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Bissell — "First Hundred years" . . 40 " Dr. C. H. Pendleton — "Second Hundred years" 54 Poem of Miss Susan B. Pendleton 66 Address of Miss Mary Hall — "Marlborough" 70 " " Roger E. Phelps, — "Andover" 73 ILLUSTRATIONS . — Map of Hebron, 1744 frontispiece New Town Record Building opp. p. 9 Executive Committee and Town Officials " 16 v ' Chairmen of Sub-Committees " 24 Speakers and Officers of the Day " 32 ^ First Congregational Church " 40 St. Peter's Episcopal Church " 40 Gilead Congregational Church " 48 - Hebron Library Building " 48 Gilead Hall "48 North Side Green Before the Fire of 1882, and portrait Judge Sylvester Gilbert, M. C "56 South Side Green in 1840 " 56. Residence late Ex-Governor Peters, and portrait Ex-Governor John S. Peters "64 South View from Hebron Green, 1830 "64 TOWN RECORD BUILDING 1910 PREFACE. "Hebron, Conn., Oct. 15, 1909. Mr. F. C. Bissell, Dear Sir: — At a meeting of the Hebron Bicentennial Executive Committee it was voted to publish the account of our Bicentennial Celebration and to request Mr. F. Clarence Bissell to arrange and prepare the material for publication. Yours truly, Cyrus H. Pendleton, Secy." In conformity with the above request I have tried to gather up the history of the Bicentennial for permanent preservation. This I have done amid the duties of a more than ordinarily busy life and without laying claim to literary ability, but with the desire to do my part towards preserving a permanent record of the observance of an anniversary which will never come again to any of us, and that those who follow may know how and why we celebrated the day. If it answers this purpose, I am satisfied. I note as I am writing to-day, May, 1910, the new Town Record Building just completed. This is a direct result of the historical interest aroused at the Bicentennial, being built in part by a subscription commenced at that time and it is a sub- stantial memorial of the occasion. BI-CENTENNIAL. The celebration of the Bicentennial, either of the settlement or incorporation of the town, had been talked of for years but the first decisive step toward it was taken when a clause was put in the warning for the annual town meeting of October 7, 1907. This read as follows: "To see if the town will take any action in regard to the observance of the 200th anniversary of the settle- ment of the town." The result was that the following vote was passed at the meeting: "Voted that the town appropriate Two Hundred Dollars for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the town, and that the Selectmen and Representatives be a committee for that purpose." The general committee thus chosen were: Edwin T. Smith, Frank R. Post, William W. Jones, Selectmen; and Dr. Cyrus H. Pendleton and Roswell Chamberlain, Repre- sentatives. This general committee held their first meeting February 22, 1908, and organized with Edwin T. Smith, Chairman; Dr. Cyrus H. Pendleton, Secretary; and Frank R. Post, Treasurer. They appointed the following sub-committees : 10 COMMITTEES. FINANCE COMMITTEE Henry A. Spafard John L. Way- James H. Jagger William J. Warner Lewis W. Phelps William L. Ellis C. Daniel Way Edward W. Bill Dr. Charles J. Douglas INVITATION COMMITTEE Daniel W. White F. Clarence Bissell Mrs. Charles L. Phelps Mrs. Charles J. Douglas Hart E. Buell Mrs. Charles D. Way John L. Way TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE John N. Hewitt Wilbur N. Hills Henry A. Spafard Charles D. Way Loren M. Lord Frank H. Raymond John E. Ellis ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE James H. Jagger Mrs. John R. Gilbert Alfred H. Post Mrs. Geo. F. Mitchell Mrs. Marietta Horton Fred A. Rathbun Walter S. Hewitt Mrs. Alfred H. Post Robert E. Buell Edmund B. Bassett Mrs. Frank White MUSIC COMMITTEE Lewis W. Phelps Mrs. William J. Warner Wilbur N. Hills Mrs. Daniel H. Hodge Roger F. Porter Mrs. Arthur R. Gillett DECORATION COMMITTEE Mrs. Leon G. Rathbone Mrs. A. D. McCarty Mrs. C. Daniel Way Mrs. Carey L. Perry SOCIAL COMMITTEE Mrs. Edwin T. Smith Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert Miss Caroline E. Kellogg Mrs. Wm. O. Seyms J. Harry Fitzgerald LOAN COMMITTEE William J. Warner Mrs. W. J. Warner Mrs. William S. Ellis Mrs. H. Asa Bissell Daniel W. White William W. Jones Mrs. Abbie H. Smith Miss Annie Hutchinson Mrs. Julius Hills 11 After the movement was thus officially opened the com- mittee and, in fact, every person in the town, with hardly an exception, entered into the spirit of the affair and helped to make it the success of the centuries, as it certainly was for Hebron. It was understood that the appropriation by the town was only a nucleus for further subscriptions from those interested. The Finance Committee, as might have been expected, was early in the field and its success was such that enough was sub- scribed to meet the entire cost of the celebration and the appro- priation by the town was left untouched. In this matter the present inhabitants of the town were aided substantially by many former residents and friends in other places. 