Wmlm ■ ■ Jn M mm. B5R8 m BSSffiliail jn Hrara HI MHHKaRicaHH! m mom mm E§£k TBS fflm ggjs ■•■■■■■•■'■•-•;'■■■. B«H 9Hg .185 B j£^ JSlifi 111111 ■r SS|HHHH 7 At. .//>■>**"<■> y/tz/tv cz -2Z. ROCKAWAY RECORDS — OF— MORRIS COUNTY, IN. J., FAMILIES. CEMETERY RECORDS, CHURCH HISTORY, MILITARY RECORDS, LOCAL HISTORY, GENEALOGIES OF OLD FAMILIES, NEARLY 20,000 DATA B Y J. PERCY CRAYON ■I ILLUSTRATED ROCKAWAY, N. J. : Rock away Publishing Co. 1902 r/nf !<*** Respcctfullp Dedicated TO THE MEMORY Of the best friend I ever knew, flDp HDotber. She would have spoken her regrets, in words of kindness and affection to any imperfections, unintentional, in the work THE AUTHOR. GIFT PUBLISHER Copyright-19024 By J.Percy Crayon* Reprinted 1982 Historical Society of Boonton Township, Inc. Book No. THE ROCKAWAY CEMETERY RECORDS. In the interest of local history and genealogy of the old Morris County families these records have been ar- ranged. It is a grave subject ; the threads of romance were woven many years ago by the honored names now re- called to memory. In the arrangement the names are given with the date of birth and death, alphabetically and also chronologically, with parentage and family connection as far as known to the writer. All the monumental records have been carefully copied and compared with church records, family records, local newspaper files and other records, and corrected from the best information ob- tainable. The records of burials have been carefully recorded by the present sexton, Mr. John G. Mott, since July 1875, and the whole work carefully re- vised by him. The average date be- tween death and burial has been three days, and the date of death has been given and corrected from the monu- mental aud other records. There are no records of the sextons previous to this date. Could these rec- ords have been arranged at the time of the "old sexton," Mr. David Gordon, who for over forty years faithfully filled that office, much could have been added. The church and monumental records have only partially filled this space. Rockaway was settled as early as 1720, and became a place of con- siderable business in 1730 in the build- ing of the Job Allen Iron Works. Tra- dition relates that this particular spot had been selected as a burial ground, God's acre, by the early families, but their names have not been recorded out- side of the Allen and Jackson families. At a later period, 1740 and 50, we have a goodly number in the immediate vicini- ty, and those connected with the build- ing of the Church, 1752, and later those connected with the church, 1758 to 1708, the number of names increased rapidly. In the researches of the ancient buri- als, many are known to have been buried here, but the dates of births and deaths cauuot now be obtained. Many of these old families having removed at an early date and all records have been takeu with them. Traces of many of these old families have been found and much valuable information has been gained by correspondence. So many facts aud traditions relating to the older families, their history aud connection with old Rockaway have been learned, that the Cemetery records would not be \ complete without knowing more about j these connections. These brief histories and genealogies may prove more enter- taining thau the Cemetery records, and are reserved for the last. Special research has been made of those located here, who have served in the, old French and Indian War, the Revolution, and the 1812 War, and those connected with the militia at a later date. These have been most difficult to obtain, as the State records have never been completed in this line. The boys who wore the blue in 1861-5, comrades must not be forgotten, nearly 150 of these ancient and modern worthies have answered the final roll call, and are uow resting in peace from their patriotic and warrior services in this cemetery. Cemetery statistics show some strange results. The Morristown Bill of Mor- tality from 1770 to 1775 records about 200 burials there in five years. One hun- dred of these were children below 15 years of age ^15 of the whole number died of old age. The hardships and pri- vations of this period, the want of prop- er food, clothing and medical attendance had much to do with this, but the later date records do not show any improve- ment in the mortality among those of early age. In the records where the age is given from 1875 to 1899, twenty-four years, of those buried in the Rockaway Cemetery 496 died between the age of birth and 5 years, more than one-half of this number did not attain the age of 1 year. 74 died between the age of 5 and 10 years ; 84 between 10 and 20 ; 72 be- tween 20 and 30 ; 79 between 30 and 40 ; 68 between 40 and 50 ; 89 between 50 and 60 ; 101 between 60 and 70 ; 105 be- tween 70 and 80 ; 91 between 80 and 90 ; 9 between 90 and 100. About one-half died before the age of 15 years, and the larger percentage between 60 and 80. During the 10 years between 1875 to 1885, this percentage was very much larger than during the later period, with a very low percentage between the ages of 20 and 40. Rockaway and its vicinity as the sta- i tistics show can be noted for its aged j people. Dr. Tuttle writes, "that 15 J years (1847 to 1862) in that congregation the record showed 1 had assisted at the funerals of 65 persons over 70 years of age. Of these 19 were between 80 and 90 ; 10 between 90 and 94 ; and oue was said to be 115 years." From Dr. Barnabas King's fortieth auniversary sermon, preached Dec. 31, 1848, we learn that he had officiated at 681 funerals, very many aged people. He had preached 12,000 times, solomnized 417 marriages, baptized 547 children, and received in the church 680 members. What a record ! The oldest Monumental record is of brown stone, being well preserved, bet- ter than many others of later date, it is situated in the valley near the central part of the old burial ground, about 100 yards back of where the old church was located on a knoll in therear of the pres- ent church. It has this inscription : 3 Here lies the body of Mary Wife of David Estile. Deceased April 8th 1762 aged 24 Years. It would seem from the old records that the "grave grouud" and "Meeting hous Lot" had beeu allowed to grow up as in 1796 an agreement was made for the "clearing the whole of the Meeting hous Lot, by cutting the stamps low and all the uuaer brash and barn it all for the wood and oald rails." We have followed the original spelling. The first records of a family plot was iu 1807 Joseph Jackson was permitted to "enclose in a fence twenty-eight feet square iu the grave grouud at the Meet- ing house where his wife is buried, for a burying ground for his family, aud such of his father's family as may choose to bury their dead there." Iu transcribing the uauics from the monuments, "Our Willie" aud "Little Maggie" have been rendered plain William aud Margaret, also all suffixes and prefixes have beeu dispensed with in the records that we might have oc- casion to give more honorable meution. The records give only monumental, church and sexton records, while tbe genealogies will give the names, and dates wheu possible, of many others who are buried here, aud in family con- nection in other immediate cemeteries, as we have the records of many of them. Iu transcribing the many thousands of names and dates that will follow, it is not possible that they should all be cor- rect. Should any of those connected, or who have friends buried here, find errors of name or date, or cau give auy information concerning these persons or families, we should be pleased to have any corrections or information, so that the records may be made historically correct. The writings and collections of Dr. Joseph F. Tuttle, who more than any other has added to the history of Morris Couuty, and more particularly old Rock- away, wheu he was for seventeen years associated with its people, are fouud in New Jersey Historical Society. To him it was a labor of love. His interests and faculty for transcribing the early tradi- tions and facts concerning our Revolu- tionary fathers iu this historic locality will always be appreciated by future generations. He wrote me that the vote of thanks given at some of his historical lectures fully repaid him for the time and labor expended. It was then as now, much valuable information is being withheld in the way of historical documents and old records, with the idea that they are very valuable in the way of dollars aud cents, while their real valuations are only of historical interest. To my many correspondents in the several states who have aided me in this work, and written words of encourage- ment, and those who have kindly aided me from their own private records and libraries, and all others, who from a delicate sense of modesty will not per- mit the mention of their names in this undertaking, I return my sincere thanks. If my work has aided you iu the gener- al exchange of information, it has filled its mission. NAME BIRTH : Allen, Job 1700 Ayers, Robert July 17, 1738 Allen, Loisa June 6, 1748 Allen, Job Aug. 27, 1750 Allen, Mrs. Mary 1715 Abger, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Abigail Allen, Elizabeth July 10, 1743 Allen, Samuel Allen, Jane Dec. 12, 1751 Abel, Eunice Ayers, William -Aug. 31, 1769 Ayers, Mrs. Hannah Anderson, Mrs. Sarah Anderson, Eliakim Avres, infant Abger, Wm. Feb. 10, 1751 Allen, Polly Dec. 29, 1758 Anderson, Cornelius 1758 Ayres, David June 4, 1829 Alger, Mrs. Mary 1757 Allen, Lucy 1793 Anderson, Mrs. Amy W. Jan. 13, 1800 Abers, Eunice 1812 Anderson, Mrs. Priscella 1762 Ackley, Mrs. Hannah June 1, 1833 Ayres, Daniel May 29, 1778 Anderson, Dayton 1796 Allen, Jr., Samuel Ayers, Frank Jan. 27, 1867 Axford, child Ayres.Mrs. Harriet R. 1826 Anderson, Mary Bell May 1878 Anderson, Mary Anna 1871 Addis, Jennie- D. Nov. 23, 1853 Atno, Jacob May 13, 1820 Ayres, D Stuart June 7, 1846 Auderson, Glara May Feb. 1888 Adams, Samuel Dec. 1882 Adams, Harriet Feb. 1885 Ayres, George Dec. 3, 1855 ' Ayres, Sherwood B. May 1883 Ayres, Edna 1891 PARENTAGE : Samuel Job, wife of Daniel Talmage Job wife of Job Allen wife of Samuel Job, wife of John Bigalow Job, wife of Benj. Beach Robert wife of Eliakim Job, wife of Thos. Osborn. Joseph J. and Phebe Ann wife of William Job, wife of Chilion F. DeCamp wife of Eliakim, Jr. wife of Eliakim A. Cooper wife of Cornelius wife of John E. Robert and Anna William of J. Dec. 25, 1876 Ezekiel Parmer, wife of John Ayres DEATH : Nov. 5, 1767 Mar. 6, 1787 1796 Mar. 16, 1798 1800 July 28, 1809 Oct. 24, 1809 1810 1810 Nov. 10, 1812 July 9, f817 June 1819 Sept. 2, 1820 1821 1821 Aug. 20, 1821 Sept. 14, 1821 1825 Mar. 13, 1829 Feb. 25, 1833 Mar. 7, 1833 Jan. 6, 1836 Mar. 13, 1838 Feb. 11, 1847 May 21, 1852 Apr. 15, 1853 Nov. 16, 1856 Feb. 22, 1858 1866 Sept. 9, 1867 Aug. 28, 1875 Aug. 28, 1879 July 28, 1882 Sept. 8, 1884 June 6, 1886 Dec. 2, 1887 Jnlv 29, 1889 Occ. 19, 1889 Nov. 1 , 1889 Mar. 12, 1893 June 19, 1895 Sept. 2, 1895 wife of C. L. Beach William and Phebe (Smith) Robert Charles and Saphronia NAME : BIRTH DEATH : PARENTAGE : Ayres, John Aug. 28, 1826 Aug. 4, 1897 Daniel and Mary Allison Charles Jan. 1891 Sept. 17, 1897 Anderson, Esther M. July 1897 Oct. 10, 1897 Anderson, Mrs. John 1837 Feb. 16, 1898 Adams, child Jan. 10, 1899 Anderson, John 1845 Feb. 22, 1899 Anderson, Charles 1866 April 24, 1899 Ayres, James 1831 April 30, 1899 Ayres, Eliz. J. 1836 June 17, 1899 wife of James Anderson, Morris C . 1891 Aug. 14, 1899 Broad well, Mrs. Sibbah 1745 May 17, 1783 wife of David Beaman, Mrs. Mary 1 790 wife of David, dr. of Strawborrongh Beaman, Mrs. Huldah 1729 Aug. 15, 1792 wife of Josiah, sister of Gen. Wm. Winds Broadwell, Rachel 1781 July 5, 1794 David and Sibbah Baldwin, Mrs. Prudence 1747 Sept. 26, 1795 wife of Rev. David Baldwin Beach, Jacob 1789 1797 Sarah Beach, Amy 1793 1802 Sarah Beaman, Josiah 1732 June 3, 1803 Beaman, David 1803 Burwell, Mary Jan. 28, 1745 Dec. 16, 1809 Adam, wife of Stephen Jackson Bailey, Mrs. June 22, 1811 Brown, child Mar. 6, 1812 Thomas Berry, Noah June 11, 1812 Titus Beach, David Jan. 31, 1815 Barton, child Apr. 8, 1815 James Berry, child Aug. 1815 Henry Bigalow, John Dec. 4, 1815 Benjamin, Mrs. Dec. 23, 1815 Babbitt, Silas Mar. 11, 1818 Bruen, John Apr. 1820 Beams, child 1821 William Beach, Mrs. Nancy Jan. 23, ] L752 Oct. 10, 1830 wife of Benjamin Berry, Titus 1831 Blanchard Catharine Mar. 5, 1829 Mar. 1, 1833 John and Ellenor Beach, Benjamin Apr. 26, 174£ i May 17, 1827 Abner Broadwell, Archibald May 25, 1837 Beach, Aaron Mar. 2, 1817 Dec. 2, 1837 Beach, Moses Tuttle 1825 1835 Col. Saml. S. and Jane Beach, Mrs. Cornelia June 27 , 1794 Nov. 25, 1832 wife of Chilion Beaman, Sarah July 13, 176? i June 14, 1836 David and Mary (Stansbor- rough) wife of George Stickle Beach, Chillion Aug. 10, 1792 Sept. 26, 1842 Benjamin Beach, Horace 1814 1844 Col. Saml. S. and Jane NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Benjamin, Jr., Jonathan Blanchard, Susan Blanchard, Sallie Baker, Mrs. Mary Beach, Mrs. Rhoda Blanchard, John Beach, George 0. Broad well, Ara E. 1806 1840 1841 June 9, 1778 June 30, 1809 Apr. 12, 1856 1825 Mar. 4, 1847 1849 1849 Sept. 3, 1851 1853 July 28, 1854 Feb. 15, 1857 May 2, 1856 Blanchard, Sarah Berry, Mrs- Sally Benjamin, Jonathan June 5, 1785 Benjamin, Maggie Apr. 22, 1857 Brian t, Mrs. Rachel Beam, Elsey Ann Feb. 9, 1821 Beach, Samuel S. July 4, 1782 Bond, Ann Amelia June 14, 1858 Beach, Jacob C. Jan. 19, 1841 Baker, Jeremiah Aug. 28, 1770 Beach, Henry Beach, John Henry June 10, 1843 Beach, Sarah H. Mar. 26, 1853 Beach, Horace Mar. 11, 1847 Blanchard, Catharine Boyd, Nena M. Boyd,Winfield S Beam, Moses Beach, Mary Beach, child Brown, Delia Babbitt, Mrs. Beams, Paul Broadwell, child Broadwell, child Bassenger, Georgianna Sept. 13, 1854 Bruen, Delia K. Feb. 1, 1853 Ball, Mary Louisa Apr. 2, 1829 Brown, Mrs. Sarah M. Beach, Mrs. Jane Beach, Sarah L. Aug. 7, 1845 Bailey, Mary Brown, Mary J Bailey, child Beach, Sarah L Aug. 13, 1792 Mar. 22, 1860 July 5, 1861 Apr. 27, 1791 1819 Feb. 17, 1787 May 1875 Oct. 16, 1855 1858 May 9, 1859 July 19, 1857 Feb. 6, 1858 Sept, 30, 1858 Jan. 19, 1859 Aug. 17, 1860 Oct. 23, 1860 Aug. 11, 1861 1864 June 30, 1864 Feb. 1, 1857 Oct. 30, 1865 Nov. 23, 1865 Sept. 4, 1865 Sept. 10, 1865 Feb. 27, 1865 Mar. 5, 1867 Mar. 12, 1869 Aug. 16, 1867 Oct. 21, 1867 Sept. 14, 1869 Aug. 3, 1866 Aug. 1868 Aug. 24, 1869 Aug. 13, 1867 Apr. 12, 1869 Dec. 8, 1870 Apr. 11, 1874 Dec. 2, 1875 Julv 11, 1875 Aug. 9, 1875 Aug. 18, 1875 Dec. 2, 1875 Martin H., wife of David Hiler Martin H. wife of Jeremiah wife of Henry Martin H. and Sarah (Beach) Columbus Archibald and Susannah (Palmer) wife of Asa Edward and Mary Henry, wife of Wm. Shawger George and Sarah J. (Hall) Saml S. and Sarah Joseph H. and Eliza C. daughter of Columbus Saml. S. and Sarah Martin H., wife of Paul Beams William and Elizabeth (Cooper) William and Elizabeth (Cooper) Chiliou, wife of Joseph Jackson Richard Jedediah B. Jas. H. and Emily T. wife of Lewis B. Hiler wife of Samuel Merritt Morris Joseph H. and Elvira C, wife of Samuel Merritt NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Blauchard, Minnie Dec. 14, 1875 James Blauchard, child Jan. 20, 1876 Jacob Bradybelt, child Jan. 23, 1876 Beach, Nettie J. Nov. 15, 1862 Feb. 4, 1876 Isaac and Janet (McGrath) Burrow, child June 9, 1876 Babcook, Fanuv Feb. 13, 1876 Boyd. Wallace July 9, 1866 Aug. 29, 1876 William and Elizabeth Blauchard, Lulu Feb. 23, 1877 Blauchard, Sarah E. Mar. 1. 1877 Blauchard, child Mar. 13, 1877 Halsey Blakely, child Jan. 1876 Sept. 24, 1877 Thomas Ball, child Aug. 1876 Sept. 24, 1877 Brueu, Charles D. Nov. 8, 1874 Oct. 8, 1877 James W. and Emily T. (DeHart) Bidgood, Flora L. Aug. 8, 1876 Oct. 9. 1877 Jacob and Jane Brueu, Arthur H. Aug. 11, 1876 Oct. 14, 1877 James W. and Emily T. (DeHart) Babcook, child Mar. 1877 Dec. 8, 1877 Charles Basseuger, Jedediah B. Sept. 2. 1811 Jan. 23, 1878 Ball, child Feb. 10, 1878 Thomas Blakely, child Apr. 5. 1878 Ishmael Bostedo, Sarah 1877 Apr. 16, 1878 Samuel Bostedo, Rilla Feb. 11, 1878 July 11, 1878 Samuel Bartou, Wm. H. 1815 Sept, 2, 1878 Barnes, Selee H. Jan. 9, 1876 Sept. 29, 1878 Thomas and Ella Bostedo, Ida 1872 Oct. 2, 1878 Samuel Bailey, child May 1876 Dec. 7, 1878 Morris Blauchard, Mary C. Feb. 1876 Mar. 28, 1879 Beach, Caroliue Nov. 13, 1808 May 3, 1879 Col, , Sanil. S. aud Jaue (Hoff) wife of Mathias D. Kitchel Blauchard, Martin H. July 1879 Sept. 1, 1879 Broad well, child Oct. 22, 1879 Silas P. and Mary A. Broad well, Mrs. Mary A. July 5, 1843 Nov. 11, 1879 wife of Silas P. Bounell, child Dec. 25, 1879 William E. Blauchard, Aunie 1866 Jan. 1, 1880 Beach, child Feb. 8, 1880 Jonas Burrows, child Nov. 18, 1880 Richard Burrows, Mrs. Grace K. Jan. 1837 Mar. 20, 1880 wife of Richard Booth, Cornelius J. 1848 Mar. 25, 1880 Beswarine, Reubeu 1842 June 21, 1880 Brooks, Elizabeth Mar. 1879 Sept, 3, 1880 Bartine, Horace H. Apr. 7, 1813 Oct. 7, 1880 Bruen, Esther A. July 25, 1801 Feb. 14, 1881 wife of Elistha Mott Beach, Mrs. Janet Apr. 4, 1799 May 5, 1881 wife of Isaac Berryniau, James Feb. 26, 1823 Nov. 9, 1881 NAME BIRTH DEATH PARENTAGE : Berry man, Jane Nov. 17, 1863 Babbitt, Sam'l E. Dec. 1874 Bidgood, Wm. Henry 1873 Bidgood, Eliz. M. Dec. 11, 1880 Beach, Dr. Columbus Aug. 6, 1815 Bidgood, Fred. G. Nov. 4, 1868 Brannin, Barnabas 1816 Broad well, Jas. M. Dec. 1, 1861 Beach, Alida Jan. 7, 1851 Bonnell, Robert G. Jan. 1883 Barnes, Nettie May Mar. 17, 1881 Blanchard, Caroline G. 1843 Beach, Catharine Sept. 1794 Blanchard, Martin H. Feb. 1797 Broman, Mrs. Catherine Jan. 1803 Bruen, James H. May 25, 1823 Bidgood, Olivia 1874 Brinkerhoff , Parker Sept. 25, 1884 Bonsell, James M. Jan. 19, 1842 Blanchard, Cornelia 1838 Berry man, child Bassett, Samuel S. Aug. 1813 Bryan, Gussie Mar. 22. 1871 Beach, Sarah Jennie Oct. 1842 Burger, John barnes, Thomas 1868 Broadwell, Silas P. Nov. 4, 1833 Bellphrage. Everet E. 1864 Brown, James A. May 1885 Brown, Sarah J. 1884 Bird, Christiana Mar. 1887 Blanchard, Moses Dec. 1836 Booth, child Beach, Laura 1877 Beach, Emma 1884 Burrows, Joseph 1859 Baker, Mary K. Aug. 24, 1811 Bailey, George 1882 Belcher, Phebe Oct. 9, 1830 Bird, child Blanchard, Matilda Mar. 26, 1819 Beach, Fanny 1871 Beach, Samuel S. Aug. 9, 1819 Beach, Annie E. July 4, 1859 Jan 1, 1882 Mar. 14, 1882 May 6, 1882 May 11, 1882 James and Salina Sidney and Lucy E. Nicholas R. and Elizabeth Nicholas R. and Elizabeth Apr. 20, 1883 Chilion and Susan E. Apr. 26, 1883 Jacob and Jane Apr. 27, 1883 Terence and Margaret (Wiggins) May 15, 1883 June 24, 1883 July 15, 18t<3 Oct. 7, 1883 Dec. 7, 1883 June 21, 1884 Jan. 4, 1885 Silas P. and Mary A. wife of James M. Bonsell Thomas and Ella Mar. 2, 1885 wife of Alexander May 5, 1885 Alexander and Matilda(Bonnell) Oct. 2, 1885 Oct. 8, 1885 E. D. and Mary A. Oct. 12, 1885 Jan. I, 1886 Mar. 20, 1886 May 7, 1886 May 14, 1886 Sept. 8, 1886 Dec. 19, 1886 Jan. 23, 1887 Jan. 29, 1887 Feb. 20, 1887 Mar. 2, 1887 Mar. 10, 1887 Apr. 27, 1887 June 12, 1887 July 14, 1887 Oct. 20, 1887 Oct. 23, 1887 Jan. 22, 1888 Feb. 11, 1888 Feb. 14, 1888 Mar. 12, 1888 May 25, 1888 June 12, 1888 Jan. 3, 1889 Feb. 2, 1889 Apr. 7, 1889 Joseph B. and Lizzie B. Samuel S. Arehibold and Sussauna (Palmer) Abner Jonas Jonas wife of Silas Palmar wife of Daniel G. Wiggins wife of Adam Earles wife of Shiner NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Bryan, Mary Ami Sept 1848 Apr. 8, 1889 wife of William, dr. of Wm. and Elizabeth (Cooper) Boyd Babbitt, Sidney 1835 May 5, 1889 Bostedo, Rosina 1880 Sept. 21, 1889 Samuel Bostedo, Neily May 1886 Sept. 25, 1889 Samuel Bostedo, Ida J. Mar. 1883 Sept. 30, 1889 Samuel Bind, Zada Nov. 1889 Dec. 8, 1889 Blanchard, Clarence D. Dec. 1874 Mar. 1, 1890 Joseph J. Blanchard, Mary C !. 1857 Sept. 5, 1890 Bowdeu, Benjamin Dec. 8, 1890 Beach, Isaac N. Aug. 7, 1824 Apr. 10, 1891 Isaac and Mary Barnes, Wm, T. Mar. 1, 1884 July 27, 1891 Theodore and Ella Bates, Edith H. 1869 July 27, 1891 Blanchard, John 1818 Sept. 13, 1891 Berry, child Dec. 25, 1891 Buchanan, Andrew J. 1870 Mar. 18, 1892 Blanchard, Abner 1807 Mar. 27, 1892- Bikau, Stephen May 22, 1892 May 29, 1892 Beam, Mrs. Eliza B. Dec. 25, 1806 July 9, 1892 dr. of Wm. and Hannah (Moore) Cooper wife of Moses Beam Braudbury, Catharine July 15, 1815 Nov. 6, 1892 wife of Jamas M. Dunlap Berry, Emma 1867 Apr. 8, 1893 Bailey, Josephine 1852 May 2, 1893 Beam, Mrs. Sarah Nov 1 Nov. 11, 1893 wife of Joseph Babcook, Etta Mar. 1883 Feb. 11, 1894 Charles Bird, Mary A. 1889 Nov. 4, 1894 Beam, Elizabeth 1800 Jan. 6, 1895 wife of Henry Braunin, Mrs. Mary J. 1813 Feb. 13, 1895 wife of Jonathan Bowmau, Walter Mar. 24, 1895 Blanchard, Mrs. Elleauor Jan. 1, 1808 June 22, 1895 dr. of Henry Shawger, wife of John Blanchard, George B. 1873 July 4, 1895 Abner Bolitho, Raymond 1891 Aug. 9, 1895 James Berry man, Selina 1829 Dec. 31, 1895 Brooks, Eugene Apr. 1894 Feb. 26, 1896 George B. Branuiu, John E. 1810 Mar. 13, 1896 Tereuoe and Margart (Wiggins) Bradlev, James July 1896 Aug. 1, 1896 Bolitho, Stella 1883 Aug. 18, 1896 Blanchard, Albert Apr. 1896 Oct. 1, 1896 Bailey, Daniel 1823 Oct. 2, 1896 Blanchard, Frank Nov. 1895 Nov. 30, 1896 Beam, Margaret June 1865 Jan. 7, 1897 wife of John P. Benjamin, Jane 1810 Feb. 10, 1897 IO NAME: Bassett, Sarah M. BIRTH : 1822 Brooks, George E. Apr. 9, 1894 Bailey, Grace Oct. 1896 Bailey, Arthur Aug 1,1897 Blanchard, James 18 1 5 Bunnell, Phebe M. Oct. 1831 Beam, James G. 1895 Bryan, Mrs. Eliz. Nov. 17, 1852 Beam, Arthur June 1897, Beach, Susan E. 1830 Bruen, Emily T. 1825 Bruen, J. Wright 1848 Blanchard, child Baxter, Sarah C. Jan. 1824 Berry, Gordon Jan. 1896 Bailey, Leonard M. Jan. 1897 Boyd, William Sept. 16, 1822 Blanchard, Jennie 1885 Cobb, Edw. John Ooe, Thomas Coe, Joseph Coe, Nancy Ooe, Jared Conger, David Conger, S. Cooper, child Compton, child Conger, Anson Clark, John Conger, Elvira Canfield, child Casterline. John Clark, Phebe Cooley, child Cooper, child Cooper, Stephen Clark, Elder John Clark, Daniel Clark, Mrs. Rhoda Cook, Juda (black) Cook, Jack (black) Clark, child Clidister, child Cristol, child Crisps, Peter Classon, Samuel Oct. 24, 1789 Mar. 7, 1799 Feb. 22, 1801 Mar. 17, 1792 1760 Dec. 28, 1810 DEATH : PARENTAGE : Mar. 16, 1397 wife of Sam'l S. dr. of John and Sibbah Mott Apr. 26, 1897 Daniel Aug. 6, 1-597 Aug. 15, 1897 Nov. 4, 1897 Martin H. Apr. 2, 1898 wife of William E. dr. of Abram and Rachel (Wiggins) Shawger July 11, 1898 John Aug. 28, 1898 wife of Joseph B., dr. of William and Elizabeth (Cooper) Boyd Sept. 10, 1898 Feb. 13, 1899 wife of Dr. Columbus Feb. 28, 1899 wife of James H. Feb. 28, 1899 James H. and Emily T. (Kelsey) Apr. 23, 1899 June 1, 1815 June 6, 1899 June 30, 1899 July 12, 1899 Nov. 13, 1899 Nov. 16, 1899 1779 Oct. 10, 1790 Apr. 15, 1799 Mar. 11, 1801 Aug. U, 1805 Jan. 20, 1807 1»09 July 22, 1811 Sept. 6, 1811 Sept. 29, 1811 Sept. 11, 1811 Nov. 6, 1811 Dec. 6, 1811 Mar. 7, 1812 June8. 1812 1813 Sept. 10, 1813 Sept. 10, 1813 Sept. 14, 1813 1814 Dec. 14, 1814 1815 1815 Aug. 11, 1815 Oct. 1, 1815 Oct. 1816 Aug. 27, 1817 June 1819 David (\ and Harriet (Mott) Columbus Jared and Berth ia Jared and Berthia Jared and Berthia Jared and Berthia Moses and Sally (Clifton) Stephen and Mary Electa Brown Stephen and Mary Henry Joseph and Susannah (Lyon) wife of Richard Stephen wife of Daniel servent of Dr. Critteudon servent of Dr. Critteudon Richard Stephen Patrick II NAME: Clark, child Clark, child Cook, child Cook, John Canfleld, Samuel Conger, Mrs. Elizabeth Cook, Catharine Cooper, Sarah BIRTH Sept. 22, 1764 1745 Feb. 25, 1773 Conger, Elder Thomas Conger, Hannah Conger, Ann Eliz. Jan. 16, 1829 Conger, Eliza 1815 Clark, Abigail Cooper, Mary Ann Conger, Mrs. Phebe Condict, Charlotte Casterliue. Mrs. Nancy Feb. 20, 1810 Crittenden, Dr. Ira Conger, Stephen 1783 Carmichael. Sarah Mar. 29, 1770 Cooper, Sibbah Jan. 30, 1804 Cooper, William 1778 Cooper, Hannah 1778 Crittenden, Wm. H. Chandler, Hon. Lyman A. May 14, 1821 Cooper, Cornelia Casterline, Elizabeth Coles, child • Coles, " Cnrtis, Samuel H. 1805 Crane, George S. 1868 Cook, Flora A. Jan. 21, 1851 Clark, John D. Aug. 15, 1836 Clark, John Dec. 23, 1806 Conger, Mrs Phebe Cooper, William Feb. 26, 1800 Cole, Ann Conger, John F. Crane, child Congden, child Coe, Joseph Casterline, JohnA Clark, Mrs. Sarah A. Mar. 28, 1811 Jan. 28, 1822 Jan. 19. 1812 DEATH : Nov. 1819 Nov. 1819 1821 1821 May 1822 Aug. 14, 1822 Apr. 12, 1825 Oct. 6, 1825 PARENTAGE Joseph Joseph John wife of Capt. David John and Sydia (Beach) wife of Capt. Job Talmage Dec. 31, 1831 1832 Apr. 2, 1833 July 27, 1834 1835 1836 1837 1837 Apr. 20, 1848 1848 Apr. 4, 1853 May 15, 1854 Apr. 29, 1855 Jan. 1, 1856 Nov. 5, 1858 Jan. 26, 1863 Sept. 11, 1865 Jan. 1866 Mar. 16, 1866 Jan. 6, 1868 May 10, 1868 Mar. 1, 1869 Aug. 29, 1869 Dec. 25, 1869 Mar. 15, 1870 Feb. 23, 1871 1872 Sept. 22, 1872 Nov. 28, 1872 June 6, 1873 Feb. 11, 1876 Apr. 1, 1876 Apr. 17, 1876 Nov. 13, 1876 wife of Thomas wife of Albert Mar. 11, 1808 Dec. 22, 1876 wife of Cummings Oliver William and Hannah (Moore) John and Lydia (Beach) wife of Wm. Cooper, dr. of David Moore Stephen and Sarah A. (Oliver) wife of Daniel Stephen and Mary A. John and Sarah A. (Cooper) wife of Stephen William and Hannah (Moore) wife of William Cooper Stephen John William Augustus John and Nancy (Kirk) wife of John 12 BIRTH : 1810 NAME: Conger, Anna Compton, Phebe A, Cook, John Cadmas, Mrs. Cole, child Coles, Sarah Cooper, Win. Feb. 26, 1800 Campbell, child Jan. 1877 Cole, Samuel 1851 Cooper, Stephen B. Mar. 25, 1817 Cooper, Sarah Ann Mar. 11, 1808 Cole, child Sept. 1877 Coursen, Marshall Apr. 6, 1858 Casterline, Nancy 1783 Casterline, Susan Sept. 25, 1799 Cooper, Eliza M. July, 23, 1875 Chase, Ebenezer 1822 Cassimore, Ira Sept. 1879 Conger, child Aug. 1879 Cooper.Eleakim A. Sept. 30, 1811 Compton, Ainzi 181 1 Coon, child Sept. 1880 DEATH : PARENTAGE Aug. 23. 1788 Feb. 10, 1877 wife of George Stickle Jr. Conkley, child Feb. 1881 Cole, Catherine Dec. 15, 1876 Counoley, child Chad well, Charles 1837 Crane, Alpheus Sept. 1881 Courtright, Lewis S. June 30, 1870 Cooper, child Casterline, Anna J. July 1, 1859 Corey, Henry H. 1855 Corey, Edna June 1883 Corey, Clifford W. 1857 Cole, Joseph July 4, 1884 Couklin, Mary C. 1855 Corby, Charlotte M. Mar. 17, 1844 Collins, child Aug. 1885 Casterline, Mrs. Jane 1805 Carr, John May 1887 Casterline, Simon L. Mar. 8, 1800 Cook, Chilion Aug. 25, 1807 Convey, Nancy 1812 Crampton, Marshall 1857 Apr. 15, May 5, June 6, Aug. 7, Aug. 18, Sept. 10, Oct. 6, Nov. 19, Nov. 20, Dec. 21, 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 Mar. 16, 1878 Sept. 4, 1878 Nov. 13, 1878 Apr. 1, 1879 May 10, 1879 Sept. 19, 1879 Apr. 4, 1880 July 5, 1880 Dec. 24, 1880 Apr. 10, 1881 May 10, 1881 July 6, 1881 Jan. 19, 1882 Jan. 19, 1882 Feb. 2, 1883 Apr. 25, 1883 June 23, 1883 Aug. 15, 1883 Aug. 23, 1883 July 21, 1884 Aug. 1, 1884 Sept. 15, 1884 Sept. 22, 1884 Apr. 10, 1885 May 5, 1885 Feb. 16, 1886 Joseph William and Hannah (Moore) James (colored) William and Hannah (Moore) William and Hannah (Moore) wife of John Clark Henry Isaac S. wife of Simon It., dr. of Sharp Tilas E. and Soretta D. (Smith) William and Hauuah'(Moore) Thomas James Joseph and Cotte George Oscar and Sophia William H. And Nancy A. (Cooper) William and Phebe (Beach) William and Phebe (Beach) William and Phebe (Beach) Joseph and Cotte wife of Brittaiu C. Waer wife ofWilliam Searing Joseph and Penina (Searing) July 29, 1886 Aug. 25, 1887 Mar. 14, 1888 Mar. 19, 1888 May 15, 1888 Terence and Margaret (Wig- gins) May 22, 1888 Charles *3 NAME: Casterliue. Aaron W. Cook, Simon Cook, ( harlotte BIRTH Nov. 11, 1869 DEATH PARENTAGE Collins. Josiah 1830 Crane, Fred W. Dec. 1838 Champion, Richard 1884 Champion, Samuel 1886 Crampton, Charles 1808 Cook, Simon Feb. 1890 Champion, Wm. 1845 Cassimore, Susan Oct. 1890 Cook, Mrs. Mary A. Dec. 7, 1832 Cooper, Nancy A. Mar. 10, 1827 Casterliue, Graham Dec. 30, 1885 Cole. Joseph 1837 Cole, Elizabeth Sept. 1887 Cole, George 1884 Casterliue, Nancy Sept. 6, 1814 Clark. Walter K. Sept. 22, 1831 Conkliu, Mary 1810 Christodora, Mrs. Adaliue 1867 Casterliue, Albert 1808 Chudley, Fred. 1883 Coursen, Isaac S. June 17, 1826 Coakley, Mrs. Emma R. 1857 Carr, Mary E. 1845 Couger, Henry H. 1818 Conger, Mrs. Henry H. 1823 Caufield, child Christeuseu, Joanna 1861 Courter, Saidie C. 1865 Crane, Wm. July 1842 Christeuseu, Myrtle M. Christeuseu, Josie Christeuseu, Peter DeCamp, James Jan. 24, 1774 DeCamp, Joseph Nov. 14, 1759 Day, Hannah 1770 DeCamp, Jessee DeCamp, Jane Aug. 16, 1888 Chilliou Dec. 7, 1888 Chiliou [removed from Denville] Dec. 7, 1888 Chiliou [removed from Rocka- way Valley] Mar. 31, 1889 June 25, 1889 Aug. 16, 1889 Aug. 26, 1889 Dec. 2, 1889 July 29, 1890 Aug. 26, 1890 Feb. 19, 1893 June 22, 1893 wife of Stephen B., dr. of John and Sarah A. (Cooper) Clark Aug. 5, 1894 wife of Wm. H. Casterline dr. of David and Anne (Ayres) Nov. 22, 1894 Wellington E. Jennie A. (Graham) Stephen wife of Jacob Atno Johu aud Sarah A. (Cooper) wife of Thomas O.Schoneld wife of Chas. C, dr. Wm. S. and Mary J. (Palmer) Wright Dec. 7, 1894 Mar. 17, 1895 July 28, 1895 Sept. 27, 1895 Nov. 3, 1895 Mar. 17, 1896 Apr. 30, 1896 Nov. 8, 1896 Mar. 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Oct. 1, 1898 wife of Jame«, dr. of Lewis Rogers Nov. 27, 1898 Feb. 14, 1899 Stephen Apr. 22, H99 May 19, 1899 July 13, 1899 Julv 31, 1899 Sept. 21, 1899 Nov. 3, 1899 Nov. 3, 1899 Nov. 4, 1899 July 24. 1798 Dec. 31, 1800 Sept. 18, 1805 Jan. 4, 1809 June 5, 1809 Chilliou F. DeCamp Theodore [removed from Hurdtown] [removed from Hurdtown] Joseph Henry wife of James Kitchel «4 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Drake, child Sept. 14, 1810 Cornelius Dickenson, child Oct. 1, 1815 Stephen Dickerson, child Oct. 1818 Stephen Drake, child 1819 William Dinah, (black) Sept. 1. 1819 Donald, child Nov. 4819 Adam Doty, Mrs. Sarah Oct. 1, 1756 Nov. 13. 1820 wife of Moses Dickerson, Mrs. May 1821 wife of Daniel Dolaud, Peter July 20, 1821 Dickerson, Thomas Aug. 1821 Dunham, Mr. Aug. 11, 1821 Dodd, child 1811 Sept, 30, 1821 Berthuel Dodd, child 1820 Oct. 2, 1821 Berthuel DeCamp, Lewis 1786 July 27, 1827 Dodd, Berthuel 1828 DeCamp, Ohiliou F. 1835 Doty, Moses Apr. 6, 1763 Mar: 27, 1837 DeCamp, Alexina Dec. 8, 1813 Jan. 13, 1839 wife of Joseph DeCamp. Irene Jan. 16, 1839 Sept, 14, 1838 Joseph and Cornelia Doty, Lewis Apr. 18, 1824 Dec. 23, 1839 Drayton, Isaac Aug 18, 1824 May 18, 1841 DeCamp, Cornelia June 1842 Dickerson, Elizabeth 1843 Dougherty, Mary July 28, 1850 Aug. 22, 1850 Anthony and Mary J. Dalrymple, Fred. B. 1852 DeCamp, Catharine 1853 Dobbins, Mrs. Susan Feb. 4, 1822 Jan. 26, 1854 wife of Andrew Dougherty Cornelia May 21 , 1846 Sept. 27, 1855 Anthony and Mary J. Dougherty, Jane May 12, 1855 Oct. 12, 1855 Anthony and Mary J. Douglas, Timothy Mar. 18, 1780 June 18, 1856 Dixon, Wm. H. Jan. 10, 1838 Feb. 18, 1857 Dalrymple, Emuline B. 1858 wife of Silas Dill Drayton, Lulie Feb. 1, 1858 Sept. 13, 1859 George and Sarah L. Dickerson, John Feb. 17, 1797 Mar. 21, 1861 DeHart, Fauuy M. Oct. 5, 1861 Aug. 12, 1862 Charles C. and Harriet L. Drayton, Wm. H. Nov. 12, 1822 Nov. 5, 1*363 Douglas, Mrs. Anna Jan. 5, 1789 Jan. 1, 1864 wife of Timothy Drayton, Mrs. Sarah L. Aug. 16, 1834 Jan. 11, 1864 wife of George, dr. of John and Sarah A. (Cooper) Clark Drayton, Vivie Sept. 12, 1860 Feb. 6, 1864 George and Sarah L. Dobbins, Lauras Apr. 3, 1862 Dec. 1, 1864 Jeremiah B. and Martha Dougherty, Lucy E. Aug. 1, 1840 Oct. 19, 1867 Anthony and Mary J. Davenport, child May 1, 1869 Fred. Dobbins, Abraham Mar. 7, 1809 Oct, 26, 1871 Ceasar and Dinah (Col) DeCamp, Chilion F. July 9, 1793 Feb. 27, 1876 •5 NAME BIRTH Doughty, Aimie E. Sept. 2, 1842 Degraw, child Dnnlap, Mary E. Apr. 1, 1846 Drown, child Decker, child Oct. 1, 1877 Drayton, Nellie 1869 Dickersou, child Sept. 1875 Dickersou, child June 28, 1878 Dickersou, child Juue 28, 1878 Decker, Mary Emily May 7, 1877 Dauiels, George H. 1878 Dickersou, Mrs. Phebe Feb. 14, 1798 Deau, Eliz. Oct. 1876 Dickersou, Jenuie M. Sept. 5, 1875 Daltou, Win. 1825 Degraw, child Sept. 1878 DeGraw, Alice H. 1863 Drake, Wm. 1850 Decker, Martin D. July 26, 1871 Drayton, Jr., George Apr. 1865 Dates, Ohas. E. Jan. 1881 Duuham, John H. 1850 Drowu, Lavinia Jan. 14, 1867 Dickersou, J. Wesley Dow, Elizabeth Dec. 1799 nauiels. Edward 1847 Decker, Dora 1882 Deuton, Mrs. Mary Oct. 1802 DeHart, Georgetta Feb. 1853 Dauielsou, August Jan. 1885 Dauielsou, child Jau. 23, 1886 Drayton, George Davis, Horatio H. Doughty, Agnes Drown, Celia Drowu, Sophia Dauielsou, child i anielson, Laura Demouth, Cyrus Davey, Richard M. Day, Mrs. Lottie K. Dauielsou, child Doremus, Cornelius Aug. 17, 1805 Dauielsou, Mable Mar. 1888 Dickersou, Wadsworth 1878 Dickerson, Stephen, Juue 24, 1807 Oct. 15, 1828 1826 Dec. 12, 1796 Dec. 7, 1864 Juue 22, 1863 1883 1830 1837 DEATH : May 3, 1876 Aug. 21, 1876 Apr. 29, 1877 Sept. 18, 1877 Oct. 5, 1877 Oct. 22, 1877 Nov! 4, 1877 Julv 5. 1878 July 16, 1878 Aug. 5, 1878 May 19, 1879 Juue 5, July 14, Nov. 11, July 3, Mar. 21 May 26 June 6, June 17, Sept. 19, Dec. 9, Jan. 22, Apr. 12, 1879 1879 1879 1880 , 1881 , 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1882 1883 May 25, 1883 Juue 7, 1883 July 25, 1883 Aug. 81, 1883 Nov. 1, 1884 Feb. 15, 1885 Apr. 10. Jan. 24, Feb. 16, Apr. 23, May 18-, -I une 26, Aug. 20, Oct. 19, Nov. 25, Jau. 10, May 13, May 20, Sept. 27, Mar. 29, May 3, Julv 4, 1885 1886 1886 1883 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1888 PARENTAGE : wife of Matthias D. Kitchel DeWitt James M. and Cathriue Johu George Daniel Wesley Wesley Johu N. aud Mary R. wife of John Dewitt Dewitt Johu N. and Mary R. James and Mary (Estile) Johu and Harriet wife of Moses wife of Joseph, dr. of Ziudle Charles C. and Harriet, wife of D. C. Berry soldier '61-5 wife of John D. Jackson John and Harriet John and Harriet soldier '61-5 May 23, 1889 \6 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Daddow, Mary 1834 Julv21, 1889 Daddow, John 1824 July 28, 1889 Daniels, Mary Sept. 1868 Nov.- 24, 1889 Degraw, Micheal 1870 Oct. 6, 1889 Dauielson, Allin April 1867 July 1 1 , 1891 Doremus, Wesley Jan. 1892 July 8, 1892 Davenport, Catharine 1831 Jan, 7. 1893 Dobbins, Ira Jan. 1843 Pec. 27, 1893 Degraw, Wm. Mar. 1893 Jan. 4, 1894 DeWiti Dolaud, Mrs. Jane 1819 Jan. 10. 1894 wife of Michael ' oland Dougrherty, Anthony Nov. 2, 1817 May 9, 1894 James and Mary (Crane) Dennis, Hazel May 1894 Aug. 8, 1894 Daddow, Willis Nov. 1894 Feb. 3, 1895 Dickerson, Frank L. Mar. 3, 1867 May 30, 1895 Davenport, Chas. L. 1887 June 1, 1895 Donovan, Patrick 1895 Aug. 21, 1896 Duryea, Charlotte Apr. 1896 Mar. 4. 1897 Dnnlap, James M. Sept. 11, 1811 Mar. 26, 1897 Dunham, Mrs. Elouise 1824 Apr. 2, 1897 wife of Samu'l Duuham, dr. of Elisha Mott Duryea, Mary E. 1892 May 7, 1897 Dauielson, Fvederika 1855 May 27, 1897 Dates, Reuben C. June 28, 1874 Aug. 28, 1897 John Doyle, Joseph 1835 Nov. 1, 1897 Matthew and Joanna (Palmer) Dicberson. Mary June 1820 Feb. 20, 1898 Davis, Cora B. Dec. 30, 1887 May 31, 1898 Ezra and Mary J. Dormau, Sophia 1823 Aug. 31, 1898 Dow, John Oct. 1818 Apr. 15, 1899 Davenport, Ruth 1898 Aug. 26, 1899 Estile, Mrs. Mary 1738 Aug. 8, 1762 wife of David Estile, Mrs. Joanna Oct. 22, 1741 Apr. 4, 1817 wife of Noah, dr. of Rodgers Estler, Mrs. Dec. 17, 1821 Estile, Mrs. Maria Feb. 25, 1798 May 10, 1828 wife of Jabez S., dr. Wm. Ross Earl, Elizabeth 1830 Eagles, Mrs. Charity 1830 Estile, Ann Maria 1822 June 2, 1846 Jabez and Maria (Ross) Estile, Lucius 1820 Oct. 18,1846 Jabez and Maria (Ross) Estile, Noah Mar. 5, 1766 Feb. 11, 1848 Estile, Jabez S. Apr. 1, 1794 June, 23, 1849 Noah and Joanna (Rodgers) Estler, David 1854 Estler, Mrs. Rachel 1854 wife of David Earle, Seliua J. Oct. 28, 1856 Sept. 8, 1862 Abrarn and Mary J. Earles, Clara Mar. 1, 1865 June 16, 1865 Elishe B. and Emma J. Earles, Nettie A. Feb. 25, 1857 Mar. 6, 1869 Elisha B. and Emma J. Easton, Joseph 1806 Oct. 3, 1894 Eastlake, child Aug. 18, 1876 Eustice, John Jan. 25, 1879 Jan. 26, 1879 Earles, John A. Jan. 4, 1877 Dec. 24, 1879 Isaac and Frances NAME BIRTH DEATH PARENTAGE Everman, Albert Apr. 10, 1882 Eastern, Albert W. Mar. 1867 Egbert, Henry May 1883 Estler, Chas. H. 1883 Etheridge, Thomas 1826 Elmer, Reiua 1869 Elmer, Floyd Apr. 1884 Eagles. Oliver May 14, 1879 Estler, David S. Apr. 26, 1846 Everman, Rosauua Feb. 1885 Easton, Joseph A. 1839 Ecklev, Win. Dec. 8, 1885 Ellis, Richard W. 1884 Evermau, child Aug. 1886 Earles. Matilda J. Dec. 1887 Elmer, Nettie July 1887 Elmer, Julia Sept. 1872 Easton, Catharine Apr. 1812 Elmer, Thomas W. 1849 Ellis, Elizabeth 1811 Edsall, Mabel July 1896 Elmer, Erne M. Apr. 1877 Apr. 14, 1816 Estile, Wm. Earles, Adam Evermau, Mary Egbert, Wm. Earles, Wm. J. Earles, Wm. Earles, Floyd Everman, George Ford, Jane Oct. 1, 1816 1813 1880 Sept. 20, 1842 1841 1894 1856 Dec. 15, 1756 Ford, widow Fairchild. widow Ford, Nancy Kiug Nov. 20, 1828 Ford, Sarepta Feunell, Mrs. Fauuy June 6, 1800 Fichter, Naomi Gordon Jan. 23, 1851 Fichter, Wm. Witty Jan. 1, 1854 Fuller, James Nov. 28, 1815 Fichter, Wittie Jan. 20, 1855 Fichter, Harvey B. Jan. 23, 1857 Freeman, Mary Fuller, James H. Sept. 13, 1845 Freeman, T. Freeman, Mrs. July 25, 1800 Edward Thomas W. Thomas W. Apr. 17, 1882 June 25, 1882 Aug. 16, 1883 Mar. 2, 1884 Jan. 4, 1886 Jan. 6, 1886 Jan. 23, 1886 Mar. 1, 1886 Aug. 4, 1886 Dec. 6, 1886 Feb. 6, 1887 Mar. 9, 1887 Apr. 26, 1887 July 27, 1887 Nov. 7. 1888 Jan. 24, 1889 June 5, 1889 Sept. 23, 1889 Nov. 21, 1889 May 17, 1890 Oct. 25, 1891 Dec. 12, 1891 Aug. 16, 1892 Dec. 29, 1892 Jan. 27, 1896 Sept. 14, 1896 Charles and Julia A. Sept. 25, 1896 Adam and Matilda, (soldier '61-5) Dec. 20, 1896 Apr. 1, 1899 Apr. 6, 1899 Nov. 22, 1794 Col. Jacob and Hannah (Bald- win) Feb. 26, 1814 Feb, 27, 1814 Nov. 5, 1830 William and Phebe Mar. 28, 1850 William and Phebe, wife of J. A. Flemmiug Joseph, (soldier) Leroy and Minerva Thomas W. Thomas W. wife of Joseph, dr. of Norris Thomas W. Noah and Joanna (Rodgers) Feb. 13, 1853 Dec. 23, 1854 Jan. 15, 1855 May 5, 1855 Feb. 8, 1857 Nov. 23, 1*P1 1862 May 6, 1862 Nov. 1, 1867 Jan. 25, 1871 John G. John G. and Sarah A. and Sarah A. (Cooper) (Cooper) Jacob L. and Mary A. (Strait) Jacob L. and Mary A. (Strait) Dayton and Jane (Fairchild) James i8 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Freeman, Phebe 1838 Mar. 21, 1872 Dayton and Jane (Fairchild) Fuller, Sarah E. May 24, 1847 Apr. 27, 1872 James, wife of D. S. Ayres Farlow, Frederick Jan. 1, 1870 Aug. 2, 1873 Thomas Fichter, Jacob L. 1874 Frederick and Mary (Witty) Freeman, Eliza J. Mar 26, 1836 Apr. 10, 1876 wife Lewis D. Miller Finch, Mary Feb. 6, 1818 Aug. 12, 1876 wife of John Smith Ford, Maria 1804 Aug. 18, 1877 wife of Thos. M. Sturtevant dr. of Wm. and Jemima (Halsey) Fox, George M. Jan. 23, 1877 Morris Freeman, Irving Aug. 3, 1873 Feb. 26, 1877 Noah and Margaret (Crane) Francis, James H. Sept. 1878 Mar. 8, 1879 Fox, Irene Feb. 1879 Jan. 24, 1880 Morris Foster, Joel D. Oct. 1832 May 1, 1880 Soldier '61-5, enlisted as Abel Hawkins Freeman, Edwin 1874 July 31, 1880 Fichter, William 1799 Aug. 16, 1880 Farlow, child June 7, 1881 July 1, 1881 Thomas Fowler, Wm. W. 1^57 Aug. 3, 1881 Chas. W. and Eunice R. Farrington. John W. 1856 Jan. 9, 1892 John R. and Eleanor Fredericks, Mrs. Joseph Jan. 28, 1883 Ford, Julia Sept. 9, 1801 Dec. 5, 1883 wife of Wm. Minton Fox, Lewis Nov. 1883 Aug. 14, 1884 Morris Fritze, Mary L. Apr. 1878 Oct. 13, 1884 Fichter, Lama A. 1858 Dec. 6, 1884 Fritze, Henry H. 1884 Apr. 23, 1885 Farrington, Wm. S. 1851 Nov. 25, 1886 John R. and Eleanor Francis. Alfred A. Sept. 1886 Feb. 27, 1887 Foster, Sarah J. Jan. 1888 Mar. 8, 1888 Fredericks, George 1843 Jan. 15, 1889 Soldier '61-5 Fredericks, Mrs. Caroline 1837 Apr. 1, 1889 wife of George Freeman, Mrs. Jane 1812 Nov. 1, 1889 wife of Dayton Fuller, Frank E. May 20, 1849 Apr. 17, 1891 James Fichter, Sarah 0. 1855 June 2, 1893 Freegans, Jennie L. Dec. 1862 Feb. 12, 1893 Freeman, Myrtle E. Apr. 1892 Feb. 22, 1893 John Freeman, Jennie 1876 May 30, 1893 John Farrington, Ellenor 1824 May 2, 1895 wife of John R. Freeman, Chas. M. 1849 Nov. 18, 1895 Dayton Ford, Leonard Sept. 7, 1880 July 18, 1896 Charles A. Freeman, George S. May 1896 Sept. 2, 1896 Sylvan Friend, Leslie 1896 Apr. 15, 1897 Fichter, Reina May 1896 Aug. 21, 1899 Garrigus, Thankful Oct. 19, 1785 Jan. 26, 1786 John and Elizabeth (Shipman) Griffin, William Sept. 30, 1811 Gordon, John May 1,1813 William and Deborah Garrigus, Mrs. Rachel Sept. 19, 1815 wife of David, dr. of Lyon Goble, Mr. July 1816 l 9 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : Gorman, John SeDt. 1, 1817 Garner, David Nov. 20, 1818 Garrigus, Hannah June 26, 1783 Sept. 1, 1821 Goble, Mrs. I ec. 10, 1821 Garrigus, William Sept. 1. 1800 Apr. 6, 1830 Garrigus, Susan Mar. 4, 1830 Nov. 28, 1831 Garrigus, Harriet T. Apr. 1, 1828 Sept. 22, 1832 Garrigus, Margaret E. Sept. 18, 1831 Feb. 24, 1833 Garrigus, Mrs. Elizabeth Nov. 4, 1750 Griff eths, Nancy Garrigus, Samuel Dec. 7, 1816 Garrigus, Jacob Piersou Apr. 17, 1834 Garrigus, Edwin H. May 17, 1841 Gage, Isaac N. Dec. 28, 1849 Garrigus, John July 1, 1760 Gordon, David Sept. 23, 1759 Gundry, Mrs. Ann 1787 Gray, Mrs. Helen K. Feb. 1, 1829 Garrigus, Charlotte E. Jan. 18, 1850 Aug, Green, Thomas C. 1854 Aug. Garrigus, John Heury Sept. 15, 1842 June 22, 1860 Gleason, Mary Ann Aug. 20, 1806 Sept. 22, 1864 Greuble. child Aug. 7, 1867 Goble, Mrs. Sept. 19. 1867 Goble, child Jan. 9, 1868 Green, Mrs. Susan M. Aug. 20, 1813 May 15, 1870 Guard, Wm. J. Sept. 2, 1869 Oct. 6, 1871 Gustin, George M. Jan. 24, 1871 Feb. 14, 1873 Gray, John Aug. 17, 1852 Mar. 23, 1873 Greer, William 1847 May 15, 1873 Grant, Anulia E. Jan. 25, 1874 Aug. 31, 1876 Garrigus, Mary Aug. 27, 1783 Dec. 3, 1876 Gribble, twins Mar. 20, 1876 Gallagher, Daniel Mar. 22, 1877 Glasson, Frances A." 1835 July 6, 1877 Gregory, child Oct. 1877 Apr. 2, 1878 Gribble, Lewis 1874 May 7, 1878 Garrigus, Johu Feb. 17, 1792 Sept. 16, 1878 Gustin, Chas. A. Mar. 2, 1868 Apr. 4, 1879 Gustin, Nettie M. Aug. 28, 1874 Apr. 21, 1879 PARENTAGE David and Abigail (Losey) wife of Dauiel Ayres Elias and Parmelia Isaac aud Sarah (Messier) Elias aud Parmelia Oct. 16, 1833 wife of Johu.dv. of Shipmau 1836 Feb. 4, 1838 Silas aud Hannah Feb. 5, 1841 Oct. 11, 1843 Feb. 9, 1850 Aug. 13,1850 July 23, 1852 Aug. 1, 1853 Nov. 27, 1853 18, 1857 26, 1857 Elias and Parmelia Jacob and Abbv S. (Beach) C. B. aud Sarah N. Jacob aud Sarah William and Deborah, Revo- lutionary Soldier wife of Christopher wife of Thomas H. fTacob and Abby S. (Beach) Thomas and Susan M. Jacob and Abby S. (Beach) wife of Stephen J. Jackson wife of Thomas William aud Mary J. William H. and Leonora, A. William aud Caroline William aud Mary Ann John aud Elizabeth (Shipman) wife of Daniel Ayres Ludlow Johu aud Elizabeth (Shipmau) William and Phebe (Smith) William aud Phebe (Smith) 20 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : Green, Thomas Mar. 3, 1807 June 20, 1879 Gilbert, Frederick Mar. 1856 June 4, 1880 Garrabrant, Chas. Z. 1842 July 27, 1880 Gilbert, Joseph 1817 May 19, 1881 Gribble, Rowland E. Sept. 1884 Feb. 25, 1885 Genung, Lottie A. Mar. 15, 1850 Apr. 7, 1885 Gustin, Mrs. Phebe Feb. 20, 1822 Aug. 14, 1885 Gardner, Foster M. Sept. 11, 1884 Aug. 17, 1885 Garrigus, Mrs. Mary Ann 1804 Dec. 30, Gribble, Leah 0. Dec. 1885 Mar. 18, Garrigus, John A. Jan. 16, 1826 Mar. 26, Gray, Richard June 15, 1812 Mar. 6, Galloway, Mary P. June 1885 Aug. 10, Green, Elizabeth J. Aug. 1888 Nov. 16, Greer, Mathew 1814 Apr. 17, Gardner, Sadie O. June 20, 1889 Dec. 20, Gustin, Charles A. Nov. 7, 1853 Mar. 29, Garrigus, Samuel Jan. 26, 1802 .>an. 16, Green, child Mar. 1, Garrigus, Mrs. Catharine S. Feb. 1818 Gatoff, John 1884 Gardner, Jacob 1824 Gillen, Wm. A. 1839 Gray. William 1881 Garrigus, Stephen Mar. 26. 1817 Gordon, Foster Sept. 1894 Garrigus, Mrs. Abbie S. Mar. 16, 1897 Greer, Caroline Aug. 1816 Apr. 5, 1897 Gustin, Wm. Sept. 2, 1816 Graff, Everett 1837 Garribrant, Margarett 1815 Gilbert, Susan 1815 Gustin, Mary G. 1815 Garrigus, Jacob Nov. 27, 1813 Hurd, Mrs. Phebe 1764 Hoagland, Mary Ann Oct. 26, 1779 Huff, Hannah June 6, 1798 May 14, 1802 Hathaway, Samuel Sept. 11, 1774 Dec. 17, 1802 Hathaway, Capt. Silas Oct. 12, 1749 Feb. 17, 1803 Hill, Silas 1789 Apr. 23, 1809 Hiler, Mrs. Anna Apr. 30, 1809 Hunting, Dr. Jan. 4, 1810 Hill, Mr. Feb. 19, 1810 PARENTAGE : Isaac (soldier '61-5) Ashbel B. and Ann wife of William Joseph M. and Maria H. wife of Samuel John and Mary (Hall) Joseph N. and Maria H. 1885 1886 1886 1887 1887 1888 1889 1889 1890 1891 1891 Apr. 1, 1893 wife of Stephen dr of Jas. Miller July 4, 1893 July 17, 1893 July 10, 1894 Sept. 23, 1894 May 7, 1895 John and Mary (Hall) Aug., 16, 1895 Joseph wife of Jacob wife of Mathews dr. of Stickle Apr. 15, 1898 Aug. 2, 1898 Sept. 16. 1898 wife of Isaac dr. of Chas. Zindle Mar. 16, 1899 Aug. 24, 1899 Oct. 15, 1899 Nov. 10, 1793 Aug 26, 1796 John, Jr. and Mary (Hall) wife of Daniel Hurd Maj. Cornelius and Mary (Tuttle) Charles and Hannah (Tuttle) Silas and Prudence (Baldwin) Capt. David 21 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Hall, John Mar. 28, 1810 Hurd, Mrs. 1811 Hoagland, John Apr. 10,1811 Hill, child Apr. 1811 Capt. David Hoff, Capt. Charles Nov. 12, 1756 July 16, 1811 Charles Hinchmau, Deborah H. Nov. 7, 1811 Nov 11, 1811 John and Deborah Hicks, Caroline 1811 Sept. 1812 Joshua aud Jemima (Ferris) Hoagland, Christopher 1742 Jau. 27, 1813 Martin Hamilton, child Oct. 1813 Hill, Mrs. Anna Jan. 17, 1777 Dec. 27, 1813 wife of Capt. David Hopler. Mrs. Mar. 6, 1814 Hopler, William Jan. 30, 1815 Hiler, child May 29, 1815 Peter Hume, Mr. 1798 Nov. 25, 1815 Hopler, child Jau. 16, 1816 Peter Hopler, Conrad May 29, 1816 Hinchmau, Capt. Maj. Johu Apr. 22, 1779 Dec. 20, 1816 Hinchmau, Caleb L. June 22, 1814 Ju John aud Deborah Hinchmau, child Mar. 16, 1814 Joseph Husk, Mr. Feb. 1817 Hurd, child Apr. 29, 1817 Moses Hoagland, Charles Dec. 25, 1817 Howell, Mrs. Harriet 1819 wife of Sylvanus Hiler, Mrs. Oct. 1819 Hamilton, Mrs. May 29, 1820 Hill. Mrs. Hannah Apr. 1822 wife of Capt. David, dr. of Mintou Hinchmau, child Juue 1824 John and Deborah Hill, Capt. David Sept, 26, 1758 July 22, 1825 Halsey, Mary 1785 Aug. 14, 1826 wife of Stephen Conger Harrimau, Catherine 1757 Feb. 13, 1827 wife of Richard Hiuchmau, Mrs. Emily Juue 18, 1800 Sept. 21, 1827 1st wife of Maj. Joseph Hinchmau, Mary Elizabeth Apr. 1 , 1826 Aug. 12, 1828 John R. and Mary. Hinchmau, Sarah M. 1809 Jau 25, 1829 Johu aud Deborah Hicks, Catharine 1830 Hinchmau, , Maj. Jos. Apr. 26, 1801 Aug. 4, 1830 Surd, Mrs. Mary 1831 wife of Joshua Hall, Daniel 1788 May 7, 1831 Hoff, Charlotte May 7, 1790 Apr. 23, 1832 wife of Jacob A. Kinney Hicks, Samuel 1833 Hinchmau, Mrs. Deborah 1774 Apr. 1, 1834 wife of Maj. John 22 NAME BIRTH Herriman, Elizabeth Jan. 6, 1778 Halsey, Stephen N. J. Mar. 5, 1833 Hall, Stephen Sept. 12, 1785 Hurd, Edw. Joshua Hill, Mary July 30, 1802 Hoff, Clarissa Aug. 29, 1780 Hiler, E. Hoff, Moses Tuttle Nov. 23, 1802 Herriman, Mary Dec. 2, 17S Hurd, William Hiler, Eddie Hiler, Silas Hall, Ohloe M. Hoff, Elizabeth Jan. 2, 1839 Jan. 16. 1838 Aug. 13, 1786 Sept. 2, 1828 Mar. 17, 1783 Hiler, Harriet N. Mar. 19, 1817 Harrison, Rhoda Sept. 26, 1795 Hinchman, Walter S. Sept. 10, 1852 Hinchman, Eliza S. Feb. 2, 1853 Hiler, Sarah J. Nov. 6, 1835 Hamilton, Silas Howell, Sylvauus 1793 Hall, Anna Eliza Apr. 20. 1816 Howell, Augustus Hoff, Charles Sept. 23, 1795 Hiler, Mrs. Mary 1789 Hoagland, Ehas Hiler. John Feb. 21, 1797 Hinchman, Stella Sept. 9, 1858 Hill, Alexander Feb. 11, 1787 Hall. Mrs. Lydia Jan. 4, 1785 Hill, Miss Hiler, Mrs. Halsey. Ann Eliza May 27, 1827 Halsey, Susan D. July 3, 1794 DEATH Dec. 6, 1834 Mar. 29, 1835 Mar. 6, 1838 1841 Apr. 27, 1841 Nov. 3, 1843 Dec. 30, 1843 Nov. 15, 1844 Dec. 29, 1849 Nov. 19, 1850 May 14, 1851 June 12, 1851 Dec. 29, 1852 Mar. 9, 1853 Apr. 12, 1853 Oct. 13, 1853 PARENTAGE Samuel B. and Sarah D. John and Chloe wife of Win. Hiler, dr. of David and Anna wife of James Jackson Charles and Hannah (Tuttle) John and Ruth Stephen and Lydia Charles and Hannah (Tuttle) Johu and Rath, wife of Amzi Compton Joseph, wife of Henry Beach Mar. 12, 1853 Dec. 18, 1853 Sept. 6, 1853 Hill, Elizabeth Dec. 13, 1796 Aug. 4, 1868 Hiler, Catharine June 3, 1868 Hiler, David May 21, 1792 Mar. 21, 1869 Hiler, Mrs. Mary L. Apr. 11, 1829 Apr. 13, 1869 Halsey, Henry D. Mar. 7, 1870 July 30, 1870 John and Mary F. Johu and Mary F. Silas and Mary, wife of -lohn M. Towley 1854 Aug. 19, 1854 June 21, 1856 Aug. 9, 1856 May 15, 1857 June 22, 1858 1858 Aug, 21, 1858 June 2, 1859 Mar. 15, 1860 Jan. 16, 1863 July 11, 1866 and Elizabeth (Shipmau) Garrigus Mar. 9, 1867 Samuel B. and Sarah D. Abraham, wife of William Jackson John and Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Lyon Stephen and Lydia Sylvan Charles and Hauah (Tuttle) wife of Silas John and Mary F. Johu and Elizabeth wife of Stephen, dr. of John June, 22, 1 June 26, 1868 Edmund D. and Mary D. 23 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH Hiler, Mrs. Rath Harris, child May 24, 1870 Happaugh, Martha J. 1861 Harris, child May 20, 1871 Hathaway, child Jan. 1871 Halsey, Samuel B. July 24, 1796 Hall, Jeuuie Feb. 1, 1871 Hoff, Joseph Tattle Nov. 16, 1787 Howell, Mrs. Harriet 1796 Hannou, James Haunou, Mrs. Hoff, Mary Aim Harris, Walter Hoff, Jaue Harris, Elizabeth Hull, child Hicks, William Harper, child Hall, child Hall, William Halsey, Fred. D. Hitchings, child Hiler, Catherine Hough, Sidney Hill, Jerusha .lune 14, 1800 July 3, 1870 Aug. 8, 1785 1872 Oct. 5, 1876 Sept. 7, 1804 Apr. 12, 1872 Sept. 21, 1852 1876 '•arris, John A. Hall, child Hall, Mary Apr. 16, 1791 Hoppee, Arthur Apr. 1879 Hiuchmau, Wm. Hoff, Harriet Oct. 14, 1792 Haycock, Elizabeth 1816 hiler, Marcella O. Dec. 1844 Hitchings, Auua 1845 Halsey, Mary D. Nov. 3, 1873 Hill, Auna July 11, 1857 Hitchings, Wm. July 188U Hodges, Anthony 1832 Howell, John D. Jan. 3, 1881 Harrington, Caroline June 1828 Halsey, child Hall, Euos L. 1878 Hart, child June 1880 Haywood, Mrs. Helen D. Dec. 1847 Harris, Mary E. 1857 Harris, Emma Sept. 1, 1881 PARENTAGE : wife of John Henry Henry David Abraham and Nancy Charles and Nancy Charles and Hannah (Tuttle) wife of James wife of Hoagland S. A. and L. E. Charles and Hannah (Tuttle) wife of Col. Samuel S. Beach Mar. 19, 1871 Aug. 24, 1871 Sept. 3, 1871 Sept. 10, 1871 July 20, 1871 Sept. 15, 1871 Aug. 25, 1871 Aug. 16, 1871 Mar. 3, 1872 Apr. 6, 1*j72 Sept. 23, 1872 June 30, 1872 June 12, 1873 Apr. 11, 1874 June 16, 1875 Aug. 9, 1875 Dec. 28, 1875 Mar. 28, 187P Mar. 20, 1877 June 2, 1877 July 24, 1877 Aug. 10, 1877 Mar. 20, 1878 Apr. 28, 1878 July 8, 1878 Dec. 7, 1878 Mar. 1. 1879 June 11, 1879 July 14, 1879 Dec. 3, 1879 [Removed from New Providence] Dec. 31, 1879 Charles and Hannah (Tuttle) May 4, 1880 May 8, 1880 July 23, 1880 July 26, 1880 Sept. 17, 1880 Nov. 23, 1880 Dec. 2, 1880 Jan. 12, 1881 Apr. 21, 1881 June 5, 1881 July 21, 1881 Aug. 8, 1881 Edmund D. and Mary D. Joseph wife of Abner Blanchard William and Elizabeth John P. and Mary R., wife of Lucas wife of John Garrigus, Jr. wife of Stephen Edmund D. and Mary D. John P. and Mary W. Edmund D. and Mary D. Sept. 3. 1881 Oct. 22, 1881 Oct. 22, 1881 James Miller 24 NAME : BIRTH : Hall, Barnabas K. 1832 Hall, Abgiail May 28, 1798 Henderson, Adeline 1814 Howard, Elmer E. Mar. 8, 1875 Hedden, Mrs. Harriet L. Nov. 29, 1846 Howard, Robt. M. 187K Hamilton, Lewis Dec. 1874 Hopler, Nathan Hec. 1816 Hamilton, Mrs. Ann 1806 Haycock, Jennie 1866 H inch man, DEATH PARENTAGE : Oct. 28, 1881 Stephen and Lydia (Garrison) (Soldier '61-65) Nov. 12, 1881 wife of Philip Miller, dr. of John and Chloe Feb. 7, 1882 Feb. 28, 1882 Sampson and Sarah wife of William William and Berthia Mar. 15, 1882 Mar. 16, 1882 Mar. 24, 1882 May 2, 1882 May 30, 1882 wife of David, dr. of Reed June 20, 1882 May 1, 1827 March, 1882 Aug. 14, 1879 Sarah J. Holly, James Hiler, Walter Howard, Velma A. Howard, Melvin R. Hart, Oscar R. Halsey, Anna McK. Hull, Ida Hankerson, child Hinchmau, Lesbia H. 1826 June 28. 1882 July 29, 1882 Oct. 11, 1882 Feb. 12, 1880 Jan. 18, 1883 Aug. 28, 1877 Aug. 1882 July 12, 1882 1880 Nov. 16. 1883 July 23, 1883 July 30. 1883 Sept. 20, 1883 Dec. 11, 1883 Dec. 16,1883 Hanson, Andrew Hall, Chas. M. Harick, Andrew Hough, Wm. Hendren, John Heler, Lewis Haycock, Ann Hall, John Hamilton, Wm. Halsey, Marion M. Hedden, Harriet Halsey, Wm. H. Hull, Alex. Hiler, Mary Holly, Mrs. John Hinchmau. Felix J. Hart, Nicholas, Holly, Lulu Hiler, Aaron B. 1839 Oct. 1883 1841 Jan. 6, 1832 1811 May 1826 Jan. 1816 1807 Jan. 1848 Jan. 11, 1886 Nov. 1806 1832 July 20, 1883 June 1887 1832 Sept. 14, 1829 Nov. 1887 Oct. 20, 1818 Apr. May Jnly Aug. Dec. Jan. Apr. July Aug. 19, 1884 20, 1884 20, 1*84 16, 1884 18, 1H84 31, 1885 13, 1885 28, 1886 27, 1886 Sept. 6, 1886 Jan. 23, 1887 Apr. 15, 1887 Aug. 21, 1H87 Nov. 20, 1887 Dec. 3, 1887 Jan. 9, 1888 Feb. 6, 1888 Feb. 8, 1888 Feb. 17, 1888 wife of J. B. Basseuger Sampson and Sarah Sampson and Sarah Edmund D. wife of L. S. Robinson, dr. of Wm. E. and Uila John David Edmund D. and Mary D. Charles and Nancy 25 NAME : BIRTH Hoagland, Hubert Aug. 2, 1876 Biler, Addie L. Sept. 13, 1879 Hiler, Bernard Apr. 23, 1882 Hiler, Ezra L. May 8. 1884 Hiler, Luella B. Aug. 19, 1886 Hall, Maria 1818 Hill, Joseph Sept. I, 1864 Hall, John 1826 Hull, Lilly 1882 Haller, Emanuel W. Jan. 1834 ball, John L. 1826 Hiler, Harold M. Jan. 21, 1888 Hiler, James B. Feb. 25, 1887 Heler, Nancy Nov. 28, 1817 Hamilton, Stephen 1837 Mockin, Wm. Jan. 1890 Hall, .fane June 1851 Hull, child Hogau. Raymoud O. 1889 Harper, George 1824 Heler, Christiana July 10, 1891 Hoagland, Geo. D. July 1891 Hitchmgs, Joseph 1837 Hiler, Mary B. Oct. II, 1809 Hogau, Annie B. Jan. 1891 Herbert, Allen K. Jan. 1893 Hall, Carrie N. 1866 Howell, Mrs. Sibbah Hoagland, Ann J Mar. 1823 1823 Hamilton, David H. Dec. 1805 Hiler, John C. Oct. 1867 Hock en berry, Minnie Apr. 1893 Harris, .lames 1855 Hall, Enimehue K. 1834 Hockenberry. Mrs. Mary 1823 Hocking, child June 3, 1896 Hiler, Frankliu P. Aug. 7, 1895 Hockeubury, Annie Nov. 1864 Halsey, Edmund D. Sept. 11, 1840 Hall, Enoch W. 1819 Hull, Mrs. Emma L. Nov. 1872 DEATH : July 8, 1888 Sept. 20, 1888 Sept. 22, 1888 Sept. 23. 1888 Sept. 26, 1888 Oct. 25, 1888 Dec. 28, 1888 Jan. 12, 1889 Feb. 11, 1889 May 12, June 13, July 21, July 25, Dec. 1, Jan. 30, July 27, Sept. 27, Feb. 6, Nov. 17 Nov. 23 Jan. 20 Feb. 9, Feb. 18, Apr. 9, May 6, Aug. 18 Aug. 27 1889 1S89 1889 1889 1889 18!)0 1890 , 1890 1891 , 1891 , 1891 , 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1893 , 1893 Oct. 10, 1893 Nov. 12, 1893 Mar. 9, 1894 Mar. 28, 1894 June 4, 1895 June 8, 1895 June 24, 1895 Dec. 11, 1895 Jan. 6, 1896 May I, 1896 July 17, 1896 Oct. 17, 1896 Nov. 15, 1896 Jan. 21, 1897 PARENTAGE : Thomas H. and Evelyn E. Frank and Martha Frank and Martha Frank and Martha Fi-auk and Martha Joseph and Mary John (Soldier 6l-'5) Thomas and Nettie Harvey and Aunie wife of Darius P. Merritt David Mahlou, Jr. wife of Geo. H. Howell, dr. of Ezekiel Palmer wife of Mahlou, dr. of Thomas Muir Silas John wife of Andrew Aaron Andrew and Mary Samuel B. aud Sarah D. (Jackson), (soldier '61-5) John wife of Dauiel 26 NAME BIRTH PARENTAGE : Hocking, Wm. 1883 Hockenbury, Andrew 1836 Hull, Emma Jan. 1897 Hawthorne, child Hicks, Thomas J. Sept. 19, 1843 Herbert, Annie G. 1895 Hiler, Mrs. Julia Feb. 8, 1840 Hill, John P. 1819 Hiler, Laura M. Sept. 1897 Hankinson, Mrs. Mary L. Jan. 29. 1847 Hull, James G. 1879 Howell, George H. 1822 Hicks. George W. Feb. 19, 1871 Hart, Mrs. Mary E. Sept. 1848 Herrick, Agues 1804 Hogan, Annabel 1862 Holly, child Oct. 7, 1899 Hocking, Joseph 1871 Innis, Jane Ileff, Rev. Wm. Jackson, Mrs. Annie Jackson, Gen. Joseph Feb. 9, 1710 Jackson, Stephen Dec. 15, 1780 Jackson, Mrs. Betsey P. Mar. 10, 1773 Jackson, Maria Feb. 9, 1790 Jackson, Oapt. Stephen Sept. 8, 1744 Jackson, Robt. Ogdeu Apr. 20, 1807 Jackson, Isaac June 5, 1779 Joggerdy, child Jackson, Anna Aug. 9, 1746 Johnson, Peter Jackson, Walter Sept. 16, 1818 Jackson, Elizabeth Oct. 17, 1769 Jackson, Sarah Electa Nov. 21 , 182S Jackson, Sarah Elizabeth June 7, 1809 Feb. 15, 1802 (soldier 61-5) Daniel and Emma L. DEATH : June P, 1897 July 5, 1897 Sept. 24, 1897 Oct. 2, 1897 Oct. 20, 1897 Dec. 27, 1897 Feb. 9, 1898 wife of Silas Feb. 22, 1898 Alexander and Rebecca (Palmer) May 1, 1898 Apr. 27, 1898 May 26, 1898 June 4, 1898 Oct. 30, 1898 Nov. 3, 1898 wife of John L., dr. of Adam Earles Sylvauus Thomas J. wife of Nicholas, dr. of David Palmer Nov. 27, 1898 Apr. 23, 1899 dr. Jacob L. and Mary A. Fichter Oct. 8, 1899 Dec. 1, 1899 1838 Oct. 1, 1875 1760 1769 Dec. 27, 1781 Jan. 10, 1807 July 29, 1808 Mar. 24, 1812 wife of Gen. Joseph James and Rebecca Oapt. Stephen Capt. Stephen Geu. Joseph Jackson May 15, 1812 Dec. 27, 1813 Benjamin Dec. 5, 1815 Mar. 21, 1816 dr. of Geu. Joseph, wife of Robt. Ayres and David Beaman 1816 William Mar. 29, 1819 John D. aud Agues June 30, 1823 wife of Aaron Lyon, dr. of Capt. Stephen Dec. 4, 1832 William and Susan D. Sept. 28, 1842 James and Clarissa, wife of Rev. J. F. Canfield 27 NAME BIRTH Jeuuiugs, Johu Apr. 5, 1799 Jacksou, James Jan. 14, 1776 Jackson, Agnes Jan. 6, 1772 Johnson, Peter A. Jackson, Clarissa June 17, 1844 Jackson, Col. Joseph Mar. 8 1774 Jackson, Lizzie A. Nov. 4, 1851 Jackson, Mary Elizabeth June 21, 1825 DEATH : Mar. 12, 1840 Jan. 6, 1848 Aug. 18, 1848 1849 Aug. 26, 1848 Jan. 28, 1855 Dec. 29, 1856 July 5, 1857 .iacksou, Margaret July 17, 1778 July 18, 1857 Jackson, Sarah Dubois June 2, 1802 Jackson, John Darbee Sept. 9, 1794 Jackson, Betsey Feb. 14, 1782 Jackson, Freeman W. Nov. 21, 1832 Jackson, Harriet June 8, 1792 Jackson, William Mar. 16, 1788 Jackson, Silas Halsey Jacksou, Stephen J. July 4, 1805 Jactsou, Caroline A. Nov. 2, 1833 Job, John H. Jones, James L. 1819 Jenkins, Edward Jan. 1819 Jones, William A. June 1877 Jenkins, Eliza Aug. 28, 1880 James, Henry R. Nov. 30, 1849 Jacksou, Mrs. Prudence July 1819 James, Octavius 1883 James, William Aug. 1887 Jenkius, Hubert T. Mar. 1881 Jenkins, Sarah Aug. 1885 Job, Frank 1386 Jeffrey, Ida O. July 1880 Jones, Harriet E. 1882 Jones, Sarah J. Jenkins, George Job, Lewis S. Jones, John 1877 Feb. 1887 1877 Mar. 1831 PARENTAGE : Capt. Stephen wire of David Harriman, dr. of Capt. Stephen Geo. W. and Prudence Capt. Stephen Edw. E. and Esther C. wife of L. A. Chandler, dr. of Johu D. and Agnes wife of Samuel Arnold, dr. of Capt. Stephen Jan. 20, 1859 Col. Joseph, wife of Samuel B. Halsey Nov. 17, 1859 Mar. 21, 1862 July 17, 1862 Apr. 6, 1863 Sept. 18, 1872 Dec. 6, 1872 May 19, 1874 Apr. 4, 1875 Nov. 10, 1875 July 6, 1878 Sept. 7, 1878 Sept, 21, 1878 Sept. 24, 1880 Dec. 26, 1881 Feb. 6, 1882 Aug. 22. 1884 Nov. 5, 1884 Dec. 13, 1884 Sept. 27, 1885 June 4, 1887 June 11, 1887 Feb. 28, 1888 Mar. 3. 1888 May 3, 1888 Dec 20, 18*58 July 3, 1891 Captain Stephen Beujainiu, wife of Job Allen William and Susan D. Captain Stephen, wife of Dr. Ira Crittendou Captain Stephen William and Susan Col. Joseph wife of W. M. Mooney William and Mary wife of George W. 28 NAME BIRTH DEATH : PARENTAGE ; Jackson, Harriet 1812 Johnson, Mary S. 1868 Jenkins, Annie 1813 Job, Fannie E. Dee. 1888 Jayne, Florence June 1892 Jay ue, Joseph Job, Dydia J. Jackson, William A. May 1817 Jackson, Edith May 1883 Jackson, John W. June 3, 1820 James, Elizabeth A. June 17, 1848 Jackson, Edw. E. Apr. 2, 1817 Jackson, Joseph H. 1819 Kitchell, Azel 1790 Kiner, Peter Ketcham, Eunice Ketcham, William Kinney, child Knapp, Mr. Kinney, child Kinney, Hannah S. Kanouse, Mrs. Mary Jan, 17, 1785 Kanouse, Mary Elizabeth Sept. 5, 1818 Kanouse, Elizabeth Ketchem, Samuel Kitchell, Mrs. Eunice King, Catherine Dec. 8, 1816 June 8, 1802 June 3, 1827 Mar. 9, 1832 May 6 ; 1836 Kelsey, Joseph Kitchell, Electa King, Charlotte Kelsey, William Kitchell, Caroline B. Kitchell, Col. Ford 1769 Kitchell, James Sept. 20, 1759 Kitchell, Frank T. July 6, 1843 Kitchell, Rebecca Ann Sept. 20, 1820 Kirk, Amy 1760 Kennedy, Anna King, Mary June 9, 1778 Kinney, Hannah Maria Sept. 4, 1849 Kinney, Harriet E. June 15, 1851 Kitchell, Mathias Sept. 7, 1202 King, Anna H. Jan. 13, Jan. 19, Mar. 24, May 9, July 13, Jan. 15, Jan. 7, Apr. lf<, Sept. 3, May 3, 1892 1892 1892 1892 1894 1894 1895 1895 1895 1896 July 4, 1897 May 26, 1898 Mar, 24, 1899 Aug. 16, 1807 Sept. 1811 1814 Feb. 20, 1815 Mar. 29, 1815 Mar. 15, 1816 Dec. 30, 1818 July 3, 1819 Sept. 27, 1819 Cct. 5, 1819 1819 Apr. 1820 Aug. 20, 1820 July 13. 1821 Feb. 16, 1824 Oct. 21, 1830 Nov. 20, 1831 Feb. 10, 1834 James (Revolutionary Soldier) Abraham Jacob wife of -lacob wife of Peter Peter and Mary Mary Elizabeth married Peggy Scindle David John B. and Delia Ford and Elizabeth Jacob and Anna John B. and Delia Mathias and Caroline •Tune 2, 1838 Sept. 19, 1842 Dec. 1, 1842 Abraham (Revolutionary Soldier) Mar. 21, 1845 Mathias and Caroline Apr. 16, 1845 May. 29, 1845 1847 Sept. 3, 1851 Sept. 10, 1855 Nov. 3, 1856 July 31, 1857 Sept. 1860 Ebenezer, wife of Jonathan Benjamin, Jr. wife of Jeremiah Baker Charles and Jane Charles and Jane James and Hannah wife of Jacob 29 NAME BIRTH : Kinney, Win. C. Inly 16, 1859 Kinney, Edwin F. June 29, 1852 Kinney, Joseph H. Apr. 2i, 1825 King, Rev. Barnabas Juue 2, 1780 Kinney, Jacob A. 1789 Kitchell, Abram F. Kitchell, Irving J. Oct. 31, 1863 Kitchell, -lane R. Kemp, Edward King, Richard King, -loseph D. Kemp, child King, James A. 1814 Klotz, George H. .luly 1, 1879 Kelsev, Delia Juue 1803 Kildsou, Sarah D. 1844 Kreftiug, Letitia 1876 Kitchell, Walter July 2, 1849 Kelsey, ohu B. Feb., 1797 Kemp, Kesiah 1815 Kemp, Thomas Oct. 1884 Kelley, Robert R. Oct, 1885 Knot-well, child 1881 Klotz, Carrie Aug. 6, 1880 Kauouse, Marv A. L. Dec, 1887 Kitchel, 'Elizabeth 1812 Kitchell, Alien W. Jan 1, 1872 King, Henrietta H. Sept. 27, 1888 Kimboll, Delia E. 1825 Kitchell, Sarah Apr. 28, 1807 Keatiug, Catherine H. Mav 9, 1825 Kitchell. Howard B. 1882 Kitchell, Emma Aug. 2, 1808 Kitchel, Chas. H. Jan., 1835 Kay ler, Elizabeth 1848 Kauouse, Elizab'h May 16, 1835 Kauouse, Aaron 183S Kemp, John 1839 Kauouse, Mary A. 1813 Kitchell, Mathias D. 1838 Kauouse, Abraham Oct., 1*08 Lamson, Eleazcr 1720 Lamsou, Mrs. Jaue 1723 Lamsou. Moses 1750 Lyon, Ann Eliza'h Mar. 3, 1806 DEATH : Oct. 9, 1860 Jan. 12, 1862 Jan. 21, 1862 Apr. 10, 1862 July 4. 1863 1872 Nov. 2. 1872 1873 July 18, 1875 Aug. 28, 1875 Mar. 4, 1876 Sept. 14, 1876 July 7, 1878 Mar. 2, 1880 Oct. 1, 1880 Oct, 18, 1881 Apr. 13, 1882 Aug. 12, 1882 Jan. 4, 1885 Nov. 18, 1886 Jan. 25, 1887 Juue 7, 1887 Jan. 23, 1889 Mar. 8, 1889 Nov. 15, 1889 May 7, 1889 Sept. 10, i889 Oct, 12, 1890 Jan. 2, 1891 Feb. 28, 1891 Oct 10, 1891 Dec 7, 1891 Apr. 17,1892 Nov. 27, 1892 May 15, 1893 July 5, 1893 Aug. 5, 1897 Aug. 19, 188S Jan. 7. 189'^) J 18, 1809 Mav 2, 1K99 Mar. 24, 1789 •lau. 28, 1796 Dec. 22, 1798 Sept. 3, 1807 PARENTAGE Mathias and Caroline William Samuel and Laura S. Nathaniel and Caroline Samuel and Laura S. Ford aud Elizabeth Jacob aud Annie wife of Rev. Win. Iliff wife of Nicholas Keating Matthias D. aud Anna wife of William Eleazer and Abigail wife of Eleazer Eleazer and Abagail Aaron 3o NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : .Losey, Capt. Jas. Jan. 20, 1809 Losey, Mrs. Nancy Apr. 12, 1809 wife of Jacob Long, child July 1809 Losey, Mrs. Anna Dec. 17, 1809 Losey, Auna Jan. 31, 1810 Losaw, John Feb. 8, 1810 Looker, Mrs. Nov. 1, 1810 Losey, Hannah 1810 wife of James Lyon, Mr. Dec. 29, 1812 Lymus, Hannah Jan. 8, 1764 Apr. 28, 1813 wife of Enos, (colored) Lymus, Susanna July 16, 1792 Sept. 11, 1814 Euos and Hannah, (colored) Lyon, Mrs. Jonas Feb. 10,1815 Lyon, Absalom Aug. 1818 Ludlow, Miss 1818 Lindsley, Delia 1791 Apr. 1821 wife of Daniel Smith Ludlow, Mrs. Charity July 7, 1821 wife of Henry Lyon, child ,iuly8, 1821 Jared Ludlow, Henry Aug. 31, 1821 Mary, (colored) Oct. 1821 servant of Jacob Losey Lamson, Benjamin Mar. 1,1761 May 17, 1824 Littell, Thomas G. Dec. 12, 1828 Mar. 24, 1229 David and Elmira Lyon, Aaron. July 1, 1759 Mar. 1, 1833 Lloyd, Sarah Ann Dec. 24, 1836 wife of A. L. Clark Lyon, John Apr. 1, 1796 Dec. 8, 1839 Littell, Mary A. Jan. 1, 1842 Oct. 4, 1842 David and Elmira Lyon, Stephen 1820 June 22, 1854 Lindsley, Esther 1857 wife of Samuel Lindsley, Elizabeth S. Mar. 16, 1858 wife of Francis Lyon, Joseph June 7, 1775 May 6, 1858 Lee, Susan P. Jan. 1, 1833 Oct. 5, 1858 Lee, Samuel May 29, 1787 Nov. 2, 1858 Lyon, Arthur Sept. 7, I860 ■lan. 7. 1861 Joseph H. and Mary F. Lyon, Sarah E. Jan. 15. 1843 Oct. 11, 1863 wife of Edw. Davenport Lindsley, Gabriel 1810 July 4, 1864 Lee, George W. Jan. 12, 1830 Oct. 26, 1864 Lindsley, Mrs. Dec. 21, 1866 Lyon, Anna C. July 26, 1866 Dec. 26, 1866 Joseph H. and Mary F. Lyon, Joseph H. JuneS, 1847 Aug. 8, 1867 Joseph H. and Mary F. Lyon, Mrs. Aug. 5. 1868 Lobr, George T. Aug. 27, 1871 July 4, 1873 Henry and Rosena Luke, John Sept. 24, 1875 Luke, child Nov. 6, 1875 John Lonsberry, Henry Dec. 12, 1875 Lyon, Davis May 16, 1876 Luke, John Jnly 10, 1876 Lowery, child 1870 Oct. 16, 1876 Lewis Lay ell, child 1876 Oct. 28, 1876 James 3« NAME: List, child Laugdon, child Lyou, Stephen F. Layell, Cyrus Lowery, Joshua A Lyon, Laura Lukey, Leliua Lee, Cat ban i) e Larseu, Wilua Layell, Frank L. Lindsley, Francis List, Isaac Lucus, Grover BIRTH : 1876 1807 1869 1878 Dec. 23, 1873 Sept. 1880 1795 1880 Apr. 1879 1803 1811 Feb. 1885 Lnmsdeu William May 2, 1888 Lucus, Grovei Lyon, Ida A. Loder, Fred B. Lyon, Maud Losey. Sarah B. Lunger, Clara R. Liudgurt, Alliu R. Loder, Sherman G. Love, jane Lawsou, Albert Lewis, Grace Lee, Margaret Lyon, Sidney Lowery, Sarah Labella, Charles Lyon, Annie J. Lunger, Harriet E Leary, Martha J. Long, Gabriel E. Meeker, Joseph Miller, Charity Nov. 1888 1864 Dec. 6, 1888 1812 Oct. 1800 Oct. 1890 Nov. 1891 Jan. 9, 1892 July 21, 1818 May 1895 1827 1825 Sept. 20, 1896 1852 1872 June 1885 1858 Aug. 1873 1879 1709 McCarty, Margaret McCarty, Annie Moore, Josiah Miller, Ruth Muir, William Mills, child Miller, child Mills, child Morgan, Mr. Mi u ton. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. McRandall, John 177(5 1763 1753 DEATH : Oct. 28, 1876 Mar. 14, 1877 Dec. 7, 1878 July 1, 1880 Dec. 15, 1880 •iau. 11, 1881 Feb. 27, 1881 Feb. 11, 1882 Mav 3, 1882 Jan. 31, 1884 Feb. 20, 1885 Feb. 21, 1885 Nov. 7, 1886 May 9, 1888 Mar. 1. 1889 July 7, 1889 •luly 18, 1889 Oct. 25, 1889 Mar. 28, 1890 Jan. 28, 1891 Feb. 18. lt>92 Aug. 22, 1892 July 21, 1893 Sept. 1, 1895 JuueS, 1896 Sept. 3, 1896 Sept. 26, 1896 Apr. 7, 1897 Aug. 28, 1897 Jau.28, 1899 Oct. 1. 1899 Oct. 12, 1899 Dec. 15, 1899 May 21, 1777 J uue 5, 1793 lime 9, 1793 Mav 31, 1797 Dec. 12, 1798 1810 Nov. 1810 1814 Am\ I, 1815 -lau. 18, 1816 Sept. 8, 1817 Apr. 1820 Aug. 1821 May 10, 1823 PARENTAGE : Thomas George H. and Harriet wife of Samuel Robert and Annie P. Rev. A. L. and Susan J. Rev. A. L. and Susan J. wife of William B. Zindle wife of Lewis wife of Isaac Benjamin C. Frederick, wife of Francis McCarty Francis and Charity Francis and Charity Ziba Samuel Philip Samuel wife of Anthony 32 NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : Minturn, Mary Dec. 22, 1757 Aug. 21, 1826 Mott, Libba Feb. 8, 1827 Miller, Samuel Z. Sept. 3, 1824 Sept. 2, 1827 Muuson, Mrs. Rhoda~ 1765 Nov. 15, 1827 Mott, Susan Aug. 14, 1827 Aug. 31, 1828 Muuson, Ezekiel 1761 Sept. 2 1828 McFall, Martha 1759 Oct. 4, 1829 Marsh, Mrs. Phebe Oct. 15, 1803 May 17, 1831 Murphy, Ann Dec. 27, 1832 Minton, Louisa R .Feb. 26. 1829 Apr. 11, 1833 Mott, Nathaniel Sept. 29, 1830 Oct. 8. 1834 McFall, Daniel 1810 Feb. 7, 1837 McFall, Patrick 1772 June 17, 1837 McOarty, Francis Sept. 15, 1752 Feb. 14. 1839 Muir, Alexander M. Oct. 16, 1831 Oct. 22, 1842 Muir, Agnes W. 1825 Oct. 19,1842 Mott, Lydia M. Oct. 20. 1844 July 15, 1845 Miller, Lydia Z. Sept. 3, 1826 Aug. 12, 1845 Manderville, William H. Oct. 12, 1789 Feb. 18. 1846 Minton, Guy 1836 Sept. 13, 1847 Mott, Mary B. Sept. 27, 1829 July 3, 1848 Mott, Manning F. Feb. 27, 1837 July 24, 1851 Miller, Susan A. Sept. 3, 1852 Nov. 3. 1852 McOarty, Sarah Aug. 24, 1784 Apr. 12, 1854 McOarty, Elizabeth May 11, 1780 Aug. 30, 1854 Morrison, .lames 1854 Miller, Margaret 1854 Marsh, Benjamin .Inly 7, 1800 Oct. 21, 1855 Muir, Thomas Jan. 19, 1792 Oct, 29, 1855 Mott, Lavinia M. July 22, l*s20 May 11, 1857 Martin, Clark J. 1795 May 17, 1859 Muir, Mrs. Susan 1795 Oct. 13, 1860 Miller, Ralph D. Feb. 28, 1851 Apr. 27, 1861 Miller, Mary E. 1861 Marsh, Edw. L. Oct. 27, 1832 May 30, 1862 Miller, Philip .July 2, 1798 Oct. 27, 1862 Mott, John July 14, 1799 June 27, 1866 Miller, .lames E. July 20, 1838 Sept. 4, 1866 Mott, Sibbah C. Apr. 18, 1839 Nov. 3, 1867 Mott, Nathaniel Sept 7, 1804 Feb. 9, 1867 Mott, child Aug. 12, 1867 PARENTAGE : wife of Capt. Job Allen ;(2) wife of Oapt. Stephen Jackson wife of Job Talmadge Philip and Abigail wife of Ezekiel Nathaniel and Maria Capt. Solomon and Mary wife of Benjamin James and Mary William and Julia Nathaniel and Maria Thomas and Susan Thomas and Susan Nathaniel and Maria Philip and Abigail Nathaniel and Maria Nathaniel and Maria ■'ohn aud Mary A. Francis and Charity, wife of Hubbard S. Stickle Francis and Charity, wife of Ford Kitchell John and Sibbah, wife of S. G. Sturtevaut wife of Thomas Benjamin and Mary Philip and Abigail John and Parnell William 33 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Mattox, Benjamin C. Apr. 28, 1JS66 Nov. 5. 