'Ml ^■%-?i ■^ i^^._%r4 F .i-775;2.| ^ o ^ '/^' . - ■ r ■-^ /■^J#^ s '^ f-^-^ ^■^^^v"^ W:-^- ..^t*;..^f .^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. H-1 A '- 9) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ji) c* PETITIONS, REMONSTRANCES AND ACTS RELATING TO Littleton and Boxborough, 1782 to 1869. t \y of JoNA. Whetcomb, I Littleton. James King, J Littleton, Oct. 8, 1782. To the tvhole Court: We, the Subscribers, Inhabitants of the town of Littleton, being informed that a petition is referred to the Honorable Court praying that a town Parish or District may be* erected and set off from the towns of Littleton, Stow and Harvard, we the Subscribers, inhabi- tants of the town of Littleton, l)eing within the line proposed of the Parish or district prayed for, as set forth in said petition ; Bog leave to remonstrate to the Ilun'hl Court against our being set off as is prayed for in s'd Petition ; for the reasons following: 1st. That we the suhserihers are situated not more than three miles from the Meeting House in said Littleton, and are {>rovided with a good road to the same, so we are able to attend Public VVor- shiji A'ith our families comfortably at all seasons of the year without diticulty. 2d. That the town of Littleton is but a little more than four miles square and l)eing only a farming town, and must be consid- ered as already to small to enjoy those priviledgcs and advantages for which towns and })arishes wei'e constituted withcnit the individ- uals thereof being overl)urdened with taxes. 3d. That if the prayer of the aforesaid petition be granted there will be a heavj' expense in making of road, to the meeting house built by some individuals in the proposed parish, which at the present day in particular is too burdensome for us to support, and in no respect can the subscribers be benefitted by said petition being granted, but in every view of the matter greatly injured and hurt. And the subscribers beg leave to observe to the Honorable Court, that this is the third time that we have been obliged to be at the expense and trouble of writing to, and attending upon the Hon'l Court to prevent the prayer of the same petition being granted ; and the Subscribers pray that the Hon'l Court would request said petition, more especially as far as it relates U) us the Subscribers — Hoping that the Honoiable Court will not deprive us of those advan- tages, privileges and rights which wc and our hithers have so long enjoyed. Littleton, Oct. Mth, 1782. Samuel Lawrence Elias Taylor Tfiomas Wood Daniel Whehomh Jonathan Patch Nathaniel Cobleoh John Wood Solomon Foster Jedidiah Taylor An act for erecting a District in the County of Middlesex^ by the name of Boxborouyh. Preamble. — Whereas a number of inhabitants living in the ex- treme parts of the towns of Stow, Harvard and Littleton labor under many inconveniences by reason of their great distance from any place of Public Worship, and have requested this court that they may be incorporated into a district with all the privileges of a town, that of sending a Representative to the General Court excepted : Sect. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by authority of the same, that a part of Stow, a part of Harvard, and a part of Little- ton, all which are included within the bounderies, viz. : Beginning at the road southerly of John Robbins' buildings, and running southerly to Acton Corner three miles and ninety-two rods to a heap of stones ; from thence running southerly in Acton line, to a place called Flag Hill, being two miles, three quarters and ten rods to a heap of stones ; from thence westerly in Stow two miles and a quar- ter to a stake and pillar of stones in the Harvard line ; thence run- ning northerly through part of Harvard to a white oak tree by a cause- way ; from thence to the place first sit out from, be and hereby is incorporated into a District, by the name of Boxborough. And all the Polls and Estates that are included within the said bounder- ies shall belong to the said District, except those of such of the inhabitants of that part set of from Littleton, as shall not within the term of twelve months from the passing of this Act return their names into the office of the Secretary of this Commonwealth, signi- fying their desire to become inhabitants of the said District. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said District be and hereby is, invested with all the powers, privileges and immunities that towns in this Commonwealth do or may enjoy (except the privilege of sending a representative to the General Court) and the inhabitants of said District shall have liberty from time to time to join with the town of Stow, in choosing a Rep- resentative, and shall be notified of the time and place of election in like m inner with the inhabitants of the said town of Stow, by a wiirnuit troiii the seloctinen of the said town, dirt-ctetl to a consta- ble, or constables of the said District, requiring him or them to warn the inhabitants to attend the meeting at the time and place a|)j)ointod ; which warrant shall be seasonably returned by the said constable or constables ; and the representative may be chosen indifferently from the said Town or District. The pay or allowance to be borne by the town and district in proportion as they shall from time to time pay to the state tax. Sect. 3. And be it lurther enacted that Jonathan Wood, Es(|., of Stow, be and he hereby is empowered to