E 475 .55 .S68 Copy 1 CHARTER AND PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SOLDIERS' NATIONAL CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. IXCOItl'OItATKI) HV THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PROVIDENCE: K M f ) W I- K S , ANTHONY & CO. PRINTERS. 1 864. CHAETEE AND PEOCEEDINGS BOAKD OF COMMISSIONEES SOLDIERS' NATIONAL CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. INCORPOEATED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PROVIDENCE: KNOWL.es, AKTHONY & CO., PEINTEES. 1 864. CHAETER. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SOLDIERS' NATIONAL CEMETERY. WHEREAS, The commonwealth of Pennsylvania has pur- chased seventeen acres of land on Cemetery Hill, on the Get- tysburg battle-field, in the county of Adams, for a cemetery for the burial of the remains of the soldiers who fell in the battle of Gettysburg and the skirmishes incident thereto, in defense of the Union, or died thereafter from wounds received in that bat- tle and the skirmishes ; therefore — Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Mouse of Rep- resentatives of the Oomynonivealti, of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the titles to the said lands, purchased as set forth in the foregoing preamble, are hereby ratified and confirmed, and shall vest and remain in said Commonwealth in fee simple, in trust for all the States having soldiers buried in said grounds, and the said grounds shall be devoted in perpetuity to the purpose for which they were purchased, namely for the burial and place of final rest of the remains of the soldiers who fell in the defence of the Union in the battle of Gettysburg ; and also the remains of the soldiers who fell at other points north of the Potomac river, in the several encounters with the enemy during the inva- sion of Lee, in tlie summer of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, or died thereafter, in consequence of wounds re- ceived in said battle and duriuo- said invasion. Sec. 2. That B. W. Norris, of the State of Maine ; Ira Perlej, of the State of New Hampshire ; Paul Dilhngham, of the State of Vermont ; Henry Edwards, of the State of Massa- chusetts ; John R. Bartlett, of the State of Rhode Island ; Alfred Coit, of the State of Connecticut; Edward Cooper, of the State of New York ; Levi Scobey, of the State of New Jersey ; David Wills, of the State of Pennsylvania ; Benjamin Deford, of the State of Maryland ; John R. Latimer, of the State of Delaware ; Chester D. Hubbard, of the State of West Virginia ; Gordon Lofland, of the State of Ohio ; John G. Stephenson, of the State of Indiana ; Clark E. Carr, of the State of Illinois ; W. Y. Selleck, of the State of Wisconsin; Thomas White Ferry, of the State of Michigan ; Alexander Ramsey, of the State of Minne- sota ; being one commissioner from each State having soldiers burled in said cemetery, be, and they and their successors are hereby created a body politic in law, under the name, style and title of the Soldiers' National Cemetery, and by that name, style and title shall have perpetual succession, and be able and capa- ble in law to have and use a common seal, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all courts of law and equity, and to do all such other things as are incident to a corporation. Sec. 3. The care and management of the grounds referred to in the preamble and first section of this act are hereby entrusted solely to the commissioners named in the second sec- tion of the same, and those hereafter appointed to represent the States therein named, and their successors in office. The said commissioners shall constitute a board of managers, whoso duty it shall be, out of funds that may be in the hands of the treas- urer of the corj)oration, by State appropriations or otherwise, to remove tlic remains of all the soldiers referred to in the first section of this act, that have not already been removed to the cemetery and have them properly interred therein ; and also to lay out, fence and ornament; to divide and arrange into suitable plots and burial lots ; establi^Ji carriage-ways, avenues and foot- ways; erect buildings and a monument or monuments, and suit- able marks to deslgmrte the graves, and generally to do all other things in their judgment necessary and proper to be done, to adapt the ground and premises to the uses for which it has been purchased and set apart. Sec. 4. The business of the corporation shall be conducted by the commissioners aforesaid and their successors in office. The said commissioners shall meet within sixty days after the passage of this act, and organize by electing one of their number president ; they shall also appoint a secretary and treasurer, and shall have power to employ such other officers and agents as may be needful ; they shall require of the treasurer to enter into bonds to the corporation, in double the probable amount of money that may be in his hands at any one time during his term of office, with two or more sufficient sureties, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties, and the correct accounting for and paying over of the money ; which