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Ea44 • 6 \g2 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1837, Bt JOHN S. TAYLOR, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Soutliern DISTRICT OF NEW-YORK. HENRY LUDWIQ, PRINTER. INTRODUCTION. In giving a place in the Cabinet of Freedom to the ensuing narrative, it is deemed proper to ac- company it with some remarks. Tiie reader will be desirous to know how far it, is entitled to his be- lief, and the editors of the Cal)inet are equally desi- rous that he should not be misled. They have been furnished with the following certificate : "L.-wistown, Pa., July ISlh, 1S30. ''We, the undersigned, certify that we have read the book called ' Charles Ball" — that we know the black man whose narra ive is given in this book, and have heard him relate the principal matters con- tained in the book concerning himself, long before the book was published. "David W. Holings. "W. P. Elliott."* This certificate establishes the fact, that the sub- ject of the narrative is not a fictitious personage. Mr. Fisher, (the author) intimates in his preface, what is, indeed, sufficiently obvious from the felicity of his style, that the language of the book is not * Mr. Elliott is a justice of the peace, and editor of the Lewis- town Gazette. Mr. Holings is a lawyer, and formerly a mennber of the Pennsylvania Legislature. 1 U INTRODUCTION. that of the unlettered slave, whose adventures he re- cords. A similar intimation might with equal pro- priety have been given, in reference to the various profound and interesting reflections interspersed throughout the work. The author states, in a pri- vate communication, that many of the anecdotes in the book illustrative of soutliern society, were not ob- tained from Ball, but from other and creditable sources ; he avers, however, that all the facts which relate personally to the fugitive, were received from his own lips. How far this personal narrative is true is a question which each reader must, of course, de- cide for himself It is possible, and not improbable, that vanity may have induced the hero to exaggerate his exploits, and that ignorance and forgetfulness may in some in- stances,, have rendered his tale discordant. The hardships he encountered in his various attempts to escape from bondage, are indeed extreme, but are not for that reason incredible, since it is difficult to estimate the amount of human suffering that can be voluntarily endured for an adequate object. The account of his voyage from Savannah to Philadel- phia, strange as it is, derives strong confirmation from the following still more extraordinary account taken from a New- York journal. " The captain of a vessel from North Carolina, called on the police for advisement respecting a slave he had unconsciously brought away in his vessel, under the following curious circumstances. Three or four days after he had got to sea, he be- INTRODUCTION. Ill gan to be haunted every liour with tones of distress, seemingly proceeding- from a human voice in the very lowest part of the vessel. A particular scrutiny was finally instituted, and it was concluded, that the creature, whatever aiul whoever it might be, must be confined down in the run, under the cabin floor, and on l)oring a liole with an auger, and demanding ' Who's there V a feeble voice responded, ' Poor ne- gro, massa !' It was clear enough then, that some run-away negro had hid himself there, before they sailed, trusting to Providence for his ultimate escape. Having discovered him, however, it was impossible to give him relief, for the captain had stowed even the cabin so completely full with cotton as but just to leave room for a small tiible for himself and the mate to eat on, and as for unloading at sea, that was pretty much out of the question. Accordingly there he had to lie, stretched at full length, for a te- dious interval of thirteen days, till the vessel arrived in port and unloaded, receiving his food and drink through the auger hole. " The fellow's story is, now he is released, that being determined to get away from slavery, he sup- plied himself with eggs, and biscuit, and some jugs of water, which latter he was just on the point of depositing in his lurking place, when he discovered the captain at a distance coming on board, and had to hurry down as fast as possible and leave them. That he lived on nothing but his eggs and biscuit till discovered by the captain ; not even getting a drop of water, except what he had the good fortune IV INTRODUCTION. to catch in his hand one day, when a vessel of water in the cabin was upset during a squall, and some of it ran down through the cracks of the floor over him." — Commercial Advertiser, 1822. With regard to the pictures given in this work of the internal Slave-trade, and of the economy of a cotton plantation, it may be observed, that they are perfectly consistent, not only with the various other representations which have from time to time been made by unimpeacliable witnesses, but also with the irresponsible despotism which is vested by law and custom in southern masters. That despotism with- in the confines of a plantation, is more absolute and irresistible than any that was ever wielded by a Ro- man emperor. The power of the latter, when no longer supportable, was terminated by revolt or per- sonal violence, and often with impunity. But to the despotism of the master, there is scarcely any conceivable limit, and from its cruelty there is no ref- uge. His plantation is his empire, his labourers are his subjects, and revolt and violence, instead of ab- ridging his power, are followed by inevitable and horrible punishment. The laws of the land do not, indeed, authorize the master to take hfe, but they do not forbid him to wear it out by excessive toil. Public opinion sometimes exercises a more control- ling influence than law, and it may perhaps be sup- posed, that it throws its shield before the helpless slave. But it should be recollected, that public opin- ion at the south is the opinion of the masters them- selves, and that they are individually amenable to it, INTRODUCTION'. V chieny in re^rard to their intercourse with each other as citizens, and not in regard to the authority they exercise over their '' property.'' In liis negro quar- ters, or his cotton field, the planter is w ithdrawn from the i^aze of his neiirjihours who have neitlier tiie right, nor the (lisposition, to ?cniiiiii/e hi- coiidiut. lie is then; an uiujin'stioned despot, and his vassals have no press to })ro(laini their wrongs, no trihunal to petition for a redress:! of grievances, and :iic prohib- ited from cntcriiii; a Court of Justice as suitors, or even as witnesses against any individual whoso complexion is not coloured likr iJM'ir own. Hence it follows, that the masttr is virtually the arbiter of life and death. All hi.tory and all our knowledge of human nature uniie in hearing testimony to the hardening and corrupting inlluence of irresponsible power on its posse.-^sor. 8»)me, indeed, are shielded against this inlluence by natural Injuevolence, or re- Ugious principle ; and it is creditable to Halls can- dour, that he mentions instances of kindness on the part of the masters ; but such instances must neces- sarily, from the very constitution of our nature, be exceptions to the general rule. The cruelty and de- testable injustice of the slave-code in all ages, and in all countries, conclusively establishes the general ef- fect of slavery in paralyzing the moral sense. Some readers may be disposed to doubt Ball's vera- city on account of the atrocious cruelties he relates. Such a doubt evinces a very imperfect acquaintance with southern feelings and manners. The cruelties recorded in the narrative, were practised by a few in- 1* VI INTRODUCTION. dividuals, but if assembled multitudes in the slave- states can publicly unite in perpetrating still greater atrocities, then surely the story told by Ball is not in- credible. The following deeds of horror recounted by the public journals, render tame and insignificant the acts of cruelty detailed in the work before us. " Tuscaloosa, Alabama. " Horrid occurrence. — Some time during the last week, one of those outrageous transactions, and we really think disgraceful to the character of civil- ized man, took place near the north-east boundary line of Perry, adjoining Bibb and Autauga counties. The circumstances, we are informed by a gentleman from that county, are — that a Mr. McNeilly having lost some clothing, or other property of no great value, the slave of a neighbouring planter w^as charged with the theft. McNeilly, in company with his brother, found the negro driving his master's wagon — they seized him, and either did, or were about to chastise him, when the negro stabbed McNeilly so that he died in an hour afterwards. The negro was taken before a justice of the peace, who, after serious deliberation, waived his authority, perhaps through fear, as the crowd of persons from the above counties had collected to the nimiber of seventy or eighty men, near Mr. People's (the jus- tice) house. He acted as president of the mob, and put the vote, when it was decided he should be im- mediately executed by beinginuRNT to death. INTRODUCTION. Vll The sable culprit was led to a tree and tied to it, and a large quantity of pine knots collected and placed round him, and the fatal torch applied to the pile, even against the remonstrances of several gentlemen who were present, and the miserable being was, in a short time, burnt to ashes. " This is the sfxond negro who has been thus put to death without Judge or jury in that county." On the 28th of April, 1836, a negro was burnt alive at St. Louis, by a numerous mob. The Alton Telegraph gives the following particulars. " All was silent as death, while the executioners were piling wood around the victim. He said not a word, probably feeling that the flames had seized upon him. He then uttered an awful howl, attempt- ing to sing and pray, then hunix his head and suffer- ed in silence, excepting in the following instance : — After the flames had surrounded their prey, and when his clothes were in a blaze all over him, his eyes burnt out of his head, and his mouth seemingly parched to a cinder, some one in the crowd, more compassionate than the rest, proposed to put an end to his misery by shooting him, when it was replied, ' that would be of no use since he was already out of pain.' ' No, no,' said the wretch, ' 1 am not, — I am suffering as much as ever — shoot me, shoot me ! ' ' No, no,' said one of the fiends who was standing about the sacrifice they were roasting, ' he shall not be shot, I would sooner slacken the fire, if that would increase his misery ! ' and the Vui INTRODUCTION. man who said this, was, we understand, an officer of justice ! " '' We understand," says the New Orleans Post of June 7th, 1836, '• that a negro man was lately con- demned by the mob, to be burned over a slow FIRE, which was put into execution at Grand Gulf, for murdering a black woman and her mas- ter, Mr. Green, a respectable citizen of that place, who attempted to save her from the clutches of this monster." "We have been informed," says the Aikansas Gazette of the 29th October, 1836, "that the slave William J who murdered his master [Huskey) some weeks since, and several negroes, was taken by a party, a few days since, from the Sheriff of Hot Spring, and burned alive ! yes, tied up to the hmb of a tree, a fire built under him, and con- re I ' sumed in slow and lingering tortu It has been already observed, that the master is virtually the arbiter of life and death. How far the state of public opinion at the south confirms or con- tradicts this assertion, may be seen from the annexed report of a suit brought to recover the value of a mur- dered slave. If he who takes the life of another's slave is permitted to go at large without molestation, after making compensation for the property destroyed, who shall presume to punish the owner for doing what he will with his own l From the Nashville (Tennessee) Banner, June, 1834. " Interesting trial. — During the session of INTRODICTIOX. IX the circuit-court for Davison county, which ad- journed a few days since, a case was tried of more than usual interest to the puhhc. It was that of :\Ieeks a<^ainst Philips, for the value of a slave who had been killed by Philips, whilst in the enij)loy- nient of Meeks as his overseer. The following abstract of the evidence was furnished us by a disin- ten-trd memlKir of tlie bar, who was not engaged as counsel on either side of the cause. " ' It ap[)oarod in evidonce that the negro h;id diso- brycd Philips' orders, in ^Mni^ away one night with- out his pcrniission, for whi gave way, and the boy fell to the ground, when Pliilips gave him several violent kicks in the side, and again swung him to the tree. He then called for a cow-hide, which was accordingly brought, and the chastisement was com- menced anew. The suffering wretch implored for X INTRODUCTION. mercy in vain. Philips would whip him awhile, and then rest only to renew his strokes and wreak his vengeance, for he repeatedly avowed his inten- tion of whipping him to death ! — saying, he had as good a negro to put in his room, or remunerate his master for the loss of him. The sufferer, writhing under the stinging tortures of the lash, continued to implore for mercy, while those who were present in- terposed, and pleaded, too, in his behalf ; but there was no relenting arm, until life was nearly extinct, and feeling had taken its departure. He was cut loose bleeding and weak, overcome with extreme exhaustion and debility, and died in a few minutes after.' The jury, of course, found for the plaintiff." P R E F A r E . Ix the following pages, the reader wiJl find em- bodied the principal incidents that have occiirn^d in the life of a slav, in the Tnited States of America. Thp nnrrative is taken fn.m th.- month of the adven- turer himself; and if the copy (lex's not retain the idrniical words of the oriirinal. the sense and import, U least, are fiiilijiiijy preserved. Many of liis (.pinions have heen cautiouslv omit- ted, or carefiiily suppressed, as being of no value to the reader; and his sentiments U|tbn the subject of slavery, have not been emlx)died in this work. Tlie design of the writer, who is no more than the record- er of the fads deHil.d in him by another, has heen to render the narrative as simple, and the style of the story as plain, as the laws of the kuiguag.' would permit. To introduce the reader, as it were, to a view of the cotton fields, and exhibit, not to his ima- gination, but to his very eyes, the mode of life to which the slaves on the southern plantations must conform, has been the primary object of the compiler. The book has been written without fear or preju- dice, and no opinions have been consulted in its com- position. The sole view of the writer has been to make the citizens of the United States acquainted with each other, and to give a faithful portrait of the manners, usages, and customs of the southern peo- ple, so far as those manners, usages, and customs XU PREFACE. have fallen under the observations of a common negro slave, endued by nature with a tolerable por- tion of intellectual capacity. The more reliance is to be placed upon his relations of those things that he saw in the southern country, when it is recollect- ed that he had been born and brought up in a part of the state of Maryland, in which, of all others, the .spirit of the "old aristocracy," as it has not unaptly been called, retained much of its pristine vigour in his youth ; and where he had an early opportunity of see- ing many of the most respectable, best educated, and most highly enlightened families of both Maryland and Virginia, a constant succession of kind offices, friendly visits, and family alliances, having at that day united the most distinguished inhabitants of the two sides of the Potomac, in the social relations of one people. It might naturally be expected, that a man who had passed through so many scenes of adversity, and had suflered so many wrongs at the hands of his fellow-man, would feel much of the bitterness of heart that is engendered by a remembrance of una- toned injuries ; but every sentiment of this kind has been carefully excluded from the following pages, in which the reader will find nothing but an unadorn- ed detail of acts, and the impressions those acts produ- ced on the mind of him upon whom they operated. N A n R A 'I^ I \' E ( K \i''n:i; i. Tni; system of nlavcry, as pracii^od in ilm linhd Slates, Ijas l>rcn, aiul is now. Iml liltlc iindrr^toixl hy llip \}cn[)\r who live north of thr Potomac and the Ohio: lor, nlthmmh in(h\i(lii;il cases of extreme cru- elty and oppression mcasion.dly (K'cur in Maryland, yet the -^^eneral treatment of tlie black |)e()ple, is I'lr more lenient and mild in that state, than it is farther south. This, I presume, is mainly to Im- attributed to the vicinity of the free i^tate of Pennsylvania ; hut. in no small detcree, to the influence of the |K)|)ulation of the cities of Haltimore and \Va-hini;ton, over (jif, families of the planters of the surroundini: counties. For experience has tautjht me. that l>4)th masters anrl mistresses, who, if not ol)scr\rd hv stranide the horse as he moved slowK, ai d earnestly and imploriuirly hesoupbt my nia-ter to buv b«M and ilir rt-t of ber rbildren, and not permit them to Im- carried away by tht; negro buyers; but whilst ibus rntrcatinir bim to save her and b«-r familv, the >lave-drivt'i-, who bad fust bought her, came ruimin'i in pursuit ot lu-r with a raw bide in bis band. \\ ben be overtcM)k us be told In-r bo was bor master now, ami ordored b«r to uive thut little neijro to its ownei, and r()me back with bim. My mother then turned to him and cried, •• Oh, master, do not take me from my child ' ' W about making any reply, he gave ber two or three heavy blows on the shoulders with his raw hide, snatched me from her arms, handed me to my master, and seiziuiz: ber by one arm, dragged her back towards the place of sale. My master then quickened the pace of his horse ; and as we advanced, the cries of my poor parent became more and more indistinct — at length they died away in the distance, and I never again heard the voice of my poor motber. Young as I wa-^, the horrors of that day sank deeply into mv heart, and even at this time, thougli half a cen- 2* 18 NARRATIVE OF THE tury has elapsed, the terrors of the scene return with painful vividness upon my memory. Fright- ened at the sight of the cruelties inflicted upon my poor mother, I forgot my own sorrows at parting from her and clung to my new master, as an angel and a saviour, when compared with the hardened fiend into whose power she had fallen. She had been a kind and good mother to me ; had warmed me in her bosom in the cold nights of winter ; and had often divided the scanty pittance of food allowed her by her mistress, between my brothers, and sisters, and me, and gone supperless to l)ed herself. Whatever victuals she could obtain bej^ond the coarse food, salt fish, and corn-bread, allowed to slaves on the Patux- ent and Potomac rivers, she carefully distributed among her children, and treated us with all the ten- derness which her own miserable condition would permit. I have no doubt that she was chained and driven to Carohna, and toiled out the residue of a for- lorn and famished existence in the rice swamps, or indigo fields of the south. My father never recovered from the efTects of the shock, which this sudden and overwhelming ruin of his family ga\e him. He had formerly been of a gay social temper, and when he came to see us on a Saturday night, he always brought us some little present, such as the means of a poor slave would allow — apples, melons, sweet potatoes, or, if he could pi'ocure nothing else, a little parched corn, which tasted better in our cabin, because he had brought it. He spent the greater part of the time, which his ADVENTURES OF CHARLES RALL. 19 master perniitled him to pass with ns. in relating such stories as lie liad learned from his companions, or in singin*,^ the rude songs common amonirst the slaves of Maryland and Virginia. After this tiinr I never heard him lauiiii heartily, or siiiir a song. He bcciimegloomy and morose in his temper, to all hut me; and s|)^it nearly all \\\< Icisurt- timt- with my grandfathrr, who claimed kindrrd with soine royal family in Africa, and had hern a great warrior in his native country. The master of my father was a hard penurious man, and so exceedinLrly avari- cious, that he scarcely allowed himself the common conveniences of life. A stranger to sensihility, he w;is incapahleof tracing the change in the temper and deportment of my father, to its true cause; but attributed it to a sullen discontent with his condition as a slave, and a de>in; to abandon his service, and seek his lil)eriy ijy escaping to some of the free states. To prevent the perpetration of this sus})ected crime of nnui'uij iuray from shivtrij. the old man resolved to sell my father to a souiherfi slave-dealer, and accordinLrU apjjlied to on«' of those men, who was at that lime in Calvert, to become the pur- chaser. The price was agreed on. but, as my father was a very strong, active, and resolute man, it was deemed unsafe for the Georgian to attempt to seize him, even with the aid of others, in the day-time, when he was at work, as it was known he carried upon his person a large knife. It was therefore determined to secure him by stratagem, and for this purpose, a farmer in the neighbourhood, who was 20 NARRATIVE OP THE made privy to the plan, alleged that he had lost a pig, which must have been stolen by some one, and that he suspected my father to be the thief. A con- stable was employed to arrest him, but as he was afraid to undertake the business alone, he called on his way, at the house of the master of my grand- father, to procure assistance from the overseer of the plantation. When he arrived at the house, the overseer was at the barn, and thither he repaired to make his application. At the end of the barn was the coach-house, and as the day was cool, to avoid the wind which was high, the two walked to the side of the coach-house to talk over the matter, and settle their plan of operations. It so happened, that my grandfather, whose business it was to keep the coach in good condition, was at work at this time, rubbing the plated handles of the doors, and bright- ening the other metallic parts of the vehicle. Hear- ing the voice of the overseer without, he suspended his work, and listening attentively, became a party to their councils. They agreed that they would delay the execution of their project until the next day, as it was then late. They supposed they would have no difficulty in apprehending their intended victim, as, knowing himself innocent of the theft, he would readily consent to go with the constable to a justice of the peace, to have the charge examined. That night, however, about midnight, my grand- father silently repaired to the cabin of my father, a distance of about three miles, aroused him from his sleep, made him acquainted with the extent of his ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 21 (lanuer. gave liim a lK)tlle of cider and a small bag of parched corn, and then praying to the God of his native country to protect his son. enjoined him to lly from the destruction which awailfd him. In the morning, the Georgian could nut tmd his newly purchased slave, v Iw- was i.-ver s. n. or heard ol in .■\hiryland from that day. He pn.hahly had pru- dence enough to conceal himself in the day, ^ind travf'l onlv at niixht ; by this means making his way slouly up tin; country, between the Palapsco and Pamx. Ml. until he was able to strike across to the nortli, and rrach Pennsylvania. After llie lli^ht of my father, my i^rand father was the only person Irft in ^laiylaml. wiili whom I could claim kindred. He was at that time an old man, as he himself said, nearly eiirhty years of age, and he manifested towards me all iU fondness which a person so far advanced in life could be, expected to feel for a child. As be was too feeble to perform much hard labour, his master did not rr(iuire him either to live or to work with the common Held liands, who were employed the greater part of the year in cultivating tobacco, and preparing it for mar- ket, that being the staple crop of all the lower part of the western shore of ]Maryland at that time. Indeed, old Ben, as my grandfather was called, bad always expressed great contempt for his fellow slaves, they being, as he said, a mean and vulgar race, quite beneath his rank, and the dignity of his former sta- tion. He had, during all the time that 1 knew him, a small cabin of his own, with about half an acre of 22 NARRATIVE OF THE ground attached to it, which he cultivated oa his own account, and from which lie drew a large por- tion of his subsistence. He entertained strange and peculiar notions of re'igion, and prayed every wight, though he said he ought to pray oftener ; but that his God would excuse him for the non-performance of this duty in consideration of his being a slave, and compelled to devote his whole time to the service of his master. He never went to church or meeting, and held, that the religion of tliis country was alto- gether false, and indeed, no religion at all ; being the mere invention of priests and crafty men, who hoped thereby to profit through the ignorance and credulity of the luultitude. In support of this opinion, he main- tained that there could only be one truu sta dard of faith, which was the case in his country, where all the people worshipped together in the same assem- bly, and beljeved in the same doctrines which had been of old time delivered by the true God to a holy man, who was taken up into heaven for that pur- pose, and affer he had received the divine communi- cation, had returned to earth, and spent a hundred years in preaching and imparting the truth which had been revealed to him, to mankind. This in- spired man resided in some country, at a great dis- tance from that of my grandfather, but had come there, across a part of the sea, in company with an angel ; and instructed the people in the mysteries of the true faith, which had ever since been preserved in its utmost purity, by the descendants of those who received it, through a period of more than ten ADVENTURKS OF CHARLES BALL. 23 ilioii>antl years. My grandfather said, tliat tlie tenets of this K'liuion wore so plain and srlf-evidcnl, that any one could understand them, without any other in- struction, than the reading of a small book, a copy of w hich was kept in every family, and which con- tained all the rules both of faith and practice, neces- sary for any one to know or exercise. No one was per- mitted to expound or explain this book, as it was known to l)c the oracle of the true God, ami it was held impious for any person to give a con- struction to his words, dilVer«'nt from that wliich was so j)alp;ibly and manifestly expressed on the face of the book. 'J1iis book was likewise written in such plain and intellirrible lani^uage, that only one meaning could ))ossibly be i^iven to any our. part of it; and was with[d so compendious and brief, tb;it jieople could, with very little laiK)ur, commit tbe whole of its pre- cepts to memory. The priests had, at several times, ittempted to piililish commentaries and glossaries upon this book ; but as often as this liad been at- tempted, the perpetrators had been tried, found guilty of conspiring to corrupt the public morals, and then banished from the country. People who were disposed to worship publicly, convened together in summer, under the boughs of a large tree, and the eldest person present read the inspired book from be- ginning to end, Avhich could be done in two hours, at most. Sometimes a priest was employed to read the book, but he was never, by any means, allowed to add any observations of his own, as it would 24 NARRATIVE OF THE have been considered absurd as well as very wicked, for a mere man to attempt to add to, alter, amend? or in any manner give a colouring to the revealed word of God. In winter, when it rained constant- ly, the worshippers met under the roof of a house covered with the leaves of a certain tree, which grew in great abundance on the margins of all the streams. The law imposed no penalties on those who did not profess to believe the contents of the sacred book ; but those who did not Uve according to its rules were deemed bad subjects, and were compelled to become soldiers, as being fit only for a life of bloodshed and cruelty. The book inculcated no particular form of belief, and left men free to profess what faith they pleased ; but its principles of morality were extreme y rigid and uncompromising. Love of country, charity, and social affection, were the chief points of duty enjoin- ed by it. Lying and drunkenness were strictly pro- hibited, and those guilty of these vices were severely punished. Cruelty was placed in the same rank of crimes ; but the mode of punishment was left en- tirely to the civil law-giver. The book required nei- ther fastings, penances, nor pilgrimages ; but tender- ness to wives and children, was one of its most positive injunctions. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 25 < IIAPTllR II. The name of the man who purchased m«^ at the veiidiic, and became my master, was John Cox ; but he was gonrrally called Jack (ox. He was a man of kindly feelint^s towards iiis family, and treats! his slaves, of wh«)m he had several besides m<-. with humanity. \\r [xTmitled my i^^randfither to viHt nic as often as Ik- pleased, and allowed him somciimrs to carry me to his own cabin, which sloixl in a lonely place, at the iiead of a deep hollow, al- most surrounded by a thicket of cedar trees, which had irn.wn up in a worn out and abandoned tobacco field. My master gave n>e better clotlns than the little slaves of my aj^e generally received in Calvert, and often tnld me (h;n hr iiitciid.d to make me. his waiter, and that if 1 Udiaved well I should become his overseer in time. These stations of waiter and overseer appeared to m,- i,, !,<• the hiulie^L points of honom- and greatness m the whole world, and had not circumstances frusiraUnl my master's [)lans, as well as my ..wn views, I should probably have been living at this time in a cabin on the corner of some tobacco planuition. Fortune had decreed otherwise. When I was about twelve years old, my master, Jack Cox, died of a disease which had long confined him to the house. I was sorry for the death of my master, who had always been kind to me ; and I soon disco- vered that I had good cause to regret his departure 3 28 NARRATIVE OF THE burthensome, and I was permitted to spend Sunday afternoon in my own way. 1 generally went up into the city to see the new and splendid buildings • often walked as far as Georgetown, and made many new acquaintances amongst the slaves, and frequent- ly saw large nmiibers of people of my colour chained together in long trains, and driven off towards the south. At that time the Slave-trade was not re- garded with so much indignation and disgust, as it is now. It was a rare thing to hear of a person of colour running away, and escaping altogether from his master : my father being the only one within my knowledge, who had, before this time, obtained his liberty in this manner, in Calvert county ; and, as before stated, I never heard what became of him after his flight. I remained on board the Congress, and about the navy-yard, two years, and was quite satisfied with my lot, until about three months before the expira- tion of this period, when it so happened that a schooner, loaded with iron and other materials for the use of the yard, arrived from Philadelpliia. She came and lay close by the Congress, to discharge her cargo, and amongst her crew I observed a black man, with whom, in the course of a day or two, I became acquainted. He told me he was free, and lived in Philadelphia, where he kept a house of en- tertainment for sailors, which he said was attended to in his absence by his wife. His description of Philadelphia, and of the liberty enjoyed there by the black people, so charmed my ADVENTURES OF CHARLES RALL. 29 imagination thai I determined to deviee some plan of escaping from the Conirress, and makini? my way to the north. I coniniunicaied my doi^igns to my new friend, who promised to i^ive mo his aid. Weajrreed that the ni^ tobacco, \vhi('h h*^ said the captain h id undertaken to carry to !*hilad«'lphia. The siiil- ini; of the schooner was delayed lon-xer tiian we ex- pected ; and, fnially, her captain purchased a cargo t)r ll "lu in (ieorgctown, and sailed for the West In- di<.'s. W liilst I was anxiously awaiting some other opportunity of making my way to Philadelphia, (the idea of crossing tiic count ry in th<' \v«'>tern part of Pennsylvania never entered my mind,) new-year's- day came, and with it came my olil mastca- from Calvert, accompanied hy a gentleman namrd(iib- son, to whom he said he had sold me. and to whom he delivered me over in the navy-yard. Wc all three get out that same evening for Calvert, and reached the residence of my new master the next day. Here I was informed that I had become the subject of a law-suit. My new master claimed me under his purchase from old 3Ir. Cox ; and another gentleman of the neighlx)urhood. named Levin Bal- lard, had bought me of the children of my former master, Jack Cox. This suit continued in the courts of Calvert county more than two years : but was finally decided in favour of him who had bought me of the children. I went home with my master, Mr. Gibson, who 3* 30 NARRATIVE OF THE was a farmer, and with whom I lived three years. Soon after I came to live with Mr. Gibson, I married a girl of colour named Judah, the slave of a gentle- man by the name of Symmes, who resided in the same neighbourhood. I was at the house of Mr. Symmes every week; and became as well acquaint- ed with him and his family, as I was with my master. Mr. Symmes also married a wife about the time I did. The lady whom he married lived near Phila- delphia, and when she first came to Maryland, she refused to be served by a black cham])ermaid, but employed a white girl, the daughter of a poor man, who lived near. The lady was re|)orted to be very Avealthy, and brought a large trunk full of plate, and other valuable articles. This trunk was so heavy that I could scarcely carry it, and it impress- ed my mind with the idea of great riches in the owner, at that time. After some time Mrs. Symmes dismissed her white chambermaid, and placed my wife in that situation, which 1 regarded as a fortu- nate circumstance, as it insured her good food, and at least one good suit of clothes. The Symmes' family was one of the most ancient in Maryland, and had been a long time resident in Calvert county. The grounds had been laid out, and all the improvements prq.ected about the family abode, in a style of much magnificence, according to the custom of the old aristocracy of Maryland and Virginia. Appendant to the domicile, and at no great dis- ADVENTURKS OF CHARLES 1^ ALL. 31 tance from the house, was a family vault, built of brirk. in wliirli rcp^ed llir occupants of the estate, who had liwd tlnre for many previous s^enorations. This vault had not been opened or entered for fifteen years previous to llie lime of which I speak ; but it so hap|)ened, that at this |HTi(Kl, a younij: "'^^'b a dis- tant relation of ihe family, died, having requested on his death-l»ed. that he miijlit l>e buried in this family resting place. AVben I came on Saturday evening to sec my wife and child, Mr. Synune?^ desired me, as I was older tli.iu aiiv of his black men, to take an in>M pick and no and open the vault, which 1 ac- conliuL^ly did, by cnttinix away the mortar, and re- movini^ a few briiks from om- side (irtiic bnildiii*:;; but I could not riMiiovc more tban ibrre or four bricks iK'fore I was obli«;rd, by tbe borrid ellluvia which issue(l at the aperture, to retire. It was tlie most dcadlv and sickeninre than twenty human skeletons, each in the place where it had be"n deposited by the idle tenderness of surviving friends. In some cases notbing remained but the hair and the larger bones, whilst in several the form of the coffin was yet visi- 32 NARRATIVE OF THE ble, with all the bones resting in their proper places. One coffin, the sides of which were yet standing, the lid only having decayed and partly fallen in, so as to disclose the contents of this narrow cell, presented a peculiarly moving spectacle. Upon the centre of the lid was a large silver plate, and the head and foot were adorned with silver stars. The nails which had united the parts of the coffin had also silver heads. Within lay the skeletons of a mother and her infant child, in slumbers only to be broken by the peal of tbe last trumpet. The bones of the in- fant lay upon the breast of the mother, where the hands of affection had shrouded them. The ribs of the parent had fallen down, and rested on the back bone. Many gold rings were about the bones of the fingers Brilliant ear-rings lay beneath where tne ears had been ; and a glittering gold chain en- circled the ghastly and haggard vertebrae of a once beautiful neck. The shroud and flesh had disap- peared, but the hair of the mother appeared strong and fresh. Even the silken locks of the infant were still preserved. Behold the end of youth and beau- ty, and of all that is lovely in hfe ! The coffin was so much decayed that it could not be removed. A thick and dismal vapour hung embodied from the roof and walls of this charnal house, in appearance somewhat like a mass of dark cobwebs; but which was impalpable to the touch, and when stirred by the hand vanished away. On the second day we deposited with his kindred, the corpse of the young man, and at night I again carefully closed up the ADVENTIRKS OF rilARLFS r.AI.L. 33 breach wliirh I had made in ihe walU of ihin lUvtl- ling-place of the dead. (H \v'v\:]\ in. Some short lime afi.T my wilr U-cain.- rhamhrr- maid lo her mbtrrsH, it was my mi-roruinr to chantjc masters oiio' more. liOviii llillard, who, as l>cfore stated, had |nirrhasetl me of thr . hil.h.ii (.f my former master, Jack Cox. wan succes.-^hil m liis law suit with Mr. (;il>son. the ohjecl of win. h was to dficrmiun the ritriit of property in m<- ; and our (lay. wliil-t I was at work in the corn-field, Mr. Ballard can»c and tnld me I was hi-j projMMty; ask- inir nir at the -anx- linu- if I was willini: to f?o with him. 1 i..l.lh.m I wa-^ ii..t willin«^Mo tjo ; but thai if I UlonjU'd to him 1 knew I must. We then went to the hou.-e, and .Mr. (iiln^.n not heini: at home, Mrs. Gibson told mm- I mu-^t i:.) wiili Mr. nallanl. I accordinsrly went with huu, drtrrmiuinir to serve him obediently and faithfully. I remained in hid service almost three years, and as he lived near the residence of my wife's master, my former nuxhi of life was not materially changed, hy thi-; change of home. ^Irs. Symmes sjient nuich of her lime m ex- changing visits w ith the families of the other large planters, both in Calvert, and the neighlx)uring counties; and through my wife, 1 became acquaint- 34 NARRATIVE OF THE ed with the private family history of many of the principal persons in Maryland. There was a great proprietor, who resided in an- other county, who owned several hundred ^ slaves ; and w4io permitted them to beg of travellers on the high-way. This same gentleman had several daugh- ters, and according to the custom of the time, kept what they called open house : that is, his house was free to all persons of genteel appearance, who chose to visit it. The young ladies were supposed to be the greatest fortunes in the country, were reputed beautiful, and consequently were greatly admired. Two gentlemen, who were lovers of these girls, desirous of amusing their miatro^ses, invited a young man, whose standing in society they supposed to be beneath theirs, to go with them to the manor, as it was called. \Vlien there, they endeavoured to make him an object of ridicule, in presence of the ladies ; but he so wxll acquitted himself, and manifested such superior wit and talents, that one of the young la- dies fell in love with him, and soon after, wrote him a letter, which led to their marriage. His two pre- tended friends were never afterwards countenanced by the family, as gentlemen of honour ; but the for- tunate husband avenged himself of his heartless companions, by inviting them to his wedding, and exposing them to the observation of the vast assem- blage of fashionable people, w^ho always attended a marriage, in the family of a great planter. The two gentlemen, who had been thus made to fall into the pit that they had dug for another, were ADVENTURES OP CHARLES BALL. 35 SO much chacrrined at the issue of the adventure, tliat one, soon left ^Maryland ; and the other hccanie a common drunkard, and died a few years afterwards. My change of masters, reahsed all the evil appre- hensions which I had entertained. I found Mr. Hal- lard siillon and rrai)l)od in his temper, and always prone to fmd fm|j with my conduct— no matter how hard I had lahoiired, or how careful I was to fulfil all his orders, and ohry \\\< most unreasonahle com- mand-.-. Yet, it so li:ip|).iird, that he never heat me, for which, I was altoireiher indehted (o the nood rhararter, for inu-j try, .^ohrieiy, aLnl humility, whirh I had estahlishrd in I lie nein^hljourhood. I think he was ashanuMl to ahuse me, lest he should suHer in the irood opinion of the puhlic ; for he often fell into the. most viojoru fits of anirer ajrainst nie, and ov.'iw lirliiM'd mr with coarse and ahusive lan- p^uacre. He ilid not lmvc me clothes enough to keep me warm in w inter, and compelled me to work in the woods, when there was deep snow on the ground, hy which I sulVered very much. I had determined at last to speak to him to sell me to some per.>on in the neighhourhood, so that I might still he near my wife and children— hut a different fate awaited me. My master kept a store at a small village on the hank of the Patuxent river, called B , al- thougli he resided at some distance on a farm. One mornmg he rose early, and ordered me to take a yoke of oxen and go to the village, to hring home a cart which was there, saying he would follow me. He arrived at the village soon after I did, and took 36 NARRATIVE OF THE his breakfast with his store-keeper. He then told me to come into the house and get my breakfast. Whilst I was eating in the kitchen, I observed him talking earnestly, but lowly, to a stranger near the kitchen door. I soon after went out, and hitched my oxen to the cart, and was about to drive off, when several men came round about me, and amongst them the stranger whom I had seen speak- ing with my master. This man came up to me, and, seizing me by tlie collar, shook me violently, saying I was his property, and must go with him to Georgia. At the sound of these words, the thoughts of my wife and chiklren rushed across my mind, and my heart died away within me. I saw and knew that my case was hopeless, and that resistance was vain, as there were near twenty persons present, all of whom were ready to assist the man by whom 1 was kidnapped. I felt incapable of weeping or speaking, and in my despair I laughed loudly. My purchaser ordered me to cross my hands behind, which were quickly bound with a strong cord ; and he then told me that we must set out that very day for the south. I asked if I could not be allowed to go to see my wife and children, or if this could not be permitted, if they might not hav^e leave to come to see me ; but was told that 1 would be able to get another wife in Georgia. My new master, whose name I did not hear, took me that same day across the Patuxent, where I joined fifty-one other slaves, whom he had bought in Maryland. Thirty-two of these were men, and ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 37 nineteen were women. Tlie women were merely tied together willi a rope, about ilie size of a V>ed cord, whicli was lied like a halter round the neck of each; but the men, uf whom I was the stoutest and btronir«st. were very diirerently ca|>arisoned. A stronif iron collar was closely fitted by means of a padlock round each of our necks. A chain of iron, al^^ut a himdred feet in leng^th, was passed throuuh the hasp of each [)adlock. except at the two ends, where the hasps uf the |)adlocks passed throuirh a link of the chain. In addition to this, we were handcuffed in pairs, with iron staplrvs and bolts, with a short chain, about a foot lonir, unitinii^ the handculVs anil liirir wc.ircMs in pairs. In iliis manner we were chained alternately by the rii^hl and left hand ; and the poor man. to whom I was thus iron«'d, wept like an infant when the blacksmith, with his heavy liam- mer. fastened the ends of the bolts that kej)t the sta- ples from slipping from our arms. For my own part. I felt indillerent to my fate. It ap()eared to me that the worst had come, that could come, and that no chan«re of fortune could harm me. After we were all chained and handcufled togeth- er, we sat down u|)on the ground ; and here reflect- ing u[K)n the sad reverse of fortune tliat had so sud- denly overtaken me, and the dreadful sulR'ring which awaited me, I became weary of life, and bit- terly execrated the day I was born. It seemed that I was destined by fate to drink the cup of sorrow to the very dregs, and that I should find no respite from misery but in the grave. I longed to die, and escape 4 38 NARRATIVE OF THE from the hands of my tormentors ; but even the wretched privilege of destroying myself was denied me ; for I could not shake off my chains, nor move a yard without the consent of my master. Reflecting in silence upon my forlorn condition, I at length con- cluded that as things could not become worse — and as the life of man is but a continued round of chan- ges, they must, of necessity, take a turn in my fa- vour at some future day. I found relief in this vague and indefinite hope, and when we received orders to go on board the scow, which was to transport us over the Patuxent, 1 marched down to the water with a firmness of purpose of which I did not believe my- self capable, a few minutes before. We were soon on the soutii side of the river, and taking up our line of march, we travelled about five miles that evening, and stopped for the night at one of those miserable public houses, so frequent in the lower parts of Maryland and Virginia, called " ordi- nariesr Our master ordered a pot of mush to be made for our supper ; after despatching which, we all lay down on the naked floor to sleep in our handcuffs and chains. The women, my fellow-slaves, lay on one side of the room ; and the men who were chained with me, occupied the other. I slept but little this night, which I passed in thinking of my wife and little children, whom I could not hope ever to see again. I also thought of my grandfather, and of the long nights I had passed with him, listening to his narratives of the scenes through which he had passed ADVKNTURK3 OF fllARLKS HALL. 39 in Africa. I at lenc^lh fell asleep, but was distressed by painful dreams. My wife ai\d children appeared to be weepini^ and lamentin<^ my calamity : and he- geeci)in<^ and implorinir my master on their knees, not to carry me away from thnn. My little boy came and iKigijed me not it) .^o and leave him, and endeavoured, as I ihou'jht. with his little hands to brrak ill.' f.tt.Ts that iM.nnd me. I awoke in apmy and curstMl my existrncr. I could not pray, for the measure of my woes seemed to \yi full, and I felt as if there was no mercy in h»av.Mi. nor compassion on earth, for a man wh<» was horn a slave. Day at length came, and with the dawn, we resumed our journey towards the Potomac. As we passed along the road, I saw the slaves at work in the corn and tobacco-fields. I knew they toiled hard and lacked food ; but they were not, like me, dragged in chains from thrir wives, children, and friends. ( 'oinpan'd with me, they were the happiest of mortals. I al most envied them their blessed lot. Before night we crossed the Potomac, at Hoe's Ferry, and hade farewell to Maryland. At night wc stopped at the house of a poor gentleman, at least he appeared to wish my master to consider him a gen- tleman ; and he had no dilTiculty in establishing his claim to poverty. He lived at the side of the road, in a framed house, which had never been plastered within— the weather-boards being the only wall. He had about fifty acres of land enclosed by a fence, the remains of a farm which had once covered two or three hundred acres ; but the cedar bushes had 40 NARRATIVE OF THE encroached upon all sides, until the cultivation had been confined to its present limits. The land was the very picture of sterility, and there was neither barn nor stable on the place. The owner was rag- ged, and his wife and children were in a similar plight. It was with difficulty that we obtained a bushel of corn, which our master ordered us to parch at a fire made in the yard, and to eat for our supper. Even this miserable family possessed two slaves, half-starved, half- naked wretches, whose ap- pearance bespoke them familiar with hunger, and victims of the lash ; but yet there was one pang whicli they had not known, — they had not been chained and driven from their parents, or children, into hopeless exile. We left this place early in the morning, and di- rected our course toward the south-west ; our master riding beside us, and hastening our march, some- times by words of encouragement, and sometimes by threats of punishment. The women took their place in the rear of our line. We halted about nine o'clock for breakfast, and received as much corn- bread as we could eat, together with a plate of broiled herrings, and about three pounds of pork amongst us. Before we left this place, I was removed from near the middle of the chain, and placed at the front end of it ; so that I now became the leader of the file, and held this post of honour until our irons were taken from us, near the town of Columbia in South Carohna. We continued our route this day along the high road between the Potomac and ADVENTURES OF THAREES BAEE. 41 Rappahannock : and I several times saw each of those rivers before night. Our master gave us no dinner to day, but we halted a short time before sun- down, and got as mucli corn mush, and sour milk, as we could eat for supper. It was now the begin- ning of the month of May, and the weather, in the fme climate of Virginia, was very mild and pleasant ; so tiiat our master was not obliged to provide us with fire at nii^ht. From this time, to the end of our journey south- ward, wc all slept, promiscuously, men and women, on the lloors of sucn houses as we cluuKcd to stop at. We had no clothes except those we wore, and a few blankets ; the larger poition uf our gang be- iiiu- in vi{>ji< at \\ir, iihk; we crossed the Potomac. Two of the women were pregnant : the, one far ad- vanced — and she already complained of inability to keep pace with our march ; but her complaints were disregarded. We crossed the Rappahannock at Port Royal, and afterwards passed through the vil- lage of Bowling Green ; a place with which 1 be- came better acquainted in after times ; but which now presented the quiet so common to all the small towns in Virginia, and indeed in all the southern states. Time did not reconcile me to my chains, but it made me familiar with them ; and in a few days the horrible sensations attendant upon my cruel separation from my wife and children, in some mea- sure subsided ; and I began to reflect upon my present hopeless and desperate situation, with some degree of calmness ; hoping that I might be able to 4* 42 NARRATIVE OF THE devise some means of escaping from the hands of my new master, who seemed to place particular va- lue on me, as I could perceive from his conversation with such persons as we happened to meet at our resting places. I heard him tell a tavern-keeper where we halted, that if he had me in Georgia, he could get five hundred dollars for me ; but he had bought me for his brother, and he believed he would not sell me ; but in this he afterwards changed his opinion. I examined every part of our long chain, to see if there might not be some place in it at which it could be severed ; but found it so completely se- cured, that with any means in my power, its sepa- ration was impossible. From this time I endea- voured to beguile my sorrows, by examining the state of the country through which we were travel- ling, and observing the condition of my fellow-slaves, on the plantations along the high-road upon which we sojourned. We all had as much corn bread as we could eat. This was procured by our owner at the small dram shops, or ordinaries^ at which we usually tarried all night. In addition to this, we generally received a salt herring, though not every day. On Sunday, our master bought as much bacon, as, when divided amongst us, gave about a quarter of a pound to each person in our gang. In Calvert county, where I was born, the practice amongst slave-holders, was to allow each slave one peck of corn weekly, which was measured out every Monday morning ; at the same time each one re- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 43 ceiving seven salt herrings. This formed the week's provision, and the master who did not give it, w^as called a hard master^ whilst those who allowed their people any thing more, were deemed kind and in- dulgent. It often happened, that the stock of salt herrings laid up by a master in the spring, was not sufficient to enable him to continue this rate of distribution through the year ; and when the fish failed, nothing more than the corn was dealt out. On the other hand, some planters, who had large stocks of cattle, and many cows, kept the sour milk, after all tlie cream had been skimmed from it, and made a daily distribution of this amongst the work- ing slaves. Some who had large apple orchards, gave their slaves a pint of cider each per day, through the autunui. It sometimes happened, too, in the lower counties of Maryland, that there was an allowance of pork, made to the slaves one day in each week; though on some estates this did not take place more than once in a month. This al- lowance of meat was disposed of in such a manner as to permit each slave to get a slice ; very often amounting to half a pound. The slaves were also permitted to w^ork for themselves at night, v nd on Sunday. If they chose to fish, they had the privi- lege of selling whatever they caught. Some expert fishermen caught and sold as many fish and oysters, as enabled them to buy cofiee, sugar, and other luxuries for their wives, besides keeping themselves and their families in Sunday clothes ; for, the mas- ters in Maryland only allowed the men one wool 44 KARRATIVE OF THE hat, one pair of shoes, two shirts, two pair of trou- sers—one pair of tow cloth, and one of woollen — and one woollen jacket in the year. The w^omen were furnished in proportion. All other clothes they had to provide for themselves. Children not able to work in the field, were not provided with clothes at all, by their masters. It is, however, honourable to the Maryland slave-holders, that they never permit wo- men to go naked in the fields, or about the house ; and if the men are industrious and employ them- selves well on Sundays and holydays^ they can always keep themselves in comfortable clothes. In Yirgniia, it appeared to me that the slaves w^ere more rigorously treated than they were in my native place. It is easy to tell a man of colour who is poorly fed, from one who is well supplied with food, by his personal appearance. A half-starved negro is a miserable looking creature. His skin be- comes dry, and appears to be sprinkled over with whitish husks, or scales; the glossiness of his face vanishes, his hair loses its colour, becomes dry, and when stricken with a rod, the dust flies from it. These signs of bad treatment I perceived to be very common in Virginia ; many young girls who would have been beautiful, if they had been allowed enough to eat, had lost all their prettiness through mere starvation ; their fine glossy hair had become of a reddish colour, and stood out round their heads like lono^ brown wool. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 45 CHAPTER IV. Our master at first expressed a determination to pass through the cily of ilichmond ; but for some reason, which he did not make known to us, he changed his mind, and drove us up the country, crossing the Matepony, North Anna and South Anna rivers. For several days we traversed a region, which had been deserted by the occupants— being no longer worth culture— and immense thickets of young red cedars, now occupied tire fields, in dig- ing of which, thousands of wietched slaves had worn out their lives in the service of merciless masters. In some places these cedar thickets, as they are called, continued for three or four miles together, without a house to enliven the scene, and with scarcely an original forest tree to give variety to the landscape. One day, in the midst of a wilderness of cedars, we came in view of a stately and venera- ble looking brick edifice, which, on nearer inspection, I discovered to be a church. On approaching it, our driver ordered us to halt, and dismounting from his horse, tied him to a young cedar tree, and sat himself down upon a flat tomb-stone, near the west end of the church, ordering us, at the same time, to sit down among the grass and rest ourselves. The grave yard in which we were now encamped, occu- pied about two acres of ground, w^hich was sur- rounded by a square brick wall, much dilapidatedj 46 NARRATIVE OF THE and in many places broken down nearly to the ground. The gates were decayed and gone, but the gate-ways were yet distinct. The whole enclo- sure was thickly strewed with graves, many of w^hich were surmounted by beautiful marble slabs ; others were designated by plain head and foot stones ; whilst far the larger number only betrayed the rest- ing places of their sleeping tenants, by the simple mounds of clay, which still maintained their eleva- tion above the level of the surrounding earth. From the appearance of this burial place, I suppose no one had been interred there for thirty years. Several hollies', planted by the hands of friendship, grew amongst the hillocks, and numerous flowering shrubs and bushes, now in bloom, gave fragrance to the air of th*^. place. The cedars which covered the surrounding plain, with a forest impervious to the eye, had respected this lonely dwelling of the dead, and not one was to be seen within the walls. Though it was now the meridian of day in spring, the stillness of midnight pervaded the environs of this deserted and forsaken temple ; the pulpit, pews, and gallery of which were still standing, as I could perceive through the broken door-way, and maintained a freshness and newness of appearance, little according with the time-worn aspect of the ex- terior scenery. It was manifest that this earthly dweUing of the Most High, now so desolate and ruinous, was once the resort of a congregation of people, gay, fashion- able, and proud; who had disappeared from the ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 47 land, leaving only this fallen edifice, and these i^rassy tonihs, as the mementos of their existence. They had passed away, even as did the wandering red men, who roamed through the lofty oak forests which once shaded the ground where we now lay. As I sat musing upon the desolation that surrounded me, my mind turned to the cause which had con- verted a former rich and populous country, into the solitude of a deserted wilderness. The ground over which we had travelled, since we crossed the Potomac, had generally hcen a strong reddish clay, with an admixture of sand, and was of the same quality with the soil of the counties of (Jhester, Montgomery, and Bucks, in Pennsylvania. It had originally been liighly fertile and productive, and had it been properly treated, would doubtlessly have contiiuied to yield abundant and prolific crops ; but the gentlemen who became the early proprietors of this fine region, suj)plied themselves with slaves from Africa, cleared large plantations of many thou- sands of acres — cultivated tobacco — and became suddenly wealthy ; built spacious houses and nu- merous churches, such as this ; but, regardless of their true interest, they valued their lands less than their slaves, exhausted the kindly soil by unremitting crops of tobacco, declined in their circumstances, and finally gi-ew poor, upon the very fields that had formerly made their possessors rich ; abandoned one portion after another, as not worth planting any longer, and, pinched by necessity, at last sold their slaves to Georgian planters, to procure a subsistence ; 48 NARRATIVE OF THE and when all was gone, took refuge in the wilds of Kentucky^ again to act the same melancholy drama, leaving their native land to desolation and poverty. The churches then followed the fate of their builders. The revolutionary war deprived the parsons of their legal support, and they fled from the altar which no longer maintained them. Virginia has become poor by the folly and wickedness of slavery, and dearly has she paid for the anguish and sufferings she has inflicted upon our injured, degraded, and fallen race. After remaining about two hours in this place, we again resumed our march ; and wretched as I was, I felt relieved when we departed from this abode of the spirit of ruin. We continued our course up the country west- ward, for two or three days, moving at a slow pace, and at length turning south, crossed James river, at a place about thirty miles above Richmond, as 1 understood at the time. We continued our journey from day to day, in a course and by roads which appeared to me to bear generally about south-west, for more than four weeks, in which time we entered South Carohna, and in this state, near Camden, I first saw a field of cotton in bloom. I had endeavoured through the whole journey, from the time we crossed the Rappahannock river, to make such observations upon the country, the roads we travelled, and the towns we passed through, as would enable me, at some future period, to find my way back to Maryland. I was particularly in C nil ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 49 carofnl to note the names of the towns and villages through which we passed, and to fix on my memory, not only the names of all the rivers, hut also the po- sition and Ijearin^- of the ferries over those streams. After leaving James river, I assumed an air of cheerfuhiess and even gaiety— 1 often told stories to my master of the manners and customs of the Mary- land planters, and asked him if the same usages pre- vail •.! ill Georgia, whither we were destined. By repcnfodly naming th«^ rivers that we came to, and thr order wliich we had reached ihcm, I was ahle U my .'urival in Georgia, to repeat the name of every onsi(leral)le stream from the Potomac to the Savan- h. and to tell at what ferries we had crossed them. 1 afterwards found this knowIedg(; of great service to me ; indeed, witliout it I should never have been able to extricate myself from slavery. After leaving James river, our road led us south- west, through that region of country, which, in Vir- ginia and the Carolinas, they call the upper country. It lies between the head of the tides, in the great riv- ers, and the lower ranges of the Alleghany Moun- tains. I had. at that time, never seen a country cultivated by the labour of freemen, and consequent- ly, was not able to institute any comparison between the southern plantations, and the farms in Pennsyl- vania, the fields of which are ploughed and reaped by the hands of their owners ; but my recollection of the general aspect of upper Virginia and Carolina is still vivid. When contrasted with the exhausted and depopulated portion of Virginia, lying below the 5 50 NARRATIVE OF THE head of the tide, much of which I had seen, the lands traversed by us in the montli of May and early part of June, were indeed fertile and beautiful ; but when compared with what the same plantations would have been, in the hands of such farmers as I have seen in Pennsylvania, divided into farms of the proper size, the cause of the general poverty and weakness of the slave-holding states is at once seen. The plantations are large in the south, often in- cluding a thousand acres or more ; the population is consequently thin, as only one white family, beside the overseer, ever resides on one plantation. As I advanced southward, even in Virginia, I per- ceived that the state of cultivation became progres- sively worse. Here, as in Maryland, the practice of the best farmers who cultivate grain, of planting the land every alternate year in corn, and sowing it in wheat or rye in the autumn of the same year in which the corn is planted, and whilst the corn is yet standing in the field, so as to get a crop from the same ground every year, without allowing it time to rest or recover, exhausts the finest soil in a few years, and in one or two generations reduces the proprie- tors to poverty. Some, who are supposed to be very superior farmers, only plant the land in corn once in three years ; sowing it in wheat or rye as in the former case ; however, without any covering of clo- ver or other grass to protect it from the rays of the sun. The culture of tobacco prevails over a large portion of Virginia, especially south of James river, to the exclusion of almost every other crop, except corn. advp:ntuiies of charles ball. 51 This destructive crop ruins the best land in a short time ; and in all the lower parts of ^Maryland and Virginia the traveller will see large old family man- sions, of weather-l^eaten and neglected appearance, standing in the middle of vast fields of many hun- dred acres, the fences of which have rotted away, and have been replaced by a wattled work in place of a fence, composed of short cedar stakes driven into the ground, alx)ut two feet apart, and standing about throe; fct't alK)ve tlie earth, the intervals i)eing filled up l)y l^ranch(\s cut from the cedar trees, and work- ed into the stakes horizontally, after the manner of splits in a basket. Many of these fields liave been abandoned alto- gether, and are overgrown by cedars, which spring up in infinite numljers almost as soon as a field ceases to be plouijhed, and furnish materials for fencing such parts of the ancient plantation as are still kept enclosed. In many places the enclosed fields are only partially cultivated, all the hills and poorest parts being given up to the cedars and chin- quopin bushes. These estates, the seats of families that were once powerful, wealthy, and proud, are universally destitute of the appearance of a barn, such as is known among the farmers of Pennsylva- nia. The out houses, stables, gardens, and offices, have fallen to decay, and the dwelling-house is occu- pied by the descendants of those who erected it, still pertinaciously adhering to the halls of their ancestry, with a half dozen or ten slaves, the remains of the two or three hundred who toiled upon these grounds 52 NARRATIVE OF THE m former days. The residue of the stock has been distributed in marriage portions to the daughters of the family gone to a distance — have been removed to the west by emigrating sons, or have been sold to the southern traders, from time to time, to procure money to support the dignity of the house, as the land grew poorer, and the tobacco crop shorter, from year to year. Industry, enterprise, and ambition, have fled from these abodes, and sought refuge from sterility and barrenness in the vales of Kentucky, or the plains of Alabama; whilst the present occupants, vain of their ancestral monuments, and proud of an obscure name, contend with all the ills that poverty brings upon fallen greatness, and pass their lives in a con- test between mimic state and actual penury — too ignorant of agriculture to know how to restore fertihty to a once prohfic and still substantial soil, and too spiritless to sell their effects and search a new home under other skies. The sedge grass every where takes possession of the w^orn out fields, until it is supplanted by the chinquopin and the cedar. This grass grows in thick set bunches or stools, and no land is too poor for it. It rises to the height of two or three feet, and grows, in many places, in great profusion — is utterly worthless, either for hay or pasturage, but affords shelter to numerous rabbits, and countless flocks of partridges, and, at a short distance, has a beautiful appearance, as its elastic blue tops wave in the breeze. In Maryland and Virginia, although the slaves ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 53 are treated with so much rigour, and oftentimes with so much cruelty, I hav^e seen instances of the great- est tenderness of feeling on the part of their owners. I myself had three masters in Maryland, and I can- not say now, even after having resided so many years in a state where slavery is not tolerated, that either of them (except the last, who sold me to the Georgians, and was an unfeeling man,) used me worse than they had a moral right to do, regarding me merely as an article of property, and not entitled to any rights as a man, political or civil. My mis- tresses, in Maryland, were all good women ; and the mistress of my wife, in whose kitchen I spent my Sundays and many of my nights, for several years, was a lady of most henevolent and kindly feelings. She was a true friend to me, and I shall always venerate her memory. It is now my opinion, after all I have seen, that there are no better-hearted women in the world, than the ladies of the ancient families, as they are called, in old Virginia, or the country below the mountains, and the same observations will apply to the ladies of Maryland. The stock of slaves has belonged to the family for several generations, and there is a kind of family pride, in being the proprietors of so many human beings, which, in many instances, borders on affection for people of colour. If the proprietors of the soil in Maryland and Vir- ginia, were skilful cidtivators — had their lands in good condition — and kept no more slaves on each estate than would be sufficient to work the soil in a 5* 54 NARRATIVE OF THE proper manner, and keep up the repairs of the place — the condition of the coloured people would not be, by any means, a comparatively unhappy one. I am convinced, that in nine cases in ten, the hardships and sufferings of the coloured population of lower Virginia, is attributable to the poverty and dis- tress of its owners. In many instances, an estate scarcely yields enough to feed and clothe the slaves in a comfortable manner, without allowing any thing for tlie support of the master and iamily ; but it is obvious, that the family must first be supported, and the slaves must be content with the surplus — and this, on a poor, old, worn out tobacco planta- tion, is often very small, and wholly inadequate to the comfortable sustenance of the hands, as they are called. There, in many places, nothing is allow- ed to the poor negro, but his peck of corn per week, without the sauce of a salt herring, or even a little salt itself. Wretched as may be the state of the negroes, in the quarter, that of the master and his w^ife and daughters, is, in many instances, not much more enviable in the old apartments of the oreat house. The sons and daughters of the family are gentle- men and ladies by birthright — and were the former to be seen at the plough, or the latter at the churn, or the wash tub, the honour of the family woukl be stained, and the dignity of the house degraded. People must and will be employed about something, and if they cannot be usefully occupied, they will most surely engage in some pursuit wholly unprofitable. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 55 So it happens in Virginia — the young men spend their time in riding about the country, whilst they ought to be ploughing or harrowing in the corn- field ; and the young women are engaged in read- ing silly books, or visiting their neighbours' houses, instead of attending to the dairy, or manufacturing cloth for themselves and their brothers. During all this, the father is too often defending himself against attorneys, or making such terms as he can with the sheriif, for debts, in which he has been involved by the vicious idleness of his children, and his own want of virtue and courage, to break through the evil tyranny of old customs, and compel his offspring to learn, in early hfe, to procure their subsistence by honest and honourable industry. In this state of things there is not enough for all. Pride forbids the sale of the slaves, as long as it is possible to avoid it, and their meagre allowance of corn is stinted ra- ther than it sliall be said, the master w^as obliged to sell them. Somebody must suffer, and " self-preser- vation is the first law of nature," says the proverb — hunger must invade either the great house or the quarter, and it is but reasonable to suppose, that so unwelcome an intruder would be expelled, to the last moment, from the former. In this conflict of pride and folly, against industry and wisdom, the slave-holders have been unhappily engaged for more than fifty years. They are attempting to perform impossibilities — • to draw the means of supporting a Hfe of idleness, luxury, and splendour, from a once generous, but 56 NARRATIVE OF THE long since worn out and exhausted soil — a soil, which, carefully used, would at this day have richly repaid the toils of the husbandman, by a noble abun- dance of all the comforts of life ; but which, tortured into barrenness by the double curse of slavery and tobacco, stands — and until its proprietors are regener- ated, and learn the difference between a land of slaves and a nation of freemen — must continue to stand, a inomimcnt of the poverty and punish- ment which Providence has decreed as the re- ward of idleness and tyranny. The general fea- tures of slavery are the same everywhere ; but the utmost rigour of the system is only to be met with on tlie cotton plantations of Carolina and Georgia, or ill the rice fields which skirt the deep swamps and morasses of the southern rivers. In the tobacco fields of Maryland and Virginia, great cruelties are prac- tised — not so frequently by the owners, as by the overseers of the slaves ; but yet, the tasks are not so excessive as in the cotton region, nor is the press of labour so incessant throughout the year. It is true, that from the period wlien the tobacco plants are set in the field, there is no resting time until it is housed ; but it is planted out about the first of May, and must be cut and taken out of the field before the frost comes. After it is hung and dried, the labour of stripping and preparing it for the hogshead in leaf, or of manufacturing it into twist, is comparatively a w^ork of leisure and ease. Besides, on almost every plantation the hands are able to complete the work of preparing the tobacco by January, and sometimes ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 57 earii«'r; so that tlic winter nidiitlis form some sort of respite from tlie toils of the year. The people are obliged, it is true, to occupy themselves in cutting wood for the house, makinir rails and repairing fen- ces, and in clearing new land, to raise the tobacco plants for the next year ; but as there is usually tinie enough, and to spare, for the completion of all this work, before the season arrives for setting the plants in the field, the men arc seldom flogged nuich. un- less they are very lazy or negligent^ and the women arc allnwrd to remain in ilir hou^c in very cold, snowy, or rainy weather, i who am intimately ac- quainted with the slavery, both of 3laryland and VirEfinia, and know that there is no material dif- ference between the two, aver, that a description of one is a description of both ; and that the coloured people here have many advantages over those of the cotton region. There are seldom more than one hundred, of all ages and conditions, kept on one to- bacco planUition ; though there are sometimes many more ; but this is not frequent ; w hilst on the cotton estates, I have seen four or five hundred, working together in the same vast field. In ^laryland, the owners of the estates, generally, reside at home throughout the year ; and the mistress of the man- sion is seklom absent more than a few weeks in the winter, when she visits Baltimore or Washington. — the same is the case in Virginia. Her constant resi- dence on the estate makes her acquainted, person- ally, with all the slaves, and she frequently interests herself in their welfare, often interceding with the 58 NARRATIVE OF THE master, her husband, to prevent the overseer from beating them unmercifully. The young ladies of the family also, if there be any, after they have left school, are generally at home until they are married. Each of them univer- sally claims a young black girl as her own, and takes her under her protection. This enables the girl to extend the protection and friendship of her young Qjiistress to her father, mother, brothers and sisters. The sons of the family likewise have their favourites among the black boys, and have many disputes with the overseer if he abuses them. All these advanta- ges accrue to the black people, from the circumstance of the master and his family living at home. In Maryland I never knew a mistress, or a young mis- tress, who would not listen to the complaints of the slaves. It is true, we were always obliged to ap- proach the door of the mansion, in the most humble and supplicating manner, with our hats in our hands, and the most subdued and beseeching language in our mouths — but, in return, we generally received w^ords of kindness, and very often a redress of our grievances ; though I have known very great ladies, who would never grant any request from the plan- tation hands^ but always referred them and their petitions to their master, under a pretence that they could not meddle with things that did not belong to the house. The mistresses of the great famihes, gen- erally gave mild language to the slaves ; though they sometimes sent for the overseer and had them severely flogged ; but I have never heard any mis^ ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. yO tress, in either Maryland or Virginia, indulge in the low, vulgar and profiine vitu|x rations, of w hich I was myself the object in Georgia, for several years whenever I came into the presence of my mistress. Flogging — though often severe and excruciating in Maryland, is not practised with the order, regularity, and system, to which it is reduced in the south. On the Potomac, if a slave gives olfence, he is generally chastised on the spot, in the fjeld where he is at work, as the overseer always carries a whip- some- times a twisted cow-hide, sometimes a kind (,f horse- whip, and very often a simple hickory switch or gad, cut in the adjoining wixhIs. For stealing meat, or other provisions, or for any of the hiirhfr oflences the slaves are stripped, tied up hy the hands— some- limes by the thuml»s--an(l whipprd at the (piarter l)Ut, many times, on a large toi)acco pl.inialion, there is not more than one of these regular whippings in a week— though on otliers, where ih<; master happens to i)e a had man. or a drunkard, the back of the un- happy Marylarid slave, is seamed with scars from his neck to his hips. It was my fortune, wiiilst I was a slave in Mary- land, always to have comparatively mild masters • and as I uniformly endeavoured to do whatever was held to be the duty of a good slave, according to the customs of the country, 1 was never tied up to be flogged there, and never received a blow from my master, after I was fifteen years old. I was never under the control of an overseer in Maryland ; or, 60 NARRATIVE OF THE it is very likely that I should not have been aljle to give this account of myself. It is the custom of all the tobacco planters, in Maryland and Virginia, to plant a certain portion of their land in corn every year ; so much as they sup- pose will be sufficient to produce bread, as they term it, for the negroes. By bre id, is understood, a peck of corn per week, for each of their slaves. After my return from tiie navy-yard, at Wasliing- ton, I was generally employed in the culture of to- bacco ; but my attention was necessarily divided be- tween the tobacco and tlie corn. The corn crop is, however, only a matter of secondary consideration, as no grain, of any kind, is grown for sale, by the planters ; and if they raised as much, in my time, as supplied the wants of the people, and the horses of the stable, it was considered good farming. The sale of the tobacco was regarded as the only means of obtaining money, or any commodity which did not grow on the plantation. It is unfortunate for the slaves, that in a tobacco or cotton growing country, no attention whatever is paid to the rearing of sheep — consequently, there is no wool to make winter clothes for the people, and oftentimes they suffer, excessively, from the cold ; whereas, if their masters kept a good flock of sheep to supply them with wool, they could easily spin and weave in their cabins, a sufficiency of cloth to clothe them comfortably. As many persons may be unacquainted with the process of cultivating tobacco, a short account of the ADVEXTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 61 growth of this plant, may not l)e uninteresting. The operation is to be commenced in the month of Feliru- ary, !)y clearing a piece of new lanil, anil burning the timber cut from it, on the ground, so as to form a coat of ashes over the whole r^pace, if |X)ssible. This ground is then to be dug up wit!i a hoe, and Uie sticks and roots are to be carefully removed from it. In this bed. the tobacco seeds are sown about the beginning of March, not in hills, or in rows, but by, broad cast, as in sowing turnips. The seeds do not spring soon, but generally the young plant aj)pears early in April. If the weather, at the time the tobac- co comes up, as it is called, is yet frosty, a covering of pine tops, or red cedar branches, is thickly spread over the whole patch, which consists of from one to four or five acres, according to the dimensions of the plantation to be prn\ idt'd uiih plants. As soon as tlie weather becomes fine, and lli«; yinmg tobacco be- gins to grow, the covering of the branches is remo- ved, and the bed is cxposeil to the rays of the sun. From this time, the patch must be carefull}' attend- ed, and kept clear of all grass and weeds. In the months of March and April the people are busily employed in plougliing the fields in which the to- bacco is to be planted in May. Immediately after the corn is planted, every one, man, woman, and child, able to work with a hoe, or carry a tobacco plant, is engaged in working up the whole planta- tion, already ploughed a second time, into hills about four feet apart, laid out in regular rows acrobs the field, by the course of the furrows. These hills are 6 %Z NARRATIVE OF THE formed into squares or diamonds, at equal distances, both ways, and into these are transplanted the to- /Y bacco plants from the beds in which the seeds were sown. This transplantation must be done when the earth is wet with rain, and it is best to do it, if pos- sible, just before, or at the time the rain falls, as cab- bages are tiansplanted in a kitchen garden ; but as the planting a field of one or two hundred acres, with tobacco, is not the work of an hour, as soon as it is deemed certam that there will be a sufficient fall of rain, to answer the purpose of planting out tobac- co, all hands are called to the tobacco field, and no matter how fast it may rain, or how violent the storm may be. the removal of the plants from the bed, and fixing them in the hills where they are to grow in the field, goes on, until the crop is planted out, or the rain ceases, and the sun begins to shiiie. Nothing but the darkness of night, and the short respite, re- quired by the scanty meal of the slaves, produces any cessation in the labour of tobacco planting, until the work is done, or the rain ceases, and the clouds disappear. Some plants die under the operation of removal, and their places are to be supplied from those left in the bed, at the fall of the next rain. Sometimes the tobacco worm appears amongst the plants, before their removal from the bed, and from the moment this loathsome reptile is seen, the plants are to be carefully examined every day, for the pur- pose of destroying any worms that may be found. It is, however, not until the plants have been set in the field, and have begun to grow and flourish, that ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 63 the worms come forth in their full strength. If un- molested, they would totally destroy the largest field of tobacco in the months of June and July. At this season of the year, every slave that is able to kill a tobacco worm, is kept in the field, from morning un- til nis^ht. Those who are able to work with hoes, are engaged in weeding the tobacco, and at the same time destroying all the worms they find. The chil- dren do nothing but search for, and destroy the worms. All this labour and vigilance, however, would not suffice to keep the worms under, were it not for the aid of turkeys and ducks. On some large estates, they raise from one to two hundred turkeys, and as many ducks — not for the purpose of sale ; but for the destruction of tobacco worjiis. The ducks, live in the tobacco field, day and night, ex- cept when they go to water ; and as they are great gormandizers, they take from the plants and destroy an infinite number of worms. They are fond of them as an article of food, and require no watching to keep them in their place ; but it is otherwise with the turkeys. These require very peculiar treatment. They must be kept all night in a large coop spacious enough to contain the whole flock, with poles for them to roost on. As soon as it is light in the morn- ing, the coop is opened, the flock turned out, and driven to the tobacco field. Two hundred turkeys should be followed by four or five active lads, or young men, to keep them to- gether, and at their duty. One turkey will destroy as many wovms, as five men could do in the same 64 NARRATIVE OF THE period of time ; but it seems that tobacco worms are not the natural food of turkeys ; and they are prone to break out of the fields and escape to the woods or pastures in search of grasshoppers, which they great- ly prefer to tobacco worms, for breakfast. However, if kept amongst the tobacco, they commit terrible ravages amongst the worms, and will eat until they are filled up to the throat. When they cease eating worms, they are to be driven back to the coop, and shut up, where they must have plenty of water, and a peck of corn to a hundred turkeys. If they get no corn, and are forced to live on tobacco worms only, they droop, become sickly, and would doubtlessly die. In the evening, they are again driven to the field, and treated again in the same manner as in the morning. The tobacco worm, is of a bright green colour, with a series of rings or circles round its body. I have seen them as large as a man's longest finger. I was never able to discover in what manner they originate. They certainly do not change into a but- terfly as some other worms do ; and I could never perceive that they deposit e eggs anywhere. I am of opinion that there is something in the very nature of the tobacco plant, which produces these nauseous reptiles, for they are too large, when at full growth, to be ranked with insects. Ill the month of August, the tobacco crop is laid by, as it is termed ; which means that they cease working in the fields, for the purpose of destroying the weeds and grass ; the plants having now become ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 65 80 large, as not to be injured by the under vegetation. Still, however, the worms continue their ravages, and it is necessary to employ all hands in destroying them. In this month, also, the tobacco is to be top- ped, if it has not lx?en done before. When the plants have reached the height of two or three feet, accordinir to the G^oodnoss of the soil, and the vigour of the growth, the top i- to he rut olV, to prevent it from going to seed. This toppinj]^, causes all the powers of the plant, which would be exhausted in tlie foriiKition of llowcis and sTod>, to expand in leaves fit for use. Aft»a- the tobacco is fully grown, which in some plants happens early in August, it is to be carefully watched, to see when it is ripe, or fit for cutting. The state of the plant is known by its colour, and by certain pale spots which ap[)car on the leaves. It does not all arrive at maturity at the same time; and although some plants ripen early in August, others are not ripe before the middle of Septeml)er. When the plants are cut down, they are laid on the ground for a short time, then taken up. and the stalks split open to facilitate the lirying of the leaves. In this condition it is removed to the drying house, and there hung up under sheds, until it is fully dry. l^^rom thence it is removed into the tobacco house, and laid up in bulk, ready for strip- ping and manufacturing. 06 NARRATIVE OF THE CHAPTER V. It is time to resume the narrative of my journey southward. At the period of which I now write, to- bacco was universally cultivated in those parts of Virghiia through which I travelled ; and that, with the corn crops, constituted nearly the whole objects of agricultural labour. The quantity of wheat and rye, which I saw on my journey, was very small. A little oats was growing on the estates of some gentlemen, who were fond of breeding fine horses. 1 did not perceive any mate- rial dilference in the condition of the country, as I passed south, until after crossing the Roanoke river. Near this stream we passed a very large estate, on which, there appeared to me, to be nearly a thousand acres of tobacco growing. Our master was inform- ed, by a gentleman whom we met here, that this property belonged to IMr. Randolph, a member of Congress, and one of the largest planters in A'irginia. The land appeared to me not to be any better than the tobacco lands in Maryland, though a little more sandy. The mansion house was low. and of ordi- nary appearance. The fields were badly fenced, and the whole place was in poor condition. We passed close by a gang of near a hundred hands — men and women, at work with hoes, in a tobacco field. I had not, in all Virginia, seen any slaves more destitute of clothes. Many of the men, and some of the young women, were without shirts ; and several young lads ADVENTTRF.S OF Cn.VIU.F.S T^VLT,. 07 had only a few rzigs alxmt ihoir loins. 'Vhnr skina looked dry and liusky, which proved tliat they were nr)t well fed. They were followe«l hy an overseer who carried in his hand a kind of whip which I had never hefore seen : thouf^h I afterward hecanie fami- liar with this lerrihie wea|)on. South of the I^oan- oke, the land l)ecanie more sandy, and pine tiinl)er penerilly prevailed -in many places, to the exclu- sion of all other trees, fn N»)rth < 'arolina, the s.inie course of ctillure is jiursued. iia that which I have nndil ill Viri^inia; and the same disastrous consc- e much less. The iidiahitants of the country are plainer in their dress, and tln-y have fewer peo- ple of fashion, than are to !><• met in \'irLMiiia. The plantation- here were not so large as those I saw on tln^ north of the Roanoke ; hut larfrer tracts of coun- try are covered with wcmxI. than any I had hereto- fore seen. The ccjudilion of the slaves is not worse here, than it i< in Virginia ; nor is there any wheat in Carolina, worth speaking of. As we approached the Yadkin river, the tobacco 68 NARRATIVE OF THE disappeared from the fields, and the cotton plant took its place, as an article of general culture. We pass- ed the Yadkin by a ferry, on Sunday morning ; and on the Wednesday following, in the evening, our master told us we were in the state of South Caro- lina. We staid this night in a small town called Lancaster ; and I shall never forget the sensations which I experienced this evening, on finding my- self in chains, in the state of South Carolina. From my earliest recollections, the name of South Carolina had l)ecn httle less terrible to me than that of the bottomless pit. In Maryland, it had always been the practice of masters and niistresses, who wished to terrify their slaves, to threaten to sell them to South Carolina ; where, it was represented, that their condition would be a hundred fold worse than it was in Maryland. 1 had regarded such a sale of myself, as the greatest of evils that could befall me, and had striven to demean myself in such manner, to my owners, as to preclude them from all excuse for transporting me to so horrid a place. At length I found myself, without having committed any crime, or even the slightest transgression, in the place and condition, of which I had, through life, entertained the greatest dread. I slept but little this night, and for the first time felt weary of life. It appeared to me that the cup of my misery w^as full — that there was no hope of release from my present chains, unless it might be to exchange them for the long lash of the ov. rseers of the cotton plantations ; in each of whose hands I observed such a whip as ADVENTURES OF CHARLES HALL. ♦')!> I > i\v ill |x>««essi(»n «>f Mr. ll^iiuMpli'd slavr drivor 111 \ irjinii. I .««Ti»>iHlv in«M!ilalo«l on srll-dfslriK - tinri. .111(1 had 1 Iweii al lUx-riy lo \;vi a ro|>o. I Mw\c I li.MiK! have haiigod myself al liancahtn. Ii ap jMMrfd to ine tJiai '»nrli an art, liono l>y a niaii in my Hiiiiation. could nol lie a violaiioii «»r ili«' pirrrpts ot roliirion, nor of llir lawn of Ciod. I lirul now no ho|H» of ever a^ain s^efinijf my wifo :ir»r! rhiltlrrn. or of revisiiinij llic scenes* of my youth. I apjir.'hrii |.mI that I sUndd, il i lived, suffer the mosl excrucialinflj f^ngs iliai extreme and lon^ con- limiod huniTpr roiili! inllirt ; for I had oftrn lirard, that ill Siuilh ( 'arolina, llir nlaves were coinj)«ll««l in iiiiH»s of scarcity, to live on cotton seeds. Fnmi tin* drfadfiil apprt-hm^ions of future evil, whi«;race fall.-* u|)on the master whose si ivr h i"» committed suicitle — and the -iiiio man, who would stand by, and see his ovf ~ '. r unve his slave a hundred lashes, with the long whip, on his l3are Ijack, without mauif»3riting the least pity for the sutTeriuirs of the pfK)r tortured wretch, will express very profound rejret if the saim; plave terminates his own life, to avoid a re()etiiion of the horrid flogging. Suicide among^st the slaves is 70 NARRATIVE OF THE regarded as a matter of dangerous example, and one which it is the business and the interest of all pro- prietors to discountenance and prevent. All the ar- guments which can be devised against it are used to deter the negroes from the perpetration of it ; and such as take this dreadful means of freeing them- selves from their miseries, are always branded in reputation after death, as the worst of criminals; and their bodies are not allowed the small portion of Cliristian rites which aie awarded to the corpses of other skives. Surely if any thing can justify a man in taking his life into his own hands, and terminating his ex- istence, no one can attach blame to the slaves on many of th(3 cotton plantations of the south, when they cut sliort their breath, and the agonies of the present being, by a single stroke. What is life worth, aniiilst hunger, nikedness and excessive toil, un- der the continnally uplifted lash? It was long after nndnight before I fell asleep ; but the most pleasant dreams succeeded to these sorrow- ful forebodings. I thought I had, by some means, escaped from my master, and through infmite and unparalleled dangers and sufferings, had made my way back to Maryland ; and was again in the cabin of my wife, with two of my little children on my lap ; whilst their mother was busy in preparing for me a supper of fried fish, such as she often dressed, when I was at home, and had taken to her the fish I had caught m the Patuxent river. Every object was so vividly impressed upon my imagination in this ADVF.NTURKS OF rilARLKS MAI.L. , I dream, thai nv1j»mi I awoke, a firm conviction settled ii[^ui my mind, thai by t*om«' means at pnxMii in- «-<»m|)relien«ilile to me, I shonld yei auain ♦Mnhrare niy wife, and caress my children m their hunihle ilwellini^. I^arly in ihe morninir, our niaslrr called M-: up; and db^iriluiled lo c;ich of the |Kirly a aikc made of corn meal, and a small piece of bacon. < )n our journey, we had only ealcn twice a day, md had not n-ecived hreakfasl until alxnit nine I « lock ; hut \\r said this morninrr nieal was r^iven ;o welcome lis* to 8oulli Carolina. He then addres- si*d us all, and tol I us we micht now irive np all lic»jx» of ever returning? to the places of our nativity ; i-" it wouM lie im|)os!een addrrss^id on this |KMnl. U'ftire we rmchrd I,.ui- «-asl«'r; but ?oon after we drparted from lliis village, we were overtaken on the road by a man on horse- back, who accosted our driver by a.skin|orl«'♦» olTiTcti a thousand dollars for ihc two ; and said ]\rt would irivc no inoir. Hi* then niounicd his * - and movodofT; but afliT lie had gone al>out ii'mout nin •• or«l«'rrd to hasle^n on to ihe next hou*r hrenkfa^t. At thi>5 pi ire \\r w«'re nil'ornitd that It was ten miles to the in'Xl smith h shop, and our new aapiaintance was ohlij^ed hy the terms of his roninict, to acrompany us thiiln-r. We receivfxl, tor breakfast, aUjut a pint of \xnU^\ rice to each per- .»n, ank to the nxid, eai^r to reach the blakfimith's shop, at whi.h we expfi'ted to Ixj relieved oi* thr irof) rings and ihains, whirh had so loni.^ ijalled and worried us. Ai>out two o'clock, we arrived at the loni^etl-for resideMire of the smith ; but, on inquiry, our ma-ster was informed that he was not at home, and would not return before evcnini^. Here a controversy aro-^e. whether we should all remain here until the 7 74 KARRATIVi: CF TOK auiih returned, or the stranger should gt) on wkh us to the next sniiihery. which was said lo t-e only five miles distant. This was a point not easily settled. between two such spirits as our master and the stran- ger; both of whom had been overseers in their time. and both of whom had risen to the rank of proprietors trf" dares. The mauer had already produced angry words. and much vaunting on the pan of the stranger ; — -that a freeman oi South Carolina was not to be imposed upon : that by the constitution of the state. his rights were sacred, and he was not to be deprived of his hbeny, at the ar'Diirary will of a man just from amoQSst the Yankees, and who had brought with him to the south, as many Yankee tricks as he had nis'S'ers, and he believed many more.** He then swore, that -all the niggers in the drove were Yankee niggers." ^ When i orerseed for Colonel Polk.** said he. " on he rice plantation, he had two Yankee niggers that he brought from Maryland, and they were run- ning away every day. I gave them a hundred lashes m«xe than a dozen times : but they never quit i Tinningr awav. till I chained them tf^ether. with ircm coUais round their necks, and chained them to spades. and made them do nothing but dig ditches to drain the rice swamps. They could not run away then, imles they went together, and carried their chains and spades with them. 1 kept them in this way two years, and better niggers 1 nev^ had. One of them died one niffhu and the other was never eood ADVENTURES OP CHARLES BALL. 75 for any thing after h<; lost hU mate. He never ran away afterwards, bm he dietl too. after a while." He then addressed himself to the two women, wh»)se mx'^ter he had become, and told them that if ever ihfy ran away, he would treat them in the same way. Wretched a^ I was myself, my heart bled fi)r these poor creatnres, who had fallen into the hands of a tii^pr in human form. The dispute be- tween the two rFiasters was still raifinir, when, unex- pectedly, the blarksmith rode up to las house, on a thin, Ixmy-looking horse, and, dismounting, asked his wife what theso jrentlcmen were makinu such a frolirk alx)ut. I did not hear her answer, but Ixnh the disputants turned and addrf^*^d themselves to the smith —the one to know what j>rice he would demand, to Lake the irons oflf all ih**se nifsL'^erSy and the other to know how Ion? it would take him to perform tho work. It is here proper for me to obs«'rve, that there are many phrases of language in common use in Carolina and Georgia, which are applied in a way thit would not l>e understood by persons from one of the northern states. Fnr in- stance, when several persons are quarrelling, brawl- in?, making a i^reat noise, or even fighting, ihev say. ^' the srentlcmen are frolicK'in^ !'^ I lu-ird many other terms equally strange, whilst I rc-id^ tl in the southern coimtry, amongst such white people as 1 bec-ame acquainted with : though mv acquaint- ance was confined, in a great measure, to overseers, and such people as did not associate with the rich planters and great families. 76 NARRATIVE OF THE The smith at length agreed to take the irons from the whole of us for two dollars and fifty cents, and immediately set about it, with the air of indif- ference that he would have manifested in tearing a pair of old shoes from the hoofs of a wagon-horse. It was four weeks and five days, from the time m]f irons had been riveted upon me, until they were removed, and great as had been my sufferings whilst chained to my fellow-slaves, I cannot say that I felt any pleasure in being released from my long confinement; for I knew that my liberation was .only preparatory to my final, and, as I feared, per- petual suV)jugation to the power of some such mon- ster, as the one then before me, who was preparing to drive away the two unfortunate women whom he had purchased, and whose life's-blood he had ac- quired the power of shedding at pleasure, for the sum of a thousand dollars. After we were released from our chains, our master sold the whole lot of irons, which we had borne, from Maryland, to the blacksmith, for seven dollars. The smith then procured a bottle of rum, and treated his two new acquaintances to a part of its contents— wishing them both good luck with their niggers. After these civilities were over, the two women were ordered to follow their new master, who shaped his course across the country, by a road leading westward. At parting from us, they both wept aloud, and wrung their hands in despair. We all went to them, and bade them a last fare- well. Their road led into a wood, which they soon ADVf.NTURKS OF CHARLES BALL. 77 entered, and 1 never saw them, nor heard of them again. These woinrn had lx)th been driven from Calvert connty, as well as niv>»'lf. and thr fafe of theyonnu^- er of ihr two. was pfcidiarly soveK-. Sho had been lironirht np as the wailini; maul of a yonni^ I'ldy, the danLrhter of a ijentlcnian, whose wife and family often visit.^d the nuj^lressof my own wife. I had frecjiiently seen this woman when she was a younj^ jjirl, in attendance n|>on her yoim<]f mistress, and ridin(ing to me. 'V\]o JaiHlJord, after sup- per, came, wiili our master to look at us, and to see us receive our allowance of hoilrd rice from the hands of a couple of black women, who had prepared it in a large iron kettle. Whilst viewing us, the former asked the latter, what he intended to do w ith his drove; hut no reply was made Uj this inipiiry— and as our master h:id, through our whole journey, maintained a studied silence on this suljject, I felt a great curiosity to know what disposition he intended to make of the whole irang, and of myself in parti- cular. On their niuin to ilie house. I .'ulvanced to a small window in the kitchen, which hrought me within a few yards of the place where they sat, and from wliicji I wasahlt! to hear all they said, although they spoke in a low tone of voice. 1 here learned, that so many of us as could be sold for a good (jrice, were to be dis|K)sed of in Columbia, on our arrival at that place, and that the residue would be driven to Augusta and sold there. The landlord assured my master that at this time slaves were much in demand, both in Columbia and Augusta ; that purchasers were numerous and pri- ces good ; and that the best plan of ellecting good Bales would be to put up each nigger, separately, at 80 NARRATIVE OF THE auction, after giving a few days' notice, by an ad- vertisement, in the neighbouring country. Cotton, he said, had not been higher for many years, and as a great many persons, especially young men, were moving off to the new purchase in Georgia, prime hands were in high demand, for the purpose of clearing the land in the new country— that the boys and girls, under twenty, would bring almost any price at present, in Columbia, for the purpose of picking the growing crop of cotton, which promised to be very heavy ; and as most persons had planted more than their hands would be able to pick, young nin-g-ers, who would soon learn to pick cotton, were prime articles in the market. As to those more ad- vanced in life, he seemed to think the prospect of selling them at an unusual price, not so good, as they could not so readily become expert cotton- pickers— he said further, that from some cause, which he could not comprehend, the price of rice had not been so good this year as usual ; and that he had found it cheaper to purchase rice to feed his own niggers than to provide them with corn, which had to be brought from the upper country. He therefore, advised my master, not to drive us towards the rice plantation of the low country. My master said he would follow his advice, at least so far as to sell a portion of us in Carolina, but seemed to be of opinion that his prime hands would bring him more money in Georgia, and named me, in particular, as one who would be worth, at least, a thousand dollars, to a man who ADVFNTUIIKS OF CHARLES 13 ALL. 81 was al)OUt making a sottlement. aiul chvarini: a plaiuation in the new pnri'hasc. I therefore con- cUidrd, that in the course of event;?, I was hkc- ly to become the property of a Georgian, whirh turned out in the end, to he the cane, though not so soon as I at this time apprehended I blept l)Ut little this niirht, frehnij a restless^ness when no long- er in chains: and pondering over thr future lot of my life, which appeareil frau'jht only wilh evil and mi-fortime. Day at lenijlh dawneil, and with its l\v>{ liuHu wc were ordered Uj \wiakc ourselves to the roiul, which, we were t(»l«l, woulti lead us to Colum- bia, the place of intended sale of some, if not all of us. For several days past, I had ol»s<'rve<'r llian i\ic oiu* who had possctijion of ilie miserable creatures before me. If was inaiiifj-si, that I was no where the hfe of a blark man was no more regard- ed than iliai of an ox, except im far as the man was worth the more money in llie market. On all the plantations that we pas.ed, at least an hour l)cfore sun-set, alK)iit tlu«*e nnl«*H from town, at the hou.«e of a man who supjxjrici)nded with ibtj bouso which coniainril it, and was both scanty and mean, cousisiiuL,^ of pin*- tablrs and wooden chairs, with bottoms made of corn imsks. 'I'be house was only one story hijrh, and all the rooms, six or seven in numlx'r, [larlour, be(l-room.«», and kitchen, were «)n the first lloor. As the weather was warm and the windows open, 1 had an oppor- tuniiv of loukiui^ into the sleeping rooms of the fa- mily, as I walked round the house, whicli I was permiiied freely to do. The beds and their furniture answered well to the chairs and tables ; yet in the larije front room I ol)served on an old fashioned side- board, a great (quantity of glass ware, of various de- 8 86 NARRATIVE OF THE scriptions, with two or three dozen silver spoons, a silver tea urn, and several knives and forks with silver handles. In the corner of this room stood a bed with gaudy red curtains, with figures of lions, elephants, naked negroes, and other representations of African scenery. The master of the house was not at home when we arrived, but came in from iIjc field shortly after- wards. He met my master with the cordiality of an old friend, though he had never seen him before, said he was happy to see him at his house, and that the greatest pleasure he enjoyed was derived from the entertainment of such gentlemen as thought proper to visit his house ; that he was always glad to see strangers, and more especially gentlemen who were adding so much to the wealth and population of Carolina, as those merchants who imported ser- vants from the north. He then observed that he had never seen a finer lot of property pass his house than we were, and that any gentleman who brought such a stock of hands into the country was a public benefactor, and entitled to the respect and gratitude of every friend of the south. He assured my master that he was happy to see him at his house, and that if he thought proper to remain a few days witli him, it would be his chief business to introduce h m f< he gentlemen of the neighbourhood, who would all be glad to become acquainted with a merchant of his respectability. In the state of Maryland, my mas- ter had been called a negro hvyer^ or Georgia trader^ sometimes a negro driver ; but liCre, I ADVKNTURFS OF CHARLES BALL. 87 found that he was elevated to the rank of merchant, and a merchant of the firnt order t«K) ; for it was vrry clear that in the opinion of the landlord, no hranrh of trade was more honourable than ihr iratVic in us p(K)r nlaves. Our master observed that he had a mind to remain here a short time, and try wli It kind of market Columbia would proent, for the sale of hi.-< lot <»f bervanl-s ; and that he would make this house his home, imtil he had ascertained what couM l)e (lone in town, and what demand there waa in the neii^hlxuirhood for servants. We were not calird shivrs by these men, who tidked of selling us, and of the price we would brini,', with as little compunction of conscience as liiry would have udked t)f thr sale of so many mul«'s. It is the custom ihroui^hout all the slave-holding states, amonpsi j)ei)ple of fashion, never to s|)eak of their neirrijcs as slaves, but always as servants ; but I had never In-fore met with the kee|HT of a public house, in the country, who had arrived at ihis degree of refmefuent. I had Inien accustonunl to lunir this order of men, and mdced the grcaU^r mnnl>cr of white people, sjxjak of the |>eoplc of colour as 7ti^- ffers. We remained at this place more than two weeks ; I presume lx3cause my master found it chea{)er to keep us here than in town, or perhaps, because lie supposed we might recover from tlie hard- ships of our journey more speedily in the country. As it was here that my real accjuainLance with South Carolina commenced, I have noted, with more particularity the incidents that occurred, than I other- 88 NARRATIVE OF THE wise should have done. This family was composed of the husband, wife, three daughters, all young women, and two sons, one of whom appeared to be about twenty, and the other, perhaps seventeen years old. They had nine slaves in all, one very old man, quite crooked with years and labour — two men of middle age— one lad, perhaps sixteen—one woman, with three children, the oldest about seven,— and a young girl of twelve or fourteen. The form, or plantation, they lived on, contained about one hundred and fifty acres of cleared land, sandy, and the greater part of it poor, as was proved by the stinted orrowth of the cotton. At the time of our arrival at this house, I saw no persons about it, except the four ladies— the mother and her three daughters — the husband being in the field, as noticed above. According to the orders of my master, I had taken the saddle from his horse and put him in a stable ; and it was not until after the first salutations of the new landlord to my mas- ter were over, that he seemed to think of asking him whether he had come on foot, on horse-back, or in a coach. He at length, however, turned suddenly and asked him, with an air of surprise, where he had left his horses and carriage. My master said he had no carriage, that he travelled on horseback, and that his horse was in the stable. The landlord then apolo- gized for the trouble he must have had, in having his horse put away himself; and said that at this season of the year, the planters were so hurried by their crops, and found so much difficulty in keeping Anvi:.\TriiK8 of f harlks hall. 89 down the gra^, that ihcy were i^enerally (»l>liged to keep all their servants in the field : that for his part, he had been coin|>«'llnl to put his roarhnian. and even the waitinir-ruaids of his il.uii^liirrs into the cotton fields, juid that at this time, his family were without servants, a rirnimstanox; that had n«nrr hap|M!ned l>cforc ! " For my part,' said he, ''I have always prided myself no hrini^inix u}) inv family well, and can say, that alihouirh I do not live in so fine a house as some of the oth«'r planters of (.'aroli- na, yet my chiMrrn am as t^rrat ladi»'s and i^cntle- men as any in the slate. Not oneof ih- m Ims rvcr hail to do a day's work yet, and as InriLT as 1 live, never shall. I sent two of my dau'^rhlers to Charles- ton last s'lmiiiT, and ilwy were there ihicc monilis ; and I iiilrnd to send the yonm^est their this sum- in r. They have all learned to dance her«' in Co- lumbia, where I sent them two quarters U) a IVench- man, anrl he mule m«' pay pretty well for it. Thoy went to the san)e danc.inir .school with th»' daui^hters of Wade Hampton and Colonel Fii/.huudi. I am determined that they shall never many ;inv l)uL j^^n- tlemen of the first character, and I know th«;y will always follow my advice in matters of this kind. They are prudent and sensible girls, and are not go- in^ to do as .Major Pollack's daughter did this spring, who ran away with a Georgia cracker who brought a drove of cattle for sale from tli'i Indian country, and who had not a ni'j-^cr in the world. He staid with me sometime, and wishe(^l to have something tq 8* 90 NARRATIVE OF THE say to my second daughter, but the thing would not do." Here he stopped short in his narrative, and seem- ing to muse a moment, said to his guest, " I pre- sume, as you travel alone, you have no family." " No," replied my master, " I am a single man." "I thought so by your appearance," said the loquacious landlord, " and I shall be glad to introduce you to my family this evening. My sons are two as fine fellows as there are in all Carolina. My oldest boy is lieutenant in the militia, and in the same com- pany that maiched with Gen. Marion in the war. He was on the point of fighting a duel lost winter, with young M'Corkle in Columbia ; hut the matter was settled between them. You will see him this evening, when he returns from the coit-party. A coit-party of young bucks meets once every week about two miles from tiiis, and as I wish my sons to keep the best company, they lioth attend it. There is to be a cock-fight there this afternoon, and my youngest son, Edmund, has the finest cock in this country. He is of the true game blood, — the real Dominica game breed ; and I sent to Charleston for his gaflfs. There is a bet of ten dollars a side be- tween my son's cock, and one belonging to young Blainey, the son of Major Blainey. Young Blainey is a hot-headed young blood, and has been concern- ed in three duels, though I believe he never fought but one ; but I know Edmund will not take a word from him, and it will be well if he and his cock do not both get well licked-" ADVENTTRFS OF CHARI.FS PALL. 91 Ilrro the conversation was arre>Jte(l l)y ili*' smmd of horses' feet on iIm* ro.ul. ami in \\\r n.'xt instant, two vnnnir iiu'ii rhIo up at a i:allo[), nioiinlod on I'-an lausc, said, ''They call mr M(iil1hi, sir." Ah name i-; Iluliir, '•ir," n-plir*! ihr landlord, 'and I am \ery ha|)py lo Im; acJinaintJMl wiili you. Mr. .M'(iif- l]\\." al the same lim*' shakini'^ Imn l»\ tli.- hand, and intrtMliicinir his two yn>i\<, who \\«'rr hv this time at the dfxir. 'I'ins was tip- fir-t lime 1 had ever li«'ard iIm- name of my ma-trr, alth<»ui:h f had Ihtu with liim five w«M'ks I Jiad never seen him hofore tin- day on whhdi Ih" seized and lx)und ni'- m .Maryland, and as he i(X)k nic away immrtliateU , I did not hear his name at the time. The jH^ople who assi-ted to fetter me. either from accident or drsiirn. omiltr-d to name hiiM. and afn-r we coinmencrd our jonrn«*y, he had maintained so much di'^tant reserve and austerity of manner towards us all, lliat no one vr'ntured \^) ask liini his name. We had called Imn noihiriL: l)ut '• master,'' and the various persons at whose houses we had stopp*;d on our way, knew as little of his name as we did. We had frequently been asked 92 NARRATIVE OF THE the name of our master, and perhaps had not al- ways obtained credence, when we said we did not know it. Throughout the whole journey, until after we were released from our irons, he had forbidden us to converse together beyond a few words in relation to our temporary condition and w^ants ; and as he was with us all day, and never slept out of hearing of us at night, he rigidly enforced his edict of silence. 1 presume that the reason of this prohil)ition of all con- versation, was to prevent us from devising plans of escape ; but he had imposed as rigid a silence on himself as was enforced upon us ; and after having passed from Maryland to South Carolina, in his com- pany, I knew no more of my master, than, that he knew how to keep his secrets, guard his slaves, and make a close bargain. I had never heard him speak of his home or family ; and tberefore had con- cluded that he was an unmarried man, and an ad- venturer, who felt no more attachment for one place than another, and whose residence was not very well settled ; but, from the large sums of money which he must have been able to command and carry with him to the north, to enable him to pur- chase so large a number of slaves, I had no doubt that he was a man of consequence and consideration in the place from whence he came. In Maryland, I had always observed that men, who were the owners of large stocks of negroes, were not averse to having publicity given to their names ; and that the possession of this species of ADVENTURES OF rHARLKH HAM.. 93 property even there, gave its owner more vanity and egotism, than fell to the lot of the holilers ot" any otficr kind of estate ; and in truth, my suhseipient experience proved, that without the |)ossession of slaves, no man could ever arrive at. tir \u^^e to rise to any honourahle station in so<'ieiy ; - )ri, my mas- l«r <»'emed In lake no pride in havini^ at lus dis}H>sal iIh' livrs (it >n many human lKMngj». \\r nev«r s}H)kc to u-< m words of either pity or hatred ; and never 8(X)ke of Uv rxo'pt to order US to Im« \vt\ or watered, as li.' u.iuld havtj dir«Tlrd the sam«? otlVes to he p'T- lornit'd lor -4) many hor-<'s, or to impiirr wiu re tiie Ix'sl prices could l>e ohtaiiied for us. I h; rci^arded ii.s only as ol)jecls of trallic and the materials of Ins coMunerce ; and althoULrh lir had livrd several years in Carolina ami (ieorijia, and had there exercio^e a Ix-lie-f. llial \u- was the he.ul of a fanuly whiih Untk rank with thn<«' of the first planters of th.- (Iini U'forethe gentlemen ; and wlien the latter came in my master wa.s introduced, hy the landlord to his wife and daiiijhters, hy the name and title of (.'itlnntl M(j!if'- fm^ which, at that lime, im|nes.«*«Ml me with a In-lief that hp WUH really an «»tli.:.'r, and tjiai hr had dis- cl'Ked this rircunHLince wiihoni my knowledirc ; hut I afliTwartIs |ierc-ivrd that in the south it is de«;m<'d res|>cclful to addre^•s a slranijer l.y ihe title of ('(»lone|, or Major, or (irneral, if his apjKarance will warrant the association of so hii;h a rank with his name. My master had declared his inteniidii of hecominir the inmate of this family for some lime, and no pains seemed to l>e spared on their part to impress u|)on his mind the high opinion that they entertained of the ditrnity of the owner of fifty slaves; the prwsession of so large a mimlx*r of hun.an crea- ture- l)eing, in Carolina, a certilirate of character, whi( li rniiiles iti» Ix^arer to • ntrr whatever society he may choosr to select, without any ihinir more heing known of his hirili, his life, or reputation. The man who (.wn- fifty servants must needs be a gen- tium in amnULrstihe higher ranks, and the owner of half a hundred ni^ircrs is a sort of nohleman amongst the low, the ignorant, and the vulgar. The mother and three daughters, whase appearance, when I saw them m the kitchen, would have war- ranted the conclusion that they had ju.st risen from bed. without having time to adjust their dress, were 96 NARRA^riVE OF THE! now gaily, if not neatly attired ; and the two female slaves, who had come from the field at sundown to cook the supper, now waited at the table. The land- lord talked much of his crops, his plantation and slaves, and of the distinguished families who ex- changed visits with his own ; but my master took very little part in the conversation of the evening, and appeared disposed to maintain the air of mys- tery which had hitherto invested his character. After it was quite dark, the slaves came in from the cotton-field, and taking little notice of us, went into the kitchen, and each taking thence a pint of corn, proceeded to a liltlc mill, which was nailed to a post in the yard, and there commenced the opera- tion of grinding meal for their suppers, which were afterwards to be prepared by baking the meal into cakes at the fire. The woman who was the mother of the three small children, was permitted to grind her allowance of corn first, and after her came the old man, and the others in succession. After the corn was converted into meal, each one kneaded it up with cold water into a thick dough, and raking away the ashes from a small space on the kitchen hearth, placed the dough, rolled up in green leaves, in the hollow, and covering it with hot embers, left it to be baked into bread, which was done in about half an hour. These loaves constituted the only supper of the slaves belonging to this family ; for I observed that the two women who had waited at the table, after the supper of the white people \\ as dis- posed of, also came with their corn to the mill on the ADVE TIRKS OF CHARLES HALL. 97 post, and ground their allowance lik.^ the otiiers. They had not been jXTiniited to taste even the frag- ments of the meal that they had .-.M.k.d (..r (h.^ir masters and n.iHtresses. It was eleven o'clock l>e. fore these people had fmishcd thrir supper of cakes, and several nf thejii, rs|H-(ially the younger of the two lads, were scfore the fire, on a hi)e. Tho but- ter was 'jiven us as an extraonliiiaiy ration, to strenu^then and recriiit us aftrr om loni,^ march, ;ind ^ive us a healthy and «\(XMt a[)praiari(-e at the lime of our future salr. We had no beds of any kind to slerp nn, but each one was provided with a blanket, whi« h had In^en the companion of our travels. We were left entire- ly at lilM'rty to jjo out or in when we [ikased, and no watrh was kept over us either by niirht or day. Our master had removed us so far from our native country, that he su|^>osed it impossible f(»r any of us ever to escape from him, and surmount all the ob- stacles that lay between us and our former homes. He went awy immediately after we were establish- ed in our new lodirin^s, and remained absent until the second evenin«r about sundown, wiien he return- ejj, came into our shed, sat down on a block of wood inpfe" *nidst of us, and asked if any one had been 100 NARRATIVE OF THE sick ; if we had got our clothes clean ; and if we had been su; plied with an allowance of rice, corn, and butter. After satisfying himself upon these points, he told us that we were now at hberty to run away if we < bose to do so ; but if we made the at- tempt we should most certainly be re-taken, and sub- jected to the most terrible punishment. " 1 never flog," said he, "my practice is to cat-hmd ; and if you run away, and I catch you again— as I surely shall do — and give you one cat-hauling, you will never run away again, nor attempt it." I did not then understand the import of cat-hauling, but in after times, became well acquainted wilh its signifi- cation. We remained in this place nearly two weeks, during which time our allowance of food was not varied, and was regularly given to us. We were not re(|uired to do any work ; and 1 had liberty and leisure to walk about the plantation, and make such observations as I could upon the new state of things around me. Gentlemen Rnd ladies came every day to look at us, with a view of becoming our purchas- ers ; and we were examined with minute care as to our ages, former occupations, and capacity of per- forming labour. Our persons were inspected, and more especially the hands were scrutinized, to see if all the fingers were perfect, and capable of the quick motions necessary in picking cotton. Our master only visited us once a day, and sometimes he re- mained absent two days ; so that he seldom met any of those who came to see us ; but, whenever it so ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. KH happened that he (htl meet ihein, he laid aiLs wrre unoxcrptionablo, our characters ijo(jd. and thai there was iioi one aniuiiL^^t u- all w bo bad ever bej.'u kiiowii to run away, or steal an} tbiiii; from our former nuHters. I oltserved that ruiminir away, and slealintr from bis mast«'r, w<'re regarded :ls the hii^best crimes of which a slave could be, guilty ; but I heard no (juesiions asked concerninLT our pio[M'nsiiy to steal from other p(;ople l)esidj'.s our masters, and I afterwards learned, that this was not always regarded as a very high crime by the owner of a slave, provided he woidd perjietrate the theft so adroitly as not to be detected in it. We were severally asked by our visiters, if we would be willing to live with them, if they would purchase us, to which we generally replied in the affirmative ; but our owner declined all the olTers that were made for us, upon the ground that we were too poor — looked too bad to be sold at present — and 9* 102 NARRATIVE OF THE that in our condition he could not expect to get a fair v^alue for us. One evenins:, when our master was with us, a thin, sallow-looking man rode up to the house, and alight- ing from his horse, came to us, and told him that he had come to 6uy a boy ; that he wished to get a good field hand, and would pay a good price for him. I never saw a human countenance that expressed more of the evil passions of the h< art than did that of this man, aiKi his conversation corresponded with his physiognomy. Every sentence of his language was accompanied with an oath of the most vulgar profanity, and his eyes appeared to me to be the in- dex of a ?oul as cruel as his visage was disgusting and repulsive. After looking at us for some time, this wretch sin- gled me out as the object of his choice, and coming up to me, asked me how I would like him for a mas- ter. In my heart I detested him ; but a slave is often afraid to speak the truth, and divulge all he feels ; so with myself in this instance, as it was doubtful whetlier 1 might not fall into his hands, and be subject to the violence of his temper, 1 told him that if he was a good master, as every gentle- man ought to be, I should be willing to live with him. He appeared satisfied with my answer, and turning to my master, said he would give a high price for me. '' 1 can," said he, " by going to Charleston, buy as many Guinea negroes as 1 please for two hundred dollars each, but as I Hke this fellow, I will give you four hundred for him." This offer struck ADVKNTl'RES OK CHARLES BALL. 103 t« nor into my vrry heart, lor I kiirw it was as imirli as was ^aMierally given for the l)ef^t and ahlcst slaves, and I expected that it would ininietliately be accrpted as my price, and that I should he at once consigned to the hands of this man. of wlioin I ii id for?ncd so ahhorrent an opinion. To my surprise and satisfaction. Imwrvcr, my ma.^trr made no n'[)ly to ie proix>-iti mc said, •'('iiarlcs, go into the house ; 1 sh.ill not -ell \ on to-day." It was my hu-ine^- to obey the (.rder (»f departure, and as I went he\ond the soimd of their voices, I could not understand the purport of the conversation wliic h followed hetween t he.-e two tratVickers in liiim;in IjIoikI : hut afi<.'r a parley of aljout a (juarter of an hour, the hated .stranger started abruptly away, and goiniT to the road, mounie.j bi- horse, and rode off at :\ g:illop. banisbini: himself and my fears together. I did not see my master airain this evening", and when I eanie out of our b.irracks in the morniuir, al- though it was scarcely dayliirbt. I saw bin) standinc" near on • corner of the building, with his head incli- ned towards the wall, evidently listening to catch any souufls within, lie ordered me to go and feed his horse, and have him saddled for him by sunri.«e. About an hour afterwards he came to the stable in his riding dress; and told me that he should remove us all to Columbia in a few days. He then rode away, and did not return until tlie third day after- wards. 