^(i^^>f IV{ Official Circular 1911 Issued to Boards of Education in Ohio by the State Comnmissioner of Common Schools with the Full Text of the : : : : : School Book Law As Amended May 9, 1908 And the Names and Addresses of all Publishers Who Have Agreed in Writing to Furnish Their Publlications upon the Terms Prescribed in the Law Columbus, Ohio The F. J. Heer Printing Co. 1911 ^y <\ V ;^>0>^ c\\\ ci OFiaCE OF THE , STATE COMMISSIOXER OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Columbus, Ohio, June 15, 191 1, To Boards of Educalioii ifi Ohio: The following is the full text of the School Book Law : Filing and preservation of copies and prices of school-books. Maximi-m price; notifi- cation of pub,-- lisher. Section 7709. Am- publisher or publishers of school- books in the United States desiring to offer school-books for use by pupils in the common schools of Ohio as herein- after provided, before such books may be lawfully adopted and purchased by any school board, must file in the office of the state commissioner of common schools, a copy of each book proposed to be so offered, together with the published list wholesale price thereof. No revised edition of any such book shall be used in common schools until a copy of such edition has been filed in the office of the commissioner to- gether with the published list wholesale price thereof. The commissioner must carefully preserve in his office all such copies of books and the prices thereof. (92 v. 282 § i.) Section 7710. When and so often as any book and the price thereof is filed in the commissioner's office as provided in the next preceding section, a commission consisting of the governor, secretary of state and state commissioner of com- mon .schools, immediately shall fix the maximum price at v.-hich such books may be sold to or purchased by boards of education, as hereinafter provided, which price must not exceed seventy-five per cent, of the published list wholesale price thereof. The state commissioner of common schools immediately shall notify the pubhsher of such book so filed, of the maximum price fixed. If the publisher so notified, notifies the commissioner in writins: that he accepts the price fixed, and ag-rees in writing to furnish such book dur- ing a period of five years at that price, such written ac- ceptance and agreement shall entitle the rublisher to offer the book so filed for sale to such boards of education. (q2 V. 282 § 2.) State commissioner of common schools not authorized to permit pub- lishers to withdraw books after they have been listed, before expiration of contract. Com. Section 771 i. Such commissioner, during the first Notices to half of the month of June, in each year, must furnish to boards, each board of education the names and a^ddresses of all publishers who during the year ending on the first day of the month of June in each year, agreed in writing to fur- nish their publications upon the terms above provided. A board of education shall not adopt or cause to be used in the common schools any book whose publisher has not complied, as to such book, with the provisions of law relating there- to. (92 V. 282 § 3.) Violation of agreement by publisher. Text-books; how deter- mined; five- year term. Text -books, of whom ordered. Board of education, power and duties of. Section 7712. If a publisher who agreed in writing to furnish books as above provided, fails or refuses to fur- nish such books adopted as herein provided to any board of education or its authorized agent upon the terms herein provided, such board at once must notify such commission of such failure or refusal, and it at once shall cause an in- vestigation of such charge to be made. If it is found to be true the commission at once shall notify such publisher and each board of education in the state that such book shall not thereafter be adopted and purchased by boards of education. Such publisher shall forfeit and pay to the state of Ohio five hundred dollars for each failure, to be recovered in the name of the state, in an action to be brought by the attorney- general, in the court of common pleas of Franklin county, or in any other proper court or in any other place where service can be made. The amount, when collected, must be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the common school fund of the state. (92 v. 282 § 4.) Section 7713. At a regular meeting, held between the first Monday in February and the first Monday in August, each board of education shall determine by a majority vote of all members elected the studies to be pursued and which of such text-books so filed shall be used in the schools under its control. But no text-books now in use or hereafter adopted shall be changed, nor any part thereof altered or re- vised, nor an}^ other text-book be substituted therefor for five years after the date of the selection and adoption there- of, as shown by the official records of such boards, except by the consent at a regular meeting, of five-sixths of all members elected thereto. Books so substituted shall be adopted for the full term of five years. (99 v. 460 § 5.) Injunction lies to restrain illegal change in school