Class _/Lv2/_ Book_J ?X_ GwriglitM COPmiCHT DEPOSIT. s / / i — ..-.; , - KiteBi; liSiLMC Vital Record of Rhode Island. 1636=18^0. KiRSX SERIES. BIKTHS, MAREIAGES AND DEATHS. A Family Register for the People. By James N, Arnold, Editor of the Nakragansett Historical Registef Is IsAy Name Written in the Boole of Life?" Vol IX. Seekonk (iucliidiiig East Providence), Pawtucket and Newman Congregational Clinrcli. ^ Published under the Auspices of the General Assembly, '?^^ PROVIDENCE, R. 1; Kabragansett Historical Publishing Compakt. 1S97. L- A^i^ 2019 COPYRIGHTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIRRAKIAJJ OF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON, 1S97. Mercury Publishing Co., Prixtfrs ) ^, C. A. HiLCKEN, Binder, f Newport, R. I. USTTK.OIDXJGTIOn^. While prepaiiiig and reading tlie manuscript for oui- late publislied work {''Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-189G"), we were very forcibly struck with the large proportion of the matter therein recorded that was so very closely woven into our own State Record, already published in these volumes. As we progressed with our work of compilation, these facts l.)ecame more prominent. As the matter grew it also became ap- parent that in print it would produce a much larger work than we at first deemed possible; in lirief that it would make two instead of one respectable volumes. Accordingly we dt-cided to publish in the above work cited, the records as found iu the original books, and let the new town's record of the western i)art of old Rehoboth nuke u[) this volume. The reader has here the result of our work. The reason given for mak- ing this Volume IX is still further emphasized by the fact that half of the territory of Seekonk is now Rhode [stand soil and about four-flftiis of the matter recorded herein is to all intents and puiposes our own state property. In our introduction to our Rehoboth volume we stated that a very unfortunate thing had happened in regard to the town of Pawtiicket. The record book of vital n;atter of Jhat town from 1828 to 1843 (when the new Vital Registration Act of Massachusetts went into effect) was missing. We have had diligent search and inquiry made, and so far, have not been able to learn or bear anytiiing definite in regard to it- This fact is only one of many that could be given to urge the most urgent necessity of having more than one copy of such very important matter in existence and at different places. In our judgment, it was a very happy inspiration of the framers of the Massachusetts Law of 1843 and of our own framers of our Law of ISnO, that required a dupli- cate copy to be made for the use of the state. In our record of Seekonk it will be noted that our references to the left of the page are written thus -7.5, -112, -241, others 1 32, 1 114, 2 63,2 218, etc. Those preceded by a dash refer to the record book before 1843; in brief, the record as recorded from the incorporation of the town iu 1812 to the commencement of the new Registration of 1843. The others refer to the present system commenced as above stated in 1843. It is a well known historical fact to the reader that the town of Relio- IV INTUODUCTIO.V. Ijjtli in Felinuirv 181-', was divided into two towns of about the same area and tlio wosteni portion was called Seckonk, an Indian term for the locality. Again, in 1828 the northwest corner lying between Ten Mile and Blackstone Elvers was made a new town and called Pawtucket, also an Indian word, meaning as some authorities say. place of meeting be- tween fresh anil salt watv.'r, ;is referi'ing to the falls iiere. Again in 18G1 Seekonk was divided, the IV. Deatl2s, ------ 2-17 Pawtucket : I. Marriages ami Intentions, . - . . 997 II. Births, - - - - - - 371 III. Deaths, - - - . ... 421 Newman Congkegational Church : I. Membei-ship, . - - . . 459 II. Baptisms, - - - - - - 491 III. Marriages, ------ 529 IISTIDEX. A 97 98 103 105 Appleby, 7 191 300. 108 114 117 119 Archer, 257. Abbott, 1 147 18'.t 24 7 122 124 125 128 Armilstead, 7. 529 212. 133 136 138 144 Arfardson, 531. AbelU 1 2 147 189 198 203 210 251 Armingtou, 7 8 148 247 421 459 491 265 266 269 273 Vh 192 248 249 529 190 211 285 291 440 559 469 492 631 23G 260 263. 592. 196 223 251 2P0. Abington, Mass., 39 Allendale, R. 1., 41 85 Armsbnry, 300. 72 308 315. 318 361. Armstrong, 249 531. Adams, 2 189 247 297 AUyn, 459 491 3 4 Arnold, 8 9 US 300 529 28 114 219. 5 148 246. 372 421 531 Adainsville, R. 1., G Almady, U.S. 254. 69. Aliiiv, 6 191 299 371 Asbury Cluireh, Prov., Adliiigtou, 459. "421. 472. Agaa, 297. Alton, 371. Ashcroft, 372. Ahorn, 2. Alverson, 299 491. Asher. Us. Aikeu, 421. Ames, 191 299. Ashford, Ct., 17 58. Aken, 371. Amsburv, 459 491. Ashford, Mass., 466 Akermau, 297 371. Amsterdam, Holland, 477 478 486 552 Albee, 2 297 371 272. 591 594. 371 381. Analty, 371. Ashland, Mass., 351 Albro, 2 529 96 162 Anderson, 6 148 191 360. 169 277. 248 299 371 421 Ashley, 15 65 72 94 Aldeu, 2. 402 631 41 52 114 115 128 143. Aldiedge, 2 529. 67 375. Ashton, 9 192 249 Aldrieh, 2 3 147 189 Andertou, 371 421. 300 372 422 531. 247 297. Atidover, Mass., 54 Ashwell, 531. Alexander, 3 190 247 548 552. Aspin-.vall, 192 297 371 421 Andrews, G 191 299 Athol. Mass., 38 122. 418. 372 421. Atkinson, 9 192 249 Alexandra, Va., 44 99. Angell, 6 191 248 372 262. Alger, 3 288 529. 421 531 251. Atlington, 492. Alison, 298. Angema, 216. Attleboro, Mass., 3 4 Allen, 3 5 6 147 148 Angemar, 6. 5 9 10 12 14 16 190 191 247 248 Anne Arundell Co., 18 19 20 23 24 298 299 371 421 Md., 197. 25 26 27 28 29 459 491 529 530 Anthony, 6 7 148 191 30 31 32 33 34 531 2 4 8 13 248 299 300 531 37 38 39 41 42 17 18 21 25 35 63 79 107 205 43 44 49 50 52 45 46 52 61 65 231. 53 55 56 57 58 66 68 81 84 85 Antrum, 531. 59 61 64 68 to 76 S7 88 89 90 94 Aplin, 7 531. 78 79 81 82 83 X 85 80 87 91 '.12 93 lo9C) 98 to 101 103 108 109 110 ll2to 117 119 120 122 123 127 to 129 131 to 133 137 130 to 113 149 1.^1 to 155 157 159 101 to 104 100 to 109 171 to 173 175 to 180 183 185 187 188 193 242 248 to 251 258 263 275 285 280 2.S8 289 291 297 to 300 302 305 to 307 309 311 to 317 319 320 to 322 324 320 to 329 333 to 346 351 to 355 357 358 300 302 304 300 to 309 3«4 421 424 425 427 429 430 431 434 438 444 440 to 450 452 454 to 467 400 404 to 408 470 480 to 484 488 529 531 to 551 553 to 500 570 to 574 576 to 579 581 583 to 585 587 to 591 593 to 595. Attwell. 459. Atwell, 9 492. Atwood. 300 372 531. Augusta, Me., 304. Aiiruann, 372. Aurell, 531. Austin, 149 372. Aver. 300. Aylesworth, 249. Azaios Isles, 281. B Bal.liilt. 300. Babcock, 249 300 531. Babinsou, 532. Babsou, 301. Bacon, 9 301 372 532. INDEX. Baggs, 9 192 459 532 27 : '9 to 103 105 220. 106 108 to 145 Bagin, 422. 207 218 289 241 Baanall, 102 114. 200 272 276 291 Bagley 9 422. 306 317 355 364. Bailey. 9 301 372 422 Barnstable, Mass., 153 460 532 309 155 270 281 350 358. 359 553 559 501 Bairstoe, 4 92. 562. Baistow, 409. Barnet, Vt., 310 303. Bakeuian, 301. Baron, 5 33. B.iker. 9 10 11 149 Barrett, 373. 192 249 301 302 Barringtou, R. I.. 3 4 372 422 400 492 7 12 13 15 20 21 532 79 99 254 27 84 45 46 50 59 317. 61 6 2 63 08 79 80 Balfli. 400. 90 93 95 99 104 Balden, 192 532. 105 107 117 119 B.aling, 400 492. 120 121 123 135 Bale, ""302. 136 137 143 147 Balkcom, 11 193 249 148 149 150 151 532. 153 155 158 159 Balkoni 125. 105 166 167 170 Ball, 11 149. 171 172 175 176 Ballau. 11 249 264. 178 179 181 183 Baltic, Cl., 331 332. 184 186 249 260 Baltimore. Md., 10 44. 265 267 272 281 Bamford, 372 422. 286 298 339 448 Banfonl, 11 302 532. 466 529 530 533 Bangle, 422. 534 538 541 540 Banks, 302. 555 550 500 509 Bauuigan, 302 372. 570 574 575 570 Banvard, 305 312 329. 577 579 580 582 333 337 340 347 585 586 587 589 350 357. 594. Bai.tist Cli.. Piov., Barrows, 150 250 533 487. 87 142. Baptist Church, 460. Barry, 2 JO 373. Barber, 302 373 422. Bars, 193 194. 460 532. Bars toe, 492. Bardoen, 532 3. Barstow, 492. Barden, 492 532. Bartlett, 150 193 422 Barker, 1112 149 302 533. 373 460 532 Bartley, 422. 114. Barton, 14 250 373 Barkwell 96 97. 422 533. Barlow, 373 422. Bary, 303 303. Barnes, 12 193 249 Baskaell 7 115. 302 373 422 532. Bassett, 303 422 41 Barney, 12 13 14 149 87. 150 193 249 250 Bateman , 801. 302 303 373 422 Bates, 14 150 250 303 400 492 532 533 373 428. 2 3 4 5 8 to Battey, 533. INDEX. XI Battje, 4112. Baxter, 14 15 150 303 304 373 423 233 258. Baxton, 250. Beals, 87 142. Beamau, 423. Bean, 533. Beartl, 194. Bears, 533. Beaiiuiont, 391. Bel)b, 4(30 533. Bedford, Me., 311 348. Beers. 150 301. ., _£ Belcher, 194. Belrleii, 373. Belfast, Ire., 24 9S 310 351. Belknai), 15 250 400 492 534. Belleville, N. J., 316. Belleville, N. Y., 328. BeUingliam, Mass., 22 65 241 309 358 434 574 587. Bencher, 373. Beuckley, 534. Benedict, 27 150 534. Beneficent Ch., Prov., 461 473 474 475. Benjamin, 194. Benijlssou, 194. Bennett, 15 150 250 304 634 198. Benuis, 423. Bensley, 304 373 423. Benson, 15 304 373 492 534 227 278. Bentley, 160 194 304 373 423. Berkeley, 194 373. Berkeley, Blass, 150 . ■-' 159 552 587. Berlin, N. Y., 63 107. Berry, 15 194 iifl5 373 534 441. Basse, 15 150 194 460 492 534. Bester, 194 21 90 126 139. Bestow, 460. Bethel Ch. Prov., 466. Bettencourt, 236. Belts, 305. Beverlv, 1 94 534 Blodo-ett, 374 28 42 426. 63 82 84 119 127 Bezeel, 150. 133 297 to 369. Bicknell, 15 150 250 Blood, 195. 374 460 233 Bloomfield, 374 424 271. 493. Bigelow, 305. Bloomfield, Ct., 1 7 45. Billinors, .194 460 492 Bloouistcet, 461. 534. Blue, 461 403. Binford, 374. BIy, 374 424 535 Bingtroni, 534. Blyth, 306. Birlwell, 534. Boardman, 371. Birtwhistle, 374. Bogert, 461 535. Bisbee, 194. Bograan, 18 195 461 Bishop, 15 16 17 150 493. 151 194 195 '250 Bolean, 424. 251 305 374 423 Bolster, 19. 460 461 492 493 Bolton, 19 535. 534 535 201 Bond, 535. 218 219 259 292. Book, 151. Bisbv. 6 64 72 74 91 Booker, 195. 99 107 137 140. Boomer, 19 151 535 Black, 17 374 424. 294. Blackaniore, 195. Booth, 19 306. Blaekington, 17 305 Borden, 19 251 374 424 535. 536 2 19. Blackmail, 17 424 535. Bordman, 374. Blackniar, 220. Boscawan, N. H., 331 Black Rock, K. I., 2 357. 92. Bosaker, 374 536. Black-stone, Mass., 61 Boss, 251 107 120 73 309 321 322 133. 325 350 365. Boston. Mass., '2 11 Bl.air, 493. 14 17 26 45 48 Blaisdell. 17 195 251 51 55 58 62 63 535. 78 79 82 89 92 Blake, 17 251 305 535 98 108 117 118 18 45 109 124 120 126 127 138 252. 140 148 149 156 Blanchard, 251. 167 173 174 185 Bland, 305. 262 264 271 277 Blandell, 461 462. 293 305 311 313 Blauding, 18 151 461 317 323 325 328 493 535 217 255 331 341 351 356 269. 359 360 366 432 Bliss, 18 151 195 251 433 435 446 451 305 306 374 424 455 529 533 546 461 49.3 535 107 548 553 556 560 120 195 198 211 671 586 588 592 232 246 264 280 593. 286. Bosworth, 461 493 Bliven, 195. 536. Block Island, K. I., 11 Botsilko, 195. 14. Bottomly, 374. xn INDKX. Bourne, 1!) 20 151 ID.'i 19B 2.)1 306 461 462 493 494 636 193 200 203 222 236 274 277 459 475. Bowden, 196 536 205. Bowe, 462. Bowker, 302. Bowen, 20 21 22 151 196 197 251 25:^ 306 374 424 462 4 94 536 537 17 37 38 84 194 J 202 206 222 229 252 253 257 258 259 268 274 283 284 286 290 292 471 472. Bowers, 152 252 306 424 462 537 538 190 440. Bowkcr, 306 374 462. Bowman, 22 152. Boyce, 424. Boyd, 22 306 424. Boyer, 375. Boyle 22 375 424. Boyuton, 66 138. Boz, 494. Bozworth, 22 152 197 252 375 537. Bozzard, 494. Brackett, 22 424 66. Bradlnirn, 152. Bradlniry, 23 307 375 424. Bradford, 462 494 495 538. Bradford. X. H., 61 73 268 340 436. Bradford, N. Y., 305. Bradley, 23 197 252 375 415 425 462 538 228. Bradshaw, 252. Brady, 197 3U7 .■175 425. Braid, 375. Brailey, 538. Braiuard, 307. Braintree, Mass., 269. Bragg, 307 538. Braiey, 152 425 538. Branian, 23 152 197 538 134. Brairley, 152 375 425. Braueb, 252. Hrannigan, 375. Brastow, 375 425. Bray, 23 152 307 375 7 115. Brayley, 538. Brayman, 252 307 375 425 194. Braylon, 197 252 307 462 538. Bredeson, 4 62. Brennaii, 252. Brentwood, N. H., 271. Brewster, 197 252 375. Brewst 98 yy 110 117 125 130 138 140 154 158 169 184 -iS-i 249 252 261 273 278 291 294 302 312. C'onnell. 205. Connelly. 389. Connor,' 380. Conquest, 41 205 250 467. Consej', 42J. Converse, 315. Conway, 157 380 429. Conway, N. H., 23. Cooke.' 41 157 205 259 315 380 381 429 547 32 41 63 130 259. Cookson, 315 381 429. Coolev, 381 429 501 546. Cooman, 547. Coombes 51 56 92 95. Coomer, 547. CooD, 259. Coop, 38 1 . Cooper, 42 157 158 205 259 315 381 429 467 468 502 547 548 215 246 271 275 277 294. Cope, 42 315. Copp, 259 315. Coraiu, 259. Corban, 43. Corbett, 205 206 259 381. Corbin, 158 206 259. Corey, 43. Corf ray, 158. Corliss, 381. Cornden, 206. Cornell, 43 158 206 548. Cornish, 315. Corn well, 43. Corrigau, 381. Cory, 381 429. Cothran, 315. Cotton. 158 316 381. Cottrell, 315. Coultes, 64 110. Counly, 206. Coupe, 381. Covel, 43. Coventry, R. I., 6 22 24 32 53 62 78 108 115 116 117 122 135 139 149 157 177 181 183 24 7 268 307 312 323 332 333 338 349 362 365 368 451 534 568 576 581 585. Covington, 548. Cowley, 43. Coye, 43. Coyle, 206 381 429. Cozzens, 43 158 206 259. Craig, 158 206 316. Crain, 43 158 206 259 548. Crane, 468 502 548. Craudall, 158 381. Cranston, 43 316. Cranston, R. 1., 5 14 17 19 23 ;!7 44 28 60 68 68 73 77 65 90 92 93 101 111 115 118 119 129 134 137 151 154 159 167 264 267 268 269 282 292 298 300 307 308 315 321 322 325 335 339 341 342 362 429 436 453 456 533 536 550 561 582 5.S8 594. Crawford, 73 316 381 429 548. Croat. 259. Crofford, 548. Croix, 12. Crompton, R. I., 221 356 363. Crouan, 287. Crooks, 72 121. Cropin, 206. Crosby, 44*- s ^' uross, 502. Crossnian. 158 316 '-'' 233 284. Crouclier, Crow, 206 315. Croweli 43 158 206 259 316 317 3S1 429. Crowley, 381. Crowingsliield, 258. Ciidworth, 158 381. Cue, 381. Cnllen, 381 429. Culton, 44. Culver. 306 340. Culyanan, 381. Cumberland, Eng., 8 . Cuml.ieiland, R. I., 2 8 11 19 32 34 41 48 49 55 59 6.> 70 72 77 79 90' 92 93 96 101 103 113 132 134 140 141 150 153 l.'>4 156 158 1C3 164 165 167 171 180 182 186 188 259- 263 272 282 289 297 299 300 304 307 308 310 311 312 315 319 320 322 323 324 328 329 331 332 383 335 336 337 339 340 341 344 348 349 350 357 358 363 366 359 422 424 327 428 432: 433 448 449 450" 451 453 454 455 456 535 538 539 540 545 547 559 560 582 586 591 594. Cummings, 44 158 548. Cummons, 259. Ciinningliam, 44 158 206 259 317 382 430 468 502 548. Curieo, 158. Curran, 206 260 382. Currard, 215. Curtis, 207 468 549. XVI IKl>EX. Ciisliiiig, U 45 158 ■JOl 260 317 430 4G8 503 549. Cushman, 382 3 9 10 17 18 19 21 23 24 38 41 43 48 54 56 58 02 77 90 93 111 113 124 129 131 132 300 307 308 311 317 319 323 326 337 340 346 362. Cusick, 317. Cutler, 45. CuUing, 317. D Da ha 1x1, 317. Dacv, 549. Dagan, 382. Dasgett, 45 46 158 " 159 207 200 317 »fi-2 468 503 549 189 205 247 260 270 295. Dailev. 382 430 209. Daley, 261. Dalglish, 317. Daltoii, 46 550 2G8. Dana, 46 260 317 382 550 6 74 79 107. Daiifortli, 382 430. Daniels, 261 318 382 430. "Danvei's, 46. DaQvers, Mass., 17 112. Danville, Vt., 40 81 204. Darcv, 382 219. Darling, 46 159 297 3r8 382 430 550 47 48. Darlington, 221. Dartmouth, Mass., 174 185 249 310 318 326 353 434 447. Da Silvia, 261. Daugherty. 261. Davenport, 46 47 159 382 430 468 550 361. Davidson, 382. Davis, 47 159 207 208 261 318 382 383 430 550 1 57 79 100. Davison, 318. Dawiev, 47 550. Day, 47 159 208 2G1 383 408 503 550 245. Dayton, 208. Dayville, Ct.. 58 66. Deagles, 383. Dealt, 208 261. Dean, 47 208 201 383 430 408 503 550 195 244. De.ane. 129 03 94 282 312 317 322 331 333 342 349 359 368. DeBlois, 47 208 201 408 503 550 248. Deeatcnr, 383 430. DeCarter, 208. Dedhaui, Mass., 18 59 121 183 180 237 456 555 557 581 584. Doerfield, N. H.. 158 177. Degins, 318. DeLaitre. 208. Delano, 383. Delany, 383. Delaware, 257 357 308. Dempster, 208. Denbam, 383. Dennis, 48 159 208 201 383 430 468 409 503 208 277. Dennis, Mass., t41 55 97 310 363 422 426 451. Dennisou, 383. Denny, 383. Denton, 48 208 261. Derbyshire, Eng., Desksey, 267. Detroit, Mich., 337 352. Devens. 48 261. DeVerder, 261. Devlin. 383 430. Dewerstt, 48. Dewich, 318. Dewire, 219. DeWitt. 430. Dewlin, 383. DeWolf, 299 338. Dexter, 48 159 208 209 261 431 503 550 388. DeZong, 327 329 348. Diekerman. 550. Dickinson, 48 159 318. Dido, 503. Dickey, 209. Digellis, 383. Dighton, Mass., 5 23 34 50 55 86 106 122 132 152 155 159 188 260 207 273 280 282 299 306 321 325 330 340 352 307 435 531 543. Dimou, 209. Dignam, 431. Digrnan, 383. DiUou, 383 431. Ditson, 318 319. Divine, 384 431. Doane, 319. Dodds, 49 550. Dodge, 49 209 261 550 94 138. Dobertv, 209. Dolphin, 319. Donally, 384 431. Done, 159. Donkersley, 18 122. Donnoley, 550. Donolly, 319. Donovan, 319. Doran, 319 384 431. Dorr, 49. Dorrauce, 49 209 204. Dorsey, 384 431 386. Douglass, 49 319 384 650 551. Douglass, Mass., 19 28 64 124 169 179 INDEX. XVI I 182 187 301 329 Durgan, 209. 580 to 5,s;) 591 to 336 3o7 428 485 Dusnaj), 320. 595. 5-14 ooG. Duxberry, 469. Eaton, ;!20 385 432 Dover, Mass., 202 Duxbury, 3 220 236 250 253 255 257 262 266 269 284. Frenier, 212. Fresco, 434. Fries, 41. Frizzell, 101. Frost, 57 554. Fry, 470. Fiillen, 434. Fuller, 57 58 101 162 212 264 323 434 4 70 471 505 554 31 43 57 81 209 230 242 278 283 294 299. Fullertou, 262. G Gaffuey, 434. Gage, 58 102 388 434 555. Gallaspy, 324. Galligau, 264 434. Galligher. 388. Gammons, 85 140. Gannon, 434 407. •Gardner, 58 162 212 204 324 388 434 471 555 70 141 245 293 315 335 342 358. Gardner, Mass., 94 208. Garfield, 555. Garland, 388 431. Garner, 388. Game}', 212. Garnzey, 505 500 555. Garrelt, 434. Garlland, 388. Garvin, 212. Garzee, 58 162. Garzy, 471. Gaskell. 324 434. (iav, 59 555. Gay lord, 3«8 434. Gay nor, 388. Gearin, 59. (ieer.59. Geerisli, 59 555. Genniugs, 204. George, 471 555. Georgetown, D. C. 43. Gerard, 212. German, 102. Germanv, 278 335 342 344" 348 355 356 358 359 429. Germley, 212. Gerrity", 388. Geriy, 434. Geryt, 38.s. Giblis, 471. Gibson, 59. Gifford, 102 204 324 2S 101. Gilbert, 555. Gilberhart, 212. Gill 555. Gillan, 434. Gillett, 324. GiUigan, 212 204 325 434. Gilliver, 59 253. Gillan, 212. Gillson, 471. Gillmore, 102 325 388. Givnev, 325. Gladding, 59 102 212 205 471 555. Glasby, 325 434, Glasi>ow, Eng., 07 98. Glasgow, Scot., 49 54. Gleason, 212. Gleazen, 59 325. Glocester, K. I., 06 78 80 97 111 124 139 261 267 287 309 313 315 327 to 329 331 332 336 337 339 347 318 349 850 354 360 365. Glover, 471 506 555. Goddard, 355 361. Godfrey, 59 213 325 38fS 434. Goff, 59 60 213 265 325 388 389 434 -555 850 22 139 227 242 209 278. Goffin, 213. Gogguis, 00 213. Golden, 60 550. Goldsbonj, 213. Goldsmith, 60 325. Goodale, 556. Goodall, 550. Goodell, 66 73. Goodcnough, 60 556. GoodfcUow, 3.S9. Goodhue, 60 556. Goodin, 389. Goodspeed, 265. Goodwin, 389 435. Gordon, 213 389 194. Gormlej', 3^i9. Gorrey, 389. Gorton, 00 01 213 205. Goshen. N. Y., 353 308. Goss, 302 311. Goster, 372. Gough, 01 213 389 435. Gould, 01 325 556. Gowdy, 435. Grace Ch.,Prov., 482. Gradwell, 381. Grady, 33 98 127 128. Grafton, 79 105. Grafton, Mass., 38 122 307 327 328 333 336 365. XX INDKN. Graham, 213 32.5 32(; 3is;i 43o. Grant. 01 02 162 213 2(30 32(j 50G oolJ 222 250. Grash, 02. Graves. I'.tS. Gray. 02 163 213 214 265 32(; 388 471 550 270 285. Greeley, 2'.il. Greene", 02 ;rfi3 i(;3 2U 265 206 326 389 435 471 506 556 79 97 107 125 219 247 252 260. Greenham, M.-i-ss . 272. Greenman, 63 163 320. Greenwich, K. I., 453. Greenville, II. I., 58 63 297 349. Greenwocd. 390 471 506 550 510. Greirory, 63 163 206 550. Gridlev, 163 326 390 435. Griffin, 04 190. Griffith, 435. Grimley, 214 390. Grinibhaw, 320 390. Grimwell, 471. Grinnian, 103. Griniiell, 266. Grisv\ol(l, 64 214 326 244. Griswold, Ct., 93 101 157 163. Gross, 04 .5.56. Grossgan, 390. Groton, Ct., 330 366. G rover, 556. Groves, 64 326. Gruber, 327. Grush, 163. Gubby, 390. Guild, 04 214 206 556. Giiny, 390. Gnstapson, .5,50. Guy. 557. Guve, .5.57. H Ilackett, 214 206 300 435 430. Iladdin, 471. Hagtlertv, 430. IIa'ii-4i, 64 214 238. llaii. 143. - Ilaiie, 103. Ilalbursoii, 327. Halo. 214 206 .557. Halifax, N. .S.. 205. Hall. 04 65 163 21.5 266 471 506 5.57 37 46 90 92 99 114 122 123 144 276 278. Haileday, 390. Hallodav, 327. Hailowe'll. 327 390. Hallowell, ,^Ie., 311 345. HallyliurtoM, 05 327 390. Hanibleton 163. Haniell, 218. Hanier, (;5 390 436. Hanies, 390. Haniil, 400. Hamilton, 163 .557. Hamlet. 416. Hamlin, 327. Hammeiland. 471. Hamnion, 557. Haniiuond, 65 215 266 390 4.36 471 506 507 557. Ham|)S()n, 390. Hampton, Ct., 44 68. Hancer, 163. Hand, 390 436. Handv, 65 66 103 215 266 267 557 93 101 235 245 253 285 287 294. Hanley, 0(). Hanna, 68 327. Hannah, 557. Haunej-, 327. Hannigan, 390. Hanser, 215. Hanway, 390. Haiden", 06. Harding, iU] 215 557. Hardwick, Mass., SO* 271 428. Hardy, 390 430. Hargr.aves, 327. Harilla, 286. Harkins, 06 390. Harmon, 391. Harp, 50 07 68 77 78 89 103 127 128 131. HairiMias, 237. Harriman, I56 07 215. Harrington, 07 163^ 215 207 391 436 557. Harris, 67 327 328 557 93 101. Harri-on, 104 215 207 328. Harrison, 31e., 9 16 301 305. Harrv, 471. Hart" 215 328 557 251. Hartford, Ct., 57 76 343. Hartford. Vt., 350. H.artshoni, 328 194. Hartv, 22 80 100 124. Harvey, 104 215 267. Harwick, ^Nfass., 279 313 Sfti 422 426 431 447. Haskell. 07 164 328 557. H.askins, 164 328 391 436 472 557. ' Hasland. 328. Hass, 558. Haswell, 328 391. Hatcli, 164. Hatlield,[ Mass., 421 467. Hathaway, 164 215 267 328 268 269. Hatton, 267. Haugh, 436. Hanson, 67. Havens, 67 215 267 328. Haverhill, Mass., 424. Haverlin, 391. Hawes, 07 164 267 I NDEX. XXI a.i.S. Hawkc, o.')8. Ilavvki'S, 07. Hawkins, 67 164 32.S .■ii>!) 391 43G 558. Ilawoith. 301. Haws, .")58. Ilawson, 30 14-2. Hay, 67 558 349. Hayes, 558. Hays, 215 558. Hay ward, 1(!4 56 62. Hay worth, 329. Hazard, 267 329 558. Hazzaid, 507. Heading, 2.'i9. HeaU'y. 67 68 215 267 .■)91 472 507 558. Healli, 68 267 558 1 5 11 12 20 -It) 28 31 32 33 61 63 68 73 80 86 92 97 98 100 111 120 125 128 129 142 149. Ilein'on, jMass., 48(). . Hebronville, Mass., 470 472 484 531 549. Hector, 507. Heddon, 507 558. Hedley, 68 164 215 267 472 558. Helme, 68 267. HeluK'S, 164. Heiider-son, 558. Hendry, 329. Heneker, N. Y., 28. Heuiker, N. Y., 91. Hennessey, 391 436. Hennigan, 215 223. Henry, 329 436. Hcusliaw, 36 64. Herbert, 68. Henon, 329. Hervey, 558. Hetliington, 282. Hewett, 68 329 391 436 231. Hews, 391 436. Hiekinan. 216. Hicks, 68 164 216 267 329 558 213 265 280. Hidden, 472. Hide, 507. Higgerson, 164. Higgins, 391 436. Hishain, 391 436. Hill, 68 69 164 215 216 267 268 329 391 436 472 507 558 559 2 3 6 7 11 12 15 17 18 19 20 23 24 26 27 29 34 38 39 41 44 45 46 4 9 y.i 56 57 59 61 62 64 67 70 72 73 to 76 78 7 9 83 87 81 91 • 93 9 7 98 102 104 1117 109 112 115 117 to 122 124 1 25 129 130 131 1 .H 135 137 139 14 2 144. H illnuui. 329. 11 ills, 47 2 50 7 559. llineklov, 216 559. Jlindle. 436. Hiiie,83. Hines, 164 r.'.M 436 437. Hix, 216. Hoar, r>5 114. Hockinii', 391. Hodiies', 69 164 268 391 4 72 559 189 247. Hodeson, 268 391. Hogan, 391 437. Hoganson, 252. Hogerson, 216. Hokanson, 472. HoUirook, 69 70 216 329 437 559 12 31 32 43 110. Holden,391 437. Holden, Mass., 174. Holland, 329 330 391 437.' HoUej, 70 216 268. Holliston, Mass., 45 55 306 331 347 47.5. Holmes, 70 164 216 330 472 507 559. Holsleiii, Den., 289. Holt, 70 391 217. Holvolvc, Mass., 22 "140 321 364. Hood, 70 268 330 ;!91 392 437. HooDer, 559 5. Ilooslings, 392 437. IIo[)kins, 70 165 2 It'. 268 330 392 4 37 472 559 109 124. Hopkinton, U. I., 319 366. Iloiley. ."i5'.l. Ilorii, 165. Hon-. 71 165 330 252. Horton, 71 72 165 216 268 350 472 507 5(),S,'),)9 560 14 31 ;17 38 41 44 51 59 61 67 71 78 88 90 98 106 1(»7 119 120 124 127 i;!6- 283. Hough, 330. Houghton, 560 53 100. House, 72 62 136. Hovey, 216. Hovey, 560. How, 165. Howard. 268 330 67 144 225. Howard. Mass., 313 328. Howe, 72 26S. Howes, 72 560. Howland, 72 165 217 268 230 331 472 .■,60 109 124. Ho\le, 217 268. Hovt. 72 73 217 268" ' 269 4 72 508 560- 124. Hoy, 392 437. Hubbard, 331. Hudson, 269 '■'''■M. Hudson, N. Y., 437. Hughes, 73 331 392 437 275 390. Hull, 331. Hume, 165 392. XXII INDEX. Humes, 331 437. 63 73 80 95 100 Jerard. 78 78. lluui|)lii-e\% 73 10.") 217 lin 117 124 133 Jerauld, 78 167 218 2i^\) 472 oO.S 560 134 140 I'l 104 270 333 334 393 77 10;i 218 173 17.S 252 259 438 563 37 1. 28<). 262 260 274 275 Jewell, 474. Hunt. 73 74 IG.') 217 277 282 287 291 Jewett, 167. •>iV.> ;f31 302 437 297 298 299 300 Jillson, 107 334 393 472 473 508 509 301 302 306 307 438 563. .')(;() .561 6 7 11 309 to 312 31 5 to Jilson, 510. 14 38 44 50 52 317 319 322 324 Jirard, 218 103 73 77 84 104 134 325 327 to 329 Johnson, 78 79 167 141 191 1117 253 331 to 3.34 339 to 219 270 334 393 2(;.S 291 4S7. 344 340 349 351 438 474 510 563 HunU'i-, 3'.I2 530 352 355 356 300 564 36 47 97 572. 361 302 305 306 141 144 197 198 Hiuiti-oss,74 Kill. 422 424 to 456. 210 226 262. Hiise, 3'.) 2. Irons, 393. Johnston, K. I.. ■> 15 Huston, 31)2. Irving. 332 393. 24 40 41 48 87 Hutpliiiins, 5(il. 91 92 104 109 HiitL-hins. 160 26'.» 473 J 122 124 253 254 561. 259 203 302 304 Hiitcliiiison, 74 331 .lack. 562 503. 307 315 310 318 5C1. Jaekerson, 393. 321 326 327 329 Hiilson, 5C1. .Jackson, 218 270 332 331 339 340 346 Hulton, 106. 393 438. 347 361 362 364 Hyde, 331 392 438 Jacob, 510. 367 534 540 575 473. .Jacobs, 70 77 1C6 5«4. Hyde Park, Mass., 469 218 270 274 510 Jones, 79 167 271 334 470. V 563 93 115 230 394 564 2 32 Hyhmd, 393 438. 273 280 281. 44 110 231 240 Hvmcs, 331. Jacoy, 77. 268 334. Hyndiiioiid, 332. Jakeways, 332. Jonson. 564. James, 332 563. Jordan, 79 219 271 1 Jameson, 25 69 127 334 335 394 474 139. 510 564 26 100. "4 76 106 217 Jamestown, U. 1., 268. Joslin. 79 271 335 510 218 269 270 473 Janitzey, 561. 564. 474 509 510 661 Jaquies. 332. Joy, 564. 562 41 111 126 Jarvidsky, 218. Joyce, 394. 195 196 213 214 Jayne, 77 166 167 270 Judkins, 79 219 271 219 220 242 246 67 77. 564. 260 205 281 284 J.iynes, 218. Justin, 474. 291 293. Jefferson, 510. Iliffee, 270. Jeffers, 333 393 432. K Illinois, 477. Jenclves, 77 218 270 Ingalls, 270. 333 393 438 563 Kaife. 394. Ingoldsl)y, 502. 191 250. Kanagan, 79. Jugialiain, 76 160 332 Jencks, 510. Kane, 271. 393 438 474 510 Jeuuej-, 510. Kauney, 438. 562. Jennie 503. Kaough, 394 439. Tnman, 100 393. Jennings, 78 270 333 Kavanaugb, 394 260. Iowa, 473. 393 438 563. Kavannock, 439. Ireland, 2 4 23 2 1 31 Jenkings, 401. Kav. 79 80 335. 32 33 46 50 51 Jephcrsou, 107. Keach, 80 271 564 INDKX. XXIII 69 80. Keath, 210 210 2G7. Kuefo, 219 :59-l 439 401. Kcoiie, ;'ilJ4. Kecne, >;. H.. 282. Koeiior, KO 5ti4. Kehoe, 394 439. Keith, 107 394 3 49. Kelliy, 439. Keller, 33.'). Kellev, 80 107 219 271 335 394 4 3y 474 505 41 392 428 434. Kellexliaiie, 394. Kellion, 39 4. Kelkeimev. Ire , 447. KelUiu, 219 335 474 510 505. Kendall. 394. Kendiick. 474 5G5. Kemian, 394 395 439. Kenneeutt, 80 240. Keiiuedv, 81 395 565 "•205. Kenriek, 665. Kent. 81 82 167 168 219 220 271 272 335 336 395 439 474 475 510 511 565 560 74 139 201 218 223 230 255 259 2.S2 326 330. Kenvon, 82 16.^^ 395 "500. Kerby, Mass., Kern, 220. Kerns, 500. Kerr, 439. Kier, 439. Killinly, Ct., 58 06 254 462 471. Kilmany, 395. Kimball, 82 168 566 58 66 376. King, 82 220 272 336 566 5 7 15 17 31 40 45 47 52 70 71 74 76 88 91 97 99 102 125 130 133 136 143 220. Kingsbury. 330 395. Kingble_(-, 272. Kingston, Muss., 82 ^302 335. Kingston, K. I., 47 "313 369 550 590. Kinney, 272 206. Kinneeiilt. 4 75. Kinslev, 82. Kirk, 330 395 439. Kirkpalrick, 395. Knapp, S2 .S3 108 220 •.'72 330 395 500 70 141 149 173 •2('<>^. Knislit, 83 220 221 "272 336 395 439 500. Knowlcs, 10)8. Knowltoii, 83 330. Kiiox. 511 500. Kunira, 395. Kii|)fer, 83 506. Laaton, 336. Lace, 221. Lackie, 395. Ladreui, 83. Lafferly, 439. Labiff, 221. Lake, 83 84 168 221 272 330 475 506 201 212 225 237 275 402. Lakeman, 440. Lamb, 336. Lambert, 337. Lanibtown, Mass., 482. Lancashire, Kng., 12 04 111 120. Lancaster, N. IL, 104 185. Landliolm, Scot., 284. Lane, 84 221 272 337 395 440 475 511 507 97 125. Langersville, 272. Langley, 84 85 567 293. Lannigan, 440. Lanster, 221. Laphani, 85 567. Larimer, 19 36. Lai kin, 85 395. Larrabee, 278. Larson. 5i;7 79. La?comb, fS5. Lathe. .S5 193. Lausen, 234. Lawrence, 108 395 440 507 53 100 192. Lawrence, Mass.. 30S 432 5 SO 585. Lawrene, S5. Lawson, 395 396 4 75. Lawton, 85 168 109 221 273 337 440 475 567 221 242 351 385. Leach. 85 221 337 396 440 151. Leaudo, 212. lA'ach, 273. Leckie, 337. LeClais, 567. Lcddy, 396. Ledoitt, 507. Lcdvard, 85 390. Lee," 85 86 169 221 273 337 390 440^ 475 511 567 • 223 208 403. Lefavonr, 169 337 896 440. Leged, 396. Legg, 337 390 ^ Leicester, N. IL, ■)-■■ 358 579. Leigh, 567. Leighlon, 80. Lelaclier, 273. Lelachew. 22 K Leland, 337. Lennon, 396 440. Lenton, 337. Leonard, 86 109 221 222 273 337 390 440 475 611 507 6 87 103 207. Leonardson, 169. LeValley, 338 440. Lever, 440. Lewin, 338 390 440. XXIV INDKX. Lewis. >si; '^7 li!',) 2i'2 •273 338 39fi 440 47.J 470 567 7 34 83 l()-2 104 1-20 •2'.K'i 401. Lewiston, 'Shu i'tl. Lcxiiin'toii. JMass.. 3;) 4. Lilli'V. •'^7. Lillibridgo, 222 273. Lime, Cl.. 307 338. Lime. N. H., 20 38 .50 115 478 537. LiiK'olii, 87 IGlt 222 273 47(5 5(57. Liupolii, R. L, 15 9',) 128 iL'i) 279 oGy 570 57(1 583 595. Liiulley, 397 47(5 511 5(i7. Lindow, 5(17. Liiulmth, 222. Liiidsi'V, 87 338 476 512 :<{\A. Liiid.sti:itl, 568. Liiidotioin, 568. Linn, 397. Linton, 338. Lion, 512. Lip|)itL, 568. Lisbon. N. IL, 175 186. LitUe, 397 440. Little Coniploii, I\. L, 62 119 265 299 308 312 361 454. Livint^stone, 338 412. Livsev, 87 222 338. Lock," 169 111 230 237 259 378. Loclvlin, 396 440. Loekwood, 121. London, Eng., 327 348. Lonjr, 3;i(;. Longfellow, 222. Lono- Island, 11 26. Lonsdale, 396. Lonsdale, K. I., 320 330 334 348 489. Lord, 87 169 338 396 397 441. Lorinier, 116 125. Loiing, 568. Lothiop. 87 169 222 273 568. Lott, 339. Loniili, 397. Lousiliran, 55. Lonisann.i, 450. Love, 568 194. Lovcgiove. 1(19 170. Lover, 512. Lovett, 568. Low, 273 512 568 2X9. Lowe. 512. Lowell, Mass., 167 170 273 321 317 452. Lowry, 397 315. Loyd, 568. Luee, 411 r.2 ins. Lucklaud, 512. Lucy, 339. L inn 1 laid, 222. Lnndberv, 568. Liinden, 568. Liindslreets, 273. Luther, 87 88 222 273 274 397 441 568 34 35 103 123 253 265 266 267 285 289 333 427. Luther's Corner. INLiss., 467 473 478 479 482 487. Lynch, 222 274. Lyndlcy, 397. Lyndon, Vt., 53 105 119 131 439 552 559 590 591. Lynn, 397. Lyun, Mas.s., 160 162 169 180 306 313 350 432 440. Lynnlicld, INIass., 114. Lyon, 88 89 170 222 274 397 441 476 512 568 25 130 198 200 255 281. M Macarty, 568. aiaccarty, 512. Mace well, 4 76. Mackfarlane, 476. Maekfarling, 512. .Maekle, 397 441. Maeknarney. 476. .Maconiber. SO 274. .Macy, 476. Madigan, 569. Magee, 397 441. Maguire, 262. Maher, 89 274 397. ^LUionev, 274 199 21.j'. JIaine, 222. Maine. 60 86 98 110 145 247 278 249 325 327 345 353 354 355 362 364 425 432 437 449 452 457. Mair, 569. Maker, 170 339. Maknarnev, 4 76. :\lajor, 339. Maleoinbe, 397. JLdden, Mass., 487. Mallarkey, 397. Malon, 397. Malon,N. Y.,548 592. Malone, 397 441 455. Maloney, 397. Maloy, 274. INLinchester, 2(>7 274. Manchester, Eng., 1 il 126 310 252 271 329 337 351 421. Manchester, N. IL, 177 178 301 306 311 445. Alann, 339 569. .Manning, 170 222 397 476 569. Mansfield, 569. iNIansfield, Mass., 31 70 110 141 149 157 164 169 173 175 179 182 184 187 270 298 299 319 327 340 355 367 368 549 595. Manual, 170. Manville, R. I., 54 123. Marble, 170 274. INDKX. XXV ]Marlilelieail, Mass., 5:i 116 20.) 4 IS. Marcliiuit, 89 170 33',l 397 441 .■iC.) 30.S 324 42.') 4.')3. Jlaiey, 89. Miwi. 397. Manlsilcii, 170 248. INIarisli, 89. Maiklmm. 441. Mar-sden, 397. Marsh, 170 274 397 i)t>9. Marshall. 339 398 441. Martin, 89 90 170 171 223 274 339 310 398 441 442 470 .512 5»;9 17 101 191 201 207 2:>7 272 280 33.i 3^8. Martlia's Vineyard, Mass., -298 441. Manland, 343 3a3. Mason, 90 91 171 223 274 275 340 398 442 476 .512 ;J69 .570 58 117 202. 250 258 284 292 301 305 310 311 315 321 344 352 357 3'''9. Massachusetts, 248 256 257 2G5 267 329 335 338. Massie, 340 398 442 389. Maten, 340. Matlier, 223. Malhewson, 91 92 223 275 340 398 442 570 191. Maltapoisctt, ]Mass., 272. Matteson, 275 340 398 476 513 570. Matthews, 38 92 398 442 476 513 570 3 5 9 11 14 22 28 34 37 38 40 43 44 50 60 63 69 72 76 77 80 84 85 86 90 92 96 98 100 106 109 110 113 115 120 129 138 l.';9 140 .■103 313 391. MaUiiiolv, 92. Maudeley. 898. Maiiran, 570. Maxov, 340 398 476. Maxer, 284. Maxlicld. 171. Maxwell, 171 340 513 570. Mav. 340 476. Mayall. 476. Maye, 476. Mayo, 513. McAboy, 223. .McAdanis, 223. McAlduff, 398 44 2. McAlice, 399 442. IMeAloon, 4 42. IMcAlroy, 275 44 2. MeAlvev. 399. MeAnnllev. 399 442 443. " .McAiialty, 399 413. McAiuuney. 171. McAnna, 399. BIcAroon. 399. McAvey, 399 443. McCabe, 399 443 213 244. MeCaffiey, 224. JMeCagh, 443. MeCallan, 341 4 1:'.. iMeCalluii), 340. MeCann, 341 399. MeCaiina, 399 443. McCunor, 275. McCain, 223. McCarne, 399. I McCarney, 399 . 1 McCartney, 341. McCavtv, 223 4 77 97 141. MeCathlin, 399. MeCuughey, 400 443 McCay, 400. McChav, 400. McClaj', 443. McCloiid, 570. McColt, 400. McCormick, 341 400 443 399. McCoit, 400 443. McCoy, 223 400. MeCreedy. 311. JMeC'iiuii, •".4 1. McCudden. 4 00. McCne, 400 443. MeCiien, 341 443. MeCuin, 400. I\[cCulU-n, 413. McCni-dv, 341 400. McCiibker, 223. McDonald, 92 223 275 341 400 443 444 570 229. McDononali, 222. McDowelf, 341. ;\IeI)uff, 400 444. JIcHune. 400. McKli-ov, 400 444. McFadden, 341. McFarland, 421. McFarlane, 401. McGaffev, 4.-.9. :\Ic(;air." 401 444. Mc(;inn. 401. McOinnis, 92 223 401 4 44 570. McCinnitv, 401 444. McGirr, 401 444. McGloan, 401 444. McGlow, 401. McGoff, 401 444. McGoon. 401. McGoujih, 401. McGonrlie, 223. McGovern. 33 78. McGow, 402. McGowan, 40 1 402 444 397. I\[cGratli, 402 444. McGiasser. 4o2. McGreegin, 402. McGregor, .53 72. McGue, 402 444. McGuiie, 92 223 275 402 445 256 ;!84. McGury, 224 275. Mc(4win, 445. Mcllrov, 445. McTnally, 402. Mclntire, 342 402 445 386 415. Mcintosh, 224 342 402 445. McKay, 402 445. XXVI INDEX. JMcTvelva, 402 445. 31c'Keii;iii, 44.3. McKcnna, 224 402 273. McKeimey, 02 402. McKt'iisie, I;'),') l~6. McKeon. 93 570. McKenirtii, 402. :\rcKitik-y. 402 445. WeKitow, 402. McKooii, 171 224. McLaiie, '.»3 171 224 570. McLiirlin, 403. McLarnc-y. 403. McLaughlin, 275 403 445. McLean, 171 403. McLcar, 403 445. McLcH'S. 403 445. McLeitli, 445. McLooii, 403 445. McLoiul, 403. McLougisli, 93. McLoy, 403 445. McALilian, 275. McMalion, 342 403 44G. McMann, 403 446. McMaiiuiug, 403. McMuimiis, 224 403 223. Mc.^Ielloii, 93 224 275 570. McNabb, 403 446. McXally, 403 446 570. McNiiliv, 275 403 404 446. McNiiU, ;;42 404. MePailin. 4()4 446. Mc(^ia(lc, 404 446. Mc<5neii, 404. Mc< Question, 342 44 6 MccJiK'Ston, 404. ]\Ic 594. Meggctt, 404. i\Icluiraii, 95. :Meiekle. 404. Meiszs, 342. Bleller, 404. Melov, 446. Melrose, Mass., 51 98. Melville. 342. Meiiilon. Mass., 15 46 51 115 116 148 170 181 184 258 2'i7 303 311 313 337 339 423 571 593. Menluini, 404. Meiikies, 446. Meraiie, 95. Merc?i-, 192. Meikiiieriii, 342. Meirell, 95 342 343 477 571 68. Meniam, 96 134. Merrieh, 172. Merrick, 404. Merry, 95 172 343 .^71. Metcair, 343 404 446. Methodist Ch., Piuvt., 467. Jlethodist Kiiis. Ch., Piov., 4S4. Methodist, Prov., 476. Mickle, 343. Middlelwro, ifass., 154 175 304 333 430 449 536 574. Middlebury, Vt., 326 330. Middletoii, Ire , 70 143. Middletown. C'c, 30l' 312 315. Middletown, R. I., 265. Milburv. Mass., 87 142. Milford, Mass., 151 303 313. Millard, 4 77. MiUekiii, 95 225 226. Miller, 95 96 97 172 225 226 276 277 343 404 446 477 513 571 37 11» 197 199 209 210 234 249 253 254 257 268 276 280 282 2S7 292 372 373 47S 537 574. Millerd, 97 172 226 277 343 571 268. Mills, 405 44(5. Milton. N. H., 70 132. Minnie, 97. Miner, 239. Minor. 97 344 4ii5. Mitchell, 98 173 344 22 78 103 124. Moley, 405. Molten, 477. Mouaban, 446. Monarch, 344. Monell, 341. Monson, 277 277. Monson, M.ass., 440. Montpelier, Vt., 7 102. Montague, Mass., [68 lib. Moonev, 277 344 405 446 205 275.' 1 Moore, 226 277 405 477 571. Moosup, Ct., 78 103 152 168 169 179. More, 405. Morelock, 173. Morgan, 98 277 571. Moriaitv, 405 446 406. Morning, 98 571. ilorris, 405. Morrison, 173 405 446- 571 228. Morrow, 277 344 1NI>KX. XXVU •223. Morse, 173 -i^G 277 344 572 49 67. Mortou, 344 34. Moses, 40.5 44 6. Moslier, 572. Moshey, 1)8. Mott, ";i8. Moullon, 98^226 477. Mount Kpliraun, M.1SS., 543 595. I Mount Vernon, Me., 68 97. ]\Io\vrey, 226. Mowi-v, 405 446 447 572 9 19 267. Mulclmhey, 298 303. IMulduon, 447 386. JMnlliolland, 405. Mullen, 98. MulligUan, 344 405. Mnnay, 277. Munvo, 98 99 173 22(; 227 277 278 477 .'-172 11 15 91 :i>c I'.il -2:.':). PahiKT. 17."i ■>■>'.) 27;) 40.S 4^.s .".14. Palmer's Kiver, 4.s3. Pul.sey- o47. Paiiier, 514. Pardee, 103 22'J 280. Paiics, 17.5. Paris, 22!) 2S0. Paris, Fiance, 317 34(J. Palish, 22y .574. Paik. 103 347 574. Parker. 103 175 221) 347 408 448 478 102 21i; 242 278 3. VS. Paikhill, 34 7. Paikiusoii, 22'.) lO.S. Park Place, PawUickct. 4(;2 4(;(; 4i;;) 471 475. Parks, 34 7. Parinelco. 22'.1. Parmeiiler, 175 347 4i).s. Pariucker. Passmore, 373. Patron, 103. Pat!,toi'.e, 438. Patt, 103 348 408 448. Patien, 40.8. Patterson, 103 229 28u 348 478 574. Patterson, X. J., 305 313 314. Patton, 348. Panl, 478. PaiiU, 1(13 221) 2-SO. Pawcatnck, Ct., 125. Pawtiicket, Mass. and K. 1... 2 4 8 1) 10 I 1 to 19 23 to 27 30 32 34 30 37 39 40 41 42 40 to 49 52 53 54 .56 57 59 61 62 (54 68 to 74 76 77 79 81 82 84 to 87 89 91 92 93 95 to 100 108 110 to 114 117 120 to 137 140 141 143 144 148 to 159 161 163 165 to 169 171 177 179 1^1 ]s:', to 1.S6 252 255 256 258 260 2(;7 280 2S1 2.S3 2.S6 292 297 to 457 459 462 463 4(;4 46.S 470 475 470 478 483 481 480 488 530 to 533 535 538 540 541 544 to 54 7 550 551 5.52 ^t^i') 550 .157 558 559 50:i to 5S6 5«9 591 to 595. Pantuxct. R. 1.. 14 53 93 303 :!20 328 342 4 50. Payne, 36 25.S. Pavlon. 348. Peabodv, 280 514 -j:,:). Pearee,'l03 104 175 229 280 2^81 348 448 478 574 2 3 7 8 U) 12 to 16 19 21 22 23 24 26 29 35 36 39 to 42 45 to 49 52 55 56 58 to 61 05 68 71 72 74 75 77 78 79 85 lo 91 93 94 95 98 99 103 to 1 10 113 110 118 121 123 128 129 130 132 135 I. ".8 140 14 4 170 172 241 257 305 331. Pearsfc, 478 514. Pcaselev, 285. Peck, "104 107 175 176 229 230 231 281 34S 448 4 78 479 514 515 574 to 570 28 107 126 l;!3 191 193 196 211 212 224 225 229 230 231 233 236 248 255 267 273 275 276 281 284 "286 290 302 311 320 338 358 359 363. Peckhani, 108 176 231 281 579 291. Peer, lO.s. Peevev, 231. Pesigy, 570. iWrc'c, 108 170 177 231 2.S1 34 9 40.^ 448 57l) 54 72 88 121 145 193 •202 205 230 274. Pennington, 349. Peiinsvlvania, 274 31.s 343 340 353 307 424. Peoples. 408 449. Peoria. 111.. 27 8. Percival, 231. Perliaiii. 349. Periu, 5 1 5. Pel kins. lO.S 1(9 251 281 .•!49 441'. Perm Intel. 2.S1. Pero, 5i5 570. Pcrren, 109 177 232 282 349 408 449 479 515 516 57(; 577 220 271312 353. Perry, 109 110 177 232 282 o49 350 408 449 479 510 577 32 40 41 135 237 241 292. Person, 577. Perear, 35(1. Perver, 408. Peter. 516. Petersliain, Mass., 429. Peterson, 110 232 2.S2 5i(;. Peltes. 110 233 282 577 238 471., Pettingill, 259. Plieli>s^ 350. Phenix, K. I., 33 41 78 111 582 595. Phetteplace, 350 408. Philadelphia, Pa., 257 305 318 333 387 338 343 422. Phillips, ilO 177 282 350 408 449 577 16 91. Phiniipy, 177 350 217 181. Pickett, 282. XXX INDEX. I'ictou, N. S.. 40 44 '.):i •2.')9. Piiti^e, 1 10 .")7T. Piersoii. 110. Pike, lli» 'WT. Pilgrim Cli., Worcts- ter, Mass., 470. Pilling. 400 440. Piml>li.'y, 395. Pinger,''400. Piiiidiain, 350. Pinuegt^r, 177. Pirogo, 110. Pitclicr, 110 177 351 400 440 577 332. Pitmiiii 11 80 So 131 334. Portsmouth. N 110 -207 II.. (;3 94 f)56. Poitsiiioiilli. 3t 101 164 178 Potter. 1 1 1 282 351 480 577 2 3 7 8 10 12 14 15 18 20 to 24 26 to 29 33 34 35 41 to 59 65 to 69 73 to 81 83 87 to 90 93 95 08 101 to 104 111 113 116 118 119 121 123 124 125 128 to 135 137 139 142 144. Pillslmrg, Pa., 469. PittsficW, Mc, 51 59. Pittsley, 111 177 449 577. Piatt, 409 419. Phiinlield, Ct., 155 157 160 163 165 169 173 179 1.S2 184 311 322. Pleasant View, R. I., 551 574. Pliun, 479. PliiuKett, 400. Plvniouth, 488. Poland, 111. Poland S|irings, Me., 47 133. Pollard, 3r)l 400 449. Pollitt, 111. Polsey, 282. Pouifrel. Ct., 46 71 331 317 437 487. Pond. 282. Ponsonby, 440. Poore, 177. Porter, 440 104. Portland, Me., 47 69 27.S R. I. 153 261 177 400 9 36 i30 156 267. 233 449 10 15 16 23 32 33 34 39 41 43 47 48 50 54 58 59 to 62 67 70 to 73 75 77 78 81 83 8,1 87 89 92 95 100 101 104 112 118 126 i;!,i no 250 113 121 1 2.S 116 to 129 117 124 134 2'\-2. Power?, 177. Pratt, 111 177 178 282 351 409 449 4')0 578 m; 80 252 281). Prendersiast, 251. Prentice, 233 282 283 480 578. Preston, 351 578. Preston, Ct.. 577. Prew, 233. Price, 351. i Priest, 3.-)l. Prince, 578. Pritcliard, Prospect, Me., 326 j 338. Pronty. 516. Providence. R. I.. 2 to 37 40 to 64 67 to 78 80 84 to 88 1 to 105 107 to 121 123 to 131 133 134 136 138 to 143 145 147 to 188 211 236 237 247 to 249 253 to 268 273 276 277 279' to 288 291 to 294 297 to 368 421 425 428 430 to 435 438 440 442 443 445 449 451 to 451 456 460 477 529 to 595. Prndonce Isle, 33 125. Prussia, 359 362. Pullen, 351 409 480 516 517. Pulling, 112 578. Pulsou, 578. Puriuston, 178 197 249. Putnam, 112. Putnam, Ct., 552 595. Q ■ (iuiduock, R. I., 22 124. tiniuiby. 112 273. (juiney. Mass (^linn", 409 375. 440. 450 R Radcloft Radl.)tT, 283 578 Radlopl 112 1 78 233 351 352 409 245. 294. Raffcrtv, 410. Ramans, 112 578. Ramsbothara, 410 4.50 678. Ramsdell, 233. Ramsey, 352. Rand, 112 578. Rand.iU, 112 178 578. Randolph. 50 134. Randolph, Mass. 107. Randolph, Vt., 47 Ranger, 578. Rannev. 678. Raneff", 678. Rathbun, 410. Rawson, 178 578. Ray, 480. Raymond, 233 410. Raynham, Jlass., 123 135 140 436 443 648 587. Read, 112 113 114 178 233 234 283 284 362 353 410 450 410 9. INDi;X. XXXI 481 ol7 ol.S 519 578 579 580 189 190 200 ■205 213 225 239 247 248 250 252 200 289 299 to 302 304 307 to 306. Header, 580. Ready. 450. Roardoii, Kedaway, 24 241. Kedilina,-. 234. Keed, 4^S1. Reeder, 353. Regan, 178. Reiiobotli, Mass., 2 to 5 7 to 14 17 to 22 24 27 to 29 32 to 35 37 38 40 to 44 47 49 50 50 to 03 05 to 190 209 237 212 248 to 299 302 to 300 312 314 324 325 328 330 332 335 to 357 301 303 307 309 424 427 431 433 438 440 to 442 451 4 08 409 482. Reid, 48!. Reily, 214. Reiiiiiiston, 114 178 234 284 519 580 1 31 32 33 38 43 47 51 57 69 70 73 82 83 86 88 97 98 100 110 120 127 128 133 143. Renoff, 481 519 580. Renoiigh. 580. Reve, 353. Rex, 410. Rexfoid, Mass., 70 135. Reynolds, 114 115 234 ■ 284 353 410 481 519 580 243 203. Rhodes, 115 353 410 450 581 224 228. Rhode Island, 3 4 11 10 25 30 31 30 43 47 48 49 03 64 00 07 09 78 83 97 103 111 no 118 133 152 150 157 108 182 247 251 254 256 258 259 202 203 265 266 209 to 274 270 280 to 282 284 L'.s5 287 to 289 2;i2 to 294 303 310 317 320 330 351 f434 439 449 557 583 587 591. Rice, 115 178 234 284 353 410 5H1 152 108 200 278. Rich. 115 234 2.s4 12 14 42 85., 179 353 410 481 581. Ricbaidson, 115 179 234 353 354 410 450 519 581. Richer, 115 581. Richmond, 110 179 581 289. Kichmond, X. C, 32 52. Richinonil, X. II., 78. Richnioi;(l, 1\. I., 337 344. Richmond, Ya., 287. Rieker, 354. Rider. 110 581. Right, 481. Rigler, 53 100. Rieley, 234. Uilcy, 179 284 410 411 450 481 581 260 302 400 401. Ripley, 110 231. Risley, 40 135. Ritter, 411 450. River Point, K. I., 92 111. Rivers, 284. Riverside, R. [., 501 566. Roach, 213. Roame, 581. Kohardson, 581 . Rolibins, 110. Robertson. 110 681. Robert. 234. Roberts, 179 284 354 411. Robertson, 110. Robins. 110. Robinson, 110 179 235 284 354 411 450 481 482 519 520 581 221 251 272 475. Robiey, 235. Rochester. Mass., 254 318 319 325 303 422. Rocheslir, X. Y.. 319 330. Rcickford, 111 , 533 54-1. Rockland, Mass., 507 572. Rodgers, 451. Rodman, 451 351358, Rogers, 235 284 411 482. Rogerson, 411 520 581. Roggcrs. 179. Roil, 110. Rollinson. 411. Rooks, 110 2J5. Rosa, 5»2. Rose, 117 354 320. Ross, 117 235 284 520 581 582 38 49, 281 334 318. Roston, 411. Rotlnvell, 411 451. Rounds, 117 1T9 235- 284 354 355 482 520 582 2 22 32 42 50 04 74 86' 102 100 126 141 219 249. Rowand, 235 284 582.. Rowland, 482 520 582. Rowley, 117 5.s2. Rowley, Mass., 558 582. Roxbur}', Mass., 14 no" 533 543 578 581. Rude, 117 582. Rugg, 30 120. XXXII IKUKN. Hiinifortl. K. 1., '>''0 .").■);( .")(U .")74. Kiiiniii'V. X- 11- 'i-'*' acl;. liiissrii. 117 it;) »■<:> -ill l.'.l .">.S2. l!, ll.S l^'O 235 2.S4" 355 412 451 521 5S2 425. Sali>i'Miry, X. II., 45(;. S.-ilsl)nry, 11^. .Sample, 355. .Sampson, 5S2. Sandoiland, 240. Saniters, 1 l« 180 582 63 214 254. Sanilci'son, 412 451. Sandwich, Mass., 1 85 lO:) 110 135 137 15'.) 101 108 177 "17'.) 20'.l 282 2',)2 320 345 42.S. Sanford, 118 23.5 285 451. Sanford, Me., 47 144. San_<>LT. \7k !>*(•. Santa C'rnz. W. I.. 12 04. Sattesail, 412. Sangas, INIass., 284. Saiii>:eitn'?, K. Y., 23. Sanndcrs, .■)55 412 451 lO.s. Savaiie. 1 l'"^ 4 12 582. Savoi'v, l'-. Sawyer, lis 4 51 483 582. Saver. 118. Savle.s, 180 2.!5 355. Scales, 355. Sehaller, 355. Seimieder, 412. Seholze, 35(i. School 412. Seliwai). 350>. Sciinester, 235. Scilnale. R. I., 04 72 280 318 3:!7 351 35fS 350 300 300 433 441). Scotlan.l, 103 116 2.s3 208 20'J 3112 303 31)0 .'ilO ;'.12 313 :!14 31i; 317 320 ;;;!i :!30 337 .".38 ;.41 344 to 347 35 4 358 350 302 .305 308 4 23 438 439 44;! 415 440 553. Scott. IIS 2.S5 .350 412 451 582 583 205 434. Scranlon, 58,'i. Scrii.ner, 285. Scullian, 451. Scullion, 112. Searing. 307. Searl, 350. Sears, 118 2S5 350 412 451 583. Sedwick, Me., 03. Soeconnett, 452. Seekonk. Mass., 1 to 290 200 301 302 304 to 314 317 321 323 to 327 3.32 333 335 to 337 .340 343 345 ."4 351 to 353 350 .357 301 304 lo 308 412 421 422 4 23 427 433 4:'iO 4.".'.! 44(1 444 14S to 450 4 52 453 455. .Seek'V, ;>50. Serrall. 180. .Sessons, 250. Sever, 180. .Sevey, 35(5. SeviiK.iir, 235 285 74. Shannon. 4 12 451 . Sliar[), 58:!. Siiares, ISO. Sharon. Mass , 209 510 570. Shaw. lis ISO 235 2S5 4s;! 5s;!. Shea, 350. Shed, ISO 2S5. Shehl-^. 4 12. Sheldon. 1 I'.i 230 285 350 412 451 452 483 521 583 ■2r>(i. Shelley. 412. Sheney. 452. Shepardsoii, 180 201. Sheplierd, 230 356 521. Shepherdson, 23() 350 483 521 583 2'.i4 . Sherhonriie, 73> 250. .Sherlioniiie, Mass., 129. Sheridan, 483 223. Sherninii, 110 180 236 285 356 412 452 483 583 10 20 37 252. Sherrion. 61 110. Sherry, 452 5*21. Shields, 350. Shine, 236. Sholtz, 285. Shores, 583 209. Shorey. 110 180 236 285 356 452 483 521 583 232 ]NDKX. XXXIll ■>:u 4 75. Short. II'J 1-20 1>;3C :^.So 2.SC. 3.")6 412 4o2 o83 1.03 I5G ■2.50 2,01 281 SlioUzs, 236. Shove, 23(; 28(j 357 412 413. Shoves, 083. SUovL'lon, 236. Shi'i'wsbiuy. Mass., .53'.> .54 8. Shync, 28(5. Sililey, 120 .183. Sidcl)Ollo:n, 367. Silva, 2o(;. Silvia, 2Ui 240. Simmons, 120 180 181 237 280 3.i7 413 11) 72 li)8 360 3.SI). Smilii. R. I.. 302. Smilhtiihl, K. 1.. ,5 6 8 10 11 2.'3 27 33 36 54 56 58 511 63 68 73 80 84 87 88 1)5 110 119 122 452 231. Simpson, 237 Siiicr, 683. Siokey, 1«1. Sissoii, 121 583 7 7 2.S6 357. 181 103 237 212 Skees, 413. Skinner, 181 286 357 452. Slack, 181 483 584 207. Slade, 121 181 286 357 413 452 684 72 132 372 422. Slater, 413. Shivan, 413. Slaveu, 584. Slocum 121 181 237 357 413 452 584 194 262 276. Small. 121 181. Smalley, 122 584 28*6. Smart, 122 237 286 413 584. .Smith. 122 123 237 286 287 358 483 584 107 244 181 357 413 452 453 484 521 522 585 38 64 211 218 226 263 287 290 2 3 23 41 62 82 103 123 141 150 166 182 259 297 308 to 355 365 427 432 43.-. 437 445 44 7 449 456 532 to 536 538 546 549 550 552 560 565 568 681 583 585 594. 128 147 154 177 185 287 304 321 34 6 360 421 131 148 to to 1S7 290 306 324 to to 423 124 143 151 174 184 280 t(.> to 343 358 369 428 438 452 534 547 554 670 689 Sneeman, 585. Snell, 123 181 413. Snider, 359. Snow, 123 414 453 585 128143261 271. Soloman, 123 181 585. Somers, C't., 167 184 441. Somerset, jMa'^s., 10 34 61 62 72 108 140 144 162 169 249 250 252 273 306 353. Sonle, 181 196. Sonsa, 237. South Attlelioro, 567. South Carolina, 19 145. South Dennis, 447 559 583. Southerland, 359 414 453. Soulhey, 585. South Kingstown, R. I., 4f 69 88 106 111 H 1 259 284 291 293 313 324 329 344 356 362 .•168. South Port, Ct., 4 4 6. South Providence, R. I., 98 124. South Wareham,]Mass., 77 103. South AVindhani, Ct., 37 137. South Wrenlhaui, ]\Iass., 69 108. South Yarmouth, IMass.. 316 351 441 451. Spauklin<>-, 12;i 182 585. Spears, 359. Spencer, 1H2 359. S[)encer, Mass., 315 369. Spink, 41 i;9 102 111 134. Spinne\', 585. Splane, 237. Spooner, 182 453. Sprague, 369 414 453. Spraker, 182. Spiin^tield, 111, 301 3'63. Sprinsfield, Mass., 17 63 79 82 321 349 359 360 362 364 422. Springfield, \'t., 305 337. Slack, 359. Stackev, 414. Stafford, 123 .■'.59 414 585 475. Stall, 414. Standish, Me., 3-17 364. Stanley. 123 4.53 484 585. Stanton, 123 585. Staples, 123 124 359 414 585. Starkey. 359. Starkweather, 124 182 .369 414 453 484. Steed, 414 453. Steere, 124 237 287 XXXIV INDKX. SCO. 327. Steiiibriek, 12-i. Stratum, 238 484 '.22. SteiiiuK'tz, \2i. Street, 414 269 Stoplieiis, 124 182 237 Streeter, 238 484 522 ;3f;0 414 5H.j 221 5SG. 271 44S. Strett, 287. Sleplieiison, 124 1^2 Stroniberg, 586. oGO O.S."). Stroiiii, 3^60 21 251 Slorlov, 3(;0. 321 34 7. Sterliiio-, Ct., G9 102 Strong, Me., 324 337. IJG i:>S 165 180 Stnait, 238. 2G8 3G5 oG8 n.")i) Stnbhs, 453. o73. Sliidlev, 125 287 414 Stcnies, 58,'). 4.Vj 11 91. Stetson, 4y3. Stnrbridsie, Mai^s , -2 Stevens, 182 237 29 440. 2^6 318 LSI) 1.S2 1.S5 l.s.s 247 248 249 256 2G2 264 272 273 274 280 288 289 291 292 294 308 324 333 338 350 354 367 368 421 426 427 437 440 448 452 453 487 529 532 546 .549 556 558 560 561 568 573 578 584 592. Swarb, 414. Swartz, 454. Swaze.v, 414 454. Sweadson. 232. Sweet, 126 182 238 288 360 361 414 454 586 202 304 362. Sweeting, 484 522 586. Sweetlaiul, 182 183 361 414 415 586. Swedrn, 41 67 78 79 97 148 178 273 277 288 289 319 334. Swift, 126 238 415 484 586 28 101. Switzerland, 344 359. Sykes, 126 361. Tabor, 126 183^361 4 1 5 454 586 276. Taft, 183 53 77 300 304 313 320. Taggett, 126. Talbot, 288. Taler, 587. Tallej', 454. Tall man, 126. Tanner, 126 183 238 288 361 415 484 120 221. Tanney. 415. Tape, 38 288 484. Tasker, 415. Taunt, 183. Taunton, JMass., 13 14 18 42 50 52 53 C2 65 66 70 72 73 85 INDKX. XXXV 87 89 94 108 111 587 248 288. 315 3:J0 323 325 11-2 114 116 IIH Tluirbci-, 127 128 183 329 330 333 335 122 123 140 1 17 239 ."irj 115 454 338 339 343 351 152 1;V3 1 55 1 5(; 522 587 245 251 352 355 356 358 ir.s IGG 1 09 17.S 274 28G. 362 364 3GG 367. 183 24 9 25 G 264 Thurston. 128 289 362 Tracy, 223. 2(57 2f)9 2S0 28S 485 522 523 587 Trainer, 289. 293 299 300 303 273 294. Travis, 2;!9 588. 306 307 308 310 Tiber, 485. Tiipp, 129 23',t 3G3 oil 313 316 319 Tiepkie, 362 415. 523 588. 320 322 to 325 Tiornev, 454. Tiott. 129 183. 330 334 337 338 Tiffany. 183 362 454 Tr(jw l)riilsi'e, Kng., 2G8. 339 342 345 348 523 587 218 269. Troy. Mass.. 19 24 44 349 351 352 354 Tigh, 451. "74 75 87 113 122 365 367 368 422 Tiirhev, 362 415 454. 125 145 153 165 427 434 440 443 Tillinghast. 128 183 187 188 536 519 450 461 4G2 467 362 416 454 587. 561 5(;2 568 580 471 479 533 516 Tillson, 587. 584 596. 651 559 578 595. Tilson, 485 41 67. Trumbull, 363 41( , Tiiuiitoii Hospital, 249. Tilton, 6 9 22 28 32 Tiuid, N. Y ., 27 9 Taylor, 183 238 2.S8 37 43 45 51 58 59 Tucker, 363 588. 361 415 4.i4 485. 62 63 80 85 88 89 Tuckcrnian. 588. Teel, 587. 95 100 107 115 Tullson. 289. Te 111 [lit', 127 288 1 13G 110 14 1 18 Tup[)or. 363 416. 288. 142. Turner. 129 183 416 'rt>iii|)ittoii, 3 51 41 5. Tinsjlev, 128 239 289 485 486 588 200 Tennaiit, 587 362 416 454 485 255 274. Teral, 238. 623 687 312 353. Turncy, 129. Thair, 587. Tisdale, 128 138 416 Turpin, 588 1! 52 Tliare, 587. 454 201 256. 54 145. Thatcher, 127 239 Titus. 1 83 239 289 485 Tute, 416. 59 123. 523 587 588 Tuttle, 184. Thavcr, 127 239 288 266 289. Twist. 416 455. '289 362 415 454 Tiverton. R. I., 6 10 Twitehell. 588. 485 487 37 336. 59 (18 70 73 118 Tvler. 129 363 588 Thctforil, ^'t. , 302 324. 129 136 249 251 301. Thir-stcjii, 522 254 265 269 270 Tyng, 363. Thomas, 127 183 454 274 276. Tyrell, 589. 485 5N7 2 47 Toal, 239 289. 144 308 318 326. Tobev, 34 66. u Thome, 485. Tobias, 289. Thomkins, 415. Tomkins, 128 183 362 Underwood. 129 184 Thompson. 127 183 410. 239 289. 362 415 485 .587 Tong, 416. United Con. Ch ., E. 7 82 335 350. Tooaood, 588. ProY., 449 461 Thompson, Ut., 3 20 Toothill, 416. 469 470 474 477 22 43 48 69 90 Torrencc, 97 141. 480 484 488 252 253 300 312 Torrey, 59 83.' Union Ch., Prov. 469 331 335 337 349 Totteu, 239. 483. 359 366 Tower, 129 183 289. United Stales .Service, Thornton, 12 7 36 2 415 Towley, 416. •2r,(;. 587. Towne, 363 416. Updike, 129. Thorp, 454. Townsend, 129 299 Upham, 110 137. Thresher, 12 7 239 415 302 304 306 310 Upton, Mass., 45 6. XXXV INDEX. rUe.v. IM. I'xbiidge, .Mass., 2.') ;i7" 114 131 14.S 1.");") 1 (■>(■) 178 3-il oiO 344 34 9 3;Vl .■)')7 303 434 5(J4 oi'.i. \'aii(hiii. 239. Vallcv Falls, R. I., 2 -i 19 109 124 302 312 33lj 343 344 3(1."). Viirlir,-, 129. Vars," 4I1.S. Ynisift. 416. Varslev, 4H;. VasleU 24 0. Vaujilin, 240. V('M(l('r, 340. Voniioiil, ()G (i9 77 K'i.s 113 126 13,S 26(; 2S7 289 309 323 324 331 332 342 3;')2 3y4 361 368 441 4.')0. Vt'i-noii, Ct., 304 364. Vcny, 70 14 1. \va\. 486. Viall, 130 184 240 289 41(; 4.i5 486 .523 ,".24 ;")89 193 219 220 224 276. Vifkei-s, 486. Vickerv, 131 240 363 4U; 45.') ;")24 589. Vincent, 131 240 290. Vinson, 4.")j. Violet, ;>-<9. Vii'sinia, 63 79 31.') " 334. VoJKci-, 131. VokMitowu,Ct., 37 12',) 462 547 o09 573 679. Vose, 131 486 524 589. W ■\V:i(l.'. 131 184 240 290 589 190 217 250 258. Wa.llovv. 131. Waite, 290 416. Wakclicld, 184 364 455. Walcott, 131 184 455 5N9. Waldrn, l:!l 184. Walker. i:;i 132 133 185 240 241 242 290 291 364 417 455 486 487 524 525 589 591 194 197 208 253 258 479. Wall. 133 242. W':\!laci-. 24 2 417 455 1 4 8 19 25 27 30 31 32 33 36 38 4 2 43 44 50 52 57 58 (\:^ 71 76 77 82 91 100 lO.s u> 117 120 12.-; 124 126, 138 1.".9 140 142. Wallcv. 364. Wallis. 185. 'Wal|)i4e, Mass., 255 298 307 323 355 530 544. Wajpolc, X. H., 337 358. Wallliani, Mass., 171 1.S3. W'aiton, 24 2. Wanstriini, 591. Wailiiirtnn. 117 455. Ward, 24 2 364 417 591 377 425. Waiik'c-k. 133 291. Warden, 185. Wardlo. 417. Wardlow, 185 455. Ward well. 185 279. Ware, lii3 129. ■Ware, N. II., 433. Ware. Mass , 132 567 59 1 . WareliMMi, Mass.. 28 101 151 180 213 318 319 326 3.30. Warlicld, 591. Warland. 417. Warner, 4fs7 591. Warren, 291 417 591. Wari'en, Penn , 5 530 531. W^aireu, R. I.. 11 12 14 15 17 19 21 27 32 37 to 40 43 57 58 65 70 88 93 103 112 114 lis 121 lv3 130 133 135 136 138 142 143 148 152 154 156 157 163 165 172 173 174 176 183 187 24 7 274 284 350 438 473 529 530 539 541 544 546 552 555 556 557 558 565 569 570 584 589 593. Warwick, ICno., 3(i 116. Warwick, R. I., 22 27 38 49 51 53 74 10 1 114 125 152 156 157 158 164 195 240 259 268 278 290 293 300 312 315 316 324 326 328 329 344 365 367 368 369 423 430 433 435 456 488 636 541 568. Washlmrn, 133 364 417 455 591. AVasliinglon, 206. ■Washington, I). C, 36. WashinsTton, R. I., 92. Watei'lioiise, 364. W'atci man. 133 185 24 2 291 364 691 260. W'atcrs. 134. Watertown, Jlass., 423 450 532 581. Wiiterville, Me., 308 344. Watson, 134 242 291 365 417 455 591 89 102 114r 128 216 279. W^itt, 134. INDKX. XXXV II Watts. o'Jl -il '^'■ AViuigli, 365 4oo. W(_-;iYLM', ■'365. Webb, 134 o'.tl 7;: W'J 270.,-, 134 242 2'.)1 591 234 244 293. Wel)ster. 1.S5 242 30.". 417 455 o'Jl 245 288. AVebster, M:iss., 1 24 552 695. . Wedge, 591. Wcduii, 525. Weihi, 525. Weetlen, 134 305 4s7 592. AVcfkfs, 291 270. Wtk-h, !:i4 242 291 417 455 3 4 7 8 10 to 14 10 17 19 21 23 25 27 30 32 34 35 30 b8 39 40 42 44 4 48 50 53 57 to 02 04 00 O.-s 70 75 70 77 .SO 81 82 84 85 86 S8 ti) 91 93 to 97 99 102 103 105 lOS lo 113 110 In 119 121 123 124 127 130 131 132 133 135 137 to 139 141 to 145 278 440. Weld, 185 487 525. AVeldon, 291 450 242 245. Welfoid, 185. Wellington, SImss., 83 132 138 141 153 182 184 1S7. Wellmau, 450. AVells, 134 185 24 2 365 487 592 222 417. Wells, Me., 201. Welsteed, 592. AVendall, ]\Iass.. 115. Wensler, 487. Wesley, 243. AVest,' 135 136 137 18.) 180 243 291 305 417 456 487 592 212 210 229 231 234 235 201 279. West Altleboro, Mass., 471 182. Westboro. Me., 47 144 428 553 584. Weslbrook, Me., 309 342 343 350 424. Webibury, Me., 341. West Canibridsie, Mass., 109 170. Wcstcoat, 243. Westooit, 137 291 292 .i92 282. West Dennis, JIass.. 301 3i(;. Westeilv. R. I., 34 54 101 141. Western I^les, 148 108 201. Weston. Mass., 57.s 582. Wcstgate, i:''7 186 213 592. WestGieenwieli. R. I., 275 30O 305 300 308. Westminster. \'t., 551 59 1 . West N\ wbnry, Mass., 308. West port. Me., 27. West port, Mass., 5 39 47 48 95 -255 258 279 303 323 324 325 352 353 470. Wetheiby, 137 592. Wethereil. 305. Wellierslield, Ct., 5S8. Wever. 592. Weymonib, Jle., 301 - 303. Wlieaton, 137 138 1 SC 243 292 365 417 456 487 525 592 283 314 349 399. Wbeeler, 138 186 243 292 365 417 487 592 593 22 212 230 231 241 243 "200 2. SO 292. Wlieehng, W. Va., 50(^572. Wbeeloek, 139 180 593. Wlieeu.n, 592. Wiielden, 243. Wlielding, 180. Wiieton, 487. Whipple, 180 292 300 417 450 487 593 220 250 254. Wliist{; Wilkinson, 24.") 3G7 418 4.i6 094. Wiliard, 187 245 307 418 45(i 488 594 233. Willet, 31 91. Williams. 141 187 245 293 294 367 368 ■ 41« 456 488 526 594 106 132 242 219 287 292 297 299 300 302 303 300 307 308 311 313 315 317 318 321 322 324 326 328 329 331 333 335 338 340 343 345 to 350 359 300 363 306 367 369. Williamson, 41iS. Willian, 418. WiUiinantic, Ct., 37. Wilhtalh, 141 142 5 87 2)5 294 308 488 526 594 19 219 240 271. AVilmiiigtoM, Dei., 304 315. Willton, 68 488 520 527 279. Wilson, 187 245 294 418 450 28 135 22.S 298. Wilton, i\Io., 318 319. Wineli, 294. AVI n Chester, 142. Winc'hestei', Mass., 471. Windhtini, Ct., 474. Wing, 187 245 594. Winn, 142 245 594 275. Win.slow, 187 245 294 208 243. Win.slow, Mass., 115 117. Wnisor, 142 187 594. Winter, 1'42 418. Wintlirop, Mass., 115 122 461. Wiron, 488. Wisconsin, 299 306 340 348., 418 456 457. Wiswall, 527. Wiswell, 488. Withercil, 187 595. Witiierslield, Vt., 550. Witliwey, 410. Wobiirn, JMass., 557 Wolfendalo. 419. Wolstenlionie, 419. Wood. 142 143 187 1S8 245 246 294 308 309 419 457 595 14 71 195 204 215 225 239 241 250 265 280 288 291. Woodard. 4s.s 527. Woodhnrv, 1.S8 246 294 ' 238. Woodbnry. ."Mass., I>i5. Woodcock, 18S 240 309 419 457 488 595. Woodman, 144 208. Woodniaiicy, 369. \\'oodniansce, 144 595 217 231 233. Woods, 188. Woodstock, Ct., IS lis 129 148 180 27.i 448 465 476 542 543 567 576 588. Woodvillc, R. I., 67 77. Woodward, 144 iss 246 294 369 488 527 595 204 256 201 266 267 272. Woodwoith, 144 295 488 595 5 6 15 20 31 51 71 73 78 97 101 103 107 117 119 125 136. Woonsocket, R. F., 27 70 83 128 129 133 207 268 280 300 308 310 319 322 323 326 330 335 348 349 356 361 439. Worcester, M,ass., 6 86 173 176 254 301 306 322 361 438. Wortliiniiton, 144 246 369'595 419. ^Vrentllam, Mass, 17 25 34 37 38 54 57 61 09 79 105 108 142 155 158 160 162 104 190 252 294 302 303 314 310 322 323 327 328 329 345 348 350 359 306 369 425 437 4 73 477 535 545 550 552 554 558 559 561 675 582 584 594. Wriglit, 144 369 595. Wyait, 596. X Y Yarnion'ili, Mass., 14 65 87 89 91 92 94 121 138 250 206 270 2H6 308 309 314 310 317 320 324 325 327 331 337 345 346 308 423 425 427 429 441 442 447 451 453 450 569 570. Yarmouth, N. S., 58 136. Yates. 145 295 488 489 596 190. Yaw, 369. York, 145. Youno;, 145 188 246 4'^19 489 527 590 12 32. Z Zanilla, 288. ^-^seekokk:." Section I. Note:— The reader will please observe that in the references at the left some read similar to this, - 72 - 141, others i 72 i 132 2 14 2 117. The first has reference to the book of records previous to 1S43 of which there is only one covering from the incorporation of the town in 1812 to above date. The book commencing with 1S43 is called book No. i, and is so designated also inbirthsand deaths. No.'^ of births, m.irriages and deatlis has the fi-^jure 2 to each separate book and follows in order from No. i. When the intention date is later than the marriage, it shows that notice had been given previous to marriage as re- quired by law and this is the date of the official recording of the previous notice whose exact date is not given. INlarriages and Intentions. A 2 3 ABBOTT Abby S., aged -21, of Adiii aiul Celinda, and Gilbert F. NewiiKUi, aged 2{), of Sylvaiuis and Charlotte, both born and of Seekonk. niaM-icdliv Kev. (George W. Wallace Nov.. 14, 1854. Int. Nov. '.), 1804. 2 1. 2 12 Celiuda Maria, aged 18, born and of Seekonk, daughter of Adrian, and Arthur Bartlett Perry, aged 24, born Seekonk, of Sandwich, son of John and Caroline, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 2S, ISGO. Int. Nov. 26, 1860. 2 10. 2 16 George F., aged 28, of Ardin and Celinda, and Addie A. NeTvball, aged 17, daughter of Kdward and Sophrouia G. (Davis) Newhall, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Samuel Heath Sept. 11, 1867. Int. Oct. 9, 1867. 2"l4. 2 20 George F., aged :?6, his 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, soifof Adin and Celinda, and .lulia A. Miller, aged 26, her 2d marriage, born Rhode Island, of Fisher's Island, N. Y., daugliterof ^Vllliam H. and Kvelyn A. Fones, married by Rev. A. F. Remingion Oct. 13, 1875. Int. Oct. 3, 1875. 2 18. - 50 ABELL, Caleb, of Capt. Robert and Mary, and Lois Read, of Noah and Anne, Nov. 23, 1788. - 50 Caleb, of Capt. Robert and Mary, and Elena Hodges, Feb. 6, 1791. 2 VITAL KKCOltl) OF KHODK ISLAND. - 121 ABELL Lois ;inil Ezra Ereiich, both of Seekonk, manied by Hev. Joliii Hill Feb. 2l', 181-1. - 130 Elizabeth of Seekonk and li a Cai'iH'iiter of Sturbndge, mar- lied by Kev. .lohii Pitman Dec. 2'.), ISIO. Int. bet. 31, 1816. 1 131. - 131 iNIarv of Seekonk and Daniel AVheaton of Reholioth, married bv Kev. John Pitman May 2, 1819. Int. March 27. 181'J. f36. - 151 Naucy of Seekonk and Benjamin Allyn of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Nov. —', 1824. Int. Oct. 24, 1824. 1 154. - 115 Capt. Preserved Tiiompson and Sarah Ann W. Daggett, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen, A|iril 11, 1838. Int. :\Iarch 18, 1838. 1 199. 2 29 ADA;\IS Herbert I., aged 45, his 2d marriage, born Norwich, Ct., of Boston, son of John (^. and Lncy K., and Rosabelle A. ]Mattlie«son, aged 32, born Providence, of Black Rock, R. I., (langhter of Francis A. and Mary E. (Wilcox) Matthewson. married by A. N. INIedbury, Esq., March 25, 1893. Int. March 22, 1893. 2 27. 2 32 Arthur, aged 21, born Central Falls, of Valley Falls, son of Henry and Malvina (Busiria) Adams, and Elizabeth G. Borden, aged 19, born Central Falls, of Pawtueket, daugh- ter of John A. and Susan (Borden) Borden, married by Asaph C.Hill, Esq., June 25, 1896. Int. June 25, 1896. 2 28. 2 32 Abl)y L , aged 19, born and of Seekonk, daughter of Daniel M. and Hannah (Rounds) Adams, and John B. Carr, aged 31, born Cumberland, of Providence, son of Thomas and Ann (Jones) Carr, married l)y Rev. Thomas R. Brown Oct. 15. 1S9G. Int. Oct. 10, 1896. 2 29. 2 19 AIIEHN Mary, born Ireland, of Seekonk, daughter of John and Mary, and Morris Murry, aged 52, his 2d marriage, born Ireland, of Seekonk, son of John and Eleanor, mar- ried by Rev. J. Sullivan April 22, 1873. - 151 ALBEE Emory and Amey Car[)enter, married bv Rev. Bartlett Pearce Apiil 9, 1826. 2 12 ALBRO ■\Villiam Henry, aged 20, born and of Providence, son of Burdon and Hannah, and Caroline Russell, aged 17, l)orn Boston, of Seekonk. daughter of George and IMargaret (Elderkiu) Russell, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 11, 1860. Int. Nov. 11, 1860. 2 10. 1 7 ALDEX Cordelia H., aged 20, born Valley Falls, of Pawtueket , daughter of Almoixl and Eliza, and James C. Allen, aged 21, born and of Pawtueket, son of Calvin and Lavina, mar- ried by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Sc))!. 21, 1851. - 143 ALDREDGE Hiram and Lucy Cole, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney, Jan. 30, 1825. Int. Jan. 9 , 1825. 1 158. - 135 ALDRICH Arthur W. and Maria N. Hill, both of Seekonk- married by Rev. John Pitman Jan. 3, 1822. Int. Nov. 23, 1821. 1 145. Prescilla of SmithGeld and Benjamin J. Brown of Seekonk,. - 115 MAKKIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 3 ALDRICH : niarried by Jesse Meabury, Esq., Aug. 2"), WM. Int. Julv 31, l^ae. 1 U).-,. 1 1 p:ieey M. of Seekoiik, of Pt-leg, and Collins Ciiacc of North Providence, of BiitTnm, married bvKev. John C. Welch June 21, 1843. Int. May 11), 1843." 1 215. - 149 Estiier S., ai^ed 2.'), her 2d marriage, born New Hampshire, of Providence, daughter of Iliraiii and Catharine Bardeeu, and William JNIorgan, aged 41, his 2d marriage, born Con- necticut, of Providence, son of Jolm and iMarmda, married by Rev. George Matthews June 2, 185.5. Int. June 2, 1855. 2 2. 2 16 iMoses Almy, aged 24, born Sniilhtield, of Providence, son of David and Rhoda, and Jennie Hale Chaffee, aged 22, Itora and of .Seelvoiik, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca, married by Rev. David 11. Ela Nov. 28, 1807. Int. Nov. 26, 1867. 2 14. 2 23 ALEXANDER William A., aged 28, 2d marriage, born Rhode Island, of Seekonk, of William B. and Ilannaii G., and Maria L. Drisilell, aged 23, born and of I'rovideuce, daugh- ter of Alexander and .lane, man led by Rev. A. E. Keith June 27, 18,S2. - 135 ALGER Preserved of Srnithfield and Lucnida Case of Seekouk, married bv Rev. John Pitman March 10, 1822. Int. Feb. 24, 1822." 1 14(1. 2 6 Nathan, aged 21, of WiHard and Lois, and Jane Tripp, aged 20, of Abel, both born and of Atlleboro, married by Rev. James (). Barney Oct. 23, 1850. - 118 ALLEN Jolni and Lvdia Lake, married by James Ellis, Esq., Dec. 1. l.sil. - 121 James, of Bairington and Freelove Goff of Seckonk, married by Rev. John Hill Aug. 22, 1813. Int. July 28, 1813. 1 121. - 122 Betsey and 'I'imi^thy Ide, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. John Hill Ainil 10, 1814. Int. IMaicli 27, 1814. ri23. - 123 Harriet B. of North Providence and Dr. Samuel Wheelock of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Aug. 21, 1814. Int. July 3, 1814. 1 124. - 127 Lydia and Samuel Poland, Jr., both of Seekonk as residents, married by AppoUas C'usliman, Esij., Dec. 7, 1815. Int. Nov. 24, 1815. 1 128. - 134 Lydia of Seekonk and William Covel of Thoin|)Son, Ct., married by Rev. ,Iohn Pitman Dec. 2(;, 1.S20. Int. Dec. 3, 1820. 1 141. - 151 Benjamin { Ally n) of Rehoboth and Nancy Abcll of See- konk, married l)v Rev. Bartlett Peaice Nov. 1, 1824. Int. Oct. 24, 1824. 'l 157. - 151 Calvin and Lavina Baker, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce June 'J, 1825. Int. May 22, 1825. 1 160. - 147 Mary A. and Ephraim Brown, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 19, 1825. Int. Sei)t. 25, 1825. 1 161. - 147 Arvlelia of Seekonk and Dr. Ilervey Arinington of Providence, 4 VITAL KECOUD OF RHODE ISLAND. ALLEN : iiinriieil b>- Rev. James O. Barnej' Dec. 20, 182J. Int. Dec. 10, 182.5. 1 163. - 155 Louisa, of 8eekonk and Joseph Bicknell of Banington, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 5, 1827. Int. Nov. 4, 1827. 1 171. - 173 Sarah of Seekonk and Capt. Asapli Bliss, of Rehoboth, mar- ried l)y Rev. James O. Barney :\Iay 27, 1828. Int. March 7, 1828. 1 173. - 160 Betsey and !Mark Antlionj' Bnzwoitli, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. Henrv Chirk July 30, 1835. Int. June 5, 1835. 1 101. " - 116 J\[ary Ann and Richard F. Jlorgan, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen Oct. 18, 1838. Int. Sept. 16,1838. 1 200. - 117 Samuel B. and Mary Chaflfee, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Allen March 7, 1840. Int. Feb. 16, 1840. 1 204. - 113 Pamella A. and Caleb Chaffee, married by Rev. John C. Welch April 8, 1841. Int. April 9, 1841. 1 208. - 112 Cornelia (Allyu;, of Seekonk and Amos B. Lane of Paw- tucket, married by Rev. James O. Barney F^eb. 13, 1842. Int. Jan. 10, 1842. 1 210. - 112 Anne E., and Church Gra3', .Jr., both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 22, 1842. Int. Feb. 6, 1842. 1 211. 1 2 Nathaniel W., of Samuel, and Harriet S. Miller, of Jacob, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Jauies O. Barney Oct. 25, 1843. Int. Aug. 11, 1843. 1 210. 1 S Samuel (Allyn) of Seekonk and Laura L. French of Attle- boro, mairied liy Rev. John W. Colwell Jan. 1, 1844. Int. Dec. 3, 1843. 1 218. 1 2 Joseph H. and Sally Peck, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barnev March 24, 1844. Int. March 0, 1844. 1 210. 1 7 James C, aged 21, born and of Pawtucket, son of Calvin and Lavina, and Cordelia H. Alden, aged 20, born Valley Falls, of Pawtucket, daughter of Almond and Eliza, mar- ried by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Sept. 21, 1851. 1 9 Hannah M., aged 22, of Benjamin and Hann.ah, born and of Seekonk, and Daniel D. Jerauld, aged 36, born Rhode Isl- and, of Providence, of Samuel A. and Clarinda, married by Rev. Henrv G. Stewart Dec. 5, 1852. Int. Dec. 5, 1852. 1 247. 2 2 Mary E., aged 10, horn Swanzey, of Attleboro, of Sqnier and Eleanor, and Alva Carpenter, aged 25, born and of See- konk, of Jonathan and Leaffee, married by Rev. George AV. Wallace April 10, 1854. 2 5 Harriet Newell, aged 26, born and of Pawtucket, and Samuel Stephenson, aged 23, born Ireland, of Pawtucket, of John and Elizalieth, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 11, 1855. 2 5 John F., aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Benjamin and Hannah, and Elizabeath R. Yates, aged 23, born Provi- MARRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. ALLEN : deuce, of Scokonk, of Joseph :wt\ Maitlia A., married by Kev. James O. Barney Jan. t», !«.'>(;. Int. Jan. 9, 1856. 2 2. 2 6 Mary A., aged 19, born and of Rehobolli, of Isaiah, and George A. C'hace, aged 27. born Digliton, of AtUeboro, of Alva and Clarrissa, married by Rev. George Matthews June 8, 185G. 2 13 Mary E., aged 21, born Providence, of Seekonk, of William and Mary, and Joseph B. Grant, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of John and Emeline II., married liy Rev. Ly- man Wliitney June 2.'i, 18(ii. 2 15 Anna R., aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Samuel B. and Mary, and James W. Day, aged 2G, born Eiliottville, N. Y., of Frovidence, of Sanmel 1). and Enily, married by Rev. G. M. P. King June 7, ISIia. Int. June 7, 1865. 2 13. 2 15 Lydia A., aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of Benjamin W. and Lydia^A.. and Hiram A. Timrber, aged 23, Ijorn Re- hobotli, of Seekonk, of Joiin and Ilopestill, married liy Rev. Isaac Cheeslioro June 9, 1866. Int. June 5, 1866. 2 13. 2 15 John R., aged 26, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Mary, and Lvvlia C'oggeshall, aged 17, liorn A\^e9t|)ort, of Reliobotli, of Steiilien and Patience, married liy Rev. James O. Barney July 4, 1866. Int. July 4, 1866. '2 13. 2 16 Benager V. (Aliyn", aged 36, liis 2d marriage, born and of Warren, Penn., of Benager. and Hannah L. Allyn, aged 27, of Seekonk, of Samuel and .loauna, married by Rev. James O. Barney Feb. Id, 1.S67. Int. Feb. !», 1867. 2 13. 2 16 Hannah L. (Allyn), ageil 27, of Seekonk, of Samuel and Joanna, and Benagar F. Allyn, aged 3i;, his 2d marriage, born and of Warren, Penn., of Benager, married by Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 10, 1867. Int. Feb. 9, 1867. 2 13. 2 16 Ellon F., aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Samuel B. and Mary, and George A. Ida. aged 23, born Seekonk, of Providence, of William T. and Sarah A., married by Rev. G. M. P. King March 12, 1867. Int. IMarch 12, 1867. 2 13. 2 18 Almira C, aged 43, 2d marriage, born Sedgwick, Ale., of Providence, daughter of William and Prescilla Hooiier. and George Greene, aged 49, 2d marriage, born Sniithlield, of Seekonk, of George F. H. and Abby, married by Rev. William B. Heath March 8, 1871., Int. March 7, 1871. •2 16. 2 18 Frank S., .aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Samuel and Laura L., and Catharine G. Nichols, aged 26, born Cran- ston, of Seekonk, of William R. and p:iizabeth, married by Rev. Henry S. Woodworth Jan. l', 1872. Int. Dec. 80, 1871. 2 16. 2 24 Laura French (Allyn), aged 25, born and of Seekonk, of Samuel and Laura L., and Nelson Henry Sheldon, aged 25 VITAL HKCOKD OF RHODK ISLAND. ALLEN : born find of Sniitlilicld, of Steplu'n and Adelia, niairied bj' Rev. L. 8. Woodwoilli Feb. 14, 18,sl'. 2 30 John D., aged 26, born AVoreester. of East Providence, of John and Mary E. (Leonanl) Allen, and Lucy C. Lewis, aged 18. born and of East Pi-ovidence, of Josei]h and JLary C. married by Asaph C. Hill, Esq., July 4, 18'.I4. Int. July 3, 1894. 2 27. 2 31 Leijrelct P., aged 46, his 2d marriage, born and of .Swanzey, of Dexter, and Nellie (Wood) Allen, and Jessie E. Hunt, aged 23, born I'rovidencc, of Seekoiik, of William H. and Sarah K. (Dana) Hunt, married by Rev. Fred E. Bixby Sept. ;■), 18'J.'). int. Sept. 2, 181).j. 2 28. 2 32 Jennie M., ascd 23, liorii and of Seekonk, of John R. and Lydia (Cosigeshall) Allen, and George \V. Barney, aged 39, born Seekonk, of East Providence, of Isaiah and Al- iiieda (Wood) Harnev. mairied l)v Rev. George W. Hunt July lu, 181)(;. lut.'jnly 13, 18;m;. 2 21 ALJIY Leonard S., aged 22, born New Bedfcrd, of East Providence, of S. K. A. and Sai'ali J., and Abby j\I. D. Willniarth, aged 17, born and of Seekonk. of Paschall E. and Alary, mairied by Rev. (ieornell. Tilton July 11, 1878. Iiil. July 7, 1878. 2 I'.i. - 114 ANDERSON Francis of Cliarllon and Ly0. Int. March 13, 1850. 1 23.5. 2 32 "William N.. aged 21, born and of Tiverton, of Eben }\. and Alil)y S. (NeL;us) Aixlrews, and Emma F. Turner, aged 21, born Bridgewater, of East Providence, of John and Agnes (Wileo.x) Turner, married by Asaph C. Hill, Esc)., Feb. 6, 18'.m;. Int. Feli. 6, 1896. '2 28. - 133 ANGELL F:iisha, Estj., of Xorlli Providence, and Mrs. Alary Deaiie of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Alay 7, 1820. Int. April i:!, i82(). 1 139. 2 24 F'rederick L., aged 19, born Johnston, of Seekonk, of Thomas A. and Mary E., and Almira Matthewson. aged 19, boru and of same i)lace, of (Jeorge L. and Marv, married by Viall Medburv, Ksq., Se|)t. l)>, 1883. Int. Sept. 8, 1883. 2 21. 1 () A NO KM A R Sarah J., aged 31, 2d marriage, daughter of Slephen Strong, born Nova Scotia, of Seekonk, and Ephraim J. Bowcn, aged .31, born and of Seekonk, of Ephraim, married by Viall Bledburv, Esq.. April 21, 1850. Int. April 6, 1850. 1 2;!5. 2 12 Anne Maria, aged 15, boru Adamsville, of Seekonk, of Charles and .Jane, and Riley G. Hill, aged 25, born aud of Seekonk, of George and Sarah A., married by Viall Med- bury, Esq.. "Nov. "23, 1860. Int. Nov. 20, 1860. 2 10. -125 ANTHONY Joseph T. of Providence aud Mary Ann Hunt of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Hill Aug. 10, 1815. Int. Jnlv 23, 1815. 1 127. MARRIAGES A\D INTENTIONS — SlOEKoNK. 7 - 124 ANTHONY jNItuv anf North Providence and Cerinda Taljor of Seekonk, married by Rev. Ray Potter Dec. 22, 1822. Int. Dec. 8, 1822. 1 149. - 127 BAILEY George and Deborah Baker, both residents of See- konk, married by Apiiolas Cushman, Esq., Feli. 14, 1816. Int. Jan. 2(1, 1816. 1 129. 2 5 Nancy B., aged 24, born Harrison, Me., of Pawtucket, of James P. and Carohnc, and Comfort M. Bishoj), .aged 32, born Seekonk, of Pawtucket, of Comfort and Sally, mar- ried tiy Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 14, 1850. 2 21 Eva A., aged 17, of Centerdale, of James E. and Emily, and John F. Elderkin, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of J. Russell and Margaret, married by Rev. Henry B. Cady June 17, 1878. - 127 BAKER Elizabeth of Seekonk and Ebonezer Brown of North Providence, married bv AppoUas Cushman, Esq., Eel). 6, 1816. Int. Jan. 21, 1816. 1 129. - 127 Deborah and George Bailey, both residents of Seekonk, mar- 10 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. BAKER : ried by Appollas Ciishman, P^sq., Feb. 14, 1816. Int. Jan. 20, 1«1(;. 1 121). - 132 Sarah and Daniel Armington, liotli of Seokonk, married bv Eev. John Pitman I)i;c. 12, ISl'J. Int. Nov. 29, 1819. 1 137. - 133 Tristam and Priscilia Niekorson, botli of Seekonk, married bv Kev. John Pitman .March 19, 1820. Int. March 5, 1820. 1 138. - 133 Chloe and Samuel W. Miller, both of Seekouk, married bv Rev. John Pitman Ai)ril 13, 1820. Int. March 26, 1820". 1 138. - 132 Rachel and Albert S. Bowen, liotii of Seekonk, married by Ai>pollas Ciishman, Esq., Oct. .i, 1820. - 144 Susan of Seekonk and James P. Hunt of Pawtneket, mar- ried by Kev. Kay Potter Oct— , 1821. Int. Sept. IG, 1821. 1 144. - 144 ^lary W. and Eleazer Alexander Watson, both of Seekouk, married by Kev. Ray Potter JIareh 24,1823. Int. March 9, 1823. " 1 150. - 138 Esther and William H. Randall, married by Rev. Ray Potter May 22, 1823. Int. April G, 1823. 1 l.'iO. - 143 Mattie A. and Otis French, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 21, 1824. Int. Sept. 27, 1824. 1 156. - 145 Ebenezer and Susan Baxter, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Rav Potter March 10, 1825. Int. Feb. 19. 1825. 1 I5;i. - 151 Lavina and Calvin .\llen, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce June 9, 1825. Int. May 22, 1825. 'l 160. - 149 Susan and Ilenrv Matthews, married bv Rev. Ray Potter Nov. 19, 1826. In't. Oct. 15, 1826. 1 167. - 154 Eliza B. and Robert Douglass, both <>f Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Dec. 24, 1826. Int. Dec. 3, 1826. 1 168. - 156 Sarah D. and .Vldcu Sibley, lioth of Seekonk, niarrietl by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 26, 18,30. - 159 Ermin J. of Seekonk and Kozina Bliss of Rehoboth, married bv Rev. Henry Clark March 9, 1835. Int. Feb. 20, 1835. r 189. 1 1 Ezra of Providence and ^Nlary B. Lewis of Seekonk, daughter of Nathan C. married l)v Rev. John C. Welch June 18, 1843. Int. June 4, 1843. 1 215. 2 14 Abbj W.. aged 22, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of Ermin J. and Rozina, a)iil Raymond T. Biuce, aged 24, born Paw- tucket, of Atlleboro, of John and Rel)ecca. married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 23, 1862. Int. Oct. iA, 1862. 2 II. 2 15 Eliza T., aged 58, born Somerset, of Smithfield, daughter of George and Ann Puringtou, and John B. Baker, aged 56, born Tiverton, of Seekouk, of Jonathan and Eliza. 2d mar- riage of each patty, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 24, 1865. Int. Jan. 25, 1865. 2 12. 2 15 John B., aged 56, born Tiverton, of Seekonk, of Jonathan and Eliza, and Eliza T. Baker, aged 58, born Somerset, of MAKKIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 11 BAKER : Smitlifit'kl. daughter of George and Ann Puriiigton, id marriage of each party, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Jan. -24, 186,5. Int. Jan. 2o, 1865. 2 12. 2 18 Ellen JI., aged 25, born Central Falls, of Seekonk, of John and Elizalieth, and James E. Kay, aged 26, 2d marriage, born St. Johns, N. B., of Boston, of James and Elizabeth, married by Kev. William B. Heath Jan. 2.5, 1871. 2 31 Minerva Augusta, aged 29, born Boston, of Seekonk, of John L. and Mary R. (Nash) Baker, and Benjamin Nelson Brown, aged 37, 2d marriage, born Long Island, of Provi- dence, of Nelson and Mary (Campbell) Brown, married by Rev. William B. Heath June 7, 18'Jo. Int. Jnno 1, 1895. 2 28. - 131 BALKCOM Alfred and Nancy Bowen, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman Feb. 15, 18r,». Int. Jan. 3, 1819. 1 135. - 114 Elzada B. and James M. Bisho|), both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Oct. 26, 1835. Int. Sept. 27, 1835. 1 192. 2 29 Grace E., aged 2(i, born Central Falls, of East Providence, of John and Mary, and Albert L. Knpfer, aged 24, born Bristol, of East Providence, of Ferdinand and Ermeslenna, married by A. N. iMedbury, Esq., Sei>t. 29, 1892. Int. Sept. 29, 1892. 2 26. - 139 BALL Al)iga\l and John Emerson, both of Seekonk, married by Allen Hunt, Esq., March 9, l.s23. Int. Feb. 22, 1823. 1 149. 2 6 Ambrose M., aged 32, hova Rhode Island, of Seekonk, of Samuel and Patience, and Caroline Ball, aged 28, born Boston, of Seekonk, of Daniel G. and Ruth, married by Rev. George IMatthews, Sept. 1, 1856. Int. Sept. 1, 1856. 2 4. 2 6 Caroline, aged 28, born IJoston, of Seekonk, of David (t. and Rutli, and Amljrose M. P)all, aged 32, born Rhode Island, of Seekonk, of Samuel and Patience, married by Rev. George Matthews Sept. 1, 1856. Int. Sept. 1, 1856. 2 4. 2 19 Abel C , aged 21, born Block Island, of Warren, of Abel and Martha, and Nancy H- Barney, aged 17, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Daniel B. and Nancy G., married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro Aug. 17, 1873. Int. Aug. 16, 1873. 2 17. - 15» BALLOU I'enner of Cumberland and Lonisa Martin of Seekonk, married liy Rev. Henry Clark April 2, 1835. Int. March 6, 1835. 'l 190. 2 30 Minnie M., aged 18, born and of East Providence, of Henry H. and Adalaide (Studley) Ballon, and Herbert B. Mason, aged 21, born Providence, of F^ast Providence, of John L. and Fannv M. (Munro) INIason, married by Asaph C. Hill, lisq., Nov. 15, 1894. Int. Nov. 15, 1894. 2 27. - 158 BANFORD Sarah H. and Ilezekiah H. Jenckes, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 15, 1833. 2 32 BARKER Anna C. and Joseph B. Kinsley, both of Swanzey, married by Rev. John C. Welch Feb. 9, 1841. 12 VITA!. KEC(Jl;I> OF ItHODE ISLAND. 1 1 BARKER William, of WariiMi and JiulelliR. BowenofBar- rinaitoii, married by Rev. John C. "Welch Sept. 2'>, 1843. 2 31 Heury Herbert, aged 23, born and of Providence, of Jaines A. and Emma (Young) Barker, and Carrie Heath Carpen- ter, aged 23, boru and of Seekonk, of Henry and Mary J. (Hoibrook) Cariienler, married by Rev. William B. Heath Dec. 25, 1S9.'). Int. Dec. 23, 1895. 2 28. 2 1 BARNES Janie^ A., aged 20, born and of Providenee,rof George L. and Eliza G.. and Abby N. Bishop, aged 20, liornand of Seekonk, of John J. and Sarah W., married by Rev. James O. Barnev March 22, 1853. Int. March 21, 1853. 1 24'.i. 2 7 John, aged 25, 2d marriage, born Lancasliire, Eng., of Fall River, of James and Ann, and Louisa E. Hull, about 35, 2d marriage, born Santa Cruz, AV. I., daughter of Don Jugd and Hannah Croix, marrieil l)y Rol)ert M. Pearce, Ebq.. March 25, 1858. Int. March 25, 1858. 2 5. -119 BARNEY Sailv and Elephalet Brown, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Hill Aug. 9, 1812. Int. July 3, 1812. 1 119. - 119 Mason of Swanzey and Polly Grant of Seekonk, married by Rev. Jolm Hill Nov. 2, 1812. Int. Oct. 9, 1812. 1 120. - 121 John and Ruth Viall, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Jan. 9, 1814. Int. Dec. 18, 1813. 1 122. - 122 Experience P. of Seekonk and Eleazer Smith of Swanze}', married bv Rev. John Hill Aug. 17,1814. Int. July 20, 1814. ri24. - 131 Alfied of Barrington and Keziali Daggett of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman March 1, 1818. - 132 Keziah, of Rehoboth and Caleb Walker of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Pitman Oct. 14, 1819. Int. Aug. 8, 1819. f 137. - 134 Barbara and Soba P. Hauday, both of Seekonk, married b3' Rev. John Pitman I)ec.'25, 1820. Int. Nov. 25, 1820. 1 141. - 134 Mary and Charles C. Cushinaruey IMarch 22, 1853. Int. March 21, 1853. 1 249. 2 1 N;ithaniel I., aged 23, of Phannel and Betsey I., and Caro- line C. ]\Iason, aged 21, of Asaph and Nancy, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. William Phillips Sept. 29, 1853. Int. Sept. 28, 1853. 1 2.54. 2 5 Comfort M.. aged 32, born Seekonk, of Pawtneket, of Com- fort and Sally, and Nancy B. Bailey, aged 24, born Harri- MARRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 17 BISHOP : son. Me., of Pawtucket, of James P. and Caroline, married by Rev. James O. Barney, Feb. 14, 185G. 2 8 James N., aged "28, ))orn and of Seekonk, of Kbenezer and Mary, and Martha K. Putnam, aged '24, born and of Dan- vers, of George A., Dec. 21,18.58. Int. Dec. 20, 18.i8. 2 (•). 1 2 BLACK Ellen and Henry C Int. April 20, 1812. \ 110. - 117 Plslier of Wrentham and Mary Ann Brown of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen Nov. 20, 1839. Int. Oct. 14, 183!l. 1 203. - IGO BLACKMAN George A. of Piovidence and Aliee C. Peek of .Seekonk, tnairied by Rev. Ileniv Chiik .June 21, 1835. Int. June 8, 1835. 1 lid. 2 8 Pliebo A., aged 21, bor-n and (jf Seekonk, of (ieorge A. and Alice, and John C. King, aged 2;!, bom S[)ringlield, of .Seekonk, ofjoseiih C. and Sarah, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 16, 1858. Int. Dec. 16, 18.58. 2 G. 2 1.3 BLAISDKLL Harriet P., aged 24, born Boston, of Seekonk, of Hezekiah and Avis, and Ezekiel C. Gushing, aged 26, born and of Seekonk, of Charles C. and Mary, married by Rev. G. M. P. King Nov. 21, 1861. Int. Nov. 1'.), 1861. "2 11. 2 14 vSarah II.. aged 22, born Cianston, of Seekonk, of Hezekiah and Avis, and William W. KUis, aged 24, born Seekonk, of East Providence, of William and Mary W., married Ijy Rev. G. M. P. King, Nov. 27, 1.S62. 2 16 Martha M., aged 25, born Carlisle, Blass.. of Cranston, of- Jaeob and Susan, and E. I<'rancis Pratt, aged 2',), born Re- hobotli, of Seekonk, of Nehemiah B. and Mary E., married by Rev. Isaac Choeseboro April 12, 1868. Int. April S, 1868. 2 14. - 137 BLAKE Amos of Ashford, Ct., and Eaieline M. Gage of Seekonk, married by Ai)pollas Cushman, Es(|., Dec. I'J, 1824. Int. Nov. 24, 18-24. 1 H'J. 1 7 Mary Jane, aged 20, of Providence, and Andrew J. Perrj', aged li), l)orn New Bedford, of Pn^ividenee, of John and Pliiladelphia. married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart IMarch 2, 1851. Int. JIarch 2, 1851. 123'.)." 2 2 Sarah ]\I., aged 25, born Wrentham, of Seekonk, of Charbs and Mary, and George D. Chace. aged 25, born Ports- mouth, R. I., of Seekonk. of George and Eunice, married by Rev. Albert G. Martin at Providence July 23, 1854. lilt. July 8, 1854. 2 1. 2 17 Edna A., aged 24, V)orn Franklin, of Pawtucket, of William R. and Lydia, and Laban (i. Lake, aged 36, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Squire and Abigail, married by Rev. Edward J. Bowen Nov. 5, 1868. lut^. Nov. — , 1868. 2 14. 2 28 Grace C, aged 23, born Bloomfield, Ct., of Providence, of Edward and Eliza A., and Herbert E. Cushing, aged 26, VlTAl- KKUOKU OF UHOIJE ISLAND. BLAKE ; boni and of Seekonk, of Kzekiel C. ami Ilarriei, P., luaf- rieil l)y Rev. Henry A. Blake Aug. 20, 1890. Int. Aug. 16. 1800. -2 -i.i. - 147 BLAXDIXO William d, of Rehohotli and Olive Jacobs of Seekonk, married bv Rev. .Tolm Hill Mav 8, 18U. Int. Feb. 26, 1814. 1 "l23. - 131 Caroline M. and .John Camphcll, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .Tolui Pitman Oct. 25, 1818. Int. Oct. 11, 1818. 1 134. _ 133 Zilpha and Benjamin Frencii. both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Feb. 20, 1820. Int. Jan. 15, 1820. 1 138. - 155 Capt. Asapli of Reiiobotii and Sarah Allen of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney May 27, 1828. Int. March 7, 1828. 1 173. _ 157 Caleb and Lvdia Humphrey, botli of Seckonk, married l)y Rev. James O. Barney Ai)ril 19, 1832. Int. March 17, 1832. 1 180. - 159 Rozina of Reholiotli and Frmin J. Bakerof Seekonk, married bv Rev. Henry Clark Miircli 9, 1835. Int. Feb. 20, 1835. ri.s9. - 160 Sally and Svlvester Claflen, both of Attleboro. married by Rev. Henry Clark June 14, 1835. - 114 Celia and Hezckiah Kent, botli of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 2, 1837. Int. Sept. 3, 1837. 1 197. - 116 Caleb and ]\Irs. Sally I^Ilis, botli of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. John Allen Sept 2"!. 1840. Int. Sept. 3, 1840. 1 205. 1 3 Ann M., aged 17, of Taunton, of (ieorge E., and Ciiristopher T. B. Smith, aged 23, of Seekonk, of Nathan, married at Dedham bv Rev. Richard lX)nkcrsley Fell. 3. 1847. Int. Oct. 17, 1S46. 1 226. 1 6 Sarah S. and Bradford H. AVillinms, botli of Attleboro, mar- by Rev. James O. Barney .luiie 7, 1849. 1 6 Cyrus W. and Hannali T. iSIuiiro, both born and of Rcho- both, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Jan. 1, 1851. 1 7 Noah, Jr., aged 35, born and of Rehoboth, of Noah, and ]\Iar- tha W. Read, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Cyrel and Sally, married by Rev. James O. Barney April 12, 1852. Int. April 7, 1852. 1 240. 2 10 Lucy Anna, aged 18, of Calel) and Sally, and George Bucklin, aged 21, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of James and Sarah, married by Rev. A. II. Stowell Nov. 10, 1859. Int. Nov. 22, 1859. 2 8. 2 16 Martha W., aged 37, born and of Seekonk, daughter of Cyrel and Sally Read, and Horatio N. Read, aged 45, born See- konk, of Pawtncket, of Nathaniel and Sally, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 16, 1866. Int." Oct. 7, 1866. 2 13. 2 2 BOGMAN James F., aged 22, born Providence, of Seekonk, MAiatlAGKS AND INTKNTn >XS — SEEKONK. 19 BOGMAN : of Ciitliarine. ami Angelica Sutton, agud l'2, liorn and of Seekonk, of Bowyn and Mary, married l)y Kcv. Alexander Larimer May 14, 1854. Int. May 7, 1854. 2 1. - 129 BOLSTER Rieliard, Jr., of Douglass, and Lavina Stone of Seekonk, nuirried by Apiiollas Cusluuan, Esq., Dec. 27, 181.S. Int. Nov. 10. ISIK. 1 135. - 121 BOLTON Mary and Robert Daggett, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lolui IliUEeb. 17, 1S14. Int. Jan. 2:», 1S14. 1 123. i 5 BOOMER Eliza Ann B. of Seekonk and Edwaid Williams of Cumberland, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 5, 1848. Int. Aug. 8, 1848. 1 231. 2 21 BOOTH Ellen Anna, aged 25, born and of Providence, of Walter and Fanny, and Henry York, aged 40, born South Caroliiia, of Seekonk, of Demce and Prney, married Ijy Rev. Nelson H. Tnipin June 28, 1877. - 143 BORDEN Mahnda of Relioboth and Rev. Augustus B. Read of Troy, JMas.s., married l)y Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 17, 1824. 1 1 Lutlier M. and Rebecca L. Randall, both of ^\"arren, married by Rev. John C. Welch Feb. 25, 1.S44. 2 32 Elizabeth (J., aged 11), born Central Falls, of Pawtncket, of John A. andSnsan (Borden) Borden, and Arthur Adams, aged 21, born Central Falls, of Valley Falls, of Henry and jNIalvinu (Biisiria) Adams, mariied liy .VsaphC. Hill, Esq., June 25, 18',)(;. Int. June 25, 18ilG. 2 2.s. - 14U BOURN Amanda and Seth Miller, l)oth of Seekonk, m;uried by Rev. Bartletl Pearce Sept. — , 1S23. Int. Aug. 10, 1823\ 1 152. - 151 Abrum O. and Mary Ann A\'est, mariied by Rev. liartlett Pearce Sei)t. —, 'l82r,. Int. Aug. 14, 1826. 1 IM. - 157 Almond O. and (Catharine D. Fitts, both of .Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney May 0, 1.S32. Int. March 31, 1832. 1 LSI). - 114 Mary of Seekonk and Silvanns Tyler of Cranston, married by Rev. James O. Barney May 14, 1M35. - 114 Bebee W. of Seekonk and (iardiuer C. Hodges "f Attleboro, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 1, 183(5. Int. July 17, l.S3(J. 1 195. - 114 Celia'T. of Seekonk and Col. Ira IC. Millerof Altlcboro, mar- ried bv Rev. James O. Bainey Se^a. 5, 1«3(;. Int. Aug. 16, 1830. 1 195. 1 5 Saraii J., aged 18, of Seekonk, and Allen S. Attvvell, aged 25, of Attleboro, married by Rev. Jiuiia S. Mowiy Sept. 17, 1848. Int. Aug. 19, 1818. 1 231. 2 2 Harriet, aged 20, born and of Seekonk, of Eli and Rebecca, and Ge(n-go A. Willmarth, aged 27, born Relioboth, of Seekonk, married by Rev. George W. Walhici^ Jan. 9, 1851. Int. Jan. 7, 1854. 1 255. 2 17 Mary A., aged 27, 2d marriage, l)orn Fall River, of Seekonk, daughter of Asa French, and Steiihen Bourn, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Zebina W. and Ada, mairied by Rev. Alden Sherwin Nov. 12, 1859. .2 17 Stephen, aged 24, born and i.'f Seekonk, of Zebina \V. and 20 VITAL KECOUD Ob' RHODE ISLAND. BOUKX : Ada, and Jlaiy A. Bourn, aged 27, '2d nianiaoe, born Fall River, of Seekonk, daughter of Asa French, married by Eev. Aldeu Slierwin Nov. 12, 1851). 2 17 Zebina W., aged 65, 2d marriage, born Reboholh, of See- konk, of Stephen and Susanna, and Nancy Horr, aged C3, Istmairiage, liorn and of same places, of Geoige and P>liza- belh, married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro Sept. 29, 1S6'J. Int. Sept. 28, 1.S69. 2 1;"). 2 11 Henry Orville, aged 27, of Almon O. and Charlotte D., and Jennie Mason Case, aged 19, of Samuel O. and Sarah, l)olii born aud of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 25. ISOO. Int. Sept. 19, 1860. 2 9. 2 17 Ellen R., aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Zebina W. and Ada, and Thomas F. Butler, aged 20, born Providence, of Attleboro, of Thomas G. aud Mercy B., married by Rev. William B. Heath Sept. 4. 18(i9. lut" Sept. 13, 1869. 2 15. - 148 BOWEN Joel of Rehoboth and Susannah Armiugton of Bar- rington, married by Rev. Charles Thompson April 16, 1785. Also - 2. - 121 Pamela of Seekonk and (icorge D. Dods of Providence, mar- ried bv Rev. John Hill Nov. 1, 1813. Int. Oct. 16, 1813. 1 122^ - 122 Uuice of .Seekouk and Winthroii Ricliee ofl.ime, N. H., married by Rev. John Hill Aug. 14, 1814. lu July 31, 1814. 1 124. - 123 Caleb and Hannah Short, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Mill Oct. 16, 1814. Int. Sept. 16, 1814. 1 124. - 130 Mary and Benjamin Corbiu, both of Seekouk, married by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 27, 1814. Int. Oct. 22, 1814. 1 125. - 123 Harriet and Lewis Wade, Jr., both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Dec. 1, 1814. Int. Nov. 4, 1814. 1125i - 125 Brown aud Ann Pulling, both of Seekouk, married by Rev. John Hill Aug. 6, IsKj. Int. July 10, 1815. 1 126. - 125 Susan aud James Siiort, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Sept. 19, 1815. Int. Sept. 16, 1815. 1 'l27. - 126 Lucy and Thomas Read, Jr., both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Nov. 26, 1815. Int. Oct. 20, 1815. 1 127. - 130 Ruth H. and Pascliall Paine, both of Seekouk, married by Rev. John Pitman June 22, 1817. Int. March '28, 1817. 1 132. - 131 Susan of Providence and John B. Viall of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Sept. 21, 1817. - 131 Lydia and John Shorey both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John "Pitman Dec. 21, 1817. Int. .Alarch 6, 1818. 1 134. - 131 Lydia and John Sliorey, both of Seekouk, married by Rev. John Pitman Dec. 2l", 1817. Int. Nov. 22, 1817 and'March 6, 1818. 1 134 - 131 Nancy and Alfred Balkcom, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Feb. 15, 1819. Int. Jan. 3, 1819. 1 135. - 131 James of Rehoboth aud Betsey Walker of Seekonk, married MARRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SKEKoNK. 21 BO WEN : by Kev. Joliii rituiaii June 10, 1810. Int. Aiiiil 17, 1819 1 i;JG. - 133 Jlahala of Seekonlf and I.sanc Mason, of Tlioiiiijson, uiairied by Rev. John Pitman March L'D, 1820. Int. Jlaich G, 1820. 1 138. - 132 Albeit S. and Rachal Baker, both of Seekonk, nianieil by AppoHas Ciibhman, Esq., Oct. .5, 1820. - 131 Lepha and Capt. .Jonathan CarpentL-r, bolli of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman Dee. 24, l.S2((. Int. Dec. 2, 1820. 1 141. - 135 Patience and Walter Chaffee, botli of Seekonk, married by Rev. Jolin Pitman Dee. 6, 1821. Int. Nov. 8, 1821. 1 145. - 151 Saliina and Wilder Chaffee, botli of Scekouk, married by Rev. Bartlett Peareo April —, 1S24. Int. April 4, 1.S24. 1 154. - 157 Richard D., and Sabina B. Thayer, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 11, l.s:i2. Int. Dee. 25, 183). 1 179. - 157 p:iiz;i C. of Seekonk and Horatio N. I'latt of North Provi- dence, married by Rev. James (). BurnevJan. 22, 1.S32. Int. Dec. 23, 1831. 1 179. - 153 Abby W. and John B. Talhnan, man-led by Rev. Fi_>rond Bester A[]ril 7, l.S3o. - 158 AVilliam M. and Eliza A. Lake, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Seiit. 20, 1hn and Mary Braaian, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. -lames O. Barney Feb. .5, 18;!7. - 119 BRO\VN Eleplialet .'ind Sally Barnev, both of Seekonk, mar- ried liv Rev. .lohn IIiU Auii. 9, isi:.'. Int. July :!, 1812. 1 119". - 119 Kcziah and Al)L'l French, Jr., both of Seekonk, married bv Rev John Hill Nov. 22, 1812. Int. Oct. 24, 1812. 1 120. - 12(> Peter H. and Sallv AV^alkei', both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Oct. 22, 181.'). Int. Oct. G, 181-). 1 127. - 127 Ebenezer of North Providence and Elizabeth Baker of See- konk, married liv Appollas Cushman, Esq., Feb. G, 181G. Int. Jan. 21, bs'lG. 1 129. - 133 John of Troy, Mas.s., and Marv F. Sutton of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman Oct. 22, 1820. Int. Oct. 8, 1820. 1 140. - 135 Lavina and Wooster Carpentei-, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Dec. 9. 1821. Int. Nov. 18, 182l'. 1 145. - 117 James of Seekonk anil Nancy Hardenlmrgh Sweet of Provi- dence, married bv Rev. .lames {). Harney June 1, 1825. Inl. May 15, 182.5. 1 IGO. - 117 Ephraim and Jlary A. Allen, both of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. James O. Barnev Oct. 19, 182;). Int. Sci)l. 25, 1825. 1 IGl. - 151 Olive and Josei)h INImiro, married by Rev. Bartlctt Pearce April 9, 182G. Int. Feb. 19, 182G. 1 1G4. See 8 S. - 154 Joseph C. of Rehoboth and Sarah I. Hunt of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney June 11, 1827. Int. June 9, 1827. 1 ir,9. - 15G Eliza and John A. Ilannnond, botli of Seekonk. uKuriedby Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 17, 1828. Int. Aug. 30, 1828. 1 173. - 15G Marinda of Seekonk and Capt. Isaac Belknap of Johnston, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 1, 1829. Int. Nov. 13, 1829. 1 175. - 15G Amey F. of Seekonk and Robert Thompson of North Prov- idence, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 19, 1831. Int. Sept. 4, 1831. 1 178. - 159 Jolni S. of Attleboro and Deborah F. Ide of Seekonk, mar- MAKi;iA(jll-:S AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 25 BROWN : I'ied by Ke\ . Henry C'Uiik .luiic 2G, l.So4. Int. June 7, ISM." 1 1H7. -115 Benjamin J. of Seekonk and PreisciUa Aldiieli of .Sniithfield, niarrieil by Jesse Meilbury, Ksij., Aug. "-'.J, l.S.)C. Int. July 81, 1«.36. 1 19.^. - 117 Maria Caiiienter and Ileni'y Augustus Stone, both . of See- konk, mariied by Hov. James O. Bainev April 2'J, 1S38. Int. April 7, 1838. 1 200. - IIU Ebeuezer and Lonisa F. Dagg'ett, both of Seekonk, married l)y Kev. John Allen March 17, 18;J1). Int. March 3, 1839. 1 201. - 117 Mary Ann of Seekonk and Fisher Blaekington of Wrentham, married by Rev. John Allen Nov. 20, 1)S3'.). Int. Oct. 14, 1.S3'J. 1 •.'03. 1 2 Joseph, born and of Seekonk, of Peter, and Henrietta S. French, liorn and of same [ilace, of Kzra, married by Rev. JamesO. liarney Jan. 1 1, 1844. Int. Dee. 16, 1844. "l 218. 1 6 Chloe C, of riieleman, and Nathaniel T. Judkins,both born and of Seekonk, mariied by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 24, 1849. Int. Oct. 7, 1849. 1 234. 1 7 Sanuiel, aged 51, of Aaron and Amanda Miller, aged 45, daughter (jf Stephen Bowen, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Henrv (i. Stewart Ainil 10, IS.'il. Int. April 10,'lH51. 1 240. 1 7 Sarah B., aged 27, 2d marriage, d:\ughter of Benjamin and Abhy Baker, and Luke Turner Wall, aged 22, of William and Ann, both born Rhode Island, of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John C. Welch Oct. 9, 1851. 1 7 Esther, aged 19, born and of Seekonk, of Benjamin J., and James M. Wliitaker, aged 27, born Bristol, of Seekonk, of Asa and Nancv, married by Rev. Thorndike C. Jameson Feb. 2, 1.S52. Int. Feb. 4, i.S52. I 245. 2 2 General C, aged 21, born Smithlield. of Attleboro, of Albert and Rlioda, and Ellen O. Bnrehard, aged 17, born Medwiiy, of Attleboro, of Delias and Ruth, married bv Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 17, 1«5;!. 2 7 Mariali L., aged 19, born and of Providence, of Benjamin J. and PresciUa, and Cyrus E. Goff, aged 27, born and of Seekonk, of Henry B. and Sally B., married l)y Rev. Henry G. Stewart June 17, 185S. Int. June 16, 1858. 2 8 Ann F.. aged bS, of Pawtncket, and Otis A^iekery, aged 30, born Ux'bridge, of Pawtucket, of Otis and Julia, married by Rev. Jan'ies O. Barney Oct. 14, I.s5s. Int. Oct. 14, 1858. 2 6. 2 12 Samuel, aged 60, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Aaron and Nancy, and Celesta Viall, aged 35, 2d mar- riage, born Seekonk, of Pawlncket, daughter of Obadiah and Susan Lyon, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 25, 1860. Int. Oct. 25. 1860. 2 9. 2 20 Helena A., aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Joseph and Henrietta S.", and James G. Cliace, aged 28, 2d marriage, born Seekonk, of Pawtucket, of Samuel O. and Sarah IL, 26 VITAL KECoUn OF RHODE ISLAND. BROWN : married liy Kev. Jnines O. Barney May 10, 187G. Int. May 8, 1S7G. 2 18. 2 21 Emelie E., aged 25, boru and of Seekonk, of Zeuas and Anne, and Herl)ei't Carpenter, aged 2(5. boru Seekonk, of East Providence, of William M. and Eunice W., married bv Rev. Edward E(bnunds .June 14, 1H77. Int. June 14, 1877. 2 r.i. 2 23 .lo.seph, aged 15;"), 2d marriage, of Peter II. and Sally, and Alice Ilowland Cnr[)enter, of Davis and Eli|)lia, botli born and of Seekonk, married hy Rev. L. S. Woodwortb Dec. .i. 18.S1. Int. Dec. :>, 1881. 2 20. 2 24 William Frederick, aged 20, born Pjovidence, of Seekonk, of Zenas and Anne E., antl Agnes L. (Tilliver, aged 2."), born and of Brooklyn, N. Y., of Randall and Esther C, married liy Rev. H. Warren Clark March 28, 1883. Int. March 2.3, l.ss3. •> 21. 2 24 Ileniy W., aged 26, born and of Seekonk, of .Joseph and Ileniietta S., and Emma C. Negus, aged 22, born and of Fall River, of Robert and Ann J., married by Rev. D. R. Jordan June 12, 1883. Int. June 9, 1883. 2 21. 2 31 Benjamin Nelson, aged 37, 2d marriage, born Long Island, of Providence, of Nelson and Mary (Cam|)bell) Brown, and Minerva Augusta Baker, aged 21). boru Boston, of Seekonk, of John L. and Mary R. (Nash), married by Rev. William B. Heath June 7, 18S).3. Int. June 1, 189.5. 2 28. - 122 BROWNELL :\[oses of Providence and Celinda Ormsbee of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill July 17, 1814. Int. July 10, 1.S14. 1 124. - 147 Edward P. of East Haddam, Ct., and Anstrcss Cole of See- konk, married by Rev. James O. Barney ]\Iay 1, 1826. Int. April 1, 1826. 1 164. 2 14 BRFCE Raymond T., aged 24, born Pawtucket, of Attleboro, of John and Reljecca. and Abby W. Baker, aged 22, born Reholioth, of Seekonk, of Ermin J. and Rosanna, married l)y Rev. James O. B unev Oct. 23, 1862. Int. Oct. 23, 1862. 2 11. - 1.52 BRYANT Levi and Patience Lawton, both of Seekonk, mar- ried iiy Rev. Barilett Pearcc Sept. 20, 1827. Int. Aug. 18, 1827. 1 170. - 123 BUCKLIN Adah of Seekonk and William Jerauld of North Providence, married by Rev. John Hill Dec. 8, 1814. Int. Nov. 13, 1S14. 1 12.5. - 125 Neliemiah and Henrietta Drown, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill July 23, 1815. Int. March 20, 1815. 1 126. - 125 Cynthia of .Seekonk and Jabel Ingrahara of Attleboro, mar- 'ried by Rev. John Hill July 24, 1815. Int. June 14, 1815. 1 126. - 130 Sarah of Seekonk and May D. Mason of Swanzev, married by Rev. John Pitman Sept. 8, 1817. Int. July" 23, 1817. 1 133. - 151 John and Martha Daggett, married liy Rev. Bartlett Pearce Aug. — , 1824. Int. July 16, 1824. 1 155. MARRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 27 - UG BUCKLIN Jauu's, ;xl, ami Sally Newman, botli of Seekouk, man'ied by John Medbury, Esq., Dec. ■'>, 1821. Int. Nov. 22. 1823'. 1 153. - 157 Mrs. Hannah and John Perren. both of Seekonk. married by Rev. James O. Barney April Ki, \S:V.'<. - 158 Pvliza S. and Samuel Jenckes, both of Pawtueket, married by Rev. James O. Barney May 22, 1834. - 114 Jane Elizal)etli of Seekonk and Thomas Wells, M. D.. of Columbia, S. C, married by Rev. James O. Barney July 30, 1835. Int. Aug. 24, 1835. 1 1S)2. - Ill Martha B. and George H. Daggett, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 7, 1841. Int. Oct. 1(3, 1841. 1 201). 2 10 Lucy Anna, aged 18, of Caleb and Sally, and GeorgeBucldiD, aged 21, born Rehobotii. of Seekonk, of James and Sarah, married by Rev. A. 11. Stowell Nov. 10, 1859. Int. Nov. 22, 18511. 2 8. 2 2 BUFFINGTON Gardner C, aged 21, boru and of Pawtueket, of Gardner L. and jNIatilda, and lOUen M. Merrell, aged 18, born Westport, INIe., of I'awlucket, of Josei)h and S •, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 2, 1853. - 123 BULLOCK Tiiomas of Reiiol>otli and Ilannaii Peck of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Hill Oct. 2,1814. Int. Sept. 10, 1814. 1 "l24. - 135 Lewis P. and Elizabeth Peiree Freeman, both of Attleboro, married by Rev. John Pitman .Aua'. 5, 1821. - 147 Mary R. of Seekonk and William Blaudiug of Providence, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Oct. 20, 1825. Int. Sept. 22, 1825. 1 161. - 158 Lovel of Rehoboth and Betsey Munro of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lames O. Barnev May 13, 1834. Int. March 22, 1834. 1 185. 1 4 F;;mily S. of Bariington and Charles Childs of Warren, married by Rev. John C." Welch Sept. 25, 1847. - 157 BENEDICT Uriah ofSmithlleld and Sarah Ann Walcoft of t>eekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 14, 1833. 1 8 BURCHARD Penelope S. and Alfred P. Claflen, both of Attle- boro, married by Rev. James O. Barney June 13, 1852. 2 2 Ellen O., aged 17,' born Medway, of Attleboro, of Delias and Ruth, and (general S. Brown, aged 21, born Smithlield. of Attleboro, of Albert and Rhoda, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 17, 1853. - 157 BURDICK Betsey and Jolui Johnson, botliof Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 28, 1842. Int. Aug. 14, 1842. 1 212. 2 11 BURC4ESS Elizabeth H., aged lit, boru Pawtueket, of Seekonk, of John M. and Lydia, and Stepiicn D. Stone, aged 19, born Warwick, R" 1., of Seekonk, of Daniel J. and Har- riet, married bv Rev. James O. Barney March 19, 18G0. Int. March 18,' 1860. 2 9. 2 12 Sarah Ann, aged 23, born Central Falls, of Seekonk, of John M. and Lydia B., and George Halsey Walker, aged 29, born Seekonk, of Wooiisocket, of George W. and Esther^ 28 VITAL KKCOKU OF r.HODli ISLAND. BURGESS : married bv Kev. C. Bloilm-tt Nov. 20, l.SOO. Int. N.)V. 24, 1860." •> 10. 2 23 Henrj' M.. aged 20, boin Canterlnir}', Ct., of Attleboi'o, of Albeit M. and Marj- A., and Martha Read, aged 17, boru and of Seckonk, of Lewis L. and Eliza II., married by Rev. Jolm (^ Adams May 24, 1874. Int. :\Iay 11, 1874. 2 4 BUKLIEG Betsey S., aged 47, born Wareliam, of Chatham, daugliter of Benjamin Swift, and Ezra Niekcrson, aged ,59, born and of Chatham, of Ezra, 2d marriage of each party, married by Rev. J. E. Gifford Oct. 9, 1855. 2 14 BURNS Cluuies, aged 21, born New York, of Seekonk, of John and Ellen, and Mary J. Elderkin. aged 18, born and of Seekonk, of Russell and Mary, married bv Raymond H. Burr, Esq., Jan. 1, 18G4. Int. Nov. 2(j, 18G8. 2 12. 2 1'.) BURR Mary A., aged 26, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Ray- mond H. and Caroline M., and Charles R. Read, aged 28, l)orn and of Seekonk, of Cyrel and Sall^', married by Rev. Alma H. Capon Jan. 15, 1873. 2 17 Fraidv II., aged S'2, born Newton, Ct., of Providence, of Nathan II. and Ciirranee. and Marj' P. Wells, aced 28, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, daughter of Calvin and Emeline L. Peek, mairied bv Rev. N. B. Wilson July 1, 1,S74. 2 17 BUTLER Thomas F., aged 20, born Providence, of Attlehoro. of Thomas G. and iMercy B., and Ellen R. Bourn, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Zebina W. and Ada, married by Rev. Williim B. Heath Se|)t. 4, 1869. Int. Sept. 13, 1869. 2 15. 2 25 Emma E., aged 23, boru Providence, of Reliolioth, of Thomas G. and Mercy E., and DeForest B. Whitaker, aged 24, born and of .Seekonk, of James M. and Esther B., married bv Rev. George H. Tillon Dec. 31, 1883. Int. Dec. 24, 1883. 2 22. - 131 CAIRNS Mary and Benjamin Rol)inson, both of Providence, married bv Rev. John Pitman Nov. 8, 1818. - 131 CAMPBELL John and Caroline M. Bliss, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Pitm,an Oct. 25, 1818. Jnt. Oct. 11, 1818. ri34. 2 3 George W., aged 25, boru Ilencker, N. Y., of Seekonk, of Ilannis and Patty, and Adalaide A. Mason, aged 19, born and of .Seekonk, of Asaph and Nancy, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Oct. 26, 1854. Int. Oct. 22, 1854. 2 1. 2 6 Sarah M., aged 19, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of Jolm, and Arnold J. Bowen, aged 22, Ixirn Rehoboth, of Canton, married by Rev. George Matthews Oct. 28, 1857. Int. Oct. 27, 1857. 2 a. - 1 CARPENTER Sally of Capt. Abel and Hannah, and Hon. Phanuel Bishop of Phannel and Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1807. - 119 Amey of Seekonk and Elias Guild of Douglass, married bj- MAKUIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SKEKONK. 29 CARPENTER : Rev. Jolui Hill Auo'. 9, l.Sri. Int. Jiilv 20, ISl-2. 1 n;i. - 12."> Cnndac-e Lntlifi' and Samuel Nelson AVilluuirth, l)olh of See- konk. mniTied by Rev. John Hill Aiiiil 6, 1815. Int. April G, 1.S1.3. 1 12t;. - 125 Samuel of Atllehoro and Nancy Ini^raliaui of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. .lolm Hill Oct. 'ill, 1815. Int. Sei>t. 17, 1S15. 1 127. - 130 Ira of Stiirbridge and Elizabeth Abell of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lohii I'itman Dec. 29, 1810. Int. Oct. 31, ]816. 1 131. - 131 Ann antl Dr. Darius Carpenter, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 9, 1817. Int. Oct. 9, 1817. 1 133. - 131 Dr. Darius and Ann Carpenter, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 9, 1817. Int Oct. 9, 1817. 1 133. - 131 Job antl Eliza Bishop, lioth of Seekonk, mairied Ijy Rev. John Pitman Nov. 30, isi.s. Int. Oct. .'U, l.sis. ri;!5. - 134 Capt. .bjnathan and Le|)ha I'lovven, l)oth of Seekor.k, married by Rev. John Pitman Dec. 24, 1.S20. Int. Dec. 2, 1S20. fui. - 135 Davis and Elipha French, l)oth of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 25, 1821. Int. Nov. 1, 1. Int. April 'J, 1836. l" 193. - Ill Clavina of Pawtucket and Benjamin W. Peirce of Providence. married by Rev. Jolni C. Welch Aug. 2, 1841. - 112 Dexter and Aniey F. Kent, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney April 13, 1841. Int. March 26, 1841. 1 211. 1 S Benjamin of .Seekonk and Nancy Wilhnarlh of Attleboro, married bv Rev. .lolin \V. C'olwell Nov. 8, 1843. Int. Oct. 7, 1843. 'l 217. 1 3 Lydia B. of Seekonk and William L. WiUmirthof Providence, married bv Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 27, 1845. Int. Nov. 6, 184.''). 'l 224. 1 3 Anna, born and of .Seekonk, of Uarins and Ann, and John J. Hall of Provitlence, married bv Rev. John C. Welch Sept. 7, 1846. Int. Atig. 23, 1846." 1 226. 1 4 George C, liis 2d marriage, of Seekonk. of Oiis. and Amanda A. Armington of Seekonk. of Ambrose, married by Rev. John C. Welch Jan. 26, 1847. Int. Jan. 2, 1847. 1 227. 1 4 WiHi;un A., aged 34, of Otis, and Mary French, aged 22, of Benjamin, lioth of Seekonk, married by Rev. .Tames O. Barney Jnnc 24, 1847. Int. May 2'J, 1847. 1 228. 1 5 Charlotte Anna, born and of Seekonk, of Davis, and .Jona- than Chaffee, born Seekonk, of North Providence, of Caleb, married bv Rev. .lames O. Barnev Jan. 16, 1849. Int. Dec. 30, 184,s. ] 2 1 6 Maria of Wooster and ICrastns M. Woodwaid, of John P., both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. ^Vek•h Oct. 1, 18.50. hit. Sci)t.— , 18.")0. 1 237. 1 7 Eunice S., aged 21. born and of Seekonk, of Job and Kliza. and William II. Crowell, aged 21, burn Rhode Island, of Attleboro, of William A. and JIaliala, mariied by Rev. Ueorije W. Wallace MavI2. l.s.-,l. Int. :\Iav 9," l.S.)l. 1 24U. 1 7 William M., aged 24, born Fall River, of Providence, of Stephen, and Emiice W. Bishoi), aged 20. born and of, See- konk, of .John J. and Sarah W., married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart May 20, 1851. Int. May I'J, 1851. 1241. 2 1 Francis AV., aged 22, of Ednnind and Lemira, and Anna D. Barney, aged 18, of John and Ruth, lioth born and of See- konk, married bv Rev. Henrv G. Stewart May 5, 1853. Int. May 1, 1853. 1 251. 2 1 Clarrissa, aged 50, 1st marriage, born and of Attleboro, of Dea. Cyrel and Abigail, and Dea. George M. Colt, aged 60, 3d marriage, born Newport, of Bristol, of John and Mary, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 4, 1853. 1 9 Si)encer S., aged 55, born and of Seekonk, of Otis and Me- liitable, and Martha Wilhnarth, aged 42, her 2d marriage, born Providence, of Seekonk, daughter of George Wilcox, married by Rev. John Hawson Sept. 5, 1853. 2 2 A'.va, aged 25, born and of Seekonk, of Jonathan and Leaffee, and Mary E. Allen, aged 19, bora Swauzey, of Attleboro, JIARKIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 31 CARPENTER : of Squior and Eleaiidr, raarriL-d liy Rev. George W. Wallace A))iil 10, 1854. 2 5 Henry, aged 25. born Seekonk, of Attlel)oro, of .lonatlian and Leafifee, and Mary Jane Holl)rook, aged 23, horn Rhode Island, of Attlehoro, of Ezekiel and Caroline, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct 4, 1855. 2 14 Horatio, ai;ed 28, born and of Seekonk, of Wooster and La- vina, and Hannah Maria Cole, aged 22, born Providence, of East Providence, of Nathaniel and Hannali W.. married by Rev. G. M. P. King May 14, 18(!2. Int. May 13, 18G2. 2 11. 2 17 Amanda, aged 18. bom and of Seekonk, of George II. and Almira, .and Charles B. ;\Iolt, aged I'J, born and of Attle- boro, of Bradford G. and:Mary I., married by Rev. William B. Heath Nov. 26, 1808. 2 22 S. Amelia, aged 35, of Davis and Alpha F., and Solon Car- penter, aged 34, of Wooster and Lavina, both born and^of Seekonk,"married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 8, 1874. 2 22 Solon, aged 34, (jf Wooster and Lavina, and S. Amelia Car- jjenler^ aged 35, of Davis and Alj.iha K., both born and of Seekonk.'raarried by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 8, 1874. 2 20 Henry Herbert, aged 19, born and of Seekonk, of Henry and MaVy Jane, and Catharine Ilnghes, aged 20, born Ireland, of Attleboro, ofNialand Mary, married by Rev. A. i\ Remington Nov. 15, 1875. Int. Nov. 15, 1875. 2 18. 2 21 George W., aged 28, born Providence, of East Providence, of John P. anil Eliza B., and Alice C. Short, aged 18, born and of Seekonk, of San:pel and Catherine F., married by Rev. J. W. Ilorton Fell. 15, 1877. Int. Feb. 15, 1877. 2 18. 2 21 Herbert, aged 2G, born Seekonk, of East Providence, of Wil- liam M.'and Eunice W., alid Emelie E. Brown, aged 25, born .lud of Seekonk, of Zeuus and Anne, married by Rev. Edward Ednuuids Jnne 14, 1877. Int. Jnne 14, 1877. 2 r,). 2 21 Ilattie L.. at;ed 17, born and of Seekonk, of Henry and H , and Andrew S. Mason, aged 21, born Providence, of Attleboro, of James and Sarali, married liy Rev. J. Willett Sept. 10, 1.S77. Int. Sept. 6, 1877. 2 I'J. 2 23 Alice Howland, of Davis and Elpha, and Joseph Brown, aged 65, 2d marriage, of Peter H. and Sally, both boru and of Seekonk, married by Rev. L. S. Woodworth Dec. 5, 1881. Int. Dec. 5. 1881. 2 20. 2 24 H. Jennie, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Amey and Mary (Il.ilbrook) Carpenter, and George P. Peterson, aged 21, born Manslield, of Attleboro, of George J. and Betsey J., married by Rev. A. F. Remington Dec. 21, 1882. Int. Dec. 10, 1882. 2 21. 2 25 Ada C, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Henry and Mary J. (Holbrook) Carpenter, and William C. Carey, aged 22, born and of Attleboro, of Martin and Sarah A. (Fuller) 32 VITAL UKCOKU OF ItHoDE ISLAND. CARPENTER : Caiev, married l)y Rev. A. F. RLiuingtou Dec. 31, 1884. Int. Dec. .31, 1884. 2 22. 2 2G .Jolia II., aged 23, boru and of Soekonk, of Henry and Mary J., and Harriet E. Peirce, aged 19, born and of Attleboro, of Abram and Ilariiet E., married b}' Rev. Warren A. Luce Nov. 1, 188G. Int. Oct. 2,s, 188{). 2 23. 2 27 Eiida M.. aged 24, born E.ast Providence, of Seekouk, of Albert and Maria, and Harry R. Ellis, aged 24. boru and of East Providence, of AViliiam W. and fSiirali H., married by Rev. L. Z. Ferris Aug. 13, ISSl). Int. A'lg. 10. 1881). 2 24. 2 28 Alice L., aged 22, born and of Reliobolli, of Ira W. and Mary T., and Horatio M. Cariienter, aged 26, born and of Seekonk, of Horatio and Hannah, married b}' Rev. George II. Tilton Sept. 30, l.s;ii. Int. Sept. 28, 1891. 2 2.'). 2 28 Horatio M., aged 2(5, born and of Seekonk, of Horatio and Hannah, and Alici' L. Carpenter, aged 22, born and of Rehdbotli, of Ira W. and JIary T., married by Rev. (Jeorge II. Tillon Sei)t. 30, 1891. Int. Sept. 28. 1891. 2 2:)^ 2 31 Sarah Charles, aged 23, of Horatio and Hannah (Cooke) Carpenter, ami Lovell M. Cole, aged 29, of William M. and Harriet (Perry"; Cole, both born and of Seekoid<, mar- rieil by Rev. L. '/.' Ferris Oct. 9, 189.3. 2 31 Carrie Heath, aged 2.'!. boin and of Seekonk, of Henry and ^lary .). (Ilolbrook) Carpenter, and Henry Herbert Dar- ker, aged 23, boin and of Piovidence, of James A. and Einma (Yonng) Barker, married bv Rev. William B. Heath Dec. 2:). 189.3. Int. Dee. 23, 189.5. 2 28. -149 CARR Caleb and Hannah Gotf, married by Rev. Ray Potter Jan. 5, 1»27. Int. Dee. 27, 1827. TieS. 1 6 Sarah A., her 2d marriage, of Seekonk, daughter of Charlton Leonard, and Charles Andrews of Coventry, R. I., married by Rev. John C. Welch .Alaich 31, 1850. Int. March 13, LS,"p(i. 1 23;'). 2 32 .John B., aged 31, bcMii Cumberland, of Providence, of Thomas and Ann (Jones) Carr, and Abby L. Adams, aged 19, liorn and of Seekonk. of Daniel M. anil Hannah (Ronnds) Adams, mairied bv Rev. Thomas R. Brown Oct. 1."), l.s;t(;. 2 29 CARROLL Mary, aged 2(;, br.rn Ireland, of Warren, of John and Johanna, and Jliehael Wardeck, aued 41. 2d marriage, born Ireland, of Seekonk. of Patrick and Cate, married by Rev. J. Fogerly Sept. 12, 1892. Int. -Sept. 7, l.'<92. 2 20. 2 2 CARTER P^lizabeth. aged 18. born and of Providence, of Hiram and Lydia, and Lewis R. Pike, aged 21, bom and of Attle- boio. of Wasiiinglon and Eliza, a)airied by Rev. George W. Wallace July 2, l.S.-,4. 2 12 Ellen Frances, aged 20, born and of Pawt-icket, of Hiram and Sylvania, and David P. Read, aged 23, born Seekouk, of Pawtncket, of Nathaniel antt Philena, married by Rev. James O. Baruev Dee. 27, IsOO. MAlUtrAGES AND INTKNTIONS — SEEKONK. 33 - 13.') CASE Luciuda of Soekonk tind Preserved Alger of Smitlifleldi married by Rev. John Pitman March 10, 1822. Int. Felj- 24, 1S22. 1 146. - 138 Anstress and Jose|)h "Wliittemore, married liy Rev. Ray Pot- ter April 8, 1824. Int. March 27, 1824.' 1 154. 2 4 Samuel O., Jr., aged 22, horn Rehobotli, of Seekonk, of S"*inuel O. and Sarah H., and Henrietta K. Cooper, aged 21 , burn Pawtneket, of fSeekonk, of Daniel 15. and Harrietts, married l>v Kc v. George W. Wallace Aiiril 3, 18.').'*. Int. March 31, ■18.-.5. 2 2. 2 11 Jennie Mason, aged 19, of Samnel O. and Sarah, and Henry Orville Bourne", aged 27, of Almon O. and Cliarlotte D., both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Bar- jrey Sept. 2.i, 1860. Int. Sept. 19. 1860. 2 9. 2 14 Mary E., aged 22. bom Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Isaiah and Mary A., and Alonzo Healey, aged 27, born New Bedford, of Rehobotli, of Stafford and Amey, married by Rev. James (). Bi'rney Sept. 21, 1.S62. Int. Sept. 21, 1862. 2 11. 2 19 Ella B., aged 16, born and of Seekonk. of Samuel O. and Harriet E., and Solomon Stone, aged 22, born Prudence Isle, of Seekonk, of Daniel J. and Harriet E., married by Rev. Wdiiam B. Heath Nov. 2.'i, 1872. Int. Xov. 25", 1,S72. 2 16. 2 27 Daniel \V., aged 20, born .and of Seekonk, of Samuel ()., Jr., and Harriet E., and Edith L. Thornton, aged 20, born and of Atlleboro, of Abel C. and Eleanor, married by Rev. A. F. Remingtt)n Feb. 20, 18>S8. Int. Feb. 16. 1888. 2 24. 2 28 Edward K., aged 2."), born and of Seekonk, of Samuel O. and Harriet E ,"and Georgianna B. Tingley, aged 22, born and of Attleboro, of James H. and Mary A., mariied by Rev. S. F. Grady May 28, l,s;io. 2 20 CASWELL Lewis, aged 32, born Kichinond, N. C., of See- konk, of David and Cynthia, and Emma G. Elderkin, aged 30, 3d marriage, born Providence, of Seekonk, daughter of Samuel and Henrietta Potter, mairied liy Viall Medbury, Es(i., June 11. 1875. Int. lune I, 1.S7.'.! 2 IS. 2 28 Lewis, atred 48, 2d marriage, born Richmond, X. C , of Seekonk, of David and Cynthia, and Ann INIaria Johnson, aged 31), .'Id marriage, boiu Phenix, of Seekonk, daughter of James and Catherine (McGovern), married liy A. N. Medbury, Esq.. Jan. 29, 1.S91. Int. Jan. 27, 1.S91. 2 25. 2 16 CAVAMAGH Mary, aged 33, of .lolin P. and Mary, and John Greene, aged 32, of Patrick and Mary, both born Ireland, of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. Isaac Clieescboro Oct. 28, 1866. Int. Oct. 27, 1.S66. 2 13. 2 17 Anne, aged 27, of John P. and Mary, and OIney Giecne, aged 22, of Patrick and Mary, both born Ireland,, of Seekonk, married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboi'o Dec. 17, 1868. Int. Dec 17, 1868. 2 14. - 135 CH.4CE Lvdia J. and William D. Hunt, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Hev. John Pitman Feb. I'.i, ls-.'2. Int. Dee. 27, 1821. 1 145. 34 VITAL KiicoiiD OF uhodh; island. - 144 CIIACK Josc'iih of Curalieiland aiul Tenta Read of AtUeborOj inanied liy Kev. Ray Potter ^Vlarcli 6, 182:3. - M.J Sarah and Horatio Peek, liotli of Seekonk, married liy Rev. Ray Potter .Iidy 4, 1.S24. Int. June 1, 1824. 1 l;i.j. - 145 Lewis and .Malinda Xickerson, l)oth of Seekouk, mairied by Rev. Ray Poller April 2, 1825. Int. March 13, 1825. 1 159. * - 149 Jlalinda and Georoe W. Hopkins, married by Rev. Ray Potter Aug. 24,' 182e. Int. Jtdv 9, 1820. l" 160. - 159 Saraii E. [Ciiase] and .lames M. .Solomon, both of Seekonk, married by p:ider Childs Lnllier iS'ov. 28, 1835. Int. Oct. 11, 1835. 1 193. - 112 Jlarcus P. of Somerset and .Mary Ann Grant of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Dec. 31, 1841. Int. Dec. 5. 1841. 1 210. 1 1 Collins of North I'rovidence, of liuftiim and Klcey M. Aldricli, of Seekonk, of Peleg, man led bv Rev. John C. Welch June 21, 1843. Jnt. May 19, 1843. ' 1 215. 2 2 George D., aged 25, born Portsmonlh, R. I., of Seekouk, of George and Eunice, and Saiah M. Blake, aged 25, born Wrenlham, of Seekonk, of Charles and iMary, married at Providence by Rev. Albert G. .Morton July 23, 1854. Int. July 8, 1854." 2 1. 2 4 Sarah, aged 41, 1st marriage, born Portsmouth, of Provi- dence, of George and Eunice, and Samuel R. Nye, .nged 63, 2d marriage, born and of Westerly, of Samuel and Sarah, mariied by Rev. Albert G. ]\Iorton March 31, 1855. 2 4 Mary, asjed 32, born and of Swanzey, of David and ^lary, and Silas II. Handy, aged 37, 2d marriage, born and of .Seekonk, of William and Hannah, married b3' Rev. Zaiman Tobey April 12, 1855. Int. April 9, 1855. 2 2. 2 G George A., aged 27, born Dighton, of Atlleboro, of Alva and Clarrissa, and Mary A. Allen, f,ged 19, born and of Reho- both. of Isaiah, married by Rev. George Matthews Juiie.S, 1856. 2 20 James G., aged 28, 2d marriage, born Seekouk, of Pawtucket, of Samuel O. and Saiah II.. and Helena A. Brown, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Joseph and Henrietta S., mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney 3Iay lU. 1876. Int. May 8, 1876. 2 18. - 120 CHAFFEE Polly ami Joseph West, Jr., both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Hill Dec. 6, 1812. Int. Nov. 1, 1812. 1 120. - 128 Caleb and Lepha Ormsbee, both of Seekonk, married at Swanzey by Elder Abner Lewis Dec. 15, 181(5. Int. Nov. 24, 1816. 1 131. - 130 Lydia and William P. Ormsbee, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman June 1, 1817. Int. April 26, 1817. 1 132. - 131 Huldah of Seekonk and Benjamin Peek of Barrington, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 9, 1817. Int. Oct. 11, 1817. 1 133. -131 Charlotte of Seekonk and Iia Potter of Providence, married MAUniAGES AM) INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 35 €HAFFEE : by Rev. .loliii Pitniau March 10, ISli). Int. Jnii. IG, 1819. 1 l.'i.K - 135 Wnlkor and Patienec Bowen, both of Seekoiik. married by Kl'v. John Pitman Doc. 6. ISil. Int. Nov. S, 1821. 1 HT). - 14G Jolm and Fanny IMcdbury, liotii of Scckonk, married b^' John Medhury, Esq.. Ot. '.», 1823. Int. Sept. "21, 1823. 1 152. - 161 Wilder and Sabina Howcn, n)arriert by Rev. Bavtlett Pearce April — , 1824. Int. April 4, 1824. 1 154. - 151 Ira and Julia Ann ISIason. married by Rev. Barllett I'earce March 12, 182G. Int. Feb. 5, 182'(;. 1 1(14. - 156 Orville and Amey Ann Lyon, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James o! Barney Oct. 5, 1828. Int. Ang. 24, 1828'. 1 173. - 115 Ilannali B of Seekmik and Lewis Peiree of Rcholioth, mar- ried by Rev. John Allen Nov. 28, ISlT. Int. Nov. 7, 1837. 1 l',»8. - 117 Eliza and Howard A. Miller, both of .Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jniy 1 1 , 183'.i. Int. Jnly 4, 183;i. 1 202. - 117 Samnel and, Uebecca T. Peiree, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen Nov. 24, 183'.». Int. Nov. 18, 183'i. 1 203. - 117 Mary and Saniticl B. Allen, both of Seekonk, married liy Rev. Jolm Allen March 7, 1810. Int. Feb. 10, 1840. 1 204. - IK) Betsey O. and William II. Arminsiton, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Allen Sept. 'iC, 1840. Int. Aug. 21), 1840. 1 205. - 113 Caleb and Pamella A. Allen, mairied by Rev. John C. Welch April .8, 1841. Int. April it, 1841. 1 208. 1 S Jonathan and Abbv L. L'lther, both of Seekonk, marrieil by Rev. John C. Welch Oct. 23, l.Si;;. Int. Sci)t. 8. 1842. 1 212. I S Cordelia of Seekonk and William Wheeler of Rehoboth, mar- ried by Rev. John C. Welch Dec. 0, 1843. Int. Nov. 20, 1842. 1 213. 1 1 Asa, of Abel, and Betsey Ann Medbury.of Viall. both of See- konk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Jan. 29, 1844. Int. Jan. 14, 1844. ' 1 218. 1 3 Henrietta II., of t^aleb, and Daniel 1). Barney, of John, both born and of Seekonk, mariied by Rev. John C. Welch March 30, 1846. Int. Afarcli 15, 1846. 1 225. 1 4 Oliver, of Caleb and Leaffee, and Abl)y JIariaGray, of Chnrch and Sail I., married by Rev. James O. Barney June 13, 1848. Int. May 2,8, 1848. 1231. 1 5 Cyrus, aged 34, of Samnel, and Amanda M. Miller, of Seth, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Sept. 28, 1848. Int. Sept. 10, 1848. I 231. 1 5 Asaph C, aged 44, 2d marriage, of Seekonk, and Enily R. Peiree, aged 37, of Rehoboth, married by Elder CihUds Luther Oct. 1, 1848. Int. Ang. 6, 1848. 1 231. 1 5 Jonatlian, born Seekonk. of North Pi'ovidcnce, of Caleb, and 36 VITAI- KKCUIID OF ItllODK ISLAND. chaffp:e : t'liarlotto Anna Carpentef, boiii and of Soekouk, of Davis, married liv Ke\-. .lames O. Barney .Tan. 16, 1849. Int. Dec. 30, i.S-l«. 1 232. 1 5 Joseph B., of Walker, and Reliceca H. Anthony, of David R., both born anil of .Seekonk, married by Rev. JohnC. Welch March 2(;, 18-10. Int. Feb. 24, 1819. 1 233. 2 1 Fanny W., aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Walker and Patience, and Francis K. Pearce, aged 24. of Seekonk, of California, married l)y Rev. George W. Wallace Juno 10, 1853. Int. Jnne 13, 1853. 1 2.j3. 2 2 Leaffee P., aged 18, born and of Seekonk, of C'aleli and Leaffee P., and .loseph Robinson, aged 2G, born Warwick, Eng., of Seekonk, of Joseph and Sarah, married by Rev. Alexander Lorinier Mav 10, 18.-)4. Int. May 10,' 1854. 2 1. 2 9 William, aged 31), 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Samuel and Nancy, and ^Nlary Ann Lord, aged 38, 2d mar- riage, born New Hampshire, of Providence, married by Rev. Waterman Pearce Sept. 6, 1859. Int. Sept. 17, 1859. 2 7. 2 10 Mary F., aged 17, of Bozworth and Henrietta, and Henry B. West, aged 21, of Nathan and Abby, both born and of Seekonk, manied by Rev. James (). Barney Oct. 26, 1859. Int. Nov. 10, 1859."^ 2 8. 2 16 Jennie Helen, aged 22, bora and of Seekonk, of Samuel and Rebecca, and Moses Almy Aldrich, aged 24, born Smith- field, of Piovidence, of David and Khoda, manied by Rev. David H. Ela Nov. 28, 1867. Int. Nov. 26, 1867. 2 14. 2 18 Edward D.. aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of Jonathan and Charlotte A., and KUa S. Gregory, aged 21, born Ports- mcinth, N. II., of Providence, of Albert and Mary J., mar- ried bv Bisliop Henshavv Dec. 27, 1870. Int. Dec. 27, 1870." 2 16. 2 19 Almont L.. aged 25, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of William and Sarah W., and Lydia A. Short, aged 25, 2d marriiigo, born Franklin, of Pantucket, daughter of Fran- cis and Surah IJarlon, married by Rev. II. W. Rugg Jan. 11, 1873. Int. Jan. 10, 1K73. '2 17. 2 19 Amanda M., aged 22, of Cj'rua and Amanda M., and Chase W. Ormsboe, aged 23, of Abram and Cynthia W., both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro, June 1, 1873. Int. ilay 27, 187'3. 2 17. 2 20 Thomas G., aged 37, of Bozworth and Henrietta, and Laura A. Woodmansce, aged 27, 2d marriage, daughter of Aldrich aud JIaranda Payne, both born ancl. 1. 1851. Int. Sept. 30, 1851. 1 243." - 153 CLARK Henry, of Canteilmry, Ct., now of Seekonk, and Mary T. Dorranee of Warwick, married by Rev. Arthur A. Ross Jan. 27, 1834. Int. Jan. 18, 1834* 1 184. - 158 John of North Kingstown, R. I., and Rebecca Handy of See- konk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 1, 1834. Int. Nov. 11. 1834. 1 188. 1 3 Ruth F. and Plianuel B. .Jacobs, 2d marriage, both born and (jf Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Julv 5, 1.S46. Int. June 20, 184(;. l" 225. 2 25 Almira J., aged 44, ."id n;arriagc. bom Wrenthain, of Attle- boro, daughter of Leonard and Patience Thayer, and .Sam- uel D. Chaffee, aged 51, born and of Seekonk, of AValker (Bowen) ChatTee, married by Rev. George H. liorton Sept. 4, 1 881. Int. Sept. 4, 1884. 2 22. 2 21 CLEMENS Adaline E., aged 48, 2d marriage, born Attleboro, of Seekonk, daughter of Arnold and Betsey Peck, and (leorge (J. Newman, aged 43, Ijorn and of Seekonk, of Sylvanus and Charlotte, married bv Rev. A. F. Reniingt'>n Nov. 21, 1878. Int. Nov. 10, 1878. 2 19. - 127 COBB Anna of Seekonk and Nathaniel iNIason of Rehoboth, married by Appollas Cushman, Esq., April 5, 1815. Int. Feb. 15, 1815. 1 12(;. - 139 Elihus and Betsey Cushing, both of Seekonk, married by Allen Hunt. Esq.. March 30, 1823. Int. March 8. 1823. 1 150. - 152 Daniel, Jr., of .\ltleb(ir(j and Bethiah N. Medbury of See- konk. married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Aug. 1-1. 1.S27. Int. Julv 14, 1827. 1 170. MAUlMAGliS AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 39 1 8 COBB James L.. aged 2-->, lioiii Rliode Island, of Seekouk, of vSeth and Olivet and Ihiniiali L. C. PotU'r, agi'd 25, born and of same |ilaces. of Jos>ei)li and Mary, married in Rhode Island Nov. IT, 1852. Int. Nov. 17, 1852. 1 247. - 144 COE James and Al)igaii Garzee, hotli of Seekonk, married l.>y Rev. Ray PoUer Sept. 20, 1821. - 145 COFFIN Eliza and Henry Stoddard, married l>y Rev. Ray Potter May 'J, 1824. Int. April 25, 1824. 1 154. - 143 COGGESIIALL Phebe of Scekonk and James Iluteliinsou of Noriliampton, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 14, 1824. Int. Aug. 13, 1824. 2 4 Marv A., aged 22, born Pawtuekct, of Scekonk, of Jolin and Ainey, and (ieorge II. House, aged 23, born Abington, of Seekonk, of Freeman and Maria, married by Rev. James B. Simmons April 3, 1855. Int. April 2, 1855. 2 2. 2 15 Lydia, aged 17, liorn Westport, of Reliobolli, of Stephen and 'Patience, and John R. Allen, aged 2{), born Svvanzcy, of Seekonk, of ISIary, married by Rev. James O. Barney July 4, 1860. Int. July 4. 18(;(;. " 2 13. 2 1 COIT Dea. Geoige M., aged 60. 3d marriage, born Newport, of Bristol, of John and Alary, and Clarrissa Carpenter, aged 50, 1st marriage, born and of Attleboro, of Dea. ■ Cyrel aud Abigail, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 4," 1853. 1 8 COLBURN Matilda F., aged 15, of Henry and Rhoda, and Theo- dore A. G. Hall, asied 20, of Theodore S. and Maria A., both bom and of Rhode Island, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Oct. 10. 1852. Int. Oct. 10, 1852. 1 246. - 120 COLE Sarah of Seekonk and Russell Munro of Bristol, married by Rev. John Hill Aiiril ;, 1816. Int. Feb. 28, 1816. r 12;». -140 Anicy and John Daggett, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Bartlelt Pearee Sept. 5. 1823. Int. Aug. 17, 1823. 1 152. - 143 Lucy and Hiram Aldredge, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 30, 1825. Int. Jan. 0, 1825. 1 158. -151 Hannah and Thomas Cole, mat ried by Rev. Bartlett Pearee Jan. 2(;. l.-i2(;. Int. Jan. 8, 1826. 1 163. - 151 TlKHuas and Hannah Cole, married by Rev. Bartlelt Pearee Jan. 26, 1826. Int. Jan. 8, 1826. 1 163. - 147 Anstress of Seekonk and Edward P. Brownell of East Ilad- dam, Ct., married by Rev. James O. Barney May 1, 1826. Int. April 1, 1826. 1 164. - 156 John H. and Amey Daggett, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney May 19, 1830. Int. Ai)ril 24, 1830. 1 176. - 158 Nathaniel, Jr., and Hannah Bishop, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney Ai)iil 3, 1834. Int. March 15, 1834. 1 185. -113 Edmund and Olive N. AVheeler, both of Warren, married by Rev. John C. Welch April 22, 1841. - Ill Sylvanus of North Providence and Caroline Lake of Paw- tucket, married by Rev. John C. Welch July 1, 1841. 40 VITAL KECDRI) OF KHDDK ISLAND. 1 2 COLE lleniy and Pollen Black, liolli of Wairen, married by Rev. John C. Welch Sept. 5. 1844. 1 3 Whealon and Kliza A. Frost, both of Warren, married by Rev. John C. Welch May i), 1845. 1 S Constant of Rehoboth and Mary White of Seekonk, married l)v Rev. Waterman Peirce Dec. :^'J, b847. 1 ."( Xatlianiel, Jr., aired 47, 2d marriage, born Danville, Vt., of Seekonk, of Nathaniel, and Eveline Kent, 2d marriage, of Simon, married bv Rev. John C. Welch Oct. 22, 1848. Int. Sept. 30, 1848. ' 1 231. 1 5 Patience E. of Seekor.kand Harry II. Dnnhamof Providence, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 30, 1848. Int. Nov. 16, 1848. 1 232. 1 7 Lcavit C, aged 47, 2d marriage, of David, and Louisa M. Cole, aged 34, of John, liotli born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Henry G. Siewart Nov. 20, 18.51. Int. Xov. 20, 1851. 1 243." 1 7 Louisa M.. aged 34, of John, and Leavet C. Cole, aged 47, 2d marriage, of David, liotli born and of See'(onk. married by Rev. ifenry G. Stewart Nov. 20, 1851. Int. Nov. 20, 1851. 1 243. 2 3 Mary A., aged 21. born Providence, of Seekonk, of Leavit C. and M;iry G., and Asa K. Hill, aged 37, born Cranston, of Pawtucket, of Richard and Alice, married by Rev. Georije Matthews Dec. 31, 1854. Int. Dec. 22, 1854. 2 1.' 2 ;'. Susan M., aged 18, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Leavit C. and Mary G., and Jose|)h T. Denton, aged 24, born New York, of Seekonk, of Nallr.iniel R. and Margaret, married by Rev. Henry G. Slewait Jan. 1, 1855. Int. Dec. :^0, 1854. 2 2. 2 6 Martha A., aged 25, of Philemon and 31ary, and Nelson Kowen, agcil 24, of ^\"illialn and Alice, both born and of RehoboUi, married l>y Rev. James O. Rarney May 1, 185(j. 2 7 Nancy B , aged 2;l. born and of Seekonk, of Ebenezcr and Betsey, and James MeMellon, aged 33, born Pictoii, N. S., of Seekonk, of John and Ann, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 5, 1859. Int. Sei)t. 5, 185;). 2 7. 2 14 Hannah Mari;i, atied 22. liorn Providence, of East Providence, of Nathaniel and Hannah A\'., anil Horatio Cari)entor, aged 28, born and of Seekonk. of 'Wooster and Lavina, married b}' Rev. (i. .M. 1'. King May 14, 18(J2. Int. May 13, 1802. 2 11. 2 20 ^lartlia Louisa, aged 18, bnin .b)hnstoii, of Seekonk, of Henry and Catliarine, and Wellington Robinson Dennis, born East Providence, of Seekonk, of William R. and Mary K., married by Jose|)h Brown, Es(|., Oct. 19, 1874. Int. Oct. 19, 1874. 2 !7. 2 31 Roby Anna, aged 23, born anil of Seekonk, of William M. and Ilanief, (Perry) Cole, and James A. Welch, aged 30, born New York, of Pawtucket, of Reuben A. and Helen (Rislev) Wi'lch, mariicd liy Rev. Thomas B. Foster April 24, 1895. MAUKIAGKS AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 41 2 31 COLE Lowell M., :i2eil 20, "f WiUiaui M. ami Ilaniel (Perry) Cole, and Sarah Cliailes Car|ieiUcr, aged 23, of Horatio and Ilamiah (Cooke) Car|)eiiter, bolli born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. L. F. Fries Oct. 9, l.s'Jo. 2 32 William K., aged 2.'5, born .lolmston, of Pawtueket, of Albert A. and Ardelia (Watts', Cole, and Addle Etta Lewis, aged 2(k born and of Central Falls, of Andrew J. and Adaline (Bassell) Lewis, married by Asapli C. Hill, Esq., May 17, 18;m;. Lit. May 14, 1896.' 2 28. - 1.34 COLLEMER Harriet Byron and Joseph Watt, both of Seekonk, married b\- Rev. .lolm Pitman INLuuh 2.5, 1821. Int. March G, 1821. - 145 COLLEY Rebecca and Aliiall Smith, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Rav Potter Jnly 18, 1824. Lit. .Inly 11-, 1824. I'l.KT. 2 11 COLLINS La W., aged 27. born Piovidence, of Rehoboth, of Asahel and Lydia, and Abby L. Pearce, aged 27, born and of Rehoboth, of Abel F. and Abigail, married by Rev. Watei-inan Peirce May 13. 