said bond or bonds shall be approved by the court of common pleas of Adams county, and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in and for said county. The term of office of the officers of the board of commissioners aforesaid shall expire on the first day of Jan- uary of each and every year, or as soon thereafter as their suc- cessors may be duly chosen and qualified to act. Sec. 5. At the first meeting of thq commissioners hereto- fore named they shall be divided by lot into three classes, and the term of office of the first class shall expire on the first day of January, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five"; the second class, on the first day of January, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six ; and the third class, on the first day of January, Anno Domini, one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-seven. The vacancies thus occurring shall be filled by the Governors of the States which the said commissioners represented ; and the persons thus appoint- ed to fill such vacancies, shall hold their office as commissioners aforesaid for the term of three years. In case of the neglect or failure of the Governor of any State having burial lots in the ceme- tery to fill such vacancy, the board of commissioners may supply the place by appointing a citizen of the particular State which is not represented in the board, by reason of such vacancy. Any vacancies not yet filled, or hereafter occurring in the board of commissioners, by death, resignation or otlierwise, shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired terra by the Governor of the State, which the person represented, or in case of failure by 6 such Governor to make said appointment, then the place shall be supplied, as last above indicated. Such other States of the Union not having burial lots in said cemetery, but that may at any time hereafter desire to be represented in this corporation, shall have the privilege of nominating a commissioner to repre- sent them severally in the board of commissioners, and thereafter pay their proportionate share of the expense of maintaining said cemetery. Sec. 6. The board of commissioners shall, annually, at the end of each fiscal year, make a report of the condition and man- agement of the cemetery, w^hich report shall contain a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of the corporation ; and a copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Governor of each State, represented in the corporation. The expenses incident to the removal of the dead, the enclosing and ornamenting the cemetery, and all the work connected therewith, and its future maintenance, shall be apportioned among the States connecting themselves with the corporation, according to their population, as indicated by their representation in the House of Representa- tives of the United States. Sec. 7. The board of commissioners shall adopt such by- laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary for their meetings and government, and for the government of their officers, agents and employees^ and for the care and protection of the cemeter}- grounds, and the property of the corporation : Provided, said by-laws, rules and regulations be not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, the Con- stitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and this act of incorporation. Sec. 8. The board of commissioners shall have no power to appropriate any of the funds of the corporation as a compensa- tion for their services as commissioners. Sec 9. The grounds and property of said cemetery shall be forever free from the levy of any State, county or municipal taxes ; and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby releases and exempts the corporation, created by this act of assembly, from the payment of any enrolment tax, or any tax or taxes whatever, that might be imposed by existing laws. All the laws of this commonwealth now in force, or which may here- after be enacted for the protection of cemeteries, burial grounds and places of sepulture, shall apply with full force and effect to the Soldiers' National cemetery hereby incorporated, imme- diately from and after the passage of this act. Sec. 10. The corporation of the Soldiers' National cemetery shall have power to receive appropriations from the United States, and from the State Legislatures, and also devises and bequests, gifts, annuities and all other kinds of property, real and personal, for the purposes of the burial of the dead, enclos- ing and ornamenting the grounds, and maintaining the same and erecting a monument or monuments therein. PROCEEDINGS, &c. Gettysbukg, Pensylvania, April 6th, 1864. In pursuance of a call of David Wills, Esq., Commissioner of the State of Pennsylvania, and in conformity with the Act of Incorporation, a meeting of the Commissioners of the Soldiers' National Cemetery Association was held this day in the town of Gettysburg. The following Commissioners were present : B. W. NoRRis, of Maine. Henry Edwards, of Massachusetts. Ira Perley, of New Hampshire. John R. Bartlett, of Rhode Island. David R. Latimer, of Delaware. David