1867 Samuel and Louisa A. Mott, Carrie Nov. 6, 1867 John and Paruell Mott, Leslie J. July, 3, 1868 Mar. 3, 1869 Charles M. and Sarah Marsh, Theodore B. Sept. 1, 1844 Sept, 4, 1870 Benjamin and Mary Merritt, Samuel C. 1809 Apr. 23. 1871 Morgan, James 1807 Joly 15, 1871 McGratu, Mrs. Hauuah 1837 Nov. 15, 1871 wife of Thomas B., dr. of John Clark Mott, Electa 1801 Dec. 30, 1871 Mott, A. B. July 21, 1852 Mar. 17, 1872 Marsh, Mary A. 1852 Sept. 3. 1872 3enjamiu and Mary Hull Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. 1811 Sept. 9, 1872 Moyle, Ellen luly 10. 1872 Sept. 13, 1872 William and Grace Morgan, Chas. H. Aug. 16, 1864 Apr. 10, 1873 John W. and Rebecca M. Moyle, James July 15, 1873 July 17, 1873 William and Grace Moyle, Mrs. Grace 1847 July 24, 1873 wife of William Merritt, Mrs. Emily Feb. 16, 1818 Sept. 27, 1873 wife of Daniel Mott, VanCleve D. 1845 Dec. 28, 1873 Mitchell, William 1798 Sept. 18, 1875 Merritt. child Sept, 24, 1875 Daniel Mitchell, William Oct, 1, 1875 Mitchell, Fanny E. Feb. 17, 1876 Mitchell, Ella Nov. 21, 1871 Feb. 28, 1876 Thomas and Margaret C. Mitchell, Clara Jan. 29, 1866 Mar. 6, 1876 Thomas and Margaret C. Mitchell, Thomas E. Sept, 12, 1873 Mar. 9, 1876 Thomas and Margaret C. Miller, Eliza J. Nov. 26, 1836 Apr. 10, 1876 Dayton and lane (Freeman) Merritt, King D. Apr. 11, 1876 Mott, child May 22, 1876 C. Melviu and Sarah (Soofield) Mills, Mary E. Aug. 24, 1876 Mills, Mrs. J.J. Sept. 18, 1876 Mott, Ella 1872 Oct. 12, 1876 McKinnon, Mary J. 1873 Apr. 25, 1877 Merritt, Daniel E. May 1876 x\ug. 28, 1877 Minton. William 1767 Sept, 27, 1877 [Removed] Milliken, .'ames Oct. 1, 1877 Morgan, Sarah Oct, 21. 1877 Jan 21, 1878 Mitchell, Elizabeth 1805 Mar. 11, 1878 McConnell, Phebe Sept, 1858 Mar. 21. 1878 Merrifield, Fanny C. 1869 Apr. 1, 1878 Moutjoy, child May 9, 1878 William Mont joy, Mrs. Jemima June 1845 May 13, 1878 wife of William, dr. of Lumsdell Mitchell. Henry 1877 Sept. 12, 1878 34 NAME: BIRTH : Morgan, child Aug. 1878 McKinnon, Bertha 1875 Morgan, Stacy Oct. 8, 1878 Morgan, Agnes B. Oct. 10, 1877 Mathews, John 1810 Mott, Mabel Ella 1877 McKinnon, Wm. Aug. 1879 Mitchell, Henry Apr. 1879 McKain, Lillie 1861 Morgan, child Mott, Anna M. Dec. 1879 Mott, George Wm. Dec. 1879 Mills, Rachel 1837 Myres, Claude S. Sept, 27, 1879 Marsh, James Jan. 6, 1810 May, Edwin D. 1878 Mills, Florence 1877 Mills, Martha J. Feb. 1866 McCloud, child Morgan, Florence Feb. 17, 1880 Mandige, Edward Apr. 1867 May, Martha S. June 9, 1880 Mathews, Wm. 1821 McConnell, child Dec. 7, 1882 Merritt, child Feb. 6, 1883 Merritt, .Jennie 1849 Marsh, Margaret July 1, 1803 Meeker, Herbert B. Mar. 1883 Merritt, Fred. Dill Mar. 1883 Merritt. Samuel Feb. 22, 1845 Merritt, Edward 1879 Miller, Wm. H. Dec. 26, 1882 Mott, Eva T. June 19, 1882 Merritt, Mabel Nov. 1883 Merritt, Maud Nov. 1883 Merritt, Davis P. Sept. 27, 1811 Marsh, Abbie B. June 26, 1876 Meeker, Mrs. Susan B. 1847 Mitchell, Fanuy O. Sept. 24, 1864 Mott, Eva T. May 1884 McConnell, Annie L. Jan. 1885 Moore, John 1831 McConnell, Geo. M. Apr. 1886 Murton, Martin Mattox, Raymond R. Jan. 1887 Mandigo, Wm. Dec. 1886 Myres, Roy M. Sept. 27, 1882 McCarty, Chas. A. July 16, 1826 DEATH : Oct. 28, 1878 Feb. 7, 1879 Jau. 23, 1879 Feb. 9. 1879 Apr. 20, 1879 Aug. 10, 1879 Jan. 26, 1880 Feb. 6. 1880 Feb. 18, 1880 Apr. 24, 1880 Julv 28, 1880 Aug. 1, 1880 Aug. 23, 1880 Aug. 25, 1880 Dec. 22, 1880 Feb. 12, 1881 Apr. 30, 1881 May 1, 1881 May 18, 1881 July 18, 1881 Deo. 15, 1881 Feb. 16, 1882 Dec. 15, 18-2 Dec. 28, 1882 Feb. 15, 1883 Mar. 12, 1883 June 1, 1883 July 16, 1883 Sept. 4, 1^83 Sept. 4, 1883 Jan. 26. 1884 Mar. 2, 1884 Mar. 19, 18*4 Apr. 15, 1884 Apr. 19, 1884 May 2, 1884 Oct. 14, li-84 Feb. 13, 1885 June 3, 1885 Mar. 18, 1886 Apr. 8, 1886 Dec. 15, 1886 Jan. 7, 1887 Jau. 18, 1887 July 13, 1887 Aug. 28, 1887 Sept, 27, 1887 Dec. 21, 1887 PARENTAGE : Jacob John W. and Rebecca M. John H. John Jacob C. Melvin and Sarah (Scofield) C. Melvin and Sarah (Scofield) Charles and Addie Lemuel John W. and Rebecca M. Peter William and M. E. Isaac wife of James David James H. and Flora C. Benjamin and May Marsh John H. and Fanny L. Peter Charles and Addie Francis and Charity (Miller) 35 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE: Merritt, Mabel Sept. 1835 Mar. 5. 1888 Miller, Johu H. 1823 May 2, 1888 Mitchell, Wra. G. 1848 Sept. 13, 1888 Mains, Beuj. H. 1830 Dec. 17, 1888 Merritt, Darias P. Juue8, 1889 [Removed from vault] Marsh, Mary G. 1809 Apr. 9, 188t* Meuagh, Elizabeth 1834 Apr. 17, 1889 McLoughliu, Charlotte 1831 Apr. 30, 1889 Menin, John H. Jan. 1823 July 16, 1889 Mascar, child July 26, 1889 -Julv27, 188!> McKinnon, child •luly 28, 1889 Mattox, Louisa 1834 Aug. 11, 18*9 Morgan, Ida E. Jan. 1889 Sept. 1, 1H89 Miller, Flora E. Mar. 19, 1846 Sept. 5, 1889 wife of James H. Mattox, Allie 1867 Nov. 11, 1889 Samuel Mott, Elisba Oct. 17. 1823 Dec. 7, 1889 McCarty, Wm. Oct. 1832 Dec. 17, 1889 Mott, William Dec. 1810 June 15, 1890 May, Susan 1829 July 28. 1890 Meuagh, John V- 1830 Mar. 15, 1891 Merritt, Isiuic 1835 Mar. 28, 1891 Myres, Mabel T. July 12, 1885 Apr. 14, 1891 Charles L. and Addie May, Florence H. 1885 Oct. 16, 1S91 McKiunon.Eva 1889 Oct. 19, 1891 Walter May Marion P. May 1887 Oct. 26, 1891 May, William July 1890 Oct. 28, 1891 Martin, child Nov. 19, 1891 Morgan, child Nov. 19, 1891 Moutouia, Emma E. Oct. 1887 Apr. 1, 1892 Merritt, Edward 1836 Apr. 6, 1892 Mott, Simeon May 17, 1830 Apr. 9, 1892 Elisha and Esther Aim Miller, Auua Aug. 25, 1874 May 14, 1892 James H. and Flora C, wife of Alouzo Haywoo< Morgan, Agues M. Mav 8, 1892 May 17, 1892 Morgan, Daniel W. Sept. 30, 1868 June 26, 1892 Muir, Peter Nov. 15, 1820 Oct. 16, 18^2 Minster, Louisa June 1892 Oct. 17, 1892 Morgan, Walter Nov. 11, 1832 Nov. 7, 1H92 Mitchell, John H. 1837 Dec. 13, 1892 May, James Jr. Dec. 1854 Feb. 25, 1893 McKinnon, child Feb. 18, 1894 McCarty, Sally A. 1809 Mur. 5, 1894 Mott, Mary 1873 Mny 15. 1894 McKinnon, Everett Dec. 1891 May 22, 1894 Morgan, Mary Nov. 1809 Oct. 22, 1894 McKstiu, Pbebe 1834 June 5, 1895 Myres, Albert Mar. 30, 1885 Jan. 20, 1895 Maxton, James L. Aug 2:5, 1885 Mar. 27, 1896 3 6 NAME' BIRTH : Mott, Fred. K. Jan. 1896 Mooney, Heiiry I. Oct. 6, 1872 Moouey, Chas. C. July 7, 1877 Mathews, Grace 1884 May, James 1838 My res, Mabel July 14, 1897 McKinuon, Mrs. Jane Mar. 5, 1818 Morgan, Agnes R. June 19, 1876 Miller, Charlotte 1868 Merritt, Daniel 1014 McMauuus, James Feb. 6. 1899 Mott, George T. 1883 Mathews, Mabel H. Oct. 1897 Minton, child Manderville, Eleazer Miller, Charlotte 1823 McKain, John 1825 N orris, Jacob Nov. 3, 1836 Norris, Jacob Norris, Sarah Norris, Mary Eliz. Jan. 24, 1855 Norris, Lydia Jane Feb. 14, 1838 Norris, Mrs. Catherine North y, child Nichols, Ann Nichols, child Norris, 'Sarah F. 1776 Mar. 12, 1849 1779 1837 July 13, 1878 1811 Norris, Alexander Newman, Wm. S. Nix, William Nix, Charles Norgren , Hannah M. Nix, Carrie B. Newman, Carrie Noell, Eloise Nichols, Ellen Nichols, Manning No name Nichols, Lewis Osborn, child Osborn, Sarah Oliver, Sarah On stead, Charles Over, Charles Odell, Sarah Oct. 9, 1807 1833 Feb. 1869 Dec. 1864 Dec. 21, 1841 Oct, 1871 1835 1870 Sept. 1895 July 1895 1892 Apr. 1800 Oct. 1881 Nov. 1883 DEATH : Aug. 19, 1896 Sept. 12, 18P6 Sept. 12, 1896 Sept. 15, 1896 Apr. 30, 1897 July 18, 1897 Aug. 14, 1897 June 2, 1898 Sept. 18, 1898 June 5. 1899 Feb. 19, 1899 Feb. 24, 1899 Feb. 28. 1899 July 3, 1899 Sept. 11, 1799 Sept. 17, 1899 Dec. 17, 1899 Sept. 16, 1840 June 21, 1842 Aug. 12, 1849 Sept. 24, 1857 Feb. 18, 1865 Dec. 17, 1865 Jan. 19, 1868 July 16, 1878 Julv 27, 1878 Jan. 28, 1879 May 8, 1883 Jan. 28, 1891 June 30, 1891 Aug. 29, 1891 Mar. 11, 1892 Jan. 27, 1893 Apr. 3, 1893 Nov. 18, 1894 Oct. 21, 1895 Apr. 26, 1896 Nov. 3, 1896 May 16, 1897 Dec. 1811 1831 1854 Jan. 15, 1880 Aug. 18, 1883 Dec. 5, 1883 PARENTAGE : W. W. and Frances Elizabeth wife of William Daniel and Susan William H. and Eunice Alexander and Sarah F. Alexander and Sarah F. wife of Jacob wife of Alexander, dr. of I'anielF. and (Gard) Wiggius Jacob and Catharine Hiram Hiram Hiram Simeon and Elizabeth Daniel John 37 NAME BIRTH Onstead, Hannah 1811 Oilstead, Mary Ann Mar. 1866 Onstead, James E. Apr. 1887 Odell, child May 1887 Osborn, Wm. H. July 19, 1871 Oliver, Sarah A. Sept. 16, 1812 Oram, Benj. B. Nov. 25, 1839 Onstead, John Osborne, Jaue A Osborne, John 1852 1837 June 1895 1828 Jan. 1888 1842 1740 Nov. 10, 1806 Onstead, Sarah Osborn, Cecilia Oliver, Mary Palmer, Jacob Palmer, Am y Peacock, Mrs. Peer, child Parrott, child Phillips, Henry W. Phillips, Mrs. Sarah Piersou, child Piersou, Mrs. Parrott, Mrs. Piersou, Huldah Peer, Mrs. Joanna Palmer, Lewis Powers, child Powers, child Peer, child Powers, Mrs. Mary 1777 Peer, Elder David Mar. 10, 1762 Peer, Mrs. Elizabeth Ian. 1, 1764 Powers, Daytou F. Oct. 19, 1826 Powers, Jeremiah F. Apr. 13, 1828 Palmer, Timothy Dec. 8, 1791 Powers, Sarah Mar. 7, 1835 Peer, John Powers, David 1770 Palmer, Jacob Jan. 11, 1793 Powers, Sarah B. Jan. 8, 1844 Powers, Coruelia B. Jan. 8, 1844 PcriuG James Edwiu Aug. 13, 1838 Palmer, Ezekiel Palmer, Thomas O. Apr. 3, 1832 Palmer. Samuel Nov. 20, 1769 Powers, Anu Elizabeth Sept. 10, 1847 DEATH : Feb. 3, 1887 May 7, 1887 May 24. 1887 June 4, 1887 May 12, 1888 June 27, 1888 Nov. 23, 1892 Mar. 6, 1893 July 22, 1893 July I, 1895 June 2, 1896 May 10, 1898 Nov. 14, 1898 1790 Dec. 10, 1806 Mar. 10, 1809 Jan. 27. 18U May 6, 1812 May 26, 1813 an. 19, 1814 Feb. 26, 1814 Jau. 3, 1815 Feb. 10, 1815 Feb. 19, 1815 1816 Dec. 8, 1818 Nov. 1819 Nov. 1819 Sept. 1819 Nov. 1819 Apr. 5, 1824 Jan. 24, 1827 July 7, 1829 Oct, 24, 183 L Aug. 8, 1833 Mar. 29, 1835 1836 Dec. 4. 1840 Sept. 3, 1842 Feb. 7, 1844 Feb 20, 1844 Aug. 20, 1844 1*44 Feb. 22, 1845 Dec. 28, 1845 July 23, 1848 PARENTAGE wife of Charles William and Bessie wife of Stephen B. Cooper Thomas George wife of George Samuel and Neomi George wife of Henry W. Isaac wife of Henry wife of George Isaac wife of Jacob. Ezekiel David and Mary David and Mary wife of David wife of David John John Samuel aud Neomi Jacob and Mary Samuel and Neomi Jacob and Mary Jacob and Mary Cornelius and Caroline Jacob aud Phebe Jacob aud Sarah B. Jacob aud Phebe Albert and Rachel 38 NAME: Palmer, Rebecca Pierson, Jeanette E. Powers, Aramiuta B. Palmer, Harriet Palmer, Mrs. Nancy Pollard, Mrs. Amelia B. Peer, Ida M. Piatt, John H. Prisk, Samuel Prisk, Mary Jane Pruden, Emma L. Palmer, Ida Elizabeth Pruden, Ludlow Prisk, Mrs. Mary Pierson, Jennie A Palmer, Rebecca BIRTH : DEATH 1850 Nov. 10, 1850 Sept. 10, 1851 Apr. 23, 1850 Oct. 11, 1845 Mar. 4, 1855 Aug. 11, 1859 Oct. 21, 1823 Mar. 19. 1860 Aug. 13, 1833 Sept. 6, 1863 Jan. 8, 1826 Mar. 16, 1865 Mar. 3, 1863 . Jan. 27, 1834 Mar. 17, 1866 Jan. 18, 1804 1835 . Jan. 16, 1841 Oct. 29, 1808 Pruden, Mrs. Euphemia Palmer, Anna Eliza July 1, 1810 Pearce, child Palmer, Collins R. Palmer, Eliza Palmer, Silas S. Palmer, child Pahlglaze, Fred Pascoe, Fred Platter, child Peer, 'acob Oct. 24, 1804 Pengilly, Jacoliah 1801 Palmer, Robert Nov. 28. 1880 Palmer, Wm.H. Prisk, Emily 1809 Apr. 11, 1804 Aug. 1875 Mar. 1877 1877 Palmer, Ismael Prisk, Thos. S. Prisk, Dora Peer, Hauuah Peer, Elizabeth M. Peugilly, Wm. T. Palmer, Ada Palmer, Silas H. 1879 1874 Apr. 1852 Oct. 1878 1876 Jan. 10, 1804 1824 Jan. 22, 1883 1882 Aug. 12, 1818 May 22, 1861 May 6, 1864 Oct. 11, 1864 Nov. 26, 1866 Dec. 3, 1866 Apr. 2, 1868 Jau. 27, 1869 Mar. 4, 1869 Aug. 21, 1870 Oct. 10, 1871 Dec. 10, 1871 Aug. 4, 1874 Jan. 1, 1875 Aug. 9, 1875 Dec. 16, 1875 Jan. 1, 1876 Sept. 22, 1876 Peb. 12, 1877 Sept. 16, 1878 Sept. 17, 1878 Mar. 4, 1879 Apr. 18, 1879 May 15, 1880 Dec. 6, 1880 Mar. 10, 1881 Jan 21, 1882 Feb. 4, 1882 Sept. 12, 1882 Sept. 17, 1882 Mar. 6, 1883 Mar. 7, 1883 May 22, 1883 July 17, 1883 Jan. 10, 1884 PARENTAGE : Jacob and Phebe, wife of Alexander Hill Col. James L. Jacob and Mary Elias L. and Nancy wife of Elias L. wife of John M. wife of John I. and Sarah J. ' Samuel and Mary Samuel and Mary Ludlow and Euphemia Collius R. and Caroliue wife of Samuel wife of John S. Dickersou Samuel and Neomi, wife of Seelee Tom kins wife of Ludlow Samuel and Neomi Elias L. and Nancy (Lyon) Samuel and Neomi Jeremiah Rev. D. E. wife of Jacob Ishmael Samuel and Neomi 39 NAME : BIRTH : Palmer, Susan A. Feb. 9, 1797 DEATH PARENTAGE : Feb. 23, 1884 Samuel and NeOmi, wife of Arch. Broadwell Palmer, Halsey M. Aug. 6, 1879 Feb. 28, 1884 David and Carrie Prisk, Joseph June 3, 1844 Mar. 6, 1884 Palmer, Bartholomew S. 1844 May 18, 1884 Palmer, Elizabeth Feb. 3, 1876 Nov. 26, 1884 David and Carrie Palmer, Elias L. Oct. 21, 1808 Dec. 9, 1885 Ezekiel and Sally (Hall) Palmer, Elizabeth 1823 Jan. 12, 1886 Pengilly, Olive M. July 8, 1884 Aug. 8, 1886 Palmer, Abram June 18, 1887 Palmer, Mabel Dec. 1886 Aug. 12, 1887 Paddick, child Dec. 14, 1887 Thomas Palmer, Andrew Mar. 1878 Dec. 29, 1887 Palmer, Maud May 1886 Dec. 29, 1887 Pierson, Harriet L. Sept. 1, 1823 July 19, 1888 wife of Chas. C. DeHart Piersou, Mary Jane Jan. 1836 Nov. 4, 1889 sister-in-law of H. D. Tr Pearce, Elizabeth 1882 Dec. 19, 1889 Pearce, John 1869 Dec. 8, 1890 Porter, child Mar. 25. 1891 Paul, Richard J. Jan. 1891 Apr. 19, 1892 Perkins, Robert 1883 July 22, 1892 Robert Palmer, James C. 1834 July 10, 1893 Paul, Richard J . Feb. 1893 Aug. 13, 1893 Perkins, Violet May Sept. 1893 Feb. 25, 1894 Robert Palmer, James E. 1856 Nov. 7, 1894 Paul, Elizabeth J. 1873 Apr. 16, 1895 Paul, Minnie 1869 May 19, 1896 Peer, Gabriel 1826 July 8, 1897 Pengilly, Michael 1847 Nov. 5, 1898 Palmer, Sarah 1838 Nov. 16,1898 Palmer, John L. 1836 Mar. 18, 1899 Ross, Elder William 1807 Ross, Ellis Aug. 26, 1811 Dennis Ross, David G. Sept, 23, 1811 David Ross, Jacob Sept. 29, 1811 Jonathan Rachel, Peter July 2, 1816 RobiuBon, Jacob Nov. 29, 1815 Roberts. Jr., John Jan. 12, 1817 Roberts, John Jan. 15, 1817 Rowland, child Oct. 1819 40 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : Rowland, Mrs. George Nov. 1819 Reed, John Dec. 25, 1821 Ross, Dandema M. Feb. 25, 1798 May 10, 1828 Ross, David Oct. 16, 1763 Mar. 8, 1830 Ross, Mrs. Mary June 26, 1771 Feb. 3, 1832 Ross, Kesiah 1841 Righter, Sarah C. July 11, 1838 Dec. 20, 1843 Reed, John Oct. 1, 1833 Apr. 1, 1850 Righter, Joseph C. Apr 11, 1799 Apr. 3. 1854 Rowland, George July 31, 1792 June 15, 1854 Righter, Sibbah 1862 Apr. 19, 1872 Mar. 13, 1871 Apr. 1, 1839 Richardson, Frank Richardson, Lancelet Jan. 31,1865 Richardson, Irene Nov. 6, 1866 Richards, John L. Nov. 10, 1865 Rednor, A. .T. Righter, Sarah Aug 15, 1803 Ross, Theodore L. Sept 11, 1869 Rowley, Charlotte Nov. 4, 1868 Reed, Henry O. June 28, 1870 Ross, Jennie Ross, Lucy S. Ross, Mrs. Rosa M. Rowe, child Rowe, child Richards, child Roberts, Mary Rowe, William Roberts, Thomas Reed, child Rowe, child Rogers, child Rowe, child Richards, John Rogers, child Rogers, Lillie O. Rosewarne, Anna Riggott, John Roberts, Emma Rowe, Paul Rogers, child May 7, 1860 Dec. 5, 1863 Mar. 22, 1865 Nov. 22, 1866 May 5, 1867 Dec. 7, 1867 Oct. 16. 1869 Aug. 3, 1870 Aug. 10, 1870 Nov. 28, 1871 May 5, 1872 Sept. 18, 1872 Feb. 3, 1877 May 20, 1820 Jan. 1878 Apr. 1878 Mar. 1878 1814 1876 1830 Aug. 18, 1879 Aug. 18, 1874 Aug. 18, 1875 Sept. 21, 1875 Oct, 5, 1875 Oct, 19, 1875 Jan. 14, 1876 May 2, 1876 July 7, 1876 Oct. 1, 1876 Jan. 26, 1877 Mar. 17, 1877 Aug. 5, 1878 Aug. 7, 1878 Aug. 18, 1878 Sept. 30, 1878 Mar. 19, 1879 Apr. 5, 1879 Aug. 22, 1879 Sept, 17, 1879 PARENTAGE : wife of Jabez L. Estile wife of David Joseph and Sibbah Stephen aud Lydia (Garrigus) Hall Lancelat and Mary A. Laucelataud Mary A. Lancelet and Mary A. Robert and Mary wife of Joseph O. Edwin aud Rosa M. John and Fanuy Edwin aud Rosa M. Edwin aud Rosa M. wife of Edwin Heury J ames .loseph David John David William John 41 NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Rosewarne, "Mrs. Rosena 1849 Jan. 5, 1880 wife of John Rockwell, Eva July 1877 Feb. 28, 1880 Richards, Mary Aim Sept, 6, 1880 Sept. 17, 8801 Richards, Grace A.- 1849 Oct. 14, 1880 Richards, Emily Sept. 1880 May 17. 1881 Robbins, Abram May 7, 1809 Cct. 26, 1881 Ceasor and Dinah (colored) Renfrey, Idabelle Jan. 26, 1882 Rhoda, August Jan. 6, 1882 Mar. 23, 1882 Thomas and Nora Riggott, John 1881 Aug. 6, 1882 John Rogers, Mrs. Jane June 1842 Sept. 11, 1882 Riley, James W. Aug. 9, 1875 Sept. 22, 1882 Thomas and Elizabeth Rogers, William Sept, 1882 Oct. 10, 1882 Richards, iohu H. Dec. 1882 Jan. 22, 1883 Rose v ear, Elizabeth 1805 Jan. 9, 1884 Robbins, Mary Sept. 1862 Apr. 18, 1884 (colored) Richards, James Feb. 9, 1884 May 9, 1884 John S. and Eliza Rogers, Clara 3 883 Oct. 27, 1884 Rogers, Lewis 1821 Nov. 12, 1884 Rowland, Harriet Sept. 1! Feb. 7, 1885 John and Chloe Hall, wife of George Rnbright, William Aug. 1885 Sept. 3, 1885 Richards, Eliza July 22, 1872 Sept. 25, 1885 John S. and Eliza Rogers, Lillie 1880 Mar. 13, 1886 John aud Mary Remdle, Lucy Oct. 18, 1870 Apr. 10, 1886 Nicholas and Agnes A. Rowland, Luanda 1828 Oct. 13, 1886 Morrison, wife of Muuson Rogers, Helen Ids i Oct, 1870 Nov.21, 1886 Rundle, Ellen Feb. 1887 June 30, 1887 Richardson, William May 1887 July 8, 1887 Rosewarne, John Jan. 24, 1841 July 17, 1887 Rhodes, Ida G. June 1887 Aug. 26, 1887 Read, Emma 1884 Oct. 23, 18S7 Richardson, Mamie 1884 Nov, 30, 1887 Rogers, George W. May 1887 Dec. 12, 1887 Richards, child Feb. 12, 1888 Rysdyck, Frank Dec. 1867 May 25, 1888 Richardson, Angelina Sept, 1838 June 30, 1888 Robinson, Laura Sept, 2, 1887 July 6, 1889 George T. and Emma Rogers, Bessie M. Aug. 1889 Oct, 4, 1889 42 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Rowe, Mrs. Mary E. 1851 Oct. 14, 1889 wife of Francis J , Rowe, Flossie May Ang. 1889 Oct. 17, 1889 Francis J. and Mary E. Rhodes, John 1885 .Jan. 23, 1890 Rogers, Jennie 1856 Jan. 28, 1890 Remfrey, Edward 1852 Mar. 7, 1890 Rogers, George H. Oct. 1873 May 11, 1890 Rogers, Ethel H. Oct. 1886 May 13, 1890 Rogers, Mary E. 1K65 May 17, 1890 Ridnor, Rlossie M. May 1889 Aug. 7, 1890 Ritter, child Feb. 1889 Oct. 25, 1890 Richardson, Joseph L. 1889 Dec. 7, 1890 Richards, Christie Jau. 1891 July 27, 1891 Rogers, child July 1891 Aug. 16, 1891 Ridner, Raymond H. July 1891 Sept. 4, 1891 Rockwell, Minnie 1871 Mar. 20, 1892 Richards, Elizabeth 1830 July 11, 1892 Rowe, child Sept. 2, 1892 Riggott, Sadie 1874 Apr. 10, 1893 John Riley, Mary 1834 Aug. 23, 1893 Richards, Esther A. Apr. 1894 Apr. 27, 1894 Riley, Thomas 1819 Oct. 27, 1894 Rogers, Lewis 1878 Oct. 19, 1895 Rogers, Daniel Jan. 10, 1842 Jan. 5, 1896 Rose, Simon D. 1823 Jan. 10, 1896 Richardson, L. W. Feb. 1896 Jan. 10, 1896 Ray, Elizabeth 1864 Aug. 2, 1896 Richards, Raymond 1895 Sept. 3, 1896 Ruudle, David 1829 Dec. 21, 1896 Roberts, Elizabeth Aug. 1832 Mar. 4, 1897 Richards, Eliza Feb. 5, 1843 May 20, 1897 wife of John S. Raglaud. Fanny 1878 May 22, 1898 Reed, James 1866 Oct. 1, 1898 Rosewarne, Richard 1880 Feb, 9, 1899 John Rhodes, Hazel Feb. 6, 1899 Feb. 21, 1899 Richards, Ann E. Oct. 1820 Nov. 6, 1899 John M. and Sallie Mc- Oarty, wife of George Richards [vault] 43 NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Root, William 1896 Apr. 11, 1899 Searing, Miss Jan. 4, 1810 Seeke, child Oct. 20, 1810 Smith, Mr. Mar. 5, 1811 Sauford, child Oct. 17, 1811 Strocks, (Joiirad Dec. 6, 1811 Stickle, John Sept. 21, 1811 May 21. 1812 George and Anna Stag, Mrs. Sept, 11, 1814 Sake, Roseua Sept. 16, 1815. Stevens, Mr. Jan. 11, 1816 Smith, Phebe C. ■lau. 16, 1816 wife of Abram Scylla, (colored) Mar. 31. 1816 servant of William Jacksou Sprows, Mi-s.. Evaliue 1777 June 2, 1818 wife of John Smith, Mrs. Delia May 17, 1820 Strugle, Mrs. Susan Aug. 18, 1821 Scott, child 1821 Milton Stickle, George P. Aug. 15, 1812 Sept. 28, 1821 Hubbard S. and Sarah (McCarty) Stickle, John M. D. May 7, 1820 Sept. 9, 1821 Hubbard S. and Sarah (McOarty) Shell, Miss Patty Apr. 11, 1822 Stickle, Jr., George 1795 Sept. 21, 1829 Stickle, Gyrus H. Sept. 27, 1818 Nov. 10, 1830 George and Anna Stickle, Maria June 18, 1829 June 28, 1831 Adam and Jane (Alger) Stickle, Electa K, June 15, 1829 Aug. 19, 1833 George and Anna Stickle, George July 3, 1763 Aug. 11, 1835 Stickle, David 1818 Nov. 16, 1835 George and Sarah Stickle, Susan Aug. 1, 1824 Feb. 21, 1836 Mahlou and Dorathy (VauDuyne) Stickle, Sarah B. Dec. 1, 1825 July 1, 1836 Stickle, George Jan. 1, 1831 July 1, 1836 Stickle, Luther Aug. 23, 1839 Feb. 27, 1841 Edward A. and Eliza Smith, Gerrett Mar. 15, 1762 May 12, 1842 William and (Losey) Stickle, Smith Aug. 23, 1841 Aug. 9, 1842 Edward A. and Eliza Shawger, David W. Jan. 6, 1843 Apr. 21, 1843 Abram W. and Rachel Stickle, Elizabeth Ann Aug. 1, 1835 Oct. 2, 1847 Stickle, Ann Elizabeth Mar. 4, 1810 Feb. 28, 1847 George and Anna, wife of David Kennedy Shidal, Elizabeth June 4, 1847 Aug. 4, 1847 Michael and Elizabeth Stickle, Joseph V. Feb. 9, 1838 Apr. 15, 1848 Chilion and Harriet 44 NAME BIRTH: May 17, 1790 Stickle, Peter Scott, Milton Shawger, Sarah E. Jan. 4, 1848 Sturtevant, Lucius Apr. 26, 1847 Shawger, Mrs. Hester 1818 Scott, James Aug. 15, 1867 Sturtevant, Lewis G. Mar. 15, 1812 Stickle, Augustus Jan. 22, 1826 Southard, Nancy 1762 Shidal, Anna M. June 2, 1850 South word, Neonii Oct. 2, 1772 Stickle, Mrs. Margaret 1827 Stickle, Jane 1850 Smith, William July 13, 1807 Sturtevant, George Edw. Nov. 11, 184P Smith, Jacob Feb. 1, 1817 Stickle, Martha C. May 7, 1836 Stickle, George Aug. 24, 1 855 Stickle, Mrs. Eliza J. Mar. 18, 1824 Stickle, Mary Ann Sept. 1, 1841 Stickle, Mrs. Harriet Jan. 20, 1811 Stickle, George Sept. 3, 1843 Sherman, Elizabeth S. Nov. 29, 1819 Stickle, Peter Jan. 1, 1832 Stickle, Phebe A. May 1, 1858 Stickle, Silas Hill Jan. 10, 1834 Stickle, Ohilliou Mar. 14, 1804 Strong, Clarissa Mar. 18, 1782 Struble, John D. July 20, 1813 Stickle, Irene E. Aug. 12, 1861 Smith, John E. Feb. 12, 1861 Stickle, Abram M. June 11, 1837 DEATH : June 17, 1848 Aug. 2, 1848 Oct, 4, 1848 Dec 17, 1849 Feb. 23, 1850 July 27, 1850 Dec. 23, 1850 Jan. 10, 1851 Feb. 1851 June 4, 1851 PARENTAGE : Abram W. and Rachel Eliphlet and Sarah wife of William W. George and Anna Timothy, wife of David Gordon Michael and Elizabeth May 29, 1851 Timothy, wife of Samuel Palmer Sept. 13, 1853 Sept. 27, 1853 Aug. 17, 1854 July 17, 1854 Sept. 13, 1854 Nov. 7, 1854 Sept. 3, 1855 Mar. 27, 1856 Oct. 12, 1856 Aug. 15, 1857 Dec. 6, 1857 Mar. 16, 1858 July 27, 1858 Oct. 5, 1858 wife of James H. James H. and Margaret Eliphlet and Sarah Chilion James H. and Elizabeth wife of Abijah wife of Chilion Chilion William, wife of Francis Lindsley Chilion and Harriet James H. and Elizabeth Apr. 5, 1859 Chilion and Harriet Jan. 26, 1860 July 29, 1860 wife of Rev. B. King, wife of William Thompson July 16, 1861 Oct. 2, 1861 James H. and Elizabeth Jan. 15, 1862 Aug. 19, 1862 Mahlon and Dorothy (VanDuyne) 45 NAME : BIRTH : Strong, Clarissa Mar. 18, 1782 Strnble, Johu D. July 20, 1813 Stickle, Ireiie E. Aug. 12, 1861 Smith. John E. Feb. 21, 1860 Stickle, Abram M. June 11, 1837 Stickle, Mahlou J. Aug. 17. 1840 Stickle, Johu W. Sept, 3, 1846 Shoars, Mrs. Emily C. Feb. 1, 1835 Stickle, Abm. Liucolu -Ian. 10, 1862 Stickle, Wm. N. Sept. 10, 1837 Sturtevaut, Eliphlet Apr. 13, 1821 Smith, Jr., Johu Sept, 15, 1811 Shawger, McClelleu July 17, 1864 Shawger, Hester May 31. 1851 Stephens, Mary Aug. 16, 1847 Stickle, Mary Agnes Sept, 21, 1866 Struble, Ophelia Feb. 26, 1849 Simpson. Emily I. Sept, 25, 186(5 Stiles, Mrs. Harriet Starr, Susan 1847 Strugle, Miss Smith, child 1866 Smith, Louisa Oct, 14, 1857 Smith, John Jan. 4, 1830 Sanders, Elizabeth M. Apr. 20, 1858 Sturtevaut, child 1868 Shawger, John Dec. 26, 1835 Schofield, child 1869 Shawger, Mrs. Ann Eliza 1840 Smith, Lawreuce Oct, 30, 1870 Symous, Jane 1851 Starr, Frederick Oct. 21, 1817 Smith, Carrie L. Jan. 26, 1874 Stephens, Geo. D. Nov. 7. 1851 Smith, Daniel 1794 Smith, Clarence Jan. 17, 1875 Sanders, child DEATH PARENTAGE: July 29, 1860 wife of Rev. B. King, wife of William Thompson Julv 16, 1861 Oct. 2, 1861 James H. and Elizabeth Jan. 15, 1862 Aug. 19, 1862 Mahlon and Dorothy (VanDyne) Sept. 1. 1862 Mahlon aim Dorothy (VanDyne) May 11, 1863 Chillion and Harriet May 26, 1863 Ang. 26, 1863 Dec. 3, 1863 July 13, 1863 Mar. 4, i864 wife of William R. dr. of Zeak -■ames H. and Elizabeth Peter and Mary Thomas M. and Mary Sept, 1, 1865 John and Anna Nov. 23, 1865 John and Anna Feb. 21, 1867 Richard and Jerusha. wife of Wm. Rosewall James H and Elizabeth Johu Tlieo. and Kate E. Apr. 5, 1867 June 25, 1867 Aug. 20, 1868 May 22, 1868 •lone 23, 186S Frederick, wife of William Nichols June 25, 1868 Mar. 13, 1869 John Jan. 25. 187(i James and Amy Feb. 18, 1870 Julv 20, 1871 Aug. 12, 1871 Mav 14. 1872 July 2, 1872 Nov. 3, 1872 Apr. 30, 1873 May 28, 1873 Apr. 20, 1874 Oct. 5, 1874 Jan. 27, 1875 Mar. 20, 1875 Aug. 28, 1875 Sept. 11, 1875 George Thaddeus wife of John Chas. F. and Margaret A. John and Carrie S. Richard and Jerusha John C, and Carrie S. William 4 6 NAME BIRTH DEATH PARENTAGE : Stickle, Barnabus K. Oct. 12, 1817 Shawger. child 1868 Shawger, child 1869 Stickle, Silas H. 1811 Stephens, Mrs. Jerusha 1821 Sharp, Susan Sept. 25. 1799 Sturtevant, Annie E. Nov. 1*57 Schofield, child Dec. 1876 Sanders, Caroline Sept. 18, 1878 " Elizabeth A. 1869 Simon, Sarah 1842 Smith, Florence W. 1878 Schofield, Mrs. Sarah J. July 1, 1850 Shawger, Mrs. Mary 1846 Stephens, Richard Mar. 29, 1812 Stickle, Mary J. Jan. 1798 Shawger, Anna 1862 Smith, child Shawger, Mary Sayne, Benjamin Stickle, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Winfield Spencer, child Sparnon, child Spencer, John W. Sept. 1847 Stickle, Hubbard S. Sanders, William Sanders, child Spencer, John Stackhouse, Cora Smith, Carrie Shoars, Henry Sigler, Francis R. Stickle, Addie Sunday, Catharine Feb. 1827 Sturtevant, Laura June 1882 Stackhouse. Emery Apr. 1883 Stackhouse, Carrie 1874 Schofield, Thomas O. Dec. 1806 Stickle, Mahlon Feb. 2, 1802 Stag, Peter 1808 June 1880 1800 1812 Aug. 4, 1827 Nov. 8, 1880 Apr. 1880 Sept. 4, 17X3 1836 July 1881 Feb. 1879 May 27. 18P4 1824 Apr. 1868 June 7, 1882 Oct. 3, 1875 Hubbard S. and Sarah (McCarty) Oct. 16, 1976 Morris Oct. 21, 1876 Morris June 17, 1877 June 28, 1878 Mar. 28, 1878 May 15, 1878 June 14, 1878 Oct. 4, 1878 Jan. 15, 1879 Feb. 3. 1879 Mar. 22, 1879 Mar. 31, 1879 Apr. 27, 1879 Dec. 23, 1879 May 26, 1880 June 19, 1880 July 8, 1880 Aug. 6, 1880 Sept. 5, 1880 Sept, 17, 1880 Nov. 10, 1880 Jan. 16, 1881 Feb. 20, 1881 Apr. 14, 1881 June 18, 1881 Aug. 1, 1881 •lau. 9, 1882 Jan. 27, 1882 May 9, 1882 June 8, 1882 Aug. 19, 1882 Sept. 1, 1882 Sept. 11, 1882 Jan. 24, 1883 Feb. 5, 1883 May 22, 1883 June 2, 1883 Feb. 27, 1884 Mar. 3, 1884 Apr. 18, 1884 wife of Richard wife of Simon L. Casterline George Thaddeus wife of George E. Schofield wife of Wilber wife of James H. Eugene and Sarah J. Nathaniel Chas Frank F. and Mary A. Israel and Emily C. Benjamin F. and Florence wife of George Frank Frank George 47 NAME BIRTH Sept. 1878 Aug. 1883 1802 1800 -Ian. 1840 May 1883 May 6, 1886 Smith, Gleiidore Stickle, Edna Sturtevant, Eliza Spam on, May Smith, Thos. D. Sparnou, John O. Strait, child Scott, Wm. A. H. Feb. 25, 1823 Shawger. Wm. W. 1815 Skews, Richard 1885 Stickle, Maria May 1817 Shawger, Edson B. Jan. 1887 Sanders, Berthia M. July 18, 1879 Smith, Ethel Mav Aug. 22, 1886 Sparuon, Wm. Dec. 1887 Sanders, Mary E. 1876 Smith, child Spencer, Wm. N. Jan. 13, 1882 Spencer, Lottie May Aug. 26, 1884 Searles, William Jan. 26, 1840 Seabol, John 1849 Sanders, Aaron A. Nov 29, 1886 Scotch, John 1856 Smith, Clara A. Jan. 16, 1866 Shiner, child Smith, Emily Smith, Mary E. Spencer, Alfred Spencer, child Sweet, George J. Sparuon, Mary Sparuon, Elizabeth Apr. 2, 1879 Sparnou, Carrie Apr. 25, 1882 Smith, Edwiu Smith, Caroline Sayre, Coruelia Shawger, Rachel Stark, Charles Smith, Isaac Stackhouse, Frank Spaugenberg, Sarah Mar. 14, 1839 1841 Mav 1858 May 1888 1826 Apr. 22, 1886 •iuly 10, 1884 1867 1858 Apr. 1819 Feb. 19. 1890 1809 1843 1862 Smith, Raymond July 1890 Storms, George 1855 Sturtevant, Frank M. 1860 Spencer, Carrie Aug. 28, 1856 DEATH : Oct. 8, 1884 Nov. 27, 1884 June 27, 1885 Aug. 11, 1885 Aug. 20, 1885 Oct. 1, 1885 May 12, 1886 Aug. 13, 1886 Mar. 6, 1887 Mar. 8, 1887 Mar. 21, 1887 June 1, 1887 Aug. 10, 1887 Nov. 25, 1887 Dec. 12, 1887 Dec. 21, 1887 Feb. 21 , 1888 Feb. 22, 1888 Feb. 25, 1888 Mar. 26, 1888 Oct. 8, 1888 Feb. 18, 1889 Feb. 22, 1889 Mar. 11, 1889 Mar. 24, 1889 Apr. 1, 1889 Apr. 21, 1889 •luue 10, 1889 •>unel2, 1889 Aug. 2, 1889 Aug. 3, 1889 Aug. 3, 1889 Aug. 6, 1889 Nov. 7, 1889 Nov. 11,1889 Dec. 8, 1889 Jan. 15, 1890 Feb. 28, 1890 Mar. 3, 1890 Mar. 9, 1890 Mar. 10, 1890 July 18, 1890 Sept. 3, 1890 Oct. 3, 1890 Dec. 3, 1890 PARENTAGE Morford B. Charles and Elizabeth Nathaniel, Jr. Nathaniel, Jr. James H. and Margaret John J. Caleb wife of Alfred H. Nichols Ludlow and Phebe J. Ludlow and Phebe J. wife of Nathaniel 4 8 NAME: BIRTH Spencer, Turner, O. Oct. 1890 Stickle, David E. Nov. 13, 1845 Stickle, John Storms, Catherine 1811 Shaw, Catherine H. May 9, 1825 Smith, child Stickle, Sarah Beaman Jan. 11, 1813 Stickle, Emily Conger Jan. 4, 1821 Story, Mary Feb. 1891 Smith, Cora L. May 21, 1873 Sanders, Edward 1854 Straway, Jane 1858 Smith, Ida 1891 Smith, Lewis, P. 1838 Smith, Sarah J. Apr. 17, 1856 Sickles, John Southern, John Sanders, Mary Catherine Skews, John Sanders, Jemima Shawger, Charlotte A. Searles, John Stickle, Florence Stark, Frank Smith, Laura Sanders, John L. Shawger, Abram W. Sickles, Alvan Smith, Harriet Smith, John J. Sanders, Wm. A. Stickle, David Shawger, Thomas Shawger, Geo. M. Stark, Elizabeth Stickle, Francis Sturtevant, Thomas M. Sobey, Elizabeth Shawger, John S 1809 1857 Apr. 10, 1827 1832 Dec. 7, 1825 Apr. 1842 Aug. 10, 1842 1851 Feb. 1895 1854 Sept. 3, 1877 July 5, 1816 Mar. 1895 1809 Oct. 26, 1830 Mar. 20, 1874 July 22, 1821 1845 May 15, 1872 1808 Mar. 1800 1860 DEATH : Jan. 2, 1891 Mar. 27, 1891 May 20, 1891 Sept. 1, 1891 Oct. 10, 1891 Dec. 25, 1891 Jan. 4, 1892 Jan. 5, 1892 Jan. 7, 1892 Jan. 25, 1892 May 10, 1892 July 5, 1892 Aug. 11, 1892 .Ian. 26. 1893 Apr. 13, 1893 Apr. 17, 1893 June 28, 1893 Nov. 12, 1893 Nov. 13, 1893 Jan. 14, 1894 June 25, 3 894 July 14, 1894 Feb. 24, 1895 Apr. 16, 1895 May 31, 1895 June 14, 1895 July 26, 1895 Sept. 7, 1895 Sept. 25, 1895 Oct. 6, 1895 Nov. 6, 1895 Jan. 22, 1896 Apr. II, 1896 May 24, 1896 Aug. 7, 1896 Aug. 31, 1896 Sept. 26, 1896 Dec. 8, 1896 Mar. 23, 1897 PARENTAGE : wife of John E. Branuin wife of Nicholas Keating . George and Anna George and Anna John C. and Caroline, wife of G. W. Slockbower Mathias Zeak wife of Eugene, dr. of Joseph and Emily Robinson wife of Stidworthy wife of Eliakim wife of Benjamin Dobbins Charles Leopalt Abraham Hubbard S. and Sarah (McCarty) John 49 NAME: BIRTH : 1878 DEATH PARENTAGE Smith, Bertha B. Stickle, child Sanders, Ezra H. May 1891 Smith, Olive Mar. 1897 Stalter, child Smith, John W. 1891 Smith, Goldia A. 1895 Stickle, Fanny 1816 Shoars, Elizabeth H. May 1898 Smith, Norah 1877 Smith, Bernard Sept. 1898 Smith. George Oct. 1818 Sampson, Rose well A. 1815 Stephens, Lewis 1861 Tuttle, Mrs. Rebecca May 29, 1752 Tomkius. Peter Sept. 17, 1772 Teabo, Mrs. Tuttle, child Terhune, Mr. Tuttle, Mrs. Ellenor Tuttle, Mrs. Isaac Teabo, Frederick Tone, Mrs. Tuttle, Moses Nov. 19, 1732 Tuttle, Daniel Teabo, Widow Teabo, William Tompkins, John S Talmage, Sibbah C. Sept. 18, 1800 Till, Catherine Talmage, Betsey Topping. Edwin Dec. 17, 1834 Topping, John H. Aug. 15, 1838 Topping, Abijah 1806 Talmage, Job Tuttle, Hannah Trobridge, Stephen Tuttle, Hannah Talmadge, Theodore Tompkins, Mary Ann Dec. 27, 1767 Sept. 2, 1750 Nov. 15, 1793 1771 Jan. 1, 1833 July 23, 1842 July 15, Aug. 24, Jan. 12, Jan. 27, Feb. 17, May 25, Sept. 20, Nov. 16, 1897 1897 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 Nov. 28, 1898 Dec. 20, 1*98 Dec. 20, 1898 Jan. 31, 1899 Mar. 3, 1899 Apr. 9, 1899 Dec. 29, 1797 May 27, 1806 Nov. 3, 1809 1810 Apr. 23, 1812 Feb. 13, 1815 Mav 27. 1816 Jan. 13, 1817 sept. 9, 1817 July, 11, 1819 1820 1821 Mar. 4, 1821 Sept. 12, 1825 wife of Silas Winfield Richard wife of Ebenezer Usual and Susanna (Benjamin) Col. Joseph John E. and Charity Feb. 7, 1828 Capt. Job and Sarah, wife 1831 Dec. 6, 1834 Feb. 17, 1835 Oct, 15, 1838 Jan. 31, 1841 Sept. 8, 1845 Aug. 26. 1849 Dec. 12, 1853 Feb. 9, 1854 of John Mott Abijah and Julia Abijah and Julia Daniel and Loisa Moses and Jane wife of James Kitchel Aug. 14, 1854 Jan. 23, 1856 Seelee and Rebecca (Palmer) 5o NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE: Todd, Henrietta E. Jan. 4, 1856 Mar. 12, 1856 John and Sarah Ann Todd, John F. Oct. 28, 1816 Sept. 12, 1856 Tippett, Samuel Sept. 17, 1855 Nov. 4, 1856 Samuel and Julia Tingley, Daniel 1791 Aug. 31, 1860 Todd, Jacob Jan. 1, 1793 Nov. 2, 1860 Tomkins, Mrs. Sarah Feb. 26, 1773 May 6, 1861 wife of Peter, dr. of Phiueas Fairchild Tinney, Mary H. Oct. 6, 1860 Oct. 5, 1862 David and Rachel Tippett, Albert W. Apr. 4, 1858 May 17, 1863 Samuel and Jul a Teneyck, John Jan. 30, 1837 May 30, 1863 David and Sarah A . Tillyer, Zilpha Oct. 14, 1862 Aug. 7, 1863 Richard aud Mary Thowpson, William Dec. 1, 1844 Sept. 26, 1864 William and Jane Tinney, Evelina Feb. 26, 1866 Dec. 9, 1866 David aud Rachel Topping, William H. 1835 Dec. 26, 1867 Abijah aud -lane Tompkins, Seelee Oct. 15, 1802 Jan. 1, 1868 Peter aud Sarah (Fairchild) Thompson, Mrs. Jane Sept. 8, 1805 July 20, 1869 wife of William Tuttle, Sarah R. May 9, 1850 Oct. 23, 1869 Samuel L and Mary E. Talmage, Maria July 11, 1807 Jan. 29, 1870 Capt. Job and Sarah (Cooper), wife of Nathaniel Mott Tuttle, Charles H. 1852 Oct. 8, 1870 Tuttle, Mrs. Ann 1887 Feb. 19, 1871 Tippett, Alice Dec. 5, 1870 July 22, 1871 Samuel aud Julia Trewhella, Johanna 1839 Feb. 13, 1872 wife of J. F. Richards Todd, Mrs. Hannah 1796 Mar. 10, 1872 wife of Jacob Taylor, Annie L. 1849 Mar. 21, 1873 William R. and Mary E. wife of Samuel R. Brown Toy. William Feb. 12, 1843 July 27, 1*74 Toy, Mrs. Margaret 1809 Oct. 26, 1874 Tippett, Katie Apr. 5, 1875 Tonkin, child 1874 June 13, 1877 George Taylor, William R. Aug. 27, 1818 Oct. 19, 1877 Tompkins, Harriet E. Dec. 31, 1841 Dec. 25, 1877 Peter and Sarah Tonkin, Elizabeth L. Oct. 1869 May 3, 1878 Joseph Talmage, William H. Jan. 25, 1826 Aug. 29, 1878 Elias Tonkins, Minnie Aug. 1874 Apr. 14, 1879 NAME BIRTH DEATH : PARENTAGE: Tonkins, Alida Thompson, Ethan Tomkins, Hattie Tuers, William Tonkin, James H. Thomas, Ida P. Tuttle, Charles D. H. Tharp, Margaret Tonkin, child Towley, McClellen Tiugley, Phehe Thomas, William Thomas, William J. Toda, Emma J. Thorpe, Liua T. Thorpe, William H. Thomas, Caroline Tonkin, James A. Tuttle, George Tippett, Samuel Tonkin, Edward Tonkin, child Tuttle, Eliza Tannage, Catharine Tonkin, child Todd, George C. Talmage. Elizabeth Tattle, Addie Talmage, Nam an W. Thomas, Harry C. Tillyer, child Tuttle, Caroline Tonkin, Ethel M. Tonkin, Mary Ann Tuttle, H. Farrand Tonkin, Alida Tunis, Eva M. Dec. 1874 1875 1849 1830 Jan. 1878 Oct. 1876 1857 Dec. 11, 1813 1862 1806 Sept. 1857 June 1844 Aug 1851 Aug. 1881 Oct. 1884 Apr. 1851 1883 Juue 1886 1828 1882 June 1882 Jan. 21, 1808 1873 Apr. 1, 1840 Mar. 1889 June 1889 1841 July 20, 1820 Nov. 1890 1856 Oct. 18, 1890 Feb. 1882 Mar. 12, 1893 Apr. 22, 1879 Aug. 31, 1879 Dec. 3, 1879 Oct. 6, 1880 Apr. 11, 1881 May 6, 1881 June 29, 1881 Mar. 22, 1882 May 10, 1882 July 28, 1882 Sept. 18, 1882 Nov. 20, 1884 Dec. 14, 1884 Apr. 30, 1885 May 16, 1885 July 13, 1885 July 15, 1885 June 6, 1886 Sept. 12, 1886 Oct, 18, 1«86 Dec. 20, 1886 May 20, 1887 Sept. 17, 1887 Mar. 30 1888 Oct. 24, 1888 Apr. 14, 1889 May 4, 1889 Juue 14, 1889 Sept. 30, 1889 Feb. 20. 1890 Nov. 22. 1890 Jan. 4, 1891 Sept. 9, 1891 Mar. 28, 1892 Apr. 8, 1892 July 24, 1892 Mar. 17, 1893 (Removed from New Providence) Henry D. and Mary J. wife of George Smith James wife of John G. Merritt James James wife of Barnabas K. Stickle Joseph F. and S. L. 52 NAME: Tonkin, James Townley, Agnes TipDett, William E. Tuttle, child Tonkin, William Tucker, Grace Townley, Joseph M. Tilly er, Mary J. Tillyer, Laura V. Thompson, Mary Tonkin, Daniel F. Tomkins, Hila BIRTH : Apr. 1845 June 1821 Jan. 25, 1868 1880 Sept 1897 1835 1856 1825 1897 Mar. 29, 1805 1851 1895 Talmage, William E. Unknown, child Unknown, man Uptegrove, Sarah M. VanWinkle, Mrs. Abram VanWerts, Abraham VanHouten, Mr. Vail, child Vail, child Vail, Julia Voorhees, Caroline VanDerhoof, Mrs. Vail, child Vail, Sarah VanNess, George A. VanDerhoof, Hannah VauDuyne, Dorothy VanDerhoof, Charlotte H. VanDerhoof, George Vanson, Wm. VanDerhoof, Sarah Mar. 1805 VanDerhoof, Harry 1800 VanDerhoof, Edward 1883 VanDerhoof, Jane Feb. 1850 1841 Apr. 1870 June 1834 Mar. 5, 1805 Apr. 1881 July 1882 1827 DEATH : June 24, 1893 Jan. 18, 1894 Oct. 20, 1896 Mar. 24, 1897 June 7, 1897 Oct. 10, 1897 May 29, 1898 June 8, 1898 Jan. 2, 1899 Jan. 5, 1899 Jan. 20, 1899 Apr. 6, 1899 Apr. 18, 1899 Apr. 3, 1883 Dec. 8, 1889 May 24, 1898 Sept. 13, 1810 Nov. 6, 1811 Nov. 1813 Sept. 1819 Sept. 1819 1843 1857 Feb. 1867 Sept. 4, 1875 Oct. 2, 1879 Aug. 1, 1881 Sept, 25, 1881 Apr. 23, 1882 Sept. 1, 1882 Sept. 8, 1882 Mar. 28, 1883 Apr. 27, 1883 Feb. 24, 1884 July 23, 1884 Jan. 16. 1886 PARENTAGE : wife of Joseph Samuel and .lulia George wife of Richard wife of B. Frank George Peter and Sarah (Fairchild), Wife of William E. Hinchman found in river John John wife of John George wife of George wife of Mahlon Stickle 53 NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE: VanDerhoof, Hannah Sept. 1865 June 27, 1886 VanDerhoof, Charlotte Sept. 4, 1809 Oct. 25, 1886 wife of Chilion Cook Vial, John 1838 Nov. 4, 1888 Vanderbilt, John 1807 Jan. 20, 1890 VanDerbush, Georgiaua May 1890 Oct. 1, 1890 VauWinkle, Raymond Dec. 1888 May 10, 1892 VanDerbilt, Mary Ann Nov. 1811 Apr. 3, 1893 VanDerbush, David M. 1884 Dec. 7, 1894 VanDerbilt, Edna Jan. 1895 Feb. 7, 1895 VauLuveus, Geor ge Dec. 1892 Feb. 10, 1895 Vesper, Harriet E Oct. 14, 1895 VanDerbilt, George Apr. 189G Aug. 23, 1896 VanDerbush, William G. 1884 Sept. 14, 1897 VanHome, child Nov. 14, 1897 Vesper, Nancy 1822 Nov. 24, 1898 VanHerbush, Charles 1877 Jan. 17, 1899 Vought, Charles F. 1838 May 3, 1899 VanDerbush, Wm. 1863 May 7, 1899 Winds, William 1727 Oct. 12, 1789 Walton, Mrs. Anna 1758 Jan. 9, 1791 wife of Capt. Mark Walton Winds. Huldah 1729 Aug. 15, 1792 wife of Josiah Beam an White, child Dec. 1810 John Wiggins, Mr. Dec. 13, 1815 Wilson, Mr. Jan. 15, 1816 Wilson, child Mar. 25, 1816 Walton, Mark Aug. 22, 1817 Williams, Susan F. Mar. 19, 181G Aug. 31, 1818 William and Susan Wiggins, child Oct. 1818 Werts, child Aug. 1819 John Wilson, child Nov. 1819 Mordecai Wilson, child No. 2. Nov. 1819 Mordecai Whitehead, Phebe M. June 21, 1828 Oct. 21, 1829 Bernard and Elizabeth Waer, Mary Jan. 17, 1831 William and Sarah Ann Williams, Ruth 1834 Wood, John H. Jan. 14, 1834 Oct. 11, 1837 Freeman and Mary B. Wiggins, Mrs. Susan 1839 wife of John Whitehead, Jeremiah T. Feb. 23, 1813 Sept. 23, 1842 Bernard and Elizabeth 54 NAME : BIRTH : DEATH : Aug. 18, 1844 Jan. 22, 1846 Aug. 2, 1846 Nov. 7, 1848 Weaver, Sidney F. July 11, 1826 Wiggins, Susau O. June 11, 1845 Wear, Emily Whitehead, Dayton F. Apr. 7, 1841 Walker, Mrs. Agnes S. 1791 Wooley, George P. 1794 Wiggins, Mrs. Phebe Williams, GeorgiannaV. Feb. 22, 1846 Williams, Emily C. Weaver, Mrs. Sarah H. Whitehead, Juliet Wiggins, Anna Wiggins, Phebe Ann Wiggins, Eliza Jan. 27, 1847 Sept. 19, 1794 1740 Jan 5, 1855 Feb. 22, 1849 Dec. 13, 1849 June 8, 1851 Aug. 26, 1851 Sept. 8, 1854 Sept, 25, 1854 Mar. 9. 1855 Mar. 18, 1855 Jan. 9, 1855 Sept. 12, 1855 Jan. 9, 1855 Oct. 2, 1855 Mar. 6, 1856 Aug. 8, 1856 Oct. 31, 1856 Jan. 15, 1857 Jan. 15, 1857 Jan. 28, 1857 Feb. 21, 1857 Mar. 5. 1856 June 27, 1857 Wiggins, Mrs. Jaue 1791 Winget, Ellen Ory May 23, 1855 Wiggins, Johu F. Jan. 24, 1851 Weaver, Sidney Sept. 15, 1852 Weaver, David R. Mar. 15, 1855 Weaver, Sarah Mar. 25, 1832 Weaver, Harmon Jan. 12, 1798 Weaver, Thomas H Wiggins, Frances M. May 24. 1850 Aug. 21, 1859 Wiggins, Phebe Julv 9, 1840 Dec. 22, 1860 Weaver, Leonora Mar. 23, 1847 Feb. 6, 1862 Wiggins, Louis McClellan Apr. 14, 1862 Nov. 30, 1862 Waer, Anna Eliza May 1, 1861 Feb. 24, 1863 Wiggins, Joseph H. Apr. 19, 1860 July 19, 1863 Wiggins.George B. Oct. 25, 1842 Jan. 18, 1864 Wiggins, Myrtia D. J au. 1, 1864 Mar. 11, 1865 Wiggins, Samuel A. May 21, 1864 Mar. 25, 1866 Wiggins, Lewis G. Mar. 26, 1813 June 14, 1866 Wiggius, John A. Feb. 24, 1843 Sept. 4, 1866 Weaver, Henry Sept. 13. 1838 Dec. 27, 1866 Whritnor, Mr. Jan. 24. 1867 PARENTAGE : Harmon and Winefred Uel H. and Jalina E. wife of Charles Bernard and Elizabeth wife of Hugh wife of Jonathan John S. and Emily B. John S. and Emily B. wife of Thomas (aged 115 years) Lewis G. and Elizabeth Daniel G. and Phebe Daniel G. and Phebe wife of David Lewis G. and Elizabeth George and Olive E. George and Olive E. Harmon and Winefred Daniel G. and Phebe Lewis G. and Elizabeth John C. and Delia A. Daniel G. aud Phebe Brittain C and Charlotte M. Jonathan and Elizabeth Lewis G. and Elizabeth Uel H. and Jalina E. Jonathan and Elizabeth David F. and (Gard) Jonathan and Elizabeth Thomas and Sarah 55 NAME: BIRTH Weaver, George Apr. 5, 1829 Walker, Stephen Wiggins, Wenoua Aug. 6, 1863 Weaver, Mrs. Wiuefred 1804 Wood, Anua w. Dec. 27, 1841 Ward, Mrs. Nancy 1793 Watters, Effle Apr. 11, 1869 Williams, Amanda E. 1858 Wiggins, David F. May 23, 1783 Watters, Lorenzo Apr. 26, 1870 Watters, Jennie T. Apr. 6, 1867 winget, Jacob July 5, 1781 Wiggius, Mrs. Matilda S. Apr. 2. 1821 DEATH : June 29, 1867 May 31, 1868 Aug. 20, 1868 Mar. 11, 1869 July 20, 1869 July 25, 1869 Aug. 6, 1869 PARENTAGE : Daniel G. and Phebe wife of Harmon Freeman and Mary B. Sampson and Cecilia A. Aug. 28, 1869 Feb. 16, 1870 Jonathan and Phebe (Fordham) July 19, 1870 Sampson and Cecilia A. July 26, 1870 Sampson and Cecilia A. Mar. i6, 1870 Wallace, Helen Whitehead, Sarah B. Williams, Mrs. Maria W. Whitehead, Frank N. Winget, Nellie Wiuget, Rosena Wiuget, Jacob Wiggins, Harriet W. Mar. 16, 1804 1868 May 20. 1871 Sept, 21, 1872 Feb. 4, 1873 Jan. 18, 1837 Apr. 1, 1873 1864 Jan. 15, 1874 Oct. 26, 1868 July 17, 1872 Aug. 13, 1836 wife of Uel H. wife of Henry Lumsden Henry and Susan wife of William H. Henry and Susan Charles W. and Electa Chilion B. and Hester Chilion B. and Hester Williams, Edgar Wiggins, Jeremiah G. Apr. 18, 1848 Winget, Jacob Winget, Rose Wilson, child Waer, child Wiudholtz, Harriet Westfall, Elvira Nov. 1875 Wiggins, Jonathan Apr. 5, 1820 Sept. 15, 1873 Jan. 20, 1874 Jan. 17, 1875 Jan. 17, 1875 Apr. 20, 1875 Lewis G. and Elizabeth, wife of W. O. Dakin Aug. 30, 1875 Waer, child Williams, child Westfall, Mary Williams, Emma H. Walton, Ann Waer, Mrs. Sarah A. Dec. 8, 1810 Waer, child Waer, John Jan. 18, 1806 May 1877 July 187: Oct. 13, 1878 1799 Oct. 25, Jan. 14, Jan. 14, Feb. 29, Aug. 14, Nov. 25, Dec. 1, Mar. 10, June 16, Sept. 24, Sept. 29, 1875 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 Oct. 27, 1878 Dec. 13, 1878 Aug. 23, 1879 Aug, 21, 1879 Sept, 24, 1879 Jonathan and Elizabeth Theodore Britton Samuel Broad well (colored) David T. and (Gard) William William H. (colored) wife of William H. William 56 NAME BIRTH Williams, Robert H. 1837 Williams, Lucy Jan. 1874 Winget, Oscar W. Mar. 1880 Wiuget, Hauiiah Dec. 1802 Waer, William H. July 4, 1808 Ward, George A. 1878 Wiuget, Joshua Apr. 21, 1809 Walton, Tillie Dec. 1817 Waer, Warren June 1880 Williams, Henry 1838 Williams, Louisa Apr. 16, 1881 Waer, Lulu 1 880 Wisner, child 1879 Waer, Frank Feb. 1881 Williams, Henry L. 1878 Williams, Elmer Dec. 1879 Williams, Robert 1876 Williams, Michael Sept. 1841 Whitham, Alice 1870 Whitham, Robert Feb. 20, 1881 Waer, Charles Apr. 1867 Waer, Alice Feb. 1884 Williams, Alfred E. Dec. 1883 Watters, William 1816 Whitham, F. R. Jan. 1884 Whyman, Martin Jan. 1859 Williams, Lavina Oct. 1885 Waer, Brittain C. Sept. 3, 1838 Weaver, Eliza A. Jan. 30, 1837 Waer, Mary E. 1862 Wistner, Frank E. 1883 Willis, Ethel J. July 1886 Waer, Anson R. Whritnor, William Winget, Walter Woodhull, Leo Wiuget, Eunice Waer, Henry Williams, Benj. O. Wilson, Myrtie Wick, Amanda Waer, Emma J. Ward, Daniel B. Wellington, Henry Wellington, George 1886 May 1874 Feb. 1880 1877 1883 May 1884 1877 July 1887 1882 1880 1872 1821 Nov. 13, II DEATH : Oct. 4, 1879 Oct, 9, 1879 Apr. 3, 1880 May 23, 1880 PARENTAGE : May 30, July 7, Aug. 5, Nov. 11, Nov. 19, Jan. 20, Apr. 17, July 20, Aug. 5, Mar. 20, May 19, May 19, May 23, . I une 2, Aug. 20, Aug. 20. Oct. 23, Mar. 11, Mar. 13, Feb. 10, May 2, July 10, Mar. 5, Mar. 8, May 28, Aug. 1, Nov. 20, May 9, Aug. 17, Aug. 17, Aug. 18, Aug. 20. Aug. 21, Aug. 24, Oct. 5, Nov. 20, Jan. 7, Apr. 24, Sept. 8, 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1381 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 . 1882 1882 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 , 1887 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 William Stephen August Robert and Hannah Robert and Hannah William wife of Peter F. Cook Warren Nov. 27, 1888 Dec. 2, 1888 57 NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : Walton, Fred. G. Mar. 1889 July 26, 1889 Waters, Susan Sept. 1889 Mar. 30, 1890 Winget, William Apr. 1830 June 6, 1890 Wiggins, Mrs. Jeliua E. Mar. 8, 1819 July 29, 1890 Wistuer, Otto M. Sept. 1889 Oct. 24, 1890 Wistner, Susan B. 1887 Dec. 4, 1890 Woodward, child Aug. 1890 Feb. 5, 1891 Wick, Abbie E. 1887 June 3, 1891 Webster, Annie E. 1856 July 29 , 189L Wood, Freem n Feb. 4, 1808 Aug. 24 , 1891 Wilson, Maliuda June 1891 Sept. 13, 1891 Woodward, Leo Jan. 7, 1892 Waterbury, Warren May 3, 1829 July 6, 1892 Wiggins, Phebe F. June 10, 1809 Sept. 19, 1892 Winterchied, Joseph Apr. 11, 1864 May 1, 1893 Waer, William 1843 Aug. 3, 1893 Williams, Amanda 1892 Sept. 1, 1893 Weaver, Elmer June 16, 1840 Jan. 25, 1894 Winget, Edwin 1834 Apr. 13, 1894 Wiggins, Sarah M. Nov. 1, 1852 Sept. 21, 1894 Wilson, John H. 1830 Apr. 4, 1895 Wiggins, Daniel G 1819 Oct. 4, 1895 Weeks, Robert L. Mar. 3, 1896 Wiggins, Mrs. Eliza Dec. 1812 Apr. 13, 1896 Waer, Stewart 1885 May 25, 1896 Williams, Matthias 1892 June 25 , 1896 Wlntham, Lucretia Dec. 1877 July 25, 1896 Winget. Charles R. June 1896 Aug. 10, 1896 Wilson, John July 1896 Aug. 16, 1896 Willis, Aaron 1814 Oct. 23, 1896 Ward, Christina 1822 Nov. 9, 1896 Wick. Matilda Sept. 1848 Jan. 4. 1897 Walton. ' ill. am 1868 Feb. 4, 1897 Wiuterbottom, Lottie 1891 Mar. 10, 1897 Wood, Susan L. July 22, 1897 Young, Mr. Apr. 3, 1814 Young, Thomas Dec. 8, 1814 Yeomans, child Aug. 28, 1875 Yeomans, Richard 1815 May 20, 1882 Youngs, Eugene Oct. 1886 July 24, 1887 Youngs, Ashbel B. May 8, 1820 Oct. 16, 1888 Youngling, child Nov. 23. 18'.»;2 Nov. 26, 18i)2 Youngling, child Nov. 23, !8i»2 Nov. 26, 1892 Youngling, child Nov. 23, 1892 Nov. 30, 1892 PARENTAGE : wife of Uel H. wife of Dr. F. W. Flagge William and Susanna wife of Samuel C. Merritt John J. wife of Peter F. Cook David wife of Lewis G. Robert and Hannah Freeman and Mary B., wife of N. P. Neff King Ashbel B. NAME: BIRTH : DEATH : PARENTAGE : Yeager, Joseph Dec. 1892 Jan. 20, 1893 Youngling, child Dec. 1894 Jan. 22, 1895 Yeomans, Mary E 1834 Jan. 31, 1895 Zindle, Leopold 1811 Zindle, Mrs. Oct, 27, 1813 wife of Leopold Zeak., Matthias Nov. 5, 1851 Apr. 23, 1853 Matthias and Sarah Zeak, Mrs. Caroline 1834 July 23, 1854 wife of Anthony Zindle, Charles 1790 Sept. 26, 1854 Zindle, Harriet R. Sept, 1, 1833 June 12, 1856 wife of Martin Drew r Zindle, Mrs. Lydnia Apr. 28, 1819 Nov. 17, 1860 wife of William B. Zindle, Emeline Oct, 8, 1825 July 21, 1861 wife of George M. Johnson Zindle, Mrs. Lydia 1796 Mar. 9, 1862 wife of Charles Zeak, Gilbert (soldier 61- '5) Zeak, Edwin Oct. 31. 1841 Jan. 19, 1865 Zindle, William D . Feb. 14, 1833 Sept, 22, 1868 Zeak, child Feb. 16, 1876 Drake Zeak, Stephen Apr. 11, 1876 Zeak, Elizabeth 1787 Jan. 29, 1879 Zindle, David Aug. 1836 Dec. 28. 1879 Ziu die, William B. Jan. 2, 1821 Jan. 2, 1882 Zeak, Matthias Sept. 20, 1809 Apr. 10, 1884 Zeak, Emma 1862 July 2, 1884 Zeak, Joseph A. Jan. 16, 1880 Oct. 16, 1885 Zeak, Rosa Ann Mar. 3, 1818 Jan. 3, 1886 wife Aaron B, Hiler Zeak, Jeremiah D 1828 Jan. 27, 1887 Zeak, Mrs. Sarah Ann Nov. 25, 1K14 July 5, 1888 wife of Matthias Zindle, Nancy 1810 Jan. 25, 1891 wife of Leopold Zindle, Leopold 1811 Apr. 9. 1891 Leopold Zindle, William H. Jan. 1853 Mar. 9, 1895 Zeak, Mary C. 1807 Mar. 28. 1895 wife of Joseph L. Zeak, James 1823 Aug, 26, 1898 Historical and Genealogical. In the beginning of the end it has been advised to give some account of the old Rockaway church and its people. In doing this the sketch written by Dr. King, soon after the dedication of the present church, Sept. 6, 1832, has been reproduced, from a pamplet in my posses- sion, the only one, perhaps, in existence among the people of to-day. It was printed by request of the session at that time, at Newark, by Uzal J. Tuttle & Co., 1833. It also has lists of communicants at that time, which have been rearranged, giving date of membership and date of death when known. The list previous to 1808 from various sources, includes persons couuected with the church en- terprise with dates of membership and death when known. In both lists are many who may be buried at the Ceme- tery, date unknown, and a part removed to other settlements, place and time un- known. Many other records of interest will find their place here, to preserve their historical interest. Through the kind permission of the Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle, Of Crawfordsville, Ind., a number of sketches of old families have been repro- duced. Without the aid of his reseai-eh- es, the history of Rockaway and its people would be incomplete. In the genealogies of old Morris Coun- ty families, the lines have heen drawn to those more or less connected with the early settlements of Rockaway, and its immediate vicinity, and whose relatives and connections are buried at the Ceme- tery. My information has been gained by an extended correspondence in many states from Maine to California, from Vermont to Florida, and reference on some disputed points have been referred to some of the noted genealogists of the day. In some cases, family histories have been sent me, that have taken the au- thors many years of patient research, labor and expense to complete. In my arrangements the outlines have been brief and direct to our early settlers, and those wishing a more extended family history, with all the side lines, are re- fered to the works themselves. It has been an ho?) or to be able to refer to these collections, and 1 do not wish any favorable mention when the work has been done by others. In the closing of the series, we hope to be able to more fully complete our re- searches, relating to those who did ser- vice, in the "days that tried men's souls," and in our later wars who may be buried at the Cemetery, heroes of five, if not six wars. Also to complete the list at that later date, those who are being buried here, and, last but not least, to correct some of the errors that may have crept in, typographical and otherwise, to the best of our ability. Respectfully yours J. P. Crayon. ROCKAWAY, N. J., PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Dedicated Sept. 6, 1832. A BRIEF HISTORY OF fy gfjurefj at foebwav, J, j Much useful iuformatiou is lost to the church and to the world for waut of a record of the early settlement aud pro- gress of the churches. The many diffi- culties aud prejudices of sectarianism in all new settlements, tend greatly to impede the progress of true piety, aud much that might be gained byuuited ef- fort and pious instead of party zeal, is lost by a desire to promote particular tenets instead of the religion of our Saviour, "which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercies aud good fruits, " etc. The Presbyterian church at Rocka- way may be said to have been founded about the year 1766, although the first meeting-house (of wood) was raised in September, 1752. The building was the united effort of many denominations, and considerable sums were given by other congregations. The pious Colonel Jacob Ford, Sen., of Morristowu, gave one hundred pounds. The house was enclosed and benches placed on the ground floor, and divine service held in it in that situation until 1768, when the pulpit and seats below stairs were built. In this situation the house remained until the year 1794, when it was ceiled and the galleries made and seated, as it remained until the new meeting-house was finished as it now is of brick, and dedicated on the sixth day of September, 1832. The first written record of the parish, wherein they appear to be taking a name, aud assuming a denomination, is dated December 23, 1766, when it was voted "to appoint a committee to sign 62 an article of agreement to join with Par- sippany in calling and settling a Presby- terian minister to preach, or settle, for both parishes jointly." On the 2nd of March, 17B7, the parish met to consider of and give Mr. -lames Tnttle a call as a candidate to preach at Rockaway and Parsippauy, when it was voted to give Mr. Tuttle a call ; and ac- cordingly at a parish meeting on 11th of May, 1767, held for that purpose, a com- mittee was appointed to sign the call for Mr. James Tuttle to settle with Rocka- way and Parsippany, and Deacon David Beamau was appointed to go to presby- tery, carry the call, and obtain an an- swer. In April, 1768, the Rev. James Tuttle was ordained at Parsippauy as minister for that congregation and Rockaway. This was the first settled and ordained minister iu Rockaway. Mr. David Bea- man was appointed chorister, and Mr. Jacob Allerton to read the psalm. It ap- pears that sixty pounds was the sum named for the minister's salary ; this for one half the time was equal to one hun- dred and sixty dollars a year. In October, 1770, owing to the con- tinued illness of Rev. Mr. Tuttle, the parish voted to sue for a dismission from the Rev. Mr. Tuttle when the presby- tery should sit, and a petition was signed accordingly ; but on the 9th of April, 1771, the decease of the Rev. Mr. Tuttle having taken place, the parish voted "to present a petition to the presbytery for them to send a candidate if they can, if not, to grant the parish liberty to hire a minister that shall be ."judged of good standing by some per- sons that they shall appoint." In January, 1772, a contract was made with the Rev. Mr. Simsou to preach for eighty-live pounds, light money, a year, and have the use of the parsonage. April 1,1772, appointed Jacob Fod, Jun., a committee to carry the petition of the parish to the presbytery at Trenton, and voted, "to give Mr. Simson twenty -six shillings for every Sabbath he has, or shall preach for us, until the meeting of presbytery in New Brun .wick." It ap- pears Mr. Simsou, having preached twelve Sabbaths at the meeting house, declined the call presented to presby- tery for a settlement ; and the congrega- tion remained without a settled pastor, and renewed their application to the New York Presbytery for supplies ; and on 20th April, 1773, it was voted at a parish meeting to send Mr. Isaac Sar- geant to New England for a miuister ; but in May, 1773, the vote to send to New England for a minister was re- scinded, and a request made to presby- tery for supplies. A list of the names of the ministers who preached as supplies is given to preserve names of the then presbytery — viz. : Rev. Mr. Murdock, Rev. Thomas Lewis, Rev. Timothy Jones, Rev. Jacob Green, Rev. Mr- Clow, Rev. Mr. Burnet, Rev. Mr. Lyon and Rev. J. Grover. In September, 1773, the congregation at Parsippauy made a request to the con- gregation at Rockaway to join them again iu obtaining a settled minister ; but their offer was declined, and the parish voted to request presbytery to send them a candidate for settlement or supplies as before. 63 In May, 1774, the parish made out a call for the Rev. 'Matthias Buruet, which was presented to the presbytery, then sitting at Elizabethtowu, in which they state the society consists of one hundred families who have raised, and offered him for his support, one hundred pounds (two hundred and sixty-six dollars) an- nually, with the parsonage with one hundred acres of land, with a house thereon in decent order, and to find him his firewood at the door. The Rev. Mr. Burnet took six mouths to consider the call, and then de- clined accepting it. From this time until 17th March. 1775, the parish re- ceived supplies from presbytery, and part of the time hired the Rev. Joseph Grover as a candidate, who afterwards was settled at Parsippany ; after which the parish voted to invite a Dutch minis- ter from Hackensack for a short season ; when Mr. Derondy, a minister of the Reformed Dutch church, supplied the pulpit for seventeen Sabbaths ; after which, on the 12th April, 1779, the par- ish hired the Rev. Mr. Noble Everett as a canditate for six months, with a view to settlement, but which he afterwards declined. During this period of the revolutiona- ry war, for the most part of the time, the congregation was supplied by pres- bytery. No church records or session book having been kept, no records can be referred to, to state the increase of the church. There is occasionally men- tion made in the parish records of the number of baptisms of infants, but nothing in relation to the progress of re- ligion. The names of particular indi- viduals as officers in the church, occur in the records, but the number of the members or other matter relating to the church proper cannot now be known. The Rev. Mr. -fohu loliue (as appears by the records in April, 1779) had preached as a candidate for six months ; but for reasons not stated, no settlement took place, and the Rev. Mr. Derondy was engaged again in November, 1779, and continued through the winter fol- lowing until April, 1780. In May, 1780, an effort was made to obtain a candidate from New England through Mr. Chapman, then minister at Orange. No record appears of the success of this application ; but in Au- gust, 1780, the Rev. Lemuel Fordham was engaged for a short season, and then a Mr. Gilbert was engaged for sev- eral Sabbaths as a candidate for settle- ment, and in October, 1780, a petition was made to presbytery for the Rev. Mr. Fordham to be appointed as a proba- tioner with a view to settlement. In May, 17S1, the parish voted to peti- tion presbytery that Mr. Fordham be continued as a candidate for the space of six months ensuing ; and it was further voted that the Rev. Mr. Ford- ham be permitted to preach the saint: sermons at Rockaway that he preaches at Snccasunna, as he may think proper; from which it is infered that Mr. Ford- ham preached but half the time at Rockaway during these six months. A great depreciation of the currency of the state having taken place, the par- ish agreed to pay fifty pounds in pro- duce, to pay the salary, to wit : iron at twenty-four shillings per cwt., wheat at 6 4 six shillings per bushel, rye and corn at four shillings, or in money as much as would purchase those articles. From October, 1781, to April, 1784, the Rev. Mr. Fordham was a stated supply for one half the time at fifty pounds a year; and in April, 1784, the Rev. David Baldwin, who formally was a preacher at Black river in Morris County, accepted a call and was in- stalled over the congregation, with a salary of eighty pounds a year, the use of the parsonage, and firewood found him at the door. That part of divine service pertaining to the singing of psalms, and what ver- sion of the psalms should be used in wor- ship, having made great uneasiness and great inquietude, in April, 1786, it was voted to appoint four choristers to set the tunes : "that Benjamin Jacksou, Francis McCarty, and Jacob Lyon be appointed choristers, that they sing in the after- noon without reading the psalm line by line, and David Beaman to siug the fore part of the day, unless otherwise agreed on by Mr. Beaman aud the other choris- ters ; aud that they sing auy ' s that are suug in the neighboring ch, hes as they shall judge proper." At a parish meeting held on 14th Feb- ruary, 1787, the Rev. Mr. Baldwin made a proposition to the parish, viz. : "the parish to give him one hundred pounds in cash, to assist in purchasing him a small settlement ; and that he would re- linquish twenty pouuds a year of his salary, and thus have only sixty pouuds a year with the use of the parsonage and firewood as usual." This proposition of Mr. Baldwin's was agreed to, and at the same time the par- ish agreed to incorporate themselves agreeable to an Act of Assembly, passed March 16th, 1786. On the 6th March, 1787, the parish met according to appointment and pro- ceeded to elect their first Board of Trus- tees ; when "William Winds, Stephen Jackson, Abram Kitchell, Benjamin Beach, Job Allen, David Beaman and David Baker were elected ; who accept- ed the appointment, and do call them- selves by the name of the First Presby- terian Congregation at Rockaway, in the County of Morris. A certificate of which under the hand and seal of the clerk of the County of Morris is dated 22nt. March, 1787. April, 1789, some further difficulty having arisen respecting the singing in church, it was voted at a parish meeting to have the psalm read line by line, or by two lines, in singing in future, except on particular occasious. On 17th June, 1780, at a parish meet- ing, Mr. William Ross, having served the parish as an elder of the church for several years, desired to resigu his office as an elder of the church. The parish accepted of his resignation, with their thanks for his services. This fact is mentioned to show that the method of electing officers of the church must have been by the parish and not by the church only. Mr. David Beaman, at the same time, resigned his office as elder and chorister for the par- ish, when a like vote of thanks was given. 65 lii July, 1789, at a parish meeting, the Rev. Mr. Baldwin requested the par- ish to express their views on his appoint- ment by presbytery to preach among va- cant congregations, to which the parish unanimously assented. This is the first intimation of a missionary step, which in later times has been so successful in spreading the gospel, and no doubt has the promise of God with it to the end of the world. January 4th, 1792, at a parish meeting, a proposition of the Rev. Mr. Baldwin was presented to the parish, expressing his willingness to be dismissed, or to be continued as the parish might think proper. Whereupon it was voted to pay up Mr. Baldwin's salary to the first of June, 1792, and after that time the par- ish. consider Mr. Baldwin under no further obligation to them, nor the parish to Mr. Baldwin ; and that Mr. Baldwin have liberty to make engagements at his pleasure. From what can be gathered from the records and the recollections of those now living, the church must have been in a low state. The attendance on the Sabbath did scarcely number thirty of all persons, and many times not more than half that number, but the hope of better times brightened upon the con- gregation. Some few were left who prayed, and perhaps in proportion, as many as Elijah were astonished to hear prayed. The Lord put it in the hearts of the people to bestir themselves, and to rebuild the tabernacle of the Lord Accordingly we fiud on the 14th May, 1792, at a parish meeting, the pious and devotedly good old minister, Mr, Bald- win, paid off to his satisfaction, with his prayers and benediction on the people that God had once placed him over ; and thereupon it was voted to apply to Mr. John J. Carle to supply us as a candidate. Thirty-five for it, one against it. The mode of singing was again ad- justed by the appointment of Benjamin Jackson, Russel Davis and Daniel Hnrd as choristers, and that they act discre- tionary when to sing without reading the lines. On 18th June, 1792, it was voted unanimously (sixty-five present) to pre- sent a call to the next New York pres- bytery for Mr. John J. Carle for a settle- ment ; which was accordingly presented and accepted ; and in January, 1793, Mr. Carle was ordained and installed pastor over the church and congregation. This was the first ordination witnessed at Rockaway ; the meeting house being then without gcJlery or walls ; and hav- ing stood about forty years, and many efforts had been made to have a settled minister. After the death of the Rev. Mr. Tuttle, a new state of things oc- curred. A regular session of the church was formed and although no list of its members appears entire, yet a few were found ready to come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty ; and the five years ministry of Mr. Carle added quite a goodly number to the church ; but in the wise providence of God, we were again, in the spring of 1801, de- prived of the stated ordinances of the gospel. 66 The Rev. Mr. Carle asked and ob- tained a dismission from the parish, and the parish became (as it truly was) like sheep without a shepherd. Part of the time with supplies from presbytery, and part of the time with preachers of other and sometimes strange doctrines, until in the mercy of God, we once more emerged from the dark cloud which hung over us ; and in the fall of 1808, obtained a settlement of present pastor, Rev. Barnabas King, who was ordained and installed pastor of onr church and congregation on the 27th December, 1808. And under his administration the Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad, and for which we desire to bless his holy name. While we would show the great disparity of the numbers of the church in October, 180S, being then only thirty-five in all, and among them it might be said there was only three men that would pray in public, if they ever prayed at all ; but under a faithful and pious ministry of twenty-five years, the Lord has in- creased the church to the present num- ber of three hundred and thirty -one members in regular standing. Note. The new meeting house at Rockaway is of brick, forty-seven by sixty feet, twenty-one feet high above the water table ; steeple eighteen feet square, forty-two feet high, four pedes- tals, three feet square, with four pyra- mids ten feet high on each corner ; four Gothic windows in each broadside and two in the pulpit end, each one hundred and eleven lights of glass ; finished in- side with galleries, ceiled, and seated in a plain, neat manner and painted white. About one year in building. iRocfcawas Cburcb Ipariebioners. The following list of persons belong- ing to the Rockaway parish previous to 1808, including the subscription list (100) of 1793-4. Dates refer to mem- bership. Revised from old records by J. P. Crayon, Rockaway, N. J. NAME. DATE. Allen, Job (1) (Builder of the church) 1758 " Christiana (wife) 1758 " Job (2) Capt. (Elder) 1780 " Mary (Minturn) wife 1780 David 1781 Mary 1780 Allerton, Zachariah 1768 Jacob (Elder) 1758 Martha (Bailey) wife 1758 " Jacob, Jr. 1768 Alger, William 1781 " Mary (Simcox) wife 1781 Anderson, Cornelius 1793 ' ' Priscella (wife) 1793 " Eliakim 1770 " Sarah (wife) 1770 Arnold, Margaret 1793 Ay res, Robert 1770 " Anna (Jackson) wife 1770 " Jackson 1793 " Betsey (Moore) wife 1793 Baker, David (Trustee) 1786 Baldwin, David, Jr., Rev. 1781 " Prudence (wife) 1784 Barn, John 1768 Bates, Ephriam 1768 Beach, Benjamin 1768 " Jane (Allen) wife 1768 " Nancy (2nd wife) " Joseph 1758 Stephen and wife 1768 <>7 Beach, Sarah 1793 Cooper, Benjamin 1770 " Benjamin 1793 " John 17S1 " Abner 1793 " John 1 7SS David 1793 " Sarah Beaman, David (Elder) 1758 Cory, John 1 7SS Mary (Stanborroug) wife 1758 ' ' Mary 1704 ' ' J osiah 1758 Daniels, Samuel l ?'.»:{ " Huldah (Winds) wife 1758 " Beuajali J 70s " Anna (Jackson) widow 1758 Davis, Rosel 17 ns " Joseph Day, John 1793 Bend, Nathaniel 1793 DeCamp, Joseph ] 793 Berry, Titus 1781 Dell, Richard j :::< Bishop, Gideon 1793 Dickerson, Daniel 17*1 Bigelow, Aaron 1775 Phebe (Genung) wife " Jonathan 1781 Dodd, Stephen 17*1 " Daniel 1768 Doty, Moses i7o;{ " Josiali 1775 Drake, Jacob 17SI John (Capt.) 1780 Earl, Anna (widow) 1 7jso Bogles, Zephaniah 1793 Estile, Jabez 1770 Bowers, Lemuel 1793 Estler. Conrad 1 795 Brinkerhoff, George (Trustee) " Margaret (wife) and wife 1768 " David 17! '3 Broadwell, David 1772 Faesch, John Jacob 170s Sibbah (wife) Farris, Jacob Briaut, Rachel 1797 " Charity (wife) Brown, Ezekiel 1793 Fervor, George 1 70s Burwell, John 1793 1 Ford, Chilliou 1 7o:i " Ephraim 1768 Jacob, Jr. 1 70S Casterline, Joseph 1788 1 French, Aaron 170s " Susannah (Lyon) wife 1788 1 Gadden, John J 7!K5 Cathcart, Joseph 1768 Gordon, David 17'.»:s Caufield, Israel 1793 Gaston, Robert (Capt.) 1770 Churchhill, Samuel 1793 Goldsmith, Josiah 17S1 " Patience 1793 Gregory, Seth 1770 Clark, John (Elder) 1770 Garrigus, David (Elder) 17S1 " Reuben 1793 Abigail (Losey) wife James 1793 ' ' Jacob 1 75S " Benjamin 1769 Sarah (wife) " Samuel 1763 •' Jacob, .Jr. 17S1 Cobb, John (Elder) 1772 Haines, Silas 1770 Corbett, Nicholas 1768 Hall, John 170:5 Conkliu, Abigail (widow) 1794 " Seth 17i»:{ Conger, Zenas 1775 " Josiah (Capt.) 17si Stephen 1781 " Joseph 17SI " Joseph 1779 Halbert, Sarah 170s Thomas (Elder) 1793 Hathaway, Samuel 170s " David (Capt.) 1793 " Silas (Capt.) 17* is " Elizabeth (wife) Prudence 170s Cook, John 1794 " Dency 17'.)