^X;a;0' V-0^ ^ ^ -^ ^•:.;4.% "^^ o r,^ . . . . r'. ^V « -7- a\ %> ° « » .0 o ' . s ^ 'N ■i a:^-^,* "y N* ^^ • <.i:';^\Tv-^<' O 4 O ^■. -X' ^^ A^ ^'A\%i/k- '^. 4 O Entered accorfling to Act of Congress in the year 1884, by L. Soards, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. SOARDS' GUIDE BOOK — AND STREET GUIDE OF NEW ORLEANS. z>xi.xo:e3, si.oo. Z79^ COISTTEHSTTS. Governmental, (City, State and IT. S.) 3 Amusements 14 Places of Interest H Esposition Items H Societies, Clubs, Etc 20 Street B. S. Scutes. Etc 13 Foreign Consuls, Etc 9 Churches 16 Educational 19 Fire Alarm, Etc., Etc 5 L. SOARDS, PUBLISHER. 5 Commercial Place, Corner Camp Street, NEW ORLEANS, LA. ^ i; ■p ^ J 1 CITY GOVERNMENT. Incorporated 1804. Organized 1804. Reorganized 1852. Keorjranize.l ISTO. Reorganized 1882 Municipal Election in November of every second year. W. J. BEHAN. .... MAYOR B. T. WALSHE, TREASITRER. JNO FITZPATRICK ' OM MISSION KU OF PUBLIC WORKS. J. V. GUILLOTTE. - COMPTROLLER. P. MEALEY. - ... COMMISSIONER OF POLICE AM) PUBLIC BUILDINGS. CHAS. F. BUCK. CITY ATTORNEY. D. M. BROSNAN, CITY SURVEYOR. J.D. TA^-LOR, - CITY NOTARY. I OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. City Hall. On St. Charles Street, fronting Lafayette Square CITY LIBRARY — Mrs. Mary C. Culbertson, librarian, room 10, City Hall. Mayor's Office. ROOM 9. CITY HALL. William J. Behan, mayor; C. L. Walker, private secretary ; E. L. Bower, chief clerk. Treasurer. OFFICE, ROOM 2, CITY HALL. B. T. Walshe, treasurer; J. Villarrubia, book- keeper; A. P. Harrison, chief clerk. Comptroller. OFFICE, ROOM 23, CITY HALL. J. V. Guillotte, comptroller; B. H. Watkins, chief clerk. Commissioner of Police and Pub- lic Buildings. ROOM 12, CITY HALL. P. Mealey. commissioner; Dennis McCarthy, chief clerk. Commissioner of Public Works. OFFICE, ROOMS 17 AND 18, CITY HALL. John Fitzpatrick, commissioner; Alphonse Gaerlhner, 'ook-keeper; G. W. Flynn, sec. ; James Dunn, porter and messenger. BUREAU OF STREETS -Remy Clark, gen 1 Bupt. ; R. H. Bartley, supt. upperdist. ; Thomas Johnson, supt. lower dist. ; William Harney, Bupt. Ist ward; A. Hourbeight, supt. 2d ward; M. J. Egan, supt. 3d ward; M. J. Joyce, supt. 4th ward ; John Journey, supt. 5th ward ; C. G. Collins, supt. 6th ward; R. Flotte, supt. 7th ward; D. Delaney, supt. 8th ward; M. J. Le- roy, feupt. 9th ward; W. L. Fi-ehan, supt. 10th ward; H. McCormack, supt. 11th ward ; Joseph Botts, supL. 12th ward; F. G. Papineau, supt. 13th and 14th wards; T. G. Higgins, supt. 15th ward; F. Deibel, supt. 16th and 17th wards. City Archives. ROOM 27, CITY HALL. Miss Sophia Kenyon, custodian. City Attorney's Office. ROOMS 21 AND 22, CITY HALL. Chas. F. Buck, attorney; Wynn Rogers and Lawrence O'Donnel, assts.; Ben. Armbruster, City Council. ROOMS 16 AND 18, CITY HALL. Hon. W. J. Behan, President. M. McNamara, Clerk. John Hurley, Sergeant-at Arms. {Coucilmen.) First Municipal District— Edw. Booth. Second Municipal District— Chas. A. Butler. Third Municipal District— H. L. Frantz. Fourth Municipal District— Francis Lauer. Fifth Municipal District— Nicholas Aman. Sixth Municipal District— B. O. L. Rayne. Seventh Municipal District— Leonard Naef. First Representative District -A. J. Fitzpatrick. Second Repre'^entative District— Phil. J. Reilly, M. D. Lagan. Third Representative District — Wm. Conway, W. J. Grady, Hugh McManus Fourth Reprsentative District— R. H. Benners. Fifth Representative District— A. Patorno, H, Albert. Sixth Representative District — L. Andre Burthe. Seventh Representative District — Thos. H. Ryan, A. D. Saucier. Eighth Representative District— Jos. N. Hardy. Ninth Representative District— H. C. Miller, JOij. Lusk. Tenth Represetative District- Zach. J. Dowty, Wm. Graner. Eleventh Representative District— Peter Eaiser W. J. McGeehan. Twelfth Representative District— Otto Thoman. Thirteenth Representative District— A. J. Micliaelis. Fourteenth Representative District — Conrad Heuchert. Fifteenth Representative District— Chas. How- ard. Standing Committees. Committee N. 1, Public Order— Burthe, Tho- man, Fitzpatrick, Michaelis, Rooney Committee No. 2, Finance— Booth, Benners, Graner, Butler, Rayne. Committe No. 3, Estimate of Expenses and Budget— Thoman, Ryan, Fitzpatrick, Graner, Frantz. Committe No. 4, Public Health, etc.— Albert, Dowty, Kaiser, Naef, Patorno. Committee No. 5, Public Schools— Rayne, Booth, Reilly, Burthe, Heuchert. Committee No. 6, Police and Public Buildings- Miller, Grady, Saucier, Heuchert, Conway. Committee N. 7, Fire Department, Lighting, etc.— Thoman, Michaelis, Benners, Lusk, Lauer. Committee No. 8, Streets and Landings— Hardy, Lagan, McManus, Amann, ReiJly, Michaelis, Burthe, Lusk, Naef. Committee No. 9, Water, Drainage, Levees, etc. —Ryan, Kaiser, McManus, McGeehan, Saucier. Committee No. 10, Public Improvements, etc.— Conway, Reilly, Rooney, Naef, Dowty. Committee No. 11, Charities, Asylums, ttc- La- gan, Heuchert, Lauer, Rooney, Miller. Committee No. 12, On Prisons. Workhouses, etc. —McManus, Fitzpatrick, Albert, McGeehan, Michaelis. Surveyor's Department. ROOM 19, CITY HALL. D. M. Brosnan, survevor. Louis H. Pilie, dep. surveyor. Inspectors of Weights and Meas- ures. 1st dist., James Mohan ; 2d dist., James Pollock, 291 Royal; 3d dist., Jacob Joseph, '44 French- men. Public Administrator. 5 CARONDELET. Pierre S. Wiltz, Jr., administrator. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. Board of Health. OFFICE, ST. LOUIS, NE. COR. ROYAL. Dr. Joseph Jones, pres. ; Dr. S. S. Herrick, sec. and treas.; Dr-. Felix Formeuto, Charle. FaKet, G. K. Pratt. L. H. V^onGohren and C. E. Kells, and Messrs. Edward Booth, I. N. Marks, and A. W. Bosworth. Sanitary I'lspectors— 1st dist.. Dr. R. A. Bay- ley, Delord, bet. Caronclelet and Baronne; 2d" dist., Dr. C. Faset, St. Louis, ne. cor. Roval; 3d dist., Dr. K. Mioton, 5th Pre- cinct Police Station ; 4th djpt., Dr. W. R. Man- deville, Jackson, cor. Magazina ; .^th dist.. Dr. A. M. Beret, Delaronde, near Bouny; 6th and 7th dists., Dr. William Ryan^ Magazine, near Berlin, and Couit House, Carrollton. Board of Liquidation City Debt. ROOM 5, CITY HALL. William J. Behan, Mayor; B. T. Walshe, treas- urer; J. V. Guillotte, comptroller; J. H. Ogles- by, pres. ; T. Wolfe, jr., sec. ; E. A. Palfrey, A. J. Gomila, H. Gardes, S. H. Kennedy, Jno. Phelps. Coroner. Dr. Y. R. LeMonnier, coroner, lU Carondelet. Paul E. Archinard, asst. coroner. City Police of New Orleans. R. B. Rowley, chief ; Walter F. Nobles, sec. ; aids to chief, Leonard Malone, acting chief aid; A. Pecora, B. A. McDonough, D. S. Gaster, John L. Newman ; Louis Moths, property clerk ; L. C. Woolfero and Charles Shoemaker, operators. Examining Commilte— Henry Miller, pres. ; W. J. Grady, Conrad Heiichert A. D. Saucier, William Conway, J. M. Gleason, sec; D. S. Dabney, M. D., police surgeon. Central De- partment, DaTidson's Court. FIRST PRECINCT-Bounded by Canal street, Delord, New Canal and B oad. Station house, 1'24 Carondelet. Thomas Reynolds, capt. ; Wil- liam Morrison, and Geo. W. Dewhirst, clerks. SECOND PRECINCT-Bounded by Delord stieet. Felicity ro.id, land boundaries of Har- bor Precinct, and Broad street. Staion house, cor. Terpsichore and Chippewa street. Ado- nis Grabert, captain. THIRD PRECINCT-Bounded by Canal street, Esplanade, Rampart and land boundaries of Harbor Prei-inct. Station house, Jackson Square, near the Cathedral. Sergt. Thomas Dorsey, comd'g. FOURTH PRECINCT-Bounded by Canal, Ram- Sarl, Esulanade and rear of city. Station ouse, cor. Marais and Orleans streets, Zach. Bachemin, captain conid'g. FIFTH PRECINCT-Bounded by Esplanade street, river, lower limits and rear of city. Station house, Elysian Fields, near Dauphine. Sub-p>-ecinct, Parish of St. Bernard. S. B. Gill, captain comd'g. SIXTH PRECINCT-Bounded by Felicity street, river and upper limits of the city to" Broad street. Station house, Rousseau, near Jackson street. Sergt. John Murphy, comd'g. SEVENTH PRECINCT — Station house, City Hall, cor. Magazine and Berlin streets. Sergt. Joseph Blouin, comd'g. Sub-precinct, city of Carrollton. EIGHTH PRECINCT -5th dist. with Gretna as sub-precinct. Station house, Villere, bet. Se- guin and Bartholomew, 5th dist. J. J. Pujol, sergt. comd'g. HARBOR PRECINCT — Oflice. head of Canal street. Captain Thomas O'Neil, comd'g. SUBURBAN SUB -PRECINCT— Station, Canal street, bet. Anthony and Helena. Sergt. John O'Rourke, comd'g. SEVENTH DISTRICT POLICE STATION— Car- rollton av. bet. Hami)8on and Second, 7th dist. Corporal L. Wattigny, comd'g. City Fire Alarm and Police Tele- graph. James P. Kennedy, Supt. room 7, City Hall. Instructions to Watchmen and Key Hold- Upon discovery or positive information of a fire near your box, you will give an alarm by pull- ing down the honk once as far as it will go, and then letting it go. Then wait a few mo- ments, and if you hear no alarm from the large bells or gongs, pull the hook down again; if you still hear no alarm, go to the nearest box and give the alarm from that. Never give an alarm for a fire seen at a di>tance.1.Do not give an alarm for a burning chimney. \MiA LIST OF STATION BOXES. 3 Tchoupitoulas and Valence 5 Harmony aiid Leve-) 6 Washington and Chippewa 7 Ninth Street Market 8 Carondelet and Eighth 9 Prytania and Ninth 12 M ignolia and Washington 13 Sixth and St. Denis 14 Fire Co. No. 22 15 Fire Co. No. 23 16 H. and L. No. 1, Jackson 17 Constance and First « 18 Magazine and St. Andrew 19 Rousseau and St. Marv 21 St. Charles av. and First 23 Dryade- and St. Andrew 24 Keller Market 25 Jackson and Coliseum 26 Jackson anH Liberty 27 Second ami Dryades 29 Market and Levee 31 Henderson and Levee 32 Fire Co. No. 12, Tchoupitoulas 34 Fire Co. No. 1, Hunter , 35 Maiketaud Chippewa ' 36 Second Precinct Police Station 37 Race and Magazine 38 Melpomene and Camp 41 Horse Station, St. Charles av. 42 Fire Co. No. 20, Thalia 43 Franklin and Erato 47 Gaiennie and New Levee 48 Fire Co. No. 6, St. Joseph 51 Constance and Erato 52 Camp and St. Joseph 53 Fire Co. No. 18, Calliope 54 New Basin and Triton walk 56 Calliope and Freret 57 Magnolia and Erato 61 Terpsichore and Franklin 65 Julia ami Levee 71 Foot of Julia 72 Canal and Levee 73 Magazine and Girod 74 Natihez and Tchoupitoulas 81 Canal and Camp 82 Fire Co. No. 5, Girod and St. Cbarle& 83 Fire Co. No. 13, Perdido 84 Carond'let and Common 121 Rampart and Canal 123 Rampart and Poydras 124 Fire Co. No. 14, Common 125 Work House, Girod 126 Claiborne and Povdrae 127 Common and Rocheblave 128 Miro and Lafayette 141 Bienville and Old Levee 142 St. Louis and Royal 143 Fire Co. No. 7. Dauphine 145 Burgundy and Toulouse 146 P. H. & L. Co. No. 4, Basin 151 Canal and Robertson 152 Bienville and Johnson 153 Derbigny and Bienville 1.54 Canal Street Car Station 214 Old Levee and St. Philip 6 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 216 Police Station, Jiickson Sq. 216 Hospital and Dauphine 217 Fire Co. No. 10, Dumaine 231 Treme and Esplanade 232 Rampart and Barracks 234 Treme and Ureulines 235 Fire Co. No. 21, OlaiDorne 236 Bayou Road and Claiborne 237 Police Station, P. Prison 241 Fire Co. No. 3, Bayou Road 242 St. Ann and Miro 243 Stern's Factory, Frenchmen 252 H. & L. Co. No. 3, Peters 263 Fire Co. No. 9, Esplanade 312 Police Station, Flysian Fields 313 Bagatelle and Esplanade 314 Goodchildren and St. Antoine S15 Goodchildren and Elysian Fields 316 Claiborne and St. Bernard 412 Laharpe and White 413 Love and Spain 414 Poet and Urquhart 415 Mandeville and Claiborne 513 Cotton Press and Levee 514 Washington Market 515 Louisa and Rampart 612 Fire Co. No. 24, Greatman 613 Dauphine and Independent 614 Poland Street Car Station 615 United States Barracks 616 Reynes and Dauphine Fire Department. FIREMEN'S CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION— Office, No. 24, City Hall, I.N. Marks, pres.; George H. Braughn, vice-pres. ; Leon Bertoli, sec. ; C. C. Flanagan, treas. Financial Commit- tee, T. J. Ford, J. J. Fitzpatrick, Ralph Mor- gan ; Board of Commissioners, I. N. Marks, Victor Mauberret, W. F. Bugler, Thos. O'Neil, Frank Gerstner; Thomas O'Connor, chief engi- neer; James D. Donovan, asst. engineer; A. J. Lynch, asst. engineer. The companies are located as follows: FIRST DISTRICT. Volunteer No. 1, F. Schneider, pres. ; John Gurt- ner, sec. ; John Willage, foreman, es. Hunter, bet. S. Pi-ters and Tchoupitoulas. Mississippi, No. 2, Geortre A. Chiapella, pres.; F. J. Fietten, sec; R. C. Morgan, foreman, Mag izine, bet. Lafayette and Girod. Columbia, No. 5, T. J. Bath, pres. ;E. W. Burg, sec. ; N. Virges, foreman, Girod, bet. St Charles and Carondelet streets. Mechanics, No. 6, Henry Tharp, pres.; William Nelson, foreman, St. Joseph, cor. Commerce Irad Ferry, No. 12. R. H. A. Mooney, pres. ; S. Gatelv, sec. ; John Maginnis, foreman, Tchou- pitoulas, bet. Race and Orange streets. Perseverance, No. 13, John Fitzpatrick, pres.; Frank Bouty, sec; M. Collins, foreman, 12 Perdido street. Philadelphia, No. 14, Remy Clark, pres. ; T. Mac- Kay, foreman, ss. Common, bet. Liberty and Howard streets. Jackson, No. 18, R. C. Davy, pres. ; Frederick Becker, sec; William Dastillon, foreman. Calliope, bet. St. Charles and Carondelet streets. Washington, No. 20, T. Lawrence, pres. ; Joseph Jamieson, sec; James Wier, foreman, Thalia, bet. Baronne and Dryades streets. American Hook and Ladder Company, No. 2, J. J. Fitzpatrick, pres.; W. S. Douglas, sec. ; W. Bulger, foreman, 169 Girod. Louisiana Hose. E. H. Barton, pres.; H. Heide- man, sec. ; Joseph Madden, foreman, Caronde- let, cor. Perdido streets. SECOND DISTRICT. Vigilant, No. 3, A. F. Freitag, pres. ; James L. Dubuc, sec. ; A. Ravennack, foreman; Espla- nade, cor. N. Galvez street. Eagle, No. 7, G. Gast, pres.; A. Schefer, fore- man; ns. Dauphine, bet. Customhouse and Bienville streets. Louisiana, No. 10, Peter Davis, pres.; John Journee, foreman, Dumaine, bet. N. Rampart and St. Claude streets. Orleans, No. 21, Thomas Ford, pres.; William Evans, sec; V. Mauberret, foreman, St. Peter, ne. cor. N. Claiborne streets. Pelican Hook and Ladder Company, No. 4, J. R. S irrazin, pres.; William Lemraonier, sec; J, Bonnafon. foreman, 77)^ N. Basin street. THIRD DISTRICT. Mllneburg, No. 1 (hand), Mat. Leninger, pres.; Edward Aurianne, sec. ; P. Aurienne, foreman, Town of Milneburg. Phoenix, No. 8, Thomas O'Neil, pres.; J. A. An- derson, jr., sec; Louis Knop, foreman, ss. Decatur, bet. Marigny and Mandeville streets. Creole, No. 9. C. A. Butler, pres.; J. VoUrath. sec; Robert Brewster, foreman, Esplanade, bet. Decatur and Frenchmen streets. Crescent, No. 24, John Chevillon. pres.; Fred. Zengel, sec. ; J. J. Foster, foreman, Dauphine, near Port. Hope Hook and Ladder, N. 3, J. B. Faget, pres.; Charles Keenan, sec. ; Lera Davis, foreman, ss. Mandeville, bet. Dauphine and Royal St. Bernard, No. 1, N. Augustiu, pres.; A. Dar- cantel, foreman, N. Peters, near city limits. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jefferson, No. 22, G. H. Schreiber, pres. ; William Schreiiier, foreman, 843 Tchoupitoulas street. Chalmette, No. 23, J. C. Campbell, pres. ; G. Hu- ber, sec. ; Peter Doer, foreman, Washington av. bet. Magazine aud Camp. Lafayette Hook and Ladder, No. 1, Edward Pettis, pres.; J. W. Miller, sec; H. H. Tilton, foreman, Jackson, bet. St. Thomas and Rous- seau streets. FIFTH DISTRICT— (Algiers.) FIREMEN'S CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION OF ALGIERS— E. Quinn, pres. ; M. Vinett, vlce- pres.; N. Amann, treas.; L. J. Peterson, sec; Timothy Daily, jr., chief engineer. Pelican, No. 1 (steam), Cnarles Gerretts, pres.; Robert Turner, sec ; Wiliiam Miller, foreman, Peter, cor Laversne streets. Brooklyn Engine Co. No. 2 (steam), Joseph Worrell, foreman; L. J. Peterson, sec, Bouny, bet. Delavonde and Peter streets. Morgan Engine Co. No. 3 (steam), J. H. Finne- gan, pres.; John Amann, sec; R. Hudson, foreman, Elmira street, near Alix. SIXTH DISTRICT-(Jefferson City.) SIXTH DISTRICT FIREMEN'S CHARITA- BLE ASSOCIATION— Office Young America Steam Fire Co. No. 3, John C. Bach, pres.; D. Lobrano, vice-pres.; John Pertsdorf, sec; Charles C. Pi|ier, treas.; H. P. Philips, chief engineer, Loui^ Madere, 1st asst. engineer, W. C. Lowe, 2d asst. engineer. Pioneer No 1 (steam), L. Englander, pres.; D. Allenhotfer. sec ; P. Draube, foreman. Maga- zine, bet. Milan and Berlin. Protector No. 2 (steam), John C. Bach, pres.; C. E. Babcock, sec. ; 1. T. W. Mason, foreman, Napoleon avenue, bet. St. Charles and Pitt. Youn;- America, No. 3 (steam), John Pertsdorf, pres. ; D. Lobrano, sec. ; Joseph Batt, fore- man. Magazine, bet Jena and Cadiz Home Hook and Ladder, No. 1, C. C. Piper, pres. ; J. P. Gallagher, sec. ; C. H. Breen, fore- man, Marengo, bet. Constance and Magazine. SEVENTH DISTRICT— (Carrollton.) SEVENTH DISTRICT FIREMEN'S CHARITA- BLE ASSOCIATION— M. DeLucas, pree. ; E. L. LeBreton, sec ; Henry Tebbe. treas. ; Georx-e Geier, chief engineer; P. Philip, Al- bert Arbo, asst. chief engineers. Finance Com- mittee— M. de Lucas. M. Doody, and Julius Feldheim. Board of Commissioners — George Doody, Simon Osterly, and John McCann. Carrollton Fire Co. No. 1, Dublin, bet. Second and Hampson. Protector Babcock Engine, cor. Madison and Levee, John Dahmer, foreman. Independent Fire Co. Co. 2, Leonidas, bet. Burthe and Third, Geo. S. Humphrey, pres. T. S. Schaefer. vice-pres.; M. DeLucas, sec. Star Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, Madison, bet. Hampson and Second, Henrv Heuchert, pres. ; Simon Osterly, sec. ; Louis Zeller, foreman. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. GRETNA. David Crocket Fire Co. No. 1, Gretna. William Tell Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. Good Intent Fire Co. No. 2. UNDERWRITFRS' CORPS. Fire Insurance Patrol, A. Kalinski, captain commanding; Station 1, 162 Julia; Station No. 2, 34 Louisn , 3d disrt. Office, 162 Julia. C. W. Grandjean, capt. of Babcocks ; Ed. Ryan, asst. Office, 11 S. Rampart. First District Babrock engine. 11 S. Rampart Second District Babcoc-k engine, Claiborne, cor. Toulouse .„ , . ^ , ^ Third District Babcock engine, Washington, bet. Royal and Daui)hiue. Fourth District Babcock engine, 177 First Sixth District Babcock engine, 1197 Magazine Lapeyrouse Street engine, Lapeyrouse. bet. Claiborne and Derbigny. Recorders' Courts. FIRST. Office, Davidson's Court, R. C. Davy, judge; James Barry, cltrk. SECOND. Office, St. Peter, nw. cor. Chartres, Thomas J. Ford, judge; J. Vollrath, clerk. THIRD. Office, ns. Berlin, bet. Camp and Magazine, A. P. Keller, judge ; John Pertsdotf , clerk. FOURTH. Office. Patterson, bet. Verret and Olivier, 5th dist. T. J. Mooney, judge ;L. J. Peterson, clerk. Recorder of Mortgages, Parish of Orleans. Office, Royal, se. cor. Conti, Eugene May, re- corder. Parish Prison. Orleans, bet. N. Liberty and Marais. Zeph In- bau, captain. Visiting days, Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays, from, 9 a. m. to3M P- m- Notaries Pnblic. M. Voorhies. room 25 City Hall, custodian of notarial records. For list of notaries, see Business Register. HOSPITALS & INFIRMARIES. Hospitals. City Courts. FIRST CITY COURT. Office, Camp, se. -' INSURANCE OIL TANK CO.-Offlce. 95 and 97 Gravier. C. B. Pettit, pres. JEFFERSON CITY GAS COMPANY.-Joseph Hernandez, pres.; L. W. Fournier, sec; H H av'^SE^*"',!,"?,'' S'- Charles, cor. Napoleon av., office 181 Common. [ LOUISIANA FIBRE WORKING CO.-Office, 97 s';T'In^^-t?efs:^°''^^^^"P'-^^-^^- ^- ^«3^-. ^S^hf rf^^ ^^^^^ CO.-Office, 180 Common. John Henderson, pres.; M. A. Tarleton, sec LOUISIANA SUGAR EXCHANGE.-Edward J. ^o'^r^B'^Inviile''- ^^ ''''"'''^' '''■' ««-' ''''>-'' ^ F^?^™^ SULPHUR MINING CO.-Duncan fo dinner br"' ''' ^^ ^^'•'^'«"' '''-' ««««' ^?mv^n^'^?^i«?^'^'^^^ PRESS ASSOCTA- w n ■^^^?^' ^^^ Gi-avier. J. C. Denis, pres. ; H. D. Hopkins, sec. ' %^OKLEAN.S COTTON SEED ASSOCIA- NEW ORLEANS ELEVATED RAILWAY -F deFuniak, pres. ; Heniy Shaw, vice ores and supt., office, m Carondelet ^ ^ NEW ORLEANS GAS LIGHT COMPANY -Of- fice, Baronne, cor. Common. Duncan F Ken- ner, pres. ; Victor Vallois, sec NEW ORLEANS HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION -Office, 116 Poydras. J. T. Gibbons, pres. ; P. i. Curley, sec. ^ -^o. , x . NEW ORLEANS PORCELAIN MNFG CO - Louis Bush, pres.; H. VV. BenjamiA, sec. ; works and offlee, .326 Carondelet walk. ^MNFGTo'''r'''?T REFRIGERATION AND MJN t (j. oo.— C. H. Lawrence, pres. ; I. S. West sec and treas. St. Joseph, cor. Delta. I^nm ^R^^EANS SUGAR SHED COMPANY- ?n^.n%^°n^ ^* Bienville. Jules A. Blanc, pres. : I John B. Bahan, sec. > •- ^"^ , ^ A^f ^H'^,^^^ WATERWORKS COMPANY- t rh',^,''^'^''""- ^'■^^- ' ^- H. Gardner, sec St. Charles, cor. Perdido. ^fi°P^E'^,PO^^ESTEAD ASSOCIATION-Of. flee, l.iS Gravier. T. R. Roach, pres. ; B. S. Twichell,sef.; J. H. DeGrange, treas. SOUTHERN MNFG. & EXPORTING CO.-A Baldwin pres. ; George H. Braughn, sec. and" treas. Tchoupitoulas, bet. Philip and Sora- paru. Office, 81 St. Charles. '^^f vJ^^R^'^'S INDUSTRIAL AND COTTON CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION-Office 74 Ba IZ^^.%^- R'^'hardson, pres. ; Samuel Mullen, sec ; Thomas H. Hint, treas.; E. A. Burke si^Te'rVn^ar'' ^^ ""■ ''""''^'' •=°'"'"'^- INSURANCE COMPANIES. (Vor full particulars, directors, etc. {see Bank and I'tmrance Department, page 7.93.) RAILROADS. (See Business Directory. ) OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 13 City Street Railroad Companies, Routes, Time, Etc. ALGIERS AND GRBTNA STREET RAIL- ROAD COiMF ANY.— Office. 48 Carondelet ; Thomas Pickles, pies.; W. Boeel, sec. CANAL AND CLAIBORNE STREET RAIL- ROAD COMPANY.— Office, 6 Camp; E. J. Hart. pres. ; J. H. DeGrange, sec. and eupt. The following lines are operated by tl-.is com- pany: Canal and Claiborne Line.- Starts from head of Canal street, out Canal, down Claiborne, up Elysian Fields, down Urquhart to Lafayette av. Returns by St. Clau.ie, Elysian Fields Claiborne and Cana) ; yellow ears, at night red light; leaving starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until mid night. Canal and Common Line— Starts from head of Canal street, out Canal, Rampart and Common to station, Rocheblave street. Returns by Common, Basin and Canal; yellow cars, at night white light; leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every fifteen min- utes until midnight. Girod and Poydras ii«e— Starts from Head of Common street, Front, Girod, Claiborne and Common to station, Rocheblave street. Return by Common, Claiborne, Perdido, Poy- dras and Fulton ; yellow cars, at night green light; leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minntes until mid- night. CRESCENT CITY RAILROAD COMPANY— Office Canal, i-or. Wells; W. Van Bcnthuysen, pres. ; J. R. Juden, sec. and treas. The fol- lowing lines are operated by this company: Annunciation Street Line- Starts from Canal and Camp up Tchoupitoulas an i Annunciation to Upper City Park. Returns by Chippewa, An- nunciation and South Peters; red cars, at nieht red light ; leave starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight. Canal and Coliseum Line— Sturts from head of Canal street, oui Canal, up Carondelet, Clio, Coliseum. Felicitv, Chestnut, Louisiana av. and Magazine to upper City Park. Returns by Magazine, Louisiana av., Camp, Calliope, ana St. Charles; green cars, at night green light ; leave starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m.. then every 15 minutes until midnight; after midnight, every hour until 5 a. m Tchoupitoulas Street ime— Starts from Canal and Camp up Tchoupitoulas to Upper City Park. Returns by same route; green cars, at night green light; leave starting iioint every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight NEW ORLEANS CITY AND LAKE RAILROAD COMPANY— Office, 102 Canal ; Jos. A. Walker, pres.; Frederick Wintz, gen'l supt ; W. L. Leveri tania to Upccr City Park. Returns by Prytania, Poeyfarre, Maga- zine Canal, Decatur; conmcts with Levee and Barracks line at St. Louis st., running thence to Esplanade, out Esplanade to Chartres, and up that street to connect with Canal again. Yellow cars, at night red light; leaving start- ing point every 5 minutes until 10 p. m.. then evvryl5 minutes until midnight; after mid- night every hour until 5 a. m. Canal Street iine— Starts from Clay Statue out Canal to Cemeteries. Returns same route; green cars, at night white light; leavmg every 7 minutes for station on White street, and for end of route every 15 minutes until midnight. Canal Street Steam Ilailway— Starts from cor. Canal and Carondelet to Cemeteries and West End, returns same route Ei>nlanade Street Line- SVdvt!^ from Clay Statue out Canal, Rampart, Esplanade to Louisiana Jockey club race course. Returns same route ; yellow cars, at night red light; leaving start- ing point every 5 minutes until 9 p.m., then every 30 minutes until midnight, after mid- night every hour until 5 a. m. Esplanade and French Market Xinc— Starts from Custom House, Canal, Peters and Esplanade, to Fair Grounds and Bayou bridge. Returns by some route ; yellow cars, at night red ligbt 1 leaving starting point every 8 minutes until 10 p. m., then every 30 minutes until midnight. Levee and Barracks— Starts from Custom House Peters, Lafayette av., Chaitres and Poland to station (here take Barracks ca. s for Barracks and Slaughtevhou e without extra fare ) Re- turns by Poland, Royal, Lafayette av., Peters !ind Canal; green cars, at night red light ; leaving starting (loint eveiy 5 minutes until 10 p. m., then every 30 minutes until midnight. Magazine Street iinc— Starts from Clay Statue, up Camp and Magazine to Upper City Park. Returns by Magazine and Canal ; green cars, at night white light; leaving stai ting point every 2 minutes from 5 a. m. to 9 a- m. ; every three miuutes from 9 a. m. to 3 j). m.; every two minutes from 3 p. m, to 7 p. m and every 5 minutes from 7 p. m. to mid- night; after midnight every hour until 5 a. m. Rampart and DaupMne Line— Starte from Clay Statue. Canal, Rampart, Esplanade, Dauphine and Poland to slation(here take Barracks cars for Barracks ami Slaughlerhonse, ";itliout extra fare.) Returns by Rampart and Canal ; red cars, at night white lisrht; leaving starting point evsry 5 minutes until 10 p. in., then every 15 minutes until midnight; after mid- uight every hour until 5 a. m. Barracks and Slaughterhoune iine— Starts f cm station. Rampart, cor. Poland; Polan.l, Dau- phine, Deery and Pt^ers to Slaugbterhonse Returns by Peters.^Flood, Daui)hine and Poland; red cars, at night white light; leaving starting point every 15 minutes until 7 p. m., then every thirty minutes until midnight. NEW ORLEANS AND CARROLLTON RAIL- ROAD COMPANY.— Office, 17 Baronne; W. Van Benthuvsen, pres.; W. V. Crouch, sec. and treas.; C. V. Haile, supt. The following lines are operated by this company : Carrollton Zwe-Starts from Baronne and Canal, UP Baronne. Delord and St. Charles to Car- rollton. Retnrns same route; green cars, at nieht green light; leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until midnight. Jackson Street iine -St.ai-ts from Baronne and Canal, up Baronne, Delord, St. Chailes ana Jackson to Gretna Ferry Landing, . l-eturDS, same route; red cars, at night red light leaves starting point every 5 minutes until 9 p. ra., then every 15 minutes until midnight. ORLEANS RAILROAD COMPANY-Offlce, at station, Laharpe, cor. White; Henry Larqtiie. pres. ; Peter Cougot, sec. The following linei are operated by this company : Canal. Dumaine and Bayou St. John iine-Starts from Clay Statue, out Canal, D.iuphine, Du- maine, Bavou St. John and Grand Route St. John to station, Laharpe street. Returns by Broad, Ursulines (every 15 minutes a car on this line returns by St. Peter st.) Burgundy and Canal; blue cars, at night blue light, leaving starting point every 5 minutes untU midnight. Canal. Dtimaine and Fair Grounds Line-St&rta from Clay Statue, out Canal, Dauphine, Du- 1 maine and Broad to station and Fair Grounds. 14 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. Returns by Broad, Ursulines (every 15 minutes ^und7 «n^"r^'°" P'"'-°« ^y St. Peter St ) Bur ?^hf^ i'*'^'^- Canal; green cars at night green SWfd'n7g"lft.^'''*''"°^ '^'''"^ every f„,ifu?e^ French Market Xjne-Starts from Decatur cor fnTFair- Trn^T-'^^^f ^"^ Broad to station fines ann J.T'^^^- Returns hy Broad, Ursu- lines ana Decatur; red cars, at nis-hi rpri igh; leaving starting point eVery 5 minutis night P- '"•' '^'° ^^^'y'' minutes unUI mm ^Offin^'V^^,®? S'^- RAILROAD COMPANY- M^rpi.f '^'''^' cor. Can.ndelet streetTlklen Mn«w'^° ,P''^^- ' ^ '°cent Riviere, sec. The following lines are operated by this company^ "^F^^- ^,/^»»e-f ''"■'« f''om head of Elysian fnH n/"V ^?y'V' '^*- Charles. Delord, Dryades Fr«f^''n^° Jacl^son R. R. Depot. Returns bv Kur 'red^n«r«*' J^ourbon. Esplanade anj ijecatur, led cars, at night red light- lpavp« starting point every 5 minutes until 9, ?m then every 15 minutes until midnight ' Banipart Line— Starts, from Clav Statue uti St Charle-. Delord, Dryades, St. Andrew 4ndBi ronne to staion on Eighth street Returns itv ^^r^lT'-^H'"'^^^' Ra>npa.-t and Cana; green evPrv fi."J^''' ^''^^^ ''Sht; leaves starting poTnt eveiy Ave ...mutes until 9 p. m., then everv Ti minutes until midnight. ^ Carondelet Street ijne - Starts from Pliv tlT.^' "''I*- P*?^'-''^^- Delord and Baron ne to ^ii ?° °5 ^'^''"^ ^t'eet. Returns by Caron delet and Canal; white cars, at night wlfite ufu'9n''m'fh'^'"^'°S P°'"' every 5 minutef untu 9 p. m., then every 15 minutes until mid- Amusements, Places of "^p^Pm^^^' ^^ MUSIC-David Bidvvell Pronr and Manager. 90 and 92 St. Charles ^™Pi- ^^ P^?.,°^r^"'^ HOUSE-David Bidwell. Les- l^ul-gSudT"'"^""' "'• ^'°"'' ""''■ Dauphine and ST^ CHARLES THEATRE -David Bi.hvell Propr. and Manager, 102 St. Charlis ^""''^"' ''S^^.^^o^.^r '^^^ ^^^--'^ Opera).Bour. PLACES OF INTEREST VISITORS TO SEE. FOR Visitors to the city of New Orlpnnc ,.,v,-s ™- u to visit the principal? places ^Mmerest wHl^n^^ ^^,M*i°" rf ''■'' ''r":.°"^ »'^''t ^"" «rove an excellent fllns.^L^crt^'-n^agSbrre'Sr KsVrfLlVe"r.^-^" °''^- wi^l'Uly^^tli^e The Trench Market is the largest mnrt in *>,„ South and no one is considerel to bf fa mill ,r with the city until he has been there. It mends ^^^"^^^^^IJ^T^^ etc.. ^'^Z DRIVES-The favorite drive for the maioritv ^^^^^^^ --' ^° th^rKe";v^^r.l'^ Another most enjoyable drive is bv Washine- J.ne loute to Carrollton is directlv nn <5f i^tc.tT'l'n^'ir"^^'' '^^ Pleasant'es!\ic"iii'iti'es ^/itfi^^ioioX';^L!^cVSri4i;v?a?i-s riv^r &"''""'' '^™"«^ '^^' Btrllf lad up the One of the most rural in surroundings of our drives is that over the old Metairie Ridge road out Canal street to the Half-Wav HousI- to .hJ "^dtiirMpfi''^-""^ '^'""^'^ beu^een" b^hoise and the flletaine cemetery, down to thn hriii,,^ Here take the road towards the city? wh?ch leads through beautiful scenes to the rear of and above Carrollton. Down the river bank to Na poleon aven..e, thence to St. Chlflesttreet Louisiana Jockey Club, (house and grounds! located on E^jlanade street, near Bayou St John en"tert'finmPnt'^"^f '"^"^ beautiful'grounds for enieitainment of visitors, etc fonnPr^F^^t'^*'''''*'^' Club Race Course, at site of Bavm, '^f J""''^'^^'- Ei'lanade street, near Svin ,P>,;w^".^ SP'"'" '""'d winter meetings given 5 early under auspices of club at whiph ?esented'^' ^"'^' ^'"''^es in the count'ry' ar^rep^ Gentilly Road— Canal to Claiborne strPPi rinwn that street to Esplanade. theSo Gen, illvrord and along the road for about three m"esnass' ing the Fair Grounds and Jockey Club Par)! h^nt'"''^' interesting drive is down the river bank, wassing immense cotton presses all in full working order. The United States Barracks anrl the Ursuline Convent can both be visitPrl hv H?i= route The student of history JilYnat/ralv Old H,° tn " ^^% .''?"^e grounrf, wlJre glorious Old Hickory and his me., achieved their Vrtorv Chalmette is abont Ave and three qarterSs reSn^ls^'^''/,"^ ^"e.•y pleasa?it method of reaching is by a drive down the river bank Among the many wavs of rearhin" the Fiir Lue upper (.iiy Park, a beautifu tract of eronnd »^cf ^'^..''^ ^'^e Citv Government for the Dur- OrlP In^^".*^ ''f "i^ accesible to the centre of New Orleans by both land and water. The sconP of ^espect.s will surpass the Centennial Exnositinn f«7^'?.'