i ffii" ■f'lVii' t«'^'.^d breathes an air that chills the fervor of his piety," the dwellings of God's professed people re- sounded with holy song and gladness, how delightful, how Heavenly! How sorrow would be assuaged, how strife would be silenced, how revelry would skulk into darkness, how vice would cease to ruin the souls of the children and blast the fair hopes of fathers and mothers! How soon our holy religion would shine forth in her beautiful bridal garments of purity and praise ! The admiration even of her foes. The beauty of the nations. The delight of angels. The joy of her God ! And my heart's desire and prayer to God this day is that you, the people of my charge— this flock of God — may all so learn and love the songs of Zion now that, in the Coming Glory, at the appearing and kingdom of our Lord Jesus, ye may, every one, be prepared to join the full Choir of the Redeemed out of every kindred and tribe and tongue, who, with the voice of a great multitude, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, shall sing: "Al- lelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!" HYMNS OF THE CHURCH. •g Tune— Lyons. 6s & 6s or lis. 1 O worship the King, All glorious above ; O gratefully sing His power and his love; Our Shield and Defender, The Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, And girded with praise. 2 O tell of his niight, O sing of his grace, Whose robe is the light, Whose canopy space ; His chariots of wrath The thunder clouds form, And dark is his path On the wings of the storm. 3 Frail children of dust, And feeble as frail. In thee do we trust, Nor find thee to fail. Thy mercies how tender! How firm to the end! Our Maker, Defender, Kedeemer and Friend. 4 O measureless Might, Ineflf*able Love ! While angels delight To hymn thee above, Thy ransomed creation, Though feeble their lays, With true adoration, Shall sing to thy praise. Q Tune— Philadelphia. L. M. 1 Thee we adore, eternal Lord ! We praise thy name with one accord; Thy saints, who here thy goodness see, Through all the world do worship thee. 2 To thee aloud all angels cry, The heavens and all the powers on high; Thee, holy, holy, holy King, Lord God of hosts, they ever sing. 3 Th' apostles join the glorious throng; The prophets swell th' immortal song ; The martyrs' noble army raise Eternal anthems to thy praise. 4 From day to day, Lord, do we Highly exalt and honor thee ! Thy name we worship and adore, World without end, for evermore ! Tune — Fount. 8s, 78 & 4s. 1 God is in his holy temple, All the earth keep silence here ; Worship him in truth and spirit, Keverence him with godly fear; Holy, holy, Lord of hosts, our Lord, appear. 2 God in Christ reveals his presence. Throned upon the mercy-seat ; Saints, rejoice ! and sinners, tremble! Each prepare his God to meet; Lowly, lowly, Bow adoring at his feet. 3 Hail him here with songs of praises. Him with prayers of faith surround; Hearken to his glorious gospel, While the preacher's lips expound; Blessed, blessed. They who know the joyful sound. 4 Though the heav'n, and heav'n of heavens, O Thou great Unsearchable! Are too mean to comprehend thee, Thou with man art pleased to dwell ; Welcome, welcome, God with us, Immanuel. A Tune — Monon. S. M, 1 Stand up, and bless the Lord, Ye people of his choice; Stand up, and bless the Lord your God With heart, and soul, and voice. 2 Though high above all praise. Above all blessing high, Who would not fear his holy name, And laud and magnify ? HYMNS OF THE CHURCH. 3 O for the living fire, From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our minds inspire, And wing to heaven our thought.! 4 Stand up and bless the Lord, The Lord your God adore ; Stand up, and bless his glorious name Henceforth for evermore. g Tnne—ParJc. 8s & 7s. 1 Crown his head with endless blessing Who, in God the Father's name. With compassions never ceasing. Comes salvation to proclaim. Hail, ye saints, who know his favor. Who within his gates are found ; Hail, ye saints, the exalted Saviour, Let his courts with praise resound. 2 Lo, Jehovah, we adore thee ; Thee our Saviour ! Thee our God ! From his throne his beams of glory Shine through all the world abroad. In his word his light arises, Brightest beams of truth and grace ; Bind, O bind your sacrifices. In his courts your oflferings place. 3 Jesus, thee our Saviour hailing, Thee our God in praise we own ; Highest honors, never failing, Kise eternal round thy throne ; Now, ye saints, his power confessing, In your grateful strains adore ; For his mercy, never ceasing, | Flows and flows for evermore. 4 Thou art a sea without a shore; Awful, immense thou art : And 3^et thou canst contract thyself Within my narrow heart. 