104 NARRATIVE OF THE CHAPTER VII. It was now about the middle of June, the weath- er excessively warm, and from eleven o'clock, A. M. until late in the afternoon, the sand about our resi- dence was so hot, that we could not stand on it with our bare feet in one posture, more than one or two minutes. The whole country, so far as I could see, appeared to be a dead plain, without the least vari- ety of either hill or dale. The pine was so far the predominating timber of the forest, that at a little distance the entire woods appeared to be composed of this tree. I had become weary of being confined to the im- mediate vicinity of our lodgings, and determined to venture out into the fields of the plantation, and see the manner of cultivating cotton. Accordingly, after I had made my morning meal upon corn cakes, I sallied out in the direction which I had seen the slaves of the plantation take at the time they left the house at daylight, and following a path through a small field of corn, which was so tall as to prevent me from seeing beyond it, I soon arrived at the field in which the people were at work with hoes amongst the cotton, which was about two feet and a half high, and had formed such long branches, that they could no longer plough in it without breaking it. Expecting to pass the remainder of my life in this kind of labour, I felt anxious to know the evils, if any, attending it, and more especially the manner AH VENTURES OF CHARLES BALL 105 in which the slaves were treated on the cotton estates. ^rhe people now before me, were all diligently and laboriously weeding and hilling the cotton with hoes, and when I approached them, they scarcely took time to speak to me, but continued their labour as if I had not l>een present. As there did not appear to be any overseer with tlu-m, I thought I would go amongst them, and enter into conversation with them ; but upon addressing myself to one of the men, and telling him, if it was not disagreeable to him, I should be glad to become acquainted with him, he said he should be glad to be aequo inted with me, but master Tom did not allow him to talk much to people when ho was at work. I asked him where his master Tom was; but before he had time to reply, some one called — '-."Mind \()ur work there, you rascals." Lcxikini,'- in the direction of the sound, I saw master Tom, sitting under the shade of a sassafras tree, at the distance of about a hundred yards from us. Deemin^x it imsafe to continue in the field without the permission of its lord, I ap- proached the sassafras tree, with my hat in my hand, and in a very humble manner, asked leave to help the people work awhile, as I was tired of staying about the house and doing nothing. He said he did not care ; I might go and work with th I iw bile, but I must take care not to talk too much, and keep his hands from their work. Now, having authority on my side, I returned, and taking a hoe from the hands of a small girl, 106 NARRATIVE OF THE told her to pull up weeds, and I would take her row for her. When we arrived at the end of the rows which we were then hilling, master Tom, who still held his post under the sassafras tree, called his peo- ple to come to breakfast. Although I had already broken my fast, I went with the rest for the purpose of seeing what their breakfast was composed of At the tree I saw a keg which contained about five gal- lons, with water in it ; and a gourd lying by it : near this was a basket m.ade of splits, large enougli to hold more than a peck. It contained the break- fast of the people, covered by some green leaves of the magnolia, or great bay tree of the south. When the leaves were removed, I found that the supply of provisions consisted of one cake of corn meal, weigh- ing about half a pound, for each person. This bread had no sort of seasoning, not even salt, and consti- tuted the only breakfast of these poor people, who had been toiling from early dawn until about eight o'clock. There was no cake for me, and master Tom did not say any thing to me on the state of my stomacli ; but the young girl, whose hoe I had taken in the field, offered me a part of her cake, which I refused. After the breakfast was despatch- ed, we again returned to our work ; but the master ordered the girl, whose hoe I had, to go and get an- other hoe which lay at some distance in the field, and take her row again. I continued in the field until dinner, which took place about one o'clock, and was the same, in all respects, as the breakfast had been. ADVKNTVRES OF CHARLES BALL. 107 Master Tom was iho yoiiniror of (he two brothers who returned from (ho cock-fii^ht on the evening of our arrival at this place,— he left the field about ten o'clock, and was succeeded by his elder brother, as overseer for the remainder of (he day. After this change of superintendenLs, my companions became more lofiuacious, and in the course of an hour or (wo, I iiad heaime familiar with the condition of mv I'llow-labourers who told me that the elder of their \ oung masters was much less tyrannical than his voungerbrodirr; and (liai whil,^( (li.- |ni nicr KMiiain- «'d in the field (hey would be at hbrr(y to (alk as nmch as they pleased, provided they did not neglect their work. One of the men who appeared to be ai)out for(y years of age, and who was the foreman of the Held, (old me (ha( he had been l)orn in >South Caro- lina, and had always lived there, (hough he had only belongml (o his present master about ten years. I asked him if his master allowed him no meat, nor any kind of provisions except bread ; to which he replied (hat they never had any meat except at Christmas, when each hand on the place received about three pounds of pork ; that from September, when the sweet potatoes were at the maturity of their growth, they had an allowance of potatoes as long as the crop held out, which was generally until about March ; but that for the rest of the year,' they had nothing but a peck of corn a week, with such weeds and other vegetables as they could gather from the fields for greens— that their master did not allow them any salt, and that the only meanfe they 108 NARRATIVE OF THE had of procuring this luxury, was, by work on Sundays for the neigbouring planters, who paid them in money at the rate of fifty cents per day, with which they purchased salt and some other ar- ticles of convenience. This man told me that his master furnished him with two shirts of tow linen, and two pair of trousers, one of woollen and the other of linen cloth, one wool- len jacket, and one blanket every year. That he received the woollen clothes at Christmas, and the linen at Easter ; and all the other clothes, if he had any, he was obliged to provide for himself by work- ing on Sunday. He said, that for several years past, he had not been able to provide any clothes for him- self; as he had a wife with several small children, on an adjoining plantation, whose master gave only one suit of clothes in the year to the mother, and none of any kind to the children, which had compelled him to lay out all his savings in providing clothes for his family, and such little necessaries as were called for by his wife, from time to time. He had not had a shoe on his foot for several years, but in winter made a kind of moccasin for himself of the bark of a tree, which he said was abundant in the swamps, and could be so manufactured as to make good ropes, and tolerable moccasins, sufficient at least, to defend the feet from the frost though not to keep them dry. The old man whom I have alluded to before, was in the field with the others, though he was not able to keep up his row. He liad no clothes on him ex- cept the remains of an old shirt, which hung in tat- ADVENTURES OF rnvRLES BALL. 109 ttn-s from his neck and arms ; the two youriir irjrls had nothing on them but jxHlicoats, made of coarse low cloth, and the woman who was the moiher of the children, wore the remains of a tow linen shifi, the front part of which was entirely i^one ; but a piece of old cotton l)au;,Mi„T(ie,l rouuil her loins. servtMJ the pur|M)s««8 of an apron. The younLjer of thr two boys was rntirrly nakfd. The man who was foreman o( ilu- fuld. was a perstm of good sense for the condition of life in which fortune had placed him. an«l s\M^kr to mc fre.'Iy (.f \\i> haril lot I observed that und. r bis ^hirt. u bi. Ii was very nursed, he wore a piece of bnc lin.'u clolb, app irently part of an old shirt, wrapped closely n.imtl iii^ kick, and confined in front by strings, tie«' compelled to subsist on thi- putrid nmtton without any other food, until it should l)«; consumed. This suggestion met the ap probation of my young masters, and would have been adopted, had not mistress at this moment come into the yard, and hearing the intended punishment, loudly objected to it^ because the mutton would, in a day or two, create such an offensive stench, that she and my young mistresses Avould not be able to re- main in the house. My mistress swore dreadfully, and cursed me for an ungrateful sheep thief, who, after all her kindness in giving me soup and warm 10* 114 NARRATIVE OF THE bread when I was sick last winter, was always stealing every thing I could get hold of. She then said to my master, that such villany ought not to be passed over in a slight manner, and that as crimes, such as this, concerned the whole country, my pun- ishment ought to be public for the purpose of exam- ple ; and advised him to have me whipped that same afternoon, at five o'clock ; first giving notice to the planters of the neighbourhood to come and see the spectacle, and to bring with them their slaves, that they might be witnesses to the consequences of steahng sheep. " They then returned to the house to breakfast ; but as the pain in my hands and arms produced by the ligatin-es of the cord with which I was bound, was greater than I could bear, I now felt exceeding- ly sick, and lost all knowledge of my situation. They told me I fainted ; and when 1 recovered my faculties^ 1 found myself lying in the shade of the house, with my hands free, and all the white per- sons in my master's family, standing around me. As soon as I was able to stand, tlie rope was tied round my neck, and the other end again fastened to the mill post. My mistress said I had only pre- tended to faint; and master Tom said, I would have something worth fainting for before night. He was faithful to his promise : but, for the present, I was suffered to sit on the grass in the shade of the house. -' As soon as breakfast was over, my two young masters had their horses saddled, and set out to give ADVENTURKS OF CHARLES BALL. 115 notice to their friends of wliat had happened, and to invite theni to roine and see nie punished for the crinie I had committed. My mistress gave me no hreakfast, and when I begi^ed one of the hlack boys whom I saw K^ikinij at me thnnifrh the pales, to brini^ me some water in a gourd to drink, she ordered him to brini:^ it from a puddle in the lane. ^ly mistress ha- always Ixjen very crurl to all licr black people. '' I remained in this situation until aliout eleven o'clock, wlirn one of my youni^ mistresses came to me and gave me a piece of jonny-cake a" out the size of my hand, p<»rhaps larijer than my Ikuk', tellinu- nit^ at the same tiiiic that my fdlow-slaves had ixMMi permitted to re-iK)il the nmtton that I had left in the kettle, and inak(^ their l)reakfast of it, bnt that her uioihrr would not allow Imt to give nie any part of il. It wa< well for ihrni that 1 had parU)ilrd it with my shin, and so drilled it. that it was inifit for the table of my niasirr. tithcrw i-f, no portion of it would have fallm to the black people — as it was, they had as nmch meat as they could consume in two days, for which I had to suffer. '' About twelve o'clock, one of my young mas- ters returned, and soon afterwards the other came home. I heard them tell my old master that they had been round to s^ive notice of my offence to the neighbourini:: planters, and that several of them would attend to see me flogge and woidd bring with them some of their slaves, who m ltIiI lie able to report to their companions what had been done to me for steaUng. 116 NARRATIVE OF THE '' It was late in the afternoon before any of the gentlemen came: but, before five o'clock, there were more than twenty white people, and at least fifty black ones present, the latter of whom had been compelled, by their masters, to come and see mc punished. Amongst others, an overseer from a neighbouring estate attended, and to him was awarded the office of executioner. I was stripped of my shirt, and the waist-band of my trousers was drawn closely round me, below my hips, so as to expose the whole of my back, in its entire length. " It seems that it had been determined to beat me with thongs of raw cow-hide, for the overseer had two of these in his hands, each about four feet long : but one of the gentlemen present said this might bruise my back so badly, that I could not work for some time : perhaps not for a week or two ; and as I could not be spared from the field without great disad- vantage to my master's crop, he suggested a dilTerent plan, by which, in his opinion, the greatest degree of pain could be inflicted on me, with the least dan- ger of rendering me unable to work. As he was a large planter, and had more than fifty slaves, all were disposed to be guided by his counsels, and my mas- ter said he would submit the matter entirely to him as a man of judgment and experience in such cases. He then desired my master to have a dozen pods of red pepper boiled in half a gallon of water, and de- sired the overseer to lay aside his thongs of raw hide, and put a new cracker of silk, to the lash of his ADVKN'TURES OF CHARLES BALL. 117 iiPi^ro whip. ^Vlliltist, I wascomp.ll.'l, ami the overseer was desired to u:ive me a dozen lashes just aUne the waist-brml .md not to cover a s|kicc of more than fonr inches on my back, from the waistband upwards. He obeyed the in|unciion faithfully, but slowly. ;mw1 .'.icli crack of the whip wa.s followed by a sensation as painful as if a n'd hot iron had been drawn across my back. When the twelve strokes had been ^iven, the opera- tion was suspended, and a black man, one of the slaves present, was compelled to wash the gashes in my skin, with the scalding pep|)er tea, which was yet so hot that he could not hold his hand in ii. This doubly-burning liquid was thrown into my 118 NARRATIVE OF THE raw and bleeding wounds, and produced a torment- ing smart, beyond the description of language. After a delay of ten minutes, by the watch, I received another dozen lashes, on the part of my back which was? immediately above the bleeding and burning gashes of the former whipping ; and again the bi- ting, stinging, pepper tea was applied to my lacera- ted and trembling muscles. This operation was continued at regular intervals, until I had received ninety-six lashes, and my back was cut and scalded from end to end. Every stroke of the whip had drawn blood ; many < f the gashes were three inch- es long; my back burned as if it had been covered by a coat of hot embers, mixed with living coals ; and I felt my flesh quiver like that of animals that have been slaughtered by the butcher and are flayed Avhilst yet half alive. My face was bruised, and my nose bled profusely, for in the madness of my agony, I had not been able to refrain from beating my head violently against the post. "Vainly did I beg and implore for mercy. I was kept bound to the pest with my whole weight hanging upon my thumbs, an hour and a half, but it appeared to me that 1 had entered upon eternity, and that my sufferings would never end. At length, how'ever, my feet we e unbound, and afterwards my hands ; but when released from the cords, I was so far exhausted as not to be able to stand, and my thumbs were stiff" and motionless. I was carried into the kitchen, and laid on a blanket, where my ss came to see me ; and after looking at my 1DVENTURE3 OF CHARLES BALL. 119 lacerated back, and telling mc that my wounds were only skin deep, said I had come ofV well, after what I had done, and that I ought to be thankful that it was not worse with me. She then bade me not to groan so loud, nor make so much noise, and left me to myself. 1 lay in this condition until it was quite dark, by which time the burning of my back had much abated, and was succeeded by an aching soreness, which rendered me unable to turn over, or bend my spine in the slightc-t manner. ^Iv mis- tress again visited me, and brouL^iii with lior about half a pound of fat bacon, which she made one of the bl;ick women roast before the ihc on a fork, un- til the oil ran freely from it, and then rub it warm over my back. This was repeated until I was greased from the neck to the hips, elTectually. An old blanket was then thrown over me, and I was left to pass the night alone. Such was the terror stricken into my fellow-slaves, by the example made of me, that, although they loved and pitied me, not one of them dared to approach me during this night. '•My strength was gone, and I at length fell asleep, from which 1 diJ not awake until the horn was blown the next moraiug, to call the people to the corn crib, to receive their weekly allowance of a peck of corn. I did not rise, nor attempt to join the other people, and shortly afterwards my master en- tered the kitchen, and in a soft and gentle tone of voice, asked me if I was dead. I answered him that I was not dead, and making some effort, found 120 NARRATIVE OF THE I was able to get upon my feet. My master had be- come frightened when he missed me at the corn crib, and being suddenly seized with an apprehension that I was dead, his heart had become softened, not Avith compassion for my sufferings, but with the fear of losing his best field hand ; but when he saw me stand before him erect, and upright, the recollection of the lost sheep revived in his mind, and with it, all his feelings of revenge against the author of its death. '' ' So you are not dead yet, you thieving rascal/ said he ; and cursing me with many bitter oaths, ordered me to gofilong to tlie crib and get my corn, and go to work with the rest of the hands. I was forced to obey, and taking my basket of corn from the door of the crib, placed it in the kitchen loft, and went to the field with the other people. " Weak and exhausted as 1 was, I was compelled to do the work of an able hand, but was not per- mitted to taste the mutton, which was all given to the others, who w^ere carefully guarded whilst they were eating, lest they should give me some of it." This man's back was not yet well. Many of the gashes made by the lash were yet sore, and those that were healed had left long white stripes across his body. He had no notion of leaving the ser- vice of his tyrannical master, and his spirit was so broken and subdued, that he was ready to suffer and to bear all his hardships; not, indeed, with- out complaining, but without attempting to resist his oppressors, or to escape from their power. I saw ADVENTURES OP CHARLES BALL. 121 him often whilst I leinaincil at this place, and ven- tured to tell him once that if 1 liad a master who would abuse me as his had abused him, I would run away. " Where could I run, or in what place could I conceal myself ? '' said he. " I have known many slaves who ran away, but they were always caught, and treated worse afterwards than tlioy had been before. I have heard that there is a place called Piiiladelphia, whore the black pcopl»^ are all free, but I do not know wliidi w;iy it lir>. nor what road J should take to i^o there ; and if I knew the way, how could I liofKJ to get there ? would not the patrol be sure to catch me .' " I pitied this unfortunate creature, and was at the same time fearful, that, in a short time, I should be equally the object of pity myself. How well my fears were justified the sctpicl of my narrative will show. CHAPTER Vni. We had been stationed in the old cotton-gin house, about twenty days, had recovered from the fa- tigues of our journey, and were greatly improved in our strength and appearance, when our master re- turned one evening, after an absence of two days, and told us that we must go to Columbia the next day ; and must, for this purpose, have our breakfast ready by sunrise. On the following morning he 11 122 NARRAl'IVE OF THK called us at daylight, and we made all despatch in preparing our morning repast, the last that we were to take in our present residence. As our equipments consisted of the few clothes we had on our persons, and a solitary blanket to each individual, our baggage was easily adjusted, and we were on the road before the sun was up half an hour ; and in less than an hour we were in Colum- bia, drawn up in a long line in the street opposite the court-house. The town, which was small and mean looking, was full of people, and I beheve that more than a thousand gentlemen came to look at us within the course of this day. We were kept in the street about an hour, and were then taken into the jail- yard and permitted to sit down ; but were not shut up in the jail. The court was sitting in Colum- bia at this time, and either this circumstance, or the intelligence of our arrival in the country, or both, had drawn together a very great crowd of people. We were supplied with victuals by the jailer, and had a small allowance of salt pork for dinner. We slept in the jail at night, and as none of us had been sold on the day of our arrival in Columbia, and we had not heard any of the persons who came to look at us make proposals to our master for our purchase, I supposed it might be his intention to drive us still farther south before he offered us for sale : but I dis- covered my error on the second day, which was Tuesday. This day the crowd in town was much greater than it had been on Monday ; and, about ten ADVF.NTURFS OF f IIARLES BALL. 123 o'clock, oiir master ranic into the yard, in company with the jailer, and after l(X)kinir at ns some time, the latter addressed us in a short speech, which continued perhaps five miinites. In this harangue he told us wo had come to live in the finest country in the world ; that South Carolina was the richest and l>est part of the Unitecl Sutes ; and that he was going to sell us to gentlemen who would make Ui all very liappy, and would recpiire us to dt valuable lot of slaves that had ever been ollered in Columbia. Tliat we were all young; in excellent health, of gootl habits, having l>een all purchased in VirLTinia. from the estates of tobacco planters ; and thai there was not one in the whole lot who had lost the use of a single fmger, or was blind of an eye. He then cried tiie poor lad for sale, and the first bid h<; received was two hundred dollars. Others quicklv succeeded, and the l)oy, who was a remark- ably handsome youth, was striken oflf in a few min- utes to a young man who appeared not nuich older than himself, at three hundred and fifty dollars. The purchaser paid down his price to our master on a table in the jail, and the lad, after bidding us fare- 124 NARRATIVE OF THE well, followed his new master with tears running down his cheeks. He next sold a young girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, for two hundred and fifty dollars, to a lady who attended the sales in her carriage, and made her bids out of the window. In this manner the sales were continued for about two hours and a half, when they were adjourned until three o'clock. In the afternoon they were again resumed, and kept open until about five o'clock, when they were closed for the day. As my companions were sold, they were taken from amongt us. and we saw them no more. The next morning, before day, I was awakened from my sleep by the sound of several heavy fires of cannon which were discharged, as it seemed to me, within a few yards of the place where I lay. These were succeeded by fifes and drums, and all the noise with which I had formerly heard the fourth of July ushered in, at the navy-yard in Washington. Since I had left Maryland I had carefully kept the reckoning of the days of the week ; but had not been careful to note the dates of the month ; yet as soon as daylight appeared, and the door of our apartment was opened, I inquired and learned, that this was, as I had supposed it to be, the day of universal rejoicing. I understood that the court did not sit this day, but a great crowd of people gathered, and remained around the jail, all the morning ; many of whom were intoxicated, and sang and shouted in honour ADVKNTURKS OF CHARLES IJALL. 125 of free government, and ilio rights of man. About eleven o'clm-k. a long table was spread under a row of frees wbii li irrfnv in the street, not far from the jail, and whicli appeared to me, to be of the kind called in Pennsylvania, (he pride of China. At this table, several hmidrcd ptMsons sat down to (hnner, soon after noon ; and continued to eat, and drink, and sing songs in honour of lii)erty, for more than two hours. At the end i)( \\\r dinner, a gentleman rose and >\on an axe; or mend a hro- keu chain.' The other, he recommended as a good slK^'inaker ; and well ac(juaiiited with the pr(x:es« oflanninf^ leatlnT. \N I' were all nearly of the same aije ; and very stout, healthy, roiiust youni; men, in full possession of our cor[K)ral jxmers : and if we had been shut up in a nxiiii, wiili i.-iict the strongestof tiiose who had asscmhl<;d to purchase us, and our liberty had de- pended on tyini^ them fast to each other. I have no (loulii thai we should have been free, if ropes had been provided for us. After a few minutes of hesitancy amoiif'st the purchas«*rs, and a closer examination of our persons than had hf.ii inrulr in the jail-yard, an elderly gentleman saiil he would lake the car{)enter ; and the blacksmith, and shoemaker, were immediately taken by others, at the recjuired price. It was now sundown. The heat of the day had been very oppressive, and I was glad to be relea.sed from the confined air of the jail ; and the hot at- mosphere, in which so many hundreds were breath- 128 NARRATIVE OF THE ing. My new master asked me my name, and or- dered me to follow hiin. We proceeded to a tavern, where a great number of persons were assembled, at a short distance frcm the jail. My master entered the house, and joined in the conversation of the party, in which the utmost hilarity prevailed. They were drinking toasts in honour of liberty and independence, over glasses of toddy ; a liquor composed of a mixture of rum, wa- ter, sugar, and nutmeg. It was ten o'clock at night before my master and his companions had finished their toasts and toddy : and all this time, I had been standing before the door, or sitting on a log of wood, that lay in front of the house. At one time, I took a seat on a bench, at the side of the house ; but was soon driven from this position by a gentleman, in military clothes, with a large gilt epaidet on each shoulder, and a profu- sion of glittering buttons on his coat; who passing near me in the dark, and happening to cast his eye on me, demanded of me, in an imperious tone, how 1 dared to sit on that seat. I told him I was a stranger, and did not know that it was wrong to sit there. He then ordered me with an oath, to begone from there ; and said, if he caught me on that bench again, he would cut my head ofT. " Did you not see white people sit upon that bench, you saucy ras- cal ? " said he. I assured him I had not seen any white gentleman sit on the bench, as it was near night when I came to the house ; that I had not in- tended to be saucy, or misbehave myself; and that ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 129 I hoped he would not be angry w ith nie, as my mas- ter had left me at the door, and had not told me where 1 was to sit. I remained on the log until the termination of the festival, in honour of liberty and equality ; when my master came to the door, and obacrvcd in my hear- ing, to some of his friends, that they had celebrated the day in a handsome manner. No person, except the miliuiry gentleman, had spoken to me, since I came to the house, in the even- ing with my master, who seemed to Jiave forgotten me ; for lie remained at the donr, warmly engaged in conversation, on various political subjects, a full hour after he rose from the toast party. At length, however, I heard him say — " I lx)ught a negro this evening, —I wonder where he is." I\i.sing immedi- ately from the log on which 1 had been so long seat- ed, I presented myself l)efore him, and said, "Here, master.'' He then ordered me to go to the kitchen of the inn, and go to sleep; but said nothing to me about bupper. I retired to the kitchen, where I found a large number of servants, who belonged to the house ; and amongst them two young girls, who had been purchased by a gentleman, who lived near Augusta ; and who, they told me, intended to set out fur his plantation the next morning, and take them with him. These girls had been sold out of our compiny on the first day ; and had been living in the tavern kitchen since that time. They appeared quite con- tented, and evinced no repugnance to setting out the 130 NARRATIVE OF THE next morning for their master's plantation. They were of that order of people who never look beyond the present day : and so long as they had plenty of victuals, in this kitchen, they did not trouble them- selves with reflections upon the cotton field. One of the servants gave me some cold meat, and a piece of wheaten bread ; which was the first I had tasted since I left Maryland, and indeed, it was the last that I tasted, until I reached Maryland again. I here met with a man, who was born and brought up in the Northern Neck of Virginia, on the banks of the Potomac, and within a few miles of my native place. We soon formed an acquaintance ; and sat up nearly all night. lie was the chief hostler in the stable of this tavern ; and told me, that he had often thought of attempting to escape, and return to Vir- ginia. He said he had little doubt of being able to reach the Potomac ; but having no knowledge of the country, beyond that river, he was afraid that he should not be able to make his way to Philadelphia ; which he regarded as the only place in which he could be safe, from the pursuit of his master. 1 was myself then young, and my knowledge of the coun- try, north of Baltimore, was very vague and unde- fined. I, however, told him, that I had heard, that if a black man could reach any part of Pennsylvania, he would be beyond the reach of his pursuers. He said he could not justly complain of want of food ; but the services required of him were so unreasona- ble, and the punishment frequently inflicted upon him, so severe, that he was determined to set out for ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 131 the north, as soon as the corn was so far ripe, as to 1)6 lit to be roasted. He felt confident, that by lying in the woods, and unfrequented places all day, and travelling only by night, iie could escape the vigi- lance of all pursuit; and gain the Northern Neck, before the corn would be gathered from the fields. He had no fear of wanting food, as he could live well on roasiincr ears, as long as the corn was in the milk ; and afterward?;, on parched corn, as lonj]^ as the grain rem.'iiiii'd in the lit'ld. I advised him, as well as I could, as to thr l)est means of reachiiiii: the state of Pennsylvania ; but was not able to give him any very definite instructions. This man possessed a very sound understanding ; and having been five years in Carolina, was well acquainted with the country. He gave me such an account of the sulleriui^s of the slaves, on the cotton and indigo plantations— of whom I now regarded myself as one — that 1 was unable to sleep any this night. From the resolute manner in whicli he spoke of his intended elopement, and the regularity with which he had connected the various combina- tions of the enterprise, I have no doubt that he un- dertook that which he intended to })crform. Whe- ther he was successful or not, in the enterprise, I can- not say ; as I never saw him, nor heard of him, after the next morning. This man certainly communicated to me the out- lines of the plan, which I afterwards put in execu- tion ; and by which I gained my liberty, at the expense of sufferings, which none can appreciate, 132 KhlRRATIVE OF THE except those who have borne all that the stoutest human constitution can bear, of cold and hunger, toil and pain. The conversation of this slave, aroused in my breast so many recollections of the past, and fears of the future, that I did not lie down ; but sat on an old chair until daylight. From the people of the kitchen I again received some cold victuals for my breakfast, but I did not see my master until about nine o'clock ; the toddy of the last evening, causing him to sleep late this morning. At length, a female slave gave me notice that my master wished to see me in the dining room, Avhither 1 repaired, without a mo- ment's delay. When I entered the room, he was sitting near the window, smoking a pipe, with a very long handle — I believe more than two feet in length. He asked no questions, but addressing me by the title of " boy," ordered me to go with the hostler of the inn, and get his horse and chaise ready. As soon as this order could be executed, 1 informed him that his chaise was at the door, and we immediately commenced our journey to the plantation of my master, which, he told me, lay at the distance of twenty miles from Columbia. He said I must keep up with him ; and, as he drove at the rate of five or six miles an hour, I was obliged to run, nearly half the time ; but I was then young, and could easily travel fifty or sixty miles in a day. It was with great anxiety that I looked for the place, which was in future to be my home ; but this did not prevent me ADVFNTrRF.3 OF rrTART.F.S RATI.. 133 from makin;^ siicli observations iip^n the state of the country through which we travelled, as the rapidity of our march permitted. This whole region had orij^inally been one vast wiMcrness of pine fora-t, except the low t^rounds and river l)uttoms, here callexl swamps : in which all the varieties of trees, shrubs, vines, and plants, pecu- liar to such place;?, in southern latituiles, vctretatcd in unresirainetl luxuriance. Nor is pine the on- ly timber that j^rows on tht' upland-, in thi- p;iit of Carolina: aliliough it is the pre(I(»nunani tree, and in some places, prevails to the (;xclusion of every other — oak, hickory, sassafras, and many others arc found. Here, also, 1 lir-t ol.scrvcd groves of the most l)eautiful of all ihe trcrs of the wood — the gfeat Southern .Magnolia, or Grem Bay. No ade(juate conception can 1)C formed of the appearance, or the fragrance, of this most maj^nificent tree, by any one who has not seen it, or scented the air when tainted by the perfume of its flowers'. It rises in a rii^ht line to the heiuht of seventy or eii^hly feet ; the stem is of a delicate taper lorm. and easts ull' mmierous branches, in nearly ri;;ht ani,des with itself; the ex- tremities of which, decline gently towards the ground, and l>eeome shorter and shorter in the as- cent, until at the apex of the tree, they are scarcely a foot in length ; whilst below they are many times found twenty feet long. The immense cones form- ed by these trees are as perfect as those diminutive forms which nature exhibits in the bur of the pine 12 134 NARRATIVE OF THE tree. The leaf of the magnoHa is smooth, of an oblong taper form, about six inches in length, and half as broad. Its colour is the deepest and purest green. The foliage of the Bay tree is as impervious as a brick wall to the rays of the sun, and its re- freshing coolness, in the heat of a summer day, affords one of the greatest luxuries of a cotton plan- tation. It blooms in May, and bears great numbers of broad, expanded white flowers, the odour of which is exceedingly grateful, and so abundant, that 1 have no doubt, that a grove of these trees, in full bloom, may be smelled at a distance of fifteen or twen- ty miles. I have heard it asserted in the south, that their scent has been perceived by persons fifty or sixty miles from them. This tree is one of natures most splendid, and in the climate where she has placed it, one of her most agreeable productions. It is peculiar to the southern temperate latitudes, and cannot bear the rigours of a northern winter ; though I have heard that groves of the Bay are found on Fishing Creek, in Western Virginia, not far from Wheeling, and near the Ohio river. Could this tree be naturalized in Pennsylva- nia, it would form an ornament to her towns, cities, and country seats, at once the most tasteful and the most delicious. A forest of these trees, in the month of May, resembles a wood, enveloped in an untime- ly fall of snow at midsummer, glowing in the rays of a morning sun. We passed this day through cotton fields and pine woods, alternately ; but the scene was some- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 135 times enlivened by the appearance of lots of corn, and sweet potatoes, which, I observed, were gene- rally planted near the houses. I afterwards learn- ed that this custom of planting the corn and po- tatoes near the house of the planter, is general over all Carolina. The object is, to prevent the slaves from stealing; and thus procuring more food, than, by the laws of the plantation, they are entitled to. In passing through a lane, I this day saw a field, which appeared to me to contain about fifty acres, in which people were at work with hoes, amongst a sort of plants that I had never seen before. I asked my master what this was, and he told me it was in- digo. I shall have occasion to say more of this plant hereafter. We at Iciigtli ai lived ai lKc icblUcnce of my mas- ter, who descended from his chaise, and leaving me in charge of the horse at the gate, proceeded to the house, across a long court yard. In a few minutes two young ladies, and a young gentleman, came out of the house, and walked to the gate, near which I was with the horse. One of the ladies said, they had come to look at me, and see what kind of a boy her pa had brought home with him. The other one said I was a very smart looking boy ; and this compliment llattered me greatly ; they being the first kind words that had been addressed to me since I left Maryland. The young gentleman asked me if I could run fast, and if I had ever picked cotton. His manner did not impress me so much ia 136 NARRATIVE OF THE his favour, as the address of his sister had done for her. These three young persons were the son and daughters of my master. After looking at me a short time, my young master, (for so I must now call him,) ordered me to take the harness from the horse, give him water at a well which was near, and come into the kitchen, where some boiled rice was given me for my dinner. I was not required to go to work this first day of my abode in my new residence : but after I had eaten my rice, my young master told me 1 might rest myself or walk out and see the plantation, but that I must be ready to go with the overseer the next morning. (JHAFIEK IX. By the laws of the United States I am still a slave ; and though 1 am now growing old, 1 might even yet be deemed of sufficient value to be worth pursu- ing as far as my present residence, if those to whom the law gives the right of dominion over my person and life, knew where to find me. For these reasons I have been advised, by those whom 1 believe to be my friends, not to disclose the true names of any of those families in which I was a slave, in Carolina or Georgia, lest this narrative should meet their eyes, and in some way lead them to a discovery of my retreat. 1 was now the slave of one of the most \vealthy ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 137 planters in Carolina, who planted cotton, rice, indigo, corn, and potatoes ; and ^vas the master of two hun- dred and sixty slaves. The description of one great cotton plantation will give a correct idea of all others ; and I shall here present an outline of that of my master. He lived about two miles from Caugaree river ; which bordered bis estate on one side, and in ihc swamps of which were bis rice fields. The country liereabout is very Hat; tbe bunks of tbc river are low ; and in wet seasons large tracts of country are Hooded by the superabundant water of the river. Tbere are no springs ; and the only means of pro- curing water, on the plantations, is from wells, wbich must be sunk in general about twenty feet deep, be- fore a constant supply of water can be obtained. My mister had two of these wells on his plantation ; one at the mansion house, and one at the quarter. My master's house was of brick, (brick houses are by no means conmion amongst the planters, whose residences are generally built of frame work, weatber boarded with pine boards, and covered with shingles of the white cedar or juniper cypress,) and contained two laige parlours, and a spacious hall or entry on the ground door. The main building was two stories high ; and attached to this was a smaller building, one story and a half high, with a large room, where the family generally took break- fast ; w4th a kitchen at the farther extremity from the main building. There was a spacious garden behind the house, 13* 138 NARRATIVE OF THE containing, I believe, about five acres, well cultiva- ted, and handsomely laid out. In this garden grew a great variety of vegetables ; some of which I have never seen in the market of Philadelphia. It contained a profusion of flowers, three different shrub- beries, a vast number of ornamental and small fruit trees, and several small hot houses, with glass roofs. There was a head gardener, who did nothing but attend to this garden through the year ; and during the summer he generally had two men and two boys to assist him. In the months of April and May this garden was one of the sweetest and most pleasant places that I ever was in. At one end of the main building was a small house, called the li- brary, in which my master kept his books and pa- pers, and where he spent much of his time. At some distance from the mansion was a pigeon house, and near the kitchen was a large wooden building, called the kitchen quarter, in which the house servants slept ; and where they generally took their meals. Here, also, the washing of the family was done ; and all the rough or unpleasant work of the kitchen department, — such as clcanino- and salting fish, putting up pork, &c. was assigned to this place. There was no barn on this plantation, according to the acceptation of the word barti in Pennsylvania; but there was a wooden building, about forty feet long, called the coach-house ; in one end of which the family carriage, and the chaise in which my master, rode were kept. Under the same roof was a ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 139 Stable, sufficiently capacious to contain ten or twelve horses. In one end of the building the corn intended for tbe horses was kept ; and the whole of the loft, or upper story, was occupied by the fodder, or blades and tops of the corn. About a quarter of a mile from the tlwelling-house were the huts or cabins of the plantation slaves, or field hands, sUindini^ in rows, nnich like the Indian viliai^es wbirh I have seen in the country of the Cherokees. These cabins were thirfy-eight in nuiiibf r, generally about fifteen or i^ixteen feet s(|uare, built of hewn logs, covered with shingles, and provided with lloors of pine boards. These houses were all dry and conifortablr, and were pro- vided with chininics, so that the p<'ople when in them, were well sheltcrt'd from the inclemencies of the weather. In this praciice of k« \ery careful in working about a cotton-Grin : more especially in hmuov ing the seeds? from before the saws : for if they do but touch the hand the injury is very great. I kn«?w a black man who had all the sinews of the inner part of his right hand torn out— some of them measuring more than a f(X)t in length— and the flesh of his palm cut into tatters, by carelessly putting his hand too near the saws, when they were in motion, for the idle purpose of feeling the strength of the current of air created by the motions of the cylinder. A good gin will clean several thousand pounds of cotton, in the seed, in a day. To work the gin two horses are necessary j though one is often compelled to perform the labour. 142 NARRATIVE OF THE There was no smoke-house, nor any other place, for curing or preserving meat, attached to the quar- ter ; and whilst I was on this plantation no pork was ever salted for the use of the slaves. After remaining in the kitchen some time, I went into the garden, and remained with the gardener, assisting him to work until after sundown ; when my old master came to the gate, and called one of the garden boys to him. The boy soon returned, and told me I must go with him to the quarter, as his master had told liim to take me to the overseer. When we arrived at the overseer's house he had not yet returned from the field ; but in a few minutes we saw him coming at some distance through a cotton field, followed by a s^reat number of black people. As he approached us, the boy that was ■with n^o liai:iclccl him a email piece of papci, vrhicK he carried in his hand, and without saying a word^ ran back toward the house, leaving me to become acquainted with the overseer in the best way I could. But 1 found this to be no difficult task ; for he had no sooner glanced his eye over the piece of paper, than, turning to me, he asked me my name ; and calling to a middle-aged man who was passing us at some distance, told him he must take me to live with him, and that my supper should be sent to me from his own house. I followed my new friend to his cabin, which I found to be the habitation of himself, his wife, and five children. The only furniture in this cabin, con- sisted of a few blocks of wood for seats ; a short ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 143 liench, made of a pine board, which served as a table ; and a small bed in one corner composed of a mat, made of common rushes, spread upon some corn husks, pulled and split into fine pieces, and kept together by a narrow slip of wood, confined to the floor by wooden pins. There was a common iron pDt, standing beside the chiiuney; and several wooden spoons and dishes hung ai^^ainst the wall. Several blankets also hung a^rainst the wall upon wn(j(]rii j,i„s. An (.1(1 box, made of pine boards, without L'iiher lock or hinges, occupied one corner. At iho lime I entered this humble abode the mis- tress was nut at home. She had not yet returned from the field ; having been sent, as the husband in- formed me, with some other people late in the even- mg, to do some work in a field alxnit two miles dis- tant. I found a child, about a year old, lying on the mat-bed, and a little girl about four }ears old sitting l^eside it. These children were entirely naked, and when we came to the door, the elder rose from its place and ran to its father, and clasping him round one of his knees, said, '• Now we shall get good supper." The fither laid his hand upon the head of his naked child, and stood silently looking in its face — which was turned upwards toward his own for a moment and then turning to me. said, " Did you leave any children at home?" The scene before me— the question propounded— and the manner of this poor man and his child, caused my heart to swell until my breast seemed too small to contain it. My soul 144 NARRATIVE OF THE fled back upon the wings of fancy to my wife's lowly dwelling in Maryland ; where I had been so often met on a Saturday evening, when I paid them my weekly visit, by my own little ones, who clung to my knees for protection and support, even as the poor little wretch now before me, seized upon the weary limb of its hapless and destitute father, hop- ing that, naked as he was, (for he too was naked, save only the tattered remains of a pair of old trou- sers,) he w^ould bring with his return at evening its customary scanty supper. I was unable to reply ; but stood motionless, leaning against the walls of the cabin. My children seemed to flit by the door in the dusky twilight : and the twittering of a swal- low, which that moment fluttered over my head, sounded in my ear as the infantile tittering of my own little boy ; but on a moment's reflection I knew that we were separated without the hope of ever again meeting ; that they no more heard the wel- come tread of my feet, and could never again receive the little gifts with which, poor as I was, I was ac- customed to present them. I was far from the place of my nativity, in a land of strangers, with no one to care for me beyond the care that a master bestows upon his ox ; with all my future Ufe, one long, waste, barren desert, of cheerless, hopeless, lifeless slavery ; to be varied only by the pangs of hunger and the stings of the lash. My revery was at length broken by the appear- ance of the mother of the family, with her three eld- est children. The mother wore an old ragged shift ; ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 145 but the children, the eldest of whom appeared to be about twelve, and the youngest six years old, were quite naked. When she came in, the husband told her that the overseer had sent me to liv<' witli them • and she and her oldest child, wlio was a boy, im- njediately set aU)ut preparing their supper, by boil ing some of the leaves of the weed called lamb's- quarter, in the pi.t. Tiiis, together with some cake-' of cold corn bread, formed their supper. My supper was brought to me from the house of the overseer by a small girl, his daughter. It was about half a pound of bread, cut from a loaf made of corn meal. My companions gave me a part of their boiled greens, and we all sat down together to my fnst meal in my new habitation. I had no other bed than the i)lankct which I had brought with me from .Alary land; and 1 went to sleep in the loft of the cabin which was assiirncd t(, ,,,(3 ^s my sleeping room ; and in which I continued to lodge as long as I remained on this plantation. The next iiiorning I was waked, at the break of day, by the sound of a horn, which was blown very loudly. Perceiving that it was growing light, I came down, and went out immediately in front of the house of the overseer, who was standing near his own gate, blowing the horn. In a few minutes the whole of the working people, from all the cabins were assembled ; and as it was now light enoutrh for me distinctly to see such objects as were about me, I at once perceived the nature of the servitude to which I was, in future, to be sul)ject. 146 NARRATIVE OF THE As I have before stated, there were altogether on this plantation, two hundred and sixty slaves ; but the number was seldom stationary for a single week. Births were numerous and frequent, and deaths were not uncommon. When I joined them I be- Ueve we counted in all two hundred and sixty-three ; but of these only one hundred and seventy went to the field to work. The others w^ere children, too small to be of any service as labourers ; old and bUnd persons, or incurably diseased. Ten or twelve were kept about the mansion-house and garden, chosen from the most handsome and sprightly of the gang. I think about one hundred and sixty-eight assem- bled this morning, at the sound of the horn — two or three being sick, sent word to the overseer that they could not come. The overseer wrote something on a piece of paper, and gave it to his little son. This I was told was a note to be sent to our master, to inform him that some of the hands were sick — it not being any part of the duty of the overseer to attend to a sick negro. The overseer then led off to the field, with his horn in one hand and his whip in the other ; we following — men, women, and children, promiscuous- ly — and a wretched looking troop we were. There was not an entire garment amongst us. More than half of the gang were entirely naked. Several young girls, who had arrived at puberty, wearing only the livery with which nature had orna- mented them, and a great number of lads, of an ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 47 equal or superior age, appeared in the same costume. There was neither bonnet, cap, nor head dress of any kind amongst u^, except the old straw hat that I wore ; and which my wife had made for me in Maryland. This I soon laid aside to avoid the ap- pearance of singularity ; and, as owing to the severe treatment I had endured whilst travelling in chains, and being comprHed to sleep on the naked floor, without undressing myself, my clothes were quite worn out, I did not make a much better figure than my companions ; though still I preserved the sem- blance of clothing so far, that it could be seen that my shirt and trousers had once been distinct and separate garments. Not one of the others had on even the remains of two pieces of apparel. Some of the men had old shirts, and some ragged trousers, but no one wore both. Amongst the women, seve- ral wore petticoats, and many had shifts. Not one of the whole number wore both of these vestments. We walked nearly a mile through one vast cotton field, before we arrived at the place of our intended day's labour. At last the overseer stopped at the side of the iuAd, and calling to several of the men by name, ordered them to call their companies and turn into their rows. The work we had to do to- day was to hoe and weed cotton, for the last time ; and the men whose names had been called, and who were, I believe, eleven in number, were desig- nated as captains, each of whom had under his command a certain number of the other hands. The captain was the foreman of his company, and wil\ him. — a ^ f< Cc.I>- woix. aiflcl te ire v«=ar= Gt ase : and fbf =cme reasiQ iin k^ ai»:'i" "ii-r ±«^li " ■ : se? ihat car w: femse: 51 hisii- an«i in «f son grew m a ccro^r ot f ' ^ . I here -' ~ ' rt A 1) VENTURES OF CHARLES EaLL. 149 of corn bread, thai had been caked in ihe ashes. The water was for us to d/ink. and the bread was our breakfast. The Lttle son of the oTerseer was also in the can, and had brought with him the breakfast of his Jaiher. m a small wooden buckeu The overseer had bread, butter, cold ham. and cojfee for his breakfast. Ours was composed of a corn cake, weighing ab*3ut three quarters of a pound. to each person, with as much water as was desL-ed. I at first supposed that this bread was dealt out to the people as their allowance : but on further inquiry I found this not to Lie the case. Simon, by who^ si(^ I was now at work, and who seemed much pleased with my agility aud diligence in my duly, told me that here, as well as every where in this country, each person received a peck of corn at the crib door, every Sunday evening, and that in ordi- nary times, every one had to grind this com and bake it, for him or herself, maldng such use of it as the owner thought proper : but that for some time past, the overseer, tor the purpose of saving the rime which had been lost in baking the bread, had made ii the duty of an old woman, who was not capable 01 doing much wcwk in the field, to stay at the quar- ter, and bake the bread of the whole gang. When baked, it was brought to the field in a can, as I s ?.w. and dealt out in loaves. They still had to grind their own corn, after nigbi : and as there were only three hand-mills on the plantation, he said they experienced much diffi- culty in convening their corn into meal T\ e work- 1 '^* 10 150 NARRATIVE OF THE ed in this field all day ; and at the end of every hour, or hour and a quarter, we had permission to go to the cart, which was moved about the field, so as to be near us, and get water. Our dinner was the same, in all respects, as our breakfast, except that, in addition to the bread, we had a little salt, and a radish for each person. We were not allowed to rest at either breakfast or din- ner, longer than while we were eating ; and we worked in the evening as long as we could distin- guish the weeds from the cotton plants. Simon informed me, that formerly, when they baked their own bread, they had left their work soon after sundown, to go home and bake for the next day, but the overseer had adopted the new po- hcy for the purpose of keeping them at work until dark. When we could no longer ee to work, the horn was again sounded, and we returned Jiome. I had now lived through one of the days —a succes- sion of which make up the hfe of a slave— on a cotton plantation. As we went out in the morning, I observed seve- ral women, who carried their young children in their arms to the field. These mothers laid their children at the side of the fence, or under the shade of the cotton plants, whilst they were at work ; and when the rest of us went to get water, they would go to give suck to their children, requesting some one to bring them water in gourds, which they were careful to carry to the field with them. One young ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 151 woman did not, like the othersj leave her child at the end of the row, but had contrived a sort of rude knapsack, made of a piece of coarse linen cloth, in which she fastened her child, which was very young, upon her back ; and in this way carried it all day, and performed her task at the hoe with the other people. I pitied this woman ; and as we were going home at night, I came near her, and spoke to her. Perceiving as soon as she spoke that she had not been brought up amongst the slaves of this planta- tion—for her language was different from theirs— I asked her why she did not do as the other women did, and leave her chikl at the end of the row in the shade. " Indeed," said she, '•' I cannot leave my child in the weeds amongst the snakes. What would be my feelings if I should leave it there, and a scorpion were to bite it? Besides, my child cries so piteously, when I leave it alone in the field, that I cannot bear to hear it. Poor thing, I wish we were both in the grave, where all sorrow is forgotten." I asked this woman, who did not appear to be more than twentj^years old, how long she had been here, and where she came from. "I have been here," said she, '-almost two sears, and came from the Eastern Shore. 1 once hved as well as any lady in Maryland. I was born a slave, in the family of a gentleman whose name was Le Compt. My mas- ter was a man of property ; lived on his estate, and entertained much company. My mistress, who was very kind to me, made me her nurse, when I was 152 NARRATIVE OF THE about ten years old, and put me to live with her own children. I grew up amongst her daughters ; not as their equal and companion, but as a favoured and indulged servant. 1 was always well dressed, and received a portion of all the delicacies of their table. 1 wanted nothing, and had not the trouble of provi- ding even for myself. I believe there was not a happier being in the world than I was. At present none can be more wretched. " When 1 was yet a child, my master had given me to his oldest daughter, who was about one year older than I was. To her, I had always looked as my future mistress; and expected that whenever she became a wife, I should follow her person, and cease to be a member of the family of her father. When I was almost seventeen, my young mistress married a gentleman of ihe Eastern Shore of A^ir- ginia, who had been addressing her, more than a year. " Soon after the wedding was over, my new mas- ter removed his wife to his own residence ; and took me and a black boy of my own age, that the lady's father had given her, with hira. ^ He had caused it to be reported in Maryland, that he was very wealthy ; and was the owner of a plantation, with a large stock of slaves and other property. It was supposed at the time of the marriage, that my young mistress was making a very good match, and all her friends were pleased with it. When her lover came to visit her, he always rode in a handsome gig, accompanied by a black man on horseback, as his ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 153 servant. This man told us in the kitchen, that his master was one of the most fashionable men in Vir- ginia ; was a man of large fortune, and that all the young ladies in the county he lived in, had their eyes upon him. These stories I repeated carefully to my young mistress ; and added every persuasion that I could think of, to induce her to accept her lover, as her husband. My feelings had become deeply in- terested in the issue of this matter ; for whilst the master was striving to win the heart of my young mistress, the servant had already conquered mine. 'Tt was more than a hundred miles from the resi- dence of my old master, to that of my young one ; and when we arrived at the latter place, my mistress and I soon found, that we had been equally credu- lous, and were equally deceived. We were taken to an old dilapidated mansion, which was quite in keeping with every thing on the estate to which it was attached. The house was almost without fur- niture ; and there were no servants in it, except my- self and my companion. The black man who had so eilectually practiced upon me, belonged to one of my new master's companions. — and had a wife and three children in the neighbourhood. " My mistress, soon discovered that her husband's companions were gamblers and horse racers ; who frequendy convened at her house, to concert or ma- ture some scheme, the object of which was to cheat some one. " My old master was a member of the church, and was very scrupulous in the observance of his moral 154 NARRATIVE OF THE duties. His precepts had been deeply implanted in the mind of my young mistress ; and the society of these sportsmen, (as the friends of my young master denominated themselves.) became so revolting to her feehngs, that after she had been married nearly a year, and had exhausted all her patience, and all her fortitude, in endeavouring to reclaim her husband from the vile associations and pursuits, by which his time and his affections were engaged, she determin- ed at last to return to her father, for a time, and to take me with her, for the purpose of ascertaining whether tliis would net bring him to reflect uj on the wrong he had done her, as well as himself. " She communicated to me her designs, and we were waiting for an opportunity of carrying them into effect, when one evening, near sundown, my master came to me in the kitchen ; and told me he wished me to go to the house of a gentleman who lived about a mile distant, and dehver a letter for him ; without letting my mistress know any thing of the matter, I immediately set out, expecting to return in half an hour. As I left the house I saw my mistress in the garden ; and I never saw her again. •' Between the house of my master, and that to which he had sent me, was a grove of young pine trees, that had grown up in a field, that had former- ly been cultivated ; but which had been neglected, on account of its poverty, for many years. Through this thicket, the path which I had to travel led ; and when near the middle of the wood, I saw a white ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 155 man step into the path, only a few yards before me, with a rope in his hand. Sometime before this, my mistress had told me, that she wished to get me back to her father's house in Maryland, because she was afraid that my master would sell me to the ne- gro buyers ; and the moment I saw tlie man with the rope, in my path, the words of my mistress were recollected. " I screamed, and turned to lly towards home ; ]jut at the first step was met by the coloured man, who had attended my master, as his servant, when he visited Maryland, at the time he was courting my mistress — and who had made so deep an im- pression on my heart. This was the first time I had seen him, since 1 came to live in Virginia ; and base as I knew he must be. from his former conduct to me, yet at sight of him, my former affection for a moment revived, and I rushed into his arms which were extended towards me, hoping that he would save me from the danger I so much dreaded from beliind. He saw that I was frightened, and had iled to him for protection, and only said, ' Come with me.' ] followed him, more by instinct than by rea- son, and holding to his arm, ran as fast as I could — I knew not whither. I did not observe whether we were on the path or not. I do not know how far we had run, when he stopped, and said — 'We must remain here for some time.' " In a few minutes the wliite man whom I had seen in the path, came up with us, and seizing me by the hands, he and my pretended protector bound 156 NARRATIVE OF THE them together, at my back, and to suppress my cries, tied a large handkerchief round my head, and over my mouth. It was now becoming dark, and they hurried out of the wood, and across the fields, to a small creek, the water of which fell into the Chesa- peake Bay. Here was a boat ; and anotiier white man in it. They forced me on board ; and the white men taking the oars, whilst the black mana- ged the rudder, we were quickly out in the bay, and in less than an hour, I was on board a small schooner, lying at anchor; where I found eleven others, who like myself, had been dragged from their homes and their friends, to be sold to the southern traders. " I have no doubt, that my master had sold me without the knowledge of my mistress ; and that he endeavoured to persuade her, that I had run away : perhaps he was successful in this endeavour. " I heard no more of my mistress, for whom I was very sorry, for I knew she would be greatly distress- ed at losing me. " The vessel remained at anchor where we found her that night, and the next day until evening, when she made sail, and beat up the bay all night against a head wind. When she approached the western shore, she hoisted a red handkerchief at her mast head, and a boat cam© off from the land, large enough to carry us all, and we were removed to a house on the bank of York river, where I found about thirty men and women, all imprisoned in the cellar of a small tavern. The men were in irons, ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 157 but the women were not bound with any thing. Tlie cords and Jiandkerchief had been taken from me, whilst on board the vessel. We remained at York river more than a week ; and whilst there, twenty-five or thirty persons were brought in, and shut up with us. " When we commenced our journey for the south, we were about sixty in number. The men were chained together, Ijut the women were all left (juite at liberty. At the end of three weeks, we reached Savannah river, oj)posite the town of Augusta, where we were sold out by our owner. Our present master was there, and purchased me and another woman who has been at work in the field to-day. "Soon after I was brought home, the overseer compelled me to l)e married to a man I did not like. He is a native of Africa, and still retains the manners and religion of his country, lie has not been with us to day, as he is sick, and under the care of the doctor. I nmst hasten home to get my supper, and go to rest ; and glad I should be, if I were never to rise again. '•I have several times been whipped unmercifully, because 1 was not strong enough to do as much work with the hoe, as the other women, who have lived all their lives on this plantation, and have been accustomed from tlieir infancy to work in the field. " For a long time after I was brought here, I thought it would be impossible for me to live, on the coarse and scanty food, with which we are supplied. When I contrast my former happiness with my pres- 14 168 NARRATIVE OF THE ent misery, I pray for death to deliver me from my sufferings." I was deeply affected by the narrative of this woman, and as we had loitered on our way, it was already dark, whilst we w^ere at some distance from the quarter ; but the sound of the overseer's horn, here interrupted our conversation— at hearing w^hich, she exclaimed, <' We are too late, let us run, or we shall be whipped :" and setting off as fast as she could carry her child, she left me alone. A moment's re- flection, however, convinced me that I too had better quicken my pace — I quickly passed the w^oman, en- cumbered with her infant, and arrived in the crowd of the people, some time, perhaps a minute, be- fore her. CHAPTER X. At the time I joined the company, the overseer was calling over the names of the whole, from a little book ; and the first name that 1 heard was that of my companion whom 1 had just left, w hich was Lydia— called by him Lyd. As she did not answ^er, I said, "Master, Lydia, the woman that carries the baby on her back, will be here in a min- ute—I left her just behind." The overseer took no notice of what I said, but went on with his roll-call. As the people answered to their names, they pass- ed off to the cabins, except three— two women and a man ; who, when their names were called, were ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 159 ordered to go into the yard, in front of the overseer's house. My name was the last on the hst ; and when it was called I was ordered into the yard with the three others. Just as wc had entered, Lydia came up out of hreath, with the child in her arms; and following us into the yard, dropped on her knees i)( fore the overseer, and begged him to forgive her. 