! " Jane (wife) 1794 Hedden, Elisha 170S < -ooper, Ichobod 1768 " Aaron 17S1 68 Hedden, Samuel Harrimaii, Jacob " John " Lois (wife) ' ' David Hiler, John, Jr., " Joseph Hill, David (Capt.) " Anna (wife) Hinds, James Hoaglaud, Cornelius (Capt.) Hoff, Joseph " Charles (Capt.) " John Hicks, Samuel Hartley, Dennis Hopping, Moses Howell, Harriet (Conger) " Samuel Huntington, John (Elder ) Elizabeth (Heady) wife, " Simeon Gilbert Hunting, Jonathan, M. D. Matthew Hnrd, Josiah " David ' ' Daniel " Phebe (wife) Innis, Catharine (wife of John) Jackson, Stephen (Capt.) " Joseph (Gen.) " Anna (wife) " Daniel " Benjamin " John Kanouse, Peter (Rev. and Elder) " Mary (wife) Keen, Josiah Kent, Helmer " Jacob " Sarah King, Thomas " Andrew " John Kitchell, Abraham (Trustee) " (wife) James (Trustee) Lamsou, Eleazer 1781 " Jane (wife) 1793 ' ' Moses 1788 1758 " Thankful 1794 " Benjamin 1793 Logan, Elizabeth (wife of Francis) 1790 1793 Leonard, Elijah 1781 1775 " Stephen 1781 1793 Lerg, Matthias 1793 Lewis, Edward 1771 1781 ' ' John 1768 1793 " Joseph 1768 1775 " David 1793 1775 ' ' Samuel 1768 1777 Lindsley, Amos 1770 1793 " Ebenezer 1775 1768- " Samuel 1781 1793 ' ' Moses Lock wood, James 1793 1781 ". Charity (wife) 1758 Losey, James Puff (Capt.) 1770 " Jacob 1793 1758 " John 1768 1793 ' ' Joseph 1793 1793 Love, Samuel 1793 1765 " Thomas 1768 1774 Lymus, Enos (colored) 1775 1770 " Hannah (wife) 1775 1788 " Enos, Jr. 1795 1788 " Jacob 1795 Ludlad, William 1793 Luke, Mathew 1793 1768 Lum.Obadiah (Elder) 1758 1768 " James 1768 Lyon, Abraham 1788 1781 A b sol am 1780 1776 " Catharine 17S0 1793 " Eliphlet 1793 1793 " Jonah 1793 1793 Mathews, Patience (wife of James) 1793 1793 Mann, Thomas 1793 1782 McCarthy, Francis 1781 1782 Charity (Miller) wife 1782 " Ann (VanDervoort) 1793 wife 1768 McGibbon, John 1768 1793 Merritt, Samuel 1788 1768 1768 1794 John 1769 Miller, Frederick 1770 ' ' J acob 1768 " Thomas 1768 1797 " Samuel and wife 1794 6 9 Mills, William 1768 Miuthorn, James 179g William 1781 John 1781 " Hannah (widow) 1795 Urania 1795 Mitchell, William 1793 Moore, Josiah 1788 " David 1781 " Francis 1788 " Samuel 1758 " Samuel, Jr. 1788 Morris, Nathaniel 1768 Morgan, Abraham 1768 Munson, John (Capt.) 1763 Nichols, Jonathan 1793 Abiel 1768 O'Hara, John 1788 Ogden, Olive 1781 Osborn, Thomas 1779 " Abraham 1781 Neahmiah 1781 Elizabeth 1796 Catharine 1793 Isaac 1793 Owen, Ziba L. 1793 Palmer, Samuel 1793 Jacob 1781 Parkhurst, John 1793 Perkins, Eleazer 1768 Pierson, Willys (Trustee) 1792 Ebenezer H., M. D. 1790 Peer, David (Elder) 1785 " Elizabeth (wife) 1785 " John 1795 " Betsey (wife) 1795 " Jacob 1795 " Joanna (wife) 1795 Phelps, Joel 1793 Roy, William and wife Ricts, John M. 1793 Riggs, Jonathan 1768 Thomas 1768 Rogers, Nathaniel 1793 Ross, William (Elder) aud wife 1768 " Enoch 1768 '• Isaac 1781 " Moses 1793 " Phebe (wife) 1794 Russell, Newton 1793 Scidmore, Susan Scott, Joseph Searing, Penina Shawger, George Shores, Phebe Southard, Isaac, " Isaac, Jr., " Benjamin Timothy Stagg, Wm. Stickle, George Sarah (Beaman) wife Peter Elizabeth ' ' Jacob " Edward Stiles, Thomas " Betsey (wife David) Smith, John ■ ' Henry Bernard Talmage, Job (Capt.) " Sarah (Cooper) wife Teabo. Nicholas Mrs. Tuttle Moses " Jane (Ford) wife " Daniel " Elenor (wife) " Henry Van Dyne, Frank Walton, Mark Wells, Edward Wheeler, Joseph Whitehead. Joseph William, Samuel " Jonas Ruth Willis, Bethuel Winds, William (Gen.) " Ruhamah (wife) Winget, Josiah Wallox, William Wright, Joseph Young, Arthur " Arthur, Jr. Zeek, Mathias 1781 1796 1793 1795 1768 17P8 1781 1768 1798 1794 1794 1794 1794 1793 1793 1768 1793 1793 1768 1793 1793 1785 1758 1758 1795 1795 1758 1781 1781 1793 1793 1768 1781 1781 1781 1781 1758 1758 1793 1768 1793 1781 1793 1793 ©riainal Subscribers, 1858. Job Allen 70 Andrew Morison Gilbert Hedden David Beam an Isaac Ogden John Pipes Samuel Shipmau Seth Mehurin John Minthorn Samuel Whitehead Joseph Bur well, Jr. William Winds Nathaniel Mitchel Josiah Beamau James Losey Abraham Masaker Henry Stag John Harriman John Johnson Samuel Burwell Jonah Huston John Goble Abraham Johnson John Cogswell John Huntington Gershom Gard John Kent Amos Kilburn Henry Tuttle Joseph Beach John Stag William Daniels Samuel Moore Jacob Garrigus James Milege William Walton Jacob W. Tharp Obadiah Lum Benjamin Carey i£arl$ fl>ew Ibolfcers, 1758. 1 Deacon John Huntington 2 Gen. William Winds 3 Used for the Deacons 4 Used for the minister's family 5 Col. Jacob Ford, Jr. 6 Benjamin Cooper & Co. 7 Moses Tuttle 8 John McGibbons 9 William Ross 10 Capt. James P. Losey 1 1 Capt. Job Allen 12 Henry Tuttle 13 Isaac Southard JEarlp fl>ew Ibolfcers, 1788- 1 Bernard Smith 2 William Winds 3 lohn O'Hara 4 Silas Hathaway 5 Stephen Jackson 6 David Beamau 7 Samuel Morse, Jr. 8. lob Allen 9 David Broadwell 10 John Cory 11 Benjamin Jackson 12 Thomas Osborn 13 Francis McCarty 14 Eliakim Anderson 15 David Hurd 16 David Garrigus 17 Jacob Kent 18 Joshua Moore 19 Moses Lampson 20 John Harriman 21 Abraham Lyon 22 Moses Lamson 23 Francis Moore 24 Samuel Merritt 25 Joseph Casterline jeifcere of iRocfcawas Cburcb. Job Allen 1758 John Huntingion 1758 Obadiah Lum 1758 Jacob Allerton 1758 David Beaman 1758 William Ross 1768 John Cobb 1779 David Beaman (Re-elected) 1793 Job Allen, Jr. 1793 John Clark 1783 William Ross 1797 David Peer 1797 7i David Garrigus 1798 Joseph H. Beach 1861 John Garrigus, Jr. 1809 Charles C. DeHart 1861 Peter Kanouse 1809 James H. Bruen 1874 Benjamin Lamson 1809 Nathaniel R. Mott 1874 Samuel Hicks 1818 Mahlon Hoagland, Sr. 1886 Joseph Jackson 1818 John G. Mott 1886 Thomas Conger 1818 John Garrigus, Jr. William Jackson 1824 1824 Sextons of Silas Hamilton Josiah Hurd 1824 1824 IRocfcawap Cburcb ► John Mott 1832 Jacob Powers 1832 David Beaman 1773 Henry Beach 1832 David Gordon Samuel B, Halsey 1841 William Waer Silas S. Beach, Sr. 1841 John B. Kelsey David Wiggins 1841 Sylvanus Howell George Rowland 1841 Frederick Star Alexander Norris 1843 Joseph H. Beach David Hamilton 1861 David Hamilton Samuel S. Beach, Jr. 1871 John G. Mott 1875 ROCK AW AY IN 178$. BY J. P. CRAYON. To preserve some of the records relat- ing to Rockaway at this time, I have arranged from the original papers the facts as stated. It will correct some of the statements made in Morris County history related as historical facts. At this period regular assessments were made in the parish of Rockaway, for ministers salary, church and parsonage expenses. These assessments were made by authority of the session by Capt. Job Allen, both father and son had been so intimately connected and interested in the church. It is presumed that this contains but a small average of the land owners of this section, or its people, as at this time, religion seemed to be at its lowest ebb, the isms of Voltaire and Paine, had been extensively circulated and imbibed by the soldiers of the Revolution, during hardships, that to live or die, made lit- tle difference, and like all other great armies, it is related that they swore, "like the army in Flanders," it became a habit not easily shaken off, and the fi- nancial system was on no solid basis, with heavy tax burdens, and the seven long years of neglect in the agricultural and mining districts had not been over- come, and the general unrest, and desire to occupy the better lands in the West, left the people very unsettled in their af- fairs, and but little interest in church affairs These assessments were rated accord- ing to the acerage of improved and unim- proved lands, industries, the number of horses, cattle, etc., at a fixed valuation. I have here given the names of own- ers with the number of acres of im- proved lands, assessed for church pur- poses, in the years 1784-5. Many sub- scribed, refusing to be assessed accord- ing to their valuation. This may be an important sketch for future historians, 73 as it gives some idea of Rockaway and Saml. Hedden 63 its vicinity in those days. It contains Silas Hathaway 65 many names I have not met with in Levy Lindsly Ebenezer Lindsly Moses Lindsly 50 120 50 other records, and as many have placed their names in the original documents John Clark 26 I have given the original spelling. George Stickle 37 The best written signatures are, if I am SUBSCRIBERS. to be the judge, those of Joh u Jacob Moses Tuttle Faesch and Bernard Smith, Abraham, Abial Whelar Wm. Alger Andrew King and James Ki.tchel, David and Samuel Beamau, Benj. Beach, owned forges, John Mcintosh .lob Allen, Merchant, and David Baker. John Young Tavern Keeper : Josiah Beaman Jos, Scott NAME. ACRES. Benajah Daniels Helmer Kint 106 Jonas Williams James Lum 100 Frances Vatiduine Stephen Dodd 130 David Gordon William Winds 130 Chas. Hoff James and Abrm. Kitchel 151 Cornl's Houglaud Josiah, Samuel and David Beamau 126 Nemiah Osborn Thomas Osborn 60 Jacob Garrigus, Jun'r Eliakim Anderson 35 Arthur Young David Broad well 100 Silas Parrit Joseph Conger 27 Samuel Merrit Aaron Hedden 98 John M. Raudel Jonathan Biglow 2 Bernard Smith Benj'n Beacli 80 Isaac Williams Henry Tuttle 100 Joshua Moore Isaac, Nath'l and William Ross 120 Jacob Lyon Job Allen 215 Jacob Kiut Abrm. Osborn 10 Pripalos Wilar David Baker 109 Lemuel Bowers Elezer and Thos. Lampson 250 Sarah Beach John Cooper 70 David Beach David Garrigus 100 Jonathan Nichls Samuel Winds 64 Henry Veal Abrm. Lyon 45 Daniel Card Josiah Hurd 100 Moses Doty Jos. Whelar 100 Gilbert Huntington Titus Berry 96 John Nixon Saml. Lindsly 50 James Tharp Benj'n Jackson 70 Samuel Crane Daniel Jackson 100 Windsor Johnson John Herriman 80 Benjamin Southward Saml. Johnson 80 David Conger James Hinds 10 Jos. DeCamp Aaron Biglow 30 John O. Hara 74 Elijah Leonard Morgan Young Abraham Johnson Reuben Clark John Hall Daniel Dickerson George Badgly Daniel Munson Jacob Harriman Davis Veal Noah Veal Jos. Smith Seth Hall Joseph Oasterline Asher Lyon James Losey William Kirk Samuel Williams James Young Daniel Clark Joseph Herriman Mark Walton Thos. Stiles Daniel Stiles Sterling Daniels James Daniels Saml. Daniels Huston Russel Peter Lowsau Francis Lowsau Abner Beach James Mattox John Jacob Faesch Theunis Bogert Thomas Conger Adam Bur well Wmsor Johnson Geo D. Brinkerhoff Daniel Morris Daniel Clark Henry Dod Josiah Beaman, Jun'r John Corey Nath'el Baldwin It will be noticed that among the names of the subscribers were those of the largest land and property owners, though very liberal contributors, they avoided assessment and taxation, a trait handed down to this day and generation. Among the papers of this date, or a little before, mention is made of one Thomas Milledge, a very large land and proper- ty owner in the parish, but went over to the British side in the Revolution, and became a major. On his return here, he was waited upon by a delegation of our citizens and advised to leave the country for his health, as they did not propose to associate with traitors in the community, he gave them no satisfac- tion at first, but finally fled for safety to Nova Scotia, and his lands and proper- ties were confiscated. If our forefathers had fought the uses and abuses, of their prevailing weakness, the originator of crime, and destruction of health and property of that day and this, with the same determination and effect, that they fought Red Coats and traitors, the rum traffic of today would have been a thing of the past, and referred to in history as among the good old days of Adam and Eve. Catalogue of Cburcb HDembers. Communicants Sept., 1832 at dedica- tion of present church, arranged from Dr. King's record. But three were members previous to Oct. 1807. Hus- bands name of wives in parenthesis. Date received in church. Number of members 331. NAME. Abbott, Abijah Elizabeth (wife) Anderson, Sarah (Eliakim) " Priscilla (Cornelius) widow 1812 DATE. 1829 1826 75 " Dayton Allen, Samuel " Robert P. Ayers, Daniel " Mary (Garrigus) wife Baker, Jeremiah " Mary (King) wife Berry, Sarah (Asa) " Nancy (Henry) Benjamin, Jonathan Rebecca (wife) " Anna Blanchard, Sarah (Martin) " Abner " Catharine (wife) " Aaron Sarah Ann (wife) " John Ellenor (wife) Beam, Paul " Catharine (wife) " Peter " Mary (wife; Broadwell, Archibald " Susanna (Palmer) wife Burnett, Asenath (widow) Bostedo, Gideon V, Breese, Charles Beach, Samuel S. " Jane (wife) " Chilion " Cornelia (wife) '■ Henry " Rhoda (wife) Emily " Horace " Abby S. " Joehua M. " Samuel S., Jr. John, J r " Mary " Phebe L. Nancy S. " Solomon " Charles H. Breese, Sidney " Hila (wife) Conger, Phebe (Thomas) widow " Phebe (Stephen) Clark, Abigail (John) widow 1831 Clark, Sarah (John R.) 1819 1818 " James H. 1832 1832 " Sarah 1832 1808 Cooper, Mary 1818 1822 Mary Ann 1831 1818 " William 1832 1818 " Hannah (Moore) wife 1832 1808 Crittenden, Ira 1818 1808 " Harriet (wife) 1818 1818 William H. 1831 1818 Cook, Jane (John) 1818 1832 " Isaac M. 1831 1818 Casterliue, Elizabeth (Daniel) 1826 1825 Coudict, Charlotte (Sidney) 1831 1831 Coe, Mary (Thomas) 1831 1831 " Joseph D. 1831 1831 Comptou, Mary Ann 1831 1831 Crystal, Martha (Patrick) 1831 1831 Denton, Stephen 1818 1818 " Mary (wife) 1832 1818 Doland, Mary 1818 1825 Doughty, Samuel 1825 1825 " Martha (wife) 1825 1818 " John A. 1828 1818 Cynthia (wife) 1828 1823 " Louisa M. 1832 1828 De Camp, Catharine (widow) 1831 1831 " James 1831 1818 " Eliza Ann 1831 1808 " Joseph 1832 1818 Dean, Maria 1881 1813 Doyle, Mathew 1881 1826 Dickerson, William A. 1832 1826 Dell, Maria (Thomas) 1818 1828 Estile, Rebecca (John) 1818 1829 Easton, Catharine (Joseph) 1831 1831 Edwards, William 1832 1831 Estler, David 1832 1831 " Rachel (wife) 1832 1831 Ford, James 1828 1831 " Charity (wife) 1830 1831 " William 1818 1831 " Phebe (wife) 1818 1831 " George, Jr. 1832 1832 Frazee, Eunice 1828 1829 Fairchild, Mahlon 1831 1829 Genung, Hannah 1808 1808 " Mary 1831 1829 Garrigus, Jacob 1831 1812 " John 1809 76 Garrigus, Elizabeth (wife) ' ' Isaac Sarah (wife) " James " Elizabeth (wife) " Elias " Parmelia (wife) " Samuel '' " Mary Aun (wife) ' ' Sarah Stephen " Alexander W. " John, Jr. Mary (wife) Gordon, Nancy (David) Green, Gabriel " Mary (wife) Griffiths, Nancy (Wm.) " Catharine Gardiner, Timothy P. • ' Mary Elizabeth Herriman, Lydia (Daniel) " Betsey '•«• Mary ■' Hannah (David) " Ann Eliza' Hall, Ohloe (widow) " Stephen " Lydia (wife) " Mary Caroline " Harriet " Betsey (Daniel) widow Hicks, Samuel " Samuel, Jr. " Rachel (Jason) Hubbard, Abigail (George) Eliza K. Hoagland, John E. " Elizabeth (widow) Halsey, Mary Ann (Wm.) " Maria (Silas) Hiler, Harriet N. " Nancy (Peter) widow " Ruth (John) Hurd, Charles R, " Josiah "■ Matilda (wife) " John S. " Louisa Howell, Sarah " Sylvanus 1809 " Harriet (wife) 1818 1818 Husk, Anna (widow) 1818 1818 Hoff, Hannah 1825 1821 " Elizabeth 1818 1821 " Harriet 1818 1828 " Mary Ann 1818 1828 Hamilton, David 1825 1818 '• Anna (wife) 1825 1825 " William 1825 1832 '• Lewis 1825 1832 Mary E. 1828 1831 " Silas 1813 1815 " Hester (wife) 1831 1815 Hazard, Delia (Silas) 1827 1808 Harrison, Benjamin 1832 1821 Hinchman, Felix 1829 1821 ' ' Eliza (wife) 1829 1818 Hathaway, Sarah 1826 1818 Ingram, Margaret Ann 1831 1818 Iunis, Catharine (Johu) 1832 ; " . Jane 1821 1809 Jackson, Clarissa (James) 1808 1818 " Joseph 1818 1818 " Electa (wife) 1808 1829 " Stephen J. 1818 1831 " Mary Ann (wife) 1829 1808 " William 1818 1818 " Susan D. (wife) 1818 1815 ' " Nancy B. 1832 1832 " William A. 1831 1832 Johnson, Rhoda 1822 1831 Jennings, John 1826 1808 " Lucy (wife) 1825 1818 " Redmond 1831 1818 " Fanny 1831 1811 Jay red, Frederick 1831 1881 " Eliza (wife) 1831 1831 Kanouse, Catharine (Frederick) 1818 1831 Sarah (Peter F.) 1818 1832 KitcheH, James 1818 1818 " Hannah (wife) 1818 1832 Ford 1825 1817 Elizabeth (wife) 1808 1818 Emily 1828 1832 " Charity Ann 1831 1816 " Jane Rebecca 1831 1816 ' ' Matthias 1832 1832 " Caroline (wife) 1832 1828 : " Joanna (Ebenezer) ,1831 1832 Kinney, Jacob A. 1819 1818 ' Kelsey, John B. 1822 77 Delia (wife) 1822 King, Clarissa (Barnabas) 1823 " Elizabeth T. 1828 " Electa J. 1831 " Barnabas B. 1831 " Susan O. 1831 " Samuel B. 1831 " Harriet 1832 " Susan 1832 " Mary (Lewis) 1831 " Phebe f James) 1832 Kennedy, David 182S Palmer 1829 Ketch am, Margaret (Samuel) 1831 Lamson, Daniel 1818 Phebe (wife) 1816 Eleazer 1826 Lawrence, Jane (Jacob) 1818 Lyon. Lewis 1832 Losey, William 1832 Love, Jane 1832 " Sarah Ann 1832 " Mary 1832 Mott, John 1818 " Par n ell B. (wife) 1825 " Isaac H. 1831 Menard, Henry 1818 Hannah (wife) 1818 Sidney R. 1832 Mnir, Susan (Thomas) 1823 Mills, Rachel (widow) 1831 Martin, Clark J. 1831 Marsh, Benjamin 1831 Mary G. (wife) 1832 Morgan, Mai-y (James) 1825 Norris, Joanna (David) 1818 Catharine (Jacob) 1831 Nelson, Mahalah 1832 Osborn, Daniel 1808 " Charles H. 1832 Palmer, Samuel " Naomi (wife) 1808 " Timothy 1818 " Electa (wife) 1818 Eliza 1831 " Silas S. 1831 Albert A. 1832 " John G. 1832 " Naomi 1831 Pierson, Catharine (John R.) 1818 Pierson. Catharine 1831 John 1818 Betsey (wife) 1818 Powers, Albert 1N29 Jacob 1829 Mary (wife) 1S29 Charles ]832 Pruddeu, Euphemia (Ludlow) 1831 Reed, Mary 1818 Rowland, George 1831 Harriet [wife] 1819 Ann Eliza 1832 Mary Jane 1831 Ross, Kesiah [widow] 1822 Roff, Mary [widow] 1827 " Anson 1831 " Minerva 1832 Rntan, Manning 1832 Stickle, Sarah [George] 180S " Anua [George Jr.] widow 1808 Adams 1818 Sarah 1831 John E. 1832 Israel 1832 Beamau 1818 " Phebe [wife] 1831 Scott. Milton 1818 " Elizabeth [wife] 1818 " Abigail [Joseph] 1818 Smith, Elizabeth [Gilbert] 1818 " Harriet Eliza 1829 " Richard C. 1832 Strong, William 1818 Sturtevaut, Thomas M. 1831 Maria [wife] 1821 Searing. James 1828 Rachel [wife] 1829 Simpson, Hannah [Mahlon] 1818 Stackhonse, Hannah [Joshua] 1818 Strock, Margaret [widow] 1832 Talmage, Harriet 1822 Elizabeth [Job] 1828 Trowbridge, Julia [Stephen] 1816 Tuttle, Belinda 1832 Phineas M. 1832 Thompson, Jane 1832 Tomkins, Rebecca (Seely) 1823 Van Ness, Elenor 1816 Voorhees, Abraham 1831 " Jemima (wife) 1831 7 8 Van Derhoof, Henry 1832 Elizabeth [wife] 1832 Williams, Ruth William 1831 Mary [wife] 1831 Ward, Nancy [Phineas] 1809 Whitehead, Thomas 1809 Juliet [wife] 1809 Benoni 1828 Elizabeth [wife] 1828 Wiggins, Susan [Wm.] 1814 Phebe 1818 David F. 1832 Jane 1819 Sarah F. 1828 Wilson, Mary [Mordecai] 1822 Weir, Emily [Charles] 1832 " Wm. H. 1832 " Sarah Ann [wife] 1832 Winget, Huldah 1831 Wood, Eliza [Silas] 1832 Walker, Agnes 1832 Young. Sarah 1831 Ziudle, Lydia [Charles] 1818 (Ben. Winfce' JMll In the name of God, Amen. I, William Winds, of the township of Mendham, and the county of Morris, in the State of New Jersey, being very weak in body, and in a very declining state of health, though of perfect mind and memory, in a firm belief of the doctrines of Christ's holy religion, do ordain this to be my last will and testament. In the first place, whenever it shall please the great Creator of the Uuiverse to call me out of time, I bequeath my body to the dust, to be buried in a de- cent manner, according to the discretion of my executors hereafter named ; and my soul to ^God who gave it, in a firm belief of a resurrection to eternal life. I do likewise will and order that my funeral charges and all my just debts be paid out of my movable estate. Item. — I do hereby give and bequeath to my dear and well beloved wife, Ruhamah, the remainder of my estate, real and personal, to be at her disposal, and for her sole use and benefit, during the time of her remaining my widow, and if she shall see fit to marry, after my decease, I do still will and order that she shall have the use and benefit of the one-third part of my whole estate, that then re- mains, during her natural life, and that she shall, at no time, nor on any occa- sion, nor by any person whatsoever be obliged to give any account for any waste or damage done by her, or her order on said estate. Item. — I do further order after her decease, that what shall then remain shall be disposed of as follows : — To Abigail, Huldah and Susanna Beeman, the daughters of Josiah Beeman, I give fifteen pounds each. To Barnabas Winds and to his brother, Samuel Winds, I do give sever- ally the one- twentieth part of my whole estate. To William Winds, Junr., son of Barnabas Winds, I give one-tenth part of my whole estate. To William Winds, son of Abigail Winds, I give also the one-tenth part of my whole estate, also to William Ross, son of William Ross, Esquire, I give the one-tenth part of my whole estate. To Mehctible Gouldsmith, daughter of Josiah Gould- smith, I give the one-twentieth part of my whole estate. I do also give unto John Cory, whatever he may be indebt- ed to me by note, book or bonds, and hereby order that all his obligations shall be null and void. Item. — For the great regard 1 have for the interest of Christ's kingdom, and for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church ; I do hereby 79 give and bequeath to the Presbyterian Church at Rockaway, all the remainder of my whole estate for a parsonage, and do hereby, further will and order, that the said remainder of my estate shall be and remain forever, for that use and purpose only ; and that it shall never be disposed of for any other purpose what- soever. And I do appoint William Ross, Esqr., and Samuel Lindsly my executors, and my dear wife Ruhamah, executrix, to execute this my last will and testament, according to the true intent and mean- ing thereof, — Signed, sealed and published, pro- nounced and declared, this eleventh day of October, Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and eighty- nine, in the presence of Joel Phelps. [l. s.] Abraham Lyon. william winds. Josiah Gouldsmith. Xeaee. This Indenture, made this first day of April, in the year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-nine, between David Broadwell, Silas Hathaway, James Kitchel, David Peir, Daniel Lewis, Joseph Jackson and Josiah Beeman. the present trustees of the first Presbyterian Congregation, at Rocka- way, in the county of Morris, and State of New Jersey, of the first part, and Barnabas Baughart, of Meudham, in the County of Morris, aforesaid : Witnesseth, that David Broadwell, Silas Hathaway, James Kitchel, David Peir, Daniel Lewis, Joseph Jackson and Josiah Beeman, trustees as aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of fifty - two dollars and fifty cents, to be paid yearly, and every year by the said Bar- nabas Baughart, or his assigns, unto the trustees for the parish of Rockaway for the time being. The trustees, aforesaid, have demised, granted, leased and to farm let and by these presents do demise, grant, lease and to farm let unto the said Barnabas Baughart, his executors, administrators and assigns, for and during the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years the equal and undivided eleven-twen- tieth part, that is to say, the one-half and one-twentieth part of all the real estate, late the property of William Winds, de- eeased, late of Mendham. in the county Morris, aforesaid, which the said Wil- liam Winds by his last will, dated the eleventh day of October, Seventeen Hun- dred and Eighty-nine, gave and devised unto the Presbyterion Church at Rocka- way, which will is duly recorded in the Secretary's office at Trenton ; reference thereuuto being had may now fully ap- pear, to have and to hold the said eleven- twentieths or one-half and one-twen- tieth part of the whole of the real estate of the said William Winds, deceased, devised in said will for the use and bene- fit of the Presbyterian church aforesaid, unto the said Barnabas Baughart, his heirs and assigns for and during the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years from the date hereof. The said Barnabas Baughart, his heirs and as- signs shall have peaceable and quiet possession at all times during said term of years. In witness whereof the said David Broadwell, Silas Hathaway, James Kitchel, David Peir, Daniel Lewis, Jo- 8o seph Jackson and Josiah Beeman, of the first part, and Barnabas Banghart of the second part, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Barnabas Banghart. [seal] Signed and delivered in the presence of us, Stephen Jackson. Benjamin Jackson. Daniel Clark. David Broad well. Silas Hathaway. James Kitchel. Daniel Lewis, joseph Jackson. Josiah Beeman. [seal] Ok flpers Familp. Robert Ayres was born at Woodbridge, N. J., July 17, 1738, came to Franklin or Rockaway perhaps as early as 1760, married Anna, daughter of Gen, Joseph Jackson, who came to Rockaway as early as 1731 or 2, Jan 1 1764. She was born Aug. 9, 1746. she married, (2) Dea- con David Beaman, and died Mar. 21, 1816. David Beaman married [1] Mary Stauborrough, and died 1803. Robert Ayres died Mar. f\ 1787, all buried at Rockaway. Children of Robert and Anna [Jack- sou] Ayres : Elizabeth, born Sept. 22, 1764, married [1] Conger, [2] Asa Berry, probably buried at Rockaway. Jackson, born Feb. 14, 1766, married Betsey, daughter of Stephen Moore, went to Cincinnati, Ohio. Robert, born Dec. 28, 1767, went to New York City, probably died there. William, born Aug. 31, 1769, and wife Jane removed from Rockaway to Sparta, N. J. Had chil- dren, David Lewis, Joseph, Asa and probably Abigail, born 1810. Joseph, born Sept. 13, 1772, went to New York City. Mary, born April 10, 1775, mar- ried Samuel, son of Stephen Moore, who was born 1775, died Mar. 13, 1854. Daniel, born May 29,1778, married Han- nah, daughter of David Garrigus, Dec. 14, 1800, she was born Jan. 26, 1783, died Sept. 1, 1821, married [2] Mary Garri- gus, daughter of Jonn, Feb. 6, 1823, she was born Aug. 27, 1783, died Dec. 24, 1875. All buried at Rockaway. Anna, born Jan. 6, 1782, married Henry Berry, of Dqver, Mar. 19, 1803. Humeir, born Sept. 16, 1785, died Nov. 24, 1794, buried at Rockaway. Children of Daniel and first wife, Anna, born at Franklin, Nov. 14, 1803, married David, son of William Cooper, Feb. 1823 ; she died May 25, 1892. David Cooper was born Dec. 8, 1801, died Sept. 30, 1899 ; both buried at Denville. Jo- seph Jackson, born Feb. 14, 1806, mar- ried Phebe Ann Losey Sept. 27, 1827, died Dec. 9, 1882 ; buried at Hill Ceme- tery. David Garrigus, born Nov. 8. 1807. married Angeliue Oliver; removed to Indiana and died there. Abigail, 82 born Feb. 20, 1810, married Jonathan Oliver ; buried in Baptist Cemetery at Morristown. Hannah M., born June 6, 1812, married [1] Bethuel Pierson, [2] Caleb Pierson ; buried at Drakestown, N. J. Children of 2nd wife : William, born Nov. 15, 1824, married Phebe, daughter of "William, son of Gerrett Smith. She was born Sept. 16, 1831. He died Feb. 4, 1800. John, born Aug. 28, 1826, mar- ried Hannah, daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah [Hall] Palmer, died Aug. 4, 1897 ; buried at Rockaway. Children of "William and Phebe [Smith] Ayres : George, born Dec. 3, 1855, died Mar. 13, 1893; buried at Rock- away. Emma, born July 6, 1857 ; Martha, born Dec. 8, 1859 ; Mary, born Feb. 20,1861, Lawrence, born Aug. 18, 1863;Frank, born Jan, 27, 1867; Amanda, born Mar. 22, 1868, died Feb. 29, 1896. Hattie, born July 19, 1869. CDc Brown Familp. Tradition relates that Henrieque Breuyn, the son of Henrieque Breuyn, of Germany, settled at or near Bellville, and from thence to New Foundland, and died there at an advanced age. He had two daughters of which nothing is known in regard to marriages and de- scendants and one son Martin who was born Oct. 10, 1864, at New Fouudland, married Hannah Post, of Pompton, July 19, 1785, died at New Foundland Aug. 23, 1850, buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Hannah Post was born June 18, 1766, died July 26, 1831. Children : John, died unmarried. Catharine, married Monroe ; Elizabeth married Sanford ; Jane, married Monroe ; Peter Post, married Elizabeth Kauouse, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Daven- port) Kanouse. Margaret, married Wal- lace ; Henry M. , called Capt. Harry M. , married Brown, died Jan. 27, 1860. Abraham, married Susan Rome, daugh- ter of Joseph, Nov. 10, 1821. Mary, married Demorest ; William, married Mary C. Freeman, May 30. 1848. Sarah, married VanDoren ; Hannah, married Van Winkle, a physician, Feb. 1827. Eliphlet, married Howell. Peter Post Brown was born Oct. 11, 1790, married Elizabeth Kanouse Dec. 13, 1813. She was born Jan. 2, 1793, died Sept. 26, 1884. Children: Eliza Ann, born Aug. 14, 1814; Harriet, born Mar. 9, 1816, married James M. Allen, son of Job (3) and Betsey (Jackson), of Rockawav, Dec. 1832, died Dec. 16, 1871. John Post, the famous "John P.," of the New Foundland Hotel, born Aug. 24, 1817, married (1) Maria Ryersou, daughter of Samuel, of Pompton. She was born Sept. 6, 1820, died June 25, 1889, (2) Emma J. Riker, of Newark, Jan. 27, 1891, died Dec. 20, 1892, buried at Oak Ridge. Hannah C, born Aug. 11, 1819, married Wm. Howe; Susan, born May 13, 1821, married Isaac Jack- son Allen, brother of James M., who married Harriet. Julia, born Nov. 12, 1823, married Oscar Decker. Lydia, born June 19, 1826, married Ford De- Camp ; Ira, born Sept. J, 1828, married 8 4 married John Alien, May 28, 1848, died July 5, 1854. Children of John, Harvey and Emily : James Wright, born 1848, married Emma A., daughter of Charles DeHart, Apr. 17, 1872, died Feb. 28, 1899, on the same date, and at the same house, as his mother ; both buried at Rockaway. Rev. Arthur N., of Jasper, N. Y., Delia K., born Feb. 1, 1858, died Aug. 13, 1867. Children of James Wright and Emma A., Charles D. Arthur H., both died young, Mrs. Edward T. Davey, Harriet, Sarah, Fanny, Harvey, Louisa and Harold. €bc Castcrlinc Familp. There is tradition handed down in the family, that Francis Casterline settled near Franklin or Union, when his son Francis was a babe and carried in his mother's arms. This probable father died Dec. 12, 1768, at the age of 96 years, and the child Francis died 1796 at the age of 106 years, placing date of settlement at 1690, and it also stated that they came from France about 1690, which would give the location of first settlement. Francis who died in 1796, had three wives and twenty-six children. The records as far as known give Abraham, Amariah, Jacob, Stephen, Benjamin Samuel, Francis [3], Phebe, James aud Joseph. Joseph was born June 10, 1736, mar- ried Susannah Lyon, May 16, 1772, had eleven children ; married (2) Peninah Searing. Mar. 24, 1799, had ten children. He died Apr. 18, 1832, and was buried at Rockaway. Of the brothers of loseph but little is known, it is probable that they married and removed West. Chil- dren, 1st wife, Daniel, married, Eliza- beth , had son Joseph, born May 26, 1798. died at Dover, Nov. 26, 1882 buried at Berkshire Valley ; Albert, born 1808, died Nov. 8, 1896, buried at Rockaway, and others, Ezekiel. Levi, Joseph, James, John, married Nancy daughter of William and Amy (Smith) Kirk, Oct. 21, 1810, died Mar. 7, 1812. She was born Dec. 18, 1793, died Nov. 13, 1878, both buried at Rockaway. Sarah ; Susan, married Stephen Freeman ; Han- nah, married (1) Tompkins (2) Harris ; Phebe and Huldah. Second wife, Pe- ninah Searing, was born July 27, 1779, died at a dwelling a few yaids north of Union Chapel, Feb. 21, 1862, buried at Rockaway. She was daughter of Wil- liam and Peninah (Burnett) Searing, the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter, and possessed great healing power by the "laying on" of hands. William Searing died 1804. Children : — Simeon L., born at Union Mar. 8, 1800, married (1) Rebecca Duly, of Ninkey ; (2) Eveline Atno, of Succa- sunna; (3) Susan Sharp, of Madison 86 She was born Sept. 25, 1799. died Apr. 1, 1879. He died Mar. 14, 1888 ; all buried at Rockaway. Jane, born Aug. 21, 1801, married (1) Hiram Henry Baxter Aug. 21, 1822 ; had two children. One died young, and William Henry, bom June 10, 1825, died in California. She married (2) Harrison, of Caldwell, and died July 7, 1875. William Sear- ing, born Apr. 24, 1808, married .lane Dickersou, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Hall) , of Denville, Oct, 4, 1827 ; had three children, died Sept. 6, 1855. His wife was born Jan. 10, 1805, died July 28, 1886, buried at Rockaway. Cal- vin L., born Jan. 2, 1806, married Sarah at Western New York, died at St. Louis, Feb. 23, 1871. Har- riet E., born Nov. 25, 1807, married Jabez Howard, of Millbrook ; had two Children, Matilda and Sarah ; (2) Heddeu, had son William and daughter Jane. William married Harriet Smith, daughter of Isaac Gillen, lives at Dover; died Jan. 24, 1887. Joanna, born Jan., 1809, died in infancy ; Charles Seeley, born June 20, 1811, married Lyon ; went to Western New York and died there July, 1883. Matilda Kitchel, born Jan. 21, 1814, married Horace S. Bartine, of Yonkers, N. Y. He was born Apr. 7, 1813, and died Oct. 7, 1880 ; buried at Rockaway. They had son Horace F., soldier in the Civil war, who married Lydia Maria, daughter of David Cooper, who became senator from Ne- vada. Samuel Tunis, born -July 6, 1816, married Lydia Sceleuger. of Mt. Free- dom, died at Axtell, Kansas, Aug 21, 1897. Peuinah C, bom Sept. 20, 1819, married Jasper Stage ; had sous, Mahlou, George and several daughters ; died at Dover Apr. 7, 1883. John aud Nancy (Kirk) Casterliue had one sou, John Albert, born Jan. 19, 1812, married (1) Hannah O. Briaut, daughter of John, Dec. 13, 1837. She was born Nov. 29, 1813, died Apr. 17, 1875, (2) Mrs. Jane McKiunou, May. 1876. He died Nov. 13, 1876, buried at Rockaway. Children : — John Andrew, born Sept, 19, 1839, married (1) Jennie E. Allen, daughter of Robert P., of Mount Free- dom. She died June 4, 1881, (2) Mary Gerrett Sept, 9, 1885, liviug at Ninkey. Mary Cornelia, born June 25, 1843, mar- ried William H. Voorhees, May 22, 1864 ; Wellington Edward, born May 6, 1855, married Jessie A. Graham, Jan. 3, 1884. Children of J. Andrew Casterliue : May Allen, born May 24, 1870. Children of Wm. H. Voorhees : Fred C, born Dec. 28, 1864, married Jennie Stewart May 1, 1886 ; Cora E., born Oct. 6, 1866, married George W. May, Oct. 17, 1887 ; Elmer A., born July 28, 1872 ; John A., born Apr. 14, 1874; Grace H., born Nov. 25, 1882 ; Lester H., born Nov. 13, 1888. Children of Wellington Edward : Henry Graham, born Dec. 30, 1885, died Nov. 22, 1894 ; Andrew Edward, born Feb. 10, 1889; John A., boru Sept. 25, 1892; Arthur Beldon, born Aug. 17, 1894 ; Elmer, born Mar. 13, 1897. Ok DelRont family. Iu my collections made in the centen- nial year (1876) some account of the De Month family were given me by a mem- ber of that family, which I do not find in the Morris County history, which I will make mention here that the record may be preserved. The De Mont, or De Mouth family were formerly residents of France, French Hugenots who fled from France en account of their Protestant faith and removed to Hanover in Germany, and from thence emigrated to America in •lune, 1709, and became the first settlers of Rockaway Valley, of this township. They were the first white settlers in the valley, and this family was in posses- sion of old papers and deeds dating from 1709 to 1730, and an old relic, a razor hone of petrified wood, which came over with the family, and had tradition- ally been preserved in the family a long time during their residence iu France. Several other relics were well preserved and of great antiquity. The early family records had been lost, but history mentions Frederick, and Jacob a probable son. They were also among the earliest settlers at New Fouudland iu this (Rockaway) town- ship. The mythical inscription "P. x S. 1773" on the triangular stone above the door of the old stone house now owned by Theodore Brown, may be interpreted that the building was erect- ed by Peter Snyder in 1773. It was an addition to the original stone house built just forty years previous upon the lands owned by a member of the DeMouth family, who located there from Rocka- way Valley about 1730, and inherited by the wife of Peter Snyder, who was a daughter of this early settler at New Fouudland. Mr. Thomas DeMouth, who gave me this information, lived and owned lands where the Clinton reservoir now is, these lauds being occupied by his father, Thomas, » descendant of the original family in America. He was born Sept. 2, 1804, died July 2, 1881. Married Betsey Levi, of Litchfield, Ct. Her people were among the first settlers of 88 that county. She was born Oct. 1, 1799, died Sept. 8, 1887. Both buried at Oak Ridge. Children : Wesley, who served in the war '61-5 ; Electa, married Rev. Peter D. Vreeland Nov. 12, 1856 ; Eliza- beth, married Patrick Burns Nov. 16, 1867; Thomas, Jr., born Oct. 4,1838, died Aug. 4, 1858 ; Hiram, born Mar. 30, 1840, married Stagg, died about 1890; Abner and Minerva. Ok Ford Familp. The ship Forlune, a vessel of 40 or 50, tons sailed from London, England, July, 1621, with thirty-five passengers ; arrived one year after the Mayflower, after a long and tedions voyage, having been taken by a French niau-of war and released to the Plymouth Colony, Dec, 1621, with scanty provisions. The following were a list of passengers : •■ohu Adams, William Bassite, William Beaie, Jonathan Brewster, Clement Brigg, John Cannon, William Conor, Robert Cushmau, Thomas Cushman, Stephen Dean, Philip De-la-Noye, lliomas Flavel and son, Widow Foord and four children, Robert Hicks, Wil- liam Hilton. Bennett Morgan, Thomas Morton, Austin Neaiio Is, William Palmer, William Pitt, Thomas Prince, Moses Simonson, Hugh Sfatie, .James Steward, William Tench, John Wins- low and William Wright. The children of the Widow Foord were, William, Martha, John, and one wdiose name the records fail to give. But little is known of the children other than William. He had children : Wil- liam, Michael, Meliceut and Margaret. William (2) married Sarah Dingey, and had children : John, born at Duxbury, Mass., 1659, settled at Woodbridge, N. J., before 1700, was deacon therein 1709, and elder in 1710, came to Morris county before 1724. Mercy, married Samuel Thomas. Josiah, and perhaps others. John, who came to Morris county, married Elizabeth Freeman at Wood- bridge, Dec. 13, 1701. She was born at Axtel, England, Mar., 1681, died at Mor- ristosvn, Apr. 21, 1772. She married (2) John Lindly — John Ford having died at or near Morristowu before 1724. Children of John and Elizabeth : Ex- perience, born at Woodbridge, about 1702 ; Jacob, born Apr. 13, 1704, married Hannah, daughter of Jonathan and Susannah (Kilchel) Baldwin, 1724. He became a merchant, and largely interest- ed in the manufacture of iron in Morris county. Was colonel in the Revolution. Died of fever at Morristowu, Jan. 19, 90 1777. His wife was born Nov., 1701, died at Morristown, July 31, 1777. Samuel, boru Oct. 11, 1710, married Hannah's sister, Sarah Baldwin, 1732. Died at Morristown, Aug. 11, 1752. His widow married (2) John Allen, Sept. 30, 1753, (3) Solomon Boyle, Jan. 5, 1763. She was born July 22,1709, died Apr. 22, 1789. There were perhaps other chil- dren not on the records. Children of Jacob and Hannah : John, born Apr. 5, 1728, married (1) Penelope Jennings Mar. 20, 1748. She died Oct. 18, 1748. (2) Martha Raynor Jan. 20, 1751, died Feb. 14, 1767. Phebe, born Feb. 20, 1729, married (1) Samuel Arnold, Oct. 16, 1748. He died Oct. 3, 1764, aged 38, (2) Jonas Phillips Dec. 24, 1766. He was born March 12, 1735, died Dec. 13, 1813, she died Aug. 2, 1819. Sarah, born July 20, 1732, married (1) John Kenny, Aug. 20, 1749, (2) Dr. Samuel Tuthill, son of John, Nov. 3, 1751, he was born Sept. 22, 1724, died May 31, 1814. She died Nov. 11, 1811. Mary, born about 1734, married Azariah Dun- ham, of Piscatua, May 21, 1753. Jane, born Jan. 29, 1736, married Moses Tuttle, son of Joseph, Dec. 15, 1756, died Nov. 22, 1794. He was born Nov. 19, 1732, died July 11, 1819, both buried at Rocka- way. Jacob, Jr., born Feb. 10, 1738, married Theodosia, daughter of Rev. Timothy Johnes, of Morristown, Jan. 27, 1762. She was born Sept. 13, 1741, died Aug. 31, 1824. He was also colonel in the Revolution, and died eight days before his father on Jan. 11, 1777. David, born Apr. 2, 1741, died May 13, 1760 ; Elizabeth, born May 29, 1743, died July 18, 1746. Children of Samuel and Sarah : Jona- than, born 1733, married Eunice, daugh- ter of Jonathan and Temperance (Dick- erson) Odell, Mar. 1, 1766. He and his son, John Odell, were largely interested in iron works in the upper Pequannoc Valley, and built some of the first forges there. He died at Stockholm, July 12, 1817. His wife was born 1742 died at Stockholm July 24, 1830. Samuel, Jr., married Grace Kitchell, daughter of Abraham, of Rockaway, Jan. 20, 1757 ; was connected with money making schemes, left and went to Virginia where he chauged name to Baldwin, married and had children there— date of death unknown. Charity, married Ab- raham Kitchell, of Rockaway ; Han- nah, born about 1740, married Joseph Morris, sou of Stephen, Apr. 12, 1759. He was born 1732, died from wounds re- ceived the in Revolution war Jan. 5, 1778. Eunice, baptized Apr. 3, 1743, mar- ried (1) Stephen Moore Apr. 21, 1761. who died Jan. 19, 1777, aged 39 ; (2) John Scott, who died June 5, 1800, aged 87. She died Mar. 8, 1802. Demas, bap- tized Apr. 14, 1747, married (1) Mary Lewis, who died Sept. 17, 1783, aged 28 ; (2) Rachel, who as his widow, married Calvin Caufield. James, born Nov. 21, 1747, married Elizabeth Odell, daughter of Jonathan. May 9, 1779. She was born 1749, died Jan. 20, 1819. He died Mar. 1, 1827. Children of John and Martha ( Ray- nor) Ford : Penelope, baptized Nov. 3, 1753 ; Jacob, baptized Nov. 2, 1753 ; Han- nah, baptized Dec. 11, 1754, Mahlon, born July 26, 1756, died at Ogdensburg, 9 1 N. Y. Ohillion, boru Dec. 26, 1757, was colonel in Revolution, had wife, Harriet, who died Dec. 17, 1802, aged 31, was connected with the business interest of Rockaway, as store keeper. The frame of the old store is now occupied by Cen- tral R. R. as a depot. It is said he con- tracted cholera at New York on a busi- ness visit, died soon after his return at Rockaway, Oct. 19, 1800, was buried at Morristown. . John, baptized Sept. 2, 1759, died before 1767. David, born Apr. 16, 1761, was colonel, went to Ogdeusburg, N. Y., 1804, died Nov. 6, 1835. Nathan, born Dec. 8, 1763, never married, died Apr. 29, 1829. Children of Phebe (Ford) Arnold : Jacob, baptized Feb. 24, 1754, married Elizabeth Tuthill. John, born Nov. 19, 1752, died Dec. 14, 1756. Hannah, born •luly 22, 1754, died Dec. 14, 1756. Samuel, born July 8, 1757, died Nov. 23, 1760. Phebe, born Aug. 12, 1760, married John Kenny Oct. 21, 1778, died Feb. 17, 1820. Kenny died 1832. Anne, baptized Mar. 27, 1763, married George Tucker, sou of Philip, Jan. 7, 1787, died Sept. 17, 1807. He was bom 1760, died Cct. 20, 1807. Children by Phillips : George, baptized Apr. 10. 1768, died Jan. 10, 1786. Samuel, born Apr. 9, 1770, died May 6, 1771. Mary, born Sept. 18, 1772, died July 2, 1811. Children of Sarah (Ford) Tuthill: Elizabeth, baptized Apr. 1, 1754, mar- ried Col. Jacob Arnold Oct. 1, 1770. Jane, baptized May 16, 1756, married Dr. Lewis Dunham May 4, 1777, had four children. Sarah, baptized June 24, 1859, married (1) Jonathan Stiles, Jr., Nov. 22, 1775, had four children. He died, Feb. 4, 1807. (2) Rev. William Woodbridge Dec. 14, 1810. Theodoras, baptized July 12, 1761, married Jane Hancock 1798, who was born 1759, died June 1, 1814. He died Aug. 16, 1805. Samuel, baptized Oct. 30, 1763, not mar- ried, died July 27, 1834. Mary, bap- tized Jan. 19, 1766, married Rodolphus Kent Nov. 11, 1878, had thirteen chil- dren. He was born 1754, died May 9, lb29. She died Oct. 26, 1819. Hannah, baptized July 10, 1768, married Dr. Win. Campfield Nov. 10, 1789. Jacob Ford, born Apr. 6, 1770, died Dec. 27, 1799. A child died Sept. 12, 1772, child died July 28, 1777. Children of Jane (Ford) Tuttle : Mary, born Dec. 15, 1757, married Capt. Cornelius Hoaglaud May 15, 1777, died in Kentucky Feb. 5, 1840. He was born Apr. 12, 1750, killed by the falling of a limb of a tree in Kentucky, July, 1806. Hannah Ford, born Sept. 2, 1759, married Capt. Charles Hoff, ;r., died Aug. 26, 1849. He was born Nov. 12, 1756, died July 16, 1811 ; both buried at Rockaway. -Jane Ford, born Sept. 22, 1766, married Joseph DeCamp, son of Henry, died Aug. 13, 1831. He was boru Nov. 14, 1759, died Dec. 31, 1800; both buried at Rockaway. Simeon, baptized June 14, 1764. Moses, Jr., born Feb. 16, 1769, died Oct. 25, 1769, buried at Rockaway. Capt. Moses Tuttle lived at Mount Pleasant, connected with the iron works there, and a regu- lar attendant at church at Rockaway. Children of Col. Jacob Ford, Jr. : Timothy, baptized Feb. 13, 1763, went 92 to South Carolina. Gabriel H., bap- tized Feb. 10, 1765, married Frances Gualdo, died 1849. She died 1853. Elizabeth, baptized Oct. 25, 1767, mar- ried Henry W. DeSoussure May 26, 1785. Jacob, born Mar. 15, 1772, died in Charleston, S. C, 1834. Phebe, born May 3, 1775, died June 21, 1777. Children of Jonathan and Eunice (Odell) Ford : Charlotte, born Dec. 8, 1767, married Silas Condict Mar. 29, 1790, died, Mar. 6, 1850. He was born Aug. 10, 1766, died Feb. 6, 1848. John Odell, born Mar. 13, 1770, married Elizabeth, daughter of Willhelm Hume, 1790, died Jan. 4, 1858. She died Aug. 19, 1848, aged 73 years ; both buried at Oak Ridge. John O. Ford was largely connected with the forges in the Upper Pequannoc Valley, and at one time a large land owner,iu that section. Julia, born May 15, 1772, married Silas Dick- erson, son of Jonathan, Nov. 7, 1792, died Nov. 23, 1794. He was born Oct. 3, 1771, and married (2) Electa Beach, daughter of Capt. Enoch, May 21, 1793. He died at Stanhope, Jan. 7, 1807, and his widow married (2) Col. Joseph Jackson, of Rockaway, May 3, 1808. She died Feb. 7, 1854, aged 85, buried at Rockaway. Charles, born Apr. 9, 1774, married Rachel Burroughs. Dec. 26, 1798, died June 1, 1855. She was born 1778, died June 3, 1855 Catharine, born June 18, 1776, died young. Ap- polos, born Feb. 28, 1779. Catharine, (2) born Mar. 25, 1781, married Joshua Wells Sept. 8, 1813. Henry, born Aug. 4, 1783, was a minister, married Eliza- beth, daughter of Dr. Wm. Darcy, Apr. 1, 1810. Childreu of Samuel, Jr., and Grace (Kitchell) Ford : Betsey, married Samuel Gardner. Phebe, married Moses Ross. William, married Jemima, daughter of Ananias Halsey. Samuel, record unknown. Children of Charity (Ford) Kitchell: see Kitchell family. Children of Hannah (Ford) Morris : Jonathan Ford, born Mar. 21, 1760, married Margaret Smith Evens, Mar. 1, 1784. Children of Eunice (Ford) Moore : Hannah, born 1761, married David Vail Dec. 8, 1778. Sarah, married Nathaniel Tiugley Feb. 13, 1785. Betsey, married Jackson Ayres, sou of Robert, and went to Ohio. Phebe, married Abraham Hedges. Eunice, born about 1770, mar- ried Robert Todd. Samuel, born 1773, was twice married and died Mar. 1, 1847. Children of Detnas Ford : Anna, born May 20, 1775, died Apr. 30, 1777. Lewis, born Aug. 4, 1778, married and had chil- dren : Lewis, Mahlon and Abraham. Sarah, born Oct. 25, 1781, married Bay- ley. A child died Aug. 31, 1783. Children of James and Elizabeth (Odell) Ford : Sarah Ann, born Sept. 12, 1782, died Feb. 12, 1830. William Odell, born Oct. 4, 1784, married Sarah Martin, died 1854. She was born 1787, died Jan. 7, 1813. John, born Mar. 23, 1787, mar- ried Sarah C. Darcy, who died Dec. 26, 1827; (2) Jane W. Howell Dec. 7, 1841. He died Dec. 31, 1872. Silas, bom Nov. 27, 1789, died Aug. 19, 1794. Marcus, born Mar. 9, 1793, was minister, married Clarissa Chizbe, daughter of Joseph, 1820. 93 Children of Charlotte (Ford) Condiet : Ebeuezer, born July 22, 1791, married Sarah C. , who died Sept. 27, 1827. age 33 ; (2) Elizabeth Vail, Mar. 4, J828, who died May 10, 1839. age 47. He died Aug. 3, 1833. Martha born Dec. 27,' 1792, died July 31, 1793. Julia, baptized Apr. 1, 1798, married Nathan Hedges July 5, 1818. Sidney, born July 1, 1799. Marcia, born Aug. 28, 1802. Henry Ford, born 1804. Silas Byram, born Dec. 1805, married Mary, daughter of Mahlon Johnson, had children. She was born Aug. 2, 1814, died June 8, 1878. Edward Lewis, born Feb. 4, 1812, mar- ried Lucy Ann King, Mar. 19, 1833, died Oct. 18, 1834. ><> Children of John Udell and Elizabeth (Hume) Ford, all born at Stockholm : Mahlon, born 1790, married Sarah Maria Elmer, died in Texas, 1870, Horace, born Aug. 26, 1799, married Hannah, daughter of Zopher Freeman, died Sept. 25, 1865. She was born June 14, 1809, died Dec. 18, 1895. Sidney, born 1803, married Cornelia E. M. Miller, daughter of Eliphlet, May 31, 1825, died July 15, 1863. She died June 16, 1862. John Milton, born Apr. 15, 1807, married Julia Wells, died Mar. 25, 1861, all buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Children of Horace and Hannah (Freeman) Ford : William Henry, born Apr. 22, 1831, died May 28, 1887. Catha- rine Elizabeth, born Oct. 12, 1885, died June 7, 1887. Mary Francis, twin, born Oct. 12, 1835, died Aug. 17, 1739. Hor- ace Richmond, married Ella Howe, Dec. 23, 1862. Amelia, married Fletcher Dickerson, Nov. 16, 1864, removed to Michigan. Hannah E., born Sept. 17 1841, married Samuel G. Morrow, Jr. Sept. 18, 1861, died June 7. 1875. Mary born Jan. 25, 1845, married George Wil Hams, died Aug. 22, 1878. Children of Sidney and Cornelia Ford Sidney, Jr., married Amanda Grim stead, Nov. 25, 1865, at Brookliu. Ella born Mar. 11, 1842, died Sept. 5, 1861 buried at Oak Ridge. Children of John Milton Ford : Catha rine Frances, born June 27, 1840, mar ried Richard Powell, Oct. 12, 1862, at Newark. John E., born Jan. 15, 1843, member of 1st N. J. Cavalry, married at Newark. Children of William and Jemima (Halsey) Ford : Anthony, born about 1783, died Aug. 23, 1791. Hannah, mar- ried Jesse King, of Dover, had sou John D. King. Nancy, married David King, 1812, died Dec. 25, 1881. Elizabeth, married John Young, lived at Morris- town. Catharine, married John K. Pierson, Oct. 24, 1829. Julia, married Major William Mintou, of Berkshire Valley, who died 1877. Maria, born 1804, married Thomas M. Sturtevant, Jan. 15, 1829, died Aug. 18, 1877. He was in 1812 war. Born Mar. 30, 1800, died Aug. 26, 1896 ; both buried at Rock- away. William, married Phebe Bailey, of Dover, June 80, 1814, died Apr. 1870. John, married Polly Cooper, of Dover, Dec. 10. 1820, died 1872. James, born Jan. 24, 1790, married Charity Ford Kitchell, daughter of James, July 3, 1817, died 1888. She was bom 1798^ died Dec. 1875. George went West and died there. €1)e Garrigus Familp. The Garrigus family were French Hu- genots and settled at Philadelphia at an early date. Jacob, born 1716, one of a large family, came to Morris County and settled on what is now known as the Peck farm on the Littleton road, near Franklin. Sarah, his wife, was born 1720, died July 18, 1777. He died May 13, 1798. He and his son were early connected with the Rockaway church, and is said walked there, a dis- tance of over five miles, with great regu- larity and through all kinds of weather. He and four sons served in Capt. Robert Gaston's Company, and Capt. Josiah Hall's Company from Denville. Two of his sous served at a very early age. All with the exception of David, who went West, were buried at Rockaway. Children of Jacob and Sarah Garrigus : David, perhaps the oldest of the family, a Revolutionary soldier, married Abi- gail, daughter of John Losey, Mar. 18, 1773. It is related that when David was doing duty as guard, one Foster Wil- liams, son of Samuel, of Shongom, had laid a wager with some of the Company, that he could take David's musket away from him while he was on his post. He came up and demanded his musket, but David well knowing the penalty resist- ed, when Williams undertook to deprive him of his musket by force, and was shot, so that he died a few hours after for his rash wager. Joseph Casterline belonged to the same Company. Jacob, Jr., it is said, lived at New Foundland after the Revolution, but I have no rec- ords of the name there. Rebecca, born Sept. 2, 1751, married Samuel, son of Timothy Pierson, May 22, 1769, died Sept. 20, 1838. He was born 1748, died May 4, 1790 ; both buried at Rockaway. Sarah, married John Pierson, of Rocka- way, Jan. 30, 1774. The Garrigus rec- ords have Smith, may have been twice married. Mary, was baptized as an adult June 27, 1762, married Ward. Nancy, some records have Hannah, was baptized as an adult June 27, 1762, mar- ried (1) Burwell, (2) Samuel Merritt July 9, 1774, lived near Lake Hopatcong. 95 John, born June 30, other records have July 1, 1760, married Elizabeth Ship- man Sept. 30, 1782, died Aug. 13, 1850, lived at the old homestead. His wife was born Nov. 7, 1757, died Oct. 16, 1832, on monument born Nov. 4, 1750, died Oct. 16, 1833, buried at Rockaway. Hs was a Revolutionary soldier. Isaac, also a soldier, was born 1763, married Phebe, daughter of James Losey, Dec. 30, 1783, died Aug. 30, 1794. Morris- town records have Susanna married •lames McKey, Feb. 2, 1760, but not in Garrigus family record. Children of David and Abigail (Losey) Garrigus: Sarah, born Apr. 21, 1774; Jeptha, born Jan. 7, 1776 ; a child, died July 22, 1777 ; David, Jr., June 30, 1778, married Rachel Lyon June 25, 1800, by Rev. J. J. Carle. She died Sept. 19, 1815. Stephen, born Dec. 1, 1780 ; Han- nah, born Jan. 26, 1783, married Daniel Ay res, son of Robert, as first wife Dec. 14, 1800, died Sept, 1,1821. He was born Dec. 29, 1778, died Nov. 6, 1856; both buried at Rockaway. Silas, born Apr. 18, 1785, married Hannah . David owned the John O. Hill farm, 600 acres, built the stone house there, sold to McComley about 1805, who sold to Deacon John Hill in 1809. David Gar- rigus removed to Hamilton, Ohio, about 1806 with most of his family, and died there soon after. His wife died there about 1830. Children of John and Elizabeth (Ship- man) Garrigus: Mary, born Aug. 27, 1783, married Daniel Ayres, as second wife, Feb. 6, 1823, died Dec. 24, 1876, buried at Rockaway. Anna, 'born Oct. 19, 1785, married Thomas B. Whitmore, July 2, 1803 ; Thankful, (twin) born Oct. 19, 1785, died Dec. 26, 1786, buried at Rockaway. Lydia, born Jan. 11, other records 4, 1788, married Stephen Hall, of Denville, Oct. 18, 1806. Charity, born Jan. 30, 1790, married Alexander Wil- son. John, Jr., born Feb. 7, 1792, mar- ried Mary, daughter of John Hall, of Denville, Apr. 3, 1813, died Sept. 16, 1878. She was born Apr. 16, 1791, died June 11, 1879 ; both buried at Rockaway. Electa, born May 9, 1794, married Timo- thy, son of Silas Palmer, Mar. 30, 1814, lived at Franklin. Dr. King's record has Mar. 13, 1813. He was born Dec. 8, 1791, died Oct. 8, 1833 ; both buried at Rockaway. Ruth, born April, other records Sept. 8, 1796, married John Hiler, of Denville, Apr. 18, 1816. Isaac, born Aug. 28, 1798, married Sarah Mes- sier. Samuel, born Jan. 26, 1802. His wife, Mary Ann, was born 1804, died Dec. 30, 1885. He died Jan. 16, 1891 ; both buried at Rockaway. Children of John and Mary (Hall) Garrigus : Jacob, born Nov. 27, 1813, married Abby S., daughter of Henry Beach, died Oct. 15, 1899. She died Mar. 16, 1897, buried at Rockaway. Alexander Wilson, born Aug. 15, 1815, married (1) Catharine Piersou, (2) Aman- da Searing. Stephen, born Nov. 26, 1817, married Catharine S., daughter of 9 6 James Miller, of Rockaway, died May 7, 1895. She was born Feb. 1818, died Apr. 1, 1893, buried at Rockaway. Sarah, born May 3, 1819, married Eliph- let Sturtevant Feb. 4, 1846. He was born Apr. 17, 1821, died from wounds received in the battle at Gettysburg, July 18, 1863, buried at Rockaway. Elizabeth, born Oct. 23, 1821, married James Miller, of Rockaway. John A., born Jan. 16, 1826, married Anna Leek, died Mar. 26, 1886. Mary J., born Nov. 8, 1828, married Frank Doremus. Ed- ward, born Aug. 17, 1881, married a daughter of Ira Hall. Che ftoagland Familp. Through the kindness of Mr. Daniel H. Carpenter, the collector and compil- er of a valuable historical and genealo- gical work "The Hoagland Family in America" I am largely indebted for this branch of the family who settled in Morris County, and connected with the interests of Rockaway, and related to many of the worthy families. I only regret that the brief space of these gene- alogies will not admit of so much valua- ble information relating to the early set- tlements. There are a few who can or will realize as they read this sketch, that it has taken years of patient research and at a very great expense to accom- plish the end. Christoffel Hooglandt was the first of this branch to emigrate to America. The name has a Dutch signification of Christ- bearer and high-land. The bear- ers of the name were numerous and greatly distinguished in war and art in Holland and Netherlands. Christopher Hoagland was born in Holland in 1634, and the first records of him at New Amsterdam was in 1655 as a merchant. He married Catrina Creger, daughter of Capt. Martin, June 23, 1661. She was born 1645. He died in New York Feb. 8, 1684. His wife married (2) Roelof Martensen Schenck Oct. 3, 1686. Children : Dirck, baptized in the Col- legiate Dutch Church of N. Y., Nov. 1, 1662, married in N. Y. Aug. 4, 1687. Maria, daughter of Jacob and Maria (Montayne) Kip, had three children, settled at Woodbridge, N. J., about 1709. Elizabeth, baptized Oct. 29, 1664, died young Harmon, baptized January 31, 1666 ; died young. Christopher, bap- tized Nov. 24, 1669, married Feb. 15, 1695, (1) Sarah Tellet, who died about 1697, married (2) Helena, daughter of John and Adriana Middagh, of Brook- lin, removed to New Brunswick about 1717. Francis, baptized April 1, 1672. Jacob, baptized Oct. 25, 1676, died young. Harman, (2) born Feb. 18, 1681, mar- ried (1) Alida, daughter of John Vau- Dyck. She died April, 1706, married, 9 8 (2) June 20, 1707, Adriana Stoothoff, she was born Jan 11, 1687, died Aug. 18, 1671. He died at Flatland, L. I., Nov. 8, 1771. Children of Dirck Hoagland : Cathar- ine, baptized at N. Y. Apr. 13, 1698. Maria, (1) baptized May 21, 1701, died young ; Maria, (2) baptized Apr. 7, 1703 ; Jacobus, born about 1706. Chilldren of Christopher Hoagland (2) : Christopher, (3) born Sept. o, 1699, married Catalinte Schenck, died in Somerset Co., N. J., 1777. John, born 1701 married Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Maria (VanLieu) Probosco. Mar- tinus, born about 1701, married Phebe 1732, settled at Windsor, Mercer County, N. J., died there 1767. Children of Harman Hoagland : Chris- topher, born Apr. 2, 1708, married Neel- tie, daughter of Albert Coerte Van Voor- his. He died Jan. 18, 1766. Alida, born Mar. 19. 1710, married Jacob Van Arsdalen, died Nov. 6, 1781. Johanna, born May 5, 1712, married Jan Remsen, died Nov. 25, 1764. Gerrett, born Nov. 8, 1774. married Jacaminte (Gulick) Hoagland Aug. 30, 1742, died Jan. 8, 1771. Martinus, born Oct. 27, 1716, married Annatje died Mar. 4, 1804. Catharine, born July 15, 1719, married Henry Cortelyou, died Oct. 19, 1785. Albert, born Mar. 11, 1722, married Maria Gulick June 9, 1748, died June 4, 1785. Harmanus, born Jan. 1, 1725, married Styntie VanGelder June 13, 1752, died 1806. She was bom Dec. 22, 1734. Helena, born July 20, 1729, mar- ried Peter VanDerbilt Mar. 30, 1772, died July 5, 1820. He died Oct. 6. 1809. Children of Martinus and wife, Phebe, who settled at Winsor, N. J. : John and Ariantie, (twins) about 1734. Okey, born 1736, married (1) Dinah Hoagland, (2) Eleanor (Geesie) Van Brunt, was colonel 1798. Martin, born May 17, 1739, married Rebecca, daughter of Wm. Opdyke, June 3, 1762. She was born Nov. 9, 1749. Was captain in Revolu- tion. Christopher, baptized Oct. 3, 1742, married Pemmie or Femmentje (Phebe), daughter of Peter Gordon. Came to Rockaway about 1772, was major in Revolution. She died Jan. 20, 1809. He died at Dover, June 27, 1813 ; both buried at Rockaway, graves un- known and unmarked. Cornelius, born Apr. 12, 1750, married Mary, daughter of Capt. Moses and Jane (Ford) Tuttle, May 15, 1777. Was major in 1796, re- moved from Mount Pleasant to Hunter's Bottom, Gallatin County, Ky., about 1799. He was killed by a falling limb from a burning tree July 1806. His wife was born Dec. 15, 1757, died in Ken- tucky Feb. 5, 1840. Elinor, baptized 1752, married James Hoff , removed to Mount Pleasant, had two daughters, Harriet and Clarissa— both probably buried at Rockaway. Jane, Ida, married Thomas Ford, Phebe married Lemuel De Camp, of Morristown ; Abraham, born 1756, died young. Children of Christopher and Phebe (Gordon) Hoagland : Peter Gordon, born at Rockaway, Apr. 14, 1782, married Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. William and Mary (Simcox) Alger, Apr. 3, 1803, died Sept. 28, 1845. His wife born Jan. 1, 1787, died Jan. 12, 1858, buried at 99 Rockaway. John, died Apr. 10, 1811, buried at Rockaway. Auna, married James Losey July 8, 1801, had one sou James, Jr. , both buried at Rockaway. Jane, born 1792, married Elijah Searles May 7, 1808, removed to Oliutonville. N. Y., died there Sept. 28, 1854. Elijah died 1836, buried at Clintouville, N. Y. Harriet, born May 17, 1795, married Capt. Henry Dairy mple, of Center Grove, (of 1812 war) Feb. 13, 1819. Mary, born Jan. 9, 1800, married An- thony Harkness Feb. 17, 1817, removed to Glendale, Ohio, died and buried there Dec. 23, 1870. All the children of Christopher were bom at Rockaway, N. J. Children of Cornelius and Mary (Tut- tle) Hoagland : Moses Tuttle, born at Mount Pleasant, Cct. 7, 1778, married Sarah Payne, of Fayette Co., Ky., Dec. 18, 1816, died May 12, 1869, buried at Walnut Grove Cemetery, Ky. Delia, born May 22, 1782, married Gen. John H. Morris, son of Rev. Joshua, Apr. 6, 1802, died in Ky. in 1862. Martin, born Sept. 9, 1784, married (1) Miss Green, of Keutucky, (2) Nancy Payne Gregg ; died in Kentucky, July 23. 1849, was in 1812 war. John, born Oct. 5, 1786, married Mary (Keefe) Callau, died at Jacksonville, Ind., July 28, 1857, was in 1812 war. Jane, born Nov. 19, 1788, married Maj. William White, died Feb. 19, 1877. Okey, born Feb. 27, 1791, married Mary Gilt- ner, of Kentucky, 1827, died Jan. 15, 1883, George W., born Mar. 22, 1793, mar- ried Catharine, daughter of William West, of Frankfort. Ky., died Feb. 9, 1889, was in Black Hawk War of 1832. Mary Ann, born Apr. 15, 1795, died Aug. 26, 1796, buried at Rockaway. Mary Caroline, born Apr. 2, 1798, married (1) R. Kent, (2) Peter Conway. Cornelia, born in Kentucky Sept. 12, 1800, died Jan. 13, 1884. Emily, born in Kentucky Apr. 6, 1803, married John Conway, died Feb! 28, 1880, in Kentucky. Children of Peter Gordon and Eliza- beth (Alger) Hoagland : Mary, born at Rockaway, May I, 1804, married Jacob, sou of Moses Hurd, 1823, died Feb. 17, 1889. Charlej, born June, 1805, died Dec. 25, 1817. Phebe, born at Dover, June 11, 1807, married Ezekiel, son of Moses Hurd, died Sept. 14, 1882, buried in Orchard Street Cemetery at Dover, removed to Rockaway Cemetery Dec. 10, 1897. Sally Ann, born at Dover, July 1, 1808, married John Morris, sou of Francis and Ann (Van Dervoort) Mc- Carty, Sept. 24, 1825. Elizabeth, born Sept. 24, 1810, married Hiram J. Bel- knap, of Stanhope, N. J., 1832, died Apr. 15, 1886, buried at Dover and removed to Rockaway Cemetery Dec. 10, 1897. William , Gordon, bom Oct. 12,1812, married Phebe D. Speekmau, of Uniou- ville, Pa., Sept. 13, 1843, died there Jan., 1866. John Edsall, born Mar. 1, 1815, married (1) Eliza Hurd, of Woodport, (2; Mary Freeman, Apr. 6, 1848. Mah- lon, born at Dover, Nov. 14, 1817, mar- ried Anne Jane, daughter of Col. Thomas Muir, 1846, she was born at Mt. Hope, Aug. 8, 1823, died Nov. 1893, at White Meadow, buried at Rockaway. Hudson, born Mar. 6, 1820, married Mattie Bigelow, 1858. loo Children of Mahlou and Anne Jane (Muir) Hoaglaud : Ella, bom Sept. 15, 1846, married Jamas L. Maxton, soldier of the Union, born Aug. 23, 1835, died Mar. 27, 1896, buried at Rockaway. Agues, born Aug. 8, 1848, died 1853. Thomas Hudson, born Mar. 6, 1850, married Evelynue E. Louusberry, of Mt. Hope, Aug. 6, 1870. Mahlou, Jr., born Nov. 10, 1852, married Laura D'Orme, of Mt. Hope. Aruot, born Mar. 10, 1855 ; Anne M., born Aug. 7, 1857, mar- ried Morford B. Strait, Oct. 16, 1879. Susie L., born Feb. 16, 1863, married Joseph F., son of Henry D. Tuttle. Children of Oapt. Henry and Harriet (Hoaglaud) Dairy m pie, of Center Grove : Emily, born Dec. 29, 1819, married John L. Carroll, of Center Grove. Eunice, born Apr. 25, 1821, married John J. Trowbridge, of Mt. Freedom. Daniel, born Feb. 3, 1823. AnuaE., born Apr. 12, 1825, married William J. Easton, of Morristown. Charles Hoaglaud, born Mar. 24, 1830, married Sarah A. Voor- hees, of Morristown. Maj. Harry M., born, Apr. 10, 1832, married Francis. J. Wheeler, of Morristown. Harriet M., born Feb. 19, 1834. Frederick B., bom Aug. 15, 1836, married Anuie E. New- man, of Washington, D. C. Cbc Jackson familp. The Jacksou records have been ob- tained from various sources, and copies of wills in my possession, I have only to regret that I have not more data of the Jaoksous of later date. Tradition has that Robert Jackson came from Water- town, Mass., to Whethersfield, Ot.,from thence, to Hartford, Ot., and from thence to Hempstead, in 1643, which perhaps was the first English settlement in the western part of Eong Island. He had wife Agnes. His will dated May 5, 1683, mentions children John, Samuel, Sarah and Martha. He probably died in 1 684 . John married Elizabeth Hallet (2) Elizabeth Lamau, will dated Aug. 26, 1724, probably died in 1725. On Oct. 0, 1684, Lieu. John Jackson went to New York to obtain a patent for the town, Apr. 5, 1687, Gapt. Jacksou went. to New York to obtain a grant for 200 acres of land. In 1698, Maj. Jackson was granted the privilege of the Jerusalem rival- to set up a mill, he was afterwards colonel and judge of court. He left three sons, Samuel, John and James and five daughters whose names are not recorded. No .records «of Samuel's wife. Sarah mauried Nathaniel Moore and Martha married a Gale and had sou Na- thaniel. Samuel, son of John, had children : Richard, Towu'seud, Thomas, Ruth, Je- mima, married James Hewlett ; Letitia, married Solomon Post,; Mary, married Johu Pratt, and Martha, married Samu- el Birdsall. Samuel inherited the home at Jerusalem. Johu, Jr., also settled at Jerusalem and died there 1744. Had children : Obediah, John. Parminins, Martha, Elizabeth, Nancy, Jernsha, Rosauua aud Abigail. James, the third son and eighth child of Gol. Johu, settled at Rocky Hill. Flushing, L. I., died in 1735. Will dated Sept. 7, 1735. He married Rebec- ca Hallett, of Hallett's Cove, aud had twenty children, eighteen were living in 1735 as the will shows. Rebecca Hal- let was born Aug. 31, 1675. These sous 102 carried the name of Jackson in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vir- ginia, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Children : Thomas, born Dec. 4, 1694. Mary, born Nov. 20, 1696, married Townsend. Sarah, born Dec. 11, 1697, married Clements. Rebecca, born Feb. 20, 1699, married Seaman. John, born Mar. 9, 1701. Charity, born Feb. 26, 1702. Elizabeth, born Mar. 20, 1703. James, Jr., bom June 4, 1704. William, born July 6, 1705, died in infancy. Han- nah, born Aug. 5, 1706. William, the second, born Oct, 14, 1707. Martha, born Jan. 26, 1709. Joseph, born Feb. 9, 1710, married Annie , who died 1760. He died 1769. They came to Rockaway in 1731 or 2. Was general in the French and Indian War. Both buried at Rockaway. Richard, born Mar. 20, 1711. Phebe, born Mar. 3, 1712. Robert, born May 15, 1713. Jemima, born Nov. 25, 1714. Samuel, born Julv 21, 1716. Stephen, born Aug. 17, 1717. Benjamin, born July 26, 1719. Children of Gen. Joseph, all born at Rockaway: James, died aged 21, Wil- liam, born 1736, died 1808, settled in Tennessee before the Revolution, was twice married and had twenty-six chil- dren. Elizabeth, married James Tom- kins and went to Virginia. Mary, died young. Stephen, died young. Stephen, (2) born Sept. 8, 1744, died Mar. 24, 1812. Was captain in Revolution. Mar- ried Mary, daughter of Adam Burwell, Dec. 19, 1768. She was born Jan. 28, 1753, died Dec. 16, 1809. (2) Mary (Min- ium) Allen, 1810. Ml buried at Rocka- way. Anna, born Aug. 9, 1746, married Robert Ayers, of Franklin, Jan. 1, 1764. He was bom July 14, 1738, died July 6, 1787. (2) Deacon David Beaman. She died Mar. 21 , 1816. All buried at Rocka- way. Edward ; Phebe ; Benjamin, born Mar. 5, 1752, married Abigail Mitchel, of Elizabeth, died June 6, 1842. She was born 1755, died Nov. 2, 1843. Daniel. The records of Joseph were lost in the Revolution, and these were made by Anna (Ayres) Beaman in 1813. Children of Capt. Stephen : Elizabeth, born Oct. 17, 1769, married Aaron Lyon, died June 30, 1823. Agnes, born Jan. 6, 1772, married David Harsiman, of Den- ville, died Aug. 13, 1848. Joseph, born Mar. 8, 1774, married Elizabeth Piatt Ogden, daughter of Robert. She died June 10, 1807. (2) Electa (Beach) Dick- erson, May 3, 1808. She was daughter of Capt. Enoch Beach, and widow of Silas Dickerson. She was born 1769, died Feb. 7, 1854. He died Jan. 28, 1855. All buried at Rockaway. James, born Jan. 14, 1776, married Clarissa, daugh- ter of Capt. Charles Hoff, Sept. 4, 1798 ; died Jan. 6, 1848. She was born Aug. 29, 1780, died Nov. 3, 1843, buried at Rockaway. Margaret, born July 17, 1778, married Samuel Arnold, died July 18, 1857. Stephen, born Dec. 17, 1780, died Dec. 27, 1781. (Twins), born Sept., 1782, died young. Stephen, (2) born Oct. 11, 1783, died in New York Sept. 19, 1801. Jacob, born Jan. 22, 1786, died Mar. 21, 1791. William, born Mar. 16, 1788, mai'ried Susan D. Halsey, daugh- ter of Abraham, Sept. 11, 1811, died Oct. 18, 1872. She was born July 3, 1794, io3 died June 26, 1868. Maria, born Feb. 9, 1790, died July 29, 1808. Harriet, born June 8, 1792, married Dr. Ira Crittenden, died Apr. 6, 1863. He died 1848. John Darbee, born Sept. 9, 1794. married Agues, daughter of Solomon Doughty, Oct. 24, 1816. died Nov. 17, 1859 She was born Dec. 12, 1796, died May 18, 1886. He was physician at Rockaway, also his sou John Walter. Children of Benjamin and Abigail ; Ziba, born Feb. 2, 1777, married Phebe Lyon Oct. 25, 1798. Isaac, born June 5, 1779, died Dec. 27, 1813. Betsey, born Feb. 14, 1782, married Job Allen (3) 1800, died Mar. 21, 1862. He was born July 2, 1780, removed West. Phebe, born June 23, 1784, married John L. Lewis, Feb. 25, 1802, (2) John Vennnm, Feb. 12, 1858, went West, died at the age of 105 years, 1889. David, born Sept. 30, 1786, married Prudence Hathaway Jan. 12, 1809. Daniel, born July 16, 1788. Benjamin, Jr., born Nov. 8, 1792. Maj. Benjamin Jackson, removed to Knox county, Ohio, and died there 1842. Children of Col. Joseph and Eliza- beth : Sarah Dubois, born Jane 2, 1802, married Samuel B. Halsey, son of Abra- ham, Sept. 5, 1821, died Jan. 20, 1859. He was born July 26, 1796, died Sept. 15, 1871, buried at Rockaway. Stephen J., born July 4, 1805. married Mary A. died May 19, 1874. Robert Ogden, born Apr. 20. 