OGRAPHY /■■.■■ v..v- ■■■■■'■■• .•■'■'■ ■. ■. . ■ $58 "SHI S58SBS ;•'•:■" Mm mi ENGINEER COURSE IN TOPOGRAPHY THE GENERAL SERVICE SCHOOLS FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS 1921-22 THE GENERAL SERVICE SCHOOLS PRESS Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 6-20-22— 2M 1922 LI3RARY OF CONGRESS RECEIVES . OCT 9 1923 DOCUMENTS D1V1&ION PREFACE This pamphlet has been prepared by the Engineer Sub- section with the object of presenting in convenient form the data necessary for the course in Topography at The General Service Schools. The material has been obtained from other army publications and from lectures and con- ferences prepared by the engineer instructors during the courses of 1919-1920-1921. The course in Topography at The 'General Service Schools is not a course of instruction in methods of topo- graphy, but is a course of application of topographical methods to the military art. This pamphlet is printed in limited numbers for use as a text at The General Service Schools. H. A. Drum, Assistant Commandant. Approved : H. E. Ely, Commandant. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I— INTRODUCTION: equipment needed; measured course for determining length of stride; model scale for alidade. Chapter II — MAP READING: title; co-ordinates; scales; compass; contours; shelter from artillery fire; orientation; aeroplane pho- tographs; practical exercises. Chapter III— USE OF INSTRUMENTS: methods; standard sketch- ing equipment; azimuths; distances; elevations; slope equivalent; details of making a sketch; indoor exercises in use of instruments; practical exercises. Chapter IV— APPLIED MILITARY SKETCHING: road sketch, railroad, stream, woods, camp, outpost, place, landscape; combined sketching; rates of sketching; data; practical exercises. Chapter V— AIRPLANE MAPPING: present state of development; statement of uses of airplane photographs; advantages and limi- tations; use in reconnaissance and mapping large areas; battle maps; general maps; interpretation and restitution; interpreta- tion of enemy works. Chapter VI— MAPPING LARGE AREAS: United States mapping or- ganizations; present status as to maps; grid system in United States; system of mapping large areas; system for United States Army; organization for 10,000 square miles per month; assistance by aeroplanes. Chapter VII— MAP REPRODUCTION: Classification of methods; de- scription, blue print, brown print, neo-cyclostyle, Ellam duplicator, hectograph, Dorel process, lithography; reproduction outfit with division, corps, army, general headquarters; mobile plant; A. E. F. results, 1st Army, 2d Army, general headquarters; assistance by staff officers; issue schedule of maps for A. E. F. infantry divi- sion; summary of work done by base plant at general headquar- ters. CHAPTER I Introduction 1. The following equipment will be needed for the work in topography : Colored and black pencils Buy from Book Dept. Erasers Leavenworth 3" sheet Gettysburg 3" sheet Alidade " " Pace tally " " Celluloid sheets " " Hand level or clinometer — Issued from instrument room on memoran- dum receipt. Sketching case — Issued from instrument room on memorandum re- ceipt. W. D. Pamphlet of Conventional Signs — To be drawn from Library. G. S. S. Pamphlet on Conventional Signs — To be drawn from Library. Paper protractor Issued from instrument room. Co-ordinate scale Issued from instrument room. Three-inch scale of meters, yards and miles__ Issued from instrument room. Celluloid paper should always be available for work in field in case of rain. This work proceeds in all kinds of weather, and celluloid paper is not injured by the rain. 2. The following equipment should always be brought to lectures and conferences in topography : Colored and black pencils. Erasers. Leavenworth sheet 3" map. Gettysburg sheet 3" map. Alidade. Sketching board. Pamphlets on Conventional Signs. This pamphlet. Protractor. Co-ordinate scale. Three-inch scale of meters, yards and miles. It is advisable to form the habit of bringing the tripod with the sketching case, as otherwise it may be forgotten later when there is field work. l 2 TOPOGRAPHY 3. The following distances have been measured along Grant Avenue for use in determining length of stride : Beginning on the west walk of Grant Avenue on a line with the south side of the converter station (small building south of Post Exchange), thence south to southwest wing of arch bridge over Corral Creek. Distance from begin- ning, 6,009 feet. Thence south to southwest corner of Grant and Metro- politan Avenue (curb at former saloon) . Distance from be- ginning 8,750 feet. This entire course should be paced down and back by members of the class to determine the length of stride to be used in the sketching work. It is necessary that this pacing be done so that the length of stride is known before the beginning of field work. After the length of stride has been determined, it will be necessary to obtain from the instrument room an alidade and a ruled scale corresponding to the length of stride. This ruled scale will be pasted on the alidade. 4. For rapid work the differences of elevation for one degree of slope for the distances given should be shown on each side of the alidade. To obtain the total difference of elevation with any degree of slope for a fixed distance, mul- tiply the number of degrees by the difference of slope for 1 degree marked on the same line as the distance. 5. The three drawings herewith show the usual scales on the three sides of the alidade. CHAPTER II Map Reading 1. Each complete map, in addition to the map proper, should show all the information necessary for map reading. On a finished map this generally consists of the following : (1) The title, consisting of : (a) Name of organization under whose auspices it is made, as Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army; 8th Corps Area; 1st Division; etc. (b) A statement showing what the map represents, i.e., its 'particular feature or purpose, if any, as position sketch. (c) The locality. (This and the preceding item may be in- terchanged.) (d) Its sources, as surveyed by, etc.; compiled from, etc.; reduced from, etc. (e) Under whose direction, if any. (f) By whom. (g) The date. (h) Linear scale, generally in inches to the mile. (i) Representative fraction. (j) Graphic scale, generally in miles or thousands of yards and fractional parts thereof, (k) Contour interval. (1) Scale of slope equivalents (frequently omitted). (2) Notes showing: (a) Reference or datum plane for elevations. (b) Miscellaneous. (3) Arrows showing true and magnetic azimuth, and magnetic declination. (4) Legend, if necessary. (5) Latitude and longitude of projection lines. (6) A key map showing other sheets, if map is one of a series of sheets; or references in margins to adjacent sheets of such a series. Plate II shows a specimen title suitable for military sketching. The title should, when practicable, be placed in the lower right hand corner. MAP READING 5 1ST DIVISION Position Sketch Of Area northwest of Fort 5 am Houston, Texas Showing Sector of '2d Brigade by Capf. A 1st Inf February 21,1920 Scale: 6=1 mile R.Fi:i0-S6O lOO 50 O lOO 200 SOO AOO 500 Yards i.ii 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 r i _i i i i V. I.-IOFr: 1 L! I ?! I 3' ,f,5-,6-,7-|OX Note :- Elevations are above mean see level, based on (J 3 Geological Survey data . Plate II 2. The following suggestions will be of assistance in map reading: (a) Note the title, purpose, kind (sketch, survey, etc.), authorship, and date of the map, with a view to estimating its probable accuracy and usefulness for your particular purpose. (b) Note the meridian on the map and associate it with the local meridian. Note the declination of the compass, and the relations between the true meridian and the grid lines if any. (c) Note the scale of the map (see par. 12). If only the R. F. is given, the number of inches to the mile may be calculated by dividing 63,360 by the denominator of the R. F. ; thus, if the R. F. is 1 : 80,000, then the scale in inches to the mile is 63,360 :80,000, or 0.792 inches to the mile. If there is no scale, look for some other indication of distance. It may possibly be found in local names, as Three Mile Creek, Two Mile House, etc.; in roads uniformly spaced; in city blocks, which are usually about 100 yards on the shorter side; railroad stations or sidings, the dis- tances apart of which may be taken from time tables; in the spacing of co-ordinate grid lines; in the spacing of 6 TOPOGRAPHY parallels of latitude (assume roughly 69 miles to each de- gree, or 1.15 miles to each minute of latitude). (d) If the map is contoured, note the contour intervals and the scale of slope equivalents. If the contours are not numbered, decide which are the high and which the low ones. Closed contours are much more likely to be elevations than depressions, especially if several are concentric. If the contour interval is not given, it will be difficult to get any clue to it unless isolated elevations appear on the map. If the ground is accessible, the contour interval may be de- termined by actual measurement of gradient. (e) Note all topographical and cultural signs and asso- ciate them in mind with the advantages or disadvantages for military operation. Note the legend, if any. (f ) Note the system of co-ordinate grids if any — the spacing of the grid lines, the co-ordinate numbers, and whether meters or yards are used. If the map is not gridded, but is provided with meridians and parallels of latitude, points may still be definitely located by stating their positions with reference to these meridian and latitude lines. 3. The study of a map is much facilitated by the use of a relief map, or of photographs made from relief maps. Relief maps also furnish a quick and easy (but somewhat approximate) means of solving visibility problems, by the use of a minute electric lamp. The lighted and shaded areas show at once what terrain is visible from the point at which the lamp is located. The best way to study a map is by work with the map, on the ground. 