Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I Ph 8.S, Buffered F 394 .P93 P3 Copy 1 pfie^ "£"©u*»/w. *+• {f ? uJrrJ^<~— -^--otA.^ DON'T FAIL TO READ PAGES 7 AND 9 CORDIALLY YOURS FOR HEALTH °LEASURE A N D PROFIT ft M Let Us Tell You ■w W. D. CARTER, President G. A. HOLLAND, Vice-Pres. B. L. RUSSELL, Sec.-Treas. MAX ELSER, Sales Manager. THE PUTNAM I^MBBEM^m ■-, II Mill I J ELM .MllHWlJUUHlllLIJ i l ' . I' »«Y1.^„ V L M VIWIS. LAND and DEVELQPM ENT CO. Western National Bank Building FORT WORTH, TEXAS COPYRIGHTED 1910 BY MAX ELSER = * :# Af *\rea1 fortunes. Many noted resorts are on branch lines, as for instance Saratoga and Richfield Springs in New York: Eureka and Hot Springs, Ark.; Buffalo Lithla in Virginia, and Mineral Wells, Texas. Putnam is on the map. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY AND SUNSHINE. The Troy (N. Y. ) Times notes that the rigor- ous climate of Canada has checked the flow of immi- grants, and that the tendency is now toward the Texas part of the United States. The Times adds: "There are sections of the United States which are open to no such objections. One of them is Texas, occupying an enormous area in the Southwest and presenting extraordinary attractions- to the agriculturalist and others. In fact, the whole South- west is sharing in a transformation that promises to show some wonderful results in population and production. Texas is very nearly as large as New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia combined, and this statement may give an outline idea of the area open for settlement, much of it being fertile soil, while large sections will be made fruitful through irrigation enterprises now under way. The total acreage is 167.887,000, and about 25,000,1)00 acres are under partial culti- vation. The population is now estimated at about 4,000,000, which is a gain of nearly 1,000,000 since 1900, showing how rapid has been the growth. But in the same space the States already mentioned have 28,431,000 inhabitants, and Germany, much smaller, has 00,000,000. See what Texas might do if put to it. And Texas bids fair to do it. At the present rates of accession there will be an increase of popu- lation which in ten years will place the State in the front rank, while the diversified interests which can be maintained there give assurance of unbounded prosperity. This is not an advertisement of Texa'=. hut it is a setting forth of facts which should be in- teresting to every American and which are typical of other regions in that general locality. The West and Southwest have passed the wilderness era. They have reached the point where thev can offer inducements in the way of agricultural an. I manufacturing industry unsurpassed anywhere, and they should be capable of offsetting booms started in behalf of Canada, Mexico or any other outside country. There are still unsurpassed chances in the United States." TEXAS & PACIFIC "FLYER" AT PUTNAM. TEXAS. PUTNAM LOTS WILL DOUBLE OR TREBLE IN A YEAR PUTNAM MINERAL WATER BEST IN AMERICA Pans 9 PROFITS IN MINERAL WELLS REALTY Mineral Wells, Texas, has little good farming Iry suvrounciiig it, yet it has in a few years, the resort business alone, grown to be a city l ;0 or 10,030 pacple. Among other drawback;, 3 on a blanch railroad and surrounded by hills cut off the breeze in summer. in Mineral Wells real estate is higher than in .own of the same size in Texas, in fact high • values apply to all popular resorts. By the of showing profitable investments at Mineral , we mention the following: A few years ago • 'atholics bought a plot of ground for $600.09. ting to build when able. In less than five years sold this ground for $12,000. bout fifteen years ago a man bought 100x125 liagonally across the street from the Crazy i Pavilion for -thirty-five ($35.00) dollars. He ' on it until 1909, and sold it for $17,000. The vacant corner 100x100 next to the Crazy Well sold ten years ago for $2,500. In April, 1909, it was sold for $23,500, an increase of nearly ten fold on a vacant lot. On Oak Street from the Standard Pavilion to the railroad station, about seven blocks, no vacant business lot can be had for less than $3,000. Choice residence lots 100x100, say four to five blocks in either direction from the business cente.