12 The following is the report of the Finance Committee to the General Committee: J. H. Jagger, Treas. Bicentennial Finance Committee, Dr. To amount received from individual subscriptions . . $682.00 To amount received for entertainments from Social Committee 30.25 To amount received for goods furnished, F. E. Patterson, caterer 7.55 To amount for left over goods sold 9.30 $729.10 CONTRA By amount paid Finance Committee Expenses . By amount paid Entertainment Committee Expenses . By amount paid Invitation and Printing Committee Ex- penses By amount paid Transportation Committee Expenses . By amount paid Decoration Committee Expenses . By amount paid Musical Committee Expenses . By amount paid Social Committee Expenses By Bal. in Windham National Bank (to printing acct.) $24.74 325.89 52.15 105.54 63.88 114.40 36.55 5.95 !9.10 13 The Invitation Committee, who with the advice of the General Committee prepared the programme, took charge of the advertising as well as the special invitations to those who were to take part in the ceremonies of the occasion. They also furnished printed programmes for the week giving the principal features of each day with the arrival and departure of trains, for the use of those wishing to distribute as a general invitation. The design which is found upon our title page, and used upon the official stationery of the committees and upon the programmes, is a fac-simile of a defacing stamp used in the Hebron post- office many years ago. The design consisted of the name of the town and state surmounted by a crude representation of a wooden pump with the date 1758 thereon. This had reference to the story of "the firing of the pump" by our loyal ancestors in honor of the fall of Louisburg in that year. An edition of the weekly programme was also issued giving the baseball schedules of each day and the names of such "Nines" as were to contest with "The Hebron Wallopers" for the local championship. The Entertainment Committee took the contract for pro- viding lodgings for such visitors as wished to remain in town for a night or more and a dinner for an unknown number upon Governor's Day. They did it well, every one was provided for. The Decoration Committee saw that the public buildings were decorated with flags and bunting, the town hall, the churches, the school house, the public library, the Governor Peters' place and the Arnold place, the residence of Miss Caroline E. Kellogg where the evening reception was held. Other build- ings were decorated at private expense, notably the stores of W. S. Hewitt, F. A. Rathbun and J. B. Tennant and the houses of Daniel W. Post, Fred A. Rathbun, Everett G. Lord, Daniel W. White, town clerk, John N. Hewitt, Miss Ellen Buell, H. Asa Bissell, Dr. C. H. Pendleton, A. D. McCarty, Horace F. Porter, H. Clinton Porter, Geo. F. Mitchell, Henry A. Spafard, Loren M. Lord, E. J. Willcox, Roger F. Porter, F. C. Bissell and Frank H. Raymond. The Music Committee arranged for the band and the vocal music for Governor's Day and took a generous hand in the choir 14 music at the union services in the Congregational church on Sunday. The Social Committee planned the evening entertainments by the young people and furnished very creditable and pleasing programmes. The Loan Committee arranged a successful loan exhibit in the library building and in doing it brought to light many valu- able and interesting relics from Hebron homes and attics, the existence of which was heretofore unknown to the public. As the time approached, the Transportation Committee found that their hands were likely to be full, especially on Gov- ernor's Day, but their duties were faithfully performed and every one that needed transportation to and from the railroad station was provided for. The week before the celebration proper the town began to take on an air of expectancy and subdued festivity, decorations began to appear and visitors to arrive. On Sunday the 23d a large and interested congregation attended the union services at the First Congregational Church, the Holy Communion having been celebrated at the Episcopal Church at an early hour. The following was the order of service, the music being under the direction of Prof. W. 0. Turner of Willimantic with Mrs. Win. O. Seyms, organist and by the combined choirs of the different churches. The choir was made up as follows: — Mrs. Arthur R. Gillette Mrs. Geo. F. Mitchell Mrs. Henry Spafard Mrs. Robert J. Kyle Mrs. Wm. J. Warner Mrs. Daniel H. Hodge Miss Edna L. Smith Miss Susan B. Pendleton Mrs. Chas. J. Douglas Miss Irma B. Lord Mrs. C. Daniel Way Miss Helen M. Hodge Frank R. Post William O. Seyms Arthur R. Gillette Roger F. Porter Loren M. Lord Wilbur N. Hills Leroy L. Spafard 15 MORNING. ORGAN VOLUNTARY Wm. AdlH Rupp Centennial Celebration Chimes DOXOLOGY invocation . . Rev. John H. Fitzgerald of St. Peter's Church lord's prayer HYMN 36 responsive reading . . Rev. S. A. Apraham of Marlborough anthem Edmund Turner Great and marvellous are thy works Lord, God, Almighty. Just and true are thy ways, Thou King of Saints. Oh taste and see how gracious the Lord is. Blessed is the man that trusteth in him. The lions do lack and suffer hunger. But they who seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Oh thank the Lord of all lords for his mercy endureth forever. reading of the scriptures . . Rev. A. J. McLeod of Andover prayer Rev. Mr. McLeod response by Choir Hear me when I call, Oh God of my righteousness, Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. hymn 1312 offering solo by Mrs. R. J. Kyle sermon. . . .Rev. J. G. Davenport, D. D.,Waterbury, Conn. Text — Ecclesiastes vii, 10 Theme — "New England, Past and Present." hymn anthem Lillian Taitt Sheldon "How firm a foundation." hymn 153 benediction Rev. Dr. Davenport military postlude W. H. Burt 16 MENTENNI^ ^EXECUTIVE, 1 - COAMITT^ EDWIPI T. SMITM K^fsf^P^. 5&LECTMAM CrtAIRnAM % •*■> J \ ^ >»•. -i\ b % % 4 ^ o . aV V-. ^ ^ "o N 9 I A ' \" ^ ■■/.. •\ ■v> N V : ^ • .W N .vO 1 LIBRARY CONGRESS