A LIST OF THE Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines OF The Civil War Surviving and Resident in Massachusetts on April 1, 1915 Prepared for the Department of Massachusetts, Grand Army of the Republic, by THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS In Accordance with the Provisions of Chapter 25 of the Resolves of 1915 BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY. STATE PRINTERS 32 DERNE STREET 1916 A LIST OF THE Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines OF I ff9 The Civil War Surviving and Resident in Massachusetts on April 1, 1915 Prepared for the Department of Massachusetts, Grand Army of the Republic, by THE DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS In Accordance with the Provisions of Chapter 25 of the Resolves of 1915 BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY. STATE PRINTERS 32 DERNE STREET 1916 p. of D. m 21 t9t8 / / J^^z PREFATORY NOTE. There were 15,212 veterans of the Civil War surviving in Massachu- setts on April 1, 1915, according to the list presented herewith, which has been compiled in accordance with chapter 25, Resolves of 1915, a decrease of 12,834, or 45.76 per cent, in the approximately^ ten-year period which elapsed since the last preceding State census and when the number of veterans then reported as surviving and resident in Massa- chusetts was 28,046. The resolve under which the preparation of this list was compiled is as follows: — Resolved, that the director of the bureau of statistics is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the Department of Massachusetts, Grand Army of the Repub- lic, three hundred copies of an alphabetical list, by cities and towns, of those persons recorded by the bureau in the decennial census of nineteen hundred and fifteen as having served in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States during the civil war. Any expenses incurred under the provisions of this resolve shall be paid out of the appropriation for taking the decennial census. [Approved March 2J^, 1915. One of the inquiries on the population schedules for males in the Decennial Census was for the purpose of ascertaining the number of veterans of the several wars in which the United States has been en- gaged who were living in Massachusetts on the Census Day, April 1, 1915, and for each Civil War veteran so reported, the census enumerator was required to make out a special card schedule giving the service record. A total of 13,525 veterans of the Civil War was in this manner reported to the Census Office, but in order that what was deemed to be the spirit of the above resolve might be complied with, namely, that as complete and accurate a list of such veterans as possible be prepared, it was considered desirable to have the names as returned by the census enumerators checked with those appearing on the assessors' lists of vet- erans exempt from taxation in each city and town of the Common- wealth; this was done by forwarding the census list to the assessors throughout the Commonwealth and thus, with the willing co-operation of these officials, and from information received from other sources the names of 1,687 veterans were added to those reported by the census enumerators, making a total of 15,212 whose names appear in this list. In the further interest of accuracy, the names of veterans who were returned as living on April 1, 1915, but of whose death, between that > The State Census of 1905 was taken as of May 1 in that year, so that the lapsed period between the Censuses of 1905 and 1915 was 9 years, 11 months. PREFATORY NOTE. date and the preparation of this list, knowledge has come to the Census Office, are indicated with an asterisk (*). It should not be inferred that the 1,687 additional names of Civil War veterans obtained from the assessors necessarily represent additions to the male population above the whole number of persons actually enumerated in the original census canvass, for while the enumerators may have failed to find and to return some of these persons as a part of the population, many, if not most of them, were undoubtedly enumer- ated in the first instance in the census and are included in the population totals of the several cities and towns, but were not definitely designated on the census schedules as veterans of the Civil War. The list of names, classified by municipalities, alphabetically arranged, is preceded by summaries showing by counties, by cities, and by towns the number of Civil War veterans living therein as of May 1, 1905 and as of April 1, 1915, with the increase or decrease, from which it will be noted that, for the counties, Middlesex had the largest number, namely, 2,983; Essex, the next largest number, 2,495; and Suffolk, the next largest number, 2,449. The city having among its inhabitants the largest number of Civil War survivors was Boston, with 1,725; the city with the next largest number was Chelsea, where the Soldiers' Home is located, with 631; and the third largest number was found in Worcester, with 556. The town having the largest number was Marblehead, with 127; the town having the second largest number was Weymouth, with 118; and the third largest number was found in Danvers and Leominster, each having 96. The total number of survivors living in the cities was 8,351, and the total number living in the towns was 6,861. The preparation of this list from the original census schedules, which involved a very considerable amount of verification and correspondence, was entrusted to the immediate supervision of Mr. Charles Thompson, who has been in the employ of the Bureau of Statistics for twenty-five years as a Special Agent, and is himself a veteran of the Civil War, and I wish to record my appreciation of the faithful and painstaking care with which he has performed this task. CHARLES F. GETTEMY, Director, Bureau of Statistics. State House, Boston, March 28, 1916. Table I. — Summary by Counties. Number OF Civil In- crease (+) or De- Number OP Civil In- The State and War Veterans The State and Counties. War Veterans crease (4-) or De- 1905 1915 crease ( — ) 1905 1915 crease (— ) The State. 28,046 15,212 —12,834 Hampshire, 634 321 —313 Barnstable, 292 182 —110 Middlesex, 5,635 2,983 —2,652 Berkshire, . 959 498 —461 Nantucket, 54 21 —33 Bristol, 1,630 1,020 —610 Norfolk, . 1,622 943 —679 Dukes, 66 36 -30 Plymouth, 2,095 1,166 —929 Essex, 4,528 2.495 —2,033 Suffolk, . 1 4,723 2,449 —2,274 Franklin, . 628 306 —322 Worcester, . 3,761 1,986 —1,775 Hampden, 1,419 806 —613 Table II. — Sxmimary by Cities. Number OF Civil In- crease (+) or De- Number OF Civil In- crease (,+) or De- Cities. War Veterans Cities. War Veterans 1905 191S crease (— ) 1905 1915 crease (— ) Attleboro, . 145 79 —66 Medford, . 248 135 —113 Beverly, 233 145 —88 Melrose, 209 102 —107 Boston, 1 3,952 1,725 —2,227 New Bedford, 390 242 —148 Brockton, . 516 271 —245 Newburyport, 219 126 —93 Cambridge, 616 274 —342 Newton, 221 151 —70 Chelsea, 598 631 -f-33 North Adams, 152 92 —60 Chicopee, . 89 52 —37 Northampton, 175 88 —87 Everett, 275 145 —130 Pittsfield, . 225 123 —102 Fall River, 305 202 —103 Quincy, 210 115 —95 Fitchburg, 256 111 —145 Revere, 106 62 —44 Gloucester, ^ . 227 117 —110 Salem, 463 188 —275 Haverhill, . 505 319 —186 Somerville, 535 332 —203 Holyoke, . 151 85 —66 Springfield, 591 374 —217 Lawrence, . 320 149 —171 Taunton, . 195 139 —56 Lowell, 646 280 —366 Waltham, . 212 115 —97 Lynn, 974 507 —467 Woburn, . 142 68 —74 Maiden, 326 172 —154 Worcester, . 1,107 556 —551 Marlborough, 142 79 —63 Table III. — Summary by Toivns. Towns. Number of Civil War Veterans In- crease (+) or De- crease (— ) Towns. Number op Civil War Veterans In- crease (+) or De- crease (— ) 1905 1915 1905 1915 Abington, . Acton, Acushnet, . Adams, Agawam, . Alford, Amesburj', Amherst, . 105 45 21 60 31 4 123 63 54 35 5 26 13 1 72 37 —51 —10 —16 —34 —18 —3 —51 —26 Andover, . Arlington, . Ashburnham, Ashby, Ashfield, . Ashland, . Athol, Auburn, . 62 112 41 17 21 36 131 20 28 67 21 12 8 12 71 17 -34 —45 —20 —5 —13 —24 -60 —3 ' Including 130 belonging in Hyde Park, which was annexed to Boston, November 7, 1911. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Table III — Summary by Towns — Continued. Number OP Civil In- crease (+) or De- Number OP Civil In- War Veterans War Veterans Towns. Towns. crease (-1-) or De- 1905 1915 crease ( — ) 1905 1915 crease (— ) Avon, 30 22 —8 East Bridgewater, 65 36 —29 Ayer, 36 28 —8 East Longmeadow, . Eastham, . 9 7 7 3 —2 —4 Barnstable, 63 44 —19 Easthampton, . 46 17 —29 Barre, 62 22 —30 Easton, 57 34 —23 Becket, 19 6 —13 Edgartown, 24 12 —12 Bedford, . 12 10 -2 Egremont, 13 3 —10 Belchertown, 40 24 —16 Enfield, . 21 4 —17 Bellingham, 16 10 —6 Erving, 23 8 —15 Belmont, . 38 25 —13 Essex, 39 17 —22 Berkley, . 20 n —9 Berlin, 21 13 • —8 Fairhaven, 77 60 —27 Bernardston, 17 8 —9 Falmouth, 35 21 —14 Billerica, . 35 23 —12 Florida, 6 3 —3 Blackstone, 47 22 -25 Foxborough, 51 48 —3 Blandford, 13 4 -9 Framingham, . 158 72 —86 Bolton, 15 9 —6 Franklin, . 66 35 —31 Bourne, 32 11 —21 Freetown, . 38 23 —15 Boxborough, 6 3 —3 Boxford, . 12 7 —5 Gardner, . 106 63 -43 Boylston, . 13 9 —4 Gay Head, 2 2 - Braintree, . 82 50 -32 Georgetown, 76 48 —28 Brewster, . 9 6 -3 Gill, . . . . 12 5 —7 Bridgewater, 42 42 - Goshen, 9 3 —6 Brimfield, . 25 13 —12 Gosnold, . 1 1 - Brookfield, 50 29 —21 Grafton, . 59 34 —25 Brookline, . 138 90 -48 Granby. 13 6 —7 Buckland, 24 13 —11 Granville, . 18 8 —10 Burlington, 3 4 +1 Great Barrington, Greenfield, 64 99 33 63 —31 —36 Canton, 42 24 —18 Greenwich, 17 16 —1 Carlisle, 10 5 —5 Groton, 26 12 —14 Carver, 14 11 —3 Groveland, 50 28 —22 Charlemont, 23 4 —19 Charlton, . 40 24 —16 Hadley, . 19 9 —10 Chatham, . 19 10 —9 Halifax, . 12 4 -8 Chelmsford, 46 45 —1 Hamilton, 22 13 —9 Cheshire, . 26 17 —9 Hampden, 5 9 +4 Chester, . 20 13 —7 Hancock, . 7 4 —3 Chesterfield, 15 4 —11 Hanover, . 55 33 —22 Chilnmrk, . 1 - —1 Hanson, . 47 27 —20 Clarksburg, 15 6 —9 Hardwick, 19 7 —12 Clinton, 71 31 —40 Harvard, . 18 5 —13 Cohasset, . 29 13 —16 Harwich, . 26 20 —6 Colrain, 36 10 —26 Hatfield, . 15 7 —8 Concord, . 48 20 —28 Hawley, 13 5 —8 Conway, . 15 7 —8 Heath, 7 4 -3 Cummington, 10 8 —2 Hingham, . Hinsdale, . 86 21 42 8 -44 —13 Dalton, 36 16 —20 Holbrook, . 39 19 —20 Dana, 21 9 —12 Holden, . 27 16 —11 Danvers, . 136 96 —40 Holland, . 4 3 —1 Dartmouth, 29 20 —9 Holliston, . 57 30 —27 Dedham, . 68 40 —28 Hopedale, . 22 12 —10 Deerfield, . 32 12 —20 Hopkinton, 64 42 —22 Dennis, 6 11 +5 Hubbardston, . 24 16 —8 Dighton, . 24 22 —2 Hudson, . 84 42 -42 Douglas, . 29 15 —14 Hull 23 7 —16 Dover, 12 6 —6 Huntington, 16 8 —8 Dracut, 33 14 —19 Dudley, 13 9 -4 Ipswich, . 77 40 —37 Dunstable, 10 6 —4 Duxbury, . 67 31 -36 Kingston, . 43 27 —16 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Table III — Summary by Towns — Continued. Number OF Civil In- crease (+) or De- Number OF Civil In- crease (+) or De- Towns. Wak Veterans Towns. War Veterans 1905 1915 crease (— ) 1905 1915 crease (— ) Lakeville, . 21 12 —9 Norton, 27 13 —14 Lancaster, 27 19 —8 Norwell, . 47 33 —14 Lanesborough, 11 8 —3 Norwood, . 53 28 —25 Lee, . 45 19 —26 Leicester, . 31 19 —15 Oak Bluffs, 21 12 —9 Lenox, 16 11 —5 Oakham, . 10 5 -5 Leominster, 176 96 —80 Orange, 91 49 -42 Leverett, . 16 7 -9 Orleans, 14 8 —6 Lexington, 51 30 —21 Otis, . 19 7 —12 Leyden, 11 4 -7 Oxford, 40 31 -9 Lincoln, . 6 3 —3 Littleton, . 14 8 —6 Palmer, 51 19 —32 Longmeadow, 15 14 —1 Paxton, 11 6 —5 Ludlow, 23 11 —12 Peabody, . 168 86 -82 Lunenburg, 24 12 —12 Pelham, . 10 2 —8 Lynnfield, 19 14 — 5 Pembroke, Pepperell, . 64 53 32 32 —32 —21 Manchester, 33 20 —13 Peru, 5 4 —1 Mansfield, . 71 43 —28 Petersham, 22 14 -8 Marblehead, 189 127 —62 Phillipston, 7 5 —2 Marion, 23 19 —4 Plainfield, . 7 2 —5 Marshfield, 70 42 —28 Plainville, . 15 13 —2 Mash pee, . 5 3 —2 Plymouth, 137 70 -67 Mattapoisett, 34 13 —21 Plympton, 21 13 -8 Maynard, . 25 11 —14 Prescott, . 7 3 —4 Medfield, . 28 18 —10 Princeton, 24 10 —14 Medway, . 73 33 —40 Provincetown, 27 11 —16 Mendon, . 21 9 —12 Merrimac, . 40 22 —18 Randolph, 91 55 -36 Methuen, . 49 30 —19 Raynham, 30 17 -13 Middleborough, 138 80 -58 Reading, . 111 65 —46 Middlefield, 3 3 - Rehoboth, 30 16 —14 Middleton, 21 16 —5 Richmond, 6 5 —1 Milford, . 120 63 —57 Rochester, 25 14 —11 Millbury, . 56 28 —28 Rockland, 143 83 —60 Millis, 12 6 —6 Rockport, . 49 24 -25 Milton, 50 32 —18 Rowe, 10 6 —4 Monroe, 2 1 -1 Rowley, 38 14 —24 Monson, 49 25 —24 Royalston, 19 12 —7 Montague, 64 38 —26 Russell, . 12 4 -8 Monterey, . 9 6 —3 Rutland, . 24 16 -8 Montgomery, - 1 +1 Mount Washington, . 2 1 —1 Salisbury, . Sandisfield, 37 12 26 4 —11 -8 Xahant, 16 13 -3 Sandwich, 22 12 —10 Nantucket, 54 21 —33 Saugus, 78 68 —10 Natick, 156 74 —82 Savoy, 11 4 —7 Needham, 41 23 —18 Scituate, . 61 41 —20 New Ashford, 7 4 —3 Seekonk, . 17 14 —3 New Braintree, 8 3 —5 Sharon, 34 15 -19 New Marlborough, . 31 13 —18 Sheffield, . 39 21 -18 New Salem, 18 10 —8 Shelburne, 24 15 -9 Newbury, . 42 21 —21 Sherborn, . 20 10 —10 Norfolk, . 14 10 —4 Shirley, . 22 13 -9 Nortn Andover, 43 20 —23 Shrewsbury, 43 19 -24 North Attleborough, 67 40 —27 Shutesbury, 10 - -10 North Brookfield, 61 35 —26 Somerset, . 38 27 —11 North Reading, 31 14 -17 South Hadley, 41 24 -17 Northborough, . 23 21 2 Southampton, 12 5 -7 Northbridge, 43 24 —19 Soutbborough, 28 23 —5 Xorthfield, 22 13 —9 Southbridge, 57 29 —28 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Tablf III — Summary by Towns — • Concluded. Number OF Civil In- crease (+) or De- Number of Civil In- crease {+) or De- Towns. War Vetekans Towns. War Veterans 1905 1915 crease ( — ) 1905 1915 crease (— ) South wick, 14 8 —6 Way land, . 27 18 —9 Spencer, . 104 48 —56 Webster, 77 31 —46 Sterling, . 19 8 —11 Wellesley, . 25 20 —5 Stockbridge, 23 12 —11 Wellfleet, . 6 7 +1 Stoneham, 165 82 -83 Wendell, . 12 4 —8 Stoughton, 98 54 —44 Wenham, . 32 16 —16 Stow, 21 10 —11 West Boylston, 28 16 —12 Sturbridge, 33 13 —20 West Bridgewater, 28 19 —9 Sudbury, . 11 12 +1 West Brookfield, 31 24 —7 Sunderland, 4 4 - West Newbury, 37 22 —15 Sutton, 33 18 —15 West Springfield, 65 38 —27 Swampscott, 71 46 —25 West Stockbridge, 17 11 —6 Swansea, . 21 12 —9 WestTiabury, . - 4 +4 Westborough, 96 57 —39 Templeton, 54 33 —21 Westfield, . 191 86 —105 Tewksbury, 36 15 —21 Westford, . 38 14 —24 Tisbury, 17 5 —12 Westhampton, 11 4 —7 Tolland, . 5 2 —3 Westminster, 41 24 —17 Topsfield, . 28 10 —18 Weston, 15 11 —i Townsend, 56 32 —24 Westport, . 28 11 —17 Truro, 3 2 —1 Westwood, 3 4 +1 Tyngaborough, 14 7 —7 Weymouth, 231 118 —113 Tyringham, 8 3 —5 Whately, . Whitman, . 8 138 2 67 -6 —71 Upton, 46 32 —14 Wilbraham, 20 9 —11 Uxbridge, . 30 17 -13 Williamsburg, Williamatown, 18 40 12 25 -6 —15 Wakefield, 156 84 —72 Wilmington, 26 16 —10 Wales, 18 8 —10 Winchendon, 66 29 —37 Walpole, 31 19 —12 Winchester, 56 29 —27 Ware, 47 27 —20 Windsor, . 6 1 —5 Wareham, . 70 43 —27 Winthrop, . 67 31 —36 Warren, 23 16 —7 Worthington, 19 8 —11 Warwick, . 14 6 —8 Wrentham, 39 23 —16 Washington, 4 1 —3 Watertown, 77 33 —44 Yarmouth, 18 13 -5 LIST OF VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR SURVIVING IN MASSACHUSETTS. April 1, 1915. Arnold, Moses N. Arnold, William B. Baker, Calvin L. . Bates, William F. Belcher, Leonard . Berry, James H. . Breslin, Thomas . Brown, George Burgess, Albinal H Churchill, Julius R. Claflin, James Conant, Albion Cushing, Henry L. Edson, Harvey W. Gannett, Joseph H. Glidden, Arno W. Grose, Dexter Gumey, Francis M. Hebard, Charles W. Hobart, Elbert . Hunt, John M. Johnson, James B. Jones, Samuel W. Judkins, James 0. McCracken, David C. Meserve, Justin . Orcutt, Calvin S. . Pettee, Michael Prouty, Orlando C, Quinlan, Daniel . Randall, Joseph W. Sheehan, Michael Sproul, John W. . Staples, Azel . ABINGTON. Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Juniata," "Sonoma," "Sabine." Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 9th Me. Inf. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 76th Penn. Inf. Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 12th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Octorora." Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 18th N. Y. Inf.; Co. D, 18th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Potomac," "Preble," "R. R. Cuyler." Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "North Carolina," "Ohio," "Huron," "Huntsville," "Princeton.' Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 29th :Me. Inf. 10 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Stone, Edwin C. . Turner, Donald A. Warren, David Whiting, Franklin T. . Additional Names. Brooks, Edwin M. Brown, Edward M. Brown, Henry L. . Chandler, Bradford. Cushman, Isaiah . Gurney, Willard A. Holmes, Isaac Jones, Waldo S. Lovell, Amaziah. Nash, WilUam H. *0'Keefe, John . . Pierce, Everett W. Poole, Henry E. . Pratt, Wm. L. Rochefort, Henry L. Wetherell, Ebenezer. Adams, Daniel H. Ames, George T. . Baxter, Thacher T. BroTVTi, Albert B. . Burroughs, Samuel R., Dupee, Job W. Farrar, Daniel H. Fiske, James W. . Fletcher, Aaron J. Guilford, Samuel A. Hall, Delette H. . HaUowell, William T. Holbrook, Calvin N. *Holden, Walter D. Joy, Alonzo . Knowlton, Frank R. Littlefield, Waldo *Palmer, James M. Parker, George B. Penniman, Orenzo W. Pickard, Cyrus P. Pierce, Charles H. Preston, Oscar E. Richardson, James E. Russell, John H. . Sawyer, Thomas J. Seavems, Alfred A. ABINGTON — Concluded. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." . Co. A, 3d Mass. Art. . Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Signal Corps, U. S. A. Co. F, 9th Me. Inf. 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 9th Mass. Batty. Co. E, 14th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. ACTON. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. 14th Mo. Cav. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 133d 111. Inf. Co. A, 17th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Me. H. A. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sonoma," "Santiago de Cuba." Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 3d Minn. Inf. Co. E. 59th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 11 Taplin, Charles F. Towne, George L. Wheeler, Addison B. . Additional Names. Emery, Franklin E. Ford, Isaac S. Hesselton, Lucius A. . Lothrup, Emory D, WilUs, Edward E. Bumpus, Nathan C. Collins, Edward J. Fanning, James J. Morse, Albert S. . Tew, Edward C. . ACTON — Concluded. Co. I, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 5th N. Y. Cav. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 7th Vt. Inf. ACUSHNET. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. 2d Co. N. H. H. A. Co. C, 9th R. I. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Benton," "Col- orado." Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. Battles, Joseph A. Bowen, Nelson N. Briggs, William J. Conrad, WiUiam E. Coope, James Crossett, Isaac J Duggan, Patrick Estes, Charles Galligan, Peter Gilbert, Roswell H Jones, Ezra N. Lewis, Daniel Loop, Arthur Matott, Nelson Pyke, Ambrose A. Robertson, Charles J. Sheldon, Henry A. Wheelock, Frederick L ADAMS. Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Me. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 128th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 28th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d N. Y. Cav. Co. H, 17th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. 49th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. K, 16th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 21st N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. 19th Mass. Inf. Additional Names Bowen, J. Mason . Carpenter, Seneca A. Dean, Samuel Jay Gumey, J. Wesley Mole, Francis E. . Streeter, Edwin W. Waters, Frank M. nVelch, John . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, Mass. H. A. Co. B, 8th IVIass. Inf. Co. B, 8th ]\Iass. Inf. Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "BrookljTi." 12 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Bliss, James M. Chapman, Miles . Demond, Augustus G. HaUaday, Fred P. Hamerson, Ira F. Knapp, Emery E. Meacham, Wm. L. Morey, Dayton Pomeroy, RoUin C. Pomroy, Edw. M. Roberts, Byron C. Wrisley, Warner W. Additional IN^ame. Blaisdell, Horace D. Wilcox, Henry F. AGAWAM. Co. B, 1st Conn. H. A. U. S. Cav. Co. K, 25tli Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. 38th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 17th Vt. Inf. ALFORD. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Aldrich, Edward M. Allen, James . Austin, George W. Bailey, Frank N Batchelder, George E. Blaisdell, George Bowley, Albert Briggs, George H Carlton, John F. Carlton, William E CoUey, Albert F. Collins, George W Collins, William H Cowan, John Cram, James A. Cressey, Benj. G. Cressey, Charles B. Currier, William H. Davis, Daniel W. Davis, Thomas Dennett, Moses M. Dewnhurst, Edmond K Douglas, John A. . Durgin, Andrew H. Flint, Surrell Foss, William Frelden, Andrew H. Gale, Dudley E. . George, Warren E. AMESBURY. Co. D, 5th R. I. Inf.; 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. D, 1st Batty. Mass. H. A. Co. C, 48th Mass Inf. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. ; Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, Co. C, 1st and 10th Me. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Potomac." Co. A, 1st Batty. Mass. H. A. Co. A, 1st Batty. Mass. H, A. Co. M, 3d U. S. L. A. Co. I, 1st Me. Cav. Co. D, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. nth Mass. Inf. Co. I, 29th Me. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Agawam." Co. I, 60th Mass Inf. Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 13 Gordon, Orange S. Gowen, Emelus S. Gowen, George F. Hayden, Thomas . Janvrin, George N. Jeffers, Nicholas . Kennerson, Francis M Little, John A. Little, Josiah D. . Maddox, James E. Marden, George W. Marston, Dudley J. Meehan, Thomas . Merrill, Francis F. Moore, Charles A. Morrill, George T. Morse, Edwin W. Nealand, John Page, Daniel . Pousland, John H. Quimby, John N. Rand, George L. . Rand, William H. Ring, Jonathan Robbins, Milton B, Silloway, Orrin S. . Smeath, William . Smith, George W. Stearns, Joseph 0. Titcomb, George H. Tucker, George J. Tucker, John C. . Tuxbiuy, Rufus B. Wells, Henry P. . Williams, Howard M. Williams, James T. Winchester, James W. AMESBURY — Concluded. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. . U. S.N. ship" Hendrick Hudson." . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . 2d Div. U. S. Construction Corps. . Co. D, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 10th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 7th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. I, nth N. H. Inf. . Marine Corps. . Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Batty. Me. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Me. Inf. . Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Sabine." . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 9th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Batty. N. H. L. A.; Co. M, 1st Batty. N. H. H. A. . 2d Mass. Inf. Band; 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Vincennes," "Ohio," "North CaroUna." . 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Batty. Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf.; Co. K, 6th V. R. C. . U. S. N. ships "Nipsic," "Mahaska." . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Niagara." . Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Additional Names. Currier, F. Porter. Osgood, Chas. E. . Plunkett, James W. Spellman, Peter . Stone, Chas. E. Tessimond, C. Miles. Co. E, 14th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 14th Mass. Inf. Bartlett, Daniel H. Brigham, Truman E. Clapp, Charles L. AMHERST. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 28th Wis. Inf. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. 14 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cushman, Jolm E. Fernald, Charles H. Fletcher, William I. Gleason, John F. . Goodell, Charles L. Graves, William 0. HaU, Arthiir W. . Hawley, Henry H. Hayward, Charles E. Jenness, Wm. L. . Lyman, Carlos P. MacKinnie, Charles Macomber, Henry L. Marsh, Theodore C. McCloud, Henry M. Moriarty, John J. Morrison, Marcus M. Phelps, HarUn Russell, Charles L. Sampson, M. F. . Sears, John J. Starkey, Martin C. Walker, Charles S. Whipple, Richard S. Williams, Byron H. AMHERST — Concluded. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Stettin," "George W. Rodgers," "Housatonic," "Carnation," "Patapsco." Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf.; 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 6th Ohio Cav. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 12th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 8th Vt. Inf. 5th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 137th Ohio Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Additional Names. Bartlett, Livingston. Clark, William. Hasbrook, J. C. Kellogg, B. Franklin. Thayer, E. G. Thompson, E. A. Wallace, Newton. Wheelock, Jas. Whitcomb, Warren. Bell, Charles U. . Chandler, George W. Clark, Jesse H. Clukey, Henry L. Conway, Patrick . Cummings, John . Davis, Augustus M. Dodge, George K. Goldsmith, Albert Hill, Nathaniel Hutchins, John Jenkins, Edward K. ANDOVER. Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 140th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. I, 4th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Mus., 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A.; Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 15 Jenkins, Omar Jolinson, Herbert S McDonald, James Morgan, John P. . Morse, William B. Moses, Kirke W. Phelps, Charles W Saunders, James Short, Daniel S. Smith, John L. Watson, John C. Welles, Francis Witt, Samuel D. ANDOVER — Concluded. Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 30th Me. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Flint, Geo. E., 2d Lovejoy, Joseph T. Lovejoy, Wm. W. N. Y. Ind. Batty. Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. Agur, Alonzo Averill, George H. *Bacon, Major Bradley, Leander D. Bridgham, Leland F. Brockway, Charles G. Carr, John Colbum, John H. Cook, Lewis J. Cooper, J. Arthur Dwinell, A. Henry *Ewart, John . Farmer, Kimball . Fay, Wilson W. . Foss, Mozart Gilman, William M. Hardy, John H. . Holway, Thomas E. Howard, Daniel E. Hunt, William Jackson, James B. Jaquith, Nathan D. Johnson, William F. Kenniston, Ira Knight, Rensselaer A. Knowles, Alfred H. Lathrop, Philetus C. LeBaron, Joseph F. Leighton, Coffin L. Locke, Frederick A. ARLINGTON. Co. I, 16th Wis. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Katahdin." Co. D, nth Me. Inf. Co. H, 27th Penn. H. A. Co. B, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 14th Me. Inf. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 154th Ohio Inf. Co. A, 95th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st R. I. Inf. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 24th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 55th Ohio Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, nth Me. Inf. Co. G, 29th Me. Inf. 16 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Lombard, Richard T, Loomis, Winfield S. Mahn, Louis H. . Maynard, Joseph B. McLeod, Murdock Monroe, Nelson . Morrill, James M, Murphy, William Oakman, Constant F. Parker, Charles S. Parson, Charles A. Pattee, Bowman W. Patten, WiUiam H. Pierce, Henry B. . Pitman, John W. . Proctor, Milo J. . Rand, James B. . Rollins, Henry Russell, J. WiUard Sheridan, Thomas Smith, Horace M. *Sterling, Edwin L. Taylor, John G. . Varney, Alonzo M. Wells, Albert L. . Weston, Henry G. White, Robert H. White, Robert H. Whitney, Phineas ARLINGTON — Concluded. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Del. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 1st Me. Cav. Co. D, 34th N. J. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Dacotah." Co. A, 123d Penn. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. r^ Co. C, 31st Me. Inf. ' ' Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. * Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. ^ Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Co. I, 62d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 22d Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Scotland." Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. E, 2d Me. Inf. Co. D, 40th Wis. Inf. Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf.; Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. K, 19th Me. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 9th N. J. Inf.; Co. K, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 1st D. C. Cav. Co. I, 3d Vt. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton." Additional Names. Freeman, George B. Gardner, John P. Johnson, Wm. F. Kittredge, George S. McCarty, John. Murphy, John J. Ryan, John J. Teele, Wm. F. Aldrich, Charles C. *Bacon, Joseph E. . Baker, Danforth N. Beckwith, Charles B. Bride, Josiah W. . Felt, James W. *Fuller, George L. . Gilbert, Lorenzo H. Hadley, George G. ASHBURNHAM. Co. D, 3d Penn. H. A. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. A, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 21st Mass Inf. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 17 *Hare, James P. Kraetzer, Julius F. LaPierre, Cyprians Lashua, Michael . Lincoln, James F. Needham, Albert . Parker, Walter 0. Platts, Elijah T. . Reed, George W. . Stafford, Leonard J. *White, Charles H. Young, William M. ASHBURNHAM — Concluded. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. F, 19th Me. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th Me. Inf. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. *Bixby, Aaron B. . Chapin, John C. . *Chapman, Edwin Creighton, George L. Hodgman, Freeman L. *Morgan, William A. Scott, John A. Wares, Daniel Whitney, Charles W. Wright, Amasa A. ASHBY. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 29th Me. Inf. 2d Co. Mass. S. S. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Carr, Alonzo A. Hay ward, Joel A. Bronson, Chester A. Coughlin, James . PhiUips, Edwin A. Smith, Frederick H. Smith, WiUiam H. Taylor, Wells P. . Weston, Franklin Willis, Frank R. . ASHFIELD. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. -Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf. Chickering, Francis H. Enslin, Edward Fiske, Granville C. Granger, Reed B. *Harris, Charles H. Howard, Stephen . Joslin, Simmer R. ASHLAND. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 9th Vt. Inf. Hos. Corps, 9th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 41st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Vt. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. 18 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Nash, Herrick E. . Walker, Charles H. ASHLAND — Concluded. Co. C, nth Me. Inf. Co, C, 3d Mass. Cav. Additional Names. Hanson, George S. Morse, Ezra. Wenzell, Dana M. Allen, WiUiam H. *Baker, Harrison C. Barrett, Samuel D. Barrows, George A. Blackmer, Frederick H Blake, John C. Brock, Henry D. . Casavant, Daniel . Clucas, Wm. . Curby, Frank L. . Dickinson, Chester Dinsmore, William Drury, George W. Drury, Horace Fay, Bartlett Fenno, Edward H. *Fisher, Charles Goddard, Charles V. Harris, Henry W. Hastings, Edwin C. Hastings, Lyman B. *Howe, George L. . Hunt, Edward P. . Jillson, Almond L. Killay, John . Lewis, Samuel A. . Lord, Fernaldo L. Marsh, George D. McCarty, Edward Mclntyre, William McRae, George Merrifield, George A Moore, Edmund . Moore, George F. Morse, Leander B. Mudge, James P. . Murphy, Michael Nims, Pliny F. Oliver, Aaron Oliver, James Pond, Albert D. . Pond, George S. . ATHOL. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "San Jacinto." Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d U. S. Art. Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf.,V. R. C. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H., 4th Mass. H. A. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 1st N. H. S. S. Co. G, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. G, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 9th Minn. Inf, Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 12th Me. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 127th 111. Inf. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Me. Inf. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. 21st Mass. Inf.; Surg., 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 19 Porter, James H. J. Puffer, Simon E. . Pulsifer, Myron *Sawin, Lewis C. . Seaver, Edward A. Stevens, George W. Stratton, Fred A. , Sullivan, Eugene .' Taft, Charles E. . Thomas, Francis R. Thompson, Henry A. Thrower, William L. Tolman, Lorenzo . Tourtellott, Wm. W. Townsend, Harlan P. Tyler, Albert H. M. Vaughan, CorUss W. Ward, Jonathan D. Warren, Frank R. Warren, Thomas J. Wells, Amariah C. Wells, John P. B. Wheeler, Asa P. . Worcester, George H. ATHOL — Concluded. Co. H, 91st N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 2d N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 29 th Mich. Inf. Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 22d Wis. Inf. Co. B, 9th R. I. Cav. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 56th Mass. Inf.; Co. Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Beebe, Newell S. Cotton, James. Fay, Levi B. Hackett, Wm. Whitney, Josiah C. Adams, Daniel E. Adams, George R. Balcom, Orville *Briggs, Albert E. . Briggs, Edward E. Bulley, Peter . Burbank, Charles F. . Burns, William H. Bushbee, Solon D. Butterworth, Herbert A. Champney, Jonas A. . Claflin, Albert F. . "Cole, Francis G. . Coupe, Wilham Crosby, Alfred Cummings, Edgar A. . ATTLEBORO. Co. H, 2d R. I. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Sonoma." Co. H, 2d R. I. H. A. 18th Unatt. Co. U. S. Inf. Co. H, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Neosho." Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. Frontier Cav. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st R. I. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "John Adams 2d." Co. H, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. B, 10th R. I. Inf. 20 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cummings, John C. Darling, Martin V. B. Dorrance, George H. Dunham, William E. Eldredge, Henry F. Estee, Jacob G. . Estee, Sydney C. . Fuller, Charles L. , Gardner, George . Getchell, Cyrus . Goff, WiUiamH. . Guild, Mortimer A. Hall, James M. Hallas, Moses Haywood, Henry L. Hollis, Albert 0. . Johnson, Isaac Kenyon, Charles S. Kinney, Charles D. Labaron, William *Leach, Edwin MacDonald, Wilham A *McNamee, Joseph Mathews, George W, Mohr, Louis . Moulton, Dexter P. Nemey, Nicholas . Parmenter, Edward D Pond, Charles H. . Read, Nathan Rhodes, Edward W. Roundsville, William H Smith, Laban P. . Smith, Samuel W. Smith, Wm. H. . Snow, Thomas H. Streeter, Henry A. Streeter, J. F. Sweet, George L. . Tibbetts, Joseph M. Vannah, Ambrose *Walker, Fred D. . Ware, John . Wathey, Wm. Weaver, Charles H. White, Wm. C. . ATTLEBORO — Continued. . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Dawn," "Brittania," "Snowdrop," "Preston," " Sweetbrier." . Co. C, nth R. I. Inf. . Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 10th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 22d Conn. Inf. . Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Unknown. . U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Ohio." . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "New Hampshire," "Harvest Moon." . Co. H, 9th R. I. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Sonoma," "New Hampshire." . Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 32d Me. Inf. . Co. K, 2d Md. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Niphon," "Ohio." . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 15th Conn. Inf. . 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. , U. S. N. ship "George Manghan." . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ship "Hunchback." . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, nth R. I. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 21 Additional Names. Allen, Charles E. Atkinson, Colon. Balcolm, George E. Berry, Martin. Briggs, Nelson A. Brown, William D. Clark, Thomas F. Frawley, Thomas J. Jackson, John A. Langtot, Adolph . McCaffrey, John. Morse, Frederick. Stone, WiUiam M. Taylor, George A. Upton, George S. Ward, Bela K. Wood, Thomas ATTLEBORO — Concluded. . Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. . U. S. Navy. Aldrich, George S. Benoit, Joseph P. Brayman, Frederick A BuUard, WiUiam H. Burdett, Louis Chapin, Benjamin T. Clancey, Thomas . Eaton, Joseph P. . Leach, Dorrace L. Moore, George A. Newton, Eugene H. Nye, Franklin Perry, Samuel Payson Prouty, Joel H. Seaton, Benjamin F. Wakefield, Louis . Additional Name. Benway, Joseph. Bent, John Q. Bryant, Joseph W. Butler, Ehen P. . Crane, Samuel M. Edwards, George K. Gardener, Henry W. Glidden, Jolm H. . Hunt, Maschil *Linfield, Moses D. AUBURN. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Pursuit." Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Connecticut," "Stars and Stripes." Co. G, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 4th Battln. U. S. Engmeers. Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A.; Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mississippi," "Diana." Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. AVON. Co. H, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Circassian." Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 15th Me. Inf. Co. H, 16th N. Y. Cav. Co. K, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. 22 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. McLaughlin, Ira . Morse, William W, Oliver, Charles B. Oliver, William F. Smith, Frank W. . Thayer, Thomas H. B, True, Henry C. . Wall, Thomas W. Walsh, Michael J. Whittemore, William AVON — Concluded. Co. E, 6th Me. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, Me. H. A. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Haywood, Henry. Oliver, S. Frank. Stetson, Francis E. 4th Mass. Inf. Barrett, Charles S. Clark, Hiram S. . Clark, John W. . Coburn, Cyrus E. Craig, Charles E. . Crocker, Charles H. Dickinson, Daniel H. Holden, Lucius Hutchins, Edward P. Leavell, Henry Lougee, Stephen N. Lovejoy, Augustus Lovejoy, Francis . Martell, EUexia D. Mullen, Michael H. Norris, Benjamin P. O'Brien, James J. Parsons, Wilfred C. Proctor, Samuel H. tPuffer, George G. Robinson, Orlando P. Root, Nelson Sherwin, Henry C. Sinclair, George S. Snow, Albert E. . Spaulding, Benjamin Stone, Charles H. Wetherbee, Augustus W AYER. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. 4th Me. Batty. L. A. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A.; Co. M, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Maryland," "Tallahassee," "Saint Mary's." Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 16th N. H. Inf. Mus., 81st U. S. C. I. Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. I, nth Vt. Inf. Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf., V. R. C. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf.; Batty. G, 5th U. S. Art. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. Mus., 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 31st Me. Inf. Co. I, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 31st Me. Inf. Co. D, Coast Guards Me. Inf. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 23 Atwood, James R. Ayling, Augustus D. Baker, Clarence L. Baker, Ezra C. Baker, Sylvester F. Bearse, Charles E. Bennett, William H. Chatfield, Thomas Childs, Edward W. Childs, Geo. W. . Childs, Renaldo J. Clagg, James Crocker, Paul R. . Crowell, Everett W. Dixon, WilHam Fuller, David B. . Gardner, Andrew B. Gifford, William C. Handy, James Haskell, Marcus M. *Holmes, Charles E. Holway, Joseph H. Hughes, Philip Hull, Ulysses A. . Johnson, Andrew . Jones, James H. . Jones, Thomas W. Lovejoy, Charles A. Nelson, Charles W. Nickerson, Andrew Nickerson, Gilbert Phinney, Joseph H. Proctor, Joseph L. Putnam, Samuel A. Ring, WilHam D. . Robinson, William G Soule, Thomas H. *Sylvester, John P. Thacher, Frank Young, John . BARNSTABLE. U. S. N. ships "Congress," "Vandalia," "Flag," "Brandy wine." Co. G, 29th and 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Ohio." Co. K, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Two Sisters," "North Carolina," "Honeysuckle," "Somerset." Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 16th Mass. L. A. Co. H, 128th Ind. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 10th N. Y. Cav. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. U. S.N. ships" Texas," "Nipsic,"" George W. Rodgers.'* Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Hartford," "Oneida." Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 43d Wis. Inf. Co. C, 20th Me. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 20th Me. Inf. Co. G, 20th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Bienville," "Savannah." Co. H, 198th Penn. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Ossipee." Additional Names. Burrows, Elias. Fuller, Ansel E. Hutchings, Henry S. Nickerson, George W. 24 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Bacon, Elbridge G. Bacon, Warner E. Bailey, Alvin Brook, Benjamin F. Carruth, James A. Caswell, George A. Chapman, George L. Clark, Alberto P. . Fessenden, Willard B. Heywood, Phineas Horton, Andrew J. Langilier, Francis Mins, Francis Richardson, Erastus B Smith, Samuel E. Spooner, Lucius . Stetson, George W. Walcott, Thomas W. Ward, Hiram Winship, Charles N. Wood, Joseph W. BARRE. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 19th Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 91st N. Y. Inf. Additional Name. Allen, J. Harding. Bennett, Samuel H. "Hamilton, Paul Mallison, Dwight N. . Stanley, Andrew . Turner, Edmund B. *Turner, Henry J. . BECKET. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 54th Mass. Col. Inf. Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Bowers, John Brown, John H. Buncher, Henry Davis, Frederick Day, Benjamin Ladd, Dudley P. Raker, Chas. F. *Thorogood, John J Wood, James Yale, John L. BEDFORD. Co. A, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. M. 3d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. Co. B, 14th Ind. Inf. Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf. • Co. D, 57th N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 13th Vt. Inf.; Co. K, 17th Vt. Inf. Alden, Augustus D. Barton, Myron S. Bishop, William L. BELCHERTOWN. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 25 Coleman, George E. Davis, Benjamin C. Davis, Charles E. Dewey, Thomas H. Farrar, Nathaniel W. Fellows, Francis W. Gould, Joseph R. . Hadlock, Harvey L. *Hyde, OUver Knowlton, Charles B. Martin, Marshall . *01ds, David M. . Otis, James E. Pay row, Noah G. Ryan, Thomas Shaw, Fernando G. Shaw, Lyman A. . Shumway, David K. Stebbins, Everett E, Welch, William BELCHERTOWN — Concluded. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 13th Wis. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf.; U. S. Signal Corps. Co. H, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Shawmut," "Powhatan." Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Iosco." Co. K, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 7th Vt. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 56th Mass. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 2d N. Y. Inf.; Co. E, 91st N. Y. Inf. Additional Najnie. Merriam, Horace. Arnold, Henry 0. . Burr, Joseph M. . *Dooley, Edward T. Gerstle, Joseph Hanson, Sylvester P. Knapp, Charles P. McMahan, James Openshaw, William E. Pickering, Henry W. White, Oliver M. . BELLINGHAM. Co. H, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d N. J. Cav. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. E, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. Barrows, James H. Chant, Frank D. . Chenerj^, David . Donnell, James A. Emery, James W. Frost, Sylvester C. Gardner, Andrew J. Gladwin, Charles R. Hall, Harrison B. Hammer, Charles D. McGinnis, Andrew Murphy, Edward Peckham, George W. BELMONT. Co. C, 16th Me. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Antona," "Carrabasset." Co. E, 5th U. S. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 38th N. J. Inf. Co. B, 24th Conn. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 124th Oliio Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf.; 1st Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "North CaroHna," "Western World," "Ohio," "Vermont," "Commodore Morris." Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. 26 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Prentice, Theodore P. Rose, Joseph Sanderson, Wilham P. Spencer, Albert H. Tucker, Edward P. Walcott, George P. Weston, George M. Young, George U. BELMONT — Concluded. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Connecticut," "Princeton," "Ticonderoga," "Guard," "Vermont." Co. I, 124th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. 103d Ohio Inf. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A.; Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 22d N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Adams, Edward H. Barrows, James A. Robbins, Alvin. Stark, Wm. F. BERKLEY. Babbitt, Rollin H. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. Boardman, Alfred Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Massachusetts." Cameron, John Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. *Carey, Job S. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. *Delano, Reuben . 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. *Graham, AKred R. Co. F, 120th N. Y. Inf. Greene, Lewis Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Hathaway, Charles A. U.S.N, ship" Octorora." *Northup, William H. . Co. I, 7th R. I. Inf. Terry, Leander Unatt. 22d Mass. Inf. Viall, Cassius Co. G, nth R. I. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Hendrick Hudson," "Stars and Stripes," "Ohio." Andrews, George H. Babcock, Francis . Babcock, Harrison T. Babcock, W. Thomas Bruce, Willard G. *Burgess, George E. Day, John L. *Haie, Charles F. . Hebard, Everett A. Hurd, Charles C. . Merrill, John A. . Merrill, SewaU H. BERLIN. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 2d U. S. Art. Co. C, nth U. S. Inf.; Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Niagara," "Hartford," "Princeton;" Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Me. Cav. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 13th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Hill, Leonard C. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 27 Carpenter, Joseph 0. Church, Mattoun A. Corbett, Mja-on L. Famsworth, Albert J. Grant, George W. Miner, Jolm N. . Slate, Fayette C. . BERNARDSTON. Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. C, 22d and 3d Wis. Inf. Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. I, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Marvel, Wm. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Abbott, Stephen A. AUen, Charles R. . Andrews, Amos Andrews, Augustus Arnold, James G. . Baker, Joseph H. . Barter, John H. . Bickford, John M. Bickford, William F. Blake, Jesse A. Blanchard, WiUiam H Bradstreet, George S. Bradstreet, Josiah F. *Brown, Elatus W. Burchstead, William H Butman, John Butman, William H. CaUahan, Malachi Camplin, James H. Cleaves, Benjamin A Cole, George E. Corey, George A. . Crampsey, John . Cressey, Benj. F. . Davis, Charles F. Davis, Josiah H. . Day, Charles H. . Dennis, John H. . Dutra, Theodore . Edgett, Isaac H. . Eldridge, Perley G. Elliott, George H. Ellis, John M. Falls, Hempden A. Fielder, Jolin K. . Foster, Horace BEVERLY. U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "Otsego," "Picket Boat No. 5." Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A.; Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Cav. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th R. I. Inf.; Co. H, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. H, 9th Me. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; 2d Unatt. Co. IMass. Inf. Co. F, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 7th IMe. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 22d ]Mass. Inf.; 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d U. S. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. 28 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Foster, Issacher . Foster, John E. . Foster, John F. Foster, Joseph F. . Foster, Robert B. *Galloupe, Augustus A, Gilbert, John T. . GHdden, Benj. GHdden, Jolm Goldwaith, George F. Goodridge, David C. Goodwin, Charles M. Grush, Addison Haibon, Albert J. HaU, Levi W. Banners, John Haskell, Frederick P. Herrick, George A. Herrick, Joseph H. Holmes, Theodore A. Hoogerzeil, Albert Hoogerzeil, William Howard, Henry A. Howard, John F. . Huntress, Walter C. Irving, George P. Jacobs, Charles H. Jones, Samuel Alex Jordan, Arthur Kendall, James H. Kennison, Charles F. Kimball, Joel *Knowlton, Geo. W. Larcom, Benjamin Larcom, Milton F. Larcom, WiUiam H. *Lendall, Samuel N. Lindley, Thomas D. Little, Edwin N. . Locke, Andrew W. Lord, George A. . Lunt, Benj. S. Marriner, Charles E. Mason, George D. McDonough, Michael McKnight, John W. Millett, George . Mitchell, Charles W. Monroe, William H. Morgan, John F. . BEVERLY — Continued. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 31st Me. Inf. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Western World," "Res- olute." 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 11th U. S. Inf.; 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Prmceton," "Vermont," "Ohio." U. S.N. ship" Ino." Co. H, 11th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Prmceton." Co. I, 2d Me. Inf.; Co. B, 20th Me. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Gemsbok." Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. 2d Co. Mass. S. S. Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Connecticut." Co. K, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. B, nth N. H. Inf. Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Me. Inf.; Co. D, Vt. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Onward." Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 29 Morgan, William H. Mowett, George A. Munsey, Hugh J. Murray, Martin . Obear, George 0. . Ober, George F. . O'Brien, John J. . Peach, Thomas J. Pearce, Adoniram Perry, Winthrop E. Pickett, Geo. H. . Poole, Lawrence U. Porter, Alfred Pousland, Henry B. Ramsdell, David S. Rogers, Joseph F. Roots, Alfred B. . Roundy, Azor Rowe, Bennett *Simpson, Alexander Smith, George C. . Southwick, Edward Spear, Wm. M. Stocker, Joseph W. Story, Larkin W. . Teed, Robert B. . Thissel, George H. Trow, Daniel Tyler, A. Norton . Waggott, Lyman . Waitt, Charles G. Wallace, Samuel D. Wallis, Fred A. . Wallis, Joseph G. '\;\Tieeler, Wilham F. Whitehouse, Michael Whiting, Thomas F. W^illiams, Augustus Williamson, William H Wilson, Frederick R. Wood, Robert H. Woodbury, Alvah Woodbury, George W. Woodbury, John C. Woodbury, Levi J. Woodbury, Thomas B. Wright, James A. *York, Benjamin M. Younger, Josiah A. BEVERLY — Continued. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d Mass. H, A. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Vermont," "Western World," "Restless," "North Carolina." Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mound City," "Tyler," "Metacomet," "Powhatan." Co. B, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 5th Me. Inf.; Co. I, 4th U. S. Inf. Co. E, 1st U. S. L. A. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. I, 31st Me. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3Sth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Me. Inf.; Co. C, 1st Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kineo," "Ohio." 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Unass. 11th Me. Inf. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 61st Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Katahdin," "Missis- sippi." U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Minn. Inf. 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 17th :Mass. Inf. 30 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Additional Names. Andrews, James M. Eastman, Thomas A. . Fegan, Lever ett Hartshorn, David P. Heron, William H. Hobbs, John W. Jewell, Charles M. Paulin, Samuel K. Pierce, Adoniram Wallis, Henry BEVERLY — Concluded. Co. F, 10th Me. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Blood, Leonard Cloyston, George E. Coudry, Marcus M. Dane, Aldin 0. Duffy, WiUiam . Frye, Joseph P. Hannon, Elias Hosmer, Charles E. Jaquith, Franklin Merriam, William O'Neil, Timothy . Osgood, George A. Pasho, Timothy A. Rollins, Valentine Smith, Coburn S. TuUy, Patrick W. Webber, Charles . Welch, Charles E. BILLERICA. Co. L, 26th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. G, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 10th Vt. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Martin Guards, N. H. Inf. Co. G, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th R. I. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Santiago de Cuba," "St. Clair," "Peosta." Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 63d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. D. 59th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 14th Me. Inf. Co. I, 3d Me. Inf. Additional Names. Bruce, Jasper. Gay, Charles S. Shaw, Elnathan. Snell, O. Washburn, Joseph H. Ballows, Alba Bartlett, Israel Bellows, Jay G. Caldwell, Willard D. Cheeney, CharlesH. Collins, Thomas J. Ditson, John Dorrington, Michael BLACKSTONE. Co. G, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. B, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. 176th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 21st, 36th, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th R. I. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 31 *Doyle, Hugh Emery, John Foley, Timothy JosUn, Stephen Meagher, James Miett, OUver Ryan, Edward A. *Shea, Maurice Stearns, George A Taft, Lucius . Wallace, John *WiUiams, George Wood, Elias M. Woods, Horace BLACKSTONE — Concluded. . Co. C, 12th R. I. Inf. . Co. F, 13th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st R. I. Cav. . Co. T, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 1st R. I. Art.; Co. B, 3d R. I. Art.; Co. E, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 3d R. I. H. A. . Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. . 13th Mass. L. Batty. . Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 18th N. H. Inf. Cook, Nilo E. Hayden, Chas. B. Remington, Orrin D. Sennett, John T. . BLANDFORD. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. *Bickford, Thomas Currier, Alfred Howard, Francis E. Jackson, George A. Mentzer, Moses H. Moran, Asa B. Murphy, Francis . Nourse, Andrew L. Robinson, William BOLTON. Vt. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. C, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 8th Vt. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. Abbott, James Abbott, Louis P. . Adams, Charles F. Adams, Melvin Adams, Simeon Adams, Walter F. Ahearn, Michael . Albee, John H. Albrecht, Francis . Alden, S. Augustus Allard, Joseph G. Allen, Alpheus D. Allen, Edwin Allen, James H. . Allen, Richard H. BOSTON. U. S. N. ship " Roanoke." Co. E, 6th Me. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 215th Penn. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Belle." Co. H, 9th Me. Inf. Co. C, 1st U. S. Art.; Co. A, 11th N. Y. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Mound City." Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mich. Inf.; Co. F, 6th Mich. Inf. Co. A, 10th 111. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Cav. 32 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. AUine, William H. Alton, John . Amory, Charles B. Anderson, Edwin A. Anderson, William J. Andrews, George H. Annis, Adelbert Annis, George H. . Anthony, Edward J. Appleby, Benjamin Appleton, Samuel Arbuckle, William J. Ashley, John J. Atkins, Ora A. Atkinson, Alexander Atwood, Leonard . Austin, Albert A. . Austin, William . Averill, Hiram Avon, Charles T. . Aymor, Adolphus W. Ayres, Melvin D. Bailey, Jerrimen . Baker, E. Jarvis , Baker, Henry Baker, Herbert C. Baker, John F. Baker, Loring Baldwin, John H. Ball, Benjamin A. BaU, Josiah W. . Ballou, George F. Bardwell, Henry J. Barker, George W. Barnard, Franklin Barnard, George N. Barnard, Henry C. Barnes, Alfred A. Barnes, Edward L. Barnes, George C. Barnes, William F. Barr, Daniel A. Barrett, Edward . Barry, Jeremiah J. Barry, John . Barry, Nathaniel S. Bartlett, Chas. BartoU, John Bassett, ELmon Batchelder, Henry H. BOSTON — Continued. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf.; Sth Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Osceola." Co. E, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "DeSoto," "Lodona," "Brooklyn." Co. A, 1st Ind. Cav. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 23d Wis. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Dawn," "Flambeau." Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. C, 15th U. S. Col. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Jumbo." 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ethan Allen," "Circassian." Co. K, 12th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Island Belle," "Port Royal." Co. E, 3d Me. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Glasgow." Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav» Co. H, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 145th Ohio Inf. Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, nth N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Connecticut," "Ohio," "North Caro- Una." U.S.N, ship "Niagara." U. S. N. ship "Colorado." 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Monitor," "Vermont," " Princeton." U. S. N. ship "Michigan." Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Katahdin/' "Kineo," "Pontoosuc." Co. K, Sth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Merrimac." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 33 Bates, Charles E. Baxter, Joseph Bean, James S. Bean, John H. Beck, Tobias . . Beckford, William Bell, Clarence H. . Bell, Frank N. . Bell, James . Bell, John Bemis, Emery Bench, Patrick J. Bennet, Charles C, Bennett, Charles W. Benson, Caleb S. . Bent, Herbert Benton, Josiah H. Bercelious, Olaf Berger, James F. . Bernard, Antoine B. Berry, John F. Berry, Maurice Bidwell, Cyrus B. Biewald, Charles . Bihler, Anthony . Billings, George W. Billings, Joseph E. Bingham, Oscar . Bird, Lewis J. Bisbee, William H. Bishop, Ebenezer . Bixby, Luther W. Black, Henry A. . Blake, Joseph E. . Blake, Royal E. . Blanchard, Edward P. Blanchard, John C. Blanchard, WiUiam E. Blanchard, William H. Blaney, Robert Bleiler, Charles Blinn, Bradford H. Blood, John M. . Boardman, Thomas Boodro, Peter Booker, Oliver J. . Bossen, Mark C. . Bowditch, Charles P. Bowen, Charles F. BoNVTiian, Benjamin F. Bowman, Charles BOSTON — Continued. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A.; Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Me. Inf. Co. H, 6th Me. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Colorado." Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." Co. L, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. B, 2d U. S. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 12th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Albatross," "Shenandoah." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," " ConsteUation." Co. B, 10th N. J. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 20th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. Ind. L. A. Co. H, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. Army. Co. A, 1st Conn. Cav. Co. B, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Va. Cav. Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "North Carolina," "Roanoke." Moore's Batty. N. C. L. A. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 1st Me. Art.; Co. G, 4th Me. Inf. Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Cumberland." U. S. N. ships "Tuscarora," "Macedonian." 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 55th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 29th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Mahopac," "Bat," "Saugus." Co. A, 1st N. H. Cav. 34 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Bowman, William H. Boyce, John . Boyce, William E. Boyer, Charles Boyle, Felix . Boynton, Richard F. Brackett, James . Bradbury, Charles J. Bradford, Alden . Bradford, George F. Bradford, Horace A. Bradley, J. Payson Bradley, Leonard W. Braley, George F. Brasher, James H. Brayman, Joseph E. Brennen, James . Brice, James C. Bridges, Charles A, Briggs, James W. Briggs, John C. Briggs, Nathan B. Brigham, Franklia D. Brigham, Hollo way B. Bristol, Albert W. Brooks, David P. Brooks, George H. Brooks, George W. Brooks, Henry Brooks, John Brougham, Edward J. Brown, Abram Brown, Benjamin B. Brown, Charles F. Brown, Edwin C. Bro'RTi, Francis Brown, James O. . Brown, Lucius A» Brown, Patrick W. Brown, William E, Brown, William N. Brown, William S. Bruce, John R. ' . Brughts, Frederick C. Bryant, Walter C. Buckley, John Buckley, John F. . BOSTON — Continued. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th U. S. Inf. Co. D, 7th N. Y. Cav.; Co. C, 11th N. Y. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Yantic," "South Carolina." 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 25th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Boxer." Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 36th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." Co. B, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 7th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "Pampero," "Cornubia." Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 39th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf. 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "Connecticut," "Sacra- mento." Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 184th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 13th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 29th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships" Vermont," "Pawnee," "New Hamp- shire." Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Iosco." Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. sliip "Admiral Dupont." U. S. N. ship "Canonicus." Co. A, 2d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Sacramento," "Mara- tanza," " Emma." Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." Co. I, 47th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 35 Bucklin, Otis P. . Budlong, William D. Buffington, Charles Bugbee, Daniel W. BuUard, George D. Bumpus, Ira C. Bunton, Henry S. Burdick, Oliver C. Burgess, Amasa . Burgess, John H. . Burke, John F. M. Burke, Thomas F. Burnham, Le^as . Burrell, Edward H. Burrell, James H. Burrell, Spotswood Burton, William T. Bush, Mansel H. . Butland, Robert K. Butler, Herbert Butler, James Butler, Orville W. Butler, William F. By am, Chelles C. Cady, Christopher Caldwell, George H. Caldwell, George W. Cale, James W. Callahan, John Callahan, Thomas F. Campbell, Albert . Campbell, Benjamin F Campbell, Benjamin M Campbell, George W Campbell, James . Campbell, James P. Campbell, Neil Camrel, James Cannon, Oliver Carmon, Thomas L. Capen, Warren F. Card, Henry M. . Carey, Peter . Carley, Horace A. Carney, John F. . Carpenter, Ben. W. Carpenter, Maxwell Carr, Charles H. . Carroll, Henry M. U. S. N. ships "North Caro- BOSTON — Continued. 1st Batty. R. I. L. A. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Wachusett," "Hartford." Co. G, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 7th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Huron." Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 26th Mass. Inf. lina," " Union." Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Conn. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 16th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Constellation." Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. B, nth U. S. Inf. Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, lOthR. I. Inf.; Sth Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Patapsco," "Housatonic." Co. D, 115th Ohio Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Mount Washington," "Ohio." U. S. N. ship "Penobscot." Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. K, 5th Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Alabama." Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, nth U. S. Inf.; 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Minnesota." Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. Frontier Cav. Co. A, 1st N. Y. Cav. 15th Batty. Mass. nth R. I. Inf. L. A. 36 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Carroll, Thomas S. Carty, Patrick J. . Carver, Christopher C. Cary, Seth Cass, Louis . Cates, John L. Cellarius, Adolph . Chaffee, Myron J. Chamberlain, John W. Chandler, Edwin J. Chandler, Francis W. Chapman, David S. Chapman, George W. Chapman, Henry K. Chase, Francis A. Chenery, Cornelius Cheney, John W. . Cheney, Rufus F. Chester, C. Harry Chestnut, Thomas Chickey, John F. . Chittenden, Albert A. Chubbuck, Hiram H. Church, Erastus D. Chute, James H. . Clancy, Patrick Clapp, David C. . Clark, David A. . Clark, Harvey 0. Clark, John . Clark, John C. Clarke, Eliot C. . Clarke, John H. . Clarke, William . Clayton, Isaiah Clement, Charles W. Cloney, Thomas F. Clougherty, Martin Cobiu-n, Benjamin V. Coburn, Gridley B. CoflSn, WiUiam H. Colby, Edward Colby, George 0. . Colby, Horace G. . Cole, Edward Colgan, George A. J. Collier, Archibald B. Comerford, James BOSTON — Continued. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 4th N. J. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Stars and Stripes," "Connecticut," "San Jacinto." Co. A, 123d N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Guard." U.S.N, ship "Choctaw." Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 30th Me. Inf. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Potomac." Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d U. S. L. A.; Co. L, 199th Penn. Inf. Co. B, 35th Penn. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. U.S.N, ship "Congress." Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 8th U. S. Inf. Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Vt. Inf.; Co. A, 6th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Augusta," "Commodore Read," "Key- stone State." Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Richmond," "BienviUe." Co. A, 16th Me. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Neptune," "Powhatan," "North Carolina." Co. E, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Monongahela," "Pensacola." U. S. N. ships "William G. Anderson," "Sciota,'' "Rodolph." Co. H, 14th N. H. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. A, 10th Me. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 23d N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 2d U. S. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 37 Connelly, James F. Connelly, Joseph J. Connors, Dennis . Connors, Jolm Converse, Albert W. Conway, Michael Cook, Albert G. . Cook, Benjamin C. Cook, Charles M. Cook, Edward B. Cook, George C. . Cook, Joshua Cook, T. King Cook, William H. Coolidge, Baldwin Coolidge, George T. Cooper, Charles F. Cooper, Vamum A. Coots, Charles A. Corcoran, WiUiam M. Corkerj^ John Coming, Samuel . Comwell, Henry H. Cottrell, Simon G. Coudry, Thomas . Coughlin, Jeremiah Coullahan, WiUiam Cowan, John F. . Cowan, Lorenzo . Crafts, John H. Cram, Andrew P. Crane, Harland P. Crane, Silas B. Cranmore, N. Wallace Cressy, Darwin M. Cripps, George Crockett, John F. Crockett, Samuel J, Crockett, William E. Crofifey, John Cronin, Dennis Cronin, William . Crosby, Arthur W. Crosby, Thomas . Crosby, Walter Crowley, James Crowley, Jeremiah A. Crowly, WiUiam H. Crown, William E. BOSTON — Continued. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Princeton," "Minnesota," "Vandalia," "Agamenticus." 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Hendrick Hudson." Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 133d lU. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 18th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. 28th Me. Inf. Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf.' Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 19th Me. Inf. 18th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 22d Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Wyalusing." Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 19th Me. Inf. Co. E, 8th Me. Inf. Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 25th Me. Inf. Co. B, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 2d«Me. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Me. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. U. S.N. ship" Saco." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Minnesota," "North Caro- lina." Co. A, 23d Ind. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. U.S.N, ship "Planter." Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th N. J. Inf. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 14th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. 38 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cuddie, James CuUen, Neil . Cummings, Augustus F Cunningham, Alfred Cunningham, William C Curley, Patrick J Curran, Hugh Curran, Simon F. Currie, Angus Currie, Jasper J. Curtis, Joseph Cushing, John E. Cushing, Seth K. Cushman, Llewelly: Cutler, Temple W Cutting, George H Dacy, George L, Daley, Thomas M Daly, Morris Dame, Augustus Daniels, Joseph A. Darcey, John Davidmeyers, Louis Davies, Herbert H Davis, Albert A. Davis, Alvin R. Davis, Charles A. Davis, Henry Davis, Horace 0. Davis, Orson C. Davis, Randall M Davis, Thomas Dawson, Henry Day, Alfred A. Dean, Alexis C. Dean, George C. Dean, S. B. . Dearborn, John G Deisney, Joseph Dempsey, Michael Dennett, John W. Dennis, John Densmore, Frank j Depew, William A Derby, Isaac W Desmond, Humphrey Devens, Frederick W. Devine, Anthony . Devlin, Thomas . Dexter, Everett K. Dickson, Joseph . BOSTON — Continued. U. S. N. ship "Pensacola." Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Me; Inf. 14th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf.; Co.D, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Art. Co. K, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 20th Me. Inf. Co. A, 9th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Louisville." Co. A, 8th Me. Inf. Co. H, 6th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Sonoma," "Home." U. S. N. ship "St. Lawrence." Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Hartford," "Massasoit," "Ohio." , Co. A, 68th N. Y. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Coleba." Adj. 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 15th Me. Inf. Co. A, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. H, 1st D. C. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Cumberland." Co. A, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Constellation," "Lafayette," "Omaha." Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Camelia." Co. I, 11th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. I, 9th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Me. Inf. Co. I, 19th Mich. Inf. Co. A, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. F, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ticonderoga," "Colorado." Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 39 Dietz, George A. . Dion, Felix . Dion, George A. . Ditmus, Edward A, Divitt, Eugene Dix, John H. Doby, John Dodge, John M. . Dodge, Randolph Doherty, Charles A. Doherty, Charles H. Dole, Charles F. . Dolliver, James W. Donahoe, Dennis J. Donahue, Thomas Donnelly, Thomas H. Donovan, Jeremiah Donovan, John Dooley, Thomas . Doran, Peter F. . Dorr, Henry G. Dorr, Jonathan Dove, Francis H. . Dow, Thomas Downes, Michael . Downey, Thomas J. Downing, Robert . Doyle, Cornelius L. Doyle, John . Doyle, Murtagh . Drake, William Driscoll, Cornelius L. Driscoll, James Driscoll, James D, Driscoll, Patrick H. Driver, William R. Drummond, William DuBois, George S. Duddy, John A. . Dudley, James W. Duffy, Thomas H. Dugan, Joseph Dugan, Timothy A. Dunbar, George P. Dimdon, Michael Dunham, John M. Dunn, James Dupree, William H. Durgin, George A. Durgin, James F. Durham, James . BOSTON — Continued. Co. F, 8th Kan. Inf. 2d N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. H, 29th Conn. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st N. H. H. A. U. S. Inf. Co. C, 1st Me. Inf. Co. H, 8th Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Frohc." U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Colorado." 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 11th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 197th Penn. Cav. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Sabine." U. S. N. ship "Ossipee." Co. D, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Shenandoah." Co. D, 2d Me. Cav. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf.- 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. ; U. S. N. ship " Mercidita." U.S.N, ship "Ohio." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Cumberland," "Albatross." U. S. N. ships "Preble, "Lackawanna." Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Pequot." Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 22d N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, .61st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 70th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 19th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Banshee," "Wabash," "Powhatan." Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. U.S.N, ship "Mystic." 40 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Dustin, Adrian C. Dutton, Charles A. Dwyer, Dennis Eastman, Eugene B. Eastman, William H. Eddy, Lewis . Edes, Charles E. . Edgecomb, Charles H Edgeiiey, J. Homer Edwards, J. Henderson Ehrlicli, Solomon . Eldridge, EUery W. Elliott, Chandler . Ellis, George H. . ELmedar, Charles H. Elms, Charles P. . Elms, Joseph D. . Elwell, James E. . Emerson, James . Emerson, Rpmanus Emery, Frank Emery, William H. Emmons, William H. H Enwright, John Enwright, Michael H. Estes, William E. Faben, Edward Fairfield, Lendol F. Fales, John . FaU, Charles T. . Farley, John . Farmer, Edward . Farrel, James Farrell, James F. . Farrell, Joseph F. Farrington, Willard S. Farwell, Merrill . Fee, John Fee, Patrick . Feltman, Charles F. Fennelly, Michael Fenno, Abraham . Fernandez, Francis M. Feyhl, Charles A. Field, Charles F. . FUlebrown, George M. Finch, Washington G. Finn, James H. BOSTON — Continued. Co. K, 3d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Saco," "Rhode Island," "Connecti- cut." Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 52d 111. Inf. Co. A, 3d Penn. Inf.; Co. F, 12th Penn. Cav. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Me. Inf. Co. F, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. D, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. C, 75th Col. Inf. Co. I, 72d N. Y. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. 17th Batty. N. Y. L. A. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Wabash," "Ethan AUen." Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Sig. Corps. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 7th N. Y. Cav.; Co. A, 1st N. Y. Art. Co. B, 12th Me. Inf.; Co. C, Unatt. Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Macedonian," "Ohio," "Princeton." 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 17th Me. Inf. Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Co. E, 3d U. S. Art.; Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 3d U. S. Art. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. K, 8th N. H. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Kanawha," "Alabama." Co. D, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 7th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. Co. G, 69th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Sacramento." Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th Me. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. I, 17th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mmnesota," "Alert," "Cohasset," "Republic." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 41 Finnity, James Fisher, Andrew Fisher, Charles H. Fisher, Hewlett W. Fitzmorris, Barney Fitzpatrick, Francis J. Fitzpatrick, John B. Fitzpatrick, John F. Fitzpatrick, Philip Flanagan, Eugene Flanagan, James A. Flanagan, Joseph H. Fletcher, Daniel C. FljTm, Jolin H. Fl5am, Patrick Flynn, William J. FoUansbee, John W. Folsom, Benjamin J. Folsom, George W. Forary, Peter Forbes, Douglas . Ford, Abel C. Ford, Alden . Ford, Augustus Ford, Charles E. A. Ford, William Forrest, William H, Fortier, Edmund . Fossitt, Edward J. Foster, Albert J. . Foster, Averland . Foster, Eugene Foster, Joseph A. Fowler, James J. . Fowler, PhiUp M. Fox, Albert S. Fox, John Andrews Frampton, Robert Franklin, Freeman A. Freeman, Andrew J. Freeman, Pliilip . Freese, George W. French, George H. French, Lemuel Frost, Edwin R. . Frost, John N. Fuller, Arthur Fuller, George W. Gabriel, Charles . Gallagher, Charles T. BOSTON — Continued. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Massachusetts," "Catalpa," "New- bern." Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf.; U. S. Navy. Co. A, 41st Wis. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 69th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 9th Me. Inf. Co. G, 2d Md. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Princeton," "Sassacus." Co. C, 94th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 40th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Cumberland," "Minnesota." Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 11th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Batty. G, 2d U. S. L. A. U. S. Ordnance Corps. 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Oliio," "Prmceton," "Saratoga." Co. D, 16th N. Y. Inf. Unass. N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 45th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Cleveland." Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf. Mus. 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Me. Inf. Co. E, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Octorora." Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 16th Me. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 42 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Gallagher, John Gallagher, William J. Galvin, Michael . Gammans, George H. Gardiner, John L. Gardner, Alfred S. Gardner, George H. Gardner, Thomas Gardner, William A. Gaskins, James Gass, Jacob . Gately, John W. . Gavin, Michael F. Gay, E. Bradford Geier, Charles Gerrish, Henry Gibbons, John Gibbons, Martin . Gibbs, Theodore L. Gilday, James H. Gillis, William . Gilman, George L. Gilman, John E. . Gilman, Jonathan W. Gilman, Samuel W. Gilmore, Louis Gilmore, Stephen A. Gleason, Reuben . Glock, Adam Glover, Benjamin T. Glover, George G. Goldsmith, Samuel K. Goodhue, Addison Goodrich, Ira B. . Goodwin, Edward L. Goodwin, George Goodwin, George W. Googins, Joseph . Gori, Andrew F. . Gorman, Edward V. Gorman, Thomas Gough, Bartholomew Grace, WiUiam 0. D. Graham, Thomas J. Graham, William . Graney, Martin . Grant, Edward A. Graves, Alpheus . Gray, Nathan Gray, Noah W. . BOSTON — Continued. Co. I, 51st N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 24th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "General Putnam." Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th 111. Inf. Co. D, 12th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "New Era, "Benton." Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 9th N. J. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 35th Ind. Inf.; Co. B, 19th U. S. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Clyde." Co. C, 8th N.Y. Inf. Co. G, 41st Ind. Cav. Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 28th Me. Inf. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Powhatan." Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 87th Penn. Inf. Co. G, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. Unass. Me. Inf. Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Cornubia." Co. E, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Old Ironsides." Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 22d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship " Kearsarge.-" Co. E, 22d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Sebago," "North Carolina. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 19th Me. Inf. Co. H, 4th Me. Inf. Co. K, 10th Vt. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 43 Gray, William A. . Green, Charles M. Green, George W. Green, James W, . Green, John . Green, Joshua H. Green, Michael S. Greene, James H. Greenleaf , Rodney W Gregory, Emery C. Grogan, Michael J. Guild, Edward W. Grinnell, Thomas H. Gustinger, Frederick W Hadley, George W. Hagan, James Hagemeister, Charles W Haggett, William H. Hale, John G. Haley, Bartholomew R Haley, Patrick J. . Hall, Charles W. . Hall, George L. Hall, William H. . Hallowell, Josiah R. Ham, Benjamin A. Ham, Ed^\an J. Hamilton, Joseph Hammerschlag, Louis Hanewell, Daniel W. Hanlon, Thomas A. Hanning, Charles E. Hardj^, Patrick H. Hardy, William C. Hargraves, William J. Harkins, Daniel J. Harmon, James Harmon, John W. Harmon, Thomas E. Harney, Michael . Harrington, Charles P Harrington, Edward Harrington, Edward Harrington, George E. Harrington, George S. Harrington, James G. Harris, Lucian A. Hart, Daniel . Hart, John BOSTON — Continued. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. nth Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Wabash," "Ohio." Co. E, 1st Battln. Frontier Mass. Cav. Co. I, 19th Me. Inf. Co. F, 36th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Fort Donelson." Co. H, 7th N. Y. Inf. Mus. 2d N. H. Inf. Co. E, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. F, 39th N. J. Inf. Co. I, nth Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Underwiter," " Mount Vernon," "Hetzel." U.S.N, ship "Onward." . Co. C, 2d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 4th Mass. Art. Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 115th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 15th N. Y. H. A. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. C, nth Me. Inf. Co. K, 4th Me. Inf. U. S. N. sliip "Eneo." . Co. F, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Potomac," "Don." U. S. N. ships "Potomac," "Brooklyn." U. S. N. ship "Arietta." Co. E, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. H. A. U.S. N. ship "Sabine." U. S. N. ship "Ohio." U. S. N. ship "Vulcan." . Co. C, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Cornubia." Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. 