-, bring S3, 000 to $8.0.0. Residence lots, one-half to three-quarter of a, mile north, 100x100, sell for $2,500. South side residence lots 50x13-5 sail from $250.00 to Sr.00.00. The foregoing in regard -to Mineral Wells realty values was given the writer by one of the leading- citizens of that resort, and is absolutely reliable. SCENES NEAR PUTNAM TEXAS. PUTNAM LOTS WILL DOUBLE OR TREBLE IN A YEAR Page 10 PUTNAM MINERAL WATER BEST IN AMERICA Weather t V Ol RECTORS W D CARTER PBES'DEN R P LOWE. \/iCE POEST U - p WE BSTER • C C UITTL ETON A N GRANT CAPITAL. ITOCK j ISS.OCO Wkathe~rto"Rd, Tex„\s Jan. 10, 1909 Putnam Mineral Water Co. As a result of fever and several attacks of La Grippe s I was left with constant aching and soreness of the muscles and joints, I also suffered greatly from uric poison. At the solicitation of a friend I commenced using Putnam water on September 1, 1308, my improvement was almost Im- mediate - I now have no discomfort of any kind and feel perfectly well. Yours truly, 1. 3, Since Mr. Carter wrote the above he has become of our largest stockholders and President of the PUTNAM LOTS WILL DOUBLE OR TREBLE IN A YEAR PUTNAM MINERAL WATER BEST IN AMERICA Pawn THE MEN BEHIND PUTNA The leading stockholders in the Putnam Land & Development Company are W. D. Carter, of Wea.therl'ord, Texas, a large stockholder in the Lowe-Carter Hardware Co., of Weatherford, as well as in oilier business concerns. He also owns stock in six or seven banks. Mr Carter is President of the Putnam Land & Development Company. Mr. G. A. Holland, President of the Citizens National Bank of Weatherford, Texas, and a man of large affairs, is Vice-President of the Putnam L tncl & Development Company Judge B. L. Russell, Cashier of the First National Bank of Baird, and for many years County Judge of Callahan County, is Secretary and Treasurer of the Putnam Land and Development Company. Mr. J. H. Surles, one of the leading citizens of Putnam, is a large stockholder. Mr. Surles is also a stockholder and General Manager of the Putnam Mineral Water Co. ©xas and Pacific Rj Strawn, Texas. Jan. 17, 1910s Putnam Mineral Water Go, Your water cured, me of aggravated sore leg in less tnan three creeks after I had been treated for the same trouble by leading physicians for nearly five years without improve- ment, my physicians fees were nearly two hundred dollars e Your water also cured my wife of a severe case of rheumat- ism. We can never praise Putnam Water enough. It also cures granulated sore eyes, Yojurs truly t Agent Texas & Pacific Railway s Strawn, Texas. PUTNAM LOTS WILL DOUBLE OR TREBLE IN A YEAR PUTNAM MINERAL WATER BEST IN AMERICA C. E. PEIRCE. PRESIDENT W. W HUBBARD. CASHIER O. P. JENSON. JASST CASHIERS (unincorporated) Sj m/ ESTABLISHED IN 190! ^Sa/yUom- tjeaxik April 27, 1909 Mr. J.H.Sur: as , Put iara, Texas. Dear Sir: Putnam water was recommended to me when I was in bed unable to move from rheumatism; two days after I commenced drinking it I was up and after I had been drinking it for a month was entirely cured, I take pleasure in recommending it. Very truly yours, "Z>^2*--c^ l -- e -< S--_-A2iV BRANCHES". NEW YORK. . C.CAGO.ILL.- STLOUIS.MO ' ATEANTA.GA^^ ^hSesSing^j Louis. mo ■ x ' '"1 'rrr^S^'V'-*"' " A ■ ■-". N FRANCISCO '^ g»* jfSSw ' 'I""' T ' ( 3fir«l ''•' ' *. ^;Cv ■•:- ■ \ ■ ■'■\-^.-t::.-XI-'- 1 --' '^3M§i B CO. ,<>-' UN OFFICE V/ ANO -^J !J : \ MANUFACTORIES. [ ORANGE. MASS £ VJ '■-■■— EXPORT £V. ''■■■',, DEPARTMENT (; ■ jpr28 UNION SQUARE \ . " f ------ ~ ■-. ., LONDON OFFICE" i 24-5.26DENMAN ST., | '• LONDON BRIDGE MANUFACTURERS Of SEWING MACHINES C 0R DOMESTIO-^EKPORT TRADE ■i5»-. .'■■■■.- < a - _^X- I >*■ DEALERS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Dallas., Texas, Jan. 25, 1910. Putntun Mineral Water Co. After using Putnam Water l'or a. short time I feel that I nave be.;n greatly benefitted ana while it does not seam stronger I find it requires much less of this watir to produce desired results than other mineral waters I have been using, Very, truly yours, & S? t J^?-?