Spi- " ritus Sanctus discedet a multis. 27. " Nee erunt in istis diebus multi vates, nee " ii, qui loquentur res confirmatas, prseter ^ paucos " in variis locis ; 28. " Propter spiritum ^mentiendi, et fornicandi, " et qui inanis est honore, quique avidus auri, qui- " que existit in iis, qui dicunt, ' Fiatis servi hujus, " eorumque, qui recipient hoc.' 29. " Et erit in mediis iis magnum odium, videli- ^' cet, apud pastores et apud seniores ^ ahos in aUos. 30. ^' Nam magna invidia erit in ultimis diebus ; " quisque enim, quod ad cupiditatem im pellet ante " oculos, de eo loquetur. 3 1 . " Et negligent vaticinia vatum, qui fuerunt " ante me, visionesque meas negligent, ut ebullitio- " nem ^ animorum suorum proferant. CAP. IV. 1 . " '^ Hsec, igitur, O Ezekias, et Josheb mi fili, *' eorum, quos isti dies vocaverint, erit aetas. 2. " Et postquam elapsa erit, descendet Berial, " magnus angelus. Rex hujus mundi, quem possedit ^^ a tempore primce collocationis ; et descendet a suo " firmamento, sub specie hominis, ^ regis impii, in- " terfectoris suae matris, nempe, regis hujus mundi. ^ unum, unum. *' mendacii etfornicationis. ^ inter semet- ipsos. ^ cordis sui. ^ nunc. ^ regis iniquitatis, D 2 20 dCJt: A.^fiPh: hthfi:: 3. (DtViA: HtriA^: i: cdb: d^TCJ't: 4^^c: fi 4. TiooAAVi: ^Ci'A: "MVil:: "irAv: fio^f^h: o 5. (Dn*/v: jBtuc^: e^hje: nA>A,'t: ooc/hh,: je 6. (DYY-^v: HJi+^: jB9^c: ao^A/^: fil^c © 7. (dPA/^'^^cd: yv*a*: rt^^: no^A/^:: 8. ojeiuara-: a-i:: ©jsh-^^p: A-t: ^-^h: jb^ A^: narlsit^: 'Nn\LM\(WC (DHMaMh: aao: o 4^p: A4:V: ot: ^^^*^: h/n>arh-fef or^: aarM:: odtoa: jetc/: A^t: A^^ct: ?\'iH: fiV^: hF^lAF^: arht: 1«/^: ?\*iH: js^^/h-: /^ 14. 0?\/n);?.^^rt: rP: oin: (dViaa: o^toa: js oo^h: ^^H,^: ;^hA: ooA?\Viti>: o/^hA: -hfi At: ^A«: ?\;n>^^o: rt^jB: f^M: h^Mr: fi^ o: rt^JS: (DJBha^i^: ^ICJ'AV: arht: 9^^/^): q^ jBAti>:: 15. (DPOCd^o^: a?\a: js^Yioo^: aAVO: ncrh fM: <^A/^: Ao^/^ATU'^: lU'iJS: (Ddd\fifi: fi'^ ^ /d: h^cPA: (DA«/U;i:: (D^^^-irt: /^hA: ?\*i H,?\: fi^Kfr: p^h(\: AAOiMfo^: haoia: fih^c. arht: ft^o: rt^JS: /n)f,A: ^^}i^: jeczD/r/v: ?\a: oo-i^^o^: Arv^'i: ^o^^it: jboc^: ©jByAcD.: or ht: o,c\p^: ofi^'^p^^: A^A: A/iyp: t^Yirv: p^ fiA: ^^^"i: AA-nhfo^: A^A^*i: oJBt AAno^: ^'iMLh: AM: o+rv: aarhtu: <^A/n>:: 17. (D^/^J^/*I^'M: jBt^pnv: arht: AAOi^-if 0^: aoa: a)jBt-^^'=i: ^pifo^: arht: o^A/n>:: 18. A^v: *A-: A4:TOA: (D4:*c: i'oc'i: ?\^t: ^/^h.iM (DjenACr: n^A-: ^ix^^^: (Djenarv: 19. (D^(J'4't: ^9^: <^?sJB: K'(k4'T. ^o^'it: or ht: rv: a)Aj?'P: a)n*-A-: wt: ^t: jr/h-4.*^: arht: ooH/^ct: n/^i^Ai't: ^^t: oA^: ^rtjB: on/^^APt: fiO^'PT. ©A^: a)a«^t: -fi: ©a, &T. ?^h(5^A,A^: ©n^ld^t: A^*: a)arht: tcW-t: ooH/n)ct^: HooAAn: cTO-fdih: A^nn:: 22. a)arht: ?sa: aaoo^: h^o: /ro^: oarht: «d^t: A^pyr: AfbP: (dxtM: hfhfi: oH^rvPh: a)HA,P*A,A: QH'irh/^: OH^Hh: (DWh^Jt^: (DHh •jn*/^: a)Hrha: oHfu^'ifh: oHHncPh: a)H/n> AJU'h: a)nWd.t: ^^1,4:: h^^^: (DMI^^: ^•^a,a:: ASCENSIO ISAI^ VATIS. 25 " coelum^ hancque ^ terrain^ et montes, et colles, et " urbes et deserta, et septentrionem, et angelum so- " lis^ et lunam, et omnia^ ubi Berial apparuerit, at- " que manifestum se fecerit, in hoc mundo. Et re- " surrectio erit, judieiumque inter illos in istis die- " bus ; et Dilectus efficiet, ut ascendat ignis ab ipso, " consumatque omnes scelestos, et erunt, tanquam " si non fuissent ereati. 19. "Et reliquiae narrationis visionis scriptae sunt " in visione Babylonis. 20. " Et reliquiae visionis meae Domini, ecce, scrip- " tae sunt ^parabolice in meis verbis, in quibus est " scripta in libro '^publicorum vaticiniorum meorum. 21. " Et quce attinent ad descensum Dileeti in " infernos, ecce, scripta sunt in sectione ^, in qua di- " cit Dominus, ' En Filius mens sapientia erit prae- " ditus f et haec omnia, ecce, sunt scripta in Psalmis, " in Proverbiis Davidis filii Jesse, et in Proverbiis " Salomonis ejus filii, et in verbis Koreh, Etanque " Israelitae, et in verbis . Asaph, et in reliquis Psal- " mis, quos angelus Spiritus dictavit. 22. " Et in verbis eorum, quorum nomina non " sunt occulta, et in verbis Amos, mei patris, et " Micaiae, et Joelis, et Nahum, et Jonae, et Obadiae, " et Habbakuk, et Haggai, et Sephaniae, et Zecha- " riae, et Malachiae, et in verbis Joseph! justi, et in " verbis Danielis." * ariditatem. ^ in paraboUs vel provei'biis, ^ quern pub' lice vaticinatus sum. '^ Vid. Not. E 26 oot: (\,fifiJPh: ^OJB:: CAP. V. 1. ^^•^t: M*^-*:: ?\*^n: (j,?\pt: t/^o: ^c/A: /^oa: A.^jsj'h: ohni: arht: Aa: /^"ift,: qcdu; e: r\MfijPt\: (X'Pwc^: 00:: hih<^: (DJB^a./u;/h-: aoa: MfijPh:: 3. ©nAn,d^: n/n)n,/^aTvh: for^: ^^^: A,^ 4. ©jBa: 41APC: AA,^jsph: aa: ^rtorTv: rv* A^: Ht^icn-: (D(i^i%[h\: r\F^HiV. wifi'i-: oci: 5. (D4:'i^i>^ih\: AfiArLc^: luijeH-: orM:: H?iA: /n)hA>ih 6. (DH'^t: jeaA-: ^a: A/^h: jstou/c:: 7. (DA.i^JSi'h: UA-: nd^hP: h'^R.h: ©Vifr±=^: AOJB'iti>: (DjBihp-of^:: 8. (D^ArLd^h: H'it: fiQ^: AA.^^^'h: ha: H?\^An: (D^ooJB^: aoo^: oAi^i^: A/^m: a)A^*irt>: (DAooA^nt: fiihA: ori^'H^: oAre- a: AP<.^A>/^: AfM^F^: n^o: jBh^A: An:: 9. (D?\ar/u;A: a^fififh: ojea: ^oort: A^-^a pv: orTH: •HorM:: a^iVA*»: A'it: ©n^A-: -hfi^ -tw: on^A-: fiH-n:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 27 CAP. V. 1. Itaque propter has visiones Berial fuit valde iratus Isaiae^ et possedit cor Manassis^ et dissecuit Isaiam serra lignea. 2. Et dum Isaias serra dissecabatur, Belkira ste- tit eum accusans, omnesque mendaces vates stete- runt, deridentes et Isetitia permoti de Isaia. 3. Et Belkira et Bamkembekus steterunt ante Isaiam, deridentes, et objurgantes. 4. Et Beliar inquit Isaise, "Die, mentitus sum " omnibus, quae sum locutus ; et viae Manassis bo- " nae rectaeque sunt. 5. " Et viae Belkirae sunt bonae, eorumque, qui " sunt cum eo." 6. Et hoc inquit ei, ^ cum inciperet actus eum serra dissecandi. 7. Et Isaias fuit in visione Domini, ocuHque ejus erant aperti, et eos videbat. 8. Et Milkiras haec inquit Isaiae ; ^^ Die, quod " tibi dicam, et vertam cor eorum, et faciam Ma- " nassem, et Manassem, et principes Jehudae, popu- " lumque, totamque Hierosolymam, Hierosolymam, " ut te colant." 9. Et respondit Isaias, dixitque, " Anne apud me " maledictus es^ nempe, in loquendo, tu, omnesque " tuae potestates, totaque tua domus ? * cum inciperet serra dissecari. E 2 28 6«t: i\,fifiPh: ho^:: 10. hh(^: AA-nn: j^s^^-m: m-hAvK: ^^^rt: AVOP:: 11. (DA/hUP: (D0u;cp: AA/i;sph: (DM: A 12. ©^«iiY: ©/^/^n.(^: (D'ifUPt: rhrt^: ©ooA hnt: (D/hTi^i: on^A-: foo: A*iH: jsihp:: 13. (DA^fUPt: ?\a: F^ht^ih: fin: HK^an: fi =KDu;c: ih<^: ^d\>i: nv^h: (Dft.^*;: Ahoo: A,t: Aoa^-tH-P: fhrh: h^}iA^rh>c: fTTO:: 14. (DA,i^jBph: ^'^H: je+ou/c: A,8Cd^ (DA,a np: aa: a/u^: jet^7c: Aoo-^i^h: ^^h: ?\hn: t (Du;^: AViAA.:: 15. H'it: 941^: ^cpa: t\MfiJPh: ah^: nA rud^: (Dn?\^: F^Hfi: hho^: UA-: rt^PA: nonjB: ooq.H-: aoa: A.^jB^h: Aodtcia: aije^i'h: "irw: fiihA: fiKii': Hd^H-: hcAP: n^•5t: **c:: i6. ©n?\'it: -^t^-a: rt^jSA: hc^P: n?\^}iN: ?\'iH: ^lA: fih'iAv: am^Ph: AfviM ©9^^: nn (^: ^: no^cfot: fr: A^t: (DA,^+^: jB*^nc:: 3. om: A/hH: A^jBh: je^^c: /^hA: ;hn* i'h: •iT/iw: W^: vjs^T^: q^j?-*: on^A-ory: cro A?\nt: ?\h(J*A,A: js^-ni: ©/hd?*^: qto^yicJ^^: "^t Av: (DUAd).: VP: ui: ^a/'t: oorA-^: ^oj't: oo jr/v: hP^hSbfp^: (sisp^h^pp^: (DhF^^^<^^: rta: rt/^o-: noo: i^fifijph: fio^f^}\: ?\^7a.a: -^ a: a>7i^Ph:: 5. onoo: p*i^c: h^ih: AOA^ifo^: ©noo: jg h-^ap: (pnoo: jsh^o: ^"^rif o^: (Dn^A'O^: ua 6. om: i"ili: Mfifh: /^hA: a^-M^/h: hi ASCENSIO ISAIi^ VATIS. 31 CAP. VI. Et Visio, quam Isaias films Amos vidit in xx. anno regni Ezechice Regis Jehudce, 1. Et Isaias filius Amos venit, et Joshab filius Isaise, ad Ezechiam Hierosolymam a Galilea. 2. Et Rex sedit in lectum, et thronum ei attule- runt, sed noluit sedere. 3. Et cum Isaias coepit colloqui cum Ezechia rege ^de fide et justitia, ^omnes principes Israelis sedebant, et eunuchi, et consiliarii regis ; ibique erant 30 vates, et filii vatum venerunt ^ ex singulis locis finitimis, atque ex campis, illico cum audirent quod Isaias veniebat a Galilea ad Ezechiam. 4. Et venerunt, ut salutarent eum, utque audi- rent ejus verba ; 5. Et ut manus ejus maneret super illos, et ut vaticinarentur, et ut audiret eorum vaticinia, omnes- que fuerunt coram Isaia. 6. Et dum Isaias colloquebatur cum Ezechia de ^ verba Jidei, etjustiticE. ^ et omnes. <^ ex locis finitimis, et ex locis finitimis. 32 ocit: A.^jBph: ^ruB:: d^t: f^^n^: o^fi^f'Y: (Drt^o-: re-A'^n^: a-?^^: 7. (D^oro: "iT/u;: ^fLPt: n^A^^^f^: on^A-o^: Ph: A^Pje: ©a,p-a.a: oA^P-h^i: jbv^c: nP^v:: 8. ©n^: ria: rt/^o-: n^A-o^: rtlA: a^a: cro •icih: ^J^h: fil^: n^A'<3^: n^^n^ifo^: ©rt^^i fi>: AA/^An: jr;?-^: aao-a: ah: arht: AO-A: i^A/^: (dah: aoa: fih^c: *^h: ©ah: a^A^r. ^0C4::: 9. (DQurv: h^a^t: ah: no^-M: k1(d: -^r^t: no^A/^: ^n,c: 890): A^hi^.:: 10. (D^•iH jBt»i9c: noD*^^?!: ^&h: h'iH: n^ A-a^: jBrtj^o-: ^C(^oo: (D^^nib: t^/iUA: ?\/^ AOA>u^: (DorM^y.: ^jB4^ra^: AO^or: Jsa: je^t» GTO^: ^j^^u-:: 11. (DAOJB-itihrt: Vlu^±•t: ^^"^1:: h^-^-f:: o h^\h\: PLP^p^: (D^tiM: M)0\h: f^/u;A: ^/^A OA>i>:: 12. ©Oa^i:: ^h"fi4.frrt: UA©t: AOfA>lh: }\h 00: d^/^P: JB4A.:: 13. ©oDAAii: Wr: A^i^^h: ©AA^P-h^: ©A^: ©AOd^iy.: ^O- f^r: /Sa: cTOH^rV:: i;. (Doon-*i*i^rt: O/^idT'^: oa^Ti^: A.rt/^(h: oh: oo'i^ih: 00^: (Da^Ti^rt: A^rt/^o-: ?\h<^: Aor ^^p(7^: cTij^ruPh: ©A^p-h^: OA^: rio: t^/u;A: CAP. VII. 1. (DCnhfiti: H^^P: A^rtjs^h: jBa: A^i-M^Ph: ©AA^p-h: ©A A: (DA^nj'h: ©AOd^-^y.: ^fUPt:: 2. onvt: Ht: ^n: fiajBTv: nnoo: h/^o: h rt^diia^: CA.rv: ooaam: iifv^: ©A.n^: noo; ii^i^: ooAhViH-: HHAci: ^i^P'a^: AA: ii^^: aP: ©ui: iijSA: tarvn: A,t: noo: Xt«i7C: ;n>hA>i>:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 35 14. Et populus putavit, qui circumstabat, prseter * coetum vatum, quod ablatus est sanctus Isaias. 15. Et visio, quam vidit sanctus Isaias, non fuit ex hoc mundo, sed ex mundo, qui celatus est ^ ab eo quippe humano. 16. Et Isaias, postquam viderat banc visionem, nunciavit earn Ezechiae, et Josheb suo filio, aliisque etiam vatibus, qui venerant. 17. Sed prsefecti, et eunuchi, et populus, non au- diverunt, prseter Shemnam scribam, et Javakem, et Asaph scriptorem ^actorum pubUcorum, quoniam iWi Juerunt servi justitiae, fuitque ilHs suavis spiritus. Et populus non audiverunt, quoniam Micaias, et Josheb ejus filius coegerunt eos egredi, cum sapien- tia hujus mundi auferretur ab eo, quasi a mortuo. CAP. VII. 1. Et visionem, quam Isaias vidit, narravit Eze- chise, et Josheb suo filio, et Micaiae, aliisque vatibus. 2. Et hoc factum est, inquit, cum vaticinarer se- cundum testimonium, quod audivistis, ut ego vide- rem angelum gloriosum ; nee fuit gloria prout ange- lorum, quos semper videram, sed magna gloria et officium ei fuit, ut ego non possim nunciare gloriam hujus angeli. 3. Aspexi, cum apprehenderet me manu mea, dixique, " Quis tu, et quid est nomen tuum, et ubr " ut ego ascendam facies ?" Facultas enim data est mihi, ut colloquerer cum illo. ^ circulum. ^ a came ejus. ^ recordationis. F 2 36 crcit: A.hJSi'h: ha.fi:: 4. (DjeaAv: m: hoirn: c/op.cT: (dacajbtv n: c^hP: ah: tc^Tn-: riav: ''\'t\>(v: o^v: m: (d h/^Prt: A,:^A/^c:: 5. ^h<7D: uAon: nn: avow: H-'^nh: (D-^nrt: Aocin: H-iA.: }\h(^: mi: tc^Trr:: 6. (DtJ:ui;f>,7r: ^ho^: nParut: t«i']^h,:: 7. (DjBaA\: tc^uia^nv: hh<7o: ptu: fi7cn- n: (Dfiii: cdah: PoaPvy.: h^4A,: noo: jS(i>,u: q Cr^J-di: UA-: ;B+«c: /^hA>n:: 8. (DAnii-h.: ah: poo.: i^iA.: ?\hoo: ah: 4-^:^ arrt-: XF^fi^o: fi'nfi: noo: a^cv: ah: Hit: Hit: n^A-:: 9. (DO^^'^: arht: /^fT'id: A^: 0ar^t: on vP: ca.Vi;cd: Art^jSA: (DAiijeAt:i>: (dua-: oa.fi: +tA: AAOA>u^: (D^9(^t: rtje^i: oArhA: AnAAr: 10. onnoo: haoa-: n^l^: n/^.e-C'i,: Aho^: A/^i^A-: ah: A/^fT'iO: liP: arht: /^^^c: arKl;^:: 11. oAaA*: AODAAVi: /^rt: arXi;: •M^ifr:: 12. ©jeaAh,: noo'H: or At: A/n>Aoo: ^a^: 7i c;A/^: Ahn: jbar: ©"h: ttA: Ahn: jsoo^A: h uacdh: tCAje: ©je^crohh:: 13. oA/^^^iu-: A6^9'i,: cA)AOAt: /^H^'iC: Horht: rt^jB:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. ^^ 4. Et mihi inquit, " Cum ut ^ gradatim ascende- " res, fecerim, et ostenderim tibi visionem, propter " quam sum missus, illico intelliges, quis sim, sed " nomen meum nescies. 5. " (Nam te oportet in hoc tuum corpus redire) " et quo, ut ascenderis, fecerim, videbis, quia propter " hoc sum missus." - 6. Et laetatus sum, quod comiter mecum est col- locutus. 7. Et inquit, "Lsetatusne es, quod comiter tecum " collocutus sum ?" Atque ait, " Et ilium, qui me " magnificat, videbis, ut comiter miteque colloque- " tur tecum. 8. "Et patrem ejus, qui magnificat, videbis; nam " ob hoc missus sum e septimo coelo, ut illumina- " rem te de his singulis." 9. Et ascendimus in firmamentum, ego et ille, et ibi vidi Samaelem potestatesque ; et fuit magna cse- des per eum, resque Satanse, et alius cum alio con- tendebat. 10. Et ut supra, ita in terra, quoniam similitudo ejus, quod est in firmamento, hie in terra est. 11. Et inquam angelo; "Quae est haec contentio?" 12. Et mihi inquit; "Ita fuit ab orbe condito us- " que ad hoc tempus, et haec caedes erit^ donee ve- " niet ille, quem tu videbis, et turn ea extinguetur." 13. Et postea fecit, ut ascenderem supra firma- mentum in coelum. ^ gradus vel gradibus^ 38 OfCJt: A,^jBi>h: hfhfi:: 14. nvP: CA,Tv: ^'la^: ^?\nA: oaP^v: o 15. (DAX^h: r\o^: ctdaJsvih-: JSa: nP^v: jst * ara^: aa: ?\a: nP^v: jetaro^: ^^4-^: n^^: 0A-: ^?\nA: ©nj^u^: jBr\,^rh-: (d?\a: nep/^y.: ;^^4,lfo^>^: a)*A-a^rt: A,n^: n^o: ^a: ?\a: nP i6. (Dth/SAVl/D: AooAAVi: HJSooCrhV: oha A-: Aoov: •Mh^^t: jb^^oT:: 17. (DjBaAh,: arht: h^^t: fi^o: rt^JB: ah: n^^h: <^A/^: poc: (da4:*«;: h/n>'^a: tc^L^orn-: •^an: vP: jB^-a.^:: 18. ©ncrn: Ad^lv: (D-ht: ^^/^: h^jB: qao A'lU'rt: AorM:: rt^jB: jBnar*i: noo: ?\/n>^c: Art ^fi: (DA^^«id:: 19. (Dorht: t^^jB: rt^jB: jB/n)^: ©^r^oo: o) oo-^ac: ^hriA: coh^^t: oda?\Yi^: ha: ^^^: rt^jB: ©HjB'i-nc: Aa: oo'inc: aRiF^: rt^jB: vi ^^: ii;?'^-^: n+: ?\/^n^A^:: 20. (D^if /h: vi^c: UA^H^: arht: ^^/^: rt^jB: ©h^/h-fo^: (^Ph: noo: h^^t: JSAVii:: aha: ^R^%: rt^jB:: 21. (D(D^*: AlfTP: noo: ?sh^;^: Art: qa.-^^ ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 39 14. Ibi vidi thronum in medio, et a dextra et a sinistra fuerunt angel i. 15. Et nullus fuit instar angelorum, qui a dextra stabant ; sed iis, qui a dextra stabant, maxima fiiit gloria. Et omnes ii collaudabant una voce ; et thro- nus fuit in medio ; et idem laudibus efferebant. At- que illi, qui fuerunt a sinistra, collaudabant post eos ; sed vox illorum non fuit, prout vox eorum, qui a dextra, nee illorum splendor, prout splendor aliorum. 16. Et interrogavi angelum, qui me ducebat, di- cens, ^^ Cui hsec coUaudatio ascribitur ?" 