i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, | Chap. .-..£r..£4"_L.._, I Shelf ._lB.'} T^ li UNITED STATES OF AMERiCA. -^ ^&l) I ^ / i@wd[@iffi In l&@ Wai-. A\pV COLLEGE ROLL OF HONOR Adjutant General Hodsdon, for whom a statement of " Bowdoin in the War" was prepared for his Report of 1864-5, has provided for a revised edition to appear in the Report now in press. He has kindly consented, that a number of copies may be struck off for the special use of the College. This record embraces the names of all, graduates and undergraduates, that have been in the public service. If a name is left out or mention of any service omitted, it is not from want of pains or of desire that every individual should be thus honorably commemorated. May, 1867. / BOWDOIN COLLEGE IN THE WAR. Class of 1823. Luther V. Bell ; born, Francestown, N. H., Dec, 1806 ; son of Hon. Samuel Bell, LL. D., Governor of New Hampshire and U. S. Senator ; a younger brother of the late Senator James Bell from New Hampshire. He first engaged after graduation in mercan- tile pursuits in New York, but not finding them congenial with his tastes, he devoted himself to the medical profession, and entered upon the practice of it at Londonderry, N. H. 4le was a successful competitor for a prize essay on the treatment of the insane, which, with his growing reputation as a medical prac- titioner, led to his appointment as physician of the McLean Asy- lum, Somerville, Mass., 1837. His annual reports were esteemed models of their kind. He resigned this place in 1857, and became consulting physician, especially in cases of mental disease. He planned the building of the Butler Insane Asylum, Providence, R. I., visiting Europe for that object. He was President of the Massachusetts Medical Society two years. Prompted by love of country, at great risk of his life, — for he was himself a subject of treatment under pulmonary disease, — he entered the public service as Surgeon of the 11th Mass. Vols., and was in active duty at the (2) first battle of Bull Run. After that battle he thus wrote to a friend : "The whole volume of military surgery was opened before me on Sunday afternoon with illustrations horrid and sanguinary. Sudley Church with its hundred wounded victims will form a pic- ture in my sick dreams so long as I live. I have never spent one night out of camp since I came into it, and a bed and myself have been strangers, practically, for mouths ; yet I have never had one beginning of a regret at my decision to devote what may be left of life and ability to the great cause. I have, as you know, four young motherless children. Painful as it is to leave such a charge, I have forced myself into reconciliation by the reflection that the great issue under the stern arbitrament of arms is, whether or not our children are to have a country." He was promoted to the rank of Brigade Surgeon, and was Medical Director in Gen. Hook- er's Division, when an exacerbation of his disease terminated his valuable life at Budd's Ferry, February, 1862, at the age of 56. He received the degree of D. C. L. from King's College, N. S., 184t. 1828. Sanford A. Kingsbury ; born, Gardiner, January, 1807 ; studied theology and entered the ministry of the Baptist Church ; was set- tled several years in Damariscotta, thence removed to Galesburg, 111., and subsequently to Jacksonville, 111. He served as Chaplain in an Illinois regiment. 1833. James Means; born, Amherst, N. H. After graduating, be taught school at Ellsworth one year, then pursued a course of the- ological study at Bangor and at Andover, Mass., and was settled in the ministry at Concord, Mass. several years. Bronchial com- plaints compelling him to intermit public speaking, he took charge of Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass., and occupied this position with usefulness and reputation until advantageous offers induced him to make a foreign tour of two years. On his return, he sup- plied vacant pulpits in Massachusetts and in Detroit, Mich., at which last place he was invited to settle, but declined ; was agent for the Theological Seminary at Andover in an effort to procure additional endowment. Being soon convinced that he could not resume the pastoral oflBce, he took charge of a Young Ladies' Boarding School, Lebanon, N. H., whence he removed in a year or two and became associated in the Laselle Seminary, Auburndale, (3) Mass. Of a truly public spirit, an ardent patriot, of the most gen- erous sympathies, and of great activity, he entered the service of his country and went out to Newbern, N. C, where he was Chap- lain of the Academy Green Hospital. Manifesting deep interest in the instruction of the contrabands, of whom thousands were congregated at that point, and engaging personally with great suc- cess for their good, he received an appointment from Gen. Foster of Superintendent of Contrabands, and subsequently from Gov. Stanley a commission as Captain, under which he built barracks and otherwise provided for his charge. In the midst of abundant and exhausting labors, he was struck down by typhoid fever, and died at the age of fifty years, sincerely mourned by all who knew him. The writer has recently heard that his memory is still pre- cious in that community. 1835. William Flye ; born, Newcastle, October, 1814; was Preceptor of an Academy at St. Albans, Me. ; Principal of the High School, Eastport, Me. ; Professor of Mathematics, U. S. N., 1838-1851 ; entered the merchant service ; at the opening of the war, offered himself to the naval service of his country ; was Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, commanding the R. B. Forbes ; transferred to the Monitor immediately after her battle with the rebel iron-clad Mer- rimac ; was A. V. Lieutenant, commanding the Underwriter, Ken- sington, Osage, the iron-clad Benton, and 5th Div. Miss. Squad- ron ; A. V. Lieut. Commander, commanding the Lexington. January, 1866, honorably discharged, with thanks of the Depart-; ment. Luke Hill; born, Minot, June, 1812; M. D, 1841; practised' medicine in Biddeford ; was respected as an intelligent, well read and successful physician. He entered the public service as Assist- ant Surgeon, and contracted the disease which, in a few weeks after his return, terminated his life at the age of 52: years. He maintained a consistent Christian character. 1836. Jothara Donnell ; born, Alna, November, 1814;- M. D; 1839; practised medicine at Houlton ; entered the public service as Sur- geon 15lh Me. and continued to the close of the war, highly respected in his profession and as a man. Alonzo Garcelon ; born, Lewiston, May, 1813; M. D. Mfedical College of Ohio, 1839 ; practised his profession with reputation in (4) his native town ; April, 1861, received commission, unsolicited by himself, as " Hospital Surgeon " of the State, the same position as that of Surgeon General in other States ; devoted his energies to providing medical supplies and to a general superintendence of the Medical Department of the State troops in camp and in the field ; was in active service at the first Bull Run battle, in the Peninsula campaign, with Gen. Pope's army in the Piedmont val- ley, on the field at South Mountain, detailed on the operating staff, and at Antietam. Incessant labor and exposure brought on him miasmatic fever, which compelled him to retire from duty for some months to recruit ; early in 1864 returned to the army of the Po- tomac ; was placed in charge of one of the 2d Corps Hospitals near Fredericksburg ; was assigned to duty as chief surgeon of 1st and 2d Divisions of the 2d Corps at the "White House," and subse- quently at City Point, where he closed a laborious service of three years and six months. J. W. T. Gardiner; born, Gardiner, June, 1817 ; did not pursue the regular collegiate course ; entered and graduated at West Point; Major 2d U. S. Dragoons ; Acting Assistant Provost Mar- shal General of Maine; brevetted Col. U. S. A. 1837. Thomas F. Perley ; born, Bridgton, February, 1816 ; M. D. 1841 ; practised medicine in his native town several years ; then at Jack- sonville, Fla. ; left home and property at the opening of the war and entered the public service as Brigade Surgeon under Gen. Grant, army of the Cumberland ; became Medical Inspector Gen- eral oftheU. S. A. 1838. Gideon S. Palmer; born, Gardiner, June, 1813 ; M. D. 1841 ; entered the service as Asst. Surg. ; was promoted successively to Surg , Brig. Surg, and Div. Med. Director ; Med. Director, Hos- pital, Annapolis. 1839. Alfred Fletcher; born, China, August, 1817 ; studied and prac- tised law ; was mustered in, Oct., 1862, Captain 24th Me.; resigned Jan. 10, 1863. 1841. Frederic Robie ; born, Gorham, August, 1822; M. D. Jefferson Medical College, Phil., 1845 ; practised several years in Waldo- borough ; removed to Gorham ; served during the war as Paymas- ter, with rank of Major ; brevetted Lieut. Colonel. (5) 1842. Charles M. Blake ; born, Holden, December, 1819 ; Principal of a School for Young Ladies in Philadelphia several years ; entered service as Chaplain ; was Capt. U. S. C. T. ; Hospital Chaplain, U. S. A. Edmund A Chadwick ; born, Gardiner, June, 1817 ; A. A. Pay- master, U. S. Navy, William L. Hyde ; born, Bath, December, 1819 ; pursued a theo- logical course at Bangor ; was settled in the ministry at Gardiner for some years, and then at Dunkirk, N. Y. ; Chaplain 112th N. Y. Vols. J. W.Page; born, Bath, October, 1820; M. D. University of Maryland, 1848 ; practised Medicine in Baltimore ; was afterwards connected with the Rutgers Female Institute as Lecturer on Physi- ology and Natural Philosophy ; during the war was Sanitary In- spector ; and then superintendent of white refugees, District N. C. 1843. Abernethy Grover; born, Bethel, February, 1821 ; was mustered into the U. S. service Dec, 1861 ; Captain 13th Maine ; was in the expedition under Maj. Gen. Butler which rendezvoused at Ship Island ; promoted Major 13th Me. April, 1862 ; was Provost Mar- shal at Donaldsville ; served in the Shenandoah Valley under Maj. Gen. Sheridan. 