18(i(). 2 32 Joseijh Henry, aged 24, born North Attlelioi'o, of Seekonk, of Timothy and Anna .L (Kelley) Collins, and Amelia Rntii Larkin, aged 19, iiorn England, of Allendale, of Patrick and Margaret (Murphv) Laikiii, married by Rev. Thomas F. Carroll Feb. 12". 1890. 2 24 COLVIN Sylvester A\'., aged 70, .'Jd marriage, born Phenix, of Seekonk, of Ira and Betsey (Lie) Colvin, anil Merriam Potter, aged Gl, 2d marriage, liorn Sonth Kingstown,.; of Seekonk, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Lock, married by Rev. George R. Spink Sept. 13, 188;;. Int. Sept. 8, 1883. 2 21. - 157 COMSTOCK Sarah and Capt. L.-wis Walker, liolhof Seekonk, mairied hv Rev. .James O. Barney Dec. IG, 18.)2. Int. Nov. 18, 18:52. 1 181. - 114 George and Polly Aruolil, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lames (). Barney May 28, 1835. Int. April 14, 1835. 1 140. - 114 Moses B. and Sally K. Greene, liolh of Seekonk, married by Rev. .James O. 13ai-ney l^ec. -, 183G. Int. Nov. 3, 18;IG. 1 195. 2 30 CONQUEST Niles S.. aged 22, l>orn Sweden, of Seekonk, of Niles S. and Hannah (Telson) Con(]iiest. and Helma J-]. Hanson, aged 18, l)orii Providence, of East Providence, of John S. and Josephine f Anderson) Hanson, married by Rev. Lyman G. Horton Sept. 12, 1894. - 132 C00K1<: l-;rizal)eth and James Wadlow. both of Seekonk, mar- by Apixjlhis Cushman, Esq., Jan. 7, 1821. Int. Dec. 24, 1820. 1 141. - 152 Eliza Ann of Smithtield and Clarke Tonqikins of Seekonk, married bv Rev. 15artlelt IVarce Aug. .'■, 1827. Int. July 15, 1827." 1 170. 1 8 Francis of Cumberland and Mary A. Iloyt of Attleboro, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. G, 1852. 2 1 Amcy, aged 20, born Connecticut, of Seekonk, of Olney, and Elnathan Fi-kc, aged 20, born Dennis, of Central Falls, of 42 VITAL KECOKU OF KHODE ISLAND. COOKE : Ebeiiezer and Desiie, married bv Rev. Waterman Pearee April 25. I«.i3. Int. April 21, "1853. 1251. - 130 COOPER Meiiilable and J()lin P. Woodward, both of Seekonk, muried by Rev. John Pitman March31, IfilT. Int. Mareli 10, 1817." 1 132. - 130 David and Iliddali Read, botli of Seekonk, mTirried li_y Rev. John Pitman .Jnne 10, 1817. Int. April 7, 1.S17. "l 132. - 157 Lneinda of Seekonk and William Ilawes of Providence, mar- ried bv Rev. James O. Barnev April 15,1833. Int. March 25, 1833. 1 182. - Ill Amanda A., of Piovidenee, and Sylvanns C. Rounds of See- konk, married bv Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 30, 1841. Int. Nov. 13, 1841. 'l 209. 1 S Snsan Catherine and James ]\I. Harrington, both of Seekonk, murrifd by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 22, 1843. Int. Jan. (!, 1843. "l 214. 1 S Mary JM. and Frances JMillerd, both of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. John ('. Welch April 2, 1843. Int. Eeb. 18, 1843. 1 214. 1 2 Sarah B., born and of Seekonk, and George W. Robinson, born and of Reliohoth, married liv Rev. Jamea O. Barney May 20, 1845. Int. April 26, 1.S45. 1 223. 2 3 Horace W., aged 28, of David, and Susan Rounds, .aged 17, <^f vSylvanns, both born Seekonk arid of Atlleboro, marrieil by Rev. George Wallace Jan. 28, 1855. 2 4 Henrietta E., aged 21, born Pawtneket, of Seekonk, of Daniel B. and Ilenriette, and Samuel O. Case, Jr., aged 22, born Rt'hoboth, of Seekonk. of Samuel O. and Sarah II., married by Rev. George W. Wallace April 3, 1855. Int. March 31, 1855. 2 2. 2 4 Huldah R., aged 35, born Seekonk, of Attleboro, of David and Huldah, and James H. Engley, aged 38, 2d marriage, born and of .\ttleboro, of John and Lucy, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Sept. 24, 1X55. 2 10 Ellen W., aged 30, born and of Seekonk, of William, and Otis H. Kna|)p, aijed 2(i, born and of Atlleboro, of Freeman and Lvdia, married by Rev. .lames O. Baincy Oct. 30, 1.S51). Int. Nov. 10, 185;i. 2 .s. 2 12 James William, aged 20, born North Providence, of Seekonk, of William Bond and Celia, antl Anne Maria Drown, asred 1«, born Providence, of Seekonk, of George F. and Free- love, married by Rev. David Rounds Nov. 7, 1800. Int. Nov. 7, 1800. 2 10. 2 18 William, aged 60, 2d marriage, l)orn and of Seekonk, of David and Sarah, and Caroline F. Greene, aged 33, 2(1 marriage, l)orn Fall River, of Seekonk, daughter of Daniel and Be'thiah V. Cobb, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 23, 1869. 2 30 COPE Minnie A., aged 24, born Pawtneket, of Taunton, of Samuel and Mary A., and Ilerliert R. Barney, aged 34, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of .hunes R. and Martha C, mar- ried by Rev. J. Milton Rich Feb. 22, 1894. Int. Feb. 14^ 1894. 2 27. MAERIAGICS ANT) INTENTIONS— SEEJvON K. 43 - 130 CORHAN Kosigii Benjamin and Jlaiv Bowen, l)otli of Set>- koiik, muiried by Rev. .iolm Pitman Nov. l'T, ISH. Int. Oet. -22, 1814. 1 12.'i. 2 25 CORKY William C, aged 22, horn and of Altlelioio. of :\[ar- tin and Sarali A. (Fuller) Corey, and Ada C. Carpenter, aIary and Abraham Ormsbee, Jr., both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Juhn Pitman Apiii 13, 1817. Int. March 9, 1817. r 132. - 131 Charles C. and Betsey Martin, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Jan. 18, 1818. Int. Dee. 23, 1817. 1 134. - 134 Charles C. and Mary Barney, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. John Pitman March 4, 1821. Int. Feb. 22, 1821. 1 142. - 139 Betsey and Elihns Cobb, both of Seekonk, married l)y Allen Hunt, E^q., March 30, 1823. int. March 8, 1823. 1 150. - 150 Almeda F. of Srckonk and Capt. Samuel Smith of Troy, Alass., married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 27, 1828. Int. Nov. 8, 1828. 1 174. 1 3 Susan C, born and of Seekonk, of Charles C. and Thomas W. Fuller of Providence, man led by Rev. John C. Welch May 3, 1846. Int. Jan. 11. 1846. 1 225. 1 4 Abby A. of Seekonk, of Charles C, and John Peer, Jr., of Canada East, married by Rev. John C. Welch Sci)t. 19, 1847. Int. Sept. 4, 1847. 1 228. 2 5 Edwin F., .aged 25, of Horace and Nancy, and Sally B. Med- bury, aged 20, of Ebenezer and Amity, married" liy Rev. George W. AVallacc .Alarch 4, 1856. :mai;i;ia(;ks and intkntid.ns — skekonk. 45 2 13 GUSHING Ezfkiel C, aged 2ij. bom and of Scekoiik, of Charles C. and ]\I:u-y, and Harriet P. lilaisdi'll. aged 24, born Boston, of Seekonk, of Hezekiah and Avis, married by Rev. G. jM. p. King Nov. 21, IsGl. Int. Nov. 19, l.SCl. 2 11. 2 21 Andrew ,1., aged 4.j, of Cliarlos C. and Mary, and Mary K. West, aged 3.'), of George C. and INIary A., both born and of Seekonk. married by Rev. Geoige H. Tilton April 11, 1878! Int. April 8, 1878. 2 ll*. 2 23 Sarah M., aged 24, born and of Reliobotli, of Edwin F. and Saiali B., snd Samuel M. Atkinson, aged 22, born Provi- dence, of Seekonk, ot William and Laura Jane, married by Rev. George H. Tilton (Jet. 13, 1882. Int. Get. 13, 1882. 2 21. 2 28 Heibert E., aged 2C), born and of St-ekonk. of Ezekiel C. and Harriet P., and Grace C. Blake, aged 23, born BlooniHeld, Ct., of Providence, of Edward and Eliza A., married liy Rev. Henry A. Blake Aug. 20, 18;i(). Int. Aug. IC, 181)0. 2 25. - 135 CUTLER Simeon Newton of lloUiston and :Mary Eitts of See- konk, mariied by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 8, 1821. Int. Oct. 10, 18-Jl. 1 144. D - 121 DAGGpyiT Robert and JNIarv Bolton, both of Seekonk, mar- ried Iiy Rev. John Hill V\b. 17, 1814. Int. Jan. 2'J, 1814. 1 123. - 131 Keziah of Seekonk and Alfred Barney of Barrington, married by Rev. John Pitman March 1, 1818. - 140 John and Amey Cole, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Bart- lett Pearee .Sept. 5, 1823. Int. Aug. 17, 1823. 1 152. - 151 Martha and John Biicklin, married by Rev. P.arllett Pearee Aug. —, 1824. Int. July 10, 1824. 1 155. - 152 Ann Elizabeth and Zebina^IIorr, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearee Sept. 28, 1826. Int. Seiit. 10, 1826. 1 167. - 152 Hannah D. and Jefferson Dasigett, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. Bartlett Pearee March 14, 1827. Int. Feb. 4, 1827. 1 icy. - 152 Jefferson and Hannah D. Dagsiett, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. Bartlett Pearee March 14, 1827. Int. Feb. 4, 1827. 1 161). - 156 Amey and Jolni H. Cole, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Mav I'J, 1830. Int. April 24, 1830. 1 176. - 157 George II. and Hannah Murry. both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Apiil 1, 1832. Int. March 4, 1832. 1 180. - 115 Sarah Ann W. and Ca|it. Preserved Thompson Abell, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen April 11, 1838. Int. INIareh 18, 1838. 1 PJ9. 40 VITAF. UKCDIM" DK l;HO:>K ISLAND. - IIG DAGGETT Laura T. and Ehcnezcr Biosvn, both of Seekonk, inaiiit'd liv Kev. John Allun March 17, 1839. Int. Mareli 3, 1.S30. "l -201. -117 Joanna A. and Iloniee B. Bowon. luilh of Scekonk, niari-ied hv Rev. John Allen Oct. 30, 1.S39. Int. Oct. C, 183'J. - 11 1 (Icorire II. and Maitha B. Bncklin, both of Scekonk, manied bv'Kev. John C. Welch Nov. 7. 1S41. Int. Oct. lU, 1841. r ■io'.i. 1 1 John !S. and Joanna Lawton. both of Scekonk, married by Kev. James O. Barncv Ansj;. K), 1843. Int. July 9, 1843. 1 21G. 1 5 Caroline A. of Scekonk. of Robert, and John .\. Woodworth of Fall Rivei', mairitd bv Rev. James (). Barney Sci)t. 14, 1848. 2 7 Fanny Maria, aiJed 42, 1st marriage, born and of Scekonk, of Robert, and James Bickncll, aged G2, 2d marriage, born Barrington, of Scekonk. of Joshna, married by Kev. James O. Barney Ai)ril 1."), 18,")8. Int. Aiiril l.i. IS.jH. 2 n. 2 4 DALTON Jlary, aged 28, l)orn and of Providence, of James and Mary, and Charles C. Klderkin, .aged 24, born and of Seekonki of Marcais and Klizabctli, married by Viall Med- bury, Esq.. April .'), 18,"ir). Int. April J, 18.55. 2 2. 2 14 Marv, aged 23. 2d marriage, liorn Ireland, of Seekonk, of James and Mary, and Jonathan R. Elderkin, aged 38, 2d marriage, born .Mendon, of Seekonk. of Russell O. .ind Betsev, married l)V Viall Medbinv. Esq., Sept. 7, I8G2. Int. Sept. 7, 18G2." 2 11. 2 17 Margaret, aged 39, liorn and of I'j'ovidence, of James and Rosa, and Charles Ik)rlon, aged 47, 2d marriage, born Ronifrct, Ct., of Seekonk, of Barnet and Mary, married by Viall Medbnrv, Esq.. May 7, 1809. Int. May 7, 18G9. 2"l.".. 2 13 D.VNA Ferdinand G.. aged 24, born Svvanzey, of Seekonk, of William II. and Sophia T., and Sarah J. Wheeler, aged 20, born and of Seekoidv, of Arnold and Sarah, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 31. 18G1. Int. Dec. 2o, 18Gf. 2 11. 2 30 DANVFKS Andrew C., aged 21. of Charles A. and Eva (Rad- loff). and Mabel C. McKenney, aged 21, of James and I'hebe. both born and of I'awlncket, married bv Asaph C. Hill. Esq., Nov. 10, 1S94. Int. Nov. 10, 1894. 2 27. - 142 DARLINCi Socrates, a resident, and Julia Ann Woodward, of Seekonk, married by Rev. Silas Hall July 13, 1823. Int. June 8, 1823. 1 1.">1. 2 12 Warren, aged 40. 2d mariiage, born .Mendon. tif Seekonk. of liensou and Lois, and Anna Roil, aged 30, liorn New Yoik, of Providence, "f John and Elizalietli, married by Robert IM. Pen-ce, Escp, Dec. IG, 18G0. Int. Dec. IG, 18G0. 2 10. -133 DAVENPORT Eliza N. and Dr. Arlemns Johnson, lioth of Scekonk, married by Kev. John Pitman June 15, 1820. Int. Jlareh 27, l.s2o! 1 139. MAIiRIAGKS AND 1>;TI':NT1i iNS — SKKKI iN K. 47 - 156 DAVKNPOirr Phebe M. of Seckoiik and (leoige M. Vose of North Providence, nianied liy Kt'V. .Tauies O. Barney April 24.1831. Int. Ai)ril ;>, l.S.'il. 1 177. - 133 DAVIS Capt. Samuel of Portland, Me., ami I.ncy Ann Walker of Seekonk, married liv Kev. .loliii Pitman May '21, 1820. Int. .Alareh 11, 1820. " 1 138. - 148 William of Westport and Eliza Dennis of Seekonk, married by Collins Darling, Es(i., Ai)ril 13, l.S2(;. - 151 Charlotte and Isaiaii Martin, married by Kev. Bartlett Pearcu June 1, !S2r,. Int. May «, 182G. 1 1(55. - 14'J .\delia S, and Ilirani A. .Icrauld, married by Rev. Pay Potter Jan. 18, 1^*27. Int. Feb. 7, 1827. 1 168. 1 4 Mary P. ol Pehoboth and Charles E. IMilkr of Seekonk, mar- ried by Kev. Jame= O. Painey July 2.'!, 1S4(;. Int. July 3, 184G. 1 225. 2 5 John W., aired 2'.), boin Kehol)oth, of Providence, of John, 3d, and Nancy, and Lydia W. Kenyon, aged 211. l)orn Kingston, R. I., of North Providence, of John T. and Sarah, married bv Rev. James O. P>arni'V Se|it. IS, 1855. Int. Sei)t. 16, 18.55. 2 ;;. 2 6 ' Patience, aged 30. of John, 3d, and Nancy, and Albert G. Peck, aged 52, 2d marriage, of Sylvanns and Charlotte, iiKiri'ied by Kev. James O". Barney Oct. 12, 1S57. 2 26 ^Maynard, aged 22, born Poland Springs, Me., of Pawtncket, of Maynard G. and Adaline, and Emma S Walker, aged 2l, born and of Seekonk, of George II. and Sarah A., married bv Kev. A. F. Remington Oct. 27, 181S6. Int. Oct. 26, 1886. 2 23. 2 12 DAVVLEY Mary Amanda, aijcd 35, 2d mairiage, born and of Providence, daughter ol Thomas and Maiy Jillson, and James P. 3Iillcrd, .igeil 30, 2d marriage, born Rhode Isl- and, of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 23. 1.S60. Int. Dec. 21, 1,S6"(). 2 10. - 143 DAY Abigail of Rehoboth and David Koliinson, a resident, marrietl by Kev. James O. Barnev May 27, 1824. 2 15 James W., aged 26, born Elliottville, N. Y., of Providence, of Samuel D. and Emily, and Anna R.Allen, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Sain;',el B. and Mary, married by Rev. G. iM. P. King June 7, l.s(;5. Int. June 7, 1865. 2 13. 2 25 R. Herbert, aged 32, born Sanford, Me., of .Seekonk, of Joshua I,, and Elizalieth 0.. and Anna .1. Woodman, aged 30, bom and of Westboro, of Robert and Charlotte, mar- licd by Kev. E. E. Thomas Jan. 16, 1884. Int. Jan. 15> is,s4. 2 ii. - 133 DEAN Mary of Seekonk and Elisha Angell, E.sq., of North Providence, married by Rev. .John Pitman IMay 7, 1820. Int. April 13, 1820. 1 139. 2 21 DeBLOIS JIary A. B., .aged 18, born Newport, of Seekonk, of Gilbert and Martha, and William F. Worlhington, agei;l> OK IMIODIC ISLAND. - US DENNIS Kliz.i of Soekonk and William Davis of West- port, iiiari-ieil b}' ('ulliiis Darling, Esq., April 13, 1826. 2 20 WuUingtou Roliiiisoii, aued I'.l. born East Providence, of Seekouk, of William R. and ^lar}- E., and Martha Louisa Cole, aged 18, l)orn .Johnston, of Seekonk, of IIenr3' and Cathnriiie, mariied bv .Jose[ih Hiown, P^sij., Oct. I'.l, 1874. Int. Oct. ill, 1874. '2 17. 2 ;! DENTOX .l(>s('i)li '1\, aged 24, born New York, of Seekonk, of Nathaniel II. and Blargaret, and Susan M. Cole, aged 18, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Leavit C. and Mary O., married by Rev. Heni-y G. Stewart .Ian. 1, IM.')"). Int. Dec. 30, 1854. 2 2. 2 24 Susan M., aged 47, 3d mnniage. l)orn and of Seekonk, daughter of Leavit and iMar^' G. Cole, and Arnold M. P>ovven, aged 00, 2d marriage, born Thompson, Ct., of See- konk, of Elisha and Amev, married l)y Viall INIedbui'v. P^sq., March 2o, 1.S83. Int. March 24, 1883. 2 2. 1 S DICVENS .lane and William Krown Ide. botli of Seekonk, mar- ried l)v Rev. .Idhn C. Welch .luiie 2'J, 1813. Int. , lime 14. 184;'.. 1 L'I2. 1 2 Charlotte of Seekonk and Otto Kimball of Hoston, married bv Rev. C. 'JVelch Mav 2i), 18J4. Int. May 12, lfS41. 1 220. - 132 DEWERSTT .lohn ami Eli/.a Sears, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. .John Pitman Dec. 13,. 181'.t. Int. Dec. 2, IM'.t. ri37. - 137 DEXTER Lyman and .ledida Walker, liotli of Seekonk, mar- ried by AppoUas Cnshman, Es(i., N>>v. .5, 1822. - 151 Edward, Jr., and Arvilla Walker, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. B;irtlett Pearee Eel). 7, 1825. Lit. Jan. 23, 1825. 1 158. - 14'.) I<;iiza Wade and John Randall M. Cornell, married bv Rev. Ray Potter July 1.;, 182(;. Int. July 2, 1820. 1 ir.C. - 150 Henry II. and Eunice H. Walker, bo'di of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James (). IJarnev Nov. 13, 1828. Lit. Oct. 1'.), 1828. 1 171. - Lil Esek \V. of ('unibt'iiand :ind I>'.li/.alietli F. Ilannnond of See- konk, mairied by Rev. IL'Uiv Chirke Dec. li, 18.",(',. Lit. Xov. e. 183(;. i i;i5. -Ill Almira P. of Xoilh Providence and William Hradlev of Pawtiicket, married by Rev. John C. Welch March 14. 1841. 1 (i Christopher, aged 25, born and oi' Seekonk, of Edward and Arvilla, and Sarah W. Bishop, aged 22, bom Rhode Island, of Seekonk, of John J. and Sallv, married liy Rev. Henry (i. Stewart Nov. 28, 1850. Int. Nov. 2, 1850. 1 2.38. - 132 DICKINSOX Elizabeth of Seekonk and Andrew Huntress of Bristol, married bv Rev. John Pitman July 5, \S\'J. Int. July 4. LSI'.I. 1 '\-M. - 152 Ezra and Joanna .Alason of Seekonk, married liv IJev. Bart- lett Pearse March 2(;, 1827. 1 G JoaniKi, aged 50, daughter of Xalhan Mason, and John Bar- ney, 2d, of Jonathan, both born and of Seekonk. married by Rev. Ilenrv G. Stewart Jan. 1, 1851. Int. Dee. 11, i8.-,o. 1 23 'J ; MAI;l!IA(iES AND INTENTIONS — SKEKONK. 49 - 121 DODDS George D. of Providence uiul Pamela P>()\ven of See- konk, married liy Rev. Jolm Hill Nov. 1, 18i;J. Int. Oct. IG. 1X13. 1 1-2-2. 2 11 DODGE Kdward M., aged 27, bora Providence, of Seekonk, of J. K. M. and Mary, and Sarah .1. Manninu;, aijed 2(1, horn (Tlasgow, .Scot., of Seekonk, of James and Mtirgaret, mar- ' rii'd by Rev. .lames O. ISarnev .Ian. 22, ISCO. Int. Jan. 21, 1860. 2 'J. 2 20 Pliebe, aged ID, born Providence, of Seekonk, of David R. and Jlary A., and Benjamin .lones Rooks, a<^'ed 26, born Norfolk, Va., of East Providence, of William E. and Mary A., married by Viall Medbury, Es(i., Dec. 24, 1874. Int. Dec. 24, 1874. 2 17. 2 22 Aunetta. aged 21, born Providence, of Seekonk, of David R. and Mary Ann, and .John W. MiUeken, agi'd ;50, born and of New Shorehani, of Freeman and Celesta, married by Viall Medbnry, Esq., .Jan. 29, 1880. Int. Jan. 2'.), 1880. 2 lit. 2 23 JjUcetta, aged 20, born Providence, of Seekonk, of David R. and Mary A., and Charles C. Havens, aged 33, born Rhode Iclaiid, of Seekonk, of W. D. S. and Marv, married by Rev. Bailey S. Morse Feb. 2, 1882. - 1.52 DORR Betsey and Arnold Petus, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Nov. 19, 1826. Int. Nov. .'), 1826. 1 168. - l.")3 DORRAXCE Mary T. of AVarwiek and Henry Clarke of Can- terbnry, Ct., now of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. Arthur A. Ross ,"lan. 27, 18;i4. Int. Jan. 18. 18;;4. 1 184. - lo'J DOUGLASS Robert and Eliza B. 15aker, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. I5arney Dec. 24, l^2(>. Int. Dec. 3, 1826. 1 168. - 158 Hiram of North Providence and Lydia Lake of Seekonk, mar- ried bv Rev. James 0. Barney Nov. 3, 1833. Int. Oct. 20, 1.S33. 1 18.:-. 2 S DRAPER. Mary Jane of Cuml)erland and I^lienezer Fisk of Attlehoro, "married by Rev. Henry (t. Stewart .lune 14, 18r)4. 2 23 DRISDELL Maria L., aged 2;'.. born and of Providence, of Alesand(!r and Jane, and William A. Alexander, aged 28, 2d mai-riage, l)orn Rhode Island, of Seekonk, of AVilliam B. and Hannah (.;., niarried by Rev. A. F. Keith June 27, 1882. - I2.'> DROWN Henrietta and Neheniiah Bucklin. both of Seekonk, married l)v Rev. John Hill Jnly 23, 181.',. Int. March 20, 181.5. 1 126. - 13.5 Mary, resident of Seekonk, and Amos M. Read of North Providence, married by Rev. .John Pitman .lune 13, 1821. Int. May 19, 1821. l" 143. - 162 Eliza and JIajor S. Snell, both of Seekonk, married I>y Rev. Bartlett Pearce Nov. 29, 1827. Int. Nov. 11, 1827. 1 171. - 156 Hannah of Rehoboth and Thomas Perren of Seekonk, married by Rev. James (_). Barney June 12, 1831. Int. April 27, 1831. 1 178. 1 2 Mary of Pawtucket and John Kent of Seekonk, 2d marriage of each party, married by Rev. James O. Bainey June 4, 1845. Int. May 8, 1845. 50 VITAL ItKCOKD OF UH()nK ISLAND. 1 4 DROWN T>I:uy A. nnd Joseph B. Mailin, l)Otli of Bairington, married by Hex. John C. ^Velch April lo,1847. 2 8 Jlartlia A., aged 20, Ijorn Taunton, of Seelfonlc, of Joslma and Kosaniia, and Alpiieas F. Medhury, aged 23, born and of Keiioliotli, of Ira and Nancy, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 9, 1858. 2 12 Anna Maria, aged 18, born Providence, of Seekonlv, of George F. and Freelove, and James William t'ooi)er, aged 20. born North Providence, of Seekonk, of AVilliam Bond and Celia, married by Rev. Daniel Ronnds Nov. 7, 18G0. Int. Nov. 7, 18()0. 2 10. - 154 DUDLEY Friend C. of North Providence and Amey Ide of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 31, 1826. Int. Dee. 10, 1826. 1 168. 2 4 Catharine F., aged 27, l)orn North Providence, of Seekonk, of Fiiend C. and Amey, and Joseph L. AVatson, aged 21), born and of New Bedford, married by Rev. Warren Ran- dolph Oct. 10, 1855. Int. Oct. '.», 1855. 2 3. 2 8 DUFFY Jane T., aged 35, born England, of Providence, and Benjamin Haskell, aged 40, 2d marriage, born and of Providence, of Benjamin and Louisa, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 11, 1858. Int. Nov. 10, 1858. 2 6. 2 2 DUNBAR Harriet, aged 42, 2d marriage, born and of Attle- boro, danghter of Remember and Sarah Smith, and Alfred Claflon, 2(1, aged 50, 3d marriage, born Lyme, N. II., of Attleboro, of Alerton and Sarah, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 23, 1853. - 157 Samuel M. of Seekonk and Sarah Ramans of Newport, mar- ried hv Rev. James O. Barney Sept. I'.t, 1831. Int. Sept. 4, 1831. 1 178. 1 5 Henry II. of Providence and Patience E. Cole of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 30, 1848. Int. Nov. 16, "l848. 1 232. - 145 DYER Prescilla and Sylvester Crowell, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. Riy Potter Aprd 2, 1825. 2 6 Catharine, aged 22, born Ireland, of Taunton, and John E. Wliiteley, aged 22, born Dighton, of Taunton, of Josei)h and Mary, married bv Rev. George Matthews Feb. 18, 1857. E - 124 FLVRLE Jolm.and Mary Anthony, both of Seekonk, married by Allen Hunt, Esq.. Jan. 17, 1842. Int. Jan. 1, 1842. 1 210. — 156 EASTON P^dward and Priscella Peirce, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 19, 1829. Int. Dee. 28, 1.S28. 1 174. 2 4 EDDY' Caleb AV., aged 22, born and of Providence, of Josiah I. and Sophia P., and Mary E. Ilowland, aged 21, born and of same place, of John, married by Rev. George Mathews June 10, 1855. Int. June 9, 1855. 2 2. 2 6 Mary S., aged 29, born and of Providence, of Comfort and MAKKIAGKS AND IXTKNTIONS — SEEKONK. 51 EDDY : Cutliarine, and George L. Sutton, Jr., ni^ed 26, born I'rov- denoe, of Seekoiik, of George L. and ^leic}-, married liy Rev. James O. Barney June\>2, l.s:)G. Int. June 9, l«."i(;. 2 •!. 2 28 Martha M., aged 42, born and of rrovidence, of Henry and Amanda, and Henry J. Geer, aged 43, born Pittsiield, Me., of Providence, of Elijali and Jfary, married by Kev. George H. Horton July 1), 1891. Int" July 9, 1«91. 2 2.5. - 114 EDMUNi)S Capt. John of Pioviilence and Anna B. Wade of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney May 31, 1S36. Int. ]\Iav S, l'S3(;. 1 194. 2 21 EDWARDS' Francis W., aged 22. born Boston, of Melrose, of James W. ai;d Elizabeth, and Mary E. JNIoulton, aged 20, born Swan/.ey, of jMelroso, of Epliraim F. and Mary E., married liy Rev. A. F. Remington June 3, 1.S77. 2 20 Charles H., aged 20, born Paweatuck, Ct,, of Seekonk, of Solomon L. and Sarah J., and Anna Grace .Slone, aged 19, born Warwick, of Seekonk, of Stephen 1). and Elizabeth, married bv Rev. L. S. Wood.vorth .May ll,bs«7. Int. May 2. 18H7. 2 24. - 13o I<:LDERKIN Marcus Aurelias of Providence and Elizabeth Slocnm of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman May 24,1821. Int. May 3, 1.S21. i 143. 1 3 Jonathan R. of Seekonk, of JMaicus, and Maigaret :N[cGuire of same place, married by Pev. Ileniy G. Coombs Feb. 21, 184(i. Int. Feb. 9, 184;). 2 4 Charles C, ageil 24, born and of Seekonk, of .Marcus and Elizabeth, and Mary Dalton, aged 18, born and of Provi- dence, of James and Mary, married by Viall .Medbury, Esq., April .5, l.S."i.5. Int. April 5, bs.'io. 2 2. 2 13 John Lewis, aged 28, boi'u Providence, of Seekonk, of INIar- cus and Elizabeth, and Martha Ann Miller, aged 17, born and of Seekonk, of John and Susan, married by N'iall Medbury, Es(i., April 27, 1801. Int. April 27, 1801. 2 10. 2 14 Jonathan R., aged 3. born Tannton, of Pawlucket, of Charles and Emma" (^McGreii'or) p:vans, and Geoige S. Horton, aged i;t, born Attleboro,'^ of Seekonk, of Eilninnd and Mary E. (Eldredge) Horton, married by Asaph C. Hill, Esq., April 12, 189G. Int. April 10, 18',i6. 2 28. - 134 EVP:RETT William of Attleboro and Hiddah Ellis of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman March 28, 1821. Int. Feb. 22, 1821.' 1 1 11. 2 30 P^\.IRFIELD Snsan Lydia. ag. d 21. born East Providence, of Seekonk. of David and Jane (Ilonglitou) Fairfield, and William Clark ]Murdock. aged 26, born Providence, of See- konk, of William and Maggie (Lawrence) Mnrdock, mar- ried by Rev. G. W. Rigle'i' Aug. 28. 18114. -112 FAl R MAN Joseph P. of Pawtneket .and Ellen W. Langley of Seekonk, mairied by Rev. John C. Welch Get. 4, 1841. Int. Aug. 22, 1841. 1 208. 2 9 Anjanda A., aged 17, born Seekonk, of Pawtneket, of An- drew P. and^Naoma, and John P. Jacobs, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Phannel B. and Olive, married by Rev. George Taft May 3. 185'J. Int. April 26, 1859. 2 7. 1 6 FARNUM Joseph and Eii>.!ibeth J. Thnrslon, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart June 9, 1850. Int. June !•, 1850. 1 23.5. 2 10 FENNER Francis E., aged 28, born and of Natick, of John and Lucy, and William Bowman, aged :W, 2d marriage, born Coventrv, of Warwick, of James and Sarah, married by Rev. A. 11. Stowell Nov. 10, 1859. lut. Nov. 22, 1859. 2 8. 2 11 FIELD William Frances, aged 25, born Attleboro, of Seekonk, of Joseph and Lavina A., and p]lipha I\I. Johnson, aged 23, born Coventry, of Seekonk, of Welcome and Almy, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 5, 1860. Int. Aug. 3, 1860. 2 9. 2 12 Sarah Jane, aged 20. born Attleboro, of Seekonk, of Joseph and Lavina, and William Francis Ennis, aged 18, born 54 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. FIKLD : Pawtiickt't, of Scukoiik, of Daiiiul T. and Sarah, nianicd by Rev. James O. Baruey Nov. 21, 18(10. Int. Nov. 17, ISC.O. 2 10. - 149 FIELDING Jolm and EstLer 15. Horlon, inanifd l)y Rev. Ray Potter July IG, 182G. Int. June 22, 1826. 1 ICri. 2 9 Thomas, asred 23, born Cheshire, Eng., of Providence, of Jolm and Harriet, and ]Mary Hay, aged 2s, born Glasgow, .Scot., of Proviileiice, of Robeit and Jennie, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Sept. 17, 18.39. Int. Oct. 18, 1859. 2 7. - 134 FILLMORE Lucius of Providence and Lydia Snell of Seekonk, married bv Rev. Johu Pitman April 22, 1821. Int. April 1, 18l'1. 'l 142. 1 8 FINCH Lewis, aged 22, born 'WhiteiiaU, N. Y.. of Pawtucket, of Thomas, and Lucy A. Staples, aged 18, boru Manville. R. I., of Noith Providence, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Aug. 14, 18.'>2. 2 25 FIJvE:M()HE Emily E!izal)eth, aged 18, born East Providence, of Seekonk, of Albert iSI. and Mary, and William Herbert Williams, aged 2.'!, born Westerly, of Seekonk, of William A. ar.d JIary J., nuxrried liy Rev. George H. Tilton Jan. 25, 1884. Int. Jan. 25, 18S1. 2 22. - 137 FL'^H Fanny and IMilton Reail. both of Seekonk, married by Ap|iollas Ciishman, Esq., .lune 22, 1824. Int. June 7, 1824. 1 151. - 154 Piirenie of Seekonk anil Truman Stephens of Sniithlield, mar- lied by Rev. James O. Bainey April 1, 1827. - 157 James and Fannj' Elizabeth Bishop, both of Seekonk, n)arried by Rev. James O. Barnev April 18, 1833. Int. April 3, 1833. 1 183, -114 Mrs. Nancy E. of Seekonk and William II. Crain of An- dover. married bv Rev. .Lames O. Barney March 29, 1836. Int. May 15, 1836. 1 194. 2 5 AInathan, .aged 22, 2d marriage, born Dennis, of Providence. of Elienezer and Desire, and Bridget Minnie, aged 18, born and of Providence, of James and Margaret, married bv Rev. Henry ti. Stewart Nov. 6. 1855. Int. Nov. 6, 1855. 1 233. 2 23 Jennie M., aged 18, born Wrentham. of Seekonk, of Freder- ick AV. and Mary E.. and Herbeit B. Wright, born Swan- zey. of Seekonk. of Leonard B. and Loiza B., married by Rev. James L. Peirce Feb. 2, 1881. Int. Feb. 2, 1881. 2 20. 2 25 Sophia Chuk, aged 25, born Bristol, of Seekonk, of David A. and Sarah J., and William Newton Peck, aged 22, born Providence, of Seekonk, of A. and Mary Ann, married by Rev. Wesley L. Smith May 25, 1884. Int. May -ir), 1884. 2 22. 2 21 FISHER William H. , aged 26, born Newbmn, N. C, of See- konk, of Jacob and Frances, and Gloriauna E. Elderkin, aged 18, born and of Seekonk, of John and Mary, iiiarried by Rev. Nelson II. Turpin Jiuie 10, 1878. MARKIACKS ANI> INTENTION^;— SEEK( )Mv. br> -112 FISK Saimiel of Stouglitou and Cflia L. Sliort of Altk-boro, married liy Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 14, 1842. 2 1 P^lnatban, aged 20, bora Dennis, of Central Falls, of Ebene- zer and Desire, and Ainey C^ooke, aged 20. born Conneeti- eiit, of .Seekonk, of Oliicy. married liy Kev. Waterniau Pearce April 2."), 185;!. In't. April 21, 1S.",3. 1 2.")I. 2 8 Klienezer of Atlleboro and JNIary .Tune Dra|)er of Cuniljer- land, married liy Kev. Henry G. Stewart June 14. 18.54. - 13.J FITTS Mary of Seekonk and Simeon Newton CiUler of Ilollis- ton, married by Kev. John Pitman Nov. is, 1. Int. May 21. 183(;. 1 194. 1 2 Sarah A., and James P. Millerd, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 24, 1845. Int. Aug. 10, 1845. 1 223. - 151 FRANCIS Fanny of Taunton and Ebenezer Lee, married liy Rev. Bartlett Pearce Dec. 12, 1825. - 152 Hannah of Dighton and David Briggs, married liy Rev. Baitlelt Pearce Nov. 30, 1826. 56 VITAL I!KC()KI) OF RHODE ISLAND. 2 29 FRAXKLIX Ezra C, a^cd 43, 2d inaniage, born Xoitli Kinostowii, of F^ast Providence, of Sylvester R. and Abby' A., and Ellen P. Volker, aged 21, born Providence, of East Providence, of Jacob and Ellen M., married bv Rev. C. D. Harp Auij. 9, 1.S93. Int. Aug. 9, 1893. 2 2'7. - 132 FREPn?()l)Y William of Newport, now resident of Seokonk, and Snsan Slocum of Seekouk, married bv Rev. Jo!m Pit- man Ang. 8, 1819. Int. May l.^>, 1819. 1 13G. 1 2 .Snsan, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, and .Tolm Miller, born Seekiink, of Providence, married at Relioiiotli In' Rev. Henry C. Coomlies Oct. 29, 184:!. Int. Oct. 8, 1843. 1 217. - 127 FREEMAX Edward and Mrs. PoUv Waldon. residents of Seekonk, married by A|)pollas C'ushman, Esq., Dee. 21, 181."). Int. Sept. 2ti. LSlo. 1 127. - 135 Elizabeth Peircc and Lewis P. Bullock, liotli of Attleboro, married liy Rev. .b Im Pitman Ang. 5, 1821. - l.")l Milton of Atllelioro and Eliza R. Kent of Reliobotli, married by Rev. .Tames O. Barney Oct. 1, 1S2C). 2 13 Mary L., asied 20, born Attleboro, of Seekonk. of Ezra and Stella, and Danfurtli II. Medliury, aged 22, born and of Re- hob()lli,of Calvin and Nancy B., married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 18. l.sdi. - 119 FREXCH Aliei. Jr., and Kcziab Brown, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John IliU Nov. 22, 1S12. Int. Oct. 24, 1812. 1 "121). - 121 Ezra and Lois Abell, both of Seekonk, ir.airied bv Rev. John Hill Feb. 22, 1814. - 12Ci Ezra and Xancy Smith, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Hill Xov. 31), 181.'). Int. Xov. 28, 1815. 1 128. - 12G Sallv of Seekonk and John Wlieaton of Rchoboth, married bv Rev. John Hill Feb. 25, 1.S1G. Int. Jan. 17, 1816. ri29. - 133 Benjamin ami Zilplia Bliss, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Feb. 20, 1820. Int. Jan. 15, 1820. 1 138. - 135 IClilfha and Davi.s Cari)enler. both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lohn Pitman Xov. 25, ISl'1. Int. Xov. 1, 1821. 1 145. - 143 Otis and Mattie A. Baker, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. Janus (). Barnev Oct. 21. 1.S21. Int. Sept. 27," 1824. 1 15(;. - 152 Harvey of Providence and Lydia 1). Peck of Seekonk. mar- ried bv Rev. Barllett Pearce Nov. 29, 1827. Int. Nov. 11, 1827. 1 171. - 157 Ann ICliza of Seekonk and Thomas Carpenter of Rehoboth, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 14, 1832. Int. Sept. 22."l832. 1 181. - 145 Adtdine F. of Seekonk and GeoriK? Greene of Smilhfield, mar- ried bv Rev. W\ H. Ilayward March 28, 1S42. Int. April 25, 1.S4 2. 1 208. 1 2 Lydi.i, liorn and of Seekonk, of Benjamin, and Lewis Kent, born Seekonk, of Pawtncket, of Seba, married by Rev. MAUIIIAGES AMD INTENTiUNS — .SEEKONK. FRENCH : James O. Baruev Dec. 2.s, 1S43. Int. Dec. I), 1.S43. 1 -iis. 1 S Laiinx L. of AttlelH>ro ami Sauiiicl Allen u( Seekouk, mar- ried by Rev. Joliu W. t^oUvell .lau. 1, 1.S44. Int. Dec. o, 1843. 1 218. 1 2 Henrietta S., of Eizra, and Joseph Brown, of Peter, I)c)tU born and of iSeekonk, married bv Rev. James O. Bar- ney Jan. 11, 1844. Int. Dee. 16, 1.S44. 1 218. 1 4 Mary, aged 22, of Benjamin, and William A. Carpenter, aged 34, both of Seekonk, son of Otis, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jnne 24, 1847. Int. May 2U, 1847. 1 228. 1 5 Lonisa and Crawford Potter, botli of Seekonk, mairied bj' Rev. Jolm C. Welch April 8, 1.S49. Int. March 18, 184'J. 1 233. 1 8 Nancy B., aged 20. born Altlcboro, of Pawtucket, of Ezra auii Susan, and Francis G. Morton, aged 23, born Reho- botli, of Pawtucket, of Benjamin and Betsey, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Aug. 1, 18.')2. 2 3 Lucy jM., aged 19, born and of Seekonk, of George W. and .Sarah, and George F. Lie, aged 21. born and of Attleboro, of Haitford and Mary T., married by Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 23, 1854. Int. Nov. 22, is.")!. 2 1. 2 4 pjdniund H. and Ellen M. Arnold, married bv Rev. George W. Wallace April 2i), 18;",;-). 2 22 Clara ftl., aged 22, of John and ftlaryJ.. and William B. Perren, aged 44, of Tliomas and Hannah B., both born and of Seekonk, married by Kev. .lame.s (.). Barney Fell. 2a, 1880. 2 22 Ida B., aged 23, of George F. and Emeline, and Elijali Kent, aged 3.5, of Virgil and Emeline, bolh born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. A. F. Kemington Feb. 2.3, IMSii. Int. Feb. 2.'), 18.s(). 2 10. 1 3 FROST Eliza A. and Wlicaton Cole, both of \Varren, married by Rev. John C. Welch May ',), l.s4.'i. -63 FULLFjR Radial, of Ebenezer, and John WiUmai th, of Dan- iel, Feb. 14, 1.S(I2. - 123 Levi and Mary Peck, b )th of Seekonk, mmried by Rev. ,)ohu Hill Dec. 11, 1S14. Int. Nov. 12,1814. 1 12.3. - 113 Samuel B. of Rehol)oth and Harriet M. Jones of Seekonk, married at Wrentham by Rev. Benjamin II. Davis Jan. 23, 1842. Int. Dec. 2.-J, 1841. 1 21(1. 1 S Mary Ann of Seekonk and Llerman Allen Peek of Providence, married by Rev. John C. Welch Jan. 11), 1S13. Int. Nov. 6, 1.S42. 1 213. 1 3 Thomas W. of Providence and Susan C. Cusliing, born and of Seekonk, of Charles C, married by Rev. John C. Welch May 3, 1846. Int. Jan. 11, 1840. 1 22.3. 1 3 Mary A., aged 20, of Pawtucket, of Turner and Mary, and Harvey S. Kent, aged 2!», of Seekonk, of Simeon and Bet- sey, married at Sutton by Rev. Willard F'uUer July 12, 1846. Int. July 24, 1840. 1 22.3. .1 8 Joseph A., aged 21, of Welcome and Nancy, and Melissa Josliu, aged 15, of William and Laura, both burn and of 58 VITAL i;i:c()i;i) of khook island. FULLER : Attlehoro, married bv Rev. Iloniv G. Stewart Doc. b, 18.V.^. Int. Dec. 0, 1.S52. 1 2-18." 2 '2 Jodutlian, ageil 30, born and of Attleboro, of Thomas and Ann, and Sally C. Ronnds, aged 29, l)orn Rehoboth, of Attleboro. of Cyreniis and Mary, married by Rev. George W. Wallace, Jan. 4. 18.")4. 2 22 Hattie A., aged 18, born and of Reliol)Otli. of Cyrns and Lydia. and Frank H. Greene, aged 19, born Greenville, R. 1., of Seelvonk, of Thomas and Mary E., married bv Rev. George H. Tilton Seiit. 9, 1878. Int. Sept. 9, 187«''. 2 19. 2 25 Ida Belle, aged 22, of Stephen P. and Rebecca C. (Mnnro) Fuller, and W. Earnest Ronnd, aged 27, of Elisha and Harriet A. (Mason) Round, mari'ied by Rev. Isaac C'heese- boro Nov. 2G. 1884. 2 26 Warren Augustus, aged 45, ;3d niairiage, born Noilhbridge, of Seekonk, of Marmadnke W. and Lydia F., and Abby E. Staples, aged 45, 2d marriage, boru Newbury, N. H., daughter of William J. and Edith Hoyt, married hy Rev. Hector C'anlield Aug. 1, l.s,s5. Int. July 19, 1885, 2 23. G - 135 GAGE PoUv and Aaron C. stiller, both of Seekonk, married by Rev.'.lohn Pitman Oct. 21, bsi'l. Int. Sept. 30, 1821. 1 144. - 137 Emeline M. of Seekonk and Amos Blake of Ashford, Ct., married by Appollas Cushnian, Esq., Dec. 19, 1822. Int. Nov. 24, 1822. 1 149. - 151 Prescella B. and Joseph N. Jenckes, married by Rev. Bart- lett Pearce Jan. 7, 1825. Int. Dec. 6, 1824. 1 157. -156 GARDNER Dr. Johnson of North Providence and Phebe L. Sisson of Seek(jnk, married bv Rev. James O. Barney June 8, 1829. Int. May 16, 1829.' 1 175. - 114 George T. of Warren and Harriet N. Viall of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. .lames O. Barney Feb. 15, 1S35. Int. Jan. 31, 18:)5. 1 1.S9. - 161 Alexander of Boston and Jl.itilda M. Wheeler of Seekonk, married bv Rev. Henrv Clark .lune 27, 1836. Int. May 24. 1836." 1 194. - Ill Clariissa and William Bradley, both of SmithQeld, married by Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 14, 1841. 2 23 Arthur H., aged 24, born and of Yarmouth. N. S., of Joseph F. and Belle, and Mary (iray AVest, aged 19, lK)rn and of Seekonk, of Joseph and Betsey A., married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro Nov. 23, 1881. Int. Nov. 16, 1881. 2 20. 2 25 Edwin E., aged 24, born Central Falls, of Seekonk, of Wil- liam and Olive M., and ]\Iinnie M. Handy, aged 22, 2d mairiage, born and of Killingly, Ct., of Francis H. and Sarah, married bv Rev. M. Kimball at Dayville, Ct., Dec. 16, 1884. InL Dec. 11, 1884. 2 22. - 138 GARZEE Naoma and John Read, married by Rev. Ray Pot- ter Dee. 25, 1.S23. Int. Dec. 7, 1823. 1 153. - 144 Abigail and James Coe, lioth of Seekonk, married by Rey. Ray Potter Sept. 20, 1821. MAIMUAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKUNK. 59 - 134 GAY Oliver W. and 'Slavhi Ilallvlnirton, both of .Seekonk, ukh- lietl by Rev. .lolni I'ltiiiaii Nov. 23, I.S2G. Int. Nov. 5, 1820. 1 14(1. 2 26 GEARIN Hannah, agetl n», born Olneyville, of Pawtucket, of Jeremiah and Ilonora, and Frank B. Kay, aged 21, boi'n Portland, J\Ie., of Seekonk, of Jone.s E. and Ellen M., mar- ried by Kev. George H. Tilton Dec. 14, 1880. Int. Dec. 14, ISSO. 2 23. 2 28 GEER Henry J., aged 43, born Pittsfield, Me., of Providence, of Elijah and Mary, and Martha M. Eddy, aged 42, born and of Providence, of Henry and Amanda, mariicd liy Rev. George H. Hortou July 0, is;)l. Int. July 1), IS'.H. 2 2'i. - 129 GEERISH Snsan P.utler of Dedham and Jeremiah Slocum of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Oct. 0, l.SKi. (also page 70). - 140 Francis W. and P)et.-~ey StatTord, both of Seekonk, married bv Ilezekiah Thatcher, Es(i., Dec. 20, 1824. 2 28 GIBSON Lizzie B., ayed 24, born Nantucket, of Rehobotli, of Henry and Hannah, and Otis A. IMartin, aged 31, born and of Heholioth, of Otis S. and Sophia N. (Pearcc) Martin, married by Rev. George H. Ilorton Sept. 3, ISDO. 2 24 GILLIVER Agnes L.. aged 2.5, born and of Brooklyn, N. Y., of Randall and Esther C, and Wdliam Frederick Brown, aged 20, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Zenas and Anne ]*:., married bv Rev. Warren Clark March 28, 1883. Int. March 2.'), is's3. 2 21. 2 25 Frances C, aged 2.'i, l)orn Binnswiek, N. Y., of Bi'ooklyi;, N. Y., of William .1. and Ennna, and Geoi-ge W. Kiki[i|i, aged 2;t. liorn and of Seekonk, of William F. andMartha C, married by Rev. Jesse Torrey JMay 30, 1885. Int. JNIay 30, 1S.S5." 2 23. - 118 GLADDING Airs. Lucy and David Newman, mariied by .lames Ellis, Esq., Jan. llf, l.Sll. 2 5 Reuben H., aged 22, liorn Cund)crlaud, of Pawtut-ket, of Charles and Ruth S, and Joanna S. L. \Vilbur, aged 1'.', born and of .Seekonk, of Ezekiel and Amey L., married by Rev. Jaines O. Barney Dec. 25, 1855. 1 1 GLEAZEN Emilv and Edwin R. Walker, both of Attlcboro, married bv Rev. John C. Welch .Aluy 10, 1843. - 160 GODFREY Elisha. Jr., of Attleboro and Nancy B. Newman of Seekonk, mairied by Rev. Henry Clark Sept. 3, 1835. Int. Aug. 8. 1835. I'mi. 1 S Samuel and Phebc Jane Hicks, both of Seekonk, manied by Rev. John C. Welch Dec. 25, l.s4;!. Int. Dee. '.», I.s4;!. 1 213. - 121 CiOP'F Freelove "f Seekonk and James Allen nf Barrington, married by Rev. John Hill Aug. 22, 1.S13. Int. July 2.s, 1813. 1 "121. - 149 Hannah and Caleb Carr, married by Rev. Ray Potter Jan. 5, 1S27. Int. Dec. 17, 1820. 1 1G8. 1 S Jacob of Rehobolh and Sarah A. Keach of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney May 30, 1842. Int. May 14, 1812. 1 212. 60 VITAL RECORD OF KHODK ISLAND. 1 1 GOFF James X. of Reholiotli and Mary C. Hieks of Tivertou, manieci by Rev. John C. ^Vel(•h Nov. 5, 1843. 1 1 James ."NI., iM mairiago, of Kelic)l)0tli. and Betsey Ann Kent of Seekonk, married by Key. Jolin C. Welch Nov. 30, 1843. Int. Nov. 12, 1843. "l 218. - 158 Samuel H., aged 30. of Richard and F-lizabetli, and Elizabeth Wheeler, aged 2G, of Sebra and Luciiida, both born and of Rehoboth, married by Rev. George Matthews July 7, 1856. 2 7 Mary K., aged 26, born and of Seekonk, of Henry B. and Sally, and Pardon Bozworlh, aged 30, born Rehoboth, of Providence, of Lloyd and Elizabeth, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Jan. 20, 1858. Int. Jan. 1, 1858. 2 5. 2 7 Cyrus E., aged 27, Ijorn and of Seekonk, of Henry B. and Sally B., and Mariah L. Brown, aged 19, born and of Providence, of JV'njamin J. and Prescilla, married by Rev. Henrv G. Stewart June 17, 1858. Int. June 16," 1858. 2 5. " 2 8 Sarah J., aged I'J, born and of Rehoboth, of James 51., and Bryant II. Barney, aged 27, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Horace and Sophia, married by Rev. James O. Barney , 1858. Int. Dec. 4, 1858. 2 6. 2 17 Mary Joseiihine. aged 22, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of James N. and Mary E., and William H. Luther, aged 23, born Smithtield. of Seekonk, of Edward S. and Lydia P., married by Viall Medbury, Esq., May 18, 1869. lut. Mav 18. 1869.' 2 15. 2 19 Harriet A., aged 20, born and of Seekonk, of James N. and Mary E., and James B. Pearce, aged 25, born and of .Swanzey, married by Rev. J. W. Osborn Jan. 13, 1874. Int. Jail. 26, 1874. 2 17. 2 22 James II., aged 34, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of James N. and Mary E., and Isabel E. Ilorton, aged 20, born and of Rehoboth, of Gilbert A. and Radial, married by Rev. J. W. Osborn Jan. 1. 1880. Int. Dec. 30, 1879. 2 19. 1 151 GOGGINS Eliza of Oxford and Stephen Tuttle of Seekonk, May 11, 1823. 2 7 GOLDEN Bridget, aged 24, born England, of North Provi- dence, of Anthony, and De.xter M. Savage, aged 27, born Canada East, of Cranston, of John and Berintha, married by Rev. James 0. Barney Oct. 4, 1857. Int. Sept. 27, 1S57. 2 5. - 152 GOLDSMITH Samuel, Jr., an.l Almira Slade, both of See- konk, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Sept. 30, 1827. 2 2 GOODENOUGH Rev. Smith B., aged 36, 2d marriage, born JMaine, of Newark, N. J., of Naham and Sarah T., and Caroline Russell Yates, aged 23, born Stoughton, of See- konk, of Joseph and Mary A., married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 13, 1853. Int. Oct. 12, 1853. 1 254. - 155 GOODHUE JIary Ann and Sumner Carpenter, both of See- konk, married bv Rev. James O. Barnev Sei)t. 25, 1827. Int. Sept. 6, 1827. 1 171. - 144 GORTON Lydia A. of Seekonk and Joseph B. Salsbury of North Pi()\idence, married by Rev. Ray Potter July 1 2, 1822. Int. June 23, 1822. 1 147. IMAKKIAIiKS AND INTKNTHINS — SKEKf)NK. 61 - 140 C40RTON Job W. and Ann M. Sliorey, bolb of Soekonk, married by Samnel Allen, Esci.. Oct. 8, IH'24. 2 18 GOUCill James, aged 30, born England, of Blackstono, of James and Ann, and Susie L. Iloyt, aged 27, l)orn Brad- ford, N. II., of Seekonk, of William J. and Edith H., mar- ried by Rev. William B. Heath Eeb. 22, 1870. Int. Feb. 22, 1870. 2 lo. - 156 GOULD John H. and Emeline Pileher, both of rawtneket, married by Kev. James O. liamey Dec. 8, 1828. 2 8 George W., aged 21, born Wrentham, of Seekonk. of Harvey r. and Minerva A., and Nancy Phillips, aged 21, born and of Attleboro, married by Rev. A. Sherrion Nov. 21, 1858. Int. Oct. 15, 185.S. 2 "G. -119 GRANT Pollv of Seekonk and jMason Barney of Swanzey, married bv Rev. John Hill Nov. 2, 1812. Int. Oct. 'J, 1812. 1 f20. - 145 Amos and Jane Ann Gray, liotli of Seekonk, married by Rev. Ray Potter May i), 1824. Int. April 24. 1824. 1 154. -116 Mary' E. of Providence and George Wlieeler of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen Aug.' 12, 1840. Int. July 26, 1840. 1 "205. - 112 Mary Ann of Seekonk and Marcus P. Cliace of Somerset, married by Rev. John C. Welch Dec. 31, 1841. Int. Dec. a, 1841. 1 210. 1 1 Simeon, 2d marriage, and ;Mary B. 'rhuHier, both of See- k<_)nk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Seiit. 12,1843. Int. Aug. 2'J, 1.S43. 1 216. 1 6 Mary M., born and of Bairinu'ou, of P:benezer, and Oliver C. Barney, born and of Swanzey, of James, married by Rev. Waterman Pearce Dec. 2, 1850. 1 7 Rachal, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Kent and Lydia, and Joseph Kent, born New York, of Swanzey, of Israel, married by Rev. Henrv G. Stewart May 25, 1^51. Int. May 18, 1851. 1 241." 1 7 Lydia A., aged 20, of Kent and Lydia, and diaries T. Mcd- "bury, aged 25, of Jabez and p:iizabeth, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Nov. 30, 1851. Int. Nov. 27, 1851. 1 244. 2 10 Martha A., aged 24, borLi and of Seekonk, of Kent and Lydia, and George F. Luther, aged 22, born Swanzey. of Providence, of Timothv P. and Julia A., married by Rev. Josephns W. Ilorton May 8, l.s5'.l. Int. Jan. 12, 1860. 2 8. 2 13 Joseph B., aijed 2;!, born and of Seekonk, of John and Eme- line IL, and JNlary E. Allen, aged 2!, burn Providence, of Seekonk, of William and JIary, married by Rev. Leyrnom Whitney June 23, 1861. Int. June 23, 1861. 2 11. 2 16 Celia Winter, aged 21, of Abel and Hannah, and Joseph Wood, aged 23, born Swanzey, of North Providence, of William W. and Polly H., married by Rev. AVelcome G. Comstock June 2, 1867. Int. June 1, 1867. 2 14. 2 17 Angeline F., aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Kent and Lydia, and John C. Short, aged 24, born Barringtou, of (32 VITAL RIydia O. fSaunders) Greene, and Arthur I- Peck, aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of Cornelius C. and Isabella (Anthony) Peck, married by A. N. Medbury, Esq., Sept. 10, 1M96. "int. Sept. S, 1896. 2 29. 2 8 GREE.X.MAN :\Iary A., aged 47, 2d marriage, of Providence, antl Constant V'iall, aged 4 2, 3d mairiage, born and of See- konk, of Anson and Marv, married by Rev. T. D. Cook Feb. 2.5, l.sriS. Int. Feb. 23, 1858. 2 i>. - 158 GREGORY John, Jr., of Boston and Mary B. Whitmarsh of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 6, 1834. Int. Sept. 12, 1834." 1 1.S7. 1 6 John, 2d, aged 72, born New Ilamiishire, of Seekonk, of John, and Eliza Ladieur, aged 56, 2d man iage, born and of Rhode Island, daughter of Lorinsf Finney, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Dec. 5, 1850. Int. "Dec. 5, 1850. 1 237. 2 22 Sarah E., aged 25, born Porlsmouth, N. H., of Bristol, of John and Sarah, and Andrew N. Medbury, aged 26, bom and of Seekonk, of Viall and Hannah, married by Rev. M. Munson Deane May 30, 1854. 2 18 Ella S., aged 21, born Portsmouth, N. H., of Providence, of Albert and Mary J., and Edward D. Chaffee, aged 21, born (54 VITAL IMX'OKD OF HHoDE ISLAND. GREGORY : . . , , and of Seekonk, of Jonathan and Cluulotte A., inanieU by Bishop Honshaw Dec. 27, 1S70. 2 C GRIFFIN Charles B., aged 24, bom Rhode rshuul, of Attle- boro, of Pek'g and Lucy Ann. and Mary A. Vifkery, aged 23. born Pawtueket, of' Attleboio, of Oiis, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Jan. l.s, IS.JT. Int. Jan. 18, 1S57. 2 4. 2 8 GRISWOLI) Marv Jane, acred lU, born Connectiont, of See- konk. of Alba" and Huldah, and Williaui F. Wiiitford, .aged 22, born Providence, of Seekonk. of Caleb and Beulah, married by Rev. H. M. Bixby Feb. 3, 1859. Int. Feb. 13. 18.i"J. 2'0. 2 1 GROSS John W., .iged 23. born Scitu.ite, R. I., of Attleboro. of Henry and Olive, and Sarah I. Hoyt, aged 17, born and of Attleboro, of William, married by Rev. James O. Bar- ney Jnly 3, 18.^)3. 2 31 GROVES Ella J., aged 38. 2d marriage, born and of Fall River, of Robert and Ann (Negus) Groves, and Anthony Penv, aged o.5, 2d raarriagi-, Iwrn North Providence, of Seekonk? of Daniel L. and Mary (Eaile) Perry, married by Rev. Andrew J.. Coulles April :i4, 181(0. Int. April 23, 1895. 2 28. - 119 GUILD Elias of Douglass and Aniev Carpentn- of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Hill Aug." 10, 1812. Int. July 20, 1.S12. 1 "iiy. H 2 1(1 IIAIGH Sarah F., .aged 17. born England, of Seekonk, of George and l'"Jizabelh. and William H. H. Sution, aged 18. born Providence, of Seekouk. of Lloyd and Lucy, married l>v Elder Daniel Rounds Jan. 15, ISOO. Int. Jan. 18, ISIiO." 2 9. -150 HALL Sally of Attleboro and Ceorge W. Kent of Rehob(»th, married by Rev. .lames (). Barney Aug. 24, 1828. - Ill David and Hnth ."\IcKoon. both of Seekonk, married l)v Rev. John C. Welch Oct. 4, 1S41. Int. Sept. 19. I.s41. "l 209. 1 1 Albert A. and Mercv D. Ide, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Julv 21, 1843. Int. June 18, 1843. 1 210. 1 3 John J. of Providi'iice antl Anne Carpenter, born and of Seekonk, of Darius and Ann, married by Rev John C. Welch Sept. 7, 1840. Int. Aug. 23. 1840. 1 220.-; 1 8 Theodore A. G., aged 20, born and of Rhode Island, of The- odore S. and Maria A., and ^latihla ¥. Colburn, aged 15. born and of same place, of Ilenrv and Roda," married bv Rev. Ilenrv G. Stewart Oct. 10, i852. Int. Oct. 10, 1852. 1 240. 2 7 Louisa E., aliout 35. 2d marriage, born Santa Cruz, \Y. I., of Fall River, daughter of Don Jugd and Hannah Croix, and John Barnes, aged 25, 2d marriage, born Lancashire, Eng., MAKIilAGliS AND INTENTIONS — .SEEKONK'. HALL : of Fall River, of James and Aim, maviit'd by Robert M. Pearce, Kscj., March 25, ISaS. Int. JMnreli 25, 1,SJ8. 2 5. 2 5 Hannah, aged 37, born Yarmouth, of Seekonk, of William and Poll^-, and Dexter Wheeler, aged 40. born Rehoboth, of Seekonk. of Philip and IJathihelia, mariied by Rev. George AV. Wallace Nov. 21.), liyi>o. Int. Nov. 27, 1.S55. 2 2. 2 If) John C, aged 4'.(, 2d marriage, born and of Warren, of Allen C. and Polly Hoar (name changed from Hoar tn Hall), and Sarah W. Read, aged 37, born and of Seekonk, ofC'yrel and Sally, married by Rev. A. W. Ashley May 2, 18G7. Int. April 28, 1867. 2 14. - 133 HALLYBURTON George of Bellingham and Susan Boyle of Seekonk, married l.iv Rev. Johri I'itman A|iril 4, 1820. Int. March 11, l.s20." 1 13s. - 134 Maria and Oliver W. Gay, l)oth of Seekonk, mairied by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 23, 182(5. Int. Nov. 5. 182G. 1 140. - 151 HAMER John and AlMoail Johnson, married by Rev. Baitlett Pearce March 1, 1825. Int. Feb. 3, 1825. 1 150. - 156 HAMMOND John A. and Eliza Brown, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. James C). Bainev Se|)t. 17, 1828. Int. Aug. 30. 1828. 1 173. - 158 Samuel and Rosilla Peltes, lioth (if Seekonk, mai-ried Ity Rev. James O. B.nriiev May 4. IS.M. hit. Aiiril 11, 1834. 1 186. - 161 I-Olizabuth F. of Seekonk and Ksek W. Dexter of Cumber- land, married by Rev. Henry Clark Dec. (i, 1836. Int. Nov. 6, 1836. 1 IS.I5. 2 2 Dr. John A., aged 4',), 2d mai-riagc, born Rehoboth, of See- konk, of John and Chloe, and Iluldah Perry, aged 42, born and of Rehoboth, of Timothy and Rel)ecca, married l)y Rev. James O. Barnev Ai)ril 11, 1854. also 2 1). Int. Sept. 17, 1853, and Apiil 10, 1854. 1 256. 2 3 Susan H., aged 20, born and of Seekonk, of John A. and Eliza, and Isaiah K. Barney, aged 24, born Seekonk, of Taunton, of John and Ruth, married by Rev. .lames O. Barney Nov. 30, 1854. Int. Nov. 2!), 18.54. 2 1. - 134' HANDY Seba P. and Barbara Barney, both of Seekonk, mar- ried bv Rev. John Pitman Dec. 25, 1820. Int. Nov. 25, ' 1820." 1 141. - 158 Mary A. and Calvin T. AVood, both of Seekonk, nmrried bv Rev. James O. Barney F\'b. 4, 1834. Int. Jan. it, 1834". 1 184. - 158 Rebecca of .Seekonk and John Clark of North Kingstown, maiTied bv Rev. James O. Barnej' Dec. 1,* 18;U. Int. ' Nov. 11, 1834. 1 188. - 114 Thomas P. and I'.sthcr H. Barney, married by Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 4, 1835. Int. Dec. 13. 1835. 1 188. - 115 Silas II. and Nancy Luther, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen March 21, 18;j8. Int. Feb. 25, 1838. 1 I'Jl). - 116 Hannah D. of Seekonk and Charles B. Smith of Norwich, Ct., 66 VITAL KECOKD OF KHODli ISLAND. HANDY: mairit'd hy Rev. John Alleu Aug. 4, 18-10. Int. July 12^ 1.S40. li'O.'i. — 113 M'illiaui Henry and Harriet Lullier, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 11, 1840. Int. Oct. 17, 1840. 1 -Ml. 1 4 Anna Maria, of Sebra, and Josephus Read, of Noah, both of Seekouk, uiaiiied by Rev. John C. Welch Oct. G, 1847. Int. Sept. 12, 1847. " 1 229. 1 7 Mary C, aged o2, 2d marriage, born Norwich, of Seekonk, daughter of Ebcnezer and Sarah Snow, and David Kelley, aged 53, 3d marriage, born Glocester, R. I., of Seekonk, of Isaiah and Phebe, married l)y Rev. Horace Pratt Dec. 21, 18.51. Int. Dec. 21, 1851. 1 244. 1 8 John, aged 3(!, 2d marriage, born Taunton, of Seekonk, of John M. and Polly, and Olive B. Scott, aged 24, 2d mar- riage, born Canton, of Rhode Island, daughter of Lorin Brackett, married liy Rev. James O. Barne)' Oct. 29, 1852. Int. Oct. 25, 1852. 1 247. 2 4 Silas H., aged 37, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of William and Hannah, and Mary Chace, aged 32, born and of Swanzey, of David and Mar}-, niarried by Rev. Zaimaa Tobey April 12, 1855. 2 15 Charles C , aged 24, of Silas and Nancy, and Emily F. Ar- mington, aged 20, of Alpheas and ^lary, both boiu and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro May 3, 1866. Int. May 3, 1866. "2 13. 2 IC Mary E., aged 16, of William and Harriet L., and Stephen B. Anthony, aged 20, of David R. and Catharine C, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. J. W. Osborn March 31, 1868. Int. March 30, 1868. 2 14. 2 25 Minnie M., aged 22, 2d maninge, horn and of Killingly, Ct., of Francis H. and Sarah, and Ivlwin E. Gardner, aged 24, born Central Falls, of Seekonk, of \\'illiam and Olive M., married by Rev. M. Kindjall at Davville, Ct., Dec. 16, 1884. Int. Dec. 11, 1884. 2 22. 2 23 HANLEY Catharine F., aged 32, born New York, of Reho- both, and ]\IarshaII P. Humplirey, aged 33, born and of .Seekonk, of John and Esther W., married by Rev. Charles L. Goodell Feb. 16, 1881. -134 H.ARDEN Ruth of Seekonk and Levi Jenckcs of North Provi- dence, married by Rev. Jc)lin I'ilmau April 2(), 1.S21. Int. April 1, 1821. 1 142. - 154 HARDING Ruth B. of Seekonk and Artemus Smith of Dun- stable, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 15, 1826. Int. Oct. 29, 1826. 1 167. 2 15 HARKINS Frederick Thurston, aged 25, born Vermont, of Rehoboth, of \Villiam and Fiances, and Louisa H. ■Wheaton, aged 33, born and of Seekonk, of Lucas and Louisa, married by Rev. F. II. Buynton Jan. 3, 1866. Int. Jan. 1, 1866. 2 "13. 2 29 HARRIMAN Benjamin F., aged 31, burn and of Rehoboth, of George and Nancy, and Anna M. Wood, aged 20, born and MARRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 67 HARRIMAN: of Seekonk, of John T. ai>(l Ellen, married liy Rev. Lester Howard, Dec. 7, 1892. Int. Dee. 7, 1S|(2. '•_' 26. 2 29 Ernest G., aged 25, born and of Rcliol)oth, of George and Nancy (Jaync), and Lena Jayne, aged 20, born Woodville, R. L, of Seekonk, of Charles and Eliza, married by Rev. C. 1). Harp May 28, 1893. Int. May 27, lK9;i. 2 27. 1 S HARRINGTON James M. and Snsan Catharine Cooper, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 22, 184.".. Int. Jan. 6, 1843. 1 214. - 122 HARRIS Polly and Samuel Perry, both of Seekonk, marrieil by Rev. John Hill Jnne 4, 1814. 2 26 Clarence H., aged 21, born Wiekford, of Seekonk, of Earl C. and Loiza A., and Ada C. Reynolds, aged 21, liorn Bnrrillville, of Samuel E. and Adeline S.. married b\' Rev. William Pitts Nov. 17, 1886. Int. Nov. 19, 1886." 2 23. 2 -8 HASKELL Henjamin, aged 40, 2d marriage, liorn and of Piovidence, ol Benjamin and Lowiza, and Jane T. Dnffy, aged 3;'), \)i>rn England, of Providence, married bj' Rev. James (). Barney Nov. 11, 1858. Int. Nov. 10,1858. 2 6. 2 30 HAUSON llelnia E., aged 18, l,orn Providence, of East Prov- idence, of John S. and Jose|iliine (Anderson) Hanson, and Nile.s S. Conquest, aged 22, born Sweden, of Seekonk, of Niles S. and Hannah (Tilson; Conquest, married by Rev. Lyman G. Ilortou Sept. 12, 1894. 2 23 HAVENS Charles C, aged 3'i, born Rhode Ishuul. of Seekonk, of W. I). S. and Mary, and Lucetta Dodge, aged 20, born Pi'ovidence, of Seekonk, of Daniel R. ami Mary A., mar- ried l)y Rev. Bailey S. Morse Eeb. 2, 1882. - 157 HAWES William of Providence and Lncinda Cooper of See- konk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aiiril 15, 1833. Int. March 25, 1833. 1 182. - 138 HAWKES Asa and Avise Robins, married by Rev. Ray Pot- ter Nov. — , 1823. Int. Aug. 3. 18*3. 1 152. - 135 HAWKINS Ezekiel B. of Providence and Eliza Cranston of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman March 31, 1822. - 117 Jeremiah and Lucy Ann Luther, botli of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sei)t. 12, 1839. Int. Aug. 23, 1839. 1 203. 2 9 HAY Mary, asq., Jan. 8, 1817. Int. Nov. 4, 1817. 1 131. JIARRTAOES AND INTENTIONS — KKEKHNK. 139 - 135 HILL Maria X. and Arthur W . Alilrieli, both of Seukonk, married l>y Rev. John Pitman Jan. :3, lS-22. Int. Nov. ?3, la-21. 1 145. -150 George and Sarali W. Keach. both of Scokonic, married by Eider Josei)h Keach Oct. IC, 18.!0. 1 2 Oliver H., born and of .Sterling-, Ct., and Jnlia A. Ornisbee, born and of Seekonk, of William P., married by Rev. James O. Barney May 5, 1.S44. Int. Feb. 18. 1S44. 1 219. 2 3 Asa K., aged 37, born" Cranston, of Pawtueket, of Richard and Alice, and Mary A. Cole, aged 21, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Leavit C. and ^lary G., married by Rev. George Mattliews Dec. 31, 1854. Int. Dec. 22, 1854. 2 1. 2 4 Abigail C, aged 25, born and of Wrentham, of William and ^Nlartha L., and James Perkins, aged 35, born Vermont, of South Wrentham, of Ephraim and Betsey, married by Rev. George Mattliews Aug. 27, 1855. Int. Aug. 27,1855. 2 2. 2 12 Charles", aged -26, liorn Kniiland, of Seekonk, of William and Mary, .and Lucy S. Thompson, aged 16, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Andrew and Julia, married by Rev. Thorn- dike C. Jameson Nov. 11, 18(;(). 2 12 Rilev G., aged 25, born and of Seekmdv, of (ieoige and Sarah A., and Anna Maria Angema, aged 15, l)orn Adarasville, of Seekonk, of Charles and Jane, married by Viall Meilliury, Esq., Nov. 23, loC.O. Int. Nov. 20, 1860. 2 10. 2 l5 I\Lirtin X., aged 28, born and of Seekonk, of George and Sarah, and Adaline Luther, aged 29, 2d marriage, born South Kingston, of Seekonk, daugliter of George and Marv Ann Himes, married liy Rev. James 0. Barney July 8, 1866. Int. July 7, ISCi;. ' 2 13. 2 22 Asaph C, aged 28, born and of Seekonk, of Oliver H. and .Iiilia A. (Ormsbee) Hill, and Sarah L. Watson, aged 19, born East Greenwicli, R. I , of Providence, of Henry S. and Ilattie S. (Sutton) Watson, married by Rev. Gieorge R. Spink Nov. 17, 1880. Int. Nov. 15, 1880. 2 20. 2 23 Emily A., aged 18, born Thompson, of East Attleboro, of George R.aud Anno, and Alexander Luther, aged 26, born Rehoboth, of East Attleboro, of Albeit and Adaline, mar- ried by Rev. A. F. Remington June 25, 1881. Int. June ?5, 1881. 2 20. _ 50 HODGES Elona and Caleb Aliell, of Cai)t. Robert and Mary, Feb. 6, 1791. -114 Gardner C. of Attleboro and Bebee W. Bourn of Seekonk, mt.rried by Rev. James O. Barney Ang. 1, 1830. Int. July 17, 1836. 1 195. 2 17 Caroline Frances, aged 24, born and of Provideuce, of Charles W. and Loies, and John Newton Hunt, .aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Livingstone and Eliza C, mar- ried by Rev. Edwin M. Stone Aug. 31,1869. Int. Ang. 31, 1869. 2 15. -158 HOLBROOK Samuel E. of Wrentham and Sophia L. Peck^of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney INIay 19, 1834. Int. April 25, 1834. 1 186. 2 5 Mary Jane, aged 23, born Rhode Island, of Attleboro, of 70 VITAL KKCdKD OF KHODK ISLAND. HOLBROOK : Ezekiel and Caroline, and Ilein y C:>r| enter, aged 25, born Seekoak, of Attleboro, of Jonathan and LeatTee, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 4, 18,")0. 2 7 IIOLLEY William P., aged 19, born Woonsocket, of See- koiik, of All)eit and Sarah A., and Mary A. Ktiapp, aged 18, born and of Seekonk, of Freeman and Lydia C, mar- ried by Rev. A. II. Stowell Sept. 12, 18,)S. Int. Sept. 11, 18:)8.' 2 G. 2 21 Hartfurd. aged 2.5, born Xatick, R. I., of Wiekford, of Tabor and Klizabeiii, and Margaiet Wood, aged 20. born Middle- town, Ireland, of Seekonk, of Thomas and Catherine, mar- ried l)v Rev. A. F. Remington July 4, 1878. Int. Jidy 4, 1878." 2 I'.t. 2 32 Frederick N., aged 22, Inrn JIansiield, of Seekonk, of Wil- liam F. and Mary A. (Knapp) Holley, and Agnes F. Wil- cox, aged 17, born Attleboro, of Fall River, of Marcenaii B. anci Elizabeth H. (Gardner) Wilcox, married by Rev. J. R. Verry Jnne 24, ISiKI. 2 29 HOLMES Sarah AV., a^ed 20, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Flank and Mary, and Lewis Lincolns, aged 21, born Taun- ton, of Providence, of Edward and Lena, niairied by A. N. Modbiiry, Escp, Aug. .5, 1892. Int. Aug. 5. 1892. 2 26. 2 11 HOLT F'.lizabetli Nancy, aged 22, horn Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of Noah and Nancy, and Ji)sei)h Dnrfee Hum[)hrey, aged 23, l)orn Tiverton, of Seekonk, of Geoige W. and ^lary, married bv Rev. A. C. Cliilds Se[)t. 27, '^1860. Int. Sept. 27, 1860." 2 9. - L)G HOOD Susan B., of Warren, of Noble, and F^nock West, of Seekonk, of Joseph, niairied by Rev. Jordan Rexford Jan. 19, 1823. Int. Jan. 11, 1823. 1 149. - 12.j HOPKINS Martha of Seekonk and James Wheaton of Provi- dence, married by Rev. John Hill Feb. 12, 181.'). Int. Jan. 1, LSI;"), r 125. - 149 George W. and Malinda Chace, married by Rev. Ray Potter Ang. 24, 182(;. Int. July 9, 182G. 1 "iGG. 1 2 i\Iary, widow, and David Leonard, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Sept. 2, 1841. Lit. Ans. 14. 1844. 1 221. 2 9 Sarah, aged 42, 2d marriage, bom ]\Iilton, N. H., of Cumlier- land, daughter of Tiiomas and Olive Keiirick, and 'I'homas AValker. aged 54, 3d niaij-iage, born England, of Pawtncket, of Peter and Helen, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 11, 1859. Int. Sept. 17," 1S19. 2 7. Also 2 lO". Jan. 18, 1859. 2 18. 2 14 Radial A., aged 18, born and of Pawtncket, of Daniel and Sylvania, and Thomas W. Mason, aged 20, born Paw- tucket, of Seekonk, of (Jeorge and Sarah, married by Rev. G. M. P. King July 13, 18G2. Int. Jan. 29, 1863. 2 12. 2 20 Aniey E., aged 29, born Providence, of Seekonk, of William II. and Khoda, and Earl H. Potter, aged 24, born and of Providence, married by Rev. S. Wright Butler Dec. 7, 1876. Int. Sept. 26, 1876. 2 18. 2 21 Hattie L.. aged 19, bom and of Piovidence, of William JSIAKIUACKS AND IXTKNTIONS — SEEKONK. *1 HOPKINS : 11. .iiid Rill da, ami C. Frank Chaffee, aged -28. lioni See- koiik. of East Pi-Dviderce, of Oliver and Abby ]M., married by Rev. S. W. Butler June U, 1877. Int. June 13, 1877. i 18. - 152 HORR Zebina and Ann Elizabetli Dansiott, niarricu by Rev. Bartletl Rearce Sept. 2H, 1820. ^'int. Sept. 10, 1826. 1 107. 2 17 Nancy, aged 63. Isf raarriaoe, born Rcliobotli, of Seekonk, of George and Elizabeth, and Zebina W. Bourn, aged 6.t, 2d marriage, born and of same place, of Stephen and Sus- anna, married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro Sept. 29, 1867. Int. Sept. 28, 1.S67. 2 l.">. - 140 IIORTON Ann E. and Jabez Barney, both of Swanzey, mar- ried by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Jan. ;'), 1824. - 149 Esther B. and John Fielding, married by Rev. Ray I'citter July 16, 1«26. Int. June 22, 1826. 1 Ida. 1 5 Charles and Susan Maria Miller, of John, lioth born and of Seekonk, nianied bv Viall ^Medbury, F^sq., , 1849. Int. Sept. 16. 1849" 1 2::!:i. 1 8 Frances G., aged 23, born Rehoboth. of Pavvlncket, of Ben- jamin and Betsey, and Nancy B. F'leneh, aged 26, born Attleboro, of Pa'wtncket, of Ezra and Susan, married by Bev. George W. Wallace Aug. 1, 1K.52. 2 1 Gilbert M., aged 26, born and of Reholioth, of Aiiel B. and F'reelove, and Saiah F. Pearce, aged 26, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of Waterman and Betsey, married by Rev. Water- man Pearce Sept. 10, 1853. Int. Sept. 9, 1853. 1 254. 2 8 Anthony B., aged 22, of John W. and Mary Ann, and Nancy M. Nichols, aged 21, 2ii marriage, both born Provi- dence, of Seekonk dangliter of Isiael and Mary Pearce, married l>y Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 9, 1859. Int. Jan. 9, 1859. '2 6. 2 13 Lydia J., aged 23, born and of Rehobuth, and Nathan M. "West, aged 42, 2d marriage, born Reholioth, of Seekonk, of Sanniel and :Mary, married by Rev. Ci. JI. P. King Feb. 12, 1861. Int. Feb. 12, 1861. "2 11. 2 17 Charles, aged 47, 2d marriage, born Ponifret, Ct., of See- konk, (A Barnet and Mary, and Margaret Ualton, aged 39, born and of Providence, of James and Rosa, nnuried by Viall Medbnrv, Esq., May 7, 1869. Int. May 7, 1«69. 2 15. 2 18 George II., aged 2(1, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of Henry S. and Arabella S., and Mary F. Millerd, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Francis and Mary M., married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro Jan. 1, 1871. Int. Dec. 16, 1871. 2 15. 2 22 Isabelle E., aged 20, born ami of Rehoboth, of Gilbert A. and Raehal, and James II. Goff, aged34, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of James N. and Mary E., married liy Rev. J. W. Osborn Jan. 1, 1880. Int. Dec. 30, 1879. 2 19. 2 23 Nellie F\, aged 26, born Seekonk, of Pawtucket, of Nathaniel AV. and Harriet Allen (Morton), ami Joseph M. West, aged 27, born and of Seekonk, of Joseph and Betsey A. ried by Rev. L. S. Woodworth April 28, 1881. mar- 2 24 Julia E., ased 17, born and of Rehoboth, of F^dwin M. and 72 VITAL KIX'ORD OF RHODE ISLAND. HORTOX : Senipliine, :u)(l Winflt'ld Suott Lulhei-, aged 21, born and of Seekwnk, of George F. and Martlia A., married by Rev. James L. Peiree Oct. 18. 18.S2. Int. Oct. 16, 18,s-i. 2 21. 2 25 George H.. aged 21, born and of Eehobotb, of Gilbert M. and S;iraii P., and Lorelta Iloilon Lee, a2ed 18. born Re- liobotli, of Seekonk, of .Stephen 1). and Elizabeth A., mar- ried by Rev. Waterman Pearce Au«. oO, 1883. 2 25 Geoige H.. aged 2;!, 2d marriage, liorn and of Rohobotli, of Gilbert M. and (Sarah P., and Carrie E. Sisson, aged 10, born and of Seekank, of Shnbael and Hannah, married by Rev. William Crooks iMaicli 17, 1885. Int. March 17, 1885. 2 22. 2 32 George S., asjed l'.». born Attleboro, of Seekonk, of Edmund and Mary E. (Eldredge; Ilorton, and Maude E. Evans, aged 19, l)orn Taunton, of Pawtiieket, of Cliarles and Emma (McCiregor) Evans, married Ijy Asaph C. Hill, Esq., April 12, 18;)6.' Int. Apiil 10, 1896.' 2 28. 2 4 HOI'SE George H., aged 23, born Ahington, of vSeekonk, of Freeman and Maria, and Mary A. Coggeshall, aged 22, born Pawtuckel. of Seekonk, of John and Amey, married by Rev. James H. .Simmons April 3, lril 2, 1855. 2 2. 2 15 HOWE Henry JI., aged 32, 2d mairiage, born Gardner, of Providence, of Ebenezer and Amey Ann, and Lydia A. ;\Iedl>ury, aged 34, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, dauijhtcr of Kent and Lvdia Grant, married by Rev. A. W. Ashley Oct. 2, 1865.' 2 27 Frederick A., aged 22, horn and of Seekonk, of Henry M. and Lydia A., and Leonora N. Mason, aged 20, bora and of .Swiinzev. of Joseuh and Leonora, married by Rev. Georue AV. B'ixbv Dec'. 5, issD. Int. Dec. — , 1889. 2 24." 1 S HOWES Lucinda and Hi nry Ide, both of Seekonk, married liy Rev. James O. I'.ariuv '^ov. 28, 1.S42. Int. Nov. 5, 1842. 1 213. - 145 HOWLAXl) Polly and P. Tower, both uf Seekonk, married bv Rev. R:iv Potter .Inn. 27, l.-<25. Int. Jan. 8, 1825. 1 "l58. 2 4 Mary E., aged 21. of John, and Caleb AV. Eddy, aged 22, of Jnsiah I. and Sophia P., married by Rev. George Matthews June 10, 1855. Int. June 10, 1855. 2 2. - 1G2 ■ 110 YT Isaiah and Maiy Ann T. Bishop, married by Rev. Thomas IJrintnall, Rector of Zion's Church, New York City, Dec. 1, 1836. Int. Nov. 27, 1836. 1 195. - 118 Mrs. Lavina and Enos Walker, bolh of Seekonk, married at Somerset by Rev. Elisha Slade Jul v 19, 1840. Int. .lune 30, 1840. 1 205. 1 8 Mary A. of Attleboro and Fiances Cook of Cumberhmd. ried by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 6, 1852. 2 1 Sarah I., aged 17, born and of Attlel)oro, of William, and John W. Gross, aged 23, born .Scituate, R. I., of Attle- MAi;i;lA(iKS AND INTENTIONS — SlCEKiiNK. 73 HOYT : boro, of Ileni-y and Olive, nuuriud liy Rev. .lames (). Biu- iiey 'Inly 3, 1853. 2 9 Elizabeth C, aged 19, born New Hampsliire, of Scelconiv, of William and Edith, and Albert F. Staples, aged 23, born Taunton, of Suiithfield, of William and Wary, married by Eev. James O. Barney Seiit. 12, 18.'i9. Int. Sept. 17, IM.V.). 2 7. 2 18 Susie L., aged 27. born Bradford, N. H., of Seekonk, of William .1. and Edith II.. and .lames Gough, aged 30, born England, of Blaekstone, of -lames and Ann, married bv Kev. 'William B. Heath Feb. 22, 1.S70. Int. Feb. 22, l.S7(). 2 l,"). 2 20 HUGHES Catharine, aged 20, born fieland, of Attleboro, of Neal and Mary, and Henry Herliert Carpenter, aged 19, born and of Seekonk, of Henry ami Mary .Tane, married by Bev. A. F. Remington Nov. l."», l,s7.0. Int. Nov. 15, 187.1 2 IS. - 122 HUMPHREY Sally of Seekonk and Otis Ormsboe of Swan/.ey, married by Rev. .lolin Hill May 22, l.sll. Int. Ai)ril li), 1814. 1 "12;!. - 157 Lydia and Caleb Bliss, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lames O. Barney Aoril 19, !.s;',2. Int. Maich 17, 1N32. 1 l.SO. 2 U .loseph Durfee, aged 2.'!, born' Tiverton, of Seekonk, of Georgi' ^\'. and Mary, and i';iizai)eth Nancy Holt, aged 22, born Rehobotli, of Seekonk, (.)f Noah and Nanev, married by Rev. A. C. Childs Sept. 27, 18(50. int. Sept.' 27, 18150. 2 9. 2 19 Clara F., born and of Seekonk, of .lohn and Esther W., and George W. Sheiinan, aged 2(1, lioin C^ranston, of Seekonk, of George W. and Matilda, married by Rev. Mr. Welib ,"1874. 2 22 AVnilard F., aged 24, born and of Seekonk, i>f .John and Esther, and Alice S. Ross, aged 111. born Conneeticut, of Seekonk, of William and Susan, married by Rev. L. S. Woodvvorth Feb. 12, 1880. Int. Feb. 10, 1880. 2 19. 2 23 Marshall P., aged 33, born and of Seekonk, of .lohn and Esther W., and Catharine F. Handey, aged 32, l)orn New York, of Rehoboth, married l.iv Rev. Chailes L. Goodell Feb. IC, l.ssi. - 125 HUNT ilary Ann of Seekonk and .loseph T. Anthony of Prov- idence, m.arried 1)V Rev. .lohn Hill Aug. 10, 1815. Int. .July 23, 1815. ri27. - 133 Nancy of Seekonk and Rev. Shearjashab B. Townsend of Sherbonrne, married by Rev. .lohn Pitman March 22, 1820. Int. Feb. 2G. 1820. 1 138. - 144 .Tames P. of Pawtneket antl Susan B.iker of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. Ray Potter Oct. — , 1821. Int. Sei)t. IG, 1.S2I. ■ 1 144. - 1.35 William 1). and Lydia ,J. Chace, lioth of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitmau Feb. 1». 1822. Int. Dec. 27, 1821. - 139 Capt. James, Jr., and Betsey Peck, both of Seekonk, married by Allen Hunt, Esq., Aug. 28, 1.S22. 74 VITAL l;^:coI;I) ov 1!Hude island. - 151 IIUXT Samuel and Nancy Lincoln, both of Norton, married by Rev. Barllett Pearce" Dec. G, 1824. - 146 William of North Btidgewaler and Perley Whitaker of See- konk. married at Providence by Rev. Asa Kent Ang. 27, 1.S26. Int. June 14, 1.S26. 1 16.5. - l.J4 Sarah J. of Seekonk and Joseph C. Brown of Reiioboth, mar- ried l)y Rev. James (). Barney June 11, 1827. Int. June !l, 1827. 1 KiO. - 158 Livingstone and Eliza Carpenter, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney March 17, is;!4. Int. Feb. 28, 1,S34. 1 185. - 156 3Liry A. of Seekonk and Zenns C. Young- of Troy, Mass., married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 29, 1830. 1 4 Maria of Seekonk, of Alien and Susan, and Stephen R. AVeeilen of Piovidenee, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 25, 1847. Int. Nov. 10, 1847. 1 229. 2 1 1 Eliza Cariienter, aged 23. born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of Livingstone and Eliza, and Jothani Waterman, aged 22, born Warwick, of Providence, of Jotham and Pliebc Ann, married by Rev. James O. Barney S^'pt. 5, 1860. Int. Sept. 5, i860. 2 1». 2 14 Charles H., aged 22, born and of Providence, of Josiah and Lydia M., and Julia M. Lee. aged 18. born Providence, of Seekonk. of Seth and Lucy, married by Elder Daniel Rounds March 12, 1863. 2 17 .Tohn, aged 45, born and of Seekonk, of William I), and Lydia, and Cornelia Allen Arnold, aged 28, born Attle- boro, of North Providence, of Thomas and Olive, married by Rev. S. O. Seymour April 14, 1869. Int. April 3, 1869. 2 15. 2 17 John Newton, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Livingstone and Eliza C, and Carohne Frances Hodges, aged 24, boru and of I'lovidenee, of Charles W. and Louis, married by Rev. Edwin M. Stone Aug. 31, 1869. Int. Aug. 31, 1869. 2 15. 2 31 Jessie E., .aged 2."), born Providence, of Seekonk, of William II. and Sarah E. (Dana) Hunt, and Leprelet P. Allen, aged 46, 2d mairiage, born and of Swanzey, of Dexter and Nellie (Wood) Allen, married by Rev. Fred E. Bixby Sept. 5, 1895. Int. Sept. 2, 1895. 2 2.S. - 132 HUNTRESS Andrew of Bristol and Elizabeth Dickinson of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman July 5, 1819. Int. July 4, 1819. 1 136. - 143 HL'TCIJINSON James of Northampton and Phebe Coggeshall of Seekonk, married by Rev. James (). Barney Sept. 14, 1824. Int. Aug. 13, 1824. 1 156. 2 16 .\ndrew, aged 30, born Pawtncket, of Providence, of James and Phebe, and Sarah II. .Mnnro, aged 27, born and of Seekonk, of Nathan and Cornelia, married by Rev. G. M. P. King Oct. 11, 1866. Int. Oct. 10, 1866. " 2 13. - 119 IDE Sallv and Churcli Crav, both of Seekonk, mairicd by Rev. Johu'llill April 5, LSI 2. MAIUUAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKdN K. iU - 119 IDE ElppUett and Hotsej' Oniislice, botli of Seekouk, maii-ied by Rev. .lolm Hill Nov. 1(5, 1S12. - iL'l Alfred and Ruth Woodmansoo, liotli of Seckonk. married bv Rev. .lohn Hill Feb. IS, 1814. Int. .Tan. 23, 1811. 1 122. - 122 Tiniotliy and Betsev Allen, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lohn Hill April "lO, 1814. Int. Jlarch 27, 1814. 1 123. - 12.5 Temperance and Samuel I). Lindsev, both of Seekonk. mar- ried by Rev. John Hill April 2,- 1815. Int. March 11, 181.".. 1 12(;. - 126 i\Iarv of Seekonk and Josephus Wheaton of Relioboth, mar- ried by Rev. John Hill Jan. I, 181(;. Int. Nov. 18, 181.5. 1 128. - 1-'14 Martha and Remember Kent, botli of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Aug. 13,1821. Int. March 1'.), 1821". 1 142. - 135 Nath:iniel, Jr., and Esther Walker, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John I'ltman June 25, 1821. Int. June 8, 1821. l" 144. - 144 Hiram anil Ardelia Adams IMiller, Ixitli of Seekonk. married by Rev. Ray I'otter Sept. 27, 18lM. Int. Ang. 2i;, ISi'l. 1 144. - 140 William and Amanda liishop, bi>th of Seekonk, married by R.-v. Baitletl IVarce Sept. — , 1823. Int. Aug. 10, 1823. 1 l.V.'. - l.jl Lydia and Zachariah ^^■alker. i>oth of Srckonk, mairied by Rev. Bartlett IVarce May—, 18i'i;. Int. Aiiril 15, 182G. 1 104. -154 An:ey of Seekonk and Friend C. Dudley of North Frovi- de'uce, married I IV Rev. James (). I'.arney Dec. 31,1826. Int. Dec. 10, 18-}6. 1 168. - 156 -Betsey and Fhanuel Bishoi), 2d, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 4, 1828. Int. Nov. 14, 182s. 1 174. - 156 Susan M. of Seekonk and Joseph F. Lindsey of Troy, Mass., married bv Rev. James O. Barney .Ian. 1. 1830. Int. Dec. 13, 182'.)." 1 175. - 156 Mrs. Betsey and Ezekiel Welibei', both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney May 31. 1830. Int. Aiuil 10, 1830. 1 176. - 157 Ephraim and Hannah Ide, both of Seekonk, marrie Betsey A-.m of Marcelkis and Joseph West of Josei)h, both of Seekonk. married by Kev. John C. Welch Oct. 28, 184'.). Int. Oct. 9, 1841). 1 234. 2 3 George F., aged 21, born and of Attleboro, of Hartford and Maiy T., and Lncy M. Freneli, aged I'.l, born and of See- konk, of George \V. and Sarah, married by Rev. George AV. Wallace Nov. 23, 1854. Int. Nov. 22, "l854. 2 1. 2 5 Betsey, aged 51. 1st marriage, born and of Seekonk, of John and Raclial, and Ricliard Lake, aged 02, 2d marriage, born Seekonk, of Providence, of Laban and Patience, married liy Rev. George Matthews Nov. 11, 1855. Int. Nov. 10, 1855. 2 2. 2 5 Henry II., aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of K[ihraim and Hannah, and Mary A. Barney, aged 2G, born Reiioboth, of Seekonk, of Knock and ICsther. married by Rev. George Matthews April 23, 185(5. Int. April 9, 185G. 2 y. 2 16 (ieorge A., .'iged 23, born Seekonk, of Providence, of Wil- liam T. and Sarah A., an. '.). 2 28 .lERARI) .loseph, aged 38, liorn St. Paul, Conn , of East Provi- dence, of Joseph and .Jnlia, and ,)nlia Cummings, aged 22, born Canada, of East Providence, of Victor and Jnlia, mar- ried by Rev. George II. Ilorton Nov. 21, 18;il. Int. Oct. 1, 18SI1. 2 25. " 2 30 ■\Vdliam A., ased 10, born Seckonk, of East Providence, of Frederick and Eliza (.Mitcliell) Jeraid, and Mary Patron, aoed 24. 2d mairiage, l>orn and of Moosnp, Ct., daugliter of .losepli and Lada (Jenird), married by Rev. C. D. Harp Mav 6, 18;»4. Int. April 24, 1894. 2 27. _ l->;! JERAULD William of North Providence and Ai4.i. Int. Sei)t. 10, 1«43. 1 217. ] '.I Daniel D.. aged 20, born Rhode Island, of Providence, of Sanuiel A. and Clorinda, and Hannah Maria Alien, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Benjamin and Hannah, mar- ried l)y Rev. Henry G. Stewart Dec. 5, 18.")2. Int. Dee. .'}. 1802. 1 24 7. - 133 JOHNSON Dr. Artemns and Eliza N. Davenport, both of See- konk, married bv Rev. Joim Pitman Jnne 1-"), 1820. Int. 3Iarch 27, 182()> 1 13'.». - l.'il Abii;ail and John Hamer, married by Rev. Barlli'lt Pearce ^iarch 1, 182;"). Int. Feb. 3, 182."). 1 151*. 1 S John and Betsey Bnrdick, bolh of Seekonk, mairud by Rev. James O. P.arney Ang. 28, 1842. Int. Aug. 14, 1.S42. 1 212. 1 fi Susan .v.. aged 1 7, of Hichard, and Alonzo Ledyard, aged 25, of Georiic, bo'.h born and of Connecticut, married by Rev. Henrv'o. Stewart Nov. 28, 1850. Int. Nov. 2, 1850. 1 238. 2 1 1 Elipha M., aged 2.'!, born Coventry, of Seekonk, of Welcome and Almy, and William Francis Field, aged 25, born Atllc- boro, of Seekonk, of Joseph and Levina A., married by Rev. James O. Barney Ang. 5. 18C0. Int. Aug. 3, 1800. 2 1). 2 2(j lunma Josephine, ai^ed 22, born and of Sweden, and George A. Miller, aged I'.i, born Gh)eester, R. I., of Seekonk, of David H. and :\[arv A., married by Rev. L. S. WoodworUi March 30, 1885. Int. March 30, 1885. 2 22. 2 28 Anna ]\Iaria, aged 3G, 3d marriage, born Plienix, of Seekonk, of James and Catharine (IMcGovcrn) Johnson, and Lewis Caswell, aged IS. 2d marri-.igo, born Richmond, N. II.. of MAPaUAOKS AND IXTKNTIDNS — .SEKRdNK. 79 JOHNSON : Scckonk, of Diivid and C'litliariiie, married liy A. N. Medhm-y, Esq., Jan. 2!), 181)1. Int. Jan. L'7, l.s'.'n. 2 25. 2 32 Charles Eniil, aged 27, of Johannes and Anna Laura (Lar- son) Johnson, and Ililma Serefice Johnson, aged 19, of Joau and Edladreta (Olson) Johnson, both born Sweden and of Scekonk, manied by Kev. L. Z.Ferris Oct. 31, lsim;. 2 32 Ililnia Si'refico, aged 1!», of Joan and EilhKlreta (Olson) Johnson, and Chailes Eiiiii Jolinson, aged 27, of Johannes and Anna Laura (Larson) Johnson, botii born Sweden, and of Seekonk, married by Rev. L. Z. Ferris Oct. 31, Ifi'je. - 119 JONES Ilannali and Geoi'ge Head, botli of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Hill July 2i;, 1.S12. Lit. July I'.l, 1812. run. - 131 Thomas and Olive JLmro, liolh of Seekonk, manied bv Rev. John Pitman Dec. 4, 1817. Inl. Nov. '.), 1817. l'\:U. - 153 Louisa of Seekonk and Ellis Peck, .Tr., of Barrington, married by Rev. 15. C. Orafton Maich 17, 1830. Lit. Nov. -1, 1829. 1 175. - 157 Sarah of William, and Thomas ^luiiro of Nathan, ail of See- konk. married liv Rev. Luther Laker Feb. IG. 1832. Int. Jan. 21, 1832. "l 180. -113 Harriet !M. of Seekonk and Samuel B. Fuller of Rehoboth, married at Wrentliam by Rev. Benjamin H. Davis Jan. 23, 1842. Int. Dec. 25. 184L 1 21U. 2 31 Sarah Edith, aged 17, born Rtuidolph, of Seekonk, of Lorin and Ada M. (Dana) Jones, and Cornelius C. Peck, Jr., aged 29, born and of Seekonk, (if Cornelius C. and Isabella (Anthonv) Peck, married by Rev. Albert Greene Ai>ril 17, 1895. - 151 JORDAN Dexter and Deligiit Moulton, married liy Rev. Bart- lett Pearee Dec. 4, 1825. Int. Nov. 16, 1825. 1. 162. 1 8 JOSLIN Melissa, aged 15, of William and Laura, and Joseph A. Fuller, a, 2d marriage, born Connecticut, of Piovidenee, (>f Samuel and Isabel, married by Rev. (ieorge Matthews March 17, 1855. Int. March 17, 1855. 2 2. 2 6 Sarah, aiied 24, boin New York, of Smithfield, of John 'SI. and Mary, and .\lvin Shaw, aged 30, born New Hampshire, of New BeiU'onl, of Isaac, married by Rev. James O. Bar- ney Oct. it, l.S5(;. Int. Oct. 7, 1856. 2 4. 2 ',1 David, aued 53, 5th marriage, born Glocester, R. I., of See- koidi, of Isaiah and Phebe, and Clara Potter, aged 1',!, born and of NcwDort, of Sanniel. married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 21, 1859. Lit. Aug. 21, 1859. 2 7. 2 15 l-jnma, aged 2.3, 2(1 marriage, born Newport, of Seekonk, daughter of Samuel and Hannah Potter, and Marcus Elder- kin, aged 37, born and of Sickonk, of Marcus and Eliza- beth, married by \Mall Medbuiv, Esq., June 25, 1864. Int. June 25, isni. 2 12. 2 2.S .Mary, aged ii^. born Ireland, of Newport, of Peter and Catii- ariiie, and Morris IMuriy. Jr., a'^ed 32, liorii and of Provi- dence, of Morris and Eliza, married by Rev. John Harty April 15. 1891. Int. April 3, 1891.. 2 25. - 51 KENNECrXT Hannah and Benjamin Viall. Jan. 1, LsOl). - 131 Eliza of Seekonk and Joshua Saver of Newport, married by Rev. John Pitman Sept. 2. i.si8. Int. Aug. 29, 1818. 1 134. MAUKIACKS AND IJ. - 154 Eliza R. of Reliol)oth and Milton Freeman of AtUeboio, mar- ried by Rev. .lames (). Barney Oct. 1, 182C. - 15(5 George W. of Rehoboth and Saily Hail of Attlelioro, married by Rev. .lames O. Barney Ang". 24, 1828. - 15G Lucy of Seekonk and Edwin Tinuley of Attleboro, married by Rev. .lames (). Barney Sejit.^ 23, 1828. Int. Ang. 31, 182.S. 1 173. - 15C Lnther and I\I:;ry Salisbury, liolli of Seekonk, nunried by Rev. -lames O. Barney Nov. Id. lS2.s. Int. Oct. 23, 1.S2.S. 1 174. - 158 Albey and Rnth P. Barney, l)otli of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lames O. P>arnev March 19, 1n34. Int. Fel). 2.f, is:il. I IS5. - 114 Ilunnali R. and Isaac B. Kent, lioth of Seekonk, married by Rev. James () Barney April 2i>, I.So7. Int. A[iril 2, l.s;l7. 1 19r.. - 114 Isaac B. and Il-iniiidi K. Kent, lioth of Seekonk, married liy Rev. JaniesO. I»;uncy April 20, 1.S37. Int. April 2, l.s;i7. 1 19(j. - 114 Ilezekiah and Oelia Bliss, both of Seekimk, jnarricd by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 2, PS37. _Int. Sept. 3, 1837. 1 197. - 115 Elizabelli B. and Perry Barney, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen .\pril 5. " 1.S3S. Int. March 15, l.s3,s. 1 199. - IIG Virgil and Kmeline Wth of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen May 14, 1,S4(I. Int. April 29, l.S4(i. 1 204. - 112 Aniey F. and l)(-\1er Carpenter, both of Seekonk, mai'iied liy Rev. .lames (). P.arney April l.i. 1.SI2. Int. March 2li, 1.S42. 1 211. 1 1 Belscj' Ann of Seekonk and .lames INT. (ioff, 2d marriage, of Reholioth, mairied bv Kcv. -lohn ('. Welch Nov. 3t), 1843. Int. Nov. 12, 1843. ' 1 2I.S. ! 2 Lewis, born Seek\. Inl. ]M.ay 18, 18.51. 1 241. 2 5 Jane, aged 3.'!, 2d marriage, born .Smillilield, of Pawtncket, daughter of John Thom|)son, and Dan I'eiry, aged 47, 3d marriage, born Rehobotli, of Pawtncket, of Timothy, mar- licd by Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 1.'). 1855. 2 13 Ardelia, agetl 45, 1st marriage, born Rehoboth, of Atlleboro, of Nathaniel and Klizabetli, and John Shorey, aged 68, 3d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Abel and Mary, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett :Mav 15, ISCl. Int. May 11, 18G1. 2 11. 1 S Edwin T., aged 22, li.)in Kast Providence, of Seekonk, of Alba and Ruth, anil Maria L. Perren, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of 'I'lionias and Hannah, marr!e 1 by Rev. James O. 15arney Nov. 17, 1870. Int. Nov. IG, 1870. 2 15. 2 22 Elijah, aged 35. of Virgil anil Kmeline, and Ida B. French, aged 23, of George F. and Enieline, both born and of See- konk. married by Rev. A. F. .Remington Feb. '2.'>, 1880. Int. Fob. 25, 1880. 2 I'J. 2 5 KENYON Lydia W.. aged 2!l, born Kingston, R. I., of North Providence, of John T. and Sarah, and .lolin W. Davis, aged 29, born Rehobotli, of Providence, of John, 3d, and Nanev, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 18, 1855. Int. sVpt. IG, 1855. 2 ;!. 1 2 KIMBALJ, Otto of Boston and Charlotte Devens of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch :\Iay 29, 1814. Int. M.ay 12, 1844." 1 220. 1 4 Rebecca and Caleb Pillsley, both of Seektnik, married by Rev. James O. Barney Apiil 4, 1847. Int. March I'.i, 1847. 1 227. 2 8 KING John C, aged 2.3, born Springfield, of Seekonk, of Joseph C. and Sarah, and Pliebe A. Blackman, aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of George A. and Alice, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. IG, 1858. Int. Dec. 15, 1858". 2 G. -113 KINSLEY|)h B. and Anna C. Barker, both of Swanze^', married by Rev. John C. Welch Feb. 9, 1841. 2 1 KNAPP AVilliani T., aged 2G, born Seekonk, of Attleboro, of Freeman and Lydia, and JIartha C. Whitaker, aged 37, born and of Seekonk, of Abner and Nancy, married by Rev. George W. Wallace June 12, 1853. Int. June 9, 1853. 1 253. MA in: I AGES AND INTENTKIN.S — SEEKONK. 83 2 7 KNAPP Mary A., aged lis, boni anil of Seokoiik, of Freeman and Lydia C, and William P. Ilolley, aged 19, born Woon- soeket, of Seekonk, of Albert and Sarah A., married by Rev. A. H. Stowell Sept. 12, 1.S58. Inl. Sept. II, 18.jS. 2 6. 2 10 Otis II., aged 26, born and of Attleboru, of I'"rccmau and Lydia, and Ellen W. Cooper, aged 30, burn anil oi See- konk, of William, married by Kev. James (_). Barney Oct. 3t), l,s,-,i). Int. Nov. 10, 18.')"U. 2 8. 2 21 p:niily F., aged 17, born and of Seekonk, of Otis II. and I'^leonor W.,,and Patrick IMeGnire, aged lit, born and of Seekonk, of Patrick and .\lice, married by \'iall .Aledbnry, ICsq., March 17, 1877. Int. March IG, 1877. 2 18. 2 2.') Gcoi-ge W., aged 21), l)orn and of Seekonk, of William F. and Martha C, and Francis C. Gilliver, aged 25, born Brnnsnick, X. Y., of Brooklyn, N. Y., of William .J. and Kmina, married by Pev. .Jesse 'rorrev .Mav ;)(), 188,5. Int. May 30, 1885. 2 23. 2 24 KNIGHT Lilla M., aged 22. hmn Canada, of Seekonk, of .lames and Isabel, and lAnvis F. Leiglitoii, aged 24, born Maine, of Altleboro, of Lewis T. and i\Iai-y M., married by Rev. A. F. Reniiiiiiton Nov. 25, lS8a. Int. Nov. 2;!, 1883. 2 22. 2 20 Minnie, aged 19, born Altleboro, of East Providence, of .Tames and Mary, and William li. Simmons, aged 28, 2d marriage, liorn Rehoboth, of Ewst Providence, of William E. and lOli/.a (Lewis), married by Asaph C. Hill, Fsij., Ang. 3. 18'.)3. Lit. Ang. 3, 189;!. 2 27. - 145 KNOWLTON Rnth B'. and Ezra Baxter, lioth of Seekonk, married by Rev. Ray Potter ,)an. 27, 1825. Int. Jan. 8. 1825. 1 158. 2 29 KUPFER Albert L., .aged 24. Iioni Bristol, of East Providence, of Ferdinand and Enneslenna, and Grace E. Balcom, aged 20, born Ceiilral Falls, of East Providence, of John and Jlary, married by A. N. Jledbnry, Esip, Sept. 29, 18ll-.>. Int.'Sept. 29, 181)2. v ■>(;. 1 6 LADIEUR Eliza, aged 50, 2d marriage, born and of Rhode Island, daughter of Loring Finney, and .lolin Gregory, aged 72, 2ttnnirriage ,liorii New Ilampsliire, of Seekonk, of Jolm, mari'ied l)y Rev. Henry G. Stewart Dec. 5, 1850. Int. Dec. — , 1850. 1 237. - 118 LAKE Lydia and John Allen, married by James Ellis, I<>q., Dee. 1, 1811. - 119 Lncinda R. and .John R. Stephens, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. ,Iohn Hill Oct. 29, 1812. Int. Sei.t. 17, 1812. 1 120. - 134 Dei)orah and Ilezekiah II. INIedbiiry. both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman AiirlTll, 1821. Lit. March 16, 1821. 1 112. - 139 Sally L. of Seekonk and (iershaiii Williams of \\'eUiii!Ttoii, - 1G2 - 111 1 1 1 6 2 5 84 VITAL IMCCdUI) OF KHODK ISLAND. married by Allen Iliiiit, Esq., Nov. IT, 1822. Int. Aug. no, 1S22.'' 1 147. 156 Clarrissa of Kelioboth ami O-iinan Carpenter of Seekonk, marrieil 1)V l^'ev. James (). IJaiuey Nov. 13, 1828. Int. Sept. 12, "l.S2.S. 1 174. _ 158 p:bza A. and William M. Rovven, botli of Seokonk, nianied by Rev. James (). Barney Sei)t. 2ti, 1833. Int. Jniy 27, 1833. 1 183. - 158 Lydia of Seekonk and Hiram Donsrlass of North Providence, married by Rev. James i). Barney Nov. 3, 1833. Int. Oct. 20, 1833. 1 183. Hiram, M. D.. and Olive F. Sliorey, married at New York by Rev. John Dowling May 5, 183(1. Caroline of Pawtneket and Sylvanns Cole of Nortli Provi- dence, married by Rev. Jolln C. Welch Jnly 1, 1841. William II , of Gedraie. and Hope R.Armington. both of See- konk, married by Rev. John C. Welcii Sept. 24, 1843. Int. Anu'. 2'.), 1843. " 1 21G. AbbyM., born and of Seekonk, and Thomas Rice of Provi- dence, married by Rev. James O. Barney June 28, 1840. Int. Jnne 10, 1849. 1 233. Richard, aged G2. 2d marriage, born Seekonk, of Providence, of Laban and Patience, and Betsey Ide, aged 51, 1st mar- riaoe. born and of Seekonk, of John and Rachal, married by ^Rev. (ieorge Matthews Nov. 11, 1855. Int. Nov. 10, 1«55. 2 2. 2 12 Horace Francis, aged 29, born and of Seekonk, of George J. and Nancy, and Harriet Newall Tanner, aged 28, bora Centrevillc, of Seekonk, of naniei and Deboraii. married by Rev. C. Blodgelt (.)ct. 27, LSOO. Int. Oct. 27, ISGO. 2 10. 2 17 Laban G., aged 3G, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Squire and .\bigail, and Edna A. Blake, aged 24, born Franklin, of Pawtncket, of William R. and Lydia, married bv Rev. Edward J. Bowen Nov. 5, 1868. Int. Nov. — , 1868. 2 II. - 117 LANE Adaline of Seekonk and Levi Smith of Smithlield, mar- ried by Rev. John Allen July 15, 1839. Int. June 16, 1.S39. 1 202. - 112 Amos 15. of Pawtucket and Cornelia AUyn of Seekonk, mar- ried bv Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 13, 1842. Int. Jan. 19, 1842. 1 210. 1 3 Lncinda and Thomas Rice, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 6, 1845. Int. Sept. 13, 1845. 1 224. 2 8 Amos B., aged 44, 2d marriage, born Reiioboth, of Seekonk, of Isaiah and HopestiH, and I'hila Robinson, aged 42, bora Reiioboth, of Seekonk, of Noah and Hannaii, married by Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 2X, 1859. Int. Feb. 27, 1859. 2 6. - 159 LANGL?:Y William and Eliza Niekerson, residents of See- konk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 1, 1834. Int. Nov. 23, 1.S34. 1 l.s8. iMAlilMAfiES ANI> INTENTIONS — SKEKONIC. »;) - 11-2 LANGLEY Ellon W. of Seekonk and .Tosfpli P. Faiiinan of Pavvtnckct, mnnied l).v Rev. Jcliii C. Welch Oct. 4. 1841. - 152 LAPHAM Hol)t'it E. and Almii-.a ISray, liotli of Seekonk, mar- ried liy Kev. Kartlett Pearec Dec. 20, 1827. Int. Nov. 2'J, 1827. 1 171. 1 4 Benjamin N. of Providence and So|]liia M. Page of Seekonk, of Martin, married bv Rev. James (). Barney Jnne 24, 1847. ]nt. June '.), 1847. 1 22.s. 2 32 LARKIN Amelia Ruth, aged l'.», born England, of Allendale, of Patrick and Margaret 'Murphy) Laikin, and Joseph Henry Collins, aged 24, hoi'n North Attlelioro. of Seekonk, of Timothy and Anna J. (Kelly) Collins, married by Rev. Thomas F. Carroll Feb. 12, KS'.K). 2 23 LASCOMB Minnie F., aged 20, born and of New Bedford, and Thomas Whiting, aged 29, born and of Portland, jNIe., of Patrick, married by William P. Ganmions, Jr., Esq., :\rarch .il, 1.S81. Int. lAFarch 31, 1881. 2 20. - 141 LATHE Eliza of Charlton and Rev. James O. Barney of See- konk, married by Rev. Thomas Ricli May is, l.s-_'."i. Int. May 23, 182.i. 1 IfiO. - 144 LAWRENE Cwen of Sandwich, resident of Seekonk, and Marv C. Welch of Seekonk, nianied by Rev. Ray Potter Nov". IS, lS->->. Int. Nov. 4, 1821. i 14.".. - 128 LAWT(>N Jeremiah of Swanzey and Codega Hill of .Seekonk, married by James Ellis, Esq., Nov. 23, isi.'i. Int. Sept. 11, 181.'.. 1 127. - 1;V2 Patience and Levi Bryant, both of Seekonk, mairied liy Eev. Barllelt Pearee Sept. 20, 1827. Int. Aug. 18, 1827. 1 170. - loO Amey and Ezekiel Webber, bnth of Seekonk, married by Rev. Henry Clarke Oct. 30. 1834. Int. Oct. 10, 1834. 1 187. - 112 George E. and Olive B. Sherman, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. O. Barney May 2, 1842. Int. April 14. 1S42. 1 211. 1 1 Joanna anil John S. Daggett, both of Seekoidi, married by Rev. James O. BarneyAug. IG, ls43. Int. July 'J, 1843. 1 2ir>. 2 3 Elizabeth, aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of Geoi-ge and Susan, and Renlien K. JMiller, aged 21, born Attleboro, of Pavvtucket, of Ira K. and Mary, married by Rev. (ieorge Matthews Nov. 20, 18.54. Int. Nov. 22, 1854. 2 3. 2 27 Ileniy F., aged 30, born and of Swanzey, of James and An- gela, and Fanny W. Peck, aged 21, born and of Keho- botb, of Philip arid Frances, married l)^' Rev. George H. Tilton July 4, 1889. -115 LEACH Isaac and Marv Rose, bolh of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen Dec. 2(5, 1837. Int. Dec. 8, 1837. 1 199. 1 C LEDYARD Aloi»zo, aged 25, of George, aud Susan John- son, aged 17, of Richard, both born and of Connecticut, maiTied by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Dec. 12, 1850. Int. Dec. 12, 1850. 1 238. - 151 LEE Ebenezer and Fannv Francis of Taunton, married by Rev. P.artlett Pearee Dec. 12, 1825. 2 14 Julia M., aged 18, Ixiru Providence, of Seekonk, of Seth aud 80 VITAI, KKCOKIi OF ItHODK ISLAND. LEE : Lucy, and ('liniles II. Hunt, aged 2:^, born and of Provi- dence, of Josiali and Lydiu j\I., married by Elder Daniel Konnds IMarch 12, 18G3. Int. March i), 1S72. Int. .March 28," 1872. 2 IC. - l.J2 LEWIS William Y. and Fanny Briggs, both of Digliton, mar- ried by Rev. Harllett Pearce Nov. 30. 182(5. - loT .\bner of \\ [uv and Ileiii'ietta Walker of Seekonk, niariied by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 23, 1831. 1 1 .Mary B. of Seekonk, of Nathan C, and Ezra Baker of Prov- idence, married by Rev. .lohn C. Welch .hine 18, 1843. Int. June 4, l.s43l 1 2i:). 2 (J ]Maria L., born and of Seekonk, of Xatlian C. and Louisa W., and Benjamin W. Poirson, aged 32, horn Maine, of Providence, of William Mclntirc and Betsey S., married by Rev. Georije Matthews Nov. 17, 18,')(;. Int. Nov. 10, 18,5(>. 2 4. 2 7 George IL, aged 22, bi)rji Colchesttr, Ct., of Providence, of Hiram C. and F.inny .M., and .lessie Cullon, aged 21, born Pictou, of Pi'oyidence, ol James and Mary Ann, married by Rev. Georsic Matthews July 24, IS.'iS. Int. July 2l", isr)8. 2 r>. 2 30 Lucy C, aged 18, born and of East Providence, of Joseph and Mary C., and I). .Vlh'U, aged 2(), born Worcester, of MAr.i;iA(ii>;s and intentkins— seekunk. LEWIS : East Proviilence, of .Idliii and ^laiv E. (Loonanl) Alloii, iiianifd 1)V Asaiih C. Hill, Es-c]., July 4, IS'.lt. Int. .Inly 3, IS'.M. '-2 27. 2 32 Adilic Etta, aned 20, Ixjrn and of Central Falls, of Amlrew .1. and Adallr.f (Bassett), and William E. Cole, aged 23, liorn Jolinstou, of Pavvtiicket, of Allieit A. and Aidelia (^Valls; Colo, married by Asaph C. Hill, V-sq., Mi\y 17, 18y(i. Int. May 14, IS'JC. 2 28. 2 5 LILLY Elizal)etli, aged 25, born England, of iS'ew York, of John, and Charles G. Slocnm, aged 3(;, born Seekonk, of North Providence, of Jeremiah and Susan, married by Viall Medbnry, Esq., Jan. 5, l.S.'iO. Int. Jan. .'), 1850. 2 2. - L'jI LINCOLN Nancy and Samuel Hunt, both of Norton, married by Rev. Barl'lett Pearce Dec. 13, 1824. 2 29 Lewis, aged 21, born Tannton, of Providence, of Edward and Lena, and Sarah W. Holmes, aged 20, born Provi- dence, of Seekonk, of Frank and Mary, married by A. N. Wedbury, E.s(|., Aug. 5, 1.S'.I2. Int. Aug. fi, !8!(2. 2 ^G. - 125 LINDSEY S;imuel I), and Temperjuice Ide, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Ai)ril 2, LSI.'). Int. JMarcli 11, 1815. 1 12(;. - 150 Joseph F. of Troy, JIass., and Susan ]\I. Ide of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James C). Bajuey Jan. 1, l.syo. Int. Dec. 13, 182',). 1 175. 2 24 LIVSEY^ George W., aged 22, born :Millbnry, of Attlei/oro, of John T. and Arabella L. (Barrows) Livseyi and Hattie 31. Willniartli, aged 24, lnnn Attleboro, of Seekonk, of (■leorge A. and Harriet (Hr.iwn) Willraarth, married by Rev. Samuel M. Beals Sept. 11, 1883. Int. Sept. s, 1883. 2 21. 2 '.I LORD Mary Ann, ajed 3.s, 2d marriage, Iiorn New Ilami)- shire, of Providence, and William Cliaft'ee, aged 39, 2d marriage, born and of Seekoid^, of Samuel and Nancy, married by Rev. Waterman Pearce Se[it. 0, l.s5'.l. Int. Sept. 17, 1.S59. 2 7. 1 2 LOTHROP Joshua. Jr., and Adidalde R. Bacon, b(jth of See- konk. married by Rev. .lames (). Barney Se[)t. Hi, 1.S44. Int. Sept. 1, 1844. 1 221. - 132 LLTTHER Mason of Seekonk and Abby Baxter of Yarmouth, now resident of Seekonk. mariied by Rev. John Pitman July 5, 1819. Int. Feb. 24, 1819. 1 130. - 144 Ilenrv of SmilLlield and Fanny Thurston of Seekonk. mar- ried by Rev. Ray Potter Sei)t. 20,1821. Int. Dec. 3j. 1820. 1 141. - 140 Job and Lucy Ann Peck, both of Seekonk, mai-ried by IJev. Barllett Pearce Dec. 14, 1823. Int. Nov. 1, 1823. 1 153. - 115 Emma II. and Capt. Noah Peck, liolli of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen Oct. 2, 1834. Int. Sept. 10, 1834. 1 197. -115 Nancy and Silas Handy, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen IMareh 21, 1838. Int. Feb. 25,1838. 'l 199. -110 Nathau P. of Providence and Ruth V. Barney of Seekonk^ 88 VITAL KICCOUD OF ItHUDE ISLAND. LVTUKli: uiairiod liv Rev. John Allen .^[ay ".^G, \f>3'J. Int. May -i, ' 1.S39. 1 "2(i2. - 117 Luev Ann and .(ereraiah Hawkins, lioth of Seekonk, married Ijv Rev. James O. Barney Sei^t. 12. 1839. Int. Aug. -23, 1S39. 1 ■>iri. - 113 Harriet and Williini Henrv Handy, both of Seekonk, married liv Rev. .lohn C. Weleli Nov." II, DS-IO. Int. Oct. 17, 1840. 1 •_'07. -Ill AVatey .S. and .lames M. Bates, both of .Seekonk, married liy Rev. .lolni C. Welch Dec. 1.^, 1.S41. Int. Nov. 27, l.Slf. 1 -iio. 1 S Ahby L. and .Jonathan Chaffee, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. ,lohn C. Welch Oct. 23, ltS43. Int. Oct. -s, 1842. 1 212. 2 7 Lvdia .1., aaed 21, born and of Rebolioth. of Rodolpluis and Leai)he, and (iiistavus B. Peck, aged 25, born Providence, of Rehobolh, of Cyrns and Rebecca, mairied by Rev. .lames O. Barney .Ian. 1, I8.')8. 2 10 George F., aged 22, born Snanzey, of Providence, of Tmi- othy P. and Julia A., and .Martha A. Grant, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Kent and Lydia, married liy Rev. Josepluis W. Horton .May 8. \^M. Int. Jan. 12, ISGO. 2 8. 2 1.") Daniel B.. Jr., aged 37, ;id marriage, born Warren, of Bris- tol, of Daniel B. and Polly, an(l Snsan E. West, aged l.S, born and of Seekonk, of George C. and Mary Ann, mar- ried by Rev. G. M. P. King Oct. 2,1864. Int. Oct. 1, 1804. 2 12. 2 1.') Adaline, aged 20. 2d marriage, born .South Kingstown, of Seekonk, dnnglitcr of (ieorge and Mary Ann Ilimes, and Martin V . Hill, aged 28. born and of Seekonk. of George and Sarah, married !)y Rev. James O. Barney July 8, IJSCG. Int. Jnly 7. ISGO. 2 13. 2 17 Milliam H.. aged 23, born Sinitlilield, of Seekonk, of Kdward S. and Lxdia P.. and Mary Josephine Goff. aged 22, born Rehoboth. of Seekonk, of James N. and Mary E., married by Viall Medbniy, Ksi]., May 18, 18G9. Int. May 18. 1869. 2 1.'.. 2 22 Fi.tnk E., aged 27, born and of Reliobotli, of Ira and Nancy. •and^IarvA. WiUmarlh, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Pasciial! and Marv, married by Rev. George H. Tilton April 20, 1880. 2 2.3 Alexander, aged 26. born Ri'liobolh. of East Attleboro. of Albert and Adaline. and Kniily A. Hill, aged 18, born Thompson, of East Attleboro, of George R. and Anne, mariied by Rev. A. F. Remington June 2."), 1881. Int. Jnne 2;"), l"881. 2 20. 2 21 Winfield Scott, aged 21, born and of Seekonk. of (icoige F. and ^larllia A., and Julia E. Horton, aged 17, born and of Rehoboth, of Edwin JI. and Serephinc, married by Rev. James L. Peiree Oct. 18,1882. Int. Oct. 16, 1881. 2 21. - 133 LYON Nathaniel of North Providence and Bridget Paine of .Seekonk, mtirried hy Rev. John Pitman May 14, 1820. Int. 30, 1820." 1 139. - Ill AG MARIUAGKS AND IXTKNTION.S — SEEKONK. 89 - 156 LYON Amey Ann and Orvillo Chaffee, liotli of Seekonk, mar- ried l)y Rev. Janios O. Barney Oct. 5, 1S2«. Int. Auw 24, 1828. 1 173. Susan C. and Sylvanns C. Rounds, liotli of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney April 2,1837. Int. March I'J, 1837. 1 IDG. Bridget and Josiali Medbui'y, iioth of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen March 27, ]83'J. Int. March 10, 1839. 1 201. - 117 Catharine and Marcena K. Winn, fiuth of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney July 7, 183'.l. Int. June 23 1839. 1 202. 1 3 Celesta of Pawtuckct, of Obed, and Willard Viall of Seekonk, of Samuel, married liy Rev. James O. Barney Jan 1, ]84(;. Int. Dec. 12, 184.".. 1 2^:4. INI - Ill MACOMBKR Rufns of Taunton and Roby C. Greene of See- konk. married by Rev. John C. WeleirNov. 25, 1841 Int Oct. 30, 1.S41. 1 209. 2 27 MAHER Lizzie V., aged 21, born New Yoik, of Seekonk, of William and Catharine, and Marry E. Sanger, aged 22, l)orn Boston, of Seekonk, of (leorsie O. and Anne S., mar- ried by Rev. George II. Tilton Nov. 17, 1.S88. Int. Nov 17. 1888. 2 24. 1 12G MARCHANT Susannah and Lott Stianae, botli of Seekonk, married liv Rev. John Hill Dec. 12, isi.i Int Nov ■>'> 181o. 1 128. ■ ■ ' - 14.5 Mary and James Ryder, .li-., both of Seekonk. married by Rev. Ray Potter Ang. 29, 1824. Int. Auo. 14, 1824. 1 15(1. Ruth and Mason Viall, Jr., both of Seekonk, married by Rev Bartlett Pearee Sept. 1, 1827. Int. Auo-. l,s, 1827. 1 170. 1 5 Eliza, born Yarmouth, of Pavvtncket, .and Henry Matthews, Jr., born and of Yarmonth, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 21, 1849. Also lecoided on same page again. 2 30 MARCY Walter E., aged 27, born Pi'ovidence, of East Provi- dence, of George H. ami Sarah L. (Watson) Marcj, and Maiy G. Tlmrber, aged 2(i, born and of Seekonk,' of Hiram A. and Lydia A. (Allen) Tlmrber. married by Rev. C. D. Harp May 1, l.s;i4. Int. April 30. 1894. 2 27. - 144 MARISII Jose|)li and Eunice Jenckes, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Ray Potter Sept. 18,1822. Int. Sent. 8,1822. 1 148. - 121 MARTIN Lydia May of Seekonk and John Watson, .Ir., of Rehuboth, married by Rev. John Hill Feb. 24. I8I3. Int. Feb. 5. 1813. 1 121. - 124 Arelta and Caleb Gushing, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Jan. 22, 181.".. Int. Dec. 18, 1815. 1 125. - 131 Betsey and Ciiarles C. Gushing, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Jan. 18,1818. Int. Dec. 23,1817. 1 134. 152 90 VITAL IIKCOKI) OF RHODE ISLAND. - 151 MARTIN JosiulirtiKl Cliailotte Davis, niiin-ied hy Rev. Barllett Pearce .hmo 1. 182G. Int. May 8, 182^. 1 1(J5. - 1.53 .Joseph and Harriet Wliitalvor, married hy Rev. Faroiul Hester March 7, 183:3. Int. Feb. 2, 1833. 1 182. - 158 Joiin K. and Mary N. Swift, both of 8eel\onk, married by Rev. .lames (). ijarney .July 8,1833. Int. June 7,1833. 1 183. - 159 Loiiis.a of SeePconk and Fenner Ballon of Cumberland, mar- ried by Rev. Henry Clark .Vpnl 2, 183."). Int. Marcli 6, 1835. 1 100. - 115 .John of Seek(jiik and Elizabeth W. Millerd of Rehoboth, mariied by Rev. John Alien Feb. 25, 1838. Int. Feb. 8, 1838. 1 "I'.t'.t. - 110 JMartha W. of Seekonk and Jolm iSliort, Jr., of Barrington, inairied liy Rev. Jolm Allen Oct. 22, 1840. Int. Sept. 2(i, 1840. 1 "2(K;. 1 3 George S. of Harrington and Betsey S. Peck of .Seekonk, married liy Rev. James (J. Harney Oct. 21. 1845. I:;t. Sei)t. 28, 1845. 1 224. 1 4 Joseph B. and Maiy A. Drown, both of Barrington, married by Rev. John C. Welch April 15, 1847. 2 3 Cyrus, aged 34, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Ilolden and Sarah, and Caroline B. Read, aged 34, boin and of See- konk, of Noah and Lucv, married by Rev. George Matthews Nov. 12, 1.S54. Int. Nov. 5, 1854. 2 1. 2 2G Nancy, aged 50, 1st marriage, of Joseph and Harriet, and Asa ChatTee, aged 70, 3d marriage, of Abel and Sally, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Lenmel Osier Nov. 10, 1M8G. Int. Aug. 10, 1886. 2 23. 2 28 Otis A., aged 31. born and of Rehoboth, of Otis S. and So- phia N. (Pearce) Martin, and Lizzie B. Gibson, aged 24, born Nantucket, of Rehoboth, of Henry and Hannah, mar- ried by Rev. George H. Ilorton Sept. 3, 1890. 2 31 Elisha M. of Seekonk, of Joseph and Harriet (Whitaker) Martin, and ."Mary Jane Lee of Cranston, R. I., of John and Mary, .Ian. 1, 18i»5. - 127 BIASON Nathaniel of Rehoboth and Anna Cobb of Seekonk, niarried by Appollas Cushman, Esfj., April 5, 1815. Int. Feb. fo, 1815. 1 12(1. - 130 Jlay D. of Swanzey and Sai-ah Biieklin of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lohn Pitman Sept. .s, l,si 7. Int. July 23, 1817. 1 133. - 132 Nathan and Eiiieline Arniington, l)oth of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 28, 181!). Int. Nov. 14, 1819. 1 137. - 133 Isaac of Thompson and Mahala Bowen of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman March 2'J, 1820. Int. March C, 1820. 1 13S. - 142 ICzra and Polly Smitli, l)otli of Seekonk, married by Rev. Si- las Hall, Jan. 13, 1823. Int. Dec. 29, 1823. 1 149. - 151 Harvey and Rosanna T. Medbiiry, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Nov. 14, 1824. Int. Nov. 17, 1824. 1 157. - 151 Asaph and Nancy P. Carpenter, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce March 12, 182(;. Int. Feb. 12,1820. 1 104. MARRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 91 - 151 MASON Julia Ami aiul ha Chaffoe, mMnird l.y Kev. Bartlott Peai-ce IMaicli 12, 1820. liil. IV-h. r., l.Si'Cl 1 1G4. - 152 Joanna of .Seekonk and Ezra Dickinson, married hv IJcv. Bartlett Pearee March 2(3, 1827. - 159 Samuel and Mrs. Meliitable Woodwaid, IidIIi of Seekonk, mairied hy Rev. Henry Clark Oct. 1, 1834. Int. Sept. 12, 1834. 1 187. - 161 Ira and Charlotte Feck, married hy Kev. Henry Clark Dec. 22, 183(j. Int. Dec. 3, 183i;. l' TJC. - 115 Lucinda Ann of Seekonk and Joseph N. Sweet of North Kings- town, married by Jesse Medliui'V, Esq., Oct. 23, l'S37. Int. Sept. 29. 1837. 1 198. 1 3 Capt. Harvey, 2d marriaLje, and I.ydia M. N'incent, both of Seekonk, married by Key. John C. Welch Dec. 2, bs4(j. Int. Nov. 1, 184G. 1 7 Jonathan, aged 24, born anil of Seekonk, of Aha])li and Nancy, and Mary S. Small, aged 23, born Yannonth, of Providence, niarried l)y Rev. Henry G. Stewart July 17, 1851. Int. July 15. 1851. 1 241. 1 7 Harvey, Jr., aged 22. born Seekonk, of Providence, of Ilnr- vey and Rosanna, and Betsey B. INIedliury. aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Jaliez and Elizabeth, married liy Rev. Henry CI. Stewart Nov. 31), 1851. Int. Nov. 27, 1851. 1 244. 2 1 Caroline C, ageil 21. of Asaph and Nancy, and Nallianiel I. Bi.sho|), aged 23, of Pliauuel and Belsey I., both l>orn and of Seekonk, married by Rev. William Phillips Sept. 29, 1853. Int. Se)it. 28, 1853. 1 254. 2 3 Adalaide A., aged 19, born and of Seekonk. of Asaph, and Nancy, and George W. Cainiibell. aged 25, born Heniker, N. v., of Seekonk, of Annis and Patty, mai'ricd Ijy Rev. Henry G. Stewart Oct. 20. 1854. "int. Oct. 22", 1854. 2 1. " 2 14 W., aged 2(i. born Pawtucket. of Seekonk, of George and Sarah, and l{achal A. Hopkins, aged 18, born and of I'awtncket, of Daniel and Sylviiia, married by Rev. G. M. P. King July 13, 18(52. Int. June 29, 18(;-.'." 2 12. 2 21 Andrew S., aged 21, I'oru Pnivitlence, "f Attleboro, of James and Sarah, .and Ilattie L. Carpenter, aged 17, burn and of Seekonk, of Henry and H , married by Rev. J. AVillett Sept. 10, LS77. int. Sept. (I, 1877. 2 27 Leonoia N., aged 21). born and of Swanzcy, of Joseph and Leonora, and Kied A. Howe, aged 22, born and of See- konk, of Ileiny M. and Lvdia A., married by Rev. George W. Bixby Dee. 5, 1889. "int. Dec. — , 1.S89. 2 24. 2 30 Ileiliert B., aged 21, l)orn Provik island. MATIIEWSON : and Mary, and Frederick L. Angell, aged 10, born John- ston, of Scelvonk, of Thomas A. and JIary E., married by Viall Medliurv. Esq., Sept. 12, Int. Sept. 8, 1883. •2 21. 2 29 Rosabell A., aged 32, born Black Rock, R. I., of Providence, of Francis A. and Mary E. (Wilcox) 3Iatthewson, and Herbert I. Adams, aged 45, 2d marriage, born Norwich, Ct., of Boston, of John Q. and Lucy Iv., married by A. N. iMedbury, Esq., March 25, 18;»3. Int. March 21, 18113. ■> •> I. 2 29 Ida M., aged 19, boni Providence, of Seekonk, of William II. and Esther, and Charles II. Potter, aged 27, born River Point, R. I., of Seekonk, of Augnstns and Marion (Lock), married bv Rev. William B. Heath Sept. 15, 1892. Int. Sept. 15, "l.S92. 2 20. - 149 MATHEWS Henry and Susan Baker, manied bv Rev. Ray Potter Nov. 19, 182(;. Int. Oct. 15, 1826. 1 If,?. -117 P^lizabetli and William Sutton, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 30, 1837. Int. Nov. 13, 1837. 1 198. 1 5 Henry, Jr., of Yarmouth and Eliza Marchant of Pawtucket, married by Rev. James C). Barney Jan. 21, 1849. Re- corded twice on this page. 2 i Adonirani J., born North Reding, of Providence, of George and Elizabeth, and Marianna C. Jenckes, aged 24, boru Connecticut, of Providence, of Gorham C. and Mary Ann, married bv Rev. George Matthews Aug. 29, 1855. Int. Aug. 29, 1855. 2 2. 2 22 5IATT1NGLY Richard IL, aoed 29. born Washington, R. I., of Seekonk, of Reul)en and Prescilla, and M. Anna Chaf- fee, aged 32, born and of Seekonk, of Asa and Mary, mar- ried bv Rev. Edwin 1). Hall Oct. 8, 1880. 2 13 McDonald Nancy, aged 21, born England, of Attleboro, of Edward and Margaret, and Henry L. Joslin, aged 29, born Cumberland, of Pawtucket, of Larned and Nancy, married b}- Rev. James O. Barney June 2, 18G1. 2 8. IMcGINNIS Margaret, boin Cranston, R. I., of Pawtucket, of Michael and .Maiy, and Theodore W. Jenckes, aged 22, born and of Pawtucket, of Edward B. and Louisa, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Jan. i;!, 1857. Int. Jan. 13, 1857. 2 G. - 159 McGUIRE Francis and Angeline D. Wells, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Henrv Clark Jan. 4, 1835. Int. Dec. 18, 1834. 1 "188. 1 3 Margaret and Jonathan R. Eldcrkin, both of Seekonk, son of JNIarcus, married bv Rev. Henry C. Coorabes Feb. 21, 1«4G. Int. Feb. 9" 1.S45. 1 225. 2 21 Patrick, aged 19, of Patrick and Alice, and Emily F. Knapp, aged 17, of Otis H. and Eleanor W., both born and of Seekonk, married bv Viall JMedbnry, Esq., March 17, 1.S77. Int. March Ki. 1877. 2 18. 2 30 McKENNEY Mahcl C, aged 21, born and of Pawtucket, of James and Pliebe, and Andrew C. I)an\er8, aged 21, born MAKRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKOKK. 93 JlcKKNNFA': and of some place, of Charles A. and Eva (Kadloff), mar- ried by Asaph C. Hill. [Esq., Nov. 10, 1S'J4. Jnt. Nov. 10, 1894. 2 27. -Ill McKEON Knth and David Hall, iMith nf Seekonk, married by Rev. .lohn Welch Oct. 1, l.s41. Int. Sept. \'J, 1841. 1 201). 1 1 Ezekiel and Elizalictli C. Lie, IkjUi of Seekonk, manied by Rev. .lames O. Barney .May 21. 184;5. 1 2 Elizabeth of Pavvuicket and .lose)))! C. JMiller, horn and of Seekonk, of Jonathan, married bv Rev. James (). Barney Nov. 17, 1S44. Int. Oct. 19, 1844. 1 221. 2 3 JIcLxVNE Ibiraoe A., aged 2.3, boi-n Providence, of Barring- ton, of Nathan and Almira, and ]\Iary E. Wood, aged lit. born Seekonk, of Warren, of Calvin S. and .Mary, married by Kev. Henry (4. Stewart Ang. 3, 18.')4. Int. .Inly 31, 18.54. 2 1. 2 1 William, aged •/7, born Nova Scotia, of Attleboro, and .Mary E. ]\Ionlton, aged 26. born and of Attleboro, of Royal and Cynthia, married b_v Rev. James O. Barney April 25, 1803. 2 18 ]\Iaiy Elizabeth, aged 37, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, danuhter of Calvin and Mary Ann (Handy) Wood, and John llilliard Noi'thnp, aged 41, 3d marriage, born Oris- wold, C"t., of Cnnd)erland, of George and Rebecca (Harris) Northnp. married by Rev. Edwin M. Stoue Sept. 28, 1871. - 148 McLUGISH William and .Aliigail (irash, married by Ap|)ollas Cushnian, Ivvp, Oct. 17, 182(1. Int. Sei)t. 24, 182G. 1 167. 2 9 McMELLON James, aged 33, born I'ictou, of Seekonk, of John and Ann, and Nancy B. ('o\e, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Ebenezer and Betsey', married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. o, 1859. Int. Sept. .5, 18.".9. 2 7. - 120 MEDBEUY .Mary .Ann and Benjamin Thnrber, both of See- konk, married by Jesse Medbury, Esq., Oct. 6, 1814. Int. Sept. 17, 1814. 1 124. - 155 George of Seekonk and Catharine B. Rhoiles of Cranston, married at Pawtn.Ket liy Rev. Bela Jacobs Dec. 4, 1817. Int. Nov. 8, 1817. 1 "l34. - 134 Viall and Hannah Peck, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Dec. 13, 1820. Int. Nov. 8, 1820. 1 141. - 134 Ilezckiah H. and Deborah Lake, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman, .\pril 11, 1821. Int. March 16, 1821. 1 142. - 135 Ann of .Seekonk and William P. Heath of Barrington, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman Jidy 19, 1821. Int. June 15, 1821. 1 144. - 135 Phebe and Ira Kent, lioth of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 28, 1821. Int. Oct. 29, 1821. "l 145. - 146 Fanny and John Chaffee, both of Seekonk, married by Viall Medbnry, Esq.. Oct. 9, 1823. Int. Sei)t. 21, 1823. 1 152. - 151 Rosanna T. and Harvey Mason, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Nov. 14, 1824. Int. Nov. 17, 1S24. 1 157. - 151 Arnold R. and Keziah Peck, married by Rev. B.irtlett Pearce Dec. 15, 1825. Int. Oct. 16, 1825. 1 161. 94 VITA I, KIX'ORD OF RHODE ISLAND. - 1 17 jMEDBURY Tlioraas aud Betsey Annington, both of .Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Bcirney June 18, 182(i. Int. June 4, 1826. 1 1(35. - I."i2 Betliiah N. of Seekonk and Daniel Cobb, Jr., of Attleboro, mairied by Rev Baitlett Pearee Ang. 14, 1827. Int. Jul}' 14, 1827." 1 170. -110 Viall and Lydia Peck, June IS, l,s2ti. Int. May 30, 182;). 1 17.5. - llf) Esther of Seekonk and Abi-aiiani Stiilnill of Providence, married bv Rev. John Allen Oct. 24, 18;)8. Int. Sei)t. 27, 1838. 1 200. - llf) Josiah and Bridget Lvon, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen March 27, 183it. Int. March 10, 183'J. 1 201. 1 1 Betsey Ann, of Viall, ami Asa Chaffee, of Abel, both of See- konk. inariied by Rev. John C. Welch Jan. 29, 1844. Int. Jan. 14, 1844. "l 218. 1 4 William T. and Lucy A. Wood, both of Seekonk. married b\' Rev. James O. Barnev Mav 1(3. 1817. Int. May 1, 1847". 1 22.S. 1 7 Betsey B., atjed 22, born and of Seekonk, of Jabez and Eliz- abeth, .-md Harvey Mason, Jr., aged 22, born Seekonk, of Providence, of Harvey anil Rosanna, married by Rev. Ilenrv C!. Stewart Nov. 30, 18,")!. Int. Nov. 27. ls.')I. 1 244. 1 7 Charles T., aged 2;). of Jabez and Elizabeth, and Lydia A. Grant, aged 20. of Kent and Lydia, both born and of .See- konk, inairied bv Rev. Henry G. Stewart Nov. 30, Int. Nov. 27, 1 244." 2 22 Andrew N., .aged 2(3, born and of Seekonk, of Viall and Il.m- nali, and Sarah E. Gregory, aged 2o, born Portsmouth, N. II., of Bristol, of John and Sarah, niarried by Rev. M. JIunson Deane -May 30, l.s,')4. 2 .") Sally B , aged 2t'>, of Ebenezer and Amity, and Edwin E. Cushinii'. aged 2.'). of Horace and Nancy, both liorn and of Rehoboth. mairied bv Rev. (ieorge W. Wallace ilarch 4, 18.")6. 2 8 Alpheas F., agi-d 2.'!, born and of Reli(jbotli, of Iia and Nan- cy, and Martha A. Drown, aged 20, born Tannton, of See- konk, of .loshua and Rosanna, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Nov. it, 1858. 2 13 Danforth IL. aged 22, l)orn and of Reholioth, of Calvin and Nancy B., and Mary L. Freeman, aged 20, born Attleboro, of Seekonk, of Ezra and Stella, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Si-pt. 18, 18(11. 2 15 Lydia A., aged 34, 2d mairiage, born and of .Seekonk, dai;gh- ler of Kent and Lydia (irant, and Henry JI. Howe, aged 32, 2d marriage, born (iardner, of Providence, of Ebe- nezer and Aniey Ann, mariied l)v Rev. A. W. Ashley Oct. 2, 1805. Int. "Aug. 31, 18(15. "2 13. 2 r.) Viall, aged 77, 3d marriage, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of John and Abigail, and Hannah Wheeler, aged 54, 2d mar- liage, liorn and of Yaimonth, daughter of William and Polly Hall, married bv Rev. John W. Dodge Jidy 18, 1872. Int. Ju!v 1(3, 1.S72. 2 IG. j[Ai;i;iAfn:s and intkntkins — seekoxk. 2 24 MP:DBURY Jesse K., nged 30, of Clinrlcs T. and L^dia A., and Marietta F. Peek, aged 23, of Francis W. and JIary, both born and of Seelionk, married bv Rev. Georne II. Tilton, Nov. 2.'., 1882. Int. Nov. 13, 1882. 2?1.'" 2 18 :mEHITRAN Uaiy, aged 23, 2d marriage, bom Ireland, of Providence, of .Tames and Alice, and Frank Williams, a^ed 27, born Russia, N. Y., of Providence, of Peter and Jane, married bv Viall Medbury, Esq., May 2',», 1^71. Int. May 29, 1871." 2 16. 1 3 MERAGK Cliloe E. and John M. Stanley, both of Harrington, married by Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 8, l,S4 6. - l.Jl MERRELL l\iary Ann of Seekonk and Waller C. Ilelme of Smitlilield. manied by Rev. Partlett Pearce Jan. 2, 182."i. Int. Dec. i;, 182.i. \ 1.t7. - 114 Ellery S. and Amanda F. Bowen, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James O. Barney .Ian. 1>, 1837. Int. Dec. 2.5, 1837. 1 r.iii. 2 2 Ellen i\I., aged 18, born Westport, :\Ie.,of Pawtiicket, of Joseph and .S , and (Jardner C. Bntlinglon. aged 21, born and of Pawtuckct, of (lardner L. and Matilda, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 2, 18.'.3. - lo7 :\IERRY Hannah and George H. Daggett, boih of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney April 1, 1832. Int. March 4, 1832. 1 180. - 114 Lydia M. of Seelvonk and Francis Anderson of Charlton, married by Rev. James O. Barney April l(i, 1837. 2 22 MILLEKIN .John W., aged 30, born and of New Slioreham, of Freeman and Celesta, and Annetta Dodge, aged 20, bora Providence, of Seekonk. of David R. and Mary Ann, mar- ried by Viall Medbury, Es(p. Jan. 29, 1880. Int. Jan. 2"J, 1880. 2 10. - 144 JIILLER Ardelia Adams and Hiram Ide, Ixitli of Seekonk, manied Ijy Rev. Ray Potter Sept. 27, 1821. Int. Aug. 26, 1.S21. 1 144. - 135 Aaron C. and Pollv Gage, both of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. John Pitman Oct. 21," 1821. Int. Sept. 30, 1821 . 1 144. - 140 Seth and Amanda Pxjurn, both of .Seekonk, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Sept. 20. 1,S23. - 133 Sanuiel W. and Cliloe Baker, both of Seekonk, ma"ried by Rev. John Pitman 13, 1820. Int. JIarcb 2(>. 1820. 1 138. -114 . Col. Ira K. of Attleboro and Celia T. Bouin of Seekonk, manied by Rev. James O. Barney Sent. .5, 183G. Int. Aug. 6, 1836. 1 195. -117 Howard A. and Eliza Chaffee, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barnev July 11, 1«39. Int. July 4, 1839. 1 203. 1 2 Harriet S., of Jacoli, and Natlianicnv. Allen, of Samuel, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 25, 1843. Int. Aug. 11, 1843. 1 216. 1 2 Jolin, born .Seekonk, of Providence, and Susan Freebod}', 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, married at Rehoboth, by Rev. Henry C. Coombs Get. 29, 1843. Int. Oct. 8, 1843.. 1 217. 1 .5 1 ," <56 VITAL KECOF.l) OF liHODE ISLAND. 1 2 MILLKH JoSL'pli C, born and of Seekonk, of .lonallian. and Elizal)elli MuKoon, of PawUieket, mairied by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 17, 1844. Int. Oct. 19, 1814. 1 i'21. 1 4 Charles E., of Seekouk, of .Jacob, and Mary P. Davis, of Re- liobotli, married by Rev. .James O. Barney .July 2.3, 184(5. Int. .July 3, 184G." 1 22.5. 1 4 Eleanor H. and Benjamin I'ettes, 2d, b nil of Seekonk, mar- ried bv Rev. John C. Welcli Sept. IG, 1847. Int. Aug. 22, 1847. 1 228. Amanda M., of Seth, and Cyrus CliutTee. asied 34, of Samuel, botli i)orii and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Jolm C. Welcli Sept. 28, 1848. Int. Sept. 10, 1848. 1 231. Susan Alaria, of John, and Cliarles Horton, botli born and of Seelvonk, married liy Vial! Medbiiry, Esq., 1S4'J. Int. Sei)t. l(i, 184'.l. 1 233. 1 7 Amanda, a^ed 4^), daiigliter of Steplien Bowen, and Samuel Brown, aged .51, of Aaron, l)otli born and of Seekonk, married liy Rev. Henry (;. Stewart April U), Int. April 10, "l.s.")l. 1 24<"). 2 1 F;Mzabetli A., aged 24, 1-orn and of Seekonk, of .lonallian and Delioraii, and William W. Armington, aged 20, bom and of Pawtueivet, of Willard and Nancy, married l)y Rev. James O. Barney Maicli 2G, 18,)3. 2 3 Reuben K., aged 21, liorii Attleboro, of Pawlucket, of Ira K. and Maiy, and Eli/.alieth Lawton, aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of (ieorge and Susan, married by Rev. George Mattliews Nov. 2g', 18:)4. Int. Nov. 22, 1854. 2 1. 2 8 Calvin, asjed 23, of (,'nmberland, of Maxey and Sila, aud Mary Elizabeth Webb, ageil 24, of Providence, of Joliu andJIary C, married liy Rev. Mylon Merriam .Iulyl7, 18,i8. ■2 George .\., 1 lorn and of Seekonk. of Jacob and Betsey, and AmaiKJa M. Baggs, born and of Providence, of Wells ami Marv. married i>v Rev. James O. Barney April 12, 185!». Int. ".Vpril 10. l.s.i;>. 2 7. 2 13 ]Martlia Ann, aged 17, born and of Seekonk. of Jolin and Susan, and .Jolm Lewis Elderkin. aged 28, born Pro\i- deiice. of Seekonk. of Marcus and Elizabetli. mariied liy Viall Mcdbnrv, Esij.. April 27, l^Gl. Int. April 27, I.SGI. 2 10. ' 2 l.'p Caleb. a2ed 23, of Jolm and Susin. and Louisa Elderkin. a<>eNS — SEEKdMv. 97 MILLER : both burn tnul of Seekonk, iiianieil by Ri'V. J. IL Hark- well Sept. G, ISTl. Int. Sepl. ;J, 1871. ■> ■ >. 2 20 Julia A., aged 26, 2d marnase, boni Rhode Island, of Fish- er's Island, danghter of William H. and Evelyn A. Fones, and George F. Aljbott, aged 36, 2d marriage, boru and of Seekonk, of Adiii and Celinda, married liy Rev. A. F. Remington Oct. 13, 1875. Int. Oct. 3, 187o. 2 18. 2 26 George A., aged 19, born Gloeester, R. I., of Seekonk, of David R. and Mary A., and F^mma Josephine Johnson, aged 22, born Sweden, of Seekonk, married by Rev. L. S. Woodworth aiareh 30, 188,3. Int. March 30, 188,'). 2 22. 2 32 I-Ialtie Jose|iliine, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Jolni and Mary (McCarthy) Miller, and Frederick Martin Wil- liams, aged 2"), boi'n Seekonk, of Providence, of Henry J. and Blary (Torence) Williams, mairied by Rev. Dennis Johnson Feb. 18, 181)6. - IM MILLERl) Nathaniel of Rehoboth and IInld:ili IV'ik of See- konk, married by Rev. .lolin Hill Ani:. 11, 18i(;. Int. July 17, 1816. 1 i;!0. - 115 Elizabeth W. of Rehoboth and J )lin Martin of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Allan i-'eb. 2.'i, 183S. Int. I-\b. 8. 1838. 1 'l '.):). 1 S Francis and Mary i\I. Cooper, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch AiirJ 2, 1M43. Int. Feb. 18, 1,S43'. 1 214. 1 2 James P. and Sarah A. Foster, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Ang. 24, 184."i. Int. Ang. 1(), 1845. 1 223. 2 12 James P., aged 30, 2d nmrriage, born Rhode island, of See- konk, of Nathaniel and Hnldah, and Mary Amanda Daw- ley, aged 35, 2(1 marriage, liorn and of ProviS90. 2 17 MO'IT CharlesB., aged U), born and of Attliboro, of Brad- ford G. and Mary J., and Amanda Carpenter, aged 18, born acd of Seekonk, of George II. and Almira, married by Rev. William B. Heath Nov. 26, 1868. 2 9 JMl'LLEN Alice, aged 21, born Belfast, Ire., of Pawtucket, of Patrick and Bridget, and Thomas Briggs, aged 21, liorn England, of Pawtucket, of John and Jane, married by Roiiert M. Pearce, Esq., Aug. 12, 1.S59. Int. Aug. 2, 1859. 2 7. - 151 MOULTON Delight and Dexter Jordan, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearee Dec. 4, 1825. Int. Nov. 16, 1825. 1 162. 2 1 Jlercy C, aged 26, bom and of Attleboro, of Royal and (■ynthia, and William McLane, aged 27, boin Nova Scotia, of Attleboro, married by Rev. James (). Bai'iiey Api'il 20, 1853. 2 21 Marj- E., ?ged 20, born Swanzey, of ^lelrose, of Ephraim F. and Mary E., and Francis W. Edwards, aged 22, born Boston, of 3Ielrose. of Jan)es W. and Elizabeth, married by Rev. A. F. Remington .lune 3, 1877. 2 27 Herbert E., aged 24, l)orn Rehoboth. of Seekonk, of James F. and Julia M., and Fanny PL Thornton, aged 28, born Pawtucket, of Attleboro, of Abel and Eleanor, married by Rev. S. F. Gradv April 28, 18.S9. - 129 ]\Il"NRO Russell of Bristol and Sarah Cole of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John Hill April 7, 1816. Int. Feb. 28, 1816. 1 129. - 131 Olive and Thomas Jones, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Dec. 4, 1.S17. Int. Nov. -9, 1817. 1134. - 131 Jonathan of Swanzev and Susannah Peek of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John'Pitman March 26, 1818. Int. Oct. 30, 1817. 1 133. MAltKlAGKS AND IXTKNTIONS — SEEKONK. 99 - 142 MUNRO I\r:\ry and Jose|)li Spaiildiiio-, liotli of Soekonk, married liy Kuv. Silas Hall 'May I.s, IS23. Int. May 3, 1S23. 1 If)]. - 151 Josei>li and Dlive Blown, maitied l)y Rev. liartlett Pearoe April i), 182(;. Int. Feb. 19, l.S2(;. Also s S. 1 1(;4. - 157 Thomas of Nathan and Saiali of William, all of Soe- konk, niairied by Rev. Luther l!akei- Feb. K;, \H:V>. Int. •Tan. 21, 1.S32. 1 180. - 158 Jonathan and Susan B. Whitrearsh, both of Seekonk, niar- lied by Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 18, 1834. Int. Feb. 2, 1834. 1 184. -158 Betsey of Seekonk and Level Bulloek of Reliobotli, married by Rev. James O. Barney Mav 13, 1834. Int. March 22, 1834. 1 1.S5. - I 1 1 Allen, Jr., of I5ristol and Abbv I). W. Whitakc-r of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John C. W'elrli .Alav I'.i, I.s II. Int. .May 2. 1841." 1 2(18. 1 S William S. of Seekonk and Lucy R. Webber of Fall River, married by Rev. Asa Bronson Dec. 14, 1810. Int. Nov. 22, 1840. 1 207. 1 4 Lydia of RcIioIkHIi and Welcome 4'. lle.iley of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. James O. liainev .Inne !), I.SK;. Int. Mav 24, 184G. 1 225. 1 6 Hannah T. and Cyrus W. Bliss, both of Rehoboth, married by Rev. Henry (4. Stewait Jan. 1, 1851. 2 1 Elizabeth, aged 21. bom and of Seekonk, of Nathan and Cornelia 1)., and John A. \\Mieaton. aged 25. born See- konk, of Barrington, of Joli and Mary H., married by Rev. Henry (i. Stewart lAIav bs, 1.S53. Int. Mav 17", 1853. 1 252. 2 1 Cornelia H., aged U), born and of .Seekonk, of Nathan and Cornelia, and Ksek P. Sumner, aged 32, Ijorn Connecticut, of Se(konk, of Samuel and Sally, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Nov. 24, 1853. Int. Nov. 15, 1.S5;!. 1 25.'). 2 7 Slade II., 2d mari-iage, and Lodema FoUansbee, both of .See- konk, married by Rev. S. W. I<"ield Jau. 7, 11S58. 2 '■) Melvin, aged 32, born and of Seekonk, of Jose[)li and ()live, and JMary Cummings, aged 25, born Alexandra, Va., of Altleboro, of George and Sophia, married by Ucv. James O. Barney July 10,'"l85',). Int. July 5, 185f). 2 7. 2 1() Sarah H., aged 27, born and of .Seekonk, of Nathan and Cor- nelia, and Andrew Hutchinson, aged 30, born Pawtucket, of Providence, of James and Pliebe, married by Rev. (j. M. P. King Oct. 11, LSGCi. Int. Oct. 10. bStSC." 2 13. 2 24 Emma Jane, aged 17, born Seekonk, of East Providence, of Ralph K. and Mary B-, and Andrew Rhodes Peck, born and of Seekonk, of Calvin J. and Kmcline L., married by Rev. 1). C. Bixbv Jan. 1, l.s.s;. Lit. Dec. 2:!, 18,si. 2 21. 2 2() Andrew, aged 23, born Lincoln, R. I., of Seekonk, of Join; W. and Sarah A. G., and .Alice Benson, aged 2(1, born England, of .Seekonk, of Mark and Margaret, inairieil by Rev. II. Usher Miiiiro, March .s, 1!SS7. Int. Feb. 2.s, 1887. 2 24. 100 vri'AL HECi)i;i) of khodk island. 2 30 MUKDOt'K \Villi;iiii Chirk, aged 20, born Providence, of See- k( nk, of William and Mawgio (LavYi-onee) Miirdoek, and Susan Ljdia Fairtield. aged 21, born East Providence, of Seekonk, of David and Jane (Iloufiliton) Fairfield, married by Kev. G. W. Riglcr Aug. 28, iS94. 2 19 ]\IURRY ^Morris, aged .52, 2d marriage, born Ireland, of .See- konk, of John and Eleanor, and Mary Ahern, horn and of same places, of John and Mary, married bv Rev. J. Sulli- van April 22, 1873. 2 '26 Morris, .Jr., aged 32. born and of Proviilence, of Morris and Eliza, anf Fall River, of Robert and Ann J., aiul Ileniy W. Brown, aged 20, born and of Seekonk, of Jose|ili and Ileniietta S., niariied bv Rev. D. R. Jordan June 12. 1883. Int. June 9, 1883. '2 21. 1 1 NELSON Moses and Mary Ann Jerauld, both of Seekonk, uiairied by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 1, 1843. Int. Sept. 10, 1843. 1 217. - 138 NI-CWELL Mary and James Kennedy, married by Rev. R.ay Potter Nov. 20, 1823. 2 10 NEWIIALL Addie A., aged 17, of Edward and Sophronia G. (Davis), and George F. Abbott, aged 28, of Adin and Ce- ll nda, b(jth born and of Seekonk, married bv Rev. Samuel Heath Sept. 11,1.S07. Int. Oct. 9, 1807. "2 14. - 118 NEWMAN David and Mrs. Lucy Gladding, married by James Ellis, Es(p, Jan. 1(5, 1811. ' - 140 Sally and Jauu-s Bucklin, 3d, both of Seekonk, married by John Medliiu'y, Es(i., Dec. 5, 1.S24. Int. Nov. 22, 1823. 1 153. - 100 Naucy B. of Seekonk and Elisha Godfrey, Jr., of Attleboro, married by Rev. Ileniy Claik Sept. 3, 1835. 2 3 Gilbert F\, aged 29, of Sylvauus and Charlotte, and Abby S. Abbott, aged 21, of Adin and Celinda, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 14, 1854. Int. Nov. 9, LS54. 2 1. 2 4 Martha C, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Sylvauus and Charlotte, aud Charles T. Richardson, aged 24, born ]\Iaine, of Pawtucket, of French and Nancy, married by Rev. George ]\Iatthews Juue 5, 1S55. Int. June 4, 1855. 2 2. 2 21 George O., aged 43, bora and of Seekonk, of Sylvauus and Charlotte, and Adaline V.. Clemons, aged 48, 2d marriage, born Attleboro, of Seekonk, daughter of Arnold and Bet- sey Peck, married by Rev. A. F. Remington Nov. 21, 1878. Int. N(jv. 19, 1.S7.S. 2 19. MAiatlAGES AM) INTKNTIONS — SKKKdNK. 101 2 8 NICHOLS Nancy iM-, aged 21, 2d, l)oni Providoiiet', of Seekoiik. daughter of Israel and Mary Pearec, and An- thony B. Ilorton, aged 22, born Providence, of Seekonk, of John W. and Mary Ann, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 9, IH.yj. Int. Jan. 9, is.ii). 2 (>. 2 lis Catharine G., aged 26, born Cranston, of Seekonk, of Wil- liam H. and Elizabeth, and Frank S. Allen, aged 2?>, born and of Seekonk, of Samuel and Lanra L.. married by Kev. Henry S. Woodworth Jan. 1, l'S72. Int. Dec. MO, 1S71. 2 k;. - 133 NICKEHSON PrescilUi and Tristam liaker, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman .Alarch H), 1JS20. Int. March .J, 1^20. 1 i:;s. - 135 Hannah and Ma'tin Slade, both of Seekonk, niariied by IJev. John Pitman Dec. G, 1821. Int. Nov. 1, 1«21 . 1 il.'). - 115 Jlalinda and Lewis Chace, both of Seekonk, married by Kev. Ray Potter April 2, 1825. Int. March 13, 1825. 1 159. -119 Leonard and Lucy Small, married by Rev. Ray Potter May 17, 182ti. Int". April 22, 182G. 'l 1(15. - 149 Knock and Hepzabeth Nickeison, mairied by Rev. Ray Potter Dec. 3, 1826. - 149 Hepzabeth and Knock Nickerson, married by Rev. -Ray Potter Dec. 3. 182G. - 158 Alvin and Martha Tlnirber, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 31, 1833. - 159 Eliza und William Lansley, residents of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 1, 1834. Int. Nov. 23, 1834. 1 188. - IGO Knos and Sarah Barney, both of Atlleboro, married by Kev. Henry Clark ^May 7, 18:i5. 2 4 E;-;ra, aged 59, 2d inania;.^e, born and of Chatham, of Ezra, and Betsey S. Bnrley, aged 47, 2d marriage, born Chat- ham, of Waieham. danghler of Benjamin Swift, mairied by Rev. J. K. (iilford Oct. 9, 1855. 1 7 NIGN John. aiit. 28. 1871. 2 4 NYK Samuel R., aged G3, 2d marriage, born and of Westerl^y, of Samuel and Sarah, and Sarah Cliaee, .aged 41, 1st mar- riage, born Portsmontli, of Providence, of (ieorge and Ennice, married by Rev. Albert G. Martin March 31, 1855. o 2 30 OLNEY Georj,e IL, aged 21, born Warwick, of East Provi- 102 VITAI. RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. OLNKY: dcnc'r, of .Toliii P. and Harriet A. (Watson) Olney, and Jennie Francis Koniington, aged 24, of Charles R. and Jane (Paiker) Remington, inaiiied by Rev. J. F. Bagnall May •'!, 1.S1I4. Int. April 2?.. 1894. 2 27. -1111 ORMSHKE Hctscy and Eliiellett Ide. both of Scekonk, n-.anied by Rev. Joini Hill Nov. 10, 1.S12. Int. Nov. 1, 1.S12. ri2(). - 122 Otis of Suanzev and .Sally Hinnplirey of .Seekonk, married b^' Rev. JoIni HUl .May 22, 1H14. Int"^. Apiil 10. 1814. 1 123. — 122 Celinda of .Seekonk and INIoses Rrounell of Providence, mar- ried bv Rev. John Hill July 17. IsU. Int. Jnly 10, 1814. 1 124". — IST) Helena and Chancev C'nsliing, both i)f .Seekt)nk, married by N. Rnlloek, Esq.," at Bristol Oct. 8, 1810. - 128 Le|)lie and Caleb CliaffeB, both of Seekonk, married at .Swan- zey by Elder Abner Lewis Dec. 15, 1810. Int. Nov. 24, l.slo. " 1 i:il. - 130 Abraham, Ji., and Alary Cnsliing, both of .Seekonk, m.-irricd by Rev. John Pilman".\ pril KK 1S17. Int. .Mareh '.K 1S17. 1 132. — 130 William V. and Lydia Chaffee, both of .Seekonk, married by Rev. ,Iohn I'llinan .Inne 1, 1817. Int. Ai)ril 20, 1817. 1 132. 1 1 i\lary C. and .\.l[iheas Araiinglon, bolh of Seek)nk, married bv Rev. John C. Welch Sept. 17, 1S43. Int. Sept. 2, 1813. 1 210. 1 2 Julia A., born and of Seekonk, of \\'illiam P., and Oliver H. Hill, born and of Sterling, Ct., married by Rev. James O. Barnev May ."). 1.S14. Int. Feb. 18. 1^44". 1 21!l. 1 4 Willaid"c., o"f William P., and Mary II. Ide, both of See- konk, of Marcelhis, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec. 31, l.sio. Int. Dec. 13, 184(!. 1227. 2 13 Aliny ('., aged 18, born and of Swanzey, of Daniel, and Ed- win Ap|)leby, aged 24, born JMontpelier, Yt. of .Swanzej', of Thomas S. and Almy, married by Rev. G. M. P. King Sei)t. I."), 1801. Int. Sept. IT), bsOl". 2 11. 2 14 Lyiba. aged 24, born Swanzey. of East Piovidenee, of Abrani and Cynthia, and .St( |ihen B. Bozwortli, aged 22. born Ee- lioboth, of East Providence, of Wilbar and Mary A., mar- ried by Rev. Daniel Rounds Nov. 20, 1803. Int. Nov. 26, 1803. 2 14. 2 li) Cliace W.. aged 23. of Abrun and Cynthia W., and .\manda M. Chaffee, aged 22, of Cyrns anil Amamla M.. both born and of Seekonk, mairied bv Rev. Isaac Clieeseboro Jnne 1, lf^73. Int. May 27, 1873. 2 17. 2 21 William P., aged 23; born and of Seekonk, of Willaid C. and JNIary II., and Grace E. AVatsoii. aged 20, born and of Piovidenee, of Henry and Ilattie, iriarried by Rev. George R. Spink Nov. 0, l.S7arnfy .]iine 24, 1.S47. Int. .Iiine 9, 1.S47. 1 228. - 130 PAINE Pascliall and Rntli II. Bowen, liotli of.Seekonk, married l)y Rev. .lulm Pitman .Inne 22, 1817. Int. March 28, 1817. 1 1.12. - 131 Sireas and IMary T. liriugs, both of Seekonk, niariied by Rev. John Pitman March 14. ISIK. Int. .inn. 1(1, isilt. 1 135. - 133 Bridget of Seekonk and Nathaniel Lyon of North Provi- dence, married bv Rev. .lohn Pitman .Alay 14, 1.S20. Int. April 30, 1820. " 1 i;l',l. 1 S PARDEE Lewis R. of Rehoboth, and .Alahala West of .See- konk, married by Rev. Waterman Pearce Oct. 12, 184.'). Int. Sept. 27, 1845. 1 224. - 114 I'ARK Appleton of North Prcjvidence and Snsan West of See- konk, manied by Rev. .Tames O. Barnev May IC, 18.'1(;. Int. Apiil 23, 183(;. 1 li)4. 1 1 PARKER Cliailes of New Bedford and Sarali AnnBniton of Warren, nnirried by Rev. .John C. Welch Dec. 5, 1843. 1 3 Mary K. of A\'arren and Gilman K. Winchester of Provi- dence, married by Rev. .John C. Welch .Jan. 1, 1847. 2 30 PATRON IMary, aged 24, 2d marriage, born and of Moosnp, of Josei)h and Sada (.lirard) Paf.on, and William A. .lirard, aged U), born Seekonk, of East Providence, of Frederick and Eliza (Mitclr ,1) Jirard, married bv Rev. C. I). Harp May I], \s\)\. Int. April 24, 18114. 2 27. 2 1 I'.VTT Seleeta Ann, .aged Hi, born Rhode Island, of Attle- boro, of Benjamin, and James Robertson, aged 21, born Scotland, of Attleboro, of Robcit and Elizabeth, mar- ried bv Rev. Henry (,. Stewart March 17, 1853. Int. .March 17, 1853. 2 27 PATTERSON Charles II., aged 2(1. 1iorn East Providence, of Seekonk, of .John G. and Mary ■).. and Etta M. Peck, aged 17, born and of Seekonk. of .lohn W. and Adalaidc, mar- ried by Rev. L. S. Woodsvorth .Inlv 25, 18,s.s. Int. .Tnlv 24, 1888. 2 24. 