^'\''f' ''^'*- 1' '« the only exposition si ce ancfo'n^rthl'lts^'.^^" °"'^''*' aulS/and I A^'^u^ncSn.^S-upiroS- cIHi*;, ^li^Rf tania and Magazine street lines r mi' to he Pafk ' itXe^^h^'ivly^'^*^^' -ery five minute'rfa^e'^^;^ THE CUSTOM HOUSE-Situated on Pnr,=.i street between Decatur and Peters streets TREA^Srm'v'^i^J'^-'^'^^^ *"^^T AND SUB- i.KJi,ASUR\— Is also a place of much intprpsf street^'"'"^ '"^ Esplanade, cor. of xVorth Peters THE FIRE INSURANCE PATROL-No lfi2 Juha street acts in connection wit" the Fiie Dp partment. This corps is noted for Lsranidif; of action, well trained horses and admrab^ discipline of its employes an.l also its will ken t house. Strangers visiting the hea. quarters of lus corps will be ahvays well receive and the full workings of the corps explained to them. Fm^t^ flp£ ^^^?UFACTORY-At 56 to 62 S ni'e^s s tna ;>h'*"'^ ^'^t Ch.mpion C.tton Com: Fiilm.f .?P,^f '•" ^^^ 'evee. near the Mobile railioad depot, are a!so worthy of a visit. CITY HALL— Corner of St. Charles and T a M?:^np.'*''*^'''' contains the diffe 4nt .nnnicipa business rooms, treasurer's ollice. lyceum Coun- cil chamber and libra.y, etc. It s a larffe com modi ous and handsome struct.tre of br[fk' maT ninp.^l. ^^a"^- "^he front is of the Grecian D^ric rsTattr/Zorrs^'^^*' '- thegraceful belu^t^"^^ OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 15 NEW MASONIC HALL— Fronts on St. Charles treet, just above Lee Place, and is of large limensions, having: ii front of 147 feet, depth 92 eet, and iwo wings 38 feet wide by 84 feet deep. Che corner stone was laid February 15, isp, vith all the solemn and imposing rita of Ma- lonic ceremonies. It is a beautiful block of Tanite from the mountains of Georgia, and a jresent from the Grand Lodge of that State. Che Masonic Grand bodies, and many of the olges, occupy the old Masonic Hall on St. Charles street, opposite Commercial Place. UPPER CITY PARK— Is a tract of land con kaining about two hundred and sixty -five acres. [t is splendidly located, and will be the site on | which will be erected the buildings of the VVorl's E.Kposition in December, 1884. The Park is bounded l)y St. Charles av. the river bank, and between Calhoun and AValuut -treets, and is about six blocks above Nashville avenue. LOWER CITY PARK -Fronting on the Me- tairie road, between the old and new canals, contains an area of about half a square mile, and was bequeathed over twenty odd years ago to the city bv the late John McDonogh. It is famous for the live oak trees that grow within its limits, and is a favorite resort for pic-nics, etc. THE PARISH PRISONS— These edifices, which are three stories high and built of brick, at a cost of about $200,000, are situated between St Ann and Orleans streets, occupying 1'23 feet on e:ich, and a space of 189 feet between tliem. Thev are two in number, divided by a wide passage-way. The main building has its prin- cipal entrace on Orleans street, which is dosed by strong i'on doors. The lower story is used as offices and apartments of the jailor. The Second and third 8torie< are used for prisoners, and are divided into large rooms. The building is surmounted by a pavilion with an alarm bell. The Bayou Road, Dumaine and Dauphine street ears, on Canal street, run to the prison. Get off at Congo square. TULANE HALL (formerly Mechanic-' Insti- tute).— This substantial and stately building is on the east side of Drvades street, near Canal, and is one of the fine-^t in the city, and is now occupied by Ihe Academical Department of the University of Louisiana. On the lower floor is the Fisk Free Library, which fine collection of books is open to the public at large. Offi<'e hours from 9 ■!. ni. to 5 p. m. It was in this edifice that the Slate Senate and House of Representatives met previous to the selection of the St. Louis Hotel for a State House. WASHINGTON ARTILLERY" ARSENAL— This elegant building is situated between Julia and Girod streets, and has a front of 85 feet on both St. Cnarles and Carondelet street and runs through the .-quare by straight lines 341 feet. SUGAR SHEDS— River Front, on Levee, at foot of Bienville street, two blocks north of Canal. An interesting sight to those who wish to learn how the great staple of Louisiana is hamUed, etc. CONTINENTAL GUARDS— Armory situated on Camp street, opposite the Lafayette square, on the lower floor of the Odd Fellows' Hall, con- tains many relics of interest connected with the wars of 1776 and 1861, and is constantly visited by strangers. The guards at all times welcome strangers, and a visit to their armory is at all times made pleasant. JACKSON SQUARE— Is a beautiful pleasure ground, bounded by Chartres, Decatur or Old Levee, St. Ann and St. Peter streets. It is the oldest public square in New Orleans, and is interesting, as well on account of its appearance as for its historical surroundings. This Square was formerly called the Place d'Arms, but being selected as the site of the statue of Gen. Jack- eon, the old veteran's name was bestowed on it, while its former cognomen was transferred to another of our ancient parks. A bronze equestrian statue of Gen. Jackson, the most conspicuous object in the square, stands in the centre, on ground slightly ele- vated, based on an enormous block of granite, and protected by a tasteful iron railing. The statue represents the stern old hero in the full dress uniform of his day, lifting his military hat in salute, hispomlerous sword hanging from his belt, and his left hand grasping the reins of his war steed. Diverging from the statue in all directions are beautifully graded walks, bordered with the choicest flowers of the South, luxuriant vines and evergreens, which at all seasons of the year present a iileasing picture to the eye. On the river front, a little distance from the square, is the renowned French Market, and facing the square is the Cathedral. LAFAYETTE SQUARE— Bounded by Camp, St. Charles, North and South streets to a very handsome place. It is well laid off in regular walks, has also many handsome trees. A statue of the philosopher, Benjamin Franklin is placed in the center of the square, a gift to the city from Charles A. Weed, at one time proprietor of the New Orleans Times. LEE PLACE— Situated at intersection of St. Charles and Delord streets and formerly known as Tivoli Circle has been selected as the site of the Lee monument. HALF WAY HOUSE— Situated just over the bridge at the intersection of Canal street and the New canal, and accessible by the Canal street cars, fare five cents each way. In the near neighborhoad are the Metairie, Greenwood and other beautiful cemeteries. NEW ORLE.'iNS COTTON EXCHANGE— Which is situated on Carondelet street, nw. cor. Gravier, was inaugurated in February, 1871, with a roll of 100 members, which, after dwindling down to about eighty, increased, under a sys- tem of daily news concerning the staple such as had never before been gotten up in this country, and the developement of its wise rules and regu- lations, to upwai ds of 400. WEST END, OR NEW LAKE END— Is one of the most frequented resorts on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain and may be reached by the New Shell Road, a favorite drive, or by the steam trains of the New Orleans City Railroad Company. Leaving from cor. Canal and Caron- delet street. SPANISH FORT -This has always been a point of interest, owing to its historical associations, and may be reached by the New Orleans, Span- ish Fort and Lake Railroad; depot, corner Canal and Basin streets. MILNEBURG— Or, as it is more popularly known, the "Old Lake End," is the terminus of the Pontchartrain railroad. It is directly on the banks of the Old Lake, and the cool air always prevailing, the sails, fishing and bathing to be enjoyed, make it a favorite resort with all who ' wish to enjoy the day away from the brick and mortar of the Crescent City. SLAUGHTER HOUSE— On North Peters, near City limits. This concern has exclusive privi- ledge of killing all live stock allowable in New Orleans. UNITED STATES BARRACKS— A trip to the barracks is considered one of the pleasantest excursions in the neighborhood of New Orleans. The distan'-e from Canal street is about three and three quarter miles, and the whole distance may be accomplished by the street cars at the expence of five cents each way. The buildings used by the French government and afterwards by the Federal authorities, as a barracks, were located on Chartres street, just below the pres- ent residence of Archbishop Le Ray. The pres- ent site was well chosen and the arrangement! of the place are perfect and complete. CARROLTON GARDENS.— St. Chariest, bet. Carrollton av. and Madison, 7th di.-t. The trip 16 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHUECH GUIDE. to Carrollton is deservedly one of the most popu- lar excursions in the neiguborhood of our citv. The green cars from the corner of Canal and Ba- ronne streets, only a sho'l distame from the principal Hotels and boarding-houses, take pas- sengers through one of the pleasantest avenues, lined by palatial residences and smiling gardens to that suburlnm district of New Orleans. Here are situated the Carrollton Gard.ns, which for many years have been m favorite resort with our people, anil a place much admired by strangers. The spacious walks are lined with the choi.-.est flowers, whose bloom and fragrance are espe- cially attractive to those who come from the North, where snow and ice greet the eve on every hand. SCHROEDER'S GARDENS.— Short, ne. cor. . Le»ee, 7th dist., formerly Carrollton. THE FEDERAL OEMETRY.-Situated at Chalmette on the celebrated battle field where Gen'l Jackson almost destroyed the English under Gen'l Packenham, is situated about one and a half miles below the U. S. Barracks, from the original lookout where Jackson directed the movements of the Americans, and the entire field of action may be seen as well as the group of trees in the distance where Packenham fell. The Cemetry takes in some portion of the field works; and there are now buried over thirteen thousand soldiers of the late war, representing every State in the Union. It is as beautiful a spot as can be found in any part of the world. The surroundings are kept alive by our singing birds which abound in great numbers, and flowers are in bloom all seasons of the year. This spot should be visited by all strangers com- ing to this city^ The Levee and Barracks street cars, leaving Canal opposite the U. S. Custom- house, as well as the Rampart and Daunhine street line starting from Clay Statue, Canal street, run within a short distance of the Ceme- tery. Fare five cents each way. CHURCHES. Baptist. AMIAZION CHURCH (colored)— Deslonde, bet. Burgundy and Rampart. Rev. Charles Will- iams, pastor. AUSTERLITZ STREET CHURCH-es. Auster- litz, bet. Magazine and Constance, Rev. G. W. Walker, pastor. COLISEUM PLACE CHURCH-Camp, cor. Terpsichore. Rev. S. Landrum, pastor. FIFTH AFRICAN CHURCH-Howard, bet Jackson and Philip. Rev. Henry White, pas- tor. FIFTH EQUAL RIGHTS CHURCH-164 Val- lette, 5th dist. Rev. Charles Mathew, pastor. FIRST AFRICAN CHURCH-224 Howard. Rev. Alexander Armstrong, pastor. FIRST AFRICAN CHURCH -Gretna. Rev Nicholas Butler, pastor. FIRST CHURCH-Magazine, cor. Second. Rev. M. C. Cole, pastor. FIRST FREE MISSION CHURCH (coloredl- 371 Common. Rev. A. S. Jackson, pastor. FIRST FREE MISSION CHURCH-Broadway bet. Market and Magazine. Rev. Burnett Brown, pastor. FIRST FREE MISSION CHURCH-Adams, bet. Burthe and Third, 7th dist. Rev. Guy Beck pastor. GOOD HOPE SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH— 6th d St. (new). Pacific av. cor. Jackson. Rev. Benj. Buchanan, pastor. GOOD HOPE SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH- (old),63 Jackson, 5th dist. Rev. John Flem- ing, pastor. LIBERTY CHURCH-ns. Marais, bet. Clonet and Feliciana. LITTLE ZION CHURCH-269 Lafayette HARVEY'S CANAL AFRICAN CHURCH— Har- vey's Canal, 5th dist. Elder Joseuh Ross, pas- tor. MT. MORIAH CHURCH— Walnut, bet. Wall and Esther. Rev. Henry Williams pastor. MT. PILGRIM CHURCH-44 Newton, 5th dist. Rev. Charles Frazier, pastor. MT. SINAI CHURCH-Vallette, ne. cor. Eliza^ 5th dist. Rev. James Creagh, pastor. MT. ZION CHURCH (colored)— Thayre av. bet. Atlantic and Pacific avs. Rev. N. Ruffin, pastor. NAZARETH CHURCH (colored)— ns. Prieur, bet. Annette and St. Anthony. Rev. Thomas Jones, pastor. NEW HOPE CHURCH-Gretna. Rev. Putney Ward, pastor. NEW LIGHT CHURCH-ns. Feliciana, bet. Robertson and Villere. Rev. William Patter- son, pastor. SECOND AFRICAN CHURCH-393 Melpomene. Bev. Samuel WalTier, pastor. SECOND AFRICAN CHURCH-Gretna. Rev. Chesley Henderson, pastor. SECOND CHURCH (colored)-Laurel, bet. Ber- lin and Milan. Rev. Henry Caldwell, pastor. SECOND FREE MISSION CHUROH-Bunlette bet. Fourth and Plum, 7th dist. Rev. H. Davis' pastor. SECOND FREE WILL CHURCH-Urquhart, bet. Marigny and Mandeville. Rev. J. B. Meyers, pastor. SEVENTH CHURCH (colored)-Washington. bet. N. Robertson aud Claiborne. SHILOH CHURCH (colored)-Perdido. bet. S Rocheblave and S. Dolhonde. Rev. H. C. Green, pastor. SIXTH CHURCH-120 Felicity. Rev. John Marks, pastor. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (colored)-First, bet Howard and Freret. Rev. Robert Jessup. pastor. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (colored)-St. Louis, bet Tonti and Rocheblave. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH-Cyp less, bet. Prieur and Johnson. Rev. Louis Taylor, pastor. ST. MARK'S FOURTH AFRICAN CHURCH— Magnolia, bet. Common and Gravier. Rev. R. H. Septoe, pastor. ST. PETER'S CHURCH (colored)-Cadiz, cor. Coliseum. Rev. H. B. Parks, pastor. ST. PETER'S CHURCH-New Orleans, bet, Roman and Derbigny. Rev. Marcel Geddridge, pastor. THIRD AFRICAN CHURCH-310 N. Roman, bet. Laharpe and Columbus. Rev. Geo W Merritt, p.istor. UNION CHURCH (colored)-427 St. Peter, Rev. W. H. Bolding, pastor. UNION church: (colored)-305 Orleans. Rev. John Holmes, pastor. ZION TRAVELER CHURCH (colored)— Water, bet. Walnut and Chestnut, 6th dist. ZION TRAVELER CHURCH, BRANCH (col- ored), ws. Adams, bet. Commercial and Pearl. Rev. Thomas Peterson, pastor. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 17 Catholic. DIOCESE OF NEW ORLEANS (ROMAN CATH- OLIC)— 280 Chartres. Mo6t Rev.F. X. Leray, archbishop. ANNUNCIATION CHURCH-Mandeville, cor. Marais. Rev. A. Durier, pastor. CHAPEL OF THE URSULINE CONVEXT- Thiid District. CHURCH <>F THE HOLY NAME OF MARY— Verret, bet. Alix and Eliza, 5th dist. Rev. S. M. Brady, pastor. CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART OF JE- SUS— Canal, bet. Lopez aud Rendon. Rev. (j. Demers, pastor. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (German)— St. Fer- dinand, bet. Royal and Dauphine. Eev. Peter L. Thevi-, pastor. JESUITS' COLLEGE AND CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION— Baronne, bet. Canal and Common. Rev. T. VV. Butler, S. J., pres. ; Rev. W. Kennelly, S. J., vicepres.; Rev. A. Arque, S. J., treas. ; Rev. D. Hubert, S. J., pastor; Rev. Thomas O'Callaghan, S. J., Rev. Joannes Downey, S. J., Rev. J. Dufifo, S. J., Rev. A. Hugh, S. J., Rev. C. Frin S. J., Rev. Thomas Flvnn, S. J., Rev. A. Jourdan, S. J., Rev. Antonius Viallclou, S. J., Rev. J. Quinlan, S. J., Rev. Anselm Usannaz. S. J., Rev. Antonius Free, S. J., Rev. J. F. O'Connor, S. J., Rev. P. de Carriere, S. J., Rev. J. Ger- lach, S. J., Rev. T. McElligott, S. J., and Rev. A. Dufour, S. J., assistants. MATER DOLOROSA CHURCH— Cambronne, cor. Burthe, 7th dist. Rev. A. Bichlmayer, pastor. MT. CARMEL CHAPEL^53 Piety. NOTRE DAME DE BON SECOURS (French)- Jackson, bet. Laurel and Constance. Rev. Theo.iore Lamy, pastor. OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART-N. Claiborne, cor. Annette. Rev. Celestin Frain, pastor. ST. ALPHONSUS— Constance, bet. St. Andrew and Josephine. Rev. Henry Giesen, pastor. ST. ANN'S CHURCH— St. Philip, bet. Roman and Prieur. Rev. H. Tumoiue, pastor. ST. ANTHONY'S (Italian)— N. Rampart, cor. Conti. Rev. J. A. Manoritta, pastor. ST. AUGUSTIN'S CHURCH— Hospital, cor. St. Claude. Rev. Joseph Subileau, pastor. ST. BONIFACE CHURCH (German)— N. Galvez, cor. Laharpe. Rev. Joseph Koegerl, pastor ST. FRANCIS DE SALES— Second, cor. St. David. Rev. Nicholas Simou, pastor. ST HENRY'S (German)— Berlin, bet. Constance and Magaj-ine. Rev. John Bogaerts, pastor. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH-Dryade.^ bet. Calliope and Clio. Rev. James G. Foote, pastor. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH-Gretna. Rev. Eugene Frairing, pastor. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH— Common, bet. How- ard and Villere. Rev. Richard J. Fitzgerald, pastor. ST. LOUIS CATHEDRAL— Chartres, bet. St. Ann and St. Peter. Most Rev. F. X. Leray, archbishop; Rev. G. A. Rouxel, adraiiiUrator; Revs. H. C. Mignot, M. Palmer and J. M. Ber- ronnet, assistants. ST. MARY'S ASSUMPTION (German) -Jose- phine, bet. Constance and Laurel. ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Archbishop's residence) —Chartres, bet. Ursulines and Hospital. Rev. H. M. Le Cozic, pastor. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, 7th dist.— Cambronne bet. Second and Burthe. Rev. R. Valle, pastor. ST MAURICE'S CHURCH— Hancock, cor. Roy- al. Rev. J. Diimis, pastor. ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH— es. Chippewa, bet. Orange and Rane. Rev. Thomas Heslin, pas- tor. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH— Camp, bet. Girod and Julia. Very Rev. P. F. Allen, pastor. ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL'S CHURCH— Bur- gundy, bet. Marigny and Mandeville. Rev. J. Moynihan, pastor. ST. ROSE DE LIMA CHURCH Bayou rd. bet, Dolhonde and Broad. Rct. F. Mittelbron, pastor ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH -Napoleon av. cor. Camp. Rev. A. Verrina, pastor. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH (old) -Camp, cor. Berlin. Rev. A. Verrina, pastor. ST. TERESA'S CHURCH— Erato, cor. Camp, Rev. P. M. L. Massardier, pastor. ST VINCENT DE PAUL— Dauphine, bet. Mon- tegut and Clouet. Rev. A. F. X. Chapius, pas- tor. TRINITY CHURCH— Cambronne, near Second, 7th dist. Christian. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH— Camp, cor. Mel- pomene. Rev. W. L. Gibson, pastor. Congregational. ALGIERS CHURCH (colored)— Vallette, near Eliza. CENTRAL CHURCH (colored)— S. Liberty, cor. Gasquet. Rev. Robert Alexander, pastor. HOWARD CHURCH (colored)— Spain, bet. Rampart and St. Claude. Rev. H. A. Ruffin, pastor. MORRIS BROWN CHAPEL No. 2 (colored)— 467 Villere, 3d dist. Rev. Isaac H. Hull, pastor. MORRIS BROWN CHAPEL (colored)— Marais, bet. Bourbon and Union, 3d dist. Episcopal. DIOCESE OF LOUISIANA— Right Rev. JohnN. Galleher, bishop; John Chaffe, treas.; Rev. John Percival, D. D. sec; Standing Commit- tee—Rev. J. F. Giranlt, pres. ; Rev. John Perci- val, D. I)., Rev. A. J. Drysdale, James McCon- aell, Robert Mott; H. V. Ogden, Esq., sec. ANNUNCIATION CHURCH— Race, cor. Camp Rev. John Percival, D. D., rector. CALVARY CHURCH— Prytania, cor. Conery. Rev. W. K. Douglas, rector. CHRIST CHURCH— Canal, cor. Dauphine. Rev. Alex J. Drysdale, rector. MT. CALVARY CHURCH (colored)— St. An- drew, sw. cor. Willow. MT. OLIVET CHURCH -Peter, cor. Olivier, 5th dist. Rev. C. S. Hedges, rector. ST. ANNA'S CHURCH— 197 Esplanade. Rev. J. F. Girault, rector. i^T. GEORGE'S CHURCH— St. Charles av. cor. Cadiz. Rev. Samuel Wiggins, rector. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH— Third, cor. Annuncia- tion. Rev. S. Wiggins, rector. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- Camp, cor. Gaiennie. Rev. H. U. Waters, rector. ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH— Prytania, ew. cor. Calliope. Rev. C. H. Thompson, D. D., rector. 18 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. TRINITY CHAPEL— Rampart, cor. Euterpe, Rev. Arthur W. Chapman in charge. TRINITY CHURCH -Jackson, cor. Coliseum. Rev. R. A. Holland, rector. Evangelical Protestant. BETHLEHEM CHURCH- 368 Felicity. Rev. Henry Kleinhagen, pastor. GERMAN EVANGELICAL-Jackson, sw. cor. Chippewa. Rev. L. P. Heintz, pastor. FIRST CHURCH— Milan, cor. Camp. Rev. Julius C. Kraemer, pastor. GERMAN EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT CONGREGATION— 36 N. Derbigny. Rev. J. H. Perpeet, pastor. GERMAN PROTESTANT-Zimpel, bet. Leoni- das and Monroe, 7th dist. Rev. Louis Raguet, pastor. GERMAN PROTESTANT CHURCH— Gretna. GERMAN PROTESTANT— Clio, bet. St. Charles av. and Carondelet. Rev. August Gehrke, pastor. MADISON STREET CHURCH— Madison, bet. Burthe and Thirrl, 7th dist. Rev. P. Ziemer, pastor. Greek. GREEK CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY— N. Dulhonde, bet. Barracks and Hospital. Rev. Ealitski Michel, curate. Jewish. CHEVRE REDUSHE MIKVEH ISRAEL SYN- AGOGUE-, le.') Drvades, Rev. Albert Silver- stein, rabbi GATES OF PRAYER-Jackson, bet. Chippewa and Annunciation. TEMPLE OF SINAI— es. Carondelet, bet. De- lord and Calliope. Rev. J. K. Gutheim, rabbi. THE RIGHT WAY— Carondelet, bet. Poydras and Lafayette. M. A. Seiferth, actg. rabbi. TOURO SYNAGOGUE— 218 Carondelet. Rev. Isaac H. L<'ucht, rabbi. Lutheran. EMANUEL'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH— St. Louis, bet. Johnson and Prieur. Rev. J. F. Dcjescher, pastor. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-426 N. Claiborne. FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH —Camp, ne. cor. Soniat. Rev. Owen Riedy, pastor. MT. ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH— Franklin, sw. cor. Thalia. Rev. J. N. Blake pastor. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-Customhouse, cor. N. Prieur. Rev. T. Steinake, pastor. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH— Port, cor. Burgundy. Rev. Christian G. Moedinger, pastor. TRINITY CHURCH-Olivier, ne. cor. Eliza, 5th dist. Rev. George Franke, pastor. ZION < JHURCH— St. Charles av. cor. St. Andrew. Rev. P. Roesner, jiastor. Methodist Episcopal. AMES CHURCH— St. Charles av. cor. Calliope. Rev. J. G. Vaughan, pastor. CLINTON STREET CHURCH (colored)— Clin- ton, cor. Pearl, 7th dist. Rev. Prince King, pastor. I FIRST GERMAN CHURCH— S. Franklin, cor. St. Andrew. Rev. D. Matthaei, pastor. i FIRST STREET CHURCH (colored) Winan's Chapel— Dryades, ne. cor. First. Kev. T. G. Montgomery, pastor. JEFFERSON STREET GERMAN CHURCH— Jefferson, cor. Plum, 7th dist. LAHARPE STREET CHURCH (colored)— La- harpe, bet. N. Roman and N. Prieur. MOUNT ZION CHURCH (colored)— Jackson, near Locust. Rev. J. F. Marshall, pastor. MOUNT ZION CHURCH (colored)-De8ire. bet. Marais and Urquhart. NEW METHODIST CHURCH— Constance, sw. cor. Octavia. Rev. M. Parker, pastor. PLEASANT PLAINS CHAPEL (colored)-290 Perditlo. Rev. James D. Hudson, pastor. PLUM STREET CHURCH-Plum, bet.Leonidas and Monroe, 7th dist. Rev. William Murel. pastor. SECOND GERMAN CHURCH-Eighth, se. cor. Laurel. Rev. J. A. Traeger, pastor. SIMPSON CHAPEL (colored)— ws. Valence, bet. Camp and Cnestnut. Rev. Joseph Gould, pas- tor. SIXTH STREET CHURCH— Sixth, bet. Annun- ciation and Lnurel. Rev. Morris J. Dyer, pas- tor. SOULE CHAPEL (colored)— 66 Marais. ST. JAMES AFRICAN CHURCH-N. Roman, bet. Customhouse and Bienville. Rev. Henry B. Parks, pastor. THIRD GERMAN CHURCH-673 N. Rampart, bet. St. Ferdinand and Press. Rev. W. H. Traeger, pastur. THOMPSON CHAPEL (colored) -Rampart, cor Washington. Rev. R. L. Beal, pastor UNION BETHEL CHURCH (colored)— S. Frank- lin, cor. Thalia. Rev. J. R. Grimes, pastor. UNION CHAPEL (colored)— Bienville, bet. Vil- lere and Marais. Rev. Stephen Priestly, pas- tor. UNION CILAPEL- 181 Union, 3d dist. Rev. Jesse Cummings, pastor. WESLEY CHAPEL (colored)-S. Liberty, bet. Perdido and Povdras. Rev. S. Davage, pas- tor. ZION AFRICAN CHUCH— Frenchmen, cor. Josephine. Methodist Episcopal (South). ALGIERS CHURCH-Lt. Miss Louise S. Howard, principal. McDonogh No. 5— Market, bet. Franklin and Monroe, 5th dist. C. E. Holmes, principal. McDonogh No. 6— Berlin, bet. Magazine and Camp. Miss A. E. Kilgroye, principal. McDonogh No. 7, boys— Milan, oor. Chestnut. T. L. Preston, principal. McDonogh No. 7, girls— Milan, cor. Chestnut. Miss B. S. Rossner, principal. McDonogh No. 8, boys- Constance, cor. Ninth. Louis J. Leche, principal. McDonogh No. 9, boys and girls— Onzaga, cor. Rocheblave. G. Andry, principal. McDonogh No. 10, boys— Baronne, cor. First. J R. Hutchison, principal. McDonogh No. 11, girls— Cor. Prieur and Pal- myra streets. Mrs. C. K. Sproiile, principal. McDonogh No. 12— N. Rampart, cor. Pauline. A. B. Chandler, principal. McDonogh No. l.'^- Cor. Common and Villere streets. John H. Heslin, principal. McDonogh No. 15-Barra-k8,bel. Dauphine and Burgunily. Mrs. D. R. Miller, principal. McDonogh No. 16— Bourbon, bet. St. Claude and Marais. Dr. James Burns, principal. Metaire Ridge, boys and girls— Canal, cor. Na- poleon. Miss M. J. O'Neii, principal. Paulding, boys— Cor. Constance and Gaiennie streets. V. Mielly, principal. Pontchartrain, boys and girls— Columbia street Milneburg. Mrs. M. A. Riley, principal. Robertson, girls— 58 N. Robertson. Mrs. J. E Stehle, principal. St. Andrew, boys and girls- Magnolia, cor. St Andrew. C. P. Giiichard, principal. St. Ann, girls— St. Ann, bet. Marais and Villere streets. Miss J. M. Mettaxa, principal. St. Philip, boys— St. Philip, bet. Royal and Bour- bim streets. Short Street, boys and girls— Short, near St Charles, 7th dist. Mrs. J. R. Dicks, principal. Washington No. 1, girls— Cor. Chartres and Piety streets. MissLucretia B. Wilder, prin- cipal. Washington No. 2, girls— Washington, cor Burthe, 7th dist. Mrs. F. B. Hooper, princi- pal. Webster, girle— Cor. Dryades and Erato streets. Miss Isabel Simmons, principal. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. Common, Dryades, and Baronne, Hon. Randell Hunt, LL. D., pres. Administrators ex-ojfficio—Tbe Governor of Lou- isiana; Hon. E. Bermudez, chief justice of Louisiana; VV. J. Behan, mayor of the city of New Orleans; Albert Baldwin, E. F. Laville- beuvre, R. S. Howard, Gus. A. Breaux, D. C. Labatt and John H. Kennard. Academical Department.— H. H. Jesse, dean and professor of Latin; J. L. Cross, professor of pure and applied mathematics; J. H. Deiler, professor of German ; Alcee Fortier, professor of French; Brown Ayres, B. Sc, professor of physics and actinir professor of chemistry; Robert Sharpe, M. A.. Ph. D., professor of Greek and English languages; L. C. Reed, prin. <.f High School and asst. professor of English hiftory; John R. Ficklen, B. Lit, asst. professor of English ; Johnson Armstrong, jr., aast. professor of Latin and mathematics. Medical Faculty— T. G. Richardson, M. D., dean of the faculty; Ernest S. Lewis, M. D., profes- sor of general and clinical obstetrics and dis- eas'-s of women and children; T. G. Richard- son, M. D., professor of general and clinical surgery; Samuel Logan, M. D., professor of anatomy and clinical surgery; Samnel M. Re- miss, M. D., professor of the theory and i)rac- tice of medicine and clinical medicine; Stan- ford E. Chaille, M. D., professor of physiology and pathological anatomy; John B. Elliott, M. D., professorof materia mcdica and therapeu- tics ami clinical medicine; Joseph Jones, M. D., professor of chemistry; A. B. Miles, M. D., demonstrator of anatomy; Edward Harrison, M. D., lecturer on diseases of the eye. Law Department— J &me* B . Eustis, dean of the faculty; Hon. Randell Hunt, LL. D., professor of constitutional law, commercial law and the law of evidence; Henry Carleton Miller, pro- fessor of admiraltv and international law; William Francis Mellen, professor of common law and equity jurisprudence. SOCIETIES. (Secret and Benevolent.) MASOJJIC. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana. Annual Communication held second Monday in February. OFFICERS : Jas. L. Lobdell, M. VV. Grand Master; David R Graham, R. W. Dep. Grand Ma-^ter; David Leatherman, R. W. Senior Grand Warden ; Chas. F. Buck. R. W. Junior Grand Warden ; Arthur William Hyatt. R. W. Grand Treasurer- Jas. Batchelor, B. W.Grand Secretary; Rev Herman C. Duncan, W. Grand Chaplain- David N. Barrow, W. Senior Grand Deacon; p. S. Stocking, W. Junior Grand Deacon; MarkQuayle W. Grand Marshal; John Clegg, W. Grand Swordbearer; H. Hamtiurger, W Grand Pursivant; John G. McWilliamt', W Grand Steward; Fred. Endom, W. Grand Steward ; John C. Crimen, W. Grand Steward • P. W. Sherwood, W. Grand Steward; Thomas Cnpps, W. Grand Organist; Alexander Que- ant, W. Grand Tyler. Constituent Lodges. OFFICERS : LOUISIANA RELIEF LODGE, No. 1— Meets at Grand Lodge Hall on first Sunday of each month. Henry Hamburger, W. M., 13 Com- mercial pi.; Richard Lambert, sec. Masonic Hall. PERFECT UNION. No. 1-Rampart street, bet. Dumaine and St. Philip. Second Wednesday and Fourth Friday. A. L. Tissot, W. M. ; R. Barbier, sec. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 21 POLAR STAR. No. 1— Polar Star Hall, ror. Ram- part and Kerlereo. Fir.sl and third Friday. Bernard Maylie, W. M. ; J. Peres, sec. PERSEVERANCE LODGE, No. 4— Perseverance Hall, cor. Duniaine an.l St. Claude. Second and fourth Sunday. U. Sahuque, W. M. ; J. Magi'ndie, sec. ST. ANDREW LODGE, No. ."i— Conti, bet. Vil- lere and Roheitson streets. Meets first and third Wednesday of every month. A. Mailhes, W. M. ; P. S. Bossoney, sec. GERMANIA LODGE, No. 46-318 St. Louis street. Second and fourth Wednesday. Charles F. Buck, W. M. ; Ed. Ehrhard, sec. FRIENDS OF HARMONY LODGE, No. 58— Grand Lodge Hall, south wing. Every Tues- day. John Berry, W. M. MT. MORIAH LODGE, No. 59—163 Camp, bet. Girod and Julia streets. Every Tuesday. F. T. Royer, W. M. ; James Furneau, sec. GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 65— Grand Lodge Hall, south wing. Every Wed- nesday. A. S. Cutler, W. M. ; Wm. H. Rooney, sec. DUDLEY LODGE, No. 66— Grand Lodge Hall, south wing, 85 St. Charles. Second and fourth Thursday. Edwin Marks, W. M. ; S. S. Palton, sec. MARION LODGE, No. 68-Grand Lodge Hall, south wing. Fir-t and third Thursday. E. D. Craig. W. M. ; Thomas Cripps, sec. HIRAM LODGE, No. 70— Grand Lodge Hall, north wing. Everv Friday. . City Hall. Every Friday. Frank M. Carahcr, W. M. ; Hugh Breen, sec. MOST EXCETJJONT GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA — Annual Convocation held second Tuesday in February. Officers: James L. Lobilell, Gr'd H. P.; A. Shaw, Dep. Gr'd H. P. ; Richard Lambet, Gi 'il Iv. ; Fred. Endom, Gr'd S. ; Sam'l Manning Todd, Gr'd T. ;Jas. C. Batchelor, Gr'd Sec. ; D. Stocking, Gr'd Capt. of the Host; J. Wm. Davis, Gr'd Princii)al Sojour- ner ; John C. Mc Williams, Gr'd li. A. Capt. : B. G. Kennev, Gr'd M. 3d V.; H. Hamburger, Gr'd M. 2d V. ; V. Von Sclioeler. Gr'd M. Ist V. ; J. W. Maguire, G. Guard; Herman C. Duncan, E. G. Chaplain. ORLEANS R. A. C, No. 1— Grand Lodge Hall, First and Third Monday. Chiirles Chaffe. H. P.; Thos. Cripps, sec. CONCORD R. A. C, No. 2—159 Camp street. Every Monday. Joseph Kantz, E. H. P. ; E. E. Adams, sec. DELTA R. A. C, No. 15— Grand Lodge Hall. Second and Fourth Thursday. Joseph P. Hornor, E. H. P. ; H. Marks, sec. GRAND COUNCIL ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS— Meets annually second Thursday in February. Officers: Alfred Shaw, M. I. Gr'd M. ; James M. Lobdell, Dep. I. Gr'd M. ; John G. McWilliams, Gr'd P. C. ofW.;L. F. Reynaud, G. C. of G. ; Richard Lambert, Gr'd Rcc. ; Samuel M. Todd, Gr'd Treasurer; H. Marks, Gr'd Con. ; B. C. K. Kennv. Gr'd Stwd. ; H. C. Duncan, Gr'd Chaplain ; W^ H. Hutchins, Gr'd Sent. LOUISIANA COUNCIL, No. 2— Meets first Sat- urday in each month at Grand Lodge Hall. A. Shavr, T. HI. M. ; Thomas Cripps, sec. GRAND COMMANDERY OF KNIGHTS TEMP- LAR AND APPENDANT ORDERS OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA— Meets annually second Friday in February. Officers: Jos. P. Hornor, R E. Grand Commander; A. N. Cum- mincs, V. E. Dep. Gr'd Commander; Sir. J. L. Lobdell, Gr'd Generalisimo : Sir Andrew Hero, E. Gi'd Cap. General ; Sir W. K. Douglas. E, Gr'd Prelate; Sir Robert Strong, E. Gr'd Sen. Warden ; Sir C. A. Scott, E. Gr'd Jun. Warden ; Sir Samuel Manning Todd, E. Gr'd Treas. ; Sir Richard Lambert. E. Gi'd Recorder; Sir H. Bonnabel, E. Gr'd Standard Bearer; Sir A. H. DePass, E. Gr'd Sword Bearer; Sir J. E. Ayer, E. Gr'd Warden; Sir J. W. Maguire, E. Gr'd Cap. of the Guards. INDIVISIBLE FRIENDS COMMA.NDERY, No. 1 — Grand Lodge Hall. Meets first and third Wednesdays. Officers: Sir Fred. Eyle, E. C. ; Sir M. A. Calongne, rec. sec. JACQUES DE MOLAY COMM.XNDERY. No. 2 —Grand Lodge Hall. Meets first and third- Friday. Sir Geo. J. Pinckard, E. C. ; Sir E. D. Craig, rec. ORLEANS COMMANDERY, No. 3— Grand Lodge Hall. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays. Officers: Sir C. E.Scott, E. C. ;Sir Thomas Cripps, rec. ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE A. A. SCOTTISH RITE FOR THES.-.J.-.OF THE U.-.S.-.FOR LOUISI- ANA— Jaa. C. Batchelor. M. D. 33d. New Orleans; Samuel Manning Todd, 33d New Orleans; J. Q. A. Fellows, 3,3d, New Orleans; M. E. Girard,53d, New Orleans. M.-.P.-. GRAND CONSISTORY OF SUB.. PP.-. ON THE R.-.S.-..S2d DEGREE ANCIENT AC CEPTEI) SCOTTISH RITE. IN AND FOR THE STATE OF LOUISIANA— Officers lor 22 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 1882, 1883 and 1884 ; Joseph Potts Horner, 32d Qrd Commander-in-Chief; Alfred Shaw, 32d fo'j^o Lieut-Commander; Emmet D. Craig, 33d, Second Lieut-Commiinder; John Lawson Lewis, 33d, Gr'd Constable; G. Sesnin y Ga- hona, 32d, Gr'd Admiral ; J.,hn Baptiste Sora- puru, 32d, Gr'd Minister of State; Hugh Breen. 33d, Gr'd Chancellor; Jacob Meyer, 32d, Gr'd Almoner; Thomas Cripps, 33d, Gr'd S,^/^%K^IrS^'^^'-^-'-'' Henry Peat Buckley, 32d,Grd Treasurer; Eugene Tisdale, 32d G. M. of C. EAGLE COUNCIL OF KADOSH, No. 6-Grand Lodsre Hall. Emmet D. Craig, 33d, V • E.- C.-. ; Thomas Cripps, 33d, Recorder. LOS AMIGOS DEL ORDEN COUNCIL OF KA- DOSH, No. 7— Ran. part, bet. Main and St. Philip streets, Perseverance Hall. FOYER MACONNIQUE COUNCIL OF KA- DOSH, No. 8— Perseverance Hall. LOS AMIGOS DEL ORDEN CHAPTER. ROSE CROIX, No. 4— Perseverance Hall. S-T ANDREW CHAPTER OP ROSE CROIX, No. 4-Conti, bet. Villere and Robertson streets. FOYER MACONNIQUE CHAPTER, ROSE CROIX, No. 6— Perseverance Hall. SILENCIO CHAPTER, ROSE CROIX, No 9- Polar Star Hall. PELICAN CHAPTER, ROSE CROIX, No. 11- Grand Lodge Hall. Officers : A. Shaw, 33d, M W. ; Thomas Cripps, 33d, Recorder. ALBERT PIKE LODGE OF PERFECTION ?Q^- \r^'',5i''^^°^^'^ ^^'1- Officers: A. Shaw,' 33d, T. P. M. ; T. Cripps, 33d, Secretary. FOYER MACCONNIQUE LODGE OF PER- FECTION, No. 3— Perseverance Hall. MASONIC (Colored.) M. W EUREKA GRAND LODGE, for the State of Louisiana-ftleets 26 Camp street third Tuesday in February of each year. C. F Ladd Grand Master; Sterling Barrow, Dep Grand Master; F. R. Wright, Grand Senior Warden- i Charles A. Bourgeois, Grand Junior Warden- ' J. E. Trosclair, Grand Treasurer; A w' Thompson, Grand Secretary. I. 0. B. B. CRESCENT CITY LODGE -Meets Tuesdavs 1^ p. m. in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union street' Istdist. B'NAI ISRAEL LODGE-Meets Wednesdays at 7H p. in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union street 1st dist. GULF LODGE — Meets everv first and third Thursday at 73^ p. m. in B'Nai Brith Hall 36 Union street, Ist dist. ' SOME LODGE Meets Wednesdays at 7M p m in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union street, 1st dist. IFBEE SONS OF ISRAEL LOUISIANA LODGE No. 89 Meets first and third Sundays at 10 a' m. in B'Nai Brith Hall. Order of Iron Hall. BRANCH No. 126 — Meets everv second Mon- day at 160 Gravier. BRANCH No. 130 -Meets every fourth Tuesday at Odd Fellows' Hall, Camp street. I. 0. K. S. B. NEW ORLEANS LODGE, No. 176 — Meets sec- ond and fourth Mondays at 7:30 p. m. in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union, Ist dist. TOURO LODGE, No. 118 Meets first and fourth Saturdays in B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union 1st dist. I. 0. 0. F. R. W. GRAND LODGE, I. O. O. F., of the State of Louisiana— Meets annually on the fourth I luesday in January, in New Orleans, in the G' and Lodge Room, <;dd Fellows' Hall. EP I Brugere Grand Master; George Muth, Dep. Grand Master; B. F. Morris, Grand Warden - ; James Furneaux, Grand Secretary; Jules A Florat, Grand Treasurer; Lewis Graham. Grand Representative; J. W. Adams, Grand Chaplaiu; James Begins, Grand Marshal; A. H- Wilson, Grand Conductor; C. Brownlee Grand Guardian ; C. P. Mathes, Grand Herald'. Subordinate Lodges. LOUISIANA LODGE, No. 1— Meets every Fridav evening at No. 67 Carondelet street. ^r^^"^?^'^*^^ LODGE. No. 3-Meets every Thursday evening at Washington Hall, 3d UNION LODGE, No. 6— Meets every Monday evening in Lodge Room No. 2, Odd Fellows' Mall. JEFFERSON LODGE, No. 9-Meets second and fourth Thurday in Jefferson Hall. cor. Ma^-a- zine and Philip streets, 4th dist. TEUTONIA LODGE, No. 10-Meets every Tues- day evening in Teutonia Hall, cor. Custom- house street and Exchange al. COVENANT LODGE, No. 17-Meets every ?i'^},^^^ l'^''"'^ Tuesday evenings, Odd Fellows- Hall, 3d dist. POLAR STAR LODGE, No. 19-Meets every Friday at Odd Fellows' Hall, 3d dist. MAGNOLIA LODGE, No. 22— Meets every Tues- day evening in Lodge Room No. 2, Odd Fel- lows' Hall. INDEPENDENCE LODGE, No. 23-Meet9 every Wednesday evening in Lodge Room of J Teutonia, No. 10. COLUMBUS LODGE, No. 24-Meets every Ihursday evening in their new hall, Algiers. GERMANIA LODGE, No. 29-Meet8 every first and third Tuesday evening in Jefferson Hall, 4th dist. HERMAN LODGE, No. 39 Meets first and third Wednesday evening, each month, in Odd Fel- lows' H>ill, 3d dist. SOUTHWESTERN LODGE, No. 40-Meets every Wednesday evening in Lodge room No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. HELTETIA LODGE, No. 44— Meets every first and third Wednesday evening each month, in hall, Louisiana av. near Magazine, 6th dist. FRANZISKAREBEKAK DEGREE LODGE No 4— Meets every third Saturday evening 'Teu- tonia Hall, cor. Customhouse and Exchange R. W. GRAND ENCAPMFNT, 1. O. O. F., State of Louisiana— Holds its regular session on the first Wednesday in February, each year, in the Grand Lodge Room. Odd Fellows' Hall. Offi- cers for 1884: L. Graham, G. P. ; A. G. Ricks, G. H. P. ; A. T. Grisamore, G. Sr. W. ; James Furneaux, G. S. ; J. A. Florat, G. T.; James Beggs, G. W ; J. Voegtle, Gr'd Rep.; H. Tie- man, G.M.; H. Breta, G. S.; F. Grieshaber. Dep. G.S. Subordinate Encapments. WILDEY ENCAMPMENT, No. 1-Meets the first and third Saturday of each month, in Lodge Room. No. 5, Odd Fellows' Hall. WASHINGTON ENCAMPMENT, No. 6- Meets second and fourth Monday in each month, at 3d dist., O. F. H., N. Peters street, bet. Mande- viUe and Marigny streets. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 23 CENTRAL ENCAMPMENT, No. 11— Meets first and third Moniay of each month, in Teutoma Lodge Hall, cor. Customhouse and Exchange al. DIRECTORS OF THE ODD FELLOWS' REST— Meet in the office of the Grand Se^ o'clock. WASHINGTONTEMPLE.no. 9-Meets every Tuesday evening in hull on Patterson street, bet. Lavergne and Verret streets, Algiers. 5th (list. LOUISIANA COUNCIL. No. 1-Meets on the third Tuesday of each month, in Frariklm Temi)eren-e Hall, cor. Spam and N. Rampart streets, 3d dist. United Friends of Temperance. PELICVN council. No. 1 Meets every Mon- dav evening at the Minerva Hall. Clio street. near Prytania street, at 7'i o'clock. JEFFERSON COUNCIL, No 60-Meets every •^"iLLr evening at Market Hall, cor. Berlin ana JIagazine streets, 6th dist., at — o'clock. GRAND COUNCIL U. F. T.-Holds annual ses- ^sions in the city of New Orleans on the Mon- day preceding: Mardi Gras. Dr. S. M. Angell, Grand Scribe, 184 Julia. Knights of Temperance. rRAVn ENCAMPMENT — Meets semi-annu- ''!nJ^ Jaifu";? a-i July, at Od,l Fellows' HaH. Camp street. Thomas Higgins, G. W. C. , Otis Harris.G.R.; J. R.Todd, G.T. rjfi7'SPFNT ENCAMPMENT — Meets every ThuvscVay evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall, at IK o'clock. ONWARD ENCAMPMENT-Meets every Friday evening, at Upper City Odd Fellows' Hall, cor Magazine and Philip streets, at7>i o'clock. 24 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. Miscellaneous (Temperance). 'CHRISTIAN VTOMEV'S TEMPERA vpp ttnttoxt C. M. Kavanaugh, fin. sec. •)'• '«'>• sec, j. ST. JOHN'S C. T A rf^.?!-h'i'';i^l^'Jer'-^^*^°'""^^ ST. JOSEPH T. A. SOCIETT-Meets thir<1 =; ,n JJisi ana third Tuesday at Druids' HhH Tcnoupitoulas. cor. Jackson. ^'"'*^^ ^'*^'' I-OJ^ISIANA GROVE, No. 13-Meet8 fir«f nn,i t^hird Monday of every naonthS No. f illrigny NORMA SUPREME ARCH CHAPTER No ^ Meets every last Friday of the month cor ^f Bertkes, b. S. A. ; CharJes Assenheiraer, sec. RED MEN. ^l?/'^ IF^^' ^°- l-I'nproved Order of Red Men. Meets every first an.l thh-d Thursdtv e^:en'ng of each month, cor. of Exchan^^ alley and Customhouse street. ^^ciange TUSCARORA TRIBE, No. 9-Meets every sec- ^^fS^J^^S3^-Me.s every ^£raM^--eetseve^econd lONONA TRIBE, No. 12— Meets pvpp^ a.-.t „ .. second Tuesday, on Lou^L'n'l aTnla^'^L'ga' GOOD FELLOWS. "pSiur Han '^St''?o''-'- P- «• ^ -^I'=«t« at fo^.nh'^'L;^ii.%^/e^c°.r*,^.?n'rh^'' ^'^^"'^'^ --^ FRENCH FELLOW LODGE-Meets at Uran KNIGHTS OF HONOR. U. A. 0. D. ^cFENT^VLnv^'''^^^Z"^ UNITED AN- UInITED STATES mL.^^^'^°^ O'' THE ^''i!;.5„dTanXoHri„f,''^'^K""\^7^'r/«-^- N. Berg, W G He^aM iV r • ^r '^ Treas. ; Kingslfy.Va.S! Newark" ^n'5" ' ''''''''' Subordinate Groves under Juris- 1 diction of the Grand Grore of Louisiana. cor. Caron.lelet. -^"""^saay, at hall, Union, *^i>S.«HT^n TXu^pia\",ir%-t eyery second and fourth Wednesday. ''^'*'°' SUPRE.ME LODGE KNIGHTS OP HONOR imf'omr''^l"\T!^'' '" Chicago.inTMa7 preme Asst. Dictator, New Haven,' Conn -b Robert i"' ^"l^'-fine Reporter, Ashland Ohio' |riSid;k^^^!-a:'^^.«^|-- Tr^-er: C r.fhJ^n'"?'' Guide. Minneapolis, Minn fp C. Carlton Supreme Guardian, Statesville S Sati^Ohio ■ wTu^TT'' Se'.tinel, Oi^oin^; K 'Loui'svil]!; iy"""'"' ^'"^^^ ^"p'-^'"^ Di«ta- SUPREME TRUSTEES- W. H. Wall Sardis Mi«8.; George S. Woodman. Aubuin Me O H. Ross. Milwaukee. Wis. """'". aie., u. GRAND LODGE STATE OF LOUISIANA- ^ March"?°8r' 'r^T "" "^« second •Jue'^sda; l»Exrh»ni7 ku^- '{t^'^'^A^- <5»"^°d Dictator. Brus^P r^.f n^ l/?^' ^^"^ Orleans; Charles A P Wells ^^«nJ'^P'?.'^'•''■• P'aqueraines; H V *Jj®'. "• V^™n ^^^^^?\^II9^ L'EQUITE-Meets at Economy Hall, 218 Ursulines. ATHENEE LOUISIANAISE-Hall L'Union Francaise Hall. G. T. Beauregard, pres.; Al- fred Mercier. sec. ^V'fi^'I.lR. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- Hall 548 Royal. Charles A. Anderson, pres.: Joseph H. Stumpf, sec. ' BAKERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- '^^fl ^?* ?""?^y »"er the lUh of each month, at 27 Elysian Fields street. Philip bchultz, pres. ^ BAR PILOTS' ASSOCIATION, No. 5-187 Gra- vier. Richard Francis, agt. BARBERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- Meets at Coliseum Hall, 51 Bienville J U ~ bpengler, pres ; J. Spiering. sec. ' ' BATTALION WASHINGTON ARTILLERY- Arsenal Exposition Hall. Officers: JchnB Richanison, col.; Andrew Hero. jr. mai. - E I Kurshcedt, adjutant; Joseph H. DeGrange,' ^fc^^l'O'^^^T ASSOCIATION OF THE LOU- ISIANA DIVISION OF THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA-S. Camp. Franks 1. Nichols, pres.; John H. Murray, treas. ; Frederick Ober. sec. ' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE i^St^i^"^^-:^^'^^ DIVISION OF THE ARMY OF TENNEs,^EE--24 Baronne. W. H. Rogers, pres.; J. H. Duggan. treas. ; W. E. Todd, sec! BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE SONS OF LOUISLVNA-Meets first Wednesday of each moi.tii. at 273 Dauphine. BUTCHERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- Hall. cor. Dryades and Poydras streets. CARPENTERS' AND JOINERS' BENEVOLENT i^f^CIATIOX— Meets every Sunday at hall. 148 Camp. J. E. Stafford, pres. ; C. F."Stander| CARPENTERS' AND JOINERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF ALGIERS-Meets Patter- son., cor. Verret. August Kevlin, pres. ; H. J Kepper, sec. CHALMETTE HOTEL CO. -.30 Carondelet. S. B. McConnico, pres. ; W. C. H. Robinson, sec. ; A. Schreiber, treas. CHRISTIAN WOMAN'S EXCHANGE-41 and 43 Bourbon. Mrs. R. M. Walmsley, pres. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 27 CLERKS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF LA —Meets first Thursday of every month, at 8 p. m., at i:« Gravier. J. C. Smith, pres.; Henry Durel, jr., sec. CONFERENCE OF CHARITIES-Offlce 20 Ca- rondelet. E. M. Hudson, pres. ; D. L. Mitchell, sec. COTTOli CLASSERS' ASSOCIATION-9 Union, I8t dist. Jules Lemarie, pres.; Joseph M. Burke, sec. COTTON WEIGHERS' AND RE-WEIGHERS' ASSOCIATION— H. Rare>hide, pres. ; C. G. Walker, sec. 28 Union street. COTTON YARDMENS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— P. Mealey, i>res.; Michael Coats, sec. ; James L. Morris, fin. sec. ; H. B. Wheel- age, treas. COTTON YARDMENS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION, No. 2- A. Paul, pres. ; C. D. Bowers, sec7; H. W. Denis, fin. sec; M. E. Brower, treas. CRESCENT CITY RELIEF ASSOCIATION (Ladies)-Mrs. R. A. Wilkinson, pres. ; Mrs. A. E Shropshire, treas. ; Mrs. H. G. Hodgson, sec. Office, parlor P, St. Charles Hotel. CRESCENT CLUB— 70 St. Louis street. James Lewis, pres. ; W. H. Griffith, sec. ECLIPSE ROWING CLUB-N. Peters, bet. Bartholomew and Mazant. Alfred Moss, pres. EQUITY BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION-Hall. ns. Robertson, bet. Kerleiec and Columbus FREIGHT HANDLERS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION, No. 1— Hall, cjr. Bienville and Ex- change al. R. M. McGiunis, pres. ; F. B. Ma- loney, sec. FRENCH COMMERCIAL SYNDICATE— Meets at Perfect Union Hall. A. Carriere, pres.; A. Guillemet, sec. FRIENDS OF LOUISIANA -48 Marais. James Johnson, pres.; R. C. Howard, sec. GARDENER'S MUTUAL PROTECTIVE ASSO- CIATION— Meets at Coliseum Hall. J. Dir- mann, pres. ; T. Reuter, sec. GERMAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION fof the 2d dist.)— Meets at 51 Bienville. John Eiler, pres. ; F. Ritter, sec. GERMAN EMIGRANT AID SOCIETY-Offlce, 14 St. Peter street. F. Rickert, pres.; J. vv . Buhrmann, sec. ; Carl Becker, agt. GERMAN HARMONY CLUB-Meets third Mon- day of the month, at hall of Eagle Fire Co. No. 7. Caspar Weinzettel, (ires. P. Wonder, sec. GENERAL MECHANIC BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— Meets cor. Bienville and Exchange alley, first Sunday in each month. Valentine Fuchs, pres.; H. Brunette, sec. GREEK AND SCLAVONIC ASSOCIATION— N. M. Benachi, pres., No. 44 Perdido street. John Schulovich, sec. and treas. GUIBERT'S BATTERY BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— H. J. Rivet, pres. ; Thomas Smith, sec. 51 Bienville. HOPE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION-Hall, Rampart, ne. cor. Spain. HOPE ROWING CLUB— N. Peters, bet. Lafa- yette ay. and Port. HOWARD ASSOCIATION— J. M. Vandenriff, pres. ; F. R. Southraayd. sec ; S. B. Newman, treas., 10 Carondelet. HOWARD ROWING CLUB— Foot of Teriisi- chore. Thomas Barn«tt, pres. ; Michael Coates, sec; C. Fitzsimmons, captain. ITALIAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY-Meets 132 Charties. John Rocchi, pres. ; E. Trois, sec. ITALIAN SOCIETY-"Tiro al Bersaglio'' Meets No. 23 Exchange place. Charterea March 10, 1869. Civil officer: A. Sidoti, pres. JACKSON BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- Meets on RamiJart. ne. cor. Spain, on the first Tuesday of ckich mouth, at 7 p. in. LEE MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATION-13 Ca- rondelet. Charles E. Fenner, pres.; W. I. Hodgson, sec LOUI'^IANA BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION- Meets at Keppler's Hall, De^'^tur street, cor. Frenchmen. C. Brown, pres.; John Stroble, sec. LOUISIANA BENEVOLENT AND PROTECT- IVE ASSOOIATION-Meets at 76 Ex(;hange al Heptasoph Hall, on third Tuesday of each montli A. V. Flotte, pres. ; T. A. Dutty. sec. LOUISIANA DRAYMEN'S ASSOCLVTION (Ger- man) -Meets at Eagle Fire Engine Hall No. 7, on the first Sunday of each month. A. Ivon- zelman, pres. ; Joseph Fa-ler, sec LOUISIANA ASSOCIATED VETERANS OF THE MEXICAN WAR-Richard Lambert, pres.; L. Gunuegle, sec; Geo. Swarbrick. treas., 59 Camp. LOUISIANA PORTUGUESE ASSOCIATION- John Mercadel, pres. Meets at 275 Dauphme. LOUISIANA ROWING CLUB-C. F. Claiborne, pres. ; John Wogan, sec. ; Bayou bridge. LOUISLINA SUGAR PLANTERS' ASSOCIA- XION— D. F. Kenner, pres. ; J. i. urinin, sec. Office, 24 Baronne. L'UNION FRANC AISE— Hall, N. Rampart, bet. Dumaine and St. Philip; F. Tujague. pres.; H. Billard, sec. LUTHERAN BENEVOLENT SOCIETY-Lapey- r..use,cor.N. Prieur. R. Barrow, pres.; F. P. Peters, sec. MARINERS' MUTUAL AID PROTECTIVE AS- SOCIATION— Meets seco.id Wednesday of every month, at 10 Exchange al. Frank Aufmkolk, pres.; A. J. Young, sec; A. Sam- bola, atty. MARINE ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION-133 Gravier. MILKMEN'S ASSOCIATION-Meets Poydras, cor. Dryades. Pierre Canteron, pres. ; John F. Bremer, sec. NEPTUNE ROWING CLUB-Hall, N. Peters, near city limits. NEW LUSITANOS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION OF NEW ORLE-ANS-Hall 89 Elysian Fields. NEW ORLEANS AUXILIARY SANITARY AS- SOCIATION— Office. 10 Carondelet, Edwird F<-nner. pres. ; Henrv Ginder, treas. ; Thomas S. Elder, sec. ; W. H. Watkins, M. D., sanitary director. NEW ORLEANS CHESS, CHECKER AND WHIST CLUB— 4 Baronne. Charles t.Bucfc, pies.; Louis Livaudais, sec; F. H. Frost, treas. NEW ORLEANS COTTON PRESS ASSOCIA- TION— J. C. Denis, pres.; H. D. Hopkina, sec. and treas., 167 Gravier. NEW ORLEANS LAW ASSOCI.\TION-Char- tres, cor. St. Ann. J. O. Ni.xon. jr.. sec. and treas. ; J. Ad. Rozier, pres. NEW ORLEANS MARITIME ASSOCIATION- Rooms, 154 Common. John A. Stevenson, pres. : L. LaCombe, sec. 28 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. NEW ORLEAXS MEDICAL A\D SURGICAL ASSOCLATION— Dr. E. T Shepi.aicl, pre-.; Dr. A. McShaue, sec. NEW ORLEANS TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 17— Meets first SuuUay of each quarter, at La. Hose Co. 'a Hall. NEWSBOYS' HOMB-22 Bank pi. NEW Y'ORK ASSOCIATED PRESS-.Jaiucs E. McDaniel, agt., room 6, 13 Commercial pi. ORLEANS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— Franklin Hall, cor. N. Rampart and Spain. ORLEANS FENCING CLUB-147 Royal. James Dupart, pres. PELICAN MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION-51 Bienville. Emile Doumeing, pres.; H. Messonier, sec. PIKE BEN-EVOLENT ASSOCIATION-Gruue walil Hall. F. H. Robinsoi, pres.; D. J. Searcy, rec. sec. Meets first Frid.iy or each montli at 7:30 p. m. PINAFORE CLUB— 157 Common. PRISONS AND ASYXUMS AID ASSOCIATION — W. R. Lyman, pres. ; B. F. Eshleman, treas. ; George W. Cable, sec. SCREWMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NEW ORLEANS- Hull, .57 Bienville street Jossph Lester, pres. ; R. G. Wolters, fin. sec ■ William McCubbin,rec. sec; John Houlsrave treas. SCREWMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION No. 3 (ool'd)-H;ill, 3.52 Chartres. J. S. Brooks' pres. ; James Williams, sec. ; A. Antoine, treas. SEAMEN'S BETHEL— 9 Esplanade. Rev. L. H. Pease, pastor. SHIP CARPENTERS AND JOINERS BENEV- OLENT ASSOCIATION OF ALGIER.S— \ Kevlin , pre^. ; H. A. Kepper, sec. SOOIEDAD CORAL ESPANOLA DE NUEVA ORLEANS -127 N. Rampart. SOCIETA ITALIANA DI MUTUA BENEFI- CENZA IN NOUVA ORLEANS (Italian)- Hall, St. Loui- and Chartres streets. SOCIETE ALSACIENNE ET LORRAINE DE BIENFAISANCE ET D'ASSISTANCE MUTU- ELLE DE LA NOUVELLE ORLEANS- Meeis at No. 8 ' Hospital street, on first Mon- day of each month. SOCIETE DES FRANCS AMIS-N. Robertson bet. St. Anthony and Bourl.on. Ernest Hulett' sec; Darius Deraazilier. ures. SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE BIENFAISANCE ET D'ASSISTANCE MUTUELLE-Hall and Attylum, ws. St. Ann, bet. Roman and Der- bigny streets. T. Schweitzer, pres. ; A. Cas- tel, t eas. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL-37 Canif). Dr. E. Doumeing, pres.; Thomas G. Rapier, sec. SOCIETY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEP- TION— Meets at their hall, ns. St. Antnony bet. Urquhart and Villere, on the first Monday of every month. ■' SOUTHERN ART UNION— 203 Canal SOUTHERN ROWING CLUB- Water, cor Del- achaise SOUTHERN SILK INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIA- TION— Office. St. Louis Hotel bldg.,T.Harang pres. ; Miss C. Hubbard, sec. ; Mrs. E. B. John- son, supt. SOUTHWESTERN BIBLE SOCIETY-Offlce, 163 Camp street. William H. Foster, pres ■ R. G. T. Shepherd, sec. ; H. V. Ogden, treas' ' Rev. J. A. Ivy, agt. SPANISH BENEVOLENT UNION SOCIETY— Meets St. Claude and Dumaine streets. ST. BERNARD ROWING P tei's, near city limits. CLUB— Hall. N. ST. JOSEPH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY-Hall, Dauphine, bet. Mazant and Bartholomew. ST. MARGUERITE CHARITABLE ASSOCIA- TION -Mr-. Marie Mutin, pres. ; ss. Tonti, bet. Oiiz iga and Dabadie. ST. MAURICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION —Hall, Hanco. k, cor. Chartres. SWISS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION— 79 Ex- change al. Emile Hoehn, pres. ; Henry Ernst, sec. TINNERS' UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION— Meets 76 Exchange al. second Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m. W. Kinberger pres.; R. B. Maher, sec. ' TRINITY BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION -F N. B itler, 29 Caroridelet. pres. ; H. N. Ogden 35 Carondelet. vice-pres. ; J. Watts Ke.irnev treas. TURNVEREIN OF ORLEANS- 218 Clio. Peter Knoop. pres.; Louis Schrim, sec. UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION — 355 First. UNITED BROTHERS' BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— Franklin Hall. cor. N. Rampart and Spain. UNITED SCLAVONIAN BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— 23 Exchange place. C. Radovich pres.; C. Vucasovich, sec. WASHINGTON ARTILLERY VETERAN AS- SO.IVTION-B. F. Eshleman. pres.; L. A Adam, sec. and treas. WASHINtiTON BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION —Meets Rampart, n . cor. Spain, on the first Monday of each month, at7::50 p. m. WATCHMAKER'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- 'IION-Hall, 102 Chartres. J. J. Mugnier ures.: G. Gast, sec. WINANS CHAPEL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA- TION-Hall, 612 S. Rampart. WOM.VN'S CHRISTIAN UNION -Meets first and second Tuesdays of eaca month at Ca- rondelet Street M. E. Church. Mrs. J. J. Lyons, pres.; Mrs. H. J. Coop, sec. YOUNG MEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION —Organized 18.58. Meets first Monday of each month at Grunewald Hall. Y'OUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION— W. T. Harciie, pres.; James Sherrard, gen'I sec. ; William McElvanny, sec. 13 and 15 Camp. Y'OUNG MEN'S GYMNASTIC CLUB— 54 N. Rampart. E. J. Gueriuger, pres. ; M. D. Gard- ner, sec. Y'OUNG MEN'S HEBREW ASSOCIATION— 138 Clio. Lewis Hart, pres.; Sam. Marks, vice- pres.; E. Kaiser, fin. sec; V. J. Dreyfoua, treas. Y'OUNG MEN'S HOPE BENEVOLENT ASSO- CIATION— Meets 132 S. Libertv street. George C. Mason, pres.; John J. Albert, sec. Y'OUNG MEN'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT AS- SOCIATION— Organized 1882. Hall, Caronde- let, sw. cor. Union. Piiilip J. Reilly. pres. • M M. Healy. sec. Social, Literary and Dramatic. AMERIOUS Cr.UB-36 M . Ramnart. D. Kenne- dy, pres. ; William A. Halston, sec. BOSTON CLUB— 4 Carondelet street. T. J. Semmes, pre.^. ; Emile Hermann, sec. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 29 BURNS CLUB OF NEW ORKEANS-Meets 154 St. Joseph. Eugeue Tisdale, pres. CLAIBORNE SOCIAL CLUB— 87 N. Claiborne. Thomas J. Ford, pres. ; Frank P. Calleja, sec. CLUB DE DEMOCRATIC FRANCAISE— 102 Chartres. Nicholas Bou(Jier, pres.; Charles Guerre, sec; E. C. Champon, tres. DELTA CLUB— 184 Common DRAMATIC AND SOCIAL CLUB— Cor. Royal and Orleans. J. B. Thierry, pres. ; H. Four- meut, sec. DRONICA CLUB— Hon. Will A. Strong, pres. ; W. J. J. Armstrong, sec. HARMONY CLUB— 249 Camp. H. Beer, pres. ; J. Lichtunsteiii, sec. LOUISIANA CLUB— 144 Canal. Ashton Phelps, pres.; Joe Given, sec. MINERVA SOCIAL CLUB— 07 Josephine. NEW ORLEANS BICYCLE CLUB HALL— St. Charles, ne. cor. Common. T. S. Weber, pres.; J. Papillon. sec; A. M. Hill, captain. NEW ORLEANS LIEDERTAFEL— Rooms, 6 Exchange al. C. J. A. Doer, pres. ; Edward Eitzen, sec. NEW LOUISIANA JOCKEY CLUB -Rooms, Esplanade, near Bayou St. John. R. W. Sim- mons, pres.; G. W. Nott, sec. and treas. Board of Directors: R. W. Simmons, J. A. Morris, A. P. Mason, G. W. Nott, aul W. J. Hare. OLIVETTE SOCIAL CLUB— Rooms, 505 Canal. E. P. Prudhomme, pres.; II. A. IIeii. Between Thalia and Hunter streets. 17. Between Thalia and Hunter streets. 18. Opposite Hunter street. 19. Between Hunter and Terpsichore streets. 20. Opposite Terpsichore street. 21. Opposite Henderson street. 22. Between Henderson and Robin streets. 23. Between Henderson and Robin streets. 24. Opposite Robin street. 25. Between Robin and Race streets. 26. Opposite Race street. 27. Between Rac and Orange streets. 28. Opposite Orange street. 29. Between Orange and Richard streets. 30. Opposite Richard street. 31. Between Richard and Market streets. 32. Opposite Market street. 33. Between Market and St. James streets. 34. Between St. James and Celeste streets. 35. Opposite Celeste street. 36. Between Celeste and Nuns street. 37. Opposite Nuns street. 38. Between Nun< and Felicity streets. 39. Opposite Feliciiy street. Posts ill Second District. DESCENDING RIVER. Nos. 6. Opposite Conti street. 7. Opposite St. Louis street. 8. Between St. Louis and Toulouse streets. 9. Opposite Touliuse street. 10. Opposite Jefferson street. 11. Opposite St. Peter street. 12. Opposite Madison st- eet. 13. Opposite Diimaine street. 14. Oppsite St. Philip street. 16. Opposite Ursulines street. 17. Between Ursulines and Hospital streets. 18. Opposite Hospital street. 20. Opposite Barracks street. 21. Opposite Esplanade Street. Posts in Third District. DESCENDING RIVER IN CONTINUATION FROM THE SECOND DISTRICT. Nos. 22. Opposite Elysian Fields street. 23. Opposite Marigny streets. 24. Between Marigny and Mandeville streets. 25. Opposite Mandeville street. 26. Opposite Spain street. 27. Opposite Lafayette av. 28. Opp"Site Port street. 29. Between Pori and St. Ferdinand streets. 30. Opposite St. Ferdinand street. 31. Between St. Ferdinand and Montegut streets 32. Between St. Ferdinand and Montegut streets. 33. Opposite Montegut street. 34. Between Montegut and Clouet streets 35. Opposite Clouet street. 37. Between Clcuetaml Louisa streets. 38. Opposite Piety street. 39. Between Piety and Desire streets. 40. Opposite Desire street. 41. Opposite Elmira street. 42. Opposite Congress street. Posts in Fourth District. ASCENDING RIVER IN CONTINUATION FROM THE FIRST DISTRICT. Nos. 40. Between 41. Opposite 42. Between 43. Opposite 44. Opposite 45. Between 46. Between 47. Between 48. Between 49. Between ( Felicity and St. Mary streets. St. Mary street. St. Mary and St. Andrew streets. St. Andrew street. Ade'.e street. Adele and Josephine streets. Josephine anl Jackson streets. Jackson and Philip streets. Philip and Soraparu streets. Soraparu and First streets. Cemeteries. N. Basin, bet. St. AMERICAN CEMETERY Louis and Conti, CARROLLTON CEMETERY — Bet. Adams and Lower Line, Sixth and Seventh. OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. 31 CEMETERY OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTH. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH— Canal, bet. Anthony and Bernadotte. CHARITY HOSPITAL CEMETERY, No. 1 — Canal, bet. Anthonv and Metairie rd. CHARITY HOSPITAL CEMETERY, No. 2— Metairie rd., bet. Canal and Bienville. CONGREGATION GATES OF PRAYER— W8. Joseph, bet. Pitt and Prytania. CYPRESS GROVE CEMETERY, No. 2 Metaire rd., cor. Canal. FIREMEN'S CEMETERY— Canal, cor. Metairie rd. GIROD STREET CEMETERY — S. Liberty street, bet. Perrilliat and Cypress. GREENWOOD CEMETERY— Metairie rd., cor. Couti. HEBREW CEMETERY- Elysian Fields, near Geutilly rd. HEBREW ASSOCIATION CEMETERY -Canal, Det. Anthony and Bernadotte. HEBREW CEMETERY ("Congregation Dis- persed of Judah")— Canal, bet. Anthony and Metairie rd. HEBREW CEMETERY— Jackson, bet. S. Basin and S. Franklin. LAFAYETTE CEMETERY, No. 1— Washington av., bet. Coliseum and Prytania. WILLIAM TELL CEMETERY— Tenth, bet. Lavoisier and Nerota, Gretna. Asylums, Convents, Etc. ASYLUM FOR DESTITUTE ORPHAN BOYS- ss. St. Chai les, bet. Dufossat and Bellecastle. Jefferson City. ASYLUM OF THE HOLY FAMILY— 40 St. Ber- nard av. ASYLUM OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEP- TION— Rampart, ne. cor. Elmira. ASYLUM OF THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR— N. Johnson, cor. Laharpe; branch 965 Magazine. BEAUREGARD ASYLUM-Pauline, bet. St. Claude and N. Rampart. BOYS' HOUSE OF REFUGE— Metairie rd.. bet. Bienville and Conti. CHILDREN'S HOME. PROTESTANT EPISCO- PAL— Jackson, nw. cor. St. Thomas. CHILDREN'S HOME (colored)— 40 S. Liberty CONVENT DE ST. FAMILLE— 172 Hospital. CONVENT OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES— 315 Chartres. CONVENT OF OUR LADY OF MERCY— 76 Chippewa. CONVENT OF MT. CABMEL-Olivier, cor. Eliza, 5ih dist. LAFAYETTE CEMETERY, No. 2— Washington CONVENT OF PERPETUAL ADORATION- av., bet. S. Ba~in and St. David. i ._ . . __ LOCUST GROVE CEMETERY^— Sixth, bet. Lo- cust and Freret. MASONIC CEMETERY— Bienville, bet. Me- tairie rd. anil Anthony. METAIRIE CEMETERY— Canal, bet. St. Pat- rick and Bern:idotte/ office, 38 Union, 1st dist, ODD FELLOWS' REST CEMETERY— Canal, cor. Metairie rd. -Verret, cor. Market OLIVIER CEMETERY- 5th dist. ST. BARTHOLOMEW CEMETERY— Bet. De- Armas and Lapeyrouse, Franklin and Han- cock, 5th dist. ST. JOSEPH ORPHAN ASYLUM CEMETERY —Cemetery No. 2, as. Sixth, bet. Franklin and Liberty. ST. JOSIPH ORPHAN ASYLUM CEMETERY — ws. Washington av., bet. St. David and S. Liberty. j Marais, bet. Mamieville and Spain. CONVENT OP THE BENEDICTINE NUNS— 630 Dauphine, bet. St. Ferdinand and Press. CONVENT OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD— Bien- ville, bet. N. Dolhonde and N. Broad. CONVENT OF THE REDEMPTORISTS— Con stance, bet. St. Andrew and Josephine. CONVENT OF THE SACRED HEART -Gretna. CONVENT OF THE SACRED HEART -96 Du- maine. CONVENT OF THE SISTERS OF NOTRE DAME -Laurel, bet. St. Andrew and Jose- phine. CONVENT OF THE SISTERS OF THE HOLY FAMILY-17 Orleans. FAITH HOME FOR THE AGED AND DESTI- TUTE— Pitt, se. cor. Robert. FEMALE ASYLUM OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION— 871 N. Rampart, cor. Elmira. Antonine and ST. LOUIS CEMETERY (new) — Esplanade, I FINK HOME— ns. Camp, bet. near Bayou bridge. 1 Amelia. ST. LOUIS CEMETERY No. 1— Bet. N. Basin ' GERMAN PROTESTANT ASYLUM— State, bet. ''''"■ ^ - . "• ^ ■ Camp and Chestnut, Burtheville. GIROD ASYLUM— Metairie rd., bet. Conti and St. Louis. HOME FOR THE AGED AND INFIRM— Ca- rondelet, cor. Nashville av. HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR DESTITUTE GIRLS —Annunciation, sw. cor. Calliope. HOUSE OF THE SISTERS OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY— Constance, bet. Berlin and Milan. and N. Liberty, Conti and St. Louis ST. LOUIS CEMETERY, No. 2-Bet. Custom house aad St. Louis, N. Robertson and N. Claiborne. ST. MARY'S CEMETERY— Bet. Adams and Lower Line, Seventh and Eighth. ST. PATRICK'S CEMETERY, Nos. 1 and 2— Canal, bet. Anthony and Metairie rd. ST. PATRICK'S CEMETERY, No. 3— Metairie rd. bet. Canal and Bienville. ST. VINCENT CEMETERY— ns. St. bet. St. David and Green (Jeflferson). INDIGENT COLORED ORPHAN ASYLUM— Patrick, 393 Dauphine. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL AND MODEL FARM OF OUR LADY OF THE HOLY CROSS— N. Peters, cor. Reynes, 3d dist. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CEMETERY-bet. Louisa and Piety, Urquhart and Villere. U.S. CEMETERY (CHALMETTE)— River bank, JEWISH WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' ASY se. city limits, 3d dist. LU.M — Jackson, cor. Chippewa VALENCE STREET CEMETERY— ns. S. Ram- part, bet. Valenee and Bordeaux. LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR— N. JohnS son, cor. Litharpe; branch, 965 Magazine. 32 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH ftUIDE. LOUISIANA RETREAT INSANE ASYLUM- Henry Clay av.. bet, Camp aiul Coliseum, conducted bv the Sisters of Charity. ^VTt^^^.