5 O Spirit, beautiful and free, My heart could almost break At thought of all thy tenderness For us poor sinners' sake. 6 The love of Jesus I adore; My comfort this shall be. That when I serve my dearest Lord, That service honors thee. Tune — Rochester. C. M. g Tune— Moors. C. M. 1 Fountain of love ! thyself true God ! Who through eternal days From Father and from Son hast flowed In uncreated ways ! 2 An undivided nature, shared With Father and with Son ; A person by Thyself; with them Thy simple essence one. 3 A full, wide-flowing ocean. Thou, Of uncreated love; I tremble as within my soul I feel thy waters move. 1 Abide among us with thy grace, Lord Jesus, evermore ; Nor let us ere to sin give place. Nor grieve him we adore. 2 Abide among us with thy word, Kedeemer, whom we love, Thy help and mercy here afford, And life with thee above. 3 Abide among us with thy ray, O Light that lightenest all. And let thy truth preserve our way, Nor suffer us to fall. 4 Abide with us to bless us still, O bounteous Lord of peace; Our souls with grace and power now fill Our faith and love increase. Q Tune — Autumn. Ss & 7s. 1 Call Jehovah thy salvation, Kest beneath the Almighty's shade, In his secret habitation Dwell, nor ever be dismayed; There no tumult can alarm thee. Thou shalt dread no hidden snare ; Guile nor violence can harm thee. In eternal safeguard there. 2 From the sword, at noon -day wasting From the noisome pestilence, In the depth of midnight blasting, God shall be thy sure defense : Fear not thou the deadly quiver, When a thousand feel the blow; Mercy shall thy soul deliver. Though ten thousand be laid low. HYMNS OF THE CHURCH. 3 3 Thee, though winds and waves be swelling, Grod, thine hope shall bear through all, Plague shall not come near thy dwell- ing, Thee no evil shall befall : lie shall charge his angel-legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep, Though thou walk in hostile regions. Though in desert wilds thou sleep. 4 Since, with pure and true affection, Thou on God hast set thy love, AVith the wings of his protection He will shield thee from above ; Thou shalt call on him in trouble, He will hearken, he will save ; Here for grief reward thee double, Crown with life beyond the grave. Tnnc — Mndisou. 85 1 Inspircr and Hearer of prayer, Thou Shepherd andGuardian of thine. My all to thy covenant care I sleeping or waking resign. If thou art my Shield and my Sun, The night is no darkness to me; And, fast as my moments roll on, They bring me but nearer to thee. 2 Thy ministering spirits descend To watch while thy saints are asleep ; By day and by night they attend, The heirs of salvation to keep. Bright seraphs, dispatched froin the throne, Kepair to their stations assigned ; And angels elect are sent down To guard the elect of mankind. 3 Their worship no interval knows ; Their fervor is still on the wing; And while they protect my repose, They chant to the praise of my King. I, too, at the season ordained, Their chorus for ever shall join. And love and adore, without end, Their faithful Creator and mine. JQ Tiuie—Caro. 8s & 7s. 1 "Abba, Father,'- we approach thee, In our Saviour's precious name ; We, thy children, here assembling, Now thy promised blessings claim. From our sins his blood hath washed us, 'Tis through him our souls draw nigh And thy Spirit, too, has taught us, "Abba, Father," thus to cry. 2 "Abba, Father," Lord! we call thee, Hallow' d name ! from day to day: 'Tis thy children's right to know thee; I^one but children •' Father " say. This high glory we inherit, Thy free gift, through Jesus' blood ; God the Spirit, with our spirit, Witnesseth we're sons of God. 3 Hence, thro' all the changing seasons, Trouble, sickness, sorrow, woe, Nothing changeth God's affections, Love divine shall bring us through; Soon shall all thy blood-bought children Round the throne thei r anthems raise, And, in songs of rich salvation, Shout to God's eternal praise. 11 Tniie—OUcel. 6s & 4s. 1 Glory to God on high ! Peace upon earth and joy ! Good will to man ! We who his blessing prove. Join with the host above, Shouting his wondrous love, Too vast to scan. 2 Mercy and truth unite. This is a joyful sight. All sights above ! Jesus the curse sustains. Bitter the cup he drains, Nothing for us remains. Nothing but love I 3 Love that no tongue can teach. Love that no thought can reach, No love like this ! God is its blessed source. Death could not stop its course, Nothing can stay its force. Matchless it is ! 4 Blest in this love we sing, To God our praises bring; All sin forgiven! Jesus, our Lord, to thee, Honor and majesty, Now and for ever be. Here and in Heaven ! HYMNS Of THE CHUBCH. J2 Tmic— Perez. Ss