1844. Wm. H. Farnham ; born, Bangor, March, 1824 ; enlisted 1861, private 3d Cal. Infantry, and served 3 years. David R. Hastings; born, Bethel, August, 1823; Major, 12th Me. ; resigned. George Freeman Noyes ; born, Eastport, September, 1864; studied law; Capt. on staff of Gen. Doubleday ; brevet Major, Lieut. Col. and finally Col., for gallant and meritorious service during the war ; author of " The Bivouac and the Battle Field," 1864, which has given him reputation. William W. Virgin ; born, Rumford, September, 1823 ; studied law and was in the practice when the war opened ; was commis- sioned Colonel 23d Maine, Sept. 1862, for the nine months' service. 1845. Lewis L. Record ; born, Miuot, September, 1816 ; a clergyman in the Universalist Church ; Chaplain in the 22d Mass. May — Octo- ber, 1864. (6) O'Neil W. Robinson; born, Waterford, July, 1824 ; studied law and opened an office in Bethel, where he secured a large practice ; was mustered into the service Dec. 1861, Captain 4th Maine Bat- tery, 1st Mounted Artillery, Army of the Potomac ; at one time was Chief of Artillery, 3d Corps ; was promoted Major ; after nearly three years' active service, in consequence of ill health returned home to recruit his strength, but without avail ; died at the home of his father, July, 1864, aged 40 years. William B. Snell ; born, Winthrop, July, 1821 ; studied law and practised his profession in Fairfield ; was mustered into service Nov., 1861 ; was commissioned Captain 13th Me., which served on the Mississippi and Red Rivers under Gen. Banks ; was on detached service in Maine for some time, and was honorably dis- charged Nov., 1864. ' 1846. Frederic A. Dean; born, Ellsworth, Sept., 1825; resided some years in California; was mustered into service Sept., 1861, 1st California Cavalry ; was promoted Lieutenant ; marched with his regiment across the continent, and resigned June, 1863 ; enlisted into the 30th Maine ; served under Gen. Banks through his cam- paign in Louisiana, and then under Gen. Grant, in the 19th corps, army of the Potomac ; was commissioned Lieutenant Aug. 1864, and with the regiment was mustered out Aug. 1865. Charles R. P. Dunlap ; born, Brunswick, Feb. 1827 ; M. D. 1849 ; was Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. V. Frederic D. Sewall ; born, Bath, January, 1826; studied law and engaged in the practice in Bath ; appointed A. A. G. Sept. 1861, and assigned to duty under Brig. Gen. Howard, army of the Potomac; Colonel 19th Me., July, 1862 ; discharged for disability, Feb. 1863 ; Major, Veteran Reserve Corps, June, 1863 ; promoted Colonel 3d Regiment of the same ; commanded a brigade, Depart- ment of Washington ; breveted Brigadier General Volunteers, July, 1865, for " faithful and meritorious service during the war ;" Inspector under Maj. Gen. Howard, Freedmen's Bureau. Thomas H. Talbot ; born. East Machias, July, 1823 ; studied law ; was in the practice in Portland at the opening of the rebel- lion ; was commissioned Lieut. Colonel 18th Me., and mustered in Aug. 1862 ; the regiment being reorganized into the 1st Me. Heavy Artillery, he was stationed in the fortifications near Washington-; transferred to the army of the Potomac, his regiment participating in the battles near Spottsylvania Court House, May, 1864 ; Sept. 1864, was honorably discharged for disability ; commissioned Col- onel, but did not return to the service. 184t. Charles B. Merrill ; born, Portland, April, 1827 ; studied and practised law in Portland ; was commissioned July, 1862, Lieut. Colonel 17th Maine, and in August left with his regiment for the seat of war ; the regiment first came under fire at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 1862, and received high commendation from Gen, Berry, and participated in several engagements subsequently. The last report of this Department records a compliment rendered to Lieut. Col. Merrill from Brig. Gen. Ward for "valuable service" at Chancellorsville. The regiment participated honorably at Gettys- burg and at Orange Grove, and was in Gen. Grant's campaign of 1864. Lieut. Col. Merrill was honorably discharged Oct. 1864. 1848. Isaac W. Case ; born, Kenduskeag, November, 1822 ; was a teacher of youth two or three years, and then settled upon a farm in Kenduskeag, where he resided when he entered the service, Oct. 1862, Capt. Co. 11, 22d Me. ; served under Gen. Banks at Port Hudson. He had volunteered as one of a storming party, but was seized with congestive fever, and, after a few hours' sick- ness, died. He bore the reputation of a brave soldier and a Chris- tian man. Faithful as a soldier, he was true to his profession as a soldier of the cross, exerting an important influence for good over his command. George W. Dyer ; did not prosecute his course ; Paymaster, rank of Major. Andrew J. Fitch ; born, Portland, August, 1826 ; left before fin- ishing his course ; M. D. 1851 ; Surgeon 79th New York. William F. Goodwin ; born, Buxton, September, 1823 ; devoted himself to teaching youth several years ; studied law and graduated LL. B., Harvard, 1854, and was established in practice. La Crosse, Wis. ; was appointed 1st Lieutenant, 16th Infantry, U. S. A., June, 1861; was ordered to recruiting and mustering service; Feb. 1863, was appointed Judge Advocate on a General Court Martial ; was acting Adjutant of the regiment before Murfrees- boro, Tenn. ; assigned to a company ; participated in the battle at Hoover's Gap, Tenn. ; was wounded in the battle of Chickamauga; (8) was afterwards engaged in mustering and disbursing duty in Mich- igan ; Capt. by brevet for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Chickamauga, to date from Sept. 1863; and Jan. 1865, was placed on the list of retired officers in consequence of physical disability. Thomas H. Marshall ; born, Belfast, Feb. 1826 ; left college dur- ing his sophomore year on account of infirm health, and devoted himself to mercantile pursuits ; represented his town in the Legis- lature ; was Senator from Waldo county, and presided over that body ; entered the service Major 4th Maine, participated in the first Bull Run battle, and was complimented by his brigade com- mander for skill and bravery ; promoted Lieut. Col,, and then to the Colonelcy of the Ith Maine, with date of Sept. 1861. While stationed at Baltimore he was seized with typhoid fever, which was rapid in its course and proved fatal Oct. 1861, in the 36th year of his age. He was highly esteemed and respected as a man and a citizen. 1849. Zabdiel Boylston Adams; born, Boston, Mass., October, 1829; M. D., Harvard, 1853 ; Assistant Surgeon Tth Mass., June, 1861 ; Surgeon 32d Mass., May, 1862; 1st Lieutenant, Nov. 1863; Cap- tain, Dec. 1863, 36th Mass. ; served in Gettysburg and Fredericks- burg campaigns; promoted Major, June, 1864; discharged for disability from wounds, Dec. 1864; reinstated, Feb. 1865; bre- veted Major, April, 1865 ; mustered out with regiment, June, 1865. Augustus I. Burbank ; born. Bethel, March, 1829; entered the service Captain 1st Me. Cavalry ; resigned after a few months. William Hobson ; born, Standish, October, 1826 ; Principal of the High School in Saco several years ; mustered into service Aug! 1862, as Captain of Co. I, Itth Maine, army of the Potomac; promoted successively Major and Lieut. Colonel ; wounded at Amelia Spring, Va. Robert R. Thompson ; born, Rumford, Dec. 1822 ; mustered into service Sept. 1822, for three years ; promoted Orderly Sergeant ; commissioned. 2d Lieut. 13th N. H. June, 1863; wounded May, 1864, at Drury's Blufif, Va. ; promoted 1st Lieut. ; killed in action at Fort Harrison, near Richmond, Va., Sept. 19th, 1864, at the age of 42 years ; reported by his commander, " a brave and meri- torious officer," (9) 1850. Freeland S. Holmes; born, Foxcroft, Sept. 182T ; M. D. ; prac- tised medicine in Orono, and -subsequently in Foxcroft ; was com- missioned Assistant Surgeon 4th Me. ; then Surgeon 6th Me., March, 1862 ; died of diphtheria, June, 1863, aged 36 years. He was greatly respected wherever known. Oliver 0. Howard ; born, Leeds, November, 1830. Soon after graduation he received an appointment to West Point, where he graduated, 1854, Lieut, of Ordnance ; subsequently became As- sistant Prof. Mathematics, and acted as such until 1861 ; resigned, returned to Maine, and accepted the colonelcy of the 3d Regt. ; at the first Bull Run battle commanded a brigade in Heintzelman's division, and for distinguished service promoted Brig. Gen. of Vols. ; took part in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac under Gens. McClellan, Burnside, Hooker and Meade ; at the bat- tle of Fair Oaks had two horses killed under him, was wounded twice, losing his right arm ; at Antietam, when Gen. Sedgwick was wounded, the command of his division devolved on him ; No- vember, 1862, promoted Major General ; at Fredericksburg com- manded a division in the 2d Corps ; commanded the 11th Corps on the extreme right in the battle of Chancellorsville ; and at Gettys- burg had a distinguished part, and received a letter of thanks from the President for skill and bravery on that day ; was trans- ferred with his corps to the Army of the Cumberland ;^ assigned to command 4th Army Corps, and won distinction in the opera- tions near Chattanooga ; subsequently, under Gen. Sherman, com- manded one of the three grand divisions of the army, which marched from Atlanta to the Atlantic, and then to Raleigh, N. C. ; was appointed Brig, and brevet Major General U. S. A. We should not fail to mention, that in addition to Gen. Howard's quali- ties as a soldier and a gentleman, he was distinguished as a stead- fast, consistent christian. At the close of the war. Gen. Howard was appointed Chief of the Freedmen's Bureau, an appointment hailed with satisfaction by all who knew the responsibility and delicate duties which attached to the office. John S. Sewall ; born, Newcastle, 1830 ; was clerk on the Saratoga in the Japan expedition. Completed a theological course at Ban- gor, 1859, and was settled in the ministry at Wenham, Mass. He served as chaplain in the 8th Mass. Vols., a nine months' regiment. (10) 1851. Daniel L. Eaton ; born, Calais, October, 1825 ; read law in Port- land, where he opened an office, and then removed to St. Louis, Mo. ; served as Paymaster on Gen. Heintzelman's staff, with the rank of Major, also in Washington ; brevetted Lieut. Colonel, U. S. A. Augustus C, Hamlin; born, Bangor, 1829; M. D., Harvard, 1855 ; Assistant Surgeon 2d Regt. ; then appointed Brig, and Div. Surgeon and Medical Inspector, U. S. A., with rank of Lieut. Colonel ; brevetted Colonel ; author of Martyria, a work on An- dersonville prison, drawn from personal inspection after the war. Hiram Hayes ; born. Industry, no date on record. Chief Quar- termaster 4th corps, with rank of Lieut. Colonel. John S. Hurd ; born, Fryeburg, 1832; served in an Illinois reg- iment. No further information. William H. Owen; born, Brookhaven, N. Y., 1830; served as let Lieut. 