nV o " o ^ "^ A> *♦ '^-./i*^ aO ^^6* Ci. * ."^-^ .*^^ *bv° /.'i;^-\ c°*.i^>>o /^,^^:^'\ 0° AN ORATION, PROHOUirCED m f ucs s?®ssssii m swa^'^e asiSi REQUEST OF THE INHABITANTS OP THE CITY OP BOSTON, IN COMMEMORATION Of THE ANNIVERSARY 17i^^mM!L !!lQ)if il?!^ll?(SSl< BY JOHN C. GRAY, ESQ. PRINTED AT THE REQUEST OP THE CITY OP BOST^ BOSTON : PUBLISHED BY CHARLES CALLENDEB, No. 25, School Street. CITY OF BOSTOX. In Common Council, July 8, 1S22. ORDERED, That the Mayor and Aldermea be and they hereby are requested to present the thanks of the City of Boston, to John C. Gray, Esq. for the elegant and spirited oration, delivered by him on the fourth of July, at the request of the City upon the anniversary of American Indepen- dence, and to request a copy for the press. . Sent up for concurrence. WM. PRESCOTT, President In the board of Aldermen, July 8, 1822. Read and concurred. JOHN PHILLIPS, Maif^"^. 'o . * * A <» *7y77* ,G^ '^ 'o , . « A ^ 'vPC,- \ V . „ » < • A,Vv>v , , .^" . «. '-f HECKMAN l±|~l V • • •' 0*'' . . . .. "^ " ' ' */" < BINDERY INC. |i| ^ % C° ^.^,'. °o J> ■ N.MANCHESTER, \ W* & ^ r^ "'^Vl^g*/ ^^ ^, V 'ND'ANA 46962 j ..^ -^^ <^q, '*^To^ .0^ %>. '