Wills, of Pennsylvania. Chester D. Hubbard, of West Virginia. Gordon Lofland, of Ohio. Thomas White Ferry, of Michigan. Mr. Latimer, of Delaware, was called to the chair. Mr. Wills, of Pennsylvania, was chosen Secretary. On motion, the Board proceeded to the election of permanent officers, when David Wills was unanimously elected President of the Board of Commissioners. On motion it was Resolved, That the Board proceed to divide itself into three classes or divisions, as required by the 5th Section of the Act of Incorporation, The names of the eio-hteen States formino; the Association were written on sHps of paper, folded and placed in a hat. These slips were then drawn out separately in the following order : The first class of States, the term of service of whose Com- missioners will expire under the charter, on the first day of January 1865 ; New Hampshire, Illinois, Rhode Island, Indiana, New York and West Virginia. Second class, wliose term of service will expire on the first day of January 1866 ; the Commissioners from Ohio, Delaware, Minnesota, Maryland, Maine and Massachusetts. Third class, whose term of service will expire on the first day of January 1867 ; the Commissioners from New Jersey, Michi- gan, Connecticut, Vermont, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Voted, That a Committee consisting of Mr. Wills, Mr. Norris and Mr. Bartlett be appointed to prepare By-Laws for this Board, and submit them to the next meeting. On motion of Mr. Lofland, of Ohio, it was resolved that Mr. Wills, Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Norris and Mr. Ferry, be a Committee to invite, through the newspapers, ])roposals with designs and esti- mates, for a Monument for the Soldiers' National Cemetery, to be submitted to the Board for their adoption at a future meeting. On motion, it was voted, that the President of the Board be authorized to procure a Seal for the Corporation. Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, submitted the following resolution : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be, and they hereby ^re presented to David Wills, Esq., for the prompt, efficient, able and satisfactory manner in which he has discharged the arduous duties initiatory to the orgamization of the Soldiers' National Cemetery Association. On motion, the Board adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. JOHN R. BARTLETT, Secretary. 2 10 Thursday, April 7th, 1864. The Board of Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, at 9 o'clock this morning. David Wills, Esq., President, in the chair. Present, David Wills, John R. Latimer, Thomas W. Ferry, Henry Edwards, Gordon Lofland, B. W. Norris, Charles W. Hubbard, Ira Perley and John R. Bartlett. The proceedings of yesterday were read and approved. Mr. Wills, from the Committee appointed to prepare By-Laws, submitted their report, which was received and read. On motion of Mr. Latimer, it was voted that the By-Laws be taken up and acted upon separately. After various amendments, the following By-Laws were adopted : BY-LAWS. Section 1. There shall be an annnal meeting of the board of managers hereafter on the first Wednesday in December of each and every year, at such place and hour as may be previously de.-^ignated by the President of the board ; and it is hereby made part of his duty to make such designation, and give timely notice thereof to tlie several commissioners composing the board of managers. Special meetings may be called by the President at such times and places as he may think necessary. It shall also be the duty of the President to call a special meeting upon the request, in writing, of six members of the board of managers, at such time and place as they may designate. Sec. 2. Six members of the board of manao-ers shall consti- tute a quorum to transact business. Sec. 3. The fiscal year shall close on the 30lh of November of each and every year, and it shall be the duty of the treasurer to make a detailed report of all the receipts and disbursements 11 of money during the year, and submit the same, together with his hooks and papers, to the auditing committee for their exami- nation and approval ; and the report having been audited and approved, shall ba laid before the board of managers at its first annual meeting thereafter. Sec. 4. The board of managers shall annually elect three of of its members auditors, whose duty it shall be to audit the annual report of the treasurer, and, if found correct, approve of the same, and submit it to the first annual meeting of the board of managers after the close of the fiscal year. If found incor- rect, they shall adjust it and report the facts to the board. Sec. 5. The moneys in the treasury shall be disbursed by the treasurer only upon the order of the President, subject to the final approval of the auditing committee. Sec. 6. These by-laws may be altered, amended or annulled, in part or in whole, at any meeting of the board of managers. Mr. Hubbard, of West Virginia, submitted the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the President of this Board, to enter into and make all contracts for the improvement, adorning and taking care of the grounds of the Soldiers' Na- tional Cemetery, subject to the approval of an Executive Com- mittee of three, to be appointed by the Board. On motion of Mr. Norris, of Maine, the following gentlemen were elected the Executive Committee. John R. Latimer, of Delaware. Benjamin Deford, of Maryland. Levi Scobey, of New Jersey. On motion of Mr. Norris, the following gentlemen were elected the Auditing Committee. John R. Barti,ett, of Rhode Island. * GORDOM LOELAND, of Ohio. Henry Edwards, of Massachusetts. 