^. V.r . Mann L_s for nore than 25 years had charge rf ..' ::_:., e Coupany's business for the State of Texas. PUTNAM MINERAL WATER BEST IN AMERICA Pit Re 13 CALLAHAN COUNTY Has a large area of sub-irrigated sandy land, where crop failures are unknown. Has repeatedly taken first premium at the West Texas Pair for the best exhibit of farm products. Is on the divide between the Trinity and Colo- rado Rivers, and the best watered county in West Texas. Has produced 90 bales of ccttcn on 100 acres. The sandy loam around Putnam is well adapted to grape culture. Lead an ideal life. Live in Putnam and own a farm just outside. Callahan County has No heavy snow storms. No sand storms. No mosquitoes. No malaria. No boll weevils. Putnam is surrounded by the richest of farming land that produce fine crops of cotton, wheat, oats, corn, sorghum, milo maize, kaffir corn, peanuts, fruits, vegetables and the finest grapes. Think of apples and peaches weighing a pound each. The soil varies from sandy loam to black waxy. Callahan County produces per acre 25 to 40 bushels of corn. 15 to 30 bushels of wheat. 40 to 90 bushels of oats. 50 to 100 bushels of milo maize. ■50 to 100 bushels of kaffir corn. 6 to 8 tons of sorghum. Large crops of peanuts and peanut hay. A fine cotton crop every year, sometimes three-quarters to a bale per acre. Immense crop of pecan nuts. "ALL EYES ON TEXAS." Under the above head the Nashville Tennessean says: "In these days of high prices the householder must turn to Texas for relief. It is from the Lone Star State, according to the New York World, that help will come. That enterprising journal has figured that under intensive farming Texas alone would produce enough food for the entire present population of the United States. "So there is much good to be expected from the trainloads of colonists which are being shipped to Texas, and the persons who still have a desire for three meals a day and little with which to pur- chase them, will hope for the speedy intensification of agriculture in Texas. "But Texas should not be the only State to grow into an immense garden for the support of the mil- lions crowded into the great cities. Every one of the Southern States should read the signs of the times and do everything in its power to encourage the careful fanning of small tracts. Texas may be better adapted to orange culture than most of its neighbors, but it is not so well adapted to the grow- ing of many vegetables and grains as some of its more Northern sisters. — Austin Statesman. Fortune favors the brave. pr SUR'LES LAKE. 1'4 MILES EAST OF PUTNAM, TEXAS. PUTNAM LOTS WILL DOUBLE OR TREBLE IN A YEAR Page H PUTNAM MINERAL WATER BEST IN AMERICA ■ .//. ry/i. Jan. II, 19 10 For years I have been a sufferer from bowel and kidney disorder. I tried well known mineral waters but bad to drink ten to twelve glasses every day to get any relief. My Physician recommended Putnam water and I am ve~n/ much pleased with results, as one glass per day of Putnam water does me more good than ten or twelve of the others. Sincerely 3''ours, "W. D. CLINTON'S ORCHARD AND VINEYARD. 6 MILES SOl'TH OF PUTNAM TEXAS. 1.500 APPLE TREES. Mr. H. L. Owens, of Burlington, Iowa, a well- County, Texas. Asiatic varities, such as the Pales- known authority on grape culture and climatology. tine or Valley of the Eschol should do well. These writes as follows about Callahan County, Texas: vines sometimes bear bunches weighing 16 pounds "The center climatic point for grape culture and measure over a yard long. In Jerusalem these east of the Rocky Mountains is located in Callahan varities are highly esteemed as table grapes." PUTNAM MINERAL WATER BEST IN AMERICA Page 15 ' I B GXea.c Af.=»:t PUTNAM MINERAL WATER COMPANY'S DRINKING AND AMUSEMENT PAVILION. (As it will look when finished.) r, ^v 'ome to Putnam for Health Recreation and pleasure If not, try our wonderful Aperi Altera Water at home If you can't buy it in \ our town write us an J we will supply you direct. To use it is to be pleased PUTNAM MINERAL WATER COMPANY J. H. SURLES, General Manager PUTNAM, TEXAS PUTNAM LOTS WILL DOUBLE OR TREBLE IN A YEAR LIBRARY OF CONGRESG 014 645 709 5 fit* OOU 645 709 oi