text-books. Lenliart V. Newton Tp. (Bd. of Ed.) 18 Dec. 82.5 (5 N. S., TIQ). Section 7714. Each board of education shall cause it to be ascertained, and at a regular meeting determine which, and the number of each of such books the schools under its charge require, and cause an order to be drawn for the amount in favor of the clerk of the board of educa- tion, payable out of the contingent fund. Such clerk at once shall order the books so agreed upon by the board, of the publisher, who on the receipt of such order must ship them to the clerk without delay. He forthwith shall examine the books, and, if found right and in accordance with the order, remit the amount to the publisher. The board of education must pay all charges for the transportation of the books, out of the school contingent fund. But if such boards of education at any time can secure of the publishers books at less than such maximum price, they shall do so, and with- out unnecessarv delay may make effort to secure such lower price before adopting any particular text-.book. (99 v. 460 § 5.) Section 7715. Each board of education shall make all necessary provisions and arrangements to place the books so purchased within easy reach of and accessible to all the pupils in their district. For that purpose it ma}- make sucli contracts, and take such security as it deems necessary, for the custody, care and sale of such books and accounting for the proceeds ; but not to exceed ten per cent, of the cost price shall be paid therefor. Such books must be sold to the pupils of school age in the district, at the price paid the publisher, and not to exceed ten per cent, therefor add- ed. The proceeds of sales shall be paid into the contingent fund of such district. Boards also may contract with local retail dealers to furnish such books at prices above specified, the board being still responsible to the publishers for all books purchased by it. (99 v. 460 § 5.) Section 7716. When pupils remove from any district, oid books, and have text-books of the kind adopted in such district purchase of.. and not the kind adopted in the district to which they re- move, and wish to dispose of them, the board of the district from which the}^ remove, if requested, shall purchase them at the fair value thereof, and resell them as other books. Nothing herein shall prevent the board of education from furnishing free books to pupils as provided bv law. (99 v. 460 § 5.) Section 7717. For the purpose of carrying into effect Appropriation, the foregoing provisions, and paying the expenses incident thereto, there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, to the credit of the general revenue fund, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred dollars, to be disbursed and paid on the allowance and order of the commissioner of common schools. (99 v. 460 § 5.) Section 7718. A superintendent, supervisor or princi- s^ies agents, pal, employed by any board of education in the state shall ^^o "^^y not. not act as a sales agent, either directly or indirectly, for any person, firm or corporation whose school text books are filed with ''such state commissioner, for use in the public schools of the state, as provided by law. A violation of this pro- vision shall work a forfeiture of their certificates to teach in the public schools of Ohio. (99 v. 460 § 5.) Penalty for bribery in sale of text-books aud school apparatus., see Secj tions 12931 and 12932. COURT DECISIONS. Where the committee on text books of a school board recom-nended the- adoption of a certain series of books, and the school board amended the report and then adopted it, this "determines" the books to be used under R. S., Sec. 4020-14 (7713 G. C), and exhausts the power to change them, and a majorit}^ vote ten days afterwards to reconsider is a nullity. 35 O. S., 368. The adoption of the books being in connection with a proposition of the publisher, its terms as to prices are conditions of the adoption. Id. A rule of the board, that resolutions for changing text-books shall be referred to a committee and delayed four weeks, is a reasonable one under F. S., Sec. 3985 (4750 G. C), and binding. Nor can a bare majority abrogate it, for Sec. 3982 (4752 G. C.), must be construed with Sec. 3985 (4750 G. ^C). Hence, an adoption of a text-book by a majority without reference to the committee and four weeks' dela}'', will not be enforced by mandam.us on the- application of a parent who has purchased the new books. 2 C. C. 510. LIST OF PUBLISHERS. In accordance with the provisions of Section 7711 of this law, I hereby notify you that the following publishers of school books have complied with the provisions of the law, and are therefore entitled to offer fcr sale, to boards of education, for use by the pupils in the schools, such books of their publica- tion as have been authorized by the school book commission: Acme Publishing" Co Morgantown, W. Va.. Ainsworth & Co Chicago, 111. Allyn & Bacon. . Chicago, 111. American Book Co Cincinnati, Ohio. D. Appleton & Co Chicago, 111. Atkinson, I\Ientzer & Grover Chicago, 111. Atlas School Supply Co Chicago, 111. The Baker & Taylor Co New York City. A. S. Barnes & Co New York City. Arthur J. Barnes ■ St. Louis, Mo. The Berlitz School of Languages Cincinnati, Ohio. Alfred J. Beirly Chicago, 111. C. C. Birchard & Co Boston, Mass. F. H. Bliss Publishing Co Saginaw, Mich. The Bobbs-Merrill Co _ Indianapolis, Ind. Burrows Bros Cleveland, Ohio. The Century Co New York City. The John Church Co. ... • CiHcinnati, Ohio. The C. 11. Clark Publishing Co Boston, Mass. Sherwin Cody Chicago, 111. D. W. Crist Moultrie, Ohio. Creg B. Darby . Mt. Victor3^ Ohio. Dement Publishing Co Chicago, 111. Thomas J. Donlan Boston, Mass. Doubleday, Page & Co New York City. Eaton & Co. . , Chicago, 111. Eclio I\Iusic Co Chicago, 111. Educatiorial Association Chicago, 111. Educational Publishing Co Columbus. Ohio. Ellis Publishing Co • Battle Creek, Mich, The Ellsworth Co Mont Vale, N. J. -A. Flanagan & Co • Chicago, 111. Funk & VVagnalls Co New York City. Ginn & Co Columbus, Ohio. Globe School Book Co New York City. Good;^'ear-Aiarshall Publishing Co Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Andrew J. Graham & Co New York City. Gregg Publishing Co Chicago, 111. "Crosset & Dunlap • • New York City. Hariscn, Wm. Beverley New York City. Harper & Bros New York City. D. C. Heath & Co Chicago, 111. The Hedges Publishing Co Columbus, Ohio. H. D. Hemenway ~. • Xcrthampton, ]\Iass. Hinds, Noble & Eldredge • New York City. Henry Holt & Co Chicago, III. Houghton Mifllin Co Boston, Mass. Hope Publishing Co. . . ; Chicago, 111. Frank V. Irish Chicago,. 111. Jennings Publishing Co. . ; Biookljai, N. Y. B. F. Johnson Publishing Co Richmond, Va. ^Johnson, Blagden & McTurnan Chicago, 111. L. J. Kemp Ada, Ohio. L. E. Knott Apparatus Co Boston, Mass. Laird & Lee Chicago, 111. J. B. Lippincott & Co Philadelphia, Pa. Little, Brown & Co Boston, Mass. Longmans, Green & Co New York City. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co Boston, Mass. J. D. Luse Columbus, Ohio. '.I. A. Lyons & Co Chicago, 111. The ]\Iacmillan Co Chicago, 111. Chas. E. Merrill & Co New York City. E. N. Miner New York City. Musick, W. L St. Louis, Mo. Isabel Howard Neff Cincinnati, Ohio, Newson & Co New York City. Orange Judd Co - • New York City. Oxford LTniversity Press New York City. Eli Lawrence Payne '. Emporia, Kansas. Phonographic Institute Co Cincinnati, Ohio. Practical Text Book Co Cleveland, Ohio. The Prang Educational Co Chicago, 111. Public School Publishing Co • Bloomington, 111. G. P. Putnam's Sons New York City. Rand. McNally & Co '. Chicago, 111. Geo. D. Rathbun Ottawa, Kansas. Row, Peterson & Co Chicago, 111. 'The H. M. Rowe Co Baltimore, Md. The Saalfield Publishing Co Akron, Ohio. Benj. H. Sanborn & Co Chicago, 111. 021 490 332 8 Chas. Schovanek Cleveland, Ohio. Scott, Foresman & Co Chicago, 111. Charles Scribner's Sons New York City. 'Sibley & Co Chicago, 111. Silver. Burdett & Co Chicago, 111. Parker P. Simmons New Yor|<: City. J. H. Snyder Tiffin, Ohio. South-Western Publishing Co Knoxville, Tenn. Christopher Sower Co Philadelphia, Pa. E. Steiger & Co New York City. J. ^I. Stradling & Co New York City. Stewart & Glover Akron, Ohio. The Taylor-Holden Co Springfield, IMass. University Publishing Co Lincoln, Neb. Universit}' of Chicago Press Chicago, 111. A. C. Van Sant Omaha, Neb. H. C. Walker St. Louis, Mo. The Webb Publishing Co St. Paul, Minn. L. S. Wells Columbus, Ohio. AV. H. Wheeler & Co . Chicago, 111. AVooster & Co ' . Chicago, 111. World Book Co Yonkers, N. Y. Zaner & Bloser Columbus, Ohio. -Johnson, Elagdeir & McTurnan are successors to Thompson, BroAvn & Co. -J. A. Lyons &■ Co. are successors to Powers & Lyons. ^The H. M. Rowe Co. was formerly The Sadler-Rowe Co. *Benj. H. Sanborn & Co. are the western agents for Sibley & Co. Books formerly listed by Daniel W. Lothman, Cleveland, Ohio, are now listed by Ginn ^- Co. Each publisher named above has been furnished with a duplicate of the aforesaid list of his books on file with the commission, together with the maxi- mum price of each publication. The maximum price of any text-book offered for adoption may be obtained by applying to the office of the Commissioner of Common School or the publisher of such text-book. Your attention is hereby especially called to the fact that the law re- quires boards of education in all school districts to adopt for a period of five years all text-books regularly used in the schools. The clerk of the board of education should make a careful record of such adoption, showing the time when the meeting was held, the names and prices of books adopted, and the manner in which the vote was taken, as well as the result of the vote. Section 7714 of the Ohio School Book Law also makes it the duty of the board to determine the kind and number of books to be used and to order the same through its clerk, an agent appointed for that purpose, or a local retail dealer with whom a contract may have been made to furnish books to pupils at a rate not to exceed ten per cent, advance upon the cost price. In all cases, the board of education is responsible to the publishers for all Tjooks purchased by said board of education. JOHN W. ZELLER, Commissioner. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 490 332 5 HoUincer Corr*.