1807. died May 15, 1812. Children of John Darbee and Agnes : Edward. E., born Apr. 2, 1817, died Mar. 26, 1898. Walter, born Sept. 16, 1818, died Mar. 29, 1819. John W., born June 3, 1820, married Francis Mc- Carty June, 1861 ; (2) Mrs. Sarah Reed, Oct., 1879, died May 3, 1896. Mary Elizabeth, born June 21, 1825, married Hon. Lyman A. Chandler, died July 5, 1857. Charlotte, married Robertson. Agnes B., married Gordon. Laura J., married McCarty. The history of the Jackson family has been written in their early pioneer set- tlements, in the records of three wars, in the successful business enterprises, mostly in the iron industries of early years, in church, state, county and township, and as has been stated, the founders and builders of Rockaway. After four generations, and with the general depression of the iron industry, the name gradually passed away, and like many others early connected, the name may soon cease. Other and more profitable investments may have been found than in Rockaway. REV. BARNABAS KING, D.D. Bnru, New Marlsborongh, Mass., .Time 2, 17S0. Died. Rocknway, N. ,T., April 10, 18'W. Ret). Barnabas King, D. D. The -following sketch written soon after the death and burial of Rev. Bar- nabas King by his colleague, Rev. Jo- seph F. Tuttle, very clearly illustrates the life, death and character of the worthy pastor. J1 born at Milton : Charles, born Apr- 1.3, 1812, married Rachel Ross, of Stock- holm, Dec. 1835, died Mar. 13, 1885. His wife was born 1816, died Dec. 6, 1889. George, born May 4, 1814, died young. Sarah Jq,ne, born Mar. 13, 1817, married Ahner Webb, of Vernon, Apr. 28, 1838, died July 24, 1856. He was born Apr. 3, 1813, died Dec. 11, 1894; both buried at Oak Ridge. John, born Sept. 25, 1820. married (1) Phebe Arling- ton, who was born Mar. 19, 1832, died Dec. 31. 1866 ; (2) Sarah Jane Peacock. She died Oct. 25, 1898. *He died Ian. 3, 1892. All buried at Stockholm. Catha- rine C, born Feb. 6, 1823, married William B. Hunter, of Sugar Loaf, N. Y., Mar. 18. 1848. He was born Oct. 5, 1818, died Jan. 17, 1881, buried at War- wick, N. Y. Eliza Ann, born Nov. 10, 1827, married John Winters May 22, 1849, died at Middletowu, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1888. He died June 22, 1892. Al- bert, born Aug. 17, 1832, died Mar. 11, 1852. John P., the son of Peter, the son of John, the son of Humphrey, Jr., born Oct. 24, 1801, died Apr. 11, 1846, mar- ried Delilah, daughter of Edward and Catharine (Mowersou) Pollison. She was born Apr. 23, 1810, died Apr. 11, 1846. Children : Edward, born May 15, 1827, died Oct. 25, 1875, married Sarah, daughter of Peter Fredericks, of Oak Ridge, N. J. She was born Jan. 23, 1827, died Dec. 27, 1878, lived at New Foundland, N. J. Lewis, born Apr. 22, 1830, married Christiana, daughter of William Eckhart, Apr. 14, 1852, liying at New Foundland, N. J. David, born Mar. 1833, married Maria, daughter of Peter Fredericks, Mar. 13, 1858, died Dec. 1898. Lydia, born Feb. 20,1836, married Mahlon Weaver, died Feb. 1, 1900. He was born Jan. 19, 1831, died Aug. 3, 1897 ; both buried at Oak Ridge, N. J. James, married Susan, daughter of Elias Davenport, of Milton, N. J., Apr. 15, 1863, living at Oak Ridge, N. J. CDc Fairer family. In the oarly days of Morris County the name Farher occasionally occurs. The name is spelled in many ways. Tradition has it that they were a German people and first settled near Morristown, N. J., probably between Meudham and Morristown. Paul Parber and wife Mary were early members of the Pres- byterian Church at Morristown, and the records have Amos, baptized Oct. 30, 1763; Paul, baptized Apr. 21, 1765; Anne, baptized Aug. 13, 1768 ; a child died July 14, 1769; Hannah, was born Nov. 17,1770, baptized -June 30, 1771 ; Elizabeth, born Mar. 16, baptized June 23, 1775 ; a child died Aug. 9, 1777. A Mrs. Parber, probable mother of Paul, died Feb. 1776, at the age of 104 years. They probably moved away soon after 1777. The Rockaway records have early dates of the family. Paul Farber, Jr., settled near Stockholm in 1785 from Rockaway, N. J. ; he died Mar. 1848, and is buried at the old"Lyons"burial ground near Stockholm, N. J. His wife was Elizabeth Rude, a sister of Caleb Rude, who removed from Morris Connty to near Hamburg, in Sussex County, at an early date. She died 1842 aged 81 years. Hannah Farber born Nov. 17, 1770, married Thomas Harrison, who located at Canisteer, N. J., then called Win- chester, in 1764. They had children: William, Joel and Mary, who married Feb. 1827, Isaac VanGelder, who attend- ed lock near Dover, N. J., mauy years ago, and they had perhaps other chil- dren. Joel Harrison lived near Stockholm, N. J., married Almeda, daughter of Leonard Cole, who was born Feb. 12. 1798, and had children : John, bom 1820, married Garrison, of West Milford, N. J. ; Thomas, born 1822, married Cary, of West Milford ; Elizabeth, never mar- ried ; Harriet, married Anthony Brau- niu, of Mt. Hope, N. J. ; Abraham, mar- ried Elizabeth Henderson, of Canisteer, N. J. ; William, Jacob, Henry, Hannah and Augusta. Nearly all removed West. Paul Farber, Jr., bought considerable 134 lands, as the old deeds show, in Ver- non and Hardiston townships, Sussex county, N. J., and was connected with many business enterprises. Children of Paul and Elizabeth (Rude) Farber : Anna married Nicholas Ryerson, of Ver- non, N. J. ; Elizabeth married Peter Ryerson of the same place ; Paul, born 1793, married Lucy, some records have Lucinda, daughter of Abraham A. Strait, of Canisteer, N. J. ; Caleb mar- ried Elizabeth LaRoe, of New Found- land, N. J. ; Israel, born 1800, married Abigail Rickey, of Vernon, died Dec. 25, 1872 ; Abigail married Samuel Givens, of Vernon. Caleb and Israel lived in the old Farber neigh borhood, near Ver- non, and have many descendants in Sussex county. Paul, who married Lucy Strait, headed a party of about thirty families from Sussex county and settled in Franklin county, Ohio, in 1885, and these families are now scattered through many of the Western States. Ok 6obk Family. The traditions of the Goble family were that they were French Hugenots who fled to prevent religious persecu- tions and settled in North Carolina, and that iheir names originally were Enoch. Abuer, Silas, Aaron and Martha. A large number of the descendants, proba- bly not all of one family, settled in Mor- ris county, N. J., previous to 1750. John, married Elizabeth Bnrvvell, Dec. 22, 1748, and is mentioned in the early Rockaway records. Simeon, a probable son of Enoch, as the name of Enoch runs in the family line, married Abigail Conger Feb. 23, 1749, he died about 1775, and had children : Enoch, Abuer. Sally, Martha, Luther and Calvin, perhaps others. His wife married (2) Ebenezer Stiles, May 4, 1778, as second wife, lived at Morris Plains, N. J. She was born 1732, died Dec. 7, 1810. William Goble married Sarah Conger Mar. 21, 1760. Benjamin Goble married Elizabeth Conger March 3, 1757. Henry Goble married Lvdia Conger Dec. 11, 1765. Robert Goble, born 1700, died Mar. 29, 1783. His wife, Mary, born 1701, died Feb. 20, 1786. Aaron Goble born 1752, married Charity Lindsley Jan. 30, 1772, died Feb. 1, 1802. His wife born 1751 died June 4, 1795. Daniel Goble mar- ried Priscilla Cook Apr. 1, 1744. Jonas Goble married Ruth Fairchild Dec. 10, 1765. Ruth Goble married Nathan Reeve Feb. 18, 17P8. Rachel Goble married Isaac Southard Apr. 12, 1769. Hannah Goble married Ichabod Tomp- kins Dec. 24, 1746. Salome married Ebenezer Fairchild Aug. 1750. Sally married Josephus Gard June 23, 1798. Of the children of Benjamin and Ex- perience Conger, Simeon married Abi- gail Goble and Beujamiu married Eliza- beth Goble. This is a most singular oc- currence that two brothers of the same name in one family should marry sis- ters of the same name in another family. Enoch, the probable son of Simeon, married (1) Abigail (Ogden) Stiles, daughter of David Ogden, and widow of Thomas Stiles. She died soon after marriage. (2) Mary Cooper, who was 136 bom 1746, died Oct. 21, 1798. Children : Mary (twin) married Jacob, son of Uzal Tompkins, Phebe (twin) married Jede- diah, son of Timothy Mills. William, born 1798, married Hannah, daughter of Uzal Tompkins, Dec. 17, 1799, died Oct. 14, 1833. She died Mar. 9, 1860. Enoch married and went to Ohio, had Israel and Tempe, who died before 1840. Enoch married (3) Hannah Doty. Children of William and Hannah (Tompkins) Goble : Mary, born Sept. 25, 1800, married William M. Crane, of New Vernon, N. J., 1825. Lucinda, born Aug. 4, 1803, never married, died Cct. 3, 1833. Benjamin, born at Sparta, Sussex county, N. J., Dec. 29, 1806. His parents removed from Sparta to New Vernon when he was nine mouths old, married (1) Catharine Losey, had nine children. (2) Margaret Smith, had three children, died at New Vernon Aug. 1898. Harsey King, born at New Vernon Jan. 28, 1809, died Mar. 4, 1846. Henry Tompkius, born at New Vernon July 5, 1814, died Oct. 17, 1815. Catharine Losey )was a daughter of Aaron and Alice Sirncox) Losey. Alice Simcox was born Jau. 23, 1772, died Dec. 16, 1836. Their daughter, Phebe Ann, married Joseph Jacksou, sou of Daniel Ayres, of Franklin, Sept. 27, 1827. Alice (Simcox) Losey married (2) Deacon John Hill 1808, and had children : Jane, John O. and Harriet. Tradition relates that she was a sister of Mary Simcox, wife of Capt. William Alger, of Rocka- way. Deacon John and wife Alice were buried at Morristown Baptist Cemetery, and removed to the Hill Cemetery at Franklin. N. J . I am indebted to the late Benjamin Goble, who made a visit in July 1898, but a few weeks before his death, for many of the connections and dates of this family and also of the Tompkins family so nearly related. "Uncle" Ben, as every one in this section called him, was then in his 93rd year and then bid fair to reach the century mark. In the eai ly days whole communities were so nearly related by the intermarriages that all were "Uncle," "Aunt" and "Cousins." Very mauy of the Goble family were connected with the Baptist church at Morristown, N. J., and buried there, and a few are on the early records of the Rockaway church, and are proba- bly buried in the cemetery. Ox Huntington Familp. The Huntington family came from Norwich, Eng. Simon, his wife Mar- garet (Berret) formally a French Huge- not, and their three sons, Christopher, Simon (2) and Thomas. On the voy- age he was taken ill with fever and dysentery, one authority says smallpox, and died while in sight of land near the mouth of the Connecticut river, was buried at Say brook, Ct., 1633. He was born 1583. He had a brother Samnel in England*who was captain in the King's Life Guard. His wife became a member of the Rev. John Elliot's church at Roxbury, Mass., where she probably married as the third wife of Thomas Stoughton, of Winsor, who came from Dorcester, Eng., on the same ship with Simon Huntington. The sons settled at Say brook, Ct. Chris- topher and Simon went afterward to Norwich, Ct., and Thomas to Winsor, Ct., and from thence to Branford, Ct., and with the Branford Colony in May 1666, to Newark, N. J. Thomas married (1) a daughter of William Swaine, of Whethersfield, Ct. (2) Hannah, daughter of Jasper Crane, merchant, who moved from New Haven, Ct., to Banford, Ct., 1652, and came with the Banford Colony to Newark in 1666. Thomas was born in England about 1626, died at Newark 1687. Han- nah, his widow, married (2) John Ward- sen as second wife. Thomas and Hannah (Crane) had chil- dren : Samuel and Hannah. Samuel was born 1667 died 1708. The will dated Nov. 11, 1704, names children, Thomas, who had wife Susanna ; Simon born 1686 had wife Thankful, died in Morris coun- ty, perhaps at Whippany, July 17, 1770, and Hannah. The will of Simon men- tions a brother Samuel. Children of Simon and wife Thankful (who was she?) : Samuel had wife Eliza- beth ; Eunice married Isaac Ogdeu, one of the founders and subscribers of the Rockaway Church in 1758. Probably lived, died and was buried there, date unknown. Phebe, married Gershom Gard, sou on Jemimah and Elizabeth, i;8 Jan. 18, 1758, lived at Ninkey, N. J., removed to Ohio in 1787. Capt. Ger- shom Gard was one of the seven sons who served in the Revolution. Eliza- beth married Thomas, son of Timothy Pierson, Dec. 10. 1760. He was born 1737, died May 16, 1782, both probably buried at Rockaway. Sarah married Winter ; Simon married Sybe ; John married Elizabeth Heady, of Morris- town, N. J., by Rev. Timothy Johues, June 16, 1750. He was resident at Mor- ristown, and member of the Presbyteri- church to 1758, when he became a resid- dent and manager of the iron works at Shongum, and was prominent as a mem- ber, officer and subscriber to the Rocka- way church, holding at this early date pew number one. Deacon John was quartermaster under Gen. William Winds. Children of John and Elizabeth (Heady) Huntington. Synon, baptized •July 29, 1759 ; Gillard, baptized Feb. 21, 1760, both become members of the Rock- away church in 1793. John was born at Shongum, Nov. 2, 1779, and baptized there Oct. 21, 1782. Abraham, of Shon- gum, married Sarah Losey, May 10, 1796. Deacon John Huntington died about 1782 or 3 as no records of the church show, his children remained at Shongum until about 1800. He was more than probably buried at Rocka- way, this being at the time of "Dark Ages" for church records, no mention is made at Rockaway or at Morristown. As none of the name was among the list of communicants Oct. 11, 1808, it is probable the families removed not later than 1800. Soon after the Revolution many of the old families of this section sought the more fertile lands of the West, Western New York, Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, and not a few to Vermont, and with them the old Bibles that con- tained the records of the old families. This sketch may seem insignificant to the general reader, but researches have been made from the New Englald Gene- alogical Records, Savage's Genealogies, The HuntiDgtou Family, Conger's New- ark Families, State and County records j Church records of Rockaway and Mor- ristown, and all these fail to show mauy of the minor details that would make it more of interest. The names Simon and Samuel are prominent in the family connections. Samuel Huntington, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was son of Nathaniel, the farmer, the son of Deacon Joseph. the son of Deacon Simon, of Say brook, Conn., the son of Simon who died on the voyage from England. Samuel Huntington, son of Rev. Joseph, was governor of Ohio in 1808-10. He died July 8, 1817. Gen. Jedediah Hunt- ington, graduate of Harvard 1763. of Yale 1770, the son of Thomas, the son of Christopher, the sou of Simon the first, was aid-de-camp to Gen. Washing- ton. He was born at Norwich, Conn., Aug. 15, 1743, died at New London, Conn., Sept. 18, 1818. CDc Kimble familp. The Kimble and Davenport families came from Devonshire, England, and are connected with that family, the Coles, and VanDerhoofs, by many inter- marriages during the early settlements in Morris County, N. J. The progeni- tor of this family, name unknown, his wife and four sons, settled near Milton, Morris county, N. J. Three of the sons did service in the Revolution, two of which were killed in the service, the survivor settled somewhere iu Virginia. William, the younger son, was a physi- cian and remained on the home proper- ty. He married Elizabeth Cole, the daughter of Leonard, who came from Amsterdam, Holland. They had a large family. Gerrett, his son, born Sept. 4. 1793, removed to Sussex county, N. J., in 1812, near Hamburg; where he married Ann Cams, daughter of Michael and Lucre- tia (Rorick) Cams, in 1818. Gerrett died in 1884. His wife was born 1785 and died 1877. Abraham, bom 1788, married Eliza- i beth VanDerhoof, daughter of Abraham, one of the old settlers. He settled near Paradise, and died Aug. 3, 1868. His wife was born Oct. 22, 1789, died Dec. 29, 1861 ; both buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Children : Daniel, born Sapt. 20, 1808, married Delilah, daughter of William and Mary (Angle) Wagoner, Mar. 23, 1832, died Feb. 1, 1841, had four children : Sarah, bom Mar. 8, 1810, mar- ried Peter .1 . , sou of Joseph and Sarah (Alyea) Rome, Aug. 9, 1828, died Mar. 16, 1886, had thirteen children. Mary, born Dec. 8, 1811, married Charles Bo- stedo, or Bishop as the name was changed, formerly of Rockaway, 1829, died Mar. 10, 1888, had fifteen children : Catharine, born Feb. 26, 1814; Ann, born Apr. 8, 1816, married Henry I. Fredericks, died 1898; Elizabeth, born June 18, 1818 ; Rachel, born July 22, 1820; Amelia, born Aug. 18,1822, married William Monks, died Mar. 19, 1873; Matilda, born Oct. 21, 1824; Nancy, born Jan. 25, 1827; Hannah, born Mar. 17, 1829; William A., born 140 Aug. 17, 1831, married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of John and Ann (Dunn) Kimble, Nov. 22, 1856, had eleven children. Phebe. twin, born Aug. 17, 1831 ; Julia, born July 8, 1836, married James, son of John and Ann (Dunn) Kimble. John Kimble born 1806, married Ann M. Dunn, daughter of Samuel and Catharine (Estil) Dunn, Feb. 18, 1826, married (2) Rachel Oar, Jan. 25, 1865. First wife was born July 5, 1809, died May 29, 1862. Second wife was born June 15, 1843. Children : William, born July 26, 1826, married Ellenor, daughter of William and Rebecca (Boyd) Wright, Feb. 9, 1854, died date unknown Horace, born Aug. 29, 1828, died Dec. 18, 1828. Ira, born Sept. 13, 1829, married Catharine, daughter of Daniel and Delilah (Wag- oner) Kimble, died Apr. 4, 1859. Frances Ann, born Jan. 4, 1832, married Elisha, son of David and Catharine (McCan) Bailey. James, born Jan. 16, 1834, mar- ried Julia, daughter of Abraham Kim- ble, Dec. 24, 1855, served in the 15th N. J. Reg. Civil War. A girl, born Jan. 6, 1836, died Jan, 26, 1836. Elizabeth, born July 7, 1837, married William A. Kimble Nov. 22, 1856, died June 27, 1834. John Nelson, born June 27, 1839, married Margaret, daughter of Halsey and Harriet (Denman) Lyon, Nov. 10, 1864, served in 15th N. J. Reg. and re- moved West and enlisted under Gen. Custer, and is supposed to be one of the dead in that terrible Indian massacre. Catharine Jane, born Feb. 14, 1841, died Mar. 2, 1859 ; George, born July 3, 1843, married Hila Catharine, daughter of Abner and Sarah (Davenport) Webb, Aug. 28, 1864; member of 4th N. J. Bat- tery, Civil War., Lydia, born June 29, 1847, married David, son of Abner Webb, Apr. 16, 1869. Samuel, born May 28, 1850; Sidney, twin, died Mar. 24, 1851. Ok Cee Familp. In writing of this historic family so nearly related to many of our Morris County families in Revolutionary times, and in the research so much valuable in- formation has been learned that it will be more extended than many others. The recent collections of Miss Sidney Lyon and Gen. Albert Lee, (Civil War) and from many other sources I am en- abled to connect the relationship for many geueratious. I shall be pleased to learn any additional information or cor- rection, from the readers of this sketch. The founder of this family was Lance- lot de Lee, who came over with William the Conqueror in the Norman conquest to England. He so distinguished him- self in the battle of Hastings Saturday, Oct. 14, 1066, which lasted from early morn until sunset, and in which the Eng- lish were totally defeated that William the Conqueror rewarded him with large estates in Essex, Eng. Lionel Lee, a di- rect descendant of Lancelot, fought with King Richard I in the Holy Laud, and displayed such valor in the taking of Acre, June 8 to July 12, 1191, that he was rewarded with large estates and made Earl of Litchfield. Tradition relates that John Lee, of Lee Hall, Nottingham, Eng., the third Earl of Litchfield, had one son Robert. Robert Lee had son William, who on ac- count of religious persecution fled to the colonies and settled at Hempstead, L. I., 1675. He married Mary Marvin, whose mother's maiden name was Mary Brown, and died at Hempstead 1724. Of Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Lee, we have no records. In 1683 the Governor of New York re- quired the town of Hempstead to take out a new patent, and 2% pence per acre was levied on all lands held by in- dividuals in the town which numbered 160, number of acres 16,563. William Lee was assessed with 40 acres. William and Mary (Marvin) Lee had Thomas, who was a farmer near Hemp- stead. He was never married. After the death of his brother Joseph, who mar- ried Abigail Price, of Hempstead, and 142 died in middle age, he reared the chil- dren and became well to do. John and Robert, sons of William, served in the Colonial wars with the French, and both died of fever soon after their return home at Hempstead. William had also six daughters, of whom no records are found. Children of Joseph and Abigail (Price) Lee : Joseph, born May 14, 1713, mar- ried Sarah Wright Feb. 28, 1733, died 1760. John, baptized at Hempstead Sept. 25, 1726, married Sarah, daughter of Capt. Peter Perrine and wife Mary, died at Yorktown, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1816. Capt. Peter Perrine was of the "Troop" Staten Island Militia, where he resided, Thomas, baptized at Hempstead July 1, 1728, married Dinah Perrine, daughter of Capt. Peter. She was born at Staten Island 1731, died at Littleton, N. J., 1791. Thomas was a Revolutionary soldier ; died at the residence of his son Maj. William at Littleton, Jan. 7, 1804. John and Thomas removed from Hemp- stead to the notheru part of Westchester County, N. Y. John's farm was after- wards owned by Maj. Paulding, one of the captors of Maj. John Andre, now the property of Jacob L. Strang, who married a Lee. Thomas removed to Littleton, Morris county, N. J., in 1764. Abigail, daughter of Joseph, died aged 18 ; Phebe, Mary, never married, died aged 64; Ruth, married Isaac Wright, died aged 84; Sarah, married Dennis Coombs, died aged 80 ; Hannah, married Martin, died aged 84 ; Elizabeth, married Martineau, died aged 80. Children of Joseph Lee and Sarah Wright, who was born May 10, 1715, died in Westchester county, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1759 : Sarah, born Nov. 19, 1735, died May 11, 1762 ; Phebe, born May 18, 1737, married S. Horton ; Wm. Titus, born Oct. 14, 1739, died Sept. 20, 1790; Joseph, born Dec. 7, 1741, married Curry ; Hannah, born Jan. 10, 1744, married Joseph Brevoir, M. D. ; Abigail, married Whitney ; Eliza- beth, born Apr. 22, 1747, married Joseph Ingersoll ; Elijah, born June 23, 1751. He was several times a member of the State Legislature, and judge of Westchester county, N. Y. He married (1) Sarah Conklin, (2) Widow Palmer, who was a daughter of Capt. H. Brown, of Canada ; (3) Letitia Brown, of Rye, N. Y. Children of John Lee and Sarah Per- rine : Thomas, born Aug. 19, 1749, a Revolutionary soldier, died June 24, 1791 ; Sarah, born Nov. 20, 1751, died Oct. 18, 1781 ; John, born Oct. 18, 1753, married Horton May 1, 1784, died Sept. 22, 1835 ; Mary, born Dec. 23, 1755, died Mar. 18, 1845 ; Hannah, born Aug. 23, 1757, died May 14, 1845 ; Peggy, bom May 27, 1759, died May 4, 1836 ; Dinah, born Dec. 15, 1760, died Apr. 20, 1858 ; Abigail, born Sept. 7, 1762, died May 1,' 1828; Phebe, born Oct. 1764, died May 1842 ; Robert Perrine, born Apr. 16. 1766, married Mar. 3, 1796, C. C. Betts, widow of Richard. She was born May 26. 1771, died May 20, 1812. Children of Thomas Lee and Dinah Perrine : Dinah, born Jan. 18, 1754, married (1) Abijah, son of Uriah Cutler. He- was born 1747, died Aug. 9, 1778. H3 They had children : Joseph, born Oct. 16, 1775. The father of the late Hon. Augustus W. Cutler, died Feb. 25, 1854, and Bathia, born Aug. 8, 1778, died Feb. 15, 1782. Dinah, married (2) Ephriam, son of Rev. David Young Aug. 3, 1786. He married (1) Phebe Cutler, daughter of Uriah ; Peter Perrine Lee, born at Woodbridge, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1756, mar- ried Ruth Huntington, daughter of Capt. Gersham Gard. She was born in Morris county N. J., Feb. 15, 1764, died at North Bend, O., Jan. 15, 1819. He died at North Bend, O., Sept. 22, 1848; was Revolutionary soldier. Paul, a Revolu- tionary soldier, born 1758, married Eunice, daughter of Maj. Joseph Liuds- ley, Oct. 31, 1780, died in Orauge ccuuty, N. Y., April 6, 1814. She was born Jan. 31, 1761, died at Westown, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1845. Israel, married Oct. 31, 1780, Bertha Liudsley, a double wedding, two brothers married two sisters. Philip, married (1) S. Byam, (2) Mary Peck. William, married Abigail Byram. Major William lived at Littleton. Thom- as, married Rachel Lyou, removed to Ogdeusburgr, N, Y. Hannah and Phebe. In Aug. 1777 a party of militia, three in number, headed by Capt. F. Strang (who married Catharine Lee) Elijah Lee, afterwards judge, captured Edward Palmer, a lieutenant in the Legion of DeLaney, while he was on a visit to his wife, who lived in that section, and handed him over to Gen. Putnam, who tried him as a spy. He was found guilty and was executed on Gallows Hill, north of Peekskill, N.Y., Aug. 1777. The collections of Gen. Albert Lee give valuable data to present generations of the descendants of Joseph and John Lee. Gen. Albert Lee was son of Moses Liudsley Lee, grandson of Daniel and great-great-grandson of Thomas Lee and Dinah Perrine. Children of Peter Perrine Lee and Ruth Huntington Gard (Legarne) : Melinda Legarde,boru at Littleton, N. J., Oct. 8, 1786, married Jonathan Lvou, of Lyon's Farms, Feb. 9, 1806, died at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, July 27, 1875. Jonathan Lyon, born Mar. 17, 1783, died Dec. 28, 1871, was son of James Lyon, a Revolu- tionary soldier, born Aug. 31, 1755, and Elizabeth Williams, of Newark. James was sou of Moses, a Revolutionary sol- dier, and descendant of Henry Lyou, of Milford, Conn., and first families of Newark, N. J. Philip, born Apr. 13, 1789, died May 3, 1789 ; Adeline, born May 11, 1791, died Oct. 22, 1791 ; Lewis Huntington, born Aug, 27, 1792, mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter of James Lyou, who was born June 14, 1797, died at Ciuciuuatti, O., Apr. 13, 1855. He died Oct. 21, 1839, at Ciuciuuatti, O. Elsie Culpepper, born Mar. 11, 1795, married Murphy 1823, died Nov. 6, 1846. Sophia, boru Dec. 11, 17 l J7, never married, died Sept. 5, 1839; Siduey Smith, born Nov. 27, 1800, died Nov. 17, 1824; Rodney Jefferson, born Nov. 7, 1803, married Sarah Falconer, died Oct. 29, 1871 ; Wells Monroe, born May 26, 1806, mar- ried Mary Dole, of Newberry, Mass., 1827, died July 26, 1849. His wife died 1869 at Washington, D. C. Children of Paul Lee and Eunice Liudsley : Daniel, born at Littleton, N. 144 J., May 13, 1783, married Sarah Abers Dec. 16, 1806, died June 19, 1849. She was bom Sept. 16, 1786, died June 15, 1869. Stephen Peter, born Dec. 18, 1789, was a soldier in- 1812 War, mar- Esther Dickerson, who was born 1798, died Dec. 17, 1881. He died at Salina, Ind., May 13, 1857. Henry Perrine, born Sept. 7, 1799, married (1) Mary Judith Reed, Feb. 2, 1832. She was born Aug. 11, 1812, died Feb. 17, 1832; (2) Janet Simpson, Sept. 4, 1840. She was born Apr. 3, 1810, died Dec. 8, 1870. He died Aug. 10, 1874. Julia, born Mar. 22, 1795, married David Clark, of Orange county, N. Y. Phebe, born Sept. 22, 1785, never married, died Oct. 11, 1840. Sarah, born Apr. 30, 1793, married Jes- see, son of John and Grace (Lindsley) Dickerson, born 1790, died July 1835. She died Feb. 8, 1856. Irene, born May 14, 1791, married' Corwin, died June 1840. Moses Lindsley, born May 29, 1805, married Ann Case Oct. 2, 1832, died May 19, 1876. Ann Case was born Jan. 13, 1815, died Nov. 24, 1883. Children of Major William Lee, born 1762, died Dec. 7, 1839, at Littleton, N. J., and Abigail By r am : Isaac By ram, born Mar. 14, 1792, died in Africa. Susanna Washbourn, born Oct. 4, 1793, married Capt. Timothy Tnttle, of Whip- pany, N. J. He died June 16, 1816. Henry Perrine, born Sept. 20, 1795, died Oct. 26, 1811. Luciuda Youngs, born July 30, 1797, died June 25, 1821. Joseph Cutler, born Apr. 29, 1799. All the above children were baptized at Morristown, Aug. 30, 1799. William, born April 21, 1801; Cyrus, born Feb 1803, married Emily Fisher ; Anna, born May 19, 1805, married Nicholas F. Cook. Phebe, born Apr. 24, 1807, married Wil- liam Kelly, of Michigan. Mary, born Mar. 5, 1809, married Edward, son of Ezekiel and Susannah (Hill) Howel^ Apr. 21, 1831. Edward Howell was born Feb. 27, 1804, died at Littleton, N, J., May 20, 1878. Had sou George W., born Dec. 21, 1835, married Rachel M. Cornish Dec. 31, 1862 ; Susan, born Dec. 24, 1841, married Theodore M. Peck, Dec. 29, 1864. John Lake, born Jan. 26, 1811; Edward Perrine, born Jan. 19, 1813, died in Sacrameuto, Cal. It will be noticed that the Lee and Perrine families were connected by mar- riage, and that many of the children have the name Perrine. There is a tra- dition that Count Pen-in or Perrine was a Huguenot and refugee from Rouen, France. Daniel Perrine came in ship Phillip, from the Isle of Jersey and set- tled at Staten Island 1665. He was born 1630, died on Staten Island 1700. He married Marie Thorel Feb. 18, 1666, at Elizabeth Town by Rev. James Bollen. It is said to be the first marriage license in New Jersey. She died 1680. Their son Daniel was born at Staten Island 1672, died 1740. His son Capt. Peter Perrine was born 1701 died Nov. 13, 1756. His wife Mary was born 1700, died Nov. 29, 1756. Their daughters, Sarah and Dinah, married brothers, John and Thomas Lee. The following letter from Major Wil- liam Lee and his wife Abigail By ram. of Littleton, to Peter Lee will be of in- terest, as being one of the usual styh H5 written by friends and relatives to those who emigrated to the West in those early days. The method of transporta- tion was a common one of that date. The address given for an answer was also in common usage. State of New Jersey, Morris County, Hanover town- ship, Littleton. Relationships will be shown iu the history or genealogy of this well-known Morris County family. November 21, 1810. Dear Brother : I take this opportu- nity to inform you that I am well and the family at this time. I hope these few lines will find you in good health. I received a letter from you three years ago by the hand of Mr. Lyon. At that time I was sick and did not say any- thing to the man, but that I was very glad to hear from you and your family. I have this night come three miles to write to you, so that you must not think I have forgotten you yet. I have nothing new to write, but I will let you know how many children we have, five sous and five daughters. (Here follows the names of children to this date, which are given with dates.) Dear brother you may wonder why my children have not all of them two names. I will tell you the reason is that I was fearful there would not be names enough to be found. If you have any good names in your country, except your own, you will send me one or two or as many more as you think will be wanted and oblige your brother. I send this letter by the hand of Stephen Lee, son of Paul Lee, and Jo- seph Lee, son of Israel Lee, in company. I have not seen our hrother Thomas Lee for almost seven years, but I heard from him last May and he was well. The family at that time had two children, one son and one daughter. I conclude and remain your brother, William Lee. To Peter Lee : Now dear brother, since William has complimented you so well, I will talk with you on other sub- jects. Father Lee lived with us a little more than thirteen years. It is useless to tell you how it is, enough to describe the last thirteen mouths of his life. The first part of December he was taken strangely ill, for two months we were with him night and day. He recovered his health, but had lost the use of his legs, He would feed himself when the victuals were brought to his bedside. He never walked a step more while he lived. Some time in November he was taken more ill. The last of December we could plainly see a great alteration. New Years morning he gave us all the satisfaction we ever wanted. He was fully satisfied with all that we had ever done for him. He wished for all the children to come to his room that he might see them all before he died. He kissed them all and remained in that affectionate state of mind until the seventh day on which he died. You have heard the number of our children and a small part of the change of our father. Taken into consideration, few have so long experienced that faithful saying, once a man and twice a child. Dear brother and sister since so long an interval by the way of a letter, I think we can all afford to pay postage. I kindly request you to send an answer by post immediately after you receive these few broken Hues, since we have no other acquaintance than by letter. I remain the sincere relation that I now stand. My love to all. Abigail Lee. P. S. January 1810 will be six years since our father left this world. He told me to remember him to all his chil- dren as I should have opportunity. I wrote you a number of letters but have received no answer from you. L. This letter to Peter Lee is in posses- sion of B'rauk Lee, son of Rodney Jef- ferson Lee, the son of Peter Lee. Richard Lee a lineal descendant from 146 the Earls, of Litchfield, came from Eng- land to the Colony of Virginia, with Sir William Berkeley in 1641, distinguished as naval officer, and died in the Colony in 1663. He had sons Robert (2) , Han- Cock and Charles. Richard Lee (2) born 1647, was a naval officer, married Letitia Corbin in 1674. She died 1706. He died 1714. They had six sons aud one daughter, Ann, who married Col. William Fitzhugh, the progenitor of the Fitzhugh family in Virginia. Thomas, the fifth son, mar- ried Hannah, daughter of Col. Phillip Ludwell, who was governor of the Vir- ginia Colony in 1750. Thomas had six sons. Thomas Ludwell Lee became a popu- lar man in the Colony Richard Henry Lee, born Jan. 20, 1732, married his cousin, Hannah Philippa Ludwell, was signer of the Declaration of Independ- ence, died June 19, 1794. Francis Light- foot Lee was also signer of the Declara- tion of Independence and of the Conti- nental Congress. William, represented the United States at Vienna and The Hague. Philip Ludwell Lee, with his brother Francis fouudedLeesburg, Va. Arthur Lee, born Dec. 10, 1740, was com- missioner to France, died unmarried, Dec. 12, 1792. Henry Lee, brother of Thomas, and sixth son of Richard, Jr., married Mary Bland and had three sons : Charles Lee, Washington's attorney general ; "Light Horse Harry," born Jan. 29, 1756, mar- ried (1) his cousin, Matilda Lee, and had four children ; married (2) Ann Hill Carter and had six children. He was appointed major general and was a member of Congress in 1799 ; died in Georgia March 25, 1818. Sidney Smith Lee, was the father of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. The youngest son of "Light Horse Harry" was Robert Edward Lee, born Jan. 19, 1807, married 1831 Mary, daugh- ter of George Washington Park Custis ; had five children, died Oct. 12, 1870. Children of Gen. Robert E. Lee : George Washington Custis, W. H. Fitz- hugh, Robert Edward, )r., Mildred, and one other daughter. Gen. Charles Lee of Revolutionary service, once a formidable rival of Wash- ingtod, and who was captured by the British in Morris County, N. J., is not related to the Virginian Lees. The following may be a personal his- tory or experience somewhat relating to the Lee family and the Civil War. In the winters of '59, '60 and '61 some fif- teen or twenty of the boys from Stock- holm and Newfoundland, N. J., found employment at Williamsburg, Va. They usually went from New York on the Roanoke or Jamestown, two rickety old steamers that plied between New York and Richmond, landing at King's Mill Wharf near Williamsburg. These steamers were captured by the confedera- cy, and on the appearance of the Moni- tor in Southern waters, they with other craft were sunk near the mouth of the Appomattox river. To me they were objects of special interest in my excur- sions in war times on "Jeems" River. At Williamsburg it was a strange sight, and one not noticed in our North- H7 era papers, to see fortnightly on Satur- day afternoons, all turn out for military drill and we attended from curiosity at these regular trainings in the old Col- lege City. The usual number went down in '60 and '61 and in the Spring the Southern States were seceding very rapidly, and a large number of the boys were delayed in coming home until Virginia had se- ceded, and it was then impossible, and had it not been for the personal interest of Gen. Custis.of Williamsburg, Va., who was a lineal descendant of the Lees, Fitzhughs, and the first husband of Martha Washington, and the father of Robert E. Lee's wife, the boys would have conscripted in the Confederate army, but passes were furnished by Gen. Custis, and the boys allowed to cross the lines to their homes. The great majority of the boys on their return home enlisted in the Union army, and many fought over the same grounds they had become familiar with. I relate one incident of the war, John Nelson Kimble, who enlisted in the 15th N. J. Infantry, and when near Wil- liamsburg came across an old acquaint- ance, a negro boy, a slave of Gen. Cus- tis, and followed Master Nell, and be- came a mascot to the old 15th Regi- ment becoming useful in camp duties until the close of the war. After the war Kimble married, went to Ohio, and being an acquaintance with the daring General Custer, and enlisted, a short time before the Custer massacre on June 25, 1876, and he was never heard of more. War had many strange personal ex- periences, at one time we were en- camped on the sunny side of the Gen. Lee Mansion , and as raw recruits were facing the General with his well-drilled veterans, and at another on the trail of the General and his retreating army. On the memorable 3d day of April, 1865. our battery, the 4th N. J., was the first to enter Richmond to find that Lee had evacuated the city only a few hours be- fore. We were detailed to hold our po- sition at Camp Lee, while the Cavalry and Infantry followed in haste. Soon followed the greatest event of the war, "Lee had surrendered, and the war was over." As the news of the surrender came up the James River, we first heard the can- nons firing in quick succession, and as the news reached the camps and forts nearer, we could hear the accompani- ment, the bauds were playing, and as the news reached us our own cannons were firing very rapidly, but only with blank cartridges, and the bauds all over the city of Richmond were playing in double quick time, and this was repeat- ed to the north of us until the cannons' roar became as faint in the distance as when we first heard them. But few, Union or Confederate, slept on that eventful night, Lee had surrendered and the war was over. We saw General Lee on several occa- sions, not as a prisoner of war, but «s one of the greatest American generals. The boys in blue had frequent occasions to acknowledge this fact, but now, that the war was over, he was safe to pass 148 through our ranks everywhere, bearing j ty of the actors of the brave and noble the honors of a true soldier, and later as deeds, and they are now only war a quiet peace-loving citizen. There has memories to the few, and recalled as been a final roll call to the great majori- some wild, wierd dream of the past. 6cn. "CigDt Rorse Barrp" Cec. This celebrated soldier, who largely occupied the public eye in the Revolu- tion is worthy of notice, both as an eminent member of the Lee family, and as the father of General Robert E. Lee. He was born in 1756, in the county of Westmoreland, Va., which boasts of being the birth place of Washington, Monroe, Richard Henry Lee, General Henry Lee and General Robert E. Lee. Presidents, statesmen and soldiers — and, after graduating at Princeton College, entered the army in 1776, as captain of cavalry, an arm of the service afterward adopted by his more celebrated descend- ant, in the United States Army. He soon displayed military ability of high order, and, for the capture of Paulus' Hook, received a gold medal from Con- gress. In 1781 he marched with his "Legion" to join Greene in the Caro- linas, carrying with him the high es- teem of Washington, who had witnessed Ins skillful and daring operations in the Jerseys. His career in the arduous cam- paigns of the South against Cornwallis, and the efficient commander of his cav- alry arm, Colonel Tarleton, may be best understood from General Greene's dis- patches, and from his own memoirs of the operations of the army, which are written with as much modesty as abili- ty. From these it is apparent that the small body of the "Legion" cavalry, under its active and daring commander, was the "eye and the ear" of Greene's army, whose movements it accompanied everywhere, preceding its advance, and covering its retreats. Few pages of military history are more stirriug than those of Lee's memoirs describing Green's retrograde movement to the Dan ; and this alone, if the hard work at the Entaws and elsewhere were left out, would place Lee's fame as a caval- ry officer upon a lasting basis. The dis- tinguished soldier, under whose eye the Virginian operated, did full justice to his courage and capacity. "I believe," wrote Gen. Greene, "that few officers either in Europe or America, are held in so high a position 150 of admiration as you are. Everybody knows I have the highest opinion of you as an officer, and you know I love you as a friend. No man in the progress of the campaign, had equal merit with yourself." The officer who wrote those lines was not a courtier or a diplomatist, but a blunt and honest soldier, who had seen Lee's bearing in the most arduous straits, and was capable of appreciating military ability. Add Washington's expression of his "love and thanks" in a letter written in 1789, and the light in which he was regarded by his contem- poraries will be understood. His "Memoirs of the War in tbe Southern Department" is a valuable military history and a very interesting book. After the war General Henry Lee served a term in congress ; was then elected governor of Virginia ; returned in 1799 to congress, and, in his oration upon the death of Washington, em- ployed the well known phrase, "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen." He died in Georgia in the year 1818, having made a journey thither for the benefit of his health. General Henry Lee was married twice ; first, as we have said, to his cousin Matilda, through whom he be- came in possession of the old family es- rtate of Stratford, Va. ; and the second time, June 18, 1793, to Miss Anne Hill Carter, a daughter of Charles Carter, Esq., of "Shirley" on James River. The children of his second marriage were three sons and two daughters : Charles Carter, Robert Edward, Smith, Ann and Mildred. Col. 30D11 munson. The Presbyterian Church Records show that Capt, John Muiison became a member in 1773. He was connected with the iron interest of Rockaway pre- vious to the Revolution, and built "Guin- ea Forge" about 1770, which he sold with 2,600 acres, to Joshua Winget, having failed in the iron business. The same tract was surveyed by Thomas Millage to Benj. Beach and Col. John Munson. He resided about one mile north of Rock- away on the Hibernia road. Was cap- tain at the beginning of the Revolution, a member of the Committee of Safety and Lt. Col. in 1776, and as colonel en- listed men in Rockaway and vicinity June 5, 1778, to serve nine months in the 1st Reg. New Jersey Brigade. He probably died soon after this service, as no mention is made of him in the Church Records after the Revolution. No records as to who he married. Children were : Daniel, Elizabeth, born Feb. 12, 1763, married Nathaniel Fair- child June 24, 1799, who was a soldier in the Revolution, as these Bible rec- ords were sent to the pension office to secure the pension of the said Elizabeth Fairchild. Anna, married Minton, probably of Rockaway ; Margaret and John. Col. John was a probable brother of Capt. Solomon Munson, Jr., who mar- ried Mary Piersou Oct. 10, 1753. He was born 1725, died Feb. 8, 1803, and belonged to the 1st Company of the 3d Battalion. His son Ezekiel settled Munson's Hill, Dover; was born 1761 and died Sept. 2, 1828. His wife Rhoda was born 1765 and died Nov. 15, 1827. Both buried in the Rockaway Cemetery. Descendants are still numerous in Mor- ris and Sussex counties. Will not some of them give further information in re- gard to Col. John Munson, of Rocka- way? Clx Pollison Familp. Among the early settlers in Morris County in the lands bordering the Sus- sex line, called Holland Mountain, were the Powlsons andMonrsons, both de- scendants from early Holland Dutch families, and closely connected by inter- marriages. Paulus Pieterse married Trintic Mar- tin, came to New York before 1658 ; both died 1702. Child Martin Panlisse mar- ried Margrietje Westervelt in 1694. Child Paulus Martense married Rachel Demorest 1731, they had Martin, Jaco- bus and John, perhaps others. John married Gertrude Terhune and had son John, who married Mary Cleveland, a descendant of Moses, the ancestor of Grover Cleveland. John, Jr., had Henry, born 1781, married Mary Mower- sou Sept. 23, 1804, by Rev. Ebenezer Jayne, of Milton, N. J. He died June 19. 1854. .'acob was married by Jayne Feb. 14, 1806, to Catharine Mowerson. Edward also married a Catharine Mow- erson. Isaac, born Jan. 18, 1779, mar- ried Elizabeth Mowerson 1798, died Sept. 30, 1865. She was born May 10, 1783, died May 2, 1859, buried at the old cemetery on Holland Mountain. Children of Isaac and Elizabeth : John, born Nov. 28, 1799, married Betsey De- Camp Sept. 1826, removed West. Abila, born Jan. 17. 1802, died young. Henry, born Feb. 28, 1803, married Phebe Hen- derson, daughter of Moses, died June 13, 1888. She was born 1707, died May 6, 1872. Israel, born July 3, 1805, mar- ried Elizabeth Smith April 6, 1832, by Rev. John G. Kanouse. Charlotte, born Jan. 17, 1808, married James M. Henderson, son of Moses, Dec. 10, 1825, died Jan. 26, 1896. Sophia, born Nov. 11, 1811, married John Jacobs July 1847. Had one son killed in the Civil War. Isaac, born Apr. 10, 1815, went West. Edward, born Sept. 19, 1817 ; Elizabeth, born May 27, 1820 ; Jacob, born Sept. 26, 1824, married as second wife Sarah M., daughter of Samuel Beaty, Feb. 1867. She married (2) James Woods, of Stock. holm,N. J. Abraham, (twin) born Sept- 26, 1824, married Julia Stockman. She i5 3 died Feb. 6, 1861. Euieline, bom July 31, 1828, married Moses Cooper, brother of James, of Dover, N. J., the sou of James, the of John, who came from Haverstraw, N. Y., at an early date. Selah, sou of Heury aud Mary (Mow- erson) boru 1809, married Louisa Wis- uer aud had children : Horace, William H., Mary S., aud Thomas. Israel aud Eliza (Smith) had children : Theodore, John Amsy, William R., Louisa, Mary and perhaps others. Heury aud Phebe (Heuderson) had childreu : John, Mahlou and Anna M. The Heuderson family is closely con- nected. Moses came from Ireland. He married a Miss Gamoe fc who came from Holland. Childreu: James M., born Jan. 9, 1800, married Charlotte Pollisou Dec. 10. 1825, died Jau. 8, 1882. Mathias was a minister, Aleazer, Joseph, born July 16, 1816, was a minister, died at Warwick Apr. 26, 1889. Moses, Samuel, Robert, Martin, Phebe, born 1807, mar- ried Heury Pollisou, died May 6, 1872, Susau, aud Anua M. With the excep- tion of James M. and Phebe all married aud settled at Oxford Furnace, iu War- ren county, N. J. Childreu of James M. and Charlotte : Elizabeth, born July 10, 1826, married Abraham, sou of Joel Harrison, Feb. 22, 1851, died April 13, 1856, had one daugh- ter Hannah, who was born Apr. 9, 1856. Sophia Anu, born Jan. 20, 1828, married Isaac Paddick settled uear Wawayanda, N. J. Phebe, born Mar. 15, 1830, married Daniel Halsey Predmore, son of John, May 1, 1853, had several children. Mathias, born Aug. 5. 1832, married daughter of Charles Card, was member of 4th N. J. Battery. Moses, boru Sept. 23, 1834, married Jemima Jennings, daughter of Robert, Feb. 9, 1856, mem- ber of 4th N. J. Battery. Julia, born Jan. 25, 1837, married Jacob P., sou of Wm. Cole. Catharine, born Mar. 25, 1839, married Edward Beam, died Dec. 6, 1897. John, boru Mar. 23, 1841, married Ann Williams, daughter of William, May 10, 1863, (2) Julia A. Cook, daugh- ter of Audrew, Oct. 1, 1892, member of 4th N. J. Battery. Martin, born Dec. 20, 1843, married -Julia, daughter of Eg- bert Post, Jau. 28, 1875, member of 4th N. J. Battery. David, boru Jau. 26, 1847, married Mary, daughter of John Crane, Jr., Mar. 2, 1880. Charles, (twin) born Jan. 6, 1847, married Sarah, daugh- ter of Wm. J. and Jemima (Cole) Win- ters, Dec. 19, 1877. She was born Apr. 8, 1857, died Sept. 19, 1883. Married (2) Emmons Frances Fredericks, daughter of John, Dec. 24, 1888. James, born Mar. 27, 1850, married Christiua Hoppler, daughter of Samuel. Sarah, boru Sept. 17, 1852, married, name uu- I knowu. Ox Compkins family Ichabod Tompkins was the second minister to the Baptist Church at Mor- ristown, from Nov. 6, 1759, to Jan. 3, 1761, at which date he died. He was succeeded by the Rev. John Walton June 17, 1767. He married Hannah Goble Dec. 24, 1746. She married (2) Amos Stark, and died Feb. 7, 1797, aged 70 years. Children: Uzal, born Oct. 26, 1747, married (1) Martha, daughter of Jona- than Reeve, of Morristown. She died Apr. 22, 1770, aged 19. He married (2) Susanna Benjamin, probably of Rocka- way, Dec. 30, 1771, she was born Aug. 25, 1748, died Jan. 25, 1817. Her wed- ding slippers are said to be at Washing- ton Headquarters. He married (3) Elizabeth Osborn Sept, 16, 1817. She died Mar. 12, 1834. He died at Frank- lin Apr. 12, 1831. Salome, born May 9, 1749, married Stephen, son of Phineas Fairchild, Dec. 23, 1771. Phebe, born Jan. 30, 1751 ; Isaac, born July 19, 1753, died Sept. 20, 1806 ; Robert, born Apr. 17, 1755, died Nov. 20, 1775 ; Nathan, born Jan. 21, 1757, married Phebe Mor- ris Apr. 12, 1779; Huldah, born Oct. 29, 1759 ; Ichabod, born Apr. 1, 1761. Children of Uzal or Usual and Susan- na (Benjamin) Tompkins : Peter, born Sept. 17, 1772, married Sarah, daughter of Phineas Fairchild, Dec. 15, 1795, lived in the house built by the Revolutionary soldier, Nathaniel Dickerson, opposite the residence of J. P. Crayon at Frank- lin. He died there May 27, 1836. His wife was born Feb. 26, 1 773, died at Franklin May 6, 1861, both buried at Rockaway. Jacob, born Nov. 13, 1773, married Mary, daughter of Enoch Goble, lived at New Vernon, had children : Mary C, Deborah, Phebe, Chillion and John L., died at New Vernon July 5, 1853. Abraham, born Apr. 19, 1775; Robert, born May 14, 1776 ; Jonathan, born Nov. 6, 1778, married (1) Nancy Lindsley May 11, 1800. She died Apr. 7, 1807, married (2) Jane Baker Feb. 8, 1808. He died Julyl9, 1832. Hannah, born Apr. 11, 1780, married William, son of Enoch Goble, Dec. 17, 1799, died '55 Mar. 6, 1860. He was born 1787, died Oct, 14, 1843. Sarah, born Apr. 5, 1782, married James Stevens May 12, 1808, lived at Mendham, died May 1, 1850. He was born Aug. 23, 1783, married Mary Clark, May 14, 1809, lived at Littleton, died Dec. 18, 1847. She was born 1785. died Apr. 20, 1834. Martha, born Apr. 7, 1785, married John Lindsley Feb. 19, 1807, died Apr. 15, 1861. Lived at New Vernon. He was born Nov. 20, 1785, died July 2, 1853. Eunice, born Jan. 31, 1781, married Mahlon Lindsley Apr. 27, 1809, died Feb. 1, 1873. Henry, born Nov. 9, 1788, died Sept. 17, 1826. Children of Peter and Sarah (Fair- child) Tompkins : Luis, born Sept. 23, 1796, at Franklin ; David, bom Nov. 6, 1798; Selee S., born Oct. 15, 1802, mar- ried Rebecca, daughter of Samuel and Neomi (Southard) Palmer, died Jan. 1, 1868. She was born Oct. 29, 1804. died Dec. 10, 1871. Both buried at Rocka- way. Hila, born June 2, 1810, (on tomb- stone Nov. 29. 1805,) married William E. Iliuchmau Apr. 27, 1825, lived at Den- ville, and died Apr. 6, 1899. He was born Apr. 24, 1806, died Sept. 24', 1872. Both buried at Rockaway. Children of Selee and Rebecca (Pal- mer) Tompkius born at Franklin : Silas B., Hila, married Miller Smith ; William S., married Catharine Norris. Ok Wiggins familp. A British biographer of Washington once made the assertion that in all the battles of the Revolution, Washington was never found at the front with the men he commanded. To prove to the contrary it was related by Jonathan Wiggins, who was at the battle of Mon- mouth, N. J., and lost an arm there, that the compauy to which Wiggins was attached, had made an advance to a point far exceeding the rest of the army, when Washington rode up and ordered a retreat to a position of less danger. Wiggins related that he with others were climbing over a high Virginia rail fence, when a British cannon ball struck in the line of fence and completely de- molished the under part of the fence, as they were in the act of getting over it, and scattered the fragments far and wide, much to the discomfort of the whole company. Fortunately no one was killed ; a few were slightly injured and all badly scared. Soon after this occurrence he lost an arm at Monmouth, and soon afterwards returned to Mt. Hope and was placed in command of Faesch's favorite team, a position of honor, especially when that team knew their driver and learned that his word was law, and his whip was gospel. It is related that he became an expert .in the use of the whip, not as an instrument of cruelty and punish- ment, but as a capital punishment to any refractory flies that might annoy the team, and it is said could kill a fly that alighted upon the leaders ear with- out touching the ear with the whip. When distinguished company came to the "big house," still standing and re- markably well preserved for one of its age, Faesch would amuse his visitors by getting Wiggins to show his expertness with the whip, by taking a chicken's head off with one blow from the whip. These stories have been handed down and related so many times that the nar- rators have believed them true, and as I have no means of confirming or reject- ing the same, am not willing to give vouchers for authenticity. '57 The Wiggius family came from Ger- many, but when, history does not relate. The first of the name recorded in Morris County, is one Stephen Wiggins, who married Sarah White in Jan. 19, 1752. Jonathan may or may not have been a sou ; he was born Aug:. 29, 1763, married Phebe Fordham 1781, probably from Long Island, died at and was buried at Mt. Hope Dec. 6, 1815. Phebe Fordham was born Dec. 22, 1764, died at Long- wood Jan. 8, 1857, buried a Berkshire Valley. Children : William Fordham, born at Mt. Hope Apr. 21, 1782, married Susan Wirtman, died Oct. 12, 1842. His wife was born 1776, died Jan. 9, 1839. Both buried at Berkshire Valley. David (I) born Apr. 24, 1784, died Dec. 27, 1786, buried at Mt. Hope. David Fordham, born May 24, 787, married Jane Gard, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Mer- rick) Gard. Dec. 2, 1809, died Feb. 17, 1870. His wife was born July 8, 1789, died Mar. 4, 1856 ; both burid at Rocka- way. Sarah, born Jan. 23, 1790, mar- ried Uel Hurd Apr. 28, 1810. Margaret, born June 7, 1792, married Terence Brannin, of Mt. Hope, died Mar. 28, 1857. He was born Aug. 14, 1784, died July 2, 1860 ; both buried at Rockaway. Theodosia, born Aug. 12, 1794, married Oliver Crossman. Thomas, born Mar. 4. 1798, died on the same day. .lonathau, born Apr. 26, 1802. Some of the Bible records and tombstone records disagree, the Bible records have been given. Children of William Fordham Wig- gins : Jane Cook, born Apr. 29, 1803, married Henry Berry, of Dover, July 21, 1827. Cornelia DeCamp, born Feb. 15, 1805, married Jonathan Apgar, July 8, 1835. Mary Ann, born June 24, 1807, married George Moore. Phebe Ford- ham, born June 10, 1809 married Samuel C. Merritt, Nov. 10, 1827, died Sept. 19. 1892. He was born 1809, died Apr. 23, 1871 ; both buried at Rockaway. Wil- liam Fordham, born July 13, 1811, died at Chicago Mar. 29, 1897. Sarah Hurd, born Jan. 13, 1815, married Samuel Mouthall. Susan Wirtman, born Feb. 14, 1817. married William Williams Mar. 26, 1835. Uel Hurd, born Apr. 5, 1820, living near Berkshire Valley, mar- ried (1) Matilda H. Woodruff, Jan. 28, 1843. She was born Apr. 23, 1821, died May 20, 1871. (2) Mrs. Jahua E. Em- mouds, July 3, 1872. She was born Apr. 2, 1819, died July 29, 1890. Both buried at Rockaway. (3) Lucy A. Tal- madge, daughter of Win, H., Oct. 6, 1892. Children of David F. Wiggins : Sarah Fordham, born Dec. 8, 1810, married Alexander Norris, son ofJacob and Catharine, Sept. 27 ; 1832, died June 28, 1879. He was born Oct. 9, 1807, died May 8, 1883. Both buried at Rockaway. Lewis Gard, born Mar. 17, 1813, married Eliza Fichter, daughter of Frederick, Sept 5, 1835, died June 14, 1866. She was born Oct. 21, 1812, died Apr. 13, 1896. Both buried at Rockaway. Will- iam Fordham, born Mar. 28, 1815, mar- ried Susan H. Doughty, daughter of Moses, Nov. 22, 1837, died Apr. 2. 1891. She died 1880. Both buried at Succasun- ua. Phebe M.. born June 28, 1817, died Sept. 30, 1818, buried at Rockaway. i58 Jonathan (twin) born Apr. 6, 1820, mar- ried Elizabeth Minton, died Mar. 10, 1877, buried at Rockaway. Rachel, (twin) born Apr. 6. 1820, married Abram W. Shawger Nov. 21, 1840, died Jan. 15, 1890. He was born July 5, 1816, son of Leopolt, died July 26, 1895. Both buried at Rockaway. David, born Nov. 5, 1822, married Helen Dow. Daniel Gard, born Mar. 17, 1827, married Phebe Bel- cher, died Oct. 4. 1895. She was born Oct. 9, 1830, died Mar. 12, 1888. Both buried at Rockaway. Leopolt Shawger, settled at an early date near Rockaway, and had children : Joseph, born Sept. 19, 1805 ; George, born June 2, 1807 ; Elizabeth, born July 81, 1809; Hannah, born Oct. 9, 1811; William H., born Apr. 3, 1813 ; Abram W., born July 5, 1816, married as above. Morris, born Aug. 5, 1818. Children of Terence Brannin : Barna- bas K., John E., born 1810, married Catharine Storms, died Mar. 13, 1896. She was born Apr. 14, 1811, died Sept. 1, 1891. Both buried at Rockaway. Jonathan, born 1813, died Feb. 13, 1895, buried at Rockaway, Catharine, living, married John Osborn, who is buried at Rockaway. Anthony, married Harriet, daughter of Joel and Almeda (Cole) Harrison. Children of Lewis Gard Wiggins : Harriet, born Aug. 13, 1836, married Wm. O. Dakin, died Apr. 20, 1875, buried at Rockaway. Mary Jane, born May 12, 1838, married Robert Richards, of Dover, died Sept. 18, 1894, buried at Dover. Had three children : Annie, Jessie and Robert. Phebe, born July 9, 1840, died Dec. 22, 1860, buried at Rock- away. George B., born Oct. 25, 1842, died Jan. 18, 1864, buried at Rockaway. David A., born Apr. 10, 1845, married Sarah A., daughter of William and Mary (Blanchard) Shawger, Dec. 20, 1871. Resident of farm formerly oc- cupied by Rev. Barnabas King, as par- sonage. John F., born June 24, 1851, died Oct. 31, 1856, buried at Rockaway. Anna, born Dec. 25, 1854, died Mar. 18, 1855, buried at Rockaway. Children of William Fordham, son of David F. : Albert D., soldier in Civil War, drowned in Cumberland River, near Somerset, Ky., May 6, 1863. En- phemia, married William H. Mase ; Sarah Louisa, not married ; Dr. Henry C, born June 13, 1844, married Belle M. Northrop, daughter of Moses, living at Succasunna. Martha D., married Wm. E. Coursen. Children of David A. Wiggins: George, born July 5, 1873, married Alhe, daughter of Edgar W. Beam, Jan. 14, 1899, have one child, Helen, born Mar. 3, 1900, of the sixth generation from Jonathan Wiggins. Edith, born Aug. 2, 1877; Lewis A., born Mar. 14, 1879; Daisy, born Mar. 9, 1883 ; Sarah, born Feb. 10, 1887 ; Herbert bron May 22, 1890. Children of Daniel Gard Wiggins : Frances M., born May 24, 1850, died Aug. 21, 1859 ; Phebe Ann, (twin) born Jan. 9, 1855, died Sept. 12, 1855 ; Eliza, (twin) born Jan. 9, 1855, died Oct. 2, 1855; Lewis McC, born Apr. 4,1862, died Nov. 30, 1862 ; Wenona, born Aug. 6, 1863, died Aug. 20, 1868. All buried at Rockaway. Adam, married Alice 159 VanDusen ; Jane, married William Pol- lard, of Dover, and George, living. Children of Uel Hard Wiggins : Ma- tilda, born Feb. 5, 1844; Susan Cornelia, born July 13, 1845. died Jan. 22, 1846 ; Mary, born Nov. 11, 1848, married Stewart Mains, died Dec. 9, 1876. An- gelina, born May 31, 1851, married Lewis G. Shawger, died Apr. 21, 1877. William, born June 30, 1853, living at Newark ; Sarah Elizabeth, born Feb. 20, 1856, married William F. Merritt, died July 7, 1883; Myrtie D., born Nov. 29, 1863, died Mar 10, 1865. Children who have died are all buried at Rockaway. Clx Beacl) familp. Three brothers, the sons of Rev. John Beach, of Devonshire, Eng., Richard, John and Thomas Beach came from England to the New Haven Colony. Richard is first mentioned in 1639, John 1641 and Thomas 1647. Richard re- moved to Elizabeth, N. J., 1665, and from thence to Morns county 1688. John died at Wallingford, Gt., 1667. Thomas removed to Milford, Ot., proba- bly died there. His son Zopher, with sons Epenetus, Josiah, Samuel and Zopher, came to Newark in 1685. De- scendants of the three "Pilgrims" set- tled in Morris county, but more promi- nent at Rockaway and its vicinity are those of Pilgrim John and wife Mary. Children : Elizabeth, born Mar. 8, 1652, married Eliasalph Preston, son of William, of New Haven, had eight chil- dren. John Jr., born Apr. 1654, mar- ried Hannah Staples, daughter of Thom- as, of Fairfield, Ct., Dec. 18, 1689. had five children. Mary, born Sept. 1656, married Capt. Thomas Yale. Thomas, born May 1659, married (1) Ruth Peck, daughter of Paul, had four children ; (2) Phebe Wilcoxseu 1687, had eight children. He died May 14, 1741. Na- thaniel, born Mar. 1662, married Sarah, daughter of John Porter, of Windsor, Ct., Apr. 29,1686. She was born 1667, had ten children. Hannah, born Dec. 1665, married (1) Zachariah Fairchild Nov. 3, 1681, had nine children. He was born Dec. 4, 1651, died June 3, 1703. She married (2) John Burwell May 5. 1708. He died Feb. 1, 1727. Sarah, born Nov. 1667 ; Isaac, born June 27, 1669, married Hannah Birdsley, daugh- ter of John, of Stratford, Ct., May 3, 1693, had six children. He died 1741. Joseph, born Feb. 5, 1671, married Abiah or Abigab Booth, daughter of Ebenezer, lrad six children, died Dec. 17, 1727. Benjamin, born at Wallingford, Ct., Mar. 3, 1673-4, married Mary Hitchcock, daughter of James, of Wal- lingford, Ct., 1695, settled at Cheshire, Ct., 1696, removed to Newark 1714, and from thence fo Hanover 1717. His wife was born Dec. 10, 1676. Benjamin and i6i his family were the pioneers of the Beach family in Morris county. Children of Benjamin and Mary, all born at Walliugford, Ct. : Peter, born Sept. 14, 1696; Eunice, born Aug. 3, 1698, married Obadiah Hotchkiss. Ben- jamin and Mary, (twins) born May 19, 1702 ; Noah bom Nov. 15, 1705, married Hannah Harrimau, daughter of Joseph, who settled at Denville, died at Hanover July 20, 1780. Abuer, born Sept. 17, 3 708, married Sarah Harrimau. sister of Hauuah, Mar. 1734, lived at Denville, died June 11, 1768, probably buried at Rockaway. Tabitha, born Feb. 12, 1712; Lydia, born Aug. 27, 1713. Children of Noah and Hannah, of Hanover: Stephen, born 1732, married Patience Bedford, probable daughter of Timothy, Jan. 1, 1766. He made will Apr. 26, which was proved May 19, 1791, date of death unknown. His wife's fu- neral sermon was preached at Hanover church Feb. 14,1802. Nathaniel, born 1734, married Sarah Peck Jan. 30, 1755, died May 21, 1799. Wife's funeral ser- mon May 30. 1811. Enoch, born 1737, married Mrs. Susan Darling, a daughter of Joseph Day. She was born 1739, died June 8, 1777. Married (2) Mrs. Hannah Wheeler, a daughter of David Young, born June 13, 1747. died Nov. 14, 1827. He died at Hanover Mar. 7, 1814. Peter, born 1740, married, name unknown, died Jan. 10, 1777. He had two sons : Aaron, born 1765, died at Kingston, N. J., 1826, and Cyrenus, born 1771, died at Newark 1829. Children of Stephen and wife Pa- tience : Sarah, born 1766, married Jo- seph Wade, had ten children, died Oct. 14, 1815. He w r as born 1765, and mar- ried (2) Nancy (Tyler) Ailing, died Dec. 19, 1818 Noah, farmer at Hanover, born Aug. 19, 1768, (twin) married (1) Joanna, daughter of Thomas and Abigail (Ross, of Rockaway,) Thompson, July 3, 1791. She died Aug. 25, 1797. (2) Elizabeth .Liudsley, Mar. 27, 1798. She was born at Orange 1768, died at Hanover Jan. 9, 1857. He died May 19, funeral sermon May 22, 1825. Hannah, born Aug. 19, 1768, married Rev. Calvin Green Dec. 27, 1787, had six children, died fuly 14, 1847. He was born at Hanover July 25, 1765, died Feb. 3, 1847. Notes of funeral sermons were taken from Calvhi Green's diary. Je- mima, born Aug. 28, 1770, married Caleb Tuttle as second wife, the sou of David and Sarah (Coe) Tuttle, Jan. 2, 1801, died Apr. 2, 1844. He was born July 14, 1758, died Apr. 27, 1832, lived at Han- over Neck, had one child. Phiuehas, born Apr. 24, 1772, married (1) Patience Thompson Oct. 20, 1795. She was born June 29, 1773* funeral sermon June 8, 1824. (2) Patty (Cook) Ball Oct. 23, 1825. She was born 1784, died Mar. 2, 1847. He died July 16, 1835, had eight children. Peter, born Mar. 14, 1779, married Hannah Mulford July 18, 1798. She was born May 14, 1778. died Dec. 10, 1829 ; was daughter of Christopher Mulford, of Hanover Neck, and wife Jane Ross, of Rockaway, N. J. He died Jan. 9, 1854, had thirteen children. Children of Abuer and Sarah, of Den- ville, N. J.: Phebe, born Oct. 1, 1736; l62 Joseph, born Oct. 5, 1738 ; Eunice, born Sept. 16, 1740; Isaac, born Oct. 11, 1742. Benjamin, the progenitor of the Rock- away Beaches, was born at Denville, N. J. Apr. 26, 1745, married (1) Jane Allen, daughter of Job and wife Christina, of Rockaway. She was born at Denville, N. J. Dec. 22, 1751, died Apr. 16, 1780. (2) Nancy fSarren or Searing as now writ- ten) Bigalow, widow of Daniel Bigalow, of Rockaway. She was born Jan. 23, 1752, died Oct. 10, 1830. He died May 17, 1827. All buried at Rockaway. Ann or Crin, born Mar. 11, 1747 ; Abner, Jr., born July 11, 1749 ; Sarah born Oct. 21, 1751 ; Abraham, born Mar. 13, 1755; Ephraim, born June 5, 1757 ; David, uorn Jan 19, 176 i, married Phebe Dan- iels, died Jan. 31. 1815, buried at Rock- away. Children of Benjamin and wives Jane and Nancy : Eunice, born at Rockaway Jan. 2, 1770, married Joseph Losey, had one child, died Aug. 26, 1791. Benja- min, born at Rockaway Dec. 11, 1771, married (1) Catharine Miller Mar. 11, 1797. She was daughter of John and Martha (Coughliu) Miller, of Beach Glen, N. J., born May 12. 