44 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Hart, Samuel Hartford, George W. Hassett, John B. . Hastings, George H. Hatch, Benjamin F. Hatch, Frederick W. Hatch, Theodore . Hatheway, Charles M. Haven, George C. Havener, Churchill Hawes, Albert T. . Hawes, Nathaniel Hawkins, Henry M. Hayward, Joel A. Hazelton, Jolm F. Healy, John F. Healy, WilUam F. Hearty, Owen H. . Hedge, Franklin . Henchey, Thomas M. Hennessey, Patrick Hennessey, WiUiam J, Hennigan, Henry J. Henry, Jacob Herbert, Charles 0. Hersey, Amos T. . Hersey, Charles S. Heyer, William C. Heywood, John R. HiggLason, Francis L. Higgiason, Henry Lee Hill, Albert F. HiU, Charles T. HUl, David B. HiU, Edward L. HiU, George E. HiU, George N. HiU, John . HUl, John M. Hinckley, Andrew Hindenlang, Leopold Hingston, Allen Hodges, Fred S. . Hodges, John R. . Hodgkins, Benjamin J. Hodgkins, Luther D. Hoffman, Frederic Hoffman, William Ho derness, Thomas H BOSTON — Continued. Co. A, 6th Minn. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Princeton." Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Me. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d N. Y. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Lancaster." Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Quaker City," "Mercidita." U. S. N. ships "Samoa," "Sabine." Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "South CaroUna;" Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Bienville," "Ohio." Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Tuscarora," "Constitution," "Get- tysburg." Co. K, 1st Me. H. A. U.S.N, ship "Colorado." Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 54th Mass. Inf. 1st Mass. Cav.; 2d Mass. Inf. Co. K, nth N. H. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Atlanta," "DayUght," "Malvern." Co. C, 26th Me. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 16th Conn. Inf. ; Co. G, 19th N. J. R. C. Co. B, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d U. S. Cav. U.S. N. ship "Daylight." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton," "Young Rover." U. S. N. ship " Canandaigua." Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "North CaroUna." Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Housatonic." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 45 Holland, Charles L. Holman, S. Baxter Holmes, Frederick H. Holmes, James T. Holmes, John Homer, George H. Hook, AKredH. . Hook, Samuel Hooper, Ainsley R. Hooper, Arthur Hopkins, Nathan E. Horgan, Patrick . Horton, Albert Horton, Edward A. Horton, Joseph E. Horton, Louis A. . Houghton, Stephen Houston, George . Hovey, James L. . Howard, Nathaniel T, Howe, Benjamin F. Hoyt, Albert H. . Hudson, Edward . Huff, George H. . Hughes, David Hunt, Albert A. . Hunt, Benjamin . Hunt, Elbridge G. Hunter, Alvah F. Hurd, Henry Hurd, Sylvester . Hurley, David T. . Hurley, Patrick J. Hurley, Timothy J. Humey, John Hussey, Bart J. Hutchins, Thomas R. Hutchinson, Calvin J. Ide, George E. W. Irish, Richard F. Isaacs, Harry Jankins, Charles Jaques, Samuel Jenkins, Joseph H. Jenkins, Luke E. Jenkinson, Henry 0. Johnson, Amos BOSTON — Continued. Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. Frontier Cav, Co. B, 6th Wis. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Monadnock." Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "BrandyM'ine," "North Carolina," "Florida." U. S. A. Ordnance Dept. Co. C, 2d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Seneca." Co. B, 3d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Massachusetts," "Rhode Island." Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Ky. H. A. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. 2d U. S. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 69th N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Pocahontas," "Seminole," "John Adams 2d." Co. D, 111th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 66th Ohio Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. U. S. N. ship "Nahant." 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Cumberland," "Ohio." U.S.N, ship "Benton." U. S. N. ships "Cumberland," "Nantucket." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Mount Washington," " Brand\^ane," " Mirmesota." Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Commodore Morris," "Pequot," "Boxer." U. S. N. ships "Kensington," "Pink." Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 106th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "General Bragg," "Savannah." Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 97th Penn. Inf. Co. H, 45th Penn. Inf. 46 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Johnson, Charles H. Johnson, Charles W. Johnson, Joseph J. Johnson, Louis Jones, Henry M. . Jones, Llewellyn . Jones, William F. Jordan, Augustus C. Jordan, James W. Jordan, Reuben T Joslin, George C. Joslin, Robert Jouannet, Adolphus Joyce, Patrick Juggins, William F Kane, John Kazar, John H. Kealey, Jolm T. Keating, Henry P, Keating, John Keefe, Jolm A. Keelan, James P. Keeler, Justin L. Kehoe, James Kellar, John S. Kelleher, Daniel Kelleher, James B Kelleher, Jolm F. Keller, Andrew P. Kelley, James G. Kellogg, Henry Kelly, Charles H. Kelly, Thomas J. Kemmick, William Kemp, George D. Kendall, Kilburn G. Kendricken, Paul H. Kenfield, Chester B. Kennedy, Henry P. Kenney, Bernard . Kenney, Bernard A. Kenney, Michael . Kenney, Oscar B. Kenney, Wallace . Kenniff, John F. . Kent, Joseph H. . Kerr, Neil H. Keyes, George P. . BOSTON — Continued. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Me. Inf. Co. F, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. C, 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 30th Me. Inf. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 13th Me. Inf. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. U.S. N. ship "Niagara." U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." 6th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Coim. Cav. 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliip "Benton." Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. C, 17th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Richmond," "Potomac," "Narcissus," "North Carolina." Co. F, 26th Me. Inf. Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Wabash." Co. K, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Dale," "Sonoma," "Sabine," "Ni- agara." U. S. Navy. Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Potomac," "Ohio," "Chocura." U. S. Inf. Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. K, 31st Me. Inf. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Canandaigua." 3d U. S. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Pensacola," "North Caro- lina." Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. , SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 47 Keyes, John . Keyes, Michael Keyes, Thomas C. Killeen, James Kilroy, James M. Kimball, Charles M. Kimball, Horace W. Kimball, Samuel H. King, Frank . King, George T. . Kinsley, Thomas . Kinson, Charles H. Kirchgassner, Leopold Kissick, James H. Knight, Charles . Knight, Francis E. Knight, Robert E. Knower, Joseph A. Knowlton, Ernest W. Knox, Charles H. Knox, Joseph H. . Krickser, Bernard Landt, Henry Landy, Luke R. . Lane, David . Lang, Silas W. Langlan, Thomas Langly, Freeman . Lapham, Elisha W. Laverty, William H, Law, Lewis LawTence, Orlando Laws, Alonzo C. H. Lawson, John H. . Layfield, Joseph D. Lee, Cornelius LeFavor, James H. LeFavour, Amos . Legate, Joseph M. J. Lehman, George H. Leighton, Frederick Leighton, Henry H. Leonard, Charles H. Leonard, Jolm Lermond, Edward W. Le Roy, James Levi, Mark Levine, John U. S. N. ship "Aries." " "Ohio," "Santee." "Nipsic," "Vandalia," "Ma- li. S. N. ships "Massasoit," BOSTON — Continued. U. S. N. ship "Ticonderoga." U. S. N. ships "Massachusetts," "Powhatan," "Ohio," "North Carolina." Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Osceola." Co. G, 5th Me. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav, Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "Ossipee, Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," haska." Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Ind. Co. Vt. L. A. Co. I, 9th N. J. Inf. Co. I, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th Me. Inf. 1st Batty. Kan. L. A. Co. C, 2d Me. Cav.; Co. F, 21st Me. Inf Co. H, 6th Calif. Inf. Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf "Ohio." Co. A, 65th N. Y. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Sabine." Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Wabash." Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Princess Royal." Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 17th Me. Inf. Co. C, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 35th N. J. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf. 28th Me. Inf. 6th Me. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Huron." Co. F, 1st D. C. Cav.; Co. C, 1st Me. Cav. Co. C, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 5th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Massachusetts." 48 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Lewis, Caleb H. . Lewis, David Lewis, George B. . Lewis, Warren A. Lincoln, George F. Lindsay, Charles A. Lindsay, Edward G. Linehan, David . Linehan, Dennis . Linnehan, Bartholomew Linnell, George H. Linquist, Joseph . Litchfield, Edwin M. Little, Joseph D. . Littlefield, Charles A. Livermore, Thomas Livingston, Murray V. Locke, John F. Logue, Charles E. Long, Thomas J. . Longstreet, Daniel F. Look, Orrick . Lord, Martin V. . Lord, Warren Loring, Edward R. Loring, Eleazer V. Loring, Frank M. Loring, William T. Lomisbury, Paul . Lovett, Charles E. Lowe, Frederick . Lucis, John . Luke, John A. Lunt, Louis F. Luther, Charles J. Lyman, Edward J. Lynch, William P. Lyndale, Theodore Lyons, Lawrence J. Mace, John H. MacNaughton, Donald Macomber, Samuel M. Maguire, Patrick J. Maguire, Thomas Mahan, Clarence . Mahoney, Thomas J. Malley, Jolm Maner, Theodore . Manley, Henry Mann, Albert W. . BOSTON — Continued. Co. G, 43d N. J. Inf. Co. A, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Me. Cav. U. S. Navy. Co. D, nth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 28th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. N. J. L. A. 8th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 20th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Tuscarora." Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 18th N. Y. Inf.; Co. K, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. Cav. Co. D, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Cleveland," "Autocrat." Co. D, 2d Me. Inf. Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 7th N. Y. H. A. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 12th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Sabine." Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 16th N. Y. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Ohio." Co. C, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 117th lU. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Don," "Ceres," "Ashuelot." Co. B, 2d N. H. H. A.; 4th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 26th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Iosco." Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Prince- ton," "Seneca." U. S. N. ships "New Ironsides," "Wabash," "DeSoto." Co. I, 33d N. J. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 49 Mannix, John Mansfield, Samuel M. Marcy, Charles D. Marcy, H. 0. Marden, George F. Marison, Samuel S. Marrah, Jeremiah Marsh, Walter R. Marshall, John D. Marshall, John H. Marshall, Robert . Martin, Henry W. Martin, WUliam A. Martineau, William Mason, Charles Mason, Frank E. . Mason, William . Maurer, Stephen . Maxham, Lowell, M. Maxwell, George D. Maxwell, Oliver F. Maxwell, Samuel A. May, Joseph R. . Maybury, William H. Mayers, Charles . Maynard, Fred D. McAvoy, Michael M. McCabe, Bernard McCabe, John McCallon, John H. McCarron, Richard McCarthy, Daniel J. McCarthy, Dennis C. McCarthy, John . McCarthy, Patrick McCarthy, William McCausland, Frederick McClure, Albert T. McCracken, WiUiam S McCreary, Nathaniel McCuUough, Thomas McDevitt, Hugh . McDevitt, William A. McDonald, James McDonald, Patrick McDonaugh, John B. McFarland, Edwin C. McGee, Jolin R. . McGettrick, Felix W. BOSTON — Continued. Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. U. S. Army. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Surgeon, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Caleb Gushing." Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Me. Inf. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 17th U. S. Art. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. H, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "Sabine," "Mmnesota," "Brandywine." U. S. N. ships "Tuscarora," "Macedonian." Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 3d R. I. H. A.; Co. F, 2d Mass. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Colorado." U. S.N. ships "Colorado," "Ohio," "Rhode Island," "Vermont," "EstreUa." Co. A, 30th Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Macedonian," "Tuscarora." U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Rhode Island." Co. G, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 10th R. I. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 124th Ohio Inf. Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "luka," "Supply." Co. E, 2d Vt. Inf. 50 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. McGlynn, Jolin McGowan, Thomas McGrath, John . McGrath, Lawrence A Mclntyre, Frank . Mclntyre, James F. McKay, Albert McKeon, William J. McKenzie, John . McKusick, Franklin M McLaughlin, John J. McLauglilin, Phihp McNamara, Jeremiah J McNaney, Thomas McNear, George . McQuade, James . Mead, Frank W. . Mealey, Hugh Means, Frederick L. Meehan, Edmund Meehan, Michael . Mefehan, Michael . Meissner, John G. Merriam, Henry E. Merrill, James T. Merrill, Thomas D. Meserve, John G. Meserve, George W. Metcalf, Edward . Metcalf, Henry W. Milk, Lawrence Millar, Collingwood C Miller, Charles E. Miller, Conrad MUler, Fred W. . MiUs, Frank B. . Mitchell, Roscoe G. Moley, James Monroe, Horace Montgomery, George Moody, Converse Mooney, Nicholas Moore, William Moore, William H. Moran, Thomas . Morand, Alfred L. S. Morgan, Jolm Morgan, John BOSTON — Continued. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 31st Me. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Carnation." Co. G, 17th N. Y. Inf. U.S. N. ship"Farragut." Co. C, 5th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 2d Me. Cav. Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th Me. Inf. Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Shawsheen," "Dela- ware." U. S. N. ships "James L. Davis," "Star of the East," "Stars and Stripes." Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 47th la. Inf. Co. I, nth R. I. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Hospital Corps. U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Savannah." 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d U. S. Inf. Co. H, 28th Me. Inf. Co. C, 2d N. J. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf.; 2d Md. Inf.; 11th Md. Inf. Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Ala. Inf. Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Congress," "Delaware," "North Carolma," "Ohio." Asst. Sm:g. Perm. Inf. Co. B, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. B, 1st U. S. Art.; "North Carolina." U. S. N. ships "Lancaster," SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 51 Moriarty, John M. Morley, James Morrill, Calvin C. Morris, Frank Morris, Joseph A. Morrison, George H, Morse, Charles F. Moseley, Randolph P. Moses, George F. Moss, George F. . Moulton, Charles L. MuKord, Joseph W. Mullen, Isaac S. . Mullen, John MuUins, George . Mundy, Mark Mundy, Thomas L, Munroe, Frank W. Murdock, William E. Murley, Jeremiah Murphy, George . Murphy, John F. . Murphy, John J. . Murphy, John J. . Murphy, Lorenzo Murphy, Patrick . Murphy, Patrick E. Murray, James Nagle, Richard B. Neale, Robert J. . Neas, John Neas, Joseph Needham, Alfred . Needham, Richard Neff, William M. . Neice, Bernard NeUigan, John H. Ness, Bernard Newcomb, John B. Newell, John M. . Newhall, Lawrence H. Nichols, Dwight R. Nichols, John Nichols, Smith W. Nickerson, Frank S. Nickerson, Henry R. BOSTON — Continued. Co. A, 26th N. Y. Cav. ' Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. 3d Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Fox." Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Massasoit," "Phlox." Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Circassian." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Chocura," "Princeton," "Lilian." Co. B, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 43d Penn. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Pequot." Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 25th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Cumberland," "Port Royal." Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Adolph Hugel," "Santiago de Cuba." Co. B, 7th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Santee," "Colorado," "Lackawanna." U. S. N. ship "Susquehanna." Mus. nth Mass. Inf. Co. K, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th U. S. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Saratoga," "Powhatan," "Rhode Island." Co. A, 71st N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 71st N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Geranium," "Hydrangea." Co. C, 135th lU. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Conn. L. A.; 2d Batty. Conn. L. A. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Wabash, "Macedonian," "Shenan- doah," "Omaha." Co. I, 4th Me. Inf. Co. I, 3d U. S. Inf. 52 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Nolan, Martin Norcott, William A. Norcotte, John F. Norcross, William L. North, Gardner . Norton, Edward H. Norton, Edwin M. Norton, Thomas . Norwood, Charles N. Noyes, George Noyes, George 0. Oakes, George E. . Oakman, Henry P. O'Brien, Dennis . O'Brien, Felix F. . O'Connell, Daniel O'ConneU, John R. O'Connell, Pierce W. O'Connor, Cornelius J. O'Connor, Michael D. Odell, Ira H. . . O'DonneU, John E. O'Flanagan, Charles J. O'Hara, Henry W. O'Leavy, John Oliver, ComeUus A. O'Neil, James H. . O'Neil, John . . O'NeU, Patrick H. Orcutt, Isaac F. . Ordway, Frank D. Ordway, George . O'Reilly, Peter . O'Rourke, Peter . Osgood, Knight S. Owens, Joseph Page, J. Edward . Page, John A. Palmer, Charles E. Palmer, Charles W. Park, William Parker, Albert C. Parker, Bowdoin S. Parker, Charles Parker, Franklin E. Parkhm-st, George W. BOSTON — Continued. Co. B, 121st N. Y. Inf.; Co. C, 65th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 4th N. J. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. Ordnance Corps. U.S.N, ship" Canonicus." Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 30th U. S. Col. Inf. Co. E, nth U. S. Inf. Co. C, 19th Me. Inf. Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ticonderoga," "Ethan Allen," "Ag- amenticus." Co. B, 2d Me. Inf. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st D. C. Cav.; Co. I, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Osceola," "Iosco." Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Richmond." U. S. N. ship "Pensacola." U. S. N. ship "Tristram Shandy." U. S. N. ships "Iosco," "Ohio," "North Carolina." 1st Brigade d'Afrique U, S. Inf. Co. A, 9th Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Housa- tonic," "North Carolina," "South Carolina," "Ohio." U. S. Navy. U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." U. S. N. ship "Parks." Co. D, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "BrookljTi," "Vermont." Co. H, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. G, 2d Me. Inf.; Co. H, 20th Me. Inf.; U. S. Signal Corps. Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf.; 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Coeur de Lion," "Bellpost." 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d N. H. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 53 Parkinson, John Patterson, John . Paul, James G. Pearson, James D. Pease, Frederick A. Peck, Eugene C. . Peirson, Charles L. Pennington, John H. Percival, James P. Perkins, Charles M. Perry, George L. . Peters, John H. Pettingill, Edwin M. PhiUips, Jeremiah Pickering, Moses P. Pierce, Charles C. Pierce, Wm. B. Piggren, William Pike, Charles 0. Pike, George K. Pike, Randolph Pitcher, Henry P. Pooler, Sumner Poor, James W. • Poor, George H. Pope, George W. Poree, Ferdinand C, Powderly, Michael E. Powers, John T. Pratt, Charles C. Pratt, Charles E. Pratt, Eben . Pratt, Jerome J. Pratt, Nathaniel J. Pray, William 0. Preble, Edward Prescott, Alfred J. Prescott, Asa D. Preston, Bela D. Price, James T. Pruden, Daniel R, Puffer, Rockwood Putnam, Leverett 0. Quinn, James Quinn, John B. Raid, Patrick J. . Randall, Albert A. Range, George Rankin, Joseph H. Ranson, Evelyn B. BOSTON — Continued. Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. C, 10th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ship "I^gfisher." Co. E, 79th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 3d Vt. Inf. 20th Mass. Inf.; 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Flag," "Niagara." Co. K, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Osceola," "Penobscot," "O'Reagan." Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 26th U. S. Col. Inf. Co. A, 8th 111. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 33d lU. Inf.; Co. H, 10th lU. Inf. Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, U. S. Eng. Corps. Co. C, 43d Wis. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Susquehanna." Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ticonderoga," " Wyalusing.". Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 14th Me. Inf. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Battb. Mass. H. A. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Vt. Cav. 1st Batty. Me. Art. Co. E, 2d Me. Cav. Co. I, 13th Me. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th Me. Inf. Co. B, 133d N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 8th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 67th Ohio Inf. Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. H, nth Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Varuna," "Iroquois." Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" CUfton." Co. I, 21st N. Y. Cav. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. 54 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Ratcliffe, William Ray, George A. Read, Charles E. . Read, Samuel B. . Reade, Philip Reardon, John E. Reardon, John H. Redding, George W. Redekheimer, Henry Redmond, Matthew Reed, Henry F. . Reed, John A. Reed, John G. Regan, Cornelius J. Remilinger, Ferdinand Remmonds, John W. Revaleon, George L. Rexford, George H. Reynolds, James F. Reynolds, Steven H. Rhodes, Henry E. Rice, Albert G. Rice, Charles E. . Rice, Matthew W. Rice, Oscar A. Rich, Edwin H. . Rich, Henry H. Richards, Edward H. Richards, WilUam C. Richardson, Charles A Richardson, Edward S Richie, John . Ricker, Albert E. . Ricker, Charles C. Ricker, Oliver P. . Rideout, William H. H Rider, William H. H. Ridgeway, Charles L. Ridley, Sewall P Rieger, Robert Rielly, Hugh Riley, James . Riley, James 0. Riley, John . Riley, Luke . Riley, WiUiam T. Riordan, Timothy J Ripley, Isaac Rist, John Robbins, Charles C. BOSTON — Continued. Co. I, 5th Penn. Cav. Co. D, 15th Me. Inf. Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Virginia," "North Carolina." U. S. N. ship "Macedonian." U. S. Navy. 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 58th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 33d N. J. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Wachusett," "Hartford." U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Harvest Moon," "Ethan Allen." Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf.; 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. Navy. Co. C, 1st Me. S.S.; Co. C, 20th Me. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. I, 13th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 19th Me. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. Unass. 54th Mass. Inf. 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 43d Mass. Inf. 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 20th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Florida," "Keystone State." Co. A, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." U. S. N. ship "Nipsic." Co. A, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 193d N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Hampshire." Co. I, 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, nth Wis. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 55 Robbins, Edward B. Robbins, Henry M. Roberts, Joseph . Roberts, Watkin W. Robinson, Edward Robinson, Frank . Robinson, George L. Robinson, John W. Robinson, Winthrop B Rockwell, Dana W. Rogers, Edward F. Rogers, Henry M. Rogers, Joseph H. Rogers, Seth C. Rogers, William . Rollins, Albert W. Rollins, Elisha E. Rooney, Francis . Rooney, Herbert . Rooney, Peter J. . Rose, Franklin T. Rose, James H. Rose, John W. Rosenau, Carl Ross, George W. . Ross, Thomas A. . Rossiter, Joseph . Rounds, Leonard P. Rowe, Benson A. . Royce, Harrison A. Rumney, Lyman W. Russell, George Russell, George G. Russell, Harry H. Ryan, Dennis Ryan, Michael J. . Ryan, Thomas Rymes, Albert G. Ryson, Charles E. Sanborn, B. Franklin Sanborn, Eugene D. Sanborn, George C. Sanborn, John W. Sanderson, Frederick Sandhng, Thomas H. Sandlow, James Sargent, Jolin H. . Saunders, George . Savage, Daniel W. BOSTON — Continued. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 30th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Octorara." Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mohican," "Ohio," "Kearsarge," "Marblehead," "Mohongo," " Ticonderoga." Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. Co. H, 45th Penn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Katahdin," "BienviUe." Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. K, 31st Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Daylight," "Ascutney," "Wilderness." U. S. Eng. Corps. Co. E, nth N. Y. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Me. Inf.; Co. C, 31st Me. Inf. U. S. N. sliip "Rhode Island." Co. B, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; 55th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 117th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 5th Wis. Inf. 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, nth Me. Inf.; Co. E, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 1st Me. Inf. 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Me. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Me. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Pawmee." Co. F, 10th R. I. Inf. Co. E, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, ISth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." 8th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Quaker City." U. S. N. ships "Kearsarge," "Alabama." Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Wabash." Co. H, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 2d Me. Inf. Co. F, 43d U. S. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Oliio," "Preble," "Potomac," "Ber- muda," "Pensacola." 56 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Scanlon, Thomas A. Schmidt, Oscar A. Schneider, Adam . Schoffer, Dewitt . ScoUay, WHKam H. Scott, Jonathan W. Sears, Edward S. . Sears, Eliphalet . Seaver, Silas S. Seigle, Henry Severance, Wm. H. Sewall, Richard B. Sexton, Jeremiah H. Shackley, WiUiam T. Shaffer, Oscar Shakford, Joshua C. Shapleigh, James F. Shapleigh, Samuel B. Shattuck, Andrew B. Shattuck, John E. Shaw, John H. Shaw, John W. Shay, Michael H. Shea, Dennis Sheldon, Henry M. Shepard, James L. Shergold, Samuel . Shoemaker, James M. Sherman, Andrew Sherman, George A, Sherman, Nathaniel B, Silva, Isaac . Simmons, Samuel J, Simonds, Otis Turner Simons, Edward F. Simpson, Charles T. Simpson, James M. Singer, George W. Sinnott, Michael . Skelton, Edward O. Slater, Lewis L. . Slattery, John Slocomb, Samuel F. Small, Charles E. Smith, Andrew Smith, Charles H. Smith, David E. . Smith, Edward P. BOSTON — Continued. Co. D, 3d U. S. Cav. Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d U. S. Art. Co. H, 11th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Tacony," "North Carolina." Co. C, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship " Fort Jackson." Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Perry." Co. F, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Me. H. A. Co. A, 1st Ky. Inf. Co. F, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 34th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Tuscarora," "Macedonian," "Wabash," "Hunchback." 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "WiUiam G. Anderson." Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Benton," "Samt Louis." Co. G, 2d Me. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf.; 37th U. S. Inf. Co. F, 81st N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 72d Penn. Inf. Co. K, 20th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Pa- tapsco." Co. D, 17th Me. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf, Co. S, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Colo. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 57 Smith, George L. . Smith, Hemy W. . Smith, Hem-y W. . Smith, James F. . Smith, James L. . Smith, Nathan G. Smith, Robert B. . Smith, Robert H. Smith, Stillman C. Snaith, George S. Snow, Edmund F. Snow, James H. . Somerby, Frank . Sonerant, Peter L. Soren, George C. . Southard, Edward Spaulding, E, F. . Spear, George C. . Spear, John H. Spooner, William A. Sprague, Homer B. Sprague, John W. Spry, Samuel Stacey, William B. Stafford, Thomas G. Stanley, Cyrus G. Stanley, Isaac N. . Staples, Augustus M. Staples, Frank C. Steams, Edgar E, Steams, Joseph Steele, Henry M. . Sterling, John K. . Stevens, Fred W. . Stevens, George B. Stevens, George H. Stevenson, Robert H. Stinson, Alexander Stockwell, John M. Stoddard, George B. Stoddard, Henry P. Stoddard, Joseph . Stoddard, William Stone, Charles E. Stone, Corydon 0. Stone, George A. . Stone, Silas . Story, Robert Stowe, ISIartin A. Strang, James H. . BOSTON — Continued. Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 11th Me. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Refugee." Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Waxsaw." Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. K, nth N. H. Inf. Co. B, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 189th Ohio Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 14th Me. Inf. 7th Wis. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. H, 13th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 12th Me. Inf. Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 20th Me. Inf. Co. B, 2d R. I. H. A. U. S. Navy. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 142d 111. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Aroostook," "Octorora," "Virginia." Co. A, 30th Me. Inf. U. S. N. sliips "Pensacola," "Tennessee." Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 5th Mass. Art. Co. A, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. E, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. Co. F, 1st Me. Cav. Co. B, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 4th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 31st Me. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 4th U. S. Cav. 58 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Strangman, Jedediah Stream, Charles . Strout, Henry E. . Stuart, George A. Sullivan, Cornelius Sullivan, Daniel E. Sullivan, Humphrey Sullivan, Humphrey D Sullivan, J. Howard Sullivan, Jolin W. Sullivan, Lawrence Sullivan, Patrick . Sulhvan, Patrick T. Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Thomas Sullivan, Thomas E. Sullivan, Timothy M. Swan, Francis H. . Swan, Walter E. . Sweatt, Frank. Sweet, William L. Swift, WiUiam H. Taber, Frank Talbot, Felix Tatton, John Taylor, Ambrose . Taylor, Charles H. Taylor, Dwight B. Taylor, Edward E. Taylor, George W. Taylor, James R. . Taylor, John Teeling, Benjamin F. Teeling, Joseph A. Tehan, John J. Terry, Henry B. . Thacher, Charles . Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, Henry A. Thompson, James Thompson, John . Thompson, Joseph Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Thomas Thompson, Walter C. Thornton, John Thornton, Joseph Thorpe, Edward . BOSTON — Continued. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 9th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf.; 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Acacia." Co. I, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Worcester," "Massasoit." Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. C, nth Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Dawn." Co. C, nth Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav.; Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. slups "Potomska," "Otsego." Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Acting Ensign; U. S. N. Co. A, 14th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ship "North Carolina." Co. A, 1st N. H. L. A. Co. H, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Wash. D. C. Inf. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, nth Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Marion," "Massachusetts," "Gems- bok." Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. -D, 4th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Franklin." Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. 24th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. Y. Art. Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brandywine," "New Hampshire," "Vermont." Co. A, 25th Kans. Inf. Co. K, 28th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 59 Thorpe, George E. Thuillet, Peter Tilden, Freeman F. Timoney, Tade Tisdale, Henry W. Toland, John A. . Toomoth, James H. Towle, William N. To^Ti, Leo F. Trafton, Stephen P. Trask, Charles Trask, William . Treat, Albert Trefant, Edgar H. Truman, Alfred Tucker, Henry S. TurnbuU, Frank . Turrill, William G. Tuttle, William L. Twombly, John Twomey, John J. . Tyler, John H. . Upham, George D. Upham, Henry M. Vamum, La-^Tence P. Vose, John Vose, Lorenzo Wade, James Wade, William H. Waitt, Joseph Wakefield, George W. Waldron, Horace W. Waldron, John B. Wales, Nathaniel . Walker, David S. Walker, Gustavus Walker, Manuel . Walker, Ora . WaU, William H. H. Wallace, Thomas . Walsh, Richard R. Walsh, Thomas M. Walsh, William S. Warburton, Thomas BOSTON — Continued. Co. A, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Cambridge," "Alaska." 8th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Ottawa." Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "San Jacinto," "Ohio," "Massachu- setts." Co. B, 150th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Santiago de Cuba," " Ticonderoga." 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Me. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. H. A.; Co. K, 20th Me. H. A.; Co. G, 18th Me. H. A. Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Connecticut," "Powhatan." Co. K, 145th lU. Inf. Co. I, 14th 111. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Merrimac." 2d Batty. U. S. L. A. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "James Adger," "Connecticut," "Po- tomac," "Rodolph," "Hartford," "Donegal." U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "Massachusetts," "Mer- cidita," "Muscoota." Co. A, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. I, 79th U. S. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Batthi. Me. Inf. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 6th Me. Inf. 35th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 20th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mahaska," "Vermont," "Portsmouth," "Seminole." Co. B, 4th CaUf . Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. ; Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Mercidita," "Boxer." Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Wabash." U. S. N. ships "Kearsarge," "Plymouth," "Colorado," "Concord," "Vicksburg," "Wabash," "Ossipee." 60 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Ward, Joseph T. . Ward, Nathaniel M. Ward, WiUiam F. Warden, John J. . Washington, Samuel Waterman, George G. Waterman, Linus P. Waters, Jolm A. . Watson, John F. . Way, Allen B. F. . Wead, Samuel D. Webb, James H. . Webber, Robert H. Webber, William C. Webster, Frank G. Webster, Warren F. Weigel, John Weisse, Henry Welch, John . Welch, Martin Welling, August Wellington, George F. S Wentworth, Jacob West, Louis W. Wester, Henry C. Weston, Alden B. Weston, Alfred Weston, Justus R. Wetherbee, Wilfred A Weymouth, Daniel L. Whalen, Frank P. Whaler, Edward H., Jr Wheeler,. Henry P. Wheeler, Hosea L. Wheeler, Isaac G. Wheeler, William H Wheelwright, George W Whicher, Jolm H. Whipple, Charles T. Whipple, Marcus M Whitcomb, Augustus G White, Thomas J. Whitehouse, Crowell Whiting, Thomas F. Whitney, Charles D. Whitney, Daniel D. Whitney, Frederick BOSTON — Continued. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Niphon." Co. B, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. H, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf.; 13th Unatt. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 35th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Sacramento." Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Ohio." Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th U. S. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Santee," "Rhode Island," "North Carolina." Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 94th Ohio Inf. Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "San Jacinto," "Ethan Allen," "luka," "Fox." Mus. 2d Army Corps. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ino." Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Maratanza," "New Ironsides," "Cohasset," "Violet," "Glance." 1st Vt. L. A. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 10th Me. Inf.; Co. C, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. M, 2d Wis. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Santee," "Colorado," "R. R. Cuyler." Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Me. Inf. Co. B, 8th Me. Inf. Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. E, nth N. H. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 61 Whitney, Frederick Whitney, Henry C. Whitney, John S. Whitney, Simon . Whitney, WiUiam G. Whitney, William H. Whittaker, Henry Whittemore, Benj, F. Whittemore, Harrison Whittier, Napoleon Whittredge, Forest L. Wiggin, James Wiggin, John G. . Wilder, Eben Wilder, George Wilder, WUbur . Wiley, James R. . Wilkinson, Frank Willard, Edward A. WiUey, Frank W. Williams, Albert E. Williams, Charles Williams, Curtis . Williams, George R. WilUams, Horace P. Williams, Isaac WiUiams, James . Williams, Joel F. . Wilson, Frederick A. Wilson, Silas C. . Wilson, WiUiam W. Wing, Geo. W. . Winslow, William A. Winward, Walter . Witt, Ira Wood, Albert P. . Wood, Charles A. Wood, Ephraim E. Wood, Frederick A. Wood, Henry L. . Wood, James E. . Wood, William H. Woodis, John P. . Woodley, Geo. F. Woodruff, Charles Woodworth, Wilbur F. Wooflfindale, George H Wright, Daniel BOSTON — Continued. Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 10th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Oneida," "Gemsbok," "Colorado," Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. 29th Me. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Minn. Inf. 11th Batty. Mass. L. A.; Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Aroostook," "Dacotah." Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. 18th Wis. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Ohio." Co. D, 30th Me. Inf. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf.; 11th Mass. Batty. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 19th Me. Inf. Co. C, 26th N. Y. L. A. Co. B, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Augusta," "Prmceton." Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. U.S.N, ship "Monitor." U. S. N. ship "Ottawa." Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th Vt. Inf.; Co. E, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav.; Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 13th Me. Inf. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Pequot," "Agawam," "Ohio." Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 27th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. J. L. A. Co. M, 15th N. Y. Inf. 16th Kan. Cav. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. 62 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Wright, George F. Wright, James J. . Wright, Robert W. Wright, Thomas H. Wycoff, George Yendell, Paul S. . Yorke, James H. . Young, Henry F. . Young, Henry S. . Young, Randall E. Young, Robert Young, Thomas H. BOSTON — Continued. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Tuscarora," "Sabme." Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d R. I. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Tyler." Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 26th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Pensacola," "Colorado." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Montauk," "Mississippi." Additional Names Abbott, Henry J. Anderson, James P. Andrews, George E. Aiken, Augustus J. Barnes, Edwin Barrows, Andrew J. Barry, Maurice R. Batchelder, Joseph W. Baumeister, John Bazin, Charles E. Bean, James A. Bennett, Charles I. Bigelow, Lyman H. Blake," Wilham H. Bland, John. Bomstein, Henry . Boyce, John . Boyce, William E, Boyle, Michael. Bragg, Andrew Brickmore, Albion P. Brown, Charles E. Bunton, Charles B. Capen, John W. . Carney, George Carpenter, James W. Casby, Horace Chickering, Isaac N. Chipman, William W. Churchill, Charles A. Clarke, Lewis A. Coburn, George D. Cogger, Thomas M. CoUins, Patrick Connealy, John. Conway, Cornelius J. Coombs, Samuel A. U. S. N. ship "Ascutney." Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. U.S.N, ship" Nyack." U. S. Navy. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Colo. Cav. Mus. 12th Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th U. S. Inf. Co. D, 7th N. Y. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." 11th Me. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf. 1st Me. L. A. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Mercidita." 2d U. S. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 63 Courtney, Daniel J. Cox, Lucien A. Cram, George B. Crane, Daniel F. . Crane, Porter Crosby, Lucan Cross, James A. . Crouse, William E. Crowley, Timothy. Cummings, Leonard N. Cm-ley, Abraham . Curran, Daniel Currier, Wm. H. Cutler, Farnsworth. Davis, Ed'uin S. . Davis, Wm. H. . Dawson, Jackson P. Dean, John H. Devine, Hugh P. Dinney, Joseph F. Doherty, John F. Doherty, Patrick M. Donahue, John B. Donliam, James . Donland, Patrick J. Donovan, James . Donovan, John B. Dorsey, John W. DriscoU, Dennis . Dutton, Lorenzo B. Eagleston, John. Eldridge, Ephraim. Elinger, Wm. H. Elms, Rollin. Fairbanks, Robinson . Fales, Charles F. Fitzgerald, Ezekiel Fitzgerald, Wm. A. FoUansbee, Frank F. . FoUen, Jolm. Ford, William Frazier, William G. Frainy, Peter Gammons, George H. . Gardner, Charles T. Garrett, James H. Gerraughty, Thomas F. Gififord, Arthur H. Goodnow, Henry H. . Googins, James G. Gordon, Alvin S. . BOSTON — Continued. 36th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st U. S. Art. Co. H, 6th Vt. Inf. lS4th Ohio Inf. Co. H, 5th Me. Inf. 20th Me. Inf. Co. F, 3d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Great Western." 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. 6th Me. Inf. Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. 1st Me. S. S. U.S.N, ship ^'Mystic." Co. K, 22d Mass. Cav. 1st U. S. Art. 1st Me. S. S. Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. S, 6th Mass. Inf. 16th Me. Inf. Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf. 19th U. S. Inf. 2d U. S. Art. 29th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. 14th Me. Inf. 64 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Gordon, Francis A. Gouin, Wm. E. Grant, John. Grass, John I. Gray, Augustus W. Green, James H. . Grew, Charles L. . Grey, Wilbur F. . Grifiin, James P. Haddock, Wm. L. Haradon, Melvin C. Hardy, Wm. H. . Harmon, Conrad J. Hayward, John R. Higgins, WiUiam . HUdreth, Charles N. Hogan, Jeremiah F. Hogan, Michael. Hogan, Thomas M. Holland, Jar^es Homer, George H. Hopkins, George. Howland, Herbert L. Hudson, James M. Himie, Samuel H. Humphrey, Josiah Hunt, George W. Hutchinson, John Jaquith, Asa W. . Jewett, George H. Johnson, Moses. Jones, Oscar. Jones, Peter. Julius, Oscar. KammerUng, Alwen Keith, John A. Kelly, Owen . Kenny, Austin S. Kenny, Wm. H. . Keyes, Sumner W. Killian, John. King, William J. . Kittredge, Abner L. Krasinski, Anton. Lally, Thomas M. Lane, Thomas M. Layfield, WiUiam H. Leham, Levtis M. Leonard, Joseph M. Long, Dennis Lovely, Frank. BOSTON — Continued. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th U. S. Art. Co. A, nth N. H. Inf. nth U. S. Inf. 47th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 8th Conn. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Sonoma.' N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 61st Mass. Inf. 50th N. Y. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. 9th Me. Inf. Co. H, 25th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Benton," "St. Louis." U. S. N. ship "Hunchback." Co. K, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 189th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf. 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. M. C. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 65 Low, Benjamin 0. Lynn, John J. Lyons, Lawrence. Maloney, John Mann, Leonard P. Marks, Levi. Mayberry, Wm. H. McDevitt, John.' McGee, Bernard . McKenzie, Herrick McMahon. John. McMann, John . Miller, LesUe Mitchell, Chas. L. Mitchell, James M. Mohan, Patrick . Monkhouse, James. Moorhead, William. Moran, Patrick. Moriarty, CorneUus Morrill, George 0. Morse, Ezra. Morton, Lemuel. Motley, Robert. Moulton, George F. Mudgett, Jay 0. Murch, Cyrus L. Murphy, Daniel Murphy, David Neal, John Nelson, John A. Nook, Samuel E. O'Gorman, James. O'MaUey, Jolm. O'NeU, Michael. O'SuUivan, John . O'SuUivan, Thomas. Peckham, Henry M. . Perry, Nathaniel . Peterson, Nicholas Pettee, James. Porteous, Robert. Ratchford, John D. Reardon, Timothy J. . Richards, Charles Richardson, Addison W. Robbins, Chas. W. Rockwood, Jonathan C. Rooney, James H. Rooney, Jolm. H. Ryder, Samuel M. BOSTON — Continued. U. S. Na\T. Co. A, 28th Mass. Inf. Ordnance Dept. U. S. A. Co. E, 8th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Savannah." Co. H, 4th Mass. Cav. Me. Inf. Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th R. I. Inf. Co. C, 2d Me. Cav. Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. U. S. N. ship "Colorado." U. S. N. ship "Colorado." Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf. Mass. L. A. 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. 59th Mass. Inf. 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliip "Oliio." Co. H, 193d N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Dunbarton," "Banshee." Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Batty. E. 1st R. I. L. A. Co. G, 2d R. I. Inf. 24th Mass. Inf. 66 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Sanborn, James . Sawyer, Albert Scales, Henry Scott, Isaac E. Seigel, Henry Shannon, Andrew. Shannon, William. Sharper, George W. Shattuck, Levi Slane, Patrick Slattery, Patrick. Snow, Alvah D. . Spaulding, Chas. A. Spencer, Albert H. Spencer, George L. Splaine, Henry. Stanley, James E. Stewart, George A. Stowell, John N. Sweeney, Jolin Tainter, George A. Tainter, George R. Tennehan, Michael. Thompson, Horace. Tirrell, James. Tower, George F. Trask, Frank E. . Tyler, Herbert Upton, Howard W. Vinal, James W. Walsh, Thomas F. Warner, William. Watkins, Willard W. Weale, Henry P. Webber, Lincoln E. Weeks, Daniel L. . Weeks, Job H. . West, Willis W. . Whalen, Francis A. Whaler, John . Whitcomb, Charles B. Whitcomb, Henry F. Whitney, Edward H. Whiddup, John. Whittle, Albert B. Wild, Warren P. . Winsor, Gershon C. Wolf, Edgar S. . Wood, George H. W>en, Eugene BOSTON — Concluded. Co. H, 6th N. H. Inf. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Shepard Knapp." Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. 4th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 103d Ohio Inf. 1st Coim. Art. Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. M. C. Co. K, 31st Mass. Inf. 11th Mass. Inf. nth U. S. Col. Inf. 1st R. I. Inf. 100th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship'^Ino." Co. K, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. Adj. 45th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. 1st U. S. Art. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 67 Ellis, EUsha J. Hamblin, Ezra Harris, Oren W. . Keene, Freeman . Phirmey, George E. . Phinney, Jesse F. Phinney, Sylvester D. Robinson, Edmund B. West, James H. Wheeler, Albert L. BOURNE. Co. G, 44th Ind. Inf. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d R. I. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides. U. S. N. ships "Bienville," "Pensacola," "Farragut U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Colorado." U.S.N, ship "Colorado." Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4,3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 6th V. R. C. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Gilles, Isaac F. Dean, Franklin F. Griffin, John . Walker, John A. . BOXBOROUGH. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Chase, Amos P. Curtis, George W. Fuller, Thomas Hovey, Albert P. . Parkhurst, John Perley, William E. Plummer, Albert H. BOXFORD. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mo. Cav. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Bennett, Asa A. . Bennett, George L. Flagg, James Henry Larkin, Alfred G. Sargeant, Edward J. Stone, Lyman T. . Walker, Lyman S. Warner, John G. . Webber, Charles H. BOYLSTON. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Allen, James F. Allen, Grace W. Bailey, William H Belcher, Oren H. Belcher, Royal Bingham, Charles H. BRAINTREE. Co. I, 42d U. S. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 38th N. Y. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 3d IVIass. Cav. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. 68 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. BRAINTREE — Concluded. Bunker, Joshua M. Chandler, Frederick Curtis, Edwin L. . David, Solon Denton, W. Bradford Dickinson, James W. Drinkwater, Albion A. Drinkwater, Edward H Edgecomb, Albert ElUs, Fred O. Fisher, Edward A. Gage, William L. . Hale, Edward A. . Hawes, Alfred Horton, Joshua Hussey, George F. Jackson, Paul W. Leatherbee, James D. Marston, Chauncey M Minchin, John J. . Monk, Henry A. . Penny packer, Charles Pierce, Ferdinand I. Pierson, Edward 0. Pratt, Henry 0. . Scribner, Luther . Spear, Benjamin F. Stevens, James T. Tellier, Napoleon . Tirrell, William J. *Tucker, Charles W. B. Vining, John Q. Whall, William H. Willis, Edward L. W^illis, George D. . Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. 6th Co. E, 3d Wis. Cav. D, 4th Mass. Inf. I, 3d Mass. Cav. C, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. B, 43d U. S. Inf.; 3d U. S. H. A. K, 24th Me. Inf. K, 1st Me. Cav. A, 16th Me. Inf. A, 1st Me. Cav. E, 45th Mass. Inf. A, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 43d Mass. Inf. I, 42d Mass. Inf. B, 1st Mass. H. A. M, 2d U. S. Inf. L, 4th N. Y. Art. H, 26th Me. Inf.; Co. G, 2d Me. Cav. G, 24th Mass. Inf. E, 1st Mass. Inf. H, 142d N. Y. Inf. F, 3d Mass. H. A. E, 35th Mass. Inf. C, 138th Pa. Inf. F, 2d U. S. Cav. C, 60th Mass. Inf. F, 3d Mass. H. A. B, 4th Mass. Cav. B, 1st Mass. H. A. C, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. F, 61st Mass. Inf. H 19th Mass. Inf. 58th Mass. Inf.; 3d Mass. H. A. 1st Mass. Inf. Mass. Band. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Ela, John Q. Gurney, Maurice. Jones, William H. Sanborn, Richard M. Sawyer, Daniel W. Washbui-n, Joseph G. White, J. Francis. Whitman, Henry B. Whitmarsh, Samuel E. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 69 Bassett, Burgess . Bassett, Thaddeus Considin, John Eldredge, Kenney PhUlips, Zebulon E. Tubman, Thomas BREWSTER. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Atwood, Josiah W. Baker, Asa B. Bm-ke, George Burton, John B. . Chase, Francis L. Clark, Leach Coleman, William C Dimbar, George . Finch, James L. . Freeman, John Kimball Gardner, Henry P. Gorman, Thomas J. Hatch, Stephen W. Hay den, Charles N. Holmes, William . Kromayer, Franz H. Lincoln, Nathan B. Mahoney, Peter . Merritt, Edmund W. Nieman, Antone . Osborn, Andrew . Packard, Harrison D. Phinney, Isaac H. Ripley, Alexander K. Robinson, Benjamin F Simpson, Le'uds L. Stanton, Alfonso . To^vTisend, John P. BRIDGEWATER. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 1st Vt. H. A. Co. K, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Maine Inf. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 54th Ohio Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 16th Me. Inf. Co. B, 6th N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Pink," Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 31st Me. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf Co. G, 18th N. H. Inf. ' Savannah." Co. L, 4th U. S. L. A. Additional Names Brown, Jesse Bryant, Charles L. Canfield, John W. Chandler, Samuel Dove, Alexander . Dow, J. E. . Feghan, James. Finney, Isaac H. Gordon, William S. Hunt, Robert S. . Co. K, 1st Me. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf.; U. S. Signal Corps. Me. Inf. U. S. N. 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 70 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. BRIDGEWATER — Concluded King, Frank B. . . U.S. N. libby, Charles A. . Co. K, 1st Me. Inf. Remington, Charles W. . 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Taylor, James . 15th Mass. Inf. BRIMFIELD. Booth, Melvin . Co. G, 22d Conn. Inf. Clark, Charles H. . Co. D, nth Mass. Inf. Corbin, Miner H. . Co. G, 22d Conn. Inf. Davenport, Edward H. . Co. B, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. Gardner, Horace M. . . Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Hitchcock, Edward W. . Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Holdridge, George F. . . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. Locke, Frank . Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Pierson, Albert W. . Co. F, 20th 111. Inf. Scarborough, Chester . . Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. ' Wilcox, Lowell . Co. G, 18th Conn. Inf. Additional Names Charles, Byron W. . 46th Mass. Inf. Wesson, James . Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. *Akerm9n, George *Alden, Lucius W. AUen, Henry T. . Appleby, Levi H. Ashforth, WilUam Ashley, Alson G. . Atwood, Frederick M. Bagnall, George H. Baker, Horace Balch, William Baldwin, Ira B. Ballou, Alphonso A. Bartlett, Ansel T. Bartlett, George W. Bates, George E. . Battles, Caleb Bean, John W. Benchley, Albert . Bird, VirgH I. BoUes, Samuel J. . Boiling, Augustus Braley, Edwin W. Briggs, Edward C. Brown, Elisha J. . BROCKTON. Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 8th Me. Inf.; 2d Batty. U. S. L. A. Co. B, 3d Me. Inf.; 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Clara Dolson." Co. H, 22d N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Vermont." Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I. 12th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 32d Me. Inf. Co. I, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 78th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th E. I. Inf. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 71 Brown, James W. Brown, John Bryant, Edward F. Bunker, Eli Bunker, Walter E. Burke, John F. Bj'ram, Joseph W. Carleton, Zimri Carlson, Otto Case, Henry A. Casey, James Caswell, Lyman N. Caswell, Orien E. Caulkins, Marcellus Chapman, Samuel W. Chase, EU W. Chase, Joshua H. Clapp, Owen Clifford, Robert Cobb, Otis Cole, George W, Cole, John H. Collins, Joseph Conboye, Timothy Coolidge, Rufus A. Court, Henry Cram, Charles Cram, Wm. L. CraTvford, John T. Crawford, Wilham H. Crocker, Wm. T. . Crocker, Zenas A. Curran, Martin Curtis, Albert Cushman, Oliver . Davenport, Augustus Davis, Jolui T. Davis, Stephen Davy, Wilham H. Dawes, Charles F. Dean, Barney Diamond, John Donovan, William Drohan, Thomas . Dudley, Thomas D. Dimakin, Edwin A. Dunbar, Otis E. . Dunbar, Zephaniah Dunliam, Andrew E. BROCKTON — Continued. . Co. K, 14th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 192d N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 29th Me. Inf. Unass. Recruit N. J. Art. . Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Richmond," "Fort Jackson." . Co. F, 29th Mass. L. A. . Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 71st N. Y. Inf. . Co. I, 21st Me. Inf. . Co. F, 38th N. Y. Inf.; Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 48th U. S. Col. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "San Jacinto," "Mace- donian," "Vanderbilt," "Wachusett." . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 37th N. J. Inf. . Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. sliip"Owasco." . U. S. N. sliips "Mystic," "Ticonderoga," "John P. Jackson." . U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." . Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . U. S. Ordnance Dept. . Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. . U.S.N, ship" Mmnesota." . Co. H, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 6th Minn. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. . 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N.sliip "Tallapoosa." 72 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Eagan, John . Edson, Bartlett C. Evans, T. John Fairbanks, Charles L. Fenner, Charles E. Fetherston, John . Field, Barzillai Fisher, Henry L. . Ford, Bartholomew Ford, Benjamin . Forestare, James G. Frame, Andrew H. Freeman, Joseph W. French, Seth L. . French, Walter L. Gallagher, Hugh . Gassett, Oscar Gately, Martin George, Asa M. Gibbs, Andrew C. Goodrich, Sewell H. Gould, Granville H. Gould, Henry K. . Gould, Samuel C. Gray, Jerry C. Greene, Joseph Groton, Winfield S. Hale, Calvin H. . Hall, Ambrose A. Hall, John A. Hall, Seth M. Handrahan, Patrick Hanson, Fred Harriman, Elihu S. Hatch, Charles R. Hayes, Charles R. Hayes, James Hayes, Oliver F. . Hayward, Benjamin A Hellstrom, Anthony HoUis, George Holmes, Freeman Holmes, Henry P. Holmes, Marcus . Holmes, Warren A. Horton, Freeman F. Horton, Henry W. Howard, George . Howard, James L. BROCKTON — Continued. . Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. . 9th Batty., Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 9th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. . 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. . U. S. N. ship "Black Hawk." . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 47th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, nth Me. Inf. . Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Hunchback," "Ohio," "Underwriter," "Brandywine," "North Carolina." . U. S. Signal Corps. . Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 58th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 58th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Fort Donelson," Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 56th N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. E, 29th Me. Inf. . Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, Me. Coast Guard. . Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. C, eOth Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Shenandoah." . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 35th N. J. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Cos. B and D, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 73 Howard, Webster How] and, Albert . Howland, Charles Howland, Charles H. Huntress, Truman H. Jacobs, Daniel W. Jenney, James Jolmson, Henry E. Jones, Adam . Jones, Charles G. Keith, Martin M. Knowlton, Edward Lamont, Adam Leach, Edward B. Leonard, Edward W. Lewis, B. Frank Lincoln, Alfred A. Linnell, Samuel D. Litchfield, Thomas L, Lockwood, Ambrose Loud, Samuel M. Luce, Frank W. . Luzarder, Horace A. Lynn, William L. IVIacoy, Austin S. Maguire, Robert S. Maine, William H. IMandaville, John Mann, George H. Marston, Joseph L. Mason, Harlan R. Maxwell, Samuel B. McHenry, Henry . ]\IcWilliams, Henry P. Millett, Herbert A. Mitchell, George B. Moran, David Morse, Edgar A. . Mottan, Edward . Murdock, Silas H. Murray, Thomas . Niles, Daniel W. . Norris, William W. Norwood, Alonzo . O'Brien, Dennis . O'Brien, Patrick . Oliver, Edward N. Oliver, S. Frank . Osborne, Almanzor Osborne, Ehah Packard, Charles N. BROCKTON — Continued. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. . U.S.N, ship "Sabine." . Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . oth Batty. Me. H. A. . Co. A. 3d Me. Inf. . Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, nth Vt. Inf. . Co. D, 56th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 43d Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 60th ]\lass. Inf. . Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav.; Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 14th Conn. Inf. ' . Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "ConsteUation." . U.S.N, ships "Flag," "Ohio." . Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. . 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 13th Batty. N. Y. L. A. . Co. C, 58th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Wachusett." . Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 76th Penn. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Western World," "Dragon." . Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 65th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. 74 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Packard, George W. Packard, James A. Paine, Amasa E. . Palmer, Thomas F. Parker, John B. . Parmenter, Wm. A. Percheron, Charles E. Perkins, Charles W. Perry, Joseph M. . Pierce, Hiram H. . Plummer, John D. Pratt, Allen P. Pratt, Henry Preston, George H. Prouse, Charles Quimby, Oliver B. Raymond, Granville Reardon, Michael Rhue, Frank . Richmond, Alfred B. Ricker, Wm. H. . Rielly, Hugh Ripley, Charles W. Russell, Sylvester W. Ryan, Timothy Seipel, Henry Shackett, Joseph . Shepardson, Luther S. Smith, Charles H. Snow, Horatio Southwick, Thomas C. Stearns, Amos L. . Stetson, Charles C. Stillman, James Stone, Charles E. Sullivan, James E. Taber, Charles B. Taber, T. Albert . Thayer, James R. Thomas, Harrison 0. Tibbetts, Daniel B. Tilton, Charles W. Tinkham, Asa W. Tinkhara, Augustus G. Tompkins, James Toppan, Nathaniel D. Tower, Minot A. . Tribou, Charles E. Tyler, Eugene V. . Vaughn, Perez C. Vinal, Amos . BROCKTON — Continued. . Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 3Sth Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 15th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Colorado." . Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. . 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. F, nth Conn. Inf. . Co. G, 13thN. Y.Cav. . Co. B, 1st Me. L. A. . Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 6th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 99th N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 22d Mass.^ Inf. . Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. . 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 25th Conn. Inf. . Co. A, 1st N. Y. L. A. . Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 110th N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Tioga;" Co. F, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 25th Me. Inf. . Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 75 Wade, Samuel J. . Waterman, Jotham Watts, William A. Webber, George W, Welch, Philip Wentworth, John M. Whitcomb, George T. Wilbar, Dexter E. WilUams, Daniel . Willis, Edward M. Willis, Henry A. . Willis, Reuben L. Willis, William . Willis, William F. Winsor, William G. Witthie, Alvah Woodman, Ah-in . Wright, Levi BROCKTON — Concluded. . U. S. N. ship "Miami;" Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 2d R. I. Inf. . . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Connecticut," "Sumter." . Co. D, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, eOth Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 15th Ark. Inf. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. . 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. . 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. •. Co. H, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. Additional Names Bowles, Samuel J. Coil, Henry . Cressey, Benjamin D. Delano, Geo. T. Douglass, Wm. L. Earle, Henry J. Field, James S. Gilligan, Edward Graffam, Jos. T. Hall, Calvin H. Hayward, Kinsley Hersey, Joseph Johnson, Peter Kelley, James H. Kenny, Thomas Lord, Henry V. McClaren, Robert McDei-mott, Wm. F. Kevins, Andrew . O'Hearn, John F. Robinson, James L. RoUins, Wm. H. . Ryder, Joshua H. Sears, Josiah E. Smith, Frank. Smith, Gordon. Stetson, Francis E. TowTisend, Samuel J. Whiting, Charles H. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. G, 37th N. J. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Vt. Cav. 7th Batty. Me. L. A. Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav, Co. E, 7th Me. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 28th Me. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. nth R. I. Inf. Co. E, 4th IMass. Inf. 76 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Bailey, William F. Bannister, Sumner H. Bigley, Patrick J. BuUard, Frederick Cliickering, Charles H. Fenton, Patrick . Fletcher, George F. Gallup, Hiram Gay, Benjamin 0. Goodell, Edwin D. Ham, John R. Hamilton, Jerome Healey, Dennis J. McDonald, Samuel Moore, William J. MuUett, Charles F. Needham, Carlos D. Nichols, William H. Parkhurst, Julius A. Petty, George A. . Stoddard, Emerson H. Walcott, William . Woods, Horace Wright, George Yoimg, Thomas M. BROOKFIELD. Co. F, nth Conn. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 36th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 9th Calif. Inf. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. 115th U. S. Col. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th Me: Inf.; Co. K, 23d Me. Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Vt. L. A. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Conn. Inf. Additional Names. Barrett, C. H. Haradon, George H. Howe, Geo. L. Phetteplace, Herbert H. 31st N. Y. Inf. Co. A. 8th Mass. Inf. Anderson, James H. Ashbury, Francis . Astrom, Carl G. . Atkinson, William H. Bill, Loring B. Bownean, Francis F. Bradbury, Joseph T. Breck, Samuel Bright, Albert Brockway, Lebbens H, Brown, Augustus L. Brown, Charles H. C. Brush, Edward C. Bumstead, Horace Codman, Charles R. BROOKLINE. N. Y. Hospital Corps. U. S. N. ship "Hartford." Co. E, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 17th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Henry Perkins." Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Albatross." U. S. A. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Halleck's Guard, Mo. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. 3d and 10th Florida Inf. Co. A, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 77 Conlen, Benj. E. Davison, Mansfield W, Dearborn, George F. Densmore, Charles D. Edmunds, Dexter A. Estabrook, George W. Fairbanks, Amos H. Fillebrown, Charles B. Fisher, Edward Fisher, Horace N. Forbes, Frank A. . Foster, George Gallagher, Patrick Gragg, Isaac P. Harrington, George S. Harris, Alphonso S. Haskell, Joseph H. Hatch, Henry Haj^es, Jeremiah F. Hedge, Frederick H. Henry, William P. Hyde, Jolm M. . James, Charles L. King, Leonard S. . Little, George W. Littlefield, Joseph P. Lovett, Augustus S. McCue, WilUam P. Merrill, Alonzo M. Moore, George N. Nichols, John H. . NordeU, Phillip . Norris, Edward C. O'ConneU, William W. O'Donnell, John H. Paine, Henry Paine, Isaac . Pearl, Joshua Pt. Pettee, Benjamin Pons, Charles A. Pm'vis, Charles B. Rawson, Eldredge RajTiiond, William H Reed, Arthur Rhoades, Charles W. Robinson, Henry H. Rogers, George R. Rowe, Walter H. . Sanborn, Alfred G. Saunders, David E. BROOKLINE — Continued. . 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. E, 137th Ohio Inf. . nth Batty. Mass. L. A. . U. S. N. ship "Kennebec." . Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 24th Me. Inf.; Co. C, 29th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 83d N. Y. Inf. . Lt. Col. U. S. Inf. . Co. A, 9th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 8th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Hartford." . Co. D, 10th R. I. Inf. . Co. H, 16th Vt. Inf.; Co. B, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. A, 71st N. Y. Inf. . 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 62d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Constellation." . Co. A, 4oth Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Hartford," "Saginaw," "Maratanza," "Alleghany," "Flag," "Savannah." . 10th Mass. Batty. L. A. . Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 198th Penn. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Release." . Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 198th Penn. Inf. . Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 108th 111. Inf. . Hospital Corps. . Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. . 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 25th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 12th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Sears, William B. Shreve, William P. Smith, Henry E. . Snow, Albert S. Summer, Bernhard Suter, Charles R. . Thompson, John F. To-misend, Luther T. Webber, Samuel G. Wentworth, Walter A. White, Harry White, John C. . Wilder, Burt G. . Young, Edward A. BROOKLINE — Concluded. Co. F, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. H, 2d Vt. Inf. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Marion," "Macedonian," "Winnipeg. 13th N. Y. Cav. U. S. Eng. Corps. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 16th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Rhode Island," "Nahant." nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 23d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 17th Penn. Inf. Adj. 180th Penn. Inf. Co. A, 1st Conn. H. A. Additional Names. Battis, George R. W. Bimting, Clifford. Call, John M. *Corlew, Benjamin E. . Devetere, Edward. Norcross, Castelly 0. . Norton, John H. Paull, H. H. Phinney, Prince A. Tierney, Michael. Young, George M. Atkins, Michael J. Avery, John D. . Chandler, Amariah Clark, Wilham M. Cranison, Milford J. Godfry, John H. . Houghtaling, Christopher G O'Neil, John . Powers, Charles F. Ritchie, Edward . Sweet, Orlando C. W^oodward, Hiram Woodward, Lopher C. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. BUCKLAND. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 88th N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Conn. Inf. Derby, Levi . Gowen, James M. Hayes, Charles Johnson, Solon BURLINGTON. Co. D, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. •"^^^ SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 79 Abbott, Henry L. Ackerman, Frank Allyn, John . Apel, Frederick Apthorp, John V. Atherton, Louis B. Avery, James Barnes, David H. Barnes, Frank H. Barton, Henry E. Bassett, Charles A. Batcheller, Joseph T. Beaman, George W. Beedle, Melville C. Bell, Geo. B. Belluche, Andrew Bicknell, George W. Bird, Herman Blackman, William R. Blauvelt, William H. Bollinger, Peter J. BowTnan, Charles F. Bro, Peter Brown, J. E. . Bmiker, Nathaniel W. Burditt, George W. Bums, Thomas C. Busnach, Solomon M. Butterworth, Robert BjTon, John . Cade, Charles Callahan, Daniel E. Campbell, Morton C. Carruth, George E. Cauley, Thomas . Chamberlain, Robert B Chaplin, Henry Chickering, Charles Church, William P, Clark, Henry Clark, Lewis . Clover,' Frederick Cole, George A. Conroy, James Copeland, WilUam A. Cornish, Henry C. Cowes, Samuel F. Cox, Charles P. CAMBRIDGE. 1st Conn. H. A. Co. I, 6th N. Y. Cav. Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. H, 5th U. S. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Iowa," "Miimesota." Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. t. S. N. ships "New York," " Monongahela," "Cyane." Co. B, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "South Carolina." Chaplain, 5th Me. Inf. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Me. Inf. Co. E, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Miss. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Saco." Co. C, nth Vt. Inf. Co. A, 3d Minn. Inf. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Sonoma." Co. F, 59th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 36th Ohio Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mississippi," "Hartford," "Onondaga." Co. K, 4th N. J. Inf.; Co. I, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. Co. B, 7th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Ohio," "Connecticut," "luka." Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "ConsteUation." Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 24th Penn. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Pensacola." U. S. N. ships "Richmond," "Colorado." 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. 80 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cronin, Patrick Crowley, Patrick J, Curran, John Daisy, Edward J. Dale, William W. Davis, Abner Davis, Clarence Day, Arthur C. Day, John M. Dillman, George C, Dodge, Winslow Duff, Thomas F. Duffy, J. Henry Edmonds, Peter Elliott, George H. Ellis, George M. . Emory, William H. H. Eveleth, WiUiam H. Farming, Edward Farrell, Stephen . Fessenden, Thomas J. Finneran, Michael Finneran, Patrick Fitzgerald, John . Ford, WiUiam H. . Foss, Charles 0. . Fuller, Austin W. Garfield, Leonard D. Gay, Charles Ginty, Michael . Good, John . Gookin, Frank L. Gordon, Elijah W. Gray, Stephen Greene, Levi R. . Greenwood, Lemuel Grey, Horace J. Griffin, Harvey B. Hamilton, Jolm A. Hammond, John W. Hanson, Lewis F. Harvey, Marshal . Haskins, John Hastings, Benjamin F. Hay den, James F.' Hayward, James W. Hazen, Charles R. Henson, Francis . Higgins, Benjamin F. Hildreth, Allen . Hirth, John F. CAMBRIDGE — Continued. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "North Carolina," "Virginia.' . Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 17th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 47th M'ass. Inf. . Co. H, 8th Me. Inf. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 26th Ky. Inf. . Co. G, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 6th Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Kittatinney," "Young Rover." . Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Marion," "Constitution," "America. . Co. C, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 5th Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 41st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships " New Hampshire," " Ohio," " Dacotah. . Co. G, 57th Mass. Inf. . 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Rhode Island." . Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. I, 10th Vt. Inf. . 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 16th Mass. Inf. . 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 10th N. H. Inf. . Co. M, 2d Calif. Cav. . Co. K, 1st Me. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Brooldyn," "Massasoit." . 11th Batty. Mass. L. A. . U. S. N. ship "Sagamore." . Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 10th N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 35th U. S. Inf. . Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Hartford." . Co. D, 12th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 51st Penn. Inf. , Battery E, 5th Pa. L. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 81 Hixon, George E. Howard, George H. Howe, William H. Jackson, William H. James, Charles James, Henry- Johnson, John F. . Johnson, Marshall H. Johnston, Randall C. Joyner, Herbert C. Keith, Charles Kelleher, Bartholomew Kellogg, Jeremiah N Kelsey, Edward E. Kenney, John S. . King, Wallace Kinnear, John Lamson, Asa C. . Lansing, John A. . Law, Emerson W. Leaman, John J. . Leavitt, Erasmus D. Lennon, William . Leonard, Henry 0. Leonard, John Ling, Walter . Livermore, John M. Lyon, WlUiam L. . Mahoney, Timothy Mallory, WUliam H. Mannix, Patrick . Marchand, Frank D. Marcy, Henry 0. Mauser, Robert McAleer, John J. McCarvill, Owen McCauley, John J McDonell, John McFarland, Lorenzo R. McGaughey, James McGinty, Anthony McGrath, Michael Mclntire, Charles J. Mcintosh, Ephraim D McLeod, John F. Mead, Albert A. . Mellsop, William C. Melvin, Augustus Mills, John R. Montgomery, Thomas Moore, John . CAMBRIDGE — Continued. . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 5th Mass. Cav. . 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 54th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 32d Penn. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Chickasa-w," "Pawtuxet." . Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 5th Mass. Cav. . . Co. C, 7th Ohio Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Chocura." . Co. B, 7th R. I. Cav. Co. E, 30th Mass. Inf. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Co. H, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Onward." U. S. N. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 16th Vt. Inf.; Co. E, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 13th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Boston Cadets, Mass. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 81st N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Shamoken." Co. B, 9th Del. Inf. Surgeon, 43d Mass. Inf. ; Surgeon, 35th U. S. Inf. Co. C, 84th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. A, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 20th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mohican," "Tuscarora." Co. I, nth Me. Inf. Co. G, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 9th Me. Inf. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. Mus. 23d Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Wabash." 1st Batty. Vt. L. A. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. 3d Batty. R. I. L. A. 82 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Morehouse, George E. Morrisscy, Michael Mullen, Joseph Munroe, James A. Munroe, Nathaniel Murphy, James H. Murphy, John F. . Murray, John F. . Nason, John . Nelligan, Philip H. Ne^MTian, Stephen L. Nye, Edward F. . O'Brien, Hugh J. . O'Leary, Dennis . O'Reilly, Francis J. Parker, Henry A. Pelkey, Francis Phelps, William H. Pierce, Charles E. Pierce, Thomas T. Pike, Eben W. . Piper, George F. . Plant, Joseph Poulan, Samuel K. Powers, James Quick, Mathew H. Quinn, Timothy I. Quint, William C. Read, John . Real, Thomas J. . Richards, Byron A. Richards, Gardner W. Riley, Nathaniel . Roberts, George B. Ryan, Thomas Sackett, Austin D. Schaff, Morris Shattuck, Harrison C. Shaw, Caleb B. . Shaw, Charles H. Shaw, Joseph J. . Simpson, William Skinner, Jacob H. Smith, Charles A. Smith, Charles F. Smith, George B. . Smith, John . CAMBRIDGE — Continued. . Co. C, 12th Vt. Inf. . Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ladona," "Ohio," "Alleghany." . Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. ; Co. F, 48th Mass. Inf. . 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. G, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. . Mus. 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 21st Me. Inf. ., Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Vandalia," "North Carolina," "Shaw- mut," "Peoria." . Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. . 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. . U. S. N. ships "Catskill," "Wabash," "Ohio," "Ver- mont." . 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 95th III. Inf. . Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. E. 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 9th Mass. Inf. ; U. S. N. ships " Dacotah," "Lan- caster." . Co. G, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 32d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Harvest Moon." . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 8th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Keokuk," "Granite City." . Co. H, 3d N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. D, 74th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Vandalia," "Nipsic," "On- ward." . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . Ordnance Corps, U. S. A. . Co. C, 16th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 15th N. H. Inf. . Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." . U. S. N. ship "Wabash.". . Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 25th Penn. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 83 Smith, Nelson S. . Spaulding, Warren Spencer, William H, Sprague, William W, Squalls, Samuel Stafford, John Stark, William F. Starrett, William M. Stevens, David A. Stewart, John N. . Story, Edward A. Stovall, Raleigh . Sweenej', Peter Sweeny, Robert . Taplin, Lewis E. . Tarbell, WilHam A. Teed, Hiram . Thompson, Alfred Thompson, Lyman G. Tincker, Richard H. Tobey, Samuel A. Tookey, John D. . Tucker, William E. Walker, Augustus C. Walker, Major Walker, William . Walsh, Henry E. . Waugh, William A. Weymouth, Harrison Whalen, Michael M. Wheeler, Charles E. Wheeler, Lincoln E. Whetbomig, Charles White, James H. . T\Tiite, Joseph H. Whitney, Henry F. WiUiams, Charles H. Wisener, James P. Wolcott, Henry P. Wood, Alfred Wright, Benjamin F. Wright, Franklin . Young, Henry CAMBRIDGE — Continued. . Co. K, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. G, 61st N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 53d D. C. Cav. . Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 17th U. S. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. . Rawson Moore's 53d Va. Inf. . Co. G, 6th Wis. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Ohio," "Merrimac." . Co. K, 1st N. H. Cav. . Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. C, 17th U. S. Inf. . nth Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. E, 8th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 132d 111. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Marion." . ISthN. Y. Cav.; 133d N.Y. Inf. . Co. G, 32d Penn. Inf. . Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 24th N. Y. Cav. . Co. E, 5th Mass. L. A. G. 0. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, nth Me. Inf. . Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 54th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Macedonian," "Hendrick Hudson," "Vandalia," "Tahoma." . Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 19th Me. Inf. . 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. . 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. L. A.; Co. E, 5th Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 2d Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Vicksburg." . Co. G, 15th N. Y. Inf. Additional Names. Adams, Chas. W. Alden, Wm. T. . Babcock, Findley R. . Benson, Albert N. Butters, Geo. U. S. N. ships "TaUapoosa," "Ohio," "Macedonian." Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Colorado." 