^?; BETHLEHEM ORPHAN ASY- LUM— N. Peters, bet. And' y and Flood. MONASTERY DISCALCED CARMELITES- Uarracks, bet. Burgundy and Rampart. MT. CARMEL CONVENT -!10 Olivier. 5th dist. MT. CARMEL CONVENT— 200 Hospital. ■^J,-,?'^^^'^^ FEMALE ORPHAN ASYLUM- 53 Piety NEW ORLEANS FEMALE ORPHAN ASYLUM —Clio, bet. Camp and Prytania. NEWSBOYS' HOME-22 Bank pi. NEWSBOYS' LODGING HOUSE-167 S. Frank- llD, POYDRAS ORPHAN ASYLUM FOR FEMALES —Magazine, bet. Leontine and Peters av.. Jef- ferson. PROTESTANT ORPHANS' HOME-Serentn, cor. Constance. ^?r®AY^P^^9?r.^K>?'^UM FOR COLORED FE- MALE CHILDREN— Hospital, cor. N. Tonti. SHAKSPEARE ALMS HOUSE -Rampart, bet. Nashville av. and Arabella. ^^A^A?T^T?.,^5^^^^^ISE DE BIENFAISANCE AblLUM— St. Ann. bet. N. Derbiarnv and N Roman. ST. ALPHONSUS CONVENT OP MERCY-St Andrew, bet. Constance and Magazine. ST. ALPHONSUS ORPHAN ASYLUM-Fourth. cor. bt. Patrick. ST. ANNA'S ASYLUM— Prytania, cor. St. Mary. ST. BONIFACE CONVENT-es. Lapevrouse, bet. Miro and Tonti. " ' ST. ELIZABETH ORPHAN ASYLUM-Napo- leon av.. sw. cor. Prytania; branch, Magazine cor. Josephine. ' S-r HENRY\S CONVENT-ns. Constance, bet. Milan and Berlin. ST. JOSEPH'S CONVENT-St. Philip, cor. N Galvez ST. JOSEPH'.S ORPHAN ASYLUM -Josephine cor. Laurel. Under direction Sister's of Mercv ST. MARY'S DOMINICAN CONVENT- Drv- ade.s, cor. C.'lliope; branch, ss. St. Charles av. bet. Broa('way and Uiiper Line. ST. MARY'S ORPHAN BOYS' ASYLUM-Ohar- tres, bet. Mazant and French. ST. MATER DOLOROSA CONVENT-Cam- bronne, cor. Third, 7t!i dist. S-r PATRICK'S CONVENT OF MERCY-139 Magazine. ST. VINCENT'S HALF ORPHAN ASYLUM- Cambronne, bet. Second and Burthe, 7lh dist. ST VINCENT'S INFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM- Magazine, cor. Race. URSULINE CONVENT-N. Peters, near Manuel. ^i^vT^T^v/?^^ ORPHANS' FATHER TURGIS So'.^tff-'^^c'^^rudr crP^lifine"''''^"^ "' ''' PUBLIC HALLS, BLOCKS, BUILDINGS, MARKETS AND SQUARES. Academy of Music, St. Charles, opp. Perdido. Annunciation Square, Annunciation, bet. Race and Orange. Artisan's Hall, 328 N. Derbigny. Beauregard Square, bet. Howard and Freret Third and Fifth. ' Bible House Building, 163 Camp. Brown's Hall, 130 Melpomene. B'Nai Brith Hall, 36 Union street, 1st dist. Byrnes Row, Carondelet, cor. Canal. ^Ith^dYs't"' ^®' ^^'^'^' ^^*" ^^"^^ ^'"^ Chestnut, Carroll Hall, Elysian Fields, cor. Dauphine. CarroUt on Market, Dublin, cor. Second, 7th dist. Chamber of Commerce, Carondelet, cor. Gravier. City Hall. St. Charles, opp. Lafayette Square. City Park, Metairie road, bet. Canal and Bayou St. John ■' City Police Jail, ss. Perrilliat, bet. Liberty and Magnolia ■' City Water Works Building, 36 Dryades. Cl'Mborne Hall, Adams, bet. Hampson and Sec- ond, (th dist. Claiborne Market, Claiborne, bet. Common and Gasquet Clay Square bet. Chippewa and Annunciation, Second and Third Coliseum Hall, 51 Bienville Coliseum Place. Camp. bet. Melpomene and Fe- Congo Square, North Rampart, bet. St. Peter and St. Ann. Continental Guards Armory, es. Camp, bet. Pov dras and Lafayette. Cotton Exchange Building, Gravier, nw. cor Carondelet. ^ Tn' ^°^^^' Chartres, bet. St. Peter and St. Crescent Hall, Canal, sw. cor. St. Charles. Criminal Court Building, Camp, se. cor. Lafay- Custom House, Canal, bet. Decatur and Peters. Davidson's Court, es. Carondelet, bet. Povdras and Lafayette. j^^ao Delamorc Market, Elysian Fields, cor. Clai- borne. Des Francs Amis Hall, N. Robertson, bet. St. Anthony and Bourbon. Douglas Square, bet. Howard and Freret. Third and Washington av. Dryades Market, Dryades, spanning Melpomene. Eagle Hall, Prytania, cor. Felicity. Economy Hall, 218 Ursiilines. Factors' Row, Perdido, bet. Carondelet and Ba- roiine. Fair Grounds. Gentilly rd. east of Esplanade street, now the new Louisiana Jockev Club race course. Franklin Temperance Hall, N. Rampart, ne. cor. Spain. ' ' French Market, N. Peters and Decatur, from St Ann to Ursulines. French Opera House, Bourbon, cor. Toulouse. Geddes Hall, 218 Erato. German Battalion Armory, 154 Camp. Germania Masonic Hall. 316 St. Louis. 3 BLOCKS ONLY FROM CANAL ST. 3R RENT BY THE DAY OR NIGHT. SEATING CAPACITY 1,500. FINE ACOUSTICS, ETC. CANAL STREET, JMETTIT OI1.X.E A3>a^S, 34 OFFICIAL, SOCIETY AND CHURCH GUIDE. Grand Opera House, Canal, bet. Dauphine and Burgundy. Grunewald Hall, ws. Baronne, bet. Canal and Common. Hall's Row, Coliseum, bet. Philip and First. Heptrtsoph Hall, cor. Bienville and Exchange al. Hermitage Hall, St. Andrew, se. cor. Magazine. Home Missionary Hall, 163 S. Franklin. Immaculate Conception Hall, 194 St. Anthony. Imperial Buildings, Gravier, ne. cor. Caionde- let. Independence Square, bet. Urquhart and N. Robertson, Spain and Music. Jackson Square, bet. Decatur and Chartres, St. Peter and St. Ann. Jefferson City Market, ns. Magazine, bet. Na- poleon aT. and Berlin. Keller Square, bet. Felicity and St. Andrew, Freret and Howard. Kenner Block, Carondelet, sw. cor. Common. Lafayette Square, bet. Camp and St. Charles, North and South. Lawrence Square, bet. Magazine and Camp, Napoleon av. and Berlin. Lee Place, intersection of Delord and St. Charles. Lewis Buildings, 201 and 203 Canal. Louisiana Field Artillery Armory, es. Caronde- let, bet. Girod and Julia. Lu-it!inian Portuguese Benevolent Society's Hall, 203 Bayou rd. Lutheran Hall, ss. Gravier, bet. Howard and Freret. Margaret Park, at junction of Camp and Pry- tania, bet. Calliope and Clio. Magazine Market, bet. Camp and Magazine, St. Andrew ami St. Mary. Masonic Hall, St. Charles, opp. Commercial pi. Masonic Temple, St. Peter, cor. St. Claude. McCarthy Square, bet. Burgundy and N. Ram- part, Pauline and Jeanna. Merchants' Exchange, Poydras, sw. cor. Tchou- pitoulas. Metairie Race Course, Canal, North of Bayou Metairit. Minerva Hall, 138 Clio. Moresque Building, Camii, sw. cor. Poydras. National Hall, 296 Poydras. National Guard Rifle Range, (Frogmoor) Bayou Bridge, foot Esplande. Ninth Street Market, Magazine, bet. Ninth and Harmony. Odd Fellows' Hall, es.Camp, bet. Lafayette and Poydras. Oriental Hall. 89 Elysian Fields. Orleans Hall, es. Orleans, bet. Bourbon and Eoyal. Parish Prison, Orleans, bet. N. Liberty and Marais. Perfect Union Hall, N. Rampart, bet. Dumaine and St. Philip. Perseverance Hall, Villere bet. Annette and St. Bernard. Perseverance Masonic Hall, Dumaine, ne. cor. St. Claude. Philharmonic Hall, Patterson, bet. Olivier and Verret, 5th dist. Pilie Market, Poydras, bet. S. Rampart and S. Basin. Pontalba Building-, St. Peter and St. Ann, bet. Decatur and Chartres. Polar Star Hall, N. Rampart, cor. Kerlerec. Post Office, Custom House bldg. Poydras Market, Poydras, bet Baronne and S. Rampart. Saenger Hall, 68 Marengo. Screwmen's Hall, Bienville, nw. cor. Exchange al. Screwmen' Hall, No 2, 352 Chartres. Second Street Market, Second, cor. Dryades. Soraparu Market, Soraparu, bet. Tchoupitoulas and Rousseau. St. Andrew's Hall, 2.'i0 Conti. St. Charles Hall, 43 Patterson 5th dist. St. Anthony Place, Royal, bet. St. Ann and St. Peter. St. Bernard Market, St. Bernard av. cor. N. Claiborne. St. Charles Theatre, St. Charles, bet. Commer- cial pi. and Poydras. St. James Benevolent Association Hall, Peters, nw. cor. Erato. St. Mary's Hall, Short, cor. Hampson, 7th dist. St. Mary's Market, Tchoupitoulas, bet. North and South Market. Stonewall Jackson Hall, 27 Elysian Fields. St. Stephen's Hall, Napoleon av. cor. Chestnut. Temperance Hall, 67 Josephine, 4th dist. Teutonia Hall, 23 Exchange al. Touro Buildings, Canal, bet. Royal and Bour- bon. Treme Market, Orleans, bet. Marais and N. Rob- ertson. Triangle Buildings, bet. S. Peters, Calliope and Delord. Tulane Hall, es. Dryades, bet. Canal and Com- mon. Turners' Hall, Clio, bet. Dryades and Rampart. Union Benevolent Association Hall, es. Bur- dette, bet. Plum and Fourth, 7tb dist. Union Hall, 5 Commercial pi., cor. Camp. Union Row, Carondelet, bet. Union and Por- dido. United Cotton Buildings, ss. Gravier, bet. Ba- ronne and Dryades. United States Barracks, se. city limits. United States Mint, Esplanade, cor. N. Peters. United States Custom House, Canal, bet. Deca- tur and N. Peters. University Buildings, Common, bet. Baronne and Dryales. Upper City Park, situated about six blocks above Nashville av., and extending from St. Charles av. to the river bank, and between Calhoun and Walnut streets. Washington Artillery Building, ws. St. Charle , bet. Girod and Julia. Washington Market, Chartres, cor, Louisa. Washington Square, bet. Royal and Dauphine, Frenchmen and Elysian Fields "WERLEIN HALL, Baronne, se. cor. Per- dido, 3 Blocks from Canal St. (See Illus- tration page 33.) WoUrich's Hall, 357 Decatur, 3d dist. Young Union Hall, 55 Decatur, 5th dist. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1884. by L. Soards. in the office of th« Librarian of Congress at Washington. STREET~GUIDE, Compiled from Official and Personal Surveys for SO j^K/XJ S' NEW ORLE ANS CITY DIRECTORY. The Guide gives the location of e-l. street^ and shows w^^^^^^^^ {[«- it, or across it. with the corner numbers ?;t„wh'ch they intersect as la^^^^ running north S°Je5-'';h:ri,i.rc"i.. .w'Sr.'s'lSET AvVf »r, B.8.,fe.c., a.d .bove 0.n.l street as Socth Rampart, Basik, etc. WHERE THE HOUSES ARE NUMBERED. on any given street, the relative locanon of a particular P[ace or hou^se Js^fo^^^^^^ running down the column of Apres which are \^^ "'^'" '^V; "g ^,e,ore crossing is given, the strlets that intersect it. The right and left "and numbers "^^^'^l^ ^^^^^ yofi look For Example-Wishing to >now at what part ot Cana^ street JN o^ i-^co^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^o^fsTLr ?^fco^r^e'rVfTaTo\lS^ -i>l ^'^ between those two street does not cross. WHERE THE HOUSES ARE NOT NU^^JERED. distant from any one point on said Magazine street. DESCRIBING LOCATION OF STREETS AND NmiBERS. in the main, streets are described as being so --^ ^^-^^e ancf paralM or west of the river, T^is applies from toI^^^^^^^ numbers on bers on the right going from the nver-). ^^oaa _io "vci it p v canal street. DISTRICTS AND THEIR BOUNDARIES. FIRST DISTRICT, is bounded on the North by Canal st.. South by Felicity st.. East ^^^^^^ctN^DmsS&fbSld^^"^^^^^ ^" WiRD ''l^^s'inUCTyi'stK'^l on 'the North by the lake. South by the river. East by SEVENTH DISTRICT, formerly CarrolUon. BOL"NDARIES OF WARDS. FIRST WARD, from Fel icity street to Thalia. River to the woods. SECOND WARD, from Thalia street to Julia, THIRD AV VRD, from Julia street to Canal, „ „ FOURTH WARD, from Canal street to St. Louis, FIFTH W VRD, from St. Louis street to bt. 1 hilip, ^TXTFI WVRD from St. rhilip street t . Esphuiadc, IpvVvTir \V \RD from Esplanade street to Eksian Fields, Ifr H?y W liiD f'roni Ely- an Fields street to Lafayette avenue NINTH yuiOfVonTliafa^^ avenue to lower limits of the city, _^ TPNTH WARD from Felicitv street to First, ., „ wt^VfVtH w\rD from First street to Toledano. ?\\™^II w\ri> from T,>ledano street to Napo eon avenue. ?HTllTFF\TtI W I'rD, from Napoleon avenue to Upper Line ^OTTRTKFVril W VRD from U.'per Line street to Lower Line, 'F?FT^FE>\''.rWAl>D,"al/of the >''"h„^^'fj'£Vrr«olUon'avJSue" formerly Carroll- SIXTEENTH WARD, from Lower Line to Canoiicon avcimo v j SEVENTEENTH WARD, from CarrolUon avenue to Upper Line (formerly Car- roll ton). dist Eore east "' left J'W northwest Norn north district ^'ov; rigw * or s south ^ southwest Worw ^est ABUNDANCE, 14th n. of and parallel with Claiborne, from Gentilly road to Lower Line, 3d dist. ADAMS. 6th w. of U. S. Bar- racks, from the river to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Jumonville, Bienvenu, Delaronde, Chartres, Royal, Daupliine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Prosper, Solidelle, Josephns, Celestioe, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida Walk. ADAMS, 2d e. of the river from Americus, south to limits, McDonogh. ADAMS, 4th se. from and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from river to Nelson, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Levee, Ann, DeArmas, Macarty, Commercial, Pearl, First, Hampson, Second, Burthe, Third, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth. Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth. Nelson, Eleventh. Rt. Lft. 1 2 15 23 39 69 87 ADAMS AVENUE, 31st n. of City Park, or 3d s. of lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne. ADELE, 3d n. of Felicity, from the river to St. Thomas, 4th dist. „ Rt. Lft. Peters, 3 2 Rousseau, 63 62 St. Thomas. 77 78 ADDISON, 7th from river, com mencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. AGRICULTURE, 13th n. of Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenue to Lower Line, 3d dist. ALABAMA (see Arabella). ALEXANDER, 3d w. of Con- vent of the Ursulines, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claudd, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephun, Celestine. Genius. Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida Walk. ALEXANDER, 3d w. of Car- rollton avenue, from Canal n. to New Metairie road, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine. ALEXANDER, 3d w. of Car- rollton, from Canal w. to New Orleans Canal, Ist dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa. ALGIERS (see Olivier, 5th dist). ALINE, 3d w. of Toledano, fromtherivern. to St. Charles avenue, 6th dist. Front, Tchoupitoulas, Annunciation. ALIX, s. of Canal Street Ferry landing from Church, running w. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Church, Powder, 1 2 Bouny, 2I 28 Seguin, 39 40 Barthelemy, 57 68 Verret, 69 70 Olivier, §5 86 ValJette 101 100 Chestnut, 117 ng El mil a avenue, 141 142 Pacific avenue, 153 154 Atlantic avenue, 167 168 Verret avenue, Opelousas railroad, Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. ALONZO, 2d n. of Nashville av- enue, from the river w. to Laurel, 6th dist. AlVIELIA. 6th w. of Toledano, from the river to Clara, 6th dist. Front, Tchoupitoulas, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt. St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, St. Andrew, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara. AMEN, parallel with Franklin avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue to the lake, 3d dist. AMB SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. ATL 43 AMERICUS, 2l8t 8. of Canal Street Ferry landing, from river e. to Hancock, McDon- ogh. ANDRY, 9th e. of the Convent of the Ursulines from the river to the woods, 3d dist. ANN, 5th 8W. from and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Adams, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Rt. Lft. Lower Line, 1 i Millaudon, 21 22 Clinton, 35 36 Hillary, 65 — Adams. 77 — ANNETTE, 5th, w. of Elysian Fields, from St. Bernard w. to the lake, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Marais, 22 2:i Urquhart, 42 43 ViJlere, 64 G5 Roliertson, 84 85 Claiborne, 88 89 Derbigny, 116 117 Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Magistrate, Law, Hope, Duels. ANNUCIATION, ELIZABETH and JERSEY are known as Annunciation St., 6th from river, from junction Tchou- pitoulas, 1st dist., to Calhoun, 6th dist. Rt. Lft Delord, Poeyfarre, 17 18 Calliope. 43 42 Gaieunie, 61 60 Erato, 89 90 Thalia, 117 118 Melpomene, 143 144 Terpsichore, 167 170 Robin, 189 190 Race, 213 2U Orange, 229 230 Richard, 263 2iJ4 Market, 289 288 Felicitv, 301 300 St. Mary 331 33i St. Andrew, 359 360 Josephine, 393 392 Jackson. 419 418 Philip, 449 448 Soraparu, 473 472 First, 495 494 Second, 515 616 Third, 533 634 Fourth, 653 554 Washington avenue, 576 576 Sixth, 603 60 t Seventh, 623 624 Eighth, 639 640 NiSth, 679 678 Harmony, 687 683 Pleasant, 695 696 Toledano, 701 702 Louisiana avenue, 727 728 Delachaiee 745 746 Aline, Foucher, Anlonine, Amelia, 423 424 I'euiston, 433 4X4 Gen. Taylor, 451 4.V2 Austerlitz, , 467 468 Constantinople, 483 484 Marengo. 601 502 Milan, 619 518 Berlin, 639 .540 Napoleon avenue, 661 652 Jena, Catliz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Valmout, Leoutine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Xashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay. Calhoun. ANNUNCxATION SQUARE, bounded by Race, Orange, Chippewa and Annunciation, 1st dist. ANSON, 5th 8. of Americus, from river e. to Hancock, Mc Donojfh. ANTHONIA, from Monroe av- enue to the lake, 3d dist. ^VNTIIONY, 9th n. of Carrollton avenue, from Canal to New Metaii ie road and re -commen- ces at Monroe avenue and runs n. to the lake, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse. ANTONINE,4thw. of Louisiana avenue, from river to St. Charles avenue, 6th dist. Front, Tchouiitoulas, Annunciation, Laur. 1. Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, (Coliseum, Prytania, St Charles avenue. APOLLO (see Carondelet). ARfBRIDGE, 7th s. of Ameri- CU8. from Adams e. to Han- cock, McDonogh. BALDWIN, 9th n. of Peters, from Peters w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Octavia, Nashville, State, Calhoun, Walnut, Chestnut, Magnolia Walk, Locust. BANKS, 3d 8, of Canal, from Johnson n. to St. Patrick's cemetery, Ist dist. Galvez, Miro. Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Violet, Carrollton, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick. BANK PLACE, bet. Camp and Magazine, from Gravier to Natchez, 1st dist. BARONNE, nth w. of river, from Canal to Peters avenue, Ist, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. 2 42 60 76 94 120 ll9 150 151 180 179 220 219 256 255 300 299 328 327 354 353 374 373 398 399 420 421 444 445 466 469 472 473 496 501 518 519 642 543 678 579 588 589 618 619 630 631 650 651 668 669 700 701 722 734 750 754 753 770 771 Canal, Common, Gravier, Union, Perdido, Poydras, Lafayette, Girod, Julia, St. Joseph, Delord, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polymnia Felicity, St. Andrew. Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourih, Washington avenue, Sixth, Seventh, Eigthth, Harmony, Toledano, Louisiiina avenue, Delachaise, Foucher, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Peters avenue. BARRACKS, 13th n. of Canal St. and 1st sw. of Esplanade, from river to Broad, and from New Metairie road to lake, 2d dist. Rt. Lft. Peters, • 1 2 Gallatin, 11 lo Decatur, 21 20 Chartres, 47 46 Royal, * 71 70 Bourbon, 89 88 Dauphine, 107 108 Burgundy, 131 130 Rampart, 141 142 St. Claude, 162 161 Liberty, 180 179 Marais, 192 191 Intervening space be- tween Marais and Prieur sts. is known as Bayou road. Prieur, Johnson, 354 353 Galvez, 376 375 Miro, 386 385 Tonti, 412 411 Rocheblave, 432 433 Dolhonde, 445 — Broad, New Metairie road. BARTHELEMY, 3d e. of Canal street ferry landing, from river to Verret, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Patterson, 1 2 ViUere, 7 8 Delaronde, 29 30 Peter, 49 50 Alix, 67 68 Eliza, 87 88 Verret. — 90 BARTHOLOMEW, 16th, s. of Lafayette avenue, from the river e. to the woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy,' Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Jooephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. BARTHOLOMEW, 1st n. of Claiborne, fromj Upper Line Jeiferson City, w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay. Calhoun. BASIN (now North Basin) 14th w. of river, from Canal n. to St. Peter, 2d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 22 21 Bienville, 52 51 CoDti, 80 79 St. Louis, 106 107 Toulouse, 134 126 Carondelet walk, — 157 St. Peter, 162 161 BASIN (now South Basin), 14th w. of River, from Canal s. to Louisiana avenue, 1st and 4th dists. First Dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 26 — BAY SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. BIB 45 42 70 Common, Gravier, Perdido, North Poydras, South Poydras, Lafayette, Girod, Intercepted by New Canal, commences again at Clio. Clio, 108 109 138 139 144 145 178 177 206 205 244 247 Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terp^^ichore, Euterpe, Felicity, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fonrth, 324 325 350 351 378 377 402 403 424 423 444 445 456 455 454 453 478 477 504 503 526 525 536 535 552 551 584 583 592 593 620 619 636 635 646 645 654 — Washington avenue, 698 597 Sixth, """ Seventh, Harmony, Toledano, Louisiana avenue. BAYOU ROAD, from North Rampart, 2d dist. ne. to Gen- tilly road, 3d dist. Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti , Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Gentilly road. B \YOU ST. JOHN, commences 8th n. ol Broad and at Caron- delet walk, thence north to the lake. BEAUREGARD, from Marigny avenue to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. BELFAST, 3d n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Lower Line to Upper Line,7th dist. (late Car- volfton.) Lower Line, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jetferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Upper Line. BELLECHASSE, s. of Thalia, from Tchoupitoulas to St. Thomas, let dist. BELLECASTLE, 3d e. of Pe- ters avenue, from river n. to Leonie, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, St. Charles avenue, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, Green, St. George, Lonsr, Breslau, Victor, Leonie. BELL'S ALLEY, bet. Peters and Decatur, 3d dist. BENEFIT, 17th n. of and par- allel with Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenue to Lower Line, 3d dist. BENJAMIN, 1st s. of St. Char- les avenue from Octavia w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Joseph, Arabella, Hurstville, Eleonore. Bloomingdale, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. BENJAMIN. 1st dist. (now Thalia). Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt. St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde. RERNADOTTE, 7th w. of Car- rollton avenue from Canal n. to New Metairie road,2d dist., and fiora Canal s to New Orleans Canal, Ist dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, New Metairie road. Canal, 1st dist., Gasquet, Palmyra, Bunks, Baudin, D'Heuiccourt, BENTON, 6th above U. S. Bar- racks, from St. Claude (Good- children) n. to woods, 3d dist. Viilere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, LaForce, Virtue, Magistrate, L'W, Florida walk. BENTON (now Franklin), 4th dist. BERLIN, 1st e. of Napoleon avenue, from river n. to Broad, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Constance, BERNADOTTE, 15th nw. of Carrollton avenue, continua- tion of Lower Line from 12th to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton.) Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon. BERNARD (see St. Bernard). BERTRAND, 3d w. of Clai- borne, from Common s. to Lafayette, 1st dist. Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras. Lafayette. BIENVENUE, 2d n. of river from Adams to U. S. Barracks, .3d dist. A |° Bienville, \l f. Conti, 63 64 Toulouse, "* '* Carondelet walk, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dui'iaine, St. Philip, Ursulinea, Hospital, Belle Chasse, Oak, Barracks, Esplanade, St. John, Washington, Bayou road, Columbus, Laharpe, Lape^ rouse, Onzaga, Dabadie, Anbrv, O'Reilly, Castiglione, St. Bernard avenue, Bruxelles, Warsaw, Havana, London avenue, Marigny avenue, BROAD (now South Broad), 30th w. of river and 5th w. of Galvez, from Canal, Ist dist., s. to Upper Line, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Canal. 12 Gasquet, 23 2- Palmyra, *! *" Banks, '''' "" Baudin, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras, Orleans Canal, Juno, Venus, Eiiphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Felicity, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Second, Third, Fourth, Toledano, Louisiana ayenue, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line. BROADWAY, 2d e. of Lower Line. Carrollton, from river, n. to woods, 6th dist. Front, Water, Lower Line, Market, Elizabeth, Ferdinand, Oliver, Wall, Esther, Anna, Louisa, Ida, Carrollton, St. Charles, Washington, St. George, Long, Breslau, Magnolia, Oak, Warsaw, Warren, Wapping, Wandorf. Rose, Sauve, Destrehan, Miro. Gayoso, Canada, Claiborne, Tazoo, Mobile. BROOKS. 8th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John, to Milne, 2d dist. BROWN, 5th 8. of the lake, from Bayou St. Joha to Milne, 'M dist. BRUTUS, 1st 8. of Monroe ave- nue from Lafayette avenue, w. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. BRUXELLES, Ist e. of Paris avenue, from St. Bernard ave- nue n. to lake, 3d dist St. Bernard avenue, Hope, Duels. Third, Zimpel. Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth. BURDETTE, or COLUMBUS, 3d se. of and parallel to Car- rollton avenue, from river to Lower Line, 7th dist. (late carrollton). ^^ ^^^ L6V6C DeArmas. 13 12 Macarty, jl f- Commercial, \\ *° Pearl, «1 ^ First, Hampson, Second, I Burtbe, BURGUNDY, 12th w. of nver from Canal, 2d dist. ne. to Columbus, and from Colum- bus e. to lower limits 3d dist. Rt. Lilt. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, f* *3 »:-[•"«• fe 75 St. Louis, 104 101 Tourlouse, ^j" i*i St. Peter, 158 15. St. Phlhp, 232 233 Ursulines. 256 257 Hospital, 2-8 279 Barracks, 30» ^"^ Esplanade, 3^0 3ra Kerlerec, ^" ^^^ St. Anthony, -- ^ Bourbon, 384 383 Union. *10 411 Frenchmen, 4^ *^ Elysian Fields, 456 457 Marigny, 4s2 4S3 Mandeville, 50« 507 Spain "''2 531 Washington, 660 5.59 Music — Lafayette avenue. ^ ■- St^.jerdinand, m 6^^ Mont^gut, 6»4 6^ Clouet, 730 i^ K'" ^ ^"^ Desire ^ Elmira, 839 838 Congress, »«> °*> Independence, o'O — Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew. Mazant, French, Lesseps. Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Sister, Jourdon, Deslonde, Tennessee BeyneB, 48 BUR boards' street guide. CAM Forstall. Lizardi, EKania, Andry, Flood, CafBn, La Manche, Charbonnet, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. BURKE, let n. of Claiborne, from Upper Line to State, 6th diet. BURTHE, 3d n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Monroe, 7tli diet. (late Carroll- ton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, A1 122 Painters, 145 146 Lafayette avenue, 171 172 Port, 199 200 St. Ferdinand, "25 226 Press, 2 7 2.'>8 Montegut, 279 280 Clouet, 305 306 Louisa, 333 334 Pietv, 363 3.54 Desire, 369 370 Elmira, Annunciation . from Melpo- to Aline, (ilh Rt. Lft. 62 CLA boards' street auiDE. OLI Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Leeseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Iricou. CLAIBORNE (now South Clai- borne,) 20th w. of river, Ist, 4th and 6th diets, from Canal street to Lower Line, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 20 19 Palmyra, 40 39 Common, 76 75 Gravier, 104 103 Perdido, 122 121 North Poydras, 142 141 South Poydras, 144 143 Lafayette, 190 189 Cypress, 198 197 Julia, 214 215 New Shell road, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Felicity, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Wasliington avenue, Sixth, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. CLARA, 12th w. Of St. Charles, ' State Ist, Rt. Lft. 134 135 161 160 165 166 181 180 208 209 230 231 250 251 271 292 269 293 814 816 329 from Gravier e. to 4th and 6th dists. Perdido, Poydras, South Poydrai, Lafayette, Cypress, Julia, Delord, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Felicity, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue. Sixth, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Oo-tavia, Alabama, Nashville, State. CLARK (now South Clark) , let w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal s. to Melpomene, 4th dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Orleans Canal, Minerva, Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Felicity, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene. CLARK (now North Clark), 1st w. of Hajran avenue, from Canal n. to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse. CLAY, 2d n. of Metairie road, from City Park to Bayou St, John, 2d dist. CLAY, bet. Front and Peters, from Customhouse to St. Ann, 2d dist. Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, Jefferson, St Peter, St. Ann. CLAY, 12th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from Upper Line and Mobile street to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast. Twelfth Prin chard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, North Line. CLAY (see Henry Clay ave- nue, 6th dist.). CLAY SQUARE, bet. Second and Third, Chippewa and An- nunciation, 4tn dist. CLEMENS, 2d n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. CLINTON, bet. Peters and De- catur, from Customhouse to Bienville, 2d dist. CLINTON, 6th se. of and paral- lel to Carrolton avenue, from river to Lower Line, 7th dist., late Carrollton. Rt. Lft. Levee, 1 2 Esther, 28 2 Ann, 87 38 DeArmas, 61 52 Macarty, 69 70 Commercial, 86 86 Pearl, iTirst, Hampson, Second, Burthe, Tiiird. Zirapel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth. CLIO. 11th 8. of Canal, from Camp w. to Clark, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Camp, 126 127 CLO SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. COM 53 132 133 152 163 170 171 186 187 274 276 386 387 408 409 460 461 Prytania, St. Charles, Garondelet, Baronne, Dryadea, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, WUlow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Sixth, Fifth, Fourth, Van Buren, Third, Second, St. John avenue, Clark. CLOUET, 6th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Kt. Lit. Levee, Chartres, Royal. 67 58 Dauphine, 77 7» Burgundy, 95 f Rampart, 113 \\* St. Claude, 141 ]ll Marais^ 167 158 Urqiihart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue. Magistrate, Law, Florida walk, Industry, Agriculture, Abundance, Treasure, Benefit, Humanity, Pleasure, Ne plus-ultra. COCULUS, 3d B. of Claiborne from Upper Line to State, 6th dist. COFFEE (See Dryades.) COHN, 13th ne. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist., (late Carroll ton.) liOwer Line, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Upper Line. COLAPISSA, 7th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Low- er Line to South Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton) . Lower Line, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly. Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. COLISEUM, 2d e. of St. Charles avenue, from Melpo- mene, Ist dist. 8. to Calhoun, 6th dist. „ , ^^ Bt. Lft. Terpsichore, Euterpe. 19 20 Polymnia, 29 iO Urania. 41 - Felicity, ol 62 St. Mary, 66 67 St. Andrew, 73 (4 Josephine, 99 100 Jackson, 115 116 Philip, 139 140 First 163 164 Second. 181 182 Third, 211 212 Fourth, 219 220 Washington avenue, 235 236 Sixth, * 261 262 Seventh, 283 284 Eighth, 297 298 Harmony, 309 310 Pleasant. 321 322 Toledano, 329 330 Louisiana avenue, 363 364 Delachaise, Aline, Foucher, Peniston, 445 446 Gen. Taylor, 461 462 Austerlitz, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz. Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia. Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. COLISEUM SQUARE, junction of Camp and Coliseum, bet. Melpomene and Euterpe, Ist dist. COLUMBIA, 4th n. of Edin- burgh avenue, from Lafayette avenue w. to Bayou st. John, 3d dist. COLUMBUS, 2(1 n. of Espla- nade, from Rampart w. to Gentilly road, 8d dist. Rt. Lft. Rampart, 1 2 St. Claude, 21 20 Marais. 53 52 Villere. 89 88 Robertson. 103 102 Claiborne. 12S 122 Derbigny. 146 144 Roman. 163 16a Prieur. 191 190 Johnson. 215 214 Gfil^ez, 237 238 Miro. 251 250 Tonti. 287 — - Rocheblave, 295 294 Dolhonde, 801 — Broad. White. COLUMBUS, 2d n. of Amerl- cus, from river to Hancock, McDonogh. Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. COMMERCE, bet. Peters and Tchoupitoulas, from Poydraa to St. Joseph, let dist. Rt. Lft. Poydras, 1 2 Lafayette, 23 24 Girod, 51 62 Notre Dame. i] '2 Julia, °5 ,55 St. Joseph. 119 120 1 COMMERCIAL, 2d sw. of and parallel to 1st. from Lower Line to Canal or Carrollton avenue. 7th dist. (late Car- rollton). 54 COM SOABDS' STREET GUIDE. CON Lower Line, Millaudon, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Huso, Short. Oarrollton or Canal avenue, COMMERCIAL PLACE, 2>tf s of Canal St., bet. Gravier and Poydras, from Camp to St. Charles, 1st dist. r.„ Rt- Lft. Camp, 2 1 St. Charles, 32 31 Canal st., limits, Ist Rt. Lft. — 10 35 34 43 44 49 50 79 80 109 110 139 140 171 170 201 198 221 222 235 234 253 252 257 268 285 290 301 306 323 — 388 341 — 351 358 359 362 380 398 377 COMMON, Ist B. of from river w. to dist. Front, Pulton, Peters, Tchoupitoulas, Magazine, Camp, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin. Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, S. Robertson, Magnolia, Claiborne, Derbigny, St. Jane, Roman, Bolivar, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, Pierce, CarroUton avenue, Solomon, Napoleon. CONDE, see Chartree. CONGRESS, nth e. of Lafay- ette avenue, from river n to woods. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, VUiere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk, CONRAD, 8th s. of the lake from Bayou St. John, to Milne 2d diet. CONERY, bet. Washington ave- nue and Sixth.from St.Charles avenue to Prytania, 4th dist CONSTANCE. 6th w. of river formerly Foucher, from Poy-' dras, 8. to Calliope, Ist dist. recommences at Calliope, s to Calhoun, 6th dist. 399 — — 420 419 — 443 446 455 454 481 480 493 492 609 508 529 530 Poydras, Lafayette, Girod, Julia, St. Joseph, Delord, I Poeyfarre, Calliope, Recommences at Gaiennie, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore Robin, Race, Orange, Richard, Felicity, St. Mary. St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue. Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Harmony, Pleasant, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Aline, Foucher, Antonine, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Austerlitz, Constantinople, Marengo, , Milan, Berlin, ' Napoleon avenue, Front, Clay, Peters, Decatur, Chartres, Exchange al., Royal, Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart^ Basin, Franklin, Liberty. Marais, Villere, Robertson, I Claiborne, I Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblare, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, 2 8 18 35 36 53 81 111 110 135 136 161 162 171 172 — 182 193 194 215 216 237 238 257 258 279 280 299 300 323 324 347 348 371 372 393 394 413 412 441 440 465 468 493 494 521 522 649 552 Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay. Calhoun. CONSTANTINOPLE, 10th w of Louisiana avenue from the river to Rampart, 6h dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart. CONTI, 3d n. of Canal from river w. to cemeteries, 2d mst., and recommences at New Metairie road and runs to the lake, 3d diet. Kt. Lft. coo SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. DAV 55 Lopez, Bendon, Hagan avenue. COOPER, 6th from River, com - mencinf? at Upper Line. New Carrollton, 7th Uist. COPERNICUS, let 8. ol Amer- icuB, from river to Hancock, McDonogh. CORTE?', (now South Cortes), 4th w. of Hagan avenue from Canal 8. to New Canal, let dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, Common, Gravier, Perdido. CORTES (now North Cortes), 4th w. of Hagan avenue from Canal, n. to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse. St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines. CORWIN, 8d n. of City Park from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. COTTON PRESS (see Press), 3d uist. CRAPS (see Burgundy). CRITTENDEN, 4th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. CROSSMAN, 1st n. of Canal, fiom river to Peters, 2d uist. Water, Wells, Front, Poters. CUSTOMHOUSE, 1st n. of Ca- nal, from river w. to New Metairie road, 2d dist., thence n. to the lake, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Water, Wells, Front, Clay, Peters, Clinton, Decatur, Dorsiere, Chartres, Exrhango place, Royal, Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, Basin, 199 200 Franklin, 215 216 Liberty, 227 228 Marais. 249 250 ViUere, 271 272 Rol)ertson, 2^^1 290 Claiborne. 313 312 Derbinijy, 335 336 Roman, 3.59 360 Prieur, 385 386 Johnson, 411 *12 Galvez, *31 432 Miro, 455 454 Tonti, 475 480 Kocheblave, 493 496 Dolhonde, 521 622 Broad, 657 " - White, Dupre, GayoBO, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. CYPRESS, 1st 8. of Lafayettp, from Liberty to Prieur, Ist dist. CYPRESS, 15 n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove. Upper Line. Liberty, Cedar, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Debigny, Bolivar, Bertrand, Prieur. DABADIE, 6th n. of Espla- nade, from St. Bernard avenue w. to GentlUy road, 3d diet. Galrei, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gavoso, Geiitilly road. DAUPHINE. 11th w. of river, from Canal n. to Kerlerec, thence e. to limits, 2d and 3d dist?. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, Hospital, Barracks, Esplanade. Kerlerec, Bourbon, Union. Frenchmen, Elysian Fields. Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmirn, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French. Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Sifter, Jourdon, Deslonde, Tennessee, Reynes, Forstall, Lizardi, Egania, Andry, Flood, Caffin, La Manche, Charbonnet, Ailanis, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock. Tricou. Rt. Lft. 2 1 24 23 52 49 76 75 100 99 128 127 156 155 168 167 182 181 208 207 234 233 260 259 284 283 310 307 326 327 348 349 368 369 394 397 424 423 444 443 472 471 498 497 524 523 548 547 ue, 564 565 584 585 610 611 668 669 686 687 708 709 754 753 776 775 800 799 820 819 840 838 854 853 D VVID, bet. Carrollton avenue and Solomon, from Canal to Metairie road, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, New Metairie road. DAVIDSON'S ROW, es. Oaron- 66 DAW SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. DER delet, bet. Poydrae and Lafay- ette. DAWNS, nth 8. of the lake from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d diet. DeARMAS, 5lh s.of Market.from river e. to limits, 6th diet, (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 19 20 Monroe, 39 40 Franklin, 61 62 Hancock, Chestnut, Elmjra avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, • Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. DeARMAS, 4th sw. of and par- allel to First from Lower Line to Burdette, 7th diet, (late Carrollton). Rt. Lft. Lower Line 1 2 Millaudon, 19 20 Clinton, 33 34 HUlary. 63 54 Adams, 77 78 Burdette, DECATUR, late Victory and Old Levee, 5th w. of river, from Canal n. to Fsplanade, 2d dist. thence e. to St. Ferdi- nand, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 52 53 Conti, 82 79 St. Louis, 108 107 Toulouse, 136 137 Jefferson, 146 153 St. Peter, 162 165 St. Ann, 194 193 Madison, — 205 Dumaine, 220 219 St. Philip, 248 247 Ursulines, 274 273 Hospital, 298 299 Barracks, 326 327 Esplanade, 344 345 Frenchmen, 349 353 Elysian Fields 378 379 Marigny, 404 405 Mandeville, 430 431 Spain, 456 455 Lafayette avenue, 472 471 Port. 490 489 St. Ferdinand. 512 Ml DECATUR, 4th s. of Market, from river e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lt. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 19 18 Monroe, 41 40 Franklin, 69 60 Verret. 75 74 Vallette, — 76 Chestnut, 9S — Elmira avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue, Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. DEERS, 10th e. of Elysian Fields, from junction of La- fayette avenue and Virtue n. to lake, 3d dist. Magistrate, Law, Florida Walk, DELACHAISE, 1st. s. of Lou- isiana avenue from river n. to Miro, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine. ( 'amp. Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryad es. Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro. DELARONDE, 3d n. of river from Adams to U. S. Hospital, 3d dist. Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. DELARONDE, 2d se. of Canal Street Ferry landing, from river ne. to Vallette, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Powder, 1 2 Bouny, 19 18 Segiiin, 39 38 Barthelemy, 59 60 Lavergne, 79 80 Verret, 95 96 Olivier, 115 116 Vallette, 131 132 DELERY, Ist n. of Lower Line from the river to the woods, 3d dist. DELORD, 8th s. of Canal, from river w. to Broad 1st dist. nt. Lft. Water, Delta, Front, 9 10 Fulton, — 20 Peters, 39 40 Commerce, - 64 Tchoupitoulas, 79 78 Constance, 115 116 Magazine, 139 138 Canp, 161 160 St. Charles, 177 178 Carondelet, 197 198 Baronne, 217 226 Dryades, 281 258 Rampart, 281 282 Franklin, — 316 Liberty, 340 Howard, 352 Freret, 364 Locust, 386 Magnolia, iU Clara , Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Touti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. DELORD, Ist s. of Claiborne from Upper Line w. to Cal- houn, 6th dist. Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue. Octavia, Alabama, Nashville, State, Clav, Calhoun. DELTA, 2d w. of river from Canal s. to St. dist. Joseph, 1st Rt. Lft. Canal, Gravier, 15 - Poydras, 37 - Lafayette, 81 - Girod, Notre Dame, Julia, St. Joseph. DERBIGNY (now South Der- bigny), 21st w. of river and 1st w. of Claiborne, from Ca- nal s. to Upper Line, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet. 24 23 Palmyra, 46 47 Common, 64 GS Gravier, 90 89 Perdido, 120 119 Lafavette, Girod, Julia, DER SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. DOL 57 New Shell road, Euphrosine. Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Josephine, Jackson, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaiae, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, ITpper Line. DERBIGNY (now North Der bisny) , 2l8t n. of river, and Ist w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue and thence e. to Lower Line, 3d ^'''- Bt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 46 45 Conti, 72 71 St. Louis, 92 91 Toulouse, 11* lis Carondelet Walk, 116 115 St. Peter. 130 129 Orleans. 140 139 St. Ann, 152 151 Duraaine, 178 177 St. Philip, 204 203 Ursulines, 230 229 Hospital, 252 251 Bayou road, 266 265 Esplanade, 288 287 Kerlerec, 326 325 Columbus, 342 341 Laharpe, 368 367 Lapeyrouse, 388 387 St. Bernard avenue. New ( )rlean8, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety. Desire, Elmira, Congress. Independence, Pauline, Joanna, Bartholomew, Mazaut, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephins, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. DESIRE, 9th e. of Lafayette avenue from river n.to woods, 3ddi8t. Levee, Cii^rtres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgunrly, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere. Robertson. Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. DESLONDE. 3d c. of the Con- vent of the Ursulines. from the river to the woods, 3d dist. DESTREHAN, 13th n. of St. Charles avenue, from Walnut w. to Lower Line. 6tn dist. Chestnut, Broadway, Fine, Lower Line. DETER, 6th w. of Parle, from Pleasure n. to the lake, 3d dist. D'HEMECOURT, 5th s. of Ca- nal, from June. Common and Lopez w. to New Canal, 1st dist. Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Bernadotte. DIVISION, bet. Rousseau and St. Thomas, from First to Second, 4th dist. DIXON, 15th n. of Mobile, from North Line to parish bound- ary, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Caiiibronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Living-^ton, Bernadotte, North Line. DOLHONDE, (new North Dol- honde) , 29th w. of river and let e. of Broad, from Canal n. to limits, 3d dist. Bt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Customliouee, 16 16 Bienville, — 30 Conti, Toulouse, Caiondelet walk, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, 127 — Dumaine, 148 149 St. Philip, — 163 Ursulines, Hospital, Barracks, Esplanade, St. John, Bayou road, Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe, Onzaga, Dabadle, Aubry, O'Reilly, St. Bernard avenue, Warsaw, Havana, London avenue, New Orleans, Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue,* Hunters, Deers, Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, 58 DOL SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE DUM Olouet, Erato, 362 363 Thirteenth, Louisa. Thalia, 384 387 Colapissa, Piety, Melpomene, 406 407 Fourteenth, Desire, Terpsichore, 432 433 Forshey, Slrnira, Euterpe, 466 461 Fifteenth, Congress, Polymnia, E iinburgh. Independence, Felicity, St. Andrew, 482 483 Sixteenth, Pauline, 606 517 Sterlitz, Jeanna, Josephine, 544 545 Seventeenth Bartholomew, Jackson, 568 569 Dixon, Mazant, Philip, 588 589 Eighteenth, French, First, 601 602 Shell road. Lesseps, Second, 624 625 Poland, Third, 638 639 DUCAYET. 3d w. of Gentilly Alexander, Fourth, 652 653 road from Esplanade n. to Josephine, Washington avenue, 664 665 Pleasure, 3d dist. Manuel, Sixth, 686 687 Grand Route St. John, Adams, Seventh, 706 707 Floridas, William. Eighth, 716 717 Maurepas, Benton, Toledano, 792 793 Fortin, Gordon, Louisiana avenue , 736 Fair Grounds, intersection, Monroe, Delachaise, Nelson, Hancock, Foucher, Treasure, Tricou, Amelia, Brickyard, Petre, Peniston, Pleasure. Canonge, Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, DUELS, 12th n. of Claiborne, DOLHONDE (now South Dol- Marengo, from St. Bernard avenue, e. honde),'29th w. of river and Milan, to Elysian Fields, 3d dist. Ist e. of Broad, from Canal Berlin, Bruxelles, 1st dist. 8. to Berlin, 6tb dist. Napoleon avenue, Warsaw, Bt. Lft. Jena, Havana, Oanal, 1 2 Cadiz, London avenue. Gasquet, 17 18 V^alence, New Orleans, Palmyra, 37 38 Bordeaux, Bernard, Banks, 63 64 Upper Line, Annette, Common, Robert, St. Anthony, Gravier, Soniat, Bourbon, Perdido, Dufossat, Union, Poydras, Julia, Valmont, Frenchmen, Peters avenue, Elysian Fields. New Shell road, Octavia, Euphroeine, Joseph. DUFOSSAT, 9th w. of Napo- Calliope, leon avenue, from river to St. Clio, DRYDEN, e. of and parallel to George, 6th dist. Erato, Franklin avenue from Lafay- Front, Thalia, elte avenue to the lake 3d Levee. Melpomene, dist. Annunciation, Second, Laurel. Third, DRYDEN. 14th from river. Constance, Fourth, commencing at New Carrollton, Upp er Line, M;igazine, Toledano, 7th dist. Camp. Louisiana avenue, Cheetnut, Milan, DUBLIN, Ist nw. of and pa ral- Coliseum, Berlin, lei to Carrollton avenue, from Perrier, DOLOPHON, 4th 8. ot the lake from Bayou St. John to Milne, First to parish boundary, dist. (late Carrollton). Levee 7th Frvtania, Pitt, Jennet, 2d dist. First, ' St. Charles avenue DORGENOI8 (see Dolhonde). Hampson, Second, Baronne, Dryades, Burlhe, Rampart, DORSIERE, bet. Decatur and Third St. Patrick, Ohartres, from Canal to Cus- Zimpel, Fourth, St. David, tomhouse, 2d dist Green, Plum, St. George. DRYADES,12thw. Canal s. to June. of river from St. Charles Fifth, Jeannette DUPLESSIS, 7th w. of London avenue and Joseph , Ist dist. Rt. Lft. Sixth, Green, avenue, from St. Bernard ave- nue to the lake. Canal, 2 1 Seventh, Common, 44 43 Cohn, DUMAINE, 9th n. of Canal, Gruvier, 72 71 Eighth, from river, w.to New Metairie Union, 93 Cvpress, road, 2d dist. and thence d. Perdido. 112 113 Ninth, to the lake, 3d dist. Poydras, 142 143 Napoleon, Rt. Lft- Lafayette, 180 181 Mobile or Tentta, Decatur, 1 2 Girod, 208 209 Nelson, Chartres 33 35 Julia, 248 249 Eleventh, Royal, 57 56 Delord, 280 281 Belfiist, Bourbon, S', sij Calliope, 310 311 Twelfth, Diupbine, mv I'ln Clio, 334 335 Princhard, Burgundy, 129 130 DUP SOARDS' STREET GUIDE, BLE 59 161 152 177 176 197 196 215 214 237 238 255 254 273 272 291 290 315 316 837 338 369 360 381 380 401 400 423 422 443 444 473 474 553 554 llampart, St. Claude, Liberty, Marais, \'illeie, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Roiheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopee, Rendon, llagan avenue, bayou St. John. DUPLANTIER (see Calliope). DUPRE (low North Dupre). 2d w. of I. road, from Canal n. to Esplanade, 2d diet. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Carondelet Walk, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Phillip, Ursulines, Oak, .^t. John, Esplanade. DUPRE (now South Dupre), 2a w. of Broad, from Canal, 8. to New Canal, let dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Bank-", Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras. EAGLE, 7th nw. of and parallel to CarroUton avenue, from river to parish boundary, 7th dist., (late CarroUton). Levee, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn. Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Moiiile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, PriDChard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Oi.xon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Twentieth, Shell road. EAGLE (see Willow). EDINBURGH, 11th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from North Line to boundary, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Washington, Short, CarroUton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line, EDINBURGH AVENUE, 4th f 1 om the lake from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, MUneburg. EDWARD (see Melpomene). BGANIA, 8th e. of the Con- vent of the Ursulines from the river to the woods, 3d dist. EIGHTH, 14 8W. of Felicity and 36th, s. or Canal St. from river n. to Rampart, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 3 2 Tchoupitulas, 7 6 St. Thomas, otf d» Chfppewa, 67 56 Annunciation, B^ »- Laurel ^^^ ^ Constance, 1*5 144 Shel'^nut, |05 202 St.^Charles, • 293 29-2 Carondelet, 313 314 Baronne, 337 .MS Dryades. 359 360 Rampart, 377 dm EIGHTH, 14th ne. of and par- I aUel tto list, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th diet. (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Cai ronton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, HoUy, HamUton, Laurel, Upper Line. EIGHTEENTH, 16th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Low- er Line to parish boundary, 7th di8t. (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Short, CarroUton avenae, DubUn, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, HoUy, HamUton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, North Line. ELEONORE. 6th w. of Peter6 avenue, from river n. to St. Charles avenue, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Preston, Market, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, Benjamin, St. Charles avenue. ELEVENTH, 2d n. of and par- allel to MobUe, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Lower Line. Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Canollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe. 60 ELI SOARDS' STREET GUIDE ESP Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay. Live Oak, Livingston, Upper Line. ELIZA, 4th se. of Canal St. Fer- ry landing, from Powder ne. to Sumner, thence e. to limits, 5thdi8t. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. 1 2 27 26 Povrder, Bouny, Sequin, _ _ Barthelemy, 87 88 Verret, 90 Olivier, 119 120 Valleite, 145 143 Chestnut, 171 172 Elmira avenue, 191 190 Pciflc avenue, A tlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Le BcEuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. ELIZABETH, 6th n. of river, from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6tb dist. Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. ELMIRA AVENUE, 4th w. of Opelousas R. R. from river, boundary line of Jefferson Parish, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Soli.Ielle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, LaFoice, Virtue, Magistrate, Law. Florida walk. ELYSLVN FIELDS, line of TontchartrainR. R. from er to the lake, 3d dist. Rt. 1 21 45 69 89 107 129 155 179 203 225 251 275 303 325 355 381 405 413 421 1 .38 69 39 66 89 80 111 110 131 130 149 150 163 164 Patterson, Thayre, Peter, Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringler. ELMIRA, 10th 6. of Lafayette avenue from fiver n. to woods. 3d dist. Ch'-rtres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude. M.irais, Urquhart, . Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, the riv- Lft. 2 22 46 68 108 130 152 174 204 234 242 274 302 326 354 382 408 411 Lnvee, Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Mlro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Law, Hope, Florida walk. Duels, Industry, Agriculture, Abundance, Treasure, Benefit, Humanity, Pleasure, White, Serre, Beauregard, Manuel, Fox, Cato, Solon, Pelopidas. Llvti gston, Stephen Girard, Lennidas, Virginius, Carnot, Brutus, Monroe avenue, Timoleon, Socrates, Biron, St. J.imes avenue, Mithra, Odin, Mendez, Calhoun avenue, Athis, Presburg, Vienna, Edinburgh avenue, Mexico, New York, Frankfort, Columbia. ENCAMPMENT, 2d w. of Bayou Sauvage, from Grand Route St. John n. to Pleasure, 3d dist. Floridas, Maurepas, Fortin, Fair Grounds, intersection. Nelson, Treasure, Brickyard, Pleasure. ENGHEIN (see Lafayette ave- nue). ERATO, 12th e. of river w. to woods Water, Delta, Front, Peters, Tchoupitoulas, St. Thomas, Annunciation, Constance, M:igazine, Camp, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin. Franklin, Liberty. Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rochi'blave, Dolhonde, Broad. ESPLANADE, 14th n. of Canal St., and dividing line bet. 2d and 3d dists. from river nw. to Bayou St. John, and r ■- commences at New Metairie road, and runs n. to the lake. Rt. Lft. Canal, i rom , 1st dist Rt. Lft. 1 2 25 24 49 48 73 72 77 76 99 100 121 122 141 140 155 154 1S3 182 205 204 233 232 265 2(i4 277 278 285 286 301 302 329 330 355 356 375 376 393 394 419 420 — - 432 Front, Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude. Liberty, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, 1 23 43 67 83 24 44 68 84 105 104 117 118 137 138 163 160 — 180 187 188 211 210 227 226 239 240 253 254 275 276 285 286 309 308 827 328 347 348 EST SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. FIF 61 Tonti. — 368 Bocheblave, 387 378 Dolhonde, 407 — Broad, 431 433 White, — 454 Dupre, — ■ 458 Gayoso, Salcedo, Ducajet, Lopez, Bendon, Labatut, Howe, Bayou St. John. ESTELLK (see Thalia). ESTHER, 4th sw.of St. Charles, aveuue from Foucherville to Lower Line, 6th diet. ESTHER, 6th sw. of and par- allel to First, from Lower Line to Hillary, 7th dist. (late Oarrollton). Rt. Lft. Lower Line, 1 2 Scott, 11 12 Millaudon, 23 24 Clinton, 39 35 HiUary, 47 48 EUPHROSINE. Ist n. of Calli- ope, from Rampart w. to woods. Rampart, Frantlin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez. Miro, Tonti, RocheblaTe, Dolhonde, Broad. EUTERPE, 7th s. from Coliseum nw. Ist dist. Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Felicity. of Delord, to Felicity, Rt. Lft. 1 2 27 28 67 58 89 90 113 112 143 142 169 168 183 182 199 198 211 — EUTERPE, 1st 8. of Terpsi- chore, from junction Broad and Toledano w. to St. John avenue, 6th dist. Sixth, Fifth, Fourth, Van Buren, Third, Second, St. John avenue. EVELINA, 5th se. of Canal St. Ferry landing, from Pow- der ne. to Sumner, thence e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Al- giers). Powder, Bouny, Seguin, Barlhelemy, Verret, Olivier, Vallette, Chestnut, Elmira avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Lo BoBuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, . Washington, Hendee, Sumner. EXCHANGE ALLEY, bet. Royal and Chartres, from Customhouse to St. Louis, 2d dist. EXCHANGE PASSAGE, bet. Royal and Chartres. from St. Peter to St. Anthony square, 2d dist. EXCHANGE PLACE, bet. Royal and Chartres, from Canal to Customhouse, 2d dist. FAZENDE AVENUE, 8. of Market, from Hancock e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Chestnut, Elmira avenue, Thompson, Nichols, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. B., Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue, Webster avenue. Washington, Hendee, Sumner. FELICIA, 2d sw. of St. Charles avenue, from Foucherville to Lower Line, 6th dist. FELICIANA, 5th e. of Lafay- ette avenue, from St. Claude n. to woods, 3d dist. Mar lis, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius' Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. FELICITY, 23d 8. of Canal at. and dividing 1st and 4th dis- tricts, from river nw. to woods. Bt. Lft. Peters, Tchoupitoulas, 1 2 Religious, 15 16 Rousseau, 19 20 St. Thomas, 41 40 Chippewa, 73 66 Annunciation, 95 92 Laurel, HI HO Constance, 126 124 Magazine, 149 148 Camp, 176 174 Chestnut, 187 182 Coliseum, 193 196 Prytania, 227 226 St. Charles avenue, 253 252 Carondelet, 279 278 Baronne, 309 308 Dryades, 341 340 Rampart. 361 360 Basin, 369 — Franklin, 389 390 Liberty, 407 408 Howard, 445 440 Freret, 465 464 Locust, 493 -— Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. FERDINAND, 7th n. of river, from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, , Lower Line. FIFTH. 3d w. of Broad, from Ursulines, n. to Esplanade, 2d dist. Oak, St. John, Washington, Esplanade. FIFTH, 2d w. of Broad, from New Canal s. to Napoleoa avenue, 6th dist. Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polyrania, Urania, Gasquet, Napoleoa avenue. FIFTH, 8th ne. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to 62 FIF boards' street guide. FOU Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Wasbington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. FIFTEENTH, 10th ne. and par- allel to Mobile, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (.late Carrollton). Lower Line, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton. Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. FIFTH, 2d dist. (see N. Dupre.) FILLMOKE A VENUE, 26th n. or City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. FIRST, 7th s. of Felicity an I 29th 8. of Canal St., from river w. to Dolhonde, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulaa, 7 8 Rousseau, 35 36 Division, — 52 St. Thomas, 67 68 Chippewa, 91 92 Annunciation, 109 110 Laurel, 131 132 Constance, 151 152 Magazine, 175 174 Camp, 187 188 Chestnut, 209 210 Coliseum, 223 222 Prytania, 237 238 St. Charles avenue, 259 260 Carondelet, 281 282 Baronne, 299 300 Dryades, 317 318 Rampart, 341 342 St. Patrick, 359 :i53 Franklin, 361 360 Liberty, 379 384 St. George. 397 — Howard, 399 400 Freret. 417 418 Locust, 433 434 Magnolia, 445 446 Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde. FIRST, Ist dist. (see Hagan avenue). FIRST, or St. Charles avenue, head of depot Carrollton R. R. from Lower Line boundary to Madison. 7th dist. (late Car ronton). Lower Line, Millauella, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun. FRANKLIN (now North Frank- lin), 15th w. of river, *rom Ca- nal n. to Carondelet walk, 2d ^'"*- Rt. Lft. Canal, | ^ Customhouse. f° f? BienviUe, 54 58 Conti, !° " St. Louis, "»6 80 Toulouse, . ~" °S Carondelet walk. — "» FRANKLIN, 4th e. of river, from Market s. to limits, 5th ^'^^- Rt. Lft. ¥''"?^*' 4 U Jackson. *? ^ Homer, 35 3b Newton, 59 aa Decatur, 6. ea DeArmas, »» ^ jLapeyrouse. 101 J"" ! Socrates, 129 iza Ptolemy, 137 — Lawrence, Bringier. FKANKLIN AVENUE, 8th e. of Elysian Fields, from Junction Lafayelle avenue and Der- bigny n. to lake, 3d dist. Roman, Prieur, Johnsiin, Galvez, Miro. Tonli, Rocheblave, 1 Dolhonde, ' Broad, I Law, I Florida walk. FREDERICK SQUARE, bound- ed by Fifteenth, Hamilton, Edinburgh and Laurel Grove, 7th dial, ilate CarroUton). FREMONT. 15th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. FRENCH, 17th e. of Lafayette avenue, from the river to woods, 8d diflt. Levee, Chartres, Royal. Dauphine. Bergundy. Rampart. 64 FEE boards' street guide. GAL , Ist w. of Blysian Esplanade n. to St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, * Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force. Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. FRENCHMEN Fields, from lake 3d diet. Deciitur, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart. St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart,. Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. FRERET(formerly Jacobs), 5th w. of Rampart from Common to State, 1st, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. Rt. Lft. 13 31 32 47 48 76 72 da 96 119 120 141 142 165 166 185 186 207 208 226 226 235 236 261 262 283 284 306 304 — 334 Perdido, North Poydras, South Poydras, Lafayette, Pernlliat, Cypress, Julia, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Felicity, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue. Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Toleilano, Louisana avenue, Delachaise, Amelia, Periston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, — . 113 188 187 198 200 272 273 302 303 336 337 348 349 390 391 398 399 416 417 448 — Milan, Berlin, Napolean avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Upper Line^ Robert, Soniat, Valmont, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, State. FRONT (now North Front), 3d w. of river, from Oana) n. to Toulouse, 3d dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, Grossman, — 6 Customhouse, — 12 Bienville, — 24 Conti, — 36 St. Louis, Toulouse. FRONT (now South Front), 3d w. of river, Irom Canal s. to Orange, Ist dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Common, Gravier, Poydras, Lafayette, Girod, Notre Dame, Julia, St. Joseph, North Market, South Market, Delord, Calliope, Gaiennie, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Henderson, Robin, Race, Orange. FULTON, 4th w. of river, from Canal s. to Delord, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Peters, Tchoupitoalaa, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Camp. 37 26 85 56 79 78 97 98 115 114 121 120 19 20 47 48 81 82 111 112 131 132 149 150 197 198 201 202 203 204 209 210 221 222 247 248 271 272 Canal, 1 2 Common, 3 6 Gravier, 31 22 Poydras, 47 48 Lafayette, 79 80 Girod, 105 106 Notre Dame, 127 126 Julia, 134 133 St. Joseph, 179 178 North Market, South Market, Delord. FULTON, 4th dist. (see St. Thomas). GAIENNIE, 11th a. of Canal st. bet. CaUiope and Erato, from river w. to Camp, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Water, Delta, Front, GAINES, commences at Lafay- ette avenue, cor. Socrates, and runs n. to the lake, 3d dist. GAINES, 10th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. GALLATIN, 1st w. of river, from Ursulines n. to Barracks, 2d dist. Hospital, Barracks. GALLATIN, 3d 8. of Americus, from river e. to Hancock, Mc- Donogh. GALLILEE, 8. of and parallel to Bainbridge from boundary line to Hancock, McDonogh. GALVEZ (now South Galvez), 26th w. of river and 5 th w. of Claiborne, from Canal s. to Peters avenue, 6th dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 24 23 Palmyra, 42 43 Banks, 60 69 Common, 62 — Gravier, 102 101 Perdido, — 129 Poydras, — 155 Lafayetta, — 169 Cypress, Julia, Delord, V^enus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomenei, Jackson, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Rotiert, Peters avenue. GALVEZ (now North Qalvea). 25th w. of river and 5th w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, 2d dist, Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 f Customhouse, 20 21 Bienville, 34 35 Conti, 66 57 St. Louis. 7A 73 I GAR boards' street guide. GEN 65 Toulouse, Carondelet walk, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. PhUip, Ursulines, Hospital, Barracks, Bayou road. Esplanade, Kerlerec, Columbus. Jjaharpe, Lapeyrouse, Onzaga, Dabadie, 8t. Bernard avenue. 80 79 128 127 136 135 146 145 164 163 190 189 206 205 228 227 240 241 236 235 — 237 QARRICK, 2d from river, com- mencing at Upper Line, New CarroUton, 7tli dist. QASQUET, 5th 8. of Melpo- mene, from Broad w. to Sec- ond. 6th diit. Fifth. Gayoso. Van Buren, Third, Second. GASQUET, iBt 8. of Canal,from Basin w. to cemeteries, Ist ^'''- Rt.Lft. Basin. 1 2 Franklin, 9 10 Liberty. 21 22 Howard, « 44 ViUere, 67 68 Robertson, o« w Claiborne 111 112 Derbigny, 131 li^ S - S " Rocheblave. 271 272 Dolhonde, 295 296 Broad, 321 322 White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salceiio, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue* Clark. Geiiois. Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, CarroUton, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander Murat. Olympia, St. Patrick, Bernadotte, Cemeteries, QAYOSO (now South Gayoso) , 3dw. of Broad, from Canal. iBt dist., 8. to Broad, 6th diet. Oasquet, Palmyra, Banks , Baudin, Common, Qravier, Perdido, Poydras, New Canal. Turnpike road* Juno, Venus, Eupbrosiae, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polymnia, Urania, , Gasqaet, Marshall, James, Broad. GAYOSO (now North Gayoso), 3d w of Broad, from Canal w. to Esplanade, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Carondelet walk, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, • Ursulines, Oak. St. John, Washington, Esplanade. GAYOSO, 15th n. of St. Charles .Tvenue. from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. I GENERAL SCOTT, Ist above and parallel to Lower Line, from river to Wall, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). GENERAL TAYLOR, 8th w. of Toledano, from river n. to Rocheblave, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Pryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. GENIUS, 5th n. of Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenae e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. St. Bernard avenue, London, New Orleans. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Maripny. Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue. Hunters, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Co gress. Independence, Pauline, Jeitnna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe. Hancock, Tricou. GENOIS (now South Genoie), 2d w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal s' to New Canal, Ist dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, UUoa, Common, Gravier, 66 GEK SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. HAM Perdido, New Canal. GBNOIS (now North GeTnois), 2d w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis , Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dnraaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, Bayou St. John. Law, Florida walk. GOSLIN, 5th dist. (now Val lette). GRANDE ROUTE ST. JOHN, 3d n. of Esplanade, fro.n Bayou Sauvage w. to Bayou St. John, crossing Esplanade, 2d dist. GENTILLY AVENUE, continu- ation of Bayou road, com- mtncing at Broad and run- ning along 8. bank of Bayou Sauvage to Port McComb, Parish St. Bernard. GIROD, 3d dist. (see Villere). GIROD. 5th 8. of Canal, from river w. to Liberty, 1st dist. Rt. Lft Front, 19 js Fulton, 29 28 Peters, 39 33 Commerce, 55 54 Tchoupitoulae, 71 70 Constance, 93 94 Magazine 105 106 Camp, 133 132 Church, 145 144 St. Charles, 161 I6O Carondelet, 187 I86 Baronne, 213 212 Dryades, 2.35 236 Rampart, 253 25'' Basin, 271 270 Franklin, 289 288 Liberty. 3 11 _ GIROND (see Howard). GOLDSMITH, 9th from river commencing at Upper Line' New Carrollton, 7th dist. GOODCHILDREN (see St Claude). GORDON, 5th w. of U. S. Bar- racks, from river n. to woods 3d dist. ' Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, I GRAVIER, 2d 8. of river nw. to New dist. Water, Delta, Front, Fulton, Peters, Tchoupitoulae, Magazine, Camp, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Claiborne, Derbigny, St. Jane, Bolivarj Bertrand, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, ' Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, Pierce, Carrollton avenue. Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Upper Line, Robe, Soni, Dufo, Bellecastle, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Canal, from Nashville, Canal, 1st State, Clav, Rt. Lft. Calhoun. 23 24 33 34 43 44 57 58 87 88 119 120 149 150 177 178 199 198 223 222 239 240 253 254 271 272 293 294 307 308 319 330 333 334 355 3 16 373 372 385 386 395 396 413 412 431 430 447 446 469 468 483 — GREATMEN (see Dauphine). 3d dist. GREAT ROUTE (see Louisiana avenue), 6th dist. GREEN, 7th n. of St. Charles, from Toledano s. to Calhoun 6th dist. Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Foucher, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, GREEN, 11th ne. of and par- allel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Hillary, « Adams, Burdette, VVashington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Upper Line. HAGAN AVENUE (now South Hagan avenue), 7th w. of Broad, from Canal s. to New Canal, Ist dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Common, Gravier, Perdi'lo, New Canal. HAGAN AVENUE (now North Hagan avenue), 7th w. of Broad, from Canal n. to Ursu- lines, 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines. HAMBURG, l8t w. of Paris av- enue, from St. Bernard ave- nue to the lake, 3d dist. HAMILTON, 10th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from Green to parish bound- ary, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, HAM SOABDS' STREET GUIDE. HIG 67 Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Nelaon, Elevontb, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth Colapiasa Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton,' Twentieth, Shell road. HAMPSON, 1st ne. of and par- allel to First, from Lower Line to Madison, 7th diet, (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carroilton aTCnue, Dublin, Madison. HANCOCK, 3d w. of U. i. Bar- racks, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Leree, Jumonyille, Bienvenu, Delaronde, Chirtres, Royal, Dauphins, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Clauae, Marais, Urquhart, Vilk-re, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. HANCOCK, 6th e. of river, from DeArmas s. to woods, 6th dist. (late Algiers). DeArmas, Lapeyroase, Socrates, Penn, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Brinarier. HARMONY, 16th sw. of Felicity and 38th s. of Canal street, from river to Magazine, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoalas, 11 12 St. Thomas, 19 20 Chippewa, 41 42 Annunciation, 75 76 Laurel, 97 98 Constance, 119 120 Magazine. 165 16t> HARNEY, 9th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. HARRISON AVENUE, 16th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to New Orleans, 2d dist. HAVANA, Ist w. of London avenue, from junction of Miro and St. Bernard avenue n. to lake, Sd dist. Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Law, Hope, Duels, Industry, .\griculture. Abundance, Marigny avenue. HEATON. 19th n. of Mobile, from Shell road to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late Car- roilton). Shell road. Eagle, Jackson, Holly. Hamilton. HELENA, 1st se. of St. Pat- rick's Cemetery, from Bien- ville to New Metalrie road, 2d dist. Conti, St. Louis, New Metairie road. HENDEE, 6th w. of Opelousas R. R. from river s. to boun- dary line of Jefferson Parish, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. HENDERSON, bet. Terpsichore and Robin, from river w. to Tchoupitoulas, 1st dist. Water. Rt. Lft. Front, „} 2 Peters. 31 30 Tchoupitoalas. 61 60 HENRIETTA, 2d 8. of Wash- ington avenue, from Tele- machus to Carroilton avenue, 6th dist. HENRY, 13th n. of St. Charles avenue, continuation of Wil- low from Upper Line w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Robert, Soniat. Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph. Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun. HENRY CLAY AVENUE, M w. of State, from the river n. to Claiborne, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Preston, Market, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, Benjamin, St. Charles avenue, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Long, Breslau, Victor, Leonie, Henry, Delord, Story, Bartholomew, Peters, Prieur, Claiborne. HERCULES (see Rampart). HERSCHEL. 7th8. of McDon- ough avenue, from Washing- ton fc. to Hancock, 6th dist. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monro*, Franklin, Hancock. HEWE, 3d north of Mintum, from Calhoun to Peters avenue. HIGHLAND, 16th nw. of and parallel to Ca> rollton avenue, from South Line to North Line, 7th dist., (late Carroll- ton). South Line. Thirieeiith, Colai>ii»planade from river w. to Broad, 2d dist. recommences at New Metairie road and runs north to the lake. Rt. Lft. Peters Gallatin, Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, Intervening space be- tween Rampart and Der- bigny is known as Bayou road. Derbigny, 287 288 Roman, 307 308 Prieur, 325 324 Johnson. 345 344 Galvez, 371 372 Miro, 387 388 Tonti, 409 408 Rocheblave, 431 432 Dolhonde, 443 — Broad. 1 2 7 8 15 16 46 42 63 64 91 92 117 116 141 142 163 164 HOUSTON, 6th s. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. HOWARD, 17th w. of river from Canal s. to Lower Line, Ist, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, Gasquet, 30 31 Common, 48 49 Gravier, 84 85 Perdido, 120 121 North Poydras, 170 171 South Poydras, 168 169 Lafayette, 208 207 Perrilliat, 216 215 Cypress, Julia, 248 247 Euphrosine, Calliope, 270 269 Clio, 298 297 Erato, 322 323 Thalia, 344 343 Melpomene, 358 359 Terpsichore, 378 375 Euterpe, Felicity, 388 387 St. Andrew, 396 395 Josephine, 408 407 Jackson, 424 425 Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue. Sixth, Seventh, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napolean avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun, Biirtheviile, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. HOWE, 1st e. of St. John, from Esplanade n, to Pleasure, 3d dist. HUMANITY, 17th n. of and parallel to Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenue to Lower Line, 8d dist. HUNTER, Ist n. of Thalia, from HUN SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. JBA 69 Peters to Tchoupitoulas, lit diet. HUNTERS, let e. of Franklin avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue, n. to lake, 3d dist. Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Law, Florida walk. HURST, 3d n. of Prytania, from June. St. Charles and Valmont w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, Eleonore, State. Webster, Clay, Calhoun. HUSO, next to Wa8hlngton,from Levee to First, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). IDA, 2d s. of St. Charles avenue, froni Wal ut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. INDUSTRY, 12th n. of and par- allel to Claiborne, from St. Bernard avenue to Lower Line. INDEPENDENCE, 12th e. of Lafayette avenue, from riTer n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere. Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephine, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, bounded by Urquhart, Rob- ertson, Spain and Music, 3d dist. IRVING, 15th from river, com- mences at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. JACKSON, «h s. of Felicity, and 27th 9. of Canal st. from river nw. to Miro, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulas, 3 8 Rousseau, 47 48 St. Thomas, 71 72 Chippewa, 93 94 Annunciation, 115 116 Laurel, 141 142 Constance. 163 164 Magazine, 185 184 Camp, 201 200 Chestnut, 213 212 Coliseum, 225 224 Prytania, 215 244 St. Charles avenue, 259 258 Carondelet, 285 284 Brainard, 299 298 Baronne, 311 310 Dryad es. 329 330 Rampart, 349 348 Basin, 373 378 Franklin, 391 390 Liberty, 429 428 Howard, 441 452 Freret, 471 472 Locust, 485 492 Magnolia, 509 6C8 Clara, 523 — Williiw, 677 576 Claiborne, 585 5><4 Derbigny, — 602 Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro. JACKSON, 1st 8. of Market. from river e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. JeflFerson, 1 2 Madison, 21 22 Monroe, 41 40 Franklin, 63 64 Verret, 77 78 Vallette, 97 98 Chestnut, HI 112 Elmira avenue, 133 136 Pacific avenue, 145 144 Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Boenf avenue. Canal avenue. Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. JACKSON, 8th nw. of and par- allel to Carrollton avenue, from river to parish bound- ary. 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Levee, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, CypreiS, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Clarissa, Fourteenth, For.shey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Twentieth, Shell Road. JACKSON AVENUE, 2l8t n. Of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. JACKSON SQUARE (formerly Place de Armes), bet. Peters and Chartres, St. Peter and St. Ann, fronting St. Louis Cathedral, 2d dist. JACOB or JACOBS, (see Freret.) JAMES, 6th sw. of Melpomene, from Broad to boundary. Fifth, Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Second. JEANNA, 14th e. of Lafayette fi venue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, (Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. JEANNETTE, 9th ne. of and parallel to First, from Upper Line to Lower Line, 7th dist (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenae, 70 JEF SOARDS' STREET G-UIDE. JOS Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson Leoiiidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. JEFFERSON.bet. Toulouse and St. Peter, from Levee to Char- tres, 2d diet. JEFFERSON, let e. of river, from Market s. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). M u . ^t- Lft. Market, 1 2 Jackson, 31 30 Homer, _ 62 Newton, _ gg Decatur, _ g^ DeArmas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier, JEFFERSON, 4th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from river to parish bound ary, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Levee, Second, Burthe, Third, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Beliast, Twelfth. Princhard, I Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Shell road. Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. CJharles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Broad. JENNET, 2d n. of Prytania from Robert w. to Calhoun 6th dist. Soniat, Dufossat, Valmont, Leontine, Peters aven«e, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Cla\, Calhoun. JERSEY, 5th w. of river from Felicity to Toledano, 4th ditt. (see Annunciation). JENA, 1st, w. of Napoleon ave- »ue, from river n. to Broad, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, JOHNSON (now north John- son), 2Uh w. of river, and 4th w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to Lafayette avenue, 2d and I 3d dists. L , Rt. Lft. Canal, i 2 Cuhtomhouse, 19 20 Bienville, 35 34 CoBtl, 67 56 St. Louis, 73 72 Toulouse, 83 82 Carondelet walk, 95 94 St. Peter, 129 130 Orleans, 139 140 St. Ann, 151 152 Dumaine, 175 176 St. Philip, 199 200 Ursuhnes, 219 218 Hospital, 235 234 Barracks, 253 254 Bayou road, 257 268 Esplanade, 261 262 Kerlerec, 291 292 Columbus, 307 304 Laharpe, Lapeyrouse, Onzago, Dabadie, St. Bernard avenue. London avenue. New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union. Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue, Lafayette avenue. JOHNSON (now South John- son), 24th w. of River and 4th w. of Claiborne, from Canal 8. to Peters avenue, 6th dist. ^ , Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 26 25 Palmyra, 43 47 Bankti, Common, 80 81 (iravier. 106 107 Perdido, 136 137 Poydras, 159 157 Lafayette, 162 163 Cypress, Julia, Delord, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Jackson, First, Second, Third. Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin. Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Peters avenue. JOSEPH, 2d w. of Peters ave- nue, from river n. to Delord, 6th dist. Front, Lexee, Preston, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, Benjamin, St. Charles aveuae, Dryades, i JOS SOARDS' STREET GUIDE, LAF 71 Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, ocust, Miignolia, Clara, Willow, Delord. JO.SEPHIKB, 3d B. Of Felicity and 26th e. of Canal St.. from river w. to Melpomene, 4th ^'''- Rt. Lft. 1 7 61 89 129 165 185 209 233 261 279 297 827 861 885 899 405 433 453 469 489 613 531 639 659 677 689 609 625 641 2 6 62 90 130 156 186 208 232 262 280 298 326 360 382 398 404 432 452 470 490 514 524 638 558 572 588 608 626 Water, Peters. Rousseau, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Brainard, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Melpomene. JOSEPHINE, 2l8t 0. of Lafay ette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Murais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Sol delle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, M.igistrate, Law, Florida walk. JOSEPHUS, (fermerly Jose- 1 1 nine), 14th n. of river, from Lafayette avenue e. to limits, 3d dist. Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. JOURDON, 2d e. of the Con vent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. from Adams to U. S. Hospital, 3d dist. Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. KERLEREC. Ist n. of Espla- nade, from Dauphine w. to Bayou road, 3d dist. ' Rt. Lft. 1 33 59 91 2 32 58 90 119 120 145 146 163 164 185 186 205 206 225 226 JULIA, 6th 8. Of river w. to Broad Water, Delta, Front, Fulton, Peters, Commerce, Tchoupitoulas, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Church, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne, Dvyadcs, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Bolivar, Bertrand, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. Canal, from , 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Bayou road. LABATUT, w. line of Fair Grounds, from Esplanade 8. to- Pleasure. 3d dist. s. of Canal, Rocheblave, Rt. Lft. 19 27 41 63 77 20 26 40 52 78 100 117 116 145 144 165 — 169 170 193 192 221 222 245 246 263 264 279 — 301 — 291 — 317 - 367 - 387 - 411 — 431 - 483 — 497 - 513 - JUMONVILLE, 4th w. of and parallel to Paris avenue, from St. Bernard avenue to the I lake, 3d dist. 1 JUMONVILLE, 1st n. of river. LAFAYETTE, 4th from river w. to 1st dist. Water, Delta, Front, Fulton, Peters, Commerce, Tchoupitoulas, Constance, Magazine, Camp, St. Charles, Carondelet, Uaronne, Dryades. Rampart, Basin Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Kreret. Locust. Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Bolivar, Derbigny, Bertrand, Roman. Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. LVFVYETTE AVENUE (for- merly Enghein), 4th e. of Ely- sian Fields, from river ne. to. woods. 3d dist. Levee, Cliartrcs. Royal, Dauphine. 11 10 43 42 61 52 69 70 85 84 97 96 121 120 163 162 189 188 217 216 229 228 247 246 265 262 281 282 297 298 315 316 333 334 349 3S0 373 374 383 384 40:{ 402 413 412 — 42a 443 444 445 446 465 468. 483 484 72 LAF SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. LAV Burgundy. Kampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urguhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle. Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force. Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. LAFAYETTE SQUARE, boun- ded by Camp and St. Charles, North and South streets, and opposite City Hall, Ist dist. LA FORCE, 7th n. of Claiborne, from Lafayette avenue e. to limits, 3d dist. Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesaeps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine. Manuel, Adams, William, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou, Petre, Canonge, LAHARPE, 3d n. of Esplanade, from junction Marais and St. Bernard avenue w. to Gentilly road, 3d dist. Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, RocheblaTC. Dolhonde. Broad, Gentilly road. LA MANOHE, 12th e. of the Convent of the Ursulines from the river to the woods, 3d dist. LANE, 16th s. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. LANNES, 19th nw. and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from South Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). South Line, Colapissa, Fourteenth, For s hey. Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, North Line. LAPEYROUSE, 4th n. of Es planade, from Claiborne n. to Gentilly road, 8d dist. Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro. Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Gentilly road. LAPEYROUSE, 6th s. of Mark- et from river to Sumner. 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, i a Madison, 15 16 Monroe, 37 38 Franklin, 63 — Hancock, Chestnut, Elmii a avenue, Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. Pleasant, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Aline, Foucher, Antonine, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Austerlitz, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State. Web-ter, Clay, Calhoun. 347 348 863 364 371 372 3S1 382 393 394 405 406 412 418 423 424 436 436 447 448 467 468 449 450 459 460 481 482 493 494 LA SALLE, bet. New Orleans Canal and cemeteries, 1st dist. LAUREL, 5th w. of river, from Felicity s. to Calhoun, 1st dist. „ ,, Rt. Lft. St. Mary, 25 26 St. Andrew, 51 52 Josephine, 79 80 Jackson, 103 104 Philip, 119 I2i First, 165 164 Second, I8I 182 Third, 20I 202 Fourth, 213 214 Washington avenue, 233 234 Sixth, 267 268 Seventh, 285 286 Eighth, 303 304 Ninth, 323 324 I Harmony, 331 332 LAUREL GROVE, 11th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from Upper Line and Eighth street to North Line, "th dist. (late Carrollton). Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa. Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Twentieth, Shell road. LAURENT (see Rampart). LAVERGNE, 4th ne. of Canal St. Ferry landing, from river se. to Peter, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Et. Lft. Patterson, 1 _ Villere, 3 2 nelaronde, )9 20 Peter. 41 42 I LAW SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. LIB 73 LAW, l8t n. ol Broad, from St. Bernard aTenue, e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. St. Bernard avenue, Bruxelles, Warsaw, Hayana, London avenue. New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue. Hunters, Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety. Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Adams, William, Benton, Gordon. Monroe, Hancock , Tricou, Petre, Canonge. LAWRENCE, 13th s. of Canal St. Ferry landing, from river to Sumner, (late McDon- ough). LE BCEUF AVENUE, 2d w. of Opelousas R. R. from river s. to boundary line of Jefferson Parish, 5th dist. (late Al- giers). Patterson, Thayre, Peter, Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer. Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. LEE PLACE, (in centre of Ti- voli Circle), junction St. Charles and Delord sts , 1st dist. and 9th s. of Canal st. LEONCE, 8th n. of St. Charles avenue, from State w. to Cal- houn, 6th dist. Webster, Clav, Calhoun. LEONIDAS, 4th s. of Monroe avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue, w. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. LEONIDAS, 6th nw. of and parallel to Carrollton ave- nue, from the river to parish boundary, 7th dist. (late Car- rollton). Levee, Burthe, Third, Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson. Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth. Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz. Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Shell road. LEONTINE, 6th W. of Upper Line, from river n. to St. Charles avenue, 6th dist. Front, 1 Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prylania, I Pitt, St. Charles avenue. I LEPAGE, from Junction Broad and Bayou road nw. to Grand Route »st. John, 3d dist. Seventh, Sixth, Fifth, Fourth. LESSEPS, 18th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle. Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, I Florida walk. LEVEE, 4th dist. (see Tchou- pitoulas, from Felicity to Toledano). LEVEE or FRONT LEVEE. Ist and 4th dists. (see Water). LEVEE or NEW LEVEE, Ist, 2d and 3d dists. (see Peters). LEVEE, 2d n. of river from Toledano s. to Calhoun, 6th dist. (seeTchoupitoulas). LEVEE, l8t from and parallel to river, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, General Scott, Millaudon, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, I Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. LIBERAL, 6th, n. of Claiborne, from Lafayette avenue, e. to limits, 3re8S, 238 — Julia, 262 261 Euphrosine, Calliooe, 288 287 Clio, 3U 313 Erato, 642 543 Thalia, 360 361 Melpomene, 380 381 Terpsichore, 386 387 Euterpe, Felicitv, 418 419 St. Andrew, 426 425 Josevhine, 436 437 Jackson, 456 455 Philip, 496 — First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue. Sixth, Eight -1, Toledano, Louisiana arenae. LIBERTY (now Xorth Liberty). 16th w. of river, from Canal n. to Esplanade, 2U dist. Rt. Lft. Customhouse, 26 27 Bienville, 44 47 Conti. 74 73 St. Louis, 96 95 Toulouse, 1-22 121 Carondelet walk, 128 127 St. Peter, 134 133 Orleans, 144 143 St. Ann, 156 155 Pumajne, 176 177 St. Philip, 2»4 203 Ursulines, 236 235 Bayou road, 268 267 B.Hrracks, Esplanade. LIVAUDAIS, e. of Bayou St. John, from Pleasure to Pe- lopiaas, 3d dist. LIVIXGSTOX. 1st n. of Pelop- idas, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. LUT; oak (see Constance). LIZARDI, 7:h e. of the Convent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. LIVE OAK, 13th nw. of and parallel to CarroUton avenue, from Upper Line to Lower Line, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth. Princhard. Thirteenth, Colapiss.i, Fouiteenth, Forsher, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterliu, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, North Line. UvrS'SSTON, 14th n. of and parallel to CarroUton avenue, from Upper Line to Xorth Line. 7th dist. (late CarroU- ton). Priuchard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshev, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sieiliiz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Xorth Line. LOCUST, 6th w. of from Common, 1st St.ite, 6th dist. Common, Gravier, Perdido, Xorth Poydras, Soutii Poydras. Lafavette, Perrilliat, Cypress, JuUa, New Shell Road, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio. Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Felicitv, St. Anilrew, ' Josephine, 286 285 Jackson, — 429 302 301 I PhUio First* Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Sixth, Seventh, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, AmeUa, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin. Xapoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, BeUecastle. Valmont, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, State. LOCUST, 6th dist. (See Pine). LONDON* AVENTTE, 8th w. of Elysian Fields, from junction of' St. Bernard avenue and Prieur n. to lake, Sd dist. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, Law, Hope, Duels, Industry, Mariguy avenue. LONG, 5ih n. of St. Charles, from State to Calhoun, 6th se. to Cal- houn, 6th dist. Canal, Common, Gravier, Natchez, Poydras, Lafavette, Giroa, Noti e Dame, Julia, ■~t. Joseph, Delord, Poeyfarre, Calliope, Rt. Lft. 1 a 13 14 27 30 63 64 71 72 101 102 131 132 164 171 172 215 216 241 242 263 264 283 284 76 MAG soauds' street guide. MAR Gaiennie, 305 306 to lower line of Carrollton, etl Erato, 335 336 dist. Thalia, 361 362 Common, Melpomene, 387 388 Gravier, Terpsichore, 421 420 Peril ido, Robin, 447 440 North Poydras, Race, 465 466 South Poydras, Orange, Richard, 493 515 490 520 Lafayette, Cypress, Julia, Felicity, 517 522 St. Mary, 551 652 New Shell road, St. Andrew, 583 584 Euphrosine, Josephine, 613 614 Calliope, Jackson, ' 645 646 Clio. Philip, 659 660 JKirato, First, 693 695 Thalia, Second, 707 708 Melpomene, Third, 725 726 Terpsichore, Fourth, 741 741 Felicity. St. Andrew, Washington avenue , 765 766 Sixth. 793 796 Josephine, Seventh, 815 816 Jackson, Eighth, 837 838 Philip, Ninth, 859 860 First. Harmony, 861 862 Second, Pleasant, 885 886 Third. Toledano, 891 892 Fourth, Louisiana avenue, 917 918 Washington avenue, Delachaise, 939 940 Sixth, Aline. 953 954 Seventh, Foucher, 977 978 Toledano, Antonine, 989 990 Louisiana avenue, Amelia 999 1000 Delachaise, Peniston, 1017 1018 Amelia, Gen. Taylor, 1031 1032 Peniston, Austerlitz, 1045 1046 Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, 1071 1072 Marengo, Marengo, 1093 1094 Milan, Milan, 1109 1110 Berlin, Berlin, 1139 1140 Napoleon avenue, Napoleon avenue, 1159 1160 Jena, Jena, 1181 1182 Cadiz, Cadiz, 1203 1206 Valence, Valence, 1217 ■ — Upper Line, Bordeaux, 1241 1242 Robert, Lyon, 1259 1260 Soniat, Upper Line, 1267 1268 1 Valmont. Robert, 1307 - Peters avenue, Soniat, 1315 - Octavia, Dufossat, 1323 - ,. Joseph, Bellecastle, Arabella, Valmont, Nashville, Leontine, State, Peters avenue. Clay, Octavia, Calhoun, Joseph, Walnut, Arabella, Chestnut, Nashville, Broadway, Eleonore, Pine, State, Lower Line. Webster, Clay, Calhoun. MAGNOLIA WALK(8ee Broad- way) , 6th dist. MAGDALEN vsee Magnolia). 1 MAHOMET. 2d w. of Lafayette avenue, from the lake s. to MAGELLAN, 6th n. of Ameri- 1 New York, 3d dist. cus, from river e. to Hancock, 1 McDonogh. i MAIN (see Dumaine). Jeflferson, Madison, MALIBRAN, 2l8t from river, Monroe. commencing at Upper Line, Franklin, New Carrollton, 7th dist. Hancock. MAGISTRATE, 9th n. of Clai- borne.from St.Bernard avenue MANDEVILLE, 2d e. of Ely- sian Fields, from river n. lo Levee. e. to limits, 3d dist Peters, Chartres, MAGNOLIA. 7th w. of Rampart, 1 Royal, from Common Istdist. s. to Daupbine, Toledano, 4th dist. thence Be. 1 Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. MANUEL, Ist w. of the Ursu- lines Convent, from river to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. MARAIS, 17th w. of river, from Canal n. to St. Bernard ave- nue, thence e. to Lafayette avenue, thence se. (formerly Morales) to Lower Line, 3a dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 50 49 Conti, 76 75 St. Louis, 98 97 Toulouse, 124 123 Carondelet walk, 130 129 St. Peter. 136 135 Oileans, 144 145 St. Ann, 158 157 Dumaine, 184 183 St. Philip, 210 211 Ursulines, 238 235 Hospital, 270 269 Barracks, — 293 Esplanade, 302 301 Kerlerec, 330 331 Columbus, 356 355 St. Bernard avenue. 372 371 Annette, 392 391 St. Anthony, 413 417 Bourbon, 440 441 LTiiion, 468 467 Frenchmen, 490 489 Elysian Fields, 518 617 Vlarigny, Mandeville, 623 527 640 539 Spain, — . 643 Washington, Music, Arts, • Lafayette avenue, MAR boards' street guide. MEL 77 Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Feliciana, Clouet, Eliza, Piety, • Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, liCsseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Convent of the UrsuUnei, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. MARENGO, nth w. of Toleda- no, from river n. to Clara, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara . MARIGNY, Ist e. of Elysian Fields, from river to lake, 3a dist. Levee, Peters, ChartreB, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. MARIGNY AVENUE, north city limits, Elysian Fields to Bayou St. John. MARKET, 20th s. of Canal St., bet. Richard and St. James from river w. to Felicity, 1st dist. „ ^ , Rt. Lfl. Front, Peters, 3 4 Tchoupitoulas, 19 20 Religious, 51 52 St. Thomas, 81 82 Chippewa, 107 108 Annunciation, 129 130 Constance, Felicity. MARKET, 5th n. of river from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th dist. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. MARKET, 3d s. of Patterson from river e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Jefferson, 1 2 Madison, 21 22 Monroe, 41 *" Franklin, 69 60 Verret. 71 70 Olivier, 85 86 Vallette. 99 100 Chestnut, 117 118 Elmira avenue, 129 — Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verrett avenue, Opelousas R. R., Th-iyre avenue, La Bojuf avenue, Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. MARKET PLACE, Peters bet. Market and St. James, Ist dist. >L\.RKS, n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Shell road to parish boundary, 7th dist. Hate CarroUton). Shell road, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, North Line. MARSHALL, 7th 8. Of Melpo- mene, from Br«ad w. to Pe- ters avenue, 6th dist. Gayoso, Van Burcn, Third, Second. MARTIN (see Willow). MASON, 6th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. MALTJSEL (see Magnolia). MAUREPAS, 2d n. of Grand Route St. John, from Bayou Sauvage w. to Esplanade, 3d dist. Sauvage, Encampment, Ducayet, Esplanade. MAY, 4th s. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to the lak«, 2d dist. MAZANT, 16th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Uhartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villi're, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. Mcdonough avenue, nth g. of Canal Street Ferry land ing, from river e. to limits, 5th <;i8t. Adams, Jefferson. Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. Mcdonough, 6th n. of Min- turn, from Calhoun to Peters avenue, 6ih dist. McKENNA, 2d n. of Minturn, from Calhoun to Peters ave- nue, 6th dist. MELICERTE (see Erato), Ist dist. MELPOMENE, 14th 8. of Canal, from St. Thomas w. to woods, 1st dist. „ _ .