1776, died Apr. 15, 1808, had five children. (2) Olive Brad- ley at Elizabethtown, N. Y., July 21, 1808. She was born Mar. 14, 1786, died Feb. 23, 1821, had eleven children. (3) Mary Halcomb at Meutz, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1821. She was daughter of Jedidiah and Lydia (Haysington) Halcomb, born Apr. 3, 1799, died Feb. 12, 1877, had nine children. He died Oct. 1, 1838, having had three wives and twenty-five chil- dren. Ruth, born at Beach Glen, as were all the other children, Oct. 28, 1773, married at Beach Glen, Abraham Moore, who was born May 7, 1763, died Feb. 3, 1824, had nine children. She died May 10, 1815. Elizabeth, born Dec, 17, 1777, married Jeptha Garrigus at Beach Glen. He was son of David and Abigail (Losey) Garrigus, born June 7, 1776, died Jan. 22, 1868. She died June 25, 1833. They removed West and had thirteen children. Job Allen, born Apr, 5, 1780, married (1) Susannah Hathaway at Rockaway, June 12, 1800. She was daughter of Capt. Silas and Prudence (Baldwin) Hatha- way, born Oct. 12, 1780, died Dec. 6, 1822, had ten children. (2) Judith Connelly Aug. 26, 1824. She was born Dec. 2, 1805, had ten children. He died Apr. 17, 1849. Samuel Searing, born Jan. 4, 1782, married -lane Hoff at Rockaway, June 27, 1805. She was daughter of Charles and Hannah (Tut- tle) Hoff, born Aug. 6, 1785, died Apr. 11, 1874, had eight children. He died Jan. 19, 1859. Both buried at Rocka- way. Solomon, born Nov. 16, 1783, married at Chesterfield, S. O, Sarah Terry June 9, 1810. She was born Nov. 10, 1790, had four children. He died Aug. 12, 1850. Nancy, born Sept. 24, 1785, died Apr. 6, 1786; Joshua Muusou, born Dec. 22, 1786, died Apr. 28, 1806. Both probably buried at Rockaway. Jane, born Mar. 26, 1789, married (1; at Beach Glen, Samuel Day Aug. 9, 1806. He was son of Samuel and Anne, born Nov. 6, 1784, died Apr. 24, 1826, had ten chil- dren. (2) Jonah Lewis in Indiana, Aug. 18, 1834. She died June 10, 1852. 163 Chilion, born Aug. 10, 1792, married (1) Cornelia DeCamp at Lougwood, N. J., Nov. 2, 1814. She was daughter of Joseph arid Jane (Tuttle) DeCamp, born June 27, 1791, died Nov. 25, 1832, had niue chil- dren. (2) Catharine (Righter) Hartwell at Rockaway, Mar. 5, 1834. She was daughter of Casper Righter, aud widow of Cyrus Hartwell, born Mar. 6, 1795, died June 21, 1884. no children. He died Sept. 26, 1842, buried at Rockaway. Nancy, born Aug. 12, 1794, married at Beach Glen, Daniel Hathaway, son of Capt. Silas, July 12, 1817, had nine chil- dren. He was born Jan. 4, 1790, died Dec. 2, 1862. She died Aug. 2, 1869. Both probably buried at Rockaway. Children of David and Phebe, all born in New Jersey, aud removed near Lake Champlain and Canada: Sarah, born 1784; William, born 1785 ; Phebe, born 1787; David, Jr., born 1790 ; Abraham, born 1791 ; Mahlou, born Oct. 26, 1793, married Mercy May Clothier. She was born May 12,1798. Nancy, born 1785 ; Benjamin, born 1798. Children of Mahlon and Mercy, from records of Bensou C. Reach : Iquois, On- tario, Elizabeth, born 1817; David, born 1819; Phebe, bom 1821 ; Emeliue, born 1823 ; Lyman C, born 1825 ; W. Henry, born 1828; Asa, born 1830; Mahlou Ford, born Nov. 10, 1833, married Louisa C. Wickwire, who was born Apr. 26, 1835. Jouu W., born 1837 ; Mercy Ann, born 1839. Children of Mahlon Ford and Louisa C. : Charles A., born 186P ; Frederick, born 1868; Benson C. and Anson W., (twins) born 1870; Mahlon W., born 1872 ; Howard B., born 1873 ; D. Easton and G. Weston, (twins) born 1875 ; Dan- iel, born 1877; J. Russell, born 1878; Oliu A., born 1882. Children of Enoch and wives Susan aud Hannah : Samuel, born June 28, 1761, married Mary L. Thomas, had four childreu, died May 11, 1793. Dar- ling, born 1764, married Keturah Green, daughter of Rev. Jacob and Elizabeth (Piersou) Green, Mar. 31, 1790, died Aug. 31, 1793, had one child, Elizabeth Darling, baptized 1791, married Rev. Elisha Swift, Oct. 3, 1817. Nancy, born •luly 19, 1767, married Abraham Halsey Oct. 20. 1791, died Oct. 10, 1805. They had childi-eu : William Ely, born July 26, 1792, died 1793 ; Susau D., born July 3, 1794, married William, sou of Capt. Stephen Jackson, of Rockaway, died June 26, 1868. Samuel B., born July 24, 1796, died Sept, 15, 1871 ; Abraham, born Oct, 8, 1798, died Mar. 17, 1852 ; Silas D., born Nov. 22, 1801, died Feb. 17, 1884 ; Electa D., born Sept. 12, 1804, died Sept. 22, 1806 Electa, baptized Oct. 22, 1769, married (1) Silas Dicker- son May 21, 1795. He was born 1772, died July 7. 1807. (2) Col. Joseph Jack- sou, of Rockaway, May 8, 1808. Gabriel, baptized Apr. 26, 1772, died young; Abi- gail, baptized Feb. 27, 1774, died young ; Susanna, baptized Feb. 28, 1779, mar- ried Philomeu Bates Mar. 11, 1800, who was born 1769, died Oct. 20, 1840. Re- moved to New York State. Catharine or Caty. was born June 13, 1782, bap- tized Aug. 11, married Rev. Barnabas King, of Rockaway. Oct. 24, 1809, died July 13, 1821, had children : Elizabeth, 164 who married James L. Piersou ; Electa, married Rev. Baker Johnson, son of Mahlon, May 8, 1832. He was born Oct. 23, 1803, died Oct. 18, 1886. Barna- bas B., was major in Civil War of a Missouri Regiment and was killed at Pittsburg Landing, Apr. 6, 1862. He married Matilda Carnegy. Susan, mar- ried Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle, many years colleague of Rev. B. King atRockaway, removed to Crawfordsville, Ind. John was drowned at San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 22, 1851. Samuel, married Jane D. Beach, daughter of Ohiliou. Rev, Barnabas King, married (2) Clarissa Strong, widow of William Thompson. She was born Mar. 18, 1782, died July 29, 1860. He died Apr. 10, 1862, buried at Rockaway. John, son of Capt. Enoch was born Nov. 14, 1790, died Aug. 20, 1793. I am indebted to many of my corres- pondents and records of Rockaway, Morristown, Hanover and Newark for this and other Beach lines. For fear this sketch and the reader's patience may grow somewhat unequal, I leave out very many of the lines of later date. Fred H. Beach, of Dover, has made ex- tensive research in the line of John of later date, and George M. Beach, of Chicago, has over 5,000 of the line of Zopher who came to Newark. CDe Clark Familp. Among the earliest settlers iu Morris County was Henry Clark, who it is said was born in England, more probably Scotland, as the Clarks w T ere nearly all of Scotch descent, about 1695, came to Suffolk county, L. I., from thence to Elizabeth, and from thence in 1724 to Morristown, wheu it was said to have only three houses, perhaps only three frame houses, and then set out in the wilderness and located lands about a mile abov v e Brookside toward Mt. Free- dom. Cleared land and built a log house there. Iu the spring he returned to Long Island, married Anne , who was born in England inl693. She proba- bly came over on the same ship. They oc- cupied the log house in 1725, their neigh- bors were few, but they had a goodly supply of land, 563 acres more or less, and it was here that their daughter Abi- gail was born 1726. She afterwards mar- ried Nathaniel Doty, Jr., who settled on adjoining lauds south. He died 1792. Aune, the second daughter, was bom here 1729, and married Samuel Cozard, Sr., 1753, settled on lands adjoining Doty, probably now Brookside. N. J. She died about 1770. He married (2) Priscilla (Burt) Fairchild about 1785. He was born 1725, died 1811. Henry, Jr., the third child, born June 3, 1731,' married (1) Massa Faugerson Jan. 23^ 1759. She was born May 10, 1728, died Mar. 17, 1762. (2) Sibel Loriug, Aug. 18, 1763. She died 1822. He died Jan. 10, 1797. Henry came in possession of the homestead property 1755, soon after the death of his mother. It is probable that the first Henry remarried soon after that date and removed to Shongom, N. J., where tradition relates he had chil- dren John, Daniel and Richard, who were early connected with the Rocka- way church and removed to Rockaway. 'ohu became a member in 1770, elder in 1793. deacon 1809, died Nov. 24, 1813, buried at Rockaway. It is probable that the first Henry, who died 1770, and others of the family were buried at Rockaway. The second Henry who purchased the 1 66 homestead in 1775, had children, by 1st wife : Henry (3) born Jan. 20, 1760, mar- ried Mary Smith (probably Polly, daugh- ter of William, who was killed on Shon- gom pond) Feb. 15, 1781. She was born 1761, died Apr. 5. 1815. He became minister and probably removed to Mend- ham, N. J. John, born 1761, died 1783. By 2nd wife : Nathaniel, born 1767, married Joanna Newton 1780, died 1836. She was born 1763, died 1830. Isaac, born 1769, married Phebe Axtell 1789, died 1841. She was born 1771, died 1832. Anne, born 1777, married Elisha Beach 1796, died 1822. He was born 1769 and died 1822. Children of Rev. Henry, of Mendhanl : John, born Dec. 26, 1781, married Trypha Roberts, probably of Mt. Free- dom, N. J., 1802, died 1829. Massa, born Oct. 17, 1783, married Thompson Boanell, died 1844. Jane, born Jan. 12, 1786, died Feb. 12, 1848 ; Aaron H., born Sept. 3, 1791, died Sept. 27, 1794; Anna, born Jan. 11, 1794, married James Mc- Loughlin 1823, died 1861. Jesse S., born Feb. 8, 1798, married Sarah Milieu 1828, died 1866. Henry (4) born Feb. 17, 1801, married Margaret Smith May 27, 1830, died Dec. 14, 1873. She was born Dec. 20, 1804, died Oct. 27, 1863. Nathaniel, Jr., had one son Henry, born 1754, who married Massa Loree 1774 ; he died 1798. They had two daugh- ters : Abigail, born 1775, married Col. Wm. Pool 1796, died 1837. He died 1836. Sibellia, born 1779, married Daniel Lawrence 1796, died 1843. Che DouglKrtp Familp. Anthony Dougherty, the first member of this family of whom we have auy records, probably first settled in Vernon township, Sussex county, N. J., some- time before the Revolution. He married a daughter of Abraham, or as the Dutch have it, Brom Davenport, then settled at or near New Foundland, N. J. They were probably, parents of a large fami- ly, but there are only two of which we have any records. It is more than probable that Anthony and his wife and others of the family, removed to the West, and all records lost. Margaret, his daughter, was born at Canisteer July 23, 1784, married Will- iam Boyd, son of one of the first settlers, and settled at Canisteer ; she died there Apr. 14, 1859, buried at Canisteer. Wm. Boyd married 2nd Mrs. Parcells Sept. 7, 1869. She died Dec. 7, 1863. He died Nov. 20, 1869. All buried at Canisteer. Children : Mary Boyd, born June 10, 1810, married William Wright, a local exhorter and preacher, who married second Sarah (Williams) Webb, widow of Moses Webb, of Vernon. He was born 1804, died May 4, 1883. Second wife was born 1815, died Mar. 23, 1884. Mahala, born June 1, 1812, married William Wisner ; Ruhama, born 1814; Rebecca, born 1816, married Samuel Norman, of Milton, Dec. 4, 1842, died July 22. 1850. Thomas, born 1818; William ; Robert Alexander, born 1823, married Emeliue, daughter of Anson and Nancy (Alliugton) Barton. She was born Oct. 1829, died Ian. 21, 1899. Jacob; Julia, married Charles T. Wal- lace, of Oak Ridge; Margaret, born Aug. 19, 1828, married Ezra Halsey, son of Christian Dewint and Sarah M. (Woods) Day, July 25, 1850. He was born May 25, 1829, died 1898. Children of Wm. and Mary (Boyd) Wright : Mahalah, born July 18, 1828, married George C. King, of Morristown, Sept. 30, 1857, died Feb. 9, 1869. El- lenor, born June 24, 1834, married Will- iam, sou of John and Ann (Dunu) Kim- ble, Feb. 9, 1854. Joel, born 1836, was with Sherman in his famous march to i68 the sea, now at Soldiers' Home, Kearney, N. J. Adam Clark, born June 5, 1840, married Ellenor A. Williams Apr. 20, 1865, was a member of "Harris Light Cavalry" died June 4, 1894. Rebecca, born May 29, 1841, married Edward C. Hurd Nov. 27, 1865; Fanny M., born July 21, 1844, married Lewis Hurd Nov. 16, 1862. James Dougherty, born May 26, 1788, married 1817 Mary, daughter of John and Sophia (Myers) Crane. He was shoemaker by trade and lived at Canis- teer, N. J. He died in Sussex county Jan. 14, 1862. His wife was born Feb. 7, 1798, died Sept. 6, 1853, buried at Canisteer. Children : Anthony, born at Canisteer Nov. 2, 1817, removed to Rockaway, married Mary J., daughter of John and Sophia (Blauchard) Beach. He died May 16, 1894, buried at Rockaway. Elizabeth, born Aug. 27, 1819, married John Mascar, Jr., Jan. 1, 1836. He was born May 6, 1817, died Dec. 21, 1890. Both buried at Canisteer. John, born Apr. 12, 1822, married June 16, 1843, Eliza, daughter of William Beach, for- merly of Rockaway, removed to West- ern Pennsylvania and died there. Alexander, born Mar. 20, 1825, never married. Mary, born Oct. 24, 1827, married (1) Philip Smith, had one son named Philip, who was killed in the Civil War. Married (2) William P. Norman Nov. 4, 1865. George, born June 15, 1830, married Harriet, daugh- ter of Anson and Nancy (Allington) Barton, was killed in the Civil War Dec. 3, 1862. Joel, born Apr. 25, 1833, died in the Civil War May 7, 1863 ; David, born Aug. 5, 1836, went to West- ern Pennsylvania and died there. James, born June 17, 1839, enlisted in Co. C, 9th N. J. Regiment at Rocka- way and died in Andersonville prison Aug. 3, 1864. Children of Anthony and Mary J. (Beach) Dougherty : Lucy E., born Oct. 1, 1840, died Oct. 9, 1867, married Sid- ney Babbitt Aug. 15, 1857. He was a member of Co. G, 40th N. J. Regiment, born 1835, died May 15, 1889. Both buried at Rockaway. Minerva, A., born June 6, 1844, married H. L. Spicer Sept. 4, 1862 ; Cornelia, born May 21, 1846, died Sept. 27, 1855, buried at Rock- away. Robert Harris, born Apr. 13, 1848, died Mar. 8, 1900; Mary, born July 28, 1840, died Aug. 22, 1850, buried at Rockaway. Clara E., born May 16, 1852 ; Jane, born May 12, 1855, died Oct. 12, 1855, buried at Rockaway. Ox fordpce Familp. The Fordyce family came from New Providence to Shongom, N. J., about 1815 or 20. Abraham Fordyce at one time owned Shongom and conducted a large lumber business there after the iron business had failed. It is not known who his wife was ; they were probably married before he came to Shongom. Children : Abby S., married (1) Kith- cart, (2) James Randolph Sayre, of Mor- ristowu, N. J. Mary, born Mar. 18, i8l7. married John H. Lyou, sou of Jo- seph, Dec. 22, 1842, died Sept. 22, 1893, buried at Rockaway Johu H. Lyon was born Sept. 5, 1817, still living at Brookside. Eliza L., born 1823, married Oliver Lozier, of Hackettstown, N. J., died Sept. 16, 1888. He was born 1817, died June 4, 1884. Jacob Henry, born Dec. 20, 1825, married Catharine O. Par- sons, or Piersou, Oct. 20, 1847, always had a lively interest in Church and Sun- day-school, was taken suddenly ill at a session of the Union Sunday-school, re- moved to his home and died soon after, Jan. 3, 1893, buried at Mt. Freedom, N- J. His wife was born Sept. 8, 1824, died Apr. 17, 1894, buried at Mt. Free- dom. Ellen Caroline, still living, mar- ried William G. Quimby, of Shongom, N. J. Phebe, married Robert P. Allen, of Mt. Freedom. Sarah, married Jo- seph McCord, of Elizabeth, N. J. John, died young. Children of Jacob H. and Catharine : Mary Adaliue, born Sept, 3, 1848, mar- ried (1) Lewis Hill, son of John O., Mar. 21, 1869. He was born Sept. 2, 1847, died Mar. 8, 1870. (2) Isaac Lyon, sou of John S. and Mary E. (Meeker) Dec. 24, 1871, resident of Union, N. J. Jacob Henry, Jr., born Sept. 21, 1850, married (1) Mary E. Spencer Apr. 11, 1872. She died Sept. 12, 1874. (2) Kate A. Ready Nov. 10, 1878; (3) Min- nie Losey Sept. 21, 1893, resident of Union. Eva Louisa, born Jan. 6, 1854, married Arthur Mahan Sept. 4, 1881. Catharine Hidua, born Mar. 19, 1856, married Ulrich Aug. 8, 1879. Lillian, born Aug. 3, 1859, married George, son 170 of "William and Phebe (Smith) Ayres, Feb. 27, 1877. He was born Dec. 3, 1855, died Mar. 13, 1893. (2) Boston 0. Appleton Mar. 4, 1886. Aldeau, son of George and Lillian, was born Sept. 19, 1877, married Anna King Nov. 15, 1893. Sarah Frances, born May 2, 1863, mar- ried Edwin C. Baker. Children of Mary A. and Isaac Lyon : Ida J., born Nov. 7, 1872, married Frank Mains Oct. 5, 1898, resident of Newton. Kate Edna, born July 4. 1876, married Charles Edward Sturtevant, son of George, Sept. 1, 1897, resident of Frank- lin. Clx hatbawap faniilp. The Hathaways were a numerous family in Morris County, having settled at Morristown and Hanover, N. J., at an early date, and by many intermar- riages with the old families were related and connected with very many of the older settlers, many doing service in the Revolution. This sketch will be con- lined to the lines resident and connected with the Rockaway church and buried in the Cemetery. Simeon Hathaway and wife, of Mor- ristown, N. J., had children baptized at the Presbyterian church : Elijah, Chloe Samuel and Annie were baptized Nov. 1, 1747; Silas, was born Oct. 12, 1749, baptized Nov. 8, 1749, lived at Rockaway where he married Prudence Baldwin Jan. 24, 1773, was captain in the Revolution, He died Feb. 7, 1803 Both he and his wife Prudence and their son Samuel, who was born Sept. 11, 1874, and died Dec. 17, 1802, are buried at Rockaway. Miriam, daughter of Simeon was bap- tized Apr. 12, 1752. About half way between Rockaway and Morristown on the Littletou road, lived Jonathan Hathway. He owned the "Hathaway forge" between his resi- dence and Morris Plaius. Jonathan Hathaway was born 1738, died Aug. 26, 1814, buried at Morristown. His near neighbors, the Garrigus, attended the Rockaway Church, while the Hatha- ways attended church at Morristown. He married (1) Lydia Peck Dec. 20, 1759. She was born 1736, died Sept. 10, 1802. His second wife was Sarah Prn- den. She was a daughter of Capt. James Keen, and was second wife of Isaac Pru- den. They were married Mar. 26, 1803. Children : Nathaniel baptized at Mor- ristown June 21, 1761, died Apr. 20, 1770. Sarah, baptized June 5, 1763; Timothy, baptized June 30, 1765, died Aug. 4, 1770; Thankful, born May 15, 1767, married Benjamin Lainson, died 1827, buried at Rockaway. Phebe, born Aug. 18, 1769; Abigail, born Jan. 15, 1772; Jonathan, who was a doctor and dentist, born Dec. 21, 1773 ; Lydia, born 172 Sept. 25, 1779. Dr. Jonathan married as his second wife Sally, widow of Moses Cooper. She was a Clifton. They had one son Jona- than, who occupied the Hathaway homestead until about 1870. The healing powers of Dr. Jonathan Hathaway's salves, ointments and other medicines became known far and wide. Those who had been afflicted for many years applied to him for relief, and re- turned to their homes almost miraculous- ly cured. We knew one of his patients, Daniel Holly, who lived at Stockholm. He had boasted that he had never known a sick day in his life, but in his later years an ulceration afflicted the sole of his foot, and not having the patience of Job to endure the pain, he applied to Dr. Hathaway for relief, a distance of about thirty miles. The doctor exam- ined the foot, but shook his head doubt- fully, it was a case beyond his skill, but finally told him that if he was willing, and thought that it would be more com- fortable on the top of his foot, he could change the position. Holly thinking that it would be a relief to have the af- fliction anywhere from where it was, consented to have the remedies applied. In a few weeks the result was accom- plished, but it became so much more painful there, that he returned and con- sulted Dr. Hathaway to have its loca- tion changed to where it was, the change was made, and Holly bore the affliction, a patient sufferer until the day of his death. If ever a doctor or a dentist, for he was both, delighted in the pulling of teeth for a small consideration it was Dr. Hathaway. In this line he became famous, the suffering humanity who be came nearly distracted by a troublesome molar, would travel miles in the dead hour of night for relief, but as usual, as when teeth are going to be extracted in these days, the sight of the dentist with turnkeys and forceps, the achings would suddenly cease out of nervous sympathy, and the patient not having the courage to endure the pain of extraction, would return home when the trouble returned, and the second journey was made with more favorable results. The doctor and dentist inherited a goodly number of dollars and a small farm, and was a liberal benefactor to the end. "When he was about to balance up his accounts with this world, he willed that his posterity should pay "his dear, beloved wife Sally" an annual income of $500 as long as she lived. So long as the visible means were in sight this an- nuity was strictly complied with, but his posterity died in rather reduced cir- cumstances as his wife Sally, went West to grow up with the country and lived to be over a hundred years old. The old Hathaway mansion is now very much dilapidated. The clearings made over one hundred and fifty years ago are battling against the supremacy of weeds, briars, brush and timber. The property after three generations of Jona- than Hathaway's changed owners years ago, and but few now know, or have ever heard of its original owners, who formed a part of this ancient history. Che KetcDam Familp. Serg. James Ketcham resided on Ketcham property half a mile east of Rockaway. He was born April 10, 1753, died Mar. 18. 1820, married Rhoda Os- born, of Denville, in 1778 or '9, who was born Oct. 12, 1758, died May 9, 1847. She was member of the Presbyterian church since 1797. Both are buried at Denville Cemetery. Children : Hannah, born 1780, the old- est, married Freeman Fairchild ; Joshua, born 1782, soldier in 1812 War, never married, died about 1860. Phebe, born Apr. 5, 1788, married Jacob Tuttle, died Apr. 20, 1864, buried at Denville Ceme- tery. Samuel, never married ; Nathan- iel, born Nov. 3, 1798, married Amy Gillam, had two daughters : Anna Eliza, died Sept. 2, 1835, aged 11 years, 5 months, 4 days. No records of the other. Nathaniel with Noah C shorn, of Den- ville, were found dead by Joshua in a collier's cabin Apr. 12, 1826, which had fallen in upon them while sleeping. Anna Eliza, died at the age of 13 ; Abby, never married. William, brother of James, was a Revo- lutionary War soldier, lived at Rock- away, was subscriber to first Rockaway school kept by Wm. Harris in 1804, died Feb. 20, 1815, buried at Rockaway, married Eunice Roberts Aug. 16, 1773, who died 1814. Samuel, shoemaker by trade, lived at Rockaway, and, probably the first hotel keeper at Denville, died Apr. 1820. John, also a brother of Will- iam, James and Samuel, lived at Rock- away. CDe Cpon familp. The family of Lyon is of great antiq- ty in Scotland. The ancestor of the family, John de Lyon, came over with William I. He or one of his immediate ancestors settled in Perthshire, in the district still called Glenlyon. Sir John Lyon, son of John de Lyon, " a young man of very good parts and qualities, and a very graceful and comely person, and a great favorite of the kiug (Rob- ert II,) was Lord High Chamberlain of Scotland. The Princess Jean, the king's daughter, being in love with the fair- favored young man, he received her hand in marriage, and with it the lauds of Glamis, 1372." Until that time Glamis was a royal residence of a line that dates back to Kenneth I, 850 A. D. This castle was the scene of Macbeth's crime. The murder of Malcolm II, at Glamis is narrated as an authentic event by the old chroniclers. Colonial records place William, of Rox- bury, (landed 1635, aged 14, ship Hope- well; as the earliest of the "old comers." The American Antiquity, shows this William Lyon as descended from Sir Adam Lyon, knight, first son of John de Lyon, the Feudal Baron, the French family of Leonne, originated from Leones, a partrician family of Rome. The latters's third son, Sir John Lyon, Baron of Fortevoit, was the ancestor of the Earls, of Strathmore. Gen. Nathan- iel Lyon (Civil War) claimed direct de- scent Sir Thomas Lyon, of Auldbar, Forfarshire, designated master of Glamis, brother of John, the Eighth Lord Glamis, one of the principals in the seizure of James VI, at the raid of Ruthern 1582, and after his return, he with the Earls of Angus and Mar, seized Sterling Castle. Again he fled, but in 1585 was restored to royal favor. It is further stated that Sir John Lyon had two sons, the first, Earl of Strath- more, the secoud, Earl of Kingham. Another John Lyon was colonel of the Scottish Guards in the service of Henry IV of France. William Lyon, son of the above John Lyon, having been de- i75 nounced as a heretic at the time of the massacre of St. Bartholemew, Aug. 24, 1572, escaped to Holland where he re- ceived protection and ultimately came with his three children to New England. This would indicate that William of Roxbury was not the first of the Lyon family, of Gleulyou, to seek a home in America. William, of Roxbury, was a member of the Artillery 1645, free man 1666, died 1692. John Lyon, of Salem, 1638 lived there until 1648. John Lyne, of New Haven, signed covenant 1639. Thomas Lyon settled on Byram river 1640. Henry Lyon was at Milford 1646, John Lyon was at Marblehead 1648. Richard Lyon was at Fairfield 1649. Peter Lyon was at Dorcester 1649. These men were doubtless clansmen if not near relatives, aud were among those who fled from the mother country for religious, political or civil reasons, traitors in their old home, but patriots in their wilderness refuge, aud doubt- less they were the founders of the Lyon family in the United States, a vast ag- gregate of people widely separated by time and circumstances, but many of them holding in common the traditiou of Gleulyou origiu and ancestry. Although descendants of Robert the Bruce, founder of the House of Stuart, the colonial Lyons were king-haters, es- pecially Stuart-haters. Like the master of Glamis, Sir Thomas Lyon, a number of the Lyons were naturally partakers of treason through fierce and fanatical convictions that demanded personal lib- erty and condemned kingcraft. These "Puritans" under the persecution, were in sympathy with the Roundhead move- ment and active adherents of Crom- well. Tradition says that Richard Lyon, who appeared at Fairfield 1649 after the de- capitation of Charles I, was on guard with his two brothers at the scaffold the day of the execution aud witnessed the regicide. Daunted by the enormity of this political crime the three secretly took ship for America and landed at Boston, Mass. Here they separated; Richard journeying to Connecticut to settle there. This Richard is the ancestor of the New Jersey Lyons, of the Henry Lyon, of Milford and Newark. He was of Fairfield 1649, aud his house aud home lot of two acres, is recorded Jan. 1653. He was made free man 1665. His will dated 1678, mentions wife Margaret, and children Moses, Richard, William, Samuel, Joseph, Hester,wife of Nathan- iel Perry, Bettie, Hannah and Abigail. Henry Lyon, the oldest son of Richard, was brother-in-law to Joseph Middle- brook and of Thomus Batemau. The will of William Batemau 1656, gave £5 to grandchild Joseph Middlebrook, one- half of his estate to son Thomas and one- half to son-in-law Henry Lyon. Children : Moses, son of Richard, mar- ried Mary died before 1696. Richard had Samuel, Ebeuezer and Sarah baptized Apr. 5, 1696 ; Daniel, Oct, 3, 1697; Nathan, Feb. 13, 1703; Jonathan, June 1, 1708, (Fairfield Par- ish Records). William had Nathaniel baptized Sept. 9, 1694 ; Eunice, Sept. 176 1716, and Tabitha. Samuel had wife Susanna and children : Johu, James and Margaret baptized Mar. 12, 1704 ; Abi- gail, May 12, 1706 ; Ephriam, Sept. 27, 1708; Anne, Aug. 6, 1710; Jeremiah, Apr. 1,1713. Joseph had wife Abigail, children : Joseph, baptized July 28, 1695 ; Dayid, June 27, 1697. John, had wife Hannah, children : Thankful, Elizabeth, Hannah, John, baptized Aug. 15, 1726; Hester, Feb. 2, 1726; Lyon, Apr. 16, 1729; Griswould, May 30, 1731. The general outlook at this time, New Jersey under the charter granted to Berkeley aud Carteret, promised greater freedom in civil and religious affairs than could be hoped for with the exist- ing conditions of Connecticut, and they severed home ties for still another pio- neer beginning, known only by hear- say. Staunch they were in all things, stern- ly zealous in church matters, aud stern- ly opposed to monarchial interference. The spirit of independence that animat- ed the Puritan fathers was transmitted to their descendants, an aversion to the domination of kings that reached a cli- max in the Essex Riots 1745, which was the first overt act of resistance to the authority of Great Britain, making the men of New Jersey Plantations the earliest aggressors in the cause of civil liberty. Henry Lyon of the Milford colony was one of the founders of Newark, N. J., first called Milford, received home lot number 8, held several public offices and is cited as having been at Elizabeth, N. J., with sou Thomas in 1673, where he purchased among other lands 100 acres of upland by the lyne of Elizabeth- port, which has since been called Lyons Farms. Henry Lyon, of Milford, the Passaic pilgrim, in 1652 was married at Fair- field church to Mary, daughter of Will- iam Bateman. His will, dated 1702 in Newark, names wife Mary, and chil- dren : Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin, Ebe- nezer, Thomas, deceased; John, de- ceased ; Nathaniel, deceased ; Dorcas aud Mary. Children of Henry Lyon and wife Mary : Samuel, had home lot 39, mar- ried (1) Sarah Beach, (2) Hannah Pier- son. Will 1765 mentions children : Samuel, Henry, Joseph, John, James, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, and wife Han- nah. Joseph's will 1726, names children : Joseph, boru 1676, died 172B ; Abigail, wife of Joseph Crane, son-in-law Nath- an Foster ; Samuel and Daniel Sayres. Benjamin. Esq., will 1726, children : Benjamin (2), Anue, wife of Isratl Can- field ; Joanna, wife of John Pruden and wife Bethya. Benjamin (2) born 1694, died Jan. 7, 1747. Children: Benjamin (3), Moses, Daniel aud Samuel. Grand- son Rufus, Crane, who was son of Han- nah Lyon and Jonas Crane, a Revolu- tionary soldier, who was born 1718, died 1805. Their son Rufus was born 1744, married Charity Campbell 1779, died 1804. Son-in-law Amos Day, deacon, had children : Amos, Aaron and Phebe. Capt. Ebenezer, born 1670, died Mar. 31, 1739, buried at Elizabeth, N. J., had wife Elizabeth born 1668, died 1739. i7; Thomas died 1694, had wife Elizabeth, whose will 1731, names children : Thom- as (2), Isaac, Elizabeth, 'Annas Mills and Phebe Thomson (Penelope Thomp- son, Congers Notes). Thomas (2) will 1759, Daniel and son-in-law, Samuel Bond. Isaac died Feb. 3. 1764, age^d 72. William, children : Mattauiah, John, Eliphlet, Abigail and Jane ; granddaugh- ter Lucy Piersou. Mattauiah died at Morristown Feb. 4, 1794, aged 69. (He had wife Mary, Morristown records give children : John and wife Esther; Han- nah, baptized Apr. 28, 1763, died Aug. 18, 1763 ; Stephen Smith, baptized Nov. 24, 1764, died May 11, 1790; Harvey, baptized Dec. 6, 1767. died Sept. 24, 1791 ; Jacob, born July 30, 1771 ; Isaac, Moses and Aaron.) John, died 1694, had wife Hauuah and four children. Nathaniel died before 1702, his widow Mary married Potter. Childre u : Mary and Elizabeth. Dorcas, died youug ; Mary, married John Ward, had a son John and a grandson Lemuel, who married Han- nah Canlield. John Ward married (2) Abigail Kitchel. Benjamin Lyon (2) had wife Martha, born 1694, died 1749, had sou Benjamin (3) born 1719, died 1758, buried at Eliza- beth churchyard. Anna Lyon, who married Israel Can- field (bom 1684 at Milford, died 1744 at Newark,) had children : Thomas, Esq., married Eliza Baldwin ; David, died 1756 ; Ephriam, died 1759 ; Israel Abra- ham, Phebe, married Timothy Bruen ; Abigail, married Beach ; Han- nah, married Lemuel Ward ; Sarah, married Joseph Heddeu, Esq. Joanna Lyon, who married John Pru- deu (born at Milford 1675,) was son of Rev. John, the school master who gradu- ated at Harvard 1668. Children : Joan- na and Abigail, who married Deacon Samuel Ailing. Benjamin Lyon (3) had children : Ben- jamin (4) who married Mary Lum Nov. 18, 1747; Martha, married John Glover Sept 14, 1747; Mary, married Ezekiel Youuglove May 16, 1746, who had daugh- ter Dorcas, who married Zenas Baldwin Aug. 81, 1769. The tribe of Benjamin seems to have settled at an early date at Morristown and Mendham, N. J. Samuel Lyon, sou of Benjamin, (2) born 1739, died 1780, married Phebe Chandler, born 1730. died 1781. Chil- dren : Samuel, bom Sept. 19, 1753, died Dec. 31, 1776; Tappen, born Feb. 15, 1756, died Dec. 15, 1776. Samuel and Tappen were captured by the British aud confined in the Sugar House Prison in New York and died there. Phebe, born Oct. 14, 1758, died Oct. 16, 1821 ; David, bom Dec. 19, 1760. died May 21, 1845 ; Ann, born June 27, 1763, died Jan. 20, 1846; Aaron, born Sept. 7, 1766, died Oct. 31, 1768 ; Joanna, born Dec. 1, 1769, died Nov. 11, 1791 ; Caleb, born Sept. 29, 1771, died Apr. 27, 1854, removed to Schnectady, N. Y. Amos, bom Sept. 28, 1775, married Charity Harrison, of Lyons Farms, died Dec, 28, 1823. She was born Nov. 22, 1776, died Feb. 21, 1853. Children of Amos Lyon and wife Charity: Nancy, born Nov. 21, 1801, r78 married John Wilson, of North Shields, Eng., died Feb. 1893 ; Julia Ann, born June 21, 1803, married Daniel Baker, of Irvington, N. Y., died July 16, 1852, Caleb, born Aug. 16, 1805, died June 14, 1807 ; Joseph, born Oct. 12, 1807, settled at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, died about 1892 ; Phebe, born June 30, 1809, married Joshua Edwards, of Lickniug county, Ohio, died Aug. 15, 1868; Caleb, (2) born Aug. 21, 1811, married Julia Ann Rabb, settled at Utica, Ohio, died Dec. 9, 1897; David, born Oct. 1,1813. died Apr. 4, 1836; Hannah, born Jan. 31, 1816, died May 6, 1829 ; John, born Mar. 17, 1818, married and settled in Broad- way, Hale county, Ohio, died Apr. 28, 1893 ; Elizabeth, born Aug. 21, 1821, died Dec. 23, 1821. Matthias, sou of Benjamin (2) born 1738, was Revolutionary soldier, cap- tain in Col. Drayton's Regiment. He had son Joseph, and died 1797, buried at Elizabeth churchyard. Daniel Lyon, son of Benjamin, (2) was Revolutionary soldier in Capt. Marsh's Troop of Lighthorse, married Eunice Fitz Randolph 1761. Children: Benjamin, born Sept. 23, 1763 ; Daniel, born Nov. 2, 1765 ; Sarah, born Nov, 8, 1766; Rhoda, born Dec. 3, 1768; Matthias, born Sept. 26, 1771 ; Mary, born July 22, 1774; Simon, born Apr. 2, 1777 ; John, born Nov. 5, 1786. [Conger's notes Ham Daniel Lyon and wife Eunice. Will 1796. Chidren : Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, David, Daniel, Aaron, Moses, John, Stephen, Crecy, Sarah, Phebe, Joanna and Anna.] Matthias Lyon, son of Daniel and Eunice, married Mary Fitz Randolph 1796. Children: Charlotte, born 1799 Mary, born 1800; Sarah, born 1802 Rhoda, born 1803; Bulah, born 1804 Daniel, born 1806; Joel, born 1807 Abel, born 1808; Gilbert, born 1809 Simon Lyon, third son of Daniel, mar ried Christinia Stewart 1805. Children Maria, born 1806 ; Sarah, born 1808 John, born 1809; Rebecca, born 1811 James, born 1812 ; Jacob, born 1814 Daniel, born 1816 ; Eliza, born 1818 ; Jo- seph, born 1821 ; Margaret, born 1823. Moses, son of Benjamin, (2) born 1731, died Mar. 27, 1813, married Mary Har- ris. She was born 1739, died June 12, 1809. Both buried at Elizabeth, N. J. Moses was Revolutionary soldier in Capt. Abraham Lyon's 7th Company, 4th Battilion, 2nd Essex Regiment. Children of Moses Lyon and wife Mary : James, born at Lyons Farms Aug. 31, 1755, emigrated to Ohio 1787, died Sept. 20, 1841, at the homestead, Mill Creek Farm, near Cincinnati, Chio. He was Revolutionary soldier in Col. Jedadiah Baldwin's Regiment of Artificers, and pensioned for three years actual service. He married (1) Eliza- beth Williams, of Newark, Apr. 21, 1782. She was born May 18, 1759, died at Cincinnati Sept. 10, 1800. (2) Mrs. Mary Hammel, Nov. 4, 1801. She died Nov. 13, 1813. (3) Mrs. Mary Williams, widow of Thomas Williams, the brother of Elizabeth. She was born June 22, 1763, died Dec. 22, 1834. No children by second and third marriage. Henry, born 1757, married Joanna E. who was born 1766. He was Revolutionary soldier in Baldwin's Artificers and applied for pension for three years' service 1818, dismissed from Elizabeth First Presbyterian Church to Newark, N. J., 1831. His wife died at Newark, 1840, aged 74. Children : James, Henry and Hannah ; all died childless. Moses, born 1761, died 1763, buried at First Presbyterian churchyard at Eliza- beth, N. J. Moses, (2) born Dec. 21, 1763, at Lyons Farms, died at Prattsburg, N. Y., May 2, 1823, married Elizabeth Arnett at Elizabethtown May 1787. She was bom Apr. 24, 1769, died at Plattsburg, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1822. Children of Moses Lyon and wife Elizabeth : James, born Apr. 27, 1788, married Lydia Morely, died Mar. 15, 1864; Moses, born Mar. 18, 1789, mar- ried Sallie Benton, died Apr. 21, 1863 ; Mary Bowman, born Apr. 15, 1791, mar- ried William Words, died Apr. 13, 1873 ; Elizabeth Arnett, born Feb. 10, 1793, married Ebenezer Rice ; Abigail Grum- mou, boru Nov. 29, 1797, married Samu- el Rice, died Nov. 24, 1883; Robert Bond, born Sept. 27, 1796, married Catharine Bacon, died at Conueant, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1859 ; Abner Parcell. born Jan. 27, 1799, married Helen Humphreys, died 1878 .; Thomas Bow- man, born Aug. 9, 1801, married Devia Smedley, died 1878 ; Sarah Gibbs, born 1803, married Norman Town, died 1884; Lewis Shexill, born 1805, died 1806; Charles Procter, born 1808, died 1809; Jane Ann, born 1807, died 1864, mar- ried Norman Little ; Helen Reynetta, born 1811, married Dr. Ten Eyck Ganes- voost, died 1880. Obediah Lyon, born 1765, lived on a farm between Newark aud Elizabeth, N. J.,married(l)Cathariue Craue.died Sept. 13, 1847. She was born 1768, died 17S!). (2) Sarah Meeker, who was born 17(55, died 1852. Children of Obediah aud wife Sarah: Stephen, born 1791, died 1864; David, born 1793; Elizabeth, born 1795 ; Catharine, born 1797 ; Harris, born 1799; Abigail, boru 1803. Richard Lyon, married (1) Sallie Hendrix, who was born 1784, died INK). Children: Abigail, born Aug. 5, 17!>2, died at Osage, 111., 1888, buried at Eliza- beth, N. J. Sarah, born Dec. 10, 1794. married Asa Prior, died Feb. 1880; Richard, boru Sept. 19, 1796, married Martha Waldrou, died in Michigan ; Mary, born Jan. 10. 1799; Moses, born Feb. 25, 1802, died iu New York City Aug. 31, 1844, married Catharine Wright; John Joseph, boru Nov. 15, 1809, died at sea. Richard Lyon mar- ried (2) Effie VauHouteu. of Bergeu, 1811. Children : Mary Harris, boru Feb. 24, 1812; David Deuiorest, born Mar. 2(i, 1814; Aarou Grumuiou, born Feb. 9, 1816; Rachel Demorest, boru Nov. 29, 1817. Harris Lyou, died unmarried, was buried iu the old church yard, Spriug street, near Bleeker, iu New York City. He was a merchant at New Orleans. Hauuah Lyon died uumarried aged 95. Mary Lyon, married (1) Capt. James Wheeler, Revolutionary soldier, born 1747, died 1?77. Children were Joseph, Stephen, James and Phebe, who mar- ried William S. Penuiugton, governor i8o ■of New Jersey. He died Sept. 17, 1826, in the 69th year of his age, buried at Newark, Mary married (2) Abner Par- cell, of StateD Island, had five sons. Abigail Lyon, married Aaron Grum- mon (Grummon is a corruption of Ger- mond, a French Hugenot family, of Dutchers county, N. Y.) no children. As a widow she returned to the home of of her parents, Moses and Mary Harris Lyon, at Elizabeth. N. J., and was the companion of their old age. Children of J ames Lyon born at Lyons Farms 1755, and wife Elizabeth Will- iams : Jonathan Williams, born Mar. 19, 1783, at Maiden Lane, New York City, removed to Hamilton, Ohio, with his parents 1787. He married Meliuda Gard Lee, daughter of Peter Perrine Lee and Ruth Gard, at North Bend, Ohio, Feb. 9, 1806. He died Dec. 28, 1871. She died July 27, 1875. Both buried at Spring Grove Cemetery. James, born Oct. 30, 1784, minister, married (1) Sarah Davis. She was born 1782, died 1816. Children : James, Eliza, and Jonathan, who died in infancy. Married (2) Maria (Parker) Ogg, had children : Joanna, born Mar. 14, 1822, marri e d JosephLaudou, of Cincinnati ; Eliza, born Feb. 2, 1824, died young ; Mary Ann, born Apr. 1825, married John Crosby; James C., born Oct. 8, 1826, died 1862; Martha, born Jan. 25, 1829, married Mark Laugdon. Oliver, born Jan. 13, 1787, married Elizabeth Marsh, died Nov. 26, 1848. Their children were : Joanna, born Nov. 10, 1812, died 1812 ; Moses, born May 18, 1814, died 1854, never married ; Phebe, born Mar. 27, 1817, died Aug. 20, 1844 ; Joanna, (2) born Aug, 20, 1820, married Hollowell ; Melinda, born July 20, 1823, died young; Hannah Jane, born June 14, 1825, died Nov. 20, 1849. married Crosby ; Martha, born Feb. 21, 1830, married John Shields; Lewis Lee, born Apr. 7, 1833 ; Adaline Biddeuger ; Oliver Ruf uer, born July 13, 1835, died 1836. Joanna, born 1789, married (1) Elijah, Norton, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died 1820. Children : Joanna, married Capt. Colum- bus Hawk ; Elizabeth, married Capt. Jo- seph Hall, (2) Joseph Stewart. Moses, born Apr. 22, 1794, married Eliza Ross, of New York City, died July 13, 1873. Children: Ann Eliza, born Nov. 13, 1818, died July 27, 1840; Mary Jane, born Oct. 6, 1820, married James Evens, died May 22, 1880 ; James, born Aug. 6, 1822, married Harriet Hull, died Sept. 20, 1841 ; William Henry, born Dec. 13, 1824, never married, died Mar. 27, 1859; Susan Emily, born May 14, 1827, married John Wiltsee, of Cincin- nati, Ohio ; Isabella, born Nov. 28, 1829, married James Luptou ; Georgian ua, born Aug. 28, 1838, died Dec. 18. 1839. Elizabeth, born June 14, 1797, mar- ried Lewis Huntington Lee, sou of Peter Perrine Lee, died Apr. 13, 1855. Chil- dren : Caroline Brown, born May 4, 1816, married William Perry, of New Castle, Ky. ; James Peter, born Feb. 5, 1819, married (1) Sarah Pillsbury, of Boston, Mass.. (2) Lucretia Cowdry, of Texas. Children of Jonathan Williams Lyon and wife Malinda Gard Lee : Oliver Lee, i8i born Dec. 10, 1806, married Sarah Brown, of Boston, Mass., died 1882. Sidney Smith, born Aug. 4, 1808, died at his home "The Octagon" Jeff erson- ville, Iud., June 34, 1872, from injuries received during the Civil War. He was major of 4th Kentucky Cavalry, de- tacned as chief of engineers, successive- ly on the staffs of Gens. Buel, Burnside and Morgan, through Tennessee and Kentucky. Was at battles of Cumber- land Gap ; siege of Vicksbury ; built the fortifications at Cumberland Gap; planned and executed the famous "Re- treat of the Ten Thousand" from Cum- berland Gap to the Ohio river. In his youth was an artist of celebrity. Was geological surveyor of Kentucky, and as a scientist was world known. He mar- ried Honora Vincent Lyons at .Louis- ville, Ky, Nov. 8, 1831. She was born Jan. 6, 1816, died Feb. 22, 1900. Julia Ann, born Sept. 10, 1810, married Theo- dore Williams, of Cincinnati. Ohio, died Apr. 4, 1892. Harriet Ruth, born June 10, 1812, married William Briaut, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died Feb. 27, 1844. Elizabeth Williams, born Apr 14, 1814, married Mahlon Taylor, of Cincinnati, Ohio, still living (1900). James Harris, born Mar. 15, 1816, neyer married, died at Cincinnati, Ohio,1879. Mary Jane, born Apr. 8, 1818, died July 25. 1819. Will- iam Parker, born Mar. 19, 1820, died Aug. 21. 1821. Elvira Amelia, born Jan. 6, 1823, married Harvey Denman.of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, died July 31, 1887. Martha Jane, born May 5, 1825, married Charles Betts, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cornelia, born Mar. 31, 1827, died Aug. 26, 1828. . Frances Cornelia, born Jan. 17, 1829, married William Fullerton, of Boston, Mass., died at Cincinnati, Ohio, June 13, 1871. Laura Augusta, born May 19, 1831, married C. H. Rhodes, of Lancas- ter, Wis. Clara Huntington, born Apr. 23, 1833, died at Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1867. Lyons not identified, but supposed, descendants of the Lyon families who settled at Morristown : Samuel Lyon, born 1781, died at Stockholm. N. J., June 26, 1860, buried at Lyons burial ground near Stockholm. His wife died Mar, 18, 1863. His son Hulsey was born 1804, married Harriet Denman. died June 24, 1871. She was born May 14, 1804, died Feb. 14, 1871, buried at Lyons Cemetery. Children : Sarah A., mar- ried William D. Rockafellow July 6, 1857, removed West. Jonathan, born June 8, 1837 married Maria E. Lyon, Aug. 13, 1864, removed to Ohio. Amos, born July 1, 1839, died Dec. 31, 1863, buried at Stockholm. Margaret, born July 30, 1843, married John Nelson Kimble Nov. 10, 1864, removed to Ohio. Joseph Lyon, son of Asher, of Morris - town, born June 7, 1785, married Betsey Hill, daughter of John, of Franklin, N J., Mar. 30, 1815, died May 5, 1858 She was born Dec. 13, 1796, died Aug 13, 1868. Both buried at Roekaway Children of Joseph Lyon and wife Bet sey : Sarah L., born Dec. 15, 1815, mar ried John Wilson, went to Western New York, died June 11, 1847. John Hill, born Sept. 5, 1817, married Mary Fordyce Dec. 22, 1842. She was born Mar. 18, 1817, died Sept. 22, 1893, buried 182 at Rockaway. Phebe Jane, born Sept. 22, 1820, died Aug. 30, 1851 ; Alice, born Oct. 3, 1823, married Job Allen Tal- madge as fourth wife Sept. 3, 1845, died July 28, 1887. Jacob L., born Jau. 23, 1827, went to Australia, married Anua Crane and settled at St. Louis. Nancy K., born Apr. 28, 1829, married Elisha Meeker, of Millbrook, May 22, 1853. He was bom 1837, died Mar, 29, 1900. Philip Edward, born Feb. 11, 1832, mar- ried Anna Voss, went to Scranton, Pa., died June 25, 1897. Isaac Lyon, born June 19, 1791, mar- ried Margaret Todd, daughter of Jacob and wife Hannah, died Dec. 3, 1865. She was born 1795, died Apr. 19, 1862. Both buried at Millbrook. Children of Isaac Lyon and wife Margaret : John S., born Dec. 1, 1815, married Mary E. Meeker, died Feb. 11, 1890. Both buried at Millbrook. Moses, never married ; Nancy, born Oct. 21, 1823, married Elias L. Palmer, died Mar. 19, 1860. He was born Oct. 21, 180;S, died Dec. 9, 1853. Both buried at Rockaway. Amy, married Henry Struble, died in Illinois. Jernsha, married Nathaniel Anderson, died in Illinois. Julia, married Job A. Talmage (third wife). Both buried at Hill Cemetery. Margaret Ann, married Charles, sou of William Smith. Children of John S. Lyon and wife Mary E. : Julia Ann, born 1837, married Daniel Ayres, died at Franklin May 9, 1899. He died 1897. Both buried at Hill Cemetery ; Joanna, married Charles Hulbert, buried at Mt. Freedom. Hul- l dah B., married David C. Hathaway, of Dover ; Elizabeth, married Albert R. Talmage," of Dover ; John Wesley, died young, buried at Rockaway : Isaac mar- ried Mary (Fordyce) Hill, daughter of Jacob H. and Catharine Fordyce, and widow of Lewis Hill, Dec. 21, 1871. Living on the old Lyon homestead, Franklin. Children of Isaac Lyon and wife Mary: Ida J., born Nov. 7, 1872, mar- ried Frank Mains ; Kate Edna, boru July 4, 1876, married Charles Edward Sturtevant Sept. 1, 1897. CDc Cindslep Familp. The Liudsley family like many others of the old Morris County families, first settled in Connecticut. John died at Guilford, Ct. 1650. The Brauford, Ct., church yard has John died 1748, age 77 ; John died 1787, age 85, and Ebenezer died 1787 age 76. The Second New Haven Church rec- ords record children of John : Francis Liudsley, married Susanna Culpepper June 24, 1655; John Liudsley, (2) mar- ried Sarah Pond July 6,-1756, lived and died at Branford, Couu. ; Thomas, mar- ried Hannah Nettleton May 22, 1667. Francis came to Newark, N. J., in 1667, and died there 1704. Many of his children came to Hanover at an early date. Deborah, born at Brauford 1656 ; Ruth, born at Branford 1658 ; Ebenezer, born at Brauford 1664, died at Orauge, N. J., 1743 ; John, (3) born at Brauford 1666, died at Morristown, N. J., Oct, 27, 1749, was elder of the Presbyterian church, married as second wife Eliza- beth (Freeman) Ford, widow of John. She was born 1681, died Apr. 21, 1772. Benjamin, Joseph, born 1675, died at Whippany, N. J., 1753 ; and Jonathan. The children of Elder John (3) were : John, (4) born 1694, died Mar. 9, 1750. His wife Sarah, born 1698, died Jan. 3, 1750. Daniel, born 1700, died Aug. 14, 1777. His wife Grace, born 1708, died Sept. 12, 1777. All members of the Mor ristown Presbyterian church. Daniel was also elder aud deacon. John (4) aud wife Sarah had children : Stephen, Junia, Caleb, Capt. John (5), Levi. Demas, Philip, Phebe, Hannah and Silenus. His brother Daniel and wife Grace had children : Moses, Maj. Joseph, Zeuas, Elizabeth and Susanna, all of Morristown. Maj. Joseph Liudsley served as lieu- tenant in Morris County Militia under Col. Wm. Winds, and promoted to rank of major in Eastern Battalion Mar. 27, 1778. He was born 1735, died at Morris- town Oct. 8, 1822. First wife Anne, born 1742, died Dec. 8. 1779. Children : Euuice, born Jan. "31, 1761, died at Westown, N. Y., Sept, 14, 1845, mar- 184 ried Lieut. Paul Lee Oct. 31, 1780, who was born 1768, died Apr. 6, 1864. Bathia, baptized May 1, 1763, married Israel Lee, a Revolutionary soldier, Oct. 31, 1780. A double wedding, two broth- ers with two sisters. Grace, baptized May 1, 1763, married the same year, Aug. 15, 1780, John Dickerson, also a Revolutionary soldier. He died at Madison, Ind., May 14, 1828. Susanna, baptized Oct. 14, 1764 ; Squire, baptized Apr. 1768 ; Jemima, born Nov. 15, 1769 ; Anna, born Nov. 23, 1771, died May 12, 1774. Maj. Joseph married second wife Mary Gardiner Oct. 1, 1781. She was born 1749, died Apr. 14, 1828. Chil- dren : Phebe, born 1782; Joseph M., born Aug. 13, 1783, married Phebe Dick- erson, died Sept. 26, 1856. Ira, born Apr. 21, 1785, married wife Rachel; Mathew G., born Jan. 27, 1787, married Abigail Beers Feb. 7, 1810, died July 23, 1855 ; Mary born Feb. 20, 1789. The Rockaway Church records have Amos 1770, who had wife Miriam, sons : Ebenezer, 1775 ; Samuel, 1781 ; Moses, 1793 ; and many others of later date. For burials of the Lindsley family see Cemetery Records. It is more than probable that many of the older Linds- ley residents were buried here, but no records of death or burial. Che mills Familp. Samuel Mills, of Long Island, had sous Timothy and Samuel and perhaps others who name to Morris County as early as 1740. Many of these descend- ants were early connected with Rocka- way enterprises and church. Timothy was born 1718, had wife Phebe, who was born 1732 and died May 4, 1808. He died Mar. 4, 1803. He was captain in the Revolution. Children : Jedediah, born 1744 and baptized July 1, 1744, married (1) Sarah , who was born 1749, died Sept. 15, 1784. (2) Mary . He died Feb. 1, 1820, was captiau in the Revolution. Had seven children by first wife and two by second. John, born Feb. 25, 174P, married Cleo Wines, daughter of Isaiah, Nov. 10, 1768. died Sept. 24, 1837. His wife was born 1750, died Sept. 26, 1813. Probably buried at Rockaway as he owned Ninkey and was an attendant at church here. He had children : Silaa, born Jan. 23, 1770, married (1) Irene Liudsley Oct. 4, 1797. She was born 1770, died May 9, 1811. (2) Eunice Johnson Nov. 3, 1811. She was born 1785, died Jan. 2, 1852. Ruth, born Oct. 3, 1771, died Oct, 23, 1771. David, born Aug. 6, 1773, married (1) Abigail Parish. (2) Catharine (Gould) Smith, died Mar. 6, 1855. Ezra, born Sept. 12, 1775, died Apr. 23, 1776. Phebe, born Mar. 22, 1777, married Daniel C. Dusen- berrie, of Edenville, N. Y., June 27, 1838. He married (1) Nellie VanDer- voort, of Rockaway. She died Mar. 11, 1835, buried at Warwick, N. Y. Huldah, born June 25, 1779, died Mar. 11, 1781 ; Jonas, born Sept. 13, 1781, died Nov. 2, 1810 ; Elizabeth, born Dec. 21, 1783, mar- ried Peter A. Johnson; Henry, born Nov. 12, 1786, married Maria Bar kins. Nehemiah, baptized Apr. 23, 1749, mar- ried Amy Hedges, daughter of Stephen, May 30, 1776, died Mar. 23, 1812. She was born 1757, died Mar. 31, 1811, had four children. Mary, baptized Mar. 23, 1755, married Calvin Axtell Nov. 7, 1771, had three children. Timothy, baptized May 15, 1757, married Abigail 1 86 Ludlow, daughter of Gilbard, Apr. 5, 1781, had seven children. Phebe, bap- tized Mar. 11, 1759, married David Fithian, Sept. 7, 1775, went to Long Island, had two children, died Apr. 1, 1784. Sarah, baptized Aug, 17, 1761, married Daniel Coleman, of Chester, had three children, Hannah, baptized Apr. 1, 1764, married Elezier Miller Apr. 18, 1780, had seven children, ^enas, baptized Sept. 27, 1766, married Phebe Headley July 15, 1787, went to Ohio, had one child. Samuel Mills and wife Sarah had the following children : Timothy, born 1747, died Sept. 14, 1777; Edward, born 1749, married Phebe Byram May 11, 1778, died Jan. 13, 1827. She was born 1758, died Aug. 22, 1793, had three children. George, born 1751, married Mary Freeman Jan. 24, 1775, died Feb. 26, 1840. She was born 1753, died Mar. 15, 1825 ; Samuel, born 1756, had wife Phebe, died June 2, 1837 ; Daniel, baptized Mar. 1, 1761, married Susanna Pierson ; Sarah baptized Aug. 21, 1763 ; Phebe, baptized June 15, 1766, married Isaac Drake Jan. 27, 1788. CIk Percp familp. Some years ago I became interested in my western cousins, and a curiosity as to what had become of the party whose name had been given me from some caase best known to my parents. The hunting up of ones ancestry is somtimes pursued under great difficulties. These parties had removed from the border lands of Morris County in 1835, to the wilderness in Ohio, the western fever at that date was strangely epidemic. In those pioneer days but few letters were ever exchanged, a new life had com- menced in earnest with them and the old lines were soon forgotten. After sixty years all traces of the family were lost. By chance I learned the address of one of the grand children, and from this party I was referred to others. The result is before you. The Percy family in England date back to the year 1100. Two brothers, William and Joseph, came over when quite young men. William settled at Paterson. N. J., learned the printers trade and went to Albany, N. Y., when all traces were lost. Joseph set- tled near the border laud of Morris County. He was born in England July 7, 1801, married Abigail Crane, daughter of John and Sophia (Myers) Crane, Dec. 1, 1825, removed to Franklin county, Ohio, in 1835, and to Preemption, Mer- cer county, 111., in 1855, married Mary (Goff) Adams Oct. 1, 1845. Abigail Crane was born July 5, 1804, died Sept. 22, 1843, buried at Walnut Hill, about eight miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio. He died Dec. 26, 1856, buried three miles west of Preemption, 111 Mary Goff was born July 14, 1814. Children : George W., born Oct 29, 1826, married Kate Hawley ; (2) Miss Schell, removed to Peoria county, 111., 1854, died Nov. 12, 1895, buried at Glass- ford, 111., had four children. William, born Nov. 16, 1827, never married, died Aug. 3, 1843, buried at Walnut Hill, Ohio. John, born Mar. 27, 1829, never married, died Feb. 14, 1849, buried at Walnut Hill. Charles, born Oct. 17, 1830, married Catharine Beaty, daugh i88 ter of Samuel, Oct. 25, 1850. (2) Fanny Healey, had five children, removed to Hancock county. O., 1854, thence to Kingston Mines, Peoria county, III., and from thence to Notaway county, Mo., in 1871, died there July 14. 1876. Julia E., born Apr. 8, 1832, died Oct. 29, 1855, buried at Walnut Hill. Fanny J., born Mar. 13, 1834; James C, born in Ohio June 28, 1836, died June 7, 1871, buried at "The Dalles," Oregon. Israel, born Oct. 12, 1837, died Nov. 7, 1860, buried at Preemption, 111. Jeremiah C, born Dec. 15, 1839, married Jennie O. Lowe, of Mercer county, 111., 1867, living near Parnell City, Mo., served four years in Co. E, 7th Iowa Inf., was wounded at Resaca, Ga., in "Sherman's march to the sea." Samuel, born Aug. 19, 1841, married Rohr, living at Columbus O. Frances Marion born Sept. 20, 1843, married, lived in Franklin county, O., died Sept. 20, 1877. Martha Ellen, born Jan. 19, 1855, married Albert Whitaker, have two children. My informants also gave the names and dates of grandchildren which are here omitted, also politics and religion of all the members. Che Strait familp. Among the early settlers of Morris County, were Abraham Strain, his wife* name' unknown-., and family ;ofrfive<8Qn8!- and one daughter. They came from Holland and settled at Milton, about 1750. Abraham (2) settled at Cauisteer, Sus- sex county, N. J., then called Winches- ter. He married Charlotte Comer, who was born at sea, bought largely of real estate, and being a carpenter by trade, built the first frame house there, and the second forge about 1780. Mauy of these lands were located by Hartshorn Fritz Randolph Dec 7, 764. Children of Abraham (2) and Charlotte (Comer) Strait: David A., married Sarah Smith and lived near I i Canisteer, N. J. William C, married ! Sarah Brown, lived at Cauisteer. John, married Bridget Shaw, lived above Canisteer. Abraham A., (3) married Dulcena, daughter of Samuel aud Catharine (Estill) Dunn, lived at Cam- ' steer. Eliza, married John Paddock, lived above Cauisteer. Charlotte, mar- ried John, son of Anthony DougbeEfcy/j lived above Canisteer. Catharine, mat' ried Adam, son of John I. and. Catha- rine (McClond) Smith, July 20, 1816, lived at Canisteer. Lucinda, or Lucy as some of the records have it, married Paul Farber, Jr. , who came from Rock- away, went to Ohio in 1830. died there. A daughter, name unknown, married James Paddock, lived at Cherry Ridge. Jane, married William, sou of Samuel Duun, lived uear Cauisteer. Stephen Strait, married and removed from Mil- ton, N. J., to Ohio. No records of chil- dren. John went to Tennessee, no rec- ords. Ann married John Daveuport, who was connected with some of the first forges near Milton. Christian, or Christoffel, uame uncertain, remained at Milton. Some of the descendants settled at Sparta, N. J., aud from theuce came to Rockaway. Jacob Strait, the young- est of the family, born 1740, married Abigail Gould, who came from Holland June 16. 1774. He died at Beattystowu near the dividing line of Morris aud i9« Sussex counties, Nov. 18, 1792. His wife married (2) Aaron Bedford, of Stockholm, N. J. (3) Daveu- port, and died Feb. 1, 1803. Children : Elizabeth, born Nov. 2, 1775, married Moses Dow, soldier of 1812 War. She died Jan. 11, 1832. He mar- ried as his second wife Elizabeth , born Dec. 1799, died -June 7, 1883. Both buried at Rockaway. Sarah, born Jnly 22, 1778, married William, son of Robert and Phebe (Gardiner) Headley, Oct. 12, 1797, lived at Milton, died Sept. 2, 1849. Both buried in Headley Ceme- tery at Milton. John, born Mar. 24, 1781, married and removed to Ohio about 1805. Mary, born Aug. 25, 1783, married William Carr, removed to Port Clinton, Ohio, died there. Moses Dow, born Nov. 12, 1786, went to Fairport, now Horseheads, N. \., married Ann Hammond, died Dec. 27, 1843. Both buried in Horseheads Baptist Cemetery. David, born Jan. 11, 1790, married Sarah, daughter of Peter and Phebe (Angle) Card. Dec. 14, 1816, lived and died at Stockholm May 7, 1874. His wife born July 5, 1799, died Nov. 24, 1879. Both buried at the M. E. Ceme- tery at Stockholm. In tracing this, my mother's family, in many of the states West and South, I have yet to find the name Strait, who could not find some connection with this Morris county family. They are scat- tered through the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Tennessee, Ken- tucky, South Carolina and Georgia. REV. JOSEPH FARRAND TUTTLE, D.D..L.L D. Born, nioomfielrt, N. J.. March 18, ISIS. Died, Crawfordsville, Ind., June 8, KOI. CDc Cuttle Familp. William Tuttle, wife Elizabeth aud three children came to Boston, Mass., in ship "Planter," from Northhampton, Eng. , 1635, aud soon after moved to New Haven, Conn,, where his sou Jo- seph was baptized Nov. 22, 164u. Jo- seph married Hannah Munsou 1667 and had a son Stephen, born at New Haven May 20, 1673. Stephen married Ruth Fritz Randolph, removed to Wood- bridge, N. J., where he died in 1709. Will names children : Timothy, Joseph, Stephen and Samuel, and a cousiu John Cooper Timothy Tuttle, born at Woodbridge N.J. ,Oct. 16, 1696, married Cecelia Moore 1724, removed to Hauover, in Morris couuty, where he died Dec. 31, 1754. His wife was boru 1700, aud was buried at Hanover July 3, 1768. Will names children : Daniel, Isaac, Stephen, Abra- ham, Mary aud Joanna. Capt, Daniel lived at Hauover and had fifteen children, of which five served iu the Revolutiou. Capt. Will- iam, son of Capt. Darnel, was born Nov. 5, 1760, married Tempe Wick, daughter of Henry. Henry Wick was born Oct. 23, 1707, died Dec. 21, 1780. He married Mary Cooper. She was born Apr. -4, 1718, died July 7, 1787. Children: Henry, Jr., born Mar. 9, 1737, married Elizabeth Cooper Feb. 7, 1760, died Sept. 10, 1781. Mary, born Aug. 13, 1739, married Dr. Ebeuezer Blachly June 19, 1758, died Sept. 18, 1796. James, born Dec. 19, 1741, died young; Phebe. born Nov. 9, 1746, married Dr. William Leddle ; Tempe, boru Oct. 30, 1738, married Capt. William Tuttle as above, died Apr. 28, 1822. Joseph, son of Capt. Daniel, was born 1758, married Esther Parkhurst Dec. 2, 1778, resided at New Veruon, N. J., died Apr. 10, 1802. His wife died Mar. 22, 1789, age 36. Children : Phebe, baptized Oct. 31,;1779; William, born Aug. 19, 1781 ; a child, born Oct. 27» 1783 ; Eliza- beth and Jacob, twius, born Aug. 24, 1786. Jacob became a minister and married 192 Elizabeth Ward, of Bloomfield, N. J., and had children : Rev. Samuel Lawrence, born at Bloomfield Aug. 15, 1815, died Apr. 16, 1866. Rev. Joseph Farrand, born at Bloomfield Mar. 18, 1818, married Susan, daughter of Rev. Barnabas King, was his colleague many years at Rockaway, removed to Craw- fordsville, Ind., as president of Wabash College, and is still resident. Joseph Tuttle, son of Stephen, was born 1698, came to Hanover Neck 1734, married Abigail Ogden, was squire, deacon and colonel, died 1789, and was buried at Whippany, N. J. Children : Ruth, married David Kitchell ; Samuel, born Sept. 22, 1724, married Sarah (Ford) Kinney, died May 31, 1814. Moses, born Nov. 19. 1732, married Jane Ford, died July 11, 1819. (Children of Samuel and Moses, see Ford family.) -Joseph married Jemima Haines ; David married Sarah Coe. Clx Ullcn Familp. The following data given me many- years ago by the late James Madison Allen at Newark, who had made many researches of the Allen family at Rocka- way hold good to-day. I have added and corrected a few of the data that have come under my own researches, and from the collector of the Ailing- Allen families of Connecticut and from the Aliens at Chicago, 111., and others. George P. Allen writes me from New Berlin, Fla., that he has failed to make any connections with the Roger Ailing family, of New Haven, Ct., whose de- scendant, Samuel, came to Newark, N. J., and some of his descendants to Mor- ris county. The name has many spell- ings, and the families quite numerous in Central New Jersey. Captain Job always wrote Allen, while some one en- graved on his tombstone the name Allin. Tradition says that Samuel Allen and sons, Ebenezer and Job, came from the north of Scotland, where they had been imprisoned for their religious opinions, and first landed at Amboy, N. J. Job came from thence, while still a young man, to Rockaway previous to 1730, and built a forge there at that date, known after as the "Job Allen Iron Works." They were located about two hundred yards above the present dam. The Sanitarium farm at Denville, compris- ing two or three hundred acres was owned by him at this time. His wife's name, according to the old deeds and papers, was Christiana, aud they were probably not married earlier than 1735 or 6, as the first child Anna was born 1737. No mention was ever made among the old papers at Rockaway of his father Samuel or his brother Ebene- zer, and it may have been possible that Christiana was his second wife. He was at this early date the founder and builder of the first iron industry at Rockaway, not very large in that day compared with the present, and may be said to have been the founder and build- er of the first church at Rockaway, as some of tne frame work was made as early as 175&. He was an early member 194 of the Morristown Presbyterian church where some of his children were bap- tized, while the church at Rockaway was building. He was carpenter, mil- ler and forgeman ; constructed some of the first roads and bridges, and many of the first dwelliugs, when every nail used was hand-made. Children : Anna, born Apr. 19, 1737, married Thomas Baldwin ; Eunice, born Dec. 5, 1738, died unmarried, probably buried at Rockaway ; Christiana, born June 1, 1742, married David Cory, of Rockaway, Apr. 23, 1758. He was born 1724, died Feb. 19, 1769. Both probably buried at Rockaway. Elizabeth, born July 10, 1742, baptized at Morristown, N. J., Sept. 18, 1743, married John Biga- low, of Rockaway. Both probably died at Rockaway. Deborah, born July 13, 1746, baptized Aug. 17, 1746, died in in- fancy. Lois or Loisa. born June 6, 1748, baptized July 10, 1748, married (1) Dan- iel Talmage, of Baskingridge, N. J., Dec. 21, 1766. He was killed at Lacka- waxeu, Pa., July 22, 1779, had three children. See Talmage family. She married (2) John Harriman and lived where David Lash now lives ; had three children. See Harriman family. Job, born Aug. 27. 1750. baptized Aug, 14, 1751, married Mary Minturn or Minton, of Parsippany, N. J., Jan. 2, 1773. She was born Dec. 22, 1757, married (2) Stephen Jackson 1810 and died at the residence of her sou Isaac at Newark, Apr. .81, 1826. Job. at the age of 17 when his father died, ran the farm, kept store, ran a forge and mill under the Jacksons, was captain in the militia service, was carpenter by trade, rebuilt and completed the Presbyterian church in 1794, died Mar. 16, 1798. All buried at Rockaway. Jane, born Dec. 12, 1751, married Benjamin Beach, died Apr. 16. 1780. He married (2) Mary (Serrin) Bigalow, and died May 17, 1827. See Beach family. Polly, Mary on the tombstone, born Dec. 29, 1758, married Thomas Osborn, removed to Parsippany, died May 5, 1801. Deacon Thomas Osborn was born Oct. 11, 1753, married (2) Hannah (Howell) Minton, who was born June 20, 1763, died Mar. 20, 1829. She was a daughter of Gidson Howell and wife Sarah Gordon, who lived at Littleton, N. J., and the widow of Lemuel Minton, by whom she had chil- dren : Henry, James, Sarah, Mary and Stephen. Deacon Osborn died July 27, 1818. All buried at Parsippany. The Minturn or Minton family lived at Parsippany. The father came from north of England, the mother from Hol- land. Children : Nancy, John, Lemuel, William, James, Jacob, born 1725, died Oct. 11, 1804; Henry, Nathan, David, Peter, Rachel, Hannah, Sally and Mary, who married Capt. Job Allen. Children of Captain Job Allen : Nancy, born 1773, married Joseph Kitchel, sou of Abraham, born 1779, re- moved to Sacketts Harbor, L. I., and died 1847. Betsey, born 1775, married (1) Broadwell, (2) Hunting, both probably of Rockaway. Job, (3) born July 2, 1780, married Bet- sey Jackson, daughter of Benjamin, 1800. She was born Feb. 14, 1782, died Mar. 21, 1862. He ran the farm at Den- '95 ville at au early age, had a blacksmith shop and store at Rockaway from 1799 to 1814, at which date the family went to Ohio. John, married Charity, daugh- ter of Abraham Kitchel, July 10. 1805, weut to Sacketts Harbor, L. 1. Maria, boru 1788, married Ausou Browu, of Deuville, and emigrated to Ohio in 1814. Jacob, married Elizabeth Seguire, no other records. Lucy, born 1798, (1793 on tombstone) married Chileou Ford DeCamp Sept. 5, 1815, died Jan. 6, 1836. He was boru July 9, 1793, died Feb. 27, 1876. Both buried at Rockaway. Children of Job Allen (3) and wife Betsey: .fob (4) boru Nov, 27, 1801, at Deuville, baptized at Rockaway Aug. 13, 1809, married Clarissa Thompson, of Parsippauy, died 1868. Phebe, born Feb. 24, 1803, died in iufaucy ; William Mitchell, born Aug. 16, 1805, baptized Aug. 20, 1809, married Jaue Lyon. Emily, born Oct. 13, 1807, baptized Aug. 20, 1809, married Nathauiel M. Jackson. James Madisou, born July 28, 1810, bap- tized June 30, 1811, married (1) Harriet, daughter of Peter Post and Elizabeth (Kauouse) Brown, of New Fouudlaud, Dec. 1832. She was boru Mar. 9, 1816, died Dec. 16, 1871, buried at Oak Ridge, N. J. (2) Hanuab Susan Clark in 1873, died at Newark 1897, buried at Oak Ridge. Be w T as largely interested in the iron aud store business iu several lo- cations. Isaac Jackson, boru Jan. 21, 1814, married Susan Browu, sister of Harriet. She was born May 13, 1821. The above childreu were all boru at Rockaway. Maria Brown, born June 18, 1817, at Frederick, O., married James Richards, of Ohio. Clarissa Jack- sou, born July 5, 1819, married Dauiel, brother of James Richards, above. Lucy DeCamp, born Sept, 14, 1821, married Joshua Davis, of Ohio. Children of James Madison and wife Hannah: Elmira Elizabeth, born Jan. 27, 1835, at Stockholm. N. J., married Joseph Richart, of Ohio, Oct. 12, 1853. Chilion Brown, born Mar. 29, 1836, at Stockholm, married Mary Wood, of Ohio, Apr. 15, 1863. Adroniram Judsou, bom July i5, 1837, at Philadelphia, Pa., married Amanda Ball, of Ohio, Sept. 25, 1862 James Madison, (2) boru Jau. 22, 1840, at Philadelphia, married Roxaua Moore Sept. 1865. She was a daughter of Virgil Douglass ^Moore, born Dec. 3, 1814, aud Hauuah M. tlough, born May 8, 1817. Their son at Chicago, 111., has made many researches iu family con- nections. Ira Brown, born in Ohio July 28, 1841, married Eva Trulove, of Ohio, iu 1866. Lucy DeCamp, born Sept. 5, 1844, married William C. Potter, of Ohio, iu 1865. Mary Harriet, boru Mar. 20, 1848, married Rev. A. S. Walsh, of Ohio, Nov. 27, 1867. William Russell, born in Ohio Mar. 8, 1852, married Cor- nelia M. John, of Ohio, Nov. 7, 1875. This family, like many others once so prominent in the early euterprises of old Rockaway and Morris county, is now nearly extinct aud the name continued iu many of the Western States. The name Job continued to the fourth gen- eration in this family, was perpetuated iu the Talmage family, and also in the Hill family to the present day. See Talmage aud Hill families. 