12 Mr. Lofland, of Ohio, proposed that a compensation be allowed to Mr. David Wills, for his services as General Super- intendent of the Soldiers' National Cemetery ; whereupon, the following resolution, submitted by Mr, Hubbard, of West Virginia, was adopted. Resolved, That the Hon. Daniel Wills be appointed Genera\ Superintendent of the Soldiers' National Cemetery, for the current year ; and that the sum of one hundred dollars per month be paid him for his services, commencing on the first day of the present month of April, 1864. Mr. Latimer submitted the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the President be authorized to employ such amanuenses as he may from time to time require, to assist in writing ; the amount so expended to be reported to the Audit- ing Committee. On motion of Mr. Latimer the Board proceeded to the elec- tion of a Secretary of the Board. Ballots were then distributed to the members. Upon counting the ballots, John R. Bartlett, of Rhode Island, was declared to be elected Secretary. Upon motion of Mr.. Edwards, the amount of bonds to be given by the Treasurer was fixed at twenty-five thousand, dollars (25,000.) Mr. Latimer submitted the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the President be authorized to make applica- tion, from time to time, to the several States which shall have mafcle appropriations to the Soldiers' National Cemetery, for such portions of said appropriations as in his judgment may be deemed necessary to meet the expenses of the work, as the same may be incurred. 13 Mr. Norris submitted the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved^ That the Committee on the contemplated monu- ment, be authorized to offer the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars (|250) to the person whose design for such monument shall be adopted by the Board of Commissioners. Col. Lofland submitted the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the Committee on the monviment be author- ized to procure designs for the gateway and lodge for the Cem- etery, and for the boundary line along the Baltimore turnpike ; to adopt such designs as they may think best, and proceed to their construction. Mr. Edward's submitted the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved, That the President cause to be printed a list of the names of all the officers and soldiers who fell in the battle of Gettysburg, and in the skirmishes incident thereto, in defence of the Union, or who died thereafter from wounds received in that battle and the skirmishes (as far as the same can be obtained from the cemetery and battle-field ;) and that when printed, copies of the same be sent to each of the Commissioners, in order that they may take steps to procure a complete list from the rolls of the several regiments of their respective states of all who fell in that memorable battle. The following resolution was adopted. Resolved, That William Saunders be appointed landscape gardener of the Soldiers' National Cemetery ; and that the thanks of this board are hereby tendered to Mr. Saunders for the very efficient service he has already rendered the Corpora- tion. On motion, it was resolved, that the sum of three hundred dollars ($300) be paid to Samuel Weaver for his services in the exhuming and inspection of the bodies taken from the bat- tle field to the Cemetery. 14 On motion Mr. Samuel R. Russell was elected Treasurer of the Corporation at a salary at the rate of two hundred and fifty- dollars per annum, upon his giving satisfactory bonds as required by the act of incorporation. Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, submitted the following resolution^ which was adopted. Resolved, That sufficient grounds within the Cemetery tract are hereby devoted to the monumental uses of all officers and privates who fell or died of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg, and in skirmishes connected therewith ; and that permission is extended for the erection of monuments, to all such fallen heroes, as stricken friends, brave comrades and a grateful people may elect. Provided only, that such commem- orative designs and locations shall harmonize with the general plan adopted, and meet the approval of the landscape gardener, Mr. Saunders. Mr. Ferry submitted the following resolution which was adopted. Resolved, That the President be requested to solicit from the various Railroad Companies, over whose roads commissioners travel, in going to and from Gettysburg, passes for them respect- ively, while in the discharge of their duties as Commissioners of the Soldiers' national Cemetery. On motion the board adjourned to meet in Gettysburg, on Friday, the 10th day of June next, at 2 o'clock, p. m. JOHN R. BARTLETT, Secretary. Gettysburg, June 10th, 1864. The Board of Commissioners of the Soldiers' National Cem- etery met this day in pursuance to adjournment at McClellan's Hotel. David Wills, President, in the chair. 