'Where have you been?" said he. Poor Lydia now burst into tears, and said, "I only stopped to talk awhile to this man," pointing to me ; '• but, in- deed, master overseer, I will never do so again.'' '• Lie down," was his reply. 1 -ydia immediately fell prostrate upn the ground : and in this position he compelled her to remove her old tow Hnen shift, the only garment she wore, so as to expose her hi[)s, when he gave her ten lashes, with his long whip, every touch of which brought blood, and a shriek from the sulferer. lie then ordered her to go and get her supper, with an injunction never to stay be- hind again. The other three culprits were then put upon their trial. The first was a middle aged woman, who had, as her overseer said, left several hills of cotton in the course of the day, without cleaning and hilling them in a proper manner. She received twelve lashes. The other two were charged in general terms, with having been lazy, and of having neg- lected their work that day. Each of these received twelve lashes. These people all received punishment in the same manner that it had been inflicted upon Lydia, and 160 NARRATIVE OF THE when they were all gone, the overseer turned to me and said — " Boy, you are a stranger here yet, but I called you in, to let you see how things are done here, and to give you a little advice. When I get a new negro under my command, I never whip at first ; I always give him a few days to learn his du- ty, unless he is an outrageous villain, in which case I anoint him a little at the beginning. I call over the names of all the hands twice every week, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, and settle with them according to their general conduct, for the last three days. I call the names of my captains every morning, and it is their business to see that they have all their hands in their proper places. You ought not to have staid behind to-night with Lyd; but as this is your first offence, I shall overlook it, and you may go and get your supper." I made a low bow, and thanked master overseer for his kindness to me. and left him. This night for supper, we had corn bread and cucumbers ; but we had neither salt, vinegar, nor pepper, with the cucumbers. I had never before seen people flogged in the way our overseer flogged his people. This plan of ma- king the person who is to be whipped, lie down up- on the ground, was new to me, though it is much practised in the south ; and I have since seen men and w^omen too, cut nearly in pieces by this mode of punishment. It has one advantage over tying people up by the hands, as it prevents all accidents from sprains in the thumbs or wrists. I have known people to hurt their joints very much, by struggling ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 161 when tied up by the thumbs, or wrists, to undergo a severe whipping;. The nielhod of ground wliipping, as it is called, is, in my opinion, very indecent, as it compels females to expose themselves in a very shameful manner. The wliip usimI by the overseers on tlie cotton plantations, is dill'erent from all other wliips. iliat I liave ever seen. The stall* is about twenty or Iwen- ty-two inches in length, with a lar^t^ and heavy head, which is often loaded with a ijuartcr or half a pound of lead, wrapped in cat-gul, and securely fastened on, so that nothing but the greatest violence can separate it from the sia(l'. The lash is ten feet long, made of small strips of buckskin, tanned so as to be dry and hard, and plaited carefully and closely together, of the thickness, in the largest part, of a man's little fmger, but quite sujall at each extremity. Al the farthest end of this thong is attached a crack- er, nine inches in length, made of strong sewing silk, twisted and knotted, until it feels as firm as the hardest twine. 'I'his wbip in an unpractised hand, is a very awkward and inellicient weapon ; but the best (jual- ification of the overseer of a cotton plantation is the ability of using this whip with adroitness ; and when wielded by an experienced arm. it is one of the keenest instruments of torture ever invented by the ingenuity of man. The cat-o'-nine tails, used in the British military service, is but a clumsy instru- ment beside this whip ; which has superseded the cow-hide, the hickory, and every other species of 14* 162 NARRATIVE OF THE lash, on the cotton plantations. The cow-hide and hickory, bruise and mangle the flesh of the suflerer; but this whip cuts, when expertly applied, almost as keen as a knife, and never bruises the flesh, nor in- jures the bones. It was now Saturday night, and I wished very much for Sunday morning to come that I might see the manner of spending the Sabbath, on a great cotton plantation. 1 expected, that as these people had been compelled to work so hard, and fare so poorly all the week, they would be inclined to re- pose themselves on Sunday ; and that the morning of this day would be passed in quietness, if not in sleep, by the inhabitants of our quarter. No horn was blown by the overseer, to awaken us this morning, and I slept, in my httle loft, until it was quite day ; but when I came down, I found our small community a scene of universal bu.-tle and agitation. Here it is necessary to make my readers acquaint- ed with the rules of polity, wliich governed us on Sunday, (for I now speak of myself, as one of the slaves on this plantation,) and with the causes which gave rise to these rules. All over the south, the slaves arc discouraged, as much as possible, and by all possible means, from going to any place of religious worship on Sunday. This is to prevent them from associating together, from different estates, and distant parts of the coun- try ; and plotting conspiracies and insurrections. On some estates, the overseers are required to piohibit ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BAT,T„ 163 the people from i;oini]^ (o meeting ofTllie plantation, at any time, under the severest penalties. "White preachers cannot come u[K)n the plantations, to preach to the |)eople, without first obtaininj]^ permis- sion of tiie master, and afterwards procuring the sanction of the overseer. No slave dare leave the plantation to which he beloni^s. a single jnile. with- out a written pass from the t)verseer, or master ; but by exposing him>elf to the danger of being taken up :ui(i Hogged. Any wlulc man who nu'cts a slav(; oil" the plantation witlionl a jkiss, has a i;ight to take liim up, and llog him at his discielion. All these causes combined, oj^-rate [u»w«Mfiilly to keep the slave at home. iJut, in addition to tbese princi- ples of restraint, it is a rule on every plantation, that no overseer ever departs from, to llog every slave, mall' or frrtjajc, that leaves tiie estate for a single lioiii, liy ni^ht o[ by day — Sunday not excepted — witlioui a wiilten [Kiss. The overseer who .should permit the people under his charge to go about the neiglibourhfKxl without a pass, would sojn lose his character, and no one woidd employ him ; nor would his n-puiation less certainly sulli'r in th*- estimation (jf tlie planters, were he to fall into the practice of granting passes, except on the most urgent occasions; and for purposes ge- nerally to be specified in the pass. A cotton planter has no more idea of permitting his slaves to go at will, about the neighbourhood on Sunday, than a farmer in Pennsylvania has of letting his horses out of his field on that day. Nor 164 NARRATIVE OF THE would the neighbours be less indined to complain of the annoyance, in the former, than in the latter case. There has always been a strong repugnance, amongst the planters, against their slaves becoming members of any religious society, Not, as I be- lieve, because they are so maliciously disposed to- wards their people as to wish to deprive them of the comforts of religion — provided the principles of reli- gion did not militate against the principles of sla- very — but they fear that the slaves, by attending meetings, and listening to the preachers, may im- bibe with the morality they teach, the notions of equahty and liberty, contained in the gospel. This, I have no doubt, is the ground of all the dissatis- faction, that the planters express, with the itinerant preachers, who have from time to time, sought op- porlunities of instructing the slaves in their rehgious duties. The cotton planters have always, since I knew any thing of them, been most careful to prevent the slaves from learning to read ; and such is the gross ignorance that prevails, that many of them could not name the four cardinal pomts. At the time I first went to CJarolina, there were a great many African slaves in the country, and tliey continued to come in for several years afterwards. I became intimately acquainted with some of these men. Many of them believed there were several gods ; some of whom were good, and others evil^ and they prayed as much to the latter as to the ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 165 former. I knew several who must have been, from what T have since learned, Mohamedans ; though at that time, I had never heard of the religion of Mohamed. There was one man on this plantation, who prayed five times every day, always turning his fire t() the east, when in the performance of his devotion. There is, in general, very httle sense of religious obligation, or dtity, am.ongst the slaves on the cotton plantations; and Christianity cannot be, with pro- priety, called the religion of these people. They are universally subject to the grossest and most abject superstition ; and uniformly believe in witch- craft, conjuration, and the agency of evil spirits in the artairs of human life. Far the greater part of them are eilber natives of Africa, or the descend- ants of those wlio have always, from generation to generation, lived in the south, since their ancestors were landed on this continent ; and their supersti-. tion, for it do^s not deserve the name of religion, is no better, nor is it less ferocious, than that which oppresses the inhabitants of the wildest regions of Negro-land. They have not the slightest religious regard for the Sabbath-day, and their masters make no efforts to impress them with the least respect for this sacred institution. My first Sunday on this plantation was but a prelude to all that followed ; and I shall here give an account of it. 166 NARRATIVE OF THE At the time I rose this morning, it wanted only about fifteen or twenty minutes of sunrise ; and a large number of the men, as well as some of the women, had already quitted the quarter, and gone about the business of the day. That is, they had gone to work for wages for themselves — in this man- ner : our overseer had, about two miles off, a field of near twenty acres, planted in cotton, on his own ac- count. He was the owner of this land ; but as he had no slaves, he was obliged to hire people to work it for him, or let it lie waste. He had procured this field to be cleared, as I was told, partly by letting white men make tar and turpeniine from the pine wood which grew on it; and partly by hiring slaves to work upon it on Sunday. About twenty of our people went to work for him to-day, for which he gave them fifiy cents each. Several of the others, perhaps forty in all, went out through the neighbour- hood, to work for other planters. On every plantation, with which I ever had any acquaintance, the people are allowed to make patch- es, as they are called — that is, gardens, in some remote and unprofitable part of the estate, generally in the woods, in which they plant corn, potatoes, pumpkins, melons, (fcc. for themselves. These patches they must cultivate on Sunday, or let them go uncultivated. I think, that on this estate, there were about thirty of these patches, cleared in the woods, and fenced — some with rails, and others with brush — the property of the various families. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 167 The vegetables that grew in these patches, were always consumed in the families of the owners ; and the money that was earned by hiring out, was spent in various ways : sometimes for clothes, some- times for better food than was allowed by the over- seer, and sometimes for rum ; but those who drank rum, had to do it by stealth. By the time the sun was up an hour, (his morn- ing, our quarter was nearly as cjuirt and clear of inhabitants, a>^ it had l)orn at llir same period on the previous day. As I had nothin;r to d,, for myself, I went with Lydia, whose husband was still sick, to help her to work in her patch, which was al)out a mile and a half from our dNvellin.r. We took with us some bread, and a hn-e bucket of water ; and worked all day. She had onions, cabbai^es, cucumbers, mel- ons, and many other things in her garden. In the evening, as we returned home, we were joined by the man who prayed five times a day ; and at the going down of the sun, he stopped and prayed aloud in our hearing, in a language 1 did not understand. This man told me, he formerly lived on the con- fines of a country, which had no trees, nor grass upon It ; and that in some places, no water was to be found for several days' journey. That this bar- ren country was, nevertheless, inhabited by a race of men, who had many camels and goats, and some horses. They had no settled place of residence; but removed from one part of the country to an- 168 NARRATIVE OF THE Other, ill quest of places where green herbage was to be found — their chief food being the milk of their camels, and goats ; but that they also ate the flesh of these animals, sometimes. The hair of these people, was not short and woolly, like that of the negroes ; nor were they of a shining black. They were continually at war with some of the neighbouring people, and very often with his own countrymen. He was himself once taken prisoner by them, when a lad, in a great battle fought be- tween them and his own people, in which his party were defeated. The victors kept him in their pos- session, more than two years, compelling him to at- tend to their camels and goats. AYhilst he was Vvith these people, they travelled a trreat way towards the rising sun ; and came to a river, running through a country inhabited by yel- low people, where the land was very rich, and pro- duced great quantities of rice, such as grows here — and many other kinds of grain. The people who had taken him prisoner, profes- sed the same religion that he did ; and it was forbid- den by its precepts, for one man to sell another into slavery, who held the same faith w4th himself; otherwise he should have been sold to these yellow people. In the river of this country he saw alligators, in great abundance, like those that he had seen in Carolina ; and the musquitos were, in some places, so numerous, that it was difficult to breathe without inhaling them. » When we turned the camels out to graze, we ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 169 used to tie their forefeet tocrether, with a rope made of the hair of this animal, spun upon small slicks, and twisted into a rope. Sometimes they Inoke these ropes, and slipped their feet out of its coils ; and it was then very difficult to retake them. They would sometimes strike off at a trot, across the open country, and we would be obliged to mount other camels, and follow them for a day or two, before we could retake them. I had been with these jieople so loner, and Uc'uvj; of the same religion wiih them- selves, had l)ecomc so familiar with thtir customs and manner of life, that they seemed almost to re- gard me as one of their oww iwitioii : .iiid frc([uently sent me alone, in pursuit of the stray camels, giving me instructions how to direct my course, so as to re- join them ; for they never waited for m<', to return to them, at the place where I left them, if the beasts had consumed the bushes, and gret>n herbage, grow- ing there, before I came back. •' When I had been a captive with them fully two years, w« came one evening, and encamped at a lit- tle well, the mouth of which was about a yard over ; and the water in which was very sweet and good. » This well, seemed to have been scooped out of the hard and tlinty sand, with men's hands, and was scarcely more than four feet deep; though it contained an abundant supply of water. We en- camped by this fountain all night ; and I remem- bered that we had been at the same place, soon after I was made a prisoner ; and that when we had for- merly come to it, we travelled with our backs to the 15 170 NARRATIVE OF THE mid-day sun. There was no herbage hereabout, ex- cept a few stunted and thorny bushes ; and in wan- dering abroad in quest of something to eat, one of the best and fleetest camels, entangled the rope which bound his fore-feet, amongst these bushes, and broke it. I found part of the rope fast to a bush in the morning ; but the camel was at a great dis- tance from us, towards the setting sun. " The chief of our party ordered me to mount an- other camel, and go with a long rope, in pursuit of the stray ; and told me that they should travel to- wards the south, that day, and encamp at a place where there was much grass. I went in pursuit of the lost camel ; but when I came near him, he took off at a great trot over the country, — and 1 pursued him until noon, without being able to overtake him, or even to change the line of his march. His course w^as towards the south-west ; and when I found it impossible to overtake him. as his speed was superior to that of the beast I rode, I resolved to strive to ac- complish that, by stratagem, which force could not effect. I knew the beasts were both hungry ; and that having received as much water as they could drink, the night before, they would devour with the utmost avidity, the first green herbage that they might meet with. " I slackened the speed of my camel, and followed at a leisure gait, after the one I pursued, suffering him to leave me behind him at a considerable dis- tance. He still, however, kept on in the same direc- tion, and wdth nearly the same speed, with which he ADVENTTTRES OF CHARLES BALL. 171 had advanced all the iiiorniiig ; so that it became necessary for me to quicken my pace, to prevent him from passing out of my sight, and escaping from me altogether. '' Al)out five o'clock in the afternoon, I came in sight of trees, tlic tops of which were only visible across the open plain. The camel I rode was now as desirous to advance rapidly, as his leader had been throughout the day. I was carried forward as (piickly as the swift.v-^t horse could tn.t ; and awhile before sundown, I ap[)roached a small grove of tali straii^ht trees, which arc greatly valued in Ahica, and which bear large quantities of nuts, of a very good (luality. Under and about these trees, was a small tract of ground, covered with long green grass; and here my stray camel stopped. " I have no doubt that he had scented the odour of this grass, soni aftor 1 first gave chase to him in the morning ; though the distance at which he was from if, was so great, that the best horse could not have travelled it in one day. When I came up to the trees, I dismounted from the camel I rode, and tyiniz: its feet together with a short rope, preserved my long one, for the purpose of taking the runaway. I o-athered as many nuts as I could eat, and after satisfying my hunger, lay down to sleep. «' This was the first time that I had ever attempt- ed to pass a night alone, in this open country ; and after I had made my bed in the grass, I became fear- ful that some wild beast might fall in with me before morninor, as I had often heard lions, and other crea- 172 NARRATIVE OF THE tures of prey, breaking the stillness of night, in those desolate regions, by their yells and roaring. I there- fore ascended a tree, and placed myself amongst some spreading limbs, in such a position as to be in no danger of falling, even if I should be overtaken by sleep. " The moon was now full ; and in that country where there are no clouds, and where there is seldom any dew, objects can be distinguished at the dis- tance of several miles over the plains, by moon- light. When I had been in the tree about an hour, I heard at a great distance, a loud sullen noise, be- tween a growl and a roar, which I knew to proceed from a lion ; for I was well acquainted with the hab- its and noise of this animal : having frequently as- sisted in hunting him, in my own country. " I was greatly terrified by this circumstance ; not for my own safety, for T knew that no beast of prey could reach me in the tree, but I feared that my camels might be devoured, and I be left to perish in the desert. "My fears were in part, w^ell founded ; for keep- ing my eye steadily directed towards the point from which the sound had proceeded, it was not long be- fore I saw some object, moving over the naked plain. " The runaway camel now" joined his tetheied companion, and both quitting the herbage, came and stood at the root of the tree, upon the branches of which I w^as. I still kept my eye steadily fixed upon the moving body which was evidently advancing nearer to me over the plain. I had no longer any ADVF.NTL'KKS OF CHARLF.S BALL. 173 (loubl llial it was comini; to tlie jjrove of Iroes, which were only twelve or fifieen in number; and so bare of branches that I could distinctly see in rvcrv direc- tion around me. "In a few minutes, the animal approached mr. It was a monstrous lion, of the black maned species. It was now wilhin one hundred paces of mo, and the p(X)r camels raised their heads, as hi throat of his vielini; w liich did not go more than a stones cast from the trees, before he fell, and after a short struggle, ceased to move his limbs. The lion held the poor beast by the throat for some time after he was dead, and until, I suppose, the blood had ceased to flow from his veins — then, quit- ting the neck, he turned to the side of the slain, and tearing a hole into the cavity of the body, extracted the intestines, and devoured the liver and heart, be- fore he began to gorge himself with the flesh. 15* 174 NARRATIVE OF THE '' The moon was now high in the heavens, and shone with such exceeding brilliancy, that I conld see distinctly for many miles round me. In that country, the smooth and glittering surface of the hard and baked sandy plains, reflects the light of the moon, as strongly as a sheet of snow in winter does in this : and the atmosphere being free from all hu- midity, is so clear and transparent, that I could per- ceive the quivering motion of the camel's lips, in his last agony, as well as the tongue of the lion when he licked the blood from his paws. " As soon as my fright had a little subsided, I iooked for my surviving caiT>eI which, to my terror. I could not see, either at the foot of the tree on which I was, and where I had last seen it, or anywhere in the grove. «• I now concluded, that in the alarm caused by the lion, and the destruction of his companion, my surviving beast had broken the cord which bound its feet, and had taken to flight leaving me alone, and witho\it any means of escaping from the desert; for 1 had no hope of being able to reach, on foot, ei- ther the people with whom I had so long lived, or the inhabitants of the woody countries, lying far to the south of me. No condition can be more misera- ble than that to which I was now reduced. " My late masters were distant from me, at least one day's journey, on a swift camel ; and were re- moving farther from me every day, as fast as their beasts could carry them ; and I had no knowledge of the various watering places, and spots of herbage, ADVF.NTURKS OV CIIAIILHS RALT. 175 whicli lie scatiorcil over the wide exjianse of tliose iinfie(juented regions, in the iniilst of which I then was. I had not seen any water at this place, since I ranie to it; and had not the poor consolation of knf)\vin!r, that I could remain here, anil live on the fniil of the trres. until some chance should hring hithor .^)Mif' of the wandi rin^" tribes, that roam over those s;)lilud<'S. " After a lapse of two or three hours, not Ix^ng ahle to di-cover my liviuix camel auywIuMe, aliln>ui;h the moon had now passed her meridian, and shone with a splrMidour which enahl'-d me to distinguish small' pebbles at some distance. I gave him up for lost, and again turned my atlcution to the lion, which still continued at intervals, to niter deep and sullen growls over his prey. I expected, that at the approach of day, the lion would leave the dead car- cii.ss, and retire to his lair in sonic distant place ; and I determined to await the [)eriod of his departure, to descend the tree, and search for water aujongst the grass, which rose in some places to the height of my shoulders. " 1 slept none thi^ night, — but from my couch in the houghs, watched the motions of the liin, which, after swallowing at least one third of tlie camel, stretched himself at full length on his belly, about twenty paces from it, and laying Ids head between his fore-feet, prepard to guard his spoil against all the intruders of the night. In this position he re- mained, until the sun was up in the morning, and began to dart his rays across the naked and parched 176 NARRATIVE OF THE plain, upon which he lay— when rising and stretch- ing himself, he walked slowly towards the grove- passed under me— went to the other side of the trees and entered some very tall herbage, where I heard him lap water. I now knew that 1 was in no dan- ger of dying from thirst, provided I could escape wild beasts, on my way to and from the fountain. " The trees afforded me both food and shelter : but I quickly found myself deprived of tasting wa- ter, at the present— for the hon, after slaking his thirst, returned by the same way that he had gone to the water, and coming to the tree in the boughs of which I lay, rubbed himself against its trunk, raising his tail, and exposing his sides alternately to the friction of the rough bark. After continuing this exercise for some time, he rested his weight on his hind-feet, licked his breast, fore-legs and paws, and then lying down on his side in the shade, appeared to fall into a deep sleep. Great as my anxiety was to leave my present lodgings, I dared not attempt to pass the sentinel that kept guard at the root of the tree, even though he slept on his post : for whenever I made the least rusthng in the branches, I perceived that he moved his ears, and opened his eyes, but closed the latter again, when the noise ceased. " The lion lay all day under the tree, only remo- ving so as to place himself in the shade in the after- noon ; but soon after the sun descended below the horizon, in the evening, he aroused himself, and resting upon his hind-feet, as he had done in the morning, uttered a roar that shook all the leaves ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 177 about my head, and caii:>cd a trenuilous motion in tlie branches upon wliich I rested. This horrid noise, toi^etlier with the sis^lit of the great beast that utter- ed it, so agitated my whole frame, that I was near leaping from my seat, and falling to the ground. I was so overcome with fear, that all prudence and self-possession forsook me ; and I uttered a loud shout, as if in defiance of the monster below me. " Tlie moment the lion heard my voice, he raised hi- lic.-id, l()()k<'d diieclly at nir. wiili his fiery eyes, and crouched down in the altitude of springing ; but perc«:iving me to be (piite out of the reach of his longest leap, he walked slowly olV, and lay down about half way between me and tbe dead camel, with his head towards my tree. T had no doubt that liis object was to watch me, until my descent from the tree, that he miirht make his supper of me this night, as he bad of niy eauid, tbe ninht before. '•I bad now liccn witbout water two days- -my thirst was tormenting, and 1 bad no prospect before me but of remaining in this tree, until driven to de- lirium for water, I sbould voluntarily descend, and deliver myself into the jaws of my enemy. '• The moon did not rise this night until long af- ter the disappearance of dayligbt ; but in the coun- try where 1 then was, the stars shed such abundant Ught, that objects of magnitude can be seen at a great distance by their rays, without the aid of the moon. The lion moved frequently from place to place, but 1 could perceive that his attention was still fixed upon me : at last, however, he started away 178 NAliltATIVK OF TIIK across the pluiii, iind went farUicr aud farther from inc, until at lenfrili J lost av^hl of hiia in the dis- tance ; and all remained as cjuiet and noiseless, in tin; iinm(;ns(i expanse around nu;, as the land of the dead. " I now thoufrht of descending, to i-o in (juest of water ; hut whilst 1 d<;lih(;rated upon this suhject the moon rose, and cast her hroad and c^lorioiis light upon these wide fields of desolation. As 1 could now see every thing, I resolved to descend ; hut heforc doing this, thought it prudent to cast a look ahout mc, to see if there mi-jht not he some otlier heast of j)rey near. This tluught saved my life; for on turning my eyes in a direction ([uite dKrereiit from that in wliich the lion had de[)arted, I saw him re- turning, within two or three stench's cast, creeping along the ground, i watclied him, and he came and placed liiniseil ])etween me and the water. " vMl was again silent; and I remained in the tree, hurning with ti>.irsf. until ihe moon was eleva- ted high in th(; heavejis, when the silence was int(;r- ruptcMJ hy the roaring of a lion, at a great distance, w Inch was again repeated alter a short interval. At the etid of half an hour I again heard the same lion, apparently not far olf. Casting my eye in the di- rection of the sound, 1 saw the heast advancing ra- pidly, as I thought towards me, and began to appre- hend that a whole den of lions were lying in wait for me. '' Tlie strangfM- s(K)n undeceived me, for he was coming to partake of the dead camel, whose flesh or ADVENTURES OP CHARLES BALL. 179 blood he had doubtlessly smelled, though it was not putrid, for, in this dry atmosphere, flesh is preserved a long time free from taint, and is sometimes dried in the sun, in a state of perfect soundness. I knew the nature of the lion too well, to suppose that the stranger was going to get his supper free of cost ; and before he had reached the carcass, my jailer quitted his post, and set olT to defend his acquisition of the last night. '- The new comer arrived first, and fell upon the dead camel, with the fury of a hungry lion— as he was ; but he had scarcely swallowed a second morsel when the rightful owner, uttering a roar yet more dreadful than any that had preceded it, leaped upon the intruder, and brought him to tlic ground. For a moment I jieard nothing but the gnashing of teeth, tlie clasliing of talons, and the sounds caused by the laceration of the flesh and hides of the combat- ants; but anon, they rolled along the ground, and fllhd the whole canopy of heaven with their yells of rage— then the roaring would cease, and only the rending of the flesh of these lords of the waste could be heard— then the roaring would again burst forth, with renewed energy. "This battle lasted more than an hour; but at length both appearing to be exhausted, they lay for some minutes on their sides, each with the other wrap- ped in his fierce embrace. In the end, I perceived that one of them rose and walked away, leaving the other upon the ground. The victor, which I could perceive was the stranger, for his mane was not 180 NARRATIVE OF THE black, returned to the remnant of the camel, and lay down panting beside it. After he had taken time to breathe, he recommenced his attack, and consumed far the larger part of the carcass. Having eaten to fulness, he took up the bones and remaining flesh of the camel, and set out across the desert, — I follow- ed him with my eye for more than an hour. "Parched as my throat was, but still afraid to descend from my place of safety, I remained on the tree until the light of the next morning, when I ex- amined carefully around, to see that there was no beast of prey lurking about the place, where 1 knew the water to be. Perceiving no danger, I descended before the sun was up, and going to the water, knelt down, and drank as long and as much as I thought I could with safety. " 1 then proceeded to make a more minute exa- mination of this place, and saw numerous tracks of wild goats, and of other animals, that had come here, as well to drink as to eat the grass. I also saw the tracks of lions, and other beasts of prey, which satis- fied me that these had come to lie in wait for other animals coming to drink : it also convinced me that it was not safe for me to remain in this grove alone ; but 1 knew of no means by which I could escape from it. " It now occurred to my mind that if my living camel had not escaped from me, I might have made my way to my own country, for on my camel I had two leather bottles, which I had neglected to fill with water, the morning I left the company of my ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. ISl former masters. By replenishing these from the fountain, giving my camel as much as he could drink, and filling two small sacks attached to my saddle, with the nuts from these trees, I should have been cfjuip|)ed for a journey of ten days, wit 1 1 in which period, I had no douljt, I should have boon able to reach my own people : ])ut my camel was gone, and these roHoctions served only to aggravate tiie bitterness of my anguisli. 'I walked out upon the desert, and prayed to be delivered from the perils that environed me. At the distance of two or three miles from me, I now observ- ed a small sand hill, rising to the height of eight or ten feet ; easily perceived when looking along the level surface of the ground, but which had escaped my observation from my elevated pst in the tree. Such sand hills are.often found in those deserts, and sometimes contain the bones of men and animals that have been buried in them. •' In my situation, I could not remain idle; and urged forward by restlessness, bordering on despair, I resolved to go to the little hill before me, without having any definite object in view. I soon approach- ed the hill, and having reached its foot, walked along its base for some distance. I then turned to go back to the trees ; but after advancing a few steps, was seized with a sudden impulse, which urged me to go to the top of the sand hill. I again turned and walked slowly to the summit, beyond which I saw only the same dreary expanse that I was so well used to look upon. Advancing along the top of this sand 16 182 NARRATIVE OF THE hill, which had been blown up by the wind in a long narrow ridge, I saw a recess or hollow place, on the side opposite to that by which I had ascended it ; and on coming to this spot, beheld my camel crouch- ed down close to the ground, with his neck extend- ed at full length. My joy was unbounded— I leap- ed with dehght, and was wild for some minutes, with a delirium of gladness. " My camel had lied from the grove, at the time his companion was killed by the hon, and reaching this place, had here taken refuge, and had not mo- ved since. 1 hastened to loose his feet from the cords with which I had bound them ; mounted upon his back, and was quickly at the watering place. 1 fill- ed my two water skins with water, and gathering as many nuts as my sacks would contain, caused my camel to take a full draught, and fill his stomach Avith grass, and then directed my course to the south, with a quick pace. "It was now noon when I left this watering place ; and I travelled hard all that day and the suc- ceeding nighty until the moon rose. I then alighted, and causing my camel to lie clown, crept close to his side, and betook myself to sleep. I rested well this night, and recommencing my journey at the dawn of day, I pursued my route, Avithout any thing worthy of relating happening to me until the eighth day, when 1 discovered trees, and all the appearance of a woody country, before me. <' Soon after entering the forest, I came to a small stream of water. Descending this stream a few i.dvextl'rf:s of ciiarles ball. 183 miles, I found some people, who were cutting fi^iass for the purpose of making mats to sleep on. These people spoke my own language, and told me that one of tliem had lx?en in my native village lately. They took me and my camel to their village, and treated me very kindly : promising me that after I had recovered from iny fitlLTUt', flicy would go with nie to my friends. *• -My protectors were at war with a nation whose religion was dill^rent from ours ; and ahout a monih after I came to the villaire we were alarnied one morning, just at hreak of day. hy tin; h(>nil)le up- roar caused by miiiixlrd -liouts of men, and Mows given with heavy stick^< upon large wooden drums. The \ illage was surrounded by enemies, who at- tacked us with clubs, long wooden spears, and bows and arrows. After fighting for more thati an hour, those who were not fortunate enough t<; run away, were made prisoners. It was not the object of our enemies to kill ; they wished to take us alive, and sell us as slaves. I was knocked down by a heavy blow of a club, and when 1 recovered from the stu- por that followed, I found myself tied fast with the long rope that I had brou^-lit from the desert, and in which I had formerly led the camels of my masters. '• \Vc were immediately led away from this vil- lage, through the forest, and were compelled to travel all day, as fast as we could walk. We had nothing to eat on this journey, but a small quantity of grain, taken with ourselves. This grain we were compel- led to carry on our backs, and, roast by the tires 184 NARRATIVE OP THE which we kindled at nights, to frighten away the wild beasts. We travelled three weeks in the woods,— sometimes without any path at all ; and arrived one day at a large river, with a rapid cur- rent. Here we were forced to help our conquerors, to roll a great number of dead trees into the water, from a vast pile that had been thrown together by high floods. These trees being dry and Ught, floated high out of the water ; and when several of them were fasten- ed together, with the tough branches of young trees, formed a raft, upon which we all placed ourselves, and descended the river for three days, when we came in sight of what appeared to me the most wonderful object in the world ; this was a large ship, at anchor, in the river. When our raft came near the ship, the white people — for such they were on board — assisted to take us on deck, and the logs were suffered to float down the river. " I had never seen white people before ; and they appeared to me the ughest creatures in the world. The persons who brought us down the river receiv- ed payment for us of the people in the ship, in vari- ous articles, of which I remember that a keg of liquor, and some yards of blue and red cotton cloth, were the principal. At the time we came into this ship, she was full of black people, who were all con- fined in a dark and low place, in irons. The women were in irons as well as the men " About twenty persons were seized in our village, at the time I was ; and amongst these were three ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 185 children, so young that they were not able to walk, or to eat any hard substance. The mothers of these children had brought them all the way with them ; and had them in their arms when we were taken on board this ship. " When they put us in irons, to be sent to our place of confinement in the ship, the men who fast- ened the irons on these mothers, took the children out of their hands^ and threw them over the side of the ship, iato the water. When this was done, two of the women leaped overboard after the children — the third was already confined by a chain to another woman, and could not get into the water, but instrug- glingto disengage herself she broke her arm, and died a few days after, of a fever. One of the two women who were in the river, was carried down by the weight of her irons, before she could be rescued ; but tlie other was taken up by some men in a boat, and brought on board. This woman threw herself over- board one night, when we were at sea. ''The weather was very hot, whilst we lay in the river, and many of us died every day ; but the num- ber brought on board greatly exceeded those who died, and at the end of two weeks the place in which we were confined was so full that no one could lie down ; and we were obliged to sit all the time, for the room was not high enough for us to stand. When our prison would hold no more, the ship sailed down the river, and on the night of the second day after she sailed, I heard the roaring of the ocean, as it dashed against her sides. 16* 186 NARRATIVE OF THE '• After we had been at sea some days, the irons were removed from the women, and they were per- mitted to go upon deck ; but whenever the wind blew high, they were driven down amongst us. '• We had nothing to eat but yams, which were thrown amongst us at random — and of these we had scarcely enough to support life. More than one-third of us died on the passage ; and when we arrived at Charleston, I was not able to stand. It was more than a week after I left the ship, before I could straighten my hmbs. I was bought by a trader, with several others ; brought up the country, and sold to our present master : I have been here five years." CHAPTER IX. It was dusky twilight when this narrative was ended, and we hastened home to the quarter. When we arrived, the overseer had not yet come. He had been at his cotton field, with the people he had hired in the morning to work for him ; but he soon made his appearance, and going into his house, came out with a small bag of money, and paid each one the price he had a right to receive. In this transaction the overseer acted with entire fairness to the people who worked for him ; and with the ex- ception of the moral turpitude of violating the Sab- bath, in this shameful manner, the business was conducted with propriety. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 187 I must here observe, that when the slaves go out to 'work for wages on Sunday, their employers never flog them ; and so far as I know never give them abusive language. I have often hired myself to work on Sunday, and have been employed in this way by more than twenty different persons, not one of whom ever insulted or maltreated me in any way. Tliey seldom took the trouble of coming to look at me until towards evening, and sometimes not then. I worked faithfully, l)ecause I knew that if I did not, I could not expect payment ; and those who hired me, knew that if I did not work well, they need not employ me. The practice of working on Sunday, is so univer- sal amongst the slaves on the cotton plantations, that the immorality of the matter is never spoken of. We retired to rest this evening at the usual hour ; and no one could have known, by either our appear- ance or our manners, that this was Sunday evening. There were no clean clothes amongst us ; for few of our people were ac([uainted with the luxury of a suit of clean vestments, and those who could afford a clean garment, reserved it for Monday morning. Sunday is the customary wash-day on cotton plan- tations. It is here proper to observe, that it is usual, on the cotton estates, to deal out the weekly allowance of corn to the slaves, on Sunday evening; but our overseer, at this period, had changed this business from Sunday to Monday morning, for the reason, 1 believe, that he wished to keep the hired people at 188 NARRATIVE OF THE work, in his own cotton field, until night. He, however, soon afterwards resumed the practice of distributing the allowance on Sunday evening, and continued it as long as I remained on the estate. The business was conducted in the same manner, when performed on Sunday, as when attended to on Monday, only the time was changed. On Monday morning I heard the sound of the horn, at the usual hour, and repairing to the front of the overseer's house, found that he had already gone to the corn crib, for the purpose of distributing corn amongst the people, for the bread of the week ; or rathei-, for the week's subsistence ; for this corn was all the provision that our master, or his over- seer, usually made for us ;— I say usually, for what- ever was given to us beyond the corn, which we re- ceived on Sunday evening, was considered in the hoht of a bounty bestowed upon us, over and beyond what we were entitled to, or had a right to expect to receive. When I arrived at the crib, the door was unlock- ed and open, and the distribution had already com- menced. Each person was entitled to half a bushel of ears of corn, which was measured out by several of the men who were in the crib. Every child above six months old drew this weekly allowance of corn; and in this way, women who had several small children, had more corn than they could con- sume, and sometimes bartered small quantities with the other people, for such things as they needed, and were not able to procure. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 189 The people received their corn in baskets, old bags, or any thing w ilh uhich they could most con- veniently provide themselves. I had not been able, since I came here, to procure a basket, or any thing else to put my corn in, and desired the man with whom I lived to take my portion in his basket, with tli.'it. of iiis family. This he readily agreed to do, and as soon as we had receiveil our share we left the crib. The overseer attended in person to the measuring of this corn; and it is only justice to him to say? that he was careful to sec that justice was done us. The men who measured the corn always heaped the measure as long as an ear would lie on ; and he never restrained their generosity to their fellow- slaves. In addition to this allowance of corn, we received a weekly allowance of salt, amounting, in general, to about half a gill to each person ; but this article was not furnished regularly, and sometimes we re- ceived none for two or three weeks. The reader must not suppose, that, on this plan- tation we had nothing to eat beyond the corn and salt. This was far from the case. I have already descril)ed the gardens, or patches, cultivated by the people, and the practice w hich they universally fol- lowed of working on Sunday, for w^ages. In addi- tion to all these, an industrious, managing slave would contrive to gather up a great deal to eat. I have before observed, that the planters are care- ful of the health of their slaves, and in pursuance 190 NARRATIVE OF THE of this rule, they seldom expose them to rainy wea- ther, especially in the sickly seasons of the year, if it can be avoided. In the spring and early parts of the summer, the rains are frequently so violent, and the ground be- comes so wet, that it is injurious to the cotton to work it, at least whilst it rains. In the course of the year there are many of these rainy days, in which the people cannot go to work with safety ; and it often happens that there is nothing 'Ifor them to do in the house. At such time they make baskets, brooms, horse collars, and other things, which they are able to sell amongst the planters. The baskets are made of wooden splits, and the brooms of young white oak or hickory trees. The mats are sometimes made of splits, but more fre- quently of flags as they are called — a kind of tall rush, which grows in swampy ground. The horse or mule collars are made of husks of corn, though sometimes of rushes, but the latter are not very durable. The money procured by these, and various other means, which I shall explain hereafter, is laid out by the slaves in purchasing such little articles of neces- sity or luxury, as it enables them to procure. A part is disbursed in payment for sugar, molasses, and sometimes a few pounds of coffee, for the use of the family ; another part is laid out for clothes for win- ter ; and no inconsiderable portion of his pittance is squandered away by the misguided slave for tobac- co, and an occasional bottle of rum. Tobacco is ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 191 fleeiiied so indispensable to comfort, nay to existence, that hunger and nakedness are patiently endured, to enable the slave to indulge in this highest of en- joyments. There being few towns in the cotton country, the shops, or stores, are frequently kept at some cross road, or other pnl»li(' placp, in or adjacent to a rich district of plantations. To these shops the slaves resort, sometimes with, and at otiier times without, the consent of the overseer, fur the purpose of lay- ing out the liiilc money they grt. Notwithstanding all the vigilanai that is exercised by the planters, the slaves, who are no less vigilant than their mas- ters, often leave the plantation after tlie overseer has retired to his bed, and go to the store. The store-keepers are always ready to acconnno- date the slaves, who are frecpiently better custojners than many while people ; because the former always pay .asli. whil-i the jruier almost always re(|uire credit. In deali/iir uiih tln^ slave, the shop-keeper knows lie can demand whatever price he pleases for his goods wiihoiii danger of being charged with ex- tortion : and he is ready to rise at any time of the night to oblige friends, who are of so much value to him. It is held highly disgraceful, on the part of store- keepers, to deal with the slaves for any thing but money, or the coarse fabrics that it is known are the usual products of the ingenuity and industry of the negroes ; but, notwithstanding this, a considerable traffic is carried on between the shop-keepers and 192 NARRATIVE OF THE slaves, in which the latter make their payments by barter. The utmost caution and severity of masters and overseers, are sometimes insufficient to repress the cunning contrivances of the slaves. After we had received our corn, we deposited it in our several houses, and immediately followed the overseer to the same cotton field, in which we had been at work on Saturday. Our breakfast this morning was bread, to which was added a large basket of apples, from the orchard of our master. These apples served us for a relish with our bread, both for breakfast and dinner, and when I returned to the quarter in the evening, Dinah (the name of the w^oman w ho was at the head of our family) produced at supper, a black jug, containing mo- lasses, and gave me some of the molasses for my supper. I felt grateful to Dinah for this act of kindness, as I well knew that her children regarded molasses as the greatest of human luxuries, and that she was depriving them of their highest enjoyment to afford me the means of making a gourd full of molasses and water. I therefore proposed to her and her husband, whose name was Nero, that whilst I should remain a member of the family, I would contribute as much towards its support as Nero himself; or, at least, that I would bring all my earnings into the family stock, provided I might be treated as one of its members, and be allowed a portion of the pro- ceeds of their patch or garden. This offer was very readily accepted, and from this time we constituted ADVENTURES OF CIIARLF.S BALL. 193 one community, lis long as I remained among tlie field hands on this plantation. After su[)[)er was over, we liad to grind our corn ; l)ut as we liad to wait for our turn at the mill, we did not get through thi> indispensaljlc operation before one o'clock in the morning. We did not sit up all night to wait fur our turn at the mill, but as our sever;il (urns w« re a.-signod us by lot. the person who had the fir^i turn, when done with the mill, gave notice lo the one enilii«Ml i«» ili<' second, and so on. Hy this means nol^ody K>st more than half an hour s sl«'cj), and in the morniuLr every one's irrindinir was dtiiM'. We worlied very hard tins week. W e wen; now laying hy the cotton, as it is termed ; that is, we wtie giving the last weeding and liillini;- to the crop, (if which there was, on this plantation, al)out five hundreil acres, whieh looked well, and pn.mised to yield a fine picking. In addition to the cotton, there was on this plan- tation, one hundred acres of corn, about ten acres of indigo, ten or twelve acres in sweet ptatoes, and a rice swamp of about fifty acres. The potatoes and indigo had been laid by, (that is, the season of working in them was past,) before I came upon the estate ; and we were driven hard by the overseer to get done with the cotton, to be ready to give the corn another harrowing, and lioeing, before the sea- son should be too far advanced. Most of the corn in this part of the country, was abready laid 1)V, but the 17 194 NARRATIVE OF THE crop here had been planted late, and yet required to be worked. We were supplied with an abundance of bread, for a peck of corn is as much as a man can consume in a week, if he has other vegetables with it ; but we were obliged to provide ourselves with the other articles, necessary for our subsistence. Nero had corn in his patch, which was now hard enougli to be fit for boihng, and my friend Lydia had beans in l^er garden. We exchanged corn for beans, and had a good supply of both ; but these delicacies Ave were obliged to reserve for supper. We took our break- fast in the field, from the cart, which seldom aftbrded us any thing better than bread, and some raw vege- tables from the garden. Nothing of moment oc- curred amongst us, in this first week of my residence here. On Wednesday evening, called setdement- night. two men and a woman were whipped : but circumstances of this kind were so common, that I shall, in future, not mention them, unless something extraordinary attended them. I could make wooden bowls and ladles, and went to work with a man who was clearing some new land about two miles off — on the second Sunday of my sojourn here, and applied the money I earned in purchasing the tools necessary to enable me to carry on my trade. I occupied all my leisure hours, for several months after this, in making wooden trays, and such other wooden vessels as were most in demand. These I traded off, in part, to a store- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 105 keeper, who lived about five miles from the planta- tion ; and for some of my work I obtained mone}'. Before Christmas, I had sold mor«; than thirty dol- lars worth of my manufactures; but the merchant with whom I traded, changed such hiuh prices for his goods, that I was poorly compensated for my Sun- day toils, and nii^htly lalx)urs : nevertheless, by these means, I was able to keep our family supplied with ujolasses, and some other luxuries, and at the ap- proach of winter, I purchased three coarse blankets, to which Nero added as many, and we had all these made up into blanket-coats for Dinah, ourselves, and the children. About ten days after my arrival, we had a G^reat feast at the (piarter. C>ne niL^ht, after we luid re- turned from tlip fioM, the «)verseer sent tor me by his little son, and when I came to his houn, and covered •'vny j)art of our |)ersons. The cIoiIh^s I liad on, which were nolhini,^ but a shirt and tmuscrs ot U)\v linen, allbrded no protection, even again.^t the nuis- quitos, which were much larger than those found along the Chesapeake Bay ; and nothing short of a coveriug of leather c^iuld have defended nic against the galinipjx^rs. I was pierced by a thousand stings at a time, and verily believe I could not have lived beyond a few hours in this place. Toney ran into the pond, and rolled him.self in the water to get rid of his perse- cutors ; but he hatl not been long there before he came rumiing out, as fast as he had gone in. hal- looing and clamouring in a manner wholly un- intelligible to me. He was terribly frightened ; but I could not imagine what could be the cause of his alarm, until he reached the shore, when he turned round with his face to the water, and called out — •'• the biggest alligator in the whole world — did not you see him ?" I told him I had not seen any thing but himself in the water ; but he insisted that he had been chased in the pond by an alligator, which had 17* 198 NARRATIVE OF THE followed him until he was close to the shore. We waited a few minutes for the alligator to rise to the surface, but were soon compelled by the musquitos, to quit this place. Toney said, we need not look for the cattle here ; no cattle could live amongst these musquitos, and I thought he w^as right in his judgment. We then proceeded into the woods and thickets, and after wandering about for an hour or more, we found the cattle, and after much difficulty, succeeded in driving a part of them back to the cow-pen, and en- closing them in it. 1 here selected the one that appeared to me to be the fattest, and securing it with ropes, we drove the animal to the place of slaughter. This beef was intended as a feast for the slaves, at the laying by of the corn and cotton : and when I had it hung up, and had taken the hide off, my young master, whom 1 had seen on the day of my arrival, came out to me, and ordered me to cut olf the head, neck, legs, and tail, and lay tlicm, toge- ther with the empty stomach and the harslet, in a basket. This basket was sent home, to the kitchen of the great house, by a woman and a boy, who attended for that purpose. I think there was at least one hundred and twenty or thirty pounds of this offal. The residue of the carcass I cut into four quarters, and we carried it to the cellar of the great house. Here one of the hind quarters was salted in a tub, for the use of the family, and the other was sent, as a present, to a planter, who ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 199 lived alx)ut Unn miles distant. Tlic two forc-quar- Icrs were cut into very small pieces, and salted by theni-^elves. These, I was told, would he cooked for ('111 dinner on the next day, (Sunday,) wlicn there was to he a general rejoicing amongst all the slaves of the plantatiftn. After the beef was salt«'d down, I recived some bread and milk for my breakfast, and went to join tin* ii mds in the corn fu;ld. wiiere tlu^y were now harrowing and luxjing the crop for the last time. The overseer had promisiul u< that wc should have holiday, after the completion of tliis work, and by great exertion, we lini-hed it about five o'clock in the afternoon. On our return to the quarter, the overseer, at roll- call — which he performed this day l)efore night — told 11- that every family mii-t on bin), for thr piir|>ose of re- storini^ him to his former strength ; the one half of which care or exjMMise, would have preserved him in beauty and vii;. >nr. bad tln'V been bestowrd ujioii him b«;f )!(• hr had sullered the irreparable injuries, attondani upon his cruel tr«'atment. In !N'iiiiiic«.'d about the (irst of Sep- tember ; though in some years, nuich cotton is pick- ed in August. The manner of doing the work is this. The cotton being planted in lulls, in straight rows, from four to five feet apart, each hand or pick- er, provided with a bag, made of cotton bagging, hold- ing a bushel or more, hung round the neck, with cords, proceeds from one side of the field to th<.' other, between two of these rows, picking all the cotton from the open burs, on the right and left, as he goes. It is the business of the picker to take all the cotton, from each of the rows, as far as the lines of the rows or hills. In this way lie picks lialf the cotton from each of the rows, and the pickers who come on his right and left, take the remainder from the opposite sides of the rows. The cotton is gathered into the bag, and when it becomes burdensome by its weight, it is deposited in some convenient place, until night, when it is taken 212 NARRATIVE OF THE home, either in a large bag or basket, and weighed under the inspection of the overseer. A day's work is not estimated by the number of hills, or rows, that are picked in the day, but l)y the number of pounds of cotton in the seed, that the picker brings into the cotton house, at night. In a good field of cotton, fully ripe, a day's w^ork is sixty pounds ; but where the cotton is of inferior quahty, or the burs are not in full blow, lilty pounds is tiie day's work; and where the cotton is poor, or in bad order, forty, or even thirty pounds, is as much as one hand can get in a day. The picking of cotton, continues from August un- til December, or January ; and in some fields, they pick from the old plants^ until they are ploughed up in February or March, to make room for the plant- ing of the seeds of another crop. On all estates, the standard of a day's work is fix- ed by the overseer, according to the quality of the cotton ; and if a hand gathers more than this stand- ard, he is paid for it ; but if, on the other hand, when his or her cotton is weighed at the cotton-house, in the evening, it is found that the standard quantity has not been picked, the delinquent picker is sure to receive a whipping. On some estates, settlements are made every even- ing, and the whipping follows immediately ; on others, the whipping does not occur until the next morning, whilst on a few plantations, the accounts are closed twice, or three times a week. I have stated heretofore, that our overseer whip- ADVENTURCS OF CHARLES BALL. 213 perl twice a week, for the purpose of saving time ; but if this method saved time to the overseer and the hands, it also saved the latter of a great many hard stripes ; for very often, when one of us had dis- pleased the overseer, he would tell us tliat on Wed- nesday or Saturday night, as the case might be, we should be remembered; yet the matter was either ftjr<_,n)tten, or the passion of the overseer subdued, be- fore the time of retribution arrived, and the delin- quent e.