196 The following of the Allen lines were probable descendants of Roger, of New Haven, and connected with the families of the present date, were also prominent in Morris county. Captain Samuel Allen, born Nov. 27, 1751, married Hannah, daughter of Epenitus Beach, the son of Zopher, of Newark, July 4, 1779, died Dec. 15, 1828. She was born Oct. 29, 1761, died Mar. 1851. Samuel Allen, justice of the peace, lived at Shongnm, N. J., died 1810, buried at Bockaway. His wife, Abigail, died Oct. 24, 1809, buried at Bockaway. His son, Samuel, Jr., lived at Mt. Free- dom, N, J., and was buried in Bocka- way 1886. 197 Children of Samuel, Jr. : William Allen, born Aug. 29, 1803, married (1) Lydia Norris, who died. Apr. 11, 1834, aged 82 years, 8 months and 2 days, buried in Headley Cemetery. Children also buried there : Ogdeu. died Jan. 19, 1828, aged 1 year and 21 days ; Jacob, died May 6, 1830, aged 1 mouth ; Eliza- beth, died Apr. 11, 1831, aged 3 years and 4 mouths ; Ira, living at Dover, born Nov. 23, 1832. (2) Jane McCormic, of Miltou, May 7, 1840. She was boru July 10, 1813. All buried at Headley Cemetery. Children : Charles, born Mar. 18, 1841, married Sarah C. Allisou Aug. 15, 1863, died Juue 16, 1882. Abi- gail, boru May 5, 1843, died May 19, 1862; Maurice, boru July 10, 1846, died Mar. 30, 1876; Harriet, born Nov. 12, 1847. died Apr. 10, 1862; Wm. H., born Nov. 13, 1850, married Mary Jane Gregory Apr. 5, 1877, died Sept. 27, 1881 ; Augusta, born Dec. 21, 1852, mar- ried Alfred Ludlow Day Nov. 12, 1874. Children see Day family. John, (1 ) born Aug. 30, 1857, died Jan. 2, 1860; John, (2) born July 19, 1860. died July 14, 1895 ; Jane, died Apr. 8, 1878. Amsy Allen at Mt. Freedom, the father of Capt. David S., of Dover. Robert P. married Phebe, daughter of Abraham Fordyce, of Shougom, re- moved to Tuckhaunock, Pa. Children : Jennie, married J. Andrew Casterliue, of Niukey, as first wife ; Agnes, married Northup ; Lewis, married Condict. Henry B., married a daughter of Jabez Estile, of Rockaway, and removed to Chicago. Che Beaman Familp. The name originally spelled Beman, now modernized to Beaman and Bee- man. Gamaliel Beman settled at Dor- chester, Mass., in 1636, his descendants removed to Connecticut and later to Vermont. One Simon Beman, of Spring- field, Mass., married Alice Young Oct. 15, 1654, and had sons, Josiah, (1) born Feb. 4, 1662 ; David, and perhaps others. There was a distribution of the estate of David, brother of Josiah, made in 1740, at Springfield, in which the property was divided among the representatives of his brother Josiah, then deceased, to John and Josiah, (2) Beaman, and three sisters. There was also a grant of land to Josiah Beaman, Jr., in Brookfield, Mass., of 60 acres in 1717. Josiah (1) married Martha , who died Nov. 1691. (2) Lydia Warner Apr. 29, 1696, and had children : Simon, born Feb. 6. 1697 ; John, born July 19, 1699, moved to* Brookfield, Mass., and Josiah (2) and three daugh- ters. After this date (1717) the name of Josiah Beaman (2) is lost in Mnssachu- setts and is supposed to have gone West at a very early age and settled at or near Dover, N. J. and became interest- ed in the iron business located there in 1720 by John Jackson and the Hurds. There is tradition that he came from Vermont, but as Vermont was not set- tled at this early date, it is not probable. This Josiah (2) had sons : David, per- haps the oldest; Josiah, a daughter Abigail, who married Joseph Edminster Feb. 19, 1747. She as his widow died Nov. 27, 1777, aged 50. Morristown Church Records show children : Han- nah, baptized May 29, 1748 ; David, bap- tized Apr. 29, 1751 ; Ledia, baptized July 21, 1754, and Joseph, baptized Oct. 16, 1757. David Beman was a member of the Presbyterian church at Morristown, N. J., before the building of the church at Rockaway. and was one of the founders and builders, and original members of the church at Rockaway. He owned a forge, sawmill and gristmill at Rocka- i 9 9 way, and was builder of some of the first forges in this section, was forge- man, miller and carpenter. In the church he was sexton, elder, deacon and chorister. David Beman, married (1) Mary Stansborrough, daughter of Samuel. She died 1780. (2) Anna (Jackson) Ayres, daughter of Gen. Joseph Jackson, and widow of Robert Ayres. She was born Aug. 9, 1746, died Mar. 21, 1816, buried by the side of her first husband. David Beman died 1802, buried at Rockaway, but no monument, grave unknown. Children of David and Mary : Josiah, baptized Oct. 3, 1756 ; Samuel, baptized June 10, 1759 ; Lydia, married Thomas Conger, who was a blacksmith at Rock- away, and had children : Harriet, John, William, Phebe, Hannah and perhaps others. Joauna, baptized as adalt Apr. 3, 1812, never married ; Sarah, born July 13, 1765, married George Stickle, died June 14, 1836, buried at Rockaway. Ruhama, married (1) Green, of Denville. (2) Strong, who was lost at sea on a voyage to Eng- land about 1800. Children : Samuel, William, Susan, married Mc- Elroy, of Denville, and Mary, who mar- ried (1) Shoor. (2) Beaman Stickle as his second wife died at Aytelan, Wis., 1894. Josiah Beaman, brother of David, was born 1732, married Hnldah Winds, a sister of General William Winds, Sept. 11, 1760, died June 3, 1803. His wife was born 1729, died Aug. 15, 1792. Both buried at Rockaway. Children : Ahi- jah, baptized June 27, 1762. Mention is made iu General Winds' will, dated the day before his death Oct. 11, 1789, of Abigail, Huldah and Susanna Bee- man, daughters of Josiah Beeman. I give fifteen pounds each. It is probable that these were all the children living at that date of Josiah Beaman. The names Josiah and David are prominent in the family. The name is now not kn^wn, only through inter- marriage. Should any one know more of this fami- ly, once so prominent in the early enter- prises, in church and Revolutionary service, I should be pleased to know so as to further preserve their records. Clx Crane Familp. "To see ourselves as others see us" I have invited my correspondents to write what they kuew of the Crane family. In the arrangement i have managed to get in a few words "edgeways," and like tombstone records, have recorded only the good deeds, and left out some of the bad. The name is spelled in many ways, so that nearly every one can have a choice, and about one half of the members usually prefer a change of name altogether. Some one, not relat- ed to the family has said that "the Cranes are noted for their frugality, honesty and piety," that means present company always excepted. All things change and we change with them. The Cranes were originally from Cneshire county, England. The precise date will never be known as they may have worked out their road tax on the macadam road built there by the Romans before the third century. Under the similitude of a dream it may be taken for granted that they all dwelt in oastles, of which there are many, some have been torn down and a new castle built in their place. Tradition says they were all great warriors and that each community was well blessed with generals, colonels ma- jors and captains, and that each were tagged with a coat of arms. These armorial bearings may have originated by the way that each one made "his mark" with a pointed stick and poke- berry juice, it is not advisable to give any theory upon this subject. One of our enterprising relatives has traced the family back from General Josiah Crane for thirteen generations, without reach- ing the end or touching bottom. I will commence where he left off and be con- tent with eleven generations. General Josiah Crane was in the ser- vice of King James and for his services was rewarded with a coat of arms and a goodly estate. It is said that some of his descendants went to the north of Ireland, some to Germany and later Jasper, probably Stephen and Phebe, to America. 201 Authorities differ as to the date or lo- cation. Jasper may have settled at Shawniit, uow Boston, Mass., as early as 1630, aud taken a part iu the first settlement of New Haveu, Conn., by overlaud route April 9, 1638. He may have returned to Bostou aud returned to Euglaud, aud sailed direct from Lou- dou with his family in ship Arbella, which left Loudou Apr. .26. 1639, and was the first ship to enter the harbor at New Haven. We learn of Jasper iu Bostou Juue 21, 1640, as agent for Mr. Roe. of Lou- don, regarding house lot aud three acres of land, lyiug iu Bostou, wherein Will- iam Herricke uow dwelleth. This theo- ry would prove that he may have been iu Bostou as au agent for a Loudon Company previous to this date. As sur- veyor and laud ageut it is quite proba- ble that he dealt largely in real estate and buildiug lots. He sigued the first agreement at a geueral meeting at Mr. Newman's baru in New Haven, June 4, 1639, aud took the oath of fidelity with Caufield, Pennington, Eaton and others. His house lot u umber 49, drawu Feb. 6, 1607, was located on what is uow Elm street, coruer of Orange street, occupied by the church of St. Thomas. Delivered had number 40, and Johu number 62. At the orgauizatiou of government of the colouy, he was "freed from watch- ing and trayuiug iu his own turn, be- cause of his weakness, but to fiud some one for his turn." He was a member of the General Court with Robert Treat, aud magistrate many years iu the colo- ny. Was interested in a bog ore fur uace at East Haveu iu 1651. removed to Brauford, seveu miles east of New Haveu, in 1652, was deputy magistrate and magistrate in 1658 at Brauford. Iu 1664 was commissioner to administer oath of allegiance to all the freemen of New Haven after the uuiou with the Connecticut colouy. Iu 1665 he was ap- pointed one of the committee of safety to protect the colouy against DeRuyter, the Dutch admiral, who was cruisiug in the souud threateuiug the colouy. Amoug other honors he had fifth seat in the meeting house. Notwithstanding the disability of the weakness that pre- vented Jasper Crane from "watching aud trayuiug" in his owu person he seems to have lived in high authority in the midst of affairs in stirring times. A power in the colonial wilderness, it was as a Moses that he led the twenty- three families of Brauford to the cauaan of the Passaic lauds, captain over these ex- iles even as Robert Treat was captain over the forty-one families of Milford. The Passaic settlement first bore the name of Milford, but was chauged to Newark at the suggestion of the be- loved pastor of the church at Branford. The home lot that fell to Jasper Crane at Newark was directly north of the Essex county court house, aud is now the site of St. Paul's Episcopal church. The meeting honse was nearby, and surrouuded by a palisade, and in the cupola a guard of settlers kept watch for hostile Indiaus, while the worship was in progress. The date of the birth of Jasper Crane is quite uncertain, authorities give 202 dates 1590, 1605, 1610. It is quite proba- ble that he was twice married, and that Stephen, born about 1630 was of the first marriage. His will dated at New- ark 1678, names wife Alice, who probably died before his death in 1682, was proved 1681. One authority gives Stephen, who settled at Elizabeth, as born 1640. Some conjecture that this Stephen was a brother of Jasper and that Phebe, who married Oanfield, was a sister. Traditionally we can have Stephen as a brother and as a sou ; per- haps there were two Stephens. We giv? the tradition of Israel Crane a great-great grandson of Stephen, of Elizabeth Town. "About 1625 A. D. thirty years before Elizabeth Town. N. J., was settled, during the persecutions of the Puritans in England under Queen Elizabeth, the ancestor of the Crane family came to Ameiica. His name was Stephen. The ship in which he came is supposed to have sailed from the west o" England, favored by em- barkation by a fog, which allowed es- cape in case of pursuit. When the fog passed away the ship wan out of sight of land. It is said to have sunk at Amboy. N. J., but all on board were saved. Stephen Crane and his fellow voyagers settled Elizabeth Town, named for Queen Elizabeth, who confirmed the purchase of lands from the Indians." From what I have before stated it is hard to accuse auy of the Crane family with drawing the long bow, it may have been attributed to his mother's rela- tion. 1625 and 30 make 1655, ten years before Elizabeth Town was settled. Sail- ing from the west of England would give a Cheshire county location. If the ship sunk at Amboy in 1625, the name was not known at that time. If they then settled at Elizabeth Town at that time, the settlement must have been abandoned forty years. We presume this Stephen to have been at least twen - ty-five years of age when he left Eug- laud. Nathaniel, his reputed sou, was born 1680, which is not probable. This Stephen is not mentioned in the New England settlements, but there were many others there. If he died after 1710 he would have been over 110 years of age. The Cranes are not noted for longevi- ty and seldom reach the 80th year They are generally "grown up" at four- teen and fifteen, sow a small patch of wild oats, marry at 16, 18 and 20 and settle down to quiet life and piety. It is possible to crowd four and five genera- tions in a century. They become pre- maturely old at 40 and 50, and it is re- corded of some families who have mar- ried, raised large families, and died at 25 aud 30. In the early settlements early marriages were encouraged, and the hardships aud privations encount- ered, made them old men and women at 40 and 50. This Stephen wlio settled at Elizabeth Town in 1665, tradition says married a Danish or Welch woman with red hair, and blue eyes, a blonde. These descend- ants of Stephen are known to belong to that particular Crane family, while the Newark settlers are not above the ordi- nary statue, have very dark hair, dark 2o3 hazel eyes and decidedly brunette. The hair turning gray in early life, and al- most white at middle age. So we shall claim the Elizabeth Town settler as the sou of Jasper. The children owned ad- joining lands between Elizabeth Town and Newark. Children of Jasper Crane: Stephen, born in England about 1630, married a Danish woman with red hair, settled at El zabeth Town 1665, died there after 1710. John, born in England about 1635, married (1) Elizabeth Poote, sister of Nathaniel, of Wethersneld, Conn. (2) Hannah , died at Newark 1694. Hannah, born at New Haven about 1639, was the second wife of Thomas Huntington, and as a widow after 1685 became the second wife of Johu Ward. Sr., of Branford, probably died in Connecticut about 1695. De- livered, or Deliverance, born in New Haven July 12, 1642, settled at Newark 1666, never married, date of death un- knowu. Mercy or Mary, baptized Mar. I, 1645, married Jonathan Bell, of Stamford, Conn., Aug. 22, 1662. He being the first white child born at Stam- ford. She died at Stamford Oct. 26, 1671. Micah, baptized Nov. 3, 1647, probably died young. Azariah, born 1649, settled at Newark 1666, married Mary Treat, daughter of Capt. Robert, died at Newark Nov. 5, 1730. His wife was born 1649, died Nov. 12, 1704. Jas- per, born at East Haven, Couu., Apr. 2, 1751, married Joanna Swaine, daughter of Capt. Samuel, settled at Newark 1666, died there Mar. 6, 1712. His wife died Sept. 16, 1720, aged 69. Both buried at the .Presbyterian church yard on Broad street, Newark. Stephen Crane, one of the original set- tlers of Elizabeth Town, took oath of allegiance to Lord King Charles II, and his successors Peb. 19, 1665. His will dated 1709' bequeathed lands in Eliza- beth Town to # sou Johu. In 1710 he gave a deed to son Nathaniel, bounded by lauds of Johu, Daniel, Jeremiah and Azariah Crane, between Elizabeth Town and Newark. Children : -lohu, married Esther, daughter of Samuel and Esther (Wheel- er) Williams, lived at Elizabeth, died Feb. 1723. His will dated Feb. 7, 1722, proved Feb. 16, 1723. Children: John, born about 1700. went to Westfield, died Sept. 11, 1763. Had five children. Matthias, married, had six children ; Benjamin, born about 1710, married Esther Woodruff, had two children. She was born 1711, died Feb. 22, 1809. Samuel, born about 1712 ; Abigail, born Jau. 25. 1713, died June 10, 1770, mar- ried Jacob DeHart, who was born Dec. 28, 1699, died Sept. 21, 1777, had three children. Joseph. Esther, Sarah, Re- becca and Deborah. Jeremiah, died 1742, had wife Susan- na and one child, James, who was born 1712, died Sept. 2, 1777. Daniel, born 1672-3, died Feb. 24, 1724, married Harriet Miller, daughter of William, had children : Daniel, (2) born 1703, died Feb. 25, 1704; Jonathan, born Apr. 19, 1705, died at Westfield Jan. 1766, had wife Mary and five chil- dren. William; Stephen, born 1709, died June 23, 1780, had wife Phebe born 204 1714, died Aug. 28, 1776. David, born about 1712, married Elizabeth Rickets, had two children. Nathaniel, died Jan. 13, 1755, married Demaris . She was born 1684, died Oct. 9, 1745. Children : Nathanlie, (2) married Mary Price, daughter of John, had two children. Caleb, born 1715, died Dec. 19, 1773, married (1) Mary Searls, daughter of Edward. She was born 1722, died Apr. 2, 1758. (2) Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Town- ley, Aug. 27, 1760, had eight children. Jonathan, born 1719, died Apr. 14, 1780, buried at Morristown, married Sarah Ross, daughter of William. She died Feb. 5, 1787, aged 63. Had ten children. Christopher married and moved to West- field, had four children, died 1760. Moses, married Johanna Miller, moved to Westfield, had one son Noah. Phebe, married Chandler ; Mary, married (1) Chandler, (2) Dayton. John, born 1635, died 1694, and wives Elizabetli and Haunah. Will names children : John, born 1671, had wife Mary, removed to Whippauy, died Feb. 22, 1739. His wife Mary was born 1673, died Sept. lu, 1741. Both buried at Whippauy. Jasper, born 1679, made will 1749 ; Daniel, born 1684, died Sept. 8, 1747 ; Sarah, no records. Children of John, born 1671, add wife Mary : .lohu ; Edmoud, born about 1692, married Abigail Kitchel ; Amos, married Elizabeth , lived at Whip- pauy. She died Sept. 1, 1736, aged 19 years and 12 days. Mary, married Hamilton ; Abigail, married Stephen Ward ; Kesiah, married — Canfield ; Stephen, born Aug. 19, 1708, died May 30, 1732, buried at Whip- pauy. Hannah, married (1) Thomas Huut- iugtou, had children : Samuel and Han- nan. See Huntington Family. She married (2) John Ward, Sr., of Bran- ford, as second wife. Mercy or Mary, who married Jona- than Bell, of Stamford, had three chil- dren : Jonathan, born Feb. 14, 1663 ; Hannah, born Aug. 29, 1665 ; Rebecca, bom Dec. 6, 1667 ; Mary, died Oct. 26, 1671, and Jonathan Bell married (2) Susanna Pierson, of Branford, Oct. 31, 1672, had children : Abigail, born Dec. 23, 1673 ; Abraham born -June 22, 1675 ; Mercy, born Nov. 5, 1678; John, born Jan. 16, 1681 ; a daughter born Aug. 3, 1683, probably died in infancy ; James, born Dec. 11, 1684; Susanna, born Dec. 25, 1686 ; Mary born Sept. 29. 1689. Deacon Azariah held many prominent offices in Newark and his descendants settled at Crauetowu, now Moutclair, N. J. He outlived his generation, died Nov. 5, 1730, and the "silver bole" be- queathed to -lohu, was finally an heir- loom of Deacon Azariah, who be- queathed the "siiver bole" to the first Presbyteriau church at Newark, where he was deacon from 1690 until his death 1730, "to be used forever." Children : Hannah, married John Plum or Plume. He was born 1658, died July 22, 1710, will names children : John, Mary, Sarah, Jane, Hannah, and wife Hannah. Nathaniel, boru about 1680, married 205 Elizabeth Gibson, settled at West Bloouifield, N. J., died 1760, aged 80. Children : William, Noah, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Jane aud Mehetabel. Azariah (2) born 1682, had wife Re- becca. She died June 15, 1739, aged .48. He married (2) . Children : Rebecca, born Sept. 6, 1707 ; Azariah, (3), -lob, Gamaliel, Ezekiel, Josiah, Moses, born Apr. 23, 1730, died Feb. 12, 1795, buried at Parsippany, N. J. Stephen. Robert, born 1684, had wife Phebe, who died May 13, 1759. He died July 14, 1755, lived at Newark. Children : Eunice, Timothy, Isaac, Josiah, Mary, Phebe and Lydia. Jane, born 1686, married John Rich- ards, lived at Newark, She died Sept. 12, 1741. He died Mar. 16, 1748, aged 61. Children : Moses, Aaron and David. Mary, born 1693, married a Mr. Bald- win. No further records. John, born 1695, married (I) Abigail , who died June 25, 1744, aged 44. (2) Rebecca . He died Sept. 5, 1776. Children: Jonas, born 1718; Samuel, born 1723 ; Abigail, born 1725: John, Eliakim. Elias, Mat- thias, Benjamin, born 1740. Obadiah, born 1741, Revolutionary soldier, died Sept. 28, 1784; Jonas, (£) born 1747. Richard aud Jasper both died in iu- faucy. Jasper Crane, born 1751, died 1712, buried in First Presbyterian church yard at Newark. Children : Joseph, born 1676, married Abigail, daughter of Joseph Lyon, died 1726. Children : Beujamiu, born Nov. 27, 1705, died July 14, 1777 ; Isaac, born Oct. 8, 1709 ; Eze- kiel, born May 8, 1711, died 1794 ; Israel, bom Jan. 2, 1713, died Aug. 1,1785; Josiah, born Jan. 2. 1716, captain in the Revolution, died Dec, 15, 1785, had wife Phebe. Joseph, born Dec. 28, 1717, mar- ried Elizabeth Johnson She was,born Oct. 3, 1729, aud as a widow married (2) Paul Day. Her will dated 1785. Joan- na, born Sept. 8, 1718, married Samuel Conger. He died Dec. 14, 1752, aged 37 years. She married (2) Joseph Camp. Had five children. Abigail, born Apr. 1, 1727. I have thus far given data of Jasper Crane, his children and grandchildren, as many ,of them are not known, as arranged here. In forming a new line through Edmond, the son of John, the son of John, the sou Jasper, it will be necessary to trace entirely new lines, and not before written. A part of these were given me by Mr. Job Baldwin, of Whippauy, an eccentric character, who frequently visited my father many years ago. He was born Dec. 23, 1782, died at Whippany Dec. 9, 1872, was well ac- quainted with the family history of the Cranes aud Baldwins, long before Con- ger's notes of Newark families were written. Edmond or Edmund, (Edmannd on tombstouej the son of John, who died at Whippany, married Abigail Kitchell, daughter of Abraham and wife Sarah Bruen, both buried at Whippauy. She was born Nov. 1717, died Aug. 20. 1801. He died about 1761, will made 1761, proved Jan. 30. 1762. Tradition says he served in the French and lndiau War. 2o6 Children, from Bible records : Stephen, born June 23, 1735, was cooper by trade, lived at Elizabeth, removed to Goshen, N. Y., had children : Stephen, William, John, Benjamin, Letty aud Sarah. Asai, born Juue 4, 1737, died Nov. 18, 1737, buried at Whippany. Eunice, born Sept. 15, 1738. No other records. Affie, born July 15, 1740. Phoeby, born Apr. 13, 1743, married Isaac Pierson Nov. 4, 1759. Josiah, born June 25, 1745, married Abigail Hathaway Mar. 28, 1768. She was a daughter of Benjamin, of Morris- town, born Oct. 6, 1746, died Apr. 19, 1792. He was married three times, but all his children were by his first wife. He was lieutenant aud captain in Capt. Halsey's Company, Morris County Mi- litia. Children: Benjamin, born Feb. 12, 1769 ; Abraham, born Dec. 25, 1774 ; Affa, born Uily 19, 1777; Stephen, born May 5, 1780; Elizabeth, born Feb. 7, 1782 or 3. Ezekiel, born Oct. 29, 1747, married Eunice Howard 1770, lived at Morris- town, removed later near Auburn, N. Y. He died there March 15, 1813. She died there May 28, 1816. He was a soldier in the Revolution, aud later a captain in State troops. Childreu : Shadrack, Abigail, Silas, Auu, Ann Kimball (2) aud Nancy. John, born Jau. 24; 1749, according to the Baldwin version, married in early life, was in service of the Revolution , wounded so that he was disabled in life. He removed from Whippauy with his sou Johu between Stockhol and Canisteer, N. J., to be cared for by the family of Wilhelm Hulme iu a log house about two huudred yards north-east of the present John Crane house which was built about 1790 or 95. He died there about 1790, and was probably buried at Canisteer. He bad one other sou, David, who died youug, aud three daughters, who were reared amoug the Baldwin families at Whippauy. They all married in early life ; names un- known. Abigail, born May 28, 1752. No other records. James, born July 27, 1754, served in the Revolutionary War from Morris couuty. David, born Dec. 24, 1756, served in the Revolutionary War from Morris countv. Beuouie, horn Juue 27, 1761. No other records. Lauds in those days were settled a long time before they were "taken up" by owners. Two or three houses were built upon the Crane premises before it was surveyed and deeded to John Craue, Jr. The deed dated Apr. 20, 1802, begin- ning at a red oak tree, distant two chaiu and forty links, from a rock on a course South, seventy-two degrees West from John Crane's house. The tract con- tained 106 acres, and had been "settled" and improvements made by this party for over twenty years and by others per- haps fifty years previous. John Crane, Jr., was born before 1770, the precise date is not known, at Whip- pauy, built the house as mentioned above, and married 1797 Sophia Myres, 207 daughter of Jacob and wife Abby, who settled at Cauisteer during the Revolu- tion. She was boru 1771, died Jan. 29, 1840, buried at Cauisteer. John Crane was chosen as a class leader by the Methodist society, being a man of great piety. He went from nome in the early morning of July 29, 1820, in search of his cows and never returned. Research was made for the missing man, but never found. Jacob Myres and wife Abby were of German descent. Children : Sophia, married John Crane as above ; Abraham, John, Margaret, Mary, Katy, Abby and Hannah. Children of John and Sophia (Myres) Crane: Mary, born Feb. 7, 1798, married James, son of Anthony Dougherty, 18 1 7. died Sept. 6, 1858. Children — seeDough- erty family. Elizabeth, born May 28, 1803, married Andrew Card, died Mar. 22, 1882. Abigail, boru July 5, 1804, married Joseph Percy Dec. 1, 1825, removed to Ohio, died Sept. 22, 1843. Children — see Percy family. John, born Feb. 11, 1809, married Emeliue Card Nov. 3, 1832, lived on the Crane home- stead, died June 27, 1891, buried at Cauisteer. James, born Apr. 6, 1812, married (1) Mary Strait Jan. 23, 1838. (2) Sarah Hopper. Died Nov. 27. 1879, buried at the M. E. Church yard at Stockholm. The Cranes and Cards are so united by marriage in this family that it is quite necessary to brius r up another line of Revolutionary ancestors, to keep up the fighting record of the writer. Peter or John Card (authorities differ as to the name) came with Col. John Seward to Sussex county in 1751 from near Chester in Morris county, and it is probable that they came with the Se- ward family from Long Island, as they were united, and five generations of the Card family have lived on the Seward estate and now own a part of the original tract. This Peter Card did service in the Revolution, and many are the anecdotes handed down. He had three children now known, and there may have been others. Peter, his son, was born Nov. 10, 1763, was boy of all work at the Seward homestead and in service on special occasions. He married, Nov. 12. 1792, Phebe Angle or Angel as was then written, a daughter of iohu Angle, who was killed in the Revolution. He died in the old Seward homestead Feb. 14, 1818. John Angle married Martha Bur- well, his father, John, married Mary Burwell. they were among the early set- tlers at Newark. She died 1773 aged 101 years, aud when a girl lived in one of the first three blockhouses built at New- ark for the protection of the settlers against the Indians, aud it is related that her father was the first to introduce the English bull dogs in the settlement. John Angle aud Martha Burwell had children: Betsey, Samuel, Abraham. Edward, John, Hannah Sarah and Phebe, who was boru Jan. 10, 1776, mar- ried Peter Card, died May 24, 1854. They were a long-lived family. Henry Card died -'an. 25. 1833. Catharine married Joseph Crill, a Revolutionary soldeir. 2o8 Children of Peter Card and Phebe Angle : Martha, born Oct. 15, 1795, mar- ried Frederic C. Hauusou 1812, lived at Hackensack. Sarah, born July 4, 1799, married David Strait, died Nov. 24, 1879. Children— see Strait family. Elizabeth, born Apr. 10, 1802, married (1) Thomas Allington ; (2) John Ed- wards, lived at Paterson. Andrew, born Apr. 4, 1805, married Elizabeth Crane, daughter of John, died Nov. 12, 1879. Sylvester, born Apr. 11, 1807, married Catharine Crill, daughter of Joseph, Mar. 20, 1830, died Mar. 1, 1881, lived at Cherry Ridge. John, born Apr. 12, 1811, married Sarah Cook, daughter of Richard, died Oct. 5. 1818. She was born Sept. 12, 1812, died Oct. 20, 1880, lived at Williamsville. N.J. Emeline, born June 24, 1815, married John Crane, son of John, Jr., Nov. 3, 1832, died Apr. 24, 1894. Julia, born Mar. 8, 1817, married (1) Henry Card, Jr. He' was born Sept. 20. 1809, died Nov. 10, 1870 ; (2) William, son of Samuel Dunn. He was born Oct. 16, 1803, died Apr. 24, 1885. She died Feb. 20, 1896, at Stockholm. Peter, Jr., born Feb. 18, 1820, married Mary E., daughter of Leonard Cole, Oct. 19, 1840, had one daughter, Catharine. Children of Audrew Card and Eliza - beth Crane: William, John, Samuel F., Julia and Sarah. Children of Sylvester Card and Catha- rine * Crill : Peter S., born Apr. 1, 1831, married Elizabeth Mann, daughter of Thomas, Jan. 16, 1855, died May 14, 1893. Joseph, bom June 11, 1832, died Jan. 11, 1840. Emeliue, born Apr. 28, 1834, married William Woods. Julia, born Aug. 25, 1835, married Henry S. Utter. William, born Oct. 16, 1837, married Arminah Mann. Hiram, born Sept. 20, 1839, not married. .Martha, born July 23, 1841, married Ahijah Predmore, died Jan. 3, 1897, Amsy, born Aug. 1, 1843, married Catharine Marshall. Catharine, born Oct. 23, 1845. married Thomas Maun, Jr, Sarah Jane, born July 9, 1847, married Ira W. Day. Smith, born Feb. 11, 1850, single. Luciuda, born Sept. 14, 1852, died Sept. 9, 1863. Children of Henry Card, Jr., and Julia Card: Phebe Jane, born Juue 17, 1833, married John S. Strait; Elizabeth, boru Aug. 10, 1835. married Wm. Strait; Mary, born June 10, 1838; Martha, bom Aug. 26, 1841, married Wm. H. Pollisou ; Abby S., born Mar. 9, 1845, married Beuj. Low; David S., born May ill, 1847, married Clara Losey ; Ira R., born Aug. 7, 1849, married Morse. Children of John Crane and Emeliue Card: Julia, born Aug. 29, 1834, died Sept. 4, 1834. buried at Canisteer. Israel, born Sept. 27, 1835, married Margaret Jane Fox May 29, 1857. She was born Oct 25, 1835, died at Paterson N. J., June 18, 1889, children : Lydia Ann, born Feb. 18, 1858, married Dr. La- Roe ; James, boru Feb. 29, i860 ; John C, boru Jan. 11, 1863, died Mar. 3, 1896; Clara, married Woodward ; Marv Ellen, born Sept. 12, 1864, married Harry More- head, of Paterson ; Herbert, born July 6, 1869. David S., born Sept. 19, 1837, married Sept. 10, 1867, Mary Emily, born May 209 19, 1849, daughter of Freeman D. and Arminda (Eaton) Forgerson. Children : .lessee T., Minnie, Maggie, born Oct. 4, 1874, died Nov. 30, 1878 ; Daniel, Carrie, died 1900; William and Ethel. Charles, born Oct. 18, 1839, married Lucy E. Bartlesou Oct. 10, 1872. She was boru Jan. 27, 1854. Resident near Hawley, Pa., member 4th N. J. Battery, Civil War. Children : Mary Emeline. born Oct. 14, 1874, died Mar. 22, 1885; Arthur R., bom Apr. 30, 1876 ; Violet J., boru Dec. 28, 1877. John M., born Sept. 6, 1841, married Clarissa M. Bennett, Dec. 31, 1863. She was born Apr. 4. 1844. Resident Hawley. He was a member of 27th N. J. Infantry, Civil War. Childreu : Theodore Ed- mund, born May 15, 1865 ; Lewis E., boru S?pt. 9, 1868; Stacy M., born Oct. 9, 1870; Laura E, born Aug. 9, 1873. All married. Sarah Elizabeth, born June 26, 1843, married (1) Feb. 2, 1861, Mosier Mascar, sou of 'acob, soldier of rivil War, born Mar. 29, 1832, died May 4, 1865. Chil- dren : Nelson, died young; Newton, born May 20, 1864 ; Jeauthau, born Sept. 22, 1864. (2) Dennis Burns Jan. 15, 1867. Resident Glen wood, N. '. Phebe S., born May 8, 1845, married John C. Welling, of Warwick, N. Y., as second wife Jan. 1,1866. He married Julia Green, who died Dec. 6, 1861, as first wife. He was boru June 28, 1833, died Apr. 30, 1881. Children : Bertha E., born Dec. 12, 1867, married John M. Totteu, son of Peter, Feb. 8, 1887; Charles R., born Dec. 6, 1869, died June 28, 1888; Emma J., born Aug. 12, 1872, married John M. Hulse May 30, 1893, have two children ; r ecile W., born Aug. 4, 1894, and J. Russell, born Mar. 12, 1897. Sidney R., born Sept. 29, 1847, mar- ried Rosa Ammermau, daughter of Will- iam, Mar. 15, 1877. She was born Oct. 10, 1860. Resident uear Hawley. Chil- dren : George A., born Apr. 1, 1878; Hellen S., born Oct. 5, 1880 ; Jeunie May, born Sept. 27, 1885 ; Harold E.. born June 19, 1887; Stanley E., born Jan. 16, 1889. Elias H., born Aug. 4, 1850, married Veuie Walker, of Patersou, Dec. 25, 1893, died Aug. 20, 1895. No children. Ira R., born Oct. 7, 1852, died Sept. 9, 1855. George A., born Oct. 3, 1854, married Mary Henderson, daughter of Mathias, Oct. 9, 1877, died at Amity, N. Y., July 13, 1880 ; one child, Stella, mar- ried Alonzo Stackhouse Dec. 27, 1897. Mary, born Oct. 17, 1857, married David Henderson, sou of James M., Mar. 2, 1880. Children : Gracie J., born Feb. 14, 1881 ; Rosie H., born Feb. 3, 1883 : Lulu S., boru Apr. 23, 1885 ; Her- bert D., boru Dec. 23, 1886; Arthur J., boru June 22, 1889 ; Elias C, boru Apr. 4, 1893. Freeman F., boru Mar. 19, 1860, mar- ried Mary, widow of George A., Mar. 10, 1889. She died Mar. 27, 1898. Childreu of James Crane aud Mary Strait : Sidney, boru Apr. 2, 1839, died Feb. 17, 1842, buried iu Lyons Cemetery. Joseph Percy, born July 1, 1*<41, mar- ried (1) Minnehaha R. Webb Aug. 27, 1864. She was a daughter of Abuer and Sarah (Davenport) Webb, born Juue 5 2IO 1838, died Nov. 27, 1886, buried in Cak | Ridge Cemetery. (2) Susie H. Hill, ' daughter of John O. and Nancy B. (Talmage) Hill. Nov. 15, 1893. She was born July 30, 1855. Member of 4th N. J . Battery, Civil War. Hiram Jacob, born Apr. 20, 1847, mar- ried Jan. 15, 1873, Susan Jemima Loug- well, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (Paddick) Longwell, born Mar. 30,1849. Children : Asa Ernest, born Feb. 17, 1875 ; Albert W., born Oct. 3, 1877, died Nov. 2, 1879 ; Ida Frances, born Feb. 13, 1881; Flora Edith, born Jan. 20. 1884 ; Leo, born Feb. 8, 1888, died Sept. 12, 1888. Amos Benj., born June 23, 1853, mar- ried Lydia, daughter of Abraham and Rachel (Tharp) Post, Sept. 8, 1883. She was born Oct. 23, 1853. Children : Tharp Ridner, born Feb. 27, 1887 ; Alice Edith, born July 22, 1884. Children of Joseph P. Crayon and Minnie R. Webb : Frank Leslie, born May 29, 1866, died Feb. 9, 1867, buried at M. E. Church yard at Stockholm ; Lillian May, born Jan. 1,-1868, married Louis Napoleon Davenport Oct. 13, 1886. He was born Nov. 26, 1865. Resident Denville. Nora, born Oct. 9, 1872, resident Brooklyn, N. Y. Children of Louis N. Davenport and Lillian May Crayon : Edna May, born Sept. 22, 1887 ; Ruth, born Oct. 25, 1889 ; Percy, born 'uly 17, 1891 ; Leslie, boru Apr. 3, 1894 ; LeRoy, born Oct. 27, 1895 ; Russell, born June 9, 1898. The Cranes were among the earliest aggressors in the strike for civil liberty in 1745, were represented in the colonial wars, and in all the wars for independ- ence, freedom and right that have oc- curred in our Republic, and, that the first key note may not be forgotten, noted for frugality, honesty and piety. Cbe Cooper Familp. Some years ago a brief sketch of the Cooper family was written, which af- terward appeared in pamphlet form in 1894. Considerable new material has been found, and many corrections have been made. They came originally from Holland, and settled at Haverstraw, N. Y. John, Peter, James and Ichabod, and perhaps others were of this family. John Cooper came to Deuville, N. J., where he married Lydia Beach, a daugh- ter of Stephen. She married (2) Eliakim Anderson, of Deuville. Eliakim married (1) Rachel Hadeu, daughter of William, who built in 1767, the house known as the "Hopler house" in Frank- lin, N. J. Rachel married (1) David Moore as second wife and had children : Hannah, who married William Cooper; Stephen, who married Rhoda Dickerson, and Nancy, who married Nathaniel Dickerson, sou of Daniel. Of these John Cooper, Stephen Beach, William Haden, David Moore, Stephen Moore, Nathaniel and Daniel Dickerson served in Revolution. Children of John Cooper and wife Lydia : Sarah, born at Deuville Feb. 25, 1773, married Capt. .lob Talmage, son of Daniel and Lois (Allen) Talmage, Dec. 26. 1791. She died Oct. 6, 1825. He was born Dec. 27, 1767, died Sept. 8, 1845. Both buried at Rockaway. Chil- dren — see Talmage family. William, born 1778, married Hannah, daughter of David Moore as above, by Rev. John Carle, Aug. 17, 1799. He died Jan. 1, 1856. She was born 1778, died Nov. 5, 1858. Both buried at Rockaway. Betsey, married William Price, of Elizabeth, N. J., and removed there. No records of birth, marriage or death, or of children. Sibbah, died in her "teens" at the residence of her sister Sarah at Frank- lin, buried at Rockaway. Lydia, married Daniel Harriman, son of John and wife Lois (Allen) Talmage. Removed to St. Louis, Mo. Children — see Harriman family. 212 Stephen, was married and had one child, ^.who died in infancy. His wife married again and removed West. Ste- phen was in 1812 War, aud died at Long Island. One Caufield of the same com- pany came to uotify the relatives of Stephen's illness. His brother William and Daniel Harnmau both went on horseback to Long Island and arrived there just as they had buried him. Daniel, was married, had six children, removed to Ohio. Daniel and Sarah are the only names of the children remem- bered. Children of William Cooper and wife Hannah : William, born Feb. 26, 1800, married Anna Cole, of Rockaway, May 6, 1827, had three daughters, died Sept. 18, 1871. She was born Mar. 28, 1811. died Nov. 28, 1872. Both buried at Rockaway. David, born Dec. 8, 1801, married Anna Sabiua, daughter of Daniel Ayres, by Rev. Barnabas King, Feb. 1822, died Sept. 30, 1899. She was born Nov. 14, 1803, died May 26, 1892. Both buried at Denville. "Uncle David" as he was known, as he neared the century mark, possessed a remarkable memory for the records aud the incidents relating to the old families. It is from notes taken dur- ing his later years, that I am enabled to give the family connections aud rela- tions of very many of the old residents long siuce passed away, which at this present time could not have been col- lected, and remained unwritten history. Sibbah, born Jan. 30, 1804. died un- married Apr. 29, 1855. Buried a,t Rocka- way. Daniel, born 1805, died in infancy. Buried at Rockaway. Eliza Beach, born Dec. 25, 1806, mar- ried (1) Maj. Joseph Hinchmau, of Den- ville, had one child ; (2) Moses Beam, of Denville, died July 9, 1892. Moses Beam was born Apr. 27, 1791, died Feb. 27, 1865. buried at Rockaway. Served in 1812 War. Sarah Ann, born Mar. 11, 1808, mar- ried .John Clark, of Denville, Jan. 28, 1830, died Dec. 21, 1877. He was born Dec. 23, 1806, died Feb. 23, 1811. Both buried at Rockaway. Children — see Dickerson family. Eliakim, born Sept. 30, 1811, married Eunice Abers, of Rockaway, died Dec. 24, 1880. She was born 1812, died Feb. 11, 1847. Both buried at Rockaway. Had Samuel A., born Feb. 8, 1836, who married Lillian E. Jones Jan. 10, 1874. She was born 1 June 7, 1852 Children : Clarence Milton, born May 24, 1876, who served in the Cuban War. Stephen Beach, bom May 25, 1814, married Sarah Ami Oliver Sept. 27, 1835, died Nov. 20, 1877. She was born Sept. 16, 1812, died Jnue 27, 1888. Both buried at Rockaway. Hauuah Beach, bora Nov. 28 1816, married Robert Boyle, of Elizabeth. Oct. 5, 1837. Had four children. Harriet Beach, born Apr. 11, 1819, married Charles Romel, of Elizabeth, had one son. Rachel Haden, born Dec. 3u. 1821, married Joseph Campbell, of Patersou, N. J., died Oct. 1898. Children of David Cooper and wife Anna S. : Hannah Emeline, born Juue 213 14, 1823, married (1) Abner Osboru June 3, 1849, had six children. He died •'uue 6, i87G. She married (2) Judge 'ohu M Haynes, of Morristown. N. J., died at Morristowu Mar. 4, 1899. Dauiel Ayres, born Jan. 16, 1825, mar- ried Nancy B. Doughty, deughter of James M. and wife Betsey Berry, of Rockaway, May 3, 184!). Had one daughter, Sarah Lesbia. Laving at Sutters Creek, Cal. Nancy Amelia, boru Mar. 10, 1827, married William H. Casterliue, of Union, Nov. 19, 1856, died Aug. »>, 1894, buried at Rockaway. Sarah Ann. born Mar. 1, 1829, mar- ried John Gordon Fichter Mar. 28, 1849, by Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle. He was bom Sept. 2, 1821, living at the Cooper home- stead. Children — see Fichter family. William Beach, born, Sept. 12.1832, never married, died at Midas, Nev. Aug. 10, 1898. Jonathan Oliver, boru July 2, 1834, married Hauuah Maria Smith lane 30, 1855, living near Shougom. Manning Force, born July 25, 1837, died Apr. 17, 1855, buried at Denville. Mary Elizabeth, boru Oct. 14, 1839, married James Scott Jau. 3, 1856. He died at Dayton, Lyon Co., Nev., Jan. 18, 1896. Jeremiah DeCamp, born Aug. Ul, 1841, married Louisa, daughter of John aud Maria (Cook) Hall, of Denville, June ), I S J i -5 i i >v n ) >. - i an. 1842. living at Denville. L«ydia Maria, born Aug. 28, 1843, mar- ried Horace F. Bartiue Sept. 18G5. He was a soldier in the Civil War and be- came Senator from Nevada. Abigail Sophia, boru Feb. 28, 1846, married Alfred Lamsou, sou of Charles, Feb. 24, 1866, living near Dover. Silas Edwin, born May 19, 1849, mar- ried Loretta D., daughter of ohu J. and Maria Jane (Dickersou) Smith, living at Dayton, Nev. Children of Abner Osboru aud wife Hannah E. : Harry G., born Mar. 23, 1850; William B., born May 5, 1851 ; Mary Ann, Sarah Elmira, Emma Sophia aud Edwin C, born Dec. 1861. Children of William H. Casterliue aud wife Nancy A : Elizabeth, born Jau. 3, 1858, died Sept. 1858; Anna Jackson, born July 1, 1859, died Aug. 23, 1883. Both buried at Rockaway. Man- ning C, born Jan. 4, 1862, married Louisa, daughter of Robert Jenkins, Nov. 30, 1872. She was born Dec. 18. 1866, have daughter Elizabeth, boru Nov. 21, 1895. Rosiua, born May 30, 1864, married George Kaska ; Charlotte Robertson, married Frederick Smith Feb. 17, 1892. Children of Jouathau O. Cooper and wife Hauuah M : Harriet Anna, born May 12, 1865, aud Walter. Children of James Scott aud wife Mary E. : John Edwiu, Lillian Eliza- beth, Mary Ann and William Henry. Children of J eremiali D. Cooper aud wife Louisa : Auna Maria, boru Dec. 18. 1861, married William Beam July 4, 1881. He was born Ang. 17, 1862. Children : Harry N., boru July 28, 1882 ; Frederick T., born July 16, 1884 ; Edwiu C, born Aug. 15, 1886 ; Herbert L., boru Oct. 19, 1888; Auna i., boru Dec. 6, 214 1890 ; Grace E,, born Dec. 5, 1893 ; Les- ter W., born Dec. 17, 1896; Ella M., born May 20, 1900. Gertrude Oanfield, born Aug. 18, 1863, married Edward J. Ruby ; Alfred, mar- ried Lizzie Hinchman ; Bertha, born Jan. 25, 1872, married George W., son of Elisha Earls, Aug. 19, 1899 ; Jessie Louisa, died aged one year. Children of Horace F. Bartine and wife Lydia M. : Laura Matilda, born Oct. 6; 1866, married Mullen 1893 ; Amy Bowen, bom Aug. 24, 1860 ; Lira, born Oct. 15, 1879. Children of Alfred Lamson and wife Abigail S. : Mary Sabina, born Mar. 12, 1867, married Wm. Miller, of Rocka- way ; Ella Amelia, born Feb. 11, 1869, married Jessee Pruden ; Charles Jack- son, born July 1, 1876, died at Viscalia, Cal., Dec. 8, 1896. Children of Sarah Lesbia, daughter of Daniel A., born May 19, 1851, mar- ried Thomas Trngen, of England, living in California : Sarah Lesbia, born Sept. 18, 1877; Thomas William, born Jan. 12, 1882 ; Daniel Ayres Cooper, born Oct. 15,1883; Bessie, born Sept. 2, 1885; Robert, born Oct. 2, 1889 ; Mary Caro- line, born .'an. 7, 1892, and Anna Sabina. Children of Silas Edwin Cooper and Loretta D. Smitn, married Mar. 29, 1873 : Mary Eva, born Feb. 14, 1874, died Apr. 29, 1885 ; Eliza Midgely, born July 23, 1875, died May 19, 1879 ; Ida Anua, born Dec. 10, 1876 ; Lydia Mel- vina, born July 7, 1878 ; Nettie Estella. born Aug. 1, 1881 ; Florence, born Aug. 21, 1883; Hannah Maria, born July 21, 1885 ; Lauretta, born May 6, 1887 ; Mar- garet, born June 18, 1889; Virginia Irene, born Sept. 22, 1891 ; Nancy Amelia, born Sept. 22, 1896. Peter, brother of John Cooper settled at Monroe, N. Y., and probably removed later, as inquiry was made in the gene- alogical column of the Goshen (N. Y.) Independent Republican, failed to find any trace of the family. James Cooper, who settled at New Foundland, had numerous descendants. His son .John was born Aug. 23, 1763, and wife Catharine was born Aug. 1766. Both removed in later life to Fort Wayne, Ind., and died there. Children,' all born in Morris county : James, born May 17, 1786, married Nancy Wright, lived at Cherry Ridge, N. J., had children : James and Moses and others. Moses had a son Garrett, born Oct. 21, 1829, who married Sarah Jane Layton Feb. 27, 1854. She was born Feb. 24, 1834. Children : Samuel »., born Dec. 5, 1854 ; Sarah E., born Sept. 2, 1856 ; Thomas S., born Oct. 20, 1858; George M., born Oct. 8,1860; Mary L., born Nov. 12, 1863, died Apr. 12, 1865 ; Louis S., born May 27, 1865 ; Louisa I., born Nov., 19, 1871 ; Hudson J., born Sept. 17, 1872 ; LelaC, born Apr. 16, 1876. Hila, born Aug. 31, 1788, married Solomon Davenport Jan. 12, 1811, died Jan. 14, 1865, buried at Oak Ridge. N. J. Children — see Davenport family. Garrett, born May 15, 1791, married Smith, from Bloomiugdale, N. J., lived on the old homestead, now a part of the Oak Ridge reservoir. Catharine, born Mar. 28, 1794 ; Mar- 215 garet, born Apr. 14, 1798, married Parker, of Vernon, N. J., Abra- ham, born Sept. 19, 1801 ; John, born Oct. 13, 1804 ; Joseph, born Mar. 4, 1807 ; Eliza, born Jnue 10, 1810, married David F. Dixon, of Vernon. He was born Dec. 22, 1813, had children : William, born July 19, 1838; Catharine J., born Oct. 30, 1840; Mary P., born Mar. 9, 1843 ; Anna C, born Mar. 24, 1845 ; John A., born Oct. 3, 1847; Margaret A., born Aug. 21, 1850 ; Rosanna H , born Mar. 2, 1853. Sarah A., youngest daughter of John, was born June 24, 18 1 3. Ichabod Cooper, who settled at Morris Plains, N. J., was born 1741, died Nov. 27, 1809, married (1) Phebe . She was born 1745, died Apr. 30, 1777. (2) Hannah (Morris) widow of Ephriam Lyon, June 21, 1778. She was born 1747, died June 7.1831. All buried at Morristown. Children: Moses, born Feb. 15, 1770, married Sally Clifton. Her father was a Revolutionary soldier. Her mother's maiden name was Knox, she with two children followed the army with her husband. Sally was adopted by Lydia (Beach), Cooper and was married Aug. 12, 1798, lived at Mt. Pleasant, N. J. She married (2) .Jonathan Hathaway — see Hathaway family, Went West and died there, aged over one hundred years. Samuel, born Jan. 15, 1773, married Hannah,; daughter of DanielFreemau, Dec. 26, 1801. She was born Mar. 2, 1778, Rachel, born July 8, 1775, died Jan. 6, 1778. Ephriam, born May 4, 1779 ; Daniel, born Nov. 20, 1780 ; David, born Dec. 5, 1782, married Susannah Hinds Aug. 12, 1802. Lewis, born Aug. 16, 1785 ; Silas, born Oct. 4, 1787 ; Phebe, born Sept. 1, 1789, died Dec. 15, ,1792 ; Huldah, born .iune 6. 1792 ; Hannah, born (twin) June 6, 1792, died Sept. 21, 1795. Children of Moses Cooper and wife Sally : David, married Elizabeth Brokau Jan. 28, 1815 ; Margaret, married David Cole July 19, 1827 ; Martha W., married William J. Quick Jan. 7, 1841 ; Samuel, married Mahalah Rhine Jan. 14, 1837 ; John, married Catharine Hicks uly 14, 1819; Parmelia, married Elias Garrigus Nov. 10, 1815 ; Hugh, married Amy Hall Oct. 3, 1829 ; Charles and Katie, never married ; Nancy, married Wiuget. Another prominent Cooper family came from Long Island and settled in Morris county at Milton, N. J. They are not related to the above, but proba- bly related to the Nathan Cooper line, who came from Long Island. The following are probably children of David and born between 1760 and 182: Joseph, born Jan. 12, 1760, mar- ried Susannah Halsey, daughter of Ananias. 1789, removed to Chester, N. Y., and died there 1843. David, mar- ried Mary Davenport, of Milton, She was born 1774, died Oct. 15, 1833, buried at Oak Ridge. He had a daughter, Clarinda. born 1803, died 1885, buried at Oak Ridge Jonah; Jessee ; Sylvauus, married Jane Walls. He held many 2l6 public offices in Jefferson township. Phebe; Hannah and Abigail, born 1782. Sylvanus and wife Jane had a son Stephen, born Mar. 10, 1810, married Mary A. Allison Jan. 81, 1832, died Nov. 18, 1891. She was born Jan. 27. 1814, died Nov. 29, 1887. Both buried at Oak Ridge. Children of Stephen and wife Mary A. : Theodore, born Mar. 1834, was a physician at Warwick, N. Y., died Jan. 2, 1888. Cornelia, married Braiuard Pool, of \Mt. Freedom. David, married (1) Matilda Sprigg, Dec. 28, 18P4; (2) Eliza Cole, Dec. 8, 1880. Ira C, married Carrie Eckhart May 1, 1870, died Mar. 22, 1883, buried at Oak Ridge. Jane, married James H. Orabtree, of Vernon. He was born Dec. 15, 1826, died Feb. 3, 1879. W bitfield Coursen, married Chari- ty L. Davenport, Jan. 6, 1875. Edward H., married Melissa Prestou. Martha, married William Eckhart. Clx Dickerson Familp. History of Morris County, page 356, has "Daniel Dickersou, the grandfather of Stephen Dickerson, of Denville, N. J., was a Revolutionary soldier. He lived on the Stephen Dickerson farm, now owned by the Denville Camp Meet- ing Association, and died in 1830, aged 85 or 86. He was also a soldier in the French War. Besides operating his farm, he was a bloomer for John Jacob Faesch at Old Boontou." Morristown Presbyterian Church Rec- oils, page 60. have Daniel Dickersou died Mar. 23, 1826, aged 86." There are some of the family that hold to the tra- dition that this Daniel was a brother of Peter, who was born at South hold, L. I., 1724, died May 10, 1780, whose mouu- meut at Morristown, N. J., has that he "removed to Morris County, New Jer- sey, with his three brothers : Thomas, Joshua and Daniel, and one sister, Eliza- beth, about the year 1745 " These sous of Thomas, the sou of Philomon, who came from England to Southhold in 1643, have been traced and no connec- tion is fouud with the Daniel, of Den- ville. In the "Early Germans of New 'er- sey," by Rev. T. F. Chambers, an error was written in connection the genealo- gies of this Dickersou family. He says, under date of Oct. 30, 1900, "That in my book, The 'Early Germans of New Jer- sey', the information concerning Dauiel whose will, dated, Hanover, 13 Jan., 1826. was probated Apr. 21, is not cor- rect, as he is uot the son of Daniel, whose will, dated Roxbury, 30 April, 1778, was probated Sept, 9, 1796. but of some parentage not as yet discovered." The will of Daniel, of Roxbury, N. J., mentions sous: Abraham, Daniel, Na- thaniel, and daughters : Abigail, Rebec- ca and Elizabeth. Abraham gets ninety acres, Dauiel gets seventy acres, Na- thaniel gets 110 acres, and the personal property was divided among the three daughters. The will of Daniel Dickerson dated 2l8 Jan. 13, 1826, mentions sous : Nathaniel, David and Thomas (deceased), daugh- ters : Phebe, wife of Ephriam Howard ; Mary, wife of William Roff ; also chil- dren of Rhoda, who was the wife of Stephen Moore (deceased) ; also grand- children, children of Thomas (deceased), that is : Dauiel, William, John, Mahlon, Silas, Stephen, Ohillion, Jane and Josiah. Also mentions 105 acres that ne bought of Nicholas Commesaw. At the present writiug, from the re- searches that have been made, in rela- tion to the parentage of this Daniel Dickerson, of Denville, I will adopt the story as related by the late David Cooper, whose acquaiutauce with the family dated back beyoud the death of Daniel, and whose memory of old time traditions were remakable at his ad- vanced age. The father of Dauiel Dickerson, of Denville, name uukuowu, was a sea captaiu, lived at Elizabethport, N. J., owned a small trading vessel and was lost at sea. He had one son, Daniel, and oue daughter, name unknown. He owned lauds at Basking Ridge, N. J., which came in possession of his daugh- ter, who married, uame unknown, aud at Speedwell, near Morristown, N. J., which came in possession of his son Dauiel. His wife remarried, name uu- kuowu, aud retaiued the home at Eliza- bethport. Tradition has it that Dauiel traded his lauds at Speedwell for 105 acres with Nicholas Commesaw, now where Camp Tabor, N. J., is, built a house, now torn dowu, near the spriug, a large stone in the chimney of the house was marked D. D. 1760. Morristown records have it that this Nicholas Commesaw died of old age Nov. 12, 1806, aged 9u. There is tradition that each claimed they were cheated iu the trade of these lands, but that has nothing to do with our history. Daniel added much lauds to his home farm, and at one time owned mauy hun- dred acres of adjoining lands. Daniel Dickersou was boru about or before 1740, probably at Elizabethport, married at an early age Phebe Genung. No records of marriage or connection of church at Morristown. He was assessed for the salary of Rev. Mr. Evsritt, of Rockaway church, Sept. 2, 1779, aud again iu 1781. His wife died May 1821, (King's Record). He died Mar. 13, 1826. Both probably buried at Rocka- way, but uo monumental record. Children of Daniel and Phebe Genung) Dickersou : there is a record of baptism, May 1, 1757, of Phebe, Dan. Dickiu's wife of child Mary, which may have been a contractiou of Dickersou, as old records were uot particular in the spell- ing of names. There are no other rec- ords of child Mary ; perhaps she died youug. Nathaniel must have beeu born in 1758, as he served in the Revo- lution. He married Nancy Moore, daughter of David Moore aud Rachel Haden. David Moore was a Revolu- tionary soldier and lived about one-half mile northeast of the residence of J. P. Crayon, at Fraukliu, N. J., near a spring. He married (1) Bathia Cutler, daughter of Uriah, Mar. 30, 1769, and had children : Rachel, born Apr. 29, 219 1771 ; Phebe, born Aug. 10, 1 772 ; mar- ried (2) Rachel Haden, daughter of William, Sept. 4, 1777. William Haden built the present Hoppler house at Franklin, iu 1767. David Moore had children: Hannah, born 1778, married William Cooper ; Stephen married Bhoda, daughter of Daniel Dickersou, and Nancy, who married Nathaniel Dickersou. Nathaniel Dickersou, after the Revolution, built and lived in a house about 150 yards north of J. P. Crayon's at Franklin, removed to Ver- mont about 1830. David, no records of birth, marriage or death. There is a record by Dr. King of marriage, David Dickersou and Bailey Feb. 11, 1811. May or may not have been a second marriage of this David, as David is mentioned in will as living in 1826. Thomas, born Sept. 6, 1763, married Sarah Hall, daughter of Capt. Josiah Hall, of Deuville, Jan. 8, 1783, diedJJuly 29, 1821. She died June 16, 1817. Both buried at Bockaway. Capt. Josiah Hall was a sou of Tobias Hall, and lived nearly one-fourth of a mile opposite Deuville depot.' He died Aug. 11, 1870. Had two daughters : Sarah and Eunice, and two sons : Seth and Noah. His widow died some years after, and in ap- plying for a pension, sent the muster roll of Capt. Josiah Hall to the depart- ment at Washington. Aaron, born 1768, married Eunice Hall, daughter of Capt. Josiah, Mar. 3, 1791, died Nov. 1827. No children. Place of burial unknown. Phebe, married Ephriam Howard Jan. 20, 1784. Hay ward, in Morristowu Bec- ords, probable son of Ephriam Howard, who died July 27, 1785, aged 46, and wife Sarah, who had children : Joseph, Ephriam and Caleb, baptized July 25, 1762. Mary, married William Boff, men- tioned in will as living in 1826. Bhoda, married Stephen Moore, a Bevolutionary soldier, son of David, went with his brother-in-law, Nathaniel Dickerson, to Vermont about 1830. Bhoda is mentioned in will, dated 1826, as deceased. Children, but not named. These childreu may not be named in order of birth. Children of Thomas, the ancestor of the family at Deuville, and wife Sarah Hall : Josiah, born Sept. 27, 1783, mar- ried King, probable sister of Jacob King, of Denville, died Feb. 6, 1836, buried at Denville. Children: Charles, married Theresa Corby, and had Josiah, Elizabeth, Luciuda and An- drew. David, married at Deuville, name un- known, went to Nebraska and had Will- iam and Charles. David and wife died in Nebraska. Jane, born June 28, 1822, married Garret Stout, died Apr. 24, 1894, had children : Douglas, who married (1) Helena Walling; (2) Mary Sidebotham, William, living at Forest Hill, near Newark, N- •>• ; Maria, married Frank VauGeisen, liviug at Keyport, N. J. ; Ann, born 1814, married William Pen- broke. Children : William (2) ; Charles, living at Bed Bauk, N. J. ; Caletia, mar- ried Smith and living in Delaware; Elmie, born 1820, married Edward Bond, have Augustus, Eva, 220 William and Elizabeth, all married and all living at Red Bank. Children not named in order of birth. Mary, born Nov. 19, 1785, married Barzittai Pierson, removed to Fort Henry, near Lake Champlain, had four children : Nathaniel, John, Thomas and Nancy. Nancy, born Nov. 25, 1787, married Jacob Hiler, of Denville. May 4, 1804, had Lewis, Manning and perhaps other children, died May 16, 1811. Abigail, born Dec. 7, 1789, died Aug. 9, 1792, probably buried at Rockaway. Daniel, born Jan. 12, 1793, married Elizabeth Doremus Aug. 27, 1814, died Jan. 28, 1847. She was born Jan. 3, 1790, died Sept. 19. 1852. Six children — noted elsewhere. William, born Jan. 4, 1797, married Erne Shngerland, died „ Feb. 28, 1837. Children : John M., born Apr. 10, 1818, married Rachel Sauders Mar. 19, 1842, died Feb. 3, 1892, buried at Denville. Eight children : Joseph, soldier of Civil War, Co. A, 2nd N. . I. Cavalry, born Jan. 3, 1843, died Feb. 3, 1862. Ann, Augusta, Henry, Hettie Ann, Ezra, Hattie E.. Alouzo and Martha. Sarah, born May 27, 1823, married Abraham VanDayue -lune 24, 1839, had seven children : Martha, William, George, John, Ezra, Mary and Smith Hester Ann and Ezra, children of William and Effle. John, born Feb. 17, 1797, married Phebe Smith, daughter of Garrett, Aug. 19, 18-20, died Mar. 21,1861. She was born Feb. 14, 1798, died June 5, 1879 Both buried at Rockawav. Children elsewhere. Mahlon H., born Sept. 9, 1799, not married, went South and was killed by negroes. Silas, born Aug. 20, 1801, married Phebe Duley Nov. 12, 1833, died Jan 24, 1880, went West in 1860. ( hildreu : Mahlon, born Feb. 28, 1834, died Oct. 20, 1838 ; Jane, born Apr. 3, 1836, mar- ried Henry Avery Oct. 20, 1860, had six children : Jennie, Charlotte, William H., Julia, Marion and George. Stephen, born July 20. 1838, died July 21, 1859; Anna, born Nov. 25, 1840, died June 23, 1843; Silas, (2) born Mar. 21, 1843. mar- ried Ruth Avery Jan. 1, 1868, had seven children : Mary, James. Eliza, Nora, Jen- nie, Frank and Stephen. Charlotte, born Aug. 24, 1845, married Dennis Dorathy Nov. 10, 1868, had two chil- dren : Estella J. and Owen Almira, born Dec. 7, 1847, died Feb. 1, 1851. Eugene, born Sept. 21, 1850, died July 22, 1853 ; Ellis M., born Aug. 18, 1853, married Sarah Howell Nov. 23. 1873, had five children: Elmer, Berthia, My ra, Julia and Estella. Aaron, born May 16, 1803, never mar- ried, was drowned June 29, 1 824, buried at Denville. •lane, born Jan. 10, 1805, married William Searing Casterliiie Oct. 4, 1827, ; died July 26. 1886. He was bom Apr. 24, 1803, died Sept. 6, 1855; Both buried at Rockaway. Three children else- where. Stephen, born Jan. 24, 1807, married Nancy Smith, daughter of John and Hetty (Youngs) Smith, May 26, 1828, died May 23, 1889. Both buried at 221 Rockaway. Twelve children elsewhere. Chillion, born Sept. 27, 1809, married (1) Anna Oouuett Feb. 81, 1827. She was born Dec. 12, 1814, died Apr. 24, 1859. (2) Mrs. Margaret J. J aggers Apr, 2, 1864. He died June 13, 1882, buried at Deuville. Children : Emily, born June 21, 1834, died Oct. 8, 1838, buried at Deuville. Maria, boru Dec. 15, 1837, died Apr. 1, 1873, married Will iam H. Williams, who died at Butler, N. .1., Dec. 16, 1900. Sarah Jane, born July 28, 1841, died Jan. 31, 1867, mar- ried James McCormick, living in Missouri. Edwin, born Feb. 14. 1844, married Hetty Smith, daughter of David. Mar. 22, 1871 ; George Whitfield, born Sept. 7, 1852, married Margaret VanDerhoof Feb. 19, 1873. She was boru July 13, 1853. Children : George C. born Oct. 1, 1874; Frank, born Jan. 3, 1876; Carrie L., born June 14. 1877 ; James, born Aug. 5, 1868, died July 17, 1869. Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Doremus) Dickerson : Thomas, born Nov. 6, 18' 5, died Feb. 24, 1816; Eliza, born Dec. 28, 1816, married Jonathan Fairchild Feb. 25, 1841, died luly 20, 1843. had one child, Jane, born Dec. 17, 1842, who married Heuion, died Mar. 25, 1870. Nathaniel, born Jau. 4, 1819, married Mary Smith, daughter of John aud Hetty (Youngs) Smith, July 31, 1839, died Jau. 14, 1888, buried at Deuville. Had three children : Hattie Elizabeth, born Apr 26, 1842, married John P. VauNess ; William Lawrence, born Nov. 10, 1848, married Julia A. Gillen June 17, 1869. and had children : Lewis E., born Jan. 19, 1872 ; Viola J., born Jan. 8^1877 ; Oakley N., born Oct. 8, 1878 ; Roy O, born Apr. 16, 1880, died Nov. 10, 1888, buried at Den- ville; Grace M., born Mar. 22, 1882; Mahlon H., born Feb. 8, 1859, (son of Nathaniel) married Carrie A. Howlett Oct. 1, 1898. William Henry, born Apr. 11, 1823, married Harriet A. Miller Jan. 4, 1850, died May 21, 1893, buried at Deuville. Had one child which died young. Nancy Catharine, born Mar. 4, 1826, married Isaac Babbitt, of Newark, Dec. 26, 1860, died Apr. 8, 1862, buried at Deuville. Had one child, AunaC, born Feb. 5, 1862, died Dec. 26, 1866. Maria Jane, boru Mar. 21, 1832, mar- ried John J. Smith, son of John and Mehitable (Youngs) Smith, Apr. 13, 1853. He was born Oct. 26, 1830, died Oct. 6, 1895, buried at Rockaway. Chil- dren : Lauretta D., born Oct. 25, 1854, married Silas Edwin Cooper. Children — see Cooper family. Frauces, born July 24, 1857, married (1) IsaaeiOBagles Dec. 25, 1875 ; (2) Andrew J. Tilers Mar. 18, 1896. Nellie, born Apr. 3, 1861, married Linus Beatv Apr. 3, 1883 ; Mon- roe, born Mar. 4, 1864, married Anna Jeukius Apr. 8, 1888; Clara Amelia, boru Jan. 16, 1866, died Mar. 11, 1889, buried at Rockaway ; Cora Elizabeth, boru Sept. 18, 1874. Children of John and Phebe (Smith) Dickerson : Sarah Ann, born July 29, 1821, married John F. Todd, sou of Jacob aud Hannah (Francisco) Todd, Dec. 18, 1844. He was born Feb. 28, 1816, died Sept. 12, 1856, buried at Rock- 222 away. Children : Edward EL, born Feb. 23, 1847, married Mary Etta Zeek, daughter of Joseph, Apr. 22, 1869 ; Hen- rietta, born Sept. 4, 1849, died Mar. 12, 1850 ; Emily J., born Aug. 3, 1851, mar- ried Jonn C. Merritt Nov. 2, 1872, died Apr. 30, 1885. Mahlon H., born Apr. 8, 1823, mar- ried Sophia B. Pruden, daughter of Zenas and Sara A. (Lawrence) Pruden, Apr. 25, 1850, died June 8, 1893. She was born Sept. 7, 1828, died Sept. 19, 1893. Had three children : Edward L., Nettie and Fred H., all of Dover, N. J. Aaron, born Jnly 30, 1825, married (1) Harriet K. Cooper July 4, 1852. Had seven children : Phebe, William, Mary, Augusta, Hattie, Charles aud John. (2) Lucy Sickles and had four children : Lilly Jane, Lucy, David and Minnie. Eunice, born Sept. 8, 1829, married as second wife, Absalom S. Talmage, of Rockaway, June 7, 1866. No children. William M., born Sept. 16, 1835, died June 25, 1849. John S., born Feb. 28, 1842, married (1) -lane Ann Pierson 1868, had one child, Lutie ; (2) Phebe Merritt Feb. 14, 1876, had one child, Ethel. Children of William S. aud Jane (Dickerson) Casterline : Almira, born Aug. 29. 