issue his warrant directed to some principle inhabitant within the said district requiring him to warn the inhabitants of said District qualified to vote in town affairs, to assemble at some suitable time and place in the said District, to choose such officers as towns and Districts by law are required to choose in the month of March annually : Provided nevertheless that the inhabitants of the said District shall pay their propotionable part of all such town, county and state Taxes as are already assessed by the said respective towns from which they are taken, and their propotionable part of all public debts due from the said Towns ; and also provide for the Support of all the Poor who were inhabitants within the said District before the passing of this act, and shall be l)rought back for maintance hereafter. And whereas it is tit and necessary, that the whole of the «aid District should belong to one and the same County. Sect, 4. Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid that that part of the said District which is set off from the town of Har- vard in the county of Worcester, shall be, and hereby is annexed and set to the county of Middlesex. And the line established by this act as the boundry betwixt the said town of Harvard and the said District shall hereafter be the boundry line betwixt the said county of Middlesex and the said county of Worcester. (This Act passed Feb. 25, 1783.) 1793. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled : The petition of the inhabitants of the town of Boxborough humbly represents that the inhabitants of the town of Littleton °to which town the said town of Boxborough is adjacent, controverts with them the line which divides the same towns, from which con- troversy there may probably arise a multiplicity of law suits and animosities, unless the Legislature should condescend to interpose and to establish an obvious and uncontrovertable boundary for them. The best method of doing this as the petitioners conceive would f)e to have a committee from your honors on the place where the divisional line is. Another advantage which may result from the attendance of such a committee, is, that a number of persons who are withm the limits of Boxborough, but taxed to the town cf Littleton, may be reasonably induced to unite entirely the inhabitants of Box- borough. Wherefore the inhabitants of Boxborough humbly pray that such a committee may be appointed, and the said inhabitants will be ready to pay such committee their expenses and for their trouble and service. Silas Taylor, ) Aaents of Solomon Taylor, C^ox^orow^A. June 5, 1793. ^ Committee was appointed in accordance with this petition June 6, 1793. To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled: The subscribers humbly show that they with their polls and estates by a certain act of this honorable court passed the 25th February 1783, entitled an act for erecting a district in the County of Middlesex by the name of Boxborough were included within certain boundaries in said act mentioned taken from the Town of Littleton, and that it was by the same act among other things therein enacted that all the polls and estates included within the 10 bounciaric's of the said dibtivct oi Boxboioiiirh should holong to said district, except those of" such of the iuhabitauts of that pint set off from Littleton as should not within the term of twelve months from the passing rtf said a 's otiice of this Commonwealth signifyiug tiieir desire of becoming inhabitants of said district, and your Petitioners humbly show to this honorable court that they have never so returned their names, signifying their desire of bec»niing inhabitants of the said district of Hoxl)orough, and whereas the said district of Boxborough by their agtMits have petitioned tliis honorable court to establish the certain boundaries between said district and said Town of Littleton, the suliscribers therefore your humble Petitioners remonstrate against the object of said Petition which your Petitioners conceive is more to divide them fi-om the Town of Littleton than to ascertain more certain boundaries, wherefore your Petitioners pray and it is their earnest desire that they and their families and estates may continue to belong to the said Town of Littleton as they heretofore have and as in duty Iiound will ever pray. January 17, 1794. Jonathan Patch Eleazer Fletcher Isaac Patch Daniel Whitcomb Nathaniel Cobleioh Elias Taylor John Cobleioh John Kidder Stephen Jennings Mary Taylor John Wood Calvin Blanchard John Hartwkll, Jr. AN ACT for settling the line between Littleton and Boxborough. Be it enacted by the Senate and ITonse of Iiepi-e.' : Respectfully represent your petitioners, selectmen of the town of Hoxborough, in the County of Middlesex, tli;il within the limits of said town there are two farms, one owned by Henry T. Taylor, and the other owned l»y William Hartwell, and that the said Taylor and the said Hartwell live on said farms, and that the said Taylor and said Hartwell claim that said farms arc within the territorial limits of the town of Littleton, in said County, and that they are voters in said Littleton, and subject to taxation therein; and that the said town of Littleton claim that said farms are part of said town, and subject to taxation in said town, and residents therein, residents in Littleton, wherefore, your petitioners pray that said farms may be set oft' from ^aid town of Littleton to