2 32 PAULL Alary E.. aged 30, 2d marriage, born Sonlh Wareham, of Seekonk, of Charles and Mary Paine (Leonard) Panll,. and Frank N. .Tayne, aged 28, born East Providence, of Seekonk, of Charles N. and Anne (Ilnmphiey) .Jayne,. manied by Rev. George A. Sisson .Inne !7, bs;iG. Int. June II, 1896. 2 28. - 115 PEARCE Lewis of Rehoboth anil Ilaiuiah B. Chaffee of See- konk, married by Rev. John Allen Nov. 28, 1837. 1 5 Emily R., aged 37, of Rehoboth, and Asa[)h C. Chaffee, aged 44, 2d marriage, of Seekonk, marrii'd by Elder Cliilds Luther Oct. 1, 1848. Int. Aug. 6, 1848. 1 23,1. 2 7 Eleanor J., aged 27, liorn Rehoboth, of Cumberland, of Ben- jamin and R'osanna, and Alexander S. Arnold, aged 28, born Smithlield, of North Providence, of Seth and Belinda,, ;[Q4 viTAi, i:i:c()i:i> ok khodk island. inarriwl 1-y Rev. A. II. StowoU Aug. i;!, I8.W. Int. Aus. 12, l.s.JS." 2 6. 9 11 Abby L.. aged 27, born and of Reliobotli, of Abel I- . and Aliigiiil. :uid Ira W. Collin.s, aged 27, born Providence, of Keliol)oU), of Asahel and Lydia, married by Rev. Water- man Pearce May 1.3, 1«60. 2 19 .James I? , aged 25, born and of Swanzey, of Ezra and Jo- anna, and Harriet A. GotT, .aged 20, boinand of Seekonlv, (,f James N. and Mary K., married l>y Rov. J. W. Osborn Jan. 13, 1874. Int. Jan. 20, 1874. 2 17. \->:', PECK Hannali of Seekonk and Thomas Biilloeiv of Reliohotli, mar.ied bv Rev. Jolm llill Oct. 2, 1814. Int. Sept. 10, 1814. 1 "124. _ 193 Mary and Levi Fuller, bolii of SecivOnk, married by Rev. John Hill Dec. 11, 1.S14. Int. Nov. 12, LSI 4. 112.5. 1->1) Iluldah of Seekonk and Natiianiel Millerd of Rrhoboth, mar- ried l)y Rev. Jolm Hill Aug. 11, 1810. Int. Jnly 17, ISlf.. 1 \-MK _ 12.S Hnldah and Joseph .\rmington, 2d. both of Seekonk, married at Swanzey by Elder .\l)uer Lewis Nov. 2H, L^k;. Int. Nov. 4, l.sii;. 1 131. - i:il Uenjamin of Harrington and Hnllah Chaffee of Seekonk. mar- ried bv Rev. John Pitman Nov. 0, 1S17. Int. Oet. 11, 1.S17.' 1 133. _ 131 Snsannah of Seekonk and J.)nathaii Muiiro of Swanzey mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman Marcii 2G, 1818. Int. Oct. 30, 1817." 1 133. - 133 Joseph and Nancy Peek, botli of Seekonk, mnrrie1 Keziah and .\rnold R. Medburv, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Dec. I."). 182.5. Int. Oct. 10.182.5" 1 101. - 147 Lucy of Seekonk and Isaiali Smart of Johnston, married by MAi;i;iAHi;S and intentions — SEliKONK. 10;- PKCK : Kcv. .huiic's (). I5:inu'v ISIav 4, l.Si'C. Int. A|iril IC, ls2i;. 1 164. -152 Mary W. of St;ckoiik uiid Brnvtoii Kcml, iii:iirit.'il l>v Kev. Kai-tk'lt Poaree Dec. 3, "l.s-.>G. Int. Nov. 17," 1X26. 1 1(;8. - 1^)2 Lyilia I), of Seekoiik and Ilaivey Fivnch of I'lDvidenee, inairicd liy Hcv. Haitlett Poarce Nov. 2'.>, 1S:.'7. Int. Nov. 11, 1.S27. 1 171. - ]iJ2 Keziali and Solomon Peck, .li., both of Suekonk, niarrii'd liy Rev. Baitlett Pearce Jan. (J, 1,S28. Int. Deu. 8, 1827. 1 171. - 152 Solomon, .Ir., and Keziali Peck, liotli of Seckonk, mariied by Pev. P.ailJL'tt Pcarc; Ian. G, 182.S. Int. Dec. cS, i,S27". 1 171. -110 Lydia and \iall :\Iedlinrv, .lune is, l.s-j'.i. Int. .May 30, "1829. - 153 Ellis, Jr., of Parringlon and ]>onisa Jones of Seekonk, mar- ried hv Rev. 15. F. (iiafton Alarcli 17, LS.iO. Int. Nov. 4, l.S2'.(. - l.")8 Ilernian A. of Providence and Lemira W. Pecl^ of Seckonk, married hy Rev. Jaines O. I.arncv A(iril 24, l.s;_n. int. May 21), 1834. 1 1.S6. - 158 Lemii'a W. of Seekonk and Herman A. Peck of PiDvideiice, married bv Rev. James (). P.arnev A|iiil 21, 18.'14. Int. May 2'.), is.'U. 1 IsC. - 158 Sopliia L. of .Seekonk and Samuel K. IIonir.)okof Wrentliam, married bv Rev. Jume-s O. Uai'ney May 111, 1.S34. Int. April 25, 'l834. 1 ISG. - 160 Alice C. of Seckonk and Gcoroe A. IJIackmanof Pidvidcnce, married by Rev. Henry Clark June 21, l.S.'i5. Int. .lune 8, 1.S35. 'l 11)1. - 161 Ebenezer of Lyndon, Vl., and Patience Short of Seekonk. married by Rev. Henry Clark May 2, l.S3i;. Int. March 2.S, is;;6." 1 11)3. - 161 CliailoUe and Ira Mason, niairied liy Rev. Henry Claik Dee. 22, 1S36. Int. D.'c. 3, 1.S36. \' \:,(\. - 115 Capt. Noah and Kmma II. Luther, both of Seekonk. mariied by Rev. Ray Allen Oct. 2, 18;!7. - 112 Raclial and Peri'v Barney, both of Seekonk, niairied by Rev. John CI. Welcii Jan. 5, 1842. Int. Dec. IS, 1S4 1. "l 210. - 112 Louisa and Welcome Leonard, both of Seekonk, married bj' Rev. .lohu C. Welch Jan. 6. 1.S42. Int. .\ov. ;!(), 1S4L 1 210. 1 1 S. Herman of Piovidc^nce and Mary Ann Fuller of Seekonk, married by Rev. Jolm C. Welch .Ian. ID, IS 13. Int. Xi>v. 6, IS 12. 'l 213. 1 2 Sally and Jose|)li II. Allen, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. liarney Marcii 24, 1S44. Int. i\larcli l),"lS44. 1 211). 1 2 Hannah and Reuben Thuiber. Jr., of Reulien, both of Sec- konk, married by Rev. James O. liainey No\'. 10, 1SI4. Int. Oct. 26, 1844. 1 221. 1 3 Betsey S. of Seckonk and (ieoige S. Martin of Bariington, 106 VITAL KKCOKU OF HHODK ISLAND. PECK : iiuinied liv Riv. .lames O. B:irney Oct. 21, 184.i. Int. Sept. 2.s,'lS4."). 1 224. 1 8 Lois T., aged 3(1, born and of Seekonk, of Natlianiel and Mary, and Bradford Walker, his 2d marriage, l)oin Diglitou, of Canandaguia, N. Y., of Perez and t'loe, married Ijy Rev. A. I). Williams Dec. 22, 1852. Int. Dec. 21, "l852. 1 248. 1 8 JMary Ann, lioni and of Seekonk, of Asa and Betsey, and Charles F. Bowen, born and of Rehoboth, of Darins, mar- ried at Providence bj' Rev. John Oirell .June '.t, 1853. 2 5 Amanda A., aged 1'.), born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of Brad- ford W. and Ann, and Ebcnezer Short, aged 27, born and of Seekonk, of James and Snsan, married by Rev. George Matfhevvs Feb. 21, 1856. Int. Fob. 19, 1850. 2 3. 2 7 Josephus W., aged 25, born and of Seekonk, of Solomon, Jr., and Keziali, and Sarah I. Peek, aged 22, born Provi- dence, of Seekonk. of Sylvester W. and Sarah, married by Rev. Ilcnrv G. Stewart Julv 2, 1857. Int. June 28, 1857. 2 4." 2 7 Sarah I., aged 22, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Sylvester W. and Sarah, and Joseiihns W. Peck, aged 25, born and of .Seekonk. of Solomon, ,Ir. , and Keziali, mariie. Int. Dec. 5, 1859. 2 8. 2 12 Daniel Slade, aged 33, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Asa and Betsey, and INIary Jane Sutton, aged 24, of Seekonk, of Lloyd S and Lucy W., married by Rev. Daniel Rounds Jan i:!, isci. Int."Jan. 12, 1801. 2 1. 2 12 Luther Baker, aged 31, boin and of Seekonk, of Asa and Betsey, and Aniey Francis Wilcox, aged 20, born South Kingstown, of Seekonk. of (Tcorge G. and IMartha A., married by Rev. Daniel Rounds Jan. 27, l.siJl. hit. Jan. 25, 1801. 2 10. 2 18 Albetliina, aged 24, 2d marriage, born and of Providence, maiden name Albro, and William II. Miller, aged 28, born and of Seekonk, of John and Susan, married by Viall Med- biiry, Esq., Nov. 15. bStil). Int. Nov. 15, 1809. 2 15. 2 22 Eliza B., aged 17, of Cornelius C. and Isabella J., and Iler- lieit A. West, aged 21, of Asaph C. and Elizabeth, both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. Josephus W. Ilor- ton May 12, 1880. Int May 1, 1880. 2 20. 2 23 Da\id S.. aged 20, of Cornelius C. and Isabella J., and Marietta West, aged 17, of Henry B. and Mary F., both lMAi;i;IA(il-:S and I^TENT1()N^^ — SEKKoNK. 107 PECK : born find of Scekonk, ni:irricd l.iv livv. !>. S. WooihvoiUi March 31, Int. Mnivli 2r.", l«si. 2 •_'(). 2 24 JMaric'tta F., aged 23, of Francis W. aiul JMarv- and Jesse K. Medltury. aped 30, of Cliarles T. anoss) Peck, and Moia W. Sinimons, aired 18, Ixirn IJeholiolh, of Swan/.ey, i>f Adolplnis and Retta (Bliss) Simmons, inari-ied by b'ev. .lames L. Peaice Aiiril 3, 1X1)5. Int. April 1. ].s:i;-,". 2 2.s. 2 31 Cornelins C., .Ir., aged 2'.>, Ik^imi and of Si-ekonk, of Corne- lius C. and Isabella (Anlh(niy) Peek, and Saiali Edith .lones, aged 17, born Randolph, of Seekonk. of Lcirin and Ada iNF. (Dana) .lones, nianied by Rev. Albert (ueene April 17, 18'J5. 2 32 Mary V.\-.\. aged 18, born and of Seekonk, of .lohn W. and Clari-issa A. (Boss) Peek, and .James II. Waterman, iiged 21, born and of Providence, of James II. and Ainni L. (Peck), married by Asaph C. Hill, Esq., Sept. 2, bSOC. Int. Aug. 27, 18i)6. 2 2.s. 2 32 Arthur I., aged 21. born and of .Seekonk, of ('oni(4ius (.,'. and Isabella (.\ntliony) Peck, and Beitha E. (rreene, a 1^9. •2 11 rEt'KIIAiM ThoiiKis C, aged 40, 2d '.naniage, born Provi- dence, of Seekoiik, of Tlioinas and Sarah, and Lydia U. Jenninos, asjed ii'i, born I?oston, of Seekonk, married 1)V Rev. Janies^O. Barney May 20, 1860. Int. 3Iay I'.i, 180(K 1 4 PEER John. Jr., of Canada East and Abby A. Cnshing of See- konk, of Charles C, married bv Rev. John C. Welcli Sept. 19, 1847. Int. Sept. 4, 1847.' 1 228. - 157 PEIRCE Prescilla and Edward Easton, liotli of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Baincy .Ian. 19, 1829. Int. Dec. 28, 1828. 1 174. - 1.57 Eliza A. of Seekonk and Raymond Smith of Coventry, mar- ried l)v Rev. James O. B:irney Sept. 30, 1832. Int. Sept. 3, 1832. 1 181. - 117 Rebecca T. and Samnel Ciiaffee. both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen Nov. 24, 1839. Int. Nov. 8, 18;i9. 1 203. - Ill Clarrissa of Seekonk and Nathan Rand of Taunton, married by Rev. John C. Welch April 12, 1.S41. Int. March 12, 1841. 1 2(17. -Ill Benjamin W. of Providence and Clorina Carpenter of Paw- tucket, married by Rev. John C. Welch Aug. 2, 1841. 2 1 Erancis E., aged 24, born Seekonk, of California, of Perez and Rachal, and Eanny W. Chaffee, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Walker and Patience, married bv Rev. George W. Wallace June 16, 1853. Int. June 13, "l8o3. 1 253. 2 1 Saiah F., aged 26, born Relioboth, of Seekonk, of Waterman and Betsey, and Gilbert y\. Horton, aged 26, born and of Relioboth, of Ariel B. and Ereelove, married b}' Elder Waterman Pearce Sept. 11, 1853. Int. Sept. 9, 1853. 1 254. 2 9 Esther, aged 38, of Olneyvillc, daughter of Alfred and Nancy Balkcom, and Asahel .Stone, aged 53, born Olueyville, of Buirillville, of (ieorge and Mary, 2d marriage of each party, married by Rev. A. II. Stowell Maich 25, 1859. Int. March 25, 1.S59. 2 7. 2 9 IMaiia U., a«ed 21, born and of Seekonk. of Waterman and Betsey, and Samuel S. Barney, agefl 25, born Relioboth, of Seekonk, of Otis II. and Betsey, married by Rev. Water- man Pearce Get. 2, 1859. Int. Oct. 18, 1859. 2 7. 2 13 William L., aged 23, born and of Rehoboth. of Jabez M. and Abigail, and Sarah E. Wright, aged 18, born Somerset, of Swanzey, of .lohn (4. and Eliza A., married by Rev. Water- man Pearce A|>ril 11, 1861. 2 26 Harriet E., aged 19. born and of Attleboro, of Abram ani,")5. Int. Aug. 27, 1855. 2 2. 2 31 Anna G., aged 33, born and of Providence, daiigliter of Ed- waid and Eliza A. (Hopkins) Webster, and Cliailos A. Staples, aged 4'J, boiii Valley Falls, of Johnston, of Henry N. and Philadelphia B. (Howland) Staples, 2d marriage of each partv, married by Rev. Ileiirv A. Blake .June 3, 1895. Int. .lune"3, 189.5. 2 28. - 1,')6 PER REN Thomas of Seekonk and Ilannaii Drown of Keho- boih, married by Rev. .1 nines O. Barney June 12, 1831. Int. April 27, 1831. 1 178. - 157 Daniel. Jr., and Esther Carpenter, Itoth of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James O. Baiuey Aug. 30, 1832. Int. Aug. 11, 1832. 1 181. - 157 .John and Mis. Hannah Biicklin. liotli of Seekonk, iiiariied by Rev. James O. Barntv April ID, 183.i. Int. Feb. 27, 1833. 1 182. - 114 Pliilena and Nathaniel Read, E-;f(., both of Seekonk. married by Rev. James O. Barnev April 17, 183G. Int. .Mareli 215, 1 83(1. 1 1!)3. 2 18 Maiia L., aged 22. boin and i<{ Seekonk, of Thomas and Han- nah, and Edwin T. Kent, aged 22, i»orn F^ast Providence, of Seekonk, of Alba and Ruth, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 17. 1870. Int. Nov. IC. 1870. 2 15. 2 22 William B., aged 44. of Tliomas and Hannah B., and Clara M. French, aged 22, of John and Mary J., bolh bom and of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barnev F'eb. 25, 1880. - 122 PERRY Samuel and Polly Hams, both of Seekonk, manied by Rev. John Hill June 4, l,->14. - 125 Lucv and Benjamin .Sisson, both of Seekonk married by Rev. John Hill Feb. 26. 1815. Int. Feb. 3. 1815. 1 12.5. - 151 Hnldah B. and xVlfred Walker, married by Rev. BarLlett Pearce Dee. 8, 1825. Int. Nov. 13, 1825. 1 102. - 157 Samu -l and ]Mars" Whitaker, both of Seekonk, married bj- Rev. James o'. Barney Oct. 27, 1831. Int. Sei>t. 21, 1831. 1 178. 1 5 Samuel S.. born and of Sandwich, and Jane S. Westcott of Seekonk, of Valerias, married by Rev. John C. Welch .fan. 10. 184oth, of Timothy and Re- becca, and Dr. John A. Hammond, aged 49, 2d marriage, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of John and Chloe, married bv Rev. James O. Barney April II, 1851. Also 2 9. Int. April 10, 1854. 1 256." 2 2 Orin P., aged 23, born Rehoboth, of Attleboro, of Daniel and F>liza W., and Adeline 'SI. Short, aged 21, of Attle- boro, of Philip and JIatilda, married by Rev. George AV. Wallace Aiiril 10, 1854. 110 VITAL HliCOKD OF KHODE ISLAKD. 2 ') PERRY Dan, ageil 47, 3d mariiagi-. horn Rclioliuili, of Attle- boro, of Timothy, and .Jane Kent, aged oS, 2d inaniage. born (Snn'liitield. of Pawtucket, daughter of John Thomp- son, mariied by Rev. George W. WaUace Nov. 15, 1855. 2 12 Arthur Barllett, aged 24. born Sandwich, of Seekoiik, of .Tohn and Carobne, and Celinda Maria Abbott, aged l.S, born and of Seekonk, of Adrian, married by Rev. George W. WaUace Nov. 2«, 1800. Int. Nov. 2(j, l.sGO. 2 10. 2 17 Helen M., aged 24, born and of New Bedford, of Ellis and Delia B., and Williain Westeott. aged 24, liorn and of Seekonk, of X'alorious and Charlotte, married liv Rev. F. Upham April (;, lS(i:». 2 31 Anthony, aged ;')."i, 2d niarriaiic, liorn North Providence, of Seekonk. of Daniel L. and ]\Iary (Earle) Peri-y. and Ella J. Giaves, aged 38, 2d man Inge, born and of Fall River, of Robeit and Ann (Negus), marrieil by Rev. Audiew .T. Conit.'S April 24, 189.). Int. April 23,"'l81lo. 2 28. 2 24 PETERSON George P.. aged 21, born Mansfield, of Attleboro, of (xeorge .1. and Bet.'sey .1 , and 11. .Jennie Carpenter, :;ged 23, Ixiin and of Seekonk, of Henry and Maiy (llolbrook), married liy Rev. A. F. Remington Dee. 21, 1882. - l.J2 I'ETTES Arnold and Betsey Dorr, married bv Rev. Bartlett Pearce Nov. 1',), ],S2G. Int. Nov. .5, 182()" 1 !(;8. - 1.58 Rosilla and Samuel Hammond, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .James (). P>arney Mav 4, 1834. Int. April 1 I, 1834. 1 18(;. 1 4 Benjamin, 2d, and Elena 11. .Miller, both of Seekonk, mariied by Rev. ,!ohn C. Welch Sc|)t. IC, 1847. Int. Aug. 22, 1847. 1 228. 2 8 PHIJJJPS Nancy, aged 21, born and of Attleboro, and George W. Gould, aged 21, liorn A\'rentliam. of Seekonk, of Haivey 1', and ,Minerva A., married by Rev. A. Slier- rionNov!2l. 185.S. Int. Oct. 15, 1858.' 2 (!. 1 2 PHXiE Charles W., Jjorn Seekonk, of Piovidence, and Caio- liue M. Bowen, bom and of Seekink, of Caleb, married hv Rev. .Jolm C. Welch May 27, 1844. 2 II I'll'.RSON Benjamin W., ag(d 32, born .M.-iiue. of Providence, of M'illiam ^Mclntire and Betsey S., and Maiia L. Lewis, ag(d 25, born and of .Seekonk, of Nathan C. and Louisa AV., mairied bv Rev. (ieorge ^ALittliews, Nov. 17, 185(;. Int. Nov. 10. 185G. 2 4. 2 2 I'lKK Lewis I\.. .-.ged 2). born and of Attleboro, of Washing- Ion and Eliza, and IClizabeth Carter, aged 18, born and of Proviilenee, of Hiram and Lydia. married by Rev. George W. Wallace .July 2, 185 L 2 4 PIREGO Norman \\'., aL'ed 2(i, 2il marriage. l)orn Connecti- cut, of Providence, of .Sanmel and Lsabel, and Mary Keiley, aged 23, born Ireland, of I'lovidence, married by Rev. (ieorge Alattliews March 17, 1S55. Int. iMarcli 17, 1855. 2 2. -15(5 PITCHER Emeline and .John H.Gould, both of Pawtucket, married by Rev. .James O. Barney Dec. 8, 1828. MAF.KIACJKS AND INTKNTK INS — SEEKONK'. Ill 1 4 PITTSLKY Cali'l) ami Reboeca A. Kinili:ill, Ixitli of Scekoiik. iiianied by Kev. Jaiiios O. Harnc}- A|ifil 4. 1.S47. Int. Marcii I'.l/ liS47. 1 'Jl'7. - IL'7 POLAND Samuel, ,lr., and Lydia Allen, lesideiilts of Setkonk, marriod bj- AppoUas Cusliman,|., Dec. 7, LSI."). Int. Nov. -24. 181,"). 1 12,S. 2 Id POLLITT .lose|ili R., aged o!l, 2d nianinge, boin Lancabbiie, Eng., of North Providence, of William and Martha, and Mary B. Taggett. aged ;^X, 2d rnaniage, born Manchester, Eng., of Noilh Providence, niai'ried by William hie, Esq., Nov. 11, IH.V,). Int. Nov. 22. I,S;V.). '2 S. - 131 POTTER Sarah and Samuel L. Arniilstead, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Dec. 24, IMs. Int. Nov. 22, 1818. 1 13.5. - 131 Ira of Providence and Charlotte ('liaffee of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lohn Pitman March itl, \x\'.>. Int. .Jan. ll'., bsil). 1 13;'). 1 5 Crawford and Louisa Eicnch, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. .lohn C. Welch April .S, ISll). Int. March 18, 1849. 1 233. 1 8 Ilannali L. ('., aged 2.i. of Joseph and Mary, and .lames L. C'ol>b, aged 22. of Seth and Olive, both born Rhode Island and of Seekonk, marrietl in R. I. Nov. 17, l.S')2. Int. Nov. 17, 18,")2. 1 247. 2 Claia, aged 111, born and of New]ior!, of Samncl, and David Kelly, aged 53, ."ith marriage, bom Oloeester, R. I., of Seekonk, of Isai.ali and Phebe, mai'ried by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 21, 18o'J. Int. Aug. 21, 1859. 2 7. 2 20 Eail II., aged 24, born and of Providerice, and Amey E. Hopkins, a1, 2d niairiage, born Soinh Kingstown, of Seek(jnk. of Edward and Elizabeth (Lock) Potter ami Syl- vester W. Colviu, aged 70, 3d marriasie, born Phenix, of Seekonk, of Ira and Betsey (Ide) Colvin, married l.)y Rev. George R. Spink Se|it. 13, 1.S83. Int. Sept. 8, 1883. 2 21. 2 29 Chailes II., aged 27. born River Point, R. I., of Seekonk, of Augustus and Marian (Lock) Potler, and Ida M. IMalteson, aged 19. born Providence, of Seekonk, of William II. and Esther, married liy Rev. William B. Heath Seiit. 15, 1892. Int. Sept. 15. 189"2. 2 2G. - 157 PRATT Horatio N. of North Providence and Eliza C. Bovven of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 22, 1832. Int. Dec. 3. 1831. 1 179. 1 2 Phebe M. of Pawtnukot and Constant Viall of Seekonk, his 2d marriasie. married by Rev. James (). Barni'3' Nov. 20, 1844. Int. Nov. 12, 1844. 1 222. 2 13 Adalinc and Hiram M. Read of Taunton, married by Rev. James O. Barney Aug. 25. 18U1. 2 16 E. Francis, aged 29, bom Rcholiolh, of Seekonk, of Nelie- miah B. and Maiy E., and ]\Iaitha M. Blaisdell, aged 25, born Carlisle, Mass., of Cianston, R. I., of Jacob and 112 VITAL KlCCUKl) ()!•• RHODE ISLAND. I'HATT: Susiiii, uian-icd bv Rev. Js:un; Clieeseboro A})!'!! l:>, 18GS. Int. April «, 1868. 2 14. - 12.') PULLINO Ann and Brown Bowen, both of Scckonk, mairietl by Hev. .lolni Hill Aug. 6, 181.'.. Int. July 10, 1815. 1 12(i. 2 8 PUTNAM IMaiUia K., agcil 24, born and of Oanvers, of Geoige A., and James N. Bisliop, aged 28, born and of .Sffkonk, of EbenezcT and Mary, Dec. 21, IS.'iS. Int. Dec. 20, 18.VS. 2 G. Q 2 2 QUIRILEY Jolm, Jr., ag(d 24, born Kaston, of Auleboro, of John, and Ainia W. Whitney, aged 18, born Franklin, of Attleboro, of Arnol, married liy Hev. Gcoi-ge W. Wal- lace May 21, 1.S.-.-1. 11 - 1211 BADLOFF James anS15. Int. Oct. 20, 1«15. 1 127. - 120 Perez. Ji-.. and Eunice Briogs, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Jolm Hill Feb. 25, 181(5. Int. Jan. 1(1. 181(;. 1 12;». MAKRIAGE.S AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. IVP, - 130 UKAD Hiililali ;inil David Cooper, l)i)th of Sockoiik, umrried by Rev. .loliii I'ituiaii June 10, ISIT. Int. .Vpiil 7, 1817. 1 l.!2. - 131 Oi-inda of Seekonk and Natlianiel Kent of Reliol>otli, nianicd liy Rev. Jolin Pitman Sept. -J^, 1.S17. Int. Sept. (i, 1«17. 1 133. - 132 Joshua and Patience West, hotli of Seekonk, married liy Rev. Julin Pitman Dec. 20, ISl'.i. hit. Dec. 4, 1819. 1 13.S. - 133 Lucy and Xoali Read. 2d, bolli of Seekoidi, inanied liy Rev. Jolin Pitman April 30, 1«2(). Int. ■\Iarcli 30,' 1S20. 1 139. - 133 Ncali, 2(1, and l.uey, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman A|)ril 30, 1820. Int. March 30, 1,S20. i 139. - 135 Amos M. of North Providence and i\!ary Diown, resilui C. Welch Oct. 0,, 1S|7. 'int. Sept. 12, 1.S47. 1 229. 1 7 Martha W., aged 24, boin and of Seekonk, of Cyrel and Sally, and Noah Bliss, Jr.. aged •'i5, born and of Reln.iboth, of Noah, inanied by Rev. Janu's O. Barney Ajnil 12, 1852. Int. April 7,'lH52. 1 245. 2 3 Caroline]?., .aged 34, born and of St'ekonk, of Noah and Lucy, and Cyrus Martin, aged .34, liorn Suanzey, of See- konk, of Holden and Saiali, married by Kev. George Matthews Nov. 12. 1854. Int. Nov. 5, 1.S54. 2 i. 2 3 Mary A., aged 23, born Vermont, of Pavvtucket. of .lolni and Naoma, and Dai ins W. .Sykes, aged 22, boru Rehoboth. of Pawtucket, of Rev. James N. and Betsey, iiiarried by Rev. (ieorge W. Wallace Jan. 1, 1855. 4 Matthew, aged 20, boru Vermont, of Pavvtucket, ol' ,]i>\in and Naoma Ci., and Susan Jacory, aged 19, boru North Kings- 114 VITAI, KKCOIU) OF KHODl-: ISLAND. READ : town, of PanUieket, of Jolm :i;k1 ilarlLia, married liy Rev. George W. Wiillnce ^Sluy Ti, 1855. 2 12 David r., aged 23, born Seeivonk, of Pawtueket. of Nathaniel and Phileiia, and P^lleu Frances Carte}', aged 20, born and of Pawtneket, of Ilirain and S3 Ivia, married bj' Rev. .lames 0. BariH-y Dee. 27, 18(50. 2 13 Hiram ;M. of Taunton and Adaline Pratt, niairied by' Rev. James O. liarney Aug. 25. 1801. 2 16 Horatio N., aged 45, 2d marriage, born Seekonk, of Paw- tucket, of Xatluiuiel and Sally, and INIartlia W. Bliss, aged 37, 2d marriage, horn and of Seekonk, daugliter of Cyrel and Sally Read, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 16, 18G6. int. Oct. 7, 18GG. 2 13. 2 16 Sarah W., aged .'i7, born and of Seekonk, of Cyrel ancl Sally, and John C. Hall, aged 41). 2d marriage, Iwjrn and of War- ren, son of Allen C. and Polly Hoar, name changed to Hall from Hoar, married by Rev. A. W. Ashley May 2, 1867. Int. April 2S, l,S(i7". •/ 14. 2 16 Ebin'ra ]\I., aged 24. born and of Rehobotli, of Gustavns A. and Ann K., and Moses G. Walker, aged 30, born and of Seekonk, of (icorge W. and Esther S., married l>y Rev. Samnel E. Evans, June 3, 18(;.S. Int. .May 28, 1868. 2 14. 2 19 Charles H.. aned 28, born and of Seekonk, of Cyrel and Sally, and Mary A. Burr, aged 26, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Raymond IT. and (Caroline M., married by Rev. Aimer H. Capon .Ian. 15, l.S7.'>. 2 23 iSIaitha, aired 17, born and of Seekonk, of Lewis L. and Eliza H., and Hciny M. Burgess, aged 20. born Canter- burv, Ct., of .Vtlleboro, of .\lbertM. and Mary A., married bv Kev. John (^ A 7. 2 22 Julian F., hoin an;, l.'^l'.t. Int. .luue 10, 184!). 1 233. 2 K; rich Almira .AI., aged lit, born Alendon, cf Seekonk, of Thomas and Saiah S., and \\'illiam II. Bennett, aged 2G, born and of Pro\ idcncc, of William II. and Abby R., married by Rev. A. W. Ashley Nov. 1, bscc. Int. 'Nov. 1, 18GG. 2 13. 2 17 ll.ary E., aged 20, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Thomas and Sarah, and Charles W. Anthony, aged 25, 2d marriage, born Seekonk, of Providence, of David R. and C'atharine C, married by Rev. John Angell Baskaell Oct. 29, 18G8. Int. Oct. 25, 18G8. 2 14. 2 19 Thomas, aged 21, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Thomas and Sarah S., and JMary A. Anthony, aged 20, Ijorn East I'rovidcnce, of Seekonk, of i)a\id R. and C;itliarine C, married b^' Rev. Cunnnings liiav April 25, 1872. Int. April 23, 1872. 2 IG. " 1 8 RICH,\RI)S()N William C., aged 29, born Wiuslow, Me., of Attleboro, of Eieuch and Nancy, and Anicy lO. Rounds, aged 2.'>. born and of Attleboro, of E. II. and Adaline, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Sept. 7, 1.S52. 2 4 Charles T., aged 24. born Jlaiue, of Pawtucket. • of Erencli and Nancy, and JMartha C. Newman, aged 22, Imru and of Seekonk, of Sylvanus and Charlotte, married In' Rev. George iMutthews .lune 5, 1855. Int. .June 4, 1855. 2 2. 2 20 George Franklin, aged 39, born \\'endall, of ;Montague, of George R. and Lavina S., and Ilattie Helme, aged 3m, born Providence, of Seekonk, of William and Celinda, niairied by Rev. P^dward Ednnnids Dec. 24, 1.S7 1. - 122 RICHER Wiuthrop of Lime, N. II., and Unice Bovveu of See- konk, married by Rev. Jolni Hill April 14, 1814. Int. July 31, 1814. 1 124. 116 vriAL Kiccnr.n oi' khude island. 1 1 KICILMONI) Aliliy JI. ami .Iciomiah Wilcox, hoth of See- konk. mariiod by Rov. .lolm V. Welch .luin; 4, 1843. Int. May 20, 184:i. 1 21.3. - l.'il RIDKRAlatilila and Unruis Eldredge, married liy IJ(n'. Bart- lett Peaice Oct. 31, 1824. Int. Oct. 17, 1824. 1157. 1 3 Genr__R. and MAIMMACES AND INTENTIONS — SKEKdNK. 117 EOOKS : Maiv A., inanir.l l>y Vi;ill Mcdhurv, Ks(i , Dec. -il, 1^71. Int. Deo. 21, 1.S7-1." 2 17. - 115 ROSE ]\I:iiv and Isnack Lo;ifli, Imtli of Scckonk, manieil I'y Rev. ."luhn Alien Dec. --'i!, i^ol. Int. Dee. .S, is;'.7. 1 r.t'.». 2 7 ROSS William, .aoeil 30, 2d marriage, lioin Providence, of Seekonk, of Tliomas antl Sarah, and Susan H. Wliilaker, aged 18. born and of Seekonk, of Joel and Almira, mar- ried by Rev. James O. IJarney Jan. i:!, l.So.S. ]ut. Jan. 12, 1858. 2 5. 2 22 Alice S.. aged li), born CiiiHieotit'ut. of Seekonk, (if "William and Susan, and Willard F. llumiJirey, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of John and Esther, nuinied by Rev. L. S. Woodworth Feb. 12, ISKO. Int. Eel). 10. ISSO. 2 1!). -114 ROUNDS Sylvanns C. and Snsan C. Lyon, l»'ih of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. James O. Barney A[iril 2, 1837. Int. March li), 1.S37. 1 IIU!. - Ill .Sylvaiiu* C. of Seekonk and Amanda A. C^ooper of I'rovi- dence. married by Rev. John V. Welch Nov. .'iO, 1.S41. Int. Nov. 13, 1.S41. 1 200. 2 25 W. Earnest, aued 27, of Seekonk, of Elisha and Harriet A. (Mason) Round, and Ida Belie Fuller, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Stepiien P. and Rebecca C. (Mnnro) Fuller, married ])y Rev. Isaac C'.heeseboro Nov. 2(i, 1.S.S4. 1 3 Lydia P. anil John E. Kellev, both of Barrington, mariied by Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 12, 184i!. 1 8 Amey E., aged 23, born and of Attleboro, of E. II. and Adalaide, and William C. Richardson, aged 20, born Wins- low, INIe., of Altlehoro, of French and Nancy, married by Rev. (leorge W. Wallace Nept. 7, 1H52. 2 2 Sally t'.. aged 20. born Rehobolh, of Attleboro, of Cyrcnns and Mary, and Joilulhan Fuller, aaed 3il, born and of Altlelioro, of Thomas and Ann, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Jan. 4, 1854. 2 3 Susan, aged 17, born Seekonk, of Atlleb'.ro, of Sylvanns, and Horace W. Cooper, aged 28, born Seekonk, of Attle- boro. of David, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Jan. 28, 1855. 2 10 ROWLEY Maiy, aged 23, born Ireland, of Seekonk, of French and Catharine, and Eleazer C. Briggs, aged 21, born Cov- entry, R. I., of Seekonk. married by Rev. James O. Bar- ney Jan. 5. Int^ Jan. 18, LSCO. 2 «. -129 rude" William and Elizabeth Smilh, married by Rev. John Hill Aug. 18, 181(i. Int. Oct. 2, 181(;. 1 130. 2 12 RUSSELL Caroline, aged 17, born Boston, of Seekonk, of George and Maigaret (ElderkiiO Russell, and William H. Albio, aged 20,"liorn and of Providence, of Burden and Hannah, married by Rev James O. Barney Nov. 11, 1860. Jnl. Nov. 11, bsC.O. 2 10. - 145 RYDER James, Jr., and Mary Marchant, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Ray Potter Aug. 20, 1824. Int. Aug. 14, 1824. 1 150. 1 8 Hannah A. of Pawtncket and Tobias W. Washburn of 118 \ ITAI, ItKClIKU OF KHODE ISLAND. RYDER: Caniliridsiu, inariied by Rev. James O. Barney July 2'.t, 1,S.">1'. s - 144 .SALISBl'RY Josei)li E. of North Providence and Lydia A. Gorton of Seekonk, married by Rev. Ray Potter July 12, 1822. Int. June 23, 1«22. 1 147. - 15G SALSBIRY IMarv and Luther Kent, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 26, 1828. Int. Oct. 23, 182.S. 1 174. 1 S SANDERS Henry of Warren and Marllia ]'.. \'iall of Seekonk, married by Rev. John t'. Weleli Fel). 7, 1.S43. Int. Jan. 21. 1.S43. 1 214. 2 23 S.\NFORI) Isaac B., aged 25, 2d marriage, born and of Tiver- ton, of E[>liraini and IMary, and Isabel Chaffee West, aged l(j, born and of Seekonk, of Joseph and Betsey A., married bv Rev. Isaac Clieeseboro Aug. 21t, 1881. Int. Aug. 26, ISSl. 2 20. 2 27 SANGER Ilariy E., aged 22, born Boston, of Seekonk, of George (). and Anue S., and Lizzie V. Maher, aged 21, born New Yoik, of Seekonk, of William and Catharine, married l)v Rev. George II. Tilton Nov. 17, 1888. Int. Nov. 17, "l8,S8. 2 24'. 2 7 SAVAGE Dexter M., aged 27, born Canada East, of Cranston, of John and Bericliiia, and I'.ridget Golden, aged 24, born England, of North I'lovidenee, of Anthony, married by Rev. James (). Barney Oct. 4, 1857. Int. Sept. 27, 18.57. 2 5. - 122 SAWYER Amos and Nanev B. Scott, both of Seekonk, mar- ried In- Rev. John IliU'.Mav 17, 1814. Int. May 1, 1814. 1 124" - 151 John of Woodstock, Ct., and Almira A. Armington of See- konk, mairied by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Nov. 24, 1825. - 131 S.\YEK Joshua of Newport and Eliza Kennecutt of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Sept. 2, 1818. Int. Aug. 2i). ISl.s. 1 184. - 122 SCOTT Nancv B. and Amos Sawvcr. l)otli of Seekonk, mar- ried by Riv. John ilill .Mav 17, 1^14. Int. May 1. 1814. 1 124. 1 8 Olive B., aged 24, born Canton, of Rhode Island, daughter of Lorin l^rackett, and .lohn Handy, aged 38, born Taun- ton, of Seekonk, of .lohn IM. and Pollv. married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 2;», 1.S52. Int. Oct. 25," 1852. 1 247. - 132 SEARS Eliza and .lohn Dewerstt, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. John Pitman Dee. 13, 1819. Int. Dec. 2, isii). 1 137. ,2 6 .SKAW Alvin. aged 3(1, born New lEimpshire, of New Bedford, of Isaac, anil Sarah Kelley, aged 24, l)orn New Y'ork, of Scekoi'k, of John ]\I. and Marv. married by Rev. James O. Baiiiey Oct. it, 1856. Int. "Oct. 7, 1856. 2 4. JIAinnACKS AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 119 2 24 SIIKLDON Xulson Ileiuy, aiied 2."), bom and ..f SiiiitliliL'ld, of Steplien and Adelia, and Laura Fieiicli All3n, aged 2/), born and of Seekonk, of Samuel and Laura L., married l)y Rev. L. S. Woodworlli Feb. 14, 1«.S2. — 112 SIIERM.VX Olive B. and George E. Lawton, botli of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James O. liarnev ^lav 2, 1.S42. Int. A|)ril 14, 1S42." 1 211. 2 19 George W., aged 2(1, born Cranslon, of Seekonk, of George W. and ^Matilda, and C'laia F. Iluniplne^v, born and of .Seekonk, of -lobn and Esther W'., married by Rev. Mr. Webb ,1874. 2 2G William II., aged 25, lioin Cranston, of I'lovidenee, of • Georg(! and Matilda A., and Isadore C'liaffec, aged 2a, born and of Seekonk, of Cyrus and Amanda jNI., married by Rev. George II. Ilortcni June 1, bssc. Int. :\Iay 22, 1«86. 2 2.S. — 131 SIIOREY John and Lvdia Howen. both of Seekonk. mairied liy Rev. John I'itnian Dee. 21, 1,S17. Int. Nov. 17, 1S17. 1 i;u. — 133 Hannah and Samuel Viall, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Pitman Jan. 2, 1820. Int. Dee. 2, 181!l. 1 137. — 140 Ann M. and Joli W. Gorton, both of Seekonk, married by Samuel Allen, Es(i., Oct. 8, 1824. — 150 John of Seekonk, of Abel, and Lvdia Gray of Little Compton, of John, married bv Rev. Emerson Paine Xov. 27, 182(;. Int. Oct. 3], 18-.'(;.' 1 ICu. — lCi2 Olive F. and Hiram Lake, M. D., married I13 Rev. John Dovvling at New York May 5. IH.'iO. 2 13 John, atred (18, 3d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Abel and Mary, and Ardelia Ki nt, aged 45, 1st marriage, born Rehoboth, of Attleboio. of Natlianie! and Elizabeth, mar- ried bv Rev. C. Blodgett May 15, ISiJl. Int. .Alayll, 1861. '2 11. 2 25 Emma L., aged 21, Ijorn Cambridge[)oit, of Rehoboth, of William R. and Eliza J., and Fred E. Chaffee, aged 27, born and of Seekonk, of Cyrus and Amanda M. (Miller) Chaffee, married by Rev. George II. Tilton Sept. U, 1884. Inl Sept. 8, 1884. 2 22. — 123 SHORT Ilannali and Caleb Bowen, both of Seekonk, marrieil by Rev. John IlillOet. 10, 1814. Int. Sent. IC, 1814. 1 124. — 125 James and Susan Bowi n, both of Seekf'uk, niariitcl bv Rev. John Hill Oct. V.K 18L5. Int. Sept. IG, 1815. 1 127. — IGl Patience of Seekonk and Ebenezer Peck of Lyndon, Vt., married by Rev. Henry Clark Mav 2, 1836. Int. March 28, 18;_;(;. i i',)3. — 116 John, Jr., of Ban-ington and Maitha W. IMarliu of Seekonk^ married by Rev. John Allen Oct. 22, 1840. Int. Se))t. 26, 1840. 1 "2(16. — 112 Celia L. of Attleboro and Samuel Fisk of Sloughton, married by Rev. James O. Barney Feb. 14, 18-12. 1 1 F^uieline P. of Seekouk and Solomon W. Young of Provi- dence, married ])y Rev. Join; C. Welch March 31, 1844. Int. March 15, 1844. 1 220. 1 6 Stafford, aged 25, iiorn Barrington, of Seekouk, of Jfilin, and 120 VITAI. KEt'<)l:I) OF UllODK ISLAND. SHORT ; Elizabeth A. West, aged 2;!, boiu and of Seekonk, of .losepli and PoUj', iiian-ied by llev. Henry G. Stewart July 4, 1S.")0. Int. Julv 3, 18.')(l.*' 1 -230. 1 7 Maso 1?., aged 24, born and of Attleboro, of Philip and Ma- tilda, and Xancy B. Wheaton, aged 27, born and of Eeho- boih. (jf William and Nancy, married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart April 18, 1851. 2 2 Adaline J\I., aged 21, of Alileboro, of Philip ami Matilda, and Oiin F. Perry, aged 2:^, born Relioliotli, of Attleboro, of I);iniel and Eliza W., married by Rev. George W. Wal- lace Ainil 10, 1804. 2 5 Ebenezer, aged 27, born and of Seekonk, of .lames and Susan, and Amanda A. Peck, aged I'J, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk. of Bradford W. and Ann, married bv Rev. George Matthews Feb. 21, IS.V;. Int. Feb. 19, 18.)6. 2 4. 2 C Albert (i., aged 41, 2d niairiage, born Bariinglon, of Provi- dence, of .John and Radial, and JIary A. Greene, aged 37, 2d marriage, l)orn Centreville, of Bristol, daughter of Dan- iel and Deborah Tanner, inarritd by Rev. tieorge Matthews Sept. t, i.S.iC. Int. Sept. 4, IS,")!;! 2 4. 2 17 Jolm ('., aged 24, born Banington, iMass., (-)f Bo.slon, of .lolm anil Marl ha \V., anil Angeline F. Giant, aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of Kent and Lydia, married by Rev. .1. W. 0.-lioni Aug. 21, I8G8. Int. Aug. 21, I8G8. 2 14. 2 18 Willard .\., aged 2(). born Attleboro, of Seekonk. of Willard C. and Almira B., and Kate S. Winn, aged 21. of See- konk, of Jlarcenna C and I\Iatilda, married by Rev. Wil- liam B. Heath Dec. 1, 1870. Int. Nov. IG, 1870. 2 15. 2 19 Lydia A., aged 25, 2d marriage, born Franklin, of Paw- tucket, ihinghter of Francis and Sarah Burton, and Al- moiit L. CliMflee, aged 25, 2d marriage, born and of See- konk, of William and Sarah W., married by Rev. H. W. Rugu .Ian. 1 1, 187;). Int. .Ian. iO. 1873. 2 17. 2 21 Alice ('.. aged l.S. born and of Seekonk, of Samuel and Cath- arine F.. and (.icoige W. Carpenter, aged 28, Ijorn P.'ovi- dence, of East Providence, of Jolm P. and Eliza B., mar- ried by Rev. J. \V . Ilorton Feb. 15, 1877. Int. Feb. 15, 1877. 2 18. 2 25 Jennie B., aged 21. b(3rn Pawtucket, of Seekonk, of Willard C. and Almira, :iiid Thomas W. Thuiber, aged 27, born and of .Vttlelioro, of .loscpli G . and Mary A., married by Rev. .\. K. Reminoton .liine 10, 18.s5. Int. June 9, 1885. 2 23. - 156 SIBLEY .\lden and Saiali D. Baker, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James (). Barney Aug. 2G, 1830. 2 29 SIMMONS William H., aged" 28, 2d marriage, born Rehoboth, of l^ast Providence, of William E. and Eliza (Lewis) Sim- mons, and Jliiinie Knight, aged 19, born Attleboro, of East Providence, of James and Mary, inarrieil bv Asaph C. Hill, Esi|., Aue. 3, 1.S9;5. Int. Aug. 3, 1893. "2 27. 2 31 PTora W., aged 18, born Rehoboth, of Swanzey. of Adolphus and Retta (Bliss) Simmons, and John L. Peck, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of .lohn W. and Clarrissa (Boss) JlAltUIAGK.S AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 121 SIMMONS : Peek, miinieil liy I{c\'. Juiiics L. IVircu A[iril .">, l.s'J.'i. Int. April •>, IS'Jo. 2 28. - 12.') SISSON Ik'ni:iniin and Lucy PfiTV, both of Sfekoiik, iiuuriod by Rev. .lolm Hill Feb. 2G, 181.^. Int. Feb. 3, 1.S1.5. 1 125. - 15G riiebc L. "f Scekonk and Dr. Jolinson Gardner of North Proi'idence, married by Rev. James O. Baruev Jnne 8, 1829. Int. May 16, 1821). 1 175. 1 3 Alniira K. of Warren and George Stanley of 15arrini;lon, married by Rev. John C. 'W^elch June 27, 184.5. 2 25 Carrie E., aged 11), born and of Seekonk, of SImbael and Hannah, and George II. Horton, aged 2o, 2d marriage, born and of Rehoboth, of Gilbert M. and Sarah F., married [liv Rev. William Crookes March 17, 1885. Int. IMarch 17", 18,S5. 2 22. - 1.35 SLADE Maitin ami Hannah Nickerson, buth of SeekoTik, mar- ried by Kev. John Pitman Dec. G, 1.S21. Int. Nov. 1, 1821. 1 145. - 152 Alniira and Saiiine! (loldsmith, Ji., both of Seekonk, married by Rev. liartlett Pearce Sept. 30, 1827. Int. Dec. 31, 182G. 1 1G8. 2 14 Philip A., 2d marriage, of North Providence, and Catharine Walker, aged 49, Ist marilage, boi-n and of Scekonk, of .Simon and Nancv, married bv Rev. .lames O. Barney July 1, 18G2. - 129 SLOCUM Jeremiah of Seekonk and Sii.san Butler Gerrisli of Dedham, married by Rev. John Hill Oct. G. 181G. Int. Sept. 21 and Oct. G," ISIG. 1 130. (See also iiage 70. ) - 132 Susan of Seekonk ami William Freebody of Newport, was resident of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Aug. 8, 1.S19. Int. May 15. 1819. 1 l.'iG. - 135 F>lizal)eth of Seekonk and Marcus Cornelius Eklerkin of Providence, married by Rev. John Pitman ]\Iav 24, 1821. Int. May 3, 1821. 1 i43. - 114 Samuel of Pawtucket and Betsey Hadloff of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James (). Barnej' Seiit. (!, 1837. Int. Aug. 12, 1837. 1 197. 1 8 William of Jeremiah, and Cynthia (irecTieof Benjamin, both l)orn and of Pawtucket, miirrie. Int. :Marcii 10, 1.S49. 1 233. - 122 SJIITH Eleazer of Swanzey and Ksperience P. Barney of See- konk, married by Rev. Jc^hn Hill Ang. 17, 1814. Int. Julv 20. 1814. "l 124. _ l-'6 Nancy and Ezra French, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. John Hill Nov. 30, 181.'). Int. Nov. 28, 181 :>. 1 128. _ 1-^9 Elizabeth and William Rude, married by Rev. Joini Hill Ang. 18, ISIO. Int. Oct. 2, 1810. 1 130. - 142 Polly and Ezra Alason, both of Seekonk, married liy Rev. Silas Hall Jan. 13, IH23. Int. Dee. 29. 1.S23. 1 149. _ 145 Abial and Rebecca Collev, both of Seekonk, married by Rev, Ray Potter July is, 18'24. Int. July 11, 1^24. 1 155. - 154 Arteiims of Dunstable and Ruth B. Harding of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 15, 182(). Int. Oct. 29, f82(;. 1 107. -150 Capt. Samuel of Troy, Mass., and Ahneda F. Cnshing of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 27, 1828. Int. Nov. 8, 1828. 1 174. - 157 Raymond of Coventry and Eliza A. Peirce of Seckonk, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 30, 1832. Int. Sept. 3, 1832. 1 181. - 117 Levi of Sniithlield and Adalinc Lane of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill July 15, 1«39. Int. June 10, 1839. 1 202. - 110 Charles B., of Norwich, Ct., and Hannah D. Handy of See- konk, married by Rev. John Allen Ang. 4, 18-10. Int. July 12, 1.S40. 1 205. 1 3 Christopher T. B.. a<;ed 23, of Seekonk, of Nathan, .and Ann ]M. Bliss, aiied 17. Of Taunton, of George E., married at Dighton by Rev. Richard Doukersley Feb. 3, 1847. Int. Oct. 17, 184G. 1 22(;. 1 4 Wheeler M. of Rehobotli and Mary N. West of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Nov. 4, 1847. Int. Oct. 13, 1847. 1 229. 1 John Slater of Pawtncket and Adaline Kent of Attleboro, married by Rev. James O. Barney July 15, 1839. lut. June 10, 18.19. 1 202. 1 7 Alfred A., aged 21, born and of Grafton, of Alexander and Mary C, and Emeline A. JI. Clapp, aged 10, born Athol, of Seekonk. of Charles and Releaf M., married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart Oct. 1, 1851. Int. Sept. 30, 1851. 1 243. 2 1 Mary .V., aged 21. born Rehoboth, of Norton, of Remember MAKIUAUES AN1> INTENTIONS — Sl';i:K( INK. r23 SMITH : and Sally, and William M. Stone, aged 'JT, born and of Norton, of Mason and Ahisxail M., niairied liy Rev. Georiie W. Wallace Sept. 2;"i, liiir.i. 2 3 Williaui L., aged 21, born and of Keliobotii, of William and Kliza .]., ;ind Doretta K. Wilbur, aged 17. born Kaynliani, of Heholiolli, of Royal and Polly, married by Rev. Geoiae W. Wallace Dec. 17, 18.^4. 2 25 Hugh A., aged 2.'!, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Ilugli and Barbara, and Bertha II. Staples, aged 20, born Frank- lin, of Seekonk, of Amos W. and Eliza A., mariied liy Rev. John "Whitehill Mari-h 11, l.S.s,5. Int. March 1 1", 1885. 2 22. - 134 SNELL Lj'dia of Seekonk and Lucius Filluiore of ProviANI>. STAPLKS : Seckonk, dniiglitor of Willintn .1., and Eilitli Iloyt, and WaiTcn AiioiisUis Fullor, aged 45, 3d iiiaiiiage, born Norlld_>ridiie, of Seckonk. of Marniadnkc W. and Lydia I*'., married hy Res-. Hector Cantield Ang. 1, 1885. Int. July 111, 1885." -2 23. 2 31 Charles A., aged 49, 2d marriarje, born ^'aIley Falls, of .Toluiston, of Henry N. and Pliila(Ul|)liia B. (Ilowlund) Staples, and Anna G. Perkins, aged 33, 2d marriage, horn and of Providence, of Edward and Eliza A. (Hopkins) Perkins, married at WeV)ster by Rev. Henry A. Hlake ,]nne 3, l.s'.i.^i. Int. .liine 3. 1895. 2 28. _ 135 STARKWEATHER .James Clay and Almira C. Underwood, liotli of Seikonk, inaiiied 1)V Rev. John Pitman June 7, 1821. Int. May 13, 1821. "l 143. - 133 STEERE Enos of Glocestei, R. I., and Retsev Wiiitaker of Seekonk, married Ity Rev. John Pitman Nov. 23, 1820. Int. Oct. 20, 1.S20. 1 141). 2 28 STEIXr.RlCK Louisa W., aged 22, horn Soutii P?ovidence, of Reliol)olii, of Cliarles and Alary E., and Benjamin Mitelieli, aged 20, Ijorn Eastport, of East Providence, of Jeremiah and Eliza, married by Rev. George H. Ilorton Sept. 20, 18i)l. Int. Sept. 19, 1891. 2 25. 2 32 STEINMETZ Philii)ena ('., aged 27, born Providence, of See- konk, of Philip and Caroline (l)nbbs) Steinmetz, and IManuel E. Boyle, aged 42, born (Jnirbieck, of Seekonk, of John and Ann (IMitehell) Boyle, married by Rev. John Ilartv Feb. 13, l.S9(;. - 119 STEPHENS John R. an 7 IJenjamiii II., ajjed 26. boin and of Providence, of Russell :uiorn Can- ada, of Seek(»nk, of French and Kreneii (sic), nianied liv Rev. C. 1). Harp Sept. 8, l.s;i2. Int. Sei>t. C>, 1«!I2. 2 2G. 2 13 TERRY Sarali T., aged 23, born Kali River, of Seeki>nk, of .Sihas and Stiraii A., and Daniel 1). Harney, aged 38, 2d marriage, born and of JSeekonk, of ,Iohn and Rntli V., mar- ried by Rev. Josei)iuis W. Ilortoii Nov. 2(1, ISCil. Int. Nov. 20, ISOl. 211. 2 TIIATCIIEU William T., aged 2.S, born Atllebori', of Boston, of ['eler and Snsan C, and Anna Barney, aged l'.*, born and of Scekonk, of James O. and Eliza L., April 2(;. 1S.59. Int. April 2,'), l.S,-)'.». - 157 THAYER Sahina P.. and Richard 1). Bowen, lioth of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James O. Barnev Jan. II, l.s;i2. Int. Dec. 2.'), 1831. 1 lid. - l.')7 THOMAS Sarah and Jason Read, both of Seekonk, marri.d by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 2, 18.11. - E'jG THOMPSON Robert of North Providence an. 1 Nancy F. P.rowii of Seekonk. mari'ied by Rev. Jaines (,). Barney Sept. I'J, 1831. Int. Sept. 4, 1!S31. 1 178. 2 12 Lncy S., aged 10, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Andrew and Jnlia, and Charles Hill, .atred 2('), born lOngland, of .See- konk, of VVilliaui and IMary, manied by Rev. Tlioindike C. Jameson Nov. 11, 18(;(». 2 27 THORNTON Edith L., aged 20, born Pawluckct, of Attle- boro, of Abel C and Eleanor, and Daniel \V. Case, aged 20, born and of Seekonk, of Sanuiel O., Jr., and Ilariiet E., married bv Rev. A. F. Remin<4ton, Feb. 20, 1888. Int. Feb. l(i, 1888". 2 24. 2 27 Fanny E., aged 28, born Pawtncket, of Altleboro, of Abel anil Eleanor, and Herbert E. Monlton, aired 24, born Re- lioboth, of Seekonk, of Jaines F. and Julia j\l.. married by Rev. S. F. Oradv Afiril 28, 18811. Int. April 2J, 188y. 2 24. 2 27 THRESHER Albert H., aged 10. of East Providence, of Al- bert II. and Maria A., and ilabel Chaffee, aged 10, born and of Seekonk, of Abnont and Lydia A., married by Rev. Isaac Cheeseboro Oct. 26, 188<). -120 TIIURBER P.enjamin and Mary Ann Me|)l. 14, 1862. 2 12. 2 1.') Hiram A., aged 23, born Reliobotli, of Seekonk, of John and Ho|)eslill, and Lydia A. Allen, aged 21, born and of See- konk, of Benjamin W. and Lydia A., inairied l)y Rev. Isaac Cliecselioro June 9, 1866. Int. .Inne ii, 1866. 2 13. 2 1.") Emily F., aged 25, Ixn-ii and of Relioliotli, of .loini and Hopcstili. and William II. Wood, aged 'iH^ boi-n and of Seekonlv, of t'alvin T. and Mary, mariied by Rev. A. W. Asliley ,liinc 10, LSlUJ. Int. .Inne 5, 1866. ~ 2 1.:!. 2 19 Hattie Iv, aged 17, born and of Seekonk. of Albert 1). and Hattic R., and diaries II. Varlett, aged 21, born Woon- siK'ket, of Lincoln, of Tiniolliv and.Snsan, married by Rev. William H. Healli Nov. 27, 1873. Int. Oct. 9, 1873." 2 17. 2 25 Tliomas W., aged 27, born ami of Atlleboro. of .lose|)li G. and Mary A., and .Jennie H. Short, aged 24, liorn Faw- Incket, of Seekonk, of Willard C and Almira, married by Rev. \. V. Remington .hine 10, 1885. Int. Jnne 9, 1885. 2 23. 2 30 Mary O., aged 26. born and of Seekonk. of IIir;im A. and Lydia A. (Allen; Tluirber, and Walter E. Marcy, aged 27, born Frovideiice, of East Providence, of George H. and Sarah L. (Watson) Marcv, married bv Rev. C. D. Ilarj) Mav 1, 1«94. Int. Ai)rir30, 1894. 2 27. - 144 TIIURSTOX Fanny of Seekonk and Henry Lnther of Smith- lield. married bv Rev. Rav Putter Sept. 20, 1821. Int. Dec. 3, 1.S20. *1 141. 1 6 Elizabeth .1. and .loseph Fariium, ma'ried by Rev. Henry G. Stewait .June 9. 18.50. Int. .Inne 9, 1850." 1 235. - 143 TILLINGIIAST Amos A. and Mary N. Jerauld, both of See- Konk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Seiil. 14, 1824. Int. Aug. 13, 1.S21. 1 156. - 156 TINGLEY Edwin of .Vltleboro and Lney Kent of Seekonk, manicd by Rev. James O. Bainev Sept. 23, 1.S2.S. Int. Ang. 31. i82.S. 1 173. 2 27 Leon II., aged 22, born East Froviilenee. of Attleboro, of James II. and Mary A., and Mande E. Walker, aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of Seba and Jnlia, married by Rev. A. F. Remington Jnne 27, 1888. Int. Jnne IH, 188«. 2 24. 2 28 Geoigianiia R., aged 22, born and of Attleboro, of James II. and Mary A., and Edward E. Case, aged 25, born and of Seekonk, of Saninel O. and Ilairiet E., married by Rev. S. F. Grady May 28, 1890. - 135 TISDALE Alvin and Sally Winter, both of Seekonk, married liv Rev. John Pitman Nov. 4, 1X21. - 152 TOMPKINS Clarke of Seekonk and Eliza Ann Cook of Smith- field, mariied liy Rev. Bartlett Pearce Aug. 5, 1827. Int. July 15, 1.S27." 1 170. MARIHAGICS AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 129 - 145 TOWER NatlKiii P. niid Polly Ilowlaiul, liotli of Scekoiik, luar- lied by Kuv. Kay Potter Jan. 27, 182.".. Int. Jan. 8, 182f). 1 l.js. - 133 TOWNSEND Rev. Shearjusliub B. of Sberbourne and Nancy Hnnt of Seekouk, uianicd by Rev. John Pitman Maicb 22, 1820. Int. Feb. 26, 1820. 1 138. 2 6 TRIPP Jane, aged 20, of Abel and Nathan Alger, agetl 21, of Willard and Lois, both boru and of Atllebjro, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 23. Is.iG. - 137 TROTT Harriet and Willard Jenckes, liotli of Seekonk, mar- ried by A|)i>ollas Cnshman. Escj., Feb. 2, 1823. Int. Dec. 15. 1823. 1 149. -152 TURNER ]5(tsey E. and Daniel Carpenter, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Bartlctt Pearce Oct. 11, 1^27. Int. Jnly 27, 1827. 1 170. 2 G Harriet, aged 2(3, born Cenlreville, of Seekonk, of Daniel and Deborah, and Charles Church, aged 21, born and of Bristol, of Nathaniel and Eliza, married by Rev. Georo-c Matthews April 11, 1857. Int. April 11, 1857. 2 4.° 2 10 William, aged 23, born Vohintown, Ct., of Seekonk, of Cyrns and Abby, and Zelinda Charlton, aged 20, born Pawtncket. of Seekonk, of H. W. and E. B., married by Rev. James (.). Barney Jan. 1, i.sdO. Int. .Ian. 27, 18(;o. 2 8. 2 32 Emma F., aged 21, born Bridgevvater, of East Providence, of John and Agnes (Wilcox) Turner, antl William N. An- drews, aged 24, born and of Tiveiton, of Eben E. and Abby S. (Negus) Andrews, manied by Asai)h C. Hill, Esq., Feb. 6, 1896. Int. Feb. 6, 1896. '2 28. - 151 TURNEY John P. of Woodstock, Ct., and Martha I). Arming- ton of Seekonk, married by Rev. Bartlelt Pearce April — , 1825. Int. March 28, 1825. 1 159. - 114 TYLER Siivanus of Cianston and Mary Bourn of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James O. Barney May 14, l.s35. u - 135 UNDERWOOD Almira C. and James Clay Starkweather, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman June 7, 1821. Int. May 13, 1821. "l 143. 1 1 UPDIKE Walter M". of Providence, and Piudcnce B. Page, of JMartin, of Seekonk, married by Rev. S. W. Ware at Fall River April 22, 1844. Int. March 24, 1844. 1 220. 2 10 VARLETT Charles H., aged 21, l)oin Woonsoeket, of Lincoln, of Timothy and Susan, and Ilattie E. Thurber, aged 17, born and of Seekonk, of Albert D. and Harriet R., married by Rev. William B. Heath Nov. 27, 1873. Int. Oct. 9, 1873. 2 17. 130 VITAL IIICCOUD OF KHODli: ISLAND. - .")1 A'lALL Bdijumin and Hniinali Konuecutt, Jan. 1, 1809. - iL'l Kiith and .Tolin Baniev, l)Otli of Seekouk, married by Kev. John Hill Jan. ;>, 18)4. Int. Dee. 18, 1814. 1 122. - 128 Capt. Jolin and JMr^. Elizabeth Cove, both of Seekook, mar- ried by John Medl)urj, Esq., Jan. 8,1817. Int. Nov. 4, ISlfi. 1 131. - 131 John B. of Seokonk and Susan Bowen of Providence, mar- ried by Rev. John Pitman Sept. 21, 1817. - 133 Samuel and Hannah Shorev, both of Seekouk, married by Kev. John Pitman Jan. 2, 1820. Int. Dec. 2, 1819. 1 137. - I.j2 JIason. Jr.. and Huth Marehant, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Banletl Pearce Sept. 1, 1827. Int. Aug. 18. 1827. 1 170. - 157 iSIary W. of Seekonk and Stei)lien A. Aplin of I'rovidence, married by Rev. Jamos (J. Barney Nov. 11, 1831. Int. Nov. .'), 1831. 1 179. -114 Harriet N. of Seekonk and George T. Gardner of AV^arren, married by Rev. James O. Barnev Feb. 15, 1835. Int. Jan. 31, 1835. 1 189. 1 S ^Martha B. of Seekonk and Ileni)' Sanders of Warren, married bv Rev. John C. Welch Feb. 7, 1843. Int. Jan. 21, 1843. l'214. 1 2 Constant, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, and Phebe 31. Pratt of Pawtncket, married by Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 20, 1844. 1 3 Willard of Seekonk, of Samuel, and Celesta Lyon of Paw- tucket, of Obed, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 1, 1846. Int. Dec. 12, 1845.' 1 5 Samnel H., 2d marriage, born Reboboth, of Samuel, and Mary Ann Kent, born and of Seekonk, of Simon, married bv Rev. J. C. Welch Nov. 29. 1849. Int. Nov. 10, 1849. r234. 2 6 Daniel J., aged 24, born Connecticnt, of Providence, of Sam- uel and Hannah, and Harriet Wlieeler, aged 23. born and of Rehobolii, of Sebra and Lucinda, inarried by Rev. James O. Barney July 30, 1856. 2 7 Mary, aged 25, born and of Seekonk, of .\nson and Eliza- beth, and Edward R. Wheeler, aged 31, 2d marriage, born and of same place, of Doicas and Sarah, married by Rev. James (). Barney June 3, 1858. Int. June 1, 1858. 2 5. 2 8 Constant, aged 42, 3ii marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Anson and Mary, and Mary A. Greenman, aged 47, 2d marriage, of Providence, married by Rev. T. D. Cook Fcl). 25, 1858. Int. Feb. 23, 1858. 2 5. 2 12 Celesta, aged 35, 2d marriage, born Seekonk, of Pawtucket? daughter of Obadiah and Susan Lyon, and Lemuel Browni aged GO, 2d marriage, l)orn and of Seekonk, of Aaron an d Nancy, married by Rl-v, James O. Barney Oct. 25, 1860. Int. Oct. 25, 1860. 2 9. 2 13 Emily P., aged 26, of Seekonk, of Horace T., and Stephen A. Aplin., Jr, aged 27, born and of Providence, of Stephen A., married by Rev. G. M. P. King Oct. 15, 1861. Int. Oct. 14, 1861. 211. MAURIAfiES AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 131 2 G VICKERY IMai-y A., aged 23, liorn Pawtucket, t.f AuleVioro, of Otis, and Cliarles B. Grillin, aged 24, born Kliodc Island, of Attlchoro, of Pelpg and Lucy Ann, niairied by Rov. Henry G. Stewart .Ian. IS, 1857. Int. Jan. 18, 1S,''>7. 2 4. 2 8 Otis, aged 30, horn Uxbridge, of Pawtuckel, of Otis and Julia, and Ann F. Brown, aged 18, of Pawtueket, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 14, ]8.').S. Lit. Oct. 14, LS.58. 2 {■>. 1 3 VINCKNT Lydia M. and Capt. Harvey Mason, 'id marriage, both of Seckonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Dec. 2, 184G. Int. Nov. 1, 184G. 1 226. 2 2!) VOLKER Ellen P.. aged 21, born Piovidence, of East Provi- dence, of Jacob and Ellen jM., and Ezra C. Franklin, aged 43, 2d marriage, born Noith Kingstown, of East Provi- dence, of Sylvester R. and Abby A., married by Rev. C. D. Harp Aug. 9, 18;»3. Int. Aug. !», 18i»3. •) ■> I . -M56 VOSE George A. of North Providence and Pliebe M. Daven- port of Seckonk, mairied bv Rev. James O. liarncy April 24, lfS31. Int. April 3, 1831. I 177. w - 119 WADE Polly and Ebenezer Bishop, both of Seckonk, married liy Rev. "John Hill Oct. 2."), 1.S12. Int. Sept. 20, 1812. f 120. - 123 Lewis, .Ir., and Il.airiet Bowen, both of Seckonk, married by Rev. John Hill Dec. 1, 1814. Int. Nov. 4, 1814. 1 125. -114 Anna B. of Seckonk and Ca|)t. John Edmunds of Providence, married l)y Rev. James O. Barney May 31, LS.'IG. Int. May S, 1836. 1 194. - 132 WADLOW James and Elizabeth Cooke, both of Seckonk, mar- ried by AppoUas Cushman, Esq., Jan. 7, 1821. Int. Dec. 24, 1.S20. 1 141. - 157 AVALCOTT Sarah Ann of Seckonk and Lliiah Benedict of Smithtield, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 14, 1833. - 127 WALDEN Mrs. Polly and Edward Freeman, residcr.ts (jf Sec- konk, married bv Appollas Cushman, Esq., Feb. 14, 181G. Int. Jan. 20, 1816. 1 129. - 1 WALKER Eunice, of Capt. Timothy and Molly, and Hon. Pb.a- uuel Bishop, of Phanucl and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 179G. - 125 Nancy of Seekonk and Horace Evans of Lyndon, Vt., mar- ried by Rev. John Hill April 23, 1815. Int. April 13, 1815. 1 12G. - 126 -Sally and Peter H. Brown, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Oct. 22, 1815. Int. Oct. 6, 1.S15. 1 127". - 131 Betsey of Seekonk and James Bowen of Rehoboth, married bv Rev. John Pitman June 10, 1819. Int. April 17, 1819. ri3G. - 132 Caleb of Seekonk and Keziah Barney of Rehoboth, married by Rev. John Pitman Oct'. 14, 1819. Int. Aug. 8, 1819. 1 137. - 133 Lucy Ann of Seekonk and Capt. Samuel Davis of Portland, 132 VITAL IMCCOlil) OF RHODI-: 1SLAN1>. WALKER : Me., inanied by Rov. .lolui Pitman May I'l, 1820. Int. March 11, ISi'O. 1 138. - 13.5 Esther ami Xatlianiel Iile, .Jr., both of Seekonk. tnarriert by Rev. .lohii Pitman Jnne 25, 1821. Int. June 8, 1821". 1 144. - 13y Lydia of Seekonk and JNIilton Ingraliain of Atlleboio, married "bv Rev. .lolm Pitman May 23, 1822. Int. Mav 5, 1822. Tug. - 140 Sarah and .lohn J. Bishop, bulli of Seekonk, married bv Rev. Bartlett Pearce March 30, 1824. Int. Pel). 28. 1824". 1 154. - 137 Jedida and Lyman Dexter, botli of Seekonk, mariied by Apiiollas C'nsliman, JCsc]., Nov. 5. 1822. - l.Vi Aiviila and F.dward Dextei', Jr., both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Biirtlett Pearce Feb. 7, 1825. Int. Jan. 2.*, 1825. 1 1.5S. - 151 Gilliert and Abby AVlieeler, botli of AVellington, mariied by Rev. Barilett Pearce Sejit. — , 1825. - 151 Alfred and llnldahB. Perry, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce, Dec. 8. 1825. Int. Nov. 13, 1825. 1 162. - 151 Zaciiariali and Lydia Ide, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce May — , b'^2(;." Int. April 15, 1826. 1 164. - 156 Ennice B. and Henry H. Dexter, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James O. Barnev Nov. 13, 1828. Int. Oct. 10, 1828. 1 174. - 157 Henrietta of .Seekonk and .\bner Lewis of Ware, marrietl Ijy Rev. James (). Barney Nov. 23, 1831. - 157 C'a|)t. Lewis and Saiah Comstock, both of Seekonk, marrieil bv Rev. James (). Barney Dec. 16, 1832. Int. Nov. 18, 1832. 1 181. - 118 Enos and Mrs. Levinn Iloyt, both of .Seekonk, married at Somerset by Rev. Elisha Sk'de J idy 19, 1840. Int. Juno 30, 1840. 'l 205. 1 1 Edwin R. and Emily Gleazen. l)oth of Attlcboro, married by Rev. John C. Welch May ID, 1843. 1 6 Leonard, 2d, of Samuel, and Kliza Lathe Barney, of Rev. James O.. both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Oct. 10, l.s4i». Int. .Sept. 22, 1849. 1 234. 1 7 Epiiraim, aged 32, of Capt. Simeon and Nancy, and Susan Briggs, aged 21, of George A. and Lydia. both born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney April 4, 1852. Int. March 30," 1852. 1 245. 1 8 Bradford, 2d marriage, born Digliton, of Canandainuia, N. Y., of Perez and Chloe, and Lois T. Peck, aged 36, born and of Seekonk, of Nathaniel and Mary, married by Rev. A. D. Williams Dee. 22, 1852. Int. Dec. 21, 1852. I 248. 2 9 Thomas, aged 54, 3d mariiage, born England, of Pawtucket, of Peter and Helen, and Sarah IIo|ikins, aged 42, 2d mar- riage, born Milton, N. IL, of Cumberland, daughter of Thomas and Olive Remick, mariied by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 11, 1851). Also 2 10. Int. Sept. 17, 1859. 2 7. Also 2 8. 2 11 William II., aged 21, born and of .Seekonk, of Lewis and JIARRIAGES AND INTKNTIONS — SEt:K(lNK. 133 WALKER : Sarali, and Elniira I). W'licoler, aged !'.•, Imin East Doug- lass, of Ceiitredalf, of Asa and Alzada, manied by Rev. JaniL'S O. Barney March 19, 18C0. Int. INIareli 17, 1860. •2 9. 2 12 George Halsey, aged 29, liorn Seekonk, of W'>. Int. Oct. 0, 18o5. 2 3. 2 21 Grace E., aged 20, born anv. 2;"), 1.S47. Int. Nov. U), 1,S47. 1 '229. - 114 WKLCII Mary C. of Soekonk and Ovveu Lavvicnce of Sand- wich, now a lesident of Seekonk, married bv Kev. Ray Potter Nov. 18, 1822. Int. Nov. 4, 1821. 1 "l45. 2 31 James A., aged 30, born New York, of Pawtncket, of Reu- ben A. and Helen (Risley) Welch, and Robj- Anna Cole, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of AVilliam M. and Harriet (Peri-v) Cole, mari-ied by Rev. Thos. 15. Foster Api'il 24, lS'.i."i.' - 159 WELLS Angelina D. and P'rance? McGiiire. both of Seekonk, married by Rev. Ilemv Clark Jan. 4, isy,"). Int. Dec. 18, 1834. 1 188. - 114 Dr. Thomas of Columbia, S. C, and Jane Elizabeth Bnck- lin of Seekonk, married bv Rev. James (). Barnev July 30, 183;"). Int. Aug. 24, 1833. 1 192. 1 6 Mary E. of Seekonk and George W. P. Greene, born Coven- try', of Seekonk, of AVaterman, married at Raynham liy Rev. M. Carver Aiuil 29, 18-19. Int. Ai.rd 'l5, 1849. 1 233. 2 17 Blary P., aged 28, 2d marri ige, born and of Seekoids. daugh- ter of Calvin and Emeline L. Peck, and Frank II. Burr, aged 32. born Newton, Ct., of Providence, of Nathan H. and Currance, married bv Kev. N. B. Wilson July 1, 1874. - 120 WEST Joseph, Jr., and Poflv Chatfee, both of Seekonk, mar- ried bj Rev. John Hill liec. G, 1812. Int. Nov. 1, 1812. 1 120. - 123 Henry of Swanzev and Sophia Radloff of Seekonk, married bv Rev. John Hill Oct. IC, 1814. Int. Seiit. Pt, 1814. f 124. - 132 Patience and Josluia Read, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Dec. 2G, 1819. Int. Dec. 4, 181;). 'l 138. - 136 Enock of Seekonk, of Joseph, and Susan B. Hood, of War- ren, of Noble, married by Rev. Jordan Rexford Jan. 19, 1823. Int. Jan. 11, 1823. 1 149. - 151 Natlian and Abliy Barney, l)oth of Seekonk, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Aug.— , 1825. Int. July 25, 1825. 1 KiO. - 151 Mary Ann and Abrani 0. Bourne, married by Rev. Bartlett Pearce Seiit. — , 1826. Int. Aug. 14, 1826"! 1 166. 1 S Mahala of Seekonk and Lewis R. Pardee of Rchol)oth, mar- ried by Rev. Waterman Pearce Oct. 12, 1845. Int. Sept. 27, 1845. 1 224. 1 S Joseph G. and Elizabeth Ann Barney, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. Waterinau Pearce Nov. 17, 1845. Int. 0(;t.. 26, 1845. 1 224. 1 5 Joseph, of Joseph, and Betsey Ann Idc, of Jlarcelhis, !)otlr. born and of Seekonk, married l)v Rev. John C. Welch (Jet. 28, 1849. Int. Oct. 9, 1849. "l 234. 1 4 Mary N. of Seekonk and Wheeler N. Smith of Rehoboth, married bv Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 4, 1847. Int. Oct. 13, 1847. 1 229. 1 6 Elizabeth A., aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Joseph and Polly, and Stafford Short, aged 25, born Barrington, of 136 VITAL KKCOIM) OK KHODK ISLAND. AVEST : Seekonk, of John, iiKinicd by Rev. Henry G. Stewart July 4,1.^50. Int. July 3, l.s:,0. 1236. 2 10 Henry B., aged 21, of Nathan and Abby, and Mary F. Cliaffee, aged 17, of Bozworth and Henrietta, mairied by Eev. James O. Barney Oct. 2G, IS.VJ. Int. Nov. 10, 185'.l. 2 b. 2 i:? Nathan 1\I., agc. 2 17 William, aged 24, l)orn and of Seekonk, of Valorious and Gharlolte, and Ilellcn M. Perry, aged 24, born and of New IJedford, of Kllis and Delia 15., married Iiy Rev. F. ITp- ham April C, IHO',). Int. Aiu'il 2, l.SC'J. 2 15. 2 8 AVFSTGATE Mary F., aged 18, of Pawtueket, of Nathanicd and B . and Charles W. Bates, aged 22, born Cranston, of Pawtueket, of Daniel and Hannah, mari'ied by Rev. ■James O. Barney . 1858. Int. Nov. 15, 1858. 2 6. 2 9 Joseph L. of Seekonk, of Joseiih and Mary, and Lucy Ann Reynolds, born and of said place, of Isaac and Freelove, married liy Rev. James (). Barney April Ki, 1859. Int. A|inl 15, "l,S59. 2 7. 1 4 WFTHFRBV Benjamin G. and Aliliy I. Keenor. botli of See- koidv, married by Rev. James (). l>arney Jan. 1, 1848. Int. Nov. 25, 1847. 1 229. 6 S WHFATON Peter II. and Martha Wheeler, Dec 28, 1800. - 118 Hannah and Samuel Nelson Willmarlli, married by James Ellis, Esq., Nov. 1, 1812. - 125 James of North Providence and Martha Iloiikins of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Feb. 12, 1.SI5. Ini. Jan. 1, 1815. 1 125. - 126 Josephus of Relioboth and Mary Idc of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Hill Jan. 1, 1816. Int. Nov. 18, 1815. 1 U's. - 126 John of Reholioth and Sally French of Seekonk, married liy Rev. John Hill Feb. 25, 'iSlG. Int. Jan. 17, 1816. 1 129. - 131 Samuel of Relioboth and Mary Abell of Seekoids, married by Rev. John Pitman May 2, 1819. Int. March 27, 181!). 1 130. - 147 William of Swanzey and Nancy Ilealey of Seekonk, married liy Rev. James O. Bainey April 6, "l.s26. Int. Feb. IS, 1826. 1 164. - 154 • Mary and William Ellis, both of Seekonk, married liy Rev. James O. Bainey Feb. 6, 1827. Int. Jan. 16, 1827. 1 168. 17 Nancy B., aged 27, born and of Relioboth, of William and Nancy, and Mase B. Short, aged 24, born and of Attle- boro, of Philip and Matilda, married bv Rev. Henry G. Stewart April 18, 1851. 2 1 John A., aged 25, born Seekonk, of Barrington, of Job and Mary H., and Elizabeth Munro, aged 21, born and of See- 138 VITA I- RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. WIIKATON: . , , „ koiik, of Nathan ami Coruelia D., married by Rev. Henry G. Stewart May 18, 1S.')3. Int. May 17, 185:3. 1 252. 2 15 Louisa H., aged 3o, born and of Seekonk, of Lucas and Louisa, and Frederiek Tluirston Hopkins, aged 25, born Relioboth, of Vermont, of William and Frances, married by Kev. F. IL Buynton Jan. 3, 1«GG. Int. Jan. 1, 18G6. •> 13. 6 S WHFFLER iMarilia and Peter II. Wlieaton, Dec. 2S, 1800. -151 Abl/y and (iilbert Walker, both of Wellington, married by Rev. Bartlett Fearce, Sept. — , 1825. - IGl Matilda M. of Seekonk and Alexander Gardner of Boston, married by Rev. Henry Clark June 27, 183G. Int. May 24, 183(). 1 191. - IIG Georse of Seekonk and Mary r:. Grant of Providence, mar- ried by Rev. John Allen Ang. 12, 1810. Int. July 26, 1840. 1 205. - 113 Olive N. and Fdmnnd Cole, both of Warren, married by Rev. John C. Weljh April 22, 1841. 1 S William of Rehoboth and Cordelia Chaffee of Seekonk, married l)y Rev. John C. Welch Dec. G, 1843. Int. Nov. 20, 1843. 1 213. 2 5 Dexter, aged 40, liurn Relioboth, of Seekonk, of Philip and Bathslidia, and Hannah Hall, aged 37, born Yarmouth, of Seekonk, of William and Polly, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Nov. 21), 1855. 'int. Nov. 27, 1855. 2 2. 2 6 Elizabeth, aged 2G, of Sebra and Lucinda, and Samuel H. Goff. aged 30, of Richard and Elizal)eth, lioth born and of Rehoboth, mairied by Rev. George Matthews July 7, 1856. 2 6 Harriet, aged 23, born and of Relioboth, of Sebra and Lu- cinda, and Daniel J. Viall, aged 24, born Connecticut, of Providence, inai ried by Rev. James O. Barney July 30, 185G. 2 7 Edward R., aged 31, 2d marriage, of Darius and Sarah, and Mary VialU aged 25, of Anson and Elizabeth, both born and of .SeeKonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney June 3, 1858. Int. June 1, 1858. 2 5. 2 11 E^lmira D.. aged I'J, born East Dougl.ass, of Centredale, of Asa and Atzada, and William H. Walker, aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of Lewis and Sarah, married by Rev. James O. Barney March l'.>, 1860. Int. Blarch 17, 1860. 2 9. 2 13 Sarah J., aged 20, born and of Seekonk, of Arnold and Sarah, and Ferdinand G. Dana, aged 24, born Swauzey, of Seekonk, of William IL and Sophia T., married by Rev. James O. Barney Dee. 31, 1861. Int. Dec. 25, 1861. 2 11. 2 19 Hannah, aged 54, 2d mairiage, bom and of Yarmouth, daughter of William and Polly Hall, and Viall Medbury, aged 77, 3d marriage, born Rehoboth, of Seekonk, of John and Abigail, married by Rev. John W. Dodge July 18, 1872. int. July 16, 1872. 2 16. 2 30 Nathan, aged G7, 2d marriage, born Swanzey, of Rehoboth, ;i:lii-iL'(l 1 ■y Kl'v. ])oc. it 1 1.S27. iinrric'd 1 0' Hex. Sciil. 21 1 isai. . Foiand I : Ik'sler MAllRlAtiKS AND INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 139 WHEELER: of Jonathan and Radial (Goff) Wlieoloi-, and Susan liowcn, aged 59, od marriage, born Providence, of Heholiotli, of Lovet and IMay G. (Cole), married liy Rev. Sainnel !S. Barney Ang. 16, 18'.)4. - 123 WIIEELOt'K i)r. Samuel of Seekonk and Harriet B. Allen of Nortii Pr<)viden<>e, married by Rev. John Hill Ang. 21, 1814. Int. Jidy 3. ISU. 1 12-1. - 133 AVHITAKER Belsey of Seekonk and Enos Steere of (ilocester, R. I., mnrried by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 23, 1820. Int. Oct. 20, l.s-iO. 'l 140. - 14G Perley of Seekonk and William Handy of Noitli Bridgewater, married liy Rev. Asa Kent at I'rovidence Ang. 27, 182G. Int. June"l4, 182C. 1 165. - 155 Joel and Almira Fitts, botii of Seekonk, n James O. Barney Dec. 23, 1827. Int. 1 172. - 157 Mary and Lemuel Perry, hotli of Seekonk, n James (). Barney Oct. 27, 18;;i. Int. 1 17)S. - 153 Harriet and Josei)h Martin, married by Re March 7. 1833. Int. Feb. 2, 1.S33. " 1 1S2. - Ill Abby 1). W. of Seekonk and Allen M;;nro, Jr., of Bristol, married by Rev. Jolm V. Welch JNIay I'.i, 1S41. Int. May 2, 1841. 1 20.S. 1 6 Patience B., widow, liorn and of Seekonk, and Grace Greene, born Coventrv, of Seekonk, of Waterman, married by Rev. James O. B.arney Ai^ril 1, 184!t. Int. March 4, 1.S49. 1 233. 1 7 James M., aged 27, born Bristol, of Seekonk, of Asa and Nancy, and Esther Brown, aged 19. born and of Seekonk, of Benjamin J., married by Rev. Thorndike C. Jameson Fell. 5, 1852. Int. Feb. 4, 1852. 1 245. 2 1 Martha C, aged 37, born and of Seekonk, of Abner and Nancy, and William F. Knapp, ,aged 26, born Seekonk, of Attleijoro, of Freeman and Lydia, married by Rev. Goige W. Wallace June 12, 1.S53. Int. Jinie 9, 1853. 1 253. 2 1 Polly, aged 5'.», 1st marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Abel, and David Kellv, ased 55, 4th marriage, born Glocester, R. I., of Seekonk", of Isaiah and Phebc, married I'y Rev. James O. Barney July 3, 1853. Int. July 2, 1853. 1 253. 2 3 Hiiam, aged 32, born and of Seekonk, of Abner and Nancy, and Susan F. Chambers, aged 24, born Providence, of See- konk, of James and Susan, married by Rev. George Matthews Dec. 31, 1851. Int. Dec. 30, 1854. 2 2. 2 5 David F., aged 24, of Joel and Almira, and Mary FL Webber, jiged 24, of Ezekiel and Betsey 0.. both born and of See- konk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 24, 185G. Int. J,an. 21, 1856. 2 3. 2 7 Susan II., aged 18, born and of Seekonk, of Joel and Almira, and William Ross, aged 30. 2d marriage, born Providence, of Seekonk, of 'riiouws and Sarah, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 13, 1858. Int. Jan. 12, 1858. 2 5. 2 24 Clara F., at^ed 28, born and of Seekonk, of James M. and 140 VITA I, HKCOKO OF RHOnK ISLAND. WIIITAKER: Estliei-, and II'Taoe Oimj-, agod .".2, bom Sornorset, of Re- liobotli, of William A. and Ruth H., married l>y Rev. George II. Tilton .Jan. U, 188,3. Int. Jan. 11, 1883. 2 21. 2 2.1 DeForest B., aged 24, born and of Seekonk, of James M. and Esther 15 . and Emma E. Butler, aged 2.3, born Provi- dence, of Helioboth, of Tiiomas (t. and Mercy E., married by Rev. Georoe II. Tilton Dec. 31, 1883. Int. Dec. 24, 1883. 2 22." 2 28 Eliza J., aged .')1, 1st marri.age, born Nashua. N. II., of Holyoke, of Edward and Manila, and Eli I. Brackett. aged 56, 2d marriage, bfirn Connecticut, of Ilolyoke, of William A. and Louisa, married liy Solon Carpenter, Esq., July 1.5. 1890. 1 S WHITE Mary of Seekonk and Constant Cole of Rehobotb, married by Rev. Waterman Pearee Dec. 29, 1847. Int. Dec. 11, 1847. 1 229. 2 2 Mary E., aged 20, born and of North Providence, of William and .Sarah, .-uid George W. Sweet, aged 23, liorn and of Pawtucket. of William and Nancy E., married l)y Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 8, 18.i3. 2 6 WHITELEY George E., aged 22, born Dighlou, of Taunton, of Josei)li and Mercy, and (Catharine Dyei', aged 22, born Ireland, of Taunton, nv.uried by Rev. George Matthews Feb. 18. 18 ".7. 2 8 WIIITFORD AVilliam F., aged 22, born Providence, of See- konk, of Caleb and Beulah, and Mary Jane Griswold, aged 19, boi'ii Connecticut, of Seekonk. of Alba and Ilnl- dah, married by Rev. II. :\I. I'.ixbv Feb. 3. 18,j9. Int. Feb. 13, l<8.i9. 2 G. 2 23 WHITING Thomas, aged 29, born and of Portland, Uc, of I'atrick, and ]Minnie F. Lascomb, aged 20, born and of New Bedford, married liy William P. Gammons. Jr., Esq., Tuarch 31. l.S.Sl. Int. March 31, 1881. 2 20. - 158 WIHTMARSII Susan B. and Jonathan Munro, both of vSce- konk, married by Rev. .lames O. Barney P'eb. 18, 1834. Int. Feb. 2, 1831. 1 isi. - 158 Mary B. of Seekonk and .lohii (ircgorv of Boston, married by Rev. James O. Barney Get. (i, i8.34. Int. Seiit. 12, 1834. 1 1.S7. 2 2 AVHITNEY Anna W., aged 18, born Franklin, of Attleboro, of Arnol, and John (^uimley, Jr., born Easlon, of Attle- boro, of John, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Jlay 21. 1854. - 138 WHITTEMORE Joseoli and Anstress Case, married by Rev. Ray Potter April 8, 1824. Int. March 27, 1824. 1 154. 2 3 WILBUR Doretta K., aged 17, born R.aynham, of Rehoboth, of Royal and Polly, and William L. Smith, aged 21, born and of Rehoboth, of William and Eliza J., married by Rev. George W. Wallace Dec. 17, 1854. 2 5 Joanna S. L., aged 19, Ijorn and of Seekonk, of Ezekiel ami Amey L., and Reuben II. Gladding, aged 22, born Cum- berland, of Pawtucket, of Chailes and Ruth S., mai-rled by MAUKIACES AND INTKNTIONS — SKKKdNK. 141 WILBUR: Kev. J;iiiics (). B;uiii'y Dec. 2.j, 1855. Lit. Dec. 21, 1S55. 2 2. 1 1 "WILCOX Jciemiali and Ahby M. Richmoiicl, l)oth of Seekonk, inanied by Rev. John C. Welch June 4, 1843. Int. May 20, 184;). 1 215. 2 12 Ainey Francis, aged 20, liorn Soiilli Kinjistown, of Seekonk, of Geori^e G. and JIartlia A., and Luthei' Baker Peck, aged 31, born and of Seekonk, of Asa anvl Betsey, married by Rev. Daniel Rounds Jan. 27, 1861. Int. Jan. 25, 1861. 2 10. 2 32 Agnes F., aged 17. born Attleboro, of Fall River, of ]M:irce- nah B. and Elizabeth II. (Gardner) Wileox, and Frederick ■N. Hollv, aged 22, born ]Manslield, of Seekonk, of William F. and Mary A. (Knapp) HoUey, married by Rev. J. R. Verrv June 24, 189G. - 130 WILLIAMS Gersham of Wellington and Sally L. Lake of Seekonk, married by Allen limit, Ks(j., Nov. 17, 1822. Int. Aug. 30, 1822." 1 147. 1 5 Edward of Cumberland and Eliza Ann B. Boomer of SniitL- (ield, married b^- Rev. James O. Barney Nov. 5, 1.S48, Int. Aug. 3. 1848. 1 231. 1 6 Bradford II. of Attlelioro and Sarah S. Bliss of Attleboro, mariied by Rev. James O. Barne\- June 7, 1849. 2 8 Frank, aged 27. born Russia, N. Y., of Providence, of Peter and Jane, and Mary Melharan, aged 23, 2d marriage, born Ireland, of Providence, of .lames and Alice, married by Viall Medburv, Esq., Mav 2'.l, 1871. Inf. May 2'J, 187f. 2 IG. 2 20 Sarah, aged 21. born Charleston, S. C., of East Providence, of Thomas and Nancy Lockwood, and Cato Slocum, aged 50, 2d marriage, born Bristol, of East Providence, of Jere- miah and Mary, married by Mall Medburv, Esi]., Sept. 28, 1876. Int. Sept. 26, 1876. 2 18. " 2 22 Clara A., aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of Baylies and Mary E., and James B. Berry, aged 21, born and of Paw- tucket, of Thomas L. and Sarah R., married by Joseph Brown, Esq., Oct. 9, 1878. Int. Oct. 7, 1878. 2 19. 2 25 William Herbert, aged 23, born Westerly, of Seekonk, of William A. and Jlary J., and Emily Elizabeth Fineniore, aged 18, born East Providence, of Seekonk, of Albert M. and Mary, married by Rev. (4eorge II. Tilton Jan. 25, 1884. Int. Jan. 25. 1884. 2 22." 2 32 Frederick Martin, aged 25, born Seekonk, of Providence, of Henry J. and Mary (Torence) Williams, and Ilattie Josephine Miller, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of John and Mary (McCartliv) ISIiller, married by Rev. Dennis Johnson Feb. 18, 1896. - G3 WILLMARTII John, of Daniel, and Rachal Fuller, of Ebenezor, Feb. 14, 1.S02. - 118 Samuel Nelson and Hannah Wheaton, mari'ied liy James Ellis, Esq., Nov. 1, 1812. - 125 Samuel Nelson and Candace Luther Cari)enter, both of See- 142 VITAL RKCOUD OF IIHODE ISLAND. WILLMARTH : konk, inairiud liv Rev. .Toliii Hill A;)nl r,, 1>'1.>. lut. March l"-', 1«15. 'l 126. -112 Julia A. of Attleboro and Otis Williuartli of Providonce, manied l)y Hcv. James O. lianioy Jlay 11, 1S42. - 112 Otis of Providence and Julia A. ■\Villmartli of Attleboro, man-iod by Rev. James O. Barney May 11, 1«42. 1 S Nancy of Attleboro and Henjamiii Carpenter of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. John W. Colwell Nov. 8, 1.S48. Int. Oct, 7, 1843. 1 217. 1 3 William L. of Providence and l.ydia B. Carpenter of See- konk, manied by Rev. John C. Welch Nov. 27, 1845. Int. Nov. (;, 184."). 1 224. 1 '.) Martha, aged 42, 2d marriage, lioin Providence, of Seekonk, dauiihter of George Wilcox, and Spencer S. Carpenter, aged .').'). born and of Seekonk, of Otis and Mehitable, married by Rev. John Ilawson Sept. r>, 18.i3. 2 2 George A., "aged 27. born Rehoboth, of Seekonk. of George W.^and Ruth, and Harriet Bourne, aged 20, born and of Seekonk, of Kli and Rebecca, married by Rev. George W. Wallace Jan. !l, 18.i4. Int. Jan. 7, 1854. 1 255. 2 21 Abbv M. I)., aged 17, born and of Seekonk, of Paschall E. and IMary, aiid Leonaid S. Almy, aged 22, born New Bed- ford, of Kast Piovidcnce, of S.'E. A. and Sarah J., mar- ried by Rev. George II. Tilton July 11, 1878. 2 22 Mary A., aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Paschall and Mary, and Frank E. Luther, aged 27, l)orn and of Reho- both, of Ira and Nancy, married by Rev. George H. Til- ton April 20. 1880. •2 24 Ilattie JI., aged 24. born Attleboro, of Seekonk, of George A. and Harriet (Brov.n) Willmartli, and George W. Livsey, aged 22, l)orn JNIillhuiy, of Attleboro, of John T. and Ara- bella L. (Barrows) Livsey, married by Rev. Samuel M. Beals Sept. 11. 1883. 1 3 WINCHESTER Oilman K. of I'rovidenee and Mary C. Parker of Warren, married by Rev. Jolni C. Welch Jan. 1, 1847. - 117 WINN Marcena E. and 'Catharine Lyon, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney July 7, 183'J. Int. June •.'3, 183'.)." 1 202. - 11! Marcenna of Seekonk and Mehitable S. Wood of Attleboro. married bv Rev. John E. Welch Aug. 22, 1.S41. Int. Aug. 8, 1811. "l 208. 2 18 Kate S., aged 21, of Seekonk, of Marcenna C. and Matilda, and Willard A. Short, aged 20, born Attleboro, of See- konk, of Willard C. and Almira B., married by Rev. Wil- liam B. Heath Dec. 1, 1870. Int. Nov. 10, 1870. 2 15. - 11',) WINSOR Mary of Seekonk and William Blackiugton of AVrentham, married by Rev. John Hill April 20, 1812. Int. April 12, 1812. "l ll'J. - 135 WINTER Sally and Alvin Tis'lale, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Pitman Nov. 4, 1821. - 121 WOOD Sallv and Comfort Bishop, Jr., both of Seekonk, mar- ried bv Rev. John Hill June 20, 1813. Int. Feb. 5, 1813. 1 121." MARKIAGKS AND IN'TliNTKiNS — 8EEKONK. 143 - 158 AVOOD Culviii T. ;iii;il Kent, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. John Allen May 14, 1840. Int. April 29, 1840. "l 204. 1 6 Erastns M., of John P., and JIaria Carpenter, of Wooster, bf)th born and of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch Oct. 1. lS."i0. Int. Sept. — , l.s.')0. "l 237. 1 o WOODWORTH John A. of Fall River ami Caroline A. Dag- sett of Seekonk, of Robert, married by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 14, 184.S. 2 19 WORTIHNGTON Almira W., aged 29, 2d marriage, born Pawtneket, "f Seekonk, daughter of Sylvester W. and 3Iary Cclviii, and John H. Leonard, aged 21, born Providence, of Seekonk, of George A. and Emilv J., married by Rev. William B. Heath INIareh 2.S. l,s72. " Int. March 2.S," 1872. 2 16. 2 21 William F., aged 20, liorn Pawtneket, of Seekonk, of John W. and G.W.. and Mary A. B. DeBlois, aged 18, born Newport, of Seekonk, of Gilbert and Martha, married by Rev. Mr. Johnson Sept. .'), 1877. Int. Sept. 3, 1877. 2 19. 2 13 WRIGHT Sarah E., aged 18, boin Somerset, of Swanzey, of John G. and Eliza A., and William L. Peirce, aged 23, boin and of Rehobotli, of .labez M. and Abigail, nnirried b^' Elder Waterman Pearce April 11, 1861. 2 23 Herbert B., born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Leonard B. and Loiza B., and Jeniue M. Fish, aged 18, born Wrentham, of Seekonk, of Frederick W. and Mary E., inairied liy MAUUIAGKS AXI> INTEiNTlON.S — SKEKONK. 145 WRIGHT: Rev. James L. Fciicc Fell. •-', ISM. Int. Keh. i>, l.s.Sl. 2 -JO. X Y Z 2 2 YATES C.ii'oliiie Russell, aged 2.'i, born Stodgliton, of Seekonk, of Joseijli iind .Mary A., and Rev. Sniilli ]\. Goodenougli, aged 3(;, 2d mai'iiage, born Maine, of Nevvaik, N. J., of Naliani and Sarah S., married by Rev. James O. Barne}' Oct. 13, 1853. Int. Oct. 12, 1853. 1 2.V1. 2 5 Elizabetli R., aged 23, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Jo- seph and INIaitha A., and Jolin F. Allen, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Benjamin and Hannah, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 9, LSaG. Int. Jan. 9, 185G. 2 2. 2 21 YORK Henry, aged 40, born South Carolina, of Seekonk, of Demce and Fruey. and Ellen Anna Booth, aged 2'), born and of Frovidence, of Waller and Fanny, mairied by Rev. Nel.son H. Tiirpin June 2.S, 1877. - 156 YOUNG David and Fliza Mallhewson, both of Seekonk, mar- ried by Rev. James O. Barney Jan. 4, 1829. Int. Dec. 7, 1828. 1 174. - 156 Zenus C. of Troy, Mass., and Mary A. Hmit of Seekonk, married by Rev. James O. Barney Dec., 29, 1830. 1 1 Solomon W. of FrovidiMiee and Knieline F. Short of Seekonk, married by Rev. John C. Welch March 31 , 1844. Int. March ir),"l844. 1 220. Section II. Intentions Whose Marriages Avere Solem- nized in otlier Towns. 237jrABBOTT Lydia A., aged 21, bom Seekonk, daiiahter of Arden, and John G. Bliss, agwl 23, bom Eetiobotb, sou of Cyrus, , 1.S50. 122 ABELL Lois and Ezra Franklin, both of Seekonk, Dec. 18, 1813. 150 Capt. Daniel H. of Seekonk and Mrs. Mary Allen of Reho- botl), April 16, 1823. 180 Caleb, Jr., of Seekonk and Rebecca Baker Goff of Rehoboth, Jan. 22, 1832. 153 ALDRICH Hiram of Seekonk and Damaries Phillips, of Sraitli- field, Dec. 6, 1823. 158 Hiram and Lncy Cole, both of Seekonk, Jan. 'J, 1825. 171 Sarah of Seekonk and San)uel Mnnro (^f Providence, Sept. 16, 1827. 121 ALLEN Otis and JMary Ann Marsden, both of Seekonk, March 27, 1813. 122 Eliza of Barrington and John Medbury, Jr., of Seekonk, Dec. 11, 1813. 122 Roxalanay of Seekonk and Peter Brownell of Providence, Dec. 17, 1813. 150 Mrs. Mary of Reholjoth and Cai.t. Daniel H. Abell of See- konk, April 16, 1823. 153 William and Lucinda Coggeshall, both of Seekonk, Nov. 9, 1823. 154 Rev. Renben of Seekonk and Phebe Leonard of Tannton, March 12, 1824. 160 Dexter of Rehoboth and Eleanor Wood of Seekonk, Jnue 7, 1825. 172 Jeremiah B. of Seekonk and Julia M. Rawson of Barrington, Dec' 29, 1827. 172 Lydia of Rehoboth and Kent Grant of Seekonk, Jan. 5, 1828. 178 Martha W. of Barrington and Oliver Brown of Seekonk, Sept. 3, 1831. 148 vita;, Kiicoiii) of. uhodk island. 1 i;)4 ALLEN Eziu of Seekoiik nml Harriet Biirnoy of Swanzey, June 3, 183(;. 1 205 SaimK'l, .Tr., (Allvn)of Seekonk and M.'iry Ann Taj'lor of Pawtuckot, .Inly 18, 1840. 1 206 Capt. Wln'utoii of Seekonk anil Maria Hail of Wanen, Sept. 13, 1810. 1 21.") Georoe H. (Alh'n) of Seekonk and Julia M. Fuller of Relio- botli, ISIarcIi"-!, 1843. 1 23.') Nancy of IJeliobotli and .Joseph Grant of Seekonk, June 5, 18.^0. 2 4 Ambrose Leonard and Caroline Ball Sejit. 1, 1856. 2 28 ALMAUA Mary, aged 28, of Jose and Rosa, and Krank Law- rence, aged 25, of Manuel and Rosa, bolli born Western Isles and of Seekonk, Jan. 7, 181)5. 1 137 ANDERSON Jolui of Seekonk and Martha Morrison of Bos- ton, Oct. 10, 1819. 2 22 Joanna P., aged 21, born Sweden, of Seekonk, of Andrew and Joanna, and Frank R. Reniinglou, aged 22, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Benjaniin W. and Mary A., July 24, 1884. 1 119 ANTHONY Oavid of Rehobotli and Loretta Bishop Wheaton of Seekonk, April '.», 1812. 1 172 Jeremiah N. and 'I'liankful B. Kelley, botli of Seekonk, Jan. 20, 1828. 2 1 Andrew .1., age(l 21, born Mendon, of Seekonk. of David R., and Harriet N. Martin, aged 19, born and of Seekonk, of lose])!! and Hariict, June 4, 1854. 1 131 ARMINGTON Asa W. of Seekonk and Lucv Fuller of Rel.o- both, Oct. 28, 1816. 1 142 Chloe of North Providence and William Brown of Seekonk, March 18, 1821. 1 162 Almira of Seekonk and Dea. John Sanger of Woodstock, Nov. 6, 1825. 1 196 Francis of Ciiarlton and Lydia M. Merry of Seekonk, April 2, 1837. 1 211 Salla J. and George 0. Carpenter, both of Seekonk, March 19,' 1842. 1 213 Cliarles of Providence and Mehitalile C. "Woodward of See- konk, Nov. 10, 1842. 1 222 William of Seekonk and Bi'tsev Burlinganie of Sniithfield, Dec. 31, 1844. 1 220 Francis and Caroline A. Mcdbury, both of Seekonk, Nov. 8, 1847. 1 120 ARNOLD John, a resident, and Charlotte Chaffee of Seekonk, Sept. 13, 1812. 1 147 Zilpha of Smithlield and Eldiedge Nickerson of Seekonk, Aug. 11, 1822. 1 193 IMary S. of Uxbridge and Seba Caroenlerof Seekonk, Feb. 5. 1836. 1 226 David A. of Pavvtuckct ami Eliza A. F. Car[)enter of See- konk, Nov. 1, 1846. 1 236 ASHER Ann Eliza, aged 22, of Barrington, anil Geoige H. Medbur^', aged 20, of George, Aug. 19, 1850. INTENTION.S — .SKKK( iKK. 149 1 227 AUSTIN George M. of MansliuUl ami Kliza F. Ilolnios of See- kouk, Dec. 23, 1816. 1 24") Louisanna, aged 24. 2d niarriage, born Sockouk, of Attle- boro, daiighler of Freeman and Lydia Knapp, and John N. Munio, aged 30, liorn and (jf RcIioImjUi, of )?enjamin and Ruth, Feb. 15, 18.J2. B 122 BAKER Lewis and lietliania Lewi.s, both of Seekoiik, Get. 30, 1813. 12'J Zenas of Seekonk and Relieeca Ro. 1 201 BARNEY John W. of Suukonk and Nancy S. Hicks, of Relio- botli. Nov. 2o. 18;JK. 1 203 David W. of Kehoboth and Elizabeth II. Miller of Scekonk, Dec. 5. 1S3',1. 1 200 Caleb of Reholioth and R.ilij- Wood of Seckonk, Sept. I'l, 1.S40. 1 213 Caleb R. of Providence and Sarah II. Medbnry of Seekonk, Dec. 1», 1.S42. 1 21'.» Sylvania of Seekonk and Daniel A. Hopkins of Pawtuckot, (not pnblished), March 8, 1844. 1 220 Nathaniel of Seekonk and Olive M. Jones of Providence, March 21, 1844. 1 222 John P. and Jlartlia A. Mason, both of Seekonk, Nov. 23, 1844. 1 234 Jonathan and Nancy M. Whitaker, botli of Seekonk, Dec. 1.'), 1.84'.l. 1 23'.t Elizalieth \V., aged 21, born Swanzey,of James and Amanda, and Elisha W. Pearce, aged 22, born Rchobolli, of See- konk. of Rev. Waterman, Feb. 17, 18."il. 1 172 BARROWS John .S. and Olive Chase, both of Seekonk, Jan. 26, 1828. 1 140 BARTLETT Mrs. Sally of Sniilhlield and Daniel Robinson of Seek1 BRADBIKN James S. of North Providence and Anne C. Siakey of Seekonk, .Inne 8, 182;!. 1 141 BKALKY Ellen W. of Seekonk and Joseph B. Fairnian of Pawtncket, Aug. 22, 1841. 1 11»<; 15RAM.\N :M:\rv and John Barker, l)oth of Seekonk, Jan. 14, 18.S7. 1 172 BRAMLEY Arthur and Alice Butterworth, liotli of Seekonk, Jan. 26, 182.S. 1 211 Elizabeth of Attleboro and Alvah Gray of Seekonk, April 2, 1842. 1 147 BRAY C'rowell and Chloe Bnllingtoi;, both of Seekonk, Aug. 3. 1.S22. 1 201 BRICE Henry of Attleboro and Mary C. Mason of Seekonk, Feb. 16. "l.s;i, of Providence, born Barn- stable, Dec. 10, IKAO. 1 122 BROWN KLL Peter of Providence and Roxalany Allen of See- konk, Dec. 17, 1813. 2 12 William B., aged 52, 2d marriage, born and of Portsmouth, of George and Sarah, and Radial Clark, aged 44, 2d mar- riage, l)orn and of Seekonk, daughter of James and Susan Short, April 16, 1864. 1 230 BRYER Elizabeth of Newport and Leander Dnnwell of See- konk. JNIarch 3, 1848. 1 121 BUCKLIN Dexter of Seekonk and Maria Whipple of Cumber- land, Oct. 16, 1813. 1 124 Benjamin and Anna French, both of Seekonk, Alay 1, 1814. 1 144 AYillaid D. of Seekonk and Phebe Waldron of VVellingtou, Sept. 16, 1821. 1 144 Betsey and Squire French, both of Seekonk, Sei»t. 30, 1821. 1 172 Mary Ann of Seekonk and Ambrose B. AViuslow of Troy, Mass., Dec. 16, 1827. 1 222 Hannah JI. of Seekonk and Joseph Conway of Pawtncket, Nov. It. 1844. 1 147 BUFFINGTON Chloe and Crowell Bray, both of Seekonk, Aug. 3, 1822. 1 162 Almira and Jlerchant Baker, Jr., both of Seekouk, Nov. 13, 1825. 1 119 BULLOCK Calvin of Rehoboth and Polly Thurber of Seekonk, Aug. 28, 1812. 1 155 Gardner W. and Lydia Bishop, both of Seekonk, Jlay 9, 1824. 1 171 Almira W. of Swanzey and Lovel Maxwell of Seekonk, Oct. 20, 1827. 154 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 '201 BULLOCK S;uali Ami of Providence and Allen Hunt, Esq., of Scekonk, Oct. 9, 183.S. 1 137 BURB.INK John and Hnldali B. Slack, both of Seekonk, Aug. 29, i.si9. 1 141) John of Seekonk and Ziljiha Pearse of Middleboro, April 14, 1822. 1 209 Silas T. of Providence and 'Slavy Ann ISIcLane of Seekonk. Aug. 20, 1841. 1 16.'. BURLINGAISIE Kay G. of Cranston and IMatilda W. Dickin- son of Seekonk, April 23, 1N26. 1 1(>7 Esther and .lames Smith, botii of Seekonk, Sept. 2, 1826. 1 222 Betsey of Siuitlilield and William Arniington of Seekonk, Dec. 31. 1,S44. 2 11 BUSIIXELL Roswell M., aged 30. born and of Norwich, and Celinda L. Boomer, bora and of Seekonk, of Aaron and Badana, Feb. 1, 1862. 1 172 BUTTTERWOHTII Alice and Arthur Bramley, both of See- konk, Jan. 26, 1828. 1 134 BUTTS Benjamin of Providence and Louisa Miller of Seekonk, Oct. 29,' 1818. 1 212 Beujamiu E. of Seekonk and Abigail N. White of Warren, Julv 24, 1842. c 1 1.06 CA:MI:R0N James and Nancv Hale Willis, both of Seekonk, July 24, 1824. 1 16',t Isabella and William Francis, both of Seekonk, INIay 6, 1827. 1 136 CAMPBELL Joshua T. of Seekonk and Alniy llelmes of Provi- dence, Aug. .s, 1819. 1 143 Matthew and Margaret Peck, both of Seekonk, April 8, 1821. 1 172 CAPROX Peleg of Cumlierland and Zilpha Crowell of See- konk, Jan. 6, 1828. 2 5 George W., aged 18, born Couueeticnt, of Centredale, of Ed- win and Emeliue, and .Margaret Cunimings, aged 17, born Nova Scotia, of Seekouk, of William and Rebecca, F^eb. 2.S, l,s.5S. 1 122 CARPENTER Asa of Seekonk and Charlotte Idc of Attleboro, Jan. 1.'), 1814. 1 123 George W. of Seekonk and Gloriauna Whipple of North Providence, Feb. 26, 1814. 1 129 IClihu and Esther Turner, both of Seekouk, March 3, 181G. 1 135 Olney and Salla, both of Seekonk, Nov. 19, 1818. 1 147 Draj'ton and Sarah A. Peck, both of Seekonk, May 13, 1822. 1 150 Mrs. Charlotte and Dea. Svlvanus Newman, both of Seekonk, April 12, 1S23. 1 151 George D. of Seekouk and Biinthia Farrell of Chesterfield, Aug. 1, 1.S23. 1 161 Abigail of Kehoboth and Ebenezer Walker of Seekonk, Oct. 8, 1825. 1 161 Adison of Seekonk and :\Iartha B. Brown of Attleboro, Oct. 8, 1825. 177 1S3 191 193 206 211 212 225 22G 2 9 INTENTIONS — SEEKON K. 155 1 160 CARPKNTP:R Calvin of Seekoiilv and Al)liv Tisdale of Taun- ton, Ang. 12, 1826. 1 166 Betsey and Simeon Daggett, both of Seckonk, Ang. 16, 1826. 1 171 Phebe F. of North Providence and Leonard C. Lincoln of Seekouk, Nov. 24, 1827. 1 176 Pklmund of Seekonk and Lcniiia Tiffanj' of Bairingtun, Aug. 8, 1830. Nathaniel and Sally Peck, both of Seekonk, Ang. 13, 1830. Dr. Benoui of Seekonk anti Adaline Everett of Wrentluun, May 9. 1833. Dexter of Seekonk and Emily D. Cooke of Smillifleld, April 25, 183.''). Seba of Seekonk and JLiry S. Arnold of LTx bridge, Feb. 5, 1836. Hannah M. of Seekonk and Ilezekiah Bro^vn of Providence, Oct. 1."), 1840. George C. and Salla J. Armington, lioth of Seekonk, March 19, 1842. Sylvanus of Seekonk and Soiihia Ellct of Sniilhlield, A[)ril 23, 1842. George H. of Seekonk and Elniira Jane Woodcock of Attie- boro, Feb. 28, 1,S46. Eliza A. F. of Seekouk and David A. Arnold of P.-iwtucket, Nov. 1, 1846. CTeoi'ge H., aged 31, liorn and of Kelioboth, of Abel and Abby W., and Elizabetii P. Hunt, born and of Seekonk, of William D. and Lydia, May 1.5, 1860. 1 144 CARR James and Abigail Garzee, liolh of Seekonk, Ang. 30, 1821. 1 169 CARTER Anna B. and Svlvanus Hathaway, both of Seekonk, Maich 25, 1827. 1 243 CARUTHERS Mrs. Elizabeth, aged 28, 2d marriage, born Nova Scotia, of Providence, daughter of Alexander McKeusie, and Sylvanus L. Peck, aged 29, 2d marriage, born Rehoboth, of Sylvanus and Charlotte, Nov. 12, 1851. 1 119 CASE Abigail of Rehoboth and William Bowen of Seekonk, Aug. 25, 1812. 2_4 Sarah H., aged 22, born Dighton, of .Seekonk, of Samuel O. and Saraj], and Nelson W. Britton, aged 26, born P^astoa, of Seekonk, of William and .Maria B., Jlay 2S, 1857. 1 159 CASH Cerence of Smithlield and Enock Sweetlandof Seekonk, Feb. 1, 1825. 1 123 CHACP^ Lucinda of Seekonk and Wheeler Moredock of Plain- field, Ct.. Jan. 28, 1814. 1 130 Elizabetii of Freetowne and Jacoli Cushing, Jr., of Seekonk, Sept. 30, 1816. 1 132 Joanna of Seekonk and Ascl P^ranklin of Providence, Jan. 27, 1817. 1 171 Rebecca and Philip Hill, both of Seekonk, Oct. 1, 1827. 1 172 Olive and John J. Barrows, both of Seekonk, Jan. 26, 1828. 1 238 Cynthia B., aged 35, born Barnstable, of Providence, and Joseph C. Brown, aged 58, 2d marriage, of Seekouk, of Ebenezer, Dec. 10, "1850. 156 VITAL lUX'OUl) OV KHODK ISLAND. 1 120 CIIAFFEK C'luulotte of Seukonk and John Aniolil, a resideut, Sept. 1;^, 1.S12. 1 1-25 William and Sally Sweet, l)otli of Seekonk, Oct. 30, ISU. 1 144 Xancy and George Lake, both of Seekoiik, Sept. 3, 1S21. 1 175 Newinan and Lydia R. ]Medlinry, both of Seekonk, May 10, 182S). 1 ISG Asaph C. of Seekonk and Jane P. Iliiut of Sterling, Ct., May 21, 1834. 1 187 Aaron of Seekonk and ^Iis. Hannah Peck of Warren, Sept. 21, 1834. 1 201 Jonathan and ]\rargaret C. Stepliens, both of Seekonk, Nov. 20, 1838. 1 200 Susan and William II. of Seekonk, Oct. 17, 1840. 1 200 William of Seekouk and Sarah W. Miller of said place, Sept. 1, 1841. 1 214 P>sther W. and John Ilumiihrev, Jr., both of Seekouk, Feb. 0, 1843. 1 22.5 Asa of Seekonk and Mary Ann C'ongdon of Warwick, April 26, 1840. 1 240 Mary, aged 42, of Abel and Sally, and Jonathan Sweet, aged 67, 2il marriage, born Rhode Island, of John and Phebe, Sept. 23, 18,52. 2 14 Almout L., aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of AVilliam and Sarah W., and Sarah A. Sweet, aged 17, born Cuml)erland, of Rehoboth, of Clark and Sarah, Feb. 21, 18C)8. 2 10 Charles, aged i; I, of Bozworth and Henrietta, and Clara C. West, aged 24, of Asai)h C. and Elizabeth, both born and of Seekonk, March 16, 1872. 1 143 CHAPLIN Fliza and Brister Underwood, both of Seekonk, May 27, 1821. 1 220 child" John N. of Providence and Watev S. Bates of Seekonk. Nov. 21, 1840. 1 14.J CLAFLEN Simon and Rebecca Starkweather, Feb. 8, 1822. 1 161 Content of Seekonk aud Rachal B. Nye of Boston, July 31, 182.). 1 166 Henry and JIary Ennis, both of Seekonk, Aug. 26, 1826. 1 137 CLARK John of Smithlield and Polly Ferris of SmitliBeld, Oct. 21, 1819. 1 130 Salira of Seekonk and William Hancer of North Providence, July 9, 1.S20. 1 147 Mary Ann and Daniel Tower, both of Seekouk, June 30, 1822. 1 l(j;) Mary Ann of North Proyideuce aud WilliamFish of Seekonk, Feb. 28, 1827. 2 12 Rachal, aged 40, 2d marriage, born and of Seekonk, daugh- ter of James and Louisa Shcnt, and William B. Browuell, aged 52, 2d marriage, born Portsmouth, of Pawtueket, of George and Sarah, April 16, 1864. 1 222 CLEWLEY AVilliam H. of Providence and Eliza M. Jerauld of Seekonk, Nov. 1, 1844. 1 128 COBB Rev. Alvin of Taunton and Polly Ingraham of Seekonk, Nov. 19, 181.'.. 1 153 COGGESHALL Lucinda and William Allen, both of Seekonk,. Nov. 0, 1823. INTENTIONS — SKKKdNK. 157 1 129 COLE Judetli K. of Seekonk ami .laiiics C'orfray of North ProvitleiiC', Ainil 20, 181(5. Ebeiiezcr B. of .Seekonk and Betsey Kicliaidson of ]\[ansfiekl, Dec. 4, 181G. William of Seekonk and Olive Kichaidson of Mansfield, May 4, 1817. Josepii, -Ir., and Ilannali Daggett, botli of Seekonk, Aug. 24, 1817. Cliristianna of Warren and Cornelius S. Tompkins of See- konk, May 27, 1821. Joseuli of Seekonk and Ann Kliza Rounds of North Provi- dence, .July 18, 1,S24. Almira of Swauzey and Tlmnias Peck of Swanzey, March G, 1825. Celiiida and Jonathan Ide, l)oth of Seekonk, April ■>, 1830. Anson of Providence and Betsey Newman of Seekonk, Jlay 28, 1831. Haivey M. of Seekonk and Almira W. !M. Sherman of Swan- zey. Aug. 21), 1840. Tlionias. 3d, of Seekonk and Maria INIedbnry of Reliohotii, .March 1, 1841. Daniel of Relioliotli and Nancy Walker of Seekonk, May ">, 1.S48. JNIary A. of Keiiol)oth and Wilhaui A. Lewis of Seekonk, Oct. 28, 1848. Thomas, 2d, aged 42, 2d marriage, horn Seelionk, of Altle- boro, of Joseiiii and Hannah, and lAIary A. Medl)ury, aged 36, burn and of Atllebom, of Ebenezer and Aniityr Mareli 28, 18(i0. 1 130 COLLYER Rebecca of North Providence and Samson :\Iartiu of Seekonk, April 30, 1820. 1 240 COLWELL William H., aged 21, born Rhotle Island, of Wil- liam, and Eunice S. Carpenter, aged 21, of .Tob and Eliza, May 9, 1851. 1 192 COMSTOCIv Cynthia of Coventry and Zopher Skinner of See- konk, Sept." 27, 1835. 1 225 CONGDON ^Liry Ann of Warwick and Asa Chaffee of See- konk, April 2G, 184G. 2 9 Joseph, aged 27, born Griswold, of PlanifieM, <_)f James and Mary, and JNLary Greene, aged 23, born and of (iriswold, of Frederick, April 6, 1860. 1 222 CONWAY Joseph of Pawtuckct and Ilainiah M. Bueklin of Seekonk. Nov. 9, 1844. 1191 COOKE Emily D. of Smithfield and Dexter Car[)enter of See- konk, April 5, 1835. 1 131 COOPER Mary and John Smith, both of Seekonk, Nov. 28,. 1816. 1 141 Abel of Seekonk and Mary Newman of Rehoboth, .Ian. 13, 1821. 1 175 Rebecca of Atlleboro and Eli Bourn of Seekonk, July 29, 1829. 1 181 Daniel B. and Harriet Kent, botli of Seekonk, Nov. 11, 1832. 1 211 Abel and Lucy Mason, both of Seekonk, March 13, 1842. 132 133 133 143 155 159 176 178 205 207 230 231 2 8 158 VITAL UKCOIU) OF KHODE ISLAND. 1 i-'-Pi COOPER Ann R. of Seekonk and Ezra Biiker of Pawtucket, Mart'li 21', KS45. 1 201 CORBIN JMartlia of Cmiil)eilai)d and John M. Kent of vSee- konkv Doc. 21, 1838, and .Jan. G, 1839. 1 120 CORFRAY James of North Providence and Jndeth E. Cole of Seekonk, Ai)ril 20. 1810. 1 i:.l CORNELL E;iiza of Warwick and Robert G. Haywood of See- konk, Aug. 3, 1823. 1 170 COTTON Benjamin of Seekonk and Eliza Paine of Fieetowu, Aug. 2, 1827. 1 170 Lemiia W. of Seekonk and James B. Holmes of Providence, Aug. 2i», 1827. 1 130 COZZENS Benjamin, Jr., of Seekonk and Saraii Maria Wlieaton of Providence, April 21, 1816. 1 230 CRAia James A. of New York and Betsey P. Ormsbee of Sfekonk. Dec. 25, 1847. 1 li)7 CRAIN Matilda of Deerfieid, N. H., and Anson E. Perren of Seekonk. Mav 14, 1837. 1 235 William H. of "Seekonk and Julia Ann Lee of Swanzey, Marcli 30, 1850. 1 159 CRANDALL Sylvester and PresciUa Dean, both of Seekonk, March 19, 1825. 1 122 CROSS.MAN Sally of Taunton and Nathaniel Read, Jr., of Seekonk, Dec. 17, 1813. 1 18G Marv Shaw of Seekonk and Darius Hawes of Wreutham, Mav 3, 1834. 1 172 CROWELL Zilpiia of Seekonk and Peleg Cappron of Cumber- land, Jan. (5, 1828. 1 157 CUDWORTH Jesse and Jane McAmorney, both of Seekonk, Oct. 8. 1824. 2 5 CUMMiN(;S IMargaret, aged 17, born Nova Scotia, of Seekonk, of William and Rebecca, and (;eoru;e W. Capron, .aged 18, born Connecticut, of Centredale, of Edwin and Emeliue, Feb. 2.S. 1858. 1 188 CUNNINtHlAM Micah, a resident, and Sarah Bishop of See- konk, Dec. 25, 1834. 1 195 Joseph N. and Sarah Aborn Bishop, both of Seekonk, Nov. 27, 183(;. 1 121 CURIEN Cecelia of Seekonk and George S. Simmons of Ster- ling, Ct., July 11, 1813. 1 130 GUSHING Jacob, Jr., of Seekonk and Elizabeth Chase of Freetown, Sept. 20, 1816. D 1 133 DAGGETT Hannah and Joseph Cole, Jr., both of Seekonk, Aug. 24, 1817. 1 134 Caziah of Seekonk and Alfred Martin of Barrington, Jan. 30, 181, H. .1 163 Henry of Seekonk and Belinda Webster of Freetown, Jan. 7, ^1826. 1 166 Simeon and Betsey Carpenter, both of Seekonk, Aug. 16, 1826. ISTENTION.S — SEEKONK. 159 1 170 DAGGETT Joliii, 2d, of Seekoiik, ami IIann:ili Barney of Bairiiigton, June 13, 1827. 1 184 Jacob of Pawtuckc't and Jalina Ide of Soekonk, Jan. 17, 1834. 1 226 William and Mercy Ann M'lu'ldinsj;. liolh of Seekonk, Aug. 15, 184(;. 1 233 Elizabeth and Joshua Day, both of Seekonk, Aug. 22, 184;). 2 4 Anna J., aged 24, Ijorn and of Pawlueket, of Jeffray and Hannah, and Exra G. Frcncli, aged 23, born and of See- konk, of Ezi'a .and Nancv, Oct. 7, IHhO. 1 153 DARLING John of Seekonk and Lydia Fuller of Sutton, Nov. 23. 1.S23. 1 173 DAVENPOUT Gideon and Lucy Ann Marlile, both of See- konk, June 2, 1828. 1 13G DAVIS Mis. Annah of Reholioth and Lieut. Jonathan Barney of Seekonk, July 17, 18i;i. 1 200 Sarah G. of Piovidence and Andrew AValton of Seekonk, April 15, 1838. 1 233 DAY Joshua and Elizabeth Daggett, l)oth of Seekonk, Aug. 22, 184'J. 1 127 D?>AXE Sally of Dighton and .lohn Woodward of Seekonk, Oct. 7, 1815. 1 135 Asa of Attleboro and Lucy Read of Seekonk, Nov. 2.1818. 1 138 Weaver of Berkeley auil Mary Ann Beers of Seekonk, March 4, 1.S20. 1 139 Patty of Altleboro and Calel) Walker of Seekonk, March 30, 1820. 1 151) Prescilla and Sylvester Craudall, both of Seekonk, JMarch I'J, 1825. 1 202 Zazel of Seekonk and Sarah \Vheeler of Providence, Aug. 17, 1831). 1 232 DENNIS Elizabeth of Sandwich and Joseph B. Fitts of See- konk. Feb. 3, 184'J. 1 148 DEXTER Simeon and Zelinda Walker, both of Seekonk, Oct. 19, 1822. 1 197 John S. of Seekonk and Pollv K. AVeldou of ProvideucCr June 12, 1837. 1 165 DICKINSON Matilda W. of Seekonk and Ray G. Burlingame of Cranston, April 23, 1826. 1 174 Anna and Nathaniel Huntress, both of Seekonk, Jan. 24, 1829. 1 153 DANE Sally of Smithfield and Richard Eldredge of Seekonk, Dec. 20', 1823. 1 140 DRAPER Ira of Seekonk and Elizabeth Arnold Iliggerson of North Providence, Oct. 8, 1820. 1 230 George A. of Attleboro and IMaria 'Whitaker of Seekonk, Jan. 1, 1848. 1 132 DROWN John J. and Maria L. Wightnian, both of Seekonk, Dec. 8. 1816. 1 156 Simeon of Barriugton .a^id Mary Ann Kellev of Seekonk, Aug. 14, 1824. 1 198 Jonathan J. of Barringtou and Elizabeth Viall of Seekonk, Oct. 15, 1837. 160 VITAl, KECOltD OK KHODK ISLAND. 1 US DROWNM.iicy A. M., aged 20, honi Rfliobotb, of Seekouk, of Natlmniol and Mercy, and John W. Kent, aged 32, of John and Bethiah, Feb. 17, 18.53. 2 8 Ahnont C, aged 27, born Rehobotli. of Seekonk, of Joshua and Rosanna, and Harriet E. Fuller, aged 17. born Relio- both, of Wrentham, of Brown and Harriet, Nov. 10, IS.a'.t. 1 238 DUDLEY l\[aria C, aged 1',). of Friend C, and John H. Man- ning, aged 26, of New Bedford, of Charles \V., Dec. 11. 18.50. 1 230 DUNWF;LL Leander of Seekonk and Elizabeth Bryer of New- port, March 3, 1848. E 1C5 EACHFORTH William E. of Providence and Rebecca Sanders of Seekonk, 3Iav 21, 1820. 104 Lucy of Seekonk and John Fallctt of Bristol, April 2G. 1836. 12 EARLE Nathan H., aged 20, born and of Rehobotli. of John and Rebecca, and Celesta O. r>Iartin. aged 24. born and of Seekonk. of Joseph and Nancy, Aiuil 30, 1804. 153 ELDREDGE Richard of Seekonk and Sallv Dane of Smith- field, Dec. 20, 1823. 100 Sabrina and Leander Marchaut, both of Seekonk, July 24, 1825. 173 Betsey and Oliver Fuller, both of Seekonk, March 2, 1828. 212 Ellet Sophia of Sniitlifield and Sylvanus Carpenter of See- konk, April 23. 1842. 102 ELLLS James of Seekonk and Content Philip Sielsbee of Lynn, Sept. 10, 183.5. 160 ELLSBEE James and Amanda F. Read, both of Seekonk, June 25, 1820. 123 ELTON Romeo and Sally Ann Ormsbee, both of Seekonk, April 17, 1814. 150 ENNIS Benjamin of Northbridge and Sally Ryder of Seekonk, April 4, 1825. 106 Mary and Henry Claflen, both of Seekonk, Aug. 26, 1826. 183 EVERETT Adaline of Wreutham and Dr. Benoni Carpenter of ;Seekouk, May 9, 1833. 135 FALKNER Hamilton and Sully H.imilton, residents of See- konk, Nov. 1, 1818. 104 FALLETT John of Bristol and Lucy Eachforth of Seekonk, April 20, 1880. 151 FARRELL Brinthey of Chesterfield acd George D. Carpenter of Seekonk, Aug. 1, 1825. 101 FENNER Joseph \V. and Abigail Snell, both of Seekonk, Aug. 1, 1825. 182 Arnold of Plaiufield. Ct., and Adaline Walcot of Seekonk, March 12, 1833. INTENTIONS SEEKONK. 161 1 137 FERRIS Pollv of Seekoiik and .Iiilm Clark of SinitliReld, Oct. 21, isr.t. 1 157 FIELD Horatio and Content ^A'illmr, both of Scckonk, Nov. 28, 1824. 1 IGl) P'ISH Wiiliani of Seekonk and IMary Ann Clark of North Providence, Feb. 28, 1827. 1 162 FISHER Alniira of Attleboro and William Henrv Titus of See- konk, Oct. 21t, 1825. 1 232 FITTS George B. of Seekonk and Euiilv Rourn of Smitlilield, Nov. 11, 1848. 1 232 Joseph B. of Seekonk and Elizabeth Dennis of Sandwich, Feb. 3, 1849. 1 169 FRANCIS William and Isabella Cameron, both oLh of Seekonk, Dec. 18, 1813. 1 132 Asel of Providence and Joanna Chace of Seekonk, Jan. 27, 1817. 1 124 FRENCH Anna and Benjamin Bucklin, both of Seekonk, May I, 1814. Squire and Betsey Bncklin, both (jf Seekonk, Sept. 30, 1821. Capt. James, Jr., and Marv Peck, both of Seekonk, Julv 7, 1.S22. Samuel of Providence and Ruth Mason of Seekonk, Oct. 9, 1831. Ezra W. of Seekonk and Ruth E. Holmes of Providence, Nov. II, 1842. Baylies of .Seekonk anil Sarah M. Savles of Smitlilielt. 23, 1851. 2 9 Mary, aged 23, born and of Griswold, Ct., of Frederick, and Joseph Cougdon, aged 27, liorn Griswold, of Plainfield, Ct., of James and Mary, April 6, 1860. 2 12 Edward W., aged 24, born C'niiiberland, of Pavvtucket, of Samuel and Ruth, and Adah F. L. B. Mason, aged 23, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of George and Sarah, June 10, 1864. 1 242 GREENMAN Israel I., aged 36, of Pawtuoket, son of Silas, of Newport, and ilazel V. Sloeuni, ased 21, of Pawtuoket, of Eason, July 26, 1851. 1 157 GREGORY Mabel of Freetown and Eason Slocum of See- konk, Oct. 24, 1824. 1 154 GRIDLEY Benjamin of Seekonk and Lucy Roberts of Provi- dence, April 3, 1824. 1 146 GRINMAN Ann and Charles Smith, both of Seekonk, March 24, 1822. 1 158 GRUSH Francis W. and Betsey Welford, both of Seekonk, Dec. 12, 1824. II 1 139 HAIL William of Swanzey and Clarrissa Bowen of SeekonK, July 3, 1820. 1 143 Susan of Providence and George W. INIarsh of Seekonk, May 20, 1821. 1 1G3 Betsey (Haile) of Swanzey and Asa Peck of Seekonk, Dec. 21, 1825. 1 206 Maria of Warren and Capt. Wheaton Allen of Seekonk, Sept. 13, 1840. 1 174 HALL Cornelia I), of New Market, N. IL, and Nathan Muuro of Seekonk, April 25, 1829. 1 202 Brian and Lucy Mason, both of Seekonk, March 23, 1839. 1 159 HAMBLETON Rosanna and Anson Hathaway, both of See- konk, March 23, 1825. 1 135 HAMILTON Sallv and Hamilton Faulkner, residents of See- konk, Nov. 1," 1818. 1 139 HANGER William of North Providence and Sobra Clark of Seekonk, July 9, 1820. 1 211 HANDY Abby M. of Swanzey and Daniel I.Brown of See- konk, Feb. 20, 1842. 1 236 Cynthia L. and AUieit F. Ormsbee, July 21, 1850. 1 147 HARRINGTON James J. and Eliza Shearman, both of See- konk, Aug. 4, 1822. 1 191 William and Sarah MiUerd, both of Seekonk, July 12, 1835. 1(34 VITAL KEUOKl) OF KHODE ISLAND. 1 206 HARRISON George W. of Seekoiik and Delia How of Cum- beiiand, Oct. 11, 1840. 1 130 HARVEY Peter of New York and Elizabeth Miller of See- koiik, Sept. 21. ISlC. 1 •2')2 HASKELL Benjamin, aged 3."), of Benjamin and Lonisa, and Eliza Scolt, aged 24, of William and Calliarine, both born and of Providence, Jlay 31, 18.53. 2 10 Benjamin, aged 40, born and of Providence, of Benjamin and Louisa, and Ellen Reglan, aged 22, born Ireland, of Provi- dence, Jan. 28, 1861. 146 HASKINS Ezekiel B. of Providence and Eliza Cranston of Seekonk, March 17. 1822. 163 HATCH George of Attleboro and Patience R. ]Mason of See- konk, Dec. 18, 182,"). 121 HATHAWAY Maliala Waterman of Warwick and Peter Miller Brown of Seekonk, Sept. 4, 1813. 159 Auson and Rosanna Hambleton, both of Seekonk, March 23, 1.S2.T. 16i) Sylvanus and Ann B. Carter, both of Seekonk, March 25, 1827. ISO HAWES Darins of Wrenlham and Mary Shaw Crossmaa of Seekonk, iVIay 3. 1834. 140 HAWKINS Sarah N. and Edward M. Brown, both of See- konk, Dec. 24, 1822. 162 Phidelia B. and Edward Jenekes, both of Seekonk, Dec. 4, l.s2."i. \->\ HAY' WARD Robert Ct. of Seekonk and Eliza Cornell of War- wick, Aug. 3, 1823. 220 HEDLEY Charlotte of Portsmouth and Lake T. Rico of See- konk, April 21, 1844. 136 HELMES Aliny of Providence and Joshua T. Campbell of See- konk, Aug." 8, 1819. 201 HICKS Nancy S. of Rehoboth and John W. Barney of See- konk, Nov. 25, 183S. 140 HIGGEKSON Elizabeth Arnold of North Providence and Ira Draper of Seekonk, Oct. 8, 1820. 165 HILL Rlrs. Sercnia C. of Seekonk and William II. Lee, resi- dent of Seekonk, IVIay 6, 1826. 171 Philip and Rebecca Cliace, l)oth of Seekonk, Oct. 1, 1827. 155 IIINES John and JuMa Harriet Gifford, botii of Seekonk, July 6, 1824. 256 Rosa J. aged 24, 2d marriage, of Lancaster, N. H., of Joel and Meliitalile, and Alpheas Waterman, aged 36, of See- konk, of William and Elizabeth, Jlay 1, 1854. 200 HODGES Adaline and Daniel Simmons, both of Seekonk, Sept. 28, 1838. 159 HOLMES John and Abitrail Johnson, both of Seekonk, Feb. 3, 1825. 170 James B. of Providence and Leraira W. Catton of Seekonk, Aug. 29, 1827. 213 Ruth F. of Providence and Ezra W. French of Seekonk, Nov. 11, 1842. 227 Eliza F. of Seekonk and George M. Austin of Mansfield, Dec. 23, 184C. INTENTIONS — .SKEKONK. 105 1 134 HOPKINS Ri'bec-Cii of Seekonk ami Daniel of North FrovidiMK'L', Sept. 20, I.SIS. 1 219 Mary and Simeon Wheeler, both of Seekcjiik (foihidden), Feb. 3, 1844. 1 21'.) Daniel A. of Pawtiieket and Sylvania Barney of Seekonk (not i)idjlisiied), March 8, 1844. 1 146 HORN Mary Ann of Barrinaton and Job Wheaton of Seekonk, May 4, 1822. 1 177 Louisa of Barrinaton and Lncas Wheaton, Jr., of See- konk, Aned 42, 2d marriage, boru Couneeticnt, of Mansfield. April 27, 1860. 1 165 LEE William H., resident, and Mi.=. Serenia C. Hill of See- konk, May 6, 1826. 1 216 INIary of Pawlncket and William Perry of Seekonk, June 17, 1843. 1 235 Julia Ann of Swanzey and William II. Grain of Seekonk, March 30, 18,")1). 1 133 LEFAVOUH Amos of North Piovidence and Henrietta Sutton, of Seekonk, Nov. 7, 1817. 1 154 LEONARD Phcbe of Taunton and Kev. Reuben Allen of Seekonk, March 12, l<-<24. 2 4 LEONARDSON Sarah J., aged 18, born Providence, of Stoughton, and Tlieophilus H. liead. aged 25, burn and of Seekonk, of Cyrel and Sally, April 23. 1857. 1 122 LEWIS Bethania and Lewis Baker, both of Seekonk, Oct. 30, 1S13. 1 231 William A. of Seekonk and JIary A. Cole of Rehoboth, Oct. 28, 1848. 2 20 George, aged 33. liorn Lynn, of Seekonk, of John and Betsey, and Lydia Geiuian, aged 34. 2d marriage, born Providence, of Seekonk, daughter of Borden and Hannah Albro, June 24, 1882. 1 171 LINCOLN Leonard C. of Seekonk and Phebe F. Carpejiter of North Providence, Nov. 24, 1827. 1 230 Justin and JNIary C. Bowen, both of Seekonk, May 27, 1848. 1 220 LOCK Emeline of West C'ambi idge and Calvin Peck of See- konk, March 16, 1844. 1 140 LORD Jesse and Phebe Gardner. Ijotii of Seekonk, Sei>t. 17, 1820. 1 163 Jesse of Seekonk and Lydia Sweethmd, of North Providence, Dec. 4, 1825. 2 9 LOTHROP H. H., aged 22, born and of Rehoboth. of William H. and Lydia M., and Anne I\L Wood, aged 2."., horn and of Seekonk, of Philip and Maria, July 30, 1860. 2 11 LOVEGROVE Cxeorge H , aged 26, born Plainfield, of Moo- sup, Ct., of Edward LL and Mai (ha, and Loiza A. Rounds, aged 26, born Nantucket, of Seikonk, of Daniel and Eliza- beth, Sept. 14, 1862. 1 141 Charlotte of Swanzev and Samuel .lencki-s of Seekonk, Dec- 11, 1820. 1 160 Charlotte A. of I)(mglass and Alonzo -V. Willey of Seekonk, June 9, 1825. 1 ISO Gardner ot Seekonk and Mary Peck of Reh(.)b,)tli, June 30, 1832. 1 227 Eunice of Providence and Col. Seth \Vood of Seekonk, Jan. 2. 1847. 1 255 , aged 21, born and of Swanzey, of Joseph G. and Turner, and Elisha B. Gardner, aged 26, of Somerset, of Peleg S. and Pattv, Oct. 25, 1853. 170 VITAL KECOKI) OF UHODK ISLAND. 2 25 LOVEGROVP> Rebecca B., aged 19, Lorn nnil of Swanzey, of \Villiain H. and AWiy, and Abram P. Bliss, aged 27, born Banington, of Heekonk, of Gilbert and Almira (Leach). Jnne {', 18Stl. 2 20 Lewis, aged 23, of George F. and Martha A., anil Carrie M. Peck, aged l.S, of John W. and Adahiide, botli born and of Soekonk, Sept. 29, 1S'.)2. 1 120 LYON Ob:idiah, .Ir., and Su.-iannaii Bowen, both of Seekouk, Oct. .•!!, 1M2. M 1 15.S MAKER Simeon and .Mrs. Betsey Nelson, botli of Seekonk, Jan. «, 1.S2.".. 1 238 MANNING John IL. asjed 2i;, of New Bedford, of Charles W., and Maria C. l);:dley, aged 19, of Friend C, Dec. 11, 18."i(). 1 199 MANUAL AVilhird, resident of Seekonk, and Louisa Jewett, resident of Lowell, Dec. (i, 1837. 1 173 MARBLE Lnev Ann and (iideon Davenijort, both of Seekonk, Jnne 2. 182K. 1 IfiO MARCiLANT Leander and Sabrina Eldredge, both of Seekonk, July 2-1. 182.'.. 1 1G5 Nathaniel N. and [Mary Nichols, both of Seekonk, M.ay 14, 182r). 2 26 Mary T., aged ('■•!, 2d marriage, danghter of Nathan Pearce, and (iardiner P. Millerd, aged 67, 2il marriage, of Philip and Rebecca (PearctO Millerd, both born and of Rehoboth, Aug. 31, 1892. 1 121 MARDSDEN Marv Ann and Otis Allen, both of Seekonk, March 27, 1.^13. 1 143 MARSH George \V. of .Seekonk aii.l Nusan Hail (jf Providence, May 20, lJs21. 1 130 MARTIN .Marv and Joseph Tailor, both of Seekonk, Sept. 15, i8ii;. Nancy and Friendly Peck, both of Seekonk, April 3, 1817. Alfred of Barriiigton and Caziah Daggett of Seekonk, Jan. 30, 1818. Samson of Seekonk and Rebecca CoUyerof North Providence, April 30, 1820. Harriet of Seekonk an, 1831. 1 201 Marv C. of Seekonk and Mem y Brice of Attlehoro, Feli. lo, 1839. 1 202 Lncv and Hriaii Hall, hoth of Seekonk. March 23, 183'.). 1 211 Lucy and Abel Cooper both of Seekonk. jNLarch 13, 1842. 1 222 Martha A. and John P. Barney, both of Seekonk, Nov. 23, 1844. 1 236 Cyrus of Seekonk and Kliza A. Brook of Pawtiicket, Ang. 3, 18.50. 2 4 Kli/.al)elli C, aged 26, born and of Swanzey, of Valentine and Marv, and John F. West, aged 27, born and of See- konk, of'oiiver and Mahala, Dec. 16, 18.")G. 2 12 Adah V. L. B., aged 23, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of George and Sarah, and Edward W. (Ireene, aaed 24, horn Cumberland, of Pawlncket, of Samuel and Ruth, June 10, 1864. 1 181 MAXFIELD Joshua of Bristol and Rebecca Peck of Seekonk, Aug. 12, 1832. 1 171 MAXWELL Level of Seekonk and Ahniia W. Bullock of Swanzey, Oct. 20, 1827. 1 157 jMcANARXEY Jane and Jesse CinUvorth, both of Seekouk, Oct. 8, 1.S24. 1 215 McKOON llezekiali and Elizabeth C. Ide, both of Seekonk, April 30, 1843. 1 217 James of Seekonk and Abby Ann Brown of Cumberland, Oct. 14, 1843.. I 201) McLANE Mary Ann of Seekonk aiul Silas T. Burlianks of Providence", Ang. 26, 1841. 1 189 McLE.\N William of Providence and Sylvia Knapp of See- konk, Dec. 8, 1833. 1 122 MEDBURY .lohii, Jr., of Seekonk aii.l Eliza Allen of Barring- Ion, Dec. 11, 1813. 1 170 Nathaniel of Seekonk and Wealthy Peck of Barrington, July 27, 1827. 1 175 Lydia R. and Newman Chaffee, both of Seekonk, May 10, "1829. 1 176 Ira of Rehoboth and Nan:;v A. Peck of Seekonk, Aug. 1, 1830. 1 179 AVillinm and Tena Peck, both of Seekonk, Jan. 14, 1832. 1 192 Maria and George Martin, both of Seekonk, Ang. 26, 1835. 1 207 Maria of Rehoboth and Thomas Cole, 3d, of Seekonk, March 1, 1841. 172 VITAL KKCOIU) OF KHODE ISLAND. 1 -21] MEDBURY AHiert E. of Seukouk and Haiiuali Peck of Bairing- ton, iMaieli :>, 1.S42. 1 213 Sarah II. of Seekonk ami Cak-b R. Baruey of Providence, Dec. 9, 1842. 1 218 Al|)lieas of Seekonk and ilariali L. Rounds of Rehoboth, Oct. IT), 184;5. 1 22G Arnold R. of Seekonk and Hannah F. Miller of Providence, Aug. 1. l.'^4r,. 1 229 Caroline A. and Francis Aiiniugton, both of Seekonk, Nov. 8, 1847. 1 2;!6 George II., aged 20, of George, and Ann Eliza Asher, aged 22, of Barriugton, Aug. 19. 1850. 2 8 Marv A., aged 36, born and of Attleboro, of F;i)enezer and Aniiiy, and Tlionias Cole. 2d, aged 42, 2d marriage, bora Seekonk, of Atlleboro, of .Iosei)h and Hannah, March 28, 18G0. 1 148 iMERHICH .losepli and Eunice Jenkes, both of Seekonk, Sept. ■s, 1822. 1 19G MERRY Lsdia M. of Seekonk and Francis Aruiington of Charllon, Apiil 2, 1837. 1 i:;0 MILLER Elizabeth of Seekonk and Peter Harvey of New York, SeiJt. 21, 181G. 1 l.")4 Louisa of Seekoak and Benjamin Butts of Providence, Oct. 29, 1818. 1 137 Zedekiah of Reholioth and Ruth Peck of Seekonk, Oct. 23, 1819. 1 \')'2 Scth .1. and Amanda Bowen, both of Seekonk, Aug. 25, 1823. 1 172 Ira of Seekonk and Elizabeth Briggs, a resident, Jan. 12, 1828. 1 173 Mary .\nn and Bradford G. Tisdale, both of Seekonk, Maj- 2.5. 1828. 1 175 Eliza of Seekonk and Charles Pratt of Providence, June 19, 1)^29. 1 203 Elizabeth II. of Seekonk and David \V. Barnev of Rehoboth, Dec. 5, 1839. 1204 Sallv R. and Arnold Wheeler, both of Seekonk, March 15, 1840. 1 209 Sarah W. and William Chaffee, both of Seekonk, Sept. 1, 1841. 1 214 Cyrus P. and Sarah Radloff, both of Seekonk. Feb. 18, 1843. 1 22() Hannah R. of Piovidence and Arnold R. Medbury of See- konk, Aug. 1. 184G. 1 234 Ebeuezer of Seekonk and Emilv Ilowland of Warren (for- bidden;, Oct. 27, 1849. 1 250 F^lsey B., aged 44. 2il marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Abel and Sarah, and Reuben G. Peirce, aged 4G, 2d uiar- riane, born Rehoboth. of Seekonk, of Nathan and Rhoda, Ma'reh 27. 1853. 1 191 MILLERD Sarah and William Ilarringtou, both of Seekouk, July 12, 1835. 2 2G Gardner P., aged G7, 2d marriage, of Philip, and Marv- F. Marchant, aged G4, 2d marriage, daughter of Nathan Pearce, Aug. 31, 1892. INTENTIONS — SKKICONK. 173 1 147 MITCHP:LL .I:\mcs of Scekoiik and Pnu'll Gage of Xoith Prov- ideiiee, Aug. 4, lfi22. 1 lL'3 MORKLOCK Wlieeler of Phiinlield, Ct., and Liiciiida Cliace of Seekoiik, Jan. 28. 1.S14. 1 ia7 MORRISON Martha of Boston and .lohnAiidtrson of Seukoiik, Get. 19, l.siil. 1 148 MORSK Rlioda of Franklin and -icdcdiali. Philiiis of Seekonk, Nov. 17. 1822. 1 215 Rufns K. of Providence and Klizaliclli Ann \'iall of Seekonk, May l;'., 1S4;;. 2 16 James Bryant, aged 24. of Worcester, of Steiiiien and Ln- cinda, and llainia'h Catharine Peck, aged 22, born and of Seelconk, of Calvin and Enieline, Aug. 2-'>, 1.S71. 1 l."i8 MUNRO Major Allen of Seekonk and IMrs. Temperance Thomi>-!on of Warren. Jan. li), 182."'). 1 171 Saniuel of Providence and Sarali Ablrich of Seek(Mik, Sept. 1(3, 1827. 1 174 Natiian of Seekonk and Cornelia 1). Hall of New Market, N. H., April 25, 1829. 1 209 Mary M. of Providence and (ieorgc Wheeler of Seekonk, Nov. 12, 1841. 1 24.) John N., aged .j(l, born and of Rehobotli. of Benjamin and Ruth, and Mrs. Lonisanna Austin, aged 24, 2d marriage, born Seekonk, of Attleboro, daughter of Freeman and Lydia Knapp. Feb. 15, 1852. 2 17 Ilainiali, aged 20, born North Providence, of Seekonk, of John W. and Sarah A. G.. and Henry C. Peek, aged 23, born and of Seekonk, of Calvin .1. and Kmeliue L., July 22, l^li. 2 23 MURRY Mary Fliza, aged bS. born Providence, of Seekonk, of iNForris and Kliza, and Kdmund Reardon, aged 31, l)orn Ireland, of Seek(Uik, of Kduimid and .loanLia, April 11, 1890. N 2 20 NELLINGKR Ella !!., aged 17, born Boston, of Providence, of John P. and Jessie L., and Heibert A. Barker, aged 21, born and of Providence, of John H. and Hairiet G., Dec. 17, 18S0. 1 158 NELSON Mrs. lietsey and Simeon Maker, both of Seekonk, Jan. .S, 1.S25. 1 1G7 NEWELL Dianna of Seekonk and Ste|ihen Baker of North' Providence, Sept. 17, 182(1. 1 189 NEWLAND Amanda of Mansliehl and Conrad Spraker of See- konk, Feb. 8, 1835. 1 135 NEW^IAN Eliza Ann of Seekonk an(':, 1825. 1 178 Betsey of Seekonk and Anson Cole of Piovidence. Alay 28, 1831. 1 182 Pascliall of Seekonk and Polly Peaice of Relinboth, Jan. 21, 1833. 1 165 NICHOLS Jlaiy and Nathaniel N. Marcliant, both of Seekonk, aiay 14, 1826. 1 177 John and JMary Stone, liolh residents of Seekonk, Nov. 8, 1830. 1 147 NICKKKSON Kldredge of Seekonk and Zilplia Arnold of Smilhtiehl, Auu;. U. 1822. 1 149 Leonard of Seekonk and Rlioda Small of Siiiithfield, Dec. 29, 1822. 1 162 Neheniiali and Thankful Small, l.iolh of Seekonk, Oct. 1('>, 1825. 1 168 Knock and IIe|izalieth Nickerson, both of Seekonk, Nov. 12, 1826. 1 16j8 Ilepzabeth and Knock Nickerson, both of Seekonk, Nov. 12, 1826. 1 16:; Kzra and Joanna Mason, both of Seekonk, IMaieli 4, 1827. 1 160 NORTIU'P Mary Ann of Sniithlield and Sarah Helzell of See- konk, Jnne \2. 1825. 1 161 NYK Kichanl H. of Boston and Content Claflen of Seekonk, Jnly 31, 1825. o 1 171 OATLKY John of I'rovidence ami Snsan Ana Paine of Sce- koiik, Nov. 18, 1827. 1 128 OLNKY James ami Klizabeth Wood, both of Seekonk, Nov. 12, 1815. 1 136 Hannah of Oxforil and Simon W. Gireeiie of Seekonk, June 6, 18i;i. 1 12;) OUMSBKK Sally Ann and Romeo Klton, both of Seekonk, A|)iil 17. I8"l4. 4 163 Knieline of Rehoboth, now a resident, and Kbenezer Wliite of Seekonk, Jan. 30, 1826,. 1 185 Aliraham of Seekonk and Cvnthia Wardell of Dartmouth, Feb. 1(1, 1834. 1 230 Betsey P. of Seekonk and James A. Craig of New Y'ork, Dec. 25, 1847. 1 236 Albert F. and Cynthia L. Handy, bjth of Seekonk, July 21, 1850. 1 131 PAINK Daniel of Providence and Mary Paine of Seekonk, Dec. 1, 1816. 1 131 Mary of Seekonk and Daniel Paine of Providence, Dec. 1, 18'l6. 1 NTKNTIONS — .S1':KIv( )N K. 1 75 13.) PAIXK C'viviuis and Marv T. Biiiigs, Iiotli of Scckoiik, Jan. 16, l.Sl'.t. 145 Esther of Foxhoro and Conifc)rt Titns of Seckonk, Fc'l>. 15, 1822. 170 Eliza of Freetown and BLMijamin Cotton of Seekonk. Aug. "2, 1.S27. 171 Susan Ann of Seekonk and .lohn Oatlev of Providence, Nc^v. 18, 1827. 20 PALMER Ilaivey E.. aged 44, liorn Lisbon. N. IL, of Seekonk, of William and Ellen, and Anne W. West, aged 25, bcru and of Seekonk, of Josei>li and Betsey, Nov. 21, l.S',)2. 207 PARIES Sereno .L of Seekonk and Maiy F. Welliereil of Mansfielil. March 11, IHll. 148 PARKER Nancy and William Smith, both of Seekonk, Oct. 1!). 1822. lfi() PARMENTER Luke of North Providence and Mary Ann F''oster Pitcher of Seekonk, July 2.S. 1,S2(;. 14G PEARCE Zdpha of Middleboro and John Bnibank of Seekonk, April 14. 1K22. 147 Liiey R. of Attleixiro and Lewis l^erren of Seekonk. Jnly 21, 1822. 158 Joseph (jf Providence and Lydia Lawton of Seekonk, .Ian. 'J, 1825. 182 Polly of Relioboth and Paschall Newman of Seekonk, Jan. 21, 1833. ll'.l PECK Julia of Providence and Jonathan Saliin of Seekonk, March 21, 1812. 131 Cyrel and jMrs. Clarrissa Wheeler, both of Seekonk, Oct. 27, 1810. 132 Friendly and Nancv Martin, both of Seekonk, April 3, 1817. 137 Rnth of Seekonk and Zedekiah Miller of Relioboth, Oct. 23, 18i;i. 143 JLirgaret and Martha Carnbell, both of Seekonk, Aiiril 8, l.SL'l. 147 Sarah A. and Diayton Carpenter, both of Seekonk, May 13, 1822. 147 C'apt. James, Jr., and Mary Peck, both of Scekoidv, .Inly 7, 1822. 147 Mary and Capt. James Peck, Jr., both of Seekoid<, Jnly 7, 1.S22. 149 Israel and Lvdia Newman, both of Seekonk, Nov. 24, 1822. 151) Tfioraas of Seekonk and AIniira Cole of Svvanzev, March C, 1825. 1(;3 Asa of Seekonk and Betsey ILde of Swanzey, Dec. 21, 1.S25. 170 Wealthy of Barrington and Nathaniel Medbury of Seekonk, Jnly 27, 1.S27. 171 Keziah and Solomon Peck, Jr., both of Seekonk, Dec. 8,. 1827. 171 Solomon, Jr., and Keziah Peck, liotli of Seekonk, Dec. 8, 1827. 17G Ahnira A. and Jonathan P. Barney, lioth of Seekonk, March 2, 1830. 17(3 Nancy A. of Seekonk and Ira Medbury of Relioboth, Aug. 1, 18.30. 176 VITAL UKCORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 177 PECK ISallv ;iii(l Xatluiniol Carpen' liolh of Seekonk, Aug. 13, 1830. 1 177 John of AttlelH>ra and Sftiali H. Wood of Scukonk. Dec. 20, 1830. 1 179 Tena and William Mcdbniy, both of Seekonk. .Tan. 14, 1832. 1 ISO 3Iarv of Heliol)otli and Gardner Luther of Seekonk, June 30, 1832. 1 181 Reliecca of Seelvoiik and Joshua Maxfield of Bristol, Aug. 12, 1832. 1 1S3 Sylvester W. of Providence and .Sarali S. Pliinney of 8ee- "konk, April 14. 1833. 1 187 Mrs. Hannali of Warren and Aaron Cliaflfeo of Seekonk, Sept. 21, 1834. 1 211 Hannah of Harrington and .\ll)ert E. Medlmry of Seekonk, March 5, 1842. 1 213 Herman Allen of Providence and Mary Ann Fuller of See- konk, Nov. (i, 1842. 1 220 Calvin of Siekonk and Emeline Lock of AVest Camlnidge, March 1(!. 1.S44. 1 228 Alice M. of Attleboro and Ezra Freneli, Jr., of Seekonk, April 11, 1847. 1 229 Susan A. and (Jeorge liowen. l>oth of Seekonk. Oct. 30, 1847. 1 231 Julia M. of Seekonk and Francis B. Richards of Altlehoro, Seiil. IG, 1848. 1 23;') Edwin F. of Seekonk and Abigail Bowen of Harrington, June 1, IS.iO. 1 243) Svlvanns L., aiied 2'.t, 2d marriage, born Rehohotli, of Sylva- 'nus and Charlotte, and Mrs. Elizabeth CanUhers, aged 2S, 2(1 marriage, of Providence, born in Nova Scotia, daughter of Alexander McKeuzie, Nov. 12, 1851. 2 2 Sarah Ann, aged 26, of Elnalhan and Martiia, and Benjamin Walker, aii'ed 38, of Sanuiel and Hannah, both born and of Seekonk, .Inne 7, 18."),'i. 2 .-> Francis W., born and of Seekonk, of Solomon and Keziah, and Mary Slied, a^ed 23, l)orn and of Providence, of Elienczer'and Matilda, Mareii 28, 18:»8. 2 U; Hannah Catharine, aged 22, l)orn and of Seekonk, of Calvin J. and Emeline, and James Bryant Morse, aged 24, of AVorcester, of Stephen and Lucinda, Aug. 23, 1871. 2 17 Henry C, ased 23, born and of Seekonk, of Calvin J. and Euielinc L., and Hannah Munro, aged 20, born North Providence, of Seekonk, of John W. and Sarah A. G., July 22, 1874. 2 2(i Carrie M., aged 18, of John \V. and Adalaide. and Lewis Luther, aged 23. of George F. and :\hirtha A., both born and of Seekonk, Sept. 2;>, 1892, 1 120 PECKHAM James B. of Piovi.lence and Jessie Hutton of See- konk, Sept. 26, 1812. 2*17 Mary, aged 20, born Pehoboth, of Providence, of Giles and Lydia', and Edwin H. Sherman, aged 23, bom Exeter, K. L". ':'f Seekonk, of John U. and Lydia, .\pril l.i, 1874. 1 128 PEIRCE Susanna of Rehoboth and Noah Fuller, Jr., of See- konk, Nov. 26, 181;"). INTENTIONS — SKEKONIv. 177 1 198 PEIRCH: Lowis of Rehoboth Mini Hannah B. Chaffee of See- konk, Nov. 7, 1837. 1 216 Frederick P. of Seekonk and Maiy Bentlej' of Pioviilence, June 14, 18-13. 1 239 Elisha W., aged 22, born Rphobotli, of Seekonk, of Rev. Wateinian, and Klizabotli \V. Barney, aged 21, born Swau- zey, of James and Amanda, Fel). 17, is.'il. 1 2oO Reiilien G., aged 4. Poarce of Attleboro, July 21, 1822. 1 187 Amasa of Seekonk and Eliza Wilbnartli of Attleboro, July 27, 1834. 1 197 Anson E. of Seekonk and Matilda C'l'ain of Deerfield, N. H., May 14, 1837. 2 4 Esther C, aged 24, of Seekonk, of Daniel and Estiier, and William C. French, aged 2i;, of same |)Iace, of Ezra and Nancy, INIay 6, 1857. 1 133 PERRY Lvudia' of Attleboro and George W. Titus of Seeivouk, Nov. 8, 1817. 1 216 William of Seekonk and !!\Iarv Lee of Pawtncket, June 17, 1843. 1 217 Perley J. of Seekonk and Eunice Kent of Pawtncket, Sept. 23, 1843. 2 10 James A., aged 31, l)orn Sandwich, of Seekonk, of John and Caroline, and M:u-y E. Riley, aged 23, born and of Paw- tucket, April 12, 1871. 1 148 PHILLIPS Jedediah of Seekonk and Rhoda Morse of Frank- lin, Nov. 17, 1822. 1 153 Damarius of SmithHcld and Hiram Aidrich of Seekonk, Dec. 6, 1823. 1 183 PHINNEY Sarah J. of Seekonk and Sylvester W. Peck of Providence, April 14, 1833. 1 179 PINNEGER William of Seekonk and Lucy Tillinghast of Coventrv, Oct. 22, 1831. 1 150 PITCHER Larned and Mary Walcott, both of Seekonk, March 9, 1823. 1 166 Marj' Ann Foster of Seekonk and Luke Parmenter of North Providence, July 23, 1826. 1 223 PITTSLEY Joseph B. and Hannah Baker, both of Seekonk, June 14, 1845. 1 156 POORE Baulslon and Sarah Ann W. Keith, both of Seekonk, Sept. 5, 1824. 1 230 POTTER Mary of North Kingstown and Henry A. Ide of See- konk, March 18, 1848. 1 227 POWERS Roxana of Manchester, N. II.. and Dexter ^\'. Read of Seekonk, Murch 28, 1847. 1 175 PRATT Charles of Providence and Eliza Miller of Seekonk, June 19, 1829. 1 193 Nehemiah B. of Rehoboth and Mary E.*'^Lake of Seekonk, Dec. 20, 1835. 178 VITAL KhX'OlU) OK KHODK ISLAND. 2 2 PRATT Aidelia A., aged Ls, born Rehoboth, of Attleboro, undJosepli A. Shaw, aged 34, born Attleboro, of Seekonk, of Allison and Sophia, June 14, 1855. 1 IT.'i PURINGTON Mary Ann and George W. Brown, both of See- konk, Jan. ."), 1830. Q R 1 214 RADLOFF Sarah and Cyrus P. Miller, both of Seekolik, Feb. 18, 1843. 1 218 RANDALL Maiiala and Jauios B. Brown, both of Seekonk, Dee. 24, 1843. 1 172 R AA\^ SON Julia M. of Barrington and Jereniiali B. Allen of Seekonk, Dec. 20, 1827. 1 172 Joan B. of Uxbridge and Liman of Seekonk, Jan. 16, 1828. 1 122 READ Nathaniel, Jr., of Seekonk and Sally Crossraau of Taunton, Dec. 17, 1813. 1 13.") Lucy of Seekonk and Asa Dean of Attleboro, Nov. 2, 1818. 1 130 William and Terezy Besse, both of Seekonk, April 11, 1819. 1 145 Sally and OIney Carpenter, both of Seekonk, Nov. 19, 1818. 1 159 C'yrel and Sarah S. Wheatou, both of Seekonk, Feb. 11, "l825. 1 164 Alvin C\ of Seelconk and Martha J. Roberts of Providence, Feb. 11. I82G. 1 166 Amanda F. and James Elisbree, both of Seekonk, June 25, 1826. 1 204 Eunice R. and Daniel Ide, both of Seekonk, June 6, 1840. 1 227 Dexter W. of Seekonk and Rosanna Powers of Manchester, N. H., .Mtircii 28. 1847. 1 236 Lewis L., aged 25, of Capt. Nathaniel, and F;iiza IL Brown, aged 16, I)()th of Seekonk, Sept. 21, 1850. 2 4 Theophihis IL, aged 25, born and of Seekonk, of Cyrel and Sally, and Sarah J. Leoiiaidson, aged 18, born Providence, of Stoughton, of James and Lavina, Ai)ril 23, 1857. 2 23 REARDON Edmund, aged 31 , born Ireland, of Seekonk, of Edmund and Joanna, and Mary Eliza JMurry. aged 18, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Morris and Eliza, April 11, 1890. 2 10 REGAN Ellen, aged 22. born Ireland, of Providence, and Benjamin Haskell, asied 40, born Smithfield. of Providence, of Benjamin and Loiza, Jan. 28, 1861. 1 204 REMINGiTON Samuel W. of Barrington and Ann Eliza Hutchins of Seekonk, Feb. 16, 1840. 2 22 Frank R., a^ed 22, born Providerice, of Seekonk, of Benja- min AV. and Mary A., and Joanna P. Anderson, aged 21. bi)rn Sweden, of Seekonk, of Andrew and Joanna, July 24, 1884. 1 220 RICE Luke T. of Seekonk and Charlotte Hedley of Portsmouth, April 21, 1M4. INTENTIONS — SEEKONK. 179 1 222 RICHARDS Samuel and Ihildali Jones, botli of Seokoiik (forlii(lilen), Nov. «, 1844. 1 231 Francis H. of Attleboro and Julia M. Peck of Seekonk, Sept. IG. 184.S. 1 132 RICHARDSON Betsey of Mansfield and Elicnezcr B. Cole of Seekonk, Dec. 4, 1816. 1 133 Olive of Mansfield and William Cole of Seekonk, Blay 4, 1.S17. 1 210 RICHMOND Edward F. of Seekonk and Luciuda P. Richmond of Raiiin,o;ton, Dec. 18, 1841. 1 210 Lnciuda P. of lianiniiton and Ednaid F. RIcinnond of See- konk. Dec. 18, 1.S41. 2 10 RILEY Mary E., aged 23, born Providence, of Pantueket, and James A. Perry, aged 31, born Sandwich, of Seekonk, of John and Emeline, April 12, 1M71. 1 143 ROBERTS John of Seckouk and Iluldah Ann Stow of Provi- dence, M.ay 14, 1821. 1 154 Lucy of Providence and Benjamin Gridlev of Seekonk, April 3, 1S24. 1 164 Martha J. of Providence and Alvin O. Read of Seekonk, Fel). 11. 1826. 1 132 ROBINSON Betsey of Rehoboth and Preston Kent of See- konk, Jan. 16,' 18 17. 1 141 Daniel of Seekonk and Mrs. Sully Bartlett of Smithfield, JIarch 2.5, 1S22. 1 150 Lydia of Rehoboth and Wellington Kent of Seekonk, April "15, 1.S23. 1 173 Adah of Rehoboth and Zebina W. Bourn of Seekonk, JIarch 1, 1828. 1 185 Dan of Pawtncket and Celinda Walker of Seekonk, Feb. 2, 1834. 1 223 Cieorge W. of Rehoboth and Sarah B. Cooper of Seekonk, Ai)ril26, 1845. 1 129 ROGGERS Rebecca of North Providence and Zenus Baker of Seekonk, Feb. 14. 1816. 1 155 ROUNDS Ann Eliza of North Providence ami Joseph Cole of Seekonk, July 18, I.S24. 1 218 Mariah L. of K"ehoboth anil Alpheas Medbury of Seekonk, Oct. 15, 1843. 2 11 Loiza A., aged 26, born Nantucket, of Seekonk. of Daniel and Elizalieth, and George II. Lovegrove, aged 26, born Plainlield, of JSIoosiip, of Edward II. and JIartlia, Sei)t. 14, 1862. 1 119 RUSSELr> Anna of Seekonk and Joseph Sweetland of Doug- lass, July 26, 1812. 1 159 RYDER Salfy of Seekonk and Benjamin Funis of Northliridge, April 4. 1825. s 1 119 SABIN Jonathan of Seekonk and Julia Peck of Providence, March 21, 1812. 180 vii'Ai- KEcoui) OK i;hodi>: island. 1 134 SALISBURY Dniiiel of Xoitli Providence and Rebecca Hop- kins of Seekoiik. Seiit. 20. 1.S18. 1 200 William A. of Sniitbfield and Kliza Iile of Scekonk, July 1, 1.S31S. 1 16o SANDERS Rebecca of Seekonk and William E. Eatliforth of Providence. May 21, 1.S2H. 1 1G2 SANGER I)ea. Jobn of Woodstock and Abnira Anningtou of Seekonk, Nov. 6, 182.5. 1 204 SAVORY Klizabetb of Wareliam and Ebeuezer Albert Bisbop of Seekonk, Ai)ril 10, 1840. 1 227 SAYLES Sarab M. of Smitbfield and Bavlies Frencb of See- konk. Dec. 13, l.S4(;. 1 14C SCOTT .lames of Nortb Providence and Alice A. Sissou of Seekonk, April 2.t, 1.S22. 1 2.52 Eliza, aged 24, born and of Providence, of William and C'atbarine, and Benjamin Haskell, aged 35, born and of same pbiee. of Benjamin and Louisa, Mav 31, 18,53. - 14S SERRALL Sarab and Jobn Fuller, both of Seekonk. Oct. .5, 1822. 1 12(( SEVP^R Horace of North Providence and Sylvia Wheaton of Seekonk, May 2(;, 181.5. 1 KJl Pilexander H. of Holden and Nancy Newman of .Seekonk, Sept. 5, 182.5. 1 160 SHARES Mary of Providence and Peleg P. AVade of Seekonk, April 1, 1.S27. 1 148 SHAW Thomas of Attleboro and Joanna Kent of .Seekonk, Oct. 12, 1822. 2 2 Joseph A., aged 34, born Attleboro, of Seekonk, of Addison and Soi)Lia, and Artlelia A. Pratt, aged 18, born Relio- both. of Attleboro, June 14, 18.5.5. 2 5 SHED 3Iary, aged 23, born and of Providence, of Ebenezer and ^Matilda, and P'rancis W. Peck, aged 24, born and of Seekonk. of Solomon and Keziah, March 28, 185.S. 1 140 SHEPARDSON Sarah of Cumberland and John Woods of Seekonk, Sept. 8, 1820. 1 147 SHERMAN Eliza and James J. Harrington, both of Seekonk, Ang. 4, 1822. 1 152 Deliorah of Seekonk and Daniel i5ennett of North Providence, Sept. 7, 1823. 1 205 Abnira W. M. of Swanzev and Harvey M. Cole of Seekonk, Aug. 20, 1840. 2 17 Edwin R., aged 23, born Exeter, of Seekonk, of John R.^and Lydia, and Mary Peckliam, aged 20, born Rehoboth, of Providence, of Giles, A|)ril 15, 1874. 1 134 SHOREY Col. Abel of Seekonk and Nancy Fuller of Rehoboth, March 6, 181S. 1 152 Polly of Seekonk and David Jillson of Attleboro, Sept. 28, 1823. 1 20G Samuel and Catharine F. Brown, both of Seekonk, Oct.' 17, 1840. 1 192 Content Phillip of Lynn and James Ellis of Seekonk, Sept. 19, 1835. 1 121 SIMMONS George S. of Sterling and Cecelia Curian of See- konk, July 11, 1813. INTKNTIONS — SEEKONK. 181 1 200 SIMjMONS Dank'l and Adeline Hodges, liotli of Seckonk, Sept. 2.S, i8;;k. 1 151 SIOKKY Anne C. ofSeekonk and James S. Biadbnrn of North Providence, June 8, 18:^.!. 1 14() SISSON Alice A. of Seekonk and James Scott of Xorlli Piovi- deiice, April 2.'i, 1.S22. 1 128 Betsey and Ileniy KiTnliall, both of Seekonk, Dec. 10, ISl.^). 1 102 SKINNKK Zopher" of Seekonk and Cynthia Comst(K'k of Cov- entry, Sept. 27, 1835. 1 137 SLACK Huldah B. and John Burhank, both of Seekonk, Ant;. 29, 1811). 1 148 Granville of Seekonk and Eliza C. Brown of North Provi- dence, Sept. 21, 1,S22. 2 25 SLADE, aged 22, born Pawtucket, of Seek(jnk, of George W. and Mai-garet, and Mary A. Jerauld, aged 22, born and of same places, of George E. ami Maiy P., Get. 1, l.S',)l. 1 157 SI.GCUM Eason of S{ekonk and Mazel Grejiory of Ereetonn, Get. 24, 1S24. 1 l'.t7 Snmuei of Pawtiu-ket and Betsey Kadloff of Seekonk, Aug. 12, 1837. 1 242 Mazel V.. aged 21, of Eason, and Israel Q. Greenman, aged 36, of Silsa, both of Pawtucket, July 2fci, 1851. 1 149 SMALI; Rhoda of Smithfield and Leonard Nickerson of See- konk, Dec. 29, 1K22. 1 154 Tiiankful of Seekonk and Morris B.-\ker of Coventiy, R. L, Eel). 29, 1824. 1 1G2 Thankful and Neliemiah Nickerson, both of Seekonk, Oct. llj, 1.S25. 1 1(53 Belsey S. and Duty Jolinsdii. both of Seekoidv. Dec. 4, 1825. 1 122 SMITH Devina and 1 )al(m Smith, both ofSeekonk, Jan. 11, 1814. 1 122 Daton and Devina Smith, both of Seekoidv, Jan. 11, 1814. 1 127 - .Sophia of Meudon and Abijali W. Walcot of Seekonk, Aug. 1, 1815. 1 131 John and Mary Cooper, both of Seekonk, Nov. 28, 181G. 1 146 Charles and Ann Gruiman, both of Seekonk, March 24, 1822. 1 148 William and Nancy Parker, both of Seekonk, Oct. 19, 1822. 1 150 IMtiry of Rehoboih and George Lawton of Seekonk, April 17, 1823. 1 156 Radial R. of Reholxjth and Calvin Martin of Seekonk, Aug. 29, 1.S21. 1 107 James and Esther Burlingame, botli of Seekonk, Sept. 2, 1826. 1 176 Esther of Smithlield and George W. AValker of Seekonk, jNIay 9, 1830. 1 197 Elizabeth B. of Barringtou and John E. Martin of Seekonky June 7, 1837. 1 161 SNELL Abigail and Joseph ^Y. Feiiner, botii ofSeekonk, Aug. 1, 1825. 1 169 SOLOMAN Almira and Ilezekiah Williams, both residents of Seekonk, ALu-ch 9, 1.S27. 1 156 SOULE IMary W. and Wilder Bourne, both of Seekonk, Oct. 3, 1824. 132 VITAL RBCORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 1-21 SPAl'LDING Polly of Plainfit'ld, Ct., and Capt. Nathaniel Hunt of Scckoiik, May 1, I^'^IS. 1 131 SPENCER Tlionias L. of East Gieeuwicli and Elizabeth Trott of Seekonk, Nov. 23, 1810. 2 10 SPOONER Ruth Kemnton, aged 16, Ixnn Fall River, of .Swan- zey, of .lonathan and Olive, and Marcus M. Grant, aged 2l", born and of Seekonk, of Kent and Lydia, Dee. 19, 1860. 1 189 SPRAKER Conrad of Seekonk and .Amanda Newland of Mans- field, Feb. 8, 1835. 1 145 STARKWEATHER Rebecca and Simon Claflen, Feb. 8, 1822. 1 13G STEPHENS Samuel P. of Seekonk and Content Barney of Swanzey, Feb. 21, 181',). 1 201 Margaret C. and .Jonathan Cliaffee, both of Seekonk, Nov. 26^, 1838. 1 I'.IO Mary Ann of Rehoboth and George C. West of Seekonk, March 25, 1837. 1 129 STEVENS Charlotte and .lames Lake, both of Seekonk, Jan. 27, 1816. 1 177 STONE Mary and .John .Nichols, both residents of Seekonk, Nov. 8, 1830. 1 203 Sarah Ann of Smithfield and Capt. William T. Ide of See- konk, Dec. 15, 1839. 1 143 STOW Huldah Ann of Providence and .John Roberts of See- konk, May 14, 1821. 1 133 SUTTON Henrietta of Seekonk and Amos Lefavour of North Providence, Nov. 7, 1817. 1 221 Henry A. and Lucy A. Sutton, both of Seekonk, July 7, 1844. 1 221 Lucy A. and Henry A. Sutton, lioth of Seekonk, July 7, 1844. 1 250 Nathaniel W. H., aged 20. born Seekonk. of I'rovidence, of Lloyd S. and Lucy W., and Sarah A. Woodlniiy. aged 18, borii Salem, of Joim, April 1, 1853. - 125 SWEET Sallv and William Chaffee, both of Seekonk, Oct. 30, 1814. - 133 William M. of Seekonk and Nancy K. Waldron of Welling- ton, Oct. 5, 1817. 1 240 Jonathan, aged 67, 2d marriage, of I^hode Island, of John and Phebe, and Mary Chaffee, aged 42, of Abel and Sally, Sept. 23, 1852. 2 14 Sarah A., aged 17. born Cumberland, of Rehoboth, of Clark and Saralf, and Almont L. Chaffee, aged 21, born and of Seekonk, of William and Sarah AV., Veh. 21, 1868. 1 119 SWEETLAND Joseph of Douglass- and Anna Russell of See- konk, July 26, 1812. 1 153 Anthony of North Providence and Harriet Martin of See- konk," Jan. 23. 1824. i 159 Enock of Seekonk and Cerena Cash of Smithfield, Feb. 1, 1825. INTENTIONS — .SKEKONK. 183 1 163 SWEETLAND L\(). 157 TILLINGHAST John of Seekonk and Artemissa Willard of North Providence, Nov. 21, 1.S24. 170 Lucy of Coventry and 'William Pninegor of Seekonk, Oct. 22, 1 83 1 . ■ 16(3 TISDALE Abby of Taunton and t'alvin Carpenter of Seekonk, Aug. 12, 1826. 173 Bradford G. and Mary Ann Miller, May 25, 182S. 133 TITUS George W. of Seckonk and Lyndia Perry of Attleboro,- Nov. 8. IS 17. 