3d Me. ; A. Q. M., Captain, Lieut Colonel and Colonel; Chief Q. M. 5th army corps. Charles W. Roberts ; born, Bangor, date not recorded ; was commissioned Lieut. Col. 2d Maine, and soon promoted Colonel of the same ; commanded a brigade, 5th army corps ; was honorably discharged Jan. 1863. His services at Yorktown, Hanover Court House and Gaines' Hill, were reported with commendation ; bre- vetted Brig. General. 1852, Joshua L. Chamberlain ; born. Brewer, September, 1828 ; early education in Col. Whiting's military school, Ellsworth ; graduated Bangor Theological Seminary, 1855 ; Tutor Bowdoin College the same year ; Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, 1856 ; Professor of Modern Languages, 1860. Leave of absence being granted, Aug. 1862, for the purpose of visiting Europe, he tendered his services to the government ; Aug. 8th appointed Lieut. Colonel 20th Me. ; participated in battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancel- lorsville ; promoted Colonel, May, 1863 ; commanded our left flank on Little Round Top, Gettysburg ; specially commended for hand- ling his troops, and promoted to command the famous Light Brig- ade, 5th Corps ; in all the campaigns of the army of the Potomac from that time till the close of the war ; severely wounded in front of Petersburg ; promoted Brig. General on the field by Gen. Grant " for gallant conduct in leading his brigade in a charge," June, (11) 1864; President Court Martial while recovering from wounds; opened Grant's last campaign by assault on the enemy's right flank at " Quaker Road," March, 1865 ; for brilliant success in which was brevetted Major General, and assigned to command a division ; in battles of White Oak Road and Five Forks had two horses shot under him, and was twice wounded in the breast and arm; had the advance in the last action, April 9, 1865, and was designated to receive the formal surrender of Lee's army at Appo- mattox Court House ; returned to his Professorship, Sept. 1865 ; Governor of Maine. James D. Fessenden ; born, Portland, September, 1833; studied law and opened an oflSce in Portland ; mustered into the U. S. ser- vice Nov. 1861; Captain 2d Regt. U. S. Sharpshooters; Colonel U. S. C. T. ; Colonel on Maj. Gen. Hunter's staff; on Maj. Gen. Hooker's staff in the campaign to Atlanta ; commanded a brigade under Gen. Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley ; brevetted Major General "for gallant and distinguished services. N. C. Goodenow ; born, Farmington, January, 1831; did not complete his collegiate course ; entered the service Lieutenant of a mounted Illinois battery ; promoted Captain 16th 111. Cavalry ; on Gen. Stoneman's staff in army under Maj. Gen. Sherman from Chattanooga to Atlanta ; promoted Lieut. Colonel ; served three years. Henry Stone ; born. East Machias, August, 1830 ; graduated Divinity School, Harvard, 1860; Lieutenant Wisconsin regiment; Asst. Adjt. Gen. in Provost Marshal's office at Washington, D. C, with rank of Captain. 1853. Ephraim C. Cummings ; born, Albany, Me., September, 1825 ; was in the tutorship one year ; graduated in theology at Bangor, 1858 ; was settled in the ministry at St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; was Chaplain of the 15th Vt. George S. Kimball ; born, Gardiner, January, 1833 ; mustered into service, Oct. 1861, as Lieut, in the First Me. Cavalry, and participated in all the brilliant services of that regiment ; was killed in a cavalry charge at Aldie, Va., June, 1863, at the age of 30 years. His commission for a captaincy was on its way to him when he fell. Joseph McKeen ; born, Brunswick, October, 1832 ; M. D. 1856 ; served as Volunteer Surgeon for a few months. (12) William McArthur ; born, Liniington, July, 1832 ; mustered in Sept. 1861, Capt. 8th Me. ; Provost Marshal, Hilton Head, S. C. ; promoted successively Major, Lieut. Col. and Colonel ; took part in the severe campaigns of 1864, Army of the Potomac, and was wounded at Cold Harbor ; brevetted Brig. Gen. "for meritorious services during the war," to date from March, 1865. 1854. George W. Bartlett ; born, Litchfield, February, 1828 ; pursued a theological course at the Harvard Divinity School, graduating 185*7 ; was settled in the ministry of the Unitarian Church at Au- gusta ; appointed Chaplain of the 14th Maine, Dec. 1861 ; health failing, he resigned his post and returned North, but having re- gained his health in a measure, accepted the chaplaincy of a cav- alry regiment early in 1864. He showed the spirit of a soldier at Baton Rouge, shouldering his musket and sharing in the conflict of battle. His regiment having been ordered to Virginia, in an engagement at McGee's Hill he was in the rear in discharge of his duties to the wounded, when he was struck by a solid shot and instantly killed at the age of 36 years. Charles P. Chandler; born, Foxcroft, January, 1836; studied law, taking a full course at the Dane Law School, Harvard, and entered the practice in the office of Gov. J. A. Andrew, Boston ; early in 1861 was chosen Lieut, then Capt. in a rifle battalion of Mass. ; commissioned Major of 1st Mass. Vols. May, 1861 ; was with the regiment in the first Bull Run battle and won distinction ; Served in every battle of the Peninsula campaign under Gen. Hooker, and fell in the charge at Glendale or Malvern Hill, June 30, 1862 ; at least he was never heard of after that desperate fight. He was in his 28th year. John A. Douglass ; born, Waterford, no date on record ; M. D. College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1861 ; settled in the practice of medicine, Waltham, Mass. ; May, 1863 became surgeon of 11th Mass. ; honorably discharged Oct. 1864. Jeremiah H. Gilman ; born, Thomaston, November, 1831 ; left College near the close af his sophomore year, having been appoint- ed cadet at West Point, where he graduated ; was commissioned 2d Lieut. U. S. Artillery. At the opening of the war Lieuts. Slemmer and Gilman, not waiting orders, left Barrancas and secured Fort Pickens, Fla., at a critical moment, for which they won the gratitude of the country; promoted Capt. 14th U. S. Infantry; (13) Inspector of Artillery on staff of Brig. Gen. Buell, and afterwards of Maj. Gen. Rosecrans ; brevetted Major U. S. A, Edward B. Smyth; born, Brunswick, January, 1832; did not complete the college course ; settled in Kansas ; was Sergeant in the 11th Kansas Cavalry; and was in active service in the State and against hostile Indians. Henry Clay Wood; born, Winthrop, May, 1832 ; 2d Lieut. 1st Infantry, U. S. A., June, 1856 ; served on the frontier in Texas and the Indian Territory; promoted 1st Lieut. May, 1861; served in " Missouri under Generals Sturgis, Lyon and Fremont ; wounded in action at Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 1861 ; promoted Capt., Oct. 1861 ; Major and Asst. Adj. Gen. U. S. A. June, 1864; promoted Lieut. Col. March, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo., Aug. 1861 ; brevetted Col. March, 1865, "for diligent, faithful and meritorious service in the Adjutant General's Department during the war." 1855. Samuel R. Crocker ; born, Brownville, January, 1837 ; Quarter- master's Sergeant 23d Maine. Stephen M Eaton ; born, Portland, October, 1833 ; mustered in Nov, 1861, 2d Lieut. ; was promoted 1st Lieut. ; was discharged and commissioned Capt, in the signal service, U. S. A., on the staff of Maj. Gen. Canby. Benjamin B. Foster ; born, Orono, November, 1831 ; studied law and entered on the practice in Lincoln; mustered in Nov. 1861, 1st Lieut. 11th Me. ; detached as A. A. G. on Gen. Peck's staff with rank of Major ; Capt. N. C. loyal regiment. Thomas A. Henderson; born, Dover, N. H., Dec. 1834; was Principal of Franklin Academy, Dover, three years, with success, meanwhile studying law; graduated LL. B. Harvard, 1861, and gained a first prize for an essay on a legal subject ; was admitted to the Suffolk bar, 1861 ; relinquished brilliant prospects, entered on a course of military study, and became Adjt. of Tth N. II. ; was promoted Major, Aug. 1862, and in 1863, Lieut. Col. ; subse- quently was on Gen. Seymour's staff; was Provost Marshal of Florida ; led his regiment in action at Drury's Bluff, James river, and for skill and gallantry was highly commended by the com- manding general. At the head of his command in action at Deep Bottom, Aug. 1864, he was mortally wounded, and in three hours died, at the age of 30 years. (14) Obadiah Brown Hewett ; born, Hope, Sept. 1828 ; did not com- plete his academic course ; 1st Lieut. 2d Nebraska Cavalry, nine months' service. Charles E. Shaw; born, Portland, September, 1835 ; served as Lieut. Col. 25th Maine. 1856. Thomas L. Ambrose ; born, Ossipee, N. H., June, 1829 ; studied theology one year at Union Theol. Seminary, N. Y., and one year at Andover, Mass. ; was ordained as a missionary to the Nesto- rians ; his health failing, he returned in 1861; hoping to resume missionary work, he studied medicine. Feeling that his country needed his service, he accepted a chaplaincy in 12th N. H., Sept, 1862 ; was taken prisoner at Chancellorsville ; subsequently rejoin- ed his regiment in Virginia, and while passing from the entrench- ments to the hospital in the rear, was wounded, conveyed to Chesa- peake General Hospital, Fortress Monroe, and after three weeks of suffering, died Aug. 19, 1864, aged 35 years. He was a noble Christian man, of indomitable courage and resolution and great powers of endurance. He gained the respect of both oflBcers and men, who called him the "model chaplain." Isaac D. Balch ; born, Newburyport, Mass., April, 1835; en- listed in a Mass. regiment for three months. Frank C. Davis; born, Farmington, January, 1834; Lieut. 