said town of Boxborough, and be made part of the territory by law, appertaining to said Boxborough. Ephraim B. Cobleigh, \ Selectmen Jacob Littlefield, |- of Benjamin S. Mead. j Boxborough. To the Honorable^ the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : We the undersigned, inhabitants and legal voters of the town of Boxborough, in the County of Middlesex, respectfully remonstrate against the petition of the selectmen of the said town of Boxborough that a part of the town of Littleton may be set oft" to the town of Boxborough, and request that the prayer of the petitioners may not be granted. Orman Ewings, Ephraim H. Raymond, John Blanchakd, Geo. VV. Ramsdell, A. Haywakd, John Fletcher, Timothy L. Wood. 13 To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Gen- eral Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : The undersigned legal voters of the town of Littleton in the County of Middlesex, respectfully remonstrate against the petition of Ephraim B. Cobleigh, Jacob Littlefield and Benjamin S. Mead, selectmen of Boxborough, praying that the farms of Henry T.' Taylor and William Hartwell, may be set off from said town of Littleton and become part of the territory of said town of Box- borough, and request that the prayer of the petitioners may not be granted. George W. Sanderson, ) Selectmen William Kimball, C of George W. Tuttle, ) Littleton. Henry T. Taylor, W. H. Hartwell, and 106 others. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Committee on Towns to whom was referred the petition of the town of Boxborough, praying that certain farms in the town of Littleton may be set off to the town of Boxborough, have had the same under consideration and beg leave to report, That, the further consideration thereof be referred to the next General Court, which is respectfully submitted, by order of the committee, Edward Crocker, /or the committee. Accepted by Senate. Concurred in by the House, Feb., 1868. In the following year this petition was abandoned. 14 1869. To the Honorable l^enate and House of Itepresentatives of the Com- monweahh of Massachusetts, in Gerieral Court assembled : The undersigued citizens of the towns of Boxborough and Acton, ill the county of Middlesex, Respectfully petition that the territory now included within the limits of the town of Boxborough, and within that portion of the town of Acton called West Acton, may be incorporated into a new town by the name of , believing that the common interest will be promoted thereby. H. E. Felch Jerome Priest Oliver Wetherbee Ephraim B. Cobleigh Jacob Littlefield Benjamin S. Mead Simon Hartwell Paul Hay ward R. T. Cobleigh L. J. Bradford D. W. Coi)leigh Stevens Hayward A. A. Richardson Jos. K. Blanchard Augustine A. Wetherbee Alex, R. Eastman Peter VV^hitcomb Joseph Hayward Granville Whitcomb John Hoar Jerome B. Whitney E. L. Battles S. H. Hoar J. Blanchard, 2d Ephraim H. Raymond John Blanchard James S. Chester George Kendall A. Hayward George Ramsdell P. W. Houghton Samuel Sargent Alvin Parker John Wetherbee Augustus W. Wetherbee Samuel Wetherbee Francis H. Wetherbee Varnum Taylor George Hay or Samson D. Talbot Thomas B. Pane Nathaniel B. Pane Silas H. Hoar B. S. Hagar James H. Whitcomb Rufus Kings Timothy L. Wood Francis Conant Frank A. Patch Luther H. Ewings Amos Holbrook Austin A. Richardson Simeon Wetherbee Orman Ewings Patrick R. Frawley John A. Hill Georgre H. Jackson 15 Report of the Com*^^ on Towns. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. House of Representatives, February 18, 1869. The Committee on Towns, to whom was referred the petition of H. E. Felch and others, of Acton and Boxborough, for the formation of a new town including the whole territory of the town of Box- borough, and that part of Acton called West Acton, and the several petitions in aid and remonstrances against the same, have viewed the premisess and heard the parties at length, and report the follow- ing facts : — Boxborough is a very small town, without any village proper, or any store or place of business within its limits. The petitions from Boxborough maintain that their town is too imall, is unknown ; that they have no railroad station in town ; that there is no trade or business there, and that a large share of their produce is sold in West Acton, where, also, most of their purchases are made. In other words, that their trade promotes the growth of West Acton, and that therefore they ought to be embraced in one township, and receive an equivalent for this advantage in the tax- ation of the property which they contributed to enhance. Upon all the facts the Committee, with all but entire unanimity, are of opinion that the petitioners have not maintained that the pub- lic good requires the formation of a new town pursuant to their prayer. Ifi It is true that Boxborough is too small ; hut rather than cripple Acton in her enterprise or encroach upon her historic limits for the benefit of that town, as her inhabitants have no desire to retain their name and distinct organization, it will be an easy task to so apportion her ^territory to other towns as to benefit all and injure none ; but with this matter the Committee are not asked and do not desire to interfere. The Committee report that the petitioners have leave to withdraw. Per order, T. G. KENT. The Legislature accepted the Report Feb. 18 and Feb. 19, 1869. w ^k ^i LIBRARY OF COMGRESS 014 077 598 8 '#•- •#l * >k .^■ 4, .^jj;r7^- ... %-^- ^