Glass _ Bnok ^1J1_ ^ • Ai^ ^K T H 10 6 9/ OF THE UNITED STATES. DISCOXTRSi:, DELIVERED BY I .EV. THOMAS ARMITAGE, D.D., PASTOR OF THE FIFTH AVEXUE BAPTIST CHURCH, On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. S7, and Repeated by Request December 18, 1862. PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. NEW YORK ; \ •HTNTKl) AND PUBLISHED 35 Y T. HOLM AN. \ 18G2. THE 'mi WuMut «il Inintt UNITED STATES. DISCOVRSE, DELIVERED BY EEV. THOMAS AKMITAGE, D.D., PASTOR OF THE FIFTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH, On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, and Repeated bf Repest December 18, 1862. NEW YORK : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY T. HOLMAN. 1862. Cr .A 12 L,. L.. D. Rose Hill, Tivoli P. O., Duchess Co., N. Y. 15^/i July, 1870. Judgb; Advccatk, with tln^ rank of Major. I.S45. Coi.ONKL N. Y. S. I. 1S46 ; assisned fov " Meritorious Cmiduet," 1S49; IJKiGADiiiR-GESEHaL for " Important Service'^ [first dppointment— in N. Y. State — to that rank, liitherto elective] 1S51.M. F. S. N. Y. Adjutant-Genekal, S. N. Y. 1865. Hrevet Major-IJenekal, S. N. Y.. for " Merilorlum Services." (fii-st and only frenernl officer receiving; such an honor (the hij^hest) from S. N. Y.,] by " Si>ecial Act.^' or" Concurrent Kesolutioji," New York State Legislature^ April, 1S66. LAWS OF NEW YORK, Vol. 2.— 89th Session, 1866, Page S142. Conrurreiil Ttesi:luliim reijuealing the Governor tu confer upon Briqadier-General J. WATTS HE PUYSrER [de remter']lht brevet rank of Major* [General] in the National Guard of New York. Resolved, (if the Senate concur.^ That it being a grateful duty to acknowledee in a suitabi** manner the services of a distin-juislipd citizen of this State, rendered to the National Guard 'nd to the United States prior to and during the Rebellion- the Governor be and he i'/ order of the Senate, ' Jas. Terwilliger. Clerk. MILITARY' AGENT, S. N. Y., (in Europe, )1S61-'3. 11unoi;ai;v Member. Thieo Class, of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. MEMBER OF the Netherlandish Literary Association [Maaisehaiipij der Nederlandsrhe Letterkunde] at Leyden Holland. REi'lHIRXT, 1856, of Three Silitrr Medals horn H. R. M. Oscar. K'ng of Sweden and Norway, Ac , for a Military Kiogr.iphv of Leonard Torstenson. Field Marshal, Generalissimo : of a Gold Medal \n 185-2. from Washington Hunt. Governor S. N. Y., for '■ Efforts to Improve the .Military System of New York." kc. &c. and Suggestions for a Paid Fire Department with Steam Fire Engines, &c. <&c. : of a Gold Medal in 1852. from the Field and Staff Officers of his Command, 9th Brig . ;^d Div., N. Y. S. Troops, " In testimony of their Esteem and Appreciation of Efforts towards the Establishment of an efficient Militia.'' kc. ■ in 187U, of a Magniticient Badge. Medal nnd Clasps voted at ihe Annual Meeting of the Third Corps (Army of the Potomac), Union, held at Boston. Mass., Thursday, Mav 6th. 1870, when .1 KiMlution was a.lopted to present a Gold Medal of the value of $500, to Geu. .1. Watts de Pevster. ot New York, as a testimonial of the appreciation by the Corps of his eminent servicfs in placing upon record the true history ot its achievements, and in defending its commanders and their men from written abnse and misrepresentation :" and of several other Badges, Medals. &c., for services in connection with the niilitaiv service of the State of New York. HONORARY MEMBER of the New Jersey and of the Minnesota Historical Societies, aiuiofthe Phren