4. Co-ordinates : — The system of co-ordinates adopted at these schools is based on squares 1,000 yards to a side. There are two groups of maps in general use, viz., the Leavenworth Group and the Gettysburg Group. In the Leavenworth Group, the lines 350 and 750 run through the school tower. In the Gettysburg Group, the lines 350 and 750 run through the Gettysburg Central Square. The origin of these co-ordinates is not defined, but it is taken somewhere to the south and west of the mapped area so that all co-ordinates will be positive in sign. The French MAP READING 7 before the war used Treves, Germany, as an origin, but in order to avoid negative readings, changed to an indefinite point 500 kilometers to the west and 300 kilometers to the south. 5. All maps used for problems in these schools are di- vided into squares, one thousand yards on a side on the 3- inch maps and five thousand yards on a side on the 1-inch maps. Lines creating this division are numbered succes- sively from left to right and from bottom to top. These lines form the basis for the system of co-ordinates. Briefly stated, the system of co-ordinates is used to find the location of a point by co-ordinates expressed in thousands of yards, dropping off the figures not necessary for accuracy, and then writing the figures beside each other, properly pointed off, X co-ordinate first, the two co-ordi- nates being separated by a .dash. A number of pairs of co-ordinates written one after another would be set apart by commas between the pairs. The following example will illustrate the above: The co-ordinates of a certain point to three decimal places are: X = 197.783 Y = 262.724 For ordinary purposes, locations to closer than the nearest 100 yards (tenth of a thousand yards) are unneces- sary. Consequently for ordinary purposes, the co-ordinates of the point are expressed thus : X= 197.8 Y = 262.7 The methods of writing the above point as required at this school are 197.8—262.7 for 1", 2", 3", 4", 6" map. The 12" map is supposed to represent the ground itself, thereby giving reality to indoor problems requiring the use of the terrain. It, therefore, has no co-ordinate grid printed on it, as the ground has no co-ordinates. 6. In work requiring their constant use co-ordinates are frequently abbreviated, when there can be no confusion % TOPOGRAPHY as to general location, by omitting the tens and hundreds. Thus, point (197.8—262.7) may be written point 78.27. This method of abbreviation is in general use by the Field Artillery. In all work at these schools co-ordinates are re- quired to be written out in full. 7. In designating a line of co-ordinates, the co-ordinates of sal; en t points in the line should be written one after another, separated by commas, thus, line 358.7 — 761.2, 358.9—761.6, 359.2—761.9, 359.6—762.4, 360.4—762.9. A square may be designated by the word "square" followed by the co-ordinates of its southwest corner with the decimals omitted, thus: "square 342 — 7-U." 8. Conventional Signs: — For the purposes of this course, conventional signs will be used as indicated in the War Department pamphlet Conventional Signs, United States Army Maps. This is the only official pamphlet on the subject. As it does not give all the signs which will be needed for this course, the pamphlet of special signs issued here will be used until such time as another War Department publication designates conventional signs to cover the school requirements. 9. In military mapping, and particularly in field sketching, the exclusive use of conventional signs is fre- quently impracticable, and a written designation or descrip- tion by words is often more intelligible and more quickly recorded. These verbal designations or descriptions are often cause of much confusion due to their indefinite char- acter; where conventional signs are prescribed they should be used. 10. A method of expediting sketching is seen on many maps, viz., to surround an area with a narrow border of the proper sign and leave the middle blank. The pamphlet of conventional signs shows special signs which are often used for rapid sketching work. 11. Scales: — All maps are drawn to scale; that is to say, one unit of length on the map always represents a cer- tain number of the same units on the ground. This scale may be represented on the map in one or more of three ways: MAP READING 9 (a) By words, as 3 inches = 1 mile. This system is followed in the United States and in practically all parts of Great Britain. (b) By a ratio shown as the representative fraction (ab- breviated R. F.), which gives the ratio of a unit of length on the map to a similar unit on the ground. For example, the R. F. of a l"-to-the-mile map is 1:63,360, since 1" on the map equals 1 mile on the ground, or 63,360 inches. The R. F. is the only method of giving the scale which will permit it to be understood by all peoples, regardless of their unit of length. (c) By a graphical scale, usually given on American and English maps in miles or thousands of yards and fractions thereof. Other nations use kilometers and fractional parts. An impor- tant advantage of a graphical scale is that in case the map has been reduced or enlarged from another map the scale is still true, which is not the case for the other methods of representing the scale. 12. Scales of Standard Maps: — The map scales adopted as standard for use by the military forces of the United States are as follows: 1:20,000 (approximately 3 inches=:l mile), fire control map, or training map, for detailed trenches, enemy organization, artil- lery objectives. Limited areas only will be covered on this scale. 1:62,500 (approximately 1 inch = l mile, tactical map, for general use in open warfare. 1:250,000 (approximately 1 inch = 4 miles), strategic map, for general study of theater of operations, supply system. 1:500,000 (approximately 1 inch = 8 miles), general map. 1:1,000,000 (approximately 1 inch = 16 miles), general map~ 1:2,500,000 (approximately 1 inch = 40 miles), geographical', map of the U. S. 1:7,000,000 (approximately 1 inch = 110 miles), geographvcat map of the U. S. 13. Scale of Special Maps: — The use of maps of scales larger than 1 :20,000 for general military purposes is to be discouraged, and such maps will not be used in training unless specially authorized by the War Department. When, however, for special purposes it becomes necessary to show detail which cannot be shown on maps to 1 :20,000 scale, either 1 :10,000 or 1 :5,000 may be used. Except for some engineering and construction purposes, maps of scale larger than 1 :5,000 will rarely, if ever, be needed by the military forces. In general, the various scales will be used as follows : (a) 1:62,500. — For route maps of extended marches, or of marches of large commands using several roads. (b) 1:20,000. — For ordinary route sketches and extended marches, or of marches of large commands using several roads. (c) 1:10,000. — For position and outpost sketches. (d) 1:5000. — For maps used in the war game, discussion of, operations at maneuvers, and in siege operations. 10 TOPOGRAPHY 14. The scales heretofore most commonly used for mili- tary sketching are as follows : 3" = 1 mile, for mounted sketching or route sketches in gen- eral. 6" = 1 mile, for area, position, outpost or other sketches made on foot. 12" = 1 mile may be used when greater detail is required. While the above scales differ from those adopted for War Department maps they will still continue to be used until it is possible to replace them. 15. It is not practicable to have prepared under War Department supervision, in the field, all the maps required for military use, and consequently the maps of some of the several civil agencies of the Government engaged upon sur- vey work have been adopted as standard for such use. 16. A.R. No. 100-15, 1920, which covers the subject of maps and map making, classifies maps for use of the mili- tary forces as Standard and Special. Standard maps are those which, whether geographic or topographic in character, are ordinarily made in time of peace, as an element of preparedness, or for the commercial development of the country. They are printed in quantity for general uses. Special maps are those especially made for special pur- poses. The purpose ordinarily is to show, as to a particular area, certain details not found on standard maps thereof. Special maps may be topographic maps to special scales, or may be produced by drawing or printing on standard maps, the data desired to be made available. map reading 11 17. Table of Map Scales Used by Various Nations : i* 00 i* R. F. l"Sa Country - =~ ~ ~ ^ R,S g <*"S^ 1 '5000 12 1-12 1 10,000 6 1-6 1 20,000 3 1-3 United States 1/62.500 1 1 1 125,000 1-2 2 1 250,000 1-4 4 1 6,000,000 1-16 16 1/5,000 12 1-12 • 1 10,000 6 1-6 1/20,000 3 1-3 1/50,000 1 1-4 4-5 France 1 80,000 4-5 1 1-4 1/100,000 3-5 1 3-5 1/200,000 1-3 3 1/320,000 1-5 5 1 500 000 1-8 8 1/600,000 1-10 10 1/1,000,000 1-16 16 1/10,000 6 1-6 1/31,680 2 1-2 Great Britain (does not 1 63,360 1 1 include maps they 1/125,000 1-2 2 used in France and 1 253,440 1-4 4 Belgium) 1/1,000,000 1-16 16 1 25.000 2 1-2 2-5 1/100,000 3-5 1 3-5 Germany 1 200,000 1-3 3 (not complete) 1 1.000,000 1-16 16 1/20,000 3 1-3 Japan 1 100,000 3-5 1 3,-5 (not complete) 1 100.000 3-5 1 3-5 Mexico (maps of Mex- 1/4,530,000 1-72 72 ico are inaccurate) 18. U.S. Geological Survey sheets are generally 1 :62,- 500 (about 1"=1 mile) and 1:125,000 (about \"=1 mile). The 1 : 62,500 sheets cover 15' of latitude and 15' of longi- tude. For the Progressive Military Map, the United States, Portq Rico, and Hawaii have been divided into a series of numbered sheets, the highest number being 825. Each sheet is divided into 8 sub-sheets, thus : N— I, N— II, N— III, N— IV, S— I, S— II, S— III, S— IV. Most of these sub-sheets are drawn to a scale 1 :62,500 covering 30 minutes of longitude and 15 minutes of lati- tude. 12 TOPOGRAPHY 19. The correct designation of maps now used in prob- lems, conferences, etc., at these schools is given below : General Map, Gettysburg-Antietam, 1" = 10 miles. General Map, Gettysburg-Antietam, 1" = 5 miles. Gettysburg-Antietam Map, 1:21120; sheets are designated by name as "Taneytown sheet." Gettysburg-Antietam Map, 1:5280; sheets are designated by letter and number as Sheet A-5. Pennsylvania and Maryland Geological Survey Map, 1:62500; sheets are called "Taneytown quadrangle," etc. (Two states in name as boundary crosses the quadrangle.) General Map, vicinity of Leavenworth, 1"=15 miles. Map of Fort Leavenworth and Vicinity, 1:21120; sheets are designated by name, as "Boling sheet," etc. Map of Fort Leavenworth and Vicinity, 1:5280; sheets are designated by letter and number, as sheet E-3. Kansas-Missouri Geological Survey Map, 1:62500. There are four separate sheets called: Leavenworth and Vicinity; Leavenworth Quadrangle; Smithville Quadrangle; Platte County, Missouri. Geological Survey Map, Leavenworth and Vicinity, printed in black, 1:62500. Kansas-Missouri special, printed in black, 1:62500. Road Map of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and Vicinity, 1:62500. Road Map of Easton, Kansas, and Vicinity, 1:62500. Map of Part of Kansas and Missouri, Geological Survey, printed in black, 1:125000. For example, the following might appear at the begin- ning of a problem : MAPS: Gettysburg-Antietam Map 1:21120, Taneytown, Kingsdale, Bonneauville, Gettysburg sheets. 