3d Penn. Cavalry, serving in campaigns on the Rappahannock, 1862. Rowland Bailey Howard ; born, Leeds, October, 1833; served in the U. S. Christian Commission, and rendered effective service at the battle of Gettysburg. Enos T. Luce; born, Wilton, January, 1832; studied law, and opened an ofiSce in Auburn ; Lieut. Colonel 23d Maine, with date of Sept. 1862. James F. Miller; born, Hollis, October, 1832; studied law and commenced the practice in Portland ; was appointed aide-de-camp by Gov. Washburn. Jan. 1861 ; commanded for a time the 7th Me. at Baltimore ; A. A. G., with rank of Capt., Aug. 1862, and under Gen. Shepley was A. A. G. and Acting Secretary of State of Louisiana ; was appointed Acting Mayor, New Orleans, Feb. 1863; April, 1864, accompanied Gen Shepley to the Department of Virginia and North Carolina ; from ill health resigned July, 1864. Edwin B. Palmer ; born, Belfast, September, 1833; pursued a theological course at Bangor, and graduated, 1859 ; was settled (15) in the ministry at Newcastle three years ; was commissioned Chap- lain of the 19th Maine, Oct. 1862, and resigned in consequence of infirm health, Feb. 1863 ; was respected and esteemed by oflScers and men. Moses M. Robinson; born, Waterford, April, 1835; was mus- tered in Nov. 1861, Captain 12th Me. ; was for a time on detached service in Maine. William H. Smyth ; born, Brunswick, Oct. 1835; engaged as an engineer in Kansas ; was member of the first Kansas Legislature ; at the opening of the war volunteered in a Kansas regiment ; was commissioned 1st Lieut. 16th U. S. A., and joined Gen. Thomas' corps. Gen. Rousseau's division, Army of the Cumberland ; distin- guished himself in command of his company in the advance from Murfreesboro' ; was taken prisoner in the desperate fight under Gen. Thomas at Chickamauga, (his regiment being nearly annihi- lated) ; was fifteen months in the Libby, Macon, Columbia and Charleston, S. C, prisons ; promoted Captain ; brevetted Major " for meritorious services at Chickamauga." Edward W. Thompson ; born, Brunswick, February, 1836 ; en- tered the service Captain 5th Maine ; was in the first Bull Run battle, and distinguished himself by his cool bravery ; resigned ; was commissioned Captain 1st Battery Mounted Artillery; on service on the Mississippi ; resigned ; Captain 12th Maine. George A. Wheeler ; born, July, 1837 ; M. D., 1859 ; Surgeon U. S. V. ; in charge of the hospital, 9th army corps ; brevetted Lieut. Colonel. Isaac H. Wing; born, Winthrop, July, 1832; did not complete his academical course ; studied law ; was commissioned Ist Lieut. Wisconsin regiment, and served in that capacity. 1857. William H. Anderson ; born, Belfast, December, 1835 ; Assist- ant Paymaster, U. S. N. Samuel C. Belcher; born, Farmington, March, 1839; taught the Academy at Foxcroft three years ; studied law ; Captain 16th Me., with date of June, 1862 ; was taken prisoner at Gettysburg ; dis- charged on account of wounds received in action near Spottsyl- vania Court House May, 1864 ; promoted Major June 22d. Louis 0. Brastow ; born. Brewer, November, 1834 ; pursued a theological course at Bangor ; was settled in the ministry at St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; served as Chaplain of the 14th Vermont. ( 16 ) Edward T. Chapman ; born, Uifity, Feb. 1833 ; taught High School in Gardiner two years ; entered the navy as A. A. Pay- master on the gunboat Commodore Jones, and was killed when she was blown up by a torpedo in James River in the summer of 1864, at the age of 31 years. John N. Fuller; born, Livermore, Feb. 1831 ; served in the 11th Illinois. No other information concerning him. Henry S. Hagar ; born, Richmond, Aug. 1837 ; was 1st Lieut. Tth Me., and then adjutant; resigned. John B. Haselton ; born, Portsmouth, N. H., February 1837 ; A. A. Paymaster, U. S. N, Charles Hamlin ; born, Hampden, September, 1887 ; Major 18th Maine, which was reorganized into the 1st Heavy Artillery, rank bearing date July, 1862 ; appointed Assistant Adjutant General TJ. S. V. on the staff of Maj. Gen. Berry, 3d army corps ; As- sistant Inspector of Artillery ; Lieut. Colonel by brevet, and bre- vetted Brigadier General ; commended by Maj. Gen. Humphreys for services at Gettysburg. John B. Hubbard; born, Hallowell, February, 1837; was suc- cessful as Principal of High School, Lynn, Mass. ; studied law ; was mustered into the U. S. service Dec. 1861, 1st Lieutenant Ist Battery Mounted Artillery, which went to Ship Island and New Orleans under Gen. Butler; served under Gen. Banks; was de- tached and appointed Assistant Adjutant General, Reserve Brig- ade, under Gen. Weitzel. He fell leading a storming party at Port Hudson, May, 1863, at the age of 26 years. Thomas H. Hubbard ; born, Hallowell, December, 1838; studied law ; Adjutant 25th Maine, with date October, 1862, till the regi- ment was mustered out, July, 1863 ; Lieut. Colonel 30th Maine, with date Nov. 1863 ; served in the Department of the Gulf, in the Red River campaigns, also in the Shenandoah Valley, under Gen. Sheridan ; promoted Colonel ; brevetted Brigadier General. Thomas F. Moses; born, Bath, June, 1836; M, D. at Jefferson Medical College, 1860 ; Assistant Surgeon in transport and hos- pital service, U. S. V. Nathaniel A. Robbins; born, Union, August, 1835; enlisted private 4th Maine ; Q. M. Sergeant Dec. 1861 ; promoted 2d Lieu- tenant, with date April, 1862; was appointed R. Q. M. ; was wounded at Chancellorsville, taken prisoner at Gettysburg, and was twenty months in eleven different southern prisons, having repeatedly escaped and been retaken. f n ) Gustavus A. Stanley; bovn, Farmington, June, 1832; was Com- missary Sergeant 8th 111. Cavalry ; Captain 28th Me., date of rank Oct. 1862; Captain 2d Maine Cavalry, date of rank Dec. 1863; served under Gen. Banks, Department of the Gulf. Lyman S. Strickland; born, Livermore, July, 1833; 1st Lieut. 16th U. S. Infantry ; promoted Captain ; resigned. James C. Strout ; born, ^ BlmEg ^ to'^ April, 1834 ; served as pri- vate 3^d Mass. :rwara.y^ 1858. George A. Bright; born, Bangor, April, 1837 ; left during his course; M. D. Harvard, 1860 ; Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N. Samuel Brown; born, Danvers, Mass., Feb. 1836; Captain 16th Conn. ; killed in action at South Mountain, Md., Sept. 1862, aged 26 years. Daniel C. Burleigh ; born, Sanbornton, N. H., April, 1834 ; Prin- cipal of Hampden Academy ; A. A. Surgeon, U. S. N. Sewall C. Charl*; born, Fryeburg, June, 1838; having grad- uated with the first honors, he studied law, and was about to enter on practice, when he enlisted a private, 12th Regiment. From ex- posure while in camp at Portland, disease to which he had shown a tendenc}^ (consumption) was suddenly developed, and in a few weeks terminated his life at the age of 25 years. Jonathan P. Cilley ; born, Thomastou, December, 1835 ; muster- ed in Oct., 1861, Capt. Ist Me. Cavalry; promoted Major, April, 1862, and Lieut. Col., 1864 ; wounded severely at Winchester, taken prisoner and paroled May, 1862; also wounded subsequent- ly at White House Landing, June, 1864 ; brevetted Col. and Brig. Gen. for distinguished services at Five Forks, Farmville and Appo- mattox Court House. Franklin M. Drew ; born. Linden, July, 1837 ; studied law; en- tered private 15th Me. ; commissioned Capt. Dec. 1861 ; promoted Major, Sept. 1862 ; served in Louisiana and Florida; also on de- tached service in Maine ; Pres. Court Martial, N. Y. : brevetted Lieut. Col. and then Col. Francis Fessenden ; born, Portland, March, 1839 ; studied law and began practice in New York ; Capt. 19th U. S. Inf. ; Jan. 1862, joined with the regt. Gen. Buell's army, Tennessee; was wounded in action at Shiloh, April, 1862 ; Col. 25th Me., Sept. 1862 ; Col. 30th Me. ; served in the Department of the Gulf; lost a limb in battle on Cane River, La. ; promoted Brig. Gen. Vols. ; brevetted Major U. S. A. for gallantry at Shiloh, then Lieut. Col. 2 (18) U. S. A. for gallantry at Monett's Bluff, Cane River, and in Nov. promoted Maj. Gen. Vols, and brevetted Col. U. S. A. for merito- rious services during the war; was member of the "Wirz" Court Martial, Washington ; brevetted Maj. Gen. TJ. S. A. ; afterwards was made Asst. Commissioner, Freedmen's Bureau, State of Mary- land. He earned the reputation of a thorough and gallant oiBcer. George F. Granger; born ,' = Calui s^i jjj ly , 183*7 ; left before com- pleting his course ; entered the service as 1st Lieut. ; became«8apt. 9th Me., Sept. 1862, and went with his regiment to Hilton Head, S. C. ; promoted Major, July, 1863 ; was wounded at Drury's Bluff, Va. ; promoted Lieut. Col. then Col., Sept. 1864, while on active duty on the James river ; served in N. C. ; brevetted Brig. Gen. June, 1865. Lysander Hill ; born, Cushing, July, 1834; studied law and en- tered on practice in Rockland; mustered into service, Aug. 1862; Capt. 20th Me. ; was discharged for disability through ill health. Charles K. Hutchins ; born, Leeds, Nov. 18^4 ; mustered into the service, Aug. 1862, Capt. 16th Me. ; was killed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 1862, aged 28 years. William H. Savage ; boxm, Norridgewock, Sept. 1833 ; Capt. 17th Me., Aug. 1862 ; resigned on account of impaired health ; re- enlisted ; 2d Lieut. 7th Me. ; 1st Lieut. 