^caj^ed altorrctlicr from tlic punishment, wliicb would certainly have fallen upon hifn, if it had l)een th(; custom of the overseer to chastise for every olfence, at the nnHuenf, or ev(,'n on the day, of its perpetration. A short d;iys woriv was always pimisiied. The cotton does not all ripen at the same time, on the same plant, wlii)ut twelve or fourteen years of age. He de- scrilnnl llie jxreat l)caniy of liiis jrirl, whose mother was a widow, livinir on a small estate of her own. Tliis Lady did not keep a carriage; l)Ut her son and dani^diler, when ihey went abroad, travelled on horseback. One Sunday, the-c two young people came to visit at the house of my master, and remained until after tea in the evening. As I did not go out to w^ork that day, I went over to the great house, and from the house to a place in the woods, about a mile distant, wdiere I had set snares for rabbits. This place was near the road, and I saw the young lady and her brother, on their way home. It was after sundown, when they passed me ; but, as the evening was clear and pleasant, I supposed they would get home soon after dark, and that no accident would befall them. 224 NARRATIVE OF THE No more was thought of the matter this evening, and I heard nothing further of the young people, until the next day, about noon, when a black boy came into the field, where we were picking cotton, and went to the overseer with a piece of paper. In a short time the overseer called me to come with him ; and, leaving the field with the hands under the orders of Simon, the first captain, we proceeded to the great house. As soon as we arrived at the mansion, my master, who had not spoken to me since the day we came from Columbia, appeared at the front door, and or- dered me to come in and follow him. He led me through a part of the house, and passed into the back yard, where I saw the young gentleman, his son, another gentleman, whom I did not know, the family doctor, and the overseer, all standing to- gether, and in earnest conversation. At my ap- pearance, the overseer opened a cellar door, and ordered me to go in. I had no suspicion of evil, and obeyed the order immediately : as, indeed, I must have obeyed it, whatever might have been my suspicions. The overseer, and the gentlemen, all followed ; and as soon as the cellar door was closed after us, by some one whom I could not see, 1 was ordered to pull off my clothes, and lie down on my back. I was then bound by the hands and feet, with strong cords, and extended at full length between two of the beams that supported the timbers of the building. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 225 The stranger, wlio, I now observed, was much agitated, spoke to the doctor, who then opened a small case of surgeons' instiuments, which he took from his pocket, and tokl me he was going to skin me, for wliat I had done last night ; " But," said the doctor, '• lK'f(jre you are skinned, you had better con- fess your crime." " What crime, master, shall I con- fess 7 I have committed no crime— what lias been done, that you are goinir to murdor mo / " was|my re- ply. My master lli.n askrd m.', why I had followed tlie young lady and lior brother, who went from the house the evening before, and nuirdered her .^ Astonished and territied at the charge of being a murderer. I knew not what to say ; and only contin- ued the protestations of my innocence, and my en- treaties not to be put ♦o death. My young master was greatly enraged against me, and loaded me with maledictions, and imprecations ; and his father ap- peared to l)e as well satisfieil as he was, of my guilt, but was more calm, and less vociferous in his lan- guage. The doctor, dming this time, was assorting his in- struments, and looking at me— then stooping down, and feeling my pulse, he said, it would not do to skin a n\an so full of blood as I was. I should bleed so nuicli that he could not see to do his work ; and he should probably cut some large vein, or artery, by which I should bleed to death in a few minutes : it was necessary to bleed me in the arms, for some time, so as to reduce the quantity of blood that was in me, before taking my skin off. He then bound a 226 NARRATIVE OF THE String round my right arm, and opened a vein near tlie middle of the arm, from which the blood ran in a large and smooth stream. I already began to feel faint, with the loss of blood, when the cellar door was thrown open, and several persons came down, with two lighted candles. I looked at these people attentively, as they came near, and stood around me, and expressed their satisfaction at the just and dreadful punishment that I was about to undergo. Their faces were all new, and unknown to me, except that of a lad, whom I recognized as the same, who had rid- den by me, the preceding evening, in company with his sister. My old master spoke to this boy, by name, and told him to come and see the itiurderer of his sister receive his due. The _boy was a pretty youth, and wore his hair long, on the top of his liead, in the fa- shion of that day. As he came rouna near my head, the light of a candle, w^hich the doctor held in his hand, shone full in my face, and seeing that the eyes of the boy met mine, I determined to make one more effort to save my life, and said to him, in as calm a tone as I could, '• Young master, did I murder young mistress, your sister ? " The youth immediately looked at my master, and said, " This is not the man, — this man has short wool, and he had long wool, hke your Hardy." My life was saved. I was snatched from the most horrible of tortures ; and from a slow and pain- ful death. I was unbound, the bleeding of my arm V4DVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 227 stopped, and I was suf]bred to put on my clothes, and go up into the back yard of tlie house, where I was required to tell what I knew oftlie young lady and her brother, on the previous day. I stated that I had seen them in the court yard of the house, at the time I was in the kitchen ; that I Jiad then ffone to the woods, to set my snares, and had . not their home : they are there from neces- sity, or with a hope of acquiring money to estal)lish themselves in business, in places where their occupa- tions are held more in lionour. ?»Ianufacturers are not in existence in the cotton country, therefore no comparison can be instituted between them and the planters. I believe, from what I saw, that all the commerce of the cotton country is in the hands of strangers, and that a large portion of these strangers are foreigners. The planters deal with them from ne^ 286 NARRATIVE OF THE cessity, as they must have such things as they need, and must obtain them somewhere, and from some- body. The store-keeper hves as well, dresses as well, and often lives in as good a house as the plant- er — perhaps in one that is better than that of the planter ; but his wealth is not so material, his means of subsistence do not strike the eye so powerfully as a hundred field hands, and three hundred acres of cotton. The country has no hold on him, and he has no hold on the country. His habits of life arc not similar to those of his neighbours— he is not ''one of us." All the families who visited at my master's were those of planters ; aiul the families of the cotton planters have nothing to do but visit, or read, liunt, or fish, or run into some vicious amusements, or sit down and do nothing. Every kind of labour is as strictly prohibited to the sons and daughters of the planters, by universal custom, as if a law of the land made it punishable by fine and imprisonment, and gave one-half of the fine to a common informer. The only line that divides the gentleman from the simple man, is that the latter works for his living, whilst the former has slaves to work for him. No man who works with his hands, can or will be re- ceived into the highest orders of society, on a footing of equaUty, nor can he hope to see his family treated better than himself. This unhappy fiat of public opinion has done infinite mischief in the south. Men of fortune will not work, nor permit their sons to work in the field, because this exemption from ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 287 labour is their badge oi' gentility, and the circum- fitance that distinguishes them from the less favour- ed members of the community. As the wealthy, the great, and the fashionable, are never seen at labour and as it is known that they hold it to be beneath the rank of a gentleman to work in the field, those who arc more sparingly endowed with the advanta- :e.s of fortune. inii)ibe an opinion that it is disgraco ul to plough, or to dig, and that it is necessary to load a lUc of idleness, to maintain their raale in society. No man works in South Carolina, except under the impulse of necessity- In this state of things, many men ol limited fortunes rear up families of ciiildren without education, and without the means of supporting an expensive style of living. The -ons, when grown up, of necessity, commingle with the other young people of the country, and bring with them into the aHairs of the world, nothing upon which they can pride themselves, except that they are white men, and are not obliged to work for a living. '^rhis false pride has infected the whole mass of the white population ; and the young man, whose father ha^ half a dozen children, and an equal number of slaves, looks with affected disdain upon the son of his father's neighbour, who owns no slaves, because the son of the non-slaveholder must work for his bread, whilst the son of the master of half a dozen negroes, contrives to support himself in a sort of lazy poverty, only one remove from actual penury. 288 NARRATIVE OF THE Every man who is able to procure a sii}3sistencej without labour, regards himself a gentleman, from this circumstance alone, if he has nothing else to sustain his pretensions. These poor gentlemen, are the worst members of society, and the least pro- ductive of benefit, either to themselves or their coun- try. They are prone to horse-racing, cock-fighting, gambling, and all sorts of vices common to the coun- try. Having no livelihood, and being engaged in no pursuit, they hope to distinguish themselves by running to excess in what they call fashionable amusements, or sporting exercises. These people are universally detested by the slaves, and are in- deed far more tyrannical than the great slave-holders themselves, or any other portion of the white popu- lation, the overseers excepted. A man who is master of only four or five slaves, is generally the most ready of all to apprehend a blaclv man, whom he may happen to catch stiaying from his plantation ; and generally whips him the most unmercifully for this offence. The law gives him the same authority to arrest the person of a slave, seen travelling without his pass, that it vests in the owner of five hundred negroes ; and the experience of all ages, that petty tyrants are the most oppres- sive, seems fully verified in the cotton country. A person who has not been in the slave-holding states, can never fully understand the bonds that hold society together there, or appreciate the rules which prescribe the boundaries of the pretensions of the several orders of men who compose the body po- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 289 litic of those communities ; and after all that I have written, and all that I shall write,'in this book, the reader who has never resided south of the Potomac, will never be able to perceive things precisely as they present themselves to my vision, or to comprehend the spirit that prevails in a country, where the popu- lation is divided into three separate classes. Those will fall into great error, who shall imagine that in Carolina and Georgia there are but two orders of men ; and that the artificial distinctions of society have only classified the people into white and black, freemen and slaves. It is true, that the distinctions of colour are the most obvious, and present them- selves more readily than any others to the inspection of a stranger ; but he who will take time to exam- ine into the fundamental organization of societ}", in the cotton planting region, will easily discover that there is a third order of men located there, little known to the world, but who, nevertheless, hold a separate station, occupying a place of their own, and who do not come into direct contrast with either the master or the slave. The white man, who has no property, no posses- sion, and no education, is, in Carolina, in a condition no better than that to which the slave has been re- duced ; except only that he is master of his own person, and of his own time, and may, if he chooses, emigrate and transfer himself to a country where he can better his circumstances, whilst the slave is bound, by invisible chains, to the plantation on which his master may think proper to place him. 25 290 NARRATIVE OP THE In my opinion, there is no order of men in any part of the United States, with which I have any acquaintance, who are in a more debased and hu- miUated state of moral servitude, than are those white people who inhabit that part of the southern country, where the landed property is all, or nearly all, held by the great planters. Many of these white people live in wretched cabins, not half so good as the houses which judicious planters provide for their slaves. Some of these cabins of the white men are made of mere sticks, or small poles notched, or rather thatched together, and filled in with mud, mixed with the leaves, or shats. as they are termed, of the pine tree. Some fix their residence far in the pine forest, and gain a scanty subsistence by notch- ing the trees and gathering the turpentine ; others are seated upon some poor, and worthless point of land, near the margin of a river, or creek, and draw a precarious livelihood from the water, and the bad- ly cultivated garden that surrounds, or adjoins the dwelling. These people do not occupy the place held in the north by the respectable and useful class of day labourers, who constitute so considerable a portion of the numerical population of the country. In the south, these white cottagers are never em- ployed to work on the plantations for wages. Two things forbid this. The white man, however poor and necessitous he may be, is too proud to go to work in the same field with the negro slaves by his side ; and the owner of the slaves is not willing to ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 291 permit white men, of the lowest order, to come amongst them, lest the morals of the negroes should he corrupted, and illicit traffic should be carried on, to the detriment of the master. The slaves generally believe, that however miser- able they may be, in their servile station, it is never- theless preferable to the degraded existence of these poor white people. This sentiment is cherished by the slaves, and encouraged by their masters, who fancy that they subserve their own interests in pro- moling an opinion amongst the negroes, that they are better off in the world than are many white persons, who are free, and have to submit to the burthen of taking care of, and providing for them- selves. I never could learn nor understand how, or by what means, these poor*cottagers came to be settled in Carolina. They are a separate and distinct race of men from the planters, and appear to have nothing in common with them. If it were possible for any people to occupy a grade in human society below that of the slaves, on the cotton plantations, cer- tainly the station would be filled by these white families, who cannot be said to possess any thing in the shape of property. The contempt in which they are held, and the contumely with which they are treated, by the great planters, to be comprehend- ed, must be seen. These observations are applicable in their fullest extent, only to the lower parts of Georgia and Caro- lina, and to country places. In the upper country, 292 NARRATIVE OF THE where slaves are not so numerous, and where less of cotton and more of grain is cultivated, there is not so great a difference between the white man, who holds slaves and a plantation, and another white man who has neither slaves nor plantation. In the towns, also, more especially in Charleston and Savannah, where the number of white men who have no slaves is very great, they are able, from their very numbers, to constitute a moral force suffi- ciently powerful to give them some degree of weight in the community. I shall now return to my narrative. Early in Marc I], or perhaps on one of the last days of Februa- ry, my seine being now completed, my master told me I must take with me three other black men, and go to the river to clear out a fishery. This task of clearing out a fishery, was a very disagreeable job ; for it was nothing less than dragging out of the river, all the old trees and brush that had sunk to the bottom, within the limits of our intended fishing ground. My master's eldest son had been down the river, and had purchased two boats, to be used at the fishery ; but when I saw them I declared them to be totally unfit for the purpose. They were old batteaux, and so leaky, that they would not have supported the weight of a wet seine, and the men ne- cessary to lay it out. I advised the building of two good canoes, from some of the large yellow pines, in the woods. My advice w^as accepted, and together with five other hands, I went to work at the canoes, which we completed in less than a week. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 293 So far things went pretty well, and I flattered myself that I should become the head man at this new fishery, and have the command of the other hands. I also expected that I should be able to gain some advantage to myself, by disposing of a part of the small fish that might be taken at the fishery. I reckoned without my liost. My master had only purchased this place a short time before he bought me. Before that time he did not own any place on the river, fit for the establish- ment of a fishery. His lands adjoined the river for more than a mile in extent, along its margin ; but an impassable morass separated the channel of the river, from the firm ground, all along his fines. He had cleared the highest parts of this morass, or swamp, and had here made his rice fields ; but he was as entirely cut oiT from the river, as if an ocean had separated it from liin). On the day that wo I lunched the canoes into the river, and while we were engaged in removing some snags, and old trees that had stuck in the mud, near the shore, an ill-looking stranger came to us, and told us that our master had sent liim to take charge of the fishery, and superintend all the work that was to be done at it. This man, by his contract with my master, was to receive a part of all the fish caught, in lieu of wages ; and was invested with the same authority over us that was exercised by the overseer in the cotton field. I soon found that I had cause to regret my removal from the plantation. It was found quite impossible 25* . 294 NARRATIVE OF THE to remove the old logs, and other rubbish from the bottom of the river, without going into the water, and wrenching them from their places with long hand-spikes. In performing this w ork we were obli- ged to wade up to our shoulders, and often to dip our very heads under water, in raising the sunken tim- ber. However, within less than a week, we had cleared the ground, and now began to haul our seine. At first, we caught nothing but common river fish ; but after two or three days, we began to take shad. Of the common fish, such as pike, perch, suckers, and others, we had the liberty of keeping as many as we could eat ; but the misfortune was, that we had no pork, or fat of any kind, to fiy them with ; and for several days we contented ourselves with broiling them on the coals, and eating them with our corn bread, and sweet potatoes. We could have lived well, if we had been permitted to broil the shad on the coals, and eat them ; for a fat shad wnW diess itself in being broiled, and is very good, without any oily substance added to it. All the shad that we caught, were carefully taken away by a black man, who came three times every day to the fishery, with a cart. The master of the fishery had a family that lived several miles up the river. In the summer time, he fished with hooks, and small nets, when not engaged in running turpentine, in the pine woods. In the winter he went back into the pine forest, and made tar of the dead pine trees ; but returned to the river at the opening of the spring, to take advantage of ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 295 tlie shad fishery. He was supposed to be one of the most skilful fishermen on the Congaree river, and my master employed liim to superintend liis new fishery, under an expectation, I presume, that as he was to get a tenth part of all the fish that might be cau^j-ht, he would make the most of his situation. My master had not calculated with accuracy the force of habit, nor the dilliculfy which men expe- rience, in conduct in£^ very simple allairs, of which they have no practical knowledge. The fish-master did very well for the interest of his employer, for a few days ; compelling us to work, in hauling the seine, night and day, and scarcely permitting us to take rest enough to obtain necessary sleep. We were compelled to work full sixteen hours every day, including Sunday ; for in the fishing season, no resjiect is paid to Sunday by fishermen, anywhere. We had our usual quantity of bread and potatoes, with [plenty of conmion fish ; but no shad came to our lot ; nor had we any thing to fry our fish with. A broiled fresh-water fish is not very good, at best, without salt or oil ; and after we had eaten them every day, for a week, we cared very little for them. By this time, our fish-master began to relax in his discipline ; not that be became more kind to us, or required us to do less work ; but to compel us to work all night, it was necessary for him to sit up all night and watch us. This was a degree of toil and privation to which he could not long submit ; and one evening soon after dark, he called me to him and 296 NARRATIVE OF THE told me, that he intended to make me overseer of the fishery that night ; and he had no doubt, I would keep the hands at work, and attend to the business as well without him as with him. He then went into his cabin, and went to bed ; whilst I went and laid out the seine, and made a very good haul. We took more than two hundred shad at this draught; and followed up our work with great industry all night, only taking time to eat our accustomed meal at midnight. Every fisherman knows that the night is the best time for taking shad ; and the little rest that had been allowed us, since we began to fish, had always been from eight o'clock in the morning, until four in the afternoon ; unless Within that period there was an appearance of a school of fish in the river : when we had to rise, and lay out the seine, no matter at what hour of the day. The fish-master had been very severe with the hands, since he came amongst us ; and had jnade very free use of a long hickory gad that he sometimes carried about with him ; though at times he would relax his austerity, and talk quite familiarly with us : especially with me, whom he perceived to have some knowledge of the business in which we were engaged. The truth was, that tfiis man knew nothing of fishing with a seine, and I had been obliged from the beginning to direct the operations of laying out and drawing in the seine ; though the master was always very loud and boisterous in giving his commands, and direct-. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 291 ing us ill what part of the river we should let down the seine. Having never been accustomed to regular work, or to the pursuit of any constant course of personal application, the master was incapable of long contin- ued exertion ; and I feel certain, that he could not have been prevailed upon to labour twelve hours each day, for a year, if in return he had been cer- tain of receiving ten thousand dollars. Notwith- standing this, he was capable of rousing himself, and of undergoing any degree of fatigue or privation, for a short time ; even for a few days. He had not been trained to habits of industry, and could not bear the restraints of uniform labour. We worked hard all night, the first night of my superintendence, and when the sun rose the next morning, the master had not risen from his bed. As it was now the usual time of dividing the fish, I call- ed to him to come and see this business fairly done ; but as he did not come down immediately to the landing, 1 proceeded to make the division myself, in as equitable a manner as I could : giving, however, a full share of large fish to the master. When he came down to us, and overlooked both the piles of fish— his own and that of my master— he was so well satisfied with what T had done, that he said, if he had known that 1 would do so well for him, he would not have risen. I was glad to hear this, as it led me to hope, that I should be able to induce him to stay in his cabin during the greater part of 298 NARRATIVE OF THE the time ; to do which. I was well assured, he felt disposed. When the night came, the master again told me he should go to bed. not being well ; and desired me to do as I had done the night before. This night we cooked as many shad as we could all eat : but were careful to carry, far out into the river, the scales and entrails of the stolen fish. In the morning I made a division of the fi^h before I called the mas- ter, and then went and asked him to come and see what I had done. He was again well pleased, and novr proposed to us all. that if we would not let the affair be known to our master, he would leave us to manage the fishery at night according to our discre- tion. To this proposal we all readily agreed, and I received authority to keep the other hands at work. untU the maister would go and get his breakfast. I had now accomplished the object that I had held very near my heait. ever since we began to fish at this place. From this time, to the end of the fishing season, we all lived well, and did not perform more work than we were able to bear. I was in no fear of ])€- ing punished by the fish-master ; for he was now at least as much in my power, as I was in his ; for if my mauster had known tbe agreement, that he had made with us. for the purpose of enabUng himself to sleep all flight in his cabin, he would have been de- prived of his situation, and all the profits of his share of the fishery. There never can be any aflinity of feeling between ADVENTURES OP CHARLES BALL, 299 master and slave, except in some few isolated cases, where the master has treated his slave in such a manner, as to have excited in him strong feelings of gratitude ; or where the slave entertains apprehen- sions, that by the death of his master, or by being separated from him in any other way, he may fall under the power of a more tyrannical ruler, or may in some sha|)e be worsted by the change. I was never acquainted with a slave who believed, that he violated any rule of morality by appropriating to himself any thing that belonged to his master, if it was necessary to his comfort. The master might call it theft, and brand it with the name of crime ; but the slave reasoned dillerently, when he took a portion of his master's goods, to satisfy his hunger, keep himseh' warm, or to gratify his passion for luxurious enjoyment. The slave sees his master residing in a spacious mansion, riding in a fine carriage, and dressed in costly clothes, and attributes the possession of all these enjoyments to his own labour ; whilst he who is the cause of so much gratification and pleasure to another, is himself deprived of even the necessary accommodations of human life. Ignorant men do not and cannot reason logically ; and in tracing things from cause to eflfect. the slave attributes all that he sees in possession of his master, to his own toil, without taking the trouble to examine, how far the skill, judgment, and economy of his master may have contributed to the accumulation of the wealth by which his residence is surrounded. There is, in 300 NARRATIVE OF THE fact, a mutual dependence between the master and his slave. The former could not acquire any thing without the labour of the latter, and the latter would always remain in poverty, without the judgment of the former in directing labour to a definite and profit- able result. After I had obtained the virtual command of the jfiisheiy, I was careful to awaken the master every morning at sunrise, that he might be present when the division of the fish was made ; and when the morning cart arrived, that the carter might not re- port to my master, that tlie fish-master was in bed. 1 had now become interested in preserving the good opinion of my master in favour of his agent. Since my arrival in Carolina I liad never enjoyed a full meal of bacon ; and now determined, if possi- ble, to procure such a supply of that luxury, as would enable me and all my fellow-slaves at the fishery to regale ourselves at pleasure. At this sea- son of the year, boats frequently passed up the river, laden with merchandise and goods of various kinds, amongst which were generally large quantities of salt, intended for curing fish, and for other purposes on the plantations. These boats also carried bacon and salted pork up the river, for sale ; but as they never moved at night, confining their navigation to day- lio-ht, and as none of them had hitherto stopped near our landing, we had not met with an opportunity of entering into a traffic with any of the boat masters. We were not always to be so unfortunate. One evening, in the second week of the fishing season, a ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 301 large keel-boat was seen working up the river about sundown ; and shortly after, came to for the night, on the opposite side of the river, directly against our landing. We had at the fishery a small canoe call- ed a punt, about twelve feet long ; and whei> we went to lay out the seine, for the fir^t haul after night, I attached the punt to the side of the canoe, and when we had finished letting down the seine, I left llic otlier hands to work it toward the shore, and ran over in the punt to the keel-boat. Upon inc^ui- ring of the captain if he had any bacon that he would exchange for shad, he said, ho had a little ; but, as the risk he would run in dealing with a slave was great, I must expect to pay him more than the usual price. He at length proposed to give me a hundred pounds of bacon for three hundred shad. Tliis was at least twice as much as tlie bacon was worth ; but we did not bargain as men generally do, where half of the bargain is on each side ; for here the captain of the keel-boat settled the terms for both parties. However, he ran the hazard of being pro- secuted for dealing with slaves, which is a very high offence in Carolina ; and I was selling that which, in point of law, did not belong to me ; but to which, nevertheless, I felt in my conscience that 1 had a better right than any other person. In support of the right, which I felt to be on my side in this case, came a keen appetite for the bacon, which settled the controversy, upon the question of the morality of this traffic, in my favour. It so happened, that we made a good haul with our seine this evening, and 26 302 NARRATIVE OF THE at the time I returned to tlie landing, the men were all on shore, engaged in draw ing in the seine. As soon as we had taken out the fish, we placed three hun- dred of them in one of our canoes, and pushed over to riie keel-boat, where ihe fish were counted out, and the bacon was received into our craft with all possible despatch. One part of this small trade ex- hibited a trait of human character which I think w^orthy of being noticed. The captain of the boat was a middle-aged, thin, sallow man, with long bushy hair ; and he looked like one who valued the opin- ions of men but little. I expected that he would not be scrupulous in giving me my full hundred pounds of bacon ; but in this I was mistaken ; for he weigh- ed the Hitches with great exactness, in a pair of large steelyards, and gave me good weiglit. When the business was ended, and the bacon in my canoe, he told me, he hoped 1 was satisfied with him ; and as- sured me, that I should find the bacon excellent. When I was about pushing from the boat, he told me in a low voice, though there was no one who could hear us, except his own people — that he should be down the river again in about two weeks, when he should be very glad to buy any produce that I had for sale ; adding, " I will give you half as much for cotton as it is worth in Charleston, and pay you either in money or groceries, as you may choose. Take care, and do not betray yourself, and I shall be honest with you." 1 was so much rejoiced, at being in possession of a hundred pounds of good flitch bacon, that I had no ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 303 room ill either my head or my heart, for the consid- eration of this man's notions of hone3ty, at the pre- sent \un2 ; but paddled with all strength for our larieen caui^ht to-day, and assured them that upon such fare as this men iiiust needs get fat. I now p.MCfivcd thai victory was with mo for once. All the gentlemen faltered, hesitated, and began to tidk of other affa s, except the overseer, who still ran about the landing, swearing and scratching his head, and sayinix it was strange that we were so fat, whilst the hands on the plantation were as lean as .sand-hill cranes. He was obliged to give the affair over. He was no longer supported by my young master and his companions, all of whom congratulated themselves upon a discovery 80 useful and valuable to the planting interest ; and all determined to [)rovide, as soon as possible, a pro- per supply of fresh river fish for their hands. The two bales of cotton were never once named, and, I suppose, were not thought of by (he gentle- men, when at the landing; and this was well for Nero ; for such was the consternation and terror in- to which he was thrown, hy the presence of the gen- tlemen, and their inquiries concerning our eating of meat, that the sw.-at rolled off him like rain from 27* 318 NARRATIVE OF THE the plant never-wet ; his countenance was wild and haggard, and his knees shook like the wooden spring of a wheat-fan. T believe, that if they had charged him at once with steahng the cotton, he would have confessed the deed. CHAPTER XYI. After this, the fishing season passed off witliout any thing having happened, worthy of being noticed here. When we left the fishery, and returned to the plantation, which was after tlie middle of April, tlie corn and cotton had all been planted, and the latter had been replanted. 1 was set to plough, with two mules for my team ; and having never been accustomed to ploughing with these animals, I had much trouble with tliem at first. My master owned more than forty mules, and at this season of the year, they were all at work in the cotton field, used instead of horses for drawing ploughs. Some of the largest were hitched single to a plough : but the smallest were coupled together. On the whole, the fishery had been a losing afl^air with me ; for although I had lived better at the landing, than I usually did at the plantation, yet I had been compelled to work all the time, by night and by day, including Sunday, for my master ; by which I had lost all that I could have earned for my own benefit, had I been on the plantation. I had now become so well acquainted with the rules of the ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 319 plantation, and tlio customs of the country where I lived, that I experienced less distress than I did at my fust coming to the south. AVo now received a shad every Sunday cven- ini^ with our peck of corn. The fish were those that 1 had caught in the spring; and were tolera- bly preserved. In addiii(in to all this, each one of the hands now received a pint of vinegar, every week. This vinegar was a great comfort to ine. As the weather hecame hot, I gathered lettuce, and other salads, from my garden in the woods ; wliich, with the vinegar and bread, furnished mc many a cheerful meal. The vinegar had been fur- nished to us by our master, more out of regard to our hr;il(h, than to our comfort ; but it greatly pro- moted h«)(h. 'V\\r allairs of the pl.uif.uiou now wont on (.juict- ly, until aftrr the cotton li nl Ixcn ploughed, and hoed th(^ Iir>t time, after replanting. The working of the cotton crop is not disagreeable labour — no more so than the culiur(^ of corn— but we were called upon to i>erform a kind of labour, than which none can be more toilsome to the body, or dangerous to the health. I have elsewhere informed the reader, that my master was a cultivator of rice, as well as of cotton. Whilst I was at the fishery in the spring, thirty acres of swamp land had been cleared off, ploughed, and planted in rice. The water had now been turned olT the plants, and the field was to be ploughed and hoed. When we were taken to the rice field, 320 NARRATIVE OF THE the weather was very hot, and the ground was yet muddy and wet. The ploughs were to be drag- ged through the wet soil, and the young rice had to be cleaned of weeds, by the hand, and hilled up with the hoe. It is the common opinion, that no stranger can work a week in a rice swamp, at this season of the year, without becoming sick ; and all the new hands, three in number, besides myself, were taken ill within the first five days, after we had entered this field. The other three were removed to the sick room ; but I did not go there, choosing rather to remain at the quarter, where I was my own mas- ter, except that the doctor, who called to see me, took a large quantity of blood from my arm, and com- pelled me to take a dose of some sort of medicine that made me very sick, and caused me to vomit violently. This happened on the second day of my illness, and from this time 1 recovered slowly, but was not able to go to the field again for more than a week. Here it is but justice to my master to say, that during all the time of my illness, some one came from the great house, every day, to inquire after me, and to offer me some kind of light and cool refresh- ment. I might have gone to the sick room at any time, if 1 had chosen to do so. An opinion generally prevails, amongst the people of both colours, that the drug copperas is very poisonous — and perhaps it may be so, if taken in large quantities — but the circumstance, that it is used in medicine, seems to forbid the notion of its ADVENTURES OF CIIARLKS BALL. 321 poisonou3 qualities. I l)elicve copperas was mingled with the potion llie doctor gave to me. Some over- seers keep copperas by them, as a medicine, to be administered to the hands whenever they become sick ; buttliis I fake to be abaci practice ; for although, in some cases, this drug may be very efficacious, it certaiidy should l)c achninistcrcd by a more skilful hand than that of an overseer. It, however, has the eflfect of deterring the people from comj)laining of illness, until they arc no longer al)lc to work ; for it is the most n.iu-eous and sickening medicine that was ever taken into the stomach. Ignorant, or ma- licious overseers may. and often do, misapply it; as was the case with our overseer, when he compelled poor Lydia to Uikii a drauuni<'d my accus- tomed lalMHir in the firld. and couiimicil it, without intermission, until I left this plantation. We had, this year, as a part of our crop, ten acres of indi«j:o. 'VUU plant is worked nearly after the maimer of ricr, except, that it is planted on high and dry ground, whilst the rice is always cultivated in low swam|>s, where the ground maybe inundated with water ; but notwithstanding its location on dry ground, the culture of indigo is not less unpleasant than that of rice. When the rice is ripe, and ready for the sickle, it is no longer disagreeable ; but when the indigo is ripe and ready to cut, the troubles at- tendant upon it have only commenced. The indigo plant bears more resemblance to the weed called wild indigo, which Is common in the 322 NARRATIVE OF THE woods of Pennsylvania, than to any other herb with which I am acquainted. The root of the indigo plant is long and slender, and emits a scent somewhat like that of parsley. From the root issues a single stem, straight, hard, and slender, covered with a bark, a little cracked on its surface, of a gray colour towards the bottom, green in the middle, reddish at the extremity, and without the appearance of pith in the inside. The leaves ranged in pairs around the stalk, are of an oval form, — smooth, soft to the touch, furrowed above, and of a deep green on the under side. The upper parts of the plant are loaded with small flow- ers, destitute of smell. Each flower changes into a pod, enclonng seed. This plant thrives best in a rich, moist soil. The seeds are black, very small, and sowed in straight drills. This crop requires very careful culture, and must be kept free from every kind of weeds and grass. It ripens ^^ ithin less than three months from the time it is sown. When it begins to flower, the top is cut off, and, as new flowers appear, the plant is again pruned, until the end of the season. Indigo impoverishes land more rapidly than al- most any other crop, and the plant must be gathered in with great caution, for fear of shaking- off" the va- luable farina that lies in the leaves. When ga- thered, it is thrown into the steeping vat — a large tub filled with water— here it undergoes a fermenta- tion, which, in twenty-four hours, at farthest, is completed. A cock is then turned to let the water ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 323 run into the second tul), calltnl the mortar, or pound- ing tub : the steeping vat is then cleaned out, that fresh plants may be thrown in ; and thus the work is continued, without interruption. The water in the pounding tub is stirred with wooilen buckets, with holes in their bottoms, for several days; and, after the sediment contained in the water, has set- tled to the bottom of the tub, the water is let of]', and the sediment, which is tlu) indigo of commerce, is gathered into bags, and hung up to drain. It is af- terward?^ pre.-sod, and laid away to dry in cakes, and then |)ark«Ml in chrsl.s for market. Washing at the tuljs is exceedingly unpleasant, l>oth on account of the tilth and the stench, arising from the decomposition of the plants. In (lie early part t)f June, our shad, (hat each one had been used to receive, was wiiiilnl(l from us, and we no longer received any thing i»ut the peck of corn, and pint of vinegar. This circumstance, in a cotmnunity less severely disciplined than oms, might have procured nuirmurs; but to us it was only an- nounced by the fact of the fish not being distributed to us on Sunday evening. This was considered a fortunate season by our people. There had been no exemplary punishment inflicted amongst us, for several months ; we had escaped entirely upon the occasion of the stolen bags of cotton, though nothing less was to have been look- ed for, on that occurrence, than a general whipping of the whole gang. There was more or less of whipping amongst S24 NARRATIVE OP THE US, every week ; frequently, one was flogged every evening, over and above the punishments that fol- lowed on each settlement day ; but these chastise- ments, which seldom exceeded ten or twenty lash- es, were of little import. 1 was careful, for my own part, to conform to all the regulations of the plantation. When I no longer received my fish from the over- seer, I found it necessary again to resort to my own expedients, for the purpose of procuring something in the shape of animal food, to add to my bread and greens. I had, by this time, become well acquainted with the woods and swamps, for several miles round our plantation ; and this being the season when the tur- tles came upon the land, to deposite their eggs, I availed myself of it, and going out one Sunday morning, caught, in the course of the day, by trav- elling cautiously around the edges of the swamps, ten snapping turtles, four of which were very large. As I caught these creatures, I tied each one with hickory bark, and hung it up to the bough of a tree, so that I could come and carry it home at my leisure. I afterwards carried my turtles home, and put them into a hole that I dug in the ground, four or five feet deep, and secured the sides by driving small pieces of spUt timber into the ground, quite round tlie circumference of the hole, the upper ends of the timber standing out above the ground. Into ADTKNTURE3 OF CHARLES BALL. 325 this hole I poured water at pleasure, auil kopt my turtles until I needed them. On the next Sunday, 1 again went to the swam [le to search for turtle.^; hut as the |>eri.)d of laying their eggs had nearly passed, I had poor success to day, only taking two turtles of the species called skill-poLs — a kind of large terrapin, with a 6|)eckled back and red belly. This day, when I was three or four n)iles from hon>e, in a very soliiary part of the swanj|>s, I heard the sound of bells, similar to those which wagoners place on the shoulders of their horses. At first, the noise of Im'IIs of this kind, in a place where they were so unex|)ected, alarmed me, as I could not imagine who or what it was that was causing these bells to ring. I was sUmding near a pond of water, and listening ailrniively ; I thought the bells were moving in the wukIs, and coming toward me. I therefore crouched down upon the ground, wiidrr cov- er of a cluster of small hushes that were near me, and lay, not free from dis(|uietude, to await iIkmumt approach ofthc-c mysterious bells. Sometimes they were (juile silent for a minute or more at a time, and then again would jingle (juick, but not loud. Tii.'y were evidently approaching- me ; and at length I heard footsteps distinctly in tlie leaves, which lay dry upon the ground. A feel- ing of horror seized me at this moment, for I now recollected that I was on the verge of the swamp, near which the vultures and carrion crows had mangled the living ^bodies of the two murderers • 28 326 NARRATIVE OF THE and my terror was not abated, when, a moment af- ter, I saw come from behind a large tree, the form of a brawny, famished-looking black man, entirely na- ked, with his hair matted and shaggy, his eyes wild and rolling, and bearing over his head something in the form of an arch, elevated three feet above his hair, beneath the top of which were suspended the bells, three in number, whose sound had first attract- ed my attention. Upon a closer examination of this frightful figure, I perceived that it wore a collar of iron about its neck, with a large padlock pendent from behind, and carried in its hand a long stafi', with an iron spear in one end. The staflf, hke every thing else belonging to this strange spectre, was black. It slowly approached within ten paces of me, and stood still. The sun was now down, and the early twilight produced by the gloom of the heavy forest, in the midst of which I was, added approaching darkness to heighten my dismay. My heart was in my mouth ; all the hairs of my head started from their sockets ; I seemed to be rising from my hiding }:>lace into the open air, in spitje of myself, and I gasped for breath. The black apparition moved past me, went to the water and kneeled down. The forest re-echoed with the sound of the bells, and their dreadful peals filled the deepest recesses of the swamps, as their bearer, drank the water of the pond, in which I thought 1 heard his irons hiss, when they came in contact with it. I felt confident that I was now in i ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 327 the iinniediate pre-oncc of an inhabitant of a nether and liery world, who had Ijcen permitted to escape, for a time, from the place of his torment, and come to revisit the scenes of his former crimes. I now gave myself up for lost, without other aid than my own, and began to pray aloud to heaven to protect me. At the sound of my voice, the supposed evil one appeared to l>c scarcely less alarmed than I was. lie sprang to his feel, and, at a single bound, rushed middeep into the water, then turnimr, he besou-j-lu me in a sup|)liaiit and piteous tone of voice, to have mercy up)n him, and not carry him back to his master. Tlie suddenness with which we pass from the ex- treme of one passion, to the utmost hounds of an- other, is inconceivable, and nunt be assigned to the catilo'^ue of unknown causes and elTecLs, unless we suppose the human frame to be an involuntary ma- chine, operated upon by surroundin<^r objects which give it different and contrary impulses, as a ball is driven to and fro by the liatons of boy:^, when they play in troops upon a common. I had no sooner heard a human voice than all my fears (led, as a spark that ascends from a heap of burning charcoal, and vanishes to nothing. I at once perceived, that the object that had well nigh deprived me of my reason, so far from having either the will or the power to injure me, was only a poor destitute African negro, still more wretched and helpless than myself. ilisinof from the bushes, I now advanced to the 328 NARRATIVE OF THE water side, and desired him to come out without fear, and to be assured that if I could render him any as- iistance, I would do it most cheerfully. As to car- rying him back to his master, I was more ready to ask help to deliver me from my own, than to give aid to any one in forcing him back to his. We now went to a place in the forest, where the ground was, for some distance, clear of trees, and where the light of the sun was yet so strong, that every object could be seen. JMy new friend now de- sired me to look at his back, which was seamed and ridged with scars of the whip, and the hickory, from the pole of his neck to the lower extremity of the spine. The natural colour of the skin had disap- peared, and was succeeded by a streaked and speck- led appearance of dusky white and pale llesh col- our, scarcely any of the original black remaining. The skin of this man's back had been again and again cut away by the thong, and renewed by the hand of nature, until it was grown fast to the flesh, and felt hard and turbid. He told me his name was Paul ; that he was a native of Congo, in Africa, and had been a slave five years ; that he had left an aged mother, a widow, at home, as also a wife and four children ; that it had been his misfortune to fall into the hands of a master, who was frequently drunk, and whose tem- per was so savage, that his chief delight appeared to consist in whipping and torturing his slaves, of whom he owned near twenty ; but through some unaccountable caprice, he had contracted a particu- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 329 lar dislike against Paul, whose life he now declared to me, was insupfwrtahle. He had thon been wan- dering in the woods:, more than thn^e weeks, with no other subsistence than the land tortoises, froi^, and other reptiles that he had taken in the wcxxls, and along the shores of the ponds, with the aid of his sprar. H«* had not been able to take any of tlie turtles in the laying season, because the noise of his bells frii^'hlened then], and ihry always escajwd to the water iM-fore he could catch ihein. He had found many e;:gs, which he had eaten raw, having no fire, nor any means of making fire, to cook his food. He had been afraid to travel much in the middle of the day, lest the sound of his bells should be heard by some one, who would make his master accjuaint- ed with the place of his concealment. The only pe- riixJi* when he ventured to go in search of fooefore |H-ople could have lime to leave their homes and reach the swamp ; or late in the evening, after those who were in pursuit of him had gone to their dwellings for the night. This man sjwke our laniruagc im|)erreetly, but possessed a sound and vigorous umlersianding; and reasoned with me u|)on the propriety of destroying a life which was doom.-d to continual distress. He in- formed me that he had first run away from his mas- ter more than two years ago, after being whipped, with long hickory switches, until he fainted. That he concealed liimself in a swamp, at that time, ten or fifteen miles from this place, for more than six monihs, but was finally l^etrayed by a woman whom 28* 330 NARRATIVE OF THE he sometimes visited ; that when taken, he was again whipped until he was not able to stand, and had a heavy block of wood chained to one foot, which he was obliged to drag after him at his daily labour, for more than three months, when he found an old file, with which he cut the irons from his an- cle, and again escaped to the woods, but was retaken within little more than a week after his flight, by two men who were looking for their cattle, and came upon him in the woods where he was asleep. On beiui? returned to his master, he was aoain whipped ; and then the iron collar that he now wore, with the iron rod, extending from one shoulder over his head to the oiher, with the bells fastened at the top of the arcli, were put upon him. Of these irons he could not divest himself, and wore them constant- ly from that time to llie present. 1 had no instruments with me, to enable me to release Paul from his manacles, and all I could do for him was to desire him to go with me to the place where I had left my terrapins, which I gave to him, together with all the eggs that I had found to-day. I also caused him to lie down, and having furnished myself with a flint-stone, (many of wliich lay in the sand near the edge of the pond) and a handful of dry moss, I succeeded in striking fire from the iron collar, and made z. fire of sticks, upon which he could roast the terrapins and the eggs. It was now quite dark, and I was full tw^o miles from my road, with no path to guide me towards home, but the small traces made in the woods by the cattle. ADVENTURES OF cnARLF:S BALL. 331 I advised Paul to bear liLs misfortunes as r>c\\ ai lie could, until the next Sunday, when I would re- turn and brini^ with nic a file, and other things ne- cessary to the removal of his fetters. I now set out alone, to make my way home, not without some little feelintr <>f lrepidalit>ii, as I |>assed alonix in the dark shade of the pine trees, and lh<»ui,'ht of the terrific deeds that had l>ecn done in the.sc woods. Thi.-^ was the |)eri<>l of the full moon, which now rose, and cast her brilliant rays through the tops of the trees that overhuni^ my way, and envelo|)ed my path in a elf>on) more cheerlc»ss than the ol^scurity of total darkness. The path 1 travelled led hy simiosi- ties around the marj^in of the swamp, and finally ended at the extremity of the cart-road terminating at the sjiot where David and Hardy had been f^iven alive for fiKxl to vultures ; and over this ground I was nowoblitjcd to fviss, unless I cho»^e to turn far to the left, through the pathless forest, and make njy way to the high road near the sjx)t where the lady had been lorn from her horse. I haled ihe idea of ac- knowledging lo my own hearl, that I was a coward, and dared not look upon the bones of a murderer at niiilniL^ht ; and there wa«^ lillle less of awe attached to the notion of visiting the ground where the ghost of the murdered woman was reported to wander in the moonl)eams, than in visiting the scene where diabolical crimes had been visited by fiend-like pun- ishment. My opinion is, that there is no one who is not at 332 NARRATIVE OF THE times subject to a sensation approaching fear, when placed in situations similar to that in which I found myself this night. I did not believe that those who had passed the dark line, which separates the living from the dead, could again return to the earth, ei- ther for good or for evil ; but that solemn foreboding of the heart which directs the minds of all men to a contemplation of the just judgment, which a supe- rior, and unknown power, holds in reservation for the deeds of this life, filled my soul with a dread conception of tlie unutterable woes which a righteous and unerring tribunal must award to the blood-stain- ed spirits of the two men whose lives had been closed in such unspeakable torment by the side of the path I was now treading. The moon had risen high above the trees, and shone with a clear and cloudless light ; the whole firmament of heaven was radiant with the lustre of a mild and balmy summer evening. Save only the droppings of the early dew from the lofty branches of the trees into the water, which lay in shallow pools on my right, and the Hght trampling of my own footsteps ; the stillness of night pervaded the lonely wastes around me. But there is a deep melancholy in the sound of the heavy drop as it meets the bosom of the wave in a dense forest at night, that revives in the memory the recollection of the days of other years, and fills the heart with sadness. I was now approaching the unhallowed ground where lay the remains of the remorseless and guilty dead, who had gone to their final account, reeking in ADVENTUREg OF CIIARLKg BALL. 333 (heir sins, unatoned. unblest, and unwept. Already I saw liie bones, whitened by the rain, and Ijleach- cd ill the sun, lying scattered and dispersed, a leg hero and an arm there, whilst a scull with the un- der jaw in its place, retaining allit:, teeth, grinned a ghastly laugh, witli its front full in the l)eanis of the moon, which, falling into the vacant socket.=? o( the eye-balls, reilected a jyile shadow froui these desert- ed caverns, and played in twinklinir histrc upon the bald, and skinless forehead. In a moment, the niirht-breeze agiialcd the leaves of the W(hk1 and moaned in ughs, and clouds of carrion crows flitting about, and poising themselves in the air in a stationary position, after the manner of that most 336 NARRATIVE OF THE nauseous of all birds, when it perceives, or thinks it perceiv^es, some object of prey. Proceeding onward, I came in view of a large sassafras tree, around the top of which was congregated a cloud of crows, some on the boughs and others on the wing, whilst numerous buzzards were sailing low and nearly- skimming the ground. This sassafras tree had many low horizontal branches, attached to one of which I now saw the cause of so vast an assembly of the obscene fowls of the air. The hfeless and putrid body of the unhappy Paul hung suspended by a cord made of twisted hickory bark, passed in the form of a halter roimd the neck, and firmly bound to a limb of the tree. It was manifest that he had climbed the tree, fastened the cord to the branch, and then sprung ofi". Tli^ smell that assailed my nostrils was too overwhelming to permit me to remain long in view of the dead body, which was much mangled and torn, though its identity was beyond question, for the iron co]lar,*and the bells with the arch that bore them, were still in their place. The bells had pre- served the corpse from being devoured ; for w^hilst I looked at it I observed a crow descend upon it, and make a stroke at the face with its beak, but the mo- tion that this gave to the bells caused them to rattle, and the bird took to flight. Seeing that I could no longer render assistance to Paul, who was now beyond the reach of his mas- ter's tyranny, as well as of my pity, I returned with- out delay to my master's house, and going into the ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 337 kitchen, related lo the household servants that I had fnund a Ijlack nian hun^ in the wootls willi hells iij)()n him. This intellii^ence was soon cornnuiiii- eated to my master, who sent for me to come into the huiHc to relate liie cifcnm^tance to liim. I was cnrt'lnl not to l«ll that 1 had i^cvn Paul heforo his death; and wlien I had finished my narrative, my master ohsrrved lo a gentleman who was with him. (hat ihi> was a heavy loss to the owner, and told me to go. '^riie hody of l*aul was never taken down, hut re- mained hanging where I had seen it until the flesh fell from the hones, or was torn oH' hy the hirds. I saw liie i)ones hamming in the sassafras tree more than two months afterwards, and the last time that 1 wasi-vtr in these swamps. CHAPTKll XVII. An afl'air was now in progres.-=, which, though the persons who were actors in it were far removed from me, had in ilselfccts a great inihiencc upon the for- tunes of my life. 1 have informed the reader that my master had three daughters, and that the second of the sisters was deemed a great beauty. The eldest of the three was married about the time of whicli I now write, to a planter of great wealth, who resided near Cokunhia ; but the second had formed aa attachment to a young gentleman whom she had 29 338 NARRATIVE OF THE frequently seen at the church attended by my mas- ter's family. As this young man, either from want of wealth, or proper persons to introduce him, had never been at my master's house, my young mis- tress had no opportunity of communicating to him the sentiments she entertained towards him, without violating the rules of modesty in which she had been educated. Before she would attempt any thing v/hich might be deemed a violation of the decorum of her sex, she determined to take a new method of obtaining a husband. She communicated to her father, my master, a knowledge of tlie whole affair, with a desire that he would invite the gentleman of her choice to his house. This the father resolutely opposed, upon the ground that the young man upon whom his daughter had fixed her heart w^as without property, and consequently destitute of the means of supporting his daughter in a style suitable to the rank she occupied in society. A woman in love is not easily foiled in her purposes ; my young mis- tress, by continual entreaties, so far prevailed over the affections, or more probably the fears of her father, that he introduced the young man to his family, and about two months afterwards my young mistress was a bride ; but it had been agreed amongst all the parties, as I understood, before the marriage, that as the son-in-law had no land or slaves of his own, he should remove with his wife to a large tract of land that my master owned in the new purchase in the state of Georgia. In the month of September, 1806, my master ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 339 came to tlie quarter one evening, at the tinie of our retmn from the field, in cojnpany with his son-in-law, and informed me tliat he had given me, with a num- ber of otliers of his slaves, to his daughter ; and that I, with eight other men and two or three women, must set out on the next Sunday with my new mas- ter, for his estate in Georgia, whither \vc were to go, to clear land, huild houses, and make other im- proven^ents, ncccs^^ary for the reception of the lunvly- married lady, in the following spring. 