17. Et mihi in quit; " Gloriae septimi cceli, illi, " qui in sancto mundo obcsecat, et ejus Dilecto, a " quo missus sum tibi, illuc ascribitur." 18. Atque iterum me elevavit in secundum cae- lum, et altitudo hujus cceli fuit, ut a terra ad cce- lum et firmamentum. 19. Et in primo coelo dextra ^wi^ et sinistra, et thronus in medio et splendor angelorum, quae etiam fuerunt in secundo coelo, sed illi, qui sedebat super thronum in secundo coelo, major fuit gloria, quam omnibus. 20. Et multa fuit gloria in secundo coelo ; nee splendor eorum fuit prout splendor aliorum, prout iste, qui in primo ccelo fuit, 21. Et cecidi in faciem meam, ut ilium colerem; 40 t3fC7t: A.^js/'h: ha.fi:: 1\: ooAAVi: Hfi(^Cd\\: M: fiti^h,: A^tMj?-: (DA.A0DAAV1: (DA^Aoo-^nc: ah: ^/^hJ^h1:: rt^jS: hF^'hfx: i-J^harrt: ^/^d^^n: H?\^nA: A^: K^^nc n: ni^^o: h^^:: 22. ?\h^: t^AOAt: n^A-: rt^j'^f-: QOD/^^vit ifor^: 0D*iAcn: "^rvc: (DAAnrt.nh,: (dayia.am'i,: HUAcDn: ^CAJS:: 23. (Dt •^n: ^i-iLharrv: MCl: arht: H^oAOt: ?iA-: fm>H: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 41 et angelus, qui me ducebat, non me sivit^ sed dixit; " Ne colas^ nee angelum^ nee thronum illius, qui est " ex sexto coelo, unde missus sum, ut te ducam, do- " nee tibi dicam in septimo coelo. 22. " Nam supra omnes coelos eorumque angelos " thronus tuus est situs, vestesque tuse, coronaque " tua, quae aspicies. 23. "Et Isetare magna laetitia; ii enim, qui amant " altissimum, ejusque Dilectum, suh vitce eorum " fine per angelum Spiritus Sancti illuc ascendent." 24. Et fecit, ut ascenderem in tertium coelum, et similiter vidi eos, qui a dextra et a sinistra, et ibi thronus erat in medio, quique in eo sedebat ; verum enimvero recordatio hujus mundi non nominaba- tur. 25. Et inquam angelo, qui mecum, " Quia glo- " ria ^ coram me mutabitur, dum ascendam singulos " coelos, quia nihil est ^ ex mundo, vanum hie quod " nominetur." 26. Et mihi respondit, dicens; "Non est *^nomi- " natio ob ejus tsedium ; sed nihil est absconditum, " quod hie agatur." 27. Sed volui certus fieri, quomodo, quod non nominabatur, id cognosceretur. Et mihi respondit ; " Quum in septimum ccelum, ex quo missus fui, ut " ascenderis, fecerim, in id, quod supra hos est, con- ^ faciei mecE vel loci mei Luc. x. 32. xiv. 9. Joh. xx. 6. ^ ex isto mundo. ^ quod nominetur. G 42 oc9t: iV^jBi'h: ha.fi:: &^F^c: no^: aao: HJB^^^^: Aoo^j^ct: (da/S a: fih^<^: arht: rt^^H-: (da,ao^a?\Vi4': ©h^^ H-: HjSrt,^/h-: (DVi^<.: ah: fih^c: An: o^-^nc: Poa: (DAo^A?sn^: Ha: P<^v. qah: nop/^: Yi ^^: Jl;^4•^: 0+: h/^rt^jS: Hh/^^a^tifo^:: 28. (Dnon: AO^I'i,: arht: d^^d: fi^fi: (DM Mih: }\F^mM\: Ac^^o: rt^jB: dij^^i-^: ?\;n>j?'C: ?\hn: FQj^Ho:: 29. (DAVP: noa: ca,tv: ?sa: nPm: oJSa: a 0P/^: (DHjs^^c: ^a: «o'^ac: UA-: ^hnA: ©a W\: 0,.^: jBrt^/h-:: 30. ©h^/ht: ©Yi^c: HooAhvit: P^*^: Poa: ?^/n)H: 0p/n):: 31. ©noa: ii^i: ah: fih^c. Aa: «^o-^ac: jBd:^4-j?': ?\0DAhY\t: Jsa: aP^'i: ©Vi^^o^rt: : A.tO(ir4>: An^A*: H/ii^P: ah: no^'H: w^i: ©un: ?\/^rt^jB: Art^jS: cdh Poa: vi^^: ooAhYiH-: cdVi^^: fij.^^i^j^: ah: ;s^ ^c: An: oo'inc:; CAP. VIII. 1. (Dc^A: ACr^Tu: arht: APc: H^.^-h: rt^JS: (DCA.TV: h^/ht: HA.CA,Tv: arht: -hP^tiH^i ^^fi: 2. (DooAMit: noajB: vi^c: ^-^h: uacd.:: 3. (DAVP: h^ia^t: ^Ah: UA^: cDoo'inc:: 4. (DhaA-: AooAAVi: Hjeooc/h'i,: /n)'5tV7i: HhCA,: ?\^H,/SP:: 5. (Djea: A,mTv: A^: ^^H,?\n: aa: afrn: a^:: 6. ©c^A: th?\An.cD: (D^aA-: /^^tVA.: a8: ooAhvit:: 7. (DJBa: XF^fi^h: rt^jB: qaoa: H03^: a Ant: ^/^JB^H,: (DA,oD*^az: ^?\nA: -^a^: aa: KF^'hfiiM Hf\^o: rt^JB: -^n: fih^c: ha^jbiuctojb: (D^iP: Hho^: A^toort: a)A.n^A-a^: rt^i't: h T>: Ah/^^: A^JBiiA^:: ASCENSIO ISALE VATIS. 45 36. Et splendoris horum gloria major erat, quam quarti coeli. ST. Et collaudavi eum, qui non nominatur, et praepotentem, qui in coelis habitat, cujus nomen non patefactum est cuiquam ^mortali^ qui ita glo- riam ex coelo ad coelum ^transmisit^ et qui auget gloriam angelorum, et gloriam amplificat ejus, qui sedet in throno. CAP. VIII. 1. Porro fecit, ut ascenderem in aether a sexti coe- H, et vidi splendorem, quern non videram in quinto coelo, simul ac ascendi. 2. Et angel i in magna gloria extiterunt. 3. Et ibi sancta gloria fuit, et thronus. 4. Et inquam angelo, qui me ducebat ; " Quid- " nam est hoc, quod video, mi Domine ?" 5. Et inquit; "Ego non sum tuus Dominus, sed " socius tuus ego." 6. Et prseterea inten'ogavi eum, et dixi ; " NuUi- " ne socii sunt angelorum ?" 7. Et inquit; "De sexto coelo, et supra, cui non " est sinistra ex hoc tempore, nee thronus in medio " situs, sed est ex potentia septimi coeli, ubi habi- " tat ille, qui non nominatur, et Electus ejus, cujus " nomen non patefactum est, neque omnes coeli " nomen ejus cognoscere possunt. * carnis seu carnali. ^ dedit. 46 ocjt: i^fifiS'h: ^ajs:: 8. ?\hoo: orM:: unr: na>i:i:: hh: */v: n^/v (Dt<^7n-: noo: aoc}: tip: noo: h-cajs: H'it: 9. (DtCAje: ?\^H,Aa^: Aho^"^*: rt^PH-: re- 10. ?v-^h: jBt^A^: Ahn: jenar*^: ano^: 6^h 11. M^n,: h^An: A^i^jeph: ^hoo: aAvo: 'h Vi+: «^A^: huacd: h\X^: fi'Wh: HA.c^P: (da.0 C9: ©A/iao): wMir: Artorn:: 12. (DHUAon: ^CAJB: ^hifa^: © 18. (DavP: n^/w^: jBrt/^p: a+^^^: A-n: ©A4^*4.: AYich-fh: ©Aoo-j^h: ^Ah: n^A^^r^: HA/hA: *a:: 19. (DA.n^: nnoo: ^a*<7^: ah: arht: -hF^ ht: rt^PH-: ooA/Snt:: 20. (DA.anoo; ^0,00^: aa: noj?-: ^a: vor: vp: Q^.if^: ^cv^: UA-: vP:: 21. (Dhav: ^^H: UA-nr: arht: fi^h: rt^jB: A/^rtATv: ^Aoot: hiy: ^cv^t: HCA,rr: arht: ii/^ht: rt^Pt:: 22. (Dtdiuf^hn-: (DrtO/hTv: ah: noo-n: ^cvi t: 89(d: AhA: fim'^: th+ih:: 23. (DAht-n*ovi-'5t: /hA jBJv: (D^a: (dA^d: n7{: t^uia^n: atc ^cv'it: t^i^/hn: Ad?: : jetauA: arht: o^a/^: (DA;^:: 26. A,tnht: HUA-: fin-v. arht: H^^h^i: od A/^: (Dhmh\: ooo'j^c't: (DAViA,At: H'^rvd^*^: A^^*'^: a?\a: jStAoov: A'Mrv: Js^ith: ah: ft oo-iYic:: 27. (DAA,9aAtnrt: arht: /u;p: ^a: P: oha: oa v: orM:: HnAA^i,: ooov: Q^h^w. HtcTojsmv,: h(W): hd^^:: 4. (Dfia>t\\: HnAAn: /hotM:: H^aih: h-n /ht: h^ht: rt^js:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 51 " lo, cum videas lucem, ubi Dominus est, et Dilec- '^ tus ejus, unde missus sum, qui vocandus est in " mundo Filius. 26. " Non manifestatus est, qui existet in corrup- " tibili mundo, et vestes, et throni, et coronse, quae *' reservantur justis, iis, qui fidem habebunt in isto " Domino, illo, qui in vestra forma descendet ; nam " lux ibi magna est, et mirabilis. 27. ^^Et de tuo reditu in carnem insuper cog- " nosce, dies tuos non impletos esse hue veniendi ." 28. Et audiens dolui, sed inquit; ^^Ne doleas." CAP. IX. 1. Et sustulit me in sethera septimi coeli. Potro audivi vocem, dicentem, " Ubinam ascensurus est, " qui apud exteros habitat ?" Et timui, et trepi- davi. 2. Et dixit de me. Dum trepidabam, ecce illinc alia vox "^ emittitur, et inquit ; " Permittatur ascen- " dere hue sanctus Isaias, nam hie est ejus ves- « tis." 3. Et interrogavi angelum, qui mecum, et in^ quam; " Quis est ille qui me prohibuit? Et quis " ille, qui me convertit, ut ascenderem." 4. Et inquit ; " Qui te prohibuit, is est, qui supra " splendorem habitat sexti coeli. * venit (^rmssa. H 2 62 Mit: A.^jBi'h: ^ajB:: 5. (DHtcTDjBmn: 7{(ir?\+: ^^H,^n: ^^^LA^ /fvc: 'Nnn.h: wcMh: hua-: jBtauA: orht: o,^ F^: A,PrVh: (DhT>rt: a^h-via: rt^^o: }\hn: hp^m Avo: +oc^:: 6. (s>h: 8^**^: h?\/^a«^: 8. onvP: c.diXyfl>: aa^a: ^^h: a)An^A-a^: 0. (DAVP: CA.Vi;cD: autvi: (DAre-A^-o^: Aa: /^hA>ih: Aa: qC'^: A/^Artt: /u;p: (DCA,ii/i>af^: HA^rtfO^: HAOA-: oAo^'^+rt: UAa>.: noo; C70A Mit: Aa: vP: je+aro^: nh^^^: oajB:: 10. ©na^ii:: Grht: oDij^c^^o^: Mai*: (DhW A.A^: h^^i^cr^: A,UA-: AOA^ifo^:: 11. (DthAAVi^: AooAAVi: H/^hA>P: Adf: HA AOrt: ^/iUA*: ono^'i^C'trt: (DnA?n[A,At: a.ua(d.:: 12. (DjBaAV,: AViA^At: (DOD'i^ct: Yi-nc: A,^ ^A^: J3AH,: (Di\i\^i%: filM: (DPhP^i^: oo^^ct: Aje: itAifo^: oAViA^At: ajb: Ahn: jbcdc^: 4^ iM ojSrt^AP: A 15. onooTi: c^t: nncTo: A*it: t4A,: Aft<^ i'H-'i,: P^^iAo^: noo: a,jb^O(D^: gov: arht:: i6. (Dm: rt^f : A^oAAn: o^h-: opoc^: a^iA tvv: (Dfih^c arht: -Kn-: o,nF^: -hf^h^: f^M*: (Dhcaoti ©•^;n>ht: «^toa:: 17. (DA^v: Poct: h/^8^**^: ^\{^^t. F^h Mh: Ho^^icA-fo^: AAHrt: XhAvi^: hhW: pom: ^^}i?\: Vichfh: (dPoct: /^hA^ih:: 18. A^vn,: jS'i^A-: aah^^: (dod^^c^o^: (DAViA^Atifo^: /^a: orht: fi^.o: fi^fi: OCT. orM::: 19. oXdOr: HthhAVi^cD: arht: uiAh: rt^^:: 20. ©jeaA'u: yv*a-: anvii:: c^a/^: HJSMac: a-MP: jetoo)^:: 21. (d?\^h: <^A: AMC: /n>hA>u^: ^t: ArhA: h(7D/^?sVit: ^A: jB+aro^: ha-^h: ^1^4-^: hF^h ^M;: mvnr: ooaayi: ah: hF^o^np^: Mn\:: 22. (DACAPh,: oosa^ifit: (DAn: noo: oDHa^.4: t: hk: c^A/^: (Dd^H-rho^: o^H/h/h^ft: ^/h-43: ASCENSIO ISAI^ VATIS. 56 " quam descenderit, et * apparebit in vestra forma, " et putabunt eum esse carnem, et erit homo. 14 "Et Deus ^mundi ^patefacietur a filio suo; et ^^ injicient ei manus suas, et suspendent eum super " arbore, ignorantes quis sit. 15. " Atque ita ejus descensio, sicut tu videbis, a " coelis celabitur, ne intelligatur quis sit. 16. " Et postquam se subduxerit angelo mortis, " tum ascendet tertio die, et manebit in ^ mundo " quingentos, et quadraginta, et quinque dies. 17. "Et tunc ex Sanctis multi ascendent cum eo, " quorum Spiritus vestes non accipient, donee Do- " minus Christus ascendet, et ascendent cum eo. 18. " Tunc igitur accipient vestes suas thronos- " que suos, coronasque suas, cum in septimum coe- " lum ascendent ille.'* 19. Et dixi ei, de quo interrogavi eum in tertio coelo. 20. Et inquit ; " Omnia, quae in ^ mundo agan- " tur, hie cognoscuntur.'* 21. Et, dum adhuc colloquebar cum eo, ecce unus erat ex angehs, qui stabant, splendidior illo angelo, qui, a mundo ut ascenderem, fecit. 22. Et ostendit mihi hbros, sed non hbros qua- les sunt hujus mundi, et expandit eos; et Ubri scripti * erit secundum i^stram formam. ^ ejus mundi ^ expan- det se. ^ €0 mundo. ^ eo mundo. 56 ocii-: MfijPti: h(ifi:: UA*»: vP: (DAn: n(^: ooK;hi4^t: ht^: OiA/^: ot A-^: ?\h(^A,A: VP: uat: ^/h-4-'t: (D/^lOrfOf^rt: H±A/^n: (TA^P: A.P'h'fi:: 23. (D?\a: A^^: aao: Hjet-^nh: ni^^io: rt^ ^: HjB+9nc: arht: c^a/^):: 24. (DCA,rv: avP: AAOrt: ^jf*^: "^rv^: (d^^ •net: 4iH-^: (DAViA,At: ^Jf*^:: 25. (Dha: A: Hh4i^t i>: jBto^or: A/^n^A*: ©h^a^tu^: oaje: arAt: 28. (Dfia: CA,n/D: re*A-a^: f\Jt^T. Aa: ca, 7v: (D<7o/^AVi4': Aa: ca,7v: ^d^a^: -^ai^: oA^ F^: oAaA: (DA,t: (D^r*A-a^: 8;?-*'^: ^>^oo: +c a^: ©rt9^: A-t: (Dfi^ihj^: n^A-o^: aArh^: * A: (DAAPv: UAorn^: /^hA>ifcn>: AiTt^/h: (pnv: h^^tP: noo: H,Aif': ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. ^^ sunt illic, sed non sicut libri hujus mundi. Et per- missum est mihi^ et legi illos. Et ecce facta filiorum Israelis illic scripta sunt, resque ab iis gestae, quas, fili mi, Josheb, cognoscis. 23. Et inquam ; " Profecto nihil celatur in septi- " mo coelo, quod agatur in mundo." 24. Et vidi illic vestes multas repositas, multos- que thronos, multasque coronas. 25. Et inquam angelo, qui me ducebat; " Quo- " rum sunt hse vestes, thronique, coronseque." 26. Et mihi inquit ; " Hse sunt vestes multorum " ex ^ mundo, qui accipient fidem suam a verbis il- " lius, qui, ut tibi dixi, sic appellabitur, et qui ser- " vabunt ea verba, et fidem habebunt in iis, et fi- " dem habebunt in illius Cruce ; sed ^ his sunt re- " positse." 27. Et aspexi quendam stantem, cujus gloria su- perabat gloriam omnium, et gloria ejus magna erat, et mirifica. 28. Et cum aspicerem ilium, omnes sancti, quos vidi, angelique, quos vidi, venerunt ad eum, et Ada- mus, et Abel, et Seth, et omnes sancti prisci appro- pinquaverunt, et coluerunt eum, et collaudaverunt eum omnes una voce, et egomet ipse cum iis col- laudabam, et coUaudatio mea erat prout eorum. * isto mundo. ^ sed his. I 58 oot: i\,fifijPh: h(hfi:: 30. (Dt®Am: on^: noo: ooAAn:: 31. (D^av: jeaA*!,: odaavi: Hfio^Cd\\: mi: h'^iJ?-: ©rtl^rr: (Drtn/hTv:: 32. (DjeaA'i.: c?oaavi: 'M(ir?\+: ^^Ji^: Hre- A-: h4i^+: HCA,n:: 33. (DKiH: os,A: ?\^»iic: CA,rv: nAA: hOr^h: HjBoohA^: (D8J^*'i: -^au-: 4>crh: Qfil^: ort^i /1y: ©aa.P'i,: rto/hn-: /^hA^ifo^: Qh^i^hi:: A.t (DAm: nnoo: chP-f-^^:: 34. (D^av: 'i'Cnh: <7o/^Js?n^: ofn^:: 35. (DCA^YiP: A/S^JtJS: (DA^^/^: ooAhW: o 36. (DRiF^fi: HCA,7r: ndpoo: h«^H,}SP: cDth 7\My: gov: (ir?\+: mt: ofidtw: hiJ^: A-t: /\h«w): «MarM:: o^AAn: oD-^^h: ^^h: HAO(A>n: (DAOO^^y.: fiJ^^v. Ht^7^:: 37. (DChrir: h-n^t: oa£: tnuif: AiSfjB-^t: ^4:riP: (DA^: A.VivA7v: Aav: Jscajb: a)A.<70AA5i: H^hA>P: (DA,n^A-a^: c^AhViH-: hA: CA^rv: ^'^ h: jSrt^^: A-A-1:: A?i^)ihP:: 38. 0n;hi:: CA,7r: a8.^*^: a-^jba: ojb: Ki h: je4?\^: h^^f : ATiifr:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. SQ 2g, Et confestim omnes angeli appropinquave- runt, et coluerunt, et coUaudaverunt. 30. Et mutatus est, factusque, sicut angelus. 31. Et confestim angelus, qui me ducebat, mihi inquit; "Ilium cole;" et colui et collaudavi. 32. Et angelus mihi inquit ; " Hie est Dominus " omnis glorise, quam aspexisti." 33. Et dum adhuc colloquebar, vidi alium glorio- sum, qui illi similis erat ; et sancti ad eum appro- pinquaverunt, et coluerunt, et coUaudaverunt, et egomet ipse collaudavi cum iis ; sed gloria ejus non est mutata secundum eorum speciem. 34. Et confestim angeli appropinquaverunt et coluerunt. 35. Et vidi Dominum et secundum angelum, et ii stabant. 36. Et secundus, quern vidi, a sinistra fuit Do- mii]ii mei, et rogavi ; " Quis fuit ille ?" Et inquit mihi, " Cole eum ; nam hie est angelus Spiritus " Sancti, qui per te aliosque sanctos locutus est." 37. Et vidi gloriam magnam, apertis animae meae oculis, et ego non potui illico videre, neque ange- lum, qui mecum, neque omnes angelos, quos vide- ram colentes ilium meum Dominum. 38. Attamen vidi sanctos magna vi aspicientes iU lius gloriam. 12 6o ocJt: ^,rlfis>t\: S(hfi:: 39. (D^cn: "hd?: MylKP: QooA^n: cro-^cAh: (Dfid: CA,: nn: tarvn: •^jsa:: 40. ©cA,rv: noo: rt7^: ^'iithP: (d<«>avi: h Arrive:: 41. (Drf^av: re-A'^n^: «J?-*'^: 4»CfV: ort*]^:: 42. (Dn»*A-a^: 8;?'*'^: ©od/^^yih-: tcrv: ort CAP. X. 1. QfiM: rt^orv: *At: (Dh^/h±t: Hrt<^67v: ocn: vP:: 2. ©re-A^o^: mm". Ahrv/h: HA.V\vAyv: h^ /hf : CA.P: jB^cJoT:: 3. (DAA.P'i.: hrt/^o: h^/hf : oJSiA.:: 4. (dA^k,A: (Dc^AAft: oo'idih: re-A»: ^rt/^d: (Dre*A^: jS4a,:: 5. on^A^: h^^H-: h^^-^oT: h/^h^J-hl:: rt^i' ^: An: V\od: HjSrt^o: aa: i'htCA.:: 6. (Drt^OiiP: A: Ah *1H,?\P: h'iH: JB^A-: Ah'^iihP: ^CMh: hua-: jBtnuA: A.PiVh:: 8. ^h: 01^: n^A-: rt^i't: cD'tcDC;?': f^kiq: (smvr: o,c\F^: hhW: -^n: ooAAVi: Horht: iYAA: (DO/hl:: hhn: Arhr»A: A,tarc:: 9. (DH-'t^rtA: nnoo: hP^ha: ^rA^'O^: Jsa: h arht: -^/^ht: rt^P^:: 10. (Danoo: chP-fo^: Ao^AhVit: /^fr^d: h •^h: +tc^+^: ^4^^rtA: OAo^AhVi^'i.: ^a: arh t: rt.AA:: 11. (DAJ'A/^^.: n^A-o^: oo/^hYiH^: wmv: ^iA PH^: (DHi: noo: A-it: /^ hA>P: 12. (d^ia: Ai^a: rt^Pt: HTdTv: OAooAhni: ifor^: (DA^cv^tifo^: (d^a: ACfAjsn-: A^p-h: rt Ahvii:: (DAA^AVit: 'Mrv: <^A/^: ©A(^A/^: Hh ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 63 " Sanctis mundis, qui inhabitat et in Sanctis ma- " net, qui appellandus est a Spiritu Sancto Pater " Domini." 7. Et audivi verba maxime exaltati, patris mei Domini, dicentis meo Domino Christo, qui appel- landus est Jesus : 8. " Abi, descende per omnes ccelos, et descendes " ad firm amentum et ad ^ mundum, usque ad ange- " lum, qui apud inferos, sed qui modo non ad per- " ditionem projectus est. 9. " Et assimilaberis ^ similitudini omnium, qui " in quinque coelis ; 10. " Et formse angelorum firmamenti, cavens ti- " bimet ipsi, assimilaberis, et angelorum, qui apud " inferos. 11." Nee omnes angeli mundi noscent, quod tu " es Dominus mecum septem ccelorum eorumque " angelorum, nee noscent, quod tu es itiecum. 12. " Et cum voce ^coelesti vocavero eorum an- " gelos, eorumque lumina, et cum magnum reddi- " dero sextum coelum, ut judices, perdasque princi- " patus, et angelos, et Deos mundi, et mundum, qui " eorum est, tum regnabis. " istum mundum. ^ secundum^imUitudinem. ^ ccslorum. 04 crClt: AAfiPh: hthfi:: 13. ^h^^: n^Ah,: ©jBa/v: "i/hv: v\j?'i^^: ?\/n)/«^(/7A^t: T>t: tOM: a oomn: oa.h-^^a^: an: rt^P: rt^jB: aa: nfi 15. (DA^v: jSrt'iA: An: (^^"i-it: (DifjeA^-: hwy: o,{\p^:: i6. H^it: rt^on-: Hh^^^: o,a.fi: Kin: ^K •MH: Ah'litP: A/^i^^d: rt^JB:: 17. (pnoD-M: CA,rv: ^a: ooa: ?i/n>^^o: rt^ js: h^}tJSP: arht: ^ri^h: rt^jB:: 18. (DooAAYi: H0rt^\: iS/^k: PiA/^: ^hA>P: UA-: (DjBaAh,: Afv: A^^jBj'h: oca.: noo: ^cAjS: tcDAm: A^^}i^: oc^f :: 19. (DCA.TV: (d^ia: cAjbp: cida^viH': rf^av: h n: ftJ^h: rt^JB: rt^i^h^: axD^hP: SShoo: A.t(D Am: anoo: cAPfo^: aooaJsyih-: hvP: ©rt^/h jcd: (da^v.: rtna>rv: /^hA>ifa^:: 20. (DCA^n-: ^a: o^^: orht: ii/^h: rt^jB: cd to^rtA: arht: ii/^h: ft^JB: anoo: chP-fo^: A ooAhYit: HVP: (DA,rt^a^p: hhoo: cAPt: noo: cKPfor^:: 21. (Di^av: (D^^: arht: M\<)\ rt^jB: ©too rtA: nnoo: cAPfor^: A^^oAhvit: HV/P:: ASCENSIO ISAliE VATIS. 65 13. "Nam mentiti sunt, et dixerunt/Nos sumus, " et praeter nos nullus est Deus' 14. " Et postea a diis mortis ascendes in tuum " locum, et non mutaberis in singulis coelis, sed " ^ splendide ascendes et sedebis a dextra mea. 13. "Et tunc te colent principatus, potestatesque "^mundi." 16. Hoc audivi, quod magna ilia gloria dixit, dum prsecipiebat meo Domino ex septimo coelo. 17. Atque sic vidi, cum exiret ex septimo coelo mens Dominus in sextum coelum. 18. Et angelus, qui abstulit me ab hoc mundo, me- cum fuit, et inquit mihi ; " Intellige, Isaias, et vide, " ut cernas mutationem Domini et descensionem." 19. Et aspexi, et curn angeli viderent eum, con- festim ii, qui in sexto ccelo Juerunt, coll audave runt et celebraverunt eum, quoniam non mutatus est se- cundum formam angelorum, qui fuerunt ibi. Et collaudaverunt eum, et ego collaudavi cum iis. 20. Et vidi, cum descenderet in quintum ccElum, et mutatus est in quinto ccelo secundum formam angelorum, qui ibi fuerunt ; et non collaudaverunt eum, quoniam ejus forma, Juit prout eorum forma. 21. Et statim descendit in quartum ccElum, et assimilatus est formae angelorum, qui ibi. * in splendore. ^ istius mundi. K 66 ocit: ^AfiPh: hthfi:: 22. (Dm: c}\fifl>: Mx^^fD: ohss>^hfl>\ hh 23. (Do^^: CA.n- ria: cd^^: arht: uiAh: rt^^: (Dtc/ortA: nnoo: c?\Pfa^: A<^/^^Vl^: Horht: uiAh: rt^jB:: 24. ©^/hA4:t: M: Po^rv: a^^+h: rt^js: ^ w\x^: (DNn\0\: Qunor^: noo: a.jbh-ao^c: q^h: <^: C^Pfa^: 25. (s>o,R,: cA,rv: ^a: (d^^: arht: ^^/^: rt ^JB: (Dp.^: (Dun: avPv,: ^/hA4:t: ^ho^: Jsa: Po^rv: A*i^8: P-^/iuuh: (D^'^}t^: jBih^i:: 26. (DCA,rv: ria: to^rtA: rin«ro: c?\Pfa^: a ooAJsvit: ah: n^^/n>: rt^js: ©chjsp: oA^rt^ a^;a>; ^hoo: c^Pt: nnoo: c?\Pfa^:: 27. (DPiA: c^X\fl>: ^(\: oim: arht: +^^^: rt^jB: (DAVPh,: QUrt: ^/hA4:t: a?\a: Po^rv: A ^^8: a)tcA)rtA: nn«7o: c^Pfa^: AooAhVit: Aa: ne^oD: •mtv: oo-inc: a)A,rt4i;h;i>: a)A.a)^hP: A ho^: cAPi:: ar\oo: cAPfo^:: 28. ©n^PPrt: AAo: HthAAV,: nA'^t: «^aah: H^ciocrhv:: 29. (DPiA: (D^^: arht: /^H^^o: 'ha: o^TTTih 71: o!,A/^: jB^^c: (DCDVn: ^^A4:f : aAa: nep ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 67 22. Et cum viderent eum, non collaudaverunt eum, nee eelebraverunt eum, quoniam ejus forma prout eorum forma. 23. Porro vidi, cum descenderet in tertium coe- lum, et assimilatus esset formse angelorum, qui in tertio coelo. 24. Et ^commeatum, ii^ qui portam coeli custo- diverunt, postulaverunt, et Dominus istum dedit iis, ut ignotus; et cum viderent eum non collaudaverunt, nee eelebraverunt eum, quoniam ejus forma prout eorum forma. 25. Porro vidi, cum descenderet in secundum coe- lum, et rursus dedit commeatum, quia ii, qui custo- diebant portam, postulabant, et Dominus dabat : 26. Et vidi, cum mutatus est secundum formam angelorum, qui in secundo coelo, et aspexerunt eum, sed non collaudaverunt eum, quoniam ejus forma prout eorum forma. 27. Porro vidi eum, cum descenderet in primum coelum, et ibi dedit commeatum iis, qui custodive- runt portam, et assimilatus est formse angelorum, c^\fuerunt a sinistra istius throni, et non collauda- verunt eum, nee eelebraverunt eum, quoniam ejus forma prout eorum forma. 28. Et me ipsum nemo interrogavit propter an- gelum, qui me ducebat. 29. Porro descendit in firmamentum, ubi princeps hujus mundi habitabat, et dedit commeatum iis, qui * transitum. K 2 6s o«t: AAfifh: h(\,fi:: p^: (DC^P+: noo: liAifo^: (DA.rt^fl^;cD: nvP: l\t\: a^^: uacd-: Arh^: AArh^: jBt^tA-: hh oo: vp: u/v: ^fir\: Knrfi: OM^if^: Ha: ^^^:: 30. (DCA,Tv: ria: q^^: oto^rtA: AooA?\Vit: APC: ©orM:: UA-: noo: Arh^: ^/^(Ir^l•t■faf^:: 31. 0A.(DUn: ^^A*t: hh(^: A/h*: AA/hA: PUje;?-: (DjB94:o:: CAP. XL 1. oKF^^^im: CA.7V: (dooaa?!: Ht'i'}^: /^ hA>P: HODCrhh,: jeaAV: Afv: A/ijSjPh: OA^: ^ T>^: ?\hoo: A'H: tciTTv: /S.^^-^n: ?\^H,A^rfvc:: 2. (DA^v.: CA.n-: /S/^h-ota^: ^^h-: ^njs: -nh A.^-: ^•it: h^: ^CJ'/^: (DjB?st: ^"^^A: ©tH-cA 'hc: A^^l^: Hho^: P'i\,4:: ^?\rt.: e^O^: oaris •frV.: ?\/^HCA: (D?i/^+(irA^: ^^4-: 8^^: Hh/^ at: A^/^: n^ibA:: 3. (DjS(70fr?s: ac^VTciAt: h,av: om: i^^^^iA-: 4. (Do^AAn: cTo^cih: i'htcA,: an: c^a/^: oA f^'H: AJP-h^O: e-^^^i . . . . : A^Ci*/^: (DorAtrt: AAo: ah: jsn/iut: H*it: hli:: 5. (DA.jS+cn: A^cp/^: qPo^o: noo: ^-j^a: ^^^ht: (DOa^t: e-^rt: A-^h: (h:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 69 a sinistra fuerunt^ et ejus forma fuit prout eorum, et non collaudaverunt eum ibi, sed ^pugnaciter alius alium trucidabat^ nam ibi existit potestas mali, et contentionis, quae parumper durat. 30. Et vidi^ cum descenderet^ et assimilaretur an- gelis aeris, et ille factus est prout unus ex iis. 31. Et non dedit commeatum, quia alius alium diripiebat, et injuria afficiebat. CAP. XL 1 . Et posthsec vidi, et angelus^ qui collocutus est mecum, qui me duxit, inquit ; " Intellige Isaias, fili " Amos, nam propter hoc missus fui a Deo." 2. Et ego aspexi ex stirpe Davidis vatis mulie^ rem, cui nomen Maria, et ilia erat virgo, et despon- debatur viro, cui nomen Josephus, fabro lignario, et ille erat e semine et stirpe justi Davidis, qui ex Bethlehem Judseae. 3. Et veniebat ^ ad ejus haereditatem ; sed cum desponderetur, reperiebatur gravida, et Josephus, feber lignarius, volebat earn repudiare. 4. Et angelus Spiritus apparebat in mundo. Et post hoc Josephus non repudiabat Mariam, nee ille alicui detegebat banc rem. 5. Nee appropinquabat Marias, sed conservabat eam, ut virginem sanctam, quamvis erat gravida. * in contentione. ^ ad ejus portionem. 70 o«t: Mfifh: hthfi:: 6. (DA^js^^c: F^hM: har^-h: ViA/V,:: 7. (D^/^^^^: VI AA,: Aord^-^: odtoa: oP-rlb 4:: je^A*: GTht: at: (d^cp^: — : gxmm^: iiAAifo^: n/htfo^:: 8. (DfiTicETT. m: jByAo).: na^tfo^: o^^k^c: ^cp: nAOje-^iiv: ^av: ©HA.: ^^h: "iA-rt: ot 9. (DhF^^i^i: ^'i'JQ't: H-^h^n^: ncui: noo: tAo^: hA^^ra: H'jr'i^:: 10. (D^in: jBaA: — : P'ft,4^: . . . . : ^fi4^: /n>-it: j'^M^n,: jB-f-niut: AOje-^tiM (D^iAP-: A/H^^i: (DjeA,^rh: AA^^itA^rhbC: Ahoo: a^ws. At: odk-a: A^lJtA:: 11. (Di^A: jenor'i: A^o^: H'it: <5^?\P: Aoovy.: A.=^'i'ii:: 12. (DjBt«c: ^a: aA'it: ^q*^: aat: A rh>/^:: 13. oAa: jb^a-: oa^h-: ;^^r^A: ^cp/n>: ^j?- 00: viAA,: Aord^^: — :: 14. (D^H'ii'^: js^A*: A-^A^^-: (DA.0CTt: 00 GTAJ?-: (DA^^d^-^: ^^^: A,rt<^o^: (Dje/iAA-: n^ A^'O^: hF^wh: (DPhF^i: n^A-o^: ot: ©aj'A f^<*: hP^hfi^: or At:: 15. (Dje^/iuAp: ©jBoo^A-: A^Kit: H1A,A:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 71 6. Et manebat cum ea duos menses. 7. Et post duos menses dierum Josephus erat in sua domo, et Maria ; sed ambo eorum erant soli. 8. Et fiebat, dum erant soli, et Maria despiciebat oculis^ ut statim cernebat infantem parvum^ et ob- stupescebat. 9. Et post stuporem matrix ejus inveniebatur, ut prius^ sine graviditate. 10. Et cum diceret Josephus .... Josephus ; " Quid obstupefacit te ;" oculi ejus aperiebantur, et videbat infantem, et collaudabat Deum, quoniam in haereditatem suam venit Dominus. 11. Et ^ vocem audiebant, dicentem, " Hanc vi- " sionem nemini narrabitis." 12. Et rumor de infante percrebescebat in Beth- lehem Judseae. 13. Erant, qui dicebant parturisse virginem Ma- riam ante duos menses 14. Et multi dicebant, earn non parturisse, nee obstetricem ascendisse, nee clamorem partus esse auditum. Et omnes merit e obcsecabantur de eo, et omnes sciebant ilium esse, sed nesciebant, unde ille. 15. Et sumebant eum, et veniebant Nazaretham Galilaeae. * vox erat iis. 72 omt: i\.fififh: hflfi:: 16. (dcmy: a^-H^Ph: (DA,P*h-n: oAJ^P: (dah o^v.: ^fUP^: ?\MC: a?\a: je+aro^: noo: -^ /^An: HTi: PiA/^:: ©nnoo: avco,^: ua-: n/=^:: Ao^: AorA-^: ?\h(^A,A: aoa>im Kin: AJ'A/^i: : o JS(DC^: -^n: ooAAii:: 20. nA,P4.^A>/^n,: ca.vip: ?\'iH: jSrt^AP: An: Od:: 21. (Dnooh.: hp^A-hi: uiAh^: dAT-: js^-^uih: (DJB^-nc: v: (miWi: A/inar^: h-n ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 73 16. Et vidi, Ezechias, et Josheb, mi fili, vosque alii Vates^ cum quibus hie stantibus colloquor, quod celatus est omnibus coelis, et omnibus principatibus^ et omnibus diis hujus mundi. 17. Et vidi eum in Nazareth a sugentem^ ut in- fans, et secundum conditionem suam erat, ut ig- notus. 18. Et cum adolesceret, faciebat signa magna, et miracula in terra Israelis et Hierosolymae. 19. Et posthsec alieni eum in odio habebant, et excitabant filios Israelis in eum, nescientes, quis ille; et tradebant eum regi, et suspendebant eum, et descendebat ad angelum mortis. 20. In Hierosolyma aspexi eum suspensum in arbore. 21. Et post tertium diem resurgebat, ^diuque manebat. 22. Et angelus, qui me ducebat, inquit ; " Intel- " lige, Isaias." Et vidi, cum mitteret duodecim Dis- cipulos, et ascenderet. 23. Et ego aspexi eum. Et fuit in firmamento, et non mutatus est secundum eorum form am, et omnes angeli firmamenti et Satan viderunt eum, et coluerunt. " 24. Et magna tristitia fiiit ibi, dum dicebant; " Quomodo noster Dominus descendit ad nos, et Dies. L 74 ocit: MfiPh: hfhfi:: 4^t: HUA©^: AOA>iM H'^iA,: Ht^Yin: AerA>iM 25. (DOCT: arht: ^^/^: rt^JS: 0A.t(DAm: aa: n^/vo^: tA>A?\Vit: Aa: nP^'i: (daop/^: (d «^"^nc: ^hriA: orM::: 26. (DjSrt'lA: A't: 0^rt,^;h^: (DJS^iA-: ?\d!: 27. on^iM 0C9: arht: viM\: (DW^ih: rt^n /h-: (DJBaA-:: 28. (Dorht: d'^i): rt^JS: (Dij/^hVL: n^i>: ?n<^: jeaA-:: 29. (Dn/ht: h^i^trt: Arh^: orM:: o^/^'iU^: A.t(DAm:: 30. (DCA,rv: rfHA: arht: rt^jB: oc9: ©rtIA: A^t: a)rt^a>/i>:: 31. ©na^i:: arht: )y-a-: rt^^^t: h^^t: JB't «irtYi:: 32. a)CA,yi/i>: h(C: om: arht: ^416: rt^jB: ©rt^/h^: n^A'A^o^: h;?'*'^: ©n^A^'O'^: o^AAYi H-: ©^av: CA,n*: n^o: ^n^: nP^Y. Hh^^t: oajs: •Mrv: HAaAtio^: noi>: A^nvArv: h^^f : nA.P:: 33. (D<^^hW\: Hoo'iJ.h: ^Ah: CA,n-: nro: ASCENSIO ISAIM VATIS. 75 " nos non sensimus splendorem, qui ejus est, quern ^' aspicimus, qui in eo repertus est, sexto coelo." 25. Et ascendit in secundum coelum, et non mu- tatus est ; sed omnes angeli ibi erant ii, qui a dextra, et a sinistra, et thronus in medio erat, 26. Et colebant eum, et collaudabant eum, et di- cebant ; " Quomodo Dominus noster celatus est no- " bis, dum descendebat, et non animadvertebamus." 27. Et similiter ascendit in tertium caelum, et si- militer collaudaverunt et dixerunt. 28. Et in quarto ccelo et quinto similiter dix- erunt. 29. Sed collaudatio una fuit ; nee posthaec muta- tus est. 30. Et vidi, cum in sextum coelum ascenderet, et coluerunt eum et collaudaverunt eum. 31. Sed in omnibus coelis collaudatio associata est. 32. Et vidi eum, quomodo ascendit in septimum coelum, et omnes sancti omnesque angeli collauda- verunt eum. Et confestim vidi, quod sedit a dextra illius magnse Gloriae, cujus splendorem dixi vobis me non posse aspicere. 33. Et angelum Spiritus Sancti vidi, quod sedit a sinistra. L 2 76 ocit: A^^jBi'h: «iajs:: 34. ooAAVi: HjsaAh,: A.^jBj'h: qa^: AT>fr: ^^^hln: Kh(^: onjB^: M^t: ^hoD: mP+: HA. mP+: (DA^: /u;p:: 35. (DH-l^ih: arht: A^hn: Ahn: o^'^Ofitx: jBH-^^/^i A^v: to^^^: Tip: hMt: CA.7v:: 36. (Djea: A.^jsj^h: An^/v^: ?sa: je+aro^: ^.e-^iM (DjBiY,^^: (D^H-'i'}^: r\ih'H^fh:'irAv: 37. (Dt4^K^*f: A'M: o;a/^:: 38. (D^rA: Ht: d^hje: ft<^j^^: ^^iJ^=^: ^^or A.^:: 39. (DhF^^Or: A.i^jBph: noo: ^,fi^nc: A/h-H n: ?\h(^A,A: (DA.hA'^t: *At: no^: a,Pu^: aaoi A.fl>: Art^A:: 40. (DA^v: ±'i^/i>*^: (DA*5ta^rt: UAd).: a^o •i'irt,: AA.^^.Ph: 0A^: A^ K-: ^aje:: 42. (DH'^t: irA-: ©uo: a^'H^J'h: A/^m: a o^cTDt: ;^: oa:: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. ^^ 34. Angelus, qui mihi dixit ; " Isaias, fili Amos^ " servo te, quia hsec magna sunt, nam scivisti, quod " filius carnis nescivit. 35. " Sed revertes ad vestem tuam^ donee dies " tui impleantur ; tunc hue venies." Hsee vidi. 36. Et Isaias dixit omnibus, qui stabant eoram eo, et collaudabant. Et colloquebatur cum Ezechia rege, dicens^ " Aio quod hsec dixi. 37« "Et consummatio hujus mundi erit. 38. ^^Et omnis hsec visio implebitur in ultima " generatione." 39. Et Isaias obsecravit eum non narrare populo IsraeHs hsec verba, ne ea subjiceret perversitati ho- minis. 40. "Sed tunc, inquit, dicetis de iis, cum vobis " permissum erit a Spiritu Sancto accipere vestes " vestras, et thronos et coronas splendoris, quae in " septimo ccelo reposita sunt." 41. Propter has visiones, et vaticinia, Samael Sa- tan serra dissecuit, per Manassem, Isaiam fihum A- mos vatem. 42. Et hsec omnia Ezechias tradidit Manassi in XXVI. anno regni. 78 ocit: AAfiS'h: hftfi:: 43. (DM-HTi^: /^m: oa^cd^P^: arht: Afv: AM: AA: t+v,?-: Artje^'i; t/hr*A:: tdi^o^: A-MP: HA.i^;s^h: ^ajB: ;n)hA: ocit:: (DAnrt: AAfVP: A^^i: ahod: Afrrh4:n: H'it: oo^/h^: AAA: ;^^c: fif^d\4^: hP^W: hIMh ^fhc: arht: (J^f^d\/n): rt^p<^i':: ?\hoo: A^^cn: *a: h'l H,A^rfvC: noo: jen-'^n: h-^t: A*f 4-: h/^^jf^: w)H'i^4':: (DjehH,*!,: ahoo: ^lon: h'^iiiA^rfvC: H'it: 8P: AAA: /^.ec: H-oo-i"!: AHt: lYoo^^: ii Aa>t: ©^rtpn: :Sr<(.^c 'i^t: oo^a: ^lon: noo: VPcT. Yl^: (D^Art,: arht: od*^«J: ^^ht:: PU ^n: h'QiiA^rivC: oo»;^ct: AO-At: oAYiA^At: 4i4.vt: /n)hA: h-vi: cA)CfCP'h: WA:h: AA^rt: Parut: /^A*A: 4^^c: ©-^4.^:: cD/^hA: +iH.h: h ^nAA: (Dn^A^o^: Aiior: Aa: /^hA>Viai>: ?\a: toortA-: noo: croAAYit: j38(irA>a^: ayv-A-o^: arht: haciiA/^: i)^4^t: a)ai;3a)t: OJ'h/^/'a^: *a: ((^M)(t\: Hje^iA: •to-: A-inv: aaa-P: t^fr: ASCENSIO ISAIiE VATIS. 79 43. Et Manasses oblitus est, nee reposuit haec in ^ sua mente ; sed servituti Satanae perdite se de- didit. Hie ahsolutus est liber Isaios Vatis cum ejus ascensione. Et quoad te, mi pater Aaron, sicut, ut hie liber scribatur in terris, fecisti, Deus scribet tuum nomen in libro vitae in columnas Hierosolymse coelestis. Nam prsetulisti verbum Dei ut sit viaticum, mujtis thesauris. Et nunc, quandoquidem Deus tibi banc gratiam in terris donavit, ut officium, quod transit, rejiceres, et fecit, ut paupertatem amares, et praeterea tibi gratiam donavit, ut esses advena et peregrina- tor apud sanctum sepulchrum, dabit tibi Deus thro- nos supernos et coronas splendidas cum fratre nos- tro Mercurio, tecto veste mansuetudinis, pleno amo- re et benevolentia, et cum presbytero Michaele, om- nibusque fratribus, qui vobiscum sint, qui angelis fuerunt similes. Omnes eos vocabit in setemam tranquillitatem vitamque. Et faciet, ut audiant vo- cem gaudii, quae dicet, "Agite, O Benedicti Patris " mei, possidete regnum coelorum." Amen, Amen, et Amen. * suo corde. 80 OfClt: AfifiPh: ^fiLjB:: HA.M'ijen-: H^rfvcA: hh^o: &: uhrh-^: i2.h-Vd:: Si ergo M 2 84 ANNOTATIO " aliquis tarn fortunatus non fuerit, ut mature inve- *^ niat talem vocem, duodecies quserere necesse ha- ^^ bebit." Lexic. ed. 1699. ^^'t* De investigatione ra- dicis» Chimsera primo aspectu satis terrifica ! Quae ta- men constant! brevissime succumbit. Ver. 6. tilhUthS^h: male script, pro A/h'M^i'h: Item AA.P'rt-n: Joshab, pro AA-Prlb^n: Josheh. Ver. 7. ?[\p(ir: ^*lH,A41r^vC: — noo: formula jurandi pariter apud Hebraeos ac apud iEthiopas. Sic 2 Sam. xii. 5. David dixit Nathani ; ^D n')n'»""'n /1KT rTti;:i;rT t^^^NH mD"]! " Ut vivit Jehova, reus mor- " tis est vir ille, qui fecit hoc." Ver. 8. •nC.PA: Berial. Sed ver. 9. ^APC: Be- liar. In Nov. Testam. fl^ArhC: Belhor, 2 Cor. vi. 15. Ibidem Grsece legitur BsxUx, Belial, aut quod Gries- bach. ex fide MSS. &c. malit, BsxU^, Beliar. Lectio posterior in " Testamento duodecim Patriarcharum" ssepissime occurrit. Vide Fabricii Cod. Pseudepi- graph. Vet. Test. pp. 539, ^18, 629, 644, 646, 654, 663, 729, 731, 733, 735. Apud Hebrseos by/'b:!, Be- lial. J. D. Michaelis in Supplem. Lex. Heb. p. 1 120. hoc inter alia notat ; " Codices quidem MSS. hu- " cusque collati, habent plerique, ac tantum non " omnes BeAja^, quae mihi quidem vera videtur scrip- " tio. Graeci nulla habentes verba in / desinentia ^ Belial in Beliar mutant." Hinc yEthiopes \q\ Be- IN ASCENSIONEM ISAIiE. 85 liar, vel ut plerumque, literis I et r transpositis, Berial scripsisse videntur. De nomine Samael vel Sammael vid. Dissertatio- nem calci subjunctam. Ver. 11. A,jB4*^0n: loco A.ht^01i: prim. pers. sing. temp, conting. cum affixo secundse. " Alf cha- " racteristicum iv. v. ix. et x. conjugationis ; ut et " f\, prseformativum primse personse temporis con- " tingentis, accedente negativa A, I in omnibus con- " jugationibus convertitur in fl at si A sexti ordinis " sit (viz. Is) tunc in fif Lud. Gramm. p. 40. CAP. II. Ver. 4. fi^BMi\\'. conting. sext. conjug. Hoc semper est animadvertendum, quod vim non futuri solum, verum proesentis etiam et imperfecti, habet tempus contingens. Vid. Ludolf. Gramm. p. 37» Ver. 5. HA,^I "iTJS: Zalik Nevay, non hominis fortasse, sed officii, sit nomen. Si ita se res habeat, clausula tum sonabit, ''per eum, qui vasihus (seu " armis) prcefuit^ Quid autem de nominibus Bel- kira, Tabia, et Johannes de Anatot, statuendum sit, quae conjiciam, non habeo. Vere mihi hoc videor esse dicturus, CEdipo potius esse opus/quam inter- preter ut singula virorum nomina, de quibus S, Scriptura tacet, iEthiopice contorta, explicentur, at- que ad primordia revocentur, Peregrina quidem vo- 86 ANNOTATIO cabula iEthiopes tali et obscuritate et diversitate in linguam suam transferunt, ut neminem esse, qui ea ad illustranda se accingat, tarn L)niceum, quin tan- tis in tenebris ofFendat, confirmare possim. Hsec, ut Ludolfus ait, ii ^' mire corrumpunt et detorquent, ut " cum pro VlC^A,*??!! X^va-oXi^og, Ckrysolithus gem- " ma, sciibunt VliA^^f a: Org, vel VlChtA^a: " Enc. vel Vl4.^f A^a: Apoc. xxi. 20. Sic AfV: +A " P^t\h\ pro Apocalypsis ; ut (J,hP: ?'(Mh: AfV: " A/'^iVhi Visio Joannis Abu Kalemsis, et simi- " lia. " Id autem potissimum contingit in nominibus '^ propriis, ut Cyriacus scribunt modo MCi'^I modo " VtC.P^\ Encom, quin et \)C.P^h\ in Liturgiis " reperitur. Grseca in to^, Latina in ius modo per " Phi modo per jCDhl terminant, ut «?C^AP*hl et '' «PCh.A.'^hl Cornelius &c ut ssepe de alio ac- " cipias, quae de eodem intelligenda." Gramm. p. 92. Sic cap. iii. 2. vocabula hMC WOCi Alagar Za- gar obviam veniunt. Quis a se impetrare posset, ut crederet, Shahnenezer regem Assyrise hie indicari ? Nihil autem dubitandum est, quin res ita se habeat. Hoc nomen Grsece scribitur 4 Reg. xvii. 3. HaXoc^x- vao-cra^, unde iEthiopice hunc mirum in modum de- torquetur. Ver. 9. Michaias, Graece Miy^aio(.c. Hoc loco (J^l[\ P\\l sed alibi ver. 12. et cap. vi. 7. ^^^fhl IN ASCENSIONEM ISAIiE. 8/ Ver. 11. Vocis fi^h^ft*l radix in Lexicis deest. Forte rt: mendose scribitur pro f\l Apud Ludolfum +'5rr\ni occurrit, quae ita explicata reperitur. " Per^ '^fodit JB+'^'YO: MCP: perfodiant (ni fallor) lori- '^ cam ejus. Lib. Myst." Lexic. p. 210. Hanc vo- cem, tametsi dubius, verti effodiehant. Relativorum ellipsis non est infrequens. Vid. Ludolf. Gramm. p. 148. Ver. 12. /hTi^Ph: EzecMas pro rt^^i'h: Sadu- Mas, id est Zedechias, ex incuria librarii scriptum esse, plane e contextu patet. In sequente autem commate hoc nomen proprium ita M^^JPfll Sado- chias, moxque (ver. l6.) aliter, nempe f\^^>fil Sa- dechia pro Sadechias, ultima litera f\l omissa, exa- ratum est. Ver. 13. Quo tandem modo vox flMfxCETl ver- tenda sit, valde dubitavi. Radix, cui confiderem, in Lexicis occurrit nulla. Licetne igitur mihi hanc vocem sic emendare HAA: O^GT: vel AAAO^Or: id est, Unusquisque cum advey^sario {suo) P De emendatione mea pauca proferam. Distributiva AAI HH: &c. modo a nominibus disjunguntur, modo ad ilia adjunguntur. Sic Tit. iii. 3. HH: \LMh: legitur; sed Jac. i. 2. HHH,AlM Nee causa est cur de per- mutandis Uteris A: et Ol ambigatur, quoniam literae ejusdem soni saepe confunduntur. Lud. Gramm. p. 23. Porro vocalem primi, pro vocali sexti, ordinis 88 ANNOTATIO in f\l vitiose seriptum esse idcirco constat, quod til in Ml se voeali sexti ordinis anteire (videl. J\) in- dicat. Lud. Gramm. p. 18. can. iv. Denique cum literam ^l e voce ^^(SS'l excidisse suspicer, nihil aliud facio^ nisi de eo conjecto, quod alibi compertum habeo. Vide cap. vii. 24. ubi \)i in tVO?\l et cap. Ix. 38. ubi a: in OO-JS: et ibid. 40. ubi til in 00^ J\Wl omittitur. Atque etiam cap. xi. 30. ubi tota vox injj'h: deest. Ver. 14. «ihCl aquila, Greece asrof, cujusdam ae- dificii fastigium. Apud Julium Pollucem, scripto- rem, qui secundo in seculo floruit, ^Egyptium, haec vox ita explicata occurrit : To §\ tok oWq^oi/^ois i^yov, (jly.oSo^iiv .... virs^woc Troiav, xat (Tti^xi ra OiKy)jM.aTa slf yoip Iv Ty tt^o? ETrtxAsa ra,vr s'l^nv.sv, * Orocv Si o\ woiriTa) cTiyu(TOj*.£v (poi(ri ir^og a.ir0jw,fv irpog uirov, " Ubi Scholiasta inquit : 'E^evJ^o^ev. Sioi rai Iv tok vocoTs " asTcopara. avrt tou (rrfya (TOju-sv -tt^o? asTWjtxara. ra? «yap *^ Tcov ifflwv arriyoLS oTTf^a xat otsrovs ytocXova-iv, Quid quidem apud Grsecos haec vox valuerit^ mihi videtur multum esse quserere momenti, quoniam Grseco in sermone, ex quo, tanquam ex fontibus, nihil dubito, quin hausta sit versio iEthiopica, nos- trum liquet libellum antiquitus extitisse. Vss. 1 5, 16. In his versibus qusedam mihi implicata videntur. Verti locutionem "iTU/I K\^(?*\\ Deo Aguaron vel Akron, quippe quse plane cum eadem congruit, quae Grsece legitur 4 Reg. i. 2. scilicet, 0£ov 'Anxa^wv. Confitcor autem exemplum, in quo ^TAVl N go ANNOTATIO sic sensu proprio, non translate, sonat, me reperire nullum. Quae quidem ad rem de suadendo Ahazia narratam attinent, omnia in aperto sunt. Ambigo tamen, quo id tendat, quod Michaia de suadendo accedit. Belhiram autem mendose pro Ibkira scri- ptum esse eo conjicio, quod res in Belkirce tempora male quadrat. Nihilominus ad neminem nisi ad Belkiram ea, quae sequuntur, pertinere perspicuum est. CAP. III. Ver. 1. jB^^flrlvCl vox est inaudita. Lege locum ita emendatum : fih-(\Cl ^(hCl habitabat in re- gione, Mihi persuasissimum est, literas *nCl in fih ^Cl, quae e vestigio in ^HrfvC: gutturali ^i coacfus, modum actionis denotans, sit derivandum, quamvis exem- plum mihi deest. Lege igitur vocem ita correctam. IN ASCENSIONEM ISAIiE. gi scilicet^ litera /n); pro ^: substituta. Quae quidem conjectura, si durior videatur, sensum tamen prsebet ad locum accommodatum. Ver. 14. Narratio, ni fallor, hie loci aliquantulum turbatur. Quamobrem verba " inquit Isaias' inter- jeei, ut faeilius evolvatur. Ver. 15. OO^PO: mendose pro 0O«p0AlI Ver. 17. iVd^tJoAl Suraphel, i. e. Seraphim, De hac voce Ludolfiis in Lexic. notat; ^'^Plurale nomen " apud Hebrseos est. Varie id scribunt, ut pere- " grina solent." Item ; " In peregrinis nominibus " propriis tam quoad consonantes, quam quoad vo- ^^ cales^ graviter peccant ; ea enim non corrumpunt " tantum^ sed etiam mire variant, ut iViJ^^^Al " vel tY'^^l Seraphim.'' Gramm. p. 2^4. Ver. 20. De voce fldr^il nihil, quod valde pro- bem, conjectare possum. Licetne putare male scri- ptam esse pro fidrfi^l i^ vinea, scilicet, in vinea do- mini, litera fii excidente? Mox fides Christiana ap- pellatur " planta, quam plantaverunt 1 2 Apostoli " Dilecti." cap. iv. 3. Ver. 24. Radice (DM HI Lexica carent i^thiopica. Arabica autem in lingua ipsamet >^^^ extat, quam Castellus vertit, " Gradatim facto progressu incessit. " Assidue incubuit negotior iEthiopica vox C\.^H^l seque ac Grseca Tr^etrguTs^oi, non ad aetatem solum, sed etiam ad officium, referenda sit, N 2 92 ANNOTATIO Ver.31. 6^)\JP''\'\l ?\AI P^CCM nieas visiones quas negligent. Hoc loco, quod non de more decedit, animadvertendum est, relativum ?\AI verbo prse- fixum plane abundare. Vid. Ludolf. Gramm. p. 149. CAP. IV. Ver. 5. Verba haec translata tantum, ut opinor, eo tendunt, ut res supra naturae vim atque ordinem multas fore efficiendas demonstrent. Ex eadem pro- fecto ratione angelus, qui de portentis dicit, Ezrse prsenunciat ; (4 Esdr. v. 4.) " Relucescet subito sol '\noctu, et luna ter in die;'' quae iEthiopice ita le- gitur (D=^acv: ^^fi: ^^t: aA>A,'+: (sxdc^w a <^0;A''H " Et lucescet sol subito noctu, et luna in '^ dier Miram autem hie loci et modo non abso- nam lectionem exhibet ^ versio Arabica y^^AH y^^ «Xi>^^ -^, J y^\^ ^^^^ *)jl>5 Eit ap'parebit sol subi- to, et nox et luna in uno die. Fortasse pro J.aX)|^ et nox, legendum est JJJi j in nocte, i. e. apparebit sol subito in nocte. Quid autem sibi volunt quae verba Arabice mox sequuntur ; '' Et lux j^\ dabit '^ vocem suam P" Ver. 6. Ante me nonfuit, non aliquis, i. e. Ante mefuit plane nullus. ^\ non repetita apud iEthio- pas aeque ac apud Graecos, fortius negat. ^ In Bibl. Bodl. adservata, et olim a S. Ockley Anglice red- dita. Vid. Whiston's Primitive Christianity, vol. iv. IN ASCENSIONEM ISAl^. 93 Ver. 10. AVCI negligenter script, pro f\\)TCl ur- hes. Ver. 13. fi^dSS^". pro fi^^dSSy^'. can. ii. quo "li- " terse dentales respuunt collisionem lingualium ^\ " et j?': mutarum, easque expellunt." Ludolf. Gramm. p. 17. Prseterea hanc vocem esse in futuro sextse conjugationis ea causa statuendum est, quod se- cunda litera radicalis d,\ cum vocali primi ordinis, in loco vocalis sexti ordinis, nempe 4^:^ ut in futu- ris et primse et secundse conjugationis solet, con- juncta legitur. Ver. 15. ^' Et sol eruhescetr Isai. xxiv. 23. Hanc clausulam, quae in Heb. fontibus extat, nee Graeca nee iEthiopica exhibet versio. Ver. 16. ?\^CPA: pro A-HCi'A: proculdubio lapsu librarii. Ibid. JS^41CI -^^^^^^^^Sing. Enallagenumeri. For- san sensu distributivo, i. e. unusquisque sedehit, Ver. 18. AdOrY: loco AOOT'^'u: can. i. " Litera " sexti ordinis muta a sequente simili, aut cognata " sonante, eliditur." Lud. Gramm. p. 16. Ver. 21. In hoc commate mihi videtur aliquid esse impeditum. Vocem OO^f-Cf-: reddidi sectio, quasi ad radicem CTO^f»^; referenda esset. Exemplum autem talis formse, sub ea radice, non apud Ludol- fum extat, qui quidem post Castellum hoc solum ex- hibet " F^^l.^1 amputatio, sectio^ dissection Quam- 94 ANNOTATIO vis igitur sensum fundat quodammodo loco accom- modatum, hsec tamen significatio non est extra con- troversiam posita. Neque profecto, quae sectio de- monstretur, aut cujus libri^ intelligo. Turn etiam quo spectant, quae statim sequuntur verba ; scilicet, " In qua Dominus inquit, ecce Jilius mens sapien- " tia erit prceditusP'' Profecto fateor, rem esse ejus- modi, de qua vix aut ne vix capere quidem proba- bilem possum conjecturam. CAP. V. Ver. 5. Literae %[h: in vocabulo (D^^H^ih^ih^l repetitae leguntur. Repetitio mendosa est. Ver. 8. Manassem et Hierosolymam bis script., ut videtur, ex incuria librarii. Ver. 9. t\Q^\. liiieYYogdiiw. Num? An? Ludolf. Gramm. p. 126. Ver. 10. ?\^?\h: pro }\P^^h\\\ prima /n)- elisa. Ibid. can. i. p. 16. Ver. 12. P^t\^^\ MelaUra. Sed ver. 8. o^,MUn\ Milkira, CAP. VI. Ver. 2. De conjunctione (D, animadvertendum est, non solum copulativae, verum etiam, ut in caete- ris Unguis Orientalibus, discretivae {sed, at &c.) vim habere. Vid. Ludolf. Gramm. p. 161. IN ASCENSIONEM ISAIiE. 95 Ver. 3. Mfih: male script, pro MfiJPhl Ver. 11. K^^'f^l bis script, ex lapsu fortasse li- brarii. Ver. 13. In hP^^Ol litera fil inter /n); et »n: plane excidit. Ver. 16. /h^Ph: negligenter script, pro (Mi^fhl CAP. VII. Ver. 1. A,P'h: mendose pro A,P*h^: Ver. 3. Item tOClh.: pro &0C1\: Ver. 7. ?\hOD: quod. Vide Act. xxvi. 5. Ver. 24. In (DAP*!,! Htera VI excidit. Vers. 25, 26. Confer cap. ix. 20, 22, 23. Omnia hie loci non satis dilucida et perspicua sunt. Timeo igitur, ne a vero verborum scopo paululum aberra- verim. Nisi enim vel Auctoris duris locutionibus vel Librarii erroribus factus fuerit sensus quodam- modo turbatus, sequitur, ut in interpretatione mea culpae aliquid non possit non hserere. CAP. VIII. Ver. 8. AOm: loco AOdJi: Affixo Jl secundae personae eliso, et vocali e in litera ^Q: sexti ordinis in vocalem primi ordinis, quae ad 31: attinet, con- versa. Vid. Ludolf. Gramm. can. i. p. 17. Hoc fit a sono literarum 9: et Til cognato. Ver. 12. Portione ligni. Hoc ad modum et QQ annotatio Isaiae et Domini nostri mortis spectare perspicuum est. Crux enim, e qua suspendebatur Dominus, et serra qua dissecabatur Isaias, ambae erant plane lig- nese, id est, e portion e ligni fabricatse. AYl^'Ai', male script, pro A0DVl4-At: Ver. 18. Loco fifiF^^l librarium scripsisse AjSrt /n)p; liquet. Sed litera A I quae videtur prorsus esse supervacanea, alia, ut opinor, manu tantum non de- leta est. CAP. IX. Ver. 9. ?\/n)^rtt: mendose pro hF^^'{\fit: Ver. 21. Item M-lCl pro AH^HC: Ver. 22. In (DCOf{^;\\(!(^^i ex incuria librarii li- tera rh bis scripta est. Ver. 26. [Xd^l mas. pro fcem. gen. In affixis ter- tiae personae enallage generum aliquando occurrit. Vid. Ludolf. Gramm. p. 149. Ver. 37. OrCt"^l mendose pro Ct^l Ver. 38. Ofi: item pro Ofhfi: Ver. 40. Item O^AWl pro OO^^J^: Ex vi verbi fll^l quod in numero est singulari, hie videtur esse narrationis ordo. Primo coluit Dilectus ; turn post Dilectum coluit angelus Spiritus Sancti; denique si- mul ii ambo collaudaverunt. Verti YlAA^lf^^r^I ctm- bo eorum, quod hae voces ^Ethiopicae concinunt. IN ASCENSIONEM ISAIiE. 97 CAP. X. Ver. 1. fXhJ^hl rt^jS: in sex coelo, i. e. in sex ccelis. " Porro frequens est Enallage in numeris Car- ^^ dinalibus, quibus nomina singularia subnectuntur.** Ludolf. Gramm. p. 145. Ver. 12. ^'' Vocahit coelum desursum, et t err am, " ut judicet populum!' Ps. xlix. 4. Ibid. 0: post t\(\\ vertendum est tum, ut Ps. cxvii. 5. ^^ Cum (^At) in tribulatione invocavi domi- " num, tum ((D:) exaudivit me." CAP. XI. Ver. 3. OOVIJIA+I hoereditas sive por Ho a radice Tidfil distrihuit, divisit. Sic Isa. Ixiii. 18. Moo; "JC n*ni ^RdW ^^\\(x£t- He does not indeed refer by name to the 'AvaSan- xov *Ho-ai'ou ; but he points out the mode of the pro- phet's death precisely in the terms there adopted. Before the conclusion of the same century lived Tertullian, who appears not only to have been ac- quainted with this apocryphal composition, but to have considered it as of some authority. In his book de Patientia ^, among other examples of piety and patience quoted from Scripture, he gives the follow- ing; "His patientise viribus secatur Esaias et de Do- ^^ rnino non tacetT Here I apprehend he evidently has in view that passage in which it is said of Isaiah, that " while they were sawing him, he neither cried " out nor wept, but continued addressing himself to *' the Holy Spirit, until he was sawn asunder "^T More expressly also, as an apocryphal produc- tion, is it mentioned in the Apostolical Constitu- tions, a compilation indeed itself apocryphal, and of an uncertain date, but which, in the judgment of Cotelerius, must have been written at some period between the apostolical age and that of Epipha- * Dialog, cum Tryphone, p. 349. Paris edit ^ Cap. xiv. ^ Cap. v. 14. GENERAL REMARKS. 143 nius ^. There it is described as a work even then of some antiquity : Iv tok ttocXohoTs $& tjve? ^iyov(ri Trtw^ tV3"ai 'Hcaiav rov Tr^o^rimv, >cat Iv rivt aTTox^u^w tkto (psoBTUi' orrto Toc^oc iTriTYihg wo lov^otiuv pspx^iovpynTcHy As^ct? Tivaj raff He takes likewise a similar notice of the same book in his Commentary on St. Matthew ; arguing, I conceive, that, if the account of Isaiah's death should not be believed upon the credit of the apo- cryphal work which contained it, yet might it be believed upon the testimony borne to that work by the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, as the account of the death of Zachariah (slain between the porch and the altar) was to be believed upon the testimony borne by our Saviour himself to some other apocryphal writing, then in existence: El $s r»? ou ir^o^Uroci ir^v Ifo^iocv S^oi to Iv tw aVoH^u^w *H(7a,la. uvrriv (pi^io-Ba-i) itifiva-ocTC») ro7q Iv Tt? Tr^og 'E^^oliovs ovtu yiy^otiAixg- vot{' lAt3'a(r3"y)(rav, iTT^iO'S'iKrav, ETTftpacrS'yxrav' to yoipy lit^i- (r^v\7, y.n (pfpojtxEvjj ixlv iv toTs aolvois nscl ^e^nfxBvfxivois |3tSA/oi?, fixos ^ oTi Iv MT^oyipv^oig (pEoofxivvi ^. And that the apocryphal Isaiah, to which Origen * Opera, ed. De la Rue, vol. i. pp. 19, 20. b Ibid. vol. iii. p. 465. See also p. 848. GENERAL REMARKS. M5 refers, was the very book under consideration may be concluded from a passage in his HomiUes upon Isaiah's visions, in which he observes ; " Aiunt ideo " Isaiam esse sectum a populo, quasi legem praevari- " cantem, et extra 6'cripturas amiunciantem. Scrip- " tw^a enirri dicit; ' Nemo videbit fac'iem meam et vi- ^ vetl Isie vero ait, ' Vidi Dominum Sabaoth! Moy~ '' ses (aiu7it) non vidit, et tu vidisti. Et propter hoc " eum secuerunt, et condemnaverunt eum ut impi- " um^." If this passage be compared with the follow- ing words in the accusation of Belkirah, "Isaiah says, ^^ I see more than Moses the prophet saw. Moses " asserted, No man can see God and live; but Isaiah " says, I have seen God, yet behold I live^:" the re- semblance will be too striking to escape observation, should we be disposed to make allowance for, what is by no means unusual, the little occasional slips of memoriter quotation. The fourth century furnishes still further evi- dence of its existence and its celebrity. Among the various heresies, recounted by Epiphanius, arose one in this century denominated the heresy of the a^p^cvTixol, which was first propagated in Judaea. Now the appropriate appellation of these heretics seems to have been derived from the circumstance of their holding an opinion peculiar to this very book. Isaiah in his ascent to heaven passes through (^gym dijferent^heavens, and perceives in the five « Ibid. p. 108. '' Chap. ill. 8, 9. U 146 GENERAL REMARKS. first an angelical ruler presiding in each of them. This idea these heretics adopted with little va- riation, holding that there were seven diiFerent hea- vens, over each of which a distinct archon, or ruler, presided ; uSivon $\ Ka3"' £Ka(rTOi/ ov^avov kpyovrct.qy xat tou? Nor is the source doubtful, from which their dis- tinguishing tenet, as a sect, was deduced, because Epiphanius expressly tells us in the same section, that they drew arguments in support of their opi- nions from " the Ascension of Isaiah" and certain other apocryphal writings : Xa/xSavouo-t $\ XocQolg utsq tou AvaSaTtxou Hcatou* in §\ aoa aAAwv nvcov otTroxcutpwj/ *. From the dogma then of angelical archons they were termed, I apprehend, «^p^ovrp/oi; a dogma which they appear to have borrowed from the book under consideration. And further ; Epiphanius not only alludes to the book by name, but in another place quotes a passage expressly from it. In his account of a heresy taught by an Egyptian, whose name was Hieracas, he re- presents that heretic as asserting Melchisedec king of Salem, of whom it is said, that he was " like the " Son of God, and abideth a priest continually," (Heb. vii. 3.) to have been the Holy Spirit; adding, that this position was grounded upon a passage in " the Ascension of Isaiah," in connection with the preceding text contained in the Epistle to the He- » Haeres. xl. p. 292. cd. Colon. GENERAL REMARKS. 14; brews t BouXsrat ^\ rsXiiacv aJrou (rva-TOiiriv fronTa-^en oiteo Tou 'AvaSartHou 'Ho-at'ou, JjiS-fv «? ev tw *Ava^aTixco Xiyo^xivcd £\£y£v lyti7(riy or» eJ'e» Js jtAOi o ocyyiXos -STf^t zs'avTWv i^nt^o(r^iv uirff.* (Tu ot'(^a? Ku^tf. Aeys», aro^ 'itrriv o ocyocTTviToq» kkI t»c IcTJv aXXog o Ofj^oiog aJrw 1^ ocpis'ipiav sX^'uv; xat iiTra, eru •yivw(r)t£t?. ruTSfi to ayiov ttvbv^oc to XaXav iv «'«» rv^ ^^^crt, o/Aotov tw dyot'Te'nru, ex rara j3ouA£- Tat (TUVtraV TO fl^»JjW.£VOV, CC(pCiifAOl(ii}y.ivOi TW UiW T» ©fX jtAEVfi tf^sJs £*f TO J*»r]vex£? ^. Let the above extract from a book called in the days of Epiphanius "the Ascension of Isaiah'* be compared with chap. ix. 2^, 32, 33, 35, 36. and chap, xi. 32, 33. of that under the same title, which is now published, and their identity, I conceive, notwith- standing some slight variations and evident trans- positions, will be sufficiently established ^, particu- * Haeres. Ixvii, p. 712. ^ Chap. ix. 27. " I beheld one standing, whose glory sur- "■ passed that of all. Ver.32. '' This is the Lord of all the glory which thou hast beheld. Ver. 33. ''^ While I was still conversing, I perceived another '' glorious being, who was similar to him in appearance .... Ver. 35. '* Then I beheld the Lord and a second angel, both '' of whom were standing. Ver. 36. '' The second_, which 1 saw, was on the left hand of " my Lord. / asked who this was? My conductor said to me) " Worship him ; for this is the angel of the Holy Spirit, who " speaks by thee and other saints. Chap. xi. 32. *' I perceived that he sat down on the right hand *' of that great Glory. Ver. 33. "I perceived likewise, that the angel of the Holy " Spirit sat down on the left hand." U 2 148 GENERAL REMARKS. larly when it is recollected, that Epiphanius paid no very minute attention either to the accuracy or arrangement of his ideas and expressions. Other evidence also of the same tendency and of the same period is afforded by the works of Am- brose. In his commentary on the cxviiith Psalm, he notices, as a traditional report, an account of the death of Isaiah, which was clearly extij^cted from the apocryphal book in question. His words are these : " Fertur prophetse cuidam, et plerique fe- " runt, quod Esaiae, in carcere posito, cum mole im- " minentis urgeretur exitii, diooisse Diabolum ; die " quia non a Domino locutus es, qu(B diocisti, et '^ omnium in te mentes affectusque mutabo, ut qui " indignantur injuriam, absolutionem conferant ^." With a trifling variation the same address of Berial is to be found in chap. v. 4, 8. of " the Ascension of « Isaiah V The last testimony upon the subject, which I shall adduce, will be that of the author of an im- perfect commentary upon St. Matthew inserted among the works of Chrysostom, which was writ- ten, according to the opinion of Montfaucon, about * Opera, ed. Bened. vol. i. p. 1 124. ^ Ver. 4. " Et Beliar inquit Isaiae : * Die, mentitus sum omni- *' buSy quce sum locutus.' Ver. 8. " Et Milkiras haec locutus est Isaiae 3 ' Die, quod tibi *' dicam, et vertam cor eorum, et faciam Manassem et principes " Jehudae, populumque, totamque Hierosolymam, ut te colant.'" Milkiras seems to be only another name for Berial, or Satan. GENERAL REMARKS. MQ the middle or end of the fifth century. ^ Upon the word Manasses, which occurs in the genealogy of our Saviour, this anonymous author expatiates at some length. He remarks; '' Providentia autem Dei ^^ sic (i. e. ex radice 7W^ oblivisci) eum dispensavit " vocari, quia obliturus fuerat omnem conversatio- " nem Patris sui sanctam, et omnia beneficia Dei *^ pro merito ejus collata in ipsum, et stimulatus ah ^^ insurgente Diabolo, qui solet insurgere super ge- " nus humanum ad evertendum, gesturus omnia, *^ quae Deum ad iracundiam provocarent." He then immediately proceeds to give an account of the conduct and intentions of Hezekiah towards Ma- nasseh^ and of his conversation with Isaiah, which, without reference to any authority whatsoever, he evidently borrowed from the commencement of " the Ascension of Isaiah." " Denique," he adds, " cum (Bgrotasset Ezechias in tempore quodam, et " venisset ad eum Esaias propheta visitandum, vo- " cavit Ezechias filium suum Manassen, et coepit ei *' mandare, quod debeat Deum timere, quomodo " regere regnum, et alia multa. Et dia?it ad eum " Esaias^ ^ Vere quia non descendunt verba tua in " cor ejus, sed et meipsum oportet per manum ejus " interficV. Quod audiens Ezechias, volebat filium " suum interficere, dicens; ' Quia melius est me sine " filio mori, quam talem filium relinquere, qui et " Deum exasperet, et sanctos ejus persequatur.' Te- * Opera Chrysostom. vol. vi. Diatriba, p. 6. 150 GENERAL REMARKS. " nuit autem eum vix Esaias propheta; dicens; ^ /r* " ritumfaciat Deus consilium tuum hoc^T It will be impossible to compare this passage with chap. i. 1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 13. of the apocryphal book under review, and not instantly to perceive, whence it was derived ^. After the fifth century I do not find any distinct reference to this book, which, if not completely lost, seems to have subsequently lain altogether neglect- ed. In the Qusestiones et Responsiones &c. of Ana- stasius, occurs an anonymous Catalogue of apocry- phal as well as canonical writings, among the former of which is mentioned " the Vision of Isaiah," 'Ho-a/ou opao-i?. Whether this was really the precise vision contained in the latter part of "the Ascension of " Isaiah," or whether it was a production of a very different description, it seems at this distance of time difficult to determine. It is necessary however to remark, that the Anastasius, who wrote the « Horail. i. pp. 20,21. •^ Ver. 1. ^*^ Factum est anno 26 in regno Ezechiae regis Je- " hudae ut vocaret Manassem Jilium suum ; . . . . Ver. 2. '' Et vocavit ilium . . . ut traderet ei verba justitus . . . Ver. 4. *' Anno regni cum cegrotaret. Ver. 7. '*^Et Isaias allocutus est regem Ezechiam .... dicens *'.... Omnia hcec prcecepta, hcecque verba negligentur a filio tuo ** Manasse, et opere ejus manuum cruciatibus corporis mei ego affii- " gar. Ver. 12. " Et Ezechias in animo suo statuit, ut Jilium suum Ma- ** nassem interjiceret. Ver. 13. '' Sed Isaias dixit Ezechiie ; Dilectus consilium tuum *' missum fecit." GENERAL REMARKS. 