1st Vet. Vols. ; brevetted Capt. for gallant and meritorious conduct in assault before Peters- burg, Va , April, 1865. Ellis Spear; born, Warren, Oct. 1834; Capt. 20th Me., Aug. 1862 ; June, 1863, promoted Major; served in the campaigns from Antietam and the Wilderness to Petersburg ; was wounded in ac- tion at the North Anna ; brevet Lieut. Col. for meritorious service in the actions near Poplar Grove Church, when he was placed in command of a brigade ; and Col. for gallantry at the Quaker Road, March, 1865 ; was Chief of Staff under Gen. Chamberlain ; brevetted Brig. Gen. James K. Tallman ; born, Bath, Feb. 1838 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Me. ; Q. M. of the same; appointed Brig. Q. M., rank of Capt. Henry G. Thomas ; born, Portland, April, 1837 ; graduated Am- herst College, Mass., 1859 ; Capt. 5th Me. ; was appointed Capt. 11th U. S. Infantry ; Col. commanding Brigade U. S. Colored Troops, Ferreros' Div., 9th Corps ; Brig. Gen. ; was in James River and Petersburg campaigns ; brevetted Maj. Gen. Vols. ; bre- vet Col. TJ. S. A. Andrew J. Thompson ; born , July, 1833 ; M. D. Harvard, (19) 1862 ; Surg. 8th N. H. ; Medical Director on Maj. Gen. Davidson's staff. 1859. John D. Anderson ; born, Gray, Nov. 1836 ; 1st Lieut. — Wis- consin Battery. Charles H. Butterfield ; born, Farmington, May, 1833 ; Maj. and Lieut. Col. 91st Indiana. John C. Chamberlain ; born, Brewer, August, 1838 ; pursued a theological course at Bangor ; commissioned Chaplain 11th Me., but served on U. S. Christian Commission, and rendered important service at the battle of Gettysburg. Henry M. Folsom ; born, Monson, Nov. 1834 ; did not complete his Academic course ; 2d Lieut. Tth Me. ; resigned. Charles H. Howard ; born, Leeds, August, 1838 ; began a theo- logical course, Bangor ; Lieut. 3d Me. ; aide-de-camp to Gen. Howard ; wounded at Fair Oaks ; was in all campaigns of Array of the Potomac till Aug. 1863; in Army of Tennessee; promoted Capt. ; brevet Major and Lieut. Col. ; Col. U. S. C. T. ; brevetted Brig. Gen. ; Asst. Commissioner, Freedmen's Bureau. Charles Winthrop Lowell; born, Foxcroft, November, 1834; Capt. 80th U. S. C. T., March, 1863 ; July, 1865, promoted Major; brevetted Lieut. Col. and Col. Vols., March, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious service during the war ;" Provost Marshal, La. Geor;^e W. Merrill; born. New Gloucester, June, 1834; Capt. U. S. C. T. ; Major 60th Illinois. Alfred Mitchell; born, Yarmouth, March, 1837 ; M. D. College Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. 1865 ; Asst. Surg. 9th Me. Edward M. Rand; born, Portland, August, 1839; studied law; Adjutant 2Yth Me. Howard M. Randlett ; born, Stratham, N. H., Feb. 1837 ; Hosp. Steward ; Asst. Surg. 64th N. Y. ; appointed Asst. Surg. U. S. N., March, 1864. Francis W. Sabine ; born, Bangor, Aug. 1839 ; began the study of law ; was mustered into service Nov. 1861 ; 2d Lieut. 11th Me. ; soon pi'omoted 1st Lieut. ; served with the regiment in the Penin- sula campaign, and was promoted Capt. for gallant conduct ; also served in Florida and at Charleston, S. C. ; was Provost Marshal of Fernandina ; served in the Army of the James under Gen. But- ler ; at Deep Bottom was wounded, and died at Chesapeake Hospi- tal, Sept, 1864, aged 25 years. Caleb Saunders; born, Lawrence, Mass., September, 1838; studied law and settled in Lawrence ; enlisted as private 6th Mass.; (20) was with the regiment iu the memorable passage through Balti- more, April 19, 1861 ; afterwards 1st Lieut. 14th Mass. Heavy Artillery. George Webster ; born, Bangor, August, 1834 ; mustered in Nov, 1861, 2d Lieut. 12lh Me. ; promoted 1st Lieut, aud then Capt. ; promoted Major nth U. S. C. T. Albert P. Whittemore ; born, Lisbon, October, 1836 ; served as a private in Gen. Rosecranz's Department ; died at Vicksburg, No farther information. Henry P. Worcester ; born, Gardiner, October, 1839 ; did not prosecute his college course ; was mustered in, June, 1861, 2d Lieut. ; promoted 1st Lieut, and then Capt. 3d Me. ; was wounded iu the battle of the Wilderness, May, 1864. 1860. John F. Appleton ; born, Bangor, August, 1838 ; studied law; was mustered in, Nov. 1801, Capt. 12th Me. The regiment arrived at New Orleans, May, 1862, and participated in the military move- ments in Louisiana. Capt. A. was commended by Gen. Batler for special services ; during the siege of Port Hudson distinguished himself for gallantry iu an assault ; was promoted to a Colonelcy U. S. C. T., June, 1863; commanded a brigade; brevetted Brig. General. Nicholas E. Boyd ; born, Portland, August, 1838 ; enlisted pri- vate, Aug. 1862, 25th Me. ; April, 1863, was detached on service iu U. S. Coast Survey near Washington ; rejoined the regiment in June, aud was mustered out. Albert W. Bradbury ; born, Eastport, January, 1840 ; began the study of law ; was mustered in, Dec. 1861, 2d Lieut. 1st Bat- tery, 1st Mounted Artillery ; was promoted successively 1st Lieut, and Capt. Dec. 1862 ; mentioned with honor by Gen. Weitzel in report of the battle with the rebel force and Berwick Bay fleet ; was wounded March, 1863 ; promoted Major 1st Maine Light Ar- tillerj', Sept. 1864 ; participated honorably in Gen. Sheridan's brilliant movements in the Shenandoah ; Chief of Artillery on stail's of Maj. Gens. Emory and Torbet ; brevetted Lieut. ^Colonel on recommendation of Maj. Gen. Emory, approved by General Sheridan, " for conspicuous gallantry in battle at Winchester and Cedar Creek ;" also brevetted Colonel. Harlan P. Brown ; born, Bethel, October, 1840 ; he left a pleas- ant and lucrative school, Bordentown, N. J., and devoted, as the (21) event proved, his life to the cause of his country ; was commis- sioned 2d Lieut. 1th Me. ; served in the Peninsula campaign ; was promoted Captain ; in the battle of Antietam, as he was cheering on his men, he was struck dead, aged 22 years ; brave, manly, true in his relations to others, and a sincere, consistent Christian. John M. Brown; born, Portland, December, 1839; read law; Sept. 1862, was commissioned Adjutant 25th Me. ; A. A. G. June, 1863, on staff of Gen. Ames, rank of Capt. ; served in array of the Potomac, and in the Department of the South ; promoted Lieut. Colonel 32d Maine ; served in campaign of Petersburg, and was wounded in action, June, 1864, and in consequence resigned ; bre- vetted Colonel for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Gettysburg ; brevetted Brig. General. Alvan F. Bucknam ; born, Yarrpouth, November, 1838 ; grad- uated M. D., 1864; was commissioned Sept. 1862, 2d Lieut. 25th Maine ; July, 1864, was commissioned Assistant Surgeon 2d Mass. Cavalry, was with the regiment under Gen. Sheridan in the Shenandoah, and in the spring of 1865 joined the army of the Potomac. Horace IT. Burbank ; born. Limerick, October, 1838 ; began the study of law ; served as private in 27th Maine ; was appointed Q. M. Sergeant Dec. 1862 ; was among those who volunteered to serve after their time had expired for the defence of Washington during the invasion of Pennsylvania by Gen. Lee, in June and July, 1863 ; commissioned Captain 32d Me. ; taken prisoner at the explosion of the mine in front of Petersburg, May, 1864, and confined at Danville, Va., and Columbia, S. C, seven mouths; escaped and joined Sherman's army ; the 31st and 32d regiments being consolidated, became Captain 31st Maine. George Carey; born, Houlton, August, 1838; was mustered in 1st Lieut, 1st Maine Cavalry, Nov. 1861 ; was detailed to com- mand Gen. Ord's escort; was promoted Captain Dec. 1862; re- signed on account of ill health. Fuller G. Clifford; born, Edgecomb, August, 1834; enlisted a private in 28th Me. and served one year. Simeon A. Evans; boi'n, Fryeburg, April, 183*7: graduated M. D. 1865 ; Nov. 1861, became Hospital Steward 13th Maine. ; March, 1863, was appointed Assistant Surgeon 14th Maine. Seth C. Farrington ; born, Fryeburg, December, 1835 ; began the study of law ; was mustered in, Nov. 1861, Captain 12th Me. ; was with his regiment on the Mississippi, and a portion of the (22) time on detached service at New Orleans ; more recently, Judge Advocate on staff of Maj. Gen. Reynolds, commanding the De- partment of Arkansas, with rank of Major ; brevetted Lieut. Col. Woodbury G. Frost ; born, Brunswick, May, 1838 ; appointed A. A. Surgeon, U. S. N., June, 1864. Charles W, Gardiner ; born, Hallowell, May, 1841 ; enlisted as Corporal 3d Me. ; passed through the several grades to Captain, and was on the staff of Brig. Gen. Ullman, New Orleans ; was appointed Engineer-in-Chief at Port Hudson ; became Provost Marshal of the District of St. Bernard and Plaquemine ; was wounded in action at Fair Oaks ; was taken prisoner at the second Bull Run battle, and exchanged Nov. 1862, William A. Garnsey ; born, Bangor, December, 1839 ; did not complete his course in college ; served as Sergeant 12th Maine ; Captain 2d Louisiana. David Hale ; born, Bridgton, March, 1837 ; read law and was admitted to the bar ; being promised a commission in 17th Me., then organizing, if he would enlist a certain number, he began the service ; was seriously ill for some weeks ; on recovery, the regi- ment having completed its organization, unwilling to remain at home while others were serving their country, he enlisted a pri- vate in 23d Maine ; served a few months, and then, disabled by impaired health, was discharged. William D. Haley; born, Bath, June, 1837; April, 1861, was commissioned 2d Lieut. 3d Maine ; subsequently was appointed Quartermaster; resigned August, 1861. Edwin A. Harlow ; born. East Hebron, December, 1833 ; grad- uated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1863 ; was ordained ; re- ceived appointment from the American Home Missionary Society, and went out to Kansas ; was in the exercise of his ministry when, in an emergency caused by Gen. Price's last invasion of Missouri, Oct. 1864, he enlisted as private in Kansas 4th Militia, and served till the danger had passed, and then returned to his mission work. William L. Haskell ; born, Poland, January, 1836 ; was Asso- ciate Principal of Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalborough, one year ; was mustered in, August, 1861, and commissioned 1st Lieut. 7th Me. ; served in the battles near Richmond in the Peninsula cam- paign ; was Acting Adjutant in the battle at Antietam, where he was wounded by a shot through both knees ; was conveyed to Chambersburg, received into a gentleman's house, and died, Oct. 18th, 1862, in his 27th year. He distinguished himself by courage (23) and gallantly. A commission to a Captaincy reached him just before his death. Granville P. Hawes ; born, East Corinth, July, 1838 ; began the study of law ; entered the service 1st Lieut. 