^ Rt. Lft. St. Thomas, 1 2 Chippewa. - 6 Annunciation, « ** t8 MEM SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. MOB 49 48 71 70 99 98 121 120 145 144 177 176 20;i 202 237 236 261 260 279 280 295 296 325 330 353 ;i54 377 378 399 4(10 435 432 455 460 499 506 — - 620 Constance, Magazine, Camp, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronae, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. MEMPHIS, 1st w. of and paral- lel with St. Louis, from New Metairie road to the lake, 3d dist. MENDEZ, 1st 8. of Calhoun avenue, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. METAIRIE ROAD, commences at Bayou St. John, terminates at New Orleans Canal. MEXICO, 3d s. of the lake from Bayou St. John w. to Ursu- lines, 3d dist. MILAN, 2d e. of Napoleon ave- euue, from river n. to Broad, eth dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. Dolhonde, Broad. MILLAUDON, 2d above and parallel to Lower Line, from river to First, 7th dist. (late CarroUton). Levee, Wall, Esther, Ann, De Armas, Macarty, Commercial, Pearl, First. MILNE, 1st w. of Customhouse, from Metairie road n. to the lake, 2d dist. MILTON, 12th s. of Americus, from Madison e. to Hancock, 5th dist. Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. MILTON, 4th from river, com- mencing at Upper Line, New CarroUton, 7lh dist. MINTURN, continuation of Broad, from Upper Line w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Robert, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Nashville, State. Calhoun. MIRO (now South Miro), 26th w. of river and 6th w. of Clai- borne, from Canal s. to lower line of CarroUton, 1st, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 1 2 Gasquet, 19 20 Palmyra, 35 36 Banks, 55 56 Common, 61 62 Gravier, 87 86 Perdido, Poydras, Lafayette, Julia, New Shell road, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio. Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Jackson, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Delachaise, Louisiana avenue. Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue. Jena, Cadiz, Upper Lju^ Robert. Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Nashville, State, Clay, Calhoun, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine. MIRO (now North Miro), 26th w. of river, 6th w. of Clai- borne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, thence e. to Lafayette avenue, 2d and 3d dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 20 19 Bienville, 38 39 Conti, 60 61 St. Louis, 110 109 Toulouse, 112 113 Carondelet walk, 116 115 St. Peter, 136 137 Orleans, 142 141 St. Ann, 152 155 Dumaine, 202 203 St. Philip, 226 227 Ursulines, 236 2*5 Hospital. 240 239 Barracks, 252 263 Esplanade, 258 259 Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe, Lapeyrouse, Onzaga, Dabadie, Aubry, St. Bernard avenu«, London avenue, New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, E ysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Franklin avenue, Lafayette avenue. MITHRA, 17th e. of the lake, from Lafayette avehue w. to Bayou St. John. MOBILE, 18th n. of and paraUel to First, from Foucher, boun- dary to Upper Line, 7th diat. (late CarroUton). Lower Line, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, CarroUton avenue, Dublin, Madison, MOL Oambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, JacKBon, HoUy, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Liv« Oak, Upper Line. MOLIERE, commences at Cal- houn avenue, cor. Lafayette avenue, and runs n. to the lake, 3d dist. MORALES (see Marais), 3d dist. MONROE, 4th w.of U. S. Bar- racks, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Soliiielle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. MONROE, 3d e. of river, from Market to limits, 5th dist. Rt. Lft- Market, 1 2 Jackson, " i» Homer, 37 M Newton, 55 5b Decatur, 75 ^6 DeArmaa. 93 Ji Laneyrouse, ]j] f-j^ Socrates, ]\\ "2 Ptolemy, ]f 150 Lawrence, l°i Bringier. MONROE, 6th nw. of and paral- lel to CarroUton avenue, from river to parish boundary, 7th dist. (lateCarrollton). Levee, Burthe, Third, Zimpe), Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, SOARDS' STREET G UIDE. Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eighteenth, Marks, Nineteenth, Heaton, Shell road. MONROE AVENUE. 1st rear City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne. MONTEGUT, 4th e. of Lafay ette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Rt. Lilt. Levee, Chartres, ,„ ,, Royal, 53 04 Dauphine, J9 ,^9 St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle. Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. NAP 79 MOORE, 13th from river com mencing at Upper Line, New CarroUton, 7th di^t. MOREAU (see Chartres). MOUTON. 10th 8. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. MOZART, 20th from river com- I mencing at Upper Line, New CarroUton, 7th dist. MUR.VT, 11th w. c f Hagan ave- nue, from Canal s. to New Canal, 1st dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, New Canal. MURAT, nth w. of Hagan ave- nue, from Canal to New Met- airie road, and thence n. to the lake 2d dist. Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, New Metairie road. MUSIC, 5th e. of Elysian Fields, from Lafayette avenue n. to lake, 3d dist. Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. MYSTER, 4th e. of Bayou St. John, from Esplanade n. to Fair Grounds, 3d dist. MYSTERIOUS (see Columbus). NAPOLEON, 17th n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, . (Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier. Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, St. Charles avenue, Dryade^, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord, Story. Bartholomew, Claiborne. OCTAVIA, Ist 8. of Market, from Bouny e. to Moss, 5th dist. ODIN, 2d 8. of Calhoun avenue, from Lafavette avenue w. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. OLD BASIN, bet. Carondelet walk and Toulouse, Franklin and St. Claude, 2d dist. OLD LEVEE (see Decatur). OLD MAGAZINE, Ist w. of Constance, from Felicity 8. to St. Mary, 4tli dist. OLIVER, 2d from river from Lower Line to Levee, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, General Scott, Millaudon. OLIVIER. 7th w. Of Opelousas R. R. from river s. to Market, .5th dist. (late Algiers). Kt. IjlL. Patterson, 1 2 Delaronde, « ^" Peter, 36 3b Alix °^ Eliza, ,89 88 Evelina. "S ii* Market. "^ ^-^^ D'Hemecourt, Now Canal. OLYMPIA, 12th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to New Metairie road. 2d dist. Customhouse. Bitnville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, New Metairie road. ONZAGA, 5th n. of Esplanade, from St. Bernard avenue nw. to Gentilly road, 3d dist. Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave. Dolhonde, Broad. OPIllK 22d n. of Carrollton avenue from South Line to Nortli Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton) . South Line, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, North Line. of Canal w, to Felici- Rt. Lft. 1 2 13 27 47 71 93 12 26 18 70 92 ORANGE, 18t.h s. street, from river ty , 1st dist. Front. Peters, Tchoupitoulas, Religious, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Felicity. O'REILLY, 8th n. of Esplanade, from St. Bernard avenue w.to Gentilly road, 3d dist. Gentilly road, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. 113 110 136 134 157 166 176 174 OLYMPIA, 12th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal s. to New Canal, 1st dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, ORLEANS, 7th n Royal w. to road, 2d dist. Royal, Bourbon, I)aui)hine, IJur^undy, Kanipart, St. Claude, Liberty, Marais, Villere. Robertson, Claiboine. Derhigny. Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, , of Canal, from New Metairie Rt. Lft. 11 12 33 34 69 60 •5 84 113 112 \A5 134 150 160 183 184 207 206 327 228 247 244 269 266 291 292 315 314 335 334 82 ORL SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. PEN Miro. 865 354 Tonti, 377 378 Bocheblare, 395 396 Dolbonde, — 422 Broad, — 448 White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salccdo, Lopez, Bendon, HagaD avenne, Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John. St. James, OarroUton avenue, David, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia. New Metairie road. ORLEANS AVENUE, from New Metairie road through City Park to the lake, 2d dist. OTAHEITE, 4th n. of Clai- borne, from Lower Line to Foucherville, 6th dist. OITRS AVENUE (see Calhoun avenue), 3d dist. PACANIER 4th dist. (see Chippewa), 1 2 9 8 39 40 61 62 91 92 115 114 135 1.56 153 152 165 166 PACIFIC AVENUE, 3d w. of Opelousas R R., from river s. to boundary line of Je£ferson Parish, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Bt. Lft. Patterson, Thavre, Peter, Alix. Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. PAINTERS, 7th e. of Elysian Fields, from Lafayette avenue to lake, 3d dist. Claiborne, Derbingy, Roman. Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Bro.id, Law, Florida walk. PALMYRA, 2d 8. of Canal, from cemeteries, Rt. Lft. 2 1 17 37 63 83 18 88 64 84 106 105 124 123 144 145 168 169 190 193 222 221 240 — Claiborne w. ' to iBt dist. Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark. Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Cemeteries. PARIS AVENUE, 8th e. of and parallel to Bayou St. John, from St. Bernard avenue to the lake, 3d dist. PATRIOTS, 22d n. of Esplanade, from Bayou St. John to Lower Line, 3d dist. PATTERSON, or Public road, 1st n. of river, from Canal Street Ferry landing e. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. Seguin, 11 10 Barthelemy, 25 24 Lavergne, 49 — Verret, 81 — Olivier, 105 106 Vallette, 133 Chestnut, 151 — Elmira avenue. 167 — Pacific avenue. 181 Atlantic avenue, 216 Verret avenue. 231 Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue. Le Boeuf avenue, 249 Canal avenue. Webster avenue. 279 Washington, 291 Hendee, Sumner. PAULDING, 8th from river commencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. PAULINE, 13th e. Of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Bobertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephuff, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. PEACE, 3d dist. (seeKerlerc). PEARL, bet. Peters andTchou- pitoulas, from Delord to Cal- liope, 1st dist. PEARL, let 8. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Canal or Carrollton avenue, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Rt. Lft. Lower Line, Millaudon, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, 114 117 Huso, Short, Carrollton avenue. PELOPIDAS, 7th 8. of and par- allel to Monroe avenue, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue. PENISTON. 7th 8. of Toledano, from river n. to Claiborne, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. (George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow. Claiborne. PENN, Ist dist. (see Carroll). PENN, 12th s. of Patterson, from Hancock e. to limits, 6tb dist. (late Algiers j. ' PEiT BOARDS* STREET GUIDE. PET 83 Chestnut, Elmira avenue, Thompson, Nichols. Verret avenue, Opeloiisas R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. PENSACOLA LANDING, liead of New Basin and parallel with Rampart, 1st dist. PEOPLE'S AVENUE, 4th e. of and parallel with Franklin avenue, from Lafavette ave- nue to the lake, Milneburg. PERDIDO, 25i s. of Canal St., from St. Charles w. to New Canal, Ist dist. Rt. Lft. St. Charles, 1 - Carondelet, 29 2S Carroll — 44 Baronne, 51 50 Penn, 67 58 Dryadea, 71 70 Rampart, 83 84 Basin, 101 lO-J Franklin, 119 '20 Liberty. 137 138 Howard, 151 152 Freret, Locust, Magnolia, 197 198 Clara. 215 216 Claiborne, 217 218 Derbigny, 223 224 St. JaSe, 235 236 Bolivar, 251 252 Bertram!, 267 268 S. Prieur 275 276 Johnson, 295 296 Galvez, 313 318 Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White. Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, CarroUton avenue. PERIANDER, 4th s. of Ameri- cus, from river e. to Hancock, McDonogh. PERKIER, 3d 8. of St. Charles avenue, from Amelia w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Austerlitz. Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Valmout, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville. Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. PERRILLIAT, bet. Lafayette and Cypress, fronting City Workhouse, from Liberty w. to Magnolia, 1st dist. Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia. PERRY, 2d 8. of Americus, torn river, e. to Hancock, Mc Donogh. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. PETER, -id a. of Canal Street Ferry landing, from river to Sumner, 5th dist. (late Al- giers). Rt. Lft. Powder, 1 2 Bouny, 19 20 Seguin, 39 36 Barthelemy, 67 58 Lavergne, — t)2 Verret, 87 88 Olivier, 103 104 Vallette, 123 124 Chestnut, 137 138 Elmira avenue, 167 168 Pacific avenue, 185 186 Atlantic avenue Verret avenue, Opelousas R. R., Thayre avenue, Le Bojuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. PETERS, 6th dist. (see Prieur). PETERS (now South Peters), formerly New Levee, 5th w. of river from Canal s. to Felicity, 1st and 4th dists. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 Common, 6 6 Gravier, 2i 23 Poydras, 82 63 Lafayette, 94 95 Girod, 128 125 Notre Dame, 150 149 Julia, 172 171 St. Joseph, 218 217 North Market. " 230 231 South Market. 234 2:J5 Delord, 244 243 Calliope, 268 269 G.ieunie, 282 283 Erato, 306 305 . Thalia, 330 329 Hunter, 360 361 Terpsichore, 396 395 Henderson, 410 411 Robin, 442 443 Race, 470 469 Orange, 494 495 Richard, 512 513 Market, 556 555 St. James, 562 563 Celeste, 582 583 Nuns, 612 613 Felicity. PETERS (now North Peters), 4cii w. of river, (formerly New Levee), from Canal to St. Louis, 2d dist., intersected and recommences at Du- maine, and reiommences numbering at Ursuliues from thence n. (formerly liCvee), along river bank to Lower limits, 2d and 3d dists, Rt. Lit. Canal, 2 1 Crossman, 12 — Customhouse, 24 23 Bienville, 48 49 Conti, 78 79 St. Louis, Intel sected and recommences at Dumaine, St. Philio, Recommences numbering at Ursulines, 1 Hospital, 12 Barracks, 25 Esplanade, 35 Elysian Fields. 89 Marigny, 66 Mandeville, 78 Spain, » Lafayette avenue, 100 Port. 112 St. Ferdinand, 123 Press. 184 Montegut, 160 Feliciana, 168 Clouet, 18* Louisa, , 191 Piety, m Desire, 81» Elmira, M6 Congress, 260 Independence, 238 Pauline, 247 Jeanna, 257 Bartholomew, |M Mazant, 277 French. ^ Lessens, 2i5 Pol ana, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Sister, Jourdon, 84 PET SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. PLE Deslonde, Tennessee, Reynes, Forstall, Lizardi, Egania, An dry, Flood, Caffin, La Manche, Oharbonnet, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. PETERS AVENUE, 13th sw. ot Napoleon avenue, from river n. to woods, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Pi-eston, Aununciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, St. Charles avenue, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, Willow, Delord, Story, Bartholomew, Claiborne, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Broad. PETRE, 8th e. of Adams, from La Force n. to woods, 3d dist. La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. PHILIP, 5th sw. of Felicity, and 28th s. of Canal st. froin river to Claiborne, 4th dist. , Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulas, 5 6 Rousseau, 41 42 St. Thomas, 79 80 Chippewa, 91 92 Annunciation, 117 118 Laurel, 137 1.38 Constance, 16S 164 Magazine, 181 182 Camp. 211 212 Chestnut, 229 230 Coliseum, 241 242 Prytania, 269 270 St. Charles avenue, .S03 304 Carondflet, 327 328 Brainard, 343 — Baronne, 3@3 354 Dryades , Rampart, Basin, St. David, Franklin, Liberty, St. George, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow Claiborne. 381 372 395 390 405 408 411 — 431 422 475 470 — 496 503 502 521 520 539 538 557 556 569 668 — 584 PHILIP, 20th n. of and parallel to Carrollton avenue, from South Line to Korth Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton) . South Line, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey. Fifteenth, Edinburgh. PHILLIPPA, 1st dist. (see Dryades). PIERCE, 6th w. of Hagan ave- nue, from Canal s. to New Canal, 1st dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, Common, Gravier, New Canal. PIETY, 8th e. of Lafayette ave- nue, from the river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Soliilelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. PILIE, 3d w. from the river, from Calliope to Julia, 1st dist. PINE, Ist dist. (see Freret). PINE (formerly Locust), 1st e. of Lower Line, Carrollton, from river n. to woods, 6tli dist. Water, Lower, Market, Elizabeth, Ferdinand, Oliver, Wall, Esther, Anna, Benjamin, Ida, Carrollton, St. Charles avenue, Washington, St. George, Long, Breslau , Magnolia, Oak, Warsaw, Warren, Wapping, Wandorf, Rose, Sauve, Destrehan, Miro, Gayoso, Canada, Yazoo, Mobile. PITT, 1st se. of St. Charles ave- nue, from Amelia w. to Cal- houn, 6th dist. Amelia, I'enistou, Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenne, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, V^almont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, NashviUe, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. PLACE D'ARMES, bet. Ram- part and St. Claude, St. Peter and St. Ann, 2d dist. PLxVQUEMINE, (seeColiseu.ii). PLAUCHE (see Marais). PLE. VS ANT, 17th sw.of Felicity ;in(139lh s. oi Canal St., from river nw. to St. Charles, 4th dist Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tcbonpitoulas, 9 10 St. Thomas, 19 20 Chippewa, 35 36 Awnunciation, 61 62 Laurel, 86 87 Constance, 102 103 Magazine, 122 123 I PLB SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. PEE 85 Camp, 19* 196 Chestnut, 226 327 Coliseum, 183 1°2 Prytania, 216 2H St. Charles avenue. 239 240 PLEASURE, 4th n. of Fair Grounds, from Bayou St. John e. to lower limits, 3d dist. Martin, Fortin, Ducayet, Encampment, Sauvage, Swamp, St. Bernard avenue. PLUM, 7th n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monioe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Upper Line. POET (see Washington), 3d dist). POETFARRE, 9th 8. of Canal street, bet. Delord and Calli- ope, from Tchoupitoulas to Camp, 1st dist. Kt. IjIC. Tchoupitoulas, Annunciation, 7 6 Constance, 37 38 Magazine, »3 52 Camp. »' ^ POLAlND, 15th e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Levee, Chartres, Royal, Da'uphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, SohdeUe, Josephuff, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. POLK AVENUE, 11th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. POLYMNIA, 2d n. of Felicity, from Camp w. to Dryades, Ist dist. Rt. Lft- Coliseum, 1 2 Prytania, 23 24 St. Charles avenue, 51 52 Carondelet, 77 78 Baronne, 99 100 Dryades. 131 — POLYMNIA, 2d sw. of Terp- sichore, from Broad ne. to St. John avenue, 6th dist. Sixth, Fifth, Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Second, St. John avenue. POPE, commences at Lafayette avenue, cor. Virginius, and runs n. to the lake, 3d dist. POPE, 5th from river, com- mencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. PORT, all along Bayou St. John, from Carondelet walk to Es- planade, 2d dist. PORT, 1st e. of Lafayette ave- nue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart. St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne. Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephua, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. PORTER, Ist 8. of and parallel to Milton from Hancock to boundarv line, McDonogh. POWDER,2d from Canal Street Ferry landing, Bth dist. (late Algiers). Delaronde, Peter, Aline, Eliza, Market. Delta, Front, Fulton, Peters, Commerce, Tchoupitoulas, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Church, St. Charles, Carondelet, Carroll, Baronne, Penn, Dryades, Rampart. 29 39 47 63 77 93 20 30 40 48 64 76 92 117 120 131 130 147 148 175 176 195 — 803 202 211 210 231 230 247 246 From this out the street is North and South Poy- dras. 263 2(t2 279 280 299 300 315 316 331 332 345 344 361 363 377 378 407 403 411 412 419 420 435 436 — 438 459 460 479 480 495 496 — 616 — 636 POYDRA3, 3d b. of Canal street (whole squares), from river w. to New Canal, Ist dist. Rt. Lft. Water, Basin, Franklin, Liberty. Howard, Freret, Locust, IVIagnolia. Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Bolivar, Bertrand, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolbonde, Broad. PREAUX, 4th e. of Bayou St. John, from Pleasure n. to the lake, 3d dist. PRESBURG, 2d n. of Calhoun avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue w. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. PRESS (formerly Cotton Press), 3d e. of Lafayette avenue, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle. Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. PRESTON, 3d n. of river, from Peters avenoe w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Peters avenue, 86 PEE Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. PREVOST ROW, let n. of Americue, from river east to Hancock, McDonogh. PRIEUR (now South Prieur) 23d w. of river and 3d w. of Claiborne, from Canal s. to Calhoun, Ist, 4th and 6th dists. „„ , Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 i Gasquet. 24 23 Palmyra. 44 43 Common, 62 63 Gravier, Perdido, Poydras 138 139 Lafayette, I45 147 Cypress, Julia, New Shell road, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, ThaJia, Melpomene, Josephine, Jackson, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Alabama, Nashville, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun, SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. Ursulmes, 199 200 Hospital, 219 218 Barracks, 235 236 Bayou road, 238 Esplanade, 241 24' Kerlerec, 269 270 Columbus, 291 292 Laharpe, 313 314 Lapeyrouse, 327 328 Onzaga, St. Bernard avenue, London avenue. New Orleans, St. Bernard, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny. Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts. Painters, Lafayette avenue. 373 372 389 388 419 420 425 426 429 430 431 432 445 446 467 466 469 470 511 612 616 516 PRINCHARD, 5th n . of and par- allel to Mobile, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th diet, (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue. Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jeflferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Uppei Line. PRITCHARD 3d dist. (see Brickyard). PRIEUR (now North Prieur) 23d w. of river and 3d w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, thence to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. „„ , Rt- Lft Canal, 1 2 Customhouse, 21 2'' Bienville, 39 4^ Conti. . 63 62 St. IjOuis, 79 7g Toulouse, 87 gg Carondelet walk, 113 114 St. Peter, I23 124 Orleans. I37 jgg St. Ann, 143 144 Ja^aine, 166 164 St. Phihp, 183 184 PRYTANIA, 1st e. of St. Charles avenue, from Delord, Ist dist Bw. to Calhoun, 6th dist. ^„,,. Rt. Lft. Calliope, 1 2 Clio. 19 20 ^/■a o- 39 40 Tbalia, 55 58 Melpomene, 73 74 Terpsichore, 95 90 Euterpe, nj ng Polymnia. 131 333 U>-aDia, 151 1,0 ^el'C'ty, 155 156 S^ Mary, 167 jgg bt. Andrew. 191 igg Josephine. 213 212 Jackson. 227 226 Phihp. 247 248 f^'^st- 275 276 Second. 281 282 Th'rd. 299 300 ^""'•t'l. , 327 326 Washington avenue, 351 350 Conery, 353 ._ Sixth. Seventh. Eighth, I Harmony, Pleasant, Toledano, I Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Aline, Foucher, Antonine, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Lyon, Upper Line, Robert Soniat, Dufossat, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Alabama, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. PTOLEMY, 8th s. of Market. from river e. to limits, 6th dist. (late Algiers). To« Rt- Lft. Jetferson, 1 a Madison, 13 I^O"';oe. 33 38 tranklin, 57 _ Hancock, Chestnut, Elmira, Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Morgan's R. R. Thayre avenue, Le Boeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. PULASKI, bet. Jackson and Phihp, from St. Charles av- enue, to Carondelet, 4th dist. RABBIT, 11th e. of Elysian Fields from Florida walk to the lake, 3d dist. RACE, 17th s. of Canal st., from river nw. to Coliseum, Ist dist. water. ^*- ^«- Front, 1 2 Peters, 17 ig Tchoupitoulas, 41 40 Religious. 61 60 St. Thomas, 73 74 Chippewa, 93 99 RAM SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. REY Annunciation, Co stance, Magazine,- Camp, Coliseum. 115 120 137 136 157 156 179 178 — 194 RAMPART (now North Ram- part). 13th w. of river from tanal n. to Columbus. 2d and 3d dists., thence e. to lower limits, 3d diet. Rt. Lft. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, Hospital, Barracks, Esplanade, Kerlerec, Columbus, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, MariRnv, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Lafayette avenue. Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Sister, Jourdon, Deslonde, Tennessee, Reynes, For stall, Lizardi, Egania Andry, Flood, Caffin, LaManche, Oharbonnet, Adams, Gordon, Monroe. Hancock, Tricou. RAMPART (now South Ram- part), 13th w. Ol river, from 1 Canals, to Toledano, 1st a 4th dists. thence to State, t ^'^^- Rt. I Canal,' | Common, *^ Gravier, ^b Perdido, ]^ Povdras, 1»7 Lafayette, l^* Girod. 22b J"l'a. i't Delord, 295 Euphrosine, ^.^o Callio))e, • ^5 Erato, fofi Thalia, *f2 Melpomene, **» Terpsichore, *°f Euterpe, *°* Felicitv, f^" St. Andrew, »24 Josephine, ^^*' Jackson, ^^a Philip, ^56 First, o™ Second, ^'° Third, "^^ Fourth. 606 Washington avenue, 620 Sixth, 642 Seventh, 65= Eighth, 666 Toledano. "*.: Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Foucher, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Ndpoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, State. RAPHAEL, 18th from river, commencing at Upper Line, New Carrollton, 7th dist. REEDE, commences at Lafay- ette avenue, cor. Livingston and runs n. to the lake, 3d dist. RELIGIOUS, 4th w. of river, from Robin, 1st dist. s. to bt. Andrew, 4th dist. ^^^ Robin, 1 26 ^*'<"^- 53 54 Orange, *"* °* St Tames 127 128 CelS I'*' 1^ Felicity, Nuns, Sc. Mary. St. Andrew. _87 161 163 173 174 199 200 RENDON (now South Rendon). Gil. w. ..f Broad, froin Canal s. to Peters avenue, 6th diat. Canal, Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, Common, Gravier, Perdido, New Canal, Shell road, Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope. Clio. Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Polymnia, Urania, Gasquet, James, Peters avenue. RENDON, (now North Rendon. formerly Second), 6th w of Broad, from Canal n. to u-s- planade,2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Carondelet walk, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, St. John, Washington, Grand Route bt. John, Esplanade. REYNES, 5th e. of Convent of the Ur.ulines. from nver n. to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Chartres, rioval, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villore, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelie, Josephus, Oelestine, Genius, Uibera!, La Force, Virtue, >Ligistrate, 1 Law, I Florida walk. 88 RIC boards' street guide. EOM RICHARD, 19th s. of Canal st., from river w. to Felicity, Ist dist. Rt. Lft. 1 2 19 18 41 40 61 60 85 84 111 110 133 132 153 152 185 184 rront, Peters, Tchoupitoulas, Religious, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Felicity. RICHELIEU, 4th n. of Fair Grounds, from St. Bernard avenue to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. RIDGELEY, 13th s. of the lake from Bayou St. John to MUne, 2d dist. RINGGOLD, 12th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. ROBERT, 7th w. of Napoleon avenue, from river n. to woods, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Cliestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, St. Charles avenue, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord, Story. Claiborne, Bartholomew, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. ROBERTSON (now North Rob- ertson), 19th w. of river, from Canal n. to St. Bernard ave- nue, " thence e. to limits, 3il dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouse, 26 25 Bienville, 52 53 Conti, 76 75 St. Louis, 100 99 Toulouse. 120 119 Carondelet walk, St. Peter, 136 135 Orleans, 146 145 St. Ann, 158 155 Dumaine, 180 179 St. Philip, 212 211 Ursulinea, 234 2;i3 Bayou road, 270 269 Esplanade, 304 303 Kerlerec, 334 333 Columbus. 358 359 Laharpe, 380 379 St. Bernard avenue, 390 393 Annette, 438 437 St. Anthony, 460 459 Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, Elysian Fields, Marigny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Painters, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand. Press, Montegut, Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Miizant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Teijnessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. ROBERTSON (now South Rob- ertson), 19th w. of river, from Canal s. to Common, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Gasquet, 26 2.5 Common. 60 69 ROBIN, 16th s. of Canal st: eet, from river w. to Camp, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. 1 2 27 38 3» — Water, Front, Peiers, Tchoupitoulas, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Camp. Rt. Lft. 1 31 61 81 HI 131 151 179 201 ROCHEBLAVE (now South Rocheblave),28th w. of river and Sth w. of Claiborne, from Canal s. to Napoleon avenue, 6th dist. Canal, Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Common, Qravier, Perdido, Poydras, Lafayette, Julia, New Shell road, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Toledano, Louisiana avenue, Milan, Beilin, Napoleon avenue. ROCHEBLAVE, (now North Rooheblave), 28th w. of river and 8th w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard ave- nue, 3d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, >it. Louis, Toulouse, Carondelet walk, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip. Ursulinea, Hosjiital, Barracks, Esplanade, Bayou road, Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe, Lapeyrouse, Onzaga, Dabadie, Aubry, O'Reilly, St. Bernard avenue. Rt. Lft. 113 129 112 130 917 213 ROFFIGNAC, chore) . (see TerpBi- ROMAN, (now south Roman), 22d w. of river and 2d w. of Claiborne, from Canal s. to Upper Line, 6th dit t. Rt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Ga.squet, 14 13 Palmyra, 40 39 Common, 58 57 Gravier, 96 95 Perdido, 128 127 Poydras, 144 143 Lafayette, 148 — Girod, Julia, Delord, ROM SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. SAU 89 Euphrosine, Oafliope, mencing at Upper Line, New Sister, Carrollton, 7th dist. Jourdon, Clio, Deslonde, Erato, ROSSIERE, 4th nw. of Broad. Tennessee, Thalia, from St. Bernard avenue to Reynes. Melpomene, Gentilly road, 3d dist. Forstall, Josephine, Lizardi, Jackson, ROSSINI, commences at Lafay- Egania, First, ette avenue, cor. Mithra, and Andry, Flood, Second, runs n. to lake, 3d dist. Third, CalHn, Fourth, ROSSINI, 22d from river, com La Manchc, Washington avenue . mencing at South Line, New Charbonnet, Toledano, Carrollton, 7th dist. Adams, Louisiana avenue, Gordon, Delachaise, ROUSSEAU, 3d w. of river, from Monroe, Gen. Taylor, Felicity to Washington ive- Hancock, Milan, nue, 4th dist. Tricou. Berlin, Rt. Lft. Napoleon avenue, Felicity, 1 2 ROUSSELIN'S ALLEY, com- Jena, St. Mary, 27 St. Andrew, Hi 28 mences at Esplanade, ends at Cadiz, 58 Columbus between Dolhonde Upper Line. Adele, «7 Josephine, 91 68 92 and Broad, 3d dist. ROMAN (now North Roman), 22d w. of river, 2d w. of Clai- Jackson, 115 Philip, 141 116 143 S A LC E DO ( now South Salcedo) , 4th w. of Broad, from Canal s. borne, from Canal to St. Ber- Soraparu, 165 168 to Upper Line, eth dist. nard avenue, thence e. to First, 191 190 Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Lafayette avenue 3d dist. Second, 209 208 Rt. Lft. Third, 229 228 Canal, 1 2 Fourth, 249 248 Baudin, Customhouse, 23 22 Washington avenue. 269 270 Common, Bienville, 45 44 Gravier, Conti, 63 64 ROYiVL, 9th w. of river, from Perflido, St. Louis, 81 82 Canal n. to Kerlerec, thence e. Poydras, Toulouse, 99 98 to Lower Line, 3d dist. New Canal, Carondelet walk, 109 108 Rt. Lft. Juno, St. Peter, 116 114 Cann.l, 2 1 Venus, Orleans, 121 130 Customhouse, 26 25 Euphrosine, St. Ann, 135 134 Bienville, 52 51 Calliope, Dumaine, 157 156 Conti, 78 79 Clio, St. Philip, 177 176 St. Louis, 104 103 Erato, Ursulines, 195 196 Toulouse, 130 129 Thalia, Hospital, 211 212 St. Peter, 156 155 Melpomene, Bayou road. 233 232 Orleans, — 167 Terpsichore, Esplanade, 255 254 St. Ann, 182 181 Euterpe, Kerlerec, 273 274 Dumaine, 206 207 Polymnia, Columbus, 295 296 St. Philip. 