1 was much pleased with the appearai\ce and manners of my new master, who was a young man apparently about twenty-seven or eight years old, and of good figure. Wc were to take with us, in our expedition to Georgia, a wagon, to be drawn by six mijles, and I was appointed to drive the team. Before we set olT my young mistress came in person to the quarter, and told us that all those who were goiuix to the new settlement must come to the house, where she furnished each of us with two full suits of clothes, one of coarse woollen, and the other of hempen cloth. She also gave a hat to each of us, and two pairs of shoes, with a trifle in money, and enjoined us to be good boys and girls, and get things ready for her, and that when she should come to live with us we should not be forgotten. The conduct of this young lady was so different from that which I had been accustomed to witness since I came to Carohna, that I considered myself higlily fortunate in iDCComing her slave, and now congratulated my- self with the idea that I should, in future, have a 340 NARRATIVE OF THE mistress who would ti eat me kiiidl)' , and if I behav- ed well, would not pei mit me to want. At the time appointed we set out for Georgia, with all the tools and implements necessary to the prose- cution of a new settlement. My young master ac- companied us, and travelled slowly for several days to enable me to keep up with him. Vie continued our march in tiiis order until we reached the Savan- nali river at the town of Augusta, where m}' mas- ter told me that he was so well satisfied with my conduct, that he intended to leave me with the team to bring on tlie goods and the women and children ; but that he would take the men and push on, as fast as possible, to the new settlement, and go to work until the time of my arrival. He gave me directions to follow on and inquire for Morgan county Court House, and said that he would have a person ready there on my arrival to guide me to him and the peo- ple with him. He then gave me twenty dollars to buy food for the mules and provisions for myself and those with me, and left me on the high road master of myself and the tc^am. I was resolved that this striking proof of confidence on the part of my master should not be a subject of regret to him, and pursued my route with the greatest diligence, taking care to lay out as little money as possible for such things as I had to buy. On the sixth day, in the morning, I arrived at our new settlement in the middle of a heavy forest of such timber as is common to that country, with three dollars and twenty-five cents in my pocket, part of the money given to me at Au- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 341 gusla. This I olTcred to return, but my master re- fused to take it, and told me to keep it for my good condiict. I now felt assured that all my troubles in this world were ended, and that, in future, I might look forward to a life of happiness and case; for I did not consider labour any hardship, if I was well provided with good food and clothes, and my other wants properly regarded. ^\y master, and the peo[)!e who were with him, had, before our arrival with the wagon, put up the loi^^s of two cabins, and were engageci, when wo taint', in covcriug one of them with clapboards. In the course of the next day we completf^d Ixitii these ca!)ins, with puncheon floors and small glass win- dows, the sash and i:lriss for which I had brought in th(^ w,ii2:on. ^Vo j)u( up two oilier cabins, and a >iab!c f »r the nusles, and then brnan to clear land, Af(<;r a lew days, my master told me he meant to go down into the settlements to buy provisions for the winter, and that he should leave me to oversee the hands, and carry on the work in his absence. He accordingly left us, taking with him the wagon and two boys, one to drive the team, and another to drive cattle and hogs, which he intended to buy and drive to our settlement. I now felt myself almost proprietor of our new establishment, and believe the men left under my charge did not consider me a very lenient overseer. I in truth compelled them to work very hard, as I did myself At the end of a week my master returned with a heavy load of meal and bacon, with salt and other things that we need^ 29* 342 NARRATIVE OF THE ed, and the da}^ following a white man drove to our station several cows, and more than twenty liogs, the greater part of which were breeders. At this season of the year neither the hogs nor the cattle re- quired any feeding at our hands. The woods were full of nuts, and the grass was abundant; but we gave salt to our stock, and kept the hogs in a pen, two or three days, to accustom them to the place. We now lived very differently from what we did on my old master's plantation. We had as much bacon every day as we ^ould eat ; wliich, together with bread and sweet potatoes, which we had at will, constituted our fare. My master remained with us more than two months ; within which time we had cleared forty acres of ground, ready for the plough ; but, a few days before Christmas, an event took place, which, in its consequences, destroyed all my prospects of happiness, and totally changed the fu- ture path of my life. A messenger one day came to our settlement, with a letter, which had been for- warded in this manner, by the postmaster at the Court House, where the post-office was kept. Tliis letter contained intelligence of the sudden death of my old master ; and that difficulties had arisen in the family which required the immediate attention of my young one. The letter was written by my mistress. My master, forthwith, took an account of the stock of provisions, and other things that he had on hand, and putting the whole under my charge, gave me directions to attend to the work, and set off on horseback that evening ; promising to return ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 343 witliin one month at furthest. AVe never saw him ai^ain, and heard nothinE^ of him until late in the month of January, 1807, when the eldest son of my late master came to our settlement, in company with a strange gentleman. The son of my hue master informetl me, to my suiprise ;ind sorrow, that my yomii^ master, who had hrouiihl us to (ieori;ia, was dead; and that he and ih.; gentleman with him, werr administrators of the deceased, and Iiad come to (ieorgia for the pur|x>^e of le'ting out on lease, for the period of seven years, our place, with all the peo- ple on it, including nic. 'I'd me. the most distr«;ssing part of this news, was the death of njy young master ; and I w as still more sorry when I learned, that he had hcen killed in a duel. Mv young nuslress, whose heauly had drawn around hrr munerous suil«Ms, many of whom were mm of l);i-e minds and cowardly hearts, had chosrii hrr hu-l)and, in iIh- manner I have related; and his former rivals, alter hi- return from Georgia, confederated tt)gether, for the dastardly purpose of re- venging themselves, of hoih Im.-hand Mud wife, hy the Mjiu'der of the former. in all parts of the cotton country, tiicre aie nu- merous taverns, which answer the douhle purj)os(.'of drinking and gambling houses. These places are kept hy men who are willing to abandon all preten- sions to the character and standing of gentlemen, for the hope of sordid gain; and are frecpiented hy all classes of planters ; though it is not to be understood, that all the planters resort to these houses. Tiiere 344 NARRATIVE OF THE are men of high and honourable virtue amongst the planters, who equally detest the mean cupidity of the men who keep these houses, and the silly wick- edness of those who support them. Billiards is the game regarded as the most polite, amongst men of education and fashion ; but cards, dice, and every kind of game, whether of skill or of hazard, are openly pla3'ed in these sinks of iniquity. So far as my knowledge extends, there is not a single district of ten miles square, in all the cotton region, without at least one of these vile ordinaries, as they are fre- quently and justly termed. The keeping of these houses is a means of subsistence resorted to by men of desperate reputation, or. reckless character ; and they invite, as guests, all the profligate, the drunken, the idle, and the unwary of the surrounding country. In a community, where the white man never works, except at the expense of forfeiting all claim to the rank of a gentleman, and where it is beneath the dignity of a man, to oversee the labour of his own plantation, the number of those who frequent these gaming houses, may be imagined. My young master, fortunately for his own honour, was of those who kept aloof from the precincts of the tavern, unless compelled by necessary business to go there ; but the band of conspirators, who had resolv- ed on his destruction, invited him through one of their number, who pretended to wish to treat with him concerning his property, to meet them at an or- dinary, one evening. Here a quarrel was sought ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 345 witli him, and he was challonired to fight with pis- toI<. over the tal)le around which they sat. My master, who, it appears, was iinal^le to hear tlic reproacli of cowardice, even amonij^st fools, agreed to figlit ; and as he had no pi-tols witli him, was presented with a pair hcloiiiiinu to one of tlic gang; iii\<\ acc<'pted their owner, as his friend, or second in the business. The result was as niiglit liave l)een exjx^cted. My master was killed, at the fust lire, hy a hall wliich passed ihiough his jjreast, whilst hi-^ antagonist e.scaped unharmeil. A servant was immed alely despatched, with a let- ter to my mistress, informing iier of the death of her hushand. She was awakened in the night, to read the letter, the hearer having informed h(^r maid that it was necessary for her to see it immediately. The shock drove her into a feverish delirium, from whicli slie never recovnred. At periods, her reason resumed it< (loiiiiiiinii : liui ill tlir -iitiiinrr f(»l|()\\ ing, she l)e- came a mother, and died in child-hed, of |)uerperal fev«'r. I ohtained this account from the mouth ofa hiack man, who was tin- travelling servatit of the eldest son of my old master, and wlio was with his master at the time he came to visit the tenant, to whom he let his sister's estate in Georgia, in the year 1 807. The estate to which I was now attached, was ad- vertised to be rented for the term of seven years, with all the stock of mules, cattle, and so forth, upon it — together with seventeen slaves, six of whom were too young to be able to work at present. The price 346 NARRATIVE OP THE asked, was one thousand dollars for the first year, and two thousand dollars for each of the six succeed- ing years ; the tenant to be bound to clear thirty acres of land annually. Before the day on which the estate was to be let, by the terms of the advertisement, a man came up from the neighbourhood of Savannah, and agreed to take the new plantation, on the terms asked. He was immediately put intop ossession of the premises, and from this moment, I became his slave for the term of seven years. Fortune had now thrown me into the power of a new master, of whom, when I considered the part of the country from whence he came, which had al- ways been represented to me, as distinguished for the cruelty with which slaves were treated in it, I had no reason to expect much that was good. I had indeed, from the moment I saw this new master, and had learned the place of his former residence, made up ni}^ mind to prepare myself for a harsh servitude ; but as we are often disappointed for the worse, so it sometimes happens, that we are deceived for the bet- ter. This man was by no means so bad as I was prepared to find him ; and yet, 1 experienced all the evils in his service, that I had ever apprehended : but I could never find in my lieart, to entertain a re- vengeful feeling towards him, for he was as much a slave as 1 was ; and I believe of the two, the greater sufferer. Perhaps the evils he endured himself, made him more compassionate of the sorrows of others ; but notwithstanding the injustice that was ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 347 done me while with liim, 1 could never look upon him as a bad man. At the time he took possession of the estate, he wa? alone, and did not let us know that he had a wif«'. until after he had been with us. at least two weeks. One day, however, he called us together, and told us that he was going down the country, to hriuLT up I'i^ family — that he wishixl us to go on wiili tilt; work on the place in tlio manner lie point- ed nut ; and tcllinLT the rest of the liands that they must obey my orders, he left us. lie was gone full two weeks; and when he returnod, T had all the cleared land planted in cotton, corn, and sweet pota- toes, and had progressed with the business of the plantation so much to his satisfaction, that he gave me a dollar, with which I bought a pair of new trou- pers — my old ones having been worn out in clearing the new land, and burning logs. My master's family, a wife and one cliild, came with liim ; and my new mistress soon caused me to regret the d»«ath of my former young master, for other reasons, than those of afVection and esteem. This woman (though she was my mistress, I can- not call her lady) was the daughter of a very wealthy planter, who resided near Milledgeville, and had sev- eral children, besides my mistress. My master was a native of North Carolina — had removed to Georgia several years before this — had acquired some proper- ty, and was married to my mistress more than two years, when I became his slave, for a term of years as I have stated. I saw many families, and was 348 NARRATIVE OF THE acquainted with the moral character of many ladies, while 1 lived in the south ; but I must, in justice to the country, say, that my new mistress was the worst woman I ever saw amongst the southern peo- ple. Her temper was as bad as that of a speckled viper ; and her language, when she was enraged, was a mere vocabulary of profanity and virulence. My master and mistress brought with them when they came, twelve slaves, great and small, seven of whom were able to do field work. We now had on our new place, a very respectable force ; and my master was a man, who understood the means of procuring a good day's work from his hands, as well as any of his neighbours. He was also a man who, when left to pursue his own inclinations, was kind and humane in his temper, and conduct towards his people ; and if lie had possessed courage enougli, to whip his wife two or three times, as he sometimes whipped his slaves, and to compel her to observe a rule of conduct befitting her sex, I shoukl have had a tolerable time of my servitude with him ; and should, in all probabilit}^, have been a slave in Geor- gia until this day. Before my mistress came, w^e had meat in abundance ; for my master had left his keys with me, and I dealt out the provisions to the people. Lest my master should comi)lain of me at his return, or suspect that I had not been faithful to my trust, I had only allowed ourselves (for 1 fared in common with the others) one meal of meat in each day. We had several cows, that supplied us with ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 319 milk, anrl a hnrrol of inMassp-; was ainnnr<" thnu eight feet long, and n< thick as the leg of an t)rdinary man. WImmi coilrd uj) it appeared as large as a small calf lying in it** resting place. Panthers, wolves, and other licasts of prey, were common in the wo(k1s. I had always ol)served that snakes congregate, either in large groups or in pairs; and that if one snake is killed, another is soon after seen near the same place. I one day killed an enormous rattle- snake in the cotton field near my master's house. This snake was full six feet in length, of a corres- ponding thickness, and had fangs an inch and three- quarter^ in length. ^Vhen dead, I skinned it, and stretched the skin on a board. A few days after, hav- ing occasion to cross a fence near where I had killed the largesnake, and jumping from the top of the fence upon the ground, without looking down, I alighted close beside another rattle-snake, (juite as large as the 30* 354 NARRATIVE OF THE one I had killed. This one was lying at full length, and I was surprised that it did not attempt to bite me, nor even to tliiow itself into coil. It only sounded its rattles, making a noise sufficiently loud to be heard a hundred yards. I killed tbis snake also, and seeing it appear to be full of something that it had eaten, 1 ripped it open with my knife, and found the whole cavity of its body stuffed full of corn meal tliat it had eaten in the house where my master kept his stores, to which it iiad found access through some aperture in the logs of tbe house. The snake was so full of meal tbat it could not coil itself, and thus saved my life, for the bite of such a snake as this was, is almost certain death. 1 knew a white man, some time al"terv/ard>:, wlio was bitten by one of these large rattlesnakes in tbe hand, as he was try- ing to punch it to death with a stick in a hollow stump, and he died before he could be taken to his own h !use, which was little more than a mile from the place wbere he was bitten. A neighbour of my master was one day hunting deer in tbe woods with hounds ; and hearing one of his hounds cry out as if hurt by sometbing, the gen- tleman proceeded to tlie spot, and found his dog lying in the agonies of death, and a great rattle- snake near bim. On examining tbe dog. it was found tbat the snake had struck him w ith its fangs in the side, and cut a deep gash in tbe skin. The dog being heated with running, death ensued almost instantly. 1 had a dog of my own which 1 had brought with ADVENTURES OF CFIARLES BALL. 355 me from Carolina, ami wliich was an excellent huiiiin^ dog. He would tree racktwns and bears, and chase deer, and was so faithful, that I liioii^rjit he would lose his life, if necessary, in my defence; hut ih^fj^fi, like nirn, h.ive a certain limit, heyond which their fnendshi}) will not carry them, at least it was so with my d<»«j". iJeini,^ in ih*- wose, and it is then peel- ed oir, iMjaten, and split to pieces; and of this bark ro|)es can be made nearly ecjual to hemp(Mi ropes. I got a good deal i^l' money by making ropes of this hark and selliu'j tbem. At the time I speak of I had my axe with me. but was without my gun. I endeavoured in vain to induce my dog to enter into the cane-brake, and started on my way home, my dog keof^ing a little in advance of me and fre(|uently looking back. 1 had not proceeded far before the cause of my dogs alarm became manifest. Look- ing behind me, I saw a huge panther creeping along the path after me, in the manner that a cat creeps when steahng upon her prey. I felt myself in dan- 356 NARRATIVE OF THE ger, and again endeavoured to urge my dog to at- tack the panther, but I could not prevail on him to place himself between me and the wild beast. I stood still for some time, and the panther lay down on the ground, still, however, looking attentively at me. When I again moved forward, the panther moved after me ; and when I stopped and turned round, it stopped also. In this way I proceeded, alternately advancing and halting, with the pan- ther sometimes within twenty steps of me, until I came in view of my master's clearing, when the panther turned off into the woods, and 1 saw it no more. I do not know whether this panther was in pursuit of me or my dog ; but whether of the one or the other, it showed but little fear of both of us ; and I believe that, if alone, it would not have hesitated to attack either of us. As soon as the panther dis- appeared I went home and told my master of my adventure. He sent immediately to the house of a' gentleman who lived two miles distant, who came, and brought his dogs with him. These dogs, when joined to my master's made five in number. I went to the woods, and showed the place where the pan- ther had left me, and the dogs immediately scented the trail. It was then late in the evening, and the chase was continued until near day-break the next morning, wdien tlie panther w^as forced to take a tree ten miles from my master's house. It was shot by my master with his rifle, and after it was dead, we measured it, from the end of the nose to the tip ADVENTURE3 OF CHARLES BALL. 357 of the tail, and fouiul tlie wliolc lengili to l>e eleven feet and ten inches. In the full of this year I wvnt with my ina>tor to the Inchan country, to purchase and l)nn«r to tlic settlement cattle and Indian horses. We travelled a hunilrcd miles from the residence of my master, nearly we^t, before we came to any Indian viliauc. Therounlrv where the Indians lived was similar in soil and profhiciions lo that in which my master hadsrtilrrl ; and I saw several fields of corn amongst the Indian- of excellent (juality, and well enclosed with siiljsiantial fences. I also saw amoni^st these people several lo'^r-hmises, with stpiarr h.-wn logs. Some colton was i^ro^ving in small palchcs in (he fields, hut this plant was not extensively cultivated. Large herds of cattle were ranging in th«; woods, and cost their owners nnthing for their keeping ex- cept a small (juantity of salt. These cattle were of the S|xinish hreed, generally speckled, hut olten of a dim or mouse colour, and sometimes of a leaden gray. They universally had long horns, and dark muzzles, and stood hiirh on their leu;s, with elevated and bold fronts. Wlieii ranging in droves in the woods, they were the fmest cattle in appearance that I ever saw. They make oxcellenl working oxen, but their quarters are not so heavy and tlesh)i as those of the English cattle. The cows do not give large (juantities of milk. The Indian horses run at large in the woods like the catde, and receive no feed from their owners, un- less on some very extraordinary occasion. Tliey are 358 NARRATIVE OF THE small, but very handsome little horses. I do not know that I ever saw one of these horses more than fourteen hands high ; but they are very strong and active, and when brought upon the plantation, and broken to work, they are hardy and docile, and keep fat on very little food. The prevailing colour of these horses is black ; but many of them are beautiful grays, with flovvnng manes and tails, and, of their size, are fine horses. My master bought fifty horses, and more than a hundred of the cattle ; and hired seven Indians, to help us to drive them inio the settlement. We had only a path to travel in — no road having been opened to the Indian country, of width sufficient for wagons to pass upon it ; and I was often surprised at the agility of the Indians, in riding the unbroken horses along this palb, and through the cane-brakes, which lined it on either side, in pursuit of the cattle, . when any of them attempted to leave the drove. With the horses we had but little trouble, after we had them once staited on the path ; but the cattle were much inclined to separate and wander in the woods, for several days after we set out from the Nation, — but the greatest trouble was experienced at the time we halted in the evening, for the night. Some of the cattle, and many of the horses, would wander off from the fire, to a great distance in the woods, if not prevented ; and might attempt to return to the Indian country. To obviate this, as soon as the fire was kindled, and the Indians had taken their supper, they would take off into the woods in all directions. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 359 and, stationing themselves at the dL^tance of about half a quarter of a mile from the lire, would set up such a horrible yelling and whooping, that the wliole forest appeared to be full of demons, come to devour U3 and our drove too. This noise never failed to cause l)<)th horse and cattle to keep within the circle formed V the Indians ; and I believe wo did not lose a sin- gle beast on llie whole journey. My ma-ter k«pt many of the cattle, and several f the horses, which he used on the planUition, in- stead of niulcs. The ri'sidue he sold amoMLT the planters, and 1 U-liove the expedition \ ielded him a handsome profit in tin' end : it also anordcd me an opporiunity uf seeing the Chorokee Imlian.i; in their uwn^ country, and of contrasting the unmense diller- nce that existii between man in a state of civiliza- tion and industry, and man in a suilc of barbarism and indolence. Ever since I had Ijoen in the souilinn country, ist numbers of African negroes had been yearly .-npvjrtrd ; but this yc;ir the business ceased altoge- ther, and I did not see any African who was landed in the United Stales after this dale. 1 shall here submit to the reader, the results of the observations 1 have made on the regulations of )uthcrn society. It is juy opinion, that the white people in general, are not nearly so well informed in the southern states, as they are in those lying farther north. The cause of this may not be obvious to strangers ; but to a man who has resided amongst the cotton plantations, it is quite plain. 360 NARRATIVE OF THE Tliere is a great scarcity of schools, throughout all the cotton country, that I have seen ; because the white population is so thinly scattered over the coun- try, and the families hve so far apart, that it is not easy to get a sufficient number of children together to constitute a scliool. The young men of the coun- try, who have received educations proper to qualify them for the profession of teachers, are too proud to submit to this kind of occupation ; and strangers, who come from the north, will not engage in a ser- vice that is held in contempt, unless they can procure large salaries from individuals, or get a great number of pupils to attend their instructions, whose united contributions may amount, in the aggregate, to a large sum. Great numbers of the young men of fortune are sent abroad to be educated : but thousands of the sons of land and slave-holders receive very little edu- cation, and pass their lives in ignorant idleness. The poor white children are not educated at all. It is my opinion, that the women are not better educated than the men. A few of the great families live in a style of luxu- ry and magnificence on their estates, that people in the north are not accustomed to witness ; but this splendour is made up of crowds of slaves, em- ployed as household servants, and a gaudy show of silver plate, rather than in good houses, or convenient furniture. Good beef and good mutton, such as are seen in Philadelphia and New-York, are not known on the cotton plantations. Good butter is also a ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 361 larity ; and, in the summer time, sweet flour, or sweet wheaten bread, is scarcely to be looked for. The flour is imported from the north, or west • and in tlie hot, damp climate of the southern sum- mer, It cannot l)e kept from sourini^, more than foui or five weeks. The tenifier of my mistress grew worse daily- if that could grow worse, which was already as l)ad as it could l)c — and her enmity acrain^t me increased the more she olwerved that my master confided in me. To enhance my mi^fortime^ the hcaldi of my mxster began, alhiut this iim.\ vi>^il)|y to dcnrline, and towards the latter end of the aiihiiiiii of this year, he one day told m.-, lint hr Ix-Iievrd he should not live long, as h.3 already \\'.\\ ilu' s\ m.dIoio^- of approaching decay and death. Tliis was a source of much anxiety and trouble to me ; for 1 clearly foresaw, that if ever I fell under the unbridled dominion of my mistress, I should re- gret the worst |)eriod of my servitude in South Caro- lina. I was much afraid, as the winter came on, that my master might grow worse, and pass to the grave in the spring, for his disease was a consump- tion of the lungs ; and it is well known, that the spring of the year, which brings joy, gladness, and viuility, to all creation, animate and inanimate, ex- cept the victim of consumption, is often the season that consigns him to the grave. 31 362 NARRATIVE OF THE CHAPTER XIX. We passed this winter in clearing land, after we had secured the crops of cotton and corn, and nothing happened on our plantation, to disturb the usual monotony of the life of a slave, except, that in the month of January, my master informed me, that he intended to go to Savannah for the purpose of purchasing groceries, and such other supplies as might be required on the plantation, in the follow- ing season ; and that he intended to take down a load of cotton with our wagon and team ; and that I must prepare to be the driver. This intelligence was not disagreeal^le to me, as the trip to Savan- nah would, in the first place, release me for a short time, from the tyranny of my mistress ; and, in the second, would give me an opportunity of seeing a great deal of strange country. I derived a third advantage, in after times, from this journey ; but which did not enter into my estimate of this affair, at that time. My master had not yet erected a cotton-gin en his place— the land not being his own— and we hauled our cotton, in the seed, nearly three miles to be gin- ned, for which we had to give one-fourth to the owner of the gin. When the time of my departure came, 1 loaded my wagon widi ten bales of cotton, and set out with the same team of six mules that 1 had driven from South CaroUna. Nothing of moment happened to ADVENTURES OF CHARLFS BALL. 363 nie until the cveniFi^r of tlic fourth day, when wo were one hundred miles from home. My master stopped to-nij^hl (for he travelled with me on his hor?e) at the house of an old friend of his ; and I heard my master, in conversation with this gentleman, (for such he certainly was) give me a very good charac- ter, and tell liitn, that I was (he most faitlilul nnd trusty negro that he had ever owned. lie also ^aid that if he lived to see tiie e\-[)iration of the seven years for wliich lio h:ul lea-^rd inr^, he intended to huy me. Hesaiil nnich more t)f me ; anearanceof the town itself, was not much in favour of the peoplr who livrd in it. On my way home I travelled for several day^'. by a road dilfcrent from that which we had pursued in coming down ; and at the distance of fifty or sixty miles from Savannah, I pas-cd by the lari^est plan- tation that I had ever seen. I think I saw at least a thousand acres of cotton in one field, which was all as level as a bowlini,^-:rrcen. There were, as I wa-s told, three hundred and fifty hands at work in this field, pickiui^^ the last of the cotton from the burs; and these were the most miserable looking Klaves that 1 had seen in all my travels. It was now the depth of winter, and altlioujjh the weather was not cold, yet it was the winter of this climate; and a man who lives on flic Savannah river a few years, will find himself almost as much oppressed with cold, in winter there, ns he would be in the same season of the year, on the banks of the Potomac, if he had always resided there. These people were, as far as I could see, totally without shoes ; and there was no such garment as a hat of any kind amongst them. Each person had a coarse blanket, which had holes cut for the arms to pass through, and^ the top was drawn up round the neck, so as to form a sort of loose frock, tied be- 370 NARRATIVE OF THE fore with strings. The arms, when the people were at work, were naked, and some of them had very little clothing of any kind, besides this blanket frock. The appearance of these people, afforded the most conclusive evidence that they were not eaters of pork; and that lent lasted with them throughout the year. I again staid all night, as I went home, with the gentleman whom I liave before noticed, as the frie-d of my master, who had left me soon after we quitted Savannah, and 1 saw him no more, until I reached home. Soon after my return from Savannah, an affair of a very melancholy character took ploce in the neiglibouihood of my master's plantation. About two miles from our rc-iJence, lived a gentleman who was a bachelor, and who had for his housekeeper a mulatto woman. Tlie master was a young man, r.ot more than tvrenty-five 3^ears old, and the house- keeper must have been at least forty. She had children grown up, one cf whom had been sold by her master, the father of the bachelor, since I lived here, and carried away to the west. Tliis woman had acquired a most unaccoimtable influence over her young master, who lived with her as his wife, and gave her the entire comnsand of his house, and of every thing about it. Before he came to live wliere he now did, and whilst he still resided with his father, to whom the woman then belonged, the old gentleman perceiving the attachment of his son to this female, had sold her to a trader, who was on ADVENTURKS OF CHARLES BALL. 371 his way to the Mississippi river, in ihc al).-once of the yomiir man ; hut when the latter returned home, and learned what had been done, he immediately set olT in pursuit of the purcliaser, overtook him some- where in the Indim territory, and bought the woman of liim, at an advanced price. He tlien brought lier l)ack, and j)ut her, as liis liou^ekcej)er, on the place wlierc he now hved ; left liis fatlier, and came to re- side in |)erson with the woman. On a plantation adjoining tijat of the gentleman bachelor, lived a planter, who owned a young mu- latto man, named Frank, not more than twenty-four or live years old, a very smart, as well as handsome fellow. Frank had become as much enanioured of this woman, who was old enouij^h to have been his mother, as her master, tlic bachelor was ; and she leturncd Frank's allachmenl, to the prejudice of her owner. Frank was in the practice of visiting his mistress at night, a circumstance of which her mas- ter was suspicious ; and he forbade Frank from com- ing to the house. This only heightened the flame that was burning in the bosoms of the lovers; and they resolved, a Her mnny and long deliberations, to destroy the master. She projected the plot, and fur- nished the means for the murder, by taking her mas- ter's gun from the place where he usually kept it, and giving it to Frank, who came to the house in the evening, when the gentleman was taking his supper alone. Lucy always waited upon her master at his meals, and knowing his usual place of sitting, had 372 Narrative of the made a hole between two of the logs of the house, towards which, she knew his back would be at sup- per. At a given signal, Frank came quietly up to the house, levelled the gun through the hole prepared for him, and discharged a load of buck-shot between the shoulders of the unsuspecting master, w ho sprang from his seat and fell dead beside the table. This murder was not known in the neighbourhood until the next morning, when the woman herself went to a house on an adjoining plantation, and told it. The murdered gentleman had several other slaves, none of whom were at home at the time of his death, except one man ; and he was so terrified that he was afraid to run and alarm the neighbourhood. I knew this man well, and believe he was afraid of the woman and her accomplice. I never had any doubt of his innocence, though he suffered a punish- ment, upon no other evidence than mere suspicion, far more terrible than any ordinary form of death. As soon as the murder was known to the neigh- l)ouring gentlemen^ they hastened to visit the dead body, and were no less expeditious in instituting in- quiries after those who had done the bloody deed. My master was amongst the first who arrived at the house of the deceased ; and in a short time, half the slaves of the neighbouring plantations were arrested, and brought to the late dwelling of the dead man. For my own part, from the moment I heard of the murder, I had no doubt of its author. Silence is a great virtue when it is dangerous to speak; and I had long since determined never to ADVKNTl-RES OF CHARLES liALL. 373 advance opinion?, uncalled for. in controversies be- tween the white people and the slaves. Many wit- nesses were examined by a justice of the peace, be- fore the coroner arrived, but after the comin|T of the hitter, a jury was called ; and more than half a day was s()ent in a.sking (juestions of various black people, without the disclosure of any circumstance, which tende supper, and that on hearing the gun, she had come into the room, at the moment he fell to the fl(X)r and expired ; but when she opened the door and looked out, she could nei- ther hear nor see any one. Wfien Frank was brought in and made to touch the dead body, which he was compelled to do, be- cause some said that if lie was the murderer, the corpse would bleed at his touch, he trembled so much, that I thought he would fall ; but no blood is- sued from the wound of the dead man. This com- J2 374 NARRATIVE OF THE pulsory touching of the dead had, however, in this instance, a much more powerful ellect, in the convic- tion of the criminal, than the flowing of any quan- tity of blood could have had ; for as soon as Frank had withdrawn his hand from the touch of the dead, the coroner asked him, in a peremptory tone, as if conscious of the fact, why he had done this. Frank was so confounded with fear, and overwhelmed by this interrogatory, that he lost all self-possession, and cried out in a voice of despair, that Lucy had made him do it. Lucy, who had left the room when Frank was brought in, was now recalled, and confronted with her partner in guilt; but nothing could wring a word of confession from her. She persisted, that if Frank had murdered her master, he had done it of his own accord, and without her knowledge or ad- vice. Some one now, for the first time, thought of making search for the gun of the dead man, which was not found in tlie place where he usually had kept it. Frank said he had committed the crime with this gun, which had been placed in his hands by Lucy. Frank, Lucy, and Billy, a black man, against whom there was no evidence, nor cause of suspicion, except that he was in the kitchen at the time of the miu'der, were committed to prison in a new log-house on an adjoining plantation, closely confined in irons, and kept there a little more than two weeks, when they were all tried before some gen- tlemen of the neighbourhood, who held a court for that purpose. Lucy and Frank were condemned to AI>Vi:XTURES OF rriARLBS BALL. 375 be hung; but Billy was found not sjuilty ; altlioua:h he was not released, hut kept in conlinenient until the execution of his companions, which took place ten days after the trial. On the morning of the execution, my master told me, and all the rest of the people, that we must go to the hafisflns!'. as it was termed by him as well as others. The place of punishment was only two miles from my mister's residence, and I was there in time to get a good stand, near the gallows' tree, by which I was enabled to arc all the proceedings con- nected with this solenui affair. It was estimated by my master, that there were at least fifteen thousand people present at this scene, more than half of whom were blacks ; all the masters, for a great distance round the country, having ptMinitted, or compelled, their peinrd hy th.-ir friends, then came under the tree and (hank punch until their dinner wa.s made n-ady, under a lx)oth of green boughs at a short disiaiiee. After dinner, Hilly, who had l>een groanini^ on the ground where he was laid, was Uaken up, placed in the cart in which Lucy and Frank had Injen brought to the gallows, and conveyed to the d welhng of his late master, where he was confined to the house and his hed more than three iii..mh>, and was never worth much afterwanis while 1 remained in (ieorgia. Lucy and Frank, after they had heen half an hour upon the gallows, were cut down, and suHered to drop into a deep hole that had been dug under them whilst they were suspended. As they fell, so the earth was thrown upon them, and the grave closed over them for ever. They were hung on Thursday, and the vast assemljlage of people that had convened to witness their death did not leave the place altogether until the next Monday morning. Wagons, carts, and 32* 378 NARRATIVE OF THE carriages had been brought upon the ground ; booths and tents erected for the convenience and accommo- dation of the multitude ; and the terrible spectacles that I have just described were succeeded by mu?ic. dancing, trading in horses, gambling, drinking, fighting, and every other species of amusement and excess to which the southern people are ad- dicted. 1 had to work in the day-time, but went every night to witness this funereal carnival, the numbers that joined in which appeared to increase, rather than diminish, during the Friday and Saturday that followed the execution. It was not until Sunday afternoon that the crowd began sensibly to diminish ; and on Monday morning, after breakfast time, the last wagons left the ground, now trampled into dust as dry and as light as ashes, and the grave of the murderers was left to the solitude of the woods. Certainly those who were hanged w^ell deserved their punishment ; but it was a very arbitrary exer- cise of power to whip a man until he was insensi- ble, because he did not prevent a murder which was committed without his knowledge ; and I could not understand the right of punishing him, because he was so weak or timorous as to refrain from the dis- closure of the crime the moment it came to his knowledge. It is necessary for the southern people to be vigi- lant in guarding the moral condition of their slaves, and even to punish the intention to commit crimes, when that intention can be clearly proved ; for such ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 379 \s the natural relation of master and slave, in by far the greater number of case?', tliat no cordiality of feelingr can ever exist between them : and (he sen- timents that bind together the dilferent membtns of society in a state of freedom and social equality, beinjT absent, the master must resort to principles of physical restraint, and rules of mental coercion, un- known in another and a different condition of the social compact. It is a mintake to sup|)osc that the southern plan- ters could ever retain their property, or live amongst their slaves, if those slaves were not kept in tenor of the punishment that would follow acts of violence and disorder. There is no dillerence between the feelings of the different races of ni(Mi, so far as their personal rights are concerned. The black man is as anxious to possess and to enjoy liberty as the white one would be, were he deprived of this inestimable Ijlessing. It is not for me to say that the one is as well cjualilied for the enjoyment of liberty as the other. liow ignorance, moral degradation of char- acter, and mental depravity, arc inseparable com- panions ; and in the breast of an ignorant man, the passions of envy and revenge hold unbridled dominion. It was in the month of April that I witnessed the painful spectacle of two fellow-creatures being launch- ed into the abyss of eternity, and a third, being tor- tured beyond the sufferings of mere death, not for his crimes, but as a terror to others ; and this^ not to deter others from the commission of crimes, but to 380 NARRA.TIVE OF THE Stimulate them to a more active and devoted per- formance of their duties to their owners. My spirits had not recovered from the depression produced by that scene, in which my feehngs had been awakened in the cause of others, when I was called to a nearer and more immediate apprehension of sufferings, which, I now too clearly saw, were in preparation for myself. My master's health became worse continually, and I expected he would not survive this summer. In this, however, I was disappointed ; but he was so ill that he was seldom able to come to the field, and paid but little attention to his plantation, or the cul- ture of his crops. He left the care of the cotton field to me after the month of June, and was not again out on the plantation before the following October ; when he one day came out on a little Indian pony that he had used as his hackney, before he w^as so far reduced as to decline the practice of riding. I suffered very much this summer for want of good and substantial provisions, my master being no long- er able to supply me, with his usual liberality, from his own meat house. I was obhged to lay out nearly all my other earnings, in the course of the summer, for bacon, to enable me to bear the hard- ship and toil to which I was exposed. My master often sent for me to come to the house, and talked to me in a very kind manner ; and I believe that no hired overseer could have carried on the business more industriously than I did, until the crop was secured the next winter. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 3S1 Soon after my master was in the field, in October, he sent for me to come to him one day, and ^ave me, on parting-, a pretty good great coat of strong drab cloth, ahnost new, which he said would be of service to me in the coming winter. He also gave me at the same time a pair of boots which he had worn half out, but the legs of which were quite good. This great coat and these boots were afterwards of great service to me. As the winter came on my master grew w^orse, and though he si ill continued to walk about the house in good weather, it was manifest that he was approaching the close of his earthly existence. I worked very hard this winter. The crop of cotton was lieavy, and we did not get it all out of the field until some time after Christmas, which compelled me to work hard myself, and cause my fellow-slaves to work hard too, in clearing the land that my mas- ter was bound to clear every year on this place. He desired me to get as much of the land cleared in time for cotton as I could, and to plant the rest with corn when cleared of!'. As I was now entrusted with the entire superin- tendence of the plantation by my master, who never left his house, it became necessary for me to assume the authority of an overseer of my fellow-slaves, and I not unfrequently found it proper to punish them with stripes to compel them to perform their work. At first I felt much repugnance against the use of the hickory, the only instrument with which I pun- ished offenders, but the longer I was accustomed to 382 NARRATIVE OF THE this practice, the in ore familiar and less offensive it became to me ; and I beheve that a few years of perseverance and experience would have made me as inveterate a negro-driver as any in Georgia, though I feel conscious that I never should have be- come so hardened as to strip a person for the purpose of whipping, nor should I ever have consented to compel people to work without a sufficiency of good food, if I had it in my power to supply them with enough of this first of comforts. In the month of February, my master became so weak, and his cough was so distressing, that he took to his bed, from which he never again departed, save only once, before the time when he was removed to be wrapped in his winding-sheet. In the month of March, two of the brothers of my mistress came to see her, and remained with her until after the death of my master. When they had been with their sister about three weeks, they came to the kitchen one day when I had come in for my dinner, and told me that they were going to whip me. I asked them what they were going to whip me for? to which they rephed, that they thought a good whipping would be good for me, and that at any rate, I must prepare to take It. My mistress now joined us, and after swearing at me in the most furious manner, for a space of several minutes, and bestowing upon me a multi- tude of the coarsest epithets, told me that she had long owed me a whipping, and that I should now get it. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 383 She then ordered me to take ofT my shirt (the only garment 1 had on, except a pair of old tow'hnen trowsers,) and the two brothers backed the com- mand of their Slater, the one by presenting a pistol at my breast, and the other by drawing a large club over his head m tlie attitude of strikincr me. Resi^ tance was vain, and I was forced to yield. JMy shirt being ot)] I was tied by the h«nds with a stout bed-cord, and being led to a tree, called the Pride of Ohina, that grew in the yard, my hands were drawn by the rope, being passed over a limb, uniil my feet no longer touched the ground. Reiner thus suspend- ed in the air by the rope, and my whole weight iianging on my wrisL^, I was unable to move any part of my person, except my feet and legs. I had never been whipped since I was a boy, and felt the injustice of the present proceeding with the utmost keenness ; but neither justice nor my feehn-, had any inlluence upon the hearts of my mistress and her brothers, two men as cruel in temper and as savage in manners as herself. The first strokes of the hickory produced a sen- sation that I can only liken to streams of scalding water, running along my back; but after a hun*^ (hed, or hundred and fifty lashes had been show cred upon me, the pain became less acute and piercing, but was succeeded by a dead and painful achmg, which seemed to extend to my very back- bone. As I hung by the rope, the moving of my legs sometimes caused me to turn round, and soon after 384 NARRATIVE OF THE they began to beat me I saw the pale and death- like figure of my master standing at the door, when my face was turned toward the house, and heard him, in a faint voice, scarcely louder than a strong breathing, commanding his brothers-in-law to let me go. These commands were disregarded, until I had received full three hundred lashes ; and doubt- lessly more would have been inflicted upon me, had not my master, with an effort beyond his strength, by the aid of a stick on which he supported himself, made his way to me, and placing his skeleton form beside me as I hung, told his brothers-in-law that if they struck another stroke, he would send for a lawyer and have them both prosecuted at law. This interposition stopped the progress of my punishment, and after cutting me down, they carried my master ao-ain into the house. I was vet able to walk, and went into the kitchen, whither my mistress followed, and compelled me to submit to be washed in brine by a black woman, who acted as her cook. I was then permitted to put my shirt on, and to go to my bed. This was Saturday, and on the next day, when I awoke late in the morning, I found myself unable to turn over or to rise. I felt too indignant at the barbarity with which 1 had been treated to call for help from any one, and lay in my bed made of corn husks until after twelve o'clock, when my mistress came to me and asked me how I was. A slave must not manifest feelings of resentment, and I an- swered with humility, that I was very sore and un- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL- 385 able to get up. She tlien called a man and a woman, wiio came ai)d raised me up ; but I now found that my yhirt was as fast to my back as if it had grown there. The blood and bruised flesh having become incorporated with the substance of the linen, it formed only the outer coat of the great scab that covered my back. After 1 was down stairs, my mistress had me washed in warm water, and warm grease was rub- bed over my back and sides, until the shirt was saturated wiih oil, and becoming soft, was at length separated from my back. My mistress then had my back washed and greased, and put upon me one of my ma.-ter's old linen shirts. She had become alarmed, and was feiuful either that I should die. or would not be aide to work again for a long lime. As it was, she lost a month of my labour at this time, and in the end, she lost myself, in conse(|uence of this whijiping. As soon as I was able to walk, my master sent for me to come to his bed-side, and told jue that he was very sorrow for what had hap[)ened ; that it was not his fault, and that if he had been well I should never have been touched. Tears came in his eyes as he talked to me, and said that as lie could not live long, he hoped I would continue faithful to him whilst lie did live. This I promised to do, for I really loved my master ; but I had already deter- nihied, that as soon as he was in his grave, I would attempt to escape from Georgia and the cot- 33 386 NARRATIVE OF THE ton country, if my life should be the forfeiture of the attempt. As soon as I had recovered of my wounds, I again went to work, not in my former situation of super- intendent of my master's plantation, for this place was now occupied by one of the brothers of my mistress, but in the woods, where my mistress had determined to clear' a new Meld. After this time, I did nothing but grub and clear land, while I re- mained in Georgia, but I was always making preparations for my departure from that country. My master was an officer of militia, and had a sword which he wore on parade cays, and at other times he hung it up in the room where he slept. I conceived an idea that this sword would be of ser- vice to me in the long journey that I intended to undertake. One evening, when I had gone in to see my master, and had remained standing at his bed-side some time, he closed his eyes as if going to sleep, and it being twilight, I slipped the sword from the place where it hung, and dropped it out of the windovv^ I knew my master could never need this weapon again, but yet I felt some com- punction of conscience at the thought of robbing so good a man. When I left the room, i took up the sword, and afterwards secreted it in a hollow tree in the woods, near the place at which I worked daily. ADVENTURES OP CHARLES BALL. 387 CHAPTER XX. My master died in the month of May, and I followed him to his grave with a heavy heart, for I felt that 1 had lost the only friend I had in the world, who possessed at once the power and the inclination to protect me against the tyranny and oppression to which slaves on a cotton plantation are subject. Had he lived, I should have remained with him, and never have left hiin, for he had promised to purchase the residue of my time of my owners in Carolina ; but when he was gone, I felt the parting of the last tie that bound me to the place where I then was, and my heart yearned for my wife and children, from whom I had now been separated more than four years. 1 held my life in small estimation, if it was to be w^orn out imder the dominion of my mistress and her brothers, though since the death of my master she had greatly meliorated my condition by giving me frequent allowances of meat and other necessaries. I believe she entertained some vague apprehensions that I might run away, and betake myself to the woods for a living, perhaps go to the Indians ; but I do not think she ever suspected that I would haz- ard the untried undertaking of attempting to make my way back to Maryland. My purpose was fixed, and now nothing could shake it. I only waited for a proper season of the year to commence my toil- 388 NARRATIVE OF THE some and dangerous journey. As I must of ne- cessity procure my own subsistence on my march, it behoved me to pay regard to the time at which I took it up. I furnished myself with a fire-box, as it is called, that is, a tin case containing flints, steel and tinder, this I considered indispensable. I took the great coat that my master had given me, and with a coarse needle and thread quilted a scabbard of old cloth in one side of it, in which I could put my sword and carry it with safety. I also procured a small bag of linen that held more than a peck. This bag 1 filled with the meal of parched corn, grinding the corn after it was parched in the woods where I worked at the mill at night. These operations, ex- cept the giinding of the corn, I carried on in a small conical cabin tliat I had built in the woods. The boots tliat my master gave me, I had repaired by a Spaniard who lived in the neighbourhood, and fol- lowed the business of a cobbler. Before the first of August I had all m}^ prepara- tions completed, and had matured them with so much secrecy, that no one in the country, white or black, suspected me of entertaining any extraordi- nary design. I only waited for the corn to be ripe, and fit to be roasted, which time I had fixed as the period of my departure. I watched the progress of the corn daily, and on the eighth of August I per- ceived, on examining my mistress' field, that nearly half of the ears were so far grown, that by roasting them, a man could easily subsist himself; and as I ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 389 knew that this com had been planted later than the most of the corn in the country, I resolved to take leave of the plantation and its tenants, for ever, on the next day. 1 had a faithful dog, called Trueman, and this poor animal had been my constant companion for more than four years, without ever showing cow- ardice or infidelity, but once, and that was when the panther followed us from the woods. 1 was accord- ingly anxious to bring my dog with me ; but as I knew the success of my undertaking depended on secrecy and silence, I thought it safest to abandon my last fiiend, and engage in my perilous enterprise alone. On the morning of the ninth, I went to work as usual, carrying my dinner with me, and worked diligently at grubbing until about one o'clock in the day. I now sat down and took my last din- ner as the slave of my mistress, dividing the con- tents of my basket with my dog. After I had fin- ished, I tied my dog with a rope to a small tree ; I set my gun against it, for 1 thought i should be bet- ter without the gun than with it ; tied my knapsack with my bag of meal on my shoulders, and then turned to take a last farewell of my poor dog, that stood by the tree to which he was bound, looking wistfully at me. When I approached him, he lick- ed my hands, and then rising on his hind feet, and placing his fore paws on my breast, he uttered a long howl, which thrilled through my heart, as if he had said, " My master, do not leave me behind you." All the affection that the poor animal had testified 33* 390 NARRATIVE "of THE for me in the course of his Ufe, now rose fresh in my memory. 1 recollected that he had always been ready to lay down his life for me ; that when I was tied and bound to the tree to be whipped, they were forced to compel me to order my dog to be quiet, to prevent him from attacking my executioner in my defence ; and even when he fled from the panther, he had not left me, only advancing a few feet before me, and beckoning me to fly from an enemy whose strength was too great for us to contend against with hope of success ; and I now felt assured, that had the panther attacked me, my dog would have con- quered at my side, or have died in defending me. This was the first time that 1 liad ever tied him. I had often left him for a whole day to guard my coat, my basket, or my gun, which he never desert- ed ; and he now seemed to feel that I charged him with ingratitude and infidelity, when I bound him to a charge which I had never known him to for- sake. As I was now leaving my dog for ever, I talked to him as to a creature that understood lani'uage, and was sensible of the dangers I was going to meet. " Poor Trneman, faithful Trueman, fare thee well. Thou hast been an honest dog, and sure friend to thy master in all his shades of fortune. AVhen my basket was well filled, how cheerfully we have partaken together of its contents. I did not then upbraid thee, that thou atest in idleness the proceeds of my labour, for I knew that thy heart ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 391 was devoted to thy protector. In the day of my ad- versity, when all the world had forsaken me, when my master was dead, and I had no friend to protect me, still, poor Trueman, thou wert the same. Thou laidest thyself down at my feet when the world had united to oppress me. How often, when I w^assick, and the fever raged in my veins, didst thou come at the going down of the sun, and lick my feet in token of tiiy faith ; and how {)atiently didst thou watch with thy poor master through the long and lonely night. " When 1 had no crumlxs in my basket to give thee, nor crust in my pocket to divide w ith thee, thy faithful lieait failed not ; and a glance from the eye of thy hungry master filled thee with gratitude and joy. Poor dog, I must bid thee farewell. To-mor- row they will come and release thee. Perhaps they will hate thee for my sake, and persecute thee as they have persecuted me; but I leave thee my gun to secure thee protection at the hands of those who will be the arbiters of thy fate when I am gone. It is all the legacy 1 can give thee ; and surely they will not kill so good a dog when they see him pos- sessed of so true a gun. Man is selfish and heartless — the richest of them all are as wretched slaves as I am, and are only minions of fear and avarice. Could pride and ambition witness thy fidelity and grati- tude to thy forsaken master, and learn humility from thy example, how many tears would be wiped from the eyes of sorrow. Follov/ the new master w^ho 392 NARRATIVE OF THE shall possess my gun, and may he be as kind to thee as ihou hast been faithful to me." I now took to the forest, keeping, as nearly as I could, a north course all the afternoon. Night over- took me, before I reached any watercourse, or any other object worthy of being noticed ; and 1 lay down and slept soundly, without kindling a fire, or eating any thing. I was awake before day, and as soon as there \^ as light enough to enable me to see my way, I resumed my journey and walked on, until about eight o'clock, when 1 came to a river, which 1 knew must be the Appalachie. I sat down on the bank of the river, opened my bag of meal, and made my breakfast of a part of its contents. I used my meal very sparingly, it being the most va- luable treasure that I now possessed ; though I had in my pocket three Spanish dollars ; but in my situ- ation, this money could not avail me any thing, as 1 was resolved not to show myself to any person, either white or black. After taking my breakfast, I prepared to cross the river, which was here about a hundred yards wide, with a sluggish and deep cur- rent. The morning was sultry, and the thickets along the margin of the river teemed with insects and reptiles. By sounding the river with a pole, I found the stream too deep to be waded, and I therefore prepared to swim it. For this purpose, I stripped myself, and bound my clothes on the top of my knapsack, and my bag of meal on the top of my clothes ; then drawing my knapsack close up to my head, I threw myself into the river. In my youth ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 393 I had learned to swim in the Patuxent, and have seldom met with any person who was more at ease in deep water than myself. I kept a straight line from the place of my entrance into the Appalachie, to the opposite side, and when 1 had reached it, step- ped on the margin of the land, and turned round to view the place from which I had set out on my aquatic passage ; but my eye was arrested by an ob- ject nearer to me than the opposite shore. Within twenty feet of me, in the very line that I had pur- sued in crossing the river, a large alligator was moving in full pursuit of me, with his nose just above the surface, in the position that creature takes when he gives chase to his intended prey in the wa- ter. The alligator can swim more than twice as fast as a man, for he can overtake young ducks on the water ; and had I been ten seconds longer in the river, I should have been dragged to the bottom, and never again been heard of. Seeing that 1 had gained the shore, my pursuer turned, made two or three circles in the water close by me, and thenrdisappeared. I received this admonition as a warning of the dangers that I must encounter in my journey to the north. After adjusting my clothes, I again took to the woods, and bore a little to the east of norih ; it now being my determination to turn down the country, so as to gain the line of the roads by which I had come to the south. I travelled all day in the woods ; but a short time before sundown, came within view of an opening in the forest, which I took 394 NARRATIVE OF THE to be cleared fields, but upon a closer examination, finding no fences or other enclosures around it, I ad- vanced into it and found it to be an open savannah, with a small stream of water creeping slowly through it. At the lower side of the open space, were the remains of an old beaver dam, the central part of which had been broken away by the current of the stream at the time of some flood. Around the mar- gin of this former pond, I observed several decayed beaver lodges, and numerous stumps of small trees, that had been cut down for the food or fortifications of this industrious little natio), which had fled at the approach of the white man, and all its people were now, like me, seeking refuge in the deepest solitudes of the forest, from th ■ glance of every hun]an eye. As it was growing late, and I believed I must now be near the settlements, I determined to encamp for the night, ])eside tliis old beaver dam. I again took my supper from my bag of meal, and made my bed for tlie night, amongst the canes that grew in the place. This night I slept but little : for it seem- ed as if all the owls in the country had assembled in my neighbourhood to perform a grand musical concert. Their hooting and chattering commenced soon after dark, and continued until the dawn of day. In all parts of the southern country, the owls are very numerous, especially along the margins of streams, and in the low grounds, with which the waters are universally bordered ; but since I had been in the country, although I had passed many nights in the woods, at all seasons of the year, I had ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 395 never before heard so clamorous and deafening a chorus of nocturnal music. With the coming of the morning, I arose from my couch, and proceeded warily along the woods, keeping a continual look- out for plantations, and listening attentively to every noise that I heard in the trees, or amongst the cane- brakes. When the sun had been up two or three hours, 1 le. The fog extended only a few niiles from the river, and from the top of an eminence which I gained, an hour after wringing my clothes, the stars were distinctly visible. Here I discovered that the road I was travelling bore nearly east, and 404 NARRATIVE OF THE was not likely to take me to the Savannah river, for a long time. Nevertheless, I travelled hard until daylight appeared before me, which was my signal for turning into the woods, and seeking a place of safety for the day. The country in which I now was, appeared high and dry, without any swamps or low grounds, in which an asylum might be found ; I therefore deter- mined to go to the top of a hill, tliat extended on my right for some distance either way. The summit of this ridge was gained before there was enougli of dayliglit to enable me to see objects clearly ; but, as soon as a view of the place could be had, I discover- ed, that it was a thicket of pine trees ; and that the road which I had left, led through a plantation that lay within sight : the house and other buildings on which, appeared to be such as I had before seen ; but I could not at once recollect where, or at what time I had seen them. Going to an open space in the thicket, from which I could scan the plantation at leisure, I became satis- fied, after the sun had risen, and thrown his light upon the earth, that this was no other than the resi- dence of the gentleman, who had so kindly enter- tained my master and me, as we went to. and re- turned from, Savannah with the wagon. I now re- membered, that this gentleman was the friend of my late master, and that he had told me, to conie and see him if ever I passed this way again ; but I knew that he was a slave-holder and a planter ; and that when he gave me liberty to visit his plantation, he ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 405 expected that my visits would always be the visits of a slave, and not the clandestine calls of a runaway negro. It seemed to me, that this gentleman was too bene- volent a man, to arrest and send me back to my cruel mistress ; and yet, how could I expect, or even hope, that a cotton planter would see a runaway slave on his premises, and not cause him to be taken up, and sent home ? Failing to seize a runaway slave, when he has him in his power, is held to be one of the most dishonourable acts, to which a southern plant- er can subject himself Nor should (he people of the north be surprised at this. Slaves are regarded, in the south, as the most precious of all earthly pos- sessions ; and at the same time, as a precarious and hazardous kind of property, in the enjoyment of which the master is not safe. The planters may well be compared to the inhabitants of a national frontier, which is exposed to the inroads of hostile in- vading tribes. Where all are in like danger, and subject to like fears, it is expected that all will be governed by like sentiments, and act upon like prin- ciples. I stood and looked at the house of this good plant- er, for more than an hour after the sun had risen, and saw all the movements which usually take place on a cotton plantation in the morning. Long before the sun was up, the overseer had proceeded to the field, at the head of the hands ; the black women who attended to the cattle, and milked the cows, had gone to the cow-pen with their pails ; and the 4:06 NARRATIVE OF THE smoke ascended from the chimney of the kitchen, before the doors of the great house were opened, or any of the members of the family were seen abroad. At length, two young ladies opened the door, and stood in the freshness of the morning air. These were soon joined by a brother ; and at last, I saw the gentleman himself leave the house, and walk to- wards the stables, that stood at some distance from the house, on my left. I think even now, that it was a foolish resolution that emboldened me to show myself to this gentleman. It was like throwing one's self in the way of a lion who is known some- times to spare those whom he might destroy ; but 1 resolved to go and meet this planter at his stables, and tell him my whole story. Issuing from the woods, I crossed the fields unperceived by the people at the house, and going directly to the stables, pre- sented myself to their proprietor, as he stood looking at a fine horse, in one of the yards. At first, he did not knov," mc, and asked me w^hose man I was. I then asked him if he did not remember me ; and named the time when I had been at liis house. I then told at once, that I was a runaway : that my master was dead, and my mistress so cruel, that I could not live with her : not omitting to show the scars on my back, and to give a full account of the mariner in which they had been made. The gen- tleman stood and looked at me more than a minute, without uttering a word, and then sai 1, " Charles, I will not betray you, but you must not stay here. It must not be known that you were on this plantation, ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 407 and that I saw and conversed with you. However, as I siippo:^e you are hungry, you may go to the kitchen and get your hreakfast with my house ser- vants." He then set off for the house, and I followed, hut turning into tlie kitchen, as he ordered me, I wag soon supphed with a good l)reakrast of cold meat, warm hread, and as mucli new huttcr-milk as I ch )se to drink. Before I sat down to breakfast, the lady of the house came into the kitchen, with her two daughters, and gave me a dram of peach bran- dy. I drank this brandy, and was very thankful for it : but I am fully convinced now that it did me much more harm than good ; and that this part of the kindness of this most excellent family, was alto- gether misplaced. Whilst I was taking my breakfast, a black man came into the kitchen, and gave me a dollar that he said his master had sent me, at the same time lay- ing on the table before me a package of bread and meat, weighing at least ten pounds, wrapped up in a cloth. On delivering these things, the black man told me that his master desired me to (juit hi', premises as soon as 1 had finished my breakfast. This injunction I obeyed ; and within less than an hour after 1 entered this truly hospitable house. I cjuitted it forever, but not without leaving behind me my holiest blessings upon the heads of its in- habitants. It was yet early in the morning when I 408 NARRATIVE OF THE regaiaed the woods on the opposite side of the plan- tation, from tliat by which 1 had entered it. CHAPTER XXI. I could not believe it possilile that the white peo- ple wliom I had just left, would give information of the route I had taken ; but as it was possible that all who dwelt on this plantation might not be so pure of heart as were they who possessed it, I thought it pru- dent 10 travel some distance in the woods, before 1 stopped for the day, notwithstanding the risk of moving about in the open light. For the purpose of precluding tlie possibility of being betrayed, 1 now determined to quit this road, and travel altogether in the woods, or through o[3en fields, for two or three nights, guiding my march by the stars. In pursu- ance of this resolution, I bore away to the left of the his^h road, and travelled five or six miles before I stopped, going round all the fields that I saw in my way, and keeping them at a good distance from me. In the afternoon of this day, it rained, and I had no other shelter than the boughs and leaves of a large magnolia tree ; but this kept me tolerably dry, and as it cleared away in the evening, I was able to continue my journey by starlight. I have no defi- nite idea of the distance that I travelled in the course of this and the two succeeding nights, as I had no ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 409 road to guide me, and was much perplexed by the plaiuatioQs and houses, the latter of which I most carefully eschewed ; but on tiie third night after this, I encountered a danger, which waa very nearly fatal to me. At the time of which I now speak, the moon having changed lately, shone until about eleven o'clock. I had been on my way two or three hours this evening, and all the world seemed to be quiet, when I entered a plantation that lay quite across my way. In passing through these fields, I at last saw tlie houses, and other improvements, and about a hundred yards from the house, a peach orchard, which I could distinguish by the faint light of the moou. This oi chard was but little out of my way, and a quarter of a mile, as nearly as I could judo-e from the woods. I resolved to examine these peach trees, and see what fruit was on them. Coming amongst them, I found the fruit of the kind called Indian peaches, in Georgia. These Indian peaches are much the largest and finest peaches that I have ever seen, one of them oftentimes being as large as a common quince. I liad filled all my pockets, and was filling my hand- kerchief with this delicious fruit, which is of deep red, when I heard the loud growl of a dog toward the house, the roof of which 1 could see. I stood as still as a stone, but yet the dog growled on, and at length barked out. I presume he smelled me, for he could not hear me. In a short time I found that the dog was coming towards me, and I then 35 410 NARRATIVE OF THE Started and ran as fast as 1 could for the woods. He now barked louder, and was followed by another dog, both making a terrible noise. 