128th N. Y. ; was de- tailed as Commissary, &c., on the staff of Gen. W. II. Emory, 8th Corps, and served under the same when transferred to the com- mand of 3d Division, 19th Corps, Department of the Gulf; was mentioned with honor by Maj. Gen. Banks for eflBciency in his position in the first Teche expedition ; was attached to the staff of Maj. Gen. Grover after the siege of Port Hudson ; then reported to Maj. Gen. Herron, Army of the Frontier, in Texas ; resigned in in the Spring of 1865. James Henry Hobbs Hewett ; born, Hope, February, 1836 ; did not finish the academic course ; private, 8th Me. ; promoted suc- cessively Q. M. Sergeant, 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., Adjutant and Capt.; April, 1865, at Rice's Station, Ya., was wounded severely in action ; and, thus disabled, was discharged, June, 1865. Frederic A. Kendall ; born. Concord, N. H., Aug. 1838 ; escaped from the South at the opening of the war, and enlisted a private in the 11th Indiana Zouaves, July, 1861 ; was transferred to the 1st N, H. ; Sept., 1861, commissioned 2d Lieut. 4th N. H. ; August, 1862, was promoted 1st Lieut., and Sept., 1864, Capt. ; in the Summer of 1865 was on duty as A. C. M., staff of Brig. Gen. R. H. Jackson, 25th Corps, in the Texas expedition. Ezekiel R. Mayo ; born, Hampden, January, 1834 ; began the study of law ; was mustered in, Dec. 1861, 1st Lieut. 3d Me. Bat- tery ; May, 1862, was assigned to the Cavalry Brigade of Gen. Bayard ; was in the force under Maj. Gen. Fremont ; having been highly recommended to the Governor of Maine by Gen. Barry, Chief of Artillery, and others, was promoted Captain 3d Me. Bat- tery, with date June, 1863 ; ordered to the Army of the Potomac, 9th Army Corps, Gen. Burnside. Charles S. McCobb ; born, Boothbay, February, 1831 ; enlisted a private. May, 1861 ; was appointed Hospital Steward, 4th Me. ; was taken prisoner in the first Bull Run battle, while attending upon the wounded on the field whom he refused to leave ; was in the Libby Prison several months and there paroled; Jan. 1863, received a commission as 2d Lieut. ; at Gettysburg, was shot through the lungs, and in two hours died, aged 26 years. James W. North ; born, Augusta, March, 1838 ; graduated M. D. 1864 ; was appointed Asst. Surg. lOUh U. S. C. T. at Louis- (24) ville, Ky. ; the regiment was transferred to Virginia ; but on ac- count of impaired health he resigned, and was honorably discharged, June, 1865. Walter S. Poor ; born, Andover, November, 1836 ; enlisted April, 1861, in 10th N. Y. ; in Nov. was transferred to 1st N. Y. Rifles ; Jan. 1862, promoted 2d Lieut. ; Feb. promoted 1st Lieut., and August, Capt. ; April, 1864, promoted Lieut. Col. 2d N. 0. Loyal Volunteers; appointed Provost Marshal at Beaufort ; Feb. 1865, appointed Lieut. Col. U. S. C. Artillery ; was honorably discharged. Thomas B. Reed ; born, Portland, October, 1839 ; received ap- pointment of A. A. Paymaster U. S. Navy, April, 1864. Abram N. Rowe ; born. North Yarmouth, October, 1838; en- listed Sept. 1862, in 25th Maine, and served during its term of nine months ; was mustered in again Dec. 1863, 2d Lieut. 30th Me. ; was promoted 1st Lieut, early in 1864 ; was seized with typhoid fever and died at Winchester, Va., at the age of 26 years. The Chaplain testified : " I have lost a Christian oflScer." Adelbert B. Twitchell ; born. Bethel, December, 1831 ; enlisted in 5th Me., May, 1861, and was appointed Q. M. Sergt. ; Dec. 1861, was commissioned 2d Lieut. 5th Battery, 1st Mtd. Artillery ; " for meritorious service at Rappahannock Station and conspicuous bravery at Thoroughfare Gap" was recommended for promotion and promoted 1st Lieut. ; was wounded in action at Chancellors- ville, May, 1868 ; Nov. 1863, authorized to raise the 1th. Me. Bat- tery, was commissioned Captain ; was in active service in Gen. Grant's Va. campaign, 1864; " for meritorious service during the siege of Petersburg and at Fort Sedgwick, Va. was brevetted Major. Francis W. Webster; born, Bangor, August, 1836; enlisted a private, 18th Me. ; Feb. 1863, was detailed to a clerkship in the ojGfice of Military Commission, Washington ; having been recom- mended by Gen. Ricketts, and having passed examination by Gen. Casey's board, was commissioned Captain 3d U. S. C. T. ; Jan. 1865, was sent to take command at Fernandina, Fla. ; May, 1865, was sent with his company to Palatka, Fla., as Military Governor. 1861. Wendall A. Anderson; born, Gray, September, 1840 ; did not complete his college course ; was appointed Medical Cadet, U. S. Army; Surgeon 3d Maryland. • ( 25 ) Edward L. Appleton ; born, Bangor, September, 1839 ; did not finish his academic course ; 1st Lieut. U. S. Artillery. • Nelson P. Cram ; born, Bridgton, June, 1838 ; entered the ser- vice immediately after graduation as Sergeant 11th Maine; was seized in camp at Washington with measles, which left him with an afiection of the lungs. He returned home in the spring of 1862, and died Oct. 1862, aged 24 years. William W. Eaton ; born, Brunswick, May, 1836 ; M. D., N. Y., 1864; enlisted in 16th Maine ; was appointed Hospital Steward; Feb. 1863, commissioned Asst. Surgeon, and Dec. 1863, Surgeon. Edwin Emery ; born, Sanford, September, 1836 ; was Principal of the High School, Gardiner, one year ; and while in the same position at Belfast, enlisted in lYth Me., as substitute for a friend; was appointed Color Sergeant, April, 1864 ; in the battle of the Wilderness was twice wounded ; was commissioned 2d Lieut. Lorin Farr ; born, Manchester, June, 1835 ; enlisted as Sergeant 19th Me. ; promoted 2d Lieut. Feb. 1863, and 1st Lieut. March, 1863 ; was severely wounded at Cold Harbor ; promoted Captain, Aug. 1863 ; resigned from effects of his wound/ Samuel Fessenden ; born, Portland, January, 1841 ; began the study of law; 2d Lieut. 2d Battery 1st Mounted Artillery; pro- moted 1st Lieut, of the same ; was appointed Aide-de-camp to Brig. Gen. Tower, July, 1863; was severely wounded Aug. 30th in the second Bull Run or Manassas battle, and died the next morning. A more detailed account may be found in the Adjutant General's Report of December, 1863. Albion Howe ; born, Jacksonville, Fla., May, 1840 ; 2d Lieut. 14th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, 9th Army Corps ; aide-de-camp to Brig. Gen. Howe; Inspector of Artillery, U. S. A. ; Major 14th N. Y. Artillery ; brevetted Lieut. Col. Charles 0. Hunt; born, Gorham, April, 1839; enlisted in 5th Me. Battery and appointed Q. M. Sergeant ; promoted 2d Lieut. May, 1863 ; was wounded at Gettysburg July 1st; was in the bat- tles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, &c. ; was taken prisoner June 18th ; promoted 1st Lieut. Thomas W. Hyde; born, Bath, 1841 ; commissioned Capt. and then Major 1th Me. ; won distinction in the Peninsula campaign ; commanded his regiment at 2d Bull Run, South Mountain and An- tietam ; in the Spring of 1863, Inspector General under Gen. (26) Smith ; on the staifs of Gen. Sedgwick as A. D. C. and Provost Marshal and then of Gen. Wright's, in the successive campaigns to Petersburg, and in the Shenandoah ; promoted Lieut. Col. Dec. 1863, and Col. 1st Me. Vet. Vols. Oct 1864 ; commanded 3d Brig. 2d Div. 6th A. C. during the last year of the vrar ; with 6th Corps entered Danville, Va., and was appointed Military Governor; July, 1865, brevetted Brig. Gen. "for conspicuous gallantry be- fore Petersburg." Samuel Jordan ; born, Poland, February, 1836 ; was appointed in the Spring of 1862 A. A. Paymaster, U. S. N. on the sloop-of- war Vincennes, on the Wamsutta oif South Carolina and Georgia, and in 1863 of the Gulf Squadron. His disease (consumption) to which he had been subject for some years, was rapidly developed in service, and he returned and died at his home Aug. 1865, in the 30th year of his age. George B. Kenniston ; born, Boothbay, Dec. 1836 ; was mustered in Jan. 24th, 1861, 1st Lieut. 5th Me. ; was taken prisoner at the first Bull Run battle, and remained in different prisons thirteen months; rejoined^ his regiment, but Feb. 1863, was "honorably discharged for disability contracted in the line of duty. In No- vember, returned to Washington, and, after examination, was com- missioned Captain 2d U. S. C. T. Edward P. Loring ; born, Norridgewock, March, 1837 ; was mustered in Nov. 1861, 1st Lieut. 13th Me. ; served with the regi- ment in the Gulf Dept. ; Aug. 1863, promoted Capt. Ist La, Heavy Artillery (colored) ; was detailed in the office of Provost Marshal, N. 0. ; pomoted Major U. S. C. T. ; brevet Lieut. Col. Augustus N. Lufkin ; born, East Orrington, June, 183Y ; Aug. 1862, enlisted in 2d Me. ; when its two years of service expired, was transferred to the 20th Me., serving as Corporal ; after exam- ination was commissioned Captain in a regiment of colored troops; served in the Army of the Potomac, of the James, and in the Texas expedition ; was mustered out Dec. 1865. Stephen H. Manning ; born, Lewiston, July, 1835 ; was appoiut- ed Q. M. 1st Me. April, 1861 ; Sept. 1861, 1st Lieut, and Regt. Q. M. 5th Me. ; Aug. 1862, 1st Div. 6th Corps; Nov. 1862, commis- sioned by the President Capt. and Asst. Q. M., and served as Div. Q. M. till May, 1864, when was detailed as A. Chf. Q. M. of the Corps ; Oct. 1864, brevetted Major " for faithful and meritorious services in the campaigns before Richmond and in the Shenandoah (27) Valley;" March, 1865, brevetted Lieut. Col. "for faithful and meritorious services during the war;" May, 1865, Lieut. Col. and Chf. Q. M. 6th A. C. ; June, Chf. Q. M. Provisional Corps, Army of the Potomac; July, was mustered out; Aug. 1865, ordered to report to Maj. Gen. Wright, Department of Texas, and in Nov. Col. and Chf. Q. M. ; brevet Brig. Gen. on recommendation of Gen. Wright. William W. Morrell ; born. East Livermore, Feb. 1826; began the study of law ; his commission of 2d Lieut, bears