1 Hollinger pH S3 Mill Run F03-2193 F 44 .N2 G7 Copy 1 I l » Laid out to Joseph Knight and Christopher Temple 440 acres of land for their 2d diuision in Dunstable upon Wa[tane]nok Neck it being part of the land which was appointed for the saw mill lot : bounded on the West by Joseph [Hasel] : 420. the line between them running N. 48 degrees W : the S. W. corner is a pine standing [about] 4 pole on the S. W. side a little brook : [from] thence the line runs N. 34 degrees E : 163 : pole to m r Clarks line which bounds it on the East: this line runs N. 55 W : 86 pole to a pine [marked] C : from thence it runs N. 31 : W : one mile which comes to Nashua river : pine : C : at the N. end it is bounded by Nashwa river 228 pole by a crooked line : and 42 pole by a litle brook that runs into Nashwa river : at the S. end it is bounded [on] land not yet disposed of: laid out: 10. 7™ 84 by Jonathan Dan- forth surveyor : Laid out to m r Thomas Clark of Boston the brazier: in Dunstable township 23 acres of land for a houselot [lying] upon Wa[tane]nok plain: bounded by Merimak river N. E : 16 pole: by Francis Cook on the S : the line between them runs S : W : 234 : pole bounded by m r John Solindine on the N : by a highway [S. W.] both side lines [are parallel] : the bound tree at Merimak between Cook and [ is a black oak. Also laid out to him for his 2d diuision 190 acres of land upon the same plain by m r Samuel Whiting farm upon Samon brook Southward : 219 pole in a crooked line bounded on the S. E. by a highway : [the most] Southward angle is a pine marked with C. and from thence the line runs N. 55 W : 236. to a pine marked C : on the N. W : it is bounded by John Solindine: 184 pole: on the N and Eastward: it is bounded by land [formerly] laid out to Christopher Temple and [ [the last] lines running according to a plot taken of the same by Jona- than Danforth [Surveyor] Laid out to m 1 John Solindine in Dunstable township upon Wa[tane]nok plain: 23 acres of laud for a honselot: bounded by Merimak river on the N. E : 1G poles: by [m r ] Clark Southward: tlie line between them running S. 85 W. 234 poles bounded N. ward by land granted Zakariah Long: the N. E. corner is a [ ] oak marked C standing upon the bank of Merimak : both the side lines are [parallel] on the S. W. it is bounded by a highway : 16 pole [the] S. W. [bound] is a stake : Also laid out to him for his 2d. diuision 190 acres of land upon ] is the land called the saw mill lot: bounded by Nashwa river 436 by [a ] and by Perrys Cove: 60 pole: on the West bounded by Joseph Knight and Christopher [ ] one mile: the line between them running N. 31 W : a pine tree marked C for a Southward bound : and another pine marked C standing by the bank side of Nashwa river: on the S. E. by m r Clark 184: all which is [ ] plot taken of the same by Jonathan Danforth surveyor. 10. 7" 1684 The word " Watanenok," as applied to a neck of land and a plain in Mr. Upham's rendering of the short-hand, is a name once given to the Nashua River. In Dr. Shurtleff's edition of the Massachusetts Colonial Records (IV. Part II. 569), under the date of October 15, 1673, there is a reference to " Nasha- way or Watananock River," which appears in a grant of land made to the Artillery Company of Boston. A letter from John Farmer to the Rev. Dr. Abiel Holmes, Corresponding Secretary of the Societ} r , dated at Amherst, New Hampshire, August 3, 1816, and printed in the Proceedings (I. 255, 256), contains a list of Plans which the writer con- siders " worthy of preservation." It is not stated in so many words that he intended to give them ; but inferentially he did intend so to do, though perhaps at a later period. At any rate most of these surveys are now in the Library ; still a few are missing. The description of them in the letter is so vague that their identification is somewhat difficult. The Plan, now the subject of these remarks, is listed under the general title: "Several Plans of Lands on Nashua and Cochecho Rivers." There is reason to think, from a letter to Dr. Holmes, writ- ten September 22, 1827, on the files of the Corresponding Secretary, that " A Plan of Billerica, 1658," mentioned in Mr. Farmer's list, was given at that date. 014 014 891 / Mil LlbHAHY Oh UUNUHhbb 014 014 891 A Hollinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F03-2193