' \ DA ■"'^'^ jW)OV^"^WVy \jy 4^ , .:(VIV;U:JV, H^^0^p^S:'H'^^^^^^^ ^'" r^RAVv^^y ;w^wy^:'^' ^vi^^^v^VvWW, IlIBRARY OF CONGRESS. [FORCE COLLECTION.] | ! UNITED STATES 0? MiErTcA. f mMMwHj^^^^ mN^xj^:. --..m^mm^mi&a (\^VVv* ^s^s^mm^. w^ /JfM^^''/,-.^v''''. ^yi^w/uw'. "^ttmrn'^'^mmm^^^m 'im^. ^^yy^y'^M] Wm' i',*»r'',i'>«^ KyVv^yi^i 'W.Vvvv^MMM^-'^« g^vvvvv JvVV^#«« ^■.J-<^v-Vv/«^V'U mii^i^^^'^^^^^^MM^ /JV^VV THE LIFE OF COL. JAMES GARDINER. c. ''OLONEL JAMES GARDINER was the son of Captain Patrick Gardiner, who served many years ia the armies of King William and Queen Anae; and died abroad with the British forces in Germany. The ColoneKs mother was aiady of very excellent character ; but it pleased God to exercise her with uncommon trials; for she lost not only her husband and her brother, in the service of their country, but also Ler eldest son, Mr. R. Gardiner, on the day which compleated his 16th year, at the siege of Namur, in 1695. But ^God blessed these afflictions as tlm means of forming her to an eminent degree of piety. > The second son, the subject of this Meii^oir, was born in Linlithgowshire, Jan. 10, 1687-8; the memo- rable year of the glorious revolution, in defence of ^vhich his own life was eventually sacrificed. In early life his mother took care to instruct him with great tenderness and affection in the principles of true Christianity. While at the school at Linlithgow^ he made a considerable progress in literature. -U/M,^7 '( 2 ) .&2 M^ 111 the younger part of his life, the good effects of his mother's prudent and exemplary care were not so conspicuous as she hoped ; yet there is great reason to believe they were not entirely lost. Could she have I prevailed, he would not have thought of a military life ; but it suited his taste ; and the ardour of his spirit, animated by the persuasions of a friend who greatly urged it, was not to be restrained. Nor will the reader wonder at this, when he knows that this lively youth fought three duels before he attained the stature of a man; in one of which, when but eight years old, he received from a boy much older than himself a wound in his right cheek, the scar of which was always very apparent. This false sens^ of honour might seem excusable in those unripened years, and considering the profession of his father ; but he oftea mentioned it with regret. And after his con'versioii he declined accepting a challenge with this truly great reply, which in a man of his experienced bravery, v/as exceedingly graceful : *' I fear sinning," said he, *' though you know I do not fear fighting.'^ He served as a cadet very early; and, at 14 years old, he bore an ensign's commission in a Scotch re- giment in the Dutch servrce ; in which he continued till 1702, when he received an ensign's commission from Queen Anne, which lie bore in tiie battle of Ra- milies, in his 19th year. On this occasion, our young officer was commanded on what seemed almost a desperate service, to dispos- sess the French of the church-yard at Ramilies, where a considerable number of them were posted to re- markable advantage. They succeeded better than was expected, and Mr. G. was glad of «uch an op- portunity of signalizing himself. Accordingly, he had planted his colours on an advanced ground, and while he was calling -to the men, (probably in that horrid language which is so peculiar a disgrace to our soldiery,) he received a shot ia his mouth, which, with- (3) #ut beating out any of his teetli, or touching the forepart of his tongue, went through his neck. Not feeling, at first, the pain of the stroke, he wondered what was becom-e of the ball, and, in the wildness of his surprise, began to suspect he had svvailowed it ; but, dropping soon after he traced the passage of it by his finger, when he could discover it no other way. This accident happened about five or six in the evening, on the 23d of May, in the yei r 1706; and the army pursuing its advantages against the French, without regarding the w^ounded, our young officer lay all night in the field, agitated, as may well be* supposed, with a great variety of thoughts. When Jie reflected upon the circumstances of his wound, that a ball should, as he then conceived it, go through his head without killing him, he thought God had preserved him by a miracle ; and therefore assuredly concluded that he should live, abandoned and despe- rate as his condition then seemed. Yet had he little thoughts of humbling himself before God, and return- ing to him after the wanderings of a life so licenti- ously begun. But hoping he should recover, his mind was taken up with contrivances to secure his gold, of which he had nearly 20 pistoles about him, and had recourse to a very odd expedient. Expecting to be stripped, he took out a handful of clotted gore, of which he was frequently obliged to clear his mouth ; and putting it into his left hand, he took out his mo- ney, and, shutting his hand, besmeared the back of it with blood; in this position he kept it, till the blood so dried, that his hand could not easily fall open. In the morning, the French, who were masters of that spot, though defeated at some distance, came to plunder the slain, and seeing him, to appearance, al- most expiring, one of them was just applying a sword to his breast, to destroy the little remainder of life ; when, in the critical moment, a cordelier, who attend- «d them, interposed, taking him by his dress for a A 2 (4) Frenchman, and said, ** Do not kill the poor child.