date Aug. 1862 ; promoted 1st Lieut. Jan. 1863 ; Oct. 29th, promoted Capt. ; while leading his company in a charge, Spottsylvania C. H. May, 1864, was shot through the breast and instantly killed. Two other brothers of the same family fell in the same campaign. Alpheus 3. Packard, jr. ; born, Brunswick, Feb. 1839 ; M. D. 1864 ; was at the Cambridge Scientific Department under Prof. Agassiz two years; in the Fall of 1864 was commissioned Asst. Surgeon 1st Me. Vet. Vols., 6th Corps ; served in Grant's last campaign. Charles B. Rounds; born, Danville, Dec. 1834; July, 1863, en- tered the service in 30th Me. ; was discharged for promotion and commissioned Lieut, 32d Me. ; was wounded in action ; June, 1865, promoted Captain. Edward Simonton ; born, Searsport, October, 1839 ; enlisted, 1862, in 33d Mass. ; was discharged to enter 20th Me. ; 1st Sergt., 2d. Lieut., then 1st Lieut. ; commissioned 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., finally Capt. 1st U. S. C. T., and served till Oct. 1865 ; in the first assault on Petersburg was severely wounded, June, 1864 ; partici- pated in the movements of Generals Butler and Terry, N. 0. ; bre- vetted Major for gallantry in assault before Petersburg ; and Lieut. Col. for "gallant and meritorious conduct during the war;" was appointed 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. L and then 1st Lieut. H. S. B. Smith; born, Bridgton, July, 1838; enlisted private 32d Me., March, 1864; was commissioned Asst. Surg. April 19. George E. Stubbs ; born. Strong, Dec. 1840 ; M. D. Harvard, 1863; was appointed A. A. Surgeon U. S. Vols. 1864; reported to the Medical Director of Army of the Cumberland, Murfrees- boro,' Tenn. ; brevetted Capt. U. S. Vols. Jan. 1866, " for faithful and meritorious services." Joseph B. Upham ; born, Portsmouth, N, H., Dec. 1840 ; receiv- ed a warrant as 3d Asst. Engineer U. S. N., Nov. 1862 ; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 1866. (28) Sylvanus D. Waterman; born, Litchfield, Sept. 1841; Sept. 1862, enlisted in 3d Mass., a nine months' regiment; was on duty chiefly in North Carolina. 1862. Frederic H. Beecher; born, , June, 1841 ; was mustered into service Aug. 25, 16th Me. ; was soon commissioned 2d Lieut, and then 1st Lieut. ; was wounded severely at Fredericksburg and again at Gettysburg ; he was afterwards promoted Captain, but his injuries compelled him to leave the service, and he was honorably discharged ; was afterwards commissioned 1st Lieut. Vet. Reserve ; was sent out by Gen. Howard to Raleigh, N. C, on business con- nected with the Bureau, and has been appointed 2d Lieut. U. 3. I. Melville A. Cochrane ; born, Litchfield, July, 1836 ; entered the army in his junior year; Aug. 1861, was commissioned Capt. 16th U. S. Infantry; served under Gen. Buell ; was taken prisoner at Chickamauga ; was 17 months in rebel prison, escaping twice and retaken ; in March, 1865, rejoined his regiment ; brevetted Major. William E. Donnell ; born, Portland, Oct. 1841; was commis- sioned Adjutant 20th Me., Sept. 1863 ; was bi'evetted Captain with date of July, 1864, " for gallant and distinguished services at the battle of North Anna, and during the campaign before Richmond ;" was wounded at Bethesda Church ; brevetted Major U. S. V. ; Aide-de-Camp, Prov. Marshal and Chief of Ordnance to Maj. Gen. Chamberlain, 1st Division, 5th Corps. George W. Edwards ; born, Gardiner, Nov. 1839 ; was mustered into service, Aug. 1862, 2d Lieut. ; promoted 1st Lieut. ; served in the Maryland campaign ; in December, acted as Judge Advocate of his Brigade Court Martial ; was killed in action at Fredericks- burg, Dec. 1862, gallantly leading his men in a bayonet charge, at the age of 23 years. James D. Erskine ; born, Bristol, March, 1839; did not prose- cute his collegiate course ; was mustered in, June, 1861, 1st Lieut. 4th Maine, and was commissioned Captain Nov. 1 ; after nearly a year's active service was compelled to leave by sickness, and died at home Jan. 1863. Almon Goodwin; born, Baldwin, May, 1840; was mustered into service Aug. 1862, 2d Lieut. 19th Me. ; was soon seized with severe illness, was compelled to leave the service, and in Novem- ber was honorably discharged. (29) Thomas H. Green; born, Calais, March, 1842; April, 1862, was commissioned Captain and placed on the staff of Gen. Prince ; was A. A. G. for a time ; at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, 1862, rushing to the rescue of his commander. Gen. Prince, who had been taken prisoner, he was slain, as is supposed, in the attempt, for he was not seen or heard of more. lie fell at the age of 20 years, a gallant oflScer. William A. Hobbie ; born. Garland, Oct. ISC'!; served in the army of the Tennessee under Gen. Sherman, in 16th Iowa. Henry 11. Hunt; born, Gorham, July, 1841; Aug. 21, 1862, enlisted in 5th Me. Battery ; was soon seized with severe sick- ness, which confined him to the hospital for two months ; in 1863, was appointed Hospital Steward, Artillery Brigade, 1st Army Corps; was in action at Gettysburg; in 1864, rejoined the 5th Battery as private ; served in Gen. Grant's campaign from the Rapidan to the James, and in the Shenandoah Valley. Frederic N. Huston; born, Damariscotta, October, 1839; was commissioned 2d Lieut. 21st Me., Sept. 1862, and June, 1863, 1st Lieut. ; resigned for promotion ; was Captain at the siege of Port Hudson, La. Willard M. Jenkins; born, Chatham, N. H., March, 1838 ; was mustered in, Aug. 1862, 1st Lieut, l^th Me., and immediately left for the seat of war ; was seized with bilious fever, and died at Poolsville, Md., Nov. 1862, aged 24 years. Augustus N. Linscott ; born, Jefferson, September, 1837; was mustered in, Oct. 1862, Captain 2IstMe. a nine months' regiment. Charles P. Mattocks ; born, Baldwin, October, 1840 ; was mus- tered in, Aug. 1862, 1st Lieut. l*7th Me. ; was promoted Captain of the same Dec. 1862 ; was specially commended for good con- duct at Chancellorsville, May 2d ; promoted Major, Dec. 1863 ; commanded the 1st U. S. Sharpshooters; Oct. 1864, was com- missioned Lieut. Col. of 17th, a position reserved for him until Jan. 1865, but never filled by him, as he had been taken prisoner in the battle of the Wilderness ; was in different prisons ten months ; was brevetted Colonel U. S. V., a double brevet, for gal- lant services at Amelia Springs ; brevetted Brig. General. George E. Moulton ; born, Westbrook, November, 1839 ; did not complete his college course ; was mustered into service Nov. 1861, 2d Lieut. 13th Me. ; served in Louisiana, Texas, and Vir- ginia ; was commissioned successively 1st Lieut, and Capt. ; was (30) transferred to 30th Maine as Captain ; was Judge Advocate for a time at Winchester, Va. Joseph Noble ; born, Augusta, October, 1839; left college be- fore completing his course ; was mustered in, Sept. 1861, 2d Lieut. 9th Me. ; promoted 1st Lieut, and Capt. ; served in the southern department and then in Virginia ; June, 1864, was commissioned Major, and in Oct. Lieut. Col. ; Colonel. John M. Pease; born, August 30, 1840; pursued a theo- logical course in New Hampton, N. H. ; enlisted in the 25th Me. for nine months' service. John E. Pierce ; born, Monmouth, September, 1839 ; was en- gaged as a teacher of youth in Wisconsin, when in May, 1864, he enlisted in 39th Wisconsin as Orderly Sergeant, one hundred day volunteers ; and then, at the expiration of its term of service, in 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, and served to the close of the war. Howard L. Prince ; born, Cumberland, May, 1840 ; August, 1862, entered the service of the U. S. as Q. M. Sergeant 20th Me. ; Feb. 1864, was commissioned 1st Lieut. ; was wounded in action at Spottsylvania Court Couse ; Aug. 1864, was detailed as aide-de-camp on Brig. Gen. Bartlett's staff; was brevetted Capt. U. S. Vols, for " gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Peeble's Farm, Sept. 1864;" March, 1865, was appointed Judge Advocate on Gen. Chamberlain's staff, 1st Div. 5th Corps ; served from Antietam through the war. Isaac W. Starbird; born, Litchfield, August, 1839; was mus- tered into the service Aug. 1862, as Captain 19th Me. ; was with bis regiment uninterruptedly until wounded at Gettysburg, July, 1863 ; rejoined his regiment, and had an honorable share in the battle at Bristow Station in Oct. ; in the spring of 1864 was ap- pointed Brigade Inspector on the staff" of Brig. Gen. Mott, 1st Brig., 4th Div., 2d Army Corps, and served in the campaign which followed ; Oct. 1864, was promoted Major, commanding his regiment in the battle of Boydton Road ; was promoted Lieut. Col. Nov. 8, and Col. Nov. 16 ; was wounded severely at High Bridge, April, 1865 ; for good service was brevetted Brigadier General. Frederic A. Stevens; born, Bangor, May, 1838 ; did not prose- cute his academic course; was Capt. 13th Me.; served on the Mississippi and Red Rivers. (31) Josiah A. Temple ; born, Litchfield, July, 1836 ; began the study of law ; Aug. 1863, enlisted in 11th Me. ; in Nov. was wounded at Mine Run, Va. ; after some months in the hospital rejoined his regiment, and continued in the service until discharged for disability, June, 1865. Almou L. Varney ; born, Windham, April, 1839; was mustered in, Dec. 1861, having been commissioned 1st Lieut. 13th Me. ; promoted Captain Aug. 1862 ; served under Gens. Butler and Banks in Louisiana and Texas ; and then in the Valley of the Shenandoah ; Feb. 1865, after examination by the board appointed for the purpose, received an appointment from the President to a Lieutenancy in the Ordnance Department, U. S. A. Henry Warren ; born, Bangor, Feb. 1840 ; left near the close of his junior year; was mustered in, Aug. 1861, 1st Lieut. Yth Me. ; was promoted Captain ; having been twice wounded on the first day of the battle of the Wilderness, May, 1864, he was instantly killed on the last day of that desperate conflict, at the age of 24 years. If space were allowed, circumstances connected with his last days of service might be narrated which would show the highest devotion to his country's cause, and the most undaunted bravery. William W. Webster; born, Belfast, August, 1838; did not prosecute his college course ; enlisted in a California regiment. Marcus Wight ; born, , July, 1838; enlisted in the 29th Me., Jan. 1864; served in Louisiana; was commissioned Lieut. 