45 1 work, in which this Catalogue is inserted, Hved, ac- cording to Oudinus% in the eleventh century. I should likewise add, that Sextus Senensis, in his account of apocryphal writings, mentions one under the title of the " Vision of Isaiah" distinct in his conception from the Anabaticon, or, as he terms it, the '' AnavasiSj id est, AscensusT His words are these : " Extat Visio quaedam, titulo Esaise, Venetiis " impressa, cujus hsec est inscriptio; 'Visio admira- " bilis Esaise prophetse in raptu mentis, quae divinse ^^ Trinitatis arcana, et lapsi generis humani redemp- " tionem continet." Bib. Sanct. lib. ii. p. 59. ed. tert. As the tract here alluded to is said to have been printed, I hoped to find in some bibliographical work a further notice of it ; but I have searched in vain. From the account nevertheless thus given of it, I cannot help thinking, that it must have been a publication extracted, either wholly, or in part, from " the Ascension of Isaiah." Perhaps it was a Latin translation of the 'Ho-«/ou o^ao-if before mentioned. If so, it is possible that the Greek original itself may still exist. Sextus Senensis dedicated his Biblio-. theca Sancta to Pope Pius V. in the year 1566. It has been uniformly and constantly asserted by writers of every age, that the circumstance of Isaiah's being sawn asunder was corroborated by a. very old tradition among the Jews. Nor is this as-^ sertion solely grounded upon a conjectural basis; fot- - Comment, de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, vol. ii. p. 562., 152 GENERAL REMARKS. the tradition itself is recorded in the Talmud. In the Mishna of the tract Jebammothy cap. iv. sect. ult. R. Simeon Ben Azai is reported to have found in Jerusalem a volume of Genealogies ^''DnV rhTi or a sort of Biographical History, illustrative of the prin- cipal subject discussed in that chapter. Upon this passage of the Mishna the Gemara remarks, that the same volume contained other matter, and then proceeds thus : ^^n-) -)Dj^ n'^y^v' T\n r\vyo nn y\^^2^ ^yA'y K^ ''D -1DX 121 nti^D rvh -iDi^ rvb]:^'p^ n^i^n vid J^^^^ v^k "):ij^-)p ^Dn '•'pbj* hd ^d -1D^< ini nt:^;^ ^vy\ Kte^^ T?^'' "I3DD Jii^ '12'i^ ini nt^^D ij^iiDnn 'n wr\ 'iDi^ n^;/::^"' -idj^' n:ti^ rrwyi ti^Dn t^^ '^^ •'JiBDim rVi'o^ n'ix\ rx^^y^^b r\'b 'q"'K ''^^') rvb '^'vn hd '^apQ K^^-r n^i i^^yT nn^ KtDQ o nno;]') 'r-ji^'? n^ini^ Krnxa vbyv^ av"^^ ttd '"•^B^ nJ QIS)» " /^ ^^««y [viz. the book found in Je- " rusalem] ^ «V 2^«.s' written^ that Manasseh hilled " Isaiah. Raba observed; Judging he judged him^ ^^ and put him to death. He said to him, Moses thy " master said^ ' No man can see me, and live^ (Exod. " xxxiii. 20.) But thou hast said, ' I saw the Lord ' sitting upon a throne, high and lifted upl (Isaiah '^ vi. 1.) Moses thy master said, ' Who thus hath the ' Lord in all things, which we call upon him for^ " (Deut. iv. 7.) But thou hast said, ' Seek ye the Lord * while he may be found: (Isaiah Iv. 6.) Moses thy " master said, ' The number of thy days I will ful- ^ mD!l^ p. 49. ed. Bomb. Venet. 1521. ed. princeps. GENERAL REMARKS. ]53 ' fiU (Exod. xxiii. 26.) But thou hast said, ^ I will ' add unto thy days fifteen years' (Isaiah xxxviii. 5.) " Isaiah remarked : I know respecting hiia^ that he " will not receive ivhat I say to Jam, if I tell Imn to '^ level his pride. He [Isaiah] then called upon God, " [ci^'k i. e. xn"^ "IDK he spoke the namei] A cedar '^ opened and swallowed him. [He was swallowed up " in a cedar] They went to the cedar and sawed it, ^' J'Vhen (the saw) came to his mouth, he expiredr From the preceding extract it must not be in- ferred, that the book said to have been found at Je- rusalem by R. Simeon Ben Azai, a Mishnic doctor, who lived at the beginning of the second century ^, recorded any thing more than the simple fact, that Isaiah was put to death by Manasseh. All which follows that assertion, particularizing the accusation of Manasseh, with the speech of Isaiah, and the mode of his death, must be considered as solely resting upon the traditional authority of Raba, a Gemaric doctor, who is said to have died in the 353d year of the Christian era^. The same tradition is alluded to in an unpub- lished Targmn upon Isaiah, preserved in the Vati- can. Asseman gives the following passage from the Targum relating to it : ry^Xll \":D:inH) TXm^ )^D^ 13^ n'^^^by) n'r2^B i^y\in K:b'\^ njiBi pn''Dip p pn^ri rw^rh ^ Othonis Historia Doctorum Mishnicorum, p. 136, note. He was a contemporary of R. Akiha. b Wolfd Bibliotheca Hebraea, vol. ii. p. 880. X 154 GENERAL REMARKS. T>:i: n>;rt:;n ri'ui mni i^ub'^t^ n^ nD:") ^1:1^ ^n'^'^i^, " ^/zcT " w/ie7i Manasseh heard the words of the prophecy " reproving him, [of his reproofj he was filled with " anger against him [Isaiah] . His guards ran after " him to seize him. And he fled from before them. " And a carob tree opened its mouth and swallowed " him. The workmen came and cut down the tree, " And the blood of Isaiah floived ^r According then to Jewish tradition Isaiah was sawn asunder, when miraculously inclosed in a tree, to which he had fled from the pursuit of his enemies ; but according to the Anabaticon he was sawn asunder with a wooden saw. Now I would remark, that as Justin Martyr, the first author ex- tant who alludes to the subject, not only speaks of certain written testimonies upon the point sup- pressed by the Jews, but represents those written testimonies as recording the death of Isaiah pre- cisely in the language of the book before us, viz. by being sawn asunder with a wooden saw, the source I apprehend from which his information was de- rived cannot be doubtful. And this alone will carry its antiquity to a period earlier than the middle of the second century. When it became altogether buried in oblivion, seems much less certain. In the celebrated night journey of Mohammed, that impostor represents himself as passing through seven different heavens, « Catalogus Bib. Vat. MSS. torn. i. p. 452. GENERAL REMARKS. 155 separated by gates one from another, and each guarded by a watchM porter^; circumstances which might possibly have been borrowed from " the As- " cension of Isaiah." If so, it continued to be fami- Harly known in the seventh century. But much stress perhaps will not be laid upon this coincidence, when it is considered, that formerly the belief in a plurality of heavens was at least general, if not uni- versal, and in the precise number of seven, (as I shall hereafter shew,) was common among the Jews. The Ethiopic version now published had, I con^ ceived, when I first translated it, been never before seen in Europe. I have nevertheless since found that it was known to Theodore Petraeus, who in his notes to the prophecy of Jonah, edited by him both in Ethiopic and Latin, makes the subsequent re- mark ; '^ Sic legitur in libello i^thiop. de vita Je- " sai(Ey cui titulus OCl+I A/ljSPhi ^fUB: Ascemus " Jesam Prophetoi ^." I have not however been able elsewhere to discover the slightest allusion to it. Having thus taken a brief view of the external, I now proceed to the internal, evidence of its high antiquity. No inconsiderable argument in proof of its being composed in the first century may be de- rived from the nature of the principal question re- ferred to as a subject of controversy among Chris- * Matthews' Translation of the Mishcat-ul-Macabih, vol. \\. p. 691-6. Abulfedae Vita Moham. cap. xix. and Prideaux's Life of Moham. p. 50. b P. 20. X 2 156 GENERAL REMARKS. tians; the question I mean respecting the proximity of the Lord's approach, or of his second coming to judgment ^. To this controverted question the Apo- stles themselves alluded ^ : but it seems to have al- most immediately died away, or at least to have been no longer agitated after the expiration of the first century. And that the writer himself of the work under consideration lived at the exact period, during which this question still continued a subject of controversy, is manifest, I apprehend, from his persuasion, that Christ's second advent to judge the world was nigh at hand. But this is not all. From internal testimony of a still more definite description, I conceive, that even the specific time of its composition may be satis- factorily ascertained. It speaks only of one persecu- tion of Christians, as taking place between the esta- blishment of Christianity and the day of judgment. This must necessarily have been the persecution under Ner^o. Had the Author lived so late as the reign of Domitian, he would scarcely have limited the scene of Christian suffering to a single persecu- tion, and have foretold the dissolution of all things, as shortly afterwards succeeding it. Nor indeed are we left to mere conjecture relative to the particular persecution alluded to ; but demonstrable proof ex- ists, that it could only have been the first. For Isaiah is introduced as prophesying, that at its com- « Chap. iii. 22, 26. ^ 2 Tliess. ii. 2 Pet. iii. GENERAL REMARKS. 157 mencement " Berial shall descend, the mighty angel, " the prince of this world, which he has possessed " from its creation. He shall descend from the fir- " mament in the form of a man, an impious monarch, " the murderer of his mother, in the form of him, " the sovereign of the world ^T Now it is evident that the singular circumstance here stated of the Arch-fiend Berial possessing the body of " an im* ''^ pious mo?iarch, the murderer of his mother^'' is only applicable to Nero, who is recorded to have stabbed his mother Agrippina. But something more precise still follows. For we are further told, that he shall have power " three years^ seven months, " and twenty-seven days ^." The burning of Rome took place on the 19th of June A. D. 64. The crime of this conflagration, which excited universal abhor- rence, Nero imputed to the Christians, and from hence sprung the first persecution. Historians in- deed are not agreed as to the exact time of its com- mencement. But Mosheim, upon authority which he respects, fixes it in the month of November A. D. 64 ^. If then we compute backwards from the death of Nero, which happened upon June 9, A. D. 68, the period of three years, seven mojiths, and twenty- seven days, (considering the months as lunar, and the year 68 as a leap year,) we shall find that the day allotted to the commencement of Berial's power falls upon the 30^/z of October A. D. 64 ; a coinci- » Chap. iv. 2. ^, chap. iv. 12. ^ Eccles. Hist, vol, i. p. 80. 158 GENERAL REMARKS. dence, I apprehend, sufficiently close to prove, that the persecution referred to must indisputably have been the first. The conclusion then will be, that our Author wrote after the death of Nero, that is, after June 9, A. D. 68. But the most striking circumstance still remains to be noticed. For from what immedi- ately follows it appears, that although he must have written after the 9th of June A. D. 68, he must likewise have written before the close of the year 69. In the very next verse but one to that, which relates the downfall of Nero's tyranny, it is added ; " After three hundred and thirty-two days the Lord " shall come with his angels and holy powers from " the seventh heaven, in the splendor of that hea- " ven, and shall drag Berial and his powers into " Gehenna^." And again; " Then shall the voice of " the Beloved rebuke in wTath the heaven, and the " dry land, the mountains, and the hills, the cities " and the deserts, the north, the angel of the sun, " the moon, and every thing where Berial has been ^^ seen and manifested in this world. There shall " also be a resurrection and judgment in those days, " while the Beloved shall cause to ascend from him " a fire, to consume all the ungodly, who shall be, as *' if they never had been created^T Had the work been written subsequently to the three hundred and thirty-two days, which followed ^ Chap. iv. 14. ^ ^ Ibitl. yer. 18. GENERAL REMARKS. 1 59 the death of Nero, the Author of it could never surely have been absurd enough to fix a time for the conclusion of the world, for the resurrection, and for the day of judgment, which time had al- ready elapsed! In full persuasion, that the Lord was indeed at hand, particularly after the bloody scenes of systematic torture, which he had witness- ed, he might indeed have ventured to predict the almost immediate advent of Christ to judgment: but it is impossible to conceive, that in his sober senses he could have referred the consummation of all things to a past period. It seems certain therefore,- if the premises from which I have argued be cor- rect, that the book must have been composed to- wards the close of the year 68, or in the beginnings of the year 69. As nothing perhaps relative to a Christian pro- duction of such high antiquity will be deemed al- together unimportant, I proceed from this discus- sion upon the age in which it was written, to con- sider the probable country of its Author. That it was the work of a converted Jew, the whole cast of the composition seems to testify. The story oF Isaiah's being sawn asunder by the order of Ma- nasseh was, as I have already pointed out, clearly founded upon a Jewish tradition ; and the precise number of seven heavens, through each of which the Prophet ascends under the guidance of an an- gel, completely accords with the Jewish creed. St. Paul himself speaks of his being caught up into the l6o GENERAL REMARKS. third heaven^. But the Rabbinical writers afford more direct testimony upon the point. In the an- cient traditional gloss of the Jews^ denominated the jn:i"l Rabboth, or '^ the Great Commentaries^''' the ascent of the Shechinah from earth to heaven, in consequence of human transgression, is thus de- scribed : xy}^ j^iDHt^ po .r^rs^r^ wy\nnn^ nT^^v -ip;r npbrvD^ VP ^'^^ ♦I'lti^Kin ;?^pi^ njot:^ np'pnDJ \^'^^1r^ ^ '"h □^-la^^ ^D^n r3n^iD1 /i^ d^vohd .'rh " The She- " chinah was before in the lower regions. But after " the first man sinned^ it ascended to the first heaven ^' [firmament]. Cai?i sinned; it ascended to the se- " cond. In the generation of Enoch to the third. In ^' the generation of the fiood to the fourth. In the ge- " neration oj the dispersion to the fifth. Of the people " of Sodom to the sixth. And of the Egyptians in '■^ the days of Abraham to the sevenths This distinct enumeration of seven heavens is elsevs^here repeated in the same book. Indeed so accustomed were the Jews at all periods to believe in a plurality of hea- vens, that the Hebrew language has no appropriate form to express a single heaven. (Hence in the passage just quoted from the Rabboth ^"^^n firma- ment, or expanse, is used to convey the idea of one heaven as distinguished from another, y This Rabbinical extract alone, I apprehend, will be sufficient for the purpose, for which it has been > 2 Cor. xii. 2. ^ ID^ HtinD n^^'Nin et J^ TOHD -imD3. GENERAL REMARKS. l6l adduced. Before however I quit this topic I must remark, that a striking similarity to the account of the seven heavens in " the Ascension of Isaiah" is to be found, shortly alluded to, in " the Testaments " of the twelve Patriarchs," which, whether it be considered as the production of a converted Jew in the first or second century, as Cave and Dodwell thought, or as the production of a Jew prior to the birth of our Saviour, and afterwards interpolated by a Christian, as Grabe conjectured, will in either case be readily admitted to have been tinctured with Jewish opinions. There the patriarch Levi is represented as seeing in a dream the heavens open- ed, and, under the guidance of an angel, as passing through them all, to the number of seven, each more splendid than the one below it. 