1 was then pret- ty light of foot, and was already close by the woods when the first dog overtook me. 1 carried a good stick in my hand, and with this I kept the dogs at bay, until I gained the fence, and escaped into the \voods ; but now I heard the shouts of men encour- ao-ine: the do^s, both of which were now up with me, and the men were coming as fast as they could. The dogs would not permit me to run, and unless I could make free use of my heels, it was clear that I must be taken in a few minutes. I now thought of my master's sword, which 1 had not removed from its quilted scabbard, in my great coat, since I com- menced my journey. I snatched it from its sheath, and, at a single cut, laid open the head of the lar- gest and fiercest of the dogs, from. his neck to his nose. He gave a loud yell and fell dead on the ground. The other dog, seeing the fate of his com- panion, leaped the fence, and escaped into the field, where he stopped, and like a cowardly cur, set up a clamorous barking at the enemy he was afraid to look in the face. I thought this no time to wait to ascertain what the men would say, when they came to their dead dog, but made the best of my way through the woods and did not stop to look be- hind me, for more than an hour. In my battle with the dogs, I lost all my peaches, except a few that re- mained in my pockets ; and in running through the w^oods 1 tore my clothes very badly, a disaster not ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 411 easily repaired in my situation ; but I had proved the Solidity of my own judgment in putting up my sword as a part of my traveUing equipage. I now considered it necessary to travel as fast as possible, and get as far as I could before day, from the late battle-ground, and certainly I lost no time ; but from the occurrences of the next day, I am of opinion, thit I had not continued in a straight line all uiLrbt, but tiiat I nuist have travelled in a circu- lar or^zigzag route. When a man is greatly ahujii- ecovered and conveyed back to hi^ mas- ter before this time. I told liini ihu I thought he ran great risk of bring tak»m up l)y remaining here, and advised him to break up his lodge inmiediately, and [)ursue his journey, travelling only in the night time. He then [)roposed to join me, and travel in company with me ; but this I declined, because of his lameness and great want of discretion, though I did not assign these reasons to him. I remained with this man two or three hours, and ate dinner of fowls dressed after his rude fash- ion. Before leaving him, I pressed upon him the necessity of inunediately cpiitting the position he then occupied ; but he said he intended to remain there a few days longer, unless I would take him with me. On quitting my new acquaintance, I thought it prudent to change my place of abode for the residue of this day, and removed along the top of the hill that 1 occupied at least two miles, and concealed myself in a thicket until night, when returning to the road I had left in the morning, and travelling hard all night, I came to a large stream of water 37* 438 NARRATIVE OF THE just at the break of day. As it was too late to pass the river with safety this morning, at this ford, I went iialf a mile higher, and swam across the stream in open daylight, at a place where both sides of the water w^ere skirted with woods. I bad several large potatoes that had been given to me by the man at his camp in the woods, and these constituted my rations for this day. At the rising and setting of the sun, I took the bear- ing of the road by the course of the stream that I had crossed, and found that I was travelling to the northwest, instead of the north or northeast, to one of which latter points I wished to direct my march. Having perceived the country in which I now was to be thickly peopled, I remained in my resting place until late at night, when returning to the road, and crossing it, I took once more to the woods, with the stars for my guides, and steered for the north- east. This was a fortunate night for me in all respects. The atmosphere was clear, the ground was high, dry, and free from thickets. In the course of the night I passed several corn fields, with the corn still remaining in them, and passed a potato lot, in which large quantities of fine potatoes were dug out of the ground, and lay in heaps covered with vines ; but my most signal good luck occurred just before day, when passing under a dog-wood tree, and hearing a noise in the branches above me, I looked up and saw a large opossum amongst the berries that hung upon the boughs. The game was quickly shaken down, ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 439 and turned out as fat as a well-fed pig, and as heavy as a full-grown rackoon. My attention was now turned to searching for a place in which I could se- crete myself for the day, and dress my provisions in quietness. This day was clear and beautiful until the after- noon, when the air became damp, and the heavens were overhung with clouds. The night that fol- lowed was dark as pitch, compelling me to remain in my camp all night. The next day brought with it a terrible storm of rain and wind, that con- tinued with but little intermission, more than twen- ty-four hours, and the sun was not again visible until (he third day; nor was there a clear night for more I ban a week. During all this time I lay in my camp, and subsisted upon the provisions that I had brought with me to this place. The corn and pota- toes looked so tempting, when I saw them in the fields, that I had taken more than I should have consumed, had not the bad weather compelled me to remain at this spot ; but it was well for me, for this time, that I had taken more than I could eat in one or two days. At the end of the cloudy weather, I felt much re- freshed and strengthened, and resumed my journey in high spirits, although I now began to feel the want of shoes — those which I wore when I left my mistress having long since been worn out, and my boots were now beginning to fail so much, that I was obliged to wrap straps of hickory bark about my 440 NARRATIVE OF THE feet to keep the leather from separating, and faUing to pieces. It was now, by my computation, the month of November, and I was yet in the state of South Ca- roHna. I began to consider with myself, whether 1 had gained or lost, by attempting to travel on 'the roads ; and, after revolving in my mind all the dis- asters that had befallen me, determined to abandon the roads altogether, for two reasons : — the first of which was, that on the highways, I was constant- ly Hable to meet persons, or to be overtaken by them ; and a second, no less powerful, was, that as I did not know what roads to pursue, I was oftener travelling on the wrong route than on the right one. Setting my face once more for the north-star, I advanced with a steady, though slow pace, for four or five nights, when I was again delayed by dark weather, and forced to remain in idleness nearly two weeks ; and when the weather again became clear, I was arrested, on the second night, by a broad and rapid river, that appeared so formidable, that I did not dare to attempt its passage, until after examin- ing it in daylight. On the succeeding night, how- ever, I crossed it by swimming — resting ar some large rocks near the middle. After gaining the north side of this river, which I believed to be the Catawba, I considered myself in North Carolina, and- again steered towards the north. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 441 CHAPTER XXIII. The month of November is, in all years, a season of cloiids'and vapours ; but at the time of which 1 write, the good weather vanished early in^the month, and all the clouds of the universe seemed to have col- lected in North Carolina. From the second night after crossing the Catawba, I did not see the north- star for the space of three weeks ; and during all this time, no progress w'as made in my journey ; al- though 1 seldom remained two days in the same place, but moved from one position to another, for the purpose of eluding the observation of the people of the country, whose attention might have been at- tracted by the continual appearance of the smoke of my fires in one place. There had, as yet, been no hard frost, and the leaves were still on the oak trees, at the close of this cloudy weather ; but the northwest wind which dis- pelled the mist, also brought down nearly all the leaves of the forest, except those of the evergreen trees ; and the nights now became clear, and the air keen with frost. Hitherto the oak woods had afforded me the safest shelter, but now I was obliged to seek for groves of young pines to retire to at dawn. Heretofore 1 had found a plentiful subsistence in every corn-field and potato-lot, that fell in my way : but now began to find some of the fields in w^hich corn had grown, destitute of the corn, and contain- ing nothing but the stalks. The potatoes had all 442 NARRATIVE OF THE been taken out of the lots where they grew, except in some few instances where they had been buried in the field ; and the means of subsistence became every day more difficult to be obtained ; but as 1 had fine weather, 1 made the best use of those hours in which I dared to travel, and was constantly moving from a short time after dark until daylight. The toil that I underwent for the first half of the month of December was excessive, and my sufferings for w^ant of food were great. I was obliged to carry with me a stock of corn, sufficient to supply me for two or three days ; for it frequently happened that I met with none in the fields for a long time. In the course of this period, I crossed innumerable streams, the greater portion of which were of small size, but some w^ere of considerable magnitude ; and in all of them the water had become almost as cold as ice. Sometimes I was fortunate enough to find boats or canoes tied at the side of the streams, and when this happened, I always made free use of that which no one else was using at the time ; but this did not oc- cur often, and I believe that in these two weeks I swam over nine rivers, or streams, so deep, that I could not ford them. The number of creeks and rivulets through which I waded, was far greater ; but I cannot now fix the number. In one of these fine nights, passing near the house of a planter, I saw several dry hides hanging on poles, under a shed. One of these hides I appropri- ated to myself, for the purpose of converting it into moccasins, to supply the place of my boots, which ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 443 were totally worthless. By beating the dry hide with a stick it was made sufficiently pliable to bear making it into moccasins ; of which I made for myself three pair, wearing one, and carrying the others on my back. One day as I lay in a pine thicket, several pigs, which appeared to be wild, having no marks on their ears, came near me, and one of them approached so close without seeing me, that I knocked it down with a stone, and succeeded in killing it. This pig was very fat, and would have weighed thirty if not forty poimds. Feeling now greatly exhausted with the fatigues that 1 had lately undergone, and being in a very great forest, far removed from white inha- bitants, I resolved to remain a few days in this place, to regale myself with the flesh of the pig, which I preserved by hanging it up in the shade, after cut- ting it into pieces. Fortune, so adverse to me here- tofore, seemed to have been more kind to me at this time, for the very night succeeding the day on which 1 killed the pig. a storm of hail, snow, and sleet, came on, and continued fifteen or sixteen hours. The snow lay on the ground four inches in depth, and the whole country was covered with a crust al- most hard enough to bear a man. In this state of the weather I could not travel, and my stock of pork was invakiable to me. The pork was frozen w^here it hung on the branches of the trees, and was as well preserved as if it had been buried in snow ; but on the fourth day after the sno\v fell, the atmo- sphere underw^ent a great change. The wind blew 444 NARRATIVE OF THE from the south, the snow melted away, the air be- came warm, and the sun shone with the brightness, and ahnost with the warmth of spring. It was manifest that my pork, which was now soft and oily, would not long be in a sound state. If I re- mained here, my provisions would become putrid on my hands in a short time, and compel me to quit my residence to avoid the atmosphere of the place. I resolved to pursue my journey, and prepared m3^self, by roasting before the fire, all my pork that was left, wrapping it up carefully in green pine leaves, and enveloping the whole in a sort of close basket, that I made of small boughs of trees. Equipping myself for my journey with my meat in my knapsack, I again took to the woods, with the stars for my guide, keeping the north-star over my left eye. The weather had now become exceedingly varia- ble, and I was seldom able to travel more than half of the night. The fields were muddy, the low grounds in the woods were wet, and often covered with water, through which I was obliged to wade — the air was damp and cold by day, the nights were frosty, very often covering the water with ice an inch in thickness. From the great degree of cold that prevailed, I inferred, either that I was pretty far north, or that I had advanced too much to the left, and was approaching the mountain country. To satisfy myself as far as possible of my situa- tion, one fair day, when the sky was very clear, I ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 445 climbed to tlie top of a pine-tree that stood on the siinnnit of a hill, and took a wide survey of the re- gion around rne. Eastward, I saw nothing but a vast continuation of plantations, intervened by for- ests ; on the south, the faint beams of a winter sun shed a soft lustre over the woods, which were dotted at remote distances, with the habitations of men, and the openings that they had made in tbe green cham- piign of the endless pine-groves, that nature had planted in the direction of the midday sun. On the north, at a great distance, I saw a tract of low and Hat country, which, in my opinion, was the vale of some great river, and beyond this, at the farthest stretch of vision,' the eye was lost in the blue transparent vault, where the extremity of the arch of the world touches the abode of perpetual winter. Turning westward, the view passed beyond the re- gion of pine-trees, which was followed afar off by naked and leafless oaks, hickories, and walnuts ; and still beyond these rose high in air, elevated tracts of country, clad in the white livery of snow, and bearing the impress of mid-winter. It was now apparent that I had borne too far west- ward, and was within a few days travel of the mountains. Descending from my observations, I determined, on the return of night, to shape my course, for the future, nearly due east, until 1 should at least be out of the mountains. According to my calendar, it was the day before Christmas that I ascended the pine-tree ; and I believe I was at that time in the north-western 38 446 NARRATIVE OF THE part of North Carolina, not far from the banks of the Yadkin river. On the following night I tra- velled from dark until, as I supposed, about three or four o'clock in the morning, when I came to a road which led, as I thought, in an easterly direction. This road I travelled until daylight, and encamped near it in an old field, overgrown with young pines, and holly-trees. This w^as Christmas-day, and I celebrated it by breakfasting on fat pork, without salt, and substi- tuted parclied corn for bread. In the evening, the weather became cloudy and cold, and when night came, it was so dark, that I found difficulty in keep- ing in the road, at some points where it made short angles. Before midnight it began to snow, and at break of day the snow^ lay more than a foot deep. This compelled me to seek winter quarters ; and fortunately, at about half a mile from the road, I found, on the side of a steep hill, a shelving rock that formed a dry covert, with a southern prospect. Under this rock 1 took refuge, and kindling a fire of dry sticks, considered myself happy to possess a few pounds of my roasted pork, and more than half a gallon of corn that I carried in my pockets. The snow continued faUing, until it was full two feet deep around me, and the danger of exposing mvself to discovery by my tracks in the snow, com- pelled me to keep close to my hiding place until the third day, when I ventured to go back to the road, which I found broken by the passage of numerous ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 447 wagons, sleds, and horses, and so much beaten that I could travel it with ease at night, the snow afibrd- ing good Ught. Accordingly at night I again advanced on my way, which indeed I was obliged to do, for my corn was quite gone, and not more than a pound of my pork remained to me. I travelled hard through the night, and afier the morning star rose, came to a riv- er, which 1 think must have been the Yadkin. It appeared to be about two hundred yards wide, and tlie water ran with great rapidity in it. Waiting until tlie eastern horizon was tinged with the first rays of the morning light, I entered tlie river at the ford, and waded until the water was nearly three feet deep, when it felt as if it was cutting the flesh from the bones of my limbs, and a large cake of ice floating downward, forced me off my balance, and 1 was near falling. My courage failed me, and I returned to the shore ; but found the pain that al- ready tormented me, greatly increased, when I was out of the water, and exposed to the action of the open air. Returning to the river, 1 plunged into the current to relieve me from the pinching frost, that gnawed every part of my skin that had become wet ; and rushing forward as fast as the weight of the water, that pressed me downward, would permit, was soon up to my chin in melted ice, when rising to the surface, I exerted my utmost strength and skill to gain the opposite shore by swimming in the shortest space of time. At every stroke of my arms and legs, they were cut and bruised by cakes of solid 448 NARRATIVE OF THE ice, or weighed down by floating masses of congeal- ed snow. It is impossible for human Hfe to be long sustain- ed in such an element as that which encompassed me ; and I had not been afloat five minutes before 1 felt chilled in all my members, and in less than the double of that time, my limbs felt numbed, and my hands became stiff, and almost powerless. When at the distance of thirty feet from the shoie, my body was struck by a violent current, produced by a projecting rock above me, and driven with re- sistless violence down the stream. Wholly unable to contend with the fury of the waves, and penetra- ted by the coldness of death, in my inmost vitals, I gave myself up for lost, and \\as commending my soul to God, whom I expected to be my immediate judge, when I perceived the long hanging branch of a large tree, sweeping to and fro, and undulating backward and forward, as its extrennlies were wash- ed by the surging current of the liver, just below me. In a moment I was in contact with the tree, and making the effort of despair, seized one of its limbs. Bowed down by the weight of my body, the branch yielded to the power of the water, which rushing against my person, swept me round like the quad- rant of a circle, and dashed me against the shore, wdiere clinging to some roots that grew near the bank, the limb of the tree left me, and springing with elastic force to its former position, again dipped its slender branches in the mad stream. Crawling out of the water, and being once more ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 449 Oil dry land, I found my circumstances little less des- perate, than when 1 was struggling with the floating ice. The morning was frosty, and icicles hung in long pendant groups from the trees along the shore of the river, and the hoar frost glistened in sparkling ra- diance, upon the polished surface of the smooth snow, as it whitened all the plain before me, and spread its chill but beautiful covering through the woods. There were three alternatives before me, one of which I knew must quickly be adopted. The one was to obtain a fire, by which I could dry and warm my slifiened limbs ; the second was to die, without the fire ; the third, to go to the first house, if I could reacli one, and surrender myself as a runaway slave. Staggering, rather than walking forward, until I gained the cover of a wood, at a short distance from the river, I turned into it, and found that a field bor- dered the wood within less than twenty rods of the road. Within a few yards of this fence I stopped, and taking out my fire apparatus, to my unspeakable joy, found them dry and in perfect safety. With the aid of my spunk, and some dry moss gathered from the fence, a small flame was obtained, to v/hich dry leaves being added from the boughs of a white oak tree, that had fallen before the frost of the last autumn had commenced, I soon had fire of sufficient intensity, to consume dry wood, with which I sup- plied it, partly from the fence, and partly from the branches of the fallen tree. Having raked away the snow from about the fire, by the time the sun was up, my frozen clothes were smoking before the 38* 450 NARRATIVE OF THE coals — warming first one side and then the other — ■ 1 felt the glow of returning life, once more invigora- ting my blood, and giving animation to my frozen limbs. The public road was near me on one hand, and an enclosed field was before me on the other, but m my present condition, it was impossible for me to leave this place to-day, without danger of perishing in the woods, or of being arrested on the road. As evening came on, the air became much colder than it was in the forenoon, and after night the wind rose high, and blew from the northwest, with in- tense keenness. My limbs were 3'et stiff from the eflects of my morning adventure, and to complete my distress, I was totally without provisions, having left a few ears of corn, that 1 had in my pocket, on the other side of the river. JiCaving my fire in the night, and advancing into the field near me, I discovered a house at so i.e dis- tance, and as there was no light, or sign of fire about it, ] determined to reconnoitre the premises, which turned out to he a small barn, standing alone, with no other inhabitants about it than a few cattle and a flock of sheep. After much trouble, 1 succeeded in entering the barn by starting the nails that confined one of the boards at the corner. Entering the house 1 found ii nearly filled with corn, in the husks, and some from which the husks had been removed, was lying in a heap, in one corner. Into these husks I crawled, and covering myself deeply under them, soon became warm, and fell into ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 451 a profound sleep, from which I was awakened by the noise of people walking about in the barn, and talking of the cattle and sheep, which it appeared they had come to feed, for they soon commenced working in the corn husks, with which I was cover- ed, and throwing them out to the cattle. I expected at every moment that they would uncover me; but fortunately before they saw me, ihey ceased their operations, and went to work, some husking corn, and throwing the husks on the pile over me, while others were employed in loading the husked corn into carts, as I learned by ihcir conversation, and hauling it away to the house. The people contin- ued working in the barn all day, and in the evening gave more husks to the cattle and went home. Waiting two or throe hours afier my visiters were gone, I rose from the pile of husks, and filling my pockets with ears of corn, issued from the barn, at the same [)lace by which 1 had entered it, and re- turned to the woods, where I kindled a fire in a pine thicket, and parched more than half a gallon of corn. Before day I returned to the barn, and again secreted myself in the corn husks, in the morning the peo- ple again returned to their work, and husked corn until the evening. At night, T again repaired to the woods, and parched more corn. In this manner I passed more than a month, lying in the barn all day, and going to the woods at night ; but at length the corn was all husked, and 1 watched daily the progress that was made in feeding the cattle with the husks, knowing that I must quit my winter retreat. 452 NARRATIVE OF THE before the husks were exhausted. Before the husk- ed corn was removed from the barn, 1 had conveyed several bushels of the ears into the husks, near my bed, and concealed them for my winter's stock. Whilst I lay in this barn, there were frequent and great changes of weather. The snow that covered the earth to the depth of two feet, when I came here, did not remain more tlian ten days, and was suc- ceeded by more than a week of warm rainy w^eath- er, which was in turn succeeded by several da3^s of dry weather, with cold high winds from the north. The month of February was cloudy and damp, with several squalls of snow and frequent rains. About the first of March, the atmosphere became clear and dry, and the winds boisterous from the west. On the third of this month, having filled my little bag and all my packets with parched corn, I quitted my winter quarters about ten o'clock at night, and again proceeded on my way to the north, leaving a large heap of corn husks still lying in the corner of the barn. Oa leaving this place, I again pursued the road that had led me to it, for several nights ; crossing many small streams in my way, all of wbich I was able to pass without swimming, though several of them were so deep, that they wet me as high as my arm-pits. This road led nearly northeast, and was the only road that I had fallen in with, since I left Georgia, that had maintained that direction for so great a distance. Nothing extraordinary befell me until the twelfth of March, when venturing to turn ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 453 out earlier than usual in the evening, and proceeding alonir the road, I found that my way led me down a hill, along the side of which the road had heen cut into the earth ten or twelve feet in deplh, having steep banks on each side, which were now so damp and slippery, that it was impossible for a man to ascend either the one or the other. ^Vhil-L in this narrow place, 1 heard the sound of horses proceeding up the hill to meet me. Stopping to listen, in a moment almost two horsemen were close before me. trotting up the road. To escape on either liand was impossible, and to retreat back- wards would have exposed me to certain destruction. Oidy one means of salvation was left, and I embra- ced it. Near the place where I stood, was a deep gully cut in one side of the road, by the water which hail run down here in time of rains. Into this gully I threw myself, and lying down close to the ground, the horsemen rode almost over me, and passed on. When they were gone I arose, and descending the hill, found a river before me. In crossing this stream, I was compelled to swim at least two hundred yards ; and found the cold so oppressive, after coming out of the water, that I was forced to stop at tlie first thick woods that I could fmd and make a fire to dry myself. 1 did not move again until the next night ; and on the fourth night after this, came to a great river, which I suppose was the Roanoke. I was obliged to swim this stream, and was carried a great wa}^ down by the rapidity of the current. It must have been more 454 NARRATIVE OP THE than an hour from the time that I entered the water, until I reached the opposite shore, and as the rivers were yet very cold, I suffered greatly at this place. Judging by the aspect of the country, I believed myself to be at this time in Virginia ; and was now reduced to the utmost extremity, for want of provi- sions. The corn that I had parched at the barn, and brought with me, was nearly exhausted, and no more was to be obtained in the fields, at this season of the year. For three or four days I allov^ed my- self only my two hands full of parched corn per day ; and after this I travelled three days without tasiing food of any kind ; but being nearly exhausted with hunger, I one night entered an old stack-yard, ho- ping that I might fall in with pigs, or poultry of some kind. I found, instead of these, a stack of oats, which had not been threshed. From this stack I took as much oats in the sheaf, as I could carry, and going on a few miles, slopped in a pine forest, made a large fire, and parched at least half a gallon of oats, after rubbing the grain from the straw. After the grain was parched, I again rubbed it in my hands, to separate it from the husks, and spent the night in feasting on parched oats. The weather was now becoming quite warm, though the water was cold in the rivers ; and I per- ceived the farmers had everywhere ploughed their fields, preparatory to planting corn. Every night I saw people burning brush in the new grounds that they were clearing of the wood and brush ; and when the day came, in the morning after I obtained ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 455 (be oats, I perceived people planting corn in a field about balf a mile from my fire. According to my computation of time, it was on tbe nigbt of the last day of March that I obtained the oats ; and the appearance of the country satisfied me, that I had not lost many days in my reckoning. 1 lay in this pine-wood two days, for the purpose of recruiting my strength, after my long fast ; and when 1 again resumed my journey, determined to seek some large road leading towards the nortli, and follow it in future ; the one that I had been pursuing of late, not appearing to be a i)rincipal high-way of (he country. For this purpose, striking off across tbe fields, in an easterly direction, I travelled a few hours, and was fortunate enough to come to a great road, which was manifestly much travelled, leading towards the northeast. i\Iy bag was now replenished with more than a gallon of parched oats, and I had yet one pair of moccasins made of raw hide ; but my shirt was to- tally gone, and my last pair of trousers was now in actual service. A tolerable waistcoat still remained to me, and my great coat, though full of honourable scars, was yet capable of much service. Having resolved to pursue the road I was now in, it was necessary again to resort to the utmost degree of caution, to prevent surprise. Travelling only af- ter it was dark, and taking care to stop before the ap- pearance of day, my progress was not rapid, but my safety was preserved. The acquisition of food had now become difficult, 456 NARRATIVE OF THE and when my oats began to fail, I resorted to the dangerous expedient of attacking the corn-crib of a planter that was near the road. The house was built of round logs, and was covered with boards. One of these boards 1 succeeded in removing, on the side of the crib opposite from the dwelling, and by thrusting my arm downwards, was able to reach the corn — of which I took as much as filled my bag, the pockets of my great coat, and a large hand- kerchief, that I had preserved through all the vicissi- tudes of my journey. This opportune supply of corn furnished me with food more than a week, and before it was consumed, I reached the Appomat- tox river, which I crossed in a canoe, that 1 found tied at the shore, a few miles above the town of Peters- burg. Having approached Petersburg in the night, 1 was afraid to attenipt to pass through it, lest the patrol should fall in with me; and turning to the left through the country, reached the river, and cross- ed in safety. The great road leading to Richmond is so distin- guishingly marked above tlie other ways in this part of Virginia, that there was no difficulty in following it, and on the third night after passing Petersburg, 1 obtained a sight of the capitol of Virginia. It was only a little after midnight, when the city presented itself to my sight ; but here, as well as at Petersburg, I was afraid to attempt to go through the town, un- der cover of the darkness, because of the patrol. Turning, therefore, back into a forest, about two miles from the small town on the south-side of the ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 457 river, I lay there until after twelve o'clock in the day, when loosening the package from my back, and taking it in my hand in the form of a bundle, I ad- vanced into the village, as if I had only come from some plantation in the neighbourhood. This was on Sunday, I believ^e, though accord- ing to my computation, it was Monday ; but it must have been Sunday, for the village was quiet, and in passing it, 1 only saw two or three persons, whom I passed as if I had not seen them. No one spoke to me, and I gained the bridge in safety, and cross- ed it without attracting the least attention. Entering the city of Richmond, I kept along the principal street, walking at a slow pace, and turning my head from side to side, as if much attracted by the objects around me. Few persons were in the street, and I was careful to appear more attentive to the houses than to the people. At the upper end of the city I saw a great crowd of ladies and gentel- men, who were, I believe, returning from church. Whilst these people were passing me, 1 stood in the street, on the outside of the foot pavement, with my face turned to the opposite side of the street. They all went by without taking any notice of me : and when they were gone, I again resumed my leisure walk along the pavement, and reached the utmost limit of the town without being accosted by any one. As soon as I was clear of the city I quickened my pace, assumed the air of a man in great haste, some- times actually ran, and in less than an hour was safely lodged in the thickest part of the woods that 39 458 NARRATIVE OF THE lay on the north of Richmond, and full four miles from the river. This was the boldest exploit that I had performed since leaving my mistress, except the visit I paid to the gentleman in Georgia. My corn was now failing, but as I had once en- tered a crib secretly, I felt but httle apprehension on account of future supplies. After this time I never wanted corn, and did not again suffer by hunger, until I reached the place of my nativity. After leaving Richmond, 1 again kept along the great road by which 1 had travelled on my way south, taking great care not to expose my person unneces- sarily. For several nights I saw no white people on the way, but was often met by black ones, w horn 1 avoided by turning out of the road ; but one moon- light night, five or six days after I left Richmond, a man stepped out of the woods almost at my side, and acco.titing me in a familiar manner, asked me which way 1 was travelling, how long 1 had been on the road, and made many inquiries concerning the course of my late journey. This man was a mulatto, and carried a heavy cane, or rather club, in his hand. I did not like his appearance, and the idea of a fami- har conversation with any one seemed to terrify me. I determined to watch my companion closely, and he appeared equally intent on observing me; but at the same time that he talked with me, he was con- stantly drawing closer to, and following behind me. This conduct increased my suspicion, and I began to wnsh to get rid of him, but could not at the mo- ment imagine how I should effect my purpose. To ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 459 avoid hini, I crossed the road several times ; but still he folloued me closely. The inoon, which shone briglitly upon our backs, cast his shadow far before me and enabled me to perceive his motions with the ut- rnost accuracy, without turning my head towards i^'m. He carried his club under his left arm, and at length raised his riglu hand gently, took the stick by the end, and drawing it slowly over his head, was m the very act of striking a blow at me, when sprmgmg backward, and raising my own staff at the same moment, I brought him to the ground by a stroke on his forehead ; and when I had him down, beat him over the back and sides with my weapon, until he roared for mercy, and begged me not to kill him. I left him in no condition to pursue me, and hastened on my way, resolved to get as far from him before day as my legs would carry me. This man was undoubtedly one of those wretches who are employed by white men to kidnap and be- tray such unforf uiiate people of colour as may chance to fall into their hands ; but for once the deceiver was deceived, and he who intended to make prey of me, had well nigh fallen a sacrifice himself. The same night I crossed the Pammunky river, near the village of Hanover by swimming, and se- creted myself before day in a dense cedar thicket. The next night, after 1 had travelled several miles, in ascending a hill, I saw the head of a man rise on the opposite side, without having heard any noise, instantly ran into the woods, and concealed my- self behind a large tree. The traveller was on horse- 460 NARRATIVE OF THE back, and the road being sandy, and his horse mo- ving only at a walk, I had not heard his approach until I saw him. He also saw me ; for when he came opposite the place where I stood, he stopped his horse in the road, and desired me to tell him how far it was to some place, the name of which I have forgotten. As I made no answer, he again repeated the inquiry ; and tlien said, 1 need not be afraid to speak, as he did not wish to hurt me ; but no answer being given him, he at last said I might as well speak, and rode on. Before day I reached the Matapony river, and crossed it by wading ; but knowing that I was not far from Maryland, 1 fell into a great indiscretion, and forgot the wariness and caution that had ena- bled me to overcome obstacles apparently insur- mountable. Anxious to get forward, I neglected to conceal myself before day ; but travelled until day- break before 1 sought a place of concealment, and unfortunately, when I looked for a hiding place, none was at hand. This compelled me to keep on the road, until gray twilight, for the purpose of reach- ing a wood that was in view before me ; but to gain this wood I was obliged to pass a house, that stood at (he road side, and when only about fifty yards beyond the house, a white man opened the door, and seeing me in the road, called to me to stop. As this order was not obeyed, he set his dog upon me. The dog was quickly vanquished by my stick, and setting off to nm at full speed, 1 at the same moment heard the report of a gun, and received its contents in my #^ ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 461 legs, chiefly about, and in my hams. I fell on the road, and was soon surrounded by several persons, who it appeared were a party of patrollers, who had gather- ed together in this house. They ordered me to cross my hands, which order not being immediately obey- ed, they beat me with sticks and stones until I was almost senseless, and entirely unable to make resist- ance. Tliey then bound me with cords, and drag- ged me by the feet back to the house, and threw me into the kitchen, like a dead dog. One of my eyes was almost beaten out, and tlic blood was running from my mouth, nose and cars ; but in this condition they refused to wash the blood from my face, or even to give me a drink of water. In a short time, a justice of the peace arrived, and when he looked at me, ordered me to be unbound, and to fiave water to wash myself, and also some bread to eat. This man's heart appeared not to be altogether void of sensibility, for he reprimanded, in harsh terms, those who had beaten me ; told them that their conduct was brutal, and that it would have been more humane to kill me outright, than to bruise and mangle me in the manner they had done. He then interrogated me as to my name, place of abode, and place of destination, and afterwards de- manded the name of my master. To all these in- quiries I made no reply, except that I was going to Maryland, where I lived. The justice told me it was his duty under the law, to send me to jail ; and I was immediately put into a cart, and carried to a 39* 462 NARRATIVE OF THE small village called Bowling Green, which I reached before ten o'clock. There I was locked up in the jail, and ^ doctor came to examine my legs, and extract the shot from my wounds. In the course of the operation he took out thirty-four duck shot, and after dressing my legs left me to my own reflections. No fever followed in the train of my disasters,- which I attributed to the re- duced state of my blood, by long fasting, and the fa- tigues I had undergone. In the afternoon, the jailer came to see me, and brought my daily allowance of provisions, and a jug of water. The provisions consisted of more than a pound of corn-bread, and some boiled bacon. As my appetite was good, I immediately devoured more than two-thirds of this food, but reserved the rest for supper. For several days I was not able to stand, and in this period found great ditficulty in performing the ordinary offices of life for myself, no one coming to give me any aid ; but I did not suffer for want of food, the daily allowance of the jailer being quite sufficient to appease the cravings of hunger. After I grew better, and was able to walk in the jail, the jailer frequently called to see me, and endeavour- ed to prevail on me to tell where I had come from ; but in this undertaking, he was no more successful tlian the justice had been in the same business. I remained in the jail more than a month, and in this time became quite fat and strong, but saw no way by which I could escape. The jail was of ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 463 brick, the floors were of solid oak boards, and the door, of the same material, was secured by iron bolts, let into its posts, and connected together by a strong band of iron, reachini:^ from the one to the other. Every thing appeared sound and strong, and to add to my security, my feet were chained together, from the time my wounds were liealed. This chain I acquired the knowledge of removing from my feet, by working out of its socket a small iron pin that secured the bolt that held the chain round one of my legs. Tiie jailer came to sec me willi great regularity, every morning and evening, but remained only a few minutes, when he came, leaving me entirely alone at all other times. CHAPTER XXIV. When I had been in prison thirty-nine days, and had (juite recovered from the wounds that 1 had re- ceived, the jailer was late in coming to me with my breakfast, and going to the door I began to beat against it with my fist, for the purpose of making a noise. After beating some time against the door I happened, by mere accident, to strike my fist against one of the posts, which, to my surprise, I discovered by its sound, to be a mere hollow shell, encrusted with a thin coat of sound timber, and as I struck it, the rotten 464 NARRATIVE OF THE wood crumbled to pieces within. On a more careful examination of this post, T became satisfied that I could easily split it to pieces, by the aid of the iron bolt that confined my feet. The jailer came with my breakfast, and reprimanded me for making a noise. This day appeared as long to me, as a week had done heretofore ; but night came at length, and as soon as the room in which I was confined, had become quite dark, I disentangled myself fiom the irons with which I was bound, and with the aid of the long bolt, easily wrenched from its place, the large staple that held one end of the bar, that lay across the door. The hasps that held the lock in its place, were drawn away almost without force, and the door swung open of its own weight. I now walked out into the jail-yard, and found that all was quiet, and that only a few lights were burning in the village windows. At first 1 walked slowly along the road, but soon quickened my pace, and ran along the high-way, until I was more than a mile from the jail, then taking to the woods, I tra- velled all night, in a northern direction. At the ap- proach of day I concealed myself in a cedar thicket, where I lay until the next evening, without any thing to eat. On the second night after my escape, I crossed the Potomac, at Hoe's ferry, in a small boat that I found tied at the side of the ferry flat ; and on the night follovv'ing crossed the Patuxent, in a canoe, which I found chained at the shore. About one o'clock in the morning, I came to the I ADVEXTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 465 door of my wife's cabin, and stood there, I believe, more than five minutes, before I could summon sufficient fortitude to knock. I at length rapped lightly on the door, and was immediatly asked, in the well-known voice of my wife,'' Who is there?"— I replied " Charles. " She then came tothe door, and opening it slowly, said, ''Who is this that speaks so much like my husband?" I then rushed into the cabin and made myself known to her, but it was some time before I could convince her, that I was really her husband, returned from Georgia. The chil- dren were then called up, but they had forgotten me. When I attempted to take tliem in my arms, they lied from me, and took refuge under the bed of their mother. My eldest boy, who was four years old when I was cairit d away, still retained some recol- lections of once having had a father, but could not believe that I was that father. My wife, who at first was overcome by astonishment at seeing me again in her cabin, and was incapable of giving credit to tlie fidelity of her own vision, after I had beoii m the house a few minutes, seemed to awake from a dream ; and gathering all three of her chil- dren in her arms, thrust them into my lap, as I sat in the corner, clapped her hands, laughed, and cried by turns ; and in her ecstasy forgot to give me any supper, until I at length told her that I was hun- gry. Before I entered the house I felt as if I could eat any thing in the shape of food ; but now that I attempted to eat, my appetite had fled, and I sat up all night with my wife and children. 466 NARRATIVE OF THE When on my journey I thought of nothing but getting home, and never reflected, that when at home, I might still be in danger : but now that my toils were ended, I began to consider with myself how I could appear in safety in Calvert county, where everybody must know that I was a runaway slave. With my heart thrilling with joy, when i looked upon my wife and children, who had not hoped ever to behold me again ; yet fearful of the coming of daylight, which must expose me to be arrested as a fugitive slave, I passed the night be- tween the happiness of the present and the dread of the future. In all the toils, dangers, and suller- ings of my long journey, my courage had never forsaken me. The hope of again seeing my wife and little ones, had borne me triumphantly through perils, that even now I reflect upon as upon some extravagant dream ; but when I found myself at rest under the roof of my wife, the object of my la- bours attained, and no motive to arouse my ener- gies, or give them the least impulse, that firmness of resolution which had so long sustained me, sud- denly vanished from my bosom ; and I passed the night, with my children around me, oppressed by a melancholy foreboding of my future destiny. The idea that I was utterly unable to afford protection and safeguard to my own family, and was myself even more helpless than they, tormented my bosom with alternate throbs of affection and fear, until the dawn broke in the east, and summoned me to decide upon my future conduct. ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 467 When morning came, I went to tlie great house, and showed myself to my wife's master and mistress who treated me with great kindness, and gave me a good breakfast. Mr. Symmes at first advised me to conceal myself, but soon afterwards told me to go to work in the neigbourhood for wages. I continued to hire myself about among the farmers, until after the war broke out ; and until Commodore Barney came into the Patuxent with his flotilla, when I en- listed on board one of his barges, and was em- ployed sometimes in tlie capacity of a seaman, and sometimes as cook of the barge. I had been on board, only a few days, when the British fleet entered the Patuxent, and forced our flo- tilla high u() the river. I was present when the flo- tilla was blown up, and assisted in the performance of that operation upon the barge that I was in. The guns and the principal part of the armament of the flotilla, were sunk in the river and lost. I marched with the troops of Barney, from Bene- dict to Bladensburg, and travelled nearly the whole of the distance, through heavy forests of timber, or numerous and dense cedar thickets. It is my opinion, that if General Winder had marched the half of the troops that he had at Bladensburg, down to the lower part of Prince George county, and attacked the Brit- ish in these woods and cedar thickets, not a man of them would ever have reached Bladensburg. I feel confident that in the country through which I marched, one hundred Americans would have des- 468 NARRATIVE OF THE troyed a thousand of the enemy, by feUing trees across the road, and attacking them in ambush. When we reached Bladensburg, and the flotilla men were drawn up in line, to work at their cannon, armed with their cutlasses, I volunteered to assist in working the cannon, that occupied the first place, on the left of the Commodore. We had a full and perfect view of the British army, as it advanced along the road, leading to the bridge over the East Branch ; and I could not but admire the handsome manner in which the British officers led on their fa- tigued and w^orn-out soldiers. I thought then, and think yet, that General Ross w as one of the finest looking men that 1 ever saw on horseback. I stood at my gun, until the Commodore was shot down, wlien he ordered us to retreat, as I was told by the officer w^ho commanded our gun. If the mi- litia regiments, that lay upon our right and left, could have been brought to charge the British, in close fight, as they crossed the bridge, we should have killed or taken the whole of them in a short time; but the miUtia ran hke sheep chased by dogs. My readers will not, perhaps, condemn me if I here make a short digression from my main narra- tive, to give some account of the part that I took in the war, on the shores of the Chesapeake, and the Patuxent. I did not enlist with Commodore Barney until the month of December, 1813; but as I resided in Calvert county, in the summer of 1813, I had an opportunity of witnessing many of the evils that fol- ADVENTURES OP CHARLES BALL. 469 lowed in the train of war, before I assumed the pro- fession of arms myself. In the spring of the year 1813. the British fleet came into the bay. and from this time, the origin of the troubles and distresses of the people of the Wes- tern Shore, may be dated. I liad been employed at a fisliery, near the m lulli of the Patuxcnt, from early in Mirch, until the latter part of May, when a British vessel of war came off the mouth of the river, and sent her boats up to drive us away from our fish- inj^ giound. There was but little property at the ii-hery that could b^ destroyed; but the enemy cut the seines to pieces, and l)urucd the sheils belonging to the [)lace. They tlien marched up two miles into the country,^ burned the house of a planter, and brought away with them several cattle, that were found in his fudds. They also carried olf more than twenty slaves, which were never again restored to their owner; although, on the following day, he went on board the ship, with a flag of truce, and offered a large ransom for these slaves. These were the first black people whom 1 had known to desert to the British, although the practice was afterwards so common. In the course of this summar, and the summer of 1814, several thousand black people deserted from their masters and mis- tresses, and escaped to the British fleet. None of these people were ever regained by their owners, as the British naval officers treated them as free peo- ple, and placed them on the footing of military de- serters. 40 470 NARRATIVE OF THE In the fall of this year, a lady by the name of Wilson, who owned moie than a hundred slaves, lost them all in one night, except one man, who had a wife and seveial children on an adjoining estate, and as he could not take his family with him, on account of the rigid guard that was kept over them, he re- fused to go himself. The slaves of Mrs. Wilson effected their escape in the following manner. Two or three of the men having agreed amongst themselves, that they would run away and go to the fleet, they stole a canoe one night, and went off to the ship, that lay nearest the shore. When on board, they informed the officer of the ship that their mistress owned more than a hundred other slaves, whom they had left behind them. They were then advised to return home, and remain there until the next night, and then bring with them to the beach, all the slaves on the plan- tation — the officer promising that he would send a detachment of boats to the shore, to bring them off. This advice was followed, and tlie fugitives returned before day, to their cabins, on the plantation of their mistress. On the next night, having communicated their plans to some of their fellow -slaves, they rose about midnight, an.l partly by persuasion, partly by com- pulsion, carried off all the slaves on the plantation, with the exception of the man already named. When they reached the beach, they kindled a fire, as had been concerted with the British officers, and the boats of the fleet came off, and removed this ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 471 whole party oil board. In tlie morning, when the overseer of Mrs. Wilson arose, and went to call his hands to the field, he found only empty cabins in the quarter, with a single man remaining, to tell what had become of his fellows. This was the greatest disaster that had befallen any individual in our neighbourhood, in the course of tlie war; and as the sufTerer was a lady, much sympathy was excited in her favour. A large num- ber of gentlemen met together, for the purpose of enJeavourinsr to devise some means of recovering^ the fugitive slaves. Their consultations ended in sending a deputation of gentlemen, on board the fleet? with a flag of truce, to solicit the restoration of the deserters, either as a matter of favour, or for such ransom, as might be agreed upon. Strong hopes were entertained, that the runaways might be in- duced voluntarily to return to the service of their mistress, as she had never treated them with great severity. To accomplish, if possible, this latter end, I was spoken to, to go along with the flag of truce, in the assumed character of the servant of one of the gen- tlemen who bore it; but in the real character of the advocate of the mistress, for the purpose of inducing her slaves to return to her service. We went on board the ship in the afternoon, and I observed, that the gentlemen who went with me, were received by the British officers with very little ceremony. The captain did not show himself on deck, nor were the gentlemen invited into his cabin. 472 NARRATIVE OF THE They were shown into a large square room under the first deck of the ship, which was a 74, and here a great number of officers came to talk to them, and ask them questions concerning the war, and the state of the country. The whole of the runaways were on board this ship, lounging about on the main deck, or leaning against the sides of the ship's bulwarks. 