4th U. S. Cavalry, U. S. C. T. 1868. Arthur B. Arey ; born, Hampden, May, 1840 ; did not prosecute his college course ; U. S. N. Delon H Abbott ; born, Orono, Dec. 1838 ; did not prosecute his academic course ; entered the service as Hospital Steward, Aug. 1862 ; was promoted Assistant Surgeon and Surgeon 9th Me. John Le B. Andrews ; born, Eastport, Nov. 1839 ; did not com- jplete his course ; enlisted in 9th Me. No further information. Charles U. Bell; born, Exeter, N. H., Dec. 1843; enlisted in 42 Mass. (100 days.) George E. Brown; born, Hampden, Nov. 1841 ; was mustered in Sergt. 22d Maine, Oct. 1862 ; was promoted 1st Lieut. ; served on the Mississippi in Gen. Grover's Division ; at Port Hudson, he (32) with Capt. Case (class of 1848) volunteered with five men from the regiment to form a storming party. John W. Duxbury; born, Dover, N. H., Oct. 1844; was attach- ed to the Telegraph Corps, Gen. Foster's Department. James M. Howe ; born, Fryeburg, Oct. 1835 ; left college in his junior year; was mustered in, Sept. 1862, and commissioned 2d Lieut. 23d Me. Hamilton S. Lowell ; born, Windham, Sept. 1841 ; left college in his sophomore year; was mustered in, Nov. 1861 ; commissioned 2d Lieut., promoted 1st Lieut. ; Captain 12th Me. ; was wounded at Winchester, Va. George M. Pease; born, Bridgton, Dec. 1841; private in 'Zth Me. Battery. Daniel M. Phillips ; born, Gorhara, Jan. 1836 ; did not finish his college course ; was mustered in, Nov. 1861; commissioned 1st Lieut. 12th Me., then Captain; was killed in action at Winches- ter, Va. Adoniram J. Pickard ; born. West Hampden, Dec. 1838 ; was mustered into service, Dec. 1863; was commissioned 1st Lieut. 2d Me. Cavalry. Evans S. Pillsbury ; born, Monson, Aug. 1839 ; did not complete his collegiate course; was mustered in, Oct. 1861 ; promoted 1st Lieut. 1st Me. Cavalry; discharged for disability. Horace L. Piper; born. Limerick, July, 1841 ; did not complete his college course; 1st Lieut. U. S. C. T. James W. Poor ; born, Belfast, Feb. 1840 ; did not complete his college course ; Sergeant ; 1st Lieut. Maine Cavalry, Frank C. Remick ; born, Cornish, Aug. 1842 ; enlisted as private, (100 days.) John n. Roberts ; born, Rochester, N. H., July, 1840 ; did not complete his college course ; enlisted as private in 15th N. H. Andrew R. G. Smith ; born, Bridgton, May, 1841 ; ELospital Steward, 2d Me. Cavalry ; Assistant Sui'geon. S. P. Newman Smyth ; born, Brunswick, June, 1843 ; began a theological course, Bangor ; appointed Assistant Librarian and Instructor, Naval Academy, Newport, R. L ; left to join the army ; commissioned 1st Lieut. 16th Me., 5th Corps ; commanded his company in the advance on the Weldon Railroad and at Hatcher's Run ; Acting Quartermaster of the regiment. Edward L. Sturtevant ; born, Winthrop, (no date on record;) ( 3:^ ) was mustered in, Oct. 1S62 ; commissioned 1st Lieut. 24th Me.; promoted Captain. 1864. Charles Bennett; born, Bridgton, March, 1839; Sergeant 23d Me. ; left college, then returned and finished his college course ; 2d Lieut. ; 1st Lieut. 19(li Me., participating in the operations near Petersburg, Va. Samuel S. Caswell; horn, Stratford, N II.. March, 1840; was mustered into service Ang. 1863, 1st N. II. Heavy Artillery; re- turned and finished his college course ; was promoted 1st Lieut. 18th N. II Vols., Nov. 1864 ; Adjutant of the same. Owen W. Davis ; born, Great Falls, N. U. Dec. 1842 ; served in the R. I. Cavalry, (three months.) John Deering; born, Saco, Dec. 1842; did not complete his collegiate course; enlisted in the 13th Me., Jan. 1862; was dis- charged for disability in August. Enoch M. Deering ; born, Harrison, Oct. 1841 ; did not complete his collegiate course ; was mustered in, Dec. 1861 ; died at home, June, 1862. Frederic R. Estabrook ; born, Catnden, June, 1841; did not prosecute his collegiate course ; Assistant Surgeon 24th Me. with date of Dec. 1862 ; died in the service Feb. 24th, 1863, aged 22 years. Enoch Foster; born, Newry, May, 1839; did not complete his course; mustered in, Dec. 1861; commissioned 2d Lieut.; pro- moted 1st Lieut. 13th Me. ; resigned. Sanford 0. Frye ; born, Bath, Dec. 1841 ; A. Asst. Paymaster's clerk U. S. Monitor Montauk ; was seized with fever and died at Hilton Head, Dec. 1864, aged 23 years. William L. Gerrish ; born, Portland, Aug. 1841; entered the service as Sergeant 19th Me ; was promoted 2d Lieut. ; Acting Adjutant ; was seized with congestion of the brain and in a few hours died, Feb. 1865, in the 24th year of his age. Calvin L. Hayes; born, Kit'tery, March, 1842 ; did not complete his course ; enlisted as private 1st Me. ; Sergeant Major 27th Me., Sept. 1862, Adjutant 32d Me. Myron M. Hovey ; born, Waldoborough, April, 1839; A. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. Henry X. W. Hoyt ; born, Portland, Nov. 1844; served three months in the R. 1. Cavalry. (34) James H. Maxwell ; born, Portland, Nov. 1843 ; enlisted as pri- vate 20th Me. ; was in Gen. Grant's last campaign ; died at Wash- ington, April, 1865, in the 22d year of his age. Charles A. Robbins ; born, Brunswick, July, 1843; A. Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. on Monitor Montauk. Joseph N. Whitney ; born, Raymond, Sept. 1831 ; left in the midst of his course ; enlisted for three months' service in R. I. Cavalry ; 2d Lieut. 2d R. I. Cavalry ; was taken prisoner in the Louisiana campaign and confined in Southern prisons 22 months. John G. Wight; born, Gorham, N. H., March, 1842; left at the end of his sophomore year ; returned and finished his course ; U. S. N. one year. 1866. William H. H. Andrews ; born, Newburg, March, 1842 ; did not complete the course ; Q. M. Sergeant, with date Sept. 1862 ; promoted Quartermaster. Edwin C. Barrows; born, Vassalborough, April, 1842; did not complete his course ; Sergeant 2d Me. Cavalry. Prince A. Gatchel ; born, Lincoln, August, 1841 ; did not com- plete his college course; was mustered into service Aug. 1862, IsJ; Me. Heavy Artillery ; Sergeant on recruiting service in Me. ;' 2d Lieut ; 1st Lieut, and Captain. E. S. Keyes ; born, N. Jay, Jan. 1842; did not complete the course ; Capt. 32d Me. ; brevetted Major. Harlan P. Knight; born, Hancock, N. H., Sept. 1831 ; left col- lege at the end of freshman year ; enlisted in 5th N. H. (doubtful as to the regiment) ; was killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 1862, aged 25 years. Leander 0. Merriam ; born. Garland, May, 1843; left in his junior year, and returned to finish his course in the next class ; Sergeant Major 31st Me. ; was wounded. Edwin S. Rogers; born, Patten, January, 1843; left in his junior year; 2d Lieut. 31st Me., Co. E ; fell in the battle at Cold Harbor, June, 1864, aged 21 years. Horatio P. Smith; born, Gorham, July, 1845; 1st Sergeant 31st Me. ; died at home of disease contracted in the army, Aug. 1864, just entering his 20th year. Arthur T. Stearns; born, Lovell Centre, April, 1840 ; left at the end of his freshman year ; Sergeant 23d Me. (35) 1866. James A. Bedell; born, S. Berwick, April, 1839; did not pros- ecute his college course ; at once entered the army, and died in the service. Joseph L. Bennett; born, Bridgton, August, 1842; left college at the opening of his sophomore year ; served as Corporal 23d Me. ; as private 7th Me. Battery, Array of the Potomac. Hiram K. Colby ; born, Topsham, February, 1845 ; left college at the close'of his sophomore j'ear, and returned at the end of his year's service ; entered the service as 2d Sergeant 16th Me. Ezekiel H. Cook; born, Lewiston, December, 1848 ; left college at the end of his sophomore year, returning at the end of his ser- vice to finish his course; Q,. M. Sergeant 1st Me. Battery. Pliny F. Drew ; born, Limerick, June, 1841 ; did not prosecute the course ; joined the armj' and died in service. Edward E. Jones; born, Miiiot, September, 1842; left in the midst of his college course ; private 3d Me. George T. Sumner; born, Appleton, January, 1844; was ad- mitted to college, but immediately entered the service ; returned and resumed his course ; Sergeant 26th Me.; mustered in, Oct. 1862; March, 1863, was discharged for disability. Melvin C. Wadsworth ; horn, Pittston, February, 1842; was examined two days before his class, fi^as admitted to coHege, and immediately left to join his regiment; 2d Lieut. April, 1863. 1867. Melvin F. Arey ; born, Hampden, Januar}', 1844 ; was ad- mitted, and after a year's service returned and fell back a year in his course; mustered intd U. S. service Oct. 1862, 22d Me ; private and then corporal. Thomas William Lord; boni, , December 10, 1843; did not prosecute his academic course ; at once entered the service ; was mustered in, Aug. 1862; 3d Sergeant; promoted 2d Lieut. ; se- verely wounded at Chancellcjrsville, May, 1864; Adjutant in Vet. Reserve Corps ; on Gen. Howard's staff, with rank of Lieut. William P. Mudgett ; born, Newburg, January, 1842; 2d Lieut. 11th Me. ; resigned. Stanley Adelbert Plummer ; born. Dexter, February, 1846; served one year in the " Unassigned Lifantry." (36) 1868. George M. Bodge ; born, Bridgton, February, 1841 ; fife major f th Maine. J. S. Burns ; born, Hamlin's Grant, January, 1842 ; Q. M. Dept., 1st Div., 10th Army Corps. S. Fogg, Jr. ; born. Stetson, Aug. 1844; 2d Lieut. U. S. 0. T. 1869. Oscar Fitz-Allen Greene; born, Troy, February, 1842 ; served in Ist Me. Cavalry, Army of the Potomac, three years. James Hunter Kennedy ; born, Strong, April, 1844 ; Sergeant, 24th Me., under Gen. Banks, Department of the Gulf, one year. 1870. De Alva Stanwood Alexander ; born, Richmond, July, 1845 ; served three years, 128th Ohio, Army of Ohio. William Edward Frost; born, Norway, Dec. 1842; Corporal 23d Me. Orville Boardman Grant; born, Ellsworth, Sept. 1844; Marine, U. S. N , one year. James Arthur Roberts; born, Waterboro', March, 1841; 7th Me. Battery, Army of the Potomac.