145 Comfort of Seekonk and Esther Paine of Foxl)oro, Feb. 15, 1822. 162 William Henry of Seckonk and Almira B. Fisher of Attle- boro, Oct. i'J, 1825. 143 T0MKIN8 Cornelius S. of Seekonk and Christianna Cole of Warren, May 27, 1821. 147 TOWER Daniel and ]\[ary Ann Clark, both of Seekonk, June 30, 1822. 131 TROTT Elizabeth of Seekonk and Thomas L. Spencer of East Greenwich, Nov. 23, 1816. 129 TURNER Esther and Elihu Carpenter, both of Seekonk, March 3, 1816. 184 VITAL KECOKD OF UHODE ISLAND. ri51 TUTTLE Stephen of JSeekouk ami Eliza Goggins of Oxford, May II, 1G. 1 212 Abiiiail N. of Warren and Benjamin N. Baits of Seekonk, Jnly 24, ISli'. 1 215 WHITING Elias of Seekonk and Cliloe I). Gilmorc of Frank- lin, May 12, 1843. I 234 Marv Ann B. of Attlel)oro and Samuel Kent of Seekonk, Oct. 25, 1,S41). 1 154 WIHTTEMGRE Nathan and Diantha Baker, both of See- konk, March 13, 1824. 1 161 Rosanna anil Calvin W. Frizzell, both of Seekonk, Ai>ril 11, 1825. 1 132 AVIGHTMAN Maria L. and John J. Drown, both of .Seekonk, Dec. 8, 181G. 1 157 WILBUR Content and Horatio Field, both of Seekonk, Nov. 28. 1824. J 160 WIEEY Alonzo A. of Seekonk and Charlotte A. Lnlher of Douglass, June 'J, 1825. 1 157 WILLARD Artemissa of Nortii Providence and .bihn Tilling- hasl of Seekonk, Nov. 21, 1824. 1 147 WILLIAMS Gershani of Wellington and Sally S. Lake, Aug. 30, 1822. 1 158 William T. of North Providence and Itaehal Young of See- konk, Dec. 25, 1824. 1 169 Hezekiah and Almira Sohjman, both residents of Seekonk, March 9, 1827. 1 187 WILLMARTII Eliza of Attleboro and Aniasa Pcrren of See- konk, July 27, 1834. 1 146 WILSON Simeon and Sally Bates, both of Seekonk, March 24, 1822. 1 167 James, Jr., of Providence and Luev S. Broad of Seekonk, March 28, 1827. 1 221 WING Samuel W. of Attleboro and E valine Kent of Seekouk, Sept. 7, 1844. 1 172 WINSLOW Amiirose B. of Troy, Mass., and Mary Ann Buck- lin of Seekonk, Dec. 16, 1827. 1 189 WINSOR Nancy W. of Smithfield and Daniel Ide Hunt of Seekonk. Feb. 8, 1835. 1 215 Lydia of Smitlilield and Henry A. Ide of Seekonk, March 4, 1843. 1 219 - Nancv of Sniithlield and Henry A. Ide of Seekonk, Feb. 18, 1844. 1 204 WITHERELL Angeline of Attleboro and Jonathan W. Bishop of Seekouk, March 20, 1840. .1 207 Mary F. of Mansfield and Serano J. Paries of Seekouk, March 11, 1841. d 128 WOOD Elizabeth and James Olney, both of Seekouk, Nov, 12, 1815. 188 VITAL KECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 154 WOOD Maria autl Isaac Westgate, both of Scekouk, April 26» 182-i. 1 IGO P^leanor of Seekonk and Dexter Allen of Reliobotli, June 7, l.s-20. 117-1 David of Svvanzej-. now resident of Seekouk, and Lydia Brown of Seekonk, Nov. 22, 1828. 1 17.5 riiilip and Maria Grant. Oct. 2, 1829. 1 177 Sarah H. of Seekonk and John Peck of Attlchoro, Dec. 26, 18^0. 1 206 Roby of Seekonk and Caleb Barney of Rehoboth, Sept. 15, 1840. 1 227 Col. Setli of Seekonk and Eunice Luther of Providence, Jan. 2, 1847. 2 5 Daniel II.. aged 35, born Swanzey, of Seekonk, of Seth and Lois, and Jlartha II. Bliss, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, daughter of Caleb, April a, 18.')8. 2 9 Anna M., aged 2.'>, born and of Seekonk, of Philip andjAIaria, and H. II. Lothrop, aged 22, born and of Rehoboth, of William II. and Lydia .M., July 30, 1860. 1 140 WOODS .b^hu of Seekonk and Sarah Shepardson of Cumber- land, Sept. 8, 1820. 1 250 WOtJDBURY Sarah A., aged 18, born Salem, of John, and Nathaniel W. II. Sutton, aged 20, born Seekonk, of Provi- dence, of Lloyd S. and Lucy W., April 1, 1853. 1 225 WOODCOCK Ehmra Jane of AUleboro and George H. Car- penter of Seekouk, Feb. 28, 1846. 1 127 WOODWARD John of Seekouk and Sally Deaue of Dightou, Oct. 7, LSI 5. 1 180 Samuel of Seekonk and Jlrs. Roxalanua Fuller of Attleboro, June 2, 1832. 1 213 Mehitablc C. of Seekonk and Charles Armington of Provi- dence, Nov. 10, 1842. X Y Z 1 15.S YOUNG Raehal of Seekonk and William T. Williams of North Providence, Dec. 25, 1824. 1 178 Jason and Sarah Thomas. Aug. 21, 1831. 1 177 Linus of Troy, Mass., and Mary Ann Hunt of Seekouk, Dec. 9, 1830. Section III. IMrtlis. 1 23 ABBOTT George W., of George F. and Julia, 1 23 Minerva V., - 50 ABELL Caleb, of Capt. Robert and Mary, - 50 Lois (Read of Noah and Anne), liis wife, Caleb's children by 2d wife, Klona Hodges. - 50 Lois, Daniel Hodges, - 50 Mary, - 50 Nancy, - 50 Caleb, - 60 Robert, - 50 Arunali .Shepherdson, - 50 Sarah, - 50 Preseived Tli Dec. 27, 1877 Dec. 12, 1763 Dec. 23, 17G2 IMav 29, 1793 April 30, 1796 May 20, 1798 Nov. 30, 1 799' May 9, 1802 Ausr. 29, 1804 Aug. 10, 1806 March 8, 1808 Dec. 13, l.Sll Jan. 22, 1839 July 11, 1840 Nov. 24, 1841 Oct. 24, 1843 Oct. 24, 1843 March 17, 1845 Dec. 28, 1847 Dec. 28, 1847 Oct. 5, 1860 Aug. 14, 1843 Feb. 21, 1847 June 20, 1861 July 29, 1859 July 21, 1861 July 29, 1877 190 VITAL KKCOHD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1 31 ALEXANDER Nelson Read, of William A. and Maria L. 1)., Deo. is, 1883 Alpha Gray, of same parents, Seiil. 21, 1885 ALLEN Mtirv Ann, of Samuel and Anne (,' Oct. 12, 1799 Pamela Andrews, May 1, 1802 Wheaton, Oct. 2G, 1806 Hannah. Feb. 28. 1811 Samuel Hovven. Sept. 8, 1815 Benjamin and Hannah (Wade), his wife, children. Ben'jamin Warren, (1 31) .Inly 8, 1810 Lewis Wade, (1 31) Aug. 12, 1812 William Henry, (1 31) July 21, 1815 George Francis, Wrentham, (1 31) Feb. 12, 1818 Marv Ann, Wrentham, May 29, 1820 Ebenezer Wade, Feb. 6, 1824 Hannah Maria, Aug. 29, 1826 Ilanuali Maria, 2d, Aug. 24, 1830 .lohn Frederick, April 14, 1833 Cornelia, of Samuel and Nancy (Bowers), Oct. 22, 1805 Ira, April 27, 1807 Edwaid Marshall, March 14, bsoi) Samuel, Oct. 20, 1811 Nathaniel Wheeler, Jan. 5, 1814 George Henry, Dec. 25, 1815 Ann Emily, " Jan. 14, 1818 Charles Fredeiick, June 1, 1820 Henry Crawford, of Benajah and Nancy (Abell), Rehoboth, ' " May 11, 1825 Ann Read, of Samuel B. and Mary, March 7, 1842 Ellen Frances, " Jan. 14, 1845 Samuel B., April 5, 1846 1 o-_' Frances Maria, of George H. and Julia M., Feb. 15, 1840 1 33 , daughter (if Nathaniel W. and Har- riet. Aug. 22, 184G Klla F., June 30, 1851 Cornelia I.. Nathaniel \V., Louisa, of Jonathan B. and Harriet, Anna Elizabeth, Ralph, , son of Samuel and Laura. Laura L.. , daughter of Benjamin W. and Ly- dia A., Seiit. 19, 1851 1 son, Sept. 22, 1852 Henry Comfort, of Henry and Loiza, Oct. 17, 1853 , son of Samuel B. and Mary C. (Chaffee), Dec. 12, 1853 Thomas A., Sept. 21, 1858 Charles Lewis, Feb. 2, 1860 Vv'alter B., of Benjamin and EleanerR., Sept. 10, 1855 Caroline Y., of John F. and Elizabeth R. (Yates), March 29, 1857 •2 2 - 38 38 — 38 - 38 — 38 - 89 - 89 - 89 - 89 _ 89 - 89 - 89 — 89 — 89 — 89 — .SO - 8G — 86 — 86 _ 86 — 86 — 86 - 86 - 66 2 S 2 s 2 s 5 6 34 4 7 34 8 3 4 5 5 11 13 i 1) Feb. 17, 1853 Nov. 6, 1854 May 19, 1849 June 15, 1852 April 15, 1854 May 29. 1849 Feb. 5, 1857 BIRTHS — SEEKONK. 191 1 11 ALLEN (rraee Gerald, Dec. 7, 18."i8 1 l.T Fanny M., .liino 10, 18(51 1 U) Alice Jane, ol' John R. and L^dia IMaiia, .Inne 22, 1867 1 21 Jennie, ' INIaieli 20. 1S73 1 2;5 John Edgar, J;in. 1."), 1S78 1 2t. 'riuiotliy and .^loUy), his wife, Nov. 25, 1774 - 1 Elizabeth, of Phannel and Eiuiice, Oct. 27, 1797 - 1 Amanda, Dec. 3, 179» - 1 John J.. Aug. 17, 1802 - 1 Eunice W., Oct. 24, 1804 - 1 Sally, (Carpenter of Capt. Abel and Han- nali), his 2d wife. May 25, 1784 - 1 Hannah W., of Phannel and Sally, Nov. 25, 1808 - 1 Abby Maria, Feb. 15,1811 - 1 Glorianna Whipple, Aug. 14, 1812 - 1 An(h-evv Jackson, Nov. 19, 1815 -1 James Madison, May 22, 1819 - 1 Sarah Willraarth, May 27, 1822 - 1 Lucy Maria, June 11, 1825 - 94 Lucy, of William and Amev W. (Buckliu), Sept. 4, 1803 - 94 Joseiih Warren, " Nov. 30, 1805 - 94 Phannel, Aug. 3, 1807 - 94 James Madison, March 13, 1810 -92 James Jladison, 2d, (1 10) Aug. 14, 1812 - 94 William Henry, (1 10) Aug. 31, 1816 _ 94 - 37 _ 37 — 37 _ 37 _ 37 _ 37 _ 37 _ 37 _ 32 — 32 - 32 - 32 — 32 - 32 — 32 — 32 _ 32 — 4 1 34 1 7 2 8 1 32 BIRTHS — SEEKONK. 195 BISHOP Amoy Whipple. Oct. 17, 1818 Mary Ann Jeaiiette, of Elieiiezer .iiid Jlary Wade, ' Ji;ly 24, 1.S13 Fanny Elizahelli, April 28, 181o Kbenozer Albert, April 14, 1817 Sarah Aborn, Jan. 30, 1819 WilliaiD Wade, March 8, 1823 Williuni Henry, Feb. 21, 1825 Caroline Maria, Dec. 7. 1827 .James Nelson, Nov. fi, 1830 Mary Ann, of Comfort and fSally (Wood), Alarch 25, 1814 Jonathan Wood, Dec. 10, 1811) Comfort Clardiier, Nov. 29, 1818 Sally Wood, Aug. 31, 1821 Comfort IMason, Dec. 0, 1822 William Whipple. Marcli 24, 1826 Almedia Klizabeth, Nov. 25, 1828 Edmund Kodoliihus. Aug. 25, 1831 Henry Fianois, j\Iarch 9, 1835 Nathaniel Ide, of Phamiel and Betsey (Idc), Oct. 13, 1829 , daughter of James N. and Alzada, Dec. 3, 1849 Canjline Amelia, of Nathaniel I. and Caro- line, Oct. 14, 1855 Leon A., of G. Clifford and Lina H., Nov. 18, I.SUO BLACKAMOKE Lydia Sophia, of George A. and Alice C, ' " Sept. 5, 1843 1 4 BLAISDELL Benjamin Washington, of Ben- jamin H. and' Abliy H., Nov. 2.S, 1852 - 49 BLISS James Leonard, of James and Nancy (Bliss), Sept. 7, 1812 Caroline Louisa, April 8, 1815 George William, July 19, 1817 Martha Humphrey, of C'alcb, Aug. 5, 1835 Lydia Eleanor, June 12, 1838 Lucy Annah. Aug. 16, 1841 Orin N. and Susan Angell, children, Albert Ilenrv, Warwick, April 28. 1838 Keuben King, Feb. 8, 1842 Alfred. May 6, 1840 Mary Elizabeth, (1 32) Sept." 20, 1843 Franklin Smith, of Caleb and Sally, June 19, 1843 Martha W., of Noah, Jr., and M.artha \V., Feb. 14, 1857 BLIVEN Marian, of William G. and Helen R., Nov. 24, 1855 BLOOD Clara, of William C. .and Frances M., June 14, 1857 BOGMAN James R., of James and Angelica, June 18, 1857 BOOKER Olive, of Isaac .and Olive, Jan. 5, 1847 BOTSILKO John, of Joe and Mary, May 6, 1894 BOURNE Eliza, of Eli and Leapha (Ide), Oct. 28, 1812 Lydia Ide, ~ Jan. 12, 1815 Albert, Oct. 15, 1816 Mary, of Stephen and Nanny (Dean), Feb. 2, 181G B.ayiies, ' June 28, 1818 Almeda, Aug. 22, 1820 - 49 - 49 _ 70 — 70 _ 70 3 S 3 s 3 s 3 s 3 s 32 9 8 10 10 33 2 12 _ 41 _ 41 - 41 _ 42 — 42 _ 42 196 VITAL llECORl) OF KHODE ISLAND. - 98 BOURNE Cornelius Eugene, of Wilder ami Mary W. (Soule), - 79 Henry 'Orvillo, of Almond OrviUe and ClKulotle D. (Fills), his wife, April 3 - 79 Charlotte Amelia, of same parents, May 17 1 Si Deliah, of same parents, Sept. 23 1 34 Stephen N., Jan. 29 1 34 Baylies T., -Ian. 29 1 5 Walter Eugene, Feb. 23 1 IG Clara F., of Stephen and Mary A. C, Aug. 7 1 13 BOWDEN Samuel F., of John and Lydia (Griffin), .lune 19 - lOS BOWEN Joel, Dec. 22 - 108 Susannah ( Arniington), his wife, Sept. 29 - 108 Lucy, of Joel and Susannah, Dec. 18 - 108 Fanny. March 12 - 108 Martha, March 3 - 108 Lucy, March 3 - 108 Caleb, Oct. 31 - 108 Oardner, May 9 - 108 Susanna, July 8 - 108 Esther, Feb. 1 - 108 Joseph, April 3 - 108 IkMijainin, Ai>ril 3 - 108 Patience, July 10 - 108 George W., Sept. 15 - 108 Caroline, April 10 - 108 Hannah, . April 10 - 14 Richard, of Ichabod and ^lary, July 20 - 102 Mary Chaft'ee, of E[)hraim and Sarah (Munro), March 22 - 102 Sarah Lucinda, Jan. 7 - 102 E|)hraim Josei)hus, Jan. 28 - 102 Lucy Munro, Feb. 20 - 102 Joseph, Jan. 1 - 102 Samuel, Jan. 1 - 22 AVilliani Ide, of Samuel, 2d, and Hannah (Ide), Sept. 12 1 33 , daughter of Arnold J. and Lucy A., Sept. 3 1 7 AVilliam E., July 4 1 8 , son, Dec. 13 1 17 , son, Nov. 28 1 2 Laura A., of Ephraim J. and S. J., Nov. 3 1 4 , daughter, Sept. 28 1 7 , daughter of Henry F. and Mary A., April 7 111 Charles F., of Charles F. and Mary A. (Peek), Aug. 1 1 15 Amey, July 22 1 15 Jane H., July 22 116 Cieorge N., of Nelson and ]\hirtha, July 2 1 29 Lewis A., of Urial S. and Nana C, July 10 2 9 Elcey E.. Jiine 8 2 1 George A., of George W. and Huldah, Oct. 10 iAIareh G, 1825' 1833 1836 1843 1850 1850 1853 18G2 18G0 176a 1762 1785- 1787 1788 1788 1789 1791 1792 1795 1796 1796 1798 1799 1803 1803 1810 1812 1815 1819 1824 1823 1823 1812 1846 1854 1857 1864 1850 1852 1855 1858 1861 1861 1862 1882 1891 1884- BIRTHS — SEEKONK. 19T 2 8 BOWEN Goilriide M., of Allen G. niiS(;i 1 16 , Dec. 10, 1862' 1 5 BOZWOKTII , son of J.)hn Handy and Amanda, Sept. .'>, 18J3 1 2-2 Mary W., of Stephen B. and Lydia P,, Dec. .31. 1S76 1 23 Lydia Amelia, ' Nov. 22, 1878 2 13 Grace E., of William F. and Esther Pratt, Se))!. 8, l,s'J4 1 11 BRADLEY Ella E., of James II. and Sarah AV., Nov. li), 1858 1 12 Frances C of William P. and Alihy I.. May 9, 18;-|9 I 21 WiJiiaui Edwards, of William C. and Mary, Oct. 1, l.s73 1 25 Charles Howard, " Jan. 20, 1879 2 (5 AuLHista M.. Aug. 1, 1889 1 13 BRADY Bedelia, of John and Catharine (Doyle), Jan. 29, 18(30 - 23 BRAYTON Susannah Anthony, of David Anthony and Nancy (Medlinry), Jan. 16,181.3 1 34 Leonora A., of Benjamin and Adalaide, Nov. 1."), 1.S49 1 13 BREWSTER Orin Otis, of Otis and Joanna fBucklin), March 31, IJSGO 1 15 BRIGGS Charles II., of William W. and Pa- tience (Carr), July 29, 1861 BRAMAN , son, Aug. 11, 1853 BRIGHAM Charles Edward, of Edwin I). and Elis, June 12, 1878 BROWN William, of Samuel, Jr., and Adali, Aug. 19, 1797 Albert, March 20, 1803 Theophikis, Sept. 12, 1811 Betsey Walker, Sept. 14, 1813 Abby Smith, June 15, 1817 Lydia IMiller, of John and Fanny (.Aliller'), Aug. 13, 1810 Daniel Williams, May 24, 1813 Joseiih, of Peter Hunt and Sally (Walker), Aug. 7, 1816 Huldali Hunt, June 22, 1819 John Hunt, of Jose|ih Carpenter and Sarah I. (Hunt) Brown, Anne Aiuudall Co., JMd., March 11, 1828: Jo.seph Carpenter, Jr., of same parents, Feb. 18, 1830" Peter Hunt, (see also 17), Jan. 14, 1832 Ann Eliza, of George W. and Alar}' Ann (Purington), Dec. 24, 1831 Benjamin P., Sept. 27, 1833 William Henry, ]May 31, 1835 L. Augusta, of John and Maria, Jan. 2, 1847 Herbert Edwards, of Joseph and Henrietta, Feb. 5, 1847 Ellen, Nov. 24, 1851 Henry W., Oct. 14, 1850 1 3 Julia A., of Benjamin F. and Catharine, June 27, 1851 1 ,") 1 23 _ 62 . 62 - 62 _ 62 - 62 _ 42 - 42 1 3 1 3 — 97 - 97 97 - 93 _ 93 _ 93 1 33 1 33 1 3 1 9 198 VITAL RECOIiD 0¥ RHODE ISLAND. i 4 BROWN Sarah Kent, of .Tosopli C. and Cynlhia C, Jan. 22, 1852 1 Aurilia Finney, Sei)t. 28, 18.54 1 11 Joseph P., May 11, 1858 i 11 Nancy, of George W. ami Mary E. (Graves), June 14, 1858 1 i;5 AVilliam, July 31, 1860 1 13 William Alliui, of Allen J. and Sylvena (Simmons), March IG, ISGO 1 Hi Amanda E., of Lemnel and Celesta (Lyon), Dec. r>. 1801 1 17 Mattie, of Zenus and Anne, March IG, 18G4 1 ■_>! Fred Arnold, of Albert F. and IMary E., Sept. G, 1874 1 2(1 Alice E., April 2, 1879 1 27 Haltie Garfield, July C, 1881 1 ;?o Charles Nelson, Nov. 11, 1883 2 t; Ethel G.. Aug. 1. 1889 2 1 Florence Helen, of Ilenrv ^\'. and Emma C. , May 20, 1884 2 4 Alfred H.. Aug. U), 1887 2 2 Edwin Clarence, of Nehcmiah F. and Cora L., Jniv 7, 1885 2 3 Ellen, of Angust and Auger, July" 17, 1885 2 r, F^lma, Aiiril 5, 1889 2 12 Edna E., of William F. and Margaret (Johnson), May 14, 1894 1 4 XT'Pli'rV'Y rl'iii-'litor nf Petpt- ind Jnlia, July 10, 1852 - 83 BUCKLIN John, of George and Hannah (Bennett), Nov. 4, 1799 - 83 George Angustus, May 1, 1801 - 83 Hiram, Feb. 14, 1803 - 83 Thomas Peclv, Sept. 2;'), 1804 - 83 ^'irgil Bennett, Nov. 23, 1806 - 83 Jane Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1813 1 2 Joseph, of Virgil and Rutii, March 7, 1850 1 10 James H., of James P. and Ann E., April 14, 1857 1 12 Jessie F., July 11, 1859 1 l'> Harvey, July 11, 1861 1 IT) Franlv F.. of George and Lncy Anna (Bliss), Nov. 10, 1861 1 20 George E., of Cxeorge E. and Hannah F., Sept. 18, 1872 1 22 Cliarles, of George E. and Joanna, April 10, 1876 1 23 Ida M., Sept. 1, 1877 1 2 BUFFINGTON , son of John. Dec. 27, 1850 1 4 Allen Jlason, of John A. and Ann E., Sept. 7, 1852 - 4 BULLOCK William, of Jabez and Parmelia (Allen), Nov. 13, 1797 - 4 Mary R , March 1',), 1801 - 4 Edmund, Aug. IG. 1805 - 4 Sarali Ann, Aug. 13, 1806 ■1 8 George H.. of George G. and Harriet F., Sept. 12, 1855 1 8 , daughter. Sept. 12, 1855 1 34 BURGESS Abby Ann, of AViUiam H. and Lydia, May 1, 1848 a 34 Tristam, 3d, of Tristam, Jr., and Sarah W., May 14, 1849 10 4 4 20 22 22 24 4 BIKTH^ — SEEKONK. 109 1 7 BURGESS ITiiniet, ;of Tiistam, [Jr., [tan} Sarali W., ' iMurcli 23, 18:i4 2 12 ]\rary, of Jdliii and Marj-, Oct. 7, 1 12 BUKNIIAM Caroline, of Nicholas S. aii.l Maria A., Jnii. 22, ]S:,9 George E., of Harry E. and Rosella, Oct. 9, ISIKi BURR Susan Ella, of Raymond II. and Caro- line, JFay 25, 1852 CliaWcs Ricliniond, of Henry A. and Cornelia, July 14, 1852 Lewis Luprellet, of Nathaniel M. and Sarah J., Oct. 2i), 1872 Lena Freelove, of same parents, March 20, 1875 Philip C, Sept. 13, 187(5 Jennie Peiree, Oct. 21, 187.S BURROWS , daujihter of Smith and Henrietta, ' Aug. 2'.), 1852 1 n BUTLER , daughter of Jason M. and Julia, " Feb. 4, 1857 1 21 I'.UTMAN Lottie May, of William H. ami Lucy M.. Aug. 11, ls7."> ;\Iarv E., of same parents, ;\Iav 28, 1876 BUTTERWORTH Harrv, of Joseph and Eliza, ' Feb. 8, 1888 Frederick, _ May 28, 18.S0 Sarah E., ' (Jet. 1, 18111 Joseph, Aug. 1, l.s',);) Clara, Oct."" 21, 1895 BUTTS Benjamin Ellis, of Benjamin and Levira (Miller), ' March 5, 1819 A\"illiam Miller, of same pareuis, Sept. 21, 1821 BYRNES Frances P., of James and Ellen, Sept. 11, 1«5(; John, of .lohn and 31ary, Jlay 18, 1857 c 1 27 CADY Charles Everett, of Charles J. and Julia, Oot. IB, 1880 1 4 CAHOON . son of Esek and Lydia, Sept. 19, 1852 1 6 CALE , of Samuel, ^^lay 5, 1854 1 13 CALER Mary Ann, of Jeremiah and Jlary (JNIahou'ev), ' " Aug. 29, 18(;o- 1 9 CAMPBELL George N., of George W. and Adalaide, A\ml 4, 185(i 1 12 Anne Laura, Oct. 29, 1859 1 14 Eveline C, of Neil and Catharine (Murry), April 12, 1801 1 1 1 CAPRON Eliza J., of George W. and Mar- garet, April 25, 1858 1 32 CARBIN Daniel, of Otis and Nancy IL, Feb. 12, 1844 1 34 Alice, of Thomas and Ellen, Nov. 23, 1849 1 3 GARLAND Susan, of Thomas and Alice. Oct. 1, 1851 - 63 CARPENTER Calvin, of Otis and Mehita- ble (Finney), Oct. 21, 179(3 - 53 Spencer, Aug. 15, 1798 - 53 Luther, Nov. 18, 1800 1 22 2 ..) 2 7 2 11 2 11 2 14 - 7 _ 7 1 9 1 111 200 VITAL RECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. - 53 CARPENTER Xancy, of Otis and Meliitable (Einnev), April 7, 1803 - 53 Edmuiul, " .Ian. ■>, 1S06 - 53 George, May U, 1808 - 53 Sturges, Sept. 22, 1810 - 53 William, May 4, 1813 - 53 Hannah, Oct. 4, 1815 - 88 Kosanna, of Daniel, Jr., and Radial (Lvon), Nov. 3, 1797 - 88 Kosanna, 2d, " Eel). 12, 1799 - 88 Esther, April 22, 1801 - 88 Liieinda, Aug. 2, 1803 - 88 Daniel, . Oct^ 22, 1805 - 88 Betsey Washington, Eeh. 22, 1807 - 88 Dexter, Aiig. 17, 1810 - 88 Abhv, Jan. 11, 1814 - 88 Rachal, wife of Daniel, Jr., Nov. 2, 1778 - 65 Ann Eliza, of Capt. Samuel and Wheaton, Oct. 15, 1806 - 65 Caroline Maria, July 21, 1808 - 65 Fiancea Amanda, July 16, 1818 - 43 Horace, of Ephraim and Betsey (Erench), Oct. 26, 1813 - 24 Lncy, of Lewis and Sarah (Read), April 23, 1812 - 8 Asa. of Elihu and Esther (Turner), 2d wife, Nov. 5, 1816 - 57 Aurora, of Dr. Darius and Ann (Carpenter), Oct. 11, 1818 - 57 Anna, Nov. 13, 1820 - 57 Electra, June 8, 1823 - 57 Solon, Jan. 11, 1826 - 57 Electra, A\m\ 17, 1827 - 57 Isadora, Jsin. 4, 1830 -57 Darius Alemliert, Oct. 17, 1832 - 66 Martha .Mariah, of Ona and Sally (, May 4, 1820 - 66 Sarah Read, " Jan. 13, 1825 - 75 Abby Ann, of ("apt. Jonathan and Lepha (Bourne), Sept. I, 1821 - 75 Benjamin, Sept. 28, 1822 - 75 Lycha Bourne, Dec. 4, 1823 - 75 Aldeii, June 4, 1826 - 75 Alva, Maich 2, 1823 - 77 AViUiam, of Capt. Wooster and Lavina (Brown). Sept. 8, 1822 - 77 Maria, Dec. 21, 1823 - 77 Martha, March 25, 1825 - 77 Solon, Jan. 21. 1827 -77 Eliza Jane, Jan. 23, 1829 - 77 George, July I'ii'i 1831 - 77 Horatio, Sept. 11, 1833 - 77 Solon, Oct. 23, 1839 - 69 Davis, of Davis and Alpha (French), Sept. 26, 1822 - 69 Alpha Erench, Dec. 4, 1825 - 69 Charlotte Anner, April 4, 1824 - 69 Alpha French, Nov. 12, 1827 - 69 Harrison Gr.ay Otis, Dec. 10, 1829 - 69 Alice Howland, Jan. 9, 1882 BIUTH.S — SEEKONK. 201 5 S CAKPENTER Calvin, Jr., of Calviu aiul Abby (Tisdak-), July 8, ].S27 5 S Tisdak', Aug." 23, 1829 - 98 Joseph Kandall, of Osman and C'lanissa (L:ilaniel Willard, June 10, 1807 2 8 Ruth, of Daniel W. and Edith L., June 1, 1890 2 12 Rufus ()., Aug. 7, 1894 2 8 Alton T., of Edward E. and Georgianna, Aug. 10, 1891 1 12 CAVANAII Ellen, of Thomas and Ann, Dec. 10, 1859 1 34 CIIADWICK , daughter of Walter, July 30, 1850 - 'JO CHAFFEE Bozworth, of Ezra and Patience (Brown), April 10, 1805 - 99 Harmon, Jan. 13, 1809 - 99 Ezra, Sept. 29, 1811 - 99 Annah Bozworth, Aug. 9, 1817 - '.)t Elcey Bowen. of Abel and Sally (Boweii), May 27, 1808 - 94 Mary, April 19, 1810 - 94 Jonathan Bowen, March 8, 1812 - 94 Asa, Aug. 28, 1816 - 14 Hannah B., of Samuel 1$. and Nancy, Oct. 11, , 1810 - 14 Samuel, April 20, 1812 - 14 Cyrus, Jan. 18, 1814 - 14 Susan, Dec. 1, 1817 - 14 AVilliam, A|)ril 2.5, 1820 - 21 Hiildah, of Aaron and Lvdia (P'rench), .Ian. 3, 1812 - 21 Ira, March 12, 1803 - 21 Harvey, Dec. i;», 1804 - 21 Lydia, Nov. 9, 1807 - 21 Aaron, INIay 2G, 1809 - 21 Julia Maria, of Aaron and Julia Ann (Mason) , Jan. 28, 1827 - 21 Daniel Aaron, Dec. 14, 1828 - 21 Amey Ann, Aug. 7, 1831 - 21 Lydia Filiza, July 9, 1834 - 76 Sarah Ann, of William and Sally (Sweet), April 29, 1817 - 76 Olive Jenckes, April 14, 1820 - 27 Betsey 0., of Caleb and Lei)he P. (Ormsbee) , June 23, 1817 - 27 Mary, Jan. 14, 1819 - 27 Jonathan, April 8, 1821 - 27 Oliver, Dec. 18, 1822 - 27 Cordelia, Feb. 3, 1825 BIRTHS — SEEKONK. 203 - 27 - 27 _ 27 - 27 2 S 2 S 2 S 2 s 2 s 32 ;!2 2 32 32 33 34 3 5 7 - 27 CHAFFEE Henrietta A., of Calel, and Leplio P. (Ormshee), Elizalietli F., Elpellet. LephaP., Sarali A., of Caleb and Permilla A. (Allen), 2d wife, Peleg Honland, of Asai)li C. and Jane P., 8arali Jane, Isabella Peny, Leplia Carpenter, Welcome Francis, Corneluis, of Newman and Lydia R., Emily Greene, of Bozwortli and Henrietta, diaries, AVelcome Frances, of Asaph C. and Jane P., Jane Helen, of Samuel and Hebecca T., Harriet Allen, of J(jnathan and IMari^aret, Clarence Frank, of Oliver and Abby il., Abby M., Oliver, Caleb Chnreli, 1 1(» Fred Ide, 1 14 Jonathan I., 1 34 Edward I)., of Jonathan and Charlotte A., 1 3 Mary E., 1 34 Ge(H-ge, of Jonathan 15. and Margaret, 1 4 , daughter, 1 34 Charles H., of Josc|)li and Eebeeea, 1 34 William R., of William and Sarah W., 1 /) Bradford L., 1 8 , son, 1 34 Leland F., of Cyrus and Amanda RE, 1 3 Amanda M., 1 6 Isadore A., 1 7 Cyrns H., 1 9 Frederick E., 1 12 Sarah M., 1 14 Hannah Mnria, 1 34 Samuel K., of Sanuiel and Rel)ecca T., 1 10 Emma T., 1 lo Jane L., of William and Mary Jane (Bryant), 1 19 Lindley Almont, of Almout L. and Sarah, 1 21 Sarah Mabel, of Almont L. and Lydia A., 1 23 William F., 1 25 Frederick Lester, 1 30 Harvey May, ^ 3 Clifford Irving, 2 6 Leroy E., 1 20 Jonathan Albert, of Edward D. and Etta S., North Providence, 1 20 Edward Davis, of same parents, 1 21 Thomas Carpenter, of Charles and Clara C, ,1 27 Medora L., May 24, 1827 May 4, 1830 Nov. 10, 1832 May 10, 1836 Aug. 8, 1844 March 28, 1835 Dec. 19, 1838 April 1, 1840 June G, 1842 Oct. 9, 1,S44 Aug. 19, 1843 Nov. 28, 1843 Nov. 1, 18.-)0 Oct. 9, 1.S44 April 2(;, 1815 ]\Iay 3, 184{'. June 2, 1849 Sept. 14, 1851 Nov. 1, 1853 Aug. ti. 1855 Aug. 8, 1857 June 13, 1861 Feb. C, 1.S50 Sept. 27, 1.S51 JMarch 0, 1850 April 23, 1.S52 May 4, 1 850 July 2, 1850 Julv 18, 1853 Nov. 21. 1855 July IS, 1850 July 19, 1851 April 14, 1854 Aug. 2(), 1855 Jan. 19, 1857 A|iril 11, 1859 Oct. 17, 18G0 Sept. 21, 1.S50 Aug. 2, 1857 Sept. 14, 1861 Sept. 8, , 1869 Aug. 4, , 1S73 Aug. 21, , 1«77 Oct. (>, 1879 Sept. 10. , 18.S3 Feb. 4. , 1886 June 17, , 1889 Oct. 12. , 1871 Oct. 29. , 1872 April 1.'). , 1873 June 7 , 1881 1 22 1 29 2 14 2 5 1 24 1 211 2 5 2 i 2 10 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 7 2 1) 2 10 2 14 2 14 2 15 1 18 1 18 1 IS 1 30 204 VIT.\L IIKCORI) OF RHODE 1SL.\ND. '> 1 CHAFFEE Ivlilli Elizabeth, of Charles and Clara C, Jan. 7, 1884 Samuel I?., of Thomas (1. and Laura, ^ Oct. 28, 1876 Nettie Frances, ' May 7, 1882 , daughter, Aug. 20, 1886 Clinton C, Oct. 2, 1888 Leland Frances, of "Williniu R. and Angeline, Jan. 25, 1878 Ada Bourne, of Cyrus II. and Nancv N., Dec. 21, 1882 Lizzie Nelson, " April 30, 18S8 Arthur C, Nov. 3, I8;t0 Hiram Emerson, May 23, 1893 Isford F., of Frederick E. and Emma L., Jlay 8, 1885 CvrusEarle, March 31, 1886 William Mvers, Aug. 26, 1887 Edgar M.,' Sept. 23, 1890 : , son, March 24, 1892 Linton F., April 2, 1893 Edmi Louisa, JMarch 9, 1895 p:dith Amanda, March 9, 1895 Erford I'... May 28, 1896 CHAPiMAN William Jov, of William and Martha. ' Oct. 30, 1851 Robert James, Oct. 28, 18.54 Helen Lillie, Dee. 26, 1855 CHAPPELL John Raymond, of George P. and Patience II., ^ March 26, 1883 2 1 Oeorge Minor, of George P. and Patience li.. Nov. 12, 1884 1 18 CHESTER Emily Fiances, of Samuel and Phebe Eliza. GUILDS , son of John and W:utey, CHRISTIE , son of Robert and Jane, CLARK Charles Henry, of Rev. Henry and Mary T. (Dorrence), William Horatio, of same parents, Charles Henry, George Edward, of Seth I), and Almira, Albert, of R. F. and Sarah, Frederick Walter, of John and Sarah A., Robert Hickman, Charles Edward, of George E. and Ella F., Clifford F., CLAREY Catharine, of Michael and Ann S., COLBY Jean Margaret, of Abram and Mary A., - 38 COLE Nathaniel, of Nathaniel and Judcth (Woodward), Danville, Vt., - 38 Thomas, of same parents, - 33 Dolly Ide, of David, 2d, and Hannah (Wood), 2d wife, - 33 James Boz worth, - 33 Lucinda Elizabeth, - 33 Susan Ann, 1 3 1 2 - 106 _ 106 106 1 32 1 34 1 18 1 19 »> 1 2 8 1 8 1 19 Oct. 4, 1866 Sept. 15, May 15, 1851 1859 Oct. 20, Nov. 11, 1834 1835 Oct. - Aug. 21, April 25, May 18, Jan. 6, Jan. 8, 1844 184 9 1866 1868 18.S4 Aug. 18, Nov. 1, 1891 1855 Feb. 27, 1869 March 23, Nov. 28, 1812 1813 March 24, Sept. 1, 1812 1813 Jan. 5, June 28, 1815 1816- lilltTHS — SEKKONK. 20f> - 78 COLE ThoiiKis, of Joseph, Jr., and Ilaiiiiah (Daggett), Oct. C, is I 7 Rnclial Braley, Maicli 18. I.SU) Allon, Oct. 6, 18:^0 Jo.sepli, Nov. 5, 18-_'2 , sou of Nathaniel, Jr., and Ilanuah W., :\ray IG, 1840 William, of Nathaniel, Jr., and Evelyn, Sept. 25, 184i> Sarah E., ' Oct. 25, 1851 James H., Jan. 30, 1854 Lillian H., April 18, 1857 Joseph A., of Jose|>h and Ilan-iet, Sept. 3, 1848 , son, Nov. 11), 1850 Arnold, of Jonathan and Ilariiet. Jidy 18, 1855 , son of Cyrns, Sept. 1, 1855 Aldiy P'rances, oi' AVilliam ^M. ami Alihy E., Dec. 23, 185!l Thomas Sissons, of William ?.L and Hariiet, Oct. 2, 1864 Washington L, Dec. U), 1871) Hoby Anna, Nov. (!. 1872 Cyrus, Sei)t. 18, 1874 William P., Sept. 22, 1875 Edward Jackson. JMay 13, 1882 Kuby E., of Benjamin and Ruliy Ann, Oct. 1(!, 18(;o Harold B., of Harvey M. and I'laltie N., .Ian. 24, 1888 Dorothy L., of Lowell JNI. and Sarah Charles (Carpenter), Se|it. 14, 18;)0 COLLEY Henry V\'., of Thomas and Marv (Bowden), ' Aug. 2'J, 18G1 COLLINS , of Ira W. and Abbv L. (Peirce), " Aug. 22, 1801 COLLYEK Isaac John Powers, of William and Margaret, both of Marl), April I'.i, 1815 Peter ]\Iartin Cowley, of same parents, .Ian. 21, 1817 CONC(^UEST Erankiin, of Neils and Han- nah, CONNAUGHTON Leah Nora, of James and Celia (M'joney), CONNELL Anna," of John and Calharine (Kennedy), COOKE Harriet E., of Olney and Sophia. COOPER Sarah I'.owen, of David and Hul- dah (Head), Aug. 20, 1818 Huhlali Read, • Oct. 21), 1819 Amanda Ann, June 1'.), 1822 Horace Nelson, Ai)ril 7, 182() Anna Mariah, Aug. 20, 1833 Abel Bowen, of Aliel and :\Iary (Newman), Jlarch 31, 1822 jNIary ]\Iaria, " May '.», 1824 Susap Catharine, of Williau; and Susan Albro, Dec. 28, 1823 AValter Ivlward, of Eleaner. Nov. 7, 1850 Eranees Abel, of Abel and Sarah, Julv 1, ]8(i4 CORBETT John, of William and Catharine (Anthony), • Nov. 11, 1884 — (8 .. 78 - 78 1 33 34 3 G 10 34 2 7 7 12 17 20 20 21 22 30 14 5 15 15 15 - 35 35 1 28 2 14 1 14 1 2 - 52 52 - 52 - 52 - 52 - 52 _ 52 - 80 1 2 1 17 2 1 Sept. 7, 1881 Sept. 20, 18',)4 Jan. 11), 18G1 Oct. 2G, 1850 206 VITAL recoi;d of rhode island. CORBETT Stella, of James and Mary E., Sept. 1.5, 18ilO CORBIN Simeon Bowen of Lt. Benjamin and Maiv (Bowen), Nov. 1, 181.5 Susan, of same parents, Jan. 28, 1817 Hannah. Feb. 13, 1818 CORXDEN William II., of John and Cath- ai'ine, Ans;. 19, 184',) CORNELL . daughter of Elij.ah, Nov. 30, 184!) Mary J., of John and Kate, Aug. 2, 185'.l COUNLV Sarah F., of Michael and Cather- ine (Washington), June 17, 18(51 COYLE Thomas, of Peter and Marj- (Rice), Aug. 22, 1860 COZZENS Alvin Benjamin, of Alviu S. and Ann, Dee. 27, 1853 niara Ellsworth, June 7, 1801 CR.\IG James, of James and Betsey, Nov. 30, 1848 Frederic, Nov. 9. 18r)3 GRAIN ■ . of William II. and Fannv, March 2.5. 1844 George F., ..f William II. and Julia A.^ Jan. 13, 18.51 2 7 - 60 _ CO - 60 1 34 33 12 1.5 13 .5 1.5 34 32 ■> 4 12 15 s ;» 13 16 17 17 18 3 5 10 12 3 , son. Sept. 16, 1852 Mary E., of Mieh.ael and Mary, Sept. 22, 1859 Eliza, " Nov. 23, 1861 CROPIN Caroline II., of Amos and Ruth, Sept. 1, 1855 Hannah L., Feb. 12, 1857 Josiah Sibley, March 29, 1860 Roscoe EIropon, March 15, 1862 William Nelson, March 11, 1864 Frank Amos, March 11,1864 Emma Barsteu, May 20, 1866 CROW Thomas, of l.,a\vrcnie and Ann H., July 3, 1851 Martin, April 4, 1853 Jane F., April 14, 1857 Lawrence, Dec. 12, 1859 CROWELL • , daughter of Richard B. and Mary A., July 28. 1.S52 3 S CUNNINGHAM (4eorge Ebenezer, of Jo- se|)h N. and Sarah A., Oct. 2, 1837 3 S Augustus Nelson, of same parents, Nov. 5, 1841 3 S Rebecca Wade, (1 52) Feb. 25, 1844 1 33 .1 34 Mary B., IMarv C. of Joseph N. and Caroline, 1846 1849 Dec. 20. 1 3 1 4 x^. ... Nov. 1, Nov. 12, 1851 1852 , son, Sar.ah B.. 1 7 Walter II., July 17, 1855 1 11 Charles B., Feb. 20, 1858 1 13 William W., April 23, 1860 1 15 CURRAN Margaret E., of Thomas and Ann (Kinney), Aug. 2S, 1861 2 5 Loretta. of Michael J. and Veronica C, ■ May 21, 1888 ■2 6 Peter H. A., Aug. 7, 1889 i y Ciiarles Edward, March 2, 1892 2 12 Thomas R., April 11, 1894 2 14 Simon Duffy, July 30, 1895 B i RTHS'— SEEKON K . •207 1 3 CURTIS Anna, of Oliver S. and Ivlna S., Sept. 14, 1.S51 1 (1 Edna Stanley, May 31, 1854 1 11 Stanley 1)., Nov . 7, 1858 1 14 92 Fredeiick W., GUSHING Ahneda F., of Gapt. Joseph and Marcli 23, ]8(11 Sybel (Ornisbeo), Apri 1 1, 1809 — 92 Adeline W., of game parents, Nov ■ 2, 1812 _ 92 . Josiah, May 1-', 1817 — 59 Gapt. Charles C. and Betsey (Martin) childi ■en, - 59 Betsey ^Martin, Feb. 19, 1819 - 59 Perry Barney, by 2d wife, Mary (Barney), Jan. !■">, 1«24 - 59 Abba Ann, April 27, 182.S - 59 Susan Carpenter. Feb i. (i. 1831 - 99 Andrew Jaclcson, ]March 29, 1833 — 59 Ezekiel Carpenter, Nov. 15, 1835 — 59 Lea vet. AuiT. 17, 1838 - 59 71 Emily, Chloe Ann Cariienter, of C'iiancey and He- Nov. 11, 1840 lena (Ormsbee), Mareh 19, LSI 7 _ 71 Cliancey, lAIarch 10, 1820 1 17 Herbert Everett, of Ezekiel and Harriet, Sept. 17, 18C3 1 20 Fred A., Oct. 12, 1.S72 1 23 Jessie Ina, May 17, 1.S79 2 11 Harold L., of Herbert E. and Grace C, Dec. ic. , 1.S93 D _ 2 DAGGETT Jolin Sternes, of Jacob and Ly- dia (Slack), June 26, 1793 _ 2 Mary, May 26, 1 795 _ 2 Sidney, May 4, 1797 _ 2 . Adali," March 8, 1799 - 2 Jefferson, Dec. 1, 1800 _ 2 Lydia. Sept. 10, 1802 _ 2 Cynthia, Feb. 2, 180(; _ 2 Jacol.i, Dec. 28, 1807 _ 2 Samncl, July 9, 1809 - 2 Nancy, Sept. 2. 1811 - 2 Hannah, Aug. 2, 1S13 - 3G Elizabelii Frances, of Jefferson and Hannah Jan. 9, 1828 - 36 Edwin (^scar. March 5, 1829' - 30 Anna Jndson, March 12, 1830' 1 34 Thomas W. Dorr, of Cyrell N. and Susan, Jan. 15, 1849' 1 34 Amey Ann, of William and Blary Ann, April 29, 1849 1 5 John Wheldon, Sept. 5, 1853 1 22 Maria S., of Herbert S. and Emily B., Nov. 22, 1876 1 27 Robert S., Oct. 3, 1880 1 30 Ruth Slack, May 9, 1882 2 10 David B., Feb. 16, 1892 1 15 DARLING , son of 'Wanen, Nov. 20, 1861 1 22 DAVIS Anna E., of John H. and Ellen M., March 1, 1875 1 23 Frank Manning, ' Oct. 10, 1878 2 4 Chester A., of Maynard A. and EiiimaG., Nov.,21, 1887 208 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2 DAVIS Maliel E., of JMavnaid A. and Emma G., " Maioh 25, 1889 2 8 Maiiou E., Sept. 16, 1890 2 1') RlhIi a., Jan. 13, 189(5 1 2 DAY Josliua D., of -Joshua and Elizabeth, June 10, 18.')0 1 23 Horace F., of James W. and Ann R., Oft. 23, 1877 2 1 Iivino; Woodman, of R. Herbert ami Anna J." (Woodman), Sept. 1.5, 188-t 1 14 DAYTON Charles R., of Isatic C. and Mercy Ann nvinslow). " Jan. 17, 18G1 2 11 DEALT Pearl Inez, of Andrew and Fidelia, Feb. 6, 1893 1 17 DEAN Ellery Cusliing, of David W. and Emily F.. Jan. 31, 1863 1 18 Walter Everett, of same parents, Oct. 6, 1806 1 21 DkBLOIS Saiah R.,of James p. and Mary D., Jiilv 16, 1873 1 24 Mary Elizalieth, Oct. 17, 1878 2 2 Harvey Chester, Feb. 3, 1885 2 2 Howard Charlie, Feb. 3, 1885. 1 32 DeCOS TER Harriet Frances, of George T. and Aronia A., April 1, 1843 2 Id DkLAITRE Cecil V., of Daniel and Sophia P., Jan. 14, 1893 1 4 DEMPSTER . son of diaries and Ann, Seiit. 24, 1852 1 8 DENNIS Wellington R., of William R. and Mary E., Sept. 24, 1855 1 22 WelliniTton H., of Wellington R. and Mar- tha'^L., Nov. 29, 1875 1 23 Leetta L.. July 22, 1877 1 25 William King, Dec. 12, 1879 131 Ethel iMaiian. March 27, 1882 131 Martha Catliarine, Sept. 7, 1883 2 3 Emilv Mav, Nov. 4, 1885 2 4 Abbv F.,' Aug. 30, 1887 2 9 Mary E., May 2, 1891 2 3 Mary E., of Charles and Susan, Sept. 12, 1886 1 9 DENTON Samuel T., of Joseph T. and Susan M., Oct. 9, 1856 1 10 Mary L., Nov. 6. 1857 1 15 George AVashinston, Sept. 8, 1861 2 6 Hattic M , of George and Pamilla A., Sei)t. 2, 1889 2 10 Marian A., . Feb. 16, 1892 2 10 Pamilla A.. Feb. 16, 1892 DEXTER Henry Harris and Eunice (Walker, of Timothy), his wife, children. 9 S Samuel Frederick, March is, 1831 9 S John Mnmford, Jan. 21, 1833 9 S Joseph Davis, Dec. 28, 1834 9 S Edward, March 15, 1836 9 S Timothy Walker, Feb. 10, 1839 9 S Abbv Smith, March 4, 1842 9 9 Charles Henry, (132) Julv 31, 1843 1 3 Walter, of Ciiristophcr and Sarah W., Feb. 4, 1852 110 ^ Arthur, April 23, 1857 9 S 1-2 14 26 29 9 15 34 3 34 31 2 5 2 5 2 9 2 10 1 2 1 33 1 14 1 3 1 13 RlirniS — SEEKONK. 209 1 11 DKXTER Alfred, of Cl]risto[iher and Sarali W., Aiigbert, Ephraim Walker, William Carpenter, P^zra Granville, Baylies, of Benjamin and Zylpha (Bliss), John, Lydia, Mary, Benjamin, Ezra, Cyrel F., James, of Capt. James, Jr., and Betsev Peck, Idabell, of George W., Jr., and Emeliue E., Clara M., of John and Mary J., April 30 , 1813 June 3 , 1.S16 March 14 1818 March 16 1850 A|)ril 21 1853 March 11 1 866 June 2 1861 Nov. 18 Sept. 4 Oct. 24 .Sept. 6 May 9 Feb. 13 March 1 Oct. 2 May 29 Fjb. 6 Feb. 23 Feb. 21 INIay 20 Dec. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 ]\Iarch 1 Mav 11 July 2 Dec. 6 Oct. 17, May 23 Fell. 8 Feb. 3 Ai)iil 14 Jan. 14 Se|)t. 24, April 14 June 30 June 23 Jan. 29 March 25 Nov. 6 Nov. 30 Jan. 21 Jan. 31 Sept. 17 Dee. 22 June 17 May 23 ISS'J 1 854 1851 1851 1853 1850 1855 1856 1813 1815 1«17 181 '.I 1821 1822 1825 1827 1829 1831 1833 1835 1838 1816 1818 1820 1822 1824 1826 1829 1831 1833- 1821 1822 1824 1825 1830 1833 1836 1823 1856 1857 212 VITAI, IJKCOltn OF RHODE ISLAND. FRKNCII Kinma E., of Ezra G. and Anna, Sept. 20, 1858 FRENIKR William, of Wiliiam and Rosa (Lcaiulo), April 2, 1894 Rosa, of s;iinu parents, Nov. 7, 1895 FULLER ]\Iary Ann, of Levi and Mary (Peck), Sept. 17, 181.) Stephen Peck, Sei)t. 24, 1822 Calvin Sauford, Feb. 11, 1825 Caudis Cai-penter, of Sarah, and reputed child of Stiiiire Lake, April 27, 1817 Walter T., of T. W. and Susan C, March 14, 1847 Walter .T., of S. B. and Harriet, Feb. 15, 1849 Maria .lane, of Adison and Rel)ecca, July 3, 1854 Susan E., of Stephen P. and Rebecca C, May 10, 1756 Ida B., JIarch 26, 1862 Eleanor S., • .Iidv 22, 1877 1 11 2 12 2 14 - 90 ^ 90 — 90 - 5 1 33 1 34 1 6 1 8 1 16 1 23 G - 109 GARDNER Dr. Johnson and Phebe Lawton (Sisson), his wife, children; tlie first 4 born in North Providence. - 109 .luhnson Aaron, April 10, 1730 - 109 Eleanor Phebe, Feb. 4, 1832 - 109 Josephine Amelia, Oct. 7, 1833 - 109 Ruth Ann, Feb. 19, 1836 - 109 Adalaitle Victoria, Jan. 1, 1838 -109 Walter Scott, Sept. 9, 1839 -109 Leonora Susan, Nov. 29, 1842 - 109 Clarence F., Oct. 24, 1844 - 91 Seraphina Au<;nsta, of Alexander ami Ma- tilda Mason (Wheeler), April 24, 1837 1 7 Martha T., of Elisha 15. and Sarah, .Alarch 16, 1855 1 29 Harry Walton, of Arthur H. and Martha Gray(West), Sept. 28, 1882 2 1 William Gray, Dec. 3, 1885 2 8 Elcey S., of Joseph and Pearl A. (Abbott), March 6, 1891 2 15 Hnrold, Jan. 13, 1896 1 7 (JARNEY Austin B., of David H. and Caroline, July 29, 1855 1 6 GARVIN Elizabeth, of Darlty and Catharine, July 4, 1854 1 29 GERARD Aliee ."Mav, of Frederick and Eliza Jane, June 10, 1882 1 17 GERMLEY Sarah, of James and Ellen, Nov. 7, 18G3 1 20 GILBERHART Anna, of Charles and Haunali, Nov. 6, 1872 18 GILLEOAN John, of John and :Margaret, Oct. 14,1855 1 12 GILLON Frederick A., of Henry and Julia, Nov. 14, 1859 1 6 GLADDING Thomas C, of Abram S. and Ann, July 24, 1854 1 1*> , son of Abraham S. and Ann E., Oct. G, 1857 1 1» , son, Oct. 6, 1857 1 12 Nellie Amelia, July 30, 1859 1 7 GLEASON Sarah J., of William and Harriet, July 17, 185 5 Sei .t. ;i, i.s8;> Si [■I It. i;!. 1 .S'.IO M: uul 1 -'7, l,si)2 lUIITHS — SKEKONK. 21 B 1 32 GODFREY Betsey Jnne, of Suimiel and Phebe J., Miucli 2.S, 1843 1 3 Snimiel F., July 5, ]S;')1 1 6 Mary L. V., Jan. 15, 18.')4 1 8 , son, Apiil 17, 18r)G 1 2 GOFF Cyrus F:verett, of Ileniy R. and Sally B., Nov. 22, 1830 - 102, Mary.Klizabi'th, Kov. 27, 1831 - 102 Edward Newton, Out. 4, 1.S33 - 102 Charles II., J'ine 4, 183(! - 102 Slinhael Herman, Sept. 21, 1.S3'.> - 102 Julia M., Auo. 1, 1,S41 1 8 Maria I., of Albert and IMaria I.. Aug'.' 12, l.s,').') 1 14 Sylvester W., of James N. and Marv E. (Illeks), ' Oet. 2;», 1 .SCO 1 14 AVilliani Henry, of Charles H.and Elizabeth, Wareham, Jan. 2'.), ISCI 114 Cora Louisa, of Cvrns E. and ]\Iaria S. (Brown), " March 9, 18(11 Seth Warren, of Henry II. and Almira E., May 11, 1881 Archibald, June 7, 1889 Ellsworth W., of Sylvester W. and (irace B., Eva J., GOFFIN Harold J., of Ceorge and F'Jiza. GOGGIN John F., of John and Mary A. (Roach), Nov. 2.'i, 18iir, 1 31 GOLDSBORO Ellen, of Sidney and Ellen E. (Read), 1 34 GORD(JN Susan J., of Albert and :\Iargaret, 1 5 , daughter of John. 1 , son of William and Alice, 1 12 Eleanor, of John and Rnth I)., 1 12 GORTON Juliette M., of Rufus and Rebecca A., 1 14 Thomas E., of same parents, 1 14 Th(jinas E., of Albert and Martraret (Farmer), 1 30 GOUGH Arthur, of Peter and Rosa (MeCabe) 1 17 GRAHAM vVdalaide, of Henr / and Adalaide, 1 32 GRANT Ruth Wood, of Abel' and Hannah, 1 32 Angeline Frances, of Kent and Lydia, 1 32 IMahala j\.nne, of John and Emeliue II., 1 2 Alice B., 1 4 Emeline Elizalieth, 1 18 Warren Allen, of Marcus ;\I. and Ruth K., 1 I'J Ilurrie Larnerd, - 104 GRAY William I., of Cluircli and Sally (Ide), Sept. 5, 1813 - 104 Sally Ann, Nov. 2(5, 1814 - 104 Church, J""e 20, 1816 - 104 Sanmel, l-'eb. 18, 1818 - 104 Alvah, Fel'. 4, 1820 - 104 Eliza, Oct. 17, 1821 - 104 Abliv Mariah, Way 20, 1824 1 30 2 6 •> 6 2 7 2 10 2 15 Feb. 2C., 1883 Jan. !•"-, l.S4!» Sept. 22, 1853 Seiit, • 1, l.s 5 4 Dec. 28, l.Sol) Marcl h 5, 185'.) May l'.>, I8(;i , i\lar( ■h 8 ,i8(;i , June 17, l.s,s2 < )ct. l.s. is(;4 June k;, 18 13 June 30, 1.S44 Feb. 24, 1845 April 20, 1.S50 April 20, 1852 Dec. 22 1.S(;5 JMarch 18, 18(;7 214 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. - lot - lot 4 S 1 32 1 34 1 4 1 1--' 1 5 1 11 1 lit 1 19 1 20 1 21 1 20 1 20 1 24 2 5 2 2 2 6 2 13 2 12 2 l."> 1 IS 1 9 1 11 1 12 1 l.'i 1 12 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 20 1 22 24 25 9 2 12 1 9 15 15 15 G 8 10 13 GRAY John, of Cluiicli and Sully (Ide), Henry Walter, Henry Walter, of Alvali, (1 32) Eliza, of CImreh, Jr., and Ann E., GREENE George A., of Georse W. P. and Mary E., Eliza Jlaria, . daughter, Ida. of Anna, Benjamin, of Enock and Margaret, John Erancis, of John and Mary. Anne Louisa, of Olney and Anna, George Olney, Albert, Hattie May, of William B. and Lucy A., Charles Martin, of Henry Erancesand Marv M., Thomas, of Erank H. and Ilattie A., Erank H., Edwin A., of Edwin H. and iMary E., Kmily, , son, Mytis A., of Daniel A. and Sylia O. (San- ders), Mabel Edna, GRIMLEY Thomas, of James and Ellen, GRISWOLl) Clara, of Alfred and Erances, , daughter, Daniel S., , son, GUILD Walter A., of George AV. and Nancy Anna, Veta Etta Erancis, George Erancis, Willie W., Rosella Mary .lane, Clarence E., Fanny H., Fanny Josephine, Albert H., of (ieorge F. and Lena, Alice E., H HACKETT William, of William and Mary (Keily), Ann, Ellen, Joseph E., of Patrick and Ann (Sullivan), HAIGII George A., of John W. and Chris- tianna (iSIunro), HALE Clara, of Nelson and Ellen (Garner), Edward N., Maria L., Sarah C, July 29 1832 Dec. 11 1843 Dec. 24 1843 Sept. 14 1849 June 14 1852 Sei)t. 8 1859 July — 1853 Dec. 31 1858 April 13 1868 Nov. 13 1869 Doc. 6 1871 Dec. 10 1H73 June 1 1872 June 24 IS 72 Jan. 22 1879 Dec. 19 1888 Aug. 7 1884 Oct. 20 1889 Jan. 27, 1894 Nov. 25 1894 May 5 1896 Dec. 27, 1865 April 23 1856 June 6 1858 Dec. 22 1859 Nov. 23 1861 Nov. G 1859 Vpril l.'«. 18G4 April 4 ISGG March 8 1SG9 Aug. G 1872 Ma^; — 1875 June 26 , 1878 Sept. 6 1879 June 30 1891 Oct. 27 , 1894 March 28, 1854 Oct. 25, 1856 Oct. 11, ISGI Aug. 24, 1861 Nov. 16, 1861 Aug. 1, 1853 Sept. 22, 1855 Nov. 1, 1857 April 9, 1860 JIIUTH.S — SKEKONK. 215 1 22 HALL John J., Jr., of John J. ;in.l Elhi L., March 20, LSTiJ 1 24 Louisa, Aiiril 10, 187.S - 74 HAMMOND Betsey Fuller, of William and Sally (Cuoiier"), Jar.. 8, 1808 - 74 "William, of same i)arents, Sept. 1, 1812 - 74 Mary Ann, of same parents, Aug. 2;!, 181") - 74 Lney Biieklin, of same parents, Sept. 9, 1820 1 32 HANDY Daniel Andrew, of John and Sarah Ann, Aug. 2, 184.'? 1 33 William Henry, Jan. 8, 184G 1 4 ]\Iary Emma, of William and llairiet, Jan. 7, 18.")2 1 ."J Sarah Olive, of .John anil Olive B., Jan. 2;i. 1853 1 10 Adalaide v., May 28, 18.57 1 10 Fred Rich, of Charles C. and Emily F., May 31, 1868 1 8 HANSEU , son of James, Oct. 27, 18."),5 1 o HAKDIXG Mary Eliza, of Timothy L. and Lydia, A|nil 0, 18.t3 2 12 HARKiMAX lierlha T., of Benjann'n F. and Annie M. (Wood), " JMaieh 18, 181)4 2 14 George Ghester, of same parents, M:\\ 22, 180."> 1 34 HAKKInGTON Hellen E., of James and Catharine, Feb. 23, 18.50 1 4 HARISON , son of Alexan.ler, Dec. 2(;, 1852 1 14 HART Charles, of Charles and Ellen (Jla- lioney), Nov. 23, 1860 1 32 HARVEY Abby Maria, of John P. and IMartha Ann, ]\laich 2, 1844 Harry Edward, of Ijewis and Emma E., Nov. 2.'!. 1880 Eninia Bertha, Any. 27, 1882 HATHAWAY , son of Lemuel and Lydia, April 8, 1847 Warivn, June 15, 1848 Aionzo. March 3, 185G Arnn.nda E., Nov. 4, 1861 Mary C, of Asa W. and Mary C, Aug. 22, 1857 — , of Henry, , 1877 HAVENS ,■ of Charles C. and JIarv C, ■ Aug. 30, 1880 HAYS , daughter of Beter and Mary, Apiii22, 1852 Mary Jane, A|)ril 25, 1854 Peter, July 20, 1857 , of IMichael and Catharine (Clark), July 23, 1857 Mary, Aug. 16, 185',l Michael F., Sept. 21, 1861 1 33 HEALEY Joseph, of Welcome and Lydia, Dee. 6, 1846 1 20 HEDLEY Peleg Warren, of Peleg and" Helen M., April 15, 1871 1 23 Lillian .L, Nov. 2, 1877 128 Arthur Howard, July 31, 1880 131 Mabel Evelyn, Aug. 28, 1883 1 13 HENNKJAN" Peter, Jr., of Peter and Ellen (Currard), April I'.), 1860 - 10 HILL (ieorge Josiah, of George and Sarah W. (Keath), Nov. 19, 1832 27 29 33 34 8 15 10 23 26 4 6 10 10 12 15 216 VITAL KEUOKU Ob' RHODE ISLAND. - I'.i HILL Riley, of George ami Sarah W. (Keath), June 13, 1.S35 - 1'.) Vail Biireii, Aug. 8, 183G 14 Asaph C, of Oliver and Julia A., Nov. 3, 1S52 1 1.') Clarence R., of (teorge Rielj- and Anna M. (Angenia), July 27, 18G1 2 7 Margarie L., of Asaiih C. and Sarah L. (Watson), 1 15.. Henry Russell, 1 19 ' HICKMAN Willie Anderson, of James A. antl Julia, 1 4 HICKS Orlanda Atmanzo, of Neheniiali and Mary, 1 8 HINCKEY John, of James and Catherine, 1 8 HIX Henrietta Nevers, of Charles C. F. and Augusta A., 1 28 HOGER.SON Edith, of Andrew and Hannah, J 29 Flora E., \ -j;! Emily E., 1 24 Lillie, 2 2 Minnie, 2 8 Esther II., 2 8 Mildred F., 1 22 HOLBROOK Bertha I., of F. P. and J., 2 8 Winfred F., oi George 1). and Ella J., 1 33 HOLLEY Richmond, of Albert and Sarah A.. 1 34 Lncy M., 1 32 Albert, I 34 Caroline A. S., 1 34 HOLMES Eliz.-ibeth A., of Hufus and Mary, J 34 , son of James, 1 22 Anna, of Allen D. and Dorcas, 1 G HOPKINS , son of Horace and Mary A., Oct. 11, 18o4 1 10 Martha M., of William and Hannah T. (Parker), May 17, 1857 1 12 , son, April 25, 1859 1 14 , March 6, 18G1 1 34 HORTON , son of Charles and Susan, March 12, 1850 1 10 , son of Sylvanus and Anna M. Oct. 11>, 1857 1 15 James H., of Horace 1). and IMartha G. (West), Aug. 21, 1861 1 17 Edward H., of Nathan B. and Mary E. C, Nov. 27, 1864 1 20 , son of Charles and Margaret, Dec. 25, 1870 1 20 Jennie Francis, of George H. and Mary Francis. Oct. 13, 1871 i 31 Mabel Eunice, of same parents, April 17, 1883 1 21 Maude Augusta, of Theodore A. and Net- tie F., Dec. 25, 1873 2 5 Ervin E., of George H. and Carrie E., Aug. 25, 1888 2 1". Charles E., of George S. and Maude E. (Evans), Nov. 25, 1896 1 19 HOVE Fred Allcn.of Henry M. and Lydia A., April 26, 1867 2 8 William M., of Fred A. and Leonora N., Oct. 19, 1891 Jan. 19, 1890 Jan. 14, 1896 Aug. 15, 1867 Nov. 8, 1852 Oct. 27, 1855 April 2(1, 1856 Jan. 11, 18,Sl Sept. 27, 1882 Jan. 15, 1877 Dec. 29, 1878 Nov. 23, 1884 June 19, 1888 Dec. 13, 1890 Aua. 19, 187(; Jlareh 16, 1890 Aug. 1, 1846 May 31, 1848 Dec. 26, 1843 April 22, 1850 Aug. 20, 1848 Jan. 8, 1850 April 1, 1875 BIRTHS — SEEKONK. 217 1 2'J 2 7 2 14 4 S 1 33 1 32 1 2 1 5 1 8 1 10 i 15 1 15 1 27 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 2 - 81 _ 81 — 81 — 81 — 81 _ 81 - 81 1 32 1 33 1 34 1 17 1 23 ROWLAND Mjra, of Sanfoid and Mav- gaietta E., Jlary B., of same parents, HOYLE Carlisle, of James E. and Anno, HOYT William Isaiali, of Isaiah and Mary Ann J., G. Allieit, of William and Edith, Hl'MPHREV Ann E., of John and Esther W., , daughter, , daughter, , son, , son, David D., of Joseph D. and Elizabeth N. (Holt), Howard Elhvood, of Willard V. and Alice S., Harold R., of same parents, Marshall P., Jr., of Marshall P. and Cath- arine, Mildred E., , daughter, HUNT Major^Allen and Susan (Hlandiug), cLikiren : Maria, Josiah, John, Horatio Nelson, Caroline Blanding. Sophia B., Peter, of Daniel J. and Nancy, , son, James C'liurchill, of Livingstone and Eliza Clara C, of Edwin L. and Betsey A., Addie M., of William H. and Sarah E., April 13 Aug. 31 Jan. 28 Sept. 1 Aug. 10 April 9 Nov. 26 April 18 July 14 Nov. 3 Nov. 11 June 2-1 Jan. 23 1881 Aug, 13 1889 Sept. 12 l.SJS',) Sept. 12 1 889 Nov. 12 1885 April 27 18 IG Blay 181,S June 3 1821 Sept. 1826 June 2fi 1829 March 15 1824 May 15 1843 Jan. — 1847 Sept. 7, 1848 Jan. 14 18G2 March 1 1877 18.S2 1890 1895 1838 1846 1844 1850 1853 1855 18.^7 1861 1861 34 IDE Daniel, of Abel and Susannah (Phinuey), Jan. 15, 85 William B., of Alfred and Kutli (Wood- mansee), '85 John, 85 Charlotte, 85 Andre, 85 Mercy Dyre, 85 Elizalieth Crawford, 85 Nathaniel, 85 Ruth Ann, -85 Calvin. 85 Alfred B., 1810 larch 17, 1814 Jan. 24, 1816 April 14, 1819 June 13, 1821 June 13, 1823 March 7, 1825 July 2, 1827 July 8, 1829 Sept. 29, 1830 Oct. 10, 1832 218 VITAL RECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. - ;»2 IDE Timothy Pliinney and Allethear (Tif- fany) . ciiililivn. AVilliaiii Tiff.-inv, Mnrcli 4, 1815 ]\[:uv Ann Bullock, Ang. 30, 1817 Ili'niv Abel. April 2.5, 1820 Tiniothv Phinney. .Inly 31, 182.5 Henry Harvey, of Ephraim and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1834 Catharine Amanda, of William and Amanda (Bishop;, .Ian. 30, 184 2 Lncy INIariah, of Ilenrv and Lncinda, jNIav 1.5, 184(> Henry .S., of William T. and Sarah Ann, Dec. 27, 1846 Sarali W., Dec. 12, 1848 Althea T., March 25, 185,5 .Sept. 8, 1857 — 92 _ 02 _ ',•2 - '.(2 - ,1 ;»8 33 33 34 8 10 13 34 34 2 11 13 11 13 - 44 - 4 4 - 44 - 44 - 44 — 15 34 10 13 3 13 17 18 21 Carohne, March 1, 1860 Daniel P., of Daniel and Eunice B., March 20, 1841) Kachal X., of .Alarcellus and Martha, .)an. 30, 1850 , son of A\'iHiani G. and Sai'ah A., Dec. 12, 1850 Harriet A., of Henry H. and Mary A. (Barney), March 17, 1858 Marretta, Sept. 6, 1860 Timothy P., of Henry A. and Sarah M., Nov. 2, 1858 William Henr^-, of Henrj' and Betsev (Hanii'llj, ■ Aug. 19, I860 1 10 .TACKSON George N.. of George and P^mily X.. " ' Apiil 15, 1857 .lACGB John and Zelinda (Bishop), children. Phannel Bishop, Ang. 23, 1802 Ruth Brown, March 14, 1804 Joseph Warren, Sept. 20, 1805 Zelinda, Feb. 20, 1807 Esther Brown, of David and J.uperia (Kent), Nov. 16, 1833 George C, or P. B. and Ruth, Nov. 23, 1848 JARVJDSKY Theodore, of Theodore and Catharine (Benchman), Nov. 2, 1857 Eliza, of same p.-irents, July 18, 1860 JAYXES William Henrv, of Isaac and Mahala, Feb. 3, 1852 , daughter. " Dec. 26, 1853 William Nelson, of Charles N. and Anne E. (Humphrey), Aug. 14, 1860 ,Tohn William, of same parents, Nov. 13, 1863 Ida Hathaway, July 5, 1866 JEXCKES Oscar ICrvin, of Ferdinand L. and Malissa E., Ang. 27, 1874 1 5 JERAILD Anna Maria, of Daniel D. and Hannah M., March 11, 1853 1 7 Grace, of same parents, March 22, 1855 2 4 George F., of George F. and Sarah E. (Smith), Oct. 6, 1886 2 12 Raymond E., May 30, 1894 1 30 JIRARD Maretta, of Frederick and Eliza Jaue, Nov. 26, 1883 BIKTHS — SEEKONK. 219 JORDAN Josephine, of Susan, July 8, 1859 JOHNSON , daughter of "Welcome and Elnia S., Oct. l."), 18;j'J Edward Martin, of Martin and Amelia, July 13, 187'J Emerald Maurice, July 13, 1879 Maude Jane, of Joseph and Emily Z., Sept. 23, 1879 Maude J., of Joseph and Emma C, Sei)t. 23, 1879 Emma C, of August and Minnie, Jan. 13, 1893 JUDKINS Emma E., of Nathaniel T. and Chloe C July 19, 1852 1 11 Edward Stevens, of same parents, Aug. 24, 1858 K 1 12 I 12 1 26 1 26 1 25 1 26 2 11 1 3 1 14 KEEEE John, of Patrick and Ann (Dewire), Apiil 30, 18C1 1 13 KELLEY Gate, of Luke and BridgetJDarcy), April 8, 1860 2 2 Ellen M., of Richard and Anne, June 18, 1884 1 15 KEI/rON James A., of Benjamin 15. and Elvira J. (Adams), Nov. 11, 18G1 1 11 KF^NT James, of James and Lydia, Oct. 6, 1779 1 11 ],ydia. Aug. 14, 1785 - 17 Rebecca, of Ezra and Mary (Viall), July 13, 1790 - 17 Ann Erances, J lily 1, 1792 - 17 Allen, May 19, 1795 - 17 Joseph D., May 9, 1 798 - 17 Thomas Viall, A|iii'l 19, 1801 - 17 Amey Ann, J\larch 1, 1804 - 17 Julian, March 1, 1804 - 17 Betsey, March 8, 1807 - IG Lucy, of Joseph, April 17, 1800 - 16 Abby, Mav 16, 1802 - 16 John Adams, Feb. 13, 1813 - IG Eliza l)eth. March 31, 1808 - IG Hozekiali, March 25, 1811 - 9 Matilda, of Nathan and Abigail (Round), July 25, 1801 - 9 Nathan, Nov. 20, 1802 - 9 Amanda, Se|)t. 5, 1804 - 9 Anna, March 28, 1806 - 9 Calvin, June 9, 1810 - 8 John, of P^zekiel and Deliverance (Greene), March 3, 1804 - 8 Herman, Dec. 28, 1805 - 8 Ezekiel San ford, Jan. 28, 1808 - 8 George Nelson, April 20, 1811 - 11 Clarrissa, of James, Jr., and Cynthia, Dec. 28, 1806 - 11 Lydia, May 5, 1809 - 11 Oliver Sprague, May" 14, 1812 - 39 Amey French, of John and Bethiah (French) , May 19, 1810 - 39 Mary Ann, Sept. 11, 1817 - 39 John ^Villard, Sept. 23, 1820 - 15 Olney, of Simon and Betsey (Willmarth), May 11, 1812 - 15 Keziah, Aug. 11, 1813 - 40 Eunice, of Seba and Nabby (Ide), May 27, , 1812 - 40 Henry, July 31. , 1814 220 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. KENT Louis, of Seba aud Nabby (Ide), Dec. 7, 1816 Hanis, Aug. 10, 1820 Eniih-, Aug. 7, 1826 Marv, of Ilumplirey and Mary (Viall), Sept. 9, 1812 .Saimiel Viall, " June 8, 1815 Mercy Ann, June 8, 1815 Mary Ann, of Remember, Jr., and Hannah fPerreu), Oct. 18, 1812 Elijali, July 11, 1819 Rebcccah, July 19, 1821 Hannah, July 22, 1823 Hezekiah. of num|)hrey. May 24, 1818 Jason, of Hezekiah and Celia, Nov. 24, 1843 AU)ert, Jan. 28, 18.50 Orin, Jan. 12, 1852 Mary E., of Russell D. and Abby Ann, Jan. 17, 1844 , of Lewis and Lydia, , 184(5 Alfred J., of Isaac and Hannaii, Nov. 27, 1849 Hannah M., July 29, 1851 Susan G., of Josiali, 2d, Jan. 23, 1850 , son of ^'irgil aud Emeliue, Aug. 17, 1850 Emeline. July 11, 1855 , sou .)f .\lba and Ruth P., Dee. 14, 1850 , daughter, Nov. 7, 1853 Walter H., of Harvey S. and Marcy, March 31, 1851 , son of Josiali and Lydia, Aug. 13, 1853 , daughter, July 11, 1856 Elida ^lay, of Josepli and Radial M., Jan. 16, 1859 JMiuerva Louisa, of Edwin T. and JLaria L., Jan. 26, 1873 Revere W., of George W. and L. E., Oct. 31, 1876 Lawrence Howard, of Elijali and Ida B. (French), ' Feb. 9, 1883 Raydon Elijah, of same parents. Feb. 19, 1882 KERN Lodwig, of Cooper and Elizalieth, April 13, 1864 KING Susan, of Joseph C. and Sarah, April 3, 1849 Sarah L., Sept. 20, 1859 Aniey Ida, of Edwin H. and Louisa N. (Whiinile), July 19, 1861 . of John C. and Phel)e A. (Blaekmor), Dec. 27, 1861 Mabel Louisa, of James Anthony and JIary Jane, June 14, 1873 George Antliony, Jan. 10, 1878 John, of Jesse and Rosa (King), May 12, 1896 KNAPP , of William and Martha, May 9, 1854 George W., July 27, 1855 Emily Francis, of Otis II. and Eleanor W., June 10, 1860 Ileury Otis, June 17, 1864 Edna F., of George W. aud P'rances i:., Aug. 4, 1886 KNIGHT Charles Freeman, of David, June 5, 1843 , daughter of B. B. and Phebe, Sept. — . 1852' - 40 _ 40 - 40 _ 25 — 25 — 25 - 40 _ 40 — 40 - 40 _ 24 32 34 3 32 33 34 3 34 2 8 2 5 2 .") 9 12 21 22 31 30 17 34 12 15 16 21 24 15 6 i 13 13 3 32 4 BIRTHS — SKEKONK. 221 2 15 KXIGHT Elmer AinoUl, of Peleg A. aud Miiry (Caniiou), Ciorapton, K. I., Dec. 8, 18'.»G LACE Ellen F., of Alexander und Lama A., Feb. 19, 1S59 LAIIIFF Mary Jane, of Thomas and JMary, Jnne 25, 1875 Maggie, May 22, 1877 LAKE Harriet, of James and Charlotte (Stephens), April 21, 1.S17 IMary E., of Andrew J. and Mary, Jan. 2'J, 18.")4 George Francis, of Horace F. and Harriet N. (Tanner), Oct. 30, ISfiO Helen Alvera, of Lahen G. and Edna A., Dec. 2, 1881 LANE William R. of Amos li. and Pliila (Hobinson), Jan. 24. LSCI Bertha, of William II. and Emma J., April 29, 1889 Mildren Hoyle, of Hurry W. antl Mary L. (Darlington), Oct. 11, lS'.»o LAXSTER Martha W., of William, Julv 4, 1850 LAWTON George, of Caleb, Dec." 19, 1790 Susan H., (Lawton, of Thomas), his wife, Aug. 2(), 179i'< George Erastns, of George and Snsau IL, Dec. 13, 1819- , son of George E. and Olive. March 27, 1847 Oliver A., May 31, 1849- George Francis, J^Liy •'i 1853 Mabel Sherman, of (ieorge F. and Kate L., Nov. 2, 1879' LEACH Angeline, of Matthew .L. and Anne E., Jnly 5, 1874 Herbert Allen, Jnlv'22, 187.5' Edward hie, Oct. 17, 187(> Helen Agnes, April 8, 1879 Raymond J., Feb. 17, 1889 LEE , danghter of George B. and Mary, IM.-uch 7, 1853 Charles, ofSeth and Lucy P., March 18, I8(;2 Harriet Amelia, of Ivlwin S. and Amanda C, Feb. 5, 1805 Arthnr, , 18(;7 Steiihen Warren Gilbert. Sept. C, 1869 LELACHEW Mary, of William and Cath- erine, May 19, 1892 John W., May 19, 1892 LEONARD , son of Samuel and Har- riet, June 24, 184G jNlary Ide, of Daniel H. and Marv A. B., June 19, 1852 Flora 11., " Jnly 4, 1857 William Everett, of William B. and Mary E., June 22, 1853 William A., of T. A. and Martha A., Feb. 15, 1855 • , danghter, Dec. 12, 1856 Freddie Ervin, of J. Henry and Almira, Feb. 28, 187.5 1 12 1 22 1 23 - 54 1 7 1 14 1 28 1 14 2 C, 2 14 1 34 - G5 _ 65 — 65 33 34 5 24 21 22 22 25 6 5 16 17 20 19 10 10 33 4 10 6 7 9 22 ■V-l.T VITAL llKCOKl) OF KHODK ISLAND. 1 25 1 2S 1 22 1 U 1 IH 1 2G 1 34 1 2 1 6 1 2('. o 10 2 3 2 5 1 31 1 28 1 33 1 34 1 2 - 31 _ 31 1 .') 1 "J 1 15 1 18 1 20 2 1 2 11 2 4 1 11 1 13 1 13 1 15 - 106 - lOfi - lOG - lOG - IOC LEONARD Sylvester Calvin, of J. Henry and Alniira, Ida Kslella, , si)n of .Tolni IL, 2d, and Mary W., LEWIS Frances E., of James II. , Herbert W., of Warren 1). and Sarah Ann, Gerly, of AVilliam and Eninia, LINCOLN So[)luonia, of Justin and Mary, William Z., Wilson J., Charles F., of Zephaniali G. and Jlar^- H., LINDKOTH Harry E., of Lars and Carrie. LILLIBRIDGE Clara Bowen, of Charles W. and Aliby A. (Bowen), Florence M., of same jjarents, LIVSEY Henry Fred, of Frederick and Ag- nes \., LONGFELLOW Willard Edmnnd. of Ed- mund C. and Clara B.. LOTIIROP , son of Joshua, Jr., and Adalaide. Frank Wallinsiton, of Joshua and Lois A., 'Ilenrv H., of Joshua and .Vdalaide, LOMBARD Peter and Hannah (Wells), child. Nancv Wells, H'TIIER , daughter of William, Celesta, of Albert and Adaline, Winfield Scott, of George F. and Martha (Grant), Ira Howard, Herbert Everett, Edwin tieorge, of Wintield S. and Emily F., Walter P., of Wintield S. and Julia E.. Florence E., of .Alexander and Emily, LYNCH John, of Michael and Barbara, (Mcl)onough), Anne, JNIaria, of Thomas and INIargaret (St. John) Thomas E., LYON Elbridge Augustus, of Ob.adiah and Susannah (Bonrne), Susan Ormsbee, of same parents. Catherine, of same parents, William, of same parents, Calista, of same parents, Feb. 28, 1879 Jiilv 14, 1881 Dec. KJ, 187G Dec. 5, 1848 April 2, Jan. 1», 18G6 1880 April 9, April 7, Sept. 6, Jan. 7, 1849 18.50 1854 1880 Dec. 15, 1892 Ang. 10, 1885 July 12, 1888 Aug. 14, 1883 Dec. 20, 1881 Sept. 21, May 7, 1846 1849 May 1, 1851 Sept. 20, 1815 July 25, 1853 Sept. 29, 1856 Sept. 2, Oct. 9, 1861 1865 April 25, 1871 April 22, 1884 Oct. 29, 1893 March 30, 1887 Ai)ril 13, 1858 Sept. 25, Ang. 12, 18G0 1860 Dec. 3, 1861 March 9, 1813 Dec. 19, 1814 Jan. 2, 1817 March 1, 1819 Jan. G, 1827 M 2 5 1 3 MAINE Orin A., of Albertus and Mary F., Aug. 21, 1888 MANNING Friend C, of John IL and Maria. March 26, 1852 1 32 1 3 2 3 2 2 — 7 — 7 _ 7 _ 7 _ 7 _ 7 _ 7 - 100 _ 100 - 100 1 3 1 10 1 21 BIRTHS — se?:konk. 223 1 32 MARTIN Betsey Kingsley, of Jolin ami Elizabeth M., Oct. 19, 1843 Ruth Elizal)eth, of same parents, (sic) Dee. 8, 1843 George, of Georiie am) ]Maria, JIarch 18, l.s.'i:.' Eiiiiria May, of George J. and Einina F., Jlay 7, 1885 Grace E., of Riifiis II. and Saraii E., Seiit. 1, 1885 WASON Caleb, of David and Ruth (Kent). Nov. 24, 1795 WilHani Cusliing, ,Ian. 31, 179(5 Patience Kent, Nov. 14, 1797 Hnldah, Sept. 15, 1799 Ira, Dec. 13, 1802 Ruth, Sept. 23, 1806 Ann, Sept. 23, 1806 Alverin Annington, of Nathan ami Eme- Ime (Armington), Oct. 29, 1822 Mary Paine Armington, Oct. 22, 1824 Sarah Ann, " Dec. 5, 18l'8 Frederick Antiiony, of Jonatlian and jMaiy, April 28, 185 2 Sanforil, of Andrew .1. and Alinira .1., Sept. 19, 1857 Ilenrv, of Henry and Emily A., Aug. 17, 1873 1 13 jAIASTERSON ('atherine, of William and Maiy (Sheridyn), July 26, 18G0 1 5 MATHER Susan E., of William and Eliza- beth, Oct. 1, 1853 1 6 John, Dee. 22, 1854 1 9 Sarah J., Jan. 5, 1857 2 15 P]dna JMay, of Elislia W. and Mary Jane (^ ' Mai-ch 1, 1896 1 18 j\IATHEWSON Willie E., of William T. and Sarah, Sept. 19. 1866 1 6 McABOY — , daugiit.r of Elizabeth, July— ,1854 1 13 McADAMS Mary E.,ec. 5, 1861 1 13 McMELH)N Betsey Ann, of James and Nancy B. (Cole), April 29, 1860 1 4 McQlilNN , sou of Thomas and Mar- garet, Oct. 17, 1852 1 6 ^— -Tilly 8, 1854 1 9 . son. May 30, 1866 - 46 MEDBURY Benjamin, of John and Abigail (Viall). Ai)ril 23, 1780 - 46 Sarah Viall, Aug. 19, 1782 - 46 Benjamin, Aug. 13, 1785 - 46 Jesse. April 21, 1787 - 46 Joiin, Sept- -i, 1789 - 46 Charles, May 14, 1792 - 46 Viall, April 17, 1796 - 4(; Allen Viall, Jan. 28, 1798 - 46 William, Dec. 31, 1800 -46 Fanny, Feb. 11,1802 - 3 Arni)id Rhodes, of Josiah and Phebe (Rhodes), July 19, 1797 - 3 Nicholas, Aug. 27, 1799 - 3 Thomas, April 25, 1801 -3 Rosanna Smith, March 12,1804 - 3 Lvdia Rhodes, Nov. 13, 1805 - 3 J6siah, Oct. 9, 1807 - 3 John Frederick Radloff, Dec. 30, 1810 - 12 Benjamin Bowen, of William, Dec. 9, 1798 - 12 Patience Bowen, Barringtou, March 20, 1801 - 12 Nathaniel, Barrington. Dec. 30, 1803 - 12 Angeline, Barringlon, Nov. 26, 1806 - 12 Mary W., Aug. 29, 1809 -12 William Throp. June 13, 1821 - 97 Al licit Evender, of George and Catherine B. (Rhodes), Dec. 6, 1818 - 97 Alpheas, Dae. 6, 1820 - 97 Hannah Rhodes, April 5, 1823 - 97 Christopher, Aug. 22, 1825 - 97 Catharine Rhodes, June 15 1827 - 110 Betsey Ann, of Viall and Hannah (Peck), Nov. 22, 1822 - 110 Allen Viall, Jan. 29, 1825 -no Andrew Nelson, Dec. 5, 1827 - 110 Allen Viall, of Viall and Lydia (Peck), Oct. 28, 1830 - 110 Horace Carpenter, ' March 17,1832 - 110 Matthew Hale, April 2, 1834 BIllTHS — SEEKONK. 110 MEDIiURY Ilamiah Peck, of Viail and Lydia (Peck), - 110 Adeline Frances, - 110 Jolin Allen, - 101 Caroline Francis, of Ilezekiali Kent and Del)orali (Laivc), - 101 Sarah Humphrey, - 1(11 Julia Amanda, - 101 Ann F:iizal)elli, - 101 Louisa, 1 8 Hannah Peck, of Albert E. and Hannah (Peck). 1 S Albert Ellis, 1 34 Alvira, 1 32 Frances, of Thomas and P)Ctsey, 1 2 — , son of William and Lucy, 1 4 Jesse Kent, of Charles T. and Lydia A., 1 6 Henry Allen, 1 6 Sarah llaria, of William T. and Lucy A. (Wood), 1 10 AVilliara H., 1 15 Amos W., 1 8 Ellen M., of Matthew and INLiria, 1 9 , daughter, 1 14 Walter Paine, of Andrew J. and Charlotte F. (Paine), 1 17 Oliver Esten, of Danforth and Mary Lois, 1 30 Chester Selwyn, of Ella, 2 1 Charles Francis, of Jesse K. and Jlaritta, 2 5 Ann i\Iay, 1 29 MILLEKlis' Harry, of John H. and Annetta D., Dec. 15, 1881 - 56 MILLER Seth Johnson, of Jacoli and Betsey (Howard), " Miiy 4. 1802 - 56 Mary Ann, Dec. 31, 1803 - 50 Sally Willmarth, May 19, 180(') - 56 Howard Allen, Sept. 19, 1807 - 56 Charlotte Ormsbee, ]\Iarcli 10, 1809 - 56 Elizabeth Howard, June 21, 1810 - 56 George Frederick Augustus, .luly IC, 1814 - 68 Sally Read, of Jonathan and Deborah (Read), May 31, 1811 -68 Cyrus Peck, Sept. 21,1813 - 68 Allen Hunt, Nov. 28, 1818 - 68 Joseph Carpenter, June 9, 1821 - 68 David Read, Jan. 11, 1824 - 22 Ann Eliza EseUis. of Ebenezcr and Emeline (Ormsbee), Jan. 25, 1827 - 22 Abby Ann, May 17, 1831 - 22 George Ellis, Oct. 21. 1841 - 22 Betsey Ann, Jan. 21, 1846 1 33 Betsey Ann, of Ebenezcr and Emeline, Jan. 21, 1946 1 34 Joseph F., of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1848 1 34 John A., of Jonathan and Christiana, May 28, 1849 22,5 June 20, 1835 Nov. 2, 1837 Feb. 12, 1842 March 11, 1823 Jan. 2, IS 25 Oct. 10, 1827 Jan. 4. 1830 Sept. 22, 1831 April 1, 1843 June 25, 1845 Jan. 8, 1850 Oct. 15, 1844 Jan. 1, 1851 Aug. 25, 1852 Oct. 21, 1853 July 26, 1854 July 28, 1857 Nov. 1, 1861 June 14, 1 855 Aug. 10, 1856 Jan. 11, 1801 Sept. 8, 1865 Feb. 14, 1882 March ;il, 1884 July 2, 1888 Maich 17, ISijl (Jet. 17, 18.50 March 23, 1851 fe\)t. 5, 18.51 Oct. 1, 1855 Nov. 18, 1855 Dec. 20, 185G Dec. 9, 1857 March 23, 1800 Jan. 11, ISfiO Felj. — , 18G2 Feb. 11, 18G5 18(;7 18G'.l Sept. 10. Sept. — , 1.S71 Dec. 16, 1877 Maich 10, 18G5 Aug. 9, 18GG a, Oct. .'), 1871 Oct. 23. 1873 IMay 24, 1880 Oct. 17, 1881 ,Ian. 5, 1879 226 VITAL RECORD OF UHODli ISLAND. 1 2 I\IILLKR son, of and Christiana. 1 2 , son of Cliarles E. and Mary, 1 2 Fret. 18, 1848 1 34 Frederick A., March 29, 1850 1 5 . son, March 16, 1853 1 5 , daughter, Marcli 16, 1853 1 ;!4 Mary F., of Francis and ?.Iarv, Dee. 20, 1848 1 2 Eunice Ella, " Oct. 29, 1850 1 7 ftlOORE , daughter of Benjamin and Hannah, 1 9 ]Mary, 1 10 Frederick F., of (ieorge W. 51 (Millekin), 1 13 Elvira X'ictoria, 1 5 MORSE , daughter of Ellen, 1 6 Ida A., of Nelson and Ann Frances, 1 7 William C, of Nelson H. and Cornelia A., 2 11 MOULTON Esther R., of Herbert E. Fanny E.. 1 12 MOWREY" Francis (i., of Evans E. Esther, - 27 IMUNRO Hannah Allen, of Thomas Lydia (Smith), - 27 Sarah Smith, - 27 Lydia, - 27 George Vv'hitefield, 8 S Melvin, of Josc])!) and Olive, 8 S Conrtlanril 2.^^, 1842 Sarah S., of Jonathan and Susan 15., Ang. 11, 1M43 Lucy Noiris, of Nathan and Cordelia D., April 1, 1844 Phebe Hale, of Slade II. and Ennice, .Inly 7, 1852 .Slade II., Ang. .5, 1854 Ella F., of Slade II. and Loderna C Kalians- bee), ~ Oct. ;», 1861 Allen, of William S. and Lucy, .Ian. 14, 1853 , son of Ali)ert O. and Maria, Aug. 3, 1854 Emma .lane, of Kal[)h K. and Emma Almir.a, (Jet. 3, 1865 Ralph W.. Aug. 24, 1873 Arthnr F., of .John W. and Sarah A., .Sept. 10, 1874 John W., ot Andrew and Alice (Bens(Mi), June 8, 1888 Artliur M., Oct. li), 181)0 Uriel James ISenson, Oct. 31, l.s!)2 Sarah Ann, March 17. IS'.IJ Lucy Mary. May 1, 18;)6 MOUnOCK Eva Louisa, of Lewis and Jessie, June 1,1884 MURRAY Thomas, of Maurice and Eliza, .hily 17, 18(;9 Joseph John, of Maurice and Mary, Jan. 5, 1892 Mary Elizabeth, " May 24. 1893 James A., Nov. 10, 1894 Thomas Augustus, Jan. 11, 1896 MYETTE Anne, of Joseph .and I'aiieiiina. Oct. 15, 1881 N NASII Daniel S. and .\manda (Goff), children: Mary Rebecca, Seiit. 11, 1838 Elizabetii Amanda, March 3, 1840 NELSON Mary Eliza, of IMoses and Mary Ann, xVov. 7. 1843 Gustave A, of John and Hannah, April 19, 1877 NEWMAN Ira Cole, of Nathan and Sarah (Cole), 2d wife. April 28, 1801 William, May 15, 1803 Chloe, May 23, 1804 Betsey, Sept. 3, 1805 , son of Gilbert F. and Abby S., Sept. 5, 1855 Emma L, April 28, 1857 Walter J., April 9, 1859 NICHOLAS Amey, of William C. and Mary Ann, March 30, 1849 1 26 NIELSON Clara Amanda, of John and Han- nah, Jan. 20, 1879 1 27 Nels Burqueharte, J.iu. 26, 1881 1 28 Tilda C, of Christian and Anna, June 18, 1881 8 S 8 s 8 s 8 s 8 s 8 s 8 s 5 s 32 32 4 6 15 5 6 17 21 21 2 5 2 8 2 9 2 14 2 15 2 1 1 19 2 9 2 10 2 12 2 15 1 28 - 28 — 28 - 28 1 32 1 23 - 96 _ 96 — 96 — 96 1 7 1 10 1 12 1 34 i:. Ul 3 3 26 28 28 31 13 IC, 12 228 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 15 NINES Conlelirt F., of "William and Rosa (Bradley), Aug. 16, 1861 1 11 NOLAN Theresa, of Patrick nud Julia (Mor- rison), March 28, 18.i8 1 13 Aanes, March 21, 1860 1 82 NOHTHUP Zeliulon, of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 7, 1843 1 33 • — , daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth, April 20, 1847 o 1 12 O'BHIEN Nicholas, of John and Bridget (Kyau), Oct. 13, \8b9 Dennis, Aug. 1, 1861 John J., of Felex and Mary (Calle^han), June 26. 1860 OLIISON Victor Clarence, of John a'nd Mary, Fel). 26, 188.5 , son of Andrew and Jeiinie, Nov. 21, 188.5 OLSSON George Ernest, of Jans and Mary, April 3, 187',> Sarah Amelia'i " Aug. 17, 1880 Arthur, Dec. 12, 1881 AVilliam M., May 18, 1883 OLNEY Marietta W., of Amasa and Eliza- beth S. (Rhodes), May 2;i, 1859 "William Brown, Dec."^ 11,1861 , son of "William B. and Jennie (C'hishotn), Dec. 1, 1894 2 2 OOLSON Matilda Ilildergrand, of Andrew and Jennie, Oct. 12, 1884 1 18 ORJISBEE Josei)h C, of Abram and Mary, Sei)t. 6, 1820 1 l.s Mary L., " Oct. 18, 1824 1 18 Abram M., of Aliram and Cynthia, April 20, 1836 1 18 Lvdia P., Aug. 8, 1838 1 l.s George W., May 5, 1840 1 IS Betsey P., Dec. 15, 1842 1 l.s Ilatlie A., (1 32) Feb. 4 or 9, 1844 1 18 Augeline, Oct. 18, 1846 1 18 Charles F., March 10, 1848 1 l.s Chase "\\\, Marcii 7, 1850 1 l.s Maria II., Nov. 4, 1852 1 IS Jennette, Nov. 20, 1854 1 12 . son, Apiii 25, 1859 - 71 James Wilson, of Col. Abraham and Betsey ("Wilson), 2d wife, ' April 8, 1821 1 34 "Willard F., of WiUard C. and .^lary II., April 28, 1850 1 5 Harriet M., Jan. 29. 1853 1 7 "William P., Aug. 2, 1855 1 19 Lewis Stanley, Nov. 10, 1867 1 25 Ethel Louisa, of William P. and Grace E., Oct. 4, 1879 2 2 Bessie, May 5, 1885 2 4 Edna "Watson, Jan. 28, 1887 2 5 Hattie Maude, Sept. 15, 1888 2 7 Ralph P., Sept. 25, 1889 2 9 Dorothy Carpenter, Nov. 1, 1S91 BIRTHS — SEElvONK. 229 2 ]4 0STRA;M , dauglitcr of Holdcn and Augusta, Jan. JS, l!S'.»5 - 59 PAINE Nathaniel Raynii>nd, of Cyvpnns and Mary T. (liriggs), Dec. 15,;> - .50 John Edwin, of same parents, iMay 10, 1.^22 1 14 PAGNEY Joim S., of Aiignstns ami Maiv (Cougau;, " Oct. 3, l.sdO 1 25 PALMER Ilattie Louisa, of John W. and Annie, Dec. 23, 1.S71) 2 11 Ray Edward, of Willie and Cella, Oct. 1:3, \^'Xi 2 12 , son of Harvey E. and Anna \V. (West), Dec. 2, ISO! 2 15 Ellen Buckley, of same |)arents, Seiit. ;!, l.S'JO 1 4 PARDEE Charles Erancis, of Lewis R. and -Alahala, Jan. C, l.s.")2 1 5 , son, Oct. 12, 1858 1 9 , daughter, Aug. 27, 18.56 1 33 PARIS , daughter of John B. and Susan, ^'ov. 22, 1S4G 1 11 PARISH Edward E.', of Horace N. and Cath- arine A., IMay 21, lHfi8 1 14 Julia, May I'.i, 1801 1 27 PARKER Lucy x\.., of Eugene E. and Eunice A.. July 1"), 1881 1 31 PARKINSON Herbert Nelson, of John P. and Mary Alice (Bowen). IMarch !(>, 1883 2 7 PARI\n-:LEE Lyman M., of Erank A. and KlizaB., May 3, 1889 1 14 PATTERSON Charles, of John and Mary Ann (McDonald), Oct. '.I, LSCO 1 21 Louie Ella More, of Albert and 3Iiuerva M., Dec. 13, 1874 1 22 , son of same [)arents, Dec. 18, 1875 2 G John H., of Charles H. and Etta M. (Peck), March 29, 1889 2 9 Clinton L., April (!, l.s>.M 2 14 MyriisAdalaide, March 30, 179;5 1 4 PAULL , son of John and Ruth, June 15, 1852 2 7 Herbert E., of Charles E. and JNLary E., April 2'.i, 1890' 1 33 PEAIJCE , d.aughter of William an(i Sybel. Eel). 12, 1817 1 34 , daughter of Robert M. and Lucy C., Aug. 17, 1850 1 6 , son, Jiiiy 21, 1854 1 3 Mary E., of Elisha W. and Elizabeth W., Dec. 10, 1851 1 8 , son, Eeb. 1, 185G 1 20 George Henry Ilowland, of Gcorgo Henry and Lydia P., ^ Aug. 21, 1872 1 22 Maljel A., of James B. and Harriet A., Swanzey, JMarch 2. 1875 123 Bertha :M.," April 1,1877 1 31 Ruth Amelia, June 13, 1883 230 VITAL UECORU OF UHUDE ISLAND. - 84 Rebecca (^Chaffee), July y, 17'.)1 - 84 James, Nov. y. 1792 - 84 Tliomns, Sept. 2, 1794 - 84 Kel)eca, Jan. \i). 1796 - .S4 Susanna, Seiit. 20, 1797 - 84 As;l, Feb. 6, 1799 - 84 Riitli, Dec. 2;'), 1800 _ 84 Nancy Ann, May 1, 1802 - 84 Daniel, Nov." 11, 1803 - 84 Maiy Ann, Nov. 28, 1804 - 84 Hannah Cliaffee, Nov. 20, 1806 - 84 Charlotte, July 31, 1810 - 84 Darius, Jan. lit. 1.S12 - 30 Keziah, of Thomas and Lena (Bullock), Sept. 21, 180:^ - 30 Thomas, May If), 1806 - 30 Sally, April 22, 1804 - 30 James, Oct. 30. 1808 - 30 Hannah, June 8, 1811 - 30 Comfort, May IG, 1814 - 29 jMary Whccici', of Nathaniel and Mercy ("Wiicelcr), Feb. ;», 1803 - 20 Lydia Dean, Nov. l.s. l.sO.i - -29 Stiphire Larncd, July 27, 1808 - 22 Eisa Cole, Jan. 11, ISll - 2'.l Lois Tluirber, Aug. 21, 1S13 - 78 Mary Ann, of Cyrus and Nancy (Peirce"), Sent. 1 1 , 1 so:> - 78 Nancy I'eirce, Jan. 17, 1808 1 78 Lemira Wlieatou, of Solomon and Huklah (Kent), Aug. 28, ISll - 82 Calvin Jacobs, of Caleb and Polly (Jaeo)is), Oct. 2.'), 1812 - 82 Nancy Catharine, Nov. 22, 1814 - .S2 Maria Louisa, Feb. 3, 1817 - 82 Susan Anne, Aug. 7, 1819 - 82 Susan Maria, Oct. 23, 1821 - 82 Hannah Carpenter, Aug. 31, 1824 1 5 Solomon Augustus, of Solomon, Jr., and Keziah (Peck), Dec. 8, 1828 1 Josephus Wales. Aug. 12, 1831 1 T) Francis Wayland, March 20, 1834 1 5 Cornelius Carpenter, Feb. 1(!, 1836 7 S Tiiomas Jacobs, of Calvin J. and Eraeline (Lock), Jan. l.i. is4r) 1 33 , (laaghtcr. Aug. Ill, 1846 7 S Marv Maria, Aug. 18, 1S47 7 S Haniiah C, (1 34) Feb. 1, 1849 1 2 Henry C, Jan. 1, 1851 1 5 Harriet iMiiily, June 23. , 1853 1 8 George G.. May 16, 1856 1 13 Andrew R., .Sept. 18, 1860 1 17 Fannj', May 27, 1863 1 2 Caroline, of Sylvanus and Caroline, Nov. 15, 1850 1 8 Jane K., of Sylvanus and Elizabeth A., Dec. 17, 1855 1 4 Alice Martin, of Salisbury and Ruth M. Aug. 21, 1852 BIRTHS— SEEKONK. 231 PECK Sarnh K., of Josc'i)li W. ami Surnii I., :Ma_v 13, 1858 iSIarietta Frances, of Francis W. and IMary, A[jni 28, 1859 David Solomon, of Cornelius C. and Isabella f Anthony), Aug;. ]'.», ISGO Cornelius C, A|)ril 1.'!, 18i;(;> Frederick A., June '.», 186'J Arthur J., Sept. 21, 1874 Julia E., of Josephus and Snrah J. (Peck), Kov. 9, 18(;] Etta May, of John W. and Ciarrissa A., July :!, 1870 John Leander, Sept." 12, 1871 Ida Belle, Feh. .'!, ]«7;J Carrie, Oct. 1», 1874 Nellie A., Fob. 4, 1870 Mary Eva, March 9, 1878 Charles Garfield, Ai)ril 2, 1882 Ida Belle, Nov. 7, 188,3 Ada Hill, Se[)t. 1, 1885 Amanda Howard, Jan. 28, 1K,S8 Mertyss K., May 8, 1893 PaurAll)iau, of Henry C. and Hannah lu., May"l3, 1878 I'^mma May, Oct. ">, 18,S4 Florence Geneva, Nov. 17, 1885 Lucy Lock, March 10, 1888 Harriet E., Aug. 2, 1889 George I<:. C, Dec^ 13, 1890 Thomas Jacobs, Dec. 5, 1873 David Robert, of David S. and Marietta, Fel). 24, 1884 Florence C, Feb. 14, 188r, Isabel A., Nov. 27, 1889 2 3 Baymond Xewtou, of Wiliiaui X. and So- "pliia C, June 27, 1886 2 9 Grace C, of E^ugene W. and Anne L. (Hewett), Jan. 9, 1891 Harold Ehigene, Sept. 2.s, 1895 Andrew Ivirle, of Andrew R. and Auue S. (Woodmansee), Jan. 21, 1895 Gladys, of John L. and E^lora W. (Sinnnons), Sept. 12, 1895 Rena Viola, of Frank B. and Lillian S. (West), Jan. C, 1890. Ruby Loring, of Cornelius C., Jr., and Sarah K. (Jones), Feb. 21, 1890. PECKHAM Lewis, of Thomas C. and Sophia W., March 2S, 1849 William F., of Cranston and Harriet, Nov. 11, 1849 PEEVY Anne Alaude, of Ira and JIary A.. Slay 2, 1874 PEIRCE Franklin, Aug. 10, 1853 Clarence N., of B. B. and N. W., April 28, 1859 , daujihter of Chancey B. and Ella M., Dee. 7, 1857 Kate, of Eldward and Nancy (Wheeler), Jime 13, 1800 Mabel D., of Phanuel C. and IMary, Aug. 4, 1867 2 7 Edith B., of James B. and Harriet A., June 28, 1890 1 3 PEKCIVAL Mary Ann, of Thomas and Catharine, April 18, 1852 11 12 13 l.s 19 21 15 20 21 21 21 22 23 29 31 2 5 11 29 1 3 5 7 7 11 1 4 i 2 14 2 14 2 14 2 15 2 15 1 34 1 34 1 21 ■1 1 5 1 7 1 10 1 13 1 19 232 VITAL EECOUD OF RHODE ISL.VXD. - 18 PERREX Olis, of Thomas, Feb. 18 1791 - 18 Asa, Nov. 12 1 792 - 18 Thomas. Aug. 8 1795 18 Lewis, Aug. 7 1797 - 18 Lvtha, July 24 1800 - 18 Polly, Nov. 2 1802 - 18 Auiasa, March 5 1804 - 18 William, IMay 31 1807 - 95 Mary, of Daniel ami Esther (Car[)ei)ter/, .•iept. 14 ISll - 25 Hannaii Klsaila, of Thomas and Hannah (Bliss), March 30 , 1832 - 25 Thomas Everett, Oct. 9 1833 - 25 William Bliss, ISLareh 22 1836 - 25 Lepha Ide, May 18 , 1838 - 25 Erances (iodfiey, Dee. 24 1840 - 25 Lucy Jane, Feb. 7 1846 - 25 ilaria Laniira, Aug. U , 1848 - 95 Esther Carpenter, of Daniel, Jr., and Esther (Carpenter), June 9 1833 - 95 Ellen Eraueis, July 28 183G - 95 Seha, Oct. 12 1839 - 95 Mary Jane, Nov. 10 1841 - 95 Nelson, (1 33) Oct. 15 1846 1 X\ 4 .-U d'\f !-*•» I'l 11 TT rt ,1 1"! 1^ 1 1 1"» 1 /m T 1846 , oi 1 alley anii rjuniLe i., Maria Louisa, of Thomas and Hannah B., Aug. 11 1848 1 34 George B., of Anson and JIatilda, April 2 1849 1 16 Hattie E., of Thomas K. and Abby A., Sept. 4 1862 1 17 Homer E., of William B. and Clara I\r., Dee. 9 1880 1 29 . daughter, Sept. 29 , 1882 2 3 Edna Bliss, Jan. 23 1886 2 9 Earle EvereU, of John and ISLiranda, July 27 1892 - 49 PERRY Samuel, of Noah and Sarah (Shorey), Dec. 4 1802 - 49 Keziah Goodell, Dee. 7 1804 - 49 Amanda, April 8 1805 - 49 William, Feb. 22 1808 - 35 Sarah Harris, of Samuel and Polly Harris. Connecticut, Oct. 18 1814 - 44 Alvah C, of Samuel and Mary (AVhitaker), Oct. 4 1832 - 44 MaryE., July 8 1834 - 44 Hen'ry C, Oct. 26 1835 1 33 Theodoie AV.. of William and IMary, June 27 1.S46 1 4 Samuel E., of Samuel E. and Jane F., July 5, 1852 1 20 Charlotte Westcoat, of Arthur 15. and Char- lotte W., June 21 1871 1 2 Celian Irene, of James A. and Jlary E.. March 29 1872 1 2 PETERSON William H., of John and Mary A., Sept. 25 1850 1 7 Charles H., Sept. 29 1854 1 8 Joseph T., of John T. and Mary 0., Nov. 30, 1856 1 10 Erederick P., of Jacob and IngerC. (Swead- .son ) , Mav 13 1857 1 12 Yetta. J. an. 3 1859 1 14 Angeline L., Nov. 7, 1860 BIRTHS — SEEKON'K. 233 1 34 1 5 1 8 1 13 - 32 1 34 1 2 1 2 1 12 1 14 1 IC) 1 21 1 22 2 5 PETTIS Bc'iijamiii H., of Benj;niiiii and Kloaiioi', llaria Klizalx'th, of same parents, George A., of same [larents, William W., POTTER Rosvvoll an.l Maliala (Willard), child. Mahala Willard, Emma F., of Albert F. and Elizalietli G., Herbert F., AValter C, of Crawford and Loiza, Andrew N., of Henry A. S. and iMary A. (Read), Anne G., PRENTICE Henry, of James and .Mary, Rlioda Isabella, of Lollirop and Ulioda, • William A., PREW Ronia, of John and JIaivina, Jnnc 20, 1849 June 10, 1853 March 10, 18.56 March 20, 1859 March 13, 1815 June -Itj, 1849 May 23. 1851 June 30, 1850 Auff. (I, 1859 April 27, 1861 July 24, 1867 Aug. 1, 1873 Nov. 3, 1876 April 5, 1888 Q K - 39 1 10 1 15 1 15 1 6 1 10 - 13 - 13 - 13 - 13 - 13 - 28 - 28 - 20 - 61 - 61 - 61 - 61 - 61 - 61 - 61 - 61 - 61 - 58 RADLOFF Betty II., of James and Mary (Woodmansec/, Abtjy O.. of Charles and Emily S. (Bax- ter), Sarah M.. RAJISDELL Alma D., of Cyrus and Caro- line, RAYMOND Gorgianna C, of Marshall and Lucy, Arthur R., of Rowland and Adaline, READ JMarv Ann, of Noah and Betsey (Bick-nell), Elizabeth Law, Cynthia, Sarah Ann, Harriet Bieknell, Aha Ann, of Aaron and Naoma (Peck), Amanda, Elias, of Hanson and Lucina, Cai)t. Nathaniel, Jr., and Sally (Cross- man), children, Sally Emma, Gilbert, Henry, Horatio Nels(3n, Mary Ann, Louis Lafayette. George Bradford, David Perren, of Capt. Nathaniel and Phelena (Read), 2d wife, Eunice Bowen, of Perez and Eunice May 24, 1816 Sei)t. 20 Nov. 24 July S Aug. 20, 1854 July 13, 1857 Se|)t. 2.S, 1806 Feb. 11, 1S08 March 14, 1810 Nov. 14, 1815 April 22, 1822 Feb. 11, I8I1 Feb. H, 1814 June 23, 1811 Dec . ", 1814 Oct. 30, 1816 Sept. 20, 1818 Nov. 23, 1820 Dee. 26, 1822 Dec . 4, 1824 June 13, 1828 Jan. 21. 1837 A|)ril 24, 1818 1857 1861 1861 234: VITAL UhXOUD OF RHODE ISLAND. ■i READ SanuK'l, of Lewis L. and Eliza H., Oct. 31, 1852^ S Emma, Sept. 19, 1856 ]ij , Deo. 17, 1857 17 Jesse, -Tune 21, 180-3 18 Andrew, Jan. 30, 1806 19 Susan, •Inly 2, 1809 22 Alvin, Aug. 5, 1878 14 , of Nathaniel and Susan (WilcoK), Jan. 13, 18(J1 li) Cliailes Nelson, of Tbeophilus H. and Jose- phine, Nov. 10, 1807 11) Ileniy L., of Theophilus H. and Sarah J., , 1809 20 Jennie Jayne, Felj. U, 1872 21 Carrie Burr, of Charles K. and Mary A., Jan. 27, 1874 2.-! Frank W., May 7, 1878 10 Mandine B., of James E. and Ahbv 31., Jan. 11, 1892 12 Franklin D., " June 20, 189» 15 REDDING Clarence, of Jacob and Susan (Lanson",, Aug. 4, 1861 32 REMIXOTON Edwin S., of Samuel and Ann Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 18-13 8 , daughter of Ann E.. May 7, 1850 22 M'illiani H., of Albert F. and Sar.ah J., Sept." 26, 1875 23 William H., of William II. and Sarah Al- mira. May 20, 1877 21 Anne :\Iande. July 28, 1878 25 David Wight. Aug. 16, 1879 32 REYNOLDS Lucv' Ann, of Isaac and Free- love II., " Dec. 28, 1843 2 , son. Nov. 1, 1850 4 Orvnda Hicks, Oct. 24, 1852 —^ , son, Dec. 18, 1854 9 , son. Dec. 4, 1856 10 , Dec. 4, 1857 7 S (teorsse Hrownell, of Charles ami Laura (Webl)er), Oct. 1, 1847 7 S James II., (1 34) July 20, 1849 7 S Charles S., of Charles S. and Loiza, Jan. 25, 1851 1 IS Hiram J., of Levi M. and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1866 2 11 Bessie E., of Charles II. and Harriet R., Nov. 10, 1893 1 34 RICE Lilly Enunaritla, of Thomas and Abbv M., June 20, 1850 1 2 Ann E., of Luke and Charlotte, May 9, 1851 1 21 RICH Bertha Malieia, of Thomas and Marv Ann, Oct. 27, 1873 1 22 Katy L., Nov. 20, 1875 1 29 Thomas H.. June 6, 1882 1 5 RICH.VRUSON Hannah II., of James A. and Jane, Sept. — , 1853 2 2 Lyman, of Daniel and Lydia, Feb. 5, 188* 2 2 RIELY , son of James and Catharine, Nov. 17, 1884 1 7 RIPLEY, of Ilervev and Harriet, April 8, 18.54 2 14 ROBERT Frauk Noons, of flannel and Annie (Miller), Oct. 14, 1895 BIUTH.S — SEEKOKK. 1 9 1 19 1 20 1 a 1 34 1 22 23 34 12 17 19 19 20 21 23 31 3 8 8 28 3 7 10 KOlilNSUX Ar: .bulla of JoSt'pl and La plee P-, Sr|it,. Ci, l.Sofi Sarah Peiiy, July ;;(), 1,SG9 , son, Oot. — , 1«70 R0BLP:Y Henrietta Iv. of George W. and Kaney W., ROGfLR.S iNIary Jane, of Henry T. and Olive B , ROOKS William J., of Benjamin J. and Pliebe, George O., ROSS CJeorge S., of Thomas I), and So- phronia Ann, Sopiiia P., of William C. and Susan II.. , son, Grace Biicklin, Myra Lillian, Harriet Eldora, Joel Sanford, Allen M., Edith Gertrude, ROUNDS , son of Richard and Mi- randa, Henry L., of lOlisha and Harriet, Ilattie L., Leonard Freemont, of Freem^^nt and Jen- nie A., Etiiel Ida, of Willard E. and Ida B.. ROWAND Sanuiel M., of Elisha and II. A., Willard E., Oct. 20 Oct. 2: Dec. 3 187.5 July 22 1877 Aug. 11 1849 April K; 18.59 Dec. 19 18G4 ^larcli 22 18G7 Sc|it. 20 18G9 Feb. 13 1872 Aug. 22 1874 June 27 1877 March 3 1883 Nov. 10 , 1851 Ai)ril (i 1855 April 1855 June -^ 1880 ..x,,,.! 2« 188G Feb. 5, 18.54 Sept. 27 ltt57 1851 1848 s 1 3 SAFFORD Ilulibard, of Harriet, Sept. 15, 1851 1 6 SALISBURY , of Anson, June 17, 1854 2 1 , daughter of William A. and Ma- ria Louisa, May 2(5, 1884 1 29 SANFORD Arthur L., of Isaac B. and Isa- bel C. (West), Aug. 5, 1882 2 1 Ralph W., April 29, 1884 2 3 Leroy, Sept. 8, 1886 2 10 Betsey, Jlay 15, 1892 2 14 Mary A., April 7, 1895 1 9 SAYLES — , daughter of Lyman and Elizabeth, Nov. 4, 185G 1 23 SCIMESTER Lillian L., of Henry and Mary F., " Eel). 14. 1877 1 15 SEYJIOUR , of Edwin and Harriet (Handy), Sei)t. 8, 1861 1 6 SHAW Charles Wesley, of Thomas L. and Sarah, . July 22, 1854 1 11 Clay P., Nov. 25, 1858 236 VITAL KEGORD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1 30 1 31 1 15 50 1 G 1 -27 2 4 2 1 -s 1 ;i 1 32 1 2 1 U 1 11 1 10 1 17 1 4 1 11 1 17 1. ]o 1 20 1 21 1 21 1 22 1 2.j - 7'J - 70 - 04 - 64 - 64 - 61 ■> 6 •> ti '> 7 2 11 1 33 1 34 1 2 1 33 2 13 2 14 .2 15 •> 15 SHELDON M:irv Allen, of Nelson Henry anil Laura Fiencli, Elizaljetli Lama, of same parents, SHEPIIEKI) Koscoe Newton, of Gordon E. and Anne (Newton), SHErilEKDSON Elona, ef Capt. Zebadiah and Deborah, Providence, R. I., 2d wife of Cideb Abell. SHERMAN Rebecca, of Preserved and Esther, Jennie i\Iaria, of John D. and Catliarine, Roliert Dawley, of Joini D. and Kate, Zclla E., of William H. and Isadore, SHINP2 Anousius, of Thomas and Ann M., Mariin, of Jlidiael and ^Mars', SHORT Harriet Bowen. of Samuel and Cath- arine F., Jeremiah, Charles P., Henry G.. Frederick O., Florence Howland, Annie IMaria, of Albert G. and ^lary Anne, George W.. Mary^E., Eunice, of Ebenezer and Amanda (Peck)» Lillie Hall, of Albert H. and Amey A., Alia-;'' K-1 Mabel Loui»C, of Lewis D. and Lydia R., Emma Geneviere, Charles Drew, SIIOREY Lydia Emily, of John and Lyilia (Bourne), Ann Eliza, Harriet Newell, Olive F., of Col. Abel and Nancy (Fuller;, Al)el, Lucy, l^atieuce, SHOTTZS Charles, of Charles and Maihirney, iMarlarne}', Charh's, Frank Joseph, SHOVE Frances Seymour, of Samuel and Deborah, , daughter, of same parents, , son of Isaac and Phebe, SHOVETON .daughter of Josiah and J ane, SILVA Mariano, of ISLiriano and Amelia P., Mary, Mary, of flannel and Mary Louisa, Mary, of Frank and Mary (Betteucoiirt), March 15 July 23 May 5 Dw. 2 Jan. 15 April 27, Sept. 11 May 20 Oct. 1 Oct. 16 Feb. 1 May 6 Jan. 29 :\Iarcli 21 May 28 Dec. 10 Dec. 5 March 24 Dec. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 3 Jan. 3 Se|)t. 20 July 25 Nov. 7 Sept. 16 Feb. 14 Jan. 11 Jan. 31 July .S .Ian. 7 Sept. 26 Dee. 15 Dec. 15 Nov. 22 Sept. 6 Jan. 26 Nov. 24 April June 3 Nov. 30, Oct. 20 Aug. 6, Oct. 6 1882 1883 18116 1767 185 4 1881 1887 1889 1855 1856 1844 1851 1854 1855 1857 1863 1852 1858 1862 1861 1871 1874 1873 1875 1879 1818 1820 1823 1820 1821 1825 1827 1889 1 889 1890 1 893 1846 1849 1851 1846 1894 1895 1 896 1896 BIKTHS — SEKKONK. 237 •2 4 8m:\I0NS Frederick I. G., of Adolplius 15. and Ket:i W., Uuy 4, IS.ST 2 8 Eayiiiond K., of same parents, JMsiy 9, IHIK) 2 10 Bessie Burr, May8, IH'JS 1 21 SIMPSON Josepii R., of Joseph E. and Ilaltie L.. Aug. V->, 1874 - 47 SISSOX Heiirv P., of Benjamin and Luev (Perry), " ' " May 1, 1815 Carrie Ella, of Sliul)ael and Ilannali B., Nov. 3, ]»sti5 SLOCUM Jeiemiali, Keliobolli, .Ian. 20, 1788 Susan liutler Gerrisli, his wife, Dedham, Sept. 1(1, ]7'.l6 INIary Ann, of .leremiah and Susan B., Jan. 4, 1817 Kosannah Elizabetli, Sept. 12, 1818 Cliarles Gerrisli. Dee. 12, 181 1> Marcus Eiderkin, Scpl. IS, 1.S21 SMART Isaiah, formerly of Piovideiice, and his wife, Margaret Harillia's eliildrcn. Jane Ilutton, May ',», 1814 Isaiali Iliuton, July 0, 181.") Mary Wheeler, Nov. 24, 1820 Tiieodore B., of Isaiah A. and Sarali, Feb. l.s, ISoO Isadore, Feb. -ill, 1852 Leon R., of William and .lennic. Dee. 25, liS88 SMITH Ida S.. of Samuel and Almeda, June 29, 1849 .Alaiy Ann, of Asa W. and Mary A., :Mareh oO, 1852 Edna S., of Henry O. and Isabella, Feb. 7, 1856 AV illiani, of Albert and Mary. , 1859' Chester A., of Hugh A. and Beilha II., Sept. 20, 188(; Josepli A., of Iluam R. and Phebe M. (Lock), July fi, 1894 Mary Fayette, Nov. 7, 1896 SOUSA Frank, of Antoine and Lena, July 17, 1.S94 2 15 Jack, Oct. 4, 1896 1 14 SPLANE Margaret, of Michael and Mar- garet (Bnionstfield), I\Iarcli 16, 1861 2 2 STEF;RE Eva (i., of ()wen and Lillian A., July ;i. 18,S4 2 5 Albert A., of Owen E. and Susan, March 15, IS.SH - 47 STEPHENS Edward L., of John R. and Lindia R. (Lake), Aug. 2, 1813 - 47 William W., of same parents. Dee. 12, 1814 - 47 Thomas B., Aug. 29, 1816 1 3 STEVENS Charles, of Cliarles and Elizabeth, Oct. 16, J851 1 34 STEWART William C, of Ileury G. and Ardelia, Jn'ii; ''SOi l-'^''^' 1 8 Clara, ^'"v. 19, 1855 1 IG STONE Harry A., of Stephen D. and Eliza- beth A., May 27, 1862 1 18 Charles L., ^ April 10, 1866 1 21 Harry Ashton, of Suhuuon and Ella B. (Case), J;i"- ^-' l-'*''-! 1 23 Raymond D., J>ec. 29, 1877 1 23 — "- , daughter, l^ef. 29, 1877 1 27 Chester II., July 1"' ^^^'-^ 2 2 , daughter, i^ei.t. 15, 1884 1 18 - 70 _ 70 — 70 _ 70 _ 70 _ 70 - 72 „ 72 — 72 — 72 34 3 8 34 4 9 12 4 12 15 12 238 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. ■2 -2 STOXK , son of Solomon !Uicl Ella B. (Case), Supt. 15, 1884 -2 4 Daniel E., . Sept. 17, 1887 2 7 Wesley K., July 16, 188'J 2 8 Margerie, July 11, 18'JO 2 1.') STRAIGHT Eobcrt E., of .JoLn A. and Mary B. {Eldredge), .liily 30, 180G 1 G STRATTOX Ellen A., of Nathaniel and Marv, March L>-2, 18J4 1 13 STREETER .Margaret, of Frederick and Ann, .July 18, 18(50 1 5 STUART Judson. of II. G. and Ardelia, July 19, 18.")3 ■ 1 10 SULLIVAN Jeremiah, of Dennis and Hannah, May C, 1858 1 12 Mary Ann, Oct. 22, 18G0 1 8 SUMNER Minnie P., of Esek 1'. and Caro- line II., July 21, 185.') SUTTON , son of Bowen and Marv A., Jan. 2, 1847 Filo W., ' March 13, 1850 William I?., Jan. 7, 1856 Lucephine, of Lloyd S. and .Alary A., March 21, 18411 Emma F., ' June 30, 1850 Alvin Leon, April 16, 1853 Susan E., Nov. 21), 1855 C^arrie Ehna, Nov. 24, 1860 Adlelta, of Henry A. and Lucy W., Sept. D, 18.")0 . daughter, Nov. — , 1854 Lucy E., Nov. 14, 1857 Cora Belle, of Samuel F. and Cornelia, Oct. 18, 1853 Walter Eduar, of Nathaniel II. and Sarali A. (U'oodlniry), Nov. 17, 1853 Frank M., Jan. 26, 1856 Augusta, Aug. 2, 1861 Georgianna B., of George L. and Mary S., Dec. 1, 1857 Ernest Linwood, of Albert F. and Mary R. (Pettes), April 2, 1860 1 14 Eugene C, of William II. II. and Sarah (Haigh), Dec. 2, 1860 1 34 SWEET Joseph, of .Joseph U. and Lucy, Dec. 3, 1848 I 4 Sarah Maria, " Sept. 6, 1852 J 12 SWIFT , daughter of Samuel and Sarali, Dec. 11, 185H 1 14 TANNER William Henry, of William and Celinda (Charlton), May 25, 1861 Mabel R., of George T. and Hannah M., Dec. 21, 1879 Janette M., April 15, 1882 T.\PE Helen A., of Joseph and Mary R., May 17, 1862 TAYLOR George Edmund, of Edmund and Ellen, April 9, 1847 Emma S., of Nathaniel AV. and Sarah E., April 23, 1881 TERAL Mary E., of William L. and Jane A., June 19, 1857 1 12 Anna F., June 10, 1859 33 34 9 34 2 .') 8 14 ■> 7 10 6 5 9 15 10 13 1 25 1 211 1 16 1 33 1 28 1 10 BIllTHS — SEEKONK. 239 1 33 1 34 1 2 1 5 1 13 2 6 2 9 2 10 2 15 - 15 _ l.j 1 •> 1 14 1 I'J 1 1".) 2 2 1 22 1 22 1 23 2 11 - i'l _ 91 1 2y 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 34 - 48 _ 48 - 48 _ 48 ] 10 THAYER , diuiglitoi- of Sfl.ra and Ann, Kinma Jani'. uf Tisdale anil Lucy, Klizabeth F., of Setli W. anil Lydia B., Setli Warrun, THATCHER George William, of AViiliaui C. and Anne (Barney), THRESHER Fanny R., of Alljerl H. and Mabel (Cliaffee), Raymond E., Grace, Riitli Esther, THURF.ER l^Mdlen, of Reuben and Mary (Wood) (Burr), ISIary, of same (Kirents, , son of Reuben, .Ir., and Ilannali, , sou of Joliu 11. and Maigaret (Miner), ]Mary Gardner, of Hiram A. and Lydia \., Lewis Allen, of Cieorge F. and JIaitlia X., Beulali Evelyn, of lliraiii A. and Lydia A., TJNGLEY Mary E., of William A. and Elizabelli, William A., Frank, (xi'orge, of Fraidv and Ellen, TITUS^William H. and Aln;irah B. (Fisher), ehild. .lairies H., TOAL Aliee lALiria, of Patrick F. and Sarah J., Charles Henry, William, Anne May, TOTTEN , daughter of Margaret, TRAVIS Thomas aird Mary (Heading), ehildren. Saben Lethbridge, Emeliue, Catharine, TRIPP Cliarles E., of George A. and Mari- etta, Aug. 4 July 22 Jan. 14 Feb. 13 Feb. lit Dec. 10, 1889 Sept. 2, 18'J1 May 14, 1893 Sept. 2<;, 189C July IG, 1806 May 2, 1H14 Jan."2.S, 18.">1 April 24, lS(;i July 28, 1807 May 2, 1869 July 27, 1885 Nov. l.^>, 1875 Nov. l.">, 1876 June 3, 1877 Nov. 1. 1893 July 5 Aiiril 7, 1882 A[iril 4, 1884 June 12, 1885- Dec. 5, 1886. Jan. 3, 1850. Nov. 9, 1807 June 29, 18 OS April 13, 1810 May 12, 1857 184 6 1849 1850 1853 1860 1827 U - 31 UNDERWOOD Brister and Mary, ehild. - 31 Ardelia, Dee. 19, 1817 1 2 Syllia M., ofJ M. and J. H., June 29, 1850 V 2 8 VAn?DAN Mary E., of Joseph and Cynthia, Dec. 2, 1891 •240 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 2l' VASLET Miimie W., of Ch;iiles H. and Hattie K., Aug. 3, 1875 1 7 VAUGHN Willis H., of Abrain H. and E. II.. July 28, 1854 1 !) Walter II.. Aug. 10. 185G 2 10 VEADEK Amcv C, of Frank C. and Plicbe K., ' Oct. 4, 1893 - 1!) V'lALL Tlioiuas and Belie (.loues), his wife, children, Warwiclv, R. I. Thomas, Oct. 5, 1800 Keziah, vSept. 17, 1808 Sanmel Henry. A|iril S, isil Benjamin and Hannah (Ktunecutt), his wife, their children. Benjamin B., Oct. '.), 1809 Harriet B., March 9, 1811 Horace T., April 2, 1813 Esther, Nov. 3, 1814 Hannah, Nov. 3, 1814 Rehecca, Nov. 3, 1814 .Julia K., April 27, 181(5 Esther P., ' March 29, 1818 George K., March 1, 1820 Marliia B., Dec. 5, 1821 Edward II.. Nov. 10, 1824 .Shearjasluib T., Jan. 21, 1827 William B., ' June 13, 1829 Ezra Brown, of Samuel, Feb. 5, 1814 Constant R., of Constant and Phebe M., May 13, 1849 Charles IL, April 2G, 1K51 , daughter, Oct. 2, 1852 Edward Bassett, April 30, 1854 Sarah Francis, of Albert and Hannah S., April 13, 1853 Albert A., March 1, 1855 Lydia E., May 5, 1857 Charles E., of Edward H. and Hannah E., Oct."22. 1854 VICKERY , son of Shul>ael. July 5, 1853 VINCENT -Alary, of Antoine and Rosa (Silvia), Dec." 26, 1896 AV 43 WADE Elhanan W. and Hannah (Brown), chiUl, 43 Amanda, Jan. 22. 1813 55 AVALKER Eunice, of Timothy and Molly (Willuiarlh), Nov. 25, 1774 55 Timothy, Oct. 23, 1776 55 Ephraim, Feb. 8, 1780 55 Samuel, M.ny 19, 1783 55 John, March 1, 1786 55 George, Feb. 10, 1788 55 Benjamin, Oct. 10, 1790 55 Timothy and Lucy (Redaway), 2d wife, children. 55 Mary, Feb. 13, 1794 _ 19 _ 19 - 19 51 - 51 _ .) 1 51 - 51 — 51 — 51 — 51 — 51 _ 51 - 51 - 51 _ 51 - 51 - 48 34 2 4 6 5 / 10 6 5 2 15 BIRTHS — SEEKONK. 241 -55 WALKER Sally, of Timothy and Lucy (Redaway), 2d wife, Maicli -23, 179G - 55 Lucy Auu, Aug. 18, 1798 - 55 John, June 20, 1800 - 55 Arvilla, Sept. 26, 1803 - 55 Eunice, Aua. 25, 180G - 55 William, Xov. 21, 1810 - 93 George Wliitetield and Meliitable (B;;ck- lin), cliildren. -^93 John B., March 20, 1797 - 93 Alfred, Feb. 8, 1799 - 93 Lydia, Dec. 22, 1800 - 93 Russell D., Jan. 5, 1804 - 93 George W.. July 28, 1806 - 93 Nathaniel C, Feb. 3, 1809 -93 AmeyW., April;"), 1812 - 93 William, April 2."), 1816 - 80 Stephen and Rebecca Talliot (Pearce), children. - 36 Lucy Pearce, Dec. 29, 1809 - 36 p:meline Rebecca, July 1, 1812 - 36 Charlotte Frances, June 28, 1814 - 67 Simeon and Nancy (Whitaker), chiklren. - 67 Simeon Ide. " Sept. 13, 1811 - 67 Catharine, Fel). 5, 1813 - 67 Stephen, July 10, 1814 - 67 Auu Eliza, Oct. 16, 1815 - 07 John, Sept. 22, 1817 - 67 Ephraim, July 10, 1819 - 67 James Munro, Dec. 16, 1820 - 67 Nelson, July 29, 1822 - 67 Gilljcrt Francis, July 3, 1824 - 62 Abba, of Caleb and Keziah {Barnevj, March* 14, 1821 - 85 Lucy Perry, of Alfred andHuldah B. (Perry), Aug. 25, 1826 - 107 Richard, of Le\vi3 and Susan Angell (Comstock), " SeiJt. 3, 18;i3 - 107 Mary Smith, June 23, 1835 - 107 Lew'is Ormsbec, May 22, 1837 - 107 AVilliam Henry, Dec. 8, 1838 - 98 Samuel Al[jheas, of Timothy and Clarrissa (AVood), Bellingham, Feb. 23, 1837 1 32 Rebecka K., of Zachariah, May 11, 1843 1 6 Robert Angell, of Lewis and Sarah, June 28, 1854 1 7 . , daughter of Ephraim and Sarah, March 11, 1855 1 7 , son, March 11, 1855 112 Edward Arthur, of Ephraim and Susan, Aug. 25, 1859 1 13 Stephen A. Douglass, of William II. and Ahnira (Wheeler), Aug. 15, 1860 1 17 Emma Smith, of George H. and Sarah Ann, Seiit. 4, 1865 1 20 Alfred Halsey, July 19, 1870 1 22 Clarence IT, Nov. 12, 1876 1 26 Sarah E., Sept. 17, 1880 1 18 Maude Evelyn, of Seba and Julia F., Dec. 16, 1806 1 19 , son of Moses G. and Almira M., May 22, 1869 20 23 28 28 3 15 3 1.5 U 4 t 2 31 - 96 - i>6 2;i 12 15 15 33 34 i - 90 — 90 _ 90 _ 90 1 8 .luiie 4, 1871 Doe. 21, 1872 Sept. 28, 1877 Julv 22. 1881 Dec. 2, 188a Dec. 13, 1851 Aug. 20, 18(51 Aug. 11, 1852 Nov. 12, 18C1 Oct. 27, 1860 Aug. 3, 1852 Feb. 8, 1855 Oct. 5, 1850 242 VITAL KECOKO OF UHODE ISLAND. 1 20 WALKER Clara Electa, of Moses G. and Aluiiia M., George Leonard, Lillian K., ISIary Elmira, ]\Iai-3', of Wicliael antl Margaret, WALL , son of Thomas B. and Sarah A. (Brown), Jeremiah JS., 'William Henry, of William and Delia (Weiden), Jlaria, Grace C, of Liikc and Sarah B. (Parker), AVALLACH; William Eugene, of George W. and Caroline C, Ida Mav, WALTON Joliu, of Andrew and Sarah E., ^VAHD Thomas Edgar, of .John S. and Alice C, .Inne 4, 1883 1 25 WATERMAN John Henry Albert, of Al- bert R. and Martha L., Dec. 2, 1879 1 .-iO Helen Tabillui, April 19, 1882 2 2 Sarah May, May 16, 1884 2 4 Barbara L., Nov. 18, 1887 2 4 Al)>erta R., Mav 29, 1886 2 8 3Ialina T., April 27, 1890 2 10 Ralph E., April 27, 1892 2 10 Russell T., April 27, 1892 2 12 Ruiiort D., March 20, 1894 1 5 WATSON George, of Eleey, April — , 1853 - 96 WEBBER Louisa Maria, of Ezekiel and Mary (Gotf), Nov. 10, 1828 - 96 Mary Elizabetli, of Ezekiel and Betsey (Ide, widow of Capt. Elpcllett,) his 2d wife (maiden name Ormsbee), iMay 20, 1831 - 96 Joanna Lavvton, of Ezekiel and Amej' Lawton, his 3d wife, Nov. 5, 1836 Frances Ide, June 9, 1838 Thomas H., Jan. 29, 1840 Edgar F., of Thomas and Mary E., March 7, 1877 AVEB.STER Minnie, of John and Charlotte (Williams), Oct. 14, 1859 Alfred J., Oct. 16, 1861 William L, Oct. 16, 1861 W ELCH Maria P., of John C. and Abby L., June 27, 1846 Ellen E., Sept. 13, 1848 , son of Elizabetli, July 21, 1855 WELLS Ezra T. and Sabra (Fuller), chil- dren : Angeline Palmer, Attleboro, July 13, 1814 Fidelia Augusta Handel, Rehoboth, April 15, 1816 Diadema Mineirva Haydn, Seekonk, Nov. 15, 1818 Jose[)liiue, of Josei)h and Ann L., Dec. 18, 185 5 I51RTHS — SKEKONK. 243 1 -li WESLEY George W., of Moses and Mary J., Aug. li), ISTii 1 33 WEST .Susan Emily, of (Jcorge and Mary Ann, " Sei)t. 3, l.s4C 1 33 , daughter of Asa|ih C. and Eliza- beth, Maich 31, 1847 -1 34 JNIadora, April 23, 1S50 1 7 Idella F , April l'.», 1855 111 Herbert A., July 5, 1858 1 34 Thomas A., of Nathan and Abby, Sept. 10, 1850 1 7 Joseph M., of Joseph, Jr., and JJetsey A., April 28, 1854 1 l-> AVarren I., Ai)ril 18, 1859 1 16 Martha G., March 27, 1862 1 17 Isabella Chaffee, April 27, 18G5 1 H) Annie Williams, Dec. 1(1, 1807 1 20 Josei)hine, June — , 1872 1 8 , son of Nathan M. and Betsey P., Nov. 22, 1855 1 14 Eranees, of Henry B. and Mary E. (Chaflee), Dee. St, 1.S60 1 17 Eva Henrietta, " Oct. 7, 1S05 .1 20 Henry E., Eeb. 5, 1,S70 1 17 PaMiilla, of William and I'amilla, June 1, 1864 1 22 Walter E., of Theodore W. and Sarah E., June 17, 1875 1 23 Olive A., of William E. and P., Oct. 16, 1877 1 30 Cora Belle, of Herbert A. and Eli/.a B., .Alarch 1 1, 1881 1 30 Edgar Herbeit, Oct. 20, 1.S83 1 27 Hattie Allyn, of Joseph M. and Nellie E., Oct. 17, 1881 2 7 Helen B., of Erank B. and Ann Erancis, March 11, 1«1KJ 2 9 Marv Chaffee, April 15, 181)2 1 34 WEsfCOAT Ainia, of Joseph and Jlariah, Aug. 10, 184'.» 1 8 , son of Valorions P. and Emily, Dec. 14, 1856 1 11 Amey C, " Nov. 8, 1858 1 20 Alice P., of William and Helen M., Eeb. l'.», 1871 1 21 Helen Jane, Nov. 16, 1874 1 22 William, Aug. 12, 1876 1 34 WESTC;ATE George H., of Josei)h and Mary M., June 11, 1850 1 13 Phebe M., of Josci)h L. and Pliebe Ann (Reynolds), WHEATON Peter H., Martha (Wheeler), his wife, Mary, of Peter H. and Martha, Eliza, Hannah, George Hunt, WHEELER Mary, of Aaron and i\Iary, Bethshel)a A., of Arnold and Sally K., , daughter, , daughter of James, Arnold, of Magsiie, WHELDEN Jessie Victoria, of John and Caroline (Winslow), Jan. 16, 1860 103 WHrrAKER Mary Ellen, of Joe! and Al- niira ( Eittsy, 103 David Eitts, 103 Nelson Bowen, ■ 6 S 6 S 6 s 6 s 6 s 6 s - 80 32 33 3 I'J 13 Jan. 12, 1S60 Aug. 21, 1768 May 15, 1771 Aug. 25, 1801 July 14, 1803 May 26, 1807 May 15, 1810 May 1, 1780 Dec. 20, 1843 Nov. 18, 1840 July 5, 1851 June 12, 1867 Oct. 14, 18: >8 Eeb. 27, 18: 51 INI arch 24, 18; -A 244 VHTAI. KKCOUD OF RHODE ISLAND. - 103 WIIITAKKR Beiijamui C'nrpenter, of Joel and Almira (Fitts), Oct 8, 183(; - 103 Susan Harriet, Jinie 12, 1840 1 5 Nancy K., of William and Julia, Nov. 15, 1853 1 6 Clara Francis, of James M. and EsUier (Brown), Feb. 28, 1854 1 8 , son, Nov. 20, 1855 1 11 Beniamin J., March 20, 1858 1 14 William A., Sept. 26, 1800 1 1!) Walter II., Dec. 3, 18G8 1 it Emily F., of David F. and :\raryE. (Web- ber). " Nov. 30, 18.')("> 1 11 Walter H.. Dec. 8, 1858 1 U Edward Everett, Sept. 30, 1860 1 n; James O., Nov. 17, 1862 1 17 — , daiioliter. Dee. 31, 1864 1 I'.l Abby AVebber. March 26, 1867 1 11 •— , of Adiugton D. and Maria, Feb. 21, 1858 1 12 Charles F., Sept. 25, 185!) 1 17 Charles Henry, of Hiram and Susan (Cham- bers), " Dec. 8, 1863 1 13 Hiram A., March 12, 1860 1 ;I0 Cora Horton, of Thomas J. and Susan M. Oct. 24, 1883 2 12 AValter E.. of William F. and ElPie M. (Elbridgo), May 2!), 1894 2 15 Florence E., of same parents, Nov. 1, 181)6 2 15 Jennie F., of Charles H. and Mary (Dean), Feb. 11, 1896 2 15 Grace Pauline, of William A. and Nellie E. (Stoddaid), Sept. 24, 1896 1 3 WHITE Thomas E., of Nathaniel and Esther, July 31, 1851 1 5 Nathaniel E., of same parents, April 27, 1853 1 5 , daughter of Horace, March 13, 1853 1 5 Charles Frederick, of James W. and Mary A., Aug. 22, 1853 1 7 , son ofThomas, I^Iiiy 6, 1855 1 16 , son of Andrew J., July — , 1862 2 4 Carrie M., of Arnold D. and Carrie E., Jidv 11, 1886 2 9 Ilarolil A., of Daniel D. and Carrie E., Feb. 26, 1891 1 14 WIHTFOHD Ceorge E., of William and .lane (Griswold), March 20, 1861 1 15 FxUvaid S., of Solomon and Mary T. (Smith). Nov. 22, 1861 1 34 WHITINC; Caroline L. L., of Alden B. and Sophronia, May 5, 1848 1 2 , daughter, Feb. — , 1850 1 3 Eunice Ide, of Joel and Eunice, Jan. 11, 1852 1 14 , sou of Joel and Isabella (McCabe), March 11, 1861 1 6 WILBUR , daughter of Tdliughast and Joanna, April 6, 1854 1 2 WILCOX , son of Lewis and Lydia, May 8, 1851 1 4 Lewis B. D., of Lewis B. D. and LyOia, Sept. 12, 1852 1 9 Augustus IL, Aug. 10, 1856 1 6 Augustus Foss, of Sylvester H. and Almira, Dec. 6, 1853 1 7 WILEY , son of Frederick, May 13, 1855 liinTHS — SKEKONMC. 245 1 2 WILKINSON Liirilla A., of Izrnel ami So- pliia, • Jan. 1, IS'il Simon, of same parents, Oct. 2.5, \H,'>2 WILLARI) Ozius Danfoitli, of IlezeUiali, March 20, 1814 WILLIAiMS Clara A., of Baylies M. and Mary E. fKadloff), - Oct. 4, 18.i7 Hannah IM., of same parents. April 22, I860 diaries W., Dec. U), 186y Mabel N., March 7, 187.0 Bavlies. Jan. 22, 1877 Wi'lliam L., of M'illiara II. and Emily E., Feb. — , 188.') Ida A.. Sept .5, 1886 WILLIMAHTII John, of Daniel, Nov. 22, 1773 Radial Fuller, of Ebenezer, May 7, 1780 William AVillard, of John and Rachal, Feb. 1.'), 1803 Paschall Ellcry, Jan. 30, 180.') John, " March .S, 1807 Abigail Fuller, Fel). 18, 1809 John 'I'r.'stam, May 4, 1811 Rachal Enieliiie, Nov. H), 1813 Olive Fuller, June 13, 1817 Paschall Ellery, of Paschall Kllery and Abliy Maria (Day), Aug. 11, 1839 Auiiustiis Day, of same parents. Aug. 30, 1841 John W.. of Paschall K. and Mary E. (Webster), " Dec. 8, 18,")0 , son, Sept. 15, 1855 Mary A., Nov. 1, 1857 AbbV M. 1).. June 16, 1861 WILSON (ieorge, of Samuel and Mary A., Deo. 17, 1846 Charles E., of John and .Maiy, March 3, 1877 Harvey L., of Frank E. and Lena L. (Gardner), Sept. 2, l.s;)4 WIN(i Harriet Evelyn, of Samuel and Evelyn, Sept. 15, 1846 ^\'INN Catharine L., of Blerccna C. and Me- hilable, Dec. 6, 1849 Sarah Louisa, of same parents, June 28, 1852 WINSLOW EmilvLuella, of William S. and Emily (Welden), IMay 12. 1852 , son of same parents, Jan. 22. 1855 Clarence. Jan. 7, 18C1 WOOD Lydia, of Jolrn and Lydia (Thurber), Nov. 24, 1787 Joanna, IMarcli 5, 1788 Rosaunah Matilda. Dec. 25, 1789 David, Aiiril 5, 1792 Khoda, Oct. 26, 1795 Samuel, April 19, 1805 Sarah Harriet, Sept. 10, 1807 Avice N., of Job and Sarah, May 26, 1810 Jonathan B., Jan. 10, 1813 Mehital.le L.. JMarch 3, 1815 Allen L., July 31, 1817 Job N., March 31, 1819 Luther, Oct. 2, 1821 1 4 — 33 1 10 1 13 1 19 1 22 1 23 2 2 2 3 _ 63 _ 63 - 63 - 63 - 63 - 63 - 63 - 63 - 63 - 57 _ 57 1 2 7 10 15 33 23 13 33 34 4 4 7 14 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 99 - 99 - 99 - 99 - 99 _ 99 246 VITAL lU'X'OItl) OF RHODE ISLAND. - 90 WOOD Sarah, of Job and Small, Nov. 18, 1823 - 99 AUiertJ., Jan. 8, 182G 1 32 Sarali Louisa, of Calvin T. and JNIary Ann, Feb. 27, 1844 1 32 j;aieline Frances, of Philip and Maria, Feb. 29, 1844 1 32 John P'rancis, Feb. 29, 1844 1 34 1 34 of lohii \ ind FJi'"ibpth. March 12, 1849 Lois Ella, July 20, 1850 1 4 Sarah, Nov. 27, 1852 1 7 Martha M., March 5, 1855 1 9 Cyrel K., Jan. 31, 1857 1 12 Ennna P., May 7, 1859 1 r> Elizabeth, June 22, 1861 1 4 1 5 diii-^'litcr of Oivid ind Tivdi'l July 19, May 22, 1852 , daiiiihter of Albert and Lydia, 1853 1 10 Herbert, of William IL and Almira (Sand- eiland), July 13, 1857 1 13 IMarv Alice, May 14, 1860 1 12 Seth", of Daniel IL and Martha IL (Bliss), Jan. 21, 1859 1 14 Artluir IL, Feb. 17, 1861 1 IC Elmer E., of William IL and iSIary E., June 24, 1862 1 22 TlK^nias, of John F. and Ellen H.. Dec. 28, 1876 1 -28 Anne Freeman, of J>dward F. and Mary E., Jan. 18. 1880 1 34 AVOODBURY Isabel, of John C. and Ann A. , Feb. 19, 1844 1 12 Eugene A., of John and Ann M., April 2."), 1859 - 23 WOODCOCK Caroline, of William and Linda (Ide), Nov. 18, 1812 - 26 WOODWARD Hannah Kadloff, of Samuel Ji-., and >"ancy (Allyn), Jan. 25, 1812 - 2t) Samuel, of same parents. April 10, 1814 - 87 Julia Ann, of John P. and Mehitable (Cooi)er), April 1, . 1818 - 87 Emeline Lueinda, Dec. 2, 1819 - 88 Minerva Cooper, Dec. 29. , 1821 - 87 Erastus Marian, June 22, , 1824 - 87 JNIahitable, April 10. , 1826 1 8 Robert, of Erastus M. and Maiia (Car- penter), April 20. , 1856 1 13 William, May 1 , 1859 1 ir. Ellsworth. July 14 , 1861 1 17 Georije Marion, May 6 , 1865 1 2o WORTIIIXGTON William F., of William Jan. 5, 1879 X Y Z 1 11 YOUNO Caroline A., of William S. and Harriet C, Jan. 3, 1.S57 J 10 , son of Robert and Ellen, Oct. 8, 1857 — 50 — 50 - 20 _ 20 - 20 - 20 - 51 - 51 2 8 1 2 1 7 2 4 2 20 2 25 Section IV. Deaths. 1 1.3 ABBOTT , of Arden. Aug. 1, 1844 2 G Maneiva Fay, of Georgf T. ami .lulia V., 10m 8(1, Nov. 5, 187.S 2 7 Arden, born Cdventrv, R. I., of Reuben and Olive, 7ily 4n) 23d. Fel). 11, 1881 2 9 Celinda, widow, born Coventry R. L, dangli- tcrof Spicey and Annie Gieene, 7'Jy 4ni, June 1, 1883 ABELL Lois (Read), wife of Caleb, April 14, 17SK) Sarah, of Caleb and Eiona (Hodges), ''uiy 1, 1830 Preserved Thompson and Saraii Ann Wal- cot Daggett, Ins wife, their cliildren. Caleb Tiiompson, Sept. 24, 1839 Sarali Frances, (1 13) Oct. 3, 1844 Geoigianna, (1 14) Feb. 1, 1848 Capt. Caleb, in 79th y<-ar, .Inly 26, 1842 Fiona, his wife, in .s(»ih year, .lune 14, 1847 1 14 says di'.'d in Providence, 79y 8m lid. ADAMS Hannah F., Ijorii JIaine, .')0 years, ALDRICH William, lioru Rhode Island, in 4 7th year, Andrew.I., .Ir., of Andrew .J. ancl Fliza .]., Im 2d, M. Alma, of M. Alma and .Icnnie H., born Providence, Civ (im, ALEXANDER William B., born Warren, son of Reuben, t)9y 3m 5d, Hannah G., widow, born Swanzoy, daugh- ter of Samuel and iMary Read, 7()y 7m 4d, Oct. II, 1S96 - 89 ALLEN Hannah Maria, of Benjamin and Hannaii (Wade), ' Nov. 21, 182G - 89 Georo-e Francis, Aug. 11, 1839 - 89 Lewis Wade, May 6, 1844 1 13 Lewis W., of Benjamin, 31y 9m Gd, M.ay 6, 1844 1 13 , of Samuel, Nov. — , 1844 1 15 Flonisa B., of Jonathan and Harriet, 1 1 months, .Ian. 12, 1849 1 2 , of Benjamin W. and Lydia A., 2 days, Sept. 10, 1851 Nov . 9, 1882 April — , 1852 April 11, 1857 March 27, 1875 Marel 1 1, 1893. 248 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 2 1 a 1 5 1 i> 1 !) 1 5 1 G 1 G 1 11 1 9 2 1 2 4 2 G 2 7 2 10 2 12 2 14 2 ].". 2 l.S 2 12 2 1.) 1 2 1 8 1 .5 2 2 2 G 2 21 1 1.5 1 15 1 7 1 7 ALLEX 2 days, Rebecca. 9G years, Melviiia F., of Stephen, boin Swanzey, .30 years, IMinerva II., born Swanzey, 21 years, Nathaniel W., of Samuel," 4 Oy 8m 1.S<1, Benjamin A\'., of Benjaniin and Hannah, 4.")V 2m 29d, Anna, wife of Samuel, Esq., daughter of Perez and iSIary Read, 78y 3m Id, Lewis A., of Samuel B. and Mary C, 2y 9m 23d, Samuel. Escj., uf Samuel and Ilannaii, 82 yeai's. Job, of .lohn and Iluldali, liorn Rehohoth, 90y «m 14d. Btary Ann, widow, daughter of Mardsden, 75 years, Enieline, daughter of James P. and Marv D. DeBlois, ly 2m 14d, Samuel B., of Samuel and Anne R., 64 years, Eleanor, daughter of Peleg and 3Iary Luther, boru Swanzey, 84y lOni 24d, AV'illi.'Uii, of John R. and Lydia M., loy ,")m, Charles N., of James X. and Emeliue M., boru Providence, 2.')y 9m Id, Laura L., daughter of Joab and Louisa French, born Attleboro, GGy 10m 28(1, Samuel, of Samuel and Nancy, 77y Im 28d. Zilpha, boru Rehoboth, daughter of Aaron and (Bullock) Threshei', ANDERSON John Edward, of Charles and Anna. 10m 12d. Sans Armington, of same i)a rents, 4y Cm 13d, ANGELL Fenner, of Job. 9.')y 4m 9d, .\iney, widow, born Providence, S3 vears, ANTHONY Eliza A., of David R. and C, 9y 8m 4d, Cora Stephens, of Steiihen B. and Mary E.. ly 2m 22d, Josei)ii L, born JIassacliusetts, of Joseph and Catharine, (parents foreigners), Sly Gm, Ernest R., of Stephen B. and Marv E., (Handv). 20y 11m 7d, ARMINGTON Joseph W., of Alpbeas and Mary L., 8m 12d, Huldah, wife of Joseiih, daughter of Solo- mon and Huldah Peck, 52y 2m 18d, Albeit, of S. Ambrose and .Sally, 4.5y 8m Gd, Rebecca, widow, daughter of Isaac Bright- man, born Swanzey, 72 years. Sept. 22, March 31 1852 1853 Dec. — June — Sept. 23 18.54 1854 1854 Oct. G 1855 Feb. 23 1856 Oct. 5 1856 July 2 1861 Nov. 22 1864 July 23 18G8 Aug. 2 187G Aiiril 11 1880 Feb. 2.-. Sei)t. IG 1881 1884 Aug. 8 Nov. 4 1887 Dec. 18 1888 Nov. 7 1891 April 14 188G June 30 1888 Nov. 24 1851 Nov. 29 1858 Feb. 23 1855 Aug. 26 1870 June 4 1880 Oct. 17 , 1893 Sept. 12 1848 Jan. 2 , 1850 Aug. 10 1857 1886 Nov. 27, 1857 DEATHS — SKEKONK. 249 1 8 ARMINGTOX Rebecca, widow, of Isaac and C'andace, born Swanzey, 53 years, Nov. 27, 185.S 1 9 Klizal)eth A., wife of ^\'illianl, daughter of Jonatlian and Deliorali Miller, oiv 2ni, Feb. 11, 185'.) 2 25 William H., of Alplieas W. and Mary L. (Ormsbee), died in Taunton Hospital, -KJy 7m, May 25, 180C 2 U) ARMSTRONG Ciiarles II., born Burrillville, R. I., of John and Sally (Ballon), G'.t years. Oct. 28, 1892 2 5 ASIltON Thomas, of Robert and Mary A., 22y llni lOd, Nov. 4, 1877 2 8 ATKINSON Laura J., born Providence, daughter of Jonathan and Lvdia Diown, 5r.v itm 4d, " Oct. 3, 1882 1 3 AYLESWORTII Ksther. wife of Joab, .laugh- ter of Cyrus and Mary Williams, of Con- necticut, 3'.ty 7u] 13d, .Tune 8, 1853 15 BABC(3CK James, ct)l., born Providence, IC) vears, . 1858 BAKER George W., of Krmin J. and Ro- sanna, llni 24d, Feb. 15, 1852 Thomas A., of same parents, ly 5ni 14d, Aug. 20, 1853 Charles A., 4m 1 Id, Dec. 11, 1853 Warren, 5m 25d, Sept. 5, 1855 Frederick N., 10 years, July 9, 1858 Leroy Allen, of Obed and Sally, fiorn Taunton, 37y 3ni 18d, Sept. 12, 1885 Lena, of Andrew G. and Florence, 5ra 18d, Sept." 7, 1886 Lena Belle, 6m 17d, Sept. 28, 1886 Hozia Morton, of Daniel F. and Klizabetli B., 5y 6ni 13(i, May 13, 1887 2 18 John Butterworth, Ijorn Tiverton, of Jonathan and Klizabetli, S4y 3ni 3d, July 19, 1891 2 20 Elizabeth T., widow, born .Somerset, daugh- ter of Benjamin and Anna (Brown), Pur- ington, .S7y 7m 22d, JMarch 9. 1893 1 14 BALKCOM Caleb, died at Attlelioro, 67y 10m, June 19, 1848 1 10 BARNES Althea Viall, of Peleg and Radial, born Barrington, 83 j'ears, Nov. 13, 1860 1 15 BARNEY Ellen M., of Perry and Radial, ly 2ni 8d, May 20, 1848 Ruth, 58 years, Oct. 16, 1848 Enoek, of Nathaniel and Esther, born Re- hoboth, 62y 9ni, ; Jan. 6,1850 , of Caleli and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1851 John, of Jonathan and Ruth, 65y 1 ni 29d, Oct. 19, 1851 Sarah, wife of Caleb R., 27y 3ni lid. April 13, 1852 Rebecca (Rounds), born Svvanzey, 80 years, April 15, 1858 Louisa Frances, wife of Martin A., born Dartmouth, 30y 7m, Oct. 19, 1859 1 8 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 5 1 8 2 12 2 13 2 12 2 13 15 15 15 2 2 8 9 250 VITAL KKCOKI) OK KHODK ISLAND. 1 10 BARNEY Ileniietta A., ilaiigliter of Culcb and Mary Chaff l'o, 3;i yoars, Sept. o, 1860 1 10 Joanna, widow, daugliter of Nathan and Experience Mason, 30 years, Sept. 14, 1860 112 Jacol), 8.! years, Sei)t. 'J, 1862 1 (S Mary Sojjhia, of Horatio and Ardelia, 5 days, Nov. 21, 1803 2 1 Mary Jane, of Nelson and Marv Jane, 3m 6d, ~ May 3, 1808 2 18 Jonathan P., of Martin and Fanny (Jenckos), .S2y -Ini 17(1, Oct. 17, 18'J1 - 13 BARKOWS Cordelia E. (French), wife of Andrew T., dansjjiter cf Ezra, 2d, and Lois (Abell), " March 7, 1840 1 4 BARRY Maria B., of Lyman, l)orn Fairlea, Vt., 27y llm4d, " Jnne 24, 18.54 1 12 BARTON Saraii, born Somerset. 00 vears. Aug. — , 1862 2 20 BATES Eliza Williams, wife of William B., born Attlel)oro, daughter of Archibald and Abigail Read, 7ov 4m Id, March 19, 1.S'J3 2 10 BAXTON Mary, born Yarmouth, of Ebene- zer and Mercy, 81 years, March 13, 1884 2 17 BELKNAP Maranda B.', wife of Isaac, daugh- ter of Jonathan and Dorothy v French) Brown, 85y llni 12d, Aug. 27, 1800 BENNETT Mailha. daughter of Daniel Case, born North KingsUJwn, JS.Sy 7m 20d, Dec. 28, 1876 Thomas .Vlbert, of Amos L. and Sarah J., born East Providence, ly 7m 17d. July 21, 188& BICKNELL Elizabetii 8., vvife of James, daugliter of .leremiah S. and Olive Short, born Wickford, 4',)y 2m 7d, April 1, 18o7 BISHOP Eunice, wife of Hon. Phannei, Aug. 21, 180.5 . Abbie Maria, of Hon. Phanuel and Sally, Feb. 27, 1811 James Madison, of Wdliam and Amey Whipi)le(Bncklin), also loth page, April 'J, 1812 Comfort (iardner, son of Comfort and Sally (Wood), Aug. .5, 1820 William Wade, of Ebenezer and ;\Liry (Wade), Oct. 2, 1824 Edmund Roilolphus, of Comfort and Sully (Wood), Mav 17, 1833 Albert K., of Alliert, Sept. 21, 1844 Elizabeth S., of Ebenezer A. and Eliza- beth, died in Newbury|)ort, monilis, Dec. 1.5, 1849 Ebenezer A., of Ebenezer and Mary, 32y 10m 20(1, Dec. 29, 1849 John J., of Phanuel and Eunice, 47y 10m 13d, June 30, 1850 Amey W., widow, daughter of Josei)h and Amey W. Buckliu, 72y Om I'M, Jan. 10, 1852 Sarah W., of Phanuel and Sally,[.33y 8m, Jan. 27, 1856 Ebenezer, of Comfort and Patience, 71y 5m 16d, Nov. 15, 1857 1 11 Mary, of same |)arents, 76 years, Nov. 9, 1861 2 4 2 16 1 7 1 1 9 - 32 - 37 - 32 13 14 14 15 2 6 7 I )KATH.S — SKKK( )NK. 251 2 17 BISHOP Lena H., wife of G Clifford, daiigli- ler of Gorman P. anil Mary (Pren- (lergast) Tliiuher, 21y 7m 21d, Dec. 5, 1S90 2 1 BLALSDELL Ilezekiali. of Jacob and r\I:ir- tlia, horn Cailisle, Eng., ii2y 3m 9d, Feb. 11, 18(;7 BLAKE Sabin, (16 years, June — ,1851 BLANCHAKI) Hannab, widow, born Rhode Island, daughter of Jacob anil Eliza- beth Perkins, 7Gy 8ni ',)d, Jan. 10, 1881 BLISS Reuben King, of Orin II. and Susan (Angell), April 14, 1842 Martha W., of Noah, Jr., and Martha W., Im 22(1, Ai)ril G, 18.57 Noah. Jr., of Noah and Olive, born Reho- l)oth, 40y Cm. Aug. 21, 1859 BORDEN Isaac Ilarl, born Tiverton, of Abrain and INIelentha (Hart), 83 years. May 7, LSDO BOSS Geoi'ge E., lui 1 7d, of .John and Alice J. (Allen), Sept. 11, 1891 BOURNE Abram, of Zebiua W. and Adah, 24y 4m Id, April 27, 1857 Charlotte A., of Almond O. and Charlotte D., 21y Om 2d, ]\Iay 10, 1857 Susan O., of Sebina. W. and Adah, I(j years, N(.>v. 22, 1858 Charlotte 1)., daugliter of David and Delia Flits, oOy 7m 2;id. Sept. IS, 18G1 Amey Ann, of Sebina and Adah, born At- tfoboro, 37y 3in 22d, May 29, 1866 Adah, daughter of Noah and Lydia Robin- son, born Reholjotb, G3y 3ni 3d, Dec. 29, 1867 Eli, 87 years, April 5, 1871 Zebina Willis, of Stc[)hen and Susanna, 79v Im 4(1, ' June 5, 1883 2 14 Eliza, of Eli and Leaffee, 75v Ora 23d, Nov. 20, 1887 - 108 BOWEN Lucy, of Joel and Susannati (Ar- mington), March 3, 1786 Gardner, Nov. 29, 1817 Hannah, Dec. 29, 1818 Joel, father of above, April 1, 1848 Mary, wife of Simeon, in 74th year, Sept. 5, 1813 , of Arnold, 1 year, July 9, 1848 Benjamin, of Joel, Aug. 23, 1843 Ephraim, of Samuel, 66 years, .lune 20, 1849 Sarah, widow, daughter of Josiali and Sarah Munro, born Rehoboth, 67y 7m, Dec. 12, 1851 Josepli, of Joel, born Rehoboth, 57y 9m 5d, Jan. 8, 1854 Sarah Jane, of Ephraim, Jr., daughter of Stephen and Jane Strong, born Nova Scotia, 37 years, July 8, 1856 Polly, of Samuel and Susan, 78 years, Sept. 6, 1856 Amey, of Chailes F. and Mary A., 1 day, July 22, 1861 Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer and Pa- tience Short, 80y 4m 9d, Sept. 4, 18G5 1 2 15 7 3 S 1 7 1 9 2 25 2 18 1 7 1 7 1 8 1 11 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 9 — 108 — 108 — 108 - 60 1 13 1 13 1 14 1 2 _ 4 1 6 1 6 1 11 1 3 252 VITAL UEUORD OF KHODK ISLAND. 2 3 BOWEN C;ileb, of .loci niul Sii.saniKili, 82y 7m, May 24, 1872 2 G Lucy A., (Uuigiiter of l^iiliiaim and Saiali (Munro) Howon, 5(3 years. May 29, 1880 2 7 Nancy, Imuh Hclioiiolli, dauglitei- of George and Betsey Ilorr, 7;') years, ^I-iy 2'J, 1881 2 9 Emily .)., born North Providence, daiigliter of John and Caroline F. Greene, 2(Jv 4m 23d. ' Aug. 4, 1883 2 11 George A., of George W. and Ilnldah, Oct. 10, 1884 ■> 15 Arnold ISI.. born Thompson, Ct., 70v Ini Id, ■ Nov. 25, 18-88 2 23 Martha J., wife of Nelson, of Kehoboth, daughter of Daniel and Amanda Nash, 62y 3m, March 13, 1895 2 25 Ella Janette, l)orn Wrenlhani, of Wdliani R. and L\diu C. 'Clarke; Blake, 44v 2m 2 Id, " Eeb. 9, 1896 1 9 BOWEKS Jonathan, of David and Hannah, born Somerset, 79y Om 4d. .Ian. 13, 18G4 2 22 William C'liap[)ell, of William and Hannah, 09 vears, Jan. 6, 1894 1 3 BOZWOKTH , of John Handy and Amanda, 7 days, Sept. 12, 1853 2 22 William Chandler, horn East Providence, of William F. and Esther Pratt, ly 4m 24d, ^lay 20, 1894 2 23 Katie Hart, wife of David, born Lewiston, Me., (hinghter of Oliver and Catie Read, 6Gy 5m, Feb. 1, 1895 2 5 BRADLEY William E., of William C. ami Mary A., 4v Ora 25d, Oct. 25, 1877 2 16 BRADSHAW Mary, born Manchester, Eng., daughter of Jolui and JMary Hogansou, 49 years, ' Dec. 14, 1889 2 22 BRANCH George A\^ashington, born Paw- tucket, of George W. and Mary (Chace), 40y llnr21d, Jii'i- 4, 1894 1 4 BRAYMAN Soi)hia C, wife of Benjamin, daughter of Jesse Sherman, born Con- ueclicLii, 27y 7m lod, -^lay 29, 1854 1 15 BRAYTON Leonora A., of Capt. Benjamin and Adaline W., ly 4m 7d, March 21, 1851 2 18 BRENNOX INIinnio W., horn Ireland, of Michael and Mary, 38y Im, June 6, 1891 1 9 BREWSTER Otis P., of Joseph and Joanna, 2y Im 24d, April 16, 1859 1 15 BRIGGS , born New Bedford, about 42 years, Feb. — , 1850 1 11 Charles H., of William W. and Patience, Im Id, Aug. 28, 1861 2 3 Edith Malvina, of Enos and Ardelia A., 2 years, Jan. 17, 1873 2 3 Anlelia Pratt, 39 years, March 27, 1873 DEATHS — SEEKONK. 253 2 5 BRIGGS Klizal)otli :\I., diuigliter of Ivul ■mm] Mary Bucklin, \\uvn Reliohotli, t',:>y .'im, Oct. 10, 1878 2 5 Charles T., of Frederick S. and Jane 'M., 8y 6m 2.1, Dec. l.'i, 1S78 - ;)7 BROWN Josei)li Carpenter, of .losei)li C. and Sarah I. (Hunt), (also 107) April S, 1834 1 13 George, 40 years, Jan. 3, 1844 1 13 Eunice A., of David, .".Oy Sm, ^ iMay 28, 1844 1 13 , of Horaee, Seiit. 17, 1844 1 l.T Helen A., of Josepli and Henrietta, 3y 3ni, 8e|)t. 17, 1848 1 1;") Fanny, widow, daughter of Kllis and Bet- sey Miller, (17 years, .Ian. :'>, ISltl 1 14 , ofJo-seph C. and Abigail, Oct. 14, l.S4',» 1 14 Abigail H., daughter of Xathaniel and Molly Hunt. 44y i;ni 2Sd, Oct. 14, 1S4'.) 1 5 .lonathan, of Nathaniel and Hannah, .'^".•y 2n) 2.h1, ■ .July It, lS;j;> 1 () Aurilla P., of Joseph C. and Cynthia 1'., ly 11m 4d, Sept. 2, 18,-,C. 1 7 Isaac, of Gideon, 04 yeai's, Dec. 4, 18.')7 1 'J Amanda, wife of Lemuel, daULiliter of .Stephen and Susan Bourn, /i.'iy .Sni, Aug. 29, !8.5'J 1 12 .loseph 1*., of Josei)h C. and C!ynlhia, 3y 8m 2'.)d, ' Feb. 13, l.sfi2 2 2 Sally, daughter of i\Ioses and Hannah WaikerT 7!)y Im Dil, May 27, 1870 2 2 F^phraini, of Jonathan and Dorothy, 7S j'ears, April 2, 1.S71. 2 4 Anue K., daughter of William C. and Ce- linila E. Helmes, boin rrovidence, 43 yeais, ,lan. 10, ls74 2 6 rieniietla S., daughtci' of Ezra and Nancy Freneb, 5;)v Dm 2i.d, Nov. 2ii, 187'J 2 6 Zeneas, of Philemon. (My Cm, March 21, 188t) 2 6 Isaac, of Nathan and Susan, lioru Johns- ton, R, I., Orjy Sm U)d, April ."., 2 11 Peter H., of Saiiniel an 254 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2 12 1 15 1 15 1 2 1 2 •2 1 2 3 4 24 5 11 7 15 3 5 !) 15 2 15 2 20 1 8 1 (! 2 2 2 12 1 4 1 7 -2 20 •2 19 BRYANT vVrthiir, lioin Woicesfer, 17 years, Sept. 13, 1885 BUCKLIX (ieorge, of John, 84y 2in 8d, Feb. 14, 1850 Viru;il !>., of George and Haiinali, 44j' Sin 2«d, March 21, 1851 Hannali, born Rlio* George H., of Job and Eliza, 46y 5m 28d, April 6, 186* Meriam M., of Henry and Mary J., 4m 7d, Aug. 4, 1869 Elpha, daughter of Elkanah and Hannah French, 72 years, Sept. 25, 1861> Francis, born East Piovidencc, of Albeit 1). and Maria, 6y Cm 28d, Sept. 24, 1873 Whipple Allen, of Allen and Eliza B., born Pawtucket, 23y 8m 21d, Feb. 3, 1871 Jane C, daughter of James Campbell, born Walpole, 68y Im 4d, Dec. 7, 187Ci 3 3 5 5 7 8 8 11 11 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 4 2 4 •1 •2 (5 •2 6 •2 7 2 4 2 < •2 7 •2 i) 2 9 2 18 2 24 1 t 256 VITAL KKCOKU Ob' KHoDK 18LAN1). CARPENTER Drayton, of Allicrt D. and Maiiii, Sy Oin .sd, born East Pmvidence, Dec. 17, 1876 Hannah, or IJcnjflniin, born Rulioboth, 74y dm 26(1, ' May 10, 1878 Eliza Jane, of Wooster and Eavina, 49 years, Jan. 21, 1879 Cvrel, of ISatlianiel and Piiidencc, 71 v 2m 22d. " Dec. 7, 1879 Abigail T., born Massaclnisetts, daughter of James and Abigail T. Tisdaie, 74v 8ra 27(1, " Jan. 29. 1881 Aniey E., May 17, 1881 Davis, born Relioboth, son of David and Olive, 87y 2ni 23d, June 17, 1881 Dexter, of Daniel, Jr., 7Iy 6m, Nov. 12, 1881 John C born Newport, R. J., of John Cal- vin and Mary Ann, 64y Cm. Dec. 9, 1882 Lavina, widow, dauiiliter of Jonathan and Dorothy Hrowu.'sSy 9ni 18d. April 2.3, 1883 Merev Ann. widow, born 'raiinton, daugh- ter of Samuel and Maiy Woodward, 77y 7m Id, " Sept. 15. 1891 Mary, daughter of H. Miles and Alice (Carpenter), Im 4d, Aug. 3, 1895 CARROLL Nancy, widow, daughter of Ne- heniiah and Meicy Sheldon, born Rhode Island, 83y 8m, Sept. 23, 1857 1 6 CARTER Niks E., of Hiram and Sylvia, 7y llni, born Pawtucket, IMay 24, 1856 1 4 CASE Ann M., of Isaiah, 17y 6m 16d, Dec. 10, 1854 1 5 Elizabeth J$ , of Isaiah and JIarv Ann, ly 6m 28d. ' Sept. 10, 1855 2 10 CASWELL Caroline, daughter of Margetette McGuire. 39 years. Nov. 6, 1884 1 2 CIIACE Brown Cushing, of Darius and Cyn- thia, born Ereetowu, 46y 8m 7d, Oct. 13, 1852 1 7 Rebecca, of John and Elizabeth, born Swanzey, 75y 5m 26d, June 12, 1857 1 12 Amey A., widow, daughter of Joseph and Auiey Grant, 45y 10m, June 1, 18C2 - 99 CHAEFEE Harmon, of Ezra and Patience (Brown), Sept. 11, 1836 1 13 Betsey A., wife of Asa, 23y 6in, Mav 22, 1844 1 14 Lydi.a'.AI., of Ira and Julia," 14y llui, June 4. 1849 1 15 Ezra, of Nathaniel and Susan, 76y 2m, Nov. 10, 1849 1 15 Asaph U., of Jonathan and Leaffee, 46v 9ra 15d, " May 7, 1851 1 2 Eliza C4., of Bozworlh and Henrietta L., .Sy 5m 4d, April 24, 1852 1 2 Sarah, widow, daughter of Jesse Newman, 82y 7m 28d, April 24, 1852 1 2 Amey A., of Ira and Julia A.. 22v 10m 29d, " July 5, 1852 »tRTH8 SEEKON K. 1 4 CHAFFEE Abel, of Kev. Jonathan, I)orn Reliobotli, 77y 4m, .h\nc -28, 1.S54 1 4 Isadoi-e A., of Cyrus, 6ni Id, Oct. 15, 18J4 1 4 Patience, widow, daajrliter of .Jesse Urown, born Reliobotli, 7.Sy 8ni, Dee. 20, 18.54 1 5 Oliver Clinrcli, of Oliver acd A. M., ly 2ni 2^'l- ' Feb. 5, l.S,5,5 Daniel A., of Ira, 2Gy Om 2.^d, .Ian. 7, 1855 Aaron, of Nallianiel and Hannah, 70y Ora H<^1> " Anw. 17, \?,f,b Frederielv May, of William and Sarah \V., 10 months. Sept. 14, 18.J6 Caleb Church, of Oliver and Aliby 51., ly 2ni 4d, ' " Oct. 10, 18.56 Sarah W., wife of William, daughter of Setli and Amanda Miller, .'t.'iy 7ni Od, Sejit. 8, 1857 Lei)ba C, of Asaph C. and Jane I'., 1 7y ■im 17(1, " Oct. 2;], 1859 Bradford L., of William and Sarah, 7y 5m 3d, ■ Dee. 21, 18G0 Adeline F., of Newman and Lydia. 21 years, Sept. 21, 1861 Mary Eliza, of .lonathan and Charlotte Anna, 22y 2m, Nov. 27, 187:3 Samuel, of S. B. and Nancy, 62 years, July 7, 1874 Nancy, widow, born Reliobotli, tlaughter of Isaac Pearce, 88 years, Dec. il, 1874 Sarah B., daughter of Asa and Ruth Bowen, born North Providence, 89y 10m 20d, June 26, 1878 Walker, of Joseph and Huldah, born Relio- botli, 85y 2in, Nov. 9, 1878 Caleb, born Massachusetts, of .lonathan and Lepha, 86y 3in 29d, Aug. 1, 1880 Dexter, of Daniel and Sarah (Newman), 8.5y 10m 19d, Nov. .'30, 1880 Patience, widow, daughter of Joel and Susan Bowen, 84y 7m lOd," Feb. 20, 1882 Henrietta L.,of Thomas G. and Laura A., 2y 5m 2d, Aug. 12, 1882 Ira, of Aaron and Lydia (French), 79v 6m 27d, " Oct. 9, 1882 Hannah A., born Philadelphia, daughterof Abel Archer, 5;i years, Oct. 22, 1884 Jonathan B., of Abel and Sally B., 73y Im 5(1, ' " April 1.-3, 1885 Orford F., of Frederick E. and Emma L. (Shorey), 1 d.ay. May 8, 1885 Henrietta L., born Delaware, daughter of James and Lydia (Eliason) iMartin, 77y 5m, Aug. 10, 1885 2 12 Cyrus, of Samuel B. and Nancv (Pearce), 71y 10m 21d, " Dec. 9, 1885 2 13 , of Thomas G. and Laura A., Aug. 20, 1886 -2 15 William, of Samuel R. and Nancy, 68y Om lOd, May 5, 1888 5 5 6 6 7 9 10 2 11 3 2 2 3 3 2 5 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 10 2 11 2 11 2 11 258 2 15 2 15 2 17 2 18 VITAL KECUUD OF RHODE ISLAND. CHAFFEE Lama A., lioin Pawtucket, daiigb- tiT of Aldrich and 3Iaiaiula Payne, 42y Om KSd, " Oct. 7, 1888 , of Tlionias G. ami Laura A., lin 17d, Nov. 19, 1888 Anna, of Ezra and Patii-nce (Wade), 72y 5ni, ' .Tan. 12, 18'.10 Julia A., wife of Ira, dauuhler of Samuel and Amey (Cluiffee; Mason, born Ke- lioliotli, S'.'^y lOni 4d, Dec. 3, 1891 2 19 , of Frederick E. and Emma L., 1 day. March 25, 1892 Asa, of Abel and Sally (Bowen), 78y (jm, Feb. 28, 1895 Jonathan, of C'alel) and Leaffee (Carpen- ter), 74y 4ni, Aug. 22, 1895 CHAMBERS James H., of James and Susan, born Kliode Island, 3:iy 2m, March 1, 1855 Josepii, of James and Nooma, liorn Provi- dence. (iO ve.irs, Seiit. 19, 1861 CIIAMPLAIN Annaville, of Georg.- and Jo- anna, ly Om 3orn Warwick, R. I., of Ivlimuid and Elizalietli (Carr), Sly 7ni 7il, Sept. lH, 18',»2 2 24 William Mareluint, born Provideiicx', 2 25 DAUGIIKKTY Edward, of Patrick and Anna (Daley), 13 years. July 27, 181)6 2 2 DAVIS "William Eranklin, of Henry and So- pbronia, 5ni 15d, .Inly 31, 186'.l 2 15 Chester Alton, of Rlayiianl A. and Emma S., 8m 14d, ■' Ang. 4, 1888 2 12 DAY Joshua, of Robert and Mary, born Wells, Me., 55y Dm 18d, " Dec. 30, 1885 2 13 Harold E., of Joshna L. and Olive E., born New Salem, Mass., 24y Dm 23d, .hui. 18, 1887 2 20 DEALT I'earl Inez, of AndVew and Fidelia, 5in 12d. July 18, 189;; 2 1 DEAN David W., Sly 7m, Nov. 8, 1868 2 11 Sarah Jenckes, born Providence, daimhter of ,7ohn and Hannah Snow, 70y 10m 5d, Feb. 1, 1885 2 19 William 1?., born Providence, oi' Calvin and Fanny, 84 years, Oct. 1, 1892 2 11 DkBLOIS "Henry Chester, of James P. and Mary I)., 4m 27d, June 30, 1885 2 11 Howaiil Chester, of same |)ar.^nts, 5iu 2d, .luly 5, 1885 2 4 DENMS , of Wellington R. and Martha L., . , 1875 2 22 William R., born Poitsmonth, R. I., of William R. and Klizalieth, 71y Om 30d, Jan. 5, 1894 1 7 DENTON Samnel D., of Joseph T. and Sn- san M., 11m 10<1, Sejit. 19, 1857 2 19 Pamella A., wife ofCieorge W., dangliter of William F:. and Pamella A. West, 27y 8ra 2 Id, Feli. 22, 1892 2 19 Marian A., of George W. and Pamella A., '•» y 7m 2od, Nov. 28, 18',)5 FIELD George, liorn Reliobotli, .")0 years, J"'}' '' '''^'"'1 Charles Henry, born Providence, of Kd- win and Mary A. (Eddy), ;")8y !)m '.Id, Feb. 7, 18;)2 William F.. Jr., of WiUiam'F. and Klitlia, 2fiy .'im 21(1, May 1, 181(3 FIELDING William, of iNIarlin and Eliza- beth, born England, ."JSy 3m 24(1, Aug. .t, 1887 2 20 FINNEMORE Albert Marley, born Eng- land, of Thoma.s and Jane, 48y om 2',)d, Sept. 1(5, 18'.):? 1 U EISIIER William, died in Attleboro. April 2.s,'.» 2 i;! 2 18 2 23 2 24 1 ir, 2 10 2 20 2 14 •> •J. t Lizzie Dora, of William 11. and George- anna E., ly .^)m. Jnly l;l, l.«8l 2 8 Anne Francis, of William II. and Geori;i- anna E., 3v 8ni, " May 23, 1882 2 8 William L.. (if same parents, 10m 20d, May 2."), l.s,S-J 1 11 FITTS Delia, widow, daughter of John and Jemima liueklin, liorn Rehoboth, 8(i years, A|iril 30, bsiil 2 8 FrrZGERALD t'athaiine (Revnolds), CiOy Im, ■ June 2(;, 1SS2 2 20 Thomas J., born Provideiice, of Thomas and Catharine, 34 years, Jan. IS, lS!t;> 2 14 FOLLETT Fanny Malindti, born Cumlier- land, of Wiliiam and Fannv, &2v 2in 17(1, " "" Oct. 27, 18.S7 113 FOSTER Dianna, wife of George, Dec. 2, 1843 13 FOUNDLING, a, 8 days, Jnly —, 1855 1 2 FOX Rlujda A., widow, 83 years, Oct. I'.l, l^'ri 1 4 FRANKLIN Isabel M., of William A. and Peddy, 4y Im, March 13, Ls.^l 15 FREEMAN Welcome, born Attleboro, dly 4ra 14(1, March 2, 1855'' 1 11 Stella, of Ezra R. and Stella, born Attle- boro, 24 years, Aug. \'J, 1861- - 73 Lois Amanda, of Ezra, 2d, and Lois (Abell), Sept. r.', 18-,^2 - 73 Seba, of same parents, Aug. 15, 184;*' - 73 Ezra, 2d, of PLlkanah, in 52d year. Sept. 1, 184(> - 58 FRENCH Nancy Maria, of Ezra and Nancv (Smith) " ' Jan. 11,182S - 72 Albiua, wife tif Calvin, 24y lOm 2d, Jan. 8, 1854 - 72 Lois Alliiua, of Calvin and Alljiua, 11 weeks, Jan. 10, 1854 - 72 Calvin, 24y 11m 13d, Feb. 14, 1854 2 14 2 23 1 2 1 10 1 11 1 2 3 5 •1 a 264 VITA I- KKCOKU Ol" UHODli ISLAND. 1 6 F'REXC'II Bunjiuiiiu, of John ami Lydia, 71y :^m 20(1, Maieli 11, 185G 1 G Patic'iico, widow, daughter of Richard and Patience WhitaJver, 87y 10m 7d, Dec. 29, 18.t6 2 1 Ezra, of .Tames and Berllia, 84y Im 4d, May 14, 1867 2 3 Zilpha, daughter of Noah and Zilpha Bliss, born Keiiolioth, 7'J years, Oct. 1.5, 1873 2 4 Sarali, born Prcjvidence, 82 years, Aug. — , 1875 2 b George W., liorn Rehobolh, of Samuel and Bethia, 78 years, Dec. 5, 1878 Asa Peasly, liorn Fall River, of Knock and Sarah, 8Gy 7m 2od, July 12, 1887 William Wdlmarlh, of William and Keziah, 82 years, ,lulv 12, 1895 FULLER Charles W., of Thomas W. and Susan, ly 8m, Aug. 21, 1851 Nancy A., (laughter of Samuel and Nancy Woodward. 53y Im 9d, ' April 20, 18G0 Levi, of Noali and Rachel, born Rehoboth, ■■^O years, April 13, 18n0 Pliebe, of same parents, 90y 9m 12d. Nov. 27, 18G5 Otis, of Ezra and Hannali, 52 years, born Rehoboth, Feb. 5, 1876 Elmer S., of Stephen B. and Rebecca C, 9m 15d, May 7, 1878 G 1 11 GALLI(;.\N Edward, of John and .Margaret, born Providence, 3y Om 18d, Feb. 6, 18G1 1 13 GARDNER , of David. Sept. 15, 1843 1 14 Ruth Ann, of Johnson and Phebe L., died in North Providence, 9y 2ni Id, April 20, 1845 1 14 Adalaide Victoria, of same parents, 7y 3m 27(1, " April 27, 1845 2 1 1 Hannah Ellis, born Nova Scotia, of Heman and Hannah n':ilis), 40 years, July 10, 1885 2 25 Joseph F., born and of same parents, 63 v 3m 4d, " Feb. 3, 189G 2 13 James B., of William L. and Louisa, born Cranston, R. L, G4y 3m lOd, Sept. 28, 1886 2 25 Mary A., widow, liorn Brooklyn, N. Y., died at Taunton, 82 years, " July 7, 1896 112 GENNINGS William, 56 years. May 10,1862 1 5 CLIFFORD Mary E., widow, daughter of George and Betsey S. Ballon, born Swau- zey, 25 years, Sept. 17, 1855 1 6 GILLIGAN Mary J., of John and Margaret, 5 years, Sept. 5, 1856 1 7 John, of John and Bridget, born Boston, 28y 3m, Aug. 25, 1857 DEATHS— SEEKONK. 265 1 7 1 7 1 5 1 5 1 7 1 1-2 2 5 2 6 2 12 2 21 2 7 1 3 1 4 1 6 GLADDING 1 (lav, of A. S. and Ann P^. Ini 2:)d, 12 1 2 2 3 2 4 2 17 1 4 4 4 4 14 14 13 13 14 15 3 3 3 9 GOFF Maria I., of Albert and Maria I., Albert, of Albert and Susanna (Munro), 23y 4m 7d, Rebecca, of James N. and Mary E., 2y 5ra od, Jacob, 75 years, Henry B., of Sylvester and Keljeeca, born Reboboth, 7G years, James N., boin Rehoboth, of Sylvester, Mary E., l)orn Middletown, R. I., dangli- ter of John \V . and Lueinda Hicks, Gly 3ra 4d. G00D8PKED Isaac, born Canterbury. Ct., of Asaliel, 79 years, GORTON Ann Eliza, daugiiter of Samnel and Rntli Scott, born Massachusetts, 55 years, GRANT John, of Joseph and Aniey Ann, 44y 3ni 3d, Joseph, of J()sc[)h, r)orn Barrinnjton, 82y Ini, Allen K., of Kent and Lydia, 20y Im 14d, Lydia, 87 years, Marie E., of Kent and Lydia, 2Gy 5m 5d, Lydia, dangiiter of Jonathan and Rachal Alien, 71 years, Kent, of Joseph and Amey K., 72y 9ni 30d, Abel, of Benjamin and Esther, born Reho- both, 8Gy'7m 19d, Hannaii, widow, dauj;hter of Joli and Ruth (Wood) Luther, >i(!y 5m 24d, GRAY Church and Sally Idc, his wife, chil- dren : Eliza, 7y 10m 13d, Henry Walter, ly 7m IGd, Church, above, 57y 7m 2Gd, Church, died in Little Complon, 57y 8m 4d, Sally I., widow, dauiihter of William and Sally Idc. 54y 9nri9d, GREENE Ziliiha, of Waterman, Patience, Waterman, died in Rliode Island, 62y Gni, John, born Halifax, N. S., 80y Gm 13d, Eliza M.. of George W. P. and Mary E., ■ ly Cm 4d, George A., of same parents, 3y 5m 15d, Ida, of Anna, G days, Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin, daughter of Elisha and Rhoda Brown, born Tiver- ton, 58y 7m, Oct. 7 Dee. 5 Aug. 12, Dec. 14 ]\Iarch 5 Dec. 12 Aug. 26 Feb. 14 May 4 Nov. 2G Dec. 17 Dec. 4 Aug. 14 Oct. 8 June 29 Feb. 18 Oct. 5. Nov. 23 July 22 Dec. 27 Aug. 30 March 15 Dec. 9 Dec. 9 Aug. 4 July 20, July 2.3 Sept. 6 Nov. 19 Dec. 18 March 1 Julv — 1857 1857 1855 1855 1857 18G2 1877 1879 188G 1S93 1880 1853 1854 1856 1862 1868 1871 1872 187G 1890 1829 1834 1844 1844 1849 1843 1843 1848 1850 18.53 1853 1853 Feb. 25, 1859 266 VITAL IIKCDKD OF RHODE ISI,AND. 1 12 GREENE William H., of Henry M. ami Maiy A., born Bristol, died in United States Sonicu. 20y 9ni 17d, May 22, 1862 1 12 Benjamin, horn East Greenwich, 72 years, Aug. 10, 18G2 2 2 Adaline E., dnngliter of .lacoh and Sarah Erencii, horn Providence, yly 9m, Nov. 21, 1870 2 C, Thomas, ;i4y 11m i;id, Jan. 11, 187D 2 17 Emily, daughter of Edward II. and Mary E. (Chace) Greene, 3 months, Jan. 19, 1890 2 22 Ann. wife of OIney, horn Irehind, daughter of John P. and Jlaiy Kavanaugb, 53 vears. " Dec. 15, 1894 1 15 GRE(;()RY Sarah D., daughter ot William and INIary Allen. EATHS — SICKKCINK. 2G7 1 11 HANDY HaniKili, widow, (liuiglitcr of N:i- tlianiel and Small IVck, 81 yoai'S, Sciit. 7, ISGl 2 13 Daniel, of Martin and Sally, H6 years, March 1, 1887 2 13 Harriet, born Digliton, dangliler of (Jardner and Nancy Luther, (J7y 1 hn lid, May 14, 1887 2 15 Barbara B., widow, danghter of Caleb, Ijorn Rehoboth, '.My I'm -25(1, May 7, 1888 William, of AViUiam and Hannah, 8-ly 5m 8d, .Ian. !«, 18'J5 HARKINCtTON Charles, born Glocester, K. I., of Henrv and Betsey, 2y om lOd, Nov. — , 1882 HARRISON Marcella, wife of Alexander, daughter of Luke Mowry, 47y 4ni 17d, May 5, 1857 HARVEY Kmma l^lvira, born Fall River, daughter of .J()se[ili and Louisa Man- chester, 2(i years. Sept. 21, 1882 Emma Betliia, of Lewis E. and Emma Eliza, 4 mouths. Dee. 24, 1882 Bertha, born Taunton, dauuhter of Elijali and Lnciuda Leonaril, (J'Jy lOm. Feb. 10, 1884 William, born Taunton, of William and Rosanna, 64y 10m 6d, March 18, 1884 HATHAWAY Cyrus Bourne, boin Woon- socket, of Svlvanus and Ann B., 4H years, " Doc. 10, 1.S79 William IL, liorn Portsmouth, of Sylvanus and Ann B., 5:3y 11m, " .Tan. 16, 1884 HATTON l,avinia Amelia, born Providence, of Lewis W. and Laura J., 24y Ini 2;)d, Nov. ;iO, 1894 HAVENS , of Charles C. and Mary C, Aug. :iO, 1880 Mary C. born Massachusetts, daughter of Mary Desksey, 29 years. May 21, 1881 HAWES James E. of William aud Luciuda, 19y Om 20d, May 8, 1855 HAZARD William R., of Borden, 55y 8m, Dec. 29, 1877 HEALEY' Welcome T., of Robert and Nancy, 49y 11m. Juiif — . 1855 HEATH liebee,' daughter of Ebenezer and Huldah Peck, born Barrington, 84y Um, April 14, 1876 HEDLEY Hannah, wife of Peleg, daugiiter of Samuel and Nancy (Woodward) AVoodward, 78 years, Feb. 2, 1890 Peleg, born Cranston, R. I., of Pelcg and Hannah (Woodward), 49y 9m lOd, July ;J1, 1894 HELME George Edwin, born Pawtucket, of AVilliam C. and Celinda, 66y 8m 29d, Dec. 7, 1895 HICKS Charles H., born Providence, of Elijah and Elizabeth, 8 years, -Tidy ;!1, 1893 HILL George Josiah, of George and Sarah W. (Keath), '^ Nov. 24. 1838 George, March 9, 1840 Betsev, w'.dow, maiden name Carpenter, 75 years, •. Sept. 24, 1852 2 23 2 8 1 7 2 8 2 9 2 10 2 10 2 6 2 10 2 23 2 6 2 7 1 5 2 5 1 5 2 4 2 17 2 22 2 24 2 20 - 19 19 1 2 268 VITAL KKCOIU) OF KHUDK ISLAND. 1 11 HILL Robev, wiilnw, daughter of Israel and Sarah Bowen, born Coventry, H. I., 'J63' 10m, Sept. 20, IStjl 1 8 Anna, 18 years, June — , 1863 1 o Ilenrv Oliver, ec. 14, 1806 2 22 HOOD Mercy, wife of George, born Trow- bridge, Eng., daughter of Joseiih Jones, 47y Im 8d, Sept. 22, 1894 1 7 HOPKINS Emma J., of William and Han- nah T., born Warwick, R. I., Iv Om 4d, ' Jan. 4, 1857 2 1 George L., of Oliver II. and Mary B., born Jamestown, R. I., G4y 5m 19d, Jan. 16, 1806 2 19 Minerva H., wife of Charles .L, born Bris- tol, '(laughter of William H. and JIary E. (Dennis) White, 65y 10m lOd, Sei)t. 4, 1892 2 25 William IL, born Jamestown, of Oliver and Robev (Hathaway), 79y4m 25d, Sept. 2, 1896- 1 4 IIORTON 'Susan, daughter of John Miller, 22y Ini 18d, Feb. 16, 1854 2 3 Margaret, born Providence, daughter of ,lames and Rosa Dalton, 42 years, July 5, 1872 2 10 Loretta, born Rehoboth. daughter of Stepiien D. and Elizabeth A. Lee, l.Sy 9m 6d, Nov. 16, 1883 2 20 Jennie Francis, of (4eorge II. and Mary F. (Millerd), 21v 2m lOd, Jan. 9, 1893 2 3 HOWARD George B., 58 years, , 1873 2 1 [lOWE Charles IL, of Henry M. and Anne C, born Gardner, Mass., 14y llin 26d, July 11, 1868 2 14 Anna Cooke, of same parents, born Craiis- " ' ~ " Aug. 31, 1887 ton, R. I., 22v 6m 9d, HOWLAND Florence, of Henry R. 1 9 HOWLAND Florence, of Henry R. and Rosalie, 20 years, Jan. 17, 1864 2 18 HOYLE Elizabeth E., of James E. and Anne, 7 days, Aug. 21, 1891 4 S HOYT Isaiah, of Isaiah and Marv Ann J., May 16, 1843 1 13 William, of Isaiah, 5 years, ' May 16, 1843 2 7 William J., born Brad'ford> N. IL. of Beu- jiimin and Sarah, 77y 4m 5d, June 15, 1881 DEATHS — SEEKONK. •269 ■2 12 2 18 1 15 1 5 1 11 1 y 2 12 2 14 - 81 _ 81 - 81 — 81 1 1,". 1 13 1 15 1 4 1 7 1 9 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 6 2 20 2 21 2 21 1 8 HOYT Edith Biijigs, daugliter of HMlpli and Betsey K. Karle. Ijoni Tiverlou, 77y liu 25d, HUDSON Roheit. bo;n England, of Thomas and INIarv, 50 j'eais, HUMPIIKEV' .lohn, of Joseph, (;C>y ;5ni 24d, Lavina, widow, daughter of Isiael Goff, born Kehol)otli, G.'iy 6ni 7d, Lydia, widow, daughter of Ze|)haniah aud r^ydia Shores, born Taunton, 'JO years, Albert Perry, of John and Estlier, 'Jy 10m, , of Marsiiall P. and Catiiarine E., Jolin, of Jolm and Leving, G!)y Gm 3d, HUNT Jolm, of Major Allen and Susan (Blanding), Leplie, Horatio Nelson, ]8y 3m Gd, (also 1 14) Major Allen, a'nove 52 years, (also 1 l-">) Caroline B., of Allen and Susan, I'.iv lliu 2'.)d, , of Josiah. (J days, Huldah, willow, daughter of JIatthew Al- len, born in Rhode Island, 7;iy 9m 7d, Ruth S. (Street), boiu in Rhod'e Island, ll3y 8m, William, liorn Braintree, 82y 5ni, Mary (Hathaway), widow, born Sand- wich, 71 years, Ann E., widow. 62 years, William D., 75y oni lid, Lydia, born Rehoboth, daughter of Orin- dall and Sally Chace. 72y Im 5d, Eliza Carpenter, daugliter of Elihii and Chloe Cai|)enter, 71y'Jm 23d, William H., born Cranston, R. I., of ISeii- jamin and Lydia, 78 years, Livingslone, born Sharon, Mass., of Wil- liam and Phelina (Churchill), 81y 5m 18d, Harriet Allen, wife of 'William I)., daugh- ter of Abram aud Cynthia W. Ormsliee, 51 V 5m Id, HUTClilNS Mary, of Theophilus aud Jo- anna, 42 years. MiwvU li', 1S8(> Aug. 21 Eeb. St Dec. 7 Marel 30, 1861 Sept. 30, 1864 Nov. 12, 18,S5 Jan. 17, 1887 March 26, 1823 jMarch 25, 1824 Nov. 11, 1844 Afiril 26, 1844 Sept. 25, 1849' June ',), 1844 Dec. 13 Sei)t. 5, Dec. 12 June 26 Oct. 11 June 9 Dec. 8 June 22 Jan. 20 Dec. 19 Aug. 5 Sept. 16, 1 89 1 1850 1.S54 1 850 1K54 1«57 1859 1870 1873 1871 1879 1893 1893 1895 1858 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 14 1 15 IDE Lydia, wife of Henry A., 20 years. May 2, 1843 Newman, of Nathan and Lydia, 61y 7in, Feb. 12, 1845 Althea, of Eljenezer aud (Tiffany), died in Rhode Island, 60 years, JMay 12, 1848 JouatlKan, of Abel and Susan, 4«y 4m 9d, M.ay 12, 1848 Daniel P., of Daniel and Eunice, March 20, 1849 270 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 14 IDE Eunice B., wife of Daniel. 