2d Regt. D. C. 84 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Byron, John . Chamberlain, A. Otis Chandler, Isaac . Crawley, Thomas. Cressy, Frank B. . Dalton, William P. Estey, Wm. H. . Gilman, Jeremiah J. Golden, Berry, Greco, Letteno Grinham, John Hugh, Chas. M. . Johnson, John Keenan, Jolm C. . Mansion, Horatio Messinger, John W. Misener, James, MorriU, Frank J, . O'Connell, Thos, J. Rand, Thomas B. Reed, Thos, J. Smith, Andrew- Stevens, Emory. Sweeney, John C. Taylor, Jas, A. Wilbur, H, Prescott Wiley, Jolm . WiUiams, Oscar P. Witham, Amos R. CAMBRIDGE — Concluded. , 57th and 59th Mass. Inf, . Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf, , U, S, N, ships "Neptune," "Mercury," . 133d lU. Inf. , Co. E, 51st Mass, Inf, , Co, F, 56th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 48th Mass, Inf, , 20th Conn. Inf. , Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. , 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. , Co, I, 40th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N. . Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. . 16th Vt. Inf. . Co. C, 8th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. H. A. , 3dU. S. Inf. , Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co, D, 114th Mass, Inf, Co. B, 169th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass, Inf. Co. I, 3d N. Y. Inf. Andrew, Pierce J. Briggs, Edwin A. Bright, Alonzo Cook, Charles W. Crowd, Alfred Day, Gilman B. Didot, Armand F. Donnery, John Hunt, William A. Leonard, Friend Z Logan, Samuel T. May, Henry S. Parks, Wisner Partridge, Charles Priest, Charles H. Ryan, James Sanford, Alonzo P CANTON. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 35th Mass, Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Cav. La. Cav, U, S. N. ships "Vincennes," "Gemsbok," "South CaroUna," "Powhatan," "Memphis." U. S. N. ships "Lancaster," "Colorado," Co. A, 4th Mass, Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 14th Me. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N, Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf,; Co, B, 131st N. Y, Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 85 Sullivan, Owen Weston, Richmond L. Woodward, Henry CANTON — Concluded. U. S. N. ship "Niagara." U. S. N. ship "Pequot." Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Grimes, Michael. Kelley, Theron M. Leddy, John. Murphy, John P. Forbush, Charles . Lapham, Edward E. . Nickles, Stephen . Reynolds, Edward W. Robbins, Daniel W. CARLISLE. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 16th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 11th Mass. Inf. Adams, George Bruce, Daniel A. Chase, John C. Davis, James Fish, EUery G. Hatch, John B. *Holmes, Charles H Holmes, Philander J. Mace, Woodbury J. McFarlin, John B. Washburn, Marshall A CARVER. Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Kingfisher." U. S. N. ship "James Adger." Co. A, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf. Edwards, Lewis R. Mattison, Charles N. Meekins, Dwight L. Tinney, Josiah CHARLEMONT. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Barnum, Eben L. Bond, James H. . Daniels, Augustus Dickinson, Frank E. Hodge, Andrew L. Home, Adelbert 0. King, WiUiam H. Merriam, Fred H. C. Munroe, Charles M. Partridge, E. Marshall Preble, Edgar W. CHARLTON. Co. C, 3d Conn. Inf.; Co. A, 11th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 21st, 36th and 56th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st N. C. Inf. Co. G, 12th Ky. Cav. Co. I, 6th N. Y. Cav. Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. 86 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Prindle, Gideon D. Pr indie, Lewis C. . Rice, Moses M. . Rogers, Thomas . Slayton, Henry H. Sprague, William J. Sullivan, Daniel . Wight, Marcus Willis, Cyrus A. . Winch, Joseph B. CHARLTON — Concluded. . Co. I, 14th Vt. Inf. . 3d Batty. Vt. L. A. . Co. B, 6th 111. Inf. Sharp Shooters. . Co. B, 10th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf.; U. S. Signal Corps. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 10th R. I. Inf.; Co. H, 11th R. I. Inf. . Co. I, 29th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 4th U. S. Cav. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 57th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Hopkins, John A. Lincoln, Horace. Mills, Alfred W. Bloomer, Joseph N. Gifford, Russell W. Hamilton, James S. Hawes, Samuel MuUett, Charles . Smith, John W. . Snow, Albert E. . TerreU, Eben CHATHAM. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ethan Allen." Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 12th U. S. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Gould, Harrison F. Green, Henry F. Adams, Charles L. Adams, Joseph E. Alexander, George B. Badger, Henry E. Bartlett, Erastus A. Bartlett, Joel A. . Bell, George W. . Boies, Andrew J. . Brown, Charles W. Byam, Daniel P. . Charles, Asa G. Chase, Albert E. . Davis, Joshua F. . EUis, Elisha W. . Emerson, Burt Emerson, Henry H. Emerson, James P. Flanders, Charles H. Goddard, Pliny M. Hills, William H. . Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. CHELMSFORD. Co. G, 29th Me. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. E, 1st U. S. S. S. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 16th Me. Inf.; Co. D, 20th Me. Inf. Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Pursuit," "Powhatan." Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf.; U. S. Signal Corps. Co. F, 17th Me. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 19th Me. Inf. Co. C, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 9th Minn. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 87 House, Charles H. Hutchinson, Francis Kilbourne, William W. Knowlton, John K. McKewin, Wilson Melvin, Charles T. Merrill, James O. Middleton, John J. Mooney, Thomas A. Peckham, Samuel H. Smith, George H. Smith, John T. . Smith, Thomas Steams, Henry W. Stetson, George T. Stevens, John L. . Steward, John H. Stirk, Henry . Titcomb, Luther C. Trowbridge, Phiueas Whitcomb, John N. Wilson, Joseph H. CHELMSFORD — Concluded. . Co. D, 14th Conn. Inf.; Co. G, 25th Conn. Inf. . Co. D, 1st U. S. Art. . Co. L, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. A, 13th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 30th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 8th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. G, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. . Co. C, 24th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 10th Me. Inf. . Co. E, 16th N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Adams, Andrew. Patch, WiUiam T. Pearson, Oscar J. . Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Allen, Ivory R. Andrews, Edward L. Appleton, Thomas L. At wood, James Barter, Thomas D. Brewer, Thomas H. Briggs, Benjamin F. Brown, Philip A. . Burr, Charles E. . Callahan, Cornelius J. Chamberlain, Prescott Clark, Frederic N. Clarke, Joseph P. Colby, Oscar F. . Crafts, Charles H. Backers, George T. Dammers, James . Dears, John . Dennis, Frank H. CHELSEA. Co. M, 1st Me. Cav.; Co. I, 2d Me. Cav. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. E, nth N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Hampshire." Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 27th Me. Inf. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 32d Me. Inf. Co. K, 5th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 5th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 40th Mass. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Inf. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Niagara," "Bambridge." Co. A, nth Me. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Wabash." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Dennis, John H. . Duggan, Charles . Dxinlap, Jerome B. Eaton, George W. Edds, Jeremiah L. Edwards, Samuel . Everdean, Joseph B. Everdean, Wilbur F. Falls, Sylvester Fickett, Mariner S. Fine, Franklin Freeman, Nathan S. Givins, James F. . Goodwin, Charles W. Gould, Daniel W. Gould, Jesse . Grantman, William Gray, Clarendon W. Green, John . Grey, Thomas J. . Grover, Fitz. R. . Gurney, George B. Hanson, John Henry, William S. Hixon, William S. Honan, Jeremiah . Hopkins, Rufus H. Hutchins, Herman C. Johnson, Charles H. Johnson, Lucius C. Joy, Charles F. Lincoln, Stephen P. Madden, John F. . McCoy, Edward G. McGrane, Nicholas Miller, Robert E. Morrill, George E. Morris, George L. Morse, Irving Nash, Osborn P. . Nickerson, Albert A. Nolan, William Norman, Henry J. O'Brien, Dennis A. O'Loughlin, James Parish, Rinaldo B. Penny, Andrew J. Phelps, WiUiam H. Pike, Joseph . Poor, Joseph L. CHELSEA — Continued. Co. F, 29th Conn. Inf. 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. Cav. Co. E, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Me. Inf. Co. B, U. S. Engs. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 23d Me. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 9th Me. Inf. Co. D, 69th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 5th U. S. Art. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. Art. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th Me. Inf. Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Tacony," "Cliime." U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." U. S. N. ship "Dobbin;" Co. F, 28th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "SterUng." Co. C, 16th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Vandalia." Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 54th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kingfisher." Co. A, 111th Ohio Inf. Co. F, 9th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "North CaroUna," "Macedonian," "Eutaw," "Ohio," "Sassacus." Co. C, 15th U. S. Inf. Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 14th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. sliip "Princess Royal." Co. H, 44th Mass. Signal Corps. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Genesee," "Maine," "Circassian." Co. F, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 16th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 13th Me. Inf.; Co. H, 30th Me. Inf. Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. 11th Batty. Mass. L. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 89 Prescott, William A. Quinn, William F. Reed, Robert R. Rich, Harris R. Richardson, Albert Ross, Charles H. Sellon, Edward A. Shaw, Daniel W. Shaw, Thomas Slade, William H. Sleeper, James Sleuman, Charles Smith, James Smith, Henry V. Snow, Alva D. Spaulding, Samuel C. Spear, Benjamin A. Stone, Charles H. Tilden, Colman . Tompkins, Theophilus Tuttle, Hiram V. . Twombly, Charles W, Tyler, John M. . Walkley, Charles S. Webster, Francis F. Winslow, Frank E. Winsor, Gershom C. Wyman, Edgar R. Yeaton, Charles B. Yeaton, James A. Young, George H. B. CHELSEA — Contmued. U. S. N. ships "Port Royal," "Arizona," "New Lon- don." Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 35th Mass. Inf. Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Me. Cav.; Co. A, 12th V. R. C. Inf. Co. K, 1st N. Y. Engineers. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kearsarge," "Penobscot," "Palos." Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Vixen," "Bib." Co. D, 1st N. Y. Cav. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Florida Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Colorado." Co. A, 30th Me. Inf. Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 30th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 30th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 20th V. R. C. Inf. Co. C, 58th Penn. Inf. Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Me. Inf. 45th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Oliio," "Mmnesota," "Iroquois," "St. LawTence." Additional Names. Armstrong, John E. Baker, Wm. H. . Brown, John. Casey, Daniel Davidson, Chas. E. Fellows, Chas. 0. Krall, Bartholomew. Lake, Allen P. Orcutt, John A. . Thompson, James B. W\Tnan, Edgar A. 29th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 61st IMass. Inf. Co. D, 2d CaUf . Inf. 17th Mass. Inf. 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Tacony," "Vanderbilt." Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf. 50th Mass. Inf. 90 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Adams, Charles . *Aheam, Thomas . Alden, Edwin M. . Alden, Marshall . Aldrich, Charles B. Aldrich, Hem'y K. Alexander, Andrew J. Allen, Edward F. . Allison, Charles H. Anderson, Charles F. Andrews, Alonzo . *Andrews, John R. Andrews, Leroy P. Anthony, Edmimd B. Arkerson, Leonard Ashton, Benjamin Backus, Daniel H. Backus, Sylvester L. Balcom, Myron B. Barlow, Charles A. Barney, William H. H Barrus, William J. Barter, Franklin A. Battles, Edwin M. Bazin, Charles E. Beal, Hiram . Belmore, Joseph E. Bennett, Charles . Bennett, George A. Bigelow, Charles W. Bird, Henry W. . Bolton, Oilman B. Bond, Watson L. . Branick, Charles H. Brayton, Charles F. Brennan, Daniel . Bresrdhan, Daniel Brigham, Francis E. Brooks, Henry D. Brooks, John Brown, Charles Brown, Charles W Brown, Edward C Brown, Jesse Brown, John B. Brown, Patrick *Bryant, GuiKord Bump, Joseph Burbeck, George W. H CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 89th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf.; 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Cherokee," "Ohio." Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 24th Me. Inf. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 4th U. S. Art. Co. K, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Mus. 3d Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Wabash." Co. B, 5th N. Y. Cav. Co. H, 142d N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 1st Md. Inf. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Hospital Steward, U. S. A. Co. B, 1st Colo. Cav. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. Mus. 16th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 17th U. S. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ticonderoga." Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf.; 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "South Carolina." Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Mus. 24th Army Corps. Mus. 26th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 12th N. J. Inf.; Co. H, 29th N. J. Inf. Co. K, 13th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 9th Penn. Cav. Co. A, 10th N. Y. Cav. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 91 Burch, Henry C. . Burding, Edward W. Burton, Abraham Butler, Charles T. Butman, Joseph W. *Cahill, Michael . Callahan, Daniel . *Calnan, James M. Campbell, James E. Campbell, William M. Canty, Cornelius J. Carr, Andrew Carr, James . Carroll, John Carson, James H. Case, Charles E. . Chadboume, Francis T Chadwick, James H. Chadwick, William F. Chase, James F. . *Chesmore, William S, Clancey, Michael . Clark, James B. . *Clark, John . Clark, Portus B. . Clark, WiUiam H. Clements, Albert B. Coggeshall, Edmund D Cohen, William Colburn, Charles F. Coleman, Eugene B. Conant, Edward M. Conlan, James H. Cormors, Thomas F. Cook, Davis M. . *Cook, Royal J. Corcoran, William Corliss, Joseph S. . Cowles, Rodney C. Craigin, George N. Crane, WiUiam P. Crockett, George F. Cross, Allen W. . Cunningham, George B Cunningham, Hugh Curran, ComeUus Curran, Edward J. CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . U. S. N. ship "Florida." . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ossipee." . Unass. 28th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 2d U. S. Art. . Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. C, 10th R. I. Inf.; Co. F, 12th R. I. Inf. . Co. H, 84th N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf. ; Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. ; U. S. N. ships "Princeton," "Memphis," "Glaucus." . Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 19th U. S. Inf. . Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Sabine." . Co. H, 16th Vt. Inf. . Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 19th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf. ; Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. ; U. S. N. ship "Clara Dolson." . Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Florida." . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Cats- kill," "Wabash." . Co. H, 9th N. H. Inf.; Co. H, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "St. Louis." . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. sh^ps "Ohio," "Rhode Island," "Huron," "Savannah," "Chicopee." . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Ohio." . Co. A, 4th R. I. Inf. . 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. . 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. B, 36th Mass. Inf. '. . Co. F, 2d Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Hetzel," "Whitehead." . Co. K, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. 92 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cur ran, John H. . Currier, Thomas W. Curtis, Charles H. Curtis, Henry W. Cutter, Samuel P. *Dane, George Danforth, Henry F. Daniels, Alexander Daniels, Edward L. Davis, Henry 0. . Davis, John R. Dearborn, William H. Dedrick, Charles M. Deneen, William . Devine, James J. . Dickens, James E. Dodge, Aaron B. . Donnell, George H. Donovan, Dennis Dougherty, John J. Douglass, Jolm Dowd, Daniel Drake, George H. Dresser, Elijah W. Drury, Nathan B. Ducette, Edward . Dunham, George . *Dunham, Washington Dunlap, Jerome B. Dunscomb, Thomas G Dwinell, David A. Earle, Israel C. Eaton, Charles H. Eaton, Frank A. . Edwards, Samuel J. Ells, Osmer H. . Elsassar, John Emerson, Timothy A. Emery, Horace B, *Emery, John A. . Emmett, James England, George . Eno, Teddy . Entwistle, Henry . Estes, Levi N. Evans, Joel W. P. Fales, Helon H. . Fass, Hemy . Feeley, Michael . Feeney, Martin Ferguson, John H. Co. K, 5th U. S. Inf. Co. E, 61st Mass. Inf. CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . Co. K, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 26th Me. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Me. Cav. . Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Relief," "Vermont," "Jamestown." . Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Sabine," "Porter." . Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . 2d Co. Mass. S. S. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, nth Me. Inf. . 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 6th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. . Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 3d R.I. H. A.; . Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf.; . Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Me. Inf. . 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st Vt. Cav. . 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. . Co. G, 13th N. Y. H. A. . Co. B, 20th N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. M, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 11th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Batthi. Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 25th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 1st Me. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 93 Fiero, Frederick L. Fisk, Allen C. Fitzgerald, George E Fitzgerald, James J. Fitzpatrick, James Fitzpatrick, Thomas Flaherty, John Flanagan, Patrick Fleetwood, John . Foley, Andrew Foley, Mathew Foley, Patrick Foskett, George W. Foster, Richard R. Foster, William Fowler, Eugene A. Fox, James Fox, Patrick W. . Francois, Edward A. L *Freeman, Cyrus A. *Frost, Emery W. . Gallagher, Thomas Gamble, Jeremiah F. Gardner, Frank Gardner, WilUam S. Geeremo, George . Gerald, Thomas F. Gerry, George W. Gerry, Henry C. . Getchell, Charles F. Gifford, Henry M. GiU, John Gilman, John T. . Glacken, James J. *Gleason, Joseph H. Glidden, Alvin F. Glines, Alvin R. . Glufling, Edward H. Gljom, Barney Goldthwait, Albert Goodbread, Aaron Goodnow, Harrison E. Gordon, Frederick M. Gore, Henry W. . Gourley, George N. Gove, Louis P. Graham, William . Grant, Charles E. Grant, Henry Gray, Noah W. . Green, Charles E. CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . Co. D, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. H, 12th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 4th N. Y. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Constellation," "Vandalia." . Co. B, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. E. 22d Mass. Inf. . 6th Batty. Mass. L. A. . U. S. N. ships "Carolina," "Kearsarge." . Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Santee," "North Carolina." . U. S. N. sliips " Jolm Griffith," "Osceola." . 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. M, 6th N. Y. H. A. . Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Flag," "North Carolina." . Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. . 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Stars and Stripes." . 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. E, ebth Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 3d R. I. Cav. . Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 146th lU. Inf. • . Co. B, 3d Batthi. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 127th U. S. Col. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Ethan Allen." . Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. . .Co. G, 11th Conn. Inf. . Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th Vt. Inf . . 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. F, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 5thMass. Inf.;Co. C, Sthlll. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Cairo." . Co. K, 10th Vt. Inf. . Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A.; Co. K, 1st U. S. Cav. 94 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Green, George Green, Thomas Griffin, Albert Griffith, Isaac H. . Grout, William H. Guppy, John E. . Haerlihy, John Haggerty, Timothy Hall, Aretas . Hall, Daniel . HaU, WiUard B. . Hammond, Thomas M Handy, John S. Hanscom, Charles 0. Harden, Henry C. Harden, Edward V. Harnden, William F. Harrell, Joseph Harrison, George H. Haskins, Henry H. *Hatfield, Frank S. Hawkesworth, John Hayman, George . Hazen, Charles R. Hemenway, Charles H Herliliy, David Hewett, Thomas J. Hicks, Charles S. . Hildreth, WUliam H. HiU, George W. . Hill, Leonard C. . Hinckley, WilUam H. Hinman, Albert H. Hinman, David McW. Hitchings, Marcus Holbrook, WiUiam 0. *Holehouse, James Hopkinson, Melvin Horrigan, William Horton, Henry Houghton, Edward M. Howard, Wilham L. Howland, Alvin C. Hoy, James . Hoyle, Charles Huckins, WiUiam Hudson, Edward . Hughes, James Hughes, Lawrence CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . CcE, 16th N.H. Inf. . Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 30th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Del. Inf.; Co. A, 7th Del. Inf. . Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Gemsbok," "Alabama." . Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ticonderoga," "Henry James," "Princeton." . Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 2d Me. Cav. . 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th R. I. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Potomac." . Co. I, 3d N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Kearsarge," "Vandalia." . Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 26th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Sabine." . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ino." . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Aroostook." . Co. G, 10th Me. Inf.; Co. G, 29th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 69th 111. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Dakota." . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Constellation," "St. Law- rence." . Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. . Mus. 28th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 19th Mich. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Gerard." . Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co.A, 63dN. Y. Inf.; Co. K, 46th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf.; 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st W. Va. Cav. . Co. D, 30th Me. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 95 HunBewell, Theodore W Hunt, William Hunting, Francis H. Hussey, Thomas . Ingerson, Hinman E Ingerson, John W. Ingham, Charles . Ingraham, Alexander E Jacobs, Daniel D. James, Samuel Jeffers, John . Jenkins, James K. Jennings, Edward F. Johnson, Charles . Johnson, Charles W. Johnson, Le^vis E. Jones, Charles Jones, Edward D. Jones, George J. . Karner, Warren G. Keech, Jesse D. Keenan, James H. Kehl, Karl . Kelley, James M, Kelley, John F. . *Kelly, John B. . Kelly, Thomas *Kelton, Moses B. Kendall, Thomas . Kennedy, James L. Kenney, James Kent, John H. B. Kimball, Hiram A. Kimball, William F. King, James W. . Kittendorf, Anthony Knight, George H. Knox, Joseph L. . Kulm, Frederick C. Lamont, Clement J. Langley, George A. Lant, George E. . Larkin, Arthur W. Larrabee, Samuel C. Lawrence, Richard C La^Tence, William Leahy, Patrick Learned, Elijah G. Legee, Charles W. Legg, WiUiam N. . LeGro, Mitchell P. CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf.; 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Vt. Inf.; Co. E, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 21st Ohio Inf. . Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf. . Unass, Recruit 12th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 10th N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 194th N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 12th Conn. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Ouachita." . 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 9th R. I. Inf.; Co. D, 1st R. I. Art. . Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf.; 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 1st N. Y. Engs. ■ . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Santiago de Cuba." . Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. . 3dN. Y. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Tioga." . Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 6th N. Y. H. A. . Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. . 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "National Guard," "Passaic." . Co. G, 2d U. S. S. S.; Co. H, 5th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "North Carolina." . 11th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 8th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 18th N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Magnolia." . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 58th :\Iass. Inf. . Co. B, nth N. H. Inf. 96 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. *Leland, Waldo C. Letcher, John Lewis, Wasliington Lippitt, Job . Little, Godfrey Little, Henry Littlefield, William H Loomis, Adrian L. Lord, Robert C. . Lothrop, Randolph C Louder, Michael J. Loveriag, Alvin A. Lovering, George M. Low, Robert H. . Lynch, John . Lynde, Leander F. Mackie, Lawrence Magaffey, George H. Maher, James Mahoney, John Mahoney, Timothy Manchester, Richard H Manning, Edwia . Manning, Philip A. Manser, James E. Marden, Charles T. Martin, William G. Martin, William H. Mason, George N. May, William McAUister, Benjamin F. McBay, Thomas . McCoy, Edward G. McCue, John J. . McDonald, Colin . McField, Joseph R, McGann, Michael McGrath, Terrance McKenna, Edward McKenney, Lewis M. McEjnney, George McKusick, LeRoy C. McMahon, Michael B Meader, James W. Melvin, John Merrill, Frank J. . Meserve, Eben Metcalf, George W. Miller, Robert E. Miller, William H. Minard, Nelson C. CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf.; Co. E, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 14th U. S. Col. Inf. . Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. . Unass. Recruit, 30th Mass. Inf. . 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Unass. Recruit, 17th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N.^hip"Ossipee." . Co. E, nth U. S. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. ; 6th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. A, 2d R. I. Inf. . IstN.H. H. A. . Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 55th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 27th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships " Ohio," " New Hampshire," " Mengo." . Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. . 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. TE, 1st Battln. Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 40th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. . 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 28th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Sacramento." . Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st U. S. Engineers. . U. S. N. ships "Tioga," "VandaUa." . Co. B, 5th N. H. Inf. . Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 29th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. . Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. . 8thN. H. Inf. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. ; Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. K; 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 97 Moakler, John A. Moon, Hiram Moore, Henry W. Morse, Artemas . Morse, -James A. . Morse, Nathan H. Muchmore, Charles H, Murphy, James . Murray, Charles T. Murray, David B. Mmray, Michael . Myers, Christopher Nash, Augustus W. Nash, Prince W. . Nelson, Benjamin S. Nelson, Dexter C. Newhall, Charles L. Nickerson, George W. Noe, Joseph . Nutting, Joseph H. O'Brien, James O'Brien, Wilham O'Donnell, John Ogden, John . Oliver, William E. *Ordway, George Osgood, Isaac P. Osgood, LeRoy S, Otis, George B. Palmer, John Palmer, Roscoe Partridge, Andrew Parsons, William Parton, John Pease, William S. Pedrick, John D. Perry, Asa T. Pettee, Charles A. Peyton, Thomas Phelan, William Phelps, Oscar B. Ploillips, Alexander Pierce, David R. Ploss, Michael Poland, Horace J. Pottle, Frank A. . Powers, Richard M, Powers, Stephen A. Powers, WiUiam H. Pratt, Daniel S, . Pratt, John E. CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . Co. A, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 10th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Iosco," "Ohio." . Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 24th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "San Jacinto." . Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 15th N. J. Inf.; Co. D, 2d N. J. Inf. . Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 36th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th Conn. Inf. . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. . 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf. . 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Aroostook," "Ino." . Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 10th N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 15th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. 98 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Pray, Seth T. Putnam, Jeremiah Quinn, Dennis Quinn, Patrick Randlett, Erastus Reagan, Stephen . Rhymer, Henry . Rich, WilUam H. . ■Richardson, Herbert B Richardson, Lorenzo Riley, James . Roberts, Albert H. Robinson, Charles W. Rogers, John Ross, Hugh . Rowe, Charles M. Rundlett, Charles W. Rush, James H. . Russell, Henry H. Russell, James S. . Ryan, Jolin Sackett, Austin D. Sackett, Henry A. Sargent, Francis D. Sargent, George E. Sawyer, Frank J. . Schultz, Charles . Scoboria, Peter G. Seabrook, Ansel . Searle, George M. Seldon, John S. Sheehan, WilHam Shields, William . Shorey, Joel L. Sinclair, John G. . Slade, Wilham H. Slate, WiUiam H. Small, Owen . Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Adelbert Albert B. Arthur W. Daniel W. Edward C. JohnK. Louis S. Smith, William M. Snow, John N. Solomons, Eugene A. Souls, Hobart W. . CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . U. S. N. ships "Tristam Shandy," "Western World." . Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. F, 9th N. J. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 72d N. Y. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Sabine," "Lackawanna." . Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 30th Mass. Inf. ' . 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Flag." . Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. •. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 192d N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ticonderoga," "Wachusett." . Co. E, IstVt. Inf.;Co. E, 6thVt. Inf. . Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Conn. Inf.; Co. E, 20th Conn. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Nightingale," "Sarah Bruen," "Ken- nebec." . Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. . 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. E, 29th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 54th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 2d R. I. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Ottawa," "Prince- ton." . Co. I, 2d Vt. Inf. . Co. H, 56th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Fort Donelson." . Co. L, 9th N. Y. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 99 Spencer, James W. Spring, Edwin H. Stanley, Nathan . *Staples, Charles B. Staten, Alexander Steams, Francis D. Stephenson, Ralph C. Stevens, Charles H. Stevens, Ezra H. . Stevens, Josiah Stewart, Henry E. Stockbridge, Calvin B. Stone, Edmund Stumph, Joseph . Sullivan, Cornelius SuUivan, Daniel J. Sullivan, Jeremiah Sullivan, Patrick . Sullivan, Peter Swallow, Thomas J. Sweeting, Putnam I. Talbot, Andrew J. Tatten, William . Taylor, John B. . Thackery, William Thomas, James Thompson, Thomas Timmons, Thomas Tompkins, Charles L. Tracy, Abner Trawley, Thomas J. Tufts, Caleb F. . Turner, John Tweed, Samuel E. Tyler, George L. . Vaughn, Elihu L. Victorson, Solomon V. Vincent, Francis W. Wade, James Walch'on, Joseph E. Walker, John H. Walker, Samuel Walsh, John J. nVard, Patrick Warner, James Warren, George W. Warren, Jolm E. . Watson, Cyrus P. Watson, Harrison Watts, John M. . CHELSEA — Continued. Soldiers' Home — Continued. . Co. B, nth Conn. Inf. . Mus. 15th Mass. Inf. . 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Calhoun," "Colorado." . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Constellation." . Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Conn. Inf. . 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav.; Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 28th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Tacony." . Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Monticello," "New Hampshire." . Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Princeton," "Ohio," "North Car- olina." . Co. H, 2d Me. Inf. . Co. B, 57th N. Y. Inf.; Co. L, 20th N. Y. Cav. . Co. B, 3d N. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 27th Mass. Inf. . 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Niagara." . Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . U.S.N, ship "Ohio." . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 30th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," " ConsteUation," "Merrimac." . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Massasoit." . Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 3d Battln. Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st R. I. Cav.; Co. L, 1st N. H. Cav. . Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 34th Ind. Inf. . Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. 100 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Weaver, Thomas P. Webber, Daniel M. Webber, Thomas . Welch, John . Wentworth, Charles F. Wessell, Harmon . Wheeler, Hiram E. White, George E. Whitman, Lemiah J. Whitney, Nathan B. Wiggin, Jacob E. . Wilber, Albert C. Wiley, John . Williams, Frederick Williams, John A. Williams, Richard Wood, Albert H. P. Woodward, Elbridge G Worrell, Charles . Young, E. Woodbury Young, WilUam J. CHELSEA — Concluded. Soldiers' Home — Concluded. . U. S. N. ships "Hunchback," "Whitehead," "South- field," "Miami." . Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 13th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 134th N. Y. Inf. . • Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 2d 111. L. A. . 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 20th Mass. Inf. ; U. S. N. sliip " Baron de Kalb." . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 22d V. R. C. . Co. G, 6th N. Y. H. A. . Co. F, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. . 22d Co. 2d Batty. V. R. C. . U. S. N. ships "Independence," "Saranac." . Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Mmnesota," "Roanoke." Buell, James . Biu-nett, Liberty L. Cheesbro, Edwin S. Clark, Forrester . Fairweather, Thomas Famam, Albert S. Famam, Alfred Ferguson, Charles W. Horton, Harlan . Lewis, Reuben W. Morgan, Henry . Morgan, Lewis M. North, James A. . Sheldon, Horace M. Sherman, Harvey A. Smith, William H. CHESHIRE. Co. I, 3d la. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. 5th Wis. Reg. Band. Co. K, 9th N. Y. H. A. Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 44th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Crossett, Isaac H, Bird, Alfred S. . BlaisdeU, Hartwell Bushee, Louis Cornell, James A. Cushman, Emerson B. CHESTER. Co. F, 198th Ohio Inf. Co. A, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 46th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 101 Elwell, Isaac . Foss, James L: Miller, Wallace T. Rich, John H. Smith, Charles W. Wilson, Ezra D. Additional Names. Booth, William H. Crossett, William L. . CHESTER — Concluded. Co. I, 12th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. 12th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. Damon, Oliver J. . Dunham, James E. Packard, Horace H. Weeks, Henry A. . CHESTERFIELD. Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf. AUair, John B. Ballard, Chester H. Belcher, William . Betterly, George S. Coppelman, Chistin Courture, Zeph Cutting, Chandler Davis, Sylvester A. Donnelly, Thomas Ellsbree, Edmtmd S. Fisher, Frank Gandro, Joseph Genereu, Moses . Gibbs, Leocero J. Goff, Arthur C. . Goodwin, Charles F. Grant, John . Hickey, James Hines, John . Hubbard, Delos V. Hyde, Reuben C. King, Henry A. Lamont, Robert . Lavigne, Peter Longly, Louis Lynch, John . Martin, Adolphus R. Mears, Thomas IVIosman, Alelzar . jMuUen, Thomas H. NaUy, Edward P. CHICOPEE. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 23d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 1st Vt. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 57th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 21st N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Vt. L. A. Co. I, 31st Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Lackawanna." Co. I, 91st N. Y. Inf. Co. B, nth Me. Inf.; Co. H, 8th Me. Inf. Co. D, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Vt. L. A. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Colorado." Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. C, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. K, 2d Calif. Inf. Co. D, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. J, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 7th Vt. Inf. 9th N. Y. H. A. Co. G, nth Vt. Inf. Co. C, 3d N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. 102 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Reed, Thomas S. . Robarge, Peter Shea, Morris . Smith, Maj^nard D. Sullivan, James Sullivan, Thomas Tracy, WilUam C. Valcourt, Frank . Warner, Peletiah . Williams, Peter Winchester, WiUiam H CHICOPEE — Concluded. . Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. , Co. C, 1st Md. Cav. , Co. I, 6th Mo. Inf. , Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. , Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. C, 2d Conn. Inf.; Co. E, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. G, 15th Vt. Inf. 111th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 15th Vt. Inf. Unassigned 16th N. Y. H. A. Additional Names. Adams, Arthur J. Ayette, John. Blakeley, Mark J. Dwyer, Daniel F. Hams, Edward. Sanborn, Freeman H. Shea, Peter. Snow, Franklin J. Tomlinson, Thomas. Wyatt, Stephen. Beals, Charles W. Conley, Patrick . Lafoimtain, Joseph Shultis, Nicholas R. Turner, Hemy Wills, John H. . CLARKSBURG, Co. H, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 192 N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 14th N. Y. Inf.; Co. I, 159th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 13th N. Y. H. A. Co. A, 8th Vt. Inf. Allen, Benjamin F. Barber, Henry D. Bennett, Freeman Burgess, Thomas H Burke, Thomas . Bums, Michael J. Carr, Edward Clifford, James Davis, Nelson S. Davis, William Fox, Michael *Frazer, Charles Gibson, George S. Harris, Joseph A. Herrick, George W. Higgins, Timothy Hittenheim, Charles CLINTON. Co. F, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 5th U. S. Inf. Co. K, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 13th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 16th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Montgomery." Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 103 Houghton, Charles W. Houghton, Nathaniel T *Laythe, Oilman W. *McAndrew, Michael Morgan, James A. Parker, Leonard H. Putnam, Henry A. RejTiolds, Jolm Sawyer, George E. Sawyer, James Smith, Jonathan . Stone, Louis L. CLINTON — Concluded. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Coulter, WiUiam J. Mather, John. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Bates, Cyrus H. . Buttman, Joseph . Curtis, Robert L. Edwards, John W. Gale, Charles H. . Litchfield, Joseph W. Lothrop, William W. Thayer, William F. Thayer, WiUis F. . Treat, Sylvanus F. Wentworth, Edward C Wilbur, Otis S. . Additional Name. Gross, Leander W. Call, Levi E. Clark, Francis E. . Copeland, Edgar F. Cromack, Henry C. Dennison, Charles B. Dunton, Zenas J. . Kemp, Orren D. . Weed, Martin Solan COHASSET. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Flag," "Princeton," "Ohio." U. S. N. ship "Mississippi." Co. C, 12th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Tacony." U. S. N. ships "Housatonic," "Montauk," "Wabash," "New Hampshire." Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 7th Me. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. COLRAIN. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf.; 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 169th Ohio Inf. Co. D, 35th N. Y. Inf.; Co. A, 20th N. Y. Cav. Additional Names. *Curtis, Henry Miner, John W. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. 104 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Benjamin, Cyrus Byron, James Carter, James W. Chaplin, Waldo Chaplin, WilUam Chase, Abial H. Dow, Edmund Duren, Charles C George, Lewis H. Gray, Joshua Hatch, Myrick L. Howe, Benjamin F. Jenness, William . Jones, Hiram W. . Lawrence, James R. Maker, Andrew . Maker, Edward . Munroe, James Russell, Benjamin F. Wheeler, George F. CONCORD. Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. E, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, nth Vt. Inf. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Musician, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 56th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "George Manghan." Co. D, 19th Me. Inf. Co. D, 19th Me. H. A. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ships "Savannah," "Perry," "Mount Vernon," "Arkansas." Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. Dickinson, Henry C. Hassell, George A. Hitchcock, Ira N. Johnson, Gordon H. Keyes, Joel . Rowe, Frederick E. Sinclair, Alexander H. CONWAY. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Kennebec," "Panola." Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th Conn. Inf. Barber, John L. . Conn, Chas. H. Dawes, Chas. W. . Jenkins, Edward C. Morin, George Shaw, Wm. H. . Smith, Geo. W. . Stewart, John C. . CUMMINGTON. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Ceasar, Samuel L. Champlin, Albert B. "Clark, Henry H. . Crowley, Charles . DALTON. Co. G, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 31st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 105 Dill, Ira W. . Dwyer, Robert Eddy, John A. Groesbeck, Charles H. Gunn, Charles H. Parker, D wight E. Scudder, Chester B. Smith, George W. Tucker, George G. Tucker, John Additional Names. Collins, Dennis. Rider, George C. Allen, Frederick S. Bixby, Albert J. . Blackmer, Lewis W. Crawford, Wm. J. Hunter, John E. . Merriam, John Q. A. Simonds, Francis F. Sweetland, James E. Additional Name. Fisher, Edward DALTON — Concluded. Co. B, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. DANA. Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Ambrose, John * Anderson, Charles Beckett, Edward C. Bigelow, Walter K. Bimey, Thomas S. Blake, Edward Bowen, PhiUp A. . Burchstead, Charles A Burnsville, John H. Bushby, Joseph Campbell, John C. CarroU, Phillip . Cashman, Dennis Clothen, Joseph . Collins, Frederick CoUins, Richard . CoUins, Thomas . Comey, Henry N. Crane, Webster S. Crosby, Lyman D. DANVERS. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ships "WiUiam G. Anderson," "Caroline," "Princeton." Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. G, loth Me. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 31st Me. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. 106 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Damon, William T. Dowdell, Charles . Drmy, Abner E. . Eveleth, John F. . Fisher, Franklin W. Forbush, George W. Frost, Woodbury . Frye, Isaac E. Gifford, Elbridge N. Glover, Nathaniel Goldthwait, Charles A, Goodwin, Alvin Gould, John A. Hart, Rufus . Hartman, Charles Haynes, Joseph Howe, Charles H. Keay, Edwin Kent, John . Kirby, Jeremiah , Lee, Joseph Lovejoy, Daniel W. Marshall, David M. Masury, Charles H. McGrath, James . Meader, John H. . Metzger, John Monkhouse, James Moores, John B. . Moser, John H. Mosher, Charles T, Newhall, Charles . Peabody, Daniel A. Philbrick, John H. Pierce, Charles F. Plunkett, J. Warren Pond, Willard H. . Pope, Nathaniel A. Potter, Henry H. . Rackliff, Alonzo A. Rhodes, Simon J. Ross, John T. Rowell, Gideon Russell, Philemon R. Sadler, Charles J, Severance, Charles E. Shea, Thomas J. . Shute, William P. Skinner, James N. Smith, Edward T. •North Carolma," "White- DANVERS — Continued. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," head." Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Nyanza," "Meteor," "Elk." Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 16th Vt. Inf.; 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 3d Me. Inf. Co. D, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 91st N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 13th Me. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Gemsbok." Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Union," "Brooklyn," "Richmond." Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Salem Cadets, Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf.; 14th U. S. H. A. (Colored). Co. G, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 20th Me. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 107 Southwick, Edwin Spaulding, Dennison F Stetson, Alonzo J. St. Hilaire, William Stickney, Charles W. Sweetser, Jewett B. Tibbetts, Charles . Tracey, Joseph Trask, Levi A. Wells, Charles F. Whipple, John F, Withey, Richard B. Additional Names. Adams, Peter. Bailey, Horace. Baldwin, Stephen S. Cann, Lewis . Collins, William. Elliott, Justin N. Fowler, Samuel P. Hartman, Thomas Hood, Wendall P. Low, Benjamin P. Merrill, John M. . Pierce, Frank. SmaU, Elbridge F. Thorner, Samuel R. Albro, Charles A. Bennett, Sylvester Cowen, Abraham R. Davis, George W. Gifford, Lewis L. . Green, Horatio F. *Head, Joseph B. . Lawi:on, Peleg P. . Manchester, James M, Nickelson, Nahum F. Sinmions, Philip K. Smith, Frederick H. Teachman, Abram L. Wood, George H. Additional Names. Boardman, Charles A. Gifford, Abram. Jenks, George A. *KunbaU, A. B. Ricketson, Giles S. Ryder, William D. DANVERS — Concluded. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. 25th Batty. N. Y. L. A. Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. H, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. L, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Conn. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. DARTMOUTH. Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf.; 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 62d Mass. Inf.; 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. , Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 18th Alass. Inf. 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. 108 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Adams, Charles E. Allen, Benejah S. . Allen, Philander . Bronson, John E. Bro^Ti, Orin Q. Burdakin, Jolm H. Chamberlain, Sylvanus Clement, William Cody, George P. . Cobb, John . Drugan, William . Dunbar, Everett H. Edwards, Joseph . EUis, Edward E. . GajTBond, George W. Gould, William B. *Grant, Patrick Guild, Otis S. Hannon, Thomas J. Lincoln, Richard H. Matz, Florian Matthews, John L. Mees, John . O'Leary, Patrick S. Powderly, Patrick Regan, CorneUus . Robinson, William SneU, John W. . Taft, Cornelius A. Turner, Horatio G. Weld, Stephen M. Whitney, Luther W. Williams, Benjamin P, Additional Names. Berry, Gilson A. Calder, J. Bradford. Cutler, Charles B. Jordon, Hubbard E. McKeon, John M. Meas, Joseph. Richardson, Henry S. Baker, Henry Bates, Albert W. . Coates, George E. Felton, Dwight . DEDHAM. Co. H, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. K, 12th R. I. Inf. Co. I, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. H. L. A. Co. D, 1st Ohio Inf. Co. I, 22d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. B, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 178th Ohio Inf. Co. A, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. 6th Batty. Mass. L. A.; 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Cambridge," "Ohio," "Niagara." Co. H, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Princeton." Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. K, N. J. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Fort Henry," "Somerset." Co. D, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 7th Del. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Acacia," "Boxer." Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Preble," "R. R. Cuyler," "Nightin- gale," "Hartford." DEERFIELD. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 109 Henry, David Jackson, John R. . Johnson, Oscar S. Ockington, Edward Savage, Edward Saxton, WilUam P. Additional Names. Ely, Edward. Holbrook, Horace. Baker, Sylvester F. Chase, Hiram F. . Cobb, Calvin L. . Crowell, Levi Howes, Daniel A. Howes, Henry F. . Pierce, Stephen H. Stevens, Charles E. Tripp, Edwin T. . Additional Names. Smith, Bangs K. Ward, John . DEERFIELD — Concluded. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 7th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3J:th Mass. Signal Corps. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. DENNIS. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 3d R. I. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Massachusetts," "Ohio." U. S. N. ships "Sumter," "Union." U. S. N. ship "John Rice." Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. Adams, Edward P. Andrews, Daniel V. Babbitt, James B. Biggs, George T. . Blake, WiUiam T. Chandler, John E. Haley, Timothy . Haskins, Urial M. Hathaway, Arthur A Hathaway, Benjamin F Horton, AKred A. Jones, Benjamin P. Jones, John W. Kingsley, Albert A. Lord, Frank J. Luther, James H. May, Charles H. . Pratt, Phineas M. Searle, Albert L. . Talbot, Charles H. Young, Leonard I. Additional Name. Lincoln, Edward P. DIGHTON. Co. G, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. C, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Monadnock," "Ohio." Unatt. 18th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Unatt. 18th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. B, ISth Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 4th 111. Cav. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Iroquois," "Shepard Knapp." Co. M, 3d R. I. Art. Co. D, nth R. I. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Vanderbilt." 110 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Adams, James G. Belding, Horace C. Church, George M. Church, William . Draper, Samuel J. Gleason, George A. Greene, Charles E. Mowry, James A. Sweet, Jesse B. Titus, Chandler . Wakefield, Ira Whipple, Charles A. Additional Names. Balcom, Wellington. Denning, Henry A. Howard, John P. Colbum, Irving . Kenney, Austin S. Lyman, John H. . Mann, James G. . Mayall, John Additional Name. Burns, John. Bassett, Martin L. Bodwell, John N. Christopher, John E. Eckartt, Edward . Farrell, William Goodhue, Ralph H. Hamblet, Albert . Hamblet, Arthur . Hovey, Augustus V. Parshley, Sylvester Perrin, Gilbert B. Rubert, Moses I. . Smith, George H. Additional Name. Carpenter, Joseph F. . DOUGLAS. Co. G, nth Conn. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. M, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th R. I. Inf. Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. I, 55th Mass. Inf. DOVER. Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. DRACUT. Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. B, 15th Me. Inf. Co. B, 66th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 9th Me. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 16th Me. Inf. Co. D, Sth Conn. Inf. U. S. N. Brunell, Peter Hayner, Enoch H. Healy, Patrick DUDLEY. Co. H, 4th N. J. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. Y. Cav. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf.; Batty. A, 1st R. I. L. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Ill Holley, Christian . Murphy, Michael F. . Raymond, Hiram J. Spencer, Edwin R. Additional Names. Ide, Mowen W. . Wright, WiUiam . Bartemus, George H. Davis, James A. . Kelly, Paul H. . McGilverj', George F. PajTie, John N. Sargent, Charles G, DUDLEY — Concluded. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. I, loth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. B, 5th Vt. Inf. DUNSTABLE. Co. H, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. C, nth N. H. Inf. Co. A, 5th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Alden, Thomas Bailey, George H. Bailey, Louis M. . Brewster, John W. Brock, Charles E. Brown, Oscar A. . Burgess, James K. Chandler, Erastus E. Chandler, George T. Durgin, Samuel H. Durham, WiUiam J. Ellis, Thomas Foster, Hiram Goulding, Albert M. Hathaway, Nelson T, Leach, Rodney M. Mack, Joseph H. . McNaught, Thomas Pierce, Leander Randall, Francis J. Ryder, George F. Scott, George W. . Simmons, George A. Soule, Joseph A. . Tower, John W. . Additional Names. Alden, John W". -Bouin, Alphonse. Church, Waldo B. Josseh'n, John E. Mullen, IVIartin H. Peterson, WilUam B. DUXBURY. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Ma s. H. A. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Surg. 1st Mass. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Queen." Co. K, 13th Me. Inf. Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Roanoke." Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Ossipee." Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, Ist Mass. H. A. 112 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Allen, Charles E. . Andrews, Manassah L, Baker, Levi A. Becker, William H. S. Bisbee, Dennis Blackman, Andrew G. Bourne, Isaac N. . Brett, Algernon S. Brown, Jolin E. . Caldwell, John E. Curtis, Minot S. . Flagg, Francis R. Hassett, Edward F. Hogton, Thomas A. Howard, Edward . Jones, Charles L. . Kingman, Francis M. Lincoln, Eugene A. Lincoln, Isaac H. . Lothrop, Waldo P. Mitchell, Frederick Newton, Jolm C. . Osborne, Henry A. Perkins, Albert W. Poole, Peregrine W. Seaver, Edward R. Sharpe, Oliver M. Sheldon, George F. Sylvester, Charles F. Tarbell, Silas C. . Thorpe, Joshua Wade, Huram Ward, StiUman W. Welch, John . Wilbur, Arad Wright, Thatcher P. EAST BRIDGEWATER. . Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. , Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 7th N. Y. H. A. . Me. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. > . Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," " Ohio," " North Carolina," "New Hampshire," "Home." . Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Me. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Melvin." . Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. . Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf.; 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st R. I. Cav.; Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. . 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "North Carolina," "Matthew Vassar," "Eureka." . Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 102d Penn. Inf. . Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. Ashley, Stephen R. Chapman, WilUam F. Libby, William F. Masury, George W. Sellew, Edgar K. . Turner, Lewas W. EAST LONGMEADOW. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliip " Montgomery." Co. F, 13th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 30th Me. Inf. Co. A, 106th N. Y. Inf. ; Co. H, 60th N. Y. Inf. ; Co. L. 14th N. Y. H. A. , U.S.N, ship" Gemsbok." Co. F, 9th Vt. Inf. Wliitney, George W. H. H. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav, SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 113 Greenhalge, James I. Higgins, Peter Runnels, Warren H. EASTHAM. Co. D, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Brooks, Joseph H. Caswell, Charles H. Connolly, Thomas Dermont, WilUam H Hance, George King, Alonzo S. . Klinge, Ferdinand Mahoney, John H. Messerschmidt, Emil L Messier, Mizael F. Parsons, Alpheus W. Shaw, Albert F. . Taylor, WilUam G. Underwood, Richard F Ward, Oscar . Additional Names. Coleman, Robert. Frary, Lewis 0. . EASTHAMPTON. Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Monongahela." Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 27th N. J. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Hendrick Hudson," "Ethan Allen." Co. F, 4th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 5th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d N. Y. Inf. 31st Mass. Inf. *Blood, Luther Chaffin, Wm. L. . Cole, Charles C. . Darling, Theodore DeoJay, Frank Eastman, George H. Fecto, Philander W. French, Hiram F. Gallagher, Bernard HaU, Nathan E. . Hayward, Albert . Hewitt, Herbert A. Holt, Henry A. Kalnerm, George W. Lackey, George A. Leach, James H. . LeLashures, James K, Lewis, James A. . Lufkin, John N. . Metcalf, Charles L. McDonald, John W. ^lowrey, Irving B. EASTON. Co. G, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 58th Penn. Inf. Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 15th Me. Inf. Co. H, nth N. H. Inf. Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 31st Me. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Me. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 12th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Del. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Katahdin." Co. H, 29th Me. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. 114 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Porter, Marcus M. *Ripley, Silas K. . Slocum, Nathaniel W. Smith, Geo. S. Sweet, George H. Additional Names, *Buck, Franklyn. Drake, Horace F, Jenkins, Edward W. . Munson, Russell S. Phelan, Charles. Randall, Langdon H. . Walker, George H. EASTON — Concluded. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, nth R. I. Inf. Co. E, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 15th Me. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. 1st Batty. Me. L. A. Bunker, Elihu M. Coombs, Irving W. Fisher, Alonzo D. Hillman, Beriah T. Littlefield, Aaron D. *Morse, Edmund B. Norton, Shubael C. Pease, George W. *Pease, WiUiam H. Shute, Richard G. Wilbur, Calvin H. Wilbur, Joseph H. Harrington, Emerson G. Van Tassel, Henry J. H. Additional Name. Stupplebeen, Eugene G. Bro-rni, James W. Downing, Francis S. . Moore, Edwin H. Rhodes, John 0. . EDGARTOWN. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th N. H. Inf. , U. S. N. ship "Mohican." Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Massachusetts," "State of Georgia," "Sangamon," "Eutaw," "Western World." Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Onondaga." U. S. N.ship "Mary Sanford." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Orvetta." Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 21st Conn. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. EGREMONT. Co. A, 41st Penn. Inf. Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. ENFIELD. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Brooks, Joseph Huntoon, William P. Lee, Edwin P. Parker, Alpheus B. Smith, Nathan W. ERVING. Co. D, 24th Mass. H. A. 12th R. I. Inf. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 9th R.I. Inf.; Co. N, SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 115 ERVING — Concluded. Additional Names. Laduke, Isaac. Miller, Joseph. Parsons, Warner. Andrews, Albert . Andrews, Cyrus . Bumham, Alvin Burnliam, Constantine Burnliam, Francis Burnham, George F. Burnham, Harlan P. Burnham, J. Horace Corcoran, David . ElweU, Zeno P. . Gilbert, John F. . Lauder, Edward W. Lendall, George A. Morris, Reuben Parker, WiUiam H. Perkins, Eben Raymond, Daniel ESSEX. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Carnation." Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Conemaugh." U.S.N, ship "Hartford." Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Gemsbok." Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav. Allen, Nicholas I. Anthonj^, Stephen 0, Atwood, George F. Ayers, Henry W. . Bartlett, Charles E. Bartlett, Joseph G. Batchelder, Henri Boyer, Joseph Brison, Richard . Brown, Joseph Buckminster, William N Burke, John W. . Buxton, George B. Carey, Dennis Gate, William H. . Chase, Nathaniel . Clapp, Walter H. Clark, David B. . Clark, Edwin R. . Clifford, Loren A. Cooper, Eugene A. Corthell, William E. Crawley, Andrew T. Crosby, Henry H. Danforth, Francis C EVERETT. Co. F, lOth IMe. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mich. Cav. Co. B, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 164th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Pursuit," "Ohio." Co. F, 26th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Franklin," "Dictator," "Vermont." Co. B, 1st U. S. Eng. Corps. U. S. N. ship "Sacramento." Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. E, 30th Me. Inf. Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 31st Ohio Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. 6th Batty. Me. L. A. Co. I, nth Vt. Inf. 116 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Day, Roscoe G. . Dean, Charles H. Dearington, Jolin F. Desmond, William Dolloff, Benjamin W. *Dugan, Michael . Emerson, Orrin B. Evans, Franklin S. Fernald, Isaac Fish, Hindle . Fitzgerald, WilUam Forsaith, Horace . Gardner, Nicholas B. Gerrold, Charles E, *Gleason, Joseph H. Goff, Rinaldi Gould, Charles Green, Scott . Gregory, Francis . Grove, James R. . Hallgreen, Henry J. Harris, George M. Howe, Charles H. Hunter, John J. . Irons, Joseph G. . Jacobs, Daniel E. Jenkins, Hiram Jenney, William . Johnson, Robert H. Keans, John F. Kellogg, Harvey A. Kenney, Thomas . King, Edward G. . Lamb, William B. Legg, WiUiam M. Lewis, Albert W. . Libbey, Charles W. Locke, Edwin A. . Locke, WilUam J. Lofgren, John N. . Loheed, Wilham . Long, Charles M. Lothrop, Churbury F. Mann, Ezekiel F. Martin, Joseph Martin, Joseph Matthews, Edward J. May, Dock . EVERETT — Continued. Co. A, 29th Me. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. C, 17th Me. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. K, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 9th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 19th Me. Inf. Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 1st R. I. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Mahaska." Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Batthi. Mass. Riflemen. Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S.N. ship" Ino." Co. K, 1st U. S. Inf. Co. H, 148th N. Y. Inf. U.S.N, ships "Sweetbrier," "Harvest Moon," "Phil- adelphia." Co. A, 43d Mass. Inf. , Co. E, 2d Calif. Cav. , Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 7th Me. Inf. , Co. H, 3d R. L Inf. . Co. C, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 17th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Harvest Moon," "Huron," "Stettin," "Home," "Relief." . U.S.N, ship "St. Lawrence." . Co. H, 10th N. H. Inf.; Co. A, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 6th Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "EUa," "Com- modore Read." . U. S. N. ships "Victoria," "Sacramento," "Niagara." . U. S. N. ships "Bienville," "Richmond." . Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. . nth Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. K, 7th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 84th Ohio Inf. . U.S.N, ship" Massasoit." . U. S. N. ships "Osceola," "Squando." . Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 1st U. S. Inf. . Co. C, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 5th Mass. . Co. I, 12th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 101st Va. Inf. . Co. A, 117th Vt. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 117 McLaughlin, Augustus E. Moore, AKred Morrill, Edwin L. Munroe, Peter F. Nicholson, John L. Osborne, Alvin W. Osborne, WiUiam A. Otis, George D. . Parsons, George . Peacock, Edward . Pert, Daniel S. Peterson, James . Powers, James E. Quimby, Johnson D. *Reed, Edward F. . Rice, Charles A. . Rich, Charles E. . Rollins, Charles W. *Roundy, Edwin E. Ryan, Michael Schrow, Henry Scribner, William D. Seaver, John W. . Seaward, George W. Sheehan, John J. . Spaulding, Jacob C. Staples, Daniel L. Sterling, Asa F. . Stevens, John F. . Stone, George T. . Taylor, Richard . Towle, Wellington To^Tie, Howard M. Trowbridge, Henry Viannah, Francis J. Wadleigh, John D. Warburton, Levi S. Watson, John A. . Welch, WiUiam F. WeUock, Samuel C. Whitney, Joshua B. Wilson, George W. Young, Richard H. EVERETT — Continued. Co. G, 2d Me. Inf.; Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Horace Beals." Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 55th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "ConsteUation." Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Macedonian," "Mercidita,'^ "Relief." Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Macedonian." Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. I, 1st N. H. Cav.; Co. C 18th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 14th Me. Inf. 29th Unass. Co. Me. Inf. Co. B, 14th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Alabama," "Mattabessett." Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Newbem," "Savannah." Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Gemsbok," "Oneida," "Brandywine,'= "Cherokee," "Mahaska." Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 17th Me. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Me. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 2d Me. Cav. Co. E, 9th Me. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Alabama." Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Wachusett," "Ohio." Co. F, 14th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Wis. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 19th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 1st Me. H. A. Co. H, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 26th Me. Inf. 118 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. EVERETT — Concluded. Additional Names. Bartlett, J. Gardner. Boynton, Charles. Brann, Frederick, Brewer, Charles. Chambers, Henry. Clark, David B. Clifford, Laren C. Condit, Cyrus Cook, Jolm. Deguio, John W. . Fitzgerald, Patrick. Foster, George A. Fowler, William L, Gould, George C. Haggerty, John Haines, William H. Holmes, Patrick H. James, William. King, William. Loheed, WiUiam. McLaughlin, Jean. Miller, Henry F. Richards, John H. Roby, John. Sawin, George A. Scribner, William D. . Snow, Stephen. Thomas, John P. H. Tyler, Coleman J. Alton, Joseph B. . Anthony, Joseph S. Bliss, Alexander F. Brown, Frank E. . Bryant, John I. Bryant, William H. Bumpus, Samuel S. Carpenter, Charles L. Carpenter, George H. Chase, Fred D. Crowell, Henry P. Damon, Herbert A. Eldridge, Peter V. *Fisher, Ira Gellett, John, Jr. . Gerstlauer, Daniel J. Gifford, WiUiam C. Co. C, 19th Iowa Inf. Co. A, 30th Me. Inf. Co. K, 11th Me. Inf. Co. G, 104th Penn. Inf. Co. H, 36th Wis. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Newbern," "Savannah." FAIRHAVEN. 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Princess Royal," "Lackawanna," "Augusta Dinsmore," "Circassian." Co. M, llthKan. Cav. Co. E, 10th Me. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A.; Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Port Royal." Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Monon- gahela." Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. K. 42d Mass. Inf. 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Saco," "Constellation," "Sam Rotan." Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 11 Hackett, Charles E. Hammond, Charles E. Hammond, Francis H. Harring, William . Holbrook, George W. Jackson, Albert Jenney, Andrew J, Jones, Caleb S. Lloyd, George T. . Loomis, James W, Mantus, Albert W. Mathewson, George C. McLaughlin, Peter Morse, John P. Morse, Levin S. Morton, Charles H. Morton, Elbridge G. Noland, Thomas H. Nye, Harrison G. 0. Piper, Nahum C. . Randall, Fayette E. Simmons, James N. Studley, Braddock G. Taber, Frederick M. Tallman, Edward G. Taylor, Thomas E. Tripp, James F. . Westgage, Stephen Wilcox, Albert M. Wrightington, Thomas W. Young, Frank FAIRHAVEN — Concluded. . Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Onward." . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N, ships "Roanoke," "Canandaigua," "Spirea, . U. S. N. ships "Circassian," "Harvest Moon." . U. S. N. ships " Phlox," " DayUght," " Mount Vernon, "Ohio," "Massasoit." . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 8th 111. Cav. . 17thN. Y. H. A. . Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Queen City." . Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Young Rover," "Nipsic," "Brool lyn." . U. S. N. ships "Augusta," "Wabash," "Commodoi Read." . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Additional Names. Dunham, William H. . Staples, Wm. H. 5th Mass. Batty. L. A. *Adams, Francis M. Albro, Gardner D. *Allen, John R. *Arnoe, Joseph Babbitt, Edward F. Baker, Henry C. . Bardsley, Seth Bennett, James Bowers, Joseph Boyce, Frederick M. Bo>Titon, Samuel H. FALL RIVER. 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Baltimore." Co. E, 5th R. I. H. A. Co. B, 2d N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 5th R. I. H. A. Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 120 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Braley, Henry C. Braley, William J. Bresette, Augustus Brocklehurst, John Broughton, Samuel BroTVTi, Benjamin B. Brown, William . Brownell, Henry W. Brownell, William T. *Buchanan, Moses Buffinton, Elisha W. Burritt, Ely E. . Cahill, Richard Canedy, William H. Carl, Newton R. . Carmichael, John B. Chace, Andrew J. Church, Winfield S. Coberry, Thomas Coggshall, Joshua P. CoUamore, Henry H. Cook, Henry C. . Coulon, Peter Cranston, Charles R. Crowley, Jeremiah Cummings, Daniel Cummings, Philip Curran, James J. . Davis, Charles A. Davol, Bradford D, *Davol, James A. . Douglas, Oscar F. Dow, Albert F. Duggan, James Dupper, George A. Durfee, WiUiam Durling, James W. Dyer, David H. *Evans, Thomas Fairhurst, James Farwell, Joseph J. Fish, Asa F. . Fischer, Ezekiel Fitcher, Ezekiel Flannery, Thomas Fleet, John . Ford, Nathaniel Franklin, Manuel Freeborn, George W. Garrigan, William FALL RIVER — Continued. . Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 3d Vt. L. A. . Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 30th lU. Inf. . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 21st Mich. Inf. . Co. G, 15th N. J. Inf.; Co. G, 3d N. J. Inf. . Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 2d U. S. H. A. . Co. F, 3d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Macedonian," "North'Carolina," "Ro- anoke," "Commodore Perry," "Maratanza." . 2dR. I. Inf.; 16th U.S. Inf. . Unass. 13th R. I. Inf. . Co. K, 26th Conn. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Azalia." . Co. D, 12th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 17th Vt. H. A. . Co. L, 10th R. I. L. A. . Co. B, 12th N. H. Inf. . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 2d R. I. H. A. . 4th R. I. Inf. . Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 11th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 1st N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 30th N. J. Inf. . Co. A, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 213th Penn. Inf. . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Old Ironsides." . U. S. N. ship "Susquehanna." . U.S.N. . Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Sciota." . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship" Ossipee." . Co. D, 12th R. I. Inf.; Co. H, 1st R. I. L. A. . Co. E, 21st N. Y. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 121 Garrity, Daniel Gifford, Jason Gill, Owen Glover, George M. Glynn, Horace J. . Goff, John Gorton, Jenkins W. Grush, George G. Hague, Edward Hale, John H. Harrington, Daniel Harrington, Jeremiah Harrison, Joseph . Hart, John Hathaway, Daniel L. Hathaway, Samuel W. Healej'^, James C. Hennon, John Henry, James W. Higney, Edward . Hillard, Charles B. Hinckley, Chas. F. Hodgson, Thomas J. Holden, Richard . Holland, Jeremiah Johnston, Thomas H. Kelley, Daniel Kelley, Michael C. Kelly, Patrick King, James M. . Knott, Obadiah Larrabee, Charles Laurier, Louis Leduke, Antone Ledwith, James Lottie, James W. iMalone, Henry Manchester, Borden Manchester, Charles H Marshall, John Marvell, Edward T. Mason, Lavator W. ^IcAndrews, Anthony McCarthy, Jeremiah *McClosky, James McGrath, Thomas F. McGraw, John Mclntire, Orrin A. McMillan, Benjamin FALL RIVER — Continued. . Co. L, 5th N. Y. L. A. . 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 7th Vt. Inf. . Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 14th N. Y. Inf.; Co. G, 2d N. Y. H. A. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 2d N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Sagamore." . Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. ^ . Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 114th N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Canonicus." . Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Mahopac." . Co. B, 2d N. Y. Cav. . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Crusader." . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 2d U. S. H. A. . Co. F, 65th N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Clyde," "State of Georgia." . Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Conn. H. A. . Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. . U. S.N. ship" Niphon." . Co. F, 1st R. I. L. A. . Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. B, 38th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Portsmouth,'' "Virginia," "Princess Roj'al." . Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. H, 10th Minn. Inf. . Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 3d R. I. H. A. . Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Conn. Cav. . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf.; 21 Unatt. Co, Mass. Inf. . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. 122 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. McMillen, William McMullen, John . Meadowcroft, Edward Meeson, Edward . Mellon, Charles H. Mellows, Henry . Milan, Patrick Munroe, Albert F. Neckerman, Freeman Nickerson, Alvain B. Norton, Frederick F. Norton, Michael . Obery, Robert O'Neil, WiUiam H. O'Regan, Michael Palmer, Benjamin Palmer, Edward . Parrett, William P. Partington, James Peckman, James M. Peters, Robert Pollard, George B. Porter, Charles E. Powell, George Pratt, William E. Quigley, Martin . Quigley, Patrick . Read, WilUam A. Redfern, Joseph . Remington, Stephen Reynolds, Josiah K. Ridge, Edwin B. . Roberts, Mitchell Rouse, George A. Russell, Daniel S. SeUers, John T. . Shauglmessy, Patrick Shaw, James . Shaw, Joseph S. . Shea, Michael F. . Sherman, Alfred H. Sherman, Henry A. *Sherman, Henry H. Sherwin, John R. . Simmons, George . Sizer, Frederick M. Smith, Silas . Smith, Thomas F. Smith, William FALL RIVER — Continued. . Co. F, 1st R. I. Cav. . 1st Me. Inf. . Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Wyoming." . Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "New Ironsides," "Wabash." . Co. F, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 90th N. Y. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Vermont." . Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 100th N. Y. Inf. . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 27th N. J. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 7th N. H. Inf. . Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 9th R. I. Inf. . Co. G, 10th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 44th Wis. Inf. . Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Circassian," "North Car- olina." . Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. . Co. L, 10th R. I. Inf. . Co. B, 5th R. I. H. A. . Co. H, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, nth Penn. Inf. . Co. H, 5th Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 7th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Cincinnati," "Lexington." . Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d R. I. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "New Ironsides," "Boston," "Ohio." . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 7th N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. F, 24th Conn. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Susquehanna." . U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Hartford," {' Worcester." . U. S. N. ship "Chocura." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 123 Smith, WiUiam W. Stone, Henry A. . Sullivan, Florence F. Sullivan, Jeremiah Sullivan, John R. Sullivan, Patrick . Sullivan, Timothy *Sutherland, Hugh Swan, James . Sweeney, Edward Sylvester, Francis X. Thackery, George *Thomton, Charles D. *Thurber, Jas. F. . *Turner, Edward . Wade, Vernon Walker, Wright Warren, George . Wells, Benjamin . Wilbur, Solomon W. Winslow, Abial W. Wright, Joseph FALL RIVER — Concluded. " Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Penn. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Bainbridge," "Ohio," "Hetzel," "Norwich," "Princeton." U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Circassian." Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "New Hampshire," "Vermont." Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. A, 4th Calif. Inf.; Co. D, 7th Calif. Inf. Co. A, 49th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. D, 1st R. I. Cav. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. ; 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Racer." Co. G, 7th R. I. Inf. 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 102d N. Y. Inf. Additional Names. Baraby, Benjamin L. . Borden, Joseph E. Brayton, Stephen. Considine, John. Delmage, Charles L. Durfee, Samuel P. Fleet, Richard. Ford, Frank, Ford, James. Hargreaves, William. Hathaway, Abial. Langley, Henry J. Madigan, William. Monaghan, James. Peckham, Ferdinand E. Rich, Adolphus. Sherman, Henry E. SulUvan, Jeremiah J. Thompson, Richard. Turner, William. Wilcox, Delancey. Bosworth, William B. Crocker, Joseph B. Davis, Andrew W. Co. L, 1st Vt. Cav. FALMOUTH. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf. 124 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Hinkley, James L. Hubbard, William M. Hunnewell, Charles D. McLane, Benjamin L. Slater, Matthew Stone, Daniel W, Teele, George E. Tobey, John A. Weeks, Joseph S. Wicks, George T. Wright, John G. FALMOUTH — Concluded. U. S. N. ships "William G. Anderson," "North Car- olina." Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Colo- rado," "St. Louis." U. S. N. ship "Hartford." Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. I, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Arapahoe." Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Bonney, Frank R. Carpenter, Edward F. Fish, Cornelius. Hall, Henry F. Phinney, Reuben E. Schroeder, William. Wells, Alonzo R. Abar, Oliver . Abbott, Joseph W. Ahern, Daniel Aldrich, Frank W. Allen, George J. . Alvord, Frank A. . Baker, Edwin F. . Balcom, Francis S. Barrows, John W. Battles, William E. Boss, Orlando P. . Brissette, Samuel J. Brooks, Alfred H. Brown, Joseph W. M Bruce, Jeptha C. . Burgess, Albert H. Burlingame, Charles W Buxton, Albert A. Cummings, Thaddeus Gushing, Sewall G. Davis, Edward J. Davis, Hiram H. C. Dickson, Henry A. Drew, William Dwinnell, Benjamin N Finnegan, John W. Flagg, Albert H. . FITCHBURG. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Fear Not." Co. H, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Aries." Co. G, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sonoma," "Tioga," "Owasco." Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Miss. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 125 French, George A. Fuller, Hiram A. . Gibson, Artemas A. Gibson, William A. Gifford, Alonzo T. Gladding, Daniel P. Goodrich, Edward C. Graves, Albert H. Gray, Wayland L. Hale, Abner B. Hamlet, Albert T, Henry, William E. Heustis, William H. Hidden, William G. Hitchcock, Alfred 0. Hitchcock, George A. Houghton, Frederick W Hoyt, Moses . Huckins, Edward D. J Jefts, George H. . Kelley, Alphonso . Kingsbury, Elisha A. Kingston, Charles H. Kinsman, Fred G. Lamb, Chester F. LeMay, Peter Litch, Charles C. . Littlehale, John D. Locke, Stephen Long, Michael F. . Marsh, Timothy S. McCausland, Albert Miles, Leonard Miller, Henry J. . Nourse, Charles . Peabody, Charles P. PHmpton, Merrill F. Proctor, George B. Randell, George H. Rawson, K. Pardon Remington, Orlando P Rhoades, Henry C. Roberge, Edward Rogers, William P. Rowi;an, John W. Sanderson, Martin Sawyer, Charles K. Schragle, Ernest F. Sergerson, Thomas Shattuck, Frederick FITCHBURG — Continued. . Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 20th Conn. Inf. . Mus., 4th R. I. Inf. . Co. B, 2d Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. . 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 7th Vt. Inf. . 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. . Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf. . 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 16th N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 97th Penn. Inf. . Co. B, 2d N. Y. H. A. . Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 16th Vt. Inf. . Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. . 1st and 9th Batteries Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. I, nth Miss. Inf. . Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 28th Me. Inf. ; U. S. N. ship "Maria A. Wood." . Co. B, 3d Vt. Inf. . Co. K, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Vt. Inf. . Co. H, 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. . Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 11th Vt. Inf. . Co. I, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. B, 7th Conn. Inf. . Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Valley City," "Hartford," "Wachu- sett." . Co. G, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. D, 2d :\Iass. Inf. 126 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Sibley, Sidney Sleeper, David C. Smith, Lewis Spaulding, J. Calvin Stickney, Alvin Sullivan, Daniel . Sweat, Isaac A. Tanner, William W. Thompson, Samuel J. Varney, Nathaniel Washburn, Thomas S. Wheeler, Warren L. Whipple, Frederick R. WiUis, Henry A. . Withington, John W. Yartin, Joseph Young, Fred W. . Ziegler, Jacob FITCHBURG — Concluded. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 32d Wis. Inf. Co. E, 14th Me. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Adjt. 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. A, 21st Me. Inf. Co. A, 5th N. Y. Inf. Additional Names. Allen, WiUiam S. Chandler, George W. . Chase, Andrew. Connery, Andrew Glazier, Charles H. Hartwell, James A. KimbaU, Elbridge C. Kingsbury, Martin H. Lincoln, Edward F. Marsh, Alphonso . Maude, William F. Maynard, Frederick W. Morgan, William A. IVIorris, John Pike, Harvey B. . Prescott, John H. Co. B, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 2d U. S. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Fort Jackson." Co. E, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf.; 13th Batty. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. 6th Batty. N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A. Davis, James E. Scarbo, Mydor "Welch, John . FLORIDA. Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." Alden, Joseph H. . Barrett, Dwight A. Beekman, Benjamin *Berry, Zeri Boggs, Benjamin D. Bosworth, Daniel G. FOXBOROUGH. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 46th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "DayUght,'.' "Brandywine," "Calypso." Co. F, 9th Me. Inf. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 127 Bourne, Thomas B. BroT^Ti, William W. Campbell, Henry L. Davidson, Jabez B. Dow, Joseph H. . DoTSTis, Otis R. Dupee, Horace E. Fernald, George T. Foley, Richard M, Folsom, Daniel W. Fox, Thomas Griffiths, Charles K. Hartshorn, George W. Howard, George M, R. Hutchins, William W. Hutchinson, Thomas Q Johnson, Robinson L, Kempton, William H Leteney, Wentworth T *McNamara, Michael Morse, Abijah Mason Packard, Royal J. Perkins, Elbridge W. Phillips, Harrison L. Pierce, Thomas G. Sands, George H. Swift, Samuel A. E. Thomson, George S. Torrey, WilHam H. Turner, Willard W. Williams, Henry C. Willis, Stillman M. Wood, Nathan C. FOXBOROUGH — Concluded. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d U. S. Sharp Shooters. . Co. D, 5th N. Y. H. A. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 10th R. I. Art. . Co. B, 1st Me. Cav, . Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Tioga," "San Jacinto,'"' "Seminole." . Co. B, 28th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 7th R. I. Inf. . Co. G, 7th Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Mercidita." . Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Tuscarora," "Macedonian." . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 91st N. Y. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Congress," "Flag." . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 3d R. I. H. A.; Co. H, 1st R. I. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 48th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. . 4th, 24th, and 55th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st and 4th Mass. Cav. Additional Names. Belcher, Benjamin F. Brown, William F. Kempton, Charles M. Kennedy, John F. Parker, Harrison. Quinlan, Thomas. Ross, Sylvanus. Slater, Benjamin P. Stearns, Edward P. Barrett, Frederick Burke, William H. *Case, Ira Childs, George H. Clarke, J. Holten . FRAMINGHAM. Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mich. Inf. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. 12 Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 128 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cloyes, Joseph C. *Coffey, John J. Comey, Albert B. Cunningham, WiUiam Danahy, John Douglas, Charles L. Drake, Henry S. . Dunaven, Ira E. . Dunn, Michael Dutcher, Edwin Farrell, William M. Fay, WiUiam E, . Feagire, John R. . Fletcher, Stephen W. Freese, Edwin A, . Garner, George H. Gleason, WiUiam H. *Hagar, George F. Hallgreen, William C. . Hanrahan, Martin HaskeU, Charles P. *Hemenway, Edward S, Hervey, Jonathan Higgins, Daniel E. Holbrook, John W. *Holmes, Frank D. Homan, Conrad Largess, Moses McCarthy, Patrick H. McGrath, WiUiam MerriU, Samuel E. Monahan, Michael Morey, Andrew J. Nelson, Robert Nutting, George P. Phipps, Rufus G. . Porter, David M. Pratt, Wellington H. Priest, Charles W. Reed, George A. . Reed, William R. Rhoades, Anson A. Sawyer, George B. Sherman, Marcus M. *Smith, George A. Staples, Samuel 0. Temple, WiUiam E. Trowbridge, Augustus *Tucker, Austin H. WaUace, William B. Ward, George F. . FRAMINGHAM — Continued. . Co. F, 4oth Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. . 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. H, llthVt. Inf. . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. , . Co. B, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. . 4th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 31st Me. Inf. . Co. B, 54th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 14th N. H. Inf. . 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 58th Mass. Inf. ' . Co. B, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 11th R. I. Inf. . Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, llthVt. Inf. . Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 32(;1 Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 3d Battln. Rifles, Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. S. . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 9th N. H. Inf. •. Co. B, 15th Vt. Inf. . Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 129 Waterman, George H. *Westcott, Eugene . Wheeler, Edwin S. White, Massenah B. Whittemore, Henry Wilkinson, Henry A. Winch, Edwin A. . Wiswell, Joseph M. Works, George L. FRAMINGHAM — Concluded. . Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co, I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 81st N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Me. Inf.; Co. G, 14th Me. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Additional Names. Balsam, Wellington. Dean, Charles F. Hildreth, Watson. Knowlton, Thomas K. Mills, Augustus W. Sparrow, Philip. Sullivan, Michael. Adams, James F. . Alexander, fsaac H. Bourne, Samuel C. Brock, Albert L. . Butters, Edward F. Cahill, Peter . Chute, Rupert J. . Connor, Anthony Corbin, Daniel 0. Corey, Charles W. Corson, David W. Davis, Henry Eastman, Chandler Farrington, Preston M Fisher, Daniel W. Fisher, Walter M. Ford, George R. . Gilly, Gilbert M. . Gowen, Charles B. Griffin, Charles W. King, William F. . Lincoln, Oliver W. McWiUiams, John C. Moody, Ruel B. . Newell, Albert J. . Reccord, Charles . Rose, James . Sanborn, Almon . 16th Conn. Inf. FRANKLIN. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Augusta," "North Car- olina." Co. E, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Metacomet." Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th Me. Inf. Co. D, 8th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Clifton," "Ohio," "Mississippi." Co. E, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Ohio Cav. Co. B, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Me. Inf. Co. H, 15th R. I. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Conn. H. A. Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. 130 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Scott, George H. . Smith, Joseph Whiting, Daniel W. Additional Names, Golding, William H. Thayer, Edgar. Tracey, Cleaves C. Whitney, John D. Ashley, Abiel S. . Borden, Joseph E. Braley, Edward A. Braley, Nathaniel Cook,' WiUiam H. Cudworth, George B. Duffy, John . Evans, Albert A. . Fletcher, Phineas D, Goff, Truman, M. Haskins, George H. Herbert, James Lucas, Job F. Paine, George A. . Pittsley, Nathaniel C Reynolds, George F. Richmond, Welcome H Richmond, Silas P. Roundsville, Edwin T Spooner, Asa Thomas, Robert . Winslow, Kenelm Additional Name. Hathaway, Eugene W. Ames, Jerome S. . Brooks, Newton . Brown, Edward P. Byron, John A. Caswell, Wm. W. Clark, Eleazer Clark, Harvey Clifford, George W. Coleman, Darius . Coolidge, Edward Gushing, Edwin J. Danforth, Theodore W Dodge, I. Newton Dodwell, James FRANKLIN — Concluded. . Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 3d Miss. Cav. . Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. FREETOWN. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 17th N. Y. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. 3d Mass. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Cav. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. GARDNER. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 131 Eaton, Amos H. Edgell, John D. . Frost, Charles H. Gates, Francis Greenleaf, John R. Grimes, Harrison T. Hadley, Henry Hays, John F. HeyT\'ood, WilHam 0. Hildreth, Sylvester B. Hobby, John D. . Howard, Ansel H. Howe, Ephraim D. Howes, Francis M. Jillson, Henry H. . Kendall, George Kaight, Charles S. Lackey, John Lord, Jefferson B. Mason, Albert McKnight, Levi G. Merritt, Charles C. Newton, Charles H. Noonan, James Osgood, George D. Pepoon, Marshall W. Powers, Roswell C. Pratt, David F. . Putnam, William . Ray, Jason A. Ross, George H. . Restanick, Thomas C. Sanderson, P. Warren Simonds, John Snow, Moses Story, Solomon Turner, Andrew W. *Turner, Henry A. Upham, Andrew C. White, WilUam S. Wile}', Edgar F. . GARDNER — Concluded. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Conn. Inf. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. 62d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Wis. Inf. Co. C, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Conemaugh." Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Unass. 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 13th N. H. Inf. Mus. 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th X. H. Inf.; Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Additional Names. Baker, Corine H. Fargo, Thomas H. Harlow, Theodore L. Harvey, Ora W. Hoadley, Herman W. *Learned, Frank S. *Raffert3', Francis. Richardson, Fred W. 132 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Morton, William H. . Vanderhoop, Edwin D. GAY HEAD. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "National Guard," "Ohio," "Connecticut." U. S. N. ships "Portsmouth," "Mahaska," "Chocura." Baker, Cornelius G. Bateman, Frank E. Brown, Gayton Brown, Gustavus . Brown, Walter Clark, Samuel Dalton, George H. Duelley, Elmer H. Fink, Theodore Floyd, Harlan P. . Fogg, George M. . Goodale, Samuel D. Hall, James M. Hardy, George N. Howe, Asa F. Hurd, James H. . Kneeland, Arthur H. Kneeland, Levi Kneeland, Noah R. Larkin, Charles 0. Malloy, Francis . Martin, Israel Miles, Owen A. Minchin, George H. Morse, Colonius . Munroe, John Nelson, David 0. Niles, 0. Herbert . Noyes, George W. Perry, James E. . Phillips, John F. . Plummer, George Poor, Jolm A. Sherburne, Edward S. Spofford, Daniel W. Thompson, Charles E Tidds, George A. . Tyler, Charles E. . Wildes, James B. . Winch, Charles F. Winthrop, Alexander M Woodbury, George Yeaton, E. Augustus GEORGETOWN. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 4th N. H. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 41st N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 13th V. R. C. Co. E, nth Me. Inf.; Co. F, 30th Me. Inf. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf.; 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 59th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. H, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. A, nth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav, 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf.; Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 133 GEORGETOWN — Concluded. Additional Names. Humphreys, John 0. Kenson, Charles A. Pillsbury, Richard L. Riley, Ephraim H. Robinson, Harry S. 1st Batty. Vt. L. A. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Atherton, William B. Fletcher, Samuel J. Harris, George W. Harris, Ward S. . Wright, Fred E. . GILL. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Abbott, John L. . Adams, Elliot Allen, Nathaniel E. Andrews, Albert C. Andrews, Horatio N. Barry, Michael Bickford, John F. Bloomfield, William Bower, George W. Bray, Samuel B. . Brazier, Ebenezer A. Burke, Martin V. Burnliam, Jolin G. Burnham, Leonard Burnham, Mark F. Calder, Humphrey M. Carr, John Clancey, James E. *Clark, Samuel L. . Clements, Edgar B. Conant, Thomas . Cook, Benj. F. . Cross, Wm. H. . Cunningham, Rufus Currier, Sidney Davis, Francis Davis, Oliver Davis, William H. H. Day, Leonard G. . Dennis, William P. DeVires, Henry H. Dexter, James H. Dolliver, Edward . GLOUCESTER. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "New Hamp- shire." Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Canandaigua." Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Great Western," "Mist," "Argosy." Co. M, 3d Mass, Cav. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Constellation." 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A.; Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Sumter," "Wabash." Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf.; 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 32d ISIass. Inf. Co. G, Sth Mass. Inf. 134 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Elwell, Austin D. Favor, Daniel M. Flaherty, Edward Foster, John C. Friend, George H. Friend, Lemuel Gleason, Edward Gordon, Edwin F. Green, Joseph Griffin, Thaddeus Hall, Andrew J. Harrison, Henry P. Hazel, Edwin Hickman, George J. Hodgkins, Daniel G. Hodgkins, John P. Hooper, Dennison Hutchings, Sidney Jeffs, William H. . Jordan, WilUam H. Lane, Arthur F. . Lane, Edward H. Lathrop, Myron . Low, David W. Lufkin, Francis H. Lunt, William Marchant, James W. Marchant, Lorenzo D. Marston, Wilham H. McCormick, Wilham McDonald, Daniel McEachen, John . Moore, Joseph A. Morgan, George B. Murphy, Byron W. Nichols, James P. Parkliurst, George Parkinhear, Leander Parsons, Jos. M. . Parsons, Nathaniel B, Parsons, Rufus Parsons, Sidney Payson, Benj. F. Pool, Thomas S. Pulsifer, Daniel Pulsifer, George H. Reed, George A. Reed, John C. Rice, Stillman GLOUCESTER — Continued. . Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Osceola," "Cherokee." . U. S. N. ships "Mahaska," "Savannah," "Chicopee," "luka." . 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Fernandina," "Clifton," "North Car- olina." . U. S. N. ship "South Carolina." . Co. C, 9th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Relief," "Jamestown." . Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Chocura." . U. S. N. ship "Minnesota;" Co. H, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 12th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Pensacola." . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 56th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 27th 111. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Princeton;" Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. . 12th Batty. Mass. L. A.; U. S. N. ship "Agawam." . Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 97th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. . Unass. 1st Me. H. A. Commissary Dept. 11th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf. . Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. ; 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 24th Me. Inf. . Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 27th Conn. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 135 Rich, Sargent S. . Richards, George C Riggs, Joshua M. Robinson, Allen B Ross, Edward S. Rowe, Charles Rowe, George Rowe, Solomon Sawyer, George W, Seavey, Josiah T. Shepherd, Joseph C. Spaulding, Austin A Sprague, Nathaniel Stuart, Joshua E. Sweet, William Swett, Henry A. . Sylvester, Sidney S. Tarr, Addison W. Tarr, Benjamin Thomas, William H. H Venance, George . Venance, John K. Williams, Martin J. Wilson, Charles Winchester, Edward G Winning, George F. Wonson, Joseph W. Wonson, William N. Younger, WilUam H, GLOUCESTER — Concluded. . Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 45th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Keystone State." . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "South Car- olina." . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. . 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Batty. Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d Colo. Cav. . Co. G, 3d Colo. Cav. . Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 10th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Princeton," "Gen. Putnam," "North Carolina." . Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Breen, Alfred Hiclanan, Joshua. "Paige, Orra . Robinson, David. Robinson, Wm. L. Smith, Geo. H. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Bissell, John H. . Gardner, George B. Manning, Augustus A. GOSHEN. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 14th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. Beatty, John GOSNOLD. Co. D, 28th N. Y. Inf. 136 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Batchelder, Charles M Berry, Patrick Brooks, John Brown, George W. Bullard, WilHam H. Collins, Eli . Davis, Augustus E. Dearborn, George A. Donovan, William C. Estabrook, Edward A. Everett, Albert Fletcher, William C. Gibson, Benj. F. . Goddard, Perley . Hallett, Daniel B. Hanley, John Howe, Edwin A. . Huckins, Francis E. Larunther, Moses Leland, Samuel E. Merrill, Isaiah S. . Mills, Franklm L. Murray, Joseph H. Newton, George M. Newton, George R. Pratt, Richard K. Rhodes, Rufus K. Schofield, James . Sherry, William . Thurston, John C. Wallace, John A. . WiUiams, William H, Wood, Samuel H. GRAFTON. Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Connecticut," "Ohio," "Commodore Morris." Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 11th Wis. Inf. Co. H, 15th R. I. Inf. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." Co. F, 1st Battb. H. A. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 119th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 1st Batoln. Mass. H. A. Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 18th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Min- nesota." Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, nth and 15th Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." Additional Name. Brewer, Thomas H. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Barnes, Dexter R. Bryant, Clark R. . Cook, Alexander P. Fletcher, Charles W. Gleason, Lewis W. O'Regan, William GRANBY. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 10th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 137 Cooley, Samuel M. Degano, Antonio . Hartley, Edwin L. Roberts, Stephen S. White, Thomas J. GRANVILLE, Co. C, Sth Conn. Inf. Co. A, 39th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 7th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. D, 9th la. Cav. Additional Names. Brown, George W. Ripley, Henry M. Territt, Charles W. Andrews, George A. Bentley, Charles H. Billings, Stephen H. Bimce, Edwin Carto, Eleazer Deland, Frederick N. Gillette, John M. . Hefferman, James Higgins, John Hubbard, Edwin M. Hunt, AKred J. Johnson, Hugh M. Lawrence, Adelbert D, Leary, Timothy D. Leonard, William A. Lewis, Miles K. . McCurdy, Robert F. McGowan, James Moseley, Louis Moulton, Charles E. Nason, Robert Oakes, Norman D. O'Neil, Hugh Parker, James K. Proper, John P. . Read, George H. . RejTiolds, WiUiam A. Strevell, Harvey . Syra, Francis R. . *Tubbs, John . Turner, Frank S. . GREAT BARRINGTON. . Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 16th N. Y. Cav. . Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 2d N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 43d Wis. Inf. . Co. K, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 21st N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 3d N. Y. H. A. . Co. G, Sth Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 150th N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, lo6th lU. Inf. . Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. C, 12th N. Y. Cav. . Co. D, 13th N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 128th N. Y. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Pocahontas." . Co. I, 84th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 44th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 159th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 28th Conn. Inf. Additional Names. Ball, Horace. Joyner, Herbert C. Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. 138 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Bolton, Henry C. BuUard, Mark Bumham, Frederick L. Carbee, John F. . Carroll, John C. . Chapman, James M. Clark, J. Solon Class, Christian . Cook, Lafayette . Corbett, John N. . Davenport, George H. Dunklee, Charles . Fellows, Marvin S. Hamilton, Darwin F. Holden, Dwight D. Horton, James A. Hosmer, Francis J. Hosmer, Phineas P. Hunt, Albert L. . Johnson, George F. Jones, William B. Lougee, George C. Martin, WilUam . Moulton, Ansel A. Munson, Henry C. Murphy, David H. Newton, Allen Newton, Solomon D. O'Hara, Richard . Parsons, Charles G. Payne, Henry B. . Pervere, William J. Phillips, Moses B. Pierce, Geo. . Pliunley, John Pond, Aaron . Randall, Francis V. Reed, Clarke Robbins, Charles H. Ryther, Charles W. Sears, John R. Sears, Michael S. . Simpson, Hial B. . Smith, Charles L. Snow, David W. . Stowe, Henry J, . Thayer, Edwin F. WiUiams, Martin V. B WilUams, Titus D. Wright, Albert A. GREENFIELD. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 26th Me. Inf. Co. K, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. I, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 10th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 4th Vt. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. C, llthU. S. L. A. Co. D, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. E, nth Vt. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 17th Vt. Inf.; Co. F, 13th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. E, nth Vt. Inf. Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 17th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. 2d and 6th Battys. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 139 GREENFIELD — Concluded. Additional Names. Carey, Robert A. Corless, Thomas. Guilford, Murray J. Johnson, Lewis L. Kilboum, Washington H. Long, James R. Phillips, Arthur C. Rawson, Isaac. Sessions, William. Shea, Joseph. Smith, David L Wells, Henry. Woodward, Elbridge D. Alden, William T. *Beals, Leroy C. Beals, Nathan A. . * Brown, Henry M. Chapman, Trelawney C Clark, James T. . Clifford, Albert P. Jones, Ira L. . Pomeroy, Arthur H. Ramsdell, John M. Stockwell, Simon M. Stone, James M. . Upton, Lewis I. Vaughn, Martin E. Wheeler, George W. Wyman, Hiram A. GREENWICH. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 98th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 142d N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. Berry, Charles H. Condon, John *Erving, Randall M. Gilson, Thomas Gilson, Warren Green, Samuel A. Higley, Edwin H. Mason, Frank McKean, Samuel T. Palmer, Moses P. Souther, Warner H. GROTON. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Lunt, WiUiam N. 140 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Abbott, Daniel B. Anderson, George E. Bailey, Horace N. Brown, Eugene C. Brown, Joseph R. Carleton, Phineas B. Carlton, Alvin B. Dooley, Michael . Downes, Samuel H. Farrington, Calvin C. Farrington, Joseph A. George, Thomas C. George, WilHam T. Hardy, Albert L. . Hardy, Mancyl C. Herring, James Hopkinson, Melvin Hopkinson, Wendell Ladd, Nathaniel E. Lane, Abbot L. Martin, John W. . Parker, Charles S. Pollard, Alexander Putnam, George F. Stacy, Albert C. . Walsh, James S. . Woodbury, Louis A. GROVEL AND. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. K, 13th Mich. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf. ; Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf.; 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 17th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Santee," "San Jacinto," "Oneida." Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d U. S. Inf.; 14th Mass. Batty. L. A. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 55th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Bermuda," "Sabine." Co. I, nth Vt. Inf. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf.; 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 16th N. H. Inf. Additional Name. Ahurn, William J. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Cook, Samuel P. . Crafts, George M. Hawkes, WilUam S. Johnson, Edward . Kentfield, Frederick B Russell, Henry J. . Russell, Horace C. West, Louis W. Wheeler, Frank P. HADLEY. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 34th 111. Inf. Co. H, 14th Kansas Cav. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 132d Penn. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Blake, Daniel P. . Bourne, Sylvanus Harlow, Thomas F. Whitney, Charles T. HALIFAX. Co. B, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 141 Barker, Edwin B. Bridges, Richard A. Da\ds, Warren P. Day, Isaac F. Frederick, Edward Moore, Gideon B. O'Flaherty, Dennis Shaller, Frederick C. Thompson, Charles H. Whipple, Samuel A. F, WTiite, George W. Woodbury, John L. HAMILTON. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 14th Mass. H. A. 2d Corps Cadets, Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Me. Inf.; Co. I, 4th Me. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 69th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 3d Cal. Inf. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Morgan, James W. Deane, Henry A. . Edmonds, Francis Hitchcock, Edward N. Moore, Frank Noble, Alonzo Pease, Mortimer . Wiggins, Orville A. Woodruff, Barnard W. HAMPDEN. Co. A. 52d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. H, nth Vt. Inf. Co. E, 10th Conn. Inf. Additional Name. Merrill, Amos B. . Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. Bailey, William H. *Boesse, Edward D. Grant, Alexander A. Wells, Charles H. HANCOCK. Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. Alger, Frank . Bailey, Melzar C. Bishop, Isaac M. . Bormey, Morton V. Buffum, Samuel F. Burbank, Luke P. Crocker, Charles . Curtis, George M. Daley, Thomas Greene, Patrick . Hurley, Patrick HANOVER. Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 25th Me. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 5Sth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. 142 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Josselyn, Lewis Lantz, David J. . Mann, Everett N. McDonald, William H Merritt, Phineas . Packard, Alpheus Pratt, Galen E. . Rae, William E. . Reed, Seth Richardson, George S. Russell, Lyman P. Russell, Marcus P. Smith, Albert T. . Sturtevant, Peleg S. Sturtevant, Rufus M. Town, Horace Warner, James W. Waterman, Rudolphus Welch, Patrick . Whiting, Oren T. . Whitmarsh, Samuel Winsor, James H. HANOVER — Concluded. , Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. E, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Wabash," "North Carolina," "Huron." Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. L, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Barrows, Alfred W. Beal, Gibson . Blount, Charles H, Bonney, Otis L. . Bourne, Isaac Briggs, Seth Miller Calder, Robert, Jr. Clark, Thomas G. demons, Joseph W. Dame, Albert L. . Damon, Albert Dyer, Charles F. . Fisher, Frederick . HiU, Nahum S. . Hood, William W. Howard, Willard . Howland, Nathaniel T Hudson, Henry P. Moore, Charles G. Pratt, Edwin W. . Scates, John . Smith, George Stebbins, John Sulham, Jacob B. Young, Fred . HANSON. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ships "Monongahela," "Fear Not," "Carra- basset," "Augusta Dinsmore." Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Huron," "Princeton." 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 12th N. H. Inf. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 143 Additional Names. Hewins, Marcus H. Sampson, Augustus M. HANSON — Concluded. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Freese, William L. Richardson, Alfred H. ''Sibley, Barbier J. "Thayer, Andrew J. HARDWICK. Co. B, 20th Me. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Barnes, Warren J. Davis, A. E. Norris, Patrick U. S. N. Cameron, Louis . Cleaves, John H. . Lovering, James P. Perry, Charles C. Preston, John S. . HARVARD. Co. A, 11th Vt. H. A. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st N. H. Cav. Andrews, Asa L. . Chase, Alonzo F. . Chase, William W. Cummings, Ralph Doane, James B. . Freeman, Gideon H. Gibbs, Henry F. . Gorham, Henrj' Q. Johnson, Benjamin Jones, Asa L. Matthews, Nathaniel C Morse, Curtis Robbins, Gustavus C. Rogers, Ensign Ryder, David P. . Small, Thomas E. Thain, Eugene N. . Tripp, Francis M. Underwood, Nathan C Wi.xon, Seth P. . HARWICH. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. E, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "Princess Royal," "Bermuda," "Princeton." U. S. N. ships "Maumee," "Gettysburg." U. S. N. ships "Baron de Kalb," "Benton," "Ohio." Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Me. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th R. I. Inf. Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 72d 111. Inf. Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. 144 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Crafts, Charles R. Howard, J. Hervey Kingsley, Seth W. Morton, Charles K, Pease, Levi L. Shattuck, Charles S. Wells, Daniel W. . HATFIELD. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Abbott, Ira A. Allen, George L. . Ames, Wallace Babb, Herbert L. Bailey, Edwin Banks, Joseph G. Basset, Charles Batchelder, Arthur N. Bean, George W. . Bell, WiUiam Bemis, George N. Blaisdell, Samuel A. Blake, Henry T. . Bly, Ezra G. . Bly, Woodbury C. Bonython, John Bowden, Charles W. Bowdoin, James W^. Bowman, Thomas Boynton, Walter S. Bradley, Frank S. Bradford, Amos C. Brewster, Gilman F. Brickett, Albert C. Brown, James R. . Bryant, John C. . Burnham, Charles Burnham, Edward Burns, William Butters, Charles, 2d Butts, Edward F. Campbell, John B. Casey, Daniel Caswell, Albert A. Caswell, Augustus B. Cate, Charles E. Chard, John H. Chase, Ehjah C. Chase, James E. HAVERHILL. Co. C, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 9th Me. Inf. Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 30th Me. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 12th N. H. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. K, 3d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Lancaster." Co. E, 1st Me. Coast Guards. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 9th N. H. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Fort Henry." Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. K, nth N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Essex," "Rhode Island." Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Me. Inf.; Co. H, 25th Me. Inf. Co. H, 25th Me. Inf. Co. I, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Colorado;" Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 24th Me. Inf.; Co. A, 16th Me. Inf. Co. E, 19th Me. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, llthN. H.Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Ohio." Co. A, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. H.'A. National Guard, N. H. Inf. Co. K, 14th N. H. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR, 145 Chase, Thomas M. Cheney, Richard R. N Christian, Wilham M. Coates, John H. . Cogswell, John C. Colburn, Josiah H. Colby, James W. . Colloten, Peter J. Conant, Charles E. Cooper, Albert W. Copp, Charles F. . Cox, Charles H. . Daggett, Benjamin F. Davis, Joseph A. . Day, John A. Dias, Robert Dillenback, Henry G. Dodge, George S. Dodge, John A. Dodge, Orin T. Dole, Greenleaf N Dole, Moses . Dow, Frank A. Downes, John Dresser, William M, Eames, George T. Earl, Joseph M. . Eaton, John G. Eaton, Otis S. Emerson, Albert . Estes, William P. Evans, Charles M. Evans, John W. . Farnsworth, Sylvester Felker, Jeremiah S. Finley, John W. . Fitts, Henry T. . Fitzgerald, Patrick S. Flanders, Charles E. Fogg, George F. . Folsom, D. Warren Ford, John F. Ford, Noah P. Ford, Walter French, Edmmid P. French, Samuel C. Frost, George B. . Frost, Lorenzo Frothingham, Edward Gay, George E. George, Daniel G. G. HAVERHILL — Continued. , Co. C, 14th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 23d U. S. Col. Inf. . Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. C, 40th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 8th N. H. Inf. . U. S. Eng. Corps. . Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 28th Me. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Me. Cav. . 6th Batty. Me. L. A. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 11th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th N. H. Inf. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. . Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. I, nth Mass. Inf. . U.S.N. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 12th N. H. Inf. . Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf.; 3d Mass. Batty. L. A. . Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Bibb." . Co; D, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. M, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. K, nth N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Agawam;" Co. A, 13th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 1st R. I. Cav. . Co. K, 12th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, nth Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 15th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 7th N. Y. H. A. . Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. 146 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. HAVERHILL — Continued. George, Henry B. . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. Germain, John B. . . Co. D, 7th N. H. Inf. Gill, Austin J. . Co. F, 13th Mass. Inf. Gill, John . . Co. A, 14th U. S. Inf. Gilman, Rufus L. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Godkin, Stephen F. . Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. Goodrich, Hazen B. . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. Goodrich, Walter . . Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf.' Goodwin, John H. . 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. Grant, Famham P. . Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. Gray, James R. . . Co. C, 6th N. H. Inf.; Co. E, 1st N. H. Inf. Greene, John P. . . Co. A, 1st N. H. L. A. Haines, John C. . . Co. K, 12th Me. Inf. Hall, David . . Co. I, 5th N. H. Inf. Hall, Edwin F. . . Co. I, 3d N. H. Inf. Hall, Hendrick . Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. Hamilton, Edward W. . Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Hammond, Daniel W. . Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf. Harriman, Ira F. . . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. Harris, Joseph K. . Co. C, 7th N. H. Inf. Haynes, Jackson . . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. Hill, George H. . . Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. Hines, Lorenzo B. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Hitchcock, Henry A. . Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Hobbs, John D. . . Co. B, 4th N. H. Inf. Holbrook, Leroy A. . Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Holden, John L. . . Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. Holt, Augustus P. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Hoyt, Benjamin E. . Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf. Hoyt, George C. . . Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Hubbard, Oliver S. . Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf. Hunkins, Warren C. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. Hurd, Ira . Co. H, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. Hum, John A. . Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Sabine, •''Niagara." 5) Huse, George I. . . Co. I, 11th N. H. Inf. Hutchinson, Arthur . Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf. Jellison, Benjamin H. . Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Jenkins, Benjamin A. . Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Jenkins, William . . 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Jensen, Carl F. . Co. B, 61st N. Y. Inf. Johnson, Hiram Z. . Co. B, 91st N. Y. Inf. Johnson, William H. . . Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Jones, David D. . . Co. G, 14th Vt. Inf. Jones, Martin V. B. . Co. E, Sth N. H. Inf. Jones, Samuel W. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Jordan, Richard 0. . Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. Kelley, Charles 0. . Co. H, 18th N. H. Inf. Kimball, John C. . . Co. E, nth N. H. Inf. Ladd, Charles . Co. C, 31st Me. Inf. LaGacey, Louis . . Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 147 Lamb, Marshall . Langley, Moses B. Lapham, John E. Larkin, William F. Lewis, George H, . Lucas, Smith W. . Lufkin, Elbridge . Lufkin, Stephen W. Lufler, Frederick J. Lunt, Joseph W. . Major, George Makin, Thomas J. Maley, John . Marcoux, Joseph . McDuffie, George H. McEnnaney, Patrick McLaughlin, Frank Melvin, George Merrick, Edward . Merrill, Charles A. Merrill, Walter Metcalf, Edward D. Miller, William K. Mills, WiUiam W. Monroe, Julius Moore, Charles E. Moore, Lewis D. . Morrill, George W. Morrison, Augustus G, Morse, Herman F. Morse, James E, . Morse, Walter S. . Moulton, James N. Nason, George W. Newell, Albert M. Newman, Randell P. Nicholas, Osa D. . Noyes, George W. Osgood, Jacob Packard, Charles A. Page, Walter Scott Paige, George A. . Paris, Orlando S. . Parker, Oilman P. Parquette, Henry Peabody, Charles E. Pearson, James M. Perkins, Hamilton L. Perkins, John H, . Perkins, Walter G. HAVERHILL — Continued. . Co. A, 1st U. S. Cav. . Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. I, 32d Me. Inf. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. L, 15th N. Y. Eng. . . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th N. Y. Cav. . Co. E, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 6th V. R. C. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship ''Constellation." . Co. K, 15th Conn. Inf. . . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A.; Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. H, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Monitor," "Montauk." Co. B, 5th Me. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th N. H. H. A. Co. E, 23d Me. Inf.; Co. A, 29th Me. Inf. Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Me. Inf.; Co. E, 31st Me. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Santee," "Sassacus," "Newbem," "Nereus." Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 2d Me. Cav. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 59th Mass. Inf. 148 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Perley, John . Peva, Wm. H. Philbrick, Isaac H. Phillips, Charles . Pillsbury, Frank M. Pillsbury, Richmond L Pingree, John H. . Pinkham, Warren F. Poor, Albion L. Powers, Edward L, Preble, Charles E. Pressey, A. G. Questeed, James K. Quimby, John W. Quimby, William H. Randall, Henry S. Ray, Albert F. Ray, John W. Richardson, Henry C. Richerson, Nicholas H Ricker, Enoch H. Ricker, Frederick L. Roberts, Nelson 0. Robinson, George E. Rollins, Charles L. Rowley, Thomas F. Russ, Frank H. RusseU, WilHam P. Sanborn, Charles A. Sargent, Amos B. Sargent, Benjamin A. Sargent, Charles W. Sargent, WiUiam . Savage, Edward B. Sawyer, Benjamin A. Sawyer, Ira 0. Schagen, Albert D. Schagen, Ross H. Shannon, Frank . Shedd, Daniel F. . Shute, Benjamin R. Shute, Charles J. . - Smith, Adam B. . Smith, Charles H. Smith, Herbert H. Smith, James M. . Spencer, James B. Spinney, Augustus Splaine, Henry Spofford, Daniel H. HAVERHILL — Continued. . Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st N. H. Inf. . Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 15th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Me. Inf. . 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A.; Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 29th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Wabash," "Verona;" Co. A, 1st N. H, Inf. . Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. . 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Lexington." . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "VandaUa," "Roebuck." . Co. C, 7th N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 13th N. H. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Powhatan." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Iosco." . Co. F, 1st N. H. Cav. . Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 5th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "VandaUa." . Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 149 Stevens, Frank T. Stevens, Oscar F. Stevens, Robert W. Stewart, Charles H. Stewart, James H. Stockbridge, Lindley H Stockwell, John H. Stone, Charles H. Stover, Alcot Stover, Joshua Stover, Martin L. Sturgis, Charles E, Sturtevant, Henry B. Sweatt, Greenleaf Sylvester, Alonzo S. Tappan, Alonzo . Taylor, George W. Thompson, Joseph H. Tidd, George A. . Titcomb, John E. Towne, Charles A. Tucker, Frank E. Wallace, David J. Wason, Elbridge . Webster, John P. . Weeks, WilUam S. White, Nathaniel . Whiting, Daniel B. Whitman, Frank M. Whitman, George G. Whitney, Leonard F. Whittier, Henry . Wildes, Eben J. . Willey, Edwin S. . Williams, Charles W. WiUiams, John H. Wilson, Bartlett N. Wilson, Henry S. . Worster, Charles H. Wright, Edwin S. Young, Andrew J. HAVERHILL — Continued. . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Colorado." . Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 26th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 2dN. H. Inf.;Co. A, 8thN. H. Inf. . Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. M, 1st Vt. H. A. . Co. H, 6th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. , Co. A, 11th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 88th lU. Inf. . Co. B, 8th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Wissahickon," "Nahant." . U.S.N, ship "Rhode Island." . Co. B, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 19th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 137th Ohio Inf. . Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 22d Me. Inf. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. D, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Me. Inf. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 18th N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. C, 9th N. H. Inf.; Co. L, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. H, 1st N. H. H. A. Additional Names. Bailey, Ryland F. Bly, Woodbury A. Bray, John N. Bruce, Charles J. Chase, James L. Clapp, Charles H. Dadman, Leander Co. K, 3d N. H. Inf. 12th Batty. :Mass. L. A. 150 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Dwinnells, George A. Flanders, Chas. H. Fletcher, James H. Hazen, John B. Heath, George W. Hecknian, David . Hill, Andrew J. How, Chas. H. Hoyt, David W. . Hunt, Ira Hurd, Luther F. . Langley, George E. Levis, Simon Melvin, George. Merrill, Augustus C. MiUer, WiUiam K. Moore, George F. Nelson, Benjamin S. Noyes, Edwin C. . Packard, Charles D. Pierce, Darius Pulsifer, Ezekiel. Reed, John B. Richardson, Henry C. Schuman, Herman. Seaver, William Shannon, Frederick P. Snell, John C. Stockbridge, Calvin B. Swett, PhiUip C. . Wilson, Daniel J. Hunt, Lucius Scott, Thaxter Taylor, Onslow White, David D. . Additional Name. Dean, Albert F. *Barnes, Reuben M. Beaudry, Charles . Estee, Lysander D. Thompson, Visenlio D. Adams, George M. Barnes, John 0. . HAVERHILL — Concluded. . Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav, Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Com. Sergt. 2d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 1st Wis. Cav. Co. N, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. HAWLEY. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. HEATH. Unassigned 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. HINGHAM. Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 151 Bates, James L. . Bates, Lorenzo Beale, Arthur Blair, Fred C. Bosworth, Leonard Bouve, Edward T. Churchill, Moses R. Clark, Andrew J. . Cushing, Loring H. Cushing, Samuel A. Douglass, George A. Fearing, George W. Folsom, Gilman . Gardner, George B. Gould, WiUiam K. Griggs, Augustus R. Hersey, William H. Howe, Thomas Ladd, Fred L. Lane, Morallus Lincoln, Alfred A. Litchfield, Francis H. Litchfield, Galen C. Lord, William H. . Macomber, Albert M. Morse, Joshua Murch, Augustus S. O'Hara, Jeremiah G. Pierce, John W. . Rider, John Rogers, Aaron C. . Roulder, William W. Sprague, Seth M. Stephenson, Luther Stevenson, Ezra T. Stoddar, John H. . Viniag, William A. Wilder, Ezra HINGHAM — Concluded. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . U. S .N. ships " Ohio," " WiUiam G. Anderson," " Selma." . Co. A, 32d Me. Inf. . Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. C, 4th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Potomac," "Rich- mond." . Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Aries." . Co. E, 194th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 42d Mass, Inf. . Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . N. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. , Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. , Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 31st Me. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. . Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 15th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Bouldry, WiUiam W. . Goodman, Isaac F. Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. *Ascha, Charles G. Clogher, Peter A. Forward, John Frear, WiUiam D. HINSDALE. Co. K, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 15th Ind. Inf. U. S. Marine Corps. Co. E, 16th N. Y. H. A. 152 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Tobin, David Value, Peter . Watkins, George M. Wood, George G, . Austin, George H. Bates, Oscar W. . Bigelow, Frederick N. Bradley, Henry Branley, Martin . *Bugbee, Albert B. Bunker, Henry L. Charles, Otis F. . DeCoster, Cyrus . Gordon, James S. Hanson, Sylvester Haywood, Henry W. Hill, Thomas J. . Hooker, Edwin B. Hunt, John E, Kent, George E. . Totman, Elmer H. Wright, Charles I. Additional Name. Dean, Otis B. Allen, James H. . Bascom, Artemas I. Boyd, George H. . Chenery, Henry C. Clark, Thaddeus S. Farrar, Charles E. Graham, George S. Hay ward, Francis D. HiU, Charles R. . HiU, William Holden, Gustavus S. Janes, Wilham B. Moore, Marcus Rogers, Emory- Sawyer, Alphonso B. Toombs, WiUiam D. Bennett, Baxter C. Bump, Albert H. . Towne, IMerritt . HINSDALE — Concluded. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 128th Ohio Inf. . Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. HOLBROOK. . Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. , Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. , U. S. N. ship "Katahdin." , Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Conn. Inf. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Me. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A.; 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. , U. S. Signal Corps. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "St. Lawrence," "Ft. Henry," "North Carohna," "Vermont." Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav. HOLDEN. Co. E, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. E, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 3d Batthi. Rifles Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Princeton." Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf ; Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps; Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. C, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. HOLLAND. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 14th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 153 Adams, Henry Andrews, Otis J. . Austin, William H. Bemis, John D. Brown, George A, Bullard, Lewis H. Chamberlain, Althaner Chapman, Isaac . Chesley, James I. Cunningham, James Edwards, Josiah A. Farley, Patrick Fiske, Joshua W. . Ford, George F. . Gardner, Edwin F. Goldsmith, James H. Goodrich, Randolph C GriflBn, Robert J. . Pay son, John M. . Perkins, Elbridge K. Perkins, William H. H Rice, Edward C. . Russell, George R. Willey, Benjamin T. Woodward, Ray B. HOLLISTON. . Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. E. . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 9th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 31st Me. Inf. . Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. A, 1st Me. Inf. . Batty. A, R. I. L. A. . Co. B, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. D, 14th N. Y. L. A. . Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf.; U. S.N. ships "Ohio," "Pawnee," "Tuscarora," "Philadelphia," "Donegal." . Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. H, 16th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Detroit," "Wabash," "Saratoga." Additional Names. Chesmore, William S. Mahoney, Michael J. Meader, Samuel C. Taber, Charles L. Wilder, Charles. Abbott, William H. Alden, Filo W. . Alderman, Eugene E. Avery, Gerrit S. . Barslow, Joseph . Bogart, Henry Bogart, Henry 0. Brooks, Jolm J. Brown, James Cain, Arthur M. . Carter, Harvey H. Cleveland, Judson A. Clough, James A. Corbett, Robert B. HOLYOKE. Co. I, 29th Ohio Inf. Co. I, 46th INIass. Inf. Co. E, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 146th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 16th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 35th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. H, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 2d Conn. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 39th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. 154 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Crosby, Harry- Davis, John A. Doran, John C. Ellsworth, Howard Flanders, Charles H. Fraser, Joshua H, Fuller, Rmaldine . Gage, James . Gallagher, Patrick Gilligan, Peter J. . Green, Patrick C, Hay, Alden M. . Hayes, Charles G. Hodge, James L. . House, William A. Hudson, Charles . KaUoch, Samuel . Kelliher, John Kennedy, Michael Keyes, William Lamb, WUburF. . Lamoine, John Linnehan, Jeremiah J. Loring, Albert Loveriag, John D. Mahaffy, David . Mattice, Ira G. Mayo, Charles E, Morrison, Ira Nickerson, Ruel R. O'Connor, James . O'Flaherty, Patrick Pelott, Leander Perkins, George . Pier, Orris B. Prentiss, Robert T. Ray, Samuel C. . Rider, Claudius Ryan, Tiaiothy J. Savagean, Henry . Smith, John H. Smith, Terrance . Stapleton, John F. Stratton, John H. Tennant, Henry C. Tower, Charles H. Valdron, Joseph F. Walsh, Edward J. Ward, Charles HOLYOKE — Continued. . Co. K, 17th Me. Inf. , Co. A, 94th N. Y. Inf. , Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. , Co. F, 106th N. Y. Inf. , Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. , Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf. , Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf. , Co. B, 7th Conn. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Gazelle." , Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. , Co. B, 4th N. Y. H. A. , Co. F, 1st Conn. Cav. , Co. C, 25th Conn. Inf. , Co. A, 7th Conn. Inf. . Co. H, 1st N. Y. Cav. . Co. A, 3d Me. L. A. . Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 10th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Penn. Inf.; 'U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Nereus," "Powhatan," "Mahaska." . Co. B, 13th Me. Inf. . 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 16th N. Y. H. A. . Co. K, 30th Me. Inf.; Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 22d N. J. Inf. . Co. K, 7th N. Y. H. A. . Co. D, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 103d N. Y. Inf. . 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. K, 6th Vt. Inf. . Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. . Co. C, 110th N. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Conn. H. A. . Co. C, 12th U. S. Cav. . Co. I, 14th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d N. Y. Cav. . Unass. 22d N. Y. Cav. . Co. I, 6th Conn. Inf. . Co. C, 12th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 46th Va. Inf. . Co. E, 9th R. I. Inf. . U. S. N. Miss. Squadron. . Co. A, 22d Me. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 155 Welch, Edward D. Wentworth, John H. Whitmore, James B. Whittaker, George E. Wiley, Nelson H. . Willey, Albert Wolohan, Michael W. Young, Daniel W. HOLYOKE — Concluded. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. C, 2d Me. Inf. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf.; 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Marblehead." Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. I, 57th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Batchelder, Frederick. Brigham, Elisha N. Cahalan, James. Connor, Francis. Fales, Samuel V. . Gifford, Stephen E. Lynds, George H. McCarthy, John D. McDonald, Richard. O'Hara, Peter. Raymond, Theophile. Short, James. Streeter, Philander A. . Washburne, Luzerne E. Arrand, Charles W. Bennett, William . Birch, Wm. Henry Draper, James D. Hall, Emory U. . *Hooker, Wm. H. . Marshall, Edward P. Scates, Charles E. Smith, Fred E. . Steams, Wm. D. . WTieelock, Edwm M. Wilhams, George H. Co. C, 4th Me. Inf. Co. B, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 2d Vt. Inf. HOPEDALE. Co. I, 30th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 25th Conn. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 77th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, nth N. H. Inf. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf. Adams, Henry Armstrong, James Bailey, Jonathan . Brown, Ethan S. . Brown, Thomas . Buck, Edmond P. Chickering, William H. Clark, Joseph H. . HOPKINTON. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st U. S. L. A.; Co. A, 14th U. S. Inf.; Co. D, 5th U. S. Inf.; Co. K, 15th U. S. L. A. Co. E, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. E, 3d Md. Inf. Co. C, 1st Me. Cav. Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Vt. Inf. 156 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Dailey, George E. Danahy, Michael F. Deming, Rothens Foss, Alonzo 0. Gassett, Ira H. Hopkins, Rufus H Hughes, William B Jones, Alanson Kelly, John P. Latham, Steven V Laws, William H. H. Lord, George W. Lyons, William M Maher, Edward Morrill, Oscar Mullen, Daniel Newton, Edwin A Phipps, Horace Rockwood, Henry M. Sanger, Henry Smith, Gideon H Smith, James Smith, OUver Smith, Samuel A. Stiles, Charles H. Stratton, Alvin W. Sweet, Martin V. . Sweet, Nathaniel . Temple, Everett E. Warren, Daniel S. Whitney, Joseph J. Whitney, Sidney H. HOPKINTON — Concluded. . Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 2d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Nipsic," "Mahaska." . U. S. N. ships "Niagara," "Savannah." . Co. A, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 14th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Henry Brinker." . Co. C, 6th Me. Inf. . 11th Batty. N. Y. L. A. . 1st Batty. N. J. L. A. . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 6th Oliio Inf. . Co. I, 8th Me. Inf. . Unass. 18th Me. H. A. . Co. K, 131st N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 5th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 1st R. I. Cav.; Co. B, 1st N. H. Cav. . U. S. Signal Corps. . Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. ; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. ; U. S. N. ship "Niagara." . Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. Additional Names. Chickering, Wilfred C. Kemp, Ezekiel. Allen, Charles G. . Chapman, Loring B. Coffin, E. Moulton Collins, John K. . Columbus, Louis G. Emerson, Moses C. Hale, Seth P. B. . Nelson, Ole . Robbins, James M. Shaffer, Jacob Stowe, Charles E. HUBBARDSTON. Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. I, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. K, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 157 Wells, George S. White, Charles L. HUBBARDSTON — Concluded. . Co. A, 4th Conn. Inf. . Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Mead, Samuel D. Powers, Martin K. Ward, Walter B. *Bailey, Milton T. Bean, Hiram P. Brigham, Charles G. BrowTi, Frank E. . Coolidge, Rufus Y. Curtis, William H. Dolan, John F. *Duley, Wihnot W. Eagan, John Grant, Eh] ah S. . Haynes, Samuel M. Hemenway, Lorenzo F Holt, Stevens A. . Howard, Henry W. Howe, Rufus Jones, Philip . Lewis, Joseph H. . Lewis, Russell B. . Mentzer, William A. Mossman, Adelbert M. Ordway, William D. Osgood, Wm. L. . Pettengill, Joel M. Pierce, William D. Powers, Amos P. . Rich, Charles S. . Rogers, Terrence . Rose, Daniel D. . Rowe, George Sampson, Sidney W. Sargent, Ephraim H. Sawyer, Oliver B. Tower, Herman C, Trow, Thomas F. Walcott, Lorenzo 0. W'arner, Philip A. Watkins, Henry J. Wilkins, George E. *Wood, Edwin D.' . HUDSON. Co. D, 143d Penn. Inf. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Ino." Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Macedonian," "Kanawha," "Estrella," "Termessee," "William G. Anderson." Co. F, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Me. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 37th N. J. Inf. Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 39th Wis. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d N. H. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. 158 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Wright, Albert A. Young, Alvin A. . HUDSON — Concluded. Co. I, 5tli Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th N. H. Inf. Additional Name. Burroughs, Charles H. Augusta, George T. Damon, Lincoln T. Groce, Leander W. Sampson, Horace E. Sirovich, Louis G. Sturgis, Smith F. . HULL. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. Art. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Vt. Inf. Additional Name. Smith, Andrew J. Bigelow, Henry J. Brackett, George W. Fox, Lucius G. Fuller, Alfred D. . Ives, Henry A. *Madrid, Lafayette Pease, Edward Stanton, Henry E. HUNTINGTON. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 5th U. S. L. A. Co. K, 117th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 1st Conn. H. A.; Co. E, 2d U. S. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Bamford, Charles W. Barker, George T, BeU, Charles H. . BojTiton, Warren Brockelbank, Louis A. Bumham, Nathaniel Butler, Alonzo Campbell, Charles A. Chaplin, WiUiam A. Clarke, Philip E. . Denningham, William Dunnels, Henry F. Fowler, John J. Garland, Albert S. Grant, George F. . Grose, Edgar F. . HiUs, Albert P. . Howe, Theodore C» Hull, James H. Kinsman, Jacob Lord, James A. Minihan, Dennis . Mitchell, Isaac W. Nichols, Albert N. IPSWICH. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 30th Me. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 20th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mirmesota," "Agawam." Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. 11th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A.; U.S.N. Co. K, 14th N. J. Inf. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf. ' Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 19th Me. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 159 Proctor, Alton C. Ross, William P. . Russell, Edward W. Russell, John W. . Sargent, George H. Spiller, John S. Steele, David J. . Stone, Daniel W. . Stone, William L. Tenney, Albert Thomas, Eben L. Waite, Luther Wall, Henry H. . Willard, Ira P. . IPSWICH — Concluded. . Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf. . . Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 2d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Potomska." . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Saratoga." . nth Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Additional Names. Andrews, Jolm J. . Gay, George E. Co. E, 19th Mass. Inf. Bagwell, John C. . Bailey, George A. Baker, Walter Bonney, George H. Bryant, Charles E. DowTiey, James *Ford, Lemuel R. . Glover, Cyrus J. . *Graves, George A. Hall, James L. Hartin, John F. . Hill, Francis C. . Holman, William H. Lincoln, Amasa E. Mange, W^inthrop H Monks, John Norris, Thomas F. O'Brien, Patrick . Owens, George E. Palmer, Herbert B. Pearce, John H. . Phillips, George . Phinney, Otis W. Sampson, Nahum Thompson, John T. Winsor, Joshua Turner KINGSTON. Co. B, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st N. H. Cav. 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. • Co. C, 29th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Fuller, Chester H. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf. 160 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Barney, William . Bowman, John F. Bump, Benjamin W. Currier, Benjamin F Frost, George H. . Harvey, Francis A. Hornbeck, Washington Millerd, Alphonso A. Nickerson, Charles H. Sanford, George B. Savage, William H. Williams, Frank . LAKEVILLE. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Canonicus," "Santiago de Cuba." Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Md. Art. Co. L, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 64th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S: N. ship "Mound City." Co. A, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 1st U. S. Art. U. S. N. ship "Massasoit." Bliss, Henry A. Brockelman, Christoff Brown, George H. Childs, Calvin Chipman, Thomas P. B Cutler, Isaac N. . Damon, Daniel M. Farnsworth, John E. Finn, Benton V. . Gage, Martin C. . Hall, Reuben G. . Healey, Albert S. . Howe, John W. Keyes, John F. Little, Triffly Mann, Ebenezer C. McRell, Epliraim Turner, Walter S. H. Wyman, Benjamin F LANCASTER. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 132d Penn. Inf. Co. H, 10th N. Y. H. A. Co. C, 52d 111. Inf. Co. H, 2d U. S. Sharp Shooters; Co. H, 4th Vt. Inf. 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Nipsic," "Mahaska." Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Blackmer, Jabez A. Denison, Elijah G. Green, George E. . Hall, Albert . Hinckley, Edward A. Jones, Henry E. . Quinn, Frank J. . Stevens, Jolm A. . LANESBOROUGH. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d U. S. L. A. Co. A, 3d R. I. Inf. Co, I, 21st Mass. Inf.; Batty. A, 5th U. S. Art. Co. A, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 13th Iowa Inf.; U. S. N. ship "James Adger." Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 161 Atkinson, Harr}- . Atkinson, Samuel W. Bachelder, Moulton Bailey, Warren F. Baldwin, Absolom Bancroft, George . Bannester, Francis H. Barrett, Oliver Baton, William E. Beal, Melvin Beattie, William W. Bennett, George F. Bird, John Black, Portal M. . Blackmar, Andrew J. Blair, David . Boulanger, Maurice Boyle, Michael Brackett, Jolm A. Bridges, Justin S. Brown, Jesse F. Buckley, Robert . Butler, Colman Buxton, WilUam F. Carlton, Charles G. Casey, John . Charleton, George Cloom, Thomas Cogswell, Thomas M. Colburt, Edward . Colby, EdwmH. . Colopy, Michael . Cormer, Thomas . Connors, Eugene . Corliss, Deimison Coupe, Hartly Coupe, Theophilus Craigin, Jeremiah Curran, John J. Curtis, WiUiam D. Davison, Alexander Dean, Austin H. . DeBertram, George W, Dilworth, John Dineen, Patrick Donahue, Thomas Dorgan, Michael . LAWRENCE. Co. A, 17th Me. Inf. 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 40th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Vt. H. A. Co. B, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 1st R. I. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Conemaugh," "Princeton," "Mas- sachusetts." 3d Batty. Me. L. A.; Co. C, 7th Me. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. J. Cav. Co. F, 2Sth N. J. Inf. Co. D, 16th Me. Inf. U. S. N. sliips "Ohio," "South Carolina," "Brazil- ieras." Co. A, nth Me. Inf. Co. E, 6th Me. Inf. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A.; U.S.N, ship" Vincennes." Co. F, 14th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. U. S. A. Hospital Corps. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. 8th Unatt. Co. ISIass. Inf. Co. I, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. U.S.N, ship "Preble." Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. Me. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton," "Wabash." Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 12th N. Y. Cav. Co. E, 1st Me. H. A. U.S.N, ship "San Jacinto." Co. A, 1st Penn. L. A.; Sth Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Harriet Lane." 162 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Dj-er, Augustus . Eggers, Henry Elwell, John F. . EmersoD, George 0. Flynn, Henry P. . Forsythe, John Frost, Thomas P. Frye, Ira Gilbert, Albert . Gingras, Victor Goodwin, Thomas J. Granger, Arthur M. Hale, Martin Helmbrecht, Henry Hobbs, WiUiam L. Hogan, John F. . Holt, Louis G. Hopkins, William James, Joseph H. Jolmson, Charles H. Jones, Josiah N. . Lapule, Casimere . Lindsay, Thomas J. Littlefield, Charles H. Lovejoy, George E. Lovett, Joseph Lyon, Charles A. . Manahan, Ezra Manson, William E. McAlpine, William T. McFarland, Charles S. McGowan, John A. McGregor, Henry McKone, Michael McLauglilrn, John McNamee, Eli Merrill, Cleveland B. Miller, Stephen B. Morrison, James H. Morse, Hector F. . Morse, William M. Mulhare, Joseph H. Murphy, John Murphy, Michael J. Musk, Henry A. . Nicholson, Norman Osgood, Elbridge B. 0' Sullivan, Daniel Pierce, Joshua Pratt, Edgar . LAWRENCE — Continued. . Co. B, 2d N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, nth N.Y. Inf. . Co. F, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 14th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 7th R. I. Inf. . Co. K, 1st N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 23d Me. Inf. . Co. K, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 117th N. Y. Inf.; Co. D, 4Sth N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 23d Me. Inf. . Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Pawnee." . Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 50th N. Y. Eng. Corps. . Co. A, 23d Me. Inf.; Co. D, 31st Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ethan Allen." . Co. E, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North CaroUna," "Princeton," ghany," "Crusader." . Co. G, nth Md. Inf. . Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. 'AUe- SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 163 Randlett, Oran J. . Reynolds, James H. Reynolds, Nason F. Roberts, Benjamin B. Robinson, John J. Safford, Joseph H. Saunders, Caleb . Shattuck, Andrew J. Shea, Michael Smith, George W. Smith, John . Spellman, Peter . Stanley, James J. Stebbins, Charles W. *Stevens, Charles H. Stoddard, Alphonsus Sullivan, Florence Tliissell, George N. Tierney, Matthew Townsend, Milton R. Tuttle, Thaddeus . Vatter, Jacob Wainwright, Charles Wainwright, William West, Joseph P. . White, John M. . Whitmore, Bertram M Wilkie, James H. . Wood, Duncan Additional Names. Blythe, Wm. Butterick, Geo. E. Campbell, John. Carroll, Patrick. Clarity, John. Davis, Wm. Foster, Henry W. Hurley, Jolm. Jenkins, Chas. W. Keogh, Michael. Lannon, Walter. Locke, Chas. E. . ]McIntosh, Angus M. Moody, John. Mooney, Pliilip. Morgan, Jas. Parsons, Stephen C. Prince, Joseph C. Roach, Thomas. LAWRENCE — Continued. . Co. H, 12th N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 15th N. Y. Inf.; Co. E, 1st N. Y. H. A. Co. B, 12th Me. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf. 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 10th N. H. Inf. 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Fort Henry." Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st La. Cav. Co. C, 12th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. B, 37th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. D, 194th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 4th Vt. Inf.; Co. C, loth Vt. Inf.; Co. E, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 48th Mass. Inf. 164 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. LAWRENCE — Concluded. Shea, Patrick H. . Co. H, 5th N. H. Inf. Snell, Frank A. Walsh, James. Wheelock, Major C. LEE. Armstrong, Franklyn . Co. D, nth Conn. Inf. Beach, Salvador S. Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf. Cline, George Co. H, 49th Mass. Inf. Coe, Nathan . Co. G, 27th Conn. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Eaton, Wm. H. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. Fallon, Michael J. Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. Gray, Theodore J. Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. LawTence, Wm. H. Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. Le Roy, Jacob H. Co. D, 2dOhioCav.;Co. E , 2d Conn. H. A. Millard, Jolm Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. Mossman, Alexander . Co. A, 18th Conn. Inf. Sharts, James E, . Co. A, 54th Mass. Inf. Sparks, Albert C. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. *S^ift, Silas C. . . Co. E, 96thN. Y. Inf.;Co. D, 57th Mass. Inf. Videtto, Charles H. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Wilcox, Darvill M. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 3d Md. Inf. Additional Names. Griffin, Samuel E. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. McDuncan, Justin M. *Roach, Francis . Co. A, 65th N. Y. Inf. LEICESTER. Adams, Edwin N. . Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. Bisco, Henry . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Carroll, Charles . . Co. K, 12th R. I. Inf. Cherry, Peter . Co. K, 28th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. Crimmins, John P. . Co. C, 3d Batthi. Riflemen. Currier, George 0. . Co. D, 17th Me. Inf. Gibbs, Joseph . Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Grout, Braman . Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. Holbrook, Lewis P. . Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. Jordan, John Q. . . Co. D, 25th Me. Inf. Mann, George . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Marsh, Charles M. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Murray, Peter . Co. B, 24th N. H. Inf. Newton, Rufus . Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Robinson, William . Co. H, 9th Vt. Inf. Russell, Edward J. . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Tobm, Michael B. . Co. A, 8th Vt. Inf. Additional Names. Leathers, Elliott G. White, H. Arthur. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 165 Beals, Westlev L. Broderick, Michael Feeley, James M. Gilmer, John W. Hicox, George W. Knight, John N. . *Loring, George H. IVIacDonald, Edward Newton, Isaac J. . Reagan, Edward . Way, Charles T. . LENOX. Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 54th Mass. Allen, Albert W. . Ames, Thomas J. Arris, Herbert G. . Babcock, Amos R, Barber, Samuel S. Bickford, A. Henry Blodgett, Henry L. Bourne, Frank Bowers, George F. Brackett, Samuel . Bro^-n, LjTnan W. Butler, Hiram H. Capelle, Charles C. Carter, Charles F. Carter, Solon H. . Caswell, David A. Chandler, George H. Chappell, John H. Cheney, Herbert L. Clark, Albert L. . Conant, George W. Cook, Charles C. . Cook, Lucius M. . Cook, Wilham A. . Corey, Charles E. S. Damon, Charles S. Day, Joseph N. Dolan, William H. Due, Franklin ErreU, Eusebe Estabrook, Alvin E. French, Moses E. George, Harris W. George, Phny M. . Gilson, David D. . Gilson, Howard LEOMINSTER. Co. E, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 179th Va. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." Co. G, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 70th Ind. Inf. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Mus. nth Mass. Inf.; Co. D, ISth N. H. Inf. R. I. Inf. Co. E, 20th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf. Mus. 1st Mass. Inf.; 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. 166 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Graj', George H. . Greene, William W. Harrington, John N. Harris, Miland A. Heald, Alvah Holman, Alvin Holt, George F. . Houghton, Charles S. Kenney, Clesson . Lowe, James R. . Marcey, William E. Marsh, Alphonso . Marsh, Edward A. Marshall, James A. Munyon, George G. Murphy, Dominick Neilson, WiUiam . Osgood, Charles H. O'Shea, Jeremiah . Parker, Abel J. Piper, Alfred Piper, Joseph Powers, Charles Prescott, John H. Putnam, OUver J. Putney, Charles G. Redfern, William . Rugg, Jacob . Seeley, Alden A. . Shaw, Francis H. . Sinclair, George A. Small, Jolm T. . Smith, Henry R. . Spicer, Godfrey Spring, Henry N. Staples, Charles F. Swett, Newell S. . Thayer, Ferdinand C. Thomas, William W. Tuttle, Truman . Upham, Albert B. Ward, Richard W. Watson, Martin . Wilder, Edwin L. Willard, Joseph Wood, Francis A. LEOMINSTER — Continued. . Co. C, 5th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Anacosta." . Co. B, 6th N. Y. H. A. . Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. . U. S. N. sliip "Essex." . Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 55th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Albatross," "Powhatan." . U. S. N. ships "Young Rover," "Sumter," "Jacob Bell." . Co. C, 16th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Louisiana." . Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. C, 2d Mass. Cav.; Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. B, 12th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Monitor." . Co. C, 55th 111. Inf. . Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 36th Ma^s. Inf. . Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. . 2d Co. S. S. Mass. Inf. Q. W. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. ; Co. A, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. I, nth Vt. H. A. Co. A, 15th Kan. Cav.; Co. A, 3d U. S. Art. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 167 Additional Names, Burchstead, Da\'id W. Cloutman, Chas. L. Conant, Harrison C. Ellis, Geo. A. Gilbert, Peter. Greene, Aaron F. Hapgood, Luther S. Kendall, Charles. McKenney, Oliver H. Nourse, Wm. M. Rogers, Wm. W. Saimders, Henry M. Tisdale, Geo. E. . Walker, Chas. W. Field, Horace W. Glazier, Henry B. Glazier, Wm. R. Gunn, Charles S. Pierce, AKred M. Skerry, Gideon F. LEOMINSTER — Concluded. . Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, oth Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 12th Vt. Inf. Mus. 1st Mass. Inf. LEVERETT. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "James S. Chambers," "Princeton." Additional Name. Field, Charles T. . Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Bacon, David F. . Bartlett, James C. Butters, Frank V. Buttrick, Charles F. Cooke, Willard S. Dailey, Charles Dennett, George B. Foster, William B. Frost, Walter I. . Gurney, George N. Harrington, George D, Kauffman, Charles G. Kimball, George . Locke, Everett S. McDonald, Albert S. Norris, John L. Parker, Charles M. Spaulding, William Tyler, Henry H. . LEXINGTON. Co. E, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 25th Me. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 158th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. 168 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Additional Names. Bacon, Charles H. Bo\vman, Edward H. BroMTi, John H. . Burke, Thomas H. Cheeney, Perry H. Coffin, J. Coolidge. Colby, Moses Cutter, George H. Logan, Jolin M. Steele, John M. Sterling, Asa F. Mowry, Hart E. . Newcomb, Stephen C. Plum, Ezra W. Severance, Samuel S. . LEXINGTON — Concluded. . Co. F, 12th Vt. Inf. . U.S.N. . Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 12th N. H. Inf. LEYDEN. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifle. Co. I, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Eveleth, Julius E. *Smith, Jabez N. Tasker, John . LINCOLN. Co. B, 25th Me. Inf. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Brown, William H. Dow, Benjamin H. Hubbard, Sanford B. *Jewett, Sherman H. Moore, James F. . Reed, Samuel S. . Smith, Allen G. . Smith, James E. . LITTLETON. Co. E, 1st Me. H. A. Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 9th V. R. C. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Augusta," "Princeton." Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. Blake, Reuben Clark, John E. Coomes, Isaac W. *Cordis, Thomas F. Emerson, Paesiello Foss, Edward L. . Haradon, George . Hibbard, Edwin 0. Holden, Albert J. Howard, Charles M. Lapham, Thomas *Parker, Simon B. . Parker, Thomas . *Townsend, Joseph LONGMEADOW. Co. F, 1st Conn. H. A. 5th Mich. Cav. Co. I, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Conn. Inf.; Co. C, 7th Conn. Inf. 96th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3Sth Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. H, 14th R. I. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 169 Adams, Albion A. Adams, George L. Adams, Julius T. . Arnold, William A. Austin, Charles E. Austin, John . Baker, John A. Baker, Walter L. . Baldwin, John D. Barnard, Virgil Barrett, Charles H. Bartlett, Edward N. Bass, George H. . Bateman, John F. Bates, Frederick . Bean, Andrew J. . Bixby, Albert J. . Blaisdell, Charles C. Blan chard, Marion Bohonan, Carlos . Bosworth, George Boudinot, William B. Brackett, Charles E. Brady, Patrick F. Brennan, William Brock, Greenleaf . *Brown, John E. Brunnelle, Cilesten Bryant, George E. Burgess, Charles W. Butler, Frank E. . Butterfield, Lucius Cady, George L. . Callahan, Thomas Campbell, Hugh . Carr, Charles F. . *Casey, Thomas Charters, Reuben Chase, Charles E. Chase, Ezra A. Christie, James Clark, William H. Clay, Henry . Clogston, William H. Clough, Benj. S. . Clough, Henry H. Coburn, Frank Cochrane, John S. Colbum, John H. Collins, John LOWELL. Co. L, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 26th N. Y. Cav. Me. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. D, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 13th N. H. Inf. 6th Batty. Mass. L. A. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 20th Me. Inf. Co. C, 4th Vt. Inf.; Co. H, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 5th Me. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. I, 13th Me. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 37th N. J. Inf. Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. C, 6th N. Y. Cav. Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 2d Me. Inf. Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 15th Ohio Inf. Mus. Vt. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th ISIass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Cherokee." Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mich. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Lafayette." 170 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Converse, Granville S. Conway, George A. Conway, James Corliss, Joseph H. Corr, Daniel . CoughHn, Jolm F. Crosby, Benjamin F. Curtis, James E. . Daley, John . Davis, Albert A. . Davis, Arthur W. Davis, Henry J. . Dennis, Joseph Dexter, Horace J. Dickey, William L. Dodge, Lyman Driscoll, Daniel D. Duffy, William Dutton, George W. Faneuf, George A. Farrar, WiUiam E. Farrell, Walter H. Farrington, William P, Fay, Frank . Fellows, Lucian B. Fenton, Abram Fife, Elmore R. . Flanders, Frank B. Flanders, WilUam M. T FljTin, Jolm . Flyrm, Simon F. . Foster, Benjamin F. Fowler, Edwin S. . Frederick, WiUiam Freeman, Benjamin S. French, Amos B. . French, Franklin . Frink, Isaac . Gallagher, Charles Galloway, Frank W. Gardiner, Theodore F. *Garvey, John Giles, Meldon Gilman, Albert I. . Glascow, Arthur . Gleason, Mark P. Gordon, Charles P. Goshlaw, William B. Gould, Edwin W. LOWELL — Continued. Co. I, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 1st Mass. Art. Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. M, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Mingo." Co. C, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 30th Me. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. H, 3d N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 7th Me. Inf. Co. C, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. C, 30th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Cumberland." U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "New Hampshire," "John Adams." Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Me. Inf. Co. F, 8th Vt. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 5th Me. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 2d Me. Inf.; Co. G, 2d Me. Cav. Co. C, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. D, nth N. H. Inf. Co. G, 16th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Cyane." Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 19th Me. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 5th Me. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Osceola," "Kearsarge." Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 13th N. J. Inf. Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Conn. L. A. Co. G, 1st Me. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 171 Gramon, Joseph A. Gray, James . Green, Albert T. . Grinnell, Enoch . Hall, Thelles . Hallisey, John H. Halpin, Patrick P. Hannaford, William Harrington, John . Harris, Simon N. . Hartford, Hiram E. Hastings, Alexander Hayden, Marshall M. Hayes, George E. Hessian, Bernard . Hibbard, Charles H. Higgins, Archibald Hill, James E. Hogan, John . Holden, Charles A. Holtham, Joseph . Horton, Charles H. Howard, Elbridge G. Howarth, Thomas Hutchinson, Henry C. Ivory, Nicholas . Jewett, Walter S. Johnson, Robert . Jones, Arthur Jones, Arthur F. . Jones, Stephen H. Kennison, Jefferson P. Ketchum, Ira S. . King, WiUiam Kitchen, Charles B. Ladd, Henry W. . Lambert, Joseph . Lamson, Nathaniel G. Lane, Stephen H. Larney, Martin . LaVigne, Alfred W. LeClair, Peter A. . Leger, Jarvis M. . Loverin, Samuel J. LoweU, Alfred E. . Lyons, Thomas G. Lyons, Thomas G. Malley, John Marshall, Alexander Maxwell, Stuart . LOWELL — Continued. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Mississippi," "Katahdin.' Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Vermont," "Morning Light.' Co. A, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. 15th Batty. Mass. L. A.; U. S. N. ships "Roanoke,' "Quaker City," "Iroquois." Co. M, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Jamestown," "Vincennes." Co. M, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. F, 11th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 2d Me. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Port Royal." Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 124th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Preble," "Potomac." Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Me. Inf. Co. B, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 30th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Saratoga," "Shenandoah," "Daylight.' Co. E, 2d N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 23d Me. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B., 30th Me. Inf. Co. K, 1st Me. Cav.; Co. G, 16th Me. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," " Monongahela." Co. D, 2d Md. Inf. 172 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. McCabe, Barney . McCarthy, James F. McCarthy, Michael McDowell, Thomas J. McGrath, Patrick Mclntire, George E. McLaughlin, James McLean, William McMillan, Alexander McQuaid, Arthur Mitchell, James W. Morrill, Eugene W. *Moulton, Wyatt . Mullen, Michael M. Murphy, Daniel . Nevers, Charles W. Norcross, Nicholas W. Noyes, Edward J. Noyes, John S. Nutting, Romanzo L. O'Brien, Thomas . O'Brien, Thomas . Olney, Emery O'Malley, Thomas MaUey, WilUam P. Osgood, Charles E. Osgood, Horace . Page, Dudley L. . Parker, Charles A. Parker, Moses G. Partlow, Samuel . Patnaude, Elzear . Peirce, Edward Perrin, George W. Philbrick, Charles W. Phillips, John T. . Pillsbury, James H. Pinder, Albert W. *Pinkham, George E. Piper, William L. Plimistead, Ralph D. Powers, John W. . Powers, Michael F. Pratt, WilUam A. Prescott, Delano . Prouty, Ljonan . Regan, Thomas . Richards, John Richardson, William H Ricker, George A. LOWELL — Continued. Co. C, 30th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Hendrick Hudson," "Midnight." Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Cumberland." Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf.; 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 67th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Me. Inf. Co. B, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 16th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. 30th Unatt. Co. Me. Inf. Co. D, 24th Me. Inf. 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. Regidars. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 67th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kansas," "Princeton." Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d U. S. S. S.; Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 16th N. H. Inf.; Co. M, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Me. Inf. Co. A, 2d U. S. Cav. Co. H, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. B, 112th N. Y. Inf.; Co. C, 3d N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Geranium." Co. F, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. E, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. B, 52d N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Advance." U. S. N. ships "Circassian," "Queen," "Mohican," "Mohongo," "Richmond." Co. B, 3d N. J. Cav. Co. C, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 4th Wis. Cav. Co. A, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 9th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 173 Riley, Philip . Roach, Lawrence . Robbins, Charles H. Robinson, Edwin A. Rogers, John A. . Rogers, Thomas . Rushworth, William M Russell, George H. Sails, Reuben Sanders, Charles B. "Sharp, Benjamin . Sherwood, Seth Simpson, Edward A. Slater, Joseph F. . Smith, Edwin F. . Smith, Jacob R. . Smith, James J. . Smith, James K. . Smith, James T. . Smith, Marshall F. Smith, Matthew . Spaulding, William H. Sprague, Volney . Sprague, WilUam H. Spurr, Joseph M. . Stackpole, Joseph H. Stevens, Royal L. Stickney, Charles H. Stockwell, George W. Story, Herbert H. Stott, Thomas Sweetser, Stephen E. Taylor, Paris K. . Teel, George . Thrasher, Floramond E Thrasher, Henry A. Tilton, George F. Trimble, Matthew Turner, Eugene A. Van Steenberg, Leonard Varney, Addison P. Vinal, Charles A. . Wallace, Thomas R. Walton, America . Ward, Matthew T. W^atterson, Wilham H Welch, Joseph White, John T. . Wilson, Francis T. Wilson, Franklin S. Wilson, James LOWELL — Continued. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf. 5th Batty. Me. L. A.; Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships " Mount Vernon," " Dacotah," " Niphon." Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 13th N. H. Inf.; Co. D, 30th Md. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, IstVt. Cav. Co. B, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 54th lU. Inf. Co. H, 9th Me. Inf. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, nth Me. Inf. D. C. Inf. (U. S. Treasury Guards). Co. H, 33d Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 22d Me. Inf. Co. D, 8th N. H. Inf.; Co. D, 84th U. S. Col. Inf. Co. F, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. L, 1st Vt. H. A. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. A, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. L. A. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Cav.; Co. I, 3d V. R. C. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 62d N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 1st U. S. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 8th Me. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. D, 17th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. 174 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Wilson, James H. Wilson, Jonas W. Winters, Amos Woods, James E. . Woodward, Carlos Worcester, William H. Worthen, George E. LOWELL — Concluded. U. S. N. ships "Saugus," "Ticonderoga," "Canan- daigua," "De Soto," "Monitor." U. S. N. ships "Wabash," "North Carolina." Co. E, 124th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 1st Batty. Mass. H. A. Co. H, 17th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Lockwood." 7th Batty. Mass. L. A.; 2d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 12th N. H. Inf. Additional Names. Bean, James R. Brierley, Edmund. Clark, Warren E. Conway, James. Crowley, Thos. F. Cusick, Patrick F. Donnelley, Patrick. Estabrook, Wm. H. Gallagher, Patrick. Goodwin, Chester S. Graves, George B. Harris, Benjamin. Harris, Samuel. Hussey, Geo. B. Jordan, Charles P. Larrabee, James B. Meahy, John. O'Connell, John. Pearl, Auburn F. Seger, Jarvis M. Smith, James H. Thissell, Earl A. Tully, Thomas. Curtis, Patrick Fogarty, William Fuller, Edward E. Goodell, Anson P. King, Arthur D. Miller, Wilbur F. Potter, Edward T. Storer, HaU E. White, Lovinski LUDLOW. Co. G, 153d N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 37th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 14th Me. Inf. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Holmes, Elias. Nichols, Daniel Co. H, 16th N. Y. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 175 Cunningham, Charles H Goodnow, Amos W, Jewett, George C. Litchfield, George A. Litchfield, James A. *Longley, Charles B. Lyons, John E. Harden, Calvin C. Noon, Alfred Nudd, Simon M. . *Riaes, Benjamin F. Stone, Stillman LUNENBURG. Co. A, 27th Wis. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 24th Me. Inf. Co. G, 28th Me. Inf. Co. H, 9th Vt. Inf. Adams, John W. . Adgerson, James M. Aldrich, Nathan E. Allan, George H. . Allen, Archie Alley, Charles A. . Alley, Frank M. . Alley, Nathaniel E. Amerigo, William H. Anderson, John Anderson, William Andrews, James H. Andrews, John L. Apt, Daniel . Arrington, Alfred A. Austin, Edward R. Babb, Charles N. Bacheller, James P. Bailey, Charles A. Bailey, Charles M. Bailey, Henry C. . Bailey, Samuel C. Baker, Charles H. Baker, WiUiam H. Ballard, Albert C. Barnes, Moses S. . Barrett, William H. Barrett, William I. Bartlett, John Bartlett, John S. . Batchelder, Andrew J. Bates, Edwin Baumgarten, Bernard Bean, Frank H. Bearce, Horatio . LYNN. U. S. N. ship "Gull." Co. F, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ino," "Missouri." Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th N. Y. Cav. Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 1st Co. Mass. S. S. Co. K, 6th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Young Rover." 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 21st Me. Inf. Co. F, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Old Ironsides." Co. H, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. F, 3d U. S. Art. Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th N. J. Inf. Co. J, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Me. Inf. 176 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Beckett, Daniel C. Blaisdell, Daniel W. Blaney, Sylvester Blood, George A. . Bodwell, Albert H. Bostwick, Julius W. Bowden, Charles A. Bowker, Royal S. Brackett, Charles H. Breed, James W. . Brickett, Addison Brown, Enoch T. . Brown, Henry J. B. Brown, Otis L. Buffum, George W. Bulfinch, George W. Burckes, Thomas M. Burke, Lawrence . Burnham, Eli H. . Burnham, George W. Burnham, Horace Burns, Michael Burrill, Frank A. Burrill, George W. Burrows, James Burt, Charles H. Bushee, Edwin A. Buss, Edmund Caldwell, Joseph P. Call, Aaron W. Callahan, Cornelius J, Callahan, Patrick P. Campbell, Richard J. Carey, Timothy C, Carnes, John Carney, Dennis Carr, John A. Carr, Moses F. Carr, Oren Carver, Patrick Cashman, Martin Caswell, William . Chadwell, Cja-us A. Chaffee, Charles H. Chamberlain, Charles Chamberlain, Garland Chamberlain, John Chandler, Albert . Chase, Amos F. Chase, Charles M. » Chase, Jolin . LYNN — Continued. Co. D, 14th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Sebago." Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Augusta," "Chicopee." Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. Co. H, nth Me. Inf. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. nth Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. U.S.N, ship "Niagara." Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Aroostook." Co. E, 69th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 25th Me. Inf. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, nth Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Oliio," "Huron," "Huntsville." Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "George Manghan." Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Martin Guards, N. H. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Vt. Inf. Q. M. Dept. U. S. A. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Unit." Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Mahoming." Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Richmond." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Ill Chase, John I. Childs, Isaac H. . Choate, Hiram S. Clarendon, James A. Cleasby, Charles H. Cochey, Joseph H, Colcord, William . Conley, John E. . Conway, Joseph M. Corbett, Robert R. Cotting, Charles H. Cousens, George N. B. Coyne, John . Crabtree, Benjamin C. Crossam, William G. CuUen, Michael J. Cunningham, Owen Cunningham, Richard Cunningham, William H Currier, Charles E. Curtis, Corydon T. Dailey, Thomas F. Danforth, Albert H. Darling, Seth Davenport, Charles B Davis, C. Maynard 0, Davis, Franklin Davis, George Daw, George E. . Dearborn, George T. Dearborn, Joseph P. Demeritt, Charles A. Deming, Newell F. Dennett, Alpia A. Dervin, James H. Deshon, Elijah B. Devine, Joseph Dickson, Augustus P. Dickson, Eben F. Disbrow, John F. Dixon, James M. . Dodge, William F, Donovan, Henry D. Dow, Charles W. . Do\\iiing, Charles H. Doyle, George E. . Driscoll, Daniel Duffy, Edward W. Eaton, Daniel W. Eaton, William H. LYNN — Continued. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. T, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Lady Sterling." Co. K, 2d Conn. H. A. Co. F, 15th Me. Inf. Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. J. Cav. U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Cimmerone." Co. G, 30th Me. Inf. Co. G, 12th Me. Inf. Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 49th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Adolph Hugel," "Princeton," "Ohio." Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. M, 188th Penn. H. A. Co. D, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. Co. B, 3d Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Harvest Moon." Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 114th 111. Inf.; Co. D, 58th 111. Inf. Co. F, 21st N. J. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Banshee," "Sabine." Co. B, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Oliio," "Adolph Hugel." Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 15th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Tuscarora," "Macedonian 3rd." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Queen." 1st Co. S. S. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. 178 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Elwell, James H. . Emerson, William W. Estes, Jacob S. Evan, Herman Fairfield, AKred M. Fargo, Charles 0. Farrington, Ellery Felter, Thomas H. Fisher, John W. . Fitch, Henry A. . Flanders, Augustus B Fogg, John P. Ford, Elliot W. . Foss, Robert . Frazier, Luther J. Frey, James . Frost, Jacob F. Frost, William L. Fuller, Ichabod C. Gardner, William D. Gay, Charles W., Sr. Gilman, Charles H. Gilmore, William . Gleason, Horatio . Glidden, George A. Goldthwaite, John Goodin, William H. Goodrich, E. Harvey Goodridge, Augustus P Goodwin, Alvin Goodwin, Andrew J. Goodwin, Lorenzo D Gorham, George E, Gormley, Lawrence Graham, Richard R. Granger, George H. Granger. Lewis Gray, Wm. H. . Green, Eugene A. Green, Richard G. Griffin, John S. Grover, Hemy Guard, Thomas Gurnsey, Harry Hadley, Albert H. Hadley, Darius Hadley, Jolm C. . Hall, Eh W. . Hare, Charles H. . Harmon, Rollin E. LYNN — Continued. Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d H. A. Co. H, 10th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. L, 13th N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 16th Me. Inf. Co. C, 3d Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Chicopee," "Com- modore Perry," "Alleghany." Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 27th Me. Inf.; 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 31st N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Malvern." Co. E, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. B, 55th Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. 3d Batty. Vt. L. A. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Me. Inf. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 4th Mass. L. A. Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 12th N. J. Inf. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 21st Me. Inf. 6th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Pliilippi." Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 179 Harris, Nathaniel S. Hart, George B. . Hartshorn, Joseph W, Hay, Edward S. Hay, Henry E. Hayes, James E. Hayes, John . Hayes, Thomas Hebert, Jesse Higgins, George C Hilliker, James Hilton, Winthrop A. Hodgkins, Joseph E. Hoitt, Augustus J. Hoitt, Byron D. . HoUis, Alonzo Honors, William H. Hook, Charles Hook, Marcellus L. Hooper, Charles H. Howard, Joseph E. Hoyt, WiUiam S. . Hunter, Nathan . Huse, Frank . HjTies, George H. Ingalls, Nathan B. M. Jackson, John P. . Jaquith, Simeon . Jarvis, Edmund B. Jeffers, George W, Jeffery, George C. Jepson, Oliver F. . Jewett, Henry C. . Jewett, John W. . Johnson, Otis Johnson, Richard Jordan, Charles F. Jordan, Henrj' F. Judkins, Samuel E. Judkins, Rolland C. Keene, Washington Keene, William H. Kelly, Archelaus P. B. Kelly, Frank G. . Kenney, Owen Kenny, Thomas . Keyes, Benj. F. King, Washington Kinney, Thomas J. Knight, Marshall . Knights, Stephen E. LYNN — Continued. Co. A, 3d Alass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Vandalia." Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 7th N. Y. H. A. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, nth N. H. Inf. Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. L, 4th :Mass. H. A. Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Me. Cav. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 15th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Colorado." Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. L, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. Col. Cav. Co. D, 15th Me. Inf. Co. F, 10th Me. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Me. Inf. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Mus. 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 13th V. R. C. Co. I, nth Mass. Inf. Co. H, 27th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kearsarge," "VandaHa." 180 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Knowland, Thomas P. Ladd, John D. Laflfey, Luke . Lambert, Daniel J. Larabee, Emery E. Larry, Daniel P. . Lauder, David N. Lear, John H. Leaver, Samuel S. Leavitt, John P. . Lee, David Libby, Eugene Lindsay, Joseph . Linnehan, Cornelius J. Littlefield, Jonathan A Littlefield, Ralph . Locke, Charles P. Lofft, Henry . Long, Lawrence . Lord, Charles W. . Lord, Noah B. Loun, John B. Lovejoy, James S. Lovett, Frank C. . Lowd, Jacob R. Liifkin, Sylvester M. Lye, EUhu Mackin, James Madden, Hugh J. Mansell, Orren B. Marshall, Wesley Marshall, WilUam Martin, William H. Mason, Lowell L. Maxfield, Charles 0. May, John E. Mayhew, Vinal S. Mayville, Harry . McClosky, Dennis McGrady, Edward McGuUion, Thomas Mclntire, James A. McKenney, John H. McLay, John Mears, Henry C. . Melden, William R. Merrill, George W. Merrill, Moses D. Merritt, George G. Metcalf, Jolm C. . Metzger, Christopher M LYNN — Continued. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 5th Me. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Me. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Supply." Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 10th Me. Inf. Mus. 3d U. S. Inf. Co. F, 7th Me. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. J, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th Me. Inf. Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. "Shamoken." Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th N. Y. H. A. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Hartford." Co. B, 20th Me. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th N. Y. L. A; Co. G, 3d N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 14th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Me. H. A. Co. C, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Princeton," "Jamestown." Co. K, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 35th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 181 Mills, Oscar A. Mitchell, Simmons A. Moore, Thomas H. Moran, Michael . Morton, Charles . Moulton, Alvin T. Moulton, Caleb . Moulton, WiUiam B. Mudge, James F. . Mulrain, Martin . Murphy, WilHam J. Nally, Thomas Neal, George C. . NeiU, Charles F. . Newhall, Benjamin A. Newhall, Harrison T. Newhall, Hiram M. Newhall, WiUiam A. Newman, Leonard G. Nichols, Richard J. Nickerson, John . Nolan, Benjamin L. Norman, James . Nourse, Samuel W. Noj^es, James M. . Nugent, James H. Nutter, John O'Coimer, James . O'Connor, Timothy O'Hare, Pahnus . Ohver, George D. Osborne, John B. . Osborne, Wallace . Paris, Octave Parker, Chandler L. Parker, George S. Parker, John L. . Parker, Wm. H. . Parrott, Herbert W. Partridge, Otis Patten, Adolphus . Paul, Clarkson Peach, Benj. F. . Pemberton, Louis Pentz, Albert D. . Percival, James Perkins, Edward . Perkins, John A. . Perry, Isaac . Perry, WiUiam H. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. LYNN — Continued. Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf.; Co. K, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 19th Me. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Emma." Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. T, 29th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "ReUef." Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Colorado." 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th U. S. Inf. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 14th N. Y. Inf.; Co. D, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Quaker City," "New Ironsides." Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 4th U. S. Cav.; Co. G, 3d U. S. Cav. Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." 11th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf.; Mus. 2d R. I. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Perry." Co. I, 8th IVIass. Inf.; Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 182 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Pettigrew, Lyman H. Phipps, Cyrus H. Phipps, William A. Pike, George M. . Pitman, Benjamin Pope, William H. Pratt, Samuel H. . Preble, Henry B. . Putnam, George F. Putnam, Parley . Quigley, Michael . Ramsdell, Charles H. Ramsdell, Alonzo 0. Randall, Joseph P. Rawson, Adoniram J. Ray, James . Ray, Thomas Reblin, William . Redman, Robert E. Reed, D. Wesley . Reed, George V. . Reilly, Charles E. Rhodes, Theodore H. Rich, James F. Rich, Moses . Richard, Joseph H. Richards, Samuel W. Richardson, Charles F Ripley, Henry Roberts, John A. . Rowe, Jacob F. Russell, Charles A. Sanborn, Joseph R. Sanborn, Roswell C. Sargent, Charles . Savery, Benjamin F. Scanlin, Michael . Seaver, Howard . Severence, Ivory . Sherman, WilUam Shermell, Charles 0. Sias, Aaron . Skidmore, George F. Smith, George E. . Smith, Herbert I. Smith, Philip Smith, William Smithm-st, Llewellyn Snow, James . Speare, Edward A. Sprague, Clarence M. LYNN — Continued. Co. K, 9th Me. Inf. 9th Unatt. Co. Me. Inf. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. ^ Co. D, 28th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Huron," "Nahant," " Canandaigua." Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Mystic." U. S. N. ships "Laburnum," "Muscoota." Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Tahoma." Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. sliip "Cumberland." nth Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. I, 11th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Me. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, nth Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Pawnee," "South Carolina." Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Md. Inf. Co. D, 2d Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Lancaster." Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Md. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 183 Sprague, Frederic E. Stacey, Charles I. Stackpole, George H. Staples, Job M. . Stephenson, Martin L. Stevens, George F. Stevens, Melvin . Stewart, George E. StiU, William H. . Stone, Edmund . Stone, Henry Sullivan, Jeremiah SulUvan, Stephen F. Sullivan, Thomas V. Swan, Eben M. . Sweetser, Madison C. Tarbox, George C. W. Tarbox, Joseph E. Tarr, John S. Tatterie, Lewis Taylor, Charles B. Taylor, Charles F. Thompson, Henry A. Thompson, Henry R. Thurlow, Benjamin A. TirreU, Alfred W. TirreU, Thomas . Tucker, Samuel G. Tufts, William H. Tupper, Joseph B. Turner, James L. . Tutt, Benjamin R. Tuttle, John A. . Upton, Benjamin . Vassar, James H. . Viles, Henry 0. Vose, William H. . Waitt, Charles H. Waitt, Freeman W. Waitt, George H. . Walker, David Walker, John F. . Walsh, John J. Ward, Adelbert H. Ward, John C. . Warren, James L. LYNN — Continued. 2d Co. S. S. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 14th Me. Inf. Co. B, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. I, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th 111. Inf.; Co. L, 1st Wis. Inf.; Co. L, 4th Mass. Art. 2d Co. S. S. Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st U. S. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A.; 11th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "North Carohna," "Memphis," "Princeton." Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th lU. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Congress." Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf.; 11th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. ; Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 19th Me. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, nth Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 3d Mass. Cav. 150th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 2d Calif. Cav. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. A, 4th U. S. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabme," "Iosco," "Miantonomoh." Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Constellation." Co. I, nth Me. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. 27th Unass. Co. Me. Inf. 184 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Watson, Benjamin Watson, Dana Watson, Timothy D. Webber, William . Webster, Samuel M. Weeman, Orin Welch, James Welch, Patrick F. Wentworth, Charles A Wentworth, William F White, Edward . White, Frederick H. White, Wm. 0. . Whittier, George . Widdip, James Widger, Charles H. Wiley, James H. . Wilford, Eben G. . Wilkins, Theodore L. Willey, Isaac 0. . Willis, Dan F. Wilson, Eugene A. Wilson, Thomas C. Wilson, WilUam H. Wires, William M. Wise, Wm. E. Wolf, Louis Worthen, Charles H. Wyman, Hamilton W. Wyman, Henry R. Young, John W. . LYNN — Contmued. Co. D, 23d Me. Inf.; Co. A, 30th Me. Inf. Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Me. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. L, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. F,' 9th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "S. R. Spaulding." Co. G, 1st Me. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. M, 5th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "North Carohna," "Lancas- ter," " Narragansett." Co. L, 4th U. S. Art.; Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 18th N. H. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. E, 15t"h Mass. Inf. U. S. N. slups "Huron," "Nahant," " Marblehead." Co. C, 5th Vt. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Corwin." Sth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 18th Ga. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, Union Coast Guards, Me. Inf. Co. A, 15th N. H. Inf. Additional Names. Adams, Charles A. Baston, Geo. A. Besse, Francis E. Burbank, Stephen Byrne, John J. Cloon, Thomas Dow, Geo. E. D^\yer, Samuel Ellison, Horace Fenton, John "Fitzpatrick, Peter. Fletcher, Nathan B. Forbush, Horace F. Frazier, Jos. L. (alias Jos. L. Troupe) . Gale, Chas. W. . Goodwin, Chas. A. U. S. Navy. Marine Corps. Co. D, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Me. Inf. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 59th Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf.; U. S. Navy. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. F, nth Me. Inf.; Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. Navy. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 185 Gorham, Patrick J. Hartigan, Thomas. Haynes, Geo. H. Howard, Chas. H. Jackson, Chas. H. Knight, Levi G. . Lane, Josiah W. . - !Martin, John J. Martin, Knott P. MiUiken, Geo. C. . Mockett, Jos. E. . Moulton, Wm. B. Norman, Henry. Peyton, Thos. J. . Pinkham, Orlando C. Richardson, Jos. H. Riley, Nathan A. . Stackpole, Jas. B. Taylor, Geo. C. Walsh, Patrick Whitten, Geo. Wiley, Geo. F. (alias John F. Willey). Wood, Chas. Wood, Eugene Wood, Joseph B. BroAAn, Thomas E. Chase, Edward F. Doyle, Edward Emerson, Justus W. Foster, John H. . Martin, Jeremiah Mitchell, Isaac H. Moulton, Edward Q. Nelson, Thomas W. Parker, Marcellus B. Reed, George Wiley, Benjamin F. Williams, George H. LYNN — Concluded. Co. K, 1st Me. Cav. 5th Batty. N. J. L. A. Co. C, 5th Me. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy; Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A.; 11th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, nth Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. nth Unatt. Co. ]\Iass. Inf. Co. D, Sth Mass. Inf. LYNNFIELD. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. D, Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Osceola." Co. E, 50th Mass. Ihf. Co. F, Sth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Farragut." Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Cav. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. E, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G; 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, Sth Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Treferthen, Frederick A. Co. G, 33d Mass. Inf. Adams, James H. Armstrong, James A. Barney, Hiram F. Bean, Roscoe G. . MALDEN. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, Sth N. H. Inf. Co. M, 2d Me. Cav. 186 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Belding, Charles H. Bemis, Harry H. . Bennett, Chas. W. Betts, George S. . Bickford, Erskine F. Blake, John A. Blanchard, Charles A. Blaney, Charles W. Bliss, George H. . Branch, Ohver E. Brew, Michael P. Brown, Albert C. . Brown, Alvin G. . Brown, George W. Brown, Samuel E. Calef, Alfred . Campbell, George S. *Carpenter, Eben . Carter, Walter Chapman, WiUiam G. Chick, George Clark, Benjamin F. Coburn, Hiram S. Cole, George A. Combs, Roland M. Cook, George W. . Cooley, John D. . Cox, Arthur W. . Crandon, Sanford Crane, Alvin M. . Crane, Joseph H. . Craven, Thomas . Crockett, Chas. L. Cutter, Edwin A. . Decatur, Albert . Delano, Henry H. *Derby, Samuel J. . Dornsife, Jeremiah W. Dow, James 0. Drown, Albion H. Dudley, Lyman L. *Ellis, Joseph T. . Emery, Elias R. . Everett, George H. Farley, George 0. Ferrall, Thomas R. Fisher, Sidney A. . Fuller, Francis L. Fuller, William H. Gately, Thomas MALDEN — Continued. Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d Ohio H. A. Co. D, 18th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Linden." Co. D, 26th N. Y. Cav.; 8th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. G, nth Ind. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 16th Me. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th N. H. Inf.; Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sMp "Ossipee." Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d Conn. Inf.; S. M. 1st Conn. Cav. Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. F, nth Conn. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st D. C. Cav.; Co. A, 1st Me. Cav. Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ships "Sabine," "Florida," "North Caro- lina." Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 21st Conn. Inf. Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliip "South Carolina;" Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 50th Penn. Inf. Co. E, 4th Me. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 2d U. S. Cav. Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "National Guard," "Juniata." Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. G, 14th Conn. Inf. U.S. N. ship"Ino." Mus. 21st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Calif. Cav. Co. K. 17th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 187 George, Edmond H. Gibbs, Charles E. Glynn, Michael Goodwin, Richard J. Gordon, Joseph C. Gould, John K. Grant, Chas. M. Graves, George Gray, John H. Gray, William Greene, William A. Greenlaw, Jolin W. Griffin, Martin J. Griffin, Tristram Grose, John D. Hammons, John G. Hastings, Andrew J. Hawley, William H. Henimann, Julius A. Hildreth, Frederick Homer, Porter J. . Hood, Jolm . Hooton, Joseph H. Hough, Daniel Huff, James H. Jackman, Lyman . Janes, Albert Jenkins, George W. Johnson, Charles . Johnson, Henry H. Kennaston, Fred L. Kilroy, John . Lanergan, Chas. H. Lawler, WilUam H, Lewis, G. Wilton . Lincoln, Charles . Long, James . Lord, Charles A. . Lunt, Wilham J. . Maher, Philip McAllister, Daniel W. McCrum, John McDonald, Andrew C, McKeever, Patrick MilUken, John F. Moody, Francis C. Moore, Alfred M. Morgan, Albert Morrison, Robert IMunroe, James W. Nichols, Joseph MALDEN — Continued. Co. G, 4th Vt. Inf.; Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 58th Mass. Inf. 6th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Home." Co. C, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. G, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 13th Me. Inf. Mass. Inf. Mus. nth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Me. Inf. Co. F, 16th N. H. Inf.; Co. H, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 14th Conn. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. E, 189th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliips "Black Hawk," "Great Western." Co. E, 19th Me. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. F, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Paul Jones," "Portsmouth." 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, nth Mass. Inf. Co. G, 9th Me. Inf. Co. C, U. S. Engineers. Co. G, 112th N. Y. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "North Carolina." U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." Co. A, nth Me. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. L, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th N. H. Inf. 188 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Norris, Albert L. . North, Charles A. Nott, James J. Nye, Alonzo A. Parker, George D. Parker, Preston Peach, John . Peart, Francis B. . Peeler, Albert Peterson, Robert W. Pickering, Horace F. Pierce, William W. Prescott, Samuel A. Purtill, Richard Putnam, Joseph H. Quinn, Bernard T. Ray, William P. . Roberts, Charles 0. Ross, Roswell C. . Sawyer, Francis S. Shackford, Otis H. Shannon, Arthur W. Shea, Timothy Soule, John W. Spofford, Edwin F. Stout, George Stratton, Charles W. Stratton, William F. Sunmer, Chas. B. Sweeney, Charles H. Thompson, Charles E. Trafton, William W. Tucker, Heney S. Walsh, David C. . Webber, Thos. C. West, Franklin E. Whitney, J. Drury Wilkinson, Joseph *Winn, Henry Wise, Charles H. . Wood, Charles Woodbury, Geo. W. Woodman, Jolm 0. MALDEN — Continued. Co. A, 1st N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 25th Me. Inf.; Co. K, 1st D. C. Cav. Co. H, 1st R. I. L. A.; Co. H, 6th U. S. Inf. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 26th Me. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Florida," "Pontoosuc." Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 15th Me. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3Sth Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ships "Ohio," "North Carolina," "Western W^orld." Co. H, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Monongahela." Co. E, 17th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. F, 26th Me. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Mus. 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 35th U. S. Inf. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. B, lOthN. H. Inf. Co. D, Sth Me. Inf.; Co. G, 1st D. C. Cav. Co. A, 15t.h Vt. Inf.; Co. K, Sth Vt. Inf. Co. D, 28th Me. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Major, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. Co. E, 12th N. H. Inf. Additional Names Abbott, Daniel B. Bacon, Wm. F. Badger, Charles H. Davis, Myron Davis, Stephen F. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 58th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. E, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 189 Dean, Theodore L. Dickson, Thomas. Gabriel, George H. Greenleaf, Edgar . Halloway, Marcus M. Holden, Everett D. Howe, Josiah R. . Jacobs, Henry B. . Jeffrey, Malbert W. Lawrence, Roswell N. Lee, Albert. Page, Gilman Potter, William E. N. Prouty, George Robertson, Wm. . Russell, Chas. B. Wallace, Oscar C. Whitney, Walter B. Winslow, James D. MALDEN — Concluded. Co. G, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf.; 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th U. S. Cav. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st D. C. Cav.; Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. Unass. Me. Inf. Arbuckle, Thomas Bingham, Henry T. Crombie, Enoch . Goldsmith, Charles P. Haskell, John G. . Hooper, Edward P. Jewett, Alfred S. . Lucas, John G. Lucas, Robert T. . Morgan, Nathaniel Morse, Daren W. Morse, Thomas A. Orr, Andrew J. Osborn, Benjamin F. Rabard}^, Julius F. Rivers, James A. . Stanley, Edwin P. Stone, Charles H. Sullivan, Dennis 0. Watson, John MANCHESTER. Co. B, 3d R. I. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Colorado." Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 26t.h N. Y. Cav. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 20th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Colorado. U. S. N. ship "Carrabasset." Blossom, Henry C Briggs, Alfred A Buck, Zeno F. Chase, Chas. E. Collins, William L MANSFIELD. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th R. I. H. A. 190 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cook, Davis . Cross, Solomon T. Deane, Thomas W. D, Fairbanks, Henry H. Faria, Henry Fisher, David Fiske, Geo. A. French, John G. . Green, Moses L. . Grover, Vernon F, Hamilton, Henry C. Hannaford, John . Hawes, Edward . Hodges, Lloyd B. Howlett, John W. Hoyt, Uriah . Jones, Walter A. . Lovell, Samuel C. Manchester, Thos. A. Mead, John F. Moran, Andrew . Morse, Sanford A. Morton, Wm, Pm-dy, Reuben Reed, Hiram B. . Roberts, Charles F. Rogers, John W. . Shennett, Jerry B. Tucker, Daniel L. Wentworth, Leander Winslow, Ferdinand MANSFIELD — Concluded. . Co. D, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. I, 9th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Hartford," "Ossipee," "Kansas," "Wabash," "New Hampshire." . U. S. N. ship "Hunchback." . Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Pawtuxet." . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, Coast Guards, Me. H. A. . Co. F, 10th R. I. Inf. . Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. . 2d Co. S. S. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 17th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. E, nth R. I. Inf.; Co. H, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 13th N. Y. H. A. . Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 92d N. Y. Inf.; Co. G, 96th N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 12th R. I. Inf. Additional Names. Crockett, George F. Crockett, Henry C. Leavett, Frank W. Lyman, John H. Reed, Hiram B. Roberts, Chas. F. White, Adelbert R. . . 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Allen, William Barteaux, Adoniram J. BartoU, William H. . Bates, Joseph Bladder, Frank . Blackler, Levi M. MARBLEHEAD. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Huron," "Nahant." Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 191 Blackler, Samuel . Blaney, Benjamin H. Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Richard B. Brown, William C. Brown, William H. Brown, William P. CasweU, Winfield S. *Chadwick, Philip W. Chase, Benjamin W. R *Coffin, Samuel Connors, Charles . Curtis, Joseph F. . Denning, William W. DoUber, Peter B. . DoHber, Samuel F. Dunn, John . Eustis, Charles L. Falvey, Andrew . Foster, Joseph H. *Freeto, Thomas F. Frost, William H. Gardner, Howard P. Ga\'in, John . Glass, John J. Goldsmith, Richard Goss, Richard Graves, James C. Graves, John B. . Graves, John G. . Green, Josiah N, . Green, William T. Gregory, Joseph . Hammond, John E. Herrick, Sydney F, High, Nathaniel . Hiller, Richard C. Howes, Edwin A. Hunt, Eli V. . *Hyam, Philip B. . *Hyam, Richard . Ingalls, Charles F. Ingalls, William H, Kelley, John . Knowland, William G, Lancy, John . Laskey, Philip B. Lear, William S. . MARBLEHEAD — Continued. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Powhatan," "Philadelphia," "Rhode Island;" Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Ino," "Wabash." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . 10th Batty. Mass. L. A.; Co. K, 16th U. S. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. . 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Niphon." . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Niagara," "Emma." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. . . U. S. N. ship "James S. Chambers." . Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Santiago de Cuba." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf.; 10th Batty. Mass. L. A.; U.S. N. ship "Ino." . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Ino," "Wabash," "Albatross." . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, Sth Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Western World," "Wabash." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Narragansett." . Co. G, 14th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Gem of the Sea." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 20th Mass. Inf.; 27th Unatt. Co. :\Iass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th INIass. H. A. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Ino." . Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "New Hamp- shire," "Ethan Allen," "0. M. Pettit." . Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. 192 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Lindsey, Benjamin J. Litchman, William T. Low, William E. . Malcom, John N. McClearn, Stuart F. McGrath, Thomas Merritt, Francis . Morris, Albert F. . Nichols, Alfred M. Osborn, Charles E. Peach, Andrew Peachey, John S. . Pearson, William E. Pedrick, Benj. J. . Phillips, Benj. S. . PhiUips, Thomas J. Pierce, James L. . *Pierce, John D. Pierson, William . Preble, Samuel S. Priest, Alpheus M. Rix, Thomas P. M. Rodgers, Nathaniel V. Rose, Benjamin . Roundey, Edward Roundy, Charles E. Roundy, John H. Russell, William W. Salkins, Richard H. Sanborn, EHsha . Shattuck, Nathaniel B Shattuck, Samuel Shepard, George W. Shepard, James . Smethurst, William H. Smith, John D. Smith, Samuel Snellens, Charles Snow, Samuel Stacey, John W. Stever, Clark W. Stone, William F Swasey, Thomas Sweet, Moses *Sweetland, Joseph B Symonds, Joseph L. Symonds, William B Tucker, Chadwell Tucker, John I, . MARBLEHEAD — Continued. . U. S. N. ship "Rodolph." . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. , U. S. N. ships "Monongahela," "Richmond," "Mary Sanford," "Saint Mary's." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 14th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 14th Me. Inf.; Co. M, 1st D. C. Cav. . 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A.; Co. G, 14th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; 32d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Ino." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Nahant," "Hiram." . Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Thomas Freeborn." . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 193 Usher, Horace B. . Walsh, Joseph A. . White, Elias . *Winslow, William H, Wormstead, Joseph S. * Young, Samuel MARBLEHEAD — Concluded. . Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Additional Names. Ashton, Benjamin. Butman, Joseph W. Carey, George W. Caswell, Lewis R. Caswell, William L. Chase, Henry O. Clothey, Joseph. Crowley, John H. Hunt, John S. Merr, Thomas. Oliver, William C. Prichard, William E. Reardon, Michael. Smith, Benjamin D. Stever, George C. Vincent, Francis W. Winslow, Charles E. Winthum, John H. Ashley, Allen G. . Brown, Philip M. Chapin, Thomas E. Cobb, Oliver Davis, Joseph E. . Haskell, Andrew J. Hastings, Edward R. Hinckley, Nelson B. Merithew, George A. Nye, Henry C. Raymond, Thomas Ripley, Charles W. Sabins, Philander G. Tallman, George F. Tripp, Theodore J. Watson, George F. Wilbur, John E. . Wing, Charlton H. Winters, Albert MARION. . Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav. . 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Kingfisher," "Commodore McDon- ough." . Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Dawn." . U. S. N. ships "Chocura," "Princeton," "Ports- mouth." . U.S.N, ship "Colorado." . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Mercidita." . Co. D, 173d N. Y. Inf. . U.S.N, ship" Cornubia." . Co. D, 18th Mass. Jnf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Santiago de Cuba," "Flag," "Massa- chusetts." . 5th Batty. Mass. L. A.; Co. A, 12th V. R. Corps. 194 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Adams, Charles Alden, Eleazer C. Andrews, Henry K. Baker, Joel B. Baker, Levi W. Balcom, Geo. Ball, Hem-y J. Barney, William H. Bean, Frank . Benway, William . Boggs, Thomas H. Bosbordes, Theodore Brigham, Geo. H. Brigham, George M. Bro^vTi, Edward A. Callahan, James L. Carraway, Joseph Carter, Chas. W. , Cavanagh, John . Cavanaugh, Lawrence Charron, George . Childs, J. Frank . Clark, Edwin R. . Collins, John Comwell, Richard W. Crocker, Nelson S. Curtis, Lewis P. . Dillon, Edward J. Dudley, Samuel E. Dunn, William S. Fay, George W. . Ford, Henry W. . Fountain, John H. Gage, George E. A. Gale, Daniel 0. Gateley, Thomas . Goss, Walter Greeley, Benjamin F. Haley, James Hamilton, William M. Haskell, Lyman . Hatstat, B. Frank Hudson, Herbert A. Irish, Benjamin Johnson, Arthur S King, John . Lee, Smith J. Lenfist, Madison Maxcey, William MARLBOROUGH. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Iron Age," "Fahkee." Co. B, 24th Me. Inf. Co. B, 25th N. Y. Cav. Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Ino." Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th N. H. Inf.; Co. L, 1st Vt. H. A. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. J, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf.; 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 20th V. R. C. Co. C, 17th U. S. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 34th N. J. Inf. Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. sex," "Benton." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Es- SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 195 McCrillis, John R. Morse, Danville . O'Brien, Terrence Parker, Lysander P. Parsons, Henry Perry, Albert H. . "Perry, Chas, L. Pickering, Henry M. Quinn, Timothy . Raymond, Joseph Robinson, Charles F. Russell, Jolm Sanford, Thomas J. Sawin, Frank W. . Seymour, Louis T. Smith, Payson F. Spofford, George . Springer, William A. Steward, Henry K. Stickney, Lafayette Stone, James L. . Toupan, Lewis Woods, Stillman . MARLBOROUGH — Concluded. . Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 17th U. S. Inf. . Co. A, 215th Penn. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Cherokee," "Ohio," "Princeton." . Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 7th N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A.; 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 1st N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. D, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 17th 111. Inf. . Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Boggs, John P. Brigham, Addington M. Conner, John M. . Duggan, Henry. Hyde, Camillus C. Lawrence, B. F. . Rainault, Joseph. Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. I, 2d R. I. Inf. Aiken, Josiah B. . Baker, George Baker, James E. . Bartlett, Amasa A. Bates, WiUiam H. Bowman, WiUiam H. Bryant, Bradley S. Cahoun, Benjamin G. Carver, Justin A. . Chandler, Hiram 0. Damon, Andrew L. Darhng, Charles H. Delano, Frederick A. Fames, John H. . Ewell, Fred H. . MARSHFIELD. U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." 16th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A.; Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Sarah Bruen." Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Fort Donelson." Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. 196 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Ewell, Isaiah A. . Ewell, Judson Gardner, Willard E. Guelpa, John B. . Hatch, Calvin 0. . Hatch, Israel H. . Hatch, Samuel F. *Healey, Jarius M. Perry, Charles F. . Peterson, Charles S. Rand, Charles H. Randall, WilUam W. Rogers, James L. . Shedd, Sylvanus . Sherman, Joseph . Sherman, Moses . Sherman, Peleg . Stevens, Charles . Tolman, William H. WilUamson, Peter Wilson, George Wright, Allen MARSHFIELD — Concluded. . Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Sabine." . Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 7th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Daniels, Philip F. Hitchcock, George H. Joyce, Isaac T. White, Warren F. WilUamson, Andrew J. Bearse, Nathaniel D. . Coombs, Darius Godfrey, Lysander B. . MASHPEE. Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Potomac." U. S. N. ship "Louisiana." Barlow, Gideon B. Barrows, Alpheus Barrows, Andrew . Dexter, Thomas D. Duncan, George H. Eldridge, Charles L. Lawrence, James F. Morse, Theodore S. Nye, Charles H. . Purington, Henry V. Redman, David . Vance, Walter R. Washburn, John M. MATTAPOISETT. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Constitution." Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Augusta," "Commodore Read," "Don." U. S. N. ships "Snowdrop," "Malvern," "Mount Washington," "Minnesota," "Vanderbilt." U. S. N. ship "Sagamore." Mus. 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 197 Carney, James Carr, Joshua W. . Clarke, Henry Holmes, Charles D. Holt, Abner D. . Jones, Theodore A. Lord, James B. McDonald, James Priest, William G. Rogers, Sumner . Wilson, Lucius D, MAYNARD. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st R. I. Inf.; Batty. A, 3d R. I. Art. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Powhatan," "Vanderbilt," quehanna," "Tuscarora." U. S. N. ships "Niphon," "Clyde." Co. B, 1st Conn. Inf.; Co. B, 7th Conn. Inf. 'Sus- Adams, Reuben J. Allard, Arthur L. . Babcock, Granville Caldecott, George W. Chenery, Edmund L. Crocker, EUery C. Fitts, J. Augustus Garfield, William H. Goss, Charles W. . Jones, Charles D. Jordan, Horatio A. Mason, Gustavus Meany, David Morse, Joseph Ord, James Pettis, George E. Ricker, George K. Spear, Stillman J. MEDFIELD. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Me. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. A, 88th Ohio Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. B, 4th V. R. C. U. S. N. ships "Pensacola," "Seminole." Co. H, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th N. H. Inf.; Co. K, lo3d Penn. Inf.; Co. G, 48th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 1st U. S. Inf. AUen, Oscar H. Ames, George W. Andrews, Edwin A. Aymer, Francis Babcock, Jacob S. Bentley, Charles . Bray, William Briggs, Andrew J. Brockway, John . MEDFORD. Co. C, 2d N. J. Inf. Co. I, 12th Me. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 6th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "New Hampshire," "Vermont," "So- noma." U. S. N. ships "Kittatinney," "United States," "Hat- teras," "Fort Jackson." Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. 198 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Burbank, Edwin C. Burpee, James H. *Carroll, WiUiam H. Caryle, Henry Chapin, Joseph A. Chickering, Arthur D. Clark, Theodore E. Craig, William C. Cunningham, Nason B DeRocher, James Derry, Horace A. Dunbar, William R. Dwyer, Thomas . Ellis, Charles W. . Elsbree, William F. Fish, Isaac S. Fisher, John P. FuUer, Edward H. Gardner, Isaac H. Goodwin, Ivory L. Green, Herman R. Hall, Samuel R. . Ham, Frank W. . Ham, John H. Hamlin, Frank W. *Hamlin, Ira W. Harriman, Abel H. Harrold, Christopher W Hatch, Charles F. Hawkins, Martin . Haworth, Reuben Hersey, John W. . Hervey, Frank Holman, D. Horace Holmes, Emery D. *Howard, James H. Ilsley, Philip G. . Joyce, Winslow Kelley, Thomas P. Kent, Fred A. King, Joseph F, . Knox, Joseph J. . Larrabee, Allen C. Lattime, Benjamin H. Leach, Isaiah LeComt, Emerson B. Lewis, Benjamin P. Libby, Charles W. Lindsay, James B. MEDFORD — Continued. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 9th N. H. Inf. , Co. E, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. ' ' . Co. A,-9thMass. H. A. , Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. , Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf. , Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. , Co. E, 6th Me. Inf. , Co. C, nth Me. Inf. . Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 15th Vt. Inf. , Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. , Co. K, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, nth R. I. Inf. , Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 17th Me. Inf. , Co. K, 13th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Agamenticus," "Vandalia." , Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. M, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 13th Me. Inf. . Co. C, 4th Me. Inf. . Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 17th N. H. Inf.; Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "Queen," "Glide." . Co. I, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th N. H. Inf. . Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. , Mus. 5th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 15th Conn. Inf. . Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. ; U. S. N. ship " Congress." . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "San Jacinto." . Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 7th Me. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 199 Lindsay, William . Litchfield, Alvin S. Littlefield, Charles MacNear, Charles H. Marsh, George P. Martin, James Mason, Albert Morse, Wilham A. Mm-phy, William Newcomb, Charles J. Odiome, George . Ordway, Augustus L. Parker, Sanford G. Patch, Albert Pope, Lemuel Pratt, Isaac S. Prue, Charles E. Putnam, Albert R Reed, Alvin R. Reed, Herbert A. Ricker, Albert H. Roberts, Milton F. Robinson, Leander A. Rockwood, Judson A. Rogers, James Russell, George K. Rutledge, Joseph . Ryan, William H. Samson, Albert A. Sawyer, Henry W. Seavens, George H. Sharp, Henry Sheldon, Jolm W. Sherman, Paul Slack, Ed\\dn W. . Smart, Ansel C. . Smith, Edward F. Smith, John W. . Snow, Thomas H. Spear, Bennett P. Stockell, George L. Tay, John B. Taylor, Thomas Tiffany, Edwin E. Tisdale, Hedijah L. Tucker, James A. Tupper, Charles L. Tuttle, Reuben MEDFORD — Continued. , Co. D, 3d Me. Inf. , Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 24th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. , U. S. N. sliip "Onward." , 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. , Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 33d Mass. Inf. . 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 3d N. H. Inf. . Co. L, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. F, 15th Me. Inf. . Co. E, nth Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Macedonian," "Rhode Island," "Eolus," "Gemsbok," "Montgomery," "Estrella." . Co. K, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 15th Penn. Cav. . Co. H, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. . 30th Unass. Co. Me. Inf. . Co. C, 59th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Constitution," "Galena." . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 13th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 15th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 70th N. Y. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Cambridge." . Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 10th U. S. Col. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. . 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 14th Me. Inf. . 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. . 1st Ind. Co. Vt. H. A. . Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Old Cam- bridge." . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. slnp "Commodore Perry." . Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. . ISth Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 6th X. H. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Calif. Inf. . Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. 200 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Waterman, Frank 0. Webb, Albert G. . Wheelock, George I, Whitcomb, John D. White, Nathaniel H. Wilder, William H. *Wilmot, Harvey B. Wright, Benjamin F. Wright, Daniel W. " Wyatt, Henry M. MEDFORD — Concluded. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 32d Me. Inf. Co. E, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 18th Me. H. A. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, nth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Me. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Barker, William R. Barnard, David A. Blaisdell, Clark. Bolton, GUman B. Clement, Alfred B. C. Corbin, Charles H. Dresser, Ephraim. Emery, WUlard B. Gray, Charles L. Hall, Edgar A. Kellum, George D. Lawrence, Daniel W. Leavens, George H. Loomer, George B. Marcy, Henry P. Peirce, J. Everett. Peters, Henry P. Shepard, Thomas. Streeter, Gilbert D. Bemis, Winfield S. Blake, D. Newton Brasill, James H. . BuUard, George W. Bullard, Joel . Butters, Charles H. Gary, Alfred A. Gary, Samuel B. . Desper, Charles M. Dowd, T. Ohver . ElUs, Samuel J. Gilmore, Lyman . Hagar, Frank Hitchcock, Justus C. Kingston, Elbridge G. Lawrence, Amos A. Loud, Albert L. . MEDWAY. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Me. H. A. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Colorado." • U. S. N. ship "Morse." Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf.; 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 10th Vt. H. A. Co. C, 16th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Vermont." Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. sliip "Hendrick Hud- SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 201 Newell, Daniel W. Nourse, Joseph B. Rice, George S. Riordan, Dennis W. Rowley, Andrew H. Russell, William A. Salley, Edwin Smith, Andrew J. Stone, Lewis G. Videtto, Elmer L. Voorheer, James M. Whalen, Richard M. Whalen, Thomas J. MEDWAY — Concluded. Mus. 2d N. H. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. E, 188th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." Co. B, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. I, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 27th Me. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Me. Cav. Co. F, 1st N. Y. Eng. Corps. Co. E, 2d N. J. Inf.; Co. H, 48th N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Mackinaw," "Queen." Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. U. S. Marine Corps. Additional Names. Chamberlain, Russell T. Crowley, Cornelius. Redding, Lester. Barnes, Charles H. Barrett, David A. Bement, William B. Black, Edward D. Black, Lebalister T. Bradbury, Edward Bradford, Charles Brooks, Edwin C. Brown, William H. H. Burdett, Rosea Burnham, Charles W. Campbell, George Carleton, Joseph G. S. Caswell, William A. Champlin, Henry Child, Asa Churchill, George A. Churchill, Thomas Clark, Juhan S. Clifford, Samuel W. Collins, Dennis Corson, Frederick W. Cowdrey, Fred P. Cumnock, John . Dawson, William W. Dempsey, William A. Dew, George W. . MELROSE. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "North Carolina," "Vanderbilt." Co. C, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 137th Ohio Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Powhatan," "Hendrick Hudson." Co. K, 7th Me. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Me. Inf. Co. C, 9th Mass. L. A. Co. C, 8th Me. Inf. Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Me. Inf. Co. E, 4th Me. Inf. Co. E, 12th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "North Carohna," "Thomas Freeborn." Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 157th Penn. Inf. Co. K, 5th U. S. Cav. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. 202 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Dorr, John H. Dwight, Henry G. Fernald, Lewis C. Fickett, Albert A. Field, Frank S. . Fitch, Reuben H. Flemmings, Robert F. Ford, Joshua Fulton, Joseph W. Furlong, Wesley J. Gould, Edwin C. . Gray, John . Greene, Franklin W. Hatch, Joseph H. Hay den, Frank B. Hesseltine, Francis S. Hocking, Alfred . Horton, Henry D. Irwin, William F. Jones, Charles S. . Keays, William W. Kilgore, Rufus D. Lane, Hiram P. . Lassell, George S. Lear, Samuel Lewis, George W. Libby, Otis J. Londyke, Lucas J. Lord, Isaac A. Lord, Martin V. . Lynde, Sherman . Meldrum, WilUam H. Moon, Hiram Orcutt, Frank E. . Osborne, George F. Page, Charles E. . Page, Moses S. Patch, Charles A. Plummer, Thaddeus P Porter, James M. Purcell, Michael . Rice, Augustus R. Riley, Wilham Roberts, Ohver A. Robinson, Charles L. Roles, George S. . Roome, Richard J. T. Russell, John F. . MELROSE — Continued. Co. G, 9th Md. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kittatinney," "William G. Aftderson." Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav.; Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mohican," "Oneida," "Canandaigua." U. S. N. sliips "Wyoming," "Princeton." Co. E, Me. Coast Guard. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Colo. Cav. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Me. Cav. Co. A, 20th Me. Inf.; Co. D, 80th U. S. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. M, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 27th Me. Inf. 14th Unatt. Co. Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Vermont." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Onward." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton," "Keystone State." Co. F, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Me. Inf. Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. K, nth N. H. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton," "Young Rover." Co. I, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 11th Me. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 43d Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. A, 57th 111. Inf. Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Kearsarge," "Fort Donelson," "Ohio." Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 110th Ohio Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Underwriter." U. S. N. ship "Iosco." U. S. N. ships "Commodore Perry," "Maimi," "Malvern." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 20: Ryan, Edward T. Sawyer, Alfred A, Silver, William J. Small, Henry M. . Smith, Frank W. . Spaulding, Joseph W. Sprague, Samuel . Stevens, Francis E. Tierney, Edward J. Topping, James P. Tower, Charles Towne, Thomas J. Townsend, Wilhara N Upham, Henry W. WeUington, Isaac G. Wells, John F. . Wesley, Stephen . Whidden, George A. White, John A. Worthen, Arthur E. MELROSE — Concluded. Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 28th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Lancaster," "Cyane." . Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. , Co. A, 19th Me. Inf. , Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 23d N. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." . Co. K, 1st N. H. Cav.; Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 10th Me. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Mackinaw." . Co. I, 1st Me. Inf.; Co. H, 17th Me. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. . Mas. 3d Vt. Inf. Additional Names Drake, Henry C. . Harris, Robert M. Hill, George H. . Martin, Wilham H. Pope, James . Stinson, George W. Wiggin, Joseph A. Co. C, 2d D. C. Inf. Co. A, Me. State Guards. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Del. Inf. Brown, Henry W. Cook, Alderman C. Cook, Lowell C. . Gaskill, Leonard T. McLeer, Patrick . Moore, Henry Moores, Sylvester Southwick, Edward L. MENDON. Co. K, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d R. I. Inf.; Co. B, 1st U. S. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 36th U. S. C. T. Inf. Co. H, 48th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 14th R. I. H. A. Co. G, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 5th R. I. H. A. Additional Name. Taft, Frank . 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Bailey, Moses Bean, John E. Blaisdell, Lorenzo B. MERRIMAC. Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. 204 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Buell, Alphias W. Carter, Frederick W. Colby, Moses F. . Gibbs, Melville S. Haseltine, Nelson Howieson, Rufus E. Hoyt, George W. . Hunkins, Charles B. Kennett, Stephen D. Kilty, James M. . Means, Daniel M. Morrison, Daniel . Pearson, John W. *Porter, Joseph N. Riley, Judson Sargent, Bailey *Trull, Albert A. . Tuson, WilUam C. Wentworth, George W MERRIMAC — Concluded. . Co. H, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 15th N. H. Inf.; Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 26th N. Y. Cav. . Co. D, 7th N. H. Inf . . U. S. N. ship ''Massachusetts." . Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf.; 11th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 25th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Tre- foil." . Co. H, 9th Me. Inf. . Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Trefoil." . Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Adams, John W. . Archer, George N. Bailey, Thomas . Blodgett, James S. Buswell, Joseph H. Cluff, Franldin W. Donavan, John F. Foley, Thomas Greene, James R. Greenleaf, Charles W. Grosbeck, Edward Hill, John Q. Johnson, Wilham H. Jones, Amos G. . Mooney, Philip Musk, Henry A. . Nichols, Lysander M. O'Connor, Thomas Russell, John B. A. Sargent, Calvin J. Smith, Isaiah R. . Tapley, John S. . Webster, Mark H. METHUEN. Co. F, 2d- N. H. Inf. Co. L, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. B, 14th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. C, 19th Me. Inf. Co. I, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 4th N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Massasoit.' Co. E, 9th Vt. Inf. 5th Batty. Me. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Hartford." Co. H, 7th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 29th Me. Inf. Co. E, 19th Me. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Additional Names. Blythe, WilUam. Cheney, David F. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 205 Page, John H. Sawyer, Chas. Turkington, Samuel Walker, Adrian. Wardwell, Frank A. METHUEN — Concluded. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." BUss, Alphonso Bryant, James W. Bryant, William E. Chace, Alva M. . Clapp, Henry L. . Cunningham, David H Cushman, James E. Dean, John . Dennett, Charles W. Drew, Stephen Dunbar, Henry A. Dunham, Arad R. Field, Lysander W. Finney, Thomas W. Fuller, Charles H. Fuller, Lucius M. Garlick, Henry E. Gibbs, Stephen S. Godwin, George H. Gove, Edward P. . Grant, Andrew D. Handy, Simeon Haskell, John T. . Hodges, Henry M. Holmes, Theodore P. Hunt, Ephraim A. Johnson, Peter Keith, Nahum W. Leonard, George B. Merrick, John R. . Morse, Ezra . Nickerson, Ivorj^ . Nickerson, Simeon L. Osborne, Joseph C. Pettee, Wilkes H. G. Pierce, Charles Pierce, J. Frank . Place, Edward E. Powers, George Pratt, Enoch Raymond, Isaac . Raymond, Marcus M Sa\\yer, Lorenzo L. MIDDLE60R0UGH. Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mississippi," "Diana," "Sachem." Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th N. H. Inf. 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Me. Cav. Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 29th Penn. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ossipee," "North Carolina." Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Mus. 2d Penn. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Mississippi." Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st R. I. Cav. 206 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. MIDDLEBOROUGH — Concluded. Shaw, Jonathan W. Shaw, Joseph H. . Starkey, Charles L. Thomas, Henry L. Tinkham, Sylvanus Varney, Augustine D. Vaughan, Alvar . Westgate, Edward S. Weston, Durra F. Wilbur, Daniel F. Wilbur, Simeon . Witherell, Otis F. Wood, Edgar D. . Wrightington, Edward J. Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Me. Cav. Co. G, 3d R. I. H. A. ■ Co. D, 31st Me. Inf. Co. I, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf.; 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. E, 13th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Shawmut." Additional Names. Amsden, Frank H. Atwood, John S. . Bennett, Grover . Benson, Joshua D. Bump, Benjamin. Dimham, Henry A. Eaton, Henry A. . Freeman, Andrew Grant, Henry L. Hanley, Martin. Haskell, John T. Mcintosh, Henry. Peirce, Frank W. Perkins, John J. Perkins, Joshua L. Perkins, Thompson. Redding, Otis C. Smith, Christopher C. Smith, George H. Smith, Walter H. Thomas, Eliphalet W. Westgate, EHsha P. Wetherbee, David N. Day, Lewis E, Gallivan, Dennis Mayette, John Co. K, 3d R. I. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." U. S. N. ship "Ohio." 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. MIDDLEFIELD. Co. H, 95th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "North Carolina," "Isaac Smith," "Eureka." Co. D, 2d N. H. Inf. Cram, Oscar . Dernier, Edmund Gould, Benjamin F. MIDDLETON. Co. C, 11th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Quaker City,' Co. C, 2d Mass. Inf. 'North Carolina. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 207 Graham, James W. Grosvenor, John M. Jester, John R, Jones, Jolm E. Murray, Alexander Nye, Timothy W. Peabody, Henry . Preston, Henry M. Smith, Wilham Stone, Addison D. White, Henry F. . Wilkins, Scott Wilkins, Waldo . MIDDLETON — Concluded. Co. I, 9th Conn. Inf. Hospital Corps. Co. I, 60th Ohio Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. F, 1st Mass. H, A. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 34th N. J. Inf. Bailey, Henry J. Buck, George C. Burke, James W. Casey, David E. Cass, Anson L. Chapin, Willard H. Cheney, Almon F. Christian, George E. Coffee, Gordon Cook, Brenton B. Davis, Francis Day, Moses . Emery, William French, Alexander B. Gilmore, Alexander Glennon, Patrick J. Goodwin, James . Green, George M. *Hanson, Edward . Harding, Almon H. Holbrook, Sewell B. Howe, William H. Libbe}', Granger H. Lowery, Patrick . Mason, James M. Maj^nard, George L. Moore, John . jMorey, Elmore jNIorley, James T. Newton, George B. O'Connor, Thomas *01iver, Samuel Parkhurst, George C. Parkliurst, Herbert Perry, Theodore M. MILFORD. Co. A, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. D, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. E, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Cumberland." Co. F, 16th Vt. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Cambridge." Co. D, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 208 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Pond, Francis Pond, Henry A. . *Read, Alfred D. . Reed, Silas Richardson, J. Warren Smith, Horace M. Sprague, Nathan K. Sullivan, Daniel J. Thayer, Benjamin C. * Wales, Owen 0. Wheeler, Augustus WiUiams, Fred G. Wilmarth, Horace G. MILFORD — Concluded. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A.; Co. L, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 9th Me. Inf. Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Wabash," "Bermuda." Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Cherokee." Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav.; Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Adams, Oscar E. Clark, Gilfred. Clark, William J. Comiors, Thomas. Cook, Orrin C. Fletcher, James M. Garder, Samuel. Hart, Charles D. Howard, Amos K. Kinney, Albert C. Lyons, Thomas J. Nailor, Henry. Quimby, Oremandel. Whitney, George. WyUe, Wilham A. Aulnchont, Peter . Brown, Hamel Crosby, Pardon . Davidson, Henry W. Dike, James . Hall, Charles H. . Hobart, Henry F. Hodgdon, James M. Hoyle, Otis F. Hurd, Daniel E. . King, Simeon E. , Livermore, Anson G. Mee, George H. . Minor, Louis G. . Mullen, Patrick . Pierce, John . Powers, David A. Rice, Ambrose E. MILLBURY. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 6th U. S. Inf. Co. G, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 17th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. H, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 9th R. I. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 209 Rich, John S. Rowe, Hosias N. . Rowe, Ozias W. . Sutton, Arthur E. Tourtelotte, Thomas J Water, Lyman S. . Wheeler, Willis M. White, Henry A. . Winter, Thomas A. Additional Name. Bugbee, Edward R. Casey, Thomas Clark, Edmund N. Clark, J. Warren . Miller, Charles H. Myer, George L. . Additional Name. Higgins, Patrick. Allen, J. Warren . Babbitt, Ebenezer Baxter, WiUiam I. Belknap, Charles J, Blake, Henry N. . Bronsdan, William B. Butler, Charles T. Byrnes, James C. Cappers, Osgood . Clisby, Robert L. Emory, Augustus Fish, Henry F. Fredericks, WilUam A. Hebard, Samuel 0. Higgins, Jolm Hobbs, Alexander Hoflfman, Andrew Holbrook, Silas P. Houghton, Edwdn A. Ladd, William J. . Leavitt, William . LeFevre, Theophile M McGowan, Timothy Pomeroy, Samuel C. Pope, J. Frank Pope, Percival C. MILLBURY — Concluded. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 26th Me. Inf. MILLIS. Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 135th 111. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. MILTON. Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ships "Queen," "Dandehon," "Emma Henry." nth Batty. Mass. L. A.; Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Princeton." Co. K, nth Mass. Inf. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. Co. E, 4th Me. Inf. Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, nth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. Co, B, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Mahaska," "Cherokee." Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Richmond," "Susquehanna," "St. Mary's." 210 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Shidled, George N. Stevens, Alonzo . Temple, Charles M. . Wigley, James Additional Names. Bradbury, Sumner T. Shields, George W. Eddy, Ezra , MILTON — Concluded. Co. I, 43d N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 2d Me. Inf. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. MONROE. Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Abbott, Charles A. Bassett, James M. Brown, John W. . Calkins, Herbert H Charles, WilHam A. Horton, William H. Lemon, Francis E. Letter, John . Manchester, William N Mason, Lemuel S. McKenna, John F Nelson, Willard Park, Frank C. Pease, Francis B Pratt, Oren . Ryder, Andrew J. Seymour, George W. Stacy, James L. . Switzer, Oliver C. Wood, Francis N. MONSON. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 11th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 12th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. C, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 9th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. A, .36th 111. Cav.; Co. I, 15th 111. Cav. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Davis, Henry M. Hodge, Andrew L. Rood, Leander. Skinner, Geo. N. Wilcox, Moses. Amidon, Solomon Atherton, Ralph . Baker, Alex. H. Barnard, Edward E. Bartlett, Joseph . Bowman, James . Burnham, Erastus B. MONTAGUE. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co, G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 211 MONTAGUE — Concluded. Clapp, James H. . . Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Clark, Otis W. . . . Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf.; Co. C 21st Mass. Inf. Cook, Dwight . Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Cowdrey, Milo G. . Co. D, 15th Vt. Inf. Critchley, William . Co. K, 13th N. H. Inf. Curaonings, Mitchell . Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Day, Henry J. . Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Dodge, Charles E. . Co. F, 11th Conn. Inf. Dustin, Warren P. . Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Goddard, Edward L. . Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. Greenwood, Thomas E . Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Harrington, Thomas F . Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Maynard, Charles . Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Nevins, Orrin J. . . Co. G, 9th Me. Inf. Newton, Marcus M. . Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Nichols, David . Co. H, 60th N. Y. Inf. Parsons, James M. . Co. H, 2d Conn. H. A. Philips, Arthur C. . Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. Reed, WiUiam F. . . Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Roper, Charles F. . Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Sears, Alfred . Co. E, 10th Vt. Inf. Sewall, Lyman B. . Co. F, 33d Mass. Inf. Stiles, Waldo L. . . Co. A, nth Vt. H. A. Taylor, Edward E. . Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Voetsch, Amandus . Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Ward, Myron A. . . Co. I, 60th N. Y. Inf. Wood, John A. . Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf. Wright, Fred E. . . Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Wright, George A. . Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Additional Name s. Johnson, Oscar F. Payne, Geo. D. MONTEREY. Battelle, Lafayette Brett, .-Uonzo W. . Bump, WiUiam E. Stedman, Henry C. Warner, William . Additional Name. Dyer, A. P. Carter, Llewellyn Co. C, 4th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Conn. H. A. MONTGOMERY. Co. I, 26th Me. Inf. Schutt, Frank B. MOUNT WASHINGTON. . Co. G, 44th N. Y. Inf. 212 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cochran, Robert L. Curtis, Cyrus M. . Cusick, Thomas J. Deshon, Frank Galvin, James Kibbey, George W. Lanphear, Dwight Linnehan, Patrick Sweeney, John Tibbetts, Thos. W. NAHANT. Co. E, 139th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mich. Engineers. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 56th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Fort Donelson," "Ohio." Co. M, 3d R. I. H. A. Additional Names. Hyde, James. Vary, John. Waldo, Benjamin. Andrews, Gorham G. Backus, George A. Barrett, James H. Barrett, William A. Coffin, Benjamin A. Coffin, Henry C. . Crocker, Charles . Hyde, Charles Johnson, William . Lamb, John M. Lewis, Simeon L. . Murphey, Josiah F. Murphy, Franklin B. Ray, Alfred F. Roberts, Patrick H. Stiles, James . Winslow, George H. Wood, James B. . Young, Josiah A. . Additional Names. Folger, George E. Keene, Francis B. NANTUCKET. Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Cairo," "Lafayette," "Fort Hindman." Co. A, 133d Ind. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Stars and Stripes," "St. Lawrence." Co. H, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. M, 9th Penn. Cav. Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Aster." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Rhode Island," "National Guard," "Connecticut." Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. Ambler, Artemas C. Arey, Hiram F. Balcom, Oscar P. . Balcomb, Wellington NATICK. Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 19th Me. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 213 Bates, Henry L. . Bowers, Charles W. Chamberlain, William H Childs, Edward J. Clark, Oscar . Clough, Oilman J. Clough, James M. Clough, William H. Colburn, Sidney E. Cooper, Newell Crowley, Jolm W. Currier, James Currier, Samuel Doane, Pliny Dodge, Frank Drake, Alonzo M. Edgerley, Levi W. Engel, John . Fay, James T. Felch, Henry F. . Fox, Rosalba J. Frost, Sylvester H. Gay, George H. . Gleason, Daniel H. L. Greene, Daniel Hale, G. Oscar Hall, Charles W. . Hammond, James Hanson, Samuel E. Harwood, Harrison Hastings, Addison T. Healy, Bartholomew Hildreth, Sidney . Hoey, Matthew . Hosmer, Frederick B. Hughes, Michael . Kelleher, John Kelleher, William Knowlton, Charles H. Loker, Chas. P. Madden, James H. Mahan, Patrick . Mahone}', Daniel A. Mann, Samuel W. McCutchins, John C. ]\Ieader, John C. . Parmenter, George W. Pendleton, Silas P. Pierce, Alphonso B. Robinson, John L. NATICK — Continued. Co. F, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Calif. Inf. Co. E, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th Me. Inf. Co. E, 12th Me. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 15th N. H. Inf. ' Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th R. I. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Portsmouth." Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Clyde." Co. B, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 6th U. S. Inf. 1st Batty. Me. L. A. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "De Soto," "Saco." Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 54th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 13th Mass. H. A. 19th Batty. N. Y. L. A. Co. G, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. 214 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Ryther, Edwin E. Sheehan, Daniel . Smith, Albert Smith, Milton E. . Snell, Luther T. . Stricksma, Egbert E. Taylor, Edwin A. Thomas, Benjamin W. Tilton, Frank B. . Travis, Fayette E. Ward, Abner Wardell, Joseph F. Watson, Hale Williams, Stephen W. Willson, Frank P. Wright, Lewis NATICK — Concluded. Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. 8th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships ''Brooklyn," "Owasco." Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. K, 15th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton," "Monitor." Co. G, 16th Mass. Inf. Unass. 14th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Felton, Daniel Mullen, Michael J. Napen, James. Pray, Edmund L. Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Adams, EUas W. . Allen, William H. H. Bryer, Samuel G. Chase, Andrew Craig, Charles H. Crosby, John Dunham, Thomas H Gates, Winthrop A. Godfrey, John F. . Grover, Emery Harnden, Elwin R. Hart, WilUam G. . Horrocks, William J. Hutchinson, Solomon W Jenks, Francis Z. . Mansfield, Henry T. Pettis, James E. . *Richardson, Samuel Smith, Joseph Storer, Amos R. . Wayland, Valentine Wilcox, Lyman NEEDHAM. Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kingfisher," "Sonoma." Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. F, nth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 14th Me. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. Medical Corps. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 59th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Nipsic." Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 109th Penn. Inf.; Co. C, 20th Penn. Cav. Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 30th Me. Inf. Co. D, 1st R. I. Cav. Additional Name. Grant, Richard M. J. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 215 *Bridgeman, James Goodell, Darius N. Ingraham, David A. Pettit, Wanton H. NEW ASHFORD. U. S. N. ship "Tennessee." Co. K, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 141st N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 2d CaUf . Inf. Alden, George N. Allen, Charles G. . Almy, Otis H. Almy, William Andrews, Charles 0. Appleton, Thomas Arnett, Robert Austin, Lloyd W. Babcock, Henry H. Barnes, Benjamin F. Barry, William W. Bartels, FeUx K. . Batchelder, Ward C. Bates, Edmn J. . Bearse, Clarence A. Befuhs, Wm. Bentley, Loren T. Bosworth, Peleg . Bowman, Joshua B. Briden, Samuel Briggs, George W. Brown, David Brown, Henry Budd, John . Bumpus, Charles M. Burrows, William J. Caldwell, Zachariah Canavan, Patrick H. Carney, Patrick . Cashman, Thomas Caswell, George F. Carver, David Chase, Alexander H. Chase, George H. Chase, Joseph J. . Clair, Henry W. . Clark, Frederick P. Clark, Phineas K. NEW BEDFORD. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. Rhode Island L. A. Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. C, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th R. I. Inf.; Co. F, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Reindeer." U. S. N. ship "Mississippi." Co. F, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 14th U. S. Inf. Co. F, 13th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st R.I. Cav. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 80th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Metacomet," "Savannah." Co. F, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Constellation," "Seneca," "Paul Jones," "North CaroUna," "Vermont," "Vandalia," "Ohio." Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Wachusett," "Tristam. Shandy," "Ohio." Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Mohican." Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A.; Co. B, 1st N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Brooldjm," "New Hamp- shu-e," "Princeton." 