p/67 F 157 .B3 H6 Copy 1 APPEAL BY THE Historical Society of Berks County Descendants of Early Settlers FOR Historical Documents. The Historical Society of Berks County was reor- ganized in March, 1898, after a period of inactivity for nearly thirty years, and one of its purposes is to col- lect and preserve documents of all kinds relating to the early history of the county. It is known that there is still a large number of documents of this character in different parts of the :ounty, but the persons in whose possession they are io not appreciate their historical value and importance )y keeping them hidden in boxes, barrels, bureaus, etc. \ -..'^ 63482 ^They relate particularly to the early settlements of the '-' county ; to the organization and establishment of the first churches and schools ; to the birth, baptism, mar- riage, and death of the early settlers contained in church and family records ; to the period of the Revolution and also to the War of 1 8 1 2, including commissions to officers and military rosters ; to the various industries, such as forges, furnaces, grist-mills, saw -mills, and factories of various kinds; to the patents and first deeds for land ; and to early almanacs, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and books printed in the county. It is believed that many original papers, books, and records, relating to the topics mentioned, can be ob- tained by making a public appeal to the descendants of the early settlers of the county, and in this behalf the Society, at its last meeting (November 8, 1898), directed the undersigned Committee to prepare a cir- cular and have the same sent to such persons as might have documents, etc., of the character indicated, or who might be sufficiently acquainted in their respective districts as to make the proper appeal to parties who "■e still likely to possess such documents. This circular has therefore been prepared by the mmittee, and it will be sent by the Secretary of the ety to prominent and influential men, who are stly requested to institute the necessary search in \ -- wr. their respective districts for the discovery of such documents, etc., as may yet be in existence, and to kindly forward, for preservation, such as may be found, to the Secretary, George M. Jones, Esq., Reading, Pa., or deliver the same to him personally. The Society takes great pleasure in announcing that the Commissioners of Berks County have set apart for the use of the Society a suitable room in the Court- House on the third floor, and furnished it with closets and drawers for the purpose of depositing all such books, papers, and documents as may be received, and there they will be preserved with great care, and, of course, will be available to all interested parties for examination. The Society would be much pleased to have all persons interested in local history to become members, and thereby greatly assist in accomplishing the purpose mentioned. Samuel C. Mayer, Thos. C. Zimmerman, Morton L. Montgomery Conunittee on Publ- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 207 666 4 Officers and Coinmittees of the Society : President^ Albert G. Green. Fice- Pre si den ts. Samuel L. Young, Hon. G. A. Endlich, Jesse G. Hawley, J. H. Sternbergh. Recording Secretary^ George M. Jones. Corresponding Secretary^ H. M. M. Richards. Treasurer^ Fred. M. Yeager. Committee on Finance. George B. Eckert, Hon. Daniel Ermentrout, B. F. Owen. Committee on Publication. Samuel C. Mayer, Thos. C. Zimmerman, Morton L. Montgomery. Committee on Library. Louis Richards, Frederick W. Nicolls. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 207 666 4 • tf^i^ncarvafinn DA6miri*Ac