31y 6m, April 30, 1849 1 1/1 D;iniel, of Abel and fSusan, 38 j'eais, , 1849 1 1.") Abel, of Jonatlian, 87y 8m -Ind, March 22, 1850 1 1.") Ljtlia, widow, daughter of James and Re- becca Dagtrett,^78y Oni 3d, Oct. 17, 18.")0 1 3 Andrew, of Alfred and Ruth, 32 jears, June 13, 1853 1 4 Radial, widow, daughter of Jesse New- man, born Rehoboth, !)ly3m, A[uil 13, 1854 1 4 Susanna, widow, daujhter of Timothj' Finney, of Barnstable, 86y 2ra 22d, Se|)t. 14, 1854 1 5 Charles AI., of Henry A. and Sarah, born in Rhode Island, ly 8m, Sept. — , 1855 1 7 John, of John and Radial, 62y 6m 16d, June 12, 1857 1 8 Frank A., of William T. and Sarah, 7y 9in, Oct. 3, 1858 1 10 Caroline, 9ni 2d, Dec. 3, 18(30 1 11 Timothy P., of Abel and Susan, 73 years, May 26, 1861 2 3 John, 18 years, , 1873 2 5 Martha 15., born Tiverton, daughter of Thomas and Mary Gray, 07y 3m lid, Jan. 19, 1878 2 6 Marcellus M., of John ami Radial (New- man), 77y lin 27(1, Dec. 5, 1879 ■2 7 Xehemiah, of Edward and Betsey, March 26. 1881 2 6 ILIFFEE (ieorge, born England, 39 v Im lid, ^ " April 4, 1880 1 4 JACKSON Ida A., of George, bom Mans- field, .Mil ir.d, Sept. 9, 1854 1 13 JACOBS Olive, wife of Phanud, 45 years, Feb. 27, 1844 1 3 Phanuel B., of John and Zelinda, 50 years. May 12, 1853 1 2 William Henry, of Isaac and Mahala, 10 months, " Dec. 10, 1852 1 10 JAYNE William Nelson, of Charles N. and Anne E., 4m Id, Dec. 5, 1860 '2 19 Charles Nelson, of William and Lydia, born Rdioboth, 58y Om 26d, ' March 20, 1892 1 11 JENCKES Nancy, widow, daughter of Ed- mund and Lydia lugalls, born Reho- both, 69v llni 14d, July 4. 1861 2 1 JENNINGS Chloe, widow, 64 years. 3I;irch 18, 1868 1 6 JERAULD Grace, of Daniel D. and Hannah M., ly 3m 20d, Jan. 13, 1856 2 21 Adflia S., wife of Hiram A., born Fall River, daughter of Cornelius and Bet- sey. 90y 5m 7d, Dec. 29, 1893 1 10 JOHNSON , of Welcome, 2v 9in, Aug. 5, 1860 2 5 Clotilda O., of Ezekiel C. and Clotilda, 8y 5in 26d, Dec. 14, 1878 2 6 Mabel, of same parents, 5y 6m, Feb. 22, 1879 2 7 John, Sept. 7, 1881 2 25 Mary Sheldon, wife of Hamlin, born in Rhode Island, daughter of Reuben and Elizabeth C. 'Weekes, 68 years, June 8, 1896 DKATHS 8KKK(1NK. 271 1 8 JONES Ilukliili, of anil Ik-lfce, .^O years, Feb. 2(;, 1858 2 14 JORDAN John, lioin Manchester, Kno;., of ThouKii and Mary A., 5«y 4in Hd, July 2, 1887 1 15 JOSLIN George, of Pamela, born in Rhode Island, (;4y Sm 12d, April 20, 1850 1 11 Jl'DKIXS Ui'tsey, widow, danirliter of Ben- jamin .Ste|ilieni5, born Brentwood, N. il., CS years, April 10, 18G1 K 2 23 KANE James .Alieliael, l)orn Saint Johns, N. B., of Anthony and Mary, 27 years, Oet. 24, 1894 1 8 REACH Ann M., of'Olnev and Ann M., born Boston, 2y 2m 12d, Jnly 2S, 1,S58 1 2 KELLEY Mary C:., wife of David, ilan>;liter of Ehenezer and Sarali Snow, born Hardwich, 50 years. Dee. 10, 1852 1 Polly, wife of David, daughter of Aliel ami Sarah Whitaker, 67 vears, Eel). 1, 1>S5'.> 113 KENT Bethia. wife of Joiin, May 3, 1.S44 1 13 , of Keziali and C'eiia, Oct. 3, 1^<44 1 15 Maitiia, daughter of Isaac Iirowii, 7ov lOra, " Oct. 7, 1849 1 15 Naham, of \'irgil and Enieline, 5ni 3d, Jan. 20, 1851 1 2 Abby I., of Lewis aiul Lydii, born New Yoric, dm 23d, " Seiil. K!, 1851 1 2 Hannah Maria, of Isaac !">. and Hannah B., 7 inonlhs, Feb. 2'.l, 1852 1 3 Josiah, of Jositih and Elizal.>elh, SI v 5iii 27d, 1 6 Betsey, widow, daughter of Neiieiiiiali and Mary Wiilmarth, 75y 2ni 15d, May 15, 1856 1 6 , of Josiah and Lydia. July 11, 1856. 1 G Rutii P., wife of Alba, daughter of .Martin and Fanny, 43y 5ni 6d, Aug. 15, 1856 1 (J Hannah, widow, daughter of Peter and Hannah Bicknell, 84y 2ni, Dee. 2, 1856 1 7 Phebe R., wife of Ira, daughter of Josiah and Phel>e Medbury, 62y Om 3d, Nov. 25, 1857 1 11 "\\'illiam J., adopted son of .Samuel, born Foxboro, lly lliu 2;)d, March 10, 18C1 1 9 John, of Hezekiah and Betsey, 82y Im 12d, Jan. 22, 1864 2 1 Sarah, widow, daughter of David and Ab- igail (Cooper) Perreu, born Rehoboth, 84y 6ra 21d, Feb. 24, 1866 2 2 Mrs. Samuel, j l^fJO 2 3 Emina, of Virgil and Emeline, 16y 7ni, Feb. 7, 1872 2 4 John W., of John and Betsey, 55 years, April 27, 1876 2 5 Maria L., daughter of Thomas and Han- nah Perren. 30y 2m 16d, Oct. 27, 1878 Oet. 25, 1853. tTrl VITAL RECOUD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2 KENT Siumu'l, born Eehobolh, of Elijah R. and Saiab R., 78 years, March 14, 1883 2 12 Ella Maria, of Joseph and Racbal, born Barringtou, 34}' 3m 6(1, July 20, 1880 2 23 Emeline L., wife of Virgil, daiiuliter of John P. and M. C. AVoodward, Toy 2u] 20d, Feb. 22, 1895 2 23 Joseph, 1)orn Xew York City, 70 years, July 17, 1895 2 2o Lydia, danghter of Elijah and Sarah, 863- «">m, Aug. 24, 1896 2 6 KING Lnella, of James A. and Mary Jane, born Cumberland, 3y 8m 20d, Jan. 20, 1879 1 14 KINGSLEY Dwigiit, died in Rhode Island, son of I'lbenezer and Sophia, April 28, 1849 2 1 Mary, born Rehoboth, daughter of Benja- min and Ann Martin, 86 years, Jan. 14, 1867 2 7 KIN>iEY Jerry, born Mattapoisett, of Jona- than F. and Abigail, 7.iy 7ni 22d, April 13. 1881 1 4 KNAPP , of William and Martha, May 9, 1854 2 7 Lydia, bom Swanzey, daughter of Asa Martin, 79y 11m," Oct. 10, 1880 2 19 Martha Carpenter, wife of \Villiam, daugh- ter of Abner and Naney C. AVhitaker, 75y 11m 27d, May 4, 1892 2 21 Freeman, born Greenham, Mass., of Ter- renee, 89v 9m lid, Oct. 23, 1893 1 2 KNIGHT '—, of B. B. and Phebe, Sept. — , 1852 - 4 LAKE James, Aug. 1, 1819 1 13 Nancy, wife of George, July 11,1844 1 15 Albert J., of George and Naney, 24y :^m. May 6, 1850 1 3 George, of P^lnathan and Nancy, about 6.5 years, ' Nov. 20, 1853 1 9 Patience, of Laben and Patience, 80y 2m lOd, Dec. 13, 1859 1 11 George F., of Horace and Harriet, 4y 9m, March 3, 1861 1 12 Horace F., of George and Nancy, Feb. 20,1862 1 9 Eldora, of Andrew J. and Mary, l)orn Re- hoboth, .5y 3m 15d, June 27, 1864 1 3 Abigail, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Barney, 76y 5m 15d, Oct. 21, 1865 '2 3 Mary, July 26, 1872 2 6 Squire, of Labin and Patieuee, born Re- hoboth. 89y 8m 22d, Jan. 28. 1879 1 15 LANE Lydia, of Isaiah and Hope, died in • Rehoboth, 33 years, Oct. — , 1849 2 17 Phila, wife of Amos, born Relioboth, daugli- ter of Noah and Nancy (Bullock) Rob- inson, 73y 9ra 8d, Aug. 13, 1890 1 15 LANGERSVIL]>E James, born Amsterdam, Holland, 57 years, Aug. 23. 1850 2 5 2 7 1 3 2 19 2 19 1 15 DEATHS — SKEKONK. 273 LAWTON Lucy A., daughter of Watoruiau aud Saruli Fraukliii, G7 years, Aug. 8, I.S77 LEA.SH Helen A., of Matthew J. and Annie E., ly 6m 24d, Nov. 1, ISSO LKE . of George B. and Mary, .'> months, Aug. — , 1S.J3 LELACHEU Mary, of William and Catiia- rine (SIoKenna), 2m Od, July 2.'), 1892 .John W., of same parents, 3m 3d, Aug. 26, 1892 LEONARD Altlie Ide, of Daniel H. and Mary A. B., 2y 6m, March 26, 1850 1 15 Louisa, widow, daughter of .lohu and Rachal Peek. 34y 4m, May 17, 1850 1 6 Ciiarlton, of Nathan and .Vnstress, 72v 4ni, ,lune 30, 1856 1 6 Charles, of Charlton and Sally, 2;iy Om 4d, Oct. 23, 1856 1 4 LEWIS William W., of Nathan C. and Lou- isa W., 14y 11m 23d, Nov. 3, 1854 2 9 Clara R.. born Lowell, daughter of Alnuzo P. and Roxana Quimby, 32v Om lid, Aug. 17, 1883 2 13 LILLIBRIDGE Charles W'., of Charles W. and Ahby L., liorn Central Village, Ct., 3y 5m 18"d, Dec. 9, 1886 2 14 Clarence R., of same parents, ly Sm, May 3, 1887 1 14 LINCOLN Zephaniah, • Dec. 24, 1844 1 14 -Sophronia, of .lustin and Mars', 4m 16d, Oct. 25, 1849 1 8 Lucy, widow, 83 years, ' April 20, 1863 2 13 Justin, of Zephaniah and Lucy (.Jacobs), l)orn Connecticut, 85v 3in 5tl, Dec. 1, 1886 2 19 Serranus, born Woodstock, Ct., of same parents, 80y 5m 20d, Dec. 20, 1892 1 5 LOTHROP Fiank W.. of Joshua and Ada- laide, .5y 11m 26d, May 4, 1855 1 15 LOW IMarj', widow, daughter of Stephen and Amey Alien, 93y 6m 4d, July 7, 1848 1 2 John A., born in Rhode Island, 55 years, Oct. 22, 1851 2 10 LUNDSTREETS Louisa, born Swenden, of John and Annie, 36 vcnrs, Oct. 18, 1883 1 7 LUTHER Margaret, of Richard and Jlary, born Somerset, 93y 11m 2Id, " March 28, 1857 1 7 Celesta S., of Albert S. and Adeline R., ly 2ra 3d, Dec. 3, 1857 1 9' Jlary A., of Gardner and Nancy, born Dighton, 38y 11m, Jan. 27, 1859 1 9 Fanny, widow, daughter of David and Sarah J. Thurston, b(jru Providence, 64y Im 23d, March 1, 1859 1 11 Lucy, of Albert, 9 years, June 1, 1861 2.3 Edward S., of William H. aud Mary J., 17 months. :_ July 8, 1872 2 3 Julia A., of Timothy R. aud Julia, born Swanzey, ' Oct. 28, 1873 2 4 Gardner, of Gardner and Nancy, born Dighton, 66 years, Nov. 6, 1875 2 7 Marv, widow, born Rehoboth, daughter of Gideon and Lydia Peck, Jnne 17, 1881 274 VITAr. UKC()K1> OF ItHoDE ISLAND. •-> U LUTHER Florence E., of Alesamler and Emily, 4 months, -'^"S- ^''' ^^°' 1 11 LYNCH Hannah, of Michael and Barbara, 11 months, •""> '*' ^°°' 1 11 Maria, of Thomas ami Margaret, ly Im ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ -106 LYO>f Susannah (Bonrne), wife of Obadiah, , , , ,.. .(line 4, looo 41st year, „ i o'^ia _106 Ohaaiah,49.hyear, '""'.s' S? 1 2 Olive, widow, born Reholioth, <0 years, A..g. ^d, loji M 1 4 MACOMBER Mary A., 3 years, Sept. 22, 1854 1 S MAHER Rol»ert, of Borden, about GO years, July ^i, i»o« •> 20 INIAHONEY Manerva P., wife of Edwin E., liorn Rehobotii, daimhter of Samuel and ^ Pliebe Tlu.rber, 64y -.'m, •'='"• 2^' '^^"^ •^ 'I MALOY John, born Ireland, of Jolm and Polly C. 75 years, Sei.t. lb, 1S&3 2 14 MANCHESTER Wealthy, jvidow, born Tiverton, daughter of Jolm and Wealthy Fish, 75y4m 16d, Nov. 20, 188< 110 MARBLE George R., of George and Mary, horn Warren, 04 years, J^^"- — ' '-^" 111 MARSH Svlvia, of Amaziali aud Lois, Ixnn Eoxboro, G7y4ml2d, ^^"^ ,n' «^1 114 MARTIN , of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 20, 1844 1 15 Rachal, widow, died in Reholwth, 5Gy 3m .;,j) Auo;. 2(, 184» 1 2 Sanmel', of Valentine, G.S years, Aug. 29, 1851 1 C, Francis, of Cyrel and :Matihla, 40 years, July U, l^ob 1 10 Sarah (Turne'r)) widow, born Rehobolh, 81 years, •^=^"- 2' ^'^"^O 2 3 Joseph, of Dr. Calvin and Susannali, /3y llm23d, March 19, 18-2 2G Maria N., daughter of Perez and Raclud Peirce, G2vllm 2od, Aprd lo, 1880 2 11 Hovt H., born Swauzey, of Rufus and \SarahE., Iylm9d, ^ July 2.., 1885 2 IG Emma aiay. of George J. and Ennna F., ., ,„ iqcso SyllmlOd, April 19,. 188J 2 18 Caroline Bowen, daughter of Noah and Lucy Bowcn. 70y 4m 15d, March 22, 1891 2 23 Calviu, born Swanzey, of Holden and Sarah (Cole), 83y 5m 3d, Apnl 2o, 8J5 1 13 MASON Ira, of Samuel, ^^fC. 20, 184^ 1 15 Julia A., of Jonathan, 43 years, ^ov. b, imo 1 15 , of Samuel, boru Rhode Island, „ lo-n 4 months, r. \u is"! 1 2 James, of .lohn, G5y Gm 23d, »«P^- -■'' ^^''^ 13 Edward H., of Cyrus and Eliza, born Pcnn- sylvania, ly Om 19d, Dec- 19, 18o3 DICATHS — SEEKONK. 'lib 1 5 MASON Sanuiol, 7Gy Gm, ftlay 22, 1855 1 6 Ann E., of Iliirvey and Rosaniia S., 15y 10m, " June 5. 1856 1 11 Lois, of Nathan and Ex|)erience, 55y lOui, June 15, 18(j1 2 I Horace Donald, of Aaron T. and Patsey, born Reholiotli, ooy 3ni, Jan. 11, 1867 2 15 Aleliitable, widow, daughter of David Cooper, lOly 5ra 13d, Feb. 25, 1888 2 16 Edward L., born Attleboro, of Henry and Emily, 17y 3m 3d, Sept. 3, 1889 2 20 Henry Earle, of Henry and Emily (Winn), lOy Om Id, ' ' May 21, 18'.i3 1 10 MASTERSON Catliarine, of William and Mary. Hdays, July 27, i.S60 1 12 MATTHEW.SON Patrick, liorn Ireland. Sept. 17, 1862 2 3 MATTESOX Ruth, born West Greenwich, of Josiah and Phcbe, .s3v 10m 6d, Aug. 31, 1872 1 4 McALROY , of Elizabeth, 3 months, Oct. — , 1854 1 12 IMcCANOR Margaret, of John and Marga- ret, ly Om 17d, " Nov. — , 1862 1 6 McDonald Jolm, of Thomas and Winne- fred, Im 22d, Nov. 30, 1856 1 5 McGUIRE , of Patrick and Alice, Nov. 15, 1855 1 6 , of John and Catharine, May 10, 1856 1 10 Alice, daughter of Felix ami Margaret Hughes, 39 years. May 13. 1860 2 1 McGURY . of James and JIary F.. April 26, 1866 1 15 Mclaughlin George, of Hugh and Mar- garet, born New York, 3y 3m, May — , 1851 1 9 McMAHAN Asa. of Owen .and Rose, born Ireland. 48 years, July 5, 1859 1 10 [McMELLON Betsey Ann, of James and Nancy li., 3y Id, .luly 30, 1860 2 13 McNULTY Irene, l)orn New Bedford, daugh- ter of Thomas and Catharine (Mooney), 8m 23d, ' March 17, 1887 1 2 McQLINN , of Thomas and Marga- ret, Oct. 17, 1852 1 6 McQUINNY , of Thomas and Marga- ret, May 30, 1856 - 110 MEDBURY Allen Viall, of Viall and Han- nah (Peck), Sept. 1, 1828 - 110 Hannah, wife of Viall, May 1, 1828 - 110 Allen Viall, of Viall and Lydia (Peck), Oct. 19, 1831 -110 Horace Carpenter, May II, 1833 - 110 Adaline Frances, Feb. 2, 1842 - 101 Hezekiah Kent and wife Deborah Lake, children : - 101 Caroline F., Feb. 26, 1833 - 101 Ann E., Feb. 26, 1833 - 101 Louisa, Feb. 27, 1833 - 101 Julia A., M.arch 1, 1833 1 13 Ruth, of Jesse, Sept. 6, 1844 276 VITAL KKCUKD OF KHODK ISLAND. 1 13 INIEDHURY Maria E., of George and Maiiah, 9m 14(1, Oct. 13, 184<> 1 13 Josiah, T'.t years. Nov. 5, 1844 1 14 , wife of Arnolil, Feb. 11, 1845 1 U , of Arnold, April 16, 1845 1 15 Matthew H., of Viall and Lvdia, ITy'lni lid, ■ ]\ray 13, 1851 1 2 Lanra P., of Jesse and Eiizalu'tli, 18y ftm, Jau. 15,1852 1 4 Bridget, widow, daiiglitor of Tabor, born Tiverton, 83 years. June 12, 1854 1 y , of William F. and Lucy Ann, 1 month, Aiiril — , 185i> 1 10 Hannali F., dangiiter of Consider and Di- anna F. Miller, liorn Providence, 68v 4ra 14(1, ■' Jnly 16, 1800 1 11 Lydia, dangiiter of Solomon and Huldali (Peck), 58 years, Jan. 14, 1861 1 II Charles T., of Jesse and Elizalieth, 34y 7m 20d, Aiiril 27, 1861 2 2 E. A., of Ira and Nancy A., born Relio- both, 27y 10m 12d, , 2 11 Ira, born Reliobotli, of AViel and .Susanna, 8(;y 10m 22(1. Jan. 6, 1885 2 12 Via!!, liorn Helioliotli, of John and Abigail (Viall), Dly 3m 16d, Jnly 31, 1886 2 17 Nancy Ann, wife of Ira, daughter of Thomas S. and Rebecca (Chaffee) Peclv. 88y 2m, June 30, 1890 2 18 Hannah II., l)orn Yarmouth, daughter of William and Polly T. (Hall) Hall, 72y 11m 2 Id, March 11, 1891 1 15 IMILLER Seth, of Jacob and Betsey, 46y Om 27d, Jan. 1, 1848 1 15 I>ineline, daughter of Daniel Ornisbee, died in Rhode "island, 48 years, Feb. 12, 1849 , of Elienezer and Emelinc, Feb. 12, 1849 Nancy, daughter of ^\'illard and Polly Bar- ncv, 26v 6ra. Dec. 26, 1850 Ellis, "of Peter, 90 years, Oct. 18, 1851 Frederic W., of Elizabeth, ly 4m, Jnly 23, 1852 William, of Ellis and Betsey, 64j^ears, about March 17, 1853 Susan, col., wife of John, dani;hter of Primus and Marv Slocum, 55y 3m, Nov. — , 1854 , of John F. "and Mary, Dec. 18, 1855 , Dec. 20, 1856 Dee. 9, 1857 15 15 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 10 3 1 3 2 1 Harriet J., 3y 10m, Feb. 17, 1859 John W., Iv 4m lOd, Aug. 2, 1861 Mary (Webb), 25 years, Feb. 24, 1860 Louisa v., of Caleb S. and Loiza J., 21 days, April 1, 1865 John, 67 years. May 17, 1865 Louisa J., dausihtor of Russell and Marga- ret Elderkiii, 19 years, "" Jnly 4, 1868 DKATHS — si:kk(ink. 277 2 2 MILLER Culia S., il;uigliter of Eli Boui-ne, ;V.i N yeai'S, Jnn. 1(1, 1870 2 2 Jacob, of Jacob ami Betsey, !My -im I'-id, born Kcliobolli, " BLay 24, 1S70 2 2 William Bnulfonl, of John AV. and Mary, ly (3m K(l, EpI). 18, 1871 2 6 Ervin Wilson, of Setli and Maria, 1 day, Jan. 6, 187'.) 2 6 I<:nos, of Sctli B. and Maria IL, 2 days, Jan. 9, 1879 2 6 Dora E.. of .lohn W. and Mary, Iv llni, ■ " Doc. 1, 1879 2 6 Susan, of William II. and Abethania, 1 day. May 24, 188Q 2 11 Alfred, of Charles and :\I.ary, iwy ">m, March 17, 1885 2 11 Amos, of same [larents, 7.')y 'tm, Ai)iil 1, 1885 2 13 Cyrus P., of Jonathan and Deboiah, 7;iy 4m 27(1, Jan. 18, 1887 2 17 David R., of Jonathan and Deborah (Briggs), G7v 3m 22d, :\Iay 3, 1890 2 17 Elizabeth R., widow of Alfred, of Provi- dence, danghter of William II. and Mary F. (liennis) White, CSy 7m 22d, Oct. 29, 1.S90 2 18 Albethaiiia B., wife of William, born Prov- idence, daughter of Borden and Han- nah (Sisson) Albro, 50 years, June 21, 1891 1 5 JMILLERD Patience, born Rehoboth, about 80 years, July 12, l.s5.> 1 3 Albert W., 54 years. Oct. 14, 1865 2 2 P^rancis, born Williraham, Mass., of Clarlie and Iluldah, 4.Sy 9ni 17(1, July 20, 187() 2 18 Ann Maria, wife of Gardnei- P., born Prov- idence, daughter of Jolin and Mary Chedell, 66y 4m 3d, Jan. 19, 1.S91 2 25 Maria, wife of Erancis, daughter of Abel and .Mary (Newman) Cooper, 72}' Im 2(;d, June 4, 189G 2 17 MONSON Olla. liorn Sweden, of Olla and Hannah ',.Monson), 72y 7(1, Dec. 22, 1890 2 10 MOONEV Bernard, born Ireland, of Owen and Catharine, 48 years, Dec. 21, 1884 1 5 INIOORE , of Benjamin and Hannah, April 30, 1855 1 5 . ' April 30, 1855 1 8 5IORGAN Daniel P.., of Bennett and Sarah, bom Boston, l.S years, Dec. 4, 1858 2 3 MORROW Susan, of Joseph and Sarah, 75 years, Feb. 23, 1874 1 3 MORSE Ellen, 20 years, April—, 1853 1 3 Pollen, of Ellen, 5 months, Sept. — , 1853 1 4 Ida A., of Nelson and Ann F., 21 days, July 24, 1854 2 6 MUNAY Thomas J., of Thomas and Eliza. lOy 4in (id, Nov. 10, 1879 1 13 MUNRO Sarah, of Thomas, 25 years, Oct. 25, 1843 1 13 Hannah, Dec. 10, 1843 1 14 Thomas, above, Jan. 27, 1845 114 Lucy Ann, of Nathan, April 12, 1845 8 S 8 S 1 8 1 3 1 •6 2 -, 2 10 278 VITAL KKCOKI) OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 14 MUXRO Nathan A., of Naihan and Coi-- nelia, 13 uioulIis, Jul}- 21^849 I 4 'Williatn H., of William S. and Lucv, 5v ■ 10m -I'M, ' ' Jan. IG, IS.U 1 4 Lydia, of Thomas and Lyilia. 36y Gni, July 19, 18a4 1 (J Eunice, wife of Slade, thuighter of Ebe- iiezer and iNIercy Lanaliee, born Maine, 37y 3m 4d, ' Feb. 11, 1856 1 8 A , dauohter of .Joiin and Susan Wil- cox, aliont 4(1 years, Jan. 12, 1858 Mason Cornell, of Joseph and Olive, April 17, 1842 William Delphina, of same parents, died in Peoria, Illinois, Feb. 11, 18.')9 Joseph, of Joseph, 78 years, May — , 1863 Jonathan, of Thomas and Lydia, .55 days, June 3, 1865 Lncy, of Joseph and .Sarah, born Reholtoth, 71y 7m 4d. July 11, 1865 Nathan, of Allen and Mary, 74y Id. Nov. 15, 1877 Cornelia 1)., widow, dangliter of Antlrew and Sally 15. Hall, born Portsmouth, N. H., 83y 5m 24d, Oct. 15, 1889 2 22 Susan A. (i., wife of John W., born Con- necticut, daughter of Peleg Parker, GOy Om 22d, ^ Sept. 9, 1894 2 23 Johu William, born AVarwick R, I., of John and Roby (Rice), 6.5y lOm 23d, April 1, 1895 2 24 .Sarah Ann, daughter of Andrew and Alice J. (Benson), 5y 5ra 18d, Sept. 4, 1895 2 17 MURDOCK William, born Nova Scotia, of Robert and Mary (Murdock), G7v 8ra 5d, ■ " Aug. 30, 1800 2 3 MURRAY Kliza, daughter of William and Mary Welch, Jan. 8, 1873 2 8 Patrick, ;!4y 4m 19d, Aug. G, 1882 2 20 Jlary Elizabeth, of Maurice and Mary, 2m 13d. Aug. 7, 1893 2 13 MYERS William Frederick, born Germany, of Henry and Margaret, 61 years, March 11, 1887 N 1 2 NASH Eli/.abeth Amanda, of Daniel S. and Amanda, I ly 10m 22d, Jan. 25, 1852 2 3 Daniel S., 72 years, Aug. 15, 1873 2 9 Amanda, widow, daughter of .Sylvester and Rel)ecca Gofif, 84y 5m 25d. " M.ay 1, 1883 2 16 NELSON Andrew, born Sweden, son of Neld and Tyre Svenson, 33 years, Nov. 8, 1889 2 7 Tilda, of Christian and Annie, 5m 29d, Dec. 17, 1881 1 13 NEWMAN Sarah, widow of Nathan, Nov. 27, 1843 1 15 Chloe, widow, daughter of Noah and Ruth Fuller, 72y 6m, Sept. — , 1849 1 2 Sylvanus, of John and Chloe, 76y 11m 3d, Nov. 22, 1851 1 4 Haunah, of Jesse, born Rehoboth, 86 years, March 10, 1854 DEATHS — SKKKONK. 279 1 11 NEWMAN Prescilla, of David and Ilaiiiiali, born KehoboUi, y2y 3m, Nov. 22, ISGl 2 5 NORTHUP John II.. of Geoige and Ke- becca, 48v Ini ir.d, Nov. 12, 1S7« 1 14 NORTON Charles II., died in New Bedford, 4y 4ni, 'Nlafch 2(s 1849 1 14 Mary I)., 22y llm, April 11, 1849 o 1 12 OLNEY Einina M., of Aniory and Klizal>cth .S.,yy 4ni l.")d, Oct. 14, 1862 - 71 ORMSBEE Betsey (Wilson), wife of Col. Ahrahani, EeVi. 13, 1817 1 15 Marrietta Ide, of Willard C. and Marv II., 2y 7m 12d, ' Oct. 17, 18.^0 1 9 Cynthia, wife of Abraham, dangiiter of f?tei)!ien and Rebecca Warclwell, born Westport, 41y llm 5d, March 31, 18.3<) 1 10 Radial, widow, (laughter of Ephraim ami Hannah Chaffee, born Reliohoth, '.<2y 2m Gd, " Aug. 2.i, 1860 Josei)h, of Aliraluuu and Fully, about ."i2 years, ■ , 1871 Abram, of Abram, bom Reliobolh, 86y Om 24d, Sept. 30. 1S7H Radial, of lU-njamin and Radial, 7ijy lin, Nov. 30, 1878 Bessie, of Williau'. P. and (irace E. (Wat- son), 1 day. May o, 1885 Benjamin, of Nancy, 73y 4iii 8d, April 24, 1889 Albert P., of Martha. 62y 2m, March 2, 1892 Martin C, of William P. and Lydia (Chaf- fee), G5y 7m, Dec. 8, 1892 2 23 Lydia, widow, daughter of Jonathan and Lephe Chatfee, 99y Im 14d, Ai)ril 14, I.S95 2 23 OSTRAM , of Ililden ami Augnstta, born Lincoln, R. I.. 21 davs, Jan. 29, 1895- 1 11 OTT William Henry, of Erederick and An- nie, born New York City, 2y llm 19d, July 20, 1861 2 17 OXEORD Luke, born Cheshire, Eng., of Joseph and Eloise, 42y 2m 17d, (also 2 8) Jan. 1, 1882 1 9 PADELFORD William IL, of Elisha and Electa A., born Providence. 25y 21d, Feb. 15, 1859 2 7 PAGE Alexander K., born Truro, N. Y., of Abigail, 58y 5m, ]March 30, 1881 1 5 PAINE John, of Isaac and Thankful, Ijoru Harwick, Gly 6m, Oct. 21, 1855 2 23 PALMER, , of Harvev E. and Aune W. (West), 3 hours, D.-c. 2, 1894 2 2 2 5 2 5 2 11 2 16 2 19 2 19 280 VITAL KKCOIID OF RH()1>E ISLAND. 1 12 PARDEI-: Beiijainiii \V.. of Lewis R. and Mahahi, 8v 2m 2Gd. Dec. 28, 18G1 1 4 PARIS Klizabeth, of Susan, 4v llni 21.1, April 1, 1854 1 4 Willard, (i years, April 2, 1854 2 4 PATTERSON Minervia, daughter of David and Marj A. Miller, 25y Uui 17d, Sept. 22, 1876 2 11 Minnie Estella, liojn East Providence, of Albert H. and Minerva M., 15v 5ni 8d, Feb. 25, 1885 John II.. of Cliailes II. and Etta M.. 1 day, March 30, 1889 PAULL Charles E., boru Taunton, of Eben- ezer and IMaria, 37y 7m. March 10, 1894 PEABODY Axey, widow, daughter of Palmer Smitli. born Smithfield, 3.j years. Xov. 30, 18G2 PEARCE Thomas, of Jabez and JIary, bora Dighton, 82y Om lid, ' Mav 10, 1853 , of Robert M. and Lucy B., .Inly 21, 1854 Sophronia L., of Perez and Racluil, born Pawtucket, 22y 3ni 25d, May 15, 1855 George Henry Howland, of George H. and Lydia P.,"l hour, Aug. 21, 1872 Charles L. D., of William and Pauline, born Woonsocket. 41y 4m 7d, Nov. 1, 1886 Maria Louisa, of Caleli and Polly (Jacobs), Aug. 13, 1821 Susan Aune, of same parents, Aug. 31, 1821 Caroline, wife of Sylvanus, daughter of Nathan and Sarah Flicks, 32y Ini, Dec. — , 1850 Ruth M., wife of Salisbnrv, born Reho- both, 30y Om 6d, ' Oct. 17, 1851 Mary, widow, born Reholjolli, daughter of AaroTi and Alary Wheeler, 7Uy i(Jm 15d, March 16, 1852 Lucy, daughter of Jacob and Judelh Bliss, born Rehoboth, «3y 6:n 23d, Dec. 9, 1853 Rebecca, widow, daughter of Nathaniel Chaffee. l)oru Rehoboth. SO years. jNIarch 15, 1854 Radial, widow, daughter of Jacob Bliss, born Rehoboth, 84y 3m, March 20, 1854 Darius, born Rehoboth, 84y 2in IGd, Sept. 7, 1854 Solomon, of Solomon and Abigail, boru Rhode Island, 88y 9m 24d, Dec. 7, 1857 Sarah II., daughter of John and Lydia Wood, 50 years, Feb. 8, 1858 Julia A., of Sylvester W. and Sarah L., born Providence, 18y 2m, Sept. 7, 1858 Polly, 83 years. June 27, 1859 Mary, of Ileury and Naoma, boru Reho- both, 74 years, Aug. 24, 1860 1 11 George Gladding, of Calvin J. and Eme- lioe, 4y 9m, 1 3 Hanuah, widow, born Newport, 65 years, 2 1 Solomon, 68y 6m 15d, 2 2 Mercy, born Swanzey, daughter of Ilold- en and Sarah Martin, 66 years, 2 2 Solomon A., of Solomon and Keziah, 42 years. 16 22 12 3 4 5 2 3 2 13 _ 82 — 82 15 2 2 3 4 4 4 7 8 8 9 10 Feb. 27, 1861 Oct. 16, 1865 Aug. 7, 1868 March 20, 1871 July 26, 1871 DEATHS — SEEKON'lv. 281 2 2 PEARCE Brailfor.I W., 2 3 Elnatlian, of Joel, boru 15arrin<>ton, 77 years, 2 3 Susan, 84 years, 2 4 John P^.. bom Providence, of Ilenuan A. and Mary A., 2 6 Fanny V'., of Calvin J. and Eineline L., 14y lOni •24(1, 2 6 Keziah, born IJehoboth, widow, dangliter of Darius and Lucy, 77y 8ni 2.')d. 2 9 Sarah Loring, born Barnstable, daughter of Edward and Desire (Ide) Pliinne\', 77y !Mn, 2 10 Ida Belle, of John W. and Adalaide, tly 11m 2.') d,. Nancy, of Gideon, bom Rehoboth, Patience, born Relioboth, daughter of Ebenezer and Patience Short, 'Joy II ni 18d, PECK Emma Mav. of Henry C. and Hannah M., Cm 2:!d,' Lucy Locke, daughter of Henry C. and HauTiah M., 4m l'2d, Herman A., of Darius and Lucy (Peck), 82y 9ra 9d, Hairiet E., of Henry C. and Hannah (Munro), ly 2m (ul, Muly B., of Jolni W. and Adalaide, ■hn lOd, Calvin Jacobs, l)orn Rehoboth, of Caleb and Sally (Jacol)s), 81y Im 17d, Maria, of Gideon and Keziah (Lyon), 29y 9m 7d, , of Henry C. and Hannah (Munro), PECKHAM Harriet M., of Evanston and Harriet, ly 6m, 1 9 Sophia, wife of Thomas C, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Ross, born Provi- dence, ;i(iy Im 9(1, 2 24 Allen Millerd, of Silas and Freclove, born Rehoboth, 69y 9m 14d, 1 15 PEIRCE , of Robert M. and Lucy C, 1 3 Roby, of Perez and Raclial, 26y 2m, 111 Nathan, of Nathaniel and Rhoda, born Re- hoboth, 86 years, 2 6 Sias G., of Perez and Radial, 61y Om 23d, 2 15 PERKINS William L., born Pawtucket, of Alfred and Julia F.. 39y lOni., 2 21 Alfred, born Rhode Island, of Jacob and Elizalieth, 77y 9m 5d, (also 2 22) 2 19 PERMINTEL Manuel, born Azoras Isles, of Francisco and Marie, 19 years, 2 9 2 9 2 11 2 15 2 17 2 17 2 21 2 21 2 23 2 23 1 15 Jan. 4 Nov. 19 Nov. 9 Ai)ril 21 May 8 Jan. 1.') Jan. 28 1883 June 15 1883 Sept. 28 1883 April 26 , 18«5 July 22 1888 April 21 1890 Sept . 8 1890 Aug. 18 1893 Dec. 12 1893 May 22 1895 June 19 1895 Feb. 18 April 16 1859 Oct. 14 1895 Aug. 17 June 6 1850 1853 larch 11 April 18 1861 1880 Oct. 22 1888 Jan. 9 1893 Dec. 22 , 1892 1871 1873 1873 1875 1878 1879 1883 1849 282 vri'AL KE((>i;i) of uHODii; island. I'KRREX j:stlier. widow, 74y 4m, Aiig. 29, 1849 Francis G.. of Thomas and Hannah 15., 14y lOni r.d, " Nov. 1, 185.5 Caliiarine, daiiiilitcr of .Jolm and Catlia- rinc Lacy, lioin Ireland. 25 years, Ang. 28, 1858 Polly, widow, danghtei' of Scth and Lydia Godfrey, born Dighton, 86y 5ni 3d, March 9, 1859 Tlionias, G.S years, Ang. 15, 186.3 .lolm, of David and Hnhlali, 7H years, July 1, 1864 8. ^linerva. daughter of Virgil and Erae- line L. Kent,'26y Om 6d, " Oct. 26 of William B. and Clara M.. Sept. 29 1 15 1 5 1 8 1 9 1 8 1 9 2 1 2 8 - 49 1 i;; 1 a 1 3 1 3 1 8 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 15 1 8 1 2 2 10 13 5 PERRY Amanda, of Capt. Xoali, Nov. 24 .Samuel, Aug. 16 Jane F., wife of Samuel S., daughter of Valorious and Jndeth Westcott, born Khode Island. 25y 3m 18d. Oct. 6 Mary E., of Lemuel and Mary, 19y 3m 22d, Nov. 1 Sanniel F., of Samuel S. and Jane F., Iv 4m 24(1, ' Nov. 29 Alma ^laria, of Arthur I>. and C'elinda ?>!., ly 11m, Aug. 4 Arthur, born Sandwich, of .lolm and Je- mima, iSSy 2m Id. June 7 Harjnah S., of Arthur and Susan, 51 years, April 28 John, of same parents, PETERSON William Henrv, of John and Mary A., ly 7ni 9d, " April 11 1 6 Mary 0., wife of Jolm F., daughter of Clarke H. and Susan R. Deane, bora Chariestown, 21y 11m, John H^, of John II. and Hannali, born Providence, 46y 3ui 20d, I'ETTIS George H., of Benjamin and Elea- nor, ly 6ni, PHILLIPS Patrick, of John and Margaret, born Ireland, 21 years, PICKET Ida, of George and Susan, 2 years, PULSEY Mercy, born Cumberland, 64 years, POND Charles N., born Kecne, N. II., of Galen and Sarah, 78y 6m IGd, 2 12 Charlotte Jenckes, daughter of Abel B. and Mar^' Armington Ilethington, born Providence, 72y om 17d, Sept. 25 - 32 POTTER iSIahala Willard, of Roswoll and Mahala, 2 3 PRATT Charles, born Cranston, 82 years, 2 8 Eliza, widow, daughter of Ellis Miller, H7 years, 2 25 Elhanan Francis, of Nehemiah and JIary, o.Sy im 2d, 2 8 PRENTICE Ellen Jane, of Lothrop and Rhoda, 9m 2d, Dec. 31 1856 May 17, 1857 Aug. 9, 1849 Aug. 13, 1858 Aug. 20, 1860 Jan. 8, 1886 .Alarch 26, 1878 March 17, 1815 July 2«, 1874 Feb. 9, 1882 Feb. 17, 1896 Oct. 1, 1882- 186.8 1882 1808 1843 18.53 1853 1853 1863 18C8 1871 1873 1852 1885 DEATHS — SKKKONK. 2 8 PRENTICE Leonora Francos, of same parents, 3y 4m I.kI, Oct. 3, isSi 2 8 Henry R., born Norwich, Ct., of Avery and Anna, 6jy 5m 22d, Aug. 'J, l.s8."> Q K 1 2 RADLOFF Sarah, dauohler of Med- liury, 9.iy Km 3d, Sept. 29, 1S,')1 1 11 WiUiam C, of Charles and Emily. 1 Cm 1.')<1, .Ian. 23, 1861 2 7 Emily S., born Pawtucket, of Cieorge W. and Jennie C, 6 months, Aug. 3, 1881 2 9 Sarah L., born Fisherville, N. IE, danm 27d, RP:AD Major Noah, , of Carroll, Hannah, 75 years. Abliy, of Aaron, 34y Om Od, Elizabeth, widow, of Noah, (Uy 6m, Emma, of Nathaniel and Sally, 35y 5m 22d, Mary C, of Francis and Nancy. 3.Sy 6m 23d, Emma, of Lewis L. and Eliza H., 2 months, Samuel, of Thomas and Hannah, 7()v 2m 23d. James Nelson, of Cyrel and Sally, 26y Om 5d, . Perez W., of same parents, 38y 11m 1 d, Andrew, of Lewis L. and Eliza H., Gm Gd, Perez, of Perez and Mary, 7yy 8m, Cyrel, of Perez and Cynthia C., 67y 10m 15d. Martha, of Cyrel and Sally, 42y 3m 2;)d, Lucy, daughter of Joel and Susanna Bowen, .S3y 10m 26d, Jennie J., of 'J'heophilus and Sarah J., «m 6d, Carrie Burr, of Charles R. and ilary A., 8 months, Fanny, of Lewis L. and Eliza H., 15y 6m 2Gd, Alvin, of same parents, 8m 17d. Mary, of Miltou and F"anny, 52 years, Noah, of Thomas and Hannah, 80 years, James, of Andrew and Ella, born Scotland, 75 years. I>ec. 22, 1877 2 8 Milton", born Rehoboth, of Oliver and Hul- dah (Fuller), 8.5y Om 29d, July 1, 1882 Jessie, of Lewis L. and Eliza IL, 20 years, Oct. 17, 1882 Lewis L., of Nathaniel and Sally, 59y 2m lad, t'tb. 21, 1884 Sarah Short, widow, daughter of Lucas and Elizabeth S. Wheaton, 85y 2m. June 17, 1887 Frank AVilbur, of Charles R. and INIaiy A., lOy 3m 2d, Aug. 9, 1888 Mary, born Rehoboth, daughter of Elpel- lett and Mary Horton, 95y 2m 22d, May 8, 1890 - 13 13 13 14 15 15 2 6 9 1 9 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 5 2 8 2 10 2 14 2 15 2 17 Sept. 17, 1883 June 19, 1823 Dec. 17, 1843 Jan. 1, 1844 March 10, 1845 Sept. 28, 1848 Jlay 2^, 1850 Sept. 4, 1852 Nov. 19, 185G June 26, 1864 , . July 1, 1864 Jan" 3, 1866 Aug. 9, 1 86G Sept. 14, 18G8 . Oct. 15, 1870 Nov. 4, 1870 Jan. 30, 1872 Oct. 20, 1872 Feb. 25, 1875 Feb. 9, 1876 Apiil 23, 1876 Aug. 4, 1876 Oct. 26, 1876 284 VITAL Kh:Cl)l;I) OF RHODE ISLAND. 2 17 READ Lorenzo, of Aaron and N:iOina (Pock), 83y Ini 7d. Oct. 27, 1890' 2 18 Tliomas, of Noah and Lucy (Bowen), 69v 2m 5d, ' :Sl-Avch 18, 1891 2 22 Allieit R., of Milton and Fanny (Fish), r,Gy -Ini .-id. " March 3, 1894 '^ 22 Ilccry, of Natiianiel and Sally (Cross- man). 7oy 7in Ud, ' May 14, 1894 2 21 "William, born Landholm, Scotland, of An- drew and Elizalieth, 84y Urn 29d, June 9, 1894 113 REMINGTON , of Samuel, March 11, 1844 1 13 Samuel W., of Enock, Nov. — , 1844 2 6 Alfred Francis, born Providence, of Wil- liam II. and Sarah A., 3y 8m 9d. Jan. 7, 1879 •7 10 Benjamin W., born AVarren. of Charles and Betsey, 60y Ora 9d, July 24, 1884 1 6 REYN(JLUS -^ , of Isaac and Free- love, Dec. 4, 1856 1 11 RICE Martha (Wilcox), born South Kings- town, 9.5 years. July 1, 18G1 2 4 RICH Bertha M., of ThouuH and Mary A., 3ylml2d, Dec. 11,1870 2 4 Kate'L., of same jiarents. ly Im, Dec. 21, 1876 2 6 Thomas, born New Bedford, of Thomas and JMary Ann, 59y 7m 23d, Aug. 20, 1879 2 11 RILI'.Y -^ . of James and Catharine, 1 day, Nov. 17, 1884 2 1 RIVERS Walter (the foundling). 3 months, April 3, 1867 1 4 ROBERTS James M. Jr., of James M. and J^oiza A., born Saugus, Im 27d, April 16, 1854 1 10 Harriet, of Ei)hraim and Edith, 3y 2m 28d, Oct. 29, 1860 1 10 ROBINSON John P., of George and Ruth, born North Providence, 56y 8m 22d, Nov. 23, 1860 2 1 Arabella, of Joseph and LeaffeeP., llv Ira 13d, " Oct. 19, 1867 1 15 ROGERS , of Olive, born in Rhode Island, ^lay — , 1850 1 9 , of Edwin, 3 months, Sept. 25, 1859 2 9 Jane, born Derbyshire, Eng., daughter of Richard and Ann Maxer, 87 years, March 31, 1883 2 16 ROSS William, of Thomas and Sally, born Providence, 62y Im 16d, Jan. 23, 1889 1 4 ROUND Samuel M., of Elisha, 2in 13d. April 26, 1854 1 5 Henry L., of Elisha and Harriet, 4m 7d, Aug. 13, 1855 1 5 Harriet L., 5 months, Sept. 6, 1855 2 18 ROWAND Ilariiel Amelia, wife of Elisha, daughter of Sanuiel and Amey (French) Mason, 68y 2m 13d, April 1, 1891 s 1 6 SALISBURY Eliza, wife of William A., daughter of Edward and Betse}" Ide, 40 Years. Jan. 1, 1856 2 1 William, of William A. and Eliza I., 21v 10m 3d, April 20, 1866 DEATHS — .SEEK! INK. 28-5 2 10 SANFORD R:ili>h W., of Isaac 15. and Isubel C, -2111 2G(1 July 25, 1884 2 14 Lei-ov, of same imronts, 9m lOd, June 17, 1887 1 4 SCOTT Walter A., of Archibald and (.). B., horn Canton, :iy 7m 7d, Jnlv "i, 1854 2 10 SCRIBXEU Sinclair, born New Hampshire, of Iddo and Phebe (Peaseley), 7.'5y Am 5d, ^ Sept. 7, 1884 2 9 SEARS Ilattie v., daughter of William and Harriet (Luther; Hamly, 41y 3m Gd, June 14, 1883 2 9 Lewis T., born Carver, Mass., 71 years, June 19, 1883 1 3 SEYMOUR Emma, of Edward and' Harriet, 3y 8ni 29d, Ai)iil 29, 1805 1 6 SHxVW Florella A., of Joseiih and Ardelia, born Attleboro, 4m 7d, Oct. 14, 1856 2 1 Thomas, of Joiei)h, burn Attlei>oro, 71 years, Aui;. 11, 18G7 2 9 SIIEDD Helen M., born Piovidence, of Ebe- nezer and Matilda, 2.jy 5in lOd, Nov. 22, 1882' 2 12 SHELDON Elizabeth L., of Nelson H. and Laura F., 2y 2m 24d, Oct. 10, 1885 2 12 Mary A., of same parents. 3y 7ni sd. Oct. 23, 1885 2 20 Nelson Henry, of Nelson H. and Lauia J. (Allen), 6y 9m 2d, Oct. 9, 1893 2 10 SHERJIAN Albert E., born Rhode Island. of Capt. John, 14y 2m, March 19, 1884 George W., born Rhode Island, of ^Vantou and S.arah, 84 years, Oct. 22, 1895. SHOLTZ Charles of Charles and Marlarnev, 1 day, ■ Dec. 15, 1889 SIIOREY Jacob, Aug. 28, 1797 Keziah, Feb. 28, 1805 Lydia E., of J(jhn, 25 years, April 20, 1844 Mary, of Abel, ' Dec. 5, 1844 Elizalieth, of John and Patience, 88y 4m 7d. Sept. 28, 1851 Amanda, of Abel, 51y Km 2d, April 30, 1854 Harriet N., of .lohn and Lytlia, 31y 3m 23d. ' June 4, 1854 1 5 Lydia (4., wife of Dea. John, daughter of John and Elizabeth Gray, born Rhode Island, 59y Om 23d, April 11, 1855- 1 8 Abel, of John, 92 years, -Ian. 18, 1858; 1 10 Nancy, of Abel and Mary, CGy Khn, Dee. 26, I860' 2 1 John, of same parents, 74 years, Feb. 1, 1867 1 2 SHORT Jeremiah, of Samuel and Catharine F., 3m 17(1, Aug. 23, 1851 1 2 Calvin, of James and Susan, Sly 2m 25d. Sept.8, 1851 1 5 Charles W., of Sanuiel and C. F., ly Im 12d. March 11, 1855 1 7 Samuel F., of same parents, 12y 5m 19d, Dec. 11, 1857 1 8 Francis, of same parents, born Providence, 10 years, Dec. 2, 1858. 2 24 2 16 49 _ 49 1 13 1 13 1 2 1 i 1 4 2 16 ■> 25 1 1 U i i 2 2.') 2 2.5 2 26 286 VITAL i;i:c<)Ki> of hhodi-: island. 1 ]•' SHORT George W., of Albert and Marv Aun, 3y 8ui 2Ucl. " Dec. 4, 1861 1 12 Daniel, of same parents, born Rehobotli, ly 3ni, Dec. L'^, 1861 2 3 James, of Ellienezer and Radial, 80 years, Feb. '.t, 1873 2 3 Susan, wife of James, dangliter of Joel and Snsanna Bowen, 80 year-s, Feb. 11, 1873 2 6 Albert Rockwell, oi' All)ert h. and Amey, oy 8m 2'.ld, ' Oct. 2, 1879 Lucy, of James and Snsanna, 73y 2ni lOd, Dec. 8, 188'J Samuel, born Barrington, of John and Rachal, 78y 10m Id, May 11, 1896 SHOVE Mary Vernon, of Samuel, died in Altleboro, 2y4m 5d. Mareli — , 1845 SHYNK Michael, of Michael and Mary, ly Om lOd, Nov. 25, 1857 SIL^']A Mary, of ^larianno J. and Amelia P., 5 days, Oct. 24, 1895 , of Frank and Minnie, Feb. 2, 1896 Jilary, of Manuel and Mary, ly 2ni, March 10, 1896 JNIaiuiel, l>»rn Newport, of John and Ma- ria, 8m 23d, May 4, 1896 2 4 SIM.MOXS Abby, daughter of Releaf and Pliebe Thurlier, boiu Providence, 7» years. June 23, 1876 2 17 Raymond E., of Adolphus ami Retta W. Bliss, 2m 22d, Aug. 1, 1890 1 4 SIMPSON John R., of John F., 2y 2m 24d, Nov. 7, 1854 2 6 Joseph R., of J. E. and Hattie L., 5y 3m, Nov. 12, 1879 2 16 SKINNER Leonard A., liorn Pawtuckct, of George E. and Emily E., s months, July 15, 1889 2 16 George E., of Cliiistophcr and iSLihala B., born New Jersey, 33y Om 19d, Oct. 31, 1889 2 10 SLADE Margaret Etta, born Pawtucket, of George V. and Mary A., 11 months, July 15, 1884 - 72 SMART June Hutton, of Isaiah and .^Lir- garet Harillia, July 15, 1815 - 72 Lsaiah Hutton. of same [larents, July 14, 1816 - 72 Margaret H., wife of Isaiah, in 42d year, Feb. 14, 1822 2 4 Isaiah, of Anthony and Isabella, born Scituate, R. I., 70 years, May 26, 1874 2 11 Lucy Peck, daughter of Henry and Pollv (Whitaker) Peck, 76y 10m 26d, " July 28, 1884 2 20 Sarah, wife of Isaiah A., daugliterof Win- tlirop and Patience Smallcy, born Yar- mouth, 64y 6m 22d, March — , 1893 1 15 SMITH Hiildah, widow, daughter of Caleb and Elizabeth Carpenter, 84y 4ra, May 20, 1848 1 14 Sauuiel, of Joshua and Hnldali, 57 years. May 22, 1849 1 15 Ida Alineda. of Samuel and Alineda, ly 3in, Sept. 29, 1850 1 3 Cynthia C. of John and Mary, 26y Om 4d, July 24, 1853 1 5 Nathan E.. of Henry O. and Isabella, 2y Om od, Sept. 29, 1855 1 1 9 9 1 Id 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 13 2 19 2 21 2 25 DKATHS — SEKKONK. 287 1 6 SMITH p:iislui K.. of George \V . and Mercy, born Rhode Island, 11m 24d, April I, I.s.'h; Dolly, of Joslina and Iliildali, (WSy Tin, Oct. 20, 1859 diaries, of Ilortice G. and Sarali C, liorn Nortli Providence, 3 months, , 1859 (ieoro'e W., of Jonathan and JIary I)., licjrn Sniithtield, 3(1 years. March 12, 1861 Natlian, of Nathan and Weallliy, horn Re- holioth, (Kly 4m 23d, ^March 31, 1805 Gardner, of (iardner and jNIargaret, horn Sniitlilield. ('.7 years. " Dec. 28, 18t)G Christopher T. li., boin Rehohoth, of Na- than and Sarah A., 48y 2m, Jan. 12, 1872 Betsey, danghter of Jeremiah and Amey Aim Williams, 96y Im 2d, " March '.), 1887 Rntli, born Smithfield, of Gardner and Margaret (Smith), '»4y 3m 22d, iMay 22, 1892 Ilng'h. born Ireland, of William anil jMary "(Cronan), llHy 5m 13d, " Nov. 19, 1893 Hannah Driscoll. wife of Chailes I'., daugh- ter of William and Hannah P. Hand}', 77v 5m Kid, Jlay 27. 1896 2 15 STEERK Albert A., of Owen E. and Susan, Cm hi, Seiit. Hi, 1888 2 25 Owen E., liorn (ilocester, R. I., of Albert and, Oct. 26, 1863 2 2 George Herbert, of same [larents, ly 9m, Dec. 15, 1869 2 2 Kate W., of same paients, 4v 2m, Dec. 23, 1869 1 13 TAYLOR , of Edmuwl, Aug. 1, 1843 1 13 , Aug. 3, 1843 1 2 Esther, widow, daughter of James and p:sLher Thresher, 39y 3m 18ct, Nov. 18, 1851 2 12 TEan^LE •Timothy Hammond, of Timothy and Lvdia, born Providence, 81y 10m 3d, ' Dec. 23, 1885 2 22 Mary, widow of Joseph Willmartli and Timothy H. Temple, daughter of Apiiol- las and Permilla Webster, born Taun- ton, 66v Sm 2d, Aug. 7, 1894 1 5 THAYER Seth W., Jr., of Seth W. and Lucy, 2y 5m 5d, Dec. 11, 1855 1 8 Reuben, of Leonard and Silence, bjrn Re- hoboth, 8Sy 2m, 1 8 Nancy, 84 years, 1 3 Abel, of Daniel and Lois, Sly 10m, 2 8 Reuben, of Reuben and Mary (Wood), 77y 2m, 2 10 Albert A., born Attleboro, of Albert D. and Harriet R., 43y 6m, 2 3 Charlotte, of IMichael and Huldah T., 86 years. Nov. 25, 1858 Dec. 22, 1863 Jan. 11, 1865 Sept. 18, 1882 March 10, 1884 March 18, 1872 DEATHS — SEEKUNK. 289 2 18 THAYER Albert Dexter, of William and Mehitalile, boi'ii Attleboro, 72v 4m 17d, Jan. 25, 181)1 1 4 THURSTON Lydia, daughter of Aaron Ciiaffee, 4Gy 4m Cd, Marcli 15, 1854 .2 4 TINGLKY William S., of Lyman and Ruth, born Cumberland, Gl years, Jan. 3, 1874 2 4 Mary E., of William A. and Elizabeth, 1 month, Dec. — , 1875 2 5 AVMlliam A., of same jjarents, Ini 2d, Dec. 7, 1876 2 5 Frank, of same parents, 2 months, Aug. 8, 1877 2 17 Mary Ann, liorn Swanzey, of Simeon and Mary (Lutiier) LutheV, 7:iy Im Cd, April 20, 1890 1 10 TITUS Rahama Lawton, daughter of Heze- kiah and Joanna (White) Titus, 96 years, Sept. 22, 1860 2 10 TOAL Charles Henry, of Patrick V. and Sarah J., 4m 7d, Aug. 11, 1884 2 11 '\7illiam, of same parents, Im 5d, July 17, 1885 2 13 Anne Mary, of same parents, 14 days, Dec. 5, 1886 2 5 TOBIAS Christiana F., born Holstein, Den- mark. 54v Oin 19d, Aug. 1, 1878 2 1 TOWER Betsey, 90 years, Jan. 23, 1867 117 TRAINER Lucy, daughter of Eiihraim and Bertha , born Reholioth, 86 years, Sept. — , 1861 2 20 TULLSON TuUson, of Tullson and Elonia, born Sweden, 87 years, May 11, 1893 u 1 15 UNDERWOOD J. Helen, wife of J. M., daughter of J. B. Sturtevant, l)orn Ver- mont, 35y 2d, July 7, 1850 1 15 Sylvia M., of J. M. and J. H., Im 2d, Aug." 10, 1850 1 13 VIALL , of Samuel, Jr., Sept. 1, 1844 1 15 Amanda M.. of E/.ra and Jnliett, 4y 2m lOd, Feb. 10, 1849 1 2 Nathaniel, of Benjamin and Kcziah, 89v 9m, ' ' Jan. 23, 1852 1 5 Albert A., of Allen and Hannah P., 27 days, March 28, 1855 1 5 Patience, widow, daughter of John R. and Hannah Richmond, 92y 3m 18d, June 11, 1855 1 6 Nathaniel, of Anson and Betsey, about 17 years, June 9, 1856 1 7 Ann F., widow, daughter of Hooker and p;iizabeth Low, born R. I., 87y 5m, March 17, 1857 1 7 Marv E., of Albert and Hannah S., 8y 7m 8"d, April 18, 1857 1 7 Phebe (Pratt), wife of Constant, born in Rhode Island, 41y 7m, May 12, 1857 1 11 ISIary, widow, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Humphrey) Read, born Reho- both, 86 years, April 20, 1861 290 V1TAI> IIKCOUD OF ISHODE ISLAND. 1 4 VIXC'KNT David, of Tiraotliy, born Edgar- town, Toy Oin 8d, June 8, 1854' 1 6 Dorotliy, widow, daughter of William and Liicj' Arniiugloii, 77y 11m lid. Feb. "29, 1856 w 1 5 2 7 93 _ 93 - 93 _ 93 - 36 - 107 _ 107 - 107 13 13 13 1.5 15 2 2 4 7 1 9 1 11 1 12 1 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 6 2 9 2 9 2 10 WADE Lewis, of Icliobod and Marv, 88y 3m 23d, AV^AITE Lewis Adelbert, born Warwick. K. I., of Washington E. and Fanny L., WALKER George W. Jr., of George' Wiiite- field and Mehilable (Bncklin), Nathaniel C, of same parents, Amey W., of same parents, AVilliam, of same parents, Stepiien, Rieiiard, of Lewis and Susan Angell (Corn- stock), Capt. Richard, Aliliia E., dangliter of Capt. Rieiiard, Simeon I., of Simeon, 32y Im lOd, Stepiien, of Simeon, 30y 3m, , of Lewi.-., Moses, 8Hy Im 8d, Caleb, of Lewis, SOy 8m 7d, Fann}', of Moses and Hannah, 58y 7m, riannali, widow, daughter of Jacob and Elizalieth, (;4y om 2d, Lois, of Lewis, born Reliobotli, 53y Gm 2Gd, Simeon, of Ei)liraim and Lejihe I., Itorn Re- lio!)otli, 80y 8m 4d, Nancy, widow of Simeon, daughter of Abel and Sarali Whitaker, 73y 'Sm, Lewis, of Rieiiard and Sarah, 72 years, Frank P., of Epliraim and Susan, Ijorn Re- lioboth, 9y 4m 28d, Polly, daughter of Eleazer Bowen, born Re- hoboth, G9 years, Samuel, of Moses, 73 j'ears, Sarah A., daughter of Elaathan and Mar- tha Peck, 4 1 years, Amanda C, of Moses and nannah, 63 years, Lyman, of same |)arents, in G.Sth year, Esther, daughter of Gardner and Kulh Smith, 68 years, born Smithfield. Alfred H., of George IL and Sarah A. (Bur- gess), 9y 4iii lod, Netta Louisa, of same parents, 18y 10m, James M., of Simeon, G2 years, Moses G., of George W. and Esther (Smith), 4Gy Om K.-d, May 1 9 May 18 Sept. 10 Dec. 22 Seiit. — Sept. 25 Oct. 25 May 30 Feb. 24 Sept. 30 Dec. 23 Oct. 10 April 13 Jan. 24 Jan. 3 Aug. 23 Oct. 22 March G Oct. 19 Blarch 2 Feb. 9 iAIay G Dec. 23 18G3 July 20 18G9 Nov. 28 1870 Feb. 25 1871 April 4 1873 April 11 Nov. 29 April 26 March 28 1855 1881 1811 1810 1812 1819 1813 1836 1838 1838 1843 1844 1844 1849 1850 1852 1852 1854 1857 1859 1861 18G2 1874 1879 1882 1883 April 23, 1884 HEATHS — SEEKON'K. 291 '2 10 "WALKER Benjiuiiin, of SanuicI ami II;inii;ili, G7y ora lid, Oct. 20, 1884 2 25 Julia Frances, wife of Seba P., l)orn Swaii- zey, dangiiter of Abel B. and Amanda C. Wood, 47y .ini 2,sd, May 9, 1896 2 18 WAKDECK Aim T., wife of Michael, born Ireland, daugliler of Tlu)mas Wardeek and Ann (Greeley', O'Brien, o-i years, Jan. 11, 1891 2 2 AVAKREN Feleg, of Teleg and Ella M., om 15d, Aug. 5, 1871 1 11 WATERaiAN Eliza C, daugiitcr of Living- stone and Eliza Hunt, 24y Oni 29d, Jan. 27, 1861 2 4 Lilly IL, of James II. and Anna L., born Providence, 3y 4ni 2(Jd, Nov. 16, 187.5 2 14 Maria E., widow, daughter of Artemas and Abigail Read, born Atlleboro, 6.'!y Im 28d, Jan. 4, 1888 2 20 WATSON William Gardner, born South Kingstown, Iv. I., of Joliii R. and JNIaiy (Allen), .SO years, Oct. 17, 1893 2 4 AVEBBER Ezekiel, of James and Molly, born Rehoboth, 77y 7m 7d, Sept. 7, 1873 2 5 Eliza, of Thomas H. and Mary E., 6y l.')m, Oct. 22, 1877 2 12 James Kent, born Reholioth, of John and MoUie, 84y llni, Sept. 10, 1885 1 2 WEEKES Evelyn J., of Silas B. and Susan T., 3m28d, Aug. 25, 1852 WELCH James, of John C. and Abby, Jan. 20, 1845 Johu, of John C. and Abby, " Jan. 28, 1845 Ellen E., of John C. and Abby, 10 months, July 29, 1849 WELDEN John, born in Connecticut, 47v 9m, ' Dee. 27, 1848 WEST Medora C, of Asaph C, 4y Im 15d, June 8, 1854 , of Nathan M. and Betsey P., Dec. 22, 1855 Betsey P., daughter of James and Abby P. Peckham, Itorn Swanzey, 32 years. May 3, 1860 1 3 Polly, widow, daughter of Jonathan and Leaffee Chaffee. 73y Om 6d, Aug. 21, 1865 2 3 Joseph. Jr., of Joseph and Polly, 53 years, Dec. 29, 1871 2 4 Isabel P., of Asuph C. and Elizabeth, 19 years, May 6, 1873 2 4 Oliver, of Oliver and Lydia, 80y 8m 8d, July 12, 1876 2 5 Nathan, of Joseph and Patience, born Re- hoboth, 86y 4m 16d, Aug. 9, 1878 2 17 Abb}' A., widow, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth l?arney, 82y 9m 29d, Feb. 20, 1889 2 16 Betsey A., widow, daughter of Marcellus and Martha B. Ide, 62y 2m 8d, Oct. 13, 1889 2 17 Eliza A., of Nathan N. and Abby A. (Bar- ney), 46y Im, June 21, 1890 2 18 Asaph C, o'f Joseph and Pollv (Chaffee), 67y 6m lid, ' Nov. 4, 1891 1 13 WESTCOTT , of Joseph, Sept. 3, 1843 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 4 1 5 1 10 292 VITAL KECOKD OF RHUDE ISLAND. 1 12 WESTCOTT Emily C, (laughter of Larned and Sarab A. Williams, born Natie, R. I., 31y llm IDd, June 1, 18G2 2 3 Valorious, of Jonathan and Nancj', born Cranston, (iSy 7m 20il, July 2, 1872' 2 .") Helen M., daughter of Ellis and Amelia Perry, born New Bedford, Aug. 20, 1876 2 15 Charlotte, widosv, born Sandwich, daughter of Jabez and yievcy Perry, 84y .■)m"4d. May 2, 1888 6 8 WHEATOX Peter H. and Martiia (Wheeler), children's deaths. S Hannah, Oct. 25, 1807 6 .S Eliza, March 30, 1808 (') S Alartiia, wife of Dea. Peter H., Aug. 24, 1845 1 14 JIartha, of Peter H., 74v Urn !)d, Oct. 24, 1845 1 3 Peter, of Nathaniel and Martha, 8Gy Im Sd, Oct. 3, 1853 2 5 Betsey, of Lucas and Elizabeth S., born Kehoboth, 81y llm 12d, Jan. 23, 1878 1 14 AVHEKLER , of Arnold, Feb. 11, 1845 1 14 , of William, Feb. 12, 1845 1 12 Sally W., daughter of Jabez and Mary Ma- son, born Swanzey, 67y 10m 27d, Nov. 30, 1861 2 1 Arnold, of Philiij and Bathsheba, born Re- hoboth, 59 vears, Jnly 13, 1867 2 1 Aronold, of Jlaggie, 3m 23d, Oct. 5, 1867 2 2 Dexter, alionl 55 years, July — , 1869 2 15 Sally R., widow, daughter of Jonathan and Deborah Head .Miller, 77 vears, June 29, 1888 1 15 WHIPPLE Fanny, widow, daughter of Joel Bo wen, 61 x'ears, Sept. 23, 1848 1 4 Thornton, of Elisha, born Rhode Island, 54y 4ni 8d, Oct. 17, 1854 2 1 Albert G., of Xancv, born Castleton, Vt., 68y 3m 20d, " Aug. 24, 1867 2 5 Neheniiah S., of Nancy, born Nortii Provi- dence. 81y Ktm, " Sept. 26, 1816 2 14 Fanny P., widow, liorn Dover, Mass., daughter of Samuel and Olive Perry, 77yllm 26d, Doc. 18, 1887 2 16 Mary L., widow, born Providence, daugh- ter of Benjanun and Louisa Oswell, 57y 7m, Dec. 25, 1889 1 3 WIHTAKER Benjamin Carpenter, of Joel and Almira (Fiits), .Sept. 16,1838 1 13 Peter, 89y lOni 3d, Aug. 14, 1843 1 14 Mary, widow of Peter, 91 y 8m 25d, Feb. 13,1848 1 15 Nancy, daughter of Comfort and Patience Bishop, 64y Sui, Nov. 3, 1848 1 5 Nancy E., of William and Julia, 2v Om 17d, ■ Dec. 1, 1855 1 6 Eliza JI.,of Additon D. and Maria A., born Pawtucket, 3y 8m, Jan. 19, 1856 1 8 , of Adington and Maria, Feb. 21, 1858- DEATHS^SEEIvOI^K. 293 1 'J WIIITAKER Emily F., of Daniel F ami Mary E., 7y Im lk1, Jan. 10, 1864 2 2 Almt'i-, of Peter aud Mary, 85y 5in'29d, Aug. 2, 1870 2 3 Candace, of Abel and Sarah A., G7. years, Nov. 17, 1874 2 4 Joel, of Peter and Mary E., SO years, Nov. 29, 1874 2 7 Hirajn, of Abner and Nancy, r)7y llni 2d, June 11, 1880 2 16 William King, of Asa and Nancy, Soy 9m Sd, May 8, 18S» 2 20 Annie W., wife of Charles H., born Provi- dence, daughter of Charles II. and Eliz- abeth (Owen') Lewis, 20y Gm lid, April 3, 1893 2 25 Mary Elizabeth, wife of David F., daugh- ter of Ezekiel and Betsey (Ormsbee) Webber, 64y 10m 2:k\, April 15, 189(> 2 IG AVIIITE Mary Jane, born Boston, daughter of John and Mary Jane Langley, 71y Cm, Jan. 31, ISStV 1 8 WHITFORD John S., of Joshua and Amey, born Wickford. R. I., 47 years, Sept. 20, 18.58 1 7 George E., of Calelj and IJralali, l>oru Rhode Island, 2.jy 9m lOd, Sept. 2G, 1857 1 6 AVIIITING Eunice, wife of Joel, dansihter of l.'^rael and Lydia Ide, 47y 4m 2d, Feb. 29, 1856 1 11 , of Joel and Isabella, h day, March 11, ISGl 1 10 WIirraiARSII Seth, 7.S years, June 15, 18G0' 1 15 WHITNEY Lydia L. C. of Alden and So- plnonia, 2 years, born Rhode Island, Aug. — , 1850' 2 18 WICKES Hannah Bncklin, born Warwick, R. I., "f Reuben and Ruby. 78y Om 17d, Dec. 27, 1891 1 4 WILBUR , of S. and J. C, April G, 1854 2 3 Tillinghast, April 2-, 18^4 1 15 WHX'OX Robert, of Jeremiah and Iluhlah, 31 years, Nov. 15, 1S48 1 15 . , of Lewis and Lydia, May 8, 18;)1 1 8 Sylvester, of Sylvester and Amey, born South Kingstown, G2y 7m, Apiil 22, 18.)8 2 24 Lizzie Hannah, born Taunton, daughter of Joseiih U. and Maria A. Gardner, 48y Sm 6d, •^^•I't- 2'^^ 18'' 5 1 8 AVILLIAMS Anna Augusta, of Caleb and Anna, 7 months, I'ec. 24, 180.J 2 4 Mary A., of Baylies and Mary E., Oy Im na April 3, 18/4 2 4 Angeline A.. Gv8m, April 8, 1874 2 4 Charles R., 4y 3m, /''''.,,!' It'-, 2 4 John 15., 2y 2m, April .^2, 18/4 2 12 William A., of William Herbert and Emily Elizabeth, 7 months. ^n>i- 13' l^^-' 2 12 Edward, of Preston and Dorothy, born Franklin, 58 years, *1'\V ".^2, lbbt> 2 15 IMary L., widow, daughter of Joseph S. and Sarah Boomer, born Fall River, 84y Im 4d, April G, 1888 204 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2 21 WILLIAMS Eliza Ann, wife of Etlwaiil V.. (langliter of Josciih aud Sarah (Boomer), born Khode Island, G4y 8m 13d, Dec. 9, 1893 2 22 Maliel N., of Baylies M. and Mary (Rad- loph), 18y lim 19d. ' Feb. 24, 1894 - 63 WILLMAHTII John, of John and Rachal * (Fuller), Ai)ril 15, 1808 1 15 Daniel W., of Paschall E. and Mar^-, 9in 12d, July 31, 1848 1 7 Lephe, of Nehemiaii and Mary, 85y 9m, Nov. 23, 1857 1 9 Paschall E., of John and Rachall, 59y Im 2(Hl, March 26, 18G4 2 7 George A., of George W. and Ruth, 53y lira 4d, Oct. 5, 1880 1 4 WILSON Lueretia, of John, 69 years, June 24, 1854 2 7 WINCH Seth F., Jr., Ixnn Providence, of Seth F. and Sarah M., 36y Om 24d, Oct. 30, 1880 1 10 WINSLOW George II., of Ambrose and Julia, 4 months, 18, 1860 1 14 WOOD Oliver, April 5, 1845 1 14 .Seth, 54 years, died of Swanzcy, May 15, 1849 1 2 Bethania, widow, daughter ofJolm Tliur- ber, born Rehoboth, 79y Ira, June 11, 1852 1 6 Martha M.. of John A. and C. Elizabeth, ly Om 29d. March 4, 1856 Rhoda, of John and Lydia, 60 years, Dec. 3, 1857 Rosaunn M., 67 years, Feb. 9, 1858 Mary Alice, of William H. and Almira, 23 days, June 6, I860 Sarah, widow, daughter of Isaac and Lucy Sheperdson, born ^Vrentham, 76y 3m 24d, Aug. 27, 1860 Elizabeth, of John and Elizabeth, 10 days, July 2, 1861 Mary A., daughter of William and Hannah Handy, 55y 2m lOd, May 10, 1864 Job, of Jonatlian and Mehitalile, 82 years, April 11, 1869 Allen L., of Job and Sarah, 52 years. May 26, 1869 TJ:ivid, ■ April — , 1872 Sarali, widow, born Rehoboth, daughter of Timothy and Sarah Bullock, 95y 6in 12d, Oct. 6, 1878 2 8 Philip, lioru Connecticut, of Oliver and Bethania, 84y 3m Id, Sept. 5, 1882 Abel B.. 74 years, liorn Swauzey, Jan. 7, 1887 Amanda, born Reholiotii, daughter of Gardner and Mary Case, 70y 7m 4d, Dec. 16, 1888 W^OODBURY Eugene Arthur, of John E. and Anna M., ly 3m 8d, Aug. 20, I860 WOODWARD Julia 'ahu, of John P. and Mehitable (Cooper), Oct. 30, 1825 •Tohn P., Oct. 26, 1825 Samuel, of Samuel, 69 years, Feb. 22, 1849 Maria, wife of Erastus M., daughter of Wooster and Lavinia (Brown) Car- penter, 71y 2m 20d, March 13, 1895 1 i 1 8 1 10 1 10 1 11 1 9 -2 2 2 2 2 3 2 6 2 3 2 15 1 10 - 87 _ 87 1 15 2 23 DEATHS — SKEKONK. 295 1 10 AVOODWORTH Caroline Amelia, dauglitey of Eobert aiul Mary Daggett, 35 years, Feb. 28, 1860 X Y Z 1 6 YATES Joseph, son of Setli, horn Newport, 57 years, Jau. 28, 1856 Section I. Marriages and Intentions. 1 141 ADAJIS HoniT, aged 27, born Ireland, of Providence, son of Henry and Kliza, and Matilda .Saniple, aged 28, born and of same [ilaee, dangliler of William and Agues, married by Rev. C. I'.lodgett April '.), IS.54. 2 15 AGAN John, aged 26, born Eastport, Me., sou of William and Catharine, and Frances Allen Carpenter, aged 24, born Attleboro, daughter of Albert and Rel)ecca A., both par- ties of North Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 10, ISGl. 2 9 AKKRMANl) William F.. aged 2.'). l)orn and of Portland, Me., son of William and Jane, and Louise Jerauld, aged 26, liorn and of Pawtncket, daughter of Henry and Louise, n-.arried by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 25, 1858. 2 3 ALBKE Emory, aged 63, born Mendon, of Pawtncket, son of Samuel and Hannah, his 2d marriage, and Mary Lucy, aged 48, born and of Cumberland, daughter of James and Urania. Int. Nov. 1). 1855. 1 131 ALDRICH pAhvin IL, aged 28, born Smithtield. of Pawtncket, son of EseK and Permilla, and Frances U. Price, aged 26, born Greenville, R. I., of Xoilh Providence, daughter of Eliza, married by Rev. A. D. Williams July 3, 1851. 2 7 ALEXANDER Frances A., aged 26, daughter of Lemuel and Sarah, and Daniel A. Jenckes. aged 24, son of Pardon and Lydia, Ijoth born and of Smith tield, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 2, 1857. 2 9 Ruth A., aged 1 'J, born and of Pawtncket, daughter of Na- thaniel and Sophia, and William H. Jenckes, aged 22, liorn and of North Providence, son of William and Free- love. Int. July 21, 1858. 2 10 Elizabeth A., aged 17, born Pawtncket, daughter of Nathan- iel S. and Sophia, and Crawford A. Williams, aged 21, 298 VITAL KKCOKK OF RHODE ISLAND. alexaxdp:!?: horn ;\Iaiisfiel(l, son of Alliort find Mary, both of Paw- Incket, maiTied by Kcv. C. Bloilst;lt Dec. 9, 18.i8. 1 123 ALGKR .Inba A., aane, aged 1<», horn TannUin, of Attlehoro, son of William and Sylvia, married hj' Hev. C Blodgett Jan. ID, l.s.'i'.t. 2 13- William G., M. 1)., aged "ic, born Reliobotli, of Mansfield, son of Isaiah and Ann F., and Martha JNI. Matteson, aged ■-'.">, horn Dighton, of Pawtucket, daughter of Corj' and Martha K., married hy Rev. David W. Stevens June 26, 18(50. 2 14 John G., aged 2C>, hc^in and of Pawtucket, son of William and Lueinda, and L. Medora Shove, aged 20, horn See- kduk, of Pawtucket, daughter of Sanuiel and Debcjrah, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 21), 1800. 1 131 ALMY Sauford, aged 2(5, horn Little Com[iton, t)f North Piov" idence, son of Anilrew and Clarrissa, and Ellen A. Carri(iue, aged 21, born Cumberland, of I'awtueket, daughter i.if Richard and Laura, married by Alviu (). Read, Esci-, JLay 8, 2 1 ALVERSON William R., aged 33, of New York, son of Arnold and Nancy, and Amantla Al. Hawkins, aged 2(i, boru and of Cumberland, daughter of Amos and Mary .\nu. Int. Jan. 6, 18,'),'). 2 2 AMES James 15., aged 24, horn and of New York, son of Robert N. and JNlary E., and Mary E. Wilhour. aged 21, born Newport, of North Provitieiice, daughter of Joshua and Margaret S., married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 4, 1855. 2 € ANDREWS Dennis P.. aged 25, boru Maine, of Providence, sou of Daniel and Mary, and Mary A. IloUoday, aged 17, born Pawtucket, of Piovidence, daughter of Robert and Ann, mairied by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Jan. 1, 1857. 1 133 ANDERSON Fanny R., aged 21, born and of Pawtucket, daughter of William and Jane, and Gardner F. Pe.arce, aged 21, born Reliobotli, of Wisconsin, son of Gardner and Sarah R., married by Rev. A. I). Williams Oct. 26, 1851. 2 5 Elizabeth, aged 24, liorii Ireland, of Pawtucket, daughter of Robert and Sarah, and Thomas ]\Iiller, aged 24, liorn Eng- land, of Pawtucket, his 2d marriage, son of Ilumiilirey and Ellen, married by Rev. J. S. Towcsend July 11, 185G. 2 5 Mary M., .aged 31, horn Scotland, of Smithfield, daughter of John and Mary iMartin, and Roliert Cranston, aged 37, born England, of Smithfield, son of John and Susannah, 2d marriage of each party, married hy Alvin 0. Read, Esq., Oct. 3, 1856. 1 137 ANTHONY Catharine IL, aged 30, born and of Providence, daughter of James and IMary Fuller, her 2d marriage, and George W. Waterhouse, aged 24, boru Augusta, Me., of VITAL IlECnllD OF RHOUE ISLAND. ANTHONY : Providence, son of Charles and Eliza, married by C. B. Farnswoi'lli, Esq.. Jan. 12, 18.')3. 1 139 Ileniy P., aged 22. born and of Providence, son of L. D. and Mary S., and .Sabra Thayer, aged 22, born and of Paw- tucket, daughter of .41anson and Perley, married by George F. Cnshman, Esq., Stq)!. 27, 18.53. 2 8 APPLEBY IvUvard, aged 24, born SmitliSeld, of Providence, son of Tliomas S. and Almy, and C'loe Ann E. Ikiker, aged 1!), liorn and of .'^inithru'ld, daughter of Richard and Alice, married by Alvin (). Head, Esci-, March 2U, 18.J8. 2 8 ARMSIU'UY "Saniiiul .T., aged 26. born and of North Provi- dence, son of .Jeremiah and Susannah, and Aim Flanna- gan, aged 22, born Ireland, of North Providence, daugh- ter of Peter and 3huv, married by Kev. C Blodgelt March 2n, l.S.-)7. 1 125 ARXOLI) Rosannah C. aged 23. of Pawtncket, daughter of Simeon II. and Lydia S., and .)6lm V. Carr, .aged 22, of "Warwick, son of .John and Maria, married by Rev. C. P.lodgett March 8, 184".). 1 143 Emily S., aged 23, born an 9 Catharine, aged 29, born Ireland, of \'alley Falls, daughter of .lames and Catharine Riley, and Luke Miller, aged 28, born Ireland, of Pawtucket, son of Luke and Marv, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgelt, Oct. 6, 1858. 2 11 Prances IL, aged 21, born and of Pawtucket, daughter of Philander and Francis H., and George S. Fales, aged 22, born and of .Smithfield. son of David G. and I'ethina, mar- ried liy Rev. C. Blodgett, Oct. 12, 1.S.J9. 2 13 BALK Henry, aged 30, liorn England, of Pawtucket, son of William and Fanny, and .Jane Carman, born England, of Pawtucket, daughter of William and .lane Gass, 2d mar- riage of each party, married by Rev. ,lohn M. Peck May 20. l.SIIO. 2 G BANFORD Charlotte F., aged 20. born Pawtucket, of Smith- tield, daughter of William and Charlotte, and William T. Tucker, aged 23, born and of Smithfield, son of Elhanan and Rebecca, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 22, 18.")t). 2 16 BANKS Sarah, aged 23, born Scotland, of Smithfield, daugh- ter of William and Ann, and Francis Clark, aged 2.5, born Nova Scotia, of .Sinilli. R. L, son of John and Marv, mar- ried I)y Rev. C. Blodgelt Nov. 30, l.SGl. 2 1 BANNIG.\N Owen, aged 29, of Ireland, son of Peter and Catharine, and ^Margaret DonoUy, aged 22, of Ireland, daughter of William and Ellen. Int. Jan. 10, 18.55. 2 3 Rose, aged 22, born Ireland, of Pawtucket, daughter of Peter and Alice, and David Saunders, aged 31, born Ireland, of Pawtucket, son of Robert and .Sarah, married by Rev. Ju- lius Townsend Nov. 9, 1856. 1 139 BARBER Elizabeth S.. .aged 24, horn Kingston, of North Providence, daughter of Benjamin S. and I-jabel, and Daniel Kelley, aged 23, born Smithfield, of North Provi- dence, son of Arnold C. F. and Luciiui, married by Rev. A. D. Williams Sept. 20, 1853. 2 5 BARKER John M., aged 27, born Rehobolh, of Providence, son of George W. and Merebah, and Hannah B. Casey, aged 25, liorn Connecticut, of Providence, daughter of — . Int. Nov. 17, 185t;. 1 129 BARNES Hiram, aged 29. of Isaiah and Dorothy, and Esther B. Gillelt. aged 21, of Joseph, both of Thetford, Vt., mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 13, 1851. 1 121 BARNEY Esther, aged 24, of North Providence, daughter of Enock, and Samuel R. Waterman, aged 23, born and of Johnston, son of Job, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 3, 1845. 1 127 Jonathan and Nancy M. Whitakor, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. C. Blodgelt Jan. 10, 1850. 1 133 Phanuel J., .aged 21, born Pawtucket, of Wrenlham, son of Daniel and Elizabeth W., and Harriet E. Cheever, aged 23, horn and ofWrentham, daughter of John P. and Grace, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 9, 1851. 1 141 Cyrel C, aged 20, born Attleboro, of Wrenthnm, sou of MARRl.\(iES AXI> INrKXrroNS — I'AWTL'CKET. 303 BAKXEY : Dniiiel nud Kliziilntli. and Klli'ii Follett. agud 19. horn nml of Wreiuluuii, dauuhter of Ncl.-.(>n and Eniilv, niari'ied l.iy Rev. C. Blodgett Maix-li l(i, IS.VI. 2 8 Hetsej' .lane, aged '2.^. bom Hulioliolli, of Pawtuckct, daugh- ter of Knocli and Esther, and Ilenrv ^McDowell, aged 34, born England, of PawlueKet, son of James and Elizabeth, his 2(\ marriage. Int. .May 1."), liS.")S. 2 3 BARY Isabella, "aged 20, born .Scotland, daughter of John and Mary Spear (Bary), and Oswell Hyde, aged "24. lioru EIngland, son of William and Ann, both of Pawtneket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Mov. 23, !.s.j5. 1 129 BASSETT Charles J. H., aged -tG, horn Weslport. of Taun- ton, son of Aristam, and Martha B. French, aged 2.'), horn and of Pawtneket. daughter of S(|uii-e and Betsey E., mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 2.''), l.s.-)(l. 1 125 BATES Cordelia B., aaed 35, horn and of Pawtneket, daugh- ter of Arnold and Esther, and .losepli A. Allen, aged 37. bis 2d marriage, son of Steiihen G. and Mai-y E., married by Rev. .lames Mulchaliey Dec. •',, ISIK. 2 1 Caroline L., aged 25, l)oin .Milford, of Pawtneket, daughter of Whitcman and Lucy Ann, and Dexter T. Cliillson, aged 26, horn Mendon, of North Providence, son of Willard and Huldah, mairied by Rev. (Jeoige ^Matthews May 9, 1855. 2 15 Frederick, aged 32, Ijorn Dublin. Ire., of Pawtuxet, sou of William, and i:iizal)elh Dyer, ai^ed 25, h(jrn St. .lohns, of Pawtneket, daughter of 'Hiomas and .Mary, married by Rev. C. Bhjdgett Sept. G. \st\\. 1 119 BAXTER Heiu-ietta M. of Pa ^Mueket, daughterof David, ami F'rancis F. Follett of Nor: h Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 13, 1.S44. 1 123 Harriet IV. aged 18, born and of Pawtneket, daugliter of Seth, and AVilliam H. Stow, aged ■2-2, horn and of Provi- dence, son of Samuel, mariied by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 12, 1846. 1 129 Seth, .Tr., aged 21, horn and of Pawtneket. son of Seth and Polly, anil .\nna .M. Crawford, aged 19, born England, of Pawtneket, daughter of George W. and Hannah, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 6, 1851. 1 131 :Manah, aged 20, horn and of Pawtneket, daughter of Warren and Rebecca, and J. Henry AVillard, aged 21, horn North Scituate, "f North Piovidence, son of John H. and Mary A., married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 15, 1851. 1 137 Samuel P., aged 22, born and of Pawtneket, son of Seth and Mary, "and Mary Cutting, aged 25, horn Rhode Island,- of Pawtiicket. daughter of James and Jane, married by Rev. A. D. Williams May 4, 1853. 1 139 Ann, aged 23, horn and of Pawtneket, daughter of Nathan- iel and Hope, and Alfred Jerauld, Jr.. aged 22, liorn I-^ast Greenwich, of Smithtield, son of Alfred and Harriet, mar- ried by Rev. A. D. Williams Feb. 5, 1854. 1 141 Mary P.", aged 18, of Freeman and Nancy, and George A. Jerauld, aged 27, of Hiram and Adeliaj both born and of oO-i VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. BAXTER : Pawtuckot, iiianied by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Aug. 20, 1854. '2 2 Emily S., aged 18, born ami of PawUicket, daughter of David aud Mary, aud Cliarles Radloff, aged 21, boru Seekonk. of PavvUiekel, son of .James and Mary, married by Rev. .Julius S. Townsend .July 16, 1855. 2 4 Amanda F., aged 20. boin Seekonk, of Pawtucket, daughter of Nathaniel and Hope R., and William A. Jerauld, aged 24, l)orn ;\Iiddleboro, of Providence, sou of John F. and Mary, married by Rev. Julius S. Townsend Jan. 31, 1856. 2 10 Abby F., aged 26, born and of Pawtucket, daughter of David aud Mary, and William A. Cole, aged 22, born Provi- dence, of Seekouk, son of Samuel J. and Frances F. Int. Dec. 30, 1858. 2 13 Eleanor Amelia, aged 22, boin and of Pawtucket, daughter of David and Mary, and Abel C. Thornton, aged 29, born Johnston, of Pawtucket, son of Horace aud Betsey, mar- ried by Rev. Nathaniel Sweet July 1. 1860. 1 129 BEERS Henry N., aged 27, born and of Norton, son of Ama- ziah, and Saiah J. Chaffee, aged 19, born and of Pawtucket. daughter of Samuel, mairied by Rev. George Taft Sept. 28, 1850. 1 139 Charles S., aged 23, born and of North Providence, son of S|iencer and Jane, and Elizabeth Allen, aged 25, born and ot Pawtucket, daughter of William and Luciuda. — n d. pub. 1853. 1 121 BENNETT Matilda L., aged 23, of Pawtucket, daughter of Jared, and John Ayer, Jr., aged 24, born Cumberland, of Pawtucket, son of John, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 14, 1815. 2 7 Olive F., aged 19. boru and of Cumberland, daughter of Timothy and Eleanor, and Horatio W. Caswell, aged 21, boiu Middletown, Ct., of Suiithfield, son of Elijah and EiHiicr. married hy Rev. C. Blodgett July 29, 1857. 1 117 BENSLEV Minerva B., of Pawtucket^and Charles M. Knapp of New Haven, Ct., married liv Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 24, 1843. 1 117 James B., of Pawtucket, his 2d marriage, and Maria Walker, of Vernon, Ct., married by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 27, 1844. 1 121 BENSON Mary, aged 17, boru England, of Pawtucket, daugh- ter of John, and John C. F"'ane, aged 23, born New York, of Pawtucket, son of Peter, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 13, 1845. 2 1 Margaret A., aged 18, boru Wilmington, Del., of Providence, daughter of .losliiia aud JIary, aud Jonathan R. Coiu^tock, aged 26, boru Middletown, Ct., of Providence, son of Myers W. and Eliza, married by Rev. C. Blodgett April 15, 1855. '2 13 BENTLEY William, aged 51, born Seekonk, son of William and Amey, and Ellen Gaskell, aged 18, born Cumberland, daughter of Hosea and Mary, both of Pawtucket, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett May 31, 18C0. MAKRIAGES AND INTENTIONS — PAWTUCKET. 305 1 121 BKKRY Lucy, ageil 24. of Fall River, claiiglitcr of Ehcnezcr and Botliiah. anrl Samuel L. Hunt, aged 24, honi and of Fall River, son of Moses and. lane, niai'ried by Lewis I'earce, Esq., Aiiir. :n, 1.S45. 1 131 Amanda, aged 21, of Allen and Rose, and y\.l)rabara Crowell, aged 24, of Joel and Thankful, lujtli horn and of Paw- tncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett March 6, 2 4 T., aged 22, of Freeman and Maliala, and Sarah R. Slocum, aged 17, of Samuel and Betsey, both born and of P;iwtucket, married bv George Mason, Ks 1 125 BLAN'D Blartha, aged 35, daughter of James and Susanna Jessui), and John Alanson Kay, aged 45, born anil of Pawtucket, son of John and Alartha, 2d marriage of each party, married Iiy Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 25, 1847. 1 121 BLISS Rachal B., aged 20, born Rehoboth, of Pawtucket, daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Alonzo Leiand. aged 27, born Spring- field, Vt., of Pawtucket, son of J.asper, married b}- Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 21, 1845. 1 123 Sarah P., aged li), of Elijah, and Augustus Lindaey, .aged 25, 306 VITAL KliroRD OK RHODE ISLAND. BLISS : l)orn and of Noitli Pri>\ iiluiicL", son of Oren, married by Kc'V. C. Blodgott Nov. 10, 184G. 1 133 Francis V., ai;od 2(i, l)orn Relioliotii, of Wisconsin, son of Elijah and Saiali, and Sarah W. Norton, aged '20, liorn Atllcboro, of Pawtucket, daughter of .Joseph and Aimira, married by Rev. A. 1). Williams Oct. 'ii;, l.s,51. 2 1 George W., Jr., aged '2o, liorn Rehoboth, of Attleboro, son of (ieorge W. and Betsey, and Mary K. Daggett, aged 22, bom and of Pawtucket, daughter of Jefferson and Hannah 1).. manietl by Rev. James O. Barney Sept. 8, 1S.t9. 2 1() Ezra, aged 4U, lx)i n Rehoboth, of Powtncket. son of Noah and Olive, his 2d marriage, and Sarah Elizabeth Phillips, aged 22, born Providence, of Warren, daughter of Ira 1). aiid Sarah C, Oct. 22, 1.^61. ] 141 BLYTII Ellen, aged 11», of Edward and Jlary, and William AValker, aged 29, of Joseph and Ann, both born England, and of North Providence, married liv Rev. Julius S. Town- send July 2',l, 1S.".4. 1 127 BOOTH Eliza Ann, aged 17, of Pawtucket, daughter of Wil- liam and Radial, and Cynis Mason, aged 22. of Seekouk, sou of Henry and Rosauna, mariied liy Rev. David Culver Aug. 4, 2 10 BOL'RN Eliza C, aged 2'). born Somerset, of Providence, daughter of John and Clarnssa, and Thomas L. Read, aged 31, l)orn S ileui, of Providence, son of Thomas and .Mary, his 3d marriaue, married by Rev. C. Blodijett Oct. 13, l.s(;i. 1 119 BOWEN James, aged 29, born Seekonk, of Samuel, and Sylvia W. Baker, aged 24, born and of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 12, 1S4.'). 2 11 Amey I)., aged 23. boru and of Pawtucket, daughter of Wil- liam M. and F^liza. and Andrew R. Matteson, aged 24, bom Dighton, of Pawtucket, sou of Carey and Martha, married by Rev. C. Ulodgett Nov. 3, IH/V.). 2 13 Mary J., aged 22, born and of North Providence, daugliter of (ieorge W. and iMary Ann, and Beujauiin S. French, aged 29, born Seekonk, of Pawtucket, son of Benjamin aiid Zilpha. Int. .Alay 23, 1860. 2 8 BOWERS James O., .aged 24, born Hollis, of :Mancliester, N. H., sou of William and Mary Ann, and Mary Ann Baker, aged 21. born Worcester, of Smitlilield, daughter of As.a and Phebe, married by Rev. C. Bloilgett April 3, 1858. 2 13 BOWKER Jane, aged 24, born Lynn, of Pawtu(;ket, daughter of Christopher and Mari:di, and William Cliarnley, aged 30, born Taunton, of Pawtucket, son of Alexander and Sarah, married by Rev. J. M. H. Dow July 4, 1860. 2 7 BOYD Janette, aged 44. born Scotland, of Pawtucket, daugh- ter of William and Mary, and James Olncy, aged 61, born Smithfield, of Pawtucket, son of Daniel and Mary, his 2d marriage, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 6. 18.57. 2 10 AV^illiani, aged 30, of David and Jane, and Margaret II. B- Henry, aged 22, of John and Ellen, both boru Ireland, and MAKUIAOICS AND INTENTK INS— IW WTrCKET. 307 BOYD : of New York, iiini ricd liy Ixcv. I'Jhv;ii-il Soariiio- Soi)t. 'J,!, IKIJl. 2 10 BRADY Jiuie, :iij,x>(l 16, born Pawtiicket, of Seekonk. daughter of Jolin. and Dennis Fenney, aaed 20, liorn England, of Pawtueket, son of Thomas and Kose, niairied liy Alvin O. Read, Esq., Mareli 12, 18;"i'J. 2 13 Sarah Jane, aged 1«, born Grafton, Mass., of Cianston, R. I., daughter of Celista, and Daniel Angell Harris, aged liO, liorn and of Johnston, son of David and Amey, liis 2d marriage, married l)y Rev. J. JI. II. Dow July 31, 18(10. 1 117 BRADBURY (!eorge and Almira Cameron, liotii of Pawtueket, married liy Rev. C'. Hlodgett Nov. ;'), Hlo. 1 129 Mary E.. aged IS. l)orn Lyme, Ct., of Pi-ovidene<% chuiglitcr of Wiibaui, and William B. Leonaid, aged 2r(, born Taun- ton, of Providence, sou of Elijah and Lueinda, married liy Rev. C. Bloilgett Feb. 20, IS.'il. 2 U BRAGG Sarah JNI.. aged 18, born Atileboro, daughter of Henry and Sarali, and Gardiner II. Niles, aged 30, born North Providence, sou of William and Harriet, both of Attle- boro, married by Rev. C. Blodgctt Nov. 29, l.S(;o. 2 2 BRAINARD George S , aged .'J.i, horn Cliatham, Ct., of Provi- dence, son of Sylvanus and Lueinda, and So|iliia Jones, aged 23, born and of Providence, daughter of Elijali and Freelove Jones, 2d marriage of each [)arty, married by Alvin O. Read, l*:sq., June 21, IS;')."!. 1 133 BRAY Harriet C, aged 22, daughter of Crowell and Harriet, and Samuel A. Emerson, aged 23, son of David, both born and of Providence, married by Rev. A. D. Williams March 30, 1852. 1 137 BRAY'MAN Anna F., aged 18, born Coventry, ot Pawtueket, daughter of Samuel (t. and Isaljella, and Henry C. Fuller, aged 24, born and of Walpolo, son of Fbenezei' and Eliza, married by Rev. (Jeorgo F. Ciisliuuiu June 20, 18o3. 1 141 BRAY'TON John W., aged 20, born and of Providence, son of Lloyd B. and Elizal)eth, and Amanda M. Brown, aged 18, born Ciunbeilaud, of Providence, daughter of Joseph D. and Fi'ances, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 22, 1854. 1 119 BRICE Elizabeth, ol John, and Gcugc Graham, of James, both born Ireland, and of Pawtueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett May 21, 1844. 1 121 John, Jr., aged 25, born Ireland, son of John, and Louisa Jeuckes. aged 20, boi'U Pawtueket, daughter (^f Talliot, both of Pawtueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 27, 1845. 1 125 Nathan, aged 24, of James and Rebecca, and Jane Elizabeth Horr, aged 21, of Lebina and Ann E., both of Pawtueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 10, 1848. 1 131 BRICKLEY Francis I)., aged 32, of Henry and Lydia, his 2d niarrifige, tiud Martha Morrow, aged 24, of John and Marv, both born and of Providence, married by Alvin O. Reail, Esq., Aug. 24, 1851. 1 137 BRIGGS Jane, aged 40, daughter of James and Elizabeth IIoP croft, and William Grimshaw, aged 35, of John and Janei 308 VlTAl, KKUUKD OF KHDKE ISLAND. BRIGOS: •2d mairinge of oac-li nnd botli boin England and of Paw- tucket, iiiuiried by Rev. George F. Cnsliniati A|)ril 8, 1853. 2 13 Edwin A., aged 29, son of Alfred and C'andaee, and Sarah M. I*"eiiner, aged 2'J, of Welcome and Eliza, both born Cranston and of Providence, married by Kev. J. M. H. Dow .Sept. 17. 186U. 1 123 BRIERLY John, Jr., aged 21, of John and Alice, and Rosan" nail Jenekes, aged 18, (jf Talbot and Rosanna, both o^ Pawtiieket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 4. 1847. 1 129 Mary, aged 21, born England, daughter of John, and Samuel B. Lord, aged 21, Imrn Taunton, son of Samuel, both of Pawtucket. married by , 18.J0. 2 7 BRITTOX N. AV., aged 2(5, born Easton, son of William and Maiin, and Sarah IL Case, a?ed 22, born Seekonk, daugh- ter of S:unu( 1 O. ai;d Sarah, both of Seekonk, married bv Rev. C. Blodgett May 28, 18;")7. 1 129 BROWN Abby G., aged 21, born North Providence, of Paw- tucket, ilaughijcr of James and Sar;di, and Thomas K. King, aged 27, of Noilh Providence, married •, 1850. 1 129 Eliza II. and Lewis L. Read, both of Seekonk. married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 24, 1850. 1 135 Georae W., aged 25, born and of Little Compton, son of Christopher and Deborah, and Mary Ann Sweet, aged 28, boru and of Pawtucket, daughter of William aud Nancy E., married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 10, 1«52. 1 141 Amanda M., aged 18, born Cumberland, of Jose|)li D. and Frances, and John W. Braytou. agtd 20, born Providence, son of Lloyd B. and Elizabeth, lioth of Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 22. 1854. 1 143 Nathan, aged 37, born North Kingstown, of .Smithfield, sou of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, and Polly Comstock, aged 34, boiii Abington, of Pawtucket, daughter of Nathaniel and .Sarah Thouias, 2d mariiage of each i)artv, married by Kev. A. D. Williams Nov. 18, 1854. 2 2 Harriet F,.. aged 35, born Yarmouth, daughter of Ensign and ]Merey Marehant, and Peleg W. Gardiner, aged 36, born .Swanzey, son of Peleg and Nancv. both of Pawtucket and 2(1 marriage of each paily, married hy Alviu O. Read, Esij., Aug. 25, 1855. 2 6 Francis IL, aged 27, boiu West Newbury, of Pawtucket, sou of Roliert and Susan L., aud .Sarah A. Mauell, aged 25, born Waterville, Me., of Lawrence, daughter of Josiab and Laviua S. Int. Feb. 22, 1857. 2 6 Arunah H., aged 19, born Smithfield, of Pawtucket, daughter of Henry and Elizatietli. aud Stephen Ryder, aged 21, born Chatham, of Smilhlield, son of Joseph aud Ann, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett March U, 1857. 2 8 Emily Maria, aged 21, boru Woonsocket, of Pawtucket, daughter of Daniel P. and Han iet, and George Heury Dun- Lam, aged 28, born England, of Attleboro, son of AYilliam MARRIAGKS AND INTENTIONS — PAWTCCKKT. 309 BRUW.X : and Elizaliftli, iiiaiiietl Iiy Alviii (). Kead, Km|., Apiil 4, 1858. 2 13 William II., aged 25, honi Seckoiilc, of Siiiitlifield, son of George W. and Mary Ann, and KUen Jane Carney, aged 18, born Freedom, ;\Ie.. danuliter of Palriek and Jane, mar- ried by Rev. J.M. H. Dow Jnlv SI, 18(;0. 1 135 BROWNKLL Henjainin F., aged 2"l, born and of Providenee, son of Renjuinin and Saiali, and A. Binlank, aged 19, born Central Falls, of PawtiU'lcet. daughter of Samuel and Ann F., married by Rev. C. Blodgelt Alay 17. I,s52. 1 127 BRUCE Asenelh C, aged 21, born Atllel)oro, of John, and Stephen B. Smitli, aged 22, born Belhngham, son of Peletiah, bcjih of PawUieket, mairied bv Rev. iMr. Bailey of Attleboro, no date, , 185(1. 1 133 Jane A.. age(t 19, of John and Rebeeea, and Horatio ^I. Round, aged 24, of F^nos anil Adeline, both liorn Attle- boro and of Paivtneket, married by Rev. C. Blcidgelt Si'[it. 30, 1851. 2 4 Edward B., aged 29, boru Attleboro. of Pawtueket, son of John and Rebecca, and Lncretia (i. Slocnni, aged is, born and of Xoitli Providence, daniihter of Eason and IMazel. Int. Feb. 20, 185(;. 2 8 Daniel, aged 21 , of Ilngh and I\Iary, and Jane McDonald, aged 2.S, (if Roliert anil Jane, both liorn Irehui'i and of Smithtield, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Mai'ch 9, 1S58. 1 125 BRYANT James L., aged 20, born and'of Pawtueket, son of Levi and Patience, and ICmily Patterson, ageil 19, born Glocester, R. I., of Pawtm'ket. dausihtei- of Jeremiah and Deborah, maiiied by Rc\. Joseph Whittemore Oct. 23, 1848. 2 11 James L., aged 3!, burn and of Pawtueket, son of Levi and Patience, his 2d mairiage, and Rebecca C. Giulier, aged 29, born i'armouth, of Pawtueket, daughter of Joshua and Leonora. Int. Nov. 22, 1859. 2 5 BUCKLIN Edward, Jr., aged 18, born Blaekstone, of Edward and Jlerey Ann, and Josephine B. (iibnore, aged IS, born Ohio, dangiiter of CharU's and Hannah, both of Nortli Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 16, 1S5(I. 1 139 BUFFIXGTON Gardner C, aged 21, l)orn Pawtueket, of (Gardner L. and JIatilda, and Ellen M. iMerrell, aged 18, born AVestbrook, j\Ie., daughter of Jose|)h and S , belli of Pawtueket, no date . , 1853. 1 129 BULLOCK Rnfns B., aged 28, born Vermont, of Pawtueket, son of Aaron and Rebecca, and Mary E. Roberts, aged 28, bom England, of C)nieda, N. Y., daughter of Aliraham and Philadelphia, , 1850. 1 135 BURBANK Lyilia A., aged 19, born Central Falls, of Paw- tueket, daughter of Samuel and .Ann F., and Benjamin F. Brownell, aged 21, born and of Providence, son of Benja- min and Sarah, married by Rev. C. Blodgett May 17, 1852. 1 133 BURGESS .lane, agetl 24, born Pawtueket, daughter of Jemi- ma, and John N. Gaskell, aged 27, boru Vermont, sou of 310 vri'AL KK((ii;i> ok khodk island. BURGESS: Isaac and Lona, botli of Pantiickt't, iiianied liy liev. C. Blmliietl Oct. 14, 1S.">1. 2 14 Sarah Ann, aged 23, born Central Falls, of Seekonk, daugh- ter of .Jolin M. and Lydia B., and George Halsey Walker, aged 24, horn Seekonk, of Woonsocket. son of (ieoige W. and Esther, married by Rev. C. Hhulgett Nov. 2'.),.lAt!0. 1 133 BURNS ;\Iary Ann, aged 18, born Taunton, daughter of John and Catharine, and John C. Cameion, aged I'.t, liorn Paw- tucket, son of William and Almiia, both of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 10, 1«.J2. 1 135 Hugh, aged 20, born England, son of Anthony and Fallen, and Eliza Ann Siocuin, aged 18, born Pawtucket, daughter of Saumel and Lucinda. both of Pawtucket, mairied by Rev. C. Blodgett June 13, 18.V2. 2 Martha, aged 2;'), born Manchester, F^ng., of Pawtucket, daugliter of Antliony and Ellen, aud Russell A. Potter, Jr., aged 21, lioru and of North Providence, son of Russell A. and Olive, mairied by Rev. J. F>. Erskiue Jan. 22, 1857. 1 133 BURY John, aged 31, l)cirn England, son of Thomas and Pres- cilla, his 2d inariiage, and Isabella S. Spears, aged 2'.), born Scotland, daughter of John auy Htv. C. Blo(lg>U iSIay I.t, IS-lll. 1 127 .Jonathan S. and Anade King, boiJi of North Piovidenee, married by IJcv. C. Blodgelt .Ian. 7, Is.'iO. 1 131 CARLIN Catharini', aged "il', born Ireland, of :\Iichael and Ann. and Peler GiUigan, aged 21, born Ponton, of Peter and Kosanna, both of Piovidenee, married by Rev. ('. Plodgett March 12, 1S.")1. 2 1.3 CARMAN .lane, daughter of \\ illiain and .Tanc (ioss, and Henry Pale, aiied 30, of ^^'illiam and Fanny, 2d marriage of each party, lioth born England and of Pawtnckcl, mar- ried l)y Rev.'.Iolm M. Peck M.-iy 20, ISCO. 1 130 CARNEY IMary Ann, aged 2-1, born Pcdford. Me., of Patrick and .lane, and Isaiah E. Pearce, atied 27. born Piovidenee, son of .loseph and Lvdia, both of Pawlncket, mairicd b}" Rev. A. I). Williams Sept. M, l.So3. 2 13 Fallen .Jane, aged bs, born Fivedom. .Me., of Patiick and Jane, and \\illiam H. Iirown, aged 25, born iSei'konk, of .Siui'Jiticld, of (ieorge 'W'. and Mary Ann, married by Rev. .]. M, II. Dow .Inly 31, IHCO. 1 123 CARPENTER William E., agrd 3.S, of Smithlield, son of William, and Nancy 15. M.iiliii, age, boi'n Mendon, of Ephraiin and Lydia, his 3d marriage, lioth of North Providence, mairied by Rev. George F. Cuslinian June l."i, l.S.'i3. 2 4 Job E., aged 24, born Seekonk, of Pawlncket, son of Job and Eliza, and Emily A. Hanna, aged 2.'j, born Attleboro, of North Providence, daughter of .lames S. and Abigail. Int. May 7, 1850. 2 5 Caroline N., aged 40, born and of Nashua, N. II., and Sam- uel Lord, aged .'>;"), born England, of Manchester, N. H., son of Jesse and Ann, 2d marriage of each i)arty. Int. Aug. ;», l.SoCi. 2 12 Frances E., aged 21, born Stoniugton, Cl., d.-iiightcr of Nelson T. and Merey R., and William H. Phelps, aged 34, 312 VITAL i;i;c()i:i) of khodk island. CARPENTKR : Worn llristol, son of William B. ami Matilda, liis 2tl mar- riage, liolli of Pioviilciice, married bv Rev. Jcsej)!! Baii- vard March iS, l.sijo. 2 15 Frnncis Allen, aged 24, born Atlleboi'o, daughter of Albert and Rebeeca A., and John Agan, aged 26, born Kastport, ]Me., son of William and Catharine, liotli of North Provi- dence', nianied by Rev. C. Blodgelt Sept. 19, 18CI. 1 125 CARR ,IoliM v., aged 22, of Warwick, R. J., son of .John and iNIaria, !ind Rosannah C. Arnold, aged 23, of Pawtncket, daughter of Simeon IT. and Lydia S., married liv Rev. C. B'odgett March «, IHl'J. 2 2 Isaiah, aged 28, horn Coventry, of Smithfield, of Daniel and Thankfid. and Hannaii .Icnckes, aged 24, born and of Cum- berland, daughter of Julia, niairieil bv Rev. James Deane Sept. IS, 1855. 1 i;i7 CARROLL Alice R.. aged 27, born Smithfield, of Pawtncket, of Asa and Lydia, and Thomas Salisbury, aged 'M, born and of Biistol, son (jf Thomas and Abby, married by C. B. Farusworth, Ksi]., Pel). 4, 1853. 1 131 CARRIQUK Ellen A., aged 21, bom Cumberland, of Paw- tncket, of Richard and Laura, and Sanford Almy, aged 26, born Little Compton, of North Providence, son of Andrew and Clan issa, married bv Alvin O. Read, Esq., May 8, 1851. 2 14 CARTER Ellen Frances, aged 20, born Pawtncket, of Hirani anti .Sylvia (Tingley) Carter, and David P. Read, ageS, Ihumi Kiniistuwii, U. I., of Sinitlilicld, (liiiioliter (if .loliii !>ii(l Junihlui, 111:11 rii'd by Ki'V. A. I). Williams Dec. 31, 1851. 2 6 A(l;iline O., aged 18, born Piiwluckct, of Osboni V. and Keziali, and George W. Slicinian, aged 17, born SoutL Kiiiiistowii, son of George W. and Plielie. botli of Provi- dence, married by Rev. J. K. Eiskine .Ian. 1, 18.")7. 2 6 Mary Ann. aged 18. born Ilarvvick, of Sniitlifield, of Dilling- iiam and Rebeeea, and (ieorge H. Rounds, aged 22, born Attleboro, of North Providence, of Marcus and Harriet, married l>y Alvin (). Read, Esq., Eeb. 22, 1857. 2 10 Candace A., aged 42, born and of Pawtiicket, dauglitor of Luther and Lydia, and Alexander Woodward, aged 37, his 2d marriage, born Norton, of Kaston, son of Simeon and Peddy. Int. May 2. 18,");». 1 129 CHAFFEE Sarah .1., aged 19, born and of Pawtueket, of Sam- uel, and Henr3' N. Beers, aged 27, born and of Norton, son of Amaziali, married by Rev. George Taft Sept. 28, 18;i0. 1 137 CHAPPELL Harriet, aged 18, of Henry, born Providence, and Joseph R. Harrison, Jr., aged 23, born Glocester, son of Josei)li R. and RuUi, both of Providence, married by Rev. A. D. Williams May 5, i8.J3. 2 13 CHARNLEY William, aged 30, born Taunton, of Alexander and Sarah, and Jane Bowker, aged 24, born Lynn, of Christopher and Mariah, both of Pawtueket, married by Rev. J. M. H. Dow July 4, 1860. 2 1 CHILLSON Dexter T.. aged 2(>, born Mcndon, of North Providence, son of Willard and Hiildaii, and Caroline L. Bates, aged 2.'>, born I\[ilford, of Pawtueket, of Whiteman and Lucy Ann, married by Rev. Geoi'ge Matthews May 9, 1855. 2 12 CHURCH James, aged 25, born East Greenwich, son of Stephen and Mary, and Mary A. Clark, aged 24, born At- tleboro, of P and Mary A., both of North Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett March 20, 18(;o. 1 125 CLAFLEN Minerva., aged 21, born and of Pawtueket, daugh- ter of layman and Rebecca G., and .lames Cushing, aged 25. of Boston, married liv Rev. C;. Blodgett, ;\Iarcli 15, 1849. 1 139 Saiah, aged 22, bdin and of Pawtueket, of Lyman and Re- becca G., and Edward Haskell, aged 24, born Howard, of New Bedford, of Calvin and Ann, married hy Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 8, 1853. 2 14 Phebe H., aged 21, born Attleboro. of Daniel and Lita, and Roswell Blackington. aged 29, born Patterson, N. J., of V^irgil and Hannah, both of Attleboro, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 29, 18G0. I 117 CL-A-RK Sarah Jane and Thomas Hargraves, both of Paw- tueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 8, 1844. II 31 David, aged 40, of John and P^lizabeth, and Jane Colter, aged 39, of John and Elizabeth, both born Scotland and of 314 VITAI- KKC(>i;i> OF KlIODl!: LSI. AND. CLARK : Patterson, N. J., luaniecl ])v Alviii O. Rcid, Esq., Aug. 30, 1851. 1 141 INIjiry (i., aged -20, Imiii ami of Prdviilence, of William and Polly, and John .S|)iat!;ue, aged 2.'), born ICast Groenwicii, of Scitnate, of Dniiiel and Nancy, married by Alvin O. Read, Esq., March 27, 18.")4. 2 12 :Mary A., aged 24, born Atlleboro, of P and Mary A.- and James Chnicli, aged 25, born East Greenwich, of Sleplien and Mary, both of North Providence, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett March 20, l.S(;o. 2 15 Barzillai W., aged 21, liorn Brewster, (jf BaivJllai and Ann, and llattie Josepliine Niles, aged I'J, born Wrenthain, both of Providence, married Ijy Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 3, 1861. 2 16 Francis, aged 25, born Nova fScotia, of John and Mary, and Sarali lianks, aged 23, born Scotland, of William and Ann, both of Snntlifield, married liv Pev. C. Blodgett Nov. 30, l.S(;i. 1 125 COBB Josiah C, aged 21, of Pawlnckel. of Sinns and Betsey, and Nancy Jane Humes, aged 18, boi-u Yarmouth, of Paw- tncket, of George and Betliiali, married liv Kev. .Iose[ih Whittemore June 11, 1848. 1 139 Henry G., aged 21, bom Exeter, of Daniel and Mehitable, and Betsey J. Newcomb, aged 18, l)oin Yarmouth, of Na- thaniel and Hannah, both of Pawtucket, mariicd by Rev. A. 1). Nickersou June 12, 1853. 2 4 COGGESHALL Anne E., nged 18, of Josei)h and Mary, and Ellis Pcarce, aged 21, of Joseph and Lydia, both born and of Pawtucket, married by Pev. C. Blodgett March 21, 185(;. 2 9 t'OLl-; .lolni Henry, aged 21, born jVttleboro, of Providence, of John and Mary, and Ellen M. Cotton, aged 20, born and of Pawtucket, of Benjamin P. and Eliza. Int. Nov. 22, 1858. 2 10 William M.,aged 22, born Providence, of Seekonk, of Samuel J. andEra)ices F.. and Abby F. Baxter, aged 26, born and of Pawtucket, of David and Mary. Int. Dec. 30, 1858. 2 11 Sarali M., aged 28, [her 2d'marriage. born Foster, R. I., of John, and James Smith, aged 24, born England, of Francis and Elizabeth, bothof Attleboro, married bv Hev. C. Blod- gett Sept. 10, 1859.' 2 14 Wanton, aged 22, of Zcnas and Fanny (Wheaton), and Ruth Masela Peck, aged 18, of Albert G. and Abl)y M., both born Rehol)otli, and of Pawtucket. married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 14, 18(;o. 1 131 COLTER Jane, aged 39, of John and Elizabeth, and David Clark, aged 40, of John and Elizabeth, both born Scot- land, and of Patterson, N. J., married by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Aug. 30, 1851. 2 4 COLVIN Naoma I'\, ,sged 38, born Providence, daughter of James Chambers, and Leon Alison, aged 35, boru "Canada, MAKIilAflKS AN'D INTENTIONS — I'A WTl'CKET. 315 COL VI N of JriiiH-s, liolli of Providi'iico ;iiiil I'd 111:11 ri;iL;'i,' of eiicli party, iiKink'd liy Rev. C. Bloilgi'tt .Ian. 24, 1S,')(;. 2 5 Alinini W., aged lo, born Warwick, K. I., of Sylvester W. and Mary, and .John M. Wortliinotoii. aged "21, born S|)en- cer, of Owen S. and Susanna, both of Pawtiicket, married by George Mason, Efq., (Jet. S, l.sriC. 1 143 COMSTOCK Polly, aged 31, b.)rn Aliington, of P-.iwtiieket, daughter of Nathan and Sarah 'J'honias, and Nathan Brown, aged .37. born North Kingstown, of Sinithlield, son of Kbenezer and Elizabeth, 2d marriage of each luirty, married by Pev. A. D. Williams Nov. 18, 18.^i4. 2 8 CONVEHSE lunma A., aged Ki, liorn Cumberland, of Horace anil Ardelia, and Daniel IMann, aged 2(*, lioru (ilocester, H. I., of Abel and Calista, bolli of .lohuston, K. I., mar- ried by Alvin O. Read, Esij., ]May 31, I808. 2 3 COOK Margaret .lane, her 2d niariiage, born Ireland, daugh- ter of John and Jlargaret Lowry, and William Whitakcr, aged 38, born England, of .lohii and .laue, both of North Providence, man led by Rev. .liilius S. 'rownsetid Oct. 23, 18.5.5. 1 121 COOKSON Abigail S , aged 22, of .losiali, ami John M. Cook- son, aged 20, of .lolin, both iiorn and of Pawtucket, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgetl Jan. 4, LsriC. 1 121 John ^I.. aged 20. of John, and Abigail Cookson, aged 22, of Josiali. both born and of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 4, 18,56. 1 12.5 Malissa. aged 23, of Josiali and Mary, and William Ilally- luirton, aged 2;5, of Alexander, both of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 2a, 1848. 1 141 COOPER Elizabeth M., aged 20, born Taunton, of Ileiiry and Mary, and Richard Eldredge, Jr., aged U), born Attleboro, of Richard and Sallv, boUi of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett March "l, 18,54. 2 11 John G., aged 27, his 2d marriage, of Pawtucket, of Charles and Mary, and iMassiira Ann Jones, aged 22, of Attleboro, daughter of Luciiida Bell, both born Virginia, col., married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 21, 18,5!.». 2 9 COPE William, aged 24, born England, of North Providence, of James and Margaret, and JSiary .laue McKelva, aged 23, born and of Pawtucket, of Joshua and Mary, nianied by Johnson Gardni'r, Esq., Nov. 3, 18.5.S. 1 123 COPP Eliza A. and John T. Babson of Sinithlieltl, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 21. 1847. 2 1 rmCORNlSH Jonatlian R., aged 26, born Middletown, Ct., of Myers W. and Eliza, and Margaret A. Benson, aged 18, boru Wilmington, Del., of Joshua and Mary, both of Prov- idence, inirricd by Rev. C. Blodgett April 15, 1.S55. 1 143 COTTRELL Mary .lane, aged 18, lioru Cranston, of Pawtucket, of William and Elizabeth, and Henry Marshall, ai;ed 28, born England, of Providence, of John and Ann, married by Rev. Julius S. Townsend Oct. 19. 18.54. 2 3 COTHRAN Isaiah W., .aged 24, of Josiali and Julia, and .Mar- garet L. Merry, aged 20, of William and Elizabeth, both 316 VITAL KIOCORI) OF RHODE ISLAND. COTIIRAN : horn and of PioviiU'iieo, married 1)}' Rev. C. Blod^etl Dec. 21, IS.i.'). 2 2 COTTOX Cluirles N., listed 21, born Nortli rrovidence, of Pawtucket, of Henjiiinin U. and Kliza B., and May E. Uaker, aj;ed 18, born West Dennis, of North Providence, daniiliter of Cluirles C. and Sally. Int. Oct. 21, 1855. 2 "J Ellen M.. aged 20, born and of Pawtueket, of Benjamin R. and Eliza, and John Ileniy Cole, aged 21, born Attleboro, of Providence, sou of John and Marv. Int. Nov. 22, 1858. 2 11 George B., aged 3(1. born Seekmdc, his 2d niarriage, son of Preserved and Grace, anlodgett Sept. 27, 1851). 2 1 CRAIG Robert, aged ;il, of Warwick, of James and Eliza- beth, and iVnn Harrow, aged 30, her 2d marriage, of John- ston, both born Scotland, married by Wm. W. Blodgett, Esq., Feb. 20, 1855. 2 5 CRANSTON Robert, aged 37, born hjigland, of John and Snsannah, and Jlary Vi. Anderson, aged 31, born Seolland, daughter of John and ]Mary ^larlin, both of Smithlield and 2d marriage of each parlv, married by Alvin (). Head, Esq.. Oct. 3, 1850. I 12'.) CRAWFORD Anna M., aged II), born England, of George W. and Hannah, and Selh Baxter, Jr., aged 21, liorn Paw- tncket, of Seth and Polly, both of Pawtncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. (i, 1«51. 1 143 James M., aged 23, born Belleville, N. .1., of Pawtncket, of (ieorge and Hannah, and .\nn Elizabeth Hart, aged 19, boin Warwick, of Smithlield, of David T. and Eliza. No date. 1854. 2 10 John H., aged 25, of George and Hannah ]\r., and IVfary D. Freeman, aged 22, of Truman and Dianmi, both born and of Pawtncket. Int. F'el). ID, 1«(;2. 1 133 CHEEVER Harriet E., aged 23, born Wrentham, of John P. and Grace, and Phannel .1. l?arney, aged 21, born Paw- tncket. of Daniel and F^lizaheth W., both of Wrentham, married by Kev. C. Blodgett Dec. t), 1851. 2 9 GROSSMAN Charles P., aged 21, born Smithfield, of Daniel P. and Lavina, and Eliza Hillmau, aged 24, born New Bed- foid, of An(bew and Charlotte, both of Providence, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett June 21, 1858. 1 127 CROW ]Michael. aged 23, and Joanna May, aged 26, both born Irel-uid and of" Pawtncket. No date. " 1850. 1 129 CROWELL Howes, aged 21, born South Yarmouth, of Paw- tncket, of Joel, and Amanda M. Priest, aged 19, born and of Pawtncket, of Gabriel and Mary, , 1850. 1 131 Abraham, aged 24, of Joel and Thankful, and Amanda Berry, aged 21, of Allen and Rose, both born and of Pawtueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett March 0, 1851. 1 141 Jane, .aged 22. born Dennis, of Smithfield, of Ebenezer and Lydia, and William A. Tyng, aged 24, boin North Provi- MARKIAGKS AND INTENTK >NS— I'A WTUCKET. 317 CROWELL: (lence, of Siiiithfii'lil. of Jiinics mid Xmiic^', manicd by Al- viii O. Kcad, Esq., Aiiril 5, liS;')4. 2 11 Liic}' T., nged 21, boni Yannoiitli, of Pawtiickct, of Ebc- iiozer and Lydia, and Edniiiml M. Wilson, agcil '2G, born Seekonk, of Pavvtut'kct, of .John and Cliailottc, married by IJev. James Deane Nov. 21, l.S.'i'J. Also 2 12. 1 125 CUNNEXfiHAM Nancy P., agoi;ii ok imiokk island. 2 8 DANIKI-S Eiiiil}' II., aged 23, 2(1 mnrriage, born and of Paw- liicket. daughter of Lot and Susan Strange, and Canute A. Ilallinrson, aged 21, horn Norway, of Pawtncket, of Canute and Annah, married by Alvin O. Read. Esq., Dec. 1. l.S.")7. 1 123 DARLINC .lohn I) . aged 20, of .lohn, and !\Iary .I.Jerauld, aged U;, of llirani, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 17, IS-IC.. 1 123 Luey A., aged 18, of Jolni and Lydia, and Simeon C. Davis, aged 2.'), of Eli,.,Ua and Betsey, both of Pawtueicet, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett June 1). 1847. 1 123 DAVIS .Simeon C, aged 2."), of Elislia and Bet.sey. and Luey A. Darling, aged 18, of Jolm and Lydia, botli of Paw- tnilvet. mirried l)y Rev. C. Blodgett June t), 1S47. 1 133 Emily E , aged 17, born and of .Johnston, of Emily, and Crawford Farunm, aged21, bora and of Smithtield, of Win- sor and llernionie, maniedby Rev. A. I). AVilliams Dec. 28, 18,Tl. 2 5 Emeline F.. aged ICi, liorn and of Allendale. f)f John, and Andrew B. Sweet, aged l'.>, born and of Johnston, of Emor, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jul}' 5, 18r).5. 2 10 George K., aged 21, born and of Providence, of Asa W. and ISIary. and Sarah S. Noblet, aged 30, born Pennsylvania, of Providence, of James and Saraii, mirried by Rev. C. Blodgett May 30, 1.S.59. 2 U Alfred'B., aged 21. born Philadelphia, Pa., of Fall River, of Jolm C. and Lucy, and Lizzie \Y . Bigelow, aired 18, bnrn and of Fall River, of Lucius T. and Ruth, married by Rev. C. Bh.dgett Dee. 8, 18G0. 2 1.5 Nancy E , aged II), born Darlmouth. of Pawtncket, of Shad- rach and Nancy, and (ieorge II. Greene, aged 21, born Smithfield, of Pawtncket, of Henry P. and Almira, mar- ried by Rev. S. .\. Thomas March 14, ISfil. 1 117 DAVISON William and .Margaret Wilson, both of Pawtncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 10, 1843. 1 137 Charles II., aged 2(1, born Fairhaven, of Wareliam, of Charles and Abigail, and I'hebe N. Douglass, aged 21, born and of Rochester, of B. N. and Pliebe, marrieJ by Rev. C. Blod- gett May 2H, ISoH. 1 123 DEGINS Margaret, aged K!, of Martin and Sarah, and Ben- jamin Ingraham, aged 4(1, 2d marritige, born and of Paw- tncket, of Josejih and Mehitable, married bv Rev. C. Blod- o-ett Sept. 23, 1847. 2 1 DEWICK .Joseph, aged 38, 2d marriage, born New|)ort, of Providence, of Joseph and Polly, and Roxana Melville, aged 44, 2d marriage, of Proviileiice, of Charles and Cath- arine A., married by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 2.'). 18.').'). 1 137 DICKINSON Esther A., aged 17, born and of North Provi- dence, of Jolm and Sarah, and A. H. Wright, aged 21, born Scitnate. of Pawtncket, of Gardner and Susan, married by Rev. C. Blodgett FVb. 8, 18r)3. 2 2 DITSON Asa M., aged 28. born Wilton, Me., of North Provi- dence, of Albert and Prndence, and Mary Ditson, aged 33, 2d marriage, born Bridgewater, of North Providence, MAUUIACES AND INTENTIONS — I'AWTUCKET. 319 DITSON : (laii<;hter of Josrpli luid Mary IJIuilgett, iiianicil liy Alv'm O. iiead, Esq., Aug. 11, 18,")"n. 2 2 Mai'y, agcil 3.">, 2(1 marriage, born Uridgpwatcr, of Xoitli Proviik'iK-c, ilatigliter of .loscpli anil Mary Hlodgelt, ami AsaM. Dilson, "aged 28, lioni Wilton, "jle., of North Providence, uf Albert and Prudence, married by Alvin (). Read, Es(|., Ang. 11, 185."). 1 lo7 DOANK Joliii, .ir., aged 27, born Orlcan-;, of CharlesUnvn, of John and Mary, and Almira C Stai kvvcatber, aged 21, horn and of Pawtneket, of .lames C an:}. 2 2 DOLPHIN Clara V. C, agt;d 3C., born Norway, of Providence, of Neales, and Simmons A. Johnson, aged S't, born Swe- den, of Providence, of Andics, niaiiied by AKin (). Head, Esq., Jidy 11), 18r..->. 2 1 DOXOLLV Margaret, aged 22, of William and Ellen, and C)vveii Uannigan, aged 2U, of I'eler and Catharine, both of Ireland. Int. Jan. 10, IK;")-). 1 135 DONOVAN Mary, aged 28, boiai Iivland, (if Pawtneket, of Anthony an. and Abby E.. and Caroline (i. Ash- ton, aged U), born Cincinnati. O., of Pavvtucket, of Thomas S. and Harriet, married by Rev. George Taft Jinie 23, l.SC.O. 1 127 ELDRElKiE Amanda M., aged 20, l>orn Cumberland, of Pawtncket, of Richard and Sarah, and Charles D. Worth- ington, a, born New York, of Pawtncket, of Petei', and Mary Benson, aged 17, liorn England, of Paw- tucket, of John, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 13, 1845. 2 5 FARNSWORTII Welcome A., aged 21, born New York, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Levina J. Kna|)p, aged 22, liorn Digh- tou, of Providence. Int. Nov. 12, 185G. 1 133 FARNUM Crawford, aged 21, born and of Smithtield, of Win- sor and Ilerinoine, and Emily (j. Davis, aged 17, born and of Johnston, of Emily, married by Rev. A. D. Williams Dec. 28, 1851. 2 4 Hiram N., aged 25, bc^rn Ilolyoke, of Providence, of Theo- dore and ^Laiinda, and Laura A. Ward, aged 22, born Springfield, of Providence, of Jeremiah and Sarah, married by liev. C. Blodgett June 18, 185(j. 2 12 Abraham, aged 20, born Uxbridge, of Pawtncket, of A!n-a- ham and Adah, and Isabella Morse, aged 18, born Eng- land, of Pawtncket, of George and l':iizaljeth, married by George Mason. Esq., Jan. 8, 18(;i). 2 13 FENNEK Sarah M., aged 29, of Welcome and Eliza, and Ed- win A. Briggs, aged 29, of Alfred and Candace A., both born Cranston and of Providence, married by Rev. J. M. H. Dow Sept. 17, 18t)0. 2 10 FENNEY Dennis, aged 20, born England, of Pawtncket, of Thomas and Rose, and Jane Brady, aged 16, born Paw- tucket, of .Seekonk. of John, married by Alvin (). Read, Esq., March 12, 1.S59. 1 137 FISH Lemira A., aged 23, of William and Mary, and Benja- min W. Hood, aged 23, of Joseph and Ann, both born and of Pawtncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 1, 1853. 322 VITAL Ki;(;<)i;i> ok UHoDh: island. 2 11 FISIIKR Chailutte C, ajied 1 'J, Ikiiii "\Vorcos1oi-, of Providence, of Weston A. and Ann, ;ind Albeit W. Kweetland, aged 84, 3d niairiage. born Nortii Piovidenco, of l^awtncket, of Josei)li and jVnn, njaiiied by Rev. C. Blodgett Jnlv 10, 18r)9". 1 139 FISK Ilenrj-, aged 22, born and of Pawlncket. of Willium and Mary A., and Surah G. Sloeuni. aginl 21, liorn Pawlncket, of Xortli Providence, of Eason and 3Iazel, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 7, 18.53. 1 143 FLAXNIGAX Calliarine J.'uie, aged 17, born New York, of Pawtueket. of Peter and Jrary. and Klijali Xiekerson, aged lit, born Cenlrai Falls, of Pawtiick't, of Dean and Pliebe A., married l)y Rev. A. D. Wilbama Oct. 27, l.S.")4. 2 8 Ann, aged 22, born Ireland, of Nortli Providence, of Peter and Mary, and Sanniel J. Armsl)urv. aged 2G, born and of Xoitb I'rovidence, of Jcremiali and Susannah, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Mareli 2<;, 1857. 1 12!) FLKTCHKR Charles H., aged 21, born Newport, N. H., of Blackstoae, of Alansoii and Almira, and Caroline Emer- son, aged 19. born and of Blaekstone, of Lyman and Sa- billa. married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 27, Irt-il. 1 119 FOLLETT Francis" F. of North I'rovidence and Henrietta I\l. Baxter of Pawtncket, of David, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 13, 1844. 1 141 Ellen, aged 19, born and of A\'rontham, of Nelson and Emily, and Cyrel C. liarney. aged 20, born Altieboro, of Wren- lliam, of Daniel and Elizabeth, married by Rev. C. Bloil- gett March 16, 18,)4. 1 141 Ellen E., aged 18, born and of Cnmberland. of Ellis, and Royal .1. Peek, aged 21, born and of Wientliam, of ,loel and Lucy, married by Rev. C. Blodgett May 17, 1854. 2 1 FORSYTH William, aged 4(5, liorn Ireland, of Pawtucket, of John and Mary, and Mary Pollard, aged 51, 2d marriage, born England, of Pawtncket, of James and Marv, married by Rev.C. Blodgett May 14, 185."i. 2 15 FOSTIvR Hattie M.. aged 18, born Taunton, of Providence, of (iutirge P. and Fanny, and Allen Cam|ibell, aged 21, born Plainlield, of Providence, of William H. and Esther, married by Alvin O. Read, Esq., July 31, 1801. 2 3 FRANCIS ]\Iary Ann, aged 27, bom and of Nortli Providence, of Eliwha and .Margaret, and John McKelva, aged 40, 2J marriage, b irii Ireland, of Pawtncket, of John and Eliza- beth, married by Rev. James Deane Dec. 2, 1855. 1 125 FREEMAN Sylvia, aged 39, of Woonsoeket, of Daniel and Sarah, and Arnold Peck, aged 54, 2d marriage, of Paw- tncket, of Joseph and Sarah, married 1)V Rev. C. Blod- gett May 3, 1849. 1 127 Albert B., aged 29, of W. A. and Esther, and Eliza Ann Phillips, aged 22, of Daniel and Ann, both of Pawtncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett May 1, 1850. 2 16 Henry A., aged 24, born and of Pawtncket, of Truman and Dianna, and Sarah L. Kelley, aged 21, born Cranston, R. I., of Pawtncket, of Ezra aiid Betsey Oct. 2, 1861. JIARRIAGES AND INTENTIONS I'A WTL'CKI-yr. 6z'-> 2 16 FRKKMAN Mary I)., nged 22, of 'I'liiiiitui and Diaiina, ami .loliii H. (lawfoid, aseil 2"), of (ieorge and Ilaniiali j\I., Iiolli born and of Pawtucket. Jnt. Feb. li», 1802. 1 119 FRENCH George Arnold, aged 22, of Squire, and Betsey (J'Brien, aged 22, both of Pawtucket, married I)y Hev. C. Blodgett Nov. 2G, 1.S44. 1 125 .Tames A. and Nancy J. Capron, Ijotii of North Piovidence, married by Rev. 0. Blodgett Jlay 1.5, 1849. 1 129 iNlarllia B., aged 25, horn and of Pawtucket, of Scjuire and Betsey F., and diaries .). H. P>assett, aged o(i, liorn West- port, of Taunton, of Aristani, married liy Rev. Q'. Blod- gett Dec. 2.T, 18,50. 1 135 Be'tsey Louisa, aged 2G. born and of Pawtucket, of (_)tis and Martha, and .lames I). Hutchinson, aged 34, born Ver- mont, of I5oston, of Willaid, mairicd by Rev. C. Blodgett Aug. 11, 1852. 1 143 AVarren Allen, aged 25, of Otis and Martlia A., and Sarah B. Thayer, aged 26, of Alansou and Sai-ali, both born and of Pawtucket, mairiedby Rev. .lulian S. Tow use nd Oct. 11, 1854. 1~I43 Ellen 10, ai:edl9, boin and of Pawlucket, of Scpiire and "* Betsey B . and Henry L. Dana, aged 23, born Pawtucket, of Ninth Providence, of ,Iohn B. and Mary .1., mairied by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 20, 1854. 2 3 George W., .Ir., aged 25, of George W. and Sarah, and Caro- line E. Walker, aged 22, of George W . and Esther, mar- ried by Rtv. C. Blodgett Oct. 25,^1855. 2 5 Ezra G., aged 2.i, born and of Seekonk, of Ezra and Nancy, and Anna .1. Daggett, aged 24, born and of Pawtucket, of .leffcr.son .-uid Ilaiuiah, married by Bcv. C. Blodgett Oct. 8, 1856. 2 7 . AVilliam C, aged 26, of Ezra and Nancy, and Esther C. Per- ren, aged 24, of Daniel and Esther, both born and of See- konk, married by Rev. C. Blodgett May 7, 1857. 2 9 Olive B., aged A'.K born and of Pawtucket, of Otis and Olive, and Peter D. (ireene, aged 57, 2d marriage, b^.ru and of Providence, of Samuel and Henrietta, mairied by Rev. C. Blodgett . I une 23, 1858. 2 13 Benjamin S., aged 29, born Seekonk, of Pawtucket, of Ben- jamin and Zilpha, and Mary .1. Bowen, aged 22. born and of North Providence, of George W. and Mary Ann. Int. May 23, 1860. 1 137 FULLER Henry C, aged 24, born and of Walpole, of Ebene- zer and Eliza, amrAnna F. Bray man, aged 18, born (Jov- try, of Pawtucket, of Samuel G. and Isabella, married by Rev. George F. Cnshraan June 20, 1853. 2 6 Amanda M., aged 17, born Cumberland, of I'awtucket, of Holder W. and Patience, and Joseph M. Slieiiard.son, aged 21, born Woonsocket, of Wrentham, of John and Mary. Int. May 4, 1857. G 1 143 GAMMONS Mary, aged 22, of Charles, and Otis Martin, aged 324 VITAL KKCdKl) OK KIIODK ISLAND. GAMMONS: 22. of C'lark's and Xaiicy. both born and of Attk'boro, manie:! by Hev. C. Hlodgett Sept. 3, lKr.4. 1 143 GALLASPY Jane, aged 26, of John and Jlary. and William Mickle, aged 34, 2d niarria2e, of Robert and Klizabelli, both l)orn Ireland and of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 28, 1859. 1 133 GAKUNKR Sarah K., aged lU, born and of Xortii Kingstown, of Isaiah and Mary, and Thomas .1. Ihizard, aged 23, bora New Yoik, of South Kingstown, of Thomas J. and Susan, married by Rev. A. D. Wiliianis Jan. 21, 18.i2. 1 135 Walter, aged 25, born Noith Kingstown, of Warwick, of Ar- nold C and Lucy, and Snsan A. ;\fiM)ney, aged 21, born South Kuiirstown. of Warwick, of Robeit, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 18, 1852. 1 139 Joseph, aged 20, born and "f North Providence, of John and E'.iza, and Caroline R. GriiUey, aged 23, born North Provi- dence, of Pawtucket, of Benjamin and Lucy, , 1853. 2 2 Peleg ^V., aged 30, born Swanzey, of Pawtucket, of Peleg and Nancy, and Harriet E. Brown, aged 35. born Yar- mouth, of Pawtucket, daughter of Ensign and iSIerey Mer- chant, 2d marriage of each party, married by Alvin O. Reul, Esq., Aug. 25, 1855. 2 3 Charles W., Jr., aged 22, born Taunton, of Provideuce, of Charles W. and Slary. and Hannah Newton, aged 20, born Charlestown, of Providence, of Briilgham and Eliza Ann, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 28^, 1855. 2 7 Jenctte S., aged 18, l)orn Pawtucket, of Sniithfield, of Peleg AV. aTid Mary Ann. and Erederick Patt, aged 20, born North Providence, of Pawtucket, of David and Freelove. Int. June 9, 1857. 2 9 Gabriel V., aged 43, 3d marriage, born New York, of New- port, of Joseph and Mary, and Mary Jane Lambert, aged 30, l)orn and of Strong, Me., of Joshua and Betsey, mar- ried by Alvin O. Read", Esq., Nov. 20, 1858. 1 133 GASKELL John N., aged 27, born Vermont, of Pawtucket, of Isaac and Lena, and Jane Buigess, aged 24, born and of Pawtucket, of Jemima, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 14, 1851, 2 13 Ellen, aged 18, born Cumberland, of Pawtucket, of Ilozia and IMary Ann, and William Bentlcy, aged 51, born See- konk, of Pawtucket, of William and Amey, married by Rev. C. Blodgett May 31, 1800. 2 10 GIFEORD Gideon, .aged 50, 2d marriage, born Weslport, of Fall River, of Ira and Edith, and Eliza Rhodes, aged 50, 3d marriage, born Rehoboth. of Fall River, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Drcnvn, mariied bv Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 9, 1802. 1 129 GILLETT Esther B., aged 21, of Joseph, and Hiram Barnes, aged 29, of Josiali and Dorothy, both of Thetford, Vt., married by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 13, 1851. MARRIAGES AND tNTEXTlONS — PAWTLCKET. t>20 1 i:31 GILLIGAN IVter, :i,£e(l 21, burn ISostoii, nf I'l-oviilt'iice, of Pe'.ei- Miul UosaiiiKi, ;uul C'.'illririiie Cniliii. njicd 22, l)oiii Ireland, of l'rovi(lciici',of IMIcIkk'! iiiul Anii,ni;iiri(.il liv Kev. C. BlodgcU March 12, 18.")1. 2 5 GILMORK Josephine B., aged l.s, Ijorn Ohio, of Norlh I'rovi- denee, of Chaiios and Hannah, and Kdward IJnelvlin, .Ir., a£Ted IS, horn Blackstotie, of Xoiih I'io\ idence. of Kdwaid iind MeR'V Ann, nuinied by Uev. C. Blodgell Nov. 1(), l.S.iC. 2 .') GIVNKY Raohal, ajjed 20, born JIaine, of I'rovidenee, of Jlicliael and Mary Ann, and Williiun Walh'V, aged 2 1 , liorn Kngland, of Providence, of Samuel and INIaiy, married by AlvinO. Head, K.sq., Gel. G, IS.'iC. 2 14 GLASBY Adeline, a^ed -'2. hoin New Bedford, of I'rovidenee, of Benjamin and .Margaret, and William F. (ireen, aged 21, born and of Providence, of C'liaik^s and Sarah A., nnirried bv Rev. C. BlodnettDee. 4, isco. 2 6 GLEAZKN Francis E., aged 22, l)orn Medlield. of Pi-ovidenee, of John K. and Ainey, and Ilainiali G. Hopkins, aged 20, born Foster, R. I., of Providence, of Dexlei' B. and Abby A., married by Rev. J. S. Townsend April fS, is,"]7. 1 P23 GODFRFY Stephen R., aged 23, of Flisha, and Mary Ann Baker, aged 21, of Sylvaniis, both of North Providence, mariied by Rev. ('. Blodgell Sept. 14, 1846. 2 7 ]'!lisha, Jr., aged l."i, 2d uiairiaLte, born Yarmouth, of Paw- tucket, of Fli=ha and Patience, and Mary A. Newman, aged 28, born Seekonk, of Pawtueket, of' Sylvanus and GhaHotte. Int.. Oct. 14, 1857. 1 P2!) GUFF Isaiah* aged 37, born Reliolioth, of Pawtueket, of Shu- bael. and Margaret B. Tnpp, aged 24, born Rochester, of Sinithtield, — ^ . b'^oO. 1 141 Patience G., aged IS, lioni Rehoboth, of Smithliehl, of Na- thaniel and Maiiah, and Gharles W. Haskins, aged 21, born Rehoboth, of Pawtueket, of Lovell and Nancy, mar- ried by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Feb. 2(5, 1854. 2 7 Samuel J., aged 20, born Taunton, of Dighlon, of [saiah,and Mary J. Read, asred 18, born 'Westport, of I)ight(Hi, of Stephen, married by Rev. J. Krskine JNIay 23, 1857. 1 131 GOLDSMITH Lucinda, aged 20, born and of Pawtueket, of Samuel and .Vlmira, and William .leffers. .Ir.. aged 20, born and of Noilli Providence, of William and Ann, married by Rev. C. Blodgelt May 13, 1851. 1 143 GOULD Francis, aged 26, born Granslon, R. I., of Provi- dence, of (ieorge and Lydia, and Cathaiine McGann, aged. 24, b'u-u Ireland, of Providence, of Barnard and Salley, married liy G. B. Farnsworth, Esq., Dee. 15, 1854. 1 119 GRAHAM George, of James, and Elizabeth Brice, of John, both born Ireland and of Pawtueket, uuirried by Ri'v. G. Blodgelt May 21, 1844. 1 137 Isaac, aged 22, born Ireland, of Pawtueket, of Henry andl Sarah, and S.-irah Waugh, aged 33, born England, of Paw- tueket, of Joseph and Sarah, married by Rev. G. Blodgett Feb. 18. 1.S5:!. 326 VITAL 1!K(H)KI) OF HHODK ISLAND. 2 12 (IKAIIAINI Sarah E., agnl 23, of James and Jane, and AVilliaiu Towne, aged '60, of Nallian P. and Polly, both horn and of Pawtuekot, iiianied hy Hev. John M. Peck l.^ee. «, l.Sj'.t. 2 .') GRANT Aiigeline iM.. aged 19, boin and of Prospect, Me., of Japheth anil Juy Al- vin (). Read, Esq., Jniy 11, 18r)G. 1 117 GRAY Ilairiet C. and Rohert Dalglish, both of Pawtiicket, married by Pev. t'. ]?lodgelt Ang. '.), 1843. 1 133 GREENK Jnlia i\[., aged 19, horn Attlelwro, of Pawtneket, of Leonard and Sulinda, and William Whitaker, aged '26, born and of Seekonk, of Abner and Nancy, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 25, 18ol. 1 13.5 Holden R., aged (iO, 2d marriage, born Warwi k, of North Providence, of Caleb and Harriet, and Sarah A. Vv^llianis, aged 53. born Jolmston. of North Providence, of Wilbnr and Tabilha, married hy Rev. A. U. Williams April 22, 1852. 2 9 Peter I)., aged 57. 2d marriage, birn ami of I'rovidence, of Leninel and Henrietta, and Olive B. Fri'nch, aged 49, born and of Pavvtueket, of Oliver and Olive, niairied hy Rev. C. lilodgett Jnne 23. 1,S5K. 2 1 I AVdIiam F.. aged 21, born anmas INIarch 14, 18(il., 1 131 GRKEXMAN Israel D., aged 30, born North Kingstown, of North Providence, of Silas, and Mazel V. Slocnm, aged 21, born U.vbridge. of Pavviueket, of Eason, married by Rev. C. Blodgett .'inlv 27, 1«51. 1 139 GRIDLEV Caroline R., aged 23, horn North Providence, of I'awtneket, of Benjamin and Lncy, and Joseph Gardner, aged 26, borii and of North I'rovidence, of John and Eliza, , 1853. 1 143 George P., .aged 2.S, born and of Pawtneket, of Benjamin and Lucy, and .lane Metiuestitm. aged 19, born Central Falls, of Pawtneket, of Andrew and Ann, , 1854. 1 137 GRIMSILVW William, aged .35, 2d marriage, born England, of Pawtneket, of John ai;d Jane, and Jane Briggs, aged 40, 2d marriage, born and of some places, daughter of James and Elizal)etli Halcraft, married by Rev. George F. Cnshman April 8, 1853. •2 7 GRLSWOLD George, aged 23, born New York, of Pawtneket, of Simeon ancl Statira, and Mary F. Hopkins, aged 17, born Woonsocket, of Tannton, of Russell and F'rances, married by Wellington Kent, Esc]., Nov. 21, 1857. I 131 GROVES Daniel, aged 25, b(na Middlebury, Vt., of Provi- dence, of James and Betsey, and Rosanna Holmes, aged 20, born Wareham, of Providence, of Joab and Rosina, married by Rev. C. Blodgett March 25, 1851. MAUKIAGES AND INTENTIONS — I'AWTUCKET. oZi 2 11 GRUBER Relioc-cn C. aoed 20. l.oni Y.-iniimilli, of I'awtiicket, of Josliiui ami Lconoia, and Jainois L. liryaiil, aj^cd ;5I, 2d maninge, burn and of PawtucUi't, of Levi ;uul I'atiiMiee. Jut. Nov. -.'L', IS.")',). II 2 8 IIALBL'RSOX Canute A., aged iM , lioin Xorwav. of Paw- Ineket, of Cannle and Annali, and iMiiily II. Daniels, ageil 23. 2d marriage, liorn and of I'awlneket, danuliter of Lot and Snsan Strange, niariied liy Alvin (). Read, l<'iS(i., Dee. 1, l.S.-)7. 2 3 HALLODAV Rolcrt. aged .'Se, :)d inarriage. forii Ireland, of Brurillvilie, of .lames and Marv, and Henrietta .Mariii, aged 2(1, Ijorn an;! of (lloeestir, of Afnaljam and Caiista, mar- ried by Alvin O. Read. Kscj., Oet. 21, IfS.');!. 2 6 Mary A., aged 17. born Pawlnekel, of Provideiiee, of Robert and Ann, and Dennis P. Andrews, aged 2.5, born Maine, of Providi'iiee, of Daniel and Alary, niairied liy Alvin O. Read, K.s(|., ,lan. 1, 1H.")7. 2 10 llALLOWKLL Tliomas, aged 2."., Ihh n Kngland, of Ptiwtneket, of ,lose|)li and Mary, and !Maiia K. MeCormiek, aged !'.», born aiul of Pavvtneket, of .lames and Maria. Int. M'.ueli .1, I.S.V.). 1 12.3 IIALLYBURTON William, aged 2.5, of Alexaiuler, an.l Me- lissa C'ookson, aged 23, born and of Pawtncket, of Josiali and Mary, married by Rev. C. Blodgett .lime 2.'», ISIS. 2 11 IIAilLIN Kl la. aged 22, boin New York, of Wrentliani, and Floyd D. Yaw. aged 2;i, bom P.rooktield, N. Y., of I'aw- tueket, of Samuel and Lui;ina. Int. Se|it. l.'i, IS.J'J. 2 4 HAN'NA Emily A, aged 2."), born Attlelioro, of Nortli Provi- dence, of James S. and Aliigail, and Job E. Carpenter, aged 24, born .Seekonk, of Pawtueket, of Job and i'",liz;i. Int. May 7, 1S.5(5. ' • 2 15 IIANNEY Ellen ('., aged 17, born and of Providence, of P. and C, and (Jeorge W. I'ayton, ageii 22, born London, Eng., of Pi'ovidenee, of John and Mary, marrii-d by Rev. Edward DeZeng Aug. 11, 18(J1. 1 117 IIARGRAVES Thomas and Sarah Jane Clark, both of Paw- tncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. S, ISM. 1 133 HARRIS Daniel A., aged 23, born North Providence, /)f Smithlield, of Daviirand Amey, and Lydia A. Joidan, aged. 17, born .and of North Providence, of Elisha and Emilys married by Rev. C. Blodgett April 4, 1852. 2 3 William M.,' aged 30, born BnrriUville, of Sinithfield, of Jeiemiali and Rhoda, and Sarah A. Dnnakin, aged 30, of James and C'atharine, married by Alvin O. Read,- Esq., Dec. 31, 1855. 2 13 Daniel Angcll, aged 30, 2d marriage, born and of Johnston, of David and Amey, and Sarah jane Brady, aged 18, born Grafton, of Johnston, daughter of Celesta, married by Rev. J. M. n. Dow July 31, 18G(). 2 15 Robert Estes, aged 23, of Mansfield, of George and Jlariali, 328 VITAL KKCOKI) OF RHODE ISLAND. HARRIS: ami Anjcaniiettu Guild W'liitiicy, Ixji'ii Franklin, of Attle- liciro, of Silas S. anil Ann, niarriud b\- Hev. C. Blodgett Anji. 17, 18(;i. 1 l.!7 IIAHRISOX Ju^eph R., .)r., aged 2;i, born Glocoster, of Providence, of Josei)li K. and Rulli, and Harriet Cliappell, aged 18, boin and of Providence, of Henrv, married bv Kev. A. U. Williams iMay .5, IH:,:\. 1 14.! HART Ann Kliza, aged l'.», born Warwick, of Smitlifield, of David T. and Kliza, and James M. Crawford, aged 23, born Belleville, N. Y., of Pawtucket, of George and Han- nah, . 1854. 1 135 HARTSlluKX Charles W., aged ^(^ born and of Provi, lioin Ciiuiherlainl, of "Wren- lliaiii, of Joel and Sarah, and Julia A. Wiiite, aged 22, of Wieutluiiii, ofAbijah and Sarah, inairiod liy Rev. C. Blodgelt July 30, I'soO. 2 1 Ainauda M., aged 2G, of Cuuiliciland, of Amos and Mary Ann, and William K. Alvcrson, aged ."53, liorn New York, of Arnold and Nauey. Int. Jan. (J, 1855. 1 125 HAYWOKTII James, aged 3G, of Nathan and Elizabeth, and Ann Livsey, aged 29, of John and Mary, both of I'aw- tiicket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. "K!. IMS. 1 133 HAZARD Tliornas J., aged 23, born New Yoik, of South Kingstown, of Xhoinas J. and .Susan, and Sai-ah E. (Jard- ner, aged 19, born and of North Kingstown, of Josiah and Mary, married by Rev. A. D. Williams Jan. 21, 1.52. 2 14 HENDRY Elizabeth Augusta, aged l',>, born Fall River, of Pavvtucket, of William and Elizabeth, and George Came- ron, aged 21, born North Providence, of Pawtueket, of James and Nauey, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sejit. 24, l.SbU. 2 Ifi HENRY Margaret H. B., aged 22, born Ireland, of New York, of John and Ellen, and William B<.)yd, aged 30, born Ire- land, of .New York, of David and .lane, married liy Rev. Edward De Zeng Sept. 23, ISCl. 2 1 HERRON Ann, aged 30, 2d mariiage. born Scotland, of Johns- lou, and Roliert Craig, aged 31, born Scotland, of War- wick, of James and Elizabeth, married liy W. "W. lUcKlgett, Esq., Feb. 20, 1 lU) HEWETT Jesse P., aged 21, born and of Northbridge, of Eli and Betsey, and Almira H. Tonne, aged 17, born and of Pawtueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett March 27, 1845. 1 121 HICKS Nathan P., aged 21. born Glocester, of PawtucKet, of Steijlien, and Sarah L. Lee, aged 24, born Manchester, Eng., of Pavvtucket, of James, married by Rev. C. Blodgett , 1S46. 1 13y Smith, aged 3(1. born Giocesler, of Providence, of Smith and Huldaii, and llairiet J. Roberts, aged 23, born England, of Providence, of .lames anil Harriet, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 18, 1853. 2 14 HILL George H., aged 27, born and of Providence, of Hiram and Mary A., and Mary E. Pervear, aged 27, born and of Pawtueket, of .lacob S. and Abl)y D., married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 20, 1860. 2 9 HILLMAN Eliza, aged 24, born New Bedford, of Providence, of Andrew and Charlotte, and C'harles P. Grossman, aged 21, boru Smithlield. of Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 21, 1858. 2 12 HOLBROOK Sylvauus C, aged 40, 3d marriage, boru Doug- lass, of Attleboro, of Kzekiel and Matilda, and Sarah Jane Sideboltoui, aged 24, born ami of Pawtueket, of Jonathan and Mary, married by Rev. Joseph Banvard Fel). 26, 1860. 2 4 HOLLAND Frances E., boru Massachusetts, of North Provi- dence, of Joseph A. and Keziah, aurl William Kay, aged 42, boru England, of North Providence, of Thomas and 330 VITAL KECOKl) OF KHOKE ISLAND. HOLLAND : Margai'L't, mairied by Rev. Ju'uis .S. Towiiseiul March 2, lSo6. 2 10 Eliza, aged 22, liorn Eiiglancl, of Lonsdale, of James and Sarah, aud Joseiih Diisiiap, aged 27, born England, of Rhode Island, of Joseph and Hannah, married by Rev. J. S. Townsend Jan. 22, 18.Ji). 1 131 HOLMES Rosanna, aged 20, born Wareham, of Providence, of Joab and Rosina, and I^aniel Groves, aged 25, born ]\liddlebiiry. Vt., of Providence, of James and Betsey, married by R.-v. C. Blodgett March 25, 1851. 1 127 HOOD Abbv "H., atied 22, born and of Pawtncket, of Joseph and Ann, and.Iohn H. Piirmentcr, aged 22, of North Prov- idence, of Welcome and S;irah, mairied by Rev. C. Blod- gett Sept. 12, 1841). 1 127 Elizabeth M., aged 21. born and of Pa^-tueket, of Joseph and Ann, and Jacob N. Palsey, aged 20. boin Smilhtield, of North Providence, of Ahner and Lvdia, married by Rev. B P. By ram Sci)t. 10, 1850. 1 l-'!7 Benjamin W., aged 2.'5, of Joseph and Ann, and Lemira A. Pish, aged 23, of William and JIary, married by Rev. C. Bi(iy Rev. C. Blodgett June (">, 1854. 1 143 HUDSON Mary E., aged 19, Iwrn Johnston, of Smitiilield, of Marcens and Elizabeth, and Simeon S.Page, aged 21, born and of Glocester, of William and Mary, married li}- Rev. A. I). Williams Oct. 2. 1854. 2 13 HUGHES Alice, aged 20, of Owen and Bridget, and James Angiistus Olney, aged 22, of James and Eliza Ann, mar- ried by Aivin (). Read, Esq., Sept. 8, 1860. 2 15 Catharine, aged 2(5, born Ireland, of Baltic, Ct., of Pidriclc and Bridget, and George James, aged 25, born Ireland, of Baltic, Ct., of (ieorge and Eliza, married Ijy Rev. C. Blod- gett May 10, 1861. 2 5 HULL William T., aged 38, 2d mari-iage, horn and of Piovi- deiice, of Thomas and Sai'aii, and Snsan Waterman, aged 27, 2d marriage, born New Shoi-eham, of Providence, daughter of Eranklin and Justina Dodge, married li\- Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 1, 1856. 1 125 HUMES Nancy Jane, aged 18, born Yai'month, of Pavvtucket, of George and Bethiah, and Josiali C. Cobb, aged 21, of Pawtucket, of Sinus and Betsey, married by Re\-. Joseiih Whittemore June 11, 1848. 2 13 Ann Elizabeth, aged 25, born Cnmbeiland, of Pawtucket, and Joseph B. Perren, aged 24. born Tiiompson, Ct., of North Providence, of John and Martha, married by Rev. James Deane July 3, 1860. 1 121 HUNT Samuel L., aged 24, of Bloses and Jane, and Lncy Berry, aged 24, of Ebenezer and Bethiali, both born and of Eall River, married by Lewis Pearce, Esq., Aug. 31, 1845. 1 119 HYMES John, aged 2.S, born England, of Boscawen, N. H., of Charles, and Delauey Slocuni, aged 21, born and of Paw- Uicket, of Samuel, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett Ain-illO, 1.S45. 1 135 HUTCHINSON James D., aged 34, born Veimont", of Boston, of ^Villard. and Betsey Louisa Fiench, born and of Paw- tucket, of Otis and Martha, married l)y Rev. C. Blodgett Aug. 11, 1852. 2 3 HYDE 0.iwell.*aged 24, born England, of Pawtucket, of Will- iam and Ann, and Isabella Barry, aged 20, born Scotland, of Pawtucket, daughter of John and Mary Si)ear, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 23, 1855. 2 5 Isabella S., aged 20, 2d marriage, born Scotland, of Paw- tucket, daughter of John and Mary Spear, and Thomas V. Thornton, aged 27, born England, of Smitiilield, of Valen- tine and Elizabeth, married by Rev. J. E. Erskiue Oct. 2, 185G. 332 VITAL KKCOKD OK IIHODE ISI,.\ND. 2 9 HYNDIIEND Mary, aged 46, 2(1 marriage, born Irelaml, of SinithQeld, dauglUer of William and Jane Templeton, and William MfCallan, aged 40, 2d marriane, l)orn and of same places, of .lolni and Elizabetli, maiiied bj' Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 13, 1.S.58. 1 110 INGRAIIAM Horatio N., of Jabel, of Xurili Providence, and I\Irs. JIars' Ann Palnienter, dangliter of Lemuel Pitcher, of Pawtueket, married liy Kev. C. Blod^ell May 1."), 1.S44. 1 123 Benjamin, aged 4(!, 2d marriage, of Joseph and Mahitable, and Margaret Degins. aged 16, of Martin and Sarah, both of Pawuieket, married by Rev. C. Biodgett Seiit. 23, 1847. 2 3 Temperance T., aged 21, born and of North Providence, of Joshua and Ruth, and Alonzo .1. Nickerson, aged 21, born Seekonk, of Pawtueket, of Alviu and Martha. Int. Nov. 27, KS,-);-). 2 12 Williani A., aged 52, 2d marriage, born and of Pawtueket, of Elijah and Rebecca, and Elizabeth A. Murpliy, aged 38, born Nova Scotia, of Pawtueket, of James and Mary, mar- ried by Rev. C Blodgett April 24, ls60. 2 9 IRVING Natiinu E., aged 24, born and of Providence, of Na- tlian and JIary E., and Emma E. Bakeman, aged 19, born I'awtncket, of Providence, of AVilliani and Alice, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 11, 18,58. 1 123 JACKSON Elizabeth, aged 22, born England, of Pawtueket, of Richard, and James Whitehead, aged 21, liorn England, of Pawtueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 23, 1846. 2 9 Louisa, aged 27. born New York, of Pawtueket, of Richard B. and Abigail, and Benjamin JIaker, aged CiS, 2d mar- riage, of Rehoboth and Pawtueket, of Charles and Nancy, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 10, 18.58. 1 137 JAKEWAYS Emily, aged 28, 2d marriage, born Coventry, of Sniithfield, of James and Phebe, and William L. AVest, aged 21, born Seekonk, of Pawtueket, of Zachariah and Exrina, married by W. W. Blodgett, Esq., May 27, 18.53. 2 1 Susan S., liorn North Kingstown, of Pawtueket. of John, and Matthew, aged 26, boi'n Veij^Kjnt, of Pawtueket, of John and Norma G. Int. "Slay .5, 18.5.5. 2 15 JAMES George, aged 2.5, of George and Eliza, and Catharine Hughes, aged 26, of Patrick and Bridget, both born Ire- land and of Baltic, Ct., married by Rev. C. Blodgett Mav 10, 1861. 2 12 JAQUH'^S Waitey, aged 32, 2d marriage, born Cumberland, of Providence, of James and Phebe, and Eugene Knowlton, aged 29, born Cimiberland, of Gloccster, of jMeletiah and Mary, mairied by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 2.5, 18u9. JIAKRtA(iE8 AND INTP:NT10NS — I'AWTUCKET. 333 1 131 JEFFERS ■\Villi;iiii, Jr., agca 20, born niul uf North Pruvi- tlcnce, of William ninl Ann, and Lucinda Golilsinilli, agud 20. born and of Puwlucket, (jf .Saniiicl and Ahnira, mar- ried by Hl'V. C. Blodgett May 13, 1 121 JENCKES Lonisa, aged 20, born and of Pawtueket. of Talbot, and .John IJiiee, Jr., aged 2.'), born Ireland, of Pawlncket, of Jolni. nianied by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 27, bS-lf). 1 123 Rosannali. aged 18, of Talbot and RosannaJi, and John Biierly, Jr., aged 21, of John and Alice, both of Paw - tneket, married" by Rev. C. Blodgett Oet. 4, ISIT. 1 127 Ann M., aged 19, of Charles Ii.,and James L. \Vhealon,aged 27, of .lames, married in GraJtoii , IH.'iO. 1 143 Snsan, aged 17, born Svvanzey, of Pawliicket, danghtcr of .Simmons and Susan Lnlher, an, married 1)3' Rev. C. Blodgelt Dec. 25, 1850. 2 1 Daniel A., aged 21. born antl of Pawtiicket, of Daniel and Mary, and Klevet K. Tabor, aged IS, born and of same place, of Constant and Waitey. Int. MarcL 20. 1855. 2 5 Miiy K., .aged 21, l)orn Lynn, of Pawtucket, of Daniel and Miry, and William L. Perry, aged 24, born Brookline, of Sm thtield, of Daniel L. and Marv K-, married by Rev. C. Blodgctt Nov. 26, 1856. 2 14 Albert .]., aged 23, of D.iniel and Mary, and Susan B. Rounds, aged 22, 2d marriage, of Sylvanus and Susan O., lioth born and of Atlleboro, married bv Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 28, 1860. I 135 JOHNSON Joseph, aged 27, Iiorn Ireland, of North Provi- dence, of Joseph and Mary, and Margaret Ramsej'. aged 2;), born Ireland, of Pawtncket, of Robert and Peggy, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 11. 1851. 1 13") Aniey P., aged 11), born an. 1 143 JOSLIN Benjamin, aged 33, 2d marriage, born 'rhompson, C't., of Biirrillville, R. I., of Silas ;ukI Lydui, and Kmily S. Arnold, aged 23, born and of Woonsocket, of Olney and Mercelia, married by Rev. A. D. Williams Sept. 11, 1854. 2 15 Henry L , aged 29, born Cundjcrland, of Pavvtiicket, oi Lamed and Nancy V., and Anne McDonald, aged 21, born England, of Attleboro, of Edward. July 1, 1rlli Provi- denee, of Ann Julia, and Hazard IL i\Iiner, aged 21, born Richmond, R. L, of North Piovidence, of Jedediah and Marv, married by Rev. C. IJlodgett July 3, 18.'il. 2 10 LAW'TON John F. P., aged 21, born Phiiadelpliia, of I'rovi- dence, of Joseph and Grace L., and Leaffe Eleanor Miller, aged 21, born Attleboro, of Pawtncket, of Ira K. and Celia, maiiied by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. n, IS.oit. 1 129 LEACH Jane, aged 32, 2d marriage, born .Scitnate, R. L, of Cumberland, of Isaac and Sarah, and Eliza A. Smith, aged 21, born and of Cinnberland, of Hezekiah and Adah, mar- ried by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Dee. 21, 1850. 2 15 Angelina Mary, aged 22, born Fall River, of Pawtncket, of Edwin and Maitha E., and Fredeiick Otlo Scliolze, born l>i-esden. La., of Pawtncket, of William and Mary, mar- ried by Riv. C. Blodgett May «, l.S'U. 2 12 LECKIE Agne=! L., aged 22, born Thompson, Ct., of Paw- tucket, of Hugh anil Mary, and Donald D. Catlauek, aged 25, liorn Scotland, of Pawtncket, mariied by Rev. J. Ban- vard Dec. 2(i, 1859. 1 117 LEE Mary, of Piovidence, and William Perry, of Seekonk, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 5, 1843. 1 121 Sarah L., aged 24, born Manchester, Eng., of Pawtncket, of James, and Nathan C. Hicks, aged 21, born Glocester, R. I., of Pawtncket, of Stephen, married by Rev. C. Blodgett , 184G. 1 137 Royal, aged 45, 3d marriage, born Menden, of North Provi- dence, of Ephraim and Lydia, and Betsey Carpenter, aged 3G, born Cinnberland, of North Providence, of Emerson and Eunice, niairied by Rev. George F. Cushman June 15, 1853. 2 7 LEFAVOR Edward, aged 30, born North Providence, of De- troit. Mich., of David and Jlary A., and Mary D. Read, aged 28, born and of Pawtucket, of John B. and Jane T., married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 8, 1857. 2 7 LEGG Mary F., aged 20, born North Piovidence, of Smith- field, of Allen and Sarah, and Henry J. Smith, aged 24. born Wal[iole, N. H., of Smithfield, of Charles and Nancy, married liv Rev. C. Blodgett June 25, 1857. 1 121 LELAND Alonzo, aged 27, born Springfield. Vt., of Paw- tncket, of Jasper, and Raclial B. Bliss, aged 20, born Re- hoboth. of Pawtncket, of Nathaniel, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 21, 1845. 1 141 LENTON Jennettee, aged 18, bom Scotland, of Pawtucket, of Hugh and Nancy, and Isaac Nickerson, Jr., aged 24, born Yarmouth, of Pawtucket, of Isaac and Susan, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 3, 1854. 1 129 LEONARD William B., aged 25, born Taunton, of Providence, of Elijah and Lucinda, and Mary E. Bradbury, aged 18, 338 VITAL IIKOORU OF IIHODE ISLAND. LEONARD : l)i)ni Lyme, Ct., of Providence, of WiUiaiu, mairied !)}• Kev. C.'Blodgett Feb. 20, LSf)!. 1 143 LE VALf.KY Heujiuiiiii, aged o3, bora Coveiiliy, K. L,of Philadelphia. Pa., of Ciilel) and Alice, and Susan Jenckes, aged 47, born Swanzey, of Pawtucket, dangliter of Sim- mons and Susan Luther, 2d marriage of each party, mar- ried liy Rev. A. 1). Williams Jan. 1. 1855. 2 11 LKWIN Amelia Orne, aged 21, boin and of Pawtucket, of Na- thaniel and Cordelia, and Job L. Spencer, aged 2C, born and of North Providence, of Gideon L. aud Susan, married by Rev. John M. Peck Nov. 1, 185i). 2 6 LEWIS Sarah Collins, aged 23, born and of Pawtucket, of Na- thaniel and Cordelia S., and Charles Wesley Allen, aged 24, born Bristol, of Pawtucket, of Samuel S. aud Mary (De Wolfj Allen, mai'iied by Rev. .] . S. Townsend April 14, 1857. 2 12 S. A., aged 29, 2<1 marriage, b irn Pawtucket, of Attleboro, of R. G. and Alniira .\.. aud Susan T. R )se, aged 20, l)oni and of Pawtucket, of Simeon, married bj' Rev. C. Rlodgett Jan. 12, 18(iO. 1 123 LINDSEV Augustus, aged 25, of Oren, and Sarah P. Bliss, aged 19, of Elijah, both of North Providence, married by liev. C. Blodgelt Nov. IG, 1846. 2 10 LINTON Ann, agei 22. born Scotland, of Pawtucket, of Hugh and Nancy, and James Richardson, aged 23, born Scot- land, of Providence, of Thomas and Mary. Int. April 2,1859. 2 13 James, aged 22, born Xershire, Seotlauil, of Pawtucket, of Hugh and Agnes, and Hannah JMaxwell, aged 18, born North Providence, of Pawtucket, of Hugh and Sarah, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. U, 1860. 2 4 ]jIV1\(tST0NE Jane, aged 47, 2d marriage, biun Scotland, of North Providence, of Hugh and Jane, and Thomas E. Smith, aged 4 7, 2d mariiage, liorn Ec^land, of North Providenie, of Joseph and Margaret, married b}' Alvin O. Read, Esq., April 29, 185G. 2 4 Hugh, aged 22, born Scotland, of Pawtucket, of John and Catharine, and Jennette Allen, aged 28, 2d marriage, boru Scotland, of Pawtucket, daughter of Peter and Margaret Wilson, nuirried by Rev. J. Erskine May 6, 1856. 1-125 LIVSEY Ann, aged 29, of John and ]Mary, and James Hay- worth, aged 3(i, of Nathan ;uul Elizabeth, both of Paw- tucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 16, 1848. 1 123 LORD Olive A., of Pawtucket, of James, and Henry Pinkham, of North Providence, man led bv Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 19, i,s4(;. 1 129 Sanmel B., asred 21, born Taunton, of Pawtucket, of Samuel, and ^lary Brierly, aged 21, born Fiugland, of Pawtucket, of John ,"l850. 2 5 Rol)ert, aged 24, born Dracut, of Pawtucket, of Enock and and .Vun G., and Angeline M. Grant, aged 19, born and of I'lospect, I\[e., of Japheth and Judeth, married by Alvin 0. Read, Esq., July 11. 1856. 2 5 Sanuicl, aged 55, 2d marriage, born England, of Massachu- MAIUilAGKS AND INTENTK.iNS — ]>A\VTUCKET. 339 LORD: setts, of Jesse luid Ann, :in(l Ciimline N. Carpenter, aged 40, 2(1 mariiage, l)orn and of Nashua, N. H. Int. Aug. 9, 1856. 1 12'J LOTT Harriet, aged 20, of William and Mary, and George Reve, aged 22, botli of Suiitlilield, married l)y Rev. C. Blodgett'jan. 4, 2 3 LUCY Mary, aged 4.S, liorn and of Cuinl)erland, of James and Urania, and pjnery Albee, aged (Vi, 2d marriage, liorn Menden, of Pa'wtueket, of Samuel and Hannali. Int. Nov. y, l)S.5.i. M 1 131 MAJOR John, Jr., aged 23, boin Taunton, of Pawtucket, of John and Kliza, and Adeline INIann, aged 23, horn Provi- dcnee. of Noith Providence, of William and Sarah, mar- ried by Rev. C. lUodgett April 14, l.s.'il. 1 125 MAKER Polly, aged oO, and Alanson Woodcock, aged CO, of Benjamin and Hannah, both of Attleboro, married by Rev. C. lilodgett June 1.5, 1848. 2 y Benjamin, aged G8, 2d marriage, boi'u Rehobotli, of Paw- tucket, of Charles and Nancy, and Louisa Jackson, aged 27, born New York, of Pawtucket, of Richard B. and Abi- gail, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 10, 18.58. 1 121 MANN Kliza, aged 24, of North Providence, of Jacob, and John Periy, Jr., aged 27, born Newport, of Pawtucket, of John, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June P.), 1845. 1 131 Adeline, aged 23, born Providence, of North Providence, of William and Sarah, and John Major, Jr., aged 23, boru Taunton, of Pawtucket, of John and Eliza, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Ai)nl 14, 1^51. 2 8 Daniel, aged 20, born Glocester, of Johnston, of Abel and Calista,"and Emma A. Converse, aged 10, born Cumber- land, of Johnston, of Horace and Adelia, married by Alvin O. Read, Esq., May 31, 1.S58. 2 3 Henrietta, aged 20, born and of Glocester, R. I., of Abra- ham and Culista, and Robert Halloday, aged 36, 3d mar- riage, born Ireland, of IJnrrillville, of James and Mary, married liy Alvin O. Read, Esq., Oct. 21. 1855. 1 117 MARCH ANT Alexander and Thankful B. Strong, both of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. y, 1843. 1 123 Keziah E., born and of Providence, of Elisha, and Calvin Al- len, 2d marriage, born Barrington, of Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett April 11,^1847. 1 143 .SIARSHALL Henry"; aged 28, born England, of Providence, of John and Ann, and Mary Jane Cottrell, aged 18, liorn Cranston, of Bawtucket, of William and p:iizabeth, married by Rev. Julius S. Townsend Oct. 19, 1854. 1 123 MARTIN Nancy B., aged 32, of Pawtucket, of John, and William E. Carpenter, aged 38, of Smithfield, of William, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 1, 184G. 1 143 Otis, aged 22, of Charles and Nancy, and Blary Gam- 340 VITAI- liKCOKI) OK RHODE ISLAND. MARTIN: nions, aged 22, of Charles, bolb born and of Attle- boro, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 3, 1«.")4. 2 8 Hezekiali, aged 24. 2d mai'riage. born Kelioboth, of Provi- dence, of Ilezekiah and Emily, and VAizn H. Shea, aged 22, born Ireland, of Providence, married by Rev. C. Blod- gett .lime 21, 18.58. 1 127 MASON Cyrns, aged 22, of Seekonk, of Henry and Rosanna, and Eliza Ann Booth, aged 17, of Pawlucket, of William and U.achal, married by Rev. Daviil Caiver Aug. 4, 18,50. 