15 The roll of the several states was called, when the folio-wing gentlemen answered. Clarke E. Carr, of Illmois. John R. Bartlett, of Rhode Island. Edward Cooper, of New York. C. D. Hubbard, of West Virginia. Gordon Lofland, of Ohio. John R. Latimer, of Delaware. Alexander Ramsay, of Minnesota. Benjamin Deford, of Maryland. Henry Edwards, of Massachusetts. Levi Scobey, of New Jersey. Thomas White Ferry, of Michicran. W. T. Selleck, of Wisconsin. David Wills, of Pennsylvania. B. M. NoRRis, of Maine. The Secretary read the proceedings of the last meeting, which were approved. ■ The President stated verbally what he had done relative to the wall around the grounds, and the expenses attending the same. Mr. Bartlett, from the Committee to procure designs for the monument for the Soldiers' National Cemeteiy, stated that the Committee had advertised in various papers for designs and esti- mates, and that he had received fifteen, which designs, with accom- panying papers, were on the table for the inspection of the Board. The Board adjourned to 6 o'clock this evening. JOHN R. BARTLETT, Secretary. Friday Evening, June 10th, 6 o'clock. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. David Wills, President in the Chair. Fourteen Commissioners were present — the same who were present at the meeting previously held. 16 The Secretary then read the proceedings of the morning. At tlie request of Gov. Ramsey, the President stated the sums of money that were expected from the several states towards the cost of the Cemetery, monument, improvement of the grounds, etc., and the sums appropriated by them respec- tively for these objects, making, in the aggregate, $102,000. This amount anticipates the action of several states which have not yet made appropriations. On motion, the Executive Committee, now consisting of three, was increased to five, by adding thereto Mr. Edward Cooper, of New York, and Mr. Stevenson, of Indiana. On motion, the Executive Committee were requested to furnish tlie Board with estimates of the several amounts necessary to carry out the plans of the Board, by presenting in detail the sum already expended, and of the several objects for which money is yet to be expended. The Board took a recess in order that the Executive Com- mittee might prepare their Report. The Board re-assembled, when Mr. Cooper, of New York, submitted the following Report, which was accepted and ordered to be placed on record. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee respectfully report, that there have been held three meetings since their appointment by the Board of Commissioners. After advertising for proposals for building a wall around the Cemetery grounds, the Committee held two meetings. But two proposals were received, according to which the cost of the wall would be so great that the Committee deemed it inadvisable to accept either ; they therefore directed the Superintendent to have a wall built by day's work under his charge, around the grounds. As the cost of labor and materials have greatly increased since the original estimates were 1 made for the Cemetery, the improvement of the grounds and everythmg connected therewith, the Committee have made the following revised estimate o^ the cost of the Cemetery exclusive of the Monument : Amount already expended in exhuming tlie dead $6,800 Exterior stone wall and coping 10 000 Iron fence between the P]vergreen and Soldiers' National Cemetery 10,000 Front fence of iron 2,500 Gateway 1,200 Lodge for keeper 3,500 Head stones 20,000 Laying out and ornamenting grounds 10,000 Salaries and contingences 3,000 $67,000 The Board will see by the report of the Superintendent, that the amount of the estimate, exclusive of the Monument, is equal to the whole amount previously estimated for, and is probably equal to the amount now appropriated by the States for the Cemetery and Monument. The Committee therefore submit for the determination of the Board, what portion of the work shall be undertaken at present- Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, submitted the following resolution : Whereas, it appears by the Report of the Executive Com- mittee, that a sufficient amt)unt of money has not been provided for the completion of the whole work of the Cemetery as now proposed. Therefore Resolved, That the sum of fifty thousand dollars be appro- priated for the Monument, that the several States be invited to make such further appropriation as will be necessary to complete the work, and the sums required from each State. That this sum be properly divided and stated by the President in order that the same may be laid by the several Commissioners before their respective States with the view to obtain additional appro- priations. 