20. Compass : — The compass does not point to the north pole. It points to the magnetic pole, which is in the northern part of British America (Canada) . However, along a mean- dering line running near Charlestown, Cincinnati, and Sault Ste. Marie, the compass points to the north pole, while pointing at the same time to the magnetic pole. East of this line the compass points west of true north ; west of the line the compass points east of true north. The following should be remembered : The direction of an object, expressed in degrees from the north measured round to 360° with the hands of a watch, is the azimuth of the object. As there are two norths used, true and mag- netic, there are two azimuths used, called true and magnetic azimuths. In military work the azimuths alivays, unless otherwise stated, refer to true azimuths, that is, to the azi- muths measured from true north. MAP READING 13 21. A knowledge of the peculiarities of the compass is necessary to map reading. At Fort Leavenworth, if you are ordered, while in the field to change the direction of your advancing line so that it will move in the direction 37° 54', you do not advance in the compass direction 37° 54'. You remember that the order refers to map north (that is, true north) and that the magnetic declination at Fort Leaven- worth is 9° east; you subtract 9° from 37° 54' and advance in the magnetic direction 28° 54'. In other words, in this longitude, you subtract the magnetic declination from the true north in order to get the compass reading; and vice versa, you add the magnetic declination to the compass read- ing to get the true north. In Europe you do just the oppo- site. 22. The following rules are easy to remember : First, west of the line of no magnetic declination (as at Leavenworth), where declinations are east: (a) Add to the magnetic, to get the true. (b) Subtract from the true, to get the magnetic. Second, east of line of no magnetic declination (as at Gettysburg and in Europe), where declinations are west, do just the opposite, viz. : (a) Subtract from the magnetic, to get the true. (b) Add to the true to get the magnetic. Verify these rules from a sketch or mental picture. 23. The mean magnetic declination for any map can usually be found indicated on the sheet. A common method of indicating it is to draw an arrow with a full arrowhead pointing to true north, another arrow pointing to magnetic north with half a head drawn on the right or left hand, according as the declination is east or west, and to in- scribe the declination either in the space between the lines or on the magnetic meridian. This declination changes from year to year, but the declination marked on the map is accurate enough for all practical purposes. 24. Contours: — The best way to learn to read con- tours, and later to draw them, is to practice the drawing of contours on a sketch where the critical points are given and with the actual ground in sight. By this means, one learns just what are the critical points, how they should be selected in the field and how a failure to properly select 14 TOPOGRAPHY them will lead to a false representation of the ground, how to read at a glance differences of elevation, and how in sketching to draw in the contours by looking at the ground itself. 25. The War Department is the only organization which appears to have adopted any logical scheme of con- tours ; foreign maps and Geological Survey maps have cer- tain contours to certain maps, but they represent no fixed scheme of slopes for different maps. Of course they rep- resent difference of elevation, but a glance at foreign con- toured maps does not show, without calculation, the slope of the ground. On the other hand, the War Department maps have a fixed relation of contours so that the number of contours shows the slope, regardless of the scale of the map. Thus for the 3" map, we have 20-foot contours (3X20=60) ; for the 6" map, we have 10-foot contours (6X10=60), that is, twice as many contours for the same difference of elevation ; but as the 6" map has twice the lin- eal dimensions of the 3" map covering the same territory, we have the same number of contours for the same lineal dis- tance on the paper ; for the 12" map we have 5-foot contours (12x5=60), that is, four times as many contours for the same difference of elevation, but as the lineal dimensions of the map are four times as great as on 3" map for the same territory, we have the same number of contours for the same distance on the paper. For the War Department maps the following contour intervals are prescribed: Feet 1/62,500, vertical interval, normally 20 1/20,000, vertical interval 20 1/10,000, vertical interval 10 1/5,000, vertical interval 5 Consequently with War Department maps, except the 20-ft. contour, 1 : 62500 maps, anyone can know at a glance, without reading the contour intervals, whether the ground is very steep or rolling or flat, but for exact differences of elevation he must look at the contours. In some foreign maps, hachures show the character of the slope, and the hill tops have elevations, but this method obscures the map and lacks the exactness of that of contours. With a contoured map it may help in map reading to take a colored pencil, and trace the important contours. MAP READING 15 Also it may help if the map is shaded, grading from white on the level to darkest on the steepest slopes. 26. The critical points of a terrain are in the stream lines and the ridge lines; for at those points the contours change their direction most rapidly. A few critical points with known elevations along stream lines and on ridge lines are of more value in drawing contours than are a greater number of points not critical. 27. Figure T-l shows a map with the critical points marked and the elevations shown. The problem is to draw contours at 10 feet vertical intervals, with no other data than that given. The first step is to locate the points where desired contours cross the main stream line. As there are no falls between elevation 790 and elevation 850, it is as- sumed that the slope of the stream between these points is nearly uniform, becoming, however, a little steeper as the stream is ascended. Under this assumption the crossing points of contours 800, 810, 820, 830, and 840 are at once interpolated by eye on the main stream between 790 and 850. By interpolation between these,, the elevations of the points where each of the tributary ravines enter the main stream are secured. Between these latter points and the heads of the ravines, the elevations of which are given, the points where the contours cross each of the ravines are marked. 28. Each point shown along the ridge lines was chosen as being a critical point, that is, a point where the slope or direction of the ridge changes. From point to point along the ridge lines, it is assumed that the slope is uni- form. The points where the intervening contours cross the ridge lines have, therefore, been interpolated. The re- sult of interpolation along stream and ridge lines is shown in Figure T-2. As a rule, the ridges and spurs of eroded hills point in the general direction of the junctions of the streams which have eroded them. Therefore, interpola- tions have been made in these directions. 29. The contours are now drawn in by joining the arrowheads in streams with the corresponding elevation on the ridge lines. See Figures T-2, T-3, and T-4 for the successive steps. 16 topography 30. Characteristics of Contours. (1) All points on any one contour have the same elevation. A contour is a level line. (2) Every contour closes on itself, either within or beyond the limits of the map. In the latter case the ends of the con- tour line will run to the edge of the map. (3) A contour which closes within the limits of the map in- dicates either a summit or a depression. In a depression there will usually be found a pond or a lake. If there is no water, the depression must be indicated in some way to differentiate it from a summit. The usual method is to hachure the inner side of the depression contour. (4) Contours never split and never cross each other except in the case of an overhanging cliff, in which case there must be two distinct intersections. These cases are not common. (5) Contours are spaced equally to represent a uniform slope. If the slope is a plane surface (i.e., if it has no irregularities due to erosion or other cause) the contours are parallel and straight. (6) In crossing a valley the contours run up the valley on one side; turning at the stream, run back on the other side. In crossing a ridge the contours run to the ridge line and, turning, run back on the other side of the ridge. (7) Contours are always at right angles to the lines of steepest slope. They, therefore, cross the stream lines and the ridge lines at right angles. (8) The contours are farther apart at the top and bottom of an eroded hill than near the middle, because in these portions the slope is somewhat flatter. (9) Contours are usually closer together near the sources of streams — as a stream is usually steeper near its source. This is not always so. A stream may have at its source a very flat collecting basin, a lake, or pond. (10) The smaller the stream, the steeper the slope in the usual case. Hence, contours are usually closer together on tri- butaries than on main streams. (11) Bad shaping of contours is usually due to illogical in- terpolation between critical points. The drainage lines and ridge lines are master lines of contours. Interpolate along the drain- age lines first, beginning on the main lines and going to the tributaries. Then search out the ridge lines and interpolate along the lines of the ridges. (12) If one has difficulty in tracing out a particular contour, he may be helped by imagining himself to be walking along the contour. If he starts out with low land on his right hand, he will always have low land on his sight hand as long as he walks that contour in that direction, and vice versa. 31. Figure T-5 shows an attempt at contouring, where- in each of the above characteristics are violated. Each number on the figure show the particular charac- teristic which has been violated at that point. 1-1 shows the same contour crossing the same stream twice; this is impossible. 2 shows a contour ending within the limits of the map ; it cannot be done. MAP READING 17 3 shows a closed contour within the limits of the map. Evidently, it is a depression contour, but there is nothing to show that it is of a different nature from any of the other closed contours, all of which represent tops of hills. 4 shows a contour which splits ; this is unreasonable because there is no overhanging cliff and there is only one such intersection or split. 5-5 shows unequal spacing and hence unequal slope, but it is probable that the slope here is not unequal. 6-5 shows contours going straight across a small valley ; no such valleys exist. 6a indicates that a man could walk straight from one stream to another on a level line ; such conditions never exist. 7 shows a contour not at right angle to steepest slope. 8-8-8 shows contours closer together at top and bottom of a ridge ; this is possible but not probable. 9-9-9 shows contours closer together at the mouth of the stream; this is possible, but not probable. 10-10-10 shows that the larger stream has the greater slope, which is not probable. 11-11 shows bad shaping of contours due to illogical interpolation between critical points. 12-12 shows the same contour twice on the same slope. This means that a man could walk to the right, continue along the contour, and then come back above his original position and still be on the same level. 32. Figures T-6 to T-12 are critical points for sketches. It is advisable to practice on these figures so as to secure facility in drawing contours and in understanding the mean- ing of contours. 33. Shelter from Artillery Fire: — The following table shows in round numbers the angle of fall of 75-mm. projectiles for different ranges. Shell Shrapnel Range in meters Approx. Approx. angle of jail angle of fall 1.000 2° 2" 2,000 4° 4° 3.000 8° 7" 4,000 13° 12° 5.000 20° 17° 6.000 27° 24° 7.000 37° 32° 8.000 51° 41° 18 TOPOGRAPHY By means of the above tables problems may be worked out showing whether certain positions are protected by the conformation of the ground from fire of 75-mm. guns. This table will be referred to in problems. 34. The following table shows the relation between vertical and horizontal distances for slopes mentioned in above table. Slope in degrees 2 29 horizontal to 4 14 horizontal to 8 7.1 horizontal to 9 6.3 horizontal to 11 5.3 horizontal to 13 4.5 horizontal to 16 3.5 horizontal to 20 2.7 horizontal to 26 2.0 horizontal to 29 1.8 horizontal to 33 1.55 horizontal to 87 1.35 horizontal to 39 1.25 horizontal to 40 1.2 horizontal to 46 1. horizontal to 50 1. horizontal to 51 1. horizontal to vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical vertical 1.04 vertical 1.2 vertical 1.25 vertical 35. The following rule of thumb for converting degrees of slope to per cent of slope is fairly accurate up to ten degrees : Multiply degrees by % to get per cent. 36. Visibility : — A problem frequently arising in map reading is that of determining what points are visible from a given point. The simplest and most satisfactory method consists in drawing a profile of the surface of the ground between the two points and then drawing the line of sight. If it touches any point of the surface as shown by the profile, the two points are not mutually visible. However, this method is long and tedious. A compari- son of the gradients between the two points and between one of them, lower most convenient, and intermediate points higher than the lower point is the method employed. A gradient to an intermediate point from the lower point steeper than the gradient between the two points under in- vestigation will mean non-visibility. Generally it is possible by inspection of the map to find two or three intermediate obstacles whose elevations are the deciding factors as to the MAP READING 19 miftual visibility or non-visibility of the two points. Then, simple calculations will show in every case whether the two points are mutually visible. 1st: take the higher point, find its distance from the lower point, divide this by its eleva- tion above the lower point. 2d: take the higher point and each of the obstacles in turn, find the distance from the higher point to each obstacle, divide this by the elevation of the higher point above the obstacle. If the quotient of the 1st (distance between higher and lower points divided by the difference of elevation) is in every case greater than the quotient of the 2d (distance from higher point to obstacle divided by the difference of elevation), then the two points are mutually visib]^. Thus, to determine whether or not the bridge near Frenchman's is visible from hill 1065 (point 346.9 — 749.2, on 3" Map) or is concealed by intermediate ground. Take the elevation as 1,065. The distance is 5700 feet, difference of elevation 266 feet, quotient 21.4. Along the line of sight, we find the 960-foot contour on the flank of Sentinel Hill to be an obstacle ; distance is 2700 feet, differ- ence of elevation 105 feet, quotient 25.7. The 1st (21.4) is less than the 2d (25.7) ; therefore the two points are not mutually visible. 37. When a relief map is available of the territory, problems in visibility are much simplified. An immense number of visibility studies were made by us in France by using a little electric bulb on a relief map in a dark room. By placing the lighted bulb on any point on the map, the whole of the map was marked by shadows or lighted areas. The lighted areas correspond- to the visible areas for an ob- server at the same point on the ground — the light, in prin- ciple, taking the same place of the eye of the observer. The lighted and shaded areas were copied on maps and sent out for use of the troops, especially the artillery. With well made relief maps this method is very accurate. The diffi- culty in the use of this method lies in the fact that the pro- duction of relief maps is such a complicated process. With relief maps the application of the method is unlimited. In France by the use of a number of lights we made maps show- ing the following: (a) The maximum ground behind our lines which could be seen from the system of German observation posts. 20 TOPOGRAPHY (b) Maximum amount of ground which could be seen from all of our system of posts. (c) Same as (a) and (b) above for balloons. (In the case of balloons, the little light is suspended above the map at the proper point to represent the balloon.) (d) In case of advance by us, where to find the best points for observation posts. (e) Whether or not the objective lines for an attack were properly located from a visibility standpoint. 38. Orientation : — The reading of maps is not wholly an indoor occupation. The general, in a comfortable and well lighted room, plans his battles from his map ; but the regimental officers read their maps in the field, often in the rain, and have the problem of correlating the map with the ground. The first thing they must do, is # to orient the map ; or, in other words, lay the north of the map to the north on the ground. By using the compass, find the north, and then point the arrow on the map indicating north in that direc- tion ; if no north is indicated on the map it is a fairly safe as:- sumption that the top is north. If mo compass is available, use the North star at night or the sun in the daytime, roughly figuring that the sun is in the east at 6:00 AM, the southeast at 9 :00 AM, south at noon, the southwest at 3 :00 PM, and the west at 6 :00 PM. 39. The following are methods of orientation : First method. — Take a map with the magnetic meridian marked upon it. Set up a sketching board on its tripod. Put the map on the board. Shift it until the magnetic meridian on the map becomes parallel to the meridian line of the needle . trough. Pin the map down with thumb tacks. Orient the sketch- ing board later. Second method. — Using a compass, but not the sketching board. Lay the map on the ground. Lay the sight line of the compass along the magnetic meridian of the map. Rotate map and compass together until the needle points north. If sight line of compass has been kept along magnetic meridian of map, the map is oriented. Third method. — No compass or no magnetic meridian; true meridian given; .position unknown. Point the hour hand of your watch (held face upward) at the sun, if in the northern hemis- phere. The line drawn from pivot to the point midway between the outer end of the hour hand and XII on the dial will point toward the south. Shift your map to correspond. This will give a very rough orientation. 40. Now, having oriented the map, always keep it oriented. Do not move the map, but move around the map if it is desired to get at it from a new angle. To locate yourself accurately on the map select some distant point on MAP READING 21 the ground which you recognize on the map, draw a line through the point on the map toward the corresponding point on the ground ; repeat this process with other similar points. The intersection of the two lines thus drawn on the map will be the observer's map position. This method is called resection. The method is more accurate as the in- tersection approaches a right angle. Practical Exercises in Map Reading NOTE : — (L) after the number of the exercise indicates that the Leavenworth area and the 3" map of the Leavenworth Group are used: (G) similarly indicates that the Gettysburg area and the 3" map of the Gettysburg Group are used. Practical exercises consist in working out in a section room or in the field practical problems which illustrate the points in the preceding discussion. Briefly, they consist of questions in map reading, drawing in contours and making sketches. Compass 1 (L) . At Fort Leavenworth does the compass point east or west of true north ? 2 (L) . What is the magnetic declination at Fort Leav- enworth ? 3 (L). You have received an order to attack in the direction, 35°. What will be your compass direction of at- tack? 4. In writing an order, will you give a direction by its true or magnetic azimuth? 5 (L) . You are an observer in the school tower, and wish to write to your superior the direction of an object. Its magnetic azimuth is 342°. What azimuth do you write him? 6 (L). Having a magnetic needle, how do you orient a map by using it? 7. You have a watch and the sun is shining. How do you find north? 8 (L) . What is the azimuth of the line joining 348.0 —755.0 and 349.0—756.0? Give it as you would write it in an order. 9 (L) . What is its magnetic azimuth? 10 (L). You are in command of an organization and receive a message from your commanding officer to attack 22 TOPOGRAPHY in the direction 340°. The magnetic declination given on your map is 8° 23' E. What compass direction would you follow? 11 (L). You are preparing the orders for a small at- tack, and find that the direction of attack is parallel to a line joining points 345.0—752.0 and 346.0—753.0. What direction will you write in your order as the direction of attack ? 12 (L). You are in command of a battery and one of your observers on Sentinel Hill (346.35 — 750.0) reports that a body of enemy, estimated at a platoon, are resting along- side the main road about 3,000 yards to the north of him — magnetic azimuth 359°.- You have the location of the ob- server plotted on your map. What will be the true azi- muth of the line you will draw from the position of your observer in order to locate the enemy? 13. You are in command of a company and have sent a trained officer out to find the azimuth of a certain straight road. You receive a message from him that it is 13°. Will you assume that he has sent in the true or magnetic azi- muth? 14. You are in command of an American regiment serv- ing in a foreign country. You are scheduled to attack and the order says in the direction 327°. Upon looking at a map it is found that the declination is given on it at 13° W. What will be the reading of your compass after you have set it to give the direction of attack? 15 (L). You are holding a section of a battle line along ridge running through 355.0 — 747.0. An order comes to you to attack in the direction 342°. What do you set your com- pass? Contours 1. What is contour interval on the 3" map? 2 (L). What is the nature of the contour surrounding point 344.38—752.35? 3. Do two contours ever cross? If so, what is repre- sented? 4. The contour interval is 20' on a 3" to a mile map. To have the contours spaced the same distance apart on any given slope, what should be contour interval on a 2" map of the territory? MAP READING 23 5 (L). In which direction does the water flow in the stream passing near 343.5 — 748.6? 6 (L). Which is higher, Sentinel Hill or Bell Point? 7 (G). What is the name given to the class of contours similar to the one running through point 353.75 — 746.25? 8 (G). In which direction does the water flow in the stream running near 355.1 — 743.6? 9 (G). What is the highest point on the road between Gettysburg and Germantown? The lowest? Conventional Signs 1 (L) . What does the conventional sign at each of following places represent: (a) At 351.8—758.4? (b) Vicinity 345.3—755.1? (c) At 343.15—756.4? (d) At 345.65—751.75? (e) At 344.94—755.77? 2 (L). What does the map show to be the character of the country in the vicinity of the following points : (a) Vicinity 348.0—757.15? (b) Vicinity 351.5—755.0? (c) Vicinity 351.3—754.0? (d) Vicinity 344.8—754.4? (e) Vicinity 347.3—757.5? 3 (L) . In going southwest to water from house marked Tramel at 351.9 — 756.15, what does the map show to be the artificial features passed over? 4 (L) . Are they roads or trails which pass through the following points? If roads, are they improved or unim- proved ? (a) 351.58—754.0? (b) 344.0—753.8? (c) 350.0—756.15? 5 (L). What is the character of the ground as shown by the contours surrounding point 348.5 — 752.45? Sur- rounding point 345.9—752.8 ? 6 (L). You are on the road at point 350.55 — 751.86, leading a patrol of four men, when you are fired on by rifle fire from a southwesterly direction. Where would you take cover ? 24 TOPOGRAPHY 7 (L). You are marching a platoon south along the road at 347.7 — 750.45 when you are suddenly shelled from the west with high angle fire. Where would you go for shelter ? 8 (L). The ground in the vicinity of point 344.4 — 752.3 is indicated on the map as meadow land and flat. What is the objection, if any, to camping there? 9 (L). Your aeroplane had stalled and you were forced to land at point 349.8 — 754.6. Where is the nearest place you might find assistance? 10 (G). You are ordered to interrupt the York Turn- pike running northeast out of Gettysburg. Where would be the best place to do it? 11 (G). Is there underbrush in the woods at 352.89 — 747.63? 12 (G). You are on a horse and turn out of column for twenty minutes to ride to top of hill 571 (356.85—743.53). Can you see anything from the top of the hill ? 13 (G). What vegetation is shown at the following points ? (a) At 356.1—750.3? (b) At 356.45—742.55? (c) At 352.30—748.50? (d) At 357.7—745.8? (e) At 349.35—745.75? 14 (G). Is it a cut or fill at 348.2—750.9? At 355.25 —748.6? 15 (G). What two types of fences are most prevalent on map? 16 (G). Are there any evergreen trees on the forest on Culp's Hill? 17 (G). What natural feature is shown at 351.58 — 748.24? 18 (L). You are with your company in the open at 347.2 — 747.6 when high angle mortar shells begin dropping very close to you. Where do you go? 19 (L). What is the shortest road distance between 354.3_744.86 and 354.2—742.8? 20 (G). You are at crossroads 348.25 — 746.4 in charge of a truck train and have orders to proceed to point 350.1 — 745.5 with the utmost dispatch. It has been raining. Which way do you go? Why? MAP READING 25 21 (L). The enemy has been shelling with gas the area between Merritt and Pope Hills and Metropolitan Avenue. Where will the gas be most dangerous ? 22 (G). Considering gas alone, is it better to take position at 351.5—749.5 or 351.1—748.8? Co-ordinates 1. You are defining a line by co-ordinates. The fol- lowing are points on this line, given in order from right to left. Write them as they would be written, in an order. (1) X = 346.75, Y = 752.62 (2) X = 345.52, Y = 753.05 (3) X = 344.18, Y = 754.32 2 (G). What are the co-ordinates of the top of Round Top? 3 (G). What are the co-ordinates of the church, south of the road at Two Taverns (east side of Gettysburg sheet) ? 4 (G). Designate by co-ordinates the wire fence run- ning south from name B. D. Snyder (southeast corner Get- tysburg sheet). 5 (G). What are the co-ordinates of Penn College in northwestern Gettysburg ? 6. How far is it between points 344.0—756.0 and 346.0 —756.0 ? 7. How far is it between " 354.9— 748.0 and 355.0— 749.0? 8. What is the distance between 354.7 — 745.6 and 356.4 '_746.7? 9 (G). What is the shortest road distance, expressed in meters, between the crossroads at Two Taverns and point 354.74—741.62? 10 (G). Most crossroads on the map are numbered. Were these numbers arbitrarily assigned or do they follow a system? If a system is followed, what is it? Scales 1. You have counted your strides on a course 5105 feet long, extending from A to B. The number of strides counted from A to B was 1008 ; on return from B to A you took 1034 strides. What is the length of your stride in inches? 2. How many such strides to a thousand yards? 26 TOPOGRAPHY 3. On a six-inch to the mile sketch, how many inches on the map will be equal to 792 of the strides determined in Question 1 above? 4. The scale of a map is 1 centimeter=l kilometer. What is the R.F. of the map ? 5. What is it expressed in inches to a mile ? 6. A map is photographed so that the distance between any two places on the photograph map is four times the same distance on the original map. The R.F. of the original was 1:20,000. What is the R.F. of the photograph? 7. You are in command of a regiment in the enemy's country. The map issued to you is to scale 1 :25,000. What is the scale expressed in inches to a mile? 8. What is the best method to represent the scale of a map designed for use by people of all races ? 9. What is the R.F. of a map whose scale is 6" to 1 mile? 10. In order to reproduce a map quickly it was photo- graphed. You have a copy of this photograph. On the map are shown a R.F. and a graphic scale. In using the map which will you use? 11. What is the scale of a map expressed in inches to miles when its R.F. is 1:600,000? 12. You have made a sketch and found that your pace scale was incorrect. With incorrect scale map was drawn with R.F.=1:10,000. A known distance of 80 yards scales 100 yards on your map. What is the correct R.F. ? Orientation 1 (L). You are at point 349.0 — 749.2 and have your location plotted on the map. Your compass is broken and you have no watch. How would you orient your map? 2 (G). The enemy has just been forced back behind Gettysburg from his former lines well to the east. You have been given the mission of locating his abandoned dumps. You have found one at 352.57 — 749.17. Your com- pass is out of order and it is a cloudy day. How will you lo- cate the position of the dump on your map ? 3 (L). You are in the very thick woods along Quarry Creek somewhere northwest of the National Cemetery. The enemy is about 200 yards north of your position. You want MAP READING 27 artillery assistance. How do you locate yourself so that you can report your exact position to the assisting artil- lery? Visibility (Disregard trees, buildings, etc., unless otherwise stated.) 1 (L). Assume the school tower is 940' above the datum of your map. Can an observer in the tower see a company at point 348.0—748.65 ? 2 (L). Can he see a troop of cavalry on the road at point 347.2—747.65? 3 (L). Assume ail trees are 60' high and that if ob- serving from a wooded area, the observer can get a good view by climbing up 60' in a tree. With the above assump- tion can an observer on Sentinel Hill (center of map) see infantry at 343.68—753.1? 4 (L). Assume same conditions as above, can he see Plum Hill (346.2—755.9) ? 5 (L). Disregard trees, etc. Can an observer at 346.0 — 747.6 see a squadron of cavalry on the road at point 345.5 —750.38? 6 (G). Disregarding trees, buildings, etc., can the point on road at 350.63—750.0 be seen from top of Wolf Hill? 7 (G). Can Little Round Top be seen from Wolf Hill? Can Round Top be seen? 8 (G). Disregard trees, etc. Can point 349.0—747.36 be seen from point 350.1 — 747.5? 9 (G). Considering all natural features would a com- pany of infantry at point 353.2 — 750.8 be visible from hill 612 (354.0—750.3) to the southeast? 10 (L). Considering natural features. Your battal- ion is at 343.6 — 753.2. Can you be seen from the top of Sentinel Hill ? Field Exercises in Map Reading 1 (L) . Place sketch on board with the magnetic meri- dian on the sketch parallel to the compass needle when the compass reads north. 2 (L). Orient your map, assuming the compass is broken. 28 TOPOGRAPHY 3 (L). Assuming the compass reading to the school tower is 45°, what is the true azimuth to it? 4 (L) . What is the true azimuth to the wireless tower? 5 (L). You are an observer at this point and wish to write to your commander the azimuth of a line which by your compass is given as 54° 51'. What do you write in your message? 6 (L) . Without looking at the map, what is the differ- ence in elevation between this point and Merritt Lake? 7 (L). Looking at the map, what is it? 8 (L). Without looking at the map, how far is it to the line of barracks north of here? 9 (L). Look at the map ; how far it is? 10 (L). Without looking at the map, what do you es- timate is the difference in elevation between this point and the top of Engineer Hill? 11 (L): Look at the map; what is the difference in elevation ? 12 (L). What do you estimate the distance between the wireless station and the school tower to be? Figuring from the map, what do you find it to be? 13 (L). Looking at the map, is the hill in the vicinity of point 347.0—749.3 visible from here? 14 (L). Without looking at the map, is it visible? 15 (L). Using map only; could an observer in the vicinity of point 346.15 — 747.65 see a patrol at this point? 16 (L). Check answer by the ground. 17 (L). Take outline sketch given you and draw in 5' contours, looking at the ground and using the elevation given on the sketch. CHAPTER III Use of Instruments 1. All sketching consists in placing on paper in their approximate relative positions the natural and artificial features of the terrain. A point B is fully located in rela- tion to a point A when its azimuth and horizontal distance from A and its vertical distance above or below A are known. The fundamental operations of sketching are the determination by rapid and approximate methods of the first two of the above named co-ordinates, and also of the third when the relief of the terrain is to be shown. 2. There are three general methods of sketching: (a)' Compass and notebook method, in which the sketch is drawn up later from the notes and partial sketches made in the field. (b) Compass and drawing board method, in which the sketch is made in the field, azimuths being obtained by compass and drawn on the sketch by protractor. (c) Oriented drawing board or plane table method, in which the sketch is drawn directly on the board, which is oriented either by compass or backsight. 3. The Engineer Department issues a standard recon- naissance equipment as follows, based solely on the plane table method: . Equipment 1 alidade. 1 holder, timing pad. 1 board, sketching. 1 pace tally. 1 chest, sketching outfit. 1 pencil pocket. 1 clinometer, service, with case. 1 tripod, wood, folding. 1 compass, prismatic. Supplies 12 celluloid sheets. 16 pencils, drawing, H. 4 erasers, rubber. 4 pencils, green. 6 pads, timing. 4 pencils, red. 72 paper sketching board sheets. 3 protectors, pencil point. 4 pencils, blue. 3 tape, adhesive, rolls. This is the equipment used in these schools. 29 30 TOPOGRAPHY 4. The approved distribution is one standard equipment to each regimental and battalion headquarters of infantry, cavalry, and field artillery, and three to each engineer tool wagon giving six per foot company or three per mounted company. Headquarters of higher engineer units and divi- sion or chief engineers not attached to engineer units re- ceive normally three such standard equipments, but divi- sion and other engineers may receive a larger number upon requisition. 5. Alidade: — The alidade supplied is a three-sided ruler. It is used for three purposes : (a) For use as a sighting vane. (b) For use as a measuring scale. The three sides are blank, and scales of various kinds are pasted on these three sides. The scale most in use is the 3" scale of strides. In Chapter I, there is shown a set of scales that has been found suitable for the three sides of an alidade. (c) To determine differences of elevation from the scales of slopes provided. It is found most convenient to lay off on the scale of the alidade (see the plate of scales shown in Chapter I), the differences of elevation corresponding to a difference of 1 degree of elevation. To find the difference of elevation for any distance for more or less than 1 degree, it is sufficiently accurate to multiply by the proper number. Plate V shows a scale of differences of elevation for 1 degree for distances marked on many different scales. 6. Clinometer : — The clinometer is the instrument for obtaining difference of elevation; it measures slopes. 7. Clinometers are all based on the establishment of a horizontal reference line by the spirit level or by the plum bob. Trie line of sight is in a vertical plane with the refer- ence line and makes an angle with it equal to the slope be- tween the eye-piece of the instrument and the point upon which the sight is taken. A scale of degrees or grades is placed on the instrument so as to measure the slope and is usually read in reconnaissance instruments at the same time that the line of sight is adjusted on the distant point. 8. As the slope is usually desired between two points on the ground itself it is necessary to sight upon a point above the distant point a distance equal to the height of the eye above the ground at the time of taking the sight or to make proper allowance for the height of the eye above the ground in calculating the difference of elevation of the two ground points. USE OF INSTRUMENTS 31 Plate V 32 TOPOGRAPHY 9. The clinometer often needs adjustment. It should be tested as follows : Mark two points, say 50 feet apart. Put clinometer sight on one point and read angle of difference to second point. Put clinometer sight on second point and read angle of elevation to first point. Add the two numerical values, regardless of sign, and divide by 2 ; the quotient is the true reading. For example, if first reading is 2 degrees and second reading 1 degree, the correct reading is H degrees. Put clinometer sight line on first point, sight to second point, and adjust clinometer until it reads l.V de- grees; or if the clinometer does not permit of adjustment apply the index error with its proper sign to each reading. 10. Sketching Board and Tripod form simply a small plane table. The tripod has been found to be not only a great convenience but is necessary to secure the accuracy inherent in the plane table method. 11. Azimuths are measured in degrees of arc from to 360, beginning with zero at the north, and passing clockwise, through the east (90 degrees), south (180 de- grees), and west (270 degrees), to the north again. In work with compass, azimuths are usually referred to the magnetic north as zero; they are called magnetic azimuths. For accurate maps and surveys, azimuths are referred to the true north and may be called "true azi- muths," or simply "azimuths." In military operations true azimuths are generally used at division and higher headquarters (sometimes grid azimuths, when gridded maps are used), and magnetic azimuths between division headquarters and lower units, and in lower units. The full names, viz., magnetic, grid, or true azimuth, should be stated ; in military work the azimuths always, unless other- wise stated, refer to the true north. 12. There are other ways of expressing azimuths adapted to special conditions or circumstances. In astro- nomical work and tables the azimuth is reckoned from the south, through W., N., and E., 360° to south again. In navigation, azimuths are reckoned from the mari- ner's compass, and are called bearings. The dial is divided into 32 points and each point into quarter points. USE OF INSTRUMENTS 33 In land surveys bearings are used to indicate direction rather than azimuths. They are referred to the cardinal points of the quadrant in which they occur usually naming the north point or the south point first, thus N 85° W., S. 70° E. 13. The Compass is the standard instrument for the determination of azimuths in topographical reconnaissance. Compasses for sketching and general military use are of 4 types : Prismatic compasses. Box compasses. Watch compasses. Trough compasses. Trough compasses indicate the magnetic north but are not graduated to show azimuths. Prismatic, box, and watch compasses are so graduated that when used as intended for the particular type, they will read magnetic azimuths. 14. Magnetic Declination: — The angle which the needle makes with the true north at any place is called the declination of the needle or magnetic declination at that place (east declination if the needle points east of true north ; west declination if the needle points west of true north). For latitudes of 60° or less, the declination is ordin- arily between limits of 20° east and 20° west, being taken now as 9° east at Fort Leavenworth, and 7° west at Gettys- burg. 15. Periodic changes in declination take place, viz. : Daily (5' to 15' of arc) ; lunar (less than 1'") ; annual (less than 1') ; and secular (a long slow swing covering many years). Only the last is large enough to be even noticed in military sketching or map reading. In the United States, all east declinations are now gradually decreasing, and west declinations increasing, at a rate of about 3' per year. Even the secular variation is not of importance except for exact surveying. In addition to the periodic variations, there are irregu- lar variations, uncertain in character, due to magnetic storms or to local attractions such as iron ore in the hills or steel rails on a railway track. 16. The declination of the compass may be determined with sufficient accuracy for military sketching or guiding by 3 methods : 34 TOPOGRAPHY 1. Plotting the shadow of the sun at noon; 2. Observing the magnetic azimuth of the sun or of some star at rising and setting; 3. From Polaris. 17. The dip of the compass is the tendency of one end of the needle to be drawn downward out of the horizontal plane because of the location of the magnetic poles beneath the earth's surface. The dip is overcome by the use of a small adjustable counterweight, placed on the southern end of the needle in the northern hemisphere, and on the north- ern end in the southern hemisphere. 18. Distances in sketching may be determined by the following methods : (a) Pacing on foot. The length of a man's pace is about 30 inches. A stride is 2 paces. On level ground careful pacing will give dis- tances correct to 3 per cent or less. The length of the pace decreases on slopes, more rapidly on ascending slopes than on descending. The table below shows the necessary cor- rection for great accuracy. However, such accuracy is rarely required in sketching. Slope, degrees Ascending Equivalent Horizontal Descending 6 90.4 100 95.6 10 78.7 100 91.5 15 69.3 100 87.4 20 58.5 100 80.8 25 49.1 100 68.2 30 35.8 100 51.4 NOTE : — Both the shortening 01 the pace and the reduction to the horizontal are allowed for this table. (b) Pacing mounted. The step of the average horse is 33 inches at a walk ; 44 inches at a trot. (c) Timing a horse. The speed of the average horse is 1 mile in 16 minutes at a walk, 8 minutes at a trot. (d) Recording the number of revolutions of a wheel by odometer or tallying. (e) Speedometer. (f) Intersection or resection and location on the map. A point may be located by intersection by taking azimuths to it from two known points. The unknown point will lie at the intersection of the plotted azimuths. An observer USE OF INSTRUMENTS 35 at an unknown point may locate himself by taking azimuths to two known points, provided the board be oriented. From the known points, plot the corresponding back azimuths and they will intersect at the point of observation. If it is not possible to orient oneself or to take azi- muth readings, an observer at an unknown point may still locate the point by resection on three known points, as follows : Fasten a piece of transparent paper on the board. Mark a point on it anywhere to represent the station and draw a ray to each of the three known points. Place the transparent paper on the sketch and shift the paper until each ray passes through the proper known point as already located on the sketch. Prick the point of inter- section of the three rays through to the sketch, and the pin- hole will give the location of the position occupied. (g) Estimating. An expert sketcher should be able to estimate dis- tances with less than 10 per cent error to about 600 yards, and within 15 per cent up to a mile. Objects seem nearer than they really are: 1. When the sun is behind the observer and the object is in the bright light. 2. When seen over a body of water, snow or level plain. 3. When seen below the observer. 4. When in high altitudes and very clear atmosphere. Objects seem farther away than they really are: 1. When up a steep hill from the observer. 2. In poor light such as fog. 3. When seen across undulating ground. Objects are distinguishable to average eyes at the fol- lowing distances : 9 to 12 miles, church spires. 5 to 7 miles, windmills. 2 to 2i miles, chimneys. 2000 yards, trunks of large trees. 600 yards, individuals of a column. 500 yards, individual panes of glass in windows. 400 yards, arms and legs of dismounted men. The average distance between street railway and tele- phone poles is usually 100 feet. In a large portion of the United States the land is divided into sections, and the hedges and fences are usually 440 or 880 yards apart. 36 TOPOGRAPHY 19. In surveys and large scale mapping, distances are obtained by more accurate methods — by steel tape or chain, transit and stadia, or triangulation. 20. Elevations are determined by instruments which measure the total difference of elevation by spirit level and rod, by barometers which indicate directly the difference or by instruments which show the gradient or slope and the difference in elevation is then obtained by calculation. 21. The difference of elevation by spirit level and rod is generally obtained only in accurate work. However, the clinometer can be set at zero and then used as a level, though the results are not very accurate. 22. Barometers are instruments which show by direct reading the results of differences of air pressure. The aneroid barometer is graduated so as to show the elevation in feet; other barometers require much calculation after reading the instrument. Due to atmospheric changes baro- metric levelling requires complex adjustment to secure even approximate results. 23. The slope method of determining differences of elevation is the one in general use in sketching. 24. Slopes are usually expressed in degrees (plus for rising grades and minus .for descending) ; or in per cent, i. e., the rise or fall in feet for each 100 feet horizontal dis- tance. They may also be expressed as follows : The foot-rise per mile; as "the grade is 50 feet," or "a 50- foot grade." The number of feet vertical per foot horizontal; 3s 1 on 1, 6 on 1. 25. In reconnaissance work, slopes may be determined directly by the use of : 1. The gravity clinometer; 2. The Abney or spirit-level clinometer; 3. The locater level (a hand level with object glass grad- uated in degrees or per cent) ; 4. The slope board and plumb line. 26. For ordinary sketching, the following rough rules are sufficiently accurate for determining differences of ele- vation on slopes of not more than 10°. (a) When slope is given in degrees take product of hori- zontal distance .0175, and the number of degrees in the slope; (b) When slope is expressed as a grade in per cent take product of grade by horizontal distance and divide by 100. USE OF INSTRUMENTS 37 27. Elevations may also be shown by profiles. In pro- files, as well as on relief maps, it is usual to adopt a vertical scale larger than the one for horizontal distances. The ratio of the two scales is called the vertical distortion or exag- geration. Ten or 20 feet to the inch is a common scale for profiles ; if the horizontal scale is 3" to the mile, the result- ing distortions are 176 and 88 times. Both horizontal and vertical scales should always be written below profiles. 28. Contours: — Differences of elevation are shown by writing on the sketch numbers corresponding to elevations (in feet) , by hachures, or by contours. These have already been discussed in a minor way in Chapter II. Contouring is hereinafter discussed in so far as is deemed necessary for assistance in sketching. 29. The most difficult part of sketching is the repre- sentation of ground forms by continuous contour lines. This arises from the fact that contours are on the ground imag- inary lines, and their location on the map requires the de- termination of all three co-ordinates — azimuth, distance, and difference of elevation — of points. The shore line of a quiet lake with no outlet, may be considered a contour line. As one walks around the lake in the direction of the hands of a clock, he always has water on his right hand and ground on a higher elevation on his left hand. If one desires to follow the above line, he will have to turn to the left arid walk up every valley to get around the head of the water line, cross the valley line at right angle, and then turn to the right, again following down the other side of the valley to get around the point of the hill or spur which lies between that valley and the next. His course will bend back at every little drainage line, cross it, and turn again on the other side to get around it. We see then that valley contours go in pairs, that is, there is al- ways one of the same elevation on each side of the valley. They form a sort of V which opens out in the direction of water flow; point of the V upstream. Similarly the spur contours go in pairs. They form a sort of U which opens out to higher ground up the spur. The typical contour, then, is a wavy line, alternately salient and re-entrant, a series of V's for the valleys and U's for the spurs. If then the extreme points of the V's and 38 TOPOGRAPHY U's are determined and these points are connected by a curv- ing line, opening out gradually as we go down stream from the points of the V, and rounding out to the point of the U, we get a line which will roughly represent the contour of the ground for the particular elevation. In other words the head of the V's or the points where the contour crosses the stream, and the points of the U's or the points where the contour crosses the line of the watershed between two valleys are essential control points for the drawing of any contour line ; and having these points well located, the con- tour between them can be drawn in by looking at the ground in the field. It is evident that it will not be practicable to locate the points where each contour crosses each stream or ridge line. No map can show every change of form of the ground. Certain points of the ground are, however, form-controlling. Between these form-controlling points, the assumption is made that the ground slopes uniformly. The effort there- fore should be to locate the form-controlling points, and having drawn these in, intervening ones may be spaced uniformly. 30. These form-controlling points are called critical points. They are along the valleys and on the watersheds, because the bottoms of valleys and tops of ridges are the lines where opposite slopes meet, and therefore the con- tours themselves change direction most rapidly at their crossing of these lines — the ridge lines and the valley lines. Indeed at the valley lines and the ridge lines the contours begin to turn in an opposite direction. Of course, the forms of the ground change at numberless places not in the bot- toms of the valleys and on the tops of the ridges, but these changes are not very great. 31. Having placed on the map the critical points, it is assumed that the slopes are uniform between these points, and points of same elevation as the contour lines are inter- polated. After this interpolation, we have on the sketch the critical points whose elevations have been determined, and a number of intervening points whose elevations have been interpolated. Now, if we have the ground in view, we may, with a fair degree of truth sketch the contours on the map. USE OF INSTRUMENTS 39 32. In sketching, it is always best, if time permits, to complete the circuit of an area, make the map close by ad- justing the circuit and by a corresponding adjustment of the critical points, and then go over the terrain again and with the critical points as a guide draw in the contours while looking at the terrain itself in order to show on the sketch minor changes in terrain which are not obtained by the critical points and the interpolated elevations. This means simply that the control of the map should be com- plete and in satisfactory adjustment before the details are added. Should time be lacking it may be necessary to put in the details as the control is taken, in such a case an ad- justment of the control will require an adjustment of all the details. 34. A little practice with a contoured map will be of advanta-ge in obtaining an appreciation of the critical points in drawing contours. An area on a map should be selected with many changes of directions of stream lines and with contours not uniformly distant apart. Then a piece of trans- parent paper should be placed over the area, and critical points selected and marked with their elevations on the transparent paper. The paper should then be removed from the map, and effort should be made to reproduce the con- tours of the map without looking at it. 35. The vertical interval between contours of a cone system is constant. The distance between contours on a map varies with the slope of the ground. The steeper the slope of the ground the closer together are the contours on the map. The slope of the ground can be obtained from the distance apart of the contours on the map to scale and the known vertical, interval of the contours. A scale may be constructed which, applied to the distance between con- tours on the map, will indicate the slope of the ground. The tangent of 1° is approximately .0175. If I is the vertical interval in feet and R is the representative fraction, then the distance apart in inches on the map of contours for a one degree s^pe of the ground is 12 I x R .0175 40 TOPOGRAPHY This applied to a map of one inch to one mile with a verti- cal interval of 60 feet gives 12 X 60 = .65 inch. .0175 X 63360 A scale may be obtained by multiplying the distance for one degree by the number of degrees and will be approximately correct up to slopes of 10°. Such a scale is called a scale of slope equivalents. 36. Details of Making a Sketch : — Set up the board at the point of beginning, station A. Free the needle. Turn the board until the needle comes to a rest along, the middle line of the needle trough. The board is now oriented. Clamp the board by tightening the screw under the center of the board. It is unnecessary to clamp very tightly. Place a pin at any point of your paper to represent station A. Draw a triangle around the pin and write the elevation (generally given) of station A. Place the alidade on the board, press- ing it against the pin. Select a well defined object or a critical point to the right, left, or rear, pivot the alidade on the pin, and sight on the object. Draw a ray to the point; then measure the difference of elevation. Write with light pencil at end of ray the name of object and the -degrees of elevation. Plot the distance to the object; then determine the difference of elevation by multiplying the difference of elevation on the alidade corresponding to 1 degree for the distance by the number of degrees measured. Add this difference (algebraically) to the elevation of sta- tion A and write the elevation opposite the point plotted. Erase the ray. Similarly sight on other objects which can be best sketched from station A, and plot them on the sketch. Draw in the stream lines, the ridge lines, and the na- tural and artificial features of the terrain. If it is not ex- pected to make a second trip over the terrain, due to lack of time, interpolate elevations on the sketch and now draw contours in accordance with the actual form of the ground. 37. Finally, look ahead, select a suitable point for the next station, a point from which much sketching can be done, sight on it, draw the ray, measure the degree or per USE OF INSTRUMENTS 41 cent of elevation, set pace tally at zero, loosen clamp screw, tighten the needle, pick up the equipment, and start pacing to station B, which is best chosen when an extended view of the terrain can be obtained therefrom. 38. On the way to station B, do not be diverted into setting up unnecessarily on the road. It is generally possi- ble to select a good station from the last station, and it is rarely worth the time to set up to sketch some data on the way. If deemed necessary, it is sufficient to stop for a min- ute, read the pace tally, make a side drawing of the special data at the distance as shown by the pace tally, clearly identifying it by noting on it the number of paces of the pace tally, then proceed on the way, without setting back the pace tally. 39. Arrived at station B, set up as described for sta- tion A. Sight back to station A and measure the angle of elevation as a check. Calculate from the alidade the difference of elevation, add it (algebraically) to the eleva- tion of station A, write it down on the sketch at station B, and then proceed as before. Sight to points that are to appear on the map. Plot them as before. Sight to points which were also sighted from station A with a view of ob- taining their positions by intersection (being unable to pace or estimate them from station A). Plot them at intersec- tions, measure and calculate the differences of elevation, and write in the proper elevation for each point. Draw the terrain, with contours if necessary, sight to distant points for later location by intersection from other stations ; finally select station C, sight on it, draw ray, measure angle of elevation, pick up equipment, and proceed to next station. 40. Should the route lead the sketcher back to the starting point the traverse will close if the work has been accurately done. If it, in such case, does not close, the amount of failure to do so will indicate the accuracy of the work. If the failure to close is so great as to indicate blun- der the blunder must be found and corrected. If it is such as to be accounted for by the lack of accuracy in the methods employed and is so great as to distort the sketch then the sketch may be adjusted by the ordinary method, which is: draw a line from the final location of the initial point to its first location and displace each traverse station, to- 42 TOPOGRAPHY gether with all points located therefrom, in the direction of this line and by a proportional part of it determined by the ratio of the traversed distance to the station in question to the whole traversed distance of the circuit. 41. Indoor Exercises in Use of Instruments may be used with advantage to acquire facility in use. For rainy days, and to save time, they are very useful; but they can- not take the place of work in the field. For indoor work, the student is furnished a chart as shown on small scale in Plate VI, and is given such informa- tion as he would acquire in the actual operation of sketch- ing in the field. He is then required to make the sketch with this information, and draw in the contours and other features just as he would do in actual field work. 42. The following problem is an example of indoor work in sketching: Scale 6 inches to 1 mile. 10 foot contours. Length of stride 72 inches. (Assumed as 72 inches in order to use yard scale as stride scale.) All clinometer readings to ground line unless otherwise stated. Height of eye 5 feet. Magnetic declination, 9° East. Directions are given by reference to a co-ordinate point to- wards which the object is located as seen from the station. By the use of the station and the given co-ordinate point the alidade may be placed in the direction of the object which is to be located as it would be done by sighting in the field. Sketch to be drawn on a gridded sheet similar to Plate VI. Eequired : Sketch west half of area bounded by Somers Road on west, Franklin Road on north, Charles Pike on east, and Somerville — Sunflower Road on south. Use traverse data below ; and make sketch include 200 yards outside traverse which 200 yards is given in data. A traverse will be run from A, intersection of Somers- ville — Sunflower Road (west and east) with Somers Road (to north), north along Somers Road to Franklin Road, thence east along Franklin Road 1200 yards to high ridge in eastern part of area, thence south to Somersville — Sun- flower Road, thence west to A. This will give a good road on which to pace a base for constructing the map, will com- pletely cover the area, and will provide a closed traverse for checking the work. 300 301 /ndoor Exercise in Jke tching 764 76S 76 Z 761 760 30O 301 Plate M ion 764 763 76Z 761 30£ 76