2 14 Abliy 'SI., aged 2;i, born Sniithfield, of Pawtncket, of Lyman and Maicclia. and William A. Oluey, aged 23, born and of Pawtnck-t, of James and Elizabeth, married by Rev. Jo- seph Banvard Nov. 29, 18(;o. 2 n MASSIK P. Henry, aged 23, born Boston, of Providence, of Alexander M. and Mary G., and Fa;iny M. Betts, aged 23, born Bradford, N. Y., of Pi-ovidence. of P. E. and Eme- line, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 13, 18.59. 2 13 MATIIEWSON Safronia, aged 19, born Johnston, of North Providence, of James and Jnlia, and James D'W. Olney, aged 24. born and of same places, of James and Susan Elizabeth, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 13, 1860. 2 10 MATTESON George W." R., aged 24, born Dighton, of Provi- dence, of Carey and Martha R., and Emily R. Kent, aged 22, born and of Pawtncket, of ^Vellington and Emily, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 10, 18,58. 2 11 Andrew H., aged 24, born Dighton, of Pawtncket, of Carey and iNlartha, and Amey D. Bowen. aged 23, born and of Pawtncket. of William M. and Eliza, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 3, 18,59. 2 13 Marth.aTM., aged 23, born Dighton, of Pawtncket, of Carey and INlartha R., and William G. Allen, M. D., aged 26, born Rehoboth, of Mansfield, of Isaiah and Ann F., mar- ried by Rev. Daniel W. Stevens Jnno 26, 1860. 1 135 MATEN Thomas, aged 24, born Ireland, of Cnmbciland. of William and .Margaret, and Mary Donovan, agetl 28, born Irtland, of Pawtncket, of Anthony and Margaret, married by Rev. (Tcorge Cnshman Aug. 15, 1852. 1 135 MAXCY J. Eaton, aged 25, born Attleboro, of Pawtncket, of Joseph and Lois, and Harriet E. Millerd, aged 23, born Smithlield, of Pawtncket, of Stephen and Susan, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 2, 1852. 1 143 Nathaniel B., aged" 20, born Attleboro, of Pawtncket, of Jo- seph and Lois, and Maria I). Miller, atred 21, born See- konk, of Pawtncket. of Jonathan and Deborah, married by Rev. A. D. Williams Dec. 13, 1854. 2 13 MAXWELL Hannah, aged 18, born North Providence, of Pawtncket. of Hugh and Sarah, and James Linton, aged 22, born Nershiie, Scot., of Pawtncket, of Hugh and Agnes, mariied by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 14, 1860. 1 127 MAY Joanna, aged 25, and Michael Crow, both born Ireland and of Pawtncket, , 1850. 2 10 McCALLAM D.avid, aged 32, born and of New York, of George and Maiy, and Nancy Kamsey, aged 30, born Ire- MAKRIAflK.S AND INTENTIONS— PAWTICKET. 341 McCALLAM : land, of PnwtMC'kot. of Rol)orl and JIaigaict, iiiaiiiL'il liy Rev. C. lUodo-eit Feb. '.), 18.VJ. 2 9 McCALLAN William, aged 40, 2d inaniage. of Jotiu and Kli7,- nbcth, and Mary Hyndniond, aged -lli, 2d marriage, daugh- ter of William and Jane Templeton. both born Ireland and of Smillilield, married by Kev. C. Blodgett Sept. 13. IS.i.S. 1 139 McCAXN Tliomas, aged 32, of John and Susan, and Jane O'Donald, aged 33. of James and Jane, both born Ireland and of Pawtucket, mairii-d by Kev. C. Blodiiett Sept. 21, l.srj3. 1 143 Catharine, aged 24, born Ireland, of Piovidenee, of Barnaril and Sally, and Francis (Joiild, atjed 2(1, born Cranston, of Providence, of George and Lydia, mairad by C. 15. Farns- worth, Flsq., Dec. ih, 18.">4. 1 121 McCAirrNKY Margaret and Thomas Temiileton, 2d mar- riage, bi^th born Ireland and of Smithlield, married bv Kev. C. Blodi-ett June 6, 184."). 2 10 McCORMlCK Maria K., aged 19. born and of Pawtucket, of James and JNIaria. and Thomas Ilollowell, aged 2.'>, born England, of Pawtucket, of J(jse|jh and Mary. Int. March 5, f.s.');). 1 117 McCREEDY Ann and William McNntt, both of I'awtuckot, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 1, 184.'!. 1 125 McCRUM Hugh, aged 20. of Pawtucket. of Hugh and iMary, and Sarah Searl, aged 28, born Providence, of Pawtucket, of John and Mai-y Ann, mairieil by Rev. C. Blodgett May 23, 1848. i 139 McCUEN Ellen, aged21.lM,in ami of Pawtucket, of Joseph. and Rosanna, and RolnMt J. Kirk, aged 21, born Scotland, of Pawtucket, of Sanuiel and Hannah, married by Rev. C. lihxlgett Sept. 21, 18^3. 2 6 McCURDY Thomas, aged 28, of Alexander and Eli;.abeth, and Ann Ramsey, aged 27, of Robert, both born Ireland and of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 4, 18.56. 2 15 Elizabeth, aged 24, of Alexander and Betsey, and Davirl Morton, Jr., aged 2(5, of David and Mary, both born Ire- lantl and of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett INIarch 18, 1801. 2 8 McDonald Jane, aged 28, of Robert and Jane, and Daniel Bruce, aged 21, of Hugh and Mary, both born Ireland and. of Smithlield, married by Rev. C. 'Blodgett March 9, 1858.. 2 15 Anne, aged 21, Ijorn England, of Altleboro, of Edward, and fclenry L. Joslin, aged 29, born Cumberland, of Pawtucket, of Earned and Nancy V., June 1, 1801. 2 8 Mcdowell Ilem-y, aged 34, 2d n)arriage, born England, of Pawtucket, of James and J'lizabelh, and Betsey Jane Bar- ney, aged 25, born Rehoboth, of Pawtucket, of Enock and Esther'! Int. May 1.'), 1858. 2 10 McFADDEN Rose, aged 24, born Ireland, of Pawtucket, of James and Margaret, and James Johnson, aged 25, bora 342 VITAL i:i:c(»i;u of ehode island. McFADDEN: Irelaiul, of Xorili Pro\ iilenco. of James ami Aim, married 1)V Kuv. C. Hlodgett Marcli 16, 185'.). 2 8 McINTIKK Jospiili,"aged 25, boru North Providence, of Paw- tueiiet, of Joseiili and Ann, and Mary E. Robinson, aged 2-1, liorii AUleboro, of PawUiciouisa, and Fanny 0. .Starkweather, born and of Pawtucket, of James U. and Alniira, mariied bv Rev. C. Plodgett Oct. 12, 1853. 1 143 Maria !)., aged 21, born .Seekonk, of Pawtucket, of .lonathaii and Deborah, and Natlianiel I!. iSIaxcv, aged 20, born At- tlcboro, of Pawtucket, of Jo.seph and Lois, married by Rev. A. D. Williams Dee. 13, 1854. 2 5 Thomas, aged 24, 2d marriage, born England, of I'awtiicket, of Humphrey and Ellen, and Elizalielli Anderson, aged 24, born Iielaiul, of Pawtucket, of Robert and Sarah, married by Rev. J. .S. Towiisend July 1 1, 1850. 2 9 Luke, aged '2S, 2d marriage, bom Ireland, of Pawtucket. of Luke and Mary, and Catharine Raker, aged 29, 2d mar- riage, born Ireland, of Valley Falls, daughter of James and Catharine Riley, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 6, 1858. 2 10 Leaffee Eleanor, aged 21, born Atlleboro, of Pawtucket, of Ira K. and Celia, and John F. P. Lawtou, aged 2i, boru: Philadcl[)liia, Pa., of Providence, of Joseph and Grace L.. mariied by Rev. C. Hlodgett Jan. 5, 1859. 2 14 Satah Eliza, aged 18, born Pennsylvania, of Providence, of AViiliam G. and Catharine, and John Reeder, aged 37, 2d marriage, born Maryland, of Providence, of James and Catharine, Nov. 14, i800. 1 135 MILLERD Harriet F.,aged 23, born Smithfield, of Providence, 34i VITAL KECOUD OF KllODli ISLAND. MILLERD : of Slfplien ami Siisnii, and J. Katon ;\I:ixcy. aged 25, born Attleboro, of Pawtiieket, of Josi'pli and Lois, married \>y Rev. C. Hlodgett Sept. 2, 1852. 1 121 MINOR Hazard H., aged 21, born Riclimond, R. I., of North Providence, of Jedediali and Mary, and Amey A. Lane, aged 22, born Cumberland, of North Providence, of Ann .Tnlia, married by Rev. C. Blodgeit Jnly o, 1851. 2 1 MITC'IIKLL Alexander, aged 40, 2d marriage, born and of New Shoreiiam. of Alexander and Dorcas, and Mary Mitchell, aged 3G. of same place, of Abel and Delia, mar- ried by Alvin O. Read, Esq., May 24, 1855. 2 1 Mary, aged 30, of Abel and Delia, and Alexander Mitchell, aged 40, -id marriage, of Alexander and Dorcas, both born and of New JSIiorehani, niarrieil by Alvin (). Read, Esq., May 2J, 1855. 1 1.35 MONARCH Elizabeth, aged 22, born Scotland, of Valley Falls, of James and Mary, and .lohn Knight, aged 26, born England, of V'alley Falls, of Matthew and Dorothy, mar- ried by Alvin O. Read, P^sq., May 11, 1852. 1 135 MOONEY Susan A., aged 21, born .South Kingstown, of War- wick, of Robert, and Walter Gardner, aged 25, born North Kingstown, of Warwick, of Arnold C. and Ivucv, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 18, 1852.1 2 6 MONELL Sarah A., aged 25, born Watervilic, Me., of Law- rence, of .losiah and Lavina S., and Francis H. Mrown. aged 27, born Westbury, of Pawtucket, of Robert and Su- san L. Ini. Feb. 22, 1857. 1 131 MORROW Martha, .aged 24, of John and Mary, and Francis D. Brickley, aged 32, 2d marriage, of Henry and Lydia, both born and of Providence, married by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Aug. 24, 1851. 2 12 :\[ORSE Isabella, aged 18, born England, of P.awtucket, of George and Elizabeth, and Abiaham Farnum, aged 20, born Uxbridge, of Provalencc, of Abraham and Adah, married by Gcige Mason, Esj., Jan. 8, 1860. •2 15 ilORTON Da'vid, Jr., aged 26. of David and Mary, and Eliz- abeth McCnrdy, aged 24, of Alexander and Betsey, both born Ireland and of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blod- gett March 18, 1861. 1 119 MULLIGHAN Henry A. auied 22, boin Lonsdale, of North Provi- dence, of James M. and Freelove. and Julia Ann Jones, aged 17, born and of North Providence, of Walter and Thankful, married by Rev. Walter R. Ross May 14, 1854. 2 4 Ellis, aged 21, born antl of Pawtncket, of Joseph and Lydia, and Anne E. Coiigeshall, aged 18, born and of same place, of Josei)li and Mary, married by Rev. C;. Blodgett May 21, 1856. 2 9 Irene, aged 27, of Joseph aiul Lydia, and William H. Hath- away, aged ;^0, of Sylvester and Ann, both born and of Pawtucket, marrieil by Alvin O. Read. Esq., July 18, 1858. 1 123 PECK -Vdelia A., aged 18. liorn and of Pawtucket, of Joseph and Nancy, and Abijah Hathaway, aged 24, of New Bed- ford, of Elkanah and Phebe. married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 22, 1«47. 1 125 Arnold, aged 54. 2d marriage, of Pawtucket, of Joseph and Sarah, and Sylvia F'reeman. aged 39, of Woonsocket, of Daniel and Saiah, married by Rev. C. Blodgett May 3, 1849. 1 111 Royal J., aged 21, born and of Wrentham, of Joel and Lucy. aiid F:ilen K. F'cllett, aged 18, born and of Cumberland, of F^Uis, married bv Rev. C. Blodgett Mav 17, 1854. 2 14 Ruth Masela, aged 1«, of Albert G. and Abby M., and Wan- MA'ntlAGES AXn INTENTIONS — I'A\TTrCKET. 34& PECK : ton Cole, ngcd 22, of Zcniis mul Fjiniiy (WIicmIoh) Cole, both boin Keholtotli, of Piiwtueket, iiuurieil \>y Kev. C. Blodgeti Nov. 14, l.SC,4. 1 131 PEIKCK' Fiances I)., aged 20. born (Ireenville. R. I., of North Providence, of Eliz.i, and Edwin II. Aldrieli, aged 28, horn Smithtield, of Pawtncket, of Esek and Prcscilla, married hv Kev. A. 1). Williams July 3. 1S.-j1. 1 139 Asahel T.. aged 21, boin Springlield, of Smithfield. of Calvin and Nancy, and Sarah F. Steiihens, aged IK, liorn and of Pawtncket, of Benjamin j\I. and Lucy, married l.v Rev. A. 1). Williams Nov. 24, 18.")3. 1 13!) Charles L., aged 23, born Hopkinlon. of Cumln'rlaml, of Jonallian and .Mary, and ]Maria L. Wlii|i|)le, aged 21, bom and of Cumberland, of David and llainiali, niiuried by Rev. A. I). Williams Jan. 1, l.s:,-l. 1 141 Sarah E., aged I'J, born and of ('nml)frl:uiil, uf Isaac and Penelope, and Henry H. Hahbitt, aiicd 22, bcirii 'I'annton, and of Cumberland, of Seth and Deboiah, mairied by Wil- liam W. Hlodgett, Ei-q., Jan. 4, l.'<.")4. 2 8 Susan INI., aged 31, 2d inairiage, liorn Coventry, of Paw- tucket, of (iodfrey and Mchitable, and Charles C. Per- liam, aged 2;;, born Uxbriie. of Woonsocket, of Aarou and Chilone. mariied by Rev. C. Blodgett Doc. 17, 1S.")7. 2 16 John, aged 24, of John and Su^an, and IMtirgaret Muit}', aged 22, of .lolin and IMary, both horn Irehuid, and of Pawtncket, married by Alvin (_). Read, Esip, Nov. 21, ISO I. 1 119 PENNINGTOX John S., aged -.'.'p. and Ann E. Wright, aged 22, both (»f Smitlilield. m:inicd bv Kev. C. Blodgett Nov. 2.S, 1844. 2 8 PERHAM Charles C, aucd 23, born Uxbridge, of Woon- socket, of Aaion and Chilone. and Susan M. Peirce, aged 31. 2d uiariiage, born Coventry, of Pawtncket, of Godfrey and Meliilable, married by Rev. C. Hlodgett Dee. 17, 18.')7. 2 4 PERKINS Angenette, age;'). 1 119 POTTER Freelove A., aged 21, of Xorlli Providence, of Na- than, and PMward Strange, aged 20, of Pawtucket, of Lott, married by Rev. C. BloiIgett'Oet. 1, l.s44. 1 133 Thomas IL, aged 26, l)oru and of Scituate, R. I., of Ezra and Jlercy, and Mary A. Stiles, aged 21, burn Ashland, Mass., of Scitnate, of Willard and ^hu■v, niariieil by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 30, is:,l. 2 2 Thomas R., aged 22. liorn Rhode Island, of Pawtncket, of Robeit L. and Mary, and l<;ii/,alieth A. Bneliy, aged 21, born Belfast, of Pawtncket, of James and Margaret, mtu- ried bv Rev. Jnlins S. Townsend .Vnril 13, IS.I.'). 2 6 Rnssell A., Jr., aged 21. born and of Nortli Providence, of Rnssell A. and (_)live, and Mailha iiurns, aged 2o, born ]\Ianchester. Eng.,of Pawtncket, of Aiitlionv and I'Jlen, married by Rev. J. E. Erskine Jan. 22. 1«.J7. 1 125 PRATT Francis, aged 24, of Chailes and Levina, and Francos Tillinghast. aged 2 L both of Pawtucket, of Amos A. and Mary, mairied' by Rev. C. Bhxlgett June 11, LS4'J. 2 13 Francis, aged 3.'j, 2d marriage, boiii Bridgewaler, of Paw- tncket, of Charles and Levina. and Maiv Elizabeth Smith, aged 31, born Dovei', N. IL, of North Piovidence, of (iid- eon C. and Mary Whitticr, married at Boston by Rev. Thomas R. Rodman Jnne (i, 11S60. 2 15 PRE;ST0N' Ilypatia. aged 3"j. lM marriage, born Dover. X. IL, of Pawtncket, dauglitei- of Joie[ili and Grace Lawton, and. David AN'hiti', aged 62. 2d maiMiage, l)orn Attleboro, of Pawtncket, of Zachanah and IIei)zilieth, marrie2 VITAL lii'X'uKi) o's liiunm island. EADLOFF: l)orn .-111(1 (if ]':u\'tiick(_'t, (jf JamL'S and Rc^by Ann, married by Geoisje INfahOii. Esq., March 24. 1858. 2 2 Charles, agL'd 'il, born Seekonk, of Pawtueket, of Jaines and Mary, and Kinily IS. Baxter, aaedlH, born and of Pavv- tueket, (if IJavki and Mar^', married by Hev. Julius .S. Towiiscnd .Inly IG. IS.i."). 2 3' Mary K., aged 18, born Seekonk, of Pawtneket, of James and i\Iary, and Baylies M. Williams, aged 23, born Taun- ton, of Pawtneket, of Preston and Betsey, married by Rev. C. Blodgelt Nov. 22, 1855. 2 () RADCLEFF Edwin, aged 25, born KnoUiii 1, of Providence, of Edward and Betsey, and JIaria M-diitosli, aged I'J, bora Ireland, of Providence, of James and Jane, married liv Rev. C. Blodgett April 6, 1850. 1 133 RAMSEY Margaret, aged 20, liorn Ireland, of Pawtneket, of Robert and Peggy, and Joseph Johnson, aged 27, of Ire- land, of North Providence, of Joseiih and Mary, married liy Rev C. Bloduett Dec. 11, 1851. 2 () Ann, aged 27, of Robert, and Thomas McCiirly, aged 28, of Alexander and Elizabeth, both born Ireland and of Paw- tucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 4, 185G. 2 10 Nancy, aged 30, born Ireland, of Pawtneket, of Robert and Margaret, and David MeCallam, aged 32, liorn and of New York, of George and iMary, married liy Rev. Rev. C. Blod- gett Feb. 9, 1850. 1 123 READ Eunice M., aged 20, of Pawtneket, of Artemus and Abigail, and David W. Waterman, aged 32, of Providence, of Jose|)li and Sarah, nuu'ried bv Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 24, 1817. 1 120 Lewis L. and Eliza II. Brown, both of Seekonk, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Seitt. 24, l.s50. 1 131 Henry G., aged 40, 2d marriage, born and of Taunton, of John and Rebecca, and Frances L. Williams, aged 20, born Dightoii, of Reboboth, of Jared and Fanny, married 113' Rev. S. Hopkins Emery June 2, 1851. 1 135 F>lijah R., Jr., aged 25, of Elijah R. and Lucinda A., and Harriet A. Thnrber, aged 19, of William and Linda, both born and of Attleboro, married bv Alvin O. Read, Esq., Nov. 27, 1852. 1 143 Mary A., aged 23, born Vermont, of Pawtneket, of John and Naoma, and Dennis W. Sykes, aged 22, born Rehoboth, of Pawtneket, of James and Betsey, — • , 1854. 2 1 Matthew, aged 26. born Vermont, of Pawtneket, of John and Naoma G., and Snsan S. Jackways, born North Kings- town, of Pawtneket, of John. Int. May 5, 1855. 2 7 Mary J., aged 18, born Westport, of Dightou, of Stephen, and Samuel J. Go!T, aged 20, born Taunton, of Dighton, of Isaiah, married by Rev. J. Erskine May 23, 1857. 2 7 Mary D., aged 28, born and of Pawtneket, of John B. and Jane T., and Edward Lefavor, aged 30, born North Provi- dence, of Detroit, Mich., of David and Mary A., married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 8, 1857. JIAUKIACKS AND INTEN'TIUNS — PAWTLCKET. 3.')3 2 10 READ Surah M., :ig«l 21, bDin l);irtni(Milli, of Xnrlli Vrovi- dence, of Steplicii and Matilda, and Henry VV^ Cady, aged 21, bom lirooivivn, Ct., of North Providence, of William and Abigail, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June IG, 1859. 2 12 William W., aged 28, born and of Pawtucket, of Alvin O. and Martha J., and Cordelia W. Tompkins, aged 2,"), liorn and of Nortii Piovidence, of Ahner S. and Alfreda, mar- ried by Rev. C. I51odgett Feb. 22. 1.S60. 2 14 David P., acjed 23, horn Seekonk, of Pawtncket, of Natlian- iel and Pliilena (Perieo) Read, and Ellen Francis Carter, aged 20, born and of Pawtncket, of Hiram and Sylvia (Tingiey) Carter, married by Rev. J. M. H. Dow Dee. 26, l.SGO. 2 16 Thomas L., aged ?>i, ;)d marriage, bom Salem, of Providence, of Thomas anil Mary, and Eliza E. Bourn, aged 2"), Ijorn Somerset, of Providence, of John and Clarrissa, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 13, ISGI. 2 14 REEDER John, aged 37, 2d marriage, born Maryland, of Providence, of James and Catharine, and Sarah Eliza Mil- ler, aged 18, biu'n Pennsylvania, of Piovidence, of William G. and Citharine. Nov. 14, 18(;o. 1 129 REVE George, aged 22, and Harriet Scott, aged 20, of Wil- liam and iMary, both of Sniilhlield, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 4, liSol. 2 12 REYNOLDS Daniel M., aged 21. Ik. in Smitlitield, of Paw- tncket, of Oliver W. and Hannah, and Rlioda S. Rhodes, aged 21, Ijorii Fall River, of Pawtucket, of Samu(4 and ifliza, married by Rev. C. Blodgett April 17, I.SCO. 2 8 RHODES Jlary Ann, aged 23, born England, of Providence, of William and Catharine, and Oscar Wood, aged 42, 2d marriage, born Goslien, N. Y., of Providence, of Samuel L. and .Sally, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett April 2,'), 1858. 2 12 Rlioda S., aged 21, born Fall River, of Pawtncket, of Samuel and Eliza, and Daniel M. Reynolds, aged 21, born Smith- field, of Pawtncket, of Oliver W. and Hannah, married by Rev. C. Blodgett April 17, 1860. 2 16 F^liza, aged 50, 3d marriage, born Rehoboth, of Fall River, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Drown, and Gideon Gif- ford, aged 50, 2d mairiage, bom Westport, of Fall River, of Ira and Edith, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 9, 1862. 1 125 RICE Nathan, aged 24, of James and Rebecca, and Ja'ie Eliza- beth H'-.rr, aged 21, of Zeliina and Ann F,.. both of Paw- tucket/ married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 10. 1848. 1 117 RICHARDS Martha M. and Nathan Walker, Iroth of Paw- tucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 1, 1844. 2 1 Francis B., aged 29, 2d marriage, born and of Attleboro, of Calvin, and Abby R. Short, aged 29, 2d marriage, liorn Bridgeiiort, of Providence, daughter of Benjamin H. Wil- bour, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett March 15, 1855. 2 2 RICHARDSON Charles T.. aged 24, born Maine, of Paw- tucket, of Frank and Nancy, and Martha C. Newman, aged 22, born and of Seekonk, of Sylvanus and (liarlotte. Int. June 4, 1855. 354 VITAL HEUOUD OF KHODE ISLAND. 2 10 RICIIARDSOX James, aged 23, born Scotland, of Provi- dence, of Thomas and Mary, and Ann Linton, aged 22, lioin and of same places, of Ilugii and Nancy. Int. Aprd 2, l.SoS). 2 8 RICKKR George B., aged 19, born Maine, of Noitii Piovi- dence, of Eli and Paidine, and Mary N. Tigliey, aged 18, born I'awtucket, of North Providence, of John, married I13' Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 25, 1.S57. 1 120 ROBKRTS Jlary E., aged 2-<, born England, of Onieda, N. Y., of Abraham and Philadelphia, and Rnfns B. Bnllock, aged 28, born Vermont, of Pawtneket, of Aaron and Re- becca, , 1860. 1 139 Harriet J., aged 23, born England, of Providence, of James and Harriet, and Smith Hicks, aoed 30, boi n Glocester, of Provichnice, of Smith and Huldah, married by Rev. C. Bnl- lock Oct. bS, 1853. 1 123 ROBINSON Amasa C, aged 19, of Providence, of Daniel and Hannah C, and Jnlia A. Alger, aged IS, of Pawtncket, of Liieinda, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 22, 1847. 1 127 Wiilard E., aged 28. born and of Attleboro, of Obed, and Fanny Miller, aged 22, born Attleboro, of Pawtncket, of Ira H. and Marv Ann, married hy Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 1, 1850. 2 8 >Iai-y E., .aged 21, liorn Attleboro, of Pawtncket, of Rnssell and Alinira, and Josei)h Mclntire, aged 25, born North Providence, of Pawtncket. of Joseph and Ajin, married bv C. B. Farnswortb. Esq.. Max 29, 1858. 1 139 ROSE Jacob, aged 25, of Thomas and Elizabetli, and Harriet ICdwards. aged 19, of George and Al)igail, lioth liorn Eng- land and of C'nmberland, married liy Alvin O. Read, P^sq., Jan. 2(;, 185J. 2 8 Ricliard, aged 27, born England, of Tannton, of Francis and Ifannah, and Elizabeth Pritcheid, aged 35, born England, of Providence, of John and .Mary, married liy Alvin O. Read, Esq., Jnne 10, 185S. 2 12 Snsan T., aged 20, l>orn and of I'awtnrket, of Simeon, and S. A. i>ewis. aged 29, 2d marriage, boin Pawtncket, of Attle- boro, of R. (i. and Almira A., married liy Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 12, 18(;0. 1 119 ROUNDS Caroline B. and Henry A. Mnllighan, both of Paw- tncket, married by Rev. V. Blodgett May 23, l«4-t. 1 133 Horatio M., a'ied 21, of Enos and Adeline, and Jane A. Biiicc, aged 19, of John and Rebecca, both born Attlelioro and of I'awtncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 30, bs,-,l. 2 1 Frances J., aged 20, born t lunlierhind, of Providence, of Ste[)hen and Caroline, and John I). Phinney, aged 27, l)orn .Swanzey. of Providence, of John and Betsey, married liy Alvin O. Read, Es(i., April 25, 1855. 2 G George H., aged 22, born Attleboro, of North Providence, of ]\Iaicns and Ilairiet, and Mary Ann Chace, aged 18, born Harwich, of Smithfield. of Dillingliam and Reljecca, mar- ried liy Alvin O. Read, Esq., Feb^ 22, 1857. 2 14 Snsan B., aged 22, 2d marriage, of Sylvanns and Snsan O., MAI;l:IAGES AND INTENTIONS — I'AWTUCKET. 355 ROUNDS: anil Alhoit J. Jillsoii, a^ed ■2^^, ,,{ Dunicl and Mary, hotli liorii and of Alllulioro, niainod liy Kuv. C. lilodnon and Nancy, and Daniel O. Ster- ley, aged '26, of Vernal and Louis, liotli born and of Aitle- lioro, niarrit'(l liy Itev. C. lilodgett Nov. 7, ISfU. 2 2 RUS.SELL Mary .K, aoed 21, and William H. Tanner, aged i;t, ol Ileniy and Mary, liotli born and of Providence, niar- lied liy Rev. Waii'en Goddard .Inne 13, 1855. 1 135 RYDKR Hannah A., aged 20, of James and Mary, born and ot Pavvtueket, and Tobias W. Waslilmrn, aged 25, born Maine, of Cambridge, of Timothy anil Jane, married by Rev. James O. Barney Jidy 29, 1852. 2 6 Stephen, aged 21. Iiorn Cliathani, of Smithfield, of Jciitha and Ann, and Annah H. Brown, aged 19, born Smithlieid. of Pawlneket, of Henry and Elizabeth, mairied by Rev. C. Blodoett March 11, IsljT. s 2 4 SADLKH George ^V., aged 24, bom and of Atlleboro, of Thomas D. and Sarah, and Malissa D. I)raiv Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 22, isis. 1 127 SIIEPIlER!) .lane B., aged 20, born and of New Bedford, and George W. Piteiier, aged 21. born and of Pawtucket, of Earned, married bv Rev. C. Blodgett Feb. 4, 1850. 2 C SHEPilERDSON Joseph JI., aged 21, born Woonsocket, of Wrentham. of John and Mary, and Amanda M. Fuller, aged 17, born Cumberland, of Pawtucket, of Holder W. and Patience. Int. May 4, 1.S57. 2 G SIIERM.AN George. W., aged 17. born South Kingstown, of Providence, of George W. and Phebe, and Adeline G. Chace. aged 18, born Pawtucket, of Providence, of Os- born V. and Keziah, mairicd bv Rev. .1. E. F>rskine Jan. 1, 1857. 2 IG SHIELDS Margaret N., aged 20, born Providence, of North Providence, and Edwin R. Paine, aged 21, born Fall River, of Pawtucket, of Lewis W. and Jane M., Oct. 29, 1861. 2 15 SIIOREY John, aged 6S, 3d marriage, born and of Seekonk, of Abel and ISIary. and Ardelia Kent, aged 45, born Reho- both, of Attleboro, of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, mairied by Rev. C. Blodgett May 15, ISGl. 2 1 SHORT A bl)y R.. aged 29, born Bridgeport, of Providence, daughter of Benjamin H. Wilbour, and Francis B. Rich- MARIUAOES AND INTENTK iNS— I-AWTICK ET. SHORT : aids, aged 29, born and of AtlUlioro, of C;dvin, 2(1 mar- riage of each party, married b}' Kev. C. Blodgctt March 15, 1855. 2 14 SHOVE L. Medora, aged 20, born Seekonk, of Pawtucket, uf Samuel and l)el)orari, and .Tolin G. Allen, aged 26, born and of I'awtiioket, of William and Lncinda, married by Kev. C. Blodgelt Nov. 2ii, l.sCii. 2 12 SIDKBOTTOM Sarah .lane, aged 24, born and of Pawtneket, of .lonaliian and Mary, and Sylvanns 0. lloibrook, aged 40, 3d mairiage, born Uouglass, of Atileboro. of Ezekiel and ^latilda, married l\y Kev. .lo.sei)h lianvard Fel>. 2fi, iS(;o. 1 121 SIMMON'S Lydia A., aged 20, liorn and of Rcliobotli. and Horace Kent, aged ".^5, born and of Pawlnckcl, of Seba, married by Kev. C. Blodgett Sept. 11, bS4.'). 2 7 SI]\n'SON Timsey, aged 45, od marriage, born Dclavvai'e, of Providence, and John Williams, aged ("15, 9d marriage, born Delaware, of Pawtncket, of Sanuiel and Ann. married by Kev. Gardner Clark July 30, 1857. 1 1 r.l SKINNKK Ebenezer, aged 25, of North Providence, of Ehcne- zer, and Maria L. Perren, aged U), of Pawlucket, of Lewis, nnirried by Kev. C. Blodgett Sept. 24, 1.S44. 1 131 SLADE George W., aged 20, of Mnrlin and Hannah, and Maroaret A. .lonidan, aged IS, of Thomas and iNIary, niar- ried l.y Kev. C. Blodgett .Inly 3, 1. 2 11 Edward C., aged 24, of Silas and Lncy, and JMaiia Wilkin- son, ,'iged 18, of John and Mary, born and of New York, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Sept. 28, i85'J. 2 12 Almira 1)., aged 34, 3d mairiage, born New Hampshire, of Pawtncket, daughter of Elij:di and Ruth Parker, and Wil- liam B. Whitefield, aged 45, liorn Providence, of Paw- tncket, of .Saninel and Lnej', married by Alvin 0. Read, Esq., April 4, 18G0. 2 13 Mary Elizabeth, aged 31, born Dover, N. H., of North Prov- idence, daughter of (iideon C. and Mary Whittier, and F'rancis Pratt, aged 35, 2d marriage, born Bridgewater, of Pawtncket, of JCIharles and Levinia, married at Boston by Rev. Thomas R. June G, 1800. 2 15 Frances, aged 23, born German}-, of Pawtucket, of Andrew and Mary (Martin) Smith, and Daniel Keller, aged 25, born and of same i)laces, of George and Margaret (Gard- ner) Keller, Jan. 9, 18G1. 2 15 George Henry, aged 28, born and of Pawtucket, of Samuel MAKUIAGES AND IXTKNTIoNS — I'A WTKCKET. 359 SMITH : nnd Betsey, anil S;ii-ali K. Sweet, aged 22, 2d niarriaof, boiii Exetei-, of Pawtucket, daiigliter of Jesse and Emily Carr, nianied by Alvin 0. Read, Esq., July 22, 18G1. 1 137 SXII)EU John, aged 26, born Germany, of Pawtucket, of John and Mary, and JMary Neff, aged 2;"), born Switzerland, of Pawtucket, of Peter and Klizalietli, married by Rev. A. I). Williams June 11, lS,-.3. 2 6 S0UTHERL.4XD Jene'-te, aged bS, born Scotland, of Paw- tucket, of Alexander and Heniielta, and 'Thomas M. Wi)od, aged 21. born and of Pawtucket, of Thomas and Roby Ann, married by Rev. James Deane Nov. 26, 1856. 1 133 SPEARS Isabella S., ageii 21), born Scotland, of Pawtucket, of John anil Maiy, and Jolin Rnry, aged 31, 2d marriage. born iMighind, of Pawtucket, of Tliomas and Pi'escilla, niairied by Rev. C. Hlodgett Dec. 21, bSf.l. 2 11 SPENCER Isaac II., aged 2l, born and of East Greenwich, of Chailes K. and Hannah, and Hannah (t. Howhuid, aged 18, born and of same place, of Henjaniin and Nancy, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 27, \HM. 2 11 Job L., aged 2(;, l)orn and of Nor^h Providence, of (Jideon L. and Snsan, and Amelia Orne Eewin, aged 21, Ix^rn and of Pawtucket, of Nathaniel and Cordelia, married by Rev. John M. Peck Nov. 1, 185il. 1 141 SPRA(iUK John, aged 2.'), born East Greenwich, of Sciluate, of Daniel and Xancv, and Mary (J. Claik, aged 20, born, and of l'ro\i<'ence, of William and Poll}', married bv Alvin O. Read, Es(i., INIarch 27, IS.VL 2 1 STACK Tabitha, aged 19, born Ni'w York, of Pawtucket, of Edward and Martha E., ami Henry (i. Tiepke, aged 23. born Prussia, of S|iriniilicM, of Ilcniv anil lAiuisa, nuu rieil liv Rev. C. Blodgett A|ud 18, \s:,:,.' 2 1 STAFFORD Thomas, aged 23, born Boston, of William and Ann, and Olive Parker, aged 24, Ihh n I'lovidence, of (ieorge and Maria, lioth of Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 20, 18.55. 1 121 STAPLES Sarah, ased 55, of Boston, and Joseph Whitman, aged 60, born and of Tliompson, Ct., married l)y Rev. C. lilodgett Feb. IS, 1846. 2 1 STARKEY Betsey Jane, aged 33, 2d marriage, of AN'renthani. of Millerd, and Arnold Sears, uged33, of Barnstable, of Ar- nold anil Thankful. Int. Jan. 3, 1.S55. 1 127 STARKWEATHEK Mary U., aged 21, born and of Paw- tucket, of .lames C. and Almira, and Jenerson Haswelly aged 21, horn Newport, of Boston, of John and Mary xVnn, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 23, 1850. 1 137 Almira C, aged 21, born and Pawtucket, of James C. ami Almiia C, and John Doane, Jr., aged 27, born Orleans, of Chiirlestown, of John and Mary, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 1, 1853. 1 139 Fanny C"., aped 20, born and of Pawtucket, of James C. auil Almira, and Edward F. Miller, Jr., aged 23, born and of Providence, of Edward F. and Louisa, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 12, 1853. 360 VITAL KKCUKI) OK KHODK ISLAND. 1 135 STEKRK l'".l(OV W.. agod 38, 2(1 m;\niage, born Scituate, of SiuithlicM, (laiigliler of Israel and Amey Sinitli, and Henry F. Sleere, aged -iO, 2d niurritige, born Glocester, of Smitli- tield, of Nelieuiiali and Rachal, maniod by Alvin O. Read, Kbq., Dec. 13, 18.32. 1 135 Henry F.. aged 40, 2d marriage, born Glocester. of Smith- field, of Nehemiali and Radial, and Eicey W. Steere, aged 38, 2d inairiage. born Scituate. of Sinithtield, daughter of Israel and Aincv Smith, married by Alvm O. Read, Esq., Dec. 13, 1852. " 2 4 Marv A., aged 22, liorn Sinithfield, of Attleboro, of Lydia A., and Frank A. Allen, ageil 22, born Boston, of Attle- boro, of Georiio W. and JIartlia D., married by Rev. C. Rlodgetl Feb. 2G, 1856. 1 121 STEPHENS James E., aged 22, boin and of Pawtucket, of .lames, and Malissa Oswell. aged 16, born Fall River, of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Dlodgett May 17, 18-16. 1 139 Sarah F., aged U), born and of Pawtucket, of Benjamin M. and Lucy, and .\.saliel '1". Peirce, aged 21, born Siu-ingSeld, of Smithfield, of Calvin and Nancy, married by Rev. A. D. 'Williams Nov. 24, 1853. •2 2 STEl'HEN'SON Sanuirl, aged 23, born Ireland, of Pawtucket, of .lolin and Elizabeth, and Harriet Newell .Allen, aged 26, born and of Pawtucket. Int. Sept. 11, 1855. ti 10 STERLEY Daniel O.. aged 26, of Veruol and Louis, and Nancy I). Rounds, aged 25, of Enon and Nancy, both born and of Attleboro, married liy Rev. C. Blodgelt Nov. 7, 1861. 1 133 STILES Jlarv A., aged 21, born Ashland, Mass., of Scituate, R. I., of "Willard and Mary, and Thomas II. Potter, aged 26, born and of Scituate, R. I., of E^;ra and Jlercy, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 30, 1851. 1 137 STILL Mary A., aged 20. of New Brunswick, of Thomas and IMary, and Ciiarles Wilson, aged 27, born New York, of Altfeboro, of Thomas and Hannah, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett June 2U, 1853. 1 123 .STOW William H., aged '2-2, born and of Providence, of Sam- uel, and Harriet B. Baxter, ased 18, born and of Paw- tucket. of Seth, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 12, 1846. 1 117 STRANGE Job R. of North Providence and Jane Mickle of Pawtucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett March 25, 1844. 1 119 Edward, aged 20, of Pawtucket, of Lott, and Freelove A. Potter, aged 21, of North Piovider.ce, of Nathan, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 1, 1844. 1 117 STRONG Thankful B. and Alexander Marchant, both of Paw- tucket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 9, 1843. 1 133 SWEET Amelia, aged 42. 2d marriage, born West Greenwich, of Pawtucket, and Andrew Whitehead, aged 28, 2d mar- riage, born England, of Pawtucket, of Thomas and Han- nah, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 12, 1852. 1 1.35 Mary Ann, aged 28, born and of Pawtucket, of William and Nancy E., and George W. Brown, aged 25, boru and of JIARRIAGICS AM) 1NT?:NTI0NS — I'AWTUCKKT. oGl SWEET : Little Cdiiiploii, of Cliristopher and Dulxirali, man icil I13' Rev. C. Hlodgett .hine 10, 18;V-'. 1 139 George W., aged 23, l)()ni and of Panlueki't. of William and Nancy, and Mary E. White, aged I'l), born and of North Proviilence. of AVilliam and Sarah, , 18.')3. 2 2 Clara, aged is, of Amos and Mary, and Albert Walker, aged 21, of William anil Fattey, n)arried liy Rev. C. Blodgett Ang. 14, 18;'i5. 2 5 Andrew B., aged lU, born and of . Johnston, of Knier, and Emeline F. Davis, aged 16, born and of Allendale, of .lohn, mariied by Rev. C. Hlodgett ,lnly "), lS."i6. 2 1.5' Sarah E., aged 22, 2d marriage, born Exeter, of Pawtneket, danohter of .lesse and pjmily Carr, and George Henry Smith, aged 28, born ami of Pawtneket, of Samnel and Betsey, manied by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Jnly 22, 18(U. 2 11 SWEETLANI) Albert W., aged 34, 3d mariiage, born North Provideiire, of Pawtucket, of .loseph and Ann, and Char- lotte C. Fisher, aged 19, Iiorn Woicester, Mass., of Pro\i- denee, of Wivston A. and Ann, married bv Rev. C. Blod- gett Jnly 10. 18;VJ. 1 143 SYKES Dennis W., aged 22, born Heholjoth, of Pawtiuket, of James and Betsey, and iMary A. Read, aged 23, born Ver- mont of Pawtueket, of John and Naoma, , 1854. T 2 1 'J'ABOR Eleact E., aged 18, horn and of Pawtneket. of Con- stant and Waitey, and Daniel A. Jillson, aged 21, born and of same [Jace, of Daniel and Mary. Int. March 20, 185.5. 2 2 TANNER William II., aged 19, of Henry and IMary, and Mary J. Russell, aged 21, both born and of Providence, mari'ied by Rev. AV'arren Goddard June 13, 1855. 2 14 Harriet Newell, aged 28, born Centreville, of Seekonk, of Daniel and Deborah, and Horace Francis Lake, aged 2i), born and of Seekonk, of George and Nancy, mairied by Rey. C. Blodgett Oct. 27, 1860. 1 141 TAYLOR Eleanor F., aged 18, of Henry and Lydia, and George (i. Salsbury. aged 21, of Boomer and Rhoila, both born and of Sn)it!ifield, married liy Rev. C. Blodgett April 9, 1854. 1 141 Mary P., aged 17, boi'n and of Sinithfield, of Henry and Lydia, and Cyrel P. Tluirston, aged 19, bom .lohnston, of SmithHeld, of Otis and Cordelia, married by R-.v. C. Blod- gett May 14, 1854. 1 121 TEMPLETON Thomas and Margaret McCartney, both liorn Ireland and of Smithlield, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 6, 1845. 1 131 Thomas, aged 35, 2d marriage, of Smithfield, of William and Jane, and Eliza D. Brice, aged 30, 2d marriage, of Paw- tucket, daughter of James and Martha Dayenport, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 22, 1851. 362 VITAL KECOKD Ol'" KHODE ISLAND. 1 130 TIIAYKR Sahra, aoed "22, born and of Pawtiicket, of Alanson and Pi'ilej-, and Hem y P. Anlliony. aged 22, horn and of Providence, of L. D. and Mary S., married l)y Rev. George F. Cusiinian Sept. 27. 1853. 1 143 Sarali B., aged 20, of Alanson and Sarali, and "Warren Allen Freneli, aged 2."). of Otis and Martha A., both born and of Pawtncket, married by Rev. Julius S. 'I'ownsend Oct. 11, l.S.-)4. 2 2 THOMPSON Samuel, aged 37, 2d niairiage, of William and !Marv. and Jane Mcintosh, aged 35. of .lames and Jane, both born Ireland and of Cranston, mairied by Rev. C. Hlodgelt Sept. 11, 1855. 1 137 THOHXTOX Simeon E. and Louisa A. Wilcox, both of North Providence, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Jan. 5, 1.S53. 2 5 Thomas V., aged 27, born England, of SmithiieUl, of Valen- tine and Elizabeth, and Isabella S. Hyde, ag:ed 20, 2d marriage, born Scotland, of Pawtncket, daughter of John and Mary Spear, married by Rev. J. K. Eiskine Oct. 2, l.s5(5. 2 13 Abel C, aged 2'J, born Johnston, of Pawtncket, of Horace and Betsey, and Eleanor Amelia Baxter, aged 22, born and of Pawtncket, of David and .Mary, married by Rev. Nathaniel Sweet July 1, LStJO. 1 135 THURBER Harriet A., aged U), of William and Linda, and Elijah R. Read. Jr., aged 25, of Elijah R. and Lucinda A., both born and of Attleboro, married by Alvin O. Read, Esc].. Nov. 27, 1852. 1 111 TIHTJSTON Cyrel P., aged 1'.), born Johnston, of Smithfieid, of Otis and Cordelia, and ^Mary P. Taylor, aged 17, boru and of Smithfiehl, of Henry and Lydia, married by Rev. C. Blodgetl May 14, 1854." 2 1 TIEPKE Henry G.," aged 23, born Prussia, of Springfield, of Henry and Louisa, and Tabitha Stack, aged 1'.), born New Yo)k^ of Pawtncket, of Etlward and Martha E., married by Rev. C. Blodgelt April IS, 1855. 2 14 TIFFANY Sarah Greene, aged 34, born and of Coventry, of Ezra and Catharine G., and Edward Brown Williams, aged 32, born South Kingstown, of Coventry, of John I), and Hannah B., married by Rev. J. M. H. Dow Dec. 8, 1860. 2 8 TIGIIEY Mary N., .aged 18, born Pawtncket, of John, and George B. Ricker, aged 19, born i\Iaine, of Eli and Paul- ina, both of Noitii Providence, married liy Rev. C. Blod- gett Dec. 25, 1857. 1 125 TILLINGHAST Frances, aged 21. of Amos A. and Mary, and Francis Pratt, aged 24, of Charles and Laviua, both born and of Pawtncket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett June 11, 1S4;). 1 117 TINGLEY Polly, of Pawtncket, and Edmund Tompkms, of North Providence, mairied by Rev. C. Blodgett April U), 1843. 1 117 TOMPKINS Edmund, of North Providence, and Polly Ting- lev, of Pawlueket, married by Rev. C. Blodgett April 19, 1843. 2 12 Cordelia W., aged 25, born and of North Providence, of Ab- .MAlMilAGKS AND INTENTIONS — TAWTUCKET. 303 TOMPKINS : iiei' S. and Alfioda, .iiul William W. Head, aL!;eil l*.S, lioni and of Pawtiicket, of Alvin O. ami Martha,!., iiiariicd liy l?ev. C. Blodsott Feb. 22, 18G('. 1 119 TUWNE Ahiiiia II., aged 17, born and of Pavvliifkot, of Na- than P. unci Poll)', and .lessee P. Hewett, aged 21, born and of Ni rthbridge, of Eli and Iktsev, married by Rev. C. Klodgett Mareh 27, 1845. 2 5 Marj' A., aged 22, 2d marriage, Ixirn N(.)rlli Providence, of Pawtucket, of Nathan P. and Polly, and Daniel L. Arnold, aged 2.T, born and of Providence, of Larned M. and (Sarali. Int. Ang. 17, 18.")G. 2 12 William, aged .'30, of Nathan P. and Polly, and Sarah E. Graham, aged 2;3, of .lames and Jane, lioth liorn and of Pawtucket, "married by Rev. John M. Peck Doc. 8, 18r,0. 2 13 pjmily, aged 18, boin and of Pawtucket, of Nathan P. and Polly, and C'arroll James Pnllen, aged 25, boin China, IMe., of North Providence, of James and Hannah. Int. Ang. 17, 18G0. 1 135 TRUMBULL Levi, agtd 25, born Uxbridge, of Pawtucket, of Levi and Margaret, and Lama Pliillii), aged 2(5, born Burrillville, of Cumberland, of Ezra and Martha, married by Rev. A. i). Williams Dec. 20, 1852. 1 120 TRIPP Margaret B., aged 24, born Rochester, of Smithtield, and Isaiah Goff, aged 37, boin Rehoboth, of Pawtucket, of Shubael, ^— , 1850. 2 7 William H., aged 25, born and of Providence, of Elisha, and Mary E. Scott, aged 27, born Crompton, of Providence, of George, married by Rev. J. Eiskine, June 22, 1857. 2 6 TUCKER George T., aged 23, born and of Smitlitield, of El- kanau and Rebecca, and Charlotte F. Banfonl, aged 20, born Pawtucket, of Smithlield, of William and Charlotte, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Dec. 22, 185G. 2 2 TUPPER Edward T., aged 23, of Barnet, Vt , of Pawtucket, of Fldmund and Roxana, and Sarah W. Cameron, aged lit, born and of Pawtucket, of Thomas S. and Sally Ann. Int. June 2. 1855. 2 11 TYLER Anne Newell, aged 31, born Weymouth, Me., of Wil- liam and Nancy W., and Newton Bateman, aged 3G, 2d marriage, liorn Fairton, N. J., of Spriuglield, 111., of Ber- gin and Ruth P. 1 141 Ti'NG Williain A., aged 24, born North Provi;ed 211, of Josei)li and Ann, and Kllen Blyth, aged I'.l, of Edward and ]\Iary Ann, both born England and of North Providence, mariied l)V Rev. .Inlius S. Towusend .Inly 2',>, l.s,i4. 2 2 All)crt, aged 21, of William and Patty, and Clara Sweet, aged 18. of Amos and Mary, liolli born and of Attlcl)oro, mar- ried by Rev. C. Blodgett Ang. 14, ISn.i. 2 3 Caroline E., aged 22, of George W. and Esther, and George W. Frencli, Ji'., aged 25, of George W. and Sarah, botli born and of Seekonk, married liy Rev. C. Bk)dgett Oct. 2;"), 18;",o. 2 14 George Halsey. aged 24, born Seekonk, of Woonsocket, of Cieorgo W. and E^ther, and Sarah Ann Burgess, aged 23, born Central Falls, of Seekonk, of .John ]\I. anil Lydia B., married by Rev! C. Blodgett Nov. 29, 1800. 2 5 WALLEY ^Villiam. aged 21, born Eughuul, of Providence, of .Samuel and Mary, and Radial (^ivney, aged 20, bora Elaine, of Piovidence, of ^lichael and ]Mar}' Ann, married by Alvin O. Read, Esq., Oct. 6, 18.50. 2 4 WARD Eanra A., aged 22, born Springfield, of Providence, of Jeremiah and Sarah, and Hiram N. F'arnnm, aged 25, boru lIolvoKe. of Providence, of Tiieodore and Lorinda, married bv Rev. C. Blodgett June 18, 1850. 1 1.;.") WASHBURN Tobias W., aged 25, born Maine, of Cambridge, of Timothy and Jane, and Hannah A. Ryder, aged 20, boiii and of Pawtucket. of James and ISIary. married by Rev. James O. Barnev Julv 29, 1.S52. 1 137 WATERHOIJSE George "W., "aged 24, born Augusta, :Me., of I'rovidence. of Cliailes and F^liza, and Catharine H. An- thony, nged 30. 2d marriage, born and of Providence, itaughter of James and Mary Fuller, married by C. B. I'ai nsworth, FIsq., Jan. 12, 1853. 1 121 WATERMAN Samnel R., aged 23, born and of Johnston, of Joli, and Esther Barney, aged 24, of North Providence, of F'.nock, married by Rev. C. Blodgett July 3, 1845. 1 123 David W.. aged 32. of Providence, of Joseph and Sarah, and Eunice 31. Read, aged 20, of Pawtucket, of Artemus and Abigail, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 24, 1847. 2 5 Susan, aged 27. born New Shoreliam, daughter of Frederick and Justina Dodge, and ^^'illiam T. Hull, aged o8, born 3IARUlA(iES AND INTENTKiNS — rAWTUCKET. 865 WATERMAN' : Providence, of Thomas and Sarah, both of Providrnec and 2d marriage of each parly, mairiL'd liy Rev. C. Ulodgelt Get. 1, 1 «•'!(;. 2 9 WATSON Mary Ann, aged I'Ci, liorn Sterling, C't., of Warwiek, E. I., of Cliarles and Aincy, and William Henry Wood, aged '22, lioiii and of West Greenwich, of Samuel and A^rnelia, man led by Rev. C. Blodgelt Dee. ), 18.J.S. 1 137 WAUGH Sarah, aged 33, born Knghuid, of Pawtucket, of Joseph and Sarali, find Isaac Graham, aged 'J'i, born Ire- laud, of Pawtucket, of Ileury and Saiah, married by Rev. C. Blodueft Feb. 18, 1853. 2 9 WEAVER Hannah E., aged 18, born Gloc.-ster. of Smithfield, of Geoi-ge and Betsey E.. and James Phetteplaee, aged 19, born BIackst, born Providence, of Pawtueket, of William and Frances, married liy Rev. C. Blodgttt Aug. 17, 1852. 1 130 Mary E., aged 20, born and of North Providence, of William and Sarah, and George W. Sweet, aged 23, born and of Pawtueket, of William and Nancy, , 1853. 2 15 David, aged 02, 2d marriage, born Attleboro, of Pawtueket, of Zachariah and Ilepzibeth, and Hypatia Preston, aged 35, 2d marriage, born Dover, N. H., of Pawtueket, daugh- ter ol .Joseph and Grace Lawton, married by Alvin ()., Esc]., Sept. 22, 1801. 2 12 WHITEFIELD William B., aged 45, born Providence, of Pawtueket, of Samuel and Lucy, and Almira D. Smith, aged 3-1, 3d marriage, born New Hampshire, of Pawtueket, daughter of Elijah and Ruth Parker, married by Alvin O. Read. Esy Kuv. C. lilodgelt Aug. 17, ISifl. 1 129 WIGHT Kliza, aged 21, born Biiilington, Vt., of Pawlueket, and Frank A. Sevey, aged 21, born Ruiiiney, N. II., of Boston, married by "Uev. C. Blodgett Nov. 3. IsoO. 2 2 WILBOUU Mary K., 'aged 21, born Newpoi-t, of Norlh Provi- dence, of .losliua and jNIaigaret S.. and James B. Ames, aged 24, born and of New York, of Robert N. and Mary E-, mari'ied bv Rev. 0. Blodgett June 4, l.S.'i."). 1 133 WILBUR .Sarah J., aged lO. of Benjamin, and Franeis K. AVibnartli, aged 24, of fSamnel and I'rescilla, both boru Swanzey and of Taunton, ni,-irrieil by Rev. ('. Blodgett Jan. 20", l.s.^2. 1 12.3 AVIL(H)X Julia A , aged 21, born .'ind of North Providenee, of Kobe! t and Deborah, andEthvin Jeiauld. aged 21, born and of Pawtnekel, of Henry and Louisa, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Nov. 8, 184.S. 1 137 Louisa A. and Simon E. Thornton, l»>tli of North Provi- dence, mairied liy Rew C. Blodgett Jan. ."i, lS.")o. 2 IG Deborah C, aged 11), of Robert and Deboi.ali, and Frederick C. Sayles, aged 2G, of Clark and Mary A., boili born and of North Pi-ovideuce, married by Rev. C. Blodgett Oct. 10, 1861. 1 141 WILD Catharine, aged l'.», born England and of Pawtncket,. of James and Mary, and John Smith, aged 24, boin Eng- land, of Providence, of Henry and Hannah, married bj' Rev. Julius S. Townsend M.ay 21, 18')). 2 11 AVILKIN80N Maria, aged is. of John and .Mary, and Edward C. Smith, aged 24, of S las a:i WOOD Thomas M., aged 21, born and of Pawtucket, of Thomas and Robey Ann, and Janette Sontherland, aged 18, born Scotland, of Pawtucket, of Alexander and Henrietta, married by Rev. James Deane Nov. 26, 1856. 2 8 Oscar, aged 42, 2d marriage, born Goshen, N. Y., of Provi- dence, of Samuel L. and Sally, an. 1 127 WORTHINGTON Charles D., aged 20, l)orn and of Spencer, of Oren S., and Ajnanda M. Kldredge, aged 20, born Cnm- lierland, of Pawtncket, of Richard and Sarah, married by Rev. C. lilodgett Aug. 1, 1850. .2 5 John M., aged 21. born Spencer, of Pawtncket, of Owen S. and Susanna, an Sept. 4, 18(51 July 20, 1857 Sept. 15, 1858 372 VITAL KKCORD OF KHODE ISLAND. ANDREWS Jauies F., of .Fames and Auu F., Apiil 7, 185(5 Martha Ann, of John and Margaret, March 2, 1859 Sauuiel, of James and Jane (Fowler), April 7, 1860 ANGELL Amanda M., of Isaac and Fanny, May 31, 1855 Charles F., " June 29, 1856 ARNOLD Edward AntlioMy, of David and Lucy Ann, " Jan. 21, 1848 William, of and Lucy Goster, Feb. 26, 1849 Isaac, of Sylvan and Sarah, ]\Iareh 16, 1855 Ira Fiancis, of Daniel ].,. and ^larv A., April 29, 1857 William II., of David A. and Elecia A. (Carpenter), ASIICROFT William John, of John and Jane, Mary C, of same parents, ]\Iatilda, of William and Elizabeth, ASIITON Caroline Grace, of Thomas and Harriet. .Tohn F., of same parents, Jane Eliza, of same parents, John S., of Jolm W. and Hannah, Charles F., of Daniel W. and Julia A.. ATWOOD George N., of George B. and .Mary J., AU.MANN Ella .AI., of Charles and Margaret, AIISTI.X Benjamin T., of John II. and Ahui- ra W. (Slado). Aug. 21, 18G0 15 2 17 BACON Lillian W., of Eugene II. and Emma (Miller), ' June 15, 1860 2 1 BAILEY Henry W., of William and Catha- rine, JVIarch 11, 1855 Dora, of John and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1859 Ellen yi., Jan. 24, 1861 BAKER Edwin S., of Asa and Ilnlilah, May 24, 1843 Benjamin T , July 16, 1845 ^ — , daughter, Nov. 28, 1847 , son, Dec. 22, 1849 Frederick A., of Elijah and Sylvia, Nov. 23, 1843 Chailes Au^ustus, of Tristam and ISIercv, Feb. 18, 1845 Harriet AFaria, of Eihvard R. and Eliza B., Sept. 19, 1846 Selleek, Sept. 9, 1848 Frederick Alanson, of Iliram and Jlelissa, May 27, 1847 Lora Amanda, of Freeman and Lavina, July 30, 1848 , dauiihter, Nov. 18, 1850 Maiy A., of George and Almcdia, May 29, 1854 Oscar. July 11, 1855 2 8 BAMFORD Charles H., of Georse E. and Sa-ah, '' April 13, 1857 1 41 BANNIGAN John Eugene, of Barnard and Mary Ann. '^ Sept. 6, 1849 1 51 Matilda Ann, of same parents, June 6, 1851 1 45 Catharine, of Thomas and Mary, May 26, 1850 2 14 2 20 2 2 1 27 1 43 2 3 2 9 2 2 6 2 12 2 24 2 9 2 IG 2 9 1 17 1 (;i 1 33 2 7 BIRTHS — PAWTUCKET. 373 JJAKBER Kinnia, of .losc'ith aiul Kliz:il)elli, .Imu- .s, l8o9 KlizalR'th L., M;iivh IT), 1.S6I BARKER Albert, of WiUium nnd Catliarinc, Aiijj,'. 31, IS'iS 15ARL(nV Frances, of Patrick and Mary, Oct. Id, 11S47 Patrick, Fob. L'.s, 1,S50 Joseph, of Patrick and .Alaigarct, Fel). 11, IS.'iG ILVRXKS ]\Iaiinila, of Edward and Hannah, Xov. 23, 1857 Walter M., of Tlionia.s and Zdjiiia, Sejit. 29, l.s,">6 Carrie H., of f;eori;e II. and Ilarrii't E., Oct. 24, 1856 Frank 8., " Sept. 29, 1858 William, of Patrick and IMary, .Ian. 27, LsCi BARNP;Y , son of George and Emily, Oct. 18, 1857 Flliza M., " ' March 5, 18(J(> BARRETT Margaret, of John and Rose. Xov. 28. 1857 BARRY Sarah A., of Patrick ami Elizabeth, Sopt. IC, 1845 BARTOX Mary A., of Patrick and Mary. X.iv. k;, 1.S52 ISATES Amelia Jane, of Sullivan and Sarah, Xi>v. 23, I84S' , daughter of Frederick and Harriet X., Feb. ;i, 1857 1 11 BAXTER Isaiah Edgar, of James V. II. ami Phebe A., Jnlv 5, 1844 123 Abby Ann, Jnlv 2(1, 184(J 135 Phebe Amanda, Oct. 1,1848 1 35 Loring, Oct. 1, 1848 1 47 Phebe A., March 1, 1850' 1 9 Theodore, of Fieeman and Tabitha, Mai-ch 21, I84.> . 1 37 Albert, of Albert B. and Phebe, Nov. 24, 1848- 1 69 Warren, of Oliver and Emily, April 2, 1854 1 69 Atina Isabel, of Samuel and" Alary, M.ay 11. 1854 2 11 .Mary A.. Autr. 21, 1858 2 1 Ezra, of Ezra and Sarah. April 28, 1855 2 6 EllaF., of Ebenezer and Mary Ann, Dee. 24. 1856 2 11 Oliver F., of Oliver and Emily. Aug. 28, is58 2 14 BELDEX , of William W. ami Eliz.a- Ijcth P. (Passniore), Sept. 21, 1859' 2 17 Benjamin F., of same [larents, Sept. 21, I860' 2 16 BEXCIIER p:nin-.a, of Christopher, Oct. 7, I860 1 7 BEXSLEY , daughter of James B. and Maria, Jan. 10, 1845 1 21 James R., Dec. 22, 1846. 135 Francis A.. June 12, 1848 1 45 , daughter, Dec. 14, 1850 1 45 pjUgenc E., of Samuel and Cordelia, Aug. 12, 1850i 1 55 , son, Nov. 1, 1851 2 10 Cornelia, Jan. 1, 1858- 1 13 BEXSOX Zeno, of Cvrus and Lvdia ^V.. March 7, 1846 1 1 BEXTLEY Amelia C., of Michal and Agnes, Aug. 30, 1843 1 17 Alfred, Nov. 9, 1845 2 16 BERKELEY , of James and Hannah (Miller), March 20, 1 860 1 17 BERRY Freeman, Jr.. of Freeman and Ma- haia, Dec. 19, 18 45 2 6 James B., of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 24, 18 56- 374 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 71 BICKNKLL Sar:ili] Agnes, of Josiali and fSarali. Aug. IG. 1854 1 1.5 BINFOKD , son of William and Ciiai- lotto, April 15, 1846 1 15 2 1 5 1 43 2 J ■I 21 1 1.') 1 29 1 45 1 f>!) 2 4 ■) 21 1 i 2 4 I i;i 1 25 1 '>i 1 51 1 (",5 1 33 2 13 1 23 I 65 2 20 2 14 2 11 1 71 2 22 2 22 1 ;) 2 C 1 13 I 33 1 23 1 55 1 23 1 37 1 53 1 09 2 7 April 15, 184 6 BIRTWISTLE George, of Georcre, Oct. 38, 1856 BISHOP Pauuel, of James and Kiitli, March 30, 1844 William Clarraiia. of William and Lydia M., Nov. 8, 1849 James E., of Comfort and Nancy B., March 11, 1857 , son of Henry F. and Joseijliine, May 25, 1801 BLACK Thomas, of Andrew and Ami. Dee. 17, 1845 Jolm, March 2.S. 1848 Edward, June 24, 1850 Annie, of Edward and Julia, April 28, 1854 Thomas, June 12, 185(5 Andrew, June 1 , 18{;i BLISS Frank Manton, of Albert and Lvdia M., " March 9, 1845 Mary E., March 30, 1856 Harriet A., of Ezra and Lydia, Sei)t. 11, 1845 . son, Ai)ril 17, 1847 Frederick, Feb. 23, 1849 Amesetia, April 4, 1851 Hiram A., Juno 20, 1853 Harriet Franklin, of Edward P. ;\nd Prn- (Umce. Jiily 27, 1848 BLODGETT Edward W., of William W. and Salome W., Sept. 27, 1857 William Constantine, March 24, 1859 BLOOMFIELD Mary Ann, of William and Charlotte, Sept. 14, 1841; Charlotte, June 7, 1853 William F. H., March 12, 1861 BLY AVilliam A., of Martin V. and Mariah, July 30, 1859 BOARDMAN Louisa, of Thomas and Marv A., " Aug. 14, 1858 BORDEN Mary, of Joseph and Marv, Sept. 8, 1854 William Colwell, of Adolplms and Anna, Oct. 23, 1861 BORD.M.VN llvpathia. of Thomas and Mary Ann, " Sept. 20, 1861 BOSOKER John, of Christopher and Maria, ]May 7, 1844 BOTTO.MLY , son of John and N.ancy C, Nov. 5, 1856 BOWEX Edward J., of James and Sylvia, March 28, 1846 Bvron Spencer, Aug. 3, 1848 F:ila M,, of William M. and Eliza A., May 30, 1846 Eliza Adalaide, Nov. 7, 1851 Eliza Ann, of Henry and Adaline, Feb. 10, 1847 BOWKER William Henry, of Christopiier and Maria, .Inne 12, 1848 Maria, of same (larents, Sept. 12, 1851 Lydia, of same parents, April 2, 1854 William II., of William and Catharine, Oct. 7, 1857 2 1 1 2;) 1 39 1 33 1 63 1 67 2 2 37 49 3 11 31 1 1 22 9 1 lilKTHS — PAWTUCKKX. 375 1 47 BOYER Mary E., of James G. aud Susan W., Aug. 15, 1850 I'^va, Ai)ril 20, 1855 BOYLE CJKules Henry, of Henrv and Mary E.. ' " Jan. 24, 1848 Ann MeCloar, Dec. 25, 1849 Mary, of William and Elizalietii, May 29, 1.S48 Ann Elizabelh, of William and Elizabeth. Eeli. 8, 1853 Caroline A., of John and Margaret, Jan. .'!, 18,^4 BOZWOKTII , of Alonzo P. and Elizabelh, July .s, 1H55 1 7 BRADBURY Andrew, of George and Al- niitta. May 17, 1S44 BRADLEY Peter, of Peter and Hannah, June — , 1.S4.S , son, Jan. 7. 1850 BRADY Margaret, of John and Julia, May 31, l.s43 Charles, " April 8, 184.5 James Edward, June 10, 184* Jane, of John and Isaliella, April 21, 1844 Sarah, April 21, 1844- Isabella, of Alex and Mary Ann, Sept. (i, l''^61 BRAID Richard, of Riehard and Bridget, Sept. 15,1844 BKAMLEY — , daughter of Arthur and Aliie, ^ Eeb. 4, 1844 BRANNIGAN Daniel, of James and Cate ((.jiiinn). May 6, 1800 BKASTOW Joseph, of Joseph and Joanna, May 15, 1853; BRAY Althena F., of Edmund and Elizabelh (Anderson), April 6, I860 BRAY'MAN Amelia, of Albert and Susanna, Aug. S, 184* Albert E., Aug. 23, 1846 Edward Albert, Sept. 17, 1H48. , son of James W. and Adelia, Dec. 20, 1844 Louisa Bowen, June 2, 1847 Delia, Oct. 30, 1849 Ella F., of Samuel G. and Isabella, Feb. 20, 1847 BREWSTER , daughter of Joseph and Joanna, Dec. 28, 1854- BRICE James, of John and Louisa, 1846-1847 William Henry, March 11, 1848 John Orin, June '^'^^ ''"^-'''^ Robert J., Jan. 15, 18.-.3 Amev C, Jan. 19, 1S54 Robert. J""e 3, 1856. Robert J., Ju''e 3. 1857 Mary Ann, of Henry and Eliza, May 25, 1843> BRIERLY' Sarah Elizabeth, of John and Rosanna, Uee. 3, 1848^ Alice Taylor, i^ept. 7, 1851 , daughter of Peter and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1851 John, of John and Bridget, Oct. 15, 1854 BRIGGS Thaddens, of ^Stephen and Ann Louisa, May 29, 1847 2 15 Anna M., of William and Jane, Oct. 14, 1859 1 63 2 16 3 23 35 11 29 39 23 73 21 t'.) 45 61 67 4 8 41 39 53 55 73 27 376 VITAL liECOUU OF RHODB ISLAND. '2 17 BRIGGS , son of George Henry niid Sai-ali.I. (Kvans), Dec. 7, ISfiO 1 7 BHOWN Allien Fnuiklin, of Isaac antl Miiry Ann, Mav 24, 1844 1 13 All)eiU May 24, 1840 1 1.") George A., of Lorenzo and Dianna, July tJ, 1845 2 o Clarrie L., of William II. and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1856 2 28 , daughterof Alfred and Ardelia F., Dec. 12, 18G1 ■> 20 BROWNKLL Engene A., of Emerson P. and Cvntliia Vj., Feb. S, 18G1 2 1.! BRUCE Ella De Forrest, of Edward and Ln- erelia, Jan. '.I, 1859 1 47 BRYANT Sarah E., of James L. and [Erne- line, Sept. 4, 1850 Endorah W., Feb. 23, 1853 Jnstns, Se[)t. 1, 1857 Matilda E. T., Feb. 2, 1859 Eiiima Franees, Jan. 27, 1862 Florenoe A., of pAhvin and Jlelissa A., Aug. 4, 18.58 BUCKLEY Catharine, of John and Ann, April 10, 1844 Joseph, of John and Rosanna, Oct. 27, 184(5 Dennis, of John and Rosanna, May 15, 1848 .Julia, of John and Mary, Ang. 4, 1850 BUCKLIN Ennua, of Arnold and Margaret, Feb. 28,1849 Mary C, of Albert and Jnliaett C, March 22, 1850 F^'.islia W.. of David and Nancv, Sept. 23, 1855 John, of Jolm and Ardelia W.," Dec. 24, 1855 Ira, of Ira W. and Svbel C, Aug. 15, 1857 Harriet A., " July 22, 1859 Daniel E., Oct. 24, 1861 David, of David W. and Elice, July 24, 1858 Lizzie Maiia, of E. and Ann (Kindiall), June 15, 1860 BUFFINtiTOX Julia E., of Perry S. and l\Iarv, June 25, 1845 Ruth M"., Dec. 20, 1847 Franklin, Ang. 20, 1851 Frederick, Aug. 20, 1851 George Edwin, of Gardner L. and Matilda. Jan. 16, 1849 Joseph M., of Gardner C. and Ellen M., Dec. 25, 1854 Charles W., March 28, 1857 BULLOCK George Evans, of William D. and Huldali, Jan. 23, 184J Edwin R., of Rufus and Mary E., Aug. 17, 1851 BURGESS , daughter "of Joseph S. and Olive, William Read, Mary F., William F., Charles R., BURGOIXE Ellen, of Andrew and Mary, BURKE Mich.ael, of William and Mary, 1 1 BUKLINGAME Frederick E., of Reuben H. and Almira, 2 10 Manlavv, of Lenda S. and Ellen F., 1 63 2 .S ■> 13 2 21 2 11 1 .3 1 19 1 35 1 45 1 37 1 47 2 •2 2 3 ■> 8 2 14 ■2 22 2 11 ■> IG 1 17 1 29 1 29 1 29 1 37 1 73 2 7 1 37 1 53 1 23 1 37 1 45 1 61 2 4 2 8 1 25 Oct. 17, 1846 Sept. 5, 1848 June 28, 1850 Feb. 2, 1853 March 15, 1856 Aug. 27, 1857 March 13, 1847 Feb. 1, 1844 May 6, 1858 BEltTHS — PAWTL'CKET. 377 11 I) •sr, 41 47 r)7 63 Go 7 C7 71 73 2 11 2 20 1 53 2 (J 1 31 1 33 61 59 1 31 1 49 69 69 BURNS Mai-in, of Liiko and JMary, Thomas, of Tlionias and Aduline, James Henry, of Jolm and Alice, Cornelia, Cornelia, Irene, William D., Josiali C, of Barnard and Elizalictli, Charles F., George, of George and Ann, Fanny, of George II. and Harriet E., Robert, of Hngh and Eliza Ann, Samuel S., of Hngh and Eliza, John Henry, of Joini and Elizal)etli, BURR Caroline T., of Henry and Sarah, , a daughter of William A. and Rhu- hamah, BURROUGHS Amelia Robbins, of Samuel and Catharine, BURTON William IL, of William II. and Matilda N., IMary F., of William and Melinda, BURY Roby, of Jolm and Isabella. BUSBY Robert, of James and Margaret, Lavina, of same jiarents, BYRNE Patriek, of Edward and Mary, BYRON Thomas, of 'Ihomas and Zilplia, June 20 1844 Oct. 29 1844 June 24 1848 Dee. 23 1849 Nov. 30 1850 Feb. 11 1862 March 14 1853 June l.S 1853 Jan. 18 1857 Oct. 21 1853 Aug. 23 1854 Nov. 17 1858 June 29 1858 INIarch 28 18C1 July 11 1851 Nov. 20 Jan. 20 April 1 1849 Nov. 16 1852 Sejit. 19 , 1852 Aug. 29 1847 July 10 1850 May 1 1854 May 17 1854 1856 1848 c 2 24 1 17 1 3 1 63 1 63 2 3 2 17 2 20 2 12 2 21 1 7 1 43 67 67 49 61 59 11 2 2 CADY' AVilliam Henry, of Henry W. and Sarah M., CAIN Micliael, of William and Ann, CALLAHAN t'atharine, of Thomas and Mary, Margaret, of Matthew and Margaret, , daughter of Thomas and Rose (Ward) Mary C, of same parents, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, of James and Mary A., Mary E., of Patrick and Sarah. CAMDON Thomas Spencer, of Thomas S. and Sally Ann, CAMERON William, of Thomas S. .and Sally Ann, Frederick, Jennie, John, of Robert B. and Emeline, , son of Rol)ert and Lucy E., Catharine L., of John and Mary A., Almira, Charles E., of Robert and Sally Ann, Feb. 17, 1862 Oct. 15, 1845 Feb .3, 1843 April 25, 1853 Apri 28, 1853 Nov . 5, 1855 Dec . 5, 1860 Jan. 21, 1861 Oct. 14, 1858 May 26, 1861 March 24, 1845 Aug. 11, 1851 Oct. 21, 1853 Oct. 21, 18.53 Jan. 29, 1851 Dec. 28, 1852 Sept. I--?, 1852 Sept. 17, 1858 Oc .4, 1855 378 VITAL RKCOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 -21 C A:\IPBKLL George 15., of George R. and Betsey, 1 35 AVilliam Robert, 1 63 Sarah E.. 1 25 Barney, of Michael and ilary, 1 57 John, of Patrick and Catherine, 1 6.J Catharine, 2 3 Barney, 2 12 John, 2 21 Ann, 1 53 Ellen, of Thomas and ;Mary J., 2 2 John II., 1 67 Margaret A., of Owen and Catharine, 1 35 CAPEN Lucy Maria, of William and JIary B., 1 31 CAREY Edwin Franklin, of John H. and Sarah, 1 31 CARL Ellen, of Patrick and Bridget, 1 II CARLIN Daniel, of John and Sarah, 1 7 CARXES John, of James and Janette, 1 4!) CARNEY Felix J., of Mailhew and Ann, 1 53 , son, 1 13 CAROLEY Joseph W., of Ilenrv and Mary, 1 1 CARPENTER Draper, of Draper and Caro- line, 1 33 Caroline Draper, 1 13 Charles E., of Asa E. and Ilattie A., 1 13 Delia P., of Allen and Eliza, 1 27 William Francis, 1 45 Wliipple A., 1 13 Frederick B., of Benoni and Adaline, 1 51 Sarah Shaw, 1 25 Elias A., of Elias W. and Thankful, 1 29 Charlotte Ella, of Horace and Charlotte, 1 51 Charles A., of Calvin and Ellen, 2 10 Edwin, 2 7 George D., of Asaph P. and Irene M., 1 3 CARR Ellen, of James and Bridget, 1 59 CARROLL Mary A., of Patrick and Margaret, 2 1 Margaret, 1 3 CARTER , of Hiram and Sylvia, 1 9 Eugene, 1 23 Frank E., 1 35 Niles Edgar, 1 57 Frank F., 1 71 . , daughter, 2 10 , son, 2 12 , son, 1 25 Joseph, of Joseph and Jane, 1 51 CASEY Catharine, of James and Bridget, 1 61 William II., 1 73 Ellen E., 2 18 CATTANOCK Mary A., of Donald D. and Agnes A. (Locke), July 4, 18G0 :\IaY 17, 1816 April 30, 1849 April 10, 1853 April 10. 1847 Feb. 17, 1852 March 27, 1853 Nov. 19, 1855 Oct. 3, 1858 July 15, 1861 Sepf. 18, 1851 July 30, 1855 Oct. 28, 1853 May 27, 1848 Jan. 25, 1848 May 5, 1847 July 1, 1.S44 Jan. 25, 1845 Feb. 6, 1850 June 15, 1851 Oct. 8, 1845 July 4, 1843 July 3, 1848 May 1, 1845 May 17. 1845 Jan. 24, 1848 May 10, 1850 June 1, 1845 Feb. 26, 1851 July 5, 1846 Dec- 25, 1847 May 1, 1851 Feb. 5, 1858 March 18, 1857 Aug. 10, 1844 Oct. 15, 1852 Feb. 28, 1855 Dec. 3, 1843 March 12, 1845 Noy. 7, 1846 June 6, 1848 Feb. 7, 1852 Sept. 6. 1854 Dec. 16, 1857 Dec. 16, 1858 March 28, 1847 Feb. 18, 1851 Noy. 22, 1852 Dec. 22 1854 13 17 3o 53 17 "w 10 33 43 CI 71 35 47 71 15 •23 1 33 1 73 1 71 2 8 2 20 2 2 2 3 2 7 2 1 1 5 1 45 1 61 1 61 1 9 1 7 1 21 1 39 1 51 2 2 1 61 2 4 2 10 2 12 2 3 Nov. IG, 1857 July 15, 1861 Jan. 21, 1845 Feb. 4, 1849 Mav 6, 1845 Oct." 20, 1845 June 12, 1848 Jnlv 13, 1851 Oct". 21, 1845 June 5, 1852 Feb. 25. 1858 Way 16, 1848 Oct. 11, 1850 Nov ■ 2 1852 Aug. 'l(l', 1854 A|iri 1 4, 1849 Jan. 29, 1850 Sept. 16, 1854 Dec. 21, 1859 BIKTHS — PAWTUCKET. 379 2 9 CAVANAGII Mary A., of John and Marga- ret, 2 21 CAVERNOR John F., of John F. and Mar- garet, 1 9 CIIACE Benjamin Luther, of Osborne and Keziah, 1 35 Edward Newton, of same parents, Charles, of Simpson and Reljecca, Emma AV., of Hiram T. and Phebe, Preston Alcot, Louisa A., Joiin B., of William and Louisa, Louisa J., Spencer C, Ellen Leland, of John L. and Aliby, Ann Elizabeth, John L., Vienna S., Mary Frances, of Carlton and Sarah Ann, John R., of Alexander B. and Laura E., Lillian A., of Hiram T. and Phebe, , of Alfred F. and Sarah, CHAFFEE Charles F., of Jonathan and Abbey, April 3, 1847 1 55 CHAPMAN William Jov, of William and Martha, " Oct. 30, 1851 Jov, of Matthew and Mary, Oct. 29, 1848 Ro'bert J., of William and Martha, Oct. 26, 1854 CHARNLEY Charles F., of James A. and Sarah A., June 21, 1854 Frances E., of same parents. May 11, 1857 James f^dgar, of William and Jane, March 26, 1861 CHARY John, of Michael and Catharine, Oct. 25, 1855 Patrick, of James and Catharine, Nov. 2, 1855 CHILLSON Lucetta T., of Dexter and Car- oline, Feb. 27, 1857 CHURCH Auguslus, of William and Louisa, Jan. 20. 1855 CLARK John, of Patrick and Catharine, Aug. 25, 1843 Frances, Oct. 14, 1850 Mary, Dec. 31, 1852 Mary, Jan. 8, 1853 Philip, of Francis and Ann, May 24, 1844 Susan, of Phinehas and Mary, Jan. 26, 1845 Frederick, Feb. 15, 1847 Elizabeth E., May 12, 1849 Thomas, of James and Sarah. June 2, 1851 James, of James and Sarah, July 4, 1855 Harriet A., of Henry H. and Harriet W., Jan. 22, 1853 Caroline S., IMay 18, 1856 Elizabeth F., Dec. 23, 1857 Patrick, of John and Cath.arine, Oct. 5, 1858 CLEVELAND Hattie, of Samuel T. and Mary B., Dec. 21, 1855 1 71 CLOAKET Ellen, of Patrick and Mary, July 4, 1854 380 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 3 37 25 1 1 15 27 !•; 22 21 6U 20 61 ;» 10 7 53 61 65 53 61 01) 3 37 07 51 1 53 1 59 1 65 2 2 2 21 2 U 2 18 2 6 1 27 1 35 1 41 1 53 1 59 1 27 1 55 1 65 1 61 1 01 2 5 2 14 1 7 1 27 1 53 rvippfv nf PpIp'^- nnrl /iliili'i Marcli 28, July 6, 1844 1848 P^stlicr, Mary J., of Reuben and Mar_y, Oct. 29, 1846 COGGESHALL Lydia, of Joseph and Sarali, Ai)ril 15. 1844 Sarah Mariah, April 15, 1844 Chailes, March 11, 1846 John Francis, Feb. 3, 1848 George Henry, of John and JIaiv (Sadler), March 3, I860' COLE Lillian, of Wheaton and Riitli W., Oct. 17, 1801 Fannie Adell, of John H. and Ellen M., April 19. 1861 Harriet C, of Sylvaiuis and Caroline B., March 27, 1854 COLLER David L., of Alfred B. and Caro- line, Marjh 12, 1847 COLWELL Elvira, of William and Eunice, Jan. 28, 1853 Abl)ie L., of William H. and Eiuiice S. (Cariicnter), Nov. 5, 1857 Lorana B., of same parents, April 7, 1800 CONALLEV Catharine, of John and Eliza- betli. Oct. 17, 1844 Olney, of Olney and Ann, June 14, 1851 Thomas, of Tliomas and Calliarine, Dec. 6, 1852 MacUlc, of Owen and Ann, July 15, 1853 CONIFEE Jolni, of Peter and Bridget, July 11, 1851 Ann, Nov. 17, 1852 William, April 17, 1854 Peter. Dec. 3, 1855 COXLEY Frances, of Owen and Ann, Jan. 20, 1849 James, of John and Chrisliania, Oct. 14, 1853 CONLON Catharine, of Patrick and Catli- ariuc, April 15, 1851 Mary, Aug. 4, 1851 John, Sept. 14, 1852 John P., of Patrick and Ann, June 9, 1853 Peter, of (Jwen and Ann, Oct. 1, 1855 Simon Peter, of Daniel and Mary A., July 16, 1861 Mary, Aug. 22, 1859 Sarali, of Patrick and Catharine (Smith), July 11, 1860 CONNOR John, of John and Margaret, June 19, 1856 CONWAY George A., of Josei)h and Han- nah M., May 19, 1846 James, July 24, 1848 John, Dec. 15, 1849 Hannali M., July 20, 1851 Mary T., Aug. 29, 1852 James, of Mark ami Catharine, Aug. 20, 1846 Nov. 20, 1851 1 Agnes, June 16, 1853 John, of James and Ellen, Dec. 31, 1852 John, Jan. 3, 1853 Joseph, Sept. 18, 1856 James, of James and Bridget, Aug. 15, 1859 COOK Francis, ''of Francis and Margaret, Jan. 26, 1845 Robert, Oct. 1, 1847 Ellen, July 22, 1851 1 31 2 7 2 11 2 K? 2 14 1 19 2 25 1 59 1 71 2 fi 1 71 2 18 BIKTHS — FAWTUCKET. 381 1 G9 C'OOK James, of Francis and Margaret, March 3, 1854 1 27 , dauglilcr of William ami Kiiza- beth, Ann;. 29, 184 7 1 49 Alice A., of William and Susan, Ang. 23, 1850 1 19 COOKSON Mai-y Elizabeth, of John M. and Abigail S., Sept. 19, 184(5 1 31 Susanna, of same parents, Jan. ICi, 1848 Charles Edward, of Edward and Lavina, ( )ct. 1 1, 1817 Anna, of William I. and Caroline, Jan. K!, 1857 CUOLEY , sou of Franklin and Bet- sey, June 1 , 1S58 Geneva, Jlay (), 1859 COOP Joshua, of William and Mary J., Aug."l8, 1859 COOPER , of George and Margaret, April 25, 184G George Edward, of Benjaiiiiu and Jemima, Feb. 12, 18G2 CORBETT Emma J., of John and Adeline, June 20, 18.^)2 Mary Ellen, Aug. 2(3, 18,0+ CORLISS John C, of Patrick II. and Cath- arine, Dec. 19. 185(J CORRICtAN James, of James ami Cathar- ine, June 18, 1854 C(JRY Lillian, of Christopher II. and Anna E. (Allen), 1 9 C()TT0N George, of (ieorge and Ceiieith, 1 13 Eliza F., of Benjamin R. and Eliza, 1 27 Caroline Read, of Benjamin R. and Eliza, 2 5 Mary E., of Charles N. and Mary, 2 20 COUPE Maigaret, of William and'Mary, 2 20 C(JYLE Mary Ellen, of Amlrew and Mar- gai'et, 2 8 CRANDALL Jauies, of Wilham W. and Harriet, 2 2 CRAWFORD , (^f James M. and Ann E., 2 22 Sarah J., of Richard and Martha, 1 21 CROWLEY Jauies, of John and Elizabeth, 1 9 CROWELL Augustus, of Svlvester and Pris- cilla, 1 13 • — , of Reulien and Betsey, 1 21 Emeline, 1 35 William Francis, 1 51 Ceniale, 1 13 iMalissa, of Angeline, 1 15 Eleazer W^, of Eleazer and Bethiah, 1 29 Eleazer AVallace, 1 61 , of Abraham and Amenda, 2 9 , daughter, 2 18 CROUCIIER W^illiam F., of Edward and Mary A. (Giadwell), 2 22 CUDWORTII , of James and Jlartlia, 2 14 CUE John, of James and Ann, 1 17 CULLEN Mary, of John and Bridget, 1 39 James, of Patrick and Bridget, t 31 CULYANAN Susan, of Patrick and Bridget, Dee. 9, 1860 Oct. 22, 1844 June 23, 1845. May 10, 1847 July 14, 1856- Jan. 19, 18G1 Jarch 14, 18G1 June 15, 1857 Sept. 1, 1855' Nov. 6, 18G1 Nov. 23, 184 6 July 22, 1844 April 30, 1845 IMay 1, 184G Aug.'2G, 1S48. April 22, 1851. July 18, 1845 Oct. 28, 1845 Feb. 18, 1848: Oct. 30, 1852' Sept. 13, 1857 Dec. 12, 1860 Oct. 6, 1861 Sept. 22, 1859 Feb. 1, 184G Nov. 2, 1848 May 7, 184 T 382 VITAL RECORD OK IIHODE ISLAND. 1 27 CUNNINOIIAM Miclmcl, of James antl Al- lefaly, Dec. 13, 1847 2 7 Sarah, of Patrick and Rosanna, March 10, 1857 1 3 CURKAN Mary, of .John and Rosanna, April 30, 1844 1 7 Catliarine, Oct. 2, 1844 1 63 Ellen, Feb. 2, 1853 1 21 CUSILAIAX Rosalie Le Roy, of Ileniy B. anil Harriet J., ' Dec. 22, 1846 1 41 Anna Maria, of same parents. May 24, 1849 D 2 2 DAOAN Jonathan, of Jonathan and Ann, Sept. 23, 1855 1 1 DAGGETT Mary H., of Jefferson and Han- nah D., April 20, 1837 1 9 Josei)hiiie, of Jacol) and Juliana, Dec. 13, 1844 1 23 Ann E., Oct. 2, 1846 141 Herbert Sidney, Jnly 3, 1849 1 19 DAI LEY John, "of Terence and Bridget, Jnne 14, 1845 1 ;U Rosanna, ^ Feb. 2, 1848 1 4 7 Margaret, Jnly 7, 1850 1 (;5 Terence, Sept. 1, 1853 2 5 Thomas P'rancis, June 23, 1856 1 25 Catliarine, of John and Ann, Jan. 9, 1847 133 Catharine, of Patrick and Ann, June —, 1848 2 1 John F., of Thomas and Alice M., March 29, 1855 2 7 James II., Feb. 20, 1856 2 17 Mary E., May 24, 1860 2 3 Ann. of Robert and Margaret, Oct. 31, 1855 2 3 Charles, Oct. 31, 1855 2 16 Mary, June 19, 1860 2 3 DANA Horatio F., of Henry and Ellen E., Nov. 18, 1855 1 4il DANIELS Frederick G., of AVilliam and Susannah, May 1, 1850 2 1 Josephine, March 5, 1855 2 9 Catharine, of John and Jane, Nov. 9, 1857 1 73 DANFORTH Ella C, of Levi F. and Phebe Ann, Nov. 1, 1854 2 6 Walter L., Nov. 1, 1856 1 3 DARCY Marijaret, of John and Mary, Sept. 21, 1843 2 12 Thomas, of Thomas and l.s.abel, Nov. 27, 1858 1 5 DARLING George Q., of John and Lydia, March 21, 1843 1 15 John, of John and Susan, March 0, 1846 1 35 Ella Frances, of John D. and Mary T., Sept. 8, 1848 1 47 Franklin, Dec. 11, 1850 1 23 DAVENPORT Mary E., of Addington R. and Elizabeth, June 26, 1846 1 35 George Muniford, 1848 or 1849 2 6 , son, Dec. 15, 1856 1 19 DAVIDSON Samuel, of William and Mar- garet, Feb. 12, 1847 1 29 DAVIS , of Simeon C. and Lucy A., April 29, 1848 1 47 Helena G., Jan. 30, 1850 BfRTH.S — PAWTUCKET. 383 1 63 DAVIS Frederick C, of Simeon C. and Lucy A., " M:uch 17, 1853 EdsjarC, Fub. H». 1856 AriluirD., Jan. 23, 1858 Abby M., of John M. and Abby R., Mav 29, 1855 Fanny M., Dec. 13, 18G0 George, of David and Sarah A.. May 29, 1856 INIicliacl, of INIieliael and Bridsret, July 12, 1857 Charles D., of William S. and Adah, Feb. i), 18G1 DAY Thomas, of Patrick and Mariah, .liily 13, 1848 DKAGLES Nattle, of Nattle and Harriet, .Ian. 12,1847 DEAN , son of Marcus L. and Eliza- beth, Dec. 26, 1849 George H., of Charles and Susan S., Jan. 16, 1853 , son of James and Sarah 15., Jan. 21, 1858 , son, April 7, 18(;(> DECATKUR Ella M., of John and Louisa Ann, Nov. 17, 1850 John E., Nov. 22, 1854 Esther J., Sept. II. 1X58 DELANO Bridget, of Patrick and Si)i)hia, Jan. 23, 1S54 DELANY Johii, of Edward and Jane, Aiiril 24. 1850 Margaret Ann, April 30, 1852 James, Feb. 25, 1854 DENHAM ' Emma, of George IL and Emily M., Jan. 17, 1.S62' DENNIS Joseph, of Hugh and Mary, July 6, 185& DENNISGN William M., of William ami Mary, Maich IC. 1845- DENNY Jane, of Patrick ami Jane, Feb. 10, 1857 DEVLIN James, of John and JIary, May 29, 1843 DEWHN John, of John and Mary, Oct. 13, 1845 Lucy Ann, Dec. 28, 1847 Chii'rlotte V., April 9. 1850 Daniel, of Patrick and Hannah, Ai>ril 25, 1847 Charlotte E., <')ct. 23, 1852' DIGELLIS Nancy Ann, of Nudle and Har- riet, Feb. 25, 1845 DIGNAN Walter B., of Walter and Eliza, April 6, 1848 DILLON Francis, of William and Jlary, Aug. 1, 1843 Ann, Sept. S, 1845. James, Dec. 8, ]84d. John, 'I'l'iu *^, 1848-' Edward, of Edward and Ann, Oct. 16, 1843 , d.aughter, July 15, 1846 Margaret, " July l'-'- l''^47 John, of IMichacl and Sarah, May 5, 1844 Rachal, (sic) May 18, 1844 Mary R., May 18, 1845 ■■ , son of Thomasjand Margaret, June 29, 18;)3 Mary E., of Francis and Margaret, Dec. 2, 1854 John, Dec. 12, 185G. Margaret, Oct. 7, 1858 2 3 2 10 2 1 2 16 2 4 2 8 2 20 1 37 1 19 1 41 1 61 2 10 2 16 1 45 1 73 2 11 1 67 1 47 1 57 1 69 2 24 2 5 1 9 2 7 1 3 1 15 1 27 1 43 1 21 1 59 1 7 1 29 1 5 1 19 1 25 1 37 1 1 1 21 1 27 1 1 1 7 1 15 1 65 1 73 2 6 2 12 384 VITAL KECORD OK RHODE ISLAND. 1 25 DIVIN'K , son of James and Clai- lissn, April 20, 1847 2 1 DOXALLY Ann, or Patrick and Jane, June 3, 1855 2 3 Maij Ann, of Patrick and Catiiarine, Nov. 5, 1855 2 :> , son of Owen and Maiy, Oct. 2, 1856 2 15 Joliu, of John and Mary, Nov. 21, 1859 2 20 Mary. April 14, 1861 2 17 Mary Eliza, of Christopher and Mary (Mc- Gnirei, Feb. 23, 1860 1 31 DORAN Catharine, of James and Bridget, Nov. 20, 1847 1 6y Patrick, of Owen and Hannah, " Feb. 1,1859 2 4 Mary E., April 1, 1856 2 11 Bridget, Sept. 13, 1858 2 7 Mary Ann, of Hugh and Ilonora, Feb. 1, 1857 2 5 DORSEY Joanna, of Thomas and Is.abella. Sept. 18, 1856 1 33 DOLTtLASS Henry Clark, of Benjamin and AbbvN., " Jan. 31, 1849 1 17 DOYLE Radial, of John and Racbal, Dec. 28, 1845 1 ;;i James, March 22, 1848 2 5 Jolin, of John and Ann, Aug. 12, 1856 2 13 Bridoel, April 15, 1859 1 13 DRAKE Alvarardo D., of Albert and Louisa, Dec. 20. 1845 1 41 Ediiar Aiphonso, of Howard and Cehnda, "(horn Attleboro), June 2, 1849 1 9 DRIVER John, of Daniel and Eli/.abeth, Nov. 23, 1844 1 27 James, June 7, 1847 1 43 Daniel. Dec. 31, 1849 1 5 DROWN Emma J., of Nathaniel and Lavina, March 4, 1844 1 13 David R., of same parents, Sept. 12, 1845 2 13 DUBAN , of Paul and Bridget, Jan. 6, 1859 1 63 DUFF James, of Patrick and Ann, April 19, 1853 2 1 Mary, March 31, 1855 2 9 Patrick, Sept. 15, 1857 2 13 Mary Ann, of Thomas and ^Nlarv, Feb. 19, 1859 1 41 DUFFEE Thomas, of Thomas anil Mary, Nov. 4, 1849 2 6 Thomas F., of Hugh and Mary, " Dec. 13, 1856 2 21 Margaret, of Patrick and INIary, May 1, 1861 2 21 Bridget, of Edwiird and Mary, June 30, 1861 11 DUGAN Elizabeth, of John and Hannah, Get. 8, 1843 1 35 Thomas, of John and Ann, June 2, 1848 1 51 Jonathan, M.arch 26, 1851 1 51 Alice, March 26, 1851 1 65 James, Aug. 16, 1853 2 9 Barnard, Oct. 15, 1857 1 71 James, of John and Jane, Aug. 18, 1854 2 24 Elizabeth, of James and Celia, Feb. 13, 1862 2 20 DUGDALE John James, of AVilfred and Elizabeth, Maicb 17, 1861 2 22 , of Thomas and Ann, Sept. 23, 1861 2 2 DUNLAP , of James and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1855 2 7 Walter C, March 17, 1857 2 17 , daughter, Dec. 7, 1860 1 39 DUNN Rolx'it, of Peter and Henrietta, Oct. 16, 1848 1 39 James, ' Oct. 16, 1848 51 lit 25 39 i'J 2'J 2 2 18 2 k; BrUTHS — PAWTrClvET. 385 DUNX Ann M., of Pcteiv.and Henrietta, ?il:iv It, ls51 UUNNELL Adalaide, of Jacob and Aniuy, .Inly 5, 1845 , (langlitor, Supl. 15, 1846 Margaret, ^ May 4, 1848 William W., Sept. 18, 1850 DURFEE Mary Ann, of Tliomas and Marv, Doc. 29, 1847 DUXBURY Horace W., of .Joseiih and .Joanna, Xov. 10, 1857 Edwin F., _ Oct. 12, 1860 Edwanl Francis, of .James and Mary (Law- ton), " Oct. 12, I860 1 24 DYF^R Elvira Eranci.s, of Charles and j\Iary E., ' Aug. 9, 1847 1 47 Ellen Ei-ances, of same parents, Feb. 26, 1.S50 1 57 .Jane, of Charles and Ellen M , .Jan. 4, 1852 1 67 Mary E., Oct. 20, 1853 2 8 I'>lvira, Jnly o, 1857 E EARLE Mary Estello, of .Joshua and Angelinc, Dec. 4, 1859 EATOX .Johii H., of ,Iohn E. and Abis-ail M.. !Sept. 12, 1H45 Thomas Harback, ^ Dec. 29, 1847 , son, !Sei)t. 18, 1850 Martha Ann, Aug. 25, 1853 ECCEES Thomas, .Jr., of Thomas and .Joanna, March 19, 1846 ELDREDCtE Almoner M., of Richard and Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 1854 F^dwin, of same parents, July 9, 1857 Emma E., June 24, 1859 ELLIS , daughter of Jra 1). and Eliza M., ^ April 22, 1853 Asher L., of Aslier and Angcuettc, Oct. 3. 1854 Mary, July 25, 1857 , son of Roger and Ann (l{yan), Aug. 5, 1860 EMERSOX Mary Frances, of Wilfiam and Zilpha, Sept. 7, 1846 FjXGLLSH , son of James and Lnev, Jidy 25, 1846 EXXIS Thomas E., of Daniel G. and Sar.ih, Feb. 25, 1844 ETCHELS Elisa. of Thomas and Joanna, Oct. 1, 1843 Sarah, of same parents. Fall River. May 2, 1849 EVERETT George F., of George W. and Frances C, May 3, 1845 1 35 James Austin, Sept. 10, 1848 F FAGIXS Sarah A., of James and Mary, Oct. 16, 1845 FAHF>Y Patrick Francis, of Richard and Margaret, • Jan. 7, 1862 F"AI1?I5AIX Jane, of Robert and Jane, Jan. 21, 1850 Charles, May 16, 1855 Florence X., July 15, 1858 FAIRBAW , of Robert and Ann, March 25, 1853 2 15 13 31 47 05 13 73 8 14 63 73 8 18 25 21 1 5 41 17 1 17 2 25 1 49 2 1 2 11 1 63 386 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 I'J 1 31 1 57 2 1 2 7 2 13 2 21 2 3 2 14 2 2 2 JS 2 1-i 2 17 2 17 1 I'.i 1 •2'.i 1 35 1 45 2 1 2 1 25 1 31 1 43 1 • > 4 1 73 1 41 ] 63 1 67 *> 5 2 21 1 71 2 I) 2 15 2 21 2 4 2 17 2 8 1 39 1 ;!',> 1 47 1 45 1 57 1 71 1 61 2 17 2 17 1 15 1 71 2 14 1 3 1 2 'J FALLON Malachi E., of Malacbi aud Ann, Catharine, Mary C, of Tiiomas and ]Mary, John, of Kdwaid an, 1857 , daughter, July 2G, 1860 Ellen F., ofllenrv E. and Ellen, April 4, 1857 Henry A., " June 28, 1858 G 2 22 GALLIGHEK Anna Gilligan, of Bafnard and Jlary, " SeiJt. 15, 18(U 1 51 GAGE Richard Anthony, of Ricliard B. and Huldah, ^ Feb. 13, 1851 . daughter of Alexander .and Charity, Xoy. 8, 1851 GARDNER William, of Joseph and Anna, " July 26. 1843 John, of Peleg and Mary Ann, Dec. 28, 1848 Charles Fre 1 41 1 53 2 13 1 Gl 2 10 2 18 2 20 1 73 2 7 2 7 2 13 2 21 1 (J 7 ] 43 1 51 1 13 1 21 1 35 1 55 1 07 2 10 2 22 2 2 2 11 2 21 2 21 1 13 1 23 2 IC 2 21 1 15 1 21 1 21 1 41 1 61 2 1 ] (35 2 2 1 / 3 2 5 2 3 1 7 1 21 1 33 1 65 1 23 1 37 1 47 2 17 GOFF James, of Owon and Catliariiie, Jolm, Kosaniuili, Patiiek, of William and Kilm, William, F.licn, Ellen, Ffancis D., of Isaiah and Margaret H., F^mma Read, Charles F\, of Charles II. and Sarah F., Clara, F^lizabelh, of Patrick and I>rid Jan. 2 1 853 Dec. 10 1857 Jan. 17 isco Jan. 16, 1861 Oct. 25 1854 JIaich 15 1857 Feb. 2(; 18-7 Jan. '.1 1 85;) .lune 2 18(;t Nov. 6 1 853 Mav 2:t I8i:) April -.'.s l.s.-,i Aug. 27 18 15 A|nil 3 1817 Nov. 11 181S Dec. 25 1851 Jan. 1 1854 jNIarch 2.S 1858 Sept. 25 1861 Sept. 1 18.55 July 2 1S5S .lune IS 1861 April 1 7 18t;i Dee. 1 18b5 Ainil 5 1817 Oct. S 1860 April 20 1861 Aug. '.) ,1845 Aug. 15 1846 Dee. 22 1846 jMav 14 1811) Dec. 31 1852 lAIareh 2 1 855 Jnly bs 1853 Sept. 17 1855 Nov. 4 1854 Sept. A 1 856 Dec. 'J 18.-,5 .Alarch 11, 184.5. Dec. 31 1816 Oct. 2 184S Sept. 2.S 1853 Dec. 31 1846 June 12 1848 March 25 1850 Ft'h. 29, 186(> 1 55 •1 20 2 9 1 3 1 55 •> 9 1 13 1 57 2 3 2 9 1 17 1 25 1 17 2 211 390 VllWr, KErOHD of UHODli ISLAND. GRRP:NWOOD WilUam H., of Eamund and M:uy, Oct. 28, 1851 GRIDLKY Edgar King, of George F. and Jano, Jan. 7, 18(il GRIMLKV Joseph, of Artluir and Ann, Oct. 17, 1857 GRniSUAW Cluules. of George and Ann, April 25, 1844 GROSSGAN Engene, of Peter and Eugene, Nov. 3, 1851 GUHBY , daugliter of William and Marv, Oct. 20, 1857 2 12 GURRY Margaret E., of Frank and Mary, Oct. 24, 1858 H "HACKETT James, of Peter and Margaret, April 26, 1846 Peter, April 7, 1852 , son, Jan. 5, 1856 Catliarine, of Jolm and Catharine, Nov. 30, 1857 HALLEDAY' James, of Garvin and Jane, April 26, 1845 James, April 22, 1847 Marv. of George and Elizabetli, Feb. 15, 1846 IIALLOWELL Joseiih, of Tliomas and Al- mira, March 10, 1861 1 45 HALLYI5URT0N William II., of William H. and Malinda, July 14, 1850 I 71 Charles, of same parents, Aug. 12, 1854 1 3 HAMMOND Samuel M., of Sanmel and Rosella, March 11, 1844 1 27 Sarah Pettis, Aug. 26, 1846 2 3 Ida, Oct. 25, 1855 1 57 IIAMER Mariali, of Richard and Sarali. April 7, 1852 1 67 James, Nov. 15, 1853 2 4 , daughter, May 28, 1856 2 8 Mary E., May 28, 1858 1 13 IIAMES George E., of George and Bethiah, Nov. 15, 1845 1 17 IIAMPSON Marv E., of Henry F. and Mary A., ' March 26, 1846 1 35 HAND James, of Patrick and Marv, Aug. 6, 1848 1 41 Thomas. ' June 27, 1849 1 51 Francis, April 29, 1851 1 69 Susan, Feb. 1, 1854 2 2 John. Oct. 20, 1855 2 8 Micliael, July 11, 1857 2 14 Peter F., Sept. 4, 1859 2 21 James C, May 28, 1861 2 16 Marv, of James and Rose (Hughes), May 15, 1860 2 22 Susan, Oct. 20, 1861 1 7 HANNIGAN John, of Felix and Ellen, Nov. 21, 1841 2 16 HANWAY James, of James and Mary (Buckley), May 1, 1860 1 5 HARDY Harriet Ann, of Daniel and Dor- otiiy. May 20, 1843 1 53 HARKINS Margaret, of Patrick and Mary, Aug. 14, 1851 1 65 Joseph, Sept. 12, 1853 1 65 James, Sept. 12, 1853 2 2 Peter, July 4, 1855 2 21 1 5 1 63 1 7o 1 3 2 IG 1 ;» 1 73 •2 6 2 5 2 12 2 12 BIRTHS — PAWTITCKET. 391 1 9 HARMON Catharine, of Patrick and Sarali, Oct. S, 184 4 2 20 HARRINGTON I'atnck, of Daniel and Mary, IMaroli 17, ISfil 2 G Ellen, Dec. 31, IH.JG 2 7 Ellen, ,)an. 1, I Charles Convard, of same parents, Ang. 8, 18G1 HA.SWELL Eugene, of George and Abby Ann, " ■ Feb. it, 18-14 • , daughter of James and Mai-y, Feb. 10, 18.")3 HAVP:RLIN .'lohn, of James and Joainia, Dec. 27, 18.U HAWORTH Jane, of Elijah and Alice, Feb. 5, 1844 HAWKINS Ge(jrge, of Patrick and Mary (Matthews).^ Oct. 8, 18G0 HEALKY Julia Maria, of Henry and Maria, Jan. 2G, I.S4.> HENNESSEY Ellen, of Timothy and Mary, Nov. 17, l.Su4 Catharine, Oct. 211, is.jG James B., of John and Maigaret, June 18, 18.iB Edward, Sept. ."0, IH.'hS Thomas, Sept. 30, 18;j,S- 1 b HEWS Henry, of Henry and Rosauna, Nov. 22, 1813 1 13 Rosanna, of John and Mary, June 21, 1845 1 I'.l Bridget, of Owen and Bridget, Julv l'.'. l.'*4.> 1 .V.I Owen, Aug. 21, 1852 1 23 HEWITT , son of Je.sse P. and Al- mira, A[iiil 20, 1817 1 29 Mar}' Angeline, of Yalentiue G. and Caro- bne, Jan. G, 184.S 2 2 HIGGINS James, of James and Ann, Aug. 11, 18;')5 2 7 Catharine, March 14, l.S,07 2 12 Marv A., Dec. 10, 1858 2 15 HIGHAM , daugliter of Ormrod and Catharine, Dec. 3i), 1859" 1 45 HILL Alice, of Edward S. and Celia, Sept. 29, 1.S50' 1 29 HINES Betsey Slucum, of John and De- la ny, " Feb. 25, 1848' 1 57 ■", son, May 6, 1852 2 4 HACKING Radial, of Robert and Marv, March 14, 185G. 1 57 HODGES , sou of William and Harriet, Apiil 14, 1852' 1 71 Frank Blake, Sept. 25, 1854 2 10 HODSON Rodger, of James and Elizabeth, ]March 10, 185* 2 3 HOGAN James A., of Edward aud Raclud, Jan. 29, 185G 2 25 Thomas, of Edwai-d and Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1HG2 1 71 HOLDEN Stephen S., of Shears aud Marev, May 30, 1854 2 10 HOLLAND Josepli E., of Joseph and Ly- dia, Jan. 1, 185S 2 18 Margaret Ann, of John aud Lydia (Beau- mont), June 1.'!, 18G0' 2 23 . , son of John and Lydia, Dec. 10, 18GI 1 3 HOLT Margaret J., of Joseph and Marga- ret, Dec. 22, 1843 1 7 HOOD Levina Thayer, of Joseiih G. and Malissa, " July 4, 1844- 1 5.-) 1 23 1 21 1 3o 1 45 2 5 2 12 1 •2'J 1 31 1 37 392 VITAL liECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 19 HOOD Kinilv J;ine, of Joseph G. and Malissa, Dec. 1.5, 1846 1 ol John P., ' I'^el'- "■^''i ^^-^^ 1 73 . son of Benjauiui "W. and Lcuiira A., ' Dee. 18, 1854 2 7 Charles L., Jan. 12, 1857 2 12 William M., Nov. 17, 1858 2 12 Maiy K., Nov. 17, 18.58 2 17 Edgar W., Aug. 7, 1860 2 8 HOOSTINGS Anianza, of John and Amanda, May 5, 1857 1 11 HOPKINS Raelial A., of Daniel A. and S3 1- vania. Sept. 20, 1844 , daughter of Hen i-y and Serepbina, Nov. 15, ls51 HOY James, of Matthew and Mary, Feb. 18, 1847 HUGHES Thomas, of Barney and Alice, Dec. 24, 1846 Margaret Ann, July 16, 1848 Mary Ann, March 4, 1850 Alice, Sept. 17. 1856 Sarah A, Oct. 11,1858 Ann, of Patrick and Bridget, Oct. 23, 1847 James, of Henry and Kosauna, Nov. 21, 1847 William Henry, of Thomas and Mary Ann, Jnly 14. 1848 1 39 Catharine, of Owen and Biidget, April 16,1849 1 71 Ellen, Sept. 15, 1854 1 47 Thomas E. M., of Tliomas H. and Mary II., Sept. 16, 1850 Felix. Jan. 24, 1851 Marv E., May 4, 1856 Thomas, " Nov. 10, 1857 Rosanna, Dec. 2, 1860 John Francis, of Henry and Qnen, Oct. 17, 1851 James, of John and Ann, Jan. 27, 1858 Henry, of Peter and Margaret (Kellcy), Oct. 24, 1860 Sophia, of Joseph and Margaret, Oct. 17, 1861 HUME George R., of Dauiefaiid Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1861 HUNT Isaac L., of Samuel and Lucy, June 28, 1846 James B., of Oliver and Hannah, " Oct. 7, 1849 James Elmer, of James L. and Betsey, March — , 1850 Walter J., of Abner C. and Marv J. (Bow- ker), ' May 30, 1860 HUNTER Samuel, of Samuel and Asha, Marcli 17, 1844 Celia A., of Alfred and Mehitable, Feb. 5, 1852 HUSE Catharine, of Owen and Bridget, • Jnly 1, 1849 HUSTON John, of John and Ainauda, Feb. 28, 1852 Julia, Sept. 3. 1853 Charlotte D., May 19, 1858 HYDE James, of John and Mariah, Dec. 8, 1846 John. Jan. 21, 1849 Sarah, April 14, 1854 Oswell, Aug. 27, 1856 Alice. Jan. 5, 1859, May 4, 1861 49 4 9 18 55 10 17 22 22 23 43 49 18 .5 57 43 57 65 2 11 25 39 69 2 5 2 13 2 21 19 31 25 39 43 51 2 2 BfUTHS — PAWTUCKET. 393 1 41 HYLAXD Jolm James, of Dnnicl ami Ann, Si-'pt. l.S, 1S49 1 1 IXGRAIIAM Nelson, of Lemuel and Tamson, Mav 21, 1843 1 11 Lewis Throoi), May 29, 1S44 1 13 , of William A. and Betsey, April 25, 1.S45 1 45 William E., Jiuie 5. 1850 1 13 IXMAX Clanissa A., of Esten and Mary, Sept. 20, l)s45 1 19 IKONS Welcome A., of JMonis T. and Deb- orah, Dec. 27, 1S46 1 15 Iin'ING Sarah E., of John and Chanty, Oct. 5, 1845 J JACKSON Mary, of William and Helen, Jan. 9, IMG , INlarch 6, 1.S48 Samuel, of Thomas and Sandi, Sept. 29, 1846 John, Nov. 14, 1848 Alice E., Sept. 18, 1849 Alice A., March 11, 1851 John A., Oct. 23, 1855 1 55 , of John and Catharine, Oct. 25, 1851 1 55 . Oct. 25, 1851 1 65 JACKEHSON Sarah J., of Thomas and Sarah, June 26, 1853 1 57 JEEFEKS , son of William IL and Lucinda, Jan. 11, 1852 1 9 JENCKES Owen, Jr., of Owen and Susan, Stpt. Ls, 1844 1 15 Eliza B., of Hezekiah and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1845 1 23 Henry T., of Oren and Susan T., Jan. 24, 1847 1 29 Mary Alice, of William II. and Freelove S., Oct. 23, 1847 2 22 JENNINGS John, of James H. and Catha- rine, Au2,-. 25, 180 1 1 13 JERAL'LD , of Alfred and Adaline W., April 22, 1846 1 35 Frank, of Edwin A. and Julia, Feb. 11, 1849 Edwin, Jan. 3, 1851 George F., of George A. and Mary P., Oct. 28, 1855 Byron A., July 27, 1857 William F., . May 12, 1860 Frank L., of John R. and Almira A., Dec. 6, 1855 Frederick, of William and Amanda, Aug. 24, 1859 JILLSON Oscar II. , of Daniel A. and EUet, June 13, 1856 Jennette W., May 18, 1858 JOHNSON Byron R., of George and Eliza- beth, March 8, 1844 Michael, of James and Mary, Noy. 28, 1847 Henry Francis, of William and Blargaret, March 12, 1848 JONES Alary A., of Mason and Sarah, May 9, 1843 1 49 2 3 2 8 2 17 2 3 2 14 2 4 2 10 1 1 1 31 1 31 1 11 1 19 1 3 1 33 1 43 1 13 1 49 1 61 1 71 2 11 1 59 2 1 •2 2 10 394 VITAL KECOUU OF KHODE ISLAND. JOXES William Francis, of Mason and Sarah, April 3, 1847 Nehamali J., of Irwin A. and Mary A., ]Mareh 2, 1844 Auios Wilbur, Jan. IG, 1849 Luranna A., Jnne G, 18.50 Mary Jane, of Charles O. and Clarrissa, April 29, 1846 Margaret E., of Henry and Marv, Jan. 31, 1851 John, ' Dec. 29, 1852 Robert M., July 2, 1854 Frederick M., Sept. 13, 1858 John, of Richard and Rosannah, June 9, 1852 Ann M., Jan. 27, 1855 Klizabeth, Oct. 14, 1856 Adeline Maiia, of James A. and May A., Jan. 4, 1858 1 17 JORDAN William, of Robert and Sarah, March 17, 1846 1 73 Josephine M., of Edward and Angeline M., Oct. 10, 1854 2 14 Georsre F., June 26, 1859 2 20 JOYCE Fauuy M., of William and Almira, Feb. 14, 1861 K 1 1 KAIFE Mary, of Hugh and Mary, April 15, 1844 1 73 KAOUGII Mary, of James and Ann, Dec. 25, 1854 2 7 Bridget, Feb. 21, 1856 2 8 Michael, of John ai\d Mary A., April 6, 1857 1 15 KAVAXAUGH William E., of Daniel and Mary, Aug. 30, 1845 1 67 Elizabeth, of John and Mary, Oct. 30, 1853 2 3 , tlaughter, Nov. 2, 1855 1 45 KEECII Sarah Jane, of Renjamin and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1850 1 23 KEKFE John, of Hugh and Mary, Oct. 15, 1846 1 23 Thomas, " March IG, 1848 1 59 KEHOE William, of James and Ann, Aug. 15, 1852 2 13 jMary Ami, of James and IMary, March 31, 1859 2 22 Ann. of Jonas and Ann, Nov. 22, 1861 1 ."il KEITH James, of James and Grace, MarcU 27, 1851 1 9 KELLEY Edward, of Owen and Margaret. July 5, 1844 1 41 William Henry, liorn Lexington, of Wil- liam and Margaret, Sept. 19, 1849 1 39 George Albert, of Edwaid and Maroaret, Dec. 31, 1849 1 43 Albert, "" Jan. 1, 1850 2 3 Mary, of John and Mary, Feb. 10, 1856 2 5 Thoinas, of Patrick and Sally, Oct. 6, 1856 1 7 KELLEYHANE John, of Thomas and 3Iarv, Jan. 2. 1845 139 KELLION Jolni, of Luke and Mary, " Nov. 18, 1849 1 43 John, of Luke and Mary, " Jan. — , 1850 1 41 KENDALL Robert Augustus, of Ilenrv A. and Rebecca, " Oct. 7, 1849 1 35 KENNAN John, of Jt>hn and Rosaunah, Nov. 1, 1848 1 47 , dauo-hter, Dec. 31, 1850 2 4 Ella J., " Feb. 22, 1856 2 11 Eliza, June 8, 1858 2 16 Rosanna, Sept. 11, 1860 BIRTHS — PAWTUCKET. 395 I 47 KENNAN Mary, of Neil ami Elizabeth, 1 59 Bernaid, 2 8 James II., 1 21 KENNEDY John, of Johu and Mary, 1 23 Flank W., of Thouuis and Eunice, 1 5 KENT Albert, of Ileniy and Jane, 1 13 Florence, 1 2,5 , of Lewis and Lydia, 1 37 Nelson, of Earned and Sarah Ann, 2 7 Sarah E.. of Preston W. and Jane E., 2 16 William W.. 2 14 I'eilev E., of Horace and Lydia, 2 24 Arabel Lelia, 1 1 1 KENYON Robert Thomas, of Jonathan and Ellen, 1 15 Charles II., of Isaac and Martha, 2 17 Thomas Lloyd, of William II. andiNIaryA. (Pimbley), 2 4 KILMONY Joseph, of Joseph and Catharine, 2 8 KINGSBURY Mary E., vf Samuel A. and Elizabeth W., 2 12 ■ , 2 fi 2 25 5 15 21 31 21 11 35 1 71 KIRK Anna E , of Robert and Anna, 1 71 Anna Eliza, of Robert J. and Anna, 2 1 , 2 4 Anna E., 2 12 . 2 17 JNIarv E., 1 25 KIRKPATRICK , sou of William and jMargaret, 1 37 F>lias, of same [jarenls, 1 1 KNAPP , of Freeman and Lydia. (still born ), 1 29 KNIGHT Lucy Maria, of Thomas and Ruth, 1 47 George Warren, 1 47 Cluu-res Alden, 1 65 Ellis J., 2 5 Mary, 2 16 Margettea, 1 63 KUNTSA Etlward, of Gustaff and Josephine, L LACKIE Mary G., of James A. and Frances, James Frederic, LANE , of Amos B. and Cornelia, LARKIN , of Thomas and Ellen, LAWLESS i\Iary Jane, of Thomas and Ann, LAWRENCE Charles A., of Charles W. and Adeline, Mary, of Susan and Rosanna, LAWSON James Lawrence, of Thomas and Mary Ann, 1 41 John Washington, of John and Frances Jani July 25, 1850 Oct. 3, 1852 Aug. 3, 1857 Sept. 12, 1846 Oct. 22, 1846 July 4, 1843 July 8, 1845 March 10, 1847 Dec. 28, 1848 Jan. 2, 1857 Aug. 26, 1860 July 1, 1859 Feb. 8, 1862 May 14, 1844 Aiiril 1. 1846 ]May 25, 1860 June 4, 1856 June 20, 1857 Nov. 29, 1858 June o. 1854 June 15, 1854 April 23, 1855 April 2. 1856 Nov. 2, 1858 Jan. 23, 1860 March 5, 1847 July 29, 1848 May 7, 1843 Nov. 30, 1847 May 15, 1850 May 15, 1850 Aug. 17, 1853 July 3, 1856 Jan. 25, 1860 Feb. 17, 1853 Oct. 23, 1856 Jan. 12, 1862 April 23, 1843 March 18, 1846 April 27, 1847 Nov. 19, 1847 May 19, , 1846 Jan. 30, , 1853 Nov. 14, , 1848 :, June 28. , 1849 396 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 51 1 ;")9 1 3 1 27 1 23 1 29 1 47 2 s •2 lo •_> 22 1 63 2 i) 2 11 2 12 2 11 1 13 31 37 17 5;") 73 5 12 17 20 4 '» 7 13 l.S s 13 20 31 43 59 2 22 o'.t 49 59 69 1 (19 21 3 15 17 25 39 27 LAWSON Frank, of Joliii ami Frances Jane, James W., LEACH Alfred A., of Edwin and Martha, Frederick, , of Frederick and Elizabeth, Emma Frances, Geo)'2;e A., LEDDY .Alichael, of John and Bridget, Elizabeth. Catharine, LEUYARI) Mariah, of Alonzo and Susan, LEE Jlary Ann, of Patrick and Jlary, James, of Francis and ^Mai'v, , of Thomas antl Sarah, LEFAVOUR , of John Edwanl and IMary LPXiEl) Susan Allen, of Alonzo and Snsan, LEGfi Luther 1)., of William L. and Emma A.. O. S. Fowler, Frederick Lincoln, LENNAN Sarah, of Barney and Ellen, Mary. Barnard. IMar^- E., Julia E., Julia K., James, of Edward and Catharine, Sarah, of Peter and Ann, Pollen, of John and Mary, Barnej', IMary Ann, iSIary E., of Patrick and Ann, John, Bridt;et, L1-X)XARI) James, of Barney and Ellen, John, Edward, of Edward and Catharine, James, of Patrick and Ann, LEWIN Michael, of Philip and Ann, LEWIS Eugenia IL, of James 11. and ^NLiry, Charles IL, LOCKLIX George, of James and Lydia, George. AbbyF., Elnora, LONG Marv Elizabeth, of John and Marv J. LONSDALE Robert W., of John and Ellen, LORD George F., of Moses B. and Betsey, , daughter, Frederick A., of Jonas and M. F., AValdo A., of Samuel and Sarah, Alice Gertrude, P^lla Maria, of Dwight and Eveline L., March IC 1851 Oct. 19 1852 April 16 1844 July 8 1847 May 29 1846 Aug. 5 1847 Nov. 4 1850 Sept. 6 1857 Oct. 14 1859 Oct. 31 1861 May 4, 1853 Nov. 16 1857 June 7 1858 Oct. 25 1858 D., May 27 1858 Jan. 11 1850 July 17 1845 Feb. 18 1848 March 31 1849 March 27 1846 Dec. 30 1851 Sept. 27 1854 Sept. 4 , 1856 Oct. 8 1858 Jan. 3 . 1860 Jan. 3 1861 Feb. 21 1856 July 1 1856 Feb. 20 1357 Feb. 21 , 1859 Uavch 29 1860 April 10 1857 May 10 1859 iSIarch 25 1861 Doc. 7 , 1847 Oct. 14 , 1849 Sept. 8 , 1862 Oct. 1 1855 Sept. 15 1861 June 16 , 1852 July 6 , 1856 Jan. 4 , 1851 Oct. 1 1852 May 15 , 18.54 JNIay 29 1855 , March 30 1854 July 27, 1846 Nov. 28 1843 Jan. 30 1846 Aug. 16 , 1845 Dec. 15 1846 M.ay 22 1848 March 4 1848 BIRTHS — PAWTLTCKET. 397 1 49 LORD Chu-.a W.. of Dwiglit iiiicl Kveliiie L., April 7, 18.")()' 1 31 Ida G. Kiiiguian, of Jesse II. and riamiab, April IH, 1818 1 53 Kllen Coia, of Samuel ami Mary, Aug. 3, 18;")! 1 4.5 LOUGH Michael, (jf Michael and Mary, Nov. 24, 18.54 1 i)'J Michael, of Gweu and Margaret, July 5, 18.52 1 19 LOWRY Janies, Jr., of James and Mary, Feb." 15, 1846 1 27 LINDLEY James, of James and Amanda, July 27, 1847 LINN Sarah Allen, of Daniel and Catharine, Dec. 13, 1848 LITTLE Augustus Lcrov, of Augustus and Thankful IJ., " • " Aug. 25, 1848 , of same parents, Seiit. f<, 1851 LUTHEK William Alonzo, of Ixufus and Susan, Nov. 7, 1845 Peleg Handy, of same parents, iMay 14, 1847 George Edwin, Sept. 2'.), 1849 LYNDLEY Thomas, of James ami Amanda, April 14, 184.5 LYNN Alexander, of Daniel and Catharine, Sept. 4, 1847 LYON , son of William and Zilpha S., Jan. 11, 1844 Mariah Louisa, March 15. 1847 James KusscU, of Elbrid^e and Artemiua, Sept. 29, 1847 Susan Catiiarine, Feb. 24, 1849 Jeannette A., July 14, 185U M 1 37 MACKLE Lucy, of Patrick and Agnes, 1 45 MA(iEK Elizal)elli, of 'I'homas and Hose, 1 57 MAIIER William, of William and Elizabeth, 2 5 Mary Ann, of Thomas and Mary Ann, 1 71 ]MALCOME , son of John and Ilonora, 2 211 MALON William, of Michael and Ann, 1 3 ilALLARKY Cliarles, of Mark and Eleanor, 2 18 :M ALONE Thomas, of Thomas and Ellen (Holt), 2 8 MALONEY James, of Thomas and Ellen, 3 13 , 37 33 53 13 29 41 9 31 ;> 19 31 39 47 2 9 ]\Iar3', of .Tohn and Ilariiet, 1 (J3 MANNING Juliett A., of George R. and Abigail, 2 2 Heniy L., 2 13 John'j., of Patrick and Bridget, 2 17 Mary, of lames and ]?ridget (INIcGovvau), 1 1 MARCHANT Henry, of Alesantler and Thankful, 1 23 , son of Dustin and Ann, 1 1.5 Edgar, 1 69 Di'umau, of Leander and Lucy A., 1 63 jNIARD William, of \Villiam anil Catharine, 1 29 MARSDEN . daughter of Felix and Susan Ann, 2 10 MARSH Sarah M., of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 11, 184S June 28, 1850' Feb. 29. 1852 Sept. 19, IS 5 6 June 28, 1854 Jan. 2.S, 1861 Feb. 27, 1843 IMarch l'4. I860' Julv 13, LS57 May 4, 1.S59- Nov." 14, 1857 March 16, 1853; July 29, 1855' June 4, 185!) July 28, 1860 A[)ril 20, 1844 July 24, 1846- Aug. 21, 1850 Feb. 25, 1854 April 10, 1853 Apiil 19, 1848 Feb. 23, 1858. 398 VITAL KECOltD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1 9 1 27 1 41 1 09 1 67 2 4 2 3 2 14 1 3 1 o 1 13 1 33 1 43 1 71 ■2 ■> 2 14 2 21 1 47 1 :>'.) 1 73 2 10 2 1 2 4 2 21 2 21 2 21 MARSHALL Mu had, of William and Brid- get, Oct. 6, 1844 William, Nov. 25, 1847 Liicv Aim, Ang. 12, 1849 INIarv E , Dee. 30, 1852 Wilfiain. Dec. S, 1853 Barnard, Mav 21, 1856 (if Ai'tlitir ind Ann Dec. 31, 1855 '^ttii (tf r piiidor ind T 1H^>* A Aug. 10, 1859 MARTIN Ilaniet D., af Otis and Lydia, Oct. 29, 1843 William, of Joseph and ;\!atilda, Jan. G, 1844 nf "1 innn ind T^^nmiM Mareii 20. 1846 '^tn (if* Tnlill T MMfl l?1lfll Sept. 15, 1848 , hOn Ol iJOIlU tl . t([ll.l X\LIL11, John Henry, Jan. 19, 1850 Maria L., July 3, 1854 Frederick D., Aug. 24, 1856 «^.^ June 20 1859 , sou, Minnie, Aug. 1, 1861 Kdo;ar S., of Darius and Adelia, April 27, 1850 Edgar W., Julv 5, 1852 Mary Ann, of Dennis and Agnes, Dec." 12, 1854 Dennis B., April 22, 1858 Thomas, of Edward and Catharine, Jan. 1, 1855 Mary, Ain-il 20, 1856 Peter, of William and Christiana, July 2(;, 1861 ■^r \ Cl'^X'' c-.^t^ /if T<-.o/^iil» nnil T nnr\t"i April 15, 1861 Marietta R., of Edrannd and Ellen J., May 12, 1861 1 61 MASSIE Hiram .A., of Alexander M. and Caroline, Nov. 29, 1852 147 Mary Adelia, of same parents, Aug. 24, 1850 1 15 MASTERSON Emma J., of Felix and Susan Ann, Feb. 19, 1846 1 17 .son, Dec. 11,1850 1 65 Felix E.. June 8, 1853 1 27 MATHEWSOX Sarah, of Philip and Mary, July 22, 1846 1 35 Marv Francis, Nov. 13, 1848 1 45 Alhert. Nov. 29, 1850 1 49 Emma F.. of Hazel and Hannah F., Oct. 12, 1850 1 51 MATTESON Ann E., of David and Eliza, April 9, 1851 1 47 MATTHEWS Eugene, of Henry and Eliza, March 16, 1850 1 65 Ann Eliza, Ang. 29, 1853 2 13 Mary E., Feb. 16, 1859 2 16 , of Edward and Patience (Chace), Ang. 12, 1860 1 9 MAUDSLEY Nanev Alice, of Ashworth and Bcttey, " Nov. 21, 1844 1 65 MAXCY Erastus B., of Jonathan E. and Hairiet F., June 3, 1853 1 49 McALDUFF Ann, of James and Susan, March 5, 1850 1 63 Mary Ann, of Hugh and Ann, Feb. 11, 1853 2 2 Susan, of James and Ann, Aug. 27, 1855 2 10 Ann, of Terence and Catharine, April 28, 1858 2 17 Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1860 2 20 James, of James and Catharine, April 9, 1861 2 22 Catharine, of Francis and Catharine, Nov. 6, 1861 BIKTHS — PAWTTCKET. 399 2 17 !Mc ALICE , ilaiigliter of Deuiiis and Bridget (McConnick), Dec. 13, 18G0 Charles, Fob. 28, 1854 .John, Feb. 28, 18.i4 Sarah ,T., Nov. 12, ISo.'j Rlaiv Ann, Jan. 27, 18.i7 McALVeY Jolni, of Barney and Barbara, Oct. 7, l.s.'.3 Susan, ^laj' 27, l.S."i(5 McANALLKY Mary Aon, of Janics and Ann, May 11, 1843 Cathaiinc, Jlav 31, 184.') , May 14, 18.'il , May 14, 18.M , Jan. 11, 1S,T.> Henry, of Patiick and :\larg:iret, Aug. 2'J, l.S4;> Mary, Ang. 28, 1846. Daniel, Ann, William, of Patrick and Eliza, iMcANALTY Ann, , McAXNA, of Patrick and Ann, ]\IcAROCN Ann, of Thomas and Ann, McAVOY Samuel, of Edward and Mary, John, of Owen and Ellen, Daniel, of Barney and Barbara, McCABE Rosanna, of Francis and Marga- ret, Margaret, Mary Ann, of James and Culhariue, Catharine, Bridget, Mary Ann, of Daniel and Rose, Mary Ann, of Peter and Catharine, John, of Hugh and Catharine, Henry, Ilcnrv, Ellen", I'atrick, of .bilin and Catharine, Mary. Bridget, Ann, Bernard, Sylvester, Maigaret, of John and Alice, Edward, McCANN Charles Edwin, of James and Elizabeth, Jfarch 18, 1845 McCANNA John, of John and Ann, Oct. 20, 1845- Barney, of Patrick and Rose, Nov. 12,184* Anna, of James and Elizabeth, Oct. 4. 18.")? John, of Patrick and Rosanna, May 1(5, l."^.i^ McCARNE Thomas, of Owen and Mary, July 1, 1.S44 IMoCARNEY Richard, of Robert and Blary, Nov. '.», 184(.i McCATHLIN Harriet, of MicluacI and Ann, Jan. 14, 1844 1 69 1 C<) ■2 3 2 7 1 (!7 •) 4 1 .') 1 17 1 ;,\ 1 51 •> 1 1 .5 1 25 1 55 9 4 1 23 1 23 1 2'.t 1 4'.) 1 7 1 11 1 53 1 21 1 35 1 5!) I 6'J 2 4 1 511 1 f.l 1 71 •) (3 2 8 2 11 2 3 2 ,s 2 12 '> IC •j 1« 2 22 2 10 2 16 1 7 1 15 1 3'J 1 59 2 13 1 11 1 19 1 5 Dec. 25, 1851 April 8, 1856 Feb. 21, 1847 July 12, 1846 April 1, 1848 July 31, 1.S50 :\Iay 22, 1844, :March 12. 184.> Sept. 11, 1851 :Mav 14, 184 6 April 11, 1849' July 4, 1.S52 April 20, 1854 .Alarch 15, 1856 Sept. 29, 1.S52 Jan. 10, 1853 Sept. 15, 1 854 Nov. 27, 1856 May 4, 1857 June 15, 1858 Nov. 10, 185.> Sept. 6, 1.S57 Dec. 16, 1S58. Jan. 5, 1M60 Nov. 30, 1860' Oct. 23, 1861. March 20, 185H.' Siarch 29, 1860 400 VITAL EECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. 2 8 McCAUGHEY Ellen E.. of William and Matilda, July 5, 1857 Edward, of Patrick and Margaret, Oct. 10, 18.58 Jlaiv, of .Tolin and Ann, April 14, 1859 •James, of Patrick and :Mary (Hamill), Sept. 12, 18C0 Edward, of William and Teresa, April 12, ISGl John, of Francis and Marv, Oct. 2, 18G1 McCAY Patrick, of John and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1846 McCHAY Mary, of John and Marv, Dec. 2, 18(U McCOLT Patrick, of Patrick and Ann, March 28, 1844 McCOKMICK William S., of James and Maria E., June 10, 1843 George, April 7. 1846 John Stewart, Oct. 25, 1849 Lonisa Amelia, Oct. 25, 1849 John Enoene, of Thomas and Cynthia, Dec. 13, 1846 McCOKT John, of Patrick and Ann, Nov. 25, 1845 Edward, Nov. 2, 1847 Catharine, April 15. 1S49 McCOY Ann, of John and Ann, June 27. 1849 Jane, Oct. 12, 1851 Sarah, April 20, 1854 Robert C, of Patrick and Catharine, Nov. 16, 1856 McCUDDEN John T., of Steplien and Ro- sanna. June 25, 1859 1 21 McCUE Bridiiet, of Patrick and Ann, Feb. 2, 1847 1 4.3 John, " Nov. 12, 1849 Marv Jane, of Patrick and I\rary, Aug. 13, 1851 Elleii, Sept. 22, 1853 Sarah Ann, Oct. 20, 1856 Catharine F.. July 10, 1859 Mariah, of Michael and Ann, IMarch 1, 1853 Thomas, of John and Catharine, Jan. 5, 1859 McCUIX Matilda, of James and Eliza, Oct. 19, 1844 James J., March 29, 184G McCURDY Annie, of Thomas and Ann, Oct. 4, 1S57 McDonald Mary Frances, of John and Mary Ann, April 16, 1848 James, of John and Ellen, Aug. 26, 1849 Edward, Jul}' 7, 1852 1 45 James, of James and Margaret, July 24, 1850 1 67 John, of Andrew and Anna, Nov. 27, 1853 2 1 ]\Iary Ann, of Edward and Margaret, Maj- 14, 1855 Catharine, May 14, 1855 2 12 2 13 •> 16 ■> 20 2 22 1 19 2 22 1 5 1 1 1 15 1 41 1 41 1 23 1 17 1 31 1 39 1 41 1 55 1 69 2 6 2 14 1 53 ! 65 2 6 2 14 1 03 2 13 1 11 1 19 2 9 1 27 1 43 1 59 2 1 2 11 1 25 1 57 2 4 2 14 1 7 2 10 2 16 2 10 2 13 Sept. 21, 1858 McDUFF Catharine, of Hugh and Ann, July 24, 1846 , son, Feb. 13, 1852 James, of James and Susan, April 4, 1856 Henry, of James and Catharine, Sept. 7, 1859 McDUNE Hugh, of John and Catharine, April 21, 1845 McELROY John G., of Samuel and Marv, Feb. 16, 1858 William Edmund, ' Jan. 20, 1860 Carrie A.., of Robert and Maria, March 7, 1858 Barney, of Barney and Barbara, Feb. 7, 1859 BIKTHS — PAWTUCKET. 401 2 18 McFARLANE Thomas J., of AViUiain aiid Lyilia (Jenkin), April 24, ISCO 1 17 McGAKR Mary, of Owen and Ann, Jan. 4, 1846 1 25 Jauics, Feb. 24, 1847 1 25 y\f TJ-.I..^ ..1..1 I^..I.l..-.-<- May 5. , 1846 1 \}i JUlllJ ilim l>lI(_i''Cl, 1 43 James, Oct. 31, , 1849 2 3 Dee. 1, 1855 1 1 43 Jlargaret, of Kd waul and Susan, Jnlv 29, 1849 1 49 Pfter, Nov. 10, 1850 1 57 James, Jan. 29, 1852 1 71 Peter, July 29, 1854 2 8 Patrick, Aug. 2, 1857 1 49 James, of Patrick and Bridget, April 20, 1850 1 65 Patrick, Aug. 28, 1853 2 7 Peter, of John and Anna, Feb. 28, 1857 2 15 Oct. 19, 1859 2 22 ]Mary Elizabotii, Nov. 16, 1861 2 20 Jolia F., of Donilick and Jane, Jan. 22, 1861 1 29 IMcGINN Kosa, of Owen and Margaret, June 29, 1847 1 41 Mary, of John and Rosanna, July 8, 1849 2 14 'I'liomas, of Thomas and Catharine, Sept. 13, 1859 2 l.s Ilugii, Jan. 23, 18C0 2 12 McOlNXIS Ellen, of Michael and JNIargarel, Oct. 1 1 , 1 858 1 25 McGINNlTY James, of James, Julv 1, 1846 1 37 Rosannah, of Patrick and Rosannah, Aug. '23, 1848 2 17 McGIRR Sarah Iv, of John and Ann (Keefc) , Sept. 2, 1860 1 45 1 69 IMfGIGAN of D'liiip! •iiid Roiel'i Nov. 9. Aug. 20, 1850 1852 McCJLOW Mary, of Daniel and Rose, 1 33 McGOFF Mary Jane, of James and Mary, Feb. -lA, 1849 1 33 James, of William and Elleu, April 2, 1849 1 01 ]\Iary Ann, of Patrick and Bridget, Dec. 25, 1852 1 67 John, of John and Catiiarine, Jan. 21, 1854 2 17 McGOON Lewis R., of Benjamin and Esther (Lewis), June 1, 1860 2 22 , Oct. 12, 1861 2 5 McGOUGH Mary Ann, of John and Mary. June 27, 1856 1 41 McGOWAN Michael, of Daniel and Ann," Aug. 31, 1849 1 51 James, April 29, 1851 1 61 Mary Ann, Nov. 5, 1852 1 73 Daniel, Oct. 21, 1854 2 5 William J., July 5, 1856 2 9 Jane, Nov. 1, 1857 2 17 Michael H., July 18, 1860 1 39 Michael, of Terence and Mary, Sept. 1, 1849 1 55 Catharine, Oct. 27, 1851 2 5 Mary E., Sept. 6, 1856 2 20 Joseph. Jan. 11, 1861 1 57 Richard L., of James and Margaret, March 6, 1852 2 2 Henry P., Oct. 1, 1855 2 12 David, Oct. 17, 1858 2 21 James, June 15, 1861 1 65 Robert, of James and Jane. Aug. 28, 1853 1 69 John J., of Ferris and Mary, March 13, 1854 2 5 Dennis H., of Rlichael and Mary, Sept. 20, 1850 ■iOL VITAL IIECOKD OF lUlUDE ISLAND. 2 10 2 10 1 G7 1 .■>1 2 4 2 4 2 11 2 11 2 IS) 1 4 1 i 2 5 2 i;i 1 4 1 i 1 * 1 43 1 01 1 35 2 3 2 <) 2 17 2 20 1 43 1 1 2 lo 1 47 2 G 1 21 1 33 1 49 1 :>-, 2 1 2 t 2 1.") 2 23 1 29 1 35 1 57 2 7 1 33 1 G5 1 1 1 15 1 G7 2 IG 1 17 McGOWAN :Mary F., of Michael aud Mary, F^lizabeth, of Francis and Mary, McGOW Catharine, of Robert and Cath- arine, McGRATII Michael, of Peter and Catharine, John F., Michael, of Doniinick and Jane, Patrick, , son of William and Cordelia. McGRASSKR , of Charles and Mary, McGREEGIN Susannaii, of Ilngh and Cath- arine, ]McGUK Peter, of James and Mary, Peter, of John and Catharine, Maroaret. of Patrick and Bridsjet, McGUIRE IIiiiJ,h, of Patrick and Alice, Barnev, Williani, ]Mary Ann, ^Margaret, , of William and Mary, Ilngh, of Hugh and iMary, Jlargaret, :Mary, Hugh, of I'hoinas and llathrod, McINALLY John William, of Patrick and 3Iargaret, McINTIRE Eugene, of John and Mary, — , son of Joseph and Mary, McINTOSII Jenette, of James M. and Eliz- aVieth, INIcKAY Ellon, of John and Ann, McKELVA Robert A., of Robert and Eliza- beth A., Joshua, Joshua, Robert, Mary E., John J., William F., Mary E., Elizabeth, of John and JIatilda, Joseph, Jlarlha, Elizabeth F., of Joshua and Mary A.. McKENNA Rnthette, of James and Eliza- beth, John, of Michael and Ann, I\I( KEXNEY James, of James and Elizabeth, JIcKERXAX John, of Rodger and Mary. McKIXLEY Jeannette, of Walter and Chris- tian, Walter, McKlTOW Martha, of Josiiua and Mary, March IS , 18.58 April IG 1858 Xov. 20 1853 May 20 1851 ■May 20 18 5G March 2, 1856 June 1 1 1858 Aug. 15 1858 April 8 184 7 March 7 1856 May 20, 1844 Aug. 3 1856 March 19 1859 Xov. 11 1844 Xov. 11 . 1844 Dec. 22 , 184& June 10 1850 Dec. 4 1852 April 19 1849 Dec. 7, 1855 Oct. 5, 1857 Julv 23 18G0 Jan. 23 1861 June 28 1849 Aug. 28 1843 Nov. 23 1859 May 30 1850 Dec. 19 1856 April 18 1847 Xov. K) 1848 Jan. 1 1851 April 14 1852 Feb. 22 1855 March 29. 1857 Dec. 1 1859 Dec. 11 1861 May 7 1847 Oct. 16, 1848 Jan. 23 1852 Feb. 14, 1857 April 19 1.S49 Julv 23, 18,53 Dec. 25 1843 Oct. 2G, 1845 Oct. IG 1853 Jan. 2, 1860 April 1, 1846. BIRTHS PAWTUCKET. 4(3 Mcl.AIU.IN James, of Thomas and Ellen, June 30, 1844 McLaughlin JLngaret, of Michael and Ann, Jan. 11, 184C iMaiy, Jan. 4, 1848 John K., June 11, 1855 Andrew T., of James and ^Mar^y, Sept. 10, 184G Kobeit George, of Iliigh and Margaret, Nov. 18, 184G Elizabeth, of Patrick and Jlary (Lee), Jnly 17, 1860 McLKAN Thomas, of Arthur and Margaret, IMareh 9, 18G1 McLEAR Edward, of James and iSIary, March 8, 1857 McLEES Mary Ann, of John and Sarah (McLarney), Dee. 20, 1860 McLOON Allen, of Thomas and Ann, Feb. 18, 1849 Margaret, of Thomas and I5ridget, Oct. 11, 1857 IMary, of Thomas and Ann, Way 23, 1853 Ilenrv, of Philip and Ann, Oct. 18, 185.S McLOUD Jessie, of Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. I'J, 1843 ISIcLOY . son of Uobertand .Maria J., JIarch 14, 1857 McMAIlON Peter, of Peter and i\Iary, June 20, 1847 Ann, of Francis and JNIary Ann, May 8, 1850 INIary Ann. of James and Anna. Aug. 15, 1861 McMANN Susan, of James and Marv. Feb. 12, 1844 Phihi), Dec. 25, 1845 James, of Hugh and Mary, Oct, — , 1844 Peter, of Francis and Mary, Dec. 21, 1848 Anna, of Micliael and Catliarine, Feb. 4, 1851 Ellen, Feb. 13, 1853 Barney, June 13, 1855 Ma-y," Dec. 10, 1857 ■ ^ — , of John and Ann, A|)ril 15, 1851 Elizabeth Aim, Sept. 20, 1854 McMANNING Isabell, of Jolm andlsabella, Sept. 8, 1861 McMANNUS Owen, of Michael and Mary, April 12, 1859 McNABB Elizabeth, of Barnard and Cath- arine, Aug. 20, 1855 Isabella, Oct. 12, 1857 Thomas, IMaicli 5, 1860 Daniel, of John and Margaret, Feb. — , 1862 MrNALLY Daniel Frederick, Oct. 12, 1844 John, Dec. 16, 1.S49 Joseph, of James and Ann, March 1, 1849 , son, Nov. 28, 1853 Joseph, of Patrick and Eliza, June 27. 1852 Daniel, July 17, 1854 Charles O., Aug. 27, 1856 Frederick L., June 30, 1859 Catharine A., of James and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1856 McNULTY Susan, of Owen and Catharine, Jnly 6, 1843 James, Oct. or Nov., 1848 Mary Ann, May 4, 1852 Charles, of James and Ann, March 11, 1845 Mary, Nov. 13, 1848 Charles, Dec. 6, 1850 1 63 Bridget, March 27, 1853 1 11 1 17 1 81 2 1 1 19 1 21 2 16 2 20 2 7 2 17 1 39 2 9 63 12 5 7 33 45 21 5 17 7 39 51 63 1 10 51 73 2 22 2 13 2 2 2 9 2 18 2 25 1 9 1 41 1 35 1 67 1 59 1 71 2 5 2 14 2 6 1 5 1 33 1 57 1 9 1 37 1 47 404 VITAL RECORD UL<' RHODE ISLAND. 2 MoNULTY James, of Jamos and Ann, Nov. 13, 185(> 1 1 :\IcNUTT Thomas, of William and Aun, April 8, 1844 1 13 Esther, Dec. 10, 184.") 1 .33 McPARLlN Owen, of SteplxMi and Marga- ret, Aug. 4, 1851 1 71 Sarah E., June 7, 18.i4 2 4 James. Jnne 1"2, 1S5C 2 13 Alice M., April 4, 18.31) 2 20 Ann, April 12, 18(51 1 71 Saiah M., of Patrick and Sarah, July 8, 1854 1 71 ili.'hael, of Terence and Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1854 2 '.I Ste[)lien, Oct. 5, 1S57 2 14 Sarah J., Sept. 1, 1859 2 21 Mary, April 16, 1801 2 11 Mary A., of Patrick and Bridget, Jnlv 25, 1858 2 15 Francis, Dec. 8, 1859 1 55 McC^UADE , son of Michael and Ann, Dec. 1, 1851 1 3 McQUEN Sarah J., of James and Eli>;a, April 27, 1844 1 27 McQUISTON Jnlia, of Joseph and Julia, May 23, 1847 1 65 Joseph E., Aug. 20, 1853 1 9 McVEY Eileu M., of Patrick and Aun, Aug. 1, 1844 1 21 3Iaria, Jnne 26, 1840 1 7 Catharine, of Owen and Ellen, Jan. 20, 1845 1 49 :\Iari;aret, of Robert and Lillv, April 2, 1850 1 55 K(d)'ert, Jr., " Nov. 12, 1851 2 2 Eugene, of Eugene .ind Catharine, Oct. 25, 1855 2 10 James, of Patrick and Margaret, April 18, 1858 2 20 Chailes, April 4, 1801 2 7 McWILLIAMS Catharine, of Dan and Cath- arine, March 21, 1857 2 14 Mary, Au<>;. 18, 1859 2 4 .AIKDBURY Ellen N., of Ira E. and Mary, Apiil 17, 1856 1 9 MEIClvLE INIarky, of Patrick and Ann, Nov. 15, 1844 1 37 MPXtGETT Ali.xander Alden, of Alexander and ]Marv, May 25, 18-18 153 Hannah T.," Seiit. 14, 1851 1 3 MELLER George, of Richard and Margaret, Nov. 23, 1843 2 22 JIEXHA.AI Joseph, of Owen and Ellen, Sept. 11, 1861 2 21 MERRICK (ieoige H., of John .-ind Jlary, M.ay 5, 1861 1 21 METCALF Nathan W.. of John and Mar- tha, Jan. 26, 1847 1 35 Mary Ann, March 12, 1849 1 53 Mary E., June 20, 1851 1 25 MILLER Richard, of Richard and Marga- ret, Oct. 5, 1846 1 31 , son of Allen H. and Ilanuah, Feb. 2.S, lf(48 1 51 Isabella, of Daniel and Adeline, 3Iaich 15, 1851 1 01 Adelia IE, Jan. 8, 1853 1 73 \Villiam King. Oct. 1, 1854 1 57 Frederick IL, of Ira II. and Celia S., April 3, 1852 1 07 Frank A., Jan. 7, 1«54 1 65 Jonathan G., of David R. and Mary Ann, Sept. 17, 1853 2 12 George L., of Reuben A. and Elizabeth, Dee. 15, 1858 1 27 2 20 1 I'.t 1 33 2 2 2 ~ 2 U 2 22 1 7 2 (J 1 3 1 11) 1 27 1 4.-. 1 03 2 2 2 11 2 11 2 17 BIRTHS — PAWTUCKET. 40'O 1 21 JIILLS , son of Abrain and Caiolint', April 13, 1H47 1 15 MINOR Jlary A., of Hugh and Marculiu, Oct. 7, 1H45- ,T(_)hn, Nov. 17, 1.S47 MOLEY Josoph, of Josei)li and Ellen, Jan. 3, 18(51 MOOXEY Daniel, of Daniel and Ann, Nov. 8, 1846 Joseph, Jan. C. 1.84» Teresa, Se|)t. 22, i8.i5 .lane, Jan. 1 1, 1.S,t7 John W., June IT), 18.'i;> Marv Jlariah, Auij. 2;'), 1801 .AIOOKE John, of John and Maria A., Jan. C, 1845 .MOKE Koliurt, of Charles and Mary, Nov. 3, 18J(> MOKIARTY Martin A., of Michael and Catharine, Aug. 3, 1843 John J., of 8an]e [larents, Aug. 10, 1840 Ellen, Ap.iil 10, 1841:> Catharine, Oct. 24, 1850' Eliza) )eth, iMay 8, 1853 Susanna, Sept. 1, 1855 John, Julv 1, 1858 Mary E., of Patriek and Ellen, July 27, 1858 Ann M., July 20. ItjOO 1 59 M(JKRIS Thduias, of Barnard and Marv, Aug. 10, 1852 1 73 Uarnard C, " Dee. 21, 1«54 2 10 MORRISON John 15., of Barney and Brid- get, " Mav 4. 1.S58' 1 G'J MOSES Mary A., of Elbert and Miiry A., Aiiril 20, 1854- 1 15 iNIOWRY Julia S., of Spencer 1! , Seiit. 4, 1845 1 33 Georgianna, of Clinton and I>,ahella, June — , 1847 ■ 2 IS Emma Cora, of Enos and JMary (El- dred-e), May 22, ISOO 1 39 MULIIOLLAXD John, cf Henry an.l Ag- nes, 2 1 Christopher, of Chi istopher anil Ann, Jan. 0, 1K55 2 3 Edward, of Charles and Ami, Nov. 5, 1855 1 69 aiarv Ann, March 1, 1859' 1 23 MULLIGHAX Sarah E., of Heiiiy and Car- oline, June 15, 184G- 2 3 MUNROE Charles E., of Seiiaca W. au.l Sarah J., Jan. 22, 1850. 1 61 MURRAY James, of William S. and Eliza- beth, Nov. 14, 1852 1 7 MrRPlIY James, of Richard and :\rargaret, July 28, 1844 1 23 , daughter of Michael and Bridget, Mayl,l.S40 137 Mary Ann, '^ Aug. 15, 1848 1 47 "—, daughter, Dec. 25, l,s50 1 39 Archibald, (if James and Hannah, July 1, 1849 1 09 Catliarine, of I'atrick and Ellen, March 7. 1854 1 69 James, of James and Ann, April 9, 1854 2 4 William H., ^^1:'}' -''s I'^^'^S' 2 15 Amelia, Dec. 31, 1859 2 15 Sarah, Dec. 31, 185!) 1 71 ^Margaret, of Patrick and Catharine, Aug. 20, 1.S54 2 4 Rosanna, of William and Mary, June 1, 1856 Fell. 22, 1849 406 VITAL KEC'OIU) OF liHODE ISLAND. 2 'J MT'RPIIY Elizabeth, of John and Margaret, Sept. 13, 1857 •2 ].■! Daniul, April 13, 1859 2 14 Klizahcth, of AIoiizo and Catljarine, July 16, 1859 1 51 MURKY Agnes, of Robert and Catharine, May 31, 1851 N 2 14 1 11 2 1 2 IG 1 G7 1 1 1 37 1 55 1 09 2 i) 1 1 1 7 1 29 1 47 1 13 1 57 1 73 2 8 1 57 2 10 2 k; 2 21 2 1 2 8 '2 5 2 13 2 20 2 23 2 2 2 8 2 u 2 4 2 12 2 21 2 9 2 11 2 18 1 37 1 39 1 45 1 37 NATLEY Francis, of William and Ann, NEALEY Anna, of Augustus B. and Ann, NEWCOME Charles F., of Nathaniel and Hannah, NEWELL Ruth Abby, of Eli IS. and Mary J. (Eaton), NICHOLS John Ezra, of Jonathan and Jo- sephine, NICKEKSOX Charles W., of Joseph and Sarah, Albert Henry, of Joseph and Sarah, Fi-ank C, Edgar 15., Anna M., Elizalieth, of Dean and Pliebe Ann, William, Alvin, Edwin, Edward J., of Thomas H. and Elizabeth, Mary E., of Richard B. and ]5elata, , danghler. Alii E., Ann M., of Dean and Betsey, Eva J., , daughter, Henry 15., Phebe Ann, of Elijah and Catharine J., Mary E., John Franklin, of John and Eliza, Alice Augusta, Mary .lane, of Thomas 0. and I\Iary, John W., of .John W. and Lois J., " NICKLE William J., of William and Jane, Marv A., Raciial, NOLAN James, of Patrick and Catharine, Andrew, JMargaret, Mary Ann, of Leonard and Ellen, Jaines, of Michael and Jane, James, of Lawrence and Ellen (Mori- arty), NORRLS John, of John and Catharine, Mary Ann, of James and Rebecca, Mar}- Ann, of Thomas and Bridget, NORION William Henry, of William and Mary Ann, Sept. 22, 1859 Nov. 2, 1844 May 24, 1855 Oct. 31, 1860 Oct. 22, 1850 Feb. 6. April 23, Nov. 19, March 19, Sept. 14, April 14, Feb. — , Oct. 5, Feb. 10, Sept. 13, Feb. 13, Oct. 1, May 16, July 20, Ai)ril 16, Aug. 15, June June Aug. Aug. Feb. March 20, Dec. 21, Oct. 8, Aug. 8, Se|)t. 25, April 6, ,Se|it.2C, July 10, Nov. 21, Aug. 11, 25. 19, 22, 31, 26, 1844 1849 1851 1854 1857 1844 1845 1847 1850 1845 1852 1854 1857 1852' 1858 1860 1861 1855 1857 1856 1859 1861 1861 1855 1857 1859 1856 1858 1861 1857 1858 July 18, 1860 Jan. 18, 1849 Sept. 10, 1849 March 29, 1850 March 6, 1849 1 •J 1 13 1 35 1 55 2 2 2 12 2 22 1 43 1 (;7 1 13 BIRTHS — PAWTUCKET. 40T 2 22 NULTY Susan, of William and Ann, Ht'[>i. 1, 1801 o 1 35 OCCLKSTON Mary Jane, of William ami Jane, 1 7 O'BRaDY Sarah, of John, 1 3 O'BRIEN Ann M., of Patrick and Klkai, JollM, Jolm, of Patrick and Sally, James, of Nicholas and Bridget, Michael, Mary Ann, Josephine, Elizabeth, Blary A., of Thomas and Ann, Michael, of Michael and Bridget, O'CONNEK Mary A., of Henry and Mary, 1 67 Richard, of Henry and Catharine, 1 53 O'DANIEL Harriet M., of Edward and Emily, 1 51 O'HARE James, of Patrick and Catharine, 1 57 Mary, 1 G7 Patrick, 2 1 John, 2 (3 Ellen, 1 53 Arthur, of Arthnr and INIary, 2 2 John, 2 17 O'NEIL , daughter of William and Mary (Gannon), 2 21 Margaret Ann, of John and Alice, 1 3 OLXEY Walter P., of Daniel and Elizalieth, 1 9 Charles Francis, 1 63 Diantha B., 1 11 George Frederick, of James and Eliza A., 1 21 Samuel F., 1 41 Dwight Loid, 2 22 James Henry, of James and Alice, 1 7 OLDHAM Gieorge Nathaniel, of George and Eliza, 2 22 Ida Merry, of Jesse and Ann, Nov. 19, 1S49' April 21), 1845 JIaich 18, 1843 Jan. 11, 1845 Feb. 13. 184(> Dec. 1, 1848 Sei)t. 22, 1851 Oct. 7, 1855 Oct. 21, 1858 Dec. 1. 18(11 JMav 6, 1S50 Oct. 15. 1853 Oct. I'J, 1845 Jan. 14, , 1854 June 10, 1.S51 March 22, 1851 May 14, 1852' Nov. 17, 1853- May 14, 1855 Nov. 13, 1856. June 24, 1851 Sept. 1, , 1865- Dec. 29, 18G0 June 14, 18(;i Sept. 15, 1843- March 15, 184.5. Feb. 17. 1853 Oct. 22, 1844 Sept. 3. , l.s4r> Sept. 1, 1849 Sept. 30. , IKC.l Julv 21, 1844- Oct". 10, 18G1 1 11 PAINE Emma Francis, of Plincy and Eliza- beth, April 22. 1845 1 33 Gilbert Martin, of same parents, Dec. G, 1848 1 23 Clairictte, of Eben J. and Maria, Sept. G, 184 fi 1 25 James R., of Charles and Koziah, Dec. 27, ]84(> ] 31 Mary Frances, of Theodore J. and Mary L., Sept. IG, 1847 1 37 Theodore Henry, Nov. 24, 1848 1 37 1 51 2 4 1 5'J 1 69 1 57 2 9 2 11 1 49 2 10 1 41 2 14 1 09 408 VITAr, RECOUD OF UHODl': ISLAND. PAINE Ellen Fiances, of Joseiih and Fiances, Jan. 10, 1849 Clara J., 22, 1851 Marietla H., Jan. 13, 185G Charlotte E.. of Amos L. ami Charlotte, Aug. 1, 1852 Delephina, of Ebenezer E. A. J. and ' Maria, May 15, 1854 PALMER John W.. of Andrew and Adeline, Feb. 8, 1852 Mercv E., of John and Harriet, iMarcli 5, 185() Ooorie II., Sept. 8, 1858 PARKER Mary, of William and Hannah, Jan. 13, 1850 Maiy, of Jolm and Jane, April 11, 1858 PARKINSON Gnstavus, of Graham and Helen, Dec. 28, 1849 Ella C, of Francis and Clara, July 26, 1859 PARMENTER Ellen S., of John II. and Abby. ilarch 9, 1854 2 26 PATT Williani Andrew, of Andrew J. and Elizal)etli H., Jan. 6, 1862 2 8 PATTEN Charles H., of James W. and Ann E., April 20, 1857 1 1 PEIRCE Sarah E., of Holdcn and Mary, Sept. 11, 1843 1 9 Lydia Enieline, of Jose|)n and Lydia, Oct. 2, 1844 1 23 Siisan M., of Lewis and Hannah, Sei)t. 18, 1846 1 47 , son. Maich 10, 1850 1 29 Mary Ellen, of Andrew B. and Mary, Dec. 15, 1847 1 39 Charles Andrew, ' Dec. 17, 1849 1 71 Mary Alice, Aug. 22, 1854 1 67 , sou of AVilliam and Rebecca, Nov. 5, 1853 1 (!'J , sou of (ieorge W. and aiary. Feb. 16, 1854 1 69 Theodore B., of Nathaniel and Sylvia W., May 4, 1854 2 6 , daughter of Josiah E. and Mary Ann, Nov. 1, 1856 2 8 Ida L., of Elles and Auua K., Aug. 8, 1857 2 13 Emilv J., May 13, 1859 2 21 Joseph P., July U. 1861 2"l3 , of Isaiah and Marv, Jan. 9, 1859 2 17 , " Aug. 6, 1860 2 23 Emma, of John and Margaret, Dec. 27, 1861 1 3 PEOPl-ES Catharine S., of George and Sarah, March 2, 1844 1 21 Jane, Jan. 2, 1847 1 57 PERREN Jabcl P., of Henry and Mariah, AprillM, 1852 2 6 Frank L.. Oct. 22, 1856 2 12 . daughter, Dec. 31, 1858 2 17 Clara, of Thomas and Sarah (Vars), Sept. 2, 1860 2 22 PERRY . daughter of John W. and Harriet A., Nov. 1, 1861 1 9 PERVER Abby Arnold, of Jacob S. and Abby, Feb. 8, 1845 , son of same parents, Dec. 19, 1850 PHP:TTEPLACE Mary J., of Otis and Sally, Dec. 14. 1845 Lens Trescott, of David and Susan, Nov. 2, 1847 PHILLIPS , son of Ira D. and Sarah Ann. Jan. 22, 1848 George E., of Levi and Hepey B., Feb. 11, 1859 1 45 1 15 1 27 1 33 2 13 BIRTHS rAWTLCKET. 409 1 13 35 14 13 29 55 57 71 9 6 13 61 2 6 2 20 1 49 1 5 1 49 1 63 2 4 2 12 2 8 2 16 2 14 2 21 1 45 1 55 1 63 2 12 2 20 2 20 FILLING Thomas Henry, of Henry and Hannah, Ameha Ann, PINGKK Wilhaui, of Christophei^ and Chris- tiana, PITCH KR Jabez, of Ellis B. and Julia M., Ann Klizaheth, George Larned, of George W. and Jane, Helen U., of Benjamin L. and Sylvia, PLATT William M., of John and'Susan, Mary E., of same parents, James H., of Charles and iMary, Charles H., PLUNK ETT Mary Ann, of Patrick and Mary, Thomas, Margaret. POLLARD Elizabeth, of James and Harriet, POTTER Oscar M., of Neiiemiah N. an. 2 1851 Blay 23 1853 April 26 1856 Dec. 23 1858 May 24 1857 July 4 1860 Jan." 15 1859 July 30 1861 Fob. 26 1850 Oct. 17 1851 March 3 1853 Dec. 24 1858 Fell. 6 1861 Jan. 26, 1861 Q 7 9 27 63 37 2 2 2 7 QUIXN Thomas, of Patrick and Susan, Nov. — . 1844 Margaret, of James and INIary, Auril 17, 1845 Henry, ' Feb. 29, 1848 Mary Ann. May 15, 1853 James, of John and Mary, Dec. 15, 1848 Susan, of William and Mary, July 4, 1855 John, Feb. 26, 1856 1 67 RADLOFF Evangeline, of Andrew and Mary J., " Dec. 31, 1853 1 67 Evangeline, Jan. 2, 1854 2 2 J.ames A.. Aug. 23, 1855 2 13 Julia F. A., Jan. 17, 1859 410 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 1 17 29 63 61 1 17 2 13 2 16 2 1.') 2 21 1 2.3 1 3 1 21 1 35 1 31 1 39 2 11 2 16 2 15 2 10 1 67 2 C 2 9 2 13 2 21 2 20 1 13 1 23 1 31 1 1 1 41 1 41 2 13 1 47 1 47 1 66 1 67 2 1 2 8 2 20 2 10 1 21 1 47 1 53 1 55 RAFFERTY Michael, of Baniett ami Jane, RAMSB()TT0:M George E., of Joseph and Charlotte, Ann B., Joseph W., , daughter, Ada J., Charlotte, RANDALL 3Iary E., of Joseph and Harriet M., RATHBUX Nathaniel S., of Nathaniel W. and Ardelia, William F., Mary E., James P., RAYMOND , daughter of William M. and Lucy Ami, READ , sou of Gilbert and Alinira, , son, Anna Bndlong, P^liza Allen, of Amerest Everett and Eliza, Augustus A., Edward, of Joshua and Lydia, Charles E., of Abel, , son of William W. and Cordelia W. (Tompkins), REX Adalaide A., of Geo. and Mary R., Emma B., Emma 15., Ella F., Mary E., REYNOLDS Marv M.. of Daniel M. and RhodaS., RHODES , of Samuel and F;iiza, Frank L., , daughter, RICE John H., of Henry and Mary, William Augustus, of Nathau and Jane, P^lizabeth. RICHARDS Emily A., of Elisha F. and Huldah C, RICHARDSON Emily Jane, Amelia Frances, , sou, , son, , son, Mary J., , son, Emma, of William and Amey C, RILEY , daughter of John and Ann, , daughter of Owen and Margaret, JNIargaret Ann, James, of John and Bridget, Aug. 26, 1843 June 15, 1843 Aug. 1, 1845 Oct. 29, 1847 Sept. 11, 1861 Dec. 6, 1852 Feb. 20, 1865 July 2, 1845 Feb. 11, 1869 Dec. 15, 1859' Dec. 16, 1869 June 26, 1861 April 13, 1846 April 9, 1844 March 16 Au2. 31 April 9 May 16 Sept. 25 Dec. 11 Dec. 11 Nov. 7 Oct. 27 Nov. 21 Sept. 28 Jan. 18 Aiiril 15 Feb. 16 May 4 May 4 Feb. 25 Jan. 9 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 March 12 April 6 April 6 Nov. 18 Dec. 5 May 12 April 12 Jan. 17 March 18 April 23 Sept. 25, Aug. 16 Nov. 3 1S47 1848 1848 1849 1858 1859 1859 1860 1853 1856 1867 1869 1861 1861 1845 1846 1848 1844 1849 1849 1869 1850 1850 1851 1853 1855 1857 1861 1868 1847 1860 1861 1851 BIRTHS — PAWTUCKET. 411 2 10 2 12 2 IG 2 1 2 11 2 14 23 33 23 37 49 .")1 2 14 3 43 65 17 i;» 49 69 7 14 43 3 3 7 13 49 59 2 2 1 G9 1 43 1 17 1 49 1 13 23 39 1 57 49 57 (J5 73 6 11 15 5 7 KILI^Y Mary Ami, of .John ami Bridget, Julia E., Frances J., William H., of Joseph and Catharine. RITTER Amelia A., of Louis and Cath- arine, William G., ROBEKTS of Charles and Ellen, JIary Elizal)eth, Samuel, of William and Eliza, William Henry, Eliza Ann, Lydia N., of George and Sarali, , son of Samuel and Mary A., ROBINSON John W., of Russell and Al- inira, Almira, Elizabeth E., John, of Christo|)her and Elizal)eth, of Thomas anil William. Jlary Ellen, Thomas Paine, Alice Amelia, Samuel Bacon, of Samuel and Ann, ROGERS Chnstoi)her. John, of Michael and Bridget, Christopher, Mary A., James, Dec. 10 Marv. .Marv, John, of John and Ann, ROGERSON Lydia Sophia, of Jolm R. and Mary L., " ROLLINSON John E., of Joseph and Ann, ROSTON Marv, of William and .Alartha, ROTHWELL Mary E., of Joseph and Mar- tha, Sarah Ann, James Henry, Joseph Rothwell, RUSSELL Mary Jane, of John and Rosanna, Ellen, RYAN John, of Michael and Mariah, , son, Joseph, James, Mariah, RYDER Julia W., of Leander and JMaria, ■ James B., of James M. and Salome, s 2 16 SACAB Frederick, of John and Barbara, Oct. 14, 185S June 2, 1860 M.iy 18, 1855 June 17 1858 Aug. 8 1859 Oct. 10, 1846 Dec. 22, 1.S48 Sept. 30 1846 Jan. 10 1849 Dec. 15 1850 April 5 1851 Sept. 12 1859 July 5 1843 July 16 1849 Aug. 14 1853 Aug. 24 1845 Feb. 12 1846 Oct. 17 1850 Feb. 11 1854 March 23 1.S56 Oct. 3 1.S59 May 31 1849 April 17 1844 Jan. 12 ltS44 A[)ril 15 1845 Dec. 10 1845 Dee. 7 1850 Sept. 14 1852 July 20 1855 March 1 1854 May 10 1849 Sept. 3 1845 July 27 1850 ]\Iay 30 1845 Jan. 29 1847 Aug. 11 1849 Feb. 6 1852 March 18 , 1850 Feb. 7 1852 June 7 , 1853 Dec. 26 1854 Oct. 13 1856 Sept. 15 , 1858 Nov. 30 1«59 July 26 1856 March 20 1857 Jan. 13 , 1860 1 67 2 3 •2 U 2 25 1 2'.) 1 41 1 oii 1 65 2 4 2 13 9 16 412 VITAL KECOKD OK UHODE ISLAND. SAGER Alesaufier, of George and Joauiia. Oct. 14, 1853^ Ann, of George and Jane, Feb. 3, 1856 SALISBURY , danghter of Henry and Saiah, Sept. 15, 1858 INIazv, of Andrew J. and Emeline, Jan. 27, 1862 SANDERSON Jane E., of James and Mary Ann, ' Aug. 27, 1847 Mary Isabella, Nov. 17, 1849 David, Oct. 16, 1851 David S.. Aug. 29, 1853 Richard C, March 1, 1856 William H., March 5, 1859 , son of James and Mary A. (Liv- ingstone), " Nov. 12, I860' 2 22 SATTESALL Alice II., of Richard and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1861 2 21 SAUNDERS Franklin, of David and Mary, Mav 18, 18G1 1 5 SAVAGE Sarah J., of William and Jane/ March 1,1844 1 09 SCIINIEDER Charles, of John and Grace, March 21, 1854 2 5 William A.. July 14, 1856 1 69 SCHOOL Daniel, of Daniel and Rosannah. April 17, 1854 1 1 SCOTT Sarah J., of John C. and Martha J., Jan. 17, 1844 1 21 Sarah J.. June 19, 1846 1 55 SCULLION . — , of Daniel and Rose, Nov. 30, 1851 1 61 Ann, Nov. 16, 1852 7 aiackle, March 2, 1857 2 16 Hugh, Jan. 20, 1860 1 1 SEARS Charles F., of Arnold II. and .Mary J., Nov. 3, 1843 1 51 Frank E., of Arnold and Mercy G., June 12, 1852 1 51 Emeline F., June 12, 1852 1 33 George Edward, of Obed and Enieliue, Aug. 17, 1848 2 6 SHANNON , sou ot Patrick and Brid- get, Oct. 23, 1856 2 6 John, fsic) Oct. 31, 1856 2 9 John E.. Oct. 30, 1857 1 59 SHELLEY James, of James and Catharine, Sei)t. 10, 1852 2 8 SIIEILDS William J., of Patrick and Eliza- beth, June 24, 1857 1 71 SHELDON , daughter of Ezekiel and Mary A., June 19, 1854 1 31 SHERMAN James Henry, of Preserved and Esther, ' Aug. 27, 1847 1 23 Sarah L., of Robert and Louisa, Jan. 30, 1847 1 39 Alberts., of Daniel G. and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1849 1 51 Emily F., of Thomas and Patience, April 8, 1S51 1 3 SHORl' Clarrissa, of Henry S. and Clar- rissa, July 12, 1843 1 19 George Richmond, Blarch 7, 1847 2 1 , May 19, 1855 1 55 SHOVE Charles A., of Isaac ami Phebe, Seekonk, Ai)ril 9, 1851 2 21 Florence, of same parents, June 21, 1861 •> BIRTHS — PAWTUCKET. 41 S 1 63 SHOVE Herbert :\I., of Suimiel and Uelio- rah S., April l'('>, l.S.Vi 2 25 Edwin Leach Biirnside, ot\ Freileiick C. and Angeline M., Fel). 17, 18(;2 2 5 SIMMONS ^^ , daugliier of George H. and Louisa, Aug. 24, Is.jG Harriet D., :\lay 2(;, l«;"i8 Emma D., .liuie 2'.i, ls,"i9 Devilla, ]\Luvh '.», LS(;i SKEES John F., of James and Ann, March 1, 18.54 Joseph, Aug. 10, 18,50 SLAIJE , daushter of Francis P. and Lvdia, " " Maicli 10, 1847 Caroline, of Lnther and Lucy. ^^Lay s, 1848 Ezra, of (ieorge and ^Margaret, ^Liy 2.5, 18,52 Oeurge F., Eel). 21, 18.51'. James H., of James A. and JNL\ry A., Aug. 20, 1852 Alfred C, of Ira E. and Ann, Jan. 20, 185.5 JCmnia E., Se|)t. 5, 186(> Ira E., July 2, 1860 SLATER Daniel, of William an Aug. 0, 1857 Nov. 30, 1859 Feb. 20, 1855 Nov. 22, 1855 Nov. 29, 1856 July 23, 1855 Dee. 31, 1856 Jan. 1, 1857 May 10, 1858 Aug. 9, 1860 Dec. 8, 1861 Aug. 30, 1801 414 VITAL KECOIU) OF HHODE ISLAND. 1 13 SNOW diaries A., of Charles and Harriet P., Sept. 21, 1845 1 37 Harriet R., Nov. 8, 1848 1 53 Daniel ,].. uf Robert J. anil Kmeline, June 27, 18.t1 1 03 Ellen .1., May 7, 1853 I 47 SOUTHERLAND , son of Alexander and Henrietta, Nov. 20, 1850 1 59 Daniel, Oct. 1, 1852 1 73 Henrietta, Nov. 12, 1854 2 8 William T., July 17, 1857 1 13 SPRAGL'E Frederick H., of Daniel R. and Emily, Oct. 29, 1845 1 33 Jeanette, July 19, 1848 1 55 William, Oct. 8, 1851 2 1 Zenas B., March 9, 1855 1 27 STACKEY Emma T., of Henrv O. and Marv L.. Sept. 5, 1847 1 25 STAFFORD Andrew A., of Rufus J. and Catharine, Louisa, STALL William B., of George W. and Naoma, STAPLES Joseph, of Henry and Pliila, STARKWEATHER James C, of James C). and Abby, STEED John F., of George D. and Abby M., STEPHENS , son of James F.. and Malissa, STEWARD David H., of David and Mar- garet, STOWERS Ellen T., of Edward and Ann E., STRANGE Ambrose B., of Simoon C. and Marv E., 2 21 STREET Lucy Flagg, of George D. and Abbv, STUDLEY Elisha, of Elisha and A.=enoth, MJLLIVAN (iabriel, of Gabriel and Eliza, John, of Daniel and Sarah, Cornelius, of Cornelius and A., SUN Fvlizabcth, of Jacob and Mary, Sarah, Nicholas. Adelia, SITTON , of George R. and Sarah J., Frederick A., of Sedgwick and Fanny (Capron), SWARB George H., of John and Barliara, SWAB Harriet E., SWAZEY Marv J., of Jerathmel and Har- riet E., Sarah M., of Anthony and Sarah, SWEET Samuel, of Asel and Susan, SWEETLAND George, of Thomas and Susan, Jlaranda Louisa, of Thomas and Susan, Susan A., of same parents. 1 31 1 1 1 29 2 13 2 7 1 23 1 fi5 1 25 2 20 21 9 57 01 31 45 57 20 17 10 20 20 17 29 43 19 33 63 July 12, 1840 Feb. 20. 1848 Nov. 20, 1843 May 22, 1847 Feb. 17, 1859 Jan. 13, 1857 April 1, 1847 Sept. 15, 1853 M.ay 18, 1846 Jan. 0, 1802 Aug. 0. 1801 Nov. 23, 1840 Sept. 10, 1844 Feb. 1, 1852 Dec. 14, 1852 March 27, 1848 Oct. 14, 1850 March 17, 1852 March 9, 1801 Dec. 1, 1845 Dec. 9, 1800 Jan. 23, 1801 F^eb. 18, 1802 Dec. 15, 1845 Sept. 21, 1847 Oct. 2, 1850 Oct. 24, 1846 Dec. 2, 1848 April 28, 1853 BIUTHS — PAWTUCKET. 415 2 3 SWEETLAXl.) Cluirleis F., of Thuuuis and .Susan, Fd,. L 185G 2 10 John K., ,Iaii. 1, 1858 1 7 SWIFT William, uf Frauds and Bridget, Sept. 20, 1844 1 21 Barnard, 1846 or 1847 1 41 Ilannali, Sei>t. 25, 184» 1 73 TABOR Isaac F., of Isaac and Robeoea, Nov. 24, 1854 2 8 TANNER Florence M., of Oscar A. and Agnes E., Jlay 6, 1857 1 43 TANNEY Catharine, of .Tames and Mary, .lufy 1, 1.S50 1 3 TA.SKER John F.. of Hanson and Harriet, Julv 2, 1843 1 17 Mary A., No\\ 30. 1845 1 5 TAYLOR Robert, of J(.,lin and Elizabeth, Jan. 22, 1843 1 21 Martha, Nov. 30, 1846 1 21 Anna, Nov. 30, 1846 1 23 Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1847 I it Benjamin Wanen, of Greenleaf and .lulia, Aug. ril 7, 1861 2 22 THRESHER Andrew Ellsworth, (if John C. ami Ann E., Seiit. 7, 1861 1 43 THURBER Alvin Lathrop, of Alfred and Mehitable, July 24, 1849' 1 71 Mary M., Sept. 22, 1854 1 55 Clarence A., of Nathaniel and Jane B.. Nov. 10, 1851 2 6 , daniihter of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 26, 1856 2 22 , of Edwin F. and Desire, ' Nov. 21, 1861 2 4 TIEPKIE Henry E., of Henry G. and Ta- bitha, ' March 21, 1856 1 53 TIGIIEY , son of Patrick and Catha- rine, Aug. 4, 1851 1 13 , April 15, 1546 2 11 , of Lucian and Mary, Sept. 15, 185& 41G VITAL EBCORD OF KHODE ISLAND. 1 37 TILLINfillAST Frances, of Charles and Lnev, Oct. 20, 1848 1 a TINGLKV Ilatrict, of Lyman and Betliia. Feb. 19, 1844 1 -27 Enth Ann, ' March 7, 1848 1 41 Lvman M., Nov. 20, 184'.» 1 i)3 Marv Ellen, of Lncian and Mary, June 18, 18.51 1 :,[) — , son, Ang. 29, 1852 1 71 Julia Ann, July 19' 1^^54 2 20 Clara, • Feb. 15, 18G1 2 3 Alice J., of Lynmn L. and Betliia B., Nov. 15, 1855 1 9 TISDALE Frank Howard, of Bradford and Mary A., Oct. 8, 1844 1 19 Alvin, of Benjamin K. and Julia Ann, JIareh 27, 1847 1 53 , daughter, Aug. 17, 1851 2 2 Benjamin, July 8, 1855 2 9 TONC-J Ellen, of William and Elizahetli, Seiit. 18, 1857 2 14 TOOTHILL Peter, of James and Ellen, Sept. 10, 1859 2 9 TOWLEY William H.. of Patrick and Mary, Sept. 23, 1857 2 23 TOWNE Carrie E., of William and Sarah E., Dec. 9, 1861 1 47 TRUMBULL Clara F., of Ezra audLvdia. April 1, 1850 1 15 TUPPER Maria A., of Russell L. and Mary N., April 12, 1846 1 .S7 , Dee. 18, 1848 1 55 , Oct. 4, 1851 1 G9 Henrv M., Feb. 14, 1854 2 7 Marv L., Jau. 4, 1857 2 lo -— . Oct. 20, 1859 2' 8 TURNER Thomas H., of Thomas and Alice, July 10, 1857 1 55 TUTE John IL, of James and Ellen, Nov. 3, 1851 2 10 TWIST IMarv E., of Nathan IL and Eaie- line A. "(Hamlet), April 7, 1860 U V VARSLET Nelson, of Peter and Catharine, July 4, 1859 VARSLEY Calista, of Peter and Catharine (Fallon), Nov. 27, 1860 VIALL Stephen, of Edwin and Delanv, Aug. 26, 1851 VICKERY Otis, of Otis and Sarah, Jau. 1, 1850 Alphonso, of Alphonso Johnson and Han- nah, May 24, 1852 Alfred, of Abdial and Freelove, April 29, 1854 LydiaM., May 28, 1856 Frederick, June 11, 1858 Frank, Aug. 26, 1859 Lncena, of Otis and Hannah, March 8, 1855 Lucena, of Shubael and Hanuah, Feb. 20, 1856 Carrie, of Otis and Frances, Aug. 1, 1861 w 1 3 WAITE William, of Stephen and Nancy, Jan. 1, 1844 1 17 Mary F., Dec. 8, 1845 2 14 2 18 1 53 1 43 1 57 1 69 2 4 2 11 2 14 2 1 2 4 2 21 1 1 1 67 1 67 2 2 2 5 2 71 1 41 2 5 2 18 1 21 1 45 1 45 1 51 1 63 1 65 2 15 2 22 2 21 BIRTHS — PAWTUCKET. 417 AVALKER Henry, of James and Maria, June 23, 1843 Sarah, of Nathaniel and Margaret, Nov. 11, 1853 Kllen, Nov. 11, 1853 Eliza Ames, ' July 12, 1855 Frederick, Sept. 20, 1856 AVALLACE Cliarles T., of Jobu and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1858 AVAKBURTON Alfred Henry, of AVilliam and Caroline, Ducut, May 7, 1840 AVilliam F., July 5, 1856 Frances AV., of James and Alice (AV'ells), Sept. 8, 1860 AVARD Mary Malissa, of Thomas and Re- becca, June 30, 1846 Malvina, May 6, 1850 Frances, of Morris and Ann, June 3, 1850 Sarah, of Thomas and Eliza, March 3, 1851 John, May 2, 1853 Jane, of Thomas and Roliina, Aug. 15, 1853 AA'ARDLE Mary Ann, of John and Bridget, Dec. 17, 1859 Alice E., " Sept. 18, 1861 AVARLAND Sarah James, of Charles A. and Mary I)., Aug. 15, 1801 1 13 AVARREN Elizabeth M., of Richard and Mary A., Jan. 4, 1846 1 63 AVASHBURN Anna S., of Tobias and Anna H., Feb. 28. 1853 2 12 AA'ATSON Sarah Alison, of Amanda, Oct. 3(J, 1858 1 45 AVP:BSTER Frank B., of Andrew and Clara, Jan. 16, 1850 1 31 AA^ELCH Mary Ann, of Martin and Juliana, May 8, 1847 1 49 John, Aug. 22, 1850 1 59 Eliza, Oct. 23, 1852 2 1 Patrick, March 30, 1855 2 10 Martin, March 21, 1858 1 43 Martiu, of Peter and Ann, June 1, 1850 2 3 , son of Abliy, Dec. 11, 1855 2 13 Frederick T., of Thomas and Mivry, March 1, 1859 2^11 AA^EST James, of Oren and Janette, July 20, 1858 1 51 AV^IEATON Martha M., of James L. and Ann M., Feb. 12, 1851 1 1 WHEELER Thomas, of AA'alter and Caro- line, Nov. 1, 1843 1 5 AA'HIPPLE Sarah, of George AA'. and Mary E., June 24. 1843 1 17 Georae AV., Jr., Jane 19, 1845 1 61 AVilliam H., Nov. 26, 1852 1 41 Mary Ann, of George A. and Harriet B., Aug. 0, 1849 1 9 AVHITAKER Stephen H., of Harris and Betsey, Feb. 19, 1845 1 15 Helen, of George and Alice, Oct. 1, 1845 2 4 James, of Jamc's and Alice, Feb. 22, 1856 1 27 AVHITE Jlary Anue, of Benjamin aud Eliza, Sept. 17, 1847 1 33 , daughter of AVilliam Heurv and Mary, " Feb. 7, 1849 1 51 Sarah E., May 18, 1851 1 63 Henry K., Feb. 6, 1853 418 VITAL KECOKD OF KHODE ISLAND. 2 G WHITE Davitl J., of William Henry and Mary, Oct. 10, 1856 1 19 WHITP:HEAU , son of James and Elizabeth, April 2G, 1847 1 43 Elizabeth Frances, Dec. 28, 1849 1 25 AVHITEMAN George, of Joseph and Ann E., Feb. — , 1847 1 33 WHITFORD John Thomas, of Alfred and Emeline, Nov. 7, 1848 1 27 WHITING Moses W., of Moses and Har- riet Cordelia, Aug. 29, 1847 2 15 WILBUR , son of Thomas E. and Ruth A., Oct. 9, 1859 1 55 WILCOX , sou of Chailes and Ruth Ann, Dec. 20, 1851 1 5 WILEY Leander, of Alonzo A. and Char- lotte S., Nov. 24, 1843 1 05 WILKINSON Anne, of Henrv N.and Sarah A., " Sept. 11, 1853- 1 55 WILLARD Mary A., of John Henry and Maria, " Nov. 19, 1851 Byron A., July 16, 1854 Rebecca, April 21, 1858 WILLIAMS Ebeuezer P., of Edward and Harriet, June 23, 1843 Robert S., July 25, 1846 , daughter of James and Lorana, ]\Iarch 8, 1845 Abby S., of Sylvester J. and Abby S., June 1, 1847 Lydia Ann, of Jeremiah and Harriet N., Jan. 20, 1847 Delia A., April 12, 1852 Cromwell II., of Alvin D. and Sarah IL, July 14, 1851 Emma, Oct. 1, 1853 Mary E., of James A. and Eliza, Dec. 9, 1857 Albert N., of Crawford A. and Eliza A. (Alexander), Oct. 3, 1860 Elizabeth, of Daniel and Catharine, May 17, 1861 AVILLIAMSON John, of John and Cath- arine, July 10, 1855 WILLIAN Jane, of Hanson and Ann, April 21, 1845 WILSON Emily A., of William and Arra- bella, Dec. 28, 1843 William Ellis, Aug. 22, 1850 Mary E., July 14, 1856 Mary Jane, of David and Jane E., Aug. 16, 1848 Samuel, of John and Rose, Aug. 23, 1849 John, of John and Charlotte, April 17, 1852 Almira D., of John H. and Fanny, Feb. 23, 1856 Robert C, Jan. 12, 1859 Thomas J., of William and Mary, Dec. 6, 1857 Lucinda A., Nov. 2, 1859 WINTERS Owen, of Owen and Bridget, March 8, 1846 1 4o WISE George Henry, of John and Mary Ann, " Oct. — , 1850 1 63 Mary E., Feb. 18, 1853 71 10 1 21 9 31 25 57 53 65 2 10 2 16 2 21 2 2 1 7 1 1 1 47 2 5 1 39 1 41 1 57 2 7 2 13 2 9 2 15 1 17 BIKTHS — PAWTUCIvET. 419 2 9 AVITHFA' Mary E., of Horace and Han- uah. ' Sc'iit. 11, 1857 2 3 AVOLFENDALE Margaret Ann, of James and Ann, Nov. 7, 1855 2 17 Esther, Jan. 22, 1860 1 17 WOLSTENHOME , son of Robert and Jane. Jan. 21, 1846 1 1 WOOD Roby Ann. of Thomas and Roby Ann, Ang. 19, 1843 Addington T., March 31, 1848 , son, June 27, 1852 Allen F., of Job N. and Ann S., Dec. 19, 1843 Frederick, of George and Sarah, Blarch 31, 1845 Mary Jane, Sept. 4, 1847 Edwin Francis, of Albert J. and Lydia, July 3, 1848 Mary Elizabetli, " April 7, 1S50 Marrntta, of Tiiomas and Janette, Nov. 22, 1857 WOODCOCK Ann M., of George A. and Delia, Sept. 19, 1.S45 Olive Gould, Nov. 23, 1847 F.-edericiv A., Oct. 14, 1850 , daughter of George W. and Marv, April 21, 1848 WORTHINGTON William F., of .b.lm and Almira, Sept. 24, 1857 1 15 WRIGHT Jane A., of Malcom and Ann, Jan. 17, 1.S46 X Y Z 1 17 YOUNG , of Simpson and Priscilla, April 23, 1846 1 27 Urania, of Harris and Urania, Aug. — , 1847 1 31 Janette Jane, of John R. and Sarali, Nov. 30, 1847 1 31 1 59 1 3 1 13 1 33 1 39 1 44 2 9 1 15 1 27 1 45 1 29 2 9 Section III. Deatlis. 