1828, married Manning F. Seaming Mar. 14, 1862. Had three child- ren : Jennie, married Walter Messenger, Oct. 1883 ; Charles W., and Henrietta. Chilliou D., born Oct. 20, 1833, mar- ried Angelina Lee, daughter of Charles S. aud Milicent (Hortou) .bee, Nov. 21, 1861, died Juue 25, 1900. Children: Milicent Jane, born Mar. 28, 1863, mar- ried (1) Apr. 5, 1882, Edwin Woodhull, who died Oct. 1892; (2) John W. (rardner Mar. 25, 1895. Hattie L., born Dec. 27, 1864, married Frank Langdon Nov. 22, 1882 ; Aaron W., born Nov. 11, 1869, died Aug. 16, 1888, buried at Rock- away. Evaline, born Oct. 2, 1837, died June 11, 1839. Children of Stephen and Nancy (Smith) Dickerson : Mary W., born June 21, 1828, married Timothy L. Palmer, sou of Timothy and Electa (Garrigus) Palmer, Feb. 26, 1844. Had five chil- dren : Wilber, Emma, Miuton, Mary and Charles. Hetty S., bom July 26, 1830, married Davis Lyon Sept. 16, 1848, died Dec. 9, 1 895. Had six children : Edward, Laura, Julia, Eliza, Charles and Hattie. Julia Ann, born July 10, 1832, mar- ried Thomas Jefferson Youngs Feb. 11, 1858, died July 26, 1859. He was son of Christopher and Electa (Towlaud) Youngs and born Apr. 9, 1833. died Aug. 5, 1899. They had one child, Frank J. Youngs, born July 12, 1859, married Mary Fredericks Nov. 8, 1888. Had children: Edward F., born Aug. 1889, died Apr. 2, 1891, buried at Oak Ridge ; Edua J., born Juue 27, 1892 ; Thomas J. Youngs, married (2) Cornelia M. Hill, daughter of Johh O. and Nancy B. (Talmage) Hill, Dec. 27, 1860. Chil- dren — see Hill Family. Abigail, born Sept. 22, 1834, died Aug. 3, 1835. Caroline, born Juue 3, 1836, married Charles Young, sou of Christropher, Dec. 9, 1854. Had eight childreu : Henry 223 W., George P., Jennie, Wesley, Fanny, Lida, who married Wilbert A. Eagles June 26, 1895 ; Lillie and Caroline. Daniel, born Sept. 6, 1838, married Charity Casterline Feb. 20, 1866. Had seven children : Susan, Frauk L., Julia, Elmer, Grace, Jennie M. and Hattie. Charles S., born Oct. 30, 1840, mar- ried (I) Feb. 9, 1865, Cornelia Cooper, daughter of Stephen. Had one child. Cummiugs C. (2) Hattie R. Clark, daughter of John and Sarah Ann (Cooper) Clark, Apr. 22, 1869. Chil- dren : Wileua, Fred W., Clara, Marviu, Wads worth, born Sept. 30, J 878, died July 6, 1888, buried at Rockaway, and Harry Park. Harriet Eliza, born Mar. 9, 1843, mar- ried (1) Mar. 8, 1864, Isaac D. Lyon. Had two children : Anna and Isaac. (2) Feb. 4, 1875, Rev. Benjamin N. Reed. Emma Jaue, born Sept. i9, 1845, mar- ried Elisha B. Earles Dec. 5, 1863. Chil- dren : Caroline M., Clarissa, born Mar. 1, 1865, died June 16, 1865 ; Nettie A., born Feb. 25, 1869, died Mar. 6, 1869 ; George W., born 'uly 1871, married Bertha Cooper, daughter of Jeremiah, Aug.119, 1899 ; Arthur P., born Sept. 29, 1887. Stephen, born Dec. 5, 1847, married Julia Banks Dec. 25, 1873. No children. John Wesley, born Jan. 1, 1851, mar- ried Charlotte R. Qaimby Sept. 20, 1873. Had two children : Flora and Johu. Died May 25, 1883. Addie A., born Oct. 7, 1856, married Charles M. Meyers May 8, 1875. Had eight children : Cora, born Apr. 1876, married Nathan Jagger, May 8,1900; Fred; Claude, Roy, Mabel, born Aug. 27, 1887; Edith, born Nov. 21, 1890; Helen, born Dec. 28, 1893, and one dead. The following additional dates of the Clark family, and later connected with the Dickerson family by marriage, is in- serted here for convenience. John Clark, elder of the Rockaway church 1793, deacon in 1809, died July 26, 1828, and buried at Rockaway. He lived and died on the farm now owned by Mrs. Otelialie Schultz at Franklin. Wife's name not recorded. Children : Daniel, born Sept. 7, 1763, married Rhoda Hedden, of Denville, who died Dec. 14, 1814, aged 42. He lived on the farm now owned by the Misses Vesper and died there July 2P, 1828. Abigail, married Joseph Harri- man and lived on adjoining farm. Priscilla, born 1762, married Cornelius Anderson, of Denville, died May 21, 1852, buried at Rockaway. He was born 1758. was a member of Captain Josiah Hall's Company, of Denville, in the Revolution, died Mar. 13, 1829, buried at Rockaway. Hannah, married a Geuuug and lived and died where Mr. Joseph Zeek now lives at Franklin. Betsey, never married, lived with her sister Hannah. James, went West, was drowned in the Ohio river. Children of Daniel and wife Rhoda : Samuel, born June 25, 1800, died Jan. 26, 1835, buried at Rockaway ; Mary Ann, bom July 21, 1804, married Albert Lamson and removed West ; John, born Dec. 22, 1806, married Sarah Ann, daughter of William Cooper, died Feb. 23, 1871. Both buried at Rockaway 2 24 See Cooper family. Sarah, born Jan. 4, 1809; Daniel, (2) born Mar. 29, 1811, died Dec. 3, 1814, buried at Rockaway ; James H., born May 12, 1813, died Dec. 6, 1852. Children of John and wife Sarah Ann : Walter Kilpatrick, born Sept. 22, 1831, died Nov. 3, 1895, buried at Rockaway ; Mary Ann, born Dec. 7, 1832, married Stephen B. Cook, died June 22, 1893, buried at Rockaway ; Sarah L. , born Aug. 17, 1834, married George Drayton, died Jan. 1, 1864. He was born Oct. 15, 1828, died Feb. 16, 1886. Both buried at Rockaway. John Daniel, born July 23, 1836, married Sarah B. Conn, of New- ark. He sold the Clark homestead at Denville to Peter Vesper, died Mar. 14, 1870, buried at Rockaway. Hannah Moore, bom May 3, 1840, married Thom- as Barrett McGraf May 19, 1869, died Nov. 15, 1871 ; Hattie R., born Mar. 23, 1845, married Charles S. Dickerson, of Denville, Apr. 22, 1869. Since the above has been placed in type, two very important papers have been received in addition to the Dicker- son family. One from Adjutant Gener- al Oliphant, of Trenton, N. J., giving the military record of Daniel Dickerson, and one from Frederick A. Caufield, of Dover, N. J., who has very recently in his researches of the Dickerson family, discovered the probable ancestor of Daniel, of Denville, in the line of Thom- as, one of the* four brothers who came from Southold L. I., and settled in Mor- ris county. It is certified, that the records of this office show that Daniel Dickerson served as a private in the Eastern Battalion, Morris County, New Jersey Militia ; sergeant, Captain Isaac Hasley's Company, same Battalion ; ensign, Cap- tain Josiah Hall's Company, same Bat- talion ; sergeant, Captain Josiah Hall's Company, same Battalion, 1781, during the Revolutionary War. Adj. Gen. Oliphant. The Denville branch of the Dicker- son family descended from Daniel Dick- erson, who was born in 1740 and died 1826, aged 86 years. If the claims of of kinship that seem to have existed be- tween the Denville family and the Berk- shire Valley family, are satisfied, this Daniel, of Denville, must have been a son of one of the four brothers : Daniel, Thomas, Joshua and Peter, that came from Southold, L. I., to Morris county, N. J., about the year 1745. I have been able to get the names of the children of all these brothers except- ing those of Thomas. Thomas married Sarah Wager uue7, 1737, in Southold. His oldest son was named Thomas, an- other sou was Charles who was born 1745. We do not know the names of his other children, but I feel satisfied that Daniel, of Denville, was another sou and John, of Mendham, N. J., was probably another. On December 1, 1770, Thomas Dicker- son acquired an interest in some laud near Succasuuna. On the 20th of March 1773, Thomas Dickerson (son and heir- in-law of Thomas Dickerson, deceased.) conveyed his interest in a part of this laud to Benjamin Hart. This fixes the date of death of Thomas about 1772. This Thomas was elected overseer of roads in Roxbury township in 1752. I can see no good reason for not as- signing the Denville family to the line of Thomas. There is no other place for them, that will satisfy the conditions that are known to have existed. Daniel, of Denville, has been confounded with Daniel, of Roxbury township, but as each has his own, and distinct line of 225 descendants, there is no need of any confusion. Fred A. Canfield. This will place the Puriton Philomon Dickerson, who came from England to the Massachusetts colony 1638, at South- old 1643 He had two sons : Thomas and Peter. Thomas had four sons, who came to Morris county as above stated. This spoils a bit of romance, but we are glad to have facts. Cbe Ficbter Familp. The story of the Fichter family may not be of as much interest in the great outside world as in the former iron manufacturing and mining towns and villages in the immediate vicinity of Rockaway. Rut few of the name are beyond th3 limits of Morris county. Frederick Fichter was born in the small iron manufacturing town of Elscoe, Germany, near the border line of France. His father was Nicholas and his mother Rosina. It was here he learned his trade and married at an early age. He and his wife Mary Ann soon after emigrated to America and lauded in New York City about 1773. Also a sister, who married Raltus Good and removed to Pennsylvania. Jobu Jacob Faesch, who was in search of skilled iron workers for the furnace at Mt. Hope, N. J., went to New York and found, as it proved afterward, the very man he wanted in Fichter. They came with Faesch to Mt. Hope and Fichter was placed in charge of the furnace. Here they lived happily for a time, until his wife one day went to the spring to get a pail of water and found a large snake nearby, which so entirely upset her nervous system that she declared she would no longer live in the land of snakes, hence they removed to Rocka- way. while Fichter continued to work at Mt. Hope. The severe nervous shock proved too much for her delicate nerves, she was taken soon after from the effects with fever, died and was buried at Rockaway. This event so disheartened Fichter that he sold out his household belougiugs, and resolved to go back to Germany. Faesch induced him by an advance in his wages to stay three months until he could find some one to take his place at the furnace. He con- sented, at the end of the three months another advance in wages induced him to stay for another three months. In the meantime he attended a party with other Germans at Bloomingdale, N J. It was here that he first saw Mary 227 Witty, but she could not or would not talk German to an entire stranger. The trip was made on horseback, the custom of that day. The charms of Mary Witty had induced him to make another trip soon after, when he chanced to meet Mary attending a toll gate, her father was gate keeper, and found that she could talk German to the satisfaction that another trip to the toll gate was soon made and she consented to become his wife, so that within a year from the death of his first wife arrangements were made and they were married in the parlor of the Faesch mansion at Mt. Hope, where a large number of the first families were invited. This event took place in 1788, as near as the records can be accountable. After a few months she complained fehat she had nothing to do and begged that a flax wheel and fifty pounds of flax should be purchased, after which in due time, Ellenor El- lenor was presented to them and she did not have to make another complaint of nothing to do. On the first day of June 1792, John came to the household at Mt. Hope, when soon after they removed to Old Boouton, N. J., in the iron interest of Faesch, where Catharine Sophia made her appearance. They continued to live in Old Boouton when Gabriel came to that town Nov. 25, 1796. Then followed William in 1799, next Eliza- beth Margaret, Mary Ann, named for his first wife June 22, 1804 ; Frederick, named for himself ; then Adelia, when they removed to Berkshire Valley, N. J., here came Eliza and Jacob Losey. They lived on the Lot Berry farm be- tween Berkshire Valley and Lower Longwood, N. J. They removed to Upper Longwood where Frederick Fichter died about 1850 aged about 90 years, he was buried by the side of his first wife Mary Ann at Rockaway. As no monument marks the spot the pre- cise location h-as been forgotten. His wife went to live with her son William at Russia, near Milton, N. J., where he owned a forge and saw mill, she died there Nov. 5, 1857, aged 85 years, and was buried at Oak Ridge (N. J.) Ceme- tery. Children : Ellen, married Garrett Welcher and lived about two miles below Montville, N. J. Had children : Adelia, who married Daniel Jacobus and lived at Montville; Garrett and David died young; Mary, married (1) Robert Scoik, lived in Brooklin, N. Y. where he was accidentally shot, and his widow married (2) Frank Sage and re- moved to California. They had a son Julius and three daughters. Phebe, mar- ried (1) Jacob Quimby ; (2) Jacob Sharp ; Elizabeth, married Abraham Warp, lived in Bergen county. John, born June 1, 1792, married Naomi Gordon, daughter of David, of Rockaway, Oct. 9, 1813. She was born June 29, 1793, died May 1, 1869. They lived at Rockaway and at Upper Long- wood where he died Nov. 17, 1870. Both buried at Berkshire Valley. Chil- dren : Frederick, born at Rockaway June 1, 1815. .married Malinda Bowen Sept. 20, 1838, by Rev. F. A. Morrell. She was born May 19, 1817. Both buried at Berkshire Valley. David Gordon, born July 1817, married Maria, daugh- 228 ter of David and Charity (Canine) Lud- low, died Nov. 30, 1865. She died Apr. 12, 1872. Both buried at Hurdtown, N. J. Mary, born at Rockaway Aug. 1819, married John Freeman Stevens, re- moved to California. John Gordon, born at Upper Longwood Sept. 2, 1821, married Sarah Ann, (laughter of David and Sabina (Ayres) Cooper, Mar. 28, 1849, by Rev. Joseph F, Tuttle, living at Franklin, N. J. She was born Mar. 1, 1829. Margaret Elizabeth, born Sept. 17, 1825, married Elijah C. Nichols, liv- ing at Upper Longwood. Sarah Ann, (twin) born Sept. 17, 1825, married (1) Alexander Armstrong Merritt ; (2) Wilson. William, died young; William, (2) born Jan. 6, 1830, married Charlotte, daughter of Richard and Jane (Norman) Davenport, Sept. 20, 1856, living at Upper Longwood. Susan, married William Lyon as second wife. Had children : Irene, died yonng ; Naomi, Sarah and Augusta. Belinda, born Feb. 18, 1837, married Manning Force Nichols Feb. 24, 1855, by Rev. John L. Hayes at Longwood. Catharine Sophia, married Dr. David Reeve, of Bloomingdale, N. Y. He had discovered a treatment for hydrophobia, and was wonderfully successful with a large number of patients. Children : Abraham, died aged 4 years ; William, married Sofronia Henion ; Elizabeth, married Richard Sloan ; Israel, married Fanny Woodward ; Margaret, married Peter DeBaum. Gabriel, born Nov. 25, 1796, married (I) Eliza Ware. She was born Mar. 13, 1804, died June 1, 1843. Had ten chil- dren. (2) Betty Ward, had nine chil- dren. He died May 5, 1864, buried at Berkshire Valley. Children : Elizabeth Ann, married Wesley Doty, son of Aaron ; Joseph, married Nancy Hender- son, daughter of John ; Caroline, mar- ried Gilbert Ludlow ; Hila Maria, died voung; Margaret, married (1) Rhine- hart Davis, (2) George Johnson; Will- iam, married Lida Shipman, buried at Berkshire Valley ; Jacob, married Phebe Ann Fairchild ; Nancy, married Davis; Ellen, died young; Mary Jane, married John C. Gordon, of Berk- shire Valley ; Eliza Catharine, married James Westervelt; John Gabriel, mar- ried Elizabeth Gordon ; Martha Ellen, married (1) Lewis Gordon, (2) Mark Helmis, had one child ; Frederick, died young ; Dennis, living on the old home- stead at Berkshire Valley ; Phebe, mar- ried Abner Lowery ; Apha, married Jo- seph Mathew ; Sophia, married Charles Briant. Elizabeth Margaret, married Samuel P. Losey, died at Longwood. Both buried afr Berkshire Valley. Childaen : Timothy, married (1) Jane Ockerbock, (2) Mary Fichter; William, married Hester Umans ; Margaret Sophia, mar- ried Thomas Cooman. Mary Ann, born June 22, 1804, mar- ried John Harvey Gordon Dec. 25, 1830, died Aug. 5, 1875. He was born Oct. 36, 1805, died Oct. 4, 1855. Both buried at Rockaway Valley, N. J. Children— See Gordon family. Frederick, married Mary, daughter of Moses Bounting, of Berkshire Valley. Children : Harriet, married (1), William 229 Fredericks, (2) Nicholas Smith ; Mary Anu, married Peter Dolan ; Martha, died young ; Eliza, married Daniel Mathew ; Catharine Sophia, married Nicholas Smith ; Moses, married Emily, danghtrr of David and Jane (Dickerson) Allen; John Jacob, married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Maria (Lawrence) Bounting, had one child ; Phebe, married William Haggerty ; Caroline, married Page, son of William Minton, lived at Brooklin ; Sarah -'ane, married (1) George Phillips, (2) Will- iam Spicer ; William Henry, married Cornelia, daughter of Eleazer and Eliza- beth (Seward) Lamson ; Emma, mar- ried William Smith, of Brooklin, N. Y. Adelia, married (I) John Williams, lived at Longwood. John Williams was son of Samuel of Shongom, N. J. He had brothers : Foster and Moses in Captain Josiah Hall's Company, of Den- ville. (2) John Manger, buried at Berk- shire Valley. Children by Williams : Ruth, married (1) Charles Castimore, had five children. He was a soldier in the Civil War, and killed in the army. (2) William Breese ; (3) George Taylor. Eliza D., died aged 16, buried at Berk- shire Valley. Hezekiah, died aged 8 weeks. John Gordon, never married, died aged 40, buried at Dover. Jacob F., went to California. Rachel Ellen, married (1) Henry White ; (2) Samuel Green ; (3) John, sou of John Dudley Wood. Samuel L., died aged 2 years. Nancy Elizabeth, died aged 16, buried at Berkshire Valley. Sarah Eliza, mar- ried Sidney, son of John Dudley Wood, buried at Dover. Phebe Sophia, died aged 4 years, buried at Berkshire Val- ley. Eliza, married Lewis G. Wiggins, died Apr. 10, 1896. He was born Nov. 26, 1843, died June 14, 1866. Both burie at Rockaway. Children — see Wiggins family, Jacob Losey, born 1825, married (1) Elizabeth, daughter of David Estil, of Oak Ridge. She was buried at Oak Ridge. (2) Mary Strait, of Milton, daughter of Stephen. He died 1874 at Hibernia, buried at Rockaway. Chil- dren : Mary Elizabeth, married Joseph Kelso, died in California ; Sarah Ann, died aged 1 year ; James Edward, mar- ried Helen, daughter of Samuel Beach, of Rockaway ; David, died yonng ; Whitfield, died young; Harry, died young ; Anna Belle, Frank and Ella Christiana, are in New York City. Children of Frederick Fichter and wife Malinda: John A., born Oct. 12. 1840, married Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Maurice Chamberlain, May 14, 1864. Children : David, Ida, married George E Bunnell; Ada, died J an. 17, 1881, aged 10 ; Fred, married Edith Youmans. Mary Elizabeth, born Apr. 8, 1843; David Edwin, born Oct. 22, 1845 ; Elijah, Sept. 2, 1849, buried at Berkshire Val- ley ; Thomas Scott, born Aug. 8, 1852, married Hannah Hammel Nov. 15, 1874. She was born Dec. 19, 1856, living at Upper Longwood. Children : Malinda, born Aug. 9. 1875, married Charles Edge, of Newark, Oct. 19, 1898 ; John Freder- ick, born May 20, 1878, died Jan. 17, 1895; Elijah Brueu, born May 21, 1883. Twins, (no name) born May 23, 1855, died May 24, 1855. 230 Children of John F. Stephens and wife Mary: Joshua S., Henry Mains, Edwin, died in infancy, buried at Oak Ridge; Naomi, Caroline, John F., Ab- solem B., Eliza Ann, died in infancy, buried at Oak Ridge. Children of John G. Fichter and wife Sarah Ann : Daniel Cooper, born Mar. 27, 1850, married Martha Jane Davis Feb. 2, 1875. She was born July 7, 1855. Naomi Gordon, born Dec. 12, 1851 , died Dec. 23, 1854, buried at Rocka- way; John Witty, born Jan. 1,1854, died Jan. 15, 1855, buried at Rockaway ; David Cooper, born Feb. 13, 1856, mar- ried Lydia Ann Stalter Sept. 5, 1880. She was born June 10, 1863. Lewis Ayres, born Feb. 2, 1859, married Agnes Hopler Sept. 28, 1883 ; Charles McFar- lau, born Nov. 17, 1861, died Sept 28, 1870, buried at Berkshire Valley ; George Wiggins, born May 5, 1864, mar- ried Mary A. Roe, May 10, 1885. Children of Elijah C. Nichols and wife Margaret E. : Sarah Cordelia, Jo- seph H. ; Alexander, William F., Susan, John F., died young ; Caleb H., Mary E.. George W., Phebe, Frederick, died young. Children of Alex. A. Merritt and wife Sarah Ann : Salina Ann, Alanson A., born Mar. 1, 1848 ; William F., Sey- mour S., Eliza Jane, married Dr. Bright, of Woodport ; Theodore, Emmouds J., Chester, Harlow Page, Newton, no name. Children of William Fichter and wife Charlotte : Theodore Dayton, born Apr. 11, 1857. died 1870; Richard D., born June 11, 1858 ; Fanuy Jane, born June 25, 1860 ; Alfred Hinds, born Mar. 14, 1869. Children of William Lyon and wife Susan ; Irene, Naomi and Sarah Augus- ta. Children of Manning F. Nichols and wife Belinda: Ziba, born Jan. 12, 1856, died Nov. 1856; Margaret, born Sept. 1857; Caroline H., John F., Anna, Sarah Ann, Jediah, Ziba (2), William F., Elijah Jacob, Mary, Charles. Children of Daniel C. Fichter and wife Martha J. : Sarah Ann, born Aug. 17, 1875; Martha Jane, born May 1, 1879 ; John Davis, born Nov. 4, 1881, died Feb. 20. 1883, buried at Berkshire Val- ley ; David, born July 27, 1883 ; Wallace Waer, born Sept. 17. 1885; Robert Wicks, born Jan. 31, 1888; Anna Sabina, born Mar. 22, 1890; Daniel Ayres, born July 14, 1892; William, born Oct. 2, 1894. Children of David C. Fichter and wife Lydia A. ; Jane, born Sept. 9, 1882, John Gordon, born May 28, 1884 ; Sarah Ann, born Mar. 26, 1886 ; Naomi, born Feb. 7. 1888 ; Mary, born Sept. 2, 1890 ; Abraham, born Mar. 80, 1893 ; Lewis, born Nov. 10, 1895 ; Isaac, born June 16, 1899. Children of Lewis A. Fichter and wife Agnes : Harriet, born Dec. 22, 1883, Louisa and Berthia, (twins) born Apr. 18, 1886 ; Charles H., born July 14, 1888 ; Amy, born Nov. 25, 1890 ; Stella, born July 81, 1892 ; Irene Gordon, born May 2, 1894, died Aug. 23, 1899, Alanson Merritt, born Apr. 28, 1897. Children of George W. Fichter and wife Mary A. : Lulu May, born Sept. 3, 231 1885 ; John Roe, born Apr. 3, 1887, died Apr. 8, 1888 ; Loretta, born May 26, 1889 ; Olive, born June 17, 1891. Children of David G. Fichter, son of David, (born Sept. 1853) and wife Alice E. (born Dec. 25, 1868,) : Roy W., born Mar. 28, 1876; Frank L. , born Apr. 9, 1878; Maria M., born Dec. 22,1881; Herman P., born June 23, 1890 ; David G., born May 21, 1899. Children of Roy W. Fichter, born Mar. 28, 1876, and wife Elizabeth, born Apr. 10, 1874; LeRoy, born Mar. 23, 1899 ; Esther, born Apr. 10, 1900. Ok Gordon Familp. A few preliminaries are necessary be- fore writing upon the Gordon family. The name is spelled in many ways in the old records. From the old family Bible of David Gordon, better known as the "old sexton" of Rockaway, the fol- lowing entry is made — "Capt. Wm. Gor- don, Decest, Apr. 15th, 1777. In the forty- first year of nis age." Also, "William Gordon, son Joshua and Martha Gordon." The remaining rec- ord obliterated. Other records have "Oct. 20, 1777. Letters of administra- tion on estate of Joshua Gordon, de- ceased, intestate, granted to Tnomas Kinney." Also, "9 February 1778, Let- ters of admn. on estate of Cape. Wm. Gordon, deceased, intestate, granted to Thomas Kinney." Also, "21 December 1786, Letters of Adinn. on estate of Jeremiah Gordon, of Morris Oo. de- ceased, intestate, granted to Timothy Canfield." The wife of William Gordon was De- borah (Kiuney) Oaufield. She was widow of David Canfield, who died 1756, and a probable sister of Thorn a Kinney above. David Canfield had children : Samuel, Timothy, Phebe, Henry, David and Experience. Joshua Gordon was quartermaster in the Revolution, and had : William, per- haps John, who lived in the parish of Rockaway, and was assessed in 1792 for eighty-two acres of land for the salary of Rev. J. J. Carle, and died May 1, 1813, and buried at Rockaway, and Charles, born 1775, died 1815, married two sisters, Hannah and Elizabeth Per- kins, and Jeremiah. A certified copy from the records at Trenton have, "It is certified, that the records of this office show that Joshua Gordon was in commission as quarter- master of Colonel Ephriam Martin's Battalion ; Brigadier General Nathaniel Heard's Brigade ; New Jersey State Troops, July 6, 1776, during theRevolu- louary War." Also, "It is certified, that the records 233 of this office, show that, William Gor- don, was in commission as second lien- tenant of Captain John Ross' Company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, New Jersey Continental line, March 5, 1776 ; promoted First Lieutenant, July 19, 1776. This battalion served in the expedition to Canada and took an active part in the operations before Quebec in May and June 1776. He was commission- ed captain in Third Battalion, second establishment, New .Jersey Continental line, Nov. 29, 1776, and died in service in April 1777, during the Revolutionary War." Adj. Geu. Stryker has also William Gordon, a minute man of Monmouth Couuty Militia, also another a minute man in the Middlesex Militia, and also a William Gorden, who served as a private in the Fourth Company, Captain John Burro wes commanding. Colonel Oliver Spencer's Regiment. Continental Army, served in the Indian Campaign against the Six Nations in Western Pennsylvania from May to November, 1779, also served as a private in Captain Jonathan Holmes' Company, Second Regiment, New ersey Continental line, during the Revolutionary War. There is tradition that William Gordon, the father of the "old sexton," was buried during his time, opposite the mon- ument to the "old sexton," and that his sou William was buried in the same plot of David Gordon. These records are very conflicting, who can give correct? The following are certified records at Trenton : "It is certified, that the rec- ords of this office show that David Gor- don served as a private in the Eastern Battalion, Morris County, New Jersey, Militia ; also as a private in the New Jersey State Troops ; also private in the First Battalion, Second Establishment : New Jersey Continental Line, and in the Sixth Company commanded by Cap- tain Jeremiah Ballard, Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; served in the Indian Campaign against the six na- tions in Western Pennsylvania from May to November, 1779 ; private in Cap- tain Alexander Mitchell's Company, First Regiment ; detailed to Colonel Francis Barber's New Jersey Light In- fantry Battalion, and served in the Vir- ginia Campaign from April to October, 1781 ; took part in the seige of Yorktown, and was present in the battle of York- town and surrender of Lord Cornwallis, October 19, 1871,— during the Revolu- tionary War." The following are the records from the War Department at Washington, D. C, "The records of this office show that David Gordon en- listed July 24, 1777, as a private in Cap- taiu Jeremiah Ballard's Company, Third New Jersey Regiment, commanded by Colonel Elias Dayton, Revolutionary War to serve three years. His name ap- pears on the rolls from June 1777, to August 1780, without additional data." The records also show that, "David Gordon served as a private in the 5th company of foot, first New Jersey regi- ment, commanded by Colonel Mathias Ogden, Revolutionary War. He enlist- ed, date not shown, to serve during the war. His name appears on the rolls for January, 1781, to February, 1783, with- 234 out additional data." The records further show that, "David Gordon en- listed, date not stated, as a private in Captain Jonathan Dayton's Company, New Jersey regiment, commanded by Colonel Mathew Ogden, Revolutionary War, to serve during the war. He joined March 1, 1783, and his name is borne on the rolls for March and April, without additional data." As David Gordon was born Oct. 23, 1759, monumental record Sept. 22, it will show that he enlisted before he was 18 years of age, and continued in the service nearly six years. His father, William, was 40 years of age, and his grandfather, Joshua, in the 60's. David Gordon died July 23, 1852, the funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Barnabas King from text, 1 Peter 4th chapter 7th verse. Joshua Gordon may have had a broth- er William, as the first mortgage on rec- ord at Morristown, N. J., is as follows : "An abstract of mortgage from William Gordon and Jemima his wife, of Han- over, in the County of Morris, and Province of New Jersey, to David Ogden, of Newark, in the County of Essex, and province aforesaid. Dated the 5th July, 1765, of all that tract of land, situate lying and being at Hanover, in the County of Morris aforesaid, containing eighty-one acres and seventy- three perches, and is bounded northerly and easterly, partly by the land of Benja- min Howell, and partly by the land of Zachariah Baldwin deceased, and south- erly and easterly by land of Samuel Parrit, being the plantation whereon the said William Gordon now lives and by him purchased of Samuel Parrit, for the sum of one thousand and seventy- seven pounds and ten shillings current money of New Jersey at eight shillings the ounce to be paid on the twenty-first day of May next, expiring the date of said mortgage with lawful interest for same. Recorded the 8th day of August, 1765, by me — A. Moore, D. Clerk." From this and other records it will show that this Gordon family was early located in Morris county, the exact loca- tion of Joshua and William is not known, but it is probable at or near Rockaway. David Gordon, born 1759, enlisted July 24, 1777, and served in the Revolu- tionary War nearly six years, as the rec- ords show, married while on furlough Mar. 17, 1780, Nancy Southard, a daugh- ter of Timothy, Jr., who lived at or near Rockaway. Children : Phebe Canfield, born Nov. 11, 1780, married (1) Asepth Patch, Jan. 1, 1804; (2) William Mer- riam. She was buried at Rockaway ; no records of children. William, born Nov. 19, 1782, married Elizabeth Rochelle, of Sparta, N. J., Aug. 27,1803, lived at Rockaway. While on a business trip to Baltimore, Md., to introduce a method of extracting iron from cinder refuse of the forges, was taken sick, returned to New York, called at a hotel and request- ed a room to rest, and was told they had none for a drunken man, he acted so strangely, he insisted that he was a sick man, and inquired for Ithamer Ayres, who was sent for and removed to his house where he died. He was buried at 235 Rockaway near his father, David, but there is no monumental record of the same. Susannah, born Oct. 10, 1785, mar- ried Ithamer Ayres, lived at New York and was buried at Brooklin. No records of children. Amy, born Sept. 25, 1787, married (1) Timothy Losey, Dec. 19, 1807, lived at Upper Lougwood ; (2) Tuttle, probably buried at Berk- shire Valley. No other records. Naomi, born June 29, 1790, married John Fichter, son of Frederick and Mary (Witty), Oct. 9, 1813. He was born May, 1791, died Nov. 17, 1870. Both buried at Berkshire Valley. For chil- dren — see Fichter family. Mary, born Oct. 26, 1793, married David E. Estill Feb. 22, 1813. He was born Dec. 3, 1788, died Jan. 6,1876. She died Dec. 2, 1880. Both buried at Oak Ridge. Lived at Milton, N.J. Children : Nancy Gordon, married Ephriam Lindsley, of Dover, N. J. He was born Nov. 8, 1810, died Aug. 28, 1884. He married (2) Ursula F. Gage, of Dover ; Sarah mar- ried Stephen A. Lindsley. He was born 1817, died July 17, 1897. William Gor- don, born Jan. 13, 1818, married Eliza Green Feb. 1844, died Sept. 4, 1849, buried at Oak Ridge. Had one child. Mary Joanna, died Oct. 17, 1851, aged 5 years, 2 months and 3 days. James, born Nov. 3, 1822, married Ann M. Demorest Feb. 2, 1854, died June 19, 1860; Eliza T., born Sept. 4, 1823, died Mar. 14, 1851 ; Catharine J., born Aug. 6, 1829, married Nelson Hamlin Feb. 4, 1852, died June 20, 1852 ; Elizabeth, born Jan. 1, 1831, married Jacob L. Fichter, died Jan. 29, 1851 ; Abram Losey, born Mar. 25, 1833, married Mary F. Thomp- son, died May 17, 1869. She was born Mar. 1837, died Jan. 1873. Mary Samantha, born Jan. 18, 1843, died Aug. 23, 1857 ; John Gordon, died young July 13, 1848. Nearly all the children died before middle age of consumption, and nearly all buried at Oak Ridge. John, born July 30, 1796. died 1813, buried at Rockaway. Sarah Beach, born Get. 7, 1800, mar- ried Abraham Losey, lived at Milton. No records of children. Parnell Beach, born Sept. 10, 1803, married John Mott, Jr., of Rockaway, Apr. 2, 1830, died Feb. 17, 1895. He was born .July 17, 1799. died June 27, 1865. Both buried at Rockaway. Children : John Gordon, Nathaniel Revo and Sib- bah. John Mott, Jr., married (1) Sibbah Talmage, daughter of Capt. Job, July 28, 1818. She was born Sept. 15, 1800, died Sept. 7, 1828. Children of William and Elizabeth (Rochelle) Gordon : John Harvey, born Oct. 26, 1805, married (1) Nancy Atno Sept. 4, 1824. She was born Feb. 1. 1805, died Mar. 25, 1829. (2) Mary Ann Fichter Dec. 25, 1830. She died Aug. 5, 1879. He died Oct. 4, 1855. All buried at Rockaway Valley, N. J. David, born July 30, 1808; Anna Maria, born Aug. 16, 1810, married Charles Lewis, of Orange, N. J. ; William Moses, born May 26, 1817, married Frances Elizabeth Turnsr, who was born Apr. 4, 1819 ; Amy Eliza, born Nov. 9, 1819, married Jacob Price, went West in 1855, and enlisted and was killed in war of 1861-5 ; Charles Lewis, born May 236 22, 1824, died young. Children of John Harvey Gordon and Nancy Atno : Abram Losey, born Nov. 23, 1825, died about 1880, never married ; Ann, born May 8, 1827, married Garrett Jacobus Jan. 1, 1848, lived at Whitehall, N. J., died Feb. 14, 1859. He was born Mar. 22, 1897, died Apr. 7, 1866 ; Joseph, born Jan. 30, 1829, died June 26, 1829. Children by second wife : David Reeves, born Oct. 17, 1831, married Eliza Jaco- bus, died about 1890 ; Mary Elizabeth, born Apr.. 20, 1833, married John R, Stires Dec. 16, 1855. He was born Apr. 25, 1835. Martha, born Dec. 26, 1834, married John E. Huyler June 4, 1853. He was born Apr. 15, 1830. Nancy Atno, born Feb. 28, 1837, married George W. Gladson Mar. 28, 1860. He was born Feb. 8, 1832. William, born March 6, 1839, married Susan Ann Unaugst June 27, 1860. She was born Sept. 14, 1843. John Jacob, born Jan. 15, 1841, married Margaret Blanchard, of Rockaway, Jan. 25, 1861. She was born Jan. 24, 1843. Charles Wesley, born Nov. 8, 1843, married Mary Hixon May 20, 1869. She was born Apr. 15, 1846 Children of William and S. A. (Unangst) Gordon : Laura, born Jan. 16, 1862, married Cyrus Byran Dixon, of Rockaway Valley, N. J., Oct. 28, 1884. He was born Dec. 10, 1860. Children : Clifford, born July 1885 ; Homer, born Dec. 1890 ; Russell, born Sept. 1893 ; Bryant, born Oct. 1895 ; Florence, born Mar. 1898. Frederick, born Mar. 3, 1864, married Annie Trimble Oct. 24. 1889. She was born Feb. 1, 1866. Child, New- ell, was born Sept. 26, 1890. Mary, born Apr. 6, 1869, married Charles Kincaid, Jr., May 25, 1898. He was born June 7, 1864. Harry, born Sept. 27, 1880, at La- fayette College. Children of John Jacob Gordon : Florence, Martha, William, Nellie. Children of Charles Wesley Gordon : Bertha, Kate, William, Adaline and Charles. Children of William Moses and wife Frances : Susan Ann, born Sept. 7, 1839, married Moses Hand Dec. 7, 1857, living at Lyons Farms, N. J. ; Wm. Henry, born Dec. 23, 1841, died aged six weeks ; David, born May 23, 1843, married Caro- line Sands ; John Harvey, born July 14, 1848, married Clara Heise ; William, (2) born Jan. 23, 1851, removed tolndiauola, Iowa; Charles, born Nov. 1, 1854, re- moved to Thompsonville, 111. ; Albert Augustus, born Jan. 15, 1856, died aged 2 years, 6 months ; Josephine, born July 31, 1859, married, 1882, James Bailey. Children of Moses Hand and wife Susan A. : Ada Frances, born Oct. 8, 1851, married Wm. Woodruff Feb. 22, 1874 ; Henry Theodore, born Dec. 8, 1859, married Anna Clump May 30, 1881 ; Emma Irene, born Aug. 18, 1863, died young ; Marietta Stella, born Oct. 29, 1869, married Preston LaForge Ben- nett Sept. 5, 1888. In some of the old Rockaway records mention is made of one Charles Gordon, a possible resident of Rockaway, and a probable brother or son of Captain Will- iam Gordon. He was born 1775, died 1815. The marriage records at Morris- town County Clerks Office, have his marriage to Hannah Perkins May 10, 2 37 1795, by Ebenezer Ooe, J. P., and a mar- riage (2) to Elizabeth Perkins, probably sisters, Mar. 2, 1799, by Rev. John J' Carle, of Rockaway. He had children : Lewis, born Dec. 14, 1791, who married Hannah Gard, daughter of Captain Daniel, and died Aug. 1876 ; Isaac, who lived near Boon ton, was murdered and robbed by George Ackers or Ackerman, who was hung for the murder at Morris- town about forty years ago. Isaac had a sou Samuel in the war of '61-5, and died near Booutou July 1900. Eliza, married John Harvey ;Charles, Deborah, married Michael Doleu ; Sarah, married John Mills ; Stephen, Amanda, married John Thorn ; Hannah, married Godfrey Maun. Lewis and Hannah (Gard) Gordon lived at or near Berkshire Valley, and had children : William A., born Mar. 26, 1820, married Amy C. Dickersou, died Apr. 1, 1861. She was born Apr. 26, 1824, died Aug. 5, 1895. Both buried at Berk- shire Valley. Daniel Gard, born Jau. 25. 1824, married Sarah E., daughter of Benj. H. Corwin, died Jan. 21, 1896 ; Abbie M., married Win. N. Spencer. Daniel Gard Gordon had son Beuja- miu C, born Nov. 30, 1848. He married (1) Jennie Maria, daughter of Job A. Talniage, Apr. 13, 1871. She was born June 25. 1851, died June 2, 1875, buried at Hill Cemetery. (2; Frauces Shuster, daughter of Jacob, Sept. 20, 1880, aud had sou Lewis, born Feb. 17, 1886. David Gordon, or Gaudeu, a probable brother of Joshua, born about 1724, aud died Feb. 7, 1790, was resident at Rock- away, and mentioned in the old records. He married (1) Hopeful Wood July 27, 1747 ; (2) Elizabeth Stausborrough, Apr. 8, 1753, had children baptized at Morristown : Mary, Samuel, Jeremiah, Hopestill, John, Providence, William, Mary, Joseph, David, Robard and Seth. He was resident at Rockaway after 1780. Since writing the above, I have copied the following facts taken from the original Bible Records of Timothy Southard, now in possession of Frederick Gordon, of Boonton. This important record will correct some state- ments found in the Southard and Palmer families, and is further connected with the Gordon family. The records were formerly held by David Gordon, the "old sexton." Timothy Southard, born Oct. 6, 1736, married Susanna Sworden May 16, 1762. Tradition has that Timothy Southard served in the Revolutionary War, and died from the effects of ser- vice Jan. 31, 1777. At the bottom of said record, in another hand writing, is Timothy Southard died Jan. 31, (date of year torn), aged 40 years, 3 mouths and 25 days, this would make date of death as above. Susanna Randal died Oct. 16, 1796, aged 55 years. She was born Apr. 23, 1741, and married second John Randal, of Denville. Susanna Sworden had a sister Sarah, who married Stephen Beach aud lived opposite Denville depot. All are probably buried at Rockaway, but no records of same. Children : Anne, (also called Nancy), born May 4, 1763. She married David Gordon, died 238 Feb. 1859, aged 89 years. Buried at Rockaway. Mary, born Mar. 27, 1795. No other records. Married but name unknown. Amy, born Aug. 20, 1769, mar- ried Moses Hopping, who lived at and owned Weldou, and afterwards Hope well, was forgeman, and owned forges there. Date of death and place of burial unknown. Phebe, born Oct. 2, 1772, married William Mitchel. He was a tailor by trade, lived at Franklin, and removed to Ohio. No other records. Neomi, born, (name of mouth torn), 5, 1775, married Silas Palmer, lived at Rockaway, gives date of birth that of Phebe, Oct. 2, 1772, which is an error. Children — see Palmer family. Silas, date of birth wholly toru, probably about 1777. Silas was married, name unknown. He had a son Timothy, who taught school many years, was a lawyer and died near Lake Hopatcoug, N. J. A daughter Mary married Levi Harvey. Silas lived near Rockaway and was burned to death by falling in a charcoal pit, which he was attending. Of the children of David Canfield, who married Deborah, a sister of Thom- as Kinney, Samuel is said to have served in the Revolutionary War ; Timothy, lived and died near Cran- berry Pond, now Silver Lake, N. J. ; Phebe, married, name unknown, and lived at Hibernia, N. J. ; Henry, no rec- ords ; David, married and lived at, Franklin, where Joseph Zeek now lives, and Experience, called "Peeney" never married, lived with her brother David. Both buried at Rockaway, but no rec- ords of burial. The Thomas Kinney above mentioned was born 1731, died Apr. 3, 1793, married Elizabeth Gordon, a probable daughter of Joshua, was born 1736, died Apr. 23, 1789. He had children baptized at Mor- ristown : John and Jabish, June 22, 1760; Abraham, Sept 26, 1762. Clx ftarriman familp. It may be well to mention some of the peculiarities of autography and pronun- ciation of our early settlers. They were a plain people, without time or inclina- tion to show great learning, and general- ly made themselves comfortable and happy with the use of five hundred well chosen words of the English language. Words of three or more syllables were frequently contracted to two in proper names, with accent on the first. This Harrimau or Herrimau was reduced to Herman, and occasionally written so. Harrison to Hars'n, Casterliue to Catlin, Shawauguck to Shongum, Elizabeth- town to 'Lisbeth, New York to York. Custom "nick- named" the given- names of persons, and sometimes wholly changed them. The final e and the abominable final k were seldom used in writing which probably gave Webster the American idea. John Harrimau was a well-to-do inn keeper in New Haven, Ct , in 1646. He had wife Elizabeth. His sou John was baptised at New Haven Jan. 24, 1647, attended Harvard College, married Han-' nah Bryan, a daughter of Richard, of Milford. Ct., Nov. 20, 1672. She was born 1654. He was a settled pastor of the first Presbyterian church at Eliza- bethtowu, N. J., Oct. 1, 1687. He was given a laud grant of one hundred acres by the Proprietors Feb. 20, 1693. Children : John, born 1674, married Abigail Whitehead, daughter of Isaac, some authorities say of Morristown, N. J., others of Elizabethtown. Isaac Whitehead and wife Mary Brown had children born at New Haven : Susanna, Isaac, Mary, Sarah, Samuel, Joseph, Grace, removed to Elizabethtown 1664 aud had Nathaniel and Abigail* who married John Harrimau. The White- head family probably removed to Morris county at a later date. John and Abigail had children : David, who was i»t Yale College in 1711 ; Hannah, born 1693, married John Hendricks, buried at Eliza- beth Mar. 15, 1732; Abigail, married 240 John Clark. John Harrimau made will Feb. 17, whice was probated Mar. 22, 1730. Samuel, born June 25, 1676 ; Ann, born July / 5, 1678 ; Mary, born Nov. 7, 1680.; Alexander, born 1682, died 1695 ; Leonard, born June 15, 1683, died Feb. 1, 1696 ; Richard, born Aug. 9, 1685 ; Jo- seph, born about 1686, married and set- tled at Rockaway, at the "Harrimau place" now occupied by Walter Free- man, previous to 1730. The name Den- ville was not known at this date, being named about the time of the Revolution from John Den, who settled near the Den Brook where it unites with the Rockaway River. Joseph died 1758, and was probably buried at the "Harri- mau burying-ground ;" Stephen, was born 1689. Of the children of Rev. John Harrimau, Joseph is perhaps the only one of the family who settled at Rocka- way ; Children of Joseph, (no record of wife's name) : John, married Miriam Blockmau, probably of Rockaway ; Han- nah, married Noah Beach, son of Ben- jamin, resident of Hanover, N. J. ; David, no records ; Sarah, born Dec. 25, 1715, married Abner Beach, son of Ben- jamin, at Rockaway, now Denville ; Mar. 1734, lived near Denville depot. Children of John and Hannah (Harri- mau) Hendricks, of Elizabeth : Hannah, Sarah, Lydia, David, born 1723, died at Elizabeth May 1732. Children of John and Abigail Clark : John and Abigail. Children of John and Miriam, all born born at Rockaway : Jemima, married John Pipes, of Rockaway, was Revolu- tionary soldier; John, married (1) Sarah Price Jan. 31, 1750 ; (2) Loisa (Allen) TV1- mage, daughter of Job Allen, and widow of Daniel Talm ige who was killed at bat- tle of Lackawaxeu July 22, 1778. John and Loisa lived near the present David Lash farm. Joseph, born Dec. 1, 1751, married Abigail, daughter of Elder John Clark, of Rockaway, Jan, 17, 1804, by Rev. James Richards. He died Jan. 8, 1829. She was born 1778, died Jan. 10, 1855. Both buried at "Harrimau bury- ing-ground" at Denville. Stephen, died not married, was Revolutionary soldier; Richard, married Catharine Peer. She was born 1757, died Feb. 13, 1827, buried at Rockaway. Jacob, was buried at Denville, "S. H.," marked on a rough stone, marks the grave. Married Affle Jones Deo. 1, 1795, by Rev. D. Baldwin, had one child, Hannah, who married Carter Bruen Sept, 18, 1803. David, married Hannah Hicks, of Rockaway, June 3, 1803 ; (2) Agnes Jackson ; Han- nah, married Samuel Liudsley ; Bath- sheba, married Moore ; Sarah, died in middle age, not married. Children of John and first wife Sarah : Joseph, married a Hedges and removed to Michigan ; Tristam, married Anu Tice Apr. 1797 ; William, married Sarah Serriu or Searing, of Meudham, June 1797 ; John ; Rhoda, married John Palmer, sou of Jacob, Mar. 26, 1796, re- moved to Vermont ; Johanna, married Jacob Peer, died 1816, buried at Rocka- way ; Jemima, married John Daniels, of Rockaway ; Mary, married John Bowlsby. Children by second wife 241 Loisa : Daniel, married Lydia Cooper, daughter of John aud Lydia (Beach) Cooper, Mar. 2, 1811 ; Miriam, married Aaron Palmer, son of Jacob, and re- moved to Western New York ; Huldah, married Joseph Casterline, of Franklin, Jan. 13, 1803. Children of Daniel and Lydia : Ann Eliza, married a Flarrity, no children ; John, Charles, Elizabeth Price, Sarah, baptized Feb. 1828 ; Catharine, Mary, Stephen Beach, baptized Feb. 1824. This family all removed to St. Louis, Missouri. Children of Joseph and Abigail (Clark) : Joseph, born Nov. 1805, mar- ried Mary Lee, widow of Elias, had one child, Caroline, died Aug. 5, 1853, buried at Denville. Miriam, born Jan. 1807, died Mar. 15, 1814, buried at Den- ville ; Cynthia, born Feb. 2, 1810, mar- ried Joseph F. Lash Feb. 18, 1837, He was born Aug. 19, 1811, died Apr. 10, 1891. Both buried at Denville. Nancy, born Feb. 2, 1810, (twin), married Anthony Zeek Mar. 23, 1854, lived at Hiberuia, N. J., no children, died May 29, 1893 ; Lucy, born Nov. 2, 1819, mar- ried Gabriel Lindsley Feb. 9. 1838, lived at Rockaway, had one child, died May 6, 1839, buried at Denville. Children of Joseph F. Lash and wife Cynthia : Nicholas, born Feb. 27, 1839, was soldier in Civil War ; Loisa, born Sept. 6, 1841, living on the old home- stead ; Sarah, born May 17, 1843, died about 1886, buried at Denville ; John, born May 4, 1845, died Sept. 10, 1870 ; David, born June 9, 1848, married Eliza J. Sanders Jan. 1, 1876. She was born July 16, 1859. Children : Thomas, born Cct. 16, 1876; George, born Sept. 14, 1878 ; Ada E., born Aug. 2, 1882. ■ Children of Richard and wife Catha- rine Peer: Elizabeth, born Jan. 6. 1778, died Dec. 6, 1834, buried at Rockaway ; John, died, not married Aug. 27, 1850 ; Mary, born Dec. 2, 1783, not married, died Dec. 29, 1849, buried at Rockaway ; Sarah, also died not married, date un- known. Among the near neighbors of the Harrimans, Aliens and Kitchels in Revolutionary times was one Andrew Hubbard, who came with his wife and two children from Germany and settled near Hibernia previous to the Revolu- tion. He was a smelter by trade. There is a tradition that the soldiers came and blindfolded him, took him away where he worked six monthsin a cave, molding bullets for the army. His family was well cared for, but he was not allowed to communicate with them, at the end of six months he was brought home, blindfolded, and well paid for his ser- vices, Where was the cave in the mountains? He had nine children, the following are only recorded : George, married Abigail VanDerhoof, of Montville, N. J., Mar. 15, 1810, was a forgeman, and lived between Kitchel's and Beach Glen, removed later to Whippany, N. J., and died there. Elizabeth, married Andrew Hiler ; Catharine, married Will- iam Sherman, lived at Milburn, N. J. ; Rosy, married Anthony Zeek, lived at Hibernia ; Mary, born 1777, married David Powers, Esq., of Rockaway, died 242 Nov. 1819. He was born 1770, died Dec. 4, 1840. Both buried at Rockaway. Children of George Hubbard : Eliza, married Sheldon ; Mahlon, married Monroe, and died at Whippany ; Mary Ann, married Smith, and removed West and died there ; Naney, born 1822, married Peter Vesper, who came from Germany, bought the Clark farm where his chil- dren now live. She died Nov. 24, 1898, buried at Rockaway. Catharine died young ; German, married Hooker ; Har- riet married Robert Cook. Who can give more information of the Hubbard family and their service in the Revolu- tion? Ox mil Familp. Family tradition- has it that Peter Hill came from Germany and first settled in Vermont, where he married Anne Mar- garet, or Marguerite, name unknown. She was of French descent from the early settlers of Vermont. The family, as nearly all the children were born in Vermont, came to New Jersey and set- tled about one mile north of Morris Plains, on what is now known as Sires farm, in 1768, if not previous to that date. Both were received by letter at the Presbyterian church at MOrristown, July 30, 1789, at which time their young- est child, Abigail, was baptized. She was born probably in Morris Plains Apr. 8, 1769. No further records of Abigail. Peter Hill was born in Germany 1721, date of marriage in Vermont unknown. Died at Morris Plains of asthma Jan. 18,1781. His wife was born 1780, died Jan. 18, 1782, of fever, just five years pre- vious to the death of her husband ; buried at Morristown. Peter, perhaps the oldest son, when a young man worked at Mt. Hope, as one of the liveried attendants to John Jacob Faesch, Esq. On one occasion, it is re- lated, that while assisting Faesch to mount his horse, the horse shied and Faesch fell to the ground. Faesch being a lame man, always carried his heavy gold mounted cane with him, and not having the temper of an angel, after what had happened, struck young Peter over the head with his cane— Peter's Dutch and French were both up, and the aristocratic Faesch received a very severe chastisement from the hands of Peter. Peter afterwards married Chari- ty Badglev Apr. 16, 1781. Had children : Rachel, born June 4, 1782 ; Daniel, born Sept. 11, 1783; Elizabeth, born Sept. 4, 1784; Aaron, born Oct. 18, 1785 ; Sarah, born July 25, 1787. All baptized at Mor- ristown. After this date, he emigrated with his family with the many who went West, and all further traces of his family are lost. Of Peter's brother Na- thaniel, we have no records. He proba- 244 bly proceeded Peter to the West ; per- haps married and died there. Anna, perhaps the next oldest, mar- ried Cornelius Losey Dec. 14, 1785. He was born 1762, died Jan. 17, 1846. Had children : Elizabeth, born Sept. 20, 1787 ; Lewis, born Feb. 14, 1791. Both bap- tized at Morristown. They probably re- moved West in 1792, from Morris Plains. David, born Sept. 26, 1758, was cap- tain in the Revolution, and a resident of Rockaway. His first wife Anna, born Jan 17, 1767, record on monument has 1777, died Dec. 27, 1813. He married (2) Hannah Mlntou Mar. 28, 1814, by Rev. B. King. She died Apr. 22, 1822. He died July 22, 1825. All buried at Rock- away. Children of David and Anna : Silas, born 1789, died Apr. 23, 1809, buried at Rockaway ; Charlotte, married David, son of George and Anna (Con- ger) Stickle, lived at Deuville. He was born Mar. 26, 1788, died Nov. 16, 1883. Had sou Silas Hill, born 1810, died July 18, 1877, buried at Rockaway. David, Jr., married at Rockaway, went to the Lake country in Western New York and died there. His wife returned to Rock- away in the '40s and had two sons and one daughter and lived near the foot of the plane. The sons Will- iam and Eugene, both lived at Rocka- way as late as 1853. A son of William is buried near the grave of Capt. David Hill, at the foot of a Maple, the roots have so entwined about the stone as to obliterate the dates. Nancy, married Daniel Gardiner Feb. 8, 1816, by Rev. B. King, lived at Denville, had a large family of children, mostly boys, who lived at Deuville and Rockaway. Both are probably buried at Rockaway. Mary, born July 30, 1802. married William Hiler, died Apr. 27, 1841. Both buried at Rockaway. "A son" of Capt. David Hill, died 1811, probably very young, buried at Rockaway. Harriet, born Jan. 20, 1811, married Chillion, son of George and Anna (Conger) Stickle, died Aug. 15, 1851. He was born Mar. 11, 1804, died Jan. 26, 1860. Children; John W., Peter, Silas Hill, Joseph V., Martha C, Mary Ann, George, All buried at Rockaway. Samuel, born 1760, married (1) Susan- na Lyon Jan. 1, 1787. Had children : Jonathan, born Dec. 17, 1787, died Feb. 12, 1810; Henry, born June 10, 1789; Abigail, born 1801, died Aug. 29, 18 1 2, there were perhaps other children. Married (2) Hai-riet Howell Aug. 7, 1813, by Rev. B. Kiug. He died June 2, 1838, probably buried at Rockaway, as he removed from Morris Plains to Rock- away. Susannah, born May 15, 1762, mar- eied Ezekiel, son of Gideon and Sarah (Gordon) Howell, Feb. 16, 1786, died Nov. 27, 1851. He was born Mar. 27, 1758, died June 16, 1831. Lived at Lit- tleton. Children: Anna, born Jan. 6, 1787, married John Ward, died Jan. 8, 1840. He married (2) Margaret, daugh- ter of Elias Howell. Eunice, born June 15, 1789, died May 28, 1827; Daniel, born Mar. 7, 1791, died Sept. 18, 1794; Calvin, born Oct. 7, 1792, married Charlotte Kitchell, lived at Whippany, died Oct. 8, 1868; Sarah F., born July 2, 1794, married Rev. John M. Carpen- 245 ter, died Jan. 11, 1863; Hannah M., born Oct. 1, 1800, married David Todd, lived near the asylum, died Jan. 18, 1885 ; Edward, born Feb. 27, 1804, married Mary, daughter of Maj. William and Abigail (Byram) Lee, lived at Littleton, died May 20, 1878. (See Lee family.) John, born Feb. 3, 1764, called "Deacon" from the loug time filling that office in the Morristown Baptist church, married Elizabeth Rolfe. of French descent in 1786. She was born June 20, 1767. Children : Alexander, born Feb. 11, 1787, married Rebecca, daughter of Jacob and Phebe (Lyon) Palmer, Feb. 7, 1812, lived at Franklin, had children : Alexander, John P. , born Sept. 29, 1820, married (1) Mary Rorick Mar. 13, 1847; (2) Jane (Shadrick) Palmer, Nov. 26, 1885, died Feb. 22, 1898, buried at Rockaway. -Jacob, Elizabeth, married Caster- line ; Phebe Ann, married Davis ; Samuel, born Feb. 7, 1789, mar- ried Caroline Crocker, removed to Oak- land county, Michigan. Had children : Polly, married Nathan A. Butler: Betsey, married Samuel Lake ; Charity, married John T. Everts. He died in Michigan before 1848. Lewis, born Mar. 20, 1791, and Susanna, born June 12, 1792, no records, probably married and removed West ; Eliza, born Feb. 20, 1794, married Jacob Shipmau, probably lived at .Littleton, no records, Maria, born Feb. 6, 1795, never married, lived at home at Franklin, died July 19, 1873, buried at Hill Cemetery ; Betsey, born Dec. 13, 1796, married Joseph, son of Asher Lyon, Mar. 30, 1815, lived at Union Hill and removed to Brookside. She died Aug. 13, 1868. Joseph Lyon was born June 7, 1785, died May 6, 1858. Both buried at Rock- away. "Deacon" John's wife Eliza- beth died about 1800, probably buried at Morristown Baptist Cemetery, Mar- ried (2) Alice (Simcox) Losey about 1808, had Jane, bom Dec. 9. 1809, mar- ried John S. Folliet, who came from Connecticut, was tailor by trade, lived at Franklin. She died Mar. 19, 1842. buried in Hill Cemetery. John Ogsbury, born Mar. 27, 1812, married Nancy Beach, daughter of Job and Sarah (Cooper) Talmage, Sept. 27, 1836, after his father's death came in possession of the farm at Franklin, where he died Mar. 18, 1893, buried in Hill Cemetery. Harriet, born Oct. 16, 1814, married Oliver Osborn, removed to Pittsburg, Pa., where they had children: John Hill, Lizzie P., Frank P., Mariah H., Alice, Frances P. and Oliver, Jr. Alice Simcox, born Jan. 23, 1772, was daughter of Nathan, married (1) Aaron Losey, lived near Franklin, had chil- dren : Jacob, who went to Pennsylvania ; Charles, went to Lake County, 111. ; Catharine, married Benjamin Goble, of New Vernon ; Phebe Ann, born June 1, 1806, married Joseph Jackson Ay res, lived at Franklin ; Alice, married (2) "Deacon" John Hill 1808, died Dec. 16, 1836. He died Nov. 30, 1848. Both buried at Baptist Cemetery at Morris- town and removed later to the Hill Cemetery. Children of Betsey Hill and Joseph Lyon: Sarah L., born Dec. 15,1815, 246 married John Wilson aiid went to West- ern New York, died there ; John Hill, changed to Joseph H. in some records, born Sept. 5, 1817, married Mary For- dyce Dec. 22, 1842. She was born Mar. 18, 1817, died Sept. 22, 1883, buried at Rockaway, also a number of their chil- dren. Phebe Jane, bom Sept. 22, 1820, never married, died Aug. 30, 1851 ; Alice, born Oct. 3, 1823, was fourth wife of Job Allen Talmage Sept. 3, 1845. She died July 28, 1887, buried in Hill Cemetery ; Jacob L., born Jan. 23, 1827, married Anne Crane, went to Australia, returned to St. Louis ; Nancy K., born Apr. 28, 1829, married Elisha Meeker, of Millbrook, May 22, 1853 ; Philip Edward, oorn Feb. 11, 1882, mar- ried Anna Voss, removed to Scranton, Pa., died June 25, 1897. Children of John O. and Nancy B. (Talmage) Hill, all born at Franklin : Edward, born July 12, 1837, resident of Franklin ; Cornelia Maria, born May 21, 1839, married Thomas Jefferson Young Feb. 11, 1858, died Aug. 31, 1892, buried at Mt. Freedom. Thomas J. Young was son of Christopher and Electa (Towland) Young, who were married July 4, 1825. Thomas J. was born Apr. 9, 1833, mar- ried (1) Julia A. Dickerson, of Denville, Dec. 27, 1860, had Frank J., born July 12. 1859, married Mary Fredericks Nov. 8, 1888. Julia A. Dickerson was born July 10, 1882, died July 26, 1859, buried at Mt. Freedom. Children : Julia Ann, born May 23, 1863, married Paul Nor- man Aug. 28, 1886 ; Rosina Maria, born Oct. 14, 1865, died Jan. 24, 1873 ; Susie Adelade, born Dec. 16, 1866, married Alfred R. Quimby, of Mendham, Sept. 22, 1891, died Oct. 12, 1894; Christopher Lewis, born Apr. 23, 1870, died Jan. 27, 1873; Almira Pierson, born Feb. 18, 1872, died Aug. 20, 1872 ; Ira Edward, borti May 12, 1874, married Jennie Rutherford Aug. 1896 ; George Pierson, born Mar. 30, 1880. Thomas J. Youngs died Aug. 5, 1899, buried at Mt. Free- dom. Job Talmage, born Apr. 14, 1841, married (1) Agnes T., daughter of John and Harriet (Palmer) Ayres, June 1865. She was born Nov. 22, 1846, died Jan. 11, 1866, buried in Hill Cemetery. (2) Elizabeth M., daughter of Mahlon and Mary Ann (Morris) Robards, Oct. 24, 1868. She was born Jan. 6, 1845, died Feb. 11, 1886, buried in Hill Cemetery. Children : Lewis, born Aug. 26, 1869 ; Frank, born Nov. 21, 1870, married Amelia O. Osborn Jan. 18, 1899 ; Alvin, born Oct. 10, 1872 ; Laura, born Apr. 19, 1874, married Absolem T. Crampton Oct. 4, 1899 ; Bertha, born July 8, 1875, married Harvey Eugene Ayres Dec. 21, 1898; John O., born Nov. 5, 1879, died May 31, 1884; Frederick, born July 27, 1882 ; John Horace, born July 12, 1844, died Apr. 25, 1863 ; Nancy Eliza, born Jan. 12, 1846, died Oct. 26, 1846 ; Lewis, born Sept. 2, 1847, married Mary, daugh- ter of Jacob H. and Catharine Fordyce Mar. 21, 1869. He died Mar. 8, 1870. She married (2) Isaac Lyon Dec. 1871. William Henry, born May 6, 1849, mar- ried Amanda, daughter of Joseph L. Hathaway, Sept. 1, 1870. She was born June 7, 1848, died Jan. 23, 1881. He died Aug. 26, 1883. Children : Nannie Amanda, born Feb. 10, 1872, died Dec. 247 8, 1888 ; William Henry, born Sept. 23, 1873, died Nov. 1, 1873; John O., born Apr. 3, 1875, died Aug. 5, 1875 ; Emma W., born Mar. 12, 1876, died July 19, 1877 ; Susie Howell, born July 19, 1878 ; Edith, born June 4, 1879, died Jan. 13, 1881, buried at Hill Cemetery ; Sarah, Rosina, born July 27, 1851, died Feb. 12, 1881 ; Franklin, born Apr. 20, 1853, married Sarah J. Smith Sept. 10, 1874, Children : Estella, Olive and Walter. Susie Howell, born July 30, 1855, mar- ried J. P. Crayon Nov. 15, 1893; George Washington, born Oct 26, 1857, died May 15, 1858, buried in Hill Cemetery. In the Condict manuscripts at New Jersey Historical Society, mention is made that Peter Hill was wounded in the hand near Strawberry Plains Jan. or Feb. 1777. James Kitchel testifies that he was with Peter Hill three months in Capt. Josiah Hall's Company, Col. Eleazer Lmdsley commanding, and that Hiram Howard of the same company was wounded in the arm and heel, Cornelius Diche was wounded in the shoulder, and that one Leonard, of Sussex county, was killed at Strawberry Plains. Was at Elizabeth, Monmouth and revolt of the Pennsylvania line. John Hill, a younger brother testifies of Peter coming home with part of his fingers badly cue but not entirely off. He was then about 12 years of age. He married Charity Badgely, removed to Ontario county, New York, and died there about 1830. His widow claims pension. tbe KitclKl Familp. Among the early settlers of the New Haven Colony, at the same time of Rev. Henry Winfield, Jasper Crane and others in ship "Arbella" which left London, England, Apr. 26, 1639, was Robert Kitchel and family. It was the first ship landed in Quinnipiac harbor, now New Haven. Robert Kitchel was born in England 1604, married Margaret Sheaf e, daughter of Rev. Edward Sheafe, who was baptized in England Mar. 17, 1559. He married Elizabeth Taylor May 30, 1586. They had Edmund, who married Elizabeth Cotton, and Margaret, who married Robert Kitchel. He married (2) Joanna , and had Dorothy, who married the Rev. Henry Winfield ; Joanna, who married William Crittenden, and Jacob, born Aug. 4, 1616, who married Margaret Webb. Wife Joanna and children came with the Kitchels ; died at Guilford, Ct., July 1659. Robert Kitchel came to Newark, N. J., with the Milford Colony June 1667, and was a prominent member in the colony until his death which occurred at Arther Kill, N. J., in 1672. Children : Samuel, born in England 1633, married (1) Elizabeth Wakeman at New Haven, 1657 ; (2) Grace Pierson, daughter of Rev. Abraham, of Newark. She was born July 13, 1650. Samuel died at Newark Apr. 26, 1690. Joanna, probably born in England, married Jeremiah Peck, who was a teacher at Guilford and clergy at Eliza- bethtown, had five children. He was born in London 1623, died at Water- bury, Ct., 1699, and the son of Deacon William Peck, one of the founders of the New Haven Colony. Sarah, perhaps born at Guilford, Conn., as she died young May 10, 1651. The Kitchel name has been handed down by Samuel. Children of first wife Elizabeth Wakeman : Sarah, born Dec 9, 1657, have no other records, probably died young; Elizabeth, born Feb. 1, 1659, married Seth Tompkins, son of 249 Mioah and wife Mary. He was born 1649, and died before 1730. The Tomp- kins family came to Newark and later to Whippany and Morristown. Abigail, born Aug. 10, 1661, married John Ward, Jr., of Newark, as second wife. He was born at Branford Apr. 10, 1650, died 1695. His father, Lieut. John Ward, set- tled at Branford about 1648, married as second wie Hannah, daughter of Jas- per Crane, and widow of Thomas Hunt- ington. His first wife was probably Mary, a daughter of Henry Lyon, and their children were : Jonathan, John, Jr., Nathaniel, Hannah, married Jona- than Baldwin ; Sarah, married Jabez Rogers ; Phebe, married Col. John Cooper ; Mary, married Samuel Harri- son ; Dorcas, married Joseph Harrison and Deborah married Eliphlet Johnson. John Ward, Jr., and Abigail Kitchel had : John, David, born 1686, died Dec. 14, 1768; Jonathan and Mary. The Ward family were early settlers at New Haven and Newark. Robert Warde married Isabel Stapely in Eng- land, had son James, who married Anna Fawkes in England. Their son Stephen, married Joyce Traford, who alter Stephen's death came to America in 1630. Her will, 1640, has children Ed- ward, Anthony, William, John and Robert. Samuel, no records, probably died young. Mary, married Josiah Ward, son of John Ward, and will dated 1713 names names children : Samuel, Robert, Jo- siah and Lawrence. Susanna, married Ensign Jonathan Baldwin, of Milford. who died Apr. 9, 1726. He settled at Newark and from thence to Morris county. Children : Berth ia, born 1699, married Thomas Ward, who died Feb. 20, 1777, aged 77. She died Nov. 7, 1773. Hannah, born Nov. 1701, married Col. Jacob Ford 1742, died July 31, 1777. Children- see Ford Family. Susan, married Simon Beaman ; Sarah, born July 22, 1709, died Apr. 22, 1789, marrie^ Samuel Ford — see Ford Family. Abraham by second wife Grace Pier- sou, born at Newark 1679, died at Whippany Dec. 2, 1741, married Sarah Bruen, who died Apr, 30, 1745, aged 66 years. Both buried at Whippany. Grace, married Jonathan, son of Jona- than Bell and Hannah Crane, the daugh- ter of Jasper Crane. Children of Abraham Kitchel and wife Sarah Bruen, of Whippany : Samuel, born 1704, died Nov. 19, 1732, no other records ; Joseph, born 1710, had wife Rachel, resided at Hanover Neck, will dated Sept. 20, 1777, died May 22, 1779. Wife Rachel died Dec. 24. 1784. John, born 1714, died Jan. 9, 1777, mar- ried (1) Maria Phoenice ; (2) unknown; (3) Mercy Parkhurst, who was born 1723, died Dec. 14, 1789. Mary Allis, born 1715, died Mar. 29, 1762, married Paul Leonard ; Abigail, born 1717, died Aug. 20, 1801, married Edmond Crane. Children— see Crane Family. Grace, married Lindsley ; David, born 1723, died Dec. 26, 1753, married Ruth Tuttle, who was born 1713, died Apr. 4, 1780. Children of Joseph and wife Rachel : 250 Grace, boru 173 J, died Nov. 1818, mar- ried Samuel Ford Jan. 20, 1757.— See Ford Family. Abraham, boru Apr 26, 1736, resident at Rockaway, died Jan. II, 1807, buried at Parsippany, N. J., married (1) Charity, daughter of Samuel Ford, born Apr. 15, 1739, died Oct. 7, 1776. (2) Rebecca Farrand, daughter of Ebeuezer, born Feb. 5, 1750, died Jan. 9, 1829. Sarah, born Aug. 2, 1738, mar- ried Benjamin Lindsley Feb. 16, 1758, had nine children. He was born Feb. 22, 1831, just one year before Washington, died Nov. 8, 1815. Aaron, born June 25, 1744. died Jan. 25, 1820, buried at Hanover, N. J., married (1) Phebe Far- rand, born 1743, died Mar. 12, 180 . (2) unknown. Moses, married and re- moved to Kentucky ; Asa, boru Oct. 28, 1748, removed to Kentucky; Joanna, married John Bridge, son of Thomas. He died Mar. 7, 1773, aged 30. had two children : Jemima, born Nov. 15, 1767, married John Halsey Feb. 11, 1789, Kitchel, born Sept. 21, 1769, died Apr. 9,1845, married (1) Phebe , who died May 12, 1802, age 22. (2) Susanna, daughter of Samuel Day, Mar. 4, 1804. Phebe, married (1) Beach ; (2) Randall. Jemima, born Mar. 7, 1753, died Apr. 7, 1841, married Phineas Farrand, born May 6, 1752, died Cct. 6. 1822. Both buried at Parsippany. John, the youngest, re- moved to Kentucky, and when fifty years of age all the rest were living. With the family of Josep Kitchel the Farrand family was connected by mar- riage. In the old cemetery at Parsip- pany and in many old records, we find the name Farreu. Nathaniel Farren, father and sou were at Milford, Ot., about 1645. Nathaniel Farraud (2) had children : Nathaniel (3), born 1679 ; Samuel, who died 1760, and Daniel, born 1683. Children of Samuel : Ebeuezer, born 1700, died Jan. 22, 1777, married Rebec- ca Ward, who died Jan. 30, 1777. Both buried at Parsippany. Sarah, Samuel (2) died 1760; Phebe, Joseph, born 1719, died 1760; Elizabeth, Nathaniel, Daniel, born 1726, died 1764. Children of Ebeuezer and wife Re- becca : Ebeuezer (2). Bethuel, had wife Rhoda ; Samuel, Phineas, married Jemima Kitchel ; Phebe, married Aaron Kitchel ; Anna, Rebecca, married Abra- ham Kitchel. Childreu of Bethuel and wife Rhoda : Daniel, married Phebe Plum or Plume ; Nathan. Betsey, married Gaines ; Moses, Hannah, married Newton Hay ward ; Bethuel (2), married (I) — Shaw; (2) Osborue ; Samuel, born Sept. 6, 1781, died 1848, married Mary, daugh- ter of Phiueas Kitchel ; Rebecca, mar- ried Graudy ; Richard, Ellen- or married Graudy ; Nancy, married Merritt. Children of Phineas and wife Jemima : Joseph, Abby, Samuel, married Eliza- beth T. Kitchel, daughter of James ; Nancy, Electa, Betsey, Peggy and Maria. Children of Samuel and Elizabeth T. : Mary, married James Ball ; Hannah, Elizabeth M., born Jan. 26, 1822, mar- ried Abraham Ford Kitchel 1842 ; Susan, married Green ; Nancy, mar- 251 ried J. H. Quiruby ; Margaret, married Ogden ; Phiueas, thrice mar- ried. Many interesting relics of Colonial days have been preserved at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kitchel near Rock- away. They represent both Kitchel and Farraud families as both were in active service. Many of the records and papers belonging to the Kitchel family were destroyed by fire many years ago, these would have added much to our local history in early days could they have been preserved. Childreu of Abraham and Charity (Ford) Kitchel : James, born Sept. 20, 159, died Dec. 1, 1842, married (1) Han- nah Day, born Aug. 16, 1770, died Sept. 8, 1805 ; (2) Haunah Tuttle, born Apr. 9, 1771, died Feb. 9, 1854, buried at Rocka- way ; James, entered the service Aug. 1, 1776, when but 17 years of age, and con- tinued in the service until 1780, partici- pated in mauy of the battles fought in New Jersey during the Revolution. Sarah, born Dec. 8, 17W. died 1839, mar- ried Thomas Gardner, a Revolutionary soldier. Had two children : Charles Kitchel and Julia Ann. Thomas Gardner was the third named Thomas. Children of Thomas (2) and wife Mary : Cornelius, born 1742 ; Levi, born 1744; Jotham, born 1747; Jacob, born 1749; Thomas, born Oct. 18, 1752, died May 7, 1813; 'Diadema, born 1754. Elizabeth, born Feb. 14, 1764, died 1831, married David Stiles 1784, lived at N in key and Beach Glen, N. I., removed to Nelson county, Ky., Dec. 1889. Children : Lewis, born Sept. 13, 1785, married Re- becca Willett Sept. 22, 1814, had eleven children, was captain in the 1812 War, died 1858. Charles, born May 14, 1788, married Nancy Willett, had eight chil- dren, died Oct. 6, 1872. Eunice Kitchel, born Feb. 1792, married Joseph Max- well 1814, had nine children, died Dec. 1879. Deusy, born Jan. 27, 1794. mar- ried Jessee Phillips, had six children, died Dec. 31, 1866. John, born Sept. 6, 1796, married Rhoda Edwards Sept. 5, 1822, had thirteen children, died Sept. 1876. Chilliau, born 1798. married Elizabeth Miller, had four children, died 1878. Rhoda, born Mar, 1800, married Griffin Willett 1818, had eight children, died Dec 20, 1888. Abraham, born 1802, twice married, had six children, died 1856. Demas, born Jan. 1805, twice married, had thirteen children, died Dec. 7, 1780. David, (2) born Feb. 14, 1807, twice married, had nine children, died May 3, 1875. Eunice, born Sept. 2, 1766, died Feb 8, 1863, married Darias Piersou, born Nov. 4, 1776, died Mar. 23, 1828. Children ; Rhoda, born Mar. 23, 1792, died May 11, 1797 ; Isaac F,, born May 8, 1794, died Apr. 9. 