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. 216 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cole, Theodore W. Comstock, Thomas W Cook, Thomas W. Cooms, John S. Cotes, Thomas Crandell, Burton W. Crapo, Albert A. . Crowell, David H. Crowell, Theodore P. Crowley, Timothy- Cunningham, Patrick P Deane, George R. Deverell, John H. Donaghy, Joseph . Drew, John T. Duchenay, Edward T. Dumec, Peter Dunbar, William A. Dupray, Joseph . Durfee, George L. Dyer, George N. . Dyer, John E. Edmonson, John . Eldridge, Washington A Emery, John C. . Feldgen, Herman J. Fisher, Francis M. Fisher, George L. Fitts, Winfield L. Fitzgerald, Edward, Sr Folger, David B. . French, Thomas H. Galpin, John L. Garland, Bernard T. Gelette, Charles W. George, William H. Gibbons, William F. Gibbs, Nathan S. Gifford, Cliristopher C Gifford, Thomas J. Giles, Isaac W. Godfrey, Seth W. Goodwin, Albert . Hammond, Sumner Handy, John T. . Harrison, Charles H. Hart, Edward NEW BEDFORD — Continiied. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf.; 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Lif. . Co. H, 14th Conn. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Whitehead." . Co. I, 7th N. Y. L. A. . Co. B, 51st N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 52d N. Y. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Colorado." . U. S. N. ship "Tuscarora." . Co. D, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Huron," "Monitor," "Princeton." . Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Oliio," "Rhode Island," "North Caro- lina." . Co. E, 197th Penn. Inf. . 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. F, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships " Ohio," " Roebuck," " North Carolina," "Wilderness," "Pawtuxet." . Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Wissahickon." . 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. F, 18th Ohio Inf. . Co. A, 58th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Wyandotte." . Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. D, 28th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. Ship "Santiago de Cuba." . Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Eolus." . Co. L, 10th R. I. L. A. . U. S.N. ship "Little Ada." . Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Hartford." . Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Wyoming." . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. . . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf.; 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 4th Me. Inf. . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ethan Allen," "Savannah." . Co. C, 54th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Varuna," "Oneida." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 217 Hart, Oliver . Haskins, Herbert K. . Hathawaj^ Chas. H. . Hathaway, Dudley C. Hathaway, Frederick A, Hathawaj'^, James H. . Hathaway, James S. Hervey, James W. Herzog, Frank Hill, Thompson Holmes, Jolm J. . Howard, George N. Howland, George . Howland, James H. Ide, Smith M. Jackson, Thomas W. James, Henry B. . Jenison, Joseph G. Jenney, Charles F. Jenney, Irving H. Jennings, Charles E. Jennings, George M. Jennings, Gilbert M. Jennings, WiUiam H. H Jewett, Nelson E. Joseph, Aaron C. . Keenan, Thomas F. Kelley, WiUiam L. King, Isaiah . King, Manuel Kingsley, Nelson M. Lawrence, John H. La\\i^on, Joseph L. Lawton, Theodore E. Leach, Joseph Leach, WilUam H. Little, Francis Luscombe, Abraham Macomber, George P. Mason, Henry M. IVIason, Jolm L. G. Maxfield, Edmund F. Maxfield, Fred T. IVIayhew, Allen G. McEmans, Edwin J. IVIcNulty, James C. Meehan, Daniel . !Moore, Eldad E. . Morgan, Noah W. NEW BEDFORD — Continued. . Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Bainbridge." . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 2d N. J. Inf. . Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 3d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Hunchback," "ChilUcothe." . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 41st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 186th Penn. Inf. . U. S. N. Gunboat "Louisville." . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Mississippi." . Co. D, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st R. I. Cav. . Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 5th Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. . Mus. 4th R. I. Inf. . Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Black Hawk." . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Mohican," "Wabash." . Co. E, 1st R. I. L. A. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. . Co. K, 13th N. Y. H. A. . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Pontiac." . Co. K, nth R.I. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship" Fernandina." . Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 9th N. Y. Cav. . Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ossipee," "State of Georgia," "Dela- ware." . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 24th IVIass. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 1st Conn. Cav. . Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Richmond," "Nyanza," "Pampero." 218 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Neagus, Edward G. Nelson, Richard Nickerson, William J. Norton, Andrew J. O'Neil, John . Openshaw, George C. Parker, James N. Parlon, Loring T. Paul, James . Peirce, Charles E. Perry, William H. Philips, Ferdinand Philips, John Plummer, Horace M. Pollock, Albert H. Potter, Albert A. . Potter, Benjamin Potter, Stephen R. Randall, George W. Raymond, WilUam F. Rhodes, George H. Richards, John H. Richards, William D. Richmond, Samuel P. Robbins, Edward W. Robbins, Thomas C. Robetoye, Jerry . Rock, George H. . Rock, Joseph Rogers, Harry Rogers, Henry B. Rosier, Gilbert Rounds, Andre S. Russell, Henry C. Sadler, William G. Say, George W. Simmons, Charles C. Simmons, Samuel P. Simms, Joseph M. *Simpson, Thomas 0. Slosson, Henry C. Smead, Jonathan H. Smith, Andrew J. Smith, Edmund B. Smith, Harry E. . Smith, WiUiam P. Soule, Robert F. . Spare, John V. Spencer, Ezra Squire, H. H. Swasey, Charles A. G. NEW BEDFORD — Continued. . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 54th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 19th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Pensacola." . U. S. N. ships "Keokuk," "Nahant," "Mississippi." . Co. B, 20th Penn. Inf. . Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 13th Mass. L. A. . Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st R. I. Cav. . Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Hartford." . Co. D, 1st Conn. H. A. . Co. H, 1st R. .1. Cav. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 1st R. I. Inf. . Co. A, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." . Co. I, 26th Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st N. Y. Cav. . Co. K, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. G, 6th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 104th N. Y. iDf. . U.S.N, ship "Circassian." . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st R. I. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Battln. D. C. Inf. ; U. S. N. ship " Wateree." . Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. . 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 14th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 30th Wis. Inf. . Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Mahaska." . Co. B, 2d Conn. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 219 Swdft, Francis H. . Tallman, James H. Taylor, Benjamin W. Taylor, John W. . Thomas, Edward . Thomas, George . Thornton, Thomas A. To^^^lsend, Job Trapp, Henry J. . Tripp, Ambrose H. Tripp, Christopher B. Tripp, George A. . Tripp, Ira P. Trull, Charles F. . Washburn, Francis P. Washburn, Frederick A Watkins, James B. Weaver, Stephen V. Webber, Harvey H. West, George M. . Weston, Leroy G. Wheeler, Joseph H. White, George D. Whitfield, Robert L. Wilcox, Henry A. Wilcox, William H. Williston, Hiram L. Williston, Leander A. Wilson, Edward T. Winegar, Samuel P. Wing, Joshua B. . Wixon, George R. Wood, Thomas F, Woodward, William NEW BEDFORD — Continued. . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Tacony," "Ohio," "St. LawTence," "Minnesota." . Co. G, 10th R. I. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "George Manghan." . Co. H, 13th N. J. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Philadelphia." . Co. G, 4th R. I. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Constitution." . U. S. N. ships "Tristam Shandy," "Cambridge," "Victoria." . Co. A, 41st Mass. Inf. . 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. . U.S.N, ship "Kingfisher." . Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. i . Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 5th Mass. L. A. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. . U. S. Navy. . 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 7th Battln. Me. H. A. . Co. E, 12th R. I. Inf. . Co. F, 5th Conn. Inf. . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Sacramento," "Ohio." . Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 10th Comi. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Benton." . Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. . 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Pawnee," "Sabine," "Young Rover." . Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. . Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Antone, Manuel. Babbett, John W. Baptist, John. Black, Peter. Carver, David 0. Caswell, Wm. Clough, Geo. H. . Colwell, Zachariah. Dunlap, Albert T. Eldridge, Peter V. England, George. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th R. I. Inf. 220 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Lucas Squire H. . Morton, Elbridge G. Mosher, Willard B, Ogden, John. Rau, Gustave. Rice, Adoniram J. Rogers, Harrison A. Smith, Daniel. Soule, Thos. H. . Stephens, Aaron. Varley, John. Wing, Henry K. . NEW BEDFORD — Concluded. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. HiU, Enoch H. . Judkins, Samuel E. *Matthews, John 0. NEW BRAINTREE. Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 16th N. Y. H. A. Bailey, Benjamin T. Bailey, William P. Curtis, Frank D. . Gale, Albert . Gould, Phineas B. Kent, William H. Little, Amos M. . Perkins, John T. . Poor, Hiram K. *Poor, Ira W. . Robinson, Alfred B. Rogers, Asa J. Rogers, Benjamin P. Rogers, Charles E. Rogers, Charles P. Rogers, George W. *Rogers, Timothy W. Sanborn, William T. Thurlow, Charles W. Young, Moses Additional Name. Cheney, John A. . NEWBURY. Co. D, 4Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf.; 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 31st Me. Inf. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf.; 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. C, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. Adams, Hazen M. Allen, George H. . Atkinson, F. Eugene NEWBURYPORT. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Sagamore." Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 221 Aubin, Thomas Ayers, Charles L. Balch, Charles T. Balch, Hiram T. . Barlow, Joseph Bartlett, Jacob Bartlett, Joseph W. Blood, Andrew Bowen, Wilham G. Bradbury, Charles E. Brookings, Samuel Bryant, James L. Carter, Luther Channel, Samuel 0. Cheever, Augustus A, Cheney, Jolm A. . *Chesley, Daniel Cobb, Samuel 0. . Coffin, Francis E. Coffin, Moses F. . Cook, Albert J. Cook, Joseph Cook, Thomas N. Currier, LeRoy S. Cusick, Wilham C. Daley, Thomas P. Dame, Luther Davidson, Richard L Davis, Daniel M. Davis, James Dodge, Re}Tiold Dow, Abram G. Dow, Josiah Y. Dow, Samuel P. Enus, Frank A. EjTiart, Homer Follansbee, Luren *Ford, Samuel J. Gale, Stephen W. Goodhue, Nathaniel Goodwin, Robert S. Gould, Ehsha P. . Grant, Charles A. Gray, George C. . Greaton, Obed W. Green, Eliphalet . Hall, Ambrose Hardy, Charles E. Harmond, Edward Hatch, Orlando F. Hopkinson, Francis NEWBURYPORT — Continued. . Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. . 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 48th Mass.Tnf.; Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co, A, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 4th Vt. Inf. . Co. I, 26th .Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. . U.S.N, ship "Portsmouth." . Co. C, nth Mass. Inf.; 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship " Canandaigua." . Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Me. Inf. . Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Guerriere." . Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 7th 111. Cav. . Co. K, 93d Ohio Inf. . Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. sliips "Jamestown," "Hartford." . Co. C, nth Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. A, 5th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 17th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Mahaska." . Co. E, nth Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. 222 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Hopkinson, William N *Hynes, Joseph *Ivers, Joseph Jackson, Alfred A. Johnson, Giles D. Johnson, James H. Johnston, WilHam Kelley, Michael . Kent, David . *Kirkwood, Alexander *Knight, Charles H. Lanery, John L. . Lattimer, George W. Lewis, Charles H. Little, Charles Lord, George F. . Lord, Lyman W. . Lowell, Paul J. Manchester, Henry T. Martin, Henry Maynard, John A. Merrill, Edwin I. . Merrill, William H. Moody, Joseph E. Morrill, David C. *Morrison, Rufus . *Nelson, Jeremiah . Nelson, John B. . Noyes, Charles T. Noyes, Thomas Nutting, Dexter W. Obeirne, William . Page, Charles W. . Pearson, Eugene A. Perkins, Paul A. . Perkins, Theodore R. Pettingill, William H. Pierce, Ivory W. . Piper, George W. . Porter, Jere W. Roney, Michael . Sawyer, John G. . Short, Samuel S. Jr. Shute, George S. . Sinclair, James Spiller, William H. *Stevens, George H. NEWBURYPORT — Continued. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Juniata." Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "South Carolina." Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 69th 111. Inf. Co. D, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 69th 111. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Itasca," "Ohio," "Princeton." Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. U. S. N. ships "New Ironsides," "Ariel," "Wabash," "Hendrick Hudson," "Monadnock," "Jamestown," "Fort Henry." Co. A, Sth Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Brooklyn," "Richmond," "Hendrick Hudson," "San Jacinto," "North Caro- lina." Co. D, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. A, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th IMass. Inf.; Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. U.S.N, ship" Sebago." U. S. N. ship "Wabash." Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 223 *Stickney, George W. Stoddard, Henry A. *Swasey, William H. Swett, Aaron 0. . Thompson, Alfred W. Thompson, William C. Tobin, John L. Todd, Charles R. . Toppan, Roland W. True, George P. . *Walton, James H. Welch, Benjamin C. Welch, James E. . Wetherell, Thomas * White, Joseph M. Wilson, Simon E. NEWBURYPORT — Concluded. Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 19th Conn. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. L, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 31st Me. Inf. Co. B, 4th N. Y. Inf.; 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. U.S.N, ship "Sonoma." Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Currier, Wm. A. Donahue, Patrick T. Hervey, James W. Manchester, Henry. McCarthy, Cornelius. Meader, James W. Norton, John. Smith, W^aldo. Whitely, William. Allen, James H. . Barber, Hubert L, Chapin, Alvan W. Kenniston, James . Knight, Andrew J. McLaughlin, James Rugg, Wilham H. Scriber, Henry C. Shultus, George W. Stannard, Edward E. VanDeusen, Jolm Wade, Benjamin . Additional Name. Sheldon, Gilbert. Anderson, EHas Ballard, Daniel Briggs, Fernando N. Dexter, Wm. N. . Hay den, Jesse G. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. NEW MARLBOROUGH. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 63d N. Y. Inf. Co. r, 5th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. E, nth Conn. Inf. Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. NEW SALEM. Co. H, 13th X. H. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 31st Mass. Inf. 224 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Hoyt, Wm. . Potter, Henry D. Pratt, Lewis G. Ramsdell, Frank Weeks, Reuben NEW SALEM — Concluded. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Abbott, Curtis Adams, Manley U. Allen, Lorenzo L. Ashenden, Richard Ayles, WiUiam H. Bagley, William H. Ballou, Ira F. Bartlett, Chas. W. Batt, Charles R. . Beal, Jarius T. Bell, William Bennett, Charles H. Bennett, Harrison Binford, Andrew . Bostock, Joshua T. Bowen, Charles F. Bradley, Thomas . Bugbee, Albert P. Burrage, Geo. D. . Butterfield, George V. Campbell, George Cannon, Michael . Chandler, Perry . Chapin, Sunmer F. Chase, Stephen F, Conant, Everett W. Condon, Patrick . Coppius, Geo. T. . Cousens, Jos. E. . Crooker, Seth R. . Gushing, Frank H. Dodge, Judson F. Dolon, Thomas Dimn, James Edwards, Adoniram J. EUis, Edw. A. Farnham, Daniel F. Ferris, Alexander M. Fiske, George M. . *Fitz, Francis . Flood, John . NEWTON. Co. H, 2d Vt. S. S. Co. D, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Merrimac." Co. F, 31st Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Aroostook," "Princeton." Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Me. Inf.; Co. K, 29th Me. Inf. Co, C, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Va. Cav. Co. F, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, U. S. Eng. Corps. Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 13th lU. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Sophronia." Co. G, 1st Me. Cav. U.S.N, ship" Casco." Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Glaucus," "Juliet." Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 12th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. Ordnance Dept. U. S. A. Co. B, 44th Penn. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 31st Me. Inf. Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 225 Folsom, William H. *Ford, James . Frye, Theophilus . Fuller, Thomas G. Gay, Joseph . Gleason, Chas. E. Graves, Morgan H. Groth, WiUiam Hall, Wm. F. HamUn, Edward F. HaskeU, Charles W. Hersey, Arthur W. Hohnan, Will F. . Holmes, William J. Hornsby, Norburn HoweU, EUis . Howland, Hibbard S. Hunt, Charles Huntington, Wm. E. Hurd, Edward P. Jaquith, Asa W. . Jennison, Francis E. Jepson, Geo. E. Jussen, Carl . Kerrivan, Thomas A. Kimball, Charles M. Laffie, Martin C. . Lane, Edwin L. Langley, Samuel A. Learned, John R. Leonard, John Libbey, Albert A. *Lord, Isaac M. Loring, Stanton D. MacDougall, James M Madden, Patrick . Mague, William H. Manning, Thomas Mansfield, Henry A. Marsh, George N. Marston, Stephen B. McCidlough, James McElwain, Henry Melzard, George A. Moore, Charles Mudge, William M. Newell, Charles . Newhall, Charles Newhall, George W. NEWTON — Continued. Co. C, 45th Mass. Inf.; 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. sliips "Macedonian," "Bainbridge," "Katah- din." Co. B, 18th N. Y. Cav. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, Sth Conn. Inf. Co. K, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, oth Mass. Cav. Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 17th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. • Co. H, 49th Wis. Inf. Co. K, 16th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 7th N. J. Inf.; Co. F, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. B, 9th Me. Inf. Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Wis. Inf. Co. C, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. S.S. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf. Ind. Co. lU. Cav. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. U.S.N, ship" Lodona." U. S. N. ships "Wyandotte," "Maimi," "Pa^\-tuxet." Co. G, 21st Mass. inf. Co. M, 6th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Penobscot," "Selina." Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Me. H. A. Co. A, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 55th Mass. Inf. 3d Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. Surg. 14th U. S. Inf. Co. D, Sth Mass. Inf. 226 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Ober, Colon S. O'Connor, Frederick A Ogden, Charles Osborne, Geo. H, . Pettee, Lemuel Phelps, Arthur A. Plimpton, Theo. A. Pote, George P. . Putnam, Samuel P. Ranson, Edward M. Reed, James E. Robinson, John H. Rogerson, William B. Ryan, Edward J. . Ryan, John . Sands, Edward C. Sawyer, Charles H. Seabury, Franklin T. Shapleigh, Thomas W. Shattuck, Sumner E. Shirley, Charles E. Shourds, Chas. F. Simpson, G. Frederick Soden, Arthm- H. Steel, Charles L. . Stevens, Horace P. Stiles, Herbert L. Stone, Lincoln R. Sullivan, Timothy C. Sweetland, Charles W. Towle, Joseph M. Tyler, Francis M. Very, Samuel W. . Walker, Samuel A. *Wellington, Henry Whitton, Albert G. Wilkins, George C. Withington, Samuel S. Young, James A. . NEWTON — Continued. Co. D, 31st Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Minnesota." Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. Co. B, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Constellation." Co. A, nth Mass. Inf. 1st Me. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 115th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 28th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 7th U. S. Cav. Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. C, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 17th Me. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Merrimac," Co. B, 15th Me. Inf. Co. C, 12th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 26th Me. Inf. Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Ohio Inf. Surg. 2d Mass. Inf. U. S.N. ship "Little Ada." U. S. Eng. Corps. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 9th R. I. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Gemsbok," "Macedonian," "Constel- lation," "Marion," "Wachusett." Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Daylight," "Rhode Island," "Pensa- cola," "Tallapoosa." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Vermont," "South Carolina," "Circassian," "Jonquil." Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Adams, George H. Allen, Wm. H. Beal, Albert J. Chase, Henry A. Curtis, Wallace F. Gray, Otis W. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 227 NEWTON — Concluded. Haj'es, George H. Hill, George. Johnson, George L. Keiser, Charles. Manning, William. Martin, Andrew J. Milliken, Woodman S. Patten, C. Curtis. Peakes, Charles A. Perry, Nathaniel. Pickthall, Thomas. Proctor, Benjamin. Putnam, Daniel F. Sands, Charles W. Slater, Lewis L. Sprague, Homer B. Baker, George E. . Comey, William M. Compton, David T. Dupee, George S. Fales, Silas E. Fisher, Albert Gove, William W. Greene, Charles 0. Thompson, Jolm K. NORFOLK. Co. H. 56th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d U. S. Inf.; Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A. 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Juliet," cator," "Volunteer." 14th Battery Mass. L. A. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 44th IMass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st R. I. Cav.; Co. M, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 'Vindi- Additional Name. Chamberlain, Francis. Amadon, Louis Arnum, Charles H. Benjamin, James . *Berry, Charles H. Canfield, Addison E. Cardinal, Leander H. Chambers, Joseph Champney, Fred W. Clark, Michael H. *Crosier, William L. Curley, John Curley, INIartin Dalrymple, Austin Darby, WiUiam F. Davis, Augustus . Dodd, WiUiam NORTH ADAMS. Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 104th N. Y. Inf.; Co. I, 21st N. Y. Cav. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 91st N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 9th Me. Inf. Co. A, 91st N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "North Carolina," "Augusta Dinsmore," "Union," "Gem of the Sea." Co. A, 56th Penn. Inf. Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf. 228 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Estes, George W. . Ferguson, Thomas Fife, Andrew Fisher, Stamford M. Formhals, Augustus Fulton, Alexander W. Gove, Frank B. . Gregson, George . Harrington, Hiram A. Harrington, William H Haskins, Adalbert A. *Haskins, Asa L. . Herbert, Jeremiah H. Herman, Charles B. Himes, Daniel R. Hindley, Samuel J. Holmes, Jolm W. . Illingsworth, Jolm W. Kelley, John . Knopf, Edward F. Larive, Edward . Leary, Alonzo Lee, Albert A. Lesure, Russell Lewis, Charles H. Loomis, Horace A., Sr. Martin, Nickles . McNamara, John J. McNulty, John *Meade, Thomas W. *Merrill, Samuel L. Millard, Henry J. Mitchell, John Mogels, Fred Montgomery, George J Moore, Edwin M. Murray, Joseph M. Nelson, William E. Orr, John H. Patridge, Stephen P. Peck, Elmer . Peck, Emery Pike, Charles N. . Rand, Henry C. . Reynolds, Charles Robertson, John H. Schouler, R. Emmett Sharron, Louis Shultis, Charles E. NORTH ADAMS — Continued. . Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Onondaga," "Dictator," "Housa- tonic." . Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 16th Vt. Inf. . Co. D, 10th N. Y. H. A. . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. ; Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 110th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. A, 2d Vt. Inf. . Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 5th Mass. Cav. . Co. M, 4th N. Y. Cav. . Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 123d N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 10th Vt. Inf. . 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 8th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Vt. Inf. . Co. H, 2d N. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 9th N. Y. Cav. . Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 153d N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. . Surg. 17th U. S. Col. Inf. . Surg. 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 153d N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 120th N. Y. Inf.; Co. B, 73d N. Y. Inf.; Co. I, 77th N. Y. Inf.; Co. I, 2d N. Y. Inf. . Co. L, nth Mich. Cav. . Co. I, 39th Wis. Inf. . Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 7th N. Y. Cav. . Co. I, 150th N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. . Mus. 6th Army Corps. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 21st N. Y. Cav. . Co. B, 1st R. I. Cav. . Co. G, 32d N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 159th N. Y. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 229 Slade, George H. . Smith, Robert *Snyder, Peter Stockwell, George S. Talham, Albert E. Terrj^, Curtis H. . Tower, Charles F. Tower, Henry A. . Towle, John H. Viall, William Welton, William . Whitcomb, IMyron Wiley, Edson Young, Alexander NORTH ADAMS — Concluded. Co. F, 89th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Vt. Inf.; Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. ^lus. 10th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. Mus. 10th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 125th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 22d N. Y. Inf. Additional Names. Beals, Charles W. Conrad, William E. Harrington, Alonzo. James, Albert LaFountain, Joseph Osteyer, Louis A. Rider, Sidney Ropes, Charles A. Shultis, Nicholas . Skelley, Thomas. Turner, Henry Wells, John H. . Wilson, William E. U. S. N. Co. F, 192d N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 118th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 13th N. Y. H. A. Co. K, 4th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Abbott, Gustavus Abbott, Hubbard M. Ashley, Samuel B. Bardwell, William R. Belden, Henry C. Bingham, William H. Bodmen, Samuel C. Bond, William C. Brackett, Ezra E. Brierlej^, John B. . Buckman, Ogden D. Cahill, Patrick J. . ^Carpenter, Francis X. Champney, William A, Clark, George D. . Clark, Wilfred A. Clarke, Albert B. . NORTHAMPTON. Co. I, 6th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. E, o2d jNIass. Inf. Co. D, 52d ]Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "E. B. Hall," "Ottawa." Co. K, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Nyack." Co. I, 16th N. Y. H. A. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. 230 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cobb, Frederick R. Cook, Benjamin E. Crafts, Balla . Crittenden, George F. Day, Luke Dilworth, Martin C. Dinsmore, Alvin D. Dooley, Matthew Dumphy, Thomas Emerson, Gary Emerson, Thomas A. Fall, Henry . Farr, Charles R. . Field, Henry H. . Fitzgerald, Hugh F. Fitz-Gibbon, William Flagg, George W. Freeman, Julius . Fulton, WilUam . Graves, Edward E. Guynup, Augustus L. Hall, E. P. . Hallett, Henry C. Harrington, Timothy M. Harris, Charles Harris, George W. Hescook, Oscar B. Houghton, Chas. M. Hoxie, David E. . Hunt, Martin L. . Jewett, George D. Lambie, John F. . Leonard, William Litchfield, Augustus L. Lucey, John . Manning, Joel D. Marsh, Albert McKay, John McKenna, James . Morse, Benjamin F. Mousseau, Francis D. Nagel, Louis . O'Neil, Garrett . Pierce, Timothy D. Phmpton, Louis F. Prouty, Oriville W. Rickey, W^arren Sawtelle, Edwin M. *Scates, David W. C. Schutt, Marcus M. Seidell, Chas. NORTHAMPTON — Continued. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Me. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th U. S. S. S. U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "Perry." Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. Y. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Elk." Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 10th Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Azalia." Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 60th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Conn. Inf. Co. H, 96th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 37th N. J. Inf. Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d N. H. Inf. 13th Batty. Mich. L. A. Co. A, 16th N. Y. H. A. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 98th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Unass. 5th N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, nth N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 40th N. J. Inf. Co: H, 27th Me. Inf. Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 57th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 231 Sikes, Jerome B. . Smith, Portus B. . *Smith, Sylvanus Snow, Edwin M. . Southwick, Elbridge G Stearns, Luther G. Stockwell, John A. Thompson, Charles H. Thompson, John P. Titcomb, William H. Tracy, Carlos C. . Van Slike, Nicholas S. *Willard, Francis Witherell, Alphonso Young, Joseph NORTHAMPTON — Concluded. . Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, nth Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 124th Ohio Inf. . Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 27th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship ''Wissahickon." . Co. M, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 14th Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 46th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Atwood, Daniels A. Cook, Francis A. . Laduc, Gannett, . Noble, Arthur B. . Walker, Oliver U. S. N. Co. H, 1st N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. Barker, Andrew J. Bruce, William W. Chase, Parker J. . Cliickering, Wallace W Evans, William A. Fish, Samuel A. . Hogan, Patrick F. Holt, WUUamC. . Hosmer, Albert N. Houghton, Eugene C. Huiman, Edward P. "McCarthy, Patrick Morton, John Murphy, Dennis J. Pilling, Charles A. Roimdy, William S. Smith, George I. . Trombly, Joseph . Webster, Henry A., Sr Wild, Walter H. . NORTH ANDOVER. Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Lodona." Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. H, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. Co. G, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. A. nth Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. F, 6th N. Y. H. A. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. R. I. L. A.; Co. M, 3d R. I. H. A. Aldrich, Welcome B. Ballon, Stephen . Barber, Manley P. NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH. . Co. B, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. D, 1st R. I. L. A. . Co. G, 1st R. I. L. A. 232 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH — Concluded. Bennett, Alonzo C. Bosworth, Julius I. Briggs, William Bronson, Benj. F. Clapp, Harvey Day, Charles W. . Day, James M. Enghy, Elan . Fournier, Oliver Franklin, Asa M. . Frey, John Gillson, George L. Grigor, Edward Guild, Charles T. Harlow, Michael . Hull, Jolm H. Joslin, Lloyd B. . Kiehn, Charles Kivlin, Patrick A. Mackinson, John F. Palin, Charles H. . Peck, Charles C. . Pond, Frederick . Richardson, Edwin C. Rose, Byron . Schickle, Nicholas Smith, James H. . Stanley, Stephen . Struck, Henry G. S. *Sturtevant, Edwin Sylvester, Eben L. Tylor, George Upton, John S. Watson, Henderson Whiting, John F. . Whiting, Gardner U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Eutaw," "Daylight." Co. E, 1st R. I. Inf.; Co. F, 11th R. I. Inf. Co. I, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. H, 23d Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Powhatan," "Iosco." Co. C, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. G, 15th Me. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th N. Y. Inf.; Co. H, 15th N. Y. H. A. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. Mass. Hos. Corps. Co. G, 40th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Thomas Freeborn." Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Circassian," "Tioga." Co. A, 9th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Me. Inf.; Co. F, 29th Me. Inf. Co. K, 6th Ohio Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 19th Mass. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 213th Penn. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Mus. 7th Mass. Inf. Co. A, nth Me. Inf. Co. K, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Iosco." Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf.; U, S. N. ships "Cincinnati," "Lexington." Co. H, 9th R. I. Inf.; Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Additional Name. Blackington, Jacob A. Allen, George W. . Bemis, WiUiam H. Burdette, Henry H. Cook, Henry H. . Fay, Asa B, . *Harrington, Francis M Hart, John F. Heath, Guilford P. Hecox, David NORTHBOROUGH. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st U. S. L. A. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. Mus. 1st Mass. Cav. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 57th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 233 Holbrook, John D. Johnson, John F. . Leighton, Hazen . Mentzer, Cyrus H. Sawyer, David R. *Smith, Francis L. Thompson, George M. Tyler, Henry H. . Valentine, Walter Warren, William H. Whitcomb, Levi . WilHams, Edward S. NORTHBOROUGH — Concluded. Co. D, 16th Vt. Inf.; Co. F, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. I, 36th ]\Iass. Inf. Co. A, o7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Conn. Inf. Co. G, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 86th Ohio Inf.; Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. L. A. Adams, George B. Aldrich, William H. *Baker, Benjamin T. Bostwick, David S. BroTVTi, George R. Carr, Loammi B. Conlin, Stephen Crichton, James Cross, Francis A. Curran, James Davis, Bowers Davis, George W. Flaherty, IVIichael Littlefield, Alonzo M. Lovely, George McCarthy, John . *McQuade, Bernard Pharnes, John E. . Robbins, Thomas J. *Smith, Lewns W. . ♦Wood, Asa F. NORTHBRIDGE. Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Atlanta." Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st W^ash. D. C. Cav. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. B, 2d Me. L. A. Co. B, nth R. I. Inf.; Co. F, 10th R. I. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ships "Sacramento," "Ohio." Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 3d R. I. Cav.; Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. D, nth Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "San Jacinto," "Oneida," "Vanderbilt." Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, ISth Conn. Inf. Additional Names. Colby, Leroy S. Lincoln, John. Larkin, Thomas. Barnes, Wilder W. Beckwith, Lowell A. Bemis, Harrison 0. Bruce, George W. Cole, Daniel D. NORTH BROOKFIELD. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 5th IMass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. 234 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. NORTH BROOKFIELD — Concluded. Converse, Josiah C. Corbin, Emmon B. Deane, Wilder E. DeLane, Nelson H. Deyo, Charles H. Draper, Edwin M. Foster, Albert H. . Gilbert, Alden J. . Granger, Charles E. Hayden, Lovett B. Hin, George W. A. Holden, Wyman W. Holmes, Sumner . Irish, Isaac F. Mason, William . McNamara, Michael M Parkman, Charles Sargeant, Lavander D Sheehan, James Smith, Frank A. . St. Clair, Harry A. Stevens, Benjamin Tatro, Amede B. . Tucker, George A. Walley, William . Watson, Charles K. Webber, Gilbert T. Whitley, Henry A. Woodcock, Alphonso Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships ''Quaker City." Co. B, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships ''Ohio," "New Hampshire," "North Carolina." Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 20th Ohio Inf. 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Conn. Inf.; Co. F, 40th N. J. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Moreau, Alex Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Briggs, Henry J. . Field, Benjamin F. Field, George P. . Fowler, Lewis Hamilton, James R. Irish, Calvin A. Kenney, Ransom C. Lamson, William P. *Mattoon, Charles W. Sawyer, Asahel Thomas, Isaac L. Wood, Oscar . Woodbury, Richard W NORTHFIELD. Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th N. Y. Cav. Co. C, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 19th Me. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 235 Bacheller, John Evans, Isaac 0. . Fairbanks, J. E. . Flint, Asa Homan, Daniel A. Maclntire, Geo. E, Maclntire, William *Monroe, Andrew Brigham Nichols, Geo. W. . Richardson, John Tarbox, Ebenezer Walton, Frank 0. West, Thomas Additional Name. Taylor, Charles. Burgess, George H. Flansbury, Stephen Fisher, Charles F. Fiske, Benjamin S. Freeman, Edgar A. Hogan, John F. Hunt, George C. . Lauriat, Louis A. . Murphy, James H. Sampson, WiUiam R. Simmons, John Snow, James B. Willis, Loren B. . NORTH READING. Co. D, Sth Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf.; 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Battln. Mass. Frontier Cav. NORTON. Batty. E, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Vt. H. A. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. *Ainslie, Edward P. Barker, Joshua R. *Boynton, Walter L. Chamberlain, Josiah W Curtis, Joseph H. Dyer, Frank . EweU, Daniel R. . Farrar, Henry R. . French, Benjamin F. Gardner, Charles N. Gardner, Jolm D. Hatch, Augustus . Hatch, George A. Howard, Jolin A. . Humphrey, Edward W Leach, Lebbens NORWELL. U.S. N. ship "Niphon." Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Me. Inf. Co. I, 4th IMass. H. A. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 32d IMass. Inf. Co. L 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 18th IMass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 53d N. Y. Inf.; Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th IMass. Inf. Co. A, 50th IMass. Inf. 236 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Leavitt, Charles M. Litchfield, Alfred B. Mann, Howard F. Mann, John E. Merritt, Wm. 0. . Morse, Wm. H. . *Osbonie, Levi N. . Prouty, John H. . Robinson, David P. Sale, John A. Smith, Charles W. Snowdale, Albion . Stetson, Benjamin E. Stone, Wm. E. ' . Studley, Edwin R. Tolman, Edward P. Turner, Henry A. Alden, Marcus M. Bagley, George F. Banks, Edwin A. . Baxter, Elijah Brown, Charles I. Demith, Ezekiel F. Ellis, Alfred . Fales, Henry N. Foreman, Wm. Gay, Wm. H. Hartshorn, Chas. E. Hathaway, James H. Holman, Ora Leach, Orrin T. May, J. Edgar Mead, George W. Mitchell, Stanford Morse, Chas. H. . Norton, Thomas . Partridge, James H. Peterson, George 0. Rogers, Chas. H. . Shackley, Charles H. Summer, J. Frederick Swett, Samuel Wellington, Theodore F. Whitney, Constant F. Additional Name. Fairbanks, Jarvis G. NORWELL — Concluded. . Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav. , Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. , Co. I, 58th Mass. Inf. , Co. G, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 9th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "Sabine." Co. A, 10th Me. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 11th Mass. L. A. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. NORWOOD. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Conn. H. A. Co. H, 13th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Lexington," "Exchange." Co. G, 74th N. Y. Inf. 2d Batty. Me. L. A. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. C, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. E, 65th Ohio Inf.; Co. B, 138th 111. Inf. Co. C, 8th Me. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 187th Ohio Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 3d Fla. Inf. Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 19th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Georgia," "Tennes- see," "Peacock." Co. C, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 237 Baker, Leander Bradley, Thomas H. Bragg, Lewis Briggs, George P. Chad'W'ick, Joseph A. Chase, Fred D. . Raymond, Aaron F. Ripley, Samuel E. A. Stratton, George H. Tripp, Joseph F. . White, John E. . Wormley, W. Lindsey OAK BLUFFS. Co. I, 10th R. I. Inf.; Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. A, 17th Me. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf.; 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Mononga- . hela." U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Vermont," "North Caro- lina." Co. D, 47th la. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Penn. Inf. Co. A, 30th N. Y. Cav. Dean, Gardner M. Green, Horace M. "Keyes, Warren C. Munroe, Isaac N. Stone, John E. OAKHAM. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 60th Mass. Inf. Baker, Edward BHss, Francis H. . Boutelle, Landon H. Burrill, Elmer C. . Carpenter, Albert A. Clement, D wight E. Davis, Everett A. Drake, George A. Dm-kee, Elhott D. Durkee, Royal E. Foskett, Albert Foster, William H. Giles, Sumner S. . Hackett, Albert W. Hamilton, Trafton Harris, Lorenzo Hartson, John F. . Hawks, Edward D. Hoist on, John C. . Hover, Walter Kidder, Henry W. Lawrence, Frederick J ]\Iason, L}Tiian D. Mclntire, Phineas S. Mixter, Charles H. ORANGE, U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Colorado," "Cal- houn," "Pensacola." Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. H, 4th U. S. L. A. Co. D, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. K, 153d 111. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 153d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 16th N. Y. H. A. Co. H, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 30th Me. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. 238 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Moranville, George W. Morse, Edward W. Newell, Edward . Newton, Israel Oakes, Alphonse E. Sawyer, Erastus . Seaver Frank Severance, George R. Slate, Arthur F. . Spear, Frank L. . Stetson, Charles S, Taylor, Atwell A. Taylor, Charles R. Temple, Augustus Underwood, Samuel L Webster, Joseph F. Weeden, William W. Welch, Charles E. White, Adriel Whittier, Fred M. Wilbur James W. Wilson, Aaron Young, Edward S. ORANGE — Concluded. Co. C, 1st Battln. Mass. Cav. Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. A, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th Conn. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st D. C. Cav.; Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mich. Cav. Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th Me. Inf. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Penn. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Cobb, Wallace A. Freeman, Nathaniel Hayden, Caleb Higgins, Joseph B. MouLton, Luther Nelson, William H. Rogers, Webster . ORLEANS. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Lehigh." Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ships "Aster," "Gov- ernor Buckingham," "Clematis." Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Additional Names. Higgins, Thomas R. Paine, Atkins. Carter, George G. Dimmick, Orrin F. *Fay, Linas S. *Hamilton, Chester E. *Hazard, Alfred M. Howard, Louis H. Snow, Anson H. . OTIS. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Unassigned 3d N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Art. Co. H, 49th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 239 Aldrich, Frank E. Ayers, Ezra M. Bacheler, Charles H. *Banies, Solomon D. Beauniont, Ralph Brown, William Buck, William H. Cargel, Albert W. Clark, Franklin H. *CrandaU, Charles H. CuUum, Anthony Cummings, William H *Dooley, John Howe, Sereno N. . Humphrey, John W. Lj-nn, Charles W. Mo.nyhan, Michael M. Moore, Emery D. Murray, Richard H. Ne'wi;on, Silas Nichols, James E. Pliilbrook, Hiram A. Pope, Horace A. . Riggs, Charles A. Simonds, EUjah . Smith, Charles H. ♦Stafford, Charles A. Taft, John A. Thayer, Leonard E. White, W>Tman S. Willis, Edward E. OXFORD. Co. H, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. F, 21st Conn. Inf. Co. D, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. C, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. A, 6th Conn. Inf. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st N. J. Inf. Co. D, 25th :Mass. Inf. Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ships "Sabine," Rover." Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. 8th Maine Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. H, 5th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d U. S. S. S. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. "North Carolina," "Red Almey, James W. Beecher, Edwin S. Calkins, Franklin G. Clark, Hiram E. W. Clark, Joseph W. . Hannum, Charles C. Hobson, Henry S. Justin, George H. Mahoney, Daniel J. • Merrill, Joseph W. Percy, Louis . Stearns, Samuel E. Story, Nathan K. PALMER. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 34th ]\Iass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 34th Mass. U. S. N. ships "Kearsarge," "Wachusett," "Susque- hanna." Co. D, 34th IMass. Inf. Co. G, 9th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d Conn. Inf. 240 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Woisard, Joseph A. Wright, Steven H. Additional Names. Kenefick, Patrick. King, Wm. H. Wallace, James. Williams, Martin V. B. Bush, Henry H. . *Gotha, David Kirby, Leander T. Sherman, George H. Skiff, Austin E. . Warren, WlUiam M. PALMER — Concluded. Co. H, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. B, 75th N. Y. Inf. PAXTON. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 57th 111. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Abbot, George H. Adams, John Q. . Beckett, WilUam C. Bodge, William H. Bowler, Jeremiah . Boyden, Silas W. . Bradford, John M. Brown, Charles A. Brown, Peter H. . Burbeck, Joseph M. Campbell, Christopher Carr, Charles E. . Chaplin, George . Chichester, Merritt B. Cole, Jefferson K. Curtis, Walter Dalton, Stephen M. Daniels, William K. Demerritt, George S. Eaton, George W. Evans, Orrin F. •. Ferrin, James Foote, John C. Galeucia, Perley . Galeucia, Warren A. Goldthwait, Samuel N. Goodwin, Flavel H. Goulding, Charles Hardy, Warren B. Horigan, Daniel Howard, John H. PEABODY. Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. H, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 16th Me. Inf.; Co. K, 20th Me. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A, Co. I, 90th 111. Inf.; Co. B, 139th 111. Inf.; Co. C, 4th 111. Cav.; Co. M, 7th U. S. Cav. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Salem Cadets, Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Me. Cav. 1st Batty. N. H. L. A. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 1st Vt. H. A.; Co. D, 11th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 7th Me. Inf. Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 95th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 241 Howard, William S. Hunt, John S. Jacobs, Andrew Kilborn, Luther D. Kingsley, George W. Larrabee, Franklin Larrabee, Henrj^ . Larrabee, Henry D. Larrabee, William H. Low, George H. . Manning, John H. Meacom, Edward Meehan, Matthew Mills, Stephen Moore, Benj. N. . Morrill, George H. Mowbray, Richard H. Nason, Bradford S. O'Cormell, Jolm Peckham, Charles E. Pettey, Jolui L. Pierce, Charles P. Poole, Arthur F. . Poor, Horace A. . Preston, Levi Sheen, Daniel A. . Small, Daniel A. . Smart, Charles H. Smith, Richard E. Smith, Wilham A. Southwick, Samuel G. Stanton, Joshua R. Stevens, Daniel E. Stringer, Thomas . Sunmer, John Taylor, Edward E. Torrey, Norman W. Tucker, Nicholas . Tufts, Albert Tyler, Alfred Warner, Frank B. WUey, WilUam F. Wilson, Thomas E. PEABODY — Continued. Co. F, oOth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf.; 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Emma," "North CaroHna." Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th U. S. Inf. 1st Reg. U. S. S. S. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, nth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 137th Ohio Inf. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 23d Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Pursuit," "Canonicus." Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 10th N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Aries." Additional Names. Becket, Benjamin. Brooks, Chas. A. CarroU, Jeremiah. Chute, Isaiah. Davis, A. Freeman. 242 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. PEABODY — Concluded. Goodridge, Bailey. Griffin, Benjamin. Hill, Joseph S. Hutchinson, Levi C. Kimball, Walter B. Sheehan, Timothy. Titcomb, John F. Kimball, William 0. . Montgomery, William P. PELHAM. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Baker, William J. Bryant, William E. Chandler, William E Curtis, Albert W. Dabies, John C. . Daby, William S. Damon, Bailey D. Donnell, Octavius Drake, Augustus . Drake, Charles Dwelley, James H. Farnsworth, Edward A Foster, Otis . Gaskin, William H. Gerrish, Henry F. Glass, Abel . Hatch, Anson Hatter, Henry Magoun, Francis L. Magoun, James C. Poole, Charles H. Presby, Charles E. Reed, James . Sawin, Daniel H. . Simmons, Jonathan J. Sprague, Nathaniel D. W. Stetson, Pelham 0. Taylor, George Tenney, Justin E. Toppan, Benjamin F. Washburn, Henry White, Benjamin F. PEMBROKE. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st N. H. H. A. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Isaac Smith." Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Nightingale." Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, nth Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Pensacola," "R. R. Cuyler." Co. F, nth Me. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th N. Y. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 20th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 20th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A.; Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Sacramento," "Fort Morgan." Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Adams, William H. Billings, Alfred Boynton, Martin L. PEPPERELL. Co. B, 20th Me. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 243 PEPPERELL — Concluded. Burgess, Asa S. Dane, Charles F. Dean, John A. Doyle, Philip Gay, George A. Goss, Ezra L. Humes, Henry P. Jenkins, William H. Larkin, Arthur W. Lawrence, Calvin P. *Lund, John B. Merrill, Otis A. . jMilan, John H. Peck, Charles H. . Pelton, Albert A. . Pierce, George W. Pierce, Walter E. . Plummer, Russell C Pratt, Oliver D. . Reed, Henry . Sartell, WiUiam E. TarbeU, George G. Taylor, Wilham P. Thurston, Clark H. *Weston, David A. WiUey, Celestine G. Winship, Robert B. Wright, Henry A. Co. C Co. D Co.C Co. C U. S. N. ship "Harvest Moon." Co. E Co. B Co. B 11th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B Co. H Co. H Co.C Co. F Co. A Co. F Co. D Co. B Co. L Co. H Co. B Co. G Co.C Co. L Co.C Co. F Co. G 16th N. H. Inf. 6th Mass. Inf. 7th Mass. Inf. 2d N. J. Inf. 23d Wis. Inf. 26th N. Y. Cav. 40th Mass. Inf. 32d Mass. Inf. 7th N. H. Inf. 7th N. H. Inf. 8th N. H. Inf. 7th Mass. Inf. 15th Mass. Inf. 1st N. H. H. A. 53d Mass. Inf. 2d Me. Cav. 1st Mass. Cav. 55th Mass. Inf. 6th Mass. Inf. 6th Mass. Inf. 26th Mass. Inf. 10th N. Y. Cav. 53d Mass. Inf. 1st Mass. H. A. 5th N. H. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Additional Name. Lakin, George L. . Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Jacobs, Herbert L. P. Shumway, Edwin Snyder, John Torrey, Thomas J. PERU. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 159th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 45th 111. Inf. Amidon, Josiah C. Battersby, Joseph A. Clark, Samuel B. Cutler, Lucien P. Dagle, Peter . Gibbs, George A. Hicks, Levi C. Lindsey, Henry H. Peirce, William H. Snow, Chas. W. PETERSHAM. 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. I, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 12th Me. Inf. Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Conn. Inf. 244 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. PETERSHAM — Concluded. Additional Names. Hicks, Forest A. . . . Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Knapp, John L. Lippitt, Job. Spooner, Benjamin W. . Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Baker, Henry J. . Burton, Frederick N. Killam, James 0. . Pilling, James L. . Taylor, George W. PHILLIPSTON. Co. F, ethVt. Inf.- 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 51st N. Y. Inf.; Co. A, 5th U. S. Inf. *Anthony, James H. Barrett, Paul N. . Bell, Robert . Bishop, Samuel H. Blake, George R. . Brewster, Henry A. Burbank, Charles H. Carey, John . Chambers, Alexander Clark, Alonzo Cole, John Cook, Silas P. Cornelius, William 0. Costine, David Crandall, Roland E. Cranston, WiUiam H. *Cummings, Norman M Deland, Adelbert . Dickie, Robert B. Duncan, Justin N. Eddo, Abram S. . Ellsworth, Sturson Elmo, Walter Farrar, Otis . Farrington, Fernando P. Featherstone, Patrick Gilbert, Henry Grant, Henry C. . Grover, Frank S. . Guile, WiUiam D. Hackett, Peter HaU, Thos. E. Haynes, Augustine Hill, William H. . Horton, Charles E. PITTSFIELD. Co. K, 125th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 16th N. Y. H. A. Co. D, 8th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 156th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 16th Mass. Inf. Unass. 3d Md. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 91st N. Y. H. A. Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 23d 111. Cav. Co. A, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 6th N. Y. Cav. Co. K, 44th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, nth Vt. Inf. Provincial Guards, Mass. Inf. 12th Batty. N. Y. L. A. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d N. Y. Cav. Co. A, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mo. Cav. Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 91st N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 2d Vt. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 245 Horton, Emery S. Hubbard, Charles H. Hudelston, Charles W. Hudson, William J. Hunt, Wilham F. Hyde, George H. . Ingraham, Charles Ireland, Francis A. Jennings, John J. . Jolmson, Charles E. Jones, Samuel S. . Keith, John W. . Kendall, Thomas J. Kimple, John Kingsley, Frederick W Kittle, James Lander, Charles . Leavitt, WiUiam W. Lee, Egbert M. Lincoln, Edwin H. Love joy, Alfred . Lowden, Thomas L. Lumbar, Theodore Malcolm, George W. Marshall, Alfred L. Martineau, Joseph McSweeny, James Mee, Martin . Merry, Henry M. Middlebrook, James D Miller, Henry Moran, John Munn, Benjamin R. Murray, David F. Noble, J. Wesley . Ouimet, John Pepoon, Albert G. *Pixley, Willis Plean, Hercules Powers, Peter Pratt, Henry Prescott, Edgar D. Raymond, Edwin H. Read, Lyman J. . Reed, Charles A. . Reid, Jolin Reynolds, Michael J. Rice, William K. . Rider, George C. . PITTSFIELD — Continued. . Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 91st N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 20th Conn. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Winona," "J. C. Kuhn," "Saco," "Preston," "Port Royal." . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 16th N. Y. H. A. . Co. E, 22d Me. Inf. . Co. I, 57th Mass. L. A. . Co. I, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 54th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 9th N. Y. S. S. . Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Vt. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Cumberland," "Owasco." . Co. G, 150th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Vt. Inf. . Co. K, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 16th N. Y. Inf.; Co. H, 121st N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 3d U. S. L; A. . Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Emma," "Minnesota," "W^inooski," "Agawam," "North Carolina. . Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. . 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 9th Conn. Inf. . Co. L, 2d N. Y. Cav. . Co. E, 169th N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 31st Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 36th Wis. Inf. . Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st N. Y. Inf.; Co. M, 4th N. Y. Cav. . Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. . 14th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 44th N. Y. Inf. ; Co. B, 18th N. Y. Cav. 246 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Riley, Patrick Robbins, Henry N. Robbins, John C. Robinson, Norval W. Sawin, Farnum E. Sears, James H. . Seeley, Geo. A. Shaw, Herman H. Stapleton, John Stapleton, Richard J. Storms, Henry 0. Sweet, Daniel J. . Taylor, Henry F. . Teeling, Rufus A. Thompson, Daniel W. Viner, Benjamin A. Walsh, Patrick Webb, George C, . WeUs, WiUiam M. White, Jolm . Wilcox, WilUam E. PITTSFIELD — Continued. . Co. E, 44th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 97th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 37th Va. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 2d N. Y. H. A. . Co. G, 7th N. Y. H. A. . Co. I, 10th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, nth R. I. Inf. . Co. G, 44th N. Y. Inf. ; 23d Batty. N. Y. L. A. ; Co. M, 8th N. Y. H. A. ' . Co. A, 21st N. Y. Cav. . Co. D, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st N. J. Cav. . Co. H, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. . 13th Batty. N. Y. L. A. . Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Beauchaine, Simeon Boyce, George A. Brace, Moses L. . Crocker, Hiram. Decker, John. Dinsmore, Charles C. Dudley, Henry Farrar, Onslow D. Hodge, Jolm H. . Joyce, Thomas Lambert, Theodore. Merry, Edward A. Miller, Herman Potter, Charles A. Powell, William W. Skinkle, John. Starkweather, Asher . Weed, Charles H. Co. B, 7th N. Y. H. A. Co. I, 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rifles. Co. B, 1st N. Y. S. S. Co. A, 21st N. Y. Art. Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. Y. S. S. Co. F, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 46th Wis. Inf. BiUings, George W. Dyer, Shepard R. PLAINFIELD. Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 247 Anderson, Amos S. Arnold, Thomas . Baxter, Norman G. Booth, Henry E. . Bragg, Charles W. Card, Charles Coombs, Charles A. Coombs, Horace E. Fisher, Handel P. Green, Albert HaU, John N. Hartman, Casper . Moore, Charles N. PLAINVILLE. Co. E, 27th Me. Inf. Co. B, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. D, 3d N. Y. Cav. Co. M, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th N. J. Inf. Co. D, 2d R. I. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Pensacola," "Seminole," "Ohio." Allen, Sherman Anthony, Charles E. At wood, J. Murray Bancroft, Arvin M. Barker, George G. Bartlett, Henry C. Bassett, Edward E. Bassett, Jesse T. . Bennett, Benjamia V. Beytes, Antonio . Braley, John R. ^Bunker, Joseph L. Burgess, George A. Burgess, Spencer . Burgess, Winslow T. Butler, John S. Butters, Willie R. Gate, Norman F. . Chase, John C. Churchm, WilUam E. Davis, Albert E. . Dean, Ichabod S. Dixon, Lyman Doten, Charles C. Eddy, Allen P. . Finney, Elkanah C. Fhmey, George Gray, WiUiam H. HaU, Isaac Hatch, Charles P. Holmes, Frank M. Holmes, Samuel W. Holmes, Seth L. . Karle, Thomas PLYMOUTH. U. S. N. ship "Powhatan." Co. A, 5th R. I. Inf. Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Cq, D, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Housatonic." Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf., Co. A, 3d Md. Inf. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d :Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Santiago de Cuba." . U. S. N. ship "Samt Mary's." U. S. N. ships "New Hampshire," "Vermont." Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 28th Penn. Inf. 248 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Keefe, IVIartin Koster, Harry Lapham, William M. Lauman, Hiram J. Leach, Edmund M. Lincoln, George C. Lyle, George H. . Mace, Joshua B. . McGarry, Michael Phinney, Alvin Pope, Rufus . Purington, Clarence L, Quinlan, John Ransom, Levi Rich, Alonzo G. . Ricker, William H. Robbins, Caleb T. Robbins, Herman Ryder, Martm H. Savary, Windsor T. Snow, Benj. F. Swift, Wilham R. Temple, George . Valler, Alexander . Vaughn, Leander M. Washburn, Seth . PLYMOUTH — Concluded. Co. D, 5th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Saranac." Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 38th N. Y. Inf. 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "John Adams," "Lodona" "Racer. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Me. Inf. ; Co. H, 12th Me. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Additional Names Atwell, George Brayton, Joseph R. Callahan, Eugene Dunham, George H. Hathaway, Benjamin A Leonard, Charles H. Morton, Isaac Rice, Henry M. Rogers, Hiram A. Thurber, James 0. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. 3d R. I. H. A. 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. 3d Mass. Inf. 5th Mass. Inf. 4th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. Bonney, Howland S. Churchill, Edmimd F. Churchill, Isaiah F. Fuller, William Keating, John Keene, Charles H. Lewis, George W. Lucas, William H. Mansfield, Warren W. PLYMPTON. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, ISth Mass. Inf. Co. E, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 10th R. I. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship 'Cambridge." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 249 Miller, Joseph S. . Thomas, George P. Additional Names. Mansfield, Edward. Phinney, Otis, Armstrong, Jeremiah . Chapin, Luther D. Upton, George H. PLYMPTON — Concluded. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. PRESCOTT. Co. I, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav. Barney, William . Bartlett, Theodore H. Cheever, WiUiam F. . Hosley, Henry H. Kendall, J. Warren Shepard, Levi F. . Shumway, Theophilus Walker, Alonzo B. Additional Names. Bartlett, Henry H. Parker, Emory W. Allen, George Backus, Joseph P. Burkett, Charles W. Clapp, William R. Cook, Joshua Hughes, Hezekiah P. Jones, Francis B. . *King, George W. . Marston, Charles H. Pine, Joseph S. Sweetser, Elbridge L. PRINCETON. Co. B, 1st N. Y. Mt. Rifle. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 77th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav.; Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. PROVINCETOWN. Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 32d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Savannah," "Newbern," "Yucca." Co. A, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 149th Penn. Inf.; 210th Penn. Inf. Co. I, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Midnight." Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf. Anderson, Edward Anderson, James C. Arnold, William . Baker, William C. Barnes, Richard B. Bird, William M. Blanchard, Oliver J. Brown, Abel D. QUINCY. Co. A, 12th Ind. Cav. Co. I, 30th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 102d 111. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 6th Vt. Inf. 250 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Brown, Edward E. Bumpus, Everett C. Burchstead, James T. Burrill, Edward A. Cain, Abel A. Cheever, Christopher Clare, James P. Clarkson, Thomas Corthell, Samuel N. Corthell, Wendell G. Crafts, Francis G. DeForest, Samuel D. Douglas, Geo. G. . Dyer, Calvin F. . Estabrooks, Henry L. Everett, Eben H. Farwell, John S. . Foss, George W. W. Foster, Edwin J. . Gage, David K. . Garrity, Patrick Garrity, Patrick H. GUlman, Andrew J. Gove, Wm. B. Gustafson, Adolph Hanson, M. E. Hayden, Joseph W. Higgins, John Holmes, EUsha B. Homer, Arthur B. Howard, Samuel F. Hubbard, Amos S. Jones, George Jordan, Hubbard E. Keating, Albert . King, Majmard J. Lapham, Joseph A. Lennon, Edward J. Litchfield, John H. Lord, James A. Loud, Francis P. . Luther, Denzil C. Lyons, Mortimer J. Mar key, James Mathens, Thos. R. McCauley, James McDuftee, Henry C. Mclntire, Lewis G. Mitchell, James S. Monk, George QUINCY — Continued. 6th Batty. Me. L. A. Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Constellation." Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Howquah." Co. E, 19th Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ticonderoga." Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th Wis. Inf. Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 7th Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "Madawaska," "Relief." Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "North Carolma." Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 73d Ind. Inf. Co. I, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. R, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4oth Mass. Inf. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kingfisher," "Savannah," "Argosy." Co. G, 7fch Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d N. Y. L. A. Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. D, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 35th Mass. Inf. Mus. 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. Cav. Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Dawn." Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf Co. H, 39th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 251 Morgan, William F. Murray, Henry M. Newcomb, Harrison G Noyes, Ephraim L. Otis, Stephen Packard, George F. Parrot, Luther H. Philhps, George L. PhilUps, Lewis Pierce, James W. . Pitts, Lemuel Pope, Asa A. Porter, James C. . Prado, Manuel Preston, Andrew J. Raymond, Wm. F. Ready, John . Reed, Wm. G. Richardson, Edward Richardson, Henry H. Ring, Thomas Sampson, Colby . Sanford, Daniel . Studley, Henry 0. Taylor, Augustus . Thomas, Gershom B. Thomas, Theodore B. Thompson, Alfred W. Thompson, Warren G. Trott, Charles Trowbridge, Alexander Underhill, Wllham H. Wales, Edward C. Wash, Augustus W. Webber, Holhs A. Weegan, Alman . Whalen, Patrick . Whitney, Amos A. Williams, Allen T. Williams, John Daniel Woods, Wm. QUINCY — Continued. . Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. H, 26th N. Y. Inf. 0. . Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. . U. S. M. Corps; U. S. N. ship "Massachusetts." . Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. . nth Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "San Jacinto," "Magnolia." . Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Augusta," "Grand Gulf." . 133d N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 22d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Huron." . Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 7th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Conn. H. A. . 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . nth Mass. Batty. L. A. . U. S. N. ships "Midnight," "Anacostia." . Co. F, 75th N. Y. Inf. . Co. I, nth N. Y. Cav. H. . U. S. N. ships "Dawn," "luka," "Canandaigua." . Co. K, 10th R. I. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Honduras;" Co. F, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 24th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 23d Kan. Inf. . Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, nth Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 13th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Colorado." Additional Names. Adams, Warren W. Bassett, Lucius A. Ellis, Henry K. Holmes, Burnham M. Litchfield, Ira Marsh, Frederick A. ]Max"n'ell, Alzamon H. Moriarty, John. Co. G, 44th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. 1st Mass. Cav. 32d Mass. Inf. 17th U. S. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. H. A. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 29th Me. Inf. 252 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Nightingale, Wyman B. Riley, Bernard Ripley, Samuel E. Robbins, Herbert Simonds, John B. Sullivan, Timothy Webb, James H. . Welsh, Morris QUINCY — Concluded. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Susquehanna." Co. B, 34th Mass. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine, "Colorado." U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Sacramento. Co. E, 5th N. H. Inf. Barry, James Beal, Samuel G. Bohan, John . Buck, Nathan E. Bucknam, James A. Capen, Lemuel Childs, Henry W. Clark, Melvin S. Coakley, William Cole, Charles H. Cottle, Edmund Croak, William A. Curry, Hugh Delano, Alonzo Dennehy, Daniel D. Doyle, Thomas Faunce, Hiram S. Faunce, Leonard A. Foley, Edward Forrest, Augustus N. French, George S. Garland, Charles . Gordon, Andrew F. Hadley, Elbridge J. Harris, John . Howard, James T. Howard, Martin V. Huff, George S. Hunt, Moses N. . Jones, Rufus I. Jones, Thomas B. Kiley, Patrick M. Moore, Peter E. . Morse, Lysander C. Nightingale, Alva M. Packard, Emery . Paine, Charles H. Payne, Adoniram Poole, Marcus M. Pope, David . RANDOLPH. Co. D, 4th Mass. InJ. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Ohio Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. * Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 14th N. J. Inf. Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. t., 47th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Oliio." U. S. N. ship "Ohio." Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "John P. Jackson." Co. K, 13th Me. Inf. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Battln. H. A. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 22d V. R. C. 4th Mich. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Courier." Co. C, 102d N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 253 Ransom, William H. Shedd, George W. Shedd, Harry Sloan, Peter S. Snow, Hiram C. . Spear, William B. Taylor, Franklin . Thornton, John Tileston, Geo. H. . Wilde, Charles H. Wood, George W. RANDOLPH — Concluded. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav, Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Frazier, Daniel E. Jones, James M. . Thayer, Charles P. Wilkinson, John . Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Blanchard, George N. Crocker, Josiah W. Eaton, Otis T. Green, William B. Hall, Calvin . Hall, David B. . Hall, Josiah . Hathaway, Charles B. Lincoln, Timothy J. Millerd, Eugene . Nickerson, Henry 0. Shurtleff, Micah G. Vial, Edwin N. Wilbur, Thomas T. RAYNHAM. Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Honduras," "Howquah," "Talla- poosa." Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. K. 1st Conn. H. A. Co. G, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. G, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. B, 5Sth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st U. S. Cav. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. C, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Cameron, James. Fowler, Joseph W. Pittsley, Albert R. Abbott, Charles W. Baker, WilUam H. Berrj^, Daniel W. . Braun, Emery N. Brooke, William H. Brown, Horace Bro\\Ti, Samuel S. Buck, Emmons Buxton, Edmund . READING. Co. E, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Me. Inf.; Co. M, 2d Me. Cav Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Me. Inf. Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. 254 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Carleton, James H. • Carter, George Cook, George W. . Cook, Henry Crandall, H. Burr Crowe, William L. Danforth, Alfred W. Edes, Robert T. . Fowler, John H. . Frost, Charles C. . Frost, George W. . Gay, Henry G. Higgins, Atkins Hill, Charles H. . Howe, William C. M. Hunt, George W. . Hunter, William A. Hutchinson, Merrill Johnson, Alden S. Jones, William H. Kempton, Willard H. Krook, Lambertus W. Leavitt, J. Carlos Lewis, John B. Lowell, Kenney K. Mclntyre, Charles H. McKay, James Metcalf, Samuel . Milbury, Charles W. Miner, Dwight Murphy, John J. . Myers, Charles Nichols, Moses E. Nowell, Charles H. Parker, Horace A, Parker, Walter S. Pratt, Harlan P. . Pratt, Wilmot K. Putnam, Thomas M. Reardon, Jolm J. . Ridlon, Alfred B. . Robinson, Charles T, Roimds, Samuel . Sargent, George A. Scruton, Henry R. Stevens, William A. Thorn, Jesse B. Walls, Paschal A. Wight, Ephraim . READING — Continued. 11th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. ' Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Sabine." U. S. Navy. Co. A, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Supply," "Santee," "Sabine," "Vandalia." Co. B, 10th R. I. Inf.; Co. F, 26th Conn. Inf. U. S. Engineer Corps. Co. I, 8th Me. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. G, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. E, nth Mass. Inf. Co. K, 30th Me. Inf.; Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. E, nth la. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Azalia," "Princeton." Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th Me. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Me. Inf. Co. L, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Hendrick Hudson," "Ethan Allen." Co. D, 77th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 32d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 255 Additional Names. Clapp, Ernest A. , Fish, Wm. H. Mitchell, Jacob . Nichols, George Warren Saunders, Zeba M. Whelton, David . White, J. Henry . READING — Concluded. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 144th N. Y. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 2d Co. S. S. Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Tahoma." Allen, George W. . Barber, Nelson Brown, James J. . Case, Daniel H. . Daley, Lafayette . Delano, Andrew W. Fisher, Ezra A. Hapgood, Alonzo . Horton, Horace L. Kennedy, Jerome Kimball, James H. Martin, Hiram L. Pierce, Ezra V. B. Robinson, Stephen W. Tracy, Edward L. Vickery, William N. REHOBOTH. Co. F, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. D, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. F, 15th U. S. Inf. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 31st Mass. Inf. 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th R. I. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. U. S.N. ship "Niphon." U. S. N. ship "Colorado." Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 14th N. Y. Cav. Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d R. I. Cav. Ashman, Samuel . Bald-^Ndn, Gilbert . Barrett, John Boyce, Peter . Bo>Titon, Francis M. BuUard, Lewis L. Carr, William M. Conroj', David C. Copeland, George A. Cunningham, Enos T. *Curtis, David S. . EUis, Jolm E. Fagg, Horace W. . Fitzmeyer, Albert Forbush, Horace . Forrestal, Charles H. Foster, Charles F. Hichbom, Henry G. Jewett, George 0. REVERE. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, nth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mo. L. A. U. S. N. ship " Canandaigua." Co. I, 3d Me. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. , Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Mississippi." Co. E, 23d Me. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "Pursuit," "Nahant," "Marblehead." Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. 256 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Jordan, Robert Kammerling, Herman A Knapp, Francis W. Knapp, George W. Leddy, James P. . McDonald, John S. Maher, John P. . Harden, Charles N. Marshall, Frederick F, McChristal, James McGaffrey, Andrew McGinness, WiUiam Miskelly, James W. Mitchell, Ja,mes . Murphy, Dennis P. Newton, Franklin Nickerson, Alfred O'Keefe, Richard . Pinkham, Olando C. Poole, Daniel D. . Prescott, Francis H. Purbeck, Marcellus A. Riggs, George W. Rouillard, George Sawyer, John W. . Shiner, Alfred Smith, Clark G. . Sprague, E. Steven Stafford, John M. Stevens, John T. . Toward, George N. Tyler, George L. . Webster, John M. Whitney, Edwin D. Wilson, Stillman J, Young, Edward S. REVERE — Continued. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Mus. 24th Mass. Inf. Mus. 13th Mass. Inf. 2d Co. S. S. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Newbern," "North Carolina,' "Pawtuxet." Co. L, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th U. S. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Canandaigua," "Nahant." Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 94th Ohio Inf. U. S. N. ships "Saratoga," "Neptune," "Powhatan.' Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Niagara," "Richmond." N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Tahoma," "Colorado." Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ino," "North Carolina," "Vermont.' 14th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton,". "Alleghany." Co. D, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 30th Mass. Inf. 2d Me. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Cowslip." Co. D, nth Me. Inf. Co. E, 22d Me. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Constitution." Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 29th Me. Inf. Co.'G, 6th Mass. Inf. Additional Names Briggs, Edward P. Cummings, Walter L. Everdean, Charles S. Herlihy, Thomas . Holmes, Cornelius B. Walker, Albert S. Whitehouse, Daniel F Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Battln. Me. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. 15th N. Y. Cav. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. 17th U. S. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 257 Balch, Galusha Callahan, Jeremiah M. Dains, John W. Rossi ter, Abraham N. S'"^vens. l^.omanzo RICHMOND. Surg. 98th N. Y. Inf. Co. Q, 91st N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 1st Conn. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 57th Mass. Inf. Ashley, George B. Bennett, Henry H. Davis, Nehemiah . Freeman, Charles S. Gifford, George W. Healey, George F. Maxim, Charles M. Mendall, Noah F. Nickerson, James T. Pierce, Anthony L. Pierce, Moses W. . Randall, George H. Shurtleff, Seth H. Additional Name. Benson, Rufus. Arnold, William D. Baker, Henry A. . Bates, George W. Beal, Nathan A. . BickneU, WilUam H. Blaisdell, Alexander M Bumette, Samuel P. Burrell, Benjamin A. Gate, William H. . Chandler, William B. Corkery, Daniel J. Crosby, Joshua CuUinan, John W. Gushing, Henry J. Damon, Henry Damon, Washington Davis, Edmimd Doane, Simeon K. Doane, Wilson D. Donaldson, James J. Donham, Andrew J. Donham, Geo. E. ROCHESTER. Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Princeton," "Hendrick Hudson," "Ethan Allen." Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. E, 5th Mass. L. A. Co. E, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Sumter," "North Caro- lina." Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. ROCKLAND. Co. G Co. A Co. G Co. G Co. C Co. A Co. H Co. G Co. B Co. B Co. D Co. A Co. B Co. C Co. G Co. G Co. B Co. G Co. A Co. C Co. B Co. G , 43d Mass. Inf. ; , 60th Mass. Inf. , 18th Mass. Inf. , 43d Mass. Inf.; , 38th Mass. Inf. , 60th Mass. Inf. , 34th V«. Inf. , 43d Mass. Inf. ; , 12th Conn. Inf. , 2d Mich. Cav. , 3d Mass. H. A. , 3d Mass. H. A. , 9th Mass. Inf. ; , 7th Mass. Inf. , 12th Mass. Inf. , 43d Mass. Inf. , 60th Mass. Inf. , 43d Mass. Inf. , 60th Mass. Inf. , 2d Mass. Inf. , 1st Mass. Cav.; , 2d Me. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. ; Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. ; Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. ; Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. 258 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Donovan, Jeremiah B. Everson, Darius H. Ford, Henry D. . French, Charles H. Gould, Henry Gray, Joshua S. Groce, William R. Harper, John H. Harvey, Alex V. Hatch, John F. Hersey, Jason B. Hobart, John T. Hopkins, Isaac Howland, Alonzo Howland, Charles A. Howland, Charles W, Howley, Thomas . Hyland, Edmund L. Johnson, Jacob Lane, Charles H. . Lane, Everett Lincoln, Albert Llewellyn, William Lowell, Elihu B. . Meade, Patrick Monk, Decatur Nash, Thomas M. Payne, Elbridge . Pool, Francis W. . Poole, E. Clifford Poole, Joseph W. . Poole, Lorenzo Reagan, John Reed, Lewis . Sargent, Edward W. Shea, Jeremiah Sheldon, Francis T. Short, John . Shurtleff, Solomon H. Slattery, Patrick H. Smith, Frank B. . Stetson, Charles F. Stevens, Charles L. Studlej'', Andrew H. Studley, John A. . Studley, Nathan F. Sturtevant, Lorenzo Thompson, John D. Thompson, William T ROCKLAND — Continued. . 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. ; Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. ; U. S. N. ship "Juniata." . Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. . 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ships "Acacia," "Passaic." . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. . Maj. 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 16th Wis. Inf. . Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. I, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Powhatan," "Agamenticus." . Co. C, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. . U. S. Sappers & Miners. . Co. C, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 54th Mass. Inf. . 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. .. Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. . 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. A, 62d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 31st Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship" Pequot." . Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 259 TirreU, Edwin S. . Turner, Elmer J. . Watts, Samuel M. Additional Names. Burrell, Chas. M. Davis, Walter S. Dunham, Andrew J. Dunn, John S. Hebberd, Wm. H. H. Lantz, David J. Lovewell, James. Seats, Chas. S. Sullivan, Daniel. Bushey, Joseph W. Carter, Joseph Dunlap, Charles L. Forsythe, George A. Hale, Albert W. . Haskell, Addison . Hillier, Joseph H. Lane, Andrew Morse, Charles B. Morse, George W. Norwood, Albert . Perkins, Stephen A. Pickering, Eben . Pickering, Winthrop Poole, George Saunders, Wm. Emerson Sewell, Joseph H. Sherburn, Horace Tarr, Addison F. . Tuttle, Daniel W. Wright, George W. Additional Names. Brooks, John F. . Haskell, Charles . Reed, Joseph M. . ROCKLAND — Concluded. . Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. ROCKPORT. Co. E, nth Mass. Inf. Co. K, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Me. Inf. Co. A, 8th 111. Cav. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, SdMass. H. A.; Co. G, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 5th Me. Inf. Co. D, 32d Mass.-Inf. Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. A, SdMass. H. A.; Co. K, 30th Mass. Inf.: Co. D, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Me. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Bohio." Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 35th N. J. Inf. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Ethan Allen." nth Battv. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ship "Pontiac." U. S. N. ship "Pontiac." Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. Davenport, Jonathan G. Hathaway, John W, Scott, Charles H. . Sibley, Pliilo . Silks, Michael Woffenden, Samuel ROWE. Co. D, 7th N. Y. Cav. Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. 260 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Blodgette, George B. Boynton, Henry P. Bradstreet, Charles W. Frost, George B. . Galucia, Samson P. Goodwin, George P. Hale, Ezra Hale, William M. Hickens, Thomas W. Kent, Jacob . Martin, Brotherton Millett, John P. . Morong, Daniel Rogers, Walter S. ROWLEY. Co. D, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 28th Me. Inf.; Co. A, 15th Me. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Adams, Frank W. Adams, Thomas J. Clark, Roland M. Frye, Benjamin A. Frye, Stephen Hewett, Richard L. Loomis, William E. Moore, John S. Nichols, Joseph T. Porter, Lucius E. . Rice, Augustus M. Slate, John B. ROYALSTON. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d Me. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 182d Ohio Inf. Co. M, 1st Minn. Cav. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Frost, George W. . Griffin, Henry E. . Shurtleff, Sidney S. RUSSELL. Co. E, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Gridley, Hiram W. Allen, Lucien F. . Baker, Lyman A. Bartlett, Charles R. Childs, Henry W. Converse, Henry . Dodge, Chester W. Graton, John F. . Handy, George F. Heald, Timothy S. Morse, Henry C. . RUTLAND. Co. I, 35th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 11th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 11th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 261 Noyes, Thos. E. . . Prescott, James M. Prescott, William W. Smith, David F. . Spaulding, Lorenzo Q. Upham, Charles H. RUTLAND — Concluded. Co. F, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Abbott, Charles J. Adams, Charles H. AUard, Almon Archer, Almon Arnold, James H. Arrington, Benjamin R Arrington, James . Arvedson, William L. Austin, Everett E. Austin, William R. Averill, William W. Baker, Isaac D. Barnard, William H. Bigelow, Alvah H. Bliss, Fred T. Bro^NTi, Edmund A. Call, Thomas S. . Call, Samuel L. Carleton, John W. Carney, James Carr, William H. . Casey, Daniel Cashion, David K. Cassell, Charles C. Chamberlain, Edward Chase, Charles P. Chase, John R. Clarke, Henry M. Clinton, George T. Cohane, Jordan, . Cole, Charles H. . Coombs, Samuel P. Corrigan, John Corson, Thomas A. Coutts, George W. Crocker, Josiah M. Cunningham, Matthew Dalton, J. Frank . Daniels, William F. Co. G, 1st IMass. Inf. Inf. N. ship"Ino." "Hartford," "Oneida,' SALEM. Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Sabine, "Cincinnati," "Choctaw." 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Tahoma, "Brandywine," "Minnesota." Co. E, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf.; U.S. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn,' "New Hampshire." 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 188th Penn. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 59th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. C, 1st Me. Inf. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Katahdin," "Oneida." Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. 262 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Donovan, John Dundas, John Duren, Freeman H. Edwards, Nathaniel T EmiUo, Louis F. . Emmerton, Charles S. Enos, Eben F, Fanner, Joseph P. Fenton, John Ferguson, George P. Ford, John F. Fomess, Augustus W. Foss, Jonathan T. Frye, Daniel M. . *Glazier, George W. Goldsmith, William H. Goldthwaite, Charles M Goodhue, John E. Goss, George L. . Gwinn, Charles H. Harris, John J. Hartwell, Joseph W. Hathaway, Benjamin G Hayes, John . Hayes, Michael . Henderson, Ephraim I Holt, James F. Huntington, Micajah J Huntress, John E. Hurley, John F. . Johnson, Francis F. Julyn, Charles W. Lander, William T. Lane, Charles H. . Lee, Edward . LeGrand, Charles E. Lewis, Samuel A. Littlefield, Joseph A. Lord, Charles L. . Lorigan, Michael . Loring, John . Lovett, John T, . Lynch, Patrick Mack, Wilham Marshall, George H. Maxwell, Adam . *McCarty, John C. McDuffee, Augustus P Melcher, George P. SALEM — Continued. Co. F, 9th Mass. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Ohio." Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 12th Mass. Inf. Salem Cadets, Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 23d Wis. Inf.; Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. F, nth Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. L. A. 4th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 14th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. 2d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Stepping Stones," "Chocura." U. S. N. ships "Ticonderoga," "Seminole." 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "A. V. Brown." 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 17th U. S. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Canandaigua," "John Adams." Co. E, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 2d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. 'Princeton," "Colorado." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR, 263 Miller, Charles H. Morse, John H. . Murphy, Christopher C Neal, Alonzo M. . Neal, WilUafn S. . Nichols, Benjamin C. Nichols, William H. Noble, James A. . Norris, Jeremiah . O'Brien, Martin . Oldson, Charles Osborne, Fred M. Osgood, Edward C. Parsons, Alvin L. Parsons, Augustus H. *Parsons, Joseph M. Pepper, Walter A. Perkins, George F. Perkins, James W. Pervear, Benjamin L. Phelan, Thomas J. Philips, Phineas W. Potter, Charles A. *Pulsifer, Charles A. Ray, John W. Redmond, Jolm E. RejTiolds, Ferdinand Reynolds, Jolm P. Riley, Thomas Robinson, Henry M. Rolfe, Jolm Rose, Henry G. Rushford, Edward I. Russell, Jolm H. . Ryan, Jolin P. Sanders, Charles . *Shepard, Horatio N. Sinclair, David Smith, Benjamin C. Smith, WilUam Staten, Charles A. Stevens, George 0. Stickney, Joseph A. Stillman, Edward Stone, George L. . SuUivan, James Swasey, Thomas S. Symonds, George H. SALEM — Continued. Co. C, 4th Me. Inf.; U. S. N. sliip "Magnolia." U. S. N. ships "Massachusetts," "Newbern," "Wam- panoag." Co. G, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Richmond." U. S. N. ships "Monitor," "Nahant," "Talapoosa," "Tuscarora." Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 7th R. I. Cav.; Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Mississippi," "Richmond." Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Massachusetts," "Tioga." Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 14th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav.; Co. C, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 13th Mass. L. A. Co. B, 13th Me. Inf.; Co. H, 30th Me. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Ohio Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. A, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 25th Me. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Ceres." Co. B, 106th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 40th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliips "Kearsarge," "Savannah." Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "EUis." Co. D, 14th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. J, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, oOth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Canandaigua." ' Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th IMass. H. A. U. S.N. ship" Ino." Salem Cadets, Mass. Inf. 264 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Thomas, John J. . Thomas, Joseph F. Thomas, Stephen W, Tierney, Patrick . To\vn, Joshua G. . Tracey, Chauncey H Trow, Charles E. . Tm-ner, James H. Tynan, Thomas . Vickery, Joseph F. Vincent, Amos J. . Walton, Edward A. Wardwell, Henry . Washington, George *Welch, Charles 0. Wellman, George 0. West, William C. . White, Francis W. Wilkins, James G. Wilkins, Joseph A. Winchester, Benjamin J. Woodman, John B. Additional Names. Brown, Ezra. Buffum, Chas. C. Carroll, Jeremiah. Chesley, Charles H., Jr. ConnoU, Cornehus. Cook, David M. . Coots, Geo. W. Cunningham, Wm. H. Davis, Warren P. Dockham, Geo. F. Dodge, WiUiam G. Franks, James P. . Grimes, Charles H. Hale, Henry A. Howard, David. Manning, Wm. H. McFadden, Albert H. . Melcher, George P. Murphy, William J. *0'Hare, Chas. H. Perry, William A. Pollock, John Powers, William F. Skinner, Emery B. Smith, Alonzo H. Stillman, Amos SALEM — Continued. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 21st N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 7th N. Y. Inf.; Co. H, 7th N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 14th Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Cambridge." 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d R. I. Cav.; Co. D, 1st La. Cav. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th U. S. H. A. Co. M, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co, L, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 21st Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Lancaster," "Saranac." U. S. N. ship "Memphis." Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Me. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 17th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf.; 40th Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Salem Cadets, Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 265 Tucker, William L. Trow, Charles E. . Wentworth, Wm. York, Edward W. Blodgett, Marble . Blodgett, William H. Buckle, John C. . Burroughs, John H. Chase, Joseph F. . Currier, Jonathan B. Dow, George W. . *Eastman, Jeremiah Eaton, Joshua W. Felch, Albert B. *Greenleaf, William M. Hardy, Henry Hunt, William F. Lieber, John W. Merrill, Perkins Patten, Albert Peel, Charles F. Pike, Alfred M. Pike, Amasa Pike, Otis G. Rand, William A. Stevens, Samuel SALEM — Concluded. Co. G, 7th Mass. Inf. SALISBURY. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 12th N. J. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Richmond." Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf.; U.S. Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Portsmouth," "Bermuda," "Antona," "Tennessee." Co. F, 1st Battbi. Mass. H. A. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 48th Mass. Inf. 48th Mass. Inf. N. ship "Arthur." Additional Names. Gilman, Samuel E. Merritt, Truman. Osgood, Edward P. Pike, Jolm B. Hine, Charles H. . Simons, Daniel Spencer, Thomas B. Williams, Burr L. SANDISFIELD. Co. A, 1st Conn. Cav. Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 19th Conn. Inf. Co. H, 19th Conn. Inf. Adams, Isaiah M. Brown, Peleg T. . Dean, Cornelius Delano, Marcus F. Giles, John F. Haines, George L. SANDWICH. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 20th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. U. S. Na\T. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. 266 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Hoxie, Edward Hunt, Samuel W. Jones, Stephen M. Perry, John M. Smith, Robert Smith, Thomas P. SANDWICH — Concluded. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3Sth Mass. Inf. Co. D, 192d N. Y. Inf. Blair, Samuel E. Blood, Samuel L. Bragg, Elisha Carr, Thomas H. Caswell, Geo. W. Cheever, David H. Clark, WiUiam J. Coleman, William Converse, Andrew A. Copp, John H. Cummings, Henry Cushing, Urban W. Derby, Samuel Dunham, Geo. H. Dunning, Herman R. Eaton, Albert F. . Emerson, Nathan F. Felton, George W. Gale, George W. . Grover, Charles M. Guild, Jolm H. . Hanson, Edward A. Hawkes, Ward W. Hensley, George H. Holt, John C. Ireson, David A. . Johnson, Albert . Johnson, Moses H. Keeney, Almon N. Kimball, Warren A. King, William Knox, Daniel R, . Linscott, Joseph L. Little, Albert W. . Martin, John McNutt, Jacob L. Moore, Charles H. Nash, John B. Newhall, Joseph . SAUGUS. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, nth Mass. Inf. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. F, nth U. S. Inf. Co. C, 30th Me. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 1st Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Cayuga." Co. H, 22d N. Y. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Whitehead," "State of Georgia," "Ceres." Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Commodore Perry," "James Adger," "Galatea," "Quaker City." Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Wabash." Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 7th Conn, Inf. Co. F, 50th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "San Jacinto," "Magnolia," "Ohio," "Kansas." Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 27th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "James S. Chambers," "Princeton." Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Connecticut." Co. C, 1st Washington Territory Inf. Co. I, 1st Me. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 1st Me. L. A. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 267 Paul, William A. . Pearson, Edward H. Penney, Geo. H. . Pennington, Frank A Penny, Alonzo Pike, Edward P. . Pike, Otis H. Powell, David Pratt, Edwin B. . Pratt, James F. Ramsdell, Charles E. Richardson, Putnam Small, Joseph Smith, John S. Stevens, Sylvanus B. Stocker, John E. . Sutherland, Augustus H Tarbox, Wm. W. . Topham, George W. Upton, Augustine Wade, Joseph B. . Wiley, Charles E. Wilson, John H. H. Woodman, Horace M SAUGUS — Concluded. Co. C, 56th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 14th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 1st Me. L. A. Co. G, 6th Me. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Mercidita." Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 16th Me. Inf. Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, U. S. Engs. Co. B, 47th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Additional Names. Barteaum, Gideon. Foss, James. Mansfield, Lorenzo. Royce, Carlos C. Southard, Thomas B. Allen, Samuel J. . Bro^Ti, Edwin Hathwaj^ Lyman Hitchcock, Wilfred M. SAVOY. Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. T. 17th Ky. Cav. Andrews, Reuben S. Bailey, Thomas F. Barry, John . Bates, Abner N. . Bates, George S. . Brown, Daniel H. Brown, George H. Brown, Henry' Carter, William M. Clapp, Albert SCITUATE. Co. A, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4.5th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Pequot," "Ohio." Co. F, 4.3d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Riclmiond," "Ticonderoga," "Conemaugh." Co. G, 14th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 42d :Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3Sth Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 5Sth Mass. -Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Virginia." 268 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Clapp, William T. Damon, Israel D. DeVausney, Thomas H Eldridge, George L. Emerson, George . Ferguson, Charles M. Glines, Alvin Griffin, Abner A. . Hatch, Jonathan . Hunt, William W. James, Charles Lee, Frances B. . Litchfield, Elwood Litchfield, Francis M. Litchfield, George B. Litchfield, Luther C. Litchfield, Melton G. Merritt, Edmund F. Nott, Charles H. . Poland, Horace J. Poole, Charles H. Prouty, James L. . Rathburn, William A. Towne, John H. . Vinal, Charles A. . Ward, Thomas Wherity, Nicholas Wilder, Nathaniel Williams, Charles H. SCITUATE — Concluded. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. J. Inf. Co. A, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Potomac." Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. U.S. N. ship"Pequot." Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Allen, Clarence. Stetson, Benj. E. Bennett, Aaron A. Burr, Frank H. . Bush, Aaron I. *Hudson, Stephen P. Martin, Elisha M. Peck, John W. . Peck, Thomas J. . Perry, George A, . Ricker, George E. Smith, Moses A. . Tripp, Weston F. Turner, James W. Wood, John F. Additional Name. Holbrook, Sylvanus C. SEEKONK. Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 2d N. Y. H. A. Co. E, 27th N. J. Inf. Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. D, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Conn. Inf. Co. H, 2d Me. Cav. Co. E, 12th R. I. Inf. Unatt. 15th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," "Preble," 'Pensa- cola." Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 269 Billings, Leonard L. Blanchard, William H Bolles, Benjamin S. Capen, Herbert S. *Devoe, Daniel E. Dunakin, Charles A. Fernald, Benjamin E. Hixson, Edgar M. Hodgkins, Fitz Johnson, Reuben F. Kelly, David M. . Stevens, Frederick L. Tolman, Otis S. . . Whittemore, Samuel W. SHARON. Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 142d N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 41st 111. Inf. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. Batty. E, N. Y. L. A. Co. k, 33d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Colorado." U. S. Hospital Corps. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 24th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Blackwood, James. Benway, Charles E Blake, Philo . Boardman, Dwight Brant, Philip Brazee, John M. Clark, Amos E. Clark, Wilbur J. Collear, Stephen Curtiss, James Finkle, Jacob Forrest, John L. Graham, John A. Rossman, AVashington Sackett, William F. Scutt, William L. Sheldon, Gilbert L. Soules, Frederick . Stone, Augustus P. Van Deusen, Le\'i Webster, Charles A. Additional Name. Sandon, Charles B. Austin, Jolin E. Baker, Edwin Carpenter, Walter G. Erwin, Jolxn Q. Foster, Jacob R. . SHEFFIELD. . Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 2d Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 150th N. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 128th N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 1st N. Y. Sharp Shooters. . Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. W. . Co. M, 10th N. Y. H. A. . Co. H, 91st N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 16th Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 37th Mass. Inf. SHELBURNE. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Mus. 10th N. H. Inf. 270 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. SHELBURNE — Concluded. Gillett, Eliot F. . Co. F, 16th Vt. Inf. Griffin, James 0. . Co. I, 15th Vt. Inf.; Co. B, 1st Vt. Cav. Hall, Charles P. . Co. A, 4th N. H. Inf. Hunter, James F. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Jones, George A. . Co. G, 6th Vt. Inf. Severence, John F. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. Smith, George A. . Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Smith, Luther J. . Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. Temple, Amos Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. Wilder, George 0. Co. E, 52d Mass. Inf. SHER60RN. BuUard, WiUiam P. Carson, William H. Clark, Warren A. Douglas, Norman B. Fields, Charles S, Lewis, William B. Porter, Isaac F. Sloan, Isaac H. *Smart, Richard B. Wright, Walter R. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 51st Mass. Inf.; 16th Mass. L. A. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 14th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 45th Mass. Inf. Ayers, John C. Balcom, Oliver W. Bohanan, John Gary, Stephen P. . Cram, William H. Gately, James H. Jubb, William Mellish, Walter E. Pember, John H. . Sawtell, Henry A. Tracy, Frederick L. SHIRLEY. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 16th N. H. Inf.; Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. E, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. I, 17th Vt. Inf. Additional Names. Bliss, Henry. Longley, Harriman. AUen, Samuel L. . Bailey, Orrin W. . Bement, W^illiam 0. Bliss, George S. Bourdette, Louis . Clapp, George W. T. Easton, Fergus A. SHREWSBURY. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Me. Inf. Co. I, 134th Ind. Inf. Co. F, 13th Vt. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. 1, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 5th N. Y. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 271 Gamache, Peter Loving, Hiram W. *Maynard, Wallace D. Mitchell, Joseph T, Moiilton, Daniel L. Newhall, George N. Ross, Harvey M. . Smith, Samuel Walker, John H. . Warren, Charles L. Wood, Charles W. Additional Name. Miller, Lindorf W. Benson, Lothrop W. Braley, Alonzo H. Brouillette, Joseph E. Brown, Robert Carr, Benjamin H. Chace, Charles F. Dennis, Alexander J. Downs, Harry F. . Francis, Thomas A. Gibbs, John 0. Hood, David Kerr, Richard Lufkin, George W. Luther, Benjamiu F. McGum, John J. . Padelford, Amos C. Post, Charles H. . Ray, Eber H. Seaver, Wm. H. . Shore, Charles H. Slade, Howard M. Staples, Edward E. Wilkinson, Thomas SHREWSBURY — Concluded. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 16th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 29th Me. Inf. Mus. 23d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th N. J. Inf. Co. A, 4th N. H. Inf. Mus. 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. SOMERSET. U. S. N. ships "Satellite," "Ohio." Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Penn. Cav. Co. D, 1st N. H. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Constitution." 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship" Chicopee." Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Merrimac." Co. C, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Cayuga." Co. G, 26th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Hampshire." Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 215th Penn. Inf. Additional Names. Gulliver, Warren Sydney S. Hathaway, John B. Simmons, George W". . Whitehead, James L. . Co. D, 9th Me. Inf. ISth Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 60th Mass. Inf. Adams, Charles 0. Albee, John G. Ames, John C. SOMERVILLE. Co. E, 40th ]\Iass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. 272 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. SOMERVILLE — Continued. Atherton, Adams H. Avery, Charles H. Badger, Frank S. . Bailey, Thomas T. Bailey, Walter C. Baldwin, Benjamin G. Barker, Samuel H. Barnard, Andrew J. Barnard, Charles W. Barnes, George H. Barri, Martin Battelle, Charles P. Baxter, Ezra . Beane, James W. . Berry, Henry S. . Berthrong, Henry W. Bonnel, Henry A. Boyer, George R. Brackett, Horatio S. Brade, John H. Bradford, Henry C. Bray, Charles D. . Briggs, Walter C. Brigham, George A. Brown, Justin E. . Bruce, Lorenzo Burbank, Charles W. Burckes, James M. Burdakin, WilUam H. Burns, John . Burpee, Randall W. Carnes, Rollin H. M. Carpenter, Allen F. Chandler, Edward T. Chase, Ambrose P. Chase, James H. . Claffey, Andrew . Clapp, George H. Clark, Gustavus A. Clark, William H. Clement, Hermon A. Clough, Orion Clow, Benjamin F. Coffin, Josiah N. . Coleman, Thomas W. Corlew, William R. Corthell, Jolm Crockett, Henry C. Crosby, Mark Potomac." U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Ohio," U. S. N. ship "Minnesota." Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. B, 1st Conn. Inf. Co. B, 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. L. A. 7th Batty. Mass. H. A. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 140th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, nth N. J. Inf. Co. H, 7th Me. Inf. Co. B, 7th Calif. Inf. Co. B, 134th N. Y. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 9th R.I. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Mohongo," "Mohican." Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf.; 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Ohio." Co. B, 13th Me. Inf.; Co. A, 10th U. S. Cav. Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. B, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. B, nth Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 16th N. Y. H. A. Co. F, 9th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Brooklyn," "North Carolina," "Mohongo," "Vermont." Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 16th Me. Inf. Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d Mass. Inf. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 273 Cud worth, Elijah F. CulUn, John W. . Culliton, Thomas F., Cunningham, Moses Dadmun, Henry H. Dailey, Dennis M. Dame, Thomas C. Daniels, Edward S. Davis, Frederic Davis, George M. Davis, Jonathan S. Day, David S. Devine, James H. Dewey, John DeWolf, Israel H. Dickson, John A. . Downing, Richard Driscoll, Cornelius J. Dugan, Charles H. Dunham, Marshal W. Durgin, Charles C. Dusseault, John H. Dwight, Samuel . Earle, Israel C. Easton, Horatio P. Edgerly, Thomas H. Edmands, Albert W. Emery, Lorenzo S. Emmons, John G. Favor, Frank W. . Fay, WiUiam Ferguson, Charles Ferguson, Thomas T. FillebrowTi, Samuel A. Fish, William W. . Fisher, Henry J. . Fitzpatrick, Matthew Fix, Augustus W. Flanders, John C. Fletcher, Hezekiah F. Fletcher, John W. Flowers, William H. Forbes, Andrew J. Foss, Emery W. . Foss, Jacob P. Foster, Nathaniel D. P Frederick, Edu-in . Freeman, Alexander W SOMERVILLE — Continued. . Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. ; Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 12th Me. Inf. . Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 12th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 35th U. S. Inf. . Co. C, 1st N. H. Cav. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 99th N. Y. Inf. . U. S. N. ships " North Carolina," " Potomac," " Missis- sippi," "Pensacola," "Tennessee," "Monogahela," "Hartford," "Onondaga." . Co. A, 135th Ohio Inf.; Co. F, 1st U. S. Engs. . Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. B, 1st N. Y. H. A. . Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. . U.S. N. ship "Niagara." . Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 26th Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Winona." . Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 27th Me. Inf. . Natl. Guard, N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 134th 111. Inf. . Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, nth N. H. Inf. . Co. H, 10th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "State of Georgia," "Genesee," "Minnesota," "Monticello." . Co. D, 114th Penn. Inf. . Co. D, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 26th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. C. 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 7th Me. Inf. . Co. L, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. L, 1st D. C. Cav.; Co. E, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. G, 23d N. Y. Inf. : Co. E, 63d N. Y. Inf. 274 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Freeman, Josiah C. French, George W. Frothingham, Charles Fuller, John E. . Fuller, Joseph Gage, Moses H. . Gallaway, Charles Gardner, Charles W. Genthner, George A. Germond, John Giles, Joseph J. Googins, A. Eugene Goss, George H. . Gray, Amasa Griggs, James Guptill, Cornelius R. Hadley, George A. Hadley, Henry M. Hall, George A. Hall, Richard B. . Hall, William F. . Hanscom, Sanford Harford, William . Harvey, George Harvey, Henry E. Hawes, Levi L. Hawley, Erskine M. Hayden, Sidney E. Henry, George A. Herrick, George H. Hicks, Caleb E. . Holmes, Jacob F. Holmes, Phihp S. Hooper, William P. Hopkins, James R. Hopping, George . Home, George F. Houghton, George M. Howes, Alonzo C. Hubbard, Andrew B. Himtoon, George W. Jackson, Thomas . Jones, Florenthine Jones, John . Jones, John H. Jones, Robert K. . SOMERVILLE — Continued. . Co. H, 12th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Norwich," ' ' New Hampshire. ' ' . Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Niagara," "New Ironsides," "Mocca- sm." . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Connecticut," "Niphon." . Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. ; U. S. N. ships " Ohio," " Housa- tonic," "Vermont," "Huron." . Co. A, 3d Batty. Me. L. A. . Co. H, 128th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. L. A. . Co. C, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 12th R. I. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 36th Mass. Inf. . 8th Unass. Co. Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Powhatan," "Preble." . U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." . Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 13th Me: Inf. . Co. A, 14th Wis. Inf. . Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 26th Me. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Sarah Bruen." . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 8th Me. Inf. . 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. A, 17th Me. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. K, 58th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Mahaska," "luka." . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 2d Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 10th Mass. Inf. ; Co. C, 20th Mass. Inf. ; Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 30th Me. Inf. . Co. E, 4th N. Y. Inf.; Co. A, 69th N. Y. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 275 Jordan, Phineas J. Kaler, Otis M. Keene, Lewis G. . Kelly, John Kimball, James E. Kirk, Patrick Knowles, Zoheth . Krueger, Henry LaCoimt, Eugene Lander, Charles M. Langdon, John C. Langely, Edwin C. Laverty, Francis . Leavitt, Horace H. LeCount, Frederick R. Lee, John M. Legg, Charles A. . Leman, Francis H. Libby, George W. Lincoln, Uriah R. Littlefield, Charles A. Locke, Albert F. . Lougee, William T. Loveland, Henry . Lowell, James S. . Lundgren, James F. Macy, James C. . Mahoney, Edward F. Mahoney, James . Mahoney, Patrick Marden, John E. . Marshall, George 0. Marston, Elias H. Marston, WilHam H. Maxwell, WiiUam J. Mayberry, Ehjah Mayville, Harry . McAleer, Henry McArthur, John . McCoy, John A. . McCuily, Ripley T. McNamara, James Menard, John H. . Merriam, George A. Merrill, George H. MetcaK, Frank A. Miller, Algernon S. Miller, Thomas Mills, Frederick G. Mills, Hiram SOMERVILLE — Continued. . Co. B, 79th Ind. Inf. . Co. A, 21st Me. Inf. . Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 5th Me. Inf. . 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. I, 76th Penn. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ethan Allen," "Guard." . Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. . 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 70th N. Y. Inf.;-U. S. N. ships "Ohio "Mingo," "State of Georgia," "Princeton." . Co. C, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. . U. S. Navy. . Co. F, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Kennebec." . Co. E, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 36th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Tahoma." . Co. A, 3d N. Y. L. A. . 9th Batty. Me. L. A. . Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 74th Ind. Inf. . Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . 7th Unatt. Co. Me. Inf. . Co. D, 5th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. ; Co. C, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 2d Me. Inf.; Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. . 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 30th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, nth 111. Cav. . Co. G, 12th Me. Inf. . U. S. Regulars. . Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 12th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 14th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 6th La. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Fuchsia." 276 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Morang, Edward . Morrison, William J. Morse, Henry H. . Moult on, Henry D. Murphy, Thomas Neilson, Frederick S. Nevers, John Nickerson, Sylvanus Nicol, James . Nolan, John J. Nolan, Patrick Noone, Joseph F. Nourse, Adrian T. Oldson, Joseph H. O'Neill, Patrick . O'Neill, Thomas H. Osgood, Charles E. Parkliurst, Melville Pavey, Darwin Perry, John B. Pettes, Phineas P. Pettingill, Benjamin Pieper, Henry W. Pierce, Cyrus H. . Pierce, George W. Piper, Charles H. Place, Jonas M. . Post, Joseph H. Pote, Othniel Prescott, Warren R. Proctor, George Quincy, Joseph Ramsay, Russell J. Rand, J. Rovey Reed, Benton H. . Richards, Augustus P. Ricker, Albert M. Ring, Gardner W. Roberts, Frank L. Robinson, Horace P. Robinson, John Ross, Charles Sanders, Mark Sargent, Charles F. Sargent, George D. Savage, Thomas . Sawyer, Albert Sawyer, AUie Seys, Louis . SOMERVILLE — Continued. . Co. H, 5th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 3d N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 99th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 6th U. S. Cav. . Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Itasca," "Vandalia," "Potomac," "Adolph Hugel," "Wyandank." . Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 5th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Ohio." . Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 10th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 1st D. C. Cav.; Co. I, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. H, 12th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 2d N. Y. Cav. . Co. A, 4th Ohio Cav. . Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 12th Me. Inf. . Co. L, 45th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Massachusetts." . U. S. N. ship "Kearsarge." . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 12th Me. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Grand Gulf." . Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Ohio," "Stars and Stripes," "Somerset." . Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 15th N. Y. H. A. . Co. E, nth Me. Inf. . Co. H, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 29th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "America." . 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Iroquois." . Co. C, 3d Mass. L. A. . Co. C, 51st N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 19th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 277 Sharkey, Charles . Shepard, Thomas Shore}'^, Almon C. Sinclair, William J. Smith, Albert E. . Smith, George D. Smith, Thomas F. Snow, John E. Southwick, Walter T. Spaulding, Daniel Staniford, John W Stevens, Oliver A. Stiles, James . Storey, John . Strout, Charles 0. Sweetser, Albert S Swift, Edward P. Tarbox, Warren R Teele, Samuel F, Teele, Warren L Tenney, Charles F. Terrio, Alexis Thomas, John P. H. Thomas, William H. Thompson, George A. Thorns, Alphonzo W. Toothaker, William H. Tousey, William G. Towle, John B. . Turner, Hiram A. Underbill, S. Augustus Valentine, Herbert E, Wakefield, Gilbert Walcott, George K. Walker, Joseph Washburn, Linus G. Webber, Orin H. . Wentworth, Thomas S Wharton, John E. Whitney, James F. Whiton, Loring L. Williams, Charles C. Williams, Frank G. Williams, John Williams, Thomas F. Willis, Reuben Wilson, William S. SOMERVILLE — Continued. Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. B, Maine State Guards. Co. D, 9th R. I. Inf. Co. G, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 3d Me. Inf.; Co. H, 17th Me. Inf. Co. C, 5th N. Y. H. A. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Juniata," "Hendrick Hudson," "Iosco." Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Vincennes." Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "North Caro- lina," "Quaker City," "Underwriter," "Hetzel," "Whitehead," "Commodore Perry." Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. L, nth Vt. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Susquehanna." Co. A, Coast Guards, Me. Inf. Co. G, 10th N. H. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 5th Me. Inf. ; Co. A, Me. Coast Guards. Co. E, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 2d Me. Cav. Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Huntsville," "Roebuck," "St. Law- rence." Co. C, 3d Me. H. A. Co. A, 3d Me. Inf. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 17th Me. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 30th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 27th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Housatonic." 1st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 15Sth N. Y. Inf. 278 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Winship, Albert E. Woods, James A. . Woods, John M. . Wright, George F. Wright, Hemy E. Wright, WilUam . Young, Joseph SOMERVILLE — Concluded. Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 27th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Allen, Wm. C. Barnes, Albert F. Beals, Wm. T. Caffrey, Andrew M. Cartwright, Joseph P. Caswell, Levi L. Connolly, John. Daniel, Benjamin. Earl, John. Eccles, Wm. Farnsworth, John M. Fletcher, Jas. H. Fletcher, Wm. C. Gibbs, Gustafus S. Hastings, Loren J. Hill, Ehakim W. Klinert, John F. Jordan, Phineas G. Magaffey, George H. Morris, George E. Nickerson, Theodore. Putney, Alverda. Sawyer, Joseph A. Seys, Charles L. Sibley, Henry R. Smith, EdT\an J. . Stewart, Charles . Stillings, Ephraim B. Stillings, Henry E. Stone, Charles E. Strangman, Alfred. Washburn, Philip M. White, Emory L. Hooker, Lothrop L. Hughes, Frederick J. . Messenger, John H. Williams, Horace J. Additional Name. Frary, Lewis 0. Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. 7th Me. L. A. 53d N. Y. Inf. SOUTHAMPTON. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf.; 2d Mass. H. A. Co. E, nth Conn. Inf. Co. I, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 279 Bigelow, Eugene F. Bullens, Lowell S. Cheney, Royal Chickering, James F Collins, Lowell T. Draper, Samuel F. Flynn, John . Greenough, Augustus P Howe, William W. Ireland, James L. McMahon, James Newton, Francis D. Parker, Charles S. Pierce, Henry Pike, Benjamin F. Ring, Hiram P. Rogers, Henry M. Sawin, Charles B. Sears, Stephen C. Underwood, John G Wright, Francis . SOUTHBOROUGH. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. A, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K. 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 9th Del. Inf. Co. K, 16th Me. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Nichols, Addison M. Quigley, Peter. Aldrich, Orrin J. . Back, Albert . Chapin, Francis L. Clarke, Andrew J. Corey, George W. Durgin, A. E. Egan, Edward Faulkner, Festus . Gillespie, Michael Girous, Pierre Hilton, Walter J. . Hurbert, William H. Leveille, Victor Lombard, Charles E. Mason, James H. Merritt, Thaddeus C. O'Donnell, George O'Hara, Thomas . Sibley, John F. . Streeter, Ahin Vinton, Baldwin J. Wadleigh, Eben R. SOUTHBRIDGE. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. G, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Conn. Inf. Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Sonoma." 280 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Wesson, Calvin D. Young, Samuel SOUTHBRIDGE — Concluded. . Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 28th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Blackburn, Alexander . Dandridge, Benjamin J. Leduc, Israel Provost, Charles . Torrey, Edwin T. Hospital Corps, 84th III. Inf. Co. K, 49th U. S. Col. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. G, 5th Vt. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Barnes, Martin L. Bates, Charles H. *Bischoff, Adam Blanchard, John B. Brown, William . Calkins, Charles M. Calkins, William P. Fenstel, Gottlieb . Hadley, Louis E. . Hanks, Edwin C. . Hyde, Philip . Judd, Burritt Kelley, Francis L. Kirkpatrick, John *Maynard, Ramie . Newton, Harlow . Smith, Charles F. *Smith, William . Spooner, Charles . Tacy, Louis . Walker, Charles . Walkley, Joel S. . SOUTH HADLEY. Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 95th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th N. J. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 58th Penn. Inf. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. G, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 27th Me. Inf. Mus. 7th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. J. Cav. Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Decker, James. Lipman, Carl H. . Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. Booth, Charles C. Eldridge, Orrin W. Fowler, George H. Fox, Lucius G. Griffin, Walter P. Lee, George . Randall, Niles C. . Vining, Jasper W, SOUTHWICK. Co. C, 64th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 16th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Conn. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 281 Aegis, Anthony Alix, Joseph . Allen, Charles H. . Bacon, Arthur B. Ballou, Joseph Barton, Charles P. Bean, Elmer J. Beers, James L. Bemis, Charles A. Bigelow, John W. Bird, Joseph . Blodgett, Henry B. Boona, Joseph Boulley, George . Boyden, Charles A. Clark, George P. . Denny, John DeWolfe, George P. Gibson, Robert Hastings, John G. Holmes, James Jaynes, Edward L. Jones, Jar vis H. . Knight, Charles E. Knowlton, Henry A. Lamb, Alvan N. . Lamb, Henry G. . Livermore, Walton Monroe, Dwight S. Morse, Albert E. . Newton, John M. O'Coin, Peter L. . Over end, Samuel . Park, Russell Pregent, Peter Rice, George W. . Slay ton, Henry H. Smith, George L. . Smith, Wesley L. . Snow, Albert F. . Tourtelotte, Azor M. *Tyrrell, Alonzo H. Walker, Reuben . Williams, Frederick A. Worthington, Charles D. SPENCER. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 14th Conn. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 13th Me. Inf. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. H, 5th Conn. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Conn. Cav. Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 51st and 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. 5th N. Y. Ind. Art. Co. A, 192d N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. H, lath Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 5th la. Cav.; Co. A, 29th la. Inf.; Co. L, 3d Ark. Cav. Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. Additional Names. Pierce, C. W. Proctor, J. J. Wedge, Peter. Co. G, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 3d Mass. H. A. 282 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Abbott, George W. Abbott, John B. . Adams, Abel P. . Adams, Halsey H. Adams, James S. . Aggas, Robert Alden, Adin . Aldrich, Ira . Alexander, William A. Allbe, Joseph G. . Amidon, George F. Anderson, George W. Anderson, James . Annable, Chas. H. Ashton, Thomas . Ashwell, James E. Austin, John . Baker, Charles G. Baker, Kurnell Barker, Sherrod . Barnstead, George Barnum, George A. Barry, Jeremiah . Bartlett, Albert M. Bartlett, Erastus M. Bates, George S. . Baucker, Meriners W. Beardsley, Frank C. Beech, Hiram Benjamin, Mark P. Berry, Dennis T. . Bevins, Benjamin Bidwell, James F. Bishop, William . Bliss, Charles W. . Book, Jeremiah Booth, WiUiam H. Bourin, Frank G. Bowen, Charles Bowen, James L. . Brainard, Horatio H. Braley, Ellison Branning, Gilbert W. Brocken, John Brooks, Alonzo A. Brown, Daniel W. Brown, Henry L. . Brown, Joseph F. Bryant, Andrew S. Burnett, George H. SPRINGFIELD. Co. E, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 1st Me. Cav. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 12th Me. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 8th N. Y. Art. Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 31st Me. Inf. Co. K, 192d N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th N. J. Inf.; Co. K, 2d N. J. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 22d Conn. Inf.; 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. C, 91st Penn. Inf. Co. D, 152d Ind. Inf. Co. A, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 19th Md. Inf. Co. A, 96th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mo. Eng. Corps. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. H, 16th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 11th Conn. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 283 Burnham, George M Bush, William H. Buxton, Warren S. Caffrey, James J. . Calkins, James W. Case, Edmund E. Chamberlain, John F. E Chapin, Arthur L. B. Chapman, Dwight M. Chapman, Samuel S. Chapman, William M, Chesbro, Albert M. Clark, Charles E. Clark, Charles H. Clark, David Clark, Embury P. Clark, Frank P. . Clark, William E. Coates, Henry C. Cobb, Freeman L. Colburn, Charles D. Condon, John C. . Coney, John C. Cook, David N. . Cooley, George W. Cooley, Henry Cooley, Henry K. Cooley, Tertius Cooley, WiUiam . Cousins, Charles C. Cross, Amos G. Cross, Eugene F. . Cutler, A. Dwight Damon, Clinton . Davis, Isaac P. Devine, Thomas S. Dockham, George W. Doland, Hugh Dorman, Anson A. Duggan, Edmund B. Duncan, Walter H. Dwelley, John W. Eaton, L. Oscar . Egleston, Herbert Eugene Elwell, Franklin . Englehard, Frank J. Farr, Chauncy Faulkner, David B. Field, Lyman B. . Fisk, Marcus M. . SPRINGFIELD — Continued. Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 31st Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Isaac Smith," "T. A. Ward." Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 22d Me. Inf. Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 13th Ohio Inf. Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 12th Conn. Inf. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th U. S. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 7th N. Y. L. A. 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. A, 14th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. F, 164th Ohio Inf. Co. B, 14th Me. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. L, 3d R. I. Cav. U.S.N, ship "Galatea." Co. K, 2d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Santiago de Cuba." Co. G, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 3d K. H. Inf. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 57th Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co.' E, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. F, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. Conn. L. A. Co. F, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. 284 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Fogelstrand, Otto F. Foster, Cyrus A. . Fowler, Henry R. French, William French, William H. Friman, Loyal F. Frisbie, Martin W. Frye, Wilson G. . Gaboury, Isadore L. Gardner, Henry L. Gardner, Walter R. Garracott, George H. Gassner, James C. Gates, Albert A. . Gault, William Gill, Napoleon Gillette, Albert A. Goodell, Marcus M. Goodrich, Wm. C. Granger, Almon M. Graves, Francis S. Graves, John W. . Haley, Chauncey 0. Haley, Stephen Hall, Andrew J. . Hamilton, Horatio A. Hamilton, Robert J. Hanham, Benjamin Hardie, James H. Hart, Henry . Hartshorn, Newton T. Haskell, George W. Haskins, Benjamin S. Hawkins, John T. Hawkins, William H. Hayn, Herman G. Herlitschek, Leopold Herrick, Nelson J. Holbrook, George B. Holland, Dwight . Howes, George E. Howes, James R. . Hoyt, Homer Hubbard, Gilbert E. Hurley, John Irving, Samuel P. Jacobs, Charles E. Jennings, Calvin W. Jewett, John H. . Johnson, Wilmer D. Jones, Ebenezer . SPRINGFIELD — Continued. . U. S. N. ship "Seminole." . Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 2d Conn. H. A. . Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st U. S. Cav. . Co. E, 20th Conn. Inf. . Co. A, 30th Conn. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf.; 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 25th Conn. Inf. . Co. A, 2d N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 87th Ohio Inf. . Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 14th Conn. Inf. . U.S.N. . Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Vt. Inf.; Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Western World," "Marion." . 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 1st 111. Cav. . Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 55th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 16th Conn. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Conn. Inf. . Co. B, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Mus. 7th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 5th Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 22d Conn. Inf. . Co. K, 16th la. Inf. . Co. G, 16th Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Niagara." . Unass. Co. 30th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 23d U. S. Col. Inf. . Co. B, 12th Penn. Cav. . Co. C, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 13th N. Y. H. A.; Co. L, 6th N. Y. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 285 Jones, George H. . Keene, James B. . Kelleher, Dennis . Kelleher, Michael J. Kelley, Chas. E. . KeLsey, Foster M. Kempton, Henry W. Kennedy, Ebenezer Keyes, Henrj- W. Kingsley, Charles 0. Kirk, Edgar A. Klimer, Alexander Knight, Trueman B. Kuralt, Charles F. Lane, Sylvester C. Lantz, Da\'id J. . LeBreque, Peter S. Lee, George W. . Lester, Watson J. Livermore, Ozro J. Loonen, Patrick Lj-nch, Maurice J. Lyon, Arthur E. . MadLson, Walter R. Maine, Frank D. . Maloney, John Margerum, Claudius C Marsdele, Gerald E. Marsh, Charles S. Marsh, Daniel J. . Mason, William H. Maxwell, William G. Mayo, George McCann, John J. . McGregorj', Robert R. McPhee, Donald . Merriam, Frederick W Moon, James W. . Morse, Henn,' D. . Mossey, Frank X. Munsell, Enos W. Newell, Elijah Newton, Frank 0. Nimms, Edward B. Noyes, William H. Nye, Luther C. O'Connor, Patrick Oldendick, Clemens Osborne, Hiram D. Paige, Ora Parker, Albert J. . SPRINGFIELD — Continued. . Co. H, 13th X. Y. Car.; Co. F, 3d X. Y. Cav. . Co. E, 1st Penn. Inf.; Co. D, 127th Penn. Inf. . U. S. X. ship '^Minnesota." . Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. . U. S. X. ship "Lancaster." . Co. B, 14th X. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 60th X. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 11th X. J. Inf. . Co. C, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. A, 22d Conn. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Penn. Inf. . Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 29th Mass. Inf. . 2d R. I. Inf. . U. S. X. ship "Congress." . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 16th X. Y. Inf.; Co. C, 146th X. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 18th X. Y. Cav. . Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, o3d Mass. Inf. . U. S. X. ship "Pa^^-nee." . Co. I, 9th X. Y. H. A. Co. K, 7th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 14th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Vt. Inf. . Co. D, 16th Conn. Inf. . Co. C, 1st Vt. Inf. . Co. K, o2d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, lloth Ohio Inf. . Co. K, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 2d X. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 91st X. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 2d Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 2d X. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. . Surg. 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. G, 1st Vt. Inf.; Co. H, 5th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 181st Ohio Inf. . Co. D, 1st X. H. H. A. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Vt. Inf. 286 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Parkers, Simon Payne, George D. Pease, Albert L. . Pease, Dallas M. . Pendergast, John . Pendleton, Sylvester Perkins, Ephraim A. Perry, James A. . Pierce, Elihu P. . Pomeroj^, Julian . Proctor, Alpheus T. Putney, David W. Ranney, Thomas . Reach, Robert Remington, David I. Reynolds, John T. Rice, Albert R. Rice, Charles E. . Rice, George E. . Robbins, Daniel S. Robbins, James E. Roberts, John H. Rogers, Edward C. Rollins, Francis I. Rowley, George E. Rowley, H. Curtis Rust, Samuel Sadler, Warren F. Sanderson, Charles A. Saunders, George . Scott, Charles A. . Seabury, Edward S. Sexton, Henry W. Shaftoe, William . Shaw, George D. . Shaw, Henry J. Shaw, John . Shene, James Sias, Chauncey R. Sibley, Seymour . Sibley, Stephen J. Slate, Fayette C. . Slater, George A. . Smith, Charles Smith, Daniel W. Smith, Delos N. . Smith, Guernsey B. Smith, Henry M. . Smith, Nathaniel . Sollace, Albert N. SPRINGFIELD — Continued. , Co. B, 30th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 52d Mass. Inf. ; Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 62d N. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 9th N. Y. Inf.; Co. K, 3d N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 54th Mass. Inf. . Surg. 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 16th Conn. Inf. . Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 25th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 3d U. S. Art. , Co. B, 5th N. Y. H. A. . Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 13th Conn. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Tallapoosa." . Co. F, 22d Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 120th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 12th Conn. Inf. . Co. B, 3d R. I. H.' A. . Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 54th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 92d N. Y. Inf.; Co. G, 96th N. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 5th Conn. Inf. . 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 10th Mass. Cav. . 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 56th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 68th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 14th Conn. Inf.; Co. A, 15th Coim. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Connecticut," "Sonoma." . Co. G, 5th N. H. Inf. • . Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 287 Spaulding, Cyrus . Spence, Henry C. Spencer, Charles B. Spencer, James W. Stannard, John E. Stanton, John E. . St. Clair, Bert M. Stebbins, George S. Stedman, Daniel B. Stewart, Thomas S. Stratton, Asa H. . Strong, William A. Sullivan, Daniel . Tarbell, Chas. J. . Thomas, Edwin C. Tuttle, Lyman H. Tuttle, Manning . Ufford, Charles D. Vadakin, John Van Wagoner, Almon Vincent, George L. Wade, Addison P. Wales, John E. Walker, Robert J. Waller, Wm. . Ward, Anson H. . Ware, Frederick C. Warfield, Gilbert P. Wassing, William Watters, Thomas . W^heaton, William R. Wheeler, Edmund A. Wheeler, Norman F. White, Ira M. White, Oliver Wilder, Edward Willey, James A. Wilson, James Wolfinger, John J. Wood, William P. Woods, Henry Woodward, Wesley Worthway, John A. Wright, Henry SPRINGFIELD — Continued. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." Co. F, 3d U. S. L. A. Co. B, nth Conn. Inf. Co. C, 14th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. K, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. E, 16th Vt. Inf.; Co. F, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. K, 118th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 7th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 1st Corm. Inf. Co. F, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th N. Y. H. A. Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th U. S. Cav.; 8th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 55th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 46th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. H, Sth Vt. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 1st Vt. Inf. Co. F, 12th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Vt. H. A. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 49th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliips "Seminole," "Hartford," "Daylight/ "Primrose," "Niagara." Additional Names. Allen, David T. Anderson, Charles R. . Barker, Thomas . Bishop, George I. Co. H, 1st Me. Inf. Co. C, 4th U. S. Art. 288 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Bruso, Frederick. Bryant, Eleazer Bumstead, George F. Burtt, Chas. B. Carr, Thomas. Chamberlin, Edward W. Chapin, Albert T. Clay, Henry. Culins, Peter. Gushing, Albert W. Devine, Patrick. Duffy, Martin Dwelley, Joseph F. Dwyer, Thomas. Edwards, Gharles S. Edwards, Samuel F. Elliott, WiUiam . Franklin, Benj. R. Fuller, Frank G. Gaines, Charles E. Garrett, Christopher W. Gilbert, Wm. H. Gould, Chandler H. Gray, Edwin E. Hastings, Cornehus Healey, Stephen. Hinsdale, George W. Hitchcock, Asher H. Horace, Iverson. Hutchinson, Benj. D. Jewell, Charles C. Johnson, Wm. F. Jones, Thomas C. Keene, James B. Kelly, James M. . King, Robert J. LaFrayer, Dennis. McNamara, Francis. Mead, Charles H. Meehan, John C. Miles, John L. Moody, Chas. E. Moore, Andrew J. Morse, Edgar S. Newton, Charles B. North, Frederick. Northway, John A. Pond, Wm. G. Price, Jesse. Raymond, Wm. A. Robertson, John F. SPRINGFIELD — Continued. . Co. C, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 17th Vt. Inf. . Co. D, 2d Conn. H. A. . Co. K, 5th N. Y. Cav. Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 289 SPRINGFIELD — Concluded. Rogers, James H. Shaw, Theodore W. Shears, Edward M. Sherman, Joseph. Spellman, James. Spring, John. Stewart, John E. Strong, Leonard P. Suzey, Frank E. Tarbox, Orrison J. Tewhill, Jolm. Town, Wm. A. Townsend, Joseph. Turner, Wm. I. Walsh, John. Walters, Thomas. Warriner, Stephen C. Wasley, Herbert J. Waterman, Wm. H. Whipple, Joseph F. Woods, John J. Wooler, WiUiam. Wright, Charles M. "Burpee, Warren E. Garrity, John H. . Gerr}^ Thomas L. Kent, Evarts Melendy, Alphonso H. Snow, Charles H. Walker, William S. Whitman, Waldo . STERLING. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 4th Mass. Batty. L. A. Bailey, John F. Brown, Charles 0. Caffrej', Thomas F. Cooper, George W. Fellows, George H. Hird, John W. . Hoafringer, Simon Luddington, Ed-^dn C. Martin, Theodore S. Mercer, William H. Rathbun, Charles W. STOCKBRIDGE. Co. L, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. L, 3d U. S. H. A. Co. A, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. ; Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 28th Me. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Additional Name. Leeman, Daniel . Co. I, 49th Mass. Inf. 290 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Abbott, David A. Adams, John Q. . Andrews, Gustavus Averill, John Best, John Brackett, Wm. D. Brown, Robert K. Burbank, E. Walker Caldwell, Charles B. Cannell, Lot . Carej% Charles A. Carlin, Charles B. Carter, George E. Clough, John B. . Cody, Maurice Davis, Rodman F. Dodge, E. Porter . Elliott, Winthrop F. Fenn, Lyman Ferren, Myron J. Fiske, Chas. H. . Fletcher, Nathaniel F. Gelston, Wm. Gilmore, John S. . Hammond, William A. Hanscom, Mark . Hanson, Samuel G. Hersey, Alvin E. . Hibbs, James Home, P. Hervey Houghton, Bryan R. Howard, James C. Hutchins, Frederick Jewett, George F. Jones, Perez C. Jones, William H. Kempton, Andrew J. *Kenan, James Lahey, John L. Lawrence, Sylvester A. Lincoln, Llewellyn Lufler, Hiram H. . Mansfield, Horace 0. Marston, Hiram Perry McNulty, Michael Meade, Maurice M. Messer, Myron W. Morris, Christopher Moulton, Joseph A. STONEHAM. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 10th Me. Inf. Co. K, 9th Me. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. A, 1st Me. Inf. Co. G, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 9th N. J. Inf. 8th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Hetzel." 16th Batty. N. Y. L. A. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliip "Tacony." Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship ''Ticonderoga." Co. H, nth N. H. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav.; Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 25th Me. Inf. Co. E, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. Co. H, 2d U. S. S. S. Co. B, 1st Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ship "Gemsbok." Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Me. Cav. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. 4th Batty. Me. L. A. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 11th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Powhatan," "Susquehanna." Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 291 Nary, Daniel Newhall, George W. Nichols, John W. . Noble, Joseph W. Osborn, Wesley Parkhurst, Charles W. Perry, Augustus E. Peterson, Halvor . Platts, George H. Poor, Charles Rhodes, Alfred P. Shaw, George F. . Sheehan, Charles H. *Sherman, Amasa . Smith, Stephen Souther, Atwood C. *Spencer, John W. Spooner, George H. Stevens, Henry A. Stevens, William B. Stone, Louis T. Sullivan, Timothj^ J. Sweetser, Francis M. Terry^ WiUiam T. Thompson, Charles Thurston, Alonzo Trull, Samuel C. . Vinton, Edwin A. Wallace, Henry D. *Weston, Milton P. White, Charles K. WiHey, Albert F. . Wyman, George W. STONEHAM — Concluded. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d U. S. Cav.; Co. I, 5th U. S. Cav. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A.; Co. H, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. L, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 20th Me. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Batthi. Mass. H. A. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 23d Me. Inf. 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A.; Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 11th N. H. Inf.; Co. B, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 168th N. Y. Inf. Co. L, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. K, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Allen, Jarvns . Barlow, Robert Bird, JedecUah ]\I. Bonney, Wallace . Brown, George A. ChurcliiU, Ezra R. Cobbett, Seth W. Drake, Horace Dutton, George W, Dyer, J. Warren . Fisher, Joseph A. . Gooch, Samuel H. Grimes, Michael . "Handy, William . STOUGHTON. Co. A, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Mass. Inf.; 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. Co. A, 4th INIass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Larkspur." Co. H, 7th Mass. Inf.; 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. 292 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Hawes, Mather E. Hogan, John . Holbrook, Hiram . Holmes, Herbert 0. Howland, Charles A. Hurie. Lewis J. N. Jaques, Charles H. Jillson, George E. Kannoffsky, Chas. Lawless, William J. Leeds, James P. . Littlefield, Horace M. Lovering, William B. Lyons, Thomas E. Mann, Moses McElroy, James . Miles, Charles A. . Murphy, Michael T. Overton, William H. Pierce, Benjamin F, Pratt, George W. . Presbuy, Henry . Randall, Hiram . Raymond, Alonzo T. Raymond, Francis Rounds, Myron . Sharp, Samuel Swan, Michael D. Thomas, James B. Underwood, Andrew J, Walker, Melvin 0. Wentworth, George 0. Went worth, Henry M. STOUGHTON — Concluded. . Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 4th Mass. Inf. . 29th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Guard," "Ethan Allen," "Ohio." . Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Franklin." . Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 26th N. Y. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Ethan Allen," "Guard." . Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf. . U. S. Engineers. . U. S. N. ships "Niagara," "Pawnee." . Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 10th R. I. H. A. . Co. D, 55th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "St. Lawrence," "Teazer." . U. S. N. ship "Ticonderoga." . Co. C, 33d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 13th Iowa Inf. . Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Blanchard, William H. Callahan, Daniel . Gay, Hiram E. Greene, Joseph L. Pitcher, John W. . Smith, CorneUus F. Talbot, J. Elmer . U. S. N. ships "Roanoake," "Massachusetts. Co. R, 9th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 29th Me. Inf. Co. I, 26th Me. Inf. Co. K, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. Bruce, Jolm L. Carey, Freeman G. Edson, George W. Hersey, Charles A. STOW. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Ohio." SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 293 Kennedy, Raymond Stevens, Francis H. Swaney, Geo. W. Webber, Andrew P. Wetherbee, Henry M. Whalen, Daniel STOW — Concluded. Co. K, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 30th Me. Inf. Co. G, 9th Me. Inf.; Co. A, 2d Me. Cav. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Allen, WUliam L. . Chase, Levi B. Hinman, William H. Holmes, Frederic . *Kenworthy, Joseph *Letcher, Gilbert . Remington, Albert S. Richards, Levi Shepard, Jeremiah J. Shephard, Melvin Stone, George N. . Vinton, Emerson D. Willis, Otis L. STURBRIDGE. Co. F, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. G, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, nth R. I. H. A. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 22d Conn. Inf.; Co. I, 3d U. S. L. A. Bailey, William B. Billings, John D. . Bills, WiUiam E. . Eaton, John H. Garfield, Francis . Green, George W. Hurlburt, Rufus H. Moore, George F. Parsons, Frank G. Richardson, Llewellyn C Sprague, Henry C. Willis, Eli H. SUDBURY. Co. D, 3oth Mass. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 23d Me. Inf. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Me. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Abbey, George F. Cooley, George L. Harper, Henry M. Wilson, James W. SUNDERLAND. Co. H, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf., Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 56th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Granite." 136th N. Y. Inf. 294 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Aldrich, Moses A. Barber, Frank *Bowen, George 0. Briggs, Charles J. *Colburn, Franklin Dudley, Henry T. Evans, Joshua Holbrook, Jacob E. Hough, Josiah M. Howard, John Lowe, Dexter D. . Marble, Albert PhiUips, Frank E. Putnam, George E. Putnam, Henrj^ W. Rice, Henry F. Roundy, Edwin R. Sargent, John G. . SUTTON. Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 193d N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. 25th Penn. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Alger, James E. Beale, Andrew J. . Blanchard, Horace W. *Boynton, Everett Brown, Samuel A. Buckman, Jolm B. Butler, Edward Buzzell, Benjamin F. Carpenter, Martin Carr, Silas B. Chase, Charles A. DeMars, Napoleon Douglas, Rodney A. Earp, WilUam G. . Fowler, Royal Gardner, Peleg Gardner, William N. Haley, Michael Horton, Joseph A. LauriUiard, George E. Lowd, Charles Q. Mansfield, Charles R. Martm, Eben S. . Martin, Richard . Merritt, John R. . Morrison, Charles Munsey, Albert SWAMPSCOTT. Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Unass. 12th Me. Inf. Co. B, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. A, 59th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Ethan Allen." 3d Batty. Vt. L. A. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A.; Co. C, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Conn. Cav. Co. K, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Me. Inf.; Co. G, 7th U. S. Inf. Co. D, 14th Me. Inf. Co. B, 2d Me. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Chippewa." 10th Batty. Mass. L. A.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Tus- earora," "Powhatan," "North Carolina." Co. G, 1st Mass. H. A. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 11th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Ethan Allen," "Savannah." 10th Batty. Mass. L. A.; U. S. N. ship "Ino." Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. L, 4th Mass. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 295 Newhall, George . Pedrick, EUsha D. Phippen, Charles H. Pierce, Nathaniel D. Putnam, John J. . Skinner, Elbridge N. Snell, John C. Thomas, George W. Thorner, John D. R. Wardwell, Horace W. Watson, Josiah Wentworth, Rufus 0. SWAMPSCOTT — Concluded. Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Lancaster," "Cyane." Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. 27th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kingfisher," "Chimo." Co. D, 9th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Ino." Co. H, 14th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N, ship "Sarah Bruen." Co. I, nth N. H. Inf. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Blanchard, Leonard A. Beckett, Daniel C. Ferguson, John H. Millett, Orlando R. Morgan, Garrard S. Pinkham, Orlando C. Shermell, Chas. O. Baker, Henry A. . Buffington, Samuel L. Chase, Reuben, 2d Delmage, James L. Fielden, Robert Galvin, John Maker, Wilham H. Poole, Stephen W. Rounds, WiUiam H. Wood, Benjamin N. Wood, Herbert A. Young, John W. . . SWANSEA. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Im". Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 10th R. I. Inf. Co. I, 4th N. H. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "New Ironsides." Co. D, 54th Mass. Inf. Baker, Samuel R. Benton, Wilham F. Black, Wilham R. Blake, Samuel 0. . Blanding, Edgar G. Borden, Clark P. . Bosworth, Franklin Bowen, Amasa W. Bragg, Frank A. . BrowTi, Edgar Bro\\Ti, Frank A. . Bushee, Samuel N. Cahoon, David H. TAUNTON. Co. F, 20th U. S. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 2d R. I. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. IMass. Inf. Co. D, 2d R. I. Inf. ISth Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. 296 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Caswell, George E, Chase, John C. Cobb, Benjamin Coleman, Abner Cook, Henry C. Cordner, Edward L, Cornell, William H. Crane, George A, . Cummings, Henry A. Curtis, William E. Cushman, James M. Dary, Nelson T. . Davis, Ruel W. Dean, Charles E. . Dean, Charles R. . Dean, George E. . Dean, Willard L. . Deane, Asa Sumner Decle, Alexander . Edwards, Alonzo R. Fales, Charles F. . Fales, George M. . Fales, Orlando Fay, Edward A. . Foss, Charles H. . Francis, George E. Francis, Hem-y W. Francis, Humphrey Francis, Lorenzo H. Francis, Lyman R. Gardner, William P. Germond, John Gilett, Albert D. . Gilmore, Charles A. Gilroy, Edward F. Glover, James H. Goff, George 0. . Guen, John . Hall, John W. Harlow, Reuben A. Harvey, George B. Haskins, Edwin Heaver, Thomas F. Hillard, Oscar A. . Hinchey, John Hopkins, Henry N. Hunt, George W. . Irving, Alexander Jennings, George B. Johnson, Eleazer A. TAUNTON — Continued. Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Camelia," "Flambeau," "Geranium." IT. S. Signal Corps. Co. C, 139th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 7th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 5th Mass. Cav. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 3d Mass. Cav. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 62d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Harvest Moon." N. C. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Baron de Kalb." Co. M, 3d R. I. H. A.; Co. D, 11th R. I. Inf. Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. H, nth U. S. Inf.; Co. K, 36th U. S. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 12th R. I. Inf. Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d U. S. L. A. Co. H, 128th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st U. S. Inf. Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. M, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. H, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf.; 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. 5th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Vermont," "New Hampshire," "St. Louis." Co. L, 10th R. I. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. A, 10th N. H. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 297 Leavitt, Oilman Q. Leonard, George E. Leonard, Manlius Lewis, Job Macomber, Edward F. Mann, George A. McVay, James H. Monroe, George A. Moore, A. F. C. . Morrissey, Edward Morse, George S. . Neil, James A. O'Neill, Solomon . Packard, Henry R. Park, George H. . Park, William Presbrey, James S, Rankin, Daniel Rawson, Henry L. Raymond, Levi S. Read, George F. . Reed, Gilbert Reed, Henry E. . Richardson, Frederick Rockett, James Sampson, Charles H. Sandland, Alvin T. Seaver, James E. . Shaftoe, Thomas R. Shove, Henry Smith, Edson B. . Smith, Thomas L. Southworth, Edward B Staples, Edward F. Taber, Charles E. Thompson, William P. Tisdale, Samuel L. Vibbert, Albert H. Waldron, George . Walker, George L. Walker, Nathan 0. W^alker, William E. Warren, Henry M. Washburn, Alex Washburn, Joseph Washburn, William D. Westcoat, Samuel B. Westgate, Elisha . TAUNTON — Continued. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. C, oth Mass. Inf. ; Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. 0, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. 0, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 26th Me. Inf. Co. A, 1st R. I. L. A.; U. S. N. ships "Cumberland," "Congress." Co. K, 58th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Ohio," "Niagara." 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 58th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Colorado." Co. D, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 16th N. Y. Cav.; Co. K, 3d N. Y. Inf. 18th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 12th R. I. Inf.; Co. L, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. B, 26th N. Y. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Amanda,"" Grand Gulf." Co. H, 24th Mich. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. B, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 39th Mass. Inf.; U.S.N. ships "North Carolina," "Chicopee." Co. B, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 7th Mass. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 29th Mass. Inf. 298 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. White, Cornelius L. White, Henry D. . Wilber, Simeon T. Wilbur, George W. Wode, Stillman N. Wood, Silas W. . TAUNTON — Concluded. Co. A, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. B, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf. 23d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. L, 10th R. I. L. A. Co. C, 1st R. I. L. A. Additional Names. Atwood, Thomas H. Baldwin, Edward B. Blake, Alden H. Cady, Dyer D. Cameron, John. Casey, William. Cole, Charles E. Considine, Michael. Coombs, John B. Gove, Alphonse M. Hayden, Edward A. Holger, Alfred B. Kelley, Bernard F. Lynch, Thomas. Manchester, William A. Moulton, Henry D. Paull, Dyer D. Pierce, Otis. Snow, Peter. Staples, John. Terry, Appolus E. Wilkey, David. Ballentine, Robert Bennett, Henry L. Cleveland, Dwight Cleveland, Frank H. Coffin, David W. . Cushing, Albert . EUis, Minot . Fales, Edward A. Garfield, Charles B. Grimes, Martin V. B. *Kendall, Justin J. Ladeau, Joseph Leonard, Ehv'ight B. Lewis, Solomon B. Lincoln, Eugene . Manning, Benjamin F, Merritt, John A. . Moore, Joseph W. Nichols, Charles W. TEMPLETON. Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. H, ISth N. H. Inf. Co. B, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 11th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 16th Conn. Inf.; Co. L, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. E, 17th Me. Inf.; Co. H, 3d Me. Inf. Co. K, 8th Vt. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 34th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 299 Oakes, Joseph Perldns, George W. T. Piper, Volnej' Powers, Martin R. Richardson, Samuel Sawin, Sullivan 0. Sevrens, William H. Shanan, John B. . Smith, Charles W. Washburn, Theodore W. *Wheeler, Cornelius 0. . Whipple, Alfred P. WUson, Charles W. . ' Additional Name. Tenny, Charles F. Ames, Adelbert Bailey, Edward M. Devlin, John J. Hill, Franklin D. . Hilton, Lucius W. Kneeland, Seymour L. Knox, Edmund O. Langdon, Henry . McGregor, John J. Messer, Eugene P. Mott, James M. . Plummer, Wesley B. Riley, John H. Sternberg, Martin Twiss, Alvin S. TEMPLETON — Concluded. . Co. K, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. B, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. B, 9th Vt. Inf.; Co. B, 2d U. S. Inf. . Co. H, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 2d R. I. Cav. . Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 6th N. H. Inf. TEWKSBURY. Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. Co. H, 13th Vt. Inf. 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 32d Mass. Inf. 39th Mass. Inf. Q. M. Dept. Co. C, 1st N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 30th Mass. Inf. Mass. Inf. Q. M. Dept. Co. E, 30th Me. Inf. Co. K, 16th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 26th Me. Inf. Co. G, 2d U. S. S. S.; Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 8th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Castello, Harry F. Coye, Henry W. . Hamilton, Charles M. . Luce, Jolm N. TISBURY. Co. D, 10th R. I. Inf. Co. B, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. Additional Name. Robinson, James B. Munn, Henry L. . Additional Name. Soule, Henry W. . TOLLAND. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. 300 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Averell, George F. Chapman, Lewis A. Frame, Francis C. Gould, Edward 0. *Lane, Benjamin . Smith, Frank L. . Sweeney, George E. Walsh, William P. Ward, James L. Wildes, WilUam H. TOPSPIELD. Co. I, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 7th Mass. Inf. 4th and 13th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. L, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F. 2d Mass. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Hunchback," "Constitution. Co. A, 7th R. I. Cav. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Adam, George A. . Ballou, Albert A. Barber, Vernal Blair, Louis K. Blood, John B. Bohanon, Charles Brown, Rufus T. . Burgess, Benjamin D. Bush, WiUiam Campbell, John M. Clark, George E. . Dudley, WiUiam S. Dustin, John S. . Frye, George M. . Gilmore, David A, Gurley, William . Harris, William F. Harvey, Thomas J. J, Jefts, Leander C. . Jennerson, Jonas L. Mitchell, George L. O'Brien, John Parker, Charles W. Richards, Ai . Spaulding, Benjamin B Stiles, John A. Tenney, William H, Turner, Albert D. Welch, Thomas H. Wilson, Silas F. . TOWNSEND. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. B, nth U. S. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Cc. A. 3d Me. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 9th N. H. Inf.; Co. A, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Md. Cav. Co. K, 18th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. Mus. 4th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 35th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Finegan, John D. Hildreth, Charles W. . Co. H, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 301 Ingraham, Elbridge G. S. Additional Name. Turner, Elmer J. . TRURO. 2d Batty. Me. L. A. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Andrews, Frederick Davis, Martin V. . Hunt, George W. . Kingsbury, Alpheus R. Littlehale, Peter . Shaw, Columbus . TYNGSBOROUGH. Co. A, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships ''Ohio," "Housatonic," "Princeton." Co. L, 1st Me. Cav, Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Me. Inf. Additional Name. Randlett, Albert S. Co. L, 1st Me. Cav. Barnes, George L. Heath, Addison B. VanRansseller, William H. TYRINGHAM. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 29th Conn. Inf. Braman, Charles E. Bruce, Sanford J. Chamberlain, Francis *Childs, George E. Claflin, Myron W. Clark, Albert Comstock, Charles W. Deering, Edward B. Flagg, Darius Fletcher, James M. Gibbs, Ora S. Harback, Estus W. Hatch, George E. Jackson, Aaron Johnson, Charles H. Jordan, Lowell A. Lyford, Edward . Oliver, Napoleon . Pierce, Charles E. Pierce, Charles W. Pierce, Harrison . Pierce, George R. Pierce, George W. UPTON. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A.; 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 15th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 1st Me. Cav. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. H, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. C, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 26th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Me. H. A. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 40th Mass. Inf. 302 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Pluta, Francis H. Rivers, Edward . Smith, Stephen Southland, Alonzo C. Symonds, Henry A. Taft, Calvin A. . Wood, George W. Wood, Willard L. Additional Name. Bartlett, John H. UPTON — Concluded. Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. H. A. Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. Anderson, Charles G. Carter, Charles E. Fiske, Wilham Horton, Henry C. Horton, James P. K. Lackey, Eugene . Needham, Watson W. Omarrah, Peter J. Rice, Stephen Seagrave, Alpheus M. Seagrave, Lawson A. Shippee, Henry L. Wagner, William . Warrall, John F. . Young, Joseph M. UXBRIDGE. Co. C, 22d Mo. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. G, 51st Mas*. Inf.; Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5thN. Y. Cav.; Co. E, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. H, 4th R. I. Inf. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 10th R. I. Art. Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. G, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. E, 9th R. I. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 37th N. Y. Inf. Additional Names. Boss, Malachi A. . McHenry, James . 2d R. I. Inf. Co. K, 3d N. J. Cav. Atherton, Arlon S. Barnard, Benjamin F. *Beattie, William . Bessey, William W. Blanchard, Prudent Brigham, William H. B Brown, Alfred Bush, John 0. *Carter, Edmund S. Gate, John M. Chellis, Henry W. Cox, George . Day, Benjamin I. Deadman, William D WAKEFIELD. Co. I, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. I, 15th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Ohio." Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Me. Cav. Co. B, 15th Me. Inf. Co. D, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 303 Dearborn, Stanley. B. Driver, George H. S. Eaton, Jacob H. . Eaton, Joseph G. . Eaton, Victor Ellis, Francis M. . Ellsworth, Andrew B. Evans, Charles A. Fay, John F. *Gammons, Orlando N, Giles, William D. Harding, Walter . Hawes, Charles H. Hayw'ard, Charles H. Heath, W^ebster . Heywood, Harry . Horton, James R. Hunter, Needham C. Kimball, James H. Lassell, Charles A. Lenfest, Solomon A. Logan, Michael Madden, Thomas F. Mansfield, James F. Mansfield, WiUiam J. Mansfield, William 0. McAllister, John . McLane, John A. McLaughlin, Joseph L Moore, John . Neiss, Frederick J. Nichols, George R. Oliver, Elden S. . Owens, James Perry, Austin E. . Poland, Joseph W. Ransom, Robert C. Ripley, Charles T. Ripley, Winfield S. Robbins, Andrew J. Robinson, William Ryerson, John R. Shannon, Walter S. Shaw, Michael R. Shea, Jolin F. Sheldon, Otis E. . Skinner, William G. Smith, Daniel C. . Stanlej', Leander R. WAKEFIELD — Continued. . Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A, . Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav.; U. S. N. ships "John Adams," "Wabash," "Paul Jones." . Mus. 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. . U. S. Navy. . Co. I, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Aster," "Wando," "Niphon." . Co. A, 20th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 23d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. B, 9th N. H. Inf. . Co. H, 11th Mass. Inf. . Wis. Engineers Corps. . U. S. N. ships "R. R. Cuyler," "Quaker City." . Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st 111. Inf.; U. S. N. ship " Canandaigua." . Co. D, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 39th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 26th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Flag." . Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, Sth Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 21st Me. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. A, 3d N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. sliip "Nyack." . Co. C, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 61st N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. . U.S.N, ship "Ohio." . Co. G, 13th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Young Rover," "Saco." . Co. B, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 43d Wis. Inf. . Co. G, 43d Mass. Inf. . Mus. 3d R. I. H. A. . Co. F, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 16th Me. Inf. 304 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Starbuck, David J. *Sweeney, William Walton, Oliver W. Walton, Samuel D. Whiting, George N. *Wiley, Jacob B. . Woodman, Alvin B. WAKEFIELD — Concluded. . U. S. N. ships "Bienville," "Kineo," "J. P. Jackson," "Bohio." Co. D, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. I, nth Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Me. Inf. Additional Names. Bent, Orrin. Bryant, Eugene C. Carey, George E. . Coombs, Roland M. Fogg, Lewis . Gibbs, Benj. B. Hennessey, James Hodgkins, Fitz Roberts, Lewis. Sanborn, Oliver G. Sawyer, James A. Stone, Orrin. Tyler, George L. . Walton, S. Leman Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. C, 1st Battln. Mass. Frontier Cav. Co. E, 8th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 8th Mass. Frontier Cav. Co. G, 8th Mass. Inf. Mus. 9th Army Corps. Co. E, 59th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, 1st Mass. Cav. Eager, Warren W. Gardner, Luther . Holt, Charles T. . Needham, W. Eugene Roth, Gilbert E. . Tillson, John P. . Walbridge, Porter Walker, James H. WALES. Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Conn. Inf. Co. A, 1st Conn. H. A. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. Achorn, Henry E. Allen, Joshua Allen, Melzar W. . Alley, Charles M. Burns, John . Colbert, Michael . Collins, William H. Gushing, Charles C. Fisher, Ira Fisher, Nathan Gardner, Lysander WALPOLE. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 23d Mass. Inf. 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Me. Inf. Co. K, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st U. S. S. S. U. S. N. ships "Cambridge," "Malvern," "Black Hawk," "Tempest." Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 10th N. H. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 305 Hamlin, Nathaniel T. . Lavender, Thomas H. Lewis, George W. Morse, George H. Smith, David Taylor, Herbert D. Additional Names. Miller, Isaac. Morgan, George A. Abbott, William H. Adams, John Allen, WilUam H. Arnold, Charles I. Arnold, James H. Bacon, Samuel H. Baldwin, Francis . Ballard, George F. Bannan, John Beatty, James Bedell, Abram H. Berry, A. H. . Billings, Benjamin F. Blandir, Arthur . Bodge, Charles M. Boynton, Granville M Brackett, Edward J. Brooks, George W. Burnett, John W. Burnhara, Charles S. Burnham, Edwin S. Cartwright, Philip Chipman, George L. Clark, Samuel E. . Clarke, George W. Clasby, Daniel J. . Coleman, Charles W. Colley, Moses Cotter, Thomas , Davis, George C. . Dearborn, George W. Dent, George Dunklee, Eli S. . Eaton, Charles J. Emerson, Warren F. Fairbanks, Henry A. Farnsworth, Joseph W Fisher, Edward J. Fisher, Henry N. . WALPOLE — Concluded. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Katahdin," "Potomac." Co. A, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35thN. Y. Inf.; Co. F, 57th Perm. Inf. Co. A, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 56th Mass. Inf. WALTHAM. Co. I, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. 2d Co. S. S. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 22d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. Inf. 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 27th Me. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. E, 1st U. S. S. S. Co. F, 4th Penn. Inf.; Co. M, 198th Penn. Inf. Co. I, 3d N. H. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. F, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. A. 36th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. E, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 42d N. H. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 1st Colo. Cav. Co. E, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 3d R. I. Cav.; Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. 306 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Fisher, James H. . French, Allan D, . French, Evander L, Gardner, John A. Getchell, Charles C. Glancy, Thomas . Hall, Henry C. . Harding, Nathaniel Harrington, Herman P Hartwell, Henry W. Havey, Thomas E. Hey worth, George B. Henson, Archibald P. Howe, Charles W. Howe, William A. Hudson, George M. Jackson, Alphonso M. Johnson, James T. Jones, WiUiam F. Kernon, James Kilburn, Joshua H. Kimball, Forest L. Knowlton, George W. Linnell, John A. . Lowell, Edwin Luce, Enos T. Mallard, George H. Mallett, Mark W. Maynard, Frank W. Maynard, George H. Mears, George Moore, Wilson J. . Moulton, William H. Murray, William . Nason, Lewis Nichols, Charles E. Park, Theodore W. Parks, Charles H. Parsons, Isaac H. Patch, Samuel Piper, George H. . Preble, William Quinn, Timothy . Richards, George S. Riley, William Rogers, Amos L. . Ross, Alexander . Simonds, Joel H. . Smith, Charles W. Smith, Corydon S. WALTHAM — Contmued. . Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. E, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. C, 139th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 12th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 16th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 21st M. R. C. Inf. . Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Pawnee," "Housatonic," "Princeton." . Co. B, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 6th N. Y. Inf. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf.; 11th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. A, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 3d R. I. Inf. . Co. D, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 45th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Ohio." . Co. D, 23d Me. Inf. . Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 156th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 82d U. S. Inf. . Co. H, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 25th Me. Inf. . Co. B, 10th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Circassian." . Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf.- . Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 9th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 19th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 2d U. S. Cav. . Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 94th N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 1st N. Y. Inf. . 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 29th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 307 Smith, Edward P. Smith, Thomas P. Snedeker, William Spaulding, Charles F. Stearns, Ephraim Swett, Rollins H. . Taylor, Joseph T. Thompson, Oscar H. Viles, Daniel F. . Ward, David T. . Ward, James F. . Warren, Nathan . Wellington, Frederick Wellington, James L. Wellington, John.M. Wellington, William S, Weymouth, Osgood Wheeler, Charles ]\I. White, Francis C. Williams, Roscoe A. Wormwood, Albert F. WALTHAM — Concluded. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4oth Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Clematis." Co. A, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 13th Me. Inf. Co. A, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. F, 32d Me. Inf. 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf. 9th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 2d Me. L. A. Co. M, 1st Mass. Cav. Additional Names. Kelton, Moses B. Nichols, Charles E. Pendexter, Geo. H. St. John, Geo. B. Viles, Walter S. . Co. C, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 1st N. H. Inf. Co. B, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 74th N. Y. Inf. Arthur, John R. . Boullette, Fortuna Corey, Hubert M. Cummings, John W. Cutting, Joseph B. Dunham, Washington S Fairbanks, George E. Fairbanks, Luther M. Hall, Thomas F. . Hawle}', George A. Hitchcock, Henry M. Holden, Otis D. . Ireland, John B. . Lovett, Henr}' L. . Marble, Bacon F. Marsh, George S. Miller, Michael G. IMoriarty, Thomas WARE. Co. K, 97th Penn. Inf. Co. G, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st N. H. L. A. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. L, 24th N. Y. Cav. Co. I, loth Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 2d Mass. Cav.; Co. D, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 14th N. Y. H. A. Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. H, 21st :Mass. Inf. Co. D, 31st jSIass. Cav. Co. E, 7th Conn. Inf.; Co. E, 15th Coim. Inf. Co. H, 28th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 20th Mass. Inf. 308 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Osgood, John Richardson, Edwin E. Richmond, Charles H. Rood, Charles H. Sweenej'', Palmer . Voter, Warren S. . Additional Names. Bacon, Marble F. Gareau, Amable . King, Frank . WARE — Concluded. Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 15th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 06th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 28th Me. Inf. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. U. S. Navy. Co. L, 16th N. Y. Cav. Allen, George H. . Baker, Thaddeus C. . Bangs, Edward P. Bryant, James L. Bumpus, Martin A. Burgess, Isaac T. . Burr, Henry S. Cahoon, Martin V. B. Campbell, John R. Dole, Eben S. Doty, Benjamin F. Fowler, Charles H. Frost, Edwin A. . Gammons, Edward A. Greer, Charles K. Harlow, James A. Harris, Lyman Hayward, George F. . Hegarty, Cornelius Hopkins, Thomas T. . Keith, Avery F. . Malarkey, Patrick Manimon, Nathan F. , Marshall, Isaac N. Morse, Hosea B. . Morse, Samuel W. Neil, Charles H. . Nightingale, Jeremiah T. Parker, James P. . Poole, Nahum Ilounseville, Philander B. Ryan, James Ryder, John J. Sherman, Calvin F. Swift, Daniel E. . WAREHAM. Mus. 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. Mus. 28th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Saratoga," "Powhatan," "Neptune," "Savannah." Co. E, 12th R. I. Inf.; Co. I, 9th R. I. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Kingfisher," "Princeton." 26th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. Co. L, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. K, nth Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Kennebec." Co. H, 40th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 143d Penn. Inf. Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. H. H. A.; U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Al- batross." Co. A, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st U. S. L. A. Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 22d Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 309 Swift, David F. Thayer, Luther F. Tobey, George 0. Tracy, George E. Tripp, Stephen T. Winsor, Henry 0. WAREHAM — Concluded. Co. A, nth R. I. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Ohio." U. S. N. ship "Winooski." Co. D, 32d Wis. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass, Inf. 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Gammons, Thomas G. Hastings, John B. Ames, Jolm Q. Avery, Steven Barlow, Azor W. . Bestick, Robert P. Came, Samuel Carroll, John Clark, Charles H. Converse, Henry M. Gillman, Calvin S. Kennedy, David . Leach, John G. Lynch, Patrick Pamienter, Rodney Rand, Charles M. Reed, Columbus F. Warfield, Leroy WARREN. Co. A, 2d Conn. H. A. Co. A, 1st R. I. Cav. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E, .3d N. Y. Art. Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 16th U. S. Inf. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. B, olst Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Me. Inf. 7th Unatt. Co. Me. Inf. ' Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Mass. Art.; Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Allen, Harrison B. Baird, James Herbert Lincoln, Edward F. Lincoln, Freeman B. Manning, WiUiam H. Moody, Charles F. WARWICK. Co. D, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 12th Vt. Inf.; Co. F, 26th N. Y. Cav. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. G, 153d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. Frost, James M. WASHINGTON. Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. Benjamin, William H. Bright, Joseph Brown, Charles A. Corson, William W. Davidson, Albert D. WATERTOWN. Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 16th Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 3d Mass. Inf. 310 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Dean, Charles H. Flanders, Alexander Greene, Russell T. Harris, George W. Hill, Nelson . Huston, David Jackson, Charles Judson, William A. Kelley, Richard Knowlton, Edwin T. Lassman, Robert E. Odell, James K. . Patten, George W. Robbins, John L. . Roby, Edgar F. . Stafford, Frederick C. Storey, Fred G. . Thwing, Charles G. Tripp, Willard D. Tyghe, Joseph WATERTOWN — Concluded. . Co. H, 49th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Fear Not," "Ohio," "Miami." . Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 22d N. Y. Inf. . Co. I, 10th R. I. Inf.; U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Choc- taw," "Cincinnati." . Co. B, 4th Mass, Inf. ; Co. M, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 112th N. Y. Inf. . 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 2d R. I. Cav. . Co. K, 11th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 6th N. J. Inf. . Co. H, 6th Me. Inf. . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 16th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 29th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Hayward, Charles E. F. Huff, Joseph. Hughes, Michael. Langley, Ed\\in C. McCafferty, William. McGrath, Owen Hines. Monahon, Owen. Russell, Jeremiah. *Bull, Eugene M. . Butterfield, Charles J. Carter, Elbridge A. *Caswell, Moses Fiske, Marcus M. Frost, Thomas W. Fuller, Fred C. . *Hersey, Alvoris Hogan, James F. . Howe, George B. . Langmaid, Warren B. Moore, Joseph M. Newton, Edwin . *Remick, Frank Seriach, Edmund . Stone, John E. Thyng, Charles A. Wellington, Alden D. WAYLAND. Co. E, 4th Vt. Inf.; Co. K, 1st Ohio Cav. Co. I, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. 7th Batty. Me. L. A. Co, A, 1st Mass. Inf. U.S. N. ship "Niagara." 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. G, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 10th Mass. Inf, 4th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 77th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 3d Me. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 311 Aldrich, George W. Aldrich, Joseph W. Authier, Hubert . Berger, Frederick H. C Bixby, John W. . Brandes, Henry . Coleman, WiUiam CoUins, John R. . Coman, John L. . Cozzens, George . Dandridge, Benjamin J. Day, Rufus . Forand, Louis Fox, Walter T. . Gould, Franklin . Gray, Thomas Heald, Henry Highland, WiUiam Leavens, William N. Moore, William . Patterson, Louis E. Pengally, Frederick Phillips, H. C. Racicot, Edward . Russell, Stephen W. Schofield, Michael Scott, Thomas Snow, Andrew Templeman, Robert Wakefield, Elias B. Whalen, Thomas . WEBSTER. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d R. I. Inf. Co. H, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. D, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. L, 3d R. I. H. A. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. H, 21st Miss. Inf. Co. K, 49th Miss. Inf. Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 193d N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 18th Conn. Inf. Mus. 21st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th U. S. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Amaranthus." Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. U.S.N, ship "Curlew." Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. G, 16th N. Y. H. A. Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. Ballou, Augustine Cvmningham, William H. Cusack, Thomas . Ferguson, Thomas *Gould, Zibeon Hazelton, Isaac N. Higgins, Samuel H. Ingram, Almon Lyons, Edward Pomeroy, Edward N. Richardson, John K. Russell, William L. Sawyer, Charles H. Seagrave, Jolm N. Smith, Frederick . WELLESLEY. Co. A, 98th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ethan AUen," "Hendrick Hudson," "National Guard," "Fort Henry." U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Union," "De Soto." .Co. H, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Lancaster," "Paul Jones," " Vandalia." Co. G, 26th Me. Inf. Co. G, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. I, lo6th N. Y. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. M, 3d j\Iass. Cav. Co. C, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 25th N. H. Inf. 312 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Tilton, John L. Ward, Henry C. . Wight, Lothi'op . Additional Names. Hastings, John S. Stearns, Albert B. Atwood, James M. Gushing, Frederick Doane, Lyman Gill, Nathan A. . Marsh, Gharles P. WELLESLEY — Concluded. . Go. D, 35th Mass. Inf. . Go. D, 15th Mass. Inf.; Go. G, 57th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Wachusett," "Vanderbilt," "Men- dota." WELLFLEET. Go. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Go. B, 5th Mass. Inf. Go. F, 15th Mass. Inf. Go. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Go. H, 1st R. I. L. A. Additional Names. Baker, Horace Poore, John A. Go. D, 12th Mass. Inf. Go. B, 5th Mass. Inl. Golson, Everett L. Lewis, George A. . Stowell, Gharles . Tucker, Joel . WENDELL. U. S. Signal Gorps. Go. A, 52d Mass. Inf. Go. F, 34th Mass. Inf. Go. D, nth Me. Inf. Abbott, Gharles H. Bixby, Gharles W. Bowden, George V. Buckley, Michael Burchstead, Benjamin Glarke, George G. Gonant, Benjamin H. Gopeland, Ellis Gurrant, J. Freeland Dodge, Allen W. . Dodge, John T. . Furber, John E. . Higgins, Timothy Standley, Elbridge K. Stanley, Francis A . Young, Benjamin F. WENHAM. Go. G, nth Me. Inf. Go. F, 40th Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Go. Mass. Inf. Go. I, 1st Mass. H. A. 1st Unatt. Go. Mass. Inf. Go. I, 1st Mass. H. A. Go. F, 8th Mass. Inf.; 2d Unatt. Go. Mass. Inf. Go. I, 59th Mass. Inf. Go. D, Sth Mass. Inf. Go. B, 50th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Wachusett," "Ohio." U. S. N. ships "New Hampshire," "Flambeau,'* "Nipsic," "Mingo." 2d Unatt. Go. Mass. Inf. Go. E, Sth Mass. Inf. Go. K, 40th Mass. Inf. 2d Unatt. Go. Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 313 Aldrich, William M. Barnes, Edwin H. Bartholomew, Charles Bennett, Baxter B. Berrj^ Hiram 0. . Boynton, Ambrose Bradley, Patrick . Braley, Francis G. Brigham, Francis A. *Bullard, Francis W. Bmnpus, Frank G. Burns, James Chapin, Theodore F. Claflin, Luther P. Crowe, Michael Dennj', John *Dunn, James Fairbanks, John W. Falkner, Frank E. Ferguson, George A. Ferguson, Henry C. Ford, Alvin A. *Graves, George W. Greene, Henr}^ D. Hinds, Hiram K. . Hurd, Joel B. Johnson, Joseph H. Kessell, Herman J. Kimball, Marvin D. Kingsbury, Forest R. Lackey, Charles T. LawTence, Henry H. LeBeau, January . Macker, George A. McGahey, Patrick Murphy, Thomas Page, Lemuel B. . Nichols, Augustus F. Nourse, George G. Putnam, Almon H. Rockwood, Benjamin H Southworth, Willard M Stearns, Austin C. Stockbridge, Romanzo Stone, Frank A. Stone, Frank S. Styles, M3'ron F. Walker, ]Melvin H Ward, George A. WESTBOROUGH. Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. L, 10th R. L Inf. G. . 8th Batty. IMass. L. A. . Co. B, 4th Mich. Cav. . Co. A, 6th N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 2d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, o7th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 29th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf.. . Co. I, oOth Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 1st X. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 13th Me. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Mass. Inf. . Co. B, nth Me. Inf. . Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 27th Me. Inf.; Co. C, 17th Me. Inf. . Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 7th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 16th Ue. Inf. . Co. G, 23d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 14th Mass. Inf.. . Co. B, 47th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 16th Conn. Inf. . Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf. . 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. ' . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. . 6th Unatt. Co. IMass. Inf. . Co. G, loth Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Osceola." . Co. K, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 6th Vt. Inf. . 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. F, 1st Me. L. A. . Co. I, 4oth Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 13th INIass. Inf. 0. . Co. G, 2d D. C. Inf. Co. F, 112th lU. Inf. Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. 314 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Warren, Eugene L. Warren, Harris C. White, Joseph M. WESTBOROUGH — Concluded. . Co. G, 15th U. S. Inf. . Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf. Additional Names. Baker, Addison G. Exley, Henry. Gilmore, J. Alpheus. Litchfield, John H. Page, Lemuel B. Andrews, William A. Cram, Moses F. . Huntley, Charles R. Lesure, Lovell A. . Morrell, Robert W., Jr Olney, Charles E. Rice, Nathan P. . Sargent, Franklin Staples, WiUiam H. Waters, Edward A. Whitney, Orville P. Wilson, George H. Wilson, James M. WEST BOYLSTON. Co. D, Co. H, Co. G, Co. G, Co. D, Co. B, Co. F, Co. E, Co. B, Co. E, Co. B, Co. G, Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. 23d Mass. Inf. 3d Mass. H. A. 36th Mass. Inf. 12th Mass. Inf. 18th Conn. Inf. 21st Mass. Inf. 21st Mass. Inf. 7th Mass. L. A. 36th Mass. Inf. 8th N. Y. Inf. 2d Mass. H. A. 34th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Cassells, Alexander. Coster, Mathew P. Prescott, Chas. K. Bartlett, Horace . Bartlett, Samuel . Bean, Asa Caldwell, Charles H. Cobbett, William C. Elliot, WiUiam T. Hammond, James A. Josselyn, John A. Linehan, John Lothrop, Azel McClintock, John Shaw, George T. . Smith, William B. Snow, David WEST BRIDGEWATER. Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. 0, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 1st N. H. Inf.; Co. C, 1.3th N. H. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Brooklyn." Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Saratoga," "Sabine," "New Hampshire." Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 315 Stewart, John C. Turner, Luther C. Wood, Francis W. WEST BRIDGEWATER — Concluded. . . Co. G, 6th Me. Inf. ... Co. C, 23d Me. Inf. . Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Crosby, Joshua. Logue, Michael Co. B, 62d Mass. Inf. Allen, George H. . Allen, Joseph W. . Arnold, Calvin Canterbury, George B, Cunningham, Michael Gould, WilUam J. Hartwell, Cyrus W. Howard, George Howard, Henry Irish, Samuel G. Jones, Allen . Jones, Isaac . Kittredge, Peter T. Lucius, Napoleon Mundell, James Nichols, Austin L. Potter, Augustus N. Southwick, Francis S. Taylor, Francis A. Vinton, Alonzo Walker, Axel Warren, Jonathan G. Wilbur, Edmn Wright, Charles H. WEST BROOKFIELD. Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Conn. Cav. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Roanoke." Co. C, 21st Conn. Inf. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. B, nth Vt. H. A. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Calif. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. E, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Vt. L. A. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. F, loth Mass. Inf. Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. L, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th N. Y. Cav. Andrews, Manoah E. Baker, James C. Bard, Peter Bartlett, Cecil Bates, Augustus P. Bates, Daniel W. Belden, Cjtus Bourassa, Edward Boyle, John . Brady, Joseph Brass, Samuel Bristol, Waterman D. WESTFIELD. Co. B, Coast Guards, Me. Inf. Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Cincinnati;" Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 64th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 22d Conn. Inf. Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. H. A. 316 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Brown, Henry W. *Brown, Lorenzo T. Bull, Jonathan A. Burge, William P. Burgliardt, Washington Burt, Ezbon J. Bush, Lyman L. . Champlier, William R Chapman, Arvad L. Clapp, George M. Clark, Charles H. Clark, Horace P. . Clark, Jairus D. . Cook, Edward C. Cowles, Henry A. Edmunds, John *Fish, Charles Freeland, Charles C. *Furber, David B. Furrow, Charles . Furrows, Albert W. Goodwin, Horace . HaU, William E. . Hart, Charles C. . *Hyde, Albert W. . Lay, Edwin R. Ljrnch, John D. . McGowan, Anthony Miner, George L. . Moulton, George M. *Mudgett, Jacob H. Newell, Clarence L. Noble, James M. . Noble, Joseph F, . Noble, Terry S. . Osden, Frank M. . Parsons, Dwight H. Pettis, Edward G. Poehler, William . Pomeroy, Charles Pomeroy, Nathan B. Porter, William M. Potter, Stacy K. . Putnam, Rufus E. Randall, Harry Rich, Frederick A. Robinson, Robert B. Root, Watson Russell, William H. Sexton, Alsop S. . WESTFIELD — Continued. . Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 27th Me. Cav. . Co. K, 118th N. Y. Inf. . Mus. 25th Ind. Inf.; Co. B, 2d Ohio H. A. I. . Co. E, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Vt. Inf. . Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship " Canandaigua." . Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 46th Mass. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. . Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "WilUam G. Anderson." . Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 13th N. Y. H. A. . Co. E, 7th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 15th Conn. Inf. . . Co. B, 15th Conn. Inf. . Co. A, 1st N. H. Inf. . Co. I, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 8th Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 26th N. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. . 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 123d N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 8th Conn. Inf. . Co. H, 21st Conn. Inf. . Co. K, 5th Vt. Inf. . Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 317 Smith, Andre V,' J. Smith, Edwin B. . Smith, George E. . Snow, Frank A. *Souza, WiUiam H. Starkweather, James Steimer, Leonard W. *Stevens, Edward A. Thayer, Lucius F. Turner, Charles Wait, Charles Waite, Charles E. Weatherbee, Alonzo J. Whitney, Martin V. Wyatt, Stephen . WESTFIELD — Concluded. Co. A, 10th N. Y. Cav. Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 120th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 46th Mass. Inf.; 30th Unatt. Co. Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Onondaga." Co. K, 46th Mass. Inf. Batty. E, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. Cc. F, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 15th N. J. Inf. Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. I, 89th III. Inf. Co. B, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Bush, Andrew L. . Cartter, Lawson F. Cushman, Arthur J. Dyson, Thomas P. Kingsley, Charles 0. . Little, Thomas Nash, Wm. E. Smith, Daniel. Stearns, Hiram. Balch, Wayland F. Bicknell, Ai Bright, Joseph W. Fletcher, Joel A. . Hall, James H. Hanley, Daniel . . Hawkes, Wesley 0. Humiston, Samuel G. Nesmith, George W. Riney, Timothy Sullivan, T. 0. . Wayne, John Wilson, Jolm Woods, J. Everett 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. K, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 66th N. Y. Inf. WESTFORD. Co. E, nth N. H. Inf. Co. C, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Monitor," "Nantucket." Co. K, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 53d Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. 25th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d N. H. H. A. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 26th Mass. Inf. ; Co. H, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 6th Mass. Inf. Connery, Michael Janes, Justin E. . Kingsley, Nelson A. Loud, Charles N. . WESTHAMPTON. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 154th N. Y. Inf. Co. K, 52d Mass. Inf. 318 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Barnes, George W. *Daisy, Henry H. . Davis, George M. Eaton, James M. . Farmer, Sherborn B. Harrington, James S. Holland, Thomas H. Howe, Leroy A. . Livermore, Thomas Marsh, Thomas . Miller, J. Hervey . Pratt, David D. . Raymond, Hobart Sawyer, Sanford A. Scott, Winfield H. Sharon, Edward E. Simonds, Charles A. Wheeler, Alonzo D. Whitney, William H. Wood, Moses A. . WESTMINSTER. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. 2d Batty. Vt. L. A. Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. B, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 1st Mass. Inf. ; Co. H, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 33d 111. Inf.; Co. K, 83d 111. Inf. 15th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. Co. L, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. C, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 43d Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. ; 12th Unatt. Co. Mass. L. A. Additional Names. Barbour, Cyrus. Barbour, Wm. H. Coombs, Jesse. Estabrook, Edward C. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Bailey, Ephraim . Bailey, Lawrence H. Bradley, Charles . Bradley, John A. . Bruse, Charles J. . Carleton, Da\nd E. U. Coffin, John G. Daggett, George S. Delano, Rufus G. Dodge, James A. . Hall, Hubbard W. Kennett, William A, Lay, Henry D. Magoon, George H. Morrill, Lewis F. . Noyes, Joseph O. . Pilkington, James R. Preble, John W. . Salkins, John B. . Short, James H. . Warren, Orin *Willard, James H. WEST NEWBURY. Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. D, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. 6th Batty. Me. L. A. ' Co. I, 39th Wis. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. F, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 4th D. C. H. A. Co. I, 2d N. H. Inf. 17th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 2d Conn. Inf. ; Co. I, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 319 Rand, David E. . Richardson, Joseph C. Ripley, Francis B. Travis, Hosea F. . *Wright, Almon Wright, Ljonan B. Additional Names. Batchelder, Greenleaf W, Dean, Chas. J. Lane, Wm, H. Merriman, Herbert. Paine, Chas. J. WESTON. Co. I, 1st N. H. Cav. Co. A, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 16th Mass. Inf. 1st Mass. Cav. Co. C, 6th Vt. Inf. Co. B, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 22d Mass. Inf. Babcock, Edwin G. Freelove, William T. Masher, Andrew J. Picard, John . Soule, James H. . Tiffany, John C. Tripp, Da\ad R. . Additional Names. Cornell, Solomon. Davis, Edwin L. Lawrence, Marcus E. Wilbur, Gustavus B. Bradford, Melvin S. . Burlingame, SejTnour F Byrt, Jeremiah Chapin, Henry M. Conner, Daniel Cook, Orrin W. , Coon, WiUiam H. Cutler, Leroy Z. . Elmer, Willard N. Grout, William H. Hill, George A. Hoisington, Henry H Hovey, Eugene B. Jackson, Levinus C. Jeffrey, Geo. J. Johnson, WiUiam . Knowles, Benj. S. Lyons, Owen WESTPORT. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 15th U. S. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "North Carolina," Co. C, 90th N. Y. Inf. 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d R. I. Inf. U. S. N. ship "William G. Anderson." "Seneca. WEST SPRINGFIELD. Co. H, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Onondaga." Co. M, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 30th N. Y. Inf.; Co. E, 12Sth N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 3d Vt. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Metacomet." Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Tuscumbia." Co. I, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 16th N. Y. Cav. Co. I, 29th Me. Cav. Co. B, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. 320 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Mattoon, John H. Newell, Edgar L. . Nichols, Chas. E. Reed, Solomon E. Richardson, Horace L, Riley, Alfred Sackett, George L. Saunders, John Terry, Rollin E. . Tinkham, Nathan TirreU, Eri W. Witham, James K. Woodman, Henry N. WEST SPRINGFIELD — Concluded. . Co. L, 21st N. Y. Cav. . Co. A, 150th 111. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Manhattan." . Co. I, 2d Vt. Inf. . Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 12th Conn. Inf. . Co. G, 4th N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 8th Vt. Inf. . Co. C, loth Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 10th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Fenton, Thomas. Haskell, George. Kellogg, Henry N. Kelter, Thomas. Payne, George A. Pomeroy, Orange S. Woodworth, Alfred. Blake, Horace W. DeGroat, James . Furrows, Walter A. Kniffin, Chas. W. Lennon, William . Moore, James S. . *Sherman, Wm. N. *SUter, Wm. H. . WilUams, George R. WEST STOCKBRIDGE. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 16th N. J. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 142d N. Y. Inf. Co. M, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 49th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Brewer, John G. Johns, Steven. Athearn, EHashib A. Mayhew, Caleb May hew, William B. West, WilUam L. . WEST TISBURY. Co. H, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th R. I. Inf. Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Mississippi." Baker, Charles R. Berry, Gilson A. . Nickerson, Silas W. Ruff, Israel M. WESTWOOD. Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 12th Me. Inf. Co. B, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 142d Penn. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 321 Bannister, Foster L. Barrett, Edward S. Bates, Charles W. *Bates, William L. Beardsley, George W. Belcher, Addison . Belk, Harrison L. Bicknell, Charles E. Bicknell, Francis A. Bouldry, John R. Bowker, George R. Burrell, Charles H. Burrell, Joseph H. Burrell, Oliver Cain, Leonard W. Carter, WilUam Castle, William W. *Chandler, Jacob Cleary, Maurice . Cottle, Chas. E. . Culley, Andrew *Cullinane, John Curtis, Charles H. Cushiug, Jolm F. . Davidson, Albert . Davis, James N. . Davis, John W. Davis, William H. Deane, Zebulon *Denton, Samuel C. Derby, Franklin Derby, Joseph W. Drake, William A. Dunbar, David Dunbar, Willard J. Dyson, Thomas K. *Easterbrook, Mason C English, Harold M. Evans, Thomas J. Ferris, Job S. Ford, Joseph P. . Gardner, Edward B. ' Goodwin, William H. Green, John . Hagerty, Peter F. Hathaway, William F Hawes, Bradford . Healey, William . Hefferman, William Higgins, John J. . WEYMOUTH. Co. C, 1st Vt. Cav. Co. A, 12th Conn. Inf. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. 15th Batty. Mass. L. A. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Tenn. Inf. Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. I, 3d Mass. Cav. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 84th Ohio Inf. Co. F, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. B, 9th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. sliip "New Hampshire." Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 13th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 30th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 12th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 56th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. I, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 20th Me. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "0. H. Lee," "Honeysuckle." Co. K, 6th Mass. Inf. ; Co. K, 47th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 43d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d Mass. L. A. Co. C, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 35th K. J. Inf. Co. A, 42d Ohio Inf. Co. A, 1st Mass. Cav. ; Co. A, 4th Mass. Cav. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. U. S. N. ship "Mahaska." Co. K, 61st Mass. Inf. 322 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Holbrook, John Q. HoUis, Isaac N. HoUis, John F. . Hosmer, Francis E. Houghton, James *Houghton, Oliver Howard, George Howley, Patrick Huff, Edward Hunt, George S. Joy, George F. Kiley, Dennis Knox, James Lincoln, James L. Litchfield, WiUiam Litchfield, Wilham G. Lord, George F. . Loring, Charles H. McMorrow, Charles J, Mitchell, William Moran, Wilham . Morse, Henry F. . Nado, Henry C. . Nash, Elbridge Newton, George L. Nichols, Alpheus . Nolan, James C. . O'Neil, Jolm . *Otis, Thomas Parker, Charles H. C. Pease, James J. Philbrook, Jobm E. *Pierce, EUiot C. . *Pratt, Asa B. Pratt, Charles H, . Pratt, Henry F. . Pray, Samuel Rand, James W. . Rechard, Seth Riley, Michael Ross, Samuel J. . Ruggles, George . Scott, Jacob R. Shaw, Andrew J. . Shaw, Augustus E. Shaw, Gilbert Slattery, Patrick H. Spear e, Albert A. . Speare, Josiah J. . Spencer, Jeremiah Stone, Samuel P. . WEYMOUTH — Continued. . Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ships '' Chocura," " Cherokee." . Co. B, 1st R. I. H. A. . 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. . . Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. I, 28th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. Inf.; Co. L, 2d Mass. Inf. . 3d Batty. Mass. L. A. ; 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. ; Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . U. S. N. ship "Roanoke." . Co. F, 12th N. Y. Inf. . Co. I, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 7th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, nth Mass. Inf. . 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. L. A. . U. S. N. ships "Rose," "Kickapoo." . 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. A, 16th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Memphis." . Co. C, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. B, 8th Conn. Inf. . Co. B, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Me. Cav. . Co. H, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 59th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 4th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 38th Mass. Inf.; Co. I,^7th_.Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. .. Co. B, IstN. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 18th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 58th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 323 Thayer, Stephen . Thomas, Benjamin F. Tirrell, Augustus . Tirrell, Francis B. Tirrell, George W. Tirrell, Warren Titus, Charles H. Torrey, Appleton H. Turner, Waldo Turpel, Rufus Walker, Isaac H. . Whitcomb, John W. WithereU, Davis C. WEYMOUTH — Concluded. . Co. I, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 38th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 11th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 12th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 4th Mass. Inf. ; Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Loud, Samuel. Smith, Cornelius. Tower, Christopher. Vogell, Henry B. Moody, James L. Sanderson, Edward E. WHATELY. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 37th Mass. Inf. Adams, Henry C. Alden, Bela . Alger, Charles F. . AUen, Charles F. . Allis, Solon M. . Atwood, Benjamin D. Batchelder, Jacob L. Bates, James E. . Bates, WiUiam H. H. Bickford, John E. Bowles, William H. Bumpus, Owen F. Buzzell, Daniel W. ChurchiU, Orin T. Clark, Ansel C. Cook, Edwin B. . Cook, Lucius Copeland, Elmer P. Copeland, Horatio F. Courtney, Alfred . Drake, Horace A. Edson, George A. WHITMAN. Co. C, 3d U. S. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 3d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. ; Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Mus. 7th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "San Jacinto," "Vandalia," "Mag- nolia," "Britannia," "Kansas." Co. B, 7th Me. Inf. Co. K, 2d Mass. Art. Co. F, 7th Me. Inf. Co. I, 4th Mass. Inf. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. 24th Unatt, Co. Mass. Inf. Surg. U. S. A. U. S. N. ships "Cyane," "Lancaster," "North Car- olina." Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. E. 4th Mass. Inf. 324 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Edson, Seth R. . Ellis, John R. Ellis, Obed H. . Ellis, Thomas Erskine, Frank Fogg, Charles E. . Freeman, Omer W. Freeman, Victor 0. Griswold, Alonzo . Gurney, Andrew H. Harding, Nahmn F. Harriman, Samuel D. Hathaway, Thomas H Howe, George H. . Hutchinson, Albion D Hutchinson, Nelson V Irish, Isaac . KeUy, Thomas Leavitt, Joseph S. Lincoln, Matthew Luzarder, Albert F. Mann, Thomas Marshall, George R. Merritt, Quincy A. Miles, Thomas K. *Murphy, David S. Osborne, Maitland L, Pease, Francis Phinney, Ezra Reed, Aaron A. . Reed, Chnton W. Reed, Henry W. . Sampson, James H. Sherman, Thomas B. Sherman, Thomas J. Stetson, John M, Swift, WiUiam W. Tibbetts, James H. Vaughan, Levi C. Ward, Henry T. . Wetherell, James H. WiUiston, Charles H. WHITMAN — Concluded. Sth Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 29th Mass. Inf. , Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 33d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Ohio," "Potomac,"' "WiUiam G. Anderson," "Circassian." Co. C, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 5th Me. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 23d Me. Inf.; Co. E, 5th Me. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Saco." Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. ; Co. B, 41st Mass. Inf. , Co. I, 1st Mass. Cav.; Co. I, 4th Mass. Cav. 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Constellation," "North Car- olina." Co. G, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. M, 3d Mass. H. A. 9th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Essex," "Vandaha." 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. K, 29th Me. Inf. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 24th Mass. Inf. ; U. S. N. ship "Cornubia.'" Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 7th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 30th Mass. Inf. ; Co. D, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 37th Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 20th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Saranac." Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. G, 38th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 58th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 13th Me. Inf. Co. B, 1st Mass. H. A. Additional Names. Brown, Henry H. Eaton, Shepherd F. Lemon, Wm. SURVIVORS OF- THE CIVIL WAR. 325 Butler, William . Chase, Benjamin R. Keyes, Elias S. "Moodj^ James C. Peck, Chauncej^ E. Rice, Wm. A. Ripley, Clarence M. WILBRAHAM. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 20th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 37th IVIass. Inf. Co. F, 14th U. S. Inf. Additioxal Names. Angel, Francis. Lapry, Michael M. Ames, George H. . Bailey, Adelbert . Bisbee, Henry A. . Cheney, George . Flagg, Warren A. Hill, David W. . Hitchcock, Henry H. Hosford, Charles L. Leonard, Henry S. Payne, Ormanzo S. Phinney, John Webber, William M. WILLIAMSBURXJ. Co. G, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 52d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 60th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 16th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 37th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Conn. Inf.; Co. D, 11th Conn. Inf. Co. I, 52d IMass. Inf. Chicago Board of Trade Batty., 111. L. A. Co. A, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. M, 20th Penn. Cav. WILLIAMSTOWN. *Cobleigh, John W. *Dillawa3', James H. Exford, Da\ad S. . Fowler, Israel S. . Galusha, John M. *Goodell, Da^^d . Graham, George W. Griswold, George A. Hickox, Samuel H. Holgate, James F. Hughes, George W. Hunt, Elisha Larrabee, George F. Mahanna, Jeremiah Maynard, Edward F. Xoble, Thomas 0. Noyes, John W. . Odell, Jabez . Onnsbee, Charles E. Pattison, Joseph D. Co. E Co. B Co. E Co. G Co. G Co. A Co. B Co. A Co. G Co. B Co. E Co. B Co. E Co. B Co. E Co. I, Co. G Co. A Co. H Co. B nth X. Y. Inf. oth Mass. Inf. 9th Vt. Inf. 49th Mass. Inf. 49th Mass. Inf. 61st Mass. Inf. 8th ]\Iass. Inf. 10th Vt. Inf. 49th Mass. Inf. 118th X. Y. Inf. 31st Mass. Inf. 10th Mass. Inf. 2d Vt. Inf.; Co. D, 57th Mass. Inf. 3d X. Y. L. A. 31st Mass. Inf. 4th Vt. Inf. 49th Mass. Inf. 135th X. Y. Inf.; Co. C, 7th X. Y. Cav, 2d Vt. Inf. 8th Mass. Inf. 326 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Stocking, William R. . Warboy, Henry . White, Harrison . Additional Names. McLean, James W. Walkins, Marcus M. Balcom, Frank M. Barrows, John E. *Blanchard, John 0. Boynton, Frank M. Cross, Carlton Estes, Job P. Hanson, Charles J. Hilton, Charles H. Holt, Milton T. . Rice, Joseph 0. Robinson, James H. Simpson, John H. Smith, William A. Turner, Charles L. Weymouth, Algernon W Williams, Eli C. . WILLIAMSTOWN — Concluded. . Co. G, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. G, 49th Mass. Inf. WILMINGTON. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 4th Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 33d Mass. Inf. Mus. 26th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 99th N. Y. Inf.; Co. A, 132d N. Y. Inf. Co. I, 14th Me. Inf.; Co. D, 4th Me. Inf. Co. M, 1st N. Y. Engs. Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th Me. Inf. Co. G, 6th Mass. Jnf. Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 1st Battln. Mass. H, A. Co. I, 42d Mass. Inf. 7th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Me. Cav. Co. E, 9th Me. Inf. Adams, Willis C. . Barnes, Albert V. Bradstone, Patrick W, Browii, Frederick M. Chard, Edward J. Chase, William D. Clark, Hemy W. . Converse, Morton E. Cross, Edward W. Danforth, Charles H. Francis, William A. Gilson, Henry M. Griffith, Samuel W. HoLman, Wallace W. Jones, Gustavus W. Jones, James A. . Langley, George A. Lewis, Timothy H. Parker, Theodore K. Partridge, Heiu-y F. PoUard, Edwin R. Smith, Sydney N. Souther, George L. WINCHENDON. Co. H, nth vt. Inf. Co. C, 27th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 6th Miss. Cav. Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. K, 6th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. Co. B, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 10th Me. Inf.; Co. K, 29th Me. Inf. Co. C, 193d N. Y. Inf. Co. H, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 12th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th Vt. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 327 St. Clair, Charles . Stearns, Charles T. Stevens, Jerome L. Thomas, Bailey R. View, Charles Whitney, John H. WINCHENDON — Concluded. U. S. X. ship "Monticello." Co. H, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. E, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 13th N. H. Inf. Bagley, Henr}^ C. Brookins, Samuel H. Byrnes, James E. Caniff, John . Chapman, Charles H Farrar, William 0. Graj'', Samuel F. . Haskins, Washington C Ireland, Edward C. Johnson, Frank . Kimball, Daniel W. Knowlton, Edwin H. Lazelle, Henry M. Miller, Isaac . Moulton, Joseph . Parker, Harrison . Pajme, George W. Richburg, Henry J. Smalle}'', Henry Smith, Samuel Stacy, George H. . Stearns, Albert C. Storj^ Da\id L. . Sullivan, Daniel H. Thurston, Charles S. Walling, Peter Whitnej^ Lorenzo Wilson, John T. . Winde, Henry J. . WINCHESTER. Co. B, 22d Me. Inf.; Co. B, 31st Me. Inf. Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Acacia." Co. F, 3d R. I. Cav.; 10th Battln. R. I. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Canandaigua." Co. B, 26thMass. Cav. Co. D, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Salem Cadets, Mass. Inf. Co. B, 1st R. I. L. A. Co. K, 5th IVIass. Inf. Co. R, 7th Me. Inf. Co. A, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 8th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 12th N. J. Inf. Co. C, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. D, 3d U. S. H. A.; U. S. N. ships "San Jacinto," "Macedonian," "De Soto," "Hendrick Hudson." Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 40th j\Iass. Inf. 12th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Courier," "Anacosta," "Penob- scot," "Kanawha." Co. I, 51st 111. Inf. Co. F, 45th jNIass. Inf. Co. E, 24th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Buckthome." Wheeler, Addison G. WINDSOR. Musician, 10th Mass. Inf. Barnes, Amos L. . Barrett, Edward G. *Blaisdell, D. Henry WINTHROP. Co. C, 46th :\Iass. Inf. 1st Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. B, 47th Mass. Inf. 328 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. *Blake, Jeremiah C. Capen, Asa M. Churchill, WiUiam H. Downs, Abraham P. Ellis, Francis E. . Evans, Wm. R. . Frank, Meyer Luscomb, Abiel T. McNaught, John . Norwood, George Pease, Albion P. . Phillips, George D. Sowle, Luther T. . Troup, Chas. A. S. Turner, George W. Wheeler, John A. . Wilson, Austin F. Wilson, Joseph E. Wright, Hiram A. Young, William H. H. WINTHROP — Concluded. Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. Co. K, 11th Mass. Inf ; 24th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. F, 8th Me. Inf. ' U. S. N. ships "Mississippi," "Pampero," "Pembina." Co. H, 32d N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 65th 111. Inf. U. S. N. ship "Kennebec." Co. E, 41st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 24th Me. Inf. Co. H, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Del. Inf.; Co. D, 3d Del. Inf. Co. B, 67th N. Y. Inf.; Co. E, 98th N. Y. Inf. Co. B, 43d Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Ohio," "Rhode Island." Co. A, 15th Me. Inf. Co. I, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 41st N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Nipsic." Q. M. Sergt., 1st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 13th N. H. Inf. Additional Names. Bartlett, Ozias E. Colby, Francis G. Grady, Stephen. Lyons, Thomas. Pearl, Auburn F. Ridge way, Chas. L. Wilder, Augustus A. Williams, John H. Ayer, George H. . Brooks, Orlando M. Calhoon, Lewis M. *Carpenter, Alonzo D, Carr, Joseph E. . Carton, Richard . Chase, John F. Colgate, William C. Crane, John P. Crosby, Edmund B. Cutter, Stephen H. Davis, Royal A. . Field, Joseph W. . Foley, Bartholomew Fowle, George E. . French, Austin G. Gardner, Richard Henry, John . Hoskins, Edward . WOBURN. Co. L, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. E, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. D, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 17th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. 11th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 22d Alass. Inf. Co. H, 11th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 16th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Vermont." Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 14th N. H. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Alabama," "San Jacinto." U. S. N. ships "Sagamore," "Casco." Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 32d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 329 Johnson, Calvin . Johnson, Charles H. Kean, Clarence H. Ivnowlton, James H. Larkin, John F. . Lathani, William . Leslie, J. Frederick LiddeU, William . Linnell, Joseph Linscott, Andrew R. McCarthy, Dennis McCarthy, Thomas McDonald, Neil . McGoff, Peter . Moore, Milton Nagule, Edward . Newhall, George H. Parker, T. Marvin Parker, Theodore M. Poole, Rufus F. . Powers, John J. . Pratt, Daniel S. . Preston, William A. Rankin, Charles . Reddy, Andrew . Remington, Samuel K Russell, George R. Smith, Benjamin F. Staples, Fort Talbot, Joseph M. Warren, William P. Waters, Daniel Whidden, John C. Wills, Andrew J. . Wyer, Edwin F. . WOBURN — Concluded. Co. I, 2d So. Car. H. A. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 4th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 14th R. I. H. A. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Vt. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39ht Mass. Inf. Co. B, 14th Me. Inf.; Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 12th N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Augusta," "Cambridge." Co. A, 40th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 40th N. Y. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Savannah." Co. F, 8th Mass. Inf. ; Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. A, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 31st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 4th Mass. L. A. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 22d Me. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th N. H. Inf. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. E, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Additional Names Buck, Joseph H. . Cook, William F. . Carton, James H. Fish, Austin A. Littlefield, Clarence McGrath, Luke. Melendy, Nathan E. Parker, Joseph Pierce, Elbridge W, Richardson, Charles E Thompson, Abijah Thompson, John H, Winn, Frank A. . Wyman, Arthur B. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Unass, Co. Me. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 1st Me. Inf. Co. G, 5th IMass. Inf. Co. C, 1st Mass. Cav. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 59th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39th INIass. Cav. Co. D, 23d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 59th Mass. Inf. 330 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Abbey, Charles E. Adams, Charles . Adams, WiUiam H. Adams, William W. Ahern, John . Albee, Henry H. . Anderson, Taylor Armington, Walker Armstrong, James Army, George Arnold, Thomas L. Avery, Francis J. . Ayres, Branch F. . Ayres, Charles R. Bacon, Charles A. Baird, J. Lorin Baker, Henry S. . Barker, Amos A. . Barker, Charles W. Barnard, William C. Barnes, Nelson M. Barnes, WiUiam A. Barnett, Sherman H. Barrows, Edward E. Bartlett, E. Warren Bates, Butler A. . Beach, William Beamnont, John J. Belden, Charles R. Benchley, Charles H. Benedict, Wait N. Bennett, John H. Benway, Napoleon Bessey, Merritt B. Bigelow, Edward D. Bigelow, Jotham E. Blackstone, Stephen C Blake, George E. . Blaney, Augustus A. Blunt, George A. . Bond, Edmund E. Booth, John . Bourne, George C Bow, John Bowers, Henry W, Bowers, Lyman Brazzell, Patrick Brewer, John G. Brigham, John B. Brigham, Walter A WORCESTER. Co. A, 22d N. Y. Inf.; Co. H, 4th N. Y. H. A. Co. K, 5th Mass. H. A.; Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 18th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 10th N. H. Inf. Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. U. S. N. ship "Monongahela." Co. A, 47th Mass. Inf.; Co. I, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 24th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 62d Mass. Inf. Co. D, Mass. H. A. ; Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "St. Mary." U. S. N. ships "Sabine," "Ohio," "Monadnock." Crenshaw Batty. Va. H. A. Co. B, 3d R. I. H. A. Unass. Me. Inf. Co. H, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. B, 38th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 5th Vt. Inf. Co. D, 2d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 2d N. Y. Art. Co. K, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. Cav.; Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. ; Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. G, 2d Vt. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 51st Mass. H. A.; Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 10th Me. Inf. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. I, 29th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 2d N. Y. H. A. Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. G, 72d N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 17th Vt. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. H, 28th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. D, 35th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 331 Brown, Edward A. Bro^Ti, Edwin H. Brown, George A. Brown, Henry N. Brown, John . Brown, Prescott G, Brownhill, Charles Bucher, Solomon J Buck, Harvey T. Bunce, William Bundy, George L. Burbank, Daniel Burckel, Antoine Burgess, Joseph A Burke, James Burke, Thomas Burleigh, Charles H. Burnham, Wilham H Burr, George Burt, William H. . Bush, Augustus L. Bushnell, Fordis I. Butler, John . Butterfield, Henry Butterworth, Jonathan Cadwell, Jerome F. Cahill, IVIaurice . Campbell, Thomas Carey, James Carleton, Herbert Carpenter, George Carrico, Benjamin Carrigan, Thomas Carter, William H. H. Chaphn, Wilham F. Cheney, Willard . Chick, Isaac . Clark, Charles W. Clark, James W. . Cleveland, Joseph A. Cody, Michael F. Comrie, Alexander Converse, Noel A. Cooley, Henry P. Cooley, Marius S. Copeland, Amasa Corliss, Patrick Creamer, Roscoe D, Cronin, Maurice . Cross, John H. Grossman, Wilhs A. WORCESTER — Continued. . Q. M. S. 25th Mass. Inf.; Q. M. 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 10th R. I. Inf. . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, nth Conn. Inf. . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 104th Ohio Inf. . Co. B, 117th N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, nth lU. Inf. . Co. D, 54th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Great Western," "Ohio." . Co. K, 37th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 1st R. I. Inf. . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 13th Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 69th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 187th Penn. Inf. . Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N. . Co. H, 9th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 35th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 25th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Circassian," "Ohio." . Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. Art. . Co. C, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 79th N. Y. Inf. . Co. G, 1st Mass. Inf. ; Co. B, 12th R. I. Inf. . Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 2d U. S. Inf. . Co. B, 1st Me. Inf. . Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 22d N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 3d Mass. Cav. . U. S. N. ships "Hartford," "Kanawha." . Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "State of Georgia." . Co. G, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 25th IMass. Inf. . Co. I, 19th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 13th Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. 332 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Cuff, Bryan . Curler, Aaron T. . Curtis, Edward J. Cutting, Warren J. Dan, Charles A. . Daniels, James Darney, James H. Davenport, John L. M Davis, George H. Davis, Luke K. . Demoore, Levi Denny, Daniel E. Depatre, Jasper L. Deschamps, Joseph Deshayes, Henry . Dixon, George W. Dockham, Daniel Dolan, James Donahue, Michael G. Donohue, James . Dome, Gilman A. Duntley, Charles W. Eames, George W. Earle, David M. . Earle, Enoch Eaton, Franklin G. Eaton, Walter R, ■ Eddy, Alfred T. . Edgerton, Olcott . Eldridge, Charles W. Emerson, Stevens H. Emerj^, Parker A. Estabrook, "WTieeler J. Estes, Charles W. Fagan, John McCabe Fairbanks, Edson Fanner, Nahum H. Fayerweather, Henry E. Ferris, WilUam H. Fielden, Jos. F. . Finneran, WiUiam Fisher, Simon E. . Fisher, W^illiam H. Fitzgerald, James Fitzpatrick, Thomas Flannagan, Martin Foley, Michael J. Follett, William K. Fowler, Henry A. FrisseU, George E. Frost, Marshall P. WORCESTER — Continued. . Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Vt. H. A. . Co. D, 4th R. I. L. A. . Co. C, 4th Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 11th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 23d Me. Inf. . Unass. 52d Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co". B, 46th N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 8th Vt. Inf. . Co. H, 17th Vt. Inf. . Co. L, 1st N. H. H. A. . Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 12th N. H. Inf. ; Co. K, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. G, 5th N. H. Inf. . Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A.; Co. E, 17th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 7th N. Y. Cav. . Co. K, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 12th N. H. Inf. . U. S. N. ships ''Ohio," "Juniata." . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 8th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Monongahela." . Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 2d Me. Cav. . Co. G, 11th Me. Inf. . Co. D, 14th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 36th Mass. Inf. . 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 15th Mass. Inf. ; Co. C, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 53d Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. sliips "Colorado," "Pensacola." . Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 7th N. J. Inf. . Co. I, 50th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 26th N. Y. Cav. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 333 Fuller, Frederick L. Fuller, Samuel H. Gage, Charles E. . Gassett, Curtis W. Gibson, Morey J. Gifford, Silas B. . Gillmore, George W. Gilman, Moses D. Gilman, Samuel E. Goodell, John B. . Goodrich, Dexter L. Goodro, John Grant, Charles Gray, Joseph W. . Greeley, Jonas E. Grout, George L. . Guild, Davis . Guild, Ezra P. . Haas, John . Hall, Francis E. . Hall, J. Brainerd . Halpine, Thomas A. Ham, George E. . Ham, James C. Hapgood, Henry R. Harbison, Frederick A, Hardy, Allen Harlow, William T. Harrington, David Harrington, Thomas Hart, William Hastings, William A. Hatch, Benjamin F. Haven, Hollis Hayes, David D. . Hayes, James Haynes, Emulous L. Haynes, Stearns A. Hays, William Hendrick, Henry W. Henr5\ Charles F. Hej-wood. Charles H, Hickey, WiUiam . Hildreth, Charles H. Hildreth, Joseph 0. Hill, Frank A. . Hill, Joseph P. . Hitchcock, William A. Hobbs, William A. Hogan, Matthew . Hogan, Michael . WORCESTER — Continued. . Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 25th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. , Co. G, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. B, 27th Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 60th Mass. Inf. • . Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 11th Conn. Inf.; Co. D, 25th Conn. Inf. . Co. B, 5th Vt. Inf. . U.S.N, ships "Colorado."^ . Co. I, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. E, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. V, 20th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 43d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 1st Conn. H. A. . 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. C, 18th N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 60th X. Y. Inf.; Co. L, 26th Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 51st jVIass. Inf. . Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 36th. Mass. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. H. A. . Mus. 15th iSIass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th N. y. Art. . Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 31st Me. Inf. . Co. E, 15th Vt. Inf. . Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 7th Conn. Inf. . Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 51st Mass. Inf. ; Co. F, 4th ]\Iass. H. A. . U.S.N, ship" Conemaugh." . Co. E, 4th Mass. Cav. . Co. B, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 15th Vt. Inf. . Co. C, 3d Vt. Inf. . Co. F. 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. 334 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Holmes, Frank D. Hood, WendeU P. Hooker, Joseph E. Horton, James B. Hough, John A. . Houghton, Edward E. Howe, WiUiam J. HoweU, JohnW. . Hoyt, Daniel W. . Hubbard, George W. Humphreys, John Hunt, Frederick P. Hunt, Leroy E. . Hutchins, George F. Ingraham, Albert W. Ingraham, Nathaniel Jackson, Charles B. James, Clark W. . Jaques, Noble E. . Jeffeids, John G. . Johnson, Alexander H Johnson, Charles P. Johnson, WilUam A. Jones, George G. . Jordan, George A, Judkins, Oliver P. Kane, Patrick Keith, George F. . Kelley, Patrick Kennan, Myron K. Kenney, Peter F. . Keyes, John . Kimball, Herbert A. Kimball, Joseph H. Kirby, Lawrence . Lakin, George B. . Lamb, Frank L. . Lamson, Lucian A. Lamson, Tyler A. Lanigan, Edward . Lawrence, Edward R. Lawrence, George F. Lawrence, Louis C. Legacy, John Leland, George R. Leland, John W. . Leprie, John B, Locke, William C. Lombard, Wm. Long, Joseph A. . WORCESTER — Continued. . Co. K, nth R. I. iDf. . Co. A, 10th R. I. Inf. ; Co. F, 48th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 24th Me. Inf.; Co. A, 16th Me. Inf. . Co. K, 25th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d N. Y. Art. . Co. C, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. K, 4fch Vt. Inf. . Co. M, 15th N. Y. Inf. . Co. M, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. E, 3d Me. Inf. . U. S. N. ships ''Diana," "Laurel." . Co. G, 85th N. Y. Inf. . 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. B, 16th Mass. Inf. . Mus. 7th Me. Inf. . Co. F, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 31st Mass. Cav. . Co. D, 1st Conn. H. A.; Co. K, 21st Conn. Inf. . Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 9th Vt. Inf. , Co. C, 54th Mass. Inf„; U. S. N. ship "Sabine." . 2d Vt. L. A. . Co. A, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Vt. Inf. . Co. C, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 32d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Sacramento." . Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. . Co. A, 5th Tenn. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. E, nth Vt. Inf. . Co. E, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 2d N. H. Inf. . 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "Brooklyn," "Vanderbilt," "Wachu- sett," "San Jacinto." . Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. . U. S.N. sliip" Commodore Hull." . Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 335 Loring, John W. . Lovell, Henry Lovely, Maxim MacDonald, Henry T. Mack, George W. Mann, Charles A. March, Addison W. Mathews, David A. Matthews, William Mawbey, John H. Mayers, Charles A. MajTiard, Edward S. McCarthy, John . McCarthy, Patrick McGee, Arthur . McGee, Timothy . McGinnis, Horatio S. McKenna, George F. McMahon, Nicholas J. McQuaid, Bernard Mellen, Henry Mero, Sylvester 0. Merriam, Henry H. Midgley, Joseph . Miller, George B. Miller, WilUam H. Milliken, Samuel R. Mills, George H. . Mills, Isaac M. . Moore, Edward L. Moran, Patrick Morgan, George . Morris, Samuel P. Morse, Augustus P. Munroe, George A. Murphy, Michael Murray, Freeman P. Myers, William D. Nash, Isaac S. Navin, John . Nero, John Newton, Addison V. Newton, Charles H. Newton, Edmund H. Newton, John P. . Newton, Winsor . Nichols, Charles . Norcross, Henry F. Noyes, Thomas E. O'Brien, John O'Grady, Martin . WORCESTER — Continued. Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 6th Me. Inf. Co. A, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. 5th Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 13th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. C, 1st R. I. Cav. Batty. K, 7th U. S. L. A. Co. H, 4th Vt. Inf.. Co. C, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. U.S.N, ship "Huron." Co. I, 50th Mass. Inf. Co. M, 2d Mass. Cav. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 54th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. H, 1st Mass. Inf. Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. U. S.N. sliip" Sabine." Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 1st N. H. H. A. Co. K, 4th U. S. Art. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. Co. K, 5th N. Y. Cav. U. S. X. sliip "Perry." Co. E, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. D, 34th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 46th N. Y. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Dale." Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; U. S. X. ship "Sabine." Co. G, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. C, ISth :\Iass. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Rhode Island," "Santiago de Cuba." Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 7th R. I. Inf. Co. I, 2d Mass. Cav.; U. S. X. ship "Minnesota." Co. K, 16th Vt. Inf. 336 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Oliver, Antonio B. Onthank, Dexter D. Osborne, Thomas O'Sullivan, Patrick D. O'Toole, Austin . Parker, Elmer . Pathie, William . Peacock, Alonzo A. Peck, George F. . Pepper, Samuel J. Perkins, Charles E. Phetteplace, Oscar A. Pickering, William R. Pickup, George W. Pierce, Joseph F. . Pierce, Marcus M. Pike, Horace S. Pinkham, Charles H. Plaisted, Trafton . Potter, Burton W. Potter, Francis B. Potter, John T. . Powers, Lorenzo J. Pratt, Alvan S. Pratt, Lorenzo Pratt, Nathan Purdy, Abah B. . Putnam, Marcus M. Quimby, James M. Quimby, Hosea Mason Quinn, John . Rawson, Louis N. Read, Charles F. . Reed, Michael Reed, Sidney L. . Reidl, Joseph Reynolds, Henry A. Rice, George E. . Rice, George H. . Rich, Elliot A. . Rich, James M. . Richardson, Abijah Ricker, Wllham E. Ripley, Herbert B. Robbins, William E. Roberts, George W. Roe, Alfred S. Rose, Robert Ryan, Edward J. . Ryan, Everett Rj'an, Jolm . WORCESTER — Continued. . U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Constellation." . Co. K, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 5th U. S. Cav. . Co. G, 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. K, 4th Mass. H. A. . Batty. E, 1st Mich. L. A. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 21st Me. Inf. . Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Mass. H. A. . Co. C, 2d N. H. Inf.; Co. D, 8th U. S. Inf. . Co. P, 15th Mass. Inf. . 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. G, 51st N. H. Inf.; Co. I, 57th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 17th Me. Inf. . Co. A, 14th Vt. Inf.; Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 57th Va. Inf. . Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 28th Conn. Inf. . Co. M, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 2d N. H. Inf. . Co. D, 27th Me. Inf. . 13th Conn. Inf. . Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. . Read's Co. 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 53d Mass. Inf. . Mus. 15th Mass. Inf. . Hospital Staff, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. E, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 13th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 2d Mass. H. A. . 14th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. D, 26th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. G, 28th Conn. Inf. . Co. A, 9th N. Y. H. A." . Co. I, 124th N. Y. Inf. . 10th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 7th N. Y. Inf. . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 337 Evan, John, 2d Rj-an, Patrick F. . Ryder, Henry F. . Sanderson, Alfred A. Sawyer, John H. . Scamman, Charles E. Schofield, Edmond N. Scott, Charles N. . Scott, Lewis H. Scott, William W. Seymour, Julius . Shaw, James D. . Shearman, William H. Shumway, Edwin R. Simons, Volney M. Sinner}^, James A. Skimier, Artemas H, Skinner, Charles A. Smith, Clarkson . Smith, Henry E. . Smith, Thomas H. Snow, Robert B. . Southwick, Henry E. Sprague, Elias Sprague, William C. Stalker, William H. Steele, Charles H. Steele, Jefferson W. Steere, Clarence E. Stevens, Henry E. Stimpson, Arthur N. Stimpson, Charles M. Stoliker, Charles E. Stone, Jerome M. Stone, Otis P. Streeter, William A. Sullivan, Daniel B. Sullivan, George T. Sullivan, John J. . Sullivan, Timothy J. Sweet, Elisha W. . Sweet, Israel . Taft, Edward P. . Taft, Elbert L. . Taft, George P. . Tatman, Samuel D. Taylor, Henry C. Thomas, Charles I. Thompkins, Horace M Tierney, Keyran . WORCESTER — Continued. . Co. C, 2oth Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 4th Mass. Cav. . 2d Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. B, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. . U.S.N, ship "Pontoosuc." . U.S.N, ship "Ohio." . U. S. N. ships "Constitution," "Santee," "Marion." . Co. G, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 1st Vt. Cav. . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 10th R. I. Inf.; Co. E, 11th R. I. Inf. . Co. J, 4th Vt. Inf. . 5th Vt. Inf. . Co. F, 8th N. H. Inf. . Mus. 22d Mass. Inf. . Mus. 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. . 14th W. Va. Inf. . Co. A, 46th N. Y. Inf. . Co. H, 34th Mass. Inf.; Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 18th Conn. Inf. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 1st R. I. L. A. . Co. F, 2d Mass. Inf.; Co. K, 1st Mass. Cav. . Co. H, 1st Comi. H. A.; U. S. N. ship "Isaac Smith." . Co. B, 61st Mass. Inf. . Co. M, 2d Neb. Cav.; Co. C, 7th Kan. Cav. . Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 12th N. Y. Cav. . Co. A, 9th Vt. Inf. . Co. C, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. I, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 4th Comi. Inf.; Co. A, 1st Conn. Art. . Co. A, 18th Comi. Inf. . Co. G, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, PurneU Legion, Md. Inf. . Co. B, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 10th R. I. Inf. . Co. H, 1st Me. H. A. . Co. H, 57th Mass. Inf.; U. S. N. ship "Sabine." . Co. M, 3d R. I. Cav. . Co. M, 3d R. I. Cav. . Co. F, 1st Battln. Mass. Art. . Co. A, 2oth Conn. Inf. . Co. H, 31st Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. /: 338 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Tourtelotte, Daniel A Towle, Francis E. Trombley, Bruno L. Trunchon, Charles L. Turly, William . Tyler, George W. Upham, John J. . Vinton, Walter H. Walker, Charles A. Walker, Warren A. Wallace, Austin . Walton, Henry S. Ward, George Ware, Charles A. . Warren, Charles A. Washburn, Charles W Waters, Loring D. Waugh, Thomas J. Webber, George W. Webber, Henry W. Wesson, Geo. W. . Wheelock, OUver . Whipple, Fred B. Whipple, William J. Whitcomb, George A. White, Berlin J. . Whitney, George C. Whitney, William F. Wilder, Lloyd Wilder, Silas . Wilder, WiUiam 0. Wilkins, Nathan . Wilkinson, Charles A. Williams, Robert . Williamson, Hiram Wilson, Everett . Wilson, James E. . Winn, Henry Winters, James E. Woods, Dwight B. Woodward, James W. Woodward, Orlando F Wright, Doris H. . Wright, George A. Yeaton, John C. . WORCESTER — Continued. . Co. D, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 1st Me. Cav. . Co. I, lo3d N. Y. Inf. . Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 5th N. Y. Cav. . Co. E, 4th Mass. H. A. . Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 21st Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 36th Mass. Inf.; Co. F, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 15th Mass. Inf. . Mus. 22d Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 2d Mass. H. A. . Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. . 6th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . 16th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. G, 13th N. H. Inf. . Co. E, 56th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 10th N. H. Inf. . Co. K, 25th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 2d Mass. Cav. . Co. G, 46th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. . 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. C, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 57th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. C, 58th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 17th Me. Inf. . . Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st N. Y. Cav. . 23d U. S. Col. Inf. . U. S. N. ships "North Carolina," ''Fort Gaines," "Fear Not," "William G. Anderson." . Co. C, nth Mass. Iiif.; 10th Batty. Mass. L. A. . Co. H, 10th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. E, 124th N. Y. Inf. . Co. D, 15th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf.; Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. . Co. K, 44th Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 193d N. Y. Inf. . Co. B, 41st Mass. Inf.; Co. B, 3d Mass. Cav. . Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 339 Additional Names Archambeau, Peter Army, Lewis R. . Auger, Alfred Bagbee, Edward R Bailey, Geo. G. Ballou, Horatio S. Bangs, Edward P. Bartlett, Jolua H. Bates, Chas. A. Berard, Chas. E. Berry, Chas. E. Bliss, Frederick D Bolio, John . Bundy, Geo. L. Cady, Chas. H. Cherry, Peter. Clark, Chas. J. Clemence, Henry M. . Coburn, Cyrus E. Cummings, Jonathan B Darling, Genery T. Difley, Hugh. Dolan, Michael. Durning, Daniel . Emerson, Hiram P. Estabrook, Jacob W, Estey, Henry W. . Everett, Albert. Fagan, Michael . Fairbanks, Alonzo P Fairbanks, Alton W. Fanning, John T. Farnhum, Daniel S. Farnhum, jMartin V. B Flagg, Albert Fuller, Sylvester. Gardner, Seth Gates, Frederick L. Gould, Albert F. . Granger, Moses . Grant, Geo. L. Harrigan, Robert C Hawkins, Wm. H. Hayes, Junius D. . Hayman, George. Hines, Wm. . Hopkins, Louis B. Hudson, Geo. N. Hunt, Noel T. . Hurd, Joel B. WORCESTER — Continued. . Co. G, 21st Mass. Inf. . Co. B, 3d N. H. Inf. . Co. F, 96th N. Y. Inf. . Co. I, 3d Vt. Inf. . Co. C, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. C, 36th Mass. Inf. . Co. A, 34th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 57th Mass. Inf. . 21st Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. . Co. L, 1st U. S. Cav. . Co. F, 10th N. Y. Inf. . Co. A, 54th Mass. Inf. . Co. F, nth Conn. Inf. Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. F, 15th N. Y. Inf. Co. A, 6th Mass. Inf. Mus. 21st Mass. Inf. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. K, 9th Vt. Inf. Co. E, 5th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d R. I. Cav. Co. M, 31st Me. Inf. Co. H, 18th Conn. Inf. Co. K, 53d Mass. Inf. Co. B, 44th Mass. Inf. Co. H, 25th Mass. Inf. 13th Unatt. Co. :\Iass. Inf. Co. D, Permanent Party, Hart's Island, N. Y Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 21st Mass. Inf. Co. B, 5th :\Iass. Inf. nth Batty. Mass. L. A. Co. A, 16th Me. Inf. 340 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Kane, Patrick H. Kermey, Peter Kimball, Hoyt J. . Knox, Walter D. . Lakin, Chas. J. Lamb, Franklin W. Lamberton, Chas. F. Lamphear, Chas. H. Laverty, Wm. H. Leavitt, Wm. H. Lincoln, Chas. E. . Lord, Benj. L. Mason, Wm. H. Mclntire, John L. McMahon, Arthur Miller, Riley A. Miller, Wm. F. . Mirick, George W. Odie, James M. . O'Neil, James Perkins, Joseph-S. Perkins, Robert C. Pettibone, Geo. 0. Pierce, Geo. Pierce, Richard Piatt, John. Pogne, Wm. J. Pool, Francis Porter, Chas. F. . Powers, David. Ried, Joseph . Rogers, Richard. Searle, John F. S. Shepard, Lucius . Smith, Herbert D. Smith, John W. Smith, Marcus M. Spellman, John Spokesfield, Ferdinand Stimpson, Joseph N. Sullivan, Patrick D. Titus, Joseph Towle, Franklin B. Tyler, Geo. W. Van Buskink, Chas. Walerver, James. Walker, Sylvanus A. Waterson, James. Whitney, Geo. S. . Whitney, Geo. W. Wilson, Chas. W. WORCESTER — Continued. Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. C, 4th N. H. Inf. Co. A, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. A, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 60th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 25th Conn. Inf. U. S. N. ships "Ohio," "Lancaster." U. S. N. ship "Agawam." Co. B, 7th N. H. Inf. Co. D, 69th N. Y. Inf. Co. C, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. I, 15th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Conn. Inf. Co. E, 25th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 25th Conn. Inf. Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. Co. E, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. I, 18th Conn. Inf. Mus. 15th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 1st Battln. Mass. H. A. Co. F, 10th Vt. Inf. Co. A, 19th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 14th N. H. Inf. Co. E, 9th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 39th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 42d Mass. Inf. Co. H, 5th U. S. Inf. - Co. H, 42d Mass. Im\ Co. F, 3d Me. Inf. Co. D, 22d Mass. Inf. Co. D, 17th Mass. Inf. Co. G, 25th Mass. Inf. SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. 341 Winans, Augustus W. Wood, Minard Woodcock, Ira Woodward, Wallace J. Young, Henry. WORCESTER — Concluded. . Co. G, 25th Conn. Inf. . U. S. N. ship "Norwich." . Co. B, 6th Mass. Inf. . Co. D, 51st Mass. Inf. *Benton, Henry Buzzell, James M. Colher, Isaac M. . Dodge, Edwin Jones, Ira D. Middlebrooks, Anderson Prentice, Dwight L. *Yale, John WORTHINGTON. Co. K, 10th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 7th Vt. Inf. Co. F, nth Vt. Inf. Co. F, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. F, 2d Conn. L. A. Co. B, 49th Mass. Inf. Co. K, 46th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 3d Conn. Inf. Barnes, George F. Barrows, James F. Bennett, David S. Brann, Charles P. Coggshall, John F. Danforth, Edward T. Dart, Allen E. Davis, William H. Donahoe, IMichael Foster, George W. Gifford, Oscar F. . Gihnore, John G. . Gregg, William F. Hemenway, Frank W. Maj'-shaw, Henry N. McCarth}', Jeremiah *Metcalf, Silas H. . Morse, Granville . Morse, Wm. A. Thomas, William H. Willard, Ashbel . Additional Naaies. *Everbeck, John H. Sharon, Charles A. Arey, Henry . Baker, Davis S. . Eldridge, Lewis Y. WRENTHAM. 19th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf.; Co. A, 7th R. I. Cav. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf. Co. B, 16th Me. Inf. U. S. Signal Corps. Co. K, 6oth Mass. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. A, 151st N. Y. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. D, 84th N. Y. Inf. Co. G, 9th R. I. Inf.; Co. D, 3d R. I. H. A. 7th Batty. Mass. L. A. U. S. N. ships "Minnesota," "Whitehead," "Stars and Stripes." Co. I, 45th Mass. Inf.; 19th Unatt. Co. IMass. Inf. 22d Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. G, 4th Mass. H. A. Co. K, 26th Mass. Inf. Co. I, ISth Mass. Inf. ; Co. E, 32d Mass. Inf. Co. F, 4th Mass. Inf. ; 20th Unatt. Co. Mass. Inf. Co. D, 18th Mass. Inf.; Co. H, 3d IMass. H. A. Co. D, 40th Mass. Inf. YARMOUTH. U. S. N. ships "Colorado," "Nereus," "Malvern," "Wilderness," "Tuscarora." U. S. X. ship "Osceola." Co. C, 5th Mass. Inf. 342 SURVIVORS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Gorham, Henry A. Lewis, Gilbert V. . MitcheU, Stephen D. W. Purrington, Charles F. Roberts, Joshua W. Ryder, George W. Taylor, Albert YARMOUTH — Concluded. . Co. L, 13th N. Y. Inf. . Co. F, 3d Mass. H. A. . Co. H, 12th R. I. Inf. ; Co. H, 2d R. I. Inf. . Co. E, 2d Mass. H. A.; U. S. N. ships "Iroquois," "Tritonia." . Co. G, 27th Me. Inf. . Co. E, 40th Mass. Inf. . Co. G, 24th Mass. Inf. Additional Names. Bacheller, Geo. H. Baker, George H. Ryder, George W. ; UBRARY OF CONGRESS DODEBmaHhQ V,