'I^q^ dv^JdyPyi^ «rav ol J^avol, >cal ocyyiXoq Ku^t'ou eitts -ur^oq [as' Afui SKreXSs. Koc) slo'y^xB'ov \yt roZ -ur^corov spotvB sU tov ^svrspov Koti eI^ov rpiTov ovpoivov ttoAu (pUTEivon^ov 'jtoL^oi rovs ^vo* xai yoo^ v^os Yiv Iv uvTU ocTTHoov. Koci SiTTOV Tw ayysXw, Aiart ouTwy; jtal fTTTfv olyyiXos 7»ypog fxe' fxri 3'aujW,a^£ Iw) r^roig^ cixXovg yoc^ ri(T(roc^o<,g B^avsg otJ'Ei (pobi^^ori^oxx; xat oc^in n''jrDt:^n '^d t:;^^-i v^^^ 7W12 bv " The angel Samael, the impious prince of " all the DiBmons, (Satans,) was always calculating " the death of Moses ^" But in IT;;^'?^ 'l ''pnS) " the ^^ Chapters of R. Eliezer^ his superiority over the other angels in power and dignity is more dis- tinctly expressed. There he is thus described : rvrw Hi^-n I-)'»') -b^ JiDH n^< rv^b d''S):id xTm);i a^nt:^D ^kddi ^t^^m^ ;r-in^ ddh k^jd k'pi n"ipn Kint:^ Jiinnrr ^d " Samael was a great prince in heaven ; the cherubs " [living creatures] and the seraphs have six, but Sa^ * J<* nti'"lD CD^'nm. In the same section the Almighty is re- presented as directing first Gabriel, then Michael, to bring to him the soul of Moses ; but they decline the task upon the pre- text of their inability. He then commissions Samael, who gladly undertakes the office, but is struck with terror and dismay at the splendid countenance and angelical aspect of the divine Prophet. A curious dialogue succeeds, in which Samael informs Moses that all souls which come into the world are delivered into his hands, n^b ]niDD \n\:iWi a^lj^n *Nn bj. Finding the Prophet however unwilling to die, he returns to the Almighty, who sends him a second time. A conflict ensues, in which Samael is van- quished, stript of the rays which adorned his brow, and de- prived of sight. The fable concludes with the descent of God himself in person, who finally kisses the soul out of the body of Moses in an affectionate embrace. ^ Chap. xiii. T 2 164 GENERAL REMARKS. " mael twelve wings. He took his followers and de- " scehded^ and contemplated all the creatures which " God had made; but he found none so wise to evil as " the serpentr Again inquiring why the archangel Michael was termed \^'b^ he who has escaped, the author remarks; b^XOD r\^ ri'lpT} b'^^TW TV^^y^ ''9*? r^'^-y^rh bt^^y^ b^ id:)^^ ithk ont^^npn dp^dq ^b^ ny * v^'b^ ^'D'^ vnp:! i;y^b r^^^ r(':i'pr\ ^1±^^^ ^b'^'n^ " Be- '^ cause at the time when God precipitated Samael " and his followers from their holy station, he [Sa- " mael] seized the wing of Michael to throw him " down and to precipitate him ; but God rescued him '^ from his hand. Therefore Michael was called " tD'^b^, that is^ he who has escaped'' Perhaps I ought to apologize for so much Rab- binical quotation. To make my reader however some amends, as well as to relieve him a little from the irksomeness of probably no very entertaining discussion, I take the liberty of inserting a short di- gression upon several hitherto undiscovered imita- tions of Milton in his celebrated poem of ^^ Paradise " Lost." From ^^ the Chapters of R. Eliezer," or ra- ther from the Latin translation of them published by Vorstius in the year 1654^, our immortal bard seems to have borrowed the idea of that ever tower- ing and invincible spirit of pride, predominant in the conduct and demeanor of his Satan. The exalted 3 Chap, xxvii. ^ Paradise Lost is said to have been begun in the year 1655. See Newton's ed. of Milton, vol. i. p. 40. ed. 1750. GENERAL REMARKS. l65 rank of Samael, or Satan, in heaven, and subse- quent precipitation from thence, by the hand of the Almighty, are briefly but strongly touched in the preceding extracts. These, I conceive, v^ith the ad- dition of one or two scattered passages of Scripture alluding to the latter point, afforded him a basis for that masterly delineation and exquisite colouring of character, with which his inimitable description of the fallen archangel every where abounds. Nor was he indebted to Rabbinical authority for this single circumstance alone, but also for some incidental thoughts and expressions more closely copied. The Latin of Vorstius in one of the pas- sages already quoted runs thus ; " Descendit visurus " omnes creaturas, quas condiderat Sanctus Bene- ' " dictus. Sed non invenit astutiorem (in the Hebrew " sapientiorem) ad malefaciendum quam serpentemr Let this be compared with the following lines of Milton, and the similarity of idea will be apparent. the orb he roamed With narrow search, and with inspection deep Considered every creature, which of all Most opportune might serve his wiles; and found The serpent subtlest beast of all the field. Book ix. 82—87. In the same chapter of Eliezer Samael having taken full possession of the serpent is represented as thus reasoning with himself: " Si alloquor Adamum, scio " ilium mihi non obtemperaturum ; quia vir semper " difficilior est quam ut avellatur a sententia sua : l66 GENERAL REMARKS. " sed vero mulierem afFabor, cujus levis et instabilis " est sententiaV So also in " Paradise Lost" Satan exclaims at sight of Eve without Adam, behold alone The woman, opportune to all attempts, Her husband, for I view far round, not nigh. Whose higher intellectual more I shun. Book ix. 480—483. Another imitation likewise is discoverable in the speech of the tempter to Eve, when oifering her the forbidden fruit: " £n me^^ as Vorstius translates the passage in Eliezer, " accessi vel attigi ^ arhorem, et " no7i sum mortuus, accede quoque ad earn et non " morierisr This, with a little transposition, is thus copied by Milton : Look on me, Me who have touched and tasted, yet both live, And life more perfect have attained, than fate Meant me. Book ix. 687 — 690. Queen of the universe, do not believe Those rigid threats of death : ye shall not die. Ibid. 684, 685. But perhaps the most striking instance of imitation occurs in the soliloquy attributed to the mother of mankind after having committed the fatal act. Thus she reasons in the Chapters of Eliezer, " Forsanjam ^^ mortar, et Sanctus Benedictus parabit illi aliam * The two words accessi and attigi are both supplied by Vors- tius to express the single Hebrew word *npJ3. The proper meaning seems to be attigi. GENERAL REMARKS. 167 Sed dabo quoque Adamo et causa illi " ^ro, ut edat mecum, Ut si moriamur, ambo simul " moriamur ; si vivamus ambo quoque m vita md- " neamusr And thus also she reasons in ^^ Paradise " Lost." What if God have seen, And death ensue? Then I shall be no morej And Adaniy wedded to another Eve, Shall live with her enjoying, I extinct; A death to think. Confirmed then I resolve, Adam shall share with me in bliss or woe. Book ix. 826—832. It is surely amusing as well as instructive to ob- serve a mind, so richly endowed as that of Milton, patiently occupied in extracting gold from the ap- parently barren sands of Rabbinical theology. To return however from this digression, and to conclude my remarks upon the country of our Au- thor : in the seventh heaven Isaiah is said to have seen inany numbered laid up cloathings^ belong- ing to saints still on earth ; and also to have be- held Enoch, and those who were coeval with him, resembling the angels in splendor, and without the cloathing of the flesh, arrayed in heavenly cloath- ing^. To a reader, not conversant with the prin- ciples of the Cabbala, or old Jewish philosophy, the idea of cloathing belonging to individuals on earth; and reserved for them in heaven, may not * Chap. viii. 14. ix. 24. ^ Chap. ix. 0. l68 GENERAL REMARKS. perhaps be very intelligible. I shall therefore ad- duce a passage or two, explanatory of the point, from the Zohar^ the most ancient, as well as most ample, collection of Cabbalistical remains extant. Describing the ascent of the soul to heaven, cloathed with splendor, the Zohar proceeds to illustrate its meaning in the following terms : "^TScm^ '^'2:pr\ HDD 'KD^;r i^innn ry^i dpd'? xr^v t^-y^^r^ )x^y±> "As " there is given to the soul a garment^ with which " she is cloathed in order to establish her in this " worlds so also is there given to her a garment of " heavenly splendor in order to establish her in that " world? From the same work also it appears, that parti- cular cloathing was thought to belong to each indi- vidual saint, and to be reserved for him in paradise. *?D inn i^u^ibni^^ vT^/^^^l rJi^^ti^^"^ \^^^':^ li^'>* ^^ \^t\^ ••j^n nn^Di n^n r^^t:^-) ^rbyy\ ♦kd'?;? ^^nn ^iv^ nto ^ J^li^^Dl '^'^xb 1n''^< " And there were all the cloath- " ings of the souls which were worthy of being " cloathed with them, each according to his merits. " On this cloathing was delineated all those good " works, which (each soul) had done in this world. " All were delineated on it ; and it contained this " inscription, The cloathing of such a one? * Vol. i. ed. Amsterd. p. 66. See also vol. ii. pp. 135^ 136. *> Ibid, vol.ii. p. 210. GENERAL REMARKS. 169 Without any further detail then of the Cabhahs- tical doctrine upon this point, we may conclude, I apprehend, from the tincture of opinions, and use of expressions, evidently Jewish, discoverable in the tract before us, that its Author must have been a Jewish convert. I shall now in the last place consider some of the theological as well as critical purposes to which it may be applicable. Being an apocryphal pro- duction, it can certainly be never contemplated as a rule of faith; but it may nevertheless, I conceive, be admitted as collateral evidence in favour of disputed passages of Scripture, and respecting the cast of opinions entertained at the era of its composition. The account of the miraculous conception of our blessed Saviour, as recorded by St. Matthew, ap- pears in every manuscript of his Gospel extant, and in every version of that Gospel of every period. But modern Unitarians, who, instead of moulding their creed to Scripture, mould Scripture to their creed, have laboured hard to expunge the account altogether, representing it as a forged interpolation, unheard of until towards the conclusion of the se- cond century. They are likewise fond of regarding it as the work of some heathen convert, desirous of counteracting a vulgar prejudice against Christian- ity, by elevating its founder to a rank with the fabled heroes and demigods of antiquity^. This is * ^' The account of the miraculous conception of Jesus was " probably the fiction of some early Gentile convert, who hoped, Z 170 GENERAL REMARKS. not a place to expose the extravagance of Unitarian criticism ; but I would remark^ that in the work before us the miraculous conception is distinctly and unequivocally asserted ; which circumstance af- fords incontestable proof, if my previous reasoning be correct, that the fact was on record at no great distance of time from the period, when St. Mat- thew's Gospel itself is said by Irenseus to have been written ^. Indeed the Author of " the Ascension of " Isaiah" seems to have borrowed the outline of his narrative from that very Gospel. The Evangelist thus expresses himself: " When " his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before " they came together, she was found with child of " the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband " was minded to put her away privily ^." Our Au- thor relates the same occurrences almost in the same language. " I beheld a woman, by name " Mary, who was a virgin, and betrothed to a 7nan, " by name Joseph. I saw, that after she was be- " trothed, she was found pregnant ; and that Joseph " was inclined to put her away ^." The latter part of the account is thus recorded by the Evangelist : " Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the " by elevating the dignity of the founder, to abate the popular " prejudice against the sect." Improved Version, p. 3. " — would " elevate him to the dignity of the heroes and demigods of the '* heathen mythology." Ibid. p. 121. * See Marsh's Michaelis^ vol. iii. note to p. 112. §. 6. t> Matth. i. 18, 19. '^ Chap. xi. 2, 3. GENERAL REMARKS. 17I " angel of the Lord had hidden him, and took unto " him his wife : and knew her not till she had " brought forth her first horn son ^." With a little variation it is thus related by our Author : '^ Then " the angel of the Spirit appeared in the world; " after which Joseph did not put away Mary, '' neither did he approach her ; hut preserved her, as " a holy virgin, notwithstanding her pregnancy ^." From a collation of these respective passages it must appear, I apprehend, to every critic, whose mind is not warped by theological prejudices, that the latter account was borrowed from the former. And if so, it must be obvious, that the narrative of the miraculous conception, extant in all the manu- scripts and versions of St. Matthew's Gospel, was not a subsequent interpolation, but an original part of that Gospel. Nor does it seem less certain, that the same narrative was believed as well by Jewish, as by Heathen, converts, long before the termina- tion of the first century ; and that therefore its sup- posed invention by the latter at a subsequent period is absolutely impossible : so that the idea of its being a mere heathen fiction, abhorrent from the creed of a converted Jew, must likewise prove altogether groundless. But there are other and still more important tes- timonies of early opinion furnished by the apocry- phal work under review. The Unitarians affirm ^ Matth. i. 24, 25. ^ chap. xi. 4, 5. Z 2 172 GENERAL REMARKS. with their accustomed confidence, that the divinity of Christ was a doctrine wholly unknown to Chris- tians until about the middle of the second century, and that the divinity of the Holy Ghost was not maintained until a still later period. The first con- verts from Judaism they assert were pure Unita- rians ; and expressly denounce Justin Martyr^ ori- ginally a heathen philosopher, as the first Chris- tian who ascribed divinity to Christ, an idea which he is said to have borrowed from the Platonical dogma of the divine Logos ^. Such is the statement of Unitarians ; but it is a statement proved by various passages in " the As- '' '^ That the ancient Jewish Church must have held the opi- *' nion, that Christ was simply a man, and not either God Al- "■ mighty, or a super angelic being, may be concluded from its ** being the clear doctrine of the Scripture, and from the Apo- *' sties having taught no other." Priestley's Corruptions of Chris- tianity, vol. i. p. 6. '^ The generahty of Christians retained the •* same faith, believing the strict unity of God, and the pro- " per humanity of Christ all the time of the Apostles, and of ** those who conversed with them.'" Ibid. p. 20. "We find nothing " like divinity ascribed to Christ heiove. Justin Martyr, who from ** being a philosopher became a Christian." Ibid. p. 32. " Having " himself professed the doctrine of Plato, can it be thought ex- ** traordinary^ that he eagerly caught at the doctrine of the Lo- " gos?' Ibid. p. 34. " One reason why those Fathers who had ^' modified their theological tenets by the principles of the hea- ^' then philosophy did not readily fall into the notion of the " personality, or at least the divinity, of the Holy Spirit, might *' be, that there was nothing like it in the philosophy of Plato, '* which had assisted them so much in the deification of Christ.'' Ibid. p. 93. GENERAL REMARKS. 173 " cension of Isaiah" to rest on no solid foundation. The Author of that work wrote, as I have remark- ed, either before the conckision of the year sixty- eighty or at the beginning of the year sixty-nine; and was evidently a convert, not from Paganism, but from Judaism. He represents Isaiah as foretelling many things of Christ; who is uniformly desig- nated by the appellation of " the Beloved]'' and ne- ver by that of" the Logos;' a term, which he can- not therefore be accused of having adopted out of compliment to the fascinating philosophy of Plato. Upon the divinity of the Beloved the language of " the Ascension of Isaiah" is clear and unambi- guous. Repeatedly is he denominated " the Lord;' a title, which Isaiah is expressly prohibited from ascribing to an angel ^. Elsewhere is he termed " the Lord of all the heavens and the thrones, whose " voice alone all the heavens and the thrones obey ^ ; " —the Lord of all the glory, which Isaiah had " seen ^ ; the Lord God, the Lord Christ, who will " be called in the world Jesus ^T Neither is divine adoration withhold en from him ; for, in another place, Isaiah, who had been forbidden to worship an angel in the second heaven, is expressly directed to worship him^. Not that Isaiah alone adored him; for we are previously told that all the saints and angels approached, worshipped, and glorified hhn ^. » Chap. viii. 5. ^ Chap. viii. Z, 9. •= Chap. ix. 32» ^ Chap. ix. 5. « Chap. ix. 31. ^ Chap. ix. 2S. ' 174 GENERAL REMARKS. Such is the description given of the Beloved, the Elect % and the Son ^\ of God. Nor is an inferior degree of exaltation ascribed to the Holy Spirit. Him, as well as the Beloved, all the saints and angels are said to approach, worship, and glorify "^. And, when Isaiah and the other pro- phets are represented as hearing " the voice of the " Spirit/' it is added, that " they all worshipped the " voice of the Holy Spirit, all worshipped on their ^^ knees, and glorified the God of righteousness ^." Should not however even these extracts satisfy those, who, in support of a favourite hypothesis, advance every thing, but retract nothing, proof still more convincing may be adduced ; for the Son and Holy Spirit are distinctly recognized as objects of adoration in heaven jointly with the Father. In the sixth heaven it is said '^ all invoked the first, " the Father, and his Beloved, the Christ, and the " Holy Spirit, all with united voice ^." I make no comment on any of the preceding passages, because they appear so decisive upon the point as to require none. If it be objected, that the work from which they are taken is clearly apocryphal, and therefore of no authority, the answer is obvious ; — that this objec- tion, which is admitted in its fullest force, affects not the question in controversy, which simply is, ^ Chap. viii. 7. ^ Chap. viii. 25. ^ Chap. viii. 33, 34. d Chap. vi. 8. = Chap. viii. 18. GENERAL REMARKS. 175 Whether the divinity of Christ and that of the Holy Spirit were doctrines derived from the philo- sophy of Plato, and first introduced into Christian- ity by Justin Martyr, a converted heathen, who lived in the middle of the second century? That this was not the case the above quotations, I appre- hend, abundantly testify. An apocryphal writing may surely be admitted as evidence of opinions existing at the era of its composition, although those, like all other opinions, must ultimately be brought to the test of Scripture and rational criticism. Whether they are or are not in themselves heretical, is a different question : but Unitarians should be the last to raise objections on this head, who are ever ambitious of converting with golden touch what other men term, error^ into what they term, truth^ and proscribed heresy into established orthodoxy. The true colour of the doctrine, deducible from the apocryphal tract under consideration, it would be foreign from the object before me to investigate. I would however remark, that because heretics may have quoted it in defence of their own extravagancies, we are by no means on that account merely to con- clude, that it is itself heretical ; since sad experience tells us, that not only the apocryphal, but also the canonical books, of Scripture may be and often have been quoted for similar purposes, and even as- sumed as the basis of opinions, not less theoretically absurd, than practically obnoxious. And let me fur- 176 GENERAL REMARKS. tlier add, in explanation of a particular passage, in which the Son and Holy Spirit themselves are de- scribed as worshipping and glorifying God% that this homage is alluded to as exhibited by them in the character of angels, both having previously as- sumed the angelical form ^, and both in that form being now represented as preceding the whole ce- lestial choir, who we are told immediately after them approach, worship, and glorify God. When St. Matthew attributes to our blessed Saviour, a tnan among men, the act of falling down on the ground in the garden of Gethsemane, and of praying to his heavenly Father, we contemplate the re- corded fact as perfectly consistent with the Trinita- rian creed. Ought we not then to contemplate in a similar point of view the language of our apocryphal Author, who introduces, in a vision, the same di- vine Person, appearing as an angel among angels, and setting them an example of praise and adora- tion? But whatsoever construction this passage may bear, it is certain, that both the Son and Holy Spi- « Chap. ix. 40. '^' The Beloved is expressly stated to have been changed, and to have taken the appearance of an angel, chap. ix. 30. And it is evident from the context, that the second angel, mentioned in verse 35. as standing on the left hand of the Beloved, is the same glorious being, who in the preceding verse is said to have been v^orshipped and glorified. No specific form is in the first instance ascribed to either. The Beloved is simply termed one, whose glory surpassing that of all was great and wonderful; and the Holy Spirit as another glorious being with him. GENERAL REMARKS. 177 rit are elsewhere described by him as themselves the objects of worship conjointly with the Father, and that both are distinctly and unambiguously de- nominated God, Before I conclude these remarks I shall shortly advert to a question, which may already perhaps have suggested itself to the mind of the reader. The question, to which I allude, is, whether the Author wished to impose upon public credulity by his assumption of the name and authority of Isaiah, or whether his sole view was to compose a work, avowedly fictitious, but accommodated to the cha- racter, and consistent with the prophecies, of him, to whom it was ascribed. Had imposition been his object, he would scarcely, I apprehend, have taken so much pains to defeat that object by detailing the particulars respecting the birth, death, and resurrec- tion of our Saviour with a minuteness and perspi- cuity but ill adapted to display the abrupt allusion, and dark adumbration, of ancient prophecy. The prediction oi future events obviously requires a style and expression very different from that, in which past events are related. It seems probable there- fore, that he did not intend to deceive the world ; but simply to convey, through the medium of a pro- phetical vision, his own feelings and persuasions un- der the assumed character of the prophet Isaiah. Of the conduct, to which I am alluding, I know no better defence than that which occurs in " A Dis- A a 178 GENERAL REMARKS. " sertation upon the second Book of Etsdras'' by Dr. Francis Lee, who makes the following reflec- tions upon the subject : ^' You know nothing was " anciently more common, or held more innocent, " than such personations of authors. And if this in " succeeding ages came to be the occasion of some *^ mistakes, especially among the vulgar and less " critical readers, it is not much to be wondered at; " but it is not then to be imputed as a crime to " them, who had no thoughts of deceiving any by " it, or (which is all one) of whom it doth not ap- *' pear that they had. Some of the first pieces of " antiquity, you know, have been written in this ^' character; the ancient Academy were particularly " famous for it. We do not think the worse of " Plato for his personating of Socrates, or of Cicero " for his personating of Cato. And though the " names of Plato and Cicero should have been '^ swept away with the torrent of time, yet not only " the book of JVisdom, but that of Job also, is sup- " posed by some learned men to be of this kind, " without derogating from the authority of the one, " or the excellence of both. The works of these " excellent masters, whereby they have given a sort " of eternity to those two great men, would not have '^ been for that the less valuable, notwithstanding " all that some critics would certainly have urged " to shew them to be supposititious. The golden " verses, which we read under the name of Pytha- GENERAL REMARKS. 179 " gof^as^ will not cease to be esteemed by the ablest "jttdges, though ttot written till many hundred " years after the death of that philosopher whose " name they bear ^" If the argument of Lee be not a complete excul- pation, it may nevertheless constitute no inconsi- derable extenuation, of a proceeding, which some may be disposed to contemplate rather in the light of a moral crime, than of a literary stratagem. From overlooking this peculiar plea in favour of apocryphal writings it has happened, that they have been alternately both depressed and exalted with- out due discrimination. For while, on one hand, they have been injudiciously elevated to the rank of canonical Scripture, they have, on the other, been incautiously degraded to the very sink of heretical imposture. But their true station, at least of some among them, inclusive perhaps of the one before us, seems to be the middle point between these two extremes. Lastly, how numerous soever may prove the par- ticular defects of this little tract, when I consider it altogether as a production of the apostolical age, singularly characterized by simplicity of narrative, by occasional sublimity of description, visible under all the disadvantages of a verbal translation, and by * Apoleipomena j or Dissertations &c. by the late pious and Jearned Francis Lee, M. D. in two volumes, vol. i. pp. 39, 40. ed. 1752. A a 2 180 GENERAL REMARKS. richness as well as vigour of imagination, I am will- ing to persuade myself, be its theological merits or demerits what they may, that I have not altogether wasted the time, and misapplied the labour, which I have bestowed upon it. THE END. Publications by the same Author. I. An Attempt to illustrate those Articles of the Church of England, which the Calvinists improperly consider as Calvin- istical 5 in eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford in the Year 1804, at the Lecture founded by J. Bamp- ton, M. A. II. On Singularity and Excess in Philological Literature : a Sermon preached before the University of Oxford. Price Is. 6d. III. A Dissertation on the Logos of St. John, comprehending the substance of Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. Price 3s. IV. The metaphorical Character of the Apostolical Style, and the predominant Opinion of the Apostolical Era, as elucidat- ing the Doctrine of Atonement, considered : in a Sermon preached at the Visit£[tion of his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Price Is. 6d. V. Critical Reflections upon some important Misrepresentations contained in the Unitarian Version of the New Testament. Price 5s. VI. Remarks upon the Systematical Classification of Manu- scripts adopted by Griesbach in his Edition of the New Tes- tament. Price 5s. VII. The Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration contrasted with the Tenets of Calvin : in a Sermon preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford. Price Is. 6d. VIII. The Doctrine of the Church of England upon the Efficacy of Baptism vindicated from Misrepresentation. Part I. Se- cond Edition. Price 5s. IX. The Consequences resulting from a Simplification of pub- lic Creeds considered : in a Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Bishop of Rochester. Price Is. 6d. X. The Doctrine of the Church of England upon the Efficacy of Baptism vindicated from Misrepresentation. Part II. Price 5s. ALSO By the late French Laurence, LL. D. M.P. 8fc. Critical Remarks on detached Passages of the New Testament, particularly the Revelation of St. John. Price 6s. H Ui 8^ji ^■' /.i^^X." /..i;^^^°o.. y.^^.X /°. ^°v ^ y<» • fS^i^^^'' * ^^ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. * »-«A4^— «• /jS O **^^^^%* ^0 Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide ^ •• , . , • ^v" O^ • • • » ^O Treatment Date: June 2005 -'A*il% ^^ <^^ ••'i^i^*. ^^n c^"^ ♦kCv^ PreservationTechnologies *JvNj9§./Zh.o *^ ^V « <:^PH^^ ** sP <0 • ^C^ A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATIOM ,-«- :•» '^.7* .^ ^. *' 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township. PA 16066 (724)779-2111 ^ • • » * A *?* aV ^^ •^An'i ♦ -e.^ >^«^, ^ •'' -iT LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 397 863 1