1 155 ABELL Robert, bom Seekoiik, son of Caleb ami Elena, 45 years, Jan. 21, 1849 1 181 AIKEN James, boiii Attleboro, son of James and Emma, 11m 29d, Sept. 18, 1855 1 153 ALEXANDER Sarah Jane, born Pantiicket, dangliter of Nathaniel and Sophia, 4_v 8m I2d, June 14, 1848 1 173 William R., born Pawtucket, son of Na- thaniel S. and Sophia, 2y 11m, May 20, 185a 1 145 ALLEN Alexantler, born Manchester, Eng., son of William and Olive (McFarland), 11 years, March 17, 1846 1147 Delia, 25 years, March —, 1847 1 165 , son of Hecry and Louisa, 2 days, July 25, 1851 1 171 Eliza, born Swanzey, wife of Pardon, 61 years, Jan. 18, 1853 1 175 William, born Providence, son of William and Mary (Drown), 67}' 5m, Nov. 15, 1853 1 193 Sarah B., born North Providence, wife of Oliver S., 32y 5m, Oct. 2, 1858 1 145 ALMY Holder B., born Pawtucket, son of Holder, C months, Aug. 3, 1846 1 183 , sou of Sanford and Ellen, born Pawtucket, 1 day, Dec. 31, 1855 1 179 ANDERSON Solomon, of Henry and Na- oma, born Hatfield, 35y 7m, May 6, 1855 1 181 Hannah G., of Solomon and Mary Ann, born Pawtucket, 3y 9ru 6d, Oct. 24, 1855 1 191 Mary, widow of Solomon, 40 years, July 11, 1858 1 153 ANDERTON George, of John and Sarah, born England, 8y 3m lOd, July 31, 1848 2 1 ANDREWS Samuel, of Samuel and Jane, born Pawtucket, 3m 22d, Aug. 1, 1860 1 191 ANGELL Radial, widow of Daniel, boru North Providence, 64y Im, April 11, 1858 1 181 ARNOLD Nehemiah, of Sylvan and Sarah, born Smitheeld, 12y Om 7d, May 19, 1855 422 VITAL IIECORD OF EHODE ISLAXD. 1 ISl ASHTON .Tolui, horn KiiglaiKl, 82 years, Sept. 28, 1855 2 3 Lj'Ciirges O., of John W. and Hanuali, born Pliilaileliiliia, Penn., 14y 1 1 ni 18d. Oct. 27, 18G1 B I'.t; BAILEY Dora, of .Jolin H. and p:iizabetb, born Pawtuc-ket, 2y 25d, Dec. 31, 1850 19^ BA'ilN Aun, wife of Connor, Ijorii Ireland, 52y liu, Nov. 10, 1859 175 BAGLEY Emma, of William X. and Catha- rine, Ixjrn Taunton, I3' 3ni, Nov. 9, 1853 151 BAKER Lydia, of Alexander and Phel)e. liorn Dennis, 52y 9m. Nov. 20, 1847 165 Mary Aon, of Pliiii[) and Almira. born Pawtucket, Sy 3m. Aug. 23, 1851 1G7 Betiiiah, widow of Thatclior, born Ilar- wick, 53 years, .Sept. 18, 1851 1(')9 Lavina W.. of Edward and Eliza, born Fall River, lOy 4m 7d, May 17, 1852 187 BAMFORD .James, of George and Mary, born England, 77y 2m, Aug. 12, 1857 r.)5 Charles H., of George E. and Sarah, l)orn Pawtucket, 2y 7m 7d, Nov. 9, 1859 lfi5 BANCiliE Frank, of Peter and Frances, l)orn Pawtucket, 2v Ira l:^d, April 2, 1851 175 BARBER Betsey P., wife of Adnah, born Si)ringfield, (il years, Nov. 24, 1853 159 BARLOW Francis, of Patrick and Mary, born Pawtucket, ly 11m, Sept. 19, 1849 l(i9 Owen, of Patrick and Mary, born Paw- tucket, 6y llm, ' April 29, 1852 173 Marv, wife of Patrick, boi-n Ireland, 35 years, Feb. 18, 1853 173 Mary, of Patrick and Mary, born Paw- tucket. 8m 4d, " .Inly 3, 1853 189 BARNES Maiiiula, of Edward and Hannah, 9 days, Dec. 2, 1857 195 Polly, daughter of Richard and Polly Car- penter, born Seekonk, 43y 7n;, Oct. 14, 1859 145 BARNEY Mary Frances, of Beniahand Ma- iiala (Slade), 3y 6m, March 22, 1844 159 Patience, widow of Cyreuus, born Seekonk, 81 years, Dec. 26, 1849 1 Elica, of George and Emily, 5 months, Aug. 5, 1860 1 Clarrissa A., of same parents, 3j' 2m, Dec. 27, 1860 155 BARTLETT Bridget, wife of Peter, born Ireland, 40 years, Dec. 11, 1848 175 BARTLEY Peter, born Ireland, 57 years, Oct. 9, 1853 195 BARTON Abby W., wife of William, born Cumberland, 30y 6m 5d, July 4, 1859 1 155 BASSPyiT John, of Thomas and Lydia, born Rochester, Mass., 55y 6m, Sept. 16, 1848 DEATHS — PAWTLCKET. 423 159 BATE.S "Whitman, of Naliain aiul Perloy, born Meiulon, 45 ■years, ])ec. 12, 1849 183 Adeline, of Arnold and Esther, born Smitli- fleld, 3Gy 5m. Jnne -'0, 185H 185 , dauohter of Frederick and Harriet N., 1 day, Feb. 3, 1 SO- US BAXTER Kutii, wife of Nathaniel, 73 years, Nov. 27, 1845 145 Alanson, of Setii and Folly. 2y Om 22d, Dec. 22, 1845 151 Natlianiel, of ("oi'nelins and .leruslia, bom Norwicli, 84 years, Oct. 21, 1847 153 Loring, of James C. II. and Fhelic Ann, 10 days, Oct. 10, 1848 155 Albert, of Albert B. and Pliebe, 2 days, Nov. 2(j, 1818 155 Phebe Amanda, of .lames C. II. and Phebe Ann, 3m 27d, Jan. 27, 1849 1G9 Mary A., wife of Seth, Jr., l)orn Sniitli- tield, 21y 11m 2 Id, May 4, 18.V.> 173 Mary H., of Elienezer and ilercy, liorn Yarmontii. 47 years, jMay 13, 1S53 173 Mary, wife of David, born Cape Cod, 58 years, July 13, 18.53 187 Rebecca, widow of Warren, born t'ape Cod, 63y 8ni, Marcli 17, 1857 149 BEAMAN Albert E., of All>ert and Sii- sannna C, ly Om 20d, Sept. 12, 1847 1G7 BENNIS Jolm, of Gerald M. and Mary, 19 years, Dec. 31, 1851 169 Joim, of Gerald and Mary, born New Jersey, 18y 3m 21d, Jan. 1, 1852 153 BENSLEY Angeline, of J')1ul and Rona Ann, born North Provitlence, 22y 7m 3d, June 25, 1848 163 James, of Kldredge and Artemissa, 10 months, Aug. 3, 1848 163 Eugene, of Samuel and Cordelia, 7 months, March 7, 1851 167 Adalaide, of James B. and Harriet, 8 montlis, Sei)t. 8, 1851 169 Oscar D., of Sanuiel and Cordelia, Sm 4d, July 13, 1852 191 Louisa B., wife of Jolni, born Scotland, 21y 5m 2d, Ai)ril 29, 1858 195 BENTLEY Sarah, wife of William, born Warwick, R. I., ■12y Im lOd, Oct. 10, 1859 151 BISHOP Mary Elizabeth, of James and Ruth, born Watertown, 12y 11m 15d, Jan. 31, 1848 151 Celinda J., of James and Ruth, born See- konk, ISy 11m 16d, Feb. 11, 184a 151 Martha, of James and Ruth, born Seekonk, 16y4m 12d, Feb. 23, 1848 153 Ellen, of James and Ruth, born Pawtucket, 9 months, Aug. 15, 1848 191 Comfort, of Comfort and Patience, born Seekonk, 70y 11m, Juue 17, 1858 2 3 , 1 day, of Henry F. and Josephine, May 26, 1861 424 VITAL KECOllD OK RHODE ISLAND. 1 r.)l BLACK Thomas, of Aiulrew aud Aim, 12y 8ui 14d, " Aug. 26, 1858 1 193 Edward, of Aiulrew and Ami, 9 years, March 18, 1859 1 195 BLACKINGT(JN Mary A., of Larned and Mary A., born Cumberland, 21y Urn 5d, Aug. 30, 1859 1 145 BLACKMAN .Joseph, born Eniih\nd, 20 years, " Feb. 13, 1846 2 1 BLISS Lydia B., daiigliter of Isaiah and Ann F. Allen, born Kohoboth, 35v 6m Sd. " Fob. 7, 1860 1 173 BLOOMFIELD Charlotte, of William and Charlotte, 2y 9d, Aug. 16, 1853 2 3 Charles, of 'William, born England, 39y 2m 4d, March 30, 1861 1 183 BLY George A., of Martin V. and Maria L., born Pennsylvania, March 5, 1856 1 145 BOLCAN Hannah W., wife of Baylies, 35 years, Feb. 8, 1846 1 1 19 BOWEN Amey Ann, wife of Henry, May 25, 1846 1 145 . 11 months, — , 1846 1 145 Ellen M., of 'William M. and Eliza Ann, ly 3m 9d, Sept. 8, 1847 1 153 .Jane, of Henry and Laura, born North Providence, 6 months, ^May — , 1848 1 1()1 Hannah, wife of Samuel, ijorn Attleboro, 57 years, April 3, 1850 1 171 Byron L., of James and Sylvia, 4y 9m 21d, Aug. 25, 1852 1 183 Samuel, of Eleazer, born Rehoboth, 71 years, Jan. 11, 1856 1 161 BOWEUS Philip E..of Albert E. and Radial, 19y Om 4d, March 28, 1850 1 165 Albert E., of Sylvester and Al)igail, 53y 3m, May 30, 1851 1 153 BOYCE Susanna, wife of Barnard, born Ireland, (i6 years, Aug. 21, 1848 1 171 Barney, of Barnard and Jlariah, born Ire- land, 72 years, Sept. 28, 1852 1 185 BOYD AVilliain L., of Charles and Margaret, born Ireland, 65 years, Nov. 5, 1856 1 179 BOYLE Margaret, of" 'William and Eliza- beth, born Ireland, 21y 11m 5d, May 10, 1855 1 193 Margaret, wife of Patrick, born Ireland, 52y 5m. March 14, 1859 2 1 Susan (Chace), daughter of Edmund and Hannah Chace, born Haverhill, 83y 6m 9d, June 30, 1860 ■2 3 Thomas, 86 years, May 29, 1861 1191 BRACKETT Thompson, of C. T. S. and Mary A., born 'Westbrook, Me., 22y 5m 6d, June 28, 1858 1 145 BRADBURY , of George and Al- mira, 2m 2d, Dec. 4, 1845 1 149 George, born England, 45 years, Oct. 7, 1847 1 157 Andrew, of George and Almira, l)0rii North Providence, 5y Om a4d, June 10, 1849 DKATH.S — PAWTUCKET. 425 1(53 BRADLEY , of Peter and Ilauna!], 2 diiys, .l;ui. ii, 1850 167 , 6 days, of Peter ami Hannah, Dec. ;>!, 1851 189 BRADY Maryi wife of Daniel, born Ireland, Oct. 11, IHoT 2 15RALKY Mary, l)orn Ireland, G2y 5m 4d, March 20, 1800 175 BRAMLEY Charlotte, wife of Samuel, boru North Providence, 71 ycar.s, Nov. 15, 1853 161 BRASTOW Samuel, born Wrcnthani, (U; years, Aiiril 15, 1850 157 BRAYMAN Isal)ell, wife of Samuel G., liorn Wickford, 41y Om 'Jd, Feb. 16, 1849 157 Frank, of Joseiih and Mary Ann, ly 5m 13d, ]\Iarch 14, 1849 119 BRICE James, of John and" Louisa J., 7m 2()d, May 25, 1847 147 IMary C. Price, 24 years, — ^ , 1847 159 "William Henry, of John and Louisa., ly 5m, Aug. 15, 1849 157 Henry, of Robert and Catharine, liorn Ire- land, 39y 5m, Dec. 31, 1849 1G5 Catharine, of John and Jane, lioru, 25 years, July 18, 1,S51 167 Sarah, of John and Jane, liorn Ireland, 21 years, Nov. 23, 1851 173 Robert J., of John and Louisa, (> uionlhs, Aug. 2, 1853 187 Robert J., of John and Louisa. 8m 14d, i\Iarch 17, 1857 187 John G., of John and Jaue, born Irehuid, 37 years, Sept. ](», 1858 145 BRIGGS Mary, boin East Greenwich, 71 years, April 4, 1846 149 Ann Louisa, daughter of Eliza Salisbuiy, born Providence, 20 years, .Sept. 14, 1847 119 Sabrina. daughter of Graham and IMehita- ble Marchaul, born I'arniouth, 46 years, (>cl. 20, 1847 171 BRILEY' Alice, of John, ly lm5d, Aug. 12, 1852 155 BROWN Nancy, of Joseph and Jane, born Ireland, ly 4ni, Oct. 1, 1848 179 Eva Ann, ly'llm, Nov. 9, 1854 189 Moses E., of ■\Villiam and Elizabeth, born Fall River, 7y 7m 23d, Feb. 14, 1858 193 Georgiauna, of George and M. A., liorn Maine, 27v Im 5d, May 24, 1859 175 BRUCE Mary W., wife of Edward B., born Attleboro, 27 years, Nov. 25, 1853 195 BRYANT Emeline, wife of James L., 30v 2m 5d, " July 4, 1859 151 BUCKLEY John, of John and Bridget, boru Dublin, Ire., 38 years, Aug. 23, 1848 145 BUCKLIN Sarah, 80 years, Aug. — , 1846 149 Lucy, of Oliver and Sarah. 79 years, Sept. 8, 1847 163 Mary C, of Albert and Jiiliaette, 5m 20d, Sept. 12, 1850 169 Emina M., of Arnold and Margaret M., 3y 3m, ^ May 30, 1852 2 3 Lizzie M., of Ebenezer and Ann, ly 4m Id, Nov. 3, 1861 2 2 BUDLONG James, Jr., of James and Julia, boru Nashua, N. H., 32y 9m 12d, Jan. 29, 1860 2 1 Chloe Ware (Ward), daughter of Asa and Phelie Ward, boru North AVrentham, 63y llui, June 18, 1860 426 VITAL KECOUI) OK HHODK ISLAND. 1 IGl BUFFINGTON Maiy, widow of Giudiner, boil) Swanzej', 72 years, June 6, 1850' 1 lot) George E., of Gardner L. and ^Matilda, y months, Xov. — , 1849 1 167 Franklni, of Perry S. and Mary, 12 days, Oct. 1, 1851 1 167 Freelove, of same parents, 13 days, Oct. 2, 1851 I 181 .Tosepli M., of Gardiner and KUen, ilin lid, Oct. 6, 1855 1 11)5 BULL Funiee M., of James li. and Eunice I)., born St. Louis, Mo., Ans;-. 14, 1859 1 157 BULLOCK William Cole, of William D. and Ilnldaii, lly lOm 16d, Feb. 15, 184* 1 157 BURGESS Alice Ann, ^f Joseph S. and Olive. 2y Dm 23d, Aug. 10, 1849 1 159 Temperance, widow of Philip, born at Den- nis, lOOy 3m, Aug. 27, 1849 1 159 "William, of' Joseph S. and Olive, ly Im Oct. 4, 1849 1 179 William Freeman, of Jose()h S. and Olive, ly 10m lOd, Dec. 18, 1854 2 3 Joseph S., of Joseph and Jemima, born Harwich, 44y 5ni 3d, June 17, 1861 1 159 BURNS James Heniy, of John and Alice, ly 4m, Nov. 7, 1849 1 159 Josiah C, of Barnard and Elizabeth, ly 3in 2d, Aug. 26, 1854 1 179 Helen J., of George H. and Hairiet K., 2y 4m 13(1, ^ Dee. 22. 1854 1 189 Robert, of Hugh and Eliza, 3y 3m 6(1. Feb. 24, 1858 1 193 Samuel S., of Hugh and Eliz.a, 3m 20d, Oct. 21, 1858 1 173 CALLAHAN , 1 day, of Thomas and Rose, ■ April 29, 18.53 1 173 Margaret, 22 j'cars, wife of ;\Iatthew, born Ireland, May 1, 1853 2 1 Catharine, 17v 2m, of Francis and Jlary, June 16, 1860 1 169 CALLEN Mar}" Ann, 42y 9m, wifj of jMichael, born Ireland, Jan. 18, 1852 2 2 CAMBELL John Henry, 5y .^m 2d, of Thomas and Maiy J., Sept. 26, 1860 2 3 Christopher, 55y 5m 17d, born Ireland, April 19, 1861 1 171 CAMERON John, 28y 4m, of John and Margaret, born Nova Scotia, Oct. 4, 1852 1 175 "William, 73 years, of Duncan and Dianna, born England, Feb. 23, 1854 1 185 Frederick A., 3y Im 1 Id, of Thomas S. and Sally, " Dec. 1, 1856 1 189 Daniel B., 4y 9m 12d, of Robert B. and Lucy E., Oct. 1, 1857 2 3 Sally Ann, 5.3y lOni 13d, wife of Thomas Spencer C, born Beverlv, Nov. 25, 1861 1 157 CAMPBELL Micliael, 25 yeaVs, of and Hannah, born Ireland, July 6, 1849 DEATHS — PAAVTUCKET. 427 1 1G5 CAMPBELL Barney, 4y Oin Id, of Mieiiuel .iiul M:iry, April 10, IS.Jl 171 Joliii, 7 moiitlis, of Patrick and Catliai'iiiG, ,Sc[)l. 17, 1.S52 175 iSiisau, 23y Ini, wife of Patiiclv, born New York, ,S,.|,t. -21, l,S.-)3 181 Isabella, C3y 2ni 3d, wife of C'lirisl&pher, born Ireland. ,lnne 11, LSoo 161 CAPRON Lydia A., 7 years, of William and Mary B., born Tauntf)n, !\Iav 2, 1850 175 CARXLEY Ann, 22 years, of ,lobn and Mary, born Iieland, Oct. 13, 1853 147 CARPENTER Betsey, widow, 72 years, wife of Kpliraiin, April l.s, 1847 153 Draper, 5(iy Cmi, of Dnniol and Olive, l)oru .Seekonk, June 1(1, 1.S48 155 Whipple A., ll»y llni, of Allen and Eliza, l)orn Cnniberland, Nov. 2'.i, 184 8 157 E!bene?;er T., (J Elliott Engene, 4y 5ni 22d, of IIir:ini and Marcelia, " >Sei)t. 3, 1840 103 CATE Ann, 26 years, of James and Catha- rine, " Jnly 25, 1850 155 CTIACPj Sarah, 31 vears, of William and Sally, ' Jan. 15, 1840 103 Bethiah, 30 years, wife of Osbond V., born Swanzey, Sept. 18, 1850 160 Louisa A., 7y 15d. of Hiram T. and Phebe, March ), 1852 3 Lydia B., 75y Om, widow of Luther, boru Relioboth, March 20, 1861 151 CHAFFEE Abby P., 21y 4in lid, daughter of Antiel G. and Lydia Luther, born Rehoboth, Nov. 13, 1847 175 William, 81y 1 Im, of William and Catha- rine, bom Cumberland, March 7, 1854 105 Waitey, 40y 4m 15d, wife of Samuel B., born Yarmouth, Nov. 12, 1850 147 CHAPMAN Joy, 5!iy 2m 3d, of Jeremiah, born Ireland, March 13, 1847 428 VlTAr, RECORD OK RHODE ISLAND. 1 ISl CHARY Catliarine, 29 years, wife of Miclinel, boin Ireland, Oct. 29, 1js55 1 1.^3 CHUTE Kosaniia. 6.i years, wife of James, born Ireland, Ang. 30, 1848 1 15.5 James, 70 years, of James and Catharine, born Ireland, Dec. 22, 1848 1 169 Patrick, 2:iy .nn, born Ireland, Jan. 11, 1852 1 191 Francis, 5y 2ui lOd, of James and Ellen, born Ireland, Aug. 30, 1858 1 191 James II.. 7y 3ra 2d, of James and Ellen, born Ireland, Sept. 6, 1858 1 191 James, ly Oni od, of James and Ellen, born Ireland, Sei)t. 13, 1858- 1 145 CLAFLEN Charles. G months, of Adol|ihn9 II., May 1, ISK; 1 1G3 Lydia, 70y om, wife of Xehemiah, born Cumberland, Jan. 21, 1851 2 1 Lyman, (13y Gm, bom Douglass, Jan. 2, 18G0 1 147 CLARK Frederick, 6 mouths, of Phinehas and Mary, Aug. 15, 1.S47 1 157 AIniira Frances, G months, of Barzillai and Anna, born Providence, July 24, 1849 Susan, 4y 8m, of Phinehas and Mary, Sept. 19, 1849 Margaret, G8 years, wife of Edward, l)oin England, Aug. 16, 1851 Susan L., 1 7y 8m, of Elisha A. and Betsey A., born North Kingstown, Sept. 13, 1851 Peter, ly 5ni 28d, of Francis and Ann, born North Providence, Dec. 27, 1853 Peter, ly Gni, of Francis and Ann, born North Providence, Jan. 1, 1854 Charles E., 15y 4m, of Henry H. and Har- riet, born Ilardwick, July 23, 1854 Williuni E., 10m 9d, of Ednuind and Mary L., born Smithtield. ' May 30, 1855 Ann, 38 3'ears, wife of Francis, liorn Ire- land, June 22, 1857 Edward, 2y 6m. of John and Catharine, born Ireland, July 12, 1857 Lucv, 81v lOm, widow of Ucniamiu, born Westboro, April 20, 1858 Charles E.. 7y 3d, of Henry N. and Har- riet, July 20, 1858 1 159 CLIFF()K'I) William, 78 years, of Richard aTid M;iry, born Ireland, Sept. 24, 1849 1 151 COFFIN Keziah, 73 years, daughter of Ben- jamin and Rosanna Keller, born Sand- wich, Nov. — , 184 7 1 159 COLLAR David L., 2y Cm, of Albert B. and Caioline, born Nortii Providence, Sept. 21, 1849 1 159 CONIFEE Ann, 52 years, widow of John, born Ireland, " Oct. 26, 1849' 1 171 John, ly 4m 24d, of Peter and Bridget, Dec. 5, 1852 1 177 William, 4 days, of Patrick and Bridget^ April 21, 1854 159 165 167 175 175 177 181 187 187 191 191 DEATHS — l-AAYTt'CKET. 42& 1«1 CONIFKK Peter, 38 years, of John and Ann, born Ireland, 157 CONLON John, 55 years, of Patriek and Ann, born Ireland, Ifil Terence, 15 years, of John and Mary, born Ireland, 107 Mary, 1 month, of Patrick and Catharine, 171 Catharine, loy 'Jni 14d, of John and Mary, 173 Ann, 40 years, wife of Patrick, hoin Ire- land, LSI Rose, 35 j'ears, wife of Andrew, liorn Ire- land, IG'J C0NSP:Y iMary, ly Ini, of Gnsta and Jo- sepliine, Ijorii (ierniany, 1(55 CONWAY Ilannali ^M., 1 days, of Joseph and Ilannali, 1G7 , 2 days, of Mark and Catharine, 16!) James, 5y 5 CUNNINGHAM Ann, 4.5 years, wife of Paliick, born Irel.ind, Aug. 25, 1.S48 1 14.3 CUSIIMAN Cathaiine, 73y lOm, wife of Samuel, boru Attleboro, ■ June 27, 1846 2 1 Mary Ann, 22y 2m 15d, of Simeou and Eliza, born Nova tjcotia, Dec. 10, 18G0 D l.j'.l DAILEY Catbarine, lv4m, of Patrick and Ann, ■ Oct. 4, 1849 170 Mary, 32 years, of Jolin and Bridget, l)orn Ireland, 17'J IMary, 30 years, of .Jolui and Bridget, boru Ireland, 3 John, 73 years, of Dennis and Catharine, born Ireland, 185 DANFORTH Walter L., Ini 20d, of Levi F. and Pliebe Aiui, 153 DANIELS Thomas, 3y 4m, of Michael f.ud Ann, 185 Michael. 51 years, liorn Ireland, 171 DARLING Fmuklin. ly Cm, of John D. and Mary T., 155 DAVENPORT George M., 21 days, of A. K. and Elizabeth, 153 DAVIS Sarah W., 3ni 21d, of Simeon afid Lucy Ann, IG'.i Hellen "G.. ly 11m IGd, of Simeon C. and Lucy A., 193 Tlwmas E., 48y8m, of Benjamin and Ann, born Warwick, R. I., 153 DEAN Lewis M., 34 years, of Lewis and Rel)ecca, liorn INIiddleboro, 177 George Hubbard, of Charles and Susan, ly 8m, 187 Ellen F., 4y 4m 15d, of James and Sarah 15., born Providence, 189 Mary F., 2y 8m 7d, of .lames and Saiah, l)oru Providence, 159 DECATEUR Horace AV., 4m 2d, of .John and Laura Ann, 195 ICsther J., lOin 26d, of John and Laura, 195 DENNIS Hugh, 45y 6m 17d, of Patrick and Sarah, born Ireland, 189 Sarah, 19 years, of Patrick and Bridget, born Ireland, 145 DEVLIN John, 4yllra 22y, of John and Mary, born North Providence. 149 Sarah, 21 years, of Thomas and Alice, born Ireland, 165 James, 7y 11m, of John and Mary. 175 DeWITT Emma, 17 years, wife of David, born New Hampshire, March 19, 1853 Dec. 31 1854 Jan. 1 1855 April G 1861 Dec. 20 1856 Aug. 30 Aug. 11 1848 1856 Aug. 13, 1852 Sept. 5 1848 Aug. 15 1848 Jan. 17 1852 Feb. — 1859 Aug. 24 1848 Sept. 9 1854 May 3 1857 Oct. 7 1857 Sept. 13 Aug. 9 , 1849 , 1859 Noy. 22 , 1859 Oct. 24 1857 April 26 1844 Oct. 2 April 14 1847 1851 DEATHS — PA \VT I'C K ET. 431 \C,r, DEXTER Alvirn, •2-2y 11m, wife of Saimiol, Aug. 2, 1851 151 DIGNAM Eliza, .")y Ini, of 'Williain and Ma- liiida, l)(ini Eiiu;laii(l, April 10, 1848 149 DILLON James, \)m 8d, of William and Jlai'y, . Oct. 1), 184 7 173 , 1 d,aj\ of Francis and Margaret, .Innc 30, 1853 185 Mary E., ly lOm 2d, of Francis and Mar- garet, Oct. 11, 185G 155 DIVINE Patrick, 9 years, of Michael and Catharine, born Ireland, Dec. 9, 1848 179 DONALLY Michael, 30y 5m, son of Ann, born Ireland, IMarch 25, 1855 185 Mary, 24y 2in, wife of Owen, boi-n Ire- land, Oct. 2, 1850 195 .James, 2 years, of .Tohn and Mary, born Providence, Oct. 20, 1859 1 .lolm, 9m lOd, of .John and IMary, born Ireland, Sept. 0, 1860 181 DORAN Bridget, 19 years, of .bunes and Bi'idget, born Ireland, May 15, 1855 195 .John. 10m 3d, of Hugh and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1859 175 DORSEY James, aged 42, of Christopher, born IroIan(1, Dec. 15, 1853 193 , S(.)n, 1 dav, of Thomas and Eliza- beth, " May 4, 1859 195 Hannah, 2y Uhn 2d. of Thomas and Eliza- beth, July 23, 1859 177 i:)OWNIE Thomas, 64y 5m 12d, of Robert and Jane, born Ireland, 8eiit. 15, 1854 155 DRAPER Elizabeth, 50 years, wife of Ira, born Providence, .Seiit. 21, 1848- 171 Ira, 74 years, of Isaac and Chloe J., born Attleboro, Feb. 3, 1853 3 DRISCOLL Cecelia, 4y 8m 2 Id, of Timothy and Rosanna, born Providence, Aug. 20, 1861 181 DROWN R(jyal,58y 3m, of Royal and Lucy, born Rehoboth, June 1, 185.> 1 Nathaniel, 45y 9m 17d, of Nathan and Mary, born Rehoboth, JMarch 25. 18C0 105 DUFFY' Thomas, Iv 9m, of Thomas and Mary, ' Aug. 20, 1851 109 ;Mary Ann, 4y Om, of Thomas and Jlary, ;\Iarcli 9, 1852 109 Thomas, IDni 3d, March 10, 1852 105 DUGAN Jonathan, 4 months, of John and Ann, July 20, 1851 193 DUNLAP Walter C, ly 7m lod, of lames, an.l Sarah, Oct. 28, 1858 2 Albert B., 7y 11m, of James and Sarah, March 17, 1800 157 DUNNELL Margaret, ly 2m 6d, of Jacob and Amey, .Tnly 20, 1849 175 Adelia, 8y 5m, of Jacob an.l Amey, Nov. 27, 18.<3 155 DY'ER Mai-y, 47y 5m, wife of George, born Harwich, -I'l"- 31) 18^9 1 157 Alvin, ly sm lid, of Charles and Mary, April 15, 1849 432 VITAL KECOllD OF HHODE ISLAND. 1 IGl DYER Miu'v, "26 vears, wife of Chailes, born M:\ino", ' July 25, 1850 E 159 EATON TliouKis II., ly 8m 18d, of John E. and Abigail, Sept. 16, 1849 149 KLDKEDGE Almena, 14y 8m iM. of Ricli- aril and Sally, horn Cnmlierland. Oct. 8, 1847 173 ELLIS , 14 days, daughter of Ira 1). and Eliza M., May G, 1853 149 ENGLISH Elislia Thomas, ly Ira, of James and Lncy, tiorn Smithfield, Sept. 8, 1847 1G5 ERWIN William, 11 months, of George and Margarette. boni New Hampshire, Aug. 28, 1851 1 177 FAIRUAN George, ly Im, of Rol>ert and •lane. May ■>, 1854 1 191 FAIRBANKS Calvin, 77 years, of Joel and Mary, born Stoughto'n. Aug. 4, 1858 1 183 PAGAN Patriek, 80 years, born Ireland, Dee. 24, 1855 1 187 Margaret, 72y Im 12d, widow of Patrick, born Ireland, June 30, 1857 1 153 FALLEN Catharine, 1 vcar, of Malachais and Ann, " May 29, 1848 1 165 Malachi, 48 years, of Hugh and Bridget, born Ireland, July 16, 1851 1 167 Thomas, 27 years, of James and Catharine, born Ireland, Nov. 15, 1851 1 195 Elizalieth, 7 days, of Patrick and Eliza- beth, ' Oct. 12, 1859 1 153 FARRALL Isabella, 11 months, of Eilward and Ann, May 10. 1848 1 155 Francis, 7y 7m, of Edward and Ann, Nov. 28, 1848 1 157 Michael, 26 vears, of Frank and Bridget, born Salem, Feb. 2, 1849 1 157 Elizabeth, 7 months, of Edward and Ann, Aug. 4, 1849 1 159 Rose, ly 11m, of John and Rose, born Lawrence, ' Oct. 20, 1849 1 161 Frank, 20 years, of Frank and Elizabeth, l)orn Lynn, Aug. 15, 1850 1 173 John, 21 years, of Francis and Bridget, born Boston, March 14, 1853 1 177 John. 34 years, of Peter and Mary, born Ireland, " Aug. 11, 1854 1 195 Mary, 54 years, wife of Peter, born Ire- land, Nov. 15, 1859 2 1 James Edward, ly Im 7d, of James and Margaret, born New Bedford, July 22, 1860 1 175 FARRIS Patrick, Jr., 31 years, of Patrick and Rosanua, born Ireland, Feb. 3, 1854 DEATHS — PAWTUCKET. 433 1 177 FENNER Oliver, d'> yenrs, Sept. li>, 1854 1 183 Mai-y Ann, IGy 7m 12d, of Oliver II. and Ann L., boi'ii Ohio, Dec. 11, 185.5 1 187 FERNLKY John T., ly Om, of Edwin and Mary A., Sept. 11, 1857 1 175 FIELD Ann Eliza, 22 yeai-i3, wife of .lolin, born SniitliHeld, " Oct. 10, 1853 1 159 FIFIELD Helen G., 3y 2m 21d, of Sunnier and Catharine, born Warwick, R. I., Oct. 1, 1849 1 161 Emma, 4ra 14d, of William and Samantha, Sept. 4, 1850 1 171 Emerson, 3y 4m, of Sumner and Catharine, born Providence, Feb. 3, 1853 1 173 George S., 2 years, of Sinnner and Catlia- rine, Feb. 2.s, 1853 1 195 P^lijah B., (J8 years, of Edward and Wary, liorn Ware. N. H., " Nov. G, 1859 1 193 FINCH Lucy. 24y lOni 5d, wife of Lewis, l.iorn Cuniliorland, Dec. 24, 1858 1 145 FISH William. ■15y 11m 19d, of Daniel and Bethiah, Ijorn Rehoboth, May 11, 1846 1 183 FISHER Martha, 8Sy Ini 5d, of Joshua and Elizabeth, JLircli 27, 1856 2 3 Dolly, 82y 7m 12d, widow of AVilliam, Ikjiii Seekonk, June 6, 18G1 1 159 FISK Edward Hale, U months, of Alfred L. and Abby, Aug. 22, 1849 1 171 Stephen, o9 years, of Noah and Hannah, liorn Seitiiate, R. I., Nov. 3, 1852 2 3 FITZPATRICK Dennis, 13 days, of John and Catharine, Aug. 10, 1861 1 193 FLE:>iMING Elizabeth, 25y 2ai Id, wife of James, born Ireland, Oct. 27, 1858 1 167 FLETCHER Joseiih, 46 years, of James, born Ireland, Dec. 17, 1851 1 163 FOLLETT Henrietta, 24 years, wife of Francis, Aug. 4, 1850 1 161 FORD Mary, ly 6m, of Thomas and Catha- rine, born Boston, Dec. 9, 1850 1 177 Hugh, 3 months, of Edward and Mary, Sept. 15, 1854 1 183 , 1 day, son of Thomas and Catha- liiie. Jail- 5, 1856 1 185 Alice, 6y 1 Ini 21d, of Hugh and Mary, Nov. 28, 1856 1 187 Francis, 4 months, of Hugh and Mary, July 7, 1857 1 189 Bridget, 14y Im 2d. of Patrick and Catha- rine, born Ireland, Sept. i:>, 1857 2 2 Edward, 5 days, of Edward and Rose, May 20, 1860 2 2 Catharine, 35 years, wife of Thomas, born Ireland, Oct. 5, 18G0 1 161 FOSTER Shubael, Jr., 6 years, of Samuel and Angeline, born Sraithlield, March 19, 1850 1 165 Zachariah, 26 years, of Thomas, July 30, 1851 1 177 FORSYTH "—, May 10, 1859 1 151 FRANCIS Mary Cameron, 19y Ini 13d, of William and Isabella, March 28, 1848 434 VITAL RECORD OF KHODli ISLAND. 1 161 FREKMAN Betsey Ann, -2'.) years, wife of Otis, born North Providence, 2 2 FRENCH , 2a, of Warren A. ruid Sarah I?., 1 189 FRESCO Elizahetii, ly 11m, of John and Hannah, born Ri)ode Island, 1 177 FULLER Rosella, 28 years, of Leprclet and Hannah, born Atllehoro, 1 177 FULLEN Catliaiine, 53 years, wife of Den- nis, born Ireland, G Oct. 13, 185{> July 28, 1860 Oct. 26, 1857 July 25, 1854 Sept. 13, 1854 l'.)5 GAFFNEY .John, 52 years, of Peter and Jlary, born Ireland, 173 GACtE Elizaljeth, 81 years, wife of Renieui- Ijer, 187 GALLKtAN Catharine, 50 years, wife of Patrick, burn Ireland. 187 Ann, 15y Om 14d. of Patrick and Catha- rine, born Jieland, 147 GANNON Emma, 30y 3m. born Ireland, 155 GARDNER John, 14 d.ays, of Peleg and JMary Ann, 179 David S"., 13 veai's, of Peleg W., 149 GARLAND John, ly 6m od, of John and Susan, 165 Susan, 21 days, of John and Susan, 177 Thomas, ly 7m, of John ami Susan, 187 GARRE'IT Ann, 5 months, daughter of Marv Kellev, born Providence, 145 GASKEL'L SuUiVan W., ly Om ]9d, of Phebe, 149 Lena, 65y 6m 5d. daughter of John and Anna Scott, born Bcllingham, 173 Jane, 24y 5m 3d, wife of John N., 1 Hannah, 80y Im, widow, daughter of Da- vid and Phebe Brown, born IIxbrid2;e, 171 GAYLORD Sarah Ada, 3y 3ni, of William A. and Esther, 103 GERRY John, 22y 5ra, bom England, 191 GILLAN Hugh, 74y 2m 5d, of James and Catharine, born Ireland, 151 GILLIGAN Ellen, 3 years, of Peter and Rosa, born Providence, 159 GiLASBY Thomas S., 25 years, of Patrick and Hannah, born Attleboro, 161 Annah, 2y 3m, of Thomas and Olive, 163 GODFREY , 80 years, born Taunton, 167 Nancy N., 2m 20d, of Elisha and Nancv, 153 GOFF Amey B., 44y Im, wife of Isaiah, born Dartmouth, 1 169 Enock N., ly 2ra, of Enock and Keziah, born Attlel)oro, July 5 May 1 Jan. 15 A no-. 29 March 23 Jan. 11 Jan. 26 Sept. 1 1 Aug. 28 Aug. 30 Aug. 10 Jan. 29 Oct. 11 April 27 Aug. 9, Jan. 28 Jan. 6 Aug. 7, Nov. — Dec. 27 July — Feb. 2 Sept. 9 Aug. 15 March 19 1859 1853 1857 1857 1847 1849 1855 1847 1851 1854 1857 1846 1847 1853 1860 185» 1859 1858 1847 1849 1850 1851 1851 1848' 1852. lo7 150 161 Uu 181 183 183 193 193 2 197 3 DEATHS— PA WTL'CKET. 435 1 187 GOFF Maigaiet, 2y Cw, of William aiul Ellrn, July 20, 1857 1 189 Betsey, 55y 2\n, widow of Uiehard, lioiu Digiiton, Jan. 30, 1858 1 155 GOODWIN Michael, 64 years, of Neal and Biidget, born Ireland, Oct. — , 1848 James, 7 years, of Barnard and Ann, ]>vyn Ii-eland, ' .Jnne 10, 1849 Barnard, ly 5m, of Barnard and Ann, liorn Ireland, Dec. 16, 1849 , 1 day, of Hugh and t'atliaiiiie, Nov. 20, 1850 Thomas, 62 years, of Patrick and .lane, born Ireland, Nov. 13, 1851 Catharine M., ly 9m, of Hugh and Cath- arine, " Oct. 5, 1855 Biidgct, 20y 11m 3d. of Tiiomas and Ann, born Ireland, Dec. 31, 1855 .Jane E., 18y 4m, of Thomas and Ann, born Ireland, May 4, 1856 Ann, 63, wife of Thomas, born Ire- laud, Oct. 2, 1858 Barnard, 29 years, of Michael and Susan, born Ireland, Dec. 23, 1858 Ilngii, ly 9m, of Ilngii and Catiiarine, Dec. 20, 1859 Thomas, 15 days, of Patrick and Kliza- beth, - Jlay 2, 1861 2 3 Barnard, 62v 4m 3d, of Patrick- and .Jane, born Ireland, (Sept. 30, 1861 1 145 GOUGH Peter, 19 years, of Peter and Mar- garet, born Ireland, Feb. 13, 1846 1 179 .lohn, 3 years, of Owen and Catharine, C)ct. 31, 1854 1 181 James, 11m 9d, of Patrick and Bridget, Oct. 11, 1855 1 163 GOWDY F:dward, 19 years, liorn New Haniiishire, Feb. — , 1850 1 151 GRAHAM .Samuel G.. 2y 9m, of George and Elizabeth, Dee. 11, 1847 1 163 Elizabeth, 29 years, wife of George, Aug. 12, 1850 1 183 Jonathan, 27 years, of James and Jane, Feb. 7, 1856 1 163 GREENE Patrick, 10 months, of Thomas and Mary, l)orn Warwick, R. I., Jan. 10, 1850 1 165 Hannali, 93y 7in 2d, widow of William, liorn Warwick, K. I., April 16, 1851 2 2 GRIDLEY Benjamin, 54 years, of Richard and .Sarah, born Boston, C*ct. 22, 1853 1 175 .Sarah, 85y lOni 29d, widow, daughter of Francis J. and Sarah, born Boston, Sept. 24, 18C0 1 175 GRIFFITH Anna L., ly Om 9d, of Ellis and Olive, Ijorn Prbvidencc, Sept. 9, 1853 H 1 183 HACKETT , 1 day, of Peter and Margaret, Jan. 6, 1856 .1 189 Catharine, 17 days, of John and Cath- arine, Dec. 17, 1857 436 VITAL KECORD OK RHODE ISLAND. 1 195 HACKETT Peter, 53 yenrs, of Arthur and Mary, born Irelami, Aug. 16, 1859 2 2 James M., 51y 7ra, of Asahal and Lydia, born Ravnhain, " May 29. 1860 1 189 HAGGERTY" Michael, GOy 5m Id, born Ire- land, Jan. 31, 1858 1 173 HAMEK Mariali, ly 4m, of Richard and Sarah, ' July 9, 1853 1 175 James, 4 years, of Richard and Sarah, born New York, Nov. 16, 1853 1 183 , 1 day, of Richard and Sarah, May 28, 1856 1 153 HAMMOND Sarah Pellis, ly 10m, of Sam- uel and Ronilla, July 13, 1848 1 169 Samuel, 48y llni, of John and Cliloe, born Seekonk, May 4, 1852 1 153 HAND James. 3 d.ays, of Patrick and Mary, Aug". 9, 1848 1 159 Thomas, 18 years, of Patrick and Judelh, born Ireland, Aug. 31,1849 1 171 Francis, of Patrick and Marv, Oct. 3, 1852 1 155 HARDY Dorothy, 41 years, wife of Daniel, born Bradford. N. H., Sept. 17, 1848 1 177 HARRINGTON John, 4y 6ra, of Daniel and Mary, born Newport. Aug. 2, 1854 1 177 Hannah, 2y 7m, of Daniel and Mary, born Cranston, Aug. 23, 1854 1 181 Dennis, 9y 6m, of Daniel and Mary, born Fall River, Aug. 11, 1855 2 2 HASKINS Charles N., 4y 2m C.d, of Charles W. and Patience, Ijurn North Provi- dence, June 1, 1860 1 181 HAUGH , 1 day, of John and Mary Ann. Nov. 2, 18.55 1 189 John, GOv 8m 2d, liorn Ireland, Sept. 21, 1857 1 175 HAWKINS John, Im 24d, of Patrick and IMarv, Nov. 6, 1853 1 193 HENNESSEY Thomas, 28 days, of John and !\Iargaret, Oct. 30, 1858 1 165 HENRY Emeline Sladc, 2y Ini, of James and Margaret, liorn Cranston, June 9, 1851 1 153 HEWITT Francis, ly ;!m, of Jesse P. and Almira, "^ Aug. 10, 1848 1 165 HEWS Sophia, 16 years, [of William and Catharine, Aug. 11, 1851 2 1 HIGGINS James, 27y Im, of Daniel and Sarah, born Ireland, :•• May 7, 1860 2 1 IMary Ann, 3y Um, of James and Ann, Nov." 15, 1860 1 187 HIGHAM Jane, 27 years, wife of Osmond, born England, March 19, 1857 1 IGl HILL Alice, 1 day, of Edward S. and Helen, Sept. 30, 1850 1 169 HINDLE Ann M., 5ra 22d, of.Lawrence and Margaret, Ai)ril 18, 1852 1 169 IIINES , 1 day, of John and De- lany, May 6, 1852 DEATHS — PAWTUCKKT. 437 1 185 HINES James S., 2y Cm, of John uinl l)Lluny, born Canton, ' Sept. 10, 185G 1 161 HOLBROOK Samuel E., 42 years, of Samuel and Hannah, born Wrentliam, July 30, 18o0 1 171 Anna, 72 years, wife of Samuel, born Wrenlham, Aug. 11, 1852 1 179 HOLUEN Statira,82y .im 3(1, widow of Dan- iel, born i\Iaine, April IG, 1855 1 185 IIOGaN James A., 11 months, of p:dward and Kaeiiel, Dee. 29, 1856 1 193 Samuel, 31y 6m 9d, wife of Edward, liorn Irehind, Oct. 7, 1858 1 189 HOLLAND William, 2y 6m, of John and Lydia, born England, Jan. 2.'i, 1858 2 2 Jlargaret Ann, 2m ISd, of John and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1860 1 149 hood" Emily Jane, 8 months, of Joseph G. and INIalissa, Aug. 11, 1847 1 175 Joseiih G., 39y 6ni, of Joseiili and Ann, Jan. 16, 1854 1 179 , 1 day, of P.eiijauiin W. and Le- raira A., Dec. 18, 1854 1 195 AViiliam M., 8m 6d, of Renjamin W. an 1 149 KENT Remember, of Remember and Lucw 59y 3m 14d, ' Sept. 24, 1847 1 157 Nelson, 7 months, of Samuel and Sarah Ann, Aug. 4, 1849 1 185 Lewis, 39y 9ra 5d, of Seba .'ind Nabby, bora Seekoiik, Aug. 12, 185G 1 185 Samuel, 5()y Oni 9d, of I^emember and Lucy, Dec. 15, 1856 2 2 Seba, 75y 6m, of Remember and Lucy, I\Iay 20, 1860 2 1 Jane E., 32y 7m, daughter of William and Eliza McGaffey, born Lyndon, Vt., Aug. 27, 1860 2 1 Willard W., 14 days, of Preston W. and Jane E., " Sept. 12, 1860 1 163 KERR James, 59 years, of John and Jane, born Scotland, Fel.i. 12, 1851 1 165 James, 22y 7ni, of James and Abigail, June 13, 1851 1 189 KIER J.acob, lin 2d, of Jacob and 3Iary, born North Providence, Dec. 20, 1857 1 177 KIRK Ann Eliza, 20 days, of Robert and Anna, July 5, 1854 1 179 . 1 day, of All)crt J. and Anna, April 23, 1855. 1 157 KNIGHT Charles Alden, 7y 3m 12d, of Thomas and Ruth, born Woonsocket, March 15, 1849' 1 161 George Warren, 2d, of Thomas and Ruth, 3Iay 17, 1850 1 177 Ellen J., 11 months, of Thomas and Ruth, July 20, 1854 1 191 Mary G., ly 9m 3d, of Thomas and Ruth, Aiu'il 8, 1858 1 183 LAFFERTY Margaret, of Daniel and Agnes, 28 years, born Scotland, July 28, 1856 440 VITAL KECOlil) OF llHODE ISLAND. 1 157 LAKEMAN Virginia, 19 years, of John and Lucy, born Lynn, Jane 5, 1849 1 149 LANE -^ , Udnvs, of Amos B. and Coi-deiia, " Aug. 9, 1847 1 149 Cordelia, 42 years, daughter of Samuel and Nancy Allen, born Seekonk, Sept. 1, 1847 1 163 LANNIGAN Elizabeth, 74 years, wife of Patrick, born England, May 20, 1850 i; 151 LAWRENCE Mary C, 49y 10m Cd. daugh- ter of Thomas and Radial Welch, born Suirbridge or Quincy, Dec. 2, 1847 1 161 LAWTON Elcy, 78 years, widow of James, boru Swanzey, Eeb. 22, 1850 1 149 LEACH Frederick, 11 years, of Frederick and Elizabeth, born Taunton, Aug. 15, 1847 1 169 , 6 mouths, of Frederick and Eliza- betli. March 20, 1852 1 169 Frederick L., 4v 10m, of EEATHS — rAWTTCKET. 441 151 LORD Betsey, 31 years, dauohtcr of Sylves- ter and .Jane Berry, born Yarinoutli, 169 Sarah. 40 year.s, wife of Samuel, Ixirn EngUuul, 2 LUCH; Alnionil, 42 years, Ijorn Souiers, Ct., 153 LUTHER Betsey, (ly Cm 17d, of Rufus and Susan, 157 LYON Sarali K., .S months, of Daniel and Catharine, 159 Susan Catharine, 7 months, of I'^lluidge A. and Artemissia, 171 Artemissia, 29 years, wife of Klhridge A., born Verniont, Dec. 20, 1847 June 25, 1852 Jan. 9, 1800 Aug. 27, 1848 Aug. 4, 1849 Sept. 22, 1849 Jan. ;.)1, 1853 INI 1 185 MACKLE Margaret, 21 years, of Patrick and Agnes, born Ireland, 1 195 Ellen, 27 years, of Patrick and Ann, horn Ireland, 1 101 MAGEE Elizabeth, lui 22d, of Thomas and Rose, 1 177 MALONE , 1 day, of John and IIo- nora, 1 145 MARCIIANT Thankful, 96 years, born South Yarmouth, 1 147 Hannah C, 68 years, wife of Josiah, born Martha's Vineyard, 1 147 Josiah, 75 years, l)oru Yarmouth, 1 147 I'.liza, 28 years, 1 161 Charles II., 6 years, of Dustiu and Ann, liorn Y'armoiith, 1 161 . 4 (lavs, of Alexander and Thank- ful, 1 175 Dustin, 39 years, of Leonard and Sarah, born Y'armouth, 1 177 Sally, 73y 5m, widow of Leonard, 1 191 Alden G., 37y 4ni, of Ensign and Mercy, 1 193 Mercy, 74y 8m 2d, widow of Ensign, lyorn Y'armouth, 1 187 MARKHAM Ann, 24y 9m, wife of Thomas, born Ireland, 1 155 MARSHALL William, 9 months, of AVil- liam and Bridget, 1 177 Michael, 9y 11m 26d, of William and Bridget, born Ireland, 1 159 MARTIN , 1 day, of John T. and Ruth, 1 159 Daniel, 67 years, of Daniel and Judeth, born Reliolioth, 1 165 Edgar S., 14 months, of Darias and Ar- delia S., J 167 Bridget, 29 years, of James and Alice, born Ireland, Oct. 22, 1856 Aug. 17, 1859 Aug. 20, 1850 June 28, 1 854 Jan. 29, 1846 Jan. — , 1847 May 21, 1847 Nov. 15, 1847 Eel). 11, 1850 Oct. 14, 1850 Dec. 12, 1853 Sept. 10, 1854 June 1, 1858 Nov. 9, 1858 June 17, 1857 Sci)l. 4, 1848 Oct. 2, 1854 Sept. 15, 1848 Sept. 3, 1849 July 10, 1851 Dec. 8, 1851 442 VITAL UEC(JIM) OK KHODE ISI>ANI). 1 1G9 MARTIN Edgar W., ly 2in, of D:uins and Ardelia S., July 10, 1852- 1 185 JNIary Ann, ly 11m 5d, of Dennis and Agnes, Nov. 24, 1856 1 187 Frederick D.l 1 year, of John J. and Hulh, Aug. 22, 1857 1 180 Nancy, 47 years, of Daniel and Kaclial, born Hebobotli, Sept. 26, 1857 1 191 Radial, 75 years, widow of Daniel, born Reholiol'li, .Inly 30, 1858 1 195 , 1 dav, of Jolm .1. and Ruth, June 20, 1859 2 3 Minnie, Im 8d, of John J. and Ruth, Sept. 2, 1861 2 3 MASON , 19 years, of Joseph and Leonora, May 3, 18G1 1 193 Sarah, 60y liii 5d, wife of May D., horn Nortli Providence, March 22, 1859 1 189 MASSIE Caroline H., 28y 6ni, wife of Alex- ander, . Oct. 24, 1857 1 105 MASTEHSON Mary E., 8 months, of Felix and Susan, ' Aug. 19, 1851 1 177 Felix. 31 years, of Patrick and Alice, born Ireland, April 29, 1854 1 179 Patrick, 58 years, of Felix and Rosannah. !)oin Ireland, April 29, 1855 1 173 JIATIIEWSON David, 40 years, of Robert and Polly, born East Greenwich, March 27, 1853 1 161 MATTHEWS Eugenia, 6ni 16d, of Henry and Eliza, Sept. 15, 1850 1 173 Sabra, 56 years, wife of Euock, born Yar- mouth, May 18, 1853 1 195 Mary E., 5n] 9d, of Henry and Elizabeth, July 25, 1859 2 1 Lucy, 65y Im, of Enoek and Marcy, boru Yarmouth, " Sept. 9, 1860 1 171 JIATTESOX Sarah F., lOy 11m, of David C. and Eliza, born Providence, Jan. 10, 1853 1 165 McALDUFF :\Iargaret, 64 years, wife of Hugh, born Iieland. ' May 14, 1851 1 185 Ann, 21 years, wife of James, born Ire- land, Dec. 2, 1856 1 189 Ann, 22 years, wife of James, born Ire- land, ' Nov. 23, 1857 2 2 Elizabeth, Om 7d, of Thomas and C'atlia- rinc, Sept. 2, 1860 1 185 McALIC.'E Sarah, Ktm 20d, of Dennis and Bridiiet. Oct. 7, 1856 2 2 McALOON Owen, 4 months, of Philiii and Ann, Sept. 16, 1860 1 171 IMcALROY Susan, 64 years, wife of Barn- ard, born Ireland." Dec. 13. 1852 2 3 Barney, 28 years, of Barney and Susan, born Ireland, May 27, 1861 1 151 McANALLY Daniel F., 3y 3m 19d, of Pat- rick and Eliza Ann, Feb. 1,1848 . 1 165 , 1 day, of James and Ann, May 15, 1851 1 ir,5 . 2 days, of James and Ann, May 16, 1851 1 179 Ann, 32y 5m, wife of James, born Ireland, Jan. 9, 1855 DEATHS — PAWTUCKET. 443 1 183 McANALLY Ami, lin 2-Jd, of riitrick ami Margaict, June KJ, 1856 1 189 Joliii W., 8y 4ui ITd, of Patrick and Mar- garet, Oct. 26, 1857 1 18t) McANULTY Owen, 49y lOni 3d, of Fan-all and (Saiah, liorn Ireland, Fel). 7, 1858 1 171 McAVOY Alary, 56 years, wife of .T(.iliii, liorn Ireland, " Jan. 26, 1853 1 193 Owen, 34y 2ni, of Owen and Bridget, 1)orn Ireland, Dec. 28, 1S58 1 161 McCABE Michael, 8 years, of Michael and Ann, Dec. 18, 1850 1 169 Patrick, 28 years, born Ireland. Ajiril 11, 1852 1 179 John, Im 12d, of Hugh and Catharine, Nov. 1, 1854 1 185 Henry, 14 days, of Hugh and Catharine, Dec. 13, 1856 2 3 Barney, 3ni 3d, of John and Catharine, IMay 3, 1861 1 183 McCAGII John, 26y 9ui 12d, of James and Ann, born Ireland, April 12, 1856 1 155 McCALLAN William, 19 years, of Xeal ami Bridget, born Ireland, Sej)!. — , 1848 1 155 James, 25 years, of Neal and Bridget, bom Ireland, ^ Jan. — , 1849 1 187 McCANNA Mary Ann, 5y 5m, of John and JNIary, born F>ugland, July 11, 1857 1 187 McCAUOHEY Pobcrt, 2m 29d, of Patrlck aiid Margai-et, Feb. 16, 1857 1 193 Ann, wife of .lohn, 4Iy5m 2d, boiii Ire- land, May 17, 1859 1 193 McCLAY Estelle, 3y 7m 5d, of Robert and Maria J., born New York, April 21, 1859 1 153 McCORMlCK William, 4v 10m 4(1, of James and IMaria E., iM:iy 17, 1848 1 173 Eliza, 46 years, wife of James, born Rayu- ham, Feb. 22, 1853 1 181 Charlotte L., 19 years, of James and Maria E., born Taunton, June ^-, 1855 1 189 Ann, 25y 8iu, of James ami IMariali, born Taun'ton, Nov. 27, 185 7 1 157 McCORT John, 3y .Sm, of Patrick and Ann, Aug. 15, 1849 1 159 Patrick, 35 years, of Edward and Mary, born Ireland, Nov. 21, 1849 i 171 Edward. 4y Urn, ot Patrick and Ann, Oct. 25, 1852 1 165 McCUE John, ly 9m 20d, of Patrick and Mary, Sept. 2, 1851 1 193 Bridget, I2y 2m, ot Patrick and Mary, April 9, 1859 1 171 McCUEN Joseph, -22y 10m 5d, of John and Rosanna, Nov. 15, 18.^2 1 191 McCULLEN Joseph, 4y 9m, of Joseiih and Jane, born Providence, 'liiue 11, 1858 1 155 McDonald Mary Frances, ly 3m, of John and Margaret, Sept. 16, 1848 1 161 James, 27 "years, of William, born Scot- land, Oct. 8, 1850 44i VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. 1 1G5 McDonald Maiy Ami, ny lOm, wife of John, boin Stekoiik, Jul}' 30, I80I 1 IG.J Catharine, To j-eai-s, widow of John, Iwiu Ireland, Aug. 20. 1851 1 167 James, ly Ini, of James and Margaret, Oct. 15, 1851 1 169 McDUFF , 1 day, of Hugh and Ann, Feb. 13, 18.^2 1 183 Hush, 88y 2m Id, born Ireland, May 28, 1856 1 189 Mcelroy Calliarine, 70y 2m 3d, wife of Patrick, born Ireland, J:»i- 2, 1858- 1 191 Patrick, 49y 2m 5d, of Barney and Ann, liorn Ireland, J""e 115, IS08 1 151 McGAKR Owen, 34y 10m 26d, of James and Ann, born Ireland, March 27, 1848 1 157 James, 5 montlis. of Julni and Bridget, April 14, 1849 1 163 Peter, 4m 15d, of Edward and Susan, March 22, 1851 1 181 , 1 day, of John and Bridget, Dec. 2. 1855 I 19,5 , 1 daV, of John and Anna, Oct. 19, 1859 1 195 Peter, 2y 9m, of John and Anna, Nov. 25, 1859 1 155 McGINITY Mary Ann. 4y nm9d, of Pat- rick and Rosannah, Dec. 2, 1848 1 167 McGINNIS Marv, 48 years, widow of Micli- ael, liorn Ireland, S.'pt. 12, I80I 2 2 jNIcGIRR Sarah E., 7 days, of Jolm and A„,j,, ■ Sept. 9, 1860 1 161 3IcGLOAN , 1 day, of Daniel and Rose, ^'o^"- S, I80O 1 153 McGOFF Catharine, ly 4m, of William and Ellen, ^i"}' ^^0, 1848 1 169 McGOWAN :\Iichacl, 2v 8m, of Daniel and Ann, ' ^i«y 8' 1^52 1 175 James, 55 years, of Patrick and Rose, horn Ireland, L)ec. 16, 1853 1181 John, 40 years, born Ireland, INIay 11, I800 1 187 Richard L., 5y 3m, of James and Marga- ,.gj June 10, 1857 1 191 Michael, 74y 6m 3d, of David and 3Iary, born Ireland, J^I^J 13, 1858 1 191 John J., 4v 8m 14d, of Terence and jj(j,.y_ " June 27, 1858 1179 McGR.ATH Peter, 4m 2d, of Peter and Cath- arine, born Attleboro, April 15, I800 1 191 Cordelia, 20y 3ni, wife of William, born North Providence, Aug. 29, 1858 1 151 :McGUE James, 36 years, of Peter and Mar- garet, born Ireland, ' March 15, 1848 1 179 Ann, 20 years, of Andrew and" Bridget, born Ireland, F«-'l'- 28, I800 1 195 Terence, 5 montiis, of John and Cath- ai-ine, ' J""e 26, 18o9 2 3 Catharine, 3.')y 2m 5d, born Ireland. Nov. 14, 1861 2 3 Catharine, 35 yeais, wife of John, born Ireland, " >^ov. 17. 1861 DEATHS PAWTUCKET. 445 1 1G3 McGUIRE , of William ;uh1 Mai'-ia- i-et, " June .'), 1850 1 107 AVilliam, 5 years, of Patrick and Alice, Dec. 11, 1851 1 177 McGWIN IMicliael, 'iy 3m, of John and Ro- sanna, liorn Smitbfleld, An<;'. 15, 1854 1 155 McILKOY Daniel, 11) years, of Barney and Susan, born Ireland, Oct. 28, 1S48 1 155 McI>«TlKK Owen, 5 years, of John and Mary, Dec. ll', 1848 1 159 McIXTOSH Roliin, .3y 'im, of James M. and Elizalietb, born Scotland, Dec. 2, 1849 1 185 McKAY Ellen, 3y 2m Id, Dee. 19, 1850 1 153 McKELVA Elizalietli, 71 years, wife of John, born Ireland, Junu 9, 1848 1 153 Robert A., ly 2ra, of Robert and Eliza, June 9, l,s48 1 157 Elizabeth, ly Im, of John and Maiilda, born ;Manchester. N. II., Aiit;. 31. 1848 1 169 John, ly Im Sd, of Robert and Elizabetii, Jan. 24, 1852 1 175 Robert, ly 6m, of Robert and Eliza Ann, Sei)t. 30, 1853 1 175 Lendy, 20 years, of Joshna and iNlai'v. born Ireland, " Oct. 10, 1853 1 179 Mary, 42y ."im, wife of Joshua, boi-n Ire- Land, Jan. "27, 1855 1 181 James, 25 yeais, of Joshua and Mary, boru Ireland", " Sept. 20, 1855 1 191 Mary E.. 3v 3m, of Robert and Elizabeth, May 7, 1858 1 171 McKENAN Rose, 41y Ini 17d, born Ire- land, ' Nov. 1, 1852 2 2 McKINLEY Christiani.a, 36 years, wife of AVilliam, born Scotland. " Jan. 29, 1860 2 2 Walter, 30 days, of William and Christi- ania. Jan. 3, 1*^60 1 149 Mclaughlin Ilngh. 26y 3m, bom Ire- land. Sept. 18, 1847 1 159 Thomas, 48 years, of Peter and Alary, born Ireland, " Dec. 2S,. 1849 1 179 Thomas, 23 years, of Alichael and Alar- garet, born Ireland, Alarch 2, 1855 1 183 Alieliael. 40 years, of James and Catharine, born Ireland, June 16, 1856 1 191 John F., 2y Im. of Aliehael and Ann, June 4, 1858 1 183 McLEAR Mary Ann, 1.5y 5m 2d, of James and Alary Ann, born Ireland, Jan. 5, 1856 1 185 Anna, ly 8m, of James and Alary, born Newport, Sept. 25, 185G> 2 2 McLEES Thomas, 9m lod, of John and Sarah. Nov. 25, I860-' 1 197 McLEITII Thomas, Im 14d, of John and Sarah. Dec. 8, 1859' 1 153 ]\IcL0ON Owen,3y 7m, of Thomas and Ann, born I'rovidence, Aug. 17, 1848 1 177 Maiy E., ly 10m, of Daniel and Rose, June 13, 1854 1 187 AIcLOY , 1 dav, of Robert and Ala- riab J., ' March 14, 1857 440 VITAL RECORD OF UHODli ISLAND. 2 3 McMAIIOX Patrifk, 24y Cm 211, liurn Irc- laiiil, Nov. 5, 18G1 1 1J3 McMANX Peter, ly "im, of Francis aiul Mai-y Ann, Aug. 18, 1848 1G3 John, (JO years, l)orn Ireland, Feb. 1, 1851 105 , 1 (lay, of John and Ann, April 15, 1851 177 John, 28 years, of Patrick and JIargaret, liorii Ireland, May G, 1854 1811 Ellen, 4y 2iii lod, of Michael and Catiia- rine, Dec. 3, 1857 2 McNABB Eiizabetli, 4y lly 2:3d, of 15ar- nard and Catharine, Jan. 27, 18G0 155 BIcNALLY William, ly 9ni 17d, of Patrick and Kliza Ann, Dec. 8, 1848 1G3 McNULTY Charles, 3 aiontlis, of Jauies and Ann, March 6, 1851 175 , 3 days, of James and Ann, Dec. 1, 1853 169 McPARLIN Oua, 7m 21d, of Stephen and ]\Iargaret, ' March 22, 1852 177 John, Gm 15d, of Jolin and Margaret, Aug. 30. 1854 IS'.) James, ly 4ni, of Stephen and Blargaret, Oct. 11, 1857 1 Sandi Jane, 9 months, of Terence and Eiizabetli, Jnne 12, 18G0 1 Stei)hcn, 2y Gm 5d, of Terence and Eiiza- betli, " April 14, 18G() 1G7 McQUADE , 1 day, of Michael and Ann, " Dec. 1, 1851 17.-! Mc( QUESTION Ellen, 22 years, born Ireland, Sept. 3, 1853 149 McVEY Barney, 19 yearsj of Patrick and Ann, born Ireland, June 22, 1847 3 MELOY Joseph, 7m 7d, of Joseph and Pollen, Aug. 25, 1861 177 MENSII'.S George, 27 years, of James, born Scotland, M.ay 3, 1854 163 METCALF Mary Ann, Iv Gm 3d, of John and Martha, " Sept. 15, 1850 177 ^IILLEU JIary, 78 years, widow of Josiah, born Attleboro, Oct. 7, 1854 151 MILLS Abraham A., 27y 7m 5d, of Josci)li and Sarah, born South Port, Ct., Oct. 19, 1847 1(;3 MONAIIAN Mary, IGy 2m, of Patrick and Ann, born Ireland, JIaich 1, 1851 157 MOONKY Josei)li, G months, of Daniel and Ann, June 15, l.s49 159 Ann, 29 years, wife of Daniel, born Boston, Oct. 12, 1849 183 Jane, 10m lid, of Daniel and Ann, Aug. 2, 185G 149 MOHL\RTY John Joseph, ly Im 9d. of Michael and Catharine, Sept. 25, 1847 191 John, Im 18d, of Michael and Catharine, Sept. 17, 1858 189 MORRISON Barnard C, 3y Im 5d, of Bar- ney and Marj', Nov. 13, 1857 177 MOSES Mary A., 4y 4m lOd, of Elbert and Mary Ann, " Aug. 30, 1854 149 MOWRV Julia Spencer, ly 9m, of Spencer B. and Julia, June 7, 1847 DEATtiS — PAAVTUCKET. 441 1 187 .^lOWRY Julia, 30 years, wife of Siioiicoi' B., July 27, 18,")7 1 153 MULUOON Rosaiiiia, ly llin Ul, of Jcihu and Ciitliariiic, :May 2;), 1848 1 187 John, 42y inn Id, of Ilugli ami :\Iary, born lielaml, " Seiit. G, 1«.t7 1 145 MURPHY Haiinali, 17 years, of K(hvaid ami Ann, born Kelkenny, Ire., Apiil 22, 1844 1 1^7 Saral) K., 3 inontlis, of Michael and Bridget, Aug. 2, 1847 1 I07 Archibald, 3in 4d, of James and Rosanna, Jnly 1, 184'J 1 157 ]\Iary, 2y 4in 23d, of James and Rosannali, July 11, 1849 1 177 Nancy, 50 years, wife of David Welluian, born Attleboro, April 2, 1854 1 17'.) Nancy, 50 years, wife of Kdward, born Ireland, Ainil lO, 1S55 2 2 Bridget, 29 years, of EcUvaid and Xaney, born Irefand, Jan. 29, 1800 2 1 Amelia, Gm .'Id, of James and Ann Fran- ces, July G, 18G0 2 2 Ardelia, Gni 2d, of James and .\nn F., .lulV G, 18G0 N 181 NF:WC0:ME Cliarles F., oni G,d, of Xatlianiel and Hannah, Sept. I, 1855 1G3 NICKFRSON Su'^an, 19y 2m, of Isaac and Susan, born Yarmouth, Dec. 4, 1851 167 F^dward, ly 2ni, of Dean and Fhebe, March 20, 1851 167 FjSther IT.. 37 years, of Midford and Esther, born South Dennis, Oct. 22, 1851 177 ]Mariali J., 8y Mm 12d, of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1854 181 Ann AI., 2v 11m 25d, of Dean and Betsey E.. - July 15, 1855 181 Phelje, G3y 4m, wiilow of John B., liorn Dartni'iuth. Sept. 0, 1855 191 Anna, 11m 24d, of Josppli and Sarah, Seiit. 8, 1858 195 Hannah, 99y 10m 14il, w iilow of Solomon, born Harwich, Aug. 30, 185i> 195 James, 23y 3m, of Xehemiah an I O'NEIL , 1 year, of William and Mary. Dec. 29, 18G0 2 ;5 ," 1 day. of John and Alice, Jnne 14, 1861 1 159 OLNEY Marv Eliza, 7 vears, of James and Eliza, ' " Nov. 20, 1849 1 171 James, Jr., ;i6y 4m, of James and Betsey, Nov. 4, 1852 1 173 Dwioht L., 3y 8n), of James and Eliza Ann, May 13, 1853 1 179 Daniel. 36y 4m 7d, of James and Elizabeth, Aiiril 1,1855 1 183 Elizabeth, GOv Im Ud, wife of James, l>orn Marbleliead, Jnly 3, 1856 1 179 PAINE Harriet B., 35y 5in 24d, of Daniel and iSurah, born Woodstock, Ct., 1 179 Dianna, 23y 9m, wife of William H. C, born Cumberland, 1 187 PALMER Ardelia, 22 years, wife of An- thonv J., 1 193 PARKER' John, 43y 2m Id, of Thomas and Ellen, born Enuland, 1 193 PA TT Betsey. 39y 8m 17d, wife of Henry, born Seekonk, 1 157 PEARCE Mary Eleanor, ly 5m, of Andrew B. and Mary, 1 197 William F., Im 19d, of Henry and Mary, 1 145 PECK Content, 45 years, wife of Arnold, daughter of James Stei)hens, born Swanzey, 1 163 ■ William, 29 years, of Earned and Harriet, boru Barringtcn, 1 161 PEHK'E Hannah B.. 39 years, wife of Lewis, born Seekonk, 1 163 , 2 days, of Lewis and Hannah, 1 173 Elizabeth, 82 years, wife of Isaac, born Cumberland, 1 179 Nathaniel, 38 years, of George and Lu- eretia, born Cumberland, 1 147 Clarrissa G., 28y 5ni 9d, wife of Benjamin W., l)orn Attleboro, Dec. 24, 1854 Jan. 5, 1855 April 4, 1857 Oct. 2, 1858 Oct. 3, 1858 Jnne 9, 1849 Dec. 28, 1859 Sept. — , 1846 Jan. 3, 1851 March 2, 1850 March 10, 1850 March 4, 1853 Dec. 18, 1854 1847 DEATHS — rA WTTCK ET. 449 1 l(w PFXJPLES Ororuo, 40y 3m 2a,l»ini holaiid. Sci)t. 18, 1851 1 181 rEKKIXS J.ihii' S., o3y 2m Id, of Tlia.l- (leus :uid Olive, born Maine, Oct. 30, 1855 1 1G3 PKKUI^:N jNIaiia C, G years, of Henry and Maria, liorn Nortli Providence, IMareli 31, 1851 2 2 Amasa, 55 years, iiorii Seekonl<, INIay 9, 1860 2 3 Sally, GGy'llm 12d, danghter of Jared ide, horn Attlelioro, ' May 7, 1861 1 165 PERRY Sally, widow, 57 years, liorn New- port, " June 14, 1851 2 3 Joseph, 5m Hid, of Ellis and Annie C, Dec. 27, 1861 1 15'J PHILLIPS Emily Frances, 10 nionllis, of Robert andFreelove, boru Smithtield, Sept. 19, 18-19 1 103 , 47 years, wife of Robert, Feb. — , 1850 1 149 PILLING Thomas IL, ly 3ai, of Henry and Hannah, " " Ang. — , 1847 1 163 PITCHER , son of George W. and Jane B., N<'V. 15, 1^50 1 173 Lamed, 71 vears, of Jabez ar,d S.'illy. born Attlebor<">, March 2, 1853 1 173 Helen N., Iv Im 2d, of Ik-njainin L. and Sylvia C.', July 5, 1853 2 3 Mercy, 73 years, widow of Larned, born Ciinroerfand, Sept. 1, 1861 1 175 PITTSLF:Y (ieorge W., 9 months, of Caleb and Rebecca^Ann, Maich 1, 1854 1 173 PLATT George II., ly Om 19d, of John and Susan A., born Providence, Aug. 15, 1853 1 187 James H., 9m 7d, of Charles and Mary, Sept. 11, 1857 1 151 POLLARD William Jefferson, 11 days, of James and Harriet, March 2.S, 1848 1 167 James, 69v 6m, of Jolm and Elizal)eth, born England, Nov. 23, 1851 1 161 PONsONRY"'l'liomas, 62 >•'■:"■». ''"ii" I''^" land, Aug. 23, l,s50 1 149 PORTER Andiew, 7 vears, of Edward and Paulina, " <>^'t- 1, 1847 1 145 P0TTF:R John IL, 2y Oni 23d, of Nebe- miah A. and liethia I!., born North Providence, M-avl-U 4, 1844 1 169 Caroline A., 3v ,Sm, of Edward T. and Hannah A., I'orn Middleboro, June 16, 18.^2 1 183 Alliert. 29 years, of Daniel A., born Seit- nate, R."L, ''"'y '-'*' ^^''^ 1 191 Mary E.. Iv 3m, of Thomas and Unis, born Rhode Inland, -li'ly 7, 1858 1 173 PRATT F'rances, 25 years, wife of Francis, April 2, 1853 1 175 Charles, 59 years, of Simeon and Sarah, born Bridgewater, Rec- 2^- l^.nS 1 193 Frederick H., 30y Om 1.5d, of Chandler and Marietta, born Maine, Sept. 22, 18.^8 450 VITAL RKCOKU OK KHODK ISLAND. 2 3 PRATT Frances Whittier, 7m Td, of Francis and Mury E., Sept. 13, 186 T Q 1 155 QUINX .Sar:\li, 2 years, of John imd Mary, Jan. !.■>, 1849 R 1 107 K.VMSBOTTOM , 2 days, of Joseph and Charlotte, Sept. 13, 1851 1 169 JosepI) W., 4v oni, of Joseph and Char- lotte, " March 4, 1852 1 153 RK.VD John B., 49 years, of Thomas and Hannah, born Seekonk, May 10, 1848 Eliza Allen, 32 years, wife of Everett A., June 4, 1849 Ancnstus A., 3 months, of Everett A. and Eliza A., Ang. 13, 1849 John, 19y 9m 24d, of John and Naoma, born Vermont, Sept. 3, 1855 Charles, 19y 10m, of James B. and JMar- garet, born Louisiana. July 4, 1857 Frances M., lly 7m, of Isaiah and ]\Iari- etta, born Taunton, Oct. 19, 1857 ■ , 1 day, of Abel and Deborah, Nov. 11, 1859' William Wallace, 29y Im lOd, of Simeon and Sarah, born Cumberland, Feb. 4, 1860 , 1 day, of William W. and Cor- nelia W., Nov. 7, 1860 Abigail, 67y Cm 14d, widow of James, born Seelionk, Nov. 26, 1860 1 175 READY Mary, 55 years, wife of Thomas, bom Ireland, Nov. 15, 1853 1 147 RHODES Frank L., 11 months, of Lcnniel and Eliza, April 5, 1847 1 171 Joseph, 52 years, born Pawtuxet, Sept. 1, 1852 1 163 RICIIARDSO'N Amelia F., 6m 6d, of Elisha F. and lluldah C, Oct. 12, 1850 1 163 Emily Jane, 6m 2d, of F:iislia F. and llul- dah C, Oct. 18, 1850 1 163 RILEY , of Owen and Margaret, Sept. 25, 1850 1 193 Blargaret, 35y Um lUd, wife of Owen, boru Irelan.l, March 26, 1858 1 193 RITTER William L., 10m I8d, of Louis and Harriet, ' April 25, 1859 1 147 ROBINSON Mary Ann, lOm 14d, of Wil- liam and Eliza, born Ireland, Feb. 3, 1847 1 169 Dan, 80y 7m lOd, of Ezekiel, born Attle- boro, Jan. 10, 1852 1 179 George R., 22v 2rn, of Russell and Almira, born Atlleboro, J:i"- 26, 1855 157 157 181 187 189 2 195 2 2 1 2 2 DEATHS — rAWTUCKKT. 451 1 ly.j KODOKRS iSIary Ann, 2y llin, of Micli.ifl !iud Bridget, Se[)t. -JK, 1848 1 171 . 2 days, of Micliai'l uiid Bridget, Sept. 14, 1852 1 181 , 1 day, of Michael and Biidg"et, July 21, lSo5 1 1G7 RODMAN Camorick, 72y 4ui 12d, bom Ire- land, Sept. 20, 1851 1 155 ROTIIWELL .Tames, lOy 7iii, of Joseph and Martha, l)oru Knghuid, Nov. 14, 1848 1 185 KUSSKLI. Ellen, 4y flm 22(1. of John and Rosanna, Dec. I'.l, 185G 1 145 RYAN lii-i.lget, 40 years, wife of Michael, liorn Iieland, Dec. 7, 1845 1 189 James. Ini 21d, (.f Michael and Maria, March 18, 1858 s 1 155 SALISBURY Ella F., ly Cnn 4d, of James and Mary Ann, horn North Providence, Sept. 2G, 1848 1 187 Angnstus M., Dy 2m 2d, of Daniel H. and "^.-Mihy F., horn Providence, Blay IG, 1857 1 IGl SANDERSON James, 8ni 2;id, of James and Mary, Aug. 14, 1850 1 175 James S., ly llni 5d, of James and Mary Ann, Sept. 21 , 1853 1 161 SANFORD John Oren, 37 years, of John, born Rehoboth, F'eb. 10, 1850 1 181 SAUNDERS David S., 2y Im Md, of James and Mary Ann, Aug. 21(, 1855 1 165 SAWYER Eliza, 2Gy lOn-. 5d, of John, born Ireland, Aug. 5, 1851 1 147 SCOTT Sarah, 87 years, born Cnmbeiland, Nov. 25, 1847 1 195 Ellen A., 2 years, of Charles J. and Mary J., born Coventry, R. I., June 14, 1859 1 193 SCULLIAN Mackle, fy 7m 3d, of Daniel and Luev, Sept. 27, 1858 1 1G7 SEARS Mary" L., 6y 3m i;!ril 29, 1848 187 Josiah, 39y Gm, of Joseiih and Bethiah, born Yarmouth, Aug. 21, 1857 183 STUTSON Phebe, 51 years, of Caleb and Mary, born East Greenwich. Dec. 9, 1855 149 SULLIVAN Marii-arct Ann, ly Om 12d, of Gabiiel and Ann Elizabeth, Sept. 3, 1847 IGJ D.aniei, 2v 3m, of Daniel and Sarah, born Fall River, April 10, 1852 145 SUTTON Harriet, of William, March 9, 1846 151 Sarah, 21 years, daughter of Josiah and Sally M'arehaut, boru North Providence, Nov. 1, 1847 1 195 Cora B., of Samuel and Caroline, born See- konk, Sept. 18, 1859 454 VITAL RECORD OK RHODE ISLAND. 1 1C5 SWARTZ J(jhn, 2Iy 111) li>(l, of John ami Margaret, born North Providence, July 4. 1851 1 169 Joliii, ly 3m, of Joliu and Margaret, July 4, 1852 1 151 SWAZEY Mrs. , wife of Jonathan, Dec. — , 1847 1 179 SWKKNEV John, 28 years, born Ireland, Jan. 27, 1855 1 183 i>WKI-:T William, 64y';5m 13d. of James and Lucv, born East Greenwich, June — , 1856 T 149 TABOR Lucy, (■>9y 4m 2d, daugliter of John and I*;ieanor Wilbur, born Little Comp- ton, Sei)t. 7, 1817 1 TALLEY Rosanna, 19 years, of Barnard and Rosanna, born Iieland, Oct. 11, 18G0 149 TAYLOR Martha, 9 months, of Jolui and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1847 153 Sarah, 4 years, of Peter and Mary, Aug. 31, 1848 165 Alice L.. 3y lin 14d, of Jude and .A.mey. Aug. 21, 1851 169 Jane. 9y 9m 28d, of James and Ann, born Ensiland, April 15, 1852 153 THAYER Mary Louisa, 3m 25d, of Alanson and Pcrly B., Aug. 18, 1848 3 THOMAS MJrcv, 59 years, wife of George D., " June 17, 1861 2 THOR}' Sabra, 25y 3m, born England, Feb. 10, 1860 153 THURBER . '-, Im 12d, of Alfred and ^ Mehitable, Aug. 5, 1848 1/5 Ceiia .\nn. I y 8m, of Al fled AY. and Me- hital)le W.. Oct. 1, 1853 1711 Harriet E., 12y 2in, of Joliii M. and Lydia, May 4, 1855 187 Josepli. 24 veais, of Jolin .M. and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1857 175 TIER.NEY Catharine, 3y 4ni 2Ud, of James and Mary, Nov. 20, 1853 145 TIFFANY OUs, 79 years, of El>enezer and Molly, born Attleboro, Aug. 29, 1846 147 Nancy, 73 years, wife of Otis, April 17, 1847 lf.5 TIGH Sally. 'l 5 days, of Patrick and Catha- rine, Aug. 19, 1851 175 TIGHEY Catharine, 41 years, wife of Pat- rick. l)orn Ireland," Oct. 16, 1853 193 TILLIX(;iIAST Amos A., 6fi years, of Nicholas anil Betsey, born Providence, INIarch 19, 1859 145 TINGLEY Charlotte, born Cumberland, July 26, 1846 1()5 Elias, 64y 4iii 19d, of Benjamin and Eliza- bctii, lioru Cumberland, April 3, 1851 187 Ellis J., ly 6m, of Lyman and Bethia, April 3, 1857 155 TISI).\LE Alvin, ly 6m 18d, of Benjamin and .Julia Ann. Sept. 14, 1848 1 183 Beniamin, ly Cm 17d, of Benjamin and .JuIia, July 25, 1856 1 181 1 LSI 1 181 1 183 1 185 1 185 1 185 1 191 2 3 •> '> DEATHS — PA WTUCKET. 455 2 2 TWIST Mary E., 4in 2d, of Nathan II. :uh1 Emcliuu A., Aug. 0, 1860 U V 1 183 VIALL David, -2.') years, of Mason and Kntli, Feb. 5, 18.^6 1 177 VICKKRY William, 39 yeai-s, of Abdial and Hannah, Iwrn Attlelioro, .Inly 15, 1854 Lncenna, 5 months, of Otis and Hannah, Aug. S, 1855 Alphonso, 3y 4m, of Hannah, Sept. 17, 1855 Alfred, ly 3m 15d, of Alidial anil Freelove, Oct. 13, 1855 Lncena, 1 month, of Shubael and Hannah, March 20, 1856 Alfred, ly 3m, of Abdiid and Freelove, ^ug. 8, 1856 Lncena, 6 months, of Abdial and Freelove, Aug. 22, 1856 Alphonso, 3y HMn 2d, of John Blanchard and — ^. Sept. 3, 1856 Frederick, 3ni Id, of Abdial and Freelove, Aug. 4, 1858 Carrie, 28 days, of Otis and Frances, Aug. 28, 1861 VINSON Samu'ellL, 63y Urn, of .lames and iNIary N., born Newport, Dec. 2, 18G0 w '1 147 AV^AKEFIKLD Ciiancev, 33 veais, Nov. — , 1847 1 163 WALCOTT Loretta, 54 years, wife of Jabez, liorn Cumbciland, .Fan. 4, 1850' 1 179 WALKKR Sarah, ly 2m, of Nathaniel L. and ^Margaret A., March 5, 1855 2 2 Edward A., Iv Im, of E[iliraim and Susan, liorn Seekonk. Oct. 13, 1860 1 188 WALLACE Charles F., Im 27d, of .Johv. P. an^ years, widow of Jtimes, born England, Nov. 29, 184» 1 179 WAUGII Jose[)li. 70y 5m I2d, of JoseiJi and Ann, born England, Aiiril 19, 1855 2 1 WEBSTER William F.;^26y 2m Id, of Sam- uel and Mary, born New Hampshire, Nov. 12, 1860 1 149 WELCH Bridget,' 36 years, daughtei- of John and Bridget Malone, burn Ireland, Oct. 7, 1847 1 159 Bridset, 7m 9d, of Martin and Julia, Dec. 12, 1«49 456 VITAL KECORD OF UHODli ISLAND. 1 149 WELDEN Prince, 73y 7m 14(1. of Elisli;i anil I'reseilla, born Yarnioutli. Jnlv29,1847 1 177 WELLMAX Dexter, 40y .5in, of Lot, l>orn Attlelioro, Aug. 1, 18.^4 1 183 WEST Rutlu 42 years, wife of Oren, born SnnthtieUl, " Dec. 3, 18').") 1 193 James, 6 months, of Oren and Ann. Feb. 14, 18.J9 1 19.') Ellen, .")7y 10m oil, of William and Abi- gail, lioru Providence, Aug. 22, 1859 1 1,".9 WHEATON Jlarlha, 53 years, wife of James, born North Providence, Sept. 15, 1849 1 173 WHIPPLE Abigail, 78y 3m, wife of Ben- nett, born Cumberland, ^lay 19, 1853 1 183 Bennett. 73y 9m, of Joel and Delioraii. born Cumberhmd, Marcli 8, 185G 1 107 Wm'iWKER Andrew, 22 years, of James, liorn Ireland. Nov. 12, 1851 1 189 WHITE Lntlier, 83v Im Id, of Ezekiel, liorn Dedham. ' Feb. 4, 1858 2 1 WIIITEFIELD AVilliam B., 4.5y 10m 13d, of Simeon and Luev, born Providence, Jiil\- 1, 18G0 1 103 AVHITKING Chloe D., 50 years, wife of Elias D., born Upton, Jan. 11,1850 1 151 WHITALVX Mary T.. 36 years, of Ebenezer ' and Lydia, born Salisbury, N. II., Nov. 25, 1847 1 195 WIBBEK ^ , 2 (lavs, of Thomas E. and Knth A., ■ Oct. 10, 1859 2 3 WILBFK Knth A., 33v 11m hul, wife of Thomas E.. " Sept. 5, 1861 1 145 WI LEV John, 4.! years, Feb. 28, 1846 1 191 Lyman L., 21y 4ni, of Alonzo and Cliar- lotteS., born Watertown. July 18, 1858 2 3 WILKINSON Sarah I., 54 years, wife of Samuel, born Bristol, Aug. 25, 1801 1 1.S5 WILLAHI) Bvron A., 2v 4m. of Henrv J. and Mariah, " Oct. 20, 1850 2 3 Susan G.. 7()v 10m 2d. widow of Stephen, born War'wirk, R. I.. Sept. 7, 1801 1 145 WILLIAMS Edwaid B., 3v 9m Id, of Ed- ward, Marcli 24, '1847 1 155 Amey Ann, SOy 9m 17d. wife of Jeremiah, born Cranston, Sept. 14, 1848 1 155 ^lary M., 17y 4m 20d, of Amos and Mary, Feb. 21, 1849 1 171 Cromwell H., Iv Im 20(1, of Alviu I), and Sarah H., ' Sept. 4, 1852 1 179 Daniel, 7ni 2d, of Patrick and Margaret, Jan. 11, 1855 1 191 Eliza A., 18y 8m 12d, wife of James A., born New York, April 14, 1858 2 3 Marv Eliza, 3y 9m 21d, of James and Eliza, Feb. 20, 1801 1163 WH>S()N Jane, 20 years, wife of David, Jan. 25, 1850 1 173 Eliz:d)etli M., 5 years, of John and Rose, boin New York, March 10, 1853 1 163 WISE (ieorge A., 3 montlis. of John and Mary A., born Noith Providence, Jan. 21, 1851 DEATHS — I'AWTL'CKET. 457 1 187 WISE Elijah, Gly om 15d, born Maine, Sept. 11, lSu7 1 169 WOOD , 1 clay, of Thomas aiul Roby Aim, June 27, 1852 1 189 Jenette, 74y 3iii, wife of Samuel, boru England, Jan. 17, 1858 1 161 WOODCOCK Alice G., 2 years, of George aud Delia, Nov. 20, 1850 1 193 George,49y 4ni 5d, of Jouathan audXaucy, born Attleboro, Dee. 27, 1858 X Y Z Nothing under these letters. Newman CousTesatioiial Cliurcli. Roll of Membership. NOTF.:— 1. received by letter; b, baptized; d, died; dis, dismissed; dr, dropped. Name. Keceived. R emoved. ABr<:LL Joshua, March 13, 172.-.-C Joshua, Mrs., March 13, 1725-6 Nancy, Aug. — , 1820 d. March 25, 1S40 ALLEN Carrie L. (Bourne), May 17, 18',il Aiiiey, Aug. 4, 1771 Christian, May 15, 1709 Elizabeth, April G, 1834 Aug. 31, 1837 Elizabeth T., May 28, 1860 dis. to Pawtucket, R. L, March 24, 18G7 Frederick B., 1. May 17, 1891 Hector, Jan. 4, 1701 Jolin F., Oct. 4, 1!S58 dis. to Pawtucket, R. L, March 24, 1867 Leverctt W., b. Jan. 1, 1893 Rebecca, Aug. — , 1820 d. , 1853 Samuel, May 15, 1709 Squire, Thomas, Mrs., Sept. 27, 1759 Rebecca, Oct. 1, 1815 ALLYN Thomas, July 23, 1727 Thomas, Mrs. July 23, 1727 AMSBURY John, Feb. 9, 170G Mercy, April 17, 1709 Thomas, April 27, 1712 Thomas, Mrs. April 27, 1712 ADLINGTON Jerusha. ARMINGTON Bethiah, Oct. 6, 1811 d. Sept. 16, 1835 Betsey, Oct. 6, 1811 Hannah, Sept. 2G, 1731 ATTWELL Sarah, May 14, 1732 B BAGGS Amanda M., 1- June 5, 1859 d. Dec.—, 1868 460 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed , BAILP:Y Mary a. (Riley), 1. April 4, 1875 dis. to Newton, Aug. 8, 1875 BAISTOW George, Feb. 19, 1726 M.nrtha, Sept. 2, 1733 BAKER Abbie M., 1. July 1, 1883 dis. to United Con. Ch., East Providence, July 13, 1889 Daniel F., June 2, 18G7 Elizabeth, May 4, 1840 Emma, July 1, 1883 dis. to United Con. Ch., East Providence, July 13, 1889 Grace Amelia, INIay 17, 1895 Herbert Stanley, May 17, 189.5 John, Oct. 30, 1736 Margaret, Oct. 30, 1736 BALCll Abbie M., Sept. 4, 1887 Charles C, Sept. 4, 1887 Grace, b. May 22, 1892 BALDING Elizabeth, Sep't. 6, 1730 dis. to Attleboro, Oct. 13, 1754 Jonathan, Sept. 6, 1730 dis. to Attleboro, Oct. 13, 1754 BARNEY Amanda M., 1. Dec. 4, 18G4 d. March 4, 1869 Anna, June 1, 1850 dis. to Fairmont, Mass., 1 1869 Bryant, Dec. 6, 1843 " dis. to Baptist Chnrch, Sept. 25, 1887 Eliza Lathe, 1. Sept. 24, 1826 Horace, AiH-il 7, 1856 dis. to East Greenwich, Oct. 19, 1874 James 0., Rev., I. Feb. 4, 1824 d. March 4, 1869 Olin M., April 5, 1857 Sojjhia, Dec. 6, 1846 d. April — , 18C2 BARBER Lvdia, July 12, 1761 BARKER Harriet G., Aug. 4, 1867 dis . Dec. — , 1880 BEBB Anna (Carpenter;, June 1, 1856 BELKNAP Miranda, Aug. 3, 1834 d. Aug. 27, 1890 BESSIE Eva H., Mav 17, 1891 BESTOW aiary. 1. Oct. 10, 1736 BICKNELL Elizabeth S., 1. , 1843 dis. to Providence, J March 24, 1847 Fanny M., April 5. 1857 d. June 30, 1892 James, Feb. 7, 1858 d. , Nov. 14, 1891 BILLINGS Samuel, 1. Aug. 5, 1832 dis. to Providence, Feb. 8, 1855. BISHOP Anna P., Sept. 5, 1880 Ebben, March 27, 1726 El)enezer, June 25, 1749 Ebenezer, May 5, 1751 I->lward, Sept. 25, 1706 Edward, Mis., Sept. 25, 1706 Hannah, July 4, 1736 John, April 11, 1723 John, Mrs. April 11, 1723 MEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — MEMBERSHIP. 401 Name. Received. Eemoved. BISHOP Martha;?:., 1. Aug. 3, I8G0 PtUieiice, ,7uly 25, 1702 dis. to Wintlirop, Jan. 26, 1777 Patience, June 28, 17G1 (lis. to Wintliro[), ,Tnn. 20, 17 77 Patience, Mrs., Jan. 20, 1803 d. Fell. — , 1.^03 BLANDELL Rosa, June 2, 1807 Warren H., June 2, 1867 dis. Sept. 17, 1882 BLANDING Bethiah, Nov. 14, 1742 Sarali, May b, 1734 dis. to Taunton, June 3, 1744 Sarah, Fel). 2-1, 1739 William, BLISS Fanny, Aug. 4, 1867 dis. to United Con. Cliurcli, June 13, 1889 George X., Dec. 1, 1872 dis. to United Con. Church, June 13, 188;) Jon.Tthan, Feb. 18, 1704 Marian. Feb. 18, 1704 Mary K., Aug. 4, 1867 BLOUMSTETT Annie, May 22, 1892 Charles, June 12, 1«92 BLUE Betsey, June 3, 1832 BOGERT Liiie N. (Riley), 1. April 4, 1875 dis. Dee. 0, 1891 BOGMAN Angelica, " June 1, 1856 BOSWORTH Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1727 Ichabod, Mrs., April 12, 1704 Joseph, .Inly 3. 1726 Lydia, ,Iuly 3, 1726 Lydia Palmer, Sept. 4, 1887 d. April 10, 1890 Margaret, Nov. 5, 1727 BOURNE Alinedia, Ai)ril 3, 1842 dis. to Fall River. Almond 0., June 5, 1.S12 dis. Jan. 1, 1852 Almond, June 5, 1859 d. Dec. 27, 1873 Ann Frances, A[nil 7, 1861 dis. to Central, Prov., March 22, 1885 Baylies, June 4, 1835 dis. to Episeo|ial Ch., Lonsdale, , 1849 Baylies T.. June 2, 1867 Cliarlotte D., June 5, 1859 d. Sept. 17, 1861 Delia F., April 7, 1861 d. Feb. 18, 1879 Edith Frances, July 3, 1892 Ella F., June 2, 1872 ' Frederick Nelson, July 3, 1892 Grace P:tta, May 22, 1892 Harriet, April 3, 1842 dis. to Beuelicent, Prov., March — , 1862 Henry O., April 7, 1861 dis. to Free Baptist Ch., Taunton, Sept. 17, 1882 Isaac M., April 7, 1861 dis. to Free Baptist Ch., Taunton, Sept. 17, 1882 Laura, 1. M.ay 17, 1871 462 VITAL RliCOlID OF RHODE ISLAND. Name. Heceived. Removed. BOURNE Stephen N., June 2, 18G7 (Hs. to Park Place, Pawtuoket, Nov. — , 1882 Walter, .Tune 2, 1867 BO WE BOWEN Ann, May 14, 1727 clis. to Killingly, Ct., July 1, 17fi4 Dan, dis. to Voluntovvn, Ct., July 5, 1739 Eliza A. (Lake), Oct. 7, 1832 dis. to Taunton, July 3, 1836 Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1738 Ho[)hzibali, June 13, 1736 lluldali. June 6, 1725 Jabez, June 6, 1725 Joliu, ' Nov. 11, 1764 Laura, Oct. 4, 1868 Marv, Sept. 4, 1743 MarV C. Feb. 2, 1834 Meliitable, Dec. 26, 1725 (lis. to Voluntown, Ct., July 5, 1739 Mcliitable, J:^ii- 26, 1725 Sarali, May 14, 1766 Susannah, July 19i 1730 'riionias, Sept. 1, 1745 Tlionias, Sept. 30, 1770 William M., June 3, 18.J2 clis. to Pawtucket, June 30, 1856 BOWERS Matilda, Aug. — , 1820 d. Dec. — , 1875 BOWKER Ruth, 1. March 3, 1889 dis. Sept. 29, 1889 BRADFORD Bettie, Sept. 22, 1751 Sarah, Aug. 13, 1782 Solomon, Sept. 22, 1751 BRVDLEY Al)bie J., April 5, 1857 d. May 13, 1879 Artliur C, Jan. 1, 1893 Charles, Aug. 4, 1867 dis. to Medfield, March 30, 1870 Charles Howard, May 20, 1894 KiankE., Dec. 2, 1877 dis. Feb. 4, 1894 Marv A. (Blendell), June 2, 1867 Wilfiam Cortland, April 7, 1861 AViliiaui P., April 5, 1857 d. Sept. 12, 1889 BR.VYTON Adeline W.. Sept. 3, 1846 (lis. to Bristol, , 18C6 Helen E., Oct. 2, 1859 dis. to Bristol, 1 18G6 BREDE.SON Charles, May 19, 1895 Jennie C, May 19, 1895 Lillie May, May 19, 1895 BR IOCS Jane Naoma, April 0, 1879 BRITTON Herbert N., Dec. 2, 1877 Lucy M., Jtiue 3, 1877 dis. to North Ch., Providence, June 20, 1881 Sarah (Case), May 25, 1854 dis. Jun. 30, 1859 BROOKS , Mrs., Aug. 5, 1711 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — MEMBERSHIP. 4(!3 Name. Reckived. Removed BROWN Agnes, I.July 1, 1883 d. Aug. 6, 1887 Alice Carpenter, June 5. 18,i9 d. Jan. 26, 1894 Amos, Julys, 1737 Anna E., 1. April 5, 1868 d. June 10, 1874 Dorothy, Sept. 2l>, 174.^) Dorotliy, Aug. 11, 1798 d. March 19, 1848 pjinnia C, May 17, 1891 pjphraim. June — , 1820 dis. May 30, 1842 Esther, Marcii 3, 173-1 P'loience Helen, May 17, 1896 fTeoige, 1. June 5, 1821 dis. Aug. 31, 1837 Hannah, May 30, 1762 Helen Augnsta, Aug. 4, 1867 dis. Sept. 17, 1 882 Henrietta's., June 1, 18.')6 d. Nov. 29, 1879 Henrv W., May 22, 1892 Hul.lah, Nov. 3, 181.5 d. Nov. — . 1839 Hnldah, June 1, 1836 d. Jan. 6, 1888 •lames, Mrs., June 28, 1696 James, Mrs., :>iay 31, 1724 Jonathan, June — , 1820 d. Se,)t. — , 1855 Joseph, June 1, 18.56 Joseph C, June 3, 1838 d. Nov. 27, 1870 Lneretia, Juue 12, 1803 Mary, July 3, 1737 Mary A., 1. Oct. 3, 1830 (lis. to Fourth Ch. , Brov., Mercy, July 12, 1724 Nancy. June 3, 1832 Peter" H., Aug. 5, 1832 d. May 4, 188,5' Rebeceah, Feb. 12, 1738 dis. Dec. 7, 1746 Ruth, Sei)t. 3, 1732 Sally, Aui,'. 5, 1832 d. M.ay 27, 1870^ Samuel, Sarah, Sarah C, Aug. 4, 1867 ilis. tv North Ch.. , Providence, Jan. 31, 1884 AVilliam, Jr., May 4, 1729 AVilliani, Blrs., Sept. 3, 1727 "William Frederick, July 1, 1883 d. March 19, 1895 BUCKLAND Jabez, Mrs., June 25, 1709 James, Oct. 24, 1725 Joseph, Mrs., 1698 Josiah, Mvs., June 28. 1696 BUCKLIN Borah, .Mrs., Au2. 23, 1702 Beriah, Feb. 24, 1739 pjlizabetli. aiav 4, 1746 Freclove, Dec."l2, 1725 Freelove, .May 3, 1730 Hannah, May 4, 1740 Hannah, Oct. 14, 1810 Huldah, 1. May 20, 1827 d. , 184.5 Neheniiah, May 14, 1732 Neliemiah, Mrs., May 14, 1732 464 VITAL RECUUD OF KHODK ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed. BUCKLIN Nehemiali, Nov. 9, 1740 BULI.ARD Rebecca, Aiiril 24, 1726 BURGESS Isaac C, Dec. 1, 1867 clis. to Pawtucket, Oct. — , 1874 BUSH Joseph, Jr., April 17, 1709 BUTLER Judiali. Nov. l.-i, 1724 BUTTER WORTH John, July 12, 1724 Jiidelh, ]\[ary, April 9, 1727 Noah, April 4, 1736 Patience, July 3, 1743 Samuel. Oct. .5, 1712 B ^— Richard, Nov. 17, 1732 CAMP Eleanor, Oct. 4, 1812 d. , 1838 CAPRON Mrs. Ban field, Jan. 2, 1703 CARLSON John Fred, July 3, 1892 JIary, M.ay 22, 1892 CARPENTER Al.ia » Oct. 5, 1712 Aliia, June — , 1697 Al)ia, Mrs.. June — , 1697 Abiah, Nov. 19, 1721 Aniey F., April 7, 1856 d. May — , 1881 Anna, Dec. 31, 1775 Anna, July 29, 1753 Andrew, Mrs., May 5, 1728 Asahel, July 3, 1768 Aseueth, June 12, 1803 Bethiah, April 8, 1804 dis. to Allleboro, Dec. 20, 1829 Betsey, Aug. 6, 1815 dis. to Paw UClvCt, Nov. 6, 1836 Cornelius, Aiiril 1.'), 1733 Cornelius, Mrs ) April 15, 1733 Cyrel, 1. Aug. 4, 1867 d. Dec. 7, 1879 Dan, July 26, 1713 Dan, Mrs., Aug. 9, 1724 dis. to Attleboro, Feb. 6, 1742 Daniel, Mrs., Dec. 31, 1775 dis. to Attleboro, Feb. 6 1742 Daniel, 1723 1 Daniel, Mrs., 1723 1 Darius, Jr., March 9, 1 728-9 Davis, Jan. 1, 1893 Deliverance, Mcivch 28, 1708 Deliverance, Marcli 6, 1736 dis. to New Marblehead, June 28, 1747 Dexter, April 7, 1856 d. Nov. 12, 1881 Dorotiiy, July 1, 1739 Dorothy, June 6, 1736 NEWMAN CONGKEGATIOXAL CHURCH — MEMBEItSHir. 465 Name. Received. Removed CARPENTER Edward, Aug. .5, 1832 d. Nov. 30, 1873 Edward, M.ay 4, 1729 I-Clcazer, May 14, 1732 Elihu, Aug. 2, 1807 Eliliu, Dea., 1. Nov. 13, 1825 d. July 5, 1827 Elizabeth, April 13, 1735 P4)liraim, June 23, 1723 Ephraiin, Jr., Sept. 2, 1733 Experience, Au2. 15, 173G Experience, March 27, 1737 Ezekiel, March 5, 1731-2 dis. to Attlel.)oro, July 15, 1770 Ezra, Dec. S, 1723 George Horr, June 12, 18;)2 Hauuah, Aug. 2'J, 1705 Hannah M., Sept. 4, 1887 Henrietta, Jlav 1".), 1833 d. May 2, 1892 Hnldaii, May 23, 172G dis. to Woodstock, Oct. C, 1745 Jabez, Oct. 8, 1727 Johannali, July 4, 173r. John, July 21», 1753 Joseph, Aug. 5, 171 1 Josiah, April 19, IGDG Leiihe, I. Jan. 1, 1826 d. May 23, 1832 Lanna, June 1, 1856 d. Oct. — , 1888 Lois, Dec. 5, 1802 Lucy, June — , 1820 Margaret, April 12, 1730 Maria, Dec. 2, 1.S77 Maria, May 17, 1891 JLartha, Oct. 31, 1725 ]\Lartha, July 4, 1731 Martha, April 17, 1709 Mary, Aug. 3, 1856 Mary, Dec. 27, 1697 Mary, April 29, 1776 Mary, Sept. 6, 1730 JMary, May 4, 1729 Mary, July 10, 172G Blary, Apiil 10, 1803 Mary D., July 6, 1890 Mary E., Sept. 5, 1880 dis. June 13, 1889 Mary L., Sept. 4, 1887 Mehitable, March 3, 1734 Micah, April 11, 1723 Miriam, Nancy, July 4, 1731 Nathaniel, April 23, 1727 Nathaniel, Aug. 31, 17G6 Noah, July 30, 1704 Noah, Jr., Dec. 25, 1720 dis. . to Attleboro, Dec. 2, 1738 466 VITAL KECORU OF RHODE ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed. CARPENTER Obadiah, March 28, 1708 clis. to Attleboio, Dec. 20, 1729' Olive, Jiiue 12. 1803 il. Maj- IG, 1830 Peio (negro), .Tan. 5, 1734-5 Polly, July 3, 1768 Radial, April 4, 1830 d. ,1874 Rebeckab, Nov. 9, 1740 Sarah, March 5, 1731-2 dis. to Attleboro, July IJ, 1770- Sarah', Jan. 2, 1703 Sarah, July 30, 1704 Sarah (Peck), Aug. 1, 1813 d. April 29, 1837 Stephen, July 4, 1731 Stepheu, July 10, 1726 Susan, JMfiy 5, 1723 Susannah, Jan. 5, 1734-5 Susannah, July 7, 1723 Susannah, ^"g- ^1, 1'66 AVilliani, Nov. 3, 1734 AVilliaui, June 12, 1792 Zach, April 17, 1709 Zenniah, Sept. 2, 1733 CARTER Samantha Ann. May 19, 1895 William Davenport, May 19. 1895 CASE Amey O., May 22, 1892 James G., June 2, 1867 dis. to Park Ch., Pawtueket, Sept. 17, 1882- Nathan H., April 7, 1861 Samuel 0., P^eb. 4, 1859 Samuel O., April 7, 1861 d. Aug. 26, 1890 CHAFFEE Aaron, April 3, 1842 d. Nov. — , 1855 Anna, June 6, 1736 dis. to Barringtou, Jan. 31, 1743 Betsey Wright, Jlav 22, 1892 dis. to F^ordhara, N. Y., " Dec. 19, 1896 Charlotte A., Sept. 2, 1883 Dan, Oct. 8, 1727 David, Jr., Sept. 3, 1732 dis. to Asliford, Jan. 8, 1769 Elizabeth, May 14, 1732 Epiiraim, June 13, 1736 Experience, Oct. 6, 1745 Ezra, April 3, 1842 d. Nov. 1, 1849 Freelove, . Jan. 9, 1731-2 Hephezibeth, Dec. 18, 1726 J. Irvinii, Nov. 4, 1883 dis. to Fordham, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1896 Jonathan, June 6, 1725 Jonathan, Mrs., June 6, 1725 Jonathan, Jr., June 6, 1725 Margaret, July 4, 1731 Margaret, 1. Dec. 1,-1859 dis. to Bethal Ch., Providence, May 4, 1871 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHUUCH — MEMBERSHIP. 4(37 Name. Rkckived. Rejioved. 'CHAFFEE Maitlia, May 2, 17;iG Miruim, Aug. 1, 1736 Nancy 8., Nov. 3, 1889 (lis. to Methodist, Pawtueki't, Jlarch 17, 18'.)5 Nathaniel, Aiiril '28, 17ril Nathaniel, April 18, 1810 Patience, Oct. 0, 1812 d. , 1854 Rebeclvah, May G, 1744 Samuel Burgess, M.ay 22, 1802 Samuel D., Aug. G, l.s.')7 dis. to Luthers Corner, Sept. 1, 1888 Susannah, F Oct. 22, 1780 Thomas, Jan. 9, 1731-2 Tiiomas, Jr., June 13, 1736 Thomas G., Nov. 3, 1889 CHAMBERLAIN Rev. Cliarles, April 1, 1847 dis. to Hatfield, Mass.. July 8, 1848 CTHRMAN Irene C, June G, 1880 CLAY James, June 23, 1747 Lydia, June 23, 1747 J\iillecent, 1. April^l2, 1752 COBU Elizabeth, Nov. 17, 1732 dis. to Attleljoro, May IG, 1762 Esther. M.'iy 29, 1737 Nathan, July 4, 1742 (lis. to Taunton, Aug. 7, 1743 Nathan, BIrs., 3aA July 4, 1742 • dis. to Taunton, Aug. 7, 1743 Nathaniel, Nov. 17, 1732 dis. to Attleboro, Jan. 8, 17G2 COLE C.apl., i. June 23, 1 70G Mrs. Capt.. June 23, 1706 Charles M., Dee. 2, 1877 dis. to Brooklyn, N. Y., Mareli 25, 1882 Molly, July 2, 1749 Sarah fCarpenter), M.ay 17, 1891 ■CONQUEST Anna, July 8, 1889 Hannah, July 8, 1889 Lars, July 3, 1892 Peter, July 3, 1892 COOPER Caroline Frances, Dec 2, 1877 Huldah R., April — , 1838 dis. to Attleboro, J , Sept. 0, 1696 John, Feb. 24, 1759 3Iartha, Feb. 26, 172G dis. to Newport, June 2, 17o7 Mary, April 24, 1726 Mary, May 4, 1701 Meliitable, July 3, 1737 Samuel, July 3, 1737 • Sarah, Sept. 3, 1729 •168 VITAL liECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed. COOPER Sarah Boweii, Dec. 6, 183.5 dis. to Kohobotli. Susan, Aug. 5, 1832 d. Oct. — , 1863 Thomas, June — , lfi97 Thomas, Mrs., June — , 1697 AVilliam, Aug. 5, 1832 d. May 23, 189-1 CRANE Fiances E., May 4, 1843 Sarah Louisa, Doc. 1, 1872 William H., May 4, 1843 dis. to Pawlurket, Oct. 26, 1851 CUNNINGHAM Emma L., July 1, 1883 Ethel C, May 17, 1891 Sarah B., Dec. 1, 1872 CURTIS George Henry, Jan. 6, 1880 Mary Isabel. Dec. 2, 1877 GUSHING Hannah, April 2, 1843 Harriet P., May 7, 1882 D DAGGETT Emilv Barton, July 7, 1889 Hannah, " July 16, 1727 Hannah E., Aug. 4, 1867 Joiui, Dec. 10, 1727 John, Mrs., Dec. 10, 1727 , widow, Fel). 19, 1726 DAVENPORT Lydia B., Aug. .5,1832 d. Jan. 2, 1.S79 DAY Alice Louisa, July 1, 1883 dis. to Central Ch., Providence, Feb. 7, 1886 Anna R., 1. Sept. 2, 1883 dis. to Central Ch., Providence, Feb. 7, 1886 Ednin Braiuprd, July 1, 1883 dis. to Central Ch., Providence, Feb. 7, 1886 Elleu Allen, July 1, 1883 dis. to Central Ch., Providence, Feb. 7, 1886 Herbert, Aug. 4, 1867 d. Sept. 7, 1895 Howard D., July 1, 1883 dis. to Central Ch., Providence, Feb. 7, 1886 James M., ' July 1, 1883 dis. to Central Ch., Providence, Feb. 7, 1886 Joshua, June 4, 1865 d. Dec. 30, 1885 Joshua D., Aug. 4, 1867 Lcvere M. Olive E., Prescilla, •lis. to Attlcboro, DEAN Abigail, Esther, Mary, Rebeckah, DEBLOIS Mary, April 1, 1877 dis. May 15, 1884 DENNIS Emily May, July 1, 1894 June 4, 1865 .July 23, 1704 M.ay 29, 1740 , 1709 , 1709 . , 1709 , 1709 ]S'E\VMAN CONCiKEGATIO^'AL CHUUCH — MEMBEUSIl IT. 469 Name. Received. Removed. DENNIS EtLcl M., July 5, 1«01 Lelta, Julv 5, 1891 Martha C, Jufy 1, 1894 Maitlia L., June 3, 1877 AVellinuton R., .Tuik; 3, 1877 DROWN Christiana, Oct. 0. 1805 clis. to Ruhobolh, Feb. — , 1827 DYER AVilliam, March 9, 1728-9 AVilliam, Mrs., Nov. 7, 1825 DUXBERRY Edith Alice, July 3, 1892 James L. G., July 3, 1892 E EASTMAN Dorothy, Jan. 2G, 1772 ELLIS Aliila JI. (Carpenter), July 1, 1883 Ashcr, Aug. 7, 1842 dis. to Pittsburg, — ,[18Gt5 Henry B., July 1, 1883 jMarv Wheaton. June — , 1820 d. , 1872 Sarah II., June 2, 1867 AV'illiain, June — , 1820 d. M; ly 4, 18G3 William Wheaton, June 2, 18G5 EVERLKTH Emma, Oct. 2, 17(;;! FERRIS Elizabeth A., 1. .Alav 19, 18!)5 Elizabeth S., 1. X"V. 1, d. April 21, 1894 Hannah J'., 1. Jan. 5, 189(1 L. L., 1. Nov. 1, 1888 FINNEMORE Albert ]\I., July 1. 1883 dU. to United Con. Ch., East I'rov.. June 1.'!, !«^9 Maij Alice. July 1. 1883 (lis. to United Con. Ch., East I'rov., June 13, 1S.S9 FINNEY Desire, Oct. 3, 1838 d. Dee. 4, 1838 FISIv Josiab, Dee. 12, 1725 Saraii, Dec. 12, 1725 FISHER Lydia, June 20, 1097 FITTS David, June 2, 18G7 dis. to Union C!li., Providence. Feb. 11, 1883 David 1'.., 1. March 3, 18G5 dis. to Hyde Park, Mass., June 3, 1870 Delia, June — , 1820 d. Aiiril 29, 18GI Elizabeth II., I- June 5, 1859 Frederick A., Aug. 4, 18G7 dis. to Hyde Park, Mass., June 5, 1870 Henrv L., J'i"u 2, 1872 dis. to Park Place, Pawtucket, April 8, 1888 James S., Jnue 2, 18G7 dis. to North Ch., Providence, June 2G, 1881 .470 VITAL KECOKD OF EHODE ISLAND. Name. FITTS ,Joi3epli B., Joseph D., dis. to United Cou- JLiry A., dis. to United Con Mary L., dis. to Ilvde Park, FOLLETT , FOSTER D , FREEMAN Ezra F., Jonathan, dis. to Attleboro, Lillian F., Lnc}- M., Stella W., FRENCH Judson, Benjamin, Benjamin S.. dis. to Pawtucket, Bethiah, Bethiah, Cyrel, dis. to Pilgrim Ch., Eliza, Epliraim, Eiiln-aiiu, Mrs., Esther I'^mmaline, dis. to Hebronville, Ezra, Ezra Granville, Hunnali, James, James, Mrs., James, Jr., JcMiatlian, Jonathan, Mis., Lney, JNIary, Mary Jane, Nancv, Oliver. I'nlly, Zilpha, FRY Mary, j\[ary, FULLER Benjamin F., Dorothy, Joshua, Josiah, Josiah, Mrs., Nancy A., Roxanna, Received. April .3, 1842 .June 2, 1867 Ch.. East. Prov., 1. March 4, 1880 Ch., East Prov., 1. March 8, 1867 Feb. 13, 1703 Sept. 17, 1843 May 7, 1882 June 18, 1727 July 1, 1883 Mav 7, 1882 May 22, 1812 April 7, 1861 June 3, 1832 Oct. 5, 1844 Jan. 2.5, 1780 April 10. 1803 June 7, 1868 Worcester, Aug. 3, 18.56 Jan. 7, 1728 Jan. 7, 1728 Aug. 4, 1.SG7 Aug. 1, 1830 April 7, 1861 Dec. 1, 1805 June 25, 1780 Jan. 25, 1780 June—, 1820 Jan. 9, 1731-2 Nov. 15, 1724 Oct. 5, 1806 July 23, 1704 May 2.5, 1854 June 3, 1832 Oct. 14, 1810 Dec. 11, 1825 June 3, 1832 Dec. 7, 1766 Dec. 7, 1766 Jime 1, 1856 July 16, 1710 July 15, 1707 Jan. 17, 1730-1 Jan. 17, 1730-1 June 1, 1856 Aug. — , 1820 Removed. June 13, 1889 June 13, 1889 June 5, 1870 d. Dec. 11, 1843 Jan. -I-l, 173- d. March 13,' 1856 , 1853 Feb. 28, 1892 June 3, 1869 d. May 14, 1867 d. Sept. 7, 1828 d. Jan. — , 1847 d. Oct. 16, 1878 d. Aug. 25, 1839 d. Oct. 15, 1853 d. May 8, 1875 d. Nov. 29, 1879 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHlKCir — MEMBEUSmi'. 471 Name. Received. Ricmoved. FULLER Samuel, , 1709 G GARI)NP:R Joseph W., April 5, ISOS GARZKY Elizabetii, Jan. 2, 1742 John, Jr., Sept. G, 1741 dis. to Winchester, Jan. 17, 1773 Oliver, Sept. 6, 1741 Patience, May 23, 173(> Solomon, May 16, 1742 dis. to Killingly, Nov. 2-'), 1770 GEORGE Mary, Jtilv 1, 1739 GIBBS Robert, Sei)t. 1, 17.'.4 GILLSON Polly, Aug. 6, 181.=i dis. to West Attleboro. Oct. 7, 1832 GLADDING Abram S., April 7, 1801 d. Aug. 7, 1876 Amey Eliza, 1. April 7, 1861 d. April 27, 1884 John", Oct. 24, 1789 Rebecka, Jan. 1, 1739 William 11., April 7, 1861 GLOVER Dorothy, May 28, 1727 Pxlward, May 28, 1727 GRAY Sally Ann, April 1, 1819 dis. to Ohi(.), Susan, AVilliam, April 4, 1830 dis. Sept. 22, 1833 GREICNE Emilv J., June 2, 1830 dis. to Park Place, Pawl., William, June 18, 1727 GREENWOOD Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1696 Jennie, Jan. 1, 1743 John, Rev., Lydia, March 24, 1723 Pero (negi-o), Slay 6, 1733 Thomas, Rev., GRIMWELL Frances, June 2, 1872 dis. to Cliapatchet, Dec.— , 1879- H HADDIN Chloe, HALL Polly, HAMMERLAND Ella R., Mary, JMatilda J., HAMMOND Chloe, ICliza (Bowen), P^sther, John Allen, Prescilla (Pettis). HARRY Barney D., di.s. to Taunton, April 8, 1804 Sept. 17, 1843 • July 3, 1892- May 22, 1892 July 3, 1892 Oct. 14, 1810 June 1, 1820 d. March — , 1849 Nov. 4, 1739 Oct. 3, 18.30 d. March — , 1871 June 3, 1832 April 7, 1861 472 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed . HASKIXS Mary, Jan. 3, 1741 HEALEY Elizabeth, May 7, 1749 Hannah, Nov. 7, 1725 Haimah, Nov. 7, 1736 Lucy A., Aug. 5, 1732 d. Feb. 7, 1891 Lvdia, July 19,1741 Paul, Dec. 19, 1703 AVulcome, May 3, 185.5 AVelconie, jNIrs., May 3, 1855 d .. June 20, 1855 IIEDLEY Ella, June 8, 1884 HIDDEN Edward, May IG, 1742 HH.L Anna, Aug. 23. 1724 David, May 16, 1742 George, Nov. 10, 1728 George, Aug. 27, 1837 d. March 13, 1840 George, George, Mrs., James, Sept. 5, 1742 .lolin, Rev., .John, .Jr., Sept. 3, 1732 ],Ydia, dis. to Brookfield, Sept. 13, 1740 R()l)y, ]\lrs. Rev., Oct. 6, 1805 d, . Sept. 20, 1861 Samuel, Aug. 23, 1724 Sarah, May 7, 1882 r' Susannah, April 6, 1732 HILLS Anna, Sept. 4. 1743 HODGES Bebc W. (Howen), April 7, 1833 dis. to East AtUeboi i-o. May 20, 1851 HOKAUSON Andrew, Jan. 5, 1896 Emilia A., M.ny 20, 1894 .leiinie I., July 22, 1892 Lillie Louisa, Mav 20, 1894 HOLMES Johanna M., Julv 3, 1892 Wallace A., July 3, 1892 HOPKINS Elizabeth, July 4, 1736 .Mary, IlamiaU T., 1 s 1 '^ dis. to Asbury Ch., : Pro v., June 5, 1873 IIORTON Alice H., July 6. 1890 Herbert R., 1. Jan. 6, 1869 Julia B. F., April 7, 1861 Louis W., Dec. 3, 1876 dis. , Sept. 27, 1884 Marv 5:. C, 1. Dec. 3, 1872 d. April 22, 1888 HOWLAND widow. IIOYT Edith, 1. April 7, 1861 dis. June 3, 1869 Franklin, Feb. 22, 1843 ': dis. , Isaiah, Dec. 7, 1856 Mary A. I.. April 7, 1861 d. Sept. 13, 1892 ^Villiam, 1. April 7, 186L dis. to Hebronville, June 3, 1869 HUMPHREY John, March 24, 1724 HUNT , Feb. 21, 1696 Oct. 17, 1697 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — MEMBERSHll'. 473 Name. Receiveo. Khmoved. HUNT Allan, June — , 1820 d. May 3, 184-i Benjamin, Nov. 15, 1724 Benjamin, Mrs., Sept. 1, 1697 Caroline B., , 1843 d. , 1849 Dorothy, .Inly 12, 1713 dis. to Bristol, .Jan. 24, 1747 Edwin L., April 4, 18.58 Eliza A., Oct. 3, 1830 d. .Inue 22, 1879 Elizabeth, June 4, 1808 Ephraim, May G, 1739 dis. to Wrentliam, Feb. 1, 1701 Iluldah, Aug. 1, 1824 d. , 1845 Huldah, Aug. 5, 1832 d. , 1850 John, May 7, 1732 .lohn Newton, Ai)ril 7, 1861 Joseiih, March 13, 1725-6 Joseph, Mrs., March 13, 1725-6 Livingstone, 1. .Ian. 29, 1835 dis. to Luther's Corner, Sept. 1, 1888 Lvdia, June 2-4, 1753 Martha, Feb. 21, l(i96 Jlarlha, April 5, 1741 Mary, June 23, 1727 Mary, June 19, 1740 Mary, Jan. 2, 1725 Nancy W., I. Feb. 2, 1740 dis. to Warren. Polly (Whitaker), Oct. — , 1820 June 3, 1841 Peter, May 16, 1725 Peter, Mrs., May 16, 1725 Polly, Oct. 2, 1831 d. Dec. 13, 1836 Rachal, Aug. 13, 1727 Sarah, Aug. 1, 1824 Sarah Ann (Bullock), 1. Oct. 7, 1832 dis. Jan. 25, 1855 Susan, June — , 1820 d. Oct. 5, 1834 HUTCHINS David, July 4, 1742 Elizabeth, Nov. 8, 1741 Miriam, 1. Nov. 5, 1739 HYDE Ephraim, Rev., 1. May 14, 1766 IDE Althea, Aug. 5, 1832 d. , 1848 Althea T., Aug. 4, 1867 dis. to Beneficent, Proy., Dec. 28, 1870 Daniel. April 24, 1726 Esther, Jan. 5, 1745 George A., Aug. 3, 1856 dis. to Iowa, June 13, 1875 Hannah, April 24, 1726 Henry A., June 2, 1856 dis. June 30, 1870 Henry S., June 2, 1867 dis. to Beneficent, Prov., Dec. 28, 1870 47-1 vital record of rhode island. Name. Received. Removed. IDP: Howard E.. Aug. 4, 1867 (lis. to BeueBcent, Prov.. Dec. 28, 1870' Ichabod, May 20, 1744 Jacob, John, Josiah, June 6, 1725 Josiah, Mrs., June 6, 1725 Linus, Aug. 23, 1724 Nauey W., Feb. — , 1845 (lis. to North Scituate, R. I., Nov. 7, 1848 Patience, Sarah, Sarah, June 1, 1856 April 28, 1870 Sarah A., Aug. 3, 1866 (lis. to Beneficent, Prov., Dec. 28, 1:570' Sarah W., March 3, 1867 (lis. to Beneficent, Prov., Dec. 28, 1870 Susanna!), Aug. 5, 1832 d. Oct. — , 1854 Tiniotliv, Jan. 4, 1735-6 Timothy P., Aug. 5, 1832 "Walter E., Aug. 4, 1867 dis. to Beneficent, Prov., Dee. 28, 1870 AVilliara T.. Aug. 3, 1856 dis. to Beneficent, Prov., Dec. 28, 1870 INGRAHAM , April 4, 1697 , April 4, 1697 Benjamin, Mrs., June 6, 1725 Mary, dis. to Windham, March 10, 1722 JACOBS Allen, Mrs., Sept. 4, 1748 Luprine, June 5, 1836 d. July 29, 1877 JEWELL William IL, Feb. 6, 1876 JOHNSON Adelaide M., April 4, 1872 dis. to United Con. Ch., June 13, 1889 Christine, May 22, 1892 Mary Belle, Dec. 2, 1877 dis. Dec. — , 1879 Nelse, May 17, 1896 Sarah, April 4, 1872 dis. Dec. — , 1879 JORDAN Elizabeth, July 12, 1747 Sarah, May 29, 1726 JUSTIN Henry, Mrs., July 7, 1706 K KELLY Polly (Whitaker). Oct. 2, 1S25 d. Feb. 9, 1859' KELTON George A., June 6, 1869 ..a KENDRICK Lydia, Jan. 11, 1729-30 " ' KENT Ardelia, Oct. 4, 1835 dis. Nov. 10, 18G1 Betsev, , 1843 d. 184Z NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — MEMBERSHIP. 475 Removed. d. May 17, 1842 May 7, 1745 May 7, 174.') d. , LSoo Name. Received. KENT Dorotliy, Klij.ah, May 19, 17,J4 P^lijab, Mrs., May 19, 1754 Ezekiel, Dea., 1. Jau. 26, 1807 Hezekiab, Dec. 20, 1730 James, Mrs., Joseph, Jr., March 24, 172.3 dis. to Stafford, Joseph, Jr., Mrs., IMarch 24, 1723 dis. to Stafford, Lois, 1 1. March 14, 1821 Lydia, Feb. 7, 1830 dis. to Pawtucket, Martha, Marcli 25, 1739 Mary, June 1, 17C2 Nancy, Dec. 11, 183G Orinda, Ruth. 1 Q W? , i O 1 I.) Dec. 20, 1730 Ruth, Nov. 3, 1815 KINNECUTT Caroline B., Aug. 6, 1843 d. Feb. 7, 180(1 d. , 1854 •LAKP: Nancy, June — , 1S20 Olive (Sliorey), April 3, 1.S42 dis. to Holliston, LANE Amos B., Juue G, 1858 Ellen C. (Bourne), June 2, 1864 d. June 20, 1894 Nancy B., I. Mav 5, 1889 Philee (RolMnsou), 1. Dec". 7, 1856 d. Aug. 13, 1890 William R., Dec. 2, 1877 LAWSON Emma, July 3, 1892 LAWTON George E., Oct. 3, 1858 d. July 27, 1877 George F., June 2, 1867 Mary'W., Aug. 6, 1843 dis. Aug. — , 1866 Olive B., De^c. 7, 1856 LEE James, I. July 25, 1762 Lucv, Aug. 20, 1780 LEONARD Almira W., April 4, 1880 Flora H., June 2, 18G7 dis. to Beneficent, Prov., Dec. 28, 1870 Fred E., May 22, 1892 Ida Estella, May 22, 1892 John Henrv, April 4, 1880 Mary A. B"., April 7, 1833 dis. to Beueficent, Prov., Dec. 28, 1870 Mary L., June 2, 1867 dis. to Beneficent, Prov., Dec. 28, 1870 Rachal, June 27, 1697 Svlvester Calvin, May 17, 1896 LEWIS Anna A., June 2, 1867 dis. to Park Place, Pawtucket, Oct. 19, 1893 476 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed. LEWIS James M., July 1, 1883 dis. to Methodist, Prov., Nov. 22, 1891 AVanen D., Oct. 3. 1871 dis. to Westport, Julv 8, 1883 LINCOLN Justin. :\L\y 19, 1833 Lucy, Feb. 2, 1834 d. April — , 18G3 Mary H., Feb. 2, 1834 IMarv IL, June 2, 1872 Wilson L, Oct. 4, 1868 d. Jan. 26, 1883 Leph G., Oct. 4, 1868 LINDLEY Experience, May 7, 1738 Phebe, May 8, 1743 LINDSEY Temperance, June 6, 1824 d. June 26, 1832 LYON Benjamin, M.ay 8, 1726 Bethiab, May 8, 1726 Caleb, Jan. 5, 1728-9 dis. to Woodstock, May 16, 1742 Elbridge, June 4, 1835 dis. to Pawtucket. John, Jr., 3Iarch 3, 1723 Joshua, March 1, 1729 Judah, March 3, 1723 Judith, April 8, 1804 Margaret, Jan. 5, 1728-9 Susannah, 1. Jan. 1, 1826 d. June 4, 1836 M MACEWELL Samuel, 1. Oct. 2.5, 1748 MACKFARLING Daniel, Nov. 7, 1725 MACKNARNEY Susanna, April 8, 1722 MACY Bradford, 1. Dec. 3, , 1871 dis. Dec. 29. , 1872 j\Iary, 1. Dec. 3, 1871 dis. Dec. 29, 1872 MAKNARNEY Mary, March 13, 1708 MANNING Elizabeth C, 1. Feb. 6, 1881 dis. to Cedar G rove. Feb. 10, 1881 MARTIN John E., Oct. 31, 1725 Mercy, May 15, 1709 MASON Sibell, May 4, 1729 Susannah, May 14, 1732 MATTESON Lora A., July 3, 1892 dis. to North Ch., Prov., June 28, 1894 MATTHEWS Martha, Dec. 2, 1804 Mercy, 1. Nov. 2, 1729 Phebe, Dec. 2, 1804 MAXCY Nina D., June 5, 1870 Nathaniel B., June 5, 1870 MAY Elisha, Feb. 26, 1706 Ephraim, Feb. 26, 1706 MAY ALL Alice J., Aug. 4, 1878 dis. to Easton, Mass. ■ 1 Nov • 2, 187» MAYE Elizabeth, NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHUilCH — MEMBEIISHIP. 477 Name. Received. Removed. McCARTY R.acbal, Jlarch 1, 1747 MEUBURY Danfortli H., .Juue ■>, 1861 dis. to California, July 9, 1871 Mary, July 5, 1867 dis. to California, July 9, l''^71 MERRELL Amanda M. F., June 4, 1843 d. Nov. — , 1S'J3 Eiery S., June 4, 1843 d. Seiit. 20, 1866 MILLARD Rebecca, Dec. 10, 1727 MILLER Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1833 d. April — , 1863 Louisa (Brown), June 4, 1843 Lydia Belle, July 1, 1883 dis. to United Con. Cb., Feb. 7, 1886 Solomon, March 6, 1708 MOLTON Sarah, I.Aug. 1,1697 MONSON Soprano, Jan. 24, 1856 dis. to Illinois. Warren, 24, 1856 dis. to Illinois. MOORE Eleanor E., 1. :May 22, 1892 Hannah A., 1. May ■>2, 1892 James S., JMaj i^2, 1892 MOULTON Fanny E., 1. Sept. 1, 1889 Herbert E., 1- Sept. 1, 1889 MUNRO Joseph, Dec. 7, 1856 d. April 23, 1803 Lucy Vt^h. 2, 1834 Olive' Dee. 7, 1856 d. Oct. — , 1878 Sofrater, 1- A|)iil 7, 1861 dis. to Illinois. N NELSON Mary, July 3, 1892 NEWBORN Experience, Sept. 26, 1731 NEWMAN A., Jr., Feb. 2, 1723 A., Jr.,Mr8., Feb. 2, 1723 Abigail, ^lay 5, 1734 David, Feb. 16, 1700 Hannah, Feb. 16, 1700 Hannah, Dec. 27, 1697 Jane, Nov. 17, 1732 John, May 5, 1734 Laura, J"ne — , 1820 Mni-io June 5, 1864 dis. to Providence, ' "^-'^ Noah, April 28, 1728 Noah, Mrs., April 28, 1728 Pero (negro), dis. to Norton, l>ec. 16, 1/4/ Samuel, Jr., Nov. 17, 1-32 NICHOLSON Frances, dis. to Wreuthaai, Uet. — , i/.o NOX Samuel, March 11, 1743 dis. to Ashford, May-, 1-43 VITAL RECOED OF KHODE ISLAND. Name. NOX Samuel, Mrs.. dis. to Asliforil, Received. March 11, 1743 o Removed. May — , 174.3 OLDFIELD Ann, Oct. •>, 1831 0LNP:Y Amasa, Ai)ril 7, 1861 dis. Feb. 26, 1863 Elizabeth S., Feb. 7, 18.58 dis. Feb. 27, 1868 Frank, April 7, 18G1 Dec. 2, 1869 OLSON Tildah, Nov. 10, 1802 d. Jan. 6, 1893 ORMSBEE Elizabelh, May 19. 1723 ORMSRY Anna, M«y 4, 1740 i\Iarv, July 4, 1736 OSSE" (negro). OTIS (Sabin^ Margaret, dis. to L me. July 25, 1739 OTT Anna, Sept. 6, 1873 Mary K., May 22, 1892 PAGE Sarah, Sept. 26, 1731 PAINE Charlotte (Miller), Dec. 11, 1831 dis. to Paw tucket, April 29, 1838 Nathaniel, Feb. 17, 1737 PARKER Hannah Torrey, 1843 » PATTERSON Jlinnic Estella, July 1, 1883 d. Feb. 5, 1885 PAUL Flora Fremont, Feb. 6, 1881 dis. to Cedar Grove, Feb. 10, 1881 George Altorf, 1. Feb. 6, 1881 dis. to Cedar Grove, Feb. 10, 1881 PEARCE Nancv * Oct. 6, 1811 d. Feb. — , 1847 PEARSE Annie R., July 1, 1883 Chiistoplier B., Dec. 1, 1872 ElizuP., April 7 1861 Lucy C, Oct. 5, 1856 d. Nov. 1, 1892 Mary B., April 7, 1861 d. March 26, 1873 Mary Blanding July 3, 1892 Robert M., Oct. 5, 1856 d. Dec. 8, 1886 Robert R., July 1. 1883 Ruth Ann, July 1, 1883 PECK Abiel, June 27, 1697 David, Feb. 24, 1696 David, :\Irs., Feb. 24, 1696 Elizabeth, May 14, 1732 Elizabeth, March 6. 1742 Hannah, Oct. 28, 1704 Hiihlah, Oct. 5, 1806 Josephine W., July 1, 1883 dis. to Luther's Corner, Sept. 1, 1888 Julia Goddard, July 1, 1883 dis. to Luther's Corner, Sept. 1, 1888 NEWMAN CONG IREGATI ONAL CHURCH — MEMP.ERSH IP. 47 9 Name. Receivkd. Rkmoved PECK Margaret, April 2, 1727 Jlartlia, July 1, 1706 Nancy C, May 19, 1833 Naoma, Aug. 6, 181.5 d. , 1824 Natlianit'l, Ausi. 22, 17U3 Patience, July 2, 1749 Kachal, May .5, 1751 Rebecca, April" 30, 1727 Saiab, Aug. 1, 1K13 Sarah Ide, July 1, 18.S3 dis. to Li ither's C orners. Sept. 1, 1S88 Stephen, Oct. 3, 17.56 T. S., Aug. 9, 1842 PER KEN Abigai 1, Feb. 28, 1713 Chira M., July 1, 1883 Daniel, JuiieG, 1824 d. Feb. 12, 1838 Daniel, April 7, 18G1 David, Jr., July 11, 1736 Esther, April 7, 1861 d. May 31, 1892 Hannah, I.June 4, 1840 d. June 16, 1891 Isaac, May 14, 1732 Jesse, March 17, 1750 Lephe (Walker ), Nov. 3, 1815 dis. to Ri audolph. vt., Sept. 29, 1833 Maria L., Aug. 4, 1867 d. Oct. 24, 1878 Mary, July 11, 1736 Mary, Jimc 5, 1859 Rachal, Mai eh 17, 1750 Sarah, Julv 11, 1736 Susannah, July 1, 1739 William B., Aug. 4, 1867 PERRV AlvaC, April 7, 1.S61 ,1. , 1871 Amelia M., May 22, 1892 Elizabeth, March 31, 1782 Hannah, Dec. 18, 1737 Israel, Jr., Sept. 5, 1742 Jasael, Jonathan, Dec. 1«, 1737 Josepli, Joseph. Mrs., Lemuel, April 8, 1823 d. Oct. 3, 1873' Maria W., 1. Ai)ril 7, 1861 d. May 9, 1862 Martha, Sept. 3, 1729 . dis. to T aunton. Oct. 31, 1736 Mary W., Oct. — , 1820 d. Jan. 23, 1846- Mehitable, Aug. 1, 1736 dis. toT; ronton. June 3, 1744; Sarah, Aug. 5, 1711 Thomas, Sept. 3, 1729 dis. to T: umton. Oct. 31, 1736 Thomas, Mrs., PLUM Goodman 1 Feb. 26, 1706 480 VITAL EECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed. POTTER George, Dec. 4, 18G4 dis. to New York. Harriot L.. July 1, 1883 PRENTICE Jlarv L., Dec. 1, 1872 Rhoda, ' Sept. 5, 1880 PULLEX Eunice, Sept. 5, 1742 dis. to Attleboro, April 1, 1714 Nooina, Jan. 3, 1741 Q R RAY Mary H., 1. May 3, 1885 dis. to United Con. Ch., READ Aaron, July 4, 173G Albert R., April 7, 18G1 Cloe, Oct. 6, 180.5 Cloe, Oct. 14, 1810 Daniel, June 25, 1709 Dorothy, Jan. 1, 1739 Dorothy, Jan. 5, 1728-9 Dorothy, Oct. 9. 1737 Eliphalet, Sept. 5, 1742 Ehs, April 2, 1713 dis. to Attleboro, Elizabeth, April 29, 177G Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1742 Elizabeth, Esther, June 25, 1709 Ezclv, Ezekiel, May G, 1744 Ezekiel, Jr., June 7, 1752 Ezra, Oct. 13, 1751 Hannah, July 7, 1734 Hannah, Sei)t. 9, 1770 Hannah, Dec. 4, 1774 Hannah, Oct. 6, 1805 Israel, July 10, 1726 James, Feb. 12, 1710 Jeremiah, March 4, 1733 Joanna, Aug. 25, 1728 Joiianua, Oct. 13, 1751 •Tohn, Jan. 5, 1728-9 .loseph, May 6, 1733 Joseph, Mrs., Lucy M., April 4, 1867 Lvdia A., 1. July 3, 1892 Martha, Nov. 19, 1775 dis. to Surreney, N. H., Martha, Martha, Mary, Mary, Feb. 28, 1713 Mary, May 6, 1744 June 13, 1889 d. March 3, 1894 d. April 9, 1837 June 17, 1735 Nov. 19. 1777 NEWMAN CONGUEGATIOXAL CHURCH — MEMBERSHIP. 481 Name. REClilVF.D. Removi;i> READ Afehitable , Mehitalile, March C, 173G INIorcy, Auo;. 30, 1761 Mercy, Feb. 12, 1710 Jloses, Jr., July 4, 1742 Moses, Jr.. May 12, 1745 Naoina, April 16, 1803 Nathan* June — •, 1.S20 d. .Alarch 9, 1827 Nathan, Jan. 1, 17;i9 Natliaii, Oct. it. 17; -7 Natlianiel, 01)a(liah, Oliver, Sept. 9, 1770 Patience, Nov. 3, 1734 Patience, March -i, 1733 Phileua P., 1. April 1, 17:'.H d. Marcli 23, 1873 Pachal, Jan. 3. 1741 Rebecca, March 2, 1 734-5 .Sally Knmia, April 7, 183.S d. IMay 28, 1850 Samuel, Sjpt. 2, 1733 .Sanilfiinl, 1. Julv3, 1872 Serai, Mav"22, 1709 Simeon, A()ril 29, 1776 Simeon, June 2.i, 17s(i d. Oct. 15, 1832 Tabitha, July 4, 1 736 Thomas, June 20, 1712 Thomas, Jr., July 4. i73(; RKKI) Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1.S16 d. March l.s, 1829 Eunice, 1. Oct. 4 , 1835 d. June 30, 1840 Hannah, Aiiril 15, 1834 d. March 13, 1855 Hannah, Oct. fi, 1S05 d. Dec. — , 1843 Ilarrietta R., 1. June 4, 1841) Sally, April 4. , 1830 dis. Dec. 29, 1833 REIl) Amanda, I. Nov. 4, 1 883 RENOFF Elizabi jth. March 4, 1740 REYNOLDS Hei arietta E., May 22, 1892 RICHARDS George, 1. Aug. 5, 1832 dis. to Cincinnati, 0., IMarch 2, 1837 Liicrelia, 1. Auo-. ;>, 1832 dis. to Cincinnati , 0., jMarcli 2, 1837 RIGHT Mary, Mav 2, 1731 RILEY John A., 1. April 4, 1875 Aug. 6, 1880 ROP.INSON Anna, July 3, 1737 Benjamin, July 3, 1737 Benjamin, Mrs. , July 3, 1737 F>l)en, July 2, 1727 Eben, Mrs., July 2, 1727 Ebenezer, July 0, 1729 dis. to Attleboro, March 16, 1743 P^beuezer, Mrs. . July 0, 1729 dis. to Attlelioro, March 16, 1743 Eliphalet, Jr., , 1697 Elizabeth. 1. Aug. 29, 1740 482 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. i^^AME. Received. Removed. ROBINSON Ella, Dec. 1, 1872 dis. toRebobotli, Feb. 29, 1880 Experience, June 14, 1724 George, Mrs., April 28, 1C97 George H., April 7, 1861 George W., A)iril 2, 1843 Granville, April 7, 1861 (lis. to Nebmska, Hann.nh, . Oct. 12, 1730 H.innali B., March 29, 1860 dis to Rebobotli, Aug. 3, 1879- Iluttie, June 1, 1873 dis. to Attleboro, Feb. 7, 188& Horace, April 7, 1861 dis. to Nebraska, John, Oct. 23, 1725 John, Oct. 23, 1726 Jonathan, Jr., Oct. 13, 1754 Judah, Oct. 10, 1708 Mary, July 7, 1734 Mehitable, Aug. 27, 1741 Bhila, April 2, 1843 d. Mav 13, 1879 Rachal, April 10, 1726 Radial. Nov. 22, 1761 Sadie Perry, July 1, 1883 dis. to Luthei's Corner, Sept. 18, 1888 Samuel, May 7, 1749 Sarah, Oct. 13, 1754 ■Saiah B., 1. March 29, 1860 Sarah Frances, June 1, 1873 Sarah I., Dec. 2, 1877 Silas, Aug. 4, 1867 ROGERS George A., Aug. 5, 1832 dis. to Grace Church, Prov., Nov. 4, 1833 George A., Mrs., Aug. 5, 1832 dis. to Grace Chuicli, Prov., Nov. 4, 1833 ROUNDS Amanda, , 1843 (lis. to West Attleboro, . 1848 ROWLAND Mary, ]\Iay 1, 1709 s SABIN David, May 1, 1726 dis. to Lambtown, Juh' 13, 1737 Dorothy, Nov. 1, 1730 Israel, Feb. 24, 1705 James, April 10, 1726 James, Mrs., Feb. 24, 1696 James, Mrs., Mary, July 6, 1729 dis. to Brookfield, May 19, 1751 Noah, Dec. 20, 1730 Noah, Mrs., Dec. 20, 1730 NEWMAN CONGREOATtOXAL CHL'UCU — MKMBEIvSHIP. 483 Name. REI'KIVKD. Removed. SABIN Noah, Jr., June 1--', 17oG Patience, Nov. lU, 172.S Rnth, March 1, 1729-30 Samuel, ULirch 4, 1729 Samuel, Mrs., April 19, 169G Samuel, Mrs., Dec. 19, 1703 SAWYER Mary J., June «, 1880 SHAW Alvin, Dec. 1, 1872 (Us. to U nion, Pro\ 'idence. June — , 1874 Harvey G., Dec. 1. 1872 dis. to U nion. Providence, June — , 1874 Jaljez, June G, 172.'. Jabez, INIrs., June C, 1725 SHELDON ]5etsey. Oct. 1, 1809 dis. to Ch. of Savoy, Jan. 2G, 1812 Sarah, Fel). IC, 1745 SHEPHEHDSON Daniel, Julv 2, 1704 Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1G97-8 Joliu, Aug. 15, 1G97 John, Mrs., May 30, 1697 SHERn)AN Lorenzo W., Nov. 4, 1883 SHERMAN James S. 1 April 7, 18G1 SHOREY Ann Eliza, Aug. 3, 1834 Elizabeth, Aiiril 10, 1803 Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1733 Hannah, Oct. 1, 1815 Hari-iet Newell, Aug. 3, 1834 ilis. to V awtucket. Oct. — , l.S5t John, 1. Nov. 13, 1825 Lydia, 1. June 3, 1827 dis. Oct. — , 1851 Lydia E , June 2, 1839 d. April 26, 1844 Mary, Aug. G, 1815 Nancy, June G, 1830 dis. to r 'awtu cket. June 4, , 1840 Polly, Nov. 3, 1815 SLACK Mrs., 1. Oct. l.'i, 170G Sarah, Nov. 3, IS 15 d. Dec. 9, 1829 SMITH Abigail, March 30, 1701 Abigail, May 3, 1730 dis. to i Abijah, Dec. 29, 1728 Abijah, Nov. 14, 1742 Alit'liosa, Sept. 3, 1732 Benjamin, July 1, 1722 di.=. to Douglass, March 2 * , 1/48 Beniamin, Mrs., July 1,1722 dis. to Douglass, March 2/, 1-48 Ebenezer, Nov. 29. 1741 El)enezer, M::rch 6, 1741 Hannah, March 6, 1732 dis. Sept. 11, 1/43. Hannah', May 2, 173G Hannah, Oct. 1, 1815 Hezekiah, -^"'y 4, I'^^O Jane, Joanna, July 4, 1770 John, Sept. 3, 1732 Jonah, «ept. 3, 1732 dis. to Woodbury, Sept. 11, 1/43 Joseph, J:i"- 30, 1097-8 Joseph, ^^I='y3, 1-24 dis. to Sutton, Feb. 12, 1,43 Margaret, 1- Aug. 7, 1748 Mary, Sept. 6, 1/41 i, 17.0 Michael, dis. to Sutton, ^^ef- 1^' |';*^ Michael. JMrs., dis Nathaniel, Oliv to Sutton, Feb. 12, 1743 Jan. 3. 1741 Nov. 3, 1815 ^"7' April 4, 1736 Paul, ' Phebe, Oct. 20, 1728 Tim, Mrs.. Feb. 20, l/2o Timothy, Waitstili, TURNER Cynthia A., June 2, 18b7 486 VITAL KECOKl) OF KHODE ISLAND. Name. Received. Removed. TURNER Ephraim, Juue — , 1820 Sept.—, 1826 U V VIAL Beujamin, VIALL Hannah, dis. to Pawtiicket, , 1816 Samuel, Aug. 11, 1701 VICKERS George, Sept. 6, 1741 dis. to Newport, May 2, 1742 Lydia, Sept. 6, 1741 dis. to Newport, May 2, 1742 VOSE George A., April .o. 1835 d. April — , 1862 Pliebe M., June 5, IS'Si) d. ,Iune 9, 1879 w WALKER Abigail, April 12, 1730 Ahnira M., 1. Aug. 1. 1869 Anna, July 22, 1763 Bethiah. Jan. 1, 1739 dis. to Ashford, Jan. 8, 1769 Clara Electra, Nov. 6, 1886 IXnuiei, Dec. 2u, 1726 Doiothy, June 2.5, 1709 Ebenezer, June 25, 1709 Ebenezer, Jan. 1, 1739 dis. to Ashford, June 8, 1769 p:iizabt't!i, July 27, 1760 Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1756 Elizabeth, June 13, 1736 Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1736 Elizabeth, July 3, 1737 p:iizabelh, July 8, 1763 I<;pliraim, Jan" 1, 1723 Esther, July 22, 1753 Hannah, May 5, 1751 James, July 3, 1737 Janus, Oct. 31, 1725 Jeniinia, Jan. 31, 1733 Jemima, Aug. 6, 1780 dis. to Ch. of Savoy, Jan. 26, 1812 John, May 16, 1742 Julia F., June 2, 1872 Lepha, June 12, 1803 d. JLireli 3, 1829 Lillian Read, July 3, 1892 Louis O., June 6, 1869 dis. to Norton, • , 1875 Mary, Oct. 19, 1730 Mary S., Oct. 5, 1856 Maude E., Nov. 6, 1886 dis. to Hebron, Aug. 13, 1888 Moses G., Aug. 4, 1867 d. April — , 1884 NEWMAN CONGIIEGATIONAL CHURCH — MEMBERSHIP. 487 Najik. Received. Removed. WALKER Nalliuiiifl, Mareli 25, 1733 Nathaniel, Sept. 9, 1764 Patience, May 16, 1742 Peter, Oct. 10, 1724 Peter, Mrs., Oct. 10, 1724 Rose, Jiiiie 14, 1724 Ruth, Sarah A., Julv 1,1894 Sarah M., Oct. 5, !«.")(; April 30, 18(33 Stephen, Sept. 3, 1732 dis. to Ponifret, Ct., April 1, 1739 Susan, 1- .Tune 7, 1808 ilis. to Free Will Baptist, Nov. 10, 1872 • .widow, April 2.5, lfi9(J WARNER George W., 1. Dec. 2, 1877 WEEDEN Marie (Hunt), An-. 3, 1834 WELD II. F.. Sei>t. 8, 1844 dis. to Maiden, , 18-19 H. F.. Mrs., Sept. 8, 1844 dis. to Maiden, , 184'* WELLS Sabra, April 7, 18(;i d. , 1872 AVENSLER Sanu\el, Ang. 9, 1702 WEST Eliza M., .Line 2, 1872 d. June 21, 1890 Henry B., Aug. 1, 18G9 dis. to Lntlier's Corner, Sept. 1,1888. Henry E., Sept. 2, 1883 Marv, Aii<_r. 1, 1869 AVIIEATON Francis J., Aug. 3, 1834 d. ,1879 Martha Aug. — , 1814 d. Sept. — , 184.) Nancy, Oct. 6, 1811 dis. to Swanzey. Peter II , Jmie — , 1820 d. , 18.32 Sally, Aug. 9, 1842 TabUha, ^^Liy 9, 172.) WHEELER Dexter, 1. .June 1, 1862 d. .July 27, 1809 Hannah, L June 1. 1862 , , -o dis. to Baptist. Ch., East Providence, Oct. 13, 18, J Sarah A.. Ai)ril 1, 1838 dis. , 1850- WHETON Joseph J., WHIPPLE Albert E., 1- Aug! 6, 18.:./ d. Aug. 24, 1867 Alzada 1- Oct. 3, 18.58 d. Jan. 20, 1894 Famly I- Aug. 6, 18.57 d. Dec. 18, 1887 Kate, .July 5, 1896 Walter O.. July 5, 1896 WHITAKER Abigail, May 24, 1713 Abner April 4, 1830 d. Sept. —, 18/0 Addington, Aug. 4, 1814 d. Aug. 3, 1888 Anna 'J""^ ^' ^~'^^ Daniel, J""*^ ^' ^''^'^ Daniel Fitts, April 7, 1861 Eben, Blrs., -Julj ^' 1''46 Ftta M il'iy 22, 1892 Hincn,!" Oct. 7, 1856 d. . 1880 488 VITAL KECORD OF HHODK ISLAND Name. Received. WIIITAKER Leplia Icle, July 1, 1883 Maria, [ April 7, 1861 Maiy, Sept. 1, 1697 Mary, Aug. 11, 1798 Mary, July 4. 1736 Mary K., Sept. 5. 1880 dis. to Foxlioro, Mary Ellen, Oct. 3, 1858 Noah, June 25, 1709 Noah, Mrs., June 25, 1709 Patience, Aug. 6, 1780 Susan, Dec. 7, 1856 tlis. to Plymouth, WHITE Alii^ail, July 7, 1734 WHITING Betsey, Oct. — , 1820 WHITNEY George Walker, May 17, 1896 Mary, Oct. 23, 1894 WILLARD Hannah, (lis. to Attl lehoro. WILLIAMS Clara A., Feb. C, 1876 (lis. to Pawtucket, Edward, June 5, 1870 Eliza A., June 5, 1870 Emily E., July 1, 1883 James O.. Nov. 4, 1883 William H., July 1, 1883 WILMARTH John, Aug. 26, 1746 John, 1820 1 Lydia, May 21, 1727 Mary, March 4, 1733 Nathaniel, May 7, 1738 Nathaniel, Mrs., Nov. 5, 1710 Radial, June — , 1720 WILLSON Benjamin, July 8, 1705 Nathaniel, July 9, 1758 Nathaniel, Mrs., July 9, 1758 WIREN Marcus C, June 4, 1835 dis. to Atlleboro, WISWELL Ichaijod, Mrs., dis. to Attleboro, WOODARD Lydia, Mav 25, 1746 AVOODCOCK Joanna, May 30, 1697 WOODWARD Oliver M.. April 4, 1872 dis. to United Con. Ch., Robert, June 7, 1874 dis. to United Con. Ch., William, Dec. 2, 1877 WOODWORTH Josie F., 1. Sept. 30, 1880 dis. to Central Ch., Levi F., Rev., 1. Sept. 30, 1880 dis. to Central Ch., X Y Z VATfi; n., ..^i;.,,^ T3 IQ l Hann.ah, * Sept. 22, 17.^.4 BLAXDING Will B., of William. Will E. Sauiuel, April 24, 1726 BLIS.S John, of Samuel. Mar^', of Jonathan. Meriam, Oct. 14, 1705 Daniel, of Isaac, June 24, 170.> Elisha, Jnne 24, 1705' Ephraim. June 24, 1705- Jacob, Jnne 24, 1705' Jon.athan, .Tune 24, 170.5- Asena Carpenter, (grand daughter" of A. Carpenter), Sept. 27, 1807 Caroline Matilda, Sei)t. 27, ISOT BLUE Elnathan, of Betsey, March 20, 1836 Mary E., March 20, 1836 BOGMAN Anna Louisa, of James, July 3, 1864 Daniel Edward, July 3. 1864 James Kus.sell, July 3, 1864 BOSWORTH Joseph, of Joseph, Feb. 25, 1721 Judith, Aiuil 5, 1724 Lydia, March 20, 1725-6 Dorothy, Dec. 26, 1728 Mary, I>ec. 10, 1732 Mrs' Margaret, Nov. 5, 1727 Stephen, Feb- '0, 1739' BOURN Anna Francis, of Almond O., Jii"e l"-^, l'^42 Charlotte Amelia, June 12, 1842 Henry Orville, Jii"c 12, 1842' Delia Fills, J»"e 4, 1844 Ellen Culler, J""e 21, 1S4& Baylies Tillsou, J:"'- — . ^^■^'^ Stephen Nelson, J'>n- — i ^^-'^ Lewis Wellington, of Henry 0., J""- 7, 186S Charlotte Louisa, Jiil.y 3, 1864 Carrie T., M.archl7, 1.S91 Edith Francis, July 3, 1892 Fred Nelson, July 3, 1892 494 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. BOURN Grace Ella, of Henry O., B<)\VP:N Joseph, of Dr., , of Daniel, Uriel, of Richard. Cliristoplier, Dan, Icliabod, Mnry, Peter, Kiehanl, Zerviali, Hannah, of Dr. D., Anne, of Thomas, Thomas, Anius, Isaac, , Ezra, Heplizibeth, of Attleboro, Hiildali, of Attleboro, Benjamin , of Dr. Thomas, Mrs. Mehitablc, JNIchitable, of Daniel, Anne, of Ebenezor, Elijah, Lydia, of Capt., Betto, MoUie, Urania, of Dan. I'harh'S, Esther, Amos, Zerviah, Ruth, Snsannah, of Peter, Sarah, .Ial)ez, of Joseph, 'I'homas, of John, Barzillai, Bette, Bezelecl, ■Consider. Marv, Bette, of Uriel, Uriel, Amos, John, .)r., Bette, of John, Jr., John, Silence, of Dorothy. BUZ Henry, of John. BOZZARD Mary, of Ichabod, BRADFORD Noah, of Solomon, Bette, Huldah, May 22, 1892 May 25, 1007 Nov. 19, 1G90 Oct. 10, 170.3 Oct. 10, 1703 Oct. 10, 1703 Oct. 10, 1703 Oct. 10, 1703 July 8, 170.5 April 17, 1709 Nov. 19. 1721 April 2d, 1724 Nov. 7, 173(1 Sept. 10, 1738 July 6, 1740 May 4, 1740 Nov. 18, 17.53 Nov. 18, 17.53 May 9, 172.5 Dec. 26, 172o Dec. 26, 1725 May 21, 1727 Oct. 31, 1731 Julv 30, 1727 l\Iay 25, 1729 Jan. 2, 1731-2 Jan. 5, 1728-9 Oct. 31, 1731 May 16, 1730 May 16, 1736 Aug. 21, 1737 July 19, 1730 April 4, 1736 April 20, 1735 Nov. 7, 1736 June 24, 1750 Aug. 12, 1753 Sept. 15, 1754 Oct. 3, 1756 Sept. 7, 1760 Feb. 12, 1737 July 6, 1740 Feb. 9, 1755 Sept. 4, 1743 Sept. 4, 1743 Sept. 4, 1743 Sept. 29, 1745 Sept. 29, 1706 Sept. 22, 1751 Oct. 15, 1752 May 26, 1754 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— BAPTISMS. 49'5 BRADFORD Bette Greenwood, of Solomon, Hannah, of John, Israel, Joel, BRADLEY Charles Ernest, of William P., Frank Clinton, Arthur Clinton, Cliarles Howard, BRIGGS Sarah, of Abiel, BROWN Sarah, of Dan. , of Sarah. Hezekiah, of Joseph, Oliver, Asa, John. Lydia. Rebecca, of Jabesh, Jernsha, Eliza, Ichabod, of Samuel, Gideon. Ezra, of William, Noah, Isaac, Ann, Ann, Sarah, William, Sarah, Samuel, Mollie, John, Abigail, of Jabez, JMary, Prescilla. of Justice, Ann, of William, Jr., Amos, of Amos, Mary, June 17, 1759 iiO, 20, 20, Hannah, Huldah. Babai, Hannah, of Nathaniel, Lucy, Olive, Nathaniel, Abigail, Ephraini, Dorothy, Aaron, John, Saraii, Rebecca, Henry, of Herman, Aug Aug, Aug. Oct. — , Oct. — , Jan. 1, May 20, 1894 May 16, 1746 80 1780 1780 18."»9 ] 8.^9 1893 :>ray — , 1700 May — . 1700 Aui;. 2.'), 1706 April 20, 1710 Sept. 27, 1702 Aug. 11, Oct. 21, Oct. — , Oct. 20, M.iy 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 11, Nov. 23, Dec. 11, March 30, April 20, May 31, June 6, June 6, Oct. 23, April 16, Aug. 26, June 2, March iG, May 12, MaV 13, Marcii 21, June 6, June 6, June 6, Oct. 17, July 22, March 17, April 15, Jan. 26, Nov. 27, Nov. 27, June 11, Sept. 9, 1723: 1722 1726 1728 nm 1731 1733 1735' 1737 1740 1742 1724 172& 172^ 1726 1732 1741 1745 1749 1751 1753 1756 1762 1762 1762 1762 1764 1768 1770 1772 1774 1774 1780 1832 496 VITAL RECOBD^OF RHODE ISLAND. BROWN Laura Ann, Sept. 9, 1832 Eliza Haiiinioiul. Aus- 3, 1834 John Hunt, of Joseph C, March 15, 1840 PetCM- Hunt, Marcli lr>, 1840 Sarah H., May G, 1858 Thcodosia Hopestill, June 4, 1844 Eoliert D., June 4, 1844 William Kenry, May ii, 1892 BUCK ICsther, of Joshua, BUCKLAND Benjamin, of Isaiah, March 5, 1C98 Sarah, of Barach, June 22, 1703 Isabel, of Joseph, Jan. 30, 1703-4 Daniel, April 17, 1709 Jonathan, John, of James, Sept. 9, 1722 BUCKLIN Lieu, of James, John, of John, June 8. 1701 Nelson, of Joshua, July 14, 170G Daniel, of John, Dec. 12, 1725 Abigail, Sept. 22, 1728 Abigail, Jan. 17, 1730-1 John, Feb. 18, 1732-3 Freelove, Jan. 5, 17."55 Esther, ' July 11, 1736 Sarah, July 20, 1740 Joseph, Feb. 27, 1743 Daniel, of Nehemiah, May 14, 1732 David, Jan. 6, 1733-4 Oliver, July 18, 173G Martha, Feb. 24, 1739 ■ Nehemiah, April 24, 1743 Pegge, of Jonathan, Nov. 2G, 1738 Emm-.;, May 30, 1742 Lydia, May 24, 1747 Jonathan. March 4, 1749 Alss. of Barak. June 22, 1740 Bette, June 22, 1740 Elijah, June 22, 1740 Jeremiah, Jime 22, 1740 Bette, of William, Feb. 21, 1745 Lucy, April 25, 1746 Elizabeth, Fel). 25, 1753 BUSH Bette, of John, May G, 1740 MoUe, May 6, 1740 BUTTERWORTH Ebeuezer, of John, July IG, 1699 Noah, of Noah, Feb. 25, 1721 Lydia, Oct. 6, 1 723 John, Oct. 21, 1725 Noah, May 5, 1728 Sibill, Feb. 8, 1728-9 Mary, of .John, Julv 22, 1722 Capt. John, Aug. 26, 1722 Patience, of Samuel, Oct. 28, 1722 Oliver, of John, Oct. — , 1725 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— BAPTISJIS. 497 BUTTERWORTH William, of John, Oct. — , 1725 Huidali, of Lieutenant, March 2G, 1732 CARLSON Molly Eugenia, Sept. 19, 1881) Artluu- Howard, of John, .Sept. 13, 18'.>0 CARXES Mary, of Rev. John, March 2.5, 17.59 Btin-ell, June 5, 1761 Edward. Feb. 17, 1765 CARPENTER Abiel, of Abr. Abraham. Jerusha. Josiah, of Josiah, July 29, 1690 Comfort. Elizabeth, . March 24 Abia, Aug. 15 Abia, of Abia, ' Aug. 22 Thomas, Aug. 22 Mehitable, Au^r. 22, Sarah, ^ Aug. 22, Rachal, .July 17 Peter, May 25 Cornelius. April 17 Sarah, of David, March 27 David, June 8 Ezra, of Nat, April 22 Elijal), Marcii oO Mary, April 29 Sally, of Nathaniel, March 27 Dan, July 18 Sarah, Jan. 10, 1 Rachal, May 20 Mai-y, of Noah, Meriani, Aug. 13 Noah, Aug. 13 Stephen, Sept. 29 Asa, April 17 Hannah, of Jonathan, ]\Iay 21 Jonathan, May 21 Martha, Feb. 17 Abishai, April 17 Martha, A|)ril 17 Edward, of Obed, April 17 Obed, April 17 Zack, Ai)ril 17 Zack, of Zack, April 17 Keziah, April 17 Martha, April 17 Ephraini, of Ephraim, May 1 P4.)hraim, May 12 Nathaniel, May 9 Mary, May 14 James, '■ '"■ May 14 1700 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 1699 1701 1709 1698 1701 169« 1701 1 705 1698 1703 704-5 1705 1704 1704 1706 1709 1704 1704 1705 1709 1709 1709 1709 1 709 1709 1709 1709 1709 1734 1736 1721 1721 498 VITAL RECOED OF EHODE ISLAND. CARPENTER , chikl of James, May 14, 1721 , child. May 14, 1721 Aliia, of Abia, Jr., Jan. 2, 1721 Mehitable, Jan. 2, 1721 Experience, July 8, 1722 Saiali, Nov. 14, 1724 Eliz, of Daniel, Nov. 12, 1721 Daniel, Dec. 27, 1724 , Dec. 4, 172& Asa. Marcli 9, 1730-1 Esekiel, Aug. 18, 1734 Mary, of Ezekiel, July 22, 1722 Saiali, Oct. 11, 1724 ]\[olle, Jan. 31, 1730-1 Bahai, Feb. 12, 1732 Ezeluel, Feb. 17, 1733-4 Raclial, ■ Nov. 14, 1735 Preston, March 19, 1737 Stephen, of Stephen, May 5, 1723 Rachal, April 5, 1724 Martha, May 1, 1726 Gersluun, March 5, 1727 John, Sept. 21, 1729 Lvilia, April 18, 1731 Elizabeth, Dec. 3, 1732 Peter, Nov. 3, 1734 Mary, April 17, 1737 Asa, May 1, 1737 Anna, April 17, John, March 4, 1738 Stephen, May 6, 1739 Charles, July 3, 1743 Cloe. July 15, 1745 Hann.ah, May 5, 1745 Mary, Sept. 18, 1748 Susannah, of Susannah, July 14, 1723 Hannah, of Eph, .-i.i.a Dec. 8, 1723 Anna, of Noah, Jr., May 31, 1724 ]Martha, Oct. 14, 1744 Anne, of Jedediah, July 10, 1726 Rebeckah P., May 5, 1728 Calel), M.-iy 3, 1730 John, of Obadiah, April 23. 1727 Belhiah, Feb. 8, 1729-30 Mcriam, May 5, 1728 Martha, of Jabez, April 20, 1729 Elizaheth, April 20, 1735 Keziah, April S, 1737 Anne, Dec. 9, 1739' William, July 3, 1743 Bethiah, April 14, 1745 child. May 17, 1747 Patience, of Zeck, April 19, 1730 Zackariah, March 16, 1735- NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHtJBCH— BAPTISMS. 499 CARPENTER Butliiah, of Dan, Dan. Eleazer. Elislia. Jabeth, i^'"'"^'^' Oct. 10, 1731 •^;":1'- April 17, 1731 ^,^,"''"2' June 3. 1739 ^''''^'■' , ,,, Oct. 18, 1741 Susannah, of Capt., Feb. 2.% 1732-3 Snsaunal., ,,„,y 4^ j^g^ Patience, of Widow, Maicli"2fi, 1732 Edmund, Oct. 23, 1732 Oliver, of Edmund, April 21, 1734 '^'"^bea, jj,ly 1^ 1707 JMehitable, of Cornelius, April 1,5, 1733 Keziah. of Zaeliariali, Sept. 2', 1733 l'f'>"el. , Nov. 28, 173G M:iitha, Sept. 3, 1738 Caleb, March 15, 1740 Lydia, of Ebenezer, July 14,1734 •^'■^•nes, March 4, 1738 Mary, of Abisha, Feb. 2, 173.-. Beriah, of Isliiah, May 4, 173.') Jndetli, of Ebeu, jau. 5^ 173;-, Joanna, j^„ie 9' 1751 Experience, Aug. 1.5, 173r, A lethca, of Timothy, - May5, 173(; Cloe. of Comfort, May 23, 173(; t'ycli M.ay 23, 173(; '"'J'-'itliia, Blav 23, 173(j Oi-inda, March I'.t, 1737 Mary, of Edward, March 14, 1736 '''I'Cob, Feb. 13, 1743 Dorothy, July 2, 1749 Dorothy, Jan. G, 1730 ■ Elizabeth, of Eleazer, Feb. 27, 1736-7 M^O'' March 4, 1738 Ritchal, Aug. 28, 1741 Kleazer, Jan. 29, 1744 Abishai, March 2, 1745 Benjamin, May 21, 1749 Mary, May 23, 1756 Experience, March 27, 1737 Ephraim, Jr., Feb. 25, 1738 Jonathan, of Ephraim, .Jr., Sept. 2, 1733 Ezra, Feb. 22, 1740 D.aniel, of Dea. Daniel, July 30, 1738 Benjamin, Jan. 9, 1743 Hannah, May 11, 1746 Comfort, of Iluldah, Feb. 10, 1739 Dorothy, . July 1, 1739 ■Jeremiah, of Eben, Aug. — , 1741 Abner, June 24, 1744 500 VITAL KECOED OF BHODE ISLAND. CARPENTER Simeon, of Zeek, Sept. 26, 1742 EHslui, of Elisha, «^f-,«' -1« Zuchariah, Sept. 8, .48 Lyilia ^°^'- ^*^' ^ "^^ Edward, of Edward, Jr., ^P^^'J' 1^1^ Amos, of Eliphalet, ^May f.- li^ Hannah, ^\^''''' '/ i^? Remember, Apnin, .62 Hannah, J"'y '• l^o Comfort, '^mT ^n" UJi Benai.ah, of Stephen, Jr., ^.^/g'' ItS Ililel! of Amos, ^^^^t' !^-0 Isaiah, of Isaiah, May 2., .oO John, of John, '!"'^'?o' -^? Anna, '''"V, M^' 1^? Elizabeth, April 13, /.3^ Mollie, of Elislia (of A.), J""^ :^o, 1 .06 Timothy, /"%1' -5r Luis, of Natlmniel, i"'' o ' 'ra s' rah Feb. 14, 1767 Abel, J/'""^ ^ ]ttl Carrie, o, 1. .3 Susannah, Ulatihla, ]Sov. 15, 1778 Mollv, of Asahel, J" J" 3, '68 Susannah, ^i"'^ r' U4 c . I ;, May 6, 1//0 Sophia, ^__ J',,' ,....„ Jan. 21, 1772 Asena, i^^"^',f'U;? Caroline Augusta, -l^-'e - ^^-^ Christiania Amelia, ^!''*--,^o' --« Worcester, AP"' ^J' i'J Caroline Augusta, "L^'^V-a' U«? Bethiah, ^«Pt. 9 .81 Asa, of Capt. Nathaniel, J""e ^ . .6 , child of Elisha, Sept. / , 807 Aldcu, of Jonathan, P'' m o- ' s^o ,, April 2o, I80O Hc'rV, J"'y 6, 1834 Francis Wood, of Edmund, S^ept. ;>, 1832 Sarah Tiffacy, A ^^^',r' S Anna Elizabeth, i,"^"' ^ «1? Maria, ^ ^'y i' ^2 Sarah C. M.ayl.,1891 ?, u Mav 22,1892 George H., •'^'■' .\r.Qi Davis •^'^"- ^' ^^^^ Winiam, May 22, 1894 CARTER Samantha Anna, May 19, 189o Willis Davenport, May 19, 1895 CHAFFEE Nat, J«"- 2> 1697 Dorothy, of Nat. >'EWMAN CONGEEGATIOXAL CHrECH— BAPTISMS. :oi CHAFFEE John, of Nath, Levi. Nathaniel, Noalj, Aaron, of Nathaniel, Benjamin, Daniel, Ezra, Hannah, Rebecca, Simeon, Susannah, CHAFFEY Jonathan, of Jonathan, Nat, Hannah. Dan. Meriam. Deliverance, Josiah, Susannah, Jonathan, Jr., Isaiah, of Noah, Shuhael, Christopher, Thomas, Anne, ot Thomas, Archibald, Joel, Amos, Thomas, F'rederick, F:ii/.abeth, David, Jr., Martha, of David, Jr., Dorothy, Patience, David, of David, Martha, Patience, Abner, Thomas, Jr., Amos, of Thomas, Jr., Charles, Rlioda, Sarah, F'xperience, CHAFFY Experience, of Amos, F'reelove, Lilie, Uniee, Anna, William, of Dan, Dan, Jonathan. April or May, April or May, April or May, April or May, March — •, March — , March — , March — . March — , March — , INIarcli — , March — , April April April 17, 17, •7, 1751 17.51 17,il 1751 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1709 1709 1 709 Oct. 22, 1721 June 23, 1723 Sept. 1, 172,8 June 6, 172.5 P>b. 4, 1728 May 3, 1730 Sept. 26, 1731 Jan. 9, 1731-2 May 10, 1741 April 17, 1743 May 31. 1747 March 17, 17.50 May 11,1 7.55 Jan. 9. 1731-2 Mav 14, 1732 Sept. 3, 1732 June 12, 1737 March 23, 1739' Aug. 12, 1733 Dec. 9, 1733 Jan. 18, 1736 Jan. 27, 1743 Nov. 24, 174 6 June 13, 1736 Apiil 20, 1740 June 17, 1744 May 21, 1749 Feb. 26, 1737 Oct. 6, 1755 July 2, 1732 July 2, 1732 July 2, 1732 June 22, 1735 June 6, 1736 Aug. 21, 1737 March 23, 1739 Oct. 17, 1742 502 VITAL KECOED OF KHODE ISLAND. CHAFFY Robinsou, of Dau, Feb. 17, 1744 Dan, Sei>t. 20, 1747 Jtuleth. Jan. 13, 1754 Braiklock, Nov. 7, 17.oG CLAKK Preston Hawes, Oct. — , 18.V.) CLAY Ei)lii-aim, of James, June 28, 1747 .Sarah, Nov. 12, 1749 -James, Dec. 8, 1751 Lydia, April 14, 1754 Auiej', Sent. 19, 1756 Melliceut, Julv 22, 1759 Mary. July 22, 1759 Meriam, March 17, 1765 JIaitha, June 12, 1768 CUBH Samuel, of Nathaniel, Nov. 12, 1732 Nicholas. Sept. 1, 1734 Flannah, May 16, 1746 COLK Kebeccah, of William, July 2, 1749 Josejih, July 1, 1750 CONKY Joseph, of Nathaniel, Juneau, 1724 William, May 8, 1726 COOPER Josiah, of Thomas, Aug. 15, 1697 Nathaniel, Aug. !5, 1697 Snsanuah, Aug. 15, 1697 Oct. 13, 1700 , son , Rachal, of Samuel, Jan. 9, 1698 Maiv, June 9, 1702 Ruth, May 21, 1704 Mehitable, Marcii 24, 1706 Martha, April 17, 1709 Samuel. Sarah. Lydia, March 4, 1721-2 Foster, of Nat, May 25, 1701 Judah. May 25, 1701 Nat, Dec. 25, 1701 Hei)zialiiali, April 13, 1729 Martha, April 13, 1729 Judith, of Nathaniel, April 10, 1726 Susannali, Aug. 26, 1750 David, July 11, 1756 Samuel, of Samuel, June 1, 1740 Sarah, June 6, 1741 Mary, Aiiril 15, 1753 .James, of Samuel, Jr., Sept. 4, 1743 Samuel. May 5, 1745 Hannah, of John, Oct. 6, 1745 Abel, Oct. 23, 1748 CRANE Martha 0., of Jonathan, June 7, 1835 Ebenezer Bishop, May 4, 1845 C. Joseph, June 21," 1846 CROSS Fannie Ferguson, of Thomas, June 24, 1893 CUifNINGHAM Caroline Ethel, of S. B., July 2, 1882 NE\VMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — BAPTIS:MS. 503 GUSHING Deborah, of Matthew, Nov. 19, 1721 D DAGGETT Ilaunah, of Joseph, Aiuil 5, 169('. Joseph, April 22, I69.S Israel, April 30, 1704 Heplizibeth, of Josiah, Dec. — , 1701 Martha, Dee. — , 1701 Joseiih, of Israel, July 23, 1727 Heplizibeth, Dec. 21!, 1728 ^V'illiam, Nov. IG, 1729 Daniel, Nov. 2.s, 1731 Hannah, June 13, 1734 Israel, Jnue 12, 1737 Lytlia. (Sept. 9, 1739 Martha, March 30, 174G John, of John, July 5, 1730 John, Aprir30, 1732 Sarah, of Isaac, May 30, 1742 Emily B., jiily 7, 1«89 DAY Prescilla, of Samuel. , son, July 1.5, 1705 DP^AN Abiijail, of Ensign, Esther. Mary. Relieccah. DkBLOIS George, of James P., Minnie Clark, Sarah Frances Robinson, DENNIS Ethel, Leatta, Elmily May, Jlarlha Catharine, DEXTER George, of John, Augustus, DIDO, servant of Ezekiel Carpenter, Caezer, of Dido, Cafful, Eunice, DROWN Christiania Amelia, of Mrs., Hiram, May Carpenter, Matilda, All)ert, of Israel, Bethiah Carpenter, Leonard, Sophia, DRYER Margaret, of William, John, DY'ER Jonas, of Hez. E EASTMAN Aliigail, of Samuel, May 17, 1772 Dorothy, May 17, 1772 Oct. 4, 1877 Oct. 4, 1877 Oct. 4, 1877 July 5, 1891 July 5, 1891 July 1, 1894 July 1, 1894 March 13, 1 757 May 25, 17C0 •July 11, 1742 July 11, 1742 July 11, 1742 June 30. , 1745- Dec. 0, 1807 Dec. 6, 1807 Dec. 6, 1807 Dec. 6, 1807 Oct. 1, 1826. Oct. 1, 1826. Oct. 1, 1826. Oct. 1, 182& Aug. 2(5, 1722 March 27, 1726 o04 VITAL KECOED OF RHODE ISLAND. EASTMAN John, of Samuel, Ruth, SanuKjl, Daniel, ELLIS Asher, of WilUaiu, Mai-llia, William Everett, James, William Wheatou, George, Harry Blaisflell. of William Wheaton, William Howard, EVELITH Emma, of Isaac, William, Mary, Lydia Bueklin, Isaac, Jonathan, EVERIT Abigail, of Abigail, May 17, 1772 May 17, 1772 May 17, 1772 Nov. 14, 1773 Aug. 8, 1830 Sept. 9, 1832 Nov. 3, 1834 Aug. 28, 1837 June 9, 1839 Nov. 14, 1847 Aug. 4, 1867 Aug. 4, 1807 July 5, 1763 Aug. 23, 1763 Oct. 2, 1763 June 30, 1776 Aug. 29, 1779 July 21, 1782 May 31, 1772 FEHGUSON Frances Arabella, of James, John, EJELL) .fohu, of Benjamin, John, FISH John, of Josiah, Kachal, Sarah, Jonathan, of Phineas, FISHER Jane. Elizabeth, of John. Phebe, of Joseph. Michael. Mary, of Silas. Mary. Mercy, FISiv Esther, of Josiah, .Samuel, Ami>hillas, FITTS James Dennis, of Joseph B., Henrv Lyman, FOLLET Sarah, of Abraham, Isaac, Rebecca, Abraham, Mary, Abigail, of John, Jonathan. Joseph, Persis, Samuel, FREE John, of Josei)b, FREEMAN Stella Washburn, June 8, 1890 June 8, 1890 Dec. 10, 1099 June 6, 1730 April 20, 1729 Oct. 18, 1730 Nov. 22, 1733 July 2.5, 1737 Sept. 28, 1701 Dec. 12, 1725 A|iril 2, 1727 Nov. 11, 1736 Jan. 2, 1857 Oct. 6, 1861 Aug. 13, 1699 July 21, 1701 July 21, 1701 June 24, 1705 Oct. 20, 1706 Aug. 31, 1701 March 25, 1703 Aug. 5, 1704 Oct. 13, 1706 March 14, 1 704-5 May 22, 1892 Nf:\VMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHUliCH — BAPTISMS. 505 FRKNC'H Eliznliotb, of James, tclj. 2, 169,i Ilaiiuali, of John, Jolin, of John. Thomas, of John. Oct. 5, KVJC Kpl'i'"i"i' P\'b. 26, 1G',).S Klkane, of E|)hraim, Feb. 4^ 1728 I^i^'thiah, May 9', 1731 Kpl'i'a'i'i. April 23, 1734 •l:^'"es, April 3, 1737 Ann, Jan. 24. 1741 Experience, of Jonathan, March 10, 1728 ^aiiiiiel, Se))t. 26. 1731 Hannali, July 25, 173G Hulilah, April 5, 1741 Bethiah, of James, June 25, 1780 Dorothy, June 25, 1780 Ebenezer, .June 25, 1780 Hannah, June 25, 1780 Huldah, June 25, 1780 •Tames, J,iue 25, 1780 William, June 25, 1780 Ei)hraim, April 5, 1781 James, of James, July 2, 1825 Asher Ellis, of Ezra, Sept. 9, 1832 Horatio Nelson, Sept. 9, 1832 James- Austin, Sept. 9, 1832 Samuel Egbert, Sept. 9, 1832 Ephraim Wilder, Sept. 9, 1832 William Cari)enter, Sei)t. 9, 1832 Hemilta Smith, Sept. 9, 1832 Ezra Granville, Sept. 9, 1832 FULLER Dorothy, of Samuel. P^ben. Ruth. Samuel. Tian. Elizabeth, of Robert. Josiah. Roliert. Sarah. Obadiah, March 3, 1700 P^zekiel, of Benjamin, Nov. 13, 1698 Benjamin, Dec. 24, 1699 Mary, Dee. 24, 1699 Joshua, June 29. \1Q\-^ Abiel, Jan. 10, 1704-5"^ Joini, of Jtibn, BLay 18, 1707 John. Mary, of Josiah, Jan. 17, 1730-1 Oliver, Dee. 3, 1732 Caleb, March 7, 1736 Noah, March 18, 173s G •GARNZEY Olive, of John, Jan. 6, 1722-3 306 VITAL KKCOED OF EHODE ISLAND. GARXZEY Elizabeth, of John, Solomon, Mary, Patience, Sarah, Amos, Lviiia, of Johu, Jr., Olivei-. Lvdia, William, Hannah, Ruth, .lohn, .Samuel, David. iMary, GLOVEK Dorothy, of Deacon, Elizabeth, of Edward. GRANT Hannah, GREEN Marv, of Meriam, GREENWOOD Hannah, of Thomas, John, P^sther, Elizabeth, Noah. Lydia, of John, Thomas, Lydia, Sarah, Ellizabeth, Elizabeth, Molle, Nathaniel, Bette, Esther, John, Nathaniel, John, Thomas, Jennie, servant of John, Cato. of Jennie, Derick, H HALL Anne, of Daniel, Ang. 18, 1730- HAMMOND William, of Johu, Sept. 10, 1739 AVilliam. Nov. 15, 1739 Chloe Allen, of John, Dec. 5, 1830 Martha, July 9, 1837 Marv, July 9, 1837 Eliza B., of John A., Oct. 2, 1831 George William, April 7, 1833 June 20, 1725- Jan. 27, 172& March 9,1 730-1 April G, 1735 May 25, 1735 A pill 10, 1743 Oct. 28, 1744 Aug. 3, 1746 March 20, 1747 Jan. 2.S, 1749 March 29, 1752 Sept. 1, 1754 June 22, 1760 Dec. 5, 1762 July 22. 1764 3Iay 29, 1768 Aug. 21, 1738 June 24, 1699 Oct. — , 1 727 Feb. 17, 1694 May 31, 1697 Au2. 24, 1701 ApHl 12, 1704 Feb. 6, 1721 April 7, 1723 Feb. 9. 1 723-4 :\Iarch 28, 1725 July 24, 1726 March 10, 1728 July C, 1729- Sept. 27, 1730 Feb. 13, 1 731-2 May 13, 1733 July 14, 1734 Feb. 15, 1735 Jan. 6, 1739- Ain-il 19, 1741 Jan. 1, 1743 March 11, 1744 M.arch 11, 1744 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — BAPTISMS. 507 HAMMOXI) Susan Himt, of John A., Aug. 2, 1835 John Allen, ji„°e 9, 1839 HAZZAKD Sarah, of Ichaboci, Sept. 18, 1704 HEAL?:Y p:iizal)eUi, wife of Paul. Ebenezer, of Paul. Henry, Jan. 22, 1703-1 P'liiU Jan. 22, 1703-4 Pliebe. Jan. 22, 1703-4 Samuel, Jan. 22, 1703-4 Thomas, Jan. 22, 1703-4 William, Jan. 22, 1703-1 Eliza, Aug. 28, 1704 John, March 24, 1705 Mary Lylstou, April 21, 1892 Arthur Seymour, June 10, 1894 Wallace Alston, May 22, 1892 HORTON Lewis Warner, of Julia B. F., Oct. 6, 1861 508 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. HORTON Alice H., of Julia B. F., July 6, 1690' HOYT Margaiet Ann, of Franklin, March 2, 1843 Sarah Marvel, March 2, 1843 HUMPHHEY Sarah, of John, Jan. 16, 1725 John, Aug. 13, 1727 Abi-11, of John, April 12, 1755 Daniel, Aug. 7, 1757 Epliraim, Sept. 13, 1767 Jlyrtle, Sept. 13, 1767 Sarah, Sept. 13, 1767 Lydia, Sept. 27, 1767 HUNT Rehcceah, of Knock, Feh. 2, 1695 Judeth, of John, May 12, 1695 Harriet, July 18, 1697 Martha, Aug. 29, 1703 TaliitUa, of Benjamin, Sept. — , 1697 Sibil, " Sept. — , 1697 Peter, .Alareh 21), 1698 Anna, of Peler. July 22, 1722 Martha, Oct. 21, 1725 Dorothy, of Daniel, Oct. — , 1720 Reheceaii, • July 4, 1725 Oliver, Oct. 29, 1725 Prescilla, Oct. 3, 1727 Bette, Juue 10, 1743 Molle, June 19, 1743 Lucy, April 15, 1744 Daniel, JMarch 16, 1744 Oliver, Mav 22, 1748 William, July 2, 1749 Joseph Whiten, Oct. 13, 1750 Hannah, of John, May 7, 1732 Isaiah, May 7, 1732 John, May 7, 1732 Sarah, May 7, 1732 Simeon, , May 7, 1732 Susannah, " May 7, 1732 Molle, March 25, 1733 Rclieckah, of P^ihraim, Dec. IH, 1737 Kphraim, March 26, 1749 Oliver, of Oliver, Juue 24, 1753 Elizabeth, of L. Edward Livingstone, Aug. 2, 1835 Eliza Carpenter, July 9, 1837 Mary Ide, of Daniel, Julv 9, 1837 Henry H., Feb. 4, 1840 Mary Ide, Oct. 4, 1841 Jolui Bucklin, Juue 12, 1842 Peter, June 4, 1844 Horatio Allen, Nov. 14, 1847 Cloe, of Martha, Dec. 23, 1740 AVilliam C, of Livingstone, Oct. 4, 1841 Martha Jane, June 4, 1844 John Newton, ,1845 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— BAPTISMS. oOD HUNT Tlieodore Frelinghuysou, of Livingstone, June 21, 1846 IDE Ensign, servant of Andrew. Jacob. Nat, of Jacob. Saraii. Eben, of Jolin. Patience . Sarali. Experience, of Tim, Radial, Josiah, Daniel, Benjamin, of Nicholas, Niciiol.ns, Samuel, Elizalictli, of Josiali, Daniel, Josiali, jMary, Betliiah, Huldali, Iluldali, P^lizabetli, Hannah, Hannah, of Daniel, Radial, Jonathan, Ezra, Peleg, of Timothy, Dolly. Esth'er, Leaffe, John, of Icliabod, Molle, Sarah, Ellnathaii, Olive, of Timothy, Jr., Timothy, Arae, Henry Abell, of Timothy, Timothy Finney, Althea Tiffany, of William T., P"rank Angnstus, Henry Stone, Sarali Waterman, AValter Everett, William Titfauy, Eva Thompson, Howard Evans, Anna Lucinda, Timothy Finney, of Henry A., July — , 1G96 July -, , 1G96 Dec. 4, 1G98 Julv 14, , 1701 March 24, 170O March 24, . 170O June 8, , 1701 June G, 1725 June 17, 1726 Oct. 20. 1728 Jan. 3, 1 730-1 July 1, , 1750 June 30, 1751 Sept. 8, 1754 Au2. 7, 1767 April 25, 1762' April 28, 172a Dec. 6, 1730- Aug. 5, 1733 March 14, 1 736-7 Feb. 13, 1 731-2 Jan. 12, 1745 ]\Iardi (i. 1747 Feb. 18, 1749' Oct. 28, 1744 Oct. 28, 1744 Oct. 2M, 1744 Aug. 31, 174G Marcii 2, 1745 Sept. 9, 1753 July 7, 1751 Sept. 9, 1832 Sept. 9, 1832 Nov. 6, 1856. Nov. 6, 1856. Nov. 6, 1856 Nov. 6, 1856 Nov. 6, 1856 Nov. 6, 1853 May 6, 1859' Oct. — , 1859 July 3, 1864 Oct. — , 1859 510 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. INGRAHAM Obadiah, of Israel, Oct. 5, 1600 Joseph, Oct. 27, 170.5 Bennett, June 29, 1707 P4iln-aini, of Joseph, IMav 11, 1701 Jlarv, Mav 9, 1703 Obadiah, of Obadiali, Nov." 12, 1721 William, April 5, 1724 Laura, of Benjamin, Aug. 26, 1722 Jeremiah, April 12, 1724 Job, Mav 1, 1726 Elizabeth, Dec" 6. 1730 Bette, ■ May 13, 1733 JACOB Hannah, of John, John, Samuel, Isaac, Peter, IMary, JACOBS Mary, of Allyn, JKFKKSON Beujamin, of Baufiekl, Jonathan, JEXKS Hannah, JEXNKY, servant of Mr. Greenwood, JILSON Daniel, JOIIXSON Abigail, of Abraham, All)ert Lefnerd, of John, JORDAN James, of James, Ebenezer, JOSLIN Rich, of Henry, Sarah. Bridget. Henry, April — , 1709 K KELTOX Arae, of Thomas, Nov. 2, 1726 KENT Susannah, of Jos., April 24, 1698 Joseph, Jr., March 31, 1723 Samuel, March 14, 1724-5 Elijah, of John. April 7, 1728 Dorothy, May 10, 1730 John, June 1 1, 1732 Nathaniel, • Jan. 12, 1736 Mary, Oct. 11, 1741 Ezekiel, Aug. 12, 1744 Remember, Oct. 12, 1746 Rebeckah, Aug. 31, 1750 Joshua, of Joseph, May 5, 1728 Bethiah, Aug. 2, 1730 Joseph, M.ay 14, 1732 June 28, 1730 April 6, 1732 Sept. 1, 1734 March 4, 1738 May 16, 1742 March 30, 1746 Sept. 4, 1748 Sept. 29, 1706 Sept. 29, 1706 Feb. 28, 1739 April 30, 1730 April 4, 1830 Aug. 26, 1739 Feb. 9, 1890 April — , 1709 May 1, 1709 Julv"28, 1706 Julv 28, 1706 March 16, 1707 NKWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — BAPTISMS. oil KKNT Xatlian, of Joseph, May 5, 1734 Benj. Nathan, Nov. 18, 173;> Bethiah, . Jau. 16, 174;i Sarah, of Ilezckiah, Slarcli 26, 1732 V-zid, j„iv 14, 1734 Kiith, Aiiril 28, 1737 Ilannali, April 20, 17-10 Htzekiah, May 5, 1745 James, of James, June 3, 1739 Noali, June 3, 173',> ^ai-aU, March 24, 1744 , danghter, July 5, 1747 Remember, of Elijah, May 1!*, 1754 Lydia, March 21, 1756 Hannah, Aug. 20, 176i> Eliza Amelia, of Nathauiel, June 4, 180- Aidelia, Aug. 11. 1816 Adeline, April — , 1824 Betsey, Ai)ril — , 1824 Nancy, April — , 1,S24 KNOX'MoUe, of Samuel, April 15, 1744 J>ANE John, of John, Ai)ril 19, 169(7 Benjamin. Feb. 26, 1698. Sarah, ■ Aug. 24, 1701 Nedikiah, Ang. 26, 1703 Elizabeth, July 29, 1705 Ebenezer, July 13, 1707 Amos B., of William R., June 8, 1761 LEK Bethiah, of James, Dec. 5, 1762 Benjamin, of Comfort, Seiit. 10, I7s0 Comfort, Sept. 10, 1780 Ephraim, Sept. 10, 1780 John, Sept. 10, 1780 Lucv, Se|)t. 10, 1780 Nabbey, Sept. 10, 17H0 Policy, Sept. 10, 1780 LEONARD Charles Henry, of Daniel, June 4, 1844 Flora A,, of Daniel H., Oct. — , 1S59 Everett Ehvin, of Johu Henry. July 2, 1882 Fred Ervin, July 2, 1882 Henry Earnest, July 2, 1882 Ida Estilla, July 2, 1882 Sylvester Colvin, July 2, 1882 LINDLEY Barbary, of Thomas, July 22, 1722 Joshua, March 9, 1725. Isaiah, M.arch 16, 1728-9 Josiah, Jan. 9, 1731-2 Anna, of Thomas, Jr., Oct. 2, 1748 Phebe, July 21, 1734 John. Oct. 7, 1759 Josiah, July 26, 1761 512 VITAL KECORD OB' RHODE ISLAND. LINOSEY Harriet, of Samuel, June 6, 1824 Samuel. June 6, 1824 William H., June 6, 1824 John Francis, Jul}' 2, 1825 Edward Fmuey, Aug. 2, 1829 LION Ilanuali, of John. LOVKR Larris, of John, May 30. 1742 U)W Richard, of Richard. Julv (5, 1740 LOWE Eve, of Mrs., Sept.. 1, 1700 Radial, of Samuel, Nov. 1, 1702 LUCKL.\ND Deboraii, daughter of, IMarch 27, 1G1I8 Josiah, son of, March 27, 1C'J8 Martha, daughter of, Blarch 27, 1698 LYON Caleb, of Goodman, April — , 1709 Hannah, of Ebenezer, Nov. 12, 1721 Abigail, of John, March 10, 1722-3 Nathaniel, Dec. 11, 172(3 John, of John. Jr., Oct. 17, 1724 Elizabeth, of Benjamin, Maj' 8, 172(> Deborah, of Caleb, Jan. 20, 1728-9 Benjamin, Jan. ;>, 1730-1 Margaret, July 23, 1732 Caleb, June 30, 1734 William, May 2, 1730 Lemuel, June 4, 1738 William, March 9, 1739 John, March 9, 1739 William, Feb. 28, 1741 Hannah, of Joshua, March 1, 1729-30 Joshua, Jan. 16, 1731-2 Dorothy, May .5. 1734 Elizabeth, M.ay 10, 1730 M MACCARTY Rachal, of Charles, March 1, 1747 Rebecca, March 1, 1747 Susanna. March 1, 1747 MACFARLING Elizabeth, of Daniel, Nov. 7, 1725 Blargaiet, Jan. 21, 1728 MARTIN Mercy, wife of John. Amos, of John, May 15, 1720 Robert, May 15, 1720 Timothy, May 15, 1720 MASON Elizabeth, of Capt., Aug. 27, 1697 John, of Tim, June 28, 1730 Timothy, June 28, 1730 Sibill. " Aug. 23, 1730 Benjamin, April 23, 1732 Mary, of Daniel, July 20, 1735 Nathaniel, of Timothy, Muy 30, 1736 Sibill, March 4, 1738 Moses. Jan. 15, 1736-7 Samuel, Jr., Jan. 15, 1736-7 Daniel, (sic) Feb. 29, 1749 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — BAPTISMS. 513 MATTKSON Lura, MATTHEWS Martha, of John, Titus, MoUe, John, MAXWELL Sarah, of Samuel, Esther, John, Samuel, Jr., of Samuel, MAYO Sarah, of Elisha, Ruth, of Elijah, Epiiraim, of Ephraim. Hannah, MILLER Mercy, of Solomon. Ruth. Eliaabetli, Harriet Shepherd, of Joshua, Oscar Howard, of George, MURRY Abigail, Deliverance, of Daniel, Charles, William, July 3, May 28, Nov. 16, Feb. 28, Aug. 5, Nov. 24, April 12, July 14, Pel). 10, Oct. 5, March 12, 1892 1738 1740 1747 1750 1746 1752 1754 1748 1699 1704 Fob. 23, 1706 Sept. 18, 1704 Nov. 3, 1834 June 7, 1863 Feb. 3, 1722-3 April 28, 1723 Oct. 23, 1726 June 26, 1728-9 N NEGRO Flora, servant of Dea. Newman, Sept. 15, 1745 Jeffrey, of Flora, Sept. 1j, 1745 Roxanna, Sept. 15, 1745 John, Nov. 1, 1747 NEWMAN Bathsheba, of Samuel, July 28. 1694 Sarah, Feb. 2, 1700 Daniel, of Mary, Aug. 1, 1697 Noah, of David, April 27, 1701 Samuel, April 27, 1701 Hannah, Aug. 31, 1701 Margaret, July 28, 1704 Anna, Aug. 26, 1705 Dorothy, of Noah, Nov. 7, 1724 , Jan. 29, 1726 Bathsheba, April 27, 1721 Noah, April 25, 1739 Lydia, June 24, 1733 Bathsheba, Nov. 28, 1736 David, of Samuel, Jr., Jan. 17, 1730-1 Jesse, Jan. 17, 1730-1 Sarah, Julys, 1733 Jan. 11, 1736 March 25, 1738 1 Samuel, David, of John, May 5, 1734 John, May 1, 1737 Sarah, April 12, 1741 Abigail, April 17, 1743 Lydia, March 9, 1745 -John, Sept. 25, 1747 514 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. XEWSON Mercy, of Leonard, Nov. 19, 1699' Maiv, Au£. 2, 1702 NICHOLSON Robert, of Francis, Mav 5, 1723 Sarah, Oct. 10, 1724 NOX Sarah, of Samuel, Feb. 24, 1744 o OFFEE Scipeo, July 2, 1727 ORMSBY Abigail, of .John, March 24, 1722-3 PAGE Sarah, Sept. 26, 1731 PAIN Rebecca, of John, Feb. 17, 1694 Solomon, July 18, 1697 Nathan, Aug. 24, 1701 Gideon, Oct. 10, 1703 Hannah, Nov. 17, 1706 Faith, of Samuel, March 7, 169.3 Noah, April 2.5, 1697 Steiihen, Aug. 6, 1699 p:dward, April 17, 1709 Jonatlian, of Jonathan, Oct. 24, 1724 Noah. Oct. 2, 1726 Darius. Oct. 26, 1729 Samuel, July 13, 173.5 Joseph. Dec. 4, 1737 PALMER James, ofjEleazer, July 12, 1702 Anna, of Humphrey, May 28, 1780 . child, July 21, 1782 PAMER Mercy, of Samuel, Feb. 2, 1700-1 PEABODY , Oct. 19, 1740 PEARSE Mary Blauding, "•"^R July 3, 1892 PECK Jeremiah, of Hezekiah, April 5, 1696 Radial, June 19, 1698 John, Oct. 13, 1700 Pamelia, April 17, 1709 Elizabeth, of Joseph, April o, 1696 Lydia, June 17, 1705 Margaret, Oct. 13, 1706 Daniel, of Joshuiel, April 11, 1697 Esther, April 11, 1697 Ichabod, April 11, 1697 Joshua, April 11, 1697 Solomon, April 11, 1697 Ebenezer, of Joshua, June 14, 1697 Sarah, April 16, 1699 Benjamin, May 26, 1706 Elizabeth, April 17, 1709 Rebeccali, of Japhiah, M.ay 25, 1701 Josiah, of Jelhniel, June 14, 1702 Hannah, of Sg., Aug. 29, 1703. MEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHUBCH— BAPTISMS. 615 PP:CK Ehcnczer, of Nathaniel, Sept. 2'), 1703 Nalhaniel, Sept. 25, 1703 'i"li"iii-is, Sept. 25, 1703 1^'iiii^'l- April 13, 1707 Mehetalilc. Solomon. Ann, of Josiab, May 28, 1704 Stephen, June 14, 1702 Rebeekah, of John, Nov. 19, 1704 Rachal, of Samuel, April 22,' 1705 Rachal, April 13, 1707 Noah, of Noah, July 8, 1705 Hannah. Martha, of Mrs. Elisha, July 14, 170G Joel, of Elisha, July 13, 1707 , daughter. Jernslia. Unice. David, of Nat., April 17, 1709 Jernslia, of Joseph, June 25, 1727 Winchester, June 25, 1727 Peleg-, of Nathaniel, May 31, 1741 Patience, July 2, 1749 Abigail, of Charles, May 9, 1752 Susanna, Aug. 19, 1753 James, May 11, 1773 Lucy, Mav 11, 1773 Peter, ' Jlay 11, 1773 Sarah, May 11, 1773 Sweetin, May 11, 1773 Thomas, May 11, 1773 Jo, (servant of Solomon). PERIN Benjamin, of Jabez, Nov. 19, 1699 PERO (negro). May ('>, 1733 servant of Capt. Carpenter, Jan. 5, 1735 son Christopher, Sept. 14, 1735 daughter Hannah, Sept. 14, 1735 son Sylvester, Sefit. 14, 1735 servant of Mr. Newman, his daughter Phillis, March IG, 1745-6 son Christopher, Sept. 20, 1740 daughter Elisa, Sept. 20, 1746 daughter Sarah, Sept. 20, 1746 son Pero, May 12, 1751 son Sirus, June 10, 1753 son Pero, Mtty 11, 1755 daughter Dinah, May 30, 1756 PERRIN Abigail, of Daniel, April 17, 1709 iSusannah. Daniel. Ezra, of John, ,1720 Rachal, Nov. 4, 1722 Timothv, Dec. 27, 1724 Jesse, " Jan. 29, 1726-7 Elizabeth, " Jan. 5, 1728-9 516 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. PERRIX Rath, of John. Isaac, of Isaac, Nov. 19, 1721 Abiahain, March 3, 1722-3 Aun, Maicli 26, 1727 i:iizabc'th, March 22, 1729-30 Hannah, | Sept. 14, 1735 Daniel, of Daniel, Jr., March 27, 1737 Daniel, of Daniel, Oct. 28, 1739 Pcniiel, of Jesse, April 11, 1751 Daniel, July 30, 1751 Jesse, April 29, 1756 Daniel Ide, April 16, 1758 Ilultlah, June 5, 1760 Glover, May 30, 1762 Edward, Sept. IG, 1764 Calvin, Oct. 19, 1766 K/.i-a, Sept. 18, 1768 Jacol), April 15, 1770- Asa, Sept. 24, 1775 Japheth Bicknell, of Rachal, April 19, 1752 Francis Godfrey, of Thomas, June 12, 1842 Maria Louisa, Nov. 6, 1856 Lucy I., Sept. 11, 1846 PERRY Sarah (Mrs. Nat.), Patience, of Deacon, May 1, 1709 Ichabod, of Josiel, July 1, 1722 Kcziah, Oct. 24, 1724 PvSther, Sept. 3, 1727 ]\Iartha, of Thomas, May 25, 1735 Jemima, May 18, 1740 Thomas, July 18. 