233 233 Urania, Laharpe, 315 316 Ursulines, 253 257 Gasquet, Lapeyrouse, 341 342 Hospital, 284 283 James, Onzaga, Barracks, 306 307 Marshall, St. Bernard avenue, Esplanade, 330 329 Upper Line. New Orleans, Peace, 342 342 St. Bernard, Union, — 353 SALCEDO(now North Salcedo), Annette, Frenchmen, 378 379 4th w. of Broad, from Canal n. St. Anthony, Elysiuu Fields, 408 409 to Esplanade, 2d dist. Bourbon, Marigny, 430 4.51 Canal, Union, Mandeville, 454 4.55 Customhouse Frenchmen, Spain, 482 481 Bienville, Elysian Fields, Washington, 504 505 Conti, Marigny, Mandeville, Lafayette avenue, 512 513 St. Louis, 1 Porr, 534 533 Carondelet walk. Spain, St. Ferdinand, 553 551 Toulouse, Washington, Press, St. Peters, Music, Montegut, 610 009 Orleans, Arts, Clouet, 6.52 651 St. Ann, Painters, Louisa, 694 693 Dumaine, Lafayette avenue. Piety, Desire, St. Philip, Ursulines, ROSE, n. of and parallel Lower I to Elmira, Oak. Washington, from to Foucher, bounc vine Congress, St. John, lary, Green- Independence, Pauline, Washington, ville, 7th dist. (late Carroll - Esplanade. ton). Jean n a, Bartholomew, SALOMON, 1st w. of Lafayette ROSE (seeBoree), 5th dist. Mazant, French, aveuue, from Columbia n. to the lake, 3d dist. ROSE, B. of and parallel to Lesseps, Bainbridge, from boundary Poland, SAUVAGE. from Pair Grounds line to Uancoek, McDonogh. Alexander. to Mangny avenue, 3d dist. Josephine, ROSSEAU, 17th from river com- Manuel, SAUVE, 13th n. of St. Charles 90 SAU SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. SIX avenue, from Walnut w. to Lower Line, 6th diet. Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. SAUVE (now Short), n. of and Sarallel to Washington, 7th ist. (late Carrollton). SCOTT, l8t n. ot Taylor avenue, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. SECOND, 8th aw. of 30th 8. of Canal st nw. to Broad, 4th Water, Tchoupitoulas, Bousseau, Division, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baron ne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde. SECOND, 1st n. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Leomdas, 7th dist. . (late Car- rollton). Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jeffer-on, Leouidas. SEGUIN, 2d e. of Canal Street Ferry landing, from Patter- son se. to Evelina, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Bt. Lft. Hamilton, Patterson, 1 2 Laurel Grove, Villere. 15 16 Clay, Delaronde, 35 36 Live Oak, Peter, 59 58 Livingston, Alix, 77 76 Bernadotte, Eliza, 89 90 Upper Line. Evelina. 111 110 Felicity and . from river dist. Bt. Lft. 1 2 3 4 27 28 41 — 69 70 89 90 119 120 131 132 155 156 177 178 195 196 213 214 225 22H 253 254 281 282 317 HIS 329 330 351 352 376 376 395 396 419 420 443 444 463 464 489 490 SERE, 2l8t n. of Esplanade, from Bayou St. John to Lafa- yette avenue, 3d dist. SEVENTH, 13th sw. of Felicity and 35th s. of Canal street, from river nw. to Magnolia, 4tb dist. Bt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulas, 11 12 St. Thomas, 39 40 Chippewa, 61 62 Annunciation, 91 92 Laurel, 117 118 Constance, 139 142 Magazine, 163 164 Camp, 183 184 Chestnut, 201 204 Coliseum, 215 216 Prytania, 239 240 St. Charles avenue, 389 390 Caroudelet, 403 404 Baronne, 421 422 Dryades, 437 438 Hampart, 457 458 IJasin. 477 478 Franklin, 501 502 Liberty, 615 516 Howard, 627 528 Freret, Locust, Magnolia. SEVENTH, 12th n. of and par- allel to First, from Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly. Hamilton, Upper Line. SEVENTEENTH, 14th n. of and parallel to Mobile, from Canal avenue to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jeflferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, SHAESPEARE, commences at Monroe avenue, corner La- fayette avenue, and runs n. to the lake, 3d dist. SHELL ROAD, along bank of New Canal, from Delord to Metairie Ridge, thence to lake, 1st dist. terminates at West End. SHEPPARD BOW, Ist n. of Americus, from river e. to Ha,ncock, McDonogh. SHORT, 1st se. of Carrollton avenue, from river to Shell road, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Bt. Lft. Levee, 1 2 Commercial, — 10 Pearl, — 36 First, 37 38 Hampson, 59 60 Second, 77 78 Burthe, 89 90 Third, 93 — Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth, Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile or Tenth, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Oolapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, Sixteenth, Sterlitz, Seventeenth, Dixon, Eiehteenth, Shell road. SISTER, 1st e. of the Convent of the Ursulines, from the river to the woods, 3d dist. SIXTH 12th sw. of Felicity and 34th 8. of Canal St., from river nw. to Claiborne, 4tb dist. Rt. Lft. Water, 1 2 Tchoupitoulas, 9 10 Livaudais, 23 — St. Thomas, 41 3S Chippewa, 59 60 Annunciation, 89 90 117 118 137 138 159 160 175 176 201 202 225 226 257 258 273 274 281 282 275 276 299 298 321 320 333 332 355 354 363 362 -. 370 Laarel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne. SIXTH, 10th n. of and parallel to First, toom Lower Line to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton. Lower Line, Clinton, Hillary, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Upper Line. SIXTEENTH, 12th n. of and parallel to MobUe, from Low- er Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenu«, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel QroTe, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Bernadotte, Upper Line. SOCRATES, 2d n. of Monroe avenue, from Lafayette ave- enue w. to Bayou St John, 3a dist. SOCRATES. 7th s of Market, from river e. to Sumner, otii dist. (late Algiers). ^^^^^ Jefferson, 1 * Madison, 1^ "" Monroe, ~" *" Franklin, Hancock, Chestnut, Elmira avenue. Pacific avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Morgan's R. R., Thayre avenue, LeBoeuf avenue. Canal avenue, Webster avenue, Washington, Hendee, Sumner. SOLIDELLE, 2d n. of Clai- borne, from Lafayette avenue e. to lower limits, 3d dist. Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montegut. Clouet, Louisa, Piety, Desire, Elmira, Congress, Independence, Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Benton, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. New Metairie road. SOLON, 8th s. of and parallel to Monroe avenue, Irom Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. SOLON, 10th 8. of Americua, from Jefferson e. to Hancock, 5th dist. Jefferson, Madison. Monroe, Franklin, Hancock. SONIAT. 8th sw. of Napoleon avenue, from river n. to Clai- borne, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Cump, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, St. Charles avenue, Biironne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Delord, Story, Claiborne. i SOLIS (see Locust) 4th dist. SOLOMON, 8th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal b. to New Canal, Ist dist. Canal, Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, UUoa. Common, New Canal. SOLOMON, 8th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal, n. to New Metairie road, thence north to May, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, SORAPARU, 6th sw. of Felicit7 bet. Philip and First from riv- er n. to Annunciation, 4th ^'''- Rt. Lft. Water. J ^ Tchoupitoulas » ^ Rousseau, 37 Je St. Thomas, 7i to Chippewa, »» y* Annunciation. ii" ^^' SOULE. 4th n. of Claiborne from Upper Line to Blooming- dale, 6th dist. SOUTH, all streets cros-inp Canal street, and numbering both directions Irom it (those running sou;n). as Water. Front, Peters, Rampart, Ba- sin, Claiborne, etc., are now named South Water. South Front, etc., and will be found in their alphabetical order in Street Guide. SOUTH, es. of Lafayette squaw from Camp to St. Charles. Iff dist. Camp, St. Charles. 92 SOU SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. ST. C SOUTH LINE commences at Upper Line, north to limits 7th diet. (late Carrollton). Upper Line, Highland, Ney, Blackberry, Lannes, Philip, St. Oyr, Ophir. SOUTH MARKET, bet, Market and Richard, from river w. to Tchoupitoulas, 1st dist. ^ ,^ Bt. Lft. Delta, Water, 22 23 Front, 28 29 Fulton, 34 35 Peters, 42 43 Tchoupitoulas. 84 85 SOUTH POYDRAS (aee Poy- dras). SPAIN, 3d e. of Elysiftn Fields, from river to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart. St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Olaibome, Derbigny, RomAn, Prieur, Johnson, Oalver, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. ST. ADELINE, 2d nw. of Clai- borne, from Common 8. to Poydras, 1st diat. Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydras. ST. ANDREW, 2d 8. of Felicity and 25th s. of Canal st., from riverw. to Claiborne, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. I Basin, Franklin. Liberty, Howard. Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne. — 456 483 484 497 498 539 530 S45 542 557 554 ST. ANN. 8th n. of Canal, from river w. to Metairie road, thence north to the lake 2d dist. „ .. Rt. Lft Decatur, 14 _ Chartres, 59 go goya , 85 gg Bourbon, 107 108 Dauphine, 137 133 Burgundy, I63 165 Rampart. 133 St. Claude, 203 204 Liberty, 225 226 Marais, 247 248 Villere. 269 272 Robertson, 297 296 Claiborne, 323 324 Derbigny. 345 344 Ko.man, 365 366 Prieur, 339 338 Johnson, 409 410 S^'vez, 431 432 Miro, 455 454 Tonti, 481 480 Rocheblave, 505 504 Dolhonde, 521 Broad, White, Dupre. Gayoso. Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachns, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton ^enne. David, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, New Metairie road. I bet. St. Peter and St. Ann. 2d dist. ' ST. AVID (see Claiborne). ST BERNARD (New) 6th w. of Pontchartrain R. R., from St. Bernard avenue to the lake. .fa dist. Independence, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Hope, Duels. ST. BERNARD AVENUE, 3d e. of Esplanade, from St. Claude nw. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. Tchoupitoulas, Religious, Rousseau, St. Thomas, Chippewa. Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelflt, Braioard. Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, 56 1 35 57 87 113 114 135 136 161 162 187 186 213 212 241 240 273 272 291 290 317 316 351 360 387 386 — 400 415 414 425 424 449 446 ST. ANTHONY, 4th ne. of Es planade, from Rampart n. to lake, 3d dist. „ .. Rt. Lft. Kampart, 21 22 St. Claude, 43 44 Marais, 57 gg Villere, 89 90 Bobertson» Claiborne. 143 144 Derbigny, leg 166 Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. ST. ANTHONY PLACE. Royal. ST. CHARLES, 9th w. of river, from Canal s. to Delord st. (Tivoli Circle and Lee place), l8t diftt., from this it is now St. Charles avenue. „ , Rt. Lft. Canal, j 2 Common, 27 30 Gravier, 47 43 Union, 61 Commercial place, — 86 Perdido, 97 _ Poydras, 109 no North, 115 114 Lafayette, 131 132 South, 14J Girod, 155 i5(j Juha. 191 192 St. Joseph, 227 228 Delord. ST. CHARLES AVENUE, 9th w. of river from Delord street, (Tivoli Circle and Lee place), s. to Upper Line, thence w. to Lower Line of 7th dist. (late Carrollton), 1st, 4th and «th dists. _ , ^ Rt. Lft. pelord, 249 258 Calliope, 285 286 Clio, 109 314 Erato, 845 340 Thalia, S6i 350 Melpomene, 379 378 Terpsichore, 401 400 Euterpe. 421 420 • ST.C SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. ST. J ^3 Polymnia, Felicity, St. Mary, St. Andrew, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Conery, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Harmony, Pleasant, Toledano, Louisana avenue, Delachaise, Aline, Foucher, Antoine, Amelia, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Constantinople, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Valmont, Leontine, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Walnut, Chestnut, Broadway, Pine, Lower Line. BT. CLAUDE (formerly Good Children), Ist w. and n. of Rampart, from Carondelet walk, 2d dist. n. to St. Ber- nard avenue, thence e. to Lower Line, 3d dist. Carondelet walk, St. Peter, Oileans, St. Ann, Dumaine, Ursulines, Hospital, Barracks, Esplanade, Kerlerec, Columbus, St. Bernard avenue, St. Anthony, Bourbon. Union, Frenchmen, Elysian FieldB, Marigny, 443 442 Mandeville, 465 472 Spain, 481 484 Washington, 495 496 Music, 513 612 Lafayette avenue, 539 540 Port, 555 571 St. Ferdinand, 591 584 Press. 609 611 Montegut, 625 622 Clouet, 641 642 Louisa, 659 660 Piety, 675 676 Desire, 695 696 Elmira, 711 712 Congress, 724 725 Independence, 730 731 Pauline, 743 744 Jeanna, 756 757 Bartholomew, 829 766 Mazant, 861 862 French, Leseeps, Poland, I Alexander, 947 — Josephine, 957 958 Manuel, 985 986 Sister, 993 994 Jourdon, 1007 1008 Deslonde, 1015 1016 Tennessee, 1051 1050 Reynes, 1153 1154 Forslall, 1169 1170 Lizardi, 1205 1206 Egania, 1233 1234 Andry, 1245 1246 Flood, 1279 1280 Caffin, 1309 La Manche, Ch irbonnet, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricou. ST CYR, 21st n. of Carrollton avenue, from South Line to North Line, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). South Line, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, North Line. ST. DAVID (see S. Franklin). ST. DENIS (see Rampart). ST FERDINAND, 2d e. of La fayette avenue, from river n. to lake, 3d dist, Peters, Chartres, Royal, Da'uphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbingy, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. ST. FRANCIS (see Church), Ist dist. ST GEORGE, 4th w. of Ram l)art, from Philip to First, 4th dist. Philip» First. ST. J.\MES, 2l8t 8. of Canal street, from river nw. to Felic- ity, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. I 2 6 6 29 28 41 40 65 64 93 92 Front, Peters, Tchoupitoulas, Religious, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Felicity. ST. JAMES, 1st dist. (see Pierce) . ST. JAMES, 6th w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to St. Ann, 2d dist. Canal, Cufitomhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann. ST. JANE (see Willow). ST JOHN, from junction of Es- planadb and Broad w. to Ba- you St. John, 2d dist. White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. Bayou St. John. ST. JOHN'S AVENUE, 7th w. of Broad, from New Canal w. to Peters avenue, 6th dist. New Canal, Juno, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Toledano, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Eulerpe, Polymnia, Peters avenue. ST. JOHN BAPTISTS, let diet. (see St. Thomas). ST. JOHN BAPTISTE, 3d dist. (see Robertson). ST. JOHN GRAND ROUTE (see Grande Route St. John). 94 ST. J SOAEDS' STREET GUIDE. ST. P ST. JOSEPH, 7th from river, w. to diet. Delta. Water, Front, Fulton, Peters. Commerce, Tchoupitoulae, Constance, Magazine, Camp, St. Charles, Carondelet, Baronne. s. of Canal, Baronne, Ist Rt. Lft. 31 39 49 69 119 118 133 134 161 160 189 188 215 214 235 234 ST. LOUIS, 4th n. of Canal, from river w. to Metairie road, thence north to the lake, 2d dist. Clay, Rt. Lft. Decatur, 1 2 Chartres, 29 28 Exchange place, — 42 Eoyal, 55 56 Bourbon, 83 84 Dauphine, 107 104 Burgundy, 133 132 Rampart, 161 160 Basin, 171 172 Franklin, 181 — Liberty, 195 ]!«; Marais. 217 218 Villere, 239 240 Robertson, 259 260 Claiborne, 279 280 Derbigny, 301 302 Roman, 323 324 Prieur, 347 348 Johnson, 349 370 Galvez, 381 382 Miro, 391 392 Tonti, 423 424 Roche blave, 461 450 Dolhonde, — 464 Broad, — 485 White. — 521 Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue, Clark, Genois, Telemachm, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue, David, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Bernadotte, Anthony, Helena, New Metairie road. ST. MARK (see Magnolia^. ■T. MARY. 1st 8. of Felicity, and 2ith s. of Canal St., from river w. to Carondelet, 4th diBt. Rt. Lft. Peters. l 2 93 10( 121 120 145 144 169 m 181 — 195 194 213 212 241 238 255 254 269 270 297 298 333 332 361 360 Religious, Rousseau, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Old Magazine, Magazine, Camp, New Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles, Carondelet. ST. MARY, 1st dist. (see Locust, also Church). ST. PATRICK. 13th w. of Ha- gan avenue from Canal s. to New Canal, Ist dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, New Canal. ST. PATRICK, 13th w. Of Ha- gan avenue, from Canal n. to Metairie, road, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Metairie road. ST. PATRICK, 5th nw. of St. Charles avenue, from Tole dano sw. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Foucher, An tonine, Peniston, Gen. Taylor, Marengo, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Valence, Bordeaux, Upper Line, Robert, Soniat, Dufossat, Bellecastle, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella, Nashville, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. ST. PETER, 6th n. of Canal, from river w. to Metairie road, thence n. to the lake, 2d dist. Rt. Lft. Decatur, Chartres, — 14 Royal, 67 58 Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, Basin, St. Claude, Liberty, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue, David, Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Metairie road. ST. PETER, l8t Franklin). 81 78 103 104 129 132 15 L 154 161 181 162 180 205 204 227 226 245 244 269 268 295 296 319 320 341 340 363 364 381 382 403 404 423 424 443 444 473 474 dist. (see ST. PHILIP. 10th n. of Canal from river w. to New Metai- rie road, thence north to May, 2d dist. Rt. Lft. Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Bourl'on, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Liberty, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. 1 2 27 28 49 50 71 70 93 94 115 118 137 138 157 158 175 176 193 192 209 208 225 226 241 240 2.57 2.58 279 278 297 298 319 320 337 .338 357 .358 387 386 407 408 441 4.38 — 466 ST. T boards' street guide. TOH 95 Bayou St. John, Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue. David, Solomon, New Metairie road. ST THERESA, 4th 8. of Calli ope, from Tchoupitoulas to St. Thomas, l>t dist. ST. THOMAS, 5th w. of river, from Gaiennie, let diet, to To- ledano, 4th dist. ^^ ^^^ Gaiennie, | 1 Erato. i° i' Thalia, 5* 53 Theresa, 64 M Melpomene, 90 91 Bellechasse, »» ^j Terpsichore, ■!•'" '^'^^ Robin, Rnnf> ^*^ ■* '*' Oranire 204 203 ulXird 234 233 Market; 260 259 St James 284 283 Felicity ^00 303 St Mary ^^2 331 Adete".*''''"' i^8 367 Josepiiine, |9| 39^ Jackson, 4^ *- Philip. *52 *| Soraparu. 4-| 4^1 fecond 524 523 Third. ' 546 545 Fourth, 560 559 Washington avenue, 582 5b3 Sixth. ci« aI, Seventh. 640 641 filth?' 6^2 ti Harmony, 698 699 Pleasant. i\% '\^ Toledano. "^ '*^' STATE, 13th w. of Upper Line, from river n. to woods, 6th dist. Front. Levee, Preston, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, Jennet, Hurst, St. Charles avenue, Benjamin, Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Leonie, Henry, Delord, Story, Bartholomew, Prieur, Johnson, Hodge or Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Minturn or Broad, York. McKenna, Howe, Baldwin, Hoffman, MrDonough, Woodruff, DcArmas, Breslau. STEPHANIA (now Sterlitz), ne. of and parallel to 16th, 7th dist. (late Carrollton). STEPHEN GIRARD, 5th s. of and parallel to Monroe ave- nue, from Bayou St. John to Lafayette avenue, 3d dist. STERLITZ, 13th n. of and paral- lel to Mobile from Lower Line to North Line, 7th dist. I (late Carrollton). Lower Line, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel Grove. Clay, I Live Oak, Livingston, I Bernadotte, Upper Line. STORY. 15th n. of St. Charles avenue, from Upper Line w. to Calhoun, 6th dist. Robert, Soniat, Peters avenue, Octavia, Joseph, Arabella. Nashville, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. STURCKEN'S ALLEY, bet. Conti and St. Louis, from Liberty to Marais, 2d dist. Newton. Decatur, DeArmas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy. Lawrence, Bringier. SUZETTE (see Erato), Ist dist. SWAMP. Ist w. of Bayou Sauvage, from Grande Route St. John n. to Pleasure, 3d dist. , , Grande Route St. John Floridas, Maurepas, Fortin, Fair Grounds, Brickyard, Treasure, Pritchard, Pleasure. TAYT.OR AVENUE, 6th n. of City Park, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. TCHOUPITOULAS, 6th w. of river, from Canal s. to Cal- houn, 1st, 4th and 6th dists. Rt. Lit. SUMNER, 7th w. of Opelousas B R., from river s. to limits, 5th dist. (late Algiers). Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market. Jackson, Homer, Canal, Common, Gravier, Natchez, Poydras, Lafayette, Girod, Notre Dame, Julia, St. Joseph, North Market, South Market, Delord, Poeyfarre, Calliope, Gaiennie, Erato, Thalia, Theresa, Hunter, Bellechasse, Terpsichore, Henderson, Robin, Race, Oiange, Richard, Market, St. James, Celeste, Nuns, Felicity, St. Mary, St. Andrew Adele, Josephine, Jackson, Philip, Soraparu, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, 1 7 23 43 55 83 24 44 56 82 111 112 133 132 153 154 193 194 205 204 207 208 225 230 255 254 275 276 291 290 319 318 345 344 359 360 373 374 383 384 391 392 411 412 415 416 445 446 47'^ 474 4'.i5 496 529 528 553 554 575 574 599 600 635 636 669 670 681 682 709 708 735 734 761 760 7So 786 «19 820 839 840 857 358 877 878 901 90-2 939 i>42 961 960 983 9*4 1003 1002 96 TEL SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. THI Harmony, IO25 IC Pleasant, 1041 10 Toledano, 1055 10 Louisiana avenue, 1093 10 Delachaise, 112? 11 Aline, 1151 11 Constance, 1181 11 Antonine, 1217 12 Amelia, 1243 12- Peniston, 1267 12( Gen. Taylor, 1285 12i Austerlitz, 1315 13] Constantinople, 1835 134 Marengo, 1375 13^ Milan, 1395 13t Berlin, 1427 14S Napoleon avenue, 1455 14S Jena, 1481 148 Cadiz, 1505 150 Valence, 1527 152 Bordeaux, 1551 15i Lyon, 1577 157 Upper Line, 1601 160 Robert, 16J3 162 Soniat, 1645 164- Dufossat, 1663 166; Bellecastle, 1685 168< Valmont, 1709 170! Leontine, 1729 172* Peters avenue, 1747 174( Octavia, 1767 176e Joseph, 1785 1784 Arabella. Kashville, Eleonore, State, Webster, Clay, Calhoun. TELEMACHUS (now South Telemachus), 3d w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal s. to New Canal, Ist dist. Gasquet, Palmyra, Banks, Baudin, D'Hemecourt, Ulloa, Common, Gravier, Perdido, Kew Canal. TELEMACHUS (now North Telemachus), 3d w. of Hagan avenue, from Canal n. to Bayou St. John, 2d dist. Canal, Customhouse, Bienville, Conti, St. Louis, Toulouse, St. Peter, Orleans, St. Ann, Dumaine, St. Philip, Ursulines, Bayou St. John. TENNESSEE, 4th e. of Convent of the Ursulines, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Peters, Chartres, Royal, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart. Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius, Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. TENTH (now MobUe), ne. of and parallel to First, from Foiicher boundary, to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton.) I TERPSICHORE, 15th s. of Ca- nal St. from river w. to Mag- nolia, 4th dist. ^ Rt Lft Water, Front, 1 2 Peters, 25 24 Tchoupitoulas. 61 50 St. Thomas, 77 76 Chippewa, 87 90 Annunciation, 109 108 Constance, 135 134 Magazine, 161 160 Carnp, 185 186 Coliseum, Prytania, 211 210 St Charles avenue, 239 238 Carondelet, 287 280 Baronne, 295 294 Dryades, 327 326 Rampart, 349 348 Basin, 363 362 Franklin, 381 380 Liberty, 405 404 Howard, 427 426 Freret, 451 450 Locust, 457 Magnolia. TERPSICHORE. Ist s. of Mel- pomene, from Broad s. to St. J' 'hn's avenue. 6th dist. Gayoso, Van Buren, Third, Rendon, St. John's avenue. THALIA (formerly Benjamin andEsteJle), 13th s. of Canal street, from river west to limits, 1st dist. 305 304 319 318 329 3,12 353 252 371 372 391 332 411 412 431 432 445 446 Rampart, Basin, Franklin, Liberty, Howard, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur. Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Roi heblave, Dolhonde, Broad. THAYRE, 2d s. of Patterson, from Elmira avenue e. of Op- eJoMsasR. R., 6th dist. (late Algiers). Rt. Lft. 13 27 38 14 28 Water, Delta, Front, Peter, Tchoupitoulas, St. Thomas, Annunciation, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rt. Lft. 17 35 57 79 95 123 141 163 181 211 231 261 287 16 34 56 78 94 122 142 164 180 210 232 260 286 Elmira avenue, Paiiflc avenue, Atlantic avenue, Verret avenue, Opelousas K. R. THAYRE AVENUJE, 1st w. of Opelousas R. R., from river s. to limits, 6th dist. (late Al- giers). Patterson, Thayre, Peter, Alix, Eliza, Evelina, Market, Jackson, Homer, Newton, Decatur, De Armas, Lapeyrouse, Socrates, Ptolemy, Lawrence, Bringier. THERESA, Ist n. of Terpsi- chore, from Tchoupitoulas to St. Thomas, 1st dist. THIRD, 9th s. of Felicity and 31st s. of Canal St., from river nw. to Broad, 4th dist. Rt. Lft. Water, Tchoupitoulas, Rousseau, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Prytania, St. Charles avenue, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, Basin, 1 5 31 69 97 2 4 30 70 98 129 130 161 150 173 172 191 192 211 210 821 220 2'26 224 203 202 231 230 255 252 267 264 287 282 345 306 361 33S THI SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. TOU 97 Franklin, 343 Sit Liberty, 859 360 Howard, 376 376 Freret, Locust. Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Glaiborne, Derbigny, Roman. Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolbonde, Broad. THIRD, 1st and 3d dists. (see Lopez). THIRD, 4th nw. of and parallel to First, from Lower Line to Monroe, 7th dist. (late Car- rollton). Lower Line, Clinton, HiUary. Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton arena*, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe. THIRTEENTH, 6th ne. of and parallel to Mobile, from Fou- cher boundary, to Upper Line, 7th dist. (late Carroll- ton). Lower Line, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Cambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, • Holly, HamiltoH, Laurel Grove, Clay, Live Oak, Livingston, Upper Line. TIMOLEON, 1st n. of Monroe avenue, from Lafayette ave- nue w. to Bayou St. John, 3d dist. TIVOLI CIRCLE, junction of St. Charles and Delord, 1st dist. TOLEDANO, 18th sw. of Felic- ity and 40th s. of Canal et., dividing 4th and 6th dists. from river, nw. to limits. Rt. Lft. 2 1 4 10 18 SO 64 118 117 140 139 189 188 213 212 223 324 310 320 415 416 618 614 627 528 Water, Tchoupitoulas, St. Thomas, Chippewa, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Pry tan ia, St. Charles avenae, Oarondelet, Baronne, Dryades, Rampart, St. Patrick St. David, St. Andrew, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara, Willow, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, John*on, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. TONTI (now South Tonti), 27th w. of river and 7th w. of Clui - borne, from Canal s. to Cal- houn, 1st, 4th and 6th dists. Bt. Lft. Canal, 1 3 Gaequet, 19 20 Palmyra, 39 40 Banks, 67 68 Common, Gravier, Perdido, Poydrae, Lafayette, Julia, New Shell road, Venus, Euphrosine, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Thalia, Melpomene, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Washington avenue. Tolertano, Louisiana avenue, Delachaise, Marengo, Gen. Taylor, Milan, Berlin, Napoleon avenue, Jena, Cadiz, Upper Line, Robert, Peters avenue, Octavia, Arabella, Nashville. State, Clay, Calhoun. TONTI, (now North Tonti). 27th w. of river and 7th w. of Claiborne, from Canal n. to St. Bernard avenue, 2d and 3d dists. Bt. Lft. Canal, 2 1 Customhouie, 18 17 Bienville, 84 33 Conti, 66 56 St. Louis. 76 77 Toulouse, 82 83 Carondelet walk, 84 86 St. Peter, 100 101 Orleans. 118 119 St. Anil, 132 133 Dumnine, 154 155 St. Philip, 186 187 Ursulinea, 202 201 Hospital, 812 211 Barracks, Esplanade, Bayou road, Kerlerec, Columbus, Laharpe, Lapeyrouee, Onzago, Dabadie, Aubry, St. Bernard avenue. TOULOUSE, 6lh n. of Canal, from river w. to New Metalrie road, therice n. to May, 2d dist. Bt. Lft. Clay, Peters, 1 2 Chartres, i» 30 Royal, 66 56 Bourbon, 81 82 Dauphine, 107 108 Burgundy, 133 134 Rampart, 169 160 Basin, 169 170 Franklin, — 178 Liberty, 191 192 Marais, 211 212 Villere. 2»8 234 Robertson, ~- 96 Claiborne, — 116 Derbigny, — 134 Roman, — 168 Prieur, — 176 Johnson, ^- 187 Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad, White, Dupre, Gayoso, Salcedo, Lopez, Rendon, Hagan avenue. Bayou St. John, Genoia, Telemachus, Cortes. St. John. St. James, Carrollton avenv** David. 98 TEE SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. URA Solomon, Napoleon, Alexander, Murat, Olympia, St. Patrick, Bernadotte, Anthony, New Metairie road. TREASURE, 3d n. of Fair Grounds, from Bayou St. John e. to lower limits, 3d dist. Howe, Labatut, Ducayet, Encampment, Sauvage, Swamp, St. Bernard avenue. TREME (see Liberty). TRIANGLE, let e. ol Delord, from Front to Peters, Ist diet. TRICOU, 3d w. of U. 8. Bar- racks, from river n. to woods, 3d dist. Peters. Jumonville, Bienville, Delaronde, Chartres, Royal. Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Urquhart. Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Solidelle, Josephus, Celestine, Genius. Liberal, La Force, Virtue, Magistrate, Law, Florida walk. TRITON WALK (see Delord). TWELFTH, 4th ne. of and par- allel to Mobile, Foucher boHndary, to Upper Line, 7th dist. (lateCarroUton). Lower Line, Adams, Burdette, Washington, Short, Carrollton avenue, Dublin, Madison, Oambronne, Jefferson, Leonidas, Monroe, Eagle, Jackson, Holly, Hamilton, Laurel QroT«, Olay, Live oak, Livingston, Upper Line. TWENTIETH, 20th ne. of and parallel to Mobile, from Shell road to parish boundary, 7th diet, (late Carrollton). Shell road, Jackson, Holly, Ham'ilton. TWIGGS, 14th 8. of the lake, from Bayou St. John to Milne, 2d dist. ULLOA. 6th B. of Canal, from Genois w. to New Canal, Ist dist. Genois, Telemachus, Cortes, St. John, St. James, Carrollton avenue, Solomon, Napoleon. Alexander, Murat, Olyiipia, St. Patrick, New Canal. UNION. 2^ s. of Canal st. from St. Charles w. to Dryades, 1st dist. Rt. Lft. St. Charles, 1 2 Carondelet, 27 2S B;ironne, 66 64 Dryades. 71 72 UNION, 2d e. of Elysian Fields, from junction of Royal and Kerlerec n. to lake, 3d dist. Royal, Dauphine. Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti. Rocheblave, Dolhonde, Broad. U. S. BARRACKS, or JACKSON BARRACKS, near lower city limits, 3d dist. UNIVERSITY PLACE, north side Common between Ba- ronne and Dryades, 1st dist. UPPER LINE, 6th w. of Napo- leon avenue, from river n. to Broad, 6th dist. Front, Levee, Annunciation, Laurel, Constance, Magazine, Camp, Chestnut, Coliseum, Perrier, Prytania, Pitt, St. Charles aveaae, Carondelet, Baronne, Dryades. Rampart, St. Patrick, St. David, Green, St. George, Freret, Locust, Magnolia, Clara. Willow, Henry, Delord, Claiborne, Derbigny, Bartholomaw, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, Broad. UPPER LINE, divides Carroll- ton and New Carrollton, from river to North Line, 7th disk (late Carrollton). Zimpel, Fourth, Plum, Fifth , Jeannette, Sixth, Green, Seventh, Cohn, Eighth, Cypress, Ninth, Napoleon, Mobile, Nelson, Eleventh, Belfast, Twelfth, Princhard, Thirteenth, Colapissa, Fourteenth, Forshey, Fifteenth, Edinburgh, .sixteenth, Sterlitz, North Line. URANIA, 1st n. of Felicity, con- tinuation of Orange from Ool- iseum to Felicity, 1st dist. Rt.Lft. Coliseum, 1 9 Prytania, B 6 Felicity. URANIA, 4th s. of Melpomene, from Broad w. to St. John's avenue, 6th dist. Broad, Sixth, Fifth, ^ayoso, r URQ SOARDS' STREET GUIDE. VIL 99 Van Buren, Third, Rendon, St. John's avenue. URQUHART,'2(1 n. of St.Claude, from St. Beni:n-it avenue e. lo lower limits, 3d dist. St. Bernard avenue, Annette, St. Anthony, Bourbon, Union, Frenchmen, * Ely.sian Fields, Mariffny, Mandeville, Spain, Washington, Music, Arts, Lafayette avenue, Port, St. Ferdinand, Press, Montcgut, Clouet, Louisa, Pietv, Desire, Elmira, Conffress, lndt>|)endence, , Pauline, Jeanna, Bartholomew, Mazant, French, Lesseps, Poland, Alexander, Josephine, Manuel, Tennessee, Reynes, Adams, Gordon, Monroe, Hancock, Tricon. URSULINE8, 11th n. of Canal, from river w. to New Metairie road, thence n. to May, 2d dist. Rt. Lft. 1 — Peters, Gallatin, Decatur, Chartres, Royal, Bourbon, Dauphine, Burgundy, Rampart, St. Claude, Liberty, Marais, Villere, Robertson, Claiborne, Derbigny, Roman, Prieur, Johnson, Galvez, Miro, Tonti, RocheblaTe, Dolhonde, Broad. White, 109 1 129 l:iO 1.53 l.V> 173 174 185 186 203 '204 223 222 239 240 2.i5 2.'56 273 270 295 294 313 314 3:^1 332 357 3.')8 381 382 401 402 419 420 445 446 Dupre, VERRET, 6th e. of Canal street Gayoso, ferry landing. Irom river to Salcedo, DeArmas, 5th dist. (late Ai- I.opez. giers). lten>■ •> <" ^ --w^.- /^. ■•m'^-' ^*'% '■^■' /% '." ^^ ST. AUGUSTINE -^IV "-n^- .^ -/iP^^. ^^ ^ " .♦iq. ,' .\^ >P'^'^.