1872 ; John K., born Apr. 6, 1796, died Feb. 13, 1869, married Cathanua Ford ; Joseph C, born Mar. 20, 1795, died Jan. 18, 1826. Ford, born Jan. 28, 1770, died Sept. 19, 1842, married Elizabeth McCarty, daughter of Francis, born May 11, 1780, died Aug. 80, 1854. Both buried at Rockaway. Was colonel in 1812 war. Children : Electa, born Jan. 8, 1802, died Oct. 21, 1830; Sarah, born May 1, 1807, died Feb. 28, 1891, married Rev. William Iliff Jan. 4, 1866. He was born Feb. 15, 252 1802, died Oct. 1, 1875. Both buried at Rockaway. Euphemia, born Mar. 2, 1809, died Aug. 4, 1874, married Ludlow Prnden, had six children ; Emily, born Sept. 25, 1810, married Rev. Nelson Slater, of California, Apr. 29, 1835, had live children ; Elizabeth, born Oct. 7, 1813, died May 7, 1889 ; Abraham Ford, born May 24, 1815, died Aug. 10, 1877, buried at Rockaway, married Elizabeth M. Farrand, daughter of Samuel, 1842, living at Kitchel homestead ear Rock- away ; Charity Ann, born Feb. 11, 1817, died Aug. 30, 1873 ; Jane Rebecca, born Sept. 25, 1818, died Jan. 9, 1894, married Michael Doland, had five children ; Mary Seely, born Apr. 9, 1822, living at Rockaway. Demas, born Mar. 4, 1772, married Sarah Clark Dec. 8, 1795. No other records. Lewis, born Feb. 6, 1775, died Dec. 1, 1776. Children by second wife Rebecca Far- rand : Lewis, (2) born Mar. 1, 1778, died 1814, married Mary Compton, had two children : Nelson and Eliza. Joseph, born Nov. 11, 1779, died Nov. 26, 1847, married Minton, had two children : Julia and Rachel, removed to Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. Abraham, (3) boru Aug. 20, 1781, no other records, probably died young ; Charity, born Apr. 14, 1783, married John Allen, removed to Sackett's Harbor; Nancy, born Feb. 25, 1785, never married, died May 27, 1867 ; Cyrus, born Jan. 26, 1787, married Mary Fairchild, daughter of Asher, had chil- dren : Demas, Delia and Chillion. Ebenezer and Rebecca, twins, born July 1788, both died in infancy ; Rebecca, (2) born Mar. 6, 1792, married Demas Badgely, son of Ichabod, died 1868. He was born May 27, 1787. Ebenezer, (2) born Dec. 11, 1794, married (1) un- known, had children : Rebecca Ann, Abraham and Jacob. (2) Joanna Tuttle, had children : Lodi, Horace, Caroline and Mary. Children of Aaron Kitchel, the United States Senator, and Phebe Farrand : Farrand, born Mar, 9, 1769, died June 4 t 1818, married Esther Mulford, born 1769, died Dec. 16, 1842 ; Joanna.born Jan. 18, 1771, married Philetas Miller; Jemima, boru Mar. 6, 1773, died young ; Ambrose, born Dec. 31, 1774, died May 12, 1854. married Betsey Mulford ; Susan, born Dec. 6, 1776, married Timothy Mulford ; Lucy, born Mar. 15, 1779, married John Fairchild ; Electa, born Apr. 6, 1782, married Elias Carter ; Aaron, (2) born Apr. 18, 1784, died July 17, 1828, married (1) Phebe Smith ; (2) Jane Jacobus : Betsey, born Oct. 9, 1786, died Feb. 5, 1854, married Baxter Sayre ; Mary, born Oct. 4, 1788, married Martin E. Thompson. Children of James Kitchel, the Revo- lutionary soldier: Azell, born July 11, 1790, died Aug. 16, 1809 ; Matthias Day, born, one record says Sept. 7, another Oct. 24, 1792, died July 31, 1867, mar- ried Caroline, daughter of Col. Samuel S. Beach, Oct. 7, 1830. She was born Nov. 14, 1808, died May 8, 1879. Eliza- beth Thompson, born Aug. 11, 1795, died Aug. 3, 1867, married Samuel Farrand Jan. 14, 1817. He was born Dec. 20, 1787, died July 8, 1877, both buried at Parsippany. Charity Ford, born Jan. 121,1798, married James Ford July 3, 253 1817, died Dec. 18, 1875. Children— see Ford Family. Samuel, by wife Hau- nah Tattle, died 1871. Children of Abraham Ford Kitchel and Elizabeth Farrand : Farrand, died at Andersonville prison ; Newton, liv- ing at Boontou ; Isaac P., born July 16, 1850 ; Harriet, born Aug. 6, 1853, living at homestead. Children of Matthias Day Kitchel and Caroline Beach : Charles Henry, born Jan. 8, 1835, married Margaret Hazzard, died Mar. 26, 1892 ; Caroline B, born May 26, 1836, died June 21, 1838; Matthias Day, (2) born Mar. 18, 1838, married (1) Annie E. Doughty Nov. 26, 1862. She died May 3, 1876. (2) Maria L. Davis May 10, 1880. He died Jan. 18, 1899, buried at Rockaway. Henri- etta S., born Oct. 16, 1839, married Silas M. Cowles ; James T., born July 6, 1841, married Irene A. Mathews; Horace Beach, born Sept, 6, 184:J, married Mrs. Jean Latham; Frank Thompson, born July 6, 1845, died Mar. 21, 1K47 ; Walter, born June 2, 1849, died Aug. 12, 1882. Children of Matthias Day Kitchel and Annie M. Doughty: Emma L., born Aug. 2, 1868, died Apr. 17, 1892; Henri- etta O, born Oct. 17, 1S71. married Henry J. Herbert; Susan B , born Dec. 5, 1873, married Fred Park hurst Sept. 14, 1893 ; Annie Milicent, bom Jan. I.s7iy 31, 1896 ; Mary E , born Feb. 1900. Cbe Webb Familp. The name Webb is found among the very early settlers of New England. In Litchfield county, in the land of wooden nutmegs lived the father and mother, (names unknown), of David Webb, born 1734, died 1827. Tradition has it that they had a large family to instruct in the "Yankee vernacular," and when this David found that the pie would not go around, he emigrated to Dutchers coun- ty, N. Y., where he married and had children : Elijah, who had wife Mary, born Oct. 22, 1772, died July 31. 1869; Jonathan and Jacob, who went West, and David, Jr., born June 6, 1772. There is tradition that David Webb did service in the Revolution, but, as his military record is probably in New York State, have made no research. David Webb, Jr., niarried Ruama Mead Feb. 12, 1804, emigrated and set- tled near Vernon, Sussex county, N. J. His wife Ruama, was born July 19, 1779, died Mar. 14, 1841. He died June 5, 1853. Ohildreu : David, born at Ver- non June 28, 1805, never married, died at Stockholm 1865 ; Moses, born Mar. 19, 1808, married Sarah Williams, of Will- iamsville, died Apr. 6, 1862. She mar- ried (2) Wm. Wright. William, born Aug. 23, 1809, no other records, tradi- tion has it that he went West. Ezekiel. born June 2. 1811, never married, was struck while passing under an overhead bridge at Wawayanda and died Jan. 7, 1865. Abner, born Apr. 3, 1813, mar- ried Sarah Jane Davenport, daughter of Solomon, died Dec. 11,1893. She was born Mar, 13, 1815, died -luly 24, 1856. Both buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Millie, born Apr. 15, 1815, married George Garliughouse of Vernon. Polly, (twin), born Apr. 15, 1815, mar- ried John Youngs, son of Hendrick, went to Mobile, Ala. Austen, born July 22, 1817, married Gar- linghouse, lived at Vernon, died Dec. 31, 1884; Ruama, born Sept. 19, 1819, mar- ried George Mead, removed West. Children of Moses and wife Sarah : 271 John, born June 16, 1841, married Mrs. Bloom July 12, 1866, living near War- wick, N. Y. ; James, born July 16, 1843, married Hannah LaRoe, of West Mil- ford, Sept. 24 1866, living on the old homestead near Vernon ; Julia Alice, bcrn Oct. 27, 1848, married (1) William A. Allen Oct. 27, 1870. He was killed by a passing train at Dover May 11, 1883. She married (2) and living at Morristown. Children of Abner and wife Sarah Jane : Minnehaha Ruama, born at Ver- non June 5, 1838, married J. P. Crayon Aug. 27, 1864, died of cancer Nov. 27, 1886. "Life's fitful fever o'er, she sleeps well" at the Oak Ridge Cemetery. — Children, see Crane family. David, bom Sept. 14, 1840, married Lydia Kim- ble, daughter of John, Apr. 16, 1869. In Civil War, Co. K, 15th N. J. Reg., living near Franklin Furnace. Children : Nicholas Walling, born June 20, 1870, on mounted police force in New York city ; Edward Waterbury, born Mar. 25, 1872, married, living in New York city ; Asa Willsou, born May 12, 1875 ; Grace, born July 27, 1877. Solomon, born Oct. 28, 1843, married Ella M. Post, daughter of Egbert, Dec. 30, 1878. living near New Foundlaud. She was born June 21, 1850. Children: William E., born Oct. 12, 1879 ; Walter G., born Jan. 31, 1881 ; Isaac E., born Nov. 14, 1884 ; Effie Olive, born May 29, 1890. Hila Catherine, born Oct. 7, 1847, married George Kimble Aug. 28, 1864, living near New Fouxidland,— Children, see Kimble family. Abner D., born July 17, 1851, married Sarah VauBuskirk Mar. 15, 1882. Had one daughter, Delia. He died Aug. 14, 1890, buried at Westtown, N. Y William Albert, born Apr. 17, 1853, married Abby R. Bates Feb. 25, 1885, living near Lake Station, Orange county, N. Y. Winfield Ezekiel, born June 27, 1856, married Ruama, daughter of Austen Webb, Jan. 27. 1877, have one daughter, Bessie, living near Hamburg, N. J. Ok Blanchard familp. Three brothers of the Blanchard fami ly lived at Springfield, N. J., and were in the battle at Springfield.— Names un- known. Aaron, son of one of the brothers, removed to Berkshire Valley, where he died aged 96 years. He had a daughter who married Silas Hiler, and a son of Martin H., who was born about 1788, came to Rockaway in 1812, was a forgeman by trade, as were many others of the family, also the Hilers who were connected by marriage. One authority gives date of birth 1791, and death Jan. 23, 1886. He married (1) Sarah Beach, who was born 1784, died Oct. 16, 1854 ; (2) Youmans ; (3) Catharine Morse. Martin H., one authority says had thirty-six children, but relatives can ac- count for a much less number, Eliza- beth, born 1806, married Henry Van- Derhoof May 80, 1829; Abner, born 1807, married Catharine Hiler Nov. 13, 1824, and lived at Beach Glen, died 1892. His wife was born Sept. 7, 1804- died Mar. 20, 1878. Both buried at Rockaway. Aaron, (twin), born 1807, lived at Denville, died 1890, buried at Denville; John, born June 30, 1809, married Ellenor Shawger, daughter of Henry, died July 28, 1854. She was born Jan, 1, 1808, died June 24, 1895. Tk>th buried at Rockaway. James, born Oct. 14, 1815, married Sarah Muir, of Nova Scotia, died Nov. 5, 1897 ; Joseph, born 1819, living at Bloomiugdale, N. J. ; Delia, married Andrew Hiler, of Boonton, died 1859, buried at Boonton, was married fifteen years and had twenty-one children. Mary, married David Hiler, died 1889, lived at Meri- den, had eleven children. He died 1866. Both buried at Rockaway. Martin, died in Hospital at Newark 1863, was soldier in Civil War ; Susan, born 1840, died 1849; Sarah, born 1841, died 1849 There may have been others, these are not named in order of birth. Children of John and Ellenor (Shaw- ger) Blau chard : John, born Jan. 13, 273 1827, living at Rockaway ; Catharine, born Mar. 5, 1829, died Mar. 1. 1833, buried at Rockaway ; Alvira, born Apr. 5, 1831 ; Susan, born Oct, 7. 1833 ; Catharine Taylor, born Jan. 25. 1835, died Aug. 29, 1873; Thomas G., born Aug. 28, 1837, died iu California 1864; Elias, oorn June 30, 1839 ; Margaret A., born Jan. 24, 1841; Mary E, horn May 27, 1845 ; Theodore, bom Sept, 26, 1847, died at Stanhope Feb. 14, 1900, buried at Rockaway ; Charles H., born Aug. 12, 1850. Aaron Blauchard, a probable sou of one of the three Springfield brothers, was born Defo. 13, 1767, removed from Wantage, Sussex county, N. J., to Ver- non in 1815. and to Morris county in 1840. He married Jane Pollisou, who was born Oct. 25, 1776, died Dec. 6, 1861. He died July 18, 1859. Both buried at Berkshire Valley. Children : Sophia, born Nov. 12, 1796 ; Israel, (1) born May 26, 1800, disd Dec. 25, 1804; Samuel, born Mar. 2, 1802 ; Eliza, born Sept. 16, 1804, died Apr. 14, 1806; Israel, (2) born Feb. 26, 1807 ; Artemas, born ' Aug. 14, 1809, died Dec. 28, 1860 ; Aaron, Jr., born Oct. 16, 1811, married Susan, daughter of Oapt. John Sprague, of Pochnck, Sussex county, N. J. Nov. 14, 1834 ; Sarah, born July 15, 1818. Children of Aaron and Susan (Sprague) Blauchard: John T., born Feb. 22, 1836 ; Aaron L., born May 1, 1838 ; Mar- garet, boru Sept. 1, 1840; Gilbert D., born Feb. 27, 1843 ; Jane, born Dec. 15, 1844 ; Phebe, born Mar. 14, 1847, died Nov. 11, 1848; Warren, born Jan. 21, 1850; Samuel, born Jan. 19, 1852; Al- bert, born Dec. 19, 1853; Edward A., born Dec. 19, 1859, living on the old homestead at Berkshire Valley ; Salome, boru Apr. 15, 1859. Children of Capt. John Sprague, born Sept. 19, 1771. and his wife Margaret Louusbury born Aug. 24, 1775 : Mary, born Dec. 21, 1795 ; Elizabeth, born Apr. 6, 1798 ; Phebe. born Aug. 5, 1800 ; John, born Feb. 26, 1803 ; Jonathan, born Sept. 17, 1805 ; Ruth, born Dec. 6, 1807 ; William, boru Apr. 6, 1810 ; Susan, born May 13, 1817, married Aaron Blauchard, Jr. ; Randall, born Jan. 13, 1820. On BroaduKll ?amilp. David Broadwell mentioned in the early records, and a member of the Presbyterian church at Rockaway in 1772, owned 100 acres of improved land in Denville district in 1792, for which he was assessed, for church purposes, also in 1779 and 1781, and in 1794, his assessment was 8 £, which was among the large property owners of the day. He was also witness on the contract or agreement in the rebuilding of the old church in 1794. His wife -Sibbah, quite a familiar name in families of that day, was bom 1745, died May 17, 1783. Had a son William and a daughter Rachel, who was born 1781, died July 5, 1794, and perhaps others buried at Rockaway. David probably died or removed soon after 1794, as his name does not appear on the church records after that date. He probably had brothers in Morris county, Nathaniel, who married Joanna Lindsley Dec. 8, 1778, and had John, Sarah, Ara, Lindsley, Mary and Julia Samuel, who married Mary Lindsley Sept. 3, 1775; Simeon, who married Rachel Lindsley Jan. 8, 1778; Josiah and William. William, son of David, had children : Ara, William, Azel, Mary and Archi- bald, all being familiar names among the other families. William and the children, with the exception of Archi- bald, went West before 1817. Archi bald enlisted at the age of 18, in the 1812 War and served as a teamster. He was born 1795, was a shoemaker by trade, married Susannah Palmer, Nov. 5, 1818. She was a daughter of Samuel and Naomi (Southard) Palmer, who lived at Franklin. She was born Feb. 9, 1797, died Feb. 28, 1884. He lived and died at DenvillefMay 25, 1887. Both buried at Rookaway. Archibald and Susanna had children : Samuel, who married Mary Skellenger, had children : Theodore, Archibald, Re- becca Ann, Eliza, Harriet, Lydia and John. He went to the Civil War and died soon after the close of the war. 275 William, married Julia Ann, daughter of Cornelius Blanchard, removed to Utica, N. Y., died while ou a visit to Rockaway and buried here June 864. Ara, remained single, lost the sight of both eyes by a powder explosion, he was born 1825, died May 2, 1856, buried at Rockaway. Eliza, married Effingham Townley. Silas P., born Nov. 4, 1838, was a member of Battery B, N. J. Light Artillery, died Jan, 29, 1887. His wife Mary A., was born July 5, 1843, died Nov. 11, 1879. Had six children all died young except James M., who was born Dec. 1, 1861, died May 15, 1888. All buried at Rockaway. Mary living at Rockaway married John H. Miller, who was born 1823, died May 2, 1888, had one child, Susan, who died young, buried at Rockaway. Manning was a soldier in the Civil War, married Charlotte Riker, and living at Chatham. Cbe Cobb Familp. Aided by a member of the Cobb fami- ly, considerable research has been made in this line, and to aid others related to this well known Morris county family I am enabled to give the result, partial- ly, of our united research. The progenitor of this family in America, Henry Cobb, was born 1596 in Kent County, England. Came to Plymouth in ship Anne 1629, but a few years later than the Pilgrim Fathers He removed to Scituate, Mass., 1638, and from thence to Barnstable 1639. He was deacon and ruling elder at Scituate and Barnstable thirty- four years. Deputy to General Court of the Colony several years. He died at Barnstable 1679. Tradition has it that he ran away with a "lady of high degree," but she must have died on the passage, or soon after landing at Plymouth, as it is recorded that he married (1) Apr. 1631, Patience, daughter of James and Catharine Hurst, of Plymouth. She died May 4, 1648 ; (2) Dec. 12, 1649, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah Hinckley. She was a sister to Governor Thomas Hinckley. Children : John, born at Plymouth, June 7, 1632, married (1) Apr. 8, 1658. Mary, daughter of William Nelson, of Plymouth ; (2) Jane Woodward, of Taunton, Mass., July 13, 1676. Edward, born 1633, took the oath of allegiance 1657, married Mary, daughter of Will- iam and Ann (Hyud) Hoskins, Nov. 28, 1660, removed to Taunton, died there 1675. His widow married (2) Samuel Phipps. James, born at Scituate Jan. 13, 1634, married Sarah, daughter of James Lewis Dec. 26, 1663. He died 1695. His wife died Feb. 11, 1715. Mary, born Mar. 24, 1637, married Jona- than Dunham, of Barnstable, Oct. 15, 1657 ; Hannah, born Oct. 5, 1639, mar- ried Edward Lewis May 9, 1681, died Jan. 17, 1730; Patience, born at Barn- stable Mar. 19, 1641, married (1) Robert Parker Aug. 1667 ; (2) Deacon William Crocker 1686; Gershom, born Jan. 10, 277 1645, married. Hauuah Davis June 4, 1675 He was beheaded by the Indians. Children by second wife Sarah : Eleazer. born Mar. 30, 1648 ; Mehetable, boru Sept. 1,1652, died Mar. 8, 1653 ; Samuel, born Oct. 12, 1654, married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Taylor, Dec. 20, 1680, died Dec. 27, 1727. She died May 4, 1721. Sarah, born Jan. 15, 1658. died Jan. 25, 1658; Jonathan, born Apr. 10, 1660, married Mar. 1. 1683, Hope (Chip- man) Huckius, daughter of John Chip- man, and widow of John Huckins. She was boru Aug. 13, 1652, died July 1728, a descendant of Mayflower, Tilley branch. He died Aug. 15, 1728, May- flower records have the date Oct. 8, 1727. Sarah (2), born Mar. 10, 1668, married Deacon Samuel Chipmau Dec. 27, 1686, died Jan. 8, 1743 ; Henry, boru Sept. 5, 1665, married Lois, daughter of Joseph Hallett, Apr. 10, 1690, removed to Stouiugtou, Ct. ; Mehetable (2), boru Feb. 15, 1667, died youug ; Experience, born Sept. II, 1671, died youug. Childreu of John Cobb aud wives Mary and Jane: John, boru Aug. 24, 1662, married Rachel Soule, of Middleboro, Mass., 1688, died Oct. 8, 1727 ; Samuel born 1663 ; Elizabeth, born 1664 ; Israel, born 1666 ; Patience, born Aug. 10, 1668 ; married John Burnett, of Middleboro ; Ebeuezer, born Aug. 9, 1671, married (1) Mei-cy Holmes, of Middleboro, Mar. 22, 1694. She was born 1673, died Mar. 2, 1726. (2) Mary Thomas, of Middleboro. He died at Kingston July 29, 1752; Elisha, boru Apr. 3, 1679, married Lydia Rider Feb. 4, 1703; James, born July 20, 1682, married Patience Holmes July 20. 1705. Childreu of Edward Cobb aud wife Mary Hoskins : Edward (2) and John. Edward (2) had a sou Ebeuezer, born May 6, 1696, died 1769, and a daughter Mary who married Seth Dean aud had sons: Ichabod, Paul and Silas. She married (2) John Rosher; (3) Nicholas Stephens. Edward Cobb (2) gave his sou Ebeuezer fifteen acres of laud in Taunton, dated Feb. 22, 1733, being the northerly part of his homestead. Children of Ebeuezer Cobb and wives Mercy and Mary : Ebenezer, born at Kingston Apr. 2, 1694, married (1) Ruth Tinckham Oct. 18, 1722. She was born 1700, died Oct. 7, 1726. <2) Lydia Stevens Dec. 14. 1727. She was born 1698, died Sept. 18, 1745. (3) Joanna Williamson Dec. 14, 1747. She was born 1704, died Jan. 15, 1791. He died Dec. 8, 1801, aged 107 years, 8 months and 6 days, having lived in three centuries. Mercy, bom Jan. 6, 1696, died Mar. 23, 1697; Nathaniel, born Feb, 20, 1698, married Mary Waterman July 20, 1720 ; Hannah, born Feb. 27, 1699, married Johu Tinkham Nov. 23, 1721 ; Sarah, born Aug. 15, 1702, married John Bartlett Apr. 4, 1723 ; Mercy (2), born Jan. 1, 1705, married (1) Samuel Doten Apr. 10, 1727 ; (2) Cornelius Holmes June 1743 ; Nathan, born Jan. 14, 1707, married Joanna Burnett, of Middleboro, Mar. 9, 1738 ; John* born May 30, 1709, married Sarah Bartlett Aug. 27, 1731, died Aug. 22, 1751 ; Mary, born Oct. 30, 1711, married Wm. Hoskius, who was born 1692, died 1777 ; Elizabeth, born Mar. 30, 1714, married Thomas Holmes, 278 Jr., Apr. 13, 1736; Job, bora Feb. 28, 1717, married Patience Holmes Apr. 23, 1748. She was boru 1722, died July 26, 1792. He died Juue 8, 1767. Roland, born Oct. 80, 1719. Ebeuezer Cobb, sou of Edward (2), was born at Taunton, Mass., May 18, 1696, married Mehetible Robinson Feb. 6, 1717. She was born Jan. 12, 1695, and died 1761. He died 1769 Mehetible Robinson was a daughter of Increase Robinson, (born 1670), and Mehetible Williams, Who was born June 7, 1676, and married Feb. 11, 1695. She was the daughter of Joseph, the son of Richard Williams. Increase Robinson was a sou of Increase Robin- son, baptized at Dorcester, Mass. May 14, 1642, and Sarah Penuimau, bom May 6, 1641, they were married Feb. 19, 1668. She was a daughter of James and Lydia (Elliott) Pennimau. In- crease Robinsou was a sou of William and wife Margaret, who settled at Dorcester 1685. William died July 6, 1668. Children of Ebenezer Oobb and wife Mehetible Robinson: Jemima, born at Taunton June 21, 1718; Sarah, born Dec. 6, 1719 ; Ebenezer, born Dec. 13, 1721 ; John, born Dec. 17, 1728, married Rhoda , had a forge at Rocka- way, and died 1799 ; Abiel, born Nov. 15, 1725, married Sarah Van Winkle Jan. 4, 1750, died 1805 ; Mehetible, born Jan. 9, 1728, married (1) Woodruff ; (2) Baldwin ; (8) Thomas Gould, of Caldwell. Edward, born July 15, 1781, married Elizabeth Bowers. She was boru 1746, died July July 11. 1788. He died Oct. 9, 1818, one record says Aug. 9, 1818. Mary, born Oct. 12, 1733, died 1805; Anne, born Juue 27, 1788, married John Gould, died 1780. Children of John Cobb and wife Rhoda : Samuel, baptized June 3, 1753 ; Sarah, baptized June 3, 1753 ; Clisby, baptized Juue 10, 1753, served in Capt. Josiah Hall's Co., of Denville, m Revo- lution; John, Jr., born Nov. 24, 1750, baptized June 10, 1753, had a forge at Troy Hills, and Fraukliu, was sheriff 1792, justice of the peace 1797, married Ann Parrott Oct. 81, 1778, died Dec. 17, 1805, another record says Dec. 7, 1806, buried at Parsippauy. His wife was' born Mar. 30, 1756, died May 17, 1805, buried at Parsippauy. Rhoda, baptized Apr. 20, 1755 ; Robert, baptized Oct. 18, 1771, and probably Thomas, boru Jan. 16, 1760, Revolutionary soldier, mar- ried Clara A. died Jan. 17, 1845. She was born Mar. 8, 1786, and died Apr. 20, 1863. Both buried at Par- sippany. Children of John Cobb and wife Ann Parrott: Luciuda, born Nov. 2, 1774, died 1777 ; Eleuor, born Feb. 18, 1777, died Apr. 12, 1777 ; Henry, born May 23, 1778, married Maria Baldwin, of New- ark, died Juue 25, 1857. She was boru Jan. 5, 1786, died Mar. 1, 1864. Both buried at Parsippany. John, boru Oct. 19, 1780, died 1782 ; John Joliue, born Aug. 23, 1784, married Jaue Jacobus, Jnly 9, 1811, died Feb. 4, 1846. He was a physician. His wife was born Aug. 15, 1790. Both buried at Parsippauy. Jane, boru Aug. 7, 1786, married James 279 S. Coudit, died July 25, 1855, buried at Parsippany ; Samuel Allen, boru Jau. 10, 1790, died Sept. 27, 1795 ; "A sou" died youug; Irsael, boru Nov. 11, 1794, died 1794. Children of Heury Cobb aud Maria Baldwin : Alexander, married Clara Chedister; Auua Maria, married Johu O. Coudict; John N., born Nov. 26, 1810, died Mar. 14, 1880 buried at Par- sippany ; Archibald, married Brown ; Cornelia, born 1813, died Aug. 30, 1881, buried at Parsippany ; Eliza, still living at Troy; Henry, Jr., born Aug. 9, 1819, died Apr. 15, 1887, buried at Parsippany ; Sarah, married DeHart. Children of Dr. Johu Joliue Cobb aud Jaue Jacobus : Auu Parrott, boru May 26, 1812; Henrietta, born Sept. 14, 1814; William Alleu, boru Nov. 20, 1816, mar- ried Valium Garduer Aug. 18, 1841, died 1870, Abraham, born Jau. 19, 1819; Henry, born Feb. 20, 1821 ; Liviugstoue, boru Dec. 24, 1823 ; Jaue, born Jan. 29, 1825 ; Sophronia, boru Apr. 8, 1828 ; Gil- bert, boru May 29, 1830, died Juue 3, 1831 ; Catharine, boru Feb. 2, 1833, died Mar. 1839. Children of William Allen Cobb aud Valima Gardner: Fred L., born June 20, 1842, married Sarah Tuttle ; William Allen, born Aug. 3, 1844, married Carrie Parcells; Auna, boru Mar. 13, 1847, married Robert G. Weeks ; Frank, born Aug. 14, 1849, married Ella Ross"; Harriet P., born Aug. 24, 1851, died 1870; Jeremiah, born Sept. 9, 1855, mar- ried Eliza Ross. Children of Fred L. Cobb aud Sarah Tuttle: Jessie, Fred. Frauk, Walter, Herbert, Valina and Archibald. Children of Edward Cobb aud Eliza- beth Bowers : Lemuel, born May 15, 1762, married (1) Polly Smith. She svas boru Sept. 24, 1767, died Apr. 25, 1792. (2) Susauna Farrand, July 1, 1796. She was boru Dec. 29, 1773, died Aug. 2, 1816. (3) Elizabeth (Lindsley) Shaw Aug. 8, 1819, widow of Jonathan W. Shaw, aud daughter of Beujamiu Linds- ley, boru Sett. 5, 1775, died Juue 1. 1858. He died Apr. 1, 1831. All buried at Parsippany. David, born Feb. 20, 1764, some records have Feb. 10, mar- ried Rebecca Clark, died Nov. 28, 1830. She was born Dec. 20, 1768, died May 25, 1849. Both buried at Oak Ridge, N. J. Mary, boru Feb. 7, 1766, married William Salmon ; Mehetible, born May 4, 1769, married Jacob P. VauNess ; Elizabeth, born July 19, 1771 married John Clark ; Edward, boru Nov. 17, 1773, died before 1831, uot married; Ebeuezer, boru July 19, 1776, married Catharine Weaver; Charity, born Oct. 4, 1778, married James Kitchel ; Jemi- ma, boru July 7, 1782, married David Paddleford, died Jau. 12, 1873. He was born 1770, died July 13, 1845. Both buried at Parsippauy. Johu B., born Sept. 28, 1784, not married, died Apr. 3, 1843, other record has 1849, buried at Parsippauy. Children ot Col. Lemuel Cobb : Eliza- beth, married Beujamiu Howell ; Gabriel Smith, born Nov. 2, 1791, died Apr. 3, 1810, buried at Parsippauy ; Mary Caroline, born Oct. 12, 1798, mar- ried Hon. Walter Kirkpatrick, sou of 28o Capt David, died Oct. 6, 1826 ; Julia Ann, married Coventy H. Waddell, buried at Parsippauy, but no date of birth or death ; Charles F., born Feb. 6, 1800, died July 6, 1817, buried at Parsip- pauy ; Andrew Bell, born June 7. 1804, married (1) Elizabeth Farrand Kirkpat- rick. She was born Nov. 19, 1799, died Dec. 11,1857. (2) Frances Condict. He died Jan. 31, 1873. All buried at Par- sippauy. Children of Andrew Bell Cobb : Julia, married (1) Fred A. De Mott ; (2) Stephen A. Gueriu ; Andrew Lemuel and Elizabeth. Children of David Cobb and Rebecca Clark : Jesseo, born at Oak Ridge Apr. 22, 1798, married Temperance Ann Clark died Feb. 27, 1862. She was born Dec. 30, 1820, died Apr. 5, 1859. Both buried at Oak Ridge. Joseph Clark, born July 31, 1800, married (I) Catha- rine Meeker. She was born 1810, died Jan. 8, 1872. (2) about 1873 Schofield. He died about 1875 buried at Oak Ridge. Ebenezer, born May 16, 1804, married (1) Catharine Clark. She was born Feb. 17, 1786, died Mar. 12, 1853. (2) Eunice L. Clark. She was born Jan. 1, 1819. died Nov. 24, 1874. He died Mar. 21, 1888. All buried at Oak Ridge. Mary Ann, born June 22, 1811, died Mar. 29, 1827, buried at Oak Ridge ; Maria, married Peter Decker Nov. 20, 1847 ; Rhoda, unmarried. Children of Eoeuezer and Catharine and Eunice (Clark) Cobb : Edward, born Aug. 8, 1822, married Harriet Young Jan. 1844, died Apr. 13, 1853, buried at Oak Ridge ; Julia Ann, married Cor- nelius Allison; John, born Aug. 14, 1849, died Feb. 24, 1850; Harriet, mar- ried David Wallace, Dec. 1, 1870; Emily, married Silas Y. Brown ; Rosetta, mar- ried Ira Zeek ; Sarah Eliza, born Jan. 9, 1857, died May 10, 1875; Augusta E., born Oct. 27, 1859. died Sept. 1,1860; two other children died young. Children of Joseph Clark Cobb and wife Catharine Meeker: Frances Vir- ginia, born Apr, 14, 1834, died Jan. 27, 1877; George Washington, born Feb. 2, 1839, died Oct. 2, 1861 ; Elizabeth, born 1841, married (1) Johu J. Woodruff. Had one child, John Lewis, who mar- ried Delila Davenport Dec. 4, 1898 ; (2) Samuel Gregory, died at West Milford " Sept. 26, 1900, buried at Oak Ridge. Children of Jessee Cobb and Temper- ance Ann Clark : Mary E., born Mar. 6, 1842, died Dec. 1 1 , 1842, buried at Oak Ridge; Ann Amelia, born Jan 24, 1846, married Martin V. Davenport ; Rhoda Caroline, born Oct. 11, 1848, died Feb. 22, 1898, buried at Oak Ridge ; Eunice R., born Feb. 1, 1850, died Nov. 5, 1851 ; Samuel, born Apr. 20, 1853, died Aug. 3, 1853. Both buried at Oak Ridge. Jessee D., born Oct. 16, 1856, married Louisa M. Wallace Feb. 11, 1879. She was born Dec. 15, 1856. Children of Jessee D. Cobb and Louisa M. Wallace : Ernest N., born May 2, 1880; Otto Lee Jessee, born Oct. 1. 1882, died Mar. 13, 1890, buried at Oak Ridge ; Charles R., born Dec. 23, 1886; Mary A., born Sept. 25, 1889; Carrie Louisa, born Aug. 8, 1892. Clx Dap Familp. The Day family was among the early settlers of Morris County previous to 1730, and like many others came from Newark, N. J., and were descendants of the founders of Newark of the Milford and Banford colonies of Connecticut, aud former emigrants from England. George Day, married Mary, a daugh- ter of Edward Riggs and wife Elizabeth, also from the Milford Colony. He died before 1685 and his widow married (2) Anthony Oliff , of Newark. Children : Paul, married Phebe, daughter of Thom- as Brown, died 1712. George was twice married and died about 1720. Samuel, died about 1715, had wife Abigail, a son John and a posthumous sou Samuel, who was born at Newark July 15, 1715, O. S. married (1) Elizabeth , born Dec. 1715, died Apr. 22, 1861. (2) Oct. 12, 1761, Zervia Wines, who was born 1720, died Dec. 21, 1776. He died at Morristown Mar. 25, 1777. Children : Silas, born Jan. 28, 1739, was a cooper by trade, married Phebe Condict, daughter of Peter, June 27, 1759. He died at Morristown Mar. 31, 1763. She married (2) Maj. Henry Ax- tell Jan. 7, 1764, and died July 6, 1829, aged 89 years. Maj. Axtell died Apr. 6, 1818, aged 80 years. Elizabeth, born Apr. 25, 1741, no records of marriage or death, probably died young. Ezekiel, born July 25, 1743, had wife Mary who died Jan. 12, 1774, aged 29 years ; (2) Mar. 23, 1774, Joanna Bridge. She mar- ried (2) Nathan Reeve May 19, 1778. Ezekiel died Jan. 3, 1777. Phebe, twin, bom July 25, 1743, married Silas Con- dict, son of Peter, Apr. 10, 1760, died July 16, 1762, aged 19, had one child, Elizabeth, who was baptized Sept. 19, 1762, who married James Cook Nov. 25, 1781, died June 19, 1785, aged 22. Silas Condict, born Mar. 7, 1738, mar- ried (2) Abigail Byram Mar. 16, 1763, who died Feb. 15, 1823. He died Sept. 16, 1801. David, born Nov. 18, 1746, married Deborah, daughter of Benj. Halsey July 6, 1769. She was born Nov. 282 6, 1747, died May 21, 1700. Jeduthau, born Jan. 28, 1748, married (1) Phebe, widow of Isiah Wines, Oct. 17, 1774 She died Mar. 2, 1777, aged 27 years. (2) Mar. 15, 1779, Anne (Ludlow) Crane, daughter of Anthony. He died Nov. 9, 1815. Robard or Robert, born July 10, 1750, married Esther Wines, widow of Ebenezer, May 18, 1777, had one child, Robert, born Aug. 13, 1778. Robard died Oct. 7, 1778. Samuel, born Apr. 7, 1753, had wife Anna at Mendham N. J., 1779, died at Morristown Aug. 12, 1796. Abraham, twin, born Apr. 7, 1753, married (1) Sarah Coe, daughter of Thomas, Sept. 7, 1774; (2) Deborah Wines, daughter of Isiah Apr. 14, 1777. Went to Ohio. Jared, born' Feb. 13, 1755, married Mary Gildersleeve Mar. 3, 1781. Had twin daughters, Anna, who married Jonathan Dayton, of Basking- ridge, N. J., and had sou the Hon. Wm. L. Dayton ; Elizabeth, died at Baskiug- ridge 1786. Jehiel born Jan. 22, 1758, married at Mendham 1779, removed to Siringfield, Ohio, and died there after 1819. Children of Silas and wife Phebe ; Rebecca, baptized Jan. 18, 1761 ; Jona- than, baptized Mar. 2, 1762, at Morris- town. Children of Ezekiel and wife Mary : Phebe, baptized Sept. 6, 1767, died Jan. 1, 1772; Elizabeth, baptized June 1, 1769 ; Abigail, born Sept. 1, 1772, died Sept. 17, 1781, aged 9. By wife Joanna : John, born Jan. 15, 1775. He settled at the head of Green Pond, N. J., and had children: Catharine, born Oct. 9, 1811, married Richard J. Vreeland, died Mar. 28, 1879. He was born June 15, 1810, died at Dover Nov. 30, 1892. David, born 1813, was found dead near Green Pond Jan. 7, 1888, and one other brother who lived at Mead's Basin. Nathan Reeve, married (1) Ruth Goble Feb. 18, 1768, had children : Elizabeth, Jona- than, Phebe, Nathan, Samuel. By second wife, Joanna Day : Samuel (2), born Oct. 26, 1779, died Oct. 1,1781; Nathan (2), bom Jan. 3. 1782, died Nov. 25, 1782; Ezekiel, born Aug. 16, 1784: William, born Dec. 3, 1786 ; a child died Jan. 8, 1791. He died Aug. 9, 1807, aged 62 years. Children of David and Deborah : Silas, born Oct. 9, 1770, died July 8, 1776 ; David Jr., born July 7, 1773, mar- ried (1) Miss Halleck, of Long Island, had three children ; (2) Mary Hoppock, of Morristown, had six children. Eliza- beth, born Nov. 13, 1775, never married ; Sarah, born Dec. 29, 1778, never mar- ried ; Joseph, born Apr. 28, 1781, mar- ried Phebe Arnold, removed to Louis- ville, Ky. ; Anna, born Jan. 28, 1783 ; Benjamin, born Nov. 23, 1785, died Oct. 5, 1797 ; Ezra Halsey, born Apr. 29, 1788, married Mary Cary, of Mendham, had children : Elias, Joseph and Joanna. Nancy, married Harrimau.of Elizabeth. No children. Children of Jeduthan and wife Phebe : Silas, born July 29, 1776, died Apr. 9, 1777. Wife, Anna (Ludlow) Crane, born at Long Island, died at Canisteer, N. J., May 9, 1838. The Ludlows were an old English family. Gabriel (1), son of Thomas, was baptized Aug. 27, 1634. His son Gabriel (2) was born at Cary 283 Castle Nov. 2, 1663, and his son, Gabriel (3), emigrated to New York, married Sarah, daughter of Rev. Joseph Haumer, of Trinity Church, had thirteen chil- dren, the progenitors of the Ludlows in New York and Long Island. His son Anthony, married Sophia Hudson, a de- scendant of Hendrick Hudson, and with children : Mary, who married Elias Hedges, and Anna, who married (1) Crane ; (2) Jeduthan Day, came to Morristown where the widow married Jacob Doty. Phebe, born Dec. 22, 1780, died Mar. 25, 1803 ; Silas (2), born July 23, 1783, married Susanna Breese, daughter of Azariah Breis aud Susanna Gildersleeve, the daughter of Zopher and Desire, Nov. 2, 1803. She was born Aug. 12, 1782, died July 28. 1847, married (2) Margaret Mortimer 1850, who died at Wilmington, Del., Dec. 1880. He died at Stockholm Apr. 6, 1867, buried at Oak Ridge. Amzi, bom Sept. 29, 1787, died Oct. 21, 1794; Anne Ludlow, born Jan. 12, 1792, mar- ried (1) 1810 Thomas Estill; (2) 1842 John Keeler. Elizabeth, born Mar. 1795, never married, died at Canisteer March 6, 1880 ; Christian DeWiut, born Apr. 28, 1798, married (1) Sarah Maria Woods, daughter of Ahijah, July 12, 1828. She was born Jan. 11, 1811, died Apr. 20, 1855; (2) Catharine McKen- ney Oct. 18, 1857, died Feb. 21, 1872, aged 61 years, buried at Oak Ridge ; (3) Anne Edge July 25, 1880. He died July 25, 1882, buried at Canisteer. Children of Samuel, Jr., and wife Anna: Phebe, born Oct. 22, 1779, mar- ried as second wife Dr. Ebenezer H. Pierson Sept. 18, 1805, removed to Cin- cinnati, Ohio ; Susanna, born Feb. 6, 1786, married Kitchel Bridge Mar. 4, 1804. He was born Sept. 21, 1769, died Apr. 9, 1845. Samuel, born Nov. 5, 1784, married Jane, daughter of Benj. Beach Aug. 9, 18U6, had ten children, died Apr. 24, 1826. She was born Mar. 26, 1789, died June 10, 1852 ; Ira, born July 21, 1788; Mahlon, born Aug. 27, 1790, was lost at sea in ship "Arctic" Sept. 27, 1854. Children of David, Jr., and first wife : David Halleck, lived in Paterson, N. J., and died there ; Charles, Martha, mar- ried Hart, of Kentucky. Second wife Mary: James, lived at Wilkesbarre, Pa., died there ; William, married Smith, of Morris- town, removed to Missouri, died there ; Schuyler, died in childhood; Emily, married Preston, removed to New York State ; Julia, married James Bayles, had children : James, Lewis, George and Henrietta. Phebe, married Rev. Mr. Trotter, living at Michigan. Children of Silas and wife Susanna : Amzi, born, July 4, 1805, died Feb. 28, 1809 ; Phebe, born July 27, 1807, mar- ried James Grimstead May 2, 1833, who died Mar. 16, 1862 ; Susan Breese, born July 27, 1810, married (1) William Ben jamin Mar. 10, 1838. He was born May 16, 1806, died Dec. 16, 1863, had chil- dren : Mary Augusta, born Dec. 29, 1838; Martha E., born Apr. 15, 1841 died Nov. 10, 1845 ; William, Jr., borr Aug. 3, 1843, died Nov. 9, 1845 ; Emm? Cordelia, born June 1, 1845, died Jan 8, 1880 ; Caroline Amanda, born Apr. 20 284 1849, married Ryerson Lance ; Phebe Ann, born Feb. 25, 1849, died Mar. 2, 1856 ; Charles Augustus, twin, born Feb. 25, 1849; Francis Ludlow, born July 9, 1850. She married (2) Martin Wilson, and died near Deckertown, N. J., Sept. 24, 1900. Elias Hudson, born Aug. 20, 1812, married (1) Margaret Smith ; (2) Nora Grimstead Dec. 11, 1862, died at Brook - lin July 4, 1885, buried at Oak Ridge ; Jeduthan, born Dec 14, 1814, married in New Orleans, lived in Illinois, had a large family ; Azariah Breese, born Apr. 6, 1816, died Apr. 21, 1818 ; Anthony Ludlow, born Dec. 25, 1818, married Elizabeth, daughter of David and Sarah (Card) Strait, May 3, 1846. She was born Jan. 19,1825. He died at Brook - lin Dec. 28, 1898, buried at Oak Ridge ; Elizabeth S., born Feb. 3, 1821, married Nathan Doane, living in California ; Silas Brandt, bom July 17, 1823, mar- ried Ruth, daughter of Richard Bloom, Sept. 29, 1855, living at West Milford, N. ■).', Lot Gildersleeve, born Feb. 15, 1826, died Mar. 25, 1827, at Baskiug- ridge ; Mary Amanda, born Sept. 19, 1829, married Sidney Ford, Jr., Nov. 25, 1865. Children of Christian D. and wife Sarah : Ezra Halsey, bom May 25, 1829, married Margaret, daughter of William and Margaret (Dougherty) Boyd, July 25, 1850. She was born Aug. 19, 1828. He died 1898, buried at Cauisteer. Amsy Morris, born Mar. 20, 1831, died Sept. 13, 1839 ; Susan Maria, born Jan. 1, 1833, married Gabriel Eaton July 18, 1855, died June 11, 1856; Nancy Eliza- beth, born Sept. 24, 1834, married Horace F. Wallace Dec. 31, 1852 ; Cynthia Ann, born Aug. 9, 1836, died Mar. 2, 1858, buried at Oak Ridge; Jeduthan, born Nov. 15, 1838, died Sept. 18, 1839 ; Al- bert DeWint, born Aug. 8, 1840, mar- ried Mary, daughter of Robert Brien, Oct. 24, 1869, died Mar.' 27, 1887. She died Dec. 16, 1880. Mary Frances, born Apr. 14, 1844, married Albert Moore May 19, 1866 ; Ira Woods, born June 19, 1846, married (1) Hattie M. Holly, daughter of William, Mar. 15, 1873. She was born June 4, 1855, died Apr. 28, 1884. (2) Sarah Jane, daughter of Syl- vester and Catharine (Crill) Card, Dec. 25, 1884. He died 1895. James Linds- ley, born Sept. 18, 1849, married Mary E. Paddick Oct. 15, 1870, died July 17, 1874, had one child, James Edgar, born Sept. 19, 1871 ; Edward Wilmer, born Aug. 4, 1851. Children of Ezra H. and wife Mar- garet : Anna Martha, born Dec. 4, 1850, married Isariah Parker, Jr., had seven children. He was born May 30, 1850, drowned in the Walkill, near Decker- town, N. J., Aug. 7, 1900; Sarah Augusta, born Oct. 6, 1852, married Cortland L., son of William .1. and Je- mima (Cole) Winters, May 17, 1881. He was born Sept. 4, 1853. Jeduthan Augustus, born Dec. 19, 1854, went West ; Cynthia Evaline, born Apr. 20, 1857, married William H. Winters Mar. 1879, died Apr. 21, 1885. He was born May 16, 1854. William Irthur, born Feb. 18, 1859, married Sarah Ann, daughter of John E. Stickle, Apr. 12, 1879. She was born May 22, 1858, living 285 at Boouton. ~Mary Cathariue, born Feb. 8, 1861 ; Emma Cordelia, born June 3, 1866, and George, living at home. Children of Anthony Ludlow and wife Elizabeth, all resident at Brooklin : Judson Francis, born July 14, 1847, mar- ried Annie, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Post) Eckhart, Nov. 12, 1872 ; Alfred Ludlow, born Apr. 23, 1850, mar- ried Augusta, daughter of William and Jane (McOormic) Allen, Nov. 12, 1874. She was born Dec. 21, 1852. Edgar Arthur, born Mar. 9, 1853, married Mary F. M. Taylor Nov. 7, 1879, physician in Brooklin ; Susan Breese, born June 26, 1856 : Mary Frances, born Sept. 8, 1862 ; Elizabeth Stella, born Aug. 14, 1865. Children of Judson F. and Annie: Charles Frederick, born Feb. 4, 1874; George Anthony, born May 25, 1876 ; May Elizabeth, born Sept. 13, 1878; Robert Ernest, born Feb. 27, 1889 Grace Edna, born Apr. 10, 1891. Children of Alfred L. and Augusta Frank Arthur, born Aug. 18, 1876 Jennie Etta, born June 24, 1878 ; Ray mond Merrill, born July 22, 1880 Bertha Lulu, born Aug. 26, 1884. Children of Edgar A. and Mary Alice Miuot, born Feb. 14, 1881 Florence Elizabeth, born Feb. 7, 1883 died while on a visit to New Foundland Feb. 22, 1899, buried at Oak Ridge. Children of Silas B. and Ruth : Frank Warren, born May 23, 1858, died Dec. 23, 1858 ; Susan, born Mar. 7, 1860, mar- ried George Whritnor; Sarah Elizabeth, born June 21, 1862, died July 10, 1863 ; Charles Whitfield, born May 20, 1865 ; William B., born Mar. 26, 1867, died Nov. 24, 1881. CDc FaircMId Familp. Thomas "Fayerchild," merchant, came from England, and was among the first settlers of Stratford, (now Bridgeport), Ct. His wife Sarah, was a daughter of Robert Seabrooke, who had daughters who married Thomas Sher- wood, William Preston, of New Haven, and Lt. Thomas Wheeler, of Milford, respectfully. All came to Connecticut about the same time in 1638 or 1639. Children of Thomas Fairchild and (1) wife Sarah : Samuel, born Aug. 31, 1639, the first white child born at Strat- ford, married Mary, daughter of Moses Wheeler. She was born 1653, died Feb. 7, 1733. He died Nov. 20, 1692 ; Sarah, born Feb. 19, 1641, married Jehiel Pres- ton ; John, was born May 1, 1644, died young ; Thomas, Jr., born Feb. 21, 1646 ; Dinah, born July 14, 1648, married Ben- jamin Corey, died 1703 ; Zacharia, born Dec. 14, 1651, married (1) Hannah, daughter of John Beach, Sr., Nov. 3, 1681, died June 3, 1703. She married (2) John Burritt May 5, 1708. He died Feb. 1, 1727. Emma, born Oct. 1653. He married (2) Catharine Craigg and had children : Joseph, born Apr. 18, 1664; John, born June 8, 1666, and Priscilla, born Apr. 20, 1669. He died Dec. 14, 1670, and his widow married as second wife Sergt. Jeremiah Judsou, died 1706. Children of Samuel and wife Mary : Robert, Samuel, born about 1682, died Feb. 28, 1761, married Ruth, daughter of John Beach, Jr., who was born 1685, died May 8, 1769; Edward, born 1686; Jonathan, bora Oct. 10, 1692, and Anna, (?) who married Cory Blackman. Children of Thomas Fairchild, Jr., who married (1) Sarah Preston ; (2) Susannah , and died before 1690: Sarah, baptized Apr. 11, 1675, died 1682 ; Emma, baptized same date ; Samuel, baptized Apr. 16, 1677 ; Ruth, baptized July 16, 1678 ; Alexander, bap- tized Apr. 16, 1680 ; Sarah (2), baptized Feb. 1682 ; Katharine, baptized May 1684 ; Mary born about 1690. 287 Children of Zachariab and wife Han- nah: Mehetable, born Mar. 21, 1682, died Sept. 27, 1684 ; Hannah, born Aug. 1. 1685 ; David, born Mar. 1688 ; Agnes, born Oct. 1, 1691 ; Caleb, bom Sept. 10, 1693, had wife Ann , settled at Whippany, N. J., and died there May 1, 1777, his wife died same year ; James, born Feb. 12, 1695 ; Mary, born May 7, 1698; Zachariah, Jr., born Nov. 21, 1701, settled at Morris Plains, N. J., died there Aug. 6, 1777. He married (1) Deborah . She was born 1707, died Apr. 13, 1757 ; (2) Widow Lidia Hathaway Aug. 1757. She was born 1724, died May 22, 1769; Abiel, born July 15, 1703. Children of Caleb Fairchild and wife Ann, of Whippany ; Hezekiah, baptized at Stratford, Ct., 1717 ; Samnel, married Hannah Wiuchel (?) lived near Han- over; Sarah, Mathew, Joseph, born 1724 ; Gershom, married Lydia , and died before Nov. 28, 1778 ;Ebenezer, Mehetible, born 1732 ; Ezra, born 1734. Children of Zachariah and wife De borah, of Morris Plains : Jane, married Silas Goble 1744 ; Mary, married Benja- min Hathaway ; Phiueas, born 1730, died Nov. 12, 1801, married Sarah . She was bom 1729, died Nov. 2, 1811 ; Abigail, married Jonathan Coukliu ; David, born May 6, 1734, mar- ried (1) Catharine Gregory Nov. 9, 1757. She was born Mar. 13, 1735, died Feb. 18, 1800 ; (2) Nancy Loper, of Han- over. Caturah, married Philip Hatha- way ; Rhoda, born Nov. 4, 1737, mar- ried Jedfediah Gregory ; Abiel, born Nov. 4, 1739, married (1) Esther Gard July 18, 1763. She was born 1742, died Jan. 22, 1777. (2) Elizabeth . Children of Samuel and wife Hannah : Benjamin, born about 1742, married Mercy , lived a Hanover; Hezekiah and Abigail, were baptized at Hanover Sept. 7, 1755 ; Moses, married Mary Gardner, lived at Rockaway Neck ; Martha, married Joel Wilkinson Nov. 28, 1765; Abraham, born Nov. 2, 1753, married Phebe Russell lived at Whippany, N. J. ; Eunice, above four baptized at Hanover Oct. 26, 1755 ; Solo- mon, born Sept. 1757, married his brother's widow Jemima (Ball) Fair- child ; Lt. Wiuchel, born Nov. 1758, married Jemima Ball, lived at Han- over; Isaac, born 1760, married Amy Mulford, lived at Hanover; Lucy, born 1763, married Samuel Baldwin ; Benja- min, Hezekiah, Moses and Abraham of this family served in Revolutionary War. Children of Phiueas Fairchild and wife Sarah : Stephen, bom Nov. 30, 1753; Abigail, born Dec. 24, 1754, mar- ried David Hurd ; Deborah, born February 22, 1757, married Wm. Hub- bard; Sarah, born February 22 1759, drowned 1769; Mary, born June la, 1761, married Caleb Tuttle ; Timothy, born July 22, 1763, married Mehetible Tuttle ; Esther, born Nov. 20, 1766, married Jonathan Dean ; Charlotte, born Oct. 10, 1768, married Loam mi Casterline ; Justus, born July 20, 1771, died Nov. 22, 1772 ; Sarah, born Feb. 26, 1773, married Peter Tompkins Dec. 15, 1795, died May 6, 1861. See Tompkins Family, 288 Much of the Fairchild data has been kindly furnished from the extensive manuscript collections now in posses- sion of W. B. Plume, Orange, N. J., who is engaged in writing the history of this prominent Morris Oounty family. CDe Alien familp. Edward, the progenitor, had sons : David, born 1675, married Sarah Gros- venor Nov. 29, 1711, had children: David, born 1713 ; Adroniram, born 1715 ; John, born 1717. All settled at Han- over. Samuel, born 1679 ; married Han- nah Haywood, died Nov. 25, 1730, set- tled at Hanover. Children : Samuel, born 1707; Job, born 1709, settled at Rockaway, died 1769 ; Anna, born 1712 ; Martha, born 1714 ; Jonah, born 1717.. Aaron Allen, a son of Jacob, who set- tled in Hanover, was born Nov. 17, 1735, married Abigail Bonnell Nov. 28, 1750, died June 1824. Children : Samuel, born Nov. 27, 1751 ; died 1828 ; Abigail, born Jan. 18, 1754, married Thomas Gardener ; Uniah, born June 13, 1756, married Rachel Coe, Nov. 21, 1773 ; David, born Oct. 1, 1758, removed to Berkshire Valley, where descendants now live. 289 Che Gard Familp. Jeremiah, son of Joseph aud wife Mary, boru 1717, died at Morristowu July 19, 1783, aud wife Elizabeth is said to have had seveu sons who served in the Revolutiou. Childreu : Ephriatn, married Mary Piersou ; Capt. Daniel, Gershain, mar- ried Phebe Kuutiugtou ; Jeremiah mar- ried Elizabeth (Roff) Moore ; Jacob, married Sarah Hathaway ; Moses, mar- ried Sarah Lyou ; Jedediah, Joseph, married Kesia Liudsley ; Phebe, mar- ried Caleb Fairchild ; Sarah, married Samuel Parkhurst ; Rebecca, married Nathan Hathaway ; Hannah, Minna. Bible records of Daniel Gard show he was boru Sept. 6, 1755, married Hannah Merrick Jan. 26, 1783, died June 18, 1824. Children : Rachel, born Dec. 4, 1783, died Aug. 1, 1803; Lewis, born Aug. It, 1785, died Feb. 13, 1789; Phebe. boru July 28, 1787, married Abraham VauWerk, died Jan. 16, 1875 ; Jane, born July 8, 1789, married David Fordham Wiggins Dec. 2, 1809, died Mar. 4, 1856 ; Rebecca, born Apr. 15, 1793, married Seth Fairchild, died Aug. 16, 1858 ; Han- nah, born Jan. 19, 1797, married Lewis Gordon, died Oct. 28, 1836 ; Jeremiah, boru July 30, 1801 ; Rachel (2) born Jan. 4, 1804 ; Ephriam, born Dec. 23, 1809, died Nov. 5, 1875. Mr. Ausou A. Gard, of New York city, has recently published the Gard genealogy, relating to this old Morris county family. €IK Garrigus Familp. Children of David Garrigus not re- corded : Eunice, born Feb. 28, 1788, died Oct. 31, 1813 ; Jacob, born Aug 25, 1790 ; Abuer, born Jan. 9, 1793 ; Mary, boru Apr. 4, 1795 ; Timothy Liudsley, born Apr. 24, 1798, married Eliz. A. Ferree, Sept. 11, 1817, died at Omaha, Neb., Mar. 25, 1856. Children of Timothy L. Garrieus : Bathsheba L., boru Aug. 8, 1818, died Mar. 16, 1854; James, boru Aug. 22, 1820, died Jan. 31, 1847 ; Mary Jane, born July 31, 1823, died Feb. 1, 1839; Johu S., born May 21, 1826, sold er, died Mar. 9, 1890 ; Martha Ann, born July 7, 1829, died Oct. 10. 1830 ; Milton, born Sept. 27, 1831, captain in Civil War; Flavius Joseph us, born July 26, 1840, died Feb. 19, 1865, soldier iu Civil War. Marriages not here recorded. John Garrigus, of Kansas City, Mo., aud Capt. Milton Garrigus, of Kokomo, Iud., are collecting data of this Morris county family. 290 CDc Rail Familp. John Hall came from Saybrook, Ct., and settled at Franklin, lived at Frank- lin, Denville and Rockaway. He was born about 1760, was a member of Capt. Josiah Hall's Company, of Denville, in Revolution, married Chloe -— , of Basking Ridge, N. J , 1782. She was born Feb. 4, 1765. He died Mar. 28, 1810 ; buried at Rockaway. Children of John Hall and wife Chloe : Daniel, born Aug. 10, 1783, married Betsey Anderson, died May 7, 1831 ; Stephen, born Sept. 12, 1785, married Lydia Garrigus Oct. 18, 1806, died Mar. 6, 1838. She was boru Jan. 4, 1785, died Jan. 16, 1863. Sarah, boru Mar. 16, 1788, married Ezekiel Palmer, sou of Jacob, lived at Fraukliu, died about 1850. See Palmer Family. Polly or Marv, boru Apr. 16, 1790, married John Garrigus, Jr., Apr. 3, 1813, died Joue 11,1879. See Garrigus Family. John, Jr., boru July 11, 1792. died about 1872; Lydia, boru Oct. 30, 1794, married Charles Ziudle, died Mar. 9, 1862. He was born, 1790, died Sept. 26, 1854. Abigail, born May 28, 1798, married Philip Miller, died Nov. 12, 1881; Har- riet, boru Sept. 12, 1800, married George Rowlaud Oct. 26, 1820, died Feb. 7, 1885. He was boru Jau. 31, 1792,.died June 15, 1854. Sibbah* born Aug. 14, 1802, married (I) Daniel Reed Feb. 1 1821 ; (2) Joseph C. Righter, who was [born Apr. 11, 1799, died Apr. 3, 1854. I She died 1862 ; David, born Aug. 22, j 1804, died a young man ; Jemima, born j Aug. 11, 1806, married Abraham Voor- i hees. Children of Stephen and Lydia (Gar- rigus) Hall : John, boru 1807, married j (1) Mary Aun Moore; (2) Maria Cook, 1 died July 28, 1886 ; Caroline, married j Alexander Marsh : Mary married Benja- min Marsh, both removed from Rocka- way to Houesdale. Pa., and died there ; I Anna Eliza, born Apr. 20, 1816, died I June 21, 1856, unmarried ; Charity Wil- ! son, married Clark ; Harriet, j Sarah Jane, baptized Apr. 20. 1831, rrar- ! ried Bond; Chloe M., horn : Sept. 2, 1828, died Dec. 29, 1852 ; David, : removed to Houesdale ; Barnabas, born 1832, married Harriet Wiuget, ' soldier in 1861-5 War, died Oct. 28, 1881 ; i Stephen, married Nancy Rose; Henry, j removed to Houesdale ; Lydia. Children of John and wife Mary Ann Moore : Silas, who died when a young ! man. By second wife Maria Cook : j Mary Ann married Charles Hall; j Augeline, Charles, Emily H., Edwiu, I Stephen, Louisa, born an. 1842, married Jeremiah D. Cooper: 'ohu H,, born I Feb. 1848, married Anna Augusta 1 Stickle July 4, 1867 ; Henrietta. 291 Che Hamilton familp. Audrew Hamilton was governor of New Jersey under the proprietors. Also hiR sou John at a later date. His graud- sou Stephen settled at or near Dover, N. J., at au early date, aud with Audrew King, the progenitor of the King family at Dover, was iu the French aud Indian War aud was killed at Ticouderoga, N. Y., iu July 1759. Kiug, ouly 19 years of age, returued to Dover. Children of Stephen Hamilton : Ben- jamin, a Revolutionary soldier, married 1780 Rebecca Thomkins and hud chil- dren : Lot, boru Apr. 29, 1781, and Phebe, born July 23, 1783 ; David, proba- bly served iu the Revolutiou ; William, a Revolutionary soldier, married (I) Elizabeth Rogers .)au. 5, 1775. She died July 27, 1775, aged 18. (2) Nellie Hurd, a sister of David Hurd, of Dover. Children of William and wife ; Nellie : Elizabeth, born Apr. 19, 1779; Silas, born Feb. 4, 1781, married (I) Deborah or Hester Morris ; (2) Abigail Ayres, died Feb. 1869, buried at Rockaway. He was iu 1812 War, received commuuion at Rockaway Nov. 12, 1813, was elder 1824 and deacon 1832. William, bom Feb. 20, 1783; Sarah, boru Apr. 15, 1788 ; Jane, born Oct. 9, 1790 ; Benjamin, born Dec. 27, 1792. Childieu of Silas Hamilton, of Rocka- way : David Hurd, born Nov. 25, 1805, married Ann Reed, who was boru 1806, died' May 30, 1882. He died Mar. 9, 1894, was elder iu 1861, aud sexton mauy years. William, boru about 1807, weut West, served iu the Civil War ; Lewis, baptized at Rockaway 1814, was missiouary among the Iudiaus, and preached the first sermon at Colorado Springs, returuiug from a visit to Rock away he was killed by the cars at Kau sas City about 1862. Mary Elizabeth "A child," died Oct. 1813; John H. baptized Apr. 28, 1816. Children of David H., aud wife Ann Silas, born 1833, died Dec 21, 1854, buried at Rockaway ; Lewis, was iu the Civil War ; William (1), was railroad engineer and killed at Mt. Hope by a powder explosion, buried at Hacketts- towu ; Auua Louisa, married James Wright, of Newark; Johu, served in the Civil War, removed to Decatur, 111. ; Margetta, married John Rogers, living at White Meadow, near Rockaway ; Stephen, born 1837, married Pell, died Jan. 30. 1893 ; William (2), born Jan. 1848, married (1) Bertha Metier; (2) Gregory, had child, Lewis, boru 1874, died Mar. 24, 1882. He died at Orauge Aug. 27, 1886, buried at Rockaway. 292 Ok tieadkp Familp. Robert Headley, the emigrant, came from England and settled at Connecticut Farms where he lived aud died, and had probably a large family. Robert (2) was born 1720, made will in Essex county N. J., 1758, in which he names wife Susanna and children : Moses, Robert (3), Lois and Mary. He married (2) Phebe Bald- win or Gardner (probably a widow) and had children : Samuel, William, Joseph and Phebe. He removed from Essex county to Wyoming Valley, Pa., where he and his family, warned by a friend- ly Indian, escaped down the river in an open boat under cover of darkness and were saved from the massacre of the settlement. They wintered in the Sparta mountains and settled in the spring near Milton, where Robert Headley died Apr. 28, 1806, buried in Headley Cemetery. Isaac, son of Robert (l), born at Con- necticut Farms 1785, removed near Lit- tleton, Morris couuty, N. J., where he died May 14, 1802, buried at Parsippauy, N. J. He married Mary Frazee, and had children : Frazee, who lived and died at Littleton ; Henry, who removed to Western New York; Jacob, Isaac, who married Irene, daughter of Rev. Joel Benedict, of Parsippauy ; Benjamin, removed to Redstone, Pa., and Samuel, born at Littleton Aug. 7, 1774, married Anna, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Fairchild, removed to Western New Yoak, had children : Benjamin Frank- lin, Hannah Ford and Samuel (2). Samuel (2) born at Litchfield, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1808, married Maria Josepha, daughter of Capt. John Boyd, Nov. 28, 1882, and died at Morristown, N. J., July 24, 1869. Children : John Boyd, born Feb. 22, 1884, was killed with his friend Hon. George T. Cobb on C. & O. R. R. to Virginia Springs Aug. 16, 1870. The authors J. T. and P. C. Headley were sons of Isaac and Irene (Benedict) Headley. Joel Tyler Headley, the historian, was born at Walton, Delaware county, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1813, died at Newburg, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1897. William Headley, son of Robert and Phebe (Gardner) Headley, was born Oct. 23, 1769, married Sarah or Sally Strait, daughter of Jacob, Oct. 12. 1797, lived near Milton, died Aug. 22, 1856, bnried at Headley Cemetery. His wife was born Jnly 23, 1778, died Sept. 2. 1849. Children : Hiram, born Dec. 9, 1798 died unmarried June 20, 1881 ; Mary, born Aug. 10, 1800, married John D. Struble Ang. 3. 1822, died Apr. 4, 1889 ; Cynthia, born May 13, 1804, mar- ried Jacob Roe Oct. 12, 1820 ; Abby, born Aug. 12, 1806, married Gabriel Van Duzer Nov. 13, 1828, died May 12, 1878. He was born Sept. 21, 1797, died June 2, 1873. Both buried at Headley Cemetery. Harriet, born Mar. 13, 1808, married Jacob Merriu July 20, 1888 ; Helleu, born Feb. 7, 1810, married Robert Van Kirk Apr. 17, 1834; William D., bom May 14, ]818. married Elleu Briant Apr. 21. 1841, died May 3, 1873 ; Sally Auij, bom Dec. 22, 1813, married Joseph Lindsley May 16, 1850, died May 6, 1865; David S., bom May 16 1816, married Mary G. Mase Nov. 28, 1840; 293 Elizabeth M., bom Apr. ( ;9, 1820, died died Dec. 18, 1842 ; Joseph Warreu, bom Feb.. 23, 1822, married Almeda, daugh- ter of Abraham Chamberlaiu, Nov. 25, 1843, died July 14, 1890. She was bom Oct. 31, 1824, living at Miltou. Che Cpon Familp. Lieut. James Lyou, sou of Samuel, boru Juue 15, 1738; Ann (2), born Apr. born Oct. 5, 1700, married (1) Ann 26, 1741; Mary, bom Feb. 21,1743; Hookey; (2) Mercy Oliver Jan. 30, Oliver, born Mar. 24, 1749 ; William, 1747. His commission was given by 1 born May 28, 1750 ; Sarah, born Jan. 23, W. Burnett May 1, 1732. Children : J 1752 ; Joseph, born Jan. 20, 1753 James, born Aug. 8, 1730; James (2), j Many additional records of the Lyon born Jan. 22, 1731; Ann. born 1734 ;i family have been found, but not room Henry, born Feb. 12, 1735; Samuel, ' to give further. 294 Cbe rncCartp ?amilp. Oapt. Frauds McOarty married Ann Hnut. She married (2) Rus- sell, removed to Vermont. Oapt. Francis was lost at sea. His sou Francis, born July 14, 1752, married (1) Charity Mil- ler 1775 ; (2) Rachel (Lindsley) Oonklin Dec. 11, 1793; (3) Ann (VanDervoort) Van Wagoner 1799, died Feb. 14, 1839. Children : Ellis, born Oct. 26, 1775, died iu Cuba; Elizabeth, born May 1, 1780, married Col. Ford Kitchel, died Aug. 20, 1854 ; Lucy, born Aug. 24, 1782, died 1784; Sarah, born Aug. 24, 1784, mar- ried Hubbard S. Stickle, died Apr. 12, 1854 ; Naucy, born Dec. 5, 1786, died 1790; Margaret, born 1787, died June 9. 1793; Electa, born June 22, 1791, died July 23, 1794 ; Aaron Miller, born May 20, 1793; Annie, died May 31, 1797; Charity, married Wm. B. Johnson ; three children died young ; John Morris, born July 19, 1800, married Sarah* Ann Hoagland, died May 1, 1865 ; Mary, born Feb. 5, 1802, twice married, died Mar. 30, 1835; Cummings, born Sept. 21, 1804, twice married, died Mar. 2, 1887 ; Amanda, born June 4, 1806, married Wm. Smith, died July 1895 ; Charles, born Nov. 10, 1809; Rachel L., born Feb. 7, 1812, twice married, died m Spriugfield, 111., June 17, 1887; Julia, born May 26, 1813, married Philip Stone 1843, died Aug. 14, 1852. CDc miller Familp. Frederick Miller married Van Winkle. Children : John Fred K., born July 18, 1754, married Jemima Wiggins Sept 30, 1781 ; Charity, mar- ried Francis McOarty; Aaron, Sarah, married John Parliamau ; Catharine, married Joseph Scott. Bible records of John Fredk. and wife Jemima: Elizabeth, born July 9, 1782; John Alex., born Feb. 3, 1784; Nellie boru Sept. 20, 1785; Frederick, born Juue 15, 1787; Sarah, born Apr. 4, 1789; Thomas, born Mar. 1, 1791 ; Stepheu, born Dec. 11, 1792; David boru Mar. 15. 1795 ; Auu. born Apr. 4, 1797; Catharine, born Juue 5, 1799; Heddy, boru Feb. 12, 1802; Aaron, boru Mar. 30, 1804. 295 Ok incrritt Familp. Three Merritt brothers, Samuel, John and Darias, came from England and settled in Morris county. Samuel, married Nancy (Garrigus) Burwell July 9, 1774, lived at Franklin and Deuville, N. J., was a member of Capt. Josiah Hall's Company in the Revolution. Children : Darias, Daniel, John, Amy and perhaps others. Darias, born May 1, 1779, married Elizabeth Farris and had children : Stephen, born Jan. 9, 1800; Samuel C, born Oct. 20, 1808, married Phebe F. Wiggins, died Apr. 23, 1871 ; Nancy, born Sept. 16, 1809, married Leopolt Zindle; Mary, born May 27, 1811, mar- ried George Moore ; Darias. born Sept. 14, 1812; Daniel, born Feb. 17, 1814, died June 5, 1899 ; James, born Oct. 11, 1815 ; John, bcrn May 15, 1819 ; David, born Aug. 11, 1820; Elizabeth, born Oct. 17, 1824. Children of Daniel : Samuel, William, Darias, Lewis, Lyman, Alex. A., Jelora, Jelina, Maria and Marelda. Children of Samuel C. : Susan, Cor- nelia, George, Edward, Jane, Sarah L., Samuel, William, John C. and Phebe. Much other interesting data of this family has been crowded out. Ok Sturteuant Familp. Thomas Morgan Sturtevant, was born in New York city Mar. 80, 1800, served in Home Guards and 3rd Reg. N. Y, Artillery, married (1) Mary Duryea; (2) Maria Ford, died at Madison, N. J., Sept. 26, 1896; buried at Rockaway. Children: Eliphlet, born Apr. 17, 1821, married Sarah Garrigus Feb. 4, 1846, died July 13, 1863, from wounds received at Gettysburg; Anna Eliza, Rev. Samuel Garrett, Serena, George F., born 1831, married Mary Eliz. Smith, died Nov. 30, 1899; Maria, Mary, Frank D., born June 10, 1837, married Jennie Lee Oct. 20, 1863, resident of Clearmont, Mo.; Henry Farrand, soldier in Civil War; Laura, Thomas, Jr. Children of Eliphlet and wife Sarah : Lucius E., born Apr. 23, 1847, died Dec. 17, 1849; George Ewd., born Nov. 11, 1849, died 'uly 17, 1854; Clara D., born Oct. 12, 1851; Thomas E., born Jan. 7 1854, married Fanny Gill July 24, 1880;' Mary G., born Sept. 2, 1856, married J. E. Chedester; Cornelia H., born Oct. 24, 1858, married John F. Stickle; Kate H., born Dec. 14, 1860, married Charls G. Buchanan June 24, 1882. 296 Capt 3osiah Pairs Companp. Note. — The following enrolled in Capt. Hall's Company were residents of Denville, Franklin, Rockaway, Parsip- pany, Boon ton, Morris Plains and Beach Glen. Many others whose names are not recorded may have served during the Revolutionary War in this Com- pany. Lieutenant, Beuj. Southard; ensign, James Lum; sergeants : David Allen, David Broad well, Daniel Dickerson, Noah Veal; corporals : Abraham Care, Joseph Hall, Samuel Winds, John Young; privates : Anderson, Eliakim, Cornelius; Badgley, Henry, Ichabod; Bedford, Elias; Beach, David; Bigalow, Jonathan; Blacklidge, Ichabod; Brown, Jabez; Camp, Jacob; Carroll, Abraham; Casterline, Joseph; Chadwick, Caleb; Class, Frederick; Cobb, Clisby; Cook, Peter; Conger, Zenas; Clark, Abner, Ruben; Curtis, Jeptha; Dickerson, Na- thaniel; Dill, Thomas: Drake, Stephen, Abraham; Gai'rigus, David Isaac, Jacob, John; Hadely, Jacob; Hart, Dennis; Hall, Seth, 'ohn; Haytou, Zachariah; Headley, Isaac; Hill, Peter; Hunting- ton, Gilbert; Husk, Jonathan, Nicholas; Jackson, Beujamiu, David; Johnson, Jo- seph Samuel, Sylvanus; Kitchel, James; Lane, Henry, 'ohn; Liudsley, Aaron, Luron; Losey, Stephen; Marsh, Aaron; Merritt, Samuel; Miller, Samuel, Samuel, Jr.; Moore, David; Mulford, Abraham; Ogden, John; Osboru, Abra- ham, Bezeleel, Nehemiah; Palmer, Jacob; Smith, John. Joseph, Samuel; Turk John; VanDine. John, Francis; Van Winkle, Abraham; Elias ; Varsells, Abraham; Wiggins, George; Winget, Joshua; Williams. Moses Foster; Willis Bethuel. SOLDIERS' MONUMENT, AT ROCK A WAY, N.J. Dedicated May 30, 1K92. Rockaioap amctcrp Records. Followiug ara a list of the interments in the Rockaway Ceme'ery since July, 1899, when we completed the publica- tion of the previous list : Christensen, Joanna in Hanover, July 13, 1899, aged 38 years. Winterchied, Lanasia Aug. 4, 1899, aged 37 years. Wood, Mary B. in Orange, Aug. 23, 1899, aged 88 years, wife of Freeman, daughter of William and Susan (Halsey) Jackson. Ralston, Mary in New York City, Aug. 24, 1899, aged 79 years. Smith, Albert in Boonton, Aug. 26, 1899, aged 74 years. Shields, George W. in Teabo, Sept. 1, 1899, aged 3 months. VanDerbush, Albert in Middletown, Oct. 23, 1899, aged 10 years. Sturtevant, George Nov. 30, 1899, aged 65 years, son of Thomas M. Webster, Edward in Morris Plains, Dec. 8, 1899, aged 79 years. VanDerbilt, Margaret A. in Beach Glen, Jan. 5, 1900. aged 60 years, 10 mouths. Cory, William in Ridgefield, Jan. 10, 1900, aged 78 years. Topping. Julia in New York City, an. 12, 1900, born Nov. 21, 1811, wife of Abijah, daughter of Henry and Naucy Berry. Howard, Margaret Jan. 17, 1900, aged 73 years, (colored). Lindsley, Julia P., in Boouton, Jan. 20, 1600, aged 69 years, wife of Frank. Hopler, Ella in Dover, Jan. 22, 1900, aged 56 years, wife of Peter, daughter of Jessee Lee. Williams, Alice J. in Dover, Jan. 24, 1900, aged 60 years. Ayers, William in Franklin, Feb. 4, 1900, son of Daniel and Mary, born Nov. 15, 1824. Bilby, Manning in Newark, Feb. 9, 1900, aged 22 years, soldier in Spanish- American War. Lowery, Lewis Feb. 9, 1900, aged 11 months, son of Barney. 298 Parker," Daniel in Newark, Feb. 12, 190U, aged 58 years. Blanchard, Theodore in Stanhope. Feb. 14, 1900, aged 52 years, son of John and Ellenor, soldier in the Civil War, 5th U. S. Artillery. Skews, Harry Feb. 25, 1900, aged 6 weeks. Todd, Margaret L. in New York City, Mar. 7, 1900, aged 2 years, 5 months, daughter of Frank. Dougherty, Robert H. Mar. 7, 1900, aged 52 years, son of Anthony Smith, Ruth in Union, Mar. 9, 1900, aged 80 years, wife of John. Williams, William H. iu Teabo, Mar. 12, 1900, aged 52Jyears. Jenkins, John in Hibernia, Mar. 17, 1900, aged 10 months. Tillier, in Dover, Mar. 28, 1900, aged 4 years. Atno, James Mar. 21, 1900, aged 58 years, 4 months, son of Jacob. Smith, Elsie C. Mar. 28. 1900, aged 2 years, 3 months, daughter of Frank. Hocking, Mary Apr. 1, 1900, aged 65 years. Richards, George in New Orleans, La., Apr. 1900, aged 67 years. Doland, Emma J. in Roseville, Apr. 18, 1900, aged 34 years, 8 mouths, daughter of John VanDerbilt. Miller, Edward G. Apr. 25, 1900, aged 42 years, 4 months. Starr, Abigail May 26, 1900, aged 83 years, wife of Frederick, daughter of Charles and Lydia Zindle. Ellis, James H. in Boonton, June 18, 1900, aged 27 years, 7 mouths. Casterline, Chillion D., in Union, June 26, 1900, aged 66 years, 5 mouths, son of William S. Tuers, Lucy iu Deuville, July 3, 1900, aged 75 years, wife of William. Peer, Sarah A. in Morristown, July 9, 1900, aged 80 years, 4 mouths, wife of Gabriel. Cory, Phebe L., iu Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 15, 1900, aged 70 years. 10 mouths, wife of William. Buuuell, Frauk July 26, 1900. Morgau, Flora iu Hibernia, Aug. 1, 1900, aged 5 weeks, daughter of John. Smith, Ralph iu Uuion, Aug. 6, 1900, aged 2 mouths, son of Edward Ruudle, Elmer in Hartford, Ct., Aug. 6, 1900, aged 28 years, 6 months. Riggott, Roseta Aug. 8, 1900, aged 46 years, wife of Johu. Rathburu, Gilbert in Madison, Aug. 9, 1900, aged 1 month. Dougherty, Isadora at Green Pond, Aug. 16, 1900, aged 33 years, daughter of Peter Ward. Doolittle, Ellen in Boonton, Aug. 28, 900, aged 3 months. Geuuug, Aun K. in Newark, Sept. 1, 1900, aged 74 years, daughter of Ketcham. Dow, Ruth D. iu Hibernia, Sept. 13, 1900, aged 73 years, granddaughter of Moses. VanDerbilt, Ethel M. iu Denmark, Sept. 14, 1900, aged 7 months, daughter of William. Morgau, Susan in Dover, Sept. 15, 1900, aged 71 years, daughter of James. Hall, John H. Sept. 17, 1900, aged 44 years, son of George. Odell, William iu Hibernia, Sept. 17, 299 1900, aged 19 years. Magee Anna in Morristown, Sept. 27, 1900, aged 25 years, 3 mouths, daugh- ter of Lewis Lowery. Strait, Clarissa iu New York City. Oct. 8 1900, wife of Harvey, daughter of Johu B. aud Delia Kelsey. Jayue, George L. iu Hiberuia, Oct. 12, 1900, aged 5 mouths. Stickle, Elizabeth Oct. 15, 1900, aged 87 years, 9 mouths, wife of Fraucis. Freegaus, Elizabeth in Orange, Oct. 26, 1900. aged 58 years 11 mouths. Hoaglaud, Mahlou Oct. 30, 1900, aged 47 years. 8 months, sou of Mahlou and Auu Jane (Muir) Hoaglaud. VauDerhoof, Aarou in Denville, Dec. 1, 1900, aged 62 years son of Henry Robiusou, Edward in Mt. Hope, Dec. 1. 1900. aged 22 days. Williams, William H. in Butler Deo. 15 1900. aged 64 years. Hubert, George iu Morristowu, Dec. 24 1900 aged 53 years. Willis, Auua Jan. 8. 1901, aged 59 years, wife of Aaron. Branch. Elizabeth M. iu Bridgeport Ct., Jau. 21. 1901 aged 9 years, 2 mouths, daughter of George aud Lucy. Cooper, Joseph near Denville. Jan. 24 1901, aged 82 years. Gill, William C. Jau. 24, 1901, aged 1 year, 4 months, sou of Johu. Anderson William in Teabo, Jan. 25, 1901, aged 20 years. Crane, Abraham H. .Ian. 25, 1901, aged 45 years, 6 months, 6 days, sou of Abraham aud Mary. Rathburn, William C. in Madison, Feb. 6, 1901, aged 3 years. McKiuuou, Heleu Feb. 23. 1901, aged 7 years, daughter of Walter. Lowery, Sarah in Powerville, Feb. 26, 1901, aged 18 years, daughter of Lewis. Andersou, in Boouton, Feb. 28, 1901, aged 42 years. Long, Beujamiu C. Mar. 5, 1901, aged 75 years, 10 mouths 18 days. VauLuveuder, Mary iu Belleville, Mar. 9, 1901. aged 26 years, wife of James. Sanders, James S. Mar. 14, 1901, aged 49 years, 8 mouths, son of Moses. Wiuters, Addie iu Hiberuia, Mar. 23, 1901, aged 2 years, 9 mouths, daughter of William. Morgan, Frauk E. Mar. 24, 1901, aged 32 years, sou of James and Susan. Bailey, Jennie in Stroudsiurg, Pa., Mar. 27, 1901, aged 22 years, daughter of Morris. Johusou, Herman R., near Denville, Apr. 7, 1901, ag6d 7 mouths 14 days, sou of George P. aud Mary E. (Ayres). Beam, Johu P. near Morris Plains, Apr. 21, 1901, aged 59 years, sou of Heury. Blauchard, Frederick in Denville, Apr. 22, 1901, aged 24, son of William. VauLuveuder, Irene Apr. 23, 1901, aged 3 months. Matthews, David M. in Hiberuia, Apr. 26, 1901, aged 45 years. Morgan, George in Newark, Apr. 30, 1901, aged 10 months, son of John. Smith, Gladys May 2, 1901, aged 2 weeks, daughter of Frauk. Friend, Lucy May 6, 1901, aged 21 days, daughter of Samuel. Fichter, Helen A. May 13, 1901, aged 300 56 years, wife of J. Edward, daughter of Samuel S. and Sarah E. Beach. Parliaman, John in Orange, May 14, 1901, aged 32 years, son of William. Champion, Richard in Dover, May 18, 1901, aged 41 years. Branch, Frederick R. June 2, 1901, aged 6 years, 11 months, son of George. Anderson, Theodore in Hibernia, June 15, 1901, aged 28 years, 5 months. Holt, June 19, 1901, aged 4 hours. Sanafee, John in Denmark, June 28, 1901, aged 25 years. Banghart, David H. June 80, 1901, aged 12 years, son of John. May, Mary Idella in Paterson, July 15, 1901, aged 40 years, wife James, Jr., daughter of Daniel Morgan. Ellis, Hannah S. G. July 28, 1901, aged 65 years, 7 months, wife of John, daughter of William and Hannah Gary. Rowe. Aug. 3, 1901. Strable, Mary I. daughter John, died Sept. 23, 1901, aged 50 years. Lidle, August P. died Sept. 28, 1901, born Aug. 8, 1849. Farrington, John R. died Sept. 26, 1901, born Feb. 4, 1824. ) ■JU>7 A.:,< ' Wl/jit <: fv ^A.£r-Csd > k Z i ■i /.» , /•• <■,'.>.' /.• /,• // <■■ ( {. /'yx>*->z. JL-y.^ 3uo, Aa/Zk* cf^/3t^i^cL€ to htuyy, / yy :z . c-£tad?f?Au Sas}t,rtesrj, &&*-. Oh:4.Zj/, / {///. .> ■■?/;■/; j. //V/V/. x f?Ol, / 3^, -<§<< >~ c ^. £f/*6rr , £^ > -- . Tots. /3. /<7o/. ££.z,a Ae/E ' /\ y _< / ^ _ £<' ^- ^'tru, 2 S, /'/(->/, &/ f/z u. fdsitoit+i ft /) , /fa £a yi/., &ea, /o,/9o/> G S~ y/z ,y, £ eLv-a 1>?JI^ (PaXs J &<-&- &* e - /'/• / l /Oj, Ma *.-'Htt~ . j; u'lc i\ft ii / A< r £\Z: ./ - x^-C-C 2 G,/ c /P/> V l /)f. t'L(>y tc-?v-, £**•>- /&€.& Jl) . / ( /oj , 3S I/- ?/ 1 << >■<,' £■. .'/< tJti /i> ', '■ Jlnti J- 2-, /'jci ^cUuv , G/l£1$. Zi//cl€e > 7?),, Chi IV( y/J/r* nJcJui. o*u-7~' Oc(j<-, 'Z 3, t r fo 2-« i$-n.-r,i-u>T~<-\. l /< T< <( tci/ , ffi y . 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