1742 Hannah, of Jonathan, July 28, 17ST David, May 7, 1738 Hannah, of Jonah, Dec. 9, 1739 Timothy, of Josiel, Jr., Aug. 30, 1743 Mehitaiile, of Josiel, Oct. 12, 1746 Emmalina, May 12, 1805 Alvali Carpenter, of Samuel, Nov. 3, 1834 Marv Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1834 Ilenry Justin, June 12, 1842 Mary Elizabeth, of Alvah C, Nov. 30, 1862 Amelia U'auchester, May 22, 1892 PETER, negro, IMarch 26, 1749 PETERSON Charles "William, of August AY., July 8, 1888- PROUTTY Sluiball, of Hugh, Nov. 14, 1725 PULLEN Mercy, of M. John, of Nich., William. Matthew, July 22, 1722 Fear, of Jane, Dec. 19, 1738- Joini, of William. , Jan. 3, 1743 Nicholas, ' April 24, 1743 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— BAPTISJIS. 517 PULLKX Molle, of William, jjay 99 174& Q R READ Dan, of Dan. Esther. Abigail, of Daniel. Benaiali. Icliabod. Aaion, of James. Elizabeth. James. Me icy. Siisaniiah. Mercy, ;Mrs. James. Math, of Nath. Sanuiel, of N. Elizabeth, of Israel, An, JoJMi, of John, iMoses, Timotliy, iSarali, Obadiali, Ruth, Josluia, of .Josiali, Jndetli, of I., Thomas, of Thomas. Sarah, Peter, Lois, JSaraii, Ezeidel, of Ezekiel, Kebeckah, Oliver, Joshua, Keziah, Hp[)iizibali, of^Zachariah, IMartha, Knth, He[)lizibah, Epiiraim, of Nat, Ezra, of Natlianiel, Joanna, of Timothy, Timothy, Keziah, 8arali, Daniel, Theodora, Joshna, of^Joseph, Jose|)h, Bette, Rosanna, Benjamin, Mav 12 , 1695 Mav 3 , 1697 Nov." 17 , 1695 M.ay 2t) , 1698 March 24. . 1700 April 11, , 1703 Jan. 13. , 1705 March 27, , 1698 Oct. 5, 1 699 Dec. 10, 1701 Feb. 3, 1 722-3 Jan. 17, 1 724-5 May 31, 1741 June 12, 1743 Nov. 12, 1721 Nov. 3, 1723 April 24, 1726 March 10, 1 728 May 9, 1731 June 3, 1722 Nov. 14, 1724 April 9, 1727 Aug. 2, 1730 May 26, 1723 M.ay 16, 1725 Ang. 25, ■1728 April 30, 1732 Nov. 10, 1735 June 5, 1737 Feb. 13, 1743 Aug. 25, 1745 Jan. 26, i; (28-9 July 15, 1733 Dec. 24, 1738 Dec. 21, 1740 Feb. 12, 1743 518 VITAL RECOED OF KHODE ISLAND. READ Isaiah, of George, Tlionias, Anna, of Obadiah, Sarah, Ruth, Abiel, IMartha, Molle, Ame, Lydia, Fear, Lydia, of Jeremiah, Palicnce, Ri'beekah, Rebeel READ Oliver, of Oliver, .Sept. 9, 1773 ^J''^*^' , , July 18. 1773 Kzra, of Aarou, t.,„ i- i--- ' Jan. 1 ;, 1 , / o Jan. 17, 1775 Jau. 17, 1775 Matilda, Otis, Joel, Of lunotLy, Jr., j„„. - ,-;,j John, Josiali Pidge, Haclial, Sahrina, Robert, Martha, Jan. 7, 1776 J;in. 7, 17 7(5 Jan. 7, 177t; Jan. 7, 1776 Ana;. 4, 1776 . .^. Dec. 6, 1778 Aaron, ofSnneon, April 25, 1771) ^:>:"t"''^> April -25, 177-J J^l'^'l'^eth, April 2,5, 17 7'J ^^'■"''' April 25, 177il Susannah, April 25, 177',) Hannah, Philip, Xov. lit, 1782 Oeorge Bradford, of Nathaniel, April 25,' 18;i0 Lewis Lafayette. April 25', l.s;;o RE:u'INGTON Euoek, M'lv — 17->') RKN-( )FF Mary, of Phillip, j'jly ,;; 1 7J0 July (;. 1740 ■^«''='l'' Jidv 6, )74(> REYNOLD.S Lydia, of Joseph, Nov.'l7, 1745 RICHARDSON Amos, of John, Nov. 10, 1704 ROBINSON Abigail, of George, :\Iny i-j, ir,:i.> II=ii""ili. Mareii 27," 1698 •^•""es' May 5, 17ii5 Amos, of John, Nov. lii, 1704 f^t-orge, Nov, 111. 1704 *^>'«"'i. Nov. I'J, 1704 ■Sarah, of Jeremiah, Auo'. 28 1726 •^«'"i. Oct 23,' 1726 Ebeuezer, of P^benezer, Jidy 2, 1727 Mehitable, July K), 1727 ?«'':ili. July 16, 1727 Sept. 1, 1734 Nov. 12, 1738 E>zeki Martha, of Jonathan, Alio-. 25, 1728- Rfifii!>l, Apnl 21, 1734 Hannah, Oct. 12, 1730' E:;iizabeth, of Kph, Jan. 16,1731-2 Mary, of Samuel, April 16, 1732' Mehitable, Oct. 7, 1739' Benjamin, Jiilj 1, 1737 Dan, of Benjamin, July 1, 1737 Kzra, July 1, 1737 Anna, Oct, 8, 1738 Waitstill, Sept. 14, 1740 Bette, of Timothy, Feb. 22, 1740 Hannah, " April 29, 1744 Timothy, March 17, 1750 Hannah, of Peter, Jr., June 14. 1741 520 VITAL RECORD Of RHODE ISLAND. ROBINSOX Ebeuezer, of Patrick, Sarah, of Jonathan, Jr., John, Mary. Judith, Obed, Truth, Samuel, David, Ezra, Noah, Hannah B., EOGERSON Robert, of Robert, ROSS Harriet Ehlred, ROUNDS Asa, Sarah A., Susan B., of Sylvanus, ROWLAND Mary. Luette, of Mary, May 22, Oct. 13, .Jan. 4, May 2'J, NoV. 2, April 25, Oct. 9, July 17, Feb. 15, Oct. 21, July 14, Sept. 11, April 17, May 22, Sept. 11, Sept. 11, Oct. 4. 1748 1754 1756 1 757 1760 1762 1763 1765 1767 1769 1771 1846 1757 1892 1846 1846 1840 Mav 1. 1709 s JSABIN Elizabeth, of Israel. Sarah. Mrs. Samuel, James, of James, David, Martha, Abiaail, Hc'phzebeth, Eben, of Samuel, Experience, Grace, Isaac, Samuel, Mercy, Sarah, of Noah, Mrs. Margaret, John, Uriah, of Josiah, William, Mary, Nathaniel, Daniel, Timothy, Elijah, of Ruth, Sarah, of Daniel, Joel, Thomas, Mary, Thomas, of James, Jr., Dollie, Thomas, 13, 13, 13, 15, 30, April 19, Mav 29, Feb. 12, April 12, June 25, April 10, Aug. 15, Aug. 13, Aug. Aug, Aug, Sept, Sept July 6, May 12, Dec. 20, Dec. 23, Sept. 20, Aug. 30, Nov. 1, Sept. 9, May 3, Aug. 6, Jan. 12, Jan. 12, Nov. 28, Sept. 1, March 27, Aug. 26, 1696 1696 1698 1702 1704 1726 1697 1704 1704 1704 1704 1702 1729 7124 1729 1729 1733 1738 1726 1741 1744 1730 1732 1735 1735 1736 1734 1737 1739 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— BAPTISMS. 521 SABIN John, of Samuel, Ji-., Dec. 19, 173(5 «:T"nel, Oct. 7' 1 739 Noah, of Noaii, Jr., Oct. 8. 1738 Sarah, July 97, 1740 SALISBURY Deborah, Sent. 9, 1736 SHELDON Beiiaiah, of Bcnjaiuiu, Fel). 16, 1745 ^:>rali' Jan. 11, 1746 SHICPHERD Sarah, April 16, 1699 SIIEPHERDSON Elizabeth, of Nath. aiary. Mrs. Jolin, Fel>. 21, 1697 John, of John, April 17, 1709 SIIEHRY (negro). May 14, 1732 SHOREY Sarah, of Miles, .Sept. 2, 1733 John April 11, 1736 -lacob, July 30, 1738 , daughter, Aug. 10, 1740 MoUe, Oct. 2, 1743 Miles, Feb. 19, 1745 David, May 1, 1748 Hannah, June 3, 1750 John Winn, of John, Aug. 16, 1840 SMITH Esther, of Dr. Jaracs, of James. Deliverance, of John, Feb. 5, 1697 Nathaniel. Feb. 5, 1697 ]5athsheba, " June 19, 1698 Johanna. John, June 8, 1701 Jonathan, Julv 15, 1703 Elizabeth, of .Joshua, Fe'b. 5, 1697 Henry, Feb. 5, 1697 Joshua, Feb. 5, 1697 Rcbeckah, Feb. 5, 1697 Abigail, of Dauitl, May 25, 1701 Freelove. Blay 25, 1701 Daniel, March 29, 1702 Solomon, Feb. 18, 1704-5 Nut, April 17, 1709 Comfort, Feb. 2, 1723-4 Mary, June 7, 1724 Daniel, July 6, 1729 Ebeu, of P^beuezer, Aug. 27, 1704 Eben, of Ebeu, March 17, 1705 Abigail, April 17, 1709 Prescilla (Mrs. Ebeu), July 13, 1707 Hannah, of Newman, March 26, 1727 Priscilla, of Solomon, Mav 3, 1730 Abigail, May' 16, 1731 Solomon, July 28, 1734 Ebeuezer, July 25, 1736 Bette, Oct. 8, 1738 Lydia, March 29, 1741 :Luke, Oct. 17, 1742 522 VITAL KECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. SMITH Abiel, of David, Sept. 26, 1731 Anna, Jan. 9, 1731-2 Judith, of Daniel, Jr., April 16, 1732 Freelove, Oct. 2, 1743 Raclial, of Daniel, Jan. 18, 1736 Benjamin, April 16, 1738, Oct. 28, 1739 Samuel, of Samnel, March 21, 1741 ^^oah, Aug. 25, 1745 Amos, Oct. 9, 1748 Henry, Aug. 17, 1755 Jndeth, July 3, 1757 Matthew, cffPriscilla, June 7, 1754 Samnel, of Joshua, May 29, 1757 Comfort Carpenter, of Matthias, Oct. 18, 1761 Charlotte, May 6. 1764 Sarah Alice, of Charles, Feb. 3, 1889 JMinnie, Dec. 6, 1891 Robert Albert, Dec. 6, 1891 Tiiomas Henry, Jan. 4, 1894 SPRING Sarah, of Ephruitu, Oct. 18, 1730 Ephraira, Aug. 4, 1734 Thomas, of M., June 5, 1737 STEAD Mercy. Feb. 23, 1748 STRATTON David, of Richard, April 18, 1725 James, April is, 1725 Richard, . April 18, 1725 John, June 19, 1726 STREETER Elizabeth, of John, M.ayl9, 1706 James, May 4, 1707 J^lizabeth. Jemima (Mrs. James), June 3, 1739 Esther, of James, June 10, 1739 Jemima, June 10, 1739 Jonathan, June 10, 1739 James, ' Sept. 6, 1741 SUTTON Jerusha, of Robert, Jan. 6, 1739 Rebeckah, March 23, 1739 son, July 27, 1740 Mrs., April 10, 1842 SWEETING Rachal (Mrs. John), Jan. 9, 1731-2 John, of John, July 11, 1732 MoUe, July 11, 1732 Rachal, July 11, 1732 Thomas, Nov. 12, 1732 Susanna, April 20, 1735 T THIRSTON Mary, of David, July 7, 1723^ THURBER Jonathan, July 28, 1695 THURSTON Samuel, of David, Nov. 24, 1746 Patience, July 12, 1747 Alethea, of David, Jr., June 9, 1748- NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHUKCH— BAPTISMS. 523 THURSTON Obed, of James, March 31, 1751 Phebe, May 4, 1755 Mary, April 13, 17G0 David, June 20, 1762 Hiildah, June 20, 1762 Abigail, May 20, 1764 Susanna, May 20, 1764 TIFFANY Ruth, of Eleazer, May 24, 1730 TINGLFY Samuel. Elijah, of Tho. Ephraim. Tho. Tim. Esther, of Tliom, April 17, 1709 TITUS Jonah, of James. Noah, of Joseph, May 29, 1696 Martha, Jan. 15, 1698 Lvdia, Sept. 19, 1703 Abijali, Dec. s, 1706 Kez'iah, May 5, 1723 Jane, March 14, 1724-5 Elizabeth (Mrs. Samuel), June 30, 1699 Abigail, of Samuel, June 30, 1699 Elizabeth, ' June 30, 1 699 John, Aug. 26. 1703 Margaret, of Benjamin, July U 1722 Mercy, ' Feb. 13, 1725-6 Hephzibah, March 22, 1729-30 Benjamin, Dec. 28, 1735 Theodosia, July 20, 1740 Lydia, of Timothy, June 6, 1725 Nathaniel, J""e 6, 1725 Timothy, June 6, 1725 Hezekiah, March 26, 1727 Patience, May 31, 1730 Abijah, of Joseph, Jr., Dec. 18, 1726 Leah March 9, 1728-9 Isabel, May 9, 1730 Zerniah, of Abijah, May — , 1 729 Anne, of Alethea, Jan. 28, 1732 Judeth, of Jonah, Nov. 23, 1/3-3 Comfort, of Eben, Nov. 29, 1741 John, Nov. 29, 1741 Silvauus, April 22, 1744 Joel, of Josiah, Aug. 24, 1740 Noah, of Michael, fsept. 7, 1/40 Senix, J""^ ^' ^^"^^ Samuel, of Nathaniel, Oct. 10, 1742 Nathaniel, Sept. 9, 1744 Desire, of Hezekiah, J^b' l'- 1^/0 Ruhamah. July 1,1^/0 TRIPP James, Dec. 8, 1/4J U V VIALL Hannah, of Eus. 524 VITAL RECORD OF RHODE ISLAND. ^'lALL Samuel, of Samuel. Tliouias, of Beiijamiu. .lolin, " March 10, 1704 Francis, Sept. 80, 1704 Nathaniel, Kov. 11, 170.T Josiah, Aiu-il :.'l, 1728 Benjamin, of Jonathan. Constant, July 18, 1707 James, Aug. 14, 1701 Jo.seph. Jolni, of James, Aug;. 18, 1728 VlC4vEUY Abuer, of George, Sept. G, 1741 James, Sejit. C, 1741 VOSE Caroline Matilda, of George A., June 7, 183.5 George B., June 7, 1835 Lydia Davenport, June 2, 1837 w WALKER Caleb, of Ebeu. Doroliiy. Ehzal>etii. Johanna. Kallih, of Sanuiel. Sarah, of W., Jan. 12, 1G05 Esther, of Philip, July 4, 1G'J7 James, July 4, 1697 Philip, July 4, 1697 Mary, Mareh 31, 1700 Jane, March 29, 1702 David, Oct. 13, 1706 Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1702 Nat, Fel). 5, 1703-4 Benjamin, of Carrol, Aug. 2G, 1703 John, of Peter, Nov. 12, 1721 Ilannaii, April 7, 1723 Grace, Jan. 3, 1730-1 Kphraim, Dec. 5, 1736 Mary, of Ephraim, July 28, 1723 Sarah, July 28, 1723 Lydia, June 7, 1724 Amey, March 20, 1725-G E|.hraim, Oct. 6, 1728 Martha, Jan. 4, 1729-30 Freelove, Aug. 29, 1731 Alethea, of Timothy, Dec. 20, 1724 I'nice, Sept. 15, 1728 IMartha, Feb." 18. 1738-9 Eliza, of James, Mareh 27, 1726 Esther, Mareh 27, 1726 James. March 27, 1726 Nathan, March 27, 1726 Daniel, July 24, 1726 Elizabeth, July 20, 1729 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — BAPTISMS. 52.> WALKER Caleb, of Caleb, Aliraliam, Abigail, Abel, Comfort, ]\rary, of Dau, Anna, of Nathaniel, Enos, Xatb'l, Susanna, Epbraini, Anios, Esther, Lewis, Benjamin, Steplien, of Stephen, Levi, Betiiiali, of Ebenczer, ■\Villiani, Dorothy, , of Philip, Philip, Caleb, of Caleb, William, Benjamin, of Enos, ^^^harles, Philip, Enos, Richard, ]Satlian, .Tedediali, Calvin, of John, MoUe, Peter, Elizabetii, of Timothy, Iluidah, l^ydia, Martlia, Timothy, Jesse, of Abraham, Luis, Olive, (^tis, AVilkes, Daniel, Lillian Read, WEDON Caroline, of Goodman, (?) WEDN Altigail, of John, WELD William Johnson, of F. Henry, WHEATON Elizabeth, of Joseph, Benjamin, Ann, WLIISTON David, of David, WHITON Nathaniel, of Jo, April lit, ITIIO Nov. 7, i7;n Feb. 17, 1733-1 May IG, 1736 ISLay 27, 1739 Sept. 6, 1730 Ajiril 1, 1733 April 1, 1733 April 1. 1733 A|iril 1, 1733 JIareli 21, 173(1 May 11, 1740 Oct. 9, 1743 Dec. 1.^, 174.') April 17, 1748 Feb. 23, 173.'> May 17, ]73(> June 30, 174.5 March 29, 1747 Sept. 24, 1749 Ang. — , 171'.» Nov. 3, 17.51 JulvS, 1753 July 8, 1753 Marcli 11, 1754 March 11, 1754- March 11, 1754 Sept. 11, 1756 June 17, 1759 Dee. 28, 1760 Sept. 5, 1762 April 12, 1755 March 13, 1757 July 31, 1760 Aug. 17, 1760 Aug. 17, 1760 Aug. 17, 1760' Aug. 17, 1760' Aug. 17, 1760 Ai)ril 11, 1773. Ai)ril 11, 1773 April 11, 1773. April 11, 1773 April 11, 1773 Aus. 8, 1773 July 3, 1892 May 9, 1703 Sept. 30, 1705 Nov. 14, 1847 March IS, 1721-2 Feb. 16, 1724-5 Jan. 21, 1725 M.ay 14, 1721 Sept. 22, 1745 526 VITAL KECOKD OF EHODE ISLAND. AYHITAKER Daaiel, of Nath. Kebeckali, April 22 Margaret, July 18 Elizaljctb, of Nat, April 24 Experience, April 24 Sarah, April 24 Hannah, • April 27 Anna, June 6 Mary, July 4 William, of Ebeuezer, July 9 Ebenezer, May 2',) Dorothy, Sept. 24 Kzra, April 20 Asa, of Richard, Sept. 17 Olive, Sept. 17 Patience, Sept. 17 Samuel, Sept. 17 George Anson, of Abuer, Aug. 1 Hiram, Aug. 1 Martha C, Aug. 1 "William, Aug. 1 Hiram Augustus, of Hiram, Oct. 28 Charles F., June 8 Charles Henry, Feb. 26 WIGHT Abigail, of John, Sept. 10 Huklah, April G Elijah, Aug. 22 WILLIAMS Sarah, June 24 1698 1703 1698 1698 1698 1701 1736 1736 1746 1748 1749 1752 1780 1780 1780 1780 1830 1830 1830 1830 1860 1861 1866 1738 1740 1742 1699 WILLMARTH Daniel, of Nat. Nat. Blehitable, of Natb. Keziah, of Nath'l, March 4, 1721-2 MoUe, Jan. 17, 1730-1 Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1732 Lydia, of Thomas, April 21, 1723, Nov. 14, 1725 James. May 5, 1728 Ezra, Aug. 2, 1730 Nchemiah, March 25, 1733 Valentine, Jan. 7, 1736-7 Cloe, of Ensign, Oct. 8, 1738 Asa, of John, Jr., Aug. 26, 1746 DoUe, Aug. 26, 1746 John, Aug. 26, 1746 Shubael, Aug. 26, 1746 Levi, of John, Sept. 24, 1749 Ephraira, April 26, 1752 WILLS ON Abigail, of Benjamin. Belleya. Ruth. Rebeckah, April 30, 1701 Benjamin, Nov. 14, 1702 Hannah, Nov. 14, 1702 Jonathan, Nov. 14, 1702 NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— BAPTISMS. 527 WILLSON Elizabeth, Of Benjamin, Ai.<. 4 1706 Samuel, a ?' ]?enja,nin, of Elizabeth, i''"' ~' \ '^ Hnklah, of Natliamel, T.^; o' "^ ' Sarah, of Sa.uel, ^f „ '1; IJ^S Sarah ' ^""'^ ^^' ^'^"^ WOODWARD , of James, ^^et' -' It'? Hannaii, of Samuel. ' '"' John, X YZ Feb. 4, 1721-2 10L^G Elizabeth, of Gideon, March G. 1741 ^"'^«"' March (I, 1741 ^f ""« ' March 6, 1741 """"'■"' July .3, 174.5 ^'^™"^'' Maj- 5, 174.5 Marriages. ABBOTT Osmond II. of Boston aud A;inc Lee Houghton of East Providence, Jinie 18, 1.S85. ABELL Aliigail of Rohohoth aud John Esterbrooks of Wairen, Nov. 5, 1747. Jeremiah of Rehobotli and p:i)ene^.er Luther of Swauiiev, Jan. 20, 1750-1. Dolly of Relioliotli and Ephraim Tiipp of Attleboro, Nov. 20, 1777. Joanna of Rehoboth and David Hatchings, Jr., of Attleboro, Dec. 9, 1779. Caleb aud Eleanor Hodges, both of Rehoboth, Feli. 7, 1791. Preserved and Lnej' Brown, both of Rehobotli, Jan. — , 1794. Lois and Ezra P'rench, Feb. 22, 1814. ADAMS John of Barrington and Martha Hunt, widow, of Rehoboth, March 20, 1745. Horace Willard and Blary Alpheuas Keene, both of Providence, Jan. 5, 1'874. ALBRO William Henry of Providence and Caroline Russell of See- konk, Nov. 11, 18G0. ALDREDGE Hiram and Lucy Cole, both of Seekonk, Jan. 30, 1825. ALGER Susannah of Rehoboth and James Rounds of Providence, April 8, 1762. Freelove and Ichabod Thurlier, both of Rehoboth, April 27, 1775. Nathan aud Jane Triiip, both of Attleboro, Oct. 23, 185G. ALLEN Rebecca of Harrington and Joseph Cole of Rehobotli, Jan. 24, 1722-3. George of Providence and Mary Ashwell (servant) of Rehoboth, June 18, 1735. Jerusha and Robert Sutton, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 13, 1737. George and Sarah Spring, widow, both of Rehoboth, April 9, 1738. Stei)heu and Amie Wheatou, both of Rehoboth, July 22, 1747. Abner and Sarah Heddou, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 25, 1756. Sarah and Ezra Ide, both of Rehoboth, March 17, 1757. Betty and Comfort Peirce, Ijoth of Rehoboth, March 2G, 17G1. Samuel of North Kingstown and Prudence Bullock of Rehoboth, Nov. 5, 1767. Mehitable of Reholioth and Benajah Tucker of Norton, Dec. 13, 1770. Lydia and John French, lioth of Rehoboth, June 6, 1771. Samuel, 2d, aud Susannah Jones, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 31, 1771. Ephraim of Attleboro aud Huldah Brown of Rehoboth, April 20, 1775. 530 VITAL UliCOUD OF iiHODE ISLAND. ALLEN Betsey and David Cole, both of Rehobotli, May 28. 1776. i\[olly of Relioboth aud Thomas Low, a resident. Dee. 3, 1776. Stephen, Jr., and Judeth Gladding, both of Rehobotli, Doc. 19,. 1776. Peleg and Freelove West, tioth of Rehobotli, April 20, 1777. "William and Mary Drown, both of Rehobotli, Jan. 11, 1781. Liic>' of RelK>bolli and Simeon Cole, resident, Feb. 8, 17.S1. John and Fear Read, bulli of Relioboth, Dee. 6, 17.S1. p:;iizabetli of Relioboth and Charles Robinson, resident, Jan. G, 1783. Lewis and Elizabeth Dexter, both of Relioboth, May 1, 1783. Dorothy and Rnfus Tyler, both of Relioboth, Oct. 22, 1787. Bicknell and Sally Bowen, both of Relioboth, ■ , 1790. Samuel of I'rovidence and Hannah Baker of Rehobotli, Dec. 21, 1794. Hannah of Rehobotli and Seth Whitmarsh of Warren, Dec. 18, 1803. Sarah Drown of Rehobotli and John Gregory of Portsmouth, N. H., March 29, 1804. Joseph of Providence and Sally WilliiKuth of Reholiotli, Sept. 2, 1804. John and Polly Allen, both of Relioboth, Nov. 30, 1806. Polly and John Allen, both of Rehobotli, Nov. 30, 1800. Nancy and Samuel Woodward, Feb. 16, liS07. Esek and Laplia Bowen, both of Relioboth, Jan. 20, 1808. Comfort and Olive Read, both of Rehobotli, Feb. 7, 1808. Sarah and George Bowen, both of Rehobotli, Nov. 8, 1808. Benjamin and Hannah Wade, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 24, 1809. Alfred and Lncinda Chatfee, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 29, 1809. Samuel of Walpole and Martha Carpenter of Rehoboth, April 28, 1811. Mercy of Barrington and Charles Medbiiry of Rehoboth, Feb. 2, 1812. James of Barrington and Freelove Goff of Seekonk, Aug. 22, 1813. Betsey and Timolhy Ide, both of Seekonk, April 10, 1814.- Harriet B. of North Providence and Dr. Samuel Wheelock of See- konk, Aug. 21, 1814. Ardelia of Seekonk and Dr. Hervej* Armington of Providence, Dec. 'Id, 1825. Mary A. and Eiiliraim Brown, both of Seekonk. Oct. 19, 1825. Louisa of Seekonk and Joseph Bicknell of Barrington, Dec. 5, 1827. Saraii of Seekonk and Ca|)t. Asaph Bliss of Rehoboth, March 27, 1828. Cornelia of Seekonk and Amos B. Lane of Pawtncket, Feb. 13, 1842. Anne E. and Church Gray. Jr.. both of Seekonk, Feb. 22, 1842. Nathaniel W. and Harriet S. Miller, both of Seekonk, (Jet. 25, 1843. Joseph H. and Sally Peck, both of Seekonk, Marcli 24, 1844. Harriet Newell and Samuel Stephenson, both of Pawtucket, Sept. 11, 1855. John F. and Eliz.ibeth R. Yates, both of Seekonk, Jan. 9, 1856. John R. of Seekonk aud Lvdia Coggeshall of Rehoboth, Julv 4, 1M66. Benajer F. of Warren, Peiin.. aud Hannah L. Allen of Seekonk, Feb. 10, 1867. NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHrilCH — MARRIAGES. i]Sl ALLEN Hannali L. of Seckonk and Beuaiali F. Allen of Waneu, I'cnn., Feb. 10, 18(j7. Lewis Prince and Mabel Read Richardson, both of Providence, Jan. 15, 1882. Lanra French of Seekonk and Nelson Ileiuy Sheldon of Providence. Feb. 12, 1,S82. Laura French of Seekunk and Nelson Henry Sheldon of Smithlield, Feb. 14, 18.S2. ANDERSON Fi-ancis of CHiarlton and Lydia M. Merry of Seekonk, Aug. 16. 1837. Ida and Edward Johnson, both of East Providence, April 1(5, 1886. John Thnrber and Selma Charlotte 15ingtrom, both of East Provi- dence, April 24, 1888. ANGELL Oliver of Providence and Nancy Road of Rchoboth, Jlarch 20, 1808. ANTHONY Joseph T. of Providence and Marv Ann Hunt of See- konk, Aug. 10, 181;-). ANTRUM Darius of Piovidence and Molly Bishop of Rehoboth, Auo-. 27, 1780. APLIN Stephen A. of Providence and Mary W. Viall of Seekonk, Nov. 11, 1831. ARFARDSON Clara and Charles A. ICkland, both of East Providence, Sept. 3, 188(). ARMINGTON John and Ruth Kent, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 11, 17.57. Joseph, Jr., and Debl)e Kent, both of Rehol)Oth, Aug. 23, 1781. Ambrose and Sally Jenckes, both of Rehoboth, May 13, 1804. Abby and David Day, both of Attleboro, Nov. 30, 1809. George and Rebecca Brightman, June 2(), 1814. Dr. Harvey of Providence and Ardelia Allen of Seekonk, Dec. 29, 182.5. Betsey and Thomas IMedbury, June 18, 18-_'6. Emma B. of Seekonk and William IL Foster of Providence, June 12, 1834. William W. of Pawtncket and Elizabeth A. Miller of Seekonk, IMarch 26, 1853. ARMSTRONG Simon and Isabel Wliiteley (servant), lioth of Reho- both, March 13, 1726-7. ARNOLD Mary and William Inglesby, both of Rehoboth, May3, 1722. Polly and George Comstock, both of Seekonk, May 28, 1835. Julia and Daniel W. Ashton, both of Pawtncket, Sept. 22, 1857. Anne Gertrude and Henry Ward Prentice, May 26, 1872. ASHTON Daniel AV. and Julia Arnold, both of "Pawtncket, Sept. 22, 1857. ASHWELL Mary (servant) of Rehoboth and George Allen of Provi- dence, June 18, 1735. ATWOOD Joseph of Dighton and P^lizabcth Carpenter of Rehol)oth, Jan. 17, 1754. Emma (Cooley) and George H. Charlton, both of East Providence, April'-.'O, 1889. AURELL Samuel of Preston and Patience Perry of Rehoboth, June 7, 1739. B BABCOCK George W. of Attlelioro and Mary L. Day of Hebronvillei Sept. 13, 1868. 532 VITAL UECOUD 0\^' RHODE ISLAND. BARIXSON David and ^Martlia Tripp, Jlay 4, 1794. BACON Edward of Attleljoro and Eliz Stanley of Rehobotli, Feb. 17, 1742-3. Adalaide B. and Joshua Lathrop, Jr., both of Seekoiik, Sept. 16, 1.S44. BAGGS Amanda M. uf Providence and George A. Miller of Seekonk, April 12. 185'.t. BAILKY Nanev B. and Comfort M. Bisiiop, both of Pawtncket, Feb. 14, 1856. Arthur Herbert of Watcrtown and Mary Amelia Kiley of Fast Provi- dence, June 8, 1875. BAKER John and Elizabeth Emss, both of Rehoboth, Nov. l.i, 1739. Hannah of Rehoboth and Philip Walker of Providence, March 21, 1749. Elizabeth and James Lee. Iwth of Rehoboth, Dec. 21, 1761. Hannah of Rehoboth and Samuel Allen of Providence, Dec. 21, 1794. ]Mattie A. and Otis French, both of Seekonk, Oct. 21, 1824. Eliza B. and Rolicrt Doughiss, both of Seekonk, Dec. 24, 1826. Sarah D. and Alden Sil)ley, both of Seekonk, Ano;. 26, 1830. Abl)y W. and Raymond T. Bruce, both of SeekonTi, Oct. 23, 1862. p:iiza T. of .Smithtield and John B. Baker of Seekonk, Jan. 24, 1865. John B. of Seekonk and Eliza T. Baker of Sn.ithfield, Jan. 24, 1865. Luther and Sarah .1. X'eagus, both of Providence, Nov. 27, 1867. Susan F. and Charles Orrey McNalley, both of Pawtucket, Jan. 22, 1876. BALDEN Jonathan and Elizal>eth Wiswell, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 8, 1727-8. BALKCOM Elzada and James M. Bisliop, Oct. 26, 1835. BANFORD Sarah H. and Ilezekiah II." Jenckes, both of Seekonk, Aug. 15, 1833. BARBER Joseph and Del)orah Hunt, both of Rehoboth, May 24, 1722. Susanna and Samuel Mason, Jr., l)0lli of Rehoboth, Jan. 12, 1743-4. BARDEEN Iluldali and Zachariah Perry, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 31, 1754. BARDEN Levi and Bethiaii Fauiiton, both of Rehoboth, March 3, 1773. BARKER John, Jr., of St. Jolinsbnrv, Vt., and Ilannuli Ide of Reho- both, Dec. — , 1790. William and Ellen Leonard, both of East Providence, ]\Iarch 15, i.s6i;. BARNES James A. of Providence and Abby N. Bishop of Seekonk, March 22, 1853. BARNEY Jonathan and Ruth Perry, lioth of Rehoboth, Dec. 25, 1777. Martin and Abigail Peck, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 14, 1775. Miller of Swanzov and Jane Sisson Hutson of Rehoboth, Dec. 16, 18114. Martin and Fanny Jenckes, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 12, 1809. Sally and Eliplialet Brown, both of Seekonk, Aug. 9, 1812. Mason of Swanzey and Polly Grant of Seekonk, Oct. 9, 1812. John and Ruth Viall, l)oth of Seekonk, Jan. 9, 1814. Experience P. of Seekonk and Fbenezer Smith of Swanzey, Aug. 17^ 1814. Ruth P. and Albey Kent, both of Seekonk, March 19, 1834. Esther H. and Thomas P. Handy, Feb. 4, 1835. NEWMAN CONGIMCGATIONAL CHUIICII — MAUUl AGES. 533 IBARNF^Y Eliza Latlia and Luiimel Walker, both of Seekonk, Oct. 10, 1841). Isaiah K. of TuLinton and Susan II. Ilauiinoiid of Seckoiik, Nov. 30, 1854. Charles W. and Mar^' E. Westuate, both of Pawtueket, Nov. — , 18.")8. Briant H. and .Sarah .1. Goff. both of Seekoiik, Dec. — , 1858. Anne of Seekonk and William T. Thatcher of Boston, April 20, 1859. James E. of Seekonk and Amanda M. Robinson of Roxbiirv, Mass., Nov. 21, 18G1. Horatio of Seekonk and Ardelia A. Evans of East Providence, Oct. 8, 1862. Horace of Seekonk and Ardelia A. E\ans of East Piovidence Oct. 8, 1802. BARON Aliiiiail of Relioboth and David Bravton of Smitht'ield, June 28, 178l'. BARROWS EHzabeth and John Lindley, both of Hehobolh, Jan. 9, 174.=)-(i. Nehemiah and Hannah Bucklin, both of Ueholioth, Jan. 12, 1718. Luc}- of Reliobolh and Nathan Tingley of Attleboro, Jan. 11,177.".. Sarah and Noah Perry, both of Relioboth, Dec. 15, 1774. Philbrook of Attleboro and Celinda Bnckliu of Rehoboth, Jan. 1, 1778. Comfort of Attleboro and Lucy Brown of Rehoboth, May G, bslO. BARSTOW Margaret (Bairbtow) of Rehoboth and Nalh'l Field of Providence, Dec. 11, 1729. Samuel (Baristow), and Mary Mason, both of Rehoboth, May 29, \7So. Martha and James Kent, both of R. Imbotli, Dec. 30, 17.")G. John (Bairstow) Jr., and Sus.aiaa Carpenter, both of Reholiotli, March 15, 1743-4. Hannah (Baristow) and Daniel Walker, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 1, 1745. George ^Barsto; and Abigail Nason, Ijotli of Rehoboth, ^March 14, 1753. John (Bairsto), 3d, and Jude Carpenter, lioth of Rehol)Oth, Feli. 15, 1757. William (Barsto) of Providence and Bethiah 15rown of Rehoboth, June 10, 1773. Sarah fBasto) and Joseiih JIunro, both of Rehoboth, June 9, 1782. BARTON Sophia of Rehoboth and Charles Williams of Cranston, Jan. 6, 1805. Lydia A. of Franklin, Mass., and William F. Short of Provi- dence, Aug. 23, 18(JG. BATTEY Fergus and Margaret Ghiver. lioth of East Providence, June 29, 1889." BEARS Spencer of Barrington and Lillas Bullock of Rehobioth, Dec. 16, 1773. BEAN William Pitt and Annie Cooke, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 5, 1810. BEBB Michael S. of Rockford, Illinois, and Anna E. Carpenter of E^ast Providence, Feb. 19, 1867. 534 VITAL UKCORD OV KHODE ISLAND. BELKNAP Ciipt. Isanc of Johnston, R. I., and Miranda Brown of Seekonk, Dec. 1, 1X29. BEXCHI.EY Sarah Jane and James Morrison Bonrne, both of Provi- dence, Au'E\VMAX coN(;i;e(;atii)nal ciina/n— mauiuaoks. 535 BISHOP Caroline M. uiiu Josepli X. Ciiiiningliani, hotli of Heckonk, Murch 4, 1840. Abby N. of Seekoiik and James A. Barnos of Pr&viik-ncc, ]\Iareb •22, 1853. Comfort M. and Xatlian B. Bailey, both of Pawtucket, Feb. 14, 18.56. George Clifford of P>a?t Providence and Una Hazard Tliurber of Cen- tral Falls, July 8, BLACKMAN Pliel)e A. and Jolni C. King, lioth of Seekonk, Dec. U's 18.58. BLACKINGTON William of Wrentliani and IMary Winsor of Seekonk, April 20, 1811'. BLAISI)P:LL Mary Almira of Seekonk and William Courtland Brad- ley of East Pi-ovidenee, May 3, 18(;',). BLAKF Mary and Isaiah limit.' both of Rehoboth, Sept. IS, 1746. BLANI)IN(4"Noah and .Martlia Cockier, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Jan. 4,1737-8. Meliitable and John Cooper, botli of Relioliotli, June S, 1744. Betiiiah of Reholioth and Josiah Ide of Attieboro, April 27, 1741). Lncy and Phannel Carpenter, both of Reholxith, May 2.s. 1800. Martha and Kzra Walker, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1), bSDG. AVilliam of Providence and IMarv R. Bullock of Seekonk. Oct. 20, 182".. BLISS Eiibraira and Radial Carpenter, botli of Rehobotli, Dee .., 1723. Elislia and Margaret Newman, botii of Reholioth, April 7, 1726. Samuel, Jr., and Keziah Carpenter, both of Relioboth, June 2, 1757. Capt. Nathaniel and Abigail Subin, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 26, 1775. Jonathan. Jr., and Hannah Kent, both of Rehoboth, March — , 1792. Noah, Jr., and ISIollv Carpenter, April 15, 1792. Rachal and J(jhn Peck, b,.th of Relioboth, Dee. 20, 1S04. James, 3d, of Rehobotli and Obve Jacobs of Seekonk, May S. 1814. Capt. Asaph of Rehoboth and Sarah Allen, of Seekonk, May 27, 1828. Caleb and Lydia Humphrey, both of Seekonk. April 10, 1832. Celia and Hezekiah Kent, lioth of Seekonk, Oct. 2. 1832. Sarali S. and Bradford II. Williams, lioth of Attieboro, June 7, 1849. Noah, Jr., of Rehoboth and .Martha W. Read of Seekonk, April 12, 1852. Caleb E. and .Alarv E. Rucklin, both of East Providence, Aus. 20. 1865. Martha W. of Seekonk and Horace N. Read of Pawtucket, Oct. 16, 1866. Martha W. of Seekonk and Horatio N. Read of Pawtucket. Oct. 16, 1866. BLY Jeremiah of Cumberland and Rebecckah Sutton of Rehoboth. May 6, 1773. BOGERT James II. of Providence and Elizabeth N. Riley of East Providence, Sept. 14, 1887. BOLTON' Mary and Robert Dagsett, both of Seekonk, Feb. 17, 1814. BOND William and M.aggie Alice Duxbury, both of East Providence, July 10, 1H90. B00:MER Eliza Ann B. of Seekonk and Edward Williams of Cumber- land, Nov. 5, 1848. 536 VITAL KECORD OF IIHODE ISLAND. BOHDEX Timothy of Middleboio and Raebal Paine of Rehoboth, Doc. C, 1723. Mali;ida of Rehoboth and Rev. Augustus B. Read of Troy, Mass., Nov. 17, 1824. Nelson C. and Mary Ellen Lake, both of Fall River, May 1, 1873. BOSS Alzada W. and William G. Dexter, both of Smithtield, June 20, 18(56. BOSWORTH Anne Stevens and Charles Elmer Brittain, both of East Providence, May 24, 1892. BOURN Almond O. and Catharine D. Fitts, both of Seekonk", May 6, 1832. Mary of Seckonk and Sylvanns Tyler of Cranston, May 14, 1835. Bebec W. of Seekonk and Gardiner C. Hodges of Altlelioro, Aug. 1, 1836. Celia T. of Seekonk and Col. Ira K. Miller of Attleboro, Sept. 5, 1836. Henrv Orville and Jennie Mason Case, both of Seekonk, Sept. 25, 1860. James Morrison and Sarah Jane Renchlev, both of Providence, Auo-. 18, 1872. Ellen Cutter of East Providence and George Augustus Love of Nor- ton, May 24, 18S0. BOWDEN Samuel Francis and Mary Astella Mowry (Hunter), both of East Providence, June 6, 1892. BOWEX Ebenezer and Anne Newman, both of Rehoboth, June 17, 1724. Daniel and Mehitable Chaflfee, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 31, 1724. Peter and Susanna Kent, both of Rehoboth, March 23, 1726-7. Sarah of Rehoboth and William Whipple of Attleboro, May 9, 1728. Mrs. Sarah and Ephraim Spring, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1729. Mrs. Iluldah and Comfort Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1730. Zerviah of Rehoboth and John Jones, resident, June 25, 1734. Thomas and Hepzabah Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, June 18, 1735. John, Jr., and Mary Read, lioth of Rehoboth, Feb. 5, 1735-6. Urania and .lohu Bush, both of Rehobotli, March 4, 1735-6. Ann, widow, and Richard Boweu, Jr., both of Rehoboth, March 8, 1736-7. Eichard, Jr., and Ann Bowcn, widow, l)oth of Rehoboth, JMarch 8, 1736-7. Urial and Elizabeth Perry, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 12, 1737. Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth Pidge, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1738. Hannah of Rehoboth and Jeremiah Whipple of Attleboro, Feb. 24, 1742-3. F^leazer and Dorothy Newman, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 21, 1743-4. Mrs. Lucy of Reholwth and Joseph Lippitt of Warwick, Feb. 19, 1746-7. "Lidia and Oliver Hunt, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 9, 1747. liette of Rehoboth and Silvester Sweet of Newport, Dee. 11, 1748. John and Hannah Peck, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 17, 1749. Simeon and Mary Newman, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 18, 1750. Sarah and Moses Walker, both of Rehobotli, March 15, 1753. John, Jr., and Sarah Cushing, Iwth of Rehoboth, Oct. 9, 1757. John and SLiry Ormsbee, both of Rehoboth, May 3, 1759. KEW.MAN CONGIIEGATIOXAL ('HUKCIl — MAi;n[ AGES. 537 BOWEN Preseilla ami Xcliemiah Buckliu, liotli of Relioljuth, Dec 4 17(56. Uriel and EsUier Ide, both of Reiioiiuth, Oct. 8, 17(j7. Isaac of Providence and Sarah Whitakei- of Ueholioth, Ai)ril ■'o 17G8. ' ' Joseiih. Jr., and Mary Tucker, hoth of Reholioth, Dec. 20, 1770. Tamer and Aliel Cooper, holh of ReiiolHith, Dee. -20, 1770. Samuel and Avis Hamilton, both of Reliolwth, Jan. 3, 1771. Charles and Susannah Bucklin, both of Relioboth, June 11, 1772. Mary and Squire Ide, liotii of Kehobotii. June 3, 1773. Samuel and Patience Chaffee, April 14, 1774. Sarah and David Cooper, both of Rchoboth, June 14, 1781. Betty and John Pcarce, both of Relioboth, Jan. 5, 1783. Cyrel and Nancy Fisher, both of Relioboth, April 24, 1783. Susan and Chailientine Perry, both of Relioboth, Sept. — , 1785. Sally and Bickncll Allen, both of Relioboth, , 171)0. Caroline Matilda of Relioboth and Amos Read of Attlcboro, March 3, 1805. Sally and Abel Chaffee, both of Reliob:)th, Aug. 23, 1807. IMarllia of Reholioth and Daniel Tliair of North Provitleuce, Aut;-. 30, 1807. "^ Laplia and Esek Allen, both of Relioboth. Jan. 20, 1808. Georoe and Sarah Allen, lioth of Relioboth, Nov. 8, 1808. Martha and William Chaffee, lioth of Relioboth, Dec. 11, 1808. Ephraim and Sarah Munro, both of Reholioth, Nov. 30, 1801). Romela of Seekonk and George 1). Dods of Providence, Nov. 1, 1813. Fanny of Relioboth and Nathan AVMiipple of North Providence, Feb. 17, 1811. Unice of Seekonk and Winthrop Richer of Lime, N. II., Aug. 14, 1814. Caleb and Hannah Short, both of Seekonk, Oct. 16, 1814. Harriet and Lewis Wade, Jr., both of Seekonk, Dec. 1, 1814. Brown and Ann Pulling, l)otli of Seekonk, Aug. '6, 181.5. Susan and James Short Hill, both of Seekonk, Sept. U>, 1815. Lucy anil Thomas Read, Jr., both of Seekonk, Nov. 20, 1815. Richard D. and Sabriiui B. Thayer, both of Seekonk, Jau. 11, 1832. Eliza C. of Seekonk and Horatio N. Pratt of North Providence, Jau. 22, 1832. AViUiain ISI. and Eliza A. Lake, both of Seekonk, Sept. 26, 1833. Amanda F. and Ellery S. Merrell, both of Seekonk, Jan. II, 1837. Nelson and Martha A. Cole, both of Rehoboth, May 1, 1856. Augusta Lemira and William Ellery Rovvand, both of liast Provi- dence, Oct. 15, 1872. BOWERS Benauuel and BIollv Paine, both of Reholioth, Aug. 11, 1777. Mary of Rehoboth and Comfort Jenckes of North Providence, March 23, 1787. Lydia M. of Reholioth and Desetes Day of Attleboro, Nov. U), 1810. Amnion D. and Lucy Parish (Miller), both of East Providence, Sept. 23, 1883. BOZWORTH Joseph and Patience Toogood, both of Reholioth, Blarch 4, 1735-6. rr Juilifh of Rehoboth and Charles Gladding, resident, Feb. 2, 1743-4. 538 VITAL KECUKU Ol'' KHODE ISLAND. BOZWORTII Iluldah (if Rchoboth and Beiijamiu Jacobs of Provi.leuce, Nov. 24, ITl.s. BRADFORD Solomon of Bribtol and Bettev Greenwood of Reboboth, Nov. o, 1749. John and Sarah Dasigett, both of Rehoboth. Nov. 28. 1771. BRADLKY William P. of Stouington, Ct., and Abhy I. Fitts of See- konk, Sept. 29, 1844. "William Courlland of East Providence and Mary Almira Blai&dell of Seikonk, May S, 1869. BRAGG John of AUleboro and F^iinice Pnllen of Rehoboth, April 28, 1743. BRAILEY George E. ai.d Isabella F". Caswell, both of Cumberland, .Alarcb 31, lsf)7. BRA LEY Radial and|ih Cole, both of Reholiotli, March 5, 1776. Russell and Rebeckali Greenwood, both of Rehol)Oth. Aug. \o, 1782. BRAYLEY Nathaniel and Cvnthia Carpenter, both of RehoIiotli, June 4, 177."). BRA:\IAN Mary and John Broker, both of Seekonk, Feb. .i, 1837. BRAYFON ^Villiam of Providence and Sarah Uaggett of Rehoboth, Maj- 7, 1777. David of Smiiiifield and Al)igail Barou of Rehoboth, June 28, 1781. David Anthony, resident of, and Nancy Medbur^' of Rehoboth, June 20, 1812. BRIDGHAM Joseph and Martha Bucklin. both of Rehoboth, Sept. 13, 1700. Sarah and Thomas Paine, ^lay 4, 17.S0. F.ilward Daveniiort and F^lise AVanstrom, lioth of East Providence, Aug. 23, 177C.. BRKiUTMAN Rebecca and George Armingtou, both of Seekonk, June 20, 1814. BRIGGS lumice and Perry Read, Jr., both of Seekonk, F'eb. 2.'), 1816. Susan and Ei)hraim A\'alker, both of Seekonk, April 4, 1852. George and Sarah F>vans, both of Pawtucket, Se[)t. 5, 1858. Fvleazer C. and IMary Rawley, both of Seekonk, .Jan. 5, 1860. Fanny E. and Harrv AV. Rauney, both of F^ast Providence, Nov. 12, 18.S4. BRISTO of Rehoboth and IIaun:ih of Providence (col.), Nov. 24, 1702. BRITTAIN Lucy Maria and .lames Sumner Fitts. both of East Provi- dence, Jan. 14, 188(1. Charles F>lnier and Anne .Stevens Bosworth, both of East Providence, May 24, 1892. BROKER John and Mary Braman, l)otli of Seekonk, Feb. 5, 1837. BROW Ardel.i A. of Seekonk and Lemuel Covington of Providence, M.ay 23, 1806. BROWN William and Rebeckah Follett, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 27, 1725. Cbrlstoijher of Attleboro and Waitstill C)rmsbee of Rehoboth, May 10,1726. William and Ruth Walker, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 10, 1728. Ichabod and Mary Darling, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 9, 1736. Amos and Mary Willmarth, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 14, 1736. James of Barrington and Rebeckah Perrv of Rehoboth, July 27, 1737. NEWMAN CONC:|;1:GATIONAL CI1U1;CH — MAlMtlAGES. 539 BROWN Rctliiali and Elieiiezer Walker, both of Relioboth, Jan. -^G, 1737-8. William of Providence and Sarah Mason of Kehobotb, Nov. -^4 174;]. Ezra and Lidia Wiljninrth, hotli of Reliohoth, April o, 174.5. Nathan and Dorotha Franklin, widow, both of Rehoboth, Oct 1 1747. Mary of Rehoboth and .Joseiih Tur[)iu of Providence, Auf. 17, 1749. Einiicc and Ilezekiah Titns, liotli of Rehoboth, Jan. 31, n.iO-l. Rnth of Rehoboth and Theophilns Williams of Providence, March 16, I7o2. Nathaniel and Hannah limit, botii of Rehoboth, Feb. 12, 17a.'i. Abiel of Cumberland and Abinail Bneklui of Rehoboth, Dec. 25, 17G0. Sarah and Ebenezer Peck, both of Reholioth, .Tan. 5, 17(')4. Samuel and Esther Hueklin, both of Rehol.)Otb, .Jan. .'>, 17G1. Deborah and Edward .Martin, Ijotli of Relioljoth, Dec. 17, 17G7. Rebeekah of Rehoboth and Nathaniel Ilealh of \\'anen, Feli. 18, 17G8. Isaac and Dorothy Paine, both of ReholK.ilh, March 31, 17G8. Amos and Radial Read, both of Rehobotli, April 4, 17G8. John and Esther Caipenter, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 17G8. Chloe and Jonathan Ileddon, both of Rehoboth. April G, 17G',». John and Anne Tinglcy, both residents of Rehoboth, June 18, 1772. Ainey of Reholioth and John Egaels, resident of Providence, Dec. 11, 1772. Retlnah of Reholioth and William P.arto of Providence, Jan. 10, 1773. Hnldah of Rehoboth ami E[iliraiin Allen of Attleboro, April 20, 177.J. Sarah and Braddock Chaffee, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 23, 1781. Dorothy of Reholioth and Caleli Teel of Providence, Ang. 1, 1782. Samuel and Iliildah Hunt, both of Reholioth, Jan. IG, 1783. Anna and IMoses ^^'a!ker, liotli of Rehoboth, April 10, 1783. Morris of Providence and Perniilla Bucklin of Reholioth, N;e\vman (■o.n(;i;K(.:at[un;al chukch— mai:i;ia(;ks. .541 BUCKLIN Puruiilla of Kehohoth and Monis Brown of Provick'iiee, Nov. 12, 17.S7. Benjninin !iii or RHdHi-: inland. CAMP Sarali and Natlmnicl Mcdlmrv, Ixilli of ReIiol)Oth, Oct. 24, 177.'). CA]\IPJ?ELL Cbristiam and Charles A. Hoilon, both of East Provi- donce, Jan. 12, Ifscs. CAPRON Jonatiian and Rebeckah Morse, l)otli of Attltboro, ,Tnne 8, 1727. CARC4ILL , and Ephraini Read, holli of Rehoboth. June (i. 1782. CARPENTER Ezra ami Mrs. Elizabeth Greenwood, Nov. 2.s, 1723. Rachal and Ephraim Bliss, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 5, 1723. IJeihiah and Benjamin Lyon, Jul}' 23, 1724. David and Joanna U'alker, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1724. Hannah and Daniel Ide, both of Rehoboth, Dee. 23, 1724. Hannah and David Thurston, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 18, 1725. Freelove and Amos Chaffee, both of Reholiolh, May 12, 1726. Dorothea and Benjamin Manstield, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 29, 172C. Andrew and Meriam Carpenter, both oi Rehobotli, Oct. 7, 1726. Meriaui and Andrew Carpenter, both of Reholtolh, Oct. 7, 1726. Jal)ez and Mary Hunt, botli of Rehoboth. Feb. 23, 1726-7. Noah and Ruth Follett, liotli of Attleboro, May 22, 1727. fSar.'di and Isaac Follett, both of Attleboro, June 1, 1727. Klizalieth and Israel Pe'jk, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 9, 1727. Mary and Jose])}! Kent, lioth of Rehoboth. Jan. 4. 1727-8. Jaliez and Kezia Carpenter, both of Rehol.ioth, May 9, 1728. Kezia and Jal)ez Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, May 'J, 1728. Edward and Mary Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, May 23, 1728. ]\Iary :\ia\ Edward Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, May 23, 1728. Obadiah and Bethiali Lyon, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 12, 1728. JNIartha of Reholioth and Abraham Jonson of Newport, June 11, 1730. Comfort and Mrs. Iluldali Bowen, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 12. 1730. Kphiaim, Jr., and Zcrviah Carpentei-, both of Rehoboth, May 27, 1731. Zerviaii and Euhraim Carpenter, Jr., both of Rehoboth, .May 27, 1731. Ebenezcr and Susanna Perren, both of Rehoboth, June ■2':^, 17.12. Edmund and Mehitable Cooper, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 1.5, 1732. Jsaiah of .\tlleboro and Alithea Titus, widow, of Rehoboth, Sept. 12, 1731. '\Villiatn and Abigail White, botli of Rehoboth, Sept. 2.'), 1734. yieuhen of Atileboro and Dorothy Wiiittaker of Rehoboth. Nov. 28, 1734. Abigail of Rehoboth and Peter Perren of Woodstock, June 12, 1735. Hejjzabah and Thomas Bowen, both of Rehoboth, June 18, 1735. Fleazer and Elizabeth Warhehl, both of Reholioth, Jan. 28, 1735-6. Jlercy of Rehoboth and Ichab(jd Wisewell of Attleboro, Nov. 9, 1736. Mrs. Deliverance of Rehoboth and Jolm Wright of Bristol, Nov. 16, 1737. Edmund and Rebekah Smith, lioth of Rehoboth, July 27, 1738. Ex[)erieuee and Samuel Smith, lioth of Rehoboth, Jan. 31, 1739-40. Josiah and Iluldah Walker, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 25, 1742. I'^dward, .Ir., and Dorothy Walker, both of Reho!)oth, Dec. 2, 1743. Elisha of Attleboro and Anna Whittaker of Rehoboth, March 15, 1743-4. NEWMAN CUNGliKGATInXAL CHL-l;CH— MAKUIAGKS. 543 CARPKXTER Susanna :md John Hairst.nv, .Ir , l,otli of Reliol,oth, Jliireli 1.), 17-|.")-4. Steplien and Jane 'I'linrston, 1h)11, ,,f Reli,,b(,tli, April 2, 1744 Abinh and Keziali Wilhnarlli, Im.iIi of Reli(Jjotli, Sept. 27 1744 Hnldah, widow, of Ueliobolh, and Peter I'enen of Woodstock, Ct., INIareh 21, 1744-"). Hannah of Hehol.oih and K.Uvaid Uostoii, resident of Ro^linrv, May l.>, 1740. .J Eliphalet and Kioeiovo Chaffee, liotli of lieiiolioth, Nov. -'7, 174(; Maitha and Peter Walker, hoth of Ueliohoth, Dec. 8, 174,S. Martha and Nathan Peek, liotli of Hehohoth, M.aj' 11, 1740. Rcbeckah and John Kent, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 12.' 174',)." John and Anna Read, both of Reholjoth, Nov. 2;!, 174;i. Sarah of Reholioth and Joseph Nash of Providence, May 3, 1 7,-)0. Jabez, Jr., and Abigail Dyer, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 12, 1752. Elislia and Ksllier (Ireenwood, l>()th of Rehoboth, Nov. 7. 1752. and Abigail Walker, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 27, 1753. Mary and John Ren(jff, both of Rehoboth, Dec. G, 1753. Elizabeth of Reliobolh and Joseph Atwoo.l of Dii^hton Jan 17 1754. ElizalK'th and Daniel lineklin, both of Rehoboth, Oet. 31. 1751. Esther and Aaron Walker, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 30, 1755. John and Hethiali Fivnch, both of Rehoboth. March lit, 1755. Abigail, widow, and Nathan Daggett, Jr., b(.ith of Rehoboth, Nov. 5, 1755. Anna, widow, and Amos Ilnrlev of Attlebon., Nov. 11. 1756. Hannah and Aaron Read, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Jan. 25, 1757. Judu and John Bairslow, 3il, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 15, 1757. Keziah aud Sanuiel, Jr., both of Rehoboth. June 2, 1757. Nathaniel and Susannah Read, both . f Rehoboth, Sei)t. 21), 1757. Su.sannah and Nathaniel Chaffee, both of Rehoboth, July 17, 17('.(). Lucy and James Cooper, l)oth of Keholjoth, Dec. 1, 1763. Daniel and Anna Lyon, both of Reholioth, Jan. 5, 1764. Ezekiel and Susannah Horton. both of Rehoboth, IMarch 8, 1764. Asahel and Molly Shorey, l)oth of Rehoboth, Api'il I'J, 1764. Molly of Rehoboth and James Wood of Mt. Ei)hraim. .Sei)t. 17, 1704. Dorothy and Peiuiul Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1708. Peiuiel and Dorothy Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1768. Esther and J(jlni Brown, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 1708. Abishai and Sarah Cooper, both of Rehoboth, Jiaie 10, 1770. J]zra and Esther Read, both of Rehoboth, Dee. 6. 1770. Elizabeth and Anthony Perry, Iioth of Rehoboth, Aug. 20, 1771. Jabez, Jr., of Rehoboth and Molly Lawrence of North Providence,. Dec. 25, 1771. Grace and Otis Peck, both of Rehoboth. Jan. 27, 1773. Esther and William Ingraham, Dec. 2, 1773. Cynthia and Nathaniel Brayley, both of Rehoboth, June 4, 1775. Hannah and Calvin Jacobs, both of Rehoboth, May 28, 1776. PanucI and Molly Hunt, both of Rehoboth, May 8, 1777. Olive of Rehoboth and Samuel Royal Paine, resident, July 10, 1777. Ezekiel and Deborah Scrantou, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 28, 1777. Chloe and Thomas Munro, both of Rehoboth, March 4, 1770. Abel and Hannah Willmarth, June (!, 1770. Hannah and Amaziah Peck, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 30, 1779. 0-14 VITAL i:i<;c<)i;r) of khodk island. CARPENTER Hiildiili of Reliobotli and Jolm Huwkes of Providence, IMsiy 10, 1781. Daniel, Esq., and Olive Tde, both of Reliolioth, March 17, 1783. Susannah and Abel Medbury, both of Rehoboth, Jnne 12, 1783. Abigail and French. .Iv.. both of Rehoboth, Aug. 28, 1788. Ephraini and Sarah Titiib, both of Rehoboth, May 7, 178;i. Benjamin, 2d, and Serviali Carpenter, both of Rehol)Oth, Aiiril — , 17SI1. Serviah and Benjamin Carpenter, 2d, both of Rehoboth, April — , 171)1. Deborah and Leavett Gushing, both of Rehoboth, July 1, 1701. Molly and Noah Bliss, .Jr., April 1,5, 1792. Lncy and D.avid Newman, 2d, both of Rehoboth, April 24, 1704. Betsey and William Hill, lioth of Reholioth, Oct. 31, 180.5. Martha and Samuel Daggett, botii of Rehoboth, Nov. 3, 180."). Lewis and Sarah Read, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 9, 1806. Penuel and Lucy Blanding, both of Rehoboth, ]\Iay 28, 180G. Ebenezer, 2d, au, 1^8.j. CHAPPELL John and Aliniia Grav Clarke, both of Providence, June 23, 1863. CHARLTON Henry W. and Zelinda B. Jacobs, both of Seekonk, March 5, 183,'). Zelinda and William Tniiier, both of .Seekonk, Jan. 1, 1860. George H. and Emma Atwood (Coolev), both of P>ast Providence^ April 20, 1889. CEIASE Darius of Swauzey and Cyntliia Cushing of Rehol)oth, A]Mil 7, 1805. Mary and Richard Carpenter, botli of Reholjotii, Sept. 29, 1808. CHEES Mary of Relioboth and Jacob Frost of Smithflekl, March 4, 1747. CHEEVER Aljigaii of Rehoboth and Richard Henderson of East Greenwich, Nov. 25, 1742. CHURCH Nancy and Francis Read, botli of Seekonk, Aug. 23, 1813, CLAFFLANl) Charles of Attleboro and Eunice Freeman of Rehobotli, Feb, — , 1794. CLAFLEN Alfred P. and Penelope S. Bnrchard, June 13, 1852. CL.A.V James and Lidia Walker, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 9, 1743-4. Sarah of Rehoboth and Eliiihalet Slack, resident, Sept. 19, 1771. CL.-\RK Maiy Jane of Franklin, JIass., and (George Peck Mason of ^Varren, Jan. 3, 1776. John of North Kingstown and Rebecca Handv of Seekonk, Dec. 1, 1834. Almira Gi.iy and John Chappell, both of Providence, June 23, 1763. CLEJMENCE Sarah C. and Tiiomas H. Lawton, both of East Provi- dence, July 3. 1864. CLEMENS Henrv Z. F. and Eldora Viall, both of East Providence, March 22, 1868. CLEMENT Carrie A. and George S. Wilcox, both of East Piovidence, Jan. 27, 1884. COBB Nathaniel of Attleboro and Elizabeth Hill of Rehoboth, Feb, 12, 1729-30. Nathan of Taunton and Esther Dryer of Rehoboth, Jan. 5, 1730-1. COGGE.SHALL Phebe of Seekouk and James Hutchinson of North- ampton, Sept. 14, 1824. Lydia of Rehoboth and John R. Allen of Swauzey, July 4, 1856. COrr Dea. George M. of Bristol ami Clarrissa Carpenter ot Attleboro, Aug. 4, 1853. COLE Joseph of Rehoboth and RebcL-kah Alien of Barrington, Jan, 24, 1722-3, NEWMAN CONGKEGATIOXAL CHUItCH — M A KK I AGES. 54 7 COLE Jolm of Viiluiitovi-n, Ct., and Hannali Newman of Reliobotli> Nov. lo, 174G. AVilli.ini and Molly Greenwood, both of H(4iobotli. Nov. 20, 1747. Simeon and Hannah Daggett, both of Keholioth, July fi, 1749. Anna and Caleb Jlason, "both of Rehoboth, Dee. 6, 1770. ,Tosei)h and Raehal Hraley, both of Reholioth, M.arch 5, 1776. David and Betsey Allen, both of Rehoboth, May 28, 1776. William, Jr., and Hannah Peck, both of Rehoboth, Dec. It, 1779. Phebe and Calvin Walker, both of Rehoboth, Dee. 7, 17S0. Simeon, resident of Reholioth, and Lucv Allen of Rehoboth, Feb. .-(, 17.S1. Noah and Levina Siieeman, both of Rehoboth, July — , 1785. Hannah and .lohn Cole, both of Rehoboth, Dec. I.t, 1805. John. and Hannah Cole, both of Rehoboth, Dee. 15, !805. Sarah of Seekoiik and Russell Munro of Hristol, April 7, 1816. Luey and Hiram Aldredge, bi)th of Seekonk, Jan. 30, 1.S25. Anstressof Seekonk and Kdwanl P. Brownell of Kast Haddnm, Ct., IMay 1, 1826. John II. and Amey Daggett, lioth of Seekonk, May U), 18;i0. Nathaniel. Jr., and Hannah Bishop, Ijoih of Seekonk, April .3, 18:34. Patience E. of Seekonk and Harry H. Dunham of Providence, Nov. 30, 1848. Martha A. and Nelson Howen, both of Rehoboth, ^lay 1, 1856. Nancy H. of Seekonk and James McMellon of Nova Scotia, Sept. 5, l,s5'J. Henry S. of Pawtucket and Annie Lawton of Seekonk, IMay 3, 1868. Lowell Merchant and Sarah Charles Car[)enter, both of Seekonk, Oct. 9, 1895. COLLINS Bridget and Thomas NVard, both of East Providence, June 20, 1868. COMER .John of Smithlield and Nabby Matthews of Rehoboth, Dec. 19, 1776. COMMONS Allan of Atllebord and Esther Read of Relioboth, May 15, 1794. COMSTOCK Sarah and Capt. Lewis Walker, lioth of Seekonk, Dec. 16. 1832. George and Polly Arnold, both of Seekonk, May 2^, 1835. Moses B. and Sally K. Greene, Dec. — , 1836. COOKE Anne and William Pitt Bean, Auij. 5, 1810. Francis of Cumberland and Mary A. Hoyt of Attlelioro, Aug. 6, 1852. COOMAN Joseiih of Providence and Mary Whitakei- of Rehoboth, July 1, 1731. COOMER John, .Fr., and Sarah Perry, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 17, 1809. COOPER Radial and Jonathan Roliiasou, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 25, 1723. Mary of Rehoboth and Samuel Robinson of Atlleboro, Nov. 29, 1726. Ruth and Ilezekiah Kent, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 4, 1727-8. Mebitable and P^dnnind Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 15, 1732. De.1. Samuel and Mary Read, widow, both of Rehoboth, April 26, 1733. 548 VITAL IMCCOKD OF ItHUDE ISLAND. COOPER SaiiuiL'l, Jr., aiA Mc-hitalile Willmartb, both of Rehobotli, Oct. 14, 173(5. jNIaitha, Ji'., niul Noah Blandino', botii of Rehoboth, Jan. 4, 1737-8. Dea. Samuel of Rehobotli aiul Eliza G-rover, widow, of Attlebwo, Aug. 10. 1742. Martha of Rehoboth and Davis Whitnrin of Boston, Ai)iil li*, 1744. John and Melntahle Blanding, both of Rehol)oth, June 8, 1744. Anna and Nathaniel Cooper, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 8, 1740-7. Nathaniel and Anna Cooper, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 8, 174ti-7. James and Lucy Carpent-er, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 1, 17(i.'). Sarah and Abi CURTIS George Hunry arid Miiry I^nliol Ilortoii, l)otli of East Frovi- cli'iice, Sept. 5, l.S8;^. CUSIIIXG Mary and .\athuntelTitii3, both of Keliobolh, JFarch 3, 173'J-40. ^Marsjaiet and .lonalluiii Fieiieh, .li., l.Hitli of Kelioliotli, A[)i-il 7, 17'4S. Sarah and John Bowen, Jr., VkjUi of Rehobolh. Oct. '.•, 17."i7. Ruth and Ezra Kent, Ijolh of Relioboth, Dec. 27, 17r)7. Daniel and Patience Fairlirotiier, both of Rcliol)otli, Sept. 2C, 1769. Leavilt and Deburah Carjienter, l.iolli of Reliolioth, Jnly — , 1791. Cynthia of Reholiolii and Darni.s ('liase of Swanzey, April 7, 180.5. William of Reliobotli and Prescilla Spanlding of Smithlield, Ana;. 28, 1808. Joseph and Sybel Ornisbee, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 23, 1808. Hannah and Saiiuiel Walker, both of Reholioth, Sept. 12, 1810. Caleb and Aiitta Martin, both of Seekonk, Jan. 22, 181,>. Ahneda F. of Seekonk and Capt. Samuel Smith of Trov, Mass., Nov. 27, 1828. D DACi' Mary L. of IIel>ionville and (ieorye W. Babcock of Attleboro, Sept. 13, l.sG.s. DAGGETT Joseph of and .Alargaret Piillen of Bristol, Nov. 2i), 1722. Hopestill and Noah Chaffee, both of Rehoboth, Dec. IG, 172."). Sarah and John Paine, both of Reholtnth, March 1,5, 1743-4. Hannah and Simeon Cole, b"tli of Keli.both, Jnly f Relmboth, Nov. 3. 1805. Preston and Nancy Read, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 23, 180b'. Jesse of Reliobolh and Athena Witherell of Manslield, Nov. 6, 180G. CTilbert of Providence and Eliza Pearee of Rehoboth, April 21, 1811. Robert and Mary Bolton, both of Seekonk, July 17, 1814. Amey and Johirn. Cole, boih of Seekonk, May 19, 1830. George H. and Hannah Murry, both of Seekonk, April 1, 1832. John S. and Joanna Lawton, lioth of Seekonk, Aug. 10, 1843. Caroline A. of Seekonk and John A. Woodworth of Fal! River, Sept. 14, 1848. Fanny Maria and James Bicknell, liotli of Seekonk, .V^iril 15, 1858. 550 VITAL Kl'X'OKI' OF RHOUK ISLAND. DALTON Michael J. and Kliza Murphy, both of Piovideiiee, Aug. 1-t, 1860. DANA Feidinaiul G. ami Sarah J. 'Wheeler, both of Seekonk, Dec. 31, 1.S61. DARLING Mary and leliabod Brown, both of Rehobotii, Sept. 9, 1736. John of Wrentliaiii and Hannah Hcalej' of Kehoboth, May 1, 1740. DA\'ENP()RT Phebe M. of Seekonk and George M. Vose of North Providence, April 24, 1831. DAVIS Martha of North Kingstown and Jonathan Paine, Jr., of Re- hobotii, Nov. 17, 1774. Joini of Kingstown and Martha AValkor of Rehobotii, Feb. 3, 1780. Jol) and Hopostill Daggett, both of Rehobotii, Dee. 20, 1781. Daniel, 2d, and Elizabeth Turner, both of Rehoboth, March 1, 1809. Mary P. of Rehoboth and Charles K. Miller of Seekonk, Julv 23, 1846. John W. of Pi'oviilenee and Lvdia W. Kenvon of North Providence, Sept. 18, ISiJ;'). Patience and Albert G. Peek. Oct. 12, 1857. DAWLKY Mary Amanda of Providence and James P. Jlillerd of See- konk. Dec. 23, 1860. DAY Mordica and Sarah Wedge, lioth of Attleboro, Feb. 28, 1726-7. Ruth of Attleboro and Kphiaiin Ingraham of Norwich, April 26, 1727. David and Ruth Whi|)ple, both of Attleboro, Nov. 7, 1727. Benjamin of Attleboro and Cynthia Kent of Rehoboth, June 30, 180.5. David and Abby Armington, both of Attleboro, Nov. 30, 1809. Desetes of Attleboro and Lydia M. Bowers of Rcholiotli, Nov. 19, 1810. Abiaail of Rehoboth and David Robinson, resident, IMav 27, 1824. DEAN Edward N. of Wethersfield, Vt., and Harriet A. Tyler of Prov- idence, Aug. 21, 1866. DEBLt)IS Mary A. B. and William F. Worthingtou, both of Seekonk, Sept. .J, 1877. DEXTER James of Attleboro and Alethea Walker'of Rehoboth, Aug. 14, 1746. John, Jr., of Cranston, R. I., and Lydia Hunt of Rehoboth, April 3, T7r)6. "Elizabeth and Lewis Allen, both of Rehoboth, May 1, 1783. Henrv II. and Eunice B. Walker, both of Seekonk, Nov. 13, 1828. Amey and Albert B. Short, both of Smilhfield. May 1, 186G. William G. and Alzada W. Boss, both of Smithtield, June 20, 1866. DICKERMAN Charles and Katie Madigan, both of East Providence, March 19, 1870. DODDS Georsre D. of Providence and Pamela Bowen of Seekonk, Nov. 1, 1813. DODGE Edward U. and Sarah J. JNIanning, both of Seekonk, Jan. 22, 1860. DOXNOLEY .John of Pantucket and Anna Ott of East Providence, Aug. 26, 1H89. DOUGLASS Syh-ia Maria and Charles E. Dubois, both of Providence, Jan. 2, 1870. Robert and Eliza B. Baker, both of Seekonk, Dec. 24, 1826. Hiram of North Providence and Lvdia Lake of Seekonk, Nov. 3, 1833. NEW.MAX CONG1;E(;AT1i_)XAL C11LTK(.-K — JIALIUIAOKS. 551 DOUGLASS p:iiz;il)etli F. am) Andrew J. Jolinsoii, both of Provi- dence. March 23, 1862. DOWNKS George and Charlotte radmore, botli of Pleasant View, R. I., July 17, 1.S76. DOYLE Sai'ah .J. and Hiram A. Caiter, both of Pawtncket, Nov. 11, ISfio. DROWN Samu.'l, resident, and Saiah Read of Rehoboth, Oct. 27, 1713. Mary and William Allen, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 11, 17S1. Henrietta and Nehemiah Bneklin, July 23, l.sio. Hannah of Rehoboth and Thomas Perien of Seekonk, Jnnc 12, 1831. ]Mai-y of Pawtueket and John Kent of Seekonk, Juno 4, 18-1."). Martha A. of Seekonk and Ali)heas F. Medbury of Rehoboth, Nov. 1), 1858. DRYER Esther of Rfholioth and Nathan Cobb of Taunton, Jan. ."j, 1730-1. ]\Iarf!;arct and David Perry, both of Rehoboth, Feb. Id, 1743-4. DUBOIS Charles E. and Sylvia Maria Douglass, both of Providence, Jan. 2. 1870. DUDLEY P'riend C. of North I'lovidence and Amey Ide of Seekonk, Dec. 31, 182(i. DUFFE?^ Jane T. ami Henjauiin Haskell, both of Providence, Nov. 11, 18.53. DUNBAR Samuel M. of Seekonk and Sarah Romans of Newport, Sept. 19, 1831. Henry H. of Piovink, Jan. 11, 1844. Mary and William A. Carpenter, both of Seekonk, June 24, 1847. Clara M. and William B. Peneu, botb of Seekonk, Feb. 25, 1880. FROST Jacob of Smithfield and Marv Cliees of Rehoboth, .Alarcb 4, 1747. FULLER Obadiah and Abigail FoUett, both of Attleboro, Oet. 26, 1727. Sarah and Jacob Newell, both of Attleboro, Oct. 26, 1727. Josiali and Mebitable Ormsbee, both of Rehoboth, March 13, 1728-9. I']benezer and Radial Robinson, both of Reholiotli, June I, 1731. Aaron and Betbiah Read, both of Rehoboth. Sept. 1, 1747. Oliver and Sarah Smith, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 26, 1755. Radial and Samuel Lyon, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 18, 1770. Oliver, Jr., of Providence and Elizabeth Roome of Rehoboth, March — , 1793. Cbloe and Jesse Newman, Jr.. both of Reiioboth, Oct. 16, 1803. Elizabeth of Reholiotli and Nathan tUiild of Attleboro, Dec. 18, 1806. Zachariah of Attleboro and Betsey Perry of Rehoboth, Feb. 26, 1809. Thomas of Attleboro and Anne Perry of Rehoboth, May 18, 1809. Hepsabcth and Cyrus Pearce, both of Rehoboth, Oct. l', 1809. Dr. Jacob of Providence and Abigail Paine of Rehoboth, Jan. 27,. 1811. Levi and Mary Peck,;_both of Seekonk, Dec. 11, 1814. NEWMAX COXCillFXiATrOXAL CHr-KCII — MARRIAGES. 555 FULLF:R Medoiii and Simeon C. Watts, liotli of Pawtuckrt, Jnlv 2fi, 1867. G ■GAGE Benjamin and Beltv Ingrahain, liulh of Reliobotli, Seiit. 29, 1774. GARDNER Di-. Julinson of Xorlli Providuuee and Pliebe L. Sisson of Seekonk, .Jnne «, 1829. George T. of Warreu and Harriet N. Viall of Seekonk, Feb. 15, 1835. ' Walter Scott and Ellen .Alain, both of Pawtncket, May 30, 1877. GARFIELD .Jonathan of Attleboro and Mav Read of Rehobolh, April ;», 1764. GARXZET Patience and P^benezer .Jordan, both of Reholjoth, April — , 1742. John, Jr., and Lidia Ilealej', botli of Rehoboth, May 13, 1742. Ann and Ebeiiezer Bishop, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 10, 1747-8. Hannah and Benjamin Mansfield, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 23, 1750. John and Experience Pike, widow, both of Reholjoth, Oct. 21, 1752. Sarah and Mcjses Pike, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 29, 17G1. Amos and Marian Pike, lioth of Rehol)oth, Nov. 15, 1763. Lj'dia and John Jordan, both of Relioboth, Sept. 28, 1709. GAY Mary and Joiiah Saben, lH)th of Rehoboth, Nov. 18, 1724. GEORGE Elizabeth and Moses Read, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 24, 1743. Sarah (col.) and Prince, .servant of Israel Taggart, both of Reho- both, May 7, 1772. GERRISII Susan Butler of Dedham anil Jeremiah Slocnm of Seekonk, Oct. 6, 1814. GILBERT Mary and Jeremiah Wheaton, both of Reholiolh, June 12, 1723. GILL Chloe and John Newman, both of Reholjoth, Dec. 22, 1768. GLADDING Charles, resident, and Judith Bozworth of Reholjoth, Feb. 2, 1743-4. Judith and Stephen Allen, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Dec. 19, 177G. Reuben H. of Pawtncket and Joanna S. L. Wilbur of Seekonk, Dec. 25, 1855. Cvnthia A. and Isaac II. Turner, lioth of Ivxst Providence, Oct. 18, 'l865. GLOVER Edward and Rachal Perren, widow, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 5. 1738. Margaret and Fergus Battey, both of East Providence, June 29, 1889. GOFF Bethany and Ezra French, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 22, 1776. Amos and Hannah Jones, Jjoth of Rehoboth, Aug. 21, 1777. Simeon and Thankfid Jones, Jjoth of Rehoboth, April 16, 1778. William and Isabel [nuraham, both of Reholjoth, Nov. 26, 1782. Rebecca and Nathaniel Smith, 2d, both of Reholjoth, July 22, 1792. Freelove of Seekonk and James Allen of Barrington. Aug. 22, 1813. Jacob of Rehoboth and Sarah A. Keacli of Seekonk, May 30, 1842. Sarah J. of Rehoboth and Biyant H. Barney of Seekonk, , 1858. 556 VITAL KKCOKI) (if KHdDE ISLAND. GOFF Abby Jane of Reliol.ioth nud William H. Kent of East Provi- dence, Sept. 15, 1862. Elieiy L. of Reliobotli and Marv E. Tyrell of East Providence, Feb. •2b, 1886. GOLDEN Bridget of Nortli Providence and Dexter iM. Savage of Cranston, Oct. 4, 18.t7. GOODALE Patience and Jereniiali Read, both of Rehol)Otli, Oct. 18, 173-2. GOODALL and Cynthia Sliorev, botli of Rehobotli, March — , 17il-l. GOODEXOUGH Rev. Smitli B. of Newark, N. J., and Caroline Rus- sell Yates of Seekonk, Ovt. 13, 18.53. CtOODIIUE Marv Ann and Summer Car[)cnler. both of Seekonk, Sept". 25, 1827. GOULD Isaac of Barrington and Elizabeth Bishop of Relioboth, April 29, 1731. John H. and Hnieline Pitcher, both of Pawtucket. Dec. 8, 1828. GRANT Polly of Relioboth and Steiihen Carrof Warren, Oct. 14, 1804. Polly of Seekonk and ^Mason Barney of Swanzey, Nov. 2, 1812. Henry Thomas and Lavira Wilbnr Reynolds, both of Relioboth, Sept. 9, 1773. GRAY Allethea ami David Shorey, both of Relioboth, May 9, 1771. Church and Sally Ide, both of Seekonk, April .i, 1812. Church, Jr., and' Anne E. AUyn, both of Seekonk, Feb. 22, 1842. Abby Maria and Oliver Chaffee, both of Seekonk, Jan. 13, 1848. GREENE Samuel of Brooklield and Oliver Ranger of Relioboth. Dec. 18, 1777. Cynthia and J'hilip Fletcher, both of Seekonk, May 14, 183.5. Sally K. and Moses B. Comstock, both of Seekonk, Dec. — , 1836. Grace and Patience B. Whitaker, both of Seekonk, April 1, 1849. Cynthia and William Slocnm, both of Seekonk, Jan. 5, 18,53. GREENWOOD Mrs. Elizabeth and Ezra Carpenter, Nov. 28. 1723. Lidia, Jr., of Relioboth and Joseiih Revnolds, Jr., of Bristol, Auc. 9, 1744. Molly and William Cole, lioth of Relioboth, Nov. 26, 1747. Daniel of Sutton and Radial Walker of Relioboth, Nov. 15, 1748. Bettey of Relioboth and Solomon Bradford of Bristol, Nov. 5, 1749. Esther and Elislia Carpenter, both of Rehobotli, Nov. 7, 1752. Nathaniel of Relioboth and Freelove Crawford of Providence, May 8, 1755. John, Jr., and Anne Peck, both of Rehobotli, May 25, 1761. Rebcckah and Russell Braley, both of Relioboth, Aug. 15, 1782. GREGORY John of Portsmouth, N. IL, and Sarah Drown Allen of Rehoboth, March 29, 1804. John. Jr., of Boston and Marv B. Whitmaisli of Seekonk, Oct. 6, 1834. GROSS John Vv'. and Sarah W. Hoyt, liotli of Attleboro, July 3, 1853. GROVER Eliza, widow, of Attleboro and Dea. Samuel Cooper of Re- hobotli, Aug. 10, 1742. GUILD Nathan of Attleboro and Elizabeth Fuller of Rehobjth, Dec. 18, 180C. Elias of Douglass and Amey Carpenter of Seekonk, Aug. 16, 1812. GUSTAPSON Augusta of Providence and Peter F. Patterson of Rum- ford, Oct. 5, lt!88. NEWMAX CUNGI:EGAT10XAL CliUKCH — MAirRlAflES. 557 GUYJoliii of Rehobjtli ami Mercy Knight, of Wobiiru, March 21 172.i-ti. ' GUYE Mary and Peter Rollins,, n, Inith of Rehoboth, .Alarch 20, 1739. H HALE Low W. and Al,l>y B. Hawkins, l,ot,h of Warren, xNov. 13 1862. Lydia A. of East Pnjvidenee and Simeon 15. RanishoUoni of Provi- uence, Ajiril U), ISGli. Nellie C. of Ea.-^t Providence and Sanniel J. Dyer of Providence Alav 16, isi;:. ■ HALL Daniel of Dedhaiii and INIaroaret Robinson of ReholHith, Sent. 18, 172'J. Sally of Attleboro and George W. Kent of Rehoboth, Aug. 24, 1828. Albert A. and Mercy I). Ide, both of Seekonk, .Inly 21, r843. HAI\IILT(_)N Avis and Samuel Rouen, both of Rehoboth, .Tan. 3, 1771. HAMMON Esther, widow, of ReJKiboth, and Samuel Maxwell of Providence, Oct. 24, 1745. HAMMOXO William and Sarah Cooiier, both of Rehob .lli, Miy 14, 1 807. John A. and Eliza P.rown, lioth of Seekimk, Se|)t. 17, I.s2s. Samuel and Rosilla Pettes. botli of Seekonk, May 4, 1834. Dr. John A. of Seekonk and Huldah Perry of Rehoboth, April U, 18.54. Susan 11. anil Isaiah K. Harney, both of Seekonk, Nov. ."D, 1,S54. Harriet E. and Eraneis A. Harvey, both of Pawtucket, Dec. 5, 18G6. HANDY Marv A. and Calvin T. Wood, both of Seekonk, Eeb. 4, 1834. Rebecca of Seekonk ai;d Joini C'laik of Xorlh Kinostown, Dee. 1, 18.34. Thomas P. and Esther H. P.arney, Eeb. 4, 1.S35. John of Seekonk and Olive R. Scott of Rhode Island, Oct. 2',), 1852. Erederiek Rich and Elorence Yonni; Cai'penter, Ixitli of P^ast Provi- dence, June 5, l.s;io. HANNAH of Providence ami liiisto of Rehoboth (col.), Nov. 24, 1762. HARDING J:!eazcr of Providence and Aniie Walker of Rehoboth, Oct. 29, 1747. Ruth B. of Seekonk and Artemas Smith of Dunstable, Nov. 15, 1826. HARRINGTON James M. and Susan Catharine Coo[ier, both of See- konk, Jan. 22, 1843. Herbert Lauell and .Susan Eda Spauldiiin;, both of East Providence,. June 29, 1,S91. HARRIS Polly and Samuel Perry, both of Seekonk, June 4, 1814. HART Susannah and .lonathan Ileddon, both of Rehoboth, July 18, 173(!. HASKELL Beniajnin and Jane T. Diiffv, both of Providence, Nov. 11, 1858. HASKINS Elizabeth of Rehoboth and Jlichael Titus of Attleboro, Sept. 6, 173.S. Maiy of Reholioth and J(.>se[ih Titus of New Sherlmrne, April 3, 1746. 658 VITAI, KKCOHli OK UHfiDE ISLAND. HASS Mary of Relioljotli niid John Jones, Jr., of Providence, Sept. 1, 17G-2. HAWKS William of Providence and Luciuda Cooper of Scekonk, April lo, 183;5. OAWKP^ John of Providence and Iliddah Carpenter of Rehobotli, May 10, 1781. HAWKINS David of North Providence and Sarah Hncklin of Reho- both. May 14, 178-2. Jeremiah and Lucv Ann Luther, both of Seekonk, Sept. 12, 183'.>. Ahby B. and Lew'W. Hale both of Warren, Nov. 13, 1862. HAWS Ichabod of Medway and Ruth Williams of Rehobotli. Jan. I'J, 177.5. HAY Mary and Thomas Fielding, both of Providence, Sept. 17, 185'.!. HAYES Zebedee of Providence and Mcrcv Foster of Reholioth, Nov. 23, 17.J0. Emma Ilill and David Brown, Aug. 26, 1.S04. HAYS Jonathan and Hannah nil!s,"both of Rehobotli, Oct. 15, 1778. HAZARD Robert of Rehoboth and Betsey Johnson of Providence, July 14, 1811. HEALEY Naihaniel and Elizabeth Ingiahaiu, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 28, 1728. Hannah of Rehoboth and John Darling of M'renthain, May 1, 1740. Lyilia and John (Jarnzey, bolh of Rehoboth, May 13, 1742. Nancy R. of Seekonk and William Wheaton of Swanzey, April 6, 1820. Welcome T. of Seekonk and Lydia T\umro of Rehoboth, Juno !', 1840. Alonzo of Rehol)oth and Mary E. Case of Seekonk, Sept. 21, 1862. HEATH Nathaniel of Warreu and Rebeckali Brown of Rehoboth, Feb. 18. 1708. Samuel and Hepsey Willmarth, both residents of Attleboro, March 1. 1809. HEDDON Jonathan and Susannah Halt, both of Reholioth, Julv 18, 1736. Edward of Rowley and Radial Saben of Rehoboth, June 18, 1741. Sarah and Abner Allen, both of Rehobotli, Nov. 25, 1750. Jonathan and Chloe Brown, both of Rehoboth, April 0, 1769. HEDLEY Lydia J. and Charles H. Cummings, both of Seekonk, Jan. 1, 1860. HENDERSON Richard of East Green 'vich and Abigail Cheever of Re- hoboth, Nov. 25, 1742. HERX'EY Francis A. and Harriet F. Hammond, both of Pawtucket, Dec. .5, 1806. HICKS Sarah K. of Rehoboth and .loliii W. Ilumplirey of Seekonk, Sept. 22, 1872. Saladine and Lilian Leslie LeClais, both of Providence, March 25, 1896. HILL Elizabeth of Rehobotii and Nathaniel Cobb of Attleboro, Feb. 12, 1729-30. John and Lidia Kendrick, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 23, 1729-30. William and Betsey Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 31, 1805. Amey of Rehoboth and John Soloman of St. Thomas, W. I., Aug. 28* 1808. NEWMAN CUNGUEGATIO-NAL Cli rilCU — .M AKKIAUK.S. 559 HILL Oliver IL of Sterling, Ct., audJiilia A. Oiinsbee of Seekoiik, May .'), 1S44. Martin V. and Adaline Luther, both of Seekonk, July 8, 18(50. Francis LovcU and Mary Blanding Pearce, both of Kast Providence, Sept. 25, 1872. HILLS Phebe and Thomas Lindley, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Nov. lis, 1742. Benjamin and Klizabeth Ide. both of Keholioth, July 11, 174,5. James and Kmiice Walker, both of Heholioth, May 11, 174',». Sanniel and Mary Bucklin, both of Kehol)oth, Jlarch 24, 1752. Elizabeth, widow, and John Smith, May 27, 1755. David and Kebeekah Peirce, both of Keboboth, Marcii 31, 1708. Hannah and Jonathan Ha\es, both of Uehoboth, Oct. 15, 1778. HINCKLEY John of Ba\nstal4e and Hannah Ide of Keholioth, Dec. 4, 1777. Polly and Earl Biicklin, botli of Keholioth, Nov. 2, 181(1. HODGES Daniel of Norton and Eloiia Shepardson of Kehoboth, March 12, 17«7. Elona and Caleb Aliell, both of Kehoboth, Feb. 7, 171)1. Eleona of Keboli(jlii and Lee Leonard of Taunton, July 30. 1810. Gardner C. of Attleboio and Bebee W. Bourne of Scekonk, Aug. 1, 183G. HOLBROOK Sanniel E. of Wrcnlhnm and Sophia L. Peck of See- konk. May ID, 1834. ]Mary Jane and Henry Carpenter, b<,)th of Attleboro, Oct. 4, 1855. Franklin Peirce of Seekonk and Jose|)hine Sears of Attleboro. Aug. 25, 1872. HOLMES Wallace A. and Johanna i^I. Johnson, Iioth of Kumford, June G, 1888. HOOPER Henry of Lyndon, Vt., and 1 )elle Walker of Kehoboth, April 7, 1803. HOPKINS Slartha of Seekonk and James Wheaton of Providence, Feb. 12, 1815. Sarah o) Cunilieilaiid and Thomas ^Valicer of Pawtucket, Sept. 11, 1859. Eliza A. of Pawtucket and Grafton Sears of South Dennis, Jan. 25, 1865. Harriet J. and John B. Peck, both of Pawtucket, Sept. 22, LSOG. Spencer Bi-ayton and JIalissa Ann Myers, botli of Providence, Feb. 25, 187G.' HORLEY Amos of Attleboro and Anna Cari)entei-, widow, of Keho- both, Nov. 1 1, 1756. IIORTON Susannah and Ezekiel Carpenter, both of Kehoboth, JIarcb 8, 1764. Anthony B. and Nancy M. Nichols, both of Seekonk, Jan. 9, 1859.- Frank W. and Emily A. Mason, iioth of P^ast Providence. May 1, 18G7. Charles A. and Chrisfianiana Camiibell, both of East Providence, Jan. 12, 1868. Nellie Frances (Allen) of Pawtucket and Joseph il. West of See- konk, Aiiril 28, 1881. Nellie F. of Pawtucket and Joseph M. West of Seekonk, xipril 28, 1881. 560 \'n'Al/ RECORD OF IMIODi; ISLAND. HOKTUX Mary Isabel aiul George Henry Curlis, both of East Prov- idence, Sept. 15. 1888. Edward H. and Nellie K. Cunningliani, bulk of East Providence, Nov. 27. 1888. HOUGHTON Anne Lee of East Providence and Ormoiul II. Abbott of Boston, June 18, 1885. HOUSE John of Providence and Mary Mason of Rehoboth, Nov. 26, 1723. HOVEY William of Noitli Providence and Aiuev Peck of Rehoboth, M;iy 26, 1811. HOAVES Lucinda and Henry Fde, both of Seekouk, Nov. 28, 1842. HOWLAND Samuel, Esq., of Bristol and Mrs. Dorothy Hunt of Re- hoboth, June 4, 17 47. HOYT Mary A. of Attlelioro and Francis Cook of Cumberland, Aug. 6, 18.52. Sarah I. and John \V. Gross, both of Attleboro. July 3, 1853. Elizabeth C. of Seekonk and Albert F. 8tai)les of Sniithfield, Sept. 12, 1859. HUMPHREY John, Jr., and Martha Walker, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 24, 1747. Sarah of Rehoboth anoth, March 18, 1741-2. Hannah of Rehoboth and Richard Olnev of Providence, Nov. 11, 1742. Nathaniel of Rehol)oth and Eliz Thomas of Barrington, March 15, 1743-4. "JMarlha, widow, of Rehoboth and John Adams of Barrington, March 20, 1745. Isaiah and Mary Blake, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 18, 1746. Elizabeth and Israel Peck, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 3, 1746. •Oliver and Lidia Boweii, Itoth of Rehoboth, Aug. 9, 1747. .Mrs. Dorothy of Reho))oth and Samuel Howland, Esq., of Bristol, June 4, 1747. .IMartha and Nathaniel Wheatoti, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 29, 1748. Hannah and Nathaniel Brown, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 12, 1755. N'EWJIAN CONCiKEflATlOXAL CIU'KCH — MARRIAGES. 561 HUNT Lyclia of RoliobuUi iiml Jcilin DL'Xter, Jr., of Craiistoii, R. I., Apiil 3, 17i>5. Peter and Meix-y Jacobs, widow, both of Reliobotli, Aug. 2(5, 1756. Ephi-aim of Wreiitham and Kxiierience Chaffee of Rehobotb, Alio-. 5, 1762. Lucy of "Reliobotli and Gideon Jenckes of North Piovidcnce, Dec. .s, 176(i. Isaiah, Jr., and Hannah Shorey, both of Reholjolh, ">l. 1771. .Inditli and Daniel Peiry, both of Relioboth, April 18, 1771. Mollv and Pannel Carpenter, both of llehoboth, May 8, 1777. Natlianiel and Molly Ide, both of Relioboth, Dec. G, 1781. Huldali and Sanniel Hrown, both of Rchobolh, Jan. IG, 17^3. Marv Ann of Seekoiik ami Joseph T. Anthony of Providence, Alio;. 10, 181.5. Saiah I. of Seekoiik and .Joseph C. Riown of Relioboth, .Tniic 11, 1827. Mary A. of Seekonk and Zeiias C. Youiiti of Trov, Mass., Dec. 29, l.i'iO. Livingstone and I-iiliza Carpenter, both of Seekonk, March 17, 1834. Sfaria of Seekonk and Stephen R. Weedeii of Providence, Nov. 25, 1847. Eliza Carpeiiier of Seekonk and .lolhaiii Waterman of l^rovidence, Sept. 5, 18f,0. Mary Elizabeth of Riverside and Edward Kiipfer of Bristol, Jan. 23, 1882. HUTCHINGS David, Jr., of .Vttleborn and Joanna Abell of Rehobotb, Dec. 9, 1779. Dr. ThophikLs and Joanna Paine, iioth of Relioboth, April 14, 1811. HUTCIIINS William and Marian Woodcock, both of Relioboth, Dec. 25, 1722. HUTCHINSON James of Northaniiiton and Phebc Coggeshall of See- konk, Sept. 14, 1824. HUTSON Jane Sisson of Rcholioth and ;Miller Raniey of Swanzey, Dec. 16, 1804. IDE Josiah and Mary Walker, both of Rehobotb, June 18, 1724. Daniel and Hannah Car|)eiiter, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 23, 1724. Mary, widow, of Relioboth and Samuel Robinson of Attleboro, May 4, 1737. Elizabeth and Boniamin Hills, both of Rehobulli, July 11, 1745. Josiaii of Attleboro and Bethiah Blandiiig of Rehoboth, April 27, 1749. Rachal and Jesse Perren, both of Rehoboth, Blay 11, 1749. John and Prescilla Willmarth, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 8, 175K Hannah, widow, and John Lyon, both of Rehoboth, March 27, 1755. John and Patience Lyon, both of Rehoboth, May 5, 1755. Ezra and Sarah Allen. Iioth of Rehoboth, March 17, 1757. Esther and Uriel Bowen, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 8, 1767. Nathaniel and Lydia Newman, both of Rehoboth, Dee. 22, 1768. Leaffee and Ephraim Walker, both of Rehobotb, Dec. 26, 1771. Squire and Mary Bowen, both of Rehoboth, June 3, 1773. Hannah of Rehoboth and John Hinckley of Barnstable, Dee. 4, 1777. 002 VITAL KKCOIU) UF KllUDK ISLAND. IDK Jacob of Attlcluro aul Lvdia Kent of Rehobitli, M:iv 31, 1780. 3Ioll_v and Xathainel Hunt, lioth of R,-liol)otli, Dec. C, 1781. Olive and Daniel Caijifutcr, Es(|., both of Rehobotli, March 17, 1783. Hannah of Reliobo'.li and John Barkei-, Jr., of St. Johnsbnrv, Vt., Dec. — , 1790. Roxsey and Elijah Ormsbee, both of Rehoboth, June 12, 17;)1. Ezra and Lydia Dagiielt, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 29, 1791. Sarah and Willi.'un Ide, both of Rehoboth, Nov. — , 1791. William and Sarah Lie, both of Rehobnth, Nov. — , 1791. Bethany and Ilopkin Rowland, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 13, 1792. Deborah of Rehoboth and James Paine Freeman of Barnstable, 3Iarch 21, 1793. Natiianiel, Jr . and Sarah Ide, both of Rehoboth, March 4, 1S04. Sarah and Nathaniel Me. Jr., both of Reholioth, Maieh 4, 1.SU4. Sally and Clinreh Gray, lioth of Seekonk, April 5, 1812. Elpellett an, 18;;i.5. JAMKS Elvira Rebeec.i of Lincoln and Robert Henry Mann of Paw- tucket, Nov. 14, lis'.ll. JANITZKY lAdia and .Joseph Eugene Osgood, both of Pawtucket, May 11, 1881. JENNIE and Ccazer, (col.), both of Rehoboth, Nov. 29, 1739. JENNIE (mul.) and Pero (eol.), both of Rehoboth, Oct. 23. 1740. JENCKES Gideon of North Providence and Lucy Hunt of Rehoboth, Dec. 8, 17(>(;. Comfort of North Providence and Mary Bowers of Rehoboth, March 23,1787. Sally and Ambrose Armington, both of Reliol)Oth, ^lay 13, 1804. Fanny and Martin Barney, both of Reholtoth, Jan. 12, 1809. Hezekiah H. and Sarah H. Banford, Ijoth of Seekonk, Aug. 15, 1833. Samuel and Eliza S. Bucklin, both of Pavvtucket, May 22, 1834. Theodore W. and Margaret McGinnis, both of Pawtucket, Jan. 13, 18.57. Ella M. of Lincoln and Svlvanus L. Peck of E.itt Providence, Feb. 21, 1884. JENNINGS Lvdia 1?. and Tliomas C. Peckham, both of Suekonk, May 20, 18(10. JERAULD William of North Providence and Adah Bucklin of See- konk, Dec. 8, 1814. Mary N. and Amos A. Tillinghast, liolh of Seekonk, Sept. 14, 1824. Mary Ann and Moses Nelson, both of Seekonk, Oct. 1, 1843. Mary Ardelia and Joseph Slade, both of East Providence, Oct. 8, 1891. JILLSON Daniel of Atlleboro and Leah Bucklin of Rehoboth, June 3, 1742. PvSther Brown and Luther Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, June 14, 1.S07. JOHNS(.)N Betsey of Providence a::d Robert Hazard of Rehoboth, July 14, 1811. John and Betsey Burdick, both of Seekonk, Aug. 28, 1842. Elililia M. and William Francis Field, both of Seekonk, Aug. 5, 18G0. William H. and Georgie A. Berry, both of East Providence, March 4, 1870. Henry Harrison and Lucy Leavitt Wood, both of East Providence, Aug. 19, 1872. Olaf and Johanna Ferren, both of East Providence, Sept. 26, 1875. August and Bengta Olson, both of East Providence, Feb. 15, 1877. 5(34: VITAL KKC3. Sarah of Smitlitield and Alviii Sliaw of New Bedford, Oct. '.), 1856. David of Seekonk and Clara Potter of Newport, Auji'. 21, LSf)'.). diaries Henry and Ida Frances Read, both of East Providence, Nov. l.'i, 1882. KELTON Thomas ami Saiah Walker, both of Kelioboth. Feb. 3, 172.5. KENDRICII Lydia and ,Iohn Hill, Ijoth oi' Koholioth, Feb. 2;i, 172'.)-;ii). Thomas and Lidia IMason, both ol Kelioboth, .Inlv 31, 1714. KENNEDY Marv of lic-holiotli an.l Daniel Taler of Stoneliam. ,lnnc 12, 1771. Sanuiel of North Piovidenee and Lydia \Vcvei- of Ruhoboth, Dee. 8. 1808. KENRICK Hannah of Newton and David Newman of Rchoboth, Oct. 8, IGShJ. KENT Snsanna and Peter Piowen, liolli of Helioljoth, JIaieh 23, 172(;-7. Hezekiali and Unth Cooper, iioth of Rehoboih, .Ian. 4, 1727-8. Joseph and .Mary (':ir|)f nter. botn of Reholioth, .Ian. 4, 1727-8. James and iMartha Kaistow, both of Rehobotli, Dec. ;>(), 17.'i(i. Doiothy of Reliol)Otli and -Jonathan Titu-s of Attieboro, Apiil 4, 1749. John and Rebecca Cariienter, both of Reliobotli, (Jet. 12, 1741). Sarah and Jonathan Robiirson, Jr., both of Kelioboth, June 2-'i, M'f^. Riilh and John Annini^ton, both of Rehobotli, Jan. 11, 17.57. Ezra and Ruth C'lisliintr, both of KeholioUi, Dec. 27, 17;'i7. Josiah of Warren and Elizabeth Bullock of Kehobotli, Ai)ril K), 1707. Lydia of Rehobotli and Jacob Ide of .\ttleboro. May 31, 178(1. Debbe and Joseiih Armiiigton, .Ir., botli of liehobith, Aug. 23, 1781. Elijah and Ji'inima Bncklin, both of K,-lioboth, Feb. — , !7'J2. Ilaniiah and Jonatlian Bliss, .Ir., boih of Rehobotli. March — , 1792. Nathaniel and Elizabeth Read, lioth of Kehobotli, May 29, 1803. Elijah, 2(1, an 1 Sarah Perren. Dec. 1, 1803. Cynthia of Reliobotli and Benjainin Day of Attieboro, June 30, 1805. Cynlhia and .James Ivenfc, both of Reliol)oth, July 10, 180(i. James and Cynthia Kent, both of Kehobotli, .Inly 10, 18()G. Clarrissa and l^Jicnezer Car|>enter, 2d, both of Kehobotli, Aug. 17, 180G. John and Bethiah French, liotli of Rehobotli, April 17, 1808. James and Olive Read, both of Kelioboth. Nov. 27, 1808, Simeon and Betsey Willmarth, both of Rehobotli, April 22, 181ii. Renieiidier, Jr., and Hannah Perren, both of Rehobotli, Dec. 22, 1811. Eliza R. of Rehobotli and .Milloii Freeman of Altlelioro, Oct. 1, 182G. Geor<;e W. of Rehobotli and Sally Hill of Attieboro, Ansj;. 24, 1828. Lucy of Seekouk ami Edwin Tiugley of Attieboro, Sept. 23, 1828. Lntlicr and Mary Salisbury, both of Seekonk, Nov. IG, 1828. Albcy and Knth P. Barney, both of Seekonk, March 19, 1834. Hannah R. and Isaac B. Kent, both of Seekonk, April 20, 1837. Isaac B. and Hannah R. Kent, both of Seekonk, April 20, 1837. Hezokiah and Celia Bliss, both of Seekonk. Oct. 2, 1837. Ainey ¥., and Dexter Car[)enter, both of Seekonk, Apiil 13, 1842. Lewis of Pawtneket and Lydia French of Seekonk, Dec. 28, 1843. 5GG VITAI, ItlCt'DKIi OF KHDDIC ISLAND. KENT Joliii, 2d, of Setkoiik and Slary Drown of Pautucket, June 4, 1845. Adaliue of AUleboro and John Slater Smith of Pawtuc-ket, July 3, 1849. William H. of JCast Piovidence and Abhy Jaue (4off of Rehoboth, Sept. 15, 1862. Ilaniet E. of East Providence and Lucas Vi'. Read of ProvideDce, Sept. 28, 18G8. Rnth Anne and Robert K. Pearce, both of East Providence, June 3, l«(3ii. Mary E. of East Piovidence and Dominick J. Murray of Wheeling, West V\a., Aug. 31.,'.). Edwin T. and Blaria L. Perren, l>oth of Seekonk, Nov. 17, 1870. Alfred Josiah of East Providence and Eliza Kechella Turner of Providence, Nov. 22. 1876. Lucy Molton and Alliert Kavmond Read, both of Seekonk, Nov. 15, 1877. Kussell D. and Abby Viall Lindow (Med bury), both of East Provi- dence, Oct. 28, 1880. KENYON Lydia W. of North Providence and John W. Davis of Prov- idence, Sept. 18, 1855. KERNS JeiHiie and Owen Diamond Flvnn, both of East Providence, Nov. 16, 1892. KIMHALL Rebecca and Caleb Pittsley, liotli of Seekonk, April 4, 1847. KING John C. and Phebe A. Blackmar, both of Seekonk, Dec. 16, 1858. Fredrika Augusta of Providence and George Raynesford McCloud of East Providence, April 13, 1889. Mary Ida and Walter Matteson, l)oth of P^ast Providence, Dec. 21, 1!S89. KNAPP Otis II. of Atlleboro and Ellen W. Cooper of Seekonk, Oct. 30, 1859. Annie Elizabeth of East Providence and Charles Edgar Browu of Brooklyn, N. Y., April 10. 1.S82. KNIGHT Mercy of Woburn and John Gye of Rehoboth, March 21, 1725-6. KNOX Samuel and Sarah Perren, widow, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 21, 1742. KUPFER Edward of Bristol and Mary Elizabeth Hunt of Riverside, Jan. 23, 1882. LAKE Lucinda R. and John R. Stephens, both of Seekonk, Oct. 29, 1.>S12. Clarrissa and Osraan Carpenter, both of Seekonk, Nov. 13, 1828. Eliza A. and William M. Bowen, both of Seekonk, Sept. 26, 1833. Lydia of Seekonk and Hiram Douglass of North Providence, Nov. 3, 1833. Ab' ]M;i bby M. of Seekonk and Tiiomas Rice of Providence, June 28, 1849. [arv Ellen and Nelson C. Borden, both of Fall River, May 1, 1873. NEWMAN n.>Nin;iiGAT10N.\L CIl U UCH — ^I A UI! 1 A( ; KS. 5(37 LANP: Amos H. , 1771. LA WTON Caleb and Rahamah Titn^ both of Reliolioth, March 11, 1 782. Cieorge E. an(), bSlO. Ellen and William Baikcr, both of East Providence, March 15, 1866. LEWLS Abner of Ware and Hein'ictta Walker of Seekouk, Nov. 23, 1831. LINCOLN Zepliauiali G. and Mai'y Hayward Ross, Ii;)th of Seekouk, Feb. 6, 1773. LINDLEY Thomas, Jr., and Phcbe Hills, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 18„ 1742. • Barbara and Obaiiiah lograham, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 0, 1745-6. John and Elizabeth Barrows, both of Reiiobotli, .Jan. S), 1745-6. Mary of Rehoboth and Samuel Read of Attleboro, .June 5, 1746. Hannah and Jk'uajah Sheldon, both of Rehoboth, D(x-. 1, 1768. Joshua and Sarah Sheldon, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 12, 1769. Martha, at present a resident, and Jesse Newman of Rehoboth, July It), 1777. LINDOW Abby Viall (Medi)ury) and Russell D. Kent, both of East Providence, Oct. 28, 1880. 5(38 VITAL i;kcoi:i) of uiioni': island. LIXDSEY Snumel D. aiul Teinpcraiiee Ide. I)0tli of SeL'koiilv, April 2, I8I0. Josepli F. of Troy, Mass., ar.d .Susan M. Ide of Seekonk, .Jan. 1, 18:U). LIND.STRATT Anne Maria and Nils Swanson. both of Providence, April 10, 1889. LIXD.STKOM Mary and Nih Svensou, both of East Piovidence, Oct. .SO, 187.5. LIPPITT Joscpli of Warwick, R. I., and :\Irs. Lucy Bowen of Reho- both, Feb. 19, ITJC-T. LORING Desire and .Saniiiel .Smith, both of Rehobotli. Jan. 23, 1777. LOTHROP Joihua, Jr., and Adalaide B. Bacon, Iwth of Seekonk, Sept. 10, 1844. LUVK Robert of Coventry, R. I., and Aniey Bishop of Rehobotli, Oct. IB, 1760. William of Coventry, K. I., and Susanna Mucarlyof Rehobotli, Nov. 5, 1761. George Augustus of Norton and Ellen Cutler Bourn of East Provi- dence, May 24, 18S(). LOVETT Hannah and John P'oster, Jr., Sept. 7, 1727. Anna of Smithtield and Bcniamin Robinson of Rehobotli, April 4, 17.S4. LO\V Thoiras, a resilient, and Mollv Allen of Rehobotli, Dec. 3. 1776. LOYD Rhoda and Robert Sullen, both of Rehobotli, Sept. 10, 1761. LUNDBER't Nellie Augusta and John Waldnior Luuden, May 18, ].s!»6. LUNDEN John Waldmor and Nellie Augusta Lundberg, May 18, 1896. LUTHER Constant and Waitstill Ingraham, both of Rehobotli, Seiit. ;-!0, 1742. j;benezcr of Swansea and Joanna Abell of Rehobotli, Jan. 20, 17aO-l. Lucy Ann and Jeremiah Hawkins, both of Seekonk, Sept. 12, 1839. Lydui J. and Gustavus B. Peck, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 1. 1858. Adaline and Martin V. Hill, both of Seekonk, July 8, 18R6. Freelove L. of North Providence and William H. Earle of Cohoes Falls, N. Y., April 28, 1867. L"^'()N Benjamin and Bethiah Cariieiiter, July 23, 1724. Bethiah and Oliadiali Carpenter, lioth of Rehoboth, Dec. 12. 1728. Jijshua and Elizabeth Paine, both of Rehoboth, JNIarch 27, 1729. J^lizaiieth and John Perren, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 15, 1742-3. John and Hannah Ide, widow, both of Rehoboth, INIarch 27, 1755. J'alieiice and John Ide, both of Rehoboth, May o, 1755. Anna and Daniel Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 5, 1761. Samuel and Rachal Fuller, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 18, 1770. John of Leicester and Lydia Read of Rehoboth, March — , 1792. Jnileth and Jenkins D. Jones, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 12, 1811. Aniey Ann and Orville Chaffee, both of Seekonk, Oct. 5, 1828. Susan C. and .Sylvanns C. Rounds, both of Seekonk, April 2, 1837. Catharine and Marcena E. Winn, both of Seekonk, July 7, 1839. Celesta of Pawtueket and William Viall of Seekonk, Jan. 1, 1846. INI MAC ARTY Susanna of Rehoboth and William Love of Coventry, R. I.. Nov. 5, 1761. NEWMAN CUNGUEGATIUNAL CIIL'UCII — MAKKIACES. 5(39 MADIGAN Kiltie aiul C'hailus Diekeniian. both of East Providence, March 19, 1870. MAIN EUeu and Walter Scott Gardner, Ijotli of Pawtueket, March 3U, 1S77. MAIR Thomas and Marj' Birtweli, both of East Providence, Sept. IG, 1868. JIAKKER Simeon and 3Iarj' Walkei', both of Rehobotli, Aiiril V.K 1810. MANX Robert Henry of Pawtueket and Elvira Reijecca James, of Liu- cohi, Nov. 14, 1h;ii. MANNING William and Phebe Browncll, both of Providence, Dec. ■>!, 18G9. IMANSFIELl) Benjamin and Dorothea Cariienter, both (jf Rehoboth, Sept. 2;); 17:^(;.' Benjamin and Hannah Garnze}', lioth of Relioboth, Oct. 2.'), 1750. Rntli and Nathaniel Chaffee, .Ir., both of Reholiolh, Oct. l.'i, 1755. Tliomas of Voliintovvn and Susannah Read of Rehobotli, March 1, 171)4. MARCHANT Snsannah and Lott Strange, both of Soekonk, Dec. 12, 1815. Eliza of Pawtncket and Henry Matthews, .li'.. of Yarmouth, Jan. 21, 1849. MARSH Olive of North Providence and Cvrel Peck, Jr., of Rehoboth, Jan. 4, 1809. MARTIN William of Harrington and I'".liza Sweeting of Reliol.ioth, May IG, 1728. Edward and Deborah Brown, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 17, 17G7. Freeborn of Rehoboth and Joseph Robinson, a resident, Feb. 7, 1771. Isaac and Mehitable Peck, both of Reholtoth, April 5, 1781. James of Barrington and Judith Read of Rehobotli, Sc[it. 12, 1782. Asa and Sarah Wyatt, both of Rehoboth, March 13, 178.j. Asa and Sally Turner, both of Rehoboth, May 22, 18U0. Sarah and James Paiue, both of Rehoboth, March 19, 1809. Samuel Perry and Mary Taber, both of Rehoboth, Fel). 24, 1811. Lydia May of SeekoukaiM John Watson, Jr., of Rehoboth, Feb. 24, 1813. Aretta and Caleb Cnsliing, both of Seekonk, Jan. 22, 1.S15. John E. and Marv N. Swift, both of Seekonk, July 8, 1833. George S. of Barrington and Betsey S. Peck of Seekonk, Oct. 21, 1845. MASON Marv of Rehoboth and John House of Providence, Nov. 26, 1723. Mary and Samuel Bari.stow, both of Rehoboth, May 29, 1733. Rebecca and Nathaniel Chaftee, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 12, 1734. Samuel and Fieelove Chaffee, widow, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 27, 1742-3. Sarah of Rehoboth and William Brown of Providence, Nov. 24, 1743. Samuel, Jr., andSusanua Barber, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 12, 1743-4. Lidia and Thomas Kendrick, both of Rehoboth, July 31, 1744. Moses and Mary French, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 24, 1747. Sibel of Rehoboth and Const.ant Viall of Warren, Oct. 8, 1761. ■Caleb and Anna Cole, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 6, 1770. 570 VITAL IIECCIUI) OF KHODE ISLAND. INIASOX Josepli of Pi-ovii'ouce and Susauiia Wood of Keliolioth, Fell. 28, 1771. Sarah of Relioboth and James Reny of Providence, May 31, 1778. James and Nancy Brown, both of Rehobolh, Dee. 3, 1807. Emily A. and Frank W. Horton, both of East Providence, May 1, 18G7. Georsre Peck of Waricn and Marv Jane Clark of Franklin, Mass., Jan. 3. 187G. MATHEWSON Eliza and David Young, both of Seekonk, Jan. 4, 182',). Charles Henry of Pawtucket and Margaret Sherman of Lincoln, Oct. 7, 1791. MATTESOX Joaniiah of Providence and Daniel Whitaker of Reho- bolh, April 21), 1750. Walter and Mary Ida King, both of East Providence, Dec. 21, 1889. MATTHEWS Thomas and Patience Titus, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1728. Bethiaii and Ephraira Turner, both of Rehoboth, June 10. 1773. Nabby of Rehoboth and John Comer of Smithfield, Dec. 19, 1776. Elizabeth and William Sutton, both of Seekonk, Nov. 30, 1837. Ilenrv, Jr., of Yarmouth and Elizabeth Maieliant of Pawtucket, Jan. 21," 1849. MAURAN Joshua of Bariingtou and Aliigail Winsor of Rehoboth, June 7, 180.S. MAXWELL Samuel of Providence and Esther Hammon, widow, of Rehoboth, Oct. 24, 1745. McCLOUD George Raynesford of East Providence and Fredericka Augusta King of Providence, April 13, 1889. McDonald Nancy of Attleboro and Ilenrv L. Joslin of Pawtucket, June 2, 18(;i. McGINNIS IMargaret and Theodore W. Jenckes, both of Pawtucket, Jan. 13, 18.57. McKEON Ezekiel and Elizabeth C. Ide, both of Seekonk, May 2], 1843. Elizabeth of Pawtucket and Joseph C. Miller of Seekonk, Nov. 17, 1844. McLANE William and Mary E. Moultou, both of Attleboro, April 25, 1853. McMELLON James and Nancv R. Cole, both of Seekonk, Sept. 5, 1859. McNALLY Charles Orrcy and Susan F. Baker, both of Pawtucket, June 22, 1876. MEDHURY Nathaniel and Sarah Camp, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 24, 1775. Sarah of Rehoboth and John Frederick Radloff, resident, Dee. 7, 1780. Abel and Susannah Carpenter, liotli of Rehoboth, June 12,1788. Jesse and Elizabeth Mall, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 16, 1810. Charles of Rehoboth and Mercy Allen of Barringtou, Feb. 2, 1812. Nancv of Rehoboth and David Anthony Bra} ton, resident, June 26, i8r2. Thomas and Betsey Armington, both of Seekonk, June 18, 1826. William T. and Lncy A. Wood, both of Seekonk, Mav 16, 1847. NEWMAN COXCiUEGATlONAL CHUUCH— MARUIAGES. 571 MEDBURY Alpheas F. of Hchoiiotli and Martha A. Drown of Suekonk, Nov. !), l.s,38. Danfortli II. of Reholjoth and JIaiv L. Freeman of Seekoiik, Sent. 18, 1861. ' ' Thomas and Rebecca M. Peck, both of East Providence, Sent. 7 1864. ' 1 . James M. and Lydia Warner, both of East Providence, July 19, 1868. Sarah Maria and Edmund Pike AVarner, both of East Providence, Jan. 12, 187;3. Lj'dia of East Providence and WiUard Stei)hens Brown of Provi- dence, Aug. 17, 1774. Tliomas and Mary Ann Brownell, both of East Providence, Mav 29, 1S7.S. MERRELL Ellery S. and Amanda F. Bowen, hotli of Seekc^nk, Jan. 9, 18;)7. F:ilen M. and Oanbier C. ButHngton, liolli of Pawtucket, Oct. 2, 18.J3. MERRY Ilaunali and George H. Daggett, bolli of Seekonk, April 1, 1832. Lydia M. of Seekonk and Francis Anderson of Charlton, April 16, 1837. JMILLER Col. Ira K. of Attleboro and Celia T. Bourn of Seekonk, Sept. .5, 1836. Howard A. and Eliza ClialToe, both of Seekonk, July 11, 1839. Harriet S. anil Nathaniel \V. Allen, Oct. 25, 1843. Joseph C. of Seekonk and Elizabeth INIcKeon of Pawtucket, Nov. 17, 1844. Charles E. of Seekonk and Mary P. Davis of Rehoboth, July 23, 1846. Elizabeth A. of Seekonk and William W. Armington of Pawtucket, March 26, 18.53. George A. of Seekonk and Amanda M. Baggs of Providence, April 12, 1859. Caleb and Laura Elderkin, Jan. 24, 1865. Frank Lester of Seekonk and Emma Sharp of Providence, Nov. 5, 1883. George A. and Emma Josephine Joluison, both of Seekonk, March 30 or 31, 1885. MILLERD Nehemiah of Rehoboth and Phebe Shoves, March 3, 1696. Judeth of Reiioboth and Ebenezer White of Jlendou, Feb. 5, 1729-30. Rel)eckali and Ste[>l]en Walker, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 3, 1733-4. Nathaniel of Rehoboth and Iluldah Peck of Seekorjk, Aug. 11, 1816. James P. and Sarah A. Foster, both of Seekonk, Aug. 24, 1815. James P. of Seekonk and Mary Amanda Dawley of Providence, Dec. 23, 1860. MOORE Abram and Rachal Rice, both of Pawtucket, Feb. 8, 1776. MORGAN Mary Jane of East Providence and Oliver Denner Sawyer of North Ware, N. H., Oct. 8, 1884. M0RNINC4 Sarah J. and Edward M. Dodge, both of Seekonk, Jan. 22, 1860. MORRISON Rowland Macy of Boston and Lizzie Gray Chaffee of East Providence, Dec. 30, 1880. 572 VITAL KICCOKU UK RHODE ISLAND. MORSE Henry and Mary Fi)llett, both of Attleboro. June 8, 1727. Rebeekah and Jonathan Capron, l)Oih of Attleboro. June 8, 1727. Prudence and Ezra WiUuiarth. both of Rehoboth, Oct. 10, 17.51. MOSIIER Jolui MeLoud of Brockton and Nettie Lane of Rocklaml, Mass., Feb. 5, 181)1. MOULTON Mercy C. and William McLane, both of Attleboro, April 20, 18.i3. MOWRY Mary Artella (Hunter) and Samuel Francis Bowden, both of East Providence, June 6, 1892. MUNRO Thomas and Cliloe Carpenter, both of Reiioboth, March -1, 177;>. Ilannali of Rehoboth and Thomas Chaff of Pi'ovidonce, Feb. 8, 1781. Joseph and Saiah Basto, both of Rehoboth, June 9, 1782. Nancy and Daniel Willmarth, 2d, Feb. 19, 179.i. Thomas ankins, both of Provi- dence. Feb. 2.), 1876. N NASH Josei)h of Providence and Sarah Cari)enter of Rehoboth, ^lay 3, 17.")0. ]\Iaitha and Lemuel Perren, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 2.'), 1773. NASON Al)igail and George Bai'sto, both of Rehoboth, March 14, 17.53. jS'EAGUS Sarah J. and Luther Baker, both of Providence, Nov. 27, 1867. NEAL Wilhebniua and Hamlet \V. Wheatou, both of Pawtueket, May 6, 1866. NELSON Moses and Marv -Vnn Jerauld, both of Seekonk, Oct. 1, 1843. Nils and Elsie A. Clince, lioth of Providence, Oct. 14, 1880. Nils E. and Lena Johnson, both of East Providence, May 4, 1883. John and Jennie Stroniberg, Ixjtli of East Providence, Feb. 7, 1885. Alice and John Duxburv. lioth of East Providence, March 4, 1885. NEWELL Jacob and Sarah Fuller, both of Attleboro, Oct. 26, 1727. Roller of Providence and Lydia Franklin of Rehcjboth, March 14, 1774. NP>WJ\L\N D.avid of Rehoboth and Hannah Kenrich of Newtown, Oct. 8, 1696. Annie and Ebenezer Bowen, both of Rehoboth, June 17. 1724. Samuel and Jane Walker, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 23, 1724. NEWMAN CoNCItEGATlDXAL CtlUKCir — M A I: Ul A(iES. 573 NEWMAN Margai'et and Klijlia Bliss, both of Rolioboth, April 7, 172G. Jolin and Abigail Perron, Ijotli of Kchobotli, Dec. 28, 17;!2. Dorothy and Klcazcr Bowen, both of Ilehoboth, Feb. 21. 171:5- 1. Hannah of Rehobotli and John Cole of Vohintown, Ct., Nov. 13, 1746. JIary and Simeon Bowen, both of liehoboth, Oct. IS, 17."iO. Samnel and Lydia Smith, both of Kehoboth. Sei)l.. 14, I7.')7. Abigail and Noah Saben, both of Kehoboth, Dee. 8, 17.')7. Sarah and Oliver Biieklin, both of Rehobotli, Oct. 1, 17(!1. John and Cliloe Gill, both of Reholiotli, Dec. 22, 17(;iOS. Cyrel, Jr., of Rehohoth and Olive Marsh of North Providence, Jan. 4, 18(19. Nancv and Samuel Butterworth Chaft'ee. both of Reholioth, Oct. 19. 18(19. Zeliiula and Ephraim W. Walker, lioth of Rehoboth, Oct. 24, 1810. Lewis and Levina Webl.ier, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 29, 1810. Ebenezer of Barrington and Esther Viall of Beliol)oth, iMay 5, 1811. Amey of Rehoboth and AVilliam Hovey of North Providence, Mav •26, 1811. Caleb and Mary Jacobs, bcitii of Rehoboth, Sept. 1, 181 1. Hannah of Seekonk and Thomas Bullock of Rehoboth, Oct. 2, 1814. ]\Iary and Levi Fuller, both of Seekonk, Dec. II, 1814. Huldah of Seekonk and Nathaniel Millerd of Rehoboth, Ang. 11, 1816. Lucy of Seekonk and Isaiah Smart of Johnston, IMay 4, 1820. Herman A. of Providence and Lemira W. Peck of Seekonk, April 24. 1834. Leicira W. of Seekonk and Ileiinan A. Peck of Providence, April 24. 1834. Sophia L. of Seekonk and Samuel E. Holbrook of Wrentham, May 19, 1834. Hannah and Reuben Tluirber, Jr., both of Seekonk, Nov. 10, 1844. 576 N'll'A], KKCOUU OL'" KHODK ISLAND. PECK Sally ami Joseiili II. Allen, both of ScukoDk, March 24, 1844. Ik'tsey S. of Seekonk and George S. Martin of Barrington, Oct. 21, 18-15. • Gustaviis B. and Lydia J. Luther, bitli of Rehoboth, Jan. 1, 18.37. Albert G. and Patience Davis, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 12, 1857. Rebecca M. and Thomas Medliurv, both of East Providence, Sept. 7, 1864. •Tolm B. and Harriet J. Hopkins, both of Pawtuc-ket, Sept. 22, 1866. David S. and Marietta West, both of Seekonk, March 31, 1881. Sylvanus L. of East Providence and KUa M. Jenckes of Lincoln, P'cb. 21, 1884. Etta M. and Charles II. Patterson, both of Seekonk, July 25, 1888. Andrew Rhodes of Seekonk and Annie Woodmansee of Ea^st Provi- dence, N(jv. 3, 188ii. PECKIIAM Thomas C. and Lydia B. Jennings, both of Seekonk, May 20, 186U. PEIRCE Comfort ami Bettey Allen, both of Rehoboth, March 26, 1701. Rebeekah and David Hills, both of Rehoboth, March 31, 1768. Prescilla and Edward Easton, both of Seekonk, Jan. I'.l, 1829. Eliza A. of Seekonk and Raymond Smith of Coventry, Sept. 30, 1832. PEGGY, servant of John Hunt, and Jack, servant of widow Snsannah Mason, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 16, 1752. PERO (col.) and Jennie (Mnl), both of Rehoboth, Oct. 23, 17 40. PERREX Susanna and Ebonezer Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Jane 29, 1732. Abigail and John Xewnian, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 28, 1732. Peter of Woodstock and Aliiiiail Carpenter of Relioljoth, .Inne 12, 1735. Daniel and Sarah Hunt, both of Rehoboth, A|)ril 8, 1736. JMjiry and Noah Salien, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Oct. 27, 1737. Rachal, widow, and Edwaid Glover, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 5, 1738. .Sarah, widow, and Samuel Knox, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 21, 1742. John and Elizabeth Lyon, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 15, 1742-3. Radial and Joseph Whitaker, botii of Rehoboth, March 15, 1743-4. Peter of Woodstock and Huldah Carpenter, widow, of Rehoboth, March 21, 1744 o. Jesse and Rachal Ide. both of Rehoboth, May 11, 1749. Elizabeth and Caleb Walker, Jr.. both of Rehoboth, Oct. 16, 1750. liemnol and Martha N.asb, both of Reholxjth, Nov. 25, 1773. Isaac of Rehoboth and Sarah Eddy, resident, March 31, 1774. I Huldah of Rehoboth and Abner Wight, resident, Feb. 12, 1781. Abigail of Rehoboth and Nathan Robinson of Attleboro, April 3, 1803. ..Sarah and Elijah Kent, 2d, Dec. 1, 1803. Huldah of Rehoboth and Noah Cooper, Jr., of Attleboro, July 4, 1808. Hannah and Rememlier Kent, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1811. Thomas of Seekonk and Hannah Drown of Rehoboth, June. 12, 1831. Daniel, Jr., and Esther Carpenter, both of Seekonk, Aug. 30, 1832. .John and JNIrs. Hannah Bncklin, both of Seekonk, April 16, 1833. Philena and Nathaniel Read, Esq., both of Seekonk, April 17, 1836. 3Iaria L. and Edwin T. Kent, both of Seekonk, Nov. 17, 1870. NEWMAN CONGRKGATIONAL (;1U'1;C1{ MAiaUAlIES. 577 PERREX Williniu B. and C'larn M. Erciich, luHli of Seckoiik, Feb -'i, 1880. ' PERRY Mary and Daniel Walker, both of Reliobolb, Jan. 1, 1729-30. Rebeckah of Reliobotli and James Brown of Barrins^ton, July 27, 1737. Elizabeth and Uriel Bowen, lioth of Rehoboth, Sept. 12, 1737. Daniel and Mary Walker, liolh of Rehoboth, March '.», 1737-8. Patience of Rehoboth and Samuel Anrell of Preston, June 7, 173',). Eliakin of Stouiist Providence, Nov. 12, 1884. RANOFF Sarah and Benjamin Glney, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 14, 1777. RAWSON John of Bridgewater and Marv Smith of Rehoboth, Dec. 2, 1742. Marv and Joseph Whitford, both of Rcholioth, Nov. 23, 1774. READ" Jolm and ]:)orothy AValker, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 13, 1724-5. George of Rehoboth and Abigail Woodward of Taunton, Jan. 1, 1729-30. Obadiah and Ruth Smith, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 15. 1729-30. Jeremiah and Patience Goodale. both of Rehoboth. Oct. 18, 1732. Martha, widow, and Peter Walker, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 18, 1732-3. NEWMAN COXGREGATrcXAL CII UUCII— MAIUUAGES. 579 ^^'^^n!'':^?' --''>'"'' "'"' "''• -^"'""^' ^""l"''-' '^'^th Of Kdiol.oth, Apia JO, 1 ioti. ' Ai'on and Alitlia Cliaffce, lioth of Keholioth. Dec '^0 1733 Samuel and Palience Cliaffeo, both of Reliobotii, Feb. 28 1 733-4 Iciabod of AUkdioro and Elizabeth Chaffee of Kehoboth, Feb 'ss Nathan and Dorothy Titus, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 20 173-,-G Mai-y and John Bovven, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Feb. f, 173,3.(; ' Noah and Ann Hunt, liolh of Rehoboth, March 18 1741-9 Elizabeth and Noah Whitaker, lioth of Rehoboth, April 2T. 1743 ■ barah of Rehoboth and Samuel Dnnvn, resident, Oct 27 1743 Moses and Elizabeth'George, of Rehoboth. Nov. 24 174.3 Samuel of Attlelioro and xMary Lindlov of Reliolioth, June .% 1746 Bethiah and Aaron Fnilei', both of Relioboth. Sept. 1, 1747. Dea. Samuel of Uxbridi;e and Elizabeth Joidaa of Rehoboth. Sept 11. 1749. ' ' Anna and John Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 23, 1740 Ezra and Joannah Reail, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 24, 1750. Joannah and Ezra Read, both of Rehoboth, Aug! 24, 17.50. Ezekiel, Jr., and Anne Wood, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 28, 1750. Aaron, Jr., and Hannah Carpenter, Ijoth of Rehoboth, Jan. 25, 1757 ratienee and John Sliorey, both of Rehoboth, May 31, 1757. Susannah and Nathaniel Carpenter, both of Rchobotli, Sept. 2(5, 1757. Martha and Matthew Daggett, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 25, 1760. Oliver and Hannah Freueh, tioth of Rehoboth, Dec. "29, 17(12. Lois and Abel AValker, both of Rehoboth, April 14, 1763. Mary of Rehoboth and Jonathan Garfiehl of Attleboro, A|)ril I), 1764. Daniel and Huldah French, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 5, 17(17. Simeon and Elizalieth Perry, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 7, 1768. Radial and Amos Hiowu, both of Rehoboth, April 4, 1768. Delle and Moses Walker, liotli of Rehoboth, March 2, 1769. Amos and Lydia W.alker, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 16, 1769. Esther and Ezra Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Dec, 6, 1770. Fear and Noah Read, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Jan. 28, 1773. Noah, Jr., and Fear Read, both of Rehobotii, Jan. 28, 1773. Perez and Mary Paine, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 9, 1777. Ezra and Patience Walker, i)oth of Rehoboth, July 30, 1778. Masse, 3d, of Sharon and Lncy Daggett of Rehoboth, Oct. 12, 1780. David and Abigail Daggett, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 25, 1781. P\'ar and John Allen, both of Reholioth, Dec. 6, 1781. Ephraim and Hannah Cargill, both of Rehoboth, June 6, 1782. Judith of Rehobotii and .lames Martin of IJarriugton, Se|it. 12, 1782. Mary and Abel Sliorey, lioth of Reholioth, April — , 1791. Lydia of Rehoboth and John Lyon of Leicester, March — , 1792. Orinda and James Westcott of Providence, Nov. — , 1793. Susannah of Rehoboth and Thomas Mansfield of Vohintown, March 1, 1794. Esther of Rehoboth and Allan Ciinimings of Attleboro, Blay 15, 1794. Bethiah and Daniel Fish. Jr., both of Rehoboth, Feb. 8, 1795. Elizabeth and Nathaniel Kent, both of Rehoboth, Blay 29, 1803. Amos of Attleboro and Caroline Matilda Bowen of Rehoboth, March 3, 1805. 580 VITAL UECOKD OF RHODE ISLAND. READ Sarah and Lewis Carpenter, l)otli of Relioboth, Feb. 9, 1806. Nancy and Preston Uaggett, both of Kohoboth, Feb. 23, 18J6. Noah and Betsey Richaids..'\Iaich IG, ISUIJ. Aaron and Naoina Peek, lioth of Reliolioth, Jan. 1, 1807. Olive and Comft)rt Allen, both of Rehobotli, Feb. 7, 18()8. Nancy of Rehobotli and Oliver Angell of Providence, March 20, 1S(j8. Olive and James Kent, both of Rehol)Oth, Nov. 27, 1808. Anna and John Turner, boih of Rehoboth, March 27, 1810. IhiUlah of Rehoboth and Oney Robartson, resident, Oct. 21, 1810. George and Hannah Jones, both of Seekonk, Jnly 26, 1812. Francis and Nancy Church, both of Seekonk, Aug. 23, 1813. Martha of Seekonk and Benjamin Bennett of Providence, Au"-. 28, 18U. Thomas, Jr., and Lucy Bowen, l)oth of Seekonk, Nov. 26, 181.'). Perez, Jr., and Eunice Briggs, both of Seekonk, Feb. 2.'), 1816. Rev. Augustus B. of Trov, Mass., and Malinda Borden (;f Rehoboth, Nov. 17, 1824. Jason and Sarah Thomas, both of Seekonk, Oct. 2, 1831. Nathaniel and Philena Perren, ))oth of Seekonk, A|)ril 17, 1836. :Marlha W. of Seekonk and Noah Bliss. Jr., of Rehoboth, April 12, 1852. David P. and Ellen Frances Carter, both of Pawtucket, Dec. 27, 18 GO. Hiram M. and Adeline Pratt, Aug. 25, 1861. Lucas yV. of Providence and Harriet E. Kent of Hast Providence, Sept. 28, 1863. Roby D. and Milan S. Brown, both of East Providence, i\Lirch 24, 18G-1. Horatio N. of Pawtucket and Martha W. Bliss of Seekonk, Oct. 16, 18 66. Elmira M. of Rehoboth and Moses G. Walker of Seekonk, June 3, 1.S68. Albert Raymond and Lucv .ALiltcn Kent, both of Seekonk, Nov. 15, 1.S77. Ida Frances and Charles llenrv Kellev, both of F>ast Providence, Nov. 13, 1882. RFvADER John of Providence and Georgianna F. Snow of Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 21, 1867. REMINGTON Marv of Barrington and David Salien of Reholioth, Oct. 21, 1731. RENOFF John and :Mary Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 6, 1753. RENOUGH Marv of Rehobotli and Benjamin Leonard of Providence, Feb. i», 176o! RICYNOLDS Joseph, Jr., of Bristol and Lidia Greenwood, Jr., of Re- hoboth, Ang. 9, 1744. Charles H. of Providence and Louisa N. "Webber of Seekonk, Jan. 1, 1847. Lucy Ann and Jose|)li L. AVes'gate, both of Seekonk, April 16, 1859. Levira Wilbur and Henry Thomas Grant, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 9, 1773. Charles Samnel of Rehoboth and Pandora Isabella "Weeden of North- Kingstown, Sept. 14, 1873. John Merrell and Martha K. Smith, both of Reliob(}tli, March 14,. 1777. NEWMAN CON(a;i;0ATl(.)NAL C!H'l:C: ! — M A IIUI AGK8. 581 RH0DP:S diaries jM. of Attkboio and Annie F. Viall of East Provi- dence. Nov. 4, 1863. RICE Thomas and Lndnda Lano, botii of Seekonk, Oct. 6, 184;). Lois of Seek<.iik and George Rider of Coventry, Jan. i). 1846 Thnnias of Providenee and Abby !\r. L.ike of Sceiconk, .June 28, l,Si:i Raelial and Al)rani Moore, Ijoth of Pawtiieliet, Feb. 8, 187C RICHARDS Betsey and Noaji Read, Marcli IC, 1806. RICHARDSON James Frederick of Providence and Emma Eaton Jnd- kuis of East Providence, June 12, 187.5. Mabel Read and Lewis Prince Allen, botli of Providence, Jan. 1,5, RICHER Wintlirop of Lime, N. II., and I'nico Bowen ,if Seckouk April 14, 1814. RICHMOND Mary and Jabez Bullock, both of, June K!, 1 763. RIDER George of Coventry and Lois Rice of Seekonk, Jan. ',), 1816. RILEY Mary Amelia of East Providence and .Vrthnr IIeil)ert Bailey of Watertown, June S, 187.5. Elizabeth N. of East Providence and James II. Booert of Providence Sept. 14, 1887. ROA.AIE Elizabet!) of Rehoboth and Oliver Fuller, Jr., of Providence March — , 1793. ROBARTSON Oney, resident, and Huldah Read of Rehobotli, :\Iay 4, 1737. Peter and Jlary George, both of Rehoboth, March 20. 1739. Jonathan, Jr., and Sarah Kent, both of Rehoboth. Jnne 23, 1752. Joseph, resident, and Freeborn Martin of Rehoboth. Feb. 7, 1771. Sarah and Samuel Woodward, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Jan. 11, 1776. Charles, resident, and F^lizabetii Allen of Rehoboth, Jan 6, 1783. Nathan of Attleboro and Abigail Perreu of Rehoboth, April 3, 1803. Ezekiel of Attleboro and Cynthia Slack of Rehoboth, June 10, 1807. David, resident, and Abigail Day of Rehoboth, May 27, 1.S24. Phila and Amos B. Lane," both of Seekonk, Feb. 2.s, 1859. Amanda BI. of Roxbnry, Mass., and James E. Barney of Seekonk, Nov. 21, 1861. George H. of Pawtucket and Sarah F. Sannison of Seekonk, Nov. 21, 1887. ROGERSON Rev. Robert and Betty Sweet, widow, both of Rehoboth, April 27, 1756. ROSS Hairiet Arnold and Jeremiah Jones, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 26, 1810. AVilliam and Susan H. Whitaker, both of Seekonk, Jan. 13, 18.58. 582 VITAL RECOKD OF KHODE INLAND. ROSS Mary Ilayward and Zeijhauiah G. Lincoln, both of Seekoiik, Feb. 6, 1773. Alice S. and Williard F. Humphrey, both of Seckoiik, Fel). 12, 1880. ROSA, servant of widow Abigail Bickuell, and Jack, servant of widow Hannah Brown, Dec. "25, 1770. ROUNDS James of Providence and Susanna Alijer of Rehoboth, April 8, 17(52. Sylvauiis C. and Snsan C. Lyon, both of Seekonk, April 2, 1837. ROWAND William p:ilery and Augusta Lemira Bowen, both of East Providence, Oct. l.i, 1872. Byron Kngcne andMaritta Wood, both of Phenix, IMay 4, 1776. ROWLAND Hopkin and Bethany Ide, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 13, 1792. ROWLEY Jlary and Eleazer C. Briggs, both of Seekonk, Jan. .i, 1860. RUDE William and Elizabeth Smith, Aug. 18, 181G. RUSSELL Caroline of Seekonk and William H. Albro of Providence, Nov. 11, 1860. RYDER Hannah A. of Pawtucket and Tobias W. Washburn of Cam- bridge, July 29, 1852. David H. of North Providence and Susannah Jones of Pawtucket, Oct. 26, 1863. S SABEN Israel and Mary Ornisby, May 20, 1606. Abigail of Rehoboth and Benjamin Read of AVeston, Jan. 7, 1724-J. Josiah and Mary Gay, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 18, 1724. Daviil of Rehoboth and Joe! Peck of Attleboro, May 19, 1725. David of Rehoboth and Mary Remington of Banington, Oct. 21, 1731. Noah, Jr., and Mary Perrcn, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 27, 1737. Kachal of Rehoboth and Edward Heddon of Rovpley, June 18, 1741. J'atience of Rehoboth and Ebenezer Smith, late of Wrentham, Sept. 12, 1748. "Mary of Reholwth and Noali Sanders of Cumberland, Feb. 7, 1754.. Noah and Abigail Newman, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 8, 1757. James of Providence and Ann Bicknell of Rehol)oth, Sept. 30, 1773. Abigail and Capt. Nathaniel Bliss, Jan. 26, 1775. Angelica and Peter Brownell, both of Providence, April 16, 1811. SALISBURY Mary and Lutlicr Kent, both of Seekonk, Nov. 26, 1828. SAMPSON BloUy and Prince, servant of Capl. Keneada, both of Re- hoboth (col.), Dec. 13, 1770. Sarah F. of Seekonk and George H. Robinson of Pawtucket, Nov. 21, 1867. SANDERS Noah of Cumberland and Mary Saben of Rehoboth, Feb. 7, 1754. SAVAGE Dexter M. of Cranston and Bridget Golden of North Provi- dence, Oct. 4, 1857. SAWY'ER Amos and Nancy B. Scott, both of Seekonk, May 17, 1814. Oliver Dennett of North Ware, N. H., and Mary Jane Morgan of East Providence, Oct. 8, 1884. SCOTT Jeremiah of Cumlierland and Sarah Bnckliu of Rehoboth, Dec. 7, 1780. >'E\VMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHCKCH — MARIUAGES. 0ella Soulliey of Provi- dence, Fell. 18, l.s'.iL>. SHAW Alvin of New Bedford and Surali Kelley of Seekonk, Oct. 9, 18.56. SHELDON James and Diadema IVrrv, both of Relioliotli, Nov. 10, 1749. Benajah and Hannali Lindh'V, bolli of It.'lioboth, Dec. 1, 1708. Sarah and Joshua Lindley, botli (;f Reholioth, Oct. 12, 176'J. Nelson Henry of Providence and Laura French Allvn of Seekonk, Fell. 12 or 14, 18S1'. SHEPERDSON Elma of Reliobotli and Daniel Hodges of Norton, March 12, 17.S7. SHERMAN Olive B. and George E. Lawton, Ijoth of Seekonk, May 2, 1842. Margaret of Lincoln and Cliarles Henry Matthewson of I'awtnckct, Oct. 7. IS'.il. SHORES James and Polly Wilbnarth, botli of Reht. 10, 1773. Sanuiel and Desire Loring, lioth of Rehoboth, Jan. 23, 1777. Abiaham of North Providence and ]\Iary Winsor of Rehoboth, , 1790. Natiianiel, 2d, and Rebecca Goff, both of Rehoboth, July 22, 1792. Lydia and Thomas Munro, both of Reholioth, Sept. 7, 1806. Eleazer of Swanzev and Experience P. Barney of Seekonk, Aug. 17, 1814. Nancy and Ezia French, both of Seekonk, Nov. 30, 1815. Elizabeth and William Rude, Aug. 18, 1816. Artemns of Dunstable and Ruth B. Harding of Seekonk, Nov. 15, 1826. KEWMAN CUNGUEGATIOXAL CHURCH — M AJ; K I AdKS. 585 •SMITH Capt. Stumifl of 'lioy, Mass., and Alincda F. CusLiiKr of Seekonk, Nov. 27, 1828. ° Kaymond of Coventry and VAha A. IVirce of Seekonk, Sept. 30, 1832. ^ John Slater of I'awtueket and Adalinc Kent of Attlehoro, .Tnlv 15, 1839. VVlieeler M. of Kehobolli and JIary N. M'est of Seekonk, Nov. 4, 1847. Mary A. and .lames R. Peaice, Ijotli of North Providence, .lulv 1'), 1866. ^ Martha R. and ,Iohn Merrcll Reynolds, both of llehol.oth, March 14, 1877. Ellen__Lee and .Tames Henry Leigh, both of Attleljoro, Sept. 27, 1877. SNEEMAN Learine and Noah Cole, both of Relioboth, .Inlv — , 178.5. SNOW Georgiaiina F. of Lawrence, Mass., and .Tolin Reader of Prov- idence, Dec. 21, 1 807. SOLOMON .John of St. Tliomas, West Indies, and Amcy Hill of Re- holioth, Aug. 28, 1808. SOUTHEY Isabella of Providence and Urbane Wilford Sharp of East Providence, Feb. 18, 1892. SPAULDING Precella of Smitlilield and William Ciishing of Reho- both, Aug. 28, 1808. Snsan Eda and Herbert Leonell Harrington, both of East Provi- dence, June 29. 1891 . SPINNEY William of Providence and Cathaiiue French Slaven of Pawtucket, July 4, 1^86. SPRING Ephraim and Mrs. Sarah Howen, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 172'.). Sarah, vpidow. and George Allen, both of Reholioth, April 9, 1738. STAFFORD Clifton Amos and Grace Elmer Cooiier, both of East Providence, Oct. 8, 1882. STANLEY'' p;iiz of Rehoboth and Edward Baeon of Attlebmo, Feb. 14, 1742-3. STANTON Amos C. of Providence and Amey Sunderland nf Seekonk, Sept. 14, 1845. STAPLES Jeniinia of Reholjoth and .lames Streeter of Harrington, Aug. 8, 1734. Albert F. of Smitlilield and EH/.aJH-th C. Ilovt of Seekonk, Sept. 12, 1859. STEPHENS Sanuiel and Amey Whitford, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 15, 1781. John R. and Lucinda R. Lake, both of Seekonk, Oct. 29, 1812. Truman of Smitlilield and Phronia Fish of Seekonk, A[)ril 1, 1827. STEPHENSON Samuel and Harriet Newell Allen, both of Pawtucket, Sept. 11, 1855. STERNES Ann and Wilkinson, both of Seekonk, Feb. 7, 1874. .STONE Henry Augustus and Maria Car|)enter Brown, both of See- konk, April 9, 1838. Stephen D. and Elizabeth H. Burgess, both of Seekonk, March 19, 1800. Anne Grace and Charles H. E^dwards, both of Seekonk, May 11, 1887. 586 VITAL KECOIID OF HHUDB ISLAND. STKAXGE Lott and Susaunnli Marcliant, both of Seckoiik, Dee. 12, 181.5. STREKTER James of Baningtoii aiioth and .leremiah BIv of Cumberland, Mav 6, 1773. Albert Frederick and Elizabeth Augusta Williams, l)0th of I'^ast Providence, Way 2'J, 1«7.'). SVENSON Nils and Mary Lindstrom, both of East Providence, Oct. 30, 1875. SWANSON Alberta and John Andrew Benson, both of East Provi- dence, Jan. 23, l.ssi). Nils and Anne Maria Lindstratt, lioth of Providence, April 10, 1889. SWP:P:T Silvester of Newport and Bettie Bowen of Rehl)oth, May 11, 1727. EHza of Ivehoboth and WiHiam Martin of liaii'iniiton, May 16, 1728. SWEETLAND Deborah and Steiiheu Peck, botli of Rehoboth, March 22. 1732-3. SWIFT Blary N. and John E. IMarlin, both of Seekonk, July 8, 1833. Edna E. and Thomas Chambers, botii of Altleboro, May 15, 1885. SVKES Lydia and All)ert I. Wood, both of Pawtucket, Jan. 23, 1848. T TABOR Mary and Samuel Perrv Martin, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 24, Itill. NKWMAK C(_iNGUi:GAriliNAI, CHUKCd — WAlilil ACiES. 587 TALKR Daniel of StoiK'liani and IMaiy Kennedv of KuliDbolh, June 1-2, 1771. TEP:;L Caleb of Pmvicleiice and Doiothv 15i-(>wn of Relioholh, Aug. 1, 1782. TENNANT Betsov of Rhode Island and Nicholas Welistor, April 17, 1777. THAIR Daniel of N(n'th Providence and Martha Rowen (jf Rchoboth, Aug. 30, 1807. THARE Iluldah and Wieah Tluirber, both of Relioboth, Sept. 11, 1783. THAYER Isaac of Bellinghani and Hannah Peck of Rchoboth, Nov. 28, 1722. Salina 15. and Richard D. Bowen, both of Soekonk, .Tan. 11, l.s32. THOMAS E!iz of Barrington and Nathaniel Hunt of Rchoboth, March 15, 1743-4. Sarah and Jason Read, both oi Scckonk, (.)ct. 2, 1831. THOMPS(.)N Robert of North Providence and Nancy F. Browu of Seekouk, Sei)t. Ill, 1831. THORNTON Andrew J. and Elizabeth E. Douglass both of Provi- dence, March 23, 1802. THRESHER Mary and John Tliurber, Jr., both of Rehol)Oth, June C, 1745. George Edward of Berkeley and Alberta Maria FinneuKire of See- kouk, May 24, 18'.)3. THURBER John, Jr., and Mary Thresher, lioth of Rchoboth, June G, 1745. Ichabod and Freelove Alger, both of Rehoboth, April 27, 1775. Micah and Huldali Thare, both of Rchoboth, Sept. 11, 1783. Natlianiel and Mary Paine, both of Rehoboth, Aiu'il 'J, 1808.'^ ]Martha and Alvin Niekerson, both of Seekouk, Oct. 31, 1833. Reuben, Jr., and Hannah Peck, both of Seekouk, Nov. 10, 1.S44. Lir.a Hazard of Ceutral Falls and George Clifford Bishop of East Providence, July 8, 188'.). THURSTON David and Hannah Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 18, 1725. June and Steiiheii Cari)enter, both of Rcholioth, Ai)ril 2, 1744. TIFFANY Bathsheba of Rehoboth and Ileiiry Crane of Raynham, Aug. 3, 1744. TILLINCtHAST Amos A. and IMarv N. Jerauld, both of Seekonk, Sept. 14, 1824. TILLSON Joseph of Altleboro and Mary Jordan of Rehoboth, April 17, 1740. Molly and Abel French, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 25. 1783. TINGLEY" Anne and John Brown, both residents of Rehoboth, June 18, 1772. Nathan of Attleboro and Lucy Barrows of Rehoboth, Jan. 11, 1//3. Edwin of Attleboro and Lucy' Kent of Seekouk, Sept. 25, 1828. TITUS Samuel and Sarah Bishop, both of Attleboro, Feb. 28, 172G-7. Lidia of Rchobotli and Zachariah Field of Providence, Sei)t. 20, 1727. Patience and Thomas r>Iattliews, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 7, 1<28. Alithea and John Titus, both of Rehoboth, May Ki, 1732. John and Alithea Titus, both of Rehoboth, May IG, 1732. 588 V'lTAI, KKCOKD Ob' KHODK ISLAND. TITUS Alitliea, widow, of Reliohoth and Isaiah Carpenter of Attle- boro, Sept. 12, 1734. Jonali, Jr., and IIann;iii BLitterivortli, Ijotli of Rehobotli, Nov. 28^ 1734. Dorolliy and Natiian Read, botli of Rehobotli, Jan. 29, 173.5-G. JMiciiael of Attleboro and Kiizabetli IIoislvUis of Reholioth, Sept. 6, 1738. Natlianiel and Mary Cnsliinenedict of Smithlield, Jan. 14, 183.3. WALKER .Mary and Josiali Ide, lioth of Reholioth. Jnne 18, 1724. Joanna and David Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1724. Jane and Samuel Newman, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 23, 1724. Dorothy and John Read, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 13, 1724-5. Sarah and Thomas Kelton, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 3, 1725. Xathaniel and Anna Sweeting, both of Rehoboth, May II, 1727. Enth and William Brown, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 10, 1728. Daniel and JLiry Perry, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 1, 1729-30. Timothv and Rachal Beverly, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 15, 1729-30. Elizabeth and Miles Sliorey, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 28, 1731. Peter and Martha Read, widow, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 18, 1732-3. 590 VITAI. ItECORD Ol'- RHODE ISLAND. AVALK?:R ]\r:iitlia and David Cliatfee, both of Rihoboth, April 4, 1733. 8tciil)t'ii and Kebeckali Millerd, liotli of Relioboth, Jan. 3, 1733-4. Flbenezer and Betliiali Brown, liotli of Rfholiotli, .Jan. 20, 1737-8. Jlary and Daniel Perry, both of Rcliobotli, iMarcli 9, 1737-8. Elizabctli and Isaiell Perry, .Jr., botii of Reliol)otli, March 12, 1740. Huldali and .Josiah Carpenter, both of Relioboth, Oet. 25, 1742. Dorothy and Kdward Cai'penter, .jr., both of Relioboth, Dee. 2, 1743. Lidia and James Clay, both of Relioboth, Feb. 'J, 1743-4. Daniel and Hannah Baiistow, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 1, 1745. Alethea of Rehoboth and James Dexter of Attleboro, Aug. 14, 1746. Aniie of Rehoboth and Eleazei- Harding of Providence, Oct. 29, 1747. Maltha and John Humphrey, Jr., both of Reliolioth, Dec. 24, 1747. Rachal of Relioliotli and Daniel Greenwood of Sutton, Nov. 15, 1748. Peter and Martha Carpenter, both of Reholioth, Dec. 8. 1748. Daniel and Sible Smith, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 23, 1748-9. Philip of Providence and Hannah Baker of Rehoboth, March 21, 1749. Eunice and James Hi'.ls, both of Rehoboth, May 11, 1749. Caleb, Jr., and Elizabeth Perreu, both of Rehoboth, Oet. 10, 1750. Enock and Patience Peck, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 17, 1750-1. Elnathau of Providence and Rachal Whitaker, widow, of Rehoboth, Dec. 12, 1752. Moses and Sarah Bowen, both of Rehoboth, IMarcli 15, 1753. Abigail and Jonathan Cariienter, Ijoth of Rehoboth. Sept. 27, 1753. Aaron and Esther Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Jan. 30, 1755. Elizabeth, widow, and .loshna Smith, l)otli of Rehoboth, June 10, 1750. Leaffee and John Perry, both of Rehoboth, April 10, 1701. Bethiali and James French, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 11, 1702. Aliel and Lois Read, both of Rehoboth, April 14. 1703. Aaron and Huldah Whitaker, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1763. Sarah and .lohn Bislio|), both of Rehoboth, May 21, 1706. Moses and Delia Read, both of Rehoboth, March 2, 1769. Lydia and Amos Read, both of Relioboth, Nov. 16, 1769. Eiihraiin and Leuffee Ide, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 26, 1771. Timothy, Jr., and Blolly Williiiarth, both of Rehoboth, .June 2, 1774. IMolly of Rehoboth and Calcli Ormsljee of Providence, Sept. '2-2, 1774. Hannah and Elkanah French, both (if Rehoboth, May 29, 1777. Patience and Ezra Read, both of Relioboth, July 30, 1778. Martha of Rehoboth and John Davis of Kingstown, Feb. 3, 1780. Calvin and Pliebe Cole, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 7, 1780. IMoses and Anna Brown, both of Rehoboth, April 10, 1783. Richard and Abigail Easterbrooks, both of Rehoboth, June 26, 1783. Jemima and Moses AValker, both of Rehoboth, .Ian. — , 1791. Moses and Jemima Walker, both of Rehoboth, Jan. — , 1791. Huldah and Joseiih ChatTee, bo.'h of Rehoboth, June 12, 1791. Delle of Rehoboth and Henry Hoopman of Lyndon, Vt., April 7, 1803. Charlotte and Jesse Brown, both of Rehoboth, Dee. 20, 1805. Ezra and Martha Blanding, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 9, 1806. NEWMAN C0N(I!;E0ATK)NAL CIIUKC; 1 — M A I; I; I A( jrs. 501 WALKER Stupliuii and KLbecca Talliot Puarcf, both of Kelioliolh, April 20, 1809. Joel ami Sarah Whitaker, both of Hdlioboth, Marcli 13, 1810. Mary and Simeon Walker, both of Heholioth, April 19, 1810. Sanincl and Hannah Cnshiiig, both of Reholjoth, Sept. 12, 1810. Ephraim W. and Zelinda Peck, both of Kehoboth, Oct. 24, 1810. Hannah and David Bucklin, both of Rehobolh, Nov. 29, 1810. Simeon and Nancy Whitaker, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 18, l.SlD. Nancy of S(>ekonk and Horace P^vans of Lyndon, Vt., April 23, 181,7. Sally and Peter H. Hrown, liutli of Seekon'k, Oct. 22, 18i:,. Eunice B. and Henry H. Dexter, both of Seekoiik, Nov. 13, 1828. Henricttf, of Seekonk and Aimer Lewis of Ware, Nov. 23, 1831. Capt. Lewis and Sarali C'omsloek, both of Seekonk, Dec. ICi, 1832. Leonard, 2d, and H)liza Lathe Barney, both ot Seekonk, Oct. 10, 1819. Ephraim and Susan Briggs, both of .Seekonk, April 4, 18.52. Thomas of Pavvtiicket and Sarah Hopkins cf C'nmbcrland, Si'pt. 11, 18;V,). William H. of Seekonk and EInii-a 1). Wheeler of Ceutredale. March 19, 18G0. Catharine of Seekonk and PliiH|i A. Slade of North Providence, .July 1, 18(;2. Closes G. of Seekonk and EIniira M. Read of Rehoboth, .Inne 3, 1 8 (is. WANSTROM Elsie and Edward Davenport Bridgham, both (^f East Providence, Aug. 23. isTG. AVARD Thomas and Bridget Collins, both of East Providence, .Inne 20, 1^(58. WARFn^:LD Elizabeth and Eleazer Caipcnter, both of Rehob jth, .Ian. 28, 1735-6. WARNER Lydia and .Tames M. ]\Ie Ibnry, both of East Providence, ,Tnly 19, 1868. Edward Pike and Sarah i\Iaria Aledluuy, i)oth of East Providence, .Ian. 12, 1873. WARREN Eleazer of Ashford and Elizabeth Wing of Rehol)otli, Dec. 31. 1782. WASHBURN Tobias W. of Cambridge and Hannali A. Ryder of Paw- tncket, .July 29, 18.i2. WATERMAN Jothani of Providence and Eliza Cari>enter Hunt of Seekonk, Se|)t. .i, IMfiO. WATSON John, Jr., of Rehobolh and Lydia May Martin of Seekonk, Feb. 14, 1.S13. WATTS Simeon C. and Medora Fuller, both of I'awtucket, July 26,. 1867. WEBB Jekiel of Westminster, Vt., and Mary Eastman of Reholioth,. Nov. 1.5. 1770. AVEBBER Levinia and Lewis Peck, both of Reholioth, Nov. 29, 1810. F:zekicl and Mrs. Betsey Ide, both of Seekonk, May 31, 1830. Louisa N. of Seekonk and Charles Reynolds of Pawtucket, Jan. 1, 1847. Marv E. and David F. Whitaker. both of Seekonk, Jan. 24, ISoO. ^ WEBSTER Nicholas and Betsey Tennant of Rhode Island, April 17, 1777. WEDGE Sarah and Mordica Day, l)oth of Attlelioro, Feb. 28, l/2()-/. 592 VITAL REC ii;i> OK RHODE ISLAND. "\VP:EDEN Stephen R. of Piovideiiee aud Maria Huut of Seekouk, Nov. 25, 1847. Endora Isabella of North Kinu;sto\vn ami Chailes Samuel Revnolds of Keiiobotli, Sept. 14, 1873. WELLS Joseph and Bathsheba Pratt, both of Rehobotb, April 13, 17G9. Dr. Thomas of Columbia, S. C, and Jane Elizal)eth Bncklin of See- konk. July 30, 1835. Lizzie Lauiit of Malon, X. Y., and Charles Joseph Crane of East Providence, Jan. 24, 1802. WELSTED Mehitable of Rehoboih and Abraiiam Tnckerman of Boston, Sept. (i, 1722. WEST Freelove and Peleg Alien, lioth of Rehoboth, April 20, 1777. Joseph, Jr., and Polly Cliaffce, both of Seekonk, Dec. 6, 1812. Henry of Swanzey and Sophia Radloti:' of Seekonk, Oct. 10, 1814. Mary N. of Seekonk and Wheeler X. Smith of Rehol>oth, X'ov. 4, 1847. Henry B. and Maiy T. Chaffee, both of Seekonk, Oct. 20, 1851). Marietta and David S. Peck, March 31, 1881. Joseph JL of .Seekonk and X^ellie Frances Horton (Allen) of Pasv- tucket, April 28, 1881. Eva Henrietta of Seekouk and William Josiah Bcsse of East Provi- dence, March 25, liSS3. Nancv C. of Pawlucket and Thomas G. Chaffee of Seekonk, May II, 1889. WESTCOTT James of Providence and Orinda Read. Xov. — , 1793. WESTGATE Mary E. and Charles W. Bates, both of Pawtucket, , 1858. Joseph L. and Lucy Ann Reynolds, both of Seekonk, April IG, 1859. AVETHERBY Benjamin G. and Abby I. Keenor, both of Seekonk, Jan. 1, 1848. WEVER Lydia of Rehoboth and Sanmel Kcnncdv of Xorlh Provi- dence, Dec. 8, 1808. WHEATOX .leremiah and Mary Gilbert, both of Rehoboth, June 12, 1723. Annie and Stephen Allen, both of Rehoboth, .Inly 22, 1747. Margaret, widow, and John Titus, both of Reholioth, Oct. 15, 1747. Nathaniel and Martha Huut, botii of Rclu)both, Dec. 29, 1748. James and Dorothy Brown, both of Rehoboth, March — , 1792. James of Noith Proviilence and jNIarlha Hopkins of Seekonk, Feb. 12, 1815. Jose[)li of Rehoboth and I\Iary Ide of Seekonk, Jan. 1, 1816. John of Rehoboth and Sally French of Seekonk, Feb. 25, 1816. William of .Swanzey and Xancy Healey of Seekonk, April 6, I82G. Mary and William Ellis, both of Seekonk, Feb. 6, 1827. Hamlet W. and Wilhclmiua Neal, both of Pawtucket, May G, 1866. WHEETOX Mary W. and Daniel Hunt, Jr., both of Rehoboth, Dec. 29, 1737. WHEEL1']R Sally and Thomas Perry, both of Rehoboth, Aug. 27, ISOG. Harriet of Rehoboth and Daniel J. Viall of Providence, July 30, 1856. Edward R. and Mary Viall, both of Seekonk, June 3, 1858. NEWMAN CONGREGATIONAL CHUKUll — .MAUKIAGES. 593 WHEELER Elmiia D. of Centredaie and William 11. Walker of Soe- konk, Mai-oli IK, 18C0. Sarah J. ami Eerdinaiid G. Dana, both of Seekonk, Dec. 31, 18G1. WIIEE LOCK Dr. Samuel of Seekonk aud Harriet B. Allen of North Providence, Auj;. 21, 181-4. .WHH^PLE Ruth and David Day, l)otli of Attleboro, Nov. 7, 1727. William of Atlleboro and Sarali Bowen of Reholioth, May 9, 1728. Jeremiah of Attleboro and Hannah Bowen of Reholjoth, Feb. 24, 1742-3. Nathan of North Providence and Fanny Bowen of Rehoboth, Feb. 17, 1811. WH [TAKER INIary of Rehoboth and Joseiih Cooman of Providence, July 1, 1731. Dorothy of RulKjboth and Stephen Carpenter of Attleboro, Nov. 28, 1734. Noah and Elizabeth Read, Ijoth of Reholioth, April 21, 1743. Anna of Rehoboth aud Elisha Carpenter of Atlleboro, March 1.5, 1743-4. Joseph anil Radial Perren, both of Rehoboth, JIarch 15, 1743-4. Daniel of Rehoboth and Joanna Blatteson of Providence, April 20, 1750. Radial, widow, of Rehoboth and Elnatlian Walker of Providence, Dec. 12, 1752. Hnldah and Aaron Walker, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 22, 1763. Sarah of Rehoboth and Isaac Bowen of Providence, April 2o, 17G8. Sarah and Joel Walker, both of Rehoboth, March 13, 1810. Nancy and Simeon Walker, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 18, 1810. Joel and Almira Fitts, both of Seekonk. Dec. 23, 1827. ^laryand Lenuiel Perry, liolh of Seekonk, Oct. 27, 1831. Patience B. and Oraee Greene, both of Seekonk, Aiiril 1, 1849. Polly and David Kelley, both of Seekonk, July 3, 18.53. David F. and Mary E. Webber, both of Seekonk, Jan. 24. 185G. Susan H. and AVilliam Ross, lioth of Seekonk, Jan. 13, 1858. WHELE F:iienezer of Mendon and Judeth MiUerd of Rehoboth, Feb. 5, 1720-30. Aliigail and William Carpenter, both of Rehoboth, Sept. 25, 1734. Maiy E. of North Providence and George W. Sweet of Pawtucket,, Nov. 8, 1853. WHPrELEY Isabel (servant) and Sijnon Armstrong, both of Reho- both, March 13, 172(;-7. WHITEMAN Sarah of Rehoboth and Nehemiah Field, resident, Aug. 27, 1781. WHITFORD Joseph and Mary Rawson. both of Rehoboth, Nov. 23„ 1774. Amey and Samuel Stephens, both of Rehoboth, Feb. 15, 1781. WHITMAN Davis of Bostcju and JIartlia Cooper of Reholioth, April 12, 1744. Holmes of North Kingstown and Comfort Bullock of Rehoboth, April 12, 1768. WHITMARSH Seth of Warren and Hannah Allen of Rehoboth, Dec. 18, 1803. Susan B. and Jonathan Munro, both of Seekonk, Feb. 18, 1834. Mary B. of Seekonk and John Gregory of Boston, Oct. 6 1834. 594 VITAL KIX'OUD OF KHODE ISLAND. WIGHT Abiier, resident, aud Huldah Peneu of Rebobolh Feb. 12, 1781. WILBUR Joanna S. L. of Seekouk aud Reuben H. Gladding of Paw- tiieket, Dec. 25, 18.55. WILCOX George S. and Carrie A. Clement, both of East Providence, .Jan. 27, 1884. WILKINSON Thomas and Ann Sterns, both of Seekonk. Feb. 7, 1874. WILLARD Mahaia and Roswell Potter, both of Reboboth, July 21, 1811. WILLIAMS William and Mary PuUen, both of Reboboth, Aug. 5, 1725. Theopbilus of Providence and Ruth Brown of Reboboth, March IG, 1752. Ruth of Reboboth and Ichaliod Ilaws of Medway, Jan. 19, 1775. Charles of Cranston and Sophia Barton of Reboboth, Jan. 6, 1805. Edward of Cumberland and Eliza Ann B. Boomer of Smitbfield, Nov. 5, 1848. Bradford H. and Sarah S. Bliss, both of Attleboro, June 7, 184'J. Elizabeth Augusta and Albert Frederick Sutton, both of East Provi- dence, May 29, 1875. AVILLMARTH Mary and Amos Brown, both of Reholwth, Oct. 14, 173G. Mebitable and Samuel Cooper. Jr., both of Reboboth, Oct. 14, 1736. Keziah and Abiah Carpenter, both of Reboboth, Sept. 27, 1741. Lidia and Ezra Brown, both of Rehoboth, April 3, 1745. Sarah and Elkanah French, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 25, 1750. Prescilla and John Ide, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 8. 1751. Ezra and Prudence Morse, both of Reboboth, Oct. 10, 1751. Tliomas and Lydia Chaffee, both of Rehoboth. Jan. 13, 1763. Molly and Tini'othy Walker, Jr., both of Rehoboth, June 2, 1774. Hannah aud Abel Carpenter, June 6, 1779. Daniel, 2d, and Nancy Munro, Feb. 19, 1795. Sally of Reboboth and Joseph Allen of Providence, Sept. 2, 1804. Polly anil James Shores, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 25, 1807. Hepsey of Attleboro and Samuel Heath, resident, March 1, 1809. Betsey and Simeon Kent, both of Reboboth, Aprill 22, 1810. Samuel Nelson and Candace Luther Carpenter, both of Seekonk, April 6, 1815. Julia A. of Attleboro and Otis WiUmartb of Providence, May 11, 1842. Otis of Providence and Julia A. WiUmartb of Attleboro. May II, 1842. WING Elijah and Amey Bucklin, both of Reboboth, Feb. 22, 1770, Martha of Rehoboth and Jedediab Fay of Asbford, July 25, 1781. Elizabeth of Rehoboth and Eleazer Warren of Asbford, Dec. 3, 1782. WINN Marcena E. and Catharine Lyon, both of Seekonk, July 7, 1839. WTNSOR Marv of Rehoboth and Abraham Smith of North Providence, , 1790. Abigail of Rehoboth and Joshua Mauran of Barrington, June 7, 1808. Marv of Seekonk and William Blackington of AVrentham, April 20, 18"l2. NEWMAN CONGUEGATIUNAL CIIUIICH — .MAKUIAGES. 595 WISWELL p:iizabetli iiiid JonatlKUi Bolileu, both of Reliobtoh, Feb 8, 1727-8. Ichabod of Atlleboro aud Jlfrcv Cai[)enter of Reliobolli, 'Sov. 9, 1736. WITHKRELL Athena of Mansfield and Jesse Daggelt of Reliobotli, Nov. Ci, 1806. WOOD Anne and Ezekiel Read. Jr.. both of Rehoboth. Oct. 28, 1750. James of Mt. Ephraiin and Molly Carpenter of Rehoboth, Sept. 27, 1764. Susanna of Rehoboth and Joseph Mason of Providence, Feb. 28, 1771. Sally and Comfort Bishop, Jr., both of Seekonk, June 20, 1813. Calvin T. and i\Iary A. Handy, both of Seekonk, Feb. 4, 1834. Lucy A. and William T. Medlmry, holh of Seekonk, May IG, 1847. All)ert I. and Lydia Sykes, both of Pawtucket, Jan. 23, 1848. Amanda C. and Edwin S. Lee, l)Oth of Seekonk, April 6, 1804. Lucy Lcverett and Henry Harrison Johnson, both of E^ast Provi- dence, Auu;. I'J, 1.S72. Mary Eliza of Webster and William bwight Fairfield, Jr., of Put- nam, Ct., Aug. 6, 187.5. Maretta and Byron Eugene Rovvand, both of Phenix. May 4, 1876. Lillie Carrie of Pawtucket and Albert S. Smer of Lincoln, May 20, 1886. Margaret Alice and Joseph Summeibell, both of East Providence, Nov. 1, 181)0. WOODCOCK Marian and William Hutchins, both of Rehoboth, Doc. 2.5. 1722. WOODMANSEE Ruth and Alfred Me, both of Seekonk, Feb. 18, 1814. Laura A. and Thomas Greene Chaffee, both of Seekonk, June 26, 1875. Annie of East Providence and Andrew Rhodes Peck of Seekonk, Nov. 3, 18.S'.). WOODWARD Abigail of Taunton and George Read of Reholwth,. Jan. 1, 1729-;lo; Hannah and John Bishop, Jr., both of Rehoiioth, Jan. 25, 1732-3, John and Margaret Woodward, both of Rehoboth, Dec. 9, 1773. Margaret and John Woodwaid, both of Rehoboth, Dee. 9, 1773. Adaand Isaac Cheeseboro Burgess, both of Seekonk, March 10, 1874. Samuel, Jr., and Sarah Robinson, both of Rehoboth, Jan. II, 1776, Mary and Joshua Turner, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 20, 1778. Samuel, Jr., and Phebe Serautou, both of Rehoboth, Oct. 4, 1781. Samuel and Nancy Allen, Feb. 16, 1807. Eugene F. antl Elizabeth F. Fisher, both of Rehoboth, Nov. 22, r882. WOODWORTH John A. of Fall River and Caroline A. Daggett of Seekonk, Sept. 14, 1848. WORTHINGTON William F. and Mary A. B. DeBloin, both of See- konk, Sept. 5, 1877. WRIGHT John of Bristol and Mrs. Deliverance Carpenter of Rehc both, Nov. 16, 1737. 596 VITAL KECOHD OF RHODE ISLAND. WYATT Sarah and Asa Martin, both of Reholiotb, March 13, 1783. X Y Z YATF^S Caroline Russell of Seekonk and Rev. Smith B. GoodenougU of Newark, N. J., Oct. 13, 1853. Elizabeth R. and John F. Allen, both of Seekonk, Jan. 9, 1856. YOUNG David and Eliza Mathewson, botli of Seekonk, Jan. 4, 1829. Zenus C. of Troy, Mass., and Mary A. Hunt of Seekonk, Dee. 29, 1830. LBAp'05