1 went amongst them, and talked to ihem a long time, on the subject of returning home ; but found that their heads were full of notions of liberty and happiness in ome of the AVest India islands. In the afternoon, all ihe gentlemen, except one, returned lionie in the boat that they had come off in. The gentleman, who remained on board, was a young man of pleasing manners and lively conver- sation, who appeared, even before the other gentle- men wlio had come with the flag had left the ship, to have become quite a favourite with the younger British oflficers. Permission was obtained of theBrit- ish captain, for this young gentleman to remain on board a few days, for tlie purpose, as he alleged, of seeing the curiosities of the ship. He had permis- sion to retain me with him as his servant; and I was instructed to exert myself to the utmost, to pre- vail on the runaway slaves to return to their mistress. The ship lay at anchor ofi'the shore of Calvert coun- ty, until the second night after I came on board, when, from some cause which I was not able to un- derstand, this ship and all the rest of the fleet, got under weigh, and stood down the Bay to the neigh^ ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 473 bourhoocl of Tangier Islands; where she again cast anchor, soon after sunrise the next morning, in ten fathoms water. I was now at least seventy or eighty miles from home, in a ship of the pubhc enemies of tlic country, and liable to be carried oH'to sea, and to be conveyed to the most distant part of the world. To increase my alarm, about noon of this day^ a sloop of war cast anchor under (lie stern of our ship; and all the black |)eople tliat were with us, were immedi- ately removed on board the sloop. I was invited, and even urged to go with the others, who, I was told, were bound to the island of Trinidad, in the ^Vest indies, w^hcre tliey would have lands given to them, and where they were to be free. I returned many thaidcs for their kind offers; but respectfully declined them; telling those who made tliem, that I was already a freeman, and though I owned no land myself, yet I could have plenty of land of other people to cultivate. In the evening, the sloop weighed ancfior, and stood down the Bay, with more than two hundred and fifty black people on board. I watched her as she sailed away from us, until the darkness of the night shut her out from my sight. In the morning she was not to be seen. What became of the miser- able mass of black fugitives, that this vessel took to sea, I never learned. My mission was now at an end, and I spoke this day to the young gentleman, under whose care I was, to endeavour to procure some means of conveying both him and me back again to Calvert. My prot jc- 40* 474 NARRATIVE OF THE tor seemed no less embarrassed than I was, and in- formed me, that the officers of the ship said they would not land us on the Western Shore, within less than two weeks. I was obliged to content myself in the best way I could, in my confinement on ship- board; and I amused myself by talking to the sailors, and giving them an account of the way in which I had passed my life on the tobacco and cotton planta- tions; in return for which, the seamen gave many long stories of their adventures at sea, and of the battles they had been engaged in. I lived well whilst on board this ship, as tfiey al- lowed me to share in a mess. In con;pensation for their civility, I gave them many useful instructions in the art of taking fish in the Bay. This great ship lay at anchor like a vast castle, moored by the cable; but there were many small vessels, used as tenders to the fleet, that were con- tinually sailing up and down the Bay, by vnght, as well as by day, in pursuit of any thing that they might fall in with, that they could take from the Americans. Whilst I was on board, I saw more than thirty vessels, cliiefly Bay craft, brought to our anchorage, and there burned, after being stripped of every thing valuable that could be taken from them. The people who manned and navigated these vessels, were made prisoners, and di3j)ersed amongst the several ships of the fleet, until they could be removed to Hah fax, or the West Indies. One day a small schooner was seen standing out of the mouth of iSan- ticoke river, and beating up the Bay. Chase was ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 475 im mediately given by several of the light vessels be- longing to the fleet, and continued until nightfall, when I could no longer see the sails; but the next day, the British vessels returned, bringing in their company the little schooner, which was manned by her owner, wlio acted as captain, and two boys. On board the schooner, besides her crew, were several passengers, seven in num!)er, I believe. The people were taken out of this liiile vessel, which was laden Willi Indian corn, and after her caruo had been re- moved, she was i)urned in view of her owner, who seeme.l miicli aflected at the sight, and said that it was all the property he owned in the world, and that his wife and children were now beggars. The passengers and crew of this little vessel, were all re- tained as prisoners of war, on board the 74, in which I was; and were shut up every night in a room on the lower gun deck. In this room there were sev- eral port-holes, which were sullered to remain open for the benefit of the air. After these people had been on board three or four days, a boat's crew, that had been out somewhere in the evening, when they returned to the ship, tied the boat with a long rope to one of the halyards of the ship, and left the boat floating near the ship's bows. Some time after night the tide turned, moved the boat along the side of the ship, and floated it directly under the port-holes of the prisoners' room. The night was dark and warm, and I had taken a station on the upper deck, and was leaning over the bulwarks, when my attention was drawn towards 476 NARRATIVE OP THE the water, by hearing something drop into the boat that lay along side. Dark as it was, I could see the forms of men passing out of the port-holes into the boat. In less than two minutes, nine persons had entered the boat; and 1 then heard a low whisper, which I could not understand; but immediately after- wards, saw the boat drifting with the tide; which convinced me that she was loose, and that ibe pri- soners were in her. I said nothing, and in a short time the boat was out of sight. She had, however, not been long gone, when the watch on deck passed near me. and looking over tlie side of the ship, called to the officer on deck, that the yawl was gone. The officer on deck instantly called to some one below to examine the room of the prisoners; and received for answer, that the prisoners had fled. A gun was im- mediately fired under me, on one of the lower decks ; the ship's bells were tolled; numerous blue lights were made read}^, and cast high into the air, which performing a curve in the atmosphere, illuminated the face of the water all the way from the ship to the place where tliey fell. The other ships in the fleet all answered by firing guns, casting out lights, and ringing their large bells. Three boats put off from our ship, in search of the fugitives, with as little de- lay as possible; and, after being absent more than an hour, returned without finding those who had escaped. This aflair presented one of the finest night scenes that can well be imagined. The deep thunder of the heavy artillery, as it broke upon the stillness of ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 477 the nightj and re-echoed from the distant shores; the solemn and mournful tones of the numerous bells, as they answered each other from ship to ship, as the sounds rose in the air, and died away in the distance, on the wide expanse of waters; with the shouts of the seamen, and the pale and ghastly ap- pearance of the blue lights, as they rose into the at- mosphere, and then descended and died away in the water — all combined (ogether, to affect both the eye and the car, in a manner (lie most in^pressive. One of the prisoners remained in the ship: not having courage to undertake, with his companions, the daring and dangerous exploit of escaping from the ship in her own boat. When the morning came, this man explained, to the officers of the ship, the whole pl[in tliat had been devised, and pursued by his companions. When they found that the boat had (li»ated under the port-holes of their room, some one of the number proposed to the rest, to attempt to escape, as the oars of the boat had been left in her; but a dilficulty suggested itself, at the outset, which was this: the oars could not be worked on the boat without making a great noise, sufficient to alarm the wat.cli on deck. To avoid this, one of the prisoners said he would imdertake to puUoffliis coat, and muf- fle one of the oars with it, and scull the boat until they should be clear of the fleet; when they could lay both oars on the boat, and row to shore. We lay much nearer to the Western Shore, than we were to the Eastern but this man said, the design of the prison- ers was to pull to the Eastern Shore. All the boats 478 NARRATIVE OF THE that went from our ship pulled for the Western Shore, and by this means the prisoners escaped, with- out being seen. The captain of the ship was much enraged at the escape of these prisoners, and swore he would be avenged of the Yankees in a short time. In this he was as good as his word ; for the very next day . he fitted out an expedition, consisting of eleven long boats, and more than two hundred men, who landed on the Western Shore, and burned three houses, with all their furniture, and killed a great number of cattle. The officer who lieacic J this expedition, brought back with him a large silk iiandkerchief full of sil- ver spoons, and other articles of silver plate. I saw him exhibit these tropliies of his valour amongst his brother officers, on the deck of the ship. After I had been on board nearly a w eek, a furi- ous northeast storm came on and blew for three days, accompanied witli frequent gusts of rain. In the evening of the second day, we saw two schoon- ers standing down the bay, and sailing close on the wind, so as to pass between the fleet and the Eastern Shore. As it was dangerous for large ships to ap- proach much nearer the Eastern Shore than where we lay, several of the tenders of the fleet, amounting in all to more than a dozen, were ordered, by signal, to intercept the strange sails, and bring them to the fleet. The tenders got under weigh and stood before the wind, for the purpose of encountering the schooners, ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 479 as they came down the Bay. These schooners proved to be two heavy armed American privateers, and when the tenders approached them a furious bat- tle commenced, with cannon, which lasted more than an hour, and until the privateers had passed quite below the anchorage of the fleet. Several of the tenders were much damaged in their hulls and rigging; and it was said that they lost more than twenty men. I could not perceive that the privateers sustained the least injury, as they ne- ver sliortened sail, nor altered their course, until they had passed to the windward of all the ships of the fleet, when they changed tlieir bearing, and stood for the Capes of Virginia. There were nearly forty vessels in the fleet, great and small; and yet these two privateers braved the whole of them in open day- liglit, and went to sea in spite of them. On the ninth day after we came on board, the fleet again moved up the Bay, and when we were oflf the mouth of the Potomac, the captain sent the young gentleman, in whose service I was, together with myself, on shore in his own gig. The lieutenant who had command of the gig, after he set us on shore, went up to the house of a farmer, whose estate fey opon to the Bay, and after pil- fering the premises of every thing that he could carry away, set fire to the house, and returned to his boat. In the course of the summer and fall of the year 1813, 1 witnessed many other atrocities, of equal enormity. I continued with the army after the sack of Wash- 480 NARRATIVE OF THE ington, and assisted in the defence of Baltimore ; but in tiie fall of 1814, 1 procured my discharge from the army, and went to work in Baltimore, as a free black man. From this time, until the year 1820, 1 worked in various places in Maryland, as a free man ; sometimes in Baltimore, sometimes in Annapolis, and frequently in Washington. My wife died in the year 1816, and from that time 1 was not often in Calvert county. I was fortunate in the enjoyment of good health; and by constant economy I found myself in possession, in the year 1820, of three hun- dred and fifty dollars in money, the proceeds of my labour. I now removed to the neis^hbourhood of Baltimore, and purchased a lot of twelve acres of ground, upon which I erected a small house, and became a fai mer on my own account, and upon my own propei ty. I purchased a 3'oke of oxen and two cows, and be- came a regular attendant of the Baltimore market, where 1 sold the products of m}^ own farm and dairy. In the course of two or three years, I had brought my little farm into very good culture, and had increa- sed my stock of cattle to four cows and several young- er animals. I now lived very happily, and had an abundance of all the liecessaries of life around me. I had married a second wife, who bore me four chil- dren, and I now looked forward to an old age of com- fort, if not of ease; but I was soon to be awakened from this dream I ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 481 CHAPTER XXV. In the month of June, 1830, as I was pl< ughing in my lot, three gentlemen rode up to my fence, and ahgliting from their horses, all came over the fence and approached me, when one of them told me he was the sheriff, and had a writ in his pocket, which commanded him to take me to Baltimore. I was not conscious of having done any thing injurious to any one ; but yet felt a distrust of these men, who were all strangers to me. I told them I would go with them, if they would permit me to turn my oxen loose from the plough; but it was my intention to seek an opportunity of escaping to the house of a gentleman, who lived about a mile from me. This purpose I was not able to effect, for whilst I was taking the yoke from the oxen, one of the gentlemen came be- hind me, and knocked me down, with a heavy whip that he carried in his hand. When I rdcovered from the stunning effects of this blow, I found myself bound with my hands behind me, and strong cords closely wrapped about my arms. In this condition I was forced to set out immediate- ly, for Balitmore, without speaking to my wife, or even entering my door. I expected that, on arriving at Baltimore, I should be taken before a judge for the purpose of being tried, but in this I was deceived. They led me to the city jail, and there shut me up, with several other black people, both men and women. 41 ' 482 NARRATIVE OF THE who told me that they had lately been purchased by a trader from Georgia. I now saw the extent of my misfortune, but could not learn who the persons were, who had seized me. In theeveninof however, one of the gentlemen, who had brought me from home, came into the jail with the jailer, and asked me if 1 knew him. On being answered in the negative, he told me that he knew me very well; and asked me if 1 did not recollect the time when he and his brother had whipped me, be- fore my master's door, in Georgia. I now recognised the features of the younger of the two brothers of my mistress ; but this man was so changed m his appearance, from the time when I had last seen him, that if he had not' declared him- self, I should never have known him. When 1 left Georgia, he was not more than twenty-one or two years of age, and had black, bushy hair. His hair was now thin and gray, and all his features were changed. After lying in jail a little more than two wrecks, strongly ironed, my fellow prisoners and 1 were one day chained together, handcuffed in pairs, and in this way driven about ten miles out of Baltimore, where we remained all night. On the evening of ihe second day, w^e halted at Bladensburg, and were shut up in a small house, within full view of the very ground, where sixteen years before I had fought in the ranks of the army of the United States, in defence of the liberty and in- dependence of that which I then regarded as my ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 483 country. It seemed as if it had been but yesterday that 1 had seen the British columns, advancing across the bridge now before me, directing their fire against me, and my companions in arms. The thought now struck me, that if T had deser- ted that day, and gone over to the enemies of the United States, how different would my situation at this moment have been. And this, thought I, is the reward of the part I bore in the dangers and fatigues of that disastrous battle. On the next morning, v.e marched through Wash- ington, and as we passed in front of the President's Jiouse, I saw an old gentleman walking in the grounds, near tlie gate. Tbis man I was told was the President ^'\he United States. Within four weeks after we left Washington, I was in Milledgeville in Georgia, near which the man who had kidnapped me, resided. He took me home with him, and set me to work on his plantation ; but I had now enjoyed liberty too long to submit quietly to the endurance of slavery. I had no sooner come here, than I began to devise ways of escaping again from the hands of my tyrants, and of making my way to the northern states. The month of August was now approaching, which is a favourable season of the year to travel, on account of the abundance of food that is to be found in the corn fields and orchards; but I remem- bered the dreadful sufferings that I had endured in my former journey from the south, and determined 484 NARRATIVE OF THE if possible, to devise some scheme of getting away^ that would not subject me to sucli hardships. After several weeks of consideration, I resolved to run away, go to some of the seaports, and endeavour to get a passage on board a vessel, bound to a north- ern city. With this view, I assumed the appearance of resignation and composure, under the new aspect of my fortune ; and even went so far as to tell my new master that I lived more comfortably with him, in his cotton fields, than I had form rly done, on ray own small farm in Maryland ; though I believe my master did me the justice to give no credit to my as- sertions, on this subject. From the moment I discovered in Maryland, that I had fallen into the hands of the brother of my for- mer mistress, I gave up all hope of contesting his right to arrest me, with success, at law, as I supposed he had come with authority to reclaim me as the property of his sister; but after I had returned to Georgia, and had been at work some weeks on the plantation of my new master, I learned that he now claimed me as his own slave, and that he had report- ed he had purchased me in Baltimore. It was now clear to me that this man, having by some means learned the place of my residence, in Maryland, had kidnapped and now held me as his slave, without the colour of legal right ; but complaint on my part was useless, and resistance vain. 1 was again reduced to the condition of a common field slave, on a cotton plantation in Georgia, and compelled to subsist on the very scanty and coarse ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 485 food, allowed to the soutliern slaves. I had been absent from Georgia, almost twenty years, and in that period, great changes had doubtlessly taken place in the face of the country, as well as in the con- dition of human society. I had never been in Milledgeville, until I was brought there by the man who had kidnapped me in Maryland ; and I was now a slave among entire strangers, and had no friend to give me the consola- tion of kind words, such as 1 had formerly received from my master in Morgan county. The planta- tion on which I was now a slave, had formerly be- longed to the fatlierof my mistress; and some of my fellow-slaves had been well acquainted with her, in her youth. From these people I learned, that after the death of my master, and my flight from Georgia, my mistress had become the wife of a second hus- band, who had removed with her to the state of Louisiana, more than fifteen years ago. After ascertaining tliese facts, which proved be- yond all doubt that my present master had no right whatsoever to me, in either law or justice, 1 deter- mined, that before encountering the dangers and sulTerings, that must necessarily attend my second flight from Georgia, 1 would attempt to claim the protection of the laws of the country, and try to get myself discharged from the unjust slavery in which I was now held. For this purpose, I went to Mil-t ledgeville, one Sunday, and inquired for a lawyer, of a black man whom I met in the street. This 41* 486 NARRATIVE OF THE person told me that bis master was a lawyer, and went with me to his house. The lawyer, after talking to me some time, told me that my master was his client, and that he there- fore could not undertake my cause ; but referred me to a young gentleman, who he said would do my business for me. Accordingly to this young man I went, and after relating my whole story to him, he told me that he believed he could not do any thing for me, as I had no witnesses to prove my freedom. I rejoined, that it seemed hard that I must be com- pelled to prove myself a freeman : and that it would appear more consonant to reason, that my master should prove me to be a slave. He, however, assured me that this was not the law of Georgia, where every man of colour was presumed to be a slave, un- til he could prove that he was free. He then told me that if I expected him to talk to me, I must give him a fee ; whereupon I gave him all the mo- ney I had been able to procure, since my arrival in the country, which was two dollars and seventy-five cents. When I offered him this money, the lawyer tos- sed his head, and said such a trifle was not Avorth ac- cepting ; but nevertheless he took it, and then asked me if I could get some more money before the next Sunday. That if I could get another dollar, he would issue a writ and have me brought before the court; but if he succeeded in getting me set free, I must engage to serve him a year. To these condi- tions I agieed, and signed a paper which the lawyer ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 487 wrot'^, and which was signed by two persons as wit- nesses. The brother of my pretended master, was yet Uv^- ing in tliis neighbourliood, and the lawyer advised me to have him brouglit forward, as a witness, to prove that I was not the slave of my present preten- ded owner. On the Wednesday following my visit to Milledge- ville, the sherilFcame to my master's plantation, and took me from the field to the house, telhng me as I walked beside him, that he had a writ which com- manded him to take me to Milledgeville. Instead, liowcver, of obeying the command of his writ, when we arrived at the house, he took a bond of my mas- ter that ho wpuld produce me at the court house on the next day, Friday, and then rode away, leaving me at the mercy of my kidnapper. Since I had been on tliis plantation, I had never been whipped, although all the other slaves, of whom there were more than fifty, were frequently Hogged witliout any apparent cause. I had all along attri- buted my exemption from the lash to the fears of my master. He knew I had formerly run away from his sister, on account of her cruelty, and his own savage conduct to me; and I believed that he was still apprehensive that a repetition of his former bar- barity might produce the same effect that it had done twenty years before. His evil passions were like fire covered with ashes, concealed, not extinguished. He now found that I was determined to try to regain my liberty at all 488 NARRATIVE OF THE events, and the sheriff was no sooner gone, than the overseer was sent for, to come from the field, and I was tied up and whipped, with the long lashed negro whip, until I fainted, and was carried in a state of insensibility, to my lodgings in the quarter. It was night when I recovered my understanding, sufficient- ly to be aware of my true situation. I now found that my wounds had been oiled, and that I was wrapped in a piece of clean linen cloth : but for sever- al days I was unable to leave my bed. When Fri- day came, I was not taken to Milledgeville, and afterwards learned that my master reported to the court, that I had been taken ill, and was not able to leave the house. The judge asked no questions as to the cause of my illness. At the end of two weeks, I was taken to Milledge- ville, and carried before a judge, who first asked a few questions of my master, as to the length of time that he had owned me, and the place where he had purchased me. He stated in my presence that he had purchased me, with several others, at public auction, in the city of Baltimore, and had paid five hundred and ten dollars for me. I was not permit- ted to speak to the court, much less to contradict this falsehood in the manner it deserved. The brother of my master was then called as a witness, by my lawyer ; but the witness refused to be sworn or examined, on account of his interest in me, as his slave. In support of his refusal, he produced a bill of sale from my master to himself, for an equal, undivided half part of the slave Charles. This bill ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 4S9 of sale was dated several weeks previous to the time of trial, and gave rise to an argument between the opposing lawyers, that continued until the court ad- journed in the evening. On the next morning I was again brought into court, and the judge now delivered his opinion, which was that the witness could not be compelled to give evidence in a cause to which he was really, though not nominally, a party. The court then proceeded to give judgment in the cause now before it, and declared that tbelaw was w^ell settled in Georgia, that every negro was presumed to be a slave, until he proved his freedom by the clear- est evidence. That w here a negro was found in the custody or keeping of a white man, the law declared that white man to be his master, without any evi- dence on the subject. But the case before the court, was exceedingly plain and free from all doubt or diffi- culty. Here the master has brought this slave into the state of Georgia, as his property, has held him as a slave ever since, and still holds him as a slave. The title of the master in this case, is the best title that a man can have to any property, and the order of the court is that the slave Charles be returned to the custody of his master. I was immediately ordered to return home, and from this time until I left the plantation, my life was a continual torment to me. The overseer often came up to me in the field, and gave me several lashes with his long whip, over my naked back, through mere wantonness; and I was often com- 490 NARRATIVE OP THE pelled, after I had done my day's work in the field, to cut wood, or perform some other labour at the house, until long after dark. My sufferings were too great to be borne long by any human creature; and to a man who had once tasted the sweets of hb- erty, they were doubly tormenting. There was nothing in the form of danger that could intimidate me, if the road on which I had to encounter it, led me to freedom. That season of the year, most favourable to my escape from bondage, had at length arrived. The corn in the fields was so far grown, as to be fit for roasting; the peaches were beginning to ripen, and the sweet potatoes were large enough to be eaten; but notwithstanding all this, the difficulties that surrounded me were greater than can easily be imagined by any one who has never been a slave in the lower country of Georgia. In the first place I was almost naked, having no other clothes than a ragged shirt of tow cloth, and a pair of old trousers of the same material, with an old woollen jacket that I had brought with me from home. In addition to this, I was closely watched eve- ry evening, until I had finished the labour assigned me,, and then I was locked up in a small cabin by myself for the night. This cabin was really a prison, and had been built for the purpose of confining such of the slaves of this estate, as were tried in the evening, and sentenced to be whipped in the morning. It was built of strong oak logs, hewn square, and dovetailed together at the corners. It had no window in it ; but as the log's ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 491 did not fit very close together, there was never any want of air in this jail, in which I had been locked up every night since my trial before the court. On Sundays I was permitted to go to work in the fields, with the other people who worked on tliat day, if I chose so to do; but at this time I was put under the charge of an old African negro, who was instruct- ed to give immediate information, if I attempted to le ive the field. To escape on Sunday was impos- sible, and there seemed to be no hope of getting out of my sleeping room, the floor of which was made of strong pine plank. Fortune at length did for me that which I had not been able to accomplish, by the greatest efforts, for myself The lock that was on the door of my nightly prison, was a large stock lock, and had been clumsily fitted on the door, so that the end of the lock pressed against the door-case, and made it diffi- cult to shut the door even in dry weather. When the weather was damp, and the wood was swollen with moisture, it was not easy to close the door at all. Late in the month of September, the weather be- came cloudy, and much rain fell. -The clouds con- tinued to obscure the heavens for four or five days. One evening, when I was ordered to my house, as it was called, the overseer followed me without a light, although it was very dark. When I was in the house, he pushed the door after me, with all his strength. The violence of the effort caused the door to pass within the case at the top, for one or two 492 NARRATIVE OF THE feet, and this held it so fast that he could not again pull it open. Supposing in the extreme darkness, that the door was shut, he turned the key; and the boh of the lock passing on the outside of the staple intended to receive it, completely deceived him. He then with- drew the key, and went away. Soon after he was gone, I went to the door, and feeling w^itli my hands, ascertained that it was not shut. An opportunity now presented itself for me to escape from my p son- house, with a prospect of being able to be so far from my master's residence before morning, that none could soon overtake me, even should the course of my flight be ascertained. Waiting quietly, until every one about the quarter had ceased to be heard, I applied one of my feet to the door, and giving it a strong push, forced it open. The w^orld was now all before me, but the dark- ness was so profound, as to obscure from my vision the largest objects, even a house, at the distance of a few yards. But dark as it was, necessity compelled me to leave the plantation without delay, and know- ing only the great road that led to Milledgeville, amongst the various roads of this country, I set off at a brisk walk on this public highway, assured that no one could apprehend me in so dark a night. It was only about seven miles to Milledgeville, and when I reached tiiat town several lights were burning in the windows of the houses; but keeping on directly through the village, I neither saw nor heard any person in it, and after gaining the open AOVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 493 country, my first care was to find some secure place where shelter could be found for the next day ; but no appearance of thick woods was to be seen for several miles, and two or three hours must hav^ elapsed be- fore a forest of sufficient magnitude was found to answer my purposes. It was perhaps tlnee o'clock in the morning, when I took refuge in a thick and dismal swamp that lay on the right hand of the road, intending to remaia here until daylight, and then bo'c out for a secret place to conceal myself in, during the day. Hither- to, although the night was so extremely dark, it had not rained any, but soon after my halt in the swamp, the rain began to fall in floods, rather than in showers, which made me as wet as if 1 had swum a river. Daylight at length appeared, but brought with it very little mitigation of my sall(3rings; for the swamp, in which my hiding-place was, lay in the midst of a well-peopled country, and was surround- ed, on all sides, by cotton and corn fields, so close to mc, that the open spaces of the cleared land could be seen from my position. It was dangerous to move, lest some one should see me; and painful to remain without food, when hunger was consuming m\ My resting place, in the swamp, was within view of the road ; and, soon after sunrise, although it continued to rain fast, numerous horsemen were seen passing along the road by the way that had led me to the swamp. There was little doubt on my mind, 42 494 NARRATIVE OF THE that these people were in search of nie, and the se- quel proved that my surmises were well founded. It rained throughout this day, and the fear of being apprehended by those who came in pursuit of me, confined me^to the swamp, until after dark the fol- lowing evening, when I ventured to leave the thick- et, and return to the high road, the bearing of which it was impossible for me to ascertain, on ac- count of the dense clouds that obscured the heavens. All that could be done in my situation, was to take care not to follow that end of the road which had led me to the swamp. Turning my back once more upon Milledgeville, and walking at a quick pace, every effort was made to remove myself, as far as possible this night, from the scene of suffering, for which that swamp will be always memorable in my mind. The rain had ceased to fall at the going down of the sun ; and the darkness of this second niglit, was not so srreat as that of the first had been. This cir- cumstance was regarded by me, as a happy presage of the final success that awaited my undertaking. Events proved that I was no prophet ; for the dim light of this night, was the cause of the dreaful mis- fortune that awaited me. In a former part of this volume, the reader is made acquainied with the deep interest that is taken by all the planters, far and wide, around the plan- tation from which a slave has escaped, by running away. Tv^^enty years had wrought no change in favour of the fugitive; nor had the feuds anddissen- ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 495 sions, that agitate and distract the communities of white men, produced any relaxation in the friend- ship that they profess to feel, and really do feel, for each other, on a question of so much importance to them all. More than twenty miles of road had been left be- hind me this nii^ht ; and it must have been two or three o'clock in the morning-, when, as I was passing a part of the road that led through a dense pine grove, where the trees on either side grew close to the wheel tracks, five or^six men suddenly rushed upon me, from both sides of the road, and with loud cries of "Kill him! kill him!" accompanied with oaths and opprobrious languafj^e, seized me, dragged me to the ground, and bound me fast with a long cord, which was wrapped round my arms and body, so as to confine my hands below my hips. In this condition, I was driven, or rather dragged, about two mil<^- to a kind of tavern or public house, that stood by the side of the road ; where my captors were joined, soon after daylight, by at least twenty of their companions, who had been out all night waiting and watching for me, on the other roads of this part of the country. Those who had taken me were loudly applauded by their fellows ; and the whole party passed the morning in drinking, sing- ing songs, and playing cards, at this house. At breakfast time, they gave me a large cake of corn bread, and some sour milk, for breakfast. About ten o'clock in the morning, my master ar- rived at the tavern, in company with two or three 496 NARRATIVE OF THE Other gentlemen, all strangers to me. My master, when he came into my presence, looked at me, and said, " Well, Charles, you had bad luck in running away this time;" and immediately asked aloud, what any person would give for me. One man, who was slightly intoxicated, said he would give four hundred dollars for me. Other bids followed, until my price v;as soon up to five hundred and eighty dollars, for which I was stricken oft', by my master himself, to a gentleman, who immediately gave his note for me, and took charge of me as his property. CHAPTER XXVI. The name of my new master was Jones, a plan- ter who was only a visiter in this part of the coun- try ; his residence being about fifty miles down the country. The next day, my new master set off* with me to the place of his residence; permitting me to wa k b. hind him, as he rode on horseback, and leavii'g me entirely unshackled. I was resolved, that as my own-r treated me with so much liberal- ity, the trust he reposed in me should not be broken until after we had reached his home: though the determination of again running away, and attempt- ing to escapa from Georgia, never abandoned me for a mo men:. The country through which we passed, on our ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 497 journey, was not rich. The soil was sandy, light, ancl in many places, much exhausted by excessive tillage. The timber, in the woods where the ground was high, was almost exclusively pine ; but many swamps, and extensive tracts 'of low ground inter- vened, in which maple, gum, and all the other trees common to such land in the south, abounded. No improvement in the condition of the slaves on the plantations, was here perceptible; but it ap- peared to me, that there was now even a greater want of good clothes, amongst the slaves on the various plantations that we passed, than had existed twenty years before. Everywhere, the overseers still kepi up the same custom of walking in the fields ^Vith the long whip, that has been elsewhere de- scribed ; and everywhere, the slaves proved, by the husky appearance of their skins, and the dry, sun- burnt aspect of ilicir hair, that they were strangers to animal food. On the second day of our journey, in the evening, wc arrived at the residence of my master; about erglity miles from Savannah. The plantation, which had now become the place of my residence, was not large : containing only about three hundred acres of cleared land, and having on it, about thirty working slaves of all classes. It was now the very midst of the season of pick- ing cotton, and, at the end of twenty years from the time of my first flight, I again had a daily task assigned me, with the promise of half a cent a pound, for all the cotton I should pick, beyond my day's 42* 498 NARRATIVE OF THE work. Picking cotton, like every other occupation requiring active rnanijDulation, depends more upon sleiglit, than strength ; and I was not now evble to pick so niUv^h in a day, as I was once able to do. My master seemed to be a man ardently bent on the acquisition of wealth, and came into the field, where we were at work, almost every day ; frequent- ly remonstrating, in strong language, with the overseer, l:>ecause he did not get more work done. Our rations, on this place, were a half peck of corn per week; in addition to which, we had rather more than a peck of sweet potatoes allowed to each person. Our provisions were distributed to us on every Sunday morning by the overseer ; but my master was generally present, either to see that justice was done to us, or that injustice was not done to himself. When I had been here about a week, my master came into the field one day, and, in passing near me, stopped and told me, that I had now fallen in- to good hands, as it was his practice not to whip his people much. That he, in truth, never whipped them, nor suffered his overseer to whip them, except in i'agrant cases. Thai he had discovered a mode of punishment much more mild, and, at the same time, much more effectual, than flogging; and that he governed his negroes exclusively under this mode of discipline. He then told me, that when I came home in the evening, I must come to the house; and ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 499 Ihar lie Avould then make nie acquainted with the principles upon which he chastised his slaves. Going to the house in the ever.ing, according to orders, my master showed me a pump, set in a well in which the water rose witiiiri ten feet of the sur- face of the ground. The spout of this pump, was elevated at least thirteen feet above the earth, and wh(Mi the water was to he drawn from it, the persoQ who worked the handle ascended by a ladder to the proper station. The wafer in tliis well, although so near the surface, was very cold; and the pump dis- charLTcd it in a large stream One of the women employed in the house, had committed some oifence for which she was to be punished ; and the opportuni- ty was endjracod of evhibiting to me, the eifect of this novel mode of torture upon the human fran)e. The woman was slrippcd (jiiite naked, and lied to a post that stood just ur.(i(M- the stream of water, as it fell from the spout of I lie pump. A lad was then ordered to ascend the ladder, and pumj) water upon the head and shoulders of the victim ; who had not been un- der the watei fall more than a nunute, before slie be- gan to cry and scream in a most lamentable m;in- ner. In a short time, she exeited her strength, in the most convulsive throes, in trying to escape from the post ; but as the cords were strong, this was im- possible. After another minute or a little more, her cries became weaker, and soon afterwards her head fell forward upon her breast ; and then the boy was ordered to cease pumping the water. The woman was removed in a state of insensibility ; but recovered 500 NARRATIVE OF THE her faculties in about an hour. The next morning she complained of Hghtness of head ; but was able to go to work. Ttiis punishment of the pump, as it is called, was never inflicted on me ; and 1 am only able to describe it, as it has been described to me, by those who have endured it. When the water first strikes the head and arms, it is not at all painful ; but in a very short time, it produces the sensation tbat is felt when heavy blows are inflicted with large rods, of the size of a man's finger. This perception becomes more and more painful, until the skull bone and shoulder blades ap- pear tojje broken in pieces. Finally, all the faculties become oppressed ; breathing becomes more and more diflficult ; until the eye-sight becomes dim, and ani- mation ceases. This punishment is in fact a tem- porary murder ; as all the pains are endured, that can be felt by a person who is deprived of life by be- ing beaten with bludgeons; — but after the punish- ment of the pump, the sufferer is restored to existence by being laid in a bed, and covered with warm clothes. A giddiness of the head^ and oppression of the breast, follows this operation, for a day or two, and sometimes longer. The object of calling me to be a witness of this new mode of torture, doubtlessly, was to intimidate me from running away ; but like me- dicines administered by empirics, the spectacle had precisely the opposite effect, from that which it was expected to produce. After my arrival on this estate, my intention had ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 501 been to defer my elopement until tlie next year, be- fore I had seen the torture inflicted on this unfor- tunate woman : hut from that moment my resolu- tion was unalterably fixed, to escape as quickly as l)ossihle. Such was my desperation of feeling, at this time, that I deliberated seriously upon the pro- ject of endeavouring to make my way southward, for the purpose of joining the Indians in Florida. I'ortune reserved a more agreeable fate for me. On the Saturday nighl after the won)an was pun- ished at the pump, 1 stole a yardof colL«>n bagging from the cotton-gin hou«;c, and converted it into a b.'JLT, l)y means of a coarse needle and tliicad that I borrowed of one of the hiack women. On jhe next niorninir, when our weekly rations were distributed to iH, my poiiion was carefiilly \)\iicri\ m mv bag, under pieicnce of fears that it would be stolen from nx', if it was left op. n in (be loft of the kitchen that I loil'jt'd in. This day being Sunday, I did not go to the field to work as usual, on that day, but under pretence of being unwell, remained in the kitchen all day, to be the better prepared for the toils of the folhjwing night. After daylight had totally disappeared, ta- king my bag under my arm, nnder pretence of going to the mill to grind my corn, I stole softly across the cotton fields to the nearest wo ds, and taking an ob- servation of the stars, directed my course to the east- w\ard, resolved that in no event should any tliino* induce me to travel a single yard, on the high road, until at least one hundred miles from this plantation. 502 NARRATIVE OF THE Keeping on steadi y through the whole of this night, and meeting with no swamps, or briery thick- ets in my way, I have no doubt that before day- hght, the plantation was more than thirty miles be- hind me. Twenty years before this, I had been in Savan- nah, and note I at that time that great numbers of ships were in that port, taking in loading of cotton. My plan now was to reach Savannah, in the best w^ay I could, by some means to be devised after my arrival in the city, to procure a passage to some of the northern cities. When day appeared before me, I wns in a large cotton field, and before the woods could be reached, it was gray dawn ; but the forest bordering on the field was large and afforded me good shelter through the day, under the cover of a large thicket of swamp laurel, that lay at the distance of a quarter of a mile from the field. It now became necessary to kindle a fire, for all my stock of provisions, consisting of corn and potatoes, was raw and undressed. Less fortunate now than in my former fiight, no fire apparatus was in my possession, and driven at last to the extremity, I determined to endeavour to produce fire by rubbing two sticks together, and spent at least two hours of incessant toil, in this vain operation, without the least prospect of success. Abandoning this project at length, I turned my thoughts to searching for a stone of some kind, with which to endeavour to extract fire from an old jack knife, that had been my com- panion in Maryland for more than three years. My ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 503 labours were fruitless. No stone could be found in tins .swamp; and the day was passed in anxiety and iuinger, a few raw potatoes being my only food. Night at length came, and with it a renewal of my travelling labours. Avoiding with the utmost care, every appearance of a road, and pursuing my way until dayhght, I must have travelled at least thirty miles this night. Awhile before day, in cros- smg a field, I fortunately came upon a bed of large pebbles, on the side of a hill. Several cf these were deposited in my bag, which enabled me when day arrived to procure fire, with which I parched corn and roasted potatoes suflficient to subsist me for tw^o or ihree days. On the fourth night of my journey, fortune directed me to a broad, open highway, that appeared to be much travelled. Near the side of this road, 1 established my quar- ters fur the day in a thick pine wood, for the purpose of making observations upon the people who tra- velled it, and of judging thence of the part of the country to which ii led. Soon after daylight, a wagon passed along, drawn by oxen, and loaded with bales of cotton; then fol- lowed some white men on horseback, and soon after sunrise, a w hole train of wagons and carts, all load- ed with bales of cotton, passed by, following the wa- gon first seen by me. In the course of the day, at least one hundred wagons and carts passed along this road, towards the south-east, all laden with cot- ton bales; and at least an equal number came to- wards the west, either laden with casks of various 504 NARRATIVE OF THE dimensions, or entirely empty. Numerous horse- men, many carriages, and great numbers of persons on foot, also passed to and fro on this road, in the course of the day. All these indications satisfied me, that I must be near some large town, the seat of an extensive cot- ton market. The next consideration with me was to know how far it was to this towm, for which pur- pose I determined to travel on the road, the succeed- ing nigh!. Lying in the woods, until about eleven o'clock, I rose, came to the road, and travelled it until within an hour of daylight, at wdiich time the country around me appeared almost wholly clear of timber; and houses became much more numerous than they had been in the former part of my journey. Things continued to wear this aspect until day- light, when I stopped, and sat down by the side of a high fence that stood beside the road. After re- maining here a short time, a w agon laden with cot- ton, passed along, drawn by oxen, whose driver, a black man, asked me if I was going towards town. Being answered in the affirmative, he then asked me if I did not wish to ride in his wagon. I told him I had been out of town all night, and should be very thankful to him for a ride; at the same time ascend- ing his wagon and placing myself in a secure and easy posi ion, on the bags of cotton. In tiiis manner we travelled on fjr abaut two hours', when w^e entered the (own of Savannah. In my situation there was no danger of any one suspecting ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 505 me to be a runaway slave; for no runaway had ever been known to llee from the country, and seek re- fuge in Savannah. The man who drove the wagon, passed through several of the principal streets of the city, and stopped his teain before a large warehouse, standing on a wharf, looking into the river. Here 1 assisted my new friend to unload hi< cotton and when wc were done, h.' invited me to share his breakfast with him, consisting of corn bread, roasted potatoes, and some cold b')iled rice. Whilst wc were at our breakfast, a black man came along the |^eet, and asked us if we knew wlicre he could hire a hand, to help him to work a day or two. I at once replied that my master had sent me to town, to hire myself out for a few weeks, and that I was ready to go with hi.n immediately. The j )y I felt at finding employment, so overcame me, that all thought of my wages was forgotten. Bidding farewell to the man who had given me my breakfast, and thanking him in my heart for his kindness, I followed my new employer, who inform- ed me that he had engaged to remove a thousand bale? of c3Uon from a large warehoine, to the end of a wharf at which a ship lay, that was taking in the cotton as a load. This man was a slave, but hir3d his time of his master at tu'o hundred and fifty dollars a year, which he said he pail in monthly instalments. He did what he called job work, which consisted of under- taking jobs, and hiring men to work under him, if 43 506 NARRATIVE OF THE the job was too great to be pei formed by himself. In the present mstance he had seven or eight black men, beside me, all hired to help him to remove the cotton in wheel-barrows, and lay it near the end of the wharf, when it was taken up by sailors and car- ried on board the ship, that was receiving it. We continued working hard all day; and amongst the crew of the ship was a black man, with whom 1 resolved to become acquainted by some m^aiis. Ac- cordingly at night, after we had quit our work, I went to the end of the wharf against which the ship lay moored, and stood there a long time, waiting for the black sailor to niake his appearance on deck. At length my desires were gratified. He came upon the deck, and sat down near the main-mast, with a pipe in his mouth, which he was smoking with great apparent pleasure. After a few minutes, I spoke to him, for he had not yet seen me, as it appeared, and when he heard my voice, he rose up and came to the side of the ship near where I stood. We entered in- to conversation together, in the course of which he informed me that his home was in New- York; that he had a wife and several children there, but that he followed the sea for a livehhood, and knew no other mode of hfe. He also asked me where my master lived, and if Georgia had always been the place of my residence. I deemed this a favourable opportunity of effecting the object I had in view, in seeking the acquaintance of this man, and told him at once that by law and justice I was a free man. but had been kidnapped ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 507 near Baltimore, forcibly brought to Georgia, and sold there as a slave. That I was now a fugitive from my master, and in search of some means of getting back to my wife and children. The n-^an seemed moved by the account of my suf- ferings, and at the close of my narrative, told me he could not receive me on board the ship, as the captain had given positive orders to him, not to let any of the negroes of Savannah come on board, lest they should steal sometliing belonging to the ship. He further told me tliat he was on watch, and should continue on deck two hours. That he was forced to take a turn of watching the ship every night, for two hours; but tliat his turn would not couie the next niglit until after midnight. I now begged him to enable me to secrete myself on board the ship, previous to tlic time of her sailing, so that I uiight be conveyed to Philadelphia, whi- th(,'r th«'. ship was bound with her load of cotton. He at lirst received my application w^ith great cold- ness, and said he would not do any thing contrary to the orders of the captain ; bnt before we parted, he said lie should be glad to assist me if he could, but that the excution of the plan proposed by me, would be attended with great dangers, if not ruin. In my situation there was nothing too hazardous for me to undertake, and I informed him that if he would let me hide myself in the hold of the ship, amongst the bags of cotton, no one should ever know that he had any knowledge of the fact; and that all the danger, and all the disasters that might attend 508 NARRATIVE OF THE the affair, should fall exclusively on me. He final- ly told me to go away, and ihat he would think of the matter until the next day. It was obvious that his heart was softened in my favour ; that his feelings of compassion almost im- pelled him to do an act in my behalf, that was for- bidden by his judgment, and his sense of duty to his employers. As the houses of the city were now closed, and I was a stranger in tlie place, I went to a wagon that stood in front of the warehouse, and had been unladen of the cotton that had been brought in it, and creeping into it, made my bed with the driver, who permitted me to sliare his lodgings amongst some corn tops, that he had brought to feed his oxen. When the morning came, I went again to the ship^ and when the people came on deck, asked them for the captain, whom I should not have known by his dress, which was very nearly similar to that of the sailors. On being asked if he did not wish to hire a hand, to help to load his ship, he told me 1 might go to w^ork amongst the men, if I chose, and he would pay me what I was worth. My object was to procure employment on board the ship, and not to get wages; and in the course of this day I found means to enter the hold of the ship several times, and examine it minutely. The black sailor promised that he w^ould not betray me, and that if T could find the means of escaping on board the ship he would not disclose it. At the end of three days, the ship had taken in ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 509 her loadinir, and the captain said in my presence, that he intended to sail the day after. No time was now to be lost, and asking the captain what he thou^lit I had earned, he ^ave me three dollars, which was certainly very liberal pay, considering tliat during the whole time that I had worked for hun, my fore had been the same as that of the sai- lors, who had as much as they could consume, of excellent food. The sailors were now busy in trimming the ship, and making ready for sea, and observing, that this work required them to spend much time in the hold of the ship, I went to the captain and told him, that as lie had paid me good wages, and treated me well, I would work with his people, the residue ofthis day, for my victuals and half a gallon of molasses: which lie said he would give me. My first object now, was to get into the holtl of the ship with those who were adjusting the cargo. The first time the men below called for aid, I went to them, and being there, took care to remain with them. Being placed at one side of the hold, for the purpose of packing the bags close to the ship's timbers, I so managed, as to leave a space between two of the bags, large enough for a man to creep in, and conceal himself. This cavity was near the opening in the centre of the hold, that was left to let men get down, to stow away the last of the bags that were put in. In this small hollow retreat amongst the bags of cotton, I determined to take my passage to Philadelphia, if by any means 1 could succeed in steahng on board the ship at nicrht 43* ° • 510 NARRATIVE OF THE When the evening came, I went to a store near the wharf, and bought two jugs, one that held half a gallon, and the other, a large stone jug. holding more than three gallons. When it was dark, I filled my large jug with water; purchased twenty pounds of pilot bread at a bakery, which I tied in a large handkerchief; and taking my jugs in my hand, went on board the ship to receive my molasses of the cap- tain, for the labour of the day. The captain was not on board, and a boy gave me the molasses ; but, under pretence of waiting to see the captain, I sat down between two rows of cotton bales, that were stowtd on deck. The night was very dark, and, watching a favourable opportunity, vvhen the man on deck had gone forward,! succeeded in placing both my jugs upon the bags uf cotton that rcse in the hold, almost to the deck. In another moment, I glided down amongst the cargo ; and lost no time in placing my jugs in the place provided for them, amongst the bales of cotton, beside the lair provided for myself. Soon after I had taken my station for the voyage, the captain came on board, and the boy reported to him, that he had paid me olT, and dismissed me. In a short time, all was quiet on board the ship, ex- cept the occasional tread of the Uian on watch. I slept none at all this night; the anxiety that oppres- sed me, preventing me from taking any repose. Before day the captain was on deck, and gave or^ ders to tl^.e seamen, to clear the ship for sailing, and to be ready to descend the river with the ebb tide, ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 511 which was expected to flow at sunn.se. I felt the motion of the ship when she got under weigh, and thought the time long before I heard the breakers of the ocean surging against her sides. In the place where I lay, when the hatches were closed, total darkness prevailed ; and I had no idea of the lapse of innc, or of the progress we made, un- til, having at one period crept out into the open space, between the rows of cotton bags, which I have be- fore described, I heard a man, Avho appeared from the sound of his voice to be slandino- on the hatch, call out and say, '-That is Cape llalleras." I had already come out of my covert, several times, into the open space; but tiie hatches were closed so tightly, as to exchide all light. It appeared to mc that we Iiad already been at sea a long time ; but as darkness was unbro'Iiall not publish, has always been a kind friend to M>e. After remaining in Philadelphia a few weeks, I resolved to return to my little flnin in Maryland, for the purpose of selling my property lor as much as it would produce, and of bringing my wife and children to Pennsylvania. On arriving in Baltimore. I went to a tavern keep- er, whom I had formerly supplied with vegetables from my garden. This man appeared greatly sur- prised to see me ; and asked me how 1 had managed to escape from my master in Georgia. I told him, that the man who had taken me to Georgia was not 514 NARRATIVE OF THE my master ; but had kidnapped me, and carried me away by violence. The tavern keeper then told me, that I had better leave Baltimore as soon as possible, and showed me a hand-bill that was stuck up against the wall of his bar-room, in which a hundred and fifty dollars reward was offered for my apprehension. I immediately left this house, and fled from Baltimore that very night. When I reached my former residence, I found a white man living in it, whom I did not know. This man, on being questioned by me, as to the time he had owned this place, and the manner in which he had obtained possession, informed me, that a black man had formerly lived here; but he w^as a runaway slave, and his master had come, the sumn:er before, and carried him off. That the wife of the former owner of Llie house, was also a slave; and that her master had come about six weeks before the present time, and taken licr and her children, and sold them in Baltimore to a slave-dealer from the south. This man also inforincd me, that he was not in this neighbourhood at the time the woman and her children were carried away ; but that he had received his information from a black woir.an, whohved half a mile off. This black woman I was w^e-l acquainted with; she had been my neighbour, and I knew her to be my friend. She had been set free, some years be- fore by a gentleiY)an of this neighbourhood, and re- sided under his protection, on a part of his land. I immediately went to the house of this woman, who ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 515 could scarcely believe the evidence of her own eyes, wh.n she saw me enter her door. The first words s he spoke to ,ne wenp, '' Lucy and her children have all been stolen away/' At my request, she gave me the fullowin- account of the manner in which my wife and children, all of whom had been free from their birth, were seized and driven into southern slavery. '^ A few weeks," said she, ^' after they took you away, and before Lucy had so far recovered from the terror produred by that event, as to remain in her house all n.L,n.t u lib hrr children, without some other co:np:my, I went one evening- to stay all night with her; a kindness that I always rendered her, if no other person came to remain with her. '' It was late when we went to bed, perhaps eleven o clock ; aiul after we had been asleep some time, we were awakened by a k.ud rap at the door. At first we said nothinir; but upon the rap being several times repealed, Lucy asked who was there. She was then told, in a voice that seeiued by its sound to be tiiat of a woman, to get up and open the door ; adding, that the person without had something to tell her that she wished to hear. Lucy, supposing the voice to be that of a black woman, the slave of a lady living near, rose and opened the door; but, to our astonishment, instead of a woman coming 'in, four or five men rushed into the house, and imme- diately closed the door; at which one of the men stood, with his back against it, until the others made a light in the fire place, and proceeded deliberately 516 NARRATIVE OP THE to tie Lucy with a rope. Search was then made in the bed for the children ; and I was found, and drag- ged out. This seemed to procjiice some consterna- tion amongst tlie captors, wliose faces were all black, but whose hair and visages were those of white ir.en. A consultation was held amongst them, the object of which was to determine whether 1 should also be taken along witli Lucy and the children, or be left behind, on account of the interest which my master was supposed to feel for me. " It was finally agreed, that as it would be very dangerous to carry me off, lest my old master should cause pursuit (o be made after them, they would leave me behind, and take only Lucy and the chil- dren. One of the number then said it would not do to leave n:e behind, and at liberty, as I would im- mediately go and give intelligence of what I had seen ; and if the afiair should be discovered by the members of the abohtion society, before they had time to get out of Maryland, they would certainly be detec- ted and punished for the crimes they were commit- ting. " It was finally resolved to tie me with cords, to one of the logs of the housegag me by tying a rope in my mouth, and confining it closely at the back of my neck. They immediately confined me, and then took the children frotr. the bed. The oldest boy they tied to his mother, and compelled them to go out of the house together. The three youngest children were then taken out of bed, and carried off in the hands of the men who had tied me to the ADVENTURES OF CHARLES BALL. 517 log. I never saw nor heard any more of Lucy or her children. ''For myself, I remained in the house, the door of which was carefully closed, and fastened after it was shut, until the second night after my confme- ment, without any tiling to eat or drink. On the second nifrht some unknown persons came and cut the cords that biKind nic, when I returned to my own cabin." This intelligence almost deprived me of Ufe ; it was the most dreadful of all the misfortunes that I had ever sulTered. It was now clear that some slave-dealer had come in my absence, and seized my wife and children as slaves, and sold them to such men as T had served in the south. They had now passed into hopeless bondage, and were gone forever beyond my reach. I myself was advertised as a fu- gitive slave, and was liable to be arrested at each moment, and dragged back to Georgia. I rushed out of n^y own house in despair and returned to Pennsylvania with a broken heart. For the last few years, I have resided about fifty miles from Philadelphia, where I expect to pass the evening of my life, in working hard for my subsist- ence, without the least hope of ever again seeing my wife and children : — fearful, at this day, to let my place of residence be known, lest even yet it may be supposed, that as an article of property, I am of Bufl&cieut value to be worth pursuing in ray old age, THE END. 44 ^ "^ ^-^ O^ *- O « ' J o V V '^-^^s ^^ b^-^^. ,0- > -•^'Oi'-'-^,' s^^^. % ^^ 0^ A-' O o « o .0^ V \ ^a '.Si ^, ^^•^■^. u. -^. „<( % CO \"^