** Our young soldier heard all that passed, though he was not able to speak one word ; and, opening his eyes, made a sign for something to drink. They gave him a sup of some spirituous liquor, which happened to be at hand ; from which he said he derived more sen- sible refreshment than he could remember from any thing he had ever tasted before or since. Then ask- ing, by signs, the friar to lean down his ear to his mouth, he employed the first efforts of his feeble breath in telling him (what, alas ! was a contrived falsehood) that he was iiej>!iew to the g< vernor of Huy a neutral town in the neighbourhood, and that, if they could convey him thither, he did not doubt but his iincle would liberally reward them. He had indeed a friend there, but the relationship was pretended. However, on hearing this, they laid him on a sort of band-barrow, and scut him with a file of musqueteers towards the place, but the men lost their way, and got into a wood towards the evening, in which they were obliged to continue all night. The poor pa- tient's wound being still undressed, it is not to be wondered at, that by this time it raged violently. The anguish of it engaged him earnestly to beg that they would either kill him outright, or leave him there to die, without the torture of any other motion ;'and indeed they were obliged to rest for a con- siderable time, on account of their own weariness. Thus he spent the second night in the open air, with- out any thing more than a common bandage to staunch the blood, and he often mentioned it as a most a94o- jaishing providence, that he did not bleed to death. Judging it quite unsafe to attemj)t 'carrying him^ to Huy, whence they were now several miles distant, bis convoy took him early in the morning to ^ con- vent in the neigbourhood, where he was hospitably received, ^nd treated with great kindness and tender- ness. But tlie cure of his wound was committedto (5) an Ignorant barber suigeon, who lived near the house: The tent which this artist applied was almost like a peg driven into the wound- yet, by the blessing of God, he recovered in a few months. The lady ab-> boss, who called him her son,, treated him with the affection and care of a mother, lie received a great many devout admonitions from the ladies there, and they would fain have persuaded him to acknowledj^e so miraculous a deliverance, by embracing the Ca- tholir Faith, as they were pleased to call it. But, though no religion lay near his heart,, he had too much of the spirit of a gentleoian, lightly to change that form of religion, which he wore loose about him ; as well as too much good sense, to swallow the absur- dities of popery. When his jiberty was regained by an exchange of prisoners, and his health established, he was Tar from rendering untoi:he Lord according to the mercy he had experienced. Very little is known of the parti- culars of those wild and thoughtless years which lay between the 19th and 30th of his life; except that he experienced the divine goodness in preserving him in several hot military actions ; and yet, these years were spent in an entire alienation from God, and an eager pursuit of sensual pleasure as his supreme good. Amidst all these wanderings from religion, virtue, and happiness, he approved himself so well in his military character, that he was made a lieutenant in 1708 ; and, after several intermediate promotions, ap- pointed major of a regiment, commanded by the Earl of Stair. In January 1729-30, he was advanced to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the same regiment; and here continue^t till April 1743, when he received a coloneFs commission over a regiment of diagoons, at the head of which he valiantly fell, about two years and a half after he received it. We now return to that period of his life, which passed at Paris, where he resided in the family of the («) Earl of Stair, with some interruptions, till about the yeiir 1720, The Earl's favour and generosity made him easy in his afiairs, thoug*: he was, part of the time, out of eonnniEsion, the regiment to which he belonged being disbanded. This wf^s, in M probability, the gayest part of his life, and the most criminal. Whatever good examples he might find in the family where he lived, it is certain that the French Court was one of the most desolute under heaven. What, by a wretch- ed abuse of language, have been called intrigues of love and gr;!aiitry, constituted, if not the whole business, at least the whole liappiness of his life ; and his fine constitution, than which, perhaps, there was hardly ever a better, gave him great opportunities of indulging himself in those excesses; while his good spirits enabled him to pursue his pleasures, in such a manner, that multitudes envied him, and called him by a dreadful kind of compliment, '* The happy rake.'' Yet the checks of conscience, and some remaining principles of so good an education, would break in upon his most licentious hours: and when some of his dissolute companions were once congratulating him upon his felicity, a dog happening at that time to come into the room, he coujji not forbear groaning inwardly, and saying to himself, "Oh! that I were that dog!" Such tvas then his happiness, and such perhaps is that of hundreds more, who bear themselves highest in the contempt of religion, and glory in that infamous servitude which they affect to call liberty. Yet in tlie most abandoned days, he was never fond of intemperate drinking, from which he used to think or msinly pride might be sufficient to preserve persons of sense and spirit: so that, if he ever fell into any ex- «eesses of that kind, it was merely out of complaisance. His frank, obliging, and generous temper, procured liim many friends ; and those principles, which ren- «fered him amiable to others, not being under th^ ( 7 ) direction of wisdom and piety, sometimes made Ivin: more uneasy to himself, than he perhaps might have been if he could entirely have outgrown them ; espe- cially as he was never a sceptic in his heart; but still retained a secret apprehension, that natural and re- vealed religion was founded in truth. And with this conviction, his notorious violations of the most esseji- tint precepts of both could not but occasion some secret misgivings /)f heart. His continual neglect of the great Author of his being, of whose perfections he could not doubt, and to whom he knew himself to be under daily and perpetual obligations, gave him, in some moments of involuntary reflection, inexpi-essible remorse; and. this, at times, wrought upon him to such a degree^ that he resolved he would attempt to pay him some acknowledgments. Accordingly, for a few mornings he did it; repeating, in retirement, some passages out of the Psalms and other Scriptures, which he still re- tained in his memory; and owning, in a few strong word?, the many mercies and deliverances he bad received, and the ill returns he made for them. But these strains were too devout to continue long in a heart as yet unsanctified : for, how readily soever, he could repeat such acknowledgments of the divine power and goodness, and confess his own follies and faults, he was stopt short by the remonstrances of his conscience, as to the flagrant absurdity of confessing sins he did not desire to forsake, and of pretending to praise Gt)d foe his mercies, when he did not endea- vour to live to his i^ervice^ A model of devotionj^ where such sentiments made no part, his good sense could not digest; and the use of such language before a heartsearching God, merely as a hyprocritical form, while the sentiments of his soul were contrary to it, appeared to him such daring profaheness, that, irre- gular as the state of his mind was, the thought of it struck him with horror. He therefore determined to make no more attemiJts of this sort; and was perhaps ( 8 ) cwye of the first that deliberately laid aside pTayer, frara some sense of God's omniscience, and some natural principal of hononr and conscience. These secret debates with himself, and ineliectual efforts, uould sometimes return; but they were over- borne, attain and again, by the force of temptation ; and it is no wonder, thai in consequence of them his heart grew sfill harder. Neither was it softened or awakened by tlie very memorable deliverance which at this time he received. Once he was in extreme danger from a fall from his horse. As he was riding fast down a hill, the horse threw him over his head, «nd pitched over him; so that when he rose, the beast lay beyond him, and almost dead. Yet, though he received not the least harm, it made no serious impression on his mind. On his return from England in the packet-boat, but a few weeks after the former accident, a violent storm, that drove them up to Harwich, tossed them from thence for several hours, in a dark niglit, on the coast of Holland, and brought thern into such extremity, that the captain of the ves- sel urged liim to go to prayers immediately, if he ever intended to do it at ail ; for he concluded they -would in a few minutes be at the bottom of the sea. in these circumstances, he did pray, and that very tei venily too ; and it was rernarkeable, that \^hile he he was crying to God for deliverance, the wind fell, and, quickly after, they arrived at Calais. But the Major was so little affected at what had befallen iiim, that, when some of his gay friends, on hearir^g the story, rallied him upon the efficacy of his prayers, he excused himself from the scandal of being thought much in earnest, by saying,*' that it was at midnight, an hour when his good mother and aunt were asleep ; or else he should have left that part of the business to them." We now come to the account of his conversion. This memorable event happened towards the niiddk (9 ) ^f Jiily, 1719. The Major had spent the everting, (^hich was the Sabbath,) in some gay company, and had an unhappy assignation with a married lady whom he was to attend exactly at twelve. The company broke up about eleven ; and he went into his chamber to kill the tedious hour. It happened that he took up a religious book (which his good mother or aunt had, w ithout his knowledge, slipped into his portmeanteau,) called, *' The Christian Sol- dier, or Heaven taken by a Storm ;^'' written by Mr, Thomas Watson. Quessing by the title, that he should find some phrases of his own profession spiritualized, in a manner which might afford him some diversion^ he resolved to dip into it; but took no serious notice of any thinj^ he read : and yet, wl^ile this book was in his hand, 311 inapression was made upon his mind, (perhaps God only knows how,) which drew after it a train of the most important and happy consequences. Suddenly be thought Jie saw an unusual blaze of light fall on the book while be was reading, which he at first imagined might have happened by some accident in the candle. But lifting up his eyes, he ap- prehended, to his extreme amazement, that there was before him, as it were suspended in the air, a visible representation of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cposs, surrounded witb a glory; and was impressed as if a voice or something equivolent to a voice, had come to him to this effect; " O sinner did I suffer this for thee, and are these the feturns?'^ Birt whe tber this were an audible voice, or only a strong im- pr^ession on his mind equally striking, he did not seem confident, though he judged it to be the former. Struck with so amazing a phaenomenon, there re- mained hardly any life in him ; so that he sunk down in the armchair in 4vhich he sat, and continutd (he knew not exactly how long) insensible, and^ when he opened his eyes saw nothing more than usual. iLmay be easily supposed that he was in no condi A 3 ( 10 ) lion to make any observations upon the time in which he had remained insensible: nor did he, throughout all the remainder of the night, once recollect that crir- niinal assignation which bad before engrossed all his thoughts. He arose in a tumult oi passions not to be conceived and walked to and fro in his chamber, till he was ready to drop down, in unuterable asto- jfiishraent and agony of heart ; appearing to himself the vilest monster in the creation of God, who had, all his lifetime, been crufying Christ afresh by his sins, and now saw, as he assuredly believed, by a miraculous vision, the horror of what he had done.. With this was connected such a view, both of the majesty and goodness of God, as caused him to loathe and abhor himself, and to ** repent'^ as ** in dust and ashes." He immediaetly gave judgment against him- self that he was worthy of eternal damnation ; was asto- nished, that he had not been immediately struck dead in the midst of his wickedness; and (which deserves particular remark) though he assuredly believed that he should, ere long be in hell, and settled it as a point jwith himself for some months, that the wisdom and justice of God did most necessarily require that such an enormous sinner should be made an example of everlasting vengeance, and a spectacle, as such both to angels and men, so that he hardly durst presume to pray for pardon ; yet what then he suffered, was not so much from the fear of hell, though he concluded it must soon be his portion, as from a sense of the horrible ingratitude he had shewn to God of his life, and to that blessed Redeemer who had been in so affecting a manner set forth as crucified before him. In this view, it may naturally be inferred, that he passed the remainder of the night waking; and -he could get but little rest in several tliat followed. His mind was continually taken up in reflecting on the divine purity and goodness; the grace which had feeen proposed to him in the gospel, and which he ( ir ) hnd rejected; the singular advantages lie bad enjoyed aad abused; and Ibe many favours of Providence be had received, particularly in rescuing bim from so many imminent dangers of deatb, wbicb be now saw imist bave been attended with such dreadful and hopeless destruction. The priviliges of bis educa- tion, which be bad so much despised, lay with an almost insupportable weight on his mind ; and the folly of that career of sinful pleasure, which be bad so many years being running, with desperate eagerness, filled him with indignation against himself, and against the great deceiver, by whom (to use his own phrase^) be had been ?* so> wretchedly and scanda- lously befooled/' The mind of Major Gardiner continued from this remarkable time^ rather more than three months, (but especially th^ two first of them,) in as extraor- dinary a situation as one can well imagine. He knew nothing of the joys arising from a sense of pardon ; bat, pn the contrary, for the greater part of that time, and with very short intervals of hope, towards the end of it, took it for granted that be must, in all probdlity, . quickly perish. Nevertheless he bad such a sense of the evil of sin, of the goodness of the Divine Being, and of the admirable tendency of the Christian revelation^ that he resolved to spend the remainder of his life, while God continued him out of bell, in as rational and as useful a manner as he could ; and to continue casting himself at the feet of Divine Mercy, every day, and often in a day, if per- ,-adventure there might be hope of pardon, of which aU that he could say, was, that he did not absolutely despair. He had, at that time, such a sense of the de- generacy of his own heart, that be hardly durst form any determinate resolution -against sin, or pretend to engage himself by any vow in the presence of God, but was coutinually crying to bim, that he would deliver bim from the bondage of corrnption, «fle ( 12 ) perceived in himself a most surprising alteration, w itfj regard to the disposition of his heart; so that, though he lelt ajiittle of the delights of religious duties, he ex- tremely desired opportunities of being engaged in ihem ; and those licentious pleasures which had be- fore been his heaven, were now absolutely his aver- sion, and he was grieved to see human nature, even in those to whom he was a stranger, prostituted to such low and contemptible pursuits. He therefore exerted his natural courage in a new kind of combat, and became an open advocate for religion, in all its principles, so far as he was acquainted with them, and all its precepts, relating to sobriety, righteous- ness, and godliness. Yet he was very desirious, and cautious, that he might not run into an extreme; and Blade it one of his ficst petitions to God, the very day after these imazing impressions had b^en wrought in his mind, that he might not be suffered to behave with such an affected strictness and preciseness, as would lead others about him into mistaken notions of religion, and expose it to reproach or suspicion^, as if it were an unlovely or uncomfortable things For this reason, he endeavoured to appear as cheer- ful in conversation as he conscientiously could :, though, in spite of all his precautions, some traces of that deep inward sense which he had of his guilt and misery would at times appear. He made no secret of it, however, that his views were entirely changed^, though he concealed the particular circumstances at- tending that change. He told his most intimate com- paniouij freely, that he had reflected on the course of life in which he had so long joined thefli, and found, it to be folly and madness, Ainworthy a rational crea- ture; and much more unworthy persons calling them- selves Christians. And he ^et up his standard, upon all occasions, against infidelity and vice, as delerminately as he ever he planted his colours in the field. There was at that time at Paris a certaiu lady Who had im- i4 ( 13 ) bibed the principles of deism, and valued herself mueh upon being the avowed advocate for them. The Major with his usual frankness, (though with that politeness which was habitual to him) answered like a man who perfectly saw through the falli^cy of her arguments^ and was grieved to the heart for her delusion. On this, she challenged him to debate the matter at large, and to lix upon a day for that pur- pose, when he should dine with her, attended with any clergyman he might choose. A sense of duty would not allow him to decline this challenge ; and yet he had no sooner accepted it, than he was thrown into great perplexity and distress, lest, being only a Christian of six weeks old,, he should prejudice so good a cause, by his unskilful manner of defending it. Howe\er, he sought his refuge in earnest and repeated prayers to God, that he would graciously enable him, on this occasion, to vindicate his truths in a manner which might carry conviction along with it. He then endeavoured to marshal the argu-? ments in his own mind, as wttW as he could ; anxi ap- prehending that he could not speak with io much, free lorn oefore a number of persons, especially be- ibre -iuch whose province he might in that case seem to invade,^ he waited on the lady aloae apon the day appointed,. The Major opened the conference with a view o£ SiUch a arguments of the Chribtian religion as he had digested in his own mind, to prove that the Apostles. were not mistaken themselves, and that they could not have intended to impose upon us ki th€ aeconnts, they giv^ of the grand facts they attest ; with the truth of which facts that of the Christian religion is mo'-t apparently connected. And it was a great en- couragement to him to find that, unaccubtomed as he was to discourses of this nature, he had an unusual^ COiiimaud both of thought^ and expression ; so that fee recolleated and uttered every thing, as he could ( 14 ■) have Wisbech: The ladv heard with attention, till he Uid fijiished his design, and waited for her reply,- She then produced some of he objeetioifs, which he cai)vassed in such a manner, that, at length, she burst out into tears, allowed the frrce of bis arguments and replies, and appeared, for some time after, so deeply impressed with the conversation, that it was observed by several of her friends: and there is reason to believe,, that the impression continued, at least sa far as to prevent her from ever appearing under the character,of an unbeliever, era sceptic. This is only one among many of the battles he was ahnost daily called out to fight in the cause of religion and virtue. The continual railleries with whicb he was received, in almost till companies where he had been most, fa- miliar before, did often distress him beyond measuse ; so that he declared, he would much rather have marched up to a battery of the enemy's caiinon, than have been' obliged, so continually as he was, to face- such artillery as this. But, like a brave soldier in the first action wherein he is engaged, he continued resolute, though shuddering at the terror of the assault ; and quickly overcame those impressions which it is not, perhaps^ in nature, wholly to avoid. In a word, he went on as every Christian, by divine grace, may do, till he turned ridicule and opposition into respect and veneration. ^ Within about two months after his ntst memorable chaniie, he began to perceive some secret dawnings- of more cheerful hope, that, vile as he then saw him- self to be, he might nevertheless obtajn mercy through a Redeemer ; and, at length, about the end of October 1719, Ire found all the burden of his mind taken off at once, by the powerful impression of that memora- ble seripture upon his mind; (Rom, iii. 25, 26.) •' Whom God hath set forth for a propitiation, throuoh faith in his blood, to declare his righteous- Bess for the remission of sins— that he might be just, (15) and the justifier of him that believetb in Jesus/* IT^ had used to imagine, that the justice of God required the damnation of so enormous a sinner, as he saw himself to be : but now he was made deeplv sensible, that the divine justice might not only be vindicated, but glorified, in saving him by the blood of Jesus, even that blood which cleanseth from all sin. He was led to see and feel the richer of redeeming love and grace, in such a manner, as not only engaged him with the utmost pleasure and confidence, to venture his soul upon them : but even swallowed up (as it w^ere) his whole Jieart iri the returns of love, which, from that blessed time, became the genuine and delightful principle of obedience, and animated him with an enlarged heart to run the ways x)f God's commandments. Thus God was pleased, (as he liim- self used to speak,) in an hour, to turn his captivity. All the terrors of his former state were turned into unutterable joy. And though the first extasies of it afterwards subsided into a more calm and composed delight ; yet were the impressions so deep and so per- manent, that he declared, on the word of a Christian and a friend, wonderful as it might seem that for about seven years after this he enjoyed nearly a heaven upon earth. His soul was almost continually filled witli a sense of the love of God in Christ : so that, from the time of his waking in the morning, his heart was rising to God, and triumphing in him ; and these thoughts attended him through all the day, till he lay down on his bed again, and a short parenthesis of sleep (for it was but very short one thai he allowed himself) invigorated his animal pow- ers for renew iiig those thoughts with greater intense- nes? and sensibility. A life, any thing like this, could not be entered upt'ii, m the midst of such company as he was obliged to keep, without great opposition He, j^owevei; early began a practice, which • to the last (160 c}^ of his life, he retained, of reproving vice and ^ 5>rofanenes.^ ; and was never afraid to debale the mat» t€r whh any, under the consciousness of such superiority in rhe goodness of his cause. A remarkable instance of this happened about the middle of the year 1720, on 1) is first return to make any considerable abode in England after bis remark- ahle change. He had heard on the other side of the water, liiat it was currenlJy reported among his com- panions at home that he was stark mad ;, a report at which no reader, who knows the wisdom of the world in these matters wil? be much surprised. He hence conclivded that he should have many battles to iigiij, and was willing to dispatch the business as fast as he could. And, therefore, being to spend a few days at the country-house of a pejrson of distinguished . rank,, with whom he had been, very intimate, he begged the favour of him, that he would contrive matters so, that, a day or two after he came down, , several of their former gay companions might meet at his Lordship's table; that he might have an op- ~ portuuity of making his apology to them, and ac- qqaiiitjng them with the Oi^ture and reasons of his - change. . It was accordingly agreed to ; and a pretty large company met on . ttje day appointed, with pre- vious notice that, Major Gardiner would be there - A. good dealof ruiliery passed at dinner, to which the - Major made very little answer. But whea the cloth ? was taken away, and the servants had retired^ he begiijed their patience for a few minutes, and then . plainly and seriously told them what notions he enter- - tained of virtue ai>d religion, and on what cx>nsidera- tioas he had absolutely determined, Jhat, by the grace of G d, he would make them the care and business of his life, whatever he might io^e by it, and whatever eenUire and contempt he might iticur. He well knew , how uproper it was, in sucli compa a , to relate the/ extraordinary manoev in which he was. awakened ; ( 17 ) vliicb they would probably have interpreted as n demonstration of lunacy, against all the gravity and solidity of his discourse ; but he contented himself _ with such a rational defence of a righteous, sober, and godly life, as lie knew none of them could with any shadow of reason contest. He then challenged them to propose any thing they could urge, to prove that a life of irreligion and debauchery was preferable to the fear, love, and worship, of the eternal God, and a conduct agreeable to the precepts of his gospel. And he failed not to bear his testimony, from his own experience, (to one part of which many of them had been witnesses,) that, after having run the round of sensual pleasure, with all the advantages the best constitution and spirits could give him, he had never tasted any thing deserving to be called happiness, till he made religion his refuge and delight. He testi- $ed, calmly and boldly, the habitual serenity and peace that he now felt within his own breast, and V the composure and pleasure with which he looked forward to objects which the gayest sinner must ac- knowledge to be equally unavoidable and dreadful. Upon this, the master of the table, a person of a very frank and candid disposition, cut short the de- bate by saying, ** Come, let us call another cause : we thought this man mad, and he is in good earnest proving that we are so.'' On the whole, this well- judged circumstance saved him a good deal of fur- ther trouble. When his former acquaintances observed that he was still conversable and innocently cheerful, and that he was immovable in his resolution, they desisted from further importunity. And he declared, that instead of losing any one valuable friend by^ this change in his character, he found himself much more esteemed and regarded by many who could not per- suade themselves to imitate his example. Nothing remarkable occurred in the Colonel's life^ from this period till the year 1726, when he marrie(ife ( 18 ) the Lady Francis Erskine, daughter to the Earl of Buchan, by whom he had 13 children, (ire of whom survived their father. Before the close of these short memoirs, it mv\y not be improper, or without it use, to give the reader a sketch of the character of this excellent man, with reference to his particular relative situations ; in some or other of which the reader may certainly find a model w^orthy of his imitation. To view him firsfin the calmness of domestic life, and at the head of his affectionate family— It will na- turally be supposed, that, as soon as he had a house, hej erected an altar in it: that the word of God was read there, and prayers and praises constantly offered. These were not to be omitted on account of any guest ; for he esteemed it a part of due respect to those that remained under his roof, to take it for granted, they would look upon it as a very bad compliment, to imagine they would have been obliged by his ne- glecting the duties of rejigion on their account. As his family increased, he had a minister statedly resi- dent in his house, who discharged the oflices ^ tutor and chaplain, and was always- treated with kindness and respect. He was constant in his attendance on public worship, in which an exemplary care was ta- ken that the children and servants might accompany the heads of the fi^juily. The necessity of being so many months together distant from home, hindered him from many of those- condescending labours, in cultivating the minds of his children in early life, which to a soul so benevo- lent so wise and so zealous, would ^undoubtedly have afforded a very exqaisite pleasure: but ^^hen he was with them, he failed not to instruct and admonish them; and the constant deep sense with which he spoke of divine things, and the real unaffected in- difference which he always showed for what this vain > world is most ready to admire, were daily lessons of: ( 10 ) wisdom j^nd of piet3\ And it was easy to perceive that the openings of genius, in the young branches of his family, gave him great delight, and that he had a secret ambition to see them excel in what they un- dertook. Yet, he was very jealous over his hearty lest he should be too fondly attaclied to^hem, and was an eminent proficient in the blessed science of resignation to the divine will. To consider his character in the domestic relation of a master — It is proper to remark, that as his habi- tual meekness, and command of his passions, prevent- ed indecent -^sallies of ungovernable anger tov^ards those in a state of subjection to him, so the natural greatness of his mind made him solicitous to render their inferior stations as ea^y as he could ;r and he had Iso such a sense of the dignity and worth of an im- inoftal soul, as engaged him to give his servants fre- quent religious exhortations and instructions. To consider him in his millitary character — His bravery was as remarkable i^ the field of battle, as his milder virtues in the domestic circle ; and he was particularly careful to prevent the various duties of religion, and his profession, from interfering with one another, either in himself, or in others. He therefore abhored every thing that should look like a contrivance- to keep the soldiers employed about their horses and their arms, at the season of public worship • far from that, he used to have them drawn up just before it began, and from the parade they went off to the house of God, where they behaved with as much reverence, gravity, and decorum, dur- ing the time of divine service, as any of their fellow- worshippers. That his remarkable care to maintain good dis- cipline among them might be the more effectual, he made himself, on all occasions, accessible to them, and expressed a great concern for their interest, temporal as well as spiritual ; yet he had all the firmness ( 20) requisite to the infliction of punishment, where he judged it necessary. We may notice one instance of his conduct, which happened at Leicester. While part of his regiment was encamped in that neighbourhood, the Colonel went incognito to the camp, in the middle of the night; for he sometimes lodged at his quarters in the town. One of the centinels had abandoned his post,, and, on being seized, broke out into some oaths and profane execrations ae^ainst those that discovered him — a crime of which the Colonel hac[ the greatest^ abhorrence, and on which he never failfjji to aninwid- vert. The man afterwards appeared mtjcii ashamed, and concerned for what he had done. 'But the Co- lonel ordered him to be brought early the next morn- ing to his own quarters, where he had prepared a piquet, on which he appointed him a private sort of penance, and vi'hiie he was put upon it he dis- coursed with him seriously and tenderly upon the evils and aggravations of his faults ; admonishing hiiu of the divine displeasure which he had incurred ; and urged him to argue, from the pain which he then feit, how infinitely more dreadful it imist be to fall into the hands of the livmg God," and to meet the terrors of that damnation which he had been accus- tomed impiously to call upon himself and his^ com- panions. The result of this proceeding was, that the offender accepted his punishment, not only with submission, but with thankfulness; and spoke of it some years after in such a manner, that ther^ seemed reason to hope it had been instrumental in producing a change in his heart, as well as in his life. Indeed this excellent othcer afw/^.ys expressed tha» greatest reverence for the name v,f the blessed God; and endeavoured to suppress, and, if possible, to ex-, tirpate, that detestable sin of swearing and cursing,, which is every where so common, and especiallyv among our military men. He often declared hi^ ( 21 ) sentiments with respect to this enormity, at the head of the regiment, and urged his captains, and their subalterns, to take the greatest care that they did not give the sanction of their example to that, which by their office they were obliged to punish in others. His zeal on these occasions, wrought in a very active and sometimes in a reuirirably successful manner, among not only his equals but his superiors too. Nor was his charity less conspicuous than his zeal. The lively and tender feelings of his heart engaged liim to dispense bis bounties with a liberal hand: and above all, his sincere and ardent love to the Lord Jesus Cbiist led him to feel, with a true sympathy, the concerns of his poor members. In consequence of this, he honoured several of his friends wrlh com- missions for the relief of the poor; and esteemed it an honour which Providence conf^irred upon him, that he should be made the Lord's almoner for the relief of such. That heroic contempt of death, which bad often discovered itself in the midst of former dangers, was manifested now in his discourse with several of his most intimate friends. And as he had, in former years, often expressed a desire, ** that, if it were the will of God, he might have some honourable call to sacrafice his life in defence of religion and the liber- ties of his country;" so, when it appeared to him most probably that he might be called to it imme- diately, he met the summons with the greatest readi- ness. This appears from a letter which he wrote only eight days before his death: " The rebels," says he, *' are advancing to cross the Frith; but I trust in the almighty God, who doetb whatsoever he pleases in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth. ^^ These sentiments wrought in him, to the last, in the most effectual manner. But he' was ordered to >3ttarch, ^s fast as possible, to Dunbar; and that hasty ( 22 ) retreat, in concurrence with the news which they soon after received of the surrender of Edinburgh to the rebels, struck a visible panic into both the regi- ments of dragoons. This affected the Colonel so much, that, on the Thursday before the fatal action at Preston-Pans, he intimated to an officer of consi- derable rank, that he expected the event would be as in fact it proved, and to a person who visited him, he said, " I cannnot influence the conduct of others as I could wish, but 1 have one life to sacrafice to my country's safety, and 1 shall not spare it." On Friday, Sept. 20, (the day before the battle which transmitted him to his immortal crown,) when the whole army was drawn 'up about noon, the Co- lonel rode through all the ranks of his own regiment, addressing them at once in the most respectful and animating manner, both as soldiers and as christians, to engage them to exert themselves courageously in the service of their country, and to neglect nothing that might have a tendency to prepare them for whatever event might happen. Th^y seemed much affected with the address, and expressed a very ardent desire of attacking the enemy immediately; a desire, in which he and another gallant officer of distin- guished character would gladly have gratified them, if it had been in the power of either ; but they were over-ruled, and he spent the remainder of the day in making as good a disposition as circumstances would allow. He coniinued all night under arms, wrapped up in his cloak and sheltered under a rick of barley which happened to be in the field. About three in the morn- ing, he called his domestic servants to him, of whom there were four in waiting. He dismissed three of ihem with the most affectionate christian advice, and such solemn charges relative to the performance of their duty, and care of their souls, as seemed plainly to intimate that he apprehended he was, probably. (23 ) taking his last farewell of tlieni. There is grent reason to believe that he spent the little remainder of time, which could not be much above an hour, in those devout exercises of soal, which had so long been habitual to him. The army \7as alarmed, by brealt of day, by the noise of the rebels* approach, and the attack was made before sunrise. As soon as the enemy came within gunshot, they commenced a furious tire ; and the dragoons, which constituted the left wing, immediately fled. The Colonel, at the beginning of the attack, which, in the whole, lasted but a few minutes, received a bullet in his left breast, which made him give a sudden spring in his saddle ; upon which, his servant, who had led the horse would have persuaded him to retreat, but he said it was only a wound in the flesh ; and fought on, though he presently received a shot in the right thigh. The Colonel was, for a few moments, supported by his men, and particularly about fifteen dragoons, who stood by him to the last. But after a faint fire, the regiment in general was seized with a panic ; and though the Colonel and some gallant oflicers did what they could to rally them, once or twice, they at last took a precipitate flight. Just in the moment when Colonel Gardiner seemed to be making a f)ause, to deliberate what duty required him to io in such circumstances, he saw a party of the foot who were then bravely fighting near him, but had no oflicer to head them ; upon which he rode up to them imme- diately, and cried out aloud, " Fire on, my lads, and fear nothing." But just as the words were out of his mouth, a Highhinder advanced to him with a Tscythe fastened to long pole, with which he gave Ihim such a deep wound on his right arm, that his [sword dropped out of his hand ; and, at the same time [several others^ coming about him while he was thus [dreadfully entangled with that cruel weapon, he Iwas dragged oflf his horse. The moment he fell^ ( 24 ) ■ another Highlander gave him a stroke, either with a broadsword, or a Lochaber-axe, on the h^ad, which was the mortal blow. All that his faithful attendant saw further at this time was, that, as his hat was falling off, he took it in his left hand, and waved it as a signal for him to retreat, adding, (which were the Inst words he ever heard him speak,) "Take care of yourself:" upon which, the servant immediately fled to a mill, at the distance of about two miles from the spot on which the Colonel fell ; where he changed his dress, and, disguised like a miller's servant, re- turned with a caM about two hours after the engage- ment. The hurry of the action was then pretty well over, and he found his much honoured master hot only plundered of his watch and other things of value, but also stripped of his upper garments and boots, yet still breathing ; and adds, that though he was not capable of speech, yet, on taking him up, he opened his eyes, which makes it something question- able whether he was altogether insensible. In this condition, and in this manner, he conveyed him to the church of Tranent, whence he was immediately taken into the minister's house, andHaid in a bed. where he continued breathing till about eleven in the forenoon, when he took his final leave of pain and sorrow. His remains were interred the Tuesday following. Sept. 21, at the parish church of Trenant, (where he had usually attended divine service,)' with ^reat solemnity. B U B L I N: Printed and Sold by John Parry^ For the Religious Tract Society, At the Depositary, 35^ Anglesea-street, Second Edition. 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