OFFICERS AND BY-LAWS OF "THE: roton Historical Society, Incorporated 1894. 47681:^ WM. M. SARGENT, PRINTER, AYER. 1 9 0- OFFICERS President DR. SAMUEL ABBOTT GREEN. Vice Presidents FRANCIS MARION BOUTWELL MOSES P. PALMER REV. GEORGE M. HOWE Clerk THOMAS LAWRENCE MOTLEY Treasurer ORA H. BINGHAM Librarian EMMA FRANCES BLOOD Historian GEORGIANNA ADELIA BOUTWELL Auditor APPLETON HOWE TORREY THE Groton Historical So( ETY desires to obtain, either 1 purchase or gift, all books ai pamphlets written and published 1 any former or present resident the town, and all publications rel tive to the town, or to any of i citizens, and also all historical reli relating to its history. The Society would be glad to r ceive any information in regard such books, pamphlets, or relic which will aid them in making the collection complete. Thomas Lawrence Motley, Clerk of the Groton Historic Society. Groton, August, 1904. COMMITTEES Committee on Membership GHOUC ETUHKRY .^ ^J^HY MICHAEL SHEEDY. Jr. ELLEN M. NEEDHAM Civil History au\\ \ {KA^\ s,i:wi.;i,L nit i rrwi^L L GEORGE JAMES BURNS GEORGE E. H. ABBOTT Educational History JOHN HART MANNL\G FRANCIS M. BOUTWELL MARCIA W. PARKHURST Ecclesiastical History REV. GEORGE M. HOWE War Histor}' MOSES POORE PALMER MARCIA WILLIAMS PARKHURST THOMAS L. MOTLEY Genealogy MARTHA L. PUTNAM GRACE H. BLOOD FRANCIS M. BOUTWELL Historical Relics LUCY MIRANDA BANCROFT ABBOTT M JklVNik-^n-nrm GEORGIANNA A. BOUTWELL SARAH PARKER SHATTUCK JENNIE L. BIGEJ.OW Publications GEORGIANNA ADELIA BOUTWELL JOSEPH A. SAUNDERS THOMAS L. MOTLEY DIRECTORS Dij. SAMULL~ABBOTT GREEN FRANCIS MARION BOUTWELL THOMAS LAWRENCE MOTLEY MOSES POORE PALMER EMMA FRANCIS BLOOD GEORGIANNA ADELIA BOUTWELL APPLETON HOWE TORREY ORA H. BINGHAM _ELLEN M. NEEDHAM BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. NAME. The Society shall be known as The Grc TON Historical Society. ARTICLE II. PURPOSES. The object of the Society shall be to co' lect and preserve manuscripts, printer books, pamphlets, historical facts, biograpl ical anecdotes, and historical relics, and t stimulate research into local historj^, espec ially of the towns included within the oris inal limits of Groton. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP. Any person who has at any time been resident of the old town of Groton whic includes in whole or in part Groton, Peppei ell, Shirley, Aver, Littleton, Harvarc Westford, and Dunstable in Massachusetts, and Nashua and Hollis in New Hampshire, may become a resident member by paying a membership fee of one dollar and a yearly fee of one dollar. Corresponding members may be elected from persons who have never been residents of the aforesaid towns. Applicants must be recommended by a majority of the committee on membership, and may be elected by a majority of mem- bers present and voting at any regular meeting. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. There shall be a President, three Vice- Presidents from Groton, and there may be one Vice-President from each town w^hich has a membership in the Society. There shall be a clerk, Treasurer, Librari- an, Historian, Auditor and a board of nine directors. All these officers shall be elected from res- ident members of the Society. ARTICLE V. COMMITTEES. There shall be a Committee on Member- ship on Civil History, on Ecclesiastical His- tory, on War History, on Educational His- tory, on Genealogy, on Historical Relics, and on Publications. ARTICLE VI. ELECTIONS. The several officers shall be elected at each annual meeting by ballot, and the several committees shall be chosen as the society shall elect. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The officers shall perform the duties us- ually performed by officers of similar socie- ties. ARTICLE VIII. MEETINGS. There shall be stated meetings the first 6 TnesdcU^ ill January, February, April and October of each 3'ear. The meeting in January to be the annual meeting, the meeting in October to be a held meeting. Special meetings can be called at any time by the President or Secretary. ARTICLE IX. QUORUM. A quorum shall b6 seven members for all purposes except for amending the By-Laws when a quorum shall be fifteen. Any num- ber may adjourn from time to time in case of no quorum. A majority of the members voting shall decide all questions. ARTICLE X. FEES. The 3'earh'^ fees shall be due at each annu- al meeting, and if payment is neglected for one year the person so neglecting shall cease to be a member. ARTICLE XL DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. No money shall be paid out of the Treas- ury of the Society except upon the approval of the President, Secretary, and one Vice- President or a majority of them. ARTICLE XII. DUTIES OF DIRECTORS. Anv vacancy occurring in the board of directors from death, resignation, or in- ability of any director shall be filled b}^ the remaining members of the board at their next regular meeting, or at a special meet- ing called for said purpose before said regular meeting. There shall be regular meetings of the board of directors once in ever^^ three months upon such day as they shall select, and as much ofteneras thcA" may determine. Special meetings may be called at any time at the request of any two directors, pro- vided all the directors have notice therof or assent thereto in writing. At all meetings 8 a quorum shall consist of not less than three directors. The directors, as a board, or by com- mittees, shall have the management of the affairs of the Society, and are hereby in- vested with, all the powers that the cor- poration itself possesses, not incompatable with the provisions of these by-laws and the law^s of the Commonwealth. They shall have access to the books, vouchers, and funds of the treasurer ; shall fill all vacancies that may occur at any time during the year in any office; shall make for their own government such rules and regu- lations, not inconsistent with these by-laws, as they may think fit. The Clerk of the Society shall be clerk of the Directors also. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 739 1 # f ji, ^ mm 'S € « ;i M-M 'ta ..f^-,^ .^iC ^^ '^= :: M ^llj M