18 Mr. Clarke E. Carr, of Illinois, submitted the following pre- amble and resolution as a substitute for that of Mr. Ferry, which was adopted : * Whereas, it ap])ears that the appropriations already made by the loyal States for the National Cemetery, and which may be reasonably expected to be made will amount to one hinidred and two thousand dollars ; and whereas the probable cost of the work, exclusive of the Monument, will amount to sixty-seven thousand dollars. Therefore Resolved^ That the Executive Committee be instructed to place the graves in order, lay out the grounds, and erect porter's lodge, fence, wall, gateway, head-stones, etc., at such time as they may deem expedient, at an expense not exceeding sixty-tour thousand dollars. ($64,000.) Mesolved, That we recommend that a suin not exceeding forty thousand dollars be expended in erecting a suitable Monument, and request the loyal States, having dead buried in the National Cemetery, to make the additional appropriations necessary for its construction, and that the Executive Committee be, and it is here- by instructed to ])roceed with the erection of the Monument, so soon as a sufficient amount shall have been appropriated and a design adopted. Mr. Ferry submitted the following resolution, which was lost. Resolved, That the panels of the proposed Monument, be filled vi^ith the names and rank of all killed, or who died of their Wounds, arranged under each State respectively, according to residence, heading each State panel with the name and coat of arms of such State, for the purpose of effectually perpetuating the names of such heroic dead. Mr. Ferry then submitted the following resolution which was lost. Resolved, That each State be permitted to perpetuate its gallant deeds by supplying its own tablets, with its name and coat of arms, together with the names and rank of its killed, to be placed in an appropriate panel on the Monument appropriated to States. 1') Mr. Latimer, of Delaware, moved the adoption of the design submitted by Mr. Batterson, of Hartford, Connecticut, for the Soldiers' National Monument at Gettsvsb'urg, with such modifi- cations as the Executive Committee may deem necessary, without changing the general design, and keeping within the limits of the estimate. This motion was carried in the affirmative by the following vote : Ayes — B. W. Norris, of Maine. Henry Edwards, of Massachusetts. John R. Bartlett, of Rhode Island. John R. Latimer, of Delaware. C. D. Hubbard, of AVest Virginia. Gordon Lofland, of Ohio. Clarke E. Carr, of Illinois. Thomas W. Ferry, of Michigan. Alexander Ramsay, of Minnesota. David Wills, of Pennsylvania. Benjamin Deford, of Maryland. — Ayes, 11. Nays — Edward Cooper, of New York. Levi Scobey, of New Jersey. W. T. Selleck, of Wisconsin. — Nays, 3. On motion of Mr. Carr, of Illinois, it was voted that the Artist, Mr. Batterson, be requested to furnish the Commissioners of each State with two lithographic copies of the accepted design for the Monument. On motion of Mr. Norris. of Maine, it was voted that the proceedings of the present meeting be printed and two copies furnished to each member of the Board. On motion of Mr. Scobey, of New Jersey, it was voted that the next meeting of this Board be held at the Continental Hotel, in Philadelphia. Mr. Ferry, of Michigan, submitted the following resolution, Avhicli was adopted : Besolved, That the grounds appropriated to the several States in the Soldiers' National Cemetery be marked by the erection in . 20 some permanent form, of a sign or tablet bearing the name of each State, in order that they may be readily distinguished, and that the Executive Committee cause such marks to be erected. Mr. Ferry submitted the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved^ That in addition to the Book-Eecord of the names, rank and residence, classified by States of all who fell or who died of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg, an enrollment of like character be neatly arranged and printed upon parchment, classified by States and forwarded to the several Commissioners to be by them placed in the State archives of their respective States. The following resolution submitted by Mr. Ferry, was adopted : Resolved, That the Executive Committee be directed to pro- ceed with the enclosure of the Cemetery grounds and the improvement of the same, upon such plans and at such times as, in their judgment, shall seem most expedient. Mr. Wills, laid before the Board, in accordance with a resolu- tion passed at the previous meeting, a volume, compiled by him, containing printed lists of the names of all the soldiers who are buried in the Soldiers' National Cemetery, in Gettysburg, as far as they are known. These books were distributed among the Commissioners in order that they might, by the aitl of the Adjutant General of their respective States, complete the list of all the soldiers who fell at the battle of Gettysburg. Mr. Cooper, of New York, moved that the By-Laws be so amended that a quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board instead of six, as at present, which was lost. Adjourned to the Annual Meeting. JOHN E. BAETLETT, Secretary. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS