HISTORY OP RAY COUNTY, MO., CAREFULLY WRITTEN AND COMPILED FROM THB MOST AUTHENTIC OFFICIAL AND PRIVATE SOURCES, INCLTJDIKG A HIBTORT OF ITfi Townships, City, Towns and Villages, TOOHTHBR WITH A CONDENSED HISTOBY OF MISSOURI ; THB CONSTITUTION OP THB UNITED STATES, AND STATE OF MISSOURI; A MILITARY RECORD OF ITS VOLUNTEERS IN EITHER ARMY OF THE GREAT CIVIL WAR; GENERAL AND LOCAL STATISTICS; miscellany; reminiscences, grave, TRAGIC AND HUMOROUS; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF PROMINENT MEN AND CITIZENS IDENTIFIED WITH THE INTERESTS OF THE COUNTY. ILLUSTRATED. St. LOUIS: MISSOURI HISTORICAL COMPANY. 1881. PREFACE. The publishers of this work flatter themselves that it is worthy of public confidence, and that it will meet with the acceptance and approval of those for whom it is intended, namely: the people of Ray county, Missouri. It has been very carefully prepared from sources of informa- tion both ofRcial and private, and entirely authentic and reliable. No pains have been spared in making the history thorough, accurate and exhaustive ; and that it has reclaimed from oblivion much valuable data concerning the early history of the county, and is a faithful record of facts worthy of preservation in permanent and readable form, is earnestly believed. In prosecuting this work to completion, we received material assistance from citizens in various parts of the county; from old settlers, county officials and others, to all of whom we are profoundly grateful. Our acknowledgments, however, are especially due to Col. James W. Black, who is a contributor, to whatever merit the book may possess ; to George W. Trigg, county clerk; to John R. Green, circuit clerk, and to Lewis Slaughter, recorder, for kindly permitting us to examine the records of their respective offices, and for gentlemanly courtesies extended during that work ; to Wm. E. Ringo, deputy county clerk, for polite assistance ; to James A. Davis, county collector; to Capt. Thomas McGinnis, ex- sheriff, and to Frank G. Gibson, ex-prosecuting attorney; to Dr. G. W. Buchanan and George I. Wasson, Esq. ; to Judge Joseph E. Black, for loan of books and for files of the Richmond Herald; to Col. Jacob T. Child, editor JRtchmond Conservator^ for files of that paper, and to Col. Thomas D. Bogie, editor Richmond Democrat; to Thomas N. Deacy, school com- missioner; to Professor B. F. Duncan; and to Holland Vanderpool, William R. Blythe, R. L. McCoskrie, Edwin Odell and John Cleavenger, old settlers. We desire, also, to acknowledge our indebtedness to Prof. James M. Long, an obliging, scholarly gentleman, for valuable suggestions. The history of the county begins prior to its organization as such, and with the first settlements on lands which it afterwards embraced and now embraces, and is brought down to the present (June 1881). In point of age, as a state, the twenty-fourth in the American Union, and in the scale of greatness, the fifth, Missouri is the just pride of every 2 PREFACE. honest man and true patriot within her borders. Inexhaustibly rich in natural resources; fortunate in geographical position; convenient and beautiful in surface configuration; finely situated for commercial inter- course with her sister states and with the world; of generous soil, salubrious air and intelligent population, every throb of the Missourian's heart is a pulsation of love for his state — then, would the " History of Ray County" be complete without at least a sketch of Missouri? A condensed view of the state is essential to an intelligent history of the county. A very brief abstract of the laws of Missouri will, it is believed, enhance the value of the work, by aflbrding to farmers and business men a con- venient and reliable reference for every day use. Part Second is devoted to brief biographical sketches of prominent citizens; of early settlers, and of those who, having the welfare of the county at heart, have contributed to its growth, wealth and development. All history is but a recital of past events, and the great aim of him who places a series of those events, affecting the day in which he lives, of record, to be read by future generations, should be, above all things, Truth. He who records faithfully, impartially, truthfully, the important passing events of his own time, as well as the yet unwritten history of former days, for the guidance, instruction or amusement of those who are to come after him, is indeed a benefactor. It has not been our ambition to achieve merely the distinction of being called a benefactor, but, if we have succeeded in making a book worthy its subject, we are satisfied, and shall regard the people's gratitude as our best reward. That it will fully meet the expectations of the public, and supply a needed demand is sincerely hoped, and with that hope it is submitted to the people of Ray county by The Publishers. CONTENTS. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. PAGE. Historical and Political 9 Prehistoric Missouri 10 The White Race in Missouri 15 Missouri as a State 35 Summary of Events and Dates 25 Counties and Population 26 Census Report, 1880 27 State Finances 29 Presidential Votes from 1830 to 1880 . 30 Governors from 1820 to 1880 31 United States Senators 31 Members of Congress 32 Public School System 34 Protectional Laws 40 Homestead Exemption 40 Exemption of Personal Property ... 42 Rights of Married Women 43 Taxation 43 Public Debt Limitation 44 Comparative Tax Rate 45 Federal Officers in the State 40 Missouri's Distingui.'^hed Men — Daniel Boone 47 Thomas H. Benton 47 James B. Eads 48 Carl Schurz 49 Prof. Charles V. Riley 49 Missouri in the Civil War 50 Geology and Minerals 66 Geological Chart 67 Mineral Resources 72 Earths, Clays, Ochres, etc 77 Geography of Missouri 78 Rivers and Watercourses 81 Notable Springs 82 Soils and their Products 83 Wild Game 85 Climate 87 Healthfulness of the State 89 Agriculture 90 Staple Crops , 91 Horticulture 93 The Grasshopper 96 Navigation and Commerce 99 The Levris & Clark Expedition 100 First Steamboats in Missouri 101 The Barge System 103 Railroads in Missouri 104 Manufacturing in Missouri 107 Principal Cities in Missouri 108 Constitution of the United States 113 Constitution of Missouri 124 Abstract of State Laws and Forms. . . 160 Practical Rules for Every-day Use . . . 190 Names of the States of tlae Union and their Significance 196 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY, Topography 199 The Pioneer 302 Early Settlements and Settlers 205 • Indians 212 Organization 215 First County Seat, etc 218 Removal of the County Seat 326 First Instruments Recorded 331 Townships 338 County Officers 348 Ray County War Record 364 The Great Civil War 381 Confederate Soldiers 383 Union Soldiers 397 Religious 334 Educational 347 Societies 362 Newspapers of Ray County 366 Towns and Villages 383 Terrible Cyclone 389 Incorporation of Richmond 399 Ordinances City of Richmond 413 The sole surviving witness of the Au- thenticity of the Book of Mormon . . 456 Geology 461 Incidents 468 Statistical 482 CONTENTS BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY. Akers, James R. . . .51 28 Alspaugh, A. P. . . .54 27 Allen, Abraham 51 29 Anderson, Thornton 51 28 Asbury, James S. . .53.29 Artman, \Vm 50 28 Austin, G. M 50 28 Asburv, J. W... .53 29 Allison, Wesley M. 53 29 Banister, John T Ball, J. E Barr, Adam J B'ack, Joseph E Black, James W Bogie, Thomas D. . . . Brown, John C Brown, B. J Bolts, A. J.. .• Burgess, H. C Burgess. T. J Burgess, I. L Buchanan, Geo. W. . . Baum, Louis Babcock,B.B 52 Boggess, H. C 51 Brown, Chas. W...52 Bohannon, L. C. . .52 Boggess, Henry. . . .52 Bush, George H 52 Bell, Ross P 52 Bates, James F . . .52 Bankston, John T. .52 Bryan, J. H 52 Bowman, J. H 52 Bal linger, Wm. R. .52 Bowen, Chas. L...53 Barham, John L. . .53 Bowman, D. B 53 Burgess, Wm.P. . . .54 Bright, Wm. H 53 Bates, Chas. F., Sr.53 Brown, Alfred A... 51 Brockman, Asa. . . .51 Brown, Thomas A. .51 Bates, R. W 52 Blythe, Wm. R 51 Bailey, Elijah B... 51 Bogart, John 51 Brock, F 53 Bacon, C. B 54 Brock, Wm. H . . .53 Berten, John R. . . .53 Buist, James 51 Brown, Wm. T 51 Brumfield, John F.52 POST-OPFICE. PAGE. Camden 610 Georgeville . . . .699 Orrick 644 Orrick 649 Vibbard 650 Orrick 626 Camden 625 Lawson 661 Lawson 675 Richmond 564 Richmond 526 Richmond 546 Richmond 551 Richmond 540 Richmond 515 Richmond 535 Richmond 544 Richmond 562 Richmond 573 Richmond 574 Richmond 574 Richmond 575 Richmond 580 Hardin 806 Hardin 807 Morton 801 Morton 800 Morton 799 Morton 797 Hardin 796 Morton 795 Hardin 789 Norborne 785 Morton 788 Richmond 593 Wilmot 734 Fox 731 Morton 739 Knoxville 706 Millville 760 Miliville 763 Camden 605 Camden 609 Richmond 622 Vibbard 629 Orrick 646 Orrick 638 Orrick 654 Lawson 659 Lawson 694 Lawson 674 Law.son 682 Missouri City. ..655 Richmond 614 Hardin 808 Child, Jacob T Richmond 513 Crispin, S. R Richmond 516 NAME. TP. R. Conrow, A. H Crain, Wm. A Conrow, Wm. S Creel, M.J Creer, Wm. B 52 26 Clampitt, C. W..^.52 26 Cunningham, O. . . .52 26 Collier, James G. ..52 26 Cunningham, J. F.52 26 Chenault, A. R 51 27 Campbell, James T.53 26 Cato, E . W . , Rev . . 53 26 Clemens, Geo. W..o3 26 Craven, Joseph D. .54 27 Coflman, Martin. . 54 27 Clark, John 54 28 Carter, J. M 53 27 Cramer, J. F 53 27 Craven, R. C 53 27 Crispin, M. W 53 27 Crithfield, M. M...53 27 Cramer, Daniel. .. .53 27 Cramer, John H . . .53 28 Clark. A. D 53 28 Clark, H. J 53 28 Craven, Jacob T . . . 53 28 Campbell, Jeremiah 53 28 Calley, Samuel 53 28 Craven, MB 53 28 Crenshaw, Granville53 28 Cummins, Jas T.. ..52 28 Cooper, Thos M 51 28 Cox, William 5128 Collier, S W 53 29 Creason, Rial 51 29 Canada, Benj. F. . .51 28 Cook, Isaac 53 29 Gates, PH 53 29 Crowley, James M. .53 29 Crowley, William. .54 29. Cleavinger, John. . .53 29 Crowley, Sam'l J Gates, S 1 54 29 Crowley. S N 53 29 Crowlev, John. . . .53 29 Cummins, M B 53 29 Crowley, Thomas.. 53 29 Carpenter, Wm. B.53 26 Dawson. Chas. VV..52 26 Deacy, Thomas M . .52 26 Davis, B F 52 26 Davis, T J 52 26 Davis, S C 52 27 Degraftenreid iS H, 51 29 Duvall, Leonidas. . .53 27 Duval, James Rev 53 27 Dorton, EllaS. . . .51 29 Dorlon, ET 51 29 PaiST-OPFICB. PAOB. Richmond 517 Richmond 528 Richmond 568 Richmond 570 Hardin 807 Hardin 810 Hardin 793 Hardin 783 Hardin 786 Henry 596 Fox 729 Wilmot 734 Fox 735 Taitsville 699 Georgeville 703 Knoxville 712 Millville 750 Millville 749 3Iillville 749 Millville 762 Millville 766 Millville 771 Knoxville 774 Knoxville 781 Knoxville ..'...782 Knoxville 782 Knoxville 783 Rayville 716 Vibbard 719 Knoxville 720 Rayville 604 Camden 612 Richmond 620 Vibbard 649 Orrick 653 Camden 606 Lawson 660 Lawson 661 Lawson 662 Converse 665 Vibbard 692 Lisbonville 670 Lisbon ville 670 Vibbard 679 La\N son 686 Lawson 690 Lawson 692 Fox 737 Hardin 816 Morton 798 Morton 814 Morton 817 Richmond 593 Orrick 643 Millville 755 Millville 776 Orrick 642 Orrick 644 CONTENTS. NAMK. TP. R. Donoveu, A C 53 29 Doniphan, A W Dunn, George W Davis, Nathaniel M D . . Davis, James A Duval. Dan. T Devlin, Joseph H Duncan, B F Dickenson, Oliver T. .. Duvall, J F 53 27 Duval, Isaac 53 27 Esrey, Niles ...52 26 Ewing, George S..52 27 Edgar, 8 C 52 27 Endsley. S V 53 26 Evans, John H 53 26 Ellis, RB 53 27 Evans, Houston 51 28 Elliott, Andrew. ...51 28 Elliott, Arthur 51 28 Endicott, James C. .51 28 Erwin, W R 51 29 Endsley, EM 51 28 Estill, Win,G 53 29 Earhart, Wm 53 29 Esrey, Septer P 52 26 Esteb, Elijah F Ewing. W W Elliott, Richard S..52 Ellis, Robert H ... .53 Frazier, George. . . .51 Flournoy, Wm. H .52 Ferree, Wm W 52 Ferree, Ephraim ... 52 Ferree, F M 53 Flournoy, John S..53 Frazer, John H. . . .51 Frank, George 52 Fowler, MR 54 Finch, Robert H.. .53 Farris, James L Fisher, Wra. D Francis, John W Ferree, Boyd W 53 26 28 POST-OPnCK. PAGE. Vibbard 673 Richmond 498 Richmond 502 Richmond 521 Richmond 522 Richmond 569 Richmond 569 Richmond 576 Richmond 568 Millville 756 Millville 777 Hardin 811 Richmond 592 Richruond 594 Fox 736 Hardin 739 Millville. 753 Camden 604 Camden 614 Richmond 616 Camden 617 Orrick 638 Orrick 628 Vibbard 676 Lawson 687 Hardin 812 Richmond 553 Richmond 553 Swannick 600 Millville 755 Hardin 813 Morton 798 Hardin 792 Morton 784 Fox 727 Millville 769 Orrick 645 Swanwick .... 586 Lisbon ville . . . .670 Lawson 684 Richmond 522 Richmond 566 St. Louis 580 Fox 728 Grandstaff, A 52 26 Grove, John H 22 26 Gasney, John R. . . . 52 56 George, Reuben. . . .51 27 Gentry, BB 53 26 Grimes, John 54 28 Gant, J D 54 28 Gordon, Adrian. . . .54 28 Grimes, John P. . . .53 27 Guy, John 53 27 Grimes, James M. .53 27 Garner, John C 53 28 Gibson, John 52 28 Gaston, CG 51 28 Gofesage, Joseph . . .51 28 Garrett, Wm. C Rev 52 29 Gant, Cyrus D 53 29 Greene, James 53 29 Gorton, TW 50 28 Hardin 812 Hardin 796 Hardin 791 Henry 790 Wilmot 733 Knoxville 705 Knoxville 705 Knoxville 707 Millville 750 Millville 759 Millville 774 Richmond 780 Richmond 600 Camden 607 Richmond 713 New Garden . . . 630 Vibbard 657 Vibbard 658 Orrick 627 NAME. TP. K. Greenawalt, A J... 54 29 Gant, Thomas R. .53 29 Gant, Joseph P.... 53 29 Gordon, George A. .53 29 Gant, Joshua B....53 29 Goodman, John H.53 29 Garner, H C Green, John R Garner, C T Grow, Henry P Garner, James W Hall, John W 52 26 Henderson, Moses. .51 26 Hinman, George B 52 26 Hurst, James R 51 27 Harbison, AD 52 27 Haynes, James P. .52 27 Huskisson Jacob. . .54 26 Haynes, J H 53 27 Hughes, Ami 53 27 Hamil, H. E 5128 Harrison, Jno. L. . .51 28 Happv, Harvey 51 28 Happy, Elijah 51 28 Hamilton, H. B. . . .52 29 Harris, LC 52 29 Hannah, Jos. J 51 29 Hauser, Adam 53 29 Hewlett, Thos. B...52 28 Hines, Joseph R 52 28 Haligan,R. B 50 28 Hattield, H.D 53 29 Hunter, RobtM.... 54 29 Huntsman, W. A. . .53 29 Hightower, Elias...53 29 Holman, L. A 53 29 Holman, J.R 53 28 Hurt, James T 53 29 Hannas, Wm 54 29 Hurt, Wm. J 53 29 Hess, Moses 53 28 Hughes, Joseph S Hughes, James Hughes, Chas. J Hamilton, Jno. R. . . . . Holman, W. A. Hughes, Burnett Hughes, Eli Hamacher, Jno. R Hubbell, Wm. P Hamacher, O. N Harper, Addison. . .53 26 Johnson, James. . . .52 26 Jackson, Andrew J.. 51 28 Jones, Jno. R 52 29 Johnson, Jno. V...52 28 James, W. C 53 29 James, G. W 53 29 James, J. H 54 29 Jackson, Wm. R Jacobs, M. C Johnson, Cii as Jacobs, R. L POST-OPPiCE. PAGE. Lawson 666 Vibbard 672 Vibbard 673 Vibbard 678 Vibbard 679 Lawson 687 Richmond .... 524 Richmond 570 Richmond 538 Richmond 574 Richmond 523 Hardin 805 Hardin 811 Morton 797 Morton 591 Richmond 595 Richmond 595 Tinney's Grove 726 Millville 757 Millville 752 Camden 607 Richmond 616 Camden 618 Richmond 625 Crab Orchard ..631 Orrick 633 Orrick 648 Vibbard 651 Richmond 587 Richmond 588 Orrick 627 Lawson 658 Lawson 663 Lawson 693 Vibbard 677 Vibbard 678 Vibbard 680 Lawson 682 Lawson 683 Lawson 689 Vibbard 691 Richmond 508 Richmond 510 Richmond 511 Richmond 518 Richmond 525 Richmond 558 Richmond 558 Richmond 561 Richmond 563 Richmond . . . .565 Fox ...738 Morton 784 Camden 610 Vibbard 652 Swanwick 589 Lawson 662 Lawson 662 Lisbonville 671 Richmond 527 Richmond 527 Richmond 566 Richmond 579 CONTENTS. King, Jno. S 53 26 Keyes, Thos. H. . . .53 26 Kell, D. W 53 27 Kavanaugh.Chas. B.54 36 Kelmel, Wm 54 28 Kincaid, James 53 37 Kincaid, A. C 53 27 Kincaid, Richie 53 37 Kincaid, A.J 54 38 King, Wm. G 5138 King, Adriel 5138 Kite, Martin V....51 38 Killgrove, J. 0....52 29 Kirkham. Wm. N .51 29 Knight, William... 53 29 Kice, R. P.(D.D.S.).. .. Lentz, James H. . . .53 26 Lentz, Nathan A. . .52 26 Lavelock, Geo. W. .52 26 Lancaster, Wm. F. .52 27 Linvill, Thomas... 54 28 Linvill, John E.... 54 28 Larkev, John 52 28 Lillard, Stanton R. .51 28 Leforgee, Milton S.51 29 Loyd, Anderson D. .51 28 Lile, Thomas H...53 29 Lavelock, Thas. N Moore, John J 52 26 Mapel, Elijah T. . . .52 26 Mcintosh, Thomas. 53 26 Metts, Isaiah 52 26 MeGuire, Sam'i0..52 26 Masou, Samuel O . .52 27 McBee, Franklin. . .53 26 Mason, Robert W.. 52 27 McCuislion, J. H. .53 26 Miller, Robert G Miller, Wintield.... 54 28 McVey,Mrs. Harriet54 28 Milstead. John 54 38 , Morris, Levi 54 28 Mathena, J. S 52 27 Mansur, Isaiah 52 27 Mai tland, Alex 53 27 Magill, Lorenzo S. 53 38 Mullin, Rev. Wm...53 28 Maddux, Julius A. .53 28 Magill, William... 52 28 Magill, Thomas . . .52 28 Merideth, Willis... 51 28 McEnroe, James. . .51 28 Miller, Joseph 51 28 McGinnis, Capt. T.51 28 McGinnis, James T McKissack. Wm. ..51 29 Mitchell, Geo. W. .51 39 McWharter, R. H..51 29 Mason, John 51 29 McGaugh, John J..5129 Mason, Oscar 51 29 Montgomery, G. W.53 29 Miller, Wm. A 53 29 M D.onald, R 54 29 PO.ST-OFPICE. PAGE. Hardin 804 Hardin 788 Richmond 590 MillviUe 724 Knoxville 711 Knoxville 773 Knoxville 773 Knoxville 773 Knoxville 599 Camden 606 Richmond 615 Camden 619 New Garden. . .631 Orrick 643 Vibbard 681 Richmond 557 Hardin 803 Morton 793 Morton 793 Richmond 589 Knoxville 712 Knoxville 695 Richmond .599 Orrick 621 Orrick 636 Orrick 644 Vibbard 680 Richmond 554 Hardin 808 Hardin 810 Hardin 818 Hardin 788 Morton 785 Richmond 590 Fox 730 Richmond 591 Fox 737 673 Knoxville 708 Knoxville 713 Knoxville 697 Knoxville 696 Millville 758 Millville 760 Richmond 770 Richmond 779 Knoxville 715 Richmond 753 Richmond 603 Richmond 606 Camden 610 Camden 613 Camden 614 Richmond 617 Richmond .527 Orrick 634 Orrick 637 Orrick 640 Orrick 647 Orrick 652 Orrick 654 Lawson 659 Vibbard 668 Lisbonville 669 NAMB. TP. R. Moss, A. P 54 29 McDonald, W.G McGaugh, Wm M..53 29 Mellon, John H.... 53 29 Mosby, W.W., M. D McCuistion, Alex. A. . .. Miller, Felix G Marshall. Wm McDonald, M. F Morton, John F Mosby, C. A., M. D Mansur, M., M. D..53 26 Mayes, David T. .. .54 28 POST-OFFICE. PAGE. Lisbonville 669 Lisbonville 671 Vibbard 691 Lawson 691 Richmond .... .549 Richmond 520 Richmond ....559 Richmond 564 Richmond.. ..567 Richmond 569 Richmond. ...579 Fox 743 Knoxville 707 Noble, Lewis H. . . .52 26 Hardin 809 Nelson, Wm. W....53 26 Morton 742 Noel, James B 53 27 Millville 748 Nation, Issa H 53 29 Crab Orchard. .632 Norvell. Maj. J. P Richmond 560 Ohphant, Ralph. . .52 27 Richmond 763 Ogg, Thos. J 52 38 Crab Orchard . .597 Ogg, N. B 53 28 Richmond 598 Olipliant, Alexander. . . . (Deceased) 584 Oster, Leonard G. . .54 26 Wilmot 744 Paxton, S. A Proctor, James B. . . Porter, Jno. C Peeler, Rev. N. B. . Peters, AVm. S Poi)e, Abraham. . . . Pugh, James M . . . Post, Nelson Pettus, Joseph Pickering, Joseph. . Prichard, Robt. A. . Pinckne)^ William. Pigg. N. B Painter, Wm. D. . . . Page, Henry Palmer, C. N Piercey, Milton. . . Porterfield, Thos. J. Patton. Wm. C Patton, Jno. T Palmer, Randolph. Perry, Joseph B. . . Priest, Luke D Perdue, Henry C. 51 29 53 36 53 26 52 27 52 27 53 26 53 26 54 37 53 27 53 38 51 38 51 38 51 39 52 28 52 28 53 29 54 29 51 36 54 26 51 28 51 29 Orrick 656 Hardin 804 Morton 796 Richmond 592 Richmond 596 Fox 729 Morton 738 Georgeville ....703 Millville 774 Richmond 601 Camden 608 Camden 617 Orrick 639 Swanwick 589 Richmond 586 Lawion (»63 Lawson 667 Hardin 806 Richmond 563 Richmcmd 565 Richmond 575 Tinney's Grove. 722 Richmond 624 Orrick 636 Quarles, Wm. M. . .53 27 Millville 751 Quesenberry, D. H Richmond 544 Quesenberry, Jno. P. . . Richmond 572 Roach, Wm. J .....53 36 Reyburn, Jno. D 52 26 Remelins, Frank. . .52 27 Russell, Wm 53 26 Robinson, Silas C..53 26 Rhodes, David B...53 26 Ross, Jno. A 54 26 Ritter, Moses 54 27 Renfro, Henry 53 27 Robertson, Cleason.53 28 Robinson, Geo. E..53 28 Hardin 805 Hardin 816 Richmond 594 Fox 726 Fox 732 Fox 740 Tinney's Grove. 745 Taits%'ille 704 Millville 747 Richmond 714 Vibbard 719 CONTENTS. NAME. TP. K. Russell, J. B 53 28 Rowland, Jesse D. .52 29 Ross, Franklin J... 51 29 Rhodes, Dennis A. .51 29 Rothrock,Tlios.A..51 29 Riffe, Isaac M 51 29 Rimmer, William. .51 29 Riffe, A.J 5128 Remley, Arthur B. .51 28 Ralph, Z.D 51 28 Roberts, Jesse T...54 29 Robinett, E. M 54 29 Raum, Joseph H. . .53 29 Reyburn, Adam K POST-OPPICE. PAGE. Vibbard 720 Orrick 634 Ornck 635 Orrick 637 Orrick 642 Orrick 647 Orrick 649 Orrick 628 Orrick 626 Camden 629 Lawson 695 Lawson 668 Lawson 685 Richmond 578 Hardin 803 Hardin 818 Morton 794 Hardin 790 Hardin 791 Henry 789 Tinney's Grove 724 Fox 737 Fox 741 Georgeville . . . .700 Taitsville 700 Georo-eville 702 Knoxville 710 Millville 758 Millville 76() Millville 769 Millville 775 Richmond 777 Rayvillf 717 Vibbard 718 Vibbard 732 Richmond 585" Crab Orchard. .603 Camden 009 Camden 611 Richmond 633 Orrick 633 Orrick 641 New Garden... 651 Lawson 66 Vibbard 6: Lawson 694 Vibbard 673 Lisbonville 674 Vibbard 676 Vibbard 676 Vibbard 678 Vibbard 680 Lawson 683 (Deceased 688 Lawson 688 (Deceased) 506 Richmond 519 Richmond 519 Richmond 554 Richmond 557 Richmond 560 Richmond 571 Richmond 579 Trigg, Haden 52 26 Hardin 813 Thompson, Austin. 52 26 Morton 793 Seward, Riley V. . . Simmerman, R R. , Spurlock, MM Starr, Alexander. . Starr, John A Sittevman, Henr^ J Shrum, John C Stratton, Daniel H Shirkey, Samuel B. Stephenson, S H . . Switzer, John Sater, Henry W . . . Shimmiu, Thomas Smith, H C Schooler,Nathan H Stanley, Jacob. . . . Schooler, Wm. M . Settle, Hiram P Sloan, Henderson. . Sanderson, George. Smith, Wm. J Smith. Peyton T. . . Searcy, Orvllle H . . Suits, James M. . . . Sacrj', John Stout, Elijah Stevinson, John. . . . Shepard, David B . . Sisk, Allen, Rev. . . Sturgis, Benjamin. . Starkey, John R. . . Stockwell, J M. . . Scantlins;, Henry A Swickard, A P Spencer, Joel F. . . . Scantling, Wm. J. . Sloan, Thomas A Savage, Steplien . . . Smith, Joseph A . . . Smith, Jedediah. . . Smith, Wm. W.... Sevier, Robert Shot well, John W. . Shaw, Thomas L . . . Stone, George A. . . Smith, J W, MD.. Shoop, Joseph S. . . Sevier, Charles , Singleton, W T. . . . 52 26 52 26 53 26 52 36 52 26 51 37 54 26 53 26 53 26 54 37 54 37 54 27 54 38 .53 27 53 37 53 37 53 37 53 37 53 38 53 38 53 28 53 38 53 39 51 38 51 28 5138 51 38 5139 53 39 ,54 29 53 29 54 29 53 39 54 29 53 29 53 29 .53 39 .53 29 53 29 53 39 53 29 POST-OFFICB. PAGE. Knoxville 701 Knoxville 709 Knoxville 697 Knoxville 721 Camden 611 Orrick 641 Orrick 654 Missouri City . .655 Orrick 656 Lawson 667 Lisbonville 674 Vibbard 675 Lawson 681 Lawson 683 Richmond 555 Richmond 555 Richmond 778 Richmond 577 Vanderpool, H 52 38 Richmond ... .583 Vantrump, Reuben. 53 36 Fox 733 Vantrurap, Jacob. .53 36 Fox 746 Vaubebber, James. .53 27 Millville 772 Vaughn, Thos. S. . .52 29 Crab Orchard. .632 Vandeveer, James. .50 28 Orrick 626 NAME. TP. Tait, John 54 Tithn, Jno. C 54 Tiffin, Clayton 54 Teegarden, Aaron . . 53 Thomas, Geo. W...51 Taylor, M.G....'... 51 Tucker, Dan'l H. Sr.51 Tucker, James L. . .51 Tarwater, Samuel . . 51 Thomas, W. F 53 Trout, James M. C.54 Tiffin, Edward P... 53 Turner, John W Thompson, J. B.... 53 Taylor, James D . . . . Trigg, Geo. W Thompson, I). A. . .53 Tompkins, Wm. S... 39 38 Wall,Robt.V Walker, F. J Wright, L. B Williams, W. A. . . , Weekes, Mifflin B., Weekes, Jacob A. . , Wollard, Wm. S... Wollard, Thos. H. Wilson, Wm. T. . . , Walters, Jackson. . , Withers, Wm. P. . . Wells, Andrew Wall, Kedar .* Wood, Robert A. . Wilson, J WC, Sr Wilson, William. . Weigles, John P. . Woodroof, R,H. . . White, Wm. A Jljorley, Willis. . ells, William A. Weber, John E. . . Wood, L H Weakley, J C .... Winger, Griffin. . . Williams, G W S. Wright, C P Watkins, WL Whitmer, David P Woodson, Thos. D. Wasson, George I. Woodson, Philip J Wasson, John A. Yates, Wm.F, MD Yates, James T — Young, Ambrose. . Young Sebron S. . . Young, John T. . . Young, Warren. . . Zeiseness, Henry. . Zur Megede Louis . 53 36 Morton 802 ,52 36 Morton 791 53 26 Morion 787 ,51 27 Henry 789 54 36 Tinney's Grove. 723 54 30 Tinney's Grove. 723 .53 26 Fox 730 .53 26 Fox 741 ,53 26 Fox 747 54 27 Taitsville 701 54 28 Knoxville 710 .53 27 Millville 757 ,53 27 Millville 764 ,53 37 Millville 767 ,53 28 Knoxville 779 .52 28 Richmond .....598 .51 28 Camden 619 .51 28 Orrick 620 .51 28 Richmond 621 5128 Orrick 624 ,51 29 Orrick 639 .52 39 Vibbard 652 51 39 Orrick 653 .53 39 Lawson 660 .54 39 Converse 664 .53 39 Lawson 666 .53 29 Lawson 685 .... Lawson 689 Richmond 539 Richmond 533 Richmond 537 , . . . . Richmond 535 Richmond 529 ,52 26 Morton 802 .51 26 Morton 794 .53 27 Millville 764 ,53 27 Millville 765 .53 27 Millville 765 .53 27 Millville 767 .54 27 Georgeville.. ..698 Richmond 571 ^J-V^jI ^^f ^^.'^ /": (^Icuno^oMjz. . cM-. ^synjjjd^ History of the State of Missouri. PART I.— HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL. INTRODUCTORY. When a book is written, it is presumed that the writer had some object in view and some end to achieve by his labor in collecting the material and writing the book; and it is right that he should put himself on good terms with his readers at the outset by making a brief, but frank and honest statement of his object, plan and purpose in the book which he offers to public patronage. The writer of this History of Missouri has aimed to embody in a brief space the greatest amount of solid and reliable information about things which directly hinge and center upon or within the territory of this State — this international commonwealth, which holds by right divine the royal prerogative of a destiny imperial and grand, if she can acquire or develop human brain and muscle adequate to utilize wisely, honorably and energetically her magnificent natural resources, both of commercial position and of agricultural and mineral wealth. The writer's desire and effort has been to present nothing which would not be read with deep interest by every intelligent citizen of Missouri at the present time; and also stand as a permanent body of information, at once useful and reliable for future reference. Discussion of theories, problems or doubtful matters has been avoided; solid facts have been diligently sought after; and the narrative has been made to embody as many facts and events as possible without falling into the dry-bones method of mere statistical tables. In fact, the limit of space allotted him has compelled the writer to condense, epitomize, shorten up — and therefore continually to repress his desire to embellish the narrative with the graces of rhetoric and the glow of an exuberant and fervid enthusiasm. This, however, secures to the reader more facts within the same space. In preparing this work more than a hundred volumes have been con- sulted, to collate incidents and authenticate dates and facts, besides much matter gathered from original sources and not before embraced in any 1 10 HISTOKy OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. book. It is not presumed that there are no mistakes or errors of state- ment herein made; but it is believed that there are fewer of such lapses than commonly occur with the same amount of data in similar works. The classification of topics is an attempt to give them a consecutive and consistent relative place and order in the book, for convenience of inci- dental reference or of selective reading. PRE-HISTORIC MISSOURI. THE MOUND-BUILDERS, Etc. Every State has a pre-historic history — that is, remains and relics are found which show that the land was inhabited by a race or races of men long before its discovery and occupation by a race sufficiently advanced in the arts of civilization to preserve a written record of their own observations and doings. It is now well established that every portion of the United States was inhabited by a race of men grouped under the general name of " Mound-builders," who preceded the modern hunter tribes called "Indians." It further appears, from all the evidence accumu- lated, that the Mound-builders were a race that made permanent settle- ments, and built earthworks of considerable extent for defense against enemies, both man and beast; also for sepulture, for religious rites, and for memorial art; it is also evident that they cultivated the soil to some extent, made rude textile fabrics and clay pottery, and wrought imple- ments of domestic use, ornaments, charms, toys, pipes, etc., and weapons of war and of the chase, from flint, porphyry, jasper, hornstone, granite, slate, and other varieties of rocks; also from horn, bone, shells, and other animal products; and from native copper. But they had no knowledge of iron, nor any art of smelting copper; they merely took small pieces of the native ore and hammered it cold with their stone tools until it took some rude shape of utilit}^ and then they scoured and polished it to its utmost brilliancy; and it is altogether probable that these articles were only possessed by the chieftains or ruling families. Plates of mica are also found among their remains, with holes for suspension on cords around the neck or bodv; and lumps of galena or lead ore sometimes occur, but these must have been valued merely as trinkets or charms, because of their lustre. Remains of this people are found frequently both on the bluffs and bottom lands of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and, in many States, far inland, also. The first mention of such remains in Missouri is made by a U. S. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 11 exploring expedition under Major S. H. Long, in isl!>. This expedition went in the first steamboat that ever puffed and paddled its way against the switt, muddy current of the Missouri river; ■'^' the boat was named *' Western Engineer,"' but it had a double stern-wheel, or two wheels, one of them named in large letters, '-James Monroe," and the other "John C. Calhoun," in honor of the then President and Secretary of War. This steamer had to stop at St. Louis for some repairs; and two members of the expedition, Messrs. Thomas Say and T. R. Peale, improved the time by surveying a group of twenty-seven ancient mounds which occu- pied ground that is now all covered over by the modern city of St. Louis. This occurred in June, 1819; Mr. Say prepared a map of the mounds and a brief account of them, and this appears to be the first authentic record of such ancient works within the territory now constituting the State of Missouri; his notes on these mounds were published in 1S23, in the report of Major Long's expedidon, but his map of them was never published until 1862, when it appeared on page 387 of the " Smithsonian Report" for the ^-ear 1861. In his account Mr. Say says: "Tumuli and other remains of the labors of nations of Indians (?) that inhabited this region manv ages since are remarkably numerous about St. Louis. Those tumuli immediately northward of the town and within a short distance of it, are twenty-seven in number, of various forms and magnitudes, arranged nearly in a line from north to south. The common form is an oblong square, and they all stand on the second bank of the river. * ''■' It seems probable these piles of earth were raised as cemeteries, or they may have supported altars tor religious cer- emonies." It was from these mounds that St. Louis derived her pseudonym of the "Mound City"; but this name is now almost entirely obsolete, since the city has risen up to claim the prouder title of " Inter-Metropolis of North America". When the largest one of the mounds was leveled some skeletons were found, and some thick discs with holes through them; they had probably served as beads, and were wrought from shells of a spe- cies of fresh water clam or mussel. Numerous specimens of wrought flints were found between St. Louis and Carondelet, in 1860; and in 1861 an ancient flint shovel was dug up while building military earthworks. In Mississippi county, in the southeastern corner of the State, there is a group of mounds covering ten acres, in section 6, t. 24, r. 17, varying from ten to thirty feet in height. About 1855 these mounds were explored by two gentlemen from Chicago, and they found some pottery, with men represented upon its sides: one figure appeared to be a priest or some official personage, as shown by his head-dress, and the other * Campbell's History of Howard County says: " May 28th. 1819, the first steamboat— the 'Independence,' Capt. Nelson, time from St. Louis, including all stops, twelve days — landed at Franklin on her way up the [Missouri] river." Thus it seems that Major Long's boat was really the second one to go up, although in most histories it is mentioned as the first — and it was the first that went up any great distanee. 12 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. represented a captive bound with thongs. Both figures showed the peculiar contour of head and features which marks the mound-builder race. In December, 1868, some laborers engaged in grading Sixth street, in East St. Louis, dug up a nest of unused flint hoes or shovels, and another deposit of shells with string-holes worked in them, and another deposit of boulders of flint and greenstone, ready to make more tools or weapons from. These deposits were on high ground, and about half-way between two ancient mounds. In 1876 or 1877 some ancient mounds were discovered on the banks of the Missouri river near Kansas City. They were in groups of three and five together, at different points for five miles up and down the river. Some were built entirely of earth, and some had a rude stone chamber or vault inside, but covered with earth so that all looked alike outside. They were of an irregular oval shape, from four to six feet high, and had heavy growths of timber on top. Mr. W. H. R. Lykins, of Kansas City, noticed a burr-oak tree five feet in diameter, growing on top of one of them, and the decayed stump of a black walnut of about the same size, on another. In describing the exploration of some of these mounds Mr. Lykins gives some points that will be of interest to every one. He says : " We did not notice an}^ very marked peculiarity as to these bones except their great size and thickness, and the great prominence of the supraciliary ridges. The teeth were worn down to a smooth and even surface. The next one we opened was a stone mound. On clearing oH the top of this we came upon a stone wall inclosing an area about eight feet square, with a narrow opening for a doorway or entrance on the south side. The wall of this inclosure was about two feet thick; the inside was as smootli and compactly built and the corners as correctly squared as if constructed by a practical workman. No mortar had been used. At a depth of about two feet from the top of the wall we found a layer of five skeletons lying with their feet toward the south." * None of the other walls examined were so skilfully laid as this one. The bones were crumbly, and only a few fragments were preserved by coating them well with varnish as quickly as possible after they were exposed to the air. One stone enclosure was found full of ashes, char- coal and burnt human bones, and the stones and earth of which the mound was composed all showed the effects of fire. Hence it is pre- sumed that this was either a cremation furnace or else an altar for human sacrifices — most probably the latter. Some fragments of pottery were found in the vicinity. L. C. Beck in 1823t reported some remains in the territory now con- stituting Crawford county, Missouri, which he thought showed that there * Smithsonian Report, 1877, p. 253. f Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri, published by L. C. Beck, in 1832-23. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 13 was in old time a town there, with streets, squares, and houses built with stone foundations and mud walls. He also mentions the ruins of an ancient stone building described to him. by Gen. Ashley, as situated on a high cliff on the west side of the Gasconade river. And another one said to be in Pike count}-, is thus described: "It presents the dilapidated remains of a building constructed of rough, unhewn stones, fifty-six feet long and twenty-two broad, embracing several divisions and chambers. The walls are from two to five feet high. Eighty rods eastward of this structure is found a smaller one of similar construction. The narrow apartments are said to be arched with stone, one course overlapping the other, after the manner of the edifices of Central America." I. Dille, Esq., of Newark, Ohio, reported that he had examined some of these pre-historic town ruins, in the vicinity of Mine-la-Motte and Fredericktown, in Madison county, Missouri. He speaks of them as groups of small tumuli, and says: "I have concluded they are the remains of mud houses. They are always arranged in straight lines, with broad streets intervening between them, crossing each other at right angles. The distance apart varies in different groups, but it is always uniform m the same group. '^ * I have counted upwards of two hundred of these mounds in a single group. Arrow heads of jasper and agate, and axes of sienitj and porphyry have been found in their vicinity." * Mounds or other pre-historic structures have been found on Spencer's creek in Ralls count}-; on Cedar creek in Boone county; on Crow's Fork and other places in Callaway county ; near Berger Station in Franklin county; near Miami in Saline county; on Blackwater river in John- son county; on Salt river in Pike county; on Prairie Fork in Mont- gomery county; near New Madrid; and in many other parts of the State. The class of ancient ruins, partly built of stone, said to exist in Clay, Crawford, Pike and Gasconade counties, Missouri, are not found further north, but are frequent enough further south, and are supposed to indicate a transitional period in the development of architectural knowledge and skill, from the grotesque earth-mounds of Wisconsin to the well-finished adobe structures of New Mexico, and the grander stone ruins of Yucatan. But, no matter what theory we adopt with regard to these pre-historic relics, the present citizens of Missouri can rest assured that a different race of human beings lived and flourished all over this region of country, hundreds — yes, thousands of years ago, and that they were markedly different in their modes of life from our modern Indians. * Many large and costly works have been published by scientists, devoted to the general subject of Pre-Historic Man; but of cheap and popular works for the general reader, the best are Foster's " Pre-Hisioric Races of the United States" ; and Baldwin's " Ancient America". 14 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. And there are at least two discoveries known which show that these people were here before the extinction of the mastodon, or ^reat American elephant. In the "Transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences," 1857, Dr. Kock reports that in the year 1839 he dug up in Gasconade ■county [as that county then was] the bones of a mastodon, near the Bourbeuse river. The skeleton of this gigantic creature was buried in such a position as to show that it had got its hind legs down in a bog so deeply that it could not climb out, although its fore feet were on dry ground. The natives had attacked it with their flint arrows and spears, most of which were found in a broken condition; but they had finally managed to build a big fire so close to its head as to burn it to death, the head-bones and tusks beincf found all burnt to coals. The account of this discovery was first printed in the Philadelphia Presbyterian^ Jan. 12, 1839, and copied into the "American Journal of Science " the same year. The authenticity of the incident has been disputed, on the assumed ground that man did not exist as long ago as when the mastodon roamed •over these pre-historic plains; but science now has indisputable evidence that man existed even in the Tertiary age of the geological scale, (see note to chart in chapter on Geology) long before the glacial epoch; hence that objection has no force at present. Dr. Koch further reports that about a year after unearthing the Gas- conade county monster, he again found in the bottom land of the Pom- me-de-Terre river, in Benton county, a nearly complete skeleton of the ^reat extinct beast called Missourium, with arrow-heads under it in such a way as to show beyond question that they were made and used while the animal was alive. This skeleton is now in the British Museum. ''■ Human footprints have been found in the rocks at De Soto in Jefferson county, also in Gasconade county, and at St. Louis. H. R. Schoolcraft, in his book of travels in the Mississippi river country in 1821, said of these footprints: "The impressions in the stone are, to all appearance, those of a man standing in an erect posture, with the left foot a little advanced, and the heels drawn in. The distance between the heels, by accurate measurement, is 6^ inches and between the extremities of the toes 13|- inches. The length of these tracks is 10^ inches; across the toes 4rl inches as spread out, and but 2^ at the heel." Our eminent U. S. Senator, Thomas H. Benton, wrote a letter April 29th, 1822, in which he says: "The prints of the human feet which you mention, I have seen hundreds of times. They were on the uncovered hmeslone rock in front of the town of St. Louis. The prints were seen when the country was first settled, and had the same appearance then as now. No tradition can tell anything about them. They look as old as the rock. They have the same fine polish which the attrition of the * See F. ster's " Pro-Historic Races of the United States," pp. 62-3-4-5-6. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 15 sand and water has made upon the rest of the rock which is exposed to their action. I have examined them often with great attention. They are not handsome, but exquisitely natural, both in the form and position. * * A block 6 or 8 feet long and 3 or 4 feet wide, containing the prints, was cut out by j\Ir. John Jones, in St. Louis, and sold to Mr. Rappe, of New Harmony, Indiana."* Prof. G. C. Broadhead, and some other writers, think these were not natural impression of human feet, but sculptures made by hand. This theory requires a belief that the pre-historic men of Missouri had tools with which thev could cut the most delicate lines in hard rocks; and that they studied the human form in its finest details ot muscular action and attitude, and had the art of sculpturing these things so as to look '"'■ exqui- sitely natural^'' as Col. Benton expresses it — thus rivalling, if not excelling the most famous sculptors of ancient Greece; all of which is wholly incon- sistent with the known facts. And besides this, there is no better geolog- ical reason for doubting their genuineness as natural footprints, than there is in the case of the famous bird and reptile tracks in the sandstones of Connecticut, or those found by Prof. Mudge in Kansas, in 1873. There is no valid reason, either of an aesthetic, historical, or scientific nature, for pronouncing them anything but just what they show themselves to be — fossil footprints of a man wno ^tood in the mud barefooted; and in course of time that mud became solid stone, preserving his footprints just as he left their exact impression in the plastic material. THE WHITE RACE IN MISSOURI. SPANISH AND FRENCH DISCOVERERS. In 1512 the Spanish adventurer Ponce de Leon discovered Florida; and at this time and for some years after the old countries of Europe were filled with the wildest and most extravagant stories about the inexhaustible mines of gold, silver and precious stones that existed in the country north of the Gulf of Mexico ; also of great and populous cities containing fabulous wealth, beyond what Pizarro and Cortes had found in Peru and Mexico. And besides all this, the "fountain of perpetual youth," which all Europe had gone crazy after, about this time, was supposed to be in that region. Indeed, it can hardl}- be doubted that the Spaniards in Mexico had gathered from the natives some inkling of the wonderful healing waters now known as * Sec Smithsonian Report, 1879, pp. 357-58. Also "American Antiquities," by Josiah, Priest, 1833, pp. 1850-51-52. 16 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Hot Springs, x\rkansas, and the brilliant quartz crystals found in that region, as well as the glittering ores of Missiouri. Ferdinand de Soto was a wealthy cavalier who had won fame as a leading commander in Pizarro's conquest of Peru; he imbibed deeply the current imaginings about the undiscovered wonders of the new worlds and was eager to immortalize his name by bringing to his king and coun- try the glory of still more important conquests and discoveries; and he especially desired to tind the supposed " fountain of perpetual youth."" Accordingly, in 1538 he received permission from the king of Spain to conquer Florida at his own cost — - " Florida '' then meaning all the unknown country from the Gulf of Mexico to the Northern ocean. He collected a band of more than six hundred young bloods who were able to equip themselves in. all the gorgeous trappings and splendor of a Span- ish cavalier dress parade, and with this plumed and tinselled troupe, very like the ^rand entree riders of a modern circus, he landed in Tampa Bay^ Florida, in 1539. From here he boldly struck out into the interior, wan- dering about and pushing forward with dogged perseverance, in spite of bogs and streams and bluffs; in spite of tangling thickets and dense for- ests; in spite of heats and rains; in spite of the determined hostility of the natives — until in May, 1541, he discovered the Great River, a few miles below where the cily of Memphis now stands; and ihus he made his name memorable for all lim<^. After some delay, to construct boats, they crossed the river and pushed on northward as far as where the city of New Madrid now stands; and this was the lirst time that the eyes of white men looked upon any portion of the soil now^ comprised within the State of Missouri.* But, so fruitless was this visit that no while man set foot within our present State boundary again until one hundred and thirty-twO' years afterward, when the French missionaries, IMarquette and Jolict, came from the great lakes down the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers, to the mouth of the Missovu-i, in June, K573. This was the iirst time white men had beheld the waters of this great stream, and they named it Pcki- tonoui^ox "Muddy Water River". It was known by this name until about 1710 or 1712, when it began to be called " the river of the Mis- souris," referring to a tribe of Indians that dwelt at its mouth, chiefly on the lands now comprised in St. Louis county. Marquette and Joliet went on down the river as far south as the mouth of the Arkansas river, of course making several camping stops on Missouri soil, and discovering the Ohio river. From the Arkansas they returned northward the same way they * De Soio and his army came into Missoari Irom the south, twice crossing the Ozark mountains. He spent the winter of 1541-42 in Vernon county, in the extreme western part of the State. Ruins of their winter camp structures and smelting operations are still found there. They melted lead ore for silver, and the glittering, lustrous, yellow, zinc blende or Srailhsonite for gold; but were deeply disgusted to find at last that they had been handling only the basest metals. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF INHSSOURI. 17 came down, and reached Green Bay, Wisconsin, acrain in September of that year — 1673. The next visit of white men to this State was in 1682. In 1678 the French had built a fort with a missionary station and trading post, near where the cit}^ of Peoria, Ills., now stands. During the winter of 1681 -82, Robert de la Salle made preparations, first in Canada, and then at this Illinois fort, to explore the Mississippi river to its mouth. He left the fort with a company of twenty Frenchmen, eighteen Indian men and ten squaws, in such boats and canoes as he could provide. They rowed down the Illinois river and reached its mouth on the 6th of February; a few days were spent here making observations, repairing boats, preparing food, and establishing signals that they had been there and taken posses- sion of the land in the name of their great king. By February 13th La Salle was ready to push on, and started with his little fleet to solve the great mj^stery of a navigable waterway to the Gulf of Mexico. Of course this expedition passed along the eastern border of Missouri, but no points are mentioned to identify any landing which they may have made within our State. Early in April La Salle accomplished the grand object of his ven- ture by discovering the three principal mouths of the Mississippi; and on the nearest firm dry land he could find from the mouth he set up a col- umn bearing the cross and the royal arms of France, while the whole company performed the military and religious rites of lo3-alty to their king and country — and La Salle himself, acting as chief master of cere- monies, in a clear, loud voice proclaimed that he took possession of all the country between the great gulf and the frozen ocean, "in the name of the most high, mighty and victorious prince, Louis the Great, by the grace of God king of France and Navarre, lith of the name, this 9th day of April, 1682." In honor of his sovereign he named the whole vast region Louisiana — that is, Louis' land, and named the river itself St. Louis. And thus it was that our State of Missouri first became a part of historic Louisiana, and passed under the nominal ownership and authority of France. The next historic appearance of white men within our State was in 1705. The French settlers in this vast new country had kept themselves entirely on the east side of the Mississippi river; but during this year they sent an exploring party up the Missouri river in search of gold; it prospected as far as the mouth of the Kansas river, jvhere Kansas City now stands, without finding anj^thing valuable, and returned disheartened and disgusted. On September 14, 1712, the king of France, Louis XIV, gave to a wealthy French merchant named Anthon}^ Crozat, a royal patent of " all the country drained by the waters emptying directly or indirectly into the Mississippi, which is all included in the boundaries of Louisiana." Crozat appointed his business partner, M. de la Motte, governor, and he 18 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. arrived in 1713; Kaskaskia, Illinois, was then the provincial headquarters, and source of supplies for Upper Louisiana, which was also sometimes called Illinois; but New Orleans was the nominal seat of government for the whole Louisiana territory. The old town of Mine-la-Motte, in Mad- ison county, commemorates this first governor. Crozat expected to find inexhaustible mines of gold and silver in this territory, and spent immense sums of money in vain efforts to attain his object. Practical miners were sent everywhere that the natives reported any glittering substance to exist. The explorers found iron, zinc, copper, lead, mica, pyrites, quartz crystals, etc., in great abundance, but no gold, silver or diamonds; and after five years of disastrous failure and disappointment, in 1717, Crozat returned his luckless charter to the king. Next, in 1716 an adventurous Scotchman named John Law, got up a grand scheme for making everybody rich without work, and induced the French king and court and people to engage in it. This wild financial venture is known in history as the " Mississippi bubble," the " South Sea bubble," etc. The charter of Louisiana and monopoly of all its trade was given to a corporation, called the " Company of the West," whose cap- ital stock was to be 100,000,000 francs, with power to issue stock in small shares, and establish a bank, etc. Shares rose to twenty times their original value, and the bank's notes, though essentially worthless, were in circulation to the amount of more than $200,000,000. Law himself sunk $500,000 in the scheme; but it bursted, as bodiless as a bag of wind; while he, the originator and manager of it, had to escape from Paris for his life, and died poor at Venice in 1729. In 1731 the charter of Louis- iana was again returned to the crown. However, the excitement over this great scheme for making fabulous wealth out of nothing, had brought many adventurous Frenchmen into the territor}^ as gold-hunters, who failing in that, worked some of the lead mines, and sent their pro- ducts back to Europe. In 1720 or 1721, an enterprising Frenchman named Renault took charge of a large lead mining enterprise. He brought M. La Motte, who was a professional mineralogist, with about two hundred expert miners and metallurgists, and five hundred negroes, to develop the mineral wealth that actuall}^ did exist. He made his headquarters at Fort de Char- tres, on the Illinois side, ten miles above St. Genevieve, and sent out explor- ing and working parties to locate mining camps west of the Great River. Mine-la-Motte, in Madison county, was one of the first of these loca- tions; also Potosi and Old Mine in Washington county; and many others. In 1765 a few families located at Potosi. Much of the mining was surface work — hence, scattered and transitory; and their smelting operations were merely to melt the ore in a wood fire and then clear away the ashes and gather up the lumps of lead. This was carried to HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 19 the river on pack-horses or on rude ox-carts, and thence shipped to New Orleans by fleets of drifting keel-boats, which returned laden with for- eign goods. Many of the immigrants of this period also engaged in agriculture, especially in Illinois, so that there really began to be a settled occupation of the country, as a final outcome of the greatest speculative delusion known to history. Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World says: " Fort Orleans, near where Jefferson City now stands, was built by the French in 1T19"; this was a temporary safeguard for John Law's crazy gold-hunters, but did not make a permanent settlement. Kaskaskia, now in Randolph county. Ills., was settled by the French in 1673, and was for about a century the metropolis of the vast territory sometimes called "Upper Louisiana," sometimes "Illinois," and sometimes the "Northwestern Territory." And in 1735 some emigrants from Kaskaskia, moved across the Great River and made a settlement at what is now St. Genevieve, Missouri, which was the first permanent white settlement made and maintained within the State; the previous adventurers in search of min- eral wealth had located mining camps at several points, but had not established any permanent town or trading post. The next settlement that can be historically traced to its origin was that of St. Louis. A Frenchman named Pierre Liguest Laclede,* who lived in New Orleans in 17G2, organized the " Louisiana Fur Company," under a charter from the director-general of the province of Louisiana ; this charter gave them the exclusive right to carry on the fur trade with the Indians bordering on the Missouri river, and west of the Mississippi, " as far north as the river St. Peter" (the same that is now called the Min- nesota river, and empties into the Mississippi at Fort Snelling). Laclede seems to have formed a definite plan and purpose to estabhsh a permanent trading post at some point in Upper Louisiana, for he made up a company of professional trappers, hunters, mechanics, laborers, and boatmen, and with a supply of goods suitable for the Indian trade, they left New Orleans in August, 1763, bound for the mouth of the Missouri river. The manner of navigating these boats against the current of the Missis- sippi for a distance of 1,19-1 miles, was of the most rude, primitive and laborious sort. Sometimes when the wind was favorable they could sail a little; but the main dependence was by means of push-poles and tow- ropes. The boats were long and narrow, with a plank projecting six or eight inches on each side. The boat would of course keep near the shore; a man at each side, near the bow of the boat, would set his pole on the river bottom, then brace his shoulder against the top of the pole with * Campbell's Gazetteer of Missouri says this man's family name was Liguest ; B. Gratz Brown gives it in Johnson's Cyclopedia as Lingueste; but the man himself appears to have written his name Laclede, of the firm of Laclede, Moxan & Co., who constituted the historic "Louisiana Fur Company." 20 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. all his might, and as the boat moved under him he would walk along the narrow plank until he reached the stern, and the boat had thus been propelled forward the distance of its length ; then he would walk back to the bow, dragging his pole along in the water, set it on the bottom and push again as before. And thus it was that the rugged pioneers of civilization in the new world for more that a hundred years navigated the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, and some other rivers, with what were in later years called keel-boats. But sometimes, for a rest, or when the beach was favorable, a gang of men would go ashore with a long rope attached to the boat, and thus tow it along against the current, or they would tie the forward end to a tree or snag and let those on the boat pull in the rope and thus draw the boat along — meanwhile those on shore going ahead with another rope, making another tie — and so on; this was called "warping"; but when it was necessary to cross the stream they had recourse to oars or paddles. It took Laclede three months in this way to get from New Orleans up to St. Genevieve, or Fort de Chartres, the military post on the east side a few miles further up the river, where he arrived on the third of November. Here he left his goods and part of his company, but taking a few picked men, he himself pushed on to the mouth of the Missouri. He seems to have had a sort of prophetic forecast that this was the right spot to locate the future trading post for all that vast region of country which was drained by the twoprin-' cipal great rivers of the new world. At the mouth of the Missouri he found no site that suited him for a town, and he turned back' down the Mississippi, carefully exploring the west bank until he reached the high, well protected and well drained location where the city of St. Louis now stands. This was the nearest spot to the mouth of the Missouri which at all met his idea, and he began at once to mark the place by chopping notches in some of the principal trees. This was in December, 1763. He then returned to the fort and pushed on his preparations for the new' settlement, saying enthusiastically to the officers of the fort that he had "found a situation where he was going to plant his colony; and the site was so fine, and had so man}^ advantages of position for trade with all this region of country, that it might in time become one of the finest cities in America^ Early in February, 1764, a company of thirty men, in charge of Aucruste Chouteau, set out from Fort de Chartres and arrived at the chosen spot on the 14th. The next day all hands went to work clearing the ground and building a storehouse for the goods and tools, and cabins for their own habitation. In April Laclede himself joined them and pro- ceeded to lay out the village plat, select a site for his own residence, and name the town Saint Louis, in honor of his supposed sovereign, Louis XV. This very territory had been yielded up to Spain in 1762, but these loyal HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 21 Frenchmen in naming their new town after the French king never dreamed that they were then and for nearly two years had been Spanish subjects, instead of French; the unwelcome news had reached New Orleans in the same month, April, but did not arrive at §t. Louis until late in the year; and when it came the inhabitants were appropriately wroth and indignant, for they hated Spain with a fighting hatred. However, the change made very little practical ditlerence to the town or its people. In 1763 all the French possessions on the east side of the Mississippi river, and also Canada, had been ceded to England, but it was late in 1764 before the English authorities arrived to take possession of Kaskaskia, or Fort de Chartres, and other military posts ; and when they did come, many of the French settlers moved over to St. Louis, giving it a consid- erable start, both in population and business. The Indians, too, being generally more friendly toward the French than the English, came over to St. Louis to trade their peltries, instead of going to Kaskaskia, as they had formerly done; and this fact gave the new town a powerful impulse. From this time forward new settlements began to spring up within our present boundaries. New Bourbon was settled in 17S9. In 1762 a hunter named Blanchette built a cabin where the city of St. Charles now stands, and lived there many y fears; but just when the place began to be a town or village does not appear to be known. However, in 1803, St. Charles county was organized, and then comprised all the territory lying north of the Missouri and west of the Mississippi; thus taking in all of north Missouri, and the entire States of Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, and on west to the Pacific ocean. This was the largest single " county " ever known in the world, and St. Charles city was the county seat. In 1781 the Delaware Indians had a considerable town where New Madrid now stands ; and that year Mr. Curre, a fur trader of St. Louis, established a branch house here. In 1788 a colony from New Jersey settled here, and laid out a plat for a large city, giving it the name of New Madrid, in honor of the capital of Spain. But they never reahzed their high hopes of building up a splendid city there. Among the historic incidents of early settlement worthy of mention at this point, is the case of Daniel Boone, whose hunter life in Kentucky forms a staple part of American pioneer history. Boone came to this territory in 1797, renounced his citizenship in the United States, and took the oath of allegiance to the Spanish crown. Delassus was then the Spanish governor; and he appointed Boone commander of a fort at Femme Osage, now in the west part of St. Charles county. He roamed and hunted over the central regions of Missouri the rest of his life, and it was for a long period called the " Boone's Lick country," from some salt licks or springs which he discovered and his sons worked, and which were choice hunting grounds because deer and other animals came there 22 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. to lick salt. Col. Boone died Sept. 26, 1820, in St. Charles county, but was buried in Marthasville in Warren county, as was his wife also. Their bones were subsequently removed to Frankfort, Kentucky. THE AMERICAN PERIOD. In 1801 the territory west of the Mississippi was ceded back to France by Spain; in 1803 President Jefferson purchased from the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the entire territory of Louisiana, for $15,- 000,000; the formal transfer was made at New Orleans, December 20, 1803. On the 26th of March, 1804, Congress passed an act dividing this vast accession into two parts, the lower one being named the "Terri- tory of Orleans," with its capital at New Orleans; the upper division was called the " District of Louisiana," with its capital at St. Louis. This latter district comprised the present State of Arkansas and all from that north to nearly the north line of Minnesota, and west trom the Mis- sissippi river to the Rocky Mountains. Don Carlos Dehault Delassus had been the last Spanish governor at St. Louis, and no change was made after its re-cession to France, until in March, 1804, when he delivered the keys and the public documents of his governorship to Capt. Amos Stoddard, of the United States arm}-, who immediately raised the first American flag that ever floated west of the Mississippi river, over the government buildings at St. Louis. There it has floated proudly and uninterruptedly ever since, and there it will float until St. Louis becomes the central metropolis and seat of empire of the entire North American continent. It should be mentioned here that the war of the American Revolution did not involve any military operations as far west as the Mississippi river; hence the little French fur-trading village of St. Louis was not affected by the clash of arms which was raging so desperately through all the States east of the Ohio river. But the success of the colonies in this unequal conflict gave them control of all south of the river St. Lawrence and the great lakes, as far west as the Mississippi river; and when Napo- leon had sold to the new republic the extensive French possessions west of the Mississippi, he remarked that this accession of territory and con- trol of both banks of the Mississippi river would forever strengthen the power of the United States; and said he, with keen satisfaction, "I have given England a maritime rival that will sooner or later humble her pride." On the 3d of March, 1805, Congress passed at act to organize the Territory of Louisiana; and President Jefferson then appointed as territo- rial governor, Gen. James Wilkinson; secretary, Frederick Bates; judges. Return J. Meigs and John B. Lucas. Thus civil matters went on, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 23 and business increased rapidly. When the United States took pos- session of this district or territory it was reputed to contain nine thous- and white inhabitants and about three thousand nef:froes. The first cen- sus of 5r. Louis was taken in 1799, and it then had 897 inhabitants. This is presumed to have included the village of Carondelet also, which was started as a rival town soon after the founding of St. Louis. In June, 1812, Congress passed another act with regard to this new country, and this time it was named the Territory of Missouri, instead of Louisiana. The President was to appoint a governor; the people were to elect representatives in the ratio of one for every five hundred white male inhabitants; this legislative body or lower house, was to nominate to the President eighteen of their own citizens, and from those he was to select and commission nine to form a senate or legislative council. The house of representatives was to consist of thirteen members at first; they were to hold their office two years, and must hold at least one legislative session at Saint Louis each year. The territory was also authorized to send one delegate to Congress. In October, 1812, the first territorial election was held, and these peo- ple experienced for the first time in their lives the American privilege of choosing their own law-makers. There were four candidates for Con- gress, and Edward Hempstead was elected. He served two years from December 7th, 1812; then Rufus Easton served two years; then John Scott two years; Mr. Easton was one of the four candidates at the first election ; and Mr. Scott was one of the members from St. Genevieve of the first legislative council. The first body of representatives met at the house of Joseph Robidoux, in St. Louis, on December 7th, and consisted of the following members: From St. Charles — John Pitman, Robert Spencer. St. Louis — David Musick, B. J. Farrar, Wm, C. Carr, Richard Caulk. St. Genevieve — George Bullet, R. S. Thomas, Isaac McGready. Ca-pe Girardeau — G. F. Ballinger, Spencer Byrd. New Madrid — John Shrader, Samuel Phillips. They were sworn into office by Judge Lucas. Wm. C. Carr of St. Louis, was elected speaker. The principal business of this assembly was to nominate the eighteen men from whom the President and U. S. Sen- ate should select nine to constitute the legislative council; they made their nominations and sent them on to Washington, but it was not known until the next June who were selected. June 3d, 1813, the secretary and acting governor, Frederick Bates, issued a proclamation declaring who had been chosen by the President as the council of nine, and the}^ were — From St. Charles — James Flaugherty, Benj. Emmons. St. Louis — Auguste Chouteau, Sr., Samuel Hammond. St. Genevieve — John Scott, James Maxwell. 24 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Cafe Girardeau — Wm. Neely, Joseph Cavener. JVezv Madrid — Joseph Hunter. In July of this year the newly appointed governor, Wm. Clarke, took his seat, and held it until Missouri became a State in 1820.'^ December, 1813, the second session of the territorial legislature was convened in St. Louis, and continued until January- 19, 181-1. This vear the second territorial election occurred, and the new general assembly met December 5, this being the third sitting of the territorial legisla- ture. The fourth commenced in November, 1815, and continued until about the last of Januarv, 1S16. And it was during this session that the common law of England, and her general statutes passed prior to the fourth year of James I, were adopted as the laws of Missouri, except such changes as were necessary to phrase them for the United States and its system of government, instead of England. April 29, 1816, Congress again legislated for this territory, and pro- vided that the legislative council or senate should be elected by the peo- ple instead of being appointed by the President; that the legislature should meet biennially instead of annually; and that the U. S. judges should be requil-ed to hold regular terms of circuit court in each county. The fifth legislative session (being the first under this act) met the first week in December of this year, and continued until February 1, 1817. Then there was no further legislation until the regular biennial session which met about December first, 1818. But during 1817, Henry S. Gayer, Esq., compiled a digest of all the laws, including those of French, Spanish, English and American origin, which were still in force in this territory. This was a very important work, in view of the fact that there were land titles and instances of property inheritance deriving their legal verity from these different sources; and it was now desirable to get all titles and vestitures clearly set upon an American basis of law and* equity. The next or sixth session of the legislature continued through December, 1818, and January, 1819; and the most important thing done was applying to Congress for Missouri to be admitted as a State. John Scott, of St. Genevieve county, was then the territorial delegate in Congress, and presented the application. A bill was introduced to authorize the people of Missouri to elect delegates to a convention which should frame a State constitution. The population of Missouri territory at this time (or when the first census was taken, in 1821,) consisted of 59,393 free white inhabitants and 11,254 slaves. A member of Congress from New York, Mr. Talmadge, offered an amendment to the proposed bill, providing that slavery should be excluded from the proposed new State. This gave rise to hot and angry debate for nearly two * Gov. Clarke died Sept. 31, 1838, at St. Louis. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 25 years, and which at times seemed to threaten an immediate dissolution of the- National Union. But the strife was finally quieted by the adoption in Congress on March 6, 1820, of what is famous in histor}^ as the " Mis- souri Compromise," by which it was agreed that Missouri might come into the Union as a slave-holding State; but that slavery should never be established in any State which might thereafter be formed from lands lying north of latitude 36 deg. 30 min. The elections were held for dele- gates, the constitutional convention met at St. Louis, accepted the terms of admission prescribed by Congress, and on July 19th, 1820, Missouri took her place as one of the sovereign States of the National Union. MISSOURI AS A STATE. July 19, 1820, Missouri laid oiT the vestments of territorial tutelage and put on the matronly robes of mature statehood, as the constitutional conven- tion was authorized to frame the organic law and give it immediate force without submitting it to a vote of the people, and this constitution stood in force without any material change until the free State constitution of 1865 was adopted. The first general election under the constitution was held in August, 1820, at which time Alexander McNair was chosed gov- ernor and John Scott representative in Congress. Members of legisla- ture had been chosen at the same time, comprising fourteen senators and forty three representatives; and this first general assembly of the State convened in St. Louis in the latter part of September. The principal thing of historic interest done by this assembly was the election to the United States Senate of Thomas H. Benton, who continued there unin- terruptedly until 1851, a period of thirty years, and was then elected in 1852 as representative in Congress from the St. Louis district. The other senator elected at this time was David Barton, who drew the "short term," and was re-elected in 1824. EPITOMIZED SUMMARY OF EVENTS AND DaTES. Application made to Congress for a state government March 16, 1818, and ^December 18, 1818. — A bill to admit was defeated in Congress, which was introduced February 15, 1819. — Application made to Congress for an enabling act, December 29, 1819. — Enabling act (known as the Missouri Compromise) passed by Congress March 6, 1820. — First state constitution formed July 19, 1820. — Resolution to admit as a state passed Senate December 12, 1820; rejected by the House February 14, 1821. — 2 26 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Conditional resolution to admit approved March 2, 1821. — Condition accepted by the legislature of Missouri and approved by governor, June 26, 1821. — By proclamation of the President, admitted as a state August 10, 1821. The State capital was first at St. Louis; then at St. Charles about five years; but on October 1st, 1826, it was moved to Jefferson City, and has remained there ever smce. COUNTIES AND POPULATION. The first census of the State was taken in September, 1821, and showed the population by counties as follows: Boone county 3,692 Calloway 1,797 Cape Girardeau 7,852 Chariton 1,426 Cole 1,028 Cooper 3,483 Franklin 1,928 Gasconade 1,174 Howard 7,321 Jefferson 1,838 Lillard (afterward called La- fayette) 1,340 Lincoln 1,674 Marion 1,907 Montgomery 2,032 New Madrid 2,444r Perry 1,599 Pike 2,677 Ralls 1,684 Ray 1,789 Saline 1,176 St. Charles 4,058 St. Genevieve 3,181 St. Louis 8,190 Washington 3,741 Wayne 1,614 The total was 70,647, of which mumber 11,254 were negi«D slaves. The area of the State at this time comprised 62,182 square miles; but in 1837 the western boundary was extended by authority of Congress, to include what was called the " Platte Purchase," an additional area of 3,168 square miles, which is now divided into the counties of Platte, Buchanan, Andrew, Holt, Nodaway and Atchison. This territory was an Indian reservation until 1836. The last census was taken in June, 1880, when the state had an area of 65,350 square miles, divided into one hundred and fourteen counties, with populations as follows: HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 27 CENSUS REPORT OF THE STATE FOR THE YEAR 1880. Counties. Total. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. WhUe. Col'd. Adair 15,190 Andrew 16,318 Atchison 14,565 Audrain 19,739 Barry 14,424 Barton 10,332 Bates 25,382 Benton 12,398 Bollinger 11,132 Boone 25,424 Buchanan 49,824 Butler 6,011 Coldwell 13,654 Calloway 23,670 Camden 7,267 Cape Girardeau 20,998 Carrroll 23,300 Carter 2,168 Cass 22.431 Cedar 10,747 Chariton 25,224 Christian 9,632 Clark 15,031 ^Clay 15.579 Clinton 16.073 Cole 15,519 Cooper 21,622 Crawford 10,763 Dade 12,557 Dallas 9,272 Daviess 1 9,174 De Kalb 13,343 Dent 10,647 Doufflass 7,753 Dunklin 9,604 Franklin 26,536 Gasconade 11,153 Gentry 17,188 Greene 28,817 Grundy 15,201 Harrison 20.318 Henry 23,914 Hickory 7.388 Holt 15,510 Howard 18,428 Howell 8,814 Iron 8.183 Jackson 82,328 Jasper 32,021 Jefferson 18,736 Johnson 28 177 Knox 13,047 Laclede 11,524 Lafayette 25,731 Lawrence 17,585 Lewis 15,925 Lincoln 17,443 Linn 20 016 Livingston 20,205 McDonald 7,816 Macon 26,223 Madison 8,860 Maries 7.304 Marion 24,837 7,915 7,275 14,719 471 14,964 226 8,387 7,931 15,432 880 15,950 368 7,936 6.629 13,538 1,027 14.524 41 10,417 9,322 18,982 757 17,896 1,843 7,311 7,113 13,975 449 14,413 11 5,425 4.907 10,086 240 10.316 16 13,630 11,752 24,674 708 25,135 247 6,357 6,041 11,438 960 12,127 271 5,698 5,434 10,766 366 11,108 24 12,928 12,496 25,084 340 20,397 5,027 27,045 22,779 42,920 6,904 46,093 3,731 3.221 2,790 5,848 163 5,871 140 7,060 6,594 13,023 631 13,241 413 12,280 11,390 23,064 600 19,268 4,402 3,756 3,511 7,166 101 7,152 115 10,812 10.186 18,612 2,386 19.004 1,994 12,298 11,002 22,359 941 21.827 1,473 1,138 1,030 2,154 14 2.157 11 11,884 10,547 21,830 601 21,681 750 5,479 5.268 10,659 88 10.601 146 13,145 12,079 23,916 1,308 21,266 3,958 4,871 4,761 9,425 207 9,435 197 7,717 7,314 14,283 748 14,723 308 8,138 7,441 15,136 443 14.066 1,513 8,310 7 763 15,375 098 15,098 975 8,437 7,082 13,369 2.150 13.648 1,871 11,085 10,537 20.057 1,565 18,120 3,502 5.586 5.177 10,197 566 10,640 123 6,415 6.142 12,463 94 12,310 247 4,671 4,601 9,189 83 9,184 88 9 983 9.191 18,794 380 18,723 451 7,008 6,335 12,723 620 13.216 127 5.635 5,0] 2 10365 282 10,580 61 3,891 3.862 7,732 21 7,727 26 5,161 4,443 9,569 35 9,436 168 13,885 12,651 22,101 4,435 24,469 2,067 5,824 5,329 8,435 2,718 10,988 165 8,947 8,241 16,712 476 17,160 28 14.649 14,168 28,010 807 26,009 2,808 7,762 7,439 14,662 539 14,997 204 10,518 9,800 19,824 494 20,245 73 12,301 11,613 23,096 818 22.925 989 3,775 3,613 7,169 219 7,338 50 8,291 7,219 14,621 889 15.285 225 9,554 8,874 17,955 473 13,195 5,233 4.495 4.319 8,736 78 8,723 91 4.232 3,951 7,592 591 7,783 400 45,891 36,437 71,653 10,675 72,445 9,883 16,763 15.258 30,686 1,335 31.249 772 9,873 8,863 15,755 2,981 17,731 1,005 14,797 13,380 27,231 946 26,164 2,018 6,774 6.273 12,341 706 12,819 228 5,889 5,635 11,145 " 379 11,048 476 13,370 12,361 23,679 2,052 21,313 4,418 8,990 8,595 16.835 750 17,284 301 8,157 7.768 15,080 845 14,520 1,405 9,010 8,433 16.606 837 15,299 2.144 10,349 9,667 18.823 1,193 19.184 832 10,365 9,840 18,952 1,253 19,062 1,143 4,101 3,715 7,777 39 7,804 12 13,449 12,774 24,383 1,840 24,726 1,497 4.463 4,397 8,506 354 8,552 308 3,806 3,498 6,974 330 7.292 12 12,622 12,215 22,828 2,009 21,123 3,714 28 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. CENSUS REPORT OF THE STATE FOR THE YEAR ISQQ.—Continiued. Counties. Total. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Col'd. Mercer 14,074 7,510 7,164 14,486 188 14,573 101 Miller 9 807 5,070 4,737 9,561 246 9,577 230 Mississippi 0,370 5,131 4,139 9.020 250 7,139 2,141 Moniteau 14,349 7,257 7,093 13,177 1,173 13,376 973 Monroe '. . . 19,075 9,943 9,133 18,739 336 10,925 2,150 Montgomery 16,250 8,383 7,867 15,304 946 14,334 1,916 Morgan . . .' 10,134 5,182 4,952 7.399 735 9,719 415 New Madrid 7,694 4,145 3,549 7,587 107 5,813 1,881 Newton 18,948 9,767 9,181 18,324 624 18,345 603 Nodaway 29,560 15,669 13,891 27,936 1,624 29,447 113 Oregon 5,791 2,995 2,796 5.773 19 5,773 19 Osage 11,834 6,301 5,633 9,848 1,976 11,433 403 Ozark 5,618 2,920 2,698 5,602 16 5,604 14 Pemiscot 4,299 2,300 1,999 4,267 32 4,033 266 Perry 11,895 6,120 5,775 10,588 1,307 11,424 471 Peitis 27,285 14,150 13,135 25,428 1,857 24,278 3,007 Phelps 12,565 6,478 6,087 11,729 836 12,059 506 Pike 26,716 13,645 ' 13,071 25,888 828 21,340 5,376 Platte 17,372 9,055 8,317 16,645 737 15,754 1,618 Polk 15,745 7,886 7,859 15,649 96 15,459 286 Pulaski 7,250 3,719 3,531 6,987 263 7,190 60 Putnam 13,556 6,953 6,603 13,333 223 13,536 20 Ralls 11,838 6,162 5,676 11,452 886 10,625 1,313 Randolph 33,751 11,830 10,931 21,303 1,449 19,937 2,814 Ray 20,193 10,637 9,556 19,765 428 18,472 1,721 Reynolds 5,722 2,901 2,821 5,679 43 5,708 14 Ripley 5,377 2,803 2,574 5,277 100 5,367 10 St. Charles 23,060 12,097 10,963 18,774 4,286 20,650 2,410 St. Clair 14,126 7,243 6,883 13,839 287 13.817 309 St. Francois 13,822 7,246 6,576 12,739 1,083 13,169 653 St. Genevieve 10,390 5,338 5,052 9,296 1,094 9,833 557 St. Louis 31,888 16,988 14,900 25,299 6,589 28,009 3,879 Saint Louis (City) 850,522 179,484 171,038 245,538 104,994 838,333 33,390 Saline 29,912 15,619 14,293 28,657 1,255 24,987 4,925 Schuyler 10,470 5,334 5,136 10,133 338 10,461 9 Scotland 13,507 6,398 6,109 13,338 269 13,378 129 Scott 8,587 4.631 3,950 7,972 615 8,036 551 Shannon 3,441 1,742 1699 3,430 11 3,441 — Shelby 14,024 7,126 6,898 13,320 567 13,087 937 Stoddard....: 13,432 6,924 6,508 13.320 112 13,399 33 Stone 4,405 2,327 2,078 4,395 10 4,377 28 Sullivan 16,569 8,589 7,980 16,202 367 16,487 82 Taney : 5,605 2,900 2,705 5,586 19 5,601 4 Texas 12,207 6,223 5,984 12,013 194 12,178 29 Vernon 19,370 10,184 9,186 18,900 470 19,208 102 Warren 10,806 5,743 5,003 8,917 1,889 9,853 954 Washington 13,895 6,457 6,438 13,478 417 11,857 1,038 Wayne 9,097 4,764 4,333 8,935 173 8,990 107 Webster 13,175 6.301 5,974 13,044 131 11,938 247 Worth 8,208 4,220 3,988 8,031 177 8,207 1 Wright 9,733 4,903 4.830 9,559 174 9,471 263 The classification footings of the census of 1880 show: Males.... •• 1,127,424 Native born 1,957,564 White 2,023,568 Females 1,041,380 Foreign born 211,240 Colored* 145,236 Total population in June, 1880, 2,168,804. * This includes 93 Chinese, 2 half-Chinese, and 96 Indians and half-breeds. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 29 The following table shows the population of Missouri at each Federal census from 1810 to 1880: Tears. 'White. 1810 17,237 1830 55,988 1830 114,795 1840 '. 333,888 1850 593,004 1860 1,063,489 1870 1,603,146 1880 2,033,568 Free Total Popu- Colored. Slaves. lation. 607 3,011 30,845 376 10,333 66,586 569 35,091 140,455 1,574 58,340 383,702 3,618 87,433 683,044 3,573 114,931 1,183,012 118,071 1,731,395 145,336 3,168,804 STATE FINANCES. THE STATE DEBT. The bonded indebtedness of Missouri has various periods to run. The following table is compiled from the State Auditor's report for 1879- 1880, and embodies all state bonds that will become payable from 1882 to 1897, at 6 per cent interest. St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad series $1,361,000 Cairo & Fulton Railroad 267,000 North Missouri Railroad -. 1,694,000 State Debt proper 439,000 Pacific Railroad 2,971,000 Consolidation 2,727,000 Platte County Railroad 504,000 State University 201,000 Northwestern Lunatic Asylum 200,000 State Bank Stock, refunding 104,000 State Funding 1,000,000 Penitentiary Indemnity ' • • • 41,000 Renewal Funding 3,850,000 School Fund Certificates 900,000 Total $16,259,000 In addition to this there are $250,000 of revenue bonds, issued June 1, 1879; and $3,000,000 bonds issued to the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad Company. THE STATE INCOME. The receipts of the State from all sources during the years 1879 and 1880 were as follows: 30 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. State Revenue Fund $3,024,084.39 State Interest Fund 2,429,040.71 State School Fund 335.55 Swamp Land Indemnity Fund 15,408.05 Insurance Department Fund 31,096.40 Executors' and Administrators' Fund 6,790.07 State School Moneys 241,080.00 State Seminary Moneys 3,660.00 Earnings Missouri Penitentiary 214,358.97 Militia Fund 82.25 Total $5,965,936.39 The total balance of all moneys in the State treasury January 1, 1881, was $517,517.21. During the year 1879, the state paid a total of $6,458.00 as bounty on wolf scalps; but in 1880 the amount was only $1,428.50. WHO MISSOURI VOTED FOR. PRESIDENTIAL VOTES OF MISSOURI FROM 1820 TO 1880. v^„_ Presidential Candidates Pniuirai Partipa ^ «'^'^- Voted for in Missouri. Political Parties. 1820 James Monroe Democratic 1824 John Q.Adams Coalition Andrew Jackson Democratic Henry Clay Democratic 1828 Andrew Jackson Democratic John Q. Adams National Republican. 1832 Andrew Jackson* Democratic 1836 Martin Van Buren Democratic W. H.Harrison Whig Hugh L. White Independent 1840 W. H. Harrison Whig Martin Van Btiren Democratic 1844 Jas. K. Polk Democratic Henry Clay Whig 1848 Zachary Taylor Whig Lewis Cass Democratic 1852 Franklin Pierce Democratic Winfield Scott Whig 1856 Jas. Buchanan Democratic Millard Fillmore American 1860 Abraham Lincoln Republican J. C. Breckenridge State Rights Dem'cr't John Bell Old Line Whig Stephen A. Douglas . . .Union Democrat 1864 Abraham Lincoln Republican Geo. B. McClellan Democratic 0.^ 311 987 1,401 8,232 3,422 10,995 7,401 936 22,972 29,760 41,369 31,251 32,671 40,077 38,353 29,984 58,164 48,524 17,028 31,317 58,372 58,801 72,750 31,678 s^ 11 Vice-President Candidates. D. D. Tompkins. Nathan Sanford. John C. Calhoun. Andrew Jackson. John C. Calhoun. Richard Rush. Martin Van Buren. R. M. Johnson Francis Granger. John Tyler. John Tyler. R. M. Johnson. Geo. M. Dallas. Th. Frelinghuysen. Millard Fillmore. Wm. O. Butler. Wm. R. King. Wm. A. Graham. J. C. Breckenridge. A. J. Donelson. Hannibal Hamlin. Joseph Lane. Edward Everett. H. V. Johnson. Andrew .Johnson. George H. Pendleton. *Thi8 year Gen. Jaclison received 5,192 majority; but the popular vote of Missouri for this year does not appear in any of tlie statistical tables. The otlier presidential candidates this year were: Henry Clay, National Republican; John Floyd, Independent; Wm. Wirt, Anti-Mason. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 31 PRESIDENTIAL VOTES OF MISSOURI FROM 1820 TO ISSO.— Continued. Tear. 1868 1872 1876 1880 Presidential Candidates Political Parties ©.a 6^ Voted for in Missouri. pLS ;;^P Ulysses 8. Grant Republican 86,860 11 Horatio Seymour Democratic 65,638 Ulysses S Grant Republican 119,196 Horace Greeley Dem. and Liberal 151,434 Chas. O'Connor Democratic 2,429 Thos. A. Hendricks 6 B. Gratz Brown 8 David Davis 1 Rutherford B. Hayes. . .Republican 145,029 Samuel J. Tilden Democratic 203,077 15 Peter Cooper Greenback er 3,498 G. C. Smith Prohibitionist 64 Scattering 97 James A. Gartield Republican 153,567 W. S, Hancock Democratic 208,609 13 James B. Weaver Greenback 35,135 Vice President Candidates. Schuyler Colfax. F. P. Blair, Jr. Henry Wilson. B. Gratz Brown. Geo. W. Julien. John M. Palmer. T. E. Bramlette. Willis B. Machem. William. A Wheeler. Thomas A. Hendricks. Samuel F. Carey. G. T. Stewart. Chester A Arthur. W. H. English. B.J. Chambers. LIST OF GOVERNORS FROM 1820 TO 1880. YEAR. NAME. REMARKS. 1820 AlexanderMcNair 1834 Frederick Bates died in office. 1825 Abraham J. Williams vice Bates. 1826 John Miller 1828 John Miller 1832 Daniel Dunklin resigned; appointed Serv, Gen. U. S. 1836 Lilburn W. Boggs vice Dunklin. 1840 Thos. Reynolds died 1844. 1844 M. M. Marmaduke vice Reynolds. 1844 John C. Edwards 1848 Austin A. King 1852 Sterlinor Price 1856 Trusten Polk resigned. 1857 Hancock Jackson vice Polk. 1857 Robert M, Stewart " " [State Convention. 1860 C. F. Jackson office declared vacant by Unionist 1861 Hamilton R. Gamble appointed governor by State Conven- 1864 Willard P. Hall vice Gamble. [tion; died in office. 1864 Thos. Fletcher 1868 Joseph W. McClurg 1870 B. Gratz Brown 1872 STlas Woodson 1874 Charles H. Hardin 1876 John S. Phelps term now 4 years instead of 2. 1880 Thos. T. Crittenden * LIST OF UNITED STAES SENATORS FROM 1820 TO 1880. Year. Names. 1820 Thomas Hart Benton 1824 David Barton 1826 Thomas Hart Benton 1830 Alexander Buckner died in 1833 1832 Thomas Hart Benton 1883 Lewis Field Linn vice Buckner Year. Names. 1857 Trusten Polk 1861 Waldo Porter Johnson 1862 Robert Wilson 1863 B. Gratz Brown 1863 John B. Henderson 1867 Chas. D. Drake resigned 1870 32 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. LIST OF UNITED STATES SENATORS FROM 1820 TO 1880.— Continued. Tear. Names. 1836 Lewis Field Linn 1838 Thomas Hart Benton 1843 Lewis Field Linn died 1843 1843 David R. Atchison vice Linn 1844 David R. Atchison 1844 Thomas Hart Benton 1849 David R. Atchison 1851 Henry S. Geyer 1857 Jas. S. Green Tear. Names. 1869 Carl Schurz 1870 Daniel F. Jewett vice Drake 1871 Francis P. Blair, Jr 1873 Lewis V. Bogy 1875 Francis M. Cockrell 1879 Daniel H. Armstrong 1880 James Shields vice Bogy 1881 George G. Vest MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FROM 1820 TO 1881. 1820 17 1822 18 1824 19 1826 20 1828 21 1830 22 1831 22 1832 23 1834 24 1836 25 1838 26 1838 26 1840 27 1842 28 1844 29 1846 29 1846 30 1848 31 1850 32 1852 33 NAMES. John Scott John Scott John Scott Edward Bates Spencer Pettis Spencer Pettis, died 1831 . . . Wm. H. Ashle}^, vice Pettis. Wm. H. Ashley John Bull Wm. H.Ashley Albert G. Harrison Albert G. Harrison John Miller Albert G. Harrison, died in 1839 John Miller J.Jamison, vice Harrison.. John Miller John C. Edwards James M. Hughes James H. Relfe John Jamisom John B. Bowlin Gustavus M. Brown James B. Bowlin James H. Relfe Sterling Price, resigned John S. Phelps Leonard H. Sims Wm. AIcDaniels, vice Price. James B. Bowlin John Jameson James S. Green Willard P. Hall John S Phelps James B. Bowlin William V. N.Bay James S. Green Willard P Hall John S.Phelps John F. Darby Gilchrist Porter John G. Miller Willard P Hall John S. Phelps ThosH. Benton Alfred W. Lamb 5 6 ■*< SB S o 1852 33 1854 34 1855 34 1856 34 1857 35 1858 36 1860 36 1860 37 1862 37 1862 38 g NAMES. 3 John G.Miller 4 Mordecai Oliver 5 John S.Phelps.... James I. Lindley, at large. . Samuel Carruthers, at large. 1 L. M. Kennett 2 Gilchrist Porter 3 John I. Lirulley 4 Mordecai Oliver 5 JohnG. Miller, died 1855... 6 John S. Phelps 7 Samuel Carruthers 5 Thos. P. Aiken, vice Miller. 1 Francts P. Blair 2 T.L.Anderson [1857 3 Jas. S. Green, elec. U. S. Sen. 4 James Craig 5 James H. Woodson 6 John S. Phelps 7 Sam'l Carruthers 3 John B. Clark, vice Green. . 1 J. Richard Barrett, declared not elected 2 Thos. L. Anderson 3 John B. Clark 4 Jas Craig 5 Jas. H. Woodson 6 John S. Phelps 7 John W. Noell 1 FrancisP. Blair, Jr., resigned 1 J. Richard Barrett, vice Blair 1 Francis P. Blair, *r 2 Jas. S. Rollins 3 John B. Clark, expelled 4 E. H. Norton 5 John W. Reid, expelled. .. . 6 John S.Phelps 7 John W. Noell 3 Wm. A. Hall, vice Clark .... 5 Thos. L. Price, vice Reid . . . 1 Francis P. Blair 2 Henry T. Blow 3 John W. Noell, died 1863. . . 4 Sempronius S. Boyd 5 Joseph W. McClurg 6 Austin A. King 7 Benjamin F. Loan HISTORY OF THE .STATE OF MISSOURI. 33 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FROM 1820 TO 1880.— Continued. 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 W. A. Hall John S. Rollins John G. Scott, vice Noell . . . John Hogan Henry T. Blow Thos. E. Noell JohS. Colored Infantry, while on duty in Texas, in 1865, and was designed for the higher education of colored people. In January, 1866, the state attached a state normal department to it, to provide suitable teachers for the public schools for colored children. The school was opened Sept. 17, 1876, but was not finally provided for by law as a state normal school until Feb. 14, 1870, since which time it has gone steadily forward and done a good wdrk for the negro population. 38 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. MASSACHUSETTS AND MISSOURI SCHOOL RATES. Massachusetts is taken almost universally as the standard of measure- ment for other states. The state reports of Massachusetts and Missouri, for 1879, show that in the former there was applied to the educa- tion of every child of school age the sum of $13.71 — in the latter, $4.37. But it must be remembered that school age in Massachusetts is between five and fifteen years; in Missouri between six and twenty; a difference of four years in school. The report of the secretary of the Massachusetts board of education, for 1879, states the "per centage of valuation appropriated for public schools," as two and seventy-two one hundredths mills. In Missouri it was over five mills. That is, every tax-paying Missourian paid nearly twice as much for the maintenance of public schools on the same amount (of value) of property as the tax-payer of Massachusetts. DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOLS. DATE T^T3^» t:.t^ name of institution. where located. denomination. ORCr ZED* 1871 Central College Fayette M. E. Church South. 1856 Christian College Canton Christian. 1859 College Christian Brothers . St. Louis Roman Catholic. 1873 Drury College Springfield Congregational. 1868 Hannibal College Hannibal M. E. Church South. 1865 Lewis College Glasgow Methodist Episcopal. 1870 Lincoln College Greenwood United Presbyterian. 1853 McGee College College Mound.. ,Cumb. Pi-esbyterian. 1867 St. Joseph College St. Joe Roman Catholic. 1832 St. Louis University St. Louis Roman Catholic. 1844 St. Paul College Palmyra Protestant Episcopal. 1844 St. Vincent College Cape Girardeau. .Roman Catholic. 1857 Washington University. . .St. Louis Non-Sectarian. 1852 Westminster College Fulton Presbyterian. 1853 Wm. Jewell College Liberty Baptist. 1869 Woodland College Independence . . . .Christian. 1835 St. Charles College St. Charles M. E. Church South. 1852 Central College Fayette " " " 1843 Arcadia College Arcadia " " " THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS. 1839 Concordia College St. Louis Evangelical Luth'ran 1844 St. Vincent College Cape Girardeau. .Roman Catholic. Theological School of West- minster College Fulton Presbyterian. 1869 Vanderman School of The- ology Liberty Baptist. In addition to the above, the Baptists have: Stephens College, Columbia* HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 39 Mt. Pleasant College, Huntsville; Baptist Female College, Lexington; La Grange College, La Grange; Baptist College, Louisiana ; Liberty Female College, Liberty ; St. Louis Seminary for Young Ladies, Jennings Sta- tion; Fairview Female Seminary, Jackson; Booneville Seminary for Young Ladies, Booneville; North Grand River College, Edinburg; Ingleside Academy, Palmyra. The Christian connection has Christian University, at Canton, in Lewis county. The Congregationahsts have Thayer College, at Kidder, in Caldwell county. The German Evangelicals have Missouri College, in Warren county. The Methodist Episcopals (North) have Johnson College at Macon City. The Presbyterians have Lindenwood Female College, at St. Charles. A good feeling prevails amongst these different schools. Each attends to its own work in its own way, caring for the patronage of its own peo- ple and the community at large, as a good neighbor of every other worker. A most liberal and impartial legislative policy is pursued, by dealing with all alike before the law, whether in the maintenance of vested rights or in the matter of taxation. B}^ constitutional provision all property actually used for school and religious purposes may be exempted from taxes, and the same constitution most explicitly interdicts all discrimination, and also all favor or partiality. LAW SCHOOLS. FOUNDED. NAME LOCATION. 1872 Law College of State University Columbia. 1867 Law Department of Washington University St. Louis. MEDICAL SCHOOLS. POUNDED. NAME. LOCATION. 1869 Kansas City College of Phvsicians and Surgeons. .Kansas City. 1873 Medical College of State University Columbia. 1840 Missouri Medical College " St. Louis. 1841 St. Louis Medical College 1858 Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri " 1865 Missouri Dental College « 1864 St. Louis College of Pharmacy « SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS. 1870 Agricultural and Mechanical College ( State Uni- versity) Columbia. 1871 Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (State University) Rolla. 1857 Polytechnic Department of Washington University.St. Louis. 40 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. o-g Ss sis RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS-1S79-80. .| '^5 g^-S Catholic 21G 2G4 200,000 Protestant Episcopal 65 50 25,000 Lutheran Independent Evangelical 25 20 1,000 Ensclish Evanfrelicai C 6 1,000 " GeiTOan " ^Q 68 3,633 Presbyterian, O. S. North 210 151 11,143 " " South 135 73 7,6G2 Cumberland 361 169 15,823 United 10 12 700 ^formed ^3 4 165 Con2;re2;ational '^1 47 3,747 Bamist 1-385 823 86,999 Christian," about 500 500 70,000 Methodist Episcopal, South 509 648 53,383 « ^ '' North 359 420 42,888 African 58 59 4.954 African Methodist Episcopal, Zion ) . Colored '> " V about 116 118 9,908 Methodist, Protestant and Free Methodist Episcopal Church ) Unitarian 5 5 Total 4,160 3,437 539,004 IS OTE.— Church members of the Catholic and Protestant Episcopal Churches include all persons bap- tized into the church. The others count only communicants in good standing. PROTECTIONAL LAWS. Our state legislature has made ample and discreet provision for the protection of a home-place from sale on execution. The home and property rights of married women, widows and orphans, are guaranteed by statute as far as is practicable. A limit has also been fixed to the amount of indebtedness which may be incurred by the people in voting bonds to railroads, or other enterprises in which they may feel a friendly interest, but in aiding which, too generally, so many western communities have burdened themselves and their posterity with debts and taxation that are grevious to be borne. HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION. The laws of Missouri reserve from execution, in the hands of every head of a family living in the country, a homestead, consisting of one hundred and sixty (160) acres of land, not exceeding $1,500 in value; to every head of a family, in cities of over 40,000 inhabitants, a homestead consisting of not more than eighteen square rods of ground, and of a valuation not exceeding $3,000 ; and in cities and towns of less than 40,- 000 inhabitants, a homestead, consisting of not more than thirty square rods of ground, and of the value of not more than $1,500. Thus it is HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 41 seen that a farmer's homestead in Missouri consists of one hundred and sixty acres of land and the improvements thereon, not exceeding in value $1,500; the homestead of the residents of the smaller towns is of the same value; while that allowed to the inhabitants of St. Louis, St. Joseph and Kansas City, where land is more valuable, and the cost of living greater, is fixed at $3,000. The homestead is in the nature of a lien or charge, in favor of the wife and children, upon certain property of the husband, defined in extent, and limited in value. A declaration of what this property is may be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds, and notice is thus imparted to all persons having dealings with the owner, that this particu- lar property is not subject to execution, and that they ought not to give credit on the faith of it. The state, under this head, provides that: "Any married woman may file her claim to the tract or lot of land occupied or claimed by her and her husband, or by her, if abandoned by her husband, as a homestead. Said claim shall set forth the tract or lot claimed, that she is the wife of the person in whose name the said tract or lot appears of record, and said claim shall be acknowledged by her before some officer authorized to take proof or acknowledgment of instruments of writing affecting real estate, and be filed in the recorder's office, and it shall be the duty of the recorder to receive and record the same. After the filing of such claims, duly acknowledged, the husband shall be de- barred from, and incapable of selling, mortgaging and alienating the homestead in an}^ manner whatever, and such sale, mortgage or alienation is hereby declared null and void; and the filing of any such claims as aforesaid with the recorder shall impart notice to all persons of the con- tents thereof, and all subsequent purchasers and mortagors shall be deemed, in law and equity, to purchase with notice; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the hus- band and wife from jointly conveying, mortgaging, alienating, and, in any other manner, disposing of such homestead, or any part thereof." Such a law, while securing the benefits of a homestead to the debtor, works no injustice to the creditor. He sees that the debtor has certain propert}- recorded as his homestead. He never gives credit on the faith that this property will be subject to his execution; but he looks simply to the other property of the debtor, or to the state of his business and his char- acter for honesty. It may be added that the supreme court of this state has construed the homestead laws liberally, with the view of carrying out the benevolent purposes of the legislature. If the debtor is ignorant or timid, when the sheriff' comes with an execution to levy, and fails to claim his right of homestead, his family are not, therefore, to be turned out of doors. The 3 42 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. sheriff' must summon appraisers and set the homestead apart, whether the debtor claims it or not; and if he does not do this, his sale will pass no title to the purchaser so far as the debtor's homestead is concerned. If the debtor makes a conveyance of property embracing his family homestead, for the purpose of hindering or defrauding his creditors, this does not work a forfeiture of his homestead right; his wrongful act is not thus to be appealed to in prejudice of his wife and children. If the cruelty of the husband drives the wife from the homestead, this does not put an end to her interest in the homestead. She may return and claim it after his death, and his administrator must set it apart for her. EXEMPTIONS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Pursuing the same wise and benevolent policy, the statutes provide that the following personal property shall be exempt from attachment and execution when owned by the head of a family: "1. Ten head of choice hogs, ten head of choice sheep, and the product thereof in wool, yarn or cloth; two cows and calves, two plows, one axe, one hoe, and one set of plow gears, and all the necessary farm implements for the use of one man. 2. Two work animals of the value of one hundred and fifty dollars. 3. The spinning-wheel and cards, one loom and apparatus, necessar}?^ for manufacturing cloth in a private family. 4. All the spun yarn, thread and cloth manufactured for family use. 5. Any quantity of hemp, flax and wool, not exceeding twenty-five pounds each. 6. All wearing apparel of the family, four beds, with usual bedding, and such other household and kitchen furniture, not exceeding the value of one hundred dollars, as may be necessary for the family, agreeably to an inventory thereof, to be re- turned, on oath, with the execution, by the officer whose duty it may be to levy the same. 7. The necessary tools and imolements of trade of any mechanic while carrying on his trade. 8. Any and all arms and military equipments required by law to be kept. 9. All such provisions as may be on hand for family use, not exceeding one hundred dollars in value. 10. The bibles and other books used in a family, lettered grave- stones, and one pew in a house of worship. 11. All lawyers, physicians, ministers of the gospel and teachers, in the actual prosecution of their calling, shall have the privilege of selecting such books as shall be neces- sary to their profession, in the place of other property herein allowed, at their option; and doctors of medicine, in lieu of other property exempt from execution, mav be allowed to select their medicines." In lieu of this property, each head of a family ma}^ at his election, select and hold exempt from execution any other property, real, personal, or mixed, or debts or wages not exceeding in value the amount of three hundred dol- lars. The legislature of the state has wisely considered that the debtor ought HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 43 not to be permitted to plead poverty as against the claims of creditors equally necessitous. It is accordingly provided that the foregoing exemption cannot be claimed when the debt is for wages due to a house servant or common laborer to the extent of $90, and when the action to recover the same is brought wi'Aiin six months after the last services were rendered. Nor can the purchaser of goods make this law an instrument of fraud by claiming goods which he has purchased on credit against an execution for the purchase money. RIGHTS OF MARRIED WOMEN. State legislation is extremely careful of the rights of married women. If a wife is unjustly abandoned by her husband, the circuit court will sequester his property for the purpose of maintaining her and the children of the marriage. If he abandons her, or from worthlessness or drunken- ness fails to support her, the court will not only allow her to sell her own real estate without his joining in the deed, but will require any person holding money or property to which he may be entitled in her right, to pay the money over to her. 1. Under such circumstances she is entitled to the proceeds of her own earnings and those of her minor children. 2. If her real estate is damaged for railroads, or other public w^orks, the damages accrue exclusively to her. .3. If her husband gets into the peni- tentiary, she becomes to all intents and purposes a femme sole . 4. And if he, by ill usage, compels her to live separate and apart from him, she may claim the sole and exclusive enjoyment of her property as if she were un- married. Rents, issues and profits of her real estate cannot be taken in execution for his debts, except when contracted for family necessaries. Moreover, by a very broad statute lately enacted, a wife may hold all her personal property free from her husband's control and exempt from liabil- ity for his debts. If he becomes incompetent to lead in the marital part- nership, she may take the reins in her hands, engage in trade, accumulate property, and no act of his will create a charge upon it. Finally, at his death, the family homestead descends to her and the children, if any there be, to be held by her for life; if there be any children, in common with them; if not, by herself alone. She also takes dower in one-third of all the real estate of which her husband may have been seized at any time during marriage, in which she has not conveyed her right of dower, diminished, however, by the homestead which is set apart to her. She takes also a child's share of his personal estate; and, in addition to all this, she is allowed to retain as her absolute property a large amount of personalty. TAXATION. The constitution places it beyond the power of reckless or dishonest 44 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. public agents to burden the people with excessive taxation. Taxes for state purposes, exclusive of the taxes necessary to pay the bonded debt of the state, cannot exceed twenty cents on the hundred dollars valuation; and whenever the taxable property of the state shall amount to $900,000,- 000 the rate shall not exceed fifteen cents. The rate of taxation for county, city, town and school purposes, is likewise strictly limited. Counties, cities, towns, townships and school districts cannot become indebted beyond the revenue provided for each year without a two-thirds vote of all voters therein, nor, in any event, to an amount exceeding five per cent on the value of the taxable property. The statutes of Hmitation in Missouri provide that an open account can- not be collected after it has run five j-ears; a note is uncollectible if held for ten years after due; and a judgment expires by limitation in ten years. The standard legal rate of interest in this state is six per cent; but a higher rate not exceeding ten per cent may be contracted for. PUBLIC DEBT LIMITATION. The state debt, according to the State Auditor's last report, [1878], is $16,758,000. This mostly grew out of the various issues of bonds given in aid of railroads, and bears interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. To liquidate this debt the constitution provides for the annual levy of taxes, now fixed by law at twenty cents on the $100 of the valuation. With the sum thus raised the interest of the debt is first to be paid, and of the remainder not less than $250,000 is to be set apart as a sinking fund for the purchase and retirement of the bonds themselves. Hence, in a few years, with the vast increase in the taxable wealth, which is sure to come, the whole of the debt will be extinguished. There is an additional state tax of twenty cents on the $100 for current expenditures, a large share of which is devoted to the support of the common schools. This tax is ample for the purposes for which it is intended, and there is a con- stitutional provision that it shall be reduced to fifteen cents on the $100 as soon as the taxable property of the state shall aggregate a total valuation of $900,000,000. The state, and all its municipal subdivisions, whether counties, cities or towns, are forbidden by the constitution to loan their credit to any corpora- tion, so that there is no method by which the public indebtedness can be increased in the usual way. Owing to the great zeal of the people to for- ward public improvements of all kinds, a municipal indebtedness, aggre- gating, according to the auditor's last report, $35,727,566.49, has been contracted. Of this amount the debt of the city of St. Louis is shown to constitute $22,712,000, leaving for the agricultural portion of the state and the other cities, towns, townships and school districts only a little over $13,000,000. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 45 The present organic law prevents any municipality from contracting liabilities, in any one fiscal year, beyond the amount of the levy made for that year, and in no county can the rate of taxation for local purposes, aside from the school tax, exceed fifty cents on the $100 valuation, unless two-thirds of the voters shall assent to the levy of a larger sum. Neither can the school tax in country districts exceed forty cents on the $100 without the consent of the tax-payers, to be obtained by a vote of the ma- jority of the residents. COMPARATIVE TAX RATE. It will be interesting to note how the tax rate of our own state com- pares with that of adjoining states. The average tax levy for all purposes in Missouri is about $1.30 on the $100; adding to this 70 cents on the $100 for the payment of bonded indebtedness where it exists, there is an average of $2 on the $100 as the rate, and a certainty of its steady decrease. This is given as an average, and while in a few counties the tax rate is higher, in the majority it is much lower. By the report of the state auditor of Kansas, for the year ending June 30, 1878, the tax levy for state purposes is shown to be 55 cents on the $100, and the average levy for local debts and expenses $3.82 on the $100, making a total average tax of $4.37 on the $100. The taxable property of Kansas in 1878 aggregated the sum of $138,698,810.98, and the local indebtedness was reported by the state auditor at $13,473,197.51. In Nebraska the tax levy for state purposes alone is 62^^ cents on the $100, exclusive of taxes to pay local debts and expenses. In Iowa, the average rate of taxation for the year 1878 was $2.67 on the $100. In Illinois the tax levy for 1877, the last given in the auditor's report, was v$3.24 on the $100, and the local indebtedness of that state was then the sum of $51,811,691. Thus, it is clear that Missouri has a lower rate of taxation than any of the neighboring states above mentioned; and, in addition to this, under her wise constitutional provision, the rate of taxation must continually decrease every year, until only a sufficient amount of taxes to liquidate current expenses will be collected. There are twenty counties that have no indebtedness whatever, and forty more the debt of which is merely nominal; so that their burden of taxation will be lighter than in any other portion of the United States. 46 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. FEDERAL AFFAIRS IN THE STATE. FEDERAL COURTS. The United States is divided into nine supreme court circuits, to each of which one of the supreme court judges is assigned. Missouri is now in the eighth circuit, which includes Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Colorado; and George W. McCrary, of Iowa, who was secretary of war, in President Hayes' cabinet, is now the judge of this circuit. Missouri is divided into an east and west United States judicial district; and Samuel Treat, of St. Louis, is United States judge of the east district, Vv^hile Arnold Krekel, of Jefferson City, presides over the west district. FEDERAL REVENUE. Missouri paid the following amounts of internal revenue to the United States during the year ending June 30, 1880: On distilled spirits, $2,151,- 643.98; on tobacco, $2,391,989.93; on fermented liquors, $711,654.53; on banking, $182,929.25; on other items, $1,360.27. Total, $5,448,344.83. Illinois, Kentucky, New York and Ohio were the only states which paid a larger sum of revenue on spirits; Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia paid larger on tobacco; Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin paid larger on fermented liquors (chiefly lager beer); California, New York and Pennsylvania are the only states which paid larger on banking transactions. In 1878, Missouri paid $115,729.64 as penalties for violation of U. S. internal revenue laws, which was the highest amount on this item paid by any state — the next highest being Pennsylvania, which was " caught at it" to the amount of $27,867.20. U. S. LANDS AND LAND OFFICES. There are now three U. S. land offices in Missouri, to-wit: at Boon- ville, Ironton and Springfield. The report of the general land office for 1879 showed 41,836,931 acres of government land still open to home- stead entry in Missouri. LEGAL TENDER IN MISSOURI. Gold coins of the United States (unmutilated), and the " greenback" paper currency are legal tender for the payment of any possible amount of indebtedness. Silver coins are legal tender for any amount not exceed- ing $10 at one payment — but the standard silver dollar is legal tender for HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 47 any amount, unless the contract specially provides otherwise. The baser coins of nickel, copper and alloy (3 cent pieces), are legal tender for any sum not exceeding 25 cents. The "trade dollar," and national bank notes are 7iot legal tender; neither is any foreign coin, either of gold or silver, nor the " stamped bullion " gold pieces of California. U. S. CUSTOM HOUSE. St. Louis is a port of entry for foreign goods; and the imports received here during the year 1880, amounted to (foreign value), $1,401,180; on which the import duties paid was $537,257.83. A fine custom house building is in process of erection, and will be completed in 1881. MILITARY. In the south part of St. Louis, on the river, there is a United States arsenal, and six miles below the city, Jefferson Barracks are situated, a sta- tion for a small part of the regular army. A few squares from the arsenal there is a United States marine hospital. MISSOURI'S DISTINGUISHED MEN. Within our allotted space we can only give a brief sketch of those citi- zens of Missouri who have so pre-eminently distinguished themselves as to have achieved a solid national, and in some cases a world-wide fame. First among these is — Daniel Boone. The adventures of this famous hunter and Indian fighter have become a staple part of the world's perennial stock of daring exploits and hair-breadth escapes. He was born in Bucks county, Penn- sylvania, February 11, 1735; emigrated to North Carolina and there mar- ried. In 1773 he emigrated with his own and five other families to Ken- tucky, and founded the present town of Boonesborough. In 1795 he removed to the Missouri river country, and settled in St. Charles county, about forty-five miles west of St. Louis, where he died in 1820, aged 85. His remains, together with those of his v^ife, were many years after- ward removed to Boonesborough, Kentucky, and a monument reared over them. Thomas H. Benton. Col. Benton was, in his lifetime, recognized as one of the foremost statesmen of the nation, and the hearts of all good Missourians kindle with pride at the mention of his name. He was a specimen type of the best sort of Democrat; he always stood with Gen. 48 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Jackson and opposed the state-rights doctrines of John C. Calhoun; in congress he opposed the repeal of the "Missouri Compromise;" and during Gen. Jackson's presidency Col. Benton was so vigorous a champion of hard money, as against the old U. S. bank swindle, that he came to be familiarly known all over the United States as "Old Bullion." Col. Benton was born near Hillsborough, North Carolina, March 14, 1782 ; studied law at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1810. In the war of 1812 he served as a Colonel under Gen. Jackson ; settled at St. Louis in 1815. In 1820 he was elected as the first U. S. Senator from Missouri, and continued to be re-elected every term for thirty years; the longest period that any man in the nation has filled a senatorial seat. In 1852-3 he served one term as member of con- gress from the first district. In 1856 he was defeated in his candidacy for governor by the state-rights party, to whose doctrines he was strongly opposed, fi-om the time of the nullification acts of South Carolina m 1832, up to the day of his death. In 1854 he published his great Vv^ork, "Thirty Years in the United States Senate," in two large volumes, and these are held in high esteem as standard authority by politicians and statesmen of every class. Col. Benton died April 10, 1858, mourned by the whole nation as one of her worthiest sons. James B. Eads, a citizen of St. Louis. His marvelous achievements as a civil engineer have made his name familiar in all civilized countries on the face of the earth; and his last great work, the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river, has revolutionized the commerce of three continents. Mr. Eads was born at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, May 28, 1820; emigrated with his parents to Louisville, Kentucky, in 1829; and in 1833 settled at St. Louis. In July, 1861, the government advertised for seven gun-boats of about 600 tons burden, drawing not over six feet of water, plated with iron 2^ inches thick, to steam nine miles an hour, and carry thirteen guns.* Mr. Eads contracted to build those seven vessels in sixty-five days. At this time the timber for them stood uncut in the forest; the iron for their plating was still in the mines, and no machine j^et in existence of capacity to roll such enormous plates; and not a pound of iron or steel yet wrought or cast for the construction of the twenty-one steam engines and thirty- five boilers required to propel the fleet. But within twenty-four hours from the signing of the contract at Washington, he had all the- iron works, foundries and machine shops of St. Louis, started on the work ; and inside of two weeks he had more than 4,000 men working in alternate gangs by night and day, Sundays included, so that not an hour should be lost. The boats were built at St. Louis, but the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota and Missouri were all drawn upon for material, while large works in Cincinnati and Pittsburg were also whirling every *See Major Boynton's "History of the United States Navy." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF 3IISSOURI. 49 wheel to hasten forward the great undertaking, all being under the direc- tion and control by telegraph or in person of this one man ; and he filled the contract. The world's history shows no parallel to the wonderful mastery of resources and the tremendous vigor of executive and super- visory talent which this achievement involved. He projected, planned and built the magnificent railroad bridge across the Mississippi river at St Louis, which ranks among the greatest works of its kind on this round globe. He projected and built the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi, which enable the largest sea-going vessels to pass in and out freely, thus making possible the barge system of shipping grain and other products from St. Louis and Kansas City direct to foreign countries, and which has within two years revolutionized the entire international commerce of the Mississippi and Missouri valley states. He is now engaged in devel- oping a ship railway across the Isthmus of Panama, which will take the heaviest loaded ships into a. dry-dock on wheels and trundle them from ocean to ocean as easily and safely as they are now towed through the ship canal at Suez. Carl Schurz. Born near Cologne, Prussia, March 2, 1S29; educated at the University of Bonn; took part in the revolutionary agitations of Europe in 1848 and following years, involving Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, etc.; and in which Kossuth in Hungary, and Garibaldi in Italy were prominent leaders, whose names are familiar to and honored by all Americans. Mr. Schurz came to the United States in 1852; settled as a law3^er at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1859; in 1861 was appointed minister to Spain; resigned and came home, and in 1862-3-4, was a major-gen- eral of volunteers in the Union army. In 1867 he settled at St. Louis as editor of the Westliche Post; was United States senator from Mis- souri from 1869 to 1875, and was secretary of the interior in President Hayes' cabinet. Mr. Schurz has thus won the highest positions ever held in the United States by any foreign-born citizen, and has reflected honor upon Missouri, his adopted state, by his masterful ability as a public speaker, and his strong, earnest, humanitarian efforts as an executive offi- cer. Prof. Charles V. Riley, was born in London, England, September 12, 1843; came to the United States in 1860a In 1868 estabhshed in St. Louis, in company with Benjamin D. Walsh, a scientific journal called the American Entomologist^ and was the same year appointed state entomol- ogist of Missouri; this position he filled to the great benefit and honor of the state for eight years; then he was called to come up higher, and took position as entomologist of the national department of agriculture at Washington. Prof. Riley's valuable investigations and discoveries with regard to the Colorado beetle (potato bug), the Rocky Mountain locust 4 50 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. (grasshoppers), the cotton worm, and the phylloxera, or grape insect, have placed his name in the foremost ranks in the world of science, and among the greatest of benefactors to the agricultural and horticultural industries of the world. This he achieved while serving Missouri as state entomol- ogist, and through the publication by the state of his annual reports. Hence, the name and good repute of our noble commonwealth is insepar- ably associated with his honor and fame, which has reached the farthest confines of every land where potatoes, cotton or grapes are cultivated. MISSOURI IN THE CIVIL WAR. Missouri was powerfully agitated by the controversy on the slavery question in 1818-19-20, which resulted in the "Missouri Compromise." This was a compact, mainly carried through congress by the eloquence and influence of the great senator, Henry Clay, of Kentucky, by which it was agreed that Missouri should be admitted to the Union as a slave- holding state ; but that slavery should be forever excluded from any states which might thereafter be formed out of new territory west of the western boundary of Missouri, and north of the parallel of 36 degrees, 30 minutes of north latitude. This line practically corresponds with the southern boundary of Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Utah, as they now stand. In May, 1854, congress passed a bill organizing the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, in which it was declared that the Missouri Com- promise of 1820 did not apply to them. This was an indirect way of repealing or rendering nugatory the bargain made between the northern and the southern states in that compromise ; and the floodgates of angry debate, contention and strife were at once opened. This became the issue upon which all elections turned. Instead of slavery being prohibited, as the compromise "of 1820 had declared it should be, it was thrown open for the territorial legislature to decide whether it should be free or slave territory. In view of this, there was a rush and race of settlers from the free states and the slave states into Kansas, to see which party should get control of the first territorial legislature; and in this m.ovement Missouri, as a slave state, took a prominent part. It was a border country conflict, and there was illegality and violence on both sides, making a chapter in our state history the details of which might profitably be dropped out and forgotten. Sufllice to say, the free state party carried the election; and this conflict was a precursor of the great civil war. i HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 51 In 1860 C. F. Jackson was elected governor of Missouri. Abraham Lincoln had been elected President of the United States at the same time. Governor Jackson took his seat January 4, 1S61; the question of secession was then already in warm discussion in some of the southern states, and Governor Jackson in his inaugural address maintained that " Missouri must stand by the other slave-holding states, whatever course they may pursue." The general assembly ordered an election to be held February 18th, for members of a state convention; the proposed object of this con- vention was " to consider the then existing relations between the United States, the people and government of the different states, and the govern- ment and people of the state of Missouri; and to adopt such measures for vindicating the sovereignty of the state and the protection of its institutions as shall appear to them to be demanded." This convention met, tirst at Jefferson City, and afterward at St. Loiiis, and had a decided majority of Unionists — that is, of men opposed to secession; some because they beheved in the doctrine of "Federal Nationality," as against the doctrine called "State Rights;" others because, like A. H. Stevens, of Georgia, they saw with a clear eye that secession must inevitably result in the overthrow of slavery. And thus the Union men themselves were strongly divided into northern and southern sympathizers. The convention sat at St. Louis, without any important results, from March 9th to 22d, when it adjourned, subject to the call of its committee on federal relations. National events rushed on rapidly to a crisis which would admit of no temporizing. In April, Fort Sumter was fired upon; President Lincoln called for 75,000 troops ; and men must now take sides for or against the national sovereignty of the lawfully constituted Federal authorities. Our legislature was in session; its measures and discussions were almost entirely of the " State Rights " type ; and in a message to the legislature on May 3, 1861, Governor Jackson said the President's call for troops "is unconstitutional and illegal, tending toward a consolidated despotism. * * Our interest and sympathies are identical with those of the slave-holding states, and necessarily unite our destiny with theirs." While these influences were working in the central and western parts of the state, and organizations of " state guards " were being rapidly formed to resist the federal authority. Gen. Nathaniel Lyon and Col. F. P. Blair were actively enlisting men and organizing regiments in St. Louis and vicinity, to main- tain the federal authority. The most intense alarm and consternation prevailed throughout the state. Several minor conflicts occurred between state militia or " guards " and Union troops, all hinging upon the question of which power had the right of paramount sovereignty. The state troops were mostly under command of General Sterling Price, subordinate only to the governor of the state; while the federal troops were under 52 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. command of General Lyon, by authority of the President of the United States.^ Governor Jackson finally tried to make terms with Gen. Lyon, that no federal troops should be stationed in or allowed to pass through the state. This was refused; and the governor then immediately issued a formal call, June 12, for 50,000 state militia. About April 20th, nearly two months before this, the " state guards " had seized the United States arsenal at Liberty, in Clay county, and taken its stores and arms for their own use. This was several weeks before the celebrated "Camp Jackson" affair. The wager of battle was now fairly joined in Missouri between different parties of her own citizens, although volunteers from other states soon began to pour in. The following is a chronological list of the more important actions and events: Afril 12, i86i. — Confederates opened fire on Fort Sumter, which was yielded up and evacuated on the 14th. April Jj. — President Lincoln's proclamation, calling for 75,000 volun- teers to sustain the government, and calling a special session of congress. SUCCEEDING EVENTS IN MISSOURI.f Afril /p.— Gov. Jackson wrote to David Walker, President of the Arkansas Convention, thus: "I have been from the beginning in favor of decided and prompt action on the part of the southern states, but the majority of the people of Missouri, up to the present time, have differed with me. " April 20. — The U. S. arsenal,- at Liberty, in Clay county, was seized and garrisoned by about a hundred "state guards," and the arms and cannon were distributed to their friends throughout the county, with the concurrence of the governor.;}: April 22. — Governor Jackson officially resented the president's call for troops, and called an extra session of the legislature, to arm and equip state troops. State militia ordered to go into encampment on May 3, for one week. * It is not the purpose of this history to give a detailed narrative of events of the war time; neither to discuss the right or the wrong of the views of either party in the conflict. We only give a briefs^ention of some of the most important incidents and leading actors, to show how and wherein the people of Missouri were themselves divided in opinion, what motives moved them, and what events stand out as of chief historic celebrity. Indeed, we would gladly skip this period of our state history entirely, if it were permissible in such a work. fThe events here given, in their chronological order, have been collated from more than thirty diflerent volumes containing diflerent items or parts of Missouri's war history. The narratives, dates and statistics were found often conflicting; and we have endeavored to use those only which seemed to be the best authenticated, or the most probable under the circumstances— and to localize events as closely as possible by naming the towns, streams, counties, etc., where they occurred. |The governor had already (April 20th) seized the United States arsenal at Liberty, and had disfributed among his friends the arms it contained. ''—Draper's History of the Civil War, Vol. II, p. 228. HISTORY OF-^ THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 53 April 2^, Night. — Capt. Lyon secretly removed the war stores in U. S. arsenal at St. Louis, by steamboat, over to Alton, Illinois. April 28. — Gov. Jackson wrote secretly to J. W. Tucker, Esq., of St. Louis: "I want a little time to arm the state, and I am assuming every responsibility to do it with all possible dispatch. * * ^ We should keep our own counsels. * * * Nothing should be said about the time or the manner in which Missouri should g-o out. That she ouofht to o-o, and will go at the proper time, I have no doubt. She ought to have gone last winter, when she could have seized the public arms and public property and defended herself. " * May J. — Legislature met. Governor Jackson denounced the presi- dent's call for troops as '■'' unconstitiUional and illegal.'''' Meanwhile Col. F. P. Blair, Jr., member of congress from the 1st district, of St. Louis, had enlisted one full regiment, and had four others in course of organiza- tion, within ten days from the issue of the president's call. Afay 10. — A body of "state guards," under command of Gen. D. M. Frost, acting under Governor Jackson's authority, had established a camp near St. Louis, called "Camp Jackson." Capt. Lyon, who had been since February in charge of the U. S. arsenal at St. Louis, with a few soldiers of the regular army (less than 500), discovered that the Camp Jackson men were receiving arms and ammunition by steamboats from the south, in boxes marked " marble. " Accordingly, on the morning of May 10th, he with his regulars, and Col. Blair with his Missouri volun- teers, surrounded, surprised and captured the camp, taking as prisoners of war 639 privates and 50 officers. The arms captured consisted of 20 cannon, 1200 new rifles, several chests of muskets, and large quantities of shot, shell, cartridges, etc. May 12. — Gen. Wm. S. Harney took command of the Union forces in Missouri. Meanwhile the legislature had passed an act making every able-bodied man subject to military duty. All public revenues for 1860-61 (about $3,000,000) were authorized to be used by the governor for military purposes. May 21. — Gen. Harney made a truce or compromise of peace with Gen. Price, commander of the state troops. yime I. — The president repudiated Gen. Harney's truce with Price; also removed him from his command and gave it to Gen. Lvon, who had on May ITth been appointed a brigadier-general of volunteers. yiine 4-. — Governor Jackson issued a circular claiming the Harney- Price compact to be still in force. yimc II. — Gen. Price and Gov. Jackson sought a "peace conference" with Gen. Lyon and Col. Blair. The governor stipulated as a vital con- *See official address of the state convention, issued to tlie people July 31, 1861. 54 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. dition of peace, that no Federal troops should be stationed in or pass through Missouri. The proposition was rejected. yunc 12. — Gasconade railroad bridge burnt; also, Osage river bridge; and telegraph lines cut that connected with St. Louis. yune I J. — Governor Jackson issued a call for 50,000 state militia, to repel federal invasion; referred to the president as " the military despotism which has introduced itself at Washington;" and said to the people, " your first allegiance is due to your own state." He appointed ex-Governor Ster- ling Price as major general; and M. L. Clark, John B. Clark, Parsons^ Slack, Harris, Rains, McBride, Stein and Jeff. Thomson, as brigadier- generals. The state militia were called to rendezvous at Boonville and Lexington. The governor and other officers left Jefferson City for Boon- ville this day,* while at the same time General Lyon was embarking with 1,500 men at St. Louis, to take and hold the state capital. Jtme 75. — General Lyon arrived at Jefferson City. yune 16. — Re-embarked his troops for Boonville. yune 17. — Battle of Boonville. Colonel Marmaduke defeated. State troops retreated to Warsaw, with loss of fifty killed. Federal loss, two killed. yune i8-ig. — Colonel O'Kane, with 350 state militia, surprised in the night, a half-formed Union regiment at Cole Camp, in Benton county, under Capt. Cook. Pollard's " Southern History " says, in this affair the Union- ists lost 206 killed, a large number wounded, and over 100 taken prison- ers, beside 362 muskets captured; O'Kane lost 15 killed and 20 wounded. yuly J. — Governor Jackson and General Price were at Montevallo, in Vernon county, with (Pollard says) 3,600 state troops. yuly 5-d.— Battle of Carthage (or Dry Fork), in Jasper county; union loss, 13 killed and 31 wounded; state troops, under Price and Jackson, lost about 300 killed and wounded. Gen. Seigel, the union commander, fell back sixty miles, to Springfield and joined Gen. Lyon. yuly S.—A small fight occurred at Bird's Point, in Mississippi county. Confederates lost 3 killed and 8 wounded. Federal loss, if any, not reported. yuly 22. — The state convention, which had adjourned subject to the call of its committee on federal relations, re-convened at Jefferson City. yuly 25. — Maj. Gen. Fremont arrived at St. Louis, as commander of the western department, which comprised Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, and the territories westward. yuly JO.— State convention, by a vote of 56 to 25, declared the state offices and seats in legislature vacant, by reason of their occupants being engaged in treasonable and armed hostilities against the lawfully consti- " *The capture of Camp Jackson and the flight of the chief executive from the capital, was the occasion of a partial destruction of the Osage and Gasconade bridges [railroad], as well as those over Gray's creek, west of Jefferson City."— Aiinual report of state commig- sioner of statistics, 1866, p. 255. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 55 tuted federal authorities, and that all legislative and executive acts in pur suance of such treason or armed hostilit}^ pretended to be done in the name and by authority of the state of Missouri, ivcre mill and void. They elected to fill the state office vacancies, H. R. Gamble, governor; W. P. Hall, lieutenant governor; Mordecai Oliver, secretary of state; and appointed the first Monday of November as a day of general election. yuly 31. — Lieut. Governor Reynolds, whose office had been declared vacant by the state convention, issued a proclamation, dated at New Mad- rid, July 3], in which he said: "I return to the state, to accompany in my official capacity, one of the armies which the warrior statesman [Jef- ferson Davis], whose genius now presides over the affairs of our half of the Union, has prepared to advance against the common foe. * * -st You behold the most warlike population on the globe, the people of the lower Mississippi valley, about to rush with their gleaming bowie-knives and unerring rifles, to aid us in driving out the abolitionists and their Hes- sion allies. * * The road to peace and internal security is only through union with the south. * * Rally to the stars and bars, in union with the glorious ensign of the grizzly bear."* August 2. — Battle of Dug Springs, in Lawrence county. General McCulloch, of Arkansas, in command of Confederates, marching to attack Springfield, was checked, and fell back to Sarcoxie; loss, 40 killed, 44 wounded. General Lyon fell back to Springfield; loss, 8 killed, 30 wounded. August 5, — Confederate troops under Col. Martin E. Green, attacked Missouri state militia, under Col. Moore, at Athens, in Clark county, and were defeated with a loss of 43 killed. August 6. — Governor Jackson, being now at Carthage, and just hear- ing of the action of the state convention, also issued a proclamation, de- claring the union between Missouri and the other states totally dissolved, and proclaiming the state of Missouri to be " a sovereign^ f^cc and inde- pendent re^id>licP August 10. — Battle of Wilson's Creek. Gen. Lyon, Federal, had 5,500 infantry, 400 cavalry, and 18 cannon. Gen. McCulloch, Confeder- ate, says that his "effective force was 5,300 infantry, 15 pieces of artillery, and 6,000 horsemen." (The Union officers imagined and reported more than double this number against them; one said 23,000, and another 24,000.) The Confederates lost 421 killed, 1,317 wounded and 30 mis- sing. The Federals reported 223 killed, 721 wounded and 292 missing, and 5 cannon lost. Gen. Lyon was killed in this engagement. August i^. — Federals evacuated Springfield and retreated to Rolla, but *Early in March the confederate congress had adopted the "stars and bars" as the flag of their confederacy. The state seal of Missouri has two grizzly bears among its emblems. 56 HISTORY 01 THE STATE OF MISSOURI. were not ptirsued. Earthwork fortifications were this day commenced around St. Louis. August ji. — Gen. Fremont issued a general order proclaiming martial law in Missouri; the property of all persons who had taken up arms against the United States was declared to be confiscated, and '■'■ their slaves to be free men.'''' (President Lincoln at once annulled this last clause.) September ij. — Siege of Lexington commenced by Gen. Price. His force has been variously estimated from 22,000 to 28,000, with 13 cannon. Col. Mulligan, Federal, had 2,780 troops, with six brass cannon, two howitzers, and forty rounds of ammunition. The same day, at Boonville, the Confederates, led by Col. Brown, attacked the Federal gar- rison in command of Col. Eppstein, and were repulsed with a loss of 12 killed and 30 wounded; Federal loss, 1 killed and 4 wounded. Se;pte7iiber ij. — Battle of Blue Mills Landing, or Missouri Bottom, in Clay county. A body of Confederates, variously estimated at 600 to 1,000 men, were on their way to join Gen. Price, at Lexington; and being pur- sued by a body of TOO Iowa and Missouri Unionist volunteers, they laid in ambush, and were attacked. The Federals lost 16 killed and 80 wounded ; the Confederates lost 10 killed and 60 wounded, repulsed their assailants, and then crossed over to Blue Mills, in Jackson county, on the south side of the Missouri, and marched on to Lexington. September i8-ig. — Main battle of Lexington. September 20. — Col. Mulligan surrendered. Gen. Price honorably rec- ognized the pluck and splendid heroism of his opponents, who were out of both provisions and ammunition, and for two days had had no water except the night dews which settled in their blankets and was wrung out into camp dishes in the morning. He released the privates on parole, but retained the officers as prisoners. Of the Federals there were 42 killed and 108 wounded. Gen. Price reported 25 killed and 72 wounded, from his regular muster rolls. But nearly half the men there with him were not formally enrolled as soldiers, and the losses among them could never be ascertained with any certainty, though known to be pretty large. September 21. — A fight occurred at Papinsville, in Bates county, in which, as reported, 17 Unionists were killed, and 40 Confederates killed and 100 captured. September -?/. — Gen. Fremont left St. Louis for Jefferson City, in pur- suit of Price, with an army of 15,000 infantry, 5,000 cavalry, and 86 pieces of artillery; his chief officers were Generals Hunter, Pope, Siegel, McKinstry and Asboth. But Price was too good a general to be caught at a disadvantage ; he however skillfully managed to lead the Federals on wild goose chases after him all over southern Missouri. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 57 October ij. — Secretary of War Cameron, and Adj't. Gen. Thomas, visited Fremont at Tipton. On the same day the Federal garrison at Lebanon, in LaClede county, was attacked unsuccessfully by Confederates, who lost 27 killed, 12 Avounded, and 36 taken prisoners. Federal loss, 1 killed and sev'eral wounded. October i^. — On this day Fremont's army reported thus: 1st division. Gen. Hunter, at Tipton 9,750 men 2d " Gen Pope, at Georgetown 9,220 men 3d " Gen. Siegel, at Sedalia 7,980 men 4th " Gen. Asboth, at Tipton 6,451 men 5th " Gen. McKinstry, at Syracuse 5,388 men Total 38,789 men They were all hunting for Gen. Price, to give him battle ; he was not yet ready for a pitched battle, but he worried the Federals a great deal by decoying them into many a long and fruitless march. About this time several small fights occurred in different parts of the state, but of which few particulars can be obtained. The " American Annual Cyclopedia," for 1861, gives the following statistics: Oct. 15, Big River bridge. Federal loss, 1 killed, 7 wounded, 52 missing; Confed- erate loss, 20 killed, 4 wounded. October 16, Bolivar Heights [in Polk county]. Federal loss, 7 killed; Confederate loss, 150 killed. Oct. 17, Pilot Knob, Federal loss, 1 killed, 10 wounded; Confederate loss, 36 killed. Oct. 19, Big Harrison Creek, Federal loss, 2 killed, 14 wounded; Confederate loss, 14 killed, 8 missing. Oct. 23, West Liberty [in Putnam •county]. Federal loss, 2 wounded; Confederate loss, 15 killed, 30 wounded.* October i6. — Recapture of Lexington by Major White, releasing Union prisoners, including two colonels of Mulligan's brigade. October 21. — Battle of Fredericktown, in Madison county. Confeder- ate Col. Jetf Thompson was defeated with loss of 200 killed, and made a hasty retreat, leaving 60 of his dead behind him. Federal loss, 30 killed. October 24., — Battle of Springfield. Major Zagonyi, with 300 cavalry, known as " Fremont's Body Guard, " attacked an irregular force estima- ted at 1,200 foot and 400 horsemen, and defeated them, losing 84 of his men killed or wounded; 100 of his troops were Kentuckians. The Con- federate loss was known to be considerable, but could never be fully ascer- tained; their dead w^ere buried the next day, under a flag of truce. October 27. — Gen. Siegel reached Springfield with his division. Fre- mont was concentrating his army at Springfield, to fortify and hold it as *Ia the greater number of battles iu this state the Federals had the advantage of more artillery thau the Confederates, and men better skilled in its use ; and this is why the losses on the Confederate side so often seem out of proportion. 3 * 58 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. the key to southwestern Missouri and northern Arkansas, where Price and McCulloch were operating. November 2. — Fremont was removed from command and Gen. Hunter placed in his stead. November 2. — A sharp fight occurred on Bee Creek, between Weston and Platte City, in Platte county; the Confederate loss is given as 13 killed and 30 missing; Federal loss not known. November 7. — Gen. Hunter evacuated Springfield and fell back to Rolla. This same da}'^ the battle of Belmont occurred; Federal loss, 84 killed, 388 wounded, and 285 taken prisoners. Pollard's "Southern History" says the Confederate loss in this battle was 632. But the National Hand- Book reports the Confederate losses as 261 killed, 427 wounded, and 278 missing. November 18. — Gen. H. W. Halleck arrived at St. Louis and took com- mand, in place of Gen. Hunter. November 21. — Gen. Halleck issued an order that no fugitive slaves should be permitted to enter the lines of any camp, nor of an}^ forces on the march. (President Lincoln had some time before this annulled Gen. Fremont's order declaring certain slaves free.) November 27. — Gen. J. M. Schofield placed in command of Missouri Federal troops. November and December. — During these months there occurred several irregular conflicts of no great importance, but still deemed worthy of cas- ual mention in Horace Greely's History of the War, because they served to show how the Missouri people were divided among themselves, and thereby suffered the more. The village of Warsaw was burned Nov. 19, and Platte City, Dec. 16, by guerillas; a small fight occurred at Salem Dec. 3, at Rogers' mill Dec. 7, and at or near Glasgow, Potosi, Lexing- ton, Mount Zion, and Sturgeon, on Dec. 28th. December 3. — Col. Freeman with a regiment of Confederate cavalry, made a night attack on Federal troops under Col. Bowen, near Salem, in Dent county, and was defeated, with a loss of 10 killed, 2 Confederates under Col. Poindex- ter while crossing the Chariton river. After a running light 'of three or four da3'S, Col. Poindexter's troops were all killed, captured or dispersed, and himself taken prisoner. August II. — Col. Hughes captured the Federal garrison of 312 men of the 7th Missouri cavalry, stationed at Independence. Augtist i§. — Battle of Lone Jack, in Jackson county. Col. Coffey and Col. Hughes, with 4,500 men, attacked the Federals under Major Foster, wounding him, capturing his two cannon, and compelling him to retreat to Lexington. The victorious Confederates were in turn pursued by "*By order of Gen. Sterling Price, it [the North Missouri Railroad] was partially destroyed in June and July, 1861 ; and on the 20th of December, 1861, for a hundred miles, every bridge and culvert was broken down, and a perfect wreck made of everything that could be destroyed. In September and October, 1864, two trains of cars and seven depots were burned, and several engines iojured." — Annual Report Slate Commissioner of Statis- tics, 1866 ; p. 258. 60 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Stronger bodies of the National troops, and rapidly retreated toward Arkansas. September 2^. — Gen. Curtis placed in command of all Union troops in Missouri. Octoher i. — Battle of Newtonia, in Newton county. Gen. Salomon, of Wisconsin, was defeated by Confederate cavalry. Losses not known. Gen. Hindman was advancing from Arkansas with 18,000 to 20,000 Con- federates, poorly armed. Gen. Schofield came up with 10,000 troops to attack him at Newtonia, but he retreated back into Arkansas, closel}" pursued by the Federals. December 7. — Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark. This, being just over the line, was practically a Missouri battle ; it was fought between the same armies which had been so long contending for the mastery in this state. Our own state Generals, Marmaduke, Parsons and Frost, were in com- mand, under Gen. Hindman. The Federal commanders were Generals Blunt and Herron. Federal loss, 495 killed, 600 wounded; the Confeder- ates lost 1,500 in killed and wounded, and suffered a defeat. EVENTS IN 1863. 'January 8. — Battle of Springfield. General Brown with 1,200 Mis- souri State militia, was attacked by Gen. Marmaduke with 1,870 Confed- erate troops. The battle lasted eight hours. Federal loss, 14 killed, 145 wounded, 5 missing. Confederates lost, 41 killed and 160 wounded, 80 of the latter being left as prisoners. January 11. — Battle of Hartsville. Finng commenced at 11 a. m., and continued until 4:30 p. m. Confederates under Generals Marmaduke and Porter lost 300 killed and wounded, and 29 taken prisoners. Among the killed were Gen. McDonald and Col. Porter, besides six other officers. The Federals were under Col. Samuel Merrill, (afterward Governor of Iowa), and lost 7 killed, 64 wounded and 7 missing. The Confederates retreated back into Arkansas. March 28. — Steamboat " Sam. Gaty " captured by Confederates at Sibley's landing, near Independence. April 26. — The Federal garrison at Cape Girardeau under Gen. Mc- Neil w-as attacked by Gen. Marmaduke with 10,000 men, and a battle of five hours ensued, in which the assailants lost 60 killed and over 300 wounded. They retreated back into Arkansas, being pursued to the state line by Missouri militia, and a few more were killed or captured. Alay I J. — Gen, Schofield was placed in command in Missouri, succeed- ing Gen. Curtis. August I J. — Col. Coffey, Confederate, attacked the 6 th Missouri cav- alry under Col. Catherwood, at Pineville, in McDonald count}^, and was HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 61 repulsed, with loss of 200 killed, wounded and prisoners, besides his wagons, munitions and cattle. October I J. — Battle near Arrow Rock, Saline county. Confederates reported 2,500 in number, under Cols. Shelby and CofTe}^, were attacked by Missouri state militia under Gen. E. B. Brown, and defeated with a loss of 300 in killed, wounded and prisoners, besides all their artillery and baggage. Fight lasted five hours. Federal loss not known, though reported as " also large." EVENTS IN 1864. yanuary 28. — Gen. Rosecrans arrived at St. Louis and took command of the Department of Missouri. 'June — .The Belgian Consul, who was state commander of the secret order of "American Knights, " or " Sons of Liberty, " was arrested, with forty of the most prominent members, and held as hostages, because proof had been discovered that they were plotting against the Federal authori- ties. September 26. — Gen. Price, with 10,000 men, attacked the Federal gar- rison at Ironton (near Pilot Knob\ in command of Gen. Thomas Ewing, jr., with 1,200 men. After a day's hard fighting the Federals spiked their fort guns and retreated in the night to Rolla, having lost 200 killed and wounded. The Confederates lost 1,500. October 7. — Battle or skirmish of Moreau creek, in Cole county, which Gen. Price crossed, and formed his army in line of battle about four miles long around Jefferson City. But finding the Federal garrison intrenched, he marched on west without attacking them. (The Federals had 6,700 men there). October 22. — Gen. Pleasanton's Federal cavalry defeated Col. Fagan at Independence, capturing two cannon. October 23. — Battle on the Big Blue creek, in Jackson county, lasting from 7 A. M., till 1 p. m. Confederates retreated southward. October 25. — Battle on little Osage Creek in Vernon county. Gen. Price was defeated, the Federals under Gen. Pleasonton capturing eight cannon, and Generals Marmaduke and Cabell, besides five colonels and 1,000 men, with all equipments, supplies, etc. The fighting had been almost continuous by some part of the troops, all along the march from Independence to the Little Osage; and reports at this point give the Fed- eral loss at 1,000 killed and wounded, and about 2,000 taken prisoners; Confederate loss, 900 killed, 3,800 wounded and prisoners, and ten cannon captured from them. October 28. — Gen. Price again made a stand at Newtonia, in Newton county, and had a sharp fight with the Federals under Gens. Blunt and San- born, but was defeated and escaped into Arkansas. And this was the 62 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. last encounter that can be called a "battle" within the bounds of our state. The numbers engaged on either side, and their losses in this last fight are not reported. MEN AND MONEY FOR THE WAR Under President Lincoln's first call, April 15, 18G1, for 75,000 volun- teers, Missouri furnished 10,501 men; and she furnished a total of 108,773 Federal or Union soldiers during the war. The total number of citizens of Missouri who took up arms on the Confederate side cannot be ascer- tained. During the war the state issued its indebtedness called "Defense War- rants" and "Union Military Bonds," for equipping and maintaining the militia organizations of the state; the total amount was $7,876,575. All of the defense warrants and one-half of the Union military bonds were made receivable for state taxes; and a special fund was created for the redemption of the balance. The United States paid to the state of Mis- souri a total of $6,440,323.95, to reimburse her for military expenses incurred. ST. LOUIS IN THE WAR-TIME. Notwithstanding the strenuous competition of other cities, the superior advantages of St. Louis for distribution, and a due regard for its own interests, compelled the government to make St. Louis the western base of supplies and transportation. During the war the transactions of the government at this point were very large. Gen. Parsons, chief of trans- portation in the Mississippi Valley, submits the following as an approxi- mate summary of the operations in his department from 1860 to 1865: AMOUNT OF TRANSPORTATION. Cannons and caissons '. 800 Wagons 13,000 Cattle 80,000 Horses and mules 25»),000 Troops 1,000,000 Pounds of military stores 1,050,000,000 Gen. Parsons thinks that full one-half of all the transportation employed by the government on the Mississippi and its tributaries was furnished by St. Louis. From September, 1861, to December 31, 1865, Gen. Haines, chief commissary of this department, expended at St. Louis for the pur- chase of subsistence stores, $50,700,000. And Gen. Myers, chief quar- termaster of the department, disbursed for supplies, transportation, and incidental expenses, $180,000,000. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 63 HOSPITAL SERVICE. As a part of the war history of Missouri, the military hospitals of St. Louis claim at least a brief mention. After the battle of Wilson's Creek it became apparent that the government provision for hospitals was entirely inadequate to the emergency. A voluntary organization, called the Western Sanitary Commission, was formed, consisting of James E. Yeatman (now of the Merchant's National Bank), Rev. Wm. G. Eliot, D. D., (now Chancellor of Washington University), George Partridge, (recently Vice President of Trustees of State Blind Asylum), Carlos S. Greeley and John B. Johnson. Their purpose was to receive and distrib- ute hospital supplies furnished by the people, and in every practicable way aid and co-operate with the military authorities in the care of the sick and wounded. The first woman regularly mustered into the United States service as a hospital nurse, in Missouri, was Mrs. F. R. H. Reid, M. D., from Wisconsin, (now resides at Des Moines, Iowa). She was the woman coadjutor of U. S. Surgeon, Dr. Mills, in opening and starting the first large volunteer hospital, which was known as the Chestnut street hospital; and afterward she took the same part in the Fourth street hos- pital; and also with Dr. Melchior in the Marine hospital; also in a tem- porary post hospital at Sulphur Springs. To give an idea of the largeness of the hospital work, we quote from a circular printed at St. Louis, Nov. 22, 1S61,* which sa3's: "There are ten military hospitals in St. Louis alone, with a maximum capacity for 3,500 patients. The number of patients varies every day, but on Wednes- da}', November 20th, they reported patients under treatment as follows: House of Refuge hospital, [Sisters of Charity nurses] 475 Fifth and Chestnut streets hospital, 464 Good Samaritan hospital, [for measles,] 173 Fourth street hospital, 328 Jefterson barracks hospital 72 Arsenal hospital, ' 16 Camp Benton hospital, 106 Pacific hospital, [depot for the hospital cars] 30 Duncan's Island hospital, [for small-pox: cases all convalescent,] .... 4 Convalescent barracks, [known as Camp Benton,] 800 Total, 2,468 " ( This does not include the company, regiment and brigade hospitals, of which there are several.) The average mortality has been about four per cent. A hospital car, properly fitted up and manned, passes daily over the railroad to the interior, to bring in the sick and wounded. The arrangements for decent burial, registration of deaths, identification, etc., * Prepared and published by H. A. Reid, Associate Member for Wiscoasin of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. 64: HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. are very complete. The body of any soldier who may die in any of the hospitals may be identified, and removed for other obsequies or burial by relatives or friends. There are no hospital chaplains; but nurses are in- structed by the sanitary commission, that every patient who asks for it, will be visited by a clergyman of his own choice, at any hour." There were hospitals also at Jefferson City, Rolla and Ironton at this time. This circular contained a classified list, prepared by Mrs. Reid, of over a hundred different articles needed for the care, comfort and welfare of the soldiers in hospital, beyond what the general government could furnish; the whole document was reprinted by state authority at Madison, Wisconsin, and widely circulated. In a letter dated St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1862, Mr. Yeatman said: "Wisconsin has contributed most largely to- wards supplying comforts for the sick in camps and hospitals in this department, second to but one other state — Massachusetts. " There was a prison hospital for sick Confederate prisoners, to whom supplies were furnished from the stores of the sanitary commission, the same as to the Union soldiers; and wounded Confederates were cared for in the general hospitals the same as those of the Federal troops. The writer hereof was an eye-witness to this fact; and is glad td record it as a testimony of the true Christian spirit of the sanitary commission and the magnanimity of the Federal authorities. THE AVAR-TIME STATE GOVERNMENT. The civil authority of the state remained vested in the state conven- tion from July, 1861, until July, 1863. This provisional body held the following sessions: 1861— Jefferson City, February 28 to March 4. St. Louis, March 6 to March 22. Jefferson City, July 22 to July 31. St. Louis, October 10 to October 18. 1862— Jefferson City, June 2 to June 14. 1863 — Jefferson City, June 1.5 to July 1, when it adjourned sine die. The course of affairs had now become so far settled and pacified that civil proceedings were again possible, and the regular fall elections were held this year, 1863. On the 13th of February, 1864, the general assem- bly convened, and passed an act to authorize the election of sixty-six members to a state convention, "to consider such amendments to the con- stitution of the state as might by it be deemed necessary for the emanci- pation of slaves;* to preserve in purity the elective franchise to loyal citizens, and for the promotion of the public good." This convention met in St. Louis, January 6, 1865; and on the 11th of * President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, January 1, 18G3, only applied to slaves within such states or parts of states as were then contr(>lk'd by the Confederate power. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 65 the same month it passed, by a vote of sixty aA^es to four noes, an ordi- nance emancipating- all slaves within the state, and providing that it should take effect immediately. The convention also Iramed a new con- stitution, in many respects quite different from the old one. The final vote in conv^ention on the new instrument stood thirty-eight for, to thirteen against it. The (invention adjourned April 10, sine die. In June the people voted on the new constitution, and the vote stood 43,670 for, to 41,808 against it. The following are some of the most notable new features embodied in the organic law of the state, and will readily explain why there was such a large vote against its adoption : It established an oath of loyalty to the United States ; and those who would not take the oath it excluded from the right to vote or hold any civil office whatever, or act as a teacher in any public school, or to solemnize marriage as a clergyman, or to practice law in any of the courts. It limited the amount of land which any church or religious society might hold to live acres of land in the country, or one acre in town or city; provided for taxing church property; and declared void any will bequeathing property to any clergj^man, religious teacher or religious sodety as such. There was a section designed to prevent the state from giving public property, lands or bonds, to railroad compa- nies. It provided that after January 1, 1876, no one could become a law- ful voter who was not sutRciently educated to be able to read and write. July 1, 1865, the governor, Thomas C. Fletcher, made proclamation that the new constitution had been duly ratified by a lawful majority of the people, and was thenceforth the organic law of the state. A few amendments have been since adopted; but in all important points it remains the same to this day. 66 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. TART II.— PHYSICAL AND INDUSTRIAL. t GEOLOGY AND MINERALS. The geological history of Missouri commences at the very bottom of the scale, or, in what may be termed the fire-crust period of geologic time. (See chart on page 67). Dana's "Manual of Geology" is the great standard work all over the United States on this subject. In his chapter on Archasan Time he gives a map and baef sketch of our North American continent as it existed at that remote period, which was, according to a calculation made for the Royal Society of London in 1879,* about 600,000,000 years ago. And as this is where Missouri first comes to light, we quote Prof. Dana's account of the very meagre areas and points of our continent which stood alone above the primeval ocean that then enveloped the entire globe with its bubbling, seething, sputtering wavelets — an enormous caldron of boiling, steaming silicious lye, rather than water. Dana says: " The principal of the areas is 77/1? Great Northern^ nucleal to the con- tinent, lying mostly in British America, and having the shaj>e of the letter V, one arm reaching northeastward to Labrador, and the other north- westward from Lake Superior to the Arctic. The region appears to have been for the most part out of water ever since the Archasan era.f To this area properly belong the Adirondack area, covering the larger part of northern New York, and a Michigan area south of Lake Supe- rior, each of which was probably an island in the continental sea before the Silurian age began. " Beside this nucleal area, there are border-mountain lines of Archaean rocks: a long Appalachian line, including the Highland Ridge of Dutch- ess county. New York, and New Jersey, and the Blue Ridge of Penn- sylvania and Virginia; a long Rocky Mountain series, embracing the Wind River mountains, the Laramie range and other summit ridges of the Rocky Mountains. In addition, in the eastern border region, there is an Atlantic coast range, consisting of areas in New Foundland, Nova Scotia and eastern New England. In the western border region, a Pacific coast range in Mexico; and several more or less isolated areas in the Mississippi basin, west of the Mississippi, as in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, and the Black Hills of Dakota." — Danah Manual, p. 150. *See Popular Science Monthly, May, 1879, p. 137. fThe "Archaean era," as used by Prof. Dana, in 1874, (the date of his latest revision) included both the "Azoic Age," and "Age of Zooliths," as shown on the charts p. 67. When Prof. Dana wrote, it was still an open question whether the "cozoon" was of animal or mineral origin ; but the highest authorities are now agreed that it was animal ; aud Prof. Reid has, therefore, very properly given it a distinct place in his " Zoic Calendar." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 67 GHOI«OGICAI< CSART; Including the Rock Scale of Geological Periods and the "Zoic Calendar of Creation."' Compiled ftom the works of Agaesiz, Lyell, Huxley, Haeckel, Dana, LeConte, and other first rank authorities in Science at the present time. By Hiram A. Reid, Secretary State Academy of Sciences at Dcs Moines, Iowa. [Published by permission of the Author.] Explanation. — The side line at the left shows what portions of geological time are comprehended in the terms "eozoic," " paleo- zoic," etc . The first column shows the periods or "Ages" of geological time during which the different successive types of ani- mal life predominated, or were the highest types then in existence. And these two divisions form the "Zoic Calendar of Creation." The second column shows the great general groupings of rock strata.in which are found the fossil remains of the corresponding ani- mal types named in the first col- umn. But, at tne "Age of Reji- tiles" occurs a grand divergement, for it was during this age that an- imal life pushed out into its most wonderful developments ; and there came into existence strange and marvelous forms of swimming reptiles, four-footed and two-foot- ed walking reptiles, and two-foot- ed and four-footed flying reptiles. Here also the true birds began to appear, though with reptilian pe- culiarities; and likewise the mar- supial animals, which are a tran- sitional type, between reptiles that produce theiryoung by laying eggs and the true mammals, "that bring forth their young well ma- tured and then suckle them. The third column shows the les- ser groupings of rock beds as clas- sified by our American geologists; but many minor subdivisions and local groups are omitted for want of space. At the top of this col- umn are shown the geological pe- riods of first appearance oi races of man, so far as now authentica- ted by competent scientific au- thorities.* The fourth column shows the number of feet in thickness of the difi'erent groups of rock layers as indicated by the braces. This Chart is the most compre- hensive and thorough in its de- tails, and yet the most systemati- cally and graphically presented to the eye, of anything in its line that has ever yet been published. Here is the whole story of geol- ogy and the ascent of life con- densed into the space of a few inches, yet so plainly set forth as to readily fix itself in the memory like an outline map. Scientific terms in newspapers and maga- zines often catch the reader at a disadvantage; but a reference to this chart will at once show the relative place or period in crea- tional progress to which the best authorized geological terms apply. It reaches, like a Jacob's ladder, from the lowest inklings to the highest ideals of life on the earth, as tanglit by modern science and the Christian Bible. THIS CALENDAR IS TO BE READ FROM THE BOTTOM UPWARD. AGE OF ANGELS. See Psalms 8:5 Lake 50:36 Mark 1'2:25 1 Cor.l6:44 Heb.2:2to9 ReT.22:8,9 .£k.g:e of MAN Recent. Age OF MAMMALS. Age OF Reptiles. 15 Age of Amphibians. Age OF FISHES AGE OF Quaternary. TERTIARY. IS 'Terrace, Epoch. Champlain Epoch. GLACIAL EPOCH. Feet in thi c k ness f t h e geological group< of rock form- ations. Pliocene. Miocene. 11 1] Eocene, Cretaceous. JURASSIC. TRIASSIC. Carboniferous Devonian. 500 8,000 9,000 L 800 to j 1,000 ^3,000 to I 5,000 PERMIAN. Coal 1 6,000 to Measures. I "sto Sub-Carbonifsrous. CatsUill. Chemung. Hamilton. , I 9,050 to I 14,400 Upper Silarian, Niaga INVERTEBRATES I'O^erSUiiriaii AGE of ZOOLITHS "This Age alone was probably longer in dura- tion than alt subsequent "eological time." — Peof. .eCONTE. ! 6,000 to 10,000 12,000to i 15,000 Primordial vegetatiofl Graphite Beds. 8 f lO.OOOto \ 20,000 f 30,000 Metamorphic Granites. FIRE CRUST. AZOIC AGE. I § :CnnvriTbt 187<)::H.A.Reidl ^ O f 350,000,000 years in coolini' I Qc down to 200»F. at the sur' I Depth J face [Peof. Helmholiz], a [ unknown, j temperature at which very low forms of vegetation can ' 1 exist. j Serie\7o'l'xx?ir„°^57'°""T'SrM^J"^^^^^ ^'YV" ""^ ?'"',"; ='°^'r'''J "^i'S'ifi'' '-'^'■" - §»= Appletons' International Scientific Wincheirs ''Pre-Adamites '" nn J^S ,'^°'^°'erties, except that the sand is finer and the clay more abundant The sanii. quality of soil appears in the prairie known as the resin-weed lands. Next in 6rder are hickojy lands, with a growth of white and shellbark hickory, black, scarlet and laurel oaks, sugar maple, persimmon and the haw, red-bud and crab-apple trees of smaller growth. In some portions of the state the tulip tree, beech and black gum grow on lands of the same quality. La^ge areas of prairie in the northeast and the southwest have soils of nearly the same quality, called midatto soils. There is also a soil lying upon the red clays of southern Missouri similar to the above. These hickory lands and those described as assimilating to them, are highly 84 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. esteemed by the farmers for the culture of corn, wheat and other cereals. They are admirably adapted to the cultivation of fruits, and their blue grass pastures are equal to any in the state. Their area may be fairly estimated at six millions of acres. The magnesian limestone soils extend from Callaway county south to the Arkansas line, and from Jefferson west to Polk county, an area of about ten millions of acres. These soils are dark, warna, light and very productive. They produce black and white walnut, black gum, white and wahoo elms, sugar maple, honey locust, mulberr}'^, chestnut, post, lau- rel, black, scarlet and Spanish oaks, persimmon, blue ash, and many trees of smaller growth. They cover all the country underlaid by the magne- sian limestone series, but are inconvenient for ordinary tillage when they occupy the hillsides or narrow valleys. Among the most fertile soils in the state, they produce fine crops of almost all the staples ; and thrifty and productive fruit trees and grape vines evince their extraordinary adapta- tion and fitness to the culture of the grape and other fruits. On the ridges, where the lighter materials of the soil have been washed away, or were originally wanting, white oak lands are to be found, the oaks accompanied by shellbark and black hickory, and trees and shrubs of smaller growth. While the surface soil is not so rich as the hickory lands, the sub-soil is quite as good, and the land may be greatly improved by turning the sub-soil to the surface. These produce superior wheat, good corn, and a very fine quality of tobacco. On these lands fruits are abundant and a sure crop. The}^ embrace about ©ne and a half million of acres. Post oak lands have about the same growth as the white oak lands, and produce good crops of the staples of the country, and yield the best tobacco in the West. Fruits of all kinds excel on this soil. These lands require deep culture. The blackjack lands occuoy the high flint ridges underlaid with horn- stone and sandstone, and under these conditions are considered the poor- est in the state, except for pastures and vineyards. The presence, how- ever, of black jack on other lands does not indicate thin or poor lands. Pine lands are extensive, embracing about two millions of acres. The pines {-pinis mitis^ yellow pine), grow to great size, and furnish immense supplies of marketable lumber. They are accompanied by heavy growths of oak, which takes the country as successor to the pine. The soil is sandy and is adapted to small grains and grasses. Bisecting the state by a line drawn from the city of Hannibal, on the Mississippi river, to its southwest corner, the half lying to the north and west of this line may be described as the prairie region of the state, with the rare advantage that every county is bountifully supplied with timber and with rivers and smaller streams of water. That w^hich lies east and HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 85 south of the bisecting line is the timbered or forest section, in which are found numerous prairies of crreater or less extent. The prairie lands are again divided into bottom and upland prairies. The bottom prairies closely resemble in soil the river bottoms. In a cer- tain sense, the formation is identical; each came from accretions, one from the rivers and the other from the higher or upland prairies. The marl formation is the foundation of both and in both it is deeplv buried under the modern alluvium. The celebrated and eloquent orator, Henry Ward Beecher, paid the fol- lowing brilliant tribute to our grand state : "The breadth of land from the Red River countr}- of the far North, stretching to the Gulf of Mexico, including Minnesotaj^ Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Texas is one of the most wonderful agricultural spectacles of the globe! It is one of the few facts that are unthinkable! In this ocean of land, and at nearly its centre, stands the imperial state OF Missouri. Even a Kansas man admits that in natural qualifications it leads all the rest, and is the crown and glory of the Union ! It has bound- less treasures of coal, iron, lead and other minerals; lands richer there cannot be, nor finer streams ; its forests are more equally distributed all over the state than in any other; its climate, wholesome and delightful, blends the temperature of the northern lakes and the great southern gulf." Horace Greely said: "Missouri possesses the resources and capacities of a nation within the boundaries of a State." WILD GAME. Animals. — Missouri has been the feeding ground for vast herds of the choicest of the large game animals up to the present generation. Old hunters and trappers, still living, tell marvelous stories of their exploits with the gun. As civilization and population advanced westward their numbers decreased, yet Missouri is still furnishing a very large proportion of the game for the markets of all the large cities of the United States. Even London receives large shipments, every winter, from St. Louis. From October 1st to February 1st, of every year, there is not an express car arriving in St. Louis which does not bring large consignments of game. The quantity is enormous, and far beyond the knowledge of every one except those engaged in the trade, or whose duties bring them in contact v/ith the facts. Elk, buffalo, antelope and bear formerly abounded in this state, but are now nearly or quite driven entirely beyond our borders. Red deer are still plentiful in some parts of the state. In fact, the Ozark Moun- tains and the swamp lands of southeast Missouri constitute a great deer park and game preserve, and will continue to do so until immigration crowds out the game. It is a notorious fact, that venison sells as cheaply as good beef in St. Louis markets, during the winter season. 86 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. The rabbit, as it is popularly called here, is a species of hare, and is about the average size of the domestic cat. They are so numerous in Missouri as to be considered a pest; are found in every field and forest in the state. Squirrels are very numerous, especiall}' in the swampy and hilly regions. The two principal varieties are the grey squirrel and the red fox-squirrel. One of these varieties is to be found in every clump of timbered land. in the state. Birds. — Wild turkeys, the finest game birds in the world, abound in the same region, Prairie chickens, or pinnated grouse, are abundant in all the prairie regions ot" the state, and are shipped from St. Louis to eastern markets by hundreds of barrels during the fall months; but the game laws of the state strictly prohibit their being killed or trapped during the breeding season. Quails, or Virginia partridge, or " Bob- Whites," are found everywhere, so common that partridge pie, or " quail on toast," is no great rarity in thrifty farm houses. Wild ducks, wild geese, snipe, plover and several species of the rail frequent Missouri during their annual migrations north and south. Dur- ing March, April and May the migratory birds pass through Missouri, going north to their nesting and brooding places, probably near the Arctic circle. In October, November and December they return, on their journey southward to spend the winter. There is no state in the great Mississippi basin more frequented by these migratory game birds than Missouri. Fishes. — The earl}^ settlers found the rivers and lakes teeming with! many fine varieties of game and food fishes, and there is still a bountiful supply. Black bass, perch, catfish, buffalo fish, suckers and pike consti- tute the leading varieties of native fishes. Black bass of several varieties inhabit every stream of considerable size in the state, and every lake con- tains them. It is the best game fish in the state. The perch family isl represented by several dozen species; and perch of several kinds are found in every body of water in the state, which does not actually dry u| in the summer time. The catfish of Missouri are not only numerous, but! famous the world over. There are at least a dozen species in the waters! of this state. The yellow catfish grows to great size, often reaching aj weight of 175 pounds; the black catfish, maximum weight about 45| pounds; blue or forked-tail catfish, reaching 150 pounds and upwards inl weight; the channel catfish, weighing from one to fifteen pounds, and thej yellow mud catfish, often weighing as high as 100 pounds. .The suckei family includes the buffalo fish, chub, sucker and red horse. The first of these is highly prized, abundant, and grows to a maximum weight of 40j pounds. The last named is very abundant during certain seasons of the year, and valuable; they weigh from 6 ounces to 8 pounds. Pike of sev- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 87 eral species are found throughout Missouri, and rank with black bass as game fish; they are found in the clearer and rapid streams. The above lists constitute the leading fishes of the state, but by no means all, as there are many minor species. The state board of fish commissioners receives $3,000 annually from the state, to defray expenses of propagating desirable kinds of food fishes, that are not found native in the state. In 1878 Mr. Reid distributed 100,- 000 fry of the California salmon, in the state. In May and June, 1879, the commission distributed 250,000 shad fry in the rivers of southeast, south and southwest Missouri, and planted 5,000 young trout in the springs and sources of the same rivers. Later they have planted 100,- 000 fry of the California salmon in the same sections of the state. In 1880 two or three hundred thousand fry of German carp were planted. All the waters of Missouri are adapted to this fish, more especially the lakes and sluggish streams. The carp can be as easily cultivated as pigs or turkeys, and it is hoped that in a few years all the streams of the state will be stocked with them. THE CLIMATE. For nearly forty years Dr. George Engelmann, of St. Louis, kept sys- tematic records of the meteorology of St. Louis and vicinity; and by compiling similar records kept during long or short periods, by other per- sons in different parts of the state, he has been able to report pretty cor- rectly the dates and weather-facts which go to furnish a comprehensive estimate of the general nature of the climate, at each season of the year, in different parts of the state. The following facts of great practical interest and value are gathered from the doctor's work: Our winters, taken in the usual sense, from the first of December to the last of February, have in the city an average temperature of 33.3 degrees, and may be estimated for the surrounding country at 32 degrees; but they vary in different seasons between 25 degrees (winter of 1855-6 and 1872-3) and 40 degrees (winter 1844-5). Our summers (from June 1st to August 31st) have in the city a mean temperature of 76.8 degrees, and are calculated to reach in the country 75 degrees, ranging between the coolest summer, 71.5 degrees mean temperature (1835, 1839 and 1848), and the warmest of 80 degrees mean temperature, (1838, 1850 and especially 1854). The last frosts in spring occur between March 13th and May 2d, on an average about April 5th, and the earliest autumnal frosts between October 4th and November 26th, on an average about October 27th; the 88 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURf. period between these two terms extends in different years from 184 to 252 da3'"S, on an average 205 days. In the southeast part of the state these Hmits of the freezing point will, of course, be much wider apart, and in the northwest they are narrowed down considerably. Our spring opens in March, though in some favored seasons vegetation breaks through its wintry bounds already in the latter part of February, while in a few very late springs it cannot be said to have fairl}^ commenced before the middle of April. * * * We find the first in bloom is the alder and the hazel ; next — not rarely retarded by intervening cold spells— the soft or silver leaf maple; our common white elm blooms a few days after this, between February 24th and April 15th, on an average, March 19th. During the next following days, roses, syringas, gooseberries and many other bushes, and the weeping willows, show their young leaves. About two weeks after, the elm — between March 18th and April 25th, on an average about April 3d — the peach trees open their fi^rst blossoms, and are, one week later, in full bloom. Plum and pear trees and sweet cherries blossom about the same time, or a few days later, and then sour cherries and the glory of our rich woods, the red buds, get in bloom. Between March 21st and May 1st, (mean, April 14th) the early apple trees begin to bloom, and between March 28th and May 10th, (mean, April 20th) they may be said to be in full bloom. The maturity and harvest of winter wheat immediately succeeds the catalpa bloom, between June 10th and July 1st, usually about June 20th. The mean summer temperature varies but little throughout the state. In the summer of 1873 the mean temperature in the southeast was found only one-half degree higher than that of the northeast, and the difference between St. Louis and the west was even less. Winter temperatures, however, show a wide range. The mean temperature of the southeast- ern part of the state is 2-| to 3 degrees higher than at St. Louis, and 5^ degrees higher than in the northeastern angle, and the mean tem- perature of Leavenworth, and the adjacent parts of Missouri, is fully 2 degrees less than that of the region about St. Louis. In connection with our winter temperature it must be mentioned that the Mississippi at St. Louis freezes over about once in four or five years, partly, no doubt, m consequence of the heavy ice floating down from the north; and it then remains closed for one or two, or even four or six weeks, sometimes passable for the heaviest teams. Our river has been known to close as early as the first week in December, and in other years, to be open as late as the last week in February ,while the run- ning ice may impede or interrupt navigation between the end of Novem- ber and the end of February, sometimes as low down as the southeast corner of the state ; the river is said, however, never to freeze over below Cape Girardeau. The Missouri river is sometimes closed in the latter HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 89 part of November, and has been known to remain firmly bridged over into the first week of March. The climate of Missouri is, on the whole, a dry one, with strong evap- oration, and an atmosphere but rarely overloaded with moisture. Clear or nearly clear days Partially clear and variable days Days when the sun remains obscured. Winter 30 39 21 Sprin.i 33 47 13 Summer Autumn 40 48 4 40 39 12 Whole Yr. 143 173 49 Our summer rains mostly descend with great abundance, and in a com- paratively short time, so that the average (13 inches) of summer rain falls in 70 hours, distributed over twent3^-four days, while the 7 inches of win- ter rain (and snow) descend in 160 hours and on 22 days. The days on which it rains vary between 68 and 115 in the year. On the average we have 92 days in the year on which it rains. Our rains last from a frac- tion of an hour to a few hours, and ver}?^ rarely extend through the 24 hours. Snow is rather scarce in our climate, and rarely continually covers the ground for more than a few days or a week. In some years, it amounted, when melted to 5^ inches: in others to only one-half inch; the aver- age is about 2-^ inches. The atmospherical pressure (indicated by the stage of the barometer) is with us, in summer, more uniform and regular than on the Atlantic coast, while in winter it fluctuates considerably, and often very rapidly. The average barometrical pressure is highest in January, falls till May, and gradually rises again until January; it is most variable from November to March, and least so from June to August. HEALTHFULNESS OF THE STATE. Authentic reports to the Health Board of St. Louis is have shown that the annual sickness rate of the city of St. Louis about seventeen and a half days to each member of the population. Dr. Boardman, of Boston, has ascertained the sickness rate of the city of Boston to be about twenty- four days of annual sickness to each individual. The general correctness of these conclusions are further substantiated by army statistics. Dr. Playfair, of England, after careful inquiry, computed the ratio of one death to twenty-eight cases of sickness in a mixed population. The state of Massachusetts has for many years had a state board of Health, by whom sanitary improvements have been diligently and scien tifically prosecuted, under state authority ; and the annual death-rate has thereby been somewiiat reduced. In 1870 Massachusetts had a popula- tion of 1,457,351 and there were during the same period 25,859 deaths from aU causes. A mortality equal to 1.77 per cent of the population. At ■ 6 90 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. the same lime Missouri had a population of 1,721,295, and there we're during that year 27,982 deaths from all causes. A mortality rate equiva- lent to 1.63 per cent, of the population. It thus appears, if the calculation is made and the relative proportion between the populations and the death rates of the two states maintained, that vital security is greater in Mis- souri, as compared with Massachusetts, to an extent represented by the annual saving of 2,474 lives. But this is not all. The authorities on vital statistics estimate that two persons are constantly sick for every one that dies; and Dr. Jarvis shows, from the experience of health-assurance companies in this country, that on an average each person loses from 19 to 20 days per year by sickness. Then we have this result: Two persons sick to one death, equal 4,948, multiplied by 20, gives 98,960 days per year less of sickness in Missouri than in Massachusetts, in proportion to population. Then reckon the amount of care and anxiety and sufferings and the loss of time, and cost for nursing and medicines and doctor's bills — and you will begin to get some idea of what these figures really mean, in favor of our state, with its dry, salubrious climate, in comparison with Massachusetts, the only other state for which the figures were at hand to make the comparison. AGRICULTURE. The Missouri state board of agriculture was created a body corporate by statute, in 1877, and it was provided that the governor, the state sup- erintendent of schools, the president of the state university and the dean of the state agricultural college, should be ex-officio members of the board. The officers of the secretary and treasurer are required to be at the agricultural college, at Columbia, in Boone county; and the annual meetings are to be held there, on the first Wednesday of November in each year. The presidents or duly authorized delegates of county agricultural societies, are rightful members of the state board, "for delib- eration and consultation as to the wants, prospects and condition of the agricultural interests of the state, to receive the reports of district and county societies, and to fill by elections all vacancies in the board." The law further provides that, " It shall be the duty of all agricultural and horticultural societies, organized and estabhshed in accordance with the laws of this state, to make a full report of their transactions to the Missouri state board of agriculture, at each annual meeting thereof." The state board is required " to make an annual report to the general assembly of the state, embracing the proceedings of the board for the past year, and an abstract of the reports and proceedings of the several agricultural and horticultural societies, as well as a general view of the condition of agriculture and horticulture throughout the state, accom- panied by such recommendations, including especially such a system of HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 91 public instruction upon those subjects as may be deemed interesting and useful." Provision is then made for printing fourteen thousand copies (two thousand in the German language), for distribution to all who will use them. OUR STAPLE CROPS. First of all the crops grown in the state, in amount and value, is Indian corn. There is not a county in the state in which it is not successfully and profitably grown. The broad alluvial bottoms along our great rivers yield immense crops of this valuable cereal, and our fertile prairies are but little, if any, behind them in their yield. Next in importance among the cereals is wheats which grows and yields well in ever}^ part of the state. Except in a few northern counties, spring wheat is but little grown, the main attention being bestowed upon the winter varieties, which are especially a favorite crop upon the loess and clay loams, and upon the oak uplands of the state. The well known fact that the best flour to stand transportation and exposure in hot and humid climates, is made from wheat grown toward the southern border of the wheat zone, has made Missouri flour a favorite for shipment to South American markets. Flour made in Missouri, from Missouri wheat, won the Medal of Merit ^\. the World's Exposition, at Vienna, in 1873. The average yield and the certainty of the wheat crop in Missouri, give the state a high rank among the states producing this cereal. Oats grow and yield well in the state, producing heavy straw, plump and heavy grains ; but the crop does not figure very largely in our markets, being mainly grown for home consumption. Tobacco, of two or three varieties, grows well, and Missouri tobacco enjoys a fine reputation for excellence. The state embraces some of the best tobacco lands in the country. It is a staple in nearly every county in the state, and some of the counties make it a leading crop. Missouri ranks sixth in its production. Cotton, except in small patches for home use, is raised only in the southern counties of the state. Stoddard, Scott, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunklin, Mississippi and Lawrence, all raise more or less for shipment, and, in some of the counties named, it is an important crop. Potatoes grow well, and on most of our soils yield large crops. They are of fine quality generally. Sweet Potatoes grow upon our sandy soils to great size and excellence, and our farm.ers raise a great abundance for home use, and the city markets are always well supplied. Sorghum, and other varieties of the Chinese sugar cane, are exten- sively grown, and many thousands of gallons of syrup are annually made for home use. Recent improvements in manufacturing sugar from these 92 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. syrups bid fair to increase the value and importance of this branch of husbandr}-. Broom Corn is extensively grown in Missouri, and the brush being longer and finer than that grown in the eastern states, commands a much better price in market. Buckwheat^ Castor Beans ^ White Beans, Peas and Hops, are all success- fully grown and made profitable crops. Garden Vegetables are produced in great profusion and variety, and the more arid regions of western Kansas and New Mexico, and the mining districts of Colorado, afford an ever-increasing market for these and other agricultural products from our state. Watermelons, musk- melons, etc., grow to great perfection, and are shipped in large quantities from some portions of the state to cities farther north. The U. S. forestry statistics of 1875, give Missouri 21,707,220 acres of land in farms; 20,116,786 acres not in farms; of wood land in farms there were 8,965,229 acres, and the total woodlands in the state was reported as 19,623,619 acres. There is a curious bit of agricultural history which illustrates the rapid development of the western country, and at the same time shows, by the inevitable logic of events already transpired, the magnificent position of Missouri as the greatest wheat center on the globe. In 1849 the cen- ter of the wheat product of the United States was the meridian of 81 ° west of Greenwich, passing north and south through the eastern border counties of Ohio. In 1859 that line had moved westward a little more than two degrees of longitude, and passed through the eastern border counties of Indiana, the city of Fort Wayne being on the line. In 1869 the wheat center had moved not quite two degrees further west, and was that year a few miles west of Chicago and Milwaukee; and the center of our National corn crop was on the same line at this time. In 1S77 this line had moved still further west, and was now represented by a line drawn on a map of the United States from Marquette, on Lake Superior, down through Janesville, Wisconsin, and through Mendota, LaSalle, Vandalia and Cairo, in Illinois. The corn center will not move much if any further west; but the wheat center, by reason of the rapid development of this crop in Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas, is now, in 1881, as far west as St. Louis; and it will not be likely to migrate further than Jeffer- son City at any time in the future, because there is no important wheat- growing territory further west still unoccupied. The new settlements westward must be chiefly by mining and manufacturing peoples, hence, consumers rather than producers of the great cereal crops. The conclusion of the whole matter, then, is that St. Louis is now, and will for several decades continue to be, practically on the center line of the aggregate product of wheat and com in the United States, propor- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 93 tioned from east to west limits of the national domain. And this fact assures Missouri of pre-eminent commercial rank among the grand sister- hood of states. The following table shows the number of pounds weight which con- stitute a lawful bushel in Missouri, of the different articles named, as established in 1879: No. lbs. No. lbs. Articles. per bu. Articles. per bu. Wheat 60 Orchard Grass 14 Corn, shelled 56 Buckwheat 52 Corn in ear 70 Onions 57 Corn Meal 50 Top Onion Sets 28 Rye 56 Peas, whole, dry 60 Oats .32 Split Peas 60 Barley 48 Dried Apples 24 Irish Potatoes 60 Dried Peaches 33 Sweet Potatoes 56 Malt 38 Beans,White 60 Sak 50 Castor Beans 46 Coal 80 Bran 20 Peanuts, dry Southern 22 Clover Seed 60 Cotton Seed 33 Timothy Seed 45 Parsnips 44 Hungarian Seed 48 Common Turnips , 42 Hemp Seed 44 Carrots 50 Flaxseed 56 Rutabagas 50 Millet Seed 50 Green Peas, unshelled 56 Red-top Seed or Herd's Grass 14 Green Beans, unshelled 56 Osage Orange Seed 36 Green Apples 48 Sorghum Seed 42 Green Peaches 48 Kentucky Blue Grass Seed ... 14 Green Pears 48 The standard bushel for coke and charcoal is to contain 2,680 cubic inches; apple barrels, length, 28|^ inches; chines, f of an inch at ends; diameter of head, 17^ inches; inside diameter at the center of the barrel, 20-| inches. HORTICULTURE. The state horticultural society was organized in January, 1859, and has kept up its annual meetings in spite of all difficulties. Each congres- sional district of the state is classed as a separate horticultural district, and is represented in the society by a vice-president, who is expected to keep himself posted on the interests of this industry in his district, and make report (or procure some one to do it), at the annual meeting. The officers of this society for 1880, were: President, Hon. Norman J. Colman, St. Louis ; Vice Presidents : 1st congressional district, H. Michel, St. Louis; 2d, Dr. C. W. Spaulding, Cliff Cave; 3d, J. Rhodes, Bridgeton; 4th, H. D. Wilson, Cape Girardeau; 5th, W. S. Jewett, Crystal City; 6th, M. 94 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. S. Roundtree, Springfield; 7th, E. Brown, Sedalia; 8th, Z. S. Ragan, Independence; 9th, J. Madinger, St. Joseph; 10th, W. H. Miller, Chili- cothe; 11th, G, Husmann, Columbia; 12th, J. Hawkins, Hannibal; 13th, W. Stark, Louisiana. Apples. — All the standard varieties of the temperate zone are raised in their highest perfection in the state of Missouri; but in such a large area of country as our state comprises, and with such a great variety of soils, and other conditions, each different kind has its locality of best suc- cess. It is therefore not possible to indicate what varieties are best for the state ; each district will have its favorites. At the national exhibit, in 1878, Missouri showed one hundred and forty plates of apples. Distin- guished pomologists assert that ten counties in north Missouri can show apples in as great variety and perfection as any ten other states in the Union. Perhaps no better proof can be given of tlje general excellence of Missouri fruits than the fact that at the meeting of the American pomo- logical society, in September, 1878, medals were awarded to Missouri for the best displays of apples, pears and wines, and also one for the best general display of fruits. These honors were gained in competition with every state in the union, represented by their choicest fruits, and at an exhibition held at Rochester, New York, which had long been regarded as the very center of the fruit growing interests of the country. The fruits exhibited on that occasion were from different parts of the state. St. Joseph, Independence, Morrison, Columbia, Hermann, St. Louis county, Boone county, and other districts were represented, and shared the hon- ors of our great victory. The varieties that appear to have received most favor at the meeting of our state agricultural society, in 1880, were Ben Davis, Winesap, Jonathan, Dominie, Rawle's Janet, Milam, Northern Spy, Carthouse, Newtown Pippin, Summer Pippin, Red June, Early Harvest, Red Astrachan, Late Summer, Dutchess of Oldenburg, Early Pennock, St. Lawrence, Maiden Blush, Rambo, Grimes' Golden, Limber Twig, Little Romanite. Peaches. — The southeastern portion of the state, along the line of the Iron Mountain railroad, and the western portion, where the marly deposits are so rich and extensive, are pre-eminently the peach districts, and in these regions the peach seems almost indigenous, never failing to produce abundant crops ; and yet fruit-growers in these districts say that they are never able to supply the demand, Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado taking all from the western region, and St. Louis having to draw u^on other states for her supplies. Peaches may be relied upon as a profitable crop in all that part of the state south of the Missouri river, and, indeed, are largely grown much further north, St. Joseph exporting large amounts. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 95 In some localities the trees have occasionally been winter-killed, when not in suitable soil or not sheltered ; but, on the whole, Missouri may fairly be set down as a peach-growing state. Mr. R. Lynn, of Rockport, in the northwest part of the state, says he has raised three good paying crops of peaches in seven years, the first crop being the third year from plant- ing; his best crop was in 1878. Pears. — Pears do well throughout the state, especially in the region of Clay, Jackson and Cass counties. The trees attain a great size and age — a diameter of from twelve to fifteen inches is common; and there are trees a short distance south of St. Louis over two hundred years old, and still bearing full crops. The pear, although the most luscious fruit grown in northern latitudes, is also one of the most difficult to raise suc- cessfully — hence it is a matter of reasonable pride and gratificalion that this fruit has done so well in our state. At the national pomological exhibition, of 1878, there were from this state: From the Missouri Val- ley horticultural society, Kansas City, twenty varieties of pears ; fi-om Jacob Rhodes, Bridgeton, nine varieties ; from J. Madinger, St. Joseph, six varieties; from W. Stark, Louisiana, two varieties. Some of the finest specimens at the exhibition were grown near St. Louis, on stocks of the white thorn. Grapes. — For several years the chief fruit-growing interest of our state seemed to center on the grape — at least, it was more discussed and advo- cated in fashionable circles, than ail the other fruits put together. The anti-prohibition sentiment rallied around the grape-growing industry for the manufacture of native wines, as the great panacea for all the ills and horrors of intemperance. But aside from any matter of sentiment in the case, it does seem as though we excel all other states of the Union in the variety and richness of our grapes, both of native and cultivated, varieties. From Prof. Swallow's report on the country along the lines of the southwestern branch of the Missouri Pacific railroad, published in 1859, we learn that seven different native grapes have been found in Missouri. 1. Vih's Lab7'usca^ commonly called " fox grape." The Isabella, Catawba, Schuylkill and Bland's seedling, are cultivated and popular varieties derived from this wild grape. 2. Vitis Aestivalis^ or "summer grape." This is found in all parts of the state. 3. Vitis Cordifolia; winter grape, or "frost grape " as it is more commonly called. 4. Vitis Ri^aria^ or "river grape," grows along streams and is quite large. 5. Vitis Vulpina; called also Muscadine. It grows mostly in the south part of the state, and is a large fine fruit. The cultivated grape called Scuppernong is derived from this wild variety. 6. Vitis Bifinyiata; found in Cape Girardeau and Pemiscot counties. 7. Vitis Indivisa; found in central and western counties. 96 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. GRASSES. There are few or no grasses that are ■peculiar to Missouri; and fortu- nately SO, for there is no permanent advantage in being adapted to pecu- liar crops any more than in being a peculiar people. The great blessings of life are universal and widespread. It results that all the valuable members of this great and beneficial family of plants are adapted to and capable of being introduced and cultivated in this state. Flint, in his standard work on grasses, says: "Whoever has blue grass has the basis of all agricultural prosperity, and that man, if he have not the finest horses, cattle and sheep, has no one to blame but himself. Others, in other circumstances, may do well. He can hardly avoid doing well if he will try." Blue grass is indigenous in Missouri. When the timber is removed it springs up spontaneously on the land, and, when the prairie is reclaimed, it soon takes possession and supersedes all other grasses. This famous grass is the foundation on which the mighty stock industry of Kentucky* has been built, and has given a world-renowned reputation to its fine blood horses, cattle and sheep. The combing-wool sheep and the fine mutton breeds have obtained a national reputation for wool and mutton in that state, and their usefulness has but begun. What blue grass has done for Kentucky, it is now doing for Missouri. An acre of this grass is worth an acre of corn. Recent experience has proved that alfalfa or lucerne, that most fatten- ing of all grasses, grows luxuriantly in this region, yielding each year three or four good crops of hay. THE "GRASSHOPPER" IN MISSOURI. As early as lSf>7, our state board of agriculture reported destruction by grasshoppers (the Rocky Mountain locust,) in the western part of the state the previous fall; and also, that there had been visitations more or less injurious in former years. But their greatest and most grievous invasion occurred in the fall of 1874, when 33 counties of western Mis- souri suflered from their ruthless ravages. Our state entomologist. Prof. C. V. Riley, made such a thorough, diligent and masterful study of their origin and habits, and the causes, methods and consequences of their migra- tions, that he became the standard authority on grasshoppers all over the civilized world. In 3876 the government appointed a special commission of entomologists to investigate the character and movements of these pests, and report for the benefit of the whole infested region, which com- prised the country west of St. Paul, Minnesota, Jefl^erson City, Missouri, and Galveston, Texas, ranging from the Gulf of Mexico on the south, to ♦"Kentucky blue grass," (so-called), is not native to that state: it is the same as the En- glish spear grass, the New England June grass, or meadow grass— or, in botanical lan- guage, poa pratensis. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 9? Lake Winnipeg and Manitoba in the British possessions northward, and as far west as the headquarters of the Columbia river. The most prom- inent scientists on this commission were our own Prof. Riley, and Prof. Samuel Auojhey, of the state university of Nebraska. The results of this United States commission were little if anything more than a tedious elaboration of what Prof. Riley had presented in three annual reports as state entomologist of Missouri. No new points of any special importance were discovered concerning them. The devel- opment of this subject, therefore, belongs to the history of what Missouri has done for science, for agriculture and for the public weal. In his seventh annual report to our state board of agriculture, 1875, Prof. Riley says: ''There is some difference of opinion as to the precise natural habitat and breeding places of these insects, but the facts all indicate that it is by nature a denizen of high altitudes, breeding in the valleys, parks and plateaus of the Rocky Mountain region of Colorado, and especially of Montana, Wyoming and British America. Prof. C3^rus Thomas, who has had an excellent opportunity of studying it, through his connection with Hayden's geological survey of the territories, reports it as occurring from Texas to British America, and from the Mississippi westward to the Sierra Nevada range. But in all this vast extent of country, and espe- cially in the more southern latitudes, there is every reason to believe that it breeds only on the higher mountain elevations, and where the atmos- phere is ver}^ dry and attenuated, and the soil, seldom, if ever, gets soaked with moisture. Prof. Thomas found it most numerous in all stage? of growth, along the higher valleys and canyons of Colorado, tracing it up above the perennial snows, where the insects must have hatched, as it was found in the adolescent stage. In crossing the mountains in Col- orado, it often gets chilled in passing snows, and thus perishes in immense numbers, where bears delight to feast upon it. My own belief is that the insect is at home in the higher altitudes of Utah, Idaho, Col- orado, W3'-oming,-. Montana, northwest Dakota, and British America. It breeds in all this region, but particularly on the vast hot and dry plains and plateaus of the last named territories, and on the plains west of the mountains; its range being bounded, perhaps, on the east by that of the buflalo grass. " Mr. Wm. N. B3'ers, of Denver, Colorado, shows that they hatch in immense quantities in the valleys of the three forks of the Missouri river and along the Yellowstone, and how they move on from there, when fledged, in a southeast direction, at about ten miles a day. The swarms of 18G7 were traced, as he states, from their hatching grounds in west Dakota, and Montana, along the east ilank of the R.ocky Mountains, in the valleys and plains of the Black Hills, and between them and the main Rocky Mountain range. It all this immense stretch of country, as is well known, there are immense tracts of barren, almost desert land, while other tracts for hundreds of miles bear only a scanty vegetation, the short buffalo grass of the more fertile prairies giving way now to a more luxu- riant vegetation along the water courses, now to the sage bush and a few cacti. Another phvsical peculiaritv is found in the fact that while the 7 98 HISTORY UK THE STATK OF MISSOURI. spring on these immense plains often opens as early, even away up into British America, as it does with us in the latitude of St. Louis, yet the veg- etation is often dried and actually burned out before the first of July, so that not a green thing is to be found. Our Rock}^ Mountain locust, therefore, hatching out in untold myriads in the hot sandy plains, five or six thousand feet above the level of the sea, will often perish in immense numbers if the scant vegetation of its native home dries up before it acquires wings; but if the season is propitious, and the insect becomes fledged before its food supplies is exhausted, the newly acquired wings prove its salvation. It may also become periodically so prodigiously mul- tiplied in its native breeding place, that, even in favorable seasons, every- thing green is devoured by the time it becomes winged. " In either case, prompted by that most exigent law of hunger — spurred on for very life — it rises in immense clouds in the air to seek for fresh pastures where it may stay its ravenous appetite. Borne along by pre- vailing winds that sweep over these immense treeless plains from the north- west, often at the rate of fifty or sixty miles an hour, the darkening locust clouds are soon carried into the more moist and fertile country to the southeast, where, with sharpened appetites, they fall upon the crops like a plague and a blight. " Many of the more feeble or of the more recently fledged perish, no doubt, on he way, but the main army succeeds, with favorable wind, in bridging over the parched country which offers no nourishment. The hotter and dryer the season, and the greater the extent of the drouth, the earlier will they be prompted to migrate, and the farther will they push on to the east and south. " The comparatively sudden change from the attenuated and dry atmos- phere of five to eight thousand feet or more above the sea level, to the more humid and dense atmosphere of one thousand feet below that level, does not agree with them. The first generation hatched in this low coun- try is unhealthy, and the few that attain maturity do not breed, but become intestate and go to the dogs. At least such is the case in our own state and the whole of the Mississippi valley proper. As we go west or northwest and approach nearer and nearer the insect's native home, the power to propagate itself and become localized, becomes, of course, greater and greater, until at last we reach the country where it is found per- petually. Thus in the western parts of Kansas and Nebraska the pro- geny from the mountain swarms may multiply to the second or even third generation, and wing their way in more local and feeble bevies to the country east and south. Yet eventuall}^ they vanish from off the face of the earth, unless fortunate enough to be carried back by favorable winds to the high and dry country where they flourish. "That they often instinctively seek to return to their native haunts is proven by the fact that they are often seen flying early in the season in a northwesterly direction. As a rule, however, the wind which saved the first comers from starvation by bearing them away from their native home, keeps them and their issue to the east and south, and thus, in the end proves their destruction. For in the Mississippi valley they are doomed, sooner or later. There is nothing more certain than that the insect is not antochthonous in west Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, or even Minnesota, and that wlien forced to migrate from its native home, from the causes already mentioned, it no longer thrives in this country." HISTORY OF THK STATE OP^ MISSOURI. \.i[f February 23, 1877, our state legislature passed a law providing for the payment of a bounty erf one dollar per bushel in March, fifty cents per bushel in April, and twenty-five cents per bushel in May, for grass- hoppers; and five dollars per bushel for their eggs at any time. Nebraska did still better, by making every road supervisor in the state a grasshop- per policeman, and giving him authority to call out every man from six- teen to sixty years old, to spend two days killing young grasshoppers from the time they begin to hatch in the spring. All the grasshopper states now have some sort of protective laws; and if another invasion occurs, by concerted and organized effort the amount of damage suffered can be reduced to a small per cent as compared with our last " plague of the locusts." PART III.— NAVIGATION AND COMMERCE. NAVIGATION— ANCIENT AND MODERN. It is not certainly known just what modes of navigation were used bv the prehistoric mound-builders, although we hare some relics of their time, or possibly of a still earlier race, which are deemed to show that they made wooden dug-outs or troughs, by burning them into a sort of boat-like shape and condition. And it is supposed that, prior to this they lashed together logs or fragments of drift-wood, and made rude rafts upon which they could cross rivers or float down, but of course could not return with them. Some remains have been found in northwestern Iowa* which are supposed to prove that men used wooden dug-out boats during the age when Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska were the bottom of a vast inland sea or lake, into which the Missouri and Platte rivers emptied their muddy waters and deposited what Prof. Swallow- calls the "bluff" formation" over these states; and Prof. Whitney found in California undisputable proof of man's existence there a whole geolog- ical age prior to the period when the great fresh water Missouri sea existed, (see note to chart, on page 67); hence the fact that raft and dug- out navigation was in use among the islands and shallows of this immense mud-lake or inland sea, seems not improbable. However, the modern Indians, before the white man appeared in these western wilds, had the art of making light and elegant canoes of birch bark, and could manage them in the water with wonderful skill. They made long journeys in them, both up and down stream; and when they wanted to go from one stream to another these canoes were so light that two men could carry one on their shoulders and march twenty or twenty- five miles a day with it if necessary. But they were too lighf and frail for the freighting service of the white man's commerce. * Reported to the Americnn Associatiou for the Advancement of Science, at its St. Louis meeting, in August, 1878, by W. J. McGee, geologist, of Farley, Iowa. L.oFC. 100 HISTORV OF THK STATK OF MISSOURI. The European explorers of this new world utilized the Indian canoes as far as practicahle, often making considerahle voyages in them; some- times two were lashed together by means of coupling poles laid across on top of them, thus making a boat with two hulls. This rig could not be upset, and svas easy to tow or paddle, besides making a sort of over- deck on which to carry baggage. But the thin, frail material was too easily punctured to be safe, and boats made of plank were always in demand. At first the boats were built in the "scow" fashion, with full width flat bottom and full width sled-runner bow. But they soon learned that in order to make any headway going up stream they must adopt the keel bottom and water-cutter prow style ; and for more than a hundred years the traffic of all our navigable western rivers was carried on mainly by means of what were called keel-boats. The manner of propelling them up stream we have described elsewhere. THE LEWIS AND CLARKE EXPEDITION. The Missouri river was first opened to commerce and geography by Lewis and Clarke, who were commissioned by President Jefferson, in 1803, to explore it. They lift St. Louis May 14, 1804. The outfit con- sisted of twenty-six men; one keel-boat fifty-five feet long, drawing three feet of water, and provided with one large square sail and twent3^-two oars. Also, two open boats, one of six, and one of seven oars. May 16th they were at St. Charles ; on the 25th the}'^ reached LaCharrette, a small village sixt3--five miles above the mouth of the river, not far from where Marthasville, in Warren county, is now located, and which was the last white settlement up the river. June 1st they reached the mouth of the Osage river, which was so called because the Osage tribe of Indians dwelt along its course. June 26th, they reached the mouth of the Kansas river, where Kansas City now flourishes in all her glory, and remained here two days for rest and repairs. The Kansas tribe of Indians had two villages in this vicinity. July 8th they were at the mouth of the Nodawa, where now is the village of Amazonia, in Andrew county ; and on the 11th they landed at the mouth of the Nemaha river. On the 14th they passed the mouth of the Nishnabotna river, and noted that it was only 300 yards distant from the Missouri at a point twelve miles above its mouth. This was their last point within the boundaries of the present state of Missouri. St. Louis was then the territorial capital of the w^hole region the}' were to explore through to the mouth of the Columbia river on the Pacific coast. This was one of the great exploring adventures of the world's histor}', and its narrative is full of romantic and thrilling interest, but space forbids its presentation here. The party followed up the entire length of the Missouri river, then down the Columbia to the Pacific ocean, reaching that point November 14th, 180.5. Here they wintered; and on March 23d, 1806, they started on their return trip by the same HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. lOl route, arriving at St. Louis September 23d, at 12 o'clock — -not a man missing from the party that first started out; and the people of St. Louis gave them an enthusiastic ovation. FIRgT STEAMBOATS IN MISSOURI. Steam came at last, and revolutionized the business of navigation and commerce throughout the world. The first steamboat that ever lashed the Missouri shore with its waves, or made our river hills and forests echo back her pulsating puffs, was the " General Pike," fi-om Louisville, which landed at St. Louis, August 2, 18 17. Such boats had passed a few times up and down the whole length of the Ohio river, and between Louisville and New Orleans, before this, so that the people of St. Louis had heard about them from the keel-boat navigators. They were therefore over- joyed when the first one landed at the foot of their main business street, and thus placed them for the first time in steam communication with the rest of the civilized world. The ev^ent was celebrated with the most enthusiastic manifestations of delight by the ringing of bells, firing of guns, floating of flags and streamers, building of bonfires, etc. The second one, the " Constitution," arrived October 2 ; and from that onward the arrival of steamboats became a very commonplace affair. The first boat that ever entered the Missouri river was the " Independ- ence," commanded by Captain Nelson. She left St. Louis May 15, 1819, and on the 28th arrived at Franklin, a flourishing young city that stood on the north bank of the Missouri river, opposite where Boonville is now located. There was a U. S. land office at Franklin, and it was the metropolis of the up-Missouri region, or as it was then called, the "Boone's Lick Country."* When this first steamboat arrived the citi- zens got up a grand reception and public dinner in honor of the captain and crew. The boat proceeded up as far as the mouth of the Chariton river, where there was then a small village called Chariton, but from that point turned back, picking up freight for St. Louis and Louisville at the settlements as she passed down.. The town site of Old Franklin was long ago all washed away, and the Missouri river now flows over the very spot where then were going on all the industries of a busy, thriving, populous young city . The second steamboat to enter the Missouri river (and what is given in most histories as the first) was in connection with Major S. H. Long's U. S. explormg expedition, and occurred June 21, 1819, not quite a month after the trip of the " Independence." Major Long's fleet consisted of four steamboats, the " Western Engineer," " Expedition," " Thomas Jef- ferson" and "R. M.Johnson," together with nine keel-boats. The "Jefferson," however, was wrecked and lost a few days after. The *Daniel Boone had first explored this region and discovered some rich salt springs, and two of his sons manufactured salt and shipped it from Franklin for several years. 102 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. "Western Engineer" was a double stern wheel boat, and had projecting from her bow a figure-head representing a huge open-jawedj red-mouthed, forked-tongued serpent, and out of this hideous orifice the puffs of steam escaped from the engines. The men on board had many a hearty laugh from watching the Indians on shore. When the strange monster came in sight, rolling out smoke and sparks from its chimney like a fiery mane, and puffing great mouthfuls of steam from its wide open jaws, they would look an instant, then yell, and run like deer to hide away from their terrible visitor. They thought it was the Spirit of Evil, the very devil himself, coming to devour them. But their ideas and their actions were not a whit more foolish than those of the sailors on the Hudson river, who leaped from their vessels and swam ashore to hide, when Ful- ton's first steamboat came puffing and glaring and smoking and splashing toward them, like a wheezy demon broke loose from the bottomless pit. Major Long was engaged five years in exploring all the region between the Mississippi river and the Rocky Mountains which is drained by the Missouri and its tributaries; and his steamboats were certainly the first that ever passed up the Missouri to any great distance. Long's Peak, in Colorado, 14,272 feet high, was named after him. From this time forward the commerce and travel by steamboats to and from St. Louis grew rapidly into enormous proportions, and small towns sprung up in quick succession on every stream where a boat with paddle wheels could make its way. For half a century steamboating was the most economical and expeditious mode of commerce in vogue for inland traffic; and Missouri, with her whole eastern boundary washed by the " Father of Waters," and the equally large and navigable " Big Muddy " meandering entirely across her territory from east to west, and for nearly two hundred miles along her northwestern border, became an imperial center of the steamboating interest and industry. About 1830 the art of constructing iron-railed traffic-ways, with steam- propelled carriages upon them, began to be developed in our eastern states. But it was not until 1855 that these new devices for quick transit began to afiect the steamboating interests of Missouri. (The first rail- roads to St. Louis were opened in that year; the railroad history of the state will be found in another place.) Then commenced the memorable struggle of the western steamboat interests, with headquarters at St. Louis, to prevent any railroad bridge from being built across the Missis- sippi, Missouri or Ohio rivers. They held that such structures would inevitably be an artificial obstruction to the free and safe navigation of these great natural highways. But it was evident enough to clear- thinking people that the steamboat business must decline if railroads were permitted to cross the great rivers without the expense of breaking bulk, and this was the "true inwardness" of the anti-railroad bridge HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 103 combination. The issue was made against the first railroad bridge that ever spanned the Mississippi, the one at Rock Island, Illinois. In a long course of controversy and litigation the railroads came out ahead, and steamboating gradually declined, both in the freight and passenger traffic, to less than half its former proportions. However, the tables have been turned again; and now, in 1881, THE BARGE SYSTEM has suddenly leaped forth to break the threatening power of monopoly which the great east and west railroad lines for a while enjoyed. The first step m the historic progress of this grand revolution in the commercial relations and connections of the entire Mississippi and Mis- souri valle}' regions, was the successful construction of the jetties at the mouth of the Mississippi river by Capt. James B. Eads, a worthy and distinguished citizen of St. Louis. This great enterprise was undertaken by Capt. Eads under an act of congress approved March od, 1875. It required him to obtain a channel 20 feet deep and 200 feet wide at the bottom, within thirty months from the passage of the act, upon which a payment of $500,000 would be made; and upon obtaining channels of two feet additional depth, with correspondingly increased widths at bottom, until a depth of 30 feet and a width at bottom of 350 feet was secured, payments of $500,000 were to be made, with additional payments for maintenance of channel. The total cost to the government of a channel ;'.0 feet deep by 350 feet wide would be $5,250,000. Capt. Eads was also to receive $100,000 per year for twenty years, to keep the works in repair and maintain the channel. Before the jetty works were commenced, there existed an immense bar of sand or silt, with a depth of only eight feet of water over it, between the deep water of the Mississippi and the navigable water of the Gulf. But at the close of the year there was a wide and ample channel of 23 J feet; and for the greater portion of the distance between the jetties, over this same bar, there was a channel from 28 to 35 feet deep. The scheme has been so entirely successful that it has attained a world-wide celebrity and commercial importance, owing to the fact that the largest class of sea-going vessels can now be towed in and out of the Mississippi river without risk or difficulty; and it is this achievement by our honored fellow- citizen which has made possible the success of the grain-barge system of shipments from St. Louis direct to Europe, that is now revolutionizing the entire trade and commerce of the major half of the United States. The following facts will serve to show what has already been accomplished in this direction. The total shipments of grain by the barge lines from St. Louis to New Orleans in the month of March 1881, was 2,348,093 bushels. The St. Louis Republican of April 2d, 1881, stated: 104 HISTORY OF THK STATK OF MISSOURI. " There were started from St. Louis yesterday about eighty trains of grain to New Orleans, or what amounts to the same thing, three different barge companies started tows down the river with 567,000 bushels of grain. This amount would have filled about 1,200 railway cars, and would have taken eighty trains of fifteen cars or sixty trains of twenty cars each to transport. 'AH this grain was put into fifteen barges, and a matter of 2,600 tons of miscellaneous freight besides. All these three tow-boats started down the river with a freight Hst that would have filled between thirteen and fourteen hundred railway cars, and will be delivered to New Orleans in from five to nine days. "The exact statement of the cost of transportation of flour from St. Louis via New Orleans to Liverpool and to Boston, per barrel, is ninety cents freight and four cents drayage to boat at levee at St. Louis, or ninety- four cents to Liverpool, while the freight per barrel to Boston by rail, in car-loads of one hundred and twenty-five barrels, from East St. Louis, is ninety-one cents, or from St. Louis (eight cents transfer across the bridge adde^,) ninety-nine cents, or five cents less to Liverpool by river and ocean, than by rail to Boston. This rate to Liverpool via New Orleans was negotiated March 30 by the St. Louis, New Orleans and Foreign Dispatch Company." George H. Morgan, Esq., secretary of the St. Louis "Merchant's Exchange," furnished the writer of this history with the following state- ment of grain shipments by barge line from St. Louis to New Orleans: 1881. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Rye. February 232,248 126,770 22,423 March 796,710 1,541,505 25,162 April 819,038 1,312,432 24,916 Total 1,847,996 2,980,707 50,078 22,423 Thus it will be seen that the tide has fairly turned ; that St. Louis is now practically a commercial seaport, and will, within the next twelve months, become the greatest grain-shipping city on the American continent. RAILROADS IN MISSOURI. The earliest account of any movement in this state with regard to rail- roads is to the effect that on the 20th of April, 1835, a railroad convention was held in St. Louis, and resolutions were adopted in favor of building two railroads — one from St. Louis to Fayette, in Howard county; and the other one southward to Iron Mountain, Pilot Knob, etc."'- The reason for projecting a railroad from St. Louis into the great iron region is obvious enough ; but why they should at that early day have thought of building more than one hundred and fifty miles of railroad to reach a town that was only twelve miles from Old Franklin, on the banks of the Missouri river, is an unsolved mystery. It indicates, at least, that those "early *The first steam railroad in this couatry was the BaUimore aud Susquehaaua liue, iu 1830; though horse railroads had been used before, especially at coal mines and marble quarries, and in two cases engines had been used on such roads. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 105 fathers " were not under the control of any narrow or shallow views con- cerning the practical value of railroads, or the future grandeur of St. Louis as the central point for all trans-Mississippi traffic. In this first railroad convention ever held west of the Allegheny Mountains there were sixty-four delegates in attendance, representing eleven counties ; but practically nothing ever came of their deliberations. In 1840 a State Board of Internal Improvement was created, and it made a survey for a railroad from St. Louis to the Iron Mountain, by the wa}'^ of Big River. February 7th, 1849, Col. Thomas H. Benton, sena- tor from Missouri, introduced into the U. S. senate a bill to provide for the location and construction of a central national road from the Pacific ocean to the Mississippi river, to be an iron railway where practicable, and the rest a wagon wa3\ February 20th, same 3^ear, a public meeting was held in St. Louis, which petitioned the legislature for a charter and right-of-way for a railway across the state from St. Louis to the western boundary; and on the 12th of March this charter was granted. Next a meeting was held which called a national convention at St. Louis to consider the project of a national Pacific railway across the continent. This convention was held October 15, 16, 17, 18, 1849. Fif- teen states were represented ; the grand project was warmly commended, and a strong memorial sent to Congress asking the public authorities to take some action in the matter. Such was the beginning of definite moves toward a trans-continental railroad. The Missouri Pacific was the first railroad commenced and first finished in the State. Incorporated March 12, 1849; authorized capital $10,000,- 000; opened to Cheltenham, March 23, 1852; amount of state aid, $7,000,000; St. Louis county aid $700,000; land sold, 127,209 acres; entire length from St. Louis to Kansas City, 382 miles; total cost, $14,- 382,208. The successive stages of its construction were: Chartered, March 12, 1859; first ground broken, by Mayor Kennett of St. Louis, July 4, 1851; road opened to Cheltenham, Dec. 23, 1852; to Kirkwood in May, and to Franklin July 23, 1853; completed to Washington, February 11, 1855; to Hermann, August 7, the same year ;'^ and to Jefferson City, March 12, 1856 ; completed to California in Moniteau county. May, 14, 1858; to Tipton, July 26, same year; and to Syracuse, August, 1, 1859; opened to Otter- *November 1, 1855, a large excursion train left St. Louis to celebrate the opening of the railroad through to Medora station, about twenty miles beyond Hermann. It was a long train filled with business men of ths city and their families, and the occasion was one ot great festivity and rejoicing. But while the train was crossing the Gasconade river the bridge gave way, and plunged cars, bridge and people in one mixed and horrible wreck into the gulf of waters fifty feet down. The president and chief engineer of the road, and i}0 prominent citizens of St. Louis were killed, while scores of others were more or less injured. It was the first and the most terrible railroad accident that has ever occurred in the state. 7 106 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. ville, August 24, 1860; to Smithton, November 1, same year; and to Sedaliain February 1861. Here it stopped during the first two years of the war. But Pettis county voted $75,000 to aid it, and Jackson county $200,000. Commenced running trains to Dresden, May 10, 1863; to Warrensburg, July 3, 1864; in 1865 the road was opened to Holden, May 28; to Pleasant Hill, July 19; to Independence, September 19. Meanwhile work had been going on from Kansas City westward, the two gangs of workmen meeting at Independence; and on this 19th day of September, 1865, the last rail was laid and the last spike driven, which connected Missouri's two principal cities with iron bands unbroken from east to west line of the noble commonwealth. On the next day, the president of the road Mr. Daniel R. Garrison, left Kansas City at 3 a. m., and arrived in St. Louis at 5 p. M., thus making the first through trip over the completed line. There is now not a county north of the Missouri river which has not one or more railroads within its limits ; and of the seventy counties south of the Missouri, only 22 have no railroad reaching them. However, new roads and branches are being built each year, so that within a few years every county will be provided with good railroad facilities. January 1, 1880, there were, in round numbers, 3,600 miles of railroad in operation in the state, embraced in about fifty difTerent main lines and branches, allowned by thirty-five different corporations, and operated by twenty-five different companies, as shown in the following table: Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe 22 Missouri Pacific 375 Burlington and Southwestern 64 Quincy, Missouri and Pacific 75 Cherry Valley. . . 6 St. Joseph and Des Moines 45 Chicago and Alton 364 St. Louis, Hannibal and Keokuk 48 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific 169J^ St. Louis, Iron Mount'n and Southr'n 380 Crystal City 4 St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern 1321^ Hannibal and St. Joseph 3913^ St. Louis, Salem and Little Rock 45 Kansas City and Eastern 43 St. Louis and San Francisco 363J^ Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Gulf 8 Springfield and Western Missouri . . 20 Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Blfl"'s 198 Union Railway and Transit Company 1 Little River Valley and Arkansas 37 Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific 655 Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska 70 West End Narrow Guage 16 Missouri, Kansas and Texas 384 Total 3,607 POSTA.L AND TELEGRAPH FACILITIES. There are within the state 15,208 miles of postal routes, of which 10,426 miles are by stage and horseback, 575 miles by steamboat, and 4,207 miles by railroad, the whole involving a cost for the year 1878-9 of $768,904. There are 1,700 post towns — but four states in the union have a greater number. These are all offices of registration, where letters and parcels can be registered for transmission through the males to all parts of this and foreign countries. In 200 of these post-offices, money- orders may be purchased, payable at all similar offices in the United States, and a portion of them issue orders drawn on Great Britain, France^ Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 107 There are in the state 562 telegraph stations, whence messages can be sent all over the telegraph world; 2,423 miles of line and 6,000 miles of wire. MANUFACTURING. The following statistics of the capital employed in manufacturing indus- tries, and the amount of production, is collated from careful estimates made in 1876, the latest at hand, although it is well known that great increase of these industries has been made since that date. These esti- mates showed that the state then contained 14,245 manufacturing estab- lishments, using 1,965 steam engines, representing 58,101 horse-power, 465 water wheels, equaling 7,972 horse-power, and employing 80,000 hands. The capital employed in manufacturing was about $100,000,- 000; the material used in 1876 amounted to about $140,000,000; the wages paid were $40,000,000, and the products put upon the market were over $250,000,000. Outside of St. Louis the leading manufacturing counties of the state are Jackson, about $2,000,000 ; Buchanan, $7,000,- 000; St. Charles, $4,500,000; Marion, $3,500,000; Franklin, $3,000,000; Greene, $1,500,000; Cape Girardeau, $1,500,000; Platte, Boone and Lafayette, upwards of $1,000,000 each, followed by several counties nearly reaching the last sum. The products of the different lines of manufacturing interests are, approximately, as follows: Flouring Mills $30,000,000 Furniture $5,000,000 Carpentering 20,000,000 Paints and painting 4,500,000 Meat Packing 20,000,000 Carriages and Wagons 4,500,000 Iron and Castings 15,000,000 Bricks 4,500,000 Tobacco 14,000.000 Marble, Stone-work and Masonry. 4,000,000 Clothing 11,000,000 Bakery Products 4,000,000 Liquors 10,000,000 Tin. Copper and Slieet Iron 4,000,000 Lumber 10,000,000 Sash, Doors and Blinds 3,250,000 Bags and Bagging s 7,000,060 Cooperage 3,000,000 Saddlery 7.000,000 Blacksmithing 3,000,000 Oil 6,000,000 Bridge Buildina; 2,500,000 Machinery 6,000.000 Patent Medicines 2,500,000 Printing and Publishing 5,500,000 Soap and Candles 2,500,000 Molasses 5,000,000 Agricultural Implements 2,000,000 Boots and Shoes 5,000,000 Plumbing and Gas-fitting 2,000,000 Of the manufacturing in Missouri, more than three-fourths is done in St. Louis, which produced, in 1879, about $275,000,000 of manufactured articles. The city has, for some years past, ranked as the third in the United States in the amount of her manufactures, leaving a wide gap between her and Chicago and Boston, each of which cities manufactures a little more than one-half as much in amount as St. Louis, and leaves a doubt as to which of them is entitled to rank as the fourth manufactur- ing city. Flour. — In St. Louis there are twenty-four flouring mills, having a daily productive capacity of 11,000 barrels. The total amount of flour received and manufactured by the dealers and millers of St. Louis, in 108 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. 18Ty, was 4,154,757 barrels, of which over 3,000,000 were exported. They also made 425,963 barrels of corn meal and 28,595 barrels of hominy and grits. Of their exports, 619,103 barrels were sent to European nations and to South America. Cotton. — There are in the city two mills, which consume from 15,000 to 20,000 bales annually. To supply the manufactured cotton goods annually sold in St. L-ouis will require mills of ten times the capacity of those now in operation. PRINCIPAL CITIES. SL JLouis is the commercial metropolis not only of the state of Missouri but also of the Mississippi and Missouri valley regions of country; and the history of Missouri is to a very large extent the history of St. Louis. There is so much concerning this imperial city embodied in other parts of this work that little need be added here. St. Louis is situated upon the west bank of the Mississippi, at an altitude of four hundred feet above the level of the sea. It is far above the highest floods that ever swell the Father of Waters. Its latitude is 38 deg., 37 min., 28 sec, north, and its longitude 90 deg., 15 min., K! sec, west. It is twenty miles below the mouth of the Missouri, and 200 above the conflu- ence of the Ohio. It is 744 miles below the falls of St. Anthony, and 1194 miles above New Orleans. Its location very nearly bisects the direct distance of 1,400 miles between Superior City and the Balize. It is the geographical center of a valle}' which embraces 1,200,000 square miles. In its course of 3,200 miles the Mississippi borders upon Missouri 470 miles. Of the 3,000 miles of the Missouri, 500 lie within the limits of our own state, and St. Louis is mistress of more than 16,500 miles of river navigation. The Alissoiiri Gazette^ tlie lirst newspaper, was establised in 1808, by Joseph Charless, and subsequently merged in the present Missouri Republican. The town was incorporated in 1809, and a board of trustees elected to conduct the municipal government. In 1812 the territory of Missouri was designated, and a legislative assembly authorized. The Missouri Bank was incorporated in 1814. The first steamboat arrived at the foot of Market street in the year 1815, followed soon by others. In 1819 the first steamer ascended the Missouri, and the first through boat from New Orleans arrived, having occupied twenty-seven days in the trip. In 1821 a cit}^ directory was issued. The facts stated in this volume show that the town was then an important and thriving one. In 1825 Lafayette visited the city and received a grand public ovation. This year the United States arsenal and Jefferson barracks were established. HTSTORV OF THK STATK OF MISSOITRT, 109 In 182T there were hardly a dozen German families in St. Louis, where now there are as many thousands of them. In 1830 the population was ^,654:. In 1835 the first railroad convention was held. [See page 106.] In 1837 the population was 16,187, and 184 steamboats were engaged in the commerce of the city. The decade between 1840 and 1850 saw increased advancement in all kinds of industry, and in architectural growth. We find that in 1840 there were manufactured 19,075 barrels of flour, 18,656 barrels of whisky, and 1,075 barrels of beef inspected, and other branches of business had correspondingly increased. In 1846, the now extensive Mercantile Library was founded. The close of the decade, 1849, brought upon the city the double misfortune of fire and pestilence. On May 1 9th, the principal business section was swept away by a conflagration originating in a steamboat at the levee; and, during the summer of the sam-e year, the population was scourged by cholera. In 1851, the first railroad enterprise — the building of the Missouri Pacific — was inaugurated, and quickl}- followed by others. [See page 105.] The decenninl increase of population has been as follows: Year. Pop. Year. Pop. Year. Pop. 1799 925 1830 5,862 1860 160,733 1 810 1 ,400 1840 16,469 1870 310,864 1820 4,928 1850 74,439 1880 350,522 During 1880 St. Louis received l,7o3,874 barrels of flour; manufactured 2,077,625 barrels; and shipped 3.292,803 barrels. Of this amount 975,970 barrels were shipped in sacks to England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Hol- land, France, Belgium, German}-, Brazil, Cuba and Mexico. During the same year St. Louis shipped 11,313,879 bushels of wheat; and of this amount 5,913,272 bushels went to foreign countries via New Orleans, while the rest went eastward by rail. The receipts of corn were 22,298,- 077 bushels; shipments, 17,571,322 bushels, of which 9,804,392 went by barges to New Orleans for foreign ports, 3,157,684 to the south for con- sumption, and 4 591,944 eastward by rail or Ohio river. The receipts of cotton were 496,570 bales, and shipments 478,219 bales. During the packing season of 1879-80, there were 927,793 hogs packed. The shipments of cofiee reached $5,000,000, and that of sugar $8,500,000. The above principal items are gleaned from the commercial pantheon of statistics published in January, 1881, b}- the Merchants' Exchange of St. Louis. Kansas Cifv. — In 1724 the Kansas tribe of Indians had their chief town a few miles below the mouth of the Kansas riven and M. DeBourgmont, the French commandant of this region, held a grand peace council with different tribes gathered at this place for the purpose, on July 3d of that year. This is the earliest historic record of white men in the vicinity of where Kansas City now stands. In 1808 the U. S. government established 110 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. a tort and Indian agency here, calling it Fort Osage, which was not abandoned until 1825, when the Indian title to a certain strip of country here was extinguished. In 1821 Francis G. Chouteau established a trad- ing post on the Missouri river about three miles below the site of Kansas City, but a flood in the spring of 1826 swept away everything he had, and he then settled six miles up the Kansas river. The original town plat of Kansas City consisted of 40 acres, and was laid out in 1839. In 1846 some additional ground was laid oft', and a public sale of lots netted $7,000, averaging $200 per lot. The first charter was procured in the winter of 1852-3, and in the spring of 1853 was organized the first municipal government. The first established newspaper made its appearance in 1854, with the title of the " Kansas Cit}^ Enterprise," now known as the " Kansas City Journal." During the years 1855-6-7, the border troubles very visibly aftected the prosperity of the city, so that business in those years did not exceed, all told, the sum of $2,000,000 ; but at the close of the struggle, in 1857, busi- ness began to revive, and it was then stated, in the St. Louis "Intelligen- cer," that she had the largest trade of any city of her size in the world. This may be distinguished as the great steamboat era. It was estimated that, in the year 1857, one hundred and twenty-five boats discharged at the Kansas City levee over twentv-five million pounds of merchandise. In May of this year, also, the steamboats were eniployed to carry the United States mail, and in 1858 the first telegraph pole in Jackson county was erected. The first bank estabhshed in Kansas City was a branch of the Mechan- ics' Bank, of St. Louis, organized May 1, 1859, and the second was a branch of the Union Bank, organized in July of the same year. The first jobbing dry goods house opened in July, 1857. The first city loan for local improvement was made in 1855, amounting to $10,000, all taken at home, and expended in improving and widening the levee; and, in 1858, another loan of $100,000 for street improvements. Only in the matter of railroads was Kansas City seriously affected by the panic of 1857; gov- ernment moneys, immigration over the border, and the New Mexican trade tiding her safely over the sea of financial excitement and prostra- tion. She had also become, even as early as the year 1854, a noted mart for the purchase and sale of live stock, the immense freighting across the plains inviting trade in this direction, and in the annual reviews of the papers it is said that, in 1857, the receipts for that year, in mules and cattle, were estimated at $200,000, and also that, in 1858, about 20,000 head of stock cattle were driven here from Texas and the Indian territory. In 1857 over six hundred freighting wagons left Kansas City with loads for Santa Fe, New Mexico. The principal railroads centering at Kansas City are, the Hannibal & HISTORY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Hi St. Joseph railroad, the Kansas Pacific railroad, t«}ie Kansas City, Law- rence & Southern railroad, the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf railroad, the Chicago & Alton railroad, the Atchison & Nebraska railroad, the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railroad, the Missouri Pacific railway, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway, the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railway, the Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe railroad, the Kansas City & Eastern railroad, (narrow gauge). The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has extended its road to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and to Guyamas, on the Pacific coast ; to San Francisco, California, and is building to the City of Mexico. The elevator storage capacity in the city January 1, 1881, was 1,500,- 000 bushels. In 1879 about 1,600 new buildings were erected, costing $1,500,000. The U. S. postoffice and custom house building cost $200,- 000. The union depot building cost $300,000. The Kansas City stock yards rank as second only to those of Chicago in the extent and com- pleteness of their facilities for the cattle trade. The population of Kansas City, by U. S. census in June, 1880, w^as 62,977 Taxable wealth, $13,378,950. Cost of new buildings erected during the year 1880, $2,200,000-"^' SL Joseph. In 1803 Joseph Robidon, a French fiir trader, located here, and continued to occupy his place and trade with the Indians for 33 years. Up to 1843 the place contained only two log cabins, and a small flouring mill on Black Snake creek. In June, 1843, Mr. Robidoux received his title from the government to 160 acres of land, and laid out the city, which was called St. Joseph in his honor, and not, as is commonly supposed, in honor of the Saint Joseph of the church calendar. January 1, 1846, the town had 600 inhabitants, having been incorporated as a vil- lage February 26, 1845, with Joseph Robidoux as president of the board of trustees. The first city charter was obtained February 22, 1851, but it has been many times amended. The population was : In 1850, 3,460 ; in I860, 8,932; in 1870, 19,625; in 1880, 32,461. St. Joseph is situated on the east bank of the Missouri, 545 miles fi-om its mouth, 2,000 miles from the great falls, nearly 1,300 miles below the mouth ©f the Yellowstone, 310 miles fi-om St. Louis by railroad, with which it is connected by three different lines, and 565 miles from St. Louis by river; but it is only 180 miles on an air line from the Mississippi river. The latitude of St. Joseph is 39 degrees 47 minutes north, and the same parallel passes through Indianapolis, and within less than four miles of Denver, Colorado, Springfield, Illinois, and the famous Mason and Dixon's line, separating Maryland and Pennsylvania, reaching the Atlantic coast half way from Cape May to New York City, and the Pacific, two degrees *These statistics are gathered mostly from the able annual reports of W. H. Miller, Esq., ■who has been secretary of the Kansas City Board of Trade continuously since 1873. 112 HISTORY OF THE ST^TE OF MISSOURI. north of San Francisco, near Cape Mendicino. A straight line drawn on the map from Aufyusta, the capital of Maine, to San Diego in California, passes through Detroit, Chicago, and St. Joseph, and this last city is just halfway from end to end of this line St. Joseph has an altitude of about 1,030 feet above the sea, which is 200 feet higher than St. Paul, 400 feet higher than Chicago, and nearly 600 feet higher than St. Louis. The city is romantically and beautifully situated, the business portion lying in a huge basin on a great bend in the Missouri river, while the residence part of the city clambers up the mound-shaped hills, which rise on all sides like a vast amphitheater. The wholesale and retail trade is figured above $40,000,000 annually, while it is said that there are no fewer than eight commercial houses which have a cash capital of $1,000,000 each. It is stated on reliable authorit}^ that there is handled at this point 15,000,000 bushels of corn, 5,000,000 of wheat, 250,000 rye, and 500,000 barley, per annum. The stock yards cover seven acres, and belong to a stock company. There are received at the yards 120,000 to 150,000 hogs per annum, and K>,000 to 12,000 cattle. The figures do not include direct shipments to several large packing houses, which will increase the number of hogs to 300,000. There are four packing houses in the citv — one having a capacitv of 15,000 hogs per day. The railroad lines which connect St, Joseph with the rest of the busi- ness world are the Hannibal & St. Joseph, the pioneer road of the state, extending east across the entire state to Hannibal and Quincy on the Miss- issippi river: the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific, forming a direct line to St. Louis: the St. Joseph & Western, extending across the great iron bridge, through Kansas and Nebraska, to a junction at Grand Island with the Union Pacific, of which it is really a part; the Missouri Pacific, another connecting line with St. Louis; the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs, extending south to Kansas City and north to Omaha, with its Nodaway Valle}^ branch, extending through the Nodaway valley, and its Chicago branch, making connection with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; the St. Joseph & Des Moines, now owned and operated by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy; the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Atchison & Nebraska. ;i5' « * T?''ost facto law, or law impairing the obliga- tion of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the congress. No state shall, without the consent of congress, lay any duty on tonnage, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 117 keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II. Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the vice-president chosen tor the same term, be elected as follows: Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the congress; but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States shall be appointed an elector. [*The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of government of the United States, directed to the president of the senate. The president of the sen- ate shall, in the presence of the senate and house of representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person hav- ing the greatest number of votes shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed: and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the house of representatives shall immediately choose by bal- lot, one of them for president; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said house shall in like manner choose the president. But, in choosing the president, the vote shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member, or members, from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the president, the person having the great- est number of votes of the electors shall be the vice-president. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the senate shall choose from them, by ballot, the vice-president.] The congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the president from office, or of his death, res- ignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice-president, and the congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabilit}^ both of the president and vice-president, declaring what officer shall then act as *This clause between brackets ha-? been superseded aad aaauUed by the twelfth amend- ment. 118 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. president, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a president shall be elected. The president shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compen- sation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for Vv'hich he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive during that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enters upon the execution of his office he shall take the fol- lowing oath, or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, pre- serve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The president shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive depart- ments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice of the senate, shall appoint embassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law; but the congress may, by law, vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the president alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The president shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of ihe senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. 3. He shall, from time to time, give to the congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such Pleasures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraor- dinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ernbassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. Sec. 4. The president, vice-president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. Section 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their office during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all cases affecting CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 119 embassadors, other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more states; between a state and citizens of another state; between citizens of different states; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states ; and between a state or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects. In all cases affecting embassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the supreme court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the supreme court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. ^ The congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attamder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, ancl proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof Sec. 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New states may be admitted by congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of the congress. The congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state. Sec 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature can not be convened), against domestic violence. 120 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. ARTICLE V. The congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it neces- sary, shall propose amendments to this constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states shall call a conven- tion for proposing amendments, which, in either case shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this constitution, when ratified by the leg- islatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three- fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be pro- posed by the congress. Provided, that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the senate. ARTICLE VI. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this constitution as under the confederation. This constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a quahfication to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. The ratification of the conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America, the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President, and Deputy from Virginia. Penmyhama. B. Fkanklin, RoBT. Morris, Thos. Fitzsimons, .Tames Wilson, TnOS. MlFKLIN, Geoi/ge Clymer, .Tared Ihgersoll, Gouv. Morris. South Carolina. j. rutledoe, Charles Pinckney, Cha3. Cotesworth Pinckney Pierce Butler. Georgia. Wm. Few, Abr. Baldwin. New Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, RtFUS King. (Jonnectirut. Wm. Samuel Johnson, Roger Sherman. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. WiL. Livi>jr.sTON, Wm. Patterson, David Brearley, Jon a. Dayton. Delaware. George Reed, John Dickinson, Jacob Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M'Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. Virfjinia. John Blair, James Madison, Jk. North Carolina. Wm. Blount. Hu. Williamson, Richard Dobbs Spaight. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. amendments to the constitution. 12x Articles in Addition to and Amendatory of the Constitution OF THE United States of America. Proposed by Congress and Ratified by the Legislatures of the several States -pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution, article i. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. article II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be pre- scribed by law. ARTICLE IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. ARTICLE V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense, to be twice put in jeopardy of life or Hmb; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. ARTICLE VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the ■crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have com- pulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assist- ance of counsel for his defense. ARTICLE VII. In suits at common law, where the value in -controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. 122 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. ARTICLE IX. The enumeration, in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be con- strued to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE X. The powers not delegated to the United ^States b}?- the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE XL The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the- United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. ARTICLE XII. Sec 1. The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for president and vice-president, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhab- itant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice-president, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons, voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice-president, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the senate. The president of the senate shall,, in presence of the senate and house of representatives, open all the certifi- cates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the great- est number of votes for president shall be the president, if such number be a majority of the w^hole number of electors appointed: and if no person have such majorit}-, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as president, the house of representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the president. But in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by states, the representa- tives from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall con- sist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. ' And if the house of rep- resentatives shall not choose a president whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the vice-president shall act as president, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the president. The person having the greatest number of votes as vice-president shall be the vice-president, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the senate shall choose the vice-president; a quorum for that pur- pose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice-president of the United States. , AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. 123^ ARTICLE XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a pun- ishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris- diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropri- ate legislation. ARTICLE XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. Sec 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per- sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for president and vice-president of the United States, representatives in congress, the executive and judi- cial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proporflon which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty -one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a senator or representative in congress, or elector of president and vice-president, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state to support the constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But congress may, by a vote of two- thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author- ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun- ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state-shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of an}^ slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sec 5. The congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate- legislation, the provisions of this article. article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec 2. The congress shall have power to enforce this article b}'^ appro- priate legislation. Constitution of the State of Missouri, ADOPTED BY A VOTE OP THE PEOPLE, OCTOBER 30, 1875. WENT INTO OPERATION NOVEMBER 30, 1875. PREAMBLE. We, the people of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and cjrateful for his croodness, do, for the better government of the state, establish this constitution. ARTICLE I.— BOUNDARIES. Section 1. The boundaries of the state as heretofore established by law, are hereby ratified and confirmed. The state shall have concurrent jurisdiction on the river Mississippi, and every other river bordering on the state, so far as the said rivers shall form a common boundary to this state and any other state or states; and the river Mississippi and the navigable rivers and waters leading to the same, shall be common highways, and forever free to the citizens of this state and of the United States, without any tax, duty, import or toll therefor, imposed by this state. ARTICLE II.— BILL OF RIOHTS. In order to assert our rights, acknowledge our duties, and proclaim the principles on which our government is founded, we declare: Section 1. That all political power is vested in, and derived from the people ; that all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will onlv, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. Sec. 2. That the people of this state have the inlierent, sole and exclu- sive right to regulate the internal government and police thereof, and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness: Provided^ Such change be not repugnant to the constitution of the United States. Sec. 8. That Missouri is a free and independent state, subject only to the constitution of the United States; and as the preservation of the states and the maintenance of their governments, are necessary to an indestructible Union, and were intended to co-exist with it, the legislature is not authorized to adopt, nor will the people of this state ever assent to any amendment or change of the constitution of the United States which mav in any wise impair the right of local self-government belonging to the people of this state. Sec 4. Tliat all constitutional government is intended to promote the general welfare of the people; that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty and the enjoyment of the gains of their own industry; that to give security to these things is the principal office of government, and that when government does not confer this security, it fails of its chief design. Sec. 5. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience; that no (124) CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 12& person can, on account of his religious opinions, be rendered ineligible to any office of trust or profit under this state, nor be disqualified from testi- fying, or from serving as a juror; that no human authority can control or interfere with the rights of conscience ; that no person ought, by any law^ to be molested in his person or estate, on account of his rehgious persua- sion or profession ; but the libert}'^ of conscience hereby secured, shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, nor to justify practices inconsistent with the good order, peace or safety of this state, or with the rights of others. Sec. 6. That no person can be compelled to erect, support or attend any place or system of worship, or to maintain or support an}^ priest, min- ister, preacher or teacher of any sect, church, creed or denomination of re- ligion; but if any person shall voluntarily make a contract for any such object, he shall be held to the performance of the same. Sec. 7. That no money shall ever be taken from the public treasury, directly or indirectly, in aid of any church, sect or denomination of religion, or in aid of any priest, preacher, minister or teacher thereof, as such; and that no preference shall be given to, nor any discrimination made against any church, sect or creed of religion, or any form of religious faith or wor- ship. Sec. 8. That no religious corporation can be established in this state,, except such as may be created under a general law for the purpose only of holding the title to such real estate as may be prescribed by law for church edifices, parsonages and cemeteries. Sec. 9. That all elections shall be free and open ; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage. Sec. 10. The courts of justice shall be open to every person, and cer- tain remedy afforded for every injury to person, property or character, and that right and justice should be administered without sale, denial or delay. Sec. 11. That the people shall be secure in their persons, papers^ homes and effects, from unreasonable searches and seizures; and no war- rant to search any place, or seize any person or thing, shall issue without describing the place to be searched, or the person or thing to be seized, as nearly as may be; nor without probable cause, supported by oath or afl!ir- mation reduced to writing. Sec. 12. That no person shall, for felony, be proceeded against crimi- nally otherwise than by indictment, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or pub- lic danger; in all other cases, offenses shall be prosecuted criminally by in- dictment or information as concurrent remedies. Sec. 13. That treason against the state can consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort; that no person can be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on his confession in- open court; that no person can be attainted of treason or felony by the general assembly; that no conviction can work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate; that the estates of such persons as may destroy their own lives shall descend or vest as in cases of natural death; ^nd when any person shall be killed by casualty, there shall be no forfeiture by reason thereof. Sec. 14. That no law shall be passed impairing the freedom of speech; 126 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. that every person shall be free to say, write or publish whatever he will on any subject, being responsible for all abuse of that liberty; and that in all suits and prosecutions for libel, the truth thereof may be given in evi- dence, and the jury, under the direction of the court, shall determine the law and the fact. Sec. 1.5. That no ex -post facto law, nor law impairing the obligation of contracts, or retrospective in its operation, or making any irrevocable grant of special privileges or immunities, can be passed b}' the general assembly. Sec. 16. That imprisonment for debt shall not be allowed, except for the nonpayment of fines and penalties imposed for violation of law. Sec. 17. That the right of no citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power, when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein con- tained is intended to justify the practice of wearing concealed weapons. Sec. 18. That no person elected or appointed to any office or employ- ment of trust or profit under the laws of this state, or any ordinance of any municipality in this state, shall hold such office without personally devoting his time to the performance of the duties to the same belonging. Sec. 19. That no person who is now, or may hereafter become a col- lector or receiver of public money, or assistant or deputy of such collector or receiver, shall be eligible to any office of trust or profit in the state of .Missouri under the laws thereof, or of any municipality therein, until he shall have accounted for and paid over all the public money for which he ma^r be accountable. Sec. 20. That no private property can be taken for private use with or without compensation, unless by the consent of the owmer, except for pri- vate ways of necessity, and except for drains and ditches across the lands ■of others for agricultural and sanitary purposes, in such manner as may be prescribed by law; and that whenever an attempt is made to take private property for a use alleged to be public, the question whether the contem- plated use be really public shall be a judicial question, and as such, judi- cially determined, without regard to any legislative assertion that the use is public. Sec. 21. That private property shall not be taken or damaged for pub- lic use without just compensation. Such compensation shall be ascer- tained by a jury or board of commissioners of not less than three free- holders, in such manner as may be prescribed by law^; and until the same shall be paid to the owner, or into court for the owner, the property shall not be disturbed, or the proprietar}- ritrhts of the owner therein divested. The fee of land taken for railroad tracts without consent of the owner thereof, shall remain in such owner, subject to the use for which it is taken. Sec. 22. In criminal prosecutions the accused shall have the right to appear and defend, in person, and by counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation; to meet the witnesses against him face to face; to have process to compel the attendance of witnesses in his behalf, and a speedy, public trial by an impartial jury of the county. Sec. 23. That no person shall be compelled to testify against himself in a criminal cause, nor shall any person, after being once acquitted by a jury, be again, for the same oflense, put in jeopardy of life or liberty; but if the jury to which the question of his guilt or innocence is submitted CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 127 fail to render a verdict, the court before which the trial is had may, in its discretion, discharge the jury and commit or bail the prisoner for trial at the next term of court, or if the state of business will permit, at the same term ; and if judgment be arrested after a verdict of guilty on a defective indictment, or if judgment on a verdict of guilty be reversed for error in law, nothing herein contained shall prevent a new trial of the prisoner on a proper indictment, or according to correct principles of law. Sec. 24. That all persons shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, ex- cept for capital offenses, when the proof is evident or the presumption great. Sec. 25. That excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. Sec. 26. That the privilege of the writ of habeas corfiis shall never be suspended. Sec. 27. That the military shall always be in strict subordination to the civil power; that no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, except in the manner prescribed b}^ law. Sec. 28. The right of trial by jury, as heretofore enjoyed, shall remain inviolate; but a jury for the trial of criminal or civil cases, in courts not of record, ma}^ consist of less than twelve men, as may be prescribed by law. Hereafter, a grand jury shall consist of twelve men, an}' nine of whom concurring may find an indictment or a true bill. Sec. 29. That the people have the right peaceably to assemble for their common good, and to apply to those invested with the powers of gov- ernment for redress of grievances by petition or remonstrance. Sec. 30. That no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. Sec. 31. That there cannot be in this state either slaver}- or involun- tary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. Sec. 32. The enumeration in this constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny, impair, or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE III. — THE DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS. The powers of government shall be divided into three distinct depart- ments — the legislative, executive, and judicial — each of which shall be con- fided to a separate magistracy and no person, or collection of persons, charged with the exercise of powers properly belonging to one of those departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others, except in the instances in this constitution expressly directed or permitted. ARTICLE IV.— LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The legislative power, subject to the limitations herein contained, shall be vested in a senate and house of representatives, to be styled "The General Assembly of the State of Missouri." representation and apportionment. ' Sec. 2. The house of representatives shall consist of members to be chosen every second year by the qualified voters of the several counties, and apportioned in the following manner: The ratio of representation shall be ascertained at each apportioning session of the general assembly, by 128 • t:ONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. dividing the whole number of inhabitants of the state, as ascertained by the last decennial census of the United States, by the number two hun- dred. Each county having one ratio, or less, shall be entitled to one rep- resentative; each county having two and a half times said ratio, shall be entitled to two representatives; each county having four times said ratio, shall be entitled to three representatives; each county having six times such ratio, shall be entitled to four representatives, and so on above that number, giving one additional member for every two and a half additional ratios. Sec. 3. When any county shall be entitled to more than one repre- sentative, the county court shall cause such county to be subdivided into districts of compact and contiguous territory, corresponding in number to the representatives to which such county is entitled, and in population as nearly equal as may be, in each of which the qualified voters shall elect one representative, who shall be a resident of such district: Provided^ That when any county shall be entitled to more than ten representatives, the circuit court shall cause such county to be subdivided into districts, so as to give each district not less than two, nor more than four representa- tives, who shall be residents of such district; the population of the districts to be proportioned to the number of representatives to be elected therefrom. Sec. 4. No person shall be a member of the house of representatives who shall not have attained the age of twenty-four j-ears, who shall not be a male citizen of the United States, who shall not have been a qualified voter of this state two years, and an inhabitant of the county or district which he may be chosen to represent, one year next before the day of his election, if such county or district shall have been so long established, but if not, then of the county or district from which the same shall have been taken, and who shall not have paid a state and county tax within one year next preceding the election. Sec. 5. The senate shall consist of thirty-four members, to be chosen by the qualified voters of their respective districts for four years. For the election of senators the state shall be divided into convenient districts, as nearly equal in population as may be, the same to be ascertained by the last decennial census taken by the United States. Sec. 6. No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, who shall not be a male citizen of the United States, who shall not have been a qualified voter of this state three years, and an inhabitant of the district which he may be chosen to represent one year next before the day of his election, if such district shall have been so long established; but if not, then of the district or districts from which the same shall have been taken, and who shall not have paid a state and county tax within one year next preceding the election. When any county shall be entitled to more than one senator, the circuit court shall cause such county to be subdivided into districts of compact and contiguous territory, and of population as nearly equal as may be, corresponding in number with the senators to which such county may be entitled; and in each of these one senator, who shall be a resident of such district, shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof. Sec. 7. Senators and representatives shall be chosen according to the rule of apportionment established in this constitution, until the next decen- nial census by the United States shall have been taken and the result thereof as to this state ascertained, when the apportionment shall be revised CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 129 and adjusted on the basis of that census, and every ten years there- after upon the basis of the United States census; or if such census be not taken, or is delayed, then on the basis of a state census; such apportion- ment to be maSe at the first session of the general assembly after each such census: Provided^ That if at any time, or from any cause, the general assembly shall fail or refuse to district the state for senators, as required in this section, it shall be the duty of the governor, secretary of state, and attorney-general, within thirty days after the adjournment of the general assembly on which such duty devolved, to perform said duty, and to file in the office of the secretary of state a full statement of the districts formed by them, including the names of the counties embraced in each district, and the numbers thereof; said statement to be signed by them, and attested by the great seal of the state, and upon the proclamation of the governor," the same shall be as binding and effectual as if done by the general assembly. Sec. 8. Until an apportionment of representatives can be made, in accordance with the provisions of this article, the house of representa- tives shall consist of one hundred and forty-three members, which shall be divided among the several counties of the state, as follows: The county of St. Louis shall have seventeen; the county of Jackson four; the county of Buchanan three; the counties of Franklin, Greene, Johnson, Lafayette, Macon, Marion, Pike, and Saline, each two, and each of the other coun- ties in the state, one. Sec. 9. Senatorial and representative districts may be altered, from time to time, as public convenience may require. When any senatorial district shall be composed of two or more counties, they shall be contigu- ous ; such districts to be as compact as may be, and in the formation of the same no county shall be divided. Sec. 10. The first election of senators and representatives, under this constitution, shall be held at the general election in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, when the whole number of representa- tives, and the senators from the districts having odd numbers, who shall compose the first class, shall be chosen; and in one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-eight, the senators from the districts having even num- bers, who shall compose the second class, and so on at each succeeding general election, half the senators provided for by this constitution shall be chosen. Sec. 11. Until the state shall be divided into senatorial districts, in accordance with the provisions of this article, said districts shall be con- stituted and numbered as follows: The First District shall be composed of the counties of Andrew, Holt, Nodaway and Atchison. Second District — The counties of Buchanan, DeKalb, Gentry and Worth. Third District — The counties of Clay, Clinton and Platte. Fourth District— The counties of Caldwell, Ray, Daviess and Harrison. Fifth District — The counties of Livingston, Grundy, Mercer and CarrolL Sixth District — The counties of Linn, Sullivan, Putnam and Chariton. Seventh District — The counties of Randolph, Howard and Monroe. Eighth District — The counties of Adair, Macon and Schuyler. Ninth District — The counties of Audrain, Boone and Callaway. 9 130 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Tenth District — The counties of St. Charles and Warren. Eleventh District — The counties of Pike, Lincoln and Montgomery. Twelfth District — The counties of Lewis, Clark, Scotland and Knox. Thirteenth District — The counties of Marion, Shelby and Ralls. Fourteenth District — The counties of Bates, Cass and Henry. Fifteenth District— The county of Jackson. Sixteenth District — The counties of Vernon, Barton, Jasper, Newton and McDonald. Seventeenth District — The counties of Lafayette and Johnson. Eicfhteenth District — The counties of Greene, Lawrence, Barry, Stone and Christian. Nineteenth District — The counties of Saline, Pettis and Benton. Twentieth District — The counties of Polk, Hickory, Dallas, Dade, Cedar and St. Clair. Twenty-first District — The counties of Laclede, Webster, Wright, Texas, Douglas, Taney, Ozark and Howell. Twenty-second District — The counties of Phelps, Miller, Maries, Cam- den, Pulaski, Crawford and Dent. Twenty-third District — The counties of Cape Girardeau, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Dunkhn, Stoddard and Scott. Twenty-fourth District — The counties of Iron, Madison, Bollinger, Wayne, Butler, Reynolds, Carter, Ripley, Oregon and Shannon. Twenty-fifth District — The counties of Franklin, Gasconade and Osage. Twenty-sixth District — The counties of Washington, Jefferson, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve and Perry. Twenty-eighth District — The counties of Cooper, Moniteau, Morgan and Cole. St. Louis count}^ shall be divided into seven districts, numbered respec- tively, as follows: Twenty-seventh, Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Thirty-second, Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth. Sec. 12. No senator or representative shall, during the term for which he shall have been elected, be appointed to any office under this state, or any municipality thereof; and no member of congress or person holding any lucrative office under the United States, or this state, or any munici- pality thereof, (militia offices, justices of the peace and notaries public excepted,) shall be eligible to either house of the general assembly, or remain a member thereof, after having accepted any such office or seat in either house of congress. Sfx\ 1.3. If any senator or representative remove his residence from the district or county for which he was elected, his office shall thereby be vacated. Sec. 11. Writs of election to fill such vacancies as may occur in either house of the general assembly, shall be issued by the governor. Sec. 1.5. Every senator and representative elect, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirm- ation: "I do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will support the constitution of the United States and of the state of Missouri, and faithfully perform the duties of my office, and that I will not knowingly receive, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing, for the performance or non-performance of any act or duty pertaining to my office, other than the compensation allowed by law." The oath shall be administered in the CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 131 halls of their respective houses, to the members thereof, by some judge of the supreme court, or the circuit court, or the county court of Cole county, or after the organization, by the presiding officer of either house, and shall be filed in the ofhce of the secretary of state. Any member of either house refusing to take said oath or affirmation, shall be deemed to have thereby vacated his office, and any member convicted of having vio- lated his oath or affirmation, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and be forever thereafter disqualified from holding any office of trust or profit in this state. Sec. 16. The members of the general assembly shall severally receive from the public treasury such compensation for their services as may, from time to time, be provided by law, not to exceed five dollars per day for the first seventy days of each session, and after that not to exceed one dollar per day for the remainder of the session, except the first session held under this constitution, and during revising sessions, when the}- may re- ceive five dollars per day for one hundred and twenty days, and one dollar per day for the remainder of such sessions. In addition to per diem, the members shall be entitled to receive traveling expenses or mileage, for any regular and extra session not greater than now provided by law; but no member shall be entitled to traveling expenses or mileage for any extra session that may be called within one day after an adjournment of a regu- lar session. Committees of either house, or joint committees of both houses, appointed to examine the institutions of the state, other than those at the seat of government, may receive their actual expenses, necessarily incurred while in the performance of such duty; the items of such ex- penses to be returned to the chairman of such committee, and by him cer- tified to the state auditor, before the same, or any part thereof, can be paid. Each member may receive at each regular session an additional sum of thirty dollars, which shall be in full for all stationery used in his official capacity, and all postage, and all other incidental expenses and perquisites; and no allowance or emoluments, for any purpose whatever, shall be made to, or received by the members, or any member of either house, or for their use, out of the contingent fund or otherwise, except as herein expressly provided; and no allowance or emolument, for any purpose whatever, shall ever be paid to an}' officer, agent, servant or employe of either house of the general assembly, or of any committee thereof, except such per diem as may be provided for by law, not to exceed five dollars. Sec. 17. Each house shall appoint its own officers; shall be sole judge of the qualifications, election and returns of its own members; may deter- mine the rules of its own proceedings, except as herein provided ; may arrest and punish by fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or imprison- ment in a county jail not exceeding ten days, or both, any person, not a member, who shall be guilty of disrespect to the house by any disorderly or contemptuous behavior in its presence during its sessions; may punish its members for disorderly conduct; and with the concurrence of two-thirds of all members elect, may expel a member; but no member shall be ex- pelled a second time for the same cause. Sec. 18. A majority of the whole number ot members of each house shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may ad- journ from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent rnembers in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. 132 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 19. The sessions of each house shall be held with open doors^ except in cases which may require secrecy. Sec. 20. The general assembly elected in the j'^ear one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six shall meet on the first Wednesday after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven ; and thereafter the general assembly shall meet in regular session once only in every two yeafS; and such meeting shall be on the first Wednesday after the first day of Januar}'^ next after the elections of the members thereof. Sec. 21. Every adjournment or recess taken by the general assembly for more than three days, shall have the effect of and be an adjournment sine die. Sec. 22. Every adjournment or recess taken by the general assembly for three days or less, shall be construed as not interrupting the session at which they are had or taken, but as continuing the session for all the pur- poses mentioned in section sixteen of this article. Sec. 23. Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than two days at any one time, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses maybe sitting. legislative PROCEEDINGS. Sec. 24. The style of the laws of this state shall be: '■^ Be it enacted hy the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows .•" Sec. 25. No law shall be passed, except by bill, and no bill shall be so amended in its passage through either house, as to change its original purpose. Sec. 26. Bills may originate in either house, and may be amended or rejected by the other; and every bill shall be read on three different days in each house. Sec. 27. No bill shall be considered for final passage unless the same has been reported upon by a committee and printed for the use of the members. Sec. 28. No bill (except general appropriation bills, which may em- brace the various subjects and accounts for and on account of which moneys are appropriated, and except bills passed under the third subdivision of section forty-four of this article) shall contain more than one subject, .which shall be clearly expressed in its title. Sec. 29. All amendments adopted by either house to a bill pending and originating in the same, shall be incorporated with the bill by engross- ment, and the bill as thus engrossed, shall be printed for the use of the members before its final passage. The engrossing and printing shall be under the supervision of a committee, whose report to the house shall set forth, in writing, that they find the bill truly engrossed, and that the printed copy furnished to the members is correct. Sec. 30. If a bill passed by either house be returned thereto, amended by the other, the house to which the same is returned shall cause the amendment or amendments so received to be printed under the same super- vision as provided in the next preceding section, for the use of the mem- bers before final action on such amendments. Sec. 31. No bill shall become a law, unless on its final passage the vote be taken by yeas and nays, the names of the members voting for and against the same be entered on the journal, and a majority of the members elected to each house be recorded thereon as voting in its favor. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 133 Sec. 32. No amendment to bills by one house shall be concurred in by the other, except by a vote of a majority of the members elected thereto taken by yeas and nays, and the names of those voting for and against recorded upon the journal thereof; and reports of committees of confer- ence shall be adopted in either house only by the vote of a majority of the members elected thereto, taken by yeas and nays, and the names of those voting recorded upon the journal. Sec. 33. No act shall be revived or re-enacted by mere reference to the title thereof, but the same shall be set forth at length, as if it were an original act. Sec. 34. No act shall be amended by providing that designated words thereof be stricken out, or that designated words be inserted, or that desig- nated words be stricken out and others inserted in lieu thereof; but the words to be stricken out, or the words to be inserted, or the words to be stricken out and those inserted in lieu thereof, together with the act or section amended, shall be set forth in full, as amended. Sec 35. When a bill is put upon its final passage in either house, and, failing to pass, a motion is made to reconsider the vote by which it was defeated, the vote upon such motion to reconsider shall be immediately taken, and the subject finally disposed of before the house proceeds to any other business. Sec. 36. No law passed by the general assembly, except the general appropriation act, shall take effect or go into force until ninety days after the adjournment of the session at which it was enacted, unless in case of an emergency, (which emergency must be expressed in the preamble or in the body of the act), the general assembly shall, by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, otherwise direct; said vote to be taken by yeas and nays, and entered upon the fournal. Sec 37. No bill shall become a law until the same shall have been signed by the presiding officer of each of the two houses, in open session; and before such officer shall affix his signature to any bill, he shall suspend all other business, declare that such bill will now be read, and that, if no objections be made, he will sign the same, to the end that it may become a law. The bill shall then be read at length, and if no objections be made, he shall, in presence of the house, in open session, and before any other business is entertained, affix his signature, which fact shall be noted on the journal, and the bill immediately sent to the other house. When it reaches the other house the presiding officer thereof shall immediately suspend all other business, announce the reception of the bill, and the same proceedings shall thereupon be observed, in every respect, as in the house in which it was first signed. If in either house any member shall object that any sub- stitution, omission, or insertion has occurred, so that the bill proposed to be signed is not the same in substance and form as when considered and passed by the house, or that any particular clause of this article of the constitution has been violated in its passage, such objection shall be passed upon by the house, and if sustained, the presiding officer shall withhold his signature; but if such objection shall not be sustained, then any five mem- bers may embody the same, over their signatures, in a written protest, under oath, against the signing of the bill. Such protest, when offered in the house, shall be noted upon the journal, and the original shall be an- nexed to the bill to be considered by the governor in connection therewith. Sec 38. When the bill has been signed, as provided for in the preced- 134- CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. inf^ section, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the senate, if the bill originated in the senate, and of the chief clerk of the house of representa- tives, it" the bill originated in the house, to present the same in person, on the same day on which it was signed as aforesaid, to the governor, and enter the fact upon the journal. Every bill presented to the governor, and returned within ten days to the house in which the same originated, with the approval of the governor, shall become a law, unless it be in vio- lation of some provision of this constitution. Sec. 39. Every bill presented as aforesaid, but returned without the approval of the governor, and with his objections thereto, shall stand as reconsidered in the house to which it is returned. The house shall cause the objections of the governor to be entered at large upon the journal, and proceed, at its convenience, to consider the question pending, which shall be in this form: "Shall the bill pass, the objections of the governor thereto notwithstanding.^" The vote upon this question shall be taken by yeas and nays, and the names entered upon the journal, and if two-thirds of all the members elected to the house vote in the affirmative, the presiding officer of that house shall certify that fact on the roll, attesting the same by his signature, and send the bill, with the objections of the governor, to the other house, in which like proceedings shall be had in relation thereto; and if the.bill receive a like majority of the votes of all the members elected to that house, the vote being taken by yeas and nays, the presiding officer thereof shall, in like manner, certify the fact upon the bill. The bill thus certified shall be deposited in the office of the secretary of state, as an au- thentic act, and shall become a law in the same manner and wdth like effect as if it had received the approval of the governor. Sec. 40. Whenever the governor shall fail to perform his duty, as pre- scribed in section twelve, article V, of this constitution, in relation to any bill presented to him for his approval, the general assembly may, by joint resolution, reciting the fact of such failure and the bill at length, direct the secretary of state to enrol the same as an authentic act in the archives of the state, and such enrollment shall have the same effect as an approval by the governor: Provided, That such joint resolution shall not be submit- ted to the governor for liis approval. Sec. 41. Within five years after the adoption of this constitution all the statute laws of a general nature, both civil and criminal, shall be re- vised, digested, and promulgated in such manner as the general assembly shall direct: and a like revision, digest, and promulgation shall be made at the expiration of every subsequent period of ten years. Sec. 42. Each house shall, from time to time, publish a journal of its proceedings, and the yeas and nays on any question shall be taken and entered on the journal at the motion of any two members. Whenever the yeas and nays are demanded, the whole list of members shall be called, and the names of the absentees shall be noted and published in the journal. LIMITATION ON LEGISLATIVE POWER. Sec. 43. All revenue collected and moneys received by the state from any source whatsoever, shall go into the treasury, and the general assem- bly shall have no power to divert the same, or to permit money to be drawn from the treasury, except in pursuance of regular appropriations made by law. All appropriations of money by the successive general assemblies shall be made in the following order: CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 135 First, For the payment of all interest upon the bonded debt of the state that may become due during the term for which each general assembly is elected. Second, For the benefit of the sinking fund, which shall not be less an- nually than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Third, For free public school purposes. Fourth, For the payment of the cost of assessing and collecting the revenue. Fifth, For the payment of the civil list. Sixth, For the support of the eleemosynary institutions of the state. Seventh, For the pay of the general assembly, and such other purposes not herein prohibited, as it may deem necessary; but no general assembly shall have power to make any appropriation of money for any purpose whatsoever, until the respective sums necessary for the purposes in this section specified have been set apart and appropriated, or to give pri- ority in its action to a succeeding over a preceding item as above enumer- ated. Sec. 44. The general assembly shall have no power to contract or to authorize the contracting of any debt or liabilit}^ on behalf of the state, or to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness thereof, except in the following cases: First, In renewal of existing bonds, w^hen they cannot be paid at matu- rity, out of the sinking fund or other resources. Second, On the occurring of an unforeseen emergency, or casual defi- ciency of the revenue when the temporary liability incurred, upon the rec- ommendation of the governor first had, shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for anv one year, to be paid in not more than two years from and after its creation. Third, On the occurring of any unforeseen emergenc} or casual defi- cienc}' of the revenue, when the temporary liability incurred or to be incur- red shall exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for any one 3-ear, the general assembly ma}- submit an act providing for the loan, or lor the contracting of the liability, and containing a provision for levying a tax sufficient to pay the interest and principal when they become due, (the latter in not more than thirteen years from the date of its crea- tion) to the qualified voters of the state, and when the act so submitted shall have been ratified by a two-thirds majority, at an election held for that purpose, due publication having been made of the provisions of the act for at least three months before such election, the act thus ratified shall be irrepealable until the debt thereby incurred shall be paid, princi- pal and interest. Sec. 45. The general assembly shall have no power to give or to lend, or to authorize the giving or lending of the credit of the state in aid of or to any person, association or corporation, whether municipal or other, or to pledge the credit of the state in any manner whatsoever, for the payment of the liabilities, present or prospective, .of any individual, association of individuals, municipal or other corporation whatsoever. Sec. 46. The general assembly shall have no power to make any grant, or to authorize the making of any grant of public money or thing of v^alue to any individual, association of individuals, municipal or other cor- poration whatsoever: Provided, That this shall not be so construed as to prevent the grant of aid in a case of public calamity. 136 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 47. The general assembly shall have no power to authorize any county, city, town or township, or other political corporation or subdivision of the state now existing, or that may be hereafter established, to lend its credit, or to grant public money or thing of value in aid of, or to any indi- vidual, association or corporation whatsoever, or to become a stockholder in such corporation, association or company. Sec 48. The general assembly shall have no power to grant, or to authorize anv county or municipal authority to grant any extra compensa- tion, fee or allowance to a public officer, agent, servant or contractor, after service has been rendered or a contract has been entered into and per- formed in whole or in part, nor pay nor authorize the payment of any claim hereafter created against the state, or any county or municipality of the state under any agreement or contract made without express authority of law; and all such unauthorized agreements or contracts shall be null and void. Sec 49. The general assembly shall have no power hereafter to sub- scribe or authorize the subscription of stock on behalf of the state, in any corporation or association except for the purpose of securing loans hereto- fore extended to certain railroad corporations by the state. Sec 50. The general assembly shall have no power to release or alienate the lien held by the state upon any railroad, or in anywise change the tenor or meaning, or pass any act explanatory thereof; but the same shall be enforced in accordance with the original terms upon which it was acquired. Sec 51. The general assembly shall have no power to release or ex- tinguish, or authorize the releasing or extinguishing, in whole or in part, the indebtedness, liability or obligation of any corporation or individual, to this state, or to any county or other municipal corporation therein. Sec 52. The general assembly shall have no power to make any ap- propriation of money, or to issue any bonds or other evidences of indebted- ness for the payment, or on account, or in recognition of any claims audited, or that may hereafter be audited by virtue of an act entitled " An act to audit and adjust the war debt of the state, " approved March 19, 1874, or any act of a similar nature, until after the claims so audited shall have been presented to and paid by the government of the United States to the state of Missouri. Sec 53. The general assembly shall not pass any local or special law: Authorizing the creation, extension or impairing of liens: Regulating the affairs of counties, cities, townships, wards or school districts: Changing the names of persons or places: Changing the venue in civil or criminal cases: Authorizing the laying out, opening, altering or maintaining roads, highways, streets or alleys: Relating to ferries or bridges, or incorporating ferry or bridge compa- nies, except for the erection of bridges crossing streams which form boundaries between this and any other state: Vacating roads, town plats, streets or alleys: Relating to cemeteries, grave yards or public grounds not of the state: Authorizing the adoption or legitimation of children: Locating or changing county seats: Incorporating cities, towns or villages, or changing their charters: CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 137 For the opening and conducting of elections, or fixing or changing the places of voting: Granting divorces: Erecting new townships, or changing township lines, or the lines of school districts: Creating offices, or prescribing the powers and duties of officers in counties, cities, townships, election or school districts: Changing the law of descent or succession: Regulating the practice or jurisdiction of, or changing the rules of evi- dence in any judicial proceeding or inquiry before courts, justices of the peace, sheriffs, commissioners, arbitrators or other tribunals, or providing or changing methods for the collection of debts, or the enforcing of judg- ments, or prescribing the effect of judicial sales of realestate: Regulating the fees or extending the powers and duties of aldermen, justices of the peace, magistrates or constables: Regulating the management of public schools, the building or repairing of school houses, and the raising of money for such purposes: Fixing the rate of interest: Affecting the estates of minors or persons under disability: Remitting tines, penalties and forfeitures, or refunding moneys legally paid into the treasury: Exempting property from taxation: Regulating labor, trade, mining or manufacturing: Creating corporations, or amending, renewing, extending or explaining the charter thereof: Granting to any corporation, association or individual any special or exclusive right, privilege or immunity, or to any corporation, association or individual, the right to lay down a railroad track: Declaring any named person of age: Extending the time for the assessment or collection of taxes, or other- wise relieving an}' assessor or collector of taxes irom the due performance of their official duties, or their securities from liability: Giving effect to informal or invalid wills or deeds: Summoning or empanneling grand or petit juries: For limitation of civil actions: Legalizing the unauthorized or invalid acts of any officer or agent of the state, or of any count}^ or municipality thereof. In all othei cases where a general law can be made applicable, no local or special law shall be enacted; and whether a general law could have been made applicable in any case, is hereby declared a judicial question, and as such shall be ju- dicially determined without regard to any legislative assertion on that subject. Nor shall the general assembly indirectly enact such special or local law by the partial repeal of a general law ; but laws repealing local or special acts may be passed. Sec. 51. No local or special law shall be passed unless notice of the intention to apply therefor shall have been published in the locality where the matter or thing to be affected may be situated, which notice shall state the substance of the contemplated law, and shall be published at least thirty days prior to the introduction into the general assembly of such bill, and in the manner to be provided by law. The evidence of such notice having been published, shall be exhibited in the general assembly 158 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. before such act shall be passed, and the notice shall be recited in the act according to its tenor. Sec. 55. The general assembly shall have no power, when convened in extra session by the governor, to act upon subjects other than those specially designated in the proclamation by which the session is called, or recommended by special message to its consideration by the governor after it shall have been convened. Sec. 56. The general assembly shall have no power to remove the seat of government of this state from the city of Jefferson. ARTICLE V. — EXECUTIVE department. Section 1. The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and superintendent of public schools, all of whom, except the heutenant governor, shall reside at the seat of government during their term of office, and keep the public records, books and papers there> and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 2. The term of office of the governor, lieutenant governor, sec- retary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and super- intendent of public schools, shall be four years from the second Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors are elected and qualified; and the governor and state treasurer shall be ineligible to re-election as their own successors. At the general election to be held in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, and every four years thereafter, all of such officers, except the superintendent of public schools, shall be elected, and the superintendent of public schools shall be elected at the general election in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, and every four years thereafter. Sec. 8. The returns of every election for the above named officers shall be sealed up and transmitted by the returning officers to the secre- •tary of state, directed to the speaker of the house of representatives, who shall immediately, after the organization of the house, and before proceed- ing to other business, open and publish the same in the presence of a majority of each house of the general assembly, who shall for that pur- pose assemble in the hall of the house of representatives. The person having the highest number of votes for either of said offices shall be declared duly elected; but if two or more shall have an equal and the highest number of votes, the general assembly shall, b}' joint vote, choose one of such persons for said office. Sec. 4. The supreme executive power shall be vested in a chief mag- istrate, who shall be styled "the governor of the state of Missouri." Sec. 5. The governor shall be at least thirty-five years old, a male, and shall have been a citizen of the United States ten years, and a resi- dent of this state seven years next before his election. Sec 6. The governor shall take care that the laws are distributed and faithfully executed; and he shall be a conservator of the peace through- out the state. Sec 7. The governor shall be commander-in-chief of the militia of this state, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States, and may call out the same to execute the laws, suppress insurrec- tion and repel invasion; but he need not command in person unless directed so to do by a resolution of the general assembly. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 139* Sec. 8. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves, commuta- tions and pardons, after conviction, for all offenses, except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such condition and with such restrictions and limitations as he may think proper, subject to such regulations as mav be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons. He shall, at each session of the general assembly, communicate to that body each case of reprieve, commutation or pardon granted, stating the name of the convict, the crime of which he was convicted, the sentence and its date, the date of the commutation, pardon or reprieve, and the reason for grant- ing the same. Sec. 9. The governor shall, from time to time, give to the general assembly information relative to the state of the government, and shall recommend to its consideration such measures as he shall deem necessary and expedient. On extraordinary occasions he may convene the general assembly by proclamation, wherein he shall state specifically each matter concerning which the action of that body is deemed necessary. Sec 10. The governor shall, at the commencement of each session of the general assembly, and at the close of his term of office, give informa- tion b}^ message, of the condition of the state, and shall recommend such measures as he shall deem expedient. He shall account to the general assembly, in such manner as may be prescribed by law, for all moneys received and paid out by him from an}' funds subject to his order, with vouchers; and at the commencement of each regular session, present esti- mates of the amount of money required to be raised by taxation for all purposes. Sec. 11. When anv office shall become vacant, the governor, unless, otherwise provided by law, shall appoint a person to fill such vacancy,, who shall continue in office until a successor shall have been duly elected or appointed and qualified according to law. Sec. 12. The governor shall consider all bills and joint resolutions, which, having been passed by both houses of the general assemblj^, shall be presented to him. He shall, within ten days after the same shall have been presented to him, return to the bouse in which they respectively originated, all such bills and joint resolutions, with his approval endorsed thereon, or accompanied by his objections: Provided^ That if the general assembly shall finally adjourn within ten days after such presentation, the governor may, within thirty days thereafter, return such bills and res- olutions to the office of the secretary of state, with his approval or reasons for disapproval. Sec 13. If any bill presented to the governor contain several items of appropriation of money, he may object to one or more items while approving other portions of the bill. In such case he shall append to the bill, at the time of signing it, a statement of the items to which he objects,, and the appropriations so objected to shall not take effect. If the general assembly be in session, he shall transmit to the house in which the bill originated a copy of such statement, and the items objected to shall be separately reconsidered. If it be not in session, then he shall transmit the same within thirty days to the office of secretary of state, with his approval or reasons for disapproval. Sec 14. Every resolution to which the concurrence of the senate and house of representatives may be necessary, except on questions of adjourn- ment, of going into joint session, and of amending this constitution, shall 140 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. be presented to the governor, and before the same shall take effect, shall "be proceeded upon in the same manner as in the case of a bill: Provided^ That no resolution shall have the effect to repeal, extend, alter or amend any law. Sec. 15. The lieutenant governor shall possess the same quahfications as the governor, and by virtue of his office shall be president of the senate. In committee of the whole he may debate all questions; and when there is an equal division he shall give the casting vote in the senate, and also in joint vote of both houses. Sec. 16. In case of death, conviction, or impeachment, failure to qual- ify, resignation, absence from the state, or other disability of the governor, the powers, duties, and emoluments of the office for the residue of the terrn, or until the disability shall be removed, shall devolve upon the lieu- tenant governor. Sec. 17. The senate shall choose a president fro tempore to preside in cases of the absence or impeachment of the lieutenant-governor, or when he shall hold the office of governor. If there be no lieutenant-governor, or the lieutenant governor shall, for any of the causes specified in section sixteen, of this article, become incapable of performing the duties of the office, the president of the senate shall act as governor until the vacancy is filled, or the disability removed; and if the president of the senate, for any of the above nameci causes, shall become incapable of performing the duties of governor, the same shall devolve upon the speaker of the house of representatives, in the same ftianner, and with the same powers and compensation as are prescribed in the case of the office devolving upon the lieutenant-governor. Sec. 18. The lieutenant-governor, or the president pro tempore of the senate, while presiding in the senate, shall receive the same compen- sation as shall be allowed to the speaker of the house of representatives. Sec. 19. No person shall be eligible to the office of secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney-general, or superintendent of public schools, unless he be a male citizen of the United States, and at least twenty-five years old, and shall have resided in this state at least five years next before his election. Sec 20. The secretary of state shall be the custodian of the seal of the state, and authenticate therewith all official acts of the governor, his approval of laws excepted. The said seal shall be called the "Great Seal of the State of Missouri," and the emblems and devices thereof, hereto- fore prescribed by law, shall not be subject to change. Sec 21. The secretary of state shall keep a register of the official acts of the governor, and when necessary, shall attest them, and lay copies of the same, together with copies of all papers relative thereto, before either house of the general assembly whenever required to do so. Sec 22. An account shall be kept hy the officers of the executive department of all moneys and choses in action disbursed, or otherwise dis- posed of by them severally, from all sources, and for every service per- formed; and a semi-annual report thereof shall be made to the governor under oath. The governor may at any time require information, in writ- ing, under oath, from the officers of the executive department, and all officers and managers of state institutions, upon any subject relating to the condition, management and expenses of their respective offices and institutions; which information, when so required, shall be furnished by CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 141 such officers and managers, and any officer or manager who at any time shall make a false report, shall be guilty of perjury and punished accord- ingly. Sec. 23. The governor shall commission all officers not otherwise pro- vided for by law. All commissions shall run in the name and by the authority of the state of Missouri, be signed by the governor, sealed with the great seal of the state of Missouri, and attested by the secretary of state. Sec. 24. The officers named in this article shall receive for their ser- vices a salary to be established by law, which shall not be increased or diminished during their official terms; and they shall not, after the expir- ation of the terms of those in office at the adoption of this constitution, receive to their own use any fees, costs, perquisites of office, or other com- pensation. All fees that may hereafter be payable by law for any service performed by any officer provided for in this article shall be paid in advance into the state treasury. Sec. 25. Contested elections of governor and lieutenant-governor shall be decided by a joint vote of both houses of the general assembly, in such manner as may be provided by law ; and contested elections of secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney-general, and su- perintendent of public schools shall be decided before such tribunal, and in such manner as may be provided by law. ARTICLE VI.— JUDICIAL department. Section 1. The judicial power of the state, as to matters of law and equity, except as in this constitution otherwise provided, shall be vested in a supreme court, the St. Louis court of appeals, circuit courts, crim- inal courts, probate courts, county courts, and municipal corporation courts. Sec. 2.- The supreme court, except in cases otherwise directed by this constitution, shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which shall be co-ex- tensive with the state, under the restrictions and limitations in this consti- tution provided. Sec 3. The supreme court shall have a general superintending con- trol over all inferior courts. It shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto, certiorari, and other original remedial writs, and to hear and determine the same. Sec 4. The judges of the supreme court shall hold office for the term of ten years. The judge oldest in commission shall be chief justice of the court; and, if there be more than one commission of the same date, the court may select the chief justice from the judges holding the same. Sec 5. The supreme court shall consist of five judges, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum ; and said judges shall be conservators of the peace throughout the state, and shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof. Sec 6. The judges of the supreme court shall be citizens of the United States, not less than thirty years old, and shall have been citizens of this state for five years next preceding their election or appointment, and shall be learned in the law. Sec 7. The full terms of the judges of the supreme court shall com- mence on the first day of January next ensuing their election, and those elected to fill any vacancy shall also enter upon the discharge of their duties on the first day of January next ensuing such election. Those ap- pointed shall enter upon the discharge of their duties as soon as qualified. 142 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 8. The present judges of the supreme court shall remain in office until the expiration of their respective terms of office. To fill their places as their terms expire, one judge shall be elected at the general election in eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and one every two years thereafter. Sec 9. The supreme court shall be held at the seat of government at such times as may be prescribed by law; and until otherwise directed by law, the terms of said court shall commence on the third Tuesday in Octo- ber and April of each year. Sec 10. The state shall provide a suitable court room at the seat of government, in which the supreme court shall hold its sessions; also a clerk's office, furnished offices for the judges, and the use of the state library. Sec 11. If, in any cause pending in the supreme court, or the St. Louis court of appeals, the judges sitting shall be equally divided in opin- ion, no judgment shall be entered therein based on such division; but the parties to the cause may agree upon some person, learned in the law, to act as special judge in the cause, who shall therein sit with the court, and give decision in the same manner and with the same eflect as one of the judges. If the parties cannot agree upon a special judge, the court shall appoint one. Sec 12. There is hereby established in the city of St. Louis an appel- late court, to be known as the " St. Louis court of appeals," the jurisdic- tion of which shall be coextensive with the city of St. Louis and the coun- ties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren. Said court shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, quo warranto, mandamus, certiorari, and other original remedial writs, and to hear and determine the same; and shall have a superintending control over all inferior courts of record in said counties. Appeals shall lie from the decisions of the St. Louis coiirt of ap- peals to the supreme court, and writs of error may issue from the supreme court to said court in the following cases only: In all cases where the amount in dispute, exclusive of costs, exceeds the sum of two thousand live hundred dollars; in cases involving the construction of the constitution of the United States or of this state; in cases where the validity of a treaty or statute of, or authority exercised under the United States is drawn in ques- tion ; in cases involving the construction of the revenue laws of this state, or the title to any office under this state; in cases involving title to real estate; in cases where a county or other political subdivision of the state, or any state officer is a party, and in all cases of felony. Sec 13. The St. Louis court of appeals shall consist of three judges, to be elected by the qualified voters of the city of St. Louis, and the coun- ties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren, who shall hold their offices for the period of twelve years. They shall be residents of the dis- trict composed of said counties, shall possess the same qualifications as judges of the supreme court, and each shall receive the same compensation as is now, or may be, provided by law for the judges of the circuit couftof St. Louis county, and be paid from the same sources: Provided, That each of said counties shall pay its proportional part of the same, according to its taxable property. Sec 14. The judges of said court shall be conservators of the peace throughout said counties. Any two of said judges shall constitute a quo- rum. There shall be two terms of said court to be held each year, on the CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 143 first Monday of March and October, and the first term of said court shall be held on the first Monday in January, 1876. Sec. 15. The opinions of said court shall be in writing, and shall be filed in the cases in which they shall be respectively made, and become parts of their record; and all laws relating to the practice in the supreme court shall apply to this court, so far as the same may be applicable. Sec. 16. At the first general election held in said city and counties after the adoption of this constitution, three judges of said court shall be elected, who shall determine by lot the duration of their several terms of office, which shall be respectively four, eight and twelve years, and certify the result to the secretary of state; and every four years thereafter one judge of said court shall be elected to hold office for the term of twelve years. The term of office of such judges shall begin on the first Monday in January next ensuing their election. The judge having the oldest license to" practice law in this state, shall be the presiding judge of said court. Sec. 17. Upon the adoption of this constitution the governor shall appoint three judges for said court, who shall hold their offices until the first Monday of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and until their successors shall be duly qualified. Sec. 18. The clerk of the supreme court at St. Louis shall be the clerk of the St. Louis court of appeals until the expiration of the term for which he was appointed clerk of the supreme court, and until his successor shall be duly qualified. Sec. 19. All cases which may be pending in the supreme court at St. Louis at the time of the adoption of this constitution, which by its terms would come within the final appellate jurisdiction of the St. Louis court of appeals, shall be certified and transferred to the St. Louis court of appeals, to be heard and determined by said court. Sec. 20. All cases coming to said court by appeal, or writ of error, shall be triable at the expiration of fifteen days frqm the fi^ng of the tran- script in the office of the clerk of said court. . r s^' , ; ; ' * Sec. 21. Upon the adoption of this constitution, and after the close of the next regular terms of the Supreme court at St. Louis and St. Joseph, as now established by law, the office of the clerk of the supreme court at St. Louis and St. Joseph shall be vacated, and said clerks shall transmit to the clerk of the supreme court at Jefferson City all the books, records, docu- ments, transcripts and papers belonging to their respective offices, except those required by section nineteen of this article, to be turned over to the St. Louis court of appeals; and said records, documents, transcripts and papers shall become part of the records, documents, transcripts and papers of said supreme court at Jefferson City, and said court shall hear and determine all the cases thus transferred as other cases. Sec. 22. The circuit court shall have jurisdiction over all criminal cases not otherwise provided for by law ; exclusive original jurisdiction in all civil cases not otherwise provided for; and such concurrent jurisdiction with, and appellate jurisdiction from inferior tribunals and justices of the peace as is or may be provided by law. It shall hold its terms at such times and places in each county as may be by law directed; but at least two terms shall be held every year in each county. Sec. 23. The circuit court shall exercise a superintending control over criminal courts, probate courts, county courts, municipal corporation 144 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. courts, justices of the peace, and all inferior tribunals in each county in their respective circuits. Sec. 24. The state, except as otherwise provided in this constitution, shall be divided into convenient circuits of contiguous counties, in each of which circuits one circuit judge shall be elected ; and such circuits may be chano-ed, enlarged, diminished or abolished, from time to time, as public convenience mav require; and whenever a circuit shall be abolished, the office of the judge of such circuit shall cease. Sec. 25. The judges of the circuit courts shall be elected by the quali- fied voters of each circuit; shall hold their offices for the term of six years, and shall reside in and be conservators of the peace within their respective circuits. Sec. 26. No person shall be eligible to the office of judge of the cir- cuit court who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, been a citi- zen of the United States five years, a qualified voter of this state for three years, and who shall not be a resident of the circuit in which he may be elected or appointed. Sec. 27. The circuit court of St. Louis county shall be composed of five iudges, and such additional number as the general assembly may, from time to time, provide. Each of said judges shall sit separately for the trial of causes and the transaction of business in special term. The judges of said circuit court may sit in general term, for the purpose of making rules of court, and for the transaction of such other business as may be provided by law, at such time as they may determine ; but shall have no power to review any order, decision or proceeding of the court in special term. The St. Louis court of appeals shall have exclusive jurisdic- tion of all appeals from, and writs of error to circuit courts of St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren counties, and the circuit court of St. Louis county, in special term, and all courts of record having criminal jurisdiction in said counties. Sec. 28. In any circuit comppsed of a single county, the general assem- bly may, from time time, provide for one or more additional judges, as the business shall require ; each of whom shall separately try cases and per- form all other duties imposed upon circuit judges. Sec. 29. If there be a vacancy in. the office of judge of any circuit, or if the judge be sick, absent, or from any cause unable to hold any term, or part of term of court, in any county in his circuit, such term, or part of term of court, may be held by a judge of any other circuit; and at the re- quest of the judge of any circuit, any term of court, or part of term in his circuit, may be held by the judge of any other circuit, and in all such cases, or in any case where the judge cannot preside, the general assembly shall make such additional provision for holding court as may be found necessary. Sec. 30. The election of judges of all courts of record shall be held as is or may be provided by law, and in case of a tie or contested election be- tween the candidates, the same shall be determined as prescribed by law. Sec. 31. The general assembly shall have no power to establish crim- inal courts, except in counties having a population exceeding fifty thousand. Sec. 32. In case the office of judge of any court of record becomes va- cant by death, resignation, removal, failure to qualify, or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled in the manner provided by law. Sec. 33. The judges of the supreme, appellate and circuit courts, and of all other courts of record receiving a salary, shall, at stated times, CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 145 receive such compensation for their services as is or may be prescribed by law^ ; but it shall not be increased or diminished during the period for which they were elected. Sec. 34. The general assembly shall establish in every county a pro- bate court, which shall be a court of record, and consist of one judge, who shall be elected. Said court shall have jurisdiction over all matters per- taining to probate business, to granting letters testamentary and of admin- istration, the appointment of guardians and curators of minors and persons of unsound mind, settHng the accounts of executors, administrators, cura- tors and guardians, and the sale or leasing of lands by administrators, curators and guardians; and, also, jurisdiction over all matters relating to apprentices: Provided^ That until the general assembly shall provide by law for a uniform system of probate courts, the jurisdiction of probate courts heretofore estabhshed shall remain as now provided by law. Sec. 85. Probate courts shall be uniform in their organization, juris- diction, duties and practice, except that a separate clerk may be provided for, or the judge may be required to act, ex-officio, as his own clerk. Sec. 36. In each county there shall be a county court, which shall be a court of record, and shall have jurisdiction to transact all county and such other business as may be prescribed by law. The court shall consist of one or more judges, not exceeding three, of whom the probate judge may be one, as may be provided by law. Sec. 37. In each county there shall be appointed, or elected, as many justices of the peace as the public good may require, whose powers, duties and duration in office shall be regulated by law. Sec. 38. All writs and process shall run, and all prosecutions shall be conducted in the name of the "state of Missouri;" all writs shall be attested by the clerk of the court from which they shall be issued; and all indictments shall conclude " against the peace and dignity of the state." Sec. 39. The St. Louis court of appeals and supreme court shall appoint their own clerks. The clerks of all other courts of record shall be elective, for such terms and in such manner as may be directed by law ; ■provided^ that the term of office of no existing clerk of any court of record, not abolished by this constitution., shall be affected by such law. Sec. 40. In case there be a tie, or a contested election between can- didates for clerk of any court of record, the same shall be determined in such manner as may be directed by law. Sec. 41. In case of the inability of any judge of a court of record to discharge the duties of his office with efficiency, by reason of continued sickness, or physical or mental infirmity, it shall be in the power of the general assembly, two thirds of the members of each house concurring, with the approval of the governor, to remove such judge from office ; but each house shall state on its respective journal the cause for which it shall wish his removal, and give him notice thereof, and he shaU have the right to be heard in his defense, in such manner as the general assembly shall by law direct. Sec. 42. All courts now existing in this state, not named or provided for in this constitution, shall continue until the expiration of the terras of office of the several judges; and as such terms expire, the business of said court shall vest in the court having jurisdiction thereof in the counties ■where said courts now exist, and all the records and papers shall be trans- ferred to the proper courts. 10 146 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 43. The supreme court of the state shall designate what opin- ions delivered by the court, or the judge thereof, may be printed at the ex- pense of the state; and the general assembly shall make no provision for payment b}'- the state for the publication of any case decided by said court, not so designated. Sec. 44. All judicial decisions in this state shall be free for publica- tion by any person. ARTICLE VII. — IMPEACHMENTS. Section 1. The governor, Heutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of pub- lic schools, and judges of the supreme, circuit and criminal courts, and of the St. Louis court of appeals, shall be liable to impeachment for high crimes or misdemeanors, and for misconduct, habits of drunkenness, or op- pression in office. Sec. 2. The house of representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. All impeachments shall be tried by the senate, and, when sitting for that purpose, the senators shall be sworn to do justice according to law and evidence. When the governor of the state is on trial,, the chief justice of the supreme court shall preside. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the senators present. But judg- ment in such cases shall not extend any further than removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit under this state. The party, whether convicted or acquitted, shall, nevertheless, be liable to prosecution, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. ARTICLE VIII.— SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS. Section 1. The general election shall be held biennially on the Tues- da}^ next following the first Monday in November. The first general elec- tion under this constitution shall be held on that day, in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-six; but the general assembly may, by law, fix a different day, two-thirds of all the members of each house con- senting thereto. Sec. 2. Every male citizen of the United States, and every male per- son of foreign birth, who may have declared his intention to become a citi- zen of the United States according to law, not less than one year nor more than five years before he offers to vote, who is over the age of twenty-one years, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections by the people: /^rrsl, He shall have resided in the state one year immediately preceding the election at which he offers to vote. Second^ He shall have resided in the county, city or town where he shall offer to vote, at least sixty days immediately preceding the election. Sec. 3. All elections b}^ the people shall be by ballot; every ballot voted shall be numbered in the order in which it shall be received, and the number recorded by the election officers on the list of voters, opposite the name of the voter who presents the ballot. The election officers shall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any voter shall have voted, unless required to do so as witnesses in a judicial proceeding: Provided^ That in all cases of contested elections the ballots cast may be counted, compared with the list of voters, and examined under such safeguards and regulations as may be prescribed by law. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 147 Sec. 4. Voters shall, in all cases exxept treason, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at elections, and in going to and returning therefrom. Sec 5. The general assembly shall provide, by law, for the registra- tion of all voters in cities and counties having a population of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants, and may provide for such registration in cities having a population exceeding twenty-five thousand inhabitants and not exceeding one hundred thousand, but not otherwise. Sec. 6. AH elections, by persons in a representative capacity, shall be viva voce. Sec. 7. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained a residence by reason of his presence, or lost it by reason of his ab- sence, while employed in the service, either civil or military, of this state, or of the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of the state or of the United States, or of the high seas, nor while a student of any institution of learning, nor while kept in a poor house or other asy- lum at public expense, nor while confined in public prison. Sec 8. No person, while kept at any poor house, or other as3-lum, at public expense, nor while confined in any public prison, shall be entitled to vote at any election under the laws of this state. Sec 9. The trial and determination of contested elections of all public officers, whether state, judicial, municipal, or local, except governor and lieutenant governor, shall be by the courts of law, or by one or more of the judges thereof. The general assembly shall, by generallaw, designate the court or judge by whom the several classes of election contests shall be tried, and regulate the manner of trial and all matters incident thereto; but no such law, assigning jurisdiction or regulating its exercise, shall apply to any contest arising out of any election held before said law shall take etlect. Sec 10. The general assembly may enact laws excluding from the right of voting all persons convicted of felony or other infamous crime, or misdemeanors connected with the exercise of the right of suffrage. Sec 11. No officer, soldier or marine, in the regular army or navy of the United States, shall be entitled to vote at any election in this state. Sec 12. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office in this state, civil or military, who is not a citizen of the United States, and who shall not have resided in this state one year next preceding his election or appointment. ARTICLE IX.— COUNTIES, cities and towns. Section 1. The several counties of this state, as they now exist, are hereby recognized as legal subdivisions of the state. Sec 2. The general assembly shall have no power to remove the county seat of any county, but the removal of county seats shall be pro- vided for by general law ; and no county seat shall be removed unless two- thirds of the qualified voters of the county, voting on the proposition at a general election, vote therefor; and no such proposition shall be sub- mitted oftener than once in five years. All additions to a town, which is a county seat, shall be included, considered and regarded as part of the county seat. Sec 3. The general assembly shall have no power to establish any new county with a territory of less than four hundred and ten square miles, nor to reduce any county, now established, to a less area or less population 148 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. than required for a ratio of representation existing at the time; but when a new county is formed, having a population less than a ratio of represent- ation, it shall be attached for representative purposes to the county from which the greatest amount of territor}- is taken until such ratio shall be obtained. No county shall be divided or have any portion stricken there- from, without submitting the question to a vote of the people of the county, nor unless a majority of all the qualified voters of the county or counties thus affected, voting on the question, shall vote therefor ; nor shall any new county be established, any line of which shall run within ten miles of the then existing county seat of any county. In all cases of the establishment of any new county, the new county shall be held for and obliged to pay its ratable proportion of all the liabilities then existing of the count}^ or coun- ties from which said new county shall be formed. Sec. 4. No part of the territory of any county shall be stricken off and added to an adjoining county, without submitting the question to the qual- ified voters of the counties immediately interested, nor unless a majority of all the qualified voters of the counties thus atfected, voting on the question, shall vote therefor. When any part of a county is stricken off and attached to another county, the part stricken off shall be holden for, and obliged to pay its proportion of all the liabilities then existing of the county from which it is taken. Sec. 5. When any new county, formed from contiguous territory taken from older counties, or when any county to which territory shall be added taken from an adjoining county, shall fail to pay the proportion of indebt- edness of such territory, to the county or counties from which it is taken, then it may be lawful for any county from which such territory has been taken, to levy and collect, by taxation, the due proportion of indebtedness of such territory, in the same manner as if the territory had not been stricken off. Sec. 6. No county, township, city or other municipalit}^ shall here- after become a subscriber to the capital stock of any railroad or other cor- poration or association, or make appropriation or donation, or loan its credit to, or in aid of any such corporation or association, or to or in aid of any college or institution of learning, or other institution, whether created for or to be controlled by the state or others. All authority heretofore con- ferred for any of the purposes aforesaid by the general assembly, or by the charter of any corporation, is hereby repealed: Provided^ however^ That nothing in this constitution contained shall affect the right of any such municipality to make such subscription, where the same has been au- thorized under existing laws by a vote of the people of such municipality prior to its adoption, or to prevent the issue of renewal bonds or the use of such other means as are or may be prescribed by law, for the liquidation or payment of such subscription, or of any existing indebtedness. Sec. 7. The general assembly shall provide, by general laws, for the organization and classification of cities and towns. The number of such classes shall not exceed four ; and the power of each class shall be defined by general laws, so that all such municipal corporations of the same class shall possess the same powers and be subject to the same restrictions. The general assembly shall also make provisions, by general law, whereby any city, town or village, existing by virtue of any special or local law, may elect to become subject to, and be governed by, the general laws relating to such corporations. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 149 Sec. 8. The general assembly may provide, by general law, for town- ship organization, under which any county may organize whenever a ma- jorit}^ of the legal voters of such county, voting at any general election, shall so determine ; and whenever any county shall adopt township oro-an- ization, so much of this constitution as provides for the management of county affairs, and the assessment and collection of the revenue by county officers, in conflict with such general law for township organization, may be dispensed with, and the business of said county, and the local concerns of the several townships therein, may be transacted in such manner as may be prescribed by law: Provided, That the justices of the county court in such case shall not exceed three in number. Sec. 9. In any county which shall have adopted " Township Organiz- ation," the question of continuing the same may be submitted to a vote of the electors of such count}' at a general election, in the manner that shall be provided by law; and if a majority of all the votes cast upon that question shall be against township organization, it shall cease in said count}^; and all laws in force in relation to counties not having township organization shall immediately take effect and be in force in such county. Sec. 10. There shall be elected by the qualified voters in each county, at the time and places of electing representatives, a sheriff and coroner. They shall serve for two years, and until their successors be duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed for malfeasance in office, and shall be eligible only four years in any period of six. Before entering on the duties of their office, they shall give security in the amount and in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Whenever a county shall be hereafter established, the governor shall appoint a sheriff and a coroner therein, who shall continue in office until the next succeeding general election, and until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Sec. 11. Whenever a vacancy shall happen in the office of sheriff or coroner, the same shall be filled by the county court. If such vacancy hap- pen in the office of sheriff' more than nine months prior to the time of holding a general election, such county court shall immediately order a special election to fill the same, and the person by it appointed shall hold office until the person chosen at such election shall be duly qualified; otherwise, the person appointed by such county court shall hold office until the person chosen at such general election shall be duly qualified. If any vacancy happen in the office of coroner, the same shall be filled for the remainder of the term by such county court. No person elected or appointed to fill a vacancy in either of said offices shall thereby be ren- dered ineligible for the next succeeding term. Sec 12. The general assembly shall, by a law uniform in its opera- tion, provide for and regulate the fees of all county officers, and for this purpose may classify the counties by population. Sec 13. The fees of no executive or ministerial officer of any county or municipality, exclusive of the salaries actually paid to his necessary deputies, shall exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars for any one year. Every such officer shall make return, quarterly, to the county court of all fees by him received, and of the salaries by him actually paid to his depu- ties or assistants, stating the same in detail, and verifying the same by his affidavit; and for any statement or omission in such return, contrary to truth, such officer shall be liable to the penalties of willful and corrupt perjury. 150 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 14. Except as otherwise directed by this constitution, the general assembly shall provide for the election or appointment of such other county, township and municipal officers, as public convenience may require; and their terms of office and duties shall be prescribed by law; but no term of office shall exceed four years. Sec 15. In all counties having a city therein containing over one hun- dred thousand inhabitants, the city and county government thereof may be consolidated in such manner as may be provided by law. Sec. 16. Any city having a population of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants, may frame a charter for its own government, con- sistent with and subject to the constitution and laws of this state, by causing a board of thirteen freeholders, who shall have been for at least five years qualified voters thereof, to be elected by the qualified voters ot such city at any general or special election; which board shall, within ninety days after such election, return to the chief magistrate of such city a draft of such charter, signed by the members of such board or a majority of them. Within thirty days thereafter, such proposed charter shall be submitted to the qualified voters of such city, at a general or special elec- tion, and if four-sevenths of such qualified voters voting thereat, shall rat- ify the same, it shall, at the end of thirty da3'S thereafter, become the char- ter of such city, and supersede any existing charter and amendments thereof. A duplicate certificate shall be made, setting forth the charter proposed and its ratification, which shall be signed by the chief magistrate of such city, and authenticated b}' its corporate seal. One of such certifi- cates shall be deposited in the office of thesecretary of state, and the other, after being recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds for the county in which such city lies, shall be deposited among the archives of such city, and all courts shall take judicial notice thereof. Such charter, so adopted, ma}^ be amended by a proposal therefor, made b}^ the law-making author- ities of such city, published for at least thirty days in three newspapers of largest circulation in such city, one of which shall be a newspape-r printed in the German language, and accepted by three-fifths of the qualified voters of such city, voting at a general or special election, and not other- wise; but such charter shall always be in harmony with and subject to the constitution and laws of the state. Sec 17. It shall be a feature of all such charters that they shall pro- vide, among other things, for a mayor or chief magistrate, and two houses of legislation, one of which at least shall be elected b}^ general ticket; and in submitting any such charter or amendment thereto to the qualified voters of such city, any alternative section or article mav be presented for the choice of the voters, and may be voted on separately, and accepted or rejected separately, without prejudice to other articles or sections of the charter or any amendment thereto. Sec 18. In cities or counties having more than two hundred thousand inhabitants, no person shall, at the same time, be a state officer and an officer of an}'^ county, city or other municipality; and no person shall, at the same time, fill two municipal offices, either in the same or different municipalities; but this section shall not apply to notaries public, justices of the peace or officers of the militia. Sec 19. The corporate authorities of any county, city, or other munic- ipal subdivision of this state, having more than two hundred thousand in- habitants, which has already exceeded the limit of indebtedness prescribed CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 151 in section twelve of article X of this constitution, may, in anticipation of the customary annual revenue thereof, appropriate, during any fiscal year, toward the s^eneral governmental expenses thereof, a sum not exceeding seven-eighths of the entire revenue applicable to general governmental purposes (exclusive of the payment of the bonded debt of such county, city or municipality) that was actually raised by taxation alone during the pre- ceding fiscal year; but until such excess of indebtedness cease, no further bonded debt shall be incurred, except for the renewal of other bonds. ST. LOUIS. Sec. 20, The city of St. L/Ouis may extend its limits so as to embrace the parks now without its boundaries, and other convenient and contiguous territory, and frame a charter for the government of the city thus enlarged, upon the following conditions, that is to say: The council of the city and county court of the county of St. Louis, shall, at the request of the mayor of the city ofSt. Louis, meet in joint session and order an election, to be held as provided for general elections, by the qualified voters of the citv and county, of a board of thirteen freeholders of such city or county, whose duty shall be to propose a scheme for the enlargement and definition of the boundaries of the city, the reorganization of the government of the county, the adjustment of the relations between the city thus enlarged and the residue of St. Louis county and the government of the citv thus enlarged, by a charter in harmony w'ith and subject to the constitution and laws of Missouri, which shall, among other things, provide for a chief executive and two houses of legislation, one of which shall be elected by general ticket, which scheme and charter shall be signed in duplicate by said board or a majority of them, and one of them returned to the mayor of the city and the other to the presiding justice of the county court within ninety days after the election of such board. Within thirty days thereafter the city council and county court shall submit such scheme to the qualilied voters of the whole county, and such charter to the qualiiied voters of the city so enlarged, at an election to be held not less than twenty nor more than thirt}' days after the order therefor; and if a majority of such qualified voters, voting at such election, shall ratify such scheme and charter, then such scheme shall become the organic law of the county and city, and such charter the organic law of the city, and at the end of sixty days thereafter shall take the place of and supersede the charter of St. Louis, and all amendments thereof, and all special laws relating to St. Louis county in- consistent with such scheme. Sec. 21. A copy of such scheme and charter, with a certificate thereto appended, signed by the mayor and authenticated by the seal of the city, and also signed by the presiding justice of the county court and authenti- cated by the seal of the county, setting forth the submission of such scheme and charter to the qualified voters of such county and citv and its ratifica- tion, by them, shall be made in duplicate, one of which shall be deposited in the office of the secretary of state, and the other, after being recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of St. Louis county, shall be deposited among the archives of the city, and thereafter all courts shall take judicial notice thereof. Sec. 22. The charter so ratified may be amended at intervals of not less than two years, by proposals therefor, submitted by the law-making authorities of the city to the qualified voters thereof at a general or special 152 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. election, held at least sixty days after the publication of such proposals, and accepted by at least three-fifths of the quahfied voters voting thereat. Sec. 23. Such charter and amendments shall always be in harmony with, and subject to the constitution and laws of Missouri, except only, that provision may be made for the graduation of the rate of taxation for city purposes in the portions of the city which are added thereto by the proposed enlargement of its boundaries. In the adjustment of the rela- tions between city and county, the city shall take upon itse.l iie entire park tax; and in consideration of the city becoming the propriccor of all the county buildings and propert}' within its enlarged limits, it shall as- sume the whole of the existing county debt, and thereafter the city and county of St. Louis shall be independent of each other. The city shall be exempted from all county taxation. The judges of the county court shall be elected by the qualified voters outside of the city. The city, as en- larged, shalf be entitled to the same representation in the general assem- bly, collect the state revenue, and perform all other functions in relation to the state in the same manner as if it were a county, as in this constitution defined; and the residue of the county shall remain a legal county of the state of Missouri, under the name of the county of St. Louis. Until the next apportionment for senators and representatives in the general assem- bly, the city shall have six senators and fifteen representatives, and the county one senator and two representatives, the same being the number of senators and representatives to which the county of St. Louis, as now or- ganized, is entitled under sections eight and eleven, of article IV, of this constitution. Sec. 24. The county and city of St. Louis, as now existing, shall con- tinue to constitute the eighth judicial circuit, and the jurisdiction of all courts of record, except the county court, shall continue until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 25. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the general assembly shall have the same power over the city and county of St. Louis that it has over other cities and counties of this state. ARTICLE X.— REVENUE AND TAXATION. Section 1. The taxing power may be exercised by the general as- sembly for state purposes, and by counties and other municipal corpora- tions, under authority granted to them by the general assembly, for county and other corporate purposes. Sec. 2. The power to tax corporations and corporate "property shall not be surrendered or suspended by act of the general assembly. Sec. 3. Taxes may be levied and collected for public purposes only. They shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax; and all taxes shall be levied and collected by general laws. Sec. 4:. " All property subject to taxadon shall be taxed in proportion to its value. Sec. 5. All railroad corporations in this state, or doing business therein, shall be subject to taxation for state, county, school, municipal and other purposes, on the real and personal property owned or used by them, and on their gross earnings, their net earnings, their franchises and their capital stock. Sec. 6. The property, real and personal, of the state, counties and CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 153 other municipal corporations, and cemeteries, shall be exempt from taxa- tion. Lots in incorporated cities or towns, or within one mile of the limits of any such city or town, to the extent of one acre, and lots one mile or more distant from such cities or towns, to the ex-tent of five acres, with the buildings thereon, may be exempted from taxation, when the same are used exclusively for religious worship, for schools, or for purposes purely charitable; also, such property, real or personal, as may be used exclusively, for agricultural or horticultural societies: Provided^ That such exemptions shall be only by general law. Sec. 7. All laws exempting property from taxation, other than the property above enumerated, shall be void. Sec. 8. The state tax on property, exclusive of the tax necessary to pay the bonded debt ot the state, shall not exceed twenty cents on the hundred dollars valuation; and whenever the taxable property of the state' shall amount to nine hundred million dollars, the rate shall not exceed fif- teen cents. Sec. 9. No county, city, town, or other municipal corporation, nor the inhabitants thereof, nor the property therein, shall be released or discharged from their or its proportionate share of taxes to be levied ior state pur- poses, nor shall commutation for such taxes be authorized in any form whatsoever. Sec. 10. The general assembly shall not impose taxes upon counties, cities, towns or other municipal corporations; or upon the inhabitants or property thereof, for county, city, town or other municipal purposes; but may, by general laws, vest in the corporate authorities thereof, the power to assess and collect taxes for such purposes. Sec 11. Taxes for county, city, town and school purposes, may be levied on all subjects and objects of taxation ; but the valuation of property therefor shall not exceed the valuation of the same property in such town, cit}^ or school district for state and county purposes. For county purposes the annual rate on property, in counties having six million dollars or less, shall not, in the aggregate^ exceed fifty cents on the hundred dollars valua- tion; in counties having six million dollars and under ten million dollars, said rate shall not exceed forty cents on the hundred dollars valuation ; in counties having ten million dollars and under thirty million dollars, said rate shall not exceed fifty cents on the hundred dollars valuation;, and in counties having .thirty million dollars or more, said rate shall not exceed thirt3'-five cents on the hundred dollars valuation. For city and town pur- poses the annual rate on property in cities and towns having thirty thou- sand inhabitants or more, shall not, in the aggregate, exceed one hundred cents on the hundred dollars valuation; in cities and towns having less than thirty thousand and over ten thousand inhabitants, said rate shall not exceed sixtv cents on the hundred dollars valuation; in cities and towns having less than ten thousand and more than one thousand inhabi- tants, said rate shall not exceed fifty cents on the hundred dollars valuation; and in towns having one thousand inhabitants or less, said rate shall not exceed twenty-five cents on the hundred valuation. For school purposes in districts, the annual rate on property shall not exceed forty cents on the hundred dollars valuation: Provided, The aforesaid annual rates for school purposes may be increased, in districts formed of cities and towns, to an amount not to exceed one dollar on the hundred dollars valuation; and in other districts to an amount not to exceed sixty-five cents on the hundred 154 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. dollars valuation, on the condition that a majority of the voters who are tax-payers, voting at an election held to decide the question, vote for said increase. For the purpose of erecting public buildings in counties, cities or school districts, the rates of taxation herein limited may be increased when the rate of such increase and the purpose for which it is intended shall have been submitted to a vote of the people, and two-thirds of the qualified voters of such county, city, or school district, voting at such elec- tion shall vote therefor. The rate herein allowed to each county shall be ascertained bv the amount of taxable property therein, according to the last assessment for state and county purposes, and the rate allowed to each city or town by the number of inhabitants, according to the last census taken under the authority of the state, or of the United States; said re- strictions, as to rates, shall apply to taxes of every kind and description^ whether general or special, except taxes to pay valid indebtedness now ex- isting or bonds which may be issued in renewal of such indebtedness. Sec. 12. No county, city, town, township, school district or other polit- ical corporation or subdivision of the state, shall be allowed to become indebted in anj^ manner or for any purpose to an amount exceeding in any year the income and revenue provided for such year, without the assent of two-thirds the voters thereof, voting at an election to be held for tliat purpose; nor in cases requiring such assent shall any indebtedness be allowed to be incurred to an amount including existing indebtedness, in the aggregate, exceeding five per centum on the value of the taxable prop- erty therein, to be ascertained by the assessment next before the last as- sessment for state and county purposes, previous to the incurring of such indebtedness: Provided, That with such assent any county may be allowed to become indebted to a larger amount for the erection of a court house or jail: And provided further. That any county, cit}^, town, township, school district or other poHtical corporation, or subdivision of the state, incurring any indebtedness, requiring the assent of the voters as aforesaid, shall, be- fore or at the time of doing so, provide for the collection of an annual tax, sufficient to pay the interest on such indebtedness as it falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for pa3^ment of the principal thereof, within twenty years from the time of contracting the same. Sec. 13. Private property shall not be taken or sold for the payment of the corporate debt of a municipal corporation. Sec. 14. The tax authorized by the sixth section of the ordinance adopted June sixth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, is hereby abolished, and hereafter there shall be levied and collected an annual tax sufficient to pay the accruing interest upon the bonded debt of the state, and to reduce the principal thereof each year by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; the proceeds of which tax shall be paid into the state treasury, and appropriated and paid out for the purposes expressed in the first and second subdivisions of section forty-three of arti- cle IV of this constitution. The funds and resources now in the state in- terest and state sinking funds shall be appropriated to the same purposes;, and whenever said bonded debt is extinguished, or a sum sufficient there- for has beeo raised, the tax provided for in this section shall cease to be assessed. Sec. 15. All moneys now, or at any time hereafter, in the state treas- ury, belonging to the state, shall, immediately on receipt thereof, be deposited by the treasurer to the credit of the state for the benefit of the CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 155 funds to which they respectively belong, in such bank or banks as he may, from time to time, with the approval of the governor and attornev gen- eral, select; the said bank or banks giving security, satisfactory to the gov- ernor and attorney general, for the safe keeping and payment of such deposit, ^hen demanded by the state treasurer on his checks; such bank to pay a bonus for the use of such deposits not less than the bonus paid by other banks for similar deposits; and the same, together with such interest and profits as may accrue thereon, shall be disbursed by said treasurer for the purposes of the state, according to law, upon warrants drawn by the state auditor, and not otherwise. Sec. 16. The treasurer shall keep a separate account of the funds, and the number and amount of warrants received, and from whom: and shall publish, in such manner as the governor may designate, quarterly state- ments, showing the amount of state moneys, and where the same are kept or deposited. Sec. 17. The making of profit out of state, county, city, town or school district money, or using the same for any purpose not authorized b}^ law, by any public officer, shall be deemed a felony, and shall be punished as provided by law. Sec. is. There shall be a state board of equalization, consisting of the governor, state auditor, state treasurer, secretary of state and attorney general. The duty of said board shall be to adjust and equalize the valu- ation of real and personal propert}^ among the several counties in the state, and it shall perform such other duties as are or may be prescribed bylaw. Sec. 19. No moneys shall ever be paid out of the treasmy of this state, or any of the funds under its management, except in pursuance of an appropriation by law ; nor unless such payment be made, or a warrant shall have issued therefor, within two years after the passage of such ap- propriation act; and every such law, making a new appropriation, or con- tinuing or reviving an appropriation, shall distinctly specify the sum appro- priated, and the object to which it is to be applied ; and it shall not be suffi- cient to refer to any other law to fix such sum or object. A regular state- ment and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. Sec. 20. The moneys arising from any loan, debt or liability, con- tracted by the state, or any county, city, town, or other municipal corpora- tion, shall be applied to the purposes for which they were obtained, or to the repayment of such debt or liability, and not otherwise. Sec. 21. No corporation, company or association, other than those formed for benevolent, religious, scientific, or educational purposes, shall be created or organized under the laws of this state, unless the persons named as corporators shall,'at or before the filing of the articles of association or incorporation, pay into the state treasury fifty dollars for the first fifty thousand dollars or less of capital stock, and a further sum of five dollars for ever}^ additional ten thousand dollars of its capital stock. And no such corporation, compan}* or association shall increase its capital stock without first paying into the treasury five dollars for every ten thousand dollars of increase: Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall be con- strued to prohibit the general assembly from levying a further tax on the franchises of such corporation. 156 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. ARTICLE XI.— EDUCATION. Section 1. A general diffusion of knowledge and intelligence being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people, the general assembly shall establish and maintain free public schools for the gratuitous instruction of all persons in this state between the ag#s of six and twenty years. Sec. 2. The income of all the funds provided by the state for the sup- port of free public schools, shall be paid annually to the several county treasurers, to be disbursed according to law ; but no school district, in which a free public school has not been maintained at least three months ■during the year for which the distribution is made, shall be entitled to receive anv portion of such funds. Sec. 3. ' Separate free public schools shall be established for the educa- tion of children of African descent. Sec. 4. The supervision of instruction in the public schools shall be vested in a " board of education," whose powers and duties shall be pre- scribed by law. The superintendent of public schools shall be president of the board. The governor, secretary of state and attorney-general shall be ex-officio members, and with the superintendent, compose said board of education. Sec. 5. The general assembly shall, whenever the public school fund will permit, and the actual necessity of the same may require, aid and maintain the state university, now established, with its present depart- ments. The government of the state university shall be vested in a board of curators, to consist of nine members, to be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. Sec. 6. The proceeds of all lands that have been, or hereafter may be granted by the United States to this state, and not otherwise appropriated by this state or the United States; also, all moneys, stocks, bonds, lands and other property now belonging to any state fund for purposes of educa- tion; also, the net proceeds of all sales of lands, and other property and ^fleets that may accrue to the state by escheat, from unclaimed dividends and distributive shares of the estates of deceased persons; also, any pro- ceeds of the sales of the public lands which may have been or hereafter may be paid over to this state, (if congress will consent to such appropria- tion); also, all other grants, gifts or devises that have been, or hereafter may be, made to this state, and not otherwise appropriated by the state or the" terms of the grant, gift or devise, shall be paid into the state treasury, and securely invested and sacredly preserv^ed as a public school fund; the annual income of w^hich fund, together with so much of the ordinary reve- nue of the state as may be by law set apart for that purpose, shall be faith- fully appropriated for establishing and maintaining the free public schools and the state university in this article provided for, and for no other uses or purposes whatsoever. Sec. 7. In case the public school fund now provided and set apart by law, for the support of free public schools, shall be insufficient to sustain a free school at least four months in every year in each school district in this state, the general assembly may provide for such deficiency in accordance with section eleven of the article on revenue and taxation ; but in no case shall there be set apart less than twenty-five per cent, of the state revenue €xclusive of the interest and sinking fund, to be applied annually to the support of the public schools. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 157 Sec. 8. All moneys, stocks, bonds, lands and other property belonging to a county school fund; also, the net proceeds from the sale of estrays; also, the clear proceeds of all penalties and forfeitures, and of all fines collected in the several counties for any breach of the penal or mili- tary laws of the state, and all moneys which shall be paid by persons as an equivalent for exemption from military duty, shall belong to and be securely invested, and sacredly preserved in the several counties, as a county public school fund; the income of which fund shall be faithfully appropriated for establishing and maintaining free public schools in the several counties of this state. Sec. 9. No part of the public school fund of the state shall ever be invested in the stock or bonds, or other obligations of any other state, or of any county, city, town or corporation; and the proceeds of the sales of any lands or other property which now belong, or may hereafter belong, to said school fund, shall be invested in the bonds of the state of Missouri,, or of the United States. Sec 10. All county school funds shall be loaned only upon unincum- bered real estate security, of double the valve of the loan, with personal security in addition thereto. Sec. 11. Neither the general assembly, nor any county, city, town, township, school district or other municipal corporation, shall ever make an appropriation, or pay from any public fund whatever anything in aid of any religious creed, church or sectarian purpose ; or to help to support or sustain any private or public school, academy, seminary, college, univers- ity or other institution of learning, controlled by any religious creed, church or sectarian denomination whatever; nor shall any grant or donation of personal property or real estate ever be made by the state, or any county, city, town or other municipal corporation, for any religious creed, church or sectarian purpose whatever. ARTICLE XII.— CORPORATIONS. Section 1. All existing charters, or grants of special or exclusive priv- ileges, under which a bona fide organization shall not have taken place, and business been commenced in good faith, at the adoption of this con- stitution, shall thereafter have no validity. Sec 2. No corporation, after the adoption of this constitution, shall be created by special laws; nor shall any existing charter be extended, changed or amended by special laws, except those for charitable, penal or reformatory purposes, which are under the patronage and control of the state. Sec 3. The general assembly shall not remit the forfeiture of the charter of any corporation now existing, or alter or amend such forfeited charter, or pass any other general or special laws for the benefit of such corporations. Sec 4. The exercise of the power and right of eminent domain, shall never be so construed or abridged as to prevent the taking, by the general assembly, of the property and franchises of incorporated companies already organized, or that may be hereafter organized, and subjecting them to the public use, the same as that of individuals. The right of trial by jury shall be held inviolate in all trials of claims for compensation, when in the exercise of said right of eminent domain, any incorporated company shall be interested either for or against the exercise of said right. 158 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. Sec. 5. The exercise of the police power of the state shall never be abridged, or so construed as to permit corporations to conduct their busi- ness in such manner as to infringe the equal rights of individuals, or the general well-being of the state. Sec 6. In all elections for directors or managers of any incorporated company, each shareholder shall have the right to cast as many votes in the aggregate as shall equal the number of shares so held by him or her in said company, multiplied by the number of directors or managers to be elected at such election ; and each shareholder may cast the whole number of votes, either in person or by proxy for one candidate, or distribute such votes among two or more candidates; and such directors or managers shall not be elected in any other manner. Sec 7. No corporation shall engage in business, other than that ex- pressly authorized in its charter or the law under which it may have been or hereafter may be organized, nor shall it hold any real estate for any period longer than six years, except such as may be necessary and proper for carrying on its legitimate business. Sec 8. No corporation shall issue stock or bonds, except for money paid, labor done or property actually received, and all fictitious increase of stock or indebtedness shall be void. The stock and bonded indebtedness of corporations shall not be increased, except in pursuance of general law, nor without the consent of the persons holding the larger amount in value of the stock first obtained at a meeting called for the purpose, first giving sixty days public notice, as may be provided by law. Sec 9. Dues from private corporations shall be secured by such means as may be prescribed by law, but in no case shall any stockholder be indi- vidually liable in any amount over or above the amount of stock owned by him or her. Sec 10. No corporation shall issue preferred stock without the con- sent of all the stockholders. Sec 11. The term "corporation," as used in this article, shall be Con- strued to include all joint stock companies or associations having any pow- ers or privileges not possessed by individuals or partnerships. RAILROADS. Sec 12. It shall not be lawful in this state for any railway company to charge for freight or passengers a greater amount, for the transportation of the same, for a less distance than the amount charged for any greater distance, and suitable laws shall be passed by the general assembly to en- force this provision; but excursion and commutation tickets maybe issued at special rates. Sec 13. Any railroad corporation or association, organized for the purpose, shall have the right to construct and operate a railroad between any points within this state, and to connect at the state line with railroads of other states. Every railroad company shall have the right, with its road, to intersect, connect with, or cross any other railroad, and shall receive and transport each the other's passengers, tonnage and cars, loaded or empty, without delay or discrimination. Sec 14. Railways heretofore constructed, or that may hereafter be constructed in this state are hereby declared public highways, and railroad companies common carriers. The general assembly shall pass laws to correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in the rates CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 159 of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads in this state; and shall, from time to time, pass laws establishing reasonable maximum rates of charges for the transportation of passengers and freight on said railroads, and enforce all such laws by adequate penalties. Sec. 15. Every railroad or other corporation, organized or doing busi- ness in this state under the laws or authority thereof, shall have and main- tain a public office or place in this state for the transaction of its business, where transfers of stock shall be made, and where shall be kept, for public inspection, books in which shall be recorded the amount of capital stock subscribed, the names of the owners of the stock, the amounts owned by them respectively, the amount of stock paid, and by whom, the transfer of said stock, with the date of transfer, the amount of its assets and liabilities, and the names and places of residence of its officers. The directors of every railroad company shall hold one meeting annually in this state, pub- lic notice of which shall be given thirty days previously, and shall report annually, under oath, to the state auditor, or some officer designated by law, all of their acts and doings, which report shall include such matters relating to railroads as may be prescribed by law. The general assembly shall pass laws enforcing, by suitable penalties, the provisions of this sec- tion. Sec. 16. The rolling stock and all other movable property belonging to any railroad company or corporation in this state, shall be considered personal property, and shall be liable to execution and sale in the same manner as the personal property of individuals; and the general assembly shall pass no law exempting any such property from execution and sale. Sec. 17. No railroad or other corporation, or the lessees, purchasers or managers of any railroad corporation, shall consolidate the stock, property or franchises ot such corporation, with, or lease or purchase the works or franchises of, or in any way control any railroad corporation owning or hav- ing under its control a parallel or competing line; nor shall any officer of such railroad corporation act as an officer of any other railroad corporation owning or having the control of a parallel or competing line. The ques- tion whether railroads are parallel or competing lines shall, when demanded, be decided by a jury, as in other civil issues. Sec. 18. If any railroad company organized under the laws of this state shall consolidate, by sale or otherwise, with any railroad company organized under the laws of any other state, or of the United States, the same shall not thereby become a foreign corporation; but the courts of this state shall retain jurisdiction in all matters which may arise, as if said con- solidation had not taken place. In no case shall any consolidation take place, except upon public notice of at least sixty days to all stockholders, in such manner as may be provided by law. Sec. 19. The general assembly shall pass no law for the benefit of a railroad or other corporations, or any individual or association of individ- uals, retrospective in its operation, or which imposes on the people of any county or municipal subdivision of the state, a new liability in respect to transactions or considerations already past. Sec 20. No law shall be passed by the general assembly granting the right to construct and operate a street railroad within any city, town, vil- lage, or on any public highway, without first acquiring the consent of the local authorities having control of the street or highway proposed to be 1(;0 CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. occupied by such street railroad ; and the franchises so granted shall not be transferred without similar assent first obtained. Sec. 21. No railroad corporation in existence at the time of the adop- tion of this constitution shall have the benefit of any future legislation, except on condition of complete acceptance of all the provisions of this constitution applicable to railroads. Sec. 22. No president, director, officer, agent, or employe of any rail- road company shall be interested, directly, or indirectly, in furnishing ma- terial or supplies to such company, or in the business of transportation as a common carrier of freight or passengers over the works owned, leased, controlled or worked by such company. Sec, 23. No discrimination in charges or facilities in transportation shall be made between transportation companies and individuals, or in favor of either, by abatement, drawback or otherwise ; and no railroad com- pany, or any lessee, manager or employee thereof, shall make any prefer- ence in furnishing cars or motive power. Sec 24. No railroad or other transportation compan}?- shall grant fi-ee passes or tickets, or passes or tickets at a discount, to members of the gen- eral assembly, or members cf the board of equalization, or any state, or county, or municipal officers; and the acceptance of such pass or ticket, by a member of the general assembl}'-, or any such officer, shall be a forfeiture of his office. BANKS. Sec. 25. No state bank shall hereafter be created, nor shall the state own or be liable for any stock in any corporation, or joint stock company, or association for banking purposes, now created or hereafter to be cre- ated. Sec 26. No act of the general assembly authorizing or creating cor- porations or associations with banking powers (except banks of deposit or discount,) nor amendments thereto, shall go into effect, or in any man- ner be enforced, unless the same shall be submitted to a vote of the quali- fied voters of the state, at the general election next succeeding the pass- age of the same, and be approved by a majority of the votes cast at such election. Sec 27. It shall be a crime, the nature and punishment of which shall be prescribed by law, for any president, director, manager, cashier or other officer of any banking institution, to assent to the reception of deposits, or the creation of debts by such banking institution, after he shall have had knowledge of the fact that it is insolvent, or in failing circumstances ; and any such officer, agent or manager, shall be individually responsible for such deposits so received, and all such debts so created with his assent. ARTICLE XIII.— MILITIA. Section 1. All able-bodied male inhabitants of this state between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, who are citizens of the United States, or have declared their intention of become such citizens, shall be liable to military duty in the militia of this state: Provided^ That no person who is religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, can be compelled to do so, but may be compelled to pay an equivalent for military service, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Sec. 2. The general assembly, in providing for the organization, CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 160A equipment and discipline of the militia, shall conform, as nearly as practi- cable, to the regulations for the government of the armies of the United States. Sec. 3. Each company and regiment shall elect its own company and regimental officers; but if any company or regiment shall neglect to elect such officers within the time prescribed by law, or by the order of the gov- ernor, they may be appointed by the governor. Sec. 4. Volunteer companies of infantry, cavalry and artillery, may be formed in such manner and under such restrictions as may be provided by law. Sec. 5. The volunteer and militia forces shall in all cases, except trea- son, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at musters, parades and elections, and in going to and returning from the same. Sec. 6. The governor shall appoint the adjutant general, quarter- master general and his other staff officers. He shall also, with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint all major generals and brigadier generals. Sec. 7. The general assembly shall provide for the safe keeping of the public arms, military records, banners and relics of the state. ARTICLE XIV. — MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Section 1. The general assembly of this state shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil by the United States, nor with any regulation which congress may find necessary for securing the title in such soil to bona fide purchasers. No tax shall be imposed on lands the prop- erty of the 'United States; nor shall lands belonging to persons residing out of the limits of this state ever be taxed at a higher rate than the lands belonging to persons residing within the state. Sec. 2. No person shall be prosecuted in any civil action or criminal proceeding for or on account of any act by him done, performed or exe- cuted between the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and the twentieth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, by virtue of military authority vested in him, or in pursu- ance of orders from any person vested with such authority by the govern- ment of the United States, or of this state, or of the late Confederate states, or any of them, to do such act. And if any action or proceedings shall have been, or shall hereafter be instituted against any person for the doing of any such act, the defendant may plead this section in bar thereof. Sec. 3. No person who shall hereafter fight a duel, or assist in the same as a second, or send, accept, or knowingly carry a challenge therefor, or agree to go out of this state to fight a duel, shall hold any office in this state. Sec. 4. No person holding an office of profit under the United States, shall, during his continuance in such office, hold any office of profit under this state. Sec. 5. In the absence of any contrary provision, all officers now or nereafter elected or appointed, subject to the right of resignation, shall hold office during their official terms, and until their successors shall be duly elected or appointed and qualified. Sec. 6. All officers, both civil and military, under the authority of this state, shall, before entering on the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe an oath, or affirmation, to support the constitution of the 160b constitution of Missouri. United States and of this state, and to demean themselves faithfully in office. Sec. 7. The general assembly shall, in addition to other penalties, provide for the removal from office of county, city, town and township officers, on conviction of willful, corrupt or fraudulent violation or neglect of official duty. Sec. 8. The compensation or fees of no state, county or municipal officer shall be increased during his term of office; nor shall the term of any office be extended for a longer period than that for which such officer was elected or appointed. Sec. 9. The appointment of all officers not otherwise directed by this constitution, shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 10. The general assembly shall have no power to authorize lot- teries or gift enterprises for any purpose, and shall pass laws to prohibit the sale of lottery or gift enterprise tickets, or tickets in any scheme in the nature of a lottery, in this state; and all acts or parts of acts heretofore passed by the legislature of this state, authorizing a lottery or lotteries, and all acts amendatory thereof, or supplemental thereto, are hereby avoided. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the grand jury in each county, at least once a year, to investigate the official acts of all officers having charge of public funds, and report the result of their investigations in writing to the court. Sec. 12. Senators and representatives shall, in all cases, except trea- son, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the general assembly, and for fifteen days next before the com- mencement and after the termination of each session; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any tether place. ARTICLE XV. — MODE of amending thb constitution. Section 1. This constitution may be amended and revised only in pursuance of the provisions of this article. Sec. 2. The general assembly may, at any time, propose such amend- ments to this constitution as a majority of the members elected to each house shall deem expedient; and the vote thereon shall betaken by yeas and nays, and entered in full on the journals. The proposed amendments shall be published with the laws of that session, and also shall be published weekly in some newspaper, if such there be, within each county in the state, for four consecutive weeks next preceding the general election then next ensuing. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the people, each amendment separately, at the next general election there- after, in such manner as the general assembly may provide. If a major- ity of the qualified voters of the state, voting for and against any one of said amendments, shall vote for such amendment, the same shall be deemed and taken to have been ratified by the people, and shall be valid and binding, to all intents and purposes, as a part of this constitution. Sec. 3. The general assembly may at any time authorize, by law a vote of the people to be taken upon the question whether a convention shall be held for the purpose of revising and amending the constitution of this state; and if at such election a majority of the votes on the question bein favor of a convention, the governor shall issue writs to the sheriffs of the different counties, ordering the election of delegates to such a conven- CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 160C tion, on a day not less than three and within six months after that on which the said question shall have been voted on. At such election each senato- rial district shall elect two delegates for each senator to which it may then be entitled in the general assembly, and every such delegate shall have the qualifications of a state senator. The election shall be conducted in conformity with the laws regulating the election of senators. The dele- gates so elected shall meet at such time and place as may be provided by law, and organize themselves into a convention, and proceed to revise and amend the constitution ; and the constitution when so revised and amend- ed, shall, on a day to be therein fixed, not less than sixty days or more than six months after that on which it shall have been adopted by the conven- tion, be submitted to a vote of the people for and against it, at an election to be held for that purpose; and, if a majority of all the votes given be in favor of such constitution, it shall, at the end of thirty days after such elec- tion became the constitution of this state. The result of such elec- tion shall be made kno^n by proclamation by the governor. The general assembly shall have no power, otherwise than in this section specified, to authorize a convention for revising and amending the constitution. SCHEDULE. That no inconvenience may arise from the alteration and amendments in the constitution of this state, and to carry the same into complete effect, it is hereby ordained and declared: Section 1 , That all laws in force at the adoption of this constitution, not inconsistent therewith, shall remain in full force until altered or re- pealed by the general assembly; and, all rights, actions, prosecutions, claims and contracts of the state, counties, individuals or bodies corporate not inconsistent therewith, shall continue to be as valid as if this constitution had not been adopted. The provisions of all laws which are inconsistent with this constitution, shall cease upon its adoption, except that all laws which are inconsistent with such provision of this constitution, as require legislation to enforce them, shall remain in force until the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, unless sooner amended or repealed by the general assembly. Sec. 2. That all recognizances, obligations and all other instruments, entered into or executed before the adoption of this constitution, to this state or to any subdivision thereof, or any municipality therein ; and all fines, taxes, penalties and forfeitures, due or owing to this state, or any such subdivision or municipality; and all writs, prosecutions, actions and causes of action, except as herein otherwise provided, shall continue and remain unaffected by the adoption of this constitution. All indictments which shall have been found or may hereafter be found, for any crime or offense committed before this constitution takes efiect, may be proceeded upon as if no change had taken place, except as otherwise provided in this constitution. Sec. 3. All county and probate courts, as now constituted and organ- ized, shall continue with their jurisdiction, until the general assembly shall by law conform them in their organization to the requirements of this constitution. Sec. 4. All criminal courts organized and existing under the laws of this state, and not specially provided for in thio constitution, shall continue to exist until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 5. All courts of common pleas existing and organized in cities 160d constitution of Missouri. and towns having a population exceeding three thousand five hundred in- habitants, and such as by the law of their creation are presided over by a judge of a circuit court, shall continue to exist and exercise their present jurisdiction, until otherwise provided by law. All other courts of common pleas shall cease to exist at the expiration of the present terms of office of the several judges thereof. Sec. 6. All persons now filling any office or appointment in this state, shall continue in the exercise of the duties thereof, according to their re- spective commissions or appointments, unless otherwise provided by law» Sec. 7. Upon the adoption of this constitution, all appeals to, and writs of error from the supreme court, shall be returnable to the supreme court at the city of Jeflerson. Sec. 8. Until the general assembly shall make provision for the pay- ment of the state and railroad indebtedness of this state, in pursuance of section fourteen of article ten of this constitution, there shall be levied and collected an annual tax of one-fifth of one per centum on all real estate and other property and eft'ects subject to taxation, the proceeds of which shall be applied to the payment of the interest on the bonded debt of this state as it matures, and the surplus, if any, shall be paid into the sinking fund and thereafter applied to the payment of such indebtedness, and to no other purpose. Sec. 9. This constitution shall be submitted to the people of this state for adoption or rejection, at an election to be held for that purpose only, on Saturday, the thirtieth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. Every person entitled to vote under the constitution and laws of this state shall be entitled to vote for the adoption or rejection of this constitution. Said election shall be held, and said qualified electors shall vote at the usual places of voting in the several counties of this state; and said election shall be conducted, and returns thereof made, according to the laws now in force regulating general elections. Sec. 10. The clerks of the several county courts in this state, shall, at least five days before said election, cause to be delivered to the judges of election in each election district or precinct, in their respective counties, suitable blank poll books, forms of return and five times the number of properly prepared printed ballots for said election, that there are voters in said respective districts, the expense whereof shall be allowed and paid by the several county courts, as other county expenditures are allowed and paid. Sec. 11. At said election the ballots shall be in the following form: New constitution ticket, {erase the clause you do not favor ^ New consti- tution, — Yes. New constitution, — No. Each of said ticket sshall be counted as a vote for or against this constitution, as the one clause or the other may be canceled with ink or pencil by the voter, and returns thereof shall be made accordingly. If both clauses of the ticket be erased, or if neither be erased, the ticket shall not be coimted. Sec. 12. The returns of the whole vote cast for the adoption and against the adoption of this constitution shall be made by the several clerks, as now provided by law in case of the election of state officers, to the secretary of state, within twenty days after the election; and the re- turns of said votes shall, within ten days thereafter, be examined and canvassed by the state auditor, state treasurer and secretary of state, or any two of them, in the presence of the governor, and proclamation shall be made by the governor forthwith of the result of the canvass. CONSTITUTION OF MISSOURI. 160b Sec. 13. If, upon such canvass, it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled were in favor of the new constitution, then this constitution shall, on and after the thirtieth day of November, one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-five, be the supreme law of the state of Missouri, and the present existing constitution shall thereupon cease in all its provisions* but if it shall appear that a majority of the votes polled were against the new constitution, then this constitution shall be null and void, and the existing constitution shall continue in force. Sec. 14. The provisions of this schedule required to be executed prior to the adoption or rejection of this constitution, shall take effect and be in force immediately. Sec. 15. The general assembly shall pass all such laws as may be necessary to carry this constitution into full effect. Sec. 16. The present secretary of state, state auditor, attorney-general, and superintendent of public schools, shall, during the remainder of their terms of office, unless otherwise directed by law, receive the same com- pensation and fees as is now provided by law; and the present state treas- urer shall, during the remainder of the term of his office, continue to be governed by existing law, in the custody and disposition of the state funds, unless otherwise directed by law. Sec. 17. Section twelve of [the] bill of rights shall not be so construed as to prevent arrests and preliminary examination in any criminal case. Done in convention, at tbe capitol, in the city of Jefferson, on the second day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and of the inde- pendence of the United States the one hundredth. WALDO P. JOHNSON, President, St. Clair county. N. W. WATKINS, Vice President, Scott county. Adams, Washington, Cooper. Lktcher, Wm. H., Saline. Allen, DeWitt C, Clay. Lay, Alfred M., Cole. Alexander, A. M., Monroe. Mabrey, Pinckney, Ripley. Black, Francis K., Jackson. Masset, B. P., Newton. Boone, Henry, DeKalb. Maxey, James Harvey, Howell, Bradfield, George W.. Laclede. McAfee, Charles B., Greene. Broadhead, James O., St. Louis. McKee, Archibald V., Lincoln. Brokmeyer, Henry C, St. Louis. McCabe, Edward, Marion. Carleton, George W., Pemiscot. McKillop, Malcomb, Atchison. Chrisman, William, Jackson. Mortell, Nicholas A., St. Louis. Conway, Edmund V., St. Francois. Mudd, Henry Thomas, St. Louis. CoTTEY, Louis F., Knox. Nickerson, Edmund A., Johnson. Crews, T. W. B., Franklin. Norton, Elijah Hise, Platte. Crockett, Samuel R., Vernon. Pipkin, Philip, Jetierson. Davis, LowNDEY Henry, Cape Girardeau. Priest, William, Platte. Dryden, Leonidas J., Warren Pulitzer, Joseph, St. Louis. Dysart, Benjamin Robert, Macon. Ray, John, Barry. Edwards, John F. T., Iron. Rider, J. H., Bollingei;. Edwards, James C, St. Louis. Ripey, J. R., Schuyler. Eitzen, Charles D., Gasconade. Roberts, James C, Buchanan. Farris, James L., Ray. Ross, J. P., Morgan. Fyan, Robert W. Webster. Ross, John W., Polk. Gantt, Thomas Tasker, St. Louis. Rucker, John Fleming, Boone. Gottschalk, Louis, St. Louis. Shackelford, Thomas, Howard. Hale, John B., Carroll. Shanklin, John H., Grundy. Halliburton, W., Sullivan. Shields, George H., St. Louis. Hammond, Charles, Chariton. Spaunhorst, Henry J., St. Louis. Hardin, Neil Cameron, Pike. Switzler, William F., Boone. HoLLiDAY, J. A., Caldwell. Taylor, John H., Jasper. Hyer, John, Dent. Taylor, Amos Riley, St. Louis. Johnson, Horace B., Cole. Todd, Albert, St. Louis. Johnston, T. J., Nodoway. Wagner, L. J , Scotland. Lackland, Henry Clay, St. Charles. Wallace, Henry C, Lafayette. Attest • G. N. NOLAN, Secretary. J. Boyle Adams, Assistant Secretary Abstract of Missouri State Laws. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A bill of CTcchange is a written order from one person to another, direct- ing the person to whom it is addressed to pay to a third person a certain sum of money therein named. The person making the bill is called the maker. The person to whom it is directed is called the drawee, and the person in whose favor the bill of exchange is made payable, is called the payee, and the person who acceepts a bill of exchange, is called the acceptor. A bill of exchange may be negotiable or non-negotiable; if negotiable, it may be transferred either before or after acceptance. To make it negotia- ble it must be payable to the order of the payee, or to the bearer, or must contain other equivalent or operative words of transfer. Bills of exchange containing no words of transfer, are non-negotiable. The usual form of accepting bills of exchange, is by writing " accepted " across the bill, and signing the acceptor's name. After such acceptance the acceptor becomes liable for the payment of the bjll upon its maturity. No person within this state shall be charged as an acceptor of a bill of exchange unless his acceptance shall be in writing signed by himself, or his lawful agent. If such acceptance be written on a paper other than the bill, it shall not bind the acceptor. Except in favor of a person to whom such acceptance shall have been shown, and who upon the faith thereof shall have received the bill for a valuable consideration. An unconditional promise in writing to accept a bill before it is drawn, will be binding upon the acceptor in favor of any person who upon the faith of such written promise shall have received the bill for a valuable consideration. Every holder of a bill presenting the same for acceptance, may require that the acceptance be written on the bill, and a refusal to compl}- with such request, shall be deemed a refusal to accept, and the bill may be pro- tested for non-acceptance. Every person upon whom a bill of exchange may be drawn, and to whom the same shall be delivered for acceptance, who shall destroy such bill or refuse within twenty-four hours after such delivery, or within such period as the holder may allow to return the bill accepted or non-accepted to the holders, shall be deemed to have accepted the same. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 161 When any bill of exchange expressed to be for value received, drawn or negotiated within this state, shall be duly presented for acceptance or payment, and protested for non-acceptance or non-payment, there shall be allowed and paid to the holders by the drawer and endorsers having due notice of the dishonor of the bill, damages in the following cases: Firsts if the bill shall have been drawn by "axiy person, at any place within this state, at the rate of four per centum on the principal sum specified in the bill. Second^ if the bill shall have been drawn on any person, at any place out of this state, but within the United States or territories thereof, at the rate of two per centum on the principal sum s'[)ecified in the bill. Thirds if the bill shall have been drawn on any person, at any part or place without the United States and their territories, at the rate of twenty per centum on the principal sum specified in the bill. If any bill of exchange expressed to be for value received, shall be drawn on any person, at any place within this state, and accepted, and payment shall not be duly made by the acceptor, there shall be allowed and paid to the holder, by the acceptor, damages in the following cases: First, if the bill be drawn by any person, at any place within this state, at the rate of four per centum on the principal sum therein specified. Second, if the bill be drawn by any person, at any place without this state, but within the United States or territories, at the rate of ten per centum on the principal sum therein specified. The damages herein allowed shall be recovered only by the holder of a bill, who shall have purchased the bill or acquired some interest therein, for valuable consideration. In cases of non-acceptance or non-payment of a bill, drawn at an}' place within this state, on any person at a place within the same, no damages shall be recovered, if payment of the prin- cipal sum, with interest and charges of protest, be paid within twenty days after demand, or notice of the dishonor of the bill. If the contents of a bill be expressed in the money of account of the United States, the amount due and the damages therein, shall be ascer- tained and determined without any reference to the rate of exchange existing between this state and the place on which the bill shall have been drawn, at the time of demand of payment or notice of the dishonor of the bill. If the contents of such bill be expressed in the money of account or currency of any foreign country, then the amount due, exclusive of dam- ages, shall be ascertained and determined by the rate of exchange, or the value of such foreign currency at the time of payment. Every bill of exchange, draft or order drawn either within this state or elsewhere upon any person residing within this state, payable on its face at sight, or on demand, shall be deemed and considered to be due and payable on the day it is presented, or demanded, any usage or custom 11 162 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS- here or elsewhere to the contrary notwithstanding, and if not so paid, may be protested for non-payment. If in any suit founded upon any negotiable promissory note or bill of exchange, or in which such bill or note is produced, might be allowed in the defense of any suit, it appear on the trial that such note or bill was lost while it belonged to the party claiming the amount due thereon, parol or other evidence of the contents thereof, may be given on such trial, and such party shall be entitled to recover the amount due thereon as if such note or bill had been produced. To entitle a party to such recovery, he or some responsible person for him, shall execute a bond to the adverse party in a penalty at least double the amount of such note or bill, with two sufficient securities, to be approved by the court in which the trial shall be had, conditioned to indemnify the adverse party against all claims by any other person on account of such note or bill, and against all costs and expenses by reason of such claim. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. A promissory note is a written promise to pay a certain sum of money at a future time, unconditionally. The person to whom the money is payable is called the payee. The maker is the one who promises to pay the money when the note becomes due. A note payable to bearer is negotiated or transferred by mere delivery, and the possession of the note is prima facie proof of title. A note payable to the order of a particular person is transferred or negotiated by writing the name of the person upon the back of the note, which is called an endorsement. The person making the endorsement is called the endorser. The person for whose benefit it is made is called the endorsee. Every promissory note for the payment of money to the payee therein named, or order or bearer, and expressed to be for value received, shall be due and payable as therein expressed and shall have the same effect and be negotiable in like manner as inland bills of exchange. The payee and endorsers of every such negotiable note payable to them or order, and the holder of every such note payable to bearer may main- tain actions for the sums of money therein mentioned, against the makers and endorsers of them in like manner as in cases of inland bills of exchange, and not otherwise. Such negotiable promissory note made payable to the order of the maker thereof, or to the order of a fictitious person shall, if negotiated by the maker, have the same effect and be of the same validity as against the maker, and all persons having knowledge of the facts, as if payable to ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 163 "bearer. Provided, That negotiable note in the hands of the purchaser of the same from the makers by way of discount or investment if protested for non-paj^ment at maturity, shall not be subjected to damages. When the day of payment of any bond, bill of exchange, or promissory note, shall according to its terms, be a Sunday, Christmas day. Thanks- giving day (State or National), New Years day, or a Fourth of July, its payment shall be deemed due and be demandable on such day next before its day of payment, according to its terms, as shall not be one of the days above specified. A notarial protest is evidence of a demand and refusal to pa}- a bill of exchange or negotiable promissory note, at the time and in the manner stated in such protest. FORM OF NEGOTIABLE NOTE. $1,000. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 1, 1869. Thirty days after date, I promise to pay Richard Roe, or order, One Thousand Dollars, value received, with interest after due at the rate of ten per cent per annum. Louis Roy. NON-NEGOTIABLE NOTE. $100.00. Kansas City, Mo., Aug, 1, 1869. Thirty days after date, I promise to pay Richard Roe, One Hundred Dollars, value received, with interest from date, at the rate of ten per cent per annum. Louis Roy. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree in writing for the payment of interest not exceeding ten per cent. Money due upon judgments or order of court, shall draw interest from the day of rendering the same. All such judgments and orders for money upon contracts, bearing more than six per cent., shall bear the same inter- est borne by such contracts. All other judgments and orders for money shall draw six per cent. If a greater rate of interest than ten per cent, is contracted for, and suit brought upon the same, judgment will be entered for six per cent., and the whole interest shall be set apart for, and become a part of the com- mon school fund. Parties may contract in writing for the payment of interest upon inter- est; but interest shall not be compounded oftener than once a year. Where a different rate is not expressed, interest upon interest shall be at the same rate as interest on the principal debt. 164 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. DESCENTS AND DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY. Property in this slate shall be distributed in the following course, sub- ject to the payment of debt^; and the widow's dower: First. To the children or their descendants in equal parts. Second. If there be no children or their descendants, then to the father, mother, brothers and sisters, and their descendants, in equal parts. Third. If there be no children, or their descendants, father, mother, brother or sister, or their descendants, then to the husband or wife. If there be no husband or wife, then to the grandfather, grandmother, uncles and aunto, and their descendants, in equal parts. FourtJi. If there be no children or their descendants, father, mother, sister, brother or their descendants, husband or wife, grandfather, grand- mother, uncles, aunts, nor their descendants, then to the great-grandfather, great-grandmother, and their descendants, in equal parts, and so on in other cases without end, passing to the nearest lineal ancestors and their children, and their descendants, in equal parts. Posthumous children, or descendants of the intestate, shall inherit in like manner as if born in the lifetime of the intestate. This does not apply to anyone other than the children or descendants of the intestate unless they are in being and capable in law to take as heirs at the time of the intestate's death. If there be no children or their descendants, father, mother, brother or sister, nor their descendants, huvsband or wife, nor any paternal or mater- nal kindred capable of inheriting, the whole shall go to the kindred of the wife or husband of the intestate in the like course as if such wife or hus- band had survived the intestate and then died entitled to the estate. If any of the children receive any real or personal estate in the lifetime of the intestate by way of advancement, shall choose to come into par- tition with the other heirs, such advancement shall be brought into hatchpot with the estate descended. Maintaming, educating, or giving money to a child under majority without any view to a portion or settlement, shall not be deemed an advancement. Bastards shall inherit and be capable of transmitting inheritance on the part of their mother, and such mother may inherit from her bastard child or children in like manner as if they had been lawfully begotten of her. The issues of all marriages decreed null in law or dissolved by divorce shall be legitimate. Persons of color shall inherit as above set forth, providing it shall appear to the court that they are residents of this state, or if residents of some other state, are free persons. The children of all parents who were slaves, and who were living ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 165 together in good faith as man and wife at the time of the birth of such children, shall be deemed to be the legitimate children of such parents, All children of any one mother who was a slave at the time of her birth shall be deemed lawful brothers and sisters for the purposes of this chapter. WILLS. The term will, or last will and testament, means the disposition of one's property, to take effect after death. No exact form of words is neces- sary in order to make a will good at law. Every person of twenty-one years of age and upward, of sound mind, may, by last will, devise all his estate, real, personal and mixed, and all interest therein, saving the widow her dower. Every person over the age of eighteen years, of sound mind, may by last will, dispose of his goods and chatties. Every wall must be in writing, signed by the testator or by some person by his direction, in his presence, and shall be attested by two or more competent witnesses, subscribing their names to the will in the presence of the testator. No will in writing, except in cases hereinafter mentioned, nor any part thereof, shall be revoked, except by a subsequent will in writing, or by burning, canceling, tearing or obhterating the same by the testator, or in his presence, and by his consent and direction. If, after making a will disposing of the whole estate of the testator, such testator shall marry, and die, leaving issue by such marriage living at the time of his death, or shall leave issue of such marriage born to him after his death, such will shall be deemed revoked, unless provisions shall have been made for such issue by some settlement, or unless such issue shall be provided for in the will, and no evidence shall be received to rebut the presumption of such revocation. A will executed by an unmarried woman shall be deemed revoked by her subsequent marriage. If a person make his will and die leaving children not provided for, although born after making the will, he shall be deemed to die intestate, and such children shall be entitled to such proportion as if he had died intestate. All other heirs or legatees must refund their proportionate part. The county court or clerk thereof in vacation subject to the confirma- tion or rejection of the court, shall take the proof of the last will of the testator. GENERAL FORM OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Richard Johnson, of Carroll county, in the state of Missouri, being of sound mind and memory, and of full age, do hereby make and publish this, my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. 166 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. Firse. MECHANIC'S LIEN. Now, at this day, come .... and with a view to avail .... of the benefit of the statute relating to mechanics' liens, file . . the account below set forth for work and labor done, and materials furnished by .... under contract with .... upon, to and for the buildings and improvements described as follows, to-wit: (Give description of buildings.) and situated on the following described premises, to-wit: (Give description of the property upon which the building is erected.) said premise, buildings, and improvements, belonging to and being owned by .... which said account, the same being hereby filed, in order that it may constitute a lien upon the buildings, improvements, and prem- ises above described, is as follows: [Set the account out in full.] State of Missouri, county of . . . . , ss., being duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing is a just and true account of the demand due ltJ6 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. for work and labor done, and materials furnished by upon, to and for the buildings and improvements hereinbefore described, after all just credits have been given; that said work and labor were done, and said materials furnished upon, to and for said buildings and improvements by .... at the instance and request of, and under contract with that the foregoing description is a true description of the property upon, to and for which said materials were furnished, and said work and labor done, and to which this lien is intended to apply, or so near as to identify the same ; that said demand accrued within months prior to the filing of this lien, and that on the day of , 18 . . , and at least ten days prior to the filing of this lien .... gave notice to .... of his claim against the amount thereof, from whom due, and of intention to file a lien therefor; that said .... as affiant is informed and believes, the owner. . of the above described premises, and the buildings and improvements thereon, which said premises, buildings, and improvements are intended to be charged with this lien. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of . . . . , 18 . . BILL OF SALE OF GOODS. Know all men by these presents, that .... of .... for and in considera- tion of the sum of dollars to . . in hand paid by of the receipt whereof . . do hereby acknowledge, by these presents do bargain and sell unto the said .... all the goods, household stufi', implements and furniture, and all other goods and chattels whatsoever mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed: To have and to hold all and singular the said goods, household stuff", and furniture, and other premises above bar- gained and sold or intended so to be, to the said .... and . . assigns for- ever. And .... the said .... for ... . and . . heirs, all and singular, the goods and chattels of whatever description, unto the said .... and . . assigns against .... the said .... and against all and every other person and persons whomsoever, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. Of all and singular which said goods, chattels, and property, .... the said have put the said .... in full pos- session by delivery to . ., the said .... one .... at the sealing and delivery of these presents, in the name of the whole premises hereby bargained and sold, or mentioned, or intended so to be unto . . , the said as aforesaid. In witness whereof, . . have hereunto set . . hand . . and affixed . . seal this day A. D. 18 . . Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of [l. s.} Note. — If the bill of sale is to be recorded in the county recorder's oflSce, it must be acknowledged before some officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds — other- wise not. abstract of missouri state laws. 187 State of Missouri, County of '' Be it remembered, that on this day of . . . . , A. D. 18 . . , before the undersigned, a . . . . within and for the county of and state of Mis- souri, personally came .... who . . personally known to me to be the same person . . whose name . . subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing, as part . . thereto, and acknowledged the same to be . . voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in .... the day and year above written. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. $ means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now. United States currency. £ means pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to \ lb for pounds, and bbl. for barrels ; ^ for per or by the. Thus, butter sells at 20 @ 30c f fc, and flour at $8@12 f bbl, °jo for per cent., and jj for number. May 1. Wheat sells at $1.20@$1.25, "seller June." Seller June means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling " short" to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts" are called " bears." Buying long; is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise in prices. The " longs" are termed "bulls," as it is for their interest to " operate " so as to "toss" the prices upward as much as possible. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus: Mr. F. H. Coats: St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1876. Please pay to H. Birdsall twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. SiLVA. RECEIPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for. thus: 188 ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. $100. St. Louis, Sept. 15, 1876. Reeived of J. W. Davis, one hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Sedalia, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full, it should be so stated. BILLS OF PURCHASE. W. N. Mason, Marshall, Missouri, Sept. 18, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheat, at $1..50 $6 00 2 Seamless Sacks " 30 60 Received payment, $6 60 A. A. Graham. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunder- standings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. general form of agreement. This agreement, made the second day of June, 1878, between John Jones, of Marshall, county of Saline, state of Missouri, of the first part, and Thomas Whitesides, of the same place, of the second part — WITNESSETH, That the said John Jones, in consideration of the agree- ment of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver in good and marketable condition, at the village of Slater, Missouri, during the month of November, of this year, one hundred tons of prairie hay, in the fol- lowing lots, and at the following specified times, namely: Twenty-five tons by the seventh of November, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty-first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whitsides, in consideration of the prompt fulfill- ment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other, one hundred dollars, as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, the day and year first above written. John Jones. Thomas Whiteside. ABSTRACT OF MISSOURI STATE LAWS. 189 AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-eight, between Reuben Stone, of Marshall, county of Saline, State of Missouri, party of the first part, and George Barclay, of Sedalia, county of Pettis, state of Missouri, party of the second part — WITNESSETH, That said George Barclay agrees faithfully and diligently to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation ; during which time he, the said Barclay, in the store of said Stone, of Marshall, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Bar- clay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dollars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month ; provided that all dues for days of absence from business by said Barclay, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands: Reuben Stone. George Barclay. Practical Rules for Every Day Use. How to find the gain or loss -per cent, when the cost and selling price are given. Rule. — Find the difference between the cost and selling price, which will be the gain or loss. Annex two ciphers to the gain or loss, and divide it by the cost price; the result will be the gain or loss per cent. How to change gold into currency. Rule. — Multiply the given sum of gold by the price of gold. Hozv to chano^e currency into gold. Divide the amount of currency by the price of gold. How to find each partner'' s share of the gain or loss in a co-partnership business. Rule. — Divide the whole gain or loss by the entire stock, the quotient will be the gain or loss per cent. Multiply each partner's stock by this per cent., the result will be each one's share of the gain or loss. How to find gross afid net weight and price of hogs. A short and simple method fior finding the net weighty or price of hogs ^ when the gross weight or price is given, and vice versa. Note. — It is generally assumed that the gross weight of hogs diminished by 1-5 or 20 per cent, of itself gives the net weight, and the net weight increased by ^ or 25 per cent, of itself equals the gross weight. To find the net weight or gross price. Multiply the given number by .8 (tenths.) To find the or OSS zveight or net price. Divide the given number by .8 (tenths.) How to find the capacity of a granary, bin, or wagon-bed. Rule. — Multiply (by short method) the number of cubic feet by 6308, and point off' one decimal place— the result will be the correct answer in bushels and tenths of a bushel. J^or only an approximate answer, multiply the cubic feet by 8, and point ofTone decimal place. How to find the contents of a corn-crib. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 54, short method, or by 4^ ordinary method, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the answer in bushels. Note, — In estimating corn in the ear, quality and the time it has been cribbed must be taken into consideration, since corn will shrink considerably during the winter and spring. This rule generally holds good for corn measured at the time it is cribbed, provided it is sound and clean. PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USE. 191 How to find the contents of a cistern or tank. Rule. — Multiply the square of the mean diameter by the depth (all in feet) and this product by 5681 (short method), and point off one decimal place — the result will be the contents in barrels of 31^ gallons. How to find the contents of a barrel or cask. Rule. — Under the square of the mean diameter, write the length (all in inches) in reversed order, so that its units will fall under the tens; multiply by short method, and this product again by 430 ; point ofi one decimal place, and the result will be the answer in wine gallons. How to measure boards. Rule. — Multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in inches) and divide the product by 12 — the result will be the contents in square feet. How to ?neasure scantlings^ Joists^ planks, sills, etc. Rule. — Multiply the width, the thickness, and the length together, (the width and thickness in inches, and the length in feet), and divide the product by 12 — the result will be square feet. How to find the number of acres in a body of land. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width (in rods) and divide the pro- duct by 160 (carrying the division to 2 decimal places if there is a remain- der); the result will be the answer in acres and hundredths. When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-half for the mean length or width. How to find the number of square yards in afioor or wall. Rule.— Multiply the length by the width or height (in feet), and divide the product by 9, the result will be square yards. How to find the number of bricks required in a building. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22|^. The number of cubic feet is found by multiplying the length, height and thickness (in feet) together. Bricks are usually made 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and two inches thick; hence, it requires 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, but it is generally assumed that the mortar fills 1-6 of the space. How to find the number of shingles required in a roof. Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the roof by 8, if the shingles are exposed 4|^ inches, or by 7 1-5 if exposed 5 inches . To find the number of square feet, multiply the length of the roof by twice the length of the rafters. To find the length of the rafters, at one-fourth pitch, multiply the width of the building by .56 (hundredths); at one-third pitch by .6 (tenths); at two-fifths pitch, by .64 (hundredths); at one-half pitch, by .71 (hundredths). This gives the length of the rafters from the apex to the end of the wall, and whatever they are to project must be taken into consideration. 192 PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USE. j^OTE. — By 34 or 3^ pitch is meant that the apex or comb of the roof is to be ^ or J^ the width of the building higher than the walls or base of the rafters. How to reckon the cost of hay. Rule. — Multiply the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point three places to the left. How to measure gram. Rule. — Level the grain; ascertain the space it occupies in cubic feet; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one place to the left. Note.— Exactness requires the addition, to every three hundred bushels, of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gallons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2 to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it requires 2 bushels of ear corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land without instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any given plot in square vards ; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, an ordinary-sized man can train himself 'to cover one yard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to ' walk in a straight line ; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line stright ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote; and, in walking, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others by adopting" the following simple and ingenious con- trivance^ may always carry with them the scale to construct a correct yard measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger of the left hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find how many rods in length will make an acre, the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. How to find the number of acres in any plot of land, the number of rods being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5, and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circu?nference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. Ho7v to find the diameter when the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAV USE, 193 To find Jwxu many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick' ness throughotit ivill contain wh^n sqiMred. Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, muhiply b}' ^, multiply by the length in teet, and divide the product by 144. Ge?ieral rule for measuring timber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the mmiber of feet of timber in trees zvith the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-fitlh of the circumference in inches by twice the length in feet, and divide by 144. Deduct 1.10 to 1.15 according to the thickness of the bark. Howard's 7iezv rule for computing interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the interest on any sum of money will be shown b}- simply removing the decimal point two places to the left; for ten times that time, remove the point one place to the left; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time efiven. Note. — The reciprocal of the rate is tbund by inverting the rate; thus 3 per ceat. per month, inverted, becomes % of a month, or ten days. When the rate is expressed by one figure, always write it thus: 3-1, three ones. Mule for converting English into American cu?'rency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in decimals, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eight section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — 40 acres." The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north-east comer. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The description of a forty-acre lot wculd read: The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1, in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be ; and sometimes will fall short, and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is supposed to contain. 13 194 PRACTICAL RULES FOR EVERY DAY USE. SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links " 1 rod. 4 rods " 1 chain. 80 chains " 1 mile. Note.— A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 66 feet. Shoemakers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a barleycorn; three of which made an inch. Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the standard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In biblical and other old measurements, the term span is sometimes used, which is a length of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in length. The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a yard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is strictly speaking \ nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 stat- ^miki. Wt when used on land, tlireeadituae miles we Mid !• be m league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to 1 J yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. HOW TO KEEP ACCOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little business^ should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and systematic manner. For the benetit of those who have not had the opportunity of acquiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, w^e here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easily comprehended, and well adapted to record the business transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. 1875. A. H. JACKSON. Dr. Cr. Jan. 10 To 17 Feb. 4 To 4 To March 8 8 " 13 " 27 To April }) To May 6 24 By To 4 Bv 7 bushels wheat shoeing span of horses . . 14 bushels oats 5 ft), butter new harrow sharpening 2 plows new double-tree cow and calf half ton of hay cash repairing corn-planter . . . one sow with pigs cash, to balance account , at $1.25 .at $ .45 at .25 $ 8.75 '6.30 1.25 48.00 6.25 17.50 $88.05 2.50 18.00 .40 2.25 25.00 4.75 35.15 $88.05 PRACTICAL, RULBS FOR JEVERY DAY USE. 195 1875. CASSA MASON. Dr. Cr. March March March May May June June July Aug. Aug. Sept. Bv 3 day's labor To 2 shoats To 18 bushels corn By 1 months labor To cash By 8 days mowing To 50 lbs. flour To 27 lbs. meat By 9 days harvesting By 6 days labor To cash To cash to balance account , .at $1.25 .at 3.00 at .45 • at $1.50 .at$ .10 ,at 2.00 • at 1.50 $ 6.00 8.10 10.00 2.75 2.70 20.00 18.20 $6 M.ii) $ 3.75 25.66 12.66 18.00 9.00 '67.75 INTEREST TABLE. A SiXPLIC KnLK TOR ACCUBATELT COMPUTING INTEREST AT ANY GiVEN PeR CeNT FOR ANY LENGTH OP Time. Multiply the principal (amount of money at interest) by the time reduced to days; then divide this product by the quotient obtained by dividing: 360 ( the number of days in the interest year) by the per cent of interest, and the quotient thus obtained will be the required interest. ILLUSTRATION. Solution. Require the interest of $462.50 lor one month and eighteen days at 6 per cent. An S'102..'50 interest month is 30 days ; one month and eighteen days equal 48 days. $4i)-.2.50 .48 multiplied by .48 gives 82-.i3.0000; StiO divided bv 6 (the per ceni of interest) gives 60, and 222.0000 divided by (iO will give the exact interest, which is gS.IO. If the :'.ri)00a rate of interest in the above example were 12 per cent, we would divide the $222.- 6(360 1 185000 0000 by 30 (because 360 divided by 12 gives 30) ; if 4 per cent, we would divide by 90 ; V — if 8 per cent, by 45, and in like manner tor any other per cent. ' 60 ) $222.0000 180 4.20 420 00 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units or things, 1 dozen. 1 196 poands, 1 barrel of flour. ] 24 sheets of paper, 1 quire. Id dozen, 1 gross. I 300 pounds, 1 barrel of pork. I 20 quires of paper, 1 ream, ao things, 1 score. | 56 poands, 1 firkiu of batter. | 4 ft. wide, 4 ft. high, and S ft. long, 1 cord wood. 196 NAMES OF THE STATES AND THEIR SIGNIFICATION. NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS. Virginia. — The oldest of the states, was so called in honor of Queen o Elizabeth, the " Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. F'lorida. — Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunday, and called the country in commemoraticn of the da}?^, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Spaniards, or " Feast of Flowers." Louisiana was called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country. Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." jllississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning " Long River." Arkansas, from Kansas, the Indian word for " smoky water." Its pre- fix was really arc, the French word for "bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called " Carolana," after Charles the Ninth of France. "^Georgia o^^9,\x.% name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Tennessee is the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. ///(> means " beautiful ; " iWzr/?, "drowsy ones;" Minnesota, *^ cloudy water," and Wisconsin, " wild-rushing channel." Jllinois is derived from the Indian word lllini, men, and the French suffix ois, together signifying " tribe of men." ^Michigan was called by the name given the lake, jish-weir, which was so styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Iiiissouri is from the Indian word " muddy," which more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name also to its principal river. Cortez named California. .}fassachusetts is the Indian for " the country around the great hills." Connecticut, from the Indian Quon-ch-ta-Cut, signifying " Long River." Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of Eng- land. JVeii' York was named by the Duke of York. Pennsylvania means " Penn's woods," and was so called after William Penn, its original owner. Dclazvare after Lord De la Ware. JVezu ycrsey, so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was gov- ernor of the island of Jersey, in the British channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine, in France, in compliment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. 197 Vermoni, from the French words vert mont, signifying green mountain. New Hamfshire^ from Hampshire county, in England. It was formerly called Laconia. The little state of Rhode Island owes its name to the island of Rhodes, in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUB- SCRIPTION. The business of -publishing books by subscription, having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher, in order to prevent that as much as possi- ble, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the fol- lowing statement is made: A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described by the pros- pectus and sample shown. These should be carefully examined before sub- scribing, as they are the basis and consideratidn of the promise to pay, and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent, who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional, or modify or change the agree?nent of the publisher, as set out by the pros- pectus and sample, in order to bind the principle, the subscriber should see that such condition or changes are stated over or in connection zvith his signature, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. *» All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as written is, that they can not be altered, varied or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in zvriting. It is therefore important that all persons contemplating sub- scribing shotdd distinctly understand that all talk before or after the sub- scription is made is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscri-ptions are known to the trade as can- vassers They are agents appointed to do a particidar business in a pre- scribed mode, and luzve no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They cannot collect money, or agree that pa3aTient may be made in anything else but money. They cannot extend the time of payment beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their business. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instru- ment, would examine carefully zvhat it is; if they cannot read themselves, call on some one disinterested who can. History of Ray County, Missouri. TOPOGRAPHY. Boundary^ Geographical Position, and Physical /features. — Ray county, Missouri, is situated in the northwestern part of the state, and is bounded as follows : North by Caldwell county; east by Carroll county; south by the Mis- souri river, separating it from Lafayette and Jackson counties, and west by Clay and Clinton counties. Richmond, the county seat of Ray county, is in longitude seventeen degrees west from Washington, ninety-four degrees west from Greenwich, and the northern part of the county is crossed by parallel thirty-nine degrees, thirty minutes of north latitude. It embraces all that portion of Missouri lying between the range line separating ranges twenty-five and twenty-six, and the range line separating ranges twenty-nine and thirty, west of the fifth principal meridian, and extending from the township line between townships fifty-four and fifty-five, north, southward to the middle of the main channel of the Missouri river. The townships bordering on the Missouri river are numbered fifty and fifty-one, and are fractional. The above limits, greatly less than the original, are the result of repeated formations of new counties from the territory allotted to Ray by the act establishing it as a county, and include a superficial area of 561.64 square miles, or 3.59,449.6 acres. The twelve congressional townships north of the line between town- ships fifty-one and fifty-two are integral, and therefore, aggregate four hundred and thirty-two square miles; those south of that line extending to the Missouri river, are fractional, as above stated, and contain, in all, 129.64 square miles. Ray county is twenty-four miles in width. The issouri river, as it passes the southern border of the county, is quite sinuous, thereby mak- ing the distance from its northern to its southern line irregular. The greatest length of the county, north and south, is twenty-six and one-half miles from the point where the section line between sections seventeen and eighteen, township fifty, of range twenty-eiglit, touches the issouri river — due northward. The longest straight line that may be drawn within the limits of Ray county, would extend from the northwest comer of- section six, township 200 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. fifty-four, range twenty-nine, to the southeast corner of fractional section twenty-four, township fifty-one, range twenty-six. Ray county is most happily situated in the heart of the most beautiful and productive agricultural and mineral region of northwest Missouri. Kansas City is distant but forty-four miles from its county seat; St. Joseph sixty-seven miles, and St. Louis, the metropolis of the Mississippi valley, is only two hundred and thirty-seven miles to the southeastward. Natural and artificial lines of transportation are ample and convenient, and the great western and southern markets are easily and cheaply accessible at all seasons of the year. The citizens of Ray have reason, therefore, to rejoice at the fortunate position of their county; and her inexhaustible natural resources, coupled with the thrift, industry and enterprise of her people, justifv the hope that she will ever retain the rank she now deservedly holds, as one of the very first counties of Missouri. The southern border of the county is laved by the waters of the great Missouri — reckoning from its source *o the gulf, as is proper, the longest river in the world — and while one might reasonably suppose that the low lands bordering on so turbid and sluggish a stream are marshy, sub- ject to frequent inundation, and therefore well-nigh valueless, such is — in Ray county at least — far from the case. These bottoms are highly cul- tivable, and the soil is deep, fertile and enduring. Stretching across the southern pa-t of the county — save at one or two places where bluffs intervene — at ar average width of about five miles, and at from fifteen to thirty feet above the average water mark, they have good, natural drainage, and are, at almost all times, most admirably adapted to the purposes of husbandry. These low lands were overflowed in June, 182T; again in June, 1844, and again in April, of the present year, 1881; but they are now— May — being prepared for the ensuing crop. It will be observed that the inter- vals between overflows are so exceedingly long as to scarcely interfere with the cultivation of the bottoms ; and their generous soil seldom fails to yield the industrious husbandman a bountiful harvest. In the rear, and on the east and west sides of Camden, an old riparian hamlet, in sections twenty-six and twenty-seven, township fifty-one, range twenty-eight, the " bluffs " rise to a considerable hight, and present a scene picturesque and beautiful — especially in the spring-time, when the trees that crown their summits, are freighted with exuberant foliage. The face of the county is beautifully, as well as conveniently diversified with prairie land, woodland, groves, valleys and arable hills or knolls. The last mentioned, however, in many places are covered with timber. The irregular surface configuration is an advantage to husbandry, making HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 201 the land self-draining, while, from its peculiar nature, it is capable of re- aining moisture during a protracted drought. Looking from the summ'it of a towering hill in the suburbs of Richmond, the extensive and variegated landscape, stretching away to the north and northeastward, dotted here and there with attractive farm-houses, is an exceedingly agreeable sight. Far in the distance, " timber ridge " appears looming above the intervening hills, and presenting an even, unbroken range that charms the beholder. In many localities, more particularly on the water courses, the forests are dense, and the timber, in abundant variety, is very fine. Oak, elm, ash, hickory, pecan, blackwalnut, sugar maple, white maple, linden, Cot- tonwood and other kinds are found. Abundant and excellent building material occurs throughout the count}% though, as yet, it has not been extensively utilized. In various parts of the county there are beds of limestone from which rock of almost any de- sired size, both durable and agreeable in appearance, might be obtained. Ash-blue hydraulic limestone is found two miles northeast of Richmond, and similar rock exists at most of the coal banks near Richmond and Camden. A strip of limestone countrj^ some five miles in width, and about eight miles in length, extends through Grape Grove township, in the vicinity of Tinney's Grove. On David Teagarden's land in the north- west part of township fifty-three, range twenty-eight, is a limestone quarry. The rock is excellent for building purposes, and when first taken fi'om the quarry is easih" worked, but becomes hard on exposure to the air. * Free-stone is also found in the bluffs along the streams. The coal mines of the county are extensive, and worked with great profit; but we dismiss them here, with cursor}^ notice, for a fuller descrip- tion further on. On section nine, township fifty-four, range twenty-six, there is every in- dication of lead; indeed a considerable quantity of very rich ore has been taken out. The hill in which the ore is found is about three hundred feet high. There have also been found in this section, some fair specimens of silver and copper ore ; likewise in section twenty-seven, township fifty- three, range twenty-eight. *The following is Mahon's definition of limes: "Common or air-lime will air-slake or slake by having water poured over it, and will only harden in the air. Hydraulic lime' slakes thoroughly like common lime, when deprived of its carbonic acid, and does not harden promptly under water. Hydraulic cement does not slake, and usually quickly hardens imder water. Fat limes give a paste which is unctuous to the sight and touch; meagre limes yield a thin paste. Common limes are fat; hydraulic limes are meagre; but all meagre limes are not hydraulic. "The limestones which yield hydraulic limes and cements, are either argillaceous or mag- nesian, or argillo-magnesian. The hydraulic energy differs according to the proportion of lime and clay in their composition. It is necessary that a certain proportion of clay should enter into the composition of the limestone. These rocks are generally some shade of drab, or gray, or of dark grayish-blue ; compact-texture, fracture, even or conchoidal, with a clayey or earthy smell and taste. " 13 202 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. In township fifty-two, range twenty-nine, are indications of oil; the first, second and third sand formations existing the same as in the famous oil regions of Pennsylvania. This locality has been prospected, and the indi- cations examined by experts, who are confident that, at a depth of from seven hundred and forty to eight hundred feet oil will be found. About fifteen years ago, a Mrs. Overman, residing on section thirty-four, town- ship fifty-two, range twenty-nine, sunk a shaft to the depth of eight hun- dred feet; but owing to some defect in the boring, water could not be kept out, and the undertaking was not rewarded with success. Samples of the drillino-s, however, were examined by experts' and declared to be the same as found in all the oil districts of the country. Near the mouth of Rocky fork of Crooked river, there are similar gen- uine indications of oil. A petroleum company was organized some years ao-o for prospecting in that locality, and made several borings, but for want of sufficient capital the enterprise proved a failure. At different places, where the stream flows over the land of White, Long and Adkins, oil is actually seen on the surface of the water. Ray county is well watered, being traversed by numerous small streams, affording sufficient perennial supply of good fresh water for stock and other purposes agriculture and industry. The following are the principal streams : Crooked river and its tribu- taries, East, Middle and West Fork, flowing across the county from north- west to southeast, drain the entire central portion; Wakanda, South Wakanda and Cottonwood creek,the northeastern portion; Fishing river, Keeny and Rollins creeks, the southwestern, and Willow creek the soulji- central portion. The course of all these streams, except Cottonwood creek, is southeasterly. The Mirsouri bottoms and prairies constitute probably one half of the county. The rest consists of small, fertile valleys, low hills, woodland and bluffs — the last named being confined to the Missouri river, except at a few points along the banks of streams in the interior ^of the county. We have thus given a brief topographical outline of the county whose history these pages are intended to recite. No effort will be made at rhetorical adornment, but we shall endeavor to write plainly, and correctly and truthfully, in language to be appre- ciated by the people. THE PIONEER. When the first settlements within what are now the limits of Ray county were made, the country was almost wild. Nature was unsubdued. The prairies were covered with rank grass. The Indian's bark canoe floated on the streams, and the jackal's wail on the midnight air. Wild HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 203 honey was in the hollows of trees, and a man's life in the hollow of his hand. In spring-time, when nature donned her emerald robe, the air was freighted with the breath of flowers; feathered warblers thronged the wildwood, and the shadowy dale was resonant with the voice of song. Birds of plumage were there, but so were birds and beasts of prey — the latter sleeping in the da}', but prowling in the night. It is ever thus : the enemies of innocence and beauty lurk secluded till opportunity offers to steal a blow. The primeval forests, as yet scarcely scathed by the hand of husbandry, were inhabited by ferocious, as well as by a great variety of harmless wild animals, including almost every species of American game. The panther, bear, jackal, lynx, wildcat, catamount, wolf and fox were among the destructive denizens of the tangled wild- wood. Myriads of wild turkeys flocked in the groves and ravaged the little corn-fields. The streams were full of fishes. Bison browsed on the prairie, and elk and deer were abroad in the forest. Hunting, trapping, and the gathering of wild honey were the most profitable employments. The skins of wild animals afforded raiment for the body — their flesh, food. Indeed, the pioneer lived largely on the fruits of the chase. Hunting was at once a pleasant and profitable pastime. People living from fifteen to forty miles apart were considered near neighbors, and numbers of them would often assemble, especially in the autumn, to "Drive the fleet deer the forest through, And homeward wend with evening dew." On these occasions everybody was gleeful ; the very dogs were blithesome, and leaped for joy; the prancing horse, with beaming eye and distended nostril, seemed eager for the fun. Peace prevailed and good fellowship reigned supreme. As the cold, gray dawn of a November morning- flooded the frost-crowned trees, with a sea of silver the merry hunter would " Sound! Sound the horn! To the hunter good What's the gully deep, or the roaring flood ? Right over he bounds, as the wild deer bounds, At the heels of his swift, sure, silent hounds. Oh, what delights can a mortal lack. When he once is firm on his horse's back, With his stirrups short and his snaffle strong. And the blast of the horn for his morning song?" But the sound of the hunter's horn is no longer heard in the land. Where it once reverberated the iron horse rends the air from his lungs of fire; and the zephyr's wing wafts the din of industry over the felled forest, where the jackal screamed and the night-bird piped his plaintive strain. For several years after the first settlement within the present bounda- 204 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ries of the county, the Indian, steadily driven before the advancing front of civilization, found a safe asylum in the wilds of the west. The first families, therefore, who planted themselves here permanently to remain, were subi'ected to a close intimacy with the savages. Happily, however, they were not seriously molested, as the tribes noted for fell barbarities failed to visit this immediate region. Pioneer life had its pleasures, but also, its hardships and dangers ; and the latter far more than counterbalanced the former. To leave home and kindred and friends, the attachments of early associations, the scenes of childhood, the influences of education and refinement, and every fond endearment that binds one to the place of his birth, oj: to the subjects of his parental esteem ; to venture far out on the western border, where ani- mated and inanimated nature are alike unreclaimed, to face the perils'Jand endure the hardships of frontier life, required a high order of courage — a resolution not easily baffled — an iron will. This is quite as it should be; those who stock a cpuntry with inhabitants should be of the very best character, morally, intellectually and physically. So were the men and women who came to people the then remote northwestern frontier of Missouri territory — all of which subsequently became, and the richest portion of which is now Ray county. In writing of the pioneers of this county, the reader will understand that our meaning is broad enough to include those who settled within its original limits, from the Missouri river to the Iowa line. They may have been, as a rule, illiterate, because school advantages were extremely meager; some of them — many of them — were wild and wayward, for they lived on the "outskirts of civiHzation," and had to battle with the hardships of frontier life. The rufflan anon stole into their midst, but he was not of them — yet among them and of them were Christians; and if there were no church buildings, the groves — "God's first temples" — in summer, and the primitive dwelling of some pious neighbor in winter, afforded them a sacred fane for the worship of the Infinite One. They wore " hodden gray '' — cloth woven by the frugal house-wife from nettles, gathered by the boys from the woods and river bottoms; aye, they wore even the tanned skins of wild animals; and dined on " homely fare." But what of that, they wtre honest men. They occasionally fought, it is true, but fought like men — forgave each other, and were friends. Prejudice, jealousy or suspicion found no lodg- ment in their hearts ; neither was there room there for treachery or decep- tion. They spurned all littleness, scorned bickering and smothered the flames of rankHng revenge. They worshipped no god but God, and looked with contempt on the fawning sycophant, the sharker and the charlatan. Of their number, the modern " politician " was not one. While their independence of thought gave each an opinion of his own, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 205 the one respected the views of every other. Individualit}- asserted itself in their adherence to different political parties, but they were wedded to no organization, and in reality, their test of merit for public official position, was the Jeftersonian test. The pioneer is not a time-serv^er; he loves independence. Among the females, the "common scold" was unknown. A venial fault was not expanded to a crime. A neighbor's misfortune caused them genuine sorrow. They were frugal, but not sordid; liberal, not lavish; cheerful and diligent. Vanity failed to entice them. The}' were happy in their homespun garb. They were content to work; The hus- band, home at night, " free from care, from labor free," was lulled to rest by the stead}- whir of the spinning-wheel. Their ready hands shaped fells into garments, drove the shuttle, swayed the batten', whirled the dis- taff ^ — ^and their owners were never peevish, because never idle. Such was the character, with rare exceptions, of the men and women, who left their homes in Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, and other southern states, to participate in the settlement, ultimately in the organization, and to contribute to the growth and prosperity of Ray county; from among whom her first officers were chosen, and of whom many of her best citizens of to-day are descendants. But they are gone, let us hope, to dwell with "just men made perfect." We know that, on earth, theirs were the homes of peace and contentment; that they dwelt together in harmony, in love. " Dwelt in the love of God and of man. Alike were they free from Fear, that reigns with the tyrant, and envy, the vice of republics. Neither locks had^hey to their doors, nor bars to their windows; But their dwellings were open as day and the hearts of their owners." EARLY SETTLEMENTS AND SETTLERS. The first settlers within the boundaries afterwards embracing Ray county, came in the summer of 1815. The country was not a wilderness, not a dreary waste; it was a broad expanse of diversified area, rich, productive, beautiful; but undeveloped, unpolished by the hand of art, undisturbed in the embrace of nature's God. The pioneers' old fashioned Virginia wagons, covered with white canvas, drawn by three horses, forming a " spike team," guided by a single line attached to the rein of the leader's bridle, and in the hands of a driver seated on the rear horse at the left wheel, halted on the east bank of Crooked river, not far above its mouth. It was August. The trees were crowned with luxuriant foliage. The forest was resonant with its own music, and redolent of summer's perfume. Spread out before 206 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the travel-worn immigrant in all its pristine beauty, nature's handiwork presented a scene too inviting to pass. The opposite was the more attract- ive shore, but the stream was swollen, and how to cross was a problem to solve. It was quickly done. Trees were felled, a raft made, and the party swimming their horses, passed safe to the other shore, and went into camp. Thus, though its privations continued for a time, a long and toilsome journey, all the way from the sterile hills of East Tennessee, was brought to a welcome ending; and the first white families, who paused to remain, west of Grand river from the Missouri to the Iowa line, passed the first night within what afterwards became the limits of Ray county. Their tents and canvased wagons afforded them sufficient shelter for the summer and early fall, but not from the rigors of winter. Quarters more substantial and capacious had to be built of logs, and ere this work could be completed, autumn's golden glamour was fading in the " sear and yellow leaf." Winter was coming on apace, and soon " The embattled forests, erewhile armed with gold, Their banners bright with every martial hue, Stood like some sad, beaten host of old, Withdrawn afar in Time's remotest blue."" But their hovels were finished in time to shield them from the severity of winter, and that season was doubtless passed with little suffering and in comparative comfort, considering the proximity of savages and fero- cious wild animals. The place of the first settlements was called Bufialo, probably because frequented b}^ that animal, and was not far from the present site of Har- din, in what is now Crooked River township, in the southeastern part of the county. The settlement at Bufialo, or the Bufialo settlement, more properly, perhaps, was made by immigants from Tennessee, Kentucky and Vir- ' ginia. The very first settler was John Vanderpool, a Tennessean. He located, as above stated, on the west side of Crooked river, in August, 1815. With him was his wife, Ellen Vanderpool, and the following chil- dren: Winant, Meaddors, Kinman, Mary, Delilah, Holland, and John. Lydia and James were born in Ray countv. The latter, at the age of seven years, was drowned in the Missouri river. Winant, Kinman and Delilah, are dead; the rest still living. Meaddors is living in Oregon, and although ninety years of age, continues to survey land. He, in 1819, taught the first school ever taught in Ray county. He also surveyed this county, and afterwards Chariton, Clay, Carroll, and Caldwell. His life has been one of man}' hardships, of continued labor, yet he is still active and energetic. Mary and John also reside in Oregon. Holland, to whom the writer is indebted for much interesting information con- cerning the early history of the county, is still a resident of Ray, making HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 207 his home with a friend near Richmond. Ray county has been his home from early childhood, and he is now in his seventy-sixth year. No man knows any harm of Holland Vanderpool; he is a true Christian, inno- cent, emotional and warm-hearted. The entire famil}- is remarkable for Iqiigevity. John Vanderpool lived to be quite old, and his father died at /he advanced age of one hundred and nine. Isaac Martin, who came from Kentucky, Lewis Richards, and Stephen and Joseph Field, from Tennessee, settled in the Buffalo neighborhood the same year. Isaac Martini became prominent as a local politician; was among the first representatives of the county in the general assembly, and held other county offices. He was unlettered, but of strong natural sense, and was a good neighbor, and a true gentleman. In one of his races for the legislature, Martin's competitor was Dr. W. P. Thompson, a Virginian, an educated, as well as a most worthy gentleman. A public meeting was held at old Bluft'ton. Dr. Thompson made a speech of some length, in which he mentioned with an air of pride, that he was from Virginia, and modestly referred to his scholarship and the school from which he graduated. Martin replied in the following words : " Gentletnen and felloio-citizens : I was born in Kentucky. I never went to school but three days in my life; the third day I whipped the teaclier and left. What little I got was in the Held, and it's right in here;" (pointing to his head). Martin was a democrat, and was elected. Living in the county at that time was a poor old man, named Wallace, a revolutionary soldier, who had never received a pension. Approaching Martin, he told him of this neglect, whereupon Martin replied: " Old man, I appreciate your serv- ices in the cause of independence; rest assured that /'// see that you get the pension you justly deserve." The pension was secured through Mar- tin's efforts, and the old soldier lived to the end of his few remaining years in comparative comfort. The following year, 181(), Abraham Linville, Aaron Linville, John Proffitt, and a man named Wood, with their families, joined the first set- tlers. They were all from Tennessee. From this first settlement are derived, of course, the first incidents of early history. We mention some of them, as follows: The first marriage solemnized between persons living within the pres- ent boundaries of Ray county, was that of Winant Vanderpool to Miss Nancy Linville, about Christmas, 1815. There being no minister in the neighborhood, they were compelled to go many miles eastward to find one to perform the ceremony. A son born to Katie, wife of John Proflitt, in the year 1810, was the first white male child born in the county ; but it died in infancy. Missouri, daughter of Winant and Nancy Vanderpool, born in 1816, 208 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. was the first female child born in what subsequently became Ray count}- The father, an Old School Baptist preacher, is now dead. The mother as well as the daughter, are still living, the former in Mercer county. The first death was that of an infant son, mentioned above, of John Proffitt and wife, occurring in 1816, followed soon after by the death oi Peggy, daughter of W. and Nancy Vanderpool. Both decedents were buried on Crooked river, in the Buffalo settlement. Dr. William P. Thompson, from Virginia, an educated, genial, and obliging gentleman, was the first practicing physician. He died in Grundy county, Missouri. Reverend Finis Clark, of the Baptist denomination, Old School, was the first preacher. He was a good man; one among many others, who wore and wears religion not as a cloak to conceal the designs of a wicked heart. The first religious services were held at the house of Isaac Martin. In the winter season preaching was held in the neighbors dwellings. In the summer time * * * " In the darkling wood, Amidst the cool and silence, they knelt down, And offered to the Mightiest solemn thanks And supplication." * * * Men carried their guns to church, not to shoot their fellow-man, but to defend themselves against the attacks of wild animals. They also wore leather breeches, hunting-shirts, moccasins, and coon-skin caps. The ladies were attired in dresses of cloth, made from nettles, gathered from the bottoms, after partially decaying, and " broken," as flax. They also wore leathern aprons. The first school house was built by the settlers on Ogg's branch, in section four, township fifty-one, range twenty-eight. The thing built was but a rude, unsightly hut. The logs were unhewn; the roof was of rough boards, weighted to the rafters with heavy poles; the chimney was made of sticks, and the floor was the naked ground. The seats were puncheons, set on pegs, inserted into holes near either end. The writing desk was of the same material, but larger, and placed on longer pegs. A log, taken from either side of the house, and the apertures closed with greased paper, formed the windows. A hobby-horse stood in the corner, for the accommodation of refractory pupils. In this house, in the spring and summer of 1819, was taught the first school ever taught in the county, and Meaddors Vanderpool was the teacher. It was a subscription school, and the master was paid in calves, buck-skins, and wild honey. All the first settlers did their own domestic labor. The weaving of cloth was done at home bv mothers and daughters, and, in many cases, as HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 209 already stated, the cloth was the product of nettles or thistles, with which, at that day, the countr}' abounded. Corn meal was made by putting the f^rain into a mortar, and pulver- izing it by pounding with a pestle. The meal was sifted through home- made sieves, formed of buckskin and wire. In 1817 the settlei;?, anticipating an attack from the Indians, and for their general safety and protection, built, on the Missouri, southeast of where Camden now stands, what they called a fort. A circular enclosure, made by setting cottonwood posts in the earth, formed the stockade. In the center of this was a block-house, made of heavy timber, and provided with loop-holes. The fort was called North Bluflton, and was the first village founded in Missouri territory west of Grand, and north of the Missouri river. It stood close to the river bank, but the stream has long since changed its channel, and the site of North Bluffton is overgrown with trees and herbage. All the settlers entered the fort and lived therein for some time, but really to no purpose, as it was never necessary to use it as a barrier of defense. The Indians were friendly, and seemed influenced more by a desire to pilfer, than by motives of hostility. The first settlement was a nucleus around which others were rapidly formed. In March, 1818, John, Richard, Samuel, Zachariah, William, and Jesse Cleavenger, Isaac Allen, John Hutchings, Lewis, Samuel, and Jacob Tarwater, James Wells, and William R. Blythe (a trapper), settled in Fishing river bottom, in the southwestern part of the count3\ They, too, were all from middle and east Tennessee. The next year R. Lewis McCoskrie, a native of Bourbon county, Ken- tucky, settled in the same locality: Captain Jacob Riffe, from Casey county, Kentucky, a little further to the east, in township fifty-one, range twenty-eight, and Dorcdle Rowland and David Fletcher, on sections three and ten, township fifty-one, range twenty-nine, respectively. They came from Indiana directly: originally from North Carolina. The above settlers all came to stay, and were sober, industrious, hon- est men. Several of them held county and township ofiices at different times. John Cleavenger was the first settler between his house and the Iowa line. He afterwards became a justice o fthe peace; served two years as sherifl', and from 1856 to 1858, represented the county in the state general assem- bly. He was a worthy and useful citizen, and many of his descendants are yet living in the county. Jesse Cleavenger lost his life b}' falling from a second story window of a farm house, in which religious services were being held when the acci- 'dent occurred. 210 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY R. Lewis McCoskrie still lives where he settled sixty-two years ago. His name is untarnished. Jas. Wells was appointed, by the first state legislature, one of the com- missioners to locate the permanent seat of justice of Ray county. Capt. Jacob Rifle was widely known and esteemed. His name is yet familiar in every part of the county. His marriage to Miss Rutha Mar- tin, February 15, 1821, by B. D. Bowmer, a justice of the peace, was among the first solemnized in the county; and his son, William C, was the first white child born in what is now Richmond township. Samuel Cleavenger served several terms as justice of the county court. William R. Blythe was twice elected to represent Ray in the general assembly, and was her first state senator. Isaac Allen became a judge of the county court. The settlement was called " the Tarwater settlement," in honor of Jacob Tarwater. The physicians who practiced in the neighborhood jn 1818, and thereaf- ter, were: Dr. W. P. Thompson, Dr. A. B. Ralph, who is now (April, 1881,) living at Albany, this county, and Dr. John Sappington, an emi- nent physician, who died at his home, near Arrow Rock, in Saline county, September 7, 1856. {Dr. Sappington was the originator and proprietor of '•'■Saffington^s Anii Fever Pilh^'' which attained immense popularity and were extensively sold — in some places passing as a medium of exchange— throughout the eastern, middle, western, and southern states.) The first ministers were Rev. William Turnage and Rev. Finis Clark, Baptists. Services were held at the house of Jacob Tarwater, a pious, pure-minded man, in section 10, township 51, 29. The school house was a mean little cabin, similar to the one already described, situated near the Tarwater place. The teacher was one Mun- holland: the number of pupils twent}^ and the tuition $2.50 per quarter per pupil, a slight improvement, surely, on the Vanderpool school in the matter of compensation. If, in point of fact, less remunerative, it showed progression in method, at least. The early setders were, of course, compelled to endure many hardships and privations. To detail all these would require greater space than the plan of this work will allow. Suffice it to say that mills, markets, etc., were from forty to seventy miles distant, and, as there were no roads, or at best very inferior ones, the mills and markets were accessable only with difficulty. For a long time the nearest horse-mill was forty miles distant, and sugar and coffee (tea being a luxury in pioneer life rarely indulged in,) were to be obtained only at Fort Osage, on the south bank of the Missouri, in Jackson county. In 1818 Isaac Martin built a horse-mill near his residence on Crooked HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 211 river, and shortly afterward John C. Bates erected a similar mill in Bluft- ton. These mills had each a capacity of about twenty-five bushels per dav. The roads leading to them were poor and lonely, but necessity forced persons living from twenty-five to thirty miles away to patronize them. Having reached the mill, the applicant was compelled to remain from three to five days, waiting for his grain to be ground, meanwhile subsist- ing on game and wild honey, using parched corn in lieu of bread. Trade in live-stock, other than "swapping" horses, was almost unknown. There were few cattle; and they could be bought, when found, at from three to twenty dollars, according to age, size or quality. The average price of pork, which was exceedingly scarce, was about one dollar and fifty cents per hundred weight, and a market for that com- modity was not easily found. In fact, the first settlers had no hogs. Much time in the early fall was spent in laying in a supply of meat for the winter, and venison hams, nicely cured, formed a considerable portion of the pioneer's food. The wild hog was in the woods, and the pioneer, being an unerring marksman, never failed to bring him down, save when his usually faithful flintlock " hung fire." The streams abounded with fish, and " gigging" was a favorite recrea- tion of the early settler. But this pastime could be enjoyed only at night and when the streams were clear and shallow. Near the front end of a canoe, five or six boards were laid crosswise, thus forming a small plat- form, which was covered with mud or mortar. On this a fire was built of dry wood, a supply of which for the night was prepared and placed in the canoe. One man sat at the rear, and with a paddle noiselessly pro- pelled the canoe, while another stood near the front and thrust his long- handled gig into the fish as he saw it by the light of the fire. But little money was in circulation, and happily little was required. The scalps of wolves and foxes, for which the law provided a pecuniary reward, were often used to pay taxes; and furs, buckskins, beeswax and wild honey were bartered in the stores. Many of the settlers being with- out gold or silver, the only mednim receivable by the government in pay- ment of lands entered, actually deposited with the land agent, at his office in Franklin, doe-skins and beeswax in payment of their indebtedness for land. From this fact the skins so deposited acquired the appellation of "land office money." Bank notes of all the states were in circulation, and were received at par as a medium of exchange between the settlers, but were not "land office { money." A United States bill was very seldom met with, and gold and silver were extremely scarce, being used only in entering land and in the payment of expenses incident to the land office. 212 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Of course none of the vast multitude of labor and time-saving inven- tions, wrought out by the ingenuity of man, were in the hands of the early settlers, on the wild western borders. All domestic and mechanical labor was performed by the settlers. There were few carpenters among them ; skilled artisans were scarce; hence, every man was his own mechanic. Many agricultural implements; all wearing apparel, and nearly all house- hold articles were made at home. Rude and unshapely as they were_, they answered every purpose, and nobody complained because they were no better. The idler was not tolerated; the housewife was untiring: the husband provident; the children dutiful. Thus lived the First Settlers. " Nor you, ye proud, impute to thetn the fault, If memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise, , Where thro' the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault, The pealing anthem swells the note of praise." INDIANS. The Indians inhabiting this section when first visited b}' white settlers, and for several years afterwards, were the Sacs and lowas. They claimed the country as their own, and, of course, regarded the whites as intruders; yet they were friendl}', and, though perhaps regretfully, with- out resistance yielded dominion to the superior, incoming Caucasian. A few deeds of blood and plunder were committed by savages who occasionally stole into the country from more war-like tribes, but tradition has no graver charge to prefer against the Sacs and lowas than begging, pilfering and the like. They were not given to such dastardly deeds of despoliation and murder as the ancient Iroquois ; nor were the}^ so barbar- ous as the neighboring Osage. The white men, women and children soon became thoroughly familiar with the "poor Indian," and the latter's appearance excited no alarm. One day in Jul}', 1818, a band of marauding savages, belonging to the Osage tribe, camped in the yard of a Mrs. Macelroy, a widow, living near the mouth of Fishing river. The Indians built fires in the yard, and began cooking and eating roasting ears, pilfering, shooting pigs, and driving awa}-^ the horses. The only inmates of the house were the two persons who lived there— the widow and her little son, aged ten. The latter was sent to the house of Mr. Martin Parmer, a near neighbor, to tell him of the presence of the savages; of their depredations, and to seek HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 213 his assistance. Parmer, on receiving the message, seized his gun; a grown, SQfL did the same, and, accompanied by the boy, the two hastily proceeded to the widow's house, on reaching which, the boy entered by the back door. By this time all the Indians had left but seven, who were still in the yard. Parmer and his son tired upon them, killing two. The rest ran into the house, where the mother and son were trembling with fear. With their tomahawks, the savages cut off two of the boy's fin- gers, and inflicted other severe wounds, but failed to kill him. The elder Parmer climbed upon the roof and commenced tearing off the boards, whereupon one of the Indians ran out of the house, attempting to escape; but Parmer fired upon him from the house-top, and brought the savage to the ground. His firearm discharged, Parmer drew a butcher-knife, hastily descended, and ran to the wounded Indian. The latter, insolent even in the moment of death, turned upon his back and attempted to spit in th*i face of his antagonist, when Parmer, with his butcher-knife, cut the Indian's throat " from ear to ear." The father and son killed three of the four remaining savages; the other, though severely wounded, made his escape. The six dead Indians were dragged to a deep gully and thrown in. This bloody rencounter alarmed the settlers; they expected the Indians to seek revenge; the latter, however, showed no disposition to retaliate. Stephen Fields, who will be remembered as one of the original settlers in the Buffalo neighborhood, about 1820, moved to the blufls, on Crooked river, near where the present poor farm is situated. The Indians com- menced killing his hogs. At this Fields was greatly enraged, and, taking his gun, one morning, went into the woods, and came upon three Indians, also with guns. Fields told the Indians they had been killing his hogs, and to pnckachee (get awa^F). The savages bitterly denied the accusa- tion, but Fields insisted that he was not mistaken; he knew they had been killing his hogs. Unable to pacify the old man, the three Indians seized him, stripped ofl" his shirt, and, with the ramrod of his own gun, flogged him unmercifully, lacerating his back in a horrible manner, they told him \.o -puckachec. That he did^ is not a "rash presumption. This outrageous affair caused great excitement. Mr. Fields was an old man, sixty years of age, and greatly esteemed by his neighbors. The people were aroused. A company was raised to follow and punish the savages. The latter, anticipating retaliation, decamped long before sun- rise the following morning. When their pursuers, about sunrise, reached the camp the Indians had deserted, their flres were still burning. Hair, bones, feet and flesh of the hogs they had killed were scattered around. The indignant whites pursued the Indians as far as Grand river, which the latter swam, thus baffling their pursuers. Returning to their homes, the whites found, at many places in the 214 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. woods, venison hams hanging in the trees. They had been hung up by the Indians to dry. A venerable gentleman, who was living near the scene of the occur- rence just related, at the date thereof, who was one of the party of orig- inal settlers, and has always lived in the county, assures the writer that he remembers of no other deeds of violence committed by the Sacs and lowas. They were generally very friendly. On one occasion, a party of surveyors (Meaddors and Holland Vander- pool being two of the pJirty, the former surveyor-in-chief), was camped in the woods. It was a rainy day in autumn, and the men remained in their tent for shelter— availing themselves, meauAvhile, of the excellent opportunity of washing their leather breeches and hunting shirts. About ten days were required in which to complete their survey. The party was busily engaged in washing their wearing apparel, when, out of the rainfgll, six Indians stepped into the tent. They at once began making a variety of significant gestures, such as picking up ashes and putting them to their lips, plainly indicating that what they wanted was salt, an article of which the party had on hand in a little bag lying in sight, about a quart. Their request not being complied with, the Indians proposed to exchange for the salt a butcher-knife they had brought along, and their powder and bullets, ejaculating, as they held out the articles, "how swap!" "how swap!" The reply came, "no swap!" " no swap." Meantime, the white men had begun to sniff, and hold their noses, as an odor, not agree- able to every olfactor, was permeating the atmosphere of the little tent; and suddenly, a big Indian thrust from under his blanket, next to his skin, a genuine skunk^ exclaiming, " how swap pon}' cat," " how swap pony cat," his companions, at the same time, gabbling like a flock of geese. The whites, at once comprehending the ruse, failed to disperse, and again replied, "no swap," "no swap." Foiled in this trick, the big Indian at once invented another; a mark was made on a tree, some paces in front of the tent, at which five of the Indians, standing in the tent door, consec- utively shot. No sooner had the fifth fired, than the five ran toward the tree, as if to see which had won. This was to attract the white's atten- tion — and it did so. In the excitement the big Indian deftly slipped the bag of salt under his blanket, and ran in the direction of the mark, but he never stopped there. The surveyors were compelled to eat fresh meat without salt about ten days. It is a well-known fact, that the Indians were exceedingly fond of honey, and yet remarkably afraid of bees. Holland Vanderpool and Daniel Riggs — youngest son of Timothy — were one day cutting a bee tree in the forest. Two Indians came up, but being afraid, not of the men, but of bees, stood at some distance looking on. The tree was soon felled to the ground, and the large, rich, delicious comb taken from its hollow. While HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 215 the process of "robbing" was going on, the Indians stood making signs, by thrusting out their hands in a grasping manner and returning them to their mouths, which stood ajar, to indicate that they wanted some honey. Mr. Vanderpool, proverbially generous, took a large piece to each of them. They expressed their gratitude by tenderly stroking him on the breast, and by the exclamation, " good muck-a-man, " " good muck-a-man. " Be- sides being afraid of bees, the Indians were too lazy to cut the trees. Laziness is one of the chief characteristics of the Indian. All heavy work and drudgery are forced upon the squaws. It will be seen, then, that the early settlers of Ray county suffered little on account of the Indians. They were fortunate in locating in the midst of friendlv tribes— the Sacs and lowas. ORGANIZATION. Ray county was originally a part of Howard count}', but by act of the legislature, approved November 16, 1820, to take effect January- 1, 1821, it was formally organized as a separate and distinct county, and named in honor of the Hon. John Ray, one of the delegates from Howard county to the convention which met in St. Louis, in June, 1820, for the purpose of framing a state constitution preparatory to the admission of Missouri into the union. The legislative act establishing Ray county defined her territory to be, " all that part of Howard county west of Grand river to the boundary line of this state;" and then went on to declare that all that portion of country lying north of the county of Ray, and west of the range line dividing ranges twenty-one, and twenty-two, to the northern and western boundar}'^ of the state should be attached to said county of Ray for all purposes, civil, military and judicial. Ray, it should be remembered, was organized while the rich and beau- tiful area acquired under the celebrated " Platte Purchase " was yet an Indian reservation. It was not till 1836, that that sagacious, far-seeing states- man, Thomas H. Benton, succeeded in procuring the passage of a bill through congress providing for the removal of the Indians farther west- ward, and the adding of their territory to Missouri. When Ray county, therefore, was established it extended to the western border of the state, or to what has since become that portion of Missouri containing the coun- ties of Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Holt, Nodaway and Platte, known as the " Platte Purchase;" and it then comprised within its limits all that broad and beautiful expanse of country now divided into the prosperous counties of Worth, Gentry, DeKalb, Clinton, Clay, Ray, Harrison, Mer- cer, Grundy, Livingston and Carroll. 216 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Article VI. of the act organizing Ray county, provides that, " when a division of said county of Ray may become necessary, the boundary line of said count)'^ shall be as follows, to-wit: Beginning in the middle of the main channel of the Missouri river, at the range line between ranges twenty-five and twenty-six; thence with said line north to the township line dividing townships fifty-five and fifty-six; thence west with said line to the line dividing ranges twenty-nine and thirty ; thence south with said line to the middle of the main channel of the Missouri river; thence down the middle of the, main channel thereof to the place of beginning." It will be observed that the present limits of the county correspond with those set forth in the above article, save as to the northern boundary line, which, in fact, is that separating townships fifty-four and fifty-five, instead of those numbered fifty-five and fifty-six. The latter townships are in Caldwell county. Section XX of "an act defining the Hmits of the several counties in this state," approved February 16, 1825, provides as follows: '■'■That all that portion of territory bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Missouri river, due south of the termination of range line between ranges twent3^-five and twenty-six, north of said river, and running thence north, with range line to the town- ship line dividing townships ^^/y-//«r£^ 3.nd Jifty-/our\ thence with said line west to the range line between ranges twenty-nine and thirty; thence south with said range line to the middle of the main channel of the Mis- souri river; thence down said river, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the beginning, shall compose the county of Ray: Provided^ That all the territorv not included in said boundaries, Iving east of the ranges twenty-nine and thirt\% south of the northern boundary of the state, west of Chariton county, and north of the Missouri river; and all that part of the county of Ray which is stricken otY b}^ the before men- tioned boundary line lying north of the before mentioned boundry of said county, be attached to, and form part of said county of Ray for all pur- poses, civil and military, until otherwise provided by law." It will thus be seen that — excluding the territory attached for "civil and military purposes" — the above mentioned boundaries are the same as the present confines of the county, e.xccft that, this time, the northern limit is the township fine separating townships ^"/)'-///;r(f and fifty-four^ whereas, Article VI of the act establishing the county provided that when- ever it should become necessary to divide the county, its northern boundary should be the township line between townships fifty-five and fifty-six. This line is the space of one township norths and that mentioned in the act of February, 1825, the same distance south of the existing northern boundary line — which was fixed December 26, 1836, when Cald- well county was formed out of the northern part of Ray. Clay county was HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 217 erected January 2, 1822, from the western part of Ray, and Carroll Jan- uary 2, 1833, from the eastern portion. The formation of these counties, together with Caldwell, above mentioned, left Ray with her present boundaries. Isaac Martin, James Wells, John Harris, John Turner, and Jonathan Liggett were appointed by the legislature commissioners, " with full power and authority to point out and fix upon the most suitable place in the county of Ray, whereon to erect a court house and jail;" and the place they, or a majority of them, selected was to be the permanent seat of justice for said county of Ray. The act provided that the first courts of the county should be holden at the town of Bluffton, unless the com- missioners should previously point out another place for holding said courts. The commissioners were authorized by law to receive as a dona- tion, a good and sufficient title in fee simple to such tract of land or town lots as they, or a majority of them, should deem most convenient for a county-seat for the county of Ray, containing not less than fifty, nor more than two hundred acres of land; and if such donation could not be obtained, the commissioners, in that event, were empowered to purchase a similar quantity of land, without any reservation whatever, for the pur- poses aforesaid. They were to pay in cash, ten dollars per acre. The deeds by them received were to be submitted to the circuit court for approval, and if approved by the court, the commissioners were to cause the land to be laid off in town lots, or squares. They were further authorized lo sell said lots, first reserving such as might be necessary for public buildings, and the money received from their sale was to be applied, first, "to the building of a good and sutiicient jail, and the remainder toward the building of a court house and other public buildings." The commissioners were notified of their appointment, by the governor, and were required to take an oath, or affirmation before some judge, or justice of the peace of 'Ray county, to faithfully and impartially discharge the duties assigned them, and that they would not select any place for a seat of justice, w^herein they, or any one of them, were directly or indirectly interested in the soil. They were required to render a true account of their proceedings to the circuit court at each term thereof, after their several appointments; they were also required to give bond, with at least two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the judge of the circuit court. On and after the first day of January, 1821, the county of Ray was vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities of a separate and distinct county. It then became lawful for the sheriff, coroner and con- stable to " do and perform" all duties which those officers were required to do in the county of Howard; and all suits and actions then pending in 14 218 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the county of Howard, were to be tried and determined in the same man- ner as though no division had taken place; all fees, fines, forfeitures, judgments due on the first day of January, or to become due in pursu- ance of suits, processes, taxes, or proceedings then commenced, were to be collected in the same manner as if the act creating the county of Ray had never been passed. Justices of the peace in the county of Ra}-, w^ho acted as such while it was included within the county of Howard, had full power and authority to proceed in all cases commenced, or judgments given before them as justices of the peace for the county of Howard. Any person who acted as justice of the peace for that part of the county of Howard which fell into the county of Ray, was required to deliver to some justice of the peace of the towmship in which he resided " all dock- ets, documents, papers, and books," which belonged or related to his office of justice, " whole, safe and undefaced." The justice to whom they were delivered, receipted for the same, and it became his duty to proceed on such dockets, etc., in the same manner as the justice would have done had the act never been passed. The first circuit court convened at Bluflton, on the Missouri river, in February, 1821, and the first county court at the same place in April of the same year. A district judge, three county justices, a county and cir- cuit clerk, and a sheriff, whose names will be given at the proper place in a succeeding chapter, were duly appointed. Thus was the municipal machinery of Ray county set in motion ; and, save during a memorable period due to no default of her citizens, it has ever since continued to run smoothly and without retardation. FIRST COUNTY SEAT, AND EARLY MUNICIPAL HISTORY. The legislature, as already stated, by the act organizing Ray as a sep- arate county, made Bluffton, on the Missouri river, its temporary set of justice. There, of course, the courts were to be held, and all county business transacted, until the commissioners appointed to select a site for the permanent location of the county seat, should have performed that duty according to law; and until the title papers, conveying the land donated to, or purchased by them should be duly approved by the judge of the circuit court as the law provided. Such approval, as the sequel will show, was most tardily obtained; and, owing to the difficulty in selecting a more eligible place, to which a perfect legal title could be given, Blufiton continued to enjoy the distinction of being the " Seat of Justice" of a new, but large and prosperous county, for nearly seven years. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 219 Tradition tells many interesting stories of " Old Bluffton," once a smil- ing village on the banks of the broad Missouri, "Where health and plenty cheered the laboring swain " — but it no longer exists, save in name, on the early official records, by traditional evidence, and in the memories of the oldest living inhabitants. In the latter repositories it must soon perish, as the oldest residents are fast joining the "innumerable caravan that travel to the pale realms of shade;" by the other means, however, aided — let us indulge the hope — by the pages of this volume, it will, no doubt, enjoy a longevity extending far beyond the limits of the present generation. In 1821, William B. Martin, Robert Nicholson and Timothy Riggs were the tavern-keepers of Blufl- ton. They received their licenses— for which each paid a " tax " of ten dollars — from the county court. Martin afterwards became a justice of the county court, and held other public positions of trust and profit. Timothy Riggs was a man of some prominence — a naive^ garrulous, good-natured landlord, in whose house the first circuit and county courts were held. The records contain no mention of Nicholson and tradition fails to hand him down. Ray county was organized before the ingenuity of man made the very elements subservient to his will. Not yet did the " rail-car snort from strand to strand ; " and, in order to reach the seat of justice, on its south- ern border, persons in remote parts of the county, which then extended northward to the Iowa state line and westward to the Indian reservation, were compelled to traverse many miles either afoot or on horseback, as necessity required; and were often on the road from four to six days. This fact, doubtless, more than any other, made " tavern-keeping " profit- able even in the country; and many persons were licensed by the county court to "keep tavern," at their residences, in diflferent local- ities in the county— a privilege lasting one year, and for which each licensee was required to pay a "tax" of ten dollars. Besides those already enumerated, Isaac Martin and Martin Parmer were among the early " tavern keepers." Of the former we shall have more to say here- after. Parmer, familiarly known as " Ring-Tail Painter," was a noted pioneer. He came to this county about the year 1816. In the fall of 1817 he built a log cabin near Grand river, in what is now De Witt town- ship, Carroll county, and established himself for the winter to engage in trapping. The cabin erected by Parmer is said to have been the first ever built within the present limits of Carroll county. Parmer was a celebrated Indian fighter, and in another place in these pages it shall be our pleasure to give an account of his heroic defense of helpness inno- cence. He was exceedingly eccentric in habit, rough in manners, unlet- tered, but warm-hearted, brave, generous and daring. He preferred the seclusion of the wilderness to the abodes of civilization ; yet he became a 220 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. politician, joining this pursuit to that of trapper and Indian fighter; and was the first man to represent Chariton county in the state general assem- bly. He first settled in Howard, afterwards Ray county, where he Hved a number of years, endearing himself by deeds of valor, as well as by offices of kindness, to all his fellow-pioneers. William Turnage, an Old School Baptist, was the village preacher of Bluffton. He also conducted religious worship at various places in the county. He was among the first settlers, and will be remembered as one of the pioneer preachers of the west; a devout and pure-minded man, whose earnest exhortations taught many souls to " flee from the wrath to come." But Rev. Turnage was not the only minister. Others, whose names will be mentioned hereafter, labored with him, and with equal fervor and fidelity. The first legal judicial tribunal that ever sat in Ray county, was the circuit court, and it was held in the town of Bluffton, Monday, the 19th day of February, 1821. David Todd personally appeared, and produced a commission fi*om the governor of Missouri, appointing him judge of the first judicial circuit — Ray being one of the counties of that circuit. As this was among the first commissions granted by the first governor of the state, it is sub- joined in full: "Alexander McNaik, Governor of the State of Missouri: To all who shall see these Presents^ Greeting: — Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, learning and ability of David Todd, Esq., I have nominated, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, do appoint him circuit judge of the first judicial circuit in the state of Missouri, and do authorize and empower him to discharge the duties of said office according to law. To have and to hold the said office, with all the rights, privileges and emoluments thereunto appertaining unto him, the said David Todd, during good behavior, unless removed according to law. " In testimony whereof, I have hereunto affixed my private seal (there being no seal of state yet provided.) " Given under my hand at St. Louis, the 5th day of December, A. D., 1830, and of the independence of the United States, the 45th. "A. McNaik. [seal,] "By the governor: "Joshua Barton, Secretary of State." Hamilton R. Gamble, appointed by the supreme court, commissioned by the governor, was the first prosecuting attorney for the first judicial cir- cuit. He was present and entered upon the duties of his office. John Harris was appointed sheriff, and William L. Smith, clerk. The following persons composed the FIRST GRAND JURY: John Vanderpool, foreman; William Tunnidge, Josiah Barns, Joseph HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 221 Dickson, William Scott, John Dickson, Daniel Shackelford, Samuel Prew- €tt, William Rawlings, Charles Scott, James R. Walker, Jesse Fletcher, David Bryant, Daniel Duvall, Samuel Oliphant, William Ragan and Huorh Valandingham. The grand jury retired and consulted, but having nothing to present were discharged. 'Twere better for the country, if modern grand juries were sfenerallv discharged for a similar reason. At this first term of court, Hamilton R. Gamble, Peyton R. Hayden and John T. McKinne}^, were the lawyers present. They were authorized to practice in the circuit court of Ra}-, and after allowing Timothy Riggs three dollars for the use of his house, the court adjourned till " court in course " — having been in session one day. The following are the first bills of indictment, and they were presented at the second term of the circuit court, held June IS, 1821 : The State of Missouri, vs. Lewis Richards: " Indictment for selling less than twenty gallons of whisky, without having obtained "a license for retailing spirituous liquors. A true bill." The State of Missouri, vs. LOVELL SnOWDEN AND Zadoc Martin: " Indictment for an affray. A true bill. " Richards plead " not guilty," but a verdict was rendered against him, and he was fined one hundred and twenty dollars and costs. The fine, however, was subsequently remitted by the governor. Snowden and Martin plead " guilty," and were fined five dollars each. The first civil suits were instituted in the circuit court as follows: February Term^ 1822. Samuel Sweet, Plaintiffs \ vs. > In case. Joel Estes, Defenduni. ) October Term, 1822. Henry Guest, Plaintiff, \ vs. r In case. Samuel Crowley, Defendant. ) March Term, 182J. William Hunter, Plaintiff, \ vs. y In trespass. Solomon Odell, Defendant. \ Among the items of interest connected with the now extinct Bluftton, worthy to be noted on the historian's page, is the number of eminent law- yers who practiced there. 222 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Nearly, if not quite all of the following persons who practiced at the Bluftton bar, distinguished themselves either as jurists, advocates, orators or statesmen: Hamilton R. Gamble, Peyton R. Hayden, Jno. T. McKinney, George Tompkins, Cyrus Edwards, Dabney Carr, Almstead S. Grundy, Corne- lius Burnett, Jno. F. Ryland, Amos Rees and Gen. Dufl^ Green. So bright a constellation of forensic talent rarely illumines the court room of more modern times. A deep interest is always associated w\\.h.Jirst occurrences in the history of a country or community — with the Jirst act beginning, or leading to, an important era, or great event — with the Jirst person to do a thing memorable for its consequences — with Jirst instruments of writing. Men of after times love to move backward, " through the vista of departed years," to the beginning of universal history, and then, specifically, to the first events, acts, things, men and documents of their own nation, state or county. The first performers in any great political, social, or military epoch are remembered simply because they were first. Even the person first to do an act, in itself insignificant, is often held in long remembrance, provided it happens to be the Jirst in a series of paramount importance. First papers, documents, records, after the lapse of years, are looked upon with reverence. So with a particular spot, marking the scene of some Jirst important historic event. Jamestown, Virginia, is remarkable only because it is the site of the first permanent English settlement in America. For that reason, the American heart holds its memory dear. Sir Isaac Newton was a man of superior mind and great learning, but had he not been j^r5/ to ascertain the existence of a great philosophical truth, he must have remained in comparative obscurity. Columbus was the first white man to set foot on the West Indies, and John and Sebastian Cabott, the first to touch the mainland of North America ; therefore we cherish their memory. Edwin Ruffin, it is said, was the life-long personal and political friend of Calhoun, but that is a matter of no interest. On the morning of April 12, 1861, however, a ball from a Confederate cannon crashed against the solid granite walls of Fort Sumter. It was the first shot of the civil war. Whether Edwin Ruffin ever fired another is not known, but he fired the first, and thereby gained a place in history. Things FIRST are always prolific and proper material for the historian's pen. This is our apology for having already alluded to matters Jirst in the history of Ray county, and for frequent similar mention which will occur in the progress of the work. Subjoined is the first declaration of intention presented to a Ray county HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 223 tribunal, to become a citizen of the United States. It was presented and filed at the July term, 1823, of the circuit court: "This day came into court Patrick Darcey, and presented a petition, which is ordered to be recorded by the court, which is in the words fol- lowing: "To the honorable, the circuit court of Ray county: The petition of Patrick Darcey, a native of Swynford, of the parish of Cellscondiff, of the county of Mayo, in Ireland — being twenty-four years of age on the 10th of May, last; and who has lived in the United States of America since the month of April, 1820; and wishing to become a naturalized citizen of the said states, intending to make his residence in the county of Ray, of the state of Missouri, being in height five feet, seven inches and one half, with gray eyes, black hair, freckled face, pretty much marked with small-pox: And he would respectfully ask of this honor- able court to be permitted to avail himself of the several laws of the United States, in such cases made and provided, to enable him to become a naturalized citizen of the said states; Jand prays that this declaration may be entered of record, and, as in duty bound, he will ever pray, and so forth. Patrick M. Darcey." "Patrick Darcey, the above named declarant, appears in open court and makes oath that the facts set forth in his said petition, as above, are true. July 15th, 1823. Jon. T. Burch, Clerk." "The undersigned, citizens of the state of Missouri, and residents of the county of Ray, make oath that they have been personally acquainted with Patrick Darcey, the within named declarant, for about six months past, that the}^ believe him a well-disposed man, and have heard no charges against his general good character. W. Black. Joseph Porter. Wm. L. Black. Sworn to in open court, July 15th, 1823. Jon. T. Burch, Clerk." And so, an " exile of Erin " was the first foreigner to become a natu- ralized citizen of Ray. We presume he made a worthy citizen, and a useful member of society. If a true representative of the Emerald Isle, we knozv he paid his debts and his taxes, and was brave, generous, and unselfish. He was afterwards appointed road-overseer, and for the year 1831 was collector of the county. The circuit court continued to meet in Bluftton, at the house of Timothy Riggs, till its November term, 1 828, when it adjourned to meet in Rich- mond. The first term of the county court was held in Bluffton, commencing Monday, April 2d, 1821. Like the circuit court, the county court used the " tavern " of Timothy Riggs as a court house. John Thornton, Isaac Martin and Elisha Camron were the justices. The last named, however, did not attend till the January term, 1822, when he produced his commission, was sworn in, and took his seat. 224 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Following is the first entry of record in the proceedings of the court: *■'■ State of Missouri : " Be it remembered, that upon the first Monday of April, one thousand eight hundred and tvvent}--one, being the second day of said month, at the town of Bluftton, in the county of Ray, the same time and place being those appointed b}- laws passed at the last session of the legislature of said state, entitled, 'An act for the division of Howard county and the estab- lishment of certain counties- therein,' one of which is the said county of Ray, and also entitled, ' An act to establish judicial circuits and districts, and appointing the times ot holding courts therein.' John Thornton and Isaac Martin, being a majority of the justices of the county court, appeared, took their seats, and presented their commissions." The commissions were signed by the governor. The justices took the usual oath of office before John Shields, a justice of the peace. William L. Smith was appointed clerk of the court. As previously stated, John Harris was sheriff. The county court, at this, its first term, seems to have had considerably more business to transact than the circuit court at its first session. Town- ships and county roads were established; county and township officers appointed; ferry rights, tavern, merchant, dram-shop, and peddler's licenses granted; commissioners nominated to "superintend and preserve from waste " all school lands in the county, and William Rollins was sum- moned to appear at the next term of the court to show cause why his children should not be taken in charge by the county court for protection. A county court was then, of course, a novelty to most of the citizens, for Franklin was many miles away, and few of the denizens on the west- ern border ever visited that town; but the judges, though perhaps unlet- tered, were men endued with a goodly share of common sense, and per- formed their duties in a creditable manner. The first public road in the county, established in April, 1821, lead from Bluftton to John Thornton's mill. The first ferry license was granted to Isaac Martin, to keep a public ferry across Crooked river from his farm on the east half of the northwest quarter of section six, township fifty-one, range twenty-six. Rates for transportation by said ferry of "persons and things " were fixed by the county court. Isaac Martin was also the first road overseer. On the first Monday in August, 1822, an election was held at the house of Andrew Turpin, in Missouriton township, and at that of John Shields, in Bluftton township. The county was originally divided into two townships, Bluftton and Fishing River. The latter, however, was soon sub-divided, and Gallatin township formed thereout. Prior to the holding of the election referred to, and prior, also, to the May term, 1^22, of the court at which that elec- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 225 tion was ordered, voting precincts had been established by the court, as follows : On the " Wyaconda," to be called the " Wyaconda" precinct, to include the settlement from Grand river to the middle of range twenty-three. Place of holding elections, house of John McGaugh. On Crooked river, to be called Crooked River precinct, to include the country from the middle of range twenty-three to the Discharge (Willow creek). Place of holding election, house of Isaac Martin. At Bluffton, to be called Bluftton precinct, including the settlements from the Discharge to range line between ranges twenty-nine and thirty. Place of holding elections, Bluffton, Fishing River township. Place of holding elections, Robertsford. The court established the above precincts April 23, 1821, but no elec- tion was ever held in them, because previous to the time (August, 1822,) appointed for holding the first election, and at its May term, above men- tioned, the court reduced the number of townships to two — Bluffton and Missouriton — establishing the voting places therein as stated above. The first census of the county — an enumeration of the inhabitants only — was taken by the sheriff, John Harris, in September, 1821, a service for which he received thirty-four dollars. Returns were made to the county court, and that body found the population to be 1,789. The county's present population, as well as that of intervening years, will be given in another place; here, we will only add that it is gratifying to know, that, although reduced in area to one-twelfth its size in 1821, the number of inhabitants to-day is twelve times as great, and the increase of wealth a hundred fold. At its May term, 1822, William L. Smith resigned his position as clerk of the county court. He was an efficient officer; wrote a large, fair hand, and was a gentleman of more than ordinary intelligence. It is, perhaps, not traducing his character, to state that he was an old bachelor, and that the author finds in the records of the county court, the following entry: " Ordered, that the order of this court requiring that William L. Smith, the former clerk, should be charged with half the amount of the tax imposed upon bachelors for state purposes in 1821, be and the same is hereby revoked, and from henceforth discontinued." The first death by violence that occurred in the county, of which an official took cognizance, was that of James Buchanan, on whose body an inquest was held before William Miller, a justice of the peace, August, 1823. The first bridge erected in Ray county, was that across the Discharge — now known as Willow creek — on the road leading from Jack's ferry, on the Missouri river, to Bluffton. For the erection of this bridge, a poll 226 HIRTORY OF RAY COUNTY. tax of eighteen and three-fourths cents was levied, to be collected with the county revenue. Atfer holding its sessions in Bluftton for seven years, the county court adjourned its special term of April 5th, 1828, to meet in Richmond, the newly made county seat. George Woodward, the clerk, was ordered to move the books, papers, etc., of the county court, to his residence, near Richmond, to keep them there, and there to transact the duties of his office, until the necessary public buildings could be erected and ready for use. The basis of what we have written in this chapter is the proceedings of the early courts; and we have, besides, told the reader something of the first county seat. With that, however, as such — save as necessity requires in the succeeding chapter — we are done — but * * * u vVhen life is old. And many a scene forgot, the heart will hold Its memory of this." * * * REMOVAL OF THE COUNTY SEAT. The commissioners appointed by the general assembly to point out and determine upon a site for the permanent location of the county seat, were required, by law, to render to the circuit court, at each term thereof,, until they accomplished the end of the work assigned them, a full and correct account of their proceedings. Accordingly, at the first term of the circuit court, February, 1821, they, with the exception of John Tur- ner, appeared, took the oath of office and executed bonds in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duty. The task of the commissioners was far from an easy one. Although they labored assiduously, they failed to accomplish the object of their appointment, and the same is true of several succeeding commissions. Thus careful was Judge Todd that the title to the property, on which was to be located the permanent seat of justice, should be genuine, complete and " unclouded." At the June term, 1821, of the circuit court, John Turner joined his co-commissioners, by taking the usual oath, and they then reported to the court that they had, in pursuance of their official duty, selected a site whereon to permanently locate the seat of justice, and that it was in the the tract of land, situated on the Missouri river, owned by Duft' Green and Charles Simmons, and upon a part of which tract the town of Bluft- ton was laid out ; that the proprietors of said tract of land offered a dona- lion of fifty acres for the use of the county, and that the commissioners HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 227 were ready and willing to accept the same, as soon as the court approved the title thereto. The evidences of title were, accordingly, submitted to the court for his examination. This report was signed: James Wells, Jonathan Liggett, John Harris, John (his mark) Turner, committee. Green and Simmons entered into bond in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to make their donation worth that amount; but we find no record of the court's opinion as to the title of the property donated, but since it was never accepted as the site for the permanent location of the county seat, it is certain that the evidences of title were not approved, although they were duly signed, delivered and recorded. The commissioners, with two notable exceptions, soon began to tire of their work. At the February term, 1822, John Harris and James Wells resigned. Liggett soon followed their example, and subsequent appointees served but a short time, till they either resigned or refused further to act, thus keeping up a continuous rotation. A second report was not rendered till the July term, 1823, when the commissioners presented their report locating the county seat in the town of Blufiton, and praying the opinion of the court, as to the validity of the title to the property selected. The court suspended his opinion till " court in course" — March term, 1824 — when he decided, after having carefully viewed and examined the title papers, that the title was incomplete. At the November term— same year — the commissioners submitted a third report, selecting, this time, a tract of land containing fifty acres, in a New Madrid survey, near Bluflton. Again their labors were in vain — the court interposing the fatal objection, that the proprietor of the New Madrid location could not convey a fee simple title to any portion thereof. Thrice frustrated in their efforts ; doubtless, without hope of future suc- cess, and weary of prolonged, unrequited endeavor, the commissioners, with the exception of the untiring Martin and Turner, abandoned a work made memorable for repeated failures. The court suppHed the places of those who resigned, by the appoint- ment of Samuel Prewitt, Samuel Cleavenger and Abraham Linville, but the question of the removal of the county seat was not again seriously agitated till the spring of 1826. On Wednesday, the loth of March, the commissioners again appeared in open court, and reported that they had determined upon a site for the permanent establishment of the seat of jus- tice, in the southeast one-fourth of section ten, township fift3'^-one, range twenty-eight, west of the fifth principal meridian, on land of Jeremiah Crowley. The court took time to examine the title to the ground reported, and while we have been unable to find his opinion entered of record, it was certain!}' rendered, approving the title to Crowley's place; for, only six days afterward, Crowley and wife conveyed the same b}^ deed to the com- 228 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. missioneers, to the use of the county of Ra}^ and subsequently, the county court " ordered that the title papers of Jeremiah Crowley, donating to the county of Ray, fifty acres of land, for the purposes of a county seat for said county, be committed for record." Accordingly on the 8th of October, 1827, the deed, having been properly signed and acknowl- edged, was duly recorded in the recorder's office. The land donated was surveyed on the day of the execution of the deed, by one Weekly Dale> and contained fifty-one acres — one acre being reserved for " meeting house." But, the county seat was never moved to Crowley's place. At its May term, 1829, the count}' court appointed Hardy Holman commis- sioner on behalf of the county " to convey back to Jeremiah Crowley, a tract of fifty acres, donated by said Crowley to the county of Ray, for the purposes of locating thereon a county seat." The law provided that when the seat of justice was removed, it should be to some central situa- tion. Crowley's place was certainly far from the center of the county. Friday, August 18th, 1820, the county court — convened in special ses- sion — took up the consideration of the petition of sundry inhabitants of the county, praying for a removal of the seat of justice to some more central point. From a careful examination of the assessor's books, the court found the number of taxable inhabitants to be two hundred and thirty- nine, and on counting the legal subscribers to said petition, there were found to be one hundred and thirty-eight names of persons legally quali- fied to sign the same. This number not being three-iifths of the taxable inhabitants of the county — as the amended law then required, — the peti- tion was dismissed from further consideration. A change in the law, repealing the act of 1821, touching the removal of county seats, required the county court, on petitition of three-fifths of the taxable population of a county, praying for a removal of the seat of justice, to appoint five per- sons, non-residents of the county, desiring a change in the location of its county seat, as commissioners to " view, select and report to said court a proper situation, near the centre of the county, whereon to locate the seat of justice." At its November term, Monday, November 6, 1826, the county court considered a second petition, numerously signed, praying, as before, a removal of the seat of justice to a more central situation- The court was satisfied, after examination, that more than three-fifths of the signers were legally qualified; they therefore granted the prayer of the petition, and appointed the following persons commissioners to "view, select and report" a proper site for the permanent location of the county seat: John Stepp, James Warren and Markham Triston, of Lafayette county, and Elisha Camron and Charles English, of Cla}^ county. The commissioners were required to meet at the house of Joseph Cox, of Ray county, and " there to discharge the duties enjoined on them by HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 229 law." The sheriff was ordered to notify each commissioner of his apoint- ment. Whether this commission ever selected a site for the county seat, or whether it ever met, is not known, as the official records contain no further mention of it. It is quite certain, however, that it did nothing, as at a special term, held in April, 1827, the court again considered a similar peti- tion, and, for like reasons, appointed the following new commission: John Stepp, Markham Triston and William Owens, of Lafayette county; Andrew Robertson and Eppe Tillory, of Clay county. They were directed to meet at the residence of John Woolard, of Ray count}^ and the sheriff was ordered to advertise said meeting by posting placards in ten of the most public places in the county. The commissioners met promptly at the appointed time, May 5, 1827, and selected as a site on which to locate the permanent seat of justice of Ray county, the " Woolard place," in the southwest quarter of fractional section thirty, township fifty-two, range twenty-seven; and on the same day, in behalf of the county, received a deed thereto from John Woolard, Isaac Thornton, William B. Martin, and William Thornton, the proprietors thereof. The deed was duly acknowledged May 30, approved by the judge of the circuit court July 20, and so certified to the county court; filed for record October 2, and recorded October 8, 1827. Friday, July 20, 1827, the count}' court convened in special session, for the purpose of ordering an election for voting on a proposition to remove the county seat to the place selected by the commissioners. Judges of election were appointed for the four tow^nships — Bluftton, Missouriton, Fishing River, and Crooked River — which then composed the county, and the 20th and 21st of the following August were appointed the days for holding said election. Monday, September 24, 1827, the county court again met in special ses- sion to canvass the result of the election. An examination of the poll- books of the several townships showed the whole number of " good " votes cast to be one hundred and sixty-three, of which one hundred and eight are a majority. The court, therefore, declared that " the place peti- tioned for, called ' Woolard's place,' should be the permanent seat of jus- tice" of Ray county. Thus, after a prolonged, varied, and arduous efibrt of more than six years, a location for the permanent county seat was legally determined upon. But Bluftton, as a county seat, was not immediately abandoned. A new town was to be laid out, and the necessary public buildings erected — a work requiring twelve months to accomplish; hence, Bluffton remained, practically, the seat of justice during that period. William S. Miller was appointed commissioner of the new seat of jus- tice. 230 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The land was to be surveyed and laid oft^ into town lots, streets, and alleys, by October 15, 1827; and an order was issued, naming Thursday, the 25th of that month, as the time — to be continued from day to day — for their sale at public auction. It was ordered that the sale be advertised in some newspaper, published in the state; and, after bestowing on the embryo city the name of Richmond, in honor of the capital metropolis of the " Old Dominion," the court adjourned. At a special term, held Monday, October 22, 1827, a plat of Richmond, accompanied by his report, was submitted to the county court by Com- missioner Miller. The survey of the town had been completed, under the commissioners' direction, by Thomas N. Aubry, Esq., county sur- veyor. The court appointed William Thornton superintendent of county build- ings; and, at its special term, April 5, 1828, he submitted a plan for a jail, which the court accepted, provided the cost thereof would not exceed four hundred dollars. The contract for building was let to Sebourn J. Miller. # The court, having no further business to transact, adjourned, having met for the last time in Bluffton. The first county court held in the county, outside of that town, con- vened Monday, May 5, 1828, at the residence of George Woodw^ard, near Richmond. William P. Thompson, Sebourn J. Miller, and Isaac Allen were the justices; Larkin Stanley, sherifT, and George Woodward, clerk. Thomas Riggs' tavern was a substitute for a court house six years; after that the dwelling of George Woodward was improvised, till a court house could be erected. The latter was completed and ready for occu- pancy March 5, 1829. At the November term, of the preceding year, S. J. Miller informed the court that he had completed the jail agreeable to his contract. The court found, however, "that the corners to said build- ing had not been sawed down." This, Miller guaranteed to have done, and the court agreed to receive the jail, and pay the contractor his last installment, of $47.25. As may be readily inferred, the jail was a log fabric of a ver}- rude and primitive kind. The only entrance was by a stairway, on the outside, leading to a solitary door that opened into a kind of garret, in the floor of which was a trap-door, or hatchway: through this the prisoners, by means of a ladder, descended to the " dungeon." The court house — for those days — was really " a structure of majestic frame." It, too, was built of logs, nicely hewn, and skillfully fitted together at the corners; the apertures between them being "chinked" with seasoned mulberry blocks, and lined on the inside with "good, shaved oak boards." The floor was made of puncheons, and the chimney was a delicate wooden one, whose symmetrical framing rose gracefully HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 231 above the gable end of a board roof; it was provided v^ith a rock back, and the hearth and jambs were of the same incombustible material. Such is the description of Ray county's first public buildings: the one for the culprits' comfort, and the other wherein justice between man and man was dispensed at stated periods in every year. But they no longer encumber the public square, having given place, years ago, to more com- modious buildings of improved architecture; their very logs have crum- bled to dust under the withering touch of time's destructive fingers. In November, 1828, the county court notified the circuit court, in writ- ng, that a "good and sufficient jail" was erected in the town of Richmond, and also, that a court house would be ready for use by its next March term. The sheriff', therefore, made public proclamation, on the adjourn- ment of the circuit court that it would hold its next term in the town of Richmond. Pursuant to this proclamation, the circuit court convened in Richmond, for the first time, Thursday, March 19, A. D., 1829. David Todd was still judge; George Woodward, clerk; Larkin Stanley, sheriflT. The following persons were on the grand jury: — William Black, foreman; Thomas Edwards, Noble Goe, Alex. Bogart, Fouche Garner, John Cleavenger, John Turner, John McCrosky, Wil- liam Mann, Benjamin Nichols, Robert Gragg, James R. Walker, Jesse Tivault, Branick Wilkinson, John Scott, and James Ball. FIRST INSTRUMENTS RECORDED. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES. State of Missouri, ( County of Ray. j Knovj all men by these presents. That I, a preacher of the gospel, did join in the holy state of matrimony, Owen Thorp and Elizabeth Hiett, as man and wife, this 10th day of June, 1821. Joel Estes. Recorded 18th June, 1821. Attest: William L. Smith, Clerk. State of Missouri, ) County of Ray, > Set. Township of Missouriton, ) Be it known, That, on this 15th day of February, 1821, I joined in the bonds of holy matrimony, Jacob RifTe and Ruth Martin; satisfactory proof having been first made of parental consent. Given from under my hand the day and date above. B. D. BowMER, y. P. Recorded on this 20th day of July, 1821. William L. Smith, Clerk. 232 history of ray county. State of Missouri, \c^ County of Ray, j ^ ' I do certify that I joined in the bonds of matrimony, John Woolard and Nancy Liles, conformably to the laws of the State. Given under my hand this 9th April, 1821. Isaac Martin, Justice Ray County Court. Recorded on this 17th day of December, 1821. Attest: William L. Smith, Clerk. State of Missouri, [ c ^ County of Ray. \ ^ ' I do certify I joined in the bonds of matrimony, Vincent Carlisle and Narcissa Black, conformably to the laws of this state. Given under my hand the 2d of December, 1821. Isaac Martin, J. C. C. Recorded on this 17th day of December, 1821. Attest: William L. Smith, Clei'k. This is to certify. That on the 20th day of December, 1821, I did join in the holy state of matrimony, Mr. Robert Morris and Miss Heftsabe Pune, both of Gallatin township and county of Ray. Given under my hand and seal, the day and date above written. John Thornton, y. P. [seal.J Recorded on the 7th day of January, 1822. Attest: William L. Smith, Clerk. FIRST SHERIFF'S COMMISSION. Alexander McNair, to all zvho shall sec these -presents, greeting: Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, vig- ilance, and ability of John Harris, I do hereby appoint him sheriff of the county of Ray, and authorize and empower him to discharge the duties of said office according to law. To have and to hold the said office, with all the powers, privileges and emoluments to the same of right appertaining, unto him, the said John Harris, until the next general election, and until a successor be dul}'^ qualified. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto affixed my private seal (there being no seal of state yet provided.) Given under my hand at St. Louis, the first day of January, A. D. 1821, and of the independence of the United States the forty-fifth. A. McNair, [seal.] By the Governor. Joshua Barton, Secretary of State. FIRST OFFICIAL BOND. Knozu all men by these presents. That we, John Harris, Martin Parmer and Thomas Officer are held and firml}- bound unto Alexander McNair, governor of the state of Missouri, and his successors in office, in the sum of five thousand dollars, current money of the United States, to which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severall)^ firmly by these presents. Sealed and dated this 19th day of February, 1821. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 233 The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas, the above bound John Harris has been legally appointed and commissioned sheriff' of the county of Ray in the said state of Missouri, and during the term, until the next general election, and until a successor shall be duly qualified. Now should he, the said John Harris, faithfully, as sheriff' of the said county of Ray, execute, fulfill and discharge all the duties of said office of sheriff for and during the time of his continuance therein, then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue. John Harris, [seal.] Martin Parmer, [seal.J Thomas Officer, [seal.] Acknowledged in open court. David Todd, Judge. BOND OP COMMISSIONERS TO SELECT SITE FOR PERMANENT SEAT OF JUSTICE. Know all men by these J)7'esents^ That we, James Wills, Jonathan Lig- gett, John Harris, Isaac Martin, as principals, and John Shields, Martin Farmer, Thomas Officer, John Hutchings, of the county of Ray and state of Missouri, are held and firmly bound unto Alexander McNair, Esquire, governor of the said state of Missouri, and his successors in office, for the use of the county of Ray, in the just and full sum of ten thousand dollars of lawful money of the United States, to the payment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this nineteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and twenty-one. The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas the above bound James Wills, Jonathan Liggett, John Harris and Isaac Martin, have been by law appointed commissioners with full power and authority to point out and fix on the most suitable plan in said county of Ray, whereon to erect a court house and jail. Now should they, the said Wills, Liggett, Harris and Martin, commissioners as aforesaid, faithfull}' and impartially' discharge their duties as commissioners of said county of Ray, and appro- priate and dispose of all moneys or propert}' that may come into their hands as commissioners aforesaid, to the sole use and benefit of said county of Ray ; and that if there should be a surplus of said money or property remaining in their hands after having compHed with the objects of their appointment, that they and each of them will, under the direction of the circuit court, pay the same into the county treasury, or to any person or persons the said court shall direct, and render at each term of the said circuit court a just and true account of how far they have performed the duties incident to the said appointment, as commissioners of the said county of Ray, then the above obligation to be void, else to remain in full force and virtue. James Wills, [seal.] Jonathan Liggett, [seal.] John Harris, [seal.] Isaac Martin, [seal.] John Shields, [seal.] Martin Parmer, [seal.] Thomas Officer, [seal.] John Hutchins, [seal.] Sealed and delivered in my presence and in open court, 15 David Todd, Judge. 234 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The following are the first conveyances of land within the present Ra}- county, made and recorded after its organization, to-wit: To all zvhom these -present shall co7)ie, greetino .• Know ye, that I, Duft' Green, of the town of Chariton and state of Missouri, for and in consideration of i»ne hundred and sixty acres of a New Madrid certificate"'^' of three hundred and thirty arpens, in the name of James Brady, numbered two hundred and thirty-two (232), this day con- veyed to me by Thomas A. Smith, of the town of Franklin and state aforesaid, according to a certain agreement entered into between the said Smith and myself to liquidate the dispute then existing between us, as regards the town of Blufi'ton, which said agreement bears date the 6th of December, 1819, 1, the said DufT Green, do, for the consideration afore- said, o-rant, bargain and sell, transfer and assign to the said Thomas A. Smith and to his heirs and assigns forever, one undivided fourth part of a location of six hundred and forty acres of land, made by virtue of a New Madrid certificate, numbered four hundred and fifty-eight (458) in th« name of Robert Lane ; said location made in township fifty-one, north, and range twenty-eight, west, north of Missouri river, reference being had to the office of the United States surveyor of this state, will more fully show the metes and bounds thereof; which said cited certificate, in the name of Robert Lane, located as aforesaid, I, the said Green, claim and own bv virtue of a regular chain of conveyance from the said Lane to myself" for either the land at New Madrid, or the certificate in him thereof. To have and to hold the said undivided fourth part of said location, together with all and singular the rights, privileges and advantages there- unto belonging, or in any wise appertaining to him, the said Thomas A. Smith, and to his heirs and assigns forever. And it is further and expressly understood that one-fourth part of the said town of Bluft'ton is hereby conveyed, and the advantages and per- •quisites from lots sold, or hereafter to be sold, are held in common, is hereby conveyed to the said Thomas A. Smith, his heirs or assigns. In testimony whereof, I, the said Duft' Green, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 12th day of January, 1821. Duff Green, [seal.] *0n the night ot December IG, 1811, at about two o'clock a. m., was felt the first great shook of the New Madrid earthquake in New Madrid county, Missouri. Shocks, compar- atively light, followed at intervals of from half an hour to an hour, till seven a. m., when a second earthquake occurred, scarcely less violent than the first. After this slight shocks were felt from time to time until January 7, 1812, when the country was again visited by au earthquake equally as violent as the first two, and which, also, was followed by slighter ones, at intervals, till February 17th, at which time a third very severe one occurred. A considerable extent of valuable farming land was utterly destroyed by this calamity; and congress, carrying out the known wishes of the people, passed an act February 17, 1815, for the relief of those who had sustained losses of real estate caused by the earthquake in New Madrid county. This act was the origin of the " Ne"w Madrid Claims," and provided that any person owning lands within the boundaries forming the county on the 10th day of November, 1813, whose lands were materially injured by the earthquake, might locate a like (inantity on any of the public lands of Missouri territory; but no location was ot exceed 640 acres. A few of these locations were made on public lands within what is now Ray county. The above will explain what is meant by the term " New ^ladrid Location," or " New Madrid Certificate." HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 235 Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Ch. Ventland, Franklin Township, J James M. White. County of Howard, |- ss. State of Missouri. ) This day came the within and above named Duft' Green personally before the undersigned, a justice of the peace, within and for the county aforesaid, and acknowledged the foregoing deed as and for his volun- tary act and deed for the purposes therein named. Given under my hand and seal, this 12th day of January, 1821. George Chapman, J. P. [seal.] State of Missouri, ) County of Ray. f Recorded the within and foregoing instrument of writing on this 13th day of March, 1821, in book "A," pages 20 and 21. William L. Smith, C. R. C. C. [seal.] To all to zuhoni these presents shall covie^ greeting: Know ye that I, Thomas A. Smith, of the town of Franklin and stateof Missouri, for and in consideration of one hundred and sixty acres of land, this day conveyed to me by Duli Green, of the town of Chariton and state aforesaid, in pursuance of a certain agreement bearing date the 6th December, 1819, between the said Green and myself relative to the town of Bluffton — reference being had to said Green's deed to me will fully shew — do, for and in consideration aforesaid, grant, bargain, sell, transfer and assign to the said Duft' Green, and to his heirs and assigns forever, one hundred and sixty acres, being an undivided part of a New Madrid, or Earthquake certificate, in the name of James Brady, numbered two hundred and thirty-two (232). To have and to hold the said undivided part of said certificate, and the land that is, or may be acquired by virtue thereof, to him, the said Duff Green, and to his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof, I, the said Thomas A. Smith, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 12th day of January, 1821. T. A. Smith, [seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Ch. Ventland, James M. White. Howard County, ) State of Missouri. \ Be it re7nembered, that this day came the within named, Thomas A. Smith personally before the undersigned, a justice of the peace in and for the county aforesaid, and acknowledged the within deed as and for his his voluntary act and deed. Given under my hand and seal this. . . .day of Januar}^ 1821. George Chapman, J. P. [seal.] State of Missouri, ) * SS County of Ray. i Recorded the within and foregoing instrument of writing on this 13th day of March, 1821, in book " A," page 22. William L. Smith, * Clerk R. C. C. [seal.] 236 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The following is the first patent recorded in Ray county, but the land is now in Carroll: yames Monroe^ President of the United States of America : To all to whom these presents shall come^ greeting: Know ye, that in pursuance of the acts of congress appropriating and granting land to the late army of the United States, passed on and since the 6th day of May, 1812, William Blake having deposited in the general land office, a warrant in his favor, numbered 21,142, there is granted unto the said William Blake, late private in Donoho's corps of artillery, a certain tract of land, containing one hundred and sixty acres, being the southwest quarter of section two, of township fifty-three, north, in range twenty-three, west, in the tract appropriated (by the acts aforesaid) for military bounties, in the territory of Missouri, north. To have and to hold, the said quarter section of land, with the appurte- nances thereof, unto the said William Blake, and to his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof, I have caused these letters to be made patent, and the seal of the general land office to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this twent^'-sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine- teen, and of the independence of the United States of America the forty-third. James Monroe. By the president, , JosiAH Meigs, Commissioner of the General Land Office. FIRST POWER OF ATTORNEY. Knozv all men by these presents, Th^X. we, Bridget Lane, and John Lane, and Phenix Lane, and Jany Taylor, and Hannah Lane, and Daniel Lane, and Robert Lane, jr., all of us being the only heirs and legal representatives of Robert Lane, deceased, and all of us being of the county of New Mad- rid, and territory of Missouri, for divers good causes, and other valuable considerations to us hereunto moving, have made, ordained, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents do make, ordain, constitute and appoint Andrew M. Ramsey, of the county of New Madrid, and terri- tory of Missouri, our true and lawful attorney in fact, irrevocable, for the purposes following, to-wit: Whereas, It is provided by an act of congress, approved the 17th day of February, in the year 1815, entitled, an act for the relief of the inhab- itants of the county of New Madrid, in the Missouri territory, who suf- fered by earthquakes, provides that those whose lands have been mate- rially injured by earthquakes, shall be authorized to locate the like, or a greater quantity of *the public lands in Missouri territory, the sale of which is authorized by law ; and we, the aforesaid heirs and legal repre- sentatives, as aforesaid, being persons who are entitled to the provisions of the aforesaid act of congress; Noxv, knoxu ye. That we, the aforesaid heirs and legal representatives of the aforesaid l-<.obert Lane, deceased, have given, and do hereby give full, complete and ample authority to our said attorney, irrevocably to locate on any of the aforesaid public lands in the said territory, any quantity of lands which we may be entitled to by virtue of the aforesaid act of con- gress, for his own proper use, benefit and behoof, and that of his heirs HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 237 and assigns forever, and to sell, transfer and conve}' the same at his, our said attorney's own will and pleasure, at all times, to any person or per- sons whatsoever, for such price and consideration as he, our said attorney, shall think fit; also, with power and authority to our said attorney, to transfer and convey unto the United States, our injured tract of land, sit- uated, lying and being in the county of New Madrid and territory of Missouri, and on the Mississippi river, containing six hundred and forty acres; it being the same tract of land which was confirmed to Robert Lane by the board of commissioners of land titles for the territory. And generall}' in the premises to do, execute and perform all and singular whatever shall be requisite and necessary in as full and ample a manner, as we might or could do, were we personally present ; also, with power of substitution, hereby agreeing to ratify and confirm and hold valid all and whatever our said attorney shall lawfull}^ do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. In testimony whereof, we, the several heirs and legal representatives, as aforesaid, have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 17th day of July, in the \'ear of our Lord, ISIS." Her Bridget X Lane, [seal.] Mark John Lane, [seal.] Phenix Lane, [seal.] Her Jany X Taylor, [seal.] Mark. Hannah Lane, [seal.] His Daniel X Lane, [seal.] Mark. His Robert X Lane, Jr. [seal.] Mark. Attest: James Brady, Thomas Fletcher, Charles T. Ramsey. FIRST MORTGAGE. Knoiv all men by these ■p7'esents: That I, Samuel Crowley, of Ray county, and state of Missouri, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, current money of the United States, to me in hand paid by Jesse Mann, of the county and state aforesaid, hath given, granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said Samuel Crowley, his heirs, executors, and administrators, one negro boy, called Chance, about seven years old. To have and to hold the said negro boy, Chance, unto the said Samuel Crowle}^ his heirs, executors, and administrators, or against any person or persons, claiming under, by or through me, them, or any of them : ^provided, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents, that if the said Jesse Mann, or his heirs, shall well and truly, on or before the twenty-third day of April, next, pay unto the said Samuel Crowley, his heirs, executors, and administrators, the said sum of one hundred dollars, current money of the United States, with the legal interest thereon due, 238 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. clear of all charges, then the above instrument of writing to be void, and of no eftect, else to be and remain in full force and virtue in law. Witness my hand and seal, this twenty-third day of July, eighteen hun- dred and twenty-two. hie Jesse X Mann, [seal.] mirk. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Jon. T. Burch. State of Missouri, ) ^^ Ray County, f On this twenty-third day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, personally appeared before me, clerk of the circuit court of the county aforesaid, Jesse Mann, to me well known, party grantor within named, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument of writing to be his act and deed, hand and seal, for the purposes therein mentioned and particularl}^ expressed; and the mortgaged property therein mentioned to be the right, property, and estate of the said Samuel Crowley, party grantor, therein named, his heirs, and assigns, for the purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and seal the day and year above written. Jonathan T. Burch. [seal.] On this 24th day of July, 1822, received the foregoing instrument of writing, to be recorded, and same day was recorded in liber " A," (pages 106 and 107), a land record of said county. JoN. T. Burch, Clerk, [seal.] TOWNSHIPS. FIRST TOWNSHIPS. At the time of the meeting of the first county court, in April, 1821, Ray county extended eastward to Grand river, northward to the Iowa line, westward to the Indian reservation, and southward to the Missouri river ; hence, it will be understood, of course, that an account of the first townships is given not with exclusive reference to the present limits of the county. The act of the general assembly organizing the county, did not divide it into townships, but left that work to the county court; and on the second day of the hrst meeting of that tribunal in Ray county, (the second day being Tuesday, April 3d, 1821,) it was ordered, by the county court, that this county be divided into two townships, to be known as Bluf^ton and Fishing River townships. Bluftton township embraced all that part of what was then Ray county, lying between Grand river and the range line, separating ranges twenty- nine and thirty; Fishing River township, that part of the county situated between the last mentioned range line and the western boundary of the state. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 239 The same day^ strange as it may seem, on motion of John Hutchings, the court subdivided Fishing River township, forming " all that part of said township laying w^est of the first sectional line running north and south, on the east side of Squire Gilmore's farm," into a new township, to be called Gallatin township. We have been unable to locate " Squire Gilmore's farm," but are satisfied that Gallatin was formed from the west- ern portion of Fishing River township. Those who are familliar with the original limits of the county, will readily perceive that Bluftton township was little more than twice as large as Fishing River township, and that no part of the latter, as then laid ofl^*, is embraced in what is now Ray county. At its May term, 1822, the county court reduced the number of town- ships to two — Missouriton and Blufl^ton; the former including all that tract of country in Ray county on the east side of the main east fork of Crooked river, extending to the mouth thereof, thence east to the Chari- ton county line (Chariton county being then bounded south by the Mis- souri river); the latter lying on the east side of said main east fork of Crooked river, extending to the mouth thereof, thence west to dividing line between Ray and Clay counties. At the February term of court, 1823, Bluftton and Missouriton town- ships were sub-divided and three townships formed thereout, as follows: Bluftton township — Beginning at the line between Ray and Clay coun- ties, and running thence east to the range line, between ranges twenty- seven and twenty-eight. Crooked River township — beginning at the line between twent3'-seven and twenty-eight, thence east to the line between twenty-five and twent}- six. Missouriton township — beginning at the line separating ranges twenty-five and twenty-six, and running east to Chari- ton county line. Bluftton township then included all that part of our present county west of range twenty-seven; Crooked River township, all that part east of range twenty-eight, and Missouriton township, lying east of twenty-six, embraced an area, none of which is within the present limits of the county. The three townships were of equal size, and, that the reader may have some idea of their extent, it is stated that the county was twelve times as large as now. In the year 1826, at its November term, the county court established Fishing River township out of that portion of Bluftton township lying west of range twenty-eight. It embraced what is now Polk, and the western part of Camden township, besides that area which still retains the name Fishing River. In other words. Fishing River township was then simply that portion of range twenty-nine north of the Missouri river. In Februar}^, 1829, by order of the the county court, the name Bluftton township v/as changed to Richmond township, in honor of the new county 240 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY seat, and the following boundaries established: Beginning at the range line between ranges twenty-eight and twenty-nine; thence, with north bank of Missouri river, east to section line between sections thirty-four and thirty- five (now in the river) in range twenty-seven, so as to embrace the space of four miles east from ran i;^^ twenty-eight; thence, continuing due north to the northern boundary line of the county — which was then the hne now separating Harrison count}' from the state of Iowa; thence west, to range twenty-nine; thence south, to the beginning — containing one hundred and seventy-five taxable inhabitants. Crooked River township was changed in its boundary so as to include all the land, beginning at the last mentioned section line, on the Mis- souri river; thence east to section line between sections thirty-four and thirty-five, in range twenty-five, and extending thence due north to the northern boundar}^ line of the county — now the boundary line between Mercer county and the state of Iowa — extending four sections east of the present county line, and including a strip of land four miles in width, now belonging to the counties of Carroll, Livingston, Grundy and Mercer. Missouriton was not changed, except that its western line was removed four miles farther eastward. It also extended to the Iowa line, including territory, all of which was in what at present — April, 1881 — are Carroll, Livingston, Grundy and Mercer counties. Fishing River township remained unchanged. Crooked River and Missouriton townships con- tained forty-eight and forty-four taxable inhabitants respectively. More than that number now reside in any single congressional township. Anderson Martin was appointed constable of Richmond township; Wil- liam Millsap, of Fishing Riv^er; James Neil, of Crooked River; and Joseph Johnson, of Missouriton township; each to hold his office one year. The county court. May 7, 1832, ordered that a new township be erected out of Richmond township, and named Marion township, with the following boundaries, viz: Beginning at the corner of sections twent3^-three and twenty-six and of twenty-seven and twenty-eight, in congressional township fifty-three, range twenty-seven; thence due north to line between townships fifty-six and fifty-seven; thence west with said line to range line between ranges twenty-eight and twenty-nine; thence south with said range line to corner of sections nineteen and thirt}', and of twenty-four and twenty-five, in congressional township fifty-three; thence east to beginning. It will be observed that Marion township included four congressional townships in what is now Caldwell county. It contained one hundred and five taxable inhabitants. At the May term, 1832, of the county court, a new township was established and named Grand River. It was the same width, and lay HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 241 northeast of Marion township, just described, extending to the state line, and embraced an area no part of which is within the present Ray county. Shoal Creek township was established in June, 1825, by the Ray county court. It lay due north of Marion township, and no part of it is in the Ray county of to-day. As has been stated, the territory embraced by the original limits was reduced from time to time till, in the year 1836, by the formation of Cald- well county, it was left with its present area. The description of townships thus far given, is of those established prior to the year 1836, and most of them were, at different times, either wholly or partially without the boundaries now forming the county. We now proceed to a more extended account of the townships as they exist at present. CROOKED RIVER TOWNSHIP. Crooked River township, in the southeastern part of the county, embaces all of congressional township fifty-two north, range twenty-six west; seventeen integral, and six fractional sections in township fift3^-one, same range; twelve sections in township fifty-two, range twenty-seven, and four sections in township fifty-one, same range. It borders on the Mis- souri river, on Carroll county, and on Grape Grove and Richmond town- ships; the former being on its north, the latter on its west side. The first settlement in this township was also the first in the county. It was made in the year 1815; but as a full account of this settlement will "be found in the chapter devoted to early settlements and settlers, it were superfluous to recite it here. The southern portion of the township is bottom land; the north, cen- tral, and eastern portions gently undulating prairie, of deep |and produc- tive soil. Timber abounds on Crooked river, and the larger portion of what is now Crooked River township was, when first settled, covered with dense forest. Hardin and Morton are the villages in this township, and will be mentioned in connection with the history of the towns in Ray county, to be found in this volume. Population per census of 1880, 1,883. FISHING RIVER TOWNSHIP. Fishing River township was one of the three townships into which the county was originally divided. When established in 1821, it included the territory now occupied by the counties of Clay, Clinton, De Kalb, Gentry, and Worth. This territory, by act of the general assembly, became 242 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Clay county, Januar}^ 2, 1822, and, of course, Fishing River township was no longer a part of Ray county. A new township was established in Ray county in November, 1826, and named Fishing River township. It is the present Fishing River township, reduced to its present limits by the establishment of Polk and Camden townships. Fishing River township is in the western part of the county. It includes all of congressional township 52 north, 29 west; half of township 53 north, 29 west, and sections one, two, three, ten, eleven and twelve, of township 51, 29 west. It contains thirty-eight thousand four hundred acres. Fishing River township was settled in 1818, by the Cleavengers, Blythes, McCoskries, Hutchings, Aliens and others, from Tennessee, Ken- tucky and Indiana. A full account of this settlement having been given in another place, the writer omits it here. Vibbard, New Garden P. O., and Elkhorn are in this township. Its population, June 1, 1880, was 1,961. RICHMOND TOWNSHIP. Richmond township was originally much larger than now. It has been reduced to its present area by the formation of new counties and of Knox- ville, Grape Grove and Camden townships ; it having embraced at one time the greater portion of several counties, since organized, all of Knox- ville, two tiers of sections on the west side of Grape Grove, and nearly all of Camden township, east of range twenty-nine. This township comprises congressional township 52,28; twelve sections of 53, 28; eight sections of 53, 27; twenty-four sections of 52, 27; eight sec- tions of 51, same range, and twelve sections of 51, 28, making one hundred sections, or 64,0')0 acres. Richmond, the county seat, Rayville and Swanwick, are in Richmond township. Its population June 1, 1880, according to the tenth U. S. cen- sus, was 6,070. The lirst settler in Richmond township was Captain Jacob Riffe. He located in the southwestern part of the township in 1818. The first marriage in this township was that of Captain Jacob RifTe to Miss Rutha Martin, daughter of Isaac Martin, who will long be remem- bered, not only as a Ray county pioneer, but as a genial, generous, warm- hearted gentleman, devoted alike to his family, his neighbors and his county. The marriage ceremony was pronounced by a Baptist preacher, named Kimsey. A son, William C, born of the union just mentioned, March 10th, 1820, was the first white male child bom in Richmond township; and a daugh- ter, Mary A., born of the same union, April 17, 1821, was the first white female child born in said township. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 243 The first death was that of Charles Woods, who died April 17, 1823. His remains, without the pomp of a funeral cortege, were borne to a last resting place on the farm of Capt. Jacob Rifle. No monument marks the spot; and thither no mourner goes to shed a tear, or "breathe a benison o'er his sleeping dust." The early ministers and teachers have been mentioned. The reader will understand that at the time of the happening of the above events, Richmond township was known as Bluftton township. The name was changed in 1829. GRAPE GROVE TOWNSHIP. Grape Grove township was established July 2, 1838, at the May adjourned term of the county court, with the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the section corner of sections twenty-two and twenty-threes and twenty-six and twenty-seven, township fifty-three, range twenty- seven ; thence south to township line between townships fifty-two and fifty- three; thence east with township line to range line between ranges twen- ty-five and twenty-six; thence north to Caldwell county line; thence west to section corner of sections four and five, gnd thirty-two and thirty-three (the two latter in Caldwell county), in range twenty-seven; thence south to the section corner of sections twenty and twenty-one and twenty-eight and twenty-nine; thence east the space of two sections to the beginning corner. The boundaries of this township have not been changed since its organ- ization, forty-three years ago. It is in the northeastern part of the county, and contains, per census of 18S0, a population of 8,091. Millville, Russellville, Georgeville, Wilmont and Tinney's Grove are in this township. Grape Grove township was not settled permanently prior to about the year 1830. In that year, probably, William Tinney, John Hendricks, and others, settled in the northern part of the township. Nathan Tmney, who settled on the site of the present town of Tinnev's Grove in 1840, was among the early settlers of Grape Grove township ; and so, also, were the following persons: Samuel Grove and James Miller, from Virginia; John Alexan- der and John Brown, from Ohio; Mathew Haflerty, John Endsley, John Elliot, Roland Ralph and Arthur B. Ralph, from North Carolina; James Homan, Edward Saunderson, Perry Maupin, B. McCuistion and James McCuistion, from Tennessee; Levi McBee, from Ohio; Willis Boyce, James Linne}-, Julius and Dr. Mattock, Pleasant and Layton Ewell, from Kentucky; and John Sidden and John Hendricks ft-om, East Tennessee. 24-i HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Among the early marriages, were John Sidden to Martha Maupin, in 1832; Austin Harlow to Susan Harlow, March 26, 1840, by James Tug- gle, justice of the peace; and John McBee to Sarah Matheney, in 1846. Among the early deaths: Mrs. William Tinney, who died in 1832; Ellen Boyd, who died in 1839, and was buried at Tinney's Grove, and John Motherhead, who died in 1840. The physicians who practiced in Grape Grove township at an early day, were Dr. George Kelly, who, after some years practice in Grape Grove, went to California; Dr. Roland Ralph, now — 1881 — a citizen of Albany, in this county; Dr. McFadden, from Kentuck}-, now in Kentucky; Dr. Nathaniel Davis, from Knox county, Tennessee, a graduate of Jeffer- son medical college, Philadelphia, and who is now — 1881 — an honored citizen of Richmond, Ray county, Missouri; and Dr. Roberts, from Ken- tucky, who was killed at Millville in 1879 by one James Keyes. Among the early ministers, who conducted religious worship in Grape Grove township, were Rev. Daniel Patton, of the Cumberland Presby- terian church. Services were held in a meeting house, constructed of logs, situated in township fifty-three of range twenty-seven. The house was torn down years ago; Andrew Jordan, also a Cumberland Presby- terian, preached in the same house; Rev. — Hatton, and Rev. Samuel Grove, of the M. E. Church, held services at Tinney's Grove, alternating between the residences of John Brown and Levi McBee, as places of divine worship. A man named Barton, taught, perhaps, the first school at Tinney's Grove. He had but five or six pupils, and as he proved inefficient as a teacher, received nothing for his services, they being rendered, doubtless, to the detriment, rather than to the advancement of the children entrusted to his training. Captain W. D. Fortune, now living in the vicinity of Tinney's Grove, was among the early teachers of Grape Grove township. He was a com- petent teacher, and is a worthy citizen. The following is a description of a building in which school was taught at Tinney's Grove, at an early day: The house was quite small, built of logs, and had been used by its owner as a place in which to garner his corn. The corn was, of course, removed previous to the commencement of school ; but why the flooring was also taken out, the writer was not in- formed, and can not imagine. The stick chimney had been torn down, and the aperture left open, to answer the purpose of a door. A multitude of cracks obviated the necessity of windows. Seats were prepared by placing narrow planks across the sleepers — and " There in his noisy mansion, skilled to rule, The village master taught his little school. " HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 245 Mrs. Winnegham and Mrs. Tinney were among the weavers of cloth and carpets; the settlers did their own domestic and industrial labor, and drew supplies, in the matter of groceries, principally from Lexington and Richmond. Such is the early history of Grape Grove township. It has ever been the abode of a refined and moral community, and is now, 1881, in point of population, the third township in the county. CAMDEN TOWNSHIP. Camden township was established July 5, 1841. Its boundaries are as follows: Beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Missouri river, on range line, between ranges twenty-six and twenty-seven; thence north with said line to northeast corner of section thirteen, town- ship fifty-one, range twenty seven ; thence with a tier of sections west to Clay county line; thence south, with said line to middle of main channel of Missouri river; thence with said river in middle of the main channel thereof, to the beginning. The first election was held in Camden township, August 2, 1841. At its May term. May 2, 1842, the county court, on petition of a large num- ber of the inhabitants of Fishing River township, praying for a change in said township, made the following order: Ordered^ That a part of Fishing River township be stricken off and attached to Camden township, and that the line between said townships, hereafter be as follows: Beginning on the range line between sections twenty-nine and thirty, at the township line between towrjships fifty-one and fifty-two; thence east to the northeast corner of section four, on said township line ; thence south to southeast corner of section nine; thence west to range line aforesaid. In 1847 sections fifteen and twenty-two, in range twenty-seven, of Cam- den township, were attached to Richmond township. • Camden, Albany, Orrick and Henry postoffices are in this township. It contained, June 1, 1880, 3,353 inhabitants. That part of Camden township, east of range twenty-nine, was origin- ally in Bluftton township, and subsequently in Richmond township ; that west of range twenty-eight was formerly a part of Fishing River town- ship, hence, as already stated, the territory embraced in this township was settled at a very early date — as early as 1818. Among the first settlers we mention the following, nearly all of whonj were from Tennessee: Jeremiah, Samuel and John Crowley, Thomas English, Richard and Aaron Linville, Branick Wilkinson, William and Henry Morgan, John C. Cates, Sen., Joseph E. Brockman, John Elliott, 246 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Frank Jackson, Ballard Hudgins and others. In the da3'S of the first set- tlers a physician's practice was co-extensive with the county. The same is true of a minister's preaching; hence, many of the physicians, men- tioned at different places in this work, practiced medicine in Camden town- ship, and the same is true of the ministers with respect to their preaching. KNOXVILLE TOWNSHIP. Knoxville township was established in 1841. It comprises all of con- gressional township fifty-four, range twenty-eight; twelve sections in township fifty-four, range twenty-seven; eight sections in township fifty- three, same range, and twenty-four sections in township fifty-three, range twenty-eight. The sections, eight in all, are, of course, contiguous, and form an area of 51,200 acres. The number of inhabitants of the township, as shown by tenth census, including Knoxville and Taitsville, with a population of eighty-eight and one hundred and eight respectively, is 2,301 . Knoxville township was settled about 1833. In that year a man named Barnes (who became a useful and respected citizen), from Tennessee, set- tled on section seven, congressional township fifty-four, range twenty- eight; and Vincent Silk wood, the same year, settled in the township, as also did a family of Thompsons, from Kentucky. A settlement was made on the present sight of Knoxville, originally called "Buncombe," in the spring of 1834; the Hatfields, Stolins and oth- ers from Tennessee and Kentucky forming the settlement. Among the early practicing physicians of Knoxville township, were the following: Drs. Kelly and Davis, mentioned in connection with the history of Grape Grove township, and Dr. John C. Tiffin, from Ohio. Dr. Tiffin, a graduate of the Ohio medical college, of Cincinnati, is now retired from active practice, and is living at Knoxville. He has had a large and suc- cessful practice, and is an honored member of the communit}- in which he lives. In addition to those already mentioned, John A. Stone, a Baptist, and Moses Rainwater, Methodist, preached in this tow^nship at an early day. POLK TOWNSHIP. By order of the county court, Polk township was formed out of the northern part of Fishing River township, July 29th, 1845. It coincides with congressional township fifty-four, range twenty-nine, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 247 and includes, besides, eighteen contiguous sections in the congressional townships immediately south. The township contains 34,560 acres, and a population, (including the town of Lawson, 223) of 1,534. Polk, though the smallest in both area and population, is one of the finest agricultural townships in the county. This township was settled as early as 1825 — probably somewhat earlier. The statements as to who were the first settlers and when, and exactly where the settlement was made, are conflicting. It is certain, however, that in 1825 John Fields, from Kentucky, settled on section eleven, township fifty-four, of range twenty-nine. He was followed in 1830 by Samuel K. McGee, from Tennessee, and in 1834 by John Taylor, from Virginia. Taylor settled on section three of the last mentioned township. The following persons were among the very early settlers of the town- ship, viz: J. Allen, Archibald Moss, W. H. Moss and Randolph McDonald, from Kentucky; Milton Piercey, Robert G. Murray, John Halstead, Josiah Pat- ton, Henry S. Patton, Solomon Wilson, (a wine-maker and great hunter), James Rippey, Joshua Albright, (gun-smith), John A. Cooper, Henry Wilson and Whidby Wilson, from North Carolina; William Cox, John Cox, Jesse Mann, John Connard and A. B. Arnote, from Tennessee ; J. Whitsett, Benjamin McClain, (Guilford county, North Carolina); D. G. Stockwell, Stephen Goddard, William Stockard, William Sharpe and A. W. Boon. Drs. John C. Tifl?ln, Randolph McDonald and John Watson, the latter from Kentucky, practiced their profession in Polk township many years ago. The first school was taught in section two, township fifty-four, range twenty-nine, by one Henry Davis. The school was composed of fifteen pupils, and the teacher's salary was fifteen dollars per month. Mr. Davis is not now among the living; he died at Kingston, Missouri. The first school house was the one in which Davis taught the first school, and was built by Randolph McDonald, John Taylor and Archi- bald Moss, at no greater cost than their labor. Another school was taught about the same time on section eighteen, township fifty-four, range twenty-nine, by a widow, named Beckworth, now living in Clinton county. " Aunt " Hulda Allen did the first weaving. She was wont to weave coverlets, carpets, and wearing apparel. The first settlers in Polk township entered their land with money obtained from the sale of beeswax, made of wild honey. Salt was obtained at Goose creek salt works, about one hundred miles south ; and 248 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Other necessary supplies, which could not be manufactered at home, were drawn from distant markets. v COUNTY OFFICERS. A list of the county officers of Ray county, from the meeting of the first circuit court, February 19, 1821, to the present — April 1, 1881: JUSTICES OF THE COUNTY COURT. Isaac Martin, Jno. Thornton, Elisha Cameron, from April, 1821, to March, 1822. Isaac Martin, James Snowden, from May, 1822, to August, 1822. Isaac Martin, Wm. B. Martin, James Snowden, from August, 1822, to February, 1823. James Snowden, Jno. McGaugh, Sam'l Cleavenger, from February, 1823, to February, 1825. Wm. P. Thompson, Henry Brown, Sam'l Cleavenger, from February, 1825, to September, 1825. Isaac Martin, William Black, Malachi Lile, Jam€s Stanley, from Feb- ruary, 1825, to Febuary, 1826. Wm. B. Martin, John McGaugh, Sebourn J. Miller, from September, 1825, to February, 182G. Wm. Black, Wm. B. Martin, Henry Brown, Sebourn J. Miller, Joseph Porter, from February, 1826, to Febuary, 1827. James Taylor, Sr., Jno. Cleavenger, from February, 1827, to April, 1827. Sebourn J. Miller, Isaac Allen, Wm. P. Thompson, from February, 1827, to February, 1828. Wm. P. Thompson, S. J. Miller, Isaac Allen, from February, 1828, to February, 1829. Wm. P. Thompson, Sebourn J. Miller, Isaac Allen, from February, 1829, to August, 1830. Isaac Allen, Henry Jacobs, Sebourn J. Miller, from August, 1830, to August, 1831. Henry Jacobs, Wm. Thornton, Daniel Parker, from August, 1831, to August, 1834. James Dickie, Thomas Hamilton, Wm. B. Martin, from August, 1834, to August, 1836. Wm. B. Martin, Jabez Shotwell, Daniel Branstetter, from August, 1836, to August, 1838. Wm. B. Martin, Jabez Shotwell, Daniel Branstetter, from August, 1838, to August, 1842. Levi Starkey, James Tuggle, from August, 1842, to August, 1844. Sam'l T. Burgess, from August 1842, to June, 1844. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 249 Levi Starkey, James Tuggle, from August, 1844, to August, 1846. Daniel Branstetter, from June, 1844, to August, 1846. Daniel Branstetter, Wm. B. Martin, Jabez Shotwell, from August, 1846, to August, 1852. Wm. B. Martin, Jabez Shotwell, Abraham Hayter, from August, 1852, to August, 1856. Daniel Branstetter, Daniel Parker, from August, 1856, to August, 1858. Eli Carter, from August, 1856, to June, 1858. M. N. Brown, from June, 1858, to August, 1858. Wm. A. Carroll, Amos A. Brice, Calvin W. Naramore, from August, 1858, to August, 1860. Wm. A. Carroll, from August, 1860, to November, 1861. Calvin W. Naramore, Lorenzo H. Magill, from August, 1860, to Jan- uary, 1862. Willis Wariner, from March, 1862, to January, 1863. C. W. Naramore, L. H. Magill, Willis Wariner, from January, 1862, to January, 1863. C. W. Naramore, L. H. Magill, Samuel Colley, from January, 1862, to January, 1865. L. H. Magill, Saml. Colley, Daniel Parker from January, 1865, to May, 1865. C. W. Naramore, Samuel Colley, William McKissack, from May, 1865, to January, 1867. C. W. Naramore, Wm, McKissack, Wm. Crowley, from January, 1867, to January, 1869. C. W. Naramore, Wm. McKissack, Daniel Cramer, from Januarv, 1869, to January, 1873. Wm. McKissack, Daniel Cramer, Chas. R. Shrewsberry, from January 1873, to January, 1875. Chas. J. Hughes, from January 1875 to January 1879. Chas. J. Hughes, George W. Montgomery, Niles Esrey, from January, 1879, to January, 1881. Charles J. Hughes, Robert Ralph, Thomas B. Hewlett, from January, 1881, to . ' By act of the general assembly, passed January 7, 1825, the office of the county court in the various counties was vacated, and the powers of said office vested in the several justices of the peace. The justices were required to meet at the county seat and organize the court on the first Monday in March after the passage of the act. In the event they failed to do so, however, the clerk of the county court was authorized to name the justices who should act as a county court for a term of one year. The justices of the peace for Ray having failed to meet and organize, 16 250 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. as the law directed, on the first Monday in March, 1825, Jonathan T. Burch, the clerk, in April of that year, appointed, as a county court, the persons whose names are represented in the list from WiUiam P. Thomp- son to James Stanley, inclusive. William B. Martin, John McGau^h and Sebourn J. Miller, were appointed in September to fill vacancies caused by resignation of the first three as given in the list, commencing with Thompson. James Taylor, Sr., and John Cleavenger, served but one term of court, February term, 1827. Samuel T. Burgess resigned, and Daniel Branstetter was appointed in his stead. At the February term, 1862, C. W. Naramore and L. H. Magill, who, with Wm. A. Carroll, were elected in August 1860, presented new com- missions, from Gov. Gamble, with the oath of loyalty endorsed thereon, duly sworn to and certified by Robert Crenshaw, a justice of the peace for Ray county. The oath of loyalty was taken in obedience to an ordinance of a state convention held at St. Louis October 10 to 18, 1861. Carroll failed or refused to take the oath ; hence he was not recommissioned, and his con- nection with the county court ceased. Bv act of the general assembly, approved March 14, 1874, entitled an act to reorganize the county court of Ray county, Missouri, and to reduce the number of justices of said court to one, to make the justice thereof judf^e of the probate court, and declare his jurisdiction, — it was provided that from and after the first day of January, A. D. 1875, the county court of Ray county should be composed of one justice, to hold his office for the terms of four years, and to have the same powers and discharge the same duties required of the justices of the county court. At the general election in November, 1874, Charles J. Hughes was elected sole judge of the county court, and entered upon the duties of his office the following January. April 27, 1877, the general assembly repealed the law reducing the number of county court justices to one, by enacting that, "The county court shall be composed of three members, to be styled the judges of the county court, and each county shall be districted by the county court thereof into two districts, on or before the first day of April, 1 878, of contiguous territory, as nearly equal in population as practicable, without dividing municipal townships. "At the general election in the year 1878, and every two years there- after, the qualified electors of each of said districts shall elect and be enti- tled to one of the judges of the county court, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified; and at said election, and every four years thereafter, the other judge of said court shall be elected by the qualified electors of the county HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 261 at large, who shall be president of the court, and shall hold his office for the term of four years, and until his successor is duly elected and quali- fied: Provided^ That the judges of the county court, elected under the provisions of this chapter, shall enter upon the discharge of their duties on the first day of January next after they shall have been elected and qualified, according to law." Accordingly, at the November election, 1878, Messrs. Hughes, Mont- gomery, and Esry were duly elected, and became the first county court under the new law. COUNTY CLERKS. William L. Smith, from April, 1821, to May, 1822. Jonathan T. Burch, from May, 1822, to February, 1826. WiUiam P. Thompson. George Woodward, from August, 1826, to November, 1835. John H. Morehead, from November, 1835, to Januar}^ 1842. William M. Jacobs, from January, 1842, to August, 1858. Robison Jacobs, from August, 1848, to June, 1852. Himiphrey J. Comer, from June, 1852, to September, 1852. James B. Turner, Sr., from September, 1852, to October, 1864. James B. Turner, Jr., from October, 1864, to January, 1867. Geo. N. McGee, from January, 1867, to January, 1875. A. A. McCuistion, from January, 1875, to January, 1879. George W. Trigg, from January, 1879, to — The first four persons whose names are given in the above list dis- charged the duties of both circuit and county clerk at the same time, and were appointed by the county and circuit courts. The rest were elected by the people. Wm. P. Thompson acted as county clerk for the May term of court, 1826, and no longer. Messrs. Smith, Burch, and Woodward each resigned. Robison Jacobs died in office, and Humphrey J. Comer was appointed to fill the vacancy. In obedience to the provisions of an ordinance adopted by the Missouri state convention, at St. Louis, October 16,1861, James B. Turner, Sr.-, at the February term, 1862, of the county court, subscribed an oath of loy- ally, and was re-appointed clerk by the county court, for the residue of his term, after giving bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, with W. R. Holman and J. F. Hudgins as sureties. James B. Turner, Sr., died in office, and his son, James B. Turner, Jr., succeeded him by appointment of the governor. George W. Trigg's term will expire January, 1883. CIRCUIT CLERKS. William L. Smith, from April, 1821, to May, 1822. Jonathan T. Burch, from May, 1822, to February, 1826. 252 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. George Woodward, from August, 1826, to May, 1835. William P. Thompson, from May, 1835, to August, 1835. Wiley C. Williams, from November, 1835, to April, 1844. Benjamin Oliver, from May, 1844, to March, 1845. Robert Sevier, from April, 1845, to August, 1845. Robert Sevier, from August, 1845, to April, 1865. A. J. Ban-, from April, 1865, to January, 1867. A. J. Barr, from January, 1867, to April, 1870. J. H. Harmony, from April, 1870, to January, 1871. J. H. Harmony, from January, 1871, to January, 1875. John W. Spurlock, from January, 1875, to April, 1881. John R. Green, from April, 1881, to , . Messrs. Smith, Burch, and Woodward each resigned at the dates given. William P. Thompson was appointed by the court to serve temporarily only. Wiley C. Williams died in office, and so, also, did Benjamin Oliver appointed to fill his unexpired term. The death of Oliver necessitated the appointment of another clerk, and Major Robert Sevier was duly commissioned by the governor to fill the vacancy. Thus were three clerks required to serve out a term of one year. At the expiration of the term alluded to. Major Sevier became his own successor, having been elected to the position by the people. He con- tinued in office until April, 1865. By the constitution of that year, known as the " Drake constitution," it was declared that within sixty days after said constitution took eftect, every person in the state of Missouri, holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the constitution, or laws thereof, or under any municipal corporation, or any of the other offices, positions, or trusts mentioned in the third section of article second, of the constitu- tion then framing, should take and subscribe an oath of loyaly; and that if any such officer or person should fail to take said oath, his office, posi- tion, or trust should, if so facto, become vacant — the vacancy to be filled according to the law governing the case. The constitutional convention, pending its work of framing a new constitution, passed an ordinance, March 17, 1865, entitled "an ordinance for vacating certain civic offices, filling them anew, and protecting the citizens from injury and harass- ment," under the provisions of which Major Sevier — having refused to take the oath of loyalty — was removed, and Col. Adam J. Barr, who had been a member of the convention, appointed in his stead. The additional positions referred to as contained in section three of arti- cle second, were those of professor or teacher in any educational institu- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 253 tion, or in any common or other school, and trustees for the use of any- church, religious society or congregation. Col. Barr was elected by the people as his own successor at the Novem- ber election, 1860. March 29, 1870, the circuit court of the fifth judicial circuit, Philander Lucas, judge, at chambers, in Liberty, Clay county Missouri, issued an order temporarily removing A. J. Barr, clerk of the circuit court, from office, and appointing John H. Harmon}^ temporary clerk. Col. Barr was not reinstated, but in justice to that gentleman, it is proper to state that it is believed that his removal is due to no default of his. At this writing, April, 1881, the oflfices in the court house at Richmond are draped in morning for John W. Spurlock, who died of consumption on the 17th inst. John R. Green was appointed by Governor Crittenden to fill the vacancy. Pursuant to a law passed by the general assembly of Missouri, in 1865, the county court of Ray county, at its February term, 1870, made an order separating the offices of circuit clerk and recorder; and the same month James T. Harris was commissioned by Governor McClurg to serve as recorder till the next general election, at which time he was elected for a term of four jears. RECORDERS. James T. Harris, from February, 1870, to January, 1871. James T. Harris, from January, 1871, to Januar}'^, 1875. Lewis Slaughter, from January, 1875, to , . SHERIFFS. John Harris, from February, 1821, to May, 1822. William Miller, from May, 1822, to February, 1823. Thomas Edwards, February, 1823, to November, 1824. Adam Black, from November, 1824, to February, 1827. Larkin Stanley, from February, 1827, to November, 1830. John Cleavenger, from November, 1830, to November 1832. Thomas W. Jacobs, from November, 1832, to November, 1836. Hardy Holman, from November, 1836, to August, 1838. Benjamin J. Brown, from August, 1838, to August, 1842. Hardy Holman, from August, 1842, to iA.ugust, 1846. George I. Wasson, from August, 1846, to August, 1850. Benjamin J. Brown, from August, 1850, to August, 1854. George Carson, from August, 1854, to August, 1856. George Allen, from August, 1856, to August, 1860. John C. Cates, from August, 1860, to August, 1862. Clayton Jacobs, from November, 1862, to May, 1865. A. K. Rayburn, from May, 1865, to January, 1868. John W. Francis, from November, 1868, to November, 1872. 254 HISTORY OP' RAY COUNTY. John C. Brown, from November, 1 872, to November, 1876. Thomas McGinnis, from November, 1876, to November, 1880. James T. McGinnis, from- November, 1880, to , . The first four persons whose names appear in the above list were appointed the rest elected by popular vote. Geo. I. Wasson was twice elected; each time for a term of* two years, embraced within the dates given in the list. The same is true of George Allen, Clayton Jacobs, J. W. Francis, John C. Brown, and Thomas McGinnis. Benjamin J. Brown was elected four times. Clayton Jacobs was ousted for refusing to take the oath prescribed in the " Drake constitution." SURVEYORS. William Shields, from April, 1821, to January, 1823. Timothy Riggs, from March, 1823, to February, 1827. Meaddors Vahderpool, f rom February, 1827, to October, 1827. Thomas N. Aubry, from October 1827, to August, 1835. Meaddors Vanderpool, from August, 1835, to August, 1839. Moses A. Rainwater, from August, 1839, to August, 1843. Henry Wilson, from August, 1843, to August, 1847. Alex. Oliphant, from August, 1847, to August, 1855. O. H. Searcy, from August, 1855, to August, 1857. Alex. Oliphant, from August, 1857, to January, 1868. Mannis Buchanan, from January, 1868, to January, 1873. Frank G. Gibson, from January, 1873, to January, 1877. John T. Banister, from January, 1877, to , . At the first term of the county court, April, 1821, William Shields made application for appointment as county surveyor. The court appointed David Manchester and William D. Wilson to examine him as to his qual- ifications for that office. The committee reported favorably, and Shields was duly appointed the first county surveyor. Similar proceedings were had on the application of Timothy Riggs, at the March term of courts 1823. ASSESSORS. Zadoc Martin, from April, 1821, to January, 1822. Benjamin Gragg, from January, 1822, to May, 1822. Lovell Snowden, from May, 1822, to February, 1823. William Downey, from May, 1823, to February, 1825. Robert Pritchard, from February, 1825, to February, 1827. Adam Black, from February, 1827, to February, 1828. Thomas Edwards, from February, 1828, to February, 1829. James Jordan, from Februar}^ 1829, to February, 1830. Jesse Newlin, from February, 1830, to February, 1831. James Jordan, from February, 1831, to February, 1832. Jesse Newlin, from February, 1832, to February, 1833. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 255 Wiley C. Williams, from February, 1833, to February, 1S34. Rowland Ralph, from February, 1834, to August, 1834. A. M. Harwood, from August, 1834, to February, 1835. Thomas N. Aubry, from February, 1835, to February, 183*). Jacob Adamson, from February, 1836, to February, — — . A. B. Beachamp, from , 1840, to , 1842. William P. Tisdale, from , 1842, to , . R. Metcalf, from , 1846, to , 1850. William P. Quarles, from , 1851, to , 1859. William B. Parker, from , 1861, to , . % Humphrey J. Comer, from , 1861, to , 1862. Clayton Jacobs, from , 1862, to , 1863. Allen Markland, from , 1863, to , 1865. Anderson Spencer, from January, 1865, to January, 1867. John Albertson, from January, 1867, to January, 1869. GeorgeW. Sargent, from January, 1869, to January, 1871. Lilburn McLaughlin, from January, 1871, to January, 1873. A. P. Craven, from January, 1873, to January, 1875. A. P. Craven, from January, 1875, to January, 1877. John S. Flournoy, from January, 1877, to January, 1879. John S. Flournoy, from January, 1879, to January, 1881. George Sanderson, from January, 1881, to , . From 1823, to 1825 the county was assessed by townships, each town- ship having an assessor. William Downey was assessor tor Crooked River township; Henry Brown, for Blufl'toii township, and Nehemiah Woolsey, for Missouriton township. In 1859 a law was passed providing for the assessment of the county by ranges; and the county court appointed the following persons assessors to serve two years: William Berr}', for range 26; John S. Flournoy, for range 27; William H. McGaugh, tor range 28; Mathano Brown, for range 29. William P. Parker was removed for incompetency, and Humphrey J. Comer appointed by the county court in his stead. COLLECTORS. Shubael Alien, from April, 1821, to December, 1821. Jesse Gilliam, from December, 1821, to May, 1822. John Scott, from May, 1822, to February, 1823. William S. Miller, from February, 1823, to February, 1825. William B. Martin, from February, 1825, to May, 1825. William S. Miller, from May, 1825, to February, 1826. William Morgan, from February, 1826, to February, 1827. Meaddors Vanderpool, trom February, 1827, to October, 1827. John Elliott, from October, 1827, to February, 1828. James Snowden, Sr., from February, 1828, to February, 1829. 256 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Robert Pritchard, from February, 1829, to February, 1830. Patrick M. Darcey, from February, 1830, to February, 1831. Andrew Martin, from February, 1831, to February, 1832. Maurice Jacobs, from February, 1832, to February, 1833. A. M. Harwood, from February, 1833, to February, 1834. Henry R. Winburn, from February, 1834, to February, 1835. Benjamin J. Brown, from February, 1835, to February, 1836. W. W. Marczey, from February, 1836, to Thomas B. Fowler, from January, 1873, to September, 1875. AllcH M, Fowler, from September, 1875, to January, 1879. James A. Davis, from January, 1879, to — In 1836 the office of collector was abolished. The sheriff was made collector of state and county revenue, and so continued until 1873. In 1872 the general assembly passed an act separating the offices of sheriff and collector, and in November of that year, Thomas B. Fowler was elected to the latter office, to enter upon its duties the following January, He died September 16, 1875, and his son, Allen M. Fowler, was appointed to serve till the next general election, at which time the people chose him as his own successor. The present incumbent, James A. Davis, has been twice elected. His term expires January, 1883. TREASURERS. Jonathan T. Burch, from May, 1822, to February, 1826. Henry Brown, from February, 1826, to May, 1833. Thomas N. Cockerell, from May, 1833, to February, 1834. Jacob Gudgel, from February, 1834, to February, 1835. Hiram G. Parks, from February, 1835, to February, 1836. George Woodward, from February, 1836, to February, 1837. Luther T. Warder, from February, 1837, to March, 1843. Thomas A. King, from March, 1843, to August, 1848. Chas, R. Morehead, from August, 1848, to August, 1851. Aaron H. Conrow, from August, 1851, to August, 1856. Humphrey J. Comer, from August, 1856, to August, 1858. James F. Hudgins, from August, 1858, to November, 1862. Henry C. Garner, from November, 1862, to November, 1866. John Kelsey, from November, 1866, to November, 1872. George W. Ewing, from November, 1872, to November, 1876. W. A. Holman, from November, 1876, to . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. In 1874, L. B. Wright was county suferintcndent of public schools. March 26th of that year, the governor approved an act of the general assembly, as follows: HISTORY OF RAV COUxNTV. 257 Section 37. There is hereby created the office of county commis- sioners of public schools. There shall be one county commissioner for each county in the state, who shall be elected by the qualified voters at the annual district school meetings held in said counties on the first Tues- day in April, 1875, and every two years thereafter, and shall hold the office for two years and until a successor is duly elected and qualified. The said commissioner shall possess the qualifications of a competent teacher of the public schools, and be of good moral character. Mr. Wright continued in office till April, 1875, at which time he was succeeded by W. S. Tompkins, who served two years. On the first Tuesday in April, 1877, Thomas M. Deacy was elected county commis- sioner. Mr. Deacy was again elected in 1879, and also in 1881, and is now in office, serving out his third term, which will expire on the first Tuesday in April, 1883. PROBATE COURTS. In the year 1853, the first probate court for Ray county, was held at the county seat. It was established the same year by act of the general assembly. James B. Turner, Esq., who served from 1853 to 1864, was the first probate judge. Nathaniel Banister was probate judge from 1864 to 1865; Solomon C. Watkins from 1865 to 1866; William D. Fortune from 1866 to 1867. By an act of the general assembly, approved March 14, 1874, to take eflfect from and after its passage, the county court of Ray county was reorganized, the number of justices thereof reduced to one, and that justice made ex-officio judge of probate court. At the general election in November, 1874, Hon. Chas. J. Hughes was elected county and probate judge, agreeably to the provisions of the act referred to, for a term of four years from the first day of January, 1875. An act establishing probate courts in the city of St. Louis, and in every county in the state, was approved April 9, 1877. This act contains a j)ro- vision, that in all counties where the county court, or any member thereof, has probate jurisdiction, there shall be elected at the general election in 1878, and every four years thereafter a judge of probate. The Hon. Charles J. Hughes is at present, 1881, presiding justice of the county court and judge of probate court. COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS. March 5, 1855, an act establishing a court of common pleas for Ray county was approved, and Hon. Aaron H. Conrow was appointed judge thereof, by the governor, to hold the office until the first Monday in August, 1855, and until his successor should be elected and qualified. Judge Conrow held but one term of the common pleas court. The court did not meet with public approbation, and was abolished at the en- suing session of the general assembly. 25s HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The next court of common pleas was established for Ray county b}' act of the general assembly, approved March 13, 1867. David P. Whitmer, Esq., was appointed by Governor Thomas C. Fletcher, judge of said court, and at the general election in 1868, he was elected to the office by the people. Judge Whitmer continued to serve as judge of the court of common pleas, till January, 1872, when Charles J. Hughes, having been elected at the previous November election, suc- ceeded him. Judge Hughes held the office till January 1, 1875. At that time an act of the general assembly abolishing the court of common pleas in Ray county, approved March 2J-th, of the preceding year, went into effect. All records, books, papers and proceedings belonging to said court were, in obedience to the act, turned over to the circuit court; and all suits, actions, process and proceedings pending in the court of common pleas, at the time of its abolition, were transferred to said circuit court for final judgment or determination. REPRESENTATIVES OF RAY COUNTY IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. We have been unable to ascertain who represented Ray county in the general assembly from 1822 to 1824, and from the latter year to 1826, from the fact that the early rolls of both houses have been destroyed by fire. It is believed by many who have lived in the county for years, that Isaac Martin was the tirst representative, while others place that honor to the credit of the memory of Martin Parmer. Both Martin and Parmer are long since dead, and both in their day, were leading local politicians. Both were among the first settlers of the county, but Parmer moved from county to county, now living in Ray, now in Chariton, now in Carroll^ while Martin became a permanent resident of Ray. Certain it is that Parmer was the first to represent Chariton county in the legislature ; and as that county and Ray were organized at the same time, it is fair to con- clude that Isaac Martin was Ray county's first representative in the gen- eral assembly, it being settled that that position was held by one or the other of the two men in question. But Martin Parmer did represent this county in the general assembly, and it was doubtless from 1824 to 1826. The term of office of members of the lower house of the Missouri legislature has never been more nor less than two years. Therefore, in the Ibllowing list, onlv the years in which the person was elected is given: William B. Martin, ls26. Wiliam R. Blythe, 1836. Isaac Martin, 1828. Chas Morehead, 1838. James Holman, 1830. Hardy Holman, 1838. James Holman, J 832. Hardy Holman, 1840. William Pollard, 1834. William R.Blvthe, 1840. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 259 Philip Edwards, 1842. Aaron H. Conrow, 1860. David Thompson, 1844. Adam J. Barr, 1862. Charles Bowman, 1846. Christopher T. Garner, 1862. Eohraim B. Ewing, 1848. James W. Black, 1864. Thos. L. King, 1850. John Grimes, 1864. John C. Tiffin, 1860. - Benjamin J. Waters, 1866. Daniel Barnstetter, 1852. Benjamin J. Waters, 1868. Jesse Esrey, 1852. Frederick Scoville, 1870. Louis C. Bohannon, 1854. Jacob T. Child, 1872. John Cleavenger, 1856. Walter King, 1874. Walter King, 1858. James L. Farris, 1876. Benjamin A. Rives, 1858. Louis C. Bohannon, 1878. Louis C. Bohannon, 1860. William T. Brown, 1880. The following state senators either lived or are now living in Ray county, to-wit: William R. Blythe, elected in 1842; Joseph Chew, in 1850; Benjamin A. Brown in 1854, and again 1858; William W. Mosby in 1862, and again in 1874. Messrs. Blythe and Chew each served four years; Brown and Mosby eight years each. Austin A. King, of Ray county, elected by the people in August, 1848, for a term of four years, was the seventh governor of Missouri. Ephraim B. Ewing, a citizen of Ray county, was appointed secretary of state in April, 1849, and served in that position four years. He was elected attorney general in August, 1856, and after holding the office till Septem- ber 1st, 1859, resigned to take his seat on the supreme bench, to which he had been called by a majority of his fellow citizens to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Richardson. He was re-elected supreme judge November 5, 1872, to serve eight years. Mordecai Ohver, also of Ray county, was a member of the lower house of congress from 1852 to 1857; and Austin A. King from from 1862 to 1864. JUDICIAL DISTRICTS AMD JUDICIAL CIRCUITS. The general assembly of Missouri, by act approved November 25, 1820, entitled, " an act establishing judicial districts and circuits, and prescribing the times and places of holding courts therein," the state was divided into four judicial districts — the counties of Cole, Cooper, Chariton, Saline, Lil- lard, Ray\ Howard and Boone, to form the first district. The supreme courts and the superior courts of chancery were held in the districts. The supreme court for the first judicial district was to be held at the town of Franklin, in the county of Howard, on the first Mondays of March and September. The superior courts of chancery were to be held at the same place, in the same county, on the first Mondays of January and July. 260 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. For the purpose of holding circuit courts, the counties composing the first judicial district were declared to form the first judicial circuit. The times provided by the act for holding circuit court in Ray county, were the third Mondays of February, June and October. The act was to take eflTect and be in force from and after its passage ; provided, that no part thereof, which related to new counties established at that session of the general assembly, should have any effect tiU January 1, 1821. Ray was one of the new^ counties. By act of the general assembly, approved January 11, 1822, the state of Missouri was divided into four judicial districts, and subsequently the districts were subdivided into judicial circuit. The counties of Cole, Cooper, Lillard, (now Lafayette) Clay, Ray, Chariton, Howard and Boone, composed the first judicial district. The Hon. David Todd was judge of this district till the year A. D. 1831, commencing with the year A. D. 1821. By act of the general assembly, passed at its session of 1830-1, Saline, Lafayette, Ray and Chariton counties were stricken off of the first judicial circuit, and, together w^ith Randolph and Jackson, were made to form the fifth judicial circuit. The circuit courts were to be held in Ray county as follows: Com- mencing on the first Thursdays after the first Mondays in February, June and October. The counties comprising the first judicial circuit, with the exception of the county of Franklin, and the counties composing the fifth judical cir- cuit, constituted the first judicial district. The general assembly of Missouri, March 17th, 1835, passed an act dividing the state into four judicial districts and seven judicial circuits, making the first judicial district to consist of the counties of Clay, Clin- ton, Cole, Callaway, Carroll, Cooper, Chariton, Saline, Lafayette, Ray, Johnson, Jackson, Morgan, Howard, Randolph, Monroe, Boone, Rives, Pettis, Benton, Polk, Greene, Barry and Van Buren ; and the fifth judicial circuity of the counties of Clay, Clinton, Carroll, Chariton, Lafayette, Ray, Johnson, Jackson and Van Buren. The supreme court met in the first judicial district, at the town of Fay- ette, Howard county, on the first Mondays after the fourth Mondays of April and August in each year. The time of holding the circuit courts in Ray county was changed to the first Mondays of March, July and November. The Hon. John F. Ryland succeeded the Hon. David Todd, as judge of the fifth judicial circuit in 1831, and held the office until 1837. In the latter year, by act of the general assembly, Saline, Lafayette and Jackson, being south of the Missouri river, were stricken from the fifth HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 261 and attached to the sixth judicial circuit, of which Hon. John F. Ryland was the judge. The fifth judicial circuit was then ,formed of counties lying north of the Missouri river. The Hon. Austin A. King, of Ray county, was appointed judge of the fifth circuit in 1837, and served with distinguished ability till his resigna- tion in 1848, to assume the duties of governor of Missouri, an office to which he had been elected by his fellow citizens. By act of the general assembly, approved January 31st, 1839, the fifth judicial circuit was declared to embrace Clinton, Caldwell, Clay, Ray, Platte and Buchanan counties. Again, by act of March 27, 1845, Platte and Buchanan counties were stricken from the circuit, and Carroll, Harrison, De Kalb and Daviess, added thereto. Judge King was succeeded by the Hon. George W. Dunn, who received his appointment from Gov. John C. Edwards, and was circuit judge from the year 1848 to 1861. By appointment of Gov. Gamble, Austin A. King was again judge of the fifth judicial circuit from 1861 to 1863, when he was again succeeded by Judge Dunn, who served till 1865. Judge Dunn's successor was the Hon. Walter King, son of Austin A. King. Judge Walter King filled the office from 1865 to 1867, in which year he was succeeded by the Hon. Philander Lucas, who continued to serve till 1874. In the year last mentioned the Hon. George W. Dunn was elected by the people, for a term of six years, judge of the fifth judicial circuit, the boundaries of which were so reduced in 1866 as to include the counties of Ray, Clay, Clinton and Platte, which now (April, 1881,) form the circuit. Judge Dunn was again elected in November, 188u, and hence is the present judge of the fifth judicial circuit of Missouri. He has held the office up to this date, about twenty-two years in the aggregate ; and in the discharge of all his official duties has been guided by a love of justice, deliberate judgment, impartial ruling, and a sincere desire to uphold the law in its every tendency to promote the well-being of society. Trul}' has it been written of him: " He has worn the ermine unspotted." Judge Dunn is a resident of Richmond, Ray county, Mis- souri. Till the year 1831, Ray was one of the counties of the first judicial circuit; since that time it has remained a part of the fifth judicial circuit. The judges of these circuits having been given in this article, we now append a complete list of the CIRCUIT ATTORNEYS. Hamilton R. Gamble, from February, 1821, to December, 1823. 262 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Abiel Leonard, from December, 1823, to June, 1825. Charles French, from June, 1825, to June, 1826. Robert W. Wells (attorney-general), from June, 1826, to March, 1831. Amos Rees, from March, 1831, to February, 1837. Thomas C. Burch, from February, 1837, to February, 1840. Peter H. Burnett, from February, 1840, to January, 1841. George W. Dunn, from January, 1841, to July, 1848. Chas. J. Hughes, from September, 1848, to November, 1848. Mordecai Oliver, from November, 1848, to January, 1853. Christopher T. Garner, from January, 1853, to January, 1857. Aaron H. Conrow, from January, 1857, to January, 1861. DeWitt C. Allen, from January, 1861, to— D. P. Whitmer, from February, 1862, to January, 1865. W. A. Donaldson, from January, 1865, to May, 1865. Elijah F. Esteb, from May, 1865, to January, 1869. John G. Woods, January, 1869, to January, 1873. Hamilton R. Gamble resigned, and Abiel Leonard was appointed by the supreme court to fill the vacancy. The latter, after serving about a year and a half, was removed from office — for what cause, or whether for any cause, the writer has been unable to ascertain — and Charles French appointed in his stead. It is presumed that the charges against Judge Leonard — if there were any — were either trifling, or not well founded, as he was universally recognized as an able and faithful officer — a gentleman in every depart- ment and duty of life — an upright and honorable man. He was after- ward, for many years, judge of the supreme court of Missouri. In 1822 Abiel Leonard was appointed, by Hamilton R. Gamble, deputy circuit attorney, to prosecute in Ray, Clay, Lafayette, Saline, and Cole counties. An act of the general -assembly, relating to the attorney-general and circuit attorneys, approved December 9, 1824, provided that the attorney- general should reside and keep his office at the seat of government; that it should be his duty to commence and prosecute all actions, suits, proc- esses, and prosecutions, civil and criminal, in which the state or any county might be concerned; to defend all actions brought against the state; to prosecute forfeited recognizances, and all suits and actions for the recovery of debts, fines, penalties, and forfeitures accruing to the state, or to any county within the circuit in which the seat of government was located; when called upon by the governor, to aid any circuit attorney in the discharge of his duties ; when required, to give his opinion and advice, without fee or reward, to any coiinty court, or justice thereof, or to any tribunal established for the transaction of county business, or to any member thereof, or to any justice of the peace within his circuit, upon any HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. -Jfili question of law relating to any criminal or other matter in which the state or any county was concerned ; and to perform such other and further duties as might be enjoined on him by law. In 1826 the seat of government was removed to Jeflerson Cit}-, in Cole county, and as that county was in the first judicial circuit, of which Rav county was also a part, the then attorney-general, Robert W. Wells, became ex-officio circuit attorne}^ for the first judicial circuit, and continued to act as such so long as he remained in office, but in the year 1831, as previ- ously stated, Saline, Lafayette, Ray, and Chariton were stricken from the first, and became part of the fifth judicial circuit, of which Amos Rees was then appointed circuit attorney. During Wells' incumbency, Amos Rees was frequently appointed cir- cuit attorney -pro tetn-pore. William T. Wood acted as circuit attorney for the October term of court, 1834; Charles French, for the November term, 1826; John Wilson, for the July term, 1826 ; and again, for the March term, 1828. Peter H. Burnett resigned, and Geo. W, Dunn was appointed for the remainder of his term, and elected by the people in 1844. George W. Dunn having been appointed judge of the fifth judicial cir- cuit, vice Austin A. King, elected governor, Chas. J. Hughes was appointed to discharge the duties of prosecuting attorney fro temfore. DeWitt C. Allen was elected circuit attorney in November, 1860, but we have been unable to find an entry of record showing that his commis- sion was produced in the Ray circuit court. In the year 1861, during the intense public excitement, incident to the outbreaking of civil war, no regular, uninterrupted sessions of the circuit court, were held; and it is believed that Mr. Allen never attended. At all events, February, 1862, David P. Whitmer was commissioned bv acting-governor Willard F. Hall, circuit attorney of the fifth judicial cir- cuit, to serve out the term for which Allen had been elected. Elijah F. Esteb was appointed, vice W. A. Donaldson, in conformity to the before-mentioned ordinance of the Missouri state convention of 1865. The office of county attorney was established in 1868, and James W. Black, Esq., was appointed county attorney for Ray county, taking charge of the office in January, 1869, and serving till January, 1873. He attended to county business only — the prosecution of criminal cases being still left to the circuit attorney. The office of circuit attorney was abolished in 1872. In November, of that year, James L. Farris was elected county attorne}' of Ray county, and served four years ft-om the following January-. He was succeeded by Frank G. Gibson as prosecuting attorney. Gibson served two years, and was succeed b}' James W. Garner, who has been twice elected, and is now in office. 264 • HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Of the circuit attorneys given in the foregoing list, the following either lived, or are now living in Ray county: Amos Rees, Thomas C. Burch, George W. Dunn, Charles J. Hughes, Mordecai OHver, C. T. Garner, Aaron H. Conrow, David P. Whitmer, W. A. Donaldson, and Elijah F. Esteb. The circuit has been composed of never less than four counties; yet it will be seen that a majority of the attorneys were citizens of Ray. RAY COUNTY'S WAR RECORD. At the time of the passage of the act of congress, approved February 14, 1871, granting pensions to the surviving soldiers of the war of 1812, and the widows of the deceased soldiers of the war of 1812, that were married before peace was declared between the United States and Great Britain, February 17, 1815, there were living in Ray county, Missouri, twenty soldiers and four widows, nearly all of whom were entitled to pen- sions under the provisions of said act of congress of February 14, 1871. They were as follows: Thomas Blain, at the age of twenty, enlisted for service in the war of 1812, as a private in Capt. Samuel Lapsly's company, second regiment of Kentucky volunteers, on or about the 1st of April, 1813, in Lancaster, Gar- rard count}^, Kentucky. This regiment was comprised {in the army commanded by General William Henry Harrison. A short time after Thomas Blain enlisted, his regiment was ordered to take up their line of march to Fort Meigs, in the northwest part of Ohio. He remained in service in General Harrison's army for a number of months, and having served over his term of enlistment, he was honorably discharged from the said military service at Habanna, Ohio, the spring of 1814, and returned to his home in Kentucky. Some years afterward he removed to Missouri, and followed the business of farming many years, successfully. He was living near Camden, Missouri, at the time he commenced drawing his pension as a soldier of the war of 1812, in the year 1871. He died the same 3'ear, December 12, 1871, at the advanced age of seventy-nine years, at his home, greatly respected as an honest, upright man, by his large circle of neighbors and friends, John Brewer enlisted at the age of twenty, in Capt. Weslar's Chester county company, Valley Light infantry, at Chester county, Pennsylvania, on or about the 20th day of June, 1814. After enlisting in said Capt. Weslar's compari}', he was ordered to Philadelphia, and remained in camp there for two weeks, and then proceeded to a point on the Delaware river about twenty miles below Philadelphia, near Marcus Hook. He re- mained at this place doing duty as a soldier of said company, until some ^l:2^ HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 265 time in October, 1814, when he was honorably mustered out of the service. He was a worthy, old gentleman, greatly endeared to his family and friends. He was a citizen of Ray county a number of years, and made application for pension in Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, in 1871. He died after a very short illness, in Caldwell county, Missouri, December 3, 1871, at the advanced age of eighty years. Thomas B. Brown was drafted as a soldier of the war of 1812, and mustered in as private in Capt. James C. Wade's company, Bedford county, Tennessee, on or about the 15th day of May, 1812, at the age of twenty-four years. After this company was duly organized, it took up its line of march from Fayetteville, Tennessee, to Fort Jackson, then in the territory of Indiana ; thence to Fort Decatur, in same territory; and after doing military service until late in the fall of 1812, his company re- turned home to Bedford county, Tennessee, and were honorably dis- charged from the service, after having been on duty six months and twenty days. Some years afterward, he removed to Missouri, and in the course of time settled in Ray county, and became one of its most valued, useful and energetic citizens. He was for many years an able and faithful minister of the gospel of the Baptist denomination, and performed the work of his great Master in an earnest and zealous manner. He became a pensioner in 1872, to date from Februar}^ 14, 1871. He died at his home in Ra}' county, at the great age of eighty-five. He was greatly beloved by a large circle of relatives and friends. The present representa- tive of Ray county, in the legislature of Missouri, is his grandson. Alexander Bogart, was drafted as a private in Captain Solomon Hendron's company of infantry, Colonel Bagley's regiment, General Coul- ter's brigade, constituting a part of the army of General Andrew Jackson, war of 1812. He was drafted and mustered into said company on or about the 20th day of October, 1814, in Chaster count}', Tennessee. He then marched with his company to Lookout mountain, thence to Fort Jackson, thence to Fort Claiborne, remaining in the service until after the news was received that peace had been declared between the United States and Great Britain, and was then honorably discharged with his company at Fort Claiborne, Alabama. Some years after his discharge from military service, when his country was making the onward march of prosperity, under the benign influences of peace, and the great developments of an active and energetic people, he shaped his course westward for Missouri, and for many years lived in Ray county, Missouri, near Albany, in Fish- ing River township. He died at the advanced age of eighty-four years, at his home near Albany, having been a worthy and exemplary citizen of this county for many years, greatly respected by all who knew him. John Bissell, a soldier of the war of 1812, volunteered to serve in 17 '2()i\ HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Captain Haslep's artillery company volunteers, at Youngstown, Ohio, on or about the 27th day of August, 1812. This company of artillery con- stituted a part of General William Henry Harrison's gallant little army, that won distinction under the brave " Old Tippecanoe" on some hard fought battle-fields. After he enlisted in this company, he soon saw some severe active service. He was with .his company in the siege of Fort Meigs, and was with it when sent to succor General Winchester's forces at the River Raisin, but failed to reach them before the massacre. At the expiration of his term of enlistment, he was honorably discharged at Lower Sandusky, Ohio, on the 27th of February, 1813. He married in Trumbull county, Ohio, (now Mahoning) to Miss Margaret Waters, November 16, 1815. He removed from Ohio to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1866, and was a successful farmer near Albany, Ray county, Missouri, for many 3'ears, and was highly respected by his neighbors as an honest, upright man. He died at his home, near Albany, in the spring of 1879, at the advanced age of eighty-five years. William Bales was a soldier of the war of 1812. He was mus- tered into Capt. Sharp's company, Tennessee militia, in December, 1814, at Knoxville, Tennessee, and serving for a short time, in said compan)% was honorably discharged a short time before peace was declared. He became a citizen of Ray county, Missouri, many years ago, having left Tennessee and become a resident of this county shortly after it was organized. He came to it when it was sparsely inhabited, when only a small portion of its fertile territory was under cultivation, and rewarded the hand of the industrious farmer with abundant crops. He has lived to see this county become one of the first of the northwestern counties of Missouri, in everything that pertains to a high degree of improvement and civilization. He has attained the great age of eighty-nine years. He has been one of the most energetic and worthy farmers of the county, and is greatly respected by all his neighbors. He is greatly endeared to his family, who have grown up around him, and are regarded as being prominent and useful citizens of the county, John Cornelison enlisted as a private in Capt. Jacob Israel's company rifle volunteer infantry, at the age of twenty-four years, war of 1812, in Harrison county, Virginia, on or about the 20th day of November, 1814. After their company was duly organized, it rendezvoused at Clarksburg, Hardin county, Virginia, and was afterwards ordered to Norfolk, Vir- ginia. Before reaching Norfolk, however, the order was countermanded, and it was ordered back to Harrison county, Virginia, and discharged from the service on or about the 28th day of March, 1815, after peace had been declared between the United States and Great Britain. A number of years after the war of 1812, he removed from Virginia with his family to the west, and after living in various places finally settled in Ray county, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 267 Missouri. He died in the year 1872, about two miles northwest of Rich- mond, at his home, at the advanced age of eighty-two years. John Davis volunteered as a soldier of the war of 1812, in Capt. John Crawford's company, Kentucky infantry volunteers, which formed a part of General Shelby's brigade, at Newport, Kentucky, on or about the 20th day of July, 1813.' Soon after the organization of his brigade, they marched rapidly to reinforce General Harrison. After being reinforced by so strong a bod}^ of Kentucky troops under Gen. Shelby, Gen. Harrison embarked on lake Erie with his army, and soon after arrived at Maiden. On finding his post had been abandoned by the British, and that they had retreated up the river Thames, General Harrison rapfdly pursued them, and succeeded in bringing them to action at the Moravian village on the Thames, and gained a decisive victory, October 5, 1813. The celebrated chief Tecumseh was slain in this battle by Colonel R. M. Johnson. Capt. John Crawford's company, in which John Davis was first sergeant, bore a conspicuous part in this battle on account of their gallantry, and con- tributed no little to the glorious result. On the expiration of his term of service he was honorably discharged at Chillicothe, Ohio, on or about October 30, 1813. John Davis and Selene McDougal were married in Morgan county, Kentucky, June 1, 1817. John Davis some years after his marriage, removed with his family to Ray county, Missouri, and after living in difterent portions of the county, finally made a permanent settle- ment about three miles west of Knoxville, Ray county, and followed the business of farming for many years successfully. He was a valuable citi- zen in his community, and greatly respected by his neighbors. He died on the 10th day of September, 1875, at his home near Knoxville, at the advanced age of 84 years. He left a very worthy family, who live in the same neighborhood. His widow, Selene Davis, lives with her son, Jasper N. Davis, on the old homestead. She is a pensioner, as the widow of John Davis deceased, a soldier of the war of 1812. James Humphreys enlisted in Capt. George Matthews' co.mpany, infantry. Major Hurt's battalion. Col. George Pogue's regiment, in the army of General William Henry Harrison, at Flemingsburg, Fleming county, Kentucky, on or about the 12th day of August, 1812. After enlisting, he, with his company, marched to Newport, Kentucky, and drew their arms, and took up their line of march toward the northwestern part of Ohio. They failed to reach their point of destination before winter set in, and were ordered back to Shawneetown to build a fort which was called " Fort Amanda." They remained in this fort until spring, when they were ordered to the relief of General Winchester, but were too late in reaching him by one day's travel. Their term of enlistment having expired, they returned home and were honorably discharged on or about April 15, 268 « HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 181B. For a number of years before his death he was a citizen of Ray county, Missouri, living nearMillville. James Kinzon was a private in Capt. James H. Campbell's company, 24th regiment U. S. infantry volunteers. He enlisted at Cumberland Gap, east Tennessee, on or about the 4th day of September, 1812. After serv- ing two years he was transferred with his company to the second rifle regi- ment corps, and served in it until the expiration of his term of enlistment, having enlisted for five years. He was honorably discharged at Rock Island, Mississippi, September 4, 1817. After enlisting he marched with his company to Knoxville, Tennessee, thence to Canada West, taking part in the battle of Mackinac, in the defense of Fort Meigs at the time of the siege, and in other engagements. Some years after the war of 1812 he came to Missouri. He married Miss Sarah Harlow, of Clinton county, Missouri, and lived many years near Turner's Grove, Ray county, Mis- souri. He died in Clinton county Missouri, on the 26th day of February, 1875, at the advanced age of 80 years. James Mason was a private in Captain Elijah Harding's company, Forty -fifth regiment Virginia militia, commanded by Lieutenant-Col- onel Peyton, General Hungerford's brigade, war of 1812. He was mus- tered into the service in Stafford county, Virginia, Potomac court house, on or about the 1st day of July, 1814. He performed service with his com- pany in Westmoreland county, Virginia, along the Potomac, until he was stricken down with a severe attack of typhoid fever, and was sent home from Drummond's Field, Virginia, his company being on the march at that time up the Potomac river. On recovering, he found his company had returned to Stafford county, Virginia, and was dis- charged for the campaign. The war coming to a close shortly after, the services of his company were no longer required. He married in Vir- ginia, and lived there the greater portion of his life. He came to Rich- mond, Missouri, when a very old man, and lived up to the time of his death with his daughter, Mrs. O. S. W. Taylor. William McIntosh was mustered in as a private in Captain Black's company. Third regiment of Tennessee volunteers, war of 1812, on or about the 10th day of July, 1814, and was honorably discharged on or about the 10th day of February, 1815, after peace was declared, at Nash- ville, Tennessee. After enlisting in said service, his regiment took up their line of departure on flat-boats to New Orleans, Louisiana, and remained in that city until after the battle of New Orleans, having the honor of taking part in this glorious engagement, on the 8th of January, 1815. Al'ter news of the peace was received, his company was ordered back to Tennessee, and were mustered out of the service honorably, at Nashville, Tennessee, as above stated. He lived a number of years HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 261> before the close of his life in Hardin, Ray county, Missouri, and died there at the advanced age of eighty-two years. Thomas McCuistion was a lieutenant in Captain John B. Deiripsey*s company of mounted volunteers, commanded b}'^ Colonel Newton Can- non, in General Cofl'ee's brigade, the division commanded by General Andrew Jackson. He volunteered and was mustered in at Shelbyville, Bedford county, Tennessee, on or about the 15th day of September, ISIB, and was honorably discharged on or about the 25th day of December, 1813. He was in the battle of Tallahatchie, on the 2d of November, 1813, and in the battle of Talladega, on the 8th o^f November, 1813; in the Indian war, of the United States against the Creeks, and contributed greatl}' by his gallantry and intrepidity in these actions in achieving com- plete victories over the brave warriors of the hostile Creeks. He married Nancy Jordan, in Bedford county, Tennessee, on or about the 15th day of February, 1816, and moved with his wife to Ray county, Missouri, a few years after the organization of the county. He was a man of sterling- integrity. All his dealings with his neighbors were characterized by the highest principles of honor and rectitude. He was greatly loved by a large circle of relatives and friends. After a long life of usefulness, he died in Richmond, Missouri, in 1880, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. His widow, Mrs. Nancy McCuistion, is still living. Edward Sanderson enlisted as a private in Captain Scurry's com- pany of mounted riflemen, second battalion. Colonel Thomas William- son's regiment of Tennessee volunteers, at Gallatin, Tennessee, on or about the 9th day of February, 1814. His company, when he enlisted, was commanded by Captain George Elliott, who was afterwards pro- moted to be colonel of another regiment, and Captain Scurry succeeded him in the position of captain. Some time after enlisting, his company and regiment, with other forces, took up their line of march for New Orleans, Louisiana, and reached the point of their destination about the 1st of January, 1815. He, along with the rest of his company, took part in the memorable engagement of the 8th of January, 1815, in which Gen- eral Andrew Jackson gained a complete, decisive, and glorious victory over the veteran troops of Great Britain, who were thoroughly equipped and trained under the eye of Wellington, and who had met the conqueror of Europe, and driven back his legions. The war of the United States with the Creek Indians, that was the result of the interference of Great Britain, was the school in which Generals Jackson, Coffee, and Carrol! became adepts in the tactics that made a Tennessee rifleman superior to a Wellington invincible, and qualified an army of citizen soldiers to defeat an army of veterans of superior numbers. Mr. Sanderson, shortly after this brilliant victory, returned, with his company, to Gallatin, Tennessee, and was honorably discharged there. Some years afterward he removed 270 HISTORY OF rXy COUNTY from Tennessee to Ray county, Misssouri, and was engaged in the busi- ness of farming for many years. He reared a large famil}'^ of children, who are valuable citizens of the county. He was an upright man in every respect, and was greatly respected in his community. He died in 1874, at the advanced age of eighty-one years. Jabez Shotwell enlisted as a soldier of the war of 1812, in Captain Stockton's company, first regiment of Kentuck}^ dragoons, in the army commanded by Gen. William Henry Harrison, Dayton, Ohio, on or about the 1st of September, 1812, and was honorably discharged at Ft. Defiance, Ohio, on or about November 10, 1812. That he served with his compan}' under Gen. Harrison, in his campaign in porthwest Ohio. He saw con- siderable active service during the term for which he was enlisted. Some years after the war of 1812, he removed to Ray county, Missouri, and became in a short time a prominent citizen of the county. He held a number of important offices. Among them may be mentioned the offices of county judge, county surveyor, count}^ school commissioner, all of which he filled with ability, discharging the duties incumbent upon him in a faithful manner. He reared an interesting family of children, to whom he was greatly endeared. He died in Lexington, Missouri, in the year 1875, at the advanced age of eighty-four years. Gerrard Spurrier enlisted in Capt. Bayliss' company, 11th regiment light horse brigade, Kentucky volunteers, war of 183 2, on or about the 9th day of September, in Lewis county, Kentucky, and was honorably discharged the 9th day of November, 1813. After enlisting he took up the line of march with his company, to West Union, Adams count\% Ohio, where the company was fully organized, thence they marched to Seneca, and a number of other points and finall}' to Moraviantown, in Canada West, and took part in the battle of the Thames, on the 5th of October, 1813, which resulted in the defeat of Gen. Proctor, and the death of the celebrated Indian chieftain and prophet, Tecumseh. Mr. Spurrier and all his fellow soldiers in his company and regiment, bore themselves gallantly in this hotly contested engagement and reflected bright and lasting honor upon the brave Kentucky troops. On leaving Kentucky, some years after the war of 1812, he came to Missouri and finally settled in Ray county, and has been a worthy citizen of it for many years. He has always borne a spotless character wherever he has lived. He is highly esteemed by all who know him. Some of his family live in Indiana and are prominent citizens of the community in which they live. Gerrard Spurrier is now eighty nine years old, but he retains, in a great measure, the vigor of his mind, and until very recently, could travel about with all the activity of a young man. « William Thornton enlisted as a private in Capt. James Simpson's company, Major Peter Dudley's brigade, in the division of Gen. Duncan HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 271 McArthur, war of 1812, on or about the 1st day of September, 1813, and was honorably discharged at Winchester, Kentucky, on or about the 25th day of September, 1814. He served with his company under Gen. McArthur the greater portion of his term of enlistment in Canada. He saw considerable active service in this campaign in which Gen. McArthur partly carried out his bold plan of conquering Upper Canada. He became a settler of Ray county, Missouri, a few years after it was organized. He was for many years a successful farmer, and stood high among his neigh- bors as a man of unswerving integrity, great firmness of purpose, and warmth of feeling in his attachment. He never married, but for many years lived in his pleasant home with his sister. Miss Margery Thornton, and always had a warm welcome for his friends. After the death of his I sister he lived in the family of Gen. Alexander Doniphan for a number of years, iji Richmond, Missouri. He died in 1872, aged eight3^-four years. John Turner was a soldier of the war of 1812. He enlisted in Capt. Burnett's companv, Kentucky volunteers. Was taken prisoner at the battle of the River Raisin, and was a prisoner among the Indians and British one year and ten days. He was one of the early settlers of Ray county, and was for many years a settler of Fishing River township, of this county. He reared a large family of children, who are good and use- ful citizens of the county. He was an industrious and energetic farmer, and showed the hand of the diligent man in 'making his home an attract- ive place for the family. He was a man of strong force of character, warm in his attachment to friends, and of unbending rectitude in all his dealings with his fellow man — a man that stood high with his neighbors for probity, and whole-souled honor and integrity. He died at an advanced age in 1872. Emilius Wood was mustered in as a private in Capt. Charles Duvall's company, Ohio volunteers, in General Harrison's army, on about Novem- ber 10, 1812, in Wdsjiington county, Ohio, and was honorably discharged at Marietta, Ohio, in or about May, 1813. He saw considerable active service during his term of enlistment, in the army of Gen. Harrison. He was not a citizen of Ray county, Missouri, many years. He was a farmer during the time he lived in this county, in Richmond township, not far from the Richmond and Lexington junction. Only two soldiers of the war of 1812 are now living in Ray county, Gerrard Spurrier and William Bales. All of those living at the time of the passage of the pension act, approved by congress, February 14, 1871, are now dead, except the two above mentioned. Widows of soldiers of the war of 1812, that were entitled to pensions under the act of congress approved February 14, 1871, having been mar- ried prior to the declaration of peace, February 17, 1815. They were as follows : 272 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. . Maltnda Martin, widow of William B. Martin, deceased, who was a private in Capt. Brassfield's company, Kentucky volunteers, war of 1812. He enlisted at Winchester, Kentucky, on or about the 10th, of August, 1812, and was honorably discharged at Fort Defiance, in December, 1812. Anna Routh, widow of Jeremiah Routh, deceased, who was a private in Capt. Inglish's company, Tennessee militia regiment, war of 1812. He enlisted in Sevier county, Tennessee, on or about the 25th of Novem- ber, 1813, and was honorably discharged on or about the 25th day of July, 1814. Heathy Mott, widow of Loann Orange Mott, deceased, who enlisted in Capt. John Dowden's company, Slack's tavern, between Wash- ington and Germantown, in Macon county, Kentucky, war of 1812, on or about the 10th day August, 1812, and was honorably discharged at Macon county, Kentucky, about the close of the year 1812. Mary E. Mayberry, widow of Frederick E. Mayberry, deceased, who enlisted in Capt. William Lock's company. Col. Cplman's regiment, in the division commanded by Gen. Andrew Jackson, Tennessee volun- teers, on the 10th day of December, 1811, at Nashville, Tennessee, and was honorably discharged at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on or about the 25th day of December, 1814. Only one of the above mentioned widows is now living. Mrs. Anna Routh still survives, having attained the great age of eighty-seven years. She lives about four miles from Richmond, Ray county, Missouri. Mary Comer, widow of John Comer, deceased, who was a soldier of the war of 1812, in Capt. Morris's company of Ohio volunteers, that did service in the army of Gen. Harrison. He enlisted at Chillicothe, Ross county, Ohio, on or about the 10th day of July, 1813, and was honorably discharged at Chillicothe, Ohio, on or about December 10, 1813. She was married to John Comer, on or about the 10th day of June, 1809, in Ross county, Ohio. Her name before marriage was Mary Baker. Mrs. Mary Comer moved from Ray county to Daviess county, Missouri, before her claim was completed, and died in Daviess county, eighty-seven years old. The act of congress approved March 9, 1878, extended the provisions of the act of February 14, 1871, to all widows of soldiers of the war of 1812, without any reference to the time of their marriages. Those living in Ray county, Missouri, are as follows.: Selena Davis, widow of John Davis, deceased, who was a soldier of the war of 1812, in Capt. John Crawford's company, Kentucky volun- teers, forming a part of General Shelby's brigade. She lives about three miles from Knoxville, Ray county, Missouri. She was married to John Davis in Montgomery county, Kentucky, about June 1, 1817; her maiden name being Selena McDougal. She is now over eighty years old. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 273 Catharink Gunnell, widow of Nathaniel Gunnell, deceased, who was a soldier of the war of LS12, having enhsted in a Virginia company of volunteers, in the southeastern part of Virginia, on or about the year 1814. She was married to Nathaniel Gunnell, on the 8th day of Janu- ary 1848, in Ray county, Missouri, her name before marriage being Mrs. Catharine Albert. She is now seventy-five years old, and until recently lived about three miles from Millville, Ray county, Missouri. Nancy McCuistion, widow of Thomas McCuistion, deceased, late soldier of the war of 1812, in Capt. John B. Dempsey's mounted volun- teers. She was married to Lieut. Thomas McCuistion on or about the loth day of February, 1816, her name before marriage being Nancy Jor- dan. She now lives with her son, A. A. McCuistion, in Richmond, Mis- souri, and is now seventy-nine years old. Mary Reed, widow of David Reed, deceased, a soldier of the war of 1812, who enlisted in Berkeley county, Virginia, on or about the 1st of August, 1814, and was honorably discharged on or about the 1st of March, 1815. She was married to David Reed on or about the 1st day of December, 1820, in Warren county, Missouri, at that time forming a part of Montgomery county, Missouri. Her maiden name was Mary Bryan. She lives with her daughter, Mrs. Elijah Happy, about five miles from Richmond. She has attained the age of eighty-three years. Adaline Riffe, widow of John Riflfe, deceased, a lieutenant in Capt. Wade's company of volunteers, from Casey county, Kentucky, war of 1812. He enlisted on or about the 1st day of September, 1814, and was honorably discharged on or about February 15, 1815. She was married to John Riffe in Ray county, Missouri, on the 15th day of January, 1846. Her name before this marriage was Mrs. Adaline Ross. She lives in Albany, Ray countv, Missouri, about one mile from Orrick, and is now seventy-two years old. Nancy Rush, widow of Job Rush, a soldier of the war of 1812 in Capt. George Allen's company of Virginia militia, who enlisted on or about the 15th of April, 1813, and was honorably discharged at Norfolk, Virginia, on or about the 1st of October, 1813. She was married to Job Rush in Madison county, Virginia, on the 10th day of February, 1819. She i^ now eighty-three years old, and lives with her relatives near Rich- mond, Missouri. Jane Smith, widow of Jedediah Smith, deceased, a soldier of the war of 1812, in Capt. McCuistion's company, in the second regiment of North Carolina militia. He enlisted in Guilford county, North Carolina, in 1814, and was honorably discharged, after serving a term of over three months. She was married to Jedediah Smith, January 6th, 1818, in Guilford county. North Carolina. Her name before marriage was Jane Close. She is 274 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. now living about three miles from Lawson, with her son, William W. Smith, and has attained the great age of eighty-two years. BLACK HAWK WAR IN 1833. SOLDIERS OR WIDOWS OF SOLDIERS NOW LIVING IN' RAY COUNTY. Henry Brown, in Captain Sconce's company; William Crowley; Wil- iliam R. Blythe, first lieutenant in Captain Pollard's company, Colonel Sconce's regiment; Winant Vanderpool, a private in Captain William C. Pollard's company; Priscilla Conklin, late widow of Andrew Pearce, deceased, a private in Captain William Pollard's company; Ruth Riffe, widow of Jacob Rifte, deceased. FLORIDA WAR. In the Florida war, in the year 1887, the Missouri " spies," a company made up chiefly of recruits from Ray county, commanded by Captain John Sconce, Israel R. Hendly, first lieutenant, did good service in the swamps and everglades of Florida. In the battle of Okeechobee, December 25, lvS87, the company suffered severely. Among the killed were Perry Jacobs and James Remley, and among the wounded were John W. Martin and William B. Hudgins, from this county. The following are the names of the soldiers, who were in the Florida war, who are now living in Rav county: William B. Hudgins, of Capt. Sconce's company Missouri Spies; Beniah Hagan, of Captain Pollard's company; Jackson Mann, of Captain Pollard's company; James B. Smith, of Captain John Sconce's company; William L. Feur, of Captain Pollard's company; Pleasant Slover, of Captain John Child's company Tennessee volunteers; Dr. Moody Man.son. surgeon. IIEATHERLY WAR. In 1886 two companies of Ray county militia, under command of Cap- tains Matthf w P. Long and William Pollard, were ordered out as a part of Brigadier-General William Thompson's brigade, to serve in the Heath- erly war. The counties of Ray, Carroll and Clay, as late as 1886, extended from the Missouri river to the .southern boundary line of Iowa territory. In June of that year(l88(;) the settlements in the northern por- tion of all these counties were sparsely peopled, and many miles apart. In the northern part of Carroll county, now embraced in the limits of Mer- cer and Grund}-, near the line dividing tht'sc two counties, there was a comparati\ely small settlement, or a few families ot" pioneers residing. Of this number was an old man named Ileatherl}-, and wife, some four grown sons, and two sons-in-law, and a family named Dunbar and .mother person, a near neighbor of Dunbar. The Ileatherlys were at enmity with Dunbar and his neighbors, and availing themselves of the chance, alwa3S created in the unprotected settlements, the}' murdered HISTORY OP' RAY COUNTY. 275 Dunbar and his neighbor, and robbed their houses, and then fled into the more densel}^ settled part of the country south, and reported that some Iowa Indians had made an irruption into that part of the country and had murdered and robbed these two persons. The clamor of the Heatherlys caused troops to be called out for the purpose of apprehending the Indians, and having them punished for these murders. Brigadier-General William Thompson was commander of the brigade, embracing the counties of Ray, Clay and Carroll, and resided in Ray. He immediately ordered out five companies, one from Carroll, two from Ray, commanded as above mentioned, and two from Clay, commanded respectively by Captain David R. Atchison and Smith Crawford, and the battalion was under the personal command of Shubael Allen. The bat- talion from Ray and Carroll was commanded by General Thompson in person. The last named battalion marched rapidly to the scene of the crimes, and succeeded in finding the bodies of the murdered men, but no trace of any Indians could be found. The two battalions were in con- stant communication, and after about eighteen days' service, General Thompson ordered them to disband. Facts ascertained by General Thompson, when he was at the scene of the murder, and facts that came to light, induced the belief that the Heatherly gang were the murderers, and they were arrested and committed to jail in Carroll county, and after a delay of a year or more, some of them were convicted and sent to the penitentiary. The Heatherly family were more like gypsies than Amer- icans. The children were of every liue, from mulattoes to pretty fair Caucasians. The moving spirit and motive power of the family was the old woman, the mother of this motley progeny. She had great shrewd- ness, and was as fiendish as a Hecate. It was in proof that she instigated, planned, and had the crimes committed, and conceived the idea of attributing them to the friendly Iowa Indians. • MORMON WAR. In the fall of 1838, the Mormon war caused great excitement in Ray county. A considerable force of Mormons under their leader, Joe Smith, had assembled at Far West, in Caldwell county, Missouri, and serious apprehensions were entertained that they intended to make a descent upon Ray countv. A portion of the force of Mormons, under the command of Capt. Patton, did march into Ray county, as far as what is now called " Bogart's Batde Field," on Crooked river, in the northwest part of the county, on, or about the loth of November, 1838, and met a company of Ray county militia, under the command of Capt. Samuel Bogart. After a sharp engagement, the militia were repulsed and fell back to the south- ern part of the county, leaving the Mormons the masters of the battle- field. In this engagement the Mormons lost Captain Patton, and the day following fell back lo their main force at Far West, Caldwell county. 276 HISTORY OK RAY COUNTY. The wildest excitement prevailed in Ray county after this slight action. A large number of people in the northern part of the count}- removed their families and their effects to places of safety in the southern part of the county. Lilburn W. Boggs, who was then governor of Missouri, issued a proc- lamation and ordered Major-General David R. Atchison to call out the militia of his division, in order to put down the insurgents and enforce the laws. . General Atchison called out a part of the hrst brigade of Missouri state militia, under the command of General Alexander W. Doniphan, who proceeded at once to the seat of war. There were called out in this expedition from Ray county four com- panies of militia, commanded respectively by Captains Samuel Bogart, Israel R. Hendley, Nehemiah Odell, and John Sconce. The militia were placed under the command of General John B. Clark. General Doniphan, on reaching Far West, in Caldwell county, Missouri, after some slight engagements, where the principal Mormon forces had assembled, numbering about, 1,000 men, commanded by Colonel G. W. Hinkle, demanded their surrender, on the following conditions, viz: That they should deliver up their arms, surrender their prominent leaders for trial, and that the remainder of the Mormons should, with their families, leave the state. After some parleying, Joe Smith surrendered on General Doniphan's conditions. The leaders were taken before a court of inquiry at Richmond, Ray county. Judge Austin A. King, presiding. He remanded them to Daviess county to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of treason against the state. The Daviess county jail being very poor, the}' were taken to Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, and* con fined in the jail at that place. Indictments were presented against Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Sid- ney Rigdon, Lyman Wright, Colonel G. W. Hinkle, Charles Baldwin, and Amos Lyman. Sidney Rigdon was released on a writ of habeas corpus, at Liberty, Clay county, Missouri. The others applied for a change of venue, which was granted by Judge Austin A. King, and their cases were sent by him to Boone county for trial. On their way to Columbia, Boone county, under a military guard, Joseph Smith and his fellow-prisoners effected their escape. It is claimed, and believed by many, that the guard, or a portion of it was bribed. THE MEXICAN WAR. Almost thirty-five years have rolled around since the Mexican war- Since then many and great events have taken place. Many brilliant and illustrious achievements have been chronicled upon the historic page, and astounding inventions and marvelous discoveries have wrought revolu- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 277 tions in all the affairs of life. The contemplation of them almost causes the reason to stagger and the imagination to flag. The grand triumphs of science, the crowning glory of the conquests of art, and the startling discoveries in the wide domain of nature in the last thirty-five years, all go to show that we live in an age that has reached a high mark of enlight- enment, and that the conquering car of progress is sweeping onward in its grand march. Yet, amid all these grand achievements and mighty changes, there is no American who would wish the proud deeds of our gallant armies in the Mexican war blotted from the pages of his country's history. These gallant and glorious deeds still speak trumpet-tongued of the fame of the soldiers that traversed the burning sands and dense chapparals of Mexico, and covered themselves with imperishable glory on hard-fought battle- fields, under the starry folds of the proud ensign of the republic, until it streamed forth in all its original lustre over the proud halls of the Mon- tezumas. The brave McKee, the impetuous Yell, the intrepid Hardin, the chival- rous Clay, and gallant Watson, and hundreds of their noble comrades, who went down amid the rushing squadron, the roaring cannon and the clashing steel, and baptised their love of country in their crimson life-blood, will never be forgotten. Every American in whose free-born bosom there throbs one pulsation prouder than another, will feel it throb whenever he hears these names. They will still continue to be the glowing theme of the annalist and the inspiring song of the bard. The reader of his country's history will always feel a glow of pride when he reads of the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monte- rey, and Buena Vista; of Vera Cruz, Contreras, Cherubusco, Molino del Rey, Chepultapec, and the City of Mexico ; of Chihuahua, and Sacra- mento. Around the names of Taylor, Scott, Doniphan, Price, and their illustrious comrades, will be entwined laurels of everlasting verdure. Their fame will be like a mighty river that grows broader and deeper as it rolls onward. And does any one ask, " What have we gained by the Mexican war?" If such an one there be, let him forget, if he can, the national glory gained for our country by the gallant deeds of our soldiers, in giving increased military renown and glory in a war without a single defeat; and look at the grand and solid results of the Mexican war! It added two states and territories to our country, that are now teeming with a popula- tion full of energy, thrift, and prosperity, embracing millions of acres of land, whose valleys are of boundless fertility, and whose mountains con- tain inexhaustible quantities of minerals, of priceless value, the gold and silver alone yielding- $80,000,000 per year. 278 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. It gave to our own country an extended seacoast, with capacious bays, inlets, and harbors, affording an almost limitless commerce, foreign and domestic. " Glens where Ocean comes, To 'scape the wild winds' rancor, And harbors, worthiest homes, Where Freedom's fleets can anchor." The resources of this broad expanse of territory, acquired by the valor of our soldiers, have been developed by our own American people, show- ing the vast superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race over the mongrel race that once occupied it. History gives no account of such consequences resulting from any war, ancient or modern, in Europe or Asia. It stands in its glorious results without a parallel. In 1846, a company of volunteers was recruited from Ray county for the Mexican war. This company was mustered into the service August 1, 1846, as company G, in the battalion of Missouri mounted riflemen, commanded by Lieut. Col. David Willock, (Col. Sterling Price's regiment) called into the service of the United States by President James K. Polk, under the act of congress, approved May 13, 1846. Israel R, Hendley was elected captain of company G; William M. Jacobs, first lieutenant; John W. Martin, second lieutenant, and William P. George, third lieu- tenant. This battalion was a part of Col. Sterling Price's regiment, and under the command of Kearney and Doniphan, won laurels of which the coun- try is justly proud. Capt. Israel R. Hendley, who had proved himself a gallant officer, fell at Moro, New Mexico, January 25, 1847, and was succeeded in command of company G,* by Capt. William M. Jacobs, who was a brave and efficient officer, and was greatly endeared to his gallant company. Com- pany G was mustered into the United States service August 1, 1846. It was a splendid company, well equipped, thoroughly disciplined, and efficient in every respect. It performed excellent service during the war, and was honorably discharged at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on the 17th day of September, 1847. A portion of this company accompanied Doniphan's regiment, so famous for its march to Santa Fe, Chihuahua, Monterey and the gulf, and for the battles of Bracito and Sacramento. The march of the regiment is known as Doniphan's expedition. After those brilliant victories, Doniphan's gallant little army took up its line of march homeward. At Saltillo they were reviewed by Gen. Wool. *Capt. William M. Jacobs was killed June 1, 1878, in the fearful cyclone that swept over liichmoud. causing great loss of life and devastatiou of property. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 279 They reported to Gen. Taylor, at Monterey, on the 27th of Ma}-, 1847, and thence they marched to Matamoras, conveying with them their artiller}', which Gen. Taylor permitted them to take home as trophies, in consideration of "their gallantry and noble bearing." They made the march from Chihualiua to Matamoras, nine hundred miles, in fort}'- five days. They arrived at New Orleans about the middle of June, 1847, were mustered out of service, and received a brilliant reception. The cele- brated orator, Sargent S. Prentiss, on the part of the people of New Orleans, welcomed their return in one of the most eloquent, touching and patriotic speeches ever heard from mortal lips. On the 2d of July, they arrived at St. Louis, where they received a grand, glorious welcome. Judge Bowlin received them at St. Louis, on the part of the people. A magnificent banquet was spread for them, and Col. Thomas H. Benton made a most eloquent and thrilling speech to the assembled mass of soldiers and people, recounting the events of their long and almost fabulous expedition with a minuteness and accuracy that aston- ished them. He traced their journey of five thousand miles from St. Louis and back again. In the course of his patriotic and impressive speech, he referred to the famous " Retreat of the Ten Thousand," and congratulated them that the march of the "one thousand" exceeded that of the "ten thousand " by some two thousand miles. Deservedly has Gen. Doniphan won the title of the " American Xenophon." Thirty-five years have rolled around since the commencement of the Mexican war, and many of the brave soldiers of the gallant armies of Tajdor, Scott and Doniphan have gone to their last camping ground. "On fame's eternal camping ground, Their silent tents are spread; And glory guards with solemn round. The bivouac of the dead." A pension bill, for the benefit of the survivors of the Mexican war has been introduced into congress. It is ardently hoped that it will soon become a law, and afibrd some recognition of the gallant services of the soldiers whose deeds hold a conspicuous place on that pillar of glory, where the deeds of the American soldier are emblazoned for the admira- tion of mankind. The following is a list of the surviving soldiers of the Mexican war, now living in Ray county, Missouri: Company G, Captain Israel R. Hendley's company, Lieut.-Colonel David Willock's battalion, Colonel Sterling Price's regiment, has the following survivors in Ray county: William Albert, Anderson Elliott, Joel Estis, William Flournoy, Henry Jacobs, George W. Jacobs, Andrew J. Lillard, Henry Page, Moses Ritter, John D. Rayburn, Jacob Robinson, Anderson Spencer, James Sanderson, 280 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Wilburn Snowden, Marion Tucker, Lewis Vandever, Robert J. Williams, and Thomas Woolard. General Alexander Doniphan, Colonel First regiment Missouri mounted volunteers, Mexican war. William Nelson, company B, Captain Walton's company, Doniphan's regiment. Porter Mansur, company L, Captain William J. Slack's company Sec- ond Missouri regiment. John Saery, private in the Sixth company, Second regiment, Kentucky volunteers. Julius H. Searls, company B, Fourth Illinois regiment, infantry volun- teers. Charles B. Kavanaugh, company B, Captain Walton's company, Doni- phan's regiment. Thomas Jobe, Captain Simmons' company, Colonel Rail's regiment of mounted volunteers. James A. Delaney, Captain Daniel H. Bird's compan}- K, First Georgia regiment of volunteers. James M. Fuller, Captain Thomas Jones' company Colonel Geles* regiment. Abner C. Roberts, sergeant, Captain Keen's company, Marix's regiment, Louisiana volunteers. Thom'as D. Woodson, corporal company K, Captain Thomas May- field's Fourth Kentucky infantry. William A. Crane, company B, Third Kentucky infantry volunteers. Joseph A. Smith, Captain Perry Moss's company C, First regiment, Missouri volunteers, commanded by General A. W. Doniphan. Benjamin W. Hines, soldier in the Mexican war, company G, Colonel Rail's regiment. James O. Cooper, private, Captain O. Perry Moss's compan}', Doni- phan's regiment. Adam K. McClintock, company C, First regiment, commanded by Colonel A. W. Doniphan. Jasper N. Davis, Captain Henry Skillman's company, battalion of team- sters, organized by Colonel A. W. Doniphan. WIDOWS OF SOLDIERS OF MEXICAN WAR, LIVING IN RAY COUNTY, MISSOURI. Mrs. Sarah J. Davis, widow of Presly C. Davis, deceased, company C, Captain William H. Rogers, Oregon battalion, commanded by Colonel Powell. « Fannie S. Craven, widow of John N. Craven, deceased, company C, Captain William H. Rogers, a soldier in Oregon battalion. Rachael Odell, widow of Francis Odell, deceased, a teamster in artil- lery company in Oregon battalion. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. , 281 Deadunea Wilson, widow of Robert Wilson, deceased, a soldier of company G, Lieutenant-Colonel David Willock's battalion, Colonel Ster- ling Price's regiment. Ellen Davis, widow of Benjamin F. Davis, deceased, a soldier of Mexi- can war, company G, Lieut.-Colonel Willock's battalion. Sarah Armstrong, widow of Joshua Armstrong, company G, Lieut.- Colonel Willock's battalion. Colonel Sterling Price's regiment. Mrs. Dorothy Pritchet, widow of William Pritchett, deceased ; company G, Lt. Col. David Willock's battalion. Mrs. Margaret Roberts, formerly widow of Lemuel Williams, deceased; a soldier of W. P. Walton's company B, first regiment of Missouri mounted volunteers. Mrs. Mary A. Parker, widow of William C. Parker, deceased; Capt. William Dougherty's company. Col. McKee's regiment, Kentucky vol- unteers. Eleanor Conyers, widow of John Conyers, deceased; a soldier of the Mexican war. Mrs. BettieJ. Robb, widow of Joseph Robb, deceased; a soldier of the Mexican war. TEAMSTERS IN MEXICAN WAR, LIVING IN RAY COUNTY, MISSOURI. Benjamin C. Branch, teamster for Gen. Wool's staff. Robert W. Patton, teamster for Col. Price's regiment. John Lee, teamster. THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. Many years must elapse before the complete history of the great struggle between the Federal government of the United States, and the Southern Confederacy, can be written. A great civil war beyond all others, involves grave and complex questions that require the historian writing from the chancery of truth, to take a calm view of the whole field, which shall do full justice to both sections of the Union. The cessation of the war after the surrender of General Lee to General Grant at Appomattox, April 9, 1865, was followed by a ftood of biographies, memoirs, reports and historical sketches, that will have to be laboriously collated, winnowed of their chaff, pruned of their partisan exuberance, and reduced to the correct standard of material for a history that makes truth its polar star, " Of whose firm fixed and resting quality, There is no fellow in the firmanent. " It is true, some very important histories of the military events of the 18 282 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. war, have been written, but this is not the whole of the subject. The future will yet produce some annalist like Tacitus, in his histories and annals, who, with incorruptible virtue will adorn the literature of his age, in giving a history of the great civil war, in a style and manner character- ized by dignity, gravity, honesty and truthfulness. The European historian who has heretofore allotted only a spare chap- ter to America, regarding our affairs with a marked indifference, now assigns it a prominent place in the world's affairs. The magnitude of the conflict, the immense armies marshaled mainly from the plow and work-shop into the field, the great battles, splendid generalship, dashing feats of arms, masterly strategy, brilliant tactics, bravery of soldiers, grand charges on terrible battle fields, vast resources of the two governments, the complete and wonderful sanitary system and regulations and the strong resolution and firm endurance of the people, all challenged the acimiration of the people of Europe, and caused them to w^onder that so great a people had sprung into existence beyond the Atlan- tic. Throughout the history of modern times there are no efforts more amazing, no sacrifices more unbounded, no achievements more brilliant on record, than those of the peoples and armies of the north and south. It was the people mainly of the same great Anglo-Saxon race that waged the mighty conflict. The same blood proudly coursed through the veins of the people of both sections of the country. At the close of the war the sublime spectacle was presented of the great armies on each side returning quietly and calmly to their homes, and gladly resuming the vocations of peace. There was not a single instance of a scene of bloodshed and violence to stain the honorable record of so large a body of brave soldiers of the north and south that had been disbanded and freed from all restraint. As time rolls onward, there will be no effort made by either the north or the south to cherish alone its own memories, its own tears, its own heroes, its own dead. Already throughout the broad expanse of our country, do we find many of our people, animated by the most noble sentiments, impar- tial in the offerings made to the memory of the dead. They strew flowers alike upon the graves of the Confederate and National soldiers. The gar- lands of roses and lilies are placed sweetly by affection's hand upon the green graves of the blue and grey as they sleep " Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the judgment day; Love and tears for the Blue, Tears and love for the Grey." CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS. Ray county fiirnished a large number of soldiers for both armies in the late civil war who bore themselves bravely in some of the hard fought bat- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 283 ties of the war, adding new lustre to the military honors already won bv the county. • The number of volunteers from Ray county that enlisted in the southern armies is variously estimated at from five to eight hundred. A majority of this number enlisted under Gen. Sterling Price the first year of the war, 1861. The following is a list of some of the officers and soldiers from Ray county that served with distinction in the Confederate armies. A number of those that enlisted from Ray county, in 1861 and during the war, are not now living in the county, having sought new homes in other states or other portions of this state, after the close of the war. Col. Benjamin A. Rives, colonel Third Missouri infantry volunteers, was killed at the battle of Pea Ridge, March 8, 1862. Col. Benjamin Brown, inspector of the Fourth division of the " Missouri State Guards," was killed at Wilson's Creek, Missouri, August 10, 1861. Capt. Finley L. Hubbell, afterward promoted to be lieutenant-colonel of 3d Missouri infantry volunteers, was wounded in the battle of Cham- pion Hill, May 16, 1863, and died from the effects of the wound, at Coffee- ville, Mississippi. Capt. Kelsey McDowell was killed at Atlanta, Georgia, July 32, 1864, having been promoted to be lieutenant-colonel of 3d Missouri infantry volunteers, a short time before he was killed. Major Wm. C. Parker, company D, 1st Missouri cavalry volunteers, (Col. Gates' regiment), was killed at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. Capt. Dick Early, brother of Gen. Jubal Earl}', was wounded at the battle of Wilson's Creek, August 10, 1861, and afterward died from the effects of said wound, at Springfield, Missouri, in the fall of 1861. Col. Aaron H. Conrow, was killed after the close of the war, in the year 1865, in Mexico, by some of Juarez's guerrillas. He was a member of the Confederate congress, and represented the Fourth district of Mis- souri, embracing within its limits Ray county, from the commencement of the war of 1861 to the close of it. Capt. James L. Farris, was captain of 2nd Missouri battery. He was elected county attorney of Ray county, in 1872, and was a member of the constitution convention of Missouri in 1875. At the election in 1876, he was elected a member of the lower branch of the legislature of Missouri, to represent Ray county. Lieut. Hiram C. Warriner, was second lieutenant in the 2d Missouri battery. He is now a prominent attorney-at-law, at Memphis Tennessee. Major Robert Williams, 3d and 5th regiments Missouri infantry con- solidated, commanded by Col. James McCown, Warrensburg, Missouri. Capt. Guinn McCustion, company C, 3d Missouri infantry. 284 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Lieut. Wm. A. Holman, company C, 3d Missouri infantry. Lieut. Wm. H. Mansur, ccunpany C, 3d Missouri infantry. Capt. John P. Quesenberry, company H, 11th Missouri infantry. Lieut. Frank Davis, company H, 11th Missouri infantry. Lieut. Berren J. Menefee, company D, 1st regiment Missouri cavalry. Capt. Wm. L. Nuckols, company B, 1st regiment Missouri cavalry. Lieut. Lewis Slaughter, company K, 17th regiment Virginia infantry. He is at present recorder for Ray county. Capt. Obadiah Taylor, company A, 3d Missouri infantry. Lieut. Richard Lamb, company A, 3d Missouri infantry, was killed at the battle of Allatoona, Georgia, October 5, 1864. Lieut. Robert Rives, company F, 3d Missouri infantry, was wounded at the battle of Lexington, Missouri, September 20, 1861, and afterward died in the state of Arkansas. He was a brother of Col. Benj. A. Rives. George Rothrock, company D, 1st Missouri cavalry volunteers, died near Demopolis, Alabama, July 2, 1865, from disease contracted in the service. William Duval, company C, 3d Missouri infantry, was killed at the bat- tle of Corinth, Mississippi, October 3, 1862. Thomas Duval and Henderson Duval, company C, 3d Missouri infan- try, were killed at Baker's Creek, May 16, 1863. Henry Allen, company C, third Missouri infantry, was killed at Vicks- burg,May 22, 1863. Calvin C. Brown, company A, 3d Missouri infantr}^ was killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. Patrick Smith was wounded at the battle of Champion Hill, November 16, 1863, and was afterward killed at Allatoona, Georgia, October 5, 1864. He was a member of company C, 3d Missouri infantry. Thomas Hale, company D, 1st cavalry Missouri volunteers, was killed at Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. Malnar Hendley, company A, 3d Missouri infantry, was killed at Vicks- burg, May 22, 1863. Samuel Anderson, company A, 3d and 5th regiments Missouri infantry, killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. Capt. Alexander A. McCuistion, company C, 3d Missouri infantry. Dr. James D. Taylor, company D, 1st Missouri cavalry. Dr. William Quarles, color-bearer of company C, 3d Missouri infantry. Adrian C. Ellis, company A, 3d regiment Missouri infantry. Now an attorney-at-law in Nevada. Capt. Wm. C. Riffe, Missouri state guards. Capt. John Warrenstaff, Missouri state guards. Lieut. Lee White, Missouri state guards. Henry Ellis, Missouri state guards. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 285 Louis C. Bohannon was colonel in Gen. Price's army, state service, and Gen. Holmes' command, C. S. A. He enlisted June 1, 1S61, and was discharged July, 1865, at Little Rock. He was in the battles of Car- thage, Oak Hill, Lexington, Elk Horn, Independence, Lone Jack, Council Grove, Helena, and other engagements. West Point was the last. In the battle of Lone Jack he was wounded in the wrist, and also wounded in the right shoulder; a ball entered the right shoulder and came out at the left. He was never taken prisoner. He has represented Ray county three times in the Missouri legislature. He was elected in 1854, on the whig, or anti-Benton ticket, defeating ex-Gov. Austin A. King, by a few votes. In 1860 he was elected with Aaron H. Conrow, on an independent ticket, over various competitors. In 1878, he was elected to the legisla- ture on the greenback ticket, defeating James L. Farris, the democratic candidate. Capt. Robert J. Williams was captain of company A, Missouri volun- teers, state service, and enlisted in December, 1861; afterward went into the Confederate service. He was sworn into the state service, along with his company, at Richmond, Missouri, Col. Reeves' regiment, 3d Missouri infantry volunteers. Afterward, at Springfield, Missouri, he and his company went into the Confederate service, for twelve months, and on the expiration of this term, he and company were sworn in for a term of three years, or during the war, at Camp Rogers, Mississippi. His com- pany was the first one that made the movement for enlistment for the war. He was promoted to the rank of major, after being in the service a short time. His regiment (the 3d) was consolidated with the 5th Missouri regiment infantry, and was commanded by Col. James McCown,of War- rensburg, Missouri. He was in every battle in which his command was engaged but one. He was in Vicksburg forty-eight days and nights. He went into Vicksburg with over forty men, and came out with only fifteen men fit for duty, after the surrender. He still has the old mule that he had in the siege of Vicksburg. He was wounded, through his hip, in the battle of Allatoona, Georgia, and suffered intensely for weeks. He commanded a regiment alter he was wounded, when he could not get on his horse without help. He was discharged from service May 13,1865. J. T. Craven was second sergeant in company H, Capt. Jack Patten's company, Elijah Gates' regiment. Gen. Cockrell's brigade. He enlisted September 6, 1861, at Howard's Mill, in Nodaway county, Missouri, and was discharged at the close of the war. He was in the battles of Blue Mills, Lexington, and Pea Ridge. His command was then transferred to East Mississippi, and he was afterward engaged in the battles of Farmington, Corinth, luka, second Corinth, Grand Gulf, Bogler's Creek, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Rome, Georgia, Kenesaw Mountain, and Peach-tree Creek. He was wounded at the second battle of Corinth, and subse- 286 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. quently at Peach-tree Creek. The last wound was through the left wrist, and greatly disabled him. He was taken prisoner at the Vicksburg surrender, held about seven months, and exchanged. William S. Boon was a fifth sergeant in General Little's command. He enlisted December 7, 1861, and was discharged in May, 1865. He was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Farmington, luka, Corinth, Fort Gibson, Bogler's Creek," Big Black River Bridge, and Vicksburg. He was wounded at Vicksburg, in right arm. May 22, 1863. He was also wounded at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, in his left arm, causing the loss of his said left arm, June 20, 1864. He was taken prisoner July 4, 1863, at Vicksburg. He also received several slight wounds besides those above mentioned. Since coming out of the service he has been constable of Richmond township, Ray county, Missouri. James M. Aken was a private in company A, commanded by Capt. Robert J. Williams, Col. B. A. Rives' regiment, 3d Missouri infantry. He enlisted November, 1863, and was discharged March, 1864. He was in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Boston Mountain, and Cross Hollow. John H. Moffitt was a private in Colonel Slayback's regiment, Mis- souri volunteers, under Gen. Sterling Price's command. He enlisted in Nodaway county, in 1861. He was in battles of Blue Mills and Lex- ington. He was stricken down with measles in 1862, and was discharged the same year. William Duval was first lieutenant in Capt^ McDowell's company, C, Col. A. B. Rives' regiment, 3d Missouri infantry volunteers, the same company in which his two brothers, Henderson and Thomas, served. He enlisted on or about December 10, 1861, and was in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged up to the time of his death. He was killed at the battle of Corinth, Mississippi, October 3, 1862. William, Thomas and Henderson Duval were sons of Rev. James Duval, of this county. They were brave and gallant soldiers, and were greatly endeared to the soldiers of their command. Henderson Duval was a private in Capt. Kelsy McDowell's company, C, in 3d regiment, Missouri infantry, commanded by Col. B. A. Rives. He enlisted in his company at the time of its organization in 1861, and was in all the principal battles in which his regiment was engaged up to the time of his death, in the battle at Baker's Creek, Mississippi, May 16, 1863. He was in every respect a faithful soldier. Thomas Duval was a private in Capt. Kelsy McDowell's company, C, in 3d regiment Missouri infantry, commanded by Col. B. A. Rives. He enlisted in his company at the time of its organization, in 1861, and was in all the principal battles in which his regiment was engaged up to the time he was mortally wounded, at the battle of Baker's Creekj Missis- sippi, May 16, 1863. He was a true and faithful soldier. He was brother HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 287 of Henderson Duval and William Duval, both of whom were killed in the Confederate service. H. S. Trigg was an orderly sergeant in Col. Sterling Price's command, Gen. Slack^s division. He enlisted in 1861; was in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, and Lexington. In the battle of Wilson's Creek he was taken prisoner, but made his escape in about fifteen minutes after he was captured. Parson's command was so close on the Federals that they had no time to look after prisoners. He was taken sick at the battle of Lex- ington, and could not go south with his command after battle. James Hall was a private in company C, Shank's regiment, from Jack- son county, Missouri, under General Shelby. Company C was com- manded by Captain Franklin. He enlisted October 16, 1864, and was discharged March 28, 1865. He was in the Westport, Fort Scott, and Newtonia fights. He was left on the road sick, once, but was never wounded or taken prisoner. Robert T. Cowsert, was a private in company C, Third Missouri infantry. He enlisted December 10, 1861, and died in the service Febru- ary 4, 1862. J. H. Titus was a sergeant in General Price's command. He enlisted in September, 1864, and was discharged May, 1865. He was in the battles oi Lexington, Pea Ridge, Corinth Farmington, luka, second battle of Cor- inth, and Grand Gulf. He was wounded in the battle of Grand Gulf, April 29, 1863. He was taken prisoner at Port Gibson, May 2, 1863, while in hos- pital, and paroled, and afterward rejoined his command at Demopolis, Ala- bama, and remained there the most of the fall of 1863. In the spring of 1864 he was detailed to do duty in commissary department, and remained there until the close of the war. C. N. Palmer was a surgeon in General Sterling Price's command. He enlisted in 1861, and resigned in 1863. He was in the battles of Wil- son's Creek, Lexington, Pea Ridge, Shiloh, Seven Pines, Chickahominie, seven days' battles near Richmond, Virginia. He was taken prisoner several times during the time he was in service, but was released at once. Fletcher Graham was a private in company C, Second regiment Mis- soury infantry, commanded by Colonel Benjamin A. Rives. Company C was commanded by Captain Kelsey McDowell. He enlisted at Spring- field, Missouri, in 1861, and was discharged at Van Buren, Arkansas, June, 1862. He was in the battle of Pea Ridge or Elk Horn. He was wounded in this battle, losing an eye, and shot through the thigh, from the effects of which wound he is still disabled from the performance of any business which requires active exertion. R. R. Sumnermann was a private in Gen. Shelby's command. He enlisted in October, 1864, and was dispharged June, 1865. He was in various engagements. 288 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. W, H. Flournoy was a private in General Parsons' brisfade. He enlisted the spring of 1862, and was discharged June, 1865. He was in various enixagfements during^ the war. Q. M. Baber was second lieutenant in company A, Third regiment Missouri volunteers. He enlisted December 9, 1861, and was discharged June 20, 1862. He was in the battles of Pea Ridge and Farmington. He was in Mexico one year during the war. After his return to Ray county, June 4, 1865, he has followed the business of farming near Richmond, and has been quite a successful farmer. He is a prominent man among the grangers of Ray county. Henry Renfro was a private in company C, 3d Missouri regiment, infantry. He enlisted December 10, 1861, and was discharged June 26. 1865. He was in the battles of luka, Corinth, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Big Black, Champion Hills, and Vicksburg. He was wounded at Vicks- burg, Mississippi, May 20, 1863. He was taken prisoner at Springfield, Missouri, February 12, 1862, and taken prisoner at Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. G. W. Montgomery was a private in Capt. R. J. Williams' company, Ist brigade. He enlisted in 1861, and was discharged March 20, 1862, He was in the battles of Springfield or Oak Hills, Dry Wood Creek, Lexington, Pea Ridge. He was wounded in the battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, March 8, 1862, and was taken prisoner on the road from Pea Ridge to Van Buren, Arkansas. Wm. B. Parker was a private in Gen. Price's command, and also a portion of the time he served in the command of Kirby Smith. He enlisted June, 1862, and was discharged May, 1865. He was in the bat- tles of Prairie Grove, Helena, Little Rock, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, and Saline river. Marion M. Crithfield was a private in compan}^ H, Col. Hindman's regiment, 11th Missouri infantry. Company H was commanded by Capt. John P. Dusenberry. He enlisted October, 1862, and was discharged 1865. He was in the battles of Prairie Grove, Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, Jenkins' Ferry, and Helena. He was wounded at Pleasant Hill, Louis- iana, but not severely. Was sick for some time at Clarksville, with a severe attack of measles. T. J. Davis and B. F. Davis, were lieutenant and captain respectively, in the command of General Sterling Price. They enlisted in June, 1861, and were discharged June 1865. They were in the battles of Carthage, Oak Hill, Lexington, Elk Horn, Helena, Cane Hill and Little Rock. N. A. Lentz was a private in Gen. Parsons' command. He enlisted June, 1861, and was discharged June, 1865. He was in the battles of Oak Hill, Elk Horn, Mansfield, and was in some other minor engage- ments. He was ne^'er wounded or taken prisoner. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 289 A. Thompson was a private in Gen. Price's command, and was dis- charged in the fall of 1861. He was in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek and Dry Wood. J. F. Duval was a private in company C, first Missouri brigade, first division. He enlisted June, 1861, and was discharged April, 1865. He was in the following battles: Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Lexington, Pea Ridge, in Missouri; luka, Corinth, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Big Black, Vicksburg siege, in Mississippi;, and in all battles in the Georgia campaign from Dalton to Atlanta. Not seriously wounded in any of these engagements. He was taken prisoner at Vicksburg; sur- rendered with second Missouri battery, Captain James L. Farns com- manding at Gainesville, Alabama, April 20, 1865. W. M. Quarles was a lieutenant and ensign bearer. He enlisted May 10, 1861, and was discharged May 10, 1865. He was in the battles of Carthage, Lexington, Springfield, Pea Ridge, Corinth, luka, Vicksburg, Champion Hills, Allatoona, Atlanta, Lovejoy Station, Fort Blakely, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson and Big Black. He was taken prisoner at Vicksburg, on the 4th day of July, 1863; also taken prisoner at Fort Blakely, April 9, 1865. Never received any serious wounds, only slight ones, in his long service. A. J. Greenawalt was a private in General Sterling Price's army. He enlisted in 1861, and was taken prisoner at Pea Ridge, and afterward exchanged at Vicksburg. While in the service he was wounded twice slightly. F. J. Walker was a private in General Price's army. He enlisted December 10, 1861, and was discharged May 4, 1865. He was in the bat- tles of Elk Horn, Corinth, Springfield, Corinth, luka, Baker's Creek, Grand Gulf, Franklin, Tennessee, Farmington, campaign of Georgia, and other minor engagements. He was wounded at Corinth, Mississippi, October, 1862. He was never taken prisoner. Joel S. Petty was a private in company D, 1st Missouri cavalry, under Captain Parker, James Adams' regiment, commanded by Colonel Elijah Gates. He enlisted in December, 1861, and was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, Mississippi, luka, second Connth, Champion Hills, Big Black river. He was captured at Black river, and was taken as prisoner to Point Lookout, Maryland, where he was kept eight and one-half months, when he took the oath of allegiance and returned home, then went to the plains for five vears, then returned to his native place, where he now lives. J. W. Asbury was a private in 3d regiment Missouri infantry volunteers, commanded by Colonel Rives, and was discharged in August, 1865. He was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, Mansfield, Jenkins' Ferry, 290 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Blackwater, Lexington and Independence. He was taken prisoner at Baldwin, Mississippi, but was not placed in any prison. Reuben Shelton was a private in company G, 1st Missouri volunteer infantry. He. enlisted in September, 1861, and was in the battles of Lex- ington and Pea Ridge, and in numerous skirmishes in Missouri and Arkansas. He was wounded at^Pea Ridge, in the right shoulder, by a spent ball. He was taken prisoner near Springfield, Missouri, and then took the oath of allegiance. Toliver Wood was a private of company C, 26th regiment, Tennessee cavalry; company was commanded by Captain E. Allen, and the reg- iment by Colonel J. M. Lillard. He enlisted in June, 1861, and was in the battle of Chickamauga, and numerous skirmishes in Tennessee and Virginia. Bartlett Sisk was a corporal in company A, 3d Missouri volunteer infantry, commanded by Colonel B. A. Rives. He enlisted December 27, 1861, and was in the battles of Pea Ridge, first and second Corinth, luka, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, and in numerous skirmishes in Arkansas and Mississippi. He was wounded at Port Gibson, May 1, 1863, losing his right arm just below the elbow. He was paroled at Grenada, Mississippi, after the surrender in May, 1865, and returned to Ray county in October, 1865. J. O. Kilgore was a private in company A, 2d Arkansas volunteer cavalry, commanded by J. Phelps. He enlisted in July, 1863, and was discharged November 17, 1865. He was in Price's last raid in Missouri and Arkansas. He served over two years. James Burns was a private in company A, 3d regiment, Missouri volun- teer infantry, Confederate army. He was in the battles of Wilson's Creek and Lone Jack, August 16, 1862. He lost his right arm at the battle of Wilson's Creek, August 10, 1861. He was discharged in 1863. Thomas J. Leake was a private in the 2d Missouri light artillery. Gen- eral Dick Taylor's division. He enlisted December 9, 1861, and was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, Mississippi; second battle of Corinth, Thompson Station, Dalton, G^iorgia, Atlanta, Tennessee river, Elliott's marine fleet, Jackson, Mississippi; Fort Pillow and numerous skirmishes. He surrendered at the close of the war. M. G. Taylor was second lieutenant in company D, 1st regiment Mis- souri infantry. He enlisted December, 1861, and was in the battle of Pea Ridge, and was discharged in June, 1862, in Mississippi. Edward T. Dorton was a private and sergeant in Captain James Hobb's company. Colonel David McRea's regiment, Confederate army. He enlisted June 17, 1861, in company A, 15th Arkansas infantry; after the surrender at Vicksburg, mounted infantry. He was in the battles of Wil- son's Creek, Pea Ridge, luka, and numerous skirmishes. He was cap HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 291 tured at luka, and sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago. He was also cap- tured at Walnut Grove, Arkansas, but escaped. He was discharged April 12, laes. Henry C. Perdue was a private m company A, Colonel Reeves' regi- ment. He enlisted in April, 1861, and was in the battles of Carthage, July 5, 1861, and Wilson's Creek, August 10, 1861. He was captured and imprisoned in the jail at Lexington, Missouri, and was paroled a few da3's thereafter. He was discharged in January, 1862. M. S. Leforgee was a private in company C, 2d Kentucky battalion, mounted rifles, under Colonel Tom Johnson, Confederate army. He enlisted September, 1862, and was in the battles of Louisa, Kentucky, Cave Gap, King's Saltworks, Chickamauga, McMinnville, Tennessee; Anderson's Cross Roads, Cumberland, Tennessee; Charleston, Mount Sterling, Kentucky, Smithville, and in numerous skirmishes. He was dis- charged May 3, 1865. Thomas Elder was a private in company C, 3d Missouri infantr}'^, Gen- eral Sterling Price's army. He enlisted November, 1861. He was in the second battle of Corinth, Port Gibson, Baker's Creek, Big Black, Vicksburg, in the campaign through Georgia, and at Johnson's surrender. He was wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, June, 1864. He was taken prisoner at Springfield, Missouri, and was confined at Alton, Illinois, about seven months, and was exchanged at Vicksburg, August, 1863. Isaac M. Rifie was orderly sergeant in company A, 4th Missouri infantry. He enlisted in June, 1861, and was in the battles of Carthage, Dry Wood, Lexington, Pea Ridge, Wilson Creek, Corinth, first and sec- ond fight, and numerous skirmishes. He was wounded in the left hand at Pea Ridge, March 8, 1862, and was taken prisoner b}- Captain A. Allen, and released on parole. He forfeited his parole, and returned to the Confederate army. Samuel H. Long was a private in company C, 3d regiment, 1st brig- ade, Missouri infantry. General Price's army. He enlisted December 20, 1861. He was in the batdes of Elk Horn, Corinth, Magnolia Hills,, Baker's Creek, and Vicksburg. He was taken prisoner at Vicksburg, and soon after paroled. Joseph Thomas Mulligan was a private in the Confederate army. He enhsted in 1863, and was killed at the battle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1863. Turner Elder was a private in General Shelby's command. He enlisted in the fall of 1862. He was in the battle of Mansfield, and was wounded in that engagement. He was discharged when General Price surren- dered. Newton J. Parker was a private and sergeant, first under General Price, then General Vandorn, then General Pemberton. He enlisted in Septem- 292 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ber, 1861, and was in the battles of Lexington, Pea Ridge, Farmington, Mississippi; luka, Mississippi; Corinth, Grand Gulf, Baker's Creek and Vicksburg. He was taken prisoner May 16, 1863, at Baker's Creek, and was a prisoner eight months. Martin Elder was a private in company C, 3d Missouri infantry, General Price's arm3\ He enlisted in November, 1861, and was in the battles of Corinth, Port Gibson and Baker's Creek. He was wounded and taken prisoner at Pea Ridge, in the spring of 1862, and was paroled. He was taken prisoner again at Baker's Creek and taken to Alton, Illinois, mili- tary prison. He was exchanged at Vicksburg, August, 1863. William B. Sanderson was a private in Colonel Reeves' regiment, Mis- souri cavalry. General Price's army. He enlisted in 1861 and was dis- charged in 1863. He was in the battles of Lexington, September, 1861, and Pea Ridge, March 8, 1862. John Rader was a private in General Hindman's command. He enlisted in the fall of 1862, and was discharged in December, 1862, and was in the battle of Prairie Grove. He was taken sick at Prairie Grove and was not able to re-enter the army. Stephen Frazier was a private in General Price's army, and was in most of the leading engagements. He enhsted in 1861 and was discharged in 1865. He was taken prisoner at Vicksburg, and was a prisoner for two months. George W. Keys was a private in General Sterling Price's army. He enlisted at Springfield, Missouri, in 1861, and was in the battle of Lexing- ton, Missouri, September, 1861. He was discharged in December, 1862. S. O. McGuire was a private in General Sterling Price's army. He enlisted, June, 1861, and was discharged in July, 1865. He was in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, Corinth, luka. Champion Hills, and Big Black river. He was taken prisoner at Big Black river about May 17, 1863. L. B. Wright was a private in General Price's army. He enlisted in September, 1861; was in the battle ^of Lexington, September, 1861, and was taken prisoner there and banished to Indiana until hostilities ceased. John W. Gaulden was a private in Colonel Henry's Virginia reserves. He enlisted in 1864, and was discharged in the year 1865. James O. R. Walker, Thomas J. Walker, Davis Walker, Hardin Thompson, Robert Brozendine, Wm. McGaugh, Nicholas Gentry, Joseph Hamner, Henry B. McGill, John Odell, Jackson Odell, E. Porter, James Johnson, T. Reeves Grant, Lee White, Marcellus White, John Porter, (chaplain), Richard Craven, Jackson Craven, James Pointer, Wilson Shreeve and brothers, were in various commands in the Confederate ser- vice, enlisting in 1861 and 1862, and making excellent soldiers. They took part in many engagements and skirmishes while in the service. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 293 George S. Ewing was a sergeant in company C, 3d Missouri infantry (General Price's army). He enlisted in the fall of 18G1, and was dis- charged in the spring of 1865. He was in the battles of Corinth, luka, Vicksburg, Baker's Creek, Georgia campaign, Franklin, Tennessee, and other engagements. He was wounded in the battle of Franklin, Tennes- see, and slightly wounded at New Hope, Georgia. On returning to Ray county, Missouri, in the spring of 1865, he engaged in the business of farming. He has been treasurer of Ray county two terms, since 1872. Nathaniel D. Searcy was a private in company A, Colonel B. A. Reeves' regiment. He enlisted in the summer of 1861. He was in the battles of Carthage and Wilson's Creek. He was killed in the battle of Wilson's Creek, August 10, 1861. James L. Lewis was a private in company H, commanded by Captain Parker, Colonel Reeves' regiment. Slack's division. General Price's brigade. He enlisted in 1861, and was discharged in 1864. He was in the battles of Lexington, Centralia, and Glasgow. He was captured at Columbia, Missouri, in 1864, and held ten days and paroled. J. L. Head was a private in company D, commanded by Captain John Castleman, 2d Kentucky regiment cavalry, commanded by Colonel Basil Duke, General Morgan's command. He enlisted, June 1, 1862, at Chat- tanooga, Tennessee, for the war, and was discharged by surrender, at the close of the war. He was in the battles of Drainsville, Virginia; Dan No. 1 at Yorktown, Peninsula, Williamsburg, Snow Hill, Tennessee; Hartsville, Tennessee ; Gallatin, Tennessee; Lebanon, Kentucky ; Augusta, and several other engagements of less note. He was taken prisoner at Springfield, Kentucky, on or about July 8, 1863, and held in prison at Camp Douglas, Illinois, and exchanged March 2, 1865. He was once previously captured in Kentucky, and held at Lexington, Kentucky, four weeks, in a slave jail, converted into a prison by the federals, from which he escaped. William S. Tompkins, was a private in company F, Colonel B. A. Rive's regiment, 4th division Missouri state guards and company B, in the battalion commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Robert J. Woods, C. S. A. He enlisted August 10, 1861, and surrendered May 26, 1865, at Shreveport, Louisiana. He was in the battles of Oak Hills, Wilson's Creek, Dry Wood, Lexington, Blue River, Westport, Maria des Cygnes and Newtonia. He was wounded September 18, 1861, at Lexington, Missouri. He was taken prisoner November 18, 1861, by Captain Forbes of Missouri militia. Mr. Tompkins^ since the close of the war, has been engaged in the business of teaching school. He has acquired a splendid reputation as a successful teacher. He is at present engaged as teacher in the intermediate department in the Richmond graded school in Richmond College, and has won golden opinions from the patrons of the ^94 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. school as a model educator. He was county school commissioner of Ray county for two years, from 1875 to 1877, and made a fine public officer. William Baber, was a private in company A, 3d infantry, Missouri volunteers, C. S. A. He enlisted December 7, 1861, and was discharged May 22, 1865. He was in the battles of Lexington, Missouri; Pea Ridge, Missouri; Port Gibson, Mississippi; Corinth, luka, Vicksburg, Mississippi; Atlanta, Georgia; Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee. He was taken prisoner at Vicksburg, Mississippi. After the war, he returned to Ray county, Missouri for some time. At the present time he is engaged in the business of grocer in Richmond, Missouri. John A. Ross was ordinance sergeant in company A, commanded by Captain David Boone, 1st battalion Missouri state guards, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel John W. Payne, 8th division, commanded by General James S. Rains. He enlisted June 19, 1861, and re-enlisted June, 1863, and was discharged June, 1863. He was in the battles of Dug Springs, Wilson's Creek, Dry Wood, Lexington, Pea Ridge, Shiloh, and Farming- ton. He was the first to find General Lyon on the battle-field of Wilson's Creek. At Farmington, Mississippi, in consequence of having to wade through swamps for a considerable length of time, his Hfe was greatly endangered. Nathan H. Schooler, was a private in company C, commanded by Captain Kelsey McDowell, in 3rd regiment, Missouri infantry volunteers. He enlisted at Spi^ingfield, December, 1861, and was discharged at Jack- son, Mississippi, May 31, 1865. He was in the battles of Corinth, Farm- ington, luka, second battle of Corinth, and several other skirmishes. He was wounded at Corinth on the 4th of October, 1862, and disabled for two years. He was taken prisoner at Springfield, and held two months. He was again taken prisoner at the battle of Corinth the time he was wounded. He was sick on two different times with fever on account of exposure in the said service. Arthur B. Elliott was a private in company A, commanded by Captain Robt. J. Williams in 3d Missouri infantry volunteers. He enlisted in 1861 and was discharged in 1865. He was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Corinth, luka, Kenesaw Mountain, Allatoona, Georgia ; Vicksburg, Franklin, Tennessee, Latimore farm or mills, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Baker Creek. First taken prisoner at Vicksburg, next on picket line was captured. John C. Burgess was a private in company A, commanded by Captain Newton in 1st Missouri volunteers, in army of General Price. He enlisted in 1861 and was discharged same year. He was in the battles of Spring- field, Carthage and Lexington. Isaac H. Hale was a sergeant in General Price's army. He enlisted June 16,1861, and was discharged July 1, 1865. He was in the battles of HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 295 Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Lexington, Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove, Helena and Saline river, Arkansas. John L. Harrison was a private in company A, 3d Missouri infantry volunteers, and subsequently in the partisan rangers, 1st Missouri cavalry, company A. He enlisted December 7, 1861, and was discharged from prison July, 1864. He was in the battles of Sugar Creek, Arkansas, October 17, 1862, Cotton Plant, Arkansas. While he was with the ran- gers he was in the Ozark fight and the Gasconade fight. He was taken pris- oner on Gasconade river on the 30th day of July, 1862. He was held as a prisoner until June 30, 1864, when he was discharged from prison. James Calvin Brown was a private in company A, commanded by Robert J. Williams, in the 3d Missouri infantry volunteers. He enlisted December 7, 1861, and was killed in the siege of Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. He was an accomplished scholar, and gave bright promise of rising to high distinction. He was a faithful and gallant soldier, and greatly loved by his comrades. James Madison Suits was a private in company E, commanded by Cap- tain Davidson in 1st Virginia battalion of infantry. He enlisted in May, 1863, and was discharged at Appomattox court house, April 9, 1865. He was in the battle of Petersburg, Virginia; Hatcher's Run, Virginia; Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 27, 1862, and other battles. He was made prisoner at the surrender at Appomattox court house, April 9, 1865. and paroled. B. F. Baber was a private in company A, commanded by Captain R. J . Williams in 3d regiment of infantry, Missouri volunteers, first Missouri brigade. He enlisted December 9, 1861, and was discharged at the close of the war. He was in the battles of Lexington, Missouri, Pea Ridge, Arkansas; Farmington, Mississippi; luka, Corinth, Grand Gulf, Port Gib- son, Vicksburg, and in all the battles in front of Sherman in Georgia, Allatoona, Resaca, Egypt Station, Blakely, Alabama, last battle of the war, April 1865. He was captured at Vicksburg the 4th of July, 1863, Blakely, Alabama, April 9, 1865. William H. Wilson^ "«vas in Quantrell's independent command, enlisted in 1862, and was discharged in 1863. He was in the battle of Lone Jack, in Jackson county Missouri, August 16, 1862. John A. Wasson was a private in company G, sixteenth Mississippi volunteers. He enlisted in 1861, and was discharged in 1865, by surrender. He was in the battles of Front Royal, Virginia, Cross Keys, Virginia, seven days battle near Richmond, Virginia; Manassas Gap, Virgmia; Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He was tw^ice captured, and held a prisoner a short time. He was wounded in the battle of Cross Keys, in Virginia. A. R. Chenault was a private in General Price's army. He enhsted in the summer of 1861, and was discharged in the fall of 1861. He was in the battles of Booneville, Carthage, Wilson's Creek and Lexington. On 296 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. leaving the service, he followed the profession of teaching school for some time, and afterward engaged in farming. He has been a very successful farmer for some years, and owns a large farm near the Richmond and Lexington Junction. He also carries on, to some extent, the mercantile business at the R. and L. Junction. William Cox was a private in company D, Colonel Hughes' regiment. General Price's army, and afterward in the 1st Missouri brigade, com- pany H, 3d regiment. Confederate infantry volunteers. He was in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Lexington, Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, and Atlanta, Georgia, and several other engagements. He was taken prisoner twice ; first in Saline county, by Pleasonton, and kept in St. Louis one month. He was next captured in Chariton county, Missouri, and held eleven months in St. Louis, and then exchanged. He was paroled after the surrender. Martin V. Kite was a corporal in company H, commanded by Captain Rippatoe, in the 33d Virginia volunteers, commanded by Colonel Cum- mings, in General Stonewall Jackson's army. He enlisted at Lauray, Page county, Virginia, in 1861, and continued in the service until the close of the war, and the surrender of the Confederate troops. He was in the first battle of Manassas, and in a number of skirmishes while under Mosby. He was for some time in the hospital as steward, at Lynchburg. Thomas R. Gant was a corporal in company, C, 3d Missouri infantry volunteers. He enlisted February 23, 1862. He was in the battles of Elkhorn Tavern, Arkansas, second battle of Corinth, luka. Grand Gulf, Hatchie Bridge, Big Black, siege of Vicksburg, Misssissippi; Atlanta, Allatoona, Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia; and Franklin, Tennessee. He was taken prisoner at Franklin, Tennessee, and was released at the close of the war, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Mr. Gant has been in business for some years as a merchant in Vibbard, since the war, and has won the re- spect and confidence of a large circle of friends. Cyrus D. Grant was a corporal in company C, Third cavalry regiment. He enlisted in said company September, 1861, and re-enhsted December, 1861, in company C, Third Missouri volunteer infantry, commanded by Colonel B. A. Rives, Confederate service. He was in the battles of Lexington, Pea Ridge, Corinth, first and second; battles of Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, Black river Bridge, Peach Tree Creek, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, through the campaign in Georgia in front of Sherman. He served under Johnson, Bragg, and Hood. He was wounded six times, princi- pally flesh wounds. Was captured in the battle of Franklin. He was discharged at the close of the war. Thomas J. Brooks was a private in Jarnes Johnston's company, state guards. Confederate service. Enhsted in June, 1861, and was dis- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. . 297 charged December 2, 1861, and returned home. He was in the battle of Lexington. UNION SOLDIERS. The number of volunteers furnished by Ray county for the Federal army, is estimated at about 1,200. During the first year of the war the recruits for the Union army in this county were not many. The counties of Ray and Carroll, during the summer of 1861, furnished one company of volunteers, who, under the command of Captain Dick Ridgell, did service at Lexington, Missouri, until the surrender of General Mulligan to General Sterling Price, September 20, 1861. Some other volunteers from Ray county served in their companies at Lexington, at the time of the memorable siege. In the first week of December, 1861, a large force of Federal troops, under General B. M. Prentiss, passed through Ray county, halting for a few days at Richmond. The night after their arrival a company of volunteers was organized near the residence of John Elliott, near Camden, in this county. This company was enrolled on the 17th of December, 1861, and mustered into the service January, 12, 1862. Andrew Elliott was elec.ted captain, who was afterward suc- ceeded, September 28, 1862, by Captain George N. McGee. This com- pany was company A, 3d Missouri state militia cavalry. The next company of volunteers, Missouri state militia cavalry, 3d reg- iment, was company B, mustered into service January 12, 1862, and commanded by Captain Abraham Allen, who was afterward promoted to be major of the 3d Missouri state miHtia cavalry, Captain Eli Hughes being the captain of said company B, which was afterward company K, of the 6th Missouri state militia cavalry. The next company was company D, same regiment, commanded by Captain Austin A. King, jr., afterward colonel of the 13th Missouri vet- eran cavalry volunteers. These companies were in the old 3d Missouri state militia cavalry, com- manded by Colonel Walter King, until consolidated, in accordance with special order No. 12, from headquarters of Missouri; February 4, 1863, they became part of the 6th regiment Missouri state militia cavalry, com- manded by Colonel E. C. Catherwood, and companies A and B became in the said 6th regiment companies I and K respectively; and company D of the 3d regiment was distributed among the difierent companies of the 6th Missouri state militia cavalry. Company D of the 6th Missouri state militia cavalry, was from Ray county, and commanded at first by Captain William F. Kelso, who was succeeded by Captain Samuel E. Lanier. Ray county also furnished a large number of recruits for company D, Captain James M. Morganson, 35th Missouri volunteers; company F, 19 298 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 10th Missouri cavalry volunteers, Captain Fred R. Neet; company D, 12th regiment cavalry Missouri volunteers, Captain Charles Ernst; com- panies B and D, 13th Missouri cavalry, Captains Joel H. Shelley and John E. Mayo, respectively; company I, 26th Missouri infantry volunteers. Captain John McFall; companies B, F, and H, 44th regiment Missouri volunteers, Captains William Drumhiller, Isaac N. Henry, and Wm. D. Fortune, respectively. Ray county also furnished a number of recruits for Kansas regiments. In addition to these, Ray county furnished a regiment of enrolled militia, the 51st E. M. M., ten companies, that were frequently called into active service until the close of the war. In July, 1862, James W. Black was appointed and commissioned enrolling officer of Ray county, and mustering officer by General Benja- min Loan. The enrollment of all male persons in Ray county, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, was commenced July 21, 1862, and com- pleted m the month following. In August, 1862, a sufficient number of companies of the enrolled mili- tia, had been mustered in by J. W. Black, mustering officer, to form a reg- iment. The 51st regiment of enrolled Missouri militia was, therefore, duly organized. Two companies, Co's. I and K, were afterward mus- tered in, making ten companies in all, in said regiment. On application of James W. Black, arms and equipments were fur- nished the 51st regiment E. M. M., in October, 1862, from the ordinance department of the state of Missouri, by order of Governor Hamilton R. Gamble. Also a considerable supply of clothing, blankets, &c., were fur- nished at the same time, from the quartermaster's department, of the state of Missouri, Colonel E. Anson Moore being quartermaster general of Missouri. The regimental officers and company officers of the 51st regiment E. M. M., were as follows: FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT E. M. M. A. J, Barr, colonel, commissioned October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. James W. Black, lieutenant colonel, November 9, 1863; vacated March 12, 1865. John Grimes, major, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. Rufus B. Finley, adjutant, December 12, 1862; vacated by special order 126, 1864. Joseph E. Black, adjutant, September 17, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. Elisha Riggs, quartermaster, December 12, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. N HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 299 Wm. W. Mosby, surgeon, October 28, 1862; vacated by special order 126, 1864. Wm. W. Mosby, surgeon, August 10, 1864; vacated by special .order 126, 1864. " COMPANY A. Clayton Tiffin, captain, October 2, 1862; detailed to 4th provisional regiment by S. O. No. 41, 7th district. * S. C. L. Watkins, first lieutenant, August 20, 1863; vacated March 12, 1865. Isaac McKown, second lieutenant, October 2, 1862; detailed to 4th provisional regiment by S. O. No. 41, 7th district. COMPANY B. Martin T. Reel, captain, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. G. W. Ray, first lieutenant, October 2, 1862; detailed to 4th provisional regiment by S. O. No. 47, 7th district. G. W. Haven, second lieutenant, June 16, 1863; vacated March 12, 1865. COMPANY C. John Sacry, captain, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. Asa Brockman, first lieutenant, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. Anderson Elliott, second lieutenant, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. COMPANY D. John Hawkins, captain, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. James T. Lemar, first lieutenant, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. Jesse C. Tunnage, second lieutenant, October 2, 1862; killed by guer- rillas July 18, 1864. Wm. T. Gant, second lieutenant, August 3, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. COMPANY E. Patten Colley, captain, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. John McKissock, first lieutenant, October 2, 1862 ; detailed to 4th pro- visional regiment by S. O. No. 47. Miles Bristow, second lieutenant, October 2, 1862; vacated March 12, 1865. COMPANY F. D. p. Whitmer, captain, October 2, 1862; detailed to 4th provisional regiment by S. O. No. 47, 7th military district. John D. Page, first lieutenant, October 2, 1862; killed in action July 8, 1864. 300 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V. William F. Rolston, first lieutenant, July 9, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. William F. Rolston, second lieutenant, October 2, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant July 14, 1864. Robert F. H. Goode, second lieutenant, July 19, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. ' COMPANY G. W. P. Milstead, captain, November 22, 1862; vacated by S. O. No. 126, July 28, 1864. Lee Henry, captain, September 24, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. William Stone, first lieutenant, November 22, 1862; resigned April 22, 1864. James Baker, first lieutenant, July 14, 1864; vacated March 12, 1866. Lee Henry, second lieutenant, October 2, 1862; revoked by S. O. No. 126, 1864. Jacob Lebo, second lieutenant, August 3, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. COMPANY H. W. W. Mosby, captain, August 19, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. Solomon Craven, first lieutenant, October 2, 1862; vacated by special order No. 126, July 28, 1864. Stephen Lewis, first lieutenant, August 3, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. John W. Shotwell, second lieutenant, October 2, 1862; vacated by S. O. No. 126, July 28, 1864. G. A. Sanford, second lieutenant, August 3, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. COMPANY I. J. E. Henderson, captain, December 13, 1862; vacated by S. O. No. 126, July 28, 1864. John H. Cramer, captain, August 6, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. David Comer, first lieutenant, December 13, 1862; revoked by S. O. No. 126, July 28, 1864. Willy Basham, first lieutenant, August 8, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. Thomas Baker, second lieutenant, December 13, 1862; vacated by S. O. No. 126, July 28, 1864. J. H. McGlothlin, second lieutenant, August 6, 1864; vacated March 12, 1865. COMPANY K. Andrew J. Connor, captain, December 31,1862; vacated March 12, 1865. Burton Snowden, first lieutenant, December 31, 1862; vacated by S. O. No. 126, July 28, 1864. Marion Phillips, second lieutenant, December 31, 1862; vacated by S. O. July 28, 1864. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 301 In July, 1863, James W. Black was appointed provost marshal of Ray county, Missouri, by Hon. Abram Comingo, provost marshal of the sixth district of Missouri, under the conscription act of congress, with orders to proceed to enrolling all male persons in Ray county, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, in three different classes, as specified in said orders, by suitable enroUing officers. In furtherance of these orders, J. W. Black appointed the following enrolling officers: Richmond township — Joseph E. Black. Camden and Fishing River townships — William A. Rothrock. Knoxville and Polk townships — Oscar White. Grape Grove and Crooked River townships — John N. Craven. The enrollment of the county was completed in the fall of . 1863, and a full report made to District Provost Marshal Captain Abram Comingo, at Lexington, Missouri. A draft was not ordered until the spring of 1865, and only a few persons were drafted from Ray county. The war coming to a close shortly after, the drafted men were not required for the service. In the fall and winter of 1863, a large number of colored soldiers were recruited from Ray county, and mustered into the service in St. Louis, Missouri, (Benton barracks.) They were assigned to duty and did service in the 18th, 62d, 65th, 67th, and 68th regiments, United States colored troops. Companies A and B, 62d United States colored troops, and company A, 67th United States colored troops, were composed largely of colored troops, recruited from Ray county, Missouri, and continued in the service until after the close of the war. The first engagement in Ray county, Missouri, was in October, 1861, and was called McVeigh's fight, from the name of the farmer who owned the farm near the scene of the fight, about six miles northeast of Knox- ville, Missouri. The forces engaged were a portion of Major M. L. James' battalion of six months' men, on the side of the government, against Colonel John Bagby's and Captain Lewis M. Beet's force of Confederate recruits. It was a spirited little fight for a short time, but resulted in very little injury on either side. During the summer and fall of 1864, large bodies of guerrillas, under command of Todd, Thailkeld, Bill Anderson, and other noted leaders, passed through the county at different times, committing some depreda- tions, and once in a while having an engagement with the Ray county enrolled Missouri militia. On September 18, 1864, a portion of company F, 51st E. M. M., that were stationed at " Shaw's Shop " (Morton), in the eastern part of Ray county, under command of Lieutenant William F. Rallston, of said com- pany F, were surprised by a large force of guerrillas, under command of Todd. Before a retreat could be effected, a number of the soldiers of Lieutenant Rallston's command were killed. The following are the 302 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. names of the soldiers killed in this action: William W. Harris, Elias McBee, Napoleon B. Petty, Joseph S. Salmon, John H. Phillips, and Nicholas C. Lozier. The guerrillas met with but slight loss, only one of their men being severely wounded. Robert P. Endsley, of company F, was taken pris- oner by the guerrillas, and after being detained some time, was released by them. The complete surprise at Shaw's Shop of company F, was owing to the guerrillas being clothed in Federal uniforms, and deceiving the pickets. On the 17th of July, 1864, an engagement took place near Fredericks- burg, Ray county, not far from the Ray and Clay county line. The forces engaged were Captain Moses' company (company M), of the 2d Colo- rado cavalry volunteers, and a large force of guerrillas and Confederates, amounting to about 300 in all, under command of Colonel Thailkeld. Captain Moses' company was badly routed, with the loss of six men killed and several wounded. The superior force of Colonel Thailkeld com- pelled a rapid retreat of the company. After the engagement, Thailkeld, with his command, marched rapidly in the direction of Richmond, Missouri, deflecting from their course at Elkhorn, in order to capture a company of men at Albany, Ray county, that had been recruited for the -lith Missouri volunteers (company B). They were, however, disappointed in capturing the company, as it had left Albany, and taken up its line of march for the assistance of the gar- rison at Richmond. They then returned the morning following, to the Richmond road. The news of the heavy force approaching Richmond was received there on Sunda}', about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and caused considerable alarm, as there were only thirty men of company F, 51st E. M. M., to guard the post, a number of the soldiers being on duty elsewhere at that time. Captain David P. Whitmer was in command of the forces at Richmond » and made vigorous efforts to defend the post. He sent for reinforcements to Lexington, Missouri, and an urgent call for the company at Albany, Missouri, to come to his assistance. The company at Albany came at once that evening, but no reinforcements from Lexington, (Colonel McFerran commanding there) until the next day. The citizens of Richmond and vicinity were called upon by Captain Whitmer for assistance in protecting the city from the great danger threatened, and a large number of them nobly responded to the call. The small force of soldiers and citizens that had volunteered for the defense of the place, lay on their arms all that night, expecting an attack of the enemy at every moment. On the Monday morning following. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 303 Captain Clayton Tiffin, who had been stationed at Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, with his company C, of the 4th provisional regiment, arrived with his company, and was shortly followed by a battalion of the 2d Col. cavalry volunteers, under command of Major Prichard, and strongly reinforced the brave little garrison. The attack of the enemy was anxiously awaited, but Colonel Thailkeld, finding the force too strong for him, changed his line of march, leaving the Richmond road, three miles west of Richmond; he took a northeast course, crossing the Knox- ville road north of Richmond, at Yokum's farm. Major Prichard, on learning this, gave hot pursuit of the enemy with his battalion of the 2d Col. cavalry volunteers. Captain Whitmer and his brave little garrison of thirty men, and the citizens of Richmond, who rallied to his assistance in defending their city from .the threatened danger at that time, v/ere highly complimented for their gallantry, as also, were Major Abraham Allen, Captain C. Tiffin, Major Prichard and others, who had so promptly and rapidly marched to the assistance of the garrison and the rescue of Richmond. On the 8th of July, 1864, a portion of company F, 51st E. M. M., engaged a considerable force of bushwhackers. Lieutr-nant John D. Page, of company F, while making a charge with some of his men, was drawn into an ambuscade, and received a heavy fire from the concealed enemy. In this fight Lieutenant Page was killed. Lieutenant Robert F. Goode badly wounded, and William Fields badly wounded, who afterward died of his wounds. Lieutenant John D. Page was an active, energetic officer, performed fine service in his company, and was greatly endeared to his fellow soldiers. On the 15th of July, 1864, an engagement took place on Waconda creek, in Carroll county, Missouri, with the forces under the command of Captain Clayton Tiffin, and a large body of bushwhackers, under the command of Bill Anderson. After a short but stubborn fight, the bush- whackers were repulsed, and dislodged from their well selected position. In this engagement James A. Hess was killed. He was a recruit for company B, 44th Missouri volunteers, that was then organizing. Howell Searcy, Joel Spitzer, and a number of others were also killed in this engagement, and George W. Elliott and others badly wounded. October 27, 1864, a heavy force of guerrillas, under the command of Bill Anderson, were repulsed near Albany, Ray county, by a portion of the 51st regiment, E. M. M., commanded by Major John Grimes, and a portion of the Daviess company E. M. M., commanded by Major Samuel P. Cox, of the 1st cavalry, M. S. M. In this engagement Bill Anderson, the noted bushwhacker, was killed, while making a desperate charge. The Ray county troops and the Daviess county troops in the action, behaved with great coolness and gallantry. The arrangement of the 304: HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. forces, and the planning of the method in which the attack was to be brought on, were well conceived, and admirably carried out. They reflected the highest honor upon the officers in command. On the fall of their leader, the bushwhackers, who had met with some loss from the well directed fire of the Ray county and Daviess county troops, made a hasty retreat, and left Ray county that night. The last engagement in Ray county, Missouri, was about six miles northeast of Richmond, near Dr. Horace King's farm, on the 23d of May, 1865. The forces engaged were a portion of 'Captain Clayton Tiffin's command and a force of guerrillas under the command of Arch Clemens. It was a sharp engagement for a short time, and resulted in the rout of the guerrillas. In this engagement Madison S. Walker was killed. He had been a private in company D, 35th Missouri volunteers and 5th regiment of vet- eran reserve corps, and volunteered in the spring of 1865, in Captain Tiffin's compan}^ On the following day after the fight a force of volunteers from Rich- mond gave Arch Clemens and the bushwhackers a hot pursuit. This engagement of Captain Tiffin's company with Arch Clemens' command on the 23d day of May, 1865, was emphatically the last one of the war. Captain Clayton Tiffin's company was the last one in active service in Ray county, Missouri. It was an efficient company in every respect, and performed splendid service during the war. The captain won a deserv- ing reputation for gallantry and bravery in his long term of service, and is greatly endeared to troops of friends. Captam Patton Colley, of company E, 51st regiment, E. M. M. ; Lieu- tenant John D. Page, of company F, and Lieutenant Jesse C. Tunnage, of company D, same regiment, were killed by guerrillas in July, 1861. Simon McKissack, company B, 3d M. S. M. cavalry, was killed at Springfield, January 8, 1863. Lieutenant Riley B. Riggs, company K, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volun- teers, was killed October 9, 1864. Thomas H. Elliott, of same company, was killed October 23, 1864, near Jefferson City at the time of the invasion of Missouri by General Sterling Price. Lieutenant John McKissack, company B, ilth Missouri volunteers, was killed at Spanish Fort, Alabama. FLAG PRESENTATIONS. At the time General B. M. Prentiss passed through Camden, Ray county, December 5, 1861, with a large Federal force, the Union ladies of the place presented him with a beautiful flag of the stars and stripes that they had wrought. The general, on receiving it, made a most eloquent HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 305 speech, paying a beautiful tribute to the patriotism of the ladies, com- plimenting them highly for their efforts in behalf of their country; that it was the first mark of encouragement and sympathy his troops had received on their march from St. Joseph down to that place; that they would bear it to battle with them, and amid charging squadrons, the roar of artillery, and the clashing of steel in the fiery conflict of contending armies, they would proudly bear it aloft, and in gazing on its proud folds remember the noble donors, the fair and patriotic ladies of Camden. In April, 1862, a beautiful union flag was presented company A, 3d M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, commanded by Captain Andrew Elliott, by the ladies of Camden, near the residence of Willis Warriner, Esq., on the lofty eminence overlooking the Missouri river. J. W. Black, on behalf of the ladies of Camden, presented the flag to the soldiers of company A, with a neat and appropriate speech, as they were drawn up in a long and imposing line. It was received by them with great enthusiasm, and borne by them as the banner of their company through their long and arduous campaigns in southwest Missouri. On returning home after the close of the war, this flag was brought with them, and is now in the possession of one of the old soldiers of com- pany A, that afterward was company L, of the 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. From the foregoing pages it will be seen that Ray county furnished a large number of soldiers for both the armies of the Federal government, and the southern Confederacy, and wherever her sons served they did their duty well. After peace was restored in 1865, the sublime spectacle was presented of the soldiers of the " blue and gray " living peaceably together and fol- lowing the same pursuits, glorying in the same common country, its pro- gress and renown, its great present and unbounded future. The Missouri militia in the counties of Ray, Clay, Platte and Clinton, were organized in 1865 by Robert S. Moore, colonel 14th regiment, Mis- souri militia, and Joseph E. Black, adjutant 1st regiment M. M. The war having closed shortly after this organization of the Missouri militia was completed, they were not required to perform any active service. The following are the names of the officers and privates who composed company B, 3d regiment, Missouri state militia volunteers. This com- pany was organized in December, 1861, and was mustered into the service of the United States in January, 1862, commanded by Captain Abraham Allen, who was afterward promoted to be major of the 3d Missouri state militia cavalry. The officers of the company when mustered into the service in January, 1862, were Abraham Allen, captain, to rank from 306 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. January 11, 1862; Eli Hughes, 1st lieutenant, to rank from January 11, 1862; Riley B. Riggs, 2d lieutenant, to rank from January 11, 1862. On promotion of Captain Abraham Allen to be major of 3d regiment, M. S. M. cavalry, to rank from June 12, 1862, Eli Hughes became captain of company B, to rank from July 1, 1862; Riley B. Riggs, became first lieutenant of company B, to rank from July 1, 1862; Wm. N. Perkins became second lieutenant of company B, to rank from July 1, 1862. This company was in the 3d regiment of Missouri state militia volun- teers, commanded by Colonel Walter King, until consolidated in accord- ance with special order number twelve, from headquarters state of Mis- souri, adjutant-general's office, St. Louis, Missouri, February 4, 1863, when company B, of the third M. S. M. cavalry volunteers was attached to 6th regiment, Missouri state militia volunteers as company K, in said 6th regiment. PRIVATES IN COMPANY B. David O. Wallace, first sergeant, enrolled January 12, 1862, at Rich- mond, Missouri. George P. Cleavenger, second sergeant, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. David McGuire, third sergeant, enrolled March 7, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Ambrose M. Watkins, fourth sergeant, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. James H. Fountain, sergeant, enrolled January 8, 1862, at Richmond,. Missouri. Andrew J. Odell, sergeant, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Abraham Zimmerman, sergeant, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. James B. Bowlen, sergeant, enrolled January 8, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. WiUiam S. Gross, corporal, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William Scoggins, corporal, enrolled January 9, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Alfred W. Boon, corporal, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. John T. Soggins, corporal, enrolled January 9, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. John W. Nelson, corporal, enrolled January 1, 1861, at Richmond, Missouri. Joseph Proftitt, corporal, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Misouri. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 307 Aaron Odell, corporal, enrolled February 17, 1862, Richmond, Missouri. Christian Overman, corporal, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond,. Missouri. John H. Hightower, bugler, enrolled April 22, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Jeremiah A. Burchett, bugler, enrolled October 22, 1862, at Springfield, Missouri. William J. Huchison, company smith, enrolled March 27, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William E. Allbright, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Austin P. Boon, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond,. Missouri. William A. Bogart, private, enrolled March 22, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Elijah Burgess, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William Burnes, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Joseph Campbell, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, * Missouri. James H. Campbell, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond,, Missouri. George W. Coombes, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Hiram M. Clark, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond,. Missouri. Richard B. Clarke, private, enrolled Januar}- 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. George Cleavenger, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William Dickie, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Thomas H. Elliott, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. John W. Earl, private, enrolled April 22, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri, Thomas J. Francis, private, enrolled January 9, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William Free, private, enrolled April 2, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Stephen J. Francis, private, enrolled January 24, 1862, at Springfield,. Missouri. WiUiam R. Gross, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond,, Missouri. James P. Gross, private, enrolled May 21, 1863, at Richmond, Missouri. 308 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Jesse W. Goodman, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri, Moses Hess, private, enrolled April 22, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Thomas H. Jones, private, enrolled December 31, 1861, at Richmond, Missouri. Thomas H. Lile, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Daniel P. Miller, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Edwin Munn, private, enolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Monroe B. Monaghan, private, enrolled January 9, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William C. MuUican, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. David Odell, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. John Odell, private, enrolled March 7, 1862, at Richmond Missouri, William R. Odell, private, enrolled November 27, 1863, at Richmond, Missouri. George Olive, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Charles Overman, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. James Phoster, (James Foster) private, enrolled January, 1862, at Rich- mond, Missouri. George W. Pearce, private, enrolled November 26, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Jesse Quirk, private, enrolled April 2, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Lyman H. Roland, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Jesse E. Rowland, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. John Riggs, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri, Harvey C. Ray, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Mis- souri. George Robertson, private, enrolled March 2, 1862, at Richmond Mis- souri. . George R. Rowland, private, enrolled November 27, 1863, at Springfield, Missouri. James H. Stonns, private, enrolled January 8, 1862, at Richmond, Mis- souri. Arthur Stonns, private, enrolled February 25, 1862, at Richmond, Mis- souri, Thomas Sutton, private, enrolled April 22, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri, Jas, A, Smart, private, enrolled March, 7, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 309 Jonas Taylor, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William E. Tegarden, private, enrolled January I, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Thomas Thacker, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Mis- souri. James L. Tucker, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William D. Tarwater, private, enrolled November 27, 1862, at Spring- field, Missouri. John E. Trendle, private, enrolled November 27, 1862, at Springfield, Missouri. O. H. P. Vanosdoll, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Joseph Woods, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Mis- souri. Sam'l Woods, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. John T. Warmoth, private, enrolled January 11, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. Lawson H. Worthington, private, enrolled March 15, 1862, at Rich- mond, Missouri. James O. Wallace, private, enrolled May 24, 1863, at Richmond, Mis- souri. John T. Wallace, private, enrolled May 24, 1863, at Richmond, Mis- souri. Isaac A. Watkins, private, enrolled January 1, 1862, at Richmond, Missouri. William R. Lloyd, private, enrolled January 25, 1864, at Springfield, Missouri. Jacob B. Kunkle, William Wilburn, John Hightower, Jesse E. Row- land. This company performed fine service in southwest Missouri and north- west Arkansas, and was in many engagements and skirmishes, until the expiration of its term of service in February, 1865. All its officers per- formed their duty well. Captain EH Hughes made a fine record as a gallant and brave officer, and was honorably discharged from the service, greatly beloved by his men. He is now one of the most valuable citizens of the county. Company A, of the 3d M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, was mustered into the service at Chillicothe, Missouri, January 12, 1862, having volunteered for service December 17, 1861. After performing valuable service as company A, 3d M. S. M. Cavalry, it was consolidated with the 6th regi- ment, M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, by special order No. 12 from head- quarters of state of Missouri, dated February 4, 1863, and became com- .310 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. pany I, in said 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. Company A was ■commanded by Captain Andrew Elliott until September 15, 1862, when he resigned. Captain George N. McGee was elected by the company to fill his place September 24, 1862. Joseph H. Jackson was first lieutenant of company A, which position he also held in company I, after consolida- tion with 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, until he resigned, February 19, 1864. Arthur T. Parker was second lieutenant until April 18, 1863. Robert P. Ballew was second Heutenant from March 15, 1863, until he resigned. May 20, 1864. The following is a list of the soldiers in company I, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, at the time the company was mustered out of the ser- vice, January 16, 1865. A large number of the soldiers of the company enlisted in the veteran service, in 1864, mainly in the 13th regiment vet- eran cavalry volunteers. George N. McGee, captain, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Nathaniel H. Rone, first sergeant, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. William C. Reaves, commissary sergeant, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Granville Linnville, sergeant, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Daniel McKav, sergeant, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Matthew Burnett, sergeant, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861 Benjamin S. Proffitt, corporal, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Thomas H. Clements, corporal, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, Decem- ber 17, 186J. Charles H. Larkey, corporal, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Levi Harris, corporal, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Richard Adams, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Isaac Burnett, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Andrew Bailey, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Harden S. Bailey, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 311 John H. Cooper, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. James M. Harvey, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Melancthon Haskell, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Edward Larkey, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17 1861. Colonel Megonogel, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Lenhart Powless, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. John Parks, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Josiah P. Tribble, private, enlisted at Camden, Missouri, December 17, 1861. Captain George N. McGee, captain of company A, 3d M. S. M. cav- alry volunteers, afterward company I, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, enlisted in company A as a private, but from his fine qualities as a soldier became a great favorite with all his fellow soldiers, so that on the resigna- tion of Captain Andrew Elliott, in September, 1862, he was elected to the position of captain, which he filled with honor and ability, until he was mus- tered out of the service, January 6, 1865. He won a splendid reputation for all the admirable qualities of a noble officer while in the service. On coming home, after he was honorably discharged from the service, he settled down quietly to the pursuits of civil life. His fellow citizens, how- ever, did not suffer him to remain in private life long. In the fall of 1866, he was elected clerk of the county court of Ray county, which position he held for six years, discharging his duties in the most eminently satisfactory manner. He was secretary of the school board of directors of Richmond graded school for many years, and did much by his liberal and energetic course to promote the interests of the Richmond schools. He was, in every sense of the term, a good citizen. He died, August 1, 1880, after a short illness, greatly mourned, not only by his relatives, but by almost every one that knew him. SOME NAMES OF SOLDIERS IN FEDERAL SERVICE DURING THE LATE CIVIL WAR. Joseph Campbell was a private in company B, 3d regiment Missouri state militia cavalry volunteers; afterward company K, 6th Missouri state militia cavalry volunteers. He enlisted in January, 1862, and was dis- charged in January, 1865. He was in the battles of Springfield, Missouri, and Neosho, Missouri. He was taken prisoner by General Shelby at Neosho, Missouri, October, 4, 1863. 312 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. William P. Cook was adjutant in the 3d M. S. M. cavalry, commanded by Colonel Walter King. He enlisted in December, 1861, and was dis- charged in November, 1862. Thomas J. Youngblood was a private in company ]), 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted December 18, 1864, and was discharged July 18, 1865. G. B. Thacker, was a private in company B, 3d M. S. M. cavalry vol- unteers. He enlisted January, 1862, at Chillicothe, Missouri, and was discharged December 18, 1862, at Springfield, Missouri. He was injured by a horse falling with him while in the service, and was disabled for ser- vice on account thereof. Wm. J. Smith was a private in company A, Colonel James McFerrin*s regiment, 1st regiment M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted in 1862, and was discharged in 1865. J. W. Goodman was a private in company B, 3d regiment M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted in said company B, commanded by Captain Abraham Allen, afterward by Captain Eli Hughes, January 9, 1862, and was discharged May 27, 1865. Daniel Cleavenger was first sergeant in company A, in 44th Missouri volunteers. He enlisted August, 1864, and was discharged August, 1865. Matthew Lile, was a private in company F, 44th Missouri volunteers. He enlisted in August, 1864, and was discharged in August, 1865. He was in the battle of Franklin, Tennessee; He died in 1872, from disease con- tracted in the service. Robert M. Lile was a private in the enrolled Missouri militia for a short time, and then entered the volunteer United States service. He en- listed as a private in company F, 44th Missouri volunteers, in August, 1864, and was discharged August, 1865. He was in no battles. Jesse T. Roberts was orderly sergeant in Captain B. Dillon's company, 1st Kentucky cavalry U. S. A. He enlisted at Camp Dick Robinson, Kentuck}'^, August 16, 1861, and was discharged at Crab Orchard, Ken- tucky, in November 21, 1861, on account of disability caused by putting a blacksmith's forge into a wagon, November 1, 1861. He was in the battle of Wild Cat, Kentucky, October 21, 1861. William H. Callison, was a private in company D, commanded by Cap- tain Robert L. Butts, 16th regiment Missouri cavalry volunteers. He volunteered at Marshfield, Webster county, Missouri, on or about the 27th of May, 1864, and was discharged at Springfield, Missouri on or about the 30th of June, 1865. He bore an honorable part in every engagement that took place in the pursuit of General Price from Jefferson City, until he was driven from the state; he was along with his company and regi- ment in the advance on Booneville, on the extreme right of the advance at Independence, and also at the battle of the Big Blue, where his regi- /> drt/^ ^^c<^^^-^^^j HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 313 ment made a brilliant sabre charge upon an overwhelming number of the Confederates. He is now a farmer in Ray county, Missouri. Henry T. Whelchel, was a private in company D, 16th regiment Mis- souri cavalry volunteers. He enlisted at Marshfield,Webster county, Mis- souri, on or about the 27th day of , 1864, and was discharged on or about the 30th day of June, 1865, at Springfield, Missouri. He partici- pated in every engagement that took place in the pursuit of General Ster- ling Price, from Jefferson City, until his army was driven from the state in the memorable campaign of 1864, called the " Price Raid." He is now a farmer in Ray county, Missouri. Walter F. Becker, was a private in company L, of the 2d California cavalry volunteers. His company was commanded by Captain A. Brown. He enlisted September 24, 1862, and was discharged at Fort Laramie in 1865. He was in numerous skirmishes with Indians on the plains. He was wounded by an arrow in the left jaw in an Indian skir- mish. A. J. Narramore, was a sergeant in the 51st regiment, E. M. M. in Captain John Haukins' compan}'. He enlisted in 1864, and was dis- charged in 1865. He was in the fight at Albany, Ray county, Missouri. Captain John Haukins, was captain of company D, 51st regiment, E. M. M. He enlisted in 1862, and was in considerable active service at different times until 1865. He was a farmer on Rocky Fork of Crooked river some miles northwest of Richmond, Missouri. He died several years after the close of the war. James S. Craig, was a private in company A, commanded by Captain Van Quirk in the 85th Pennsylvania regiment infantry volunteers, com- manded by Colonel J. B. Howell. He enlisted in September, 1861, and was discharged November 22, 1864. He served in the army of the Potomac. He was in the siege of Yorktown, battle of Williamsburg, Virginia; Savage Station, Virginia; Seven Pines, Virginia; Jones Ford, Virginia; Malvern Hill, Virginia, Blackwater, Virginia; Southwest Creek, North Carolina; W^hite Hall, North Carohna; Goldsborough, North Carolina; siege of Morris Island, South Carolina; siege of Fort Wagner and Gregg, Gettys- burg, Pennsylvania; battle of the Wilderness, and many skirmishes. He was only once slightly wounded at Petersburg, Virginia, thus going through many terrible battles without receiving a serious wound. James T. Cummins was a private in the 43d regiment Indiana volun- teers, and was transferred to the 85th regiment Indiana volunteers, in the army corrimanded by General Sherman. He enlisted at Terre Haute, Indiana, in 1862, and was discharged June 14, 1865, at Evansville, Indiana. He was in the battle of Resaca, Georgia, May 13 to 16, 1864, and in all the battles in which General Sherman's army was engaged in, from 20 314 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Resaca to Atlanta, November 9, 1864. He was wounded by a sabre stroke, at Resaca, Georgia, but not disabled. He was taken prisoner once, on Green river, Kentucky, but was paroled in twenty-four hours. He has been a farmer for a number of years since the war, in Ray county, Missouri, and has held the position of justice of the peace in his township (Richmond township). Joseph Gossage was a corporal in the 51st regiment, E. M. M., and afterward in Captain Clayton Tiffin's company, 4th provisional regiment, E. M. M., commanded by Colonel John B. Hale. He enlisted in 1862, and was discharged in October, 1864. He was in the battle of Glasgow, Missouri, September, 1864, and in the fight with " bushwhackers," on Waconda creek, Carroll county, Missouri, in 1864. He was taken pris- oner at Glasgow, Missouri, and was paroled the same day. He has been engaged as a farmer, in Ray county, since the war, and for a number of years has been employed as farmer of the county poor house farm, and has managed it and improved it so greatly as to make it a model farm. His term expired last spring, and he is now cultivating another farm. George W. Carter was a bugler in company K, 3d and 7th regiments, M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, and 13th Missouri cavalry volunteers. He enhsted in 1861, and was discharged in 1865. He was in the battle of Independence, Missouri; Fort Scott, Kansas; Springfield, Missouri; Newtonia, Missouri; Fayetteville, Arkansas, and other battles. Samuel A. Harrison was a private in company F, commanded by Cap- tain D. P. Whitmer. He enlisted in 1862, and was discharged in 1865, having been in active service a portion of the time. He was in a skirmish at Shaw's Shop, in the fight with Todd's guerrillas, in 1864. Hiram Branso was a private in Captain John Haukin's company, of the 51st E. M. M. He enlisted in 1864, and was discharged in 1864. He was in the engagement at Albany, Ray county, Missouri, October 27, 1864, in which Bill Anderson, the noted bushwhacker, was killed. John A. McGaugh was a private in company D, 51st regiment, E. M. M. He enhsted in 1864, and was discharged in 1865. J. M. Stockwell was a private in Colonel Peabody's 11th regiment, Missouri militia. He enhsted in 1861, and was discharged in 1861, on account of his health. Aaron Teagarden was a private in Captain Real's company B, 51st E. M. M. He enhsted in 1864 and was discharged in 1865. Milton Piercy was a private in Captain Martin T. Real's company B, 51st regiment, E. M. M. He enlisted in 1862. Lafayette P. Branstetter was a sergeant in Captain Bradley's company A. He enlisted in Modena, Mercer county, Missouri. Alexander Holder was a private in company G, 51st regiment, E. M. M. He enhsted in 1862, and w^as discharged at the close of the w^ar. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 315 Ezekiel Stone was a private of company D, 51st regiment E. M. M. H enlisted in 1862, and was discharged in 1864. He was in an engage- ment near VVaconda creek, Carroll county, Missouri, and in one at Albany, Ray county, Missouri, in which Bill Anderson, the noted guer- rilla, was killed. Robert Manley was a private in Major John Grimes's battalion. He enlisted in 1863. Levi A. Holman was a soldier in Sherman's army. He enlisted in the fall of 1862 and was discharged June, 1865. He was in the battle of Tupelo, Mississippi, May 6, 1863, Selma, Alabama, April 2, 1865, and several others. Joseph Proffitt, was a corporal in company B, 3d M. S. M. cavalry, afterward, by consolidation, company K, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, and then in the 13th Missouri cavalry volunteers. He enlisted Septem- ber, 1861, and was discharged May 7, 1866. He was in the battle of Springfield, Missouri; Van Buren, Arkansas; Jefferson City, Missouri; Prairie Grove, Arkansas; Osage Crossing, Big Blue, Missouri; Independ- ence, Missouri; Newtonia, Missouri; and Neosho, Missouri. He was wounded, by a bayonet thrust, at Osage. He was taken prisoner at Neosho and paroled. Richard O. Craven was a private in company B, 145th Indiana volun- teers. He enlisted in 1864, and died while in the service, July 4, 1865, at Cartersville, Georgia. He was a gallant young man, and greatly loved b}' his companions, J. H. Bowman was a private in General A. J. Smith's 16th army corps. He enlisted August 15, 1864, and was discharged August 15, 1865. He was in the battles of Franklin, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; and Mobile, Alabama. William M. Roe was a private in company B, Captain Real's company, 51st regiment, E. M. M. He enlisted in 1862 and was discharged in 1865. He was in the engagement at Albany, Ray county, Missouri, in the fight with Bill Anderson, the noted bushwhacker. His company was engaged in keeping down marauding parties during 1864 and 1865. James Roe was a corporal in company B, Captain Martin T. Real's company, 51st regiment, E. M. M. He enlisted in 1862, and was dis- charged at the close of the war. Andrew J. Legg was a private in company F, 51st regiment, E. M. M., and promoted to regimental forage master. He enlisted in July, 1862, and was mustered out in May, 1865. Joseph Burnett was a private in company I, 26th Missouri volunteers. He enlisted February, 1863, and was discharged August 13, 1865. He was in the battles of Jackson, Mississippi, Champion Hills, Black River, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, siege at Savannah, and in Sherman's march to 316 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the sea. He was wounded in the battle of Champion Hills, and was in the hospital a short time. He has been public administrator of Ray county, since the war, one term. Isaac Burnett was a private in company A, 3d M. S. M. cavalry, after consolidation with company I, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted December 17, 1861, and was discharged in January, 1865. He was in the battles of Newtonia, Springfield and Neosho. James Stewart was a private in company F, 10th Missouri cavalry vol- unteers. He enlisted August, 1862, and was discharged June 28, 1865. He was in a battle at luka, Mississippi, and in some skirmishes. Charles Z. Porter was a private in company B, 44th Missouri volun- teers. After he was in the service a short time, he was promoted to cor- poral, then to first sergeant. He was in the battles of Franklin, Tennes- see, Nashville, Tennessee, and Spanish Fort, Alabama. Houston A. Evans was a private in company B, 44th regiment, Mis- souri volunteers. He enlisted on the 9th day of August, 1864, and was discharged on the 14th day of June, 1865, at Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri. He was in the battle of Franklin, Tennessee. He v/as taken prisoner at Franklin, Tennessee, and was a prisoner about five months, the greater portion of the time being confined in Andersonville, Georgia. Since the war he has been engaged in the mercantile business in Camden, Missouri, and has served one term as justice of the peace. James T. Campbell was a sergeant in company D, 35th Missouri vol- unteers. He enlisted September, 1862, and was discharged July, 1865. He was in the battle of Helena, Arkansas, and some other small engage- ments. He has been living in Ray county since the war, and following the business of farming. Stephen H. Degraffinseed was a private in the 2d Ohio cavalry vol- unteers. He enlisted in 1863, and was discharged in 1865. He was in the battle of Brier Creek, Georgia. Alfred A. Brown was a sergeant in company D, 35th Missouri volun- teers. He enlisted in said company D, commanded first by Captain Joseph H, Morganson, afterward by Captain Milton H. David, on or about the 12th of August, 1862, and was discharged at Little Rock, Arkansas, on or about the 28th day of June, 1865. After his discharge he returned to his home in Camden, Ray county, Missouri, and has been engaged in business there ever since. John J. Leake was a private, afterward orderly-sergeant, in company B, 13th Missouri cavalry volunteers. Said company was commanded by Captain Shelly. He enlisted in 1864, and was discharged in 1865. He was in an engagement at Springfield, Missouri, in 1863. Lilburn Harris was third corporal in company B, 44th Missouri volun- teers. He enlisted August 9, 1864, and was discharged August 15, 1865, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 317 at Benton Barracks, St. Louis. He was in the battle of Duck River, November 28, 1864, and Spring Hill, Tennessee; November 29, 1864, and Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864; Nashville, Tennessee, Decem- ber 15 and 16; Cedar Point, Alabama, March 18, 1865; Spanish Fort from March 2 to April 8, 1865. Joseph Woods was a private in company B, 3d Missouri cavalry, after- ward company K, 6th Missouri cavalry volunteers. He enlisted October, 1861, and was discharged February, 1865. He was in the battle of Springfield, January 8, 1863. He served nearly four years in all, in both regiments. Colonel Walter King commanding 3d regiment Missouri state militia cavalry, and Colonel E. C. Catherwood commanding 6th regiment Missouri state militia cavalry volunteers. Since coming out of the service, Mr. Woods has been a farmer in Ray county, living near Elk Horn. Ephraim Clark was fourth sergeant in company B, 44th Missouri volun- teers. He enlisted August 9, 1864, and was discharged in August, 1865, at St. Louis. He was in the battles of Cedar Point, Spanish Fort, Ala- bama, and numerous other skirmishes. He served one year in said company B, 44th regiment Missouri volunteers, company commanded by Captain Drumhiller, regiment by Colonel R. C. Bradshaw. J. H. Hightower was bugler in company K, 6th regiment Missouri cav- alry volunteers. He enlisted in March, 1862, and was discharged in April, 1865. Was in the battles of Springfield, Brownsville, Westport, and New- tonia, Missouri, and in a great many minor engagements in southwest Mis- souri. David McGuire was a commissary sergeant in company D, 3d regi- ment Missouri state militia cavalry volunteers, afterward in consolidation in company K, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted February 15, 1862, and was discharged in March, 1865. He was in the battle of Springfield, Missouri, January 8, 1863, and in the pursuit of General Price, in his raid in Missouri in 1864 He served in Missouri and Arkansas while in company D. He was in the 3d regiment M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, commanded by Colonel Walter King, after consolidation with the 6th reg- iment M. S. M. cavalry volunteers; it was commanded by Colonel E. C. Catherwood. James H. Shults was captain in the 28th regiment of Iowa volunteers. He was honorably discharged June 26, 1863. Was in the battle of Shiloh, Port Gibson, Champion Hill, and Vicksburg, Mississippi. A. W. Boon was corporal in compan}- K, 6th regiment Missouri volun- teer. He enlisted January 11, 1862, and was discharged January 23, 1865, at St. Louis. He was in the battles of Springfield, Neosho, Booneville, Jefferson City, Blue Mills, Independence and south of Kansas City, Fort Scott, and Mount Vernon, all in Missouri. He was taken prisoner at Neosho, Missouri, and paroled. 318 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. J. C. Weakly was a private in the army of the Potomac, under General Hancock, 2d corps, 1st division. He enlisted in February, 1861, and was discharged in July, 1865. He was in the battles of the Wilderness, Spott- sylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, North Anna river, and Petersburg, Virginia. He was wounded June 16, 1864, at Petersburg, Virginia. C. H. Lebold was a private in General Huger's command, 164th Ohio regiment, in company C. He enlisted in said company C in October, 1863, and was discharged in August, 1864. He was stationed in Wash- ington City, in the fort, while in the service. Alfred C. Kincaid was a sergeant in company B, 145th Indiana infantry. He enlisted in company B, commanded by Captain Vincent Williams, in said 145th regiment, commanded by Colonel Wm. H. Adams, and was discharged February 1866, at Macon, Georgia. Since leaving the ser- vice he has been a farmer in Ray county, Missouri. Solomon McCall was orderl}' sergeant in company B, commanded by Captain J. H. Matheson, in the 1st Nevada battalion, commanded by Major Baldwin. He enlisted at Dayton, Nevada, June 21, 1863, and was dis- charged June 20, 1866, at Camp Douglas, Utah territory. Andrew J. Thompson, was a private in company B, commanded by Captain J. C. W. Hall, in 2d Colorado first two years, and then cavalry, commanded bv Colonel Ford. He enlisted November 13, 1861, at Fair Play, Colorado, and was discharged December 19, 1864, at Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas. He was in the battles of Valverde, or Fort Craig, New Mexico, February 21, 1862; Cabin Creek, July 1,2,5, and 20, 1863; Honey Springs, Independence, Missouri, etc. He was wounded at Val- verde, and disabled for two months. He was sick in the service about six months in the fall and winter of 1863-4. John Holder was a bugler in General Sanborn's command. He enlisted in January, 1862, and wav'* discharged in the spring of 1865. He was in many skirmishes. L. J. Williams was a captain in company H, 35th Missouri volunteers, in C. B. Fisk's command. He was discharged July, 1865. He was in the battle of Helena, Arkansas. George Blackerby was a private in Colonel Cathervvood's regiment. He enlisted in February, 1862, and was discharged in the spring of 1865. He was in the battles of Blue Mills, Pineville, Fort Smith, and Lone Jack. William S. Underwood was a corporal in General Prentiss' army. "He enhsted November 25, 1861, and was discharged December 20, 1864. He was in the battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7, 1862, and in Sherman's grand march to sea. His command suffered greatly at Atlanta, Georgia, on account of supplies being cut off. P. L. Vanbebber, second lieutenant in company D, 6th M. S. M. cav- HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 319 airy, commanded by Colonel E. C. Catherwood, and William P. Burgess, William T. Forson, and G. W. Burgess, privates in said company D, enlisted in 1862, and \vere discharged in February, 1867. They were in the battles of Independence, Missouri; Osage, Kansas; and other battles. Lieutenant Vanbebber, in the Independence engagement, was wounded in the head. James M. Wilkerson was a bugler in Major King's command. He enlisted in July, 1861, in Captain Clayton Tiffin's company, 51st E. M. M., and was in the battle of Glasgow, Missouri, in which engagement he was taken prisoner. William P. Burgess was a private in company D, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted February 3, 1862, and was discharged January 11, 1866. He was in a number of skirmishes during the war. Thomas Clark was a private in Colonel Gatherword's regiment, 6th M. S. M. cavalry. He enlisted February, 1862, and was discharged March 1, 1865. He was in Pleasant Gap and Horse Creek skirmishes. James Ragland was a private in company D, 13th Missouri cavalry volunteers. He enlisted in 1862, and was discharged at close of war. He was in the battles of Independence, Big Blue and Osage river. B. F. Dillard, sergeant in 51st regiment E. M. M. Served under Col- onel Barr, Colonel Hale and Major Grimes. He enlisted in 1862, and was discharged in the fall of 1864. He was in the fight at Shaw's Shop, Ray county, Missouri, with the bushwhackers. John Dehart, Jerry Conine and Peter Storm were privates in the Fed- eral service, enlisting in the fail of 1862. Levi Payne was a private in company C, 8th Missouri cavalry, company commanded by Captain Demuth. He enlisted in 1861 and was discharged June, 1864, at St. Louis, Missouri, as a private. He was in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Little Rock, Arkansas, Duval's Bluff, Arkansas, and a great many skirmishes. He was taken prisoner at Trenton, Tennes- see, by Forrest; was paroled and afterward returned to regiment. Franklin Swoveland was a private in Captain Patton Colley's company, 51st E. M. M. He enlisted in 1862, and saw some service in the pursuit of Poindexter and Porter. G. W. Riggs was 3d sergeant in company B, Captain Drumhiller's company, 4-lth Missouri volunteers. He enlisted at St. Joseph, Missouri, August 21, 1864, as a private from Ray county. He died May 16, 1865. He was in the battles of- Franklin, Tennessee ; Spring Hill, and several skirmishes. He died of chronic diarrhoea, Ma}^ 16, 1865. William D. Fortune was captain of company H, 44th Missouri volun- teers. He enlisted August 4, 1864, and was commissioned captain, Sep- tember 23, 1864, and was mustered out of the service August 15, 1865. He was in the battles of Spring Hill and Franklin, Tennessee, and capture 320 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. of Spanish Fort. Since coming out of the service, Captain Fortune has been living near Tinney's Grove, Ray county, and given his attention to farming and teaching a portion of his time. He made a good officer while in the service, and is esteemed a worthy citizen. Thomas Barron enlisted August 4, 1864, and was discharged August 15, 1865, and was in the battles of Spring Hill, Franklin, and capture of Spanish Fort. Abraham Barron enlisted in said company H, August 4, 1864, and was discharged on account of disability. Marcus D. L. Blevins was a private in said company H, and enlisted September 2, 1864, and was discharged August 15, 1865. He was in the battles of Spring Hill and Franklin, Tennessee, and in Spanish Fort, or cap- ture of Mobile. Henry J. Blevins was a private in said company H. He enlisted Sep- tember 2, 1864, and was discharged August 15, 1865. He was in the same battles. Matthias Lynch was a private in company H. He enlisted September 22, 1864, and was killed in the battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. George Silkwood was a private in company H. He enlisted August 22, 1864, and was discharged August 15, 1865. He was in the battle of Spring Hill, November 29, 1864; Frankhn, November 30, 1864; and Spanish Fort. John A. Hays was a private in company H. He enlisted August 22, 1864, and was discharged February 1, 1865. He was in the battles of Spring Hill and Franklin. He was wounded in the hand at Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864. David Tooma}' was a private in said company H, 44th Missouri volun- teers. He enlisted August 4, 1864, and was discharged June 19, 1865. He was in the battles of Spring Hill and Franklin, November 30, 1864. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Franklin, Tennessee. Thomas Barron, Marcus D. L. Blevin, Henry J. Blevin, and George Silkwood, were also in the two days fight before Nashville, Tennessee, and in the pursuit of General Hood's army. Christopher C. Garton was a private in company E, Colonel Henry Neil's regiment of E. M. M., afterward company F, and I, (Captain Sum- mer). He enlisted in 1862, and was discharged in 1S64. He was in some skirmishes with bushwhackers. He was taken prisoner at Lexington before he enlisted in the service, but was released in twenty-four hours. He now lives in Camden, Ray county, Missouri. Asa Brockman was first lieutenant of company C, 51st regiment E. M. M. He enlisted in said company C, commanded by Captain John Saery, in 1862. He was in the battle of Glasgow, in 1864, and taken prisoner in HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 321 the fall of 1864 in said engagement. He was paroled and never after- ward entered the service. He has been a farmer near Camden, since the war. Willis Meredith was a private first in company C, 2d battalion, M. S. M., cavalry volunteers, and afterward in company B, 44th Missouri vol- unteers. He enlisted in 1862, and re-enlisted in 1864, and was discharged 1865. He was in the battles of Lone Jack, Missouri; Duck river, Ten- nessee; Franklin, Tennessee; Spring Hill, Tennessee; Cedar Point, Ala- bama, and Spanish Fort, Alabama. He was wounded in the battle of Lone Jack, Missouri, August 16, 1862: he was shot twice while in the ser- vice, and is drawing a pension on account of having been. wounded and disabled. George W. Thomas was a private in 1st battalion, 26th regiment of Missouri volunteers. He enlisted February 6, 1863, in Richmond, Mis- souri, and was discharged at Little Rock, Arkansas. He was in the bat- tle, of Port Gibson, Mississippi; Jackson, Mississippi; Raymond, Missis- sippi; siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi; Mission Ridge, Tennessee; Sher- man's march to the sea, siege of Savannah, and the Carolina campaign. Michael Feenev was a private in the gunboat service, number two, Rapi- dan gunboat. He enlisted in 1863, and was discharged in 1864. He was in engagements at Johnsonville, on the Tennessee river; Paducah, Ten- nessee; Mound City, etc. Samuel S. Burgess was a private in Captain Saunders' coTnpany, General James Lane's command in the Kansas war, of 1855 and 1856. He enlisted at Cole Creek, near Lawrence, Kansas, and was honorably dis- charged at expiration of term of enlistment. He was first sergeant in company D, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted at Knoxville, Missouri, on the 4th of February, and was mustered into service the 22d of March, 1862, and was discharged March 22, 1865. He was in a num- ber of skirmishes and minor engagements in southwest Missouri and Arkansas. Since coming out of the service he has been a farmer in Ray county. Captain John Saery was captain of company C, 51st regiment, E. M. M. He enlisted at Richmond, Missouri, in July, 1862, and was dis- charged at the close of the war in 1865. He was in the Albany fight with Bill Anderson, the noted bushwhacker, October 27, 1864. He is now living in -Camden, Missouri, and has been a citizen of this place many years. He turns his attention to the business of carpenter and farmer, and derives considerable income from his valuable coal lands, Thomas Hare was a private in company F, 1st regiment of Kansas, six months infantry and eighteen months cavalry. He enlisted May 29, 1861, and was discharged June 20, 1864, He was in the battles of Wilson's Creek, Missouri; Corinth, Mississippi; Bayou Mason, Louisiana; Bayou 322 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Tensas, Louisiana; Holly Springs, Mississippi; siege of Vicksburg, Mis- sissippi ; Lake Providence, and many other battles of less note. Joseph Miller was a private first in company A, 3d M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, then in company I, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, and then in the 13th regiment cavalry, Missouri volunteers. He enlisted December 17, 1861, at Camden, Missouri, and was finall}' discharged at Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1866. He was in the battles of Springfield, Missouri; Neosho, Missouri; New^tonia, Missouri; Glasgow, Missouri, and many skirmishes. He was taken prisoner at Neosho, Missouri, and immediately paroled. Afterward he was captured at Glasgow, and was exchanged in about two months afterward. On being exchanged he went west with his regiment, and performed service on the frontier. Andrew Elliott was captain of company A, 3d M. S. M. cavalry volun- teers. He enlisted in December, 1861, at Camden, Missouri and was shortly after elected captain of company A, by his fellow soldiers. He resigned in the fall of 1862, on account of being severely injured by the fall of his horse while in the service in southwest Missouri. He was a vigilant, active Union man, and did much to arouse enthusiasm in the cause of the government at the commencement of the war. He made a fine officer and was greatly endeared to his men. Since the war he has been engaged in the business of farming, near Camden, Missouri. He is a worthy citizen and highly esteemed by his neighbors. James M. Campbell was a private in company F, 51st regiment E. M. M. He enlisted in 1864, and was discharged in 1864. He was in the fight of Shaw's Shop, Ray county, with the bushwackers under Todd and Thailkeld. Benjamin Hagens, was a private in Captain D. P. Whitmer's company F, 51st regiment, E. M. M. William Pinkey, corporal in company M, commanded by Captain David Kane, 10th Missouri cavalry volunteers, commanded by Colonel Cornyn. He enlisted in August, 1862, and was discharged July 26, 1865, at Nashville, Tennessee. He was in the battles of Champion Hills, Selma, Alabama; Guntown, Mississippi; Black River, Vicksburg, Mississippi, and other engagements. William W. Weiss was a sergeant in company D, 35th Missouri vol- unteers. He enlisted in August 21, 1862, and was discharged the 26th day of Ma}', 1865. His regiment served in Missouri, Kentucky, Arkan- sas, and Mississippi, doing fine service during the war. On his return from the service, he engaged in farming in the Missouri river bottom, as far as his health would permit, having broken down his constitution in the war, on account of severe exposure in Arkansas. He was compelled to leave his home in the bottom on account of the overflow of the Missouri river, in the last of April and first of May, 1881, and seek safety on the HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 323 higher ground. The last of May, 18S1, he returned to his home, and repaired the damage done to his farm by the overflow. Thomas A. Lile was a private in company B, 3d regiment, M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, afterward company K, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volun- teers. He enlisted in 1861, and was discharged in 1864. He >vas in the battles of Springfield, Missouri; Lone Jack, Newtonia and Pineville, Mis- souri; and Sylamore, Arkansas. The only injury he received while in the service, was in the fore finger of the left hand. Thomas A. Sloan was a corporal in company I, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers, afterward in company B, 13th Missouri cavalry volunteers. He enlisted May 2, 1862, and was discharged May 11, 1866. He was in the battles of Lone jack, Springfield, Missouri; Prairie Grove, Cane Hill, Camden, Little Rock, Fort Smith, Van Buren, Arkansas; and Pilot Knob, Missouri. He was taken prisoner at Neosho, October 4, 1863, taken to Little Rock and paroled, and again taken prisoner while at Rock Prairie, July 28, 1864, by Captain R. Johnson's guerrillas, but got away the same night. Moses Hess was a private in company B, 3d M. S. M. cavalry volun- teers, afterward company K, 6th M. S. M. cavahy volunteers. He en- listed March, 1862, and was discharged April, 1865. He was in the battles of Springfield, Neosho, Newtonia, Missouri; Pineville, and Little Rock, Arkansas. He was taken prisoner at Neosho, Missouri, October 4, 1863, and was paroled, and afterward joined his command. Oliver G. WilHams was a private in company F, .51st regiment E. M. M. He enlisted in 1863, and remained in service until 1864. Anderson Elliott was second lieutenant in company C, 51st E. M. M. cavalry volunteers. He enlisted in 1862, and continued in the service until the close of the war. He made a fine energetic officer, and per- formed considerable service in Ray, and the surrounding counties. He has been a successful farmer for many years, in the vicinity of Camden, Ray county, Missouri. James L. Tucker was a private in company B, 3d M. S. M. volunteers. He enlisted first in September, 1861, in six months' service. He enlisted in said company B, January 11, 1862; said company B becoming after- ward company K, 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He was in the battles of Springfield, Newtonia, Missouri; and Cane Hill, Arkansas. After serving about eighteen months, his company was consolidated with the 6th M. S.M. cavalry volunteers, as above stated, his company, B, be- coming company K, in 6th M. S. M. cavalry volunteers. He was dis- charged in January, 1865, at Springfield, Missouri. John Ellis was a private in company D, 44th regiment Missouri volun- teer infantry, under Colonel Bradshaw. He enlisted August 9, 1864, and 324 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. was discharged August 15, 1865, at Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri. He was in the battles of Franklin, Tennessee, and Spanish Fort, Alabama. Robert B. Ellis was a private in company K, of the 1st Missouri S. M. cavalry. He enlisted in 1862. John Bogart was a private in Captain Edgar's company, under Major Biggers. He enlisted in November, 1861, and was paroled. He was taken prisoner at Agency Ford, on Platte river; was paroled for the time of his service, and never was discharged. Charles F. Owen was a private in company B, 13th Missouri volun- teers. He enlisted in said company B, commanded by Captain J. H. Shelley, on or about the 1st of August, 1864, and was discharged at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on or about May 15, 1866. Stephen Savage was a private in Colonel Graham's regiment of Fed- eral troops. He enlisted in 1862, and after serving as a private was pro- moted to lieutenant of his company. He was in the battles of Redmont, Winchester and Snicker's Gap. He was wounded in the arm and thigh while in the service. He was honorably discharged in the year 1865. He is now living in Vibbard, Ray county, Missouri. Isaac C. Hill was a private in company D, regiment of Oregon mounted volunteers. He, enlisted in said company on or about the 10th day of October, 1855, and was discharged on or about the 20th day of June, 1856. In the late civil war he served in company C, 4th provisional regi- ment, E. M. M., said company being commanded by Captain Clayton Tifhn. RELIGIOUS. CHURCHES IN Rx\Y COUNTY. NEW GARDEN, REGULAR BAPTIST. This church constitutes the oldest existing religious organization in Ray county. It was organized April 23, 1824, b}^ Elders James Williams and William Turnage. The following list includes the names of all the original members, most of whom have been dead many years, to-wit: J. Fletcher, C. Odell, S. Hutchins, N. Odell, John Hutchins, John Turner, John Cleavenger, Mrs. Elizabeth Fletcher, Rachel Odell, Eliza- beth Hutchins, Jane Turner, Mary Odell, Patsy Turnage, Nancy Chap- man and Lucy Woods. A very rude log building was erected in 1824, as a place of worship. To accompHsh its erection the out-lay in money was, of course, very trifling; probably the only real cost was the time and labor of the mem- bers who built it. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 325 The first pastor of this church was the Reverend William Turnage, whose name is frequently mentioned in this work in connection with rehgious services, and as one of the pioneer preachers of the west. He preached in the Buffalo settlement as early as A. D. 1816, and subse- quently — prior to the organization of the church of which we write — at Old Bluff ton, where he also kept a "tavern," in 1821. The other pastors of this church at an early day were, R. Hicks, Isaac Odell, William C. Garrett, and Aaron Odell. The number of the present membership is: Regular Baptists, thirty- six; others, fifty. About the year A. D. 1858, a new church house was erected. It is a frame, the dimensions of which are thirty by forty feet, with twelve foot posts. In 1862 a dissension arose between the members of this church, grow- ing out of the "test oath," prescribed by the St. Louis convention; a division took place, and the organization continues disunited, both factions retaining the original name, but attending different associations. NEW HOPE CHURCH REGULAR BAPTIST. The New Hope Baptist Church building is located in Camden town- ship, about four miles north of Camden. The church was organized in the year A. D. 1827, and is, doubtless, the next oldest religious congre- gation, still existing, in the county. The names of the original members are as follows: James Holman, Nathan Smith, Joseph Ballew, John Bateman, and Aaron Linville. The first church house was built soon after the organization of the church. Its description is that of the early pioneer buildings of the west. In 1872 a new, neat frame building was erected, at a cost of six hun- dred dollars, and dedicated the same year, by Reverend William T. Brown. William Turnage was the first pastor. The present pastor is William T.Brown. The church has, now — 1881 — thirty-three members. TODD's chapel, M. E. church SOUTH. This church- was organized in 1828, but no building was erected till in 1851. Following is a partial list of the original members: D, H. Thorpe, Jacob Anderson, Lewis Linville, Thomas Adkinson, J. W. Smith, Presley Carter, J. D. Elliott, and others. The church building was erected in 1851, at a cost of six hundred dol- lars, and named in honor of Reverend Joseph S. Todd, who was at one time its pastor. In 1852 the building was dedicated to the service of God, by Reverend William G. Caples, then presiding elder. 326 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The following ministers have been pastors of this church: George W. Bewley, Jacob Lannius, John Monroe, Jesse Greene, W. W. Redmon, George Smith, Daniel Penny, Edward Robinson, A. E. Sears, Benjamin S. Ashby, Thomas D. Clanton, Joseph Devlin, J. Y. Blakey, W. M. Newland, Joseph Metcalf, W. C. Campbell, Rice H. Cooper, John G. Gibbons, J. W. Ellis, F. H. Sumpter, Stephen B. Tabor, and A. Spencer. At present — 1881 — there are worshiping at Todd's Chapel about sixty members of the M. E. Church South. Mr. Peyton T. Smith, who kindly furnished the information concerning this church, informed the writer that nearly all of the original members are dead. Todd's Chapel is located on section twenty-eight, township fifty-two, range twenty-eight, Richmond township, M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, AT RICHMOND. This church was organized about 1830, at which time it was one of the churches composing the Fishing River circuit of Missouri annual confer- ence. For some years after its organization the church was without a build- ing, and held divine worship in the court house at Richmond. Mrs. J. H. Morehead and Mrs. David H. Quesenberry were the first to make an effort looking to the building of a church house ; the former lady economizing her household expenditures that she might contribute the more liberally to that laudable undertaking. The example of these ladies was followed by others, and soon the proper preliminary steps were taken for the erection, in the town of Richmond, of a suitable edifice to be dedi- cated to the worship of the Almighty. By the quarterly conference held at Richmond, June 10, 1843, the fol- lowing trustees were appointed to receive and hold in trust, any property that the church might acquire by donation or otherwise, viz.: Ephraim Januar}^ Henry Lile, David H. Quesenberry, Austin A. King, John H. Morehead, David Bullock and Daniel J. Branstetter. The first church edifice of the organization herein mentioned, was erected on the site of its present building about the year 1845. It was a frame building, of w^hich we have been unable to obtain an accurate description. It w^as, however, doubtless in keeping with the prevailing character of buildings in the town at that day. The first church house was subsequenntly supplanted by a more sub- stantial brick structure, which, in 1869, was demolished by a storm.* The present, 1881, edifice, a handsome and capacious brick, comforta- bly furnished, was erected shortly after the demolition of the other, at a cost of not less than six thousand dollars. The church owns other property in Richmond, including a parsonage, built during the pastorate of Reverend William M. Rush, in 1855 or 1856. *The Christian Churcli, then in process of erection, was blown down by the same storm. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 327 It has, at present, one hundred and forty members, and, under the pas- torship (1881) of Reverend C. Grimes, is faithfully prosecuting the work for which it was organized, more than half a century ago. Following is a list of the ministers who have served as pastors of this church : G. W. Teas, George W. Bewley, A. H. Spratt, John Monroe, Jacob Lannius, Condley Smith, David Kennier, Hugh L. Dodds, Lester James, Daniel T. Shearman, Thomas B. Ruble, Monarch Richardson, Robert H. Jordan, John A. Tutt (assistant), G. W. Love, Edwin Robinson, Daniel Penny, John M. Garner, James Barker, Joseph Devlin (whose remains are interred in the Richmond cemetery), Joseph S. Todd (assist- ant), A. E. Sears, T. D. Clanton, W. E. Dockery, William Plum (assist- ant), William M. Rush, Walter Tool, J. C. C. Davis, M. Pugh, D. M. Proctor, Thomas B. King, Tyson Dines, D. C. O'Howell, W. M. New- land, R. N. T. Holliday, M. R. Jones, W. H. Lewis, and C. Grimes (present pastor). In the year 1844 the Methodist Episcopal Church was, by the general conference in session in the city of New York, separated into a northern and a southern division, each to hold its own general conference, and the one to have no connection with the other. Tliis division, as is well known, grew out of the question of slavery. Churches in the border states, like Missouri, were left free to unite with either branch they might prefer; and in the fall of 1844 the church at Richmond, in quarterly meeting, appointed Amos Rees, Henry Lile, and David H. Quesenberry a com- mittee to prepare a resolution in relation to the proceedings of the (then) late general conference in New York City. The committee presented the following report: The committed to whom was referred the subject of the action of the general conference of the M. E. Church as to separate organization, growing out of the subject of slavery, agitated at the late general con- ference in the case of Bishop Andrews, beg leave to report that they have had that matter under consideration, and in view of the great import- ance the question of slavery has recently assumed, and the efiects it has upon the morals of men, and desiring the permanent peace and prosperity of the church, having a due deference and respect for the opinions of all the members thereof, and believing that that peace can only be secured by the proposed arrangement of holding a northern and a southern gen- eral conference; therefore. Resolved, That the quarterly meeting conference for the Richmond circuit, Missouri annual conference, do advise the adoption of the resolu- tions of the general conference. (Signed) A. Rees, Chairman. The church united with the southern general conference, and has stood in connection therewith ever since, under the name of the "Richmond M. E. Church South." 328 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. MARION CHURCH — REGULAR BAPTIST. This was organized on the fourth Saturday in June, A. D., 1832, with the following first members, to-wit: John Vanderpool, Winant Vander- pool, James Campbell, Levi Vanderpool, John Brown, Henry Miles, EHsha Butcher, Thomas English and Hiram Clark. The original church building was erected of logs, about 1846. It was burned some time in the pastorate of Reverend James Duval. In the autumn of 1880 the erection of a new frame church was begun. It was completed early in the succeeding year, having been on Christmas day, 1880, dedicated by Rev. William Brown and Rev. James Duvall. Rev. John Stone was the first pastor of this church, and was a good man, whose memory is fondly cherished. Rev. James Duvall was pastor upwards of thirty-three years (see biography). In the fall of 1880 the roll book of Marion Church showed a member- ship of twenty-eight. At the beginning of the war a division arose in the church from the same grounds that caused the schism in the New Garden Church, already mentioned. Part of the congregation joined fellowship with the Crooked River Church, and took no part in the erection of the present church building. * M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, AT KNOXVILLE was organized in 1837. The Rainwaters, Kincaids, Milsteads and Bur- gesses were among the original members. The building formerly owned by this church was erected about thirty years ago, and has grown so unstable that it is no longer used as a place of worship. It was sold March 26, 1881, for one hundred dollars. A new frame building is in process of erection, which, when completed, will have cost about two thousand dollars. We were able to obtain only meager information as to this church. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, AT SOUTH POINT. This church was organized at a school house, then situated two miles east of South Point, in Camden township, in April, 1840, with the follow- ing original members, viz: Jacob Warinner, Thomas Blair, John Riffe, Willis Warriner, George Blair, William Brockman, Joseph E. Brockman, Polly Warriner, Eliza J. New, and Mary Brockman. In 1854 the congregation erected a ver}^ handsome frame building for divine worship, at South Point. The building cost one thousand dollars, and was*^ dedicated to the service of Almight}- God in September of the same year of its erection, by Elder Moses E. Lard, a graduate of Beth- any College, Virginia — an institution then under the supervision of Alex- ander Campbell, the founder of the Christian Reformed Church, and one of the greatest theologians of any age. Elder Lard was one of the most HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 329 eminent divines of his day. He was a brilliant, forcible, and impressive speaker, as well as a cogent and elegant writer. He married a lad}^ who lived in Richmond, Ray county; subsequently moved to Kentucky, and died a few years ago, at his home in Lexington, that state, mourned by the church throughout the United States. On the dedication of the church house at South Point, the church was reorganized. The following is a list of those who were members at that time: John Rifle, E. T. Withro, Nancy Withro, Foster D. Tribble, Mary Tribble, Z. D. Ralph, Martha A. Ralph, A. Brockman, Sarah Brockman, James Winsor, Lucinda Winsor, Thomas Blair, John Tarkey, Lydia Tarkay, Jackson Kiffe, A. B. Ralph, Mary Ralph, John W. Chas- tine, William Artman, Jesse B. Simpson, Elizabeth Simpson, James Riffe, Willis Warriner, Mahala Vaughn, J. B. Elliott, Sarah H. Elliott, Emily Young, and three others, whose names, as written on the manuscript con- taining the above list, were illegible. The following persons have been pastors of this church: Richard Morton, S. P. Johnson, N. B. Peeler, W. B. Fisk and James E. Dunn. William Trader is the present, 18S1, pastor. The roll book shows the names of one hundred and fifty persons as members. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, AT RICHMOND. The Christian Church at Richmond, was organized April 26, 1840, by Reverend Thomas N. Gaines, with a membership of forty-five, among whom were the following persons, viz: William B. Martin, Malinda Martin, Perneta E. Hendley, Mary A. McGee, Charles R. Morehead, John B. Warder, Joseph S. Shoop, William H. Warder, Elizabeth War- der, Clayton Jacobs, Mary A. G. Jacobs, Celenary Burch, Susan Warder, Roan Richardson, William Love, and others. Of the forty-five original members, there are now living only five, who hold membership in the congregation, to-wit: Clayton Jacobs and wife, Joseph S. Hoops, Celenary (Burch) Jacobs and Susan (Warder) Jacobs. For several years after the organization of the church, it was without a house of its own, in which to hold divine service, and the congregation worshiped in the court house at Richmond, and in school houses, until it was able to build a church edifice. In 1846 a frame building was erected, which, in 1869, was removed, and in its room now stands an imposing brick, of stable and beautiful architecture, built in the year last mentioned, at a cost of twelve thousand dollars. In an eloquent and appropriate ser- mon, delivered in April, 1870, by Elder Alexander Proctor, this structure was set apart as a sacred shrine for the worship of the Supreme Being. The following is a partial list of the ministers who have been pastors of this church: Thomas N. Gaines, Alexander Proctor, Thomas P. Haley, 21 330 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. (at this time pastor of a charge in St. Louis, and one of the brightest luminaries in the Christian church), A. H. F. Payne, Allen Wright, G. R. Hand, George Plattenberg, Josiah Waller, and James E. Dunn. Belonging to, and worshiping at this church at present (1881), are upwards of one hundred and fifty members in good standing. Divine services have been regularly held every Lord's day and every Thursday evening (in prayer meetings) almost uninterruptedly since the organization of the church, more than forty years ago. A Sunday-school has also been conducted regularly, for the past thirty years. Few religious societies have more faithfully labored, or more success- fully accomplished the end of their formation, than has the Christian Church, at Richmond, Missouri. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST, AT RICHMOND. This church was organized in March, 1842, by Rev. A. P. Williams, (afterwards D. D.) Following is a complete list of the original members, to-wit: Jabez Shotwell, Elizabeth Shotwell, Sarah Ballew, Anne E. Warder, Luther F. Warder, Sciotha McKinney, Marjory Thornton, Sarah James, Levina McKinney, M. J. Holman, James W. Sacry, Susan Sacry, Sarah A. Sacry, George M. Sacry, Elizabeth Tisdale, America Hunt, Mrs. Witcher, Daniel Parker, Polly Parker, Rebecca Smith, Lucinda Duncan, William P. Lanieear, and Rebecca, a woman of color. The church house was built and occupied, but not finished, in 1854; finished in 1855. It was a very good frame structure, and cost about fifteen hundred dollars. It was never formally dedicated. The following list includes all the pastors of this church from its organ- ganization to date (April, 1881,) with the length of service of each, viz: Rev. A. P. Williams, six years and nine months; Rev. Japtha L. Smith, (M. D.) three years and one month; Rev. William C. Bachelor, one year and five months; Rev. R. C. Hill, two years and nine months; Rev. Josiah Leake, four years and ten months; Rev. Jeremiah Farmer, one year and seven months; Rev. Thomas W. Barrett, eight months; Rev. J. W. Luke, one year and two months; Rev. A. Matchett, only a few months; Rev. S. E. DeRacken, one year; Rev. James Roan, six months; Rev. Thomas H. Graves, one year; Rev. William C. Barrett, two years and ten months; Rev. F. M. Wadley, not quite one year; Rev. Robert Livingston, the present pastor, entered on his work in May, 1880. The number of present membership is seventy-two, with a prospect of large increase, when a contemplated new building is erected. For two years prior to its organization as an independent body, in 1842, the church had been what is called an Arm of the Baptist Church at Lexington, Missouri. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 331 ♦ Between several of the pastorates mentioned above, there were lengthy interivis. A brick house, to cost about four thousand dollars, will be built the ensuing- summer. The brick are made, and the whole matter is in the hands of a building committee, composed of the following gentlemen: J. W. Shotwell, J. C. Brown, Reuben E. Brown, L. D. Priest, A. K Reyburn, James Hughes, and Robert Livingston. Services are held, for the time being, in the M. E. Church. Robert Livingston, now pastor of the Baptist Church in Richmond, Missouri, is an Irishman, born and educated at Enniskillen, in the north of Ireland. He was a Pedo-Baptist minister many years, but embraced the principles of the Baptist Church, and became a minister thereof, in Clin- ton county, Missouri, in the year 1869. Robert Livingston came to America in 1855; was naturalized in 1876, and is now fifty years of age. He is deeply interested in the work in which he is engaged; is devoted to the members of his charge, and is a genial, obliging companion, as well as a pious, pure-minded man. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (OLD SCHOOL) AT RICHMOND. Organized, under an order from the Presbytery of Missouri, (O. S.) on the first Saturday in February, A. D., 1843, by J. L. Yantis, D. D., and Lewis Green, ruling elder. Following is a complete hst of the original members, to-wit: Dr. Thomas Allen, James T. McCoun, Joseph M. Lapsley, Isaac White, A. M. Harrison, William Rives, Thomas Slaughter, Baldwin King, Mary McCoun, Margaret L. McCoun, Judith White, Susan M. Dunn, Judith Williams, Ann Sevier, Elizabeth Leeper, Sally J. Harrison, Susan E. Bullock, Nancy Hudgins, Ann Rives, Elizabeth Hooper, Ann Allen, Henrietta Watkins, Margaret Sibley, Harriet Tinney, Maria A. Davis and Margaret Turner, making a total of twenty-six. During the first eight years of its existence, the church was able to secure only occasional preaching, by Dr. Yantis and by Revs. Coulter, Fulton and others, who were engaged in missionary work. In 1851, the church was visited by Nathan H. Hall, D. D., and during his stay much interest was taken, and a number of persons were added to the church. From 1852 to 1858, the friends of Presbyterianism in this section exhausted their means and energies in a vain efi:brt to establish and endow Richmond College. The failure of this enterprise, after so prolonged an endeavor, so par- alyzed the church that it had little more than a nominal existence till 1867, when it was visited by Rev. J. A. Quarles, of Lexington, Missouri. During a series of meetings then held, the session of the church was reorganized by election of officers; and a deep interest was awakened. 332 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY which largely pervaded the entire community. For the purpose of hold- ing these meetings, the members of this church availed themselves of the generous courtesy of other denominations in furnishing them places of worship. In the course of the two succeeding years, under the labors of the Revs. Quarles, Carson and Nail, there were large accessions to the mem- bership of the church, and it had thoroughly recovered its wonted life and prosperity. In November, 1869, a large, substantial brick church edifice was erected in Richmond, at a cost of ten thousand dollars, and dedicated by Nathan L. Rice, D. D. From 1867 to 1872 Rev. R. Carson was part of the time supply, and part of the time pastor. From 1872 to 1878 the church was partly supplied by the appointments of Presbytery and partly by Revs. Quarles and Cheney — each, for a time, holding preaching twice a month. June 1, 1878, the church was entirely destroyed by a terrific cyclone which swept through the town of Richmond, leaving a pathway strewn with debris^ devastation and death. In consequence of this disaster there were no regular Presbyterian ser- vices in Richmond until the fall of 1880. At that time Revs. Quarles and Leyburn visited the church and for a few months past Rev. Quarles has been supplying the church, holding services twice a month in the hall of the opera house. STATISTICS. The church roll shows that in 1846, by removals and death the mem- bership was reduced to eighteen. The largest enrolled membership, at any one time, was in 1872, when it reached ninety-eight. That number has been reduced by the causes above stated, till the present membership is only forty-four. The whole number of persons enrolled as members of this church from its organization to the present, is one hundred and seventy-one. Of the twenty-six original members only five are remaining. Following is the list of those who have been elected ruling elders: 1843— Dr. Thomas Allen, James T. McCoun, J. M. Lapsley; 1851—1. N.White, James L. McCoun; 1856- R. W. Finley, G. W. Buchanan; 1867— Josiah Turner, George W. Dunn, Robert Sevier; 1871— D. B. Palmer, Isaac Ruflner; 1881 — John Laforgee. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, AT HARDIN. The M. E. Church South, at Hardin, was organized in 1845, by Rev- erend B. H. Spencer. It worships in a new frame building, erected in 1880, at a cost of $1,600. The building is owned by several denomina- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 333 tions, in common, but we have been unable to obtain a report from any of them, save the Methodist, and what we have received of that is extremely meager. The following persons have been pastors of this church: Reverends Callaway, Ellington, Dunlap, Penny, Mattox, Bell, Penn, Cooper, McEwen, Johnson, Proctor, Alexander, Bone, Holliday, James, Meffert, Tanquary, and Babcock. Number of present membership, seventy-four. NEW^ SALEM CHURCH, (O. S. PRESBYTERIAN.) On petition of certain members of the Bethel, Liberty, and Richmond churches, and of other Presbyterians, residing on and near Crooked river, in Ray county, Missouri, the Presbytery of Upper Missouri appointed Reverends Richard H. Allen and Robert Scott, ministers, and Caleb Wilson, ruling elder, a committee 'to organize said petitioners into a church, to be called New Salem Presbyterian Church. The committee assembled at the place appointed, on the 18th day of June, A. D. 1849, and organized the church with the following original members: Josiah Morrow, Dicy Morrow, Vincent Morrow, Mary Emily Cummins, James Cummins, Jedediah Smith, Jane Smith, Calvin H. Cummins, Benjamin Snoddy, Susannah Snoddy, Sarah Snoddy, Ann K. Burton, William Murray, Eliza O. K. Murray, Thomas Cummins, Ann Cummins, Ann Rives, Ann L. Allen, Eupha Cummins, Madison B. Cummins, Robert Rives, William Henry Rives,and Elizabeth J. Parton. The congregation met on the same day, and chose Wilham Murray and Jedediah Smith, ruling elders; and as such, they were ordained and installed. September 16, 1849, session met and was opened with prayer by Rev. R. H. Allen, moderator. After satisfactory examination, Susan A. and Emily J, Smith were received into the church. Session closed with prayer by Rev. R. H. Allen. September 17, session met and was opened with prayer by Rev. R. H. Allen, moderator, and by William Murray and Jedediah Smith, elders. Columbus P. Rivers, WiUiam Monroe Woods and Sarah Jane Parton, after satisfactory examination upon experimental religion, were received as members of the church. Closed with prayer by Rev. R. H. Allen. September 22, session met and opened with prayer by Rev. Allen, moderator. Mrs. Sarah Morrow, upon certificate, and Charlotte Jane Cummins, upon profession of her faith in Christ, were received into the church as members therof. Closed with prayer by Rev. R. H. Allen. September 23, session met and was opened with prayer by Rev. Allen, moderator. The following persons, after satisfactory examination, were received as members of the church: Mary Jane and John Joiner, 334 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. William R. Burton and John G. D. Burton. Closed with prayer by Rev- Allen. September 25, session met and opened with prayer, as usual, by Rev. R. H. Allen. Joseph Cook, after professing his faith in Christ, was re- ceived into the church. After prayer by Rev. R. H. Allen, the session adjourned. At a meeting of the members of New Salem Church, October 30, 1869, J. A. Smith was elected ruling elder, and the following day, Sunday, was ordained to that office, Rev. D. Coulter, presiding. In 1872 the congregation erected a substantial frame church at Lawson. It is well furnished, stands on a commanding eminence, and is an attract- ive building. The number of present (1881) membership is thirty-nine. September 22, 1872, the session met, before public service, in their new house of worship, at Lawson, and was opened with prayer. Present, Reverend J. M. Scott, moderator, and Elder J. A. Smith. Mrs. Hen- rietta Rhaum and Miss Victoria Ann Smith appeared and desired mem- bership in the church; whereupon, after the usual examination, they were received into full fellowship, they having previously been baptized. Closed with prayer by Elder J. A. Smith. PISGAH CHURCH — MISSIONARY BAPTIST. Organized August 12, 1849, by Reverend Robert James. Original members: B. W. Howlin and wife, of Clay county, O. C. Brook, Mrs. A. A. McCoskrie, Jno. Cox, James Cox, Wm. Morris, Hiram Morris, Isaac Massingale, Belinda Garner, Mary Estes, Mary Nowlin, Adelia P. Wyman, Samuel Cleavenger, and Mary Cleavenger. The church house is a frame, and was erected in October, 1854. Not dedicated. Pastors: Robert James, Jeptha S. Smith, James W. Sacray, William McClellan, T. N. O'Bryant, G. W. Smith, J. W. Luke, John Harmon, S. H. Carter, J. N. Wheeler, and J. W. D. Hunt. Present membership, sixt3--three. Pisgah Church is located in town- ship 52, range 29. NEW HOPE CHURCH — M. E. SOUTH. New Hope Church was organized in the year A. D. 1851. The build- ing, a substantial frame, commodious within, and comfortably furnished, was erected in 1869, at a cost of $3,000, and is situated near Millville, in Grape Grove township. The original members of this church are as fol- lows: Thomas H. Noble, Nancy Noble, James Elliott, Elizabeth Elliott, Thomas Kincaid, Louisa Kinkaid, Cecil B. McCuistion, Sarah McCuis- tion, D. Williams, Catherine McBee, David McBee and Catherine Craig. The church edifice was dedicated by Rev. W. M. Newlan, March 5^ A. D., 1879. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 335 The following is a list of the pastors since 1851, viz: Joseph Devlin, Joseph S. Todd, A. E. Sears, Blackwell, W. E. Dockery, Wm. Penn (assistant), J. W. Mattox, William Sutton, Daniel Penny, Samuel Alex- ander, G. Tanquary, William Jordan, James A. Spencer, R. N. T. Holliday, C. Babcock and J. L. Meffert. New Hope Methodist Church has at present one hundred and four members, and is in a healthy condition, morally and materially. GROVE CHAPEL, M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, was organized May 2, 1859. The building is a frame, cost six hundred dollars, and is located in Grape Grove township. Original members: — John Brown, Matilda Brown, Caleb Brown, Mar- tha Brown, W. D. Fortune, Mary Fortune, Sally Brown, Perry Brown, Turner Elder, Polly Elder, Elizabeth Elder, D. C. Noftsinger, Mary C. NofFsinger, Fanny Noffsinger, John NofFsinger, Warren Hayes, Virginia Hayes, Allen Charlton, Narcissa Charlton, Eppa Holder, Mrs. Holder, William Holder, Austin Harlow, Susan Harlow, Martin Elder, Mrs. Water, Allen Rathburn, Mrs. — — Rathburn, Enoch Rathburn, Elizabeth Rathburn, Conrad Oester, Reverend Samuel Grove, Paulina Grove, Mar- garet Grove, J. A. Divelbiss, Julia Divelbiss, Samuel Davis, Dennis, and Lucinda Davis. WAKANDA CHURCH, GERMAN BAPTIST. Organized about 1866. Names of original members: — John Vantromp and wife, and Joel Spit- zer and wife. The church house — a frame — was erected in 1871, cost one thousand dollars, and is situated near Crooked river, in Crooked River township — extreme northern part. Reverend John Hayes was the pastor. S. B. Shirkey, Eli Metts, and Addison Harper are the present ministers. PLEASANT VIEW CHURCH, CHRISTIATV. Prior to 1866 there was no organization of the Christian Church in Polk township, although a number of persons in that township held fel- lowship with Christian congregations at Richmond and elsewhere, in adjoining counties. About the 1st of August, 1866, Elder John C. Lawson, a carpenter, as well as preacher, and at that time plying the former vocation in the neighborhood of the present site of Pleasant View, commenced a basket meeting in a beautiful grove in William Crowley's pasture, and continued the same nearly a fortnight. The result was several confessions and immersions. Great interest was awakened; and, at the close of the meet- ing, partial organization was effected, by electing David J. Bisbee and Thomas J. Crowley elders. Elder Lawson was engaged to labor for the 33B HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY church occasionally, and the place of worship was moved from Benton to Butler school-house. Here the church was reorganized, and Andrew J. Greenawalt elected elder, and William F. Potter and Samuel D. Osborn deacons. Services were held at Butler school-house till the following August, w^hen at a protracted meeting, conducted by Elders G. R. Hand, Joseph T. Rice, and J. C. Lawson, a resolution was passed to build a house of worship at Pleasant View. Martin T. Real, James A. Potter, and A. Bis- bee, Sr., were appointed a building committee, and vested with the power of trustees to receive and hold in trust property that the church might acquire. C. B. Bacon was chosen secretary and treasurer of the com- mittee. A subscription-book was opened, and therein appear the follow- ing names of subscribers and the amount contributed by each, viz: Martin T. Real $ 96.30 Peter Clark 40.00 S. D. Osborn 230.00 Wm. Windsor 5.00 John Fallett 15.00 Wm. B. Chapman 15.00 Jas. M. Stockwell 330.00 E. V. Fowler 201.50 J. K. Luther 60.00 A. J. Greenawalt 105.00 J. Whitsett 15.00 W. F. Potter 30.00 John A. Buchanan 25.00 Wm. Osborn 25.00 J. A. Potter 363.00 W. C. Halstead 11.00 H. H. McClelland 25.00 Chas. McClelland 25.00 Wm. H. Bales 5.00 John Hightower 5.00 J. H. Raum 15.00 Frank Elston 10.00 Wmj.Crowley 185.00 Milton Piercy David J. Bisbee. . . . M. Buchanan Peter Roney A. Douglass Milton Becket A. K. Piercy Cornelius EbersoL. . Fowler & Buchanan . Reuben Hawk Robert Finch John A. Goodman . . Jesse T. Roberts .... J. H. McDonald R. W. Babcock Jas. Bronaugh James Melon James Green G. W. Stockwell, Jr. Gideon Albright.. . . C. B. Bacon ,1 25.00 161.70 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 6.50 50.00 10.00 5.00 70.00 2.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 389.37 $2,743.87 In due course of time the building was erected, and the same year, 1867, duly dedicated by Elder G. R. Hand, to divine service. It is a well-built, neat, and attractive frame structure, and cost three thousand six hundred dollars. Pleasant View has (1881) seventy members. The edifice is situated in section twenty-seven, of congressional tow^nship fifty-four, of range twenty-nine. ELK HORN CHURCH — CHRISTIAN. The building is owned by the Christian and three other denominations, but we w^ere unable to obtain information regarding any of the organ- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 337 izations, other than the Christian. We regret the omission, which on the part of the writer, is unavoidable. The names of the original members of the organization of Disciples, worshipping at Elk Horn Church, are as follows: T. M. Stevenson, Joseph Craven and wife, G. A. Sanford and wife, T. S. Vaughan and wife, J. T. Ogg, Mary McCallum, Elizabeth McAfee, Moab Berry and wife, M. McGaugh, and several others. The church is a frame building, erected 1857, and when completed, cost $1,100. It was dedicated, as to the Disciples, or Christians, by Elder G. R. Hand and A. A. Pickeral. Reverend N. B. Peeler is the present pastor. T. J. Ogg and J. N. Smith are elders. William Ogg and T. S. Vaughan are deacons. Present membership, twenty-five. BETHLEHEM CHURCH — CHRISTIAN. Organized in September, 1868. Among the first members w^ere: J. D. Gordon, Arch. Moss, R. Moss, J. Messmer, J. N. Davis and others. The church building was erected in 1869. It is a frame, located on sec- tion seventeen, township fifty-four, range twenty-eight, and cost $1,100. It was dedicated in 1869, by Wm. Morton and Anderson Pickeral. Pas- tors: A. Pickeral and N. B. Peeler. In 1875, a division occurred in this church, growing out of a difference in the views of its members on the subject of dancing. The faction favor- ing that amusement withdrew, and, building a house of worship, called it the HOUSE OF PRAYER. It is situated on section thirty, township fifty-four, range twenty-eight; was built in 1876, at a cost of about four hundred dollars. About twenty members — having withdrawn, as stated above, from Bethlehem church — formed the original organization. They retain the name. Christian^ meet regularly, and are in a prosperous condition — the membership having increased to sixty-two. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, AT LAW^SON. Full reports of this church could not be obtained. It was probably organized about 1870. Among the original members we mention the fol- lowing: George James, Selina Morrow, Mary Cox, Mary Tiffin, Margaret Allen, Sarah Crowley, Alexander McDonald, Joseph McDonald, G. F. Crowley, Fanny Huff. R. H. Jordan, Jesse Bird, W. C. Campbell, J. A. Hyder, J. Devlin, L. F. Linn, A. M. Kiergan and H. A. Davis, have been pastors of this church. It has seventy-five members. CHURCH OF CHRIST OF CHRISTIAN UNION, KNOXVILLE CHARGE. This church was organized in 1871. The original members were as 338 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. follows: H. Whitsen, J. Greason, J. Cook, J. Turney, S. Leabo, Jod Leabo. The church owns no house, but holds services in a school house. Names of pastors: D. H. McLuse, H. Holman, Andrew Arnote, J. W. Horder. H. Holman is the present pastor. The number of present membership is about sixty. The church is prospering, and contemplates erecting a church edifice at an early date. The doctrines of the Christian Union are probably not so well under- stood by the general public as are those of most other religious denomina- tions. The church advocates an experimental religion, and endorses bap- tism, administering it to satisfy the conscience of the subject; and also the Lord's supper. It disfavors debate; its object being to bring all Christian people together. It differs from the Methodist church mainly in church government. Subjoined is a declaration of views on the unity of the Church of Christ, adopted by the general council of the Christian Union, held at Wesley, Indiana, May 15, 1878. Christian Union principles: 1. The oneness of the Church of Christ. 2. Christ the only Head. 3. The Bible our only rule of faith and practice. 4. " Good Fruits " the only condition of fellowship. 5. Christian Union without controversy. 6. Each local church governs itself. 7. Political preaching discountenanced. The above is a distinct and formulated statement of the principles of the churches of the Christian Union. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. The district in which this branch is located was organized in 1872, and contains six branches, with a membership of about two hundred in the aggregate. Original members, A. J. Blodget, J. S. Lee, L. W Babbitt, James Wood, W. C. Kinyon, J. W. Johnson, Joseph D. Craven, James Milligan, and E. W. Cato. The church house is a frame edifice, and was built in 1881, at a cost of seven hundred dollars. It is situated on section 33, township 51, range 26. Joseph I). Craven has been presiding elder of the district since the 3-ear 1872. His charge includes the membership of Ray, Platte, Carroll and Livingston counties. Rev. E. W. Cato is pastor of the church. Ray count}^ has only two branches, numbering about sixty-five members in all. We have received two conflicting statements concerning the branches, of the district referred to above, in this county, which we are unable to reconcile, but we have gleaned the information here presented from both, with the hope that it will be intelligible, at least, to those most interested. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY, 339* M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, AT TAITSVILLE. The original members were, G. W. Cones and wife, John Tait and wife, S. F. Siler, John Reavis and wife, J. S. Barbee, Henry Myers and wife, Frances Bennett, and Sarah Shumate. The church house is a very neat frame, and was built in 1S80. Its cost, when completed, was one thousand dollars. The following persons, among others, have been pastors of this church,, viz: J. Bovee, N. A. Keyes, T. B. Bratten, — Henley, — Butler, — Mozier. The present membership is eighteen. Preaching twice a month. HICKORY GROVE CHURCH (UNION.) Hickor}^ Grove Church building is in Crooked River township, situ- ated in a beautiful grove, not far from the river. It was erected in 1876, at a cost of one thousand two ^hundred dollars, and is owned by four denominations, all of which are prospering, and worship together in the most beautiful harmony. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH, IN KNOXVILLE TOWNSHIP. Original members: Emanuel Peter and wife, J. Switzer and wife, George Peter and wife, Jacob Jackson and wife, G. Vandever and wife* The church house is a frame, erected in 1876, at a cost of $2,500. J, Switzer, Perry, and Leeper have been pastors. This church has about one hundred members, and is doing well. A Sunday-school, of thirty-live pupils, convenes regularly every Lord's day. In connection with the church is a cemetery, established in 1876. PLEASANT VALLEY CHAPEL, CHRISTIAN UNION OF MISSOURI. This church was organized December 30, 1877, with the following origi- nal membership: Cleason Robertson, Susan Robertson, Jas. Snider, Mary Snider, Nathaniel Pike, George Porkony, Jeremiah Turner, Octavia Basham, Mary Fair, Annie Youngblood, and Emma McCall. The church building, a neat and attractive frame, conveniently and tastily furnished, was completed August 1, 1880, at a cost of one thousand dollars, and dedicated the 26th of the same month, by Elder J. V. B* Flack, of Missouri City, Clay county, Missouri. Rev. Andrew Arnote is now (1881), and has been since its organization, pastor of this church. Under charge of Rev. Arnote the church is. prosperous, progressive and harmonious. Its membership has increased until it now numbers eighty-seven. The edifice is located in Richmond township, about seven miles north of Richmond. It is appropriate to append the following, as reported to the thirty- .sixth annual council of the churches of the Christian Union of Missouri, convened at Salem Chapel, Clay county, Missouri, September 16, 17, 18. and 19, A. D. 1880. 340 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. ON STATE AND WISHES OF THE CHURCHES. After careful examination, your committee finds the churches in a good and prosperous condition. New churches have been added to many of the charges; new chapels have been erected; pastors employed at stated salaries; new members quite frequently received in the churches; houses in good repair; peace prevails among the membership; the doctrine of Christain Union is well understood and maintained by our many live local churches; prayer meetings are held, and the attendance upon public preaching is often very large and universally good; our churches are lib- eral and generous toward all reHgious people. ON BIBLE CAUSE. We, your committee, report 1st, That we favor the general circulation of King James' translation of the bible; 2d, That we co-operate with the American bible society in its good work; 3d, That we recognize the bible as the great, grand, universal creed of the true church of Christ, and will have no other creed. ON CORRESPONDENCE. We, your committee on correspondence beg leave to report, 1st. That we have continued to write numerous letters to different sec- tions of our common field of operation, in which letters we have earnestly presented the claims of this blessed Union cause. 2d. We have written to the leading state meetings, and received words of cheer therefrom. 3d. We have carried on a correspondence with the prominent workers in and out of the state, from whose pens we have personally learned that our cause was well entrenched in the hearts and minds of all our most useful and successful workers. 4th. We have written to churches in various parts of the state, send- ing all the words.of good cheer we possibly could. 5th. In our correspondence at home and abroad, we find no apparent weakening on the part of Christian Union advocates; all are more confi- dent, with but very few exceptions. 6th. We have extended our correspondence beyond our immediate borders and have received words of cheer and good fellowship from D. L. Moody, J. V. Farwell, J. Cook, President Abernethy, Dr. Lyman Abbott, Dr. N. F. Ravlin, H. L. Hasting, H. W. Beecher, and many others, whose worthy names we have not space to mention. 7th. Our correspondence with Tennessee and Kentucky Christian Union assures us that the cause is rapidly gaining influence in those states. Good cheer reaches us from Brothers Deason, Cook, and others, giving accounts of the rapid and etlectual advance of the work among their brethren. 8th. Correspondence shows to us that the good brethren in the north- eastern portion of Missouri are pressing the work of Union with earnest- ness and faithful prayer. 9th. We have many communications from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and elsewhere, written by private brethren, in which we have very cheer- ing news concerning the advance of our active preachers and church workers. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 341 10th. From letters in our possession we learn that quite a large num- ber of members have united with us in the various states; that new churches have been established, and new chapels erected, and dedicated to the worship of Almighty God. 11th. We receive urgent appeals to send ministerial help to destitute localities. 12th. Great anxiety is manifest on the part of all our brethren, — whose hearts are in the work — in relation to our having a firmly estab- lished printing house. Letters reach us almost daily, urging that we advance and lead off in this undertaking. Many matters have presented themselves to us, which time and space will not permit recounting. ON RESOLUTIONS. We, your committee, report that, as resolutions expressive of our views, we refer our friends to the resolutions of the last state meeting, and those of the last general council. We stand upon the broad and catholic plat- form received and acknowledged by all Christians as essential to salvation. Our people are resolved to hold to no dogma calculated to produce and promote division in the church of God. ON BOUNDARIES. We, your committee, see no occasion for a change in boundaries, and recommend that they remain as heretofore; but suggest that district councils be held by the brethren of northeast Missouri. ON SUNDAY SCHOOLS. We, your committee, beg leave to report as follows: We would solicit the churches in different localities to establish Sunday-schools in their community without any sectarian principles connected with them; to establish them upon the principles and platform of American Union. Raise your children under the sway of the sceptre of Union and the one- ness of the church of Christ; create within them large Union hearts. We would further recommend that the council instruct the state evangelist to do all in his power to organize American Union Sabbath-schools in the different localities visited by him, believing that the Sabbath-school is the nursery of the church. ON FINANCE. We, your committee, report that some of the charges do not support their pastors as liberaUy as should be done, and therefore we urge that every church should contract with its pastor and pay him -promftly. That every member be required to pay to the support of the gospel among them. That the elders see to it, that every attendant on our services be invited to contribute to the support of the minister, that no one may fail of an opportunity to do his duty; that our members be advised to pay as the Lord has prospered them, so that our pastors may not be embarrassed in their calling. • ON FRATERNAL RELATIONS. We, to whose care the matter of fraternal relations was submitted one year ago, report as follows: 1st. That brotherly love and peace pervades our home churches and membership, clerical and lay. 342 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 2d. That the best of good feeling exists toward the brethren and the general work throughout the entire confines of the Christian *Union field. 3d. That the reports we receive from the fraternal messengers who have been appointed to the previous state councils, indicate the best of results. 4th. As your committee, we hereby officially extend our right hand of fellowship to every Christian Union man and woman in the world. 5th. That we hereby and herein declare that, as a people, we stand ready to fraternize with every Christian person or body of persons whose love and kindliness will prompt them to co-operate with us in our efforts to lead perishing mankind to the blood-stained cross of Jesus. 6th. That in our fraternal overtures we draw no party lines nor pre- scribe any sectarian or sectional boundaries or edicts, but ask for broth- erly love and affiliation on the primal and essential truths of God's dear Son — our Savior. 7th. We rejoice to know that partisanism and sectarian denomination- alism are rapidly dying out, and the great and holy principle of a soul- saving gospel getting hold upon and deeply in the hearts of good and true Christians in all the various religious organizations. 8th. The indications, everywhere, justify the conclusion that the religious elements of our country are drawing closer and still closer together. ON PUBLISHING INTERESTS. We, your committee on publishing interests, report as follows: 1st. That the Witness has been suspended, and we are, therefore, without a church organ at present. 2d. That our cause is amply strong to maintain and support a print- ing house, at which all needed printing can be done at reasonable rates, and a good Christian Union paper provided for the promotion of our cause. 3d. We therefore propose that this council appoint a committee of five, whose duty it shall be to proceed and raise means sufficient to buy a printing office, with all needful appurtenances, to print a Christian Union paper, etc., etc. 4th. That this committee be ordered by this body to use their wisdom in the plan of securing a publishing house, to-wit : That they induce one, two or more brethren to provide said office and have the proceeds there- of, and hire the editor ; or, else, that said committee raise a general fund in a sum sufficient to buy an office complete — said sum to be raised by contributions throughout the brotherhood, by a canvass among the local churches; and that said office be the common property of the donors, and to be used, for all time to come, as the publishing house of the Christian Union. 5th. That we, after buying this office, authorize this said committee of five to arrange with Bro. J. V. B. Flack, our former editor, to run the said office and edit a Christian Union paper for a period of, at least, five years; unless, in the judgment of the committee and donors, his services should be discontinued and another take his place, or said editor desires to relin- quish the office of his own motion. 6th. Furthermore, we direct that said committee take under advise- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 343 ment the idea of the combined contributions of the Christian Union and public generally buying a printing office outfit complete, and then tender the use of said office for five years to Brother J. V. B. Flack, allowing him to have the use of the material, free of all expense, for said period, on condition that he provide a Christian Union weekly paper for our people, he, the said J. V. B. Flack, to receive all the proceeds for subscription and for job work done by the said office, he paying all the expenses for run- ning said office, and keeping up the same to a point of usefulness. With these suggestions we leave the matter with the council and the contemplated committee of five, should you in your wisdom appoint one. ON PUBLISHING MINUTES. We, your committee, advise that the proceedings of this council be printed in pamphlet form, and that means be raised at once to defray the expense thereof. ON EXAMINATION AND ORDINATION. We, your committee, report that, after careful examination, we com- mend as proper candidates to ordination, Bros. J. R. Franklin and A. S. Gechter. ON EDUCATION. We, your committee, commend to your notice the wisdom and propri- ety of sound education. We urge that our members seek to give their children the advantages of learning. We suggest that at an early period we adopt measures to secure in our council bounds a first-class college, and until then we commend Rutherford College, Happy Home, North Carolina, to the patronage of our people. We also desire to hereby express our thanks to the above named college and its learned faculty for the merited honor they conferred upon our fellow worker, Brother J. V. B. Flack, in constituting the said beloved brother a doctor of divinity. His learning and faithfulness have rendered him worthy of all honor. ON TEMPERANCE. Resolved, that we are a temperance people; that we co-operate with all movements tending to help lift up the fallen inebriate; that we condemn the manufacture, sale and use of ardent spirits as a beverage; that we do not believe in organizing political parties on the temperance question, but think we should promote the cause by the machinery of the church and the conversion of the souls of the unfortunate. ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS. We, your committee, after careful examination, do not find any unfin- ished business demanding attention. ON PUBLIC WORSHIP. We, your committee on public worship, submit the following complete report : Preaching, Thursday night, by Elder A. Arnote ; preaching, Friday, at 11 A. M., by Elder J. R. Franklin; preaching, Friday night, by Elder A. S. Gechter; preaching, Saturday, at 11 A. m., by Elder N. Nickeson; preaching Saturday night, by Elder N. H. French; social meeting, Sun- day, at 9 A. M., by Elder D. H. McClure; preaching, Sunday, at 11 a. m., by , Elder G. W. Mitchell; sacramental meeting, at 3 p. m., by Elder H. 344 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Holman; preaching at night, by Elder A. S. Gechter, followed by Elder J. V. B. Flack. ON MEMORIAL. Since, in the mysterious providences of God, our Heavenly Farther, some of the beloved members of the Missouri Annual Council have been called from labor to reward, from earth-life to heaven-life, from mortal to immortal shores, from this valley of grief and partings, to the clime of glory and reunion : Therefore, we express our sense of their absence and our Christian condolence for the bereaved families of the deceased, by hereby recording their names, in token of the fact that their meritorious character and many exceeding excellencies are embalmed in the warm hearts of the members of this Annual Council. That the coming future and its generations may not be oblivious to the estimable and enviable memory of Elder Samuel Leabo, and Brothers G. W. Madden and Wil- son Samples, we hereby declare that those beloved brethren were true and worthy citizens of our common country, and of the Christian Union and the State Council of Missouri; that they left behind them abiding evidences of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the joyful assurance of an abundant entrance into the eternal City of God, and the endless fel- lowship of the saints. May the angels of heavenly wing ever watch over their silent graves. PLEASANT VALLEY CHAPEL. Brother Ephland writes the church report of the above-named church: This church is a new organization ; was established by Elder Andrew Arnote; has sixty-two members in good standing; have enjoyed the spirit of revival during the last year; the pastor is very much appreciated for his abihtv, zeal and piety; have erected a commodious new church house, tastefully finished, and paid for; the house was dedicated by Elder J. V. B. Flacic, D.D.; it was claimed that 2,000 persons were in attendance at the time of dedication; our future looks bright; we adhere to the doctrine of church union; the word of God is our only creed; we are living in daily evincement of the teaching of the 17th chapter of St. John. REPORT OF ELDER A. ARNOTE. Dear Brethreti: Tongue cannot express the thankfulness of my heart — to an allwise and loving Father — for the preservation of our lives and the many blessings extended to us during another year. It has pleased the good Lord to spare us so that we can meet once more and behold each other, face to face. I rejoice, brethren, that we can meet and congratulate each other that our work is prospering and Christian Union is moving forward every da}', but let us not think that we will gain the victory riding on flowery beds of ease. The devil trembles lest the prayer of our blessed Savior be fulfilled, and the world made to believe; therefore he contends for every inch of ground we pass over, and sectar- ianism turns its artillery upon us. As men increase in education and a knowledge of the Lord, the}' naturally desire to throw off the yoke of bondage and dwell together in unity and love, consequently sectarian lines are beginning to break, and many are deserting and coming over to our ranks, hence we may naturally expect a strong resistance fi*om their lead- ers, but, dear brethren, stand firm fear; not to declare the doctrine of Union. Christ prayed for it, God ordained it, and as sure as God sits upon HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 345- the throne, Christian Union will prevail, and God's people will be one. I have served as pastor of Graham, Union, Rocky Fork, and Pleasant Valley churches during the year past; have held five protracted meetings on my work, all resulting in grand success; God's people were revived, sinners convicted, and mourners converted at each meeting; I have wit-, nessed forty-eight conversions during the year, and received sixtv-five members in the churches; I leave my charges in good spiritual condition; to God be all the glory. Pray for me that I may be an humble and suc- cessful co-worker with you for Christ and Union. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CHURCHES OF THE CHRISTIAN UNION. In the beginning, when God created man, and then woman, and brought her to the man, he pronounced them one. Of one family, — most intricately united — he started the wheels of generations. The extensive domain of earth was to be thronged by one and the same stock of human beings. The early generations were kept in the favorite relation of unity and peace as long as they remained in favor of and under the guidance of the original All-One-Father. When, by the introduction and conquests of sin, the normal status and condition of man was changed; then war, dis- quiet, unrest, discord and division tided in upon the world's destinies, and consequently, the world's happiness, Satan and sin have ever been the fruitful, prominent and effectual causes of the absence of peace and union, and the presence of war and disunion. The position has historically dem- onstrated itself in all and every age of the past developments of human life and society. It would be doing an injustice to God, to intimate that He created intelligent, immortal, and undying souls, for the mere purpose of variance, inharmony, hate, and cruel vengeance. His spirit, and every attribute, puts the Great Maker on the side of quiet, peace, comfort, and joy to all beings into whose nostrils He breathed the breath of life. Jeho- vah has frowned upon and condemned every divisional and discordant note that ever broke its remorseless sound upon the ears of ever-living and eternally intelligent mankind; the angelkind, before the world's birth, or before the stars had hymned their songs of joyful praise, knew that peace and union must tranquilly ever play its balmy zephvrs around the dazzling throne; that there could not be a heaven with warring winds, and roaring storms; croaking raven, and screaming eagle; roaring Hon and howling wolf, God carefully maintained the blessings of unity among his chosen people, until they turned their backs upon him. When any people, of any country, turn away from God, they are left to them- selves, and are riven and torn in twain. Had past generations remained loyal to the King of Kings, the floods of blood, carnage, conflagration, and death, that have devastated the earth, would never have occurred. The great hand and arm of God has been visible at all times, and the evi- dent maintenance of peace and pleasantness among his children, has ever written — in letters of adamant — that the Divine One was not pleased with the presence of the elements of discord and sin. Historic Israel teaches that God desires and designs to preserve aunited commonwealth. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came heralded by peace messengers, and mes- sages of " Peace on earth, good will to men." Fittingly the Temple of Janus was closed, and the whole world was desirous or universal rest and peace. The angel host sang " good news," while the audience of har- 22 34:6 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. monious stars gave jthem noiseless reverence; and Bethlehem's happy, social, and united shepherds looked upon the scene with rapture and delight. Christ came to unite, and keep united, the hearts of his follow- ers; hence, he bound them with every common tie and sacred chord of love; finally, sealing the consummated union with his own royal and divine blood. One with the Father, he came to make his people likewise one. The same holy principle led and stimulated the mission and work of the apostles, and was proclaimed and clearly inculcated in all their teach- ing. Paul forcibly presented the necessity of this doctrine in his epistles, and doubtless urged it in all his wondrful and vivid discourses. The principle of the unity of God's people lies in the very genius of the gos- pel, and the effects of saving grace on the heart and life of every rescued sinner proves the naturalness of the holy and lovable sentiment: "As ye receive Christ Jesus so walk ye in Him." The good Christian, who can read the illustrious prayer ot Christ, recorded in the 17th of John, and not believe in the union of Christians, has not been found. God never meant that his people should be divided. Christ emphatically taught us to be one, declaring that " there shall be one fold and one shepherd." Paul says: "Since there are wars and divisions among you, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?" For about two hundred years after Christ there was love, union, peace, and quiet, when wicked and ambitious priests created discord, schism, here- sies and sects. The long series of sins and mistakes that followed, until over six hundred rival sectarian bodies were formed, cannot be noticed in this connection. Now, what? The object of the Christian Union move- ment is to go directly back to first principles, take up the same doctrines of Christ and the apostles, ignore all the isms and dogmas that have caused sects, and seek to promulgate pure primitive Christianity, standing on essentials only. These churches, now numerous, and these Christians, now an army for multitude, declare that they adhere to and advocate the fol- lowing sentiments, common to every real child of God: (1) The oneness of the church. ;2) God, our Creator and Father. (3) Christ, our Savior and only head. (4) The Holy Spirit, our regenerator. (5) The Bible, our only jcreed. (6) Good fruits, our only condition of fellowship. (7) Each local church governs itself. (8) The right of private opinion. (9) Christian and church union, without controversy about questions that neither save nor damn the soul. LAWSON BAPTIST CHURCH. This church wa» organized October 4th, 1879, by Elder W. C. Barrett. Following are the names of the original members: Mary Hollingworth, Josephine Palmer, Tillie Asbury, Lottie Asbury, Mary Jones, Puss Hat- field, Mary L. Smith, Sarah Ahart, Jennie Robinett, Eliza Garrison, J. L. Smith, William Ahart, M. Nicholson and John Garrison. The house of worship is frame; was built in 1879, and cost $1,082.92. The building was dedicated on the first Lord's day in 'August, 1880, by Revs. W. C. Barrett, of Plattsburg, and T. W. Barrett, of Jefiferson City. The pastor of this church is Rev. W. C. Barrett. The present member- ship is seventeen. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 347 EDUCATIONAL. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF RAY COUNTY. It is to the interest of every man to live in a refined, moral and educated community. Ignorance is the handmaid of vice. Education promotes the happiness, harmony and general well-being of society. Where ignorance prevails, religion is neglected, progress impeded, crime increases, and disorder reigns. The only way of improving the social, mental and moral status of mankind is, by the dissemination of useful knowledge among all classes, in every community. The great aim of education, in the true meaning of that term, is to make moral beings of those upon whom the advantages of learning are bestowed. Therefore, every mem- ber of society is equally interested in the diffusion of intelligence. Every man and woman in Ray county is mutually benefitted by the means of education, placed within the reach of all. The good of society demands that every member thereof shall receive at least a common school educa- tion. It is the one true way of promoting the peace, good order and pros- perity of the state. Where public instruction is fostered and maintained, men are prosperous and progressive in every department of fife. Educa- tion upholds religion, propels the machinery of government, and sustains the whole fabric of society. To no community of Christian people is this fact better, or more appreciatively known, than to the citizens of Ray county ; and to their encouragement and maintenance of common schools, under the laws of the state, is largely due the enviable prosperity the county enjoys. Section I. of Article VI. of the first constitution of Missouri, declared, that: "Schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged in this state; and the general assembly shall take measures to preserve from waste or damage such lands as have been, or hereafter may be granted by the United States, for the use of schools within each town- ship in this state, and shall apply the funds which may arise from such lands, in strict conformity to the object of the grant; one school, or more, shall be established in each township, as soon as practicable and neces- sary, where the poor shall be taught gratis." The general assembly subsequently provided for the appointment of commissioners by the county in each county court, to preserve from waste or damage the school lands mentioned above ; and at the first term of the county court in Ray county, April 2, 1821, the court " ordered that John Shields, John Stanley, James Snowden, Sr., John Hutchings and Samuel Tilford be appointed to superintend and preserve from waste, all school lands in this county; and that they be empowered to lease or rent the same for any term not exceeding five years." 348 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Thus, at a very early day, was an interest taken in free schools by the officials and residents of the county. As soon as possible after the completion of hovels in which to live, and of preparations absolutely necessary for their sustenance and comfort, the first settlers commenced the building of school houses. Such as they built were poor and mean, it is true, but they could do no better, and doing their best, they did -well. The character of the first schools, and school houses, and where located, have been given elsewhere in this work. There are, at present, (May, 1881,) one hundred and twelve school buildings in the county. They are commodious, comfortable and sub- stantial, and comport well with the advanced and improved condition of the county, in other than educational affairs. The municipal townships are divided into school districts; and the employment of teachers and the control and management of the schools (except as to the authority of teachers) are vested in a board of directors, composed of three members, elected by the qualified voters of each dis- trict, at the annual school meeting, which is held on the first Tuesday in April, of each year. The public teachers of Ray county, who receive a certificate of qual- ification from the county commissioner, are liberally, though perhaps not quite adequately, paid for their services, and it is fair to say that, as a rule, they are exceptionally industrious and competent. Mr. Lindsey Dickey, a courteous, agreeable gentleman, now principal of the Taitsville public school, has, doubtless, been longer continuously engaged as teacher in the public schools of Ray county, than any of his brother teachers, he having taught in this county for fifteen successive years. Thomas M. Deacy, Esq., county commissioner, kindly furnishes us the following educational statistics of the county, for the year 1880. It is simply a copy of his report to the state superintendent of public schools; and it is believed that, especially in after years, it will be of peculiar interest. Following is the report: To Hon. R. D. Shannon, Superintendent of Public Schools^ Jefferson Cityy Missouri: Sir: — In obedience to section 38, school law of Missouri, I have the honor to submit the following report: Number of white children in the county between six and twenty years of age: Male, 3,535; female, 2,946. Number of colored children in the county between six and twenty years of age: Male, 329; female, 227. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 349 Number of white children attending school during the year: Male, 2,448; female, 2,112. Number of colored children attending school during the year: Male, 192; female, 153. Total number days attendance all such scholars, 306,720. Average number days attendance by each, 63. Number of days school has been taught: Summer, 34; winter, 102; total, 136. Average number of scholars attending school each day: Summer, 14; winter, 26; total, 40. Number of teachers employed during the year: Male, 102; female, 28; total, 130. Average salary of teachers per month: Male, $37.52; female, $25.94 — it531.73. Number of school-houses in the county, 112. Number of buildings rented for school purposes, none. Number of scholars that may be seated in the various school-houses in the county, 5,432. Number of white schools in operation, 97. Number of colored schools in operation, 15. Value of school property in the county, $46,560. Average rate per $100 levied for school purposes in the county, 40 cents. Assessed value of property in the county, $39,415.95. Amount on hand at beginning of school year, $8,818.27. Amount received for tuition fees, $10. Amount received from public funds, state, county, and township, $11,- 285.95. Amount paid for teachers' wages in the county during the year, $22,- 484.60. Amount paid for fuel, $851.66. Amount for repairs or rent of school-houses, $632.44. Amount paid for incidental expenses in the county during the year, $615.95. Amount paid for erection of school-houses or purchase of sites, $1,548.55. Amount expended in defraying past indebtedness, $1,918.66. Amount paid for library, $30.10. Amount paid as salaries of district clerks, $81.55. Amount of unexpended school funds in the county at the close of the year, $7,895.48. Very respectfully, Thomas M. Deacy, County Commissioner', This 18th day of September, 1880. 350 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. RICHMOND COLLEGE. In the year 1851, the ynod of the Presbyterian Church of Missouri realizing the importance of establishing a first-class college to be under its control, resolved, " That the time is come to arise and build," and appointed a committee composed of elders from different parts of the state,. to examine such places as should offer inducements for its location and report at the next meeting of synod. In 1852, the committee reported, and four places were put in nomina- tion, Booneville, Richmond, Fulton and St. Charles. For some months preceding the meeting of synod in Fulton, October,. 1852, the most vigorous efforts were put forth in Ray county to raise a large subscription in money and land in order to secure the location of the college at Richmond. The county was thoroughly canvassed by able speakers, who set forth the great advantages that would result, not only to Richmond, but the county, by securing the location of this institution of learning at our county seat. The Richmond Herald^ the only newspaper published in the county at that time, the publication of which commenced in March, 1852, in a num- ber of able and spirited editorials and articles urged the great importance of this movement, and called upon the people of Ray county to present a liberal subscription to the synod that was to meet at Fulton in the ensu- ing October. After a thorough canvass the subscription realized from the county was $15,000 in money and ten acres in land within the limits of the city of Richmond. The subscription in money was subsequently increased to $18,000. This was regarded as the best subscription made by any of the contending points. A delegation of citizens was selected to represent the county, and pre- sent its claims for the location of this institution of learning at Richmond, to the Presbyterian synod of Missouri that was to meet at Fulton, Cal- laway county, Missouri, on Tuesday, October 12, 1852. The delegation consisted of Dr. George W. Buchanan, Joseph S. Hughes, William Boyce, Dr. Henry C. Garner, James W. Black, and Captain William M. Jacobs. Reverend David Harbeson, Hon. Austin A. King, who was then governor of Missouri; Hon. E. M. Samuel, of Clay county, Missouri; Reverend T. A. Bracken, and a number of other prominent citizens from western Missouri, were present advocating the claims of Richmond as being the most eligible place for the location of this institution of learning. The claims of the other contending points were also ably presented, especially those of Fulton and Booneville. Hon. John Jameson, of Cal- laway county, and other prominent citizens,, made the most earnest efforts HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 351 in behalf of Fulton. Considerable influence was exerted by the citizens in Fulton and vicinity with whom the Presbyterian clergymen were quartered during the session of Synod. The delegation of citizens from Richmond, it is proper to state here, were all quartered at Hackady's Jwtel and most hospitably entertained^ but met with no Presbyterian cler- gymen entertained at this hotel from other portions of the' state than western Missouri. Hon. John G. Miller, then a member of congress from the third district of Missouri, made a most eloquent and impressive speech in favor of Booneville, presenting its claims with great clearness and vigor of thought. The ingenuity of his arguments, in showing that Booneville was the most elegible point for the college, and the most flourishing central city of Mis- souri, was highly complimented by many in the audience. On taking the v^ote, after all the contending points had been duly heard, Fulton received a majority of the votes of the synod, and was consequently declared to be the most eligible place for the location of the Presbyterian College. Richmond received a large number of votes, being the only strong contending point against Fulton. Booneville and St. Charles received but a few votes. The Reverend Hiram P. Goodrich, after the question of the location of the college had been decided, suggested the name, Westminster, as the most appropriate name for the college, which was adopted by the synod. Considerable disappointment was manifested by the friends of Rich- mond, who had advocated its claims for the location of the college. An effort was therefore soon made by the Presbytery of Upper Missouri, to establish a Presbyterian College at Richmond, Missouri, on the endow- ment plan from scholarship. Vigorous etlbrts were at once made to place the projected scheme on a proper basis. The citizens of Ray county agreed to guarantee the building fund of q)15,000, and the Presbytery of Upper Missouri to guarantee the endowment fund of 1^40,000. The act giving Richmond College its charter of incorporation was passed by the seventeenth general assembly of Missouri, February 23, 1853. The preamble to the act of incorporation is in the following language : Whereas, The presbytery of Upper Missouri, (O. S.) in view of the rapidly increasing population of that portion of the state, denominated Upper Missouri, and the existing and prospective necessity of educational institutions of a high order, desire to locate, erect and endow, a college of said character, in or near the town of Richmond, in Ray county, to meet said necessities; therefore, Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state Missouri as follows : That William Dickson, R. S. Symington, A. V. C. Schenck, T. A. Bracken, Robert Scott, I. W. Canfield, J. B. Harbison, James Young, A. H. McFadden, A. W. Hutchins, John G.Ta3dor, J. B. Slaughter, E. M. :352 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Samuel, W. M. Paxton, Robert Sevier, James L. McCoun, R. H. Smith, Robert Clark, D. F. Green, N. Davis, J. R. Allen, and George W. Dunn, shall be, and they and their successors in office, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name, "The Trustees of Richmond College." The first meeting of the board of trustees of Richmond College, was in the city of Richmond, on Thursday, the 29th of December, 1853. The following trustees were present: George W. Dunn, William Dickson, A, V. C. Schenck, Thomas A. Bracken, J. B. Harbison, I. W. Canfield, James L. McCoun, Lewis Green, Nathaniel Davis, George I. Wasson, Robert Sevier (resigned). Soon after the complete organization of the board of trustees was effected, arrangements were made for building the college. The contract for building it was lat to William Hunter, in the year 1856. The site selected for it was in the southern suburbs of the city of Richmond, on a beautiful eminence called College Hill, surrounded by a delightful and inviting "campus." The work of the building had progressed so far, and was so near com- pletion by September, 1856, that the lower stories could be occupied for the purposes intended by the board of trustees. Richmond College was therefore formally opened in September, 1856, for students. Reverend John L. Yantis, D. D., a distinguished Presbyterian divine, was duly installed as president of it. Prof. Oliver Cunningham, a teacher of great experience and ability, was selected as professor of languages. Professor Rufus B. Finley, a teacher of •high standing, and a thorough mathemati- cian, was chosen for the position of professor of mathematics. There were also assistant teachers in the different departments. The college opened with the most flattering prospects; a large number of students was soon in attendance, and everything connected with this young insti- tution of learning seemed to progress most admirably, in every respect, for about two years. About this time it was ascertained that the resoures and liberality of the presbytery of Upper Missouri had been overesti- mated. The friends of Westminster College, at Fulton, charged a want of good faith, on the part of the presbytery of Upper Missouri, that had been one of the contestants for the synodical college; that having failed in obtaining it, it should have acquiesced in the decision of synod in estab- lishing the college at Fulton, in October, 1852; that it should not have engaged in an enterprise and movement that placed it in an opposing atti- tude to the interests of the synodical college at Fulton. This was the prominent cause of the enthusiasm waning for establishing a Presby- terian College at Richmond, and in a great measure caused the enterprise to give way. It was also ascertained at this time, that the financial scheme for endowing the college from scholarships, was far from being a HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 35B success, and fell far behind the expectation of the friends of the college. At the end of two years it was found that the fund realized from the endowment plan by scholarships was only $13,000 of the $40,000 prom- ised, and agreed upon. Failing, therefore, to realize a sufficient amount from the endowment fund to meet the annual expenses of the college, and that a debt was rapidly accumulating, the presbytery of Upper Missouri submitted to the board of trustees of Richmond College the proposal that the presbytery would assume the entire indebtedness, not only the debt to the teachers, which had become a considerable one, but to relieve it of indebtedness of every kind, and cancel the guaranty bond of the citizens of Ray county for the building fund of $15,000 for Richmond College, on condition that the guaranty bond of the presbytery of Upper Missouri, for the endowment fund for $40,000, should also be canceled, and the col- lege building revert to the people of Ray county. This proposition was accepted. The agreements were not fully complied with until some years afterward. The presbytery of Upper Missouri relinquished all claim to the college building and grounds, which reverted to the people of Ray county, Missouri. Some time, however, before this arrangement had been consummated, James R. Allen, of Ray county, had completed the Richmond college edifice, at his own expense, and received the grateful acknowledgments of the synod of upper Missouri in a resolution passed in session at Lex- ington, Missouri, September 29, 1860. The synod of Upper Missouri was organized some time after the presbytery of Upper Missouri had engaged in the work of locating, erecting, and endowing the Richmond college. This explanation is made to show the connection of the synod of Upper Missouri with the Richmond College, and all matters pertain- ing to it. Some of the original trustees of the college having resigned, the follow ing board of trustees were elected, and classed as required in the charter by the synod of Upper Missouri, at the session held at Lexington, Sep- tember 29, 1860: First class, composed of Judge George W. Dunn, Rev, Robert Scott, George I. Wasson, Lewis Green, and Rev. Ralph Harris; second class, Rev. I. Canfield, Dr. B. A. Rives, Preston Dunlap, James Fur- guson, and A. W. Hutchins; third class, Benjamin J. Brown, Geo. W. Buchanan, D. F. Green, Rev. D. Coulter, D. D., and Dr. I. M. Keith, anv seven of which to constitute a quorum. After it was ascertained that Richmond College could no longer be sustained on account of the reasons already mentioned, private schools were organized, and taught in the college building, one by Rufus W. Fin- ley, and one by George B. Turner. These schools were well patronized, and admirably conducted, until the spring of 1861, when the blast of ^' grim-visaged war" was heard in the land, they ceased to exist. 354 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Richmond College building from the commencement of the great civil war until its close, instead of being the temple of learning, the home of star-eyed science, became, from necessity, a fortress bristling with bayo- nets, and arrayed in all the fierce panoply of war. From 1862 till 1865 large bodies of troops were quartered in it at dif- ^ferent times, and as a natural consequence the injuries it sustained were considerable. As soon as practicable after the close of the war, repairs were made to the college building by the board of trustees, and it was put in as good condition, if not better, than it was before the commencement of the war. In September, 1867, a tier of lots on the east and west sides of the col- lege ground, extending entirely across it from north to south, was sold, in accordance with legal process, and the amount realized from said sale was appropriated to the liquidation of a portion of the debt against the trustees of the college building. James R. Allen instituted suit against the trustees of Richmond College, in 1862, in Ray county circuit court, for the amount of money advanced by him to complete the college build- ing in the year 1858, but dying before the suit was determined, the admin- istrators were substituted as plaintifis in the case. Failing to obtain judgment in the circuit court, the cause was appealed to the 5th district court of Missouri, held at St. Joseph, Missouri, and on being heard, resulted in a reversal of the judgment of the Ray county circuit court. This claim was afterward fully satisfied by the trustees of the college. Public schools were taught in the college building in 1867, by B. F. Winfrey, Mrs. Hannah Cunningham and others. In 1868 one session of school was taught in it by Prof. J. W. Lewis, Prof. B. F. Winfrey and Mrs. Hannah Cunningham and assistant teachers. In September, 1868, Rev. Samuel J. Huffaker opened a high school in the college building, for the co-ordinate education of male and female pupils. The faculty for the collegiate year of this school, from 1868 to 1861), were as follows: Rev. S. J. Huffaker, principal and teacher in the several schools; Lafayette W. Groves, professor of ancient languages, and assistant teacher in the Svjveral schools; Frank G. Gibson, professor of pure and mixed mathematics, French, and assistant in the several schools; Miss Mattie Steele, mistresi of primary school; Miss Docia Smith, assis- tant in library school; Miss K.uth B. Colgan, principal of music school. College home, Mrs. S. J. Huflaker and S. J. Huffaker. The board of trustees at this time, 1868 to 1869, were: Judge G. W. Dunn, president; Dr. W. W. Mosby, C. T. Garner, Esq., G. I. Wasson, Esq., treasurer; Judge Waiter King, Joseph S. Hughes, Esq., J. C. Cates Esq. In the year 1869, the presbytery of Upper Missouri, relinquished all claim to the college building and grounds in compliance with an agree- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 355 meant that had been previously made. The college building and grounds therefore reverted to the people of Ray county. Teachers in Richmond College in scholastic year from 1869 to 1870: Samuel J. HufFaker, principal; Lafayette W. Groves, professor of lan- guages; Frank G. Gibson, professor of mathematics; Mrs. F. M. Pritch- ard, mistress of primary school; Miss Ruth B. Colgan, principal of music school. Board of trustees from 1869 to 1870, were as follows: Judge Geo. W. Dunn, president; Dr. W. W. Mosby, C. T. Garner, Esq., Geo. I. Wes- son, Judge Walter King, J. C. Gates, Esq., Joseph S. Hughes, and Isaac Hale, Esq. Teachers in Richmond College, scholastic year from 1870 to 1871 : Sam- uel J. Huffaker, principal; Lafayette W. Groves, professor of languages; Frank G. Gibson, professor of mathematics; Miss M. A. S. Clark, teacher in intermediate department until February, 1871; Miss Mary Woodson, successor to Miss Clark, in intermediate department; Miss Alice Colter, teacher in primary department; Miss Ruth B. Colgan, principal in music school. Board of trustees from 1870 to 1871: Geo. W. Dunn, president; C. T. Garner, secretary; Geo. I, Wasson, treasurer; Dr. W. W. Mosby, Judge Walter King, Joseph S. Hughes, J. C. Cates, and Isaac Hale. The graduating class of this year were: Miss Lucy S. Menefee, Miss Ollie Miller, Miss Sallie Harbison, Charles J. Hughes, Jr., James W. Garner, and Geo. W. Sweich. The essays and orations of this class on commencement day, were splendid efforts. They sparkled with brilliant thoughts, and glowed with beautiful imagery. Teachers in Richmond graded school, from 1871 to 1872, organized under school laws of Missouri as Richmond public school:* N. B. Peeler, principal; F. G. Gibson, professor of mathematics; Rev. Sam- uel E. Derackin, teacher in intermediate department: Mrs. F. M. Pritch- ard, teacher in intermediate department; Alvin S. Child, teacher in pri- mary department; Miss Alice Colter, teacher in intermediate department; Miss Flora Child, teacher in primary department; Miss Bettie Lynch, teacher in primary department; Miss Docia Smith, teacher in primary department. Board of directors from 1871 to 1872, were: Dr. W. W. Mosby, presi- dent; C. J. Hughes, Sr., secretary; A. K. Reyburn, treasurer; Geo. W. Dunn, D. H. Harbison, and Geo. I. Wasson. *The pul)lic school in Richmond, Missouri, was first ora::inized in the year 1859. Prior to that time the public moneys were distributed among tlie children residing in the terri- tory afterwards included in the Richmond school district, who attended the various pri- vate schools. Joseph E. Black taught the first session of the public school, assisted by Miss Cynthia .T. Cole. The publicschool was continued until the organization of Rich- mond College, in 1871, as above stated. 356 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Teachers in Richmond College, for the scholastic year from 1872 to 1873, were as follows: S.J. Huftaker, principal; T. F. Peake, professor of languages; Reverend Thomas B. King, intermediate department, suc- ceeded by Thomas J. Dodd, in February, 1873; Miss Emma Pybas,high school department ; Miss Maggie Jackson, intermediate department; Miss Docia Smith, primary department; Miss Bettie Lynch, primary depart- ment; Mrs. Ruth B. Colgan, music teacher; Thomas J. Dodd, (successor to Thomas B. King), teacher from February, 1873, to close of term. Board of directors from 1872 to 1873: W. W. Mosby, president; Chas. J. Hughes, secretary; A. K. Rayburn, treasurer; Geo. W. Dunn, Geo. I. Wasson, and Henry C. Garner. Teachers for the scholastic year from 1873 to 1874 — (board of trustees same as from 1872 to 1873): S. J. HufFaker, president; Thomas F. Peake, professor of languages and elocution; James Jane Allen, profes- sor of Greek, French, logic, and English literature; Charles J. Hughes, professor of mathematics, mathematical science, and political economy; Mrs. Clara K. Fore, intermediate department; Mr. Delos Luther, inter- mediate department; Mrs. P. M. Luther, primary department; Miss Docia Smith, primary department ; Miss Bettie Lynch, primary depart- ment; Mrs. C. M. Murray, vocal music; Miss Ruth B. Colgan, music teacher. Before the close of the session Miss Sallie Smith was chosen teacher in place of D. Luther. The graduating class of 1874 were: C. T. Garner, Jr., Miss Lizzie S. Garner, Miss Josie H. Shweich, Miss Maggie E. Rimmer, and Miss Julia M. Beyan. Teachers in Richmond graded school, for scholastic year from 1874 to 1875: Samuel J. Huffaker, principal; Thomas F. Peake, professor of languages; Charles J. Hughes, professor of mathematics; Z. M. Willis, intermediate department: Mrs. Clara Fore, intermediate department; Miss Docia T. Smith, Miss Bettie Lynch, and Mrs. S. E. Percival, pri- mary department ; Miss Ruth B. Colgan, music teacher. The board of trustees for this year were : Dr. W. W. Mosby, presi- dent; Charles J. Hughes, secretary; A. K. Rayburn, Geo. W. Dunn; H. C. Garner, and Geo. I. Wasson. Graduating class of 1875: William Banister, Geo. Warriner, Warner Holt, Miss Maggie Hughes, Miss Mollie Rodman, Miss Susie Demasters, Miss Ida Carter, and John R. Watkins. Teachers in Richmond graded school, from 1875 to 1876: Samuel J. Huffaker, principal; Thomas F. Peake, professor of languages; Charles J. Hughes, Jr., professor of rnathematics ; Z. M. Willis, intermediate department; Mrs. C. Fore, intermediate department; Mrs. S. E. Perci- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 357 val and Miss Docia Smith, primar}'- department; Miss Ruth B. Colgan, music teacher. Board of trustees, same as preceding year. Graduating class of 1876: Esrey S. Gosney, C. McCoun, Charles J. Parks, Ami Hughes, and Edward Carson. Teachers in Richmond graded school from 1876 to 3877: S. J. Huff- aker, principal; Joseph Godby, professor of languages; C.J. Hughes, Jr., professor of mathematics ; G. M. Caldwell, intermediate department ; Mrs. S E. Percival, teacher in primary; Miss Josie Sweich, teacher in primary; Miss Bell Jacobs, teacher in primary; Miss Ruth B. Colgan, music teacher; Miss M. D. Morehead, music teacher. Board of directors from 1876 to 1877, were: James L. Farris, president; Chas. J. Hughes, secretary; Geo. I. Wasson, John T. Quirk and Geo. W Dunn. Teachers in Richmond graded school from 1877 to 1878: Samuel J. HufJaker, principal; N. B. Peeler, professor of languages (resigned); Elder James E. Dunn, succeeded N. B. Peeler ;T. F. Peake, professor of languages; Mrs. S. E. Holt (formerly Mrs. Percival), primary depart- ment; Charles B. Armstrong, elected to succeed Mrs. Holt; Josie Sweich, primary department; Mrs. Mary H. Menefee, primary department; Mrs. Mary H. Shaw, primary department; Miss Ruth B. Colgan, music teacher. Board of directors from 1877 to 1878, were: Jas. Lt Farris, president; C.J.Hughes, secretary; Geo. I. Wasson, John T. Quirk, James D. Taylor, George W. Dunn. Teachers in Richmond graded school from 1878 to 1879: Rev. Jas. Greer, principal; Jno. P. Anshu, intermediate department; Miss Ann Greer, intermediate department; Miss Docia Smith, primary department; Miss Bettie Lynch, primary department; Mrs. Mary H. Menefee, primary department. Board of directors from 1878 to 1879: Geo. W. Dunn, president; Jno. C. Brown, J. T. Taylor, Geo. I. Wasson, Geo. N. McGee, secretary; and Thos. J. Dodd. Teachers in Richmond graded school from 1879 to 1880: B. F. Dun- can, A. M., professor of history, rhetoric, English literature, civil govern- ment, mental and moral philosphy, international law; J. M. Long, A. M., professor of natural sciences and latin ; C. B. Shotwell, A. B., professor of mathematics and physiology; W. S. Tompkins, principal of intermediate department, teacher of fourth grade; Mrs. J. M. Long, third grade; Miss Nettie Keith, second grade; Mrs. M. H. Menefee, first grade; Miss Ada Butler, teacher of instrumental music. Board of directors from 1878 to 1879: James L. Farris, president; 358 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Geo. N. McGee, secretary; Geo. I. Wasson, treasurer; Geo, W. Dunn, Geo. W. Buchanan and James W. Black. Teachers in Richmond graded school from 1880 to 1881: Benjamin F. Duncan, A. M., professor of history, rhetoric, English literature, civil government, mental and moral philosophy, and international law ; James M. Long, A. M., professor of natural sciences and Latin; Charles B. Shotwell, A. B., professor of mathematics and physiology; William S. Tompkins, principal of intermediate department, and teacher of fourth grade; Mrs. J. M. Long, teacher of third grade; Miss Nettie Keith, teacher of second grade; Mrs. M. H. Menefee, teacher of first grade; Miss Ada Butler, teacher of instrumental music. Board of directors from 1880 to 1881: James W. Black, president of board of directors; George N. McGee, secretary until August 1,1880, the time of his death. He was succeeded by George A. Hughes, by appointment of board to fill vacancy. George I. Wasson, treasurer; George W. Dunn, George W. Buchanan, James L. Farris. Teachers for Richmond graded school, elected by board of directors for scholastic year, from 1881 to 1882, to commence September 12, 1881: Benjamin F. Duncan, A. M., principal; Charles Howard Greathouse, A. M., first assistant; James Black, A. B., professor of mathematics and lan- guages; William S. Tompkins, principal of intermediate department; Miss Lucy Shotwell. teacher of fourth grade; Miss Lutie Palmer, teacher of third grade; Miss Bettie Lynch, teacher of second grade; Mrs. Mary H. Menefee, teacher of first grade; Miss Florie Duncan, principal in music department. Board of directors for Richmond graded school in 1881: James W. Black, president; George A. Hughes, secretary; George I. Wasson, treasurer; John C. Brown, George W. Buchanan, James L. Farris. Teachers elected for colored school in Richmond for 1881 to 1882, to commence September: John D. Waltan, principal; and Milan McGee, assistant teacher. The Richmond school is now one of the best in Missouri. The number of puplis in attendance is very large. The course of studies is admirably arranged, so as to make it complete and thorough in meeting, in every respect, the requirements of a people distinguished not onl}-^ for strong practical intelligence, but also for refined culture and classical ele- gance. Professor B. F. Duncan and his corps of able and accomplished teachers have given this school a splendid reputation. The mode and sys- tem of their teaching is fully up with all the successful modern improve- ments in the art and science of educating, and keeps well to the front in the advanced progress of the age. The broad foundation of a solid edu- cation in deeply laid in the primary and intermediate departments, so that on its Doric strength, the elegant and classical superstructure can be HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 359 reared in the higher departments, with all the graceful symmetry of Cor- inthian pillars and Ionic wreaths. The prospect for the future continued success of the school is flattering in the highest degree. The good work so nobly done in the past, on the part of the teachers in this school is a splendid guaranty of what the future will be, in training the minds of our youth as they ascend the " hill of sci- ence," in obtaining a virtuous and noble education. Richmond College is situated on a beautiful eminence in the southern addition to the city of Richmond, that affords a glorious view of the sur- rounding country for many miles. No place in the west can boast of greater advantages as a seat of a literary institution than Richmond. In point of health it is unsurpassed. Its elevated situation frees it from all local causes of malarious diseases. The water is pure, the air salubrious. Some mineral springs have been recently discovered near it, St. Cloud min- eral springs, whose health restoring qualities are attracting visitors from all parts of our state. The college building is a spacious and elegant edifice, of modern style of architecture, and makes a very attractive appearance standing upon the crown of a graceful swell of a sloping hill. The citizens of Richmond and vicinity knowyig full well that education is the " pearl of great price," have earned the well deserved reputation of being great workers in the cause of education, doing all in their power to foster, cherish, and sustain their noble institution of learning, so that it may be the pride of their city and county. The following is the report of Prof. B. F. Duncan, superintendent of the Richmond graded school, for the scholastic year from 1880 to 1881, to the board of education : Richmond Public Schools, ) Richmond, April 29, 1881. j To the Board of Education : Sirs : — I have the honor to present the following as my report for the year closing with this date, being the second annual report since my connection with the schools. The year just closed, has been, to our people, one of great material prosperity, and this has had a marked influence in the success of our schools. The number in attendance, as may be seen from our tables of statistics, is largely in excess of last year's attendance, and we think that there is no egotism in saying the work done is far better than during the preceding year. In getting up the crude materials from which this report is compiled, it has been my custom to note from day to day such facts as seemed to grow out of the experiences of the school room, and impressions felt at the time. There are experiences in our daily work in the school room that are of great value to the teacher, and if a proper regard is had to these, they become the basis of many sound and healthful improvements. It has been my aim to note carefully the effect of an}^ experiment looking to the improvement of the schools whether tentatively applied or proved by long usages. 360 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Our school population, since my last report, has increased about ten per cent. Below is inserted the annual report of the treasurer, showing the finan- cial conditon of the schools. * * -X- * * * * * * * * * STUDIES. It is believed that the curriculum of studies pursued in the Richmond public schools is not only equal to that of any school, public or private, in northwest Missouri, but superior to most and fully abreast with the pro- gressive spurt of the age. The course of study comprising the ancient languages, natural sciences and mathematics, is, we think, ahead of any similar school in this part of the state. By reference to the carefully and judiciously graded course of study, it may be seen that the time required to complete it properly, embraces a period of eleven years, from the time the child enters school at first, to the time when it may, with due diligence, finish. It is true that many of our students enter upon the active duties and employments of life before com- pleting the entire course, feeling that they have acquired enough to meet all the exigencies that may arise in life. This, in a certain sense is true; but without additional expense to the community we are able to supply a much larger and more thorough course of training, a course intended to equip for the higher and professional walks in life. This higher training cannot, I think, be well dispensed with, without great injury to your schools and the course of education generally. In reference to the study of Latin, the decision of school officers in other free schools has been uni- formly favorable to its retention. We are gratified that this has been the result reached, if for no other reason than because there was a popular demand for its continuance, which, if disregarded, would seriously injure the standing of our schools. I am confident that any eftbrt looking to a further contraction of the excellent course of education at present in vogue in our schools, would cause the withdrawal from it of some of the best material now in attendance. The discussion of the advantage of the study of Latin is an old one, but the history of education shows that no great headway has been made by those who hold that it is a useless study. The thorough study of a language that underlies the modern southern languages, and is so largely interwoven with the English, cannot be an unprofitable or unpractical study. The chief objection has appeared to be that the results of Latin are not like those of what are called practical studies. The student of surveying has the results of his knowledge in tangible shape, while the results of Latin scholarship, like the moral train- ing at home, are a part of and color everything done in life, and yet rarely appear in such tangible form as to be readily separated and pointed out. The study of Latin is the study of the crystalized embodied thought of ages, that thought which underlies and has been made the foundation of modern civilization. One cannot study the language thoroughly, without better understand- ing from a knowledge of that which underlies it, the drift of modern thought. Every Latm word in our language, like the river at its mouth, contains the spring that was the source, and all the contributions from all sides on its way down to us; to follow it back to its source, is not only mental exercise of great value, but it is obtaining a knowledge of not the ^%-r\^' <^^ J^^^^^^-^ HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 3gl language we speak alone, but also of the thought of this age in the material which has contributed to and determined its direction. Certainly the highest aim in education is the training of the mind, without which practical knowledge is as useless and impracticable as a garret and its useless contents. It is true that a mere smattering in any branch is not training, and confers no practical benefits, but it is also true that it is the very few that acquire more than a mere smattering, whether the aim be practical knowledge or mental training. In thorough study of the ancient languages, it is the experience and settled opinion ot" great educators, and one demonstrated in the practical efficiency of thorough scholars in all fields of human endeavor, that it confers the highest mental training, and the highest practical efficiency and aptitude for all pursuits, as well as a useful knowledge. It does not stand alone, and is not only not incompatible with other studies, but the best preparation for thorough knowledge of those things miscalled practical — miscalled when it is intended to convey the meaning that the languages are unpractical study. This much has been said in regard to the ancient languages, because of the belief in their transcendant importance in that course of study, that would lay claim to anything like completeness. Let no one conclude that we undervalue the necessity of preserving intact the full course of study in those departments that have contributed so largely to the success and reputation of the schools in the past. Arrange- ments have been made to place in charge of the mathematics a gentleman of very high scholastic attainments, a graduate of the university of Michi- gan, while another, a graduate of the university of Missouri occupies a position in the school. We feel, therefore, thoroughly competent to the work assigned us by the board of education. TEACHERS. In my report for last year, the teachers were commended for their dili- gence and punctuality. I stated that the corps of teachers seemed to recognize the pre-eminent force of example and to desire to conduct them- selves in such manner as to render other means of securing good habits on the part of the pupils unnecessary. This method, to a great extent, was successful, as the character and conduct of the pupils amply proved. The ability to set a proper example before his pupils is a necessary quali- fication on the part of the teacher, and one that should be insisted upon by school officers in the selection of teachers, and if, after a teacher has been fairly tried, he is found wanting in this important respect, it is plainly the duty of the board to displace him. No teacher, however, should be dis- placed at the instance of prejudiced complainants or in compliance with an ignorant and unjust popular clamor. There are times when communities seem to forget that onerous and most delicate responsibilities rest upon the teacher, the discharge of which renders it necessary that he should combine in his own character some of the rarest elements that enter into the make-up of a human being. It is believed that, with the exception of a few notable instances, our corps of teachers have exercised great patience and forbearance in dealing with refractory pupils, and, as said last year, we are still able to say that in no instance have we been forced to acknowledge even a partial failure by resorting to expulsion. In this con- nection I would state that the right to inflict corporal punishment with the 23 362 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. very proper and necessary restrictions thrown around it by the board meets all the demands of sound sense, merciful discretion, and public justice. I am glad to state that our board of education possess the firmness to protect their employes in the legitimate discharge of their duties, and that no teacher need fear displacement as a consequence of a rigid perform- ance of duty. It would certainly be a great detriment to the successful operation of the schools were any outside pressure permitted to operate to such an extent upon the mind of the teacher as to cause him to hesitate in the performance of any known duty, and no conduct would more surely or speedily secure his dismissal than the manifestation of this time- serving spirit. We desire to pursue such a course with the corps of teachers in our schools as will stimulate them to high and noble etTort, and inspire them with that degree of enthusiasm that will lead to prosperity and renown. As the compensation received by teachers is a matter of great concern- ment, you will excuse me for suggesting that liberality in this djrection is in perfect accord with the strictest economy in the management of school finances. Demand controls supply, and low salaries command only a low order of talent. Schools should be managed with the strictest economy, but in my opinion there is no economy in employing cheap teachers. Better dispense with the services of all incompetents and put double work and larger salaries on those who are thoroughly informed and able to impress their ideas. It is a suicidal policy that applies economy to the extreme of driving ofi' efficient service in any business. Especially is this true of a profession in which personal qualification and character are almost exclusively the forces employed to produce the results sought. Finally, returning most sincere thanks to the members of the board and of the corps of teachers who have co-operated with and assisted me in the discharge of the complicated and arduous duties devolving upon me, allow me to express the hope that under your control the schools will continue to do well the important work for which they were established, and that they will alwaj'^s command the respect, the confidence and the cordial support of the entire community. SOCIETIES. A brief account of the various societies in Ray county, founded for objects of usefulness, charity, profit, or pleasure, will be found interesting and important. These organizations are beneficial alike to the individ- uals who compose them, and to the community at large. That Masonry, for instance, the chief and grandest of all secret orders, and which has existed for centuries, has wrought much good in the world, no one will deny who impartially consider its results. It is an honor to be a Mason; and the same is true of all other societies established for similar purposes. We have taken special pains to gather the following information concern- ing the different lodges of the county; and while the result of our effort is not so gratifying as we could wish, it is believed to be, to some extent HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 363 valuable ; especially as preserving in permanent form a record that might otherwise be lost or destroyed. RICHMOND LODGE, NO. 57, A. F. AND A. M. The first meeting, looking to the organization of this lodge, was held July 16, 1842. The date of dispensation, or by whom instituted, was not reported, and we have been unable to ascertain. Its charter is dated October 12, 1842; and the names of the charter members are as follows: Charles R. Morehead, Sinclair Miller, David Bullock, Caleb Tompkins, John Jackson, William Hudgins, James H. Smith, Charles V. Hern, Aus- tin A. King, J. C. Richardson, and Wm. Berry. Of the above named charter members, only the last named is now (April, 1881), living. Among the first officers were the following, viz: Charles R. Morehead, W. M.; David Bullock, S. W.; and Sinclair Miller, J. W. The present officers are: W. A. Holman, W. M.; George W. Trigg, S. W.; William Fitch, J. W.; W. W. Ewing, secretary; S. R. Crispin, treasurer; J. W. Smith, S. D.; W. A. Williams, J. D., and John G. Bal- lard, tiler. R. B. Kice, of this lodge, is district deputy grand master, and also dis- trict lecturer. The members of this lodge owned a well furnished and commodious hall, which, together with all their books, jewels, regalia, furniture, etc., was destroyed by a cyclone, June 1, 1878. Since the organization of Richmond lodge, over 600 persons have become members thereof. CYRUS ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 36, RICHMOND, MISSOURI. This chapter was instituted by James Clowdsley; organized September 14, 1867, and a charter granted October 14, 1868. The following are the names of the charter members: John F. Houston, l^avid Snowden, J. H. Anderson, R. B. Kice, B. F. Gray, John T. Quirk, M. H. Allison, D. P. Proctor, William D. Albright, and D. D. Gant. Names of first ©fficers: John F. Houston, H. P.; David Snowden, E. K.; J. H. Anderson, E.S.; R. B. Kice, C. H.; B. F. Gray, P. S. Names of present officers: Lewis Slaughter, H. P.; S. R. Crispin, E. K.; A. A. McCuistion, E. S.; R. B. Kice, C. H.; J. W. Smith, P. S.; J. C. Brown, secretary. The number of present membership is fifty, and the chapter is in a flourishing condition. The Hon. John F. Houston, who was a member of this chapter, was elected grand master of the grand lodge of Missouri, for the years 1864, '65 and ^66. He died of paralysis in St. Louis, December 7, 1870. His remains are interred in the new cemetery at Richmond. Over his grave the Masons of Missouri have erected a costly and beautiful monument. 364 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V. Mr. Houston was a man of broad charity, great heart, and untarnished character, and dying, left a name to go down to posterity, pure and spot- less and bright, and revered by all who knew him living, or read his his- tory, now that he is dead. HARDIN LODGE, NO. 322, A. F. AND A. M., was instituted by James E. Drake, W. M., of Wakanda Lodge, No. 52, D. G. L. Dispensation to establish this lodge was granted July 21, 1869, and its charter bears date October 12, of the same year. William R. Hunt, W. C. Riffe, S. R. Crispin, D. W. Trigg, L. C. Rhinehart, A. L. Bailey, James E. Johnston and Robert Livingston are the charter members. The following persons were the first officers: Robert Livingston, W. M.; William R. Hunt, S. W.; W. C. Rifte, J. W.; S. R. Crispin, treas- urer; D. W. Trigg, secretary; L. C. Rhinehart, S. D.; A. L. Bailey, J. D.; James E.Johnston, tiler. Names of present officers: G. P. Long, W. M. ; R. V. Seward, S. W.; A. A. Thompson, J. W.; A. N. Barrett, treasurer; W. J. Roach, secretary; John Tobin, S. D.; P. C. Smallwood, J. D.; W. R. Meador and G. B. Hinman, stewards; J. B. Proctor, tiler. This lodge is in a prosperous and healthy condition, morally and finan- cially, and has a membership of thirty-seven. MYRTLE LODGE NO. 338, A. F. AND A. M. This lodge is located at Millville, and was instituted by Elias Parrott, D. D. G. M. Date of dispensation, October 12, 1869; date of charter, October 13, 1870. Following is a complete list of the charter members: Joseph F. Duvall, R. S. Thomson, William M. McCuistion, Caleb Witcher, Silas Keith, A. A. McCuistion, George W. McCuistion, George W. Lozier, J. M. Carter, John Harrison, S. L. McCuistion, Ambrose Young, John Schooler, S. S. Young, Kedar Wall, J. G. Williams, William Burnett, and A. R. Camp- bell. The names of the first officers are as follows: Joseph F. Duvall, W. M.; R. S. Thomson, S. W.; William McCuistion, J. W.; Kedar Wall, treasurer; A. A. McCuistion, secretary; J. M. Carter, S. D.; S. S. Young, J. D.; S. L. McCuistion, tiler. The lodge is officered at present (1881), as follows: J. M. Carter, W. M.; G. W. McCuistion, S. W.; J. F. Duvall, J. W.; Kedar Wall, treas- urer; S. S. Young, secretary; R. C. Craven, S. D.; J. P. Grimes, J. D.; R. W. Fletcher, tiler; W. R. Pettus, chaplain; J. N. Graves and George W. Lozier, stewards. The number of present membership is forty-eight. The members of this lodge erected in 1869 a very handsome frame HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 365 liall, at a cost of $1,S00. This building, together with the furniture, jew- els, regaha, etc., belonging to the lodge, was destroyed by fire March 12, 1878. The insurance of $1,000 was realized, and the hall was rebuilt the same year, and dedicated May 3, 1879. BEE HIVE LODGE, NO. 393, A. F. AND A. M. This lodge, located in the town of Lawson, Polk township, was insti- tuted by Dr. R. B. Kice, of Richmond. Dispensation was granted December 8, 1870, and its charter is dated October 13, 1871. The charter members were: Robert H. Finch, W. C. Halstead, A. C. Peterman, B. F. Elston, Francis Brock, W. H. Stockard, James Whit- sett, R. J. Clark, R. S. Morrow, Alexander Taggart, W. W. Smith, G. W. James, John Crowley, Jere Whitsett, W. C. James, Joel Eastin, D. B. Palmer, Milton Piercy, and others. The first officers were: Robert H. Finch, W. M.; W. C. Halstead, S. W.; Allen C. Peterman, J. W.; John Crowley, treasurer; R. J. Clark, secretary; G. W. Montgomery, S. D.; James Morrow, J. D.; Francis Brock, tiler. The present- (1881) officers are: W. M. Allison, W. M.; James Mor- row, S. W.; J. T. Hurt, J. W.; J. C. Weakly, secretary; Joseph Rippey, treasurer; J. H. Whitsett, tiler. Bee Hive Lodge has, at present, forty-seven members, and owns a commodious frame hall, built in 1870, at a cost of two thousand dollars. ADA LODGE, NO. 41:4, A. F. AND A. M, For the facts concerning this lodge, we are indebted to Captain R. H . McWhorter, its secretary — an obliging gentleman, who called at our office, in Richmond, to impart the information desired. Ada Lodge building, a handsome frame, erected in 1872, at a cost of $1,000, is in the town of Orrick, Camden township. The lodge was instituted by Honorable Samuel J. Owens, grand mas- ter of grand lodge of Missouri. Dispensation was granted February 24 1872, and its charter is dated the 16th of the following October. The following persons were the charter members: J. W. Bain, J. J Seth, E. M. Endsley, J. F. Pigg, M. G. Taylor, Joel T. Petty, Z. D Ralph, and W. H. Campbell. The first officers were: J. W. Bain, W. M.; M. G. Taylor, S. W.; J J. Seth, J. W.; E. M. Endsley, treasurer; W. H. Campbell, secretary; J F. Pigg, S. D.; Z. D. Ralph, J. D.; J. H. Petty, tiler. The present officers are: M. G. Taylor, W. M.; H. C. Purdue, S. W. T. K. Kirkpatrick, J. W.; A. D. Brasher, treasurer; R. H. McWhorter, secretary; T.J. Leak, S. D.; Rial Creason, J. D.; N. B. Pigg and Absa- lom Cruse, stewards, and J. G. Herring, tiler. Ada Lodge has forty members, and is in a flourishing condition, free from debt, with $300 in the treasury. 366 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. RICHMOND LODGE, NO. 208, I. O. O. F. This lodge was instituted by G. W. McKeon, of Lexing^ton, Missouri. A dispensation was granted in January, 1869, and its charter is dated May of the same year. The following are the names of the charter members: W. W. Orrick, J. T. Child, J. W. Harrison, C. S. W. Taylor, Joseph Robb, F. M. Ball, William Carlyle, John Q. Word and William Crouch. The following persons constituted the first officers, viz: W. W. Orrick, N. G.; John Q. Word, V. G.; William Carlyle, treasurer; J. T. Child, secretary. Names of present officers: J. W. Harrison, N. G.; H. P. Grow, V. G.; John C. Bales, treasurer; B. Wigginton, secretary. The lodge at present, April, 1881, has thirty-six members. ' It is in good working order, and all the members take a lively interest in its prosperity. LODGE NO. 205, I. O. G. T., MILLVILLE. Instituted by John Y. Nesbit. Chartered March 20, 1879. Names of charter members: J. M. Carter, Mrs. J. L. Head, J. L. Mef- fert, J. P. Grimes, Ida B. Carter, Jere Wilson, Lizzie Carter, Allen Thomson, Patty Bullock, C. C. Schooler, Dora Fowler, Susan Grimes, Edward Bullock, Edward Boliver, E. M. Carter, and others. First officers: J. M. Carter, W. C. T.; Mrs. J. L. Head, W. V. T.; J. L. MefTert, chaplain; J. P. Grimes, secretary. NEWSPAPERS OF RAY COUNTY, AND EXTRACTS. Colonel James W. Black was the founder of the first newspaper pub- lished in Ray county. It was called the Richmond Herald^ and the first issue thereof was presented to the public, Wednesday, March 17, 1852. It was an attractive twenty-eight column sheet, form seventeen by twenty- two inches, published weekly. The following little poem, written by " Ada " (Miss PauHne J. De Mas- ters), is inserted, because appropriate — and for its own sake: RICHMOND "herald." Herald! bright messenger, welcome art thou, Truth, purity, shine on thy beautiful brow; We bid thee God-speed in this fair land of ours; We list to thy voice in our loneliest hours. Bright hopes are awakened and sweet dreams inspired, The muse is invoked and our dull hearts are fired, As we hearken the sound of thy silvery tone — Where thou art a visitor, none are alone. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Herald! thou star of first magnitude bright, Thy beams will illumine the dark brow of night; We see thee arising in beauty and power, Amid thy competitors proudly to tower. On the wild western border is a banner unfurled, And bravely it floats o'er a wondering world: Truth, beauty and wisdom are strongly combined On that banner where virtue and love are entwined. Then, Herald, arise, let thy proud voice be heard. As the heart-thrilling tones of our," Liberty bird," Careering all brightly toward the blue skies, And bathing his pinions in sunlight's deep dyes. I see thee! I see thee! in beauty and power. Breathing peace o'er each wild- wood and beautifal bower; "Onward and upward," and holy and free. Ever bright and untarnished thy future shall be. Col, Black continued at the head of the Herald^ as editor and proprie- tor, till September, 1852, when he sold it to John B. Stoops and Frank Stutzman. In the spring of 1853, Stoops & Stutzman sold the paper to Rober Mil- ler, Esq., of Cla}' county, Missouri. Thomas Smith became the publisher and the name of the paper was changed to the Richmond Mirror. In 1857 it was sold by Robert Miller to Messrs. John Gwinne and John W. Griffin. The latter gentleman became the sole proprietor in 1858, and continued the publication of the Mirror until 1859, when it was sold, and consolidated with the Richmond Bulletiii, a newspaper pubHshed only a short time in the year 1859, in Richmond, by Edward L. King, Esq. Taking the name of the JVorthwest Conservator, it was published by Richard M. Hubbell & Co., till 1861. In that year it was sold to Chris- topher T. Garner, who conducted the paper till 1864, when it was sold to Hawkins & O'Gorman. In 1865, O'Gorman sold his interest in the paper to Richard M. Hubbell, and the firm name of the proprietors became Hawkins & Hubbell. In 1866, Hawkins & Hubbell sold the Northwest Conservator to Col. Jacob T. Child, who substituted " Richmond " for " Northwest," and the name of the paper became the Richmond Conservator, and under that name it is still — April, 1881 — edited, owned and operated by Col. Child, who has greatly improved the paper by the addition to his office of a new power press, modern machinery for job work, and a large amount of type, fixtures, etc. His printing establishment is one of the best equipped and appointed of any of its class in the state. The paper is democratic in politics; is ably and impartially edited, and to the prosperity, amusement, and instruction of the people of Ray county, the Richmond Conservator is a sine qua non. The first number of the Missouri Freeman was published in Richmond, 368 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. in the fall of 1865, by James A. Berry. Mr. Berry continued to publish the Freeman till the last of November, 1866, when he discontinued its pub- lication in consequence of the injury his press and material received from a detail of Union soldiers, sent from Lexington, Missouri, at that time, by Colonel Bacon Montgomery, to arrest the editor of the Freeman^ James A. Berry. Colonel J. T. Child, edit(M- of the Conservator, was also arrested at the same time and taken to Lexington, but his printing press was not dam- aged by the soldiers. Colonel Child was released the same day of his arrest, and permitted to ret.urn to Richmond. Mr. Berry, on his release, published a few more numbers of the Free- man and then discontinued it, and removed with his printing press to Kansas. The Richmond Republican was started by Thomas J. Sutton, Esq., at Richmond, in November, 1866. Mr. Sutton continued to publish the Refuhlican till 1870, when he sold it to his brother, William A. Sutton, who, after publishing it a short time, sold it to Ed. Turner & Co., George McFadden being the publisher. Ed. Turner & Company sold the Re-publican in 1872, to Manias Buchanan, who in December of the same year, sold it to George W. Hendley. The name of the paper was then changed to Ray County Chronicle, the first number of which was pub- lished December 28, 1872. George W. Hendley continued the publication of the Chronicle till Feb- ruary, 1875, when Julius C. Hughes became its owner by purchase. Feb- ruary 26, 1875, the paper appeared under the editorship of Mr. Hughes, and so continued until April 5, 1879, at which time he sold it to Colonel Thomas D. Bogie. May 22, 1879, Colonel Bogie changed the name of the paper to Richmond Democrat, and under that name continues its editor and proprietor. The paper is much improved since he became its owner. It is a reliable family newspaper, devoted to the interests of the town and count}^ in which it is published. It is, like the Conservator, democratic in politics, and, as a county paper, ranks high among other similar publications in Missouri. Friday April 8, 1881, the first number «f the Lazuson Gazette was issued. It is owned and conducted by the Lawson PubHshing Company, and is a twenty-eight column weekly paper, neat in appearance and worthy of public patronage. A few extracts from some of the first numbers of the Herald, the first Ray county paper, will, it is believed, be of general and permanent inter- est. We therefore subjoin the following: HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 369 FIRST NEWSPAPER EDITORIAL. From the Richmond Herald, Wednesday, March 17, 1852.] TO OUR PATRONS. As an address is always expected upon the establishing of a paper, we, in conformity with this custom, appear before the public. As stated in our prospectus, we shall endeavor to maintain a strict neu- trality in poHtics, reserving to ourselves the right of commenting upon all affairs of state, in such a manner as may be considered consistent with the character of a neutral paper; we shall, nevertheless, keep our readers duly informed of all the political events that are transpiring, without entering the arena of political strife, and becoming a partisan. It shall be our constant aim and endeavor to make the paper a valuable home journal, by devoting its columns principall}- to the promotion of the interests of our rapidly growing section of country, which is unsurpassed in fertility of soil, and possesses every facility for carrying on trade. We shall give a place in our columns, with pleasure, to all articles written for the advancement of trade, agriculture, the mechanics, and other arts, education and morals. We shall regularly publish such original and selected agricultural articles in our farmer's column, as we shall consider calculated to excite a lively interest in that greatest source of our wealth and prosperity. It shall be our great aim to give variety to the columns — -to have all its departments sustained — to relieve the dryness of commercial and political intelligence, with interesting tales, anecdotes, and other miscellaneous matter. We shall spare no pains in securing local items, as well as the latest news, both foreign and domestic. In a word, we trust that our labors shall render the paper a source of pleasure to every family circle to which it may be a visitor. With these few words of preface, we commit our enterprise to the future, trusting to the liberal patronage of an intelligent community to secure permanency and prosperity to the Richmond Hei'ald. PRESENTATION OF A MEDAL TO MR. CLAY. The citizens of New York, desirious of presenting some testimonial of respect to the Hon. Henry Clay, lately caused a medal to be prepared at an expense worthy of the man, and highly honorable to the party paying him this mark of respect, which was conveyed to this city by a delega- tion of business men of that spirited, commercial metropolis, and pre- sented to him, yesterday, at his lodgings at the National hotel. The medal is of a circular form, three and a half inches in diameter; the case of chased silver. The front of the case presents a view of Ash- land, the residence of Mr. Clay — above which is engraved the monument erected to Mr. Clay, on the great National (Cumberland) road. On the other side is a picture of the capitol, the prominent theatre of his public life. The front of the medal presents the head and bust of Mr. Clay, in strong bas-relief, encircled by a prominent wreath, representing a union of the states, in which the leading agricultural staples of the north and south form the principal ornaments. On the reverse side are the fol- lowing inscriptions, indicative of the illustrious periods in the life of Mr. Clay: "Senate, 1806; speaker, 1811; war, 1812; Ghent, 1814; Spanish 370 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. America, 1812; Missouri Gompromise, 1821; American system, 182 J:; Secretary of State, 1825;, Panama instructions, 1826; Tariff compromise, 1833; Public domain, 1832 and 1834; Peace with France preserved, 1835; Compromise, 1850. The delegation appointed to deliver this token of respect and venera- tion to the illustrious statesman, waited upon Mr. Clay at his private chamber. On presenting the medal, he was also addressed by the chairman of the committee. To this address Mr, Clay responded: Gentlemen : This is among the most interesting and gratifying days of my life, although I have been confined to these rooms for a long time by a tedious and doubtful illness. You have come here the representa- tives of a large and enlightened body of ardent and devoted friends of mine in the city of New York, to present me a beautiful and costly gold medal, intended to commemorate my public life. On one face are engraved the great public measures, adopted in the national councils in which I was supposed to have had any conspicuous agency; and on the other a remarkable and accurate likeness of me. The time and place of presentation, and the friends who have contributed this splendid testi- monial, give to it an inestimable value. The time is when I am about to retire forever from public life, and when I cannot expect much longer to linger here below; the place is the city of Washington, the principal theatre of these public services, which have commended themselves to your approbation. Throughout my public life I have been blessed everywhere in the United States with more or fewer true friends to whom I am bound by the strongest sentiments of gratitude, but nowhere have they surpassed those in the city of New York in zeal, constancy, and fidelity, and in distinguished and various demonstra- tions of their affection and attachment. Whilst one is in the pursuit of public life, and is held up for his highest honors, it is not practicable always to discriminate, among his supporters, between those who bestow their suffrages from pure, patriotic and disinterested motives, and those who are actuated by selfish ends; but on this occasion no such difficulty exists. You have come, at much personal inconvenience, to the bed of a sick and aflHicted friend, to present to him, in your names, and in the name of a numerous body of his personal and political friends whom you represent, a most precious token of your esteem and effectionate regard. Tiiat friend has not now, and never will have any public patronage to dispense. The high and honorable and dis- interested character of your motives can not, therefore, be questioned. Gentlemen, I request you to accept yourselves, and to communicate to my absent friends vvhom you represent, my cordial and heartfelt thanks, and my grateful and protbund acknowledgements for this honor you entertain' towards me; I should have been most happy to have expressed mv great obligations to all of them personally, if it had been in my power. I shall soon pass from the jurisdiction of any contemporaries, and of the present generation, to that of history and posterity, if the one shall deem me worthv of any record on its pages, or tradition shall transmit any recollection of me to the other. It is not within my legitimate province to express any opinion on my HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 371 own public career or public deeds. That office belongs to them, and I shall consider my future fame fortunate, if it shall be regarded by them with a small portion of the favor with which the partiality of yourselves and your associates now contemplate it. I shall soon appear before a higher and more holy tribunal than any earthly one, which can unerringly judge of the motives as well as of the acts of man. To that tribunal I look forward with composure and confi- dence, that I shall be acquitted of ever having been prompted, in the dis- charge of my public duties, by any mean or selfish ends, or been animated by an}^ other purpose than to promote the honor, the prosperity and glory of our common country. Medals are generally struck by the authority, and paid for out of the public treasury of the government, and most frequently are intended to reward and signalize the triumphs achieved in war. But that which you now so kindly tender to my acceptance, is the spontaneous offering of private citizens, from their private purses, for public services exclusively in the civil department. I shall fondly and gratefully cherish and preserve it whilst life endures, and transmit it to my descendants under the hope that they receive and carefully guard it, with emotions of lively gratitude to my New York friends, as the proudest and richest legacy that I could leave them . DEMOCRATIC MEETING IN RAY. In accordance with the notice previously given by printed hand-bills, set up in difierent parts of the county, a meeting of the democrats of Ray was held in the court house, at Richmond, on the 1st day of January, A. D. 1852. On motion of Dr. Thomas A. King, Captain James H. Gant was elected cliairman, and James B. Turner secretary of the meeting. On motion of Captain William M. Jacobs, Dr. Thomas A. King was called upon to explain the objects of the meeting, which he did, stating that they had met for the purpose of organizing for the ensuing polit- ical canvass, by making a declaration of the principles by which the democracy of Ra}' will be governed, and b}- appointing delegates to the democratic state convention, and to the congressional district convention. His remarks were brief and appropriate, and conceived in a spirit of harmony. On the motion of Capt. William M. Jacobs, a committee of nine was appointed to draw resolutions for the consideration of the meeting. That committee consisted of the following gentlemen, to-wit: Captain Wil- liam M.Jacobs, Colonel Benjamin J. Brown, Dr. John B. McGaugh, Col- onel B. F. Smith, E.' Sanderson, John E. Wells, Henry Boggess, Major Henry Lile, and James B. Turner. The committee, after a short retirement, reported through their chair- man. Captain William M. Jacobs, the following resolutions, which were read, and unanimously adopted by the meeting: ■ Resolved, That we still adhere to the principles contained in the resolu- tions adopted by the democratic national convention at Baltimore, and we pledge ourselves to support and defend the great political doctrines embraced in that platform of the national democracy. Resolved, That, inscribing the Baltimore resolutions on our banner, and observing an unfaltering devotion to the union of the states, we will hold 372 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. no political fellowship with the abolitionists of the north or the nuUifiers of the south, and we discard, as unworthy of our confidence, all enemies of the union of the states, and all enemies of the union of the democracy. Resolved, That we approve the compromise measures of the last ses- sion of congress, and we will rely^ upon them as a final settlement of the vexed questions which grew out of the slavery controversy, and we are opposed to the repeal or modification of the fugitive slave law, and demand its faithful execution. Resolved, That we still cling to the republican doctrines contained in the celebrated Virginia and Kentucky resolutions drawn by Madison and Jeffer- son, which contained the platform upon which the republicans of that period rallied and swept the alien and sedition laws from the statute books, and checked the encroachments of federalism. Resolved, That we subscribe to the well known Atherton resolutions, passed by the votes of the democratic members of congress, and by which the democracy manifested an open and determined opposition to the fell spirit of abolitionism. Resolved, That we regard the right of instruction as a vital principle of republicanism. And representatives and senators are bound to obey in their legislative action the instructions of their constituents respectively, or resign ; and the people have a right to instruct their senators in congress through the legislature, and to hold their members in the legislature accountable for any misrepresentation of their will, in giving instructions to senators, as well as in electing senators. Resolved, That we hereby express our unqualified disapprobation of all acts of omission and commission, on the part of our public servants, calculated to involve our noble state in schemes of disunion, regarding it to be the first and highest duty of every patriot, and especially ' of those who have been placed as sentinels upon the watchtower of Hberty, to denounce in its inception, without regard to personal consequences, every attempt to alienate one portion of the Confederacy from another, or to weaken the bonds which hold us together as one people. Resolved, That we abhor calculations or combinations of men of oppo- site political sentiments for the purpose of securing the spoils of office; and we repudiate as unworthy of intelligent freemen, cherishing an attach- ment for the same great political principles,, that spirit of intolerance which leads to the establishment of factious tests of political fellowship, founded in differences of opinion in regard to men and not measures. Resolved, That we will join no faction which prescribes as a test of political fellowship either the support of or opposition to any man, how- ever distinguished; but, sternly adhering to the old landmarks, we will continue to act upon the motto: "Union, harmony, self-denial, conces- sion, everything for the cause; nothing for men." Resolved, That the democracy of Ray, having remained united in principle, and acquiesced in the decisions of majorities in regard to men throughout the fiercest political storm that ever swept over the state, will not separate now, since all the questions that created division have been settled; and we, accordingly, pledge the united support of the democracy of Ray to the nominees of the national, state, district, and county demo- cratic conventions, held according to established usage. Resolved, That, while we are ready to give our cordial support to the HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 373 democratic nominees for president and vice president, we deem it proper to declare that we desire no better ticket than Cass and Butler. Resolved^ That the chairman, with the concurrence of the meeting, appoint six delegates to the democratic state convention, to be called together by the state central committee; and six delegates to the congres- sional district convention, and that each delegate who cannot attend, shall have the power to appoint his own substitute. Under this resolution, the chairman, upon the recommendation of the committee, and with the unanimous concurrence and confirmation of the meetmg, appointed Samuel A. Richardson, Judge Daniel Branstetter, Colonel B. F. Smith, Aaron H. Conrow, Colonel John Hannah, and John Bales, delegates to the democratic state convention ; and Colonel Benjamin J. Brown, Major Henry Lile, John E. Wells, James H. Gant, James W. C. Wilson, and Doctor Thomas A. King, delegates to the congressional district convention; and Captain William M. Jacobs, with the concur- rence of the democracy of Clay and Caldwell, as a delegate from the sen- atorial district, composed of the counties of Ray, Clay, and Caldwell, to both conventions, and that he be governed in his action, in both conven- tions, by the will of the democracy of this senatorial district. Resolved^ That we are willing to trust the defense of our principles to our distinguished fellow-citizen, Austin A. King, who, whenever he has been the chosen standard-bearer of the democracy, has signalized himsel*' by his ability, zeal, and fidelity in the democratic cause, and we hereby instruct our delegates to the congressional district convention to use their efforts to procure his nomination as the democratic candidate to represent this district in congress. Resolved^ That when this meeting adjourns, it will adjourn to meet on the first Monday in June next, to nominate democratic candidates to rep- resent this county^in the legislature, and that notice of the adjourned meet- ing in June be duly given. The vote of the meeting was taken on each resolution separately, and every resolution was passed without a dissenting voice. On motion of Colonel B. F. Smith, it was Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting, duly authenticated b}'- the chairman and secretary, be forwarded to the Platte Arous for publi- cation, with a request for their publication in the other democratic papers of the state. The meeting then adjourned to meet in the court house in Richmond,, on the first Monday of June next. James H. Gant, Chairman. James B. Turner, Secretary. WHIG meeting in RAY COUNTY. The whigs of Ray county, according to the notice previously given, assembled at the court house in Richmond, on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1852, and organized by calling Major George Woodward to the chair, and appointing James Hughes, secretary. On motion of C. T. Garner, Esq., Resolved, That the chair appoint a committee of seven persons to report resolutions for the action of the meeting. Whereupon the chair appointed C. T. Garner, Esq., Colonel Joseph B. Terry, Eli Carter, Charles B. Allen, John U. Miles, Thomas Barber and A. D. Brashear, 374 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. who, after a short retirement, returned with the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, We regard the elections of this year with deep interest, involving not only the past and present principles and policy of the state and general government, but as calculated to exert an influence upon sub- jects of vital importance, that may hereafter arise. In view, therefore, and for the purpose of securing unity of action, harmony and strength, and a thorough organization of the whig party throughout the state: Resolved 1st, That the whigs of Ray county, heartily concur with their whig brethren throughout the state, in the propriety of holding a state con- vention at St. Louis, on the third Monday in April next, to nominate can- didates for state officers; electors for president, and for appointing del- egates to the national whig convention, to be held in May next. 2d, That this meeting appoint delegates to represent us in said state convention at St. Louis. 3d, That we are in favor of holding a district convention at Plattsburg, to nominate a candidate for congress; and we suggest the second Monday in May next, as the most suitable time. 4th, That this meeting appoint persons delegates to represent us in said district covention. 5th, That we most cordially approve the course of our present chief magistrate, Millard Fillmore, and his administration of the aftairs of the general government. 6th, That we fully approve the measures of adjustment passed by the congress of 1850, commonly called the " compromise, " and regard them as a full and final settlement of the questions to which they relate, and will not support any man for either state or federal offices who does not so regard them, or who advocates the repeal or modification of them, or any one of them. Tth, That in the administration of the general government by Millard Fillmore, the whigs of this nation behold with gratitude and defight the glorious triumphs of an enlarged partriotism over sectional prejudice and wicked machinations of fanatics, and enemies to the Union, and in the moral courage displayed by him, in the prompt and efficient execution of the laws in times of great excitement. In the wisdom and ability with which he has conducted our foreign relations, we see the sterling qualities of head and heart, that peculiarlly fit him for the high and responsible station he now fills. He is, therefore, our first choice for the next presidency; and our distinguished fellow-citizen. Colonel A. W. Doniphan, of Clay county, our first choice for the vice presidency — subject, however, to the decision of the whig national convention. 8th, That the blank in the second resolution be filled with the names of the following persons as delegates to the state convention, viz: Milo C. Nuckles, Jesse Esry, John U. Miles, Major W. Boyce, Eli Carter, A. D. Brashear, George I. Wasson, William Berry, Randolph McDonald, Col- onel Joseph B. Terry, James S. Hughes, Elias Graham, Joseph Hughes, A. W. Morrow, Louis C. Bohannon, Charles B. Allen, O. P. Creason, Charles R. Shrewsberry, Thomas Hamilton, and A. B. Ralph. loth. That the blank in the fourth resolution be filled with the names of the following persons, as delegates to said district convention, viz: Dr. Joseph Chew, C. T. Garner, Esq., A. J. Gibson, Dr. Wm. T. Bra- , HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 375 shear, Dr. Henry B. Hamilton, George I. Wasson, Mordecai Oliver, Esq., Dandridge Morrow, John Q. Quesenberry, Presley T. Petty, Walter L. Bransford, and Thomas W. McCuistion. 11th, That our esteemed fellow-citizen, Mordecai Oliver, is our first choice for congress, and the delegates to the district convention are hereby instructed to cast the vote of this county for him. 12th, That the chair appoint a central committee of five persons to fill any vacancy that may occur among the delegates to either the state or district convention. Whereupon the chair apointed Dr. Jos. Chew, Major W. Boyce, C. T. Garner, Esq., George I. Wasson, and Mordecai Oliver, Esq. 13th, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Rich- viond Ilerald 2ind Liberty T'n'duney and that the whig papers through- out the state are requested to copy. On motion, the meeting adjourned. Geo. Woodward, Chairmmi, James Hughes, Secretary. RICHMOND ACADEMY. March 17, 1852.] The exercises of the seventh session of this institution will be resumed on Monday, the 22d instant. This institution is pleasantly situated in a retired and healthful part of the town. The school rooms are well ventilated, and in every respect well adapted to promote the health, comfort and convenience of the pupils. The course of study includes all the important branches of a substan- tial English education. Virtue, as well as knowledge, is the object of a sound education. Special attention, therefore, is given to the moral conduct of all the pupils of the school, as well as to their intellectual improvement, since it is evident that the one is almost useless, unless adorned and directed by the other. OUR COUNTY. March 26th, 1852.] .... While California is engrossing so large a share of the public attention, we must not overlook the great inducements that Ray county presents to those that are in quest of a western home. The interests of our immedi- ate section of country have hitherto been neglected, from a want of the means to disabuse the public mind with regard to our resources, wealth and prosperity. Unfavorable reports have frequently been put in circula- tion in adjoining counties as to the true condition of old Ray, for the pur- pose of deterring emigrants from settling in it, and, at the same time, not losing sight of home interests, make their own counties the subject of laudation. As the Richmond Herald is the advocate of home interests, we deem it our imperative duty to set before the public mind some state- ments as to the soil, productions and climate. It is conceded by all that have any knowledge of the soil, that in point of fertility it can not be surpassed by any in this western country. The rich loam extends to an astonishing depth, and may be tilled for years in succession without exhausting its productiveness. While the farmer in sections of the country less favored by nature is making use of strenuous efforts to restore the exhausted soil to a fruitful condition, he here has but to commit his grain to the soil, and with a moderate share of attention, 376 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. may expect an abundant yield. The surface of the country is generally undulating, presenting to the eye of the beholder beautiful rolling prairies, skirted with an abundance of fine timber, and traversed by numerous streams of water, thus adapting it to grazing, as well as to the culture of all kinds of grain. The timber is generally of large growth, and as to quantity, well pro- portioned to the prairie. The staple productions are wheat, corn, hemp and tobacco; great quantities of which are shipped annually from different shipping points of the county, the principal of which are Camden and Hughes' Landing. A ready market can always be had at the different trading establishments at home for all kinds of produce. The favorableness of a climate to the preservation of health, is always an important consideration in settling a country; we can with safety say that our county from its salubrious air and excellent water very strongly recommends itself in that point of view. The efforts of our enterprising citizens are rapidly improving the appearance of the country. Villages are springing up throughout the country as if by the touch of a magical wand, and thousands of acres of land lying waste a few years ago, are now assuming the appearance of well cultivated farms. Our community is an intelligent one — a thmking people, with whom law and order are safe. Vice and immorality no sooner raise their Pro- tean heads to the public gaze than they meet with that censure and con- demnation which they deserve. It would be better, by far, for the man of moderate means to seek a home in a land like this, and by gradual accessions of fortune to become independent, than to be lured to the land of Ophir by idle dreams of glit- tering wealth. The expectations of many that have gone to California have been blighted, who, after enduring innumerable hardships in pursuit of the yellow phantom, and expending all they possessed, return home depressed in spirits. The anticipations of but few in amassing splendid fortunes are realized, and some sometimes at the expense of health and happiness. It should, therefore, be a matter of serious reflection to those who go, to know whether they will ameliorate their condition in any wise by emigra- ting to the Eldorada of the ninteenth century. Friday. April 9th, 1852] On the 3d instant, between thirty and forty emigrants were landed at Hughes' Landing, from the steamboat, Monongahela. They were desti- tute of everything that pertains to comfort. Several of them were dan- gerously ill, and one of the number, named Brown, died on the bank a few minutes after landing. While one of the party went in quest of a physician, Mr. J. N. Hughes, with his characteristic promptness and phi- lanthropy, had the whole of them conveyed to his dwelling, where he administered to their wants in a humane manner. Doctor Crutchy arrived in due time, and did all that medical skill could do to alleviate the sufferings of the sick, and the next morning all were better, except a child, when our informant left. They were from East Tennessee, and intended locating near Millville. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 377 STEAM BOILER EXPLOSION. Friday, April 16th, 1833.] It falls to our painful duty to record the destruction of the steamer Saluda, commanded by Captain Belt, by the explosion of her boilers, attended with an awful destruction of human life. The boat was just leaving the wharf at Lexington, bound for Council Bluflts, on the morning of the 9th instant, between seven and eight o'clock, when the explosion took place, with a report that was heard for miles around, while in the immediate vicinity the shock was so great as to cause houses to tremble to their foundations. The air was darkened with frag- ments of the vessel, and scores of human beings without a moment's warn- ing, were swept into eternity. When the citizens reached the spot, the most heart-rending scenes were presented to view, of which the imagina- tion can possibly conceive. The shore was covered with the limbs and mangled bodies of the sufferers, their warm blood trickling down the banks, while the screams and the groans of the wounded and the dying filled the air, causing the hearts of the beholders to sicken, and the tears of sympathy to gush from their eyes. Everything that was in human power was done. The boat was soon reached and the wounded and dying conveyed to the nearest ware- houses, where every possible assistance was rendered that was calculated to relieve their sufferings or soothe their dying moments. Many were thrown into the river, of which number but few were saved, some, however, breasted the waves and succeeded in reaching the shore. Through the exertions of Mr. Ball and others, several were saved from a watery grave, among whem was an interesting little child, both of whose parents were killed, and whom Mr. Ball, in the goodness of his heart, intends to adopt as his own. The number on board is variously estimated, but it may be put down at two hundred, of which number, one hundred and thirty-five were killed, and thirty-five wounded so seriously that but few will recover. All of the officers of the boat were killed, with the exception of the mate and first clerk. The second clerk was literally torn to pieces, and the captain was thrown out one hundred yards from the boat against the bluff'. The passengers were principally Mormons from England on their way to Salt Lake. The cit}^ council and citizens of Lexington contributed $900 towards defraying the expenses that might be incurred, thus showing in a manner worthy of the highest praise, their sympathy for the sufferers. The boat is a complete wreck, and but little of the freight will be saved uninjured. The Saluda was a condemned boat, and the captain of the Isabel had the caution to land some three hundred yards below her,, saying that he knew she was an old boat, and that it would be unsafe to be near her, when she should attempt to stem the strong current above Lexington. We were not able to obtain the names of the killed and wounded or missing, as under the circumstances, it was utterly impossible.''^ * Written by Joseph E. Black, Esq., of Richmond, who was on the ground immediately- after the explosion, rendering assistance to the unfortunate sufferers. 24 378 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. RICHMOND COLLEGE. Friday, May 7, 1852.] Feeling a deep interest in the welfare of old Ray, and knowing that the location of a college here must be a matter of the utmost importance and earnestly desired by every one who has the interest of his county at heart, we shall present a few more considerations to the minds of our readers. On Monday, the 3d inst., a college meeting was held according to notice, and, considering the unfavoi-ableness of the weather, there was a very good turn out. The meeting was addressed by the Honorable G. W. Dunn, whose arguments cannot fail to make a deep impression, and to excite a lively interest in this matter of such vital importance to the county. We shall give a synopsis of the speech, together with a few suggestions of our own, desiring that the subject may be fairly laid before our people, who, seeing their interests, may act accordingly. It is a matter of complaint among the people that they cannot obtain competent teachers to fill their schools. Why is it so? The reason is plain and obvious. Persons of moderate circumstances are deterred from sending their children to a distance on account of the enormous expense that must necessarily be incurred, while such as are wealthy enough to incur these expenses wish their sons to become professional characters. We are, therefore, compelled to get such teachers as we can, who afe, as often as otherwise, of more injury than beneht to the cause of education. Let us then rear up an institution among us, so that the man of moderate means, as well as the man of wealth, may be enabled to educate his chil- dren. We will then be able to send forth a corps of teachers into our county, of whose intelligence we may justly be proud ; who will give a new tone to society, inculcate new love of literature, and in a short time place us on a par with the most intelligent communities of the country. The importance of having competent teachers to train the minds of youth, is a matter that is too frequently unappreciated and too lowly rated. The warrior, with a thousand victories inscribed upon his banner, or the statesman, encircled with all the glories he may possibly achieve, does not exercise greater influence than the teacher, who, unsurrounded by the paraphernaHa of war or the pageantry of state, trains the youth either to become a terror to the society in which he moves, or makes him an honor to himself and a benefit to society and the country at large. The very nature of our government requires that every man should think and Secide for himself upon the most momentous questions — and not that a few minds should do all the thinking and deciding. But how can the people think rationally and clearly upon subjects they know noth- ing about? Suffer the masses to remain in ignorance, and they will be led by fanatics and demagogues, and our government must fall a victim to the very principles upon which it is founded, to-wit: the right of suffrage ; the right of every one to decide upon all questions of govern- ment through the ballot-box. Let us, then, rear up this institution among us, where our teachers can be instructed, who will teach our children wisdom and virtue. The love you hold for vour children and your country appeals to you; and shall you turn a deaf" ear to the call, and permit the golden opportu- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 379 nity to pass unheeded and unnoticed? Should a college be located here, men of wealth and enterprise will flock into and around it. Thousands of dollars will be added to the wealth of the place, and every species of business will receive new impetus and vigor. This place would spring into new existence, and from other examples it may be safely asserted that our population would be doubled in five years. Look at Liberty. What was she a few years ago? It would have been hard to decide if it or this place was ahead. But how is it now ? No sooner was a college located there, than hundreds flocked to the place, adding vastly to its wealth and enterprise; land increased fifty per cent; new spirit was infused into every branch of business, and in a few years Liberty has be com flourishing city. But the same opportunity is presented to us, and all we have to do is to embrace it, and our county seat will likewise become a wealthy, populous and thriving place. THE AMERICAN EAGLE. " O, let the bird of freedom soar, , Above the clouds and storms of earth, With faultless pinions as of yore Till all shall own his heavenly birth; And tear not from his bleeding- breast. Though tempted by its golden hue, The plumage in which Nature drest The bird that freemen love to view. And though his severed wings might seem Still beautiful if torn away, Our foes would spurn such toys, and deem The bird himself their chosen prey. Then pluck not from this glorious bird — The plumes with which he mounts on high; Rather let freedom's sun be heard Rejoicing as he cleaves the sky. Proud bird! though marred by ruthless hands, Thy name each freemen gladly hails, For well he knows in other lands Before thy glance the despot quails; Still make thy cherished home among The shrines reared by our patriotic sires. Till the last scepter shall be wrung From tyrant hands — till time expires." Richmond^ Mo., A. D. 1851. g. w. dunn. OUR COUNTY. Richmond Mirror, of Friday, March 11, 1853.] In the early settlement of the county, the only road leading to Clay county, (which was then regarded as the " Eldorado " of Missouri by most Kentuckians) passed up through the Missouri bottom the entire breadth of the county; and as fever and ague was'then quite prevalent, an impres- sion prevailed that Ray was a " sickly county," when nothing could be farther from the truth. Even our bottom lands have become healthy from cultivation, and the upland part of the county is as favorable to health and longevity as any portion of the state. The position, geograph- 380 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ically, of Ray county, is such as to give it every advantage possessed by any county in upper Missouri, and its soil is fully equal to the best. Indeed, it is the opinion of many persons, who know the county and the state well, that there is more rich land in Ray than in any other county in Missouri. It is finely watered, well diversified with prairie and timbered lands; and for the growing of hemp, tobacco, wheat and corn, as well as for purposes of stock raising, it cannot be surpassed, and time will show it to be the " Bourbon " of Missouri. The town of Richmond, situated on a high dividing ridge, nearly in the center of the county, seven miles from the Missouri river at Camden, and ten miles from Lexington, is proverbial for health. It is on the main state road from St. Louis to Liberty, Weston and St. Joseph, and all the Platte country; has a tri-weekly mail coach passing through it, and is on the main road from the Grand River country to Lexington, southwest Mis- souri, Arkansas and Texas. If the people of Ray county are true to their own interests, and will build up and endow the proposed college; if they will foster their own mechanics and merchants, and their c>zi^//_;^r/V//er; if they will have good schools at home, and not send their children awa}' to be educated; and if the people of Richmond will go to work and beautify the natural advan- tages which the town possesses, and its merchants and mechanics deal liberally with the farmers; the day is not far off when a residence in Rich- mond, and a farm in Ray county will be sought after with eagerness. We shall say more in future numbers of the Mir^'or in regard to the duties of our citizens and the future of our count}-. JOHNSON MEETING. The Conservator March 24, 1866.] Pursuant to a call of the friends of President Johnson, a very large meeting of the citizens was held during the sitting of the circuit court at Richmond, Missouri, March 10, 1866, for the purpose of endorsing the president in his reconstruction policy, and the veto of the Freedmen's Bureau Bill. At one o'clock, the meeting was called to order and on motion of Hon. W. A. Donaldson, George Warren was called to the chair, and on motion of Hon. G. W. Eunn, Col. A. A. King was appointed secretar3^ The chairman, taking the stand, announced the object of the meeting, when, on motion of Honorable G. W. Dunn, the chair appointed the fol- lowing committeemen to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings and political opinions of those in the meeting, viz: Honorable George W. Dunn, Governor A. A. King, Honorable W. A. Donaldson, Doctor A. B. Ralph, and Honorable H. P. Settle. While the committee was retiring, Governor King was called back by the audience, and responded in an able speech, which was the fruitful source of much good, by showing to those that opposed ihe administra- tion, the danger into which they would take our liberties, if successful. At the conclusion of his speech, the committee reported the following resolutions, which were read and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we have undiminished confidence in the ability, integ- rity, and patriotism of President Johnson, and we will continue to give a cordial support to his administration. Resolved, That President Johnson's inflexible devotion to the constitu- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 381 tion and the Union, now, as in all times past, entitles him to the earnest support of the friends of civil and religious liberty throughout the Union. Resolved^ That we cordially^ approve President Johnson's veto of the freedmen's bureau bill, his policy of reconstruction, and his defiant oppo- sition to the policy of Sumner, Stevens, and others, who persist in declar- ing that the Union has been dissolved. Resolved, That the Union has not been dissolved, nor can it be dis- solved; it was not dissolved by secession, because secession was uncon- stitutional and void. It was not dissolved by the armed attempt to take some of the states out of the Union, because the rebellion has been com- pletely overthrown by our gallant armies; and it cannot be dissolved by those who assert that the Union has been dissolved, while President Johnson and his friends, constituting a large majority of the people of the United States, continue true to the Union and the constitution. Resolved, That we are in tavor of repealing the provisions of the new constitution of the state, that conflict with the wise policy of President Johnson's administration, and with the principles of civil and religious libert}^ transmitted to us by our ancestors, the establishment and preser- vation of which cost so much blood and treasure. Resolved, That the friends of President Johnson's administration will organize in accordance with the suggestions of the state central commit- tee, contained in a circular signed by General E. B. Brown, chairman of the committee, by formation of liberty clubs, composed of all who agree with the policy of the national administration. Resolved, That we regard it as our imperative duty to support the civil authorities of the state in the enforcement of the laws; and we propose to get rid of obnoxious laws whether contained in the new con- stitution or in the statutes, by having them repealed, and not by violating them, and that we will to the extent of our power, promote peace and order, and a love of the federal constitution and the union of the states among our fellow citizens. Resolved, That while we claim the right to assemble and express our views of public policy, we accord to our political opponents the same unquestionable right. Resolved, That we invite the co-operation of all persons, regardless of former political differences, who agree with us in sentiment, in the good work of upholding the constitution and Union, and the principles of civil and religious liberty. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Missouri Republican, Lexington Express, and in the Richmond papers, and that all papers friendly to our cause be requested to copy them. After the reading of the resolutions, which were unanimously adopted, Judge Ryland, of Lexington, was called upon, and ably defended the president in his usual terse, eloquent and logical reasonings, at the con- clusion of which, court hour having arrived, the meeting was adjourned. Geo. Warren, Chairman. Austin A. King, Jr., Secretary. 382 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. CRIMINAL CAUSES. The Coneervator, June 16, 1866.] On the 12th instant, Isaac Odell and James Duvall were brought before David H. Quesenberry, Esq., a justice of the peace of Richmond town- ship, in this county, under a warrant issued by Elisha Riggs, a justice of the peace of Fishing River township. The warrant simply charged the defendants with ■preachings and commanded the constable to bring the defendants before the justice of the peace who issued the warrants, or some other justice of the peace of the county of Ray. Judge Dunn and C. T. Garner, Esq., appeared as counsel for the defendants, and the state was represented by Elijah F. Esteb, Esq., the circuit attorney. The defendants moved the court to dismiss the cases, for the reason that the warrants charged no criminal oftense against the defendants. The cases were ably argued before the justice, the counsel for the defend- ants taking the position that even if the section in the constitution, upon which the prosecutions were founded, possessed any validity after the decision of the supreme court of the United States (not yet published), holding it null and void, three things were necessary to constitute the offense charged, to-wit: That the party charged was a bishop, priest, elder, minister or clergyman, as required by the constitution; 2d, that as such bishop, priest, elder, minister or clergyman, he preached; and, 3d, that the party so charged preached without taking the oath of loyalty required by the constitution. The warrants in the cases under consideration only charged the parties with preaching, without charging that they preached as bishop, priest, elder, minister or clergyman, and without charging that they had failed to take the oath of loyalty. They maintained that preaching was not of itself an offense against the constitution and laws of the state; that to constitute the offense punishable under the constitution, the party charged must preach as bishop, priest, elder, minister or clerg3'man, and must so preach without having taken the oath of loyalty. Mr. Esteb, the circuit attorney, replied, in his usual able, fair, and gen- tlemanly style. The circuit attorney represents the state, and not any political party or religious sect. justice Quesenberry sustained the motions, dismissed the cases, and dis- charged the defendants, holding that preaching, instead of being a criminal offense, is in the highest degree commendable. This decision does honor to the head and heart of the justice, who is a worthy member of a different rehgious denomination from that of the parties accused. Messrs. Odell and Duvall are elders of the regular Baptist denomination, commonly called " Old Iron-side Baptist." This result may be mortifying to Drake, Strong, Fletcher, and Bab- cocke, but the best way to avoid similar mortification in the future, is for them to join the friends of civil and religious liberty in repealing this relic of bigotry and barbarism, which ought never to have been placed in the constitution of a free people. HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 383 TOWNS AND VILLAGES. CITY OF RICHMOND. The land on which the original town of Richmond is located was donated to the county of Ray, May 5, 1827, by John Woolard, Isaac Thornton, William B. Martin and William Thornton, the proprietors thereof. The donation was made in consideration of the selection, by a commis- sion legally appointed by the county court, of the site as a place on which to locate the permanent seat of justice of Ray county. On the 20th day of July, A. D. 1827, the county court in session at Bluffton, ordered an election, that the proposition to remove the county seat to the place selected by the commissioners, and by its owners donated to the county of Ray, might be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection, as the law required. On the 20th and 21st of August following, the election was duly held, and resulted in one hundred and eight votes being cast for the proposition and fifty-five against it; and in due course of time, as already fully stated, the county seat was removed, and public buildings erected, etc. Hence, Richmond owes its existence to the fact of the land on which the original town is located having been selected first by commisioners, and then by a majority of the qualified voters of the county as a site for the permanent seat of justice of the county of Ray. Richmond was, when laid out, the county seat of territory since divided into eight counties, having the following seats of justice, to-wit: Carroll- ton, Chillicothe, Trenton, Princeton, Bethany, Gallatin, Kingston and Richmond. Richmond was surveyed and laid out into blocks, lots, streets and alleys by Thomas N. Aubry, Esq., under the direction of William S. Miller, commissioner of the seat of justice, between the 24th of September and the 15th of October, A. D. 1827. The town site was divided into one hundred lots, and these, with the exception of those reserved for the use of the county, were sold at public vendue, the sale commencing Thursday, October 25th, 1827, and continu- ing from day to day. The sale was made by beginning with lot No. 100, and selling eac*h alternate lot till lot No. 1 was reached. When the county court convened in special session, Monday, October 22, 1827, it changed the boundaries of lots 8, 9, 40, 41, 72, 73 and 100, by taking off of each the space of twenty-five feet. The space thus taken off was reserved from sale. The first jail in Richmond was located on lot No. 62, and the "prison bounds " thereof was as follows: Sixty rods square, with the jail in the 384 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. centre; said space accurately laid off, and the distances marked by plant- ing in the earth, to the depth of at least eighteen inches, at each of the four cardinal points of the compass, well charred, white-oak posts, nine inches square, rising four feet above the earth's surface. The jail itself, and also the first court house have been described. Richmond was first incorporated November 19, 1835; and the follow- ing gentlemen constituted tlie first board of trustees: Berry Hughes, C. R. Morehead, H. G. Parks. William Hudgins and Thomas McKinney. The first county road leading to and from the town of Richmond was established by the county court in November, 182T. It extended to Jack's Ferry, on the Missouri river. One Anderson Martin was the first town constable of the town of Rich- mond. The town was again incorporated by act of the general assembly, approved November 9, 185T. Richmond was laid out in the midst of a broad field of the " bright ever beautiful maize;" that is to say, where Richmond now stands, John Wool- ard, in 1827, cultivated a field of corn. John Woolard was an unlettered man, somewhat eccentric, but a kind neighbor, a warm-hearted friend, and an enterprising, public spirited gentleman. He has been dead many years, but has sons yet living in the county, who are upright and useful citizens. Richmond, so named by the county court, Monday, September 24, 1827, is situated in sections thirty and thirty-one, township fifty-two, range twenty-seven, and on the northeast quarter of section thirty-six, township fifty-two, range twenty-eight, on the St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway, forty-four miles east of Kansas City, two hundred and thirty seven miles northwest of St, Louis, and sixty-seven miles southeast of St. Joseph. Richmond is simply a fine old town, whose people are remarkable for urbanity, kindness, and genuine, old-fashioned hospitality; and in which a stranger, no matter whence he comes, so he conducts himself as a gentle- man, is soon made to feel himself at home, and in the midst of friends. It is surrounded by a country exhaustless in natural resources; pictur- esque and beautiful in surface configuration; rich, productive, and pleasant to see. It is the attractive business and social centre of an intelligent, enterprising. Christian community, and — to borrow the language of Paul, the apostle — it is " a city of no mean importance." The main or central portion of Richmond stands upon the crown of a graceful swell, and the suburban portions are located upon the slopes of a succession of beautiful wooded hills that nearly surround the central town. The slopes abound in the most attractive building sites that com- mand fine city and open valley views in almost every direction. It has scores of fine cottages, villas, and dignified old mansion homes, represent- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 385 ing the hospitable southern style of architecture so common in the south. The spacious veranda, or porch, is an almost universal accompaniment to these pretty, inviting home places, and the ample, shaded lawns and broad walks are in more pleasant contrast with the closer and more severely artistic surroundings of the average northern home. There is every- where in this little, half-rural city an air of amplitude, ease, freedom and home comfort that is thoroughly enjoyable to the visitor. The business town expresses solidity and permanency, rather than any effort at archi- tectural display, being built in the plain fashion of the old time. Among the public buildings are a handsome court-house, two very pretty churches, and a plain, but massive and stately, high-school building. Two more churches are projected. Of late, a good many very pretty homes in the modern styles have been added, and, altogether, Richmond may be named among the most attractive towns of its class in the west. The business town is in keeping with the wealth and thrift of the country that fosters it. If it ever had a speculative period, is has long since passed. The business men are characterized with stead}', sensible, practical and well defined methods of commercial life, and evidently prefer solvency and high credit to the exciting, spasmodic, and speculative ways of too many western towns. They have the confidence of the community, and preserve it as if it were their best " stock in trade." They never seem hurried or fretful, but move straight on from year to year with the greatest deliberation and confi- dence. A list of the business houses, manufactories and industries of Richmond in April, 1881, will, it is believed, be found of interest in after years, if not at present; such a list is therefore subjoined, as follows: C. D. Sayre, dealer in groceries, queensware, and produce. A. J. Bopps, hardware, stoves, tinware, etc. Ford Bros., fancy groceries. W. M. Marshall, manufacturer of and dealer in boots and shoes. A. J. Dresler, merchant tailor. Smith & Patton, druggists and pharmaceutists. Keel & Bro., dealers in groceries, queensware, and country produce. Grow & Abbott, carpenters and builders. Powell & Sons, blacksmithing, and wagon and carriage manufac- turers. W. R. Jackson, furniture and hardware. Exchange and banking house of J. S. Hughes & Co., J. S. Hughes, president; Burnett Hughes, cashier. Fowler & Ewing, dry goods, boots, shoes, notions, etc. S. R. Crispin & Co., dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc. M. F. McDonald, staple and fancy dry goods, piece goods and hosiery. Mrs. M. E. Burhop, milliner. Mrs. S. Strader, confectionery and groceries. 386 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Hudgins House, William B. Hudgins, proprietor. Warriner & Monroe, stoves, tinware, and furniture. Daniel T. Duval, saddles and harness. W. H. Darneal, dry goods, notions, and clothing. W. H. Garner, groceries and queensware. G. E. Niedermeyer, barber. J. C. Brown & Co., dry goods, notions, and clothing. Miss L. Ford, millinery and notions. RicJmiond Cottservalor, Jacob T. Child, editor and proprietor. Baber & Shoop, groceries and queensware. Shoop & Son, undertakers. Kemper Marble Works, Ed. W. Kemper, proprietor. Sam. McDonald, confectioner. Alex. A. McCuistion, livery and sale stable. Garner & Jacobs, druggists and pharmacists. Hubbell & Son, general merchandise. B. J. Menefee, hardware and agricultural implements. Holt & Son, general merchandise. Richmond Democrat, Thomas D. Bogie, editor and proprietor. Ray County Savings Bank, Thomas D. Woodson, president; H. C. Garner, cashier. Delmonico Restaurant, D. W. Farris, proprietor. L. Megede, watch-maker and jeweler. W. W. Mosby & Son, druggists, booksellers, stationers, etc. Farris & Co., groceries and queensware. R. L. Jacobs, saddles and harness. F. W. Joy, meat market. W. D. Rice & Sons, hardware and groceries. E. Spear, groceries, queensware and tinware. Kiger & Wertz, dry goods and notions. M. C. Jacobs, druggist and apothecary. A. H. Jacobs, watches and jewelry. J. P. Quesenberrv & Co., hardware and groceries. Whitmer & Co., livery and feed stable. R. D. Asbury, blacksmithing and horse-shoeing. W. P. Strader, carriage and wagon manufacturer. McDonald Lumber Compan3\ Brown & Wiggington, carpenters and builders. Hamacher Steam Flouring Mills, J. H. Hamacher & Bro., proprietors. O. T. Dickinson, livery and feed stable. Jackson & Patton, lumber yard, and wagons and agricultural imple- ments. Richmond Wagon Factory, Powell & Son, proprietors. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 387 Wasson & Baum, dealers in live stock. Richmond Coffin Company. Title Abstract Office of Lavelock & Trigg. William Fisher, photographer. Wasson House, George I. Wasson, proprietor. Burgess Brothers, blacksmiths and wagon-makers. Ax-Handle Factory, J. M. Parker, proprietor. The Olympic Hall, completed in Decemlaer, 1880, is substantially built, convenient, and commodious. It is well ventilated, tastily and comfort- ably furnished, and has a seating capacity of four hundred and fifty. The seats are well arranged and command a full view of the stage from any part of the hall. Olympic Hall does credit alike to its proprietors, Doctor W. W. Mosby & Son, and to the city of Richmond. The Richmond Opera House, owned by a joint stock company, under the corporate name of Richmond Hall and Library Association, was built in 1880, and cost seven thousand dollars. It is fifty feet iri width by one hundred feet in length, and will seat about eight hundred persons. The hall is thoroughly ventilated, well furnished, and provided with attractive scenery. Perhaps no town in the west has a more capacious or better hall for public entertainment, than is the Richmond Opera House. The old cemetery, due north of town and just within its corporate limits, was laid out in 1845. It is the burial place of many distinguished persons. The remains of Bill x\nderson, the notorious desperado, were deposited in the old cemetery. The people, of course, without exception, depre- cated the man and his dastardly and revolting acts, perpetrated in the spirit of diabolical revenge, indiscriminately directed, and dishonoring alike himself, his followers, and the cause he claimed to defend; they knew, however, that in death, he was harmless, and that, as a fellow mortal, he was entitled to decent burial. This fact is not mentioned on Anderson's account, but simply to show that in the hearts of the Christian people of Richmond, the spirit of resent- ment perishes, when the ability of the culprit to do further harm has ceased, and, sharing the common lot of mankind, he lies powerless in the embrace of death. The new Richmond cemetery, near the west end of South Main street, on the north side thereof, was laid out in 1871. It contains three acres and is situated on a high hill commanding an extensive and beautiful prospect of the surrounding country. The dead are everywhere, and the last kind offices in their behalf are to accord them burial in conformity to established custom, and to place above them some testimonial of the esteem in which they were held while among the living, or that may at least " implore the passing trib- 388 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ute of a sigh." In this respect the Richmond cemeteries are enduring monument, not alone to the dead, but likewise to the humane and tender promptings that govern the hearts of the living. Several beautiful and costly shafts are reared in the new grave-yard, and, for a " silent city of the dead," it is perhaps as neat and inviting a place as one could desire to see. It becomes necessary in writing the history of Richmond to record some events of melancholy interest. At half past three o'clock, Thursday, May 23, 1867, a band of brigands, eleven in number, heavily armed with navy pistols, entered the city from the east, by three different streets. One detachment came in by the first street south of South Main street, running parallel thereto, and passing up that street to its intersection with College street, turned north to South Main; another party passed up the latter street, while the third came into the city by North Main street. The bandits concentrated in the vicinity of the M. E. Church South, and all but one dismounted, and repaired immediately to the banking house of Hughes & Wasson. Four of the party entered the bank, and with pistols presented, demanded the money therein. The other six remained outside, in front ot the bank building, and kept up a continual fire upon citizens who dared to show themselves on the streets. Immediately upon entering the bank, one of the bandits fired at the book-keeper, Willis Warriner, Esquire, as he retreated in the direction of the vault. At the report of the pistol, Mr. Warriner fell to the floor and continued prostrate so long as the robbers remained in the bank, though he was uninjured. There happened to be only thirty-five hundred dollars in the bank, and when that amount was seized, the robbers turned upon Mr. George I. Wasson, the cashier, and covering him with their pistols, commanded him to get more. But upon Mr. Wasson's assuring them that they had taken all the money on hand, they dismissed him without further molestation. The robber who remained on his horse, tcok a stand in the middle of the street, near the bank. He was mounted on a very fine and well- trained horse. Having wound the bridle-reins around the bow of his sad- dle in such a manner as to give greater tension to one rein than to the other, the horse continued to move round in a circle, thus enabling his rider to see about him in every direction. With a navy pistol in each hand the horseman fired up and down the street, while the robbery was going on in the bank. The citizens began to rally to drive the bandits out of town. Frank Griffin, from his position behind a tree in the court-house yard, was dis- charging his gun at the man on the horse without effect; when the latter discovered Griffin's head from behind the tree he fired at it, with unerring aim. The ball penetrated the brain, and Griffin instantly expired. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 389 Youn£^ Griffin's father, William Griffin, after the killing of his son, ran up to the bank, supposing the robbers had vacated it. Upon stepping within he was confronted by the robbers, and started to run out of the house, when he was fired upon; the ball, taking effect in the back, passed through his heart. John B. Shaw, a highly respected gentleman, and at that time mayor of the city, was in the middle of the street, near the Shaw House (now Wasson House), of which he was proprietor, endeavoring to rally the citizens, when he was shot in the abdomen. He lived but a few hours. He also was killed by the man on horseback. After the robbery, the bandits rode rapidly out of town. They were followed by a posse of citizens a distance of about nine miles, but none of them were captured. The pursuing party fired upon the robbers near Holt Station, on the Hannibal & St. Joseph railroad, wounding one of their horses, which was left behind and died next day. One of the robbers, whose name was supposed to be William McGuire, was captured in St. Louis the following winter, brought to Richmond, and lodged in jail; and a few months after his capture, the man who sat on his horse in front of the bank and killed John B. Shaw and young Griffin, was apprehended in Kentucky, by John W. Francis, then sheriflT of Ray county. This bandit's name was supposed to be Devers. He was also confined in the Richmond jail. McGuire had a preliminary trial before a justice of the peace, and was held to await the ensuing session of the circuit court. They were both taken from the jail, however, by a vigilance committee and hanged. What became of the other participants in this atrocious robbery and murder, is unknown. The following persons were in the bank when the robbers entered: Geo. I. Wasson, cashier ; Judge Willis Warriner, book-keeper, and Major Rob- ert Sevier, Ephraim January, and Ben Chipeze. The three last named were in no way connected with the bank. None of the above named gentlemen were injured. A TERRIBLE CYCLONE. On June 1, A. D. 1878, the city of Richmond was visited by one of the most violent and destructive cyclones that ever passed over this section of the country. Nearly every thing in its pathway was utterly demolished. Huge trees were torn up by the roots, buildings swept away, and human and animal life destroyed. For several days previous the weather had been unusually warm and sultry; the air was heavy and oppressive, the mercury in the thermome- ter indicating a temperature ranging.from eighty-five to ninety degrees, Fahrenheit. 390 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The morning of June 1st was bright and tranquil, but later in the day clouds gathered, and early in the afternoon the wind, accompanied by a slight fall of hail, began gently blowing from the southwest. Immediately after the hail ceased falling, a wind from the northwest arose, and, con- tinuing probably ten minutes, was succeeded by a suffocating calm of about three to five minutes' duration. Within twenty or thirty minutes after the falling of the hail, the clouds in the southwest seemed to be fall- ing apart for a moment or two, presenting ragged edges; then, suddenly, streams began to shoot out from the margins of the clouds, and to mingle together by a twirling, intertwining motion. The calm above alluded to was caused by the current from the north- west meeting a similar current moving in the opposite direction. After this momentary cessation of wind, a strong breeze from the southwest set in, followed by a violent rush of wind, the immediate precursor of the terribly devastating cyclone that was to follow almost instantaneously. The wind began its destructive work about three miles southwest of town. Moving in a northeasterly direction, it struck the railroad at J. S. Hughes & Co.'s coal shaft; then turning northward, it struck six tenement houses, occupied by miners, and owned by J. S. Hughes. These houses were moved out of position an4 otherwise damaged, though not seriously. Leaving the tenement houses, the C3'clone slightly injured six dwelHngs situated next to the railroad. The upper story, back wall, and porch of W. R. Jackson's house, in the extreme southeastern part of the cit}', were torn off. The next house in its northward course, was that of Dr. Noah Gaines, a one story frame, which was considerably wrecked but not torn down. Bounding across the street at this point, the storm unroofed the old homestead residence, a one stor}- brick, of Jacob Whitmer. Mrs. Haynes was struck and damaged seriously. In its onward passage north of Dr. Noah Gaines, it levelled to the ground a small frame building, occupied b}' a colored family; next a large one story frame building, property of the late Major Sevier, but occupied at the time, by one Mr. Deer and family. The house was utterl}^ demol- ished. Striking, next, the fine brick residence of J. S. Hughes, Esq., it blew down the ell and unroofed the main building. Next in the storm's pathway stood the Bid well property, occupied by a man named Berry, and his family. The building, a two story frame, was totally destroyed; and so, also, was the large two story frame residence of W. R. Holman. Veering to the west from the residence of J. A. Hughes, it struck and completely destroyed the residence of G. A. Hughes, as well as his very fine young apple orchard. The residence last named is on College street; west of it and on the same street, are the residences of Judge Charles J. Hughes and Messrs. B. J. Menefee and P. V. Ber- nard, all of which were injured. Of the three houses mentioned, Mr. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 391 Bernard's is farthest; it is a one story brick, was unroofed, and a portion of its walls blown in. This building marked the western limit of the storm's fury, in the city. The cyclone was somewhat narrowed in its destructive course through the city, after leaving South College street, which extends east and west; yet from this street in its northward passage, it extended over two entire blocks of buildings, as well as wrecking some, and wholly demolishing other of the buildings on the east side of the college grounds; and first of the latter was the one and a half story cottage residence of Mrs. Bassett, occupied by C. J. Hughes, Jr., which was totally destroyed. Dr. H. P. Jacobs owned and occupied a new and beautiful residence, which in its fury, the storm-god spared not ; every vestige of the building was swept from its foundation. Neither did it respect the Presbyterian Church, a large, costly and substantial brick structure, but razed it to the ground. The next building to the northward, was the story and a half residence of Mr. E. Spear, which, though not blown down, w^as greatly damaged; then the one story brick of Phihp J. Woodson, Esq., was unroofed. Next, to the northward stood the Baptist Church and residence of R. E. Brown, Esq., side by side, which were likewise swept away by the irresistible rotary current. We have followed the storm in its desolating progress to Lexington street, and, going back again to south College street, and beginning with the block next east of the one last described, and separated therefrom by Thornton Avenue, we mention first the two story frame dwelling of Judge Joseph E. Black, which was entirely destroyed; then the residence of Captain G. N. McGee, a total loss; next the one story residence belong- ing to Mrs. Mary Brown, but occupied by a tenant, also completely de- molished, and the residence of Ephraim Holman, which shared a similar fate. Passing east, in our description, to the residence of Doctor Frank Gaines, on Lexington street, we have to mention that building as also a total loss. The residence of Mrs. Amelia Jacobs, in this neighborhood, was also totally wrecked. Again returning to South College street, we begin with the block east of the one last mentioned; and first, the dwelling house of Paul Wertz was literally blown away; and so, also, w^ere the' residences of N. P. War- riner, and of Mrs. Morrison, and Mrs. Carson. Proceeding with his melancholy task, the writer has again arrived at Lexington street, at a point where the cyclone again narrowed its destruc- tive work, and thence northward, embraced only two blocks. First, on the west, starting northward, is the lumber yard of Brown & Limerick, which was com.pletely wrecked; the calaboose, a stone building, was par- tially blown down, but the blacksmith-shop of Ball & Asbury was totally 392 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. destroyed. In the same block, but east of the buildings mentioned, stood the residences of the late Judge Burgess, Colonel Dodd, and Houston Jacobs, all of which were swept awa3\ East of this block, the residences of George Jacobs and Wyatt Baker were destroyed. The Shaw House (now-, 1881, Wasson House), the next building north of Ball & Asbury's (now Asbury's) shop, suffered great injury. Its east wing was blown down entirely, and every portion of the building received considerable damage. Prior to the storm it was a three- story building, but has since been repaired, without replacing the third story. East of the Shaw House was the residence of James Harmony, and east of that the elegant two-story residence of John P. Leeper, occu- pied by Doctor G. W. Buchanan, both of which were entirely destroyed. Immediately east of the buildings last mentioned stood the wagon factory of Burgess Bros., the buggy factory of O. T. Dickenson, and the resi- dences of Isaac Burgess, Captain Ben. Wigginton, and R. F. Asbury, all of which were swept away. Our description has brought us to South Main street. In the two blocks of buildings on this street, extending to the northern limits of the city, were about twenty-five houses, all of which were utterly demolished, among the number we may mention the residences of David Whitmer, Benjamin Jacobs, Fritz Lierman, William Marshall, Thomas Word, J. W. Garner, Samuel Nading, John G. Ballard, T. J. Casey, F. W. Joy, Thomas McGinnis, and George Warren. The above were all one and two-story buildings, and were a total loss. In this were located the African M. E. Church, and the school-house of the colored people, both of which were torn to fragments. On the street leading northward from the public square, and which is west of the buildings last mentioned, the residences of Mrs. Mary Brown, Thomas D. Woodson and W. A. Donaldson were greatly damaged; Mrs. Brown's residence being blown to the ground. The following business houses on the east side of the public square suf- f erred material damage, viz: The three story brick dry goods store of S. R. Crispin & Co., at the southeast corner of the square. The Masonic hall was in the third story of this building, and was completely destroyed, as the third stor}'^ was blown off, as well as part of the second story; the house occupied by C. Sayre; W. R. Jackson & Co.'s furniture store ; Jackson & Asbury's saloon ; boot and shoe house of William Mar- shall; drug store of Taylor & Smith (now Smith & Patton); and the store house of Monroe Bros. All pi these, except the first mentioned, were two story brick buildings. Just north, and across the street from the last mentioned, the lumber yard of Jackson & Patton, and the wagon manufactory of Powell & Son, were destro5'ed. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 393 South of the public square the business houses of J. P. Quesenberry, Dr. M. C. Jacobs, and Kiger & Wertz were partly unroofed; and the same is true of Mosby & Son's drug store and the Ray county savings bank. The post office was literally blown away. The court house was unroofed and otherwise damaged. The livery stable of C. W. Schweich & Co. was considerably injured. Thus have we given a minute description of the entire devastated por- tion of the city, which included fully one-third of its area. The total loss of property was estimated at over $200,000. This devastating wind current was a genuine cyclone, its motion being rotary and irresistible. It was funnel-shaped in appearance, resembling a water spout. It is said that during its passage through the town, not a drop of water fell.' There were ascending and descending currents, and flying frag- ments darkened the earth. After the cyclone had passed, its desolated pathway presented the appearance of having been deluged with muddy water. This was owing to the fact that a heavy rain preceded the cyclone a moment or two. On leaving the town, the cyclone veered slightly to the east; thence north, striking Crooked river; thence west, demolishing the residence of Thomas J. Bohannon, and carrying down the iron bridge at that point; thence its course was northeast, to Hiram Settle's, seven miles from Rich- mond; there it rose from the earth, and moved directly east, passino- over Morton, a small village in the eastern portion of the county. It acrain descended to the earth at Highsinger's, a point twelve miles from where it arose, at Settle's; thence taking a northeasterly direction, it lay waste everything in its course. The storm is estimated to have been three minutes in passing through the city. It swept over that portion of the city in which were located most of the mechanical shops and factories. The destruction of property was great, indeed, but that was not irre- parable. The energetic and enterprising citizens have so repaired and rebuilt the desolated district, that now (1881) scarcely a vestige of the great cyclone of 1878 remains. The buildings which were destroyed have been replaced with new, more costly and more substantial ones. The loss of human life makes the saddest recollection of this terribly destructive cyclone. The following persons were either killed outright, or died from injuries received: Captain William M. Jacobs was caught in front of C. D. Sayre's, by the falling debris from the store and the Masonic hall, and completely buried, and was not found till eleven o'clock the following day (Sunday). Squire Bellis was buried by the fallen debris of Jackson & Patton's lum- 25 394 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ber yard. Mr. Bellis resided in the country, and was killed while seeking safety in the lumber yard. John Campbell had started from M. C. Jacobs' drug store for his home in the eastern part of the town, and when having reached a point on Lex- ington street, just beyond Brown and Limerick's lumber yard, was killed by the passing missiles. Mattie Holman, aged five years, a child of W. R. Holman, was killed. Miss Martha A. Ross, who was living at Ephraim Holman's, was crushed by the falling building, and died in a few moments. Mrs. Mary Joy was struck and killed by the falling house of F. W. Joy. Mrs. Martha A. Casey was instantly killed. James Duncan, at Powell & Son's shop, was caught up by the wind, carried one hundred yards, and mortally wounded. A missile was driven into his head, entering near the nose. He lived but a few moments. Miss Josie Couch, at the residence of William Marshall, was disem- boweled, and died in a short time. William A. Donaldson, Esq., was on his way from his law office to his, residence, when he was struck by frying debris^ and died in an hour or two. Mrs. Alvin Child was mortally wounded, and died in a short time. Andrew Nading, son of Samuel Nading, was killed in the wreck of his father's house. Miss Florence Word, whose thigh was broken, died on Tuesday even- ing, and was buried the next day. Francis M. Ball, severely bruised about the head, legs and body, died on Monday. An infant child of Charles Ottman's lived till Tuesday, when it died of injuries received in the storm. Mrs. Salina Bohannon died on Thursday morning. Miss Sarah Burgess, Berry Fox, Thomas J. Bohannon, Laura Wash- ington (colored). Following is a list of those who were seriously wounded: F. W.Joy, leg broken; C.J. Hughes, Jr., leg broken; Willie Buchanan, Miss Emma Shackelford, Miss Pauline Shackelford, Mrs. Perry Jacobs, Robert Asbury, Charles and Lee Asbury, Dr. G. W. Buchanan, George War- ren, George Crispin, James Donaldson, Blanche Harmony, Mrs. Thomas McGinnis and four children, Thomas Bohannon and wife, V. P. Bernard, Miss Mollie Streets, Colonel T. J. Dodd, Mrs. Paul Wertz, Robert OfTutt, Mrs. Belle Warriner, H. C. Burgess, Thomas Burgess, Isaac Burgess, Mrs. "William Marshall, William Burgess, Miss Mary Hughes, Mrs. Car- son and two daughters, G. W. Schweich and infant child, Miss Laura Belle Hughes, Albert Flumen, Mary E. Sheets, Thomas Word, Mary E. Casey, David Whitmer, G. T. Limerick, Mrs. Julia Shweich. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 395 A number of colored persons were also seriously injured. Many per- sons lost everything they had, and were left wounded and helpless. Those who escaped threw open their doors, taking in the wounded and homeless. Every one did all in his power to relieve the unfortunate sufferers. Peo- ple from all parts of the country gathered in Richmond, eager to lend a helping hand. On Sunday, the day after the terrible storm, a mass meeting was held and the following resolutions adopted: Whereas, An unprecedented storm has visited our city, leaving much loss of life, destruction of property and personal suffering in its pathway; therefore, be it Resolved^ That a committee of arrangements and relief be appointed to co-operate with the mayor and city authorities, consisting of ten per- sons, whose duty it shall be to receive any contributions that may be made for the relief of the poor and destitute, and to provide for and take care of the many who have been injured; and generally to make such arrangements as the circumstances may require, in aid of the suffering of our fellow citizens, occasioned by the recent storm, and for the burial of those who were killed. Resolved^ That all citizens who may feel disposed to render any assist- ance for the object contemplated by the foregoing resolution, will please to make application to some member of this committee, or to the mayor or members of the city council, who will see that all contributions are honestly and strictly applied for the relief of those needing it. That the thanks of this meeting are hereby tendered to our neighbors from the country, and citizens of other counties, for the interest and sympathy they have manifested and the aid so freely and cheerfully given, and to the medical fraternity for their prompt and skillful attention rendered to the suffering. At a meeting of the relief committee the following resolution w^as adopted: Resolved^ That Berrien J. Menefee, be, and he is hereby appointed treas- urer of this committee to receive all contributions and donations made to the relief board in money or other things, and that he apply the same under the direction of Judge Chas. J. Hughes, chairman of this committee, or of George I. Wasson, mayor of the city, and that full reports be made from time to time to this committee of the amount and character of the contributions made and how distributed. The following general committee was then appointed, viz: A. W. Doniphan, James Hughes, B. J. Menefee, C. T. Garner, Sr., Dr. W. W. Mosby, Captain J. L. Karris, Colonel J. W. Black, George N. McGee, Thomas D. Woodson and John C. Morris. On motion, Judge Hughes was made chairman of the committee. On motion of J. T. Child, a committee composed of gentlemen from each township, to solicit aid, was appointed. At a called meeting of the relief committee on Monday evening, the following action was had: 396 HISTORY OF RAYCOUNTV- On motion of James W. Black, Major R. S. Williams was instructed to employ a sufficient number of hands to remove the debris from the streets. The daily wages for laborers was fixed at $1.25. The proposition of Major McKissack, to furnish ice and transportation free was accepted, and the magnaminous offer properly acknowledged. The committee of relief met Tuesday morning. A number of telegrams were received, which the mayor was instructed to answer. Judge C. J. Hughes was directed to instruct the different towns, as to the condition of Richmond. C. T. Garner, W. P. Hubbell and W. D. Rice, were appoin- ted to ascertain the real condition of the sufferers, to take their names and ascertain their actual wants. At the suggestion of many citizens from the country, a public meeting was held in the court house yard on Monday. This meeting was attended and participated in by a large number of citizens from different parts of the county. This meeting resolved that the judge of the county court be requested to make an appropriation, if in his judgment such an appropria- tion was needed, to the sufferers of Richmond. Committees were also appointed in all of the townships to solicit aid from the citizens, and to receive and forward all contributions to the relief committee at Richmond. Besides the human beings enumerated, about ninety head of stock — horses, cattle, etc., were killed. One team of horses was lifted up and blown over the brick lumber yard of Jackson & Patton, and, being dashed to the ground, in the back yard, were killed. Chickens and geese were literally stripped of their feathers, and trees which were not blown down or torn up by their roots, were barked from bottom to top. On the west side of the cyclone, the debris moved south, on the east side it moved north, showing the rotation to have been from right to left. The postoffice building was a light, two story frame, on the east corner of the north side of the public square. It was totally demolished, and the contents scattered along the pathway of the cyclone for many miles. A registered package of stamped envelopes, intended for Millville, was found eight miles out of town. One package of envelopes for registered letters, was found in Caldwell county, twenty miles north of Richmond, and returned. One dead letter addressed, Michael Reeves, was found near James Hughes' home farm, eight miles northeast of Richmond. One package of paper, weighing two pounds, was found on a straw pile, four miles from where the postoffice stood. A registered letter was found thirteen miles north of town, lying against a house. The letter was picked up by a farmer, who, finding it contained two fifty dollar bills, returned it to the post master at Richmond. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 397 A letter was found near Tinney's Grove, twenty miles to the northeast, in Grape Grove township. A photograph of a Mrs. Engler, blown from one of the demolished residences of Richmond, was found near Tinney's Grove, twenty miles away. Thousands of persons visited Richmond for several days succeeding the storm. Nearly all came, and did all in their power to relieve the immediate wants of the sufferers. The destruction was complete over two entire blocks of buildings, from the southern to the northern limits of the city. Outside of those blocks, on either side the buildings and property, generally, were injured to a greater or less extent along its entire path. We find in the first issue of the Ray Ckro?iicIe2ii\.er^\.\\Q cyclone, the fol- lowing observations: 1. It was not over three hundred yards high. 2. The breadth of its forward motion was not more than eighty yards. 3. No rain fell during its passage. 4. The head, source, or place where the power was applied was after the cyclone was perfectly formed, a dark cloud, moving with the firmness of a mountain, and the rapidity of the swiftest horse. 5. The rotary motion gave it a lateral diameter of one hundred and fifty yards. The rotation was often so rapid as throw air waves to either side, with very destructive effects, and sometimes reaching a distance of three hundred yards bevond the main path. 6. There was no particular development of heat, as to scorch green substances or to burn persons. The ground was soaked with rain twenty minutes in advance of the cyclone, and the soil was worked into a thin mortar, and smeared overything; hence the appearance of a flood.* Two members of the city council were killed, and the council adopted the following tribute of respect: Richmond Council Room, Wednesday, June 5, 1878. City council met, and was called to order by the mayor, George I. Wasson. The roll was called. Present, the ma3^or, and councilmen, J. W. Black, James W. Garner, George A. Hughes, and William Wilson. The following resolutions were then presented by J. W. Black, and adopted by the council: Whereas, Our city having been visited on last Saturday afternoon, by a most terrible cyclone, carrying death and destruction in its pathway, and many families were rendered houseless, and the home circle bereft of of its loved ones, stricken down in its devastating course, and among that number our esteemed fellow citizens and members of the city council, Wm. A. Donaldson and Francis M. Ball; therefore be it resolved by the council, of the city of Richmond, That in the death of Wm. A. Donaldson and F. M. Ball, their families *We are indebted to the Ray Chronicle, of June 7, 1878, and to Dr. G. W. Buchanan for the history of the Richmond cyclone. 398 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. have sustained an irreparable loss, society has been deprived of two of its most worthy and useful citizens, and the city council of two of its most active, energetic and faithful members. Resolved^ That we tender to their bereaved families and relatives, our heartfelt sympathy and condolence, in this, the hour of their great affliction. * Resolved^ That a copy of these resolutions be communicated to the families of the deceased, by the city recorder, and that they be spread upon the records of the city council. Resolved^ That the Richmond Conservator and the Ray Chronicle be requested to publish these resolutions. Resolved, That in respect to the memory of the lamented deceased, we adjourn until Wednesday, June 12th, 1878. Geo. I. Wasson, Mayor. W. C. Patton, City Recorder. It is not easy to imagine how greater destruction could be wrought in the same length of time than was caused by the Richmond cyclone of June 1, 1878. It was indeed a great calamity, and will long be remem- bered. From personal experience, endured at another time, in another state, the writer is fully prepared to appreciate the suffering of those who were so unfortunate as to be in the pathway of the terribly devastating whirl- wind. With a list of the members of the bar and medical profession, and the city charter and revised ordinances of the city of Richmond, we close its history. The Richmond bar has long been noted for the ability, learning and eloquence of its members. Lawyers who have distinguished themselves in various departments of life, have either lived or practiced law at Richmond. Among them we mention: Alexander W. Doniphan, Hamilton R. Gamble, Charles French, Robert W. Wells, Abiel Leonard, Amos Rees, Thomas C. Burch, Mor- decai Oliver, Austin A. King, Peter H. Burnett, and Aaron H. Conrow. General Doniphan's fame as a soldier is world-wide. His heroic mil- itary exploits are read in the school room, and live in the hearts of his countrymen, yet he is not unknown as a brilliant and successful lawyer. He is now retired from practice, and is a resident of Richmond. As to Aaron H. Conrow, see biographical sketch in part second. The rest, including Hon. Geo. W. Dunn, are mentioned elsewhere in this work. The Richmond bar has, at present, twenty members; several of them have practiced in Richmond for many years, and are well and widely known, as well for their professional ability as for their sterling worth as members of society. The majority, however, are energetic and talented HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 399 young gentlemen, either recently admitted to the bar, or who have been engaged in the practice but a few years. Following is a list of members of the Richmond bar in April, 1881: Geo. W. Dunn, Christopher T. Garner, James W. Black, Joseph E. Black, Chas. J. Hughes, John W. Shotwell, David P. Whitmer, James L. Farris, Adam J. Barr, Elijah F. Esteb, James W. Garner, Frank G. Gibson, C. T. Garner, Jr., William S. Conrow, Thos. N. Lavelock, J. E. Ball, John R. Hamilton, John H. Dunn, George A. Stone and John F. Morton. The medical profession is most ably represented in Richmond by the following physicians, to-wit: Doctors G. W. Buchanan, H. P. Jacobs, W. W. Mosby and son, H. C. Garner, J. D. Taylor, James W. Smith, M« C. Jacobs (eclectic), and R. B. Kice (D. D. S.) Dr. Nathaniel Davis was a physician of Richmond for many years, but is now retired from the practice, and is living quietly at his home, just without the eastern limits of the city. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF RICHMOND. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri., as fol- lows : ARTICLE I. Section 1. All that district of country contained within the following- boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a point fifty-eight chains and fifty links north of public square, on the line between the land of G. W. Dunn and Mrs. Darneal; thence east to the section line between sections twenty- nine and thirty, fifty-two chains and fift3'-four links; thence south one hundred and three chams and eighty-two links; thence west one hundred and five chains and eight links; thence north one hundred and three chains and eighty-two links; thence east fifty-two chains and fifty-four links, to the place of beginning, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a city, by the name of " The City of Richmond," and the inhabitants thereof shall be, and they are hereby constituted, a body corporate and politic, by the name and style of "the mayor, councilmen, and citizens of the city of Richmond," and by that name they and their successors forever shall have perpetual succession, shall sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts of law and equity, and in all actions whatsoever; may contract and be contracted with, may pur- chase, receive, and hold property, real and personal, within said city, and may sell, lease, or dispose of the same for the benefit of the city, and may purchase, receive, and hold property, real or personal, beyond the limits of said city, to be used for the burial of the dead of the city, or for the establishment of a hospital lor the reception of persons afflicted with con- tagious or other diseases, or for the erection of a poor-house and farm, or work-house, or house of correction, and may sell, lease,or dispose of such property for the benefit of the city, and may do all other acts and things as natural persons. They may have and use a common seal, and may break, alter, change, and make a new seal at pleasure. Sec. 2. The city of Richmond hereby created, as soon as may be, shall be divided into six wards, so as to include, as near as may be, the 400 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. same number of free white male inhabitants in each ward, and the city council shall have the power to alter or change the boundaries of said wards from time to time, as they see fit, or to increase, or diminish the number of said wards, having regard to the number of free white male inhabitants, as aforesaid, so that each ward shall, as aforesaid, have, as nearly as may be, an equal rmmber of inhabitants. ARTICLE 11. Section 1. The corporate powers of the inhabitants hereby incorpor- ated under the name and style of the " mayor, councilmen, and citizens of the city of Richmond," sh Jl be vested in and exercised by a city council, to consist of one member irom each ward, to be elected by general ticket, by the qualified voters of said city, on the first Monday in April, annually, unless otherwise provided by ordinance. Sec. 2. No person shall be a member of the city council, unless he be a free white male citizen of the state of Missouri, over the age of twenty- one years, and shall have resided within the city limits three months, next preceding his election, and be a bona fide resident of the ward for which he is elected. Sec. 3. If a councilman shall, after his election, remove from the ward from which he was chosen, his office shall be thereby vacated. Sec. 4. The council, in the absence of the mayor, shall elect one of their number to be a president -pro tempore of the council, and the presi- dent -pro tempore thus elected, shall, during the absence from the cit}' of the mayor, or of a vacancy in the office, or of inabihty of the mayor to serve, perform all the duties of mayor. Sec. 5. The mayor and the city council shall and may annually choose such agents and servants as they shall deem necessary in the transaction of their business, and remove them at pleasure. Sec. 6. The mayor and the city council shall be the judges of the elec- tion returns, and qualifications of such mayor and members of said city council, and shall determine contested elections. Sec. 7. A majority of the council shall constitute a quorum to do busi- ness, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may com- pel the attendance of absent members in such a manner, and under such penalties, as the council may prescribe. Sec. 8. The council may determine the rules of their proceedings, punish their members for disorderly conduct, and, with the concurrence of two thirds of all the members elected, expel a member, but not a sec- ond time for the same offense. Sec. 9. The mayor and council shall keep a journal of their proceed- ings, and the ayes and nays of the members on any question shall, at the desire of any member present, be entered on the journal. Sec. 10. Neither the mayor or any member of the council shall, dur- ing the time for which he or they are elected, be appointed to any office under the provisions of this act, unless a petition to that effect be signed by two-thirds of the qualified voters of the city. Sec. 11. All vacancies that shall occur in the council shall be filled in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance. Sec. 12. Every member of the council, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall, in addition to the oath of office hereinafter required, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 401 make affidavit that it is his bona fide intention to reside within the ward for which he was elected during the term for which he was elected. Sec. 13. Whenever there shall be a tie in the election of members of the council, the judges of election shall certify the same to the mayor, or person exercising the duties of mayor, who shall immediately thereupon issue his proclamation, stating such facts, and ordering a new election, giving twenty days' previous notice thereof, and if such ties shall occur upon any election for mayor, such judges of election shall certify the same to the city council, and such council, after qualification, shall elect between such candidates having an equal number of votes; and in the fur- ther event that neither of such candidates for mayor shall receive a majority of the votes of said council, a new election for maj'or shall be ordered by said council immediately, giving twenty days' previous notice of the time and place of such election. Sec. 14. There shall be stated meetings of the council once in ever}'- calendar month, at such time and place as the council, by ordinance, shall designate, and other and further proceedings of said council may be con- vened by the mayor or person discharging the duties of mayor, at any time in his discretion, provided always that said maj^or and council may adjourn any meeting from day to day, or to any time within said calendar month. Sec. 15. Upon the passage of all and every bill appropriating money, imposing taxes, or increasing, lessening or abolishing licenses, or borrow- ing money, the yeas and nays shall be entered upon the journal upon the motion of the mayor or any member of the council. Sec. 16. A majority of all the members of the council shall be neces- sary to pass any tax bill, or bills appropriating any sum amounting to one hundred dollars, or any other bill or bills, involving a like amount in any- wise increasing, affecting or diminishing the city revenue. ARTICLE III. Section. 1. The council shall have power within the city ordinance: 1st, To levy and collect taxes not exceeding three-fifths of one per centum per annum upon the assessed value of all property made taxable by law, for state purposes, and also to provide for the collection of the same by the sale of real and personal estate within the city, in such manner as this act or the council by ordinance shall provide. 2d, To borrow money on the credit of the city, upon a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers of the council. 3d, To appropriate money and provide for the pay- ment of the debts, appropriations, contracts, liabilities and expenses of the city. 4th, To make regulations to guard against and prevent the introduction of contagious and infectious diseases into the city, and to make quarantine laws for that purpose, and enforce the same within two miles of the city. 5th, To establish hospitals, employ physicians' attend- ance, and procure drugs and medicines, and to make regulations for the government and care thereof. 6th, To make regulations to secure the general health of the inhabitants, and to abate, prevent, and remove nuis- ances. 7th, To provide the city with water, by digging wells, making cisterns, and improving springs and creeks, and. erecting and providing pumps on the streets, avenues, and sidewalks within the boundaries of the city, for the convenience of the inhabitants thereof. 8th, To create, open 402 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. alter, abolish, widen, extend, establish, grade, pave, or otherwise improve, and to clean, macadamize and keep in repair streets, avenues, lanes and alleys within the city, with the express restriction that the council shall not establish, or open, any street, lane, avenue or alley through any property which has not been laid out into town lots, and a plat thereof filed accord- ing to law, unless by the written consent of the proprietors of such prop- erty; provided always, that the council may, by ordinance, require the owner of such property, when laid out into lots, or outlots, to have the streets, lanes, alleys, or avenues to correspond as near as may be with the streets, lanes, alleys or avenues in use in the city; and no lane, or avenue, or alley shall be altered unless such city council shall pay the owner of such real estate such damages as may be found due to such proprietor, to be ascertained by a jury of twelve men, or by any other provisions as the council may, bv ordinance, prescribe, or by any other legal proceedings. 9th, To establish, erect and keep in repair, bridges, culverts and sewers, and regulate the use of the same. 10th, To establish, sup- port and regulate the night watch and patrol. 11th, To erect market- houses, establish markets and places, and provide for the government and regulation thereof. 12th, To^provide for the erection of all needful build- ■ ings, for the use of the city. 13th, To provide for enclosing and improv- ing any real estate belonging to the city. 14th, To license, tax and regu- late auctioneers, grocers, merchants, retailers, dram shop keepers,, ordinaries, taverns' and inns. 15th, To license, tax, regulate and restrain and suppress hawkers, peddlers, shows, theatrical and other performances and exhibitions. 16th, To license, tax and suppress, pro- hibit and restrain gaming and gambling houses, bawdy houses, and other disorderlv houses. I7th, To provide for the extinguishment of tires, and prevention thereof; to organize and establish fire companies, and to provide necessary and suitable engines, hose, buckets, ladders, fireworks and apparatus; also to regulate and prevent the carr;ying on of any business, pursuit or manufactorv of a character to cause or produce fires, or preju- dical, or injurious to the health of inhabitants, and to compel the owners of the houses and other buildings to have scuttles upon the roofs of any such houses or buildings, and stairs and ladders leading to the same. 18th, To regulate and order the cleaning of chimneys, and to fix the flues thereof, to regulate the storage of gunpowder, tar, pitch, resin, hemp, cotton, and all other combustible materials, and to regulate the use of lights and lighted lamps or candles in all stables, shops and other places; to remove or prevent the construction of any fire-place, hearth, chimney, stove, oven, boiler, kettle, or apparatus used in any house, building, man- ufactory, or business which may be dangerous in causing or promoting fire, to prohibit under suitable penalties the firing of fire-crackers, and the discharging of fire arms, to direct the safe construction of deposits for ashes and to enter into at reasonable hours, or to appoint one or more ofli- cers at reasonable times to enter into and examine all out-houses, lots, yards, enclosures, and out-buildings of every description, in order to dis- cover whether any of them are in a dangerous state, and to cause such as may be found by tlie verdict of a jury to be dangerous, to be put in safe and secure condition. TJth, To provide for the inspection and weighing of hay, the storing and measuring of charcoal, stone coal, fire wood, and other fuel to be used in the city. 20th, To regulate the inspection of but- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 403- ter, lard and other provisions, vendincr of meat, poultry, butter, eggs, and fruit, and to suppress the huckstering within market hours. 21st, To pro- vide for taking an enumeration of the inhabitants of the city. 22d, To provide for the election of all elective city officers, and provide for the removing from office an}' person holding an office created by this act or by ordinance not otherwise provided for, to fix the compensation of the city officers and regulate the fees of all jurors, witnesses and others for services rendered under this act or an}' ordinance. 23d, To regulate the police of the city, to impose fines, forfeitures, and penalties for the breach of any citv ordinance, and provide for the recovery, and appropriating such fines and forfeitures, and the enforcement of such penalties. 24th, To erect a workhouse and house of correction, and provide for the regulation and government thereof. 25th, To levy and collect a poll tax, not exceeding one dollar, upon every free V\'hite male person over twenty-one years of age, who shall have resided three months within the city. 26th,, To remove all obstacles from the side-walks, and for the cleaning of the same, and of the gutters at the expense of the owners of the ground front- ing thereon. 27th, To prevent and restrain any riot, noise, disturbance or disorderly assemblage in any street, house, or place in the city. 2Sth,. To prevent and remove all obstructions in and upon all streets, lanes, avenues and alleys, established b}^ law or ordinance. 29th, To have and exercise complete control over any commons belonging to the city, and all property belonging to the city, real and personal, whether lying in or beyond the limits of the corporation created b}- this act, and the same to lease, sell, transfer and dispose of either absolutely or with limitation, to any person or persons whatsoever. 30th, To make such general rules, regulations, bv-laws and ordinances, for the purpose of maintaining the peace, good morals, and good government and order of the city of Rich- mond, and the trade, commerce, business and manufacturers thereof, as the city council may deem expedient, not repugnant to the constitu- tion or general laws of the state, and also to enforce the observance thereof, by inflicting penalties upon any inhabitants thereof, or other person or persons for violation of anv ordinance, not exceeding ninety dollars for anv one offense, to be recoverable with costs in any action of debt, by and in the name of the "mayor, councilmen and citizens of the city of Richmond," for the use of the city, before the recorder of any court having jurisdiction or cognizagce of the same. 31st, To make all ordinances subject to restriction in the last preceding subdi- vision of this section, specified, which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into effect the powers specified in this section, and all other powers vested by this act in the corporation, the city government, or any department or officer thereof. 32d, That all taxation laws passed by this city council, other than those applying to hucksters, menageries, circuses, concerts, shows, theatrical exhibitions and similar amusements, shall be based upon the ad -valorem principle. 33d, No monev shall be drawn from the treasury, except in pursuance of an ordinance or resolution of the city council regularly passed, at a regular or special meeting of the coun- cil. 34th, Every ordinance or resolution passed by the city council, shall be signed by the mayor or president pro tern, of the city council, and attested by the clerk of the city council before it takes effect. 35th,, The style of the ordinances of this city shall be, "Be it ordained by the city 404 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. council of the City of Richmond." 86th, All ordinances, passed b\' the city council shall, within thirty days after they become laws, be published in pamphlet form or in some newspaper printed in the city of Richmond, in the discretion of the city council, or by copies thereof set up in three public places in different parts of the city; but the failure to publish any ordinance within the time specified in this section, shall not render voici or effect the validity of any such ordinance, unless such delay may cause such ordinance to act retrospectively over the rights of individuals. 37th, All ordinances of the city may be proven by the seal of the corporation, and until a seal is provided, by the private seal of the clerk of the city council, and when such ordinances have been printed and published by the authority of the corporation, the same shall be received in evidence in all courts and places without further proof. Sec 2. No person shall, within the limits of this city, directly or indi- rectly, sell intoxicating liquors, of any kind, without first taking out a special license therefor, obtained as may be prescribed by the city council by ordinance. Upon every license there shall be levied a tax not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for city purposes, at the dis- cretion of the city council for every period of six months. Sec. 3. No person having a license, as in the last preceding section provided, shall directly or indirectly, sell, barter, exchange or give away any intoxicating liquor, or strong drink of any kind, to any slave with- out permission in writing from the rAaster, owner or overseer of such slave. Sec. 4. No person having a license from the city council, as above provided, shall, directl}' or indirectly, sell, barter, exchange, or give away any intoxicating liquor, or strong drink of any kind, to any apprentice or minor, without first having permission in writing from the parent, guar- dian, or person with whom the minor may at the time be living or board- ing, and in case of apprentices from the person to whom the individual is bound, or his parent. Sec. 5. Any person convicted of a violation of either of the preced- ing sections of this act, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty, nor more than one hundred dollars for each oflense, to be recovered as may be prescribed by ordinance. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. The chief executive of this city shall be the mayor, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city, and shall hold his office for the term of one year, and until his successor is dul}^ elected and qualified, provided that an election to fill a vacancy shall be only for the remainder of the term for which his predecessor was elected. Sec. 2. No person shall be mayor, who, at the time of his election, is not possessed of the qualifications for a councilman. Sec. 3. If two or more persons shall have an equal number of votes for mayor, or if the election be contested, the city council shall decide the election by vote. Sec. 4. Whenever any vacancy shall happen in the office of mayor it shall be filled by election, in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance. Sec. 5. The mayor may be removed from office for any misdemeanor, by a majority of two-thirds of the city council. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 405 Sec. 6. The mayor shall act as president of the city council, and shall (have) power to nominate, and by and with the consent of the city coun- cil, to appoint all city officers not ordered by this act to be otherwise appointed. He shall take care that the ordinances of the city are duly performed, enforced, respected and observed in the city. He may remit lines, punishments, forfeitures and penalties accruing from or imposed for the violation of any law or ordinance of the city. He may fill all vacan- cies which may occur in any elective office other than that of a member of the council, until the same be filled by election; and in any other office until the end of the next session of the council, which may happen after the vacancy shall have occurred. He shall, from time to time, give to the city council information relative to the state of the city, and shall rec- ommend to their consideration such measures as he may deem expedient for the advantage of the city. The mayor, while presiding in the city council, shall have no vote on any measure or question, except there be a tie, in which case he shall'give the casting vote. Sec 7. The mayor may call special meetings of the council by proc- lamation or by written notice. Sec. 8. Whenever a special session of the council shall have been called by the mayor, he shall state to them when assembled, the cause for which they have convened. Sec. 9. There shall be a recorder within and for said city, who shall be ex-officio clerk of the city council, and perform such other duties as the city council may direct; a city treasurer, a city constable, a city assessor, and city attorney, who in addition to the duties prescribed in this act, shall perform such other duties prescribed by ordinance. All of said officers shall be elected by the qualifed voters of the city at the regular annual city election, on the first Monday in April of each year. There shall also be such other officers, servants and agents of the corporation as may be provided by ordinance, to be appointed by the mayor, by and with the consent and advice of the city council, and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance, and such officers shall be removable at the pleasure of the city council, by a majority of two-thirds of the city council. Sec. 10. The city council may, by ordinance, provide for the election by the qualified voters of the city, of any of the officers. Sec 11. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the city council to keep a journal of the proceedings of the council, to record in a separate book all ordinances or resolutions appropriating mone3%to keep a record of all the official acts of the mayor, and when necessary to attest them; he shall keep and preserve in his office the common seal of the city, and all records, public papers and documents, not properly belonging to any other officer. Sec 12. It shall be the duty of the city treasurer to receive and keep the money of the city, and to pay out the same on warrants drawn by the mayor or other officers authorized by ordinance to draw them. Sec 13. The city constable shall, within the city, possess the same powers, perform the same duties, and receive the same fees and compen- sation as the constable of Richmond township, for similar services. He shall execute and return all process to him directed, whenever issued by the mayor, recorder, or any member of the city council, or by a justice of 406 'HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the peace, when any justice of the peace is authorized to issue process under this act, or any ordinance of the city; he shall also be collector of the city taxes. Sec. 14. The mayor and all other officers of the corporation shall reside within the limits of the corporation during their continuance in office, and if the mayor of the corporation shall cease to reside within the limits of the same, his office shall be thereby vacated. Sec. 15. The recorder shall be a resident of the city, and shall possess the same qualifications as the mayor and city council, and shall hold his office one year, and until his successor is duly commissioned and qualified. Such recorder may be removed from office in the same manner as the mayor. He shall have the same jurisdiction as the justices of the peace within and for the limits of the city. He shall have exclusive juris- diction over all cases arising under any ordinance of said city, subject, however, in all cases, to an appeal to the circuit court of Ray county, and every such appeal shall be granted as in this act is expressed. He shall have power under the seal of the city, to take and certify the acknowledgement of deeds, conveyances and all other instruments of writing requiring authentication, and such deeds, conveyances or other instruments may be recorded in any county of the state, or may be read in evidence in any court in this state, without further authentication; he shall be authorized to administer oaths and affirmations, and take and cer- tify depositions; he shall be entitled, in all cases, to the same fees which are now, or may be hereafter allowed by law to justices of the peace for similar services, which shall be taxed and collected as other costs, by fee bill or execution. Sec. 16. In the event of the absence, sickness, removal, or inability of the recorder to act, any justice of the peace, residing within the limits of the city, shall have power to hear, try and determine all cases properly cognizable before the recorder; and if no justice of the peace should be residing in said city, then any justice of the peace within and for Rich-, mond township, shall have power to hear, try and determine all cases properly cognizable before the recorder. ARTICLE V. Section 1. A general election for all the officers of corporation required to be elected by this act or by any ordinance of the city, shall be holden on the first Monday in April in each year, unless otherwise provided by^ ordinance. Sec 2. At all elections for city officers, the voters shall vote viva voce^ and the manner and place of holding such election shall be regulated by ordinance. Sec 3. Three judges of election, and two clerks shall be appointed by the city council, unless otherwise provided by ordinance; they shall take an oath to faithfully and impartially discharge their duties; they shall open the polls at nine o'clock in the morning, and keep open until six o'clock in the afternoon, when they shall proceed forthwith publicly to ascertain the result of the election, and when ascertained to make proclam- ation thereof. The poll books shall be, after certified as aforesaid, returned by the clerks of the election to the city council, there to remain for inspection and examination. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 407 Sec. 4. All persons qualified as electors under the tenth section of the third article of the constitution of the state of Missouri, who shall have resided three months within the cit}' next precedinf^ the elections shall be deemed qualified voters at all elections for city officers. Sec 5. Elections for city officers shall continue for one day only; special elections to fill vacancies shall be held under such regulations as may be provided by city ordinance. ARTICLE VI. Section 1. It shall not be lawful for the city council to grade, pave or macadamize any streets, lanes or avenues not opened, and established according to law or ordinance; it shall be lawful, nevertheless, for the city council to order the owner or owners of ground fronting on any private alley to keep the same clean, and if necessary thereto, to direct him or them to pave the same. Sec. 2. When it is necessary to take private property for opening, widening, altering or extending any pubHc street, lane or avenue, the cor- poration shall make a just compensation therefor to the person whose property is taken, and if the amount of such compensation cannot be agreed upon, the recorder shall cause the same to be ascertained by a jury of twelve disinterested free-holders of the city. Sec 3. In opening, altering, widening or extending alleys through blocks or squares of the city, the same proceeding shall be had in case of opening, widening, altering or extending public streets, lanes or avenues, with the addition that the jury will ascertain the amount of benefit that will accrue to the person whose property is taken, and those who may have petitioned for the opening, widening, altering or extending of such alley. Sec 4. When the owners of the major part of all the property on the street, lane, avenue or alley proposed to be opened, widened, altered or extended shall petition therefor, the mayor and city council may open, widen, alter or extend such street, lane, avenue or alley, upon conditions prescribed by ordinance, but no compensation shall, in such case, be made to those whose property shall be taken for opening, widening, altering or extending such street, lane, avenue or alley, who have petitioned for the same; nor shall there be any assessment of benefit or damaged that may accrue thereby to any of the petitioners. Sec 5. All jurors empanelled to inquire into amount of benefit or damages which shall happen to any owner of property proposed to be taken for opening, widening, altering or extending any street, lane, avenue or alley, shall first be sworn to that effect, and shall return to the mayor their inquest, signed by each juror. Sec 6. The mayor shall have power, for good cause shown in ten days after inquest shall have been returned to him, as mentioned in pre- ceding section, to set the same aside and cause a new inquest to be made. Sec 7. The mayor and councilmen shall have power by ordinance to enforce the payment of all sums, which a jury shall declare to be the amount of benefits accruing to the owners of property upon which any alley shall be opened, widened, altered or extended, if the owner be one of the petitioners for opening, widening, altering or extending such alley. Sec 8. The mayor and council shall have power by ordinance to levy 408 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. and collect a special tax on the holders of any lots or any street, lane, or avenue or alley, or any part of any street, lane, avenue or alley, accord- ing to the respective fronts owned by them, for the purpose of paving or grading such street, lane, avenue or alley, provided always said tax shall not exceed three-fifths of one per centum; nor shall the grading or paving be done at the expense of the owners of the lots fronting on the street, lane, avenue or alley, unless a petition for such grading and paving, signed by the owners of a major part of the ground fronting thereon, be presented for such purpose. Sec. 9. The city council shall have power by ordinance to direct the manner in which any property, real or personal, advertised for sale or sold for taxes, general or special, or for the costs of any improvement done, or ordered to to be done by the authority of the corporation, may be redeemed. Sec. 10. Lands within the limits of the city, which have not been laid off into blocks or lots, shall not be taxed or assessed, otherwise than by the acre as agricultural or waste land, and shall continue to be so taxed and assessed until laid off" into blocks or lots by the owners, respectively; and the owners of such lands, in laying the same oft" into blocks or lots, shall so arrange the streets that they shall* correspond with the present established streets of the city. ARTICLE VII. Section 1. The city council shall cause to be published at the end of each fiscal year, a full, complete and detailed statement of all moneys received and expended by the corporation during the preceding fiscal year, and on what account received and expended, classifying each receipt and expenditure under its appropriate head. Sec. 2. All suits, actions and prosecutions mstituted, commenced or brought by the corporation hereby created, shall be instituted, com- menced and prosecuted in the name of the " mayor, councilmen and citi- zens of the city of Richmond." Sec. 3. All actions, fines, taxes, penalties and forfeitures which have accrued to " the inhabitants of Richmond," or the trustees of said town under their former incorporation, and the by-laws and ordinances for the recovery of which no suits or actions at law shall have been commenced or instituted, shall be, and the same is hereby vested in, and be prosecuted for b}' the corporation hereby created. Sec. 4. All property, real, personal, or mixed, money, effects and choses in actions now or heretofore belonging to "the inhabitants of the town of Richmond," or the trustees of said town in their corporate capacity shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be vested in the name of the corporation hereby created, for whomsoever the same may be in the possession, or under the control, any law, usage or arrangement to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 5. This charter and incorporation shall not invalidate any act done by the " inhabitants of the town of Richmond," or the trustees or any officer thereof, nor divest them of any right which may have accrued to them prior to the passage of this act. Sec. 6. This act is hereby declared to be a public act, and may be read in evidence in all courts of law and equity in this state without further proof. Sec. 7. All persons residing within the limits of the city of Richmond HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 4Q9 are hereby exempted from working upon any road without and beyond the boundaries of said city, and from paying any tax, fine or penalty, to be applied to employ laborers, furnish means or tools, or provide materials to work, or to be used upon any road beyond the limits of said city. Sec. 8. Any and all persons who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to pay any fine, forfeiture, penalty or costs imposed upon him or them, by any ordinance of said city, for any misdemeanor, after conviction thereof by the verdict of a jury, shall and may be committed to the common jail of Ray county, by the recorder of said city or other officer having jurisdic- tion, until such fine and costs are paid, provided that such imprisonment shall not exceed the term of ninety days, to be regulated by ordinance, and to be found by such jury, and any such commitment shall be recalled by any such committing officer whenever the person to be fined, convicted or imprisoned shall take an appeal to the Ray circuit court, according to the rules and regulations and provisions governing the taking of appeals from the justices of the peace to the circuit court, provided, nevertheless, that the corporation hereby created shall be liable for costs, fees and other expenses incurred under this section, whenever the person so con- victed, sentenced and imprisoned is unable to pay the same. Sec. 9. The fiscal year of said city shall terminate on the day preced- ing the second Monday of March, of each year, and such period, or ter- mination of said fiscal year may be altered or changed by the city council by ordinance. Sec. 10. There shall be a digest or revision of the ordinances of the city which are of a public or general nature, published in a newspaper, printed in said city, or in pamphlet form, or in both, in the discretion of the city council, within twelve months after the passage of this act, and a like digest within every period of three years thereafter. Sec. 11. The council may provide by ordinance for the collecting, from every delinquent officer of the city, any revenue, money, or property improperly detained, or not accounted for by such officer, and may pro- vide the penalty or punishment for such delinquency or failure to account for such money or property. Sec. 12. The city council, or any officer or department thereof, shall not have the power to issue any bills, scrip, or paper, of any description soever, to circulate as currency, or representative thereof; but any war- rant, draft, note, obligation, or bond of the city may be transferred and made transferable by endorsement thereon from each holder, under such restrictions and regulations as the city council may prescribe, not contrary to the true meaning and intent of this section. Sec. 13. Whenever any real estate shall have been advertised for sale, or shall have been sold for the payment of any fine, judgment, penalty, forfeiture or taxes, or in consequence of a failure upon the part of the ov/ner thereof to grade, pave or curb the front of any sidewalk fronting upon any public street or avenue by the authority of the corporation, such owner or owners, whether resident or non-resident of said city, may within two years after such sale redeem the same by paying to the pur- chaser or purchasers thereof the full amount of said purchase money, and all taxes subsequently paid thereon, together with all costs and full value of any useful or necessary improvements or needful repairs made thereon 26 410 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. by such purchasers, to be assessed by a jury of twelve householders before the recorder of said city, together with one hundred per centum upon the original amount of purchase money paid therefor by such pur- chaser, provided, however, that married women, persons of unsound mind, and minors shall have the period of five 3^ears after such disabilities are removed to appear and redeem the land sold as above provided. Sec. 14 Any purchaser of any real estate, sold for the non-payment of any fine, judgment, penalty, forfeiture, or taxes, or in consequence of a failure on the part of the owner thereof to grade, curb, or pave any front or sidewalk fronting upon any public street or avenue, upon the payment to the treasurer of the corporation hereby created, of the purchase money thereof, shall receive of and from such treasurer a certificate of the payment of said amount of purchase money, describing such real estate by lot and number, upon the recorded plat of said town of Rich- mond, or by the metes and bounds thereof, and briefly describing the judgment, penalty, forfeiture, tax, or improvement, for the non-payment of which the same was sold, together with the date of sale, which certifi- cate shall be countersigned by the mayor of said city, under the seal of the corporation. Sec. 15. Any holder of such certificate, after the lapse of two years from the date thereof, (if a resident or non-resident owner of such real estate shall have failed, neglected, or refused to redeem the same in the manner provided by this act), upon the production of such certificate at any regular session of the city council, and upon said council, or a major- ity of them being satisfied by the affidavit of such purchaser, or other- wise, that said owner has failed to redeem the estate herein described within two years after the sale of such real estate, and the date of such certificate, such purchaser shall receive a deed of conveyance from the said corporation, conveying to such purchaser the real estate described in such certificate. Sec. 16. The deed of conveyance referred to in the foregoing section of this article shall be made and executed by the mayor of the city of Richmond in the name of said city, and shall recite the judgment, penal- ties, forfeitures, taxes or neglected improvement, together with a law or ordinance under which the (same) was sold, the advertisement of sale, time, place and term of sale, the fact of the sale, the consideration, the certificate granted by the treasurer, and the failure to redeem, and shall convey the premises as described in such certificate by the operative words "assign, transfer, convey and confirm" to such purchaser and his heirs and assigns forever, reserving the right of married women, persons of unsound mind and minors, as hereinbefore provided. Such conveyance shall be signed by said mayor, and attested under the seal of the said cor- poration, and shall be acknowledged before any officer (other than the recorder of the citv) authorized to take acknowledgments of instruments of writing, conveying real estate under the laws of the state of Missouri. Sec. 17. Such deed of conveyance so executed and acknowledged shall vest in such purchaser all the right, title and interest, estate and property of the previous owner of such real estate, and shall be admitted as evidence in any court within this state in any suit or action at law, or in equity as prima facie evidence of title without further proof. Sec. 18. The owner of any real estate sold under the provisions of this HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 411 act, or his widow, heirs or executors, or administrators, may any time within two years after such sale, redeem the same by paying to the pur- chaser thereof, or to the treasurer of the corporation hereby created, the amount paid by said purchaser, and all taxes subsequently thereon, to- gether with the value of any and all useful or necessary improvements and needful repairs made thereon by such purchaser, together with one hun- dred per centum upon the original amount of purchase money paid there- for, and upon such payment shall receive from the said council, attested by the mayor, under the seal of the corporation, a quietus to the title thereto conforming as nearly as may be the quietus granted by the state of Missouri under analogous circumstances, and such quietus shall fully vest all the title to such real estate in the original owner. Sec. 19. All surplus money received by the corporation hereby created, arising from the sale of any real estate over and above the amount due for taxes, fines, forfeitures, penalties, judgments and costs, at the time of such sale, shall be paid over to the owner of such real estate ; or his legal representatives, in the event of his decease, may appy to the city council for such surplus, who shall issue a warrant on the city treasurer in favor of the owner of such real estate at the time of such sale, or his representatives, for such amount so paid into the city treasurer for his use. Sec. 20. All prosecutions for misdemeanors shall be instituted before the recorder or other officer having jurisdiction thereof, as in this act is herein expressed and directed. Sec. 21. The true intent and meaning of this act is, an appeal shall be allowed to the Ray circuit court from the final judgment of the recorder or other officer having jurisdiction of the subject matter, (other than for contempt of court) or from the finding of any jury in like manner and with like effect, as appeals are allowed fi-om justices of the peace to said <:ourt, any law or usage, or any provision or construction of this act to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 22. Whenever an appeal shall be allowed to the Ray circuit court from the verdict and finding of any jury, or fi-om the judgment of the recorder or other officer having jurisdiction under this act, such appeal, if involving a charge of misdemeanor, shall be tried by said cir- cuit court before a jury of six men, and such misdemeanor shall be pun- ished in the manner and according to the provisions of this act, and the ordinance of the city council governing such original trial, not incon- sistent with, or repugnant to the same, any law or usage to the con- trary notwithstanding, and if such appeal be taken from the judgment of the recorder or other officer, or finding of any jury, in any act to recov r any tax, fine or penalty, or forfeiture, other than a misdemeanor for the breach of any law or ordinance or by-law of said city, such action shall be tried before such circuit court as appeals from justices of the peace, and shall be governed and determined in all respects and particulars as nearly as may be according to such existing law, ordinance or by-law of the said cit}^ of Richmond, and provisions thereof, before such recorder or other officer having jurisdiction upon such original trial, any law or usage to the con- trary notwithstanding. Sec. 23. The practice and proceedings before the recorder under this act, for the recovery of any fines, tax, penalty or forfeiture, for the breach 412 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. of any city ordinance or by-laws, (unless when herein otherwise expressly provided,) shall conform in all respects and particulars as nearly as may be to the laws of the state of Missouri regulating justices' courts. Sec. 24. In all cases, where a judgment shall be rendered by the re- corder or other officer having jurisdiction, against any defendant for any fine, penalty, or forfeiture, or for the breach of any law or ordinance, or upon the verdict and finding of any jury, and such judgment, verdict, and finding of any jury or part thereof involves the imprisonment of the de- fendant, it shall be the duty of said recorder or other officer having juris- diction, to forthwith order such defendant into the custody of the city con- stable, and to issue a mittimus or commitment committing such defendant to the common jail of said county, and such defendant shall, from the making of such order or the issual of such commitment, remain in safe custody, unless discharged by the taking and effecting an appeal as here- inbefore provided, or until discharged by due course of law. Sec. 25. Upon the filing of any charge or misdemeanor by the city attorney against any person or persons as provided in this act, it shall be the duty of the recorder or other officer, having iurisdiction, to issue his war- rant, reciting such charge directed to the city constable, and commanding him forthwith to apprehend such person or persons, and bring him or them before such officer having jurisdiction, to be further dealt with according to law, and such city constable shall execute such warrant in any part of Ray county. Sec. 26. In all cases of misdemeanor committed, or charged to be committed, within the city limits, the accused shall be entitled to a sum- marv trial by jury before the recorder or other officer having jurisdiction. Sec. 27. The constable or any other officer shall have power to arrest any offenders against the laws or ordinances of the city of Richmond, and bring him or them before the proper officers without a warrant. Sec. 28. All persons charged with misdemeanors shall be entitled to six peremptory challenges, and the city attorney or other officers shall be entitled to three, and the jury shall consist of six persons qualified under the laws of the state of Missouri to serve as jurors. Sec. 29. Richmond College and the lands thereto belonging, the fair grounds and the land thereto belonging, all schools und academies and institutions of learning, male and female, churches and all other public property shall be exempt from the provisions of this act, in relation to taxes, streets, lanes and alleys, and avenues, so long as they remain and are used for such purposes. Sec. 30. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to interfere with the jurisdiction heretofore exercised by the grand jury and the circuit court within and for Ray county, over crimes and misdemeanors within the limits of the city, and the punishment thereof by indictment and trial thereon in said circuit court. Sec. 31. The said city council shall not have power to borrow money on the credit of the city at anv time at higher rate of interest than the then legal and lawful rate of interest per annum. Sec. 32. That Humphrey J. Comer, Joseph S. Hughes, Jacob Dar- neal, Wilson R. Holman and Patrick Smith, be, and the same are hereby appointed and authorized, immediately after receiving this charter from the legislature, to lay off the city into seven wards, according to the pro- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 413 visions of this act, and immediately thereafter to order an election, giving ten days notice previous thereto, for all the officers provided herein to be elected, who shall serve in their office respectively until the annual election on the- first Monday in April, A. D. 1858, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Sec. 33. The general assembly of the state of Missouri, may at any time, alter, amend or repeal this charter. Sec. 34. All acts and parts of acts contrary to, and inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Sec. 35. The secretary of the state of Missouri, shall, as soon as this act is approved by the governor, transmit to Humphrey J. Comer, a copy thereof, certified under the seal of Missouri. This act shall take .effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved November 9, 1857. I, B. F. Massey, secretary of state, hereby certify the foregoing copy of an act entitled: "An act to incorporate the city of Richmond," is a true copy of the original roll now on file in this office. -—-^ — In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my name and J ) affixed the seal of office. Done at the office of secretary of ( f state, in the city of Jefferson, the 29th day of December, A. D. -— . 1857. B. F. Massey, Secretary of State, REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND, MISSOURI. AN ordinance in RELATION TO ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond^ as follows : Section 1. That for the support of the city government, there shall be levied annuall}^ a tax for general purposes, on all property, personal, real and mixed, within the limits of said city, subject to taxation for state and county purposes, not exceeding fifty cents on the one hundred dollars assessed value thereof. Sec. 2. The recorder shall on or before the first day of August of each year, cause to be made out and delivered to the assessor, a well bound book, suitably ruled, to contain a list of all taxable real estate in the limits of the city, in which the assessor shall correctly describe every lot or parcel of ground subject to taxation, placing opposite to such descrip- tion the name of the owner if known, and if unknown, he shall so state in an appropriate column. Sec. 3. The city recorder shall also cause to be prepared in the assess- or's book suitable columns for the assessment of personal property subject to taxation. The names of owners shall be entered in alphabetical order. Such personal assessment roll may be in the form of assessment roll for state and county taxes. Sec. 4. And to said assessment list the following oath shall be made, or the same oath as is made to assessment list for state and county taxes: AFFIDAVIT. State of Missouri, County of Ray. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the foregoing list contains a 414 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. true and correct statement of all the property made taxable by the laws of the state of Missouri, including therein the number of horses, number of neat cattle, number of sheep, number of hogs, number of asses and jennets, number of mules,' all other live stock, all farm machinery and implements, household property, musical instruments, clocks, watches, chains and appendages, sewing machmes, gold and silver plate, jewelry, household and kitchen furniture, money on hand, money deposited, notes unsecured by mortgage or deed of trust, notes secured by mortgage or deed of trust, all bonds, whether state, county, town, city, township, or of incorporated or unincorporated companies, and all other property and its value, which I owned on the 1st day of August, 18 — , or which I had under my charge or management, or any money or propert}'^ due me on said day from sol- vent persons or companies on notes, accounts, or otherwise, as fully and as specifically as I am required to make a return thereof, under the reve- nue law of this state; and I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not sent or taken, or caused to be sent or taken, any property, money or bills, bonds or notes, or other securities or evidences of debt, out of this state to avoid taxation. So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this .... day of .... 18 . . . Sec. 5. If any person shall fail, neglect or refuse to return said list with the blanks therein properl}'- filled, and the certificate thereto properly sworn to, within ten days, to the assessor, the assessor shall assess the whole property belonging to, or in the charge of such person, at such amount as he may deem just and proper. Sec. 6. If any person required to list his property shall do so falsely, the assessor shall list the same anew, and assess it at double its cash value. It shall also be the duty of the assessor to list and assess all personal property he may find in said city, when the owner thereof is unknown. Sec 7. If at any time it shall be ascertained by the assessor, that any property, either real, personal or mixed, has escaped assessment or taxa- tion for one or two years past, he shall assess the same for such years, noting the amount due for each year. Sec 8. No tax shall be assessed or imposed upon the following prop- erty: Churches, chapels and other buildings used for religious worship, and land upon which they are situated, and used in connection therewith, real estate and personal property belonging to any incorporated agricul- tural society so long as the same shall be used for the purpose of such society and none other; cemeteries and grave-yards set apart and used for that purpose, all orphan asylums for the relief of sick and needy, with their furniture and equipments, and so much of the land upon which they are situated as may be exclusively used for that purpose; all libraries and their furniture and equipment belonging to any library association or society. Sec 9. The asssessor shall return this assessment list to the city coun- cil on or before the first regular meeting of such council in the month of November of each year, verified by his affidavit thereto, that he has made diligent effort to discover all the taxable property within the city limits on the 1st day of August, and that so far as he has been able to ascertain, it is correctly set forth in the foregoing lists, in the manner and of the value therein stated, according to law. HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 415 Sec. 10. As soon as may be after the return of the assessment rolls, the city council shall appoint a day for hearing objections thereto, and shall cause to be published in some newspaper, printed in said cit}'-, the following notice: Mayor's Office, Richmond^ Missouri, .... i8. .. Public notice is hereby given, that the assessment roll of taxable real and personal estate in the city of Richmond, for the year 18 — , has been com- pleted and returned to the city council by the assessor. All persons feel- ing themselves aggrieved by the assessment of their property, are hereby notified to file their objections in the office of the city recorder, on or before the day of 18 . . . . Mayor. Sec. 11. All complaints concerning assessments shall be inquired into and determined in a summary Imanner, correcting any errors that may appear, and increasing or diminishing assessments, as the council, sitting as a court of appeals and board of equalization, may deem just and equitable. Sec. ] 2. When said roll has been revised and corrected as provided for in the last preceding section, an order shall be entered of record by the council, declaring the same affirmed, and ordering the recorder to file the same in his office. Sec 13. The city council, immediately after such confirmation, shall proceed to levy such tax as may be deemed necessary for all purposes mentioned in the charter aud ordinances of the city, provided that the sum so levied shall in no case exceed the per centum specified in the constitu- tion of the state of Missouri. Sec 14. The city recorder shall, within twenty days after the confir- mation of said assessment roll, make or cause to be made, and deliver to the city collector a full and complete copy of such assessment roll, the different taxes extended thereon, with a warrant thereto attached, which may be in the following form: warrant. State of Missouri, County of Ray, ss. Whereas, The city council of the city of Richmond did, on the day of , A. D., 18. ., levy and assess upon the assessed value lor the year 18 . . , of the real and personal estate herein before described, the several sums set opposite thereto in the appropriate columns respectively, [here insert the particular taxes levied] for the municipal year ending Now, therefore, you are commanded to make, levy, and collect the said several sums of money set opposite the real and personal estate hereinbe- fore described, as taxes thereon for the year aforesaid, of the goods and chattels of the respective owners of said real and personal estate, and hereof make due return in what manner you shall execute this warrant on or before the .... day of .... next after this date. > Mayor of the city of Richmond, Missouri. Attest : , Recorder. Sec 15. The recorder, at the time of delivering said assessment book, shall take the receipt of the collector thereof, and charge him with the amount thereof 416 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Sec. 16. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 17. This ordinance to take effect from and after its publication. Approved November 1, 1878. Geo. I. Wasson, Mayor. W. C. Patton, Clerk. AN ordinance in RELATION TO CITY ATTORNEY. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond^ as follows : Section 1. On Tuesdav, after the first Monday in April, in each year, there shall be elected a city attorney, who shall hold his office for the period of one year, and untl his successor shall be elected and qualified, and shall take and subscribe an oath, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, to support the constitution of the United States and the state of Missouri, to faithfully demean himself in his office. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the city attorney to act as the legal counselor for the city, in all cases, and prosecute before the recorder, or a justice of the peace, all the actions on behalf of the city, and to defend all actions brought against the city. Sec. 3. it shall be a misdemeanor in the city attorney to take a fee in any case against the cit}''. Sec. 4. He shall be entitled to a fee of two dollars and fifty cents for each case of conviction before the recorder or other officer having juris- diction for any violation of the city ordinance. Sec. 5. If, in any case, the city attorney shall be interested, the mayor shall appoint one to act in his place. Sec. 6. In case of the death, or resignation, or removal from office, the mayor shall have power to appoint a city attorney for the residue of the term. Approved August 21, 1867. AN OREflNANCE IN RELATION TO THE CITY MARSHAL — HIS DUTIES AND HIS SALARIES. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond^ as follows : Section 1. On Tuesday, after the first Monday in April, in each year, there shall be elected a city constable, who shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. Sec. 2. He shall give bond to the mayor, councilmen, and citizens of Richmond, in such sum as the city council may require, with good security, conditioned for the faithful performance of his official duties, and shall execute all process to him directed, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the council, and the ordinances of the city of Rich- mond. Sec. 3. That in addition to the duties of the city marshal prescribed in the city charter, the folio wmg duties are also imposed: It shall be the duty of the city marshal to cause to be removed from the streets, alleys, avenues, market place and public square of the cit}', and from any other part of the city, all offensive substance and nuisances, which in his opinion may have a tendency to endanger the health of the inhabitants of said city. 2d, The city marshal shall take all necessary measures to ascertain all nuisances which may exist, and shall attend particularly to the cleanliness of the city. 3d, If a nuisance of any description whatever be found upon the lot, or ground, possession, or in the building of any person or persons, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 417 the city marshal shall give notice to the occupant, or owner of the prem- ises, to cause such nuisances to be corrected or removed within the time specified in said notice, which shall not be more than twenty-four hours; and should such occupant or owner of the property fail or refuse to cor- rect or remove such nuisance in the time prescribed, the city marshal shall have the same corrected or removed at the expense of the city. 4th, For every failure, refusal or neglect by any' occupant or owner of any prem- ises, to remedy or remove any nuisance existing thereon, when notified thereof as above directed, by the city marshal, such occupant or owner shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of not less than one nor more than one. hundred dollars, as well as all expenses incurred in removing such nuisance, to be recovered by said city as other fines, penalties or for- feitures. 5th, The city marshal shall at the end of each month render to the city council of said city an account of all expenses for cleaning the city, and all such expenditures as he may have made on behalf of said city. 6th, The city marshal shall patrol the city, and endeavor as far as in his power to prevent all violations of the ordinances of the city, or of the law of the land. He shall give information to the recorder of all vagrants and disorderly or suspicious persons, lurking about the city without any visi- ble means of support. 7th, That for each failure or refusal to discharge the several duties enjoined upon him by the charter and ordinances, said marshal shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay said city not less than one nor more than twenty dollars, to be used for and recovered as other for- feitures. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the city marshal to collect and pay over all fines and forfeitures, jailor's fees adjudged to be paid by the recorder of the city of Richmond, immediately after the same shall be collected, to the city treasurer, and also to collect and pay said recorder, city attor- ney, witnesses and jurymen, their fees whenever called on after the same have been collected. Any failure to comply with this provision shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor ; and for each offense he shall be fined not less than five nor more than one hun- dred dollars, to be recovered as other fines and forfeitures. Sec. 5. The city marshal shall hereafter be subject to renioval from office for incompetency or neglect of his official duty, by a majority vote of the city council of said city, and in case of such removal, the vacancy shall be filled as is now provided by the laws and ordinances of said city. Sec. 6. The salary of the city marshal shall be in addition to the com- missions and costs now allowed him by the laws and ordinances of said city, four hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly, in full payment for his services for himself and deputies. Sec. 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances, inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec 8. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved November 19th, 1878. Geo. I. Wasson, Attest: W. C. Patton, Clerk. Mayor. 418 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE COLLECTION OF THE CITY REVENUE.. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond^ as follows: Section 1. For the support of the city government, and improvement of the city, the city council shall have the power to levy and collect taxes not exceeding one-half of one per centum upon the assessed value of all property in the city, made taxable by law for state and county purposes, the amount to be determined by the city council in every instance. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the city marshal, as an officio collector of the revenue , to collect all the taxes placed in his hands for collection, to collect all licenses from merchants, dramshop-keepers, and all other persons requiring a license, and to-pay to the treasurer all money collected by him on the account of the city, on the first Wednesday in each month, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be filed by the col- lector with the city recorder, the other to be retained by himself. Sec. 3. If any person shall fail to pay any taxes levied upon his or her property, the city collector may enforce payment, and for that purpose such collector shall have power to seize and sell the goods and chattels of the person so failing to pay such tax in the manner that goods and chattels are, or may be seized and sold under execution issued on judgments at law, and no property shall be exempt from seizure or sale for \.2cyin to the penalty otherwise provided by law, forfeit his or their license, which may be so declared in the court where such conviction is had, and all licenses are granted with this expressed provision. Sec. 5. Application for license to keep a dram shop should be made to the city council, by petition, and shall state where the dram shop shall be kept. Sec, 6. Every applicant for such license shall, at the time of his appli- cation to the city council, deliver a statement in writing, verified by affida- vit, of the amount of liquors received at his stand within six months next preceding the date of such statement; on which amount there shall be levied and collected an ad valorem tax for city purposes, of the same amount as paid by merchants on merchandise. Sec. T. Before such license shall be granted, the council shall require the person applying therefor to give bond, with sufficient security, to be approved by the city council, in the sum of one thousand dollars, condi- tioned that the person obtaining such license shall keep at all times an orderly house, and that he will not sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of, or suffer the same to be done about his premises, any intoxicating liquors, in any quantity, to any minor, without the consent of the parent, guardian, or master of such minor. Sec. 8. In no case shall the license be delivered to any dram-shop keeper, until he shall produce the receipt of the collector showing that the tax has been paid. Sec. 9. Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty, nor more than ninety dollars, before the city recorder, who shall have jurisdiction of every such violation. Sec. 10. The license shall be signed by the clerk, for which he shall receive a fee of fifty cents; and in no case shall such Hcense be transferred or assigned. Sec. 11. Licenses granted under the provision of this ordinance shall be as near as practicable in the form following, viz: "I, -. . ., recorder of the city of Richmond, Missouri, to all who shall see these presents, send greeting: Know ye, that whereas, . . . . , of said city, on the .... day of . . . . , A. D. 18 . . , paid to the city collector, the sum of .... dollars, being the license tax for the business hereinafter mentioned, therefore the said . . . . , is hereby authorized to .... for the period of .... from the .... day of . . . ., A. D. 18. ., subject to the ordinances and laws of the city of Rich- mond, Missouri. Given under my hand this ..... day of . . . . , 18 . . CD , City Recorder^ And the city collector shall endorse upon each license, "Granted this .... day of , A. D., 18.. 28 B. C , City Collector ^ 442 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Sec. 12. Every person and company of persons who exercise or attempt to carry on any business, trade, or auction for which a Hcense is required by the provisions of this ordinance, open or offer for exhibition any show, or amusement of any kind, or keep for public use any ten pin or ball alley, or offer for sale any ticket or chance in any gift enterprise, or keep any tippling-house or dram-shop, or sell or give away any intoxi- cating or malt liquors in quantities less than one gallon, within the city of Richmond, without having first paid and* obtained a license therefor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine not less than five, nor more than ninety dollars, with costs of suit for every such offense. Sec. 13. The fee for issuing each Hcense shall be fifty cents, which shall be paid the recorder by the party applying for the same, on his application for license, and the recorder shall not prepare any license until said fee be paid. Sec. 14. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec 15. This ordinance to take effect from and after its publication. Approved November 21, 1878. Geo. I. Wasson, Mayor. W. C. Patton, Clerk. AN ordinance to REGULATE THE LETTING OF CONTRACTS. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmoftd, as follows : Section 1. All permanent improvements, of whatever character, which may be contracted by the city of Richmond, shall be let out to the lowest responsible bidder, before any such work shall be authorized or commenced, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prevent the repair of streets, avenues, alleys, culverts, buildings, or other city property, so far as may Idc necessary for their pre- servation when such repairs shall have been ordered to be made by the city council. Sec. 2. Whenever the city council may contemplate any improvement or work, as provided in the preceding section, and shall order that pro- posals to do the required work be advertised for, it shall be the duty of the city recorder to advertise for at least twenty days, in some newspaper printed in the city, that sealed proposals will be received in his office, dur- ing that space of time, for doing the work in contemplation, giving a gen- earal description of the work, and giving notice that full plans and specifi- cations shall have been furnished by the city attorney, at or prior to the the time of ordering such advertisement for proposals. Such notice shall also contain the statement of the fact that the city reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Sec 3. Proposals to do public work, shall contain full and explicit statements of prices of each and every part of work to be done, with des- cription of quality, quantity and price of all material to be used, price of labor, and number of laborers employed, and the time in which the work will be completed, and terms of payment, so that the city council can easily determine the cost of the work contemplated, and the time required for its completion. Sec 4. The recorder shall note on the back of each proposal the time HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. MS of receiving the same, and shall file the same in his office for reference. No proposal shall be filed by him unless it is securely sealed, and all such proposals shall have an endorsement on the back, " Proposals for pubhc work," and directed to the city council. No proposals shall be withdrawn from the recorder, or the seal broken by any one, until the meeting of the city council to examine the same. Sec. 5. After the time shall have expired for receiving proposals, the city council shall convene and examine all proposals made, and shall award the contract to the lowest bidder, provided, if all such proposals are deemed too high, the city council may reject all. Sec. 6. The city council shall require any person or persons whose bid may be successful, to give bond with good security, to be approved by said council, conditioned for the faithful performance of such work and contract, and in default of providing such bond within some time specified by them, such bid or bids shall be rejected. Sec. 7. Whenever any contract shall be awarded and bond filed, as herein provided, the city attorney shall draw up the terms of each contract in duplicate, which said contract shall embody all the particulars specified in the proposals, and shall further bind the contractor to perform the work in a good and workmanlike manner. Such contracts shall be signed in duplicate by the mayor, under the seal of the city, and the contractor, under their hands and seals. One copy of such contracts shall be deliv- ered to the contractor, and the other held in the office of the city recorder. Sec. 8. No such work shall be received or paid for until it shall have been examined by the committee of improvements of the city council, and shall have been approved by them as constructed according to contract, and these conditions shall be embraced in every contract entered into. Sec. 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance to be in force from and after its publication. Approved December 21st, 1874. J. T. Quirk, Mayor. Attest: A. J. Riffe, Clerk. AN ordinance in RELATION TO THE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY. Be it ordained hy the City Council of the City of Richtnond, as follows: Section 1. Whenever the city of Richmond, shall become liable to any person, in any sum of money, the payment of which is not otherwise provided for, the claimant shall make out a detailed account thereof and shall then present the same to the city council, who shall carefully examine the same, and if in their opinion the account is correct and should be paid by law, they should allow the same, and the city recorder shall endorse on such accounts the allowance thereof, and a warrant shall be issued by the mayor, countersigned by the city recorder, in favor of such claimant, pay- able out of the city treasury. Sec. 2. The city council ma}^ refer any claim so presented to them for payment to the committee of claims for examination and adjustment, but all such claims shall be reported back to the city council for approval and final action. Sec. 3. The city treasurer shall keep a book in which shall be kept a 444 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. correct record and list of all warrants, presented to him for payment, noting the number of the warrant, time of presentation, amount for which drawn, and in favor of whom payable, and shall pay such warrants in the order they are thus presented and registered for payment, such payment to be made out of the general fund of the city. Sec. 4. Whenever there shall be any money in the city treasury, and warrants registered for payment, it shall be the duty of the city treasurer to tack up in some conspicuous place in the office of the city council a list of such warrants next to be paid, and for which he has money in the trea- sury, giving the name of the person to whom payable, number and amount of warrant, and notifying the holder thereof to present such warrant or warrants for payment, and any warrant which shall not be presented for payment within twenty days from the time the same shall be posted, shall be stricken from its place in the registry, and the money appropriated to the payment of the next warrant or warrants in the order in which they occur on the registry; provided, that all warrants that may thus lose their order of payment, shall be re-registered for payment at anytime as if they were new warrants, but the city shall not be held liable for any interest or damages on such warrants from and after its being posted for payment. Sec. 5. Such public list of warrants to be paid shall be renewed from time to time as there may be money on hand for the payment of any war- rant or warrants, so as to keep the warrant holders accurately notified of the time of payment of their warrants. Sec. 6. Any city treasurer who shall pay any warrant, out of the order of its payment, as shown b}"" the register of warrants, and as herein provided for, or who shall fail to keep a record of warrants as herein set forth, or vs^ho shall fail to post any warrants for payment, as and when the same shall be entitled to payment, as provided for in the sections next preceding, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars, and not more than ninety dollars, and costs for every such offense. Sec. 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this are hereby repealed; Provided^ however^ that all warrants now registered for payment with the city treasurer, shall be paid in the order in which they now are registered, the same as if originally registered under this ordin- ance, and shall in all respects be so treated, and such warrants as may hereafter be recognized, shall be registered in order, commencing next after the last warrant heretofore registered for payment. Sec. 8. This ordinance to take effect from and after its publication. Approved December 21, 1878. Geo. I. Wasson, Attest: W. C. Patton, Clerk. Mayor. AN ordinance in RELATION TO THE CITY TREASURER. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond, as follows : Section 1. On Tuesday after the first Monday in April of each year there shall be elected a city treasurer, who shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. Sec. 2. He shall give bond in such sum as the city council may require with approved security, conditioned for the faithful performance of his official duties. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 445 Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the city treasurer to receive and keep the money of the city, and to pay out the same on warrants drawn by the mayor, or other officers authorized by ordinance to draw them, in the manner and forrp prescribed by ordinance. Sec. 4. In case of death, resignation or removal from office of the city treasurer, the mayor, with the approval of the council, shall have power to appoint a city treasurer for the residue of the term, until the next gen- eral election of city officers. Sec 5. The foregoing ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Approved November 21, 1878. Geo. I. Wasson, Attest: W. C. Patton, Clerk. Mayor. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO CITY RECORDER. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond^ as follows : Section 1. On Tuesday after the first Monday in April of each year, there shall be elected a city recorder, who shall hold his office for one year, and, until his successor is duly qualified. Sec 2. He shall be ex-officio clerk of the city council. He shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the council, record in a separate book all ordinances and resolutions appropriating money, keep a record of all offi- cial acts of the mayor, and when necessary attend them; he shall keep and preserve in his office the common seal of the city, and all records, public papers and documents not properly belonging to any other office, and perform such other duties as the council may direct. Sec 3. As recorder he shall preside in the city court, and have the same jurisdiction as a justice of the peace, within and for the limits of the city. He shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all cases arising under any ordinances of the city, subject, however, in all cases to an appeal to the circuit court of Ray county, and every such appeal shall be granted as pro- vided by the charter and ordinances of this city. Sec 4. This ordinance is to take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Approved, December 21, 1874. J. T. Quirk, Mayor. ' Attest: A. J. Riffe, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO COMMITTEES. jBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond^ as follows : Section 1. The mayor shall, at the first regular meeting of the city council after his election, appoint seven standing committees, to consist of three members each, viz: 1st, A committee on finance; 2d, a committee on ordinances; 3d, a committee on improvements and repairs; 4ih, a committee on claims; 5th, a committee on judiciary; 6th, a committee of ways and means; 7th, a committee on printing. Approved, December 21, 1878. George L Wasson, Mayor. Attest: W. C. Patton, Clerk. 446 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE TIME WHEN THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES TAKE EFFECT. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Richmond^ as follows : Section 1. That all the foregoing ordinances of the city of Richmond are hereby approved and shall take effect and be in force from and after January 1, A. D. 1879. Sec 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of the said ordinances, are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after January 1, A. D. 1879. Approved, November 21, 1878. Geo. I. Wasson, Mayor. Attest: W. C. Patton, Clerk. RULES AND ORDER OF BUSINESS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND. Rule I. Regular meetings of the council shall be held on the first Wednesday of each month. Notices of special meetings shall be served by the marshal on each councilman, and the marshal shall have charge of the council rooms and give his attendance on the meetings of the council. Rule II. At the hour appointed for the meeting, the recorder, or some one appointed to supply his absence, shall proceed to call the roll of members, and announce whether a quorum be present. Upon the appearance of a quorum, the council shall be called to order, the mayor taking the chair, if present. The council shall appoint a temporary chair- man in the absence of the mayor. The council shall then proceed to do business in the order following: 1. The reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the last preced- ing meeting or meetings, which, if approved by the council, shall be signed by the mayor, and then attested by the recorder. 2. The presentation of petitions and reports of officers. 3. The reports of standing committees. 4. The reports of select committees. 5. Communications to the council, which may be considered at any time. 6. Unfinished business. 7. Motions, resolutions and notices. 8. Miscellaneous business. Rule III. The mayor shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the council. Rule IV. When the council adjourns, the members shall keep their seats until the mayor shall declare the council adjourned. Rule V. Everv member, previous to his speaking, shall rise from his seat and address himself to the mayor, and say, "Mr. President," but shall not proceed until recognized and named by the chair. Rule VI. When two or more members rise at once, the mayor shall name the member who is first to speak. Rule VII. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without leave of the council. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 447 Rule VIII. When a member is speaking, no member shall enter into any private discourse, or pass between him and the chair. Rule IX. A member called to order shall immediately take his seat, unless permitted to explain. The decision of the chair on points of order shall be conclusive, unless there be an appeal to the council, in which case, the council shall decide the point of order without debate. Rule X. Every member present shall vote upon all questions stated by the chair, unless excused by the council. Rule XI. No motion shall be stated by the chair unless it be seconded. When a motion is seconded, it shall be stated by the mayor before debate; and shall be reduced to writing, if required by a member. Rule XII. If the question in debate contains several distinct proposi- tions, any member may have the same divided. Rule XIII. When a motion is under debate, no motion shall be re- ceived unless for the " previous question, " to postpone indefinitely, to adjourn to a certain day, to lie on the table, to amend, or to adjourn the council. Rule XIV. A motion for the "previous question, " to lie on the table, or to commit it until decided, shall preclude all amendment and debate; and so also, a motion to postpone indefinitely, or to adjourn it to a certain day, shall, until decided, preclude all amendment to the main question. Rule XV. The " previous question " shall be as follows: " Shall the main question now be put?" Rule XVI. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except when a member is speaking, or a vote is being taken, or when a motion to adjourn was the last preceding motion. Rule XVII. If any member require it, the ayes and noes upon any question shall be taken and entered on the minutes. Rule XVIII. All committees shall be appointed by the chair, unless otherwise ordered by the council. Rule XIX. All reports of committees shall be made in writing. Rule XX. These rules may be temporarily suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the council present ; and be repealed, altered or amended, by the concurrence of two-thirds of all the councilmen elected. Rule XXI. The standing committees shall consist of three members each, and shall be appointed by the mayor, annually: and the first person named on the committee shall be the chairman thereof. The standing committees shall be: First — Finance. Second — Ordinances, Third — Improvements and repairs. Fourth — Claims. Fifth — Judiciary, Sixth — Ways and means. Seventh — Printing, Rule XXII, All bills proposing to become ordinances shall have three separate readings. Rule XXIII. All questions of order not herein otherwise provided for, shall be decided upon the principle laid down in Jefferson's Manual, so far as the same may be applicable. Adopted December 23, 1874. 448 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The population of Richmond, per tenth United States census, is 1,424; but as this only includes those living within the corporate limits, which are quite narrow, it is much less than the population of the town proper — which is certainly not less than twenty-five hundred. Its population in 1870 was 1,218. TAITSVILLE. In 1833, a settlement wa:. made where Taitsville now stands. In that year Alfred Williams built the first house erected in what afterward became the corporate limits of Taitsville. His house stood a short dis- tance southwest of lot No. 1, and was burned the year after it was built. Williams died in 1868. About the same time that Alfred Williams settled at Taitsville, his brother, Thomas Williams, also settled there and built a house on the southeast part of the area now forming the limits of the town. In 18.58, one J. P. Morrison built a small steam mill in Taitsville. The mill was provided with but one run of burrs, and the flour was bolted by hand. The engine first used is still in use. After several changes in ownership the mill became, and is now, the property of John Tait, who has repaired and improved it very much. The mill was burned down in 1875, but was immediately re-built. It now has two run of burrs. In the spring of 1869, McGlothlin & Bailes built on lot number one, the first store house in Taitsville. They occupied the building as a store house, but it is now occupied by W. G. Tait & Bro. In 1873, T. B. Hat- field & Brother established the second store in Taitsville. There are, also, two drug stores in the town; two blacksmith and two wagon shops. Taitsville is situated in the south part of section seventeen, township fifty-four, range twenty-seven, on the west side of the west fork of Crooked river. It is not on any railroad, but is pleasantly situated in a very good farming country. Timber of superior quality and in considera- ble variety abounds in the neighborhood. The town was made a post office May 24, 1872, and J. H. Hatfield was appointed postmaster. It has mail to and from Richmond, sixteen miles distant, two times per week. Taitsville was incorporated November 16, 1878, with James Tait, John Tait, William C. Syler, T. B. Hatfield and G. W. Cones, as trustees, appointed b}^ the county court. The same persons were elected members of the town board, the first Tuesday in April, 1880. The population of Taitsville, per census of 1880, is one hundred and eight. KNOXVILLE. Knoxville is fourteen miles north and inland from Richmond, situated in Knoxville township, in center of section thirty-five, congressional town- ship fifty-four, range twenty-eight; has a population, according to the HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 449^ tenth U. S. census, of eighty-eight, four stores carrying stocks of general merchandise, two drug stores, two wagon shops, one saddle and harness shop, two blacksmith shops, a hotel and a post office, with daily mail. The town is unincorporated, and as its limits can not be sharply defined, eighty-eight is, of course, only the approximate population. We have received one statement estimating the population at two hundred, which is probably more nearly correct than the other. It has a justice of the peace, a constable, and two physicians. There is, also, a Masonic lodge, and a church building in the town. Services are held in the latter by two denominations. In the spring of 1834 a Mr. Hatfield occupied a small house, near the present site of Knoxville, which took the name of "Buncombe." The first store-house was erected in the summer of 1834, by one Jacob Stol- lins. He carried a small stock of general merchandise. At that time there were only two or three houses in the place. There is now a very good school-house in the village, and school is kept open from six to eight months in the year. About three and a half miles southwest of Knoxville, on the west fork of Crooked river, is situated the saw and grist mill of J. B. Belch er Esq. While this mill is operated exclusively in Ray county, it is not station- ary, but is moved from one locality to another, in order that it may be kept convenient to suitable timber. When the timber of one locality has been used, the mill is removed ; and our apology for giving an account of it in connection with the history of Knoxville, is that the writer is informed it is now located nearer that village than any other. Mr. Belcher operates this mill with no other assistance than that afforded by members of his family, thereby practicing a very laudable economy, as well as having his work done in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Mr. Belcher displays a judgment worthy of emulation, in so thoroughly utili- zing the force represented by his own family. The engine is a twenty-four horse-power, and, with good saws, in per- fect order, does excellent work. There is considerable walnut timber, of good quality, in the neighbor- hood of Mr. B.'s present location. This he saws for other parties, and it finds its way to distant markets. The mill is also provided with a good pair of burrs for grinding corn. MILLVILLE. Millville, a bright and thriving little village of about two hundred souls, ten miles northeast of Richmond, in the north part of section fifteen, township fifty-three, range twenty-seven, is pleasantly situated at the base of some beautiful wooded hills, in the midst of a rich, partially timbered and partially prairie country, highly improved and exceedingly productive 450 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The land upon which Millville is located, was entered by one Leighton Ewell, who sold it to Robert Mitchell. In 1837, the latter gentleman erected, on the present site of Millville, a water power grist mill, for grinding corn, only. The same year Robert Mitchell, and one "Buck" McGaugh, laid out the town into lots, streets and alleys. In 1837, C. W. Stillwell built the first blacksmith shop in Millville. The first store was opened about the year 1842, by Milton and S. L. McCuistion. This was the only store in Millville till 1845, when George A. Mason engaged in the mercantile business in that town. Since that time various persons have been engaged in merchandizing in Millville, among whom we mention the following: T. B. Fowler, R. C. Wild, J. Y. Coppage, Everett, Brice, Steele, I. Mansur, Graham & Craven, and J. P. Grimes & Co. There is a good steam flouring mill in the town, and also, a church building, a school house and Masonic lodge. The town was originally called "Buck Snort," probably on account of "Buck" McGaugh, who helped to lay it out into town lots. MORTON. A hamlet of about one hundred inhabitants, is situated in the heart of the most beautiful and fertile agricultural region in northwest Missouri, is in Crooked River township, near the center of section eighteen, con- gressional township fifty-two, of range twenty-six. The town is situated on a very eligible site, commanding a fine pros- pect of the surrounding country. W. P. Shaw, Esq., built the first house in the place, and T. J. Porter owned the first store. The school-house was built in the year 1856. It is a frame, and cost three hundred dollars. Miss Sarah Bohannon was the first teacher. She had about twenty pupils, and received as a salary twenty dollars per month. The first marriage solemnized in Morton is said to have been that of George Ewing to Miss Lyda Tisdale, but we have been unable to ascer- tain. The first regular practicing physician was Doctor W. F. Yates, who is living in Morton. He is a native of Scott county, Kentucky. • A postoffice was estabhshed in Morton in 1874, with R. V. Wall as postmaster. Two dry goods stores, a saddle and harness shop, two blacksmith shops and one drug store constitute the business establishments of the town. There is also a verv handsome union church in the place. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 4:51 Like every town in Ray county, Morton is surrounded by a hospitable, intelligent and enterprising people, and is supported by inexhaustible natural sources. HARDIN. Hardin was laid out in 1S68, and incorporated in October, 1870. James Darby was the first mayor; John D. Reyburn built the first house, and Fountain Roselle was the owner of the first store in Hardin. The first school-house in the town was built in 1870, at a cost of seven hundred dollars. C. W. Clampitt taught the first school. He had seventy-five pupils,, and his compensation was seventy dollars per month. The first death that occuored in Hardin was that of William Hunt,, who died in 1870. His remains were interred at Knoxville, Ray county, Missouri. Dr. A. H. Buchanan, who came from Kentucky, was the first regular physician. He is now dead. Reverend F. Bone, of the M. E. Church South, was the first minister in Hardin. Religious services were held at the Union church, described elsewhere in this volume. The town has a handsome cemetery, three- fourths of a mile to the southeast. The present officers of Hardin are as follows: B. B. Babcock, mayor; L. H. Noble, marshal; W. J. Roach, secretary; C. W. Dawson, J. J. Moore, S. B. Chase, and R. L. Re3^burn, councilmen. Hardin is a progressive, enterprising little village, situated in sections thirty-two and thirty-three, congressional township fifty-two, range twenty-six, and in sections four and five, township fifty-one, range twenty- six, on the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railway, six miles east of R. & L. Junction. It has twelve business houses, one church, owned and used by several denominations, a good school-house, one hotel, and an elevator, and is in as fine a farming country as there is in Missouri. The town enjoys a large trade, comparatively speaking, and as a shipping point for grain and live stock, is one of the most important in the county. The Telegraph steam flouring mills are located here, and no similar mills in a town of equal size will sufier disparagement b}' comparison with them. Old Hardin is situated one-half mile southeast. It contains a Union- church, and several old and decaying houses. The population of Hardin was not separately reported by the enumera- tor, who, in June, 1880, took the census of Crooked River township, in which it is located; hence, the number of its inhabitants cannot be defin- itely stated ; it is safe to say, however, that it is from two hundred and fifty to three hundred. The town stands at the head of the famous sugar tree bottom of Carroll county. The greater portion of the surrounding country is prairie, inter- 452 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. spersed with groves of excellent timber. To the eastward, below the "bluffs," are the Kilgore and Heisinger lakes, and the land is low and marshy. CAMDEN. Camden is situated on the north bank of the Missouri river, on the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway, five miles west of Richmond and Lexington Junction, and six miles southwest of Richmond; was incorpo- rated in May, 1838. It is a town of some importance, in a part of the county most admirably adapted to the culture of grain and fruit, as well as inexhaustibly rich in mining resources. The coal mines in the vicinity are a source of considerable wealth to the town, and afford employment to one hundred and fifty to two hundred men. It has eight stores, two hotels, two school houses, one church, owned and used by all denominations, and one large flouring mill. Wood, coal and water being convenient and abundant, Camden pre- sents decided advantages for manufacturing. Population, according to United States census of 1880, five hundred and nine. The bluffs in the rear, and on either side of Camden, rise to consider- able height, and present a grand and picturesque appearance. ORRICK. Orrick, situated in east half of section twenty-three, township fifty-one, range twenty-nine, on the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railroad, (formerly North Missouri railroad,) was laid out in March, 1869, by the North Mis- souri railroad company, and named in honor of W. W. Orrick, Esq., of St. Charles, Missouri. The village was incorporated in 1872, with John G. Hearn as its first mayor. A postoffice was established in Orrick in 1873, and Arthur W. Stickle appointed postmaster. John G. Brown built the first house in the town, and owned the first store. In 1873 a good substantial school house was built, at a cost of eight hundred and fifty dollars. It is a two-story frame building; the second story, which is owned by a joint stock company, being used as a public hall. W. D. Ward was principal of the first school taught in Orrick. Twenty-five pupils attended his school, and he received for his services as teacher, forty dollars per month. The first marriage ceremony pronounced in the town was that uniting as man and wife, Peter Gerry and Sarah Stewart. March 26, 1870, occurred the first birth. It was that of a daughter, born to Frank and Melvina Warner. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 453 The first male child born in Orrick was William, son of Zachariah and Nelly Campbell, born May 14, 1872. The first death occurred April 1, 1870; it was that of Melvina War- ner, whose remains were buried at South Point cemetery. R. S. Kestler, M. D., from Macon county, Illinois, now a citizen of Tiblow, Wyandotte county, Kansas, was the first practicing physician in the town of Orrick. There is no cemetery yet established in the town ; but South Point ceme- tery, laid out by the Christian congregation at that place, is one mile away, and is used by the people of Orrick as a place to inter their dead. The present (1881) officers of Orrick are as follows: B. A. Miller, mayor; Louis H. Wood, Marion Leakey, D. B. Shepard, W. A. Wells, councilmen; George Brown, marshal; G. W. Mitchell, treasurer; M. S. Bissell, cit}^ attorney; George Dale, clerk. The population of Orrick, per tenth U. S. census, is one hundred and ninety-three. Mrs. Mary Gordon has lived longer in the town than any other person. LAWSON. Lawson, a bright and attractive little village of two hundred and twenty-three inhabitants, is situated on the St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railway, twenty miles northwest of Rich- mond, in Polk township, near the Clay county line. It was laid out in June, 1870, named in honor of Lawson of the New York banking house of Donnell, Lawson & Co., and incorporated November, 7, 1871. George Young, of the firm of Young, Brown & Co., built the first house erected in Lawson, and also owned the first store. There is a very pretty school house in the place, built in 1870, at a cost of five hundred dollars. Miss Lutie Palmer, with twenty pupils, and for twenty-five dollars per month, taught the first school. It was a public school. Lawson is a growing town, very important as a shipping point, and is situated in the midst of a fine farming area of rich and beautiful gently undulating prairie land. Dr. C. N. Palmer, from Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, who is still a citizen of Lawson, was the first regular practicing physician. The church building in Lawson, owned by the Methodists and Presby- terians, is a neat and substantial structure. Perhaps no town in this part of Missouri is more pleasantly located than Lawson. Following are the names of the present officers of the town: Council- men, P. H. Cates, chairman; J. H. Titus, M. O. Robinett, W. H. Hat- field and J. W. Asbury; W. M. Allison, treasurer; R. M. Miller, marshal; 454 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. G. W. Robinett, street commissioner; G. W. Montgomery, assessor and collector. VIBBAED. Vibbard is on the St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway, fourteen miles northwest of Richmond, sections twenty-two and twenty-seven, township fift3^-three, of range twenty-nine, and is the center of another very rich and beautiful rolling prairie district. Vibbard is, also, quite an important shipping point. Cattle, horses, mules, hogs, grain, and general produce are shipped from here in large number and quantity every year. The town has eight business houses, one church, used by several denominations, a school house and a hotel. We are unable to give the exact population of the place, as the census enumerator failed to report the town separately. It has, however, a population of about one hun- dred and seventy-five. ALBANY. Albany, formery called Ashton, was founded by Judge Eli Carter. The town was incorporated in 1871. Daniel Turner was the first mayor. In 1854, a post office was established at Albany, and Judge Eli Carter appointed postmaster. A Dr. Scroggins was the first practicing physician in Albany. The first religious services were held by members of the M. E. Church South, at Judge Carter's tobacco factory in Albany. Rev. E. M. Dorkra was the preacher. Albany is in southwest corner of section thirteen, township fifty-one, range twenty-nine, three-fourths of a mile northeast of Orrick. It is a brisk little village, surrounded, as are all the towns mentioned, by an excellent farming country, and has seven business houses, one school house, one church building, property of M. E. Church South, and Baptists. The Albany flouring mill, located at this place, was built in 1853, by Eli Carter & Co. It has two pairs of burrs; one to grind wheat, the other for corn. It grinds from eighty to one hundred bushels of wheat per day, and from fifteen to twenty bushels of corn in the same time. The mill is now owned by Brasher & Taylor; is in good repair and does very good work. The town was not reported separately by the census enumerator, but it has a population of about one hundred and fifty. HALLER STATION— RAYVILLE POST OFFICE. This small village is on the St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway, about eight miles northwest of Richmond, in Rich- mond township. It was laid out in 1871, and the same year a postoffice was established there, with J. O. Davis as postmaster. Thomas Hankins built the first house and owned the first store. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 455 In 1880, the district public school building was moved near the town, and is now used by the town and neighborhood. The first religious services in Haller station, were held at the railroad house by the Catholics. Father O 'Riley, a Catholic priest, was the first minister. The only official in Haller station, at present — April, 1881 — is Henry Clark, postmaster and justice of the peace. ELK HORN— CRAB ORCHARD POST OFFICE. Elk Horn is a postoffice, nine miles northwest of Richmond, in section thirteen, of township fifty-two, range twenty-nine — Fishing River. NORTH LEXINGTON. North Lexington is the terminus of the St. Joseph branch of the "Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway, on the left bank of the Missouri river, opposite Lexington. SWANWICK. Sw^anwick is a railway station and postoffice, five miles nosthwest of Richmond, on the St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway. RICHMOND AND LEXINGTON JUNCTION— HENRY POST OFFICE. Henry postoffice is situated in the north part of section sixteen, township fifty-one, range twenty-seven, at the crossing of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway, and the St. Joseph branch of that road. It is a thriving little village and a shipping point for an extensive and productive agricultural country. It contains five business houses; three hotels, one railroad eating house, large depot buildings, a grain elevator, a school house and a church. Population about one hundred and fifty. HULL'S POINT. Hull's Point, about four miles northwest of Orrick, is a station on the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railway. LISBONVILLE. Lisbonville is a post office in the extreme northern part of section three, township fifty-four, range twenty-nine. It is just within Ray county, being at the line between Ray and Caldwell counties. FREDERICKSBURG— NEW GARDEN P. O. Fredericksburg is a post office in Fishing River township, or, section eight, congressional township fifty-two, range twenty-nine. RUSSELLVILLE— FOX P. O. Fox post office is situated in section sixteen, township fifty-three, range twenty-six. Grape Grove. WILMOT. Wilmot is a post office one mile and a half north of Fox post office. 456 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. GEORGEVILLE. Geor^eville is a post office in the north part of section fifteen, township fifty-four, range twenty-seven, Grape Grove. TINNEY'S GROVE P. O — MT. PLEASANT. Tinney's Grove is a small business place and postoffice, situated in sec- tion ten, township fifty-four, range twenty-six — Grape Grove. It is sur- rounded by a good farming country. PLEASANT VIEW. As a town, Pleasant View exists no longer. It was once a lovely little village " Where smiling spring its earliest risit paid, And parting summer's lingering blooms delayed." But a railroad was built, and Pleasant View ignored; other towns spring- ing up in the vicinity, on the line of the railroad, drew its patronage, and this gone, Pleasant View was forced to die. The town was situated on a beautiful tract of high, rolling prairie land, and at one time before the war, had an extensive trade. It was laid out about the year 1857, by a German, named Isaac Berry, who opened the first store in the place, and sold a large amount of goods, dealing in country produce, general merchandise and farming implements. One Joel J. Goddard kept a grocery store, and also sold liquors. A man named Jacob Wybrow kept a furniture store and had an exten- sive trade. Pleasant View was a flourishing village during the war, and for several years thereafter; but at last, like "Sweet Auburn," fell a victim to "unwieldy wealth," in other hands. The Christian Church and a few " mouldering walls," are all that remain to mark the spot, in the west part of section twenty-seven, town- ship fifty-four, range twenty-nine, where once stood Pleasant View village. THE SOLE SURVIVING WITNESS OF THE AUTHENTIC- ITY OF THE BOOK OF MORMON. The year 1838 is a memorable one in the history of northwest Missouri. In that year a large body of Mormons, under the leadership of Joseph Smith, their high priest and prophet, and founder of the Mormon church, established a settlement at Far West, in Caldwell county, which but two years before had been formed out of the northern part of Ray county. The Mormons had previously settled in Jackson county, having moved thither from Kirtland, Ohio. From these settlements the people had learned something of the character of the Mormons, and their rapid immigration into the country caused great excitement and considera- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 457 ble alarm. The people regarded their religion as inimical to society, civilization, and Christianity; their habits were the opposite of decency, and their depredations unbearable. Public meetings were held, speeches made, and resolutions passed, denouncing the Mormons, and resolving to expel them from the country. War ensued — an account of which is given elsewhere in this volume. But, as a considerable number of worthy citizens are yet living in Ray county, who, while condemning polygamy, and repudiating the degenerate branch of so-called " Latter Day Saints," established at Salt Lake, Utah, or elsewhere, honestly believe in the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, without rejecting the Bible; and as the only surviving witness to the golden plates, from the characters engraven on which was translated the Book of Mormon, and who claims to have received the manifestation from God concerning the record — is now living, and has lived for many years in Richmond, this county, it is deemed proper to insert a brief account of the man, what he believes, what he saw, and what he testifies to: DAVID WHITMER, the onl}' living witness to the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, and one of the three witnesses who testified to " all nations, kindreds, tongues and people," that they had seen the golden plates upon which were engraven the hieroglyphics, that were translated into the Book of Mor- mon, bas been interviewed by a reporter of the Chicago Times, and the result is given in four columns of that paper on August 7th. We repro- duce the subjoined from the published interview: David Whitmer was born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and when he was but four years old, his parents removed to New York, settling at a point midwav between the northern extremities of lakes Cayuga and Seneca, two miles from Waterloo, tw^o miles from Seneca River, four miles from Seneca Falls, seven miles from Geneva, and twenty-two miles from Palm3a-a. He is now seventy years of age, but as hale and hearty as most men at fifty. In person he is above the medium height, stoutly built though not corpu- lent, his shoulders inclining to stoop, as if from so long supporting his massive head, rather than from the weight of years, his frank, manly and benevolent face closely shaven, and his whole exterior betokening him to be one of nature's gentlemen. The rudiments of education he learned in school, and a life-time of thought and research have served to expand and store his mind with vast funds of information. The Times reporter found him at his pleasant two-story white frame residence, near the centre of the town of Richmond, Missouri, and in company with Hon. J. T. Child, editor of the Conservator, was admitted, introduced, and received a cordial greeting. When the object of the call was made known, Mr. Whitmer smilingly and meditatively remarked that it was true he had in his possession the original records, and was conversant with the history of the Church of Christ from the beginning, but was under obligations to hold both history and records sacred until such time as the interests of truth and true religion might demand their aid to combat error. Presently he became quite animated, rose to his feet, and, with great earnestness and good 29 458 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. nature, spoke for half an hour on the harmony between the Bible and the original Book of Mormon, showing how the finding of the plates had been predicted, referring to the innumerable evidences, in the shape of ruins of great cities existing on this continent; of its former occupation by a highly civilized race, reverently declared his solemn conviction of the authenticity of the records in his possession, and closed by denouncing the Latter-Day Saints, of Utah, as an abomination in the sight of the Lord. While he believed implicitly in the original book, he protested against the Book of Covenants, which was simply a compilation of special revela- tions that Smith and his successors had pretended to have received. Joe Smith, he said, was generally opposed to these revelations, but was fre- qently importuned by individuals to reveal their duty, and oftimes he was virtuall}^ compelled to yield, and in this way the original purity of the faith was tarnished by human invention, and the accepted records of to-day lumbered with a mass of worse than useless rubbish. Should Bngham Young, or any of his infatuated satelites, ever dare to declare any of their interpolations to be from the original tablets, or proclaim that their per- nicious doctrines or practices were authorized by the true version, then he, David Whitmer, would bring forth the records and confound them. Until that time, he, alone, would be the custodian of the sacred docu- ments. When the question of polygamy was broached, and it was asked if the original Book of Mormon justified the practice, Mr. Whitmer most emphatically replied: "No! It is even much more antagonistic to both polygamy and concubinage than is the Bible. Joe Smith never,to my knowl- edge, advocated it, though I have heard that he virtually sanctioned it at Nau- voo. However, as I cut loose from him in 1837, 1 can't speak intelligently of what transpired thereafter." David Whitmer believes in the Bible as implic- itly as any devotee alive; and he believes in the Book of Mormon as much as he does in the Bible. The one is but a supplement to the other, according to his idea, and neither would be complete were the other lack- ing. And no man can look at David Whitmer's face for a half-hour, while he charily and modestly speaks of what he has seen, and then boldly and earnestly confesses the faith that is in him, and say that he is a bigot or an enthusiast. While he shrinks from unnecessary public promulgation of creed, and keenly feels that the Brighamites and Danites, and numer- ous other ites have disgraced it, yet he v^-ould not hesitate, in emer- gency, to stake his honor, and even his life, upon its reliability. His is the stern faith of the Puritans, modified by half a century of benevolent thought and quiet observation. He might have been a martyr, had he lacked sense and shrewdness to escape the death sentence that was pro- nounced against him by the high priests of the church he had helped to build. As it is, he is, perhaps, the only living witness of the wondrous revelation made to Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism. David Whitmer was married in Seneca county. New York, in 1830, and was for a number of years an elder in the Church of Christ. To-day he is the proprietor of a livery stable in Richmond, Missouri, owns some real estate, has a handsome balance in the bank, is universally respected by all who know him, and surrounded by children and grand-children, is pleasantly gliding toward the gates of sunset, confident that the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, was also the God of Nephi, whose faith- ful disciple he has been, and is. He does not believe that all believing in HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 459 the Book of Mormon, or all adherents to any other faith, will be found among the elect, but that the truly good of every faith will be gathered in fulfillment of prophecy. Neither does he believe that the Book of Mormon is the only record of the lost tribes hidden in the earth, but on the contrary, that the caves hold other records that will not come forth till all is peace, and " the lion and the lamb shall lie down together." Three times has he been at the hill Comorah, and seen the casket that contained the tablets and seer-stone. Eventually the casket had been washed down to the foot of the hill, but it was to be seen when he last visited the historic place. He declares that he has never been a Mor- mon, as the term is commonly interpreted, but is, a firm believer in the Book, in the faith of Christ, and the fulfillment of the prophecies in due time. Some of them have already been fulfilled; for instance, that which declares that the saints shall be driven from city to city, and also the prediction that the twelve apostles shall lead them to the devil. In 1837, David and his brother John, then living in Far West, Missouri, were warned that they must make a confession of their apostacy or be killed, as the leaders of the church were conspiring against them. They determined to accept neither horn of the dilemma, and arranged for flight. At an appointed time John emerged from the back door of his house, gave the preconcerted signal by raising his hat, and hastily mounting horses in waiting, they rode away. John, as clerk of the church, had its records, and Oliver Cowdery bore off the original translation, and event- ually transferred it to the keeping of David. Since that memorable day both John and David Whitmer have kept aloof from the so-called Latter- day Saints, although firm as ever in the faith as taught by the Book of Mormon. John is a man of fine education, and abundantly able to defend his faith from assaults from any quarter. The testimony of the three witnesses, as translated into different lan- guages and published to the world, is in the following words: Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people unto whom this work shall come, that we, through the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates which contain this record, which is a record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their brethren, and also of the people of Jared, who came from the tower of which hath been spoken; and we also know that they have been translated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us; wherefore, we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify, that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they have been shown imto us by the power of God, and not of man. And we declare with words of soberness, that an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon ; and we know that it is by the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, that we beheld and bear record that these things are true; and it is marvelous in our eyes, nevertheless the voice of the Lord commanded us that we should bear record of it ; wherefore, to be obedient unto the commandments of God, we bear testimony of these things. And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall rid our gar- ments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the judgment seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him eternally in the heavens. 460 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V And the honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Ghost,, which IS one God. Amen. Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris. A citizen of Caldwell county having made public a statement reflecting upon the character of David Whitmer, the latter secured a testimonial, signed by many of the leading citizens of Richmond, where Mr. Whit- mer has resided since the year A. D. 1838, certifying, that from a long and intimate acquaintance with him, they knew him to be a man of the highest integrity, and of undoubted truthfulness. In reply to the statement referred to above, and in order to set him- self right before the world, Mr. Whitmer published the following: Unto all nations, kindred tongues and people, unto whom these pres- ents shall come: It having been represented by one John Murphy, of Polo, Caldwell county, Missouri, that I, in a conversation with him last sum- mer, denied my testimony as one of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon. To the end, therefore, that he may understand me now, if he did not then, and that the world may know the truth, I wish now, standing as it were in the very sunset of life, and in the fear of God once for all, to make this public statement: That I have never at any time, denied the testimony or any part thereof, which has so long since been published with that book, as one of the thre.e witnesses. Those who know me best well know that I have always adhered to that testimony. And that no man may be misled or doubt my present views, in regard to the same, I do again affirm the truth of all of mv statements, as then made and published. • He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear; ' It w^as no delusion! What is written is written — and he that readeth let him imderstand. And that no one may be deceived or misled by this statement, I wish here to state, that I do not indorse polygamy or spiritual wifeism. It is a great evil, shocking to the moral sense, and the more so because prac- ticed in the name of religion. It is of man and not of God, and is especiallv forbidden in the Book of Mormon itself. I do not indorse the change of the name of the church, for as the wife takes the name of her husband, so should the church of the Lamb of God take the name of its head, even Christ himself. It is the Church of Christ. As to the high priesthood, Jesus Christ himself is the last Great High Priest, this too after the order of Melchisedec, as I understand the holy scriptures. Finally — I do not indorse any of the teachings of the so-called Mor- mons, or Latter-day Saints, which are in conflict with the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as taught in the Bible and Book of Mor- mon; for the same gospel is plainly taught in both of these books as I understand the word of God. And if any man doubt, should he not carefully and honestly read and understand the same before presuming to sit in judgment and condemning HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 461 the light, which shineth in darkness and showeth the way of eternal life, as pointed out by the unerring hand of God. In the spirit of Christ, who hath said, 'Follow thou me, for I am the life, the light and the way,' I submit this statement to the world. God in whom I trust being my judge, as to the sincerity of my motives and the faith and hope that is in me of eternal life. My sincere desire is that the world may be benefitted by this plain and simple statement of the truth. And all the honor be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen! Richmond, Missouri, March 19, 1881. David Whitmer, Sr. Relative to this testimonial, the Richmond Conservator^ of March 25, 1881, contained the following editorial: Elsewhere we publish a letter from David Whitmer, Sr., an old and well known citizen of Ra}^ as well as an endorsement of his standing as a man, signed by a number of the leading citizens of this community, in reply to some unwarranted aspertions made upon him. There is no doubt that Mr. Whitmer, who was one of the three wit- nesses of the authenticity of the gold plates, from which he asserts that Joe Smith translated the Book- of Mormon, {^fcic simile of the characters he now has in his possession, with the original records) is firmly con- vinced of its divine origin; and while he makes no effort to obtrude his views or beliefs, he simply wants the world to know that, so far as he is concerned, there is no "variableness or shadow of turning." Having resided here for nearly half a century, it is with no little pride that he points to his past record, with the consciousness that he has done nothing derogatory to his character as a citizen and a believer in the Son of Mary, to warrant such an attack on him, come from what source it may; and now, with the lilies of seventy-five winters crowning him like an aureole, and his pilgrimage on earth well nigh ended, he reiterates his former statements, and will leave futurity to solve the problem that he was but a passing witness of its fulfillment. It is not the part of these pages to comment upon the Book of Mormon, the "golden plates," or the witnesses, as such; we have simply given place to the foregoing as a matter of interest in connection with the history of Ray county. GEOLOGY. RAY COUNTY COAL.* The Lexington coal-bed is occasionally opened at points along the Mis- souri bluffs, from the east county line to Camden. Above Camden the formations dip strongly west, and the Lexington coal is no longer seen, but it is replaced by higher rocks. Around Richmond, on the waters of Crooked river, the coal is w^orked at many places. The mines near the east county^line are worked by horizontal driftings. * * * *Iron ores and coal fields: Geological survey of Missouri, Raphael Pumpelly, director. 462 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The section at Oberholtz, from the hill top down, was as follows: Section 173. No. 1—68 feet slope. 2—2 feet, equivalent to No. 15 (4 feet limestome: irregularly bedded: gray and drab: sometimes quite nodular: generally coarse grained. Abounds in Chcptetes milleporaceous, contains cylindrica and Athyris sub- tilita), of Lexington section ; color, light drab. 3 — 31 feet slope. 4 — 4 feet brown limestone, abounds in Chcptetes Tuille-poraceous. 5 — 9 feet, 2 inches alternations of thin beds of limestone and buff shales, abounding in fossils, including Chonetes mesoloba, Chonetes^ Pr. Pratten- ianus, Hemi-pronites Crassus and spr. cameratus. 6 — 2 feet, 4 inches hard, blue limestone in irregular layers: Contains Athyris subtilita. 7 — 6 inches shale. 8 — 1-| feet coal (Lexington seam) said to increase to 20 inches. 9—2 feet clay. 10 — 15 feet gentle slope to Missouri bottoms. An analysis of Oberholtz coal by Mr. Chauvenet, gives: — Water 11.02 Volatile 32.48 Fixed carbon 46 . 30 Ash 10.20 Color of ash gray* Sp. gravity 1 . 277 Sulphur 4.609 Williams'* bank is seventy-five yards farther west. At Howell's, three-quarters of a mile farther west, the coal is sixteen to twenty-two inches thick. An analysis of Howell's coal by Mr Chauvenet, gives: — Water " 8.05 Volatile 41 . 85 Fixed carbon 45 . 80 Ash 4. 30 Color of ask white. Sp. gravity 1 • 257 Sulphur 2.702 A half mile farther west the above rocks are found lower in the blufls, with the upper beds exposed, thus: — Section 174. No. 1— Slope. 2 — 15 feet drab, sandy shales. *If local names of coal banks, mentioned in this chapter, have been changed, the intel- ligent reader will, no doubt, remember their locality from tlie names here used; ^'od will understand, at all events, that only Ray county coal is referred to. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 3 — 5 feet mostly smooth, red shales, a part sometimes green. 4 — 6 inches nodular limestone ; fossils. 5 — 3 feet green shales. 6 — Limestone equivalent to No. 15, of Lexington section. 7 — 25 feet to Missouri bottoms. One mile west of this, the limestone equivalent to section 173, No. 4, (21 of Lexington section), was observed ten feet above the bottoms, indi- cating the position of the Lexington coal just two feet below the line of their surface. At Smith's mill, three miles northeast of Richmond, the Lexington coal is reached in a shaft forty feet in depth. Its place is near the level of water in Crooked river, at Searcy's and Harberson's. ANLYSIS OF smith's COAL. Water 10.05 Volatile 38.45 Fixed carbon 45 . 40 Ash 6.00 Color of ash white Sp. gravity 1 . 249 Sulphur 2 . 41 Limestone No. 25, which forms the roof of the coal, is seen at many places on Crooked river, northeast of Richmond, and along the stream to two miles northwest of Richmond. The following (section 176), illustra- ting the rocks above the coal, was observed two miles north of Rich- mond, on Crooked river. No. 1. — 3 feet limestone, containing Fusulina^ Producti, Crinoid stems, and chatetes milleporaceous. 2. — 7 feet of limestone and shales, divided thus: a. — 4 inches shales. In upper part hemipronites and chonetes abound. b. — 4 inches limestone. c. — 2 inches shales. d. — 4 inches limestone. e. — 9 inches shales and nodules of limestone. y. — 1\ feet shales. g\ — 8 inches shales and lenticular forms of limestone. h. — 3 feet blue shales ; in upper part are found Spr. comeratus, P. punctatus and Athyris. 3. — 4 feet blue limestone; upper 9 inches shaly. 4. — 6 inches black shales. 5.— Coal. J. S. Hughes' coal mines are located one mile south of Richmond, on south-west quarter of section thirty-one, township fifty-two, range twenty- seven, on line of St. Joseph branch of Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific rail- way. Their shaft is ninety-five feet deep from the surface. From the bot- 46-1: HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. torn, entries extend east and west for over five hundred feet, the coal var^^ing from twenty-two to twenty-eight inches in thickness, including the top five or six inches of good coal, then one to two and a half inches dark clay resting on good coal. The overlying bituminous shale is gen- erally two to four inches thick; only at one place on the river was it observed one foot thick. It contains calcareous matter, with some fossil remains. The underlying clay is one foot to eighteen inches thick, thus giving a clear space between the cap-rock and bed-rock of four feet three inches to four feet six inches, or enough room for small mules to work. The following is a section of his shaft, which is located on the south- west quarter of section thirty-one, township fifty-two, range twenty- seven west: No. 1. Soil 2 feet. 2. Clay 12 " 3. Soft sandstone 4 " 4. Blue soapstone 9 " 5. Red shale 16 " 6. Flint (?) and limestone 5 " 7. Soapstone and slate 2 " 6 in. 8. White sandstone 6 " 9. Lime and sandstone 5 " 10. Soapstone 8 " 11. Slate 2 " 12. Fire clay 2 " 13. Flint rock (is limestone) 5 " 6 in. 14. Shale 3 " 15. Slate 4 " 16. Limestone, dark gray 5 " 17. Slate 3 in. 18. Coal (generally two feet) 2 " 3 " 19. Fire clay (six to eight inches) 1 foot, 6 " Total depth 95 feet. An analysis of this coal by Mr. Chauvenet, gives: — Water 8.15 Volatile .37.60 Fixed carbon 46 . 35 Ash 7.90 Color of ash light brown Specific gravity 1 . 328 Sulphur T 4.17 ********* At the Lawson * * * mines, on the railroad, two and a half miles south of Richmond, * * * ^^g ^oal is taken out from drifts run in horizontally for several hundred feet. The coal is two feet thick, with a two inch clay seam fiv^e inches from the top. The over- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 465 lying bituminous shale is about four inches thick, and the under clay one foot, making quite a limited space between the roof and floor. An analysis of the coal, by Mr. Chauvenet, gives: Water 72.11 Volatile 30.30 Fixed carbon 37 . 30 Ash 9.90 Color of ash gray The North Missouri mines * -st * are at the lower end of Camden. The shaft is sixty feet deep and the platform sixteen feet above the railroad track. From the bottom entries are extended in various directions: 280 yards north, 500 northwest, 190 west, and 100 east. * * The coal, nineteen to tw^enty-one inches thick, is black, brilliant, with a little clay three inches from the top, and a few knife edges of iron pyrites in the upper part. The lower one inch is shaly, with three inches black under clay resting on fire-clay. The coal is jointed, with calcite plates in the joints. In the bed of the ditch below the railroad, opposite the shaft, are thin beds of limestone, equivalent to No. 23 (three feet shales and thin beds of limestone abounding in Ch. Sniithit\?) and containing ^^r. earner- atus, Pr. costatus, Uenii-profiites crasstis and Athyris subtiltta) of Lexington section, some of them forming very pretty slabs, covered with fossils, viz: Hemifronites cfassus, chonetes, -prodiicti^ etc. A few feet above it is lime- stone corresponding to No. 21 of Lexington section; the top of the latter being twenty-one feet below the mouth of the shaft, indicating the position of the coal to be quite low. SECOND RAY COUNTY MINES. These mines, about one-quarter of a mile above the north Missouri mines, and also on the railroad, are owned by Thomas CoUins. The shaft is fifty feet deep. From the top of the shaft to the railroad track is twenty feet. The driftings extend far into the hill. Intersecting them is a passage for ventilation, which terminates at an air shaft near the main shaft, and seems to give thorough ventilation. Coal measured at various places in these mines was eighteen, twenty-two, twenty-three and twenty- four inches; average, about twenty-three. From one to one and one-half feet of bituminous shales on top, and one to two feet of fire-clay beneath ; an average of about four and a half feet between bed-rock and cap-rock. The height of main entry is four feet near its mouth, and farther in, three feet. Cap-rock, seven to eight feet thick. A very fair coke was made from Collins' coal, of which the following is the analysis by Mr. Chau- venet: Water 3.25 Volatile 4.85 Fixed Carbon. . . . ; .* 83 . 37 Ash 8.50 466 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. The shafts at Camden are sunk from a terrace on the hillside. A quarter of a mile above Collins' mines, the Lexington coal is seen, near the grade of the railroad, having risen thirty feet from Collins' shaft. This may explain the fact of more water being in the north Missouri mines than in the second Ray county mines, the water passing between the eastward dipping strata, from the second Ray county to the north Missouri mines. A little farther west, I observed cropping out in a gully, nine feet nine inches below the railroad, three feet of ash blue limestone, referable to No. 32 (fifteen inches limestone; pyritiferous ; color blue; hard; one bed; shelly on top; contains small univalves on the surface,) of Lexington section, and resting on four feet of slate and shale, with six inches of coal below. One hundred and fifty feet west, the coal is five feet above the railroad, and for the next three hundred feet the rise is four feet. A quarter of a mile west of Camden the rocks dip about one in twelve. Eight hundred and twenty feet farther, a shaft sunk forty feet struck limestone, No. 21 of Lexington section, indicating a dip of fifty-eight feet in eight hundred and twenty feet, or one to fourteen. SWANWICK SHAFT. The shaft of Thomas Huyson is eighty-six feet deep to top of coal, of which he furnishes me the following: ( No. 1 — Surface. 46 feet. } No. 2— Shaly sandstone, red, blue and gray. ( No. 3 — ItJ feet of red shales. f No. 4 — 6 feet being layers of sandstone separated by soft blue I clay. I No. 5—22 feet blue slate. I No. 6 — 4^ feet rock (reported flint). 40 feet J ^^°- '^~^ ^'^^^ ^^"^ ^^^y- I No. 8 — 4 to 5 feet impure limestone. I No. 9—20 inches to 2 feet coal. I No. 10 — 6 to ] 8 inches under clay. [No. 11 — 6 to 8 feet hard limstone. The slate over the coal is almost entirely wanting here; the limestone generally resting directly on the coal, but the under-clay correspondingly thickens — a fortunate provision of nature — as,o therwise there would not be room enough to mine. The section from hill top here is the following: No. 1 — 5 feet slope. No. 2 — 4 feet limestone, weathering brown, and ringing under the ham- mer; mntains Athyrh^ Spr. cameralus, chute tes milleporaceus and Crinoid stems. No. 3 — 8 feet slope. No. 4 — 2 feet of rough, nodular limestone; weathers with a ferrugin- ous crust, and contains many remains of fossils. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 467 No. 5. — 124 feet sloping gently to top of shaft. Around the hill and associated with limestone (probably the same as No. 4), I found amber-colored crystals of heavy spar; also a little iron ore. In the limestone I observed S'pr. Kentuckensis and Sfr. lineatus. Section 178 is seen one mile northw^est of Richmond. No. 1 — 3 feet bluish-drab, rough looking limestone, weathering drab. No. 2 — 8 feet slope. No. 3 — Tumbled masses of fine-grained, dove-colored limestone. No. 4 — 100 feet. Less than 40 feet below the top abounds soft brown sandstone. At 50 feet are tumbled masses of gray limestone. No. 5 — Red shales. No. 6 — About 45 feet to the Lexington coal. ■ The upper members of the section can be compared with the Swan- wick section. An analysis of the Swanwick coal by Mr. Chauvenet, gives: TOP. MIDDLE. BOTTOM. Water 10.00 12.55 11.20 Volatile 37.85 37.05 38.50 Fixed carbon 48.30 46.65 46.70 Ash 3.85 5.75 3.60 Color of ash — light brown, white, nearly white. The Swanwick coal is remarkable for a large percentage of water. It does not coke well. Ash-blue limestone, which may be hydraulic, abounds two miles north- east of Richmond, and similar rocks are found at most of the coal banks near Richmond and Camden. Paint Stuffs. — About fifty feet above the Lexington coal in Lafayette and Ray counties is found about five or six feet of light-red shales streaked with green; and also at Lexington, at several places near Rich- mond, and on the Missouri bluffs near the east county line of Ray county. The above are pure red ochre clays and will make a good dark-red paint. At Hughes' mines, near Richmond, sulphuret of zinc occurs in limestone overhnng the coal. The south and east boundary of the upper coal measures is as follows: Entering the state near the southwest part of Cass county, passing east- wardly, near Harrisonville, thence, northeast across the mounds between Big Creek and Camp branch, thence northeast to the middle of township forty-six, range twenty-nine, thence north to Chapel Hill in Lafayette county, thence via Oak Grove and Pink Hill, Jackson county, to Blue Mills or Owens landing on the Missouri river. Crossing the river the line passes down to the vicinity of Albany, Ray county, thence it trends off to the north part of Ray county and the line of Caldwell and Living- stone counties, thence northwardly along the ridge on the west side of 468 HISTORY OF' RAY COUNTY. the east fork of Grand river to the line of Grundy and Mercer counties, and thence northwardly to the Iowa state line. There are several other coal mines in the county, of which we have been unable to obtain an account. Among them, we mention a new mine of J. S. Hughes & Co. on St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific; and the shaft of J. W. Shotwell & Co., on same railroad, in the suburbs of Richmond, sunk in the fall of 1880. INCIDENTS. In one (November) day Holland Vanderpool killed five deer. It was near Crooked river; he dragged them one by one to that stream; made a bark canoe, and floated them home. In addition to the mortar and pestle, mentioned in another place, corn was reduced to meal by means of a handmill, made by the settlers, as fol- lows: A circular stone was placed on anothee similar stone, except that the latter, called the " bed rock," was smooth. Through a small hole in the center of the upper stone, the corn was dropped, one grain at a time. A lever, four to six feet in length, was inserted into a cavity in the edge of the rock. By means of this lever the stone was turned and the corn ground. The nether mill-stone was stationary. In the course of time horse power was used for operating the mill; and this was considered a wonderful advance in the matter of making bread- stuff: The mill just described antedates any other in the settlement, and for a long time was the only " mill " in use. Winnat Vanderpool had a pet bear and a pet panther which played in the yard and were fondled by the children. On the present site of Richmond, one day, in the year 1818, Winant Vanderpool and John Stone killed five bears. Isaac Martin built the first horse mill; and the first brick house erected in Ray county was built by Jonathan Keeney, at Albany. Store bills were paid oft' with wild honey, beeswax, coon, deer, otter and other skins of wild animals. Taxes were paid with fox and wolf scalps. Soon after Richmond was founded, Billy Bales, a new-comer, went to Richmond and told Charles Morehead, a merchant, that he wanted to buy some honey; and in reply to the question, "What is it worth?" was answered, " Twenty-five cents a gallon." " I'll take all you got," rejoined HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 469 « Bales. He was invited into the cellar, where, on finding 2,000 gallons, he said, "I only want a keg!" The day after Holland Vanderpool was married, he and his wife rode horseback to Richmond to get their household goods. From a merchant named Slothard they purchased the necessary supply, and started home. Mr. V. carried the table-ware in a bucket, placed on the horse in front of him. When just out of town, the toe of Mr. V.'s horse striking a root, the animal fell; the rider and the dishes went over his head; the former was bruised; the latter broken to pieces. Mr. V. lived in a log hut with one room; the latch-string hung on the outside, and at his hovel "The richest were poor, and the poorest dwelt in abundance." People were very neighborly in those days, and visited each other fre- quently. Visitors and all slept on the floor. One night Mr. Vanderpool and his wife were alone in their cabin. The former was asleep on the loom bench; the latter busy at her wheel. Mr. V. was suddenly awakened by his wife, who, greatly frightened, said a bear was trying to get into the house; that she had seen its paw through the latch-hole in the door. Mr. V., taking his gun and a butcher-knife in hand, opened the door — to be greeted by a negro woman, who, fleeing from her master, Jere Crowley, sought shelter from the snow storm. The weather was very cold and the snow deep. The woman's clothes were frozen stiff. Mr. Crowley was not the least unkind to the negress ; she had a mania for running away. The pioneer was a hard worker. He had to fell huge trees; clear his land, maul rails, built fences. Wives made their husbands pads of feathers to wear on the shoulders while carrying green rails and heavy timbers. Sometimes crops were raised without having been fenced; corn, cotton, piimpkins, oats and watermelons were cultivated on the open prairie. In the year 1822, a man from New England, who was engaged in buy- ing furs, pelts, etc., from citizens of Ray county, for which he exchanged pins and needles, became enamored of a fair, bucolic damsel, living in the vicinity of the present town of Hardin. The Yankee sought and won the maiden's hand and heart. At the appointed time, the nuptial knot was tied by an old man, who was a justice of the peace. After the ceremony, the "coon skin man" — as the peddler was called — paid the justice for his trouble in pins and needles, and the twain, made one, went on their way rejoicing. Ever afterward, the justice was known as the "pin and needle 'squire." 470 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. MURDER OF DORCAS CLEAVENGER. It were more welcome reading if a complete series of historical events, pertaining to our county, contained no reminiscences melancholy in their nature. But, it is the province of history to relate every true story; and it becomes the annalist's duty, anon, to fill the interstices between agreea- ble recitals with naratives of more solemn interest. On Sunday night. May 28, 1837, was perpetrated a nameless crime and the most atrocious murder ever committed in Ray county. The victim was a Mrs. Dorcas Cleavenger, an amiable, inoffensive lady, the wife of William Cleavenger, who, it will be remembered, was one of the first settlers in Fishing river bottoms; the perpetrators were two fiends incarnate, named Ish and Henry, slaves respectively of Richard Cleavenger and Abraham Froman. On the afternoon of the day mentioned — Sabbath as it was — Mr. Cleavenger went fishing, leaving his wife and two little children, aged three and five, alone at the house. Mr. C. did not return home until late at night. The stillness of the mid- night hour breathed not a whisper of the horrible disclosure awaiting him. He approached the door, pulled the latch-string, and passed the threshold, little knowing that he was entering the chamber of death! Silence pre- vailed. The little innocents, nestled closely at their mother's side — three cheeks pressing the same pillow — were wrapped in the happy uncon- sciousness of sleep; and so was the mother — but not to wake again on earth. The room was dark. The husband called to his wife, speaking her name, but receiving no response, stepped to the bed-side, and, doubt- less rebuking himself for having stayed away so long, tenderly placed his hand on her brow; it was pulseless, and cold as marble! He again vainly called, and then, thoroughly alarmed, kindled a light in the fire-place. The blazing fagots threw a ghastly glamour on the pale face of a mur- dered woman — the mother of his children — she who had been the life of his life and the soul of his soul. There in the dismal glare of a waning light, the poor man stood — wifeless; and motionless with unspeakable woe. After awhile the heart-broken husband left the dead, and the uncon- scious living, alone, till he could go to the house of his father, happily liv- ing not far away, and make known his sad discovery. The father and other members of the family, on receiving the informa- tion, repaired to the house in which the dead woman lay. The neighbors assembled early next morning to ascertain the cause of Mrs. Cleavenger's death. The coroner was notified. He empanneled a jury, and such proceedings were had as are common in cases of mysterious death. The jury, after having made some inquiry, but without, it appears, a HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 471 thorough examination, adopted a verdict that " Mrs. Cleavenger came to her death by an attack of apoplexy." The same (Monday) evening Mrs. C. was buried, but the people were not satisfied with the result of the coroner's inquest. Dr. Mallet, a physi- cian of the neighborhood, felt assured, upon fost mortem examination, that death was not caused by apoplexy. Suspicion was rife that the unfortunate lady had been murdered, and the whole community set about to find the murderer or murderers. Ish, a man of color, owned by Richard Cleavenger, father of the bereaved husband, was suspected. A party of men, armed with guns> went to the house of the slave's master, and demanded to see the former. Ish was brought forth, and in reply to questions, answered, with con- siderable trepidation : That Froman's Henry had come to him, and asked him to go with the former to WilHam Hill's, a neighbor; that he assented, and on the way to Mr Hill's, Henry told him (Ish) that he (Henry) had killed Dorcas Cleavenger, and wanted Ish to go and help him (Henry) to put her on the bed. Blood was found on Ish's coat sleeve; and in reply to the question how it came there, he said it was the blood of Dorcas Cleavenger; that he had no other chance to get it. Ish claimed that he had no hand in killing his " Miss Dorky," but confessed that he helped Froman's Henry to put her to bed, and stated further, Froman's Henry had killed her. Ish, however, implicated himself before the interview ended, and he and Henry were arrested. Their preUminary trial was held June 1st, before justices of the peace, James Dickie and John Dozier. As a result, the negroes were incarce- rated at Richmond, to await the July term of the circuit court. The indictment found against the culprits at that term, will complete the story, and it is subjoined, as well on account of the quaintness of the document, as of its bearing in this case: State of Missouri, Ray County. In the Circuit Courts July term^eighteen hundred and thirty-seven; Ray county^ to-wit : The grand jurors for the state of Missouri, for the body of the county of Ray, aforesaid, upon their oaths, do present: That Ish and Henry, late of said county of Ray, men of color, and slaves, the said Ish the property of Richard Cleavenger, of said county, and the said Henry, the property of Abraham Froman, of said county, not having the fear of God before their eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on the twenty-eighth day of May, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, with force and arms, at the county of Ray, aforesaid, in and upon one Dorcas Cleavenger, in the peace of God, and of the state of Missouri, then and there being, feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice aforethought, did make an assault ; and that they, said Ish and Henry, with both the hands of each of them, 472 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. said Ish and Henry, about the neck and throat of her, the said Dorcas Cleavenger, then and there, feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice afore- thought, did fix and fasten, and that they, said Ish and Henry, with both the hands of each of them, said Ish and Henry, so, as aforesaid, fixed and fastened about the neck and throat of her, the said Dorcas Cleavenger, then and there did violently squeeze and press; and that the said Ish and Henry, also, then and there feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice afore- thought, with both the hands of each of them, said Ish and Henry, threw the said Dorcas Cleavenger down to and upon the ground, and then and there they, the said Ish and Henry, feloniously, wilfully, and of their mal- ice aforethought, jumped and pitched their knees in and upon the belly of the said Dorcas Cleavenger, giving to her, the said Dorcas Clavenger, then and there, by jumping and pitching their knees in and upon the belly of the said Dorcas Cleavenger, as aforesaid, one mortal bruise; as well of which said squeezing and pressing of the neck and throat of her, the said Dorcas Cleavenger, with both the handsof each of them, said Ish and Henry, as aforoesaid, as all of the jumping and pitching of the said Ish and Henry, in and upon the belly of the said Dorcas Cleavenger, as aforesaid, she, the said Dorcas Cleavenger, then and there instandy died. And so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do say that the- said Ish and Henry, her, the said Dorcas Cleavenger, in manner and by the means aforesaid, feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice aforethought, did then and there kill and murder. Against the form of the statute, in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the state. T. C. BuRCH, Circuit Attorney. And the jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid, do further present: That Ish, late of said county of Ra}^ a person of color, and a slave, the property of Richard Cleavenger, of said county of Ray; and Henry, late of said county of Ray, a person of color, and a slave, the property of Abraham Froman, of said county, not having the fear of God before their eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on the twenty-eighth day of May, in the rear of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, with force and arms, at the county of Ray, aforesaid, in and upon one Dorcas Cleavenger, in the peace of God and the state of Mis- souri, then and there being, feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice afore- thought, did make and assault, and that the said Ish, his left hand about the neck and throat of said Dorcas Cleavenger, then and there, felon- iously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did fix and fasten, and that he, said Ish, with his left hand, so as aforesaid, fixed and fastened about the neck and throat of her, said Dorcas Cleavenger, then and there did violently, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, squeeze and press; and that the said Ish also then and there feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, jumped and plunged the right knee of him, said Ish, in and upon the belly of the said Dorcas Cleavenger, giving to her, said Dorcas Cleavenger, then and there, bv jumping and plunging his, said Ish's, right knee in and upon the bellv of the said Dorcas, as aforesaid, one mortal bruise, as well of which said squeezing and pressing of the neck and throat of said Dorcas Cleavenger, with the left hand of the said Ish, as last aforesaid, as also of the jumping and plunging of the right knee of said Ish in and upon the belly of said Dorcas Cleavenger, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 473 as last aforesaid, she, the said Dorcas Cleavenger, then and there instantly died; and that the said Henry, at the time of committing the felony and murder last aforesaid, in manner aforesaid, feloniousl}^, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, was present, aiding, helping, abetting, comforting, assisting, and maintaining the said Ish in the felony and murder last afore- said, in manner and form last aforesaid, to do, commit and perpetrate. And so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do say that the said Ish and Henry, her, the said Dorcas Cleavenger, in the manner and by the means last aforesaid, feloniously, wilfully, and of their malice afore- thought, did then and there kill and murder. Against the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the state. T. C. BuRCH, Circuit Attorney. The above indictment was returned a "true bill," July 10, 1837. On that day Ish and Henry were led into court, and having no counsel, Alex. W. Doniphan, William T. Wood and Eldridge Benner were appointed to defend them. Amos Rees was appointed to assist in the prosecution. July 11 th, the prisoners appeared in court, and being ready for trial the same proceeded. After hearing all the evidence in the case, the jury — Joseph Ewing, Samuel McCuistion, Abraham Linville, Harry Lile, William T. Tisdale, John H. Smith, Henry Clarke, Reuben Holman, Henry Hill, Albert Snowden, Allen Ball and Samuel Boon — retired, consulted, and returned with the following verdict, endorsed on the bill of indictment: We, of the jury, find the defendants guilty in manner and form, as charged in the within indictment. Joseph Ewing, Foreman. Thereupon, the court ordered and adjudged that the said defendants be remanded back to the jail of this county, there to remain in close confine- ment until Friday, the 11th day of August next, and on that day, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and three o'clock in the after- noon, they be taken from thence to a gallows, to be erected for the pur- pose at some convenient place, within one-half mile of the town of Rich- mond, there to be hung by the neck until each of them are dead; and that the sheriff of this county carry the foregoing into execution. At the designated time and place, Ish and Henry were duly hanged by the neck until they were dead — Hardy Holman, sheriff, being the executioner. Ish and Henry were the first to be convicted of murder, and theirs was the first public execution in the county. The writer inadvertently omitted to state in the proper place, that the scene of the murder just narrated, was near what is now the site of Fred- ericksburg, or New Garden post office, in Fishing River township. 30 474 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. UNLAWFUL HOMICIDE. The first unlawful homicide was committed at or near Buffalo bridge, on Crooked river, in the year 1823, by one Love Snowden, a desperate character of untamed disposition, the brutal propensities of whose nature overwhelmed the promptings of a decent manhood. The citizens of the neighborhood had met for social pastime, near the bridge above mentioned. A quarrel began between Snowden and a neio-hbor, named Woods. Persons gathered around the parties in order to quell the disturbance. The difficulty was, apparently, amicably settled, and the two men shook hands in token of peace. Every body thought the affair at an end, and for a while all went as smoothly as if nothing had occurred to mar the enjoyment of the occasion. But the fiendish fire of Snowden's nature was not permitted to smolder; it continued to rankle, till, in a moment of violent rage, he plunged a knife to the hilt in the breast of the unwary, unfortunate Woods, inflicting a wound of which he expired in a few moments. Snowden was subsequently apprehended and placed in jail. His case came up for trial at the July term, 182-1, of the circuit court; a change of venue to Lillard (Lafayette) county was granted. Afterwards, however, he was brought before the judge of the Ray circuit court, on a writ of habeas cor^iis^ directed to the sheriff" of Lillard county. Appearing in court, Snowden plead not guilty, and for trial, put him- self on God and his country. For want of sufficient evidence, he was acquitted under the law of the land; but whether in the eyes of his countrymen and his God, is quite another matter. The early records of the circuit court show that Love Snowden was arraigned before that tribunal no less than thirty times, within little more than three years, variously charged with assault and battery, stabbing, disturbing the peace, and finally w^th murder — after which his name dis- appears from the records. At the close of the trial alluded to, Snowden went immediately to the house of his father, with whom the former's wife had been staying. The father and son became involved in a quarrel over a saddle, which the latter claimed belonged to his wife. The old man refused to give up the saddle, and the younger Snowden in order to get possession of it, brutally belabored his aged father. After this unfilial attack, Love Snowden left the community, to the delight, not only of the public in general, but even of his kindred, and has never been heard of since. About the year 1838, the Mormons began to infest the country; and after numerous skirmishes and affrays had occurred in Jackson, Clay, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 475 Caldwell and other counties, together with theft, arson and robber}-, com- mitted by the Mornr.ons, the people became exasperated and resolved to expel the intruders from the community. In October, 1838, a portion of a company of " minute men " commanded by Captain Samuel Bogart, having heard that a body of Mormons was camped near the northern line of Ray county, on Crooked river, deter- mined to meet, and, if possible drive them back. On the afternoon of October 24, Captain Bogart and his followers, marched to the neighborhood of the Mormon headquarters, and camped for the night on the river bank. All was quiet till about day-light the next morning, when the pickets of the " minute men " fired upon an approaching column of Mormon " saints," and retreated to camp. Captain Bogart sent out two of his men to reconnoiter, wdth a view to ascertaining the strength of the enemy. Having found that the Mormons numbered about two hundred and fifty, and there being only forty-seven of the 't minute men," the latter commenced a retreat under fire, which continued thirty minutes. The " minute men " lost one killed — Moses Rowland. Samuel Tar- water and Thomas H. Lloyd were left on the battlefield for dead; they survived, however, and are still living — April, 1881. Two men, Edwin Odell, shot in the arm, and James Lockhart in the hip, were wounded. Wyatt Craven was taken prisoner by the Mormons, but after taking him with them about twelve miles, he was released, and commanded to go in a certain, direction. Fearing they meant him some further mischief, he darted oft in a direction opposite to the one he was ordered to follow. A Mormon, in ambush, called to him to halt, but Craven only ran the faster. The Mormon fired upon him, inflicting a slight wound, but he escaped. R. L. McCoskrie was in the engagernent. A ball passed through his clothing. In another part of this work will be found the statement that the first death by violence in the county, of which an official took cognizance, was that of James Buchanan. We here state that at the time of losing his life, Buchanan was alone in the woods. A hunter, coming along, chanced to descry him in a thicket of tangled undergrowth, and, mistaking him for a bear, fired and killed him. The accident occurred in the month of August, 1823. A man named Lard and wife had raised to the age of ten a bright and attractive little girl, whose mother was dead. They were tenderly devoted to the child, and the latter, in turn, was warmly attached to its foster- parents. The child's father, a man of low character, besides being quite 476 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. indigent, lived in the neighborhood. Envying Lard and wife the happi- ness the little one afforded them, he demanded its possession, and threat- ened violence if the child was not returned to him. In taking the child to their home — upon the loss of its best friend on earth — its protectors were actuated by the purest motives of sympathy and humanity; they had learned to love the little orphan, and were unwilling to part with it. Fearing the father's threats would be put into execution, they determined to escape with the child to the south side of the Missouri ; and at dusk one evening they, with old Mr. and Mrs. Wallace (Mrs. Lard's parents), entered a covered wagon and started southward. They reached the river, opposite Lexington, about midnight. The ferryman's hut was hard by; he was aroused, but at first refused to attempt to cross the river, as the water was high and the current swift; he portrayed the danger of the undertaking, and protested that he could not row them over — but Lard's story excited the ferryman's sympathy, and he consented .to go. The summer night was calm and clear, yet lonely. The moon and stars were aglow in the heavens, and their lambent light, kissing the current's face, touched it to ripples of silver. The prow of the Httle flat-boat was drawn against the shore; the murmuring waters uttered a solemn warn- ing, but the trembling little band, half heeding, half heedless, stepped aboard. Old Mr. and Mrs. Wallace sat in the wagon, which, with the horses attached, stood in the middle of the boat. The dauntless ferryman hove anchor, and pushed out on the turbulent torrent. The party had proceeded some distance, when the boat, becom- ing unmanageable, was borne down by the strong current, and finally overturned. All went down — old Mrs. Wallace to rise no more, alive. Lard seized the little girl, swam with her to land, and heroically returned to the res- cue of his wife, but met the ferryman gallantly swimming ashore, bearing the lady on his back; she was saved. Neither of the horses, nor the wagon was even seen again. The party, safe on land, bewailed the aged couple, supposing them both "beneath the wave; " but about two o'clock next day, old man Wallace was observed about three miles below the ferry, far out in the stream, clinging to a " sawyer," and partaking, of course, of its ceaseless upward and downward motion, a ride he had enjoyed for several hours, having for a saddle a large feather bed; for, when reached by the rescuer, it was found that in clasping the log, the old man's arm's also passed around the aforementioned article of household furniture. Subsequently, on a less hazardous occasion. Lard, his wife, and the little girl, were rowed to the Lafayette shore. Wallace was a man of seventy winters. His remaining years were therefore few. What became of him, the writer has not been informed. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 477 DEATH AT A THRESHING MACHINE. July 10, 1880, Messrs. Wolf aad Youngblood were running a threshing machine on the farm of Mr. Wolf, in township fifcy-two, range twenty-nine. A young man named Andrew Pollard, was employed by the proprietor as driver, and while the machine was in rapid motion, under full power, he stepped from his place where he was driving, to tighten a tap at the front boxing of the line shaft. The shaft was about eight inches above the ground, and Mr. Pollard stepped backward so near it, that the protruding bolt from the ring coupling caught in the strap of his boot. He was thrown to the ground with great violence, and revolved with the shaft many times, as the power was very high, and the machine could not be readily stopped. He was, of course, instantly killed, his body being hor- ribly crushed and mangled. Andrew Pollard was the son of Humphrey Pollard, Esq., and his death was not only an irreparable loss to his family, but a misfortune to the community, as he was an industrious, promising and honorable young man. He left to mourn his untimely death an amiable and affectionate young wife and three little children. BLOODY TRAGEDY. Christmas night, 1874, two men were together, one at his home near New Garden P. O., in Fishing River township, the other his visitor. They were having a good time together, partaking quite freely of strong drink, when, seeing, doubtless, that the tipplers were becoming too much intoxicated, a member of the host's family hid the jug containing what remained of the liquor; whereupon the other made some remark, expres- sive of what he would do in the event his wife or children should dare to hide his jug. This remark excited a quarrel and the two men began cut- ting each other with terrible effect, and continued till, from sheer exhaus- tion and loss of blood, they fell over on the bed. The wounds of one proved mortal, while the other recovered. It is not intended to give the remote origin of the above tragedy, nor to rest blame on either combatant, but simply to recite an instance of the many unfortunate results, growing out of the use of ardent spirits. The following list of homicides, committed in Hardin, was furnished us b}'' Captain Thomas McGinnis, ex-sheriff of Ray county, and at one time a justice of the peace in Hardin, viz: In 1856, James Hall was killed by Milton Farris, who stabbed the former to death with a knife. Love Snowden (relative of the Love Snowden mentioned elsewhere in this work), was shot by the Union soldiers, in 186:2. In 1872, Burton Snowden was killed by one Sam White. In 1869, Michael Vaha was stabbed to death by one Dick Brady. 478 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. On the 24th day of June, A. D. 1876, Richard Reeves and William Witcher lost their lives at the hands of a dastardly assassin, named Brice, who stabbed them with a knife. (Brice was apprehended and hanged by the outraged citizens the same night.) William Dawson, in April, 1871, was killed by William Webster. In 1871, Thomas P. Campbell severed the throat of James Smith, with a knife. It should be stated that most of the affrays above recited, were between men of extremely low character. Many of them were transients — tie choppers. Hardin is now a quiet, peaceable and progressive town. OVERFLOWS OF THE MISSOURI RIVER. A memorable overflow of the Missouri river occurred in 1827. All the bottom lands in Ray county were overflowed, forcing the people to abandon their homes, and seek safety on the higher ground farther to in- land. Several houses were washed away and considerable damage was done to stock, fencing and farm lands. But on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of June, 1844, took place the greatest and most distressing overflow of the Missouri river, known to the memory of any living man. Millions of property was destroyed, human lives lost, and untold personal suflering engendered. The bottom lands of this county were entirely inundated, buildings of every kind were swept away, stock killed, and plantations laid waste. The crops of that season were well advanced, and promised a glorious harvest. Vast fields of wheat, oats, rye, and corn were submerged, and the water receded to leave them a desolate waste. Great suffering neces- sarily followed. The corn in the bottoms was especially luxuriant, and man}^ persons were dependent upon the successful cultivation of that staple for a living. When it was destroyed their only resource for the necessities of life was the charity of the people. No lives were lost in Ray county, but no other disaster, before nor since, has been so destructive of property. April, 1881, will long be remembered as the month of another great and devastating overflow of the Missouri. The rise of 1881 was at an unusual time, being about six weeks earlier than the annual June rise. In 1844 the tributaries to the Missouri were aU greatly swollen, and, of course, helped to swell the vast volume of water. This was not the case in 1881, and accounts for the fact that in the latter year, above the mouth of the Kansas river, the volume of water was considerably greater than it was in 1844, and below that point much less. As in the case of the two former rises mentioned, the bottom lands were all under water, and a great deal of damage done, but crops had not been planted. Very little preparation of the soil to receive the seed, had HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 479 been made, and as the flood began to recede after about three days, the land became dry in time to be plowed and cultivated in the usual way the ensuincr season. The bottom lands of Ray county are very seldom overflowed, and, in point of fertility and depth of soil cannot be excelled. About twenty-seven years ago. Captain Thomas McGinnis forded the Missouri river, horseback, without getting wet, a short distance below Lexington' and in sight of that town. The act was witnessed by about thirty persons, standing on the river bank. The water was very low, of course, lower perhaps than any person, now living, will remember to have seen it at any other time. Captain McGinnis is doubtless the only man in this part of the state who ever forded the Missouri river, so low down as Lexington. PETRIFIED STUMP. On the premises of D. C. Noftsinger, of Tinney's Grove, is a petrified stump, found in 1858, northeast of Tinney's Grove, in section one, town- ship fifty-four, range twenty-six. The stump is about two and a half feet in height, and perhaps three feet in diameter. The roots are not yet entirely petrified, and will weigh doubtless five hundred pounds. Every growth of the timber is plainly visible, as also are the marks of the axe, made in severing the trunk; and in places indications of the inside bark still remain. The petrifaction is of a Whitish gray color, very hard and flinty, and will strike fire readily. There was also found in 1847, on section fourteen, same township and range, portions of a petrified tree, in pieces from one foot to four feet in length, and about one foot in diameter. They are of the same color as the petrified stump, and are also very hard and flinty. HOMICIDES. In March, 1841, a man named Martin Adams was killed on Main street, in Richmond, near Darneal's store, at the southwest corner of the public square. He met his death at the hands of one Ben White. It was late in the afternoon, and White stood in the street holding his horse, pre- paratory to starting for his home at Elkhorn. Adams was hard by. Gentlemen remarked the wild and mfuriated visage of White, and told the sherift', Colonel Brown, who was standing near, that he had better arrest him. Whereupon, hearing the caution, White begged to be searched, declaring himself unarmed. Some words of altercation then passed between White and Adams, when the former threw a rock at the latter, and immediately ran toward him, drawing, as he ran, a large butcher-knife from a scabbard, con- 480 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. cealed about his person, with which he stabbed Adams seventeen times, inflicting ghastly wounds and causing his death almost instantly. The deed was committed in the presence of citizens, whom the homi- cide kept at bay, flourishing his weapon and threatening violence to any who should dare to approach him. He continued to stab the prostrate and helpless Adams, till a gentleman from the crowd struck him on the back of the neck with a large rock, at which he rose with all the rage of an infuriated demon, and demanded to know who struck him; no one responded. Brandishing his bloody weapon in the air, and uttering oaths and threats, he defied arrest, till the intrepid Alexander Harwood, who carried a sword-cane, stepped in front of him, with weapon drawn, and commanded him to surrender, or be pierced through and through. Then, for the first time, White seemed to realize the enormity of what he had done, and was seized by the passion of fear. Trembling in every muscle, the butcher-knife fell from his nerveless hands, and he quietly submitted to arrest. White was a shoe maker and lived in Elkhorn; Adams was a farmer, residing in the neighborhood of that village. They had previously had a fight at Elkhorn, and in the breast of each rankled the spirit of revenge. On the evening of the homicide, both men had been in Richmond throughout the day. Adams, it is said, followed after White, insisting that they should " fight it out," while the latter, professing a desire to avoid further difficulty, but really, it was believed, watching an opportu- nity to gain an advantage, told his pursuer to keep away from him, as he did not wish to " fight." White was tried, condemned and hanged; and this was the last legal execution in Ray county. James Robinson was killed in the streets of Richmond about the year 1844, by one William Balser. A quarrel arose in a crowd near where the Wasson House now stands, in which a rough, named Tanner, was the most conspicuous participant. He was, however, a notorious coward, and upon his refusal to fight, when a braver man than he, at last, offered him battle, the crowd gathered around and began jeering him; he then retreated, followed by the party, among whom were James Robinson and William Balser, the former preceding the latter in the pursuit. Balser, for what, or whether for any pro\'Ocation is unknown, struck Robinson about the back of the head or neck, either with his fist or open hand; whereupon the latter turned upon his assailant, and, stabbing him but once in the abdomen, with a pocket-knife, inflicted a wound, which, in the course of the ensuing night, proved fatal. For this act, Robinson was sent to the penitentiary for ten years. About the year 1855, a man named Wingo was a wagon-maker in HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 481 Richmond. Richard Allen, a worthy and respected farmer, who resided a few miles southeast of Richmond, was one day riding by the shop of Wingo, when the latter, with a double-barrelled shot-gun in his hand, stepped in the street in front of Allen and caused him to halt. Wingo told Allen he had been talking about him (Wingo) — slandering him — and commanded him to recant; but the latter denied the accusation, and Wingo discharged the contents of one barrel of his gun into the head of the defenseless Allen, making a horrible wound, of which he soon died. Wingo started to run, but had gone only a short distance when he was apprehended by a crowd of pursuing citizens. He was taken to jail, and confined till Judge Dunn called a special term of the circuit court for the purpose of trying him. On being brought into court, he was asked if he was ready for trial; he replied that he was not, and also refused to have any counsel, protesting that he needed none. The sheriff' then started to return him to jail, and upon reaching the outer steps, was overpowered by a number of citizens, who, forcibly taking Wingo from him, threw a rope around his neck, and dragged him (part of the way over a newly macadamized street) on his face and hands, to a place a few hundred yards north of Colonel Child's present residence. There he was hanged b\' the neck to the limb of a tree. It was thought bv some, however, that life was extinct before he was hung up. Wingo's body remained dangling in the air till the next morning, when it was taken down and buried. He was a very quarrelsome, desperate, and dangerous man, and the community, was well rid of him. In connection with Wingo's seizure by the citizens, the following ludic- rous incident occurred: Old man Woolard was a man whom everybody liked, though he had been somewhat wicked, but he had recently joined the Presbyterian Church, and his friends observed, with much satisfaction, that he had completely reformed. Wingo was to Mr. Woolard a source of great annoyance, having frequently threatened his life, and otherwise caused him considerable trepidation ; in fact, kept him in constant dread. Com- ing up just as the party were in the act of dragging the culprit from the court house yard, the old man exclaimed in a loud but trembling voice: " Boys, if I must swear, hang him, hmi, hang hhn P'' VERY UNGENTLEMANLY. The first steamboat ascended the Missouri river as far as Council BlufTs, in September, 1819. A crowd of curious countrymen, from various parts of our county, gathered at Old Bluffton, on a Sunday afternoon, to see the boat pass. Their horses were hitched near the river to limbs of trees and saplings. In due time the boat came along and paused at Old Bluffton, When 482 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ready to start, the captain caused the whistle to be blown, at which every horse took fright, broke loose, and ran away. One irate old gentleman, whose bridle was broken to pieces, angrily exclaimed: " The captain of that boat is no gentleman! He's no gentleman! He's a grand scoundrel! There goes my critter with a brand new bridle that cost me two-and- thre'pence! He's no gentleman; if he had of been, he'd a called out to the people: 'Take care ot your critters, men, take care of your critters! I'm about to blow my whistle!'" " WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS, 'tIS FOLLY TO BE WISE." The dearborn, a vehicle no longer known by that name, was a kind of light, four-wheeled carriage, generally covered with white canvas, and much used by emigrants at an early day; but there lived on " timber ridge," in this county, a pioneer family, none of whom had ever seen a dearborn, nor a ship either, though the mother fancied she knew how the latter looked, and described it to her daughter, a maiden in her teens. One day a dearborn, covered as above, came in sight of the girl who was in the yard, whereupon she ran into the house, exclaiming, " Oh, mother, mother, there's a shif! it's a comin' right here! it's a ship! it's a ship! look mother, it's a ship! " VERY LIKELY. Mr. James Hughes, a worthy and prominent citizen of Richmond, on one occasion, at an early day, was traveling across the county, probably on an errand of business, or, it may be of pleasure; at any rate, he desired to ascertain the hour, and for that purpose called at the house of a lady, who he happened to know had recently purchased a clock from a well-known peddler, at that time canvassing the county. Riding up to the fence, Mr. H. politely inquired — "What time is it madam? " Looking at the brand new clock, the lady quickly responded — "Well, I don't know 'xactly, mister, but it's some whar 'twixt the " strikin's." STATISTICAL. At the January term, 1S22, of the count}- court, John Harris, sheriff of Ray countv, settled with the court as follows: Dr. Cr. To amount of fine imposed on Love Snowden by circuit court at its October term, 1821 ". $10.00 $ By amount of his account rendered 13.15 Balance in favor of sheriff, $ 3.15 Amount of county tax collected in 1822, by John Scott, collector, $52.88 William Downey, for assessing the county of Ray in 1823, received $36.00 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 483 Amount of state and county revenue collected in Ray county, for the year 1823 $120.05 County tax collected for the year 1827 $172.00 November, 1829, William S. Miller, for erecting jail in town of Richmond, received $378.00 Tax collected in Ray county for the year 1828 $276.30 State and county tax collected in Ray county, for the year 1833.$708.05i- *' Amount paid for erecting brick court house, in the town of Richmond, in 1833, $3,350.00 WEALTH. Valuation of the county per census of 1870 $10,000,000.00 Taxation, 1876— total tax $1.30 per $100. Taxation, 90 cents per $100; school tax, 40 cents per $100. .INDEBTEDNESS. Railroad debt : $200,000.00 Interest on railroad debt 48,288.00 Bonded debt, exclusive of railroad debt 23,101.38 RAIRLOADS. Twenty-five miles of track of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific rail- road passes through the southern part of the county, traversing southeast part of township fifty-two, and northwest corner of township fifty-one, range twenty-six; and township fifty-one, of ranges twenty-seven, twenty- eight and twenty-nine. Twenty-eight miles of track of the St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railroad, passes diagonally across the county, from southeast to northwest, traversing townships fifty-one, fifty-two and fifty- three, of ranges twenty-seven, twenty-eight and twenty-nine. LIVE STOCK. The number of live-stock in Ray county, in 1876, according to the state census of that year was: Horses 7,893 Mules 3,018 Jacks 45 Jennets 67 Cattle 16,400 Sheep ,....11,103 Hogs 43,935 484 HISXORY OF RAY COUNTY. PRODUCTS. 1876— Bushels of wheat 166,339 Bushels of corn 2,164,366 Bushels of oats 40,430 Bushels of barley 1,293 Bushels of rye 28,802 Pounds of tobacco 520,896 Pounds of wool 24,856 Pounds of sugar 3,715 Tons of hay 16,913 Tons of hemp 137 Gallons of whisky j 100 Gallons of wine 800 Gallons of molasses 46,354 ABSTRACT OF ASSESSMENT RETURNS of Ray county, for the year 1878, of 1879 taxes, as fixed by state board of equalization: Lands — Number of acres 354,683 Valuation $2,632,426 Average per acre 7.42 Town Lots — Number 3,450 Valuation $ 261,850 Average value per acre 75.89 Total value of real estate 2,894,276 Live Stock— Horses 8,389 Valuation $ 268,987 Mules 3,836 Valuation $ 147,033 Asses and jennets 5,609 Valuation $ 5,609 Neat cattle 22,098 Valuation $ 276,886 Sheep 14,217 Valuation $ 16,565 Hogs 58,278 Valuation :p 101,974 All other live stock Valuation $ 233 Financial — Money, bonds and notes $ 620,291 Brokers and exchange dealers 10,000 Corporate companies 12,964 All other personal property 350,790 Total personal property 1,811,332 Total taxable wealth 4,715,608 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 485 ABSTRACT OF ASSESSMENT RETURNS of Ray county, for the year 1879, for taxes of 1880, as fixed by state board of equalization: Lands — Number of acres 355,802 Valuation $2,610,546 Average per acre 7.33 Town Lots — Number 3,482 Valuation $ 256,002 Average value 82.13 Total value of real estate 2,896,542 Live Stock — Horses 8,464 Valuation $ 265,360 Mules 3,710 Valuation $ 143,775 Asses and jennets 85 Valuation $ 5,150 Sheep 14,085 Valuation $ 16,049 Hogs 53,706 Valuation. $ 90,207 All other live stock Valuation $ 375 Financial — Money, bonds and notes $ 669,828 Brokers and exchange dealers 10,000 Corporate companies 3 2,964 All other personal property 408,332 Total personal property 1,919,470 Total taxable wealth 4,816,012 abstract of tax book for 1879 and 1880, showing taxable wealth, and state taxes charged to collector of Ray county. (State revenue tax, one-fifth of one per cent; state interest tax, one-fifth of one per cent): Valuation, 1879 .$4,739,949.00 State revenue, 1879 9,476.98 State interest, 1879 9,476.98 Valuation, 1880 4,835,833.00 State revenue, 1880 9,666.99 State interest, 1880 9,666.99 486 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ABSTRACT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF RAY COUNTY, MISSOURI, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1880. James A. Davis, Collector^ in account with County Revenue Fund. January 1, 1880. To balance $10,007.87 To amount merchants' tax books 403.40 To amount manufacturers' tax book 49.14 To amount quarterly collections 1,942.37 To amount tax books, 1880 . ' 11,607.93 To amount from St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 688.23 To amount St. Joe & St. Louis railroad 212.30 To amount Western Union Telegraph Company. . . 9.07 Total $24,920.31 By amount treasurer's receipts J|jl2,562.89 By amount commissions • • * * 390.76 By amount treasurer's receipts for tax, 1879, St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 670.22 By commissions on same 20.91 By treasurer's receipt for tax, 1879, St. Joe & St. Louis railroad. 205.76 By commissions on same » 6.19 By treasurer's receipt tax 1880, St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 666.87 By commissions on same 20.65 By treasurer's receipt tax 1880, St. Joe & St. Louis railroad 205.60 By commissions on same 6.35 By treasurer's receipt Western Union Telegraph tax 8.80 By commissions on same 27 By errors on 1879 land and personal tax books. . . . 7.43 By delinquent on 1879, land and personal tax books 1,390.03 By errors on 1879 merchants' and manufacturers' tax books • 17.29 By balance 8,740.39 Total $24,920.31 James A. Davis, Collector^ in account -with Bridge Fund: January 1, 1880. To balance $ 3,335.94 To amount tax books, 1880 3,869.31 To amount merchants' tax book, 1880 134.47 To amount munufacturers' tax book, 1880 16.38 To amount quarterly collections 409.72 To amount from St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 229.41 To amount from St. Joe & St. Louis railroad 70.77 To amount from Western Union telegraph company 3.03 Total $ 8,069.03 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. . 487 By amount treasurer's receipts $ ^^^ff'l^ By amount commissions :z"^"t " '■' ^^^•''■'^ By amount treasurer's receipt for tax, 1879, St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 223.46 By amount commissions on same ^ 6.91 By amount treasurer's receipt for tax, 1879, St. Joe & St. Louis railroad 68.56 By amount commissions on same ^ . . 2.09 By amount treasurer's receipt for tax, ISSO, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Northern railroad 222.29 By amount commissions on same ^ 6.88 By amount treasurer's receipt, tax 1S80, St. Joe & St. Louis railroad o"i t By amount commissions on same ^-H By amount treasurer's receipt Western Union tele- graph tax....... 2.93 By amount commissions on same -J-^ By amount errors on 1879, land and personal tax books • ;••• ^-^^ By amount delinquent on 1879, land and personal tax books ^^^'^^ By amount errors on 1879, merchants' and manu- facturers' tax books qi q*ij9 By amount balance ^,\)l6.bu Total $8,069.03 James A. Davis, Collector, in accoimt -with Poor House Fund: January 1, 1880. _ To balance ? J'noI-^I To amount tax books, 1880 l,9o4.bb To amount merchants' tax book, 1880 6 < .23 To amount manufacturers' tax book, 1880 8.19 To amount quarterly collections 205.48 To amount from St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Railroad llf-^l To amount from St. Joe & St. Louis Railroad 35.39 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany $ 4,035.04 By amount treasurer's receipts $ 1,9(5.60 By amount commissions :.' "A.' 65.12 By amount treasurer's receipts for tax, 1879, St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 111.73 By amount commission on same 3.46 By amount treasurer's receipt for tax 1879, St. Joe & St. Louis railroad 34.26 By amount commissions on same 3.06 488 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. January 1, 1880. By amount treasurer's receipt tax 1880, St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 111.13 By amount commissions on same 3.45 By amount treasurer's receipt tax 1880, St. Joe & St. Louis railroad 34.26 Bv amount commissions on same 1.06 By amount treasurer's receipt Western Union Tele- graph tax 1.46 By amount commission on same .05 By amount errors on 1879 land and personal tax books 1.24 By amount delinquent on 1879 land and personal tax books 231.67 By amount errors on 1879 merchants' and manufac- turers' tax book 2.87 By amount balance 1,456.62 $4,035.04 James A. Davis, Collector^ in account with Sinking Fund: January 1, 1880. To amount balance $ 1,667.95 To amount tax books, 1880 1,934.65 To amount merchants' tax book, 1880 67.24 To amount manufacturers' tax book, 1880 8.19 To amount quarterly collection 205.23 To amount from St. Louis, Kansas City & North- ern railroad 114.70 To amount from St. Joseph & St. Louis railroad. . . 35.38 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany 1.51 Total $ 4,034.85 Bv amount treasurer's receipts $ 1,975.69 By amount commissions 65.13 ■ By amount treasurer's receipts for tax, 1879, St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 111.73 By amount commissions on same 3.46 By amount treasurer's receipts for tax, 1879, St. Joseph & St. Louis railroad 34.26 By amount commissions on same 1.06 By amount treasurer's receipts for tax, 1880, St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 111.13 By amount commissions on same 3.45 By amount treasurer's receipts for tax, 1880, St. Joseph & St. Louis railroad 34.26 By amount commissions on same 1.06 By amount treasurer's receipt from Western Union Telegraph Company tax 1.46 By amount commissions on same .05 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 489 January 1, 1880. By amount errors on 1879 land and personal tax books $ 1.24 By amount delinquent on 1879 land and personal tax books 231.67 By amount errors on 1879 merchants' and manufac- turers' tax book 2.80 By amount balance 1,456.40 Total $ 4,034.85 James A. Davis, Collector^ in account with Road Funds. January 1, 1880. To balance $4,580.26 To amount tax books, 1880 4,267.38 To amount merchants' tax book 1880 38.57 To amount manufacturer's tax book 1880 5.13 To amount quarterly collections 451.56 To amount from St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad . . 253.28 To amount from St. Joseph & St. Louis railroad. . . . 82.33 To amount from Western Union Telegram Company 3.78 To interest on collections 3.83 Total : $9,686.12 By amount treasurer's receipts $ 702.15 By amount road overseer's receipts, 1879 •. . . 3,462.12 By amount commissions on road receipts 7.75 By amount treasurer's receipts, 1879, tax St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railroad 256.70 By amount commissions on same 7.94 By amount treasurer's receipt, 1879, St. Joseph & St. Louis railroad 79.86 By amount commissions on same 2.4T By amount treasurer's receipt Western Union Tele- graph tax 3.67 By amount commission on same H By amount errors on 1879 land and personal tax books 8.17 By amount errors on 1879 merchant and manufac- turer's tax book 7.76 By amount delinquent on 1879 land and personal tax book 499.16 By amount delinquent on 1879 merchant and manu- facturers tax books 1.57 By amount balance 4,646.69 Total $9,686.12 31 490 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. James A. Davis, Collector in account zvith Remley Lake Fund. January 1, 1880. To amount quarterly collection $ 87.00 To amount tax books 1880 252.35 Total $ 339.35 By amount treasurer's receipts $ 103.40 By amount balance •. 235.95 Totals $ 339.35 William A. Holman, Collector^ in account -with County Revenue Fund. Januar}'^ 1, 1880. To amount balance $15,098.70 To amount from James A. Davis, collector 12,562.89 To amount from Thos." McGinnis, sheriff, costs returned to treasurer 26.70 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. L,., K. C. & N. R. R. (1879). 670.22 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. Joe, & St. L. R. R. (1879) 205.76 To amount from Western Telegraph Company, (1879) taxes 9.06 To amount from from Geo. W. Trigg, overplus fees returned to county 372.23 To amount from Thos. McGinnis, sheriff, sale of stove 3.00 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. L., K. C. & N. R. R.;(1880) 666.87 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. Joe&St. L. R.R. (1880) 205.60 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, (1 880) taxes 8.80 Total $29,829.83 By amount settlement with coimty court $22,502.75 By aniount balance 7,327.08 Total $29,829.83 William A. Holman, Treasurer^ in account with Coitnty Bridge Fund. January 1, 1880. To amount balance $ 9,366.76 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector 3,949.70 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, (1879) taxes St. L., K. C. &N. R. R 223.46 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, (1879) St. Joe «& St. L. R. R 68.56 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany (1879) taxes 3.02 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 491 January 1, 1880. To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, (1880) taxes St. L., K. C. «& N. R. R ip 222.29 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, (1880) taxes St. Joe. & St. L. R. R 68.54 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, (1880) taxes 2.93 Total $13,905.26 By amount settlement with county court $ 5,618.12 By amount balance 8,287.14 Total $13,905.26 William A. Holman, Treasurer^ in Account with County Sinking Fund: January 1, 1880. To amount balance $ 3,257.30 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector 1,975.69 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. L. K. C. & N. R. R. (1879) 111.73 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. Joe & St. L. R. R (1879) 34.26 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, tax (1879) 1.51 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. L., K. C. & N. R. R. (1880) 111.13 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. Joe & St. L. R. R. (1880) 34.26 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, tax (1880) 1.46 Total $ 5,527.42 By amount settlement with county court $ 4,166.54 By amount balance 1,360.88 Total $ 5,527.43 William A. Holman, Treasurer^ in Account xvith County Poor House Fund: January 1,1880. To amount balance $ 2,499.23 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector 1,975.60 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. L., K. C.&N. R. R.(1879) 111.73 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes, St. Joe & St. L. R. R. (1879) 34.26 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, tax (1879) '. 1.51 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. L., K. C. & N. R. R. (1880) 111.13 492 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V, January 1, 1880. To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. Joe & St. L. R. R (1880) $ 34.26 To amount from Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, tax (3880) 1.46 Total $ 4,769.18 By amount settlement with county court $ 4,290.67 By amount balance 478.51 Total $ 4,769.18 William A. Holman, Treasurer^ in account with County Road Fund: January 1, 1880. To amount balance $ 2,887.10 To amount from James A. Davis, collector 702.15 , To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. L., K. C. & N. R. R. (1879) 256.70 To amount from J. A. Davis, collector, taxes St. Joe & St. L. R. R.(1879) 79.86 To amount from Western Union Telegraph, taxes (1879) 3.78 To amount from Western Union Telegraph taxes (1880) 3.67 Total $ 3,933.26 By amount settlement with county court 2,200.27 By amount balance 1,732.99 Total $3,933.26 William A. Holman, Treasurer^ in account with Railroad Fund: January 1, 1880. To amount balance $ 6,647.12 To amount from Jas. A. Davis, collector 1.32 To amount from railroad funds (paid in principal and interest) 1,972.25 Total $ 8,620.69 By amount receipt of clerk United States district court 5,081.92 By amount balance 3,538.77 Total $ 8,620.69 William A. Holman, Treasurer^ in account with Road and Canal Fund: January 1, 1880. To amount balance $ 25.76 By amount balance 25.76 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 493 William A. Holman, Treasurer^ in account with Reinley Lake Fund: January 1, 1880. To amount balance $ 237.14 To amonnt from James A. Davis, collector 163.75 Total $ 400.89 By amount settlement with count}'^ court 307.14 By amount balance ... 93.75 Total $ 400.89 ABSTRACT OP THE EXPENDITURE OF RAY COUNTY, POR THE YEAR 1880. Amount expended on county roads $ 1,153.97 Amount paid road overseers 2,070.68 Amount expended on county bridges 4,489.71 Amount expended on courthouse, county jail, and merchandise furnished county 720.08 Amount expended for blank books and stationery 448.71 Amount expended on account of poor house, lunatic asylum and paupers 2,737.83 Amount expended on account costs in criminal cases 1,545.64 Amount expended on account coal furnished county 100.98 Amount expended on account of sherifl's fees 951.35 Amount expended on account of county clerk's fees 2,988.76 Amount expended on account of circuit clerk's fees 155.21 Amount expended on account of road and bridge commission- er's fees 151.00 Amount expended on account of county treasury commissions (part of 1879 and 1880) 856.93 Amount expended on account of salary county iudges 432.76 Amount expended on account salary county attorney 600.00 Amount expended on account salary county school commis- sioner 43.00 Amounty expended on account county assessor's fees 619.82 Amount expeoded on account of board of equalization 126.00 Amount expended on account of costs in U. S. district court . . 89.16 Amount expended on account county printing and publishing. . 553.50 Amount expended on account scrip issued to grand jury wit- nesses, by circuit clerk 331.00 Amount expended on account of script issued to grand jurors by circuit clerk 437.20 Amount expended on account script issued petit jurors, by cir- cuit clerk 836.95 Amount expended on account of inquests 160.36 Amount expended on account judge and clerks, general and special elections 299.30 Amount expended on account cost and judgment civil case. . . 42.76 Total amount of expenditures $ 22,742.66 494 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. EXHIBIT OF THE RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF RAY COUNTY ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, A. D., 1880. RESOURCES. Amount due by collector $ 19,449 67 Amount due b}^ treasurer 22,844 88 Amount delinquent on tax-books 18,116 92 Total resources $ 60,411 47 LIABILITIES. Amount unpaid bonds for arming militia $ 5,412 07 Amount interest due on same 541 21 Total $ 5,953 28 Amount resources in excess of liabilities $ 54,458 19 COUNTY RAILROAD BONDED DEBT. Amount bonds issued to St. Joseph and St. Louis railroad. . . $ 200,000 00 Amount interest due on same 150,047 60 Total $ 350,047 60 Amount railroad funds in county treasury $ 3,538 77 Amount railroad funds loaned by county court 2,850 00 Amount interest due on same 130 00 Amount paid on judgment in U. S. court 12,851 03 Total $ 19,369 80 State of Missouri, ) County of Ray. f I,Geo. W . Trigg, clerk of the county court, within and for the county of Ray and state aforesaid, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and complete statement of the receipts and expenditures of said county, for the fiscal year ending December, A. D. 1880, as the same appears of record in my office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of said court, at office, in the city of Richmond, this 12th- dav of March, A. D. 1881. Geo. W. Trigg, Clerk. SCHOOL FUND. Twenty-five per cent of the state revenue, and also certain fines and penalties, are set apart for the support of the public schools. The county is the custodian of this fund, and it is loaned at ten per cent interest, pay- able annually. The amount expended in support of the public schools of Ray county for the school year ending on the first Tuesday in April, 1881, was ;t>30,- 657.19. HISTORY OB' RAY COUNTY. 495 BANK STATEMENT. Official statement of the financial condition of the Ray County Savings Bank, at Richmond, state of Missouri, at the close of business the 30th day of April, 1881: RESOURCES. Loans undoubtedly good on personal or collateral security. .$ 105,188.45 Loans and discounts undoubtedly good on real estate security Overdrafts by solvent customers 22,239.72 Other bonds and stock at their present cash market price . . . 9,625.00 Due from other banks, good on sight draft 92,259.13 Real estate at present cash market value 6,007.17 Furniture and fixtures 817.80 Checks and other cash items 2,310.42 Bills of national banks and legal tender U. S. notes 5,480.00 Gold coin 2,845.00 Silver and other fractional coin and currency 121.00 Total $ 246,893.69 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in :p 27,176.00 Surplus funds on hand 17,907.60 Deposits subject to draft at sight 201,810.00 Deposits subject to drafts at given dates Due other banks and bankers Total $ 246,893.69 State of Missouri, County of Ray. We, T. D. Woodson, president, and H. C. Garner, cashier of said bank, and each of us, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of our knowledge and belief. T. D. Woodson, President. H. C. Garner, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of May, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-one. Witness my hand and notarial seal hereto affixed, at office, in Rich- mond, the date last aforesaid. (Commissioned and qualified for a term expiring January 19, 1885.) Joseph E. Black, Notary Public. Correct-Fattest: A. W. Doniphan, ) C. T. Garner, \ Directors. J. W. Shotwell. ) Official statement of the financial condition of J. S. Hughes & Com- pany, private bankers, at Richmond, state of Missouri, at the close of business on the 30th day of April, 1881: 496 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. RESOURCES. Loans undoubtedly good on personal or collateral security. . .$ 83,685.65 Loans and discounts undoubtedly good on real estate security 16,735.98 Overdrafts by solvent customers 7,208.54 Other bonds and stock at their present cash market price United States bonds on hand Due from other banks good on sight draft 118,281.24 Real estate at present cash market value 15,028.10 Furniture and fixtures Checks and other cash items 5,905.61 Bills of national banks and legal tender United States notes. . 10,507.00 Gold coin 1,866.00 Silver and other fractional coin and currency 562.40 Exchange maturing and matured Total $259,780.52 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 20,000.00 Surplus funds on hand 25,525.35 Deposits subject to drafts at sight 203,992.04 Deposits subject to drafts at given dates Due other banks and bankers 10,263. IS Total $259,780.52 State of Missouri, County of Ray. We, Joseph S. Hughes and Burnett Hughes, two of the partners in, or owners of, said banking business, and each of us, do solemnl}^ swear, that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief. J. S. Hughes, Burnett Hughes. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of May, A. D., eighteen hundred and eighty-one. Witness my hand and notarial seal hereto affixed at office, at Richmond, Missouri, the date last aforesaid. (Commissioned and qualified for a term expiring January 17, 1883.) D. P. Whitmer, jStotary Publie. population. The population of Ray county in 1821, was 1,789; in 1830, 2,657; in 1840, 6,553; in 1850, 10,373; in 1860, 14,092; in 1870, 18,700, of whom 16,867 were white and 1,833, colored; 9,780 were males and 8,920 were females; 18,135, natives; 11,864 were born in Missouri; 1,562, in Ken- tucky; 527, in Ohio; 415, in Illinois; 1,081, in Tennessee; 947, in Vir- ginia and West Virginia; 1,739, in other states; 565 were foreign-born. The population June 1, 1880, as shown by bulletin of the tenth census, was 20,193; that of each township being as follows: HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 497 Camden township 3,353 Crooked River township 1,883 Fishing River " 1,961 Grape Grove " 3,091 Polk " 1,534 Richmond " 6,070 Total 20,193 Thus it is demonstrated that since the meeting of the first county court, in April, 1821, Ray county has steadily moved "onward and upward" in the scale of greatness. Though only cne-twelfth as large in area, her population is twelve times as great, while her increase in wealth — -the result of material developments, accomplished by personal energy, indus- try and enterprise — is more than an hundred fold. The county has grown, not only in material prosperity, but in all the elements of social refinement — in civilization, and in everything that con- tributes to the education, elevation and happiness of the people. Her superior natural advantages and great resources, though not yet fully developed, have been utilized to the comfort, convenience and profit of thousands of her citizens; besides inviting others, in less favored lands, to come and make their homes within the limits of the richest county in one of the most fertile and charming regions on the continent of America. The untrodden wilderness in which John Vanderpool was the first to settle, in the summer of 1815, has been converted into a veritable garden of wealth and beauty, interspersed with attractive homes and smiling villages, and has become the abode of a prosperous, happy and charitable people. A delightful climate, productive soil, and unbounded resources, nature has done her part toward making old Ray the peer of any of her sister counties; the people have done the rest, and go on prospering and to prosper. Yet, much as has been done, in the past, a great deal remains to be accomplished in the future. It will not do to be idle. While our prospects are roseate, let us Pause not to dream of the future before us; Pause not to weep the wild cares that come o'er I's; Hark ! how Creation's deep musical chorus, Unintermitting, goes up into heaven! Never the ocean wave falters in flowing; Never the little seed stops in its growing; More and more richly the rose heart keeps glowing, Till from its nourishing stem it is riven. Biographical Sketclies. ALEXANDER W. DONIPHAN. The Louisville Cotcrier-yournal, speaking of the Mexican war, says: Doniphan's exploits have been compared with those of Xenophon. Doniphan, with the first regiment of mounted Missouri volunteers, left Fort Leavenworth on June 12, 1846, and marched across the plains to Mexico, fought three important battles — Brazito, Sacramento and El Paso — conquered the states of Mexico and Chihuahua, and traveled more than 6,000 miles in twelve months, not a word being heard by the government from him in the meantime. Alexander William Doniphan was born near Maysville, Mason county, Kentucky, July 9, 1808. He is of English descent, though his paternal English ancestors immigrated to America in the latter part of the seven- teenth century, and settled on the Potomac river, below Fredericksburg, Virginia, where the family name is still preserved by other descendants. His father, Joseph Doniphan, was the second son of Alexander Doniphan, in honor of whom Colonel Doniphan was named. By the law of primo- geniture, which then prevailed in Virginia, Joseph Doniphan inherited no real estate, and what he subsequently acquired was the result of his own industry and frugality. When the war of the rev^olution began, he was about seventeen years of age, and as King George county, where his father resided, was one of the first sections of that state to be overrun by the British army, both he and his brother George enlisted in the Colonial army. George was killed at his brother's side, but Joseph served with honor till the close of the struggle. The activity and excitement of the war aroused in young Doniphan a spirit of adventure, and, as he had to carve out his own fortune, he was attracted to the far west by the stories of its wonderful beauty, its fabulous fertility and its climatic salubrity. Soon after the declaration of peace and the cessation of hostilities, he accompanied that grim old pioneer, Daniel Boone, to the wilds of Ken- tucky, encountering hardships and perils for which the life he had pre- viously led had given him a relish. After a short stay in Kentucky, he returned to Virginia, and there married Miss Ann Smith, a daughter of Captain William Smith, of Fauquier county. He removed with his fam- ily to Mason county, Kentucky, in 1T9(J, and died there in March, 1813, after a residence of twenty-three years, leaving his wife and seven chil- dren, three sons and four daughters, of whom only two, Mrs. Susan Frazee, widow of Dr. ¥.. S. Frazee, of May's Lick, Kentucky, at present HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 499 residing with her 3'oungest son, near Rushville, west of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the subject of this sketch are now alive. The oldest brother. Dr. Thomas S. Doniphan, father of Colonel John Doniphan, of St. Joseph, Missouri, served as a surgeon in the war of 1S12, and died near the old homestead in Kentucky. Upon the widow now devolved the responsibility of providing for and educating her seven children, and right nobly did she discharge her trust. Alexander being the youngest child, the solicitude of his mother centered in him, and until his ninth 3^ear she carefully supervised his training. At that age, he was sent to his older brother, George, then living at Augusta, Kentucky, where he received the best educational training the village could supply. When he was fourteen years old the Methodists established a college at Augusta, and from this institution he graduated in 1827, with distinguished honors, being then in the nineteenth year of his age. Orville H. Browning, secretary of the interior under President Lincoln; Charles Clark, late governor of Mississipoi; Alex. M. Spencer, late mayor of Cin- cinnati; and others who afterwards became more or less distinguished, were schoolmates of young Doniphan. After graduating, he devoted himself for six months to the study of ancient and modern history, and began the study of law in 1828, under the learned and able jurist, Martin Marshall, of x^ugusta, through whom he received a thorough training in common and statute law, obtaining a Hcense to practice in the states of Ohio and Kentucky in the fall of 1829, at the age of twenty-one. During the winter of -the latter year, he traveled extensively in the western and southern states, and located at Lexington, Missouri, in the spring of 1830. He had spent his patrimony and more, in acquiring an education and in fitting himself for his profession and when he reached Missouri, without either money to maintain himself or friends, or acquaintances to assist him, he was entirely dependent on those qualities that have never betrayed him — energy, perseverance and intellectual endowments. They proved equal to the emergency, and he succeeded well in Lexington; but he determined, for reasons satisfactory to himself, to change his residence to Liberty, Missouri, which he did in 1833. Here he remained for thirty years, devoting the vigor of his younger manhood, and the experience of his maturer years, to the practice of the law, in which he rapidly rose to eminence. With an ambition modified and restrained by sound judgment, an intel- lect capable of grasping and mastering the most intricate and abstruse propositions of law, a mmd trained to reason correctly and reflect coolly, and an impulsive and impressive oratory, it is not strange that he won his way to distinction at the bar without the use of those arguments to which the weak resort. He grew in popular favor by the generous impulses of his own nature, and the superiority of his talents, and it is a singular fact 500 HISTORY OP^ RAY COUNTY. that, though he was at times opposed in sentiment to the great body of his old associates and constituents, he never forfeited the affection of his friends or the respect of his enemies. In 1836, he was elected to represent Clay county in the ninth general assembly of Missouri, and, though 3'oung, he made a creditable record in that body. Twice afterward, in 1840 and in 1854, he was chosen to fill the same position, which he always did with honor to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents. In December, 1837, he married Jane Thoraton, daughter of John Thornton, a well known, respected pioneer of Clay county. Mrs. Doniphan was a lady of refined sentiment, cultivated taste, and purity of character. In the same year in which Colonel Doniphan was married. Governor Boggs called out a strong militia force to quell the disturbances of the Mormons at a place in Caldwell county, Missouri, by them called Far West. The defiant attitude of these people threatened to result in local war. General Doniphan commanded a brigade under Major-General Lucas, and by his address and soldierly bearing succeeded in bringing them to submission without bloodshed. About the middle of May, 1846, Governor Edwards, of Missouri, made a requisition for volunteers to join General Kearnev in his expedition to New Mexico. General Doniphan joined Captain O. P. Moss' company from Clay count}^ as a private. On the 18th of June, eight companies, which were to compose the 1st regi- ment, having arrived, an election of officers was had, which resulted in the choice of A. W. Doniphan as colonel. In taking charge of the regi- ment, Colonel Doniphan temporarily abandoned a lucrative practice and a young family, to which he was tenderly devoted, to lend his aid in sub- duing the enemies of his country. The expedition -as commanded by General Kearney until Santa Fe was reached, when that gallant officer took a portion of the command and w^ent to California, leaving Colonel Doniphan, the first regiment and all other forces in New Mexico. It was the design of Colonel Doniphan to march upon Chihuahua as soon as Colonel Price, who was known to be bringing reinforcements, should arrive to take command of Santa Fe; but on the 11th of October he received instructions from General Kearney to proceed to the country of the Navajos, a brave, war-like, and semi-civilized tribe of Indians, whose territory lay on the western slope of the Cordilleras, and chastise and sub- due them. Winter was approaching; the mountain summits w'ere almost inaccessible; the dangers and difficulties were formidable, but the courage and intrepidity of General Doniphan did not allow him to count the cost. He therefore set about the execution of his orders with all possible dis- patch, and, after a wearisome and exhausting march, reached the Nava- jos' country, and secured a treaty of amity. He then turned his face toward the Del Norte again to prepare for his expedition against Chihua- hua, reaching Valverde about the 10th of December. Doniphan was HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 501 to press on to Saltillo to join the forces of General Wool. The enter- prise was fraught with danger, but this fact operated as a stimulus to excite rather than as a difficulty to daunt the young warrior and his gal- lant followers. He set out with eleven hundred and fifty men, including the first Missouri, one hundred men from the second Missouri, and two companies of the Missouri artillery battalion. On Christmas day a part of his command was attacked by twelve hundred Mexicans at Brazito. The engagement was short, sharp and decisive. In half an hour the Mexicans were forced from the field, leaving their dead and wounded where they fell. On the 28th of February, 1847, near the city of Chihuahua, was fought the battle of Sacramento. Having traversed an unknown territory with a handful of troops, surrounded by enemies, and liable at any time to be attacked by a superior force. Colonel Doniphan was not now to be intimi- dated by a prospect, even of immediate peril. The x\merican force num- bered nine hundred and twenty-four effective men of all arms. The Mexican troops, under Major General Jose A. Hiredia, numbered four thousand, two hundred and twenty. Notwithstanding the superior force of the enemy, the fact that he had chosen his own position and fortified it well, such was the tact of General Doniphan that, after an engagement of three and a half hours, the Mexicans were utterly routed, with a loss of three hundred and twenty killed, five hundred and sixty wounded, and seventy-two prisoners, together with a large quantity of specie, stores, stock, guns and other munitions of war. The American loss was two killed and eleven wounded, three of the latter mortally. The city of Chihuahua was entered next day. Here Colonel Doniphan had hoped to join General Wool, but learned that he was at Saltillo, besieged by Santa Anna. This, however, proved to be untrue, and in a few days he heard of the victory at Buena Vista, and not long afterward of the battle of Cerro Gordo. The war was now virtually closed, and the troops slowly made their way to New Orleans, where they were mustered out of service, June 28, 1847. Upon their return to Missouri, the citizens of St. Louis gave the soldiers a grand reception, and they were welcomed by Senator Benton in a speech, to which Colonel Doniphan responded. Everywhere the commander and his heroic army were received with demonstrations of honor, showing that the people appreciated the dangers they had encountered and the results they had achieved. Colonel Doniphan returned to his home at Liberty, and resumed the practice of law. He remained in Liberty till in 1863, when he returned to St. Louis, where he remained till 1869. In 1861 he was one of the five delegates appointed to represent Missouri in the celebrated peace conference, and was one of the five from the border states, who, by special invitation, held an interview with President Lincoln, to counsel and advise as to the best method of 502 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. preservincT peace, maintaining the Union, and settling the difficulties that then environed the nation, and the only one now living. It was while absent on this mission that he was, chosen to represent his senatorial dis- trict in the state convention. By his marriage to Miss Thornton, the Col- onel had two sons, to whose training he devoted much time and labor, but both died in youth. To his wife he was most warmly devoted, and her death, which occurred July 19, 1873, left him depressed and stricken. Before her death both he and his wife united with the Christian Church. In 1869 Colonel Doniphan returned to Western Missouri, and located in Richmond, where he now (1881) resides. Colonel Doniphan was a man of great physical strength, as his erect carriage, firm, elastic step, and graceful, easy movement, at the age of seventy-three, evince. He is six feet three inches in hight, compactly built, with a large frame and well developed muscles. Of an impulsive nature, which is restained by reason and an overmastering will power ; brave, fearless, -true to his con- victions of right and duty, a sincere friend, a frank and open foe, he has gathered about him a host of friends, whose confidence and esteem are his highest eulogium. HON. GEORGE W. DUNN. George Washington Dunn, the present judge of the fifth judicial cir- cuit of Missouri, was born near Harrodsburg, Mercer county, Kentucky, October 15, 1815. His father. Major Lemuel Dunn, a pioneer farmer of Kentucky, was the son of Michael Dunn, of Irish parentage, but a native of Virginia, and a noble defender of his country in the war for the inde- pendence of the American colonies. The mother of the subject of this sketch^whose maiden name was Sarah Read Campbell — was also a native Virginian, of Irish descent. Her father, John Campbell, was also a soldier in the war of the revolution. Major Dunn died in 1829, leaving his family in limited circumstances, on a farm, when George was only fourteen years old. Young as he was, he worked diligently through the summer, and attended school during the winter. He acquired such edu- cation as the family's finances would allow, at Cane Run Academ}^, Mer- cer county, excelling in mathematics. Although unable to take the full course at one of the higher institutions of learning, his unquenchable thirst for knowledge led him to eschew the usual pastimes of youth, and to devote every spare hour to study; and thus his ardor, close applica- tion, and self-denial made up for what his poverty disallowed. His men- tal tastes were of a very high order, far exceeding that of ordinary young men, and leading him into the advanced classics, law, general literature, and especially into the flowery fields of poetry, enabling him to " Touch the heart, or tire the imagination at will." At the age of nineteen he engaged as clerk in a dry goods store, at HISTORY OP^ RAY COUNTY. 503 Nicholasville, Jessamine county, Kentucky: but he carried with him his books, which he continued, at every opportunity, to closely read and care- fully study. At twenty, he began the study of the law, with the deter- mination to allow no obstacle not absolutely insurmountable to prevent him from becoming, at least, a respectable lawyer. He continued the study of law with unyielding tenacity for three years, only interrupted by regular intervals of school teaching, which he was compelled to follow for a support. In that time he attended the law department of Transylvania University, and was a member of the class of 1836 and 1837. Among his classmates were Beriah McGoffin, afterward governor of Kentucky; Richard Yates, afterward governor of Illinois; the present Hon. Otho R. Singleton, of Mississippi; Reverend Jonathan E." Spillman, of Kentucky, and the present Hon. Samuel H. Woodson, of Missouri. At the close of the term he was licensed to practice law, by Judges Robertson and Mar- shall. In the spring of 1839, Mr. Dunn settled in Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, and, opening a law office, practiced his profession in all the counties of the fifth judicial circuit. In the spring of 1861, he was appointed circuit attorney to fill a vacancy, and- in 1844, was elected to that' office without opposition, and filled it until 1848. During those seven years, besides being the prosecutor in all criminal cases in the circuit, he satisfactorily attended to a large practice in the civil cases. Judge Dunn had as his contemporaries at the bar many of the most eminent lawyers in the west, among whom were the following: Colonel A. W. Doniphan, Hon. David R. Atchison, Hon. Wm. T. Wood, Governor Peter H. Bur- nett, Hon. James H. Birch, Governor Willard P. Hall, Hon. Robert D. Ray, General B. F. Stringfellow, and others. In 1848, he was appointed judge of the fifth judicial circuit as successor of Hon. Austin A. King, who was that year elected governor of the state. He was elected judge of the same circuit in 1851, and again in 1857. In 1861, Judge Dunn retired from office, declming to take the test oath required of offi- cers by the state convention of that year, and resumed the practice of law. In 1863, he was again elected judge of his old circuit by a large majority, and remained on the bench until 1865, when he, with others was thrown out of office by the vacating ordinance of the state convention. He again returned to the practice of his profession, and followed it until 1874, when he was elected without opposition as judge of the fifth judicial circuit, which position he now holds, having been again elected at the general election in November, 1880. Whether as advocate or judge, few lawyers of this country hold higher rank than does Judge Dunn. The prime of his life has been spent at the bar and on the bench, and his contests have been with the most eminent lawyers of his time. His success as a lawyer, and his standing as a citi- 504 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. zen are attested by his long continuance in office, in the affection of his fellow-attorneys; in his reputation throughout Missouri for ability and integrity, and in the universal confidence reposed in him by the people of his district. A late writer said of him : " He only sought the honors of the law." The compliment is only half true. While no lawyer is insen- sible to "the honors of the law," Judge Dunn has striven to honor the law more than to seek its honors. As a judge, he comprehends at once the law and facts of the case; and his analytical honors enable him to develop the points with such clearness and force, that his decisions commend themselves alike to the bar and to the people, being always fortified by both the law and the facts. In politics Judge Dunn has always been a democrat, faithfully adhering to, and supporting the principles of his party in its darkest days. He is not a partisan, however, and freel}'' accords the right of individual opinion, holding the man all the more honorable for a candid, outspoken, but respectful expression of his honest convictions. Granting that the judi- ciary is not a " political " office, in the vulgar meaning of that term, Judge Dunn has nov^er been a candidate for any political position. He was a member of the state convention of 1861, called to consider the rela- tions existing between the state of Missouri and the federal government. In that body he voted against secession, as well as against all other radical measures. Judge Dunn has ever exhibited a deep interest in the cause of education, and has been a warm friend of all educational institutions. When a young lawyer he became a member of Richmond Lodge, No. 57, A. F. & A. M., and at different times has held various important offices in that body. He is also a member of the Presbyterian Church. On the 19th day of May, 1841, at Nicholasville, Kentucky, George W. Dunn was united in marriage with Miss Susan Martha Henderson, daughter of Bennett Henderson, and grand-daughter of Colonel Joseph Crockett, an officer in the Revolutionary war. They have had five chil- dren, only one of whom, John Henderson Dunn, is now living. Judge Dunn has always evinced a taste for literature, which he has cultivated to a high degree. He has divided his affections between the goddess of justice and the fair nymph of poesy, and without having slighted either, shows that he has knelt at the shrine of both. He has given to the public many poetical effusions; gems in verse, of rare beauty and acknowledged merit. Judge Blackstone, on taking up the law, bade " fare- well to his muse," but Judge Dunn continued to woo the winsome god- dess; and while he will long be remembered as one of the ablest jurists of his day, he will not be soon forgotten as one of the genuine verse writers of the land, and the only poet who has found in the prosy pro- ceedings of a court of justice, themes for poetical song. "The Temple of Justice," written by him a few years ago, and dedicated to the bench HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 505 and bar, has been widely published and admired, and |we deem it emi- nently appropriate to reproduce it here: THE TEMPLE OF JUSTICE. DEDICATED TO THE BENCH AND BAR. There stood in Eden once, as legends tell, A regal temple bathed in heaven's own light; But when our happy parents sinned and fell. That temple felt the avenging curse and blight; And would have sank in deep and endless night; But God in mercy had its fragments throwp O'er all the earth; and now they greet our sight, Where'er we go in every clime and zone; Each fragment of that temple is a precious stone. In after ages on j^^oriah's brow King Solomon a wondrous temple raised; Built as was shown upon the mount; and now We do not marvel that the nations gazed Entranced; or that the Queen of Slieba praised The master architect; for ne'er before Had earth's admiring millions stood amazed In view of such a structure; never more Perhaps will such a temple greet us on time's shore. But we are workmen on a temple too, A glorious temple shielding human rights; And if we labor as good men and true. Our consciences will bring us such delights As duty faithfully performed invites. Then bring for this grand temple precious things — Sapphires and rubies, emeralds, chrysolites. We do not build on vain imaginings; We trace the streams of truth to their celestial springs. Through coming ages will our temple stand, The grandest product of man's mind and heart. Its dome and spire point to the better land; Its walls and towers attest the builder's art. I only ask to bear an humble part In fashioning the work — to have my name Inscribed upon its walls ere I depart; I ask but this, and make no other claim To that which heroes bleed for and the world calls Fame. JHcTiinond^ Missouri, April 10, 1875. We close this sketch with another of his gems, showing that the robe of ermine fits him no more gracefully than does the chaplet of poesy: THE ERMINE AND THE HARP. The Ermine's hue of spotless white Invokes the wearer's earnest ken, As law and equity unite To shield and bless the sons of men; 32 506 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. For heaven-born truth by right prevails And baffles every crafty scheme, When justice holds the impartial scales And mercy's tears bedew the beam. Fraud writhes beneath the jurist's feet, And falsehood from his presence flies; Twin sisters these that dare not meet The piercing glances of his eyes; And fetters that the strong apply To feeble limbs are snapped in twain, And wrong's foul emblems scattered, lie Around the bondsman's broken chain. O, bring my harp! Its chords shall send Exultant notes to greet all ears. Notes, whose rich harmonies will blend With music sounding from the spheres; For right has triumphed over wrong, And justice holds unbroken sway; The victory demands a song, A sweet song that will live for aye. ROBERT SEVIER. Robert Sevier, eldest son of Valentine Sevier, Esq., was born October 13, 1807, in Greenville, Tennessee. His grandfather, Robert Sevier, with several brothers, left his home in Tennessee to join the American army of the Revolution, and served with distinction in ]S[orth Carolina against Cornwallis. The elder Robert Sevier held a commission as colonel of volunteers, and held this command at the battle of King's Mountain, where he received wounds of which he soon afterwards died. These brothers were also held in high estimation in civil life ; one of them, John Sevier, was governor of Tennessee, after the war. Robert Sevier, the subject of our sketch, was entered a cadet at West Point, in 1824, and was graduated in 1828, brevet second lieutenant, and July 1, 1828, sec- ond lieutenant sixth infantry, joining his regiment at Jefferson barracks, Missouri. He served with the expedition on the upper Arkansas in 1829; Ft. Leavenworth, in 1829-32; in the Black Hawk war in 1832 against Sac and Fox Indians; Ft. Leavenworth in 1832-31:; Jefferson barracks in 1831-30; Camp Sabine and Ft. Jessup, Louisiana, in 1836. Adjutant sixth infantry, from August 1, 1836, to October 31, 1837; in Florida war in 1837; resigned, October 31, 1837. After his resignation, he remained two years in Tennessee. He spent the winter of 1839-40 in Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, seeking a loca- tion for business. In 1840 he entered into the mercantile business in Rich- mond, Missouri, where his remaining years were passed. In 1845, he was elected clerk of the circuit court and cx-officio recorder of deeds of Ray county, which office he retained for twenty years. In 1865 the con- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 507 stitutional convention of Missouri removed such officers then in commis- sion as refused to take and subscribe the oath of loyalty. Major Sevier was removed, and thereafter persistent!}^ remained in private life, although often solicited to occupy positions of trust, living on his farm. In 1851 he married Miss Ann H. Sibley, who died January 20, 1852. The issue of this marriage is Charles Sevier, a very worthy gentleman, occupying the paternal home at this time, with an interesting family; and a daughter, Isabel, who died at the age of nine. His second marriage was with Mrs. Maria Embree, a sister of ex-Governor Austin A. King, of Missouri. This lady survives him. Inheriting the talents and disposi- tion of such an ancestry, his aspirations, even in boyhood, could be only of a high character. Having a vigorous mind, and using wisely his fine advantages in the acquisition of an education, his manhood was matured in the highest meaning of the word. Many graduates will readily remem- ber their associations with him; his genial disposition; his amusing stories ; his soldierly bearing — and these reminiscences must needs be very pleasant. During his term of military service, the army was small, and pro- motion slow; opportunities for gaining distinction were seldom found, and many 3'oung officers, who had families, retired to civil life. Major Sevier was in many respects well suited for military duty; he was remarkably intelligent, patient, brave, and uncomplaining. He retired from the ser- vice amidst the regrets of his army associates, and was welcomed into civil life by a large circle of friends. The evidences of the value of one's education are not to be sought for in military history alone. In the peace- ful pursuits of private life, the man who acts well his part, educating his children in the fear and love of God; desciplining them to pass through the trials of life bravely and honestty; manifesting by every foot-fall in the pathway of life a true and determined integrity and usefulness, is by no means to be placed in low estimation. Such men build up and strengthen the free institutions of our country; adding to her wealth and honor, her usefulness to mankind, her reputation for good among the people of every land. It is dificult to find a better reputation than established by Major Sevier during his life-time. Ever}?- tongue is ready in his praise. The history of his honest, cheerful manhood, so gracious to his fellow-citizens, seems well written in every heart; and his disposition to kindness made any busi- ness intercourse with him very pleasant. The business and professional men of Richmond, Missouri, are widely known as gentlemen of the highest standing, and the great esteem in which they held Major Sevier, speaks loudly in his praise. He was never at loss for an agreeable subject of conversation; an interview with him never failed to please, as well as to instruct. He was a most sincere believer in the truth of the revealed re- ligion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and an honest professor thereof. He 508 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. was not ashamed to own his allegiance to his God; he was, however, very- unostentatious and unobtrusive. His profession of religion was made in 1851, and steadfastly maintained until death. For many years, he was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. The internal evidences of the truth of Christianity sank deeply into his mind, and his faith, strengthened from year to year by careful study and reflection, only added to the strength of his convictions. " Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou re- turn, " with him is fully realized. He died May 16, 1879, at Richmond, Missouri, aged seventy-one years. JOSEPH S. HUGHES. Joseph S. Hughes is a native of Jessamine county, Kentucky, and was born January 11, 1820. He is the sixth son and seventh child of John Hughes and Elizabeth (Berry) Hughes. His grandfather, Joseph Hughes, whose father settled on the eastern shore of Maryland at an early day, was of Welch descent. He married Sarah Swann before the revolution, and afterwards served gallantly in that war. In 1777, he moved to Penn- sylvania, and settled in the old Red Stone Fort (now Brownsville), on the Monongahela river, where John Hughes was born on the 26th of Novem- ber, 1777. The family remained at that place till 1779, when they removed to Kentucky, and for a number of years lived at Bryant's station. After the Indian troubles subsided, they settled in Jessamine county, Kentucky. The father of the subject of this sketch, as well as his maternal grand- father, Samuel Berry, were soldiers in the war of 1812, and served with becoming bravery under General Harrison. In 1822, when Joseph was but two years old, his father emigrated to Missouri, and located in Boone county, becoming one of the pioneer farmers of that section. Joseph S. Hughes remained with his father on the farm until he was eighteen years of age, when, in 1838, he came to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, where he now resides, and engaged as salesman in a dry goods store, and continued to act as clerk and salesman until the year 1811. In that year, by patient industry, self-denial and economy he had acquired sufficient means to begin merchandizing on his own account. He continued the business alone until 1849, when he and George I. Wasson, Esq., of Rich- mond, formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on a general mercantile business, under the firm name of Hughes & Wasson. This copartnership existed till 1859. March the 1st, 1856, Joseph S. Hughes was elected secretary of the Richmond Insurance Company, and continued to fill that position until June 23, 1859, at which time he was elected cashier of the branch of Union Bank, located at Richmond and served as such till the national banking law supplanted the state banks. The parent bank, organized under the national banking law virtually closed the branches, and on the first day of January, 1866, the subject of our sketch and Geo. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 509 I. Wasson, Esq., became the purchasers of the assets of the Richmond branch bank, and organized a private banking house, under the style of Hughes & Wasson, which continued till Januar}^ 1, 1877, when George I. Wasson sold his interest to James Hughes and his son, Burnett Hughes. Since that time the business has been conducted under the firm name of J. S. Hughes & Co., private bankers and exchange dealers. In 1869, when the St. Louis & St. Joseph railroad (now St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific), was completed to Richmond, Joseph S. Hughes, with Messrs. John Gibson and WilHam Wilson, com- menced sinking a shaft for the purpose of developing the coal interests in the vicinity of Richmond. The undertaking was quite successful, and by energy, unyielding perseverance and close attention to business, they have built up a trade of exceeding magnitude, which greatly augments the busi- ness and material wealth of Richmond and surrounding country. It is individual effort, industr}^ and enterprise that most largely contribute to the growth and prosperity of the entire country. While personal energy, incited by a laudable ambition, enhances one's individual interests, it, at the same time, promotes the welfare of the community. This being true, it is safe to say that there is not a more useful citizen in Ray county, than the subject of our sketch. Messrs. J. S. Hughes & Co., are now opera- ting three mines, and employ upwards of one hundred miners. Their coal is shipped to St. Joseph, whence, through their house at that place, it is distributed in large quantities to southern Nebraska and northern Kansas. On the 2d day of October, 1844, Joseph S. Hughes was married to Miss Ann Laura Hughes, step-daughter of the late Major John H. More- head, of Richmond, Missouri. They have an interesting, intelligent fam- ily of six children, four sons and two daughters. Their oldest son, George A. Hughes, is book-keeper in the banking house of J. S. Hughes & Co., and is also interested with his father in the Richmond coal mines. Charles B., the second son, is also clerking in the same bank. Their elder daugh- ter, Martha S. (Hughes) Ferguson, is the wife of James M. Ferguson, Esq., a merchant of Columbia, Missouri. Their younger daughter, Mary E., now at school at Christian College, Columbia, Missouri, and their two youngest sons, Robert L. and John, are living with their parents and attending the public schools of Richmond. Mr. Hughes has lived in Richmond many years. He has seen the town grow from a rude hamlet to a business place of considerable importance; and to him, and such gen- tlemen as he, that growth, as well as the corresponding progress of the county, is largely due. 510 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. JAMES HUGHES. James Hughes was born March 30, 1814, in Jessamine count}-, Ken- tucky. He was the fifth son, sixth child, of John and Elizabeth Hughes. His mother was a daughter of Samuel Berry, who served as a soldier in the war of 1812. His father was born in the old Red Stone Fort, (now Brownsville) in Pennsylvania, in the 3^ear 1777, whence he was taken with the family to Bryant's station, Kentucky, where they lived for several years. Afterwards, for many years, his father resided in Jessamine county, Kentucky. In 1822, when James was eight years old, his father removed with his family to Missouri, and settled in Boone county, where he was a pioneer farmer. James Hughes' father was a soldier in the war of 1812, and served under General Harrison. His maternal grandfather served under the same distinguished officer. His grandfather, Joseph Hughes, was a soldier in the revolutionary war. James Hughes spent his boyhood days in working with his father on the farm, and received his education at a country school, which was subsequently known as Bonne Fcmmc Academy. When he was sixteen years old, he came, in 1830, to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, and engaged as clerk and salesman in a dry goods store, continuing as clerk and salesman for different leading mercantile firms in Richmond until 1837, when he engaged in merchandis- ing on his own account, in partnership with his brother, Willis Hughes. The firm continued to do an extensive, profitable business, till 184.5, when, closing his career as a merchant, our subject removed to the country, and engaged in farming and dealing in live stock, which pursuit he followed steadily, energetically and successful for more than thirty years. During all that period he occupied the front rank among the best farmers in the state. He was even more successful as a farmer than as a merchant. In January, 1877, he returned to Richmond and entered into the banking business in partnership with his brother, Joseph S. Hughes and his son, Burnett Hughes. His two sons. Ami and Allen Hughes, are farming and dealing in live stock on the old homestead in the country. This is a model farm of eight hundred and eighty-two acres, improved on the most modern plan, and well stocked with the finest breeds of stock of all kinds. Mr. Hughes is also largely interested in other real estate in different parts of the county. James Hughes was married in 1842, to Miss Elvira Smith, of Ray county, Missouri, formerly of Pittsylvania count}^ Virginia. His wife died on the 16th day of January, 1877. They raised a family of eight chil- dren, six sons and two daughters. Their oldest child, Elizabeth V., is the wife of William H. Mansur, cashier of the Bank of Salisbur}'. Their son, Newton Hughes, is a clerk in the same bank. Henry Clay Hughes, their oldest son, is a successful farmer, in Carroll county. Berry Hughes, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 511 another son, is a farmer, and resides near Richmond, Ray county. Their youngest child, a daughter, Louisa R. Hughes, is hving with her father, in Richmond. In politics, James Hughes was a Henry Clay whig, but since the death of the great Kentuckian, and the dissolution of the whig party, he has been, and continues to be a firm, but consistent, democrat. He feels, as he has ever felt, a deep interest in the welfare, prosperity, and future greatness of his county, state, and country. Such men are the bul- warks of free government. James Hughes, in all the avocations of life in which he has been engaged, has displayed energy, integrity, and a just regard for the rights of his fellow-man. He, therefore, enjoys the confidence of all who know him. He is spending even his declining years in active business, as a banker, and in promoting the comfort, com- petence, and happiness of his children. Estimating James Hughes by the good he has done, he deserves to be more highly eulogized than many whose names have been emblazoned in history. The same honorable career our subject has pursued is open to thousands of young men every- where. The name of James Hughes will be a rich heritage for his chil- dren, when he shall have ceased from his earthly labors, and his good deeds shall be embalmed in their memories. CHARLES J. HUGHES. Charles J. Hughes was born near Paris, Bourbon county, Kentucky, June 27, 1822. His father, William Hughes, was a native of Culpepper county, Virginia, and with his parents moved to Kentucky, and was one of the early settlers of that state. He had no advantages of education, having earlv in life enlisted as a soldier in the United States army for the repression of Indian hostilities, where he served with due devotion and gallantry under General Arthur St. Clair. In the Indian fight, known as St. Clair's defeat, which took place near where Cincinnati now stands, November 4, 1791, he was wounded. He moved with his family to Boone county, Missouri, in 1827, and settled two and a half miles south of Columbia. Throughout his life he was esteemed for his high moral character, and his home was ever the seat of hospitality and a place of social enjoyment. In the year 1840 William Hughes died, respected by all his acquaintances. The maiden name of Charles' mother was Lucy Neal. She was born in Fauquier county, Virginia, and was of highly respected parentage. She died shortly subsequent to the death of her husband. The subject of this sketch had five brothers and three sisters, all of whom are now dead, except the youngest brother, Julius C. Hughes, of Colorado; Laura (Hughes) Sickles, widow of the late Doctor Sickles, of St. Louis, and Catherine, wife of Doctor A. M. Robinson, of Clinton county, Missouri. Charles received a good education from 512 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Columbia College, but pecuniary embarrassment compelled him to quit school. He, however, continued to be a close student. He was noted during his boyhood years as a bright and thorough scholar, so far as he had advanced in the collecje curriculum. After leaving- school he hired out by the month, and was engaged six months with a surveying party on the Great Chariton river, in Adair county, Missouri. After his return home he entered the law office of Honorable J. B. Gordon, of Columbia, then regarded as among the most prominent lawyers of the state. After a severe course of some eighteen months' study in this office, he went to Monticello, and for some time studied law in the office of Honorable James S. Green, when he settled down to the practice of his profession, in Kingston, Caldwell county, Missouri, a stranger, without money and with- out friends. He soon acquired a good practice, being retained on one side or the other of all important litigated cases in the courts of his county, besides having a respectable practice in other counties of the fifth judicial circuit. Shortly after becoming a citizen of Caldwell he was appointed county seat commissioner of Kingston. In 1844 he was elected to represent his county in the lower house of the general assem- bly, and in 1846 was re-elected, and again in 1848, but resigned, and devoted his time and attention diligently to the practice of his profession till 1856, when he was again elected to the same position, and served faithfully and efficiently for two years. During his terms of service in the general assembly, he occupied prominent positions, being appointed a member of many of the most important com.mittees. He was chairman of the committee on federal relations, a member of the judiciary commit- tee, and of the committee on constitutional amendments, etc. When the cloud of civil war hung like a pall of darkness over the country, he, like others, hoped in vain for compromise. He desired that bloodshed should be avoided, if possible, and consistent with the honor and dignity of the union. In 1863, Charles J. Hughes, with his family, moved to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, and after what was known as the test oath was required of lawyers, preachers and teachers, he looked upon it as a deep and dan- gerous scheme to subvert the rights of the people; refusing to take such oath, he removed to Kansas City in the fall of 1865, and engaged in the real estate business, which he continued till the spring of 1867, when the supreme court having declared the test oath unconstitutional, he returned to the city of Richmond, and resumed the practice of law, soon re-estab- lishing himself in an extensive lucrative practice. In the spring of 1871, he was elected mayor of Richmond. In 1872 he was elected by the Democratic voters of Ray county, judge of the court of common pleas. This court was aboHshed in 1874, and Judge Hughes was, that year, elected judge of the county and probate court. In 1878 he was elected HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 513 judge of the probate court and presiding justice of the Ray county court. Judge Hughes held by appointment the office of county and circuit attorney, county school commissioner, and curator of the state university, and was, also, for a number of years director of the school board of the Richmond graded school. He is the ardent friend of education, regard- ing it as the paramount duty of our country to prepare, by liberal, free education, the youth of the land for useful and* honorable positions in life. Whilst a member of the legislature he aided in procuring the 500,000 acre land grant to the pubUc school fund. Judge Hughes is, likewise, a w^arm advocate of internal improvement, as is evidenced by the fact that he introduced into the Missouri legislature the first memorial from his county, asking for the chartering of the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, and aiding the same. He is a member of the Cnristian Church at Richmond, and in his habits is temperate, industrious and upright. He is wadely known as a true friend, a generous neighbor, genial, obliging and kind. He began life without means, and has succeeded by dint of untiring energy and perseverance. It has always been his pride to aid the young when starting out in life; nor have the deserving indigent ever called on him in vain. In politics, Charles J. Hughes is a democrat of the strictest faith; always conceding to others, however, the right of enjo3nng and expressing then- opinions. June 9, 1850, he was married to Miss Susan Catharine Pollard, daughter of William C. Pollard, who rep- resented Ray county in the legislature from ISSi to 1836, and w^ho was captain of a companv in Indian wars, and also in Colonel Richard Gen- try's regiment in the Florida war. Judge Hughes and wife have six children, three sons and three daugh- ters, the eldest of w^hom, Charles James, Jr., graduated from Richmond College, and is a fine scholar. He is now a successful lawyer, having prepared himself for his profession at the State University, at Columbia, He was married to Miss Lucy Menefee, of Richmond, in September, 1874, and now resides in Denver, Colorado. The other five children are at home with their parents, to-wit: William Pollard, Margaret, Catha- rine, Luajina J., John, and Edna. Judge Hughes is five feet nine inches in height, has black hair and eyes, and weighs one hundred and twenty pounds. HON. JACOB TRIPLER CHILD. Jacob Tripler Child was born in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 19, 1833. His father, Ezekiel Child, was a descendant of one of the Quaker families that came with William Penn to America. Some of them still live in Philadelphia, where they first settled. He was a natural mechanic, and spent much of his time in perfecting locomotive steam engines. He died of cholera, at Richmond, Virginia, in 1856. The 514 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. mother of the subject of this sketch, Susan L. Child (whose maiden name was Tripler) was of a Danish famity of pioneers that settled in Delaware at a very early day, but afterw^ards removed to Richmond, Virginia. Ezekiel and Susan L. Child had six children. The eldest, John T. Child, is a citizen of Wilmington, North Carolina; L. T. Child, of Worcester, Massachusetts; Jesse Child, of Richmond, Virginia; Elizabeth L. is now the wife of W. C. Tripler, of Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania; Susan is the wife of Colonel James W. Black, a lawyer of Rich- mond, Missouri, and Jacob T., the subject of this sketch, who is the fourth son. Jacob T. Child received a common school education, and when fifteen years of age, entered the office of the Richmond (Virginia) Whig^ where he served an apprenticeship of five years, at the expiration of which time, he was employed in the same office for three years, thus becoming an adept in the profession. In 1856 he, in company with a party of young men, emigrated to Kansas. During the border ruffian troubles, he left that state and went to St. Joseph, Missouri, where he engaged with the editor of the Cycle. In 1857, he established the tri- weekly yournal^ which in a short time, he converted into a daily — the first in the Missouri valley. In 1861 he sold the yoit?-naI, and edited the Gazette a short time; after which he founded the Evening JVczt's, a strong democratic paper. He then removed to Richmond, Missouri, and pur- chased the JVorthwcst Conservator., the name of which he changed to Richmond Conservator., of which he is still (1881) the editor and proprie- tor. The Conservator has never failed to appear at the appointed day each week — not even on July 14th, 1869, when a tornado unroofed the building. At the beginning of the late civil war, Jacob T. Child accepted the appointment of major, in Governor Stewart's regiment, which, how- ever, did not go into service. He was then appointed adjutant of the 35th Missouri volunteers, and served on the lower Mississippi, under General Grant. He was next promoted to be captain of company F, which position he resigned on account of ill health. He afterwards organized a company of Missouri militia (Papaws), and w^as chosen first lieutenant, engaging in active service until the close of the war. In 1874, he represented Ray county in the twenty-seventh general assembly, and served creditablv on several important committees. At the close of his term, he was elected mayor of the city of Richmond. Colonel Child has always taken an active part in politics, and has been a delegate to every democratic state convention since his identifica- tion with that party. Like many of our great men, he is not renowned for his oratory, but has wide influence with his party, intrepidly using the columns of his paper to advance those measures of state and national pol- itics, which he believes to be conducive to the general welfare of the people. He has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 515 more than twenty years; is now president of the Missouri press associa- tion, and has held many other important offices. Jacob T. Child was married 'April 23d, 1861, to Elizabeth Rebecca McRoberts, of Kentucky, whose father was Major Andrew McRoberts, one of the pioneers of the mountains, and resided at Cumberland Gap, where he was celebrated for his courage, strength and endurance. He and his wife, with whom he has lived for more than fifty years, reside with their daughter in Rich- mond, Missouri. Colonel and Mrs. Child have five children, four sons and one daughter. He is a member of the Christian Church, and is deeply interested in everything that has a tendency to promote the cause of edu- cation and religion in the community in which he lives, and his future is full of promise. THOMAS D. BOGIE. Thomas Dudley Bogie, a native of Kentucky, was born on Silver Creek, in Madison countv, August 26th, 1838. Paternal grandfather was born on board of a vessel, on the Atlantic ocean, between Europe and the United States, His father, Thomas Bogie, also a native of Madi- son county, Kentucky, was of Scotch descent, and was born in Decem- ber, 1804. His mother, Frances S. (Stephenson) Bogie, was born in the same locality in 1818. Thomas D. Bogie, being the son of a farmer, was raised on a farm, and, performing the labor incident to that vocation, lived till he attained his majority, in the vicinity of his place of birth. The schools of his neigh- borhood were few and inferior, and hence his school advantages were quite meagre. He attended the common schools, such as they were, three months in the winter, and the rest of the year aided his father on the farm — a work from which he lost not a single season till he was twenty- one years of age. His attendance at school, altogether, did not exceed eighteen months. In September of 1859, young Bogie, then twenty-one, accompanied his father and family to Randolph county, Missouri, and the following spring embarked in the mercantile business in Huntsville, that county. He continued merchandising, with varied success, till 1869. The first year of his experience as a merchant, was, on account of the civil war, quite unprofitable; from 1866, however, till he abandoned the mer- cantile business, he was very successful. When, in 1870, he sold his inter- est in the dry goods store. Col. Bogie entered into the printing busi- ness, becoming the partner of J. S. Hunter, Esq., and with that gentle- man, was editor and proprietor of the Huntsville Herald, and so continued till January, 1875, when he bought Mr. Hunter's interest, and conducted the paper as sole proprietor until January, 1879. March 16th, 1872, he started, in connection with Hunter, the Keytcsville Herald^ which they con- ducted successfully for two and a half years, at the same time owning and 516 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. editing the HimtsviUe Herald. In January, 1879, Col, Bogie sold the Hiintsville Herald to Elmore Fort, Esq., and the following April moved to Richmond, Missouri, and here, April 5th, purchased the printiftg estab- lishment of S. J. Huffaker, editor and proprietor of the Ray Chronicle., the name of which he subsequently changed to Richmond Defuocrat, and under that name still (1S81) owns, edits and conducts the paper. Decem- ber 8th, 1863, in Callaway county, Missouri, Col. Bogie was married to Miss Doratha Virginia Maughas, a native of Danville, Montgomery county, Missouri, and daughter of the late Dr. M. M. Maughas, of Calla- way county. They have four children, one of whom, Charles F., born September 26th, 1865, died February 13th, 1866. The living are: Dud- ley T., Mordecai M. and Rector S. Col. Bogie's father died in July, 1873, at his home in Randolph county, Missouri, aged sixty-nine. His mother died in May, 1874, at Keytesville, Chariton county, aged fifty-six. He has been a Mason since 1861; is a member of Blue Lodge and of the Royal Arch Chapter; he is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of the Knights of Pythias, and of the Christian Church. The success achieved by Thomas D. Bogie is a striking exam- ple of what may be accomplished by devotion to duty, talent, industry and perseverance. The young man who emulates his example, will be happily rewarded, and his pathway to the grave will be all strewn with roses. SILAS R. CRISPIN. Silas R. Crispin was born August 28, 1837, in Fayette county, Ohio. When about ten years of age his parents moved with him to Highland county, that state, where he grew to manhood. His father, Abel Crispin, born in 1819, was a native of Pennsylvania. He died in Highland county, above mentioned, in 1856. His mother, Mary A. (Wilson) Crispin, was born in Mason county, Kentucky, and died in 1852. In 1857, when he was twenty years old, Silas R. Crispin. moved to Lafayette county, Mis- souri, and has ever since been a resident of the state. He was first employed as overseer of a plantation, but afterward engaged in the freighting business across the plains for a time, running a train of wagons to Denver, Colorado. In the winter of 1858-59 he went to Mexico, by way of St. Louis and New Orleans, and bought mules, which he brought to Lexington, Kentucky, and sold. In the spring of 1860 he again crossed the plains, to Denver, Colorado. In 1862 he joined the Confederate army, and served in company I, Colonel Gardner's regiment of General Joe O. Shelby's cavalry brigade. At the organization of his company, Mr. Crispin was elected second lieutenant. He participated, among others, in the following engagements: Camp Hurky, Lone Jack, Springfield, Prairie Grove, Newtonia, Hartsville, Little Rock, Spoonville, Mark's HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 517 Mills, Jenkins' Ferry, Helena, and other minor engagements. He was with Price on his last raid through Missouri. He took part in more than fort}' battles, but never received a wound, nor was he ever taken prisoner. In 1863 he was promoted to be captain of his company, which position he held till the close of the war. After the surrender of General Lee, in April, 1865, he took his company to Clarksville, Texas, where he remained until the 20th of the following June, when he started for Mem- phis, Tennessee, reaching that place about the middle of July, 1865. He there surrendered the last remaining regularly organized company of the Confederate arm}'. He was a true soldier, and fought cheerfully and bravely for the cause he believed to be right, so long as a ray of hope remained to inspire himself and his gallant comrades to arms. He was and is an upright, genial gentleman, and his true soldierly bearing won the respect and affection, not only of his own company, but of every fel- low-soldier who knew him. After the war Captain Crispin engaged in freighting across the plains, and continued in this occupation till the sum- mer of 1866, when he returned to Ray county, Missouri, and entered into the mercantile business, which he has followed ever since. He has an extensive, valuable stock of goods, and receives, as he deserves, a most liberal patronage. Captain Silas R. Crispin was married January 29, 1867, to Miss Lizze Mason, of Ray county. Of this marriage one child, George H., born September 9, 1868, is now living. His wife, an estima- ble, accomplished lady, died March 22, 1877. April 9, 1879, Captain Crispin was again married, to Miss Malinda Shaw, of Ray county, a lady of intelligence, whose character is adorned by all the graces of womanhood. AARON H. CONROW. Aaron H. Conrow was born June 19, 1824, near Cincinnati, Ohio. He spent part of his boyhood days at, or near Pekin, Illinois, and from that place, with his parents, moved to Missouri, and settled in Ray county. Here, by dint of his own energy, he obtained a pretty thorough educa- tion, teaching school part of the time in order to get means to complete the same. In this he was very successful. He then chose the law as a profession, and by rigid economy and sedulous application, succeeded in making an eminent lawyer. On the 17th of May, 1828, he was married to Miss Mary Ann Quesenberry, daughter of David H. and Lucinda Quesenberry, of Richmond, Missouri. From this union resulted the following children: David, Benjamin, William S., and Mamie. He was appointed by the governor, judge of the first probate court established in Ray county. From January, 1857, to January, 1861, he was circuit attor- ney of the fifth judicial circuit of Missouri ; an office that had previously been filled by such eminent lawyers as Hamilton R. Gamble, Abiel Leon- 518 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ard, Charles French, Robert W. Wells, Amos Rees, Thomas C. Burch, Peter H. Burnett, George W. Dunn, and others, but by none of them more zealously and efficiently than by the subject of this sketch. He was a brilliant and sutcessful advocate, a fine judge of law, and never descended to even the slightest artifice to gain the advantage of an oppos- ing brother lawyer. He was above all littleness, open, candid, ingenuous. He was the preceptor of three young men who afterward became able and prominent lawyers; one of them is now a circuit judge, and the biog- raphy of another, who Hves in Richmond, appears in this volume. Aaron H. Conrow was ever the fast friend of education, and no man contributed more liberally than he, in proportion to his means, to the support of insti- tutions of learning. He was ever a safe counselor in matters of moment relative to the town and community in which he lived. In 1860 he was elected to the state general assembly — a democrat worthy to be trusted. He was in the general assembly at the beginning of the war, and sided with the south. He was instrumental in recruiting and equipping the first company organized in Ray for the defense of what he believed to be right. He ranked as colonel in the Missouri state guards, a military organization he had helped to create by his vote in the general assembly. He was b}^ a majority of his comrades elected to represent his district in the confederate congress, and in that capacity, as in all others, served with singular zeal and promptness. He was present at the first meeting and at the final adjournment of that body. At the close of the war the amnesty agreed upon did not extend to members of the confederate congress, and fearing that if he fell into the hands of the successful party his life would be taken, he went to Mexico, and soon after arriving in that country, he was brutally murdered by a band of Mexican soldiers, on or about the 25th of August, A. D. 1865. JOHN R. HAMILTON. John R. Hamilton was born September 2, 1856, in Ray county, Mis- souri. Received his education at the State University, Columbia, Mis- souri, graduating in the law department of that institution, in the class of 18 T9. Prior to attending the university he had read law three years with Hon. C. T. Garner, of Richmond. He was admitted to the practice of his profession in March, 1880. He is the son of Thomas Hamilton, a native of Kentucky, who moved to Ray county, in 1841. His mother, whose maiden name was Rebecca Shackelford, was a native of Clay county, Missouri. Mr. Hamilton is an exemplary young man, of excep- tionally good character, and his close application and untiring energy will, it is believed, be dul}- rewarded. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 519 JOHN W. SHOTWELL. The subject of this sketch was born July 4, 182S, in Mason county, Kentucky. His lather was Judge Jabez Shotwell, who was born in Ken- tucky, in 1791, and died in Ray county, Missouri, in 1871. He was for many years judge of the Ray county court; a highly honorable and use- ful citizen, who will long be kindly remembered by all who knew him, living. His mother was likewise a native of Kentucky, born in 1797, and died in 1852. In the fall of 1833 Mr. Shotwell moved with his parents to Lexington, Missouri, and in the fall of 1835, to Richmond, Ra}^ county, where he now resides. Early in 1855 he began reading law, with Messrs. Oliver & Conrow, of Richmond, as his preceptors. He was admitted to the bar June 1, 1856. He is a successful lawyer, familiar with the differ- ent departments of his profession, and has been a close student. He enjoys an excellent reputation both as a lawyer and as a gentleman. In 1877 he associated with him in the practice, J. E. Ball, Esq. ; the partners have a lucrative practice, as well as the confidence of the public. Mr. Shotwell was elected one of the directors of the Ray County Savings Bank, at its organization, and has been connected with it ever since. In February, 1880, he was elected its vice president, a position he still retains. In the year last mentioned he, in connection with W. P. Hubbell and L. D. Priest, sunk a coal shaft near the railroad depot in the western part of the city, to the depth of one hundred feet. They employ, in oper- ating this mine, about twenty men. The coal is of superior quality, the vein exhaustless, and the business exceedingly^ profitable. Mr. Shot- well accompanied General Price, as a soldier in the state guards, in Col. Reaves* regiment, to Camp Cowskin Prairie, and took part in the battles of Carthage and Wilson's Creek. February 14, 1861, he was married to Miss Julia E. Devlin, a native of Michigan. They have seven children living, five boys and two girls: Anna, John W., Joseph, Lizzie D., Wil- liam M., Benjamin E. and Horace. Mr. Shotwell is a member of the Baptist Church, while his wife is a member of the M. E. Church South. They are exemplary Christians, and respected by the entire community in which they live. Mr. Shotwell is also a member of the Masonic frater- nity and of the Knights of Honor. THOMAS L. SHAW. Thomas L. Shaw is a native of Bedford county, Tennessee. He was born September 13, 1820. In May, 1836, he moved with his parents to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, where he has ever since resided. Most of his life has been spent as a farmer. In 1850, he crossed the plains with ox teams, to California, returning in the winter of 1852 and '53. In 1868, he sold his farm and opened the stone quarry known as Carroll county 520 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. sand stone quariy, with which he is still connected as part owner. In 1879, he entered into the grain trade in Richmond, and to this business he has given most of his personal attention since that time. From 1870 to 1879 he was proprietor of the livery stable known as McCuistion's stable at present. He still owns the barn. Mr. Shaw was married March 9, 1842, to Jane H. Ewing, a native of Ray county. They had four chil- dren, two of whom, Alice B. and Florence M., are living. Joseph F. and an infant are deceased. His wife died April 7, 1849. He was again mar- ried in the winter of 1854, to Ann Summerville, a Virginian by birth. She died May 22, 1856; and he was a third time married October 9, 1859, to Martha W. Bowen, of Bedford county, Tennessee. The offspring of this union are two children, Ida J. and Charles C. His third wife died September 2, 1875; and December 23, 1878, Mar}- H. Morrow, of Rich- mond, became his fourth wife. Mr. Shaw was one of the pioneers of Ray county, having come to Richmond when there were but five or six log cabins in the town, and the country was sparsel}' settled. He is a reliable, upright and honorable citizen, and takes a lively interest in the growth and prosperity of his town and county. He is a member of the M. E. Church South." ALEXANDER A. McCUISTION. Captain Alexander A. McCuistion was born February 24, 1827, in Bed- ford count}^ Tennessee. When he was but three years of age his parents moved with him to Missouri, and settled in Ray county. His father, Thomas McCuistion, was born December 12, 1792; was a native of North Carolina, and died in Ray county, Missouri, March 7, 1880. His mother's maiden name was Nancy Jordan. She is a native of Tennessee, born December 12, 1802, and is living with her son, the subject of this sketch, in Richmond. In his early manhood, Captain McCuistion was in both farming and mercantile pursuits. In 1801, he enlisted as a soldier in the Confederate army. Captain J. K. McDowell's company, of Colonel B. A. Reaves' regiment. He participated in the battles of Pea Ridge and Corinth, after which he was transferred to the commissary department, as clerk therein, and remained in that service till the close of the war. When peace was restored he retured home to Ray county, and resumed farm- ing, which he continued till 1874, when he was, on the democractic ticket, elected by the people clerk of the Ray county court. He took charge of the office January 1, 1875, and served four years. At the expiration of his term as county clerk. Captain McCuistion abandoned politics, and engaged in business in Richmond, as proprietor of a livery and feed stable, his present occupation. He is a member of the Christian Church, and also the Masonic fraternity. He was married September 10, 1852, to Miss Susanna S. Berr\% of Kentucky. They have three children, all sons, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 521 as follows: Augustus L., salesman in the store of J. C. Brown & Co., Richmond; Edward P., with his father in the livery business, and George H., deputy sheriff of Ray county. His wife, who was an estimable lady, died September 28, 187U. He was a second time married, August 28, 1875, to Mary E. Smith, a native of Ray county. She is a member of the M. E. Church South, and an exemplary christian. They had one child, but it died in infancy. Captain McCuistion was an honest and capable officer, and retired from his office universally esteemed. He is, likewise, an honorable and useful citizen. NATHANIEL DAVIS, M. D. Nathaniel Davis was born July 31, 1807, in Washington county, East Tennessee. When he was about five years old, his parents moved with him to Knox county, Tennessee, where he spent his youth and passed the threshold of manhood. At the age of twenty-two, he was entered a student in the University of East Tennessee, and graduated with honor, from that institution in 1832. After which he attended the famous Jeffer- son Medical College, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and in the spring of 1834, received his diploma of graduation therefrom. He then selected Ray county, Missouri, as the field of his future labors, and started for the " far west " to carve out his destiny. How well he has succeeded, let the affection of his neighbors, and the respect and the esteem in v/hich he is held by the people of the entire county, together with his comfortable home and surroundings, bear testimony. His character is untainted, and his very name is the synonym of integrity, hospitality and charity. He has grown old; the frosts of many winters have settled on his head, and "full of years and of honor, " he has retired from the practice of his pro- fession to pass the remainder of his declining years in the quietude of his: home, near the eastern limits of Richmond. He was an eminently suc- cessful practitioner, because he was skillful, prompt, and always reliable. In 1837, he was thrown from a horse, and by this accident his ankle was dislocated and broken, thereby permanently laming him. Dr. Davis was here through the exciting period of the " Mormon war, " and was com- pelled to seek safety by leaving his home for a time. During the great civil war, however, he remained at home, and was not seriously molested. In the fall of the year 1837, Dr. Nathaniel Davis was united in marriage with Miss Mariah A. Allen, of Ray county. She was, however, a native of Virginia. They have had six children, two of whom are deceased. The living are as follows: James A., collector of Ray county; Margaret Ann, wife of Murray F. McDonald, a merchant of Richmond; Alice, widow of George Mason, deceased, late of Richmond, and Samuel B., deputy county collector. His wife died August 23, 1878. She was a- 33 522 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. lady of cheerful disposition, and added to an exemplary Christian charac- ter, gentle manners and the graces of womanhood. JAMES A. DAVIS. James A. Davis, son of Nathaniel Davis, M, D., is a native of Ray county, Missouri, and was born November 27, 1837. He was educated at the Richmond College, Richmond, Missouri. In 1802 he engaged in the mercantile business in Richmond, in company with James F. Hudgins and Thomas H. Bayliss, and continued in that pursuit till November, 1864; at which time he withdrew from the firm, and went to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he remained one year, and then returned to Richmond, and resumed business, continuing about five years. He then engaged in farm- ing, and after about three years became deputy county collector for Thos. B. Fowler, Esq., and subsequently for Mr. Fowler's successor, A. M. Fowler, Esq., acting as deputy altogether, five years. At the general election in November, 1878, he was elected, as a democrat, to the office of collector of Ray county, which office he now holds, having been re-elected in November, 1880. He is an excellent officer, serving the peo- ple with efficiency and fidelity; he enjoys their entire confidence, of which he has proven himself eminently worthy. He was married May 15, 1861, to Miss Mary Triplett, of Rappahannock county, Virginia. She was an intelligent, amiable lady, but died November 26, 1864. To this union one child, Carrie, now the wife of Frank Clark, Esq., of Ray county, was born. May 15, 1866, Mr. Davis was again married to Miss Alice M. Hughes, of Howard county, Missouri. She is an accomplished lady, of refined and captivating manners, and ingenuous disposition. They have five children, to-wit: Harry, Frank, Katy, Lucy, and Alice. Mr, Davis is a member of the Masonic fraternity, in good standing. JAMES L. FARRIS. James L. Farris was born in Williamsburg, Kentucky, May 7, 1833. At the age of three years his parents moved with him to near Dandridge, Jefferson county, Tennessee. He was entered a student at Burnsville (Anson county, North Carolina,) High School, at which institution he received his literary training. In 1855 he began the study of law with Colonel David Coleman as his preceptor. In 1856 he removed to Ray county, and engaged in teaching school, at the same time pursuing his law studies. He continued teaching till 1860, in which year he was admitted to the bar. In the spring of 1861 he joined the Confederate army, entering the service in the Missouri state guard, under General Sterling Price. He subsequently enlisted in the regular Confederate army, and for his devotion, gallantry and soldierly bearing was promoted to a captaincy of artillery, and commanded the second battery organized HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 523 in Missouri for the Confederate service. He participated in the battles of Lexington, Missouri; Pea Ridge, luka, Corinth, the siege "of Jackson, Mississippi, and fought through the Georgia campaign under General Joseph E. Johnston, taking part in all its engagements. He was with Hood in his march upon and retreat from Nashville, Tennessee, as well as in the battle of Selma, Alabama, under the famous cavalry officer. General Forrest. He surrendered and was paroled at Gainesville, Ala- bama, in May, 1865. He was a true soldier, brave, vigilant, and always in his place in time of battle. After the surrender he went to Carlinville, Illinois, and in 1867 began the practice of law in that city. In 1869 he returned to Richmond, Ray county, where he has since resided, prac- ticing his profession. He has served two terms as prosecuting attorney of Ray county. In 1875 he was elected by the people a member of the constitutional convention that framed the present state constitution, and in the deliberations of that body took an active and prominent part. He • was elected in 1876 to represent Ray county in the twenty-ninth general assembly, and in that position, as in all others, acquitted himself creditably and to the satisfaction of his constituents. Captain Farris is a brilliant public speaker; his speeches sparkle with wit and humor, and when occa- sion requires it, his denunciatory language is very powerful, his sarcasm withering; yet he never descends to vulgarity or to indecency of speech. He charms his auditors by his fascinating address, easy manner and graceful, significant gestures. He was married on the last day of July, 1859, to Miss Amanda Tisdale, an intelligent, accomplished lady, of Ray county. Two sons, Don W. and James L., Jr., are the offspring of this marriage. His wife died March 6, 1862, and January 15, 1873, he was again married, to Miss Olivia N. Gaultney, of Yazoo county. She is an intelligent and accomplished lady. They have had one child, a daughter, Jennie I. JAMES W. GARNER. James W. Garner was born in Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, on the 4th day of March, 1851. His father is the Honorable Christopher T. Garner, Sr., of Richmond. His mother, E. B. Garner, is the daughter of James Mosby, Sr., and sister of W. W. Mosby, M. D., also of Rich- mond. The subject of this sketch graduated from the Richmond College in the class of 1870 and '71. Immediately after graduating, he entered upon the study of law, in the office of his father, Honorable C. T. Gar- ner, and General A. W. Doniphan, who were then co-partners in the practice of law at Richmond, Ray county. He was a close, careful and persevering student, and being naturally of superior intellect, his compre- hensive mind thoroughly mastered the theory of law in all its intricate fundamental branches; and on the 6th day of March, 1873, was admitted 524 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V to the bar. Though the Richmond bar was exceptionally able, and many of its members distinguished for their learning and ability, our subject, by dint of his pluck, energy and manly deportment, entered at once upon a paying practice, which has ever since continued to increase, till he now enjoys a reputation as a lawyer second to few men in the fifth judicial cir- cuit of Missouri. Mr. Garner is a 3^oung man, scarcely yet in the prime of life, and an honorable and successful career, both professional!}', and as a private citizen, is undoubtedly before him. November 4, 1873, James W. Garner was married to Miss Leonora Snoddy, of Howard county, Missouri, daughter of Samuel W. and Susan F. Snoddy. After his mar- riage with Miss Snoddy, he formed a co-partnership with his father for the practice of his profession, under the firm name of C. T. Garner & Son. This partnership existed till James W. Garner was elected pros- ecuting attorney for Ray county, (see list of county officers) which posi- 'tion he now holds. Mr. Garner is a democrat, and on the democratic ticket has been twice elected by the people of his county as their pros- ecuting attorney. During his first term of office, a great many impor- tant cases were tried, among others the noted case of the State of Mis- souri vs. J. T. Keyes. The trial of this case occupied fourteen days, and was conducted by our subject with singular abilit}^ and energy. There was also much litigation arising from the issuance of certain municipal bonds, in aid of the St. Louis & St. Joseph railroad, involving several hundred thousand dollars; all of which he attended faithfully, without assistance, and without causing the county additional expense. Mr. Gar- ner has held several important and very responsible positions, and in the discharge of all his duties, official and private, has been honest, faithful and capable. He was one of the local attorneys for the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railway company, and in 18'J8 was a member of the city council of the city of Richmond. As an officer, James W. Garner is entirely equal to the trust the people have conferred upon him; their con- fidence is in nowise misplaced. As a gentleman he is genial and obliging, and in everv department of life, honest, honorable and reliable. HENRY C. GARNER, M. D. Henry C. Garner was born March 21, 1827, m Fayette, Howard county, Missouri, and lived there with his parents till 1841, when he came to Ray county, where he has lived ever since. In 1844 he went to Ken- tucky to complete his literary and medical education, and entered, as a student, Transylvania Medical College, at Lexington, Kentucky, from which he graduated in the spring of 1850. He then returned to Rich- mond, Missouri, and formed a co-partnership, for the practice of his pro- fession, with Dr. Joseph Chew, now of Kansas City. After Dr. Chew's removal to Kansas City, Dr. Garner practiced alone for some time, and HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 525 entered into partnership with Dr. Geo. W. Buchanan; they continued to practice together till 1860, when he formed a partnership with J. M. Allen, M. D., now the president of the state medical association of Mis- souri. This partnership lasted until 1861, when Dr. Allen joined the Con- federate army. Dr. Garner subsequently became associated with Dr. W. W. Mosby in the practice of medicine, and so continued till 1874, when he was elected cashier of the Ray County Savings Bank, which position he now holds and has held ever since. On becoming cashier of this bank he retired from the active practice of his profession, and, at present, his services are available only in cases of consultation. Dr. Garner had a large and lucrative practice ; in his early days it extended into the coun- ties of Clay, Carroll and Lafayette. He was a close student and kept fully abreast of the progress in medical science. Henry C. Garner is eminently a self-made man, having begun life as a poor boy; by energy, perseverance and rigid economy, he acquired means to educate himself — solely by his own efforts, excepting some pecuniary assistance received from his brother, Jno. C. Garner, whom he afterward fully repaid. He has always enjoyed the confidence and esteem alike of his professional brethren and of the people. While Dr. Garner was a remarkably suc- cessful practitioner, well read and learned in his profession, it is not as a physician that he is to be most admired; his high moral character, devo- tion to duty, gentlemanly bearing, and sterling worth as a member of society, challenge the respect of all. He was treasurer of Ray county from 1868 to 1867; has also been mayor of the city of Richmond, and has held other positions of public trust. December the 9th, 1852, Henry C. Garner was married to Eugenia A. Hudwall, of Chariton county, Missouri. They have eight children living, four boys and four girls: Thomas H., Edward S., Mattie M., Eugenia A., Henry C, Trigg, Docia Elizabeth, and Mabel Everett. Dr. Garner and his wife, who is an amiable lady of intelligence and refinement, are members of the M. E. Church South. He is also a Mason. WILLIAM A. HOLMAN, M. D. William A. Holman is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born October 3, 1837, and, being the son of a farmer, was reared on a farm. In May, 1861, he enlisted as a private soldier in company C, 3d Mis- souri infantry volunteers, of the Confederate army. He was a partici- pant in the battles of Pea Ridge, Baker's Creek, luka, Corinth, and Vicksburg, at which place he was captured; he was however, exchanged in a few months and returned to his command. Under General J. E. Johnston, he fought through the Georgia campaign, and was afterward with Hood, who superseded Johnston in his raid through Tennessee. After the battle of Corrinth, he was promoted, for gallant conduct in that 526 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. engagement, from orderly sergeant to first lieutenant. He surrendered at Mobile, Alabama, in April, 1865. Upon his return home, he began the study of medicine, subsequently entered the St. Louis Medical College, and graduated from that institution in the spring of 1869; after which he located for the purpose of practicing his profession in Albany, Ray coun- ty, where he remained till January, 1874. In that month he came to Richmond, and engaged in the drug business. In 1876, he was elected treasurer of Ray county, after which he sold his drug store. He was re-elected in 1878, and again in 1880, and is now serving out, with honesty, fidelity and efficiency, a third term as county treasurer of Ray county. He is a member of the church, as is his wife, whose maiden name was Eliza McGee, and to whom he was married April 29, 1869. Mrs. Holman is a refined and exemplary Christian lady, and both she and her husband, are respected throughout the entire community in which they live. They have one daughter living — Blanche, born November 18, 1872. JAMES E. BALL. James E. Ball was born September 9, 1854, in Carroll county, Missouri. He is the son of Francis M. Ball, who was a native of Ray county, Mis- souri, born in August, 1826. He lost his life in the cyclone of June 1, 1878,. which devastated a large portion of the city of Richmond. At the time of his death he was a member of the city council, and was, as he had ever been, an honored citizen, highly esteemed for the excellence of his moral character, and as a gentleman in all the relations of life. James E. Ball,, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Virginia, and immigrated to Ray county in 1818, thus becoming one of its pioneers. He died in Arkansas, at some time in the late civil war. In 1865, the subject of this sketch moved with his father and family to Richmond, where he now resides. He was educated at Richmond College, and in March, 187.3, began the study of the law, under the instruction of Hon. John W. Shot- well. He was admitted to the bar in June, 1875; at once entered upon the practice of his profession, in partnership with his former preceptor, with whom he is vet so associated. James E. Ball was married January 17, 1877, to Miss Lizzie Shotwell, an accomplished young lady of Lafayette county, Missouri. They have one child living, Bessie, born November 10^ 1878. Mr. Ball has twice served as city attorney, and is now a member of the city council. He is a young man of steady habits, temperate, studi- ous and industrio'US. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 527 JAMES T. McGINNIS, James T. McGinnis, a native of Ray county, Missouri, was born June 12, 1857. His father, Captain Thomas McGinnis, was for a number of years a merchant in Hardin, this county, and when not at school, James assisted him in the store. He was four years deputy sherifl'of Ray county, during the incumbency of his father. At the general election in Novem- ber, 1880, although but twenty-three years of age, he was elected sheriff of Ray county. His term is not yet expired, and he is serving the people faithfully and efficiently. He is the youngest sheriff Ray count}^ ever had, and probably the youngest ever elected to that ofBce in the state. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a young man of great promise. WILLIAM R. JACKSON. William R, Jackson, born December 28, 1831, is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He has lived in this county from his birth to the present time. Until 1857 he was engaged in farming. In that year he moved to Rich- mond, and in 1868 opened a furniture and hardware store. In all his busi- ness enterprises Mr. Jackson has been quite successful. In 1880 he erected on the north side of the public square, Richmond, a large brick store- room, and now has therein the largest stock of furniture and hardware in this part of the state. In 1877, he also opened a lumber yard and an agricultural implement house, which are now under the management of his brothers-in-law, Messrs. John Patton and Calvin Houser. They keep a full supply of ail kinds of lumber and farming implements. Mr. Jack- son was never sworn in as a soldier in the Confederate service, but he accompanied Colonel Rivers and General Slack to the southern part of the state, and took part in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, and Dry Wood. He was married April 1, 1863, to Miss Lucy J. Holman, of Ray county, an accomplished lady of gentle and captivating manners. They have two children living: Ellen S., born July 25, 1866, and Elwood, born January 31, 1868, and one deceased — died in infancy. Mr. Jackson is a successful, enterprising business man, and by his liberality and public spirit has done much to build up the city of Richmond. MAURICE C. JACOBS. Maurice C. Jacobs was born in Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, August 3, 1838. He received his education at the Richmond College, and in the spring of 1866 graduated from the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio. He began the practice of his profession in Elkhorn, Ray county, but after a time, moved to Napoleon, a town in Missouri, on the boundary line, between Lafayette and Jackson counties. After practicing in that village some time, he returned to Richmond. In the 628 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. fall of 1874, he purchased the drug store of Messrs. Bullock & Donald- son, and since that time has been engaged as druggist and apothecary, at the same time practicing his profession. He is at present (April, 1881) the only eclectic physician in Richmond, and he has an extensive, lucrative practice. June 14, 1862, Maurice C. Jacobs was married to Miss Amanda E. Hudspeth, of Jackson county, Missouri. She died March 13, 1862; and August 1st, 1867, Dr. Jacobs was again married to Mrs. Helen M. Huston Morton, of Portsmouth, Ohio. Dr. Jacobs is an affable, agreeable gentleman, and justly merits the success he has achieved. He, as well as his wife, is a member of the Christian Church, and his good moral character is worthy of the highest emulation. He is also a Mason, Odd Fellow, and a member of the order of Knights of Pythias. WILLIAM A. CRAIN. William A. Crain was born November 3, 1820, in Flemming county, Kentucky. His father was William Crain, who was born in Fauquier county, Virginia, in 1784, and died in March, 1869, in Flemming county, Kentucky, in his eighty-fifth year. He has three brothers and four sisters living, as follows: John L., of Flemming county, Kentucky; James S., of Butte county, California; Noble H., of Flemming county, Kentucky; Rhoda Wilson, of Richmond, Missouri; Elizabeth E., of Bath county, Kentucky; Sarah Hilligoss, of Flemming county, Kentucky, and Amanda Carpenter, of Flemming county, Kentucky. William A. Crain, the sub- ject of this sketch, was raised on a farm, receiving such education as the schools of his neighborhood afforded. He is a man of strong, practical common sense, has read extensively, and his mind is well stored with val- uable general information, making him an interesting conversationalist. He spent the winter of 1852-3 in the state of Indiana, alternating between Shelbyville and Rushville, as places of abode. During the following summer he traveled through Illinois, dealing, to a considerable extent, in land warrants; and in the fall, returned to his home in Kentucky. In the spring of 1854, he came to Ray county, having first visited the county, however, in 1843. He remained here until the latter part of the year 1855, at which time he again returned to Indiana. Upon his arrival at Shelby- ville, in that state, he engaged in keeping hotel, and followed this occupa- tion till 1859, when he moved to Rushville, Indiana, and there opened a hotel, which he conducted till late in the fall of the year 1860, when he sold it, and went back to Kentucky. Remaining in that state till 1865, he returned to Shelbyville, Indiana, and became a clerk in a hotel, and remained such till after the close of the civil war. In the spring of 1866, he returned to Ray county, where he remained till the spring of 1869, when he returned to Flemmingsburg, Kentucky. In the spring of 1872, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 529 went to California on a visit to his brother's, and after returning to his native county, in the winter of 1873, has remained here ever since. He has interests in both Ray county, Missouri, Flemming county, Kentucky, and, therefore, spends part of his time in each. William A. Grain was a soldier in the Mexican war. He enlisted in the company of which L. M. Cox was captain, Manlius V. Thompson's regiment, infantry. He served twelve months, at the end of which time the war was at an end. In politics Mr. Crain was a strong whig, during the exist- ence of that party. In 1860 he voted for Lincoln for the presidency, and has ever since been identified with the republican party, the principles of which he believes to be founded in humanity, truth, and justice. He was ever opposed to the institution of slavery; but while he is very decided in his views, he seeks to obtrude them upon no man, and freely accords the right of individual preference, or opinion. JOHN A. WASSON. John A. Wasson was born in the state of Indiana, but reared and edu- cated in Boone county, Missouri. His father, Mr. James F. Wasson, was a school teacher, and taught for many years in different states of the Union. Under his father's instruction, our subject received the greater part of his education. Mr. Wasson learned the carpenter trade in Gibson county, Indiana, and has pursued that calling most of his life. He was at one time a contractor and builder at Tipton, Missouri, and constructed more than twenty-five buildings there, including the Catholic Church. When the civil war commenced Mr. Wasson entered the Confederate service as a volunteer in the 16th Mississippi regiment of infantry, com- manded by Colonel Posey. He was in Stonewall Jackson's division dur- ing the entire four years of war. He was twice taken prisoner by the enemy; the first time he was exchanged, and the second time held for seventeen months, until after the surrender. He was w^ounded by a shot in the left knee at the battle of Cross Keys, in Virginia, but fortunately suffered no permanent disability from it. Mr. Wasson was married on the 14th day of January, 1871, to Miss Clara Belle Pendroy, of Centralia, Missouri. He came to Ray county in the month of October, 1880, and has since then been engaged in business with Mr. George I. Wasson at Richmond. DAVID P. WHITMER. David P. Whitmer was born July 4, A. D. 1829, near Waterloo, Sen- eca county, New York. His father, Jacob Whitmer, was the son of Peter Whitmer, and his mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Schott. His grandparents, having moved from near Hamburg, Pennsylvania, about 1809, settled near Waterloo, New York. All of them w^ere farm- 530 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ers, and of German descent. In 1831, Peter Whitmer, with his sons, Christian, Jacob, John, David, and Peter, settled in Jackson county, Mis- souri, with their famihes. They soon moved to Clay county, Missiouri, where Christian and Peter died. Thence they removed to Caldwell county, and, remaining there till 1838, they all moved to Richmond, Ray county, where the living yet reside, excepting John Whitmer, who has for many years been a citizen of Caldwell county. Peter Whitmer, Sr., died in Richmond, Missouri, at the age of 82, August 13, 1865. His wife survived him but a short time. They were all plain, honest men, and good citizens. Like most of the early settlers of Ray county, they were all poor when they came to Richmond, but their highest aim seemed to be to live above reproach, " unspotted from the world," and they incul- cated these principles into their children. When the subject of this sketch was in his twelfth year, his father, Jacob Whitmer, was taken sick, and for three years was able to do but little work. David, being the oldest son large enough to work, became the main-stay of the family — cultivated a rented farm, got up wood, and went to mill and to market. When his father became able to work again, his limited means were well nigh exhausted. But, in 1845, by close economy, he had saved enough to buy two and a half acres of land in the suburbs of Richmond, and erect thereon a small brick dwelling. Here he lived till the day of his death, April 26, 1856. Before his death, our subject's father built a small shoe- shop on the land mentioned, which he kept up till the time of his death, the son working with his father in the shop during the winter, and on a farm in summer, cultivating some rented land, and thus continued until the boy was about seventeen, when, having become expert as a boot and shoe maker, his father, from that time, kept him in the shop summer and win- ter. Thus the young man grew up in obscurity and poverty, and inured to toil. But by close application, he did at least a third more work than any other hand, and found considerable time to read and prosecute his studies at home. In the spring of 1849, he informed his father of his long contemplated intention of qualifying himself for a lawyer, and arranged with his father to start to school. After attending school two weeks, the man upon whom his father relied to do the work in the shop, got on a spree and quit work: whereupon young David left school, and went back to work with his father at his trade. Meanwhile he pursued his studies diligently, working early and late at night. He did sufficient work in nine months to save three months of his last year of minority for school. On starting to school he found that he had, by his study at home, kept fully up with his classes. He continued at school two years at the old Richmond Academy, with Professor A. C. Redmon as his pre- ceptor. Until the last year of his attendance at school, he was ably assisted by Colonel James W. Black, who engaged with Professor Red- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 531 mon as a teacher, and who has proved himself to be one of the finest lit- erary critics in Ray county, where he still resides. While at school, the Jude^e included in his studies all the common school branches, tocrether with the higher mathematics; Latin, logic, and astron- omy. When he left school, he entered the study of the law with Hon. Aaron H. Conrow as his preceptor, at Richmond, Missouri. Finding, at the end of twelve months that his purse needed replenishing, he taught a six months' school for that purpose, at the same time continuing the stud}' of law. On the 4th of September, 1854, he obtained a license to practice his chosen profession, from Hon. Geo. W. Dunn, judge of the fifth judicial circuit. He opened a law office at once, in Richmond, accepting the kind ofTer of ex-Governor Austin A. King, to put his law library in the young attorney's office, and office together. Young Whitmer rapidly grew in repute as a lawyer, and soon secured for himself the con- fidence of the public, and a lucrative practice. In 1857 he was elected the first city attorney of Richmond, and the following year was again elected to the same position. In 1858 he was elected commissioner of common schools for Ray county, and served two years. He was the only man on his ticket who was elected. In June, 1859, he entered into a law partnership with Hon. Aaron H. Conrow, his former preceptor. They continued together in business till the commencement of the civil war, in 1861, when they dissolved partnership, Mr. Conrow enlisting with the Missouri state truards, afterwards becomincj a member of the con- federate congress. Judge Whitman took the position that the cause of the Union was paramoimt to all other considerations, and should rise above all party and sectional issues. He, therefore, espoused the Union cause, and since that time has acted with the republican party. In Februar}', 1862, he was commissioned circuit attorney for the fifth judicial circuit, the old incumbent having failed or refused to take the oath prescribed by what was known as the convention ordinance. He at once entered upon the discharge of his duties. Judge x^ustin A. King was, at the same time, and for similar reason, appointed judge of the fifth judicial circuit, and entered upon his duties, simultaneously with Mr. Whitmer. In the fall of 1863, Judge Whitmer was called by a convention of Union men of Carroll county to make the race for judge of the fifth judicial circuit. At first declining, he finally yielded, and at the polls received a majority in each of the. counties of Carroll and Caldwell, but was defeated, his able and distinguished friend, Judge Dunn, being his successful competitor. When the enrolled Missouri rfiilitia were organized July 29, 1862, he was elected and commissioned captain of company F, fifty-first regiment, E. M. M., and was at once ordered into active service. Remained on duty until December, when he, with fifty men and two lieu- tenants, was detailed for active service during the winter, holding post at 532 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Richmond, Missouri, Lieutenant-colonel J. W. Black, commandincr post, the refT^iment being relieved from active service till further orders. In April, 1863, he was detailed as captain of company D, fourth provisional E. M. M. In the summer of 1863, he was detailed by Colonel Chester Harding, commanding department of northwest Missouri to wind up the unsettled business of Provost Marshal Hemory, removed. He accepted the position, and found on hand some twenty-five or thirty citizen priso- ners, together with a detachment of U. S. troops, occupied as provost guards. He returned the provost guards to their regiment and in a short time disposed of the prisoners and all the business pertaining to the office, restoring confidence and giving general satisfaction. In November, 1863, his company and regiment were relieved from active service, excepting Captain Tiffin, with part of company C, who were retained in charge of the post during the winter months. In June, 1861:, Captain Whitmer, with one lieutenant and thirty men, was ordered into active service' as commandant of the post at Richmond. Marauders began to infest the country, troubles thickened and raids became frequent. Early in July Captain Whitmer received information that some three hundred mejn, under Thrailkill, had engaged and defeated a battalion of Colorado troops near Fredricksburg, fourteen miles west of Richmond. He issued orders immediately, calling on all good citizens who were willing to aid in the defense of their homes, to report to his headquarters at once, wdth such arms as they could command; at the same time, he sent a message to Col. McFerren, commanding post at Lexington, to send reinforcements at once, that, although his force was small he intended to fight, but not to surren- der. In the evening Captain Colly arrived with his command. The citi- zen force was stationed on and about the college grounds, while the sol- diers on duty, were placed to guard the approaches from without. Thrail- kill, however, nearing the city, avoided it by turning north, and made a raid through Caldwell county. From that onward, till the fall of the notorious Bill Andersou, in 1864, near Albany, Ray county, the cloud of war lowered, hanging dark and gloomily over all this part of the state. In order to make the citizen force more efficient, Captain Whitmer organ- ized them into a company of home guards, under command of Captain C. T. Garner. Captain Whitmer and the various companies of his regiment were generally engaged in the field, on scouts and often in pursuit or in contact with raiders, until they were honorably discharged in November, 1864. During all this period Captain Whitmer was circuit attorney, and had leave of absence when necessary to attend the courts and look after the prosecution of criminals. After the war — in March, 1867 — a common pleas court being established in Ray county. Judge Whitmer was com- missioned as judge thereof, and served till the next general election, in HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 533 1868, when he was re-elected, receiving the largest vote of any candidate on the ticket, except the vote for Grant. Judge Whitmer concluded his term as judge of this court, which had probate, as well as common law and equity jurisdiction, with a complete index to the probate records from the beginning. After the expiration of his term of service upon the bench, Judge Whitmer again devoted himself to the practice of law. During all this time he has been a citizen of Richmond, Missouri. Though frequently solicited, he refused to run for any political position other than city offices; and although a Mason and Past High Priest of Royal Arch Chapter, A. F. & A. M., has always opposed all secret political organizations as dan- gerous to the liberties of the people. April 20, 1859, he was married, by Elder James A. Garfield, now president of the United States, to Miss Vashti Whitmer, daughter of Peter Whitmer, deceased. She is a lad}^ of culture and refinement, and together with her husband, enjoys the confi- dence of her numerous friends. They have no children living. Judge Whitmer ranks high as a lawyer, and is in the prime and vigor of man- hood. THOMAS D. WOODSON. It is not alone among military heroes; nor in the cabinet; nor among the luminaries of literature, of science, or of art, that we are to look for great and good men. There is another and larger class of citizens, not so dazzling, to be sure — whose fame, indeed, is circumscribed; who have never been renowned for achievements in war, nor for eloquence, great learning, or statesmanship, but who are, nevertheless, entitled to grateful recognition for the parts they have taken in sustaining society, religion, and the economy of government, who are really more useful to the . world than many of those whose fame has extended far and wide. Such men, we mean, as quietly pursue the various necessary vocations of life ; who live honorably, discharge the duties of citizenship, and by liberality, christian deportment, and individual effort contribute to the happiness of all. Thomas D. Woodson, son of Robert S. and Hulda Ann (Young) Woodson, was born in Woodsonville, Hart county, Kentucky, March 10th, 1828. His father was born in Goochland county, Virginia, Novem- ber 26th, 1796, and moved with his parents to the present site of Wood- sonville, then in Barren county, Kentucky, in 1804. His grandfather, Thomas Woodson, was born in Goochland county, Virginia, on the River James, twenty miles above the cit}^ of Richmond, December 2d, 1772, and died in Woodsonville, February 14th, 1857. His grandmother, also a native Virginian, born May 2d, 1776, died in the same village, July 21st, 1844. His mother was born January 14th, 1801, in Rockingham county, Virginia, and is still (1881) living, and resides with the subject of this sketch in Richmond, Missouri. His great grandfather, Matthew Wood- 534 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. son, was born in 1731, and married Elizabeth Levilian, only child of John Peter Levilian. His maternal crreat grandfather, Jesse Saunders, married Mary, onh' child of Anthony Levilian. His paternal great grand parents, grand parents, and his father were Old School Baptists. This faith, extending back to John Peter Levilian, making the fourth generation, reminds one of the faith of Paul and also of Timothy, which extended backward to the third or fourth generation. The parents of our subject had nine children, three of whom died in infancy. The rest are as follows, arranged with respect to their ages: Jane Ann, who married John H. Ardinger, Esq., a merchant of Woodsonville, Kentucky, who subsequently moved to Lexington, Missouri, where he was a prominent citizen a number of years; he is now living in Texas; Philip J.; Martha A., who became the wife of the late Governor Austin A. King, of Missouri; the subject of this sketch; Eliza- beth Levilian, wife of Shelby A. Jackson, M. D., of Ohio county, Ken- tucky, and Robert Hyde, who joined the Confederate army at the com- mencement of the civil war, and receiving a wound at the battle of Champion Hills, Mississippi, fell into the hands of the enemy and died. His grandfather Thomas was the founder of Woodsonville, once a bright and attractive village, situated on a high plateau, overlooking the sur- rounding country, on the south bank of Green river, in Hart county, Ken- tucky. Thomas D. Woodson was a soldier in the war against Mexico. He volunteered in 1847, joining the 4th Kentucky infantr}^ and -served till the close of the war, in the company of which, at first, Pat Gardner and afterwards Thomas Mayfield, was captain. At the close of the Mexican war, he came to Missouri and located at Kingston, in Caldwell county, where he engaged in the mercantile business. He remained in Kingston until in the spring of 1852, when he crossed the plains, with a train of ox wagons, to California. Continuing in California till January, 1854, he re- turned to his home in Missouri, and pursued his former vocation at King- ston till in 1863, when he removed to Richmond, Ra}- county, where he resumed merchandising, and conducted a store till the fall of 1878, at which time he closed out to Messrs. Holt & Hughes. In 1868, he par- ticipated in the organization of the Ray County Savings Bank, and was chosen its vice-president. He held this position till he disposed of his mercantile house, as above stated, when he turned his attention to banking exclusively. In 1879 he was elected president of the Ray County Savings Bank, and still holds that position. Mr. Woodson has also been extensively engaged in dealing in live stock, farming, etc. He owns several well improved and fertile farms in Ray and adjoining coun- ties. He was married December 5, 1854, to Miss Sabina L. Hughes, a native of Clark county, Kentucky. They have three children living, viz. Lydia Annie, born September 27, 1855; Harrie Philip, born March 23, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 585 1859, and Virginia Elizabeth, born September 11, 1870. Mrs. Woodson was a refined and amiable lady, but she is not now among the living — having died April 11, 1871. Mr. Woodson is a devout and consistant member of the M. E. Church South.. His name is untarnished; his friends are legion ; and his hfe not in vain. PHILIP J. WOODSON. The subject of this sketch, a brother of Thomas D. Woodson, was born in Woodsonville, Kentucky, January 6, 1823. In the spring of 1849 he went across the plains to California, spending five months on the way. He passed about twelve years in the mining districts of California, most of the time engaged in mining, in which he was quite successful. In the spring of 1861 he returned by the overland stage route, traversing Lower California, Arizona, and Texas, and traveling 2,800 miles in twenty-three days, reaching his home in Kentucky in May. In the spring of 1863 he returned to California, and remained one year, looking after his mining interests. In 1865 Mr. Woodson located permanently in Richmond, Mis- souri, where he is now a respected citizen. He was engaged in mer- chandizing in Richmond, in partnership with his brother, T. D. Woodson, Esq., until 1878, when they sold out their stock of goods, and since that time our subject has not been actively engaged in business on account of ill health. He is the owner of a fine farm, containing about five hundred acres, as well as some valuable city property. He was married October 25, 1865, to Miss Hallie J. Jackson, a most accomplished lady, of Bow- ling Green, Kentucky. He is a member of the regular Baptist Church, while his wife is united with the M. E. Church South. For genealogy of Mr. Woodson reference is made to the biographical sketch of his brother, Thomas D. Woodson, Esq. JOHN C. BROWN. John C. Brown was born near Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, Janu- ary 29, A. D. 1835. His father, WiUiam, was born in Rutherford county, Tennessee, October 6, 1809, and was raised and educated in the county of his nativity, and emigrated to Missouri with his parents in 1829, living on a farm during his life. He was a Baptist of the old school type; never desired office at the hands of the people, but has been content to five the life of a farmer, and a Christian gentleman. He was married to Miss Sarah J. Ralph, in 1832. She was born in Guilford county, North Caro- lina, January 6, 1813, and came with her parents to Ray county, at an early day. By the marriage of William Brown to Miss Ralph, there were born seven children, one of whom died in infancy; James H. went to Oregon, and died there in 1873; Mary F. died at sixteen years of age; Isaac R. 536 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. resides in Carrollton, Missouri, and is clerk of the circuit court in the seventeenth judicial district; Charles W., salesman with McWilliams, Crooke & Co., wholesale hats and caps; Jennie, married to Samuel V. Endsley, of Ray county. John C. the subject of this sketch, was raised on a farm, and finished his course of study at Carrollton, Missouri, in 1856, acquiring a good English education and some knowledge of the Latin. He left school, and followed teaching in Carroll, Saline and Ray counties, always giving satisfaction as a teacher. In April, 1857, he was employed as salesman in the store of Messrs. Hill & Ely, of Carrollton, Missouri, and left in the spring of 1861, with the confidence and approval of his employers; went to farming and dealing in stock till 1872. In November, 1872, he was elected sheriff' of Ray county, and having filled the office to the satisfaction of the people, was in November, 1874, re-elected by an increased majority, receiving the largest vote cast for any candidate at that election. At the end of his second term, December, 1876, he retired from the office of sheriff, and commenced the practice of law in partnership with Judge Wm. A. Donaldson, having been admitted to the bar in February, 1877. He was married September 27, 1860, to Miss Hattie A. George, of Caldwell county, Missouri, who is a native of Anderson county, Kentucky, and was born November 22, 1842; and emi- grated to Caldwell county with her father, David George,, and died August 24, 1872. To this union were born six children, one of whom died in infancy. Of the others, Wm. D. was born July2 7, 1861; Eugenie, August 5, 1864; Anna Bell, March 4, 1866; John Dudley, January 23, 1868, and Charles Oscar, April 29, 1871. On May 6, 1874, Mr. Brown was married to his second wife, Miss Olive E., daughter of Felix G. Miller, Esq., of Ray county, born November 2, 1851. With his father's consent, Mr. Brown left home when seventeen years of age, and without means, principally educated himself, as his parents were unable to give him much pecuniary aid. He attributes his success to the prompt man- ner in which he always met each and every engagement. Through life he has made it his determined aim to come promptly to time, thus proving the truth of the adage, " punctuality is the soul of business success. " Mr. Brown is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is a Royal Arch Mason ; he is also a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and contributes liberally to the building of churches, and to the support of the ministry. In politics he is an unswerving democrat, and has been so from his early manhood. He is at present engaged in the mercantile business in Rich- mond, where he is respected and esteemed by every one. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 537 GEORGE I. WASSON. George I. Wasson was born September 19, 1819, in Wilson county, Tennessee, where he lived, assisting his father on the farrri, till he was twenty-one years of age. In 1840, he moved from Tennessee to Mis- souri, and located in Richmond, Ray county, a stranger, young, without friends, without money, and with no resource, save his indomitable energy, pluck, perseverance, and habits of sobriety and economy. The young Tennesseean was not long in making "troops of friends;" his affability, good nature, and generous, obliging disposition, soon gained for him the esteem of all around him, and he was not long in finding employment, at once congenial, responsible and remunerative. Shortly after his arrival, he was appointed deputy sheriff of Ray county, and after holding this position, discharging its duties with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his principal and the people, he entered a dry goods store as clerk, and continued this occupation about two years. He was then elected constable of Richmond township, and held the office continuously till the year 1846, when, appreciating his steady habits, honesty, capacity and fidelity, the people elected him to the responsible office of sheriff of the county; and at the close of his term, two years afterward, chose him as his own successor. In 1849, in connection with Joseph S. Hughes, he opened a dry goods store. He continued in this business, meanwhile conducting a fine farm of six hundred acres, near Richmond, and dealing extensively in leaf tobacco, till in 1866. In he was elected president of the branch of Union Bank of Missouri, located in Richmond, and served with efficiency in this capacity till 1865, in which year he embarked in the private bank- ing business. He continued in this business about twelve years, or until 187T, when he sold out, and engaged in the leaf tobacco trade, packing,, pressing, and shipping, in which he was quite successful; but after about: one year he resumed the mercantile business. In September, 1879, he exchanged his store for the hotel formerly known as the Shaw house, which same he has changed to Wasson house. Mr. Wasson is now owner and proprietor of the Wasson house, which he has greatly improved. He is a man of great versatility, of strong natural ccmmon sense, quick to comprehend, and of far-seeing sagacity. Knowingly, he never wounds the feelings of any man ; he is ever the friend of public enterprise, of education, and of whatever he believes to be conducive to the good of his friends, of the town in which he lives, or of his countv. In whatever department of industry he is engaged, he is the same genial, courteous, and accommodating gentleman, of generous impulses, warm- hearted, sympathetic, and kind — hundreds of his fellow-citizens, less fortu- nate than himself, are indebted to him for deeds of charity. In 18 — he 34 538 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. was elected a director of the branch of the Union Bank of Missouri, located at Lexington, Missouri, and in 1868 he was elected a director of the Union National Bank, of St. Louis, and remained an officer thereof till 1874, at which time the bank having failed, he was appointed to wind up its business. October 22, 1842, George I. Wasson was married to Miss Angeline B. Child, a native of Madison county, New York. Mrs. Was- son is a refined and intelligent lady, amiable, benevolent, and affectionate, and much of the success attained by her husband is due to her cheerful disposition, good judgment, and womanly virtues. They have had two children, but both of them died in infancy. George I. has been one of the most active, energetic, and enterprising business men Ray county ever had, and no individual has done more for its advancement, or is now more closely identified with the county, in all that pertains to its pros- perity, wealth, and development. CHRISTOPHER T. GARNER. Christopher Trigg Garner, son of Colonel Jesse W. and Docia (Trigg) Garner, was born March 25, 1825, in Fayette, Howard county, Missouri. Colonel Jesse W. Garner, a native of Virginia, was born in Northumber- land county in 1791, and when a boy removed to Winchester, Clark county, Kentucky. He married Docia Trigg January 15, 1810. In 1819 he moved to Missouri, and settled in Old Franklin, Howard county. About a year afterward he removed to Fayette, and from 1820 to 1841 lived in that town and in the vicinity thereof. In the year last mentioned he moved to Ray county, and in 1848 to near Liberty, Clay county, where, in June, 1850, he died. He was one of the Missouri pioneers, a carpenter by trade, and built the first court house and college buildings at Fayette. He was a leading Mason, and was present at the organiza- tion of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Missouri. He was a man of integ- rity of character, decision, energy and enterprise, good judgment, and strong, practical, common sense, highly esteemed and universally respected, kind and affectionate in his family relations, generous and phil- anthropic. Docia Garner was the daughter of Gen. Stephen Trigg, and was born January 21, 1782, in Bedford county, Virginia. She was a descend- ant of the Trigg family that emigrated from England and settled in Spott- sylvania county, Virginia, the sons of which distinguished themselves as soldiers in the revolutionary war, in the war of 1812, and in the Indian wars of a later period. They were in the siege of Yorktown, the battle of King's Mountain, and in the Indian battle at the Blue Licks, Kentucky. C. T. Garner, the subject of this sketch, until he attained his majority, worked at daily labor for his father, attending school irregularly, for short intervals, in the log school-houses of that day. His education was obtained mainly by his own exertion. He taught school about a year, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 539 « then went into a store as clerk for a few months. Desirincr to study the law, he entered the law office of Honorable George W. Dunn, of Rich- mond, Missouri, in IS-iS, and read law coiitinuously for nearly three years. In May, 1848, he received license to practice his profession from Judge Austin A. King, afterward governor of Missouri. The judge, on hand- ing him his license, advised him to locate permanently at Richmond and engage in the practice of his profession. He yielded to the suggestion with great reluctance, as the bar of Richmond was then composed of such eminent lawyers as Philip L. Edwards, George W. Dunn, Ephraim B. Ewing, Charles E. Bowman, Mordecai Oliver, and E. A. Lewis. Without any money, library books, or office furniture, he was allowed the privilege of occupying a table in a drug store for his office ; a copy of the revised statutes of Missouri, kindly lent him by a friend, was the extent of his library. The first earnings of his profession were applied to paying his legal preceptor for board and instruction while studying his profession. Afterward he purchased such books as his limited means would allow. Sympathizing friends gathered around him, and his pros- pects for a living practice began to brighten. He soon acquired a remun- erative practice, which he has retained at the same bar for a period of thirty-two years. He has traveled his own circuit and practiced in the courts of ten counties. On the 5th day of November, 1850, in Callaway county, Missouri, he was married to Miss Efizabeth B. Mosby, an estima- ble and accomplished lady, the daughter of Major James Mosby. Mr. Garner was a whig. His judicial circuit, during the existence of that party, was composed of the counties of Ray, Clay, Carroll, Clinton, De Kalb, Harrison, Daviess, and Caldwell, which were then, by a large majority, democratic in politics. In 1852 he became a candidate for cir- cuit attorney, and was elected by a handsome majority over his opponent, who was a good lawyer, a popular man, and a democrat. He discharged the duties of the office until the expiration of his term, in 1856, with suc- cess and ability, when he declined a candidacy for re-election. In his prosecution he met such distinguished lawyers as Colonel A. W. Doni- phan, Colonel James H. Moss, Governor Willard P. Hall, and Honorable H. M. Vories. Mr. Garner was chosen to draw up the charter for the city of Richmond and secure its incorporation. In 1858 he advocated, by a thorough and energetic canvass, the proposition submitted to the people of his county for voting $200,000 to aid in building a railroad through the county. In 1861 he was strongly and decidedly for the Union, doing all he could to resist the wave of secession, which threatened to involve his native state in civil war. With unfaltering firmness he remained loyal to the government until the end of that memorable struggle. In 1864 he organized a company for the purpose of defending the town and people against the depredations of bushwhackers, by whom they were threat- 540 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY.^ ened. In 1862 he was elected a member of the general assembly from Ray county, and became a wise, prudent legislator, a prominent leader of the conservative element of that body, and exerted a propitious influence over its deliberations. In 1866 he assisted in procuring the stock and organizing the K.ay County Savings Bank, was elected a director, and has been annually re-elected to the present time. Upon the organization of the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Railroad Company and the St. Joseph & St. Louis Railroad Company, he was retained as one of their attorneys, and is still so employed. There is not a public enterprise in his section to which he has not contributed by his talents and influence, having been, and still being, a liberal contributor to the building of churches and institutions of learning, and to the support of churches, schools, and all movements for the public good. Though not a member of any church, his life has been exemplary, temperate, and moral. He is a Mason, but belongs to no other charitable organization. He is identi- fied with the democratic party, though originally a strong whig. Mr. Garner has an interesting family of seven children: James W., Chris- topher T., Jr., Elizabeth B., William H., Sarah J., Mary V., and Jessie C. His three eldest children are well educated, being graduates of Rich- mond College. His wife, Elizabeth B., was born Febiuar}- 6, 1832, in Callaway county, Missouri, and is a most excellent Christian lady, having united with the Christian Church before her marriage. JAMES W. BLACK. James Witherspoon Black, son of Rev. James Black and Nancy (Mc- Murran) Black, was born in Jefferson county, Virginia, about seven miles from Harper's Ferry, January, 8th, 1828. His father was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, in 1777. He was a highly educated gentleman, being a graduate of Washington College, Washington county, Tennessee. He is well known in the annals of the Presbyterian Church, having been a devoted, faithful minister of that church for more than fifty years. His labors extended over a wide field, embracing in their limits the states of Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. He married Miss Nancy McMurran, of Shepherdstown, Jefferson county, Virginia, in 1820. After a long, useful, and active life, he died at his home in Shep- herdstown, Virginia, in the eight3'-fourth year of his age. Colonel Black's mother was born in Shepherdstown, Virginia, in 1792. She was the daughter of Mr. Joseph McMurran, a native of the County of Down, Ireland, who emigrated to Jefferson county, Virginia, at an early day. He married a Miss Lowrie, of Virginia, who survived him many years. Colonel Black's mother, after the death of his father, continued to live in Shepherdstown till in 1863, when she removed to Richmond, Missouri, and lived with her son, Joseph E. Black, until her death, March 16, 1869. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 541 The subject of this sketch received a portion of his early education in his native county. On the removal of his parents to Cambridge, Guern- sey county, Ohio, in the spring of 1837, he was entered a student at Cam- bridge Academy, and made some progress in the branches pertaining to an English education. He afterwards attended for a short time a select school in Belmont county, Ohio. In 1811, his parents moved from Ohio to Washington county, Pennsylvania; thence, in 1815, to Somerset count}^, same state ; and finally returned to JefTerson county, Virginia. In the fall of 1846, he entered, as a student, Washington College, Washington county, Pennsylvania, and there commenced the prosecution of his classical studies. While at this institution he gave preference to the Washington Literary Societ3\ Hon. James G. Blaine, now secretary of state of the United States, and Hon. James H. Hopkins, democratic member of congress from Pennsylvania, in 1876, were students at Wash- ington College at the time our subject attended that school. On leaving Washington College in 1847, he pursued his classical studies under the tutilage of Prof. Joseph J. Stutzman, of Somerset, Pennsylvania. His course of classical studies wath Prof. Stutzman embraced Latin, Greek and German. In 1848, he began the study of law in the office of Messrs. Cox & Stutzman, of Somerset, and was admitted to the bar on motion of Colonel J. R. Edie, February 5, 1851, after a rigid examination by a sworn committee, appointed by Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, then on the bench. Judge Black presided over the committee on examination, and took an active part in propounding questions to the young applicants. On receiving his license as an attorney, young Black returned to his home in Virginia, first visiting, however, a number of the eastern cities, and spending some days in Washington City, where he visited the capitol while congress was in session, and had the pleasure of seeing and hearing in debate such illustrious statesmen as Clay, Cass, Corwin, Chase, Ben- ton, Butler, Douglas, Davis, (Jefferson) Hale, Houston, Foote, Soule^ and Seward. After receiving license to practice his profession, he remained at home but a short time, till he left for the great west, his destination being St. Paul, Minnesota. After a long trip, mainly by steamboat, he reached that city about the 10th of April, 1851, and was cordially received by Hon. Alexander, governor of the territory. St. Paul, at that time, was a small place, and for a great portion of the year cut oft' from the pleasures of the more civilized country farther southward. The prospect of acquiring a lucrative practice in St. Paul was not very encouraging hence he concluded to return to St. Louis, and decide there upon some other point at which to establish himself in the practice of his profession. After remaining in St. Louis a short time, he concluded to go to western Missouri, and took passage on the steamboat Isabel, for Independence, having with him a young friend named George S. Hupp, who had accom- 542 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. panied him from St, Paul. Meeting on the boat Dr. Thomas King, a member of the legislature from Ray county, they were induced by that gentleman to visit Richmond, in Ray county. They arrived at Richmond, May 7, 1851, and being pleased with the country, concluded to remain, and formed a co-partnership for the practice of the law. The following August, however, Mr. Hupp was summoned home and Mr. Black con- tinued the practice alone till October, following, when he engaged as teacher in the Richmond Academy. The next spring he established the Richmond Herald^ mentioned elsewhere in this volume. In 1852, he sold the Herald and resumed the practice of law, and continued it till the spring of 1853, when he established a school at Liberty school district in Ray countv. He followed teaching at Liberty, Wakanda and Camden, until the commencement of the civil war. The fall of the year 1855, however, was spent in traveling through the eastern states. On the organization of the militia in Ray county, in July, 1862, he was appointed enrolling officer of Ray county, and after enrolling the militia of the county was appointed by General Loan, mustering officer, and organized and mustered into service ten companies of militia, which formed the 51st regiment of Missouri enrolled militia, and in October, 1862, he was commissioned by Governor Gamble lieutenant colonel of this regiment. In December, 1862, he was appointed by General Vaughan, commander of the military post of Richmond, Missouri, with full command of all the military forces in the county, which position he held till the spring of 1863. While in command of the 51st regiment, he frequently performed active service in Ray, Lafayette, Jackson and other counties of western Missouri. In 1863, as provost marshal of Ray, he enrolled the county, agreeably to the conscription act. In 1864 he was elected, on* the democratic ticket, to represent Ray, in the general assembly, and served in that body from 18^ to 1866. In the summer of 1866, he was one of the delegates from the sixth congressional district of Missouri, to the democratic national convention at Philadelphia; and was, also, one of the delegation that called on President Andrew Johnson, after the adjournment of the con- vention, Hon. Reverdy Johnson being chairman of the delegation and delivering the address to the President at the White House. In 1866 he received the appointment of United States revenue collector for the sixth district of Missouri, from President Johnson. His headquarters were St. Joseph. In January, 1867, he made a tour of inspection of the entire sixth revenue district, by order of the revenue department, and made a full and complete report of all the distilleries in the district. On making such report he received a very complimentary letter from the commis- sioner o( internal revenue, and was by that officer strongly recom- mended to the United States senate for confirmation. He was, on Feb- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 543 ruary 26, 1867, unanimously confirmed by the senate collector of the sixth district, on motion of Senator B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri. In 1868 he again resumed the practice of law in Richmond, entering into co-partnership with his brother. Judge J. E. Black. In 1870 he was elected, as a democrat, mayor of the city of Richmond. He has served as member of the city council five years, having been first elected in 1874. In the fall of 1876, he was appointed mayor of Richmond by the city council. Vice William S. Seymour, resigned, and served till April, 1877. He has been a director of Richmond College since 1879; and since the fall of that year president of the board of directors. Colonel Black strongly opposed secession, and was a firm advocate of the Union. He deplored the necessity of civil war, clearly foreseeing its desolating results; yet he was of the opinion that secession was wrong, and if successfully accomplished would weaken and ultimately ruin a nation, which, united^ is the most prosperous and powerful on the globe; hence, he was for maintaining the Union, even at the cost of internecine conflict. While in the general assembly during the winter of 1865-66, a bill was introduced by the member from Caldwell, for the purpose of changing the northern boundary of Ray county, and depriving it of all the land in townships fifty-four, commonly known as the " six mile strip." The bill, through the exertions of himself and his colleague, Hon. John Grimes, was defeated. In 1872, he was secretary of the democratic central committee and in the fall of that year, received the support of the Ray county delegates for con- gress. Colonel Black has been married three times. His first marriage was with Miss Joey H. Nisbet, of Rav county, a native of Armagh county, Ireland, May 28, 1857. His first wife, who was a lady of exceeding grace, culture and refinement, died October 3, 1860. June 1'5, 1863, he married Miss Florence E. Menefee, of Booneville, Missouri, an accom- plished lady, who died January 29, 1866. His third marriage, October 15, 1874, was with Miss Sue T. Child, of Richmond, a native of Phila- delphia, but for several years a resident of Richmond, Virginia. She was in the latter city most of the time, while it was beleaguered by the Federal forces. In 1864, she succeeded in getting through the lines, and passing up the valley of Virginia, via Winchester and Martinsburg, reached Philadelphia in March, 1864. She is a sister of Hon. Jacob T. Child, editor of the Richmond Conservator^ and is an intelligent, amia- ble and affectionate lady, attractive in person, and refined in manners. Colonel Black has two children living, issue of his first marriage, viz: James Black, a promising young man in his twenty-first year, who has recently graduated first in class — of which he was chosen valedictorian — from the State University, at Columbia, Missouri; and Mary G. O. Black, who lives with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mait- land, of Ray county. The only child of the second marriage, Henry 544 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Menefee Black, died in 1866. Colonel Black is a member of the Pres- byterian Church. James W. Black has had a somewhat varied experi- ■ence in life, but in ev^ery way an upright, useful and honorable one. Him-- self a ripe scholar, a warm-hearted, public spirited gentleman, he has ever been the active, ardent and faithful friend of education, religion, and of every enterprise looking to the betterment of his friends and neigh- bors, or to the promotion of the general welfare. DAVID H. QUESENBERRY. A native of Virginia, born in Fauquier county, December 20, 1805. In his infancy, his parents moved to Barren count}^, Kentucky, of course, taking him with them. In 1834 Mr. Quesenberry removed to Lafay- ette county, Missouri, and the following year to Richmond, Ray county, where he has ever since resided. He has lived in Richmond more than forty-six years, continuously, and has been a resident of the town longer than any other person now living. Mr. Quesenberry has long enjoyed the respect, confidence, and esteem of his fellow-citizens. He was six years deputy clerk of the county court of Ray county; for about three years postmaster of Richmond, and filled the office of justice of the peace over twenty-five years. He was married October 9, 1828, to Miss Lucinda Warder, of Barren county, Kentucky. They were neighbors from infancy. They have only one child living, Mary Ann, born July 28, 1829, in Barren county, Kentucky, who became the wife of the late Hon- orable Aaron H. Conrow, of Richmond. John Zacheus, born July 4, 1836, died in infancy. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church South, and are consistent, exemplary Christians. Their earthly labors must soon have ceased, but they will continue to live in the hearts of a host of friends. BENJAMIN J. BROWN. Benjamin Johnson Brown was born in Franklin county, Kentucky, December 9, 1807. He lived in that state till about the age of twenty- five, and then, in 1832, moved to Missouri, and settled in Ray county, of which he was one of the pioneers. When he reached Richmond there were onl}^ three or four houses in the town, and the county was sparsely settled. He was here to encounter the inconveniences and hardships of pioneer life, and lived to enjoy the comforts, growth, and development of the county in after years. To this improvement no man contributed more than the subject of this sketch. Always enterprising and liberal, of an open, generous disposition, and a warm heart, he was ever ready to aid in all enterprises calculated to benefit his town, county, or state. He gath- ered rapidly and gave with a liberal hand, and was never known to turn his back upon any meritorious enterprise or object. There were but few HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 545 men who shared so larjrely the confidence of the people. He was four different times elected by the people of his county to the office of sheriff" — twice without opposition. He was also twice elected to the office of state senator from his district, and was president of the senate at the time of his death. These and many other positions of public trust were bestowed upon him by his fellow-citizens, the duties of all which he discharged with promptness and fidelity. At the outbreaking of the civil war, Colonel Brown espoused the cause of the south, and became a gallant soldier in the Confederate army. He ranked as colonel, and commanded a regi- ment at the battle of Springfield, Missouri, in which he lost his life, August 10, 1861, while leading a charge upon one of the columns of the enemy. From the position of the enemy the charge was, of necessity, somewhat protracted, and when killed. Colonel Brown was some thirty yards in advance of his forces, making observations with a view to triumphant onslaught. At the time of his death he was a member of the Christian Church at Richmond. Colonel Brown was twice married. The first time to a Mrs Moon, of Richmond, Missouri, by whom he had five children, as follows: Thomas J., of Gallatin, Missouri; Mariah F., wife of James S. De Masters, of Richmond;Susan J., of Waverly, Missouri; Ro Ann, wife of James P. Kiger, of Richmond, and Alice J., wife of B. F. McrCord, of Waverl}', Missouri. His second marriage, December 1.5, 1845, was with Miss Mary Ann White, who was born August 28, 1825, in Scott county, Kentucky. About the year 1840, she moved with her mother (her father, David B. White, having died in Kentucky), to Clay county, Missouri, and subsequently settled permanently in Richmond, where her marriage with Colonel Brown was solemnized. She survives her husband, and with her son, Walter W. Brown, is keeping house in Richmond, at her beautiful home in the northern part of the city. The issue of Colonel Brown's second marriage is seven children, two of whom are deceased. The living are: Mary L., wife of Wesley Allison, of Lawson, Ray county; William T., of Lawson; Benjamin J., Walter W. and Emily Oliver, wife of Rev. James Elmore Dunn, of Plattsburg, Missouri. Walter W. Brown, who lives with his mother, was born May 26, 1858, in Ray county. He received his education at Richmond College. When seventeen years of age he engaged with J. W. Harrison, of Rich- mond, Missouri, to learn the trade of harnessmaker. After working with Mr. Harrison about five years, he accepted a situation with Dan T. Duval, of Richmond, with whom he is yet engaged. Mr. Brown is a skilled workman, devoting most of his time to fine work, for doing which he has an excellent reputation. He is a sensible, sober, industrious young man, and his success in life is assured. 540 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ADAM J. BARR. Adam Johnston Barr was born July 4, 1828, in Bethlehem, Northamp- ton county, Pennsylvania. His father, James Barr, came from near Glasgow, Scotland, to America, in 1801, and settled in New York City, where he lived with his father for some time; then moved to Pennsyl- vania, where Adam, the subject of this sketch was born. Colonel Barr is a descendant of Scotch parents, of which he is a genuine type. When he was about nine years old, his father, with his family, moved to Steu- ben county. New York, in which state they resided two years, and then returned to Pennsylvania, where for many years he lived with his parents upon a farm. "When quite young Adam left home to mark out his own destiny. He had no education, save such as he had obtained during the winter terms of a country school. After leaving home, however, he attended the academy of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and when his money gave out, he would teach a term of country school, and then return to his studies. After attending the academy for some time in this way, he left school and obtained a position as receiving clerk at the Cambria iron works, then in process of construction. Having accumulated some means he concluded to study medicine and accordingly entered the office of Dr. Yeagly, at Johnstown, in the fall of 1849. He attended medical 4ectures in Cincinnati, where he graduated in 1852, and then went to Waverly, Pike county, Ohio, to commence the practice of his profession. When he arrived at Waverly he had but one dollar with which to begin business. He soon, however, acquired a good practice, and, before the year closed, found that he had a practice that was paying him at the rate of three thousand dollars per year. He won great popularity and his success in his profession was remarkable. Becoming dissatisfied with the place, however, and desiring to seek a home in the west, he left Waverly in the fall of 1858, and came to Ray county, Missouri, where he settled and practiced his profession. In 1859 Adam J. Barr was married to Miss Nannie Jacobs, daughter of Clayton Jacobs, a merchant and an old and respected citizen of Ray county. To them were born two children: Leo James and Lizzie Theodosia. Here he practiced medicine until the break- ing out of the rebellion. Being a strong Union man, and coming as he did from Ohio, he was regarded by many as a northern man. During the presidential canvass of 1860, he took decided grounds with the Doug- las party, and strongly advocated the election of Stephen A. Douglas to the presidency, and became somewhat prominent in the canvass as a Douglas democrat. The excitement growing out of this election con- tinued, and the discussion of its issues engendered strife and deepened the prejudice then existing till the country was precipitated into civil war. His strong outspoken advocacy of the Union rendered his position, to HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. OiT some extent, perilous. While in his office one evening compounding some medicine, he was shot at through the window, the bullet passing close to his lace and breaking the glass on the shelf in front of which he was standing. He was at this time corresponding with the Hon. James H. Burch, Sr., who was at Jefferson City attending the state convention. The object of these communications was to devise some plan for military relief, and to keep the representatives in the state convention properly advised as to the condition of this part of the state. Having been informed that plots were formed for his assassination, he was compelled to escape to the woods, where he remained several days without food or shelter. He resolved one night to venture into a lonely cabin surrounded by a dense forest, and obtain some nourishment, and, if possible, learn something of the military bands in search of him. On approaching the cabin everything was quiet, but the door was soon opened to his raps, and he found the inmate to be a strong Union man, and learning from him the names of the Union men in the neighborhood, he wrote out a call to them to meet him in the woods near by, at ten o'clock the following night, and bring with them such arms as they could collect, and also bring good horses, blankets, etc. To this call twenty-five well armed men came, and he was at once chosen their leader. They marched to Cameron, reaching that place at daylight the next morning. Here they met Major James, with a small organization of militia. From here they went to St. Joseph, participating in skirmishes on the way. From St. Joseph, Col. Barr went to Chillicothe, Missouri, where he was appointed assistant surgeon, and placed in charge of the hospital. The following spring he accompanied a detachment of soldiers, under Major A. Allen, to Richmond, Ray county, where he remained during the summer, recruiting and reorganizing the militia of the count}^, and was commissioned by Governor Gamble, colonel of the Ray county (Missouri) militia, who were armed, equipped and put into active service. Under his military control the peace of the county was soon restored, and citizens of both parties returned to their usual vocations of life. In the fall of 1863 the state election was held, and he was chosen a representative of the state general assembly from Ray county. He served two sessions and took an active part, with others, in the reorganization of the state government, supporting all the important measures looking toward the restoration of law and quiet. In the senatorial contest he voted for John S. Phelps, until he was with- drawn; then, as his second choice, for Judge Breckenridge, of St. Louis, but the general assembly adjourned without electiong a U. S. senator. Upon his return home he canvassed the county, and in public speeches advocated the emancipation policy of the general government. He was returned to the legislature, full}' endorsed by his constituents, and voted for B. Gratz Brown and John B. Henderson for the United States senate. 54:8 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. In 1864 under the new call of President Lincoln for additional troops, he, in connection with Colonel Bradshaw, of St. Joseph, recruited the 44th regiment of infantry volunteers. Colonel Bradshaw was commissioned colonel, and he lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, and they were mustered into service, and at once ordered to Paducah, Kentucky. Upon arriving there they found orders and transfers awaiting to take them to Tennes- see, to re-inforce General Schofield, who was suffering from General Hood's army, which had entered the state, and were en route to Nash- ville. They met Schofield's retreating army at Columbia, where they were immediately thrown into battle, and from Columbia to Franklin they were continually under fire. At Spring Hill thev gallantly led a charge, and turned the flanking enemy. At Franklin they were in the hottest of the fight, and here, during a charge upon the outer works held by the enemy, a large number of the regiment were killed and wounded. Here Colonel Bradshaw. early in the fight, was wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy. Colonel Barr was now left in command of the regi- ment, and fought bravely till the close of the battle, but the Union forces retreated to Nashville, where the 44th Missouri was attached to the 16th army corps, of General A. J. Smith. Colonel Barr, at the head of his regiment, participated in the three days' fight at Nashville, and then, in the pursuit of General Hood's army across the mountainous country of Tennes- see. They were next taken by transports to Eastport, Mississippi,' where Colonel Barr received the news of his election, as a delegate, to represent Ray, Clinton, Caldwell, and Carroll counties, in the state constitutional convention. He laid the communication before General Smith, who gave him leave of absence, and ordered a gun-boat to take him to Cairo, where he took the cars for St. Louis. Upon his arrival in that city he took his seat in the convention, which had been in session some time, and the ordi- nance abolishing slavery had been passed, but by resolution he was allowed to record his vote in favor of the emancipation of slavery in Mis- souri. He was placed upon some of the most important committees, and took a prominent part in the deliberations of the convention, being fre- quently called to the chair. At the assembling of the legislature, after the adoption of the new constitution, he was elected by that body one of the curators of the state university'. He was also, the same year, elected clerk of the circuit court of Ray county, and was appointed assistant United States assessor of the sixth district of Missouri. When solicited, in 1867, to become a candidate for congress, he refused, saying that he had no desire for any other office, and besides, his personal friend. Van Horn, was a candidate, and he did not wish to be in his way. Subse- quently he became a delegate to the congressional convention, which met at Liberty, and did much to secure the nomination of Van Horn. He was then selected by his friends, as a candidate for lieutenant-governor of HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 549 the state, but would not allow his name to be used. Having studied law Colonel Barr abandoned medicine, and, since the war, has been engaged in the practice of the legal profession. He has since, and during the war, advocated and supported the policy of the republican party; but he has avoided all public participation with either party, preferring the quiet of his home to the strife and turmoil of the politician. In religion, as in poli- tics, he is liberal in all his views. He believes in the divinity of the Bible, but thinks that the popular theology of the day is liable to misconstrue and misapply many of its most essential truths; that true religion is like truth, analytical, and courts investigation, becoming brighter thereby; but that human creeds and theology are synthetic, once torn to pieces, and thor- oughly dissected by a scientist, they can never be re-united, and therefore engender strife and discord; that true Christianity unites the human family in bonds of love and respect, and elevates and ennobles the race. WILLIAM WALLACE MOSBY, M. D. William Wallace Mosby was born near Georgetown, Scott county, Kentucky, June 1st, 1824. His father, James Mosby, was a native of Virginia. He was a farmer in moderate circumstances in Kentucky, but emigrated t« Mississippi in 1826; remained in that state two years, and in 1828 moved to Callaway county, Missouri. He was an ardent friend of Henry Clay, and a warm advocate of his political views, though he never sought preferment at the hands of his party. His mother, Elizabeth Robards, was a daughter of Capt. George Robards, a Virginia plaiiter, who emigrated to Mercer county, Kentucky, where his daughter, Eliza, was born. She was a devoted christian, and was deeply interested in the reformation introduced by Alexander Campbell. Her earnest prayers and exemplary Christain life were the means by which her husband, though after he had passed the meridian of life, was brought into the church, of which he remained a consistent member until his death, January 9, 1871. Her motherlv devotion had a strong influence in moulding the character of her children, all of whom became members of the church. William W. Mosby received a sound English education, together with a pretty thorough knowledge of Latin and Greek, from private schools. At the age of eighteen he began the study of medicine, under Dr. Franklin Dillard. He attended the medical department of Transylvania Uni- versity, in the class of 1844-5, and the Louisville Medical College, in the years 1845-6. Up to this time his work had been very arduous. His father had a large family, eight children, dependent upon him, and he was unable to supply his son with the necessary funds to complete his educa- tion. Young Mosby, therefore, worked during the planting and harvest- ing season, and attended school in the winter. As soon as he was sufficiently advanced to teach school, he followed that avocation, obtaining 550 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY, a sufficient amount to enable him to attend one course of lectures. He borrowed money to complete his medical course, and graduated, to find himself in debt, and without means. He immediately selected Richmond, Ray county, as the field of his fiiture labors, not having, at the time, sufficient means to pay for a week's board. He soon after formed a part- nership with Dr. Joseph Chew, now of Kansas City, which lasted about eighteen months. But he was ambitious to build up a reputation on his merits, and withdrew from the partnership to begin what afterward became a large and lucrative practice. He subsequently entered into partnership with Dr. Henry C. Garner, which lasted from 1866 to 1873. Dr. Garner became cashier ot the Ray County Savings Bank, and the partnership was dissolved. He has always been able to attend promptly to all calls for his professional services, and to this he attributes much of his success. He is thoroughly read in his profession, has a large, well selected library, and spends much of his leisure time in the study of the more modern authors on the theory and practice of medicine and surgery. In 1847, he took an interest in a drug store with Marion F. Ball and Mordecai Oliver, under the firm name of Marion F. Ball & Co. This firm existed for some time, when he purchased the interest of his partners and associated his sons with him, and still continues the business in the name of W. W. Mosby & Sons. At the beginning of the civil war h-e enlisted in the enrolled Missouri militia and was appointed surgeon, serv- ing as such two years. When Colonel John C. Hale organized the fourth provisional regiment, he was appointed regimental surgeon, with the rank of major, and served until 1864, when the regiment was disbanded. In the fall of 1862, he was elected to represent his district, embracing the counties of Caldwell, Carroll, Clinton and Ray, in the state senate, and served four years. While a senator he opposed the bill calling into exis- tence the convention that subsequently adopted the Drake constitution, and also the test oaths and registration which were so obnoxious to the people. In 1876, he was re-elected to the same position, receiving a majority of nine hundred over both his opponents. In politics he was a whig during the existence of that party, and a strong Union man during the war. Since that time he has co-operated with the democratic party. He was four years president of the board of education of Richmond Col- lege, and has . always been an advocate of whatever would promote the educational interests of the country. A warm friend of the temperance cause he was a member of the Sons of Temperance only two or three months, till he withdrew, believing that the temperance cause should be controlled by the "church. He was four years a director in the Union Bank of Missouri. He is a member of the Christian Church and has been an elder in that body for over thirty years, and superintendent of the Sun- day-school (which he assisted in organizing) for twenty-five years. Dr. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 551 Mosby was married September 29, 1847, to Miss Sarah Catharine Jacobs, daughter of Joel Jacobs, deceased, a farmer of Ray county, a native of Virginia, who died before the marriage of his daughter. They have had six children. The eldest son died suddenly of malignant diphtheria, at the age of twenty-two, when he had just finished a thorough study of the science of medicine, and was prepared to begin the practice. His second son, Charles Archibald, has adopted his father's profession, and is associated with him in practice. Charles and John are in charge of the drug store. William is conducting a farm. Mar)- Eliza and James Edward are at home with their parents. JOSEPH E. BLACK. Joseph Edwards Black, second son of James and Nancy Black, was born in Jefferson county, Virginia (now West Virginia) April 25, 1832. When about five years of age, his father and the family removed to Ohio, and after residing in that state a number of 3'ears, moved to Pennsylvania, where he principally resided till he emigrated to Missouri. On the 16th day of March, 1852, Joseph E. Black located in Ray county, Missouri, where he has ever since continued to reside. He received his education in the common schools of the various places where his parents resided. He took a thorough course in mathematics, as well as a general course in the branches of an English education, including the natural sciences; and also a course in Latin, and a partial course in Greek and German. He is a studious, careful reader, and has endeavored by close application, to be- come familiar, at least with English literature, and in this particular he has met with admirable success; his knowledge of the best British and Ameri- can writers — poets, historians and romancists— making him an excedingly interesting conversationaHst, and a most agreeable and instructive com- panion. He folk)wed the profession of teaching about fifteen years, hav- ing taught about ten years in Ray county. He was elected school com- missioner of Ray county in 1860, and as teacher, commissioner and pri- vate citizen, has devoted a great part of his life to the promotion of educa- tional interests. He was admitted to the bar in Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, April 20, 1862, and has, excepting one short period of interrup- tion, continued in the practice of the law ever since. He has been quite successful as an attorney, as well in the United States courts, and the supreme court of Missouri, as in the lower courts. He ranks high as a lawyer both in point of legal ability and moral worth. He acted with the Benton democracy of Missouri until the commencement of the civil war, when he joined the republican party, with which he acted until 1878, when he became a member of the greenback party; and since that time he has taken an active part in promulgating the principles and policy of this poUtical organization. In addition to the office of school commis- 552 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. sioner, he filled the office of county attorney for Ray county from Jan- uary 1, 1869, to January 1, 1873; and has held other offices of trust. In 1870, he was a candidate for representative in the state general as- sembly. He served in provisional company C, 51st regiment, E. M. M., from the organization of the regiment to September 17, 1864, whenever it was called into active service. On the date last mentioned, he was com- missioned adjutant of the regiment, to rank from July 5, 1864, and was in active service during part of that year. Upon the organization of the state militia in 1865 — May 12th — commissioned adjutant of the 1st regiment of Missouri militia, and was immediately ordered into active service to assist Col. R. S. Moon in organizing the Missouri militia in the third sub-district, first militia division of Missouri, including Ray, Clay, Platte and Clinton counties. Col. Moon was relieved, and Adjutant Black completed the organization, and served till September 30, 1865. He was a contributor to the editorial columns of the Richmond Herald^ mentioned elsewhere, and has contributed, more or less, to almost every paper published in the county. August 21, 1859, Joseph E. Black was married to Miss Mary Sabina, daughter of Haden S. Trigg, Esq., a biographical sketch of whom will be found elsewhere. Mrs. Black is an amiable, intelligent lady, and to her much of the success, and all of the happiness of her husband is due. They have had nine children, of whom three sons and a daughter are liv- ing, as follows: Joseph E., Jr., Ann A., William W. and Eugene D. His property in the city of Richmond, Ray count}^, was in the path of the cyclone which utterly destroyed a large portion of the city, June 1, 1878. The greater portion of his family was at home, and escaped without injury, but his material loss, like that ot many others, was very great. In the midst of misfortune and discouragement, and without any available means or assistance from the fifteen thousand dollar fund contributed by the public for the benefit of sufferers from the cyclone, he managed by great exertion to rebuild his residence, and was the first one to return with his family to the storm-stricken district. Disdaining to sacrifice prin- ciple to a desire for popularity, he has ever been found defending the rights of those, of whatever nationality, least qualified by their wealth, in- fluence, or power to recompense him for the sacrifices he has made. Making duty his guiding star, he is consoled by the reflection that its faithful performance will meet with an appropriate reward. While occupying prominent public positions, he necessarily took an active part in all questions agitating the public mind, and his views have always been liberal, and of an advanced character. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 653 ELIJAH F. ESTEB. Elijah F. Esteb was born March 23, 1832, in Wayne county, Indiana. He was entered a student at Whitewater College, Centerville, Indiana, and at that institution received the greater part of his education. After leav- ing school he chose the law as his profession, and entered upon its study with ardor and a determination to succeed, if success could be accomplished by indefatigable energy, perseverance and economy. He had for his pre- ceptors the late Honorable Oliver P. Morton, afterwards a distinguished member of the United States senate, and Nimrod Johnson, one of the ablest lawyers of his day. Naturally of superior intellect, quick to comprehend, with a mind at once synthetic and analytical, it readily grasped the abstruse, subtle propositions of the different branches of the law, and his progress was easy, rapid, and thorough. In 1852 he was admitted to the bar. Having qualified himself for the profession by a severe course of reading, under the instruction of the ablest attorneys in the state, he was pre- pared to enter at once upon the large and lucrative practice that awaited him in Wayne, Union, and neighboring counties. He continued to practice in these counties with gratifying success for five years, a most liberal proportion of all litigated cases being entrusted to his attention, notwithstanding his con- temporaries at the bar were much older, and had alreadv become distin- guished in the profession. But like many other young men, he desired to seek his fortune in the great west, and in 1857 he left Wayne countv, Indiana, and going to the state of Iowa, settled Jn a county of ' the same name as the one he had left in Indiana. While a citizen of Iowa he was elected by the people to a seat in the upper branch of the state legislature^ and filled that position with credit to himself, and to the satisfaction and profit of those whom he represented. While in Iowa, he also edited, for one year, a paper known as the South Tier Democrat, and in the capacity of editor, proved that his versatility of intellect qualified him for other fields of mental labor, than the practice of the legal profession, although for the latter he was peculiarly fitted, not only by special preparation, but by his talents and inclination. In 1864 he moved to Caldwell county, Mis- souri, and was, in 1865, appointed circuit attorney for the fifth judicial cir- cuit, which office he held till January, 1869. While in that countv he was also appointed one of the curators of the state university, at Columbia. In 1866 Judge Esteb removed to Richmond, Ray county, of which place he has ever since been a respected citizen. His ability as a lawyer is acknowledged by all who know him, and he is above reproach as a man of integrity and excellent moral character. September 10, 1855, Elijah F. Esteb was married to Miss Rebecca W. Mills, a native of Ohio. They have had two children, one'of whom, Frank L., died at the age of six years; the other, Ralph Eugene, born October 24, 1861, lives with his parents, 35 554: HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. and is a student at law under the instruction of his father. He is a gradu- ate of the Kemper Family School, of Booneville, Missouri. Judge Esteb and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. He is also a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity. GEORGE A. STONE. George A. Stone, son of George Stone, was born May 23, 1843, in Liv- ingston county, Missouri. His father was a native of Virginia, born in 1798, and died November 3, 1871, in Livingston county, Missouri. In 1863 Mr. Stone crossed the plains to Idaho territory, where for one year he engaged in mining. He spent another year in Utah, Arizona, and Cal- ifornia, after which he returned to his home, in Missouri, and resumed his former occupation, that of farming. In 1874 he entered into the mercan- tile business, and sold goods at Mooresville. The following year he shipped his goods to Waxahoochie, Texas, where he remained one year, and returned to Missouri, locating at Richmond, in which city he sold goods about four years, and at the same time studied law. He was admitted a member of the bar in January, 1880, since which date he has devoted his time to the practice of the law, and to the real estate business. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and so, also, is his wife. He also belongs to the Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He was married October 16, 1866, to Miss Mollie Hudgins, of Richmond. She is a native of Missouri, and an estimable and accomplished lady. They have four children: Irene, born August 5, 1867; Clarence B., born July 10, 1869; Karl E., born January 25, 1879; infant girl, born December 6, 1880. George A , Stone is a popular, promising attorney, and has the confidence, good will, and esteem of the entire community. THOMAS N. LAVELOCK. Thomas N. Lavelock was born on the first day of the year A. D. 1854, in Sangamon county, Illinois, but in his infancy his parents moved to Dal- las, Texas. They remained there only a few years, however, and about 1857 they moved to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri. Mr. Lavelock received a thorough literary training at the Richmond College, Rich- mond, Missouri, and, in 1878, graduated from the law department of the Missouri State University, at Columbia. In July, 1878, he opened a law office in Richmond, and entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1880, in connection with George W. Trigg, he purchased the abstract of title records of the late Captain George N. McGee, and since that time has devoted part of his attention to the title abstract business. He also represents, as agent, several leading American insurance companies. He has been quite successful in the practice of the law, and, though young, has a large and remunerative business, the result of continued industry, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 555 sobriety, integrity, and manly deportment. He is urbane, obliging, and kind, of benevolent disposition, a true friend, and a warm-hearted, genial gentleman. He is not yet in the prime of manhood, and his luture is bright with promise. His father, born about the year 1818, was a native of Ireland. He emigrated to America, and died in Ray county, in 3 863. JAMES D. TAYLOR, M. D. James D. Taylor was born in Ray county, Missouri, July 30, 1834. His father is David Taylor, a native of Pittsylvania county, Virginia. He immigrated to Missouri, and settled in Ray county, in 1833, and is yet living, in good health— " Hearty and hale is he, an oak that is covered with snowflakes. " Dr. Taylor commenced the study of medicine in 1857, in the office of Doctors Joseph Chew and G. W. Buchanan, of Richmond. He subse- quently attended the St. Louis Medical College, from which he graduated with honor, in 1861. After his graduation, he returned to Richmond, and entered the practice of the profession, for which, by a thorough course of reading, and instruction at the best medical school in Missouri, he qualified himself. With the exception of a period of interruption during the civil war, he has practiced in Richmond since he graduated. In the fall of 1861, he joined the Confederate army, as surgeon of the first Missouri cavalry, and served until he was captured at Mt. Vernon, Mis- souri, in th^fall of 1862. He was paroled, returned to his home, and did not again enter the army, but pursued the practice of his profession. Dr. Taylor has always had a lucrative practice. He is skilled, thoroughly conversant with the science of medicine in its ever}- branch, prompt, attentive, careful and vigilant. James D. Taylor's urbanity and good nature are proverbial; he is pleasing in address, polite, courteous, and especially attentive to the stranger who bears the impress of a gentleman. He was married February 10, 1864 to Fannie E. Duvall, an accomplished, and only daughter of Isaac Duvall, a well known and honored citizen of Ray county. They have one child living, Carl D., born April 16, 1872. Dr. Taylor and wife are members of the Christian Church. He also be- longs to the order of A. F. and A. M. He has never sought office or preferment at the hands of his fellow-citizens, preferring to discharge the duties of his profession, untrammeled by extrinsic affairs. He has, how- ever, been mayor of the city of Richmond. GEORGE W. TRIGG. George W. Trigg is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born November 30, 1846. His father, Haden S. Trigg, a biographical sketch of whose life may be seen elsewhere in this volume, immigrated from Tennessee to Missouri at an early day, and settled in Ray county. Here 556 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V George was reared on a farm, in the management of which, when not at school, he assisted his father. He received a good education, which he has continued to improve by reading and study. In the fall of 1863, he moved with his parents to Booneville, Missouri, and in 1864 went to San- gamon county, Illinois, where he remained five years, the two last years of which time he was engaged in teaching school. In the spring of 1869, in company with his father's family, he returned to Ray county, Missouri, and was employed for a time in the office of Messrs. Doniphan & Garner, attorneys at law, after which he was engaged as clerk in the Ray County Savings Bank, for two and a half years, at the end of which time he was elected cashier of the bank. He discharged the duties of his position creditably until in 1875, when he went to St. Louis to become book keeper in the wholesale grocery house of Messrs. Keach, Sloan & Com- pany, but returned to Richmond in August, 1876, to accept the position of deputy circuit clerk of Ray county. He retained his position until January 1, 1879, when, having been elected clerk of the Ray county court at the general election in November of the preceding year, he entered upon the duties of that office, and is now serving the people of Ray as their county clerk. He is a capable, honest and faithful officer, as well as an ingenuous, generous and obliging gentleman. June 26, 1873, George W. Trigg and Miss Julia N.Jenkins, of Springfield, were united in marriage. She is an accomplished lady, and by her cheerful disposi- tion and wifely devotion, gladdens the home of her husband, r, They have three children, as follows: George A., born November 1, 1875; Eleanor G., born May 20, 1877, and Frank W., born February 1, 1880. Mr. Trigg is a member of Richmond Lodge A. F. and A. M. WARREN W. EWING. Warren W. Ewing was born November 25, 1854, in Ray county, Mis- souri. He received his education at the Richmond College. In the spring of 1874 he was employed as salesman in the dry goods store of McDonald & Davis, of Richmond, and retained this position till in 1877, when he purchased Mr. Davis' interest in the store. In the fall of 1878 he sold out, and rebuilt the Shaw House, which had been partially destroyed by the cyclone of June 1st, 1878. He conducted this hotel till the autumn of 1879, when he sold it, and in connection with his present partner, built the large and imposing brick edifice on the north-east corner of the public square, in which is the opera house and the elegant storeroom of Fowler & Ewing. Mr. Ewing is an energetic, enterprising young man, and deserves much credit for what he has done in behalf of the city of Rich- mond. He and his partner, Mr. Fowler, have a large, elegant and com- plete stock of goods, and receive, as they deserve, a most liberal pat- ronage. Mr. Ewing is the present treasurer of the city of Richmond, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. • 557 an office he has held for years. He is a Mason, and secretary of Rich- mond Lodge, A. F. and A. M. November 27, 1877, Warren W. Ewing was married to Miss Fannie E. Shaw, of Richmond, Missouri, of which •city she is a native. She is a lady of rare accomplishments, winsome manner, and cheerful, and felicitous disposition. They had one child, Virgil C, born September 15, 1878; died March 6, 1880. JAMES W. SMITH, M. D. James W. Smith is a native of Ray county, Missouri, and was born May 7, 1848. His literary training was acquired at Richmond College, Richmond, Missouri. In 1869 he entered the drug store of Taylor & Donaldson, where he remained as clerk (at the same time studying medi- cine) till the fall of 1872. As medical student, Doctor Geo. W. Buchanan, of Richmond, was his preceptor till he entered the St. Louis Medical College, from which he graduated in the spring of 1874. After gradu- ating he entered upon the practice of his profession at Orrick, Ray county. In the spring of 1876 he returned to Richmond, and formed a partnership with Doctor J. D. Taylor, buying also an interest in the drug store of Taylor & Ringo. He continued the practice of medicine and a druggist and pharmacist, in connection with Doctor Taylor, under the firm name of Taylor & Smith, until March 1, 1881, when they dissolved, W. C. Patton, Esq., purchasing the interest of Doctor Taylor in the drug store, while Doctor Smith retained his interest therein, and continues the practice of medicine alone. Doctor Smith is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, as is his wife, an accomplished lady, nee Mary V. Bates, a native of Ray county, to whom he was married December 14, 1876. He is also a member of Richmond Lodge A. F. & A. M. He is a suc- cessful practitioner, a genial gentleman, and useful citizen, and as such is highly respected and esteemed. ROBERT B. KICE, D. D. S. Robert B. Kice, a native of Indiana, was born September 9, 1837. In his infancy, however, he was^taken to Booneville, Missouri; thence, after a short time to Lexington, Missouri, where he grew to be a man. He was educated, so far as respects his literary training, in what was then the .Masonic College of Lexington. He graduated from that institution in 1855; and then going to the city of Baltimore, Maryland, two winters attending the celebrated Baltimore Dental College, and graduated there- from in the spring of 1858. After his graduation, he located, for the the practice of his profession, in Richmond, Missouri, where he has ever since remained, in the enjoyment of a lucrative practice and of the esteem of all who know him. He believes in the old adage, " A rolling stone gathers no moss," and has remained at Richmond, steadily and success- 558 HISTORY OF RAY COUNri. fully pursuing his profession, for which he is quahfied by thorough train- ing, continued application, and long experience. Robert B. Kice was married October 27, 1858, to Miss Joaella Jacobs, of Ray county. They have five children living: George J., born May 6, 1867; John D., born March 27, 1869; Effie M., born January 6, 1873; Robert B., born Feb- ruary 8, 1876, and Daisy, born November 4, 1877. Dr. Kice is a leading member of the Masonic fraternity. BURNETT HUGHES. Burnett Hughes was born in Ray county, Missouri, January 28, 1850. He was educated at the State University, Columbia, Missouri, and reared on a farm. In 1872 he entered the banking house of Hughes & Wasson, Richmond, Missouri, as book-keeper, where he remained until January 1, 1876, when he was elected cashier of a bank at Salisbury, Chariton county, Missouri. January 1, 1877, he and his father bought the interest of George I. Wasson in the banking house of Hughes & Wasson, since which time he has devoted himself to the business of this bank. He is a member of the Christian Church, and so is his wife. He was married January 26, 1876, to Miss Kate Morehead, of Leavenworth Cit}^ Kansas. She is a native of Lexington, Missouri. They have two children living: Ralph B., born September 17, 1878, and James M., born June 20, 1880. Mr. Hughes is an active, energetic young man of fine business capacity, temperate, reliable, and of unexceptional moral character. CAPTAIN ELI HUGHES. John Hughes was a native of Virginia, and was born in the year 1782, and died in Perry county, Indiana, in the year 1864. He served as cap- tain under General Harrison, in the war of 1812; and it was he that recruited the volunteers who fought the battle of Tippecanoe. His son» Captain Eli Hughes, the subject of this sketch, was born in Harrison county, Indiana, May 31, 1827, and there, residing on a farm with his father, grew to be a man. In 1848 he went to Louisiana, and worked at the cooper's trade till 1856. He then traveled through different states, until 1857, at which time he located in Ray county, where he has ever since made his home. Until the commencement of the civil war. Captain Hughes was engaged in farming. January 8, 1862, he enlisted as first lieutenant, in company B, 3d cavalry of Missouri state militia. In July, 1862, he was promoted to the captaincy, and served as such until March, 1865, when he was mustered out of service, with his regiment. He took part in the battles of Newtonia and Springfield, and served through the campaign of General Schofield, through Arkansas, in 1862. He was wounded by guerrillas in Arkansas, July 18, 1862, a ball passing through HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 559 his left hand, and one entering his left side. From these wounds he has never completely recovered. He, notwithstanding his wounds, remained with his company until mustered out. He commanded in several engage- ments with guerrillas — was victorious over Captain Tuck Smith, captur- ing thirty-four of his horses, in Arkansas, in August, 1864. Captain Hughes returned home after the war, and engaged in millmg, to which he has given his attention ever since. He was married April 16, 1868, to Miss Mary Crowley, of Ray county. Of this union two children are living: Mattie D., and James H. C; and two are deceased. His wife died February 1, 1873, and he was again married, February 28, 1874, to Mary J. Lile, of Ray county. They have one child living, Jessie E, Captain Hughes was appointed, by General Holland, to receive the sur- render, under Lincoln's amnesty proclamation, of Confederate troops in northern Arkansas. He accepted the appointment, and discharged its duties in a creditable manner. FELIX G. MILLER. Felix G. Miller was born November 10, 1822, in Ray county, Mis- souri. He is a son of Sebourn J. Miller, who was a Ray county pioneer, having immigrated to this countv from Tennessee, in 1819. He was born near Nashville, Tennessee, in 1794, and died in Ray county in August, 1837. He was for many years a justice of the Ray county court, and held other offices of trust and profit, conferred by the suffrages of his fel- low citizens. Our subject was reared on a farm. His education is limited to that of the common schools, but he is a man of strong common sense, good judgment, and general information. He has always been a farmer, and now owns about 700 acres of excellent land, all of which is well improved and in a high state of cultivation. During Mr. Miller's boyhood, Ray county was almost a wilderness, very sparsely settled, without mills, markets were distant, and the country in many places unreclaimed. He has lived, however, to acquire a competency, to see his county advance to a position scarcely second to any in the state, and himself to partake of the comforts and advantages of modern improvements. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and also of the Masonic frater- nity since the year 1849. He was married to Martha A. Woodward, of Ray county, but a native of Kentucky. Some years after the death of his first wife, April 30, 1850, he was again married to Sophronia Hill, of Ray county, who was born in Tennessee. They have three children: Ollie, wife of John C Brown, of Richmond; Ava, wife of Peter Trimble, of Richmond, and Winfield, a merchant in Knoxville, Ray county. 560 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY, JOSEPH S. SHOOP. Joseph S. Shoop was born May 16, 1816, in Washington count}^, Mary- land. When about fifteen years of age, he went to Waynesborough, Pennsylvania, to learn the trade of cabinet making. After remaining four years and a half thus employed, he spent a few months in Ohio, and then came to Ray county, arriving October 28, 1837, and engaged in the man- ufacture and sale of furniture until about the year 1863, when he pur- chased a farm one mile south of Richmond, to which he moved. In the fall of 1878 he again engaged in the furniture business, but continued to reside on his farm, till the spring of 1881, when he rented out his farm and returned to Richmond, and now devotes his whole attention to the furniture business. He is a member of the Christian Church, and is a p-ious, unobtrusive, honest man. He was married in September, 1842, to Miss Maria Bransford, of Barren county, Kentucky. His first wife died, and some years afterward he was married to Mary E. Baber. They have three children, Cora D., Thomas W. and Clarence. MAJOR JOHN P. NORVELL. John P. Norvell was born June 19, 1829, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. When one year old his father moved with him to Pulaski, Middle Ten- nessee, where he lived till he was fourteen years of age, and with his father's famil}' returned to Alabama. Four years later he went to Mis- sissippi. While in Pulaski, Tennessee, on a visit, in 1846, he enlisted as a soldier in the war against Mexico, in Colonel Jonas Thomas' regiment, termed the "Giles County Troopers," Captain Milton A. Harris. Suffer- ing at the time from a gun-shot wound, he only went as far as Arkansas, and was left, sick. He afterward returned to his home, and in February* 1846, he moved with his father and family to Pontotoc county, Missis- sippi. In 1852 he rhoved to Missouri and located at Walnut Grove, in Greene county, where he engaged in farming and dealing in live stock. June 22, 1861, he was mustered into the Confederate army, at West Plains, Missouri, as first lieutenant of company D, first regiment Missouri state guards, McBride's infantry, and served till the close of the war. He was promoted to quartermaster and paymaster of the northern sub-dis- trict of Arkansas. During his service in the army he took part in the following principal engagements: Wilson Creek, Oak Hill, Pea Ridge, Corinth, Brownsville, Little Rock, Camden, Pleasant Hill, Mansfield, Jenkins' Creek. After the engagement at the last mentioned place he was promoted and made chief of transportation for General Price in his last raid through Missouri. He was also at the storming of Pilot Knob, and with Shelby in his raid upon Booneville and Glasgow, and in the fights at Lexington, Independence, Coleman, Marais-des-Cygnes, and New- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 561 tonia. After the close of the war, Major Norvell went to Jackson, Mis- sissippi, and near that place engaged in cotton raising, dealing in stock* etc. In December, 1873, he returned to Missouri, and located in Mad- ison county, and in December, 1875, went to Kingsville, Johnson county, where he lived till February 1, 1881, at which time he moved to Ray county, where he still resides. He is engaged in farming, and in staging in connection with the Wabash railway. He is the owner of a good farm near Richmond, and is the lessee for five years of a fine blue grass farm, on which he is grazing stock. He, however, resides in Richmond on account of its educational advantages. Major Norvell has been a man of remarkable activity, energy, and pluck. He was a brave soldier, always in the front of battle, and never shirked a duty whatever peril its performance engendered. He was married November 12, 1848, to Miss Elizabeth J. Nisbitt, of Mississippi. She died July 17, 1849; and he was again married January 16, 1853, to Miss Louisa Lawrence, of Springfield, Missouri. They have five livmg children and three deceased. The living are as follows: Mary Frances, wife of W. C. McFall, of Weatherford, Texas; Laudon S., Rhoda A., Joe Shelby and Fidelia S. Major Norvell is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church. MAJOR JOHN R. HAMACHER. John R. Hamacher, a native of Scott county, Indiana, was born August 27, 1841. He was brought up to the occupation of a miller. In October, 1861, he enlisted as a private soldier in the Union army, joining company D, 40th irfantry regiment, Indiana volunteers, and served gallantly until the close u£ the war. He was promoted to be second lieutenant, then cap- tain, and afterward major. He was with his regiment in every import- ant battle, and took part in the following: Battles of Cumberland, Yazoo River, Arkansas Post, Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Raymond, Champion Hills, and Black River Bridge, and was engaged through the entire siege of Vicksburg, and in the battle of Alexandria, Louisiana, after which they were granted a furlough to return home. Upon their returning, they re-enlisted, and were on provost dut\^ at Lexington, Kentucky, Major Hamacher being, part of the time, provost marshal. He was, for a time, military conductor on the Louisville & Lexington railroad. He spent the remainder of his term of service in Kentucky and Tennessee, but was never called into active service. Major Hamacher was not seriously wounded in the war, unless we may except the loss of a finger; yet he was always at his post, and dared to lead where any dared to follow. He never faltered nor lagged in the rear; he loved the clatter of musketry, and the cannon's roar was music to his ears. He was a true soldier, and, as an officer, held the aflection of his troops. Upon his return home from 562 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the war, he resumed his former occupation of milling. In 1866 he was placed in nomination by his party for county clerk of his county, but the entire republican ticket was defeated. In 1869 he removed to Audrain county, Missouri, and engaged in farming; but, after one year, went to Carroll county, where he also farmed, continuing this vocation until in 1871, he moved to Carrollton, and purchased the woolen mills at that place, which he operated three years, at the end of which period he moved to Ray county and bought a mill, east of Richmond, which, in 1879, he moved to that city and rebuilt; and he now has, in Richmond, one of the finest and most thoroughly equipped steam flouring mills in this part of the state, where he does both local and custom work. John R. Hamacher was married August 2, 1864, to Miss Margaret A. Vandu- sen, of Scott county, Indiana. To this union were born three children, but one of them is deceased. Gertrude, born October 12, 1867, and Elmer, born March 23, 1871, are living. Mr. Hamacher is a member of the Masonic order. ANDREW J. BOTTS. Andrew J. Botts was born March 30, 1853, in Jefferson county, Iowa. His father was John Botts, a native of Adair county, Kentucky, born in 1820 and died in 1870 in Macon City, Missouri. His mother's maiden name was Susan Craig, she also, was born in Adair county, Kentucky, and died in Macon City, Missouri, in 1864. When the subject of this sketch was about four years old, his parents moved with him to Macon county, Missouri. In July, 1864, he went into the union army as drum- mer in company B, 42d Missouri volunteers. He remained with the army until the close of the war — doing garrison duty in Tennessee, and par- ticipating in various skirmishes. After the war, he returned home and entered into the tinning business, and in 1867 went to Chillicothe, Missouri, to learn the trade of tinner. He remained there three years, and in 1870 went to Millville, Ray county, and took charge of a hardware store. After two years, he moved to Richmond and opened the hardware store he now owns and conducts. He has a very large and complete stock of hardware goods; in fact it is a store that would do credit to a much larger cit3^ He was married May 24, 1876, to Miss Lina E. Ballinger, of Ray county. They have one child, Walter, born April 30, 1877. Mr. Botts is an active, industrious, public spirited young gentleman, and is an honor to the town in which he lives. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 563 WILLIAM C. PATTON. William C. Patton, son of Robert W. Patton, a native of Tennessee* and who settled in Ray county more than half a century ago, was born July 30, 1854, in Ray county, Missouri. After attending the common schools, he was entered a student at Richmond College, and in that institu- tion received his education. He taught school a year after leaving col- lege, and then entered the Ray County Savings Bank as clerk. In May, 1877, he accepted a situation in the drug store of Doctors Taylor & Smith, of Richmond, which he held until March, 1881, when he purchased the interest of Dr. Taylor in the drug store, and now, in partnership with Jas. W. Smith, M. D., under the firm name of Smith & Patton, is engaged as druggist and pharmaceutist. Their store is well appointed, and contains every article properly belonging in such an establishment. Mr. Patton has served three terms as recorder of the city of Richmond; further than this, he has not asked the suffrage of his fellow-citizens. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and is correct in habits, truthful, high-toned and honorable. He is yet quite young and being strong and vigorous and endued with all the characteristics of true manhood, his future is bright with hope. WILLIAM P. HUBBELL. William P. Hubbell was born March 13, 1828, in Franklin county, Ken- tucky. He is a son of Captain William D. Hubbell, who was born at Bridgeport, Connecticut, m 1797, and is still living. Captain W. D. Hub- bell was a clerk on the first steamboat that passed up the Missouri river, in the spring of 1819. He is quite active, both mentally and physically for one of his age, and is still cheerful, interesting and instructive in conversa- tion, and the fact that he must soon "pass on" causes him no gloomy fore- bodings. He lives at Columbia, Boone county, Missouri. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm. At the age of twelve years his father moved with him to Howard county, Missouri, but remained there but two years, till he removed to Clav county, Missouri. In the spring of 1850, William P. Hubbell went to California, crossing the plains with a train of ox wagons. On the way he and his associate travelers established a ferry across Green river, which they conducted about six weeks, and sold out at a net profit of about $5,000. He returned home in 1851, and engaged in merchandising, first at Liberty, Clay county, and afterward at what is now Missouri City. He continued in business there for eleven years. In July, 1864, he went to Carrollton, Illinois, where he was engaged till the fall of 1865, in the mercantile business. He then came to Richmond, Missouri, and here again resumed his favorite occupation of merchandising. Mr. Hubbell owns, lives on and superintends a beautiful. 564 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. well improved and fertile farm just outside the limits of Richmond. He has some eight or ten acres in small fruits of various kinds, besides a large orchard of apples', peaches, pears and cherries of the finest varieties. He is also a member of the firm of Shotwell & Co., engaged in coal min- ing. They have a shaft near Richmond, and employ more than twenty men in taking out the coal. He has been engaged in the mercantile buisi- ness ever since he came to Richmond, and is now in that occupation in connection with his eldest son, John W. They carry a full stock of dry goods and groceries. William P. Hubbell was married August 25, 1859, to Mary C. Quail, at Washington, Pennsylvania, of which place she is a native. They have the following children living: John W., Mary W., William M., Clarence H. and Charles G. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church, and their exemplary christian character is worthy of all emulation. WILLIAM MARSHALL. WilHam Marshall was born December 12, 1829, in Glasgow, Scotland. In his childhood he accompanied his parents to Canada, and remained there till he became a man. He served an apprenticeship of six years, learn- ing the trade of boot and shoemaker. In the spring of 1852 he came to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, and for about one year plied his voca- tion in the employ of another; at the end of that time, he purchased an interest in the shop of his employer, and subsequently, by purchase, became sole proprietor, and has ever since conducted the business alone. William Marshall started in life a poor boy, without any advantages of wealth or personal assistance from others; but by patient toil, prudence ^nd economy, has succeeded in gaining a competency. He has a handsome property, including a comfortable home in the city of Richmond. He has no enemies, and his friends are numbered among the best men in the county. He was married October 9, 1853, to Miss Eliza Kavanaugh, of Ray county, a native of Canada. They have four sons and three daugh- ters living: Sarah E., William E., Robert, Mary C, John, James and Jessie. JOHN T. BANISTER. John T. Banister was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 8th da}- of October, 1851. His father was Judge Nathaniel Banister, a native of Nicholas county, Kentucky. He removed to Missouri and settled in Ray county in the year 1843. Judge Banister was a man greatly esteemed by the people of Ray county. From 1864 to 1865, he was judge of the pro- bate court of Ray county. He was a prominent lawyer, a wise counselor and a sincere friend, devoted to his neighbors, his county and his country. He died May 18, 1877, in Richmond, Missouri. The subject of this sketch HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 565 was educated at Richmond College, Richmond Missouri. Having com- pleted his education, he engaged in teaching school, and continued in this pursuit for five 3^ears. In the fall of 1876, he was elected by the people, county surveyor of Ray county. His term of office expired January 1, 1881, but at the general election in November, 1880, he was re-elected to serve four years from the first of January, following. He was elected on the democratic ticket. John T. Banister is an unassuming gentleman, of ardent temperament, candid, obliging and kind. As an officer he is equal to the Jeffersonian test, as is amply proven by the readiness of the people to make him his own successor. He resides with his mother, whose mai- den name was Levisa J. Craig. He is a native of Kentucky, but was among the early settlers of Ray county, Missouri. OLIVER N. HAMACHER. Oliver N. Hamacher was born April 17, 1856, in Scott county, Indiana. In 1870 he moved with his parents to Audrain county, Missouri, and in the fall of the same year moved to Carroll county, Missouri, and after remaining on the farm one year with his father, spent two years in school at Carrollton, Missouri, and at Lexington, Indiana. After which he came to Ray county, and entered into the milling business with his brother. Continuing with his brother four years, he went to Dewitt, Missouri, where he was in the milling business until the fall of 1877, when he returned to Ray county, and again joined his brother, John R. Hamacher, as partner with him in the ownership and control of their steam flouring mill, at Richmond. They have four run of burrs, do excellent work, and have an extensive trade. Mr. Hamacher is a member of the I. O. O. F. He was married, May 13, 1880, to Miss Minnie A. Prechard, an accom- plished lady of Richmond, Missouri. In connection with their mill, the Hamacher brothers have a wool-carding machine, with a capacity of 100 pounds per day. Oliver N. Hamacher also owns a farm of 120 acres. He is a young man of great promise, and is highly respected for his upright, moral character. JOHN T. PATTON. John T. Patton was born June 9, 1829, in Bedford county, Tennessee, and in the fall of 1830 moved with his parents to Ray county, where he has ever since resided. He is a son of James Patton, deceased, who was a native of Tennessee, born in the year 1801. He was among the first settlers of Ray county, and helped to establish the first state and county roads in and through the county. He continued to reside in this county until his death, which occurred in 1877. The subject of this sketch was a farmer all his life up to the year 1876, when he moved to Richmond, where he engaged in the lumber trade and in dealing in agricultural 566 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. implements, in connection with his brother-in-law, W. R. Jackson, Esq. They have a large trade, doing an extensive business in each of their lines. John T. Patton was married in 1850, to Miss Margaret Emmer- son, an intelligent, amiable lady, of Ray county. To this union were born three children, who are yet living: Laura A., wife of William Magill, of Ray county; Isabel, wife of Rufus Hill, of Ray county, and Margaret J., at home. His wife died in 1858, and Mr. Patton was again married, in November, 1859, to Miss Narcissa R. Jackson. They had one child, but it is now deceased. Mr. Patton and his wife are members of the Christian Church. He is a good citizen, an honest man, a poHte and genial gentleman. CHARLES JOHNSON, M. D. Charles Johnson was born in the year 1826, in Yates county. New York. He attended a medical school in New York, from which he received his diploma. The school was subsequently moved to Philadel- phia. He began the practice of medicine m 1847, in New York state, but has practiced, also, in Indiana and IlHnois. In 1856 he came to Rich- mond, Ray county, Missouri, and continued the practice of his profession until 1874, in which year, on account of faihng health, he moved to Colo- rado, and continued the practice of medicine at Silver Spring ranche, near Colorado Springs. In the spring of 1878 he went to Wilson county, Kansas, where he owned a farm, and practiced about one year, after which, in the spring of 1881, he returned to his former home, Richmond, Missouri, where he intends spending the remainder of his days. Doctor Johnson was married in September, 1856, to Mariah L. Cowdery, of Ray county. She was born in Ohio. He never belonged to any church soci- ety, religious or secret organization of any kind. WILLIAM D. FISHER. William D. Fisher, born in 1852, is a native of Chester county, Penn- sylvania. He is a son of George W. Fisher, now living at Mt. Carroll, Illinois. His father, George W. Fisher, is a native of Pennsylv^ania, born in 1826. The subject of this sketch, at the age of two years was taken by his parents to Carroll county, Illinois, where they settled in 1854. In 1868, he took up the photograph business, and after learning the art of photo- graphy, moved, in 1870, to Kansas City, Missouri, where he worked at his calling three months; thence he moved to Liberty, Missouri; after remaining in that town three months, he came to Richmond, where, in connection with Dr. Kice, he continued his business of photography. In 1874, he went to Yankton, Dakota, where he remained two years, after which he returned to Richmond, where he now resides and is engaged at his vocation. Upon his return to Richmond, Mr. Fisher entered into the HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 567 mercantile business, which he continued for three years, and then opened the photographic rooms he now occupies. Having spent a number of 3'ears in preparing himself for his business, Mr. Fisher is well qualified by skill and experience to prosecute his profession with success. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is a worthy gentleman, manly, upright and reliable. MURRAY F. McDonald. Murray F. McDonald was born January 3, 1836, in Culpepper county, Virginia. His parents were Eben McDonald, and Elizabeth (Settle) McDonald, both of whom were natives of Culpepper county, Virginia; Eben McDonald, born about 1806, and his wife, Elizabeth, in 1808. They were highly respected and honored citizens of the Old Dominion, and were noted for that genuine hospitality which ever characterizes the true Virginian. Eben McDonald died in 1852, and Elizabeth McDonald in 1863. Murray's grandfather, Latt McDonald, was also a Virginian. He served creditably in the war of 1812. He had five brothers who emi- grated westward from Virginia at an early day. Murray F. McDonald, the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm, receiving his education at a high school in Jefterson, Virginia. When he came to be a man, he entered the mercantile business as clerk and salesman. In 1854, he moved to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, where he was again emplo3'ed for some years as salesman in a dry goods store. In 1859, he embarked in his favorite pursuit, that of merchandizing, on his own account. He retired, however, in 1861, on account of the civil war, then commencing. In 1869, he again resumed the mercantile business, in Richmond, Missouri at the store room he now owns and occupies, on the north side of the court house square. He has a very large, costly and elegant stock of goods, and is liberally patronized. Murray F. McDonald is one of the leading business men of Richmond; he is of a modest, retiring disposi- tion, attends closely to his calling, but he is deeply interested in the wel- fare of his town and county, and is a man of warm impulses, moralh^ upright, honest and reliable. He has been a member of the city council several terms, and has held other positions of trust since becoming a res- ident of the city of Richmond. He was married December 28, 1858, to Miss Maggie Davis, a daughter of Dr. Nathaniel Davis, of Richmond Missouri. They have four children living, viz: James A., born December 3, 1859; Murray, born January 7, 1861; Beverly, born November 13, 1862, and Daisy, born August 8, 1866. Mr. McDonald is a member of Richmond Lodge A. F. and A. M. 568 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ! OLIVER T. DICKENSON. Oliver T. Dickenson was born in 1839, in Albemarle county, Virginia. In 1844, when he was five years of age, his parents moved with him to Boone county, Missouri. At the age of eighteen he went to learn the trade of carriage-maker. He was several years in learning his trade, and in 1859 opened a carriage and buggy manufactory in Richmond, Mis- souri, where he made carriages and buggies of a very superior kind, employing constantly from six to eight workmen. He continued in a prosperous business till the fcyclone of June 1, 1878, swept over Rich- mond, totally demolishing his shop, among others, and destroying over $4,000 worth of finished work, ready for delivery. He was left without tools and entirely without means to carry on his business, which he set- tled up as best he could, and in 1880 built the livery stable where he is now engaged in the livery business. He has a good trade, and is a plain, unpretending, honest man, who attends closely to his business, harms no man, pays his taxes, and discharges the duties of a citizen cheerfully, a punctually, and honorably. He is a member of the order of Knights of Honor and of the Knights of Pythias. Oliver T. Dickenson was mar- ried in 1863 to Susan J . Asbury, ol Ray county, but a native of Kentucky. They have two children living: William N., born August 18, 1864, and Minnie L., born October 8, 1873, and two deceased. He is a son of Nim- rod W. Dickenson, a native of Virginia, who was drowned in the Mis- souri river in 1844. His mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Robinson. She also was a native of Virginia; was born in 1815, and died about the year 1872. WILLIAM S. CONROW. William S. Conrow, son of the late Honorable Aaron F, Conrow, was born in Ray county, Missouri, May 4, 1855. He was educated at Rich- mond College. After leaving school he adopted the law as a profession, and entered upon its study under the instruction of Captain James L. Far- ris, attorney at law, Richmond, Missouri. In 1877, he was admitted to the bar, and began the practice of his profession in partnership with Cap- tain Farris. In April, 1878, he was elected city attorney of Richmond, and re-elected in 1879, and again in 1880. April, 1881, he was elected city recorder, an office he now holds. These positions of trust, bestowed by his fellow-townsmen, evince the confidence they have in young Con- row. He is a talented young man, and if he continues prudent, persever- ing, and pains-taking, will succeed in life. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ^569 JOHN F. MORTON. John F. Morton was born in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, March 6, 1860. When he was about two years of age, his parents moved to Ports- mouth, Ohio; in the high schools of which city, young Morton received his education. In the spring of 1879, he began the study of law, having for his preceptor. General A. W. Doniphan, of Richmond, Missouri, to which place young Morton had moved the year previous. In the spring of 1881, he was admitted to the bar, and the same spring was elected city attorney of Richmond, the duties of which posit^ion he is discharging very accep- tably. He is a son of John F. Morton, deceased, a native of Kentucky. His father died in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1866. His mother is now the wife of Maurice C. Jacobs, M. D., of Richmond, Missouri. John F. Mor- ton is an intelligent young man, studious, temperate and energetic, and if he continues as such, as he doubtless will, a bright future awaits him. DANIEL T. DUVAL. Daniel T. Duval is a native of Ray county. He was born in the year 1850, and raised on a farm, and followed that occupation continuously till the spring of 1881, when, after selling his farm, he purchased the saddle and harness stock of J. W. Harrison, of Richmond, and engaged in that trade. He has a commodious store-room, and a full line of everything pertaining to a well appointed saddle and harness shop, and is rapidly building up a large and lucrative business. Mr. Duval is a son of Thomas A. Duval, who came from Virginia, where he was born, to Ray county, Missouri, at an early day. He died in 1864. Daniel T. Duval is a prom- ising young man, active, energetic and attentive to business. JOSEPH H. DEVLIN. Joseph H. Devlin was born in Chariton county, Missouri, in the year 1844. His father was Reverend Joseph T. Devlin, a minister of the M. E. Church South. He was a native of Delaware, born in June, 1811, and died in Ray county, Missouri, in October, 1878. He was a sincere, earnest Christian, a faithful minister, a steadfast friend, and in every department of life, one of the best and purest of men. Joseph H. Dev- lin, the subject of this sketch, was educated at the Richmond College. He has always lived in Missouri, but as his father was a Methodist min- ister, he necessarily moved from place to place. After leaving school he went to Carrollton, Missouri, where, for about twelve years, he was engaged in selling goods. In October, 1880, he moved, with his family, to Sherman, Texas, but after spending the winter in that place, returned to Missouri, and located in Richmond, Ray county, and took charge of 36 570 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the lumber yard of McDonald & Company, which position he still holds. He was united in marriage, May 16, 1872, with Miss Maggie Ritenour, of Kansas City. They have had four children, only one of whom, Mamie, born May 1, 1879, is living. Mr. Devlin is a member of the M. E. Church South. His wife also, is a member of that church. He is also a member of the A. O. U. W. A worthy citizen, he receives the respect of all who know him. MATTHEW J. CREEL. Matthew J. Creel was born, August 18, 1833, in Culpepper county, Virginia. When about sixteen years of age, he went to learn the carpen- ter's trade, and served an apprenticeship of four years. In 1855 he emi- grated to Van Buren county, Iowa, and two years later came to Ray county, Missouri. He was exetensively engaged in farming till the outbreak- ing of the civil war. After the close of the war, he embarked in the mercan- tile business, and followed it for about ten years. Abandoning mercantile life, he resumed his trade, and has since worked at it in the city of Rich- mond, Missouri, continuously. He has been a member of the M. E. Church South for many years, all the time one of the most active and untir- ing workers in behalf of his church, and of religion generally. He takes a warm interest in the Sunday-school work; leads in the Sunday-school singing, and is also leader of the church choir. His wife is also a mem- ber of the M. E. Church South, and is a pious, unassuming Christian woman. He was married. May 10, A. D. 1859, to Miss Mary E. Bran- stetter, of Richmond, Missouri. They have eight children: Sallie P., Myrtie E., Henry L., Sterling Price, James P., Edward B,, Mattie H., and John E. JOHN R. GREEN. John R. Green was born November 4, 1858, in Caldwell county, Mis- souri. He is the son of John W. Green, Esq., a native of Kentucky, born in 1836, and now a respected citizen of Richmond, Missouri. In 1866 our subject moved with his father's family to Richmond, Ray county, where he has ever since resided. He was, like many other excel- lent and scholarly young men of Ray county, educated at Richmond Col- lege. After leaving school, he was employed for about four years as clerk in a drug store at Richmond. January 1, 1879, he accepted the appoint- ment as deputy circuit clerk under the late John W. Spurlock, and in that capacity continued to act until the spring of 1881, when he was appointed by Governor Crittenden, clerk of Ray circuit court, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of John W. Spurlock, Esq. During his service as deputy clerk, Mr. Green had control of the ofiice a great deal of the time, owing to the protracted illness of Mr. Spurlock, and when appointed HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 571 to the office was well qualified for the position. As an officer he is cour- teous, attentive, and in every way efficient. As a private citizen, he is generous, obliging, and honorable. A brilliant future is before him. V CHARLES SEVIER. Charles Sevier, son of Major Robert Sevier, was born at Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, September 30, 1832. In 1840, he, with his father's family, located at Richmond, Ray county, Missouri. He was educated at the Richmond College, and at the Masonic Institute, Lexington, Missouri. In 1853 he entered the circuit clerk and recorder's office, (ex-oflScio) as assis- tant to his father, then the incumbent of those offices. He was shortly afterward appoint his father s deputy, and continued as such until 1865. He then went to farming on his farm near Richmond. Mr. Sevier owns a fine tract of land of about two thousand acres, most of which is in the vicinity of Richmond. During the past two years much of his time has been engrossed in settling the estate of his father; he has, however, all the time superintended his large tracts of farming land, most of which are in grass. Charles Sevier was married in 1856, to Susan L. Murrell, of Lafayette county, Missouri. To this union were born tlie following children, who are living: Samuel M., bom August 10, 1859; (who has recently graduated at Kemper's Family School, Booneville, Missouri,) and Isabel, born January 5, 1862. His wife, an amiable lady, died June 4, 1866. Mr. Sevier was again married January 28, 1869, to Emma A. Dines, of Ray county. She is an accomplished, estimable lady. They have four children: Robert, born December 1, 1869; George F., born July 28, 1872; Mary R., born July 27, 1876, and Ann H., born April 24, 1878. Mr. Sevier is a member of the Presbyterian Church, a good citi- zen, and an honest man. LOUIS ZUR MEGEDE. Louis zur Megede was born in Soest, Prussia, in the year 1821. In his boyhood he served a full apprenticeship, learning the jeweler's trade. In 1841, when he was twenty years of age, he immigrated to the United States, and settled in St. Louis, Missouri. After working for a time as journeyman jeweler, he opened a shop on his own account in St. Louis, which he conducted about two years, and then moved with his stock of jewelry to Lexington, Lafayette county, Missouri. This was in the j^ear 1849. He remained in Lexington, until the year 1877, when he moved to Richmond, Ray county, where he has ever since resided, and is a respected, useful citizen. In 1858, however, he had established a branch store in Richmond, which he left in charge of a Mr. Ludniz. This stock, at the commencement of the civil war, he moved back to Lexington; and again in 1865, reopened his branch store in Richmond, which, under his direc- 572 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. tion, was conducted by a Mr, Engler, until Mr. zur Me^jede moved with his family to Richmond to make the place his permanent home. He is a successful business man, having in his store a large and complete stock, not only of watches, clocks and jewelry, but of musical instruments, wall paper, stationery and books. He has a comfortable home in Richmond having just finished a handsome new residence. He was married in Prussia, February 24, 1861, to Isabella DalHnger. They have had seven children, of whom two are deceased. The living are : Louis, born March 13, 1862; he is now engaged with his father in the store; Emelie, born September 20, 1865; Bella, born July 12, 1867; Albert, born May 5, 1869, and Frederick Amo, born July 2, 1879. The older members of Mr. zur Megede's family belong to the Presbyterian Church. He is the youngest son of William zur Megede, who was burgomaster of the city of Soest. CAPTAIN JOHN P. QUESENBERRY. John P. Quesenberry is a native of Barren county, Kentuck}^, where he was educated, and grew from infancy to manhood. In 1840, he moved to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, and has ever since resided in that town. He was first employed as salesman in the dry goods store of J. S. Hughes & Co., and afterward with James S. Lightner. He was attentive, indus- trious and efficient in these positions, and of course, filled them with credit to himself, and to the profit and satisfaction of his employers. By the year 1848, he had saved out of his earnings sufficient n^eans to go into business on his own account, and in that year, in co-partnership with Robert McGee, Esq., opened a general store, under the firm name of J. P. Quesen- berry & Co. ; and, although Mr. McGee withdrew fi-om the firm in a few years, the firm name has never been changed, and still remains, J. P. Quesenberry & Co., though the subject of this sketch in the sole proprie- tor. Mr. Quesenberry has been long and actively engaged in business in Richmond; he has been a leading merchant of the town for almost a half century, and during all that time has earnestly labored to promote the interests of his town and county. He lives not alone for his own aggran- dizement, but to contribute to the well-being of those among whom he lives. He has been longer engaged as a merchant in Richmond, than any other man. In June, 1861, he joined the Confederate army, and was one of the first to enter that service from Ray county. He enhsted as a private soldier, but in April, 1862, was made quartermaster of his regi- ment, and served as such until July of the same year, when he was elected first lieutenant of his company, and in November following, the captain having fallen in battle, Lieutenant Quesenberry was elected to the captaincy, and held that rank until May, 1865, when he resigned on account of ill health, but remained with his command until the close of the war. He was present at, and participated in the following battles: HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 573 Carthage, Springfield, Lexington, (Missouri), Oak Hill, Helena, Prairie Grove, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, (Louisana), and Jenkins' Ferry, besides numerous engagements of minor importance. In the army, as well as in civil life. Captain Quesenberry was always punctual — never " behind time." In camp he was genial, cheerful and full of life; in battle, brave, unfaltering, and at the fore-fi"ont. After the war, when peace was restored, he returned to his home, sorrowful, but not despondent, and resumed his former vocation, that of merchandising, in which he is now engaged. Captain Quesenberry takes a deep interest in all that looks to the improvement of his county, educational, religious or otherwise. He has long been united with the M. E. Church South, at Richmond, and is a leading member of the Masonic fraternity, having joined that order in 1845. There are many " good men and true," in Ray county; Captain Quesenberr}^ is one of them, and none are more highly esteemed and respected. HENRY C. BURGESS. Henry C. Burgess was born in Independence, Jackson county, Missouri, in 1845. In 1859, he, with his parents moved to Johnson county, Mis- souri, where they remained until in 1863, when they removed to Rich- mond, Ray county. Mr. Burgess, in his youth, learned the wagon maker's trade, working at the business with his father, until the latter's death in 1878, when he and his brother, Thomas J. Burgess, took charge of the shop and business, and have since, as before, had an extensive trade. He, in partnership with his brother, does a general blacksmithing and wagon making business. They also repair wagons, buggies and farm implements, as well as manufacture both, wagons and buggies. They are superior workmen, and their work is equal in every particular to that made in eastern shops. They employ generally, from five to eight work- men. The subject of this sketch is a son of Thomas N., who was born in Madison county, Kentucky, about the year 1812, and died in Rich- mond, Missouri, in 1878. His mother's maiden name was Couchman ; she, also, was a native of Kentucky, and was born in 1815; died in 1874. The shop and residence of his brother, T. M. Burgess, were destroyed by the cyclone of June 1, 1878. Two of the femily died from injuries received, and five others were seriously wounded. The house, shop and contents were utterly destroyed. The brothers, however, nothing daunted, began anew after the disaster, and have succeeded admirably. Henry C. Bur- gess is a member of the Christian Church, and also of the Knights of Honor. He is an industrious, energetic, and worthy gentleman, and fully merits the success he has achieved, as well as the esteem in which he is held by his fellow-townsmen. 574 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. THOMAS J. BURGESS. The subject of this sketch is a brother of Henry C. Burgess. He was born in 1860, in Jackson county, Missouri. His parents moved to Rich- mond, Ray county, in the fall of 1863, and here Mr. Burgess has ever since resided. He was educated at Richmond College. When about thirteen years of age he commenced to learn blacksmithing, working under different persons,* till the death of his father, when he and his brother succeeded to the business, which is fully described in connection with the biographical sketch of Henry C. Burgess. Mr. Burgess is yet quite young, but he is a skilled artisan, and being intelligent, prudent and persevering, his future is full of promise. ISAAC L. BURGESS. Isaac L. Burgess was born in 1844 in Independence, Jackson county, Missouri. He is a brother of H. C, and T. J. Burgess. In 1855, he moved with his parents to Johnson county, Missouri. He learned the trade of wagon-maker under his father, who was a skilled workman. In 1861, he enlisted in company G, 1st Missouri cavalry, Colonel Gordon's regiment of General Joe O. Shelby's brigade, Confederate army, and served until the fall of 1864. He fought bravely and well, taking part in the following engagements: Carthage, Springfield, Prairie Grove, Helena, Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee. After returning home from the army, he went to the Rocky Mountains and spent one year there, and again returned to Ray county, and engaged in farming, which he continued for two years; after which he resumed his trade in Richmond, Missouri, and has followed it ever since. He is an excellent workman and has a large trade ; the peo- ple liberally patronizing him because of his industry, energy and superior workmanship. Mr. Burgess is a member of the order of Knights of Honor. He is a worthy gentleman, prompt to meet every engagement reliable, honest, and honorable. January 10, 1869, he was united in mar- riage with Miss Sarah Walker, an intelligent, amiable lady, of Ray county, Missouri. They have two children, Charles F., born February 11, 1871, and Lulu, born February 17, 1874. HENRY P. GROW. Henry P. Grow was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, January 1.3, 1848, and lived in that city until 1860, when he, with his parents, moved to Ohio. In 1864 he enlisted in company C, 23d Ohio Union volunteers, and remained in the army till the close of the war. His regiment, which he was always with, save when disabled by a wound, took part in the battle of Cedar Creek, Virginia, October 19, 1864. In this engagement Mr. Grow was severely wounded in the left leg, and in the morning was HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 575 captured, but recaptured in the evening. He was sent to the hospital at Baltimore, where he was confined to his room for three months, after which he was assigned to detail duty, being unable for active field service. After the close of the war he returned home and learned to be a carpen- ter under his father. In 1867 he moved to Ashland, Kentucky, and in the fall of 1870, came to Richmond, where he has ever since remained, with the exception of two years, from 1872 to 1874, spent in Kansas City, Mis- souri. Mr. Grow and his partner, Mr. Abbott, are among the leading carpenters and builders in Richmond; they are fine workmen, always reliable, prompt, and industrious. They erected many of the beautiful dwellings for which the city of Richmond is so remarkable. Mr. Grow has just completed a very handsome and substantial residence for himself. He is a member of the M. E. Church South; of the I. O. O. F.; of the Knights of Honor, and of the Knights of Pythias. He was married December 12, 1871, to Miss Paulina Jackson, of Ray county. To this union were born the following children: Annie M., Livie C. and Myrtle. His wife, who was a daughter of Caleb Jackson, of Ray county, died February 22, 1878. RUDOLPH PALMER. Rudolph Palmer is a Virginian, born in Loudon count}^ of the " Old Dominion," in the year 1821. His father was a farmer, and Rudolph followed that occupation in his native state till 1858, when he moved to Carroll county, Missouri, and again engaged in farming, and continued it for seven years in that county. In 1865, he moved to Ray county, and followed his occupation of farming till the spring of 1880 ; at which time he took charge of the boarding house in Richmond, of which he is now proprietor. Mr. Palmer was married in 1848, to Susan Whaley, of Vir- ginia. The offspring of this union was thirteen children, ten of whom are living: Hugh W., Franklin P., Nancy C, Mary V., Alice A., Louella, Minnie, John, Amy and Clyde. GEORGE W. BUCHANAN, M. D. Geo. W. Buchanan was born August 16, 1828, in Harrodsburg, Mercer county, Kentucky. His parents died, leaving him an orphan at the age of two years. His father was William Buchanan, an honored citizen of Kentucky. Doctor Buchanan is of Scotch descent, his ancestors having immigrated to the state of Virginia from Scotland at an early day. His grandfather, George Buchanan, was one of the early settlers in Kentucky, and his famil}^ was among those who located, laid out, and built the town of McAfee Station, Kentucky. He came to Missouri with his maternal grandfather, James Tilford McCoun, in or about the year 18o4, locating on land east of and adjacent to the city of Richmond, Ray county. 576 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Here our subject spent his boyhood days and grew to man's estate. He attended school part of the time; the rest worked on the farm, and taught school, thereby earning a support and the means to complete his educa- tion, the foundation of which he had already laid by careful study and diligent application. After spending two years at the Masonic College, Lexington, Missouri, he, in 1850, returned to Kentucky, and was entered a student at Center College, Danville, and graduated from that institution in 1852. He then resolved to adopt the medical profession, and to that end attended a course of medical lectures at Cincinnati, Ohio. He sub- sequentl}^ became a student at the celebrated Jefferson Medical College? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and in 1855 graduated therefrom with honor. He returned to Richmond, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession, which, with marked success, he has ever since continued, and» with the exception of about seven years, at Richmond. During a part of the years 1861 and 1862, Doctor Buchanan was surgeon-in-chief of the hospitals at Lexington, under General Sterling Price, after which he resumed his practice at Richmond. George W. Buchanan was married in 1855 to Miss Emily Terry, of Richmond, Missouri, but a native of Danville, Virginia. He spent the years from 1864 to 1870 in Colorado, with his wife and family, having gone for the benefit of the former's health. While in Colorado, he practiced his profession. In 1869, Mrs. Buchanan died, at Georgetown, Colorado. By his marriage with Miss Terry, Doctor Buchanan has one son: William Terry, born in 1861. He was again married in 1872, to Henrietta R. Watkins, of Ray county. They have three children: George Watkins, Charles Allen, and James McAfee. Doctor Buchanan has been longer in practice at Richmond than any other physician (not retired) in the place. He has always had an extensive, lucrative practice, in which he has been remarkably suc- cessful. BENJAMIN F. DUNCAN. Professor Benjamin F. Duncan was born in Shelby county, Kentucky, April 29, 1842. When Benjamin was about nine years of age, his father moved to Daviess county, Missouri, and here he assisted his father in the cultivation and management of the latter's farm. In 1857, while working at a threshing machine, which was in rapid motion, he met with an unfor- tunate accident, which deprived him of his right arm. Two years later he began his college course at William Jewell College, Liberty, Clay county, Missouri, under the renowned William Thompson — the " Spur- geon of the West;" and in the spring of 1862, he entered the sophonlore class of Georgetown College, Georgetown, Kentucky, and graduated with honor, in 1865. After graduating, he spent the summer visiting with his cousin. Doctor J. F. Cook — now president of Lagrange (Mis- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 577 souri), College — and through his influence received the position of presi- dent of the Campbellsburgh High School, which he held two years. He then determined to abandon the teacher's profession; and the law pre- senting an inviting field for his future labors, he determined to prepare himself for the bar. His friends, however, prevailed upon him to accept the presidency of Concord College, a Baptist institution, located at New Liberty, Owen county, Kentucky. After three years he resigned his position as president of this school, and purchased the Eminence Male and Female Seminary, located at Eminence, Kentucky. Here he remained until in 1876, when he sold that institution, and, returning to Missouri, was elected president of Grand River College, at Edinburg, Missouri; he, however, declined the position to accept that of principal of the Richmond, Ray county, public schools, which position he now holds. His rept^rt to the board of directors for the year ending the first Tuesday in April, 1881, will be found elsewhere in this volume. Professor Duncan is eminently well qualified for the profession of teacher; he has made it his life-work, and he is yet in the prime of active manhood, with years of usefulness, and a brilliant future before him. Benjamin F. Duncan was married November 14, 1867, to Miss Sarah E. Buchanan, a native of Hop- kinsville. Christian county, Kentucky. She is an educated lady, of amia- ble disposition. Her father was James Buchanan, who, for about twenty years, was professor of mathematics in Center College, Danville, Ken- tucky. They have four children: James B., Anna Blanche, John M., and Eva. WILLIAM S. TOMPKINS. William S. Tompkins is a native of Missouri. He was born in Ran- dolph county, February 25, 1839. He was educated in the common schools, and in Grand River College, Missouri. In the spring of 1861, he was mustered into the Confederate service, as a volunteer. He belonged to company F, Rives' regiment, fourth division, Missouri state guards. He bore a gallant part in the battles of Wilson Creek, Dry wood and Lexing- ton. In the last mentioned engagement, he was seriously wounded, being shot through the left shoulder. From this wound he has never so far recovered as to be able to perform manual labor. As he was disa- bled, Mr. Tompkins returned home, and reniained till 1864, when he rejoined the army, and staid with it till the termination of the war, when he engaged in farming and teaching school jointly. In 1875, he was elected county school commissioner of Ray county, for a term of two years ; at the end of which time he abandoned farming, and accepted the appointment as deputy county clerk, and held the position till January 1, 1879, when he was elected as teacher of the intermediate department of Richmond Graded Schools, a position he now holds. William S. Tomp- 578 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. kins was married in 1863, to Miss Nancy G. Terrill, of Randolph county, Missouri. They have five children living, and two sons deceased. The living are as follows: Martha A., Samuel, William G., Clara B., and (infant). Mr. Tompkins and wife are consistent members of the Baptist Church. He is a worthy gentlemen and a successful teacher. ADAM K. REYBURN. Adam K. Reyburn was born in Fayette county, Kentucky, August 6, 1816. When Adam was about a year old, his parents moved to Missouri and settled in Boone county, where he lived till the age of nineteen. In 1837, he went to Indiana and engaged in contracting and building, making his home at Indianapolis. Among the buildings erected by him in that city, are the state and branch bank buildings. In 1840, he returned to Missouri, and located in Lexington, where he merchandized two years. He then came to Richmond and bought a carding factory, which he con- tinued to operate until 1847, when he sold out and returned to Lexington, to resume the mercantile business, but this time in partnership with his brother, Lewis C. Reyburn. He soon sold out, however, and after spending one year in farming, near Pleasant Hill, in Cass county, returned again to Lexington, and built a carding machine, which he conducted till in 1852, in which year he came back to Richmond and repurchased the carding mill he had sold five years before. In 1858, he again sold his carding mill, and moved to his farm three miles west of Richmond. In 1861, he returned to Richmond, and was not actively engaged in business during the war. In 1865, he was appointed sheriff of Ray county, and served two years. In the fall of 1866, he was elected by the people to the same oflSce, and held it four years. Since that time he has been engaged in farming. He owns 800 acres of valuable farming land, well improved and convenient to market, all of which he personally superin- tends. He resides in town, however, where he owns a fine property. He is a director and one of the stockholders in the Ray County Savings Bank. He and his wife are members of the Missionar}'- Baptist Church. He was married in the fall of 1843, to Permelia A. Griffin, of Lexington, Mis- souri. She is a native of Kentucky, and the daughter of Berry G. Griffin, who was born April 12, 1823, in Mason county, Kentucky. He was mur- dered in Richmond in 1867, by the bandits, who, at the same time, robbed the bank at Richmond. Mr. Reyburn and wife have six children, four boys and two girls, to-wit: Charles H., of Colorado, employed with Bar- low, Saunderson & Co., mail contractors; James T., a farmer, of Ray county; Permelia J., wife of John W. Francis, formerly sherifi' of Ray count3% but now of St. Louis; Lucy A., and George H. HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 579 WILLIAM T. SINGLETON. William T. Singleton was born in Montgomery county, Missouri, in 1852. He is a son of John S. Singleton, of Rolla, Phelps county, Mis- souri. He is a native of Virginia. His mother's maiden name was Stew- art. She is a native of Kentucky. His parents are still living. When about sixteen years of age, the subject of this sketch entered the employ of the Wabash Railroad Company, as telegraph operator at Wentzville, having learned telegraphy at High Hill, Missouri. He was operator at difTerent points on this road till in 1874, when he was appointed agent at Lexington, Missouri. He remained at Lexington three years, and was transferred to De Witt, Carroll county, Missouri. He was also in De Witt three years, and in the fall of 1880, came to Richmond, Ray county, where he is at present engaged with the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company. He has been constantly in the employ of this com- pany for more than thirteen years. This long period of uninterrupted service is ample testimony of his integrity, efficiency and gentlemanly deportment. Wm. T. Singleton was married June 4, 1879, to Miss Eva- line W. Squires, an accomplished lady of Carroll county, Missouri. They have one child, Bessie E., born March 9, 1881. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church South. He is also a Mason. ROBERTSON L. JACOBS. R. L. Jacobs was born November 25, 1852, in Ray county, Missouri. He was educated at Richmond College. After leaving school, he went, in 1874, to Lacygne, Kansas, and engaged in the hardware business until 1876, when he sold out and traveled through Texas for a few months, after which he located at Empire City, Kansas, dealing in hardware for a few months; after which he returned to Lacygne, and again engaged in the hardware business until January, 1878, when he sold out and returned to Ray county, and farmed for two years. In June, 1880, he purchased a harness shop, in Richmond, and has since been engaged in the business. He has a large trade and carries a full line of harness, saddles, etc. He is an enterprising, successful business man, and a gentleman of excellent moral character. He is a member of the Christian Church. CHARLES A. MOSBY, M. D. Charles A. Mosby was born in Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, Feb- ruary 29, 1855. He received his Hterary training at Richmond College, Richmond, Missouri. In 1875, he began the study of medicine under the instruction of his father. Dr. W. W. Mosby. In 1878 he graduated from the Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, Missouri. Having graduated, he returned to Richmond and entered at once upon the practice of his 580 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. profession, associated with his father. While attending medical college in St. Louis, he still retained an interest in the drug store of Dr. W. W. Mosby & Son, at Richmond. He is yet a partner of his father in this store, which the}- have conducted for a number of years. They have recently completed a large brick building, in which is their drug store — one of the best appointed and most extensive in this part of the state. Mr. Mosby is a young rhan, highlj'- esteemed for his integrity, good nature and exemplary moral character. He is energetic, affable and obliging, and the confidence and esteem with which he is regarded are not unwor- thily bestowed. LOUIS BAUM. Louis Baum was born in Bosen, Prussia, in the year 1843. When about fifteen years of age, he came to the United States, and located in Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, where he engaged in selling goods till the breaking out of the civil war. He then began deahng in horses and mules, buying and selling them to the government, which he con- tinued till the close of the war. He then bought and sold horses and mules on his own account, shipping to St. Louis and New Orleans. In 1879, he formed a co-partnership with George I. Wasson, Esq. They erected a large stable, and have since done a very extensive business, buy- ing, during the past eighteen months over $120,000 worth of mules and horses. Mr. Baum is a man of great energy and strict integrity. He is a son of Mishel Baum, a native of Germany, who came to America about the year 1879, and died in St. Louis, Missouri, May 31, 1881, at the age of eighty-four. He had seven children, six of whom were at his death-bed. The youngest daughter, living in New York, was not pres- ent. Mr. Baum is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He is also a member of two secret societies, known as Free Sons of Israel and Bena Brith, both of them in St, Louis. Mr. Baum's success has been achieved by energy, industry and perseverance, and his life is an example by which every young man may profit. JOHN W. FRANCIS. John W. Francis was born in Madison county, Ohio, on the 14th day of May, 1842. His father, Alexander B, Francis, was born in the same county and state, on the 28th day of January, 1817. His mother's name, before marriage, was Virginia A. Elsey. She was born in Virginia on the 9th of January, 1823, and was the eldest of a family of seven children. His parents were married on the 1st of August, 1841, and three years afterward in the spring of 1844, the year of the great overflow of the Missouri river, emigrated to the state of Missouri. They traveled mainly by steamboat in seeking their new home in the west. They landed first HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 581 at Booneville, Missouri, but remained there only a short time, selecting, after a few weeks. Sugar Tree township, Carroll county, for their new home. His occupation here was farming, until the death of his mother, in April, 1854, when he lived for a short time in the family of Wilson Malone, and with his aunt Betsey Francis. His father marrying Mar- garet Colley, in 1855, he returned home and lived with his father until the death of his father's second wife. His father then sent him to live with John F. Dale, four miles northwest of Richmond, where he remained until his father married the third time, July 14, 1857, uniting his fortunes this time with Mary A. Proffitt. His father, about this time, purchased a small farm, seven miles north of Richmond, and lived on it until his death, which took place July 11, 1862. Before his father's death, a few months, he enlisted in the United States service, volunteering as a private in company K, 23d Missouri volunteers, for the term of three years from the 22d day of December, 1861. This regiment was then stationed at Grand River Bridge, one mile east of Utica, and shortly afterward went into winter quarters at Chillicothe, Missouri. On or about the 1st of March, 1862, his regiment was ordered to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, and after some thorough drilling, it was ordered to Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. It left St. Louis by steamboat, on the first day of April, 1862, and succeeded in reaching its point of destination, Saturday, April 5, 1862, in time to participate in the great battle of Pittsburg Landing, on the 6th and 7th of April, 1862. His regiment was in General B. M. Prentiss' brigade, in the battle, and suffered terribly, having been greatly exposed in the hottest part of the engagement. His company (compan}' K) was fearfully depleted. Out of eighty men in this company that went into action, only fifteen answered at roll call at the close of the battle, the remainder being killed, wounded or taken prisoners. In fact, the entire regiment had met with such a heavy loss, that it was sent back to Alton Illinois, to recruit. The brave colonel of the regiment, Colonel Jacob T. Tindall, was killed on the first day of the battle, April 6, 1862. Mr. Francis received a wound in this battle, and was sent back to hospital in St. Louis, to receive surgical treatment. After recovering from his wound he rejoined his regiment, which had partly filled up its thinned ranks with new recruits, and in 1863 took up its line of march to McMinnville, Ten- nessee; thence to the front at Chattanooga, Tennessee, and took part in all the battles and skirmishes from there to Atlanta, Georgia. The prom- inent battles in which he was, were Mission Ridge, Resaca, Georgia; Ringgold, Georgia; Allatoona, Georgia; Kenesaw Mountains, Georgia; and in the siege of Atlanta. When his regiment arrived at Atlanta, it was assigned to the first brigade, third division, fourteenth army corps, army of the Cumberland. After the capture of Atlanta, he was in the memorable march after the Confederate General Hood and his army, 582 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. when he went back to Franklin, Tennessee. On the Coosa river, near Rome, Georgia, General Sherman divided his army, and sent the fourth and twentieth corps to oppose General Hood and the remainder of the army concentrated at Kingston, Georgia, and severed communication with the world. He was one of the grand army that marched with Sher- man to the sea, and was one of the boys in blue, in that celebrated march, and took part in all the movements of the victorious columns that General Grant characterized as prompt, skillful and brilliant. He was discharged in 1865, at Hilton Head, South Carolina, and took passage on the ocean steamer Fulton, for New York City, thence by railroad to Ray county, Missouri. On reaching home he found his father and brother were both dead, and the other members of the family living at different places. He turned his attention to farming for a short time after he came home. In the spring of 1865, a regiment of Missouri militia was organized in Ray county, and he was elected captain of one of the companies, (company D), and duly commissioned by Thomas C. Fletcher, governor of Mis- souri, on the 5th day of May, 1865. In October, 1865, he went to Law- rence, Kansas, and hired to a freighting firm to drive a team of oxen across the plains to Fort Union, New Mexico, and was caught in a severe storm on the Cimarron, in New Mexico, and lost over three hundred head of oxen by freezing and starving to death. In the spring of the year following, he went on to Fort Union and Las Vegas, delivered over freight, and returned to Ray county in the summer of 1866. After the Rich- mond bank robbery, May 23, 1867, when John Shaw, mayor of Rich- mond, F. S. Griffin, deputy sheriff, and Benjamin G. Griffin, his father, were killed by the bank robbers, he was appointed deputy sheriff by Mr. A. K. Reyburn, who was then sheriff of Ray county. He acted as his deputy until his term of office expired. In November, 1868, he was elected sheriff and collector of Ray county, on the Republican ticket. On August 24, 1869, he married Amelia J. Reyburn, then seventeen years old, and eldest daughter of A. K. Reyburn, ex-sheriff of Ray county. The issue of the marriage has been two boys: Harry and Willie. The latter one, Willie, died January, 1874. In Novenaber, 1870, he was re-elected sheriff by a larger majority than any one on the ticket, running ahead of the party vote. He was also elected one term to the city council, and one term, marshal of the city of Richmond, from April, 1870, to April, 1871. After the expiration of his term as sheriff and col- lector of Ray county, he went to Colorado and remained there about one year, then returned to Richmond, and shortly afterward moved to Hardin, Ray county, and was appointed by the board of trustees, marshal and collector, and served one term. He then moved back to Richmond. During his official career as sheriff, he discharged the duties of his office with marked ability. He pursued and captured many criminals and fugi- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 583 tives from justice. Among the most noted ones were, James Devvers, whom he captured in Madison county, Kentucky, the reward being $1100. James Devvers was one of the bank robbers in Richmond, May 23, 1867. Another was William McDow, who killed Ben Houston near Knoxville, Missouri. He was caught at Lone Jack, Missouri, reward being $500. He also captured Abe Lee, who had killed his man in Mandeville, Car- roll county, Missouri. In April, 1877, he was appointed as postal clerk in the railway mail service by Postmaster General D. M. Key, a position which he now holds. He moved to the city of St. Louis at the time he was appointed, and still resides there. He was at one time a stockholder in the Ray County Savings Bank, and a director of the Ray County Agri- cultural Association. By his energy and close attention to business and the duties of his office, he acquired a large amount of property. He at one time owned the fine brick mansion east of Richmond, and four hun- dred acres of land near and adjoining the city. In the great financial crash of 1873, that involved so many men of capital and business talent, he lost the great bulk of the fortune he had amassed. His great energy and capacity for whatever he turns his attention to, are rapidly elevat- ing him to a high position in the prominent circles of business men of the country. His career, so far, is a fine example of what pluck and peseverance will do in overcoming all the unfavorable surroundings and obstacles of earlv life. HOLLAND VANDERPOOL. The early pioneers of our county are rapidly passing away; ere long the last of them will have been " gathered to their fathers. " Among the few who yet survive is Holland Vanderpool, a native of Campbell county. East Tennessee. He was born December, 24, 1806. His father, John Vanderpool, was the very first settler in Ray county. He came in the summer of the year 1815, and located on Crooked river, in the southeastern part of the county, and the early years of our subject's life were those of the pioneer. School advantages were meagre — in fact there were no schools — and Mr. Vanderpool's literary training is, in con- sequence, limited to such as he acquired at home, with no further assist- ance from others than the teaching him of the alphabet by his parents. August 28, 1828, Mr. Vanderpool was married to Miss Leah Linville, also a native of Tennessee. The result of this union was ten children, only four of whom are now living, as follows: Franklin, James K., George W. and Martha. Holland Vanderpool has spent almost his entire life in Ray county, and now that his head is blossoming for the grave, he is sustained and blessed by the reflection that he has " lived honorably, hurt nobody, and rendered every man his due. " For more than fort}^ years he has been a faithful, consistant member of the Old School Baptist 584 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Church. A man of proverbial kindness, he has done much to reheve the sufferings of others — ministering to the distressed, healing the sick and dis- pensing charity to those truly in need, whenever and wherever he could. Mr. Vanderpool took no part in the civil war! He remained at home, pursuing his life-long vocation of farming. He has made it the ruling principle of his life " to do unto others as he would be done by, " and has therefore the respect of all who know him. A worthy citizen, a warm- hearted, obliging gentleman. We are happy to pay this tribute to a character deserving a more extended notice than the plan of this work will allow. ALEXANDER OLIPHANT. Alexander Oliphant was born at Marlfield, near Kelso, county of Rox- borough, in Scotland, in 1806, and died from the effects of injuries received from a fall in Leavenworth, Kansas, September 22, 1878. He married Mrs. Martha Nisbet, widow of John Nisbet, December 7, A. D. 1837, in the county of Armagh, in Ireland. His wife survives him. He had two children, Mary G. Oliphant, now Maitland, wife of Alexander Maitland, and Ralph Oliphant, both of whom survive him. Johanna H. N. Nisbet was a daugher of Mrs. Martha Oliphant by her first husband, who mar- ried James W. Black, of Richmond, Missouri. She died October 3, A. D. 1860. In 1838, Mr. OHphant left Scotland for the purpose of making his future home in the United States. In the same year he settled on his farm, seven miles north of Richmond, in Ray county, in the state of Mis- souri, where he remained until the day of his death. Mr. Oliphant hav- ing become a citizen of this country, always took a lively interest in its prosperity. In all the issues peculiar to a new country constantly spring- ing up, he displayed a clear judgment and great thought in forming his conclusions. As a farmer he was active, enterprising and successful. His farm was a model of enterprise. Always ready to encounter the risk of the adoption of modern appliances and methods, he kept pace with the great progress in agricultural pursuits. In the raising ot fruit and culture of the grapes, he displayed great art, and brought to bear a knowledge of botany that only intense observ^ation and stud}^ can supply, and in what- ever direction he turned his attention in the raising of staple productions, the introduction of improved quality of cereals, the raising of stock or cul- ture of fruit of every character, he was not satisfied to tread the trodden path, but sought from observation and science, and treatises upon the subject that knowledge which would enable him to keep fully up with the greatest advance of science. His dwelling, surrounded by plants and flowers, indigenous and exotic, displa3^ed his culture and taste and rendered his home a bower of beautv which a Shenstone or a Rogers might have envied. Amidst all his busv and active pursuits he still retained his love HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 585 of the muses. Every department of knowledge received his attention. Mathematics never palled upon his taste, and in their varied applications, he took intense interest. Surveyor of the county in which he resided for a number of years, and subsequently undertaking large contracts of survey- ing under the government of the United States in the territory of Kansas, he made himself thoroughly master of the most complicated instruments and S5'^stem of surveying used in surveying large tracts of country. He made a specialty of chemistry, ornithology and pyrotechny. He had a rare and valuable collection of birds of the various species peculiar to the west, and studied with care their habits and peculiarities. A devoted lover of chem- istry, he spent a portion of his time in its experiments and applications; and pyrotechny furnished a means for some of its most striking illustra- tions as well as amusement for his leisure hours. Turning from severer pursuits, music would relax his overstrained faculties, and as the airs adapted to ballads and lyrics familiar to his youth welled from his favor- ite instrument, he would live over his life again and roam amidst the for- ests, and hills, and mountains and lakes of his native land. Mr. Oliphant graduated at Edinburgh College. He possessed a mind thoroughl}- dis- ciplined bv the most laborious and intense study. Possessing a fine natu- ral capacity, and aided by every facility for acquiring information, he explored a wide field of science and stored up a vast amount of knowl- edge. He was gifted vyith a memory strong, vigorous and grasping, which retained, even in his old age, a tenacity of retention truly wonderful. His conversation was a rich and varied feast. Mr. Oliphant was mem- ber of the Episcopalian Church, enjoying full membership until the day of his death. He was distinguished for his social qualities. His society was sought by all. All would leave his social reunions not only feeling they had been pleased and entertained, but instructed. He was a kind friend, a devoted husband and an affectionate father; and his family mourn him as one whose place can never be filled. PEYTON T. SMITH. Peyton T. Smith, a native of Missouri, was born in St. Charles county. May 3, 1820. His parents, James W. and Lucy H., about the year 1824, removed with their infant son, Peyton, to this county, locating about seven miles southwest of Richmond, on what is known as Rollins' Branch. Nearly two years later they again removed to the farm now owned and occupied by the subject of this sketch. Here, in later years, the elder Mr. Smith, assisted by his son, operated a tannery, in connection with the farm. Peyton T. Smith was married January 19, 1843, to Miss Lucy H. Bates, a native of Virginia. The marriage ceremony was performed near where they now reside, by the Rev. Zachariah Quesenberry. This 37 586 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. union was blessed by the birth of six children, five of whom still live. The other, born March 3, 1847, died in infancy. The names of the sur- viving children, with dates of birth, are as follows, viz: Cleopatra S., born May 19, 1844; James W., born May 7, 1848; Mary S., born April 2f, 1850; Nancy F., born May 22, 1852. Although Mr. Smith has met with severe reverses in business, great destruction and loss of property by fire, at different times during life, his well known industry and close attention to business, and his indomitable pluck in battling against adversity, have won for him an enviable position among his neighbors. He owns a highly improved farm of 172 acres. One hundred and sixty acres of it, com- prising pasture lands, orchard and tillable fields, are in a high state of cultivation, well watered and stocked. Mr. Smith, despite the obstacles he has been obliged to combat, is to-day a successful business man, and as an evidence of the esteem in which he is held as a financier, he has been successively elected to the responsible position of director in the Ray County Savings Bank. GEORGE FRANK. Was born in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, September 26, 1849. His father, John Frank, died there, and his mother subsequently married Phillip Burrell. They removed to Lawrence county, Ohio, afterward to Boyd county, Kentucky, and after vibrating between these two states for some time, they finally found a permanent residence in the latter county and state. The old people yet live there. George Frank left them at the age of seventeen, to go out into the world and fight the battle of life alone. After visiting different sections of Ohio and Virginia, in all of ■which he lived awhile, at different times, he was married at Carborf- dale, Ohio, by the mayor of Athens, to Miss Dorothea Hayson, in Sep- tember, 1872. They became the parents of two children, named respect- ively Ella and Jennie. Mr. Frank and family immigrated in 1876 to Missouri, settling in Ray county. Two years later he went to Leaven- worth, Kansas, returning again here, after an absence of about fifteen months. He has followed the occupation of mining all his life, which accounts for the somewhat nomadic life he has led. He is a member of both the orders of Odd Fellows and Kniglits of Pythias. HENRY PAGE. Was born in April, 1826, in Howard county, Missouri. In the autumn of 1835 he came to Ray county, where he has ever since made his home. A year later, by the death of his father, he was compelled, at the early age of ten years, to commence to labor for the support of the family. He was thus denied the privileges that even those primitive times afforded for the acquirement of an education. When only twenty years old, he HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 587 enlisted as a soldier, under General Sterling Price, and did good service in the war against Mexico. After his discharge, allured by the hope of finding a short road to wealth in the gold fields of California, he crossed the plains, in the year 1850, with a train of ox teams. After spending four years of privation and toil in the mining camps of the west, he returned home, bringing a goodly quantity of the precious metal with him. Mr. Page was married November 8, 1859, to Miss Emma Thompson, of Ray county. Six children were born to them, named as follows: Joseph T., Sallie A., Nellie, Margaret S., Henry, and Elizabeth. This gentleman, as the result of his habits of industry and economy, is the owner to-day of fourteen hundred acres of good, rich land. Besides being a successful farmer, he is also extensively engaged in stock-raising, usually feeding all the grain he produces at home. His farm, one of the finest and best in the county, is situated four miles north of Richmond. THOMAS B. HEWLETT. The subject of this sketch was born August 16, 1815, in Hanover county, Virginia. He is descended, on the paternal side, from Scotch ancestry; his mother's people were English. When he was but a year old, his parents removed with him to Washington county, Kentucky, where he grew up to manhood's estate. In the fall of 1836, he emigrated to Palmyra, Missouri, but, after remaining only a year, went back to Kentucky. Again, in 1842, he came to Missouri, and chose Ray county as the place for his future and permanent residence, settling, at first, seven miles north of Richmond, where he continued to reside until 1857, at which time he sold his farm and bought the one where he now lives. Here, he built Hewlett's saw mill, and in 1859, also a grist mill, which he operated, as miller, for eighteen years. In 1878, he sold his mill, and since that time, has devoted his attention altogether to farming. Mr. Hewlett was, in 1880, a successful candidate for judge of the county court of Ray county. This honorable position he has since filled, to the entire satisfaction of the people. Judge Hewlett was married, before he left Kentucky, in April, 1836, to Miss Nancy Flournoy, a native of that state; They had four children, two of whom, John P., born July 3, 1839, and Emily, born April 23, 1847, still survive. Mrs. Hewlett died August 15, 1847, and he married again x\pril 4, 1852. The second Mrs. Hewlett is a native of Missouri. Her maiden name was Miss Rhoda A. Trigg. The fruit of the last union is four children, living: Thomas B., Jr., born January 18, 1853; Pocahontas, born May 5, 1854; Elizabeth, born August 8, 1859; Alexander D., born March 30, 1861. Judge Hewlett's father, Terry Hewlett, was a Virginian, born about 1770, and died in 1820. He served valiantly under the i\merican flag in the war of 1812. The gen- tleman whose name heads this article is well and widely known, and 5SS HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. highly respected and esteemed, as his official position testifies. He owns a fine, ferrilsi farm, comprising three hundred and ten acres of the best land in the county, abundantly stocked and equipped, and is well fixed to end his days in comfort, and at peace with all mankind. JOSEPH B. HINES. Joseph B. Hines, a native of Ray county, Missouri, was born Septem- ber 27, 1828. After finishing his education at the Richmond Academy, he began teaching school in which profession he continued until 1850' He was united in marriage to Miss Jemima E. Hutchinson, of Lafayette county, Missouri, in November, 1847. Two children, Mary I. and John, were born to Mrs. Hines. With them and their mother, Mr. Hines started to California in the height of the gold excitement of 1850. On their toilsome, tedious march across the plains, Mrs. Hines and both the children were seized with that dread disease, cholera, and the husband and father, powerless to aid them, and almost frantic with grief, watched them all die before him. Burying their remains, near Fort Laramie, Mr. Hines pursued his journey westward. He spent three years mining on the Pacific slope. In California, November 25, 1851, he was again mar- ried to Eleanor Sharp, by whom he has six children living: John S., William T., Joseph P., Olivia F., Gustavus A., and Viola S. Mr. Hines returned from the west in the spring of 1853, and engaged in farming, where he now resides, a beautiful place, well improved, four miles north- west of Richmond. At the breaking out of the civil war, he enlisted in company B, Major Cummins' regiment, C. S. A., where he served about three months as forage master. At the expiration of that time a reor- ganization was held at Springfield, and Mr. Hines entered the service, as commissary of the regiment, which position he held until after the bat- tle of Pea Ridge, in March, 1862, when he went to Carrollton, Arkansas, as recruiting officer for General Raines. Here he was given the altern- ative of imprisonment at Alton, or " protection papers." He chose the latter, and at once returned home. Shortly afterwards, he left again, going to Iowa, where he taught school for about a year. At the close of the term he came back home, and has ever since been a resident of Ray county, engaged in farming and teaching. For the last few years he has devoted a great deal of attention to the nursery business, having now, on his farm, a fine young nursery of ten thousand good trees, of the best varieties. Mr. H. has taught school, at intervals, ever since he was eighteen years old. He has just closed a term with great satisfaction to all the patrons. He is a prominent member of the Masonic order, and also became a member and took an active interest in the inauguration and organization of the order of Patrons of Husbandry. Mr. Hines has, indeed, had a varied and eventful career, and passed through many rough HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 589 ordeals, but he appears to have come out of them all unscathed, and is to-day successful in business, and highl}^ respected by all who know him. JOHN V.JOHNSON. Was born February 14, 184^. He lived in Effington county, Illinois, until he attained his majority. Then seven years in DeWitt county, same state. In 1862 he came to Missouri and found a temporary home in Cald- well county. The same year he enlisted in the Union arm}^ for three months. After his return from the army he located in Ray county, Mis- souri, where he has since lived. He was married February 3d, 1876, to Miss Lydia A. Dey, a native of Ray connty. They have two children: Elihu and Lewis. Mr. Johnson's business is mining. WILLIAM D. PAINTER. A native of Todd county, Kentucky. Was born August 21, 1849, and came to Ray count}'-, Missouri, in 1879. Prior to 1872 he was engaged in farming, since then he has given his attention to coal mining. He has been married three times. First, in 1865, February 8, to Amanda James, of Bates county, Missouri. They had one child: Rebecca Ellen. Second, February 3, 1868, to Dialter Nelson, of Clay county, Missouri.' Third, July 6, 1871, to Martha E. Sullards, of Andrew county, Missouri. The last Mrs. Painter became the mother of four children, of whom but one, Mary Francis, is living. W. F. LANCASTER. William F. Lancaster was born in Mercer county, Kentucky, in August, 1827, and was educated there. When he left school he was apprenticed for two years to a carpenter in Cincinnati, Ohio. Went with his parents, after finishing his apprenticeship, to Vja.n Buren county, Iowa, and lived there fifteen years, following carpentermg for a while, then saw-milling, and afterward farming. He came to Ray county, Missouri, in 1865, having purchased land here the year previous. His farm at that time was in a poor state of cultivation, had only an inferior log house upon it, and no other improvements worthy of mention. By his industry and prudent economy Mr. Lancaster is now surrounded by all the comforts and improvements enjoyed by any of his neighbors, a fine commodious resi- dence, a large, roomy and substantial barn, which is an object of admira- tion to all who see it, and an excellent orchard, w^hile the^entire place has an air of business thrift and enterprise. Mr. Lancaster was not himself engaged in either army during the rebellion, but had three brothers on the Union side. One of these died in prison, another at Memphis, and the third, surviving the war, returned home. Wm. F. Lancaster has been 590 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTS. twice married. First, in 1S54, to Miss Jane Smith, of Iowa. The issue of this marriage was four children, two of whom, James Rolla and Vesta Iowa, yet live. His second \vife was Miss Jennie McDowel, of Ray county. By her he has two children: Charlie C, and Eddie E. Mr. Lancaster did the most of the work with his own hands in the construc- tion of the buildings upon his farm. He is a good carpenter, a practical, successful farmer, an estimable neighbor and a good citizen. DAVID W. KELL. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch was born in Madison county, Illinois, July 29, 1844. He was educated at Shurtleff College, in the city of Alton. His father was conducting a hardware store there, and when young Kell had finished his collegiate course he found employ- ment in that business. He was afterwards, in the year 1868, engaged in railroading, and later, found employment on a steamboat. He emigrated to California in 1865, and while there was occupied with farming. He returned home in 1867, and in 1869, visited Ray county, Missouri, and remained during the summer. After his return home he continued the cultivation of his farm. In 1874, he left Illinois, and established his home in Ray county, and here he has ever since resided. Mr. Kell was mar- ried to Miss Louise Clarke, of Ray county, Missouri, in the month of December, 1870. She proved a most excellent wife, and devoted mother. Three children were born to them: Edward C, Reuben L. and Ella M., who were early deprived, by death, of their mother's loving care. Mrs. Kell died in October, 1878. She was very popular, and highly esteemed for her amiable character. Her untimely death was deeply mourned by her many friends and relatives. Mr. Kell has a fine farm of two hundred acres, with a handsome and comfortable residence. He is a good citizen, and a rehable, honest, upright man. S. O. MASON. Samuel O. Mason was born on the 31st day of May, 1835, in Mason county, Kentucky. His parents immigrated to Missouri when he was very young, and settled for a time in Lafayette county. Here he received his education, and, after leaving school, devoted himself to farming. He enlisted from Lafayette county, with General Jo Shelby, and served for some time in the Confederate army. He was discharged at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He returned to Missouri, and began farming in Ray county. Mr. Mason was married on the 28d day of September, 1856, to Miss Georgia Ann Delanev, a resident of Lexington, Lafayette county, Mis- souri, but born in Kentucky. Of this union eight children were born, six of whom, Robert, Ida, Flora, A., Byron, and Geor^^aa, still Uve. Two, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 591 who were 3^ouncTer, died in infancy. Mr. Mason was called upon to suffer the loss of his excellent wife, and the children to mourn the absence of a loving, tender mother's care. Mrs. Mason died August 9, 1878, and the sunshine went out of that once happy home. Mr. Mason has traveled considerably over different states of the Union, but has seen no section ot the country he likes better than old Ray. He has a fine large farm, in excellent condition, a handsome residence, and a commodious and con- viently arranged barn. He deals extensively in live-stock, and is con- stantly grazing or feeding stock for market. He is to-day the possessor of a handsome competency, and has the pleasant reflection as he enjoys it, that it is all the result of his own industry. ROBERT W. MASON. This gentleman is a Missourian. He was born in Lafayette county, on the 12th day of June, 1857, and was educated there and in Ray county. His parents removed with him to the latter county in 1865, where he has ever since been engaged in his favorite occupation, farming. He was married on the 18th day of November, 1879, to Miss Lillie J. Slusher, daughter of a prominent farmer of Lafayette county, Missouri. R. W. Mason is the eldest son of Mr. Samuel O. Mason, a native of Kentucky. Mr. Mason owns an excellent farm of one hundred and seventy-five acres in Richmond township, in an unsurpassed condition in point of product- iveness, a fine, commodious residence, and other improvements and con- veniences of modern kind. He is an industrious, progressive, and suc- cessful young farmer, and is universally liked for his good-natured hos- pitality, so freely dispensed to friend or stranger. He counts his friends by the score. With the advantages he now possesses, and his well- established habits of industry and economy, Mr. Mason cannot fail of attaining great wealth long before he is an old man. J. R. HUNT. James R. Hunt was born three miles from the town of Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, on the 29th day of June, 1829. Richmond, was at that time, a straggling village. His parents were natives of the state of Ken- tucky, and came to Ray county among the pioneer settlers. In the acquirement of his education he received the advantages of such schools as were accessible to him at that early day. He has always been a farmer, that being his chosen vocation. He did not engage in the civil war. Spent some time in 1865 on the plains of the great west. He was mar- ried on the 6th day of June, 1852, to Miss- Anna E. Morris, daughter of Washington Morris, Esq., an old settler and prominent citizen of Ray county. The issue of their union was fourteen children ; ten of whom, Sallie, Isabelle, Francis Marion, Edward S., Cordia, George W., Kate, 592 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Emma, Ella and Ollie, are now living, Mr. Hunt's mother, who lives with him, thouorh seventy-three years of age, retains a strong active mem- ory and is in excellect health. This estimable old lady remembers vividly many interesting anecdotes and incidents connected with pioneer life in the county. Mr. Hunt owns a valuable farm, well stocked and improved, and is in a highly prosperous condition. He is quite extensively engaged in breeding and handling fine sheep. He is a practical, successful farmer, an obliging neighbor, and a highly respected citizen in his community. GEORGE S. EWING. A native of Howard county, Missouri, and was born January 19, 1832. His parents removed to Ray county when he was very young, and here, together with some schooling in Kentucky, he received his education. He was occupied with farming until the beginning of the great civil war, M^hen he espoused the cause of the south and enlisted for the war under General Sterling Price. He was engaged at the battles of Corinth, Springfield, luka, Franklin, New Hope Church, and other lesser engage- ments. Was discharged at Jackson, Mississippi, in the spring of 1865, and returning to Ray county, Missouri, resumed his farming. Mr. Ewing was married in the month of June, 1852, to Miss Lydia A. Tisdale, of Ray county. They became the parents of five children, living: Wil- liam W., Robert S., Joseph, Jackson and Thomas. In religion, Mr. Ewing is a Baptist, a consistent and devoted Christian and a good man. REV. N. B. PEELER. This gentleman, whose life's history we now have the pleasure of presenting to his many friends and admirers, was born in Howard county, Missouri, on the 21st of April, A. D. 1832. He was educated at Bethany College, West Virginia, graduating in 1858. He was fortunate in receiv- ing instructions, counsel and admonition from that distinguished divine, Alexander Campbell, the founder of the Christian Church. In 1859, he went to Kentucky and spent eight years there, preaching and teaching school in the counties of Woodford, Fayette and Henry. Returning again to Howard county, Missouri, he continued the work of a minister and teacher for four years. He moved to Richmond, Ray county, in 1871, and organized and taught the public school in that place for one year. From August, 1872, to December, 1873, he was pastor of the Chris- tian Church at CarroUton, Missouri; from that time until 1875 of the church at Richmond, Missouri; preaching, also, at different points in the county. Subsequently he removed to the farm upon which he now lives, and which he conducts in connection with his teaching and ministerial labors. Mr. Peeler was married on the 10th day of November, 1865, to HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 593 Miss Mary A. Redd, of Fayette county, Kentucky. From this union seven children have been born to them: JuHan, Alfred R., Paul and Spence, twins, David H., Archibald O. and Annie. The Rev, Mr. Peeler's father was born in North Carolina, in 1794; immigrated to Howard county, Missouri, in 1818, and has lived there ever since, and although he has reached the ripe age of eighty-six years, he is remarka- bly strong and healthy. Mr. Peeler, senior, has been judge of the county court and was at one time a member of the general assembly of the state of Missouri. His occupation is farming. He is a descendant of the Ger- mans who settled in Pennsylvania at an early day, and has always enjoyed the respect and esteem of his fellow men. Rev. Peeler is now pastor of the Hickory Grove Christian Church and also of the congregation at Russellville. He is a popular and successful minister, a good teacher, a prominent citizen, and is greatly beloved by his people. He has done a good work for the denomination he represents in Ray county. W. R. BALLINGER. Wm. R. Ballinger is a Kentuckian. He was born in Garrard county, Kentucky, in the year 1816. He obtained his education in the common schools. He was early inspired with a liking for the life of a farmer, and has always pursued that calling. In 1836 he went to Illinois, and for a length of time followed farming and stock-raising in that state. He would, perhaps, still be living there, were it not for the failure of his health. He came to Ray county, Missouri, in the fall of 1871, and lived for three years on a farm, near Richmond. He afterward removed to the place, where he now resides. Mr. Ballinger's parents were Virgin- ians, who removed to Kentucky with the tide of early immigration to that state. Wm. R. Ballinger was married in the spring of 1853, to Miss A. E. Bibb, of Illinois. The issue of this marriage is eight children: Mary L., Paulina, Mattie, Jennie, Henry, Benjamin, Allen, and William. He owns a fine farm of 360 acres, nearly all of which is under cultivation; has a good, substantial dwelling, and other improvements usually found on a well-kept farm. He is extensively engaged in raising fine stock. Mr. Ballinger is a prominent citizen, and universally respected, and held in high regard as a man by his neighbors . S. C. DAVIS. Was born in Ray county, Missouri, November 26, 1S36. His parents were from the state of Tennessee, and came here with the first settlers of Ray county. They had three sons, two of whom were killed during the civil war. Mr. Davis was educated in the schools of his native county, and after leaving school engaged in the avocation of farming. He was married in the month of February, 1856, to Miss Sophronia A. Schooler, 594 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. of Ray county. Six children have been born to them, whose names fol- low: Isabella A., Edward R., Martha A., Benora F., Maggie A., and James F. Mr. Davis has traveled considerably through the great west. Spent some time at the Mormon city of Salt Lake, Utah. He owns a farm of one hundred acres of good, rich land, a comfortable residence, and necessary out buildings for the shelter of stock and grain. He engages largely in the cattle trade, and fattens cattle for market upon his farm. He is a practical business man and highly prosperous. He is a worthy member of the order of Patrons of Husbandry, Crooked River Grange, number 1,005, and a good, substantial citizen of Richmond township. FRANK REMELINS. The subject of this sketch is a native of Germany, having been born in Bavaria, one of the German states, in the month of October, 1836. He received his education in the justly celebrated schools of his native land. He was trained to the calling of a furrier and previous to his departure from Europe, was engaged in dressing furs and in other departments of the business. Left Germany in 1853, for America, and landed at New York, remaining there for about four years, working at carpentering. He left New York about the year 1858, and travelled through all the northern, most of the western and southern states, finally settling in Mis- souri, near the town of Springfield, in Greene county. Here he lived and worked at carpentering, in its different branches, until 1861, when he enlisted in the home guards, under Colonel Phelps. Afterwards, his time having expired in the home guard service, he enlisted in the fourteenth regiment of state militia, commanded by Colonel Richardson. He was at the battle of Springfield, Missouri, and in several other skirmishes. Receiving his discharge at Warrensburg, in the spring of 1865, he came to Lexington, Missouri, and resumed work at his trade, carpentering and millwrighting. He removed to Ray county in 1869, and has since lived here. Mr. Remelins was married in the year 1858, to Miss Augusta Bube, also a native of Germany. They became the parents of five chil- dren: Louis, Ike Eugene, Frank, Emma and Paulina. He owns five hundred and twenty acres of Ray county's best land, well improved and stocked with the best varieties of domestic animals, a handsome, comfort- able residence, a good barn and other out buildings, and is a successful, wealthy farmer and a substantial citizen of his adopted county. S. C. EDGAR. This gentleman is a native of Kentucky, born in Hart county, Decem- ber 12, 1845. His parents moved to Grayson county, Kentucky, when he was but three years of age, and there he received his education, and HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 595 began the work of a farmer. From Grayson county he removed to Hardin county, in the same state, where he lived until 1869, in September of which year, he removed to Ray county, Missouri. Here he has ever since had his home. During the war between the states, he was in the Union army, under General Johnson, but was not engaged in any impor- tant fights. Mr, Edgar was married on the 10th day of January, 1877, to Miss Florence Maberry, a native of Ray county. They have one child, living: Carl C. He owns a fine, productive farm of 120 acres, in a good section of the county, adjacent to schools and churches. Mr. Edgar is a kind, obliging neighbor, and an industrious, practical farmer, and is well thought of by his fellow citizens of Richmond township. A. D. HARBISON. The gentleman whose name heads this article, was born in Shelbyville, Shelby county, Ky., on the 11th of October, 1849. When he was but nine years old his father removed to a farm in Ray county, Missouri, and here our subject was reared and educated, and here he has always pursued the business of farming. Mr. Harbison was married in the year 1874, to Miss Susie Goldbar, of Ray county, Missouri. Two children have been born of this union : Myrtie Alice and Minnie Eliza. Mr. Harbison owns one hundred acres of Ray's best soil, with a good, comfortable residence, and the whole place betokens industry, thrift and enterprise. He is one of the best citizens of Richmond township. JAMES P. HAYNES. J. P. Haynes is a prominent farmer of Richmond township and now (April, 1881,) holds the office of public administrator of Ray county. He was born August 20, 1816, in Murray county, Tennessee. His parents were natives of North Carolina. When he was yet quite young, his father moved from Murray to Bedford county, Tennessee, but remaining there only for a time, immigrated to Ray county, Missouri, settling in the town- ship in which our subject has ever since lived. Mr. Haynes' education was finished in the schools of Ray county. He was reared upon a farm, and farming has always been his chief occupation, though he taught school for some time in his early manhood. His father died in 1862 at the age of seventy-five; his mother lived until 1880, when she died, at the ripe old age of eighty-nine years. Mr. Haynes is of a quiet, peaceable dispo- sition, and has never taken any part in war-like movements, except for a short time, against the Mormons, in this county. He was married Novem- ber 1, 1841, to Miss Jane Schooler, a native of Tennessee. They were married in Ray county. The issue of this marriage is six children, living. Their names are as follows: Joseph H., George R., James H., Rosabelle 596 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. J., Mary E. M., and John A. Mr. Haynes was elected justice of the peace in 1854, and held that office for eleven years, and as an evidence of the popularity and respect in which he is held by the people of the county, he was, in 1872, elected by a handsome majority, on the democratic ticket, to the responsible office of public administrator. This office he has ever since held to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. He also is, and has been for years, director of the schools of his neighborhood. Mr. Haynes is the owner of three hundred acres of as good land as aay in the county, in an excellent state of cultivation, with a good comfortable residence, and other necessary improvements. He is engaged, to a con- siderable extent, in breeding and raising fine stock; his blooded Cotswold sheep, especially, are the admiration of all. He is a worthy member of Myrtle Lodge No. 338, A. F. & A. M., and also of Crooked River Grange No. 1005, P. of H. In rehgion, Mr. Haynes is a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is one of the most substantial farmers and best citizens of Ray county. W. S. PETERS. William S. Peters was born in Fauquier county, Virginia, June 7, 1819. In 1821, his parents removed to Kentucky, and lived in that state until the year 1855. From Kentucky the subject of this sketch came to Boone county, Missouri, landing at Rocheport on the Missouri river, March 26, 1855, and after living in that county for a time, moved to Malta Bend, in Saline county, where he purchased a fine farm and was largely engaged in the stock dealing business with J. W. Layne. From Saline county he moved to Carroll county in the year 1877, and two years afterwards to this county, where he has since lived. He owns a good farm, well improved and thoroughly cultivated, but devotes his own attention chiefly to buying and shipping stock, in which business he has had as much experience, perhaps as any man in the county. Mr. Peters was married in Garrard county, Kentucky, January 13, 1840, to Miss Miriam Herring, whose parents were natives of Virginia. Three children were born of this marriage: James H., (now engaged in stock business at St. Louis), Sarah E., (died in June, 1879), Seymour H., (engaged on his father's farm four miles east of Richmond). Mr. Peters is a successful trader and a practical business man, a kind, obliging neighbor, a valuable member of the community and a prominent and highly respected citizen. A. R. CHENAULT. A. R. Chenault was born in Iredell county, North Carolina, June 5, 1835, and grew up in his native state. He was educated at Taylorsville College, North Carolina, and at Wm. Jewell College, Liberty, Clay county, Missouri. He taught school for a time in North Carolina, and then (1858) • HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 597 came to Missouri, stopping first in Pettis county, and teachino- in Buffalo Academy. He next went to Cla}^ county, Missouri, and was during a number of years principal of a high school at Missouri City, after which he came to this county, and presided lor three years over the college at Richmond. He is a ripe scholar, and was a popular and efficient teacher. At the close of his engagement in the college at Richmond, he retired from the profession of teaching, and purchased a fine farm near the R. & L. Junction, which he has since occupied and conducted. This place comprises eight hundred acres of very valuable land. It is handsomely improved and in a fine state of cultivation. Its excellent condition evinces that Mr. Chenault is as successful in farming as teaching. During the civil war he was in the Confederate army, under General Sterling Price, for a short time, but was compelled to leave the army on account of severe sickness, from which he almost lost his life. He participated in the bat- tles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, and other minor engagements. Mr. Chenault was married in 1866, to Miss Ella Estes, of Ray county. They are the parents of six children: Cora, Lula, Ida, William, Charles, and Bessie. Mr. Chenault is a useful member of the community and a prom- inent and highly respected citizen of the county. THOMAS J. OGG. Thomas J. Ogg is a Kentuckian. He was born in Madison county, Kentucky, on the 15th day of June, 1837, where he lived until he was grown, and then came to Ray county, Missouri. He settled on a farm about two miles southeast of Albany and resided there until 1864. He was fortunate enough to escape embroilment in the troubles ot the war and remained quietly at home engaged in the management of his business. In the year 1864 he removed to the farm upon which he now lives, (section 19, township 52, range 28.) Part of this place he owns individu- ally, and about one hundred and sixty acres in partnership with his brother, Wm. A. Ogg. He is also the owner of a good grist and saw-mill. Mr. Ogg was married in the year 1862, to Miss L. E. Cox, of Ray county. The issue of this marriage was two sons, both of whom are now living. About ten years after their marriage, Mrs. Ogg died, and Mr. Ogg was married again, in 1875, to Miss Lucy A. Owen, daughter of Henry E. Owen, Esq., of Ray county. Of this union two children were born, one only, Henry, is now living. Mr. Owen has been a member of the Chris- tian Church for about fifteen years. His first wife was also a member of that church. The present Mrs. Ogg is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Ogg is also a member of the Masonic lodge at Richmond. He is a fixture here and intends remaining in Ray ^county the remainder of his life. He has been very successful, both with his farming and milling, and is a very useful and valuable adjunct to the community in which he lives. 598 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. N. B. OGG. Napoleon B, Ogg was born in Madison county, Kentucky, in the year 1840. He received his education and grew up there, working on his father's farm. His father is still living there, and is now quite old. N. B. Ogg came to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1868, and in the month of January, 1872, was married to Miss Lou Emma Burns, daughter of A. Burns, Esq., formerly a resident of Ray county, now deceased. Four sons have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Ogg, all of whom are now living. Their names in order of birth are as follows: Cyde, Charles B., Montie Lee, and Bertie. On first coming to this county Mr. Ogg engaged in the mercantile business at Ogg's Mill, west of Richmond, and subsequently at the town of Morton. He was four years in this business, and during that time he was constantly occupied in buying and selling cattle and hogs. The business of a stock trader is Mr. Ogg's chief occupation at present, though he also conducts a farm near Richmond. Mrs. Ogg is a worthy member of the M. E. Church South, at Todd's Chapel. Although Mr. Ogg has not been a resident of Ray county for many years, he is well identified with those who are deeply interested in her welfare and most active in the development of her resources and the promotion of public enterprises. WILLIAM WILSON. This gentleman was one of the company who sunk the first shaft for coal in Ray county. Wm. Wilson was born in Lawarkshire county, Scotland, in the year 1845. He has always been a miner. In the year 1865, he came to America, and spent a short time, after his arrival in this country, in the state of Pennsylvania, then coming west, he lived for a time in different states, until 1869, when he finally settled in Ray county, Missouri, and received naturalization papers from the circuit court here. Soon after locating in this county, Mr. Wilson began mining for coal, and, as has been stated, inaugurated the business by sinking the first shaft in is what now known as mine number six, on the railroad, one mile south of Richmond. This enterprise was highly successful, and the great coal beds of Ray county were opened to the world. There was a ready mar- ket at a good price, for all the coal that Mr. Wilson could get out, and he continued the business until now he is the possessor of a handsome income from mines and real estate. He is the owner of a beautiful place of seventy-three acres, in the western suburbs of Richmond, where he has of late, turned his attention to the raising of the best varieties of poultry. He has a patent incubator with which to hatch his fowls, and is prepared with every modern convenience and device to assist in raising them. If this venture proves a success, as no doubt it will under the management HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 599 of Mr. Wilson, he intends to increase his facilities and enlarge the busi- ness. He now has the finest chickens of the white Brahma, Leghorn and Plymouth Rock varieties, and the Toulouse geese. He is now asso- ciated with Mr. Peter "Wilson in the mining business, under the firm name of Wilson & Wilson. They have just sunk a new shaft on cm- subject's land, near the track of the St. Joseph branch of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway. William Wilson was married at Rich- mond, in the month of March, 1873, to Miss Mary Blair, daughter of Mr. Robert Blair, formerly of that place, now dead. Five children were born of this union, and four of them are living at this time (April 1881). Mr. Wilson is a practical, energetic business man, and has now, by his own enterprise and industry, the property and good name which he now enjoys. A. J. KINCAID. The subject of this sketch is a native of Ray county, Missouri, and was born on the 19th day of September, 1837. He acquired his educa- tion in the common schools of this county, and spent the time, until his marriage, working upon his father's farm. A. J. Kincaid was married in the year 1862, to Miss Mary Renfi-o, daughter of John Renfro, Esq. They became the parents of seven children, all of whom are now living at home with their parents. Mrs. Kincaid and the eldest son are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Knoxville. Mr. Kincaid is not a member of any church or secret order. He owns a good farm of 200 acres, in sections thirty-one and thirty-six, township fifty-four, range twenty-eight, and is a very successful farmer. He is also extensively engaged in buying and selling cattle and hogs. His business is very pros- perous, and he is highly regarded and respected by all his neighbors. JOHN LARKEY. Was born in Easton, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, on the 25th day of December, 1807. At the age of fifteen years, he was apprenticed to a tobacconist for a term of four years. At the expiration of his appren- ticeship, young Larkey obtained employment in a tobacco factory at Pittsburg. From Pittsburg he went to Cincinnati, and worked ^t his trade in that city for about nine months. Then he moved to Washington county, Kentucky, and worked there at the same business. From Wash- ington county he went to Louisville, and, establishing a cigar factory, entered business for himself. After living in the city of Louisville for about two years, he went to St. Louis, Missouri, and conducted the cigar business there for about three years. In the year 1836, Mr. Larkey came to Ray county, and, settling at the town of Camden, on the river, engaged in the cigar business until 1843, when he removed to a farm he had pur- 600 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. chased, in the river bottom, five miles above Camden. He had just suc- ceeded in getting comfortably settled, when the great rise in the river, known as the "flood of 1844," came, and his crops and fences were car- ried away and destroyed. His loss was considerable, and, during the three years succeeding the flood, he rented his farm, and then sold it, and bought a place near Albany, upon which he resided for several years. Afterward he sold this place, also, and bought the one upon which he at present resides, five miles west of Richmond. John Larkey was married in Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1837, to Miss Lydia Stout, daughter of Joseph Stout, Esq. The issue of this marriage was six children, three of each sex, all now living, and all but the youngest son are married. Following are their names, in order of birth, viz: Charles H., September 25, 1838; Maria Louisa, July 7, 1840; Edward, November 20, 1843; Lydia Ann, July 31, 1846; Amanda, January 1, 1848; John, October 20, 1851. Mr. Larkey is an old settler of the county, having been here for forty-five years. He is doing well in business, and is a good citizen of his adopted county. RICHARD S. ELLIOTT. Richard S. Elliott was born in the state of Virginia, in 1811. He went from his native state to Tennessee, soon after he was grown. He was married at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in 1829, to Miss Margaret C. Usel- ton, of that city. For the space of two years after he was married, Mr. Elliott was engaged in farming, and then he came from Tennessee to Ray county, Missouri, and entered a farm of forty acres. To this place he added by subsequent purchases until his farm now numbers some two hundred and five acres in the home tract (section 16, township 52, range 28). At the time of his death he owned, in all, about seven hundred acres in Ray county. To Mr. and Mrs. Elliott nine children were born, only six of whom are now living. Their names are as follows: Melinda Jane, wife of P. L. Carter; Palestine, wife of J. G. Ashley; Arthur B., Fannie, wife of John C. Burgess; Garner, and Landon F. All are mar- ried but the last named, who lives upon the old homestead, with his mother, and conducts the farm. Richard S. Elliott died on the 24th day of October, 1873. He was highly esteemed by all his neighbors and acquaintances. He was a successful and prosperous farmer, and a lead- ing citizen of his section of the county. JOHN GIBSON. This gentleman is one of the pioneers in the development of the coal mines of Ra}' county. His father, Robert Gibson, a Scotchman, was a miner in his native country. John Gibson was born in Ayrshire, Scot- land, December 24, 1843, and lived there until he was twent\'-one years of HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 601 age. He was engaged in mining there, from his twelfth 3'ear. At his majority he immigrated to the new world, landing at the city of New York, after a live weeks' passage in a, sail vessel, on the 10th day of Jan- uary, 1865. He proceeded to Alleghany county, West Virginia, and, after working in the coal mines there for about four months, came on as far west as Lasalle, Illinois, and spent about one year in mining there. He then went to Ohio and worked a year, returning, at its expiration, to the mines of Illinois, at Braidwood. After remaining in Illinois for some time, he came in 1869, to Camden, Ray county, Missouri. Here he formed a partnership with Mr. William Wilson, a countryman of his, whom he had formerly known in Ohio, and together they commenced mining for coal on the lands of Joseph S. Hughes, Esq., about one mile south of Richmond. Before they succeeded in reaching coal Mr. Hughes entered into partnership with them, and the firm was styled J. S. Hughes & Company. This enterprise proved highly successful and remunerative, and a large business has been built up, and numerous rich mines since developed. Mr. Gibson was married at Richmond, Missouri, in the year 1872, to Miss Elizabeth Fortune, daughter of Judge W. D. Fortune, of Ray county. They became the parents of five children, three boys and two girls, all now Hving. Mr. Gibson resides in the western suburbs of Richmond. He also owns a farm of one hundred and twenty-seven acres, a mile and a half south of that town, where he intends, at some future time, sinking a shaft for coal. He is still interested with Messrs. J. S. Hughes & Co., in several richly yielding mines, and is in a highly prosperous condition. He is an active, enterprising and public spirited man, and his services have been very valuable in the development of the coal interests of Ray county. JOSEPH PICKERING. Joseph Pickering is a native of England. He was born in Blackwell, Yorkshire, on the 22d day of March, 1831. His father, Richard Picker- ing was a boiler maker by trade, and soon after the birth of our subject he removed to Shildon, on the Stockton & Darling railroad, and began work in the machine shops of the railroad company. Here Joseph learned the trade of a machinist. His apprenticeship commenced when he was fourteen years of age, and he finished it in four years. He con- tinued working in the city of Shildon until .the year 1849, when he came to America. In this country he worked, first, for Tompkins & Son, of Towander, Pennsylvania. He then went to New York and subsequently worked at his trade, in several different cities and states until the month of May, 1870, when he came to Richmond, Missouri, and purchased one hundred acres of land just outside the western limits of the town. Upon 38 002 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. this farm he established his home and has since hved. He established the Richmond foundry in the spring of 1871, and the following June was manufacturing castings, etc. At first he used only horse power but, at the end of four years, put in a fifteen horse power engine, which, of course, serves the purpose much better. His principal business is repair- ing and in this respect, especially, his enterprise in establishing this foundry, supplied a long felt want. Joseph Pickering was married, soon after coming to America, in Pennsylvania, to Miss Eliza Hartzal. The issue of this union was nine children, seven of whom are yet living and all at home with their parents, but one. Mr. Pickering conducts his farm in connection with the foundry business, both are prospering well under his management. His eldest son, Wilham, is now associated wnth him in business under the firm name of Pickering & Son. ORVILLE H. SEARCY. Orville H. Searcy, one of the first school teachers of Ray county, was born in Nashville, Tennessee, February 26, 1800. His father, Colonel Robert Searcy, was an officer of 1812, and figured prominently in the battle of New Orleans. He, also, served with distinction in the war with the Creek Indians in 1818. He was one of the Tennessee regiment with whom the iron hearted "Old Hickory" (Jackson) invaded the Indian country. Our subject attended the schools of Nashville, until he was fifteen years of age, and then entered Princeton College, New Jersey. From this celebrated institution of learning he graduated four years later with honor. Returning to Nashville he remained at home until his mar- riage which occured soon after his graduation. He was married on the 25th of February, 1821, to Miss Mary Ann Patton, daughter of Thomas Patton, Esq., and sister of Rev. Daniel Patton who became so well known, after- wards, in Ray county. Mr. Searcy removed soon after his marriage to Bedford (now Coffey) county, Tennessee, and engaged in teaching school. This occupation he followed for several years and then began merchan- dising, with which business he was occupied until he came to Missouri, in 1830. He settled on a farm one mile and a half east of Richmond, Ray countv, and lived there for about four years. This farm he then exchanged for one nearer Richmond and removing to it, lived there until his death. Mr. and Mrs. Searcy became the parents of thirteen children; their names in order of birth as follow, viz: Elizabeth Jane, born February 27, 1822; Robert Thomas, born January 11, 1824; Archie Patton, born September 20, 1825; John Joseph, born July 30, 1827; Elvira JuHet, born May 3, 1830; Susan Dederick, born April 5, 1832; Mary Ann, born December 27, 1833; Martha Ann, born November 16, 1835; Nathaniel Davis, born April 14, 1838; William Patton, born February 14, 1840; Orville Hen- derson, born February 20, 1842; Lucinda Clay, born June 21, 1846; Sarah HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 603 Emeline, born October 27, 1849. Eight of them are still living and, also, married with one exception. Orville H., Jr., is, at present (April, 1881) unmarried. Our subject was elected in 1856, to the office of surveyor of Ray county, and was discharging its duties very efficiently and accepta- bly at the time of his death. He and Mr. A. C. Redman conducted a high school at Richmond before the founding of Richmond College. Mr. Searcy was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and was an elder in the Richmond congregation from the time it was first organ- ized until his death. He departed this life December 2, 1858, at the age of fifty-eight years, loved and honored by his family and respected by all who knew him. WILLIAM MAGILL has been a resident of Ray county for almost half a century, having settled here with his father, in the spring of 1832. He was born in Lincoln county, Kentucky, on the 3d of January, 1816. His grandfather on the paternal side came from Virginia to Kentucky at an early day, and raised a family of children, one of whom was the father of our subject. Both his father and grandfather bore the same name as himself, (William). His grandfather on the maternal side, Henry Baughman, was of German descent, though the earliest history we have of him was, that he removed from Greenbrier county, Virginin, to Kentucky, in the year 3785, and settled at Baughman's Fort on Dick's river. On his return to Virginia to bring his mother to Kentucky, he was killed by the Indians. The father of the subject of this article was married in 1803, to Miss Mary Baugh- man, at the old place settled by Henry Baughman, in Lincoln county, Kentucky. They reared a family of six children, five sons and a daughter whose names follow: OH via, wife of Archibald Hodges; Henderson, Baughman, Samuel P., Lorenzo H. and William. They had six other children who died in infancy. Mr. Magill, (father of our subject), removed with his family from Kentucky to Missouri, in the spring of 1832, and settled in Ray county upon a farm, in sections seventeen and twenty, township fifty-two, range twenty-eight. Our subject was married on the 12th day of September, 1844, to Miss Matilda Hamilton, daughter of Thomas Hamilton, at one time judge of the Ray county court. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. John Walker, of the " Kelly- ite" denomination. Mr. Magill continued to reside with his father, after his marriage, until the death of the latter in 1847. The father, at his death willed the homestead farm to William. The farm consisted at that time of three hundred and twenty acres, and Mr. Magill soon after added eighty acres to it making four hundred acres in all. It now, April, 1881, consists of but two hundred and seventy-four acres, part having been sold. Mrs. Magill died in the year 1855, and Mr. Magill was afterwards mar- 604 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ried to Miss Mary C. Haynes, daughter of Joseph P. Haynes, Esq., of Ray county. The fruit of the first union was six children, named as fol- lows: Baughman, Margaret R., wife of B. F. Baber; Mary Matilda, wife of John L. Harrison; Thomas, William H. and John S. The last named died in infancy, the others are still living. By his second wife he had five children: Sarah E., Lousia C. (died at the age of seven years), Joseph Clay, (died at the age of eighteen), Olivia J., wife of Charles Dale, and Frances E. Mr. Magill and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, as are also four of their children. Three other children are members of the M. E. Church South. Mr. Magill is also a member of the Masonic Lodge No. 57, at Richmond. He has a produc- tive farm, a neat comfortable home, and is a good business man and a useful citizen. JAMES T. CUMMINS. The subject of this sketch is a native of the state of Indiana. He was born on the 2d day of November, 1829, in Vigo count}', that state. His father, James Cummins, senior, had removed from Kentucky to Indiana at an early day. He was the father of a family of five boys and two girls, of whom our subject was the fourth in order of birth, and the third son. He was reared and lived in Vigo county until the commencement of the civil war, when he enlisted under the stars and stripes, and fought for four years for the perpetuation of the Union. After Lee's surrender he re- turned home, to Indiana, but, remaining only for a few months, came to Ray county, Missouri. He first settled at Fredericksburg, in the year 1865, and was engaged for two years wath Gray & Isley, selling goods. He then went to Elkhorn and clerked for Wm. R. Harlan, until 1871, and then removing to Richmond, sold goods for Mr. Hubbell, for another year. He was married in 1872 to Mrs. Rhoda A. Lamar, widow of James D. Lamar, and daughter of William Proffitt. Two children were born as the issue of this union, both girls. Mrs. Cummins has one son by her former marriage. Mr. Cummins belongs to the farmers' organization of *' United Taxpayers. " Soon after his marriage Mr. Cummins began farming, and he has, ever since been engaged in that calling. He is a practical farmer and takes great interest in every thing pertaining to ag- riculture. He is a worthy and prominent citizen of his community, and is much esteemed and respected by his neighbors. HOUSTON A. EVANS. Was born in Jefferson county. East Tennessee, on the 29th day of October, 1842. When he was nine years of age, his parents removed to Crittenden county, Kentucky, but, remaining there only about a year, came to Ray county, Missouri, and located at the town of Camden. Our HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 605 subject has lived in this county ever since, except during the time he was with the Union army during the civil war. Houston A. Evans was mar- ried, November 26, 1865, in Ray countv, to Miss Lucinda Cook. She was born near Columbia, Tennessee. The result of this union was seven children: Ira, born September 14, 1866; Elmer, born September 28, 1867; Claude, born June 6, 1869; Houston, born January 3, 1871; Estel, born February 12, 1873; Genevieve, born in 1875; died June 12, 1877; Ursaline, born in 1878. Mr. Evans enlisted in company B, 44th regiment, Missouri infantry. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Franklin, Ten- nessee, and confined for live months in the Confederate prison at Ander- sonville. He received his discharge from the army in June, 1865. He returned to Rav county, and has engaged in farming here ever since. He has filled the office of justice of the peace at Camden for two years. Mr. Evans is a member of the M. E. Church, and also of the Masonic order, and a Good Templar. He possesses about five acres of real estate in the town of Camden. He is a successful business man and a worthy and valuable citizen of his adopted country. ALFREIJ) A. BROWN. The subject of this sketch was born in Harrison county, Indiana, on the 10th of May, 1831. When he was about four or five years of age his parents removed to Crawford county, Indiana, where he resided until the year 1856, when he went to Scotland county, Missouri, and remained there about fifteen months, and then came to Camden, in Ray county, Missouri. Mr. Brown was married on the 21st day of October, 1861, to Miss Amanda M. Canada, a native of the state of Virginia. They became the parents of two children: Susan C, born in the month of July, 1862, and William A., born in July, 1872. He enlisted in the month of September, 1862, in company D, 35th Missouri infantry, and was acci- dentally shot and wounded in the right arm, by the guard firing upon him, by mistake, at the battle of Helena, Arkansas. In the army he dis- charged the duties of a non-commissioned officer, and was discharged at the close of the war, in July, 1865, at St. Louis, Missouri. He learned the trade of a cooper early in life, in Indiana, and worked at that business some four or five years, and then clerked for a time in a store. He has been engaged in mercantile business almost all the time since his majority, but has only been in business at Camden for little more than one year. He 1% a consistent member of the M. E. Church South. He is a suc- cessful merchant, and a valuable citizen of the town of Camden, in Ray countv. 606 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. BENJAMIN F. CANADA. Was born in Campbell county, Virginia, on the 21st day of June, 1838. At the age of two years he was brought by his parents to Boone county, Missouri, and soon after they again removed, to Daviess county, Mis- souri, and after living there two years, came to Camden, Ray county, Mis- souri, in the year 1844, and here our subject has ever since resided. He is now merchandizing in the town of Camden, and has been in that business there for about a year. Mr. Canada was married on the 23d day of December, 1867, to Miss Mary A. Endsley, a native of Ray county, Missouri. The issue of this marriage was three children: Cora L., born February 25, 1866; Allie M., born in 1871, and Katie, born in 1878 Mr. Canada has, at different times in life, held official positions, both in his town and township, and is, at present (April, 1881,) mayor of the city of Camden. He is a prominent and influential citizen, and is a highly respected member of the community in which he lives. WILLIAM G. KING. This gentleman was born in Ray county, Missouri, January 28, 1837, and has lived here all his life. He grew up on a farm three miles west of the town of Richmond, and has lived upon the place he now owns for more than twenty years. He was married on the 3d day of August, 1862, to Miss Lliza Cox, of Lafayette county, Missouri, Rev. Dr. Lane, of that county, officiating at the marriage. Mr. and Mrs. King became the parents of one child, Leila, born in June, 1864. Mr. King was in the militia service (Union) in this state during the war of the rebellion. He owns a good farm of one hundred and sixty acres in section fifteen, town- ship fifty-one, range twenty-eight. This place is in an excellent state of cultivation, and also comprises some very fine grass lands. Mr. King has been a farmer for the greater part of his life, and takes deep interest in everything pertaining to the business. In the spring of 1881 he removed with his family to Camden and intends making that his home in the future. In addition to his farming interests he deals in live stock, and is agent at Camden for the Kansas City Packet Company's line of steamboats. He is a successful business man, a worthy, reliable agent, and a good citizen. THOMAS MAGILL. Is a native of the county of Ray, and has resided here all his life. He was reared on his father's farm, and in his youth alternated between going to the neighborhood school in the winter and working on the farm in summer. Thomas Magill was born on the 19th day of September, 1849, in Ray county, Missouri. He has been a life long farmer. His estate consists of some two hundred and sixty acres of land, all under good HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 607 fence, but abovit fifty acres of woodland. His place is situated but two and one-half miles from the city of Richmond, and is very convenient to both school and church. Mr. Magill was married September 1, 1874, to Miss E. P. Turner, a native of Sumner county, Tennessee. They have two children, Belle and Bessie. Our subject is a worthy member of the Cumberland and his wife of the O. S. Presbyterian Church. CHRISTOPHER G. GASTON. Christopher G. Gaston was born in Greene county, Indiana, on the 9th day of June, 1841. The family is believed to have been of French origin, and banished from their native country to Ireland, whence they came to the United States, and settled in South Carolina. The father of our sub- ject, Samuel Gaston, removed from South Carolina to Indiana, and in 1844, came from that state to Missouri and settled in Johnson county. He afterward removed to Lafayette county, and was killed near Greenton in 1862, by the famous guerrilla, Anderson. The maiden name of Mr. Gaston's mother was Jane H. Vankook, a native of Kentucky. In the pursuit of an education our subject not only received the benefits of the schools of the neighborhood, but also the advantages of instruction from an older brother. Mr. Gaston was living in Lafayette county when the civil war commenced, and he joined the enrolled militia of that county in 1862. Two years afterward he was appointed by Col. Sweitzer enrolling captain for the county of Lafayette. After serving in this capacity for three months he resigned. Mr. Gaston was married in the year 1864, to Miss Nancy Ann Hutchison, daughter of James Hutchison, Esq., of Lafayette county, Eight children have been born of this union, five of whom, one girl and four boys, still live. In 1868 Mr. Gaston came to Ray county and engaged in farming, a short distance east of Camden, for about three years. Then he removed to Camden and entered the drug business. He received the appointment as postmaster of Camden, in 1871, and has held the office ever since. He was elected justice of the peace for Camden township in 1869, serving in that capacity for four years. Mr. Gaston is a member of the Masonic Lodge, No. 57, at Rich- mond. He is an efficient, careful and accommodating postmaster, a suc- cessful business man, and is popular with all. H. E. HAMIL, M. D. Dr. Henry Edward Hamil was born in Gadsden county, Florida, on the 18th day of January, 1840. His father, Henry Hamil, Esq., was a native of Ireland, and had emigrated to the United States in 1838, and engaged, extensively, in raising cotton and other products of the state of Florida, upon his large plantation there. The family went back to Armagh county, Ireland, in the year 1853, and the son, Henry, entered 608 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the celebrated University of Dublin, to complete the course in medicine and chemistry. After spending four years in close appHcation to his studies, he graduated from that institution in 1860, with the degree of Bachelor of Medicine. Immediately after his graduation, he received, from the Queen, the appointment as assistant surgeon in the Eighteenth Royal Irish regiment, which was soon after transferred to the East Indies. After spending ten months in Burmah, his regiment went to Bengal, and there he resigned his position and returned to England. In 1862 he came to the United States. Finding, when he reached New York, that an Irish regiment was forming for the defense of the Union, he joined it and served under the stars and stripes of his adopted country, until the close of the war. In 1865 he returned to New York, and resumed the prac- tice of his profession there. He has made one visit to Europe since he came to America. He came to Camden, Ray county, Missouri, in 1867, and has practiced his profession in Camden and vicinit}- since that time. He now (April, 1881) conducts a drug store in connection with his prac- tice. Dr. Hamil was married in 1879, at Camden, to Miss Mary Rich- ardson, daughter of Asa Richardson, Esq., formerly of that town, now deceased. Two sons, Edward and Henry, both now living, have been born to Dr. and Mrs. Hamil. Dr. Hamil has traveled as far and seen as much of the world as any other man, perhaps, in the county. He is a gentleman of thorough and finished education, and an able, experienced and successful physician. He is profoundly in sympathy with his oppressed and suffering countrymen in " Erin's green isle." Though born in America, he was, for the most part, reared and educated in Ire- land, and spent the best part of his youth there, and his heart still cHngs in fond remembrance to " Erin mavourneen, Erin, go bragh." ROBERT A. PRICHARD. The subject of this sketch is one of the leading business men of the town of Camden. He was born in Ray county, Missouri, near the city of Richmond, June 24, 1853. His father, William W. Prichard, was a farmer and he was reared to the same vocation. After finishing the course taught in the public schools, he spent several years at the Rich- mond College, and there finished his education. After leaving school he remained for about a year on the farm with his father, and then engaged as clerk, for a period, in the drug store of Dr. Taylor, at Richmond. He has, at various times since, been clerk in different business houses in that place. While with Drs. Taylor and Jacobs, he acquired a knowledge of the drug business, and, in 1873, opened at Camden, a drug store on his own account. He has made the business so successful as to require the aid of a clerk. Mr. Prichard was married in 1874, to Miss Alice V. Jones, daughter of Mr. Ammon Jones, now deceased. Mr. Prichard HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 609 resides and continues to conduct his business in Camden. He is very popular with all his acquaintances and is dointr a thriving business. ASA BROCKMAN. Asa Brockman is an old settler of Ray county, and was born in Clark . county, Kentucky, in the month of April, 1826. While he was yet an infant, his father, Mr. Joseph E. Brockman, immigrated to Missouri, and after stopping about a year in Howard county, settled in Ray (section 22, township 51, range 28), and here has been the home of our subject ever since. Asa Brockman received his education in the district schools of this county, and remained at home working upon his father's farm until he was twenty-two years of age, and then, fired by the excitement of the dis- covery of gold, he, in 1849, went to California. He made the trip over- land with an ox team. He engaged in mining in California, and remained there about eighteen months, returning at the expiration of that time, to Ray county, by way of the Isthmus of Panama and New Orleans. On his return home he took charge of his father's place, and has since con- ducted and managed the farm. Mr. Brockman was married in the autumn of 1852, to Miss Sarah F. Hudgens, daughter of B. A. Hudgens, Esq., of Ray county. Ten children have been born as the result of this union; eight are now living: Joseph E., John C, H. M., Nancy Jane, wife of J. Rosell; Lou Isabel, wife of Joseph Brown; James A., Sarah A. and Asa B. Mr. Brockman lives on the old homestead of his father, a fine tract of 280 acres of valuable upland. He pays most attention to grain growing. Both himself and wife are members of the Christian Church, at South Point, near Albany. JAMES M. SUITS. James M. Suits was born in Guilford county, North Carolina, on the 1st day of May, 1845. Here he received his education, and lived until the year 1861, when he went to Richmond, Virginia, and engaged in coal and lead mining. Two years later he left the mines and enlisted in the Confederate army, under Major Bridgeford, who commanded the first Virginia battalion of infantry, known as the "Irish battalion." They had been United States regular troops before the war. After the close of the war Mr. Suits returned to the coal mines of Virginia, and remained about three years, and then leaving there, he worked, successively, for short periods, in West Virginia, Ohio, and Kansas. On the 14th day of Novem- ber, 1870, he came to Camden, Ray county, Missouri, and again resumed work at the coal business. He engaged with J. C. McGrew, and has been chief operator and manager for him ever since coming to Camden. James M. Suits was married in 1863, to Miss Eliza M, Chandler, of Black- burg, Virginia. Eight children have been born of this marriage, of whom 610 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. six survive at this time: James Anderson, Minnie Lee, William, Francis, Earle, and Frederick. Mr. Suits is a member of Masonic Lodge, No. 444, at Albany. He is a member of the town council of Camden, and an influential and valuable citizen. ANDREW J. JACKSON. This gentleman was born near the town of Camden, in Ray county, Missouri, and was educated in the schools there. He began the business of merchandising at the age of fifteen years, in his father's store. In 1875 he clerked for Messrs. Dorton & Pigg, at the neighboring town of Orrick. In the year 1876 he went to Texas and engaged for a time with a firm who were in the clothing business, at the town of Sherman. Subsequently he clerked in a grocery house in the same place. At the expiration of his engagement at Sherman, he returned to Camden, Ray county, Missouri, and entered, with his brother, a general merchandise business at that place. In 1878 he bought out the interest of his brother, Mr. Walter A. Jackson, in this store, and conducted it on his own account for about a year longer, when he formed a partnership with his father, and this firm, styled C. R. Jackson & Son, still continues to control a good local trade at Camden. Mr. Jackson is a rising young merchant, and, with his practical experience and long training, coupled with his sound judgment and busi- ness acumen, cannot fail of future abundant success. WILLIS MERIDETH. Willis Merideth is a native of Kentucky. He was born on the 10th day of March, 1844, in Edmondson county, that state. His father, Lewis Merideth, removed in 1857 from Kentucky to Missouri, and settled at Napoleon, in Lafayette county. Six years later, in 1863, he came to Ray county, and located about three miles above the town of Camden. Our subject received his education in the common schools in Kentucky, partly, finishing the course in Lafayette county after the removal of the family to Missouri. Mr. Merideth was married at Cam- den on the 17th day of March, 1865, to Miss S. Thomas, daughter of James M. Thomas, Esq., of Camden. Five children, three girls and two boys,' have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Merideth, three only of whom are now living: James Lewis, Allie, and Emma, aged respectively fourteen, twelve, and two years. Mr. Merideth is a prosperous and popular mer- chant, and a good citizen of the town of Camden. JAMES R. AKERS. Was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 24th day of December, 1829. His father, Joseph E. Akers, was a farmer, and owned and conducted a farm three and a half miles west of Camden. Upon this place James HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 611 was born and reared. He was educated in the district schools of the neighborhood. His father died while he was yet a boy, and as soon as he was old enough to manage the farm, the care of the family devolved, in a large measure, upon him. He remained with his mother on the old homestead until he was twenty-two years old, and then, in 1852, went to California. There he was engaged as a teamster, at ninety dollars per month, for about a year, and then he began mining, until December, 1854, when he returned to Ray county, Missouri, and resumed the occupation of farming until 1866, and then began keeping store at Camden, and has ever since continued that business there. Mr. Akers was married on the 9th day of December, 1857, to Miss Melinda M. Cooper, daughter of Mr. Loyd Cooper, a prominent resident of Ray county, but now deceased. The issue of this union was five sons and three daughters: John T., born October 7, 1858; George R., born February 28, 1860; Walter, born January 13, 1862; Melissa, born February 7,1865; Albert, born Decemr ber 25, 1866; Rebecca E., born November 18, 1868; Mary E., born November 14, 1870; Wilham, born November 19, 1873. Albert died September 2, 1867, and Rebecca on the 24th of February, 1870. The others are still living, and all of them at home with their parents. Mr. Akers is a member of Ada Lodge No. 444, A. F. & A. M., at Albany. Himself and son, John T., are conducting a prosperous grocery business at the town of Camden. GEORGE W. THOMAS. The subject of this article was born in Greenup county, Kentucky, on the 8th. day of April, 1845. His father, Mr. J. M. Thomas, removed to Missouri in 1857, and settled at Camden in Ray county. Here he grew up and received his education. He was married, in the year 1869, to Miss Alice V. Galle, daughter of Mr. Peter Galle, of Ray county. They became the parents of three children : Alfred Edgar, Murtie Belle, Lieu Ella and Jesse D. Lieu Ella and an infant are dead, the others still sur- vive. Mr. Thomas began the business of coal mining in the year 1869, and has ever since pursued that calling. During the late war he was a Union soldier, and participated in a number of the leading battles. Mr. Thomas has a comfortable home in Camden, and is doing well in business. CAPTAIN JOHN SACRY. John Sacry was born in Lafayette county, Kentucky, December 15, 1825, and lived there until his sixteenth year, when he went, with his father, George Sacry, Esq., to Garrard county, Kentucky. After several other subsequent removals to different parts of the state of Ken- tucky, he came, in 1854, to Ray county, Missouri, and located at Camden. He has made his home in Ray county ever since. The fall after his 612 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. coming to Camden, he took charge of his uncle's, Mr. James W. Sacrv's, farm, and conducted that for a time. Before leaving Kentucky he learned the carpenter's trade, and in 1856, he resumed work at his trade, and con tinned it for several years. Since that time he has been variously occu- pied in handling tobacco and live stock, and in farming. In the year 1846, Mr. Sacry, then in his twenty-first year, enlisted in the second regiment of Kentucky Infantry, for the war with Mexico. This regiment was com- manded by Colonel Wm. R. McKee, and Lieutenant Colonel Henry Clay, junior. William T. Willis was captain of the company in which our subject was enrolled. x\ll of these officers were killed at the battle of Buena Vista. Mr: Sacry was discharged, on account of physical disability, near Berita, and he at once returned to Kentucky. He also, served dur- ing the civil war, in the Union army with the rank of captain. Captain Sacry was married, on the 19th of December, 1856, to Miss Sarah E. Ballew, daughter of Joseph Ballew, who is now deceased. Five children have been born of this union, four of whom (two of each sex) are living at the present time: George Edwin, Mattie C, John A., and Pearl. Captain and Mrs. Sacry are both members of the Missionary Baptist Church. He is, also, a member of the order of I. O. O. F. Captain Sacry has been a resident of Camden for twenty-five years. THOMAS M. COOPER. Thomas M. Cooper was born in Jeflferson county, Tennessee, on the 2d day of July, 1822. His parental ancestry were of Irish origin, his grandfather, Isaac Cooper, having immigrated from Ireland to North Carolina, at a very early day. His mother's people were of Welsh descent. The father of oursubject, Mr. Lloyd Cooper, removed from North Carolina to Tennessee in his early manhood, and there married and raised a family. Thomas M. Cooper was educated in his native state, and lived there until his twenty-fourth year, and then, m 1846, he came to Missouri and settled in Ray county with a Mr. Bird Smith, for whom he managed a farm during his fir^t year in the county. The next year he was engaged with Captain John Richardson, as overseer of his slaves and farm. The following year he took charge of a large number of negroes belonging to Mr. William Moore, who owned and cultivated a large plantation in the river bottom, between Lexington and Richmond. He remained in the employ of Mr. Moore for seven years, and then began farming on his own account, and continued in that business for the space of three years. He then moved to Camden, and in company with his cousin, Mr. Seth H. Moore, he erected a large warehouse, and began a general shipping and commission business. This was before the time of railroads, and Camden was at the zenith of her prosperity. In 1866, he started three other enterprises in connection with his commission business, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 613 a dry goods store, pork packing- and handling tobacco. He substituted the business of dealing in live stock, in the year 1873, for pork packing, and purchased a farm of one hundred and fifty-six acres two miles east of Camden, which he has conducted in connection with his other business ever since. Mr. Cooper was first married in the year 1856, to Miss Ellen Campbell, of Lexington. She only lived about a year after her marriage, and he was again married in 1858, to Miss Elizabeth Willis, daughter of Wm, Willis, Esq., of Lexington. Six children have been born to them, but only three, Mary B., Thomas L. and Elizabeth P., now survive. Mr. Cooper has been a member of the M. E. Church South, since 1876. Mrs. Cooper belongs to the Missionary Baptist denomination. He is also a member of the order of A. F. & A. M. JAMES McEnroe. This young gentleman is one of the principal coal operators of Cam- den. He was born in CarroUton, Illinois, on the 14th day of June, 1852. His father, Franklin McEnroe, was accidentally killed when James was but three years old, and our subject received his early training and counsel from his mother. He was educated in the schools of CarroUton, and remained at home with his mother until he was twenty years of age, when he was engaged by the Chicago & Alton railroad company, as bag- gagemaster at CarroUton, While in this position he learned the art of telegraphy, and in 1870 was placed in charge of the station at Summit, on the C. & A. railway, and remained in charge of the duties there until 1872. He was then night operator of telegraph, for a short time, for the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern railway, at Centralia, Missouri. He was subsequently agent at Wentzville for four years; at High Hill, in a similar capacity, for a time, and finished his career in railroad business with a three and a half years' term of service at the Camden (Ray county,) station. Mr. McEnroe was married at Camden, in the month of June, 1879, to Miss Ida Craven, daughter of John N. Craven, of that place. About a year after his marriage, Mr. McEnroe opened a very rich coal mine, which had been unsuccessfully worked by a party some fifteen years previous, upon the land of his father-in-law, Mr. Craven. His mining operations have been very successful, and he has built up an extensive and lucrative business in coal. Onl\ one child was born to Mr. and Mrs. McEnroe. It died in infancy, and its mother surviving it but a short time, died also, in the beginning of the present year (1881). Mr. McEnroe is a member of Cyrus Royal Arch Chapter No. 36, A. F. & A. M., at Richmond. Though young in years, he has already acquired, by his own unaided efforts, an enviable reputation and position among the enterprising and successful business men of Camden. ^14 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. JOSEPH MILLER. Was bora in Clay county, Missouri, January 19, 1843. His father removed the year atter the birth of Joseph, with his family to Camden, Ray county, Missouri. His father was a cooper, and from him our sub- ject learned that trade. JosephWiller worked at the cooper's trade until 1878, when he began coal mining. During the late civil war he was a soldier in the Union army . He was married, in 1 876, to Miss Laura E. Armstrong, daughter of Mr. Wesley Armstrong, of Moniteau county, Missouri. They became the parents of five children, two boys and three girls. Only three are now living: Mary A., Edith A. and William H. Mr. Miller has a neat, comfortable home, in Camden, and is, at present (April, 1881), engaged as weigh-master of mine No. 5, owned by J. C. McGrew, of Lexington. CAPTAIN ANDREW ELLIOTT. Andrew Elliott was born in Ray county, Missouri, near where he now lives, on the 8th day of September, 1822. He received his educational training in Ray county, and has always lived here. The family, from whom our subject is descended, was of Irish origin, his great grandfather having been a native of Ireland. Captain EUiott has been a farmer and stock raiser ever since he began business for himself. He enlisted in the service of the Union, and commanded company A, 3d regiment, Missouri state militia, in the civil war. John Elliott, father of the jsubject of this article, was collector of revenue for Ray county, for the year 1827. Capt. Elliott was married in the autumn of 1868, to Miss Martha Ann Ballew, daughter of Mr. Joseph Ballew, now deceased. One child, Catharine Susie, is the issue of this marriage. Captain Elliott sold his own farm, consisting- of 160 acres, and his interest in his father's 500 acre estate, to his brother in 1880, and intends retiring from active business cares during the remainder of his life. REV. WILLIAM T. BROWN. William T. Brown is a native of Ray county, Missouri, and was born on a farm owned by his father, Thomas A. Brown, situated about four miles northwest of the town of Camden. The date of his birth was October 7, 1847. He received his education in the schools of his native county, and has all his life made his home here. In the month af Janu- ary, 1865, at the age of eighteen years, he left home to avoid troubles growing out of the war, and went to Nebraska, and the summer follow- ing, to Colorado. He spent about nine months in the west, and then returned to his home in Ray county. Mr. Brown was married on the 6th day of December, 1866, to Miss Sarah E. White, daughter of Wm. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 615 A. White, Esq., of Ray county. Soon after he bouf:fht a farm (section six, township fifty-one, range twenty-eight,) and began the work of farm- ing. About the age of twent3^-two years, Mr. Brown began preaching, and in 1870, was ordained as a minister of the regular Baptist Church. He has preached, very successfully, in many of the counties of western Missouri, and also, in several other states. Mr. and Mrs. Brown became the parents of seven children, six now living, named as follows, viz.: Charlie Alvin, Melinda Ellis, Mary Frances, Lucy Jane, Jesse Dudley, and an infant daughter. Anna Eliza, the second in order of birth, died when six months old. Mr. Brown was elected, in November, 1880, on the democratic ticket, by a handsome majority of eleven hundred votes, to represent Ray county in the thirty-first general assembly. He now '{April, 1881,) has pastoral charge of four churches: New Hope, Crooked River, Fishing River and Mt. Zion, the latter is in Clay county. He is a popular, successful minister, and a prominent and influential citizen. x\DRIEL KING. The subject of this sketch was a Kentuckian. He was born in Gar- rard county, Kentuck}^ on the 21st of May, 1801. He grew up and was married there. Miss Jane Graves became his wife on the 21st day of September, 1824. A few years after his marriage he removed to Mis- souri, and, after stopping a- short time in Boone county, settled in Ray county, three miles southwest of Richmond (sections 11 and 12, township 61, range 28). To the extent of land first entered, he afterwards added by purchase, until at the time of his death, he owned 320 acres of land there, besides other tracts in other parts of the county. Mr. and Mrs. King became the parents of eleven children, six of whom are now living: Lydia Ann, wife of Thomas Bryant, of Chillicothe; Angeline, wife of Frank Davis, of Daviess county; Mary, wife of George Williams, of Ray county; Brunette, wife of Peter Ford; William G. and Henry C. Mar- garet and Martha both died in infancy; Emma, wife of A. B. Elliott; Matilda, wife of Henry Jacobs, and Elizabeth, wife of Whit. Lyle, are all dead. Mr. Henry C. King, at present the representative of the family on the old homestead, has 240 acres of land, including the residence. He was married in the month of March, 1868, to Miss Jane Thompson, daughter of Mr. Joseph Thompson, of Ray county. The issue of this union was four children, two of each sex. Mr. Adriel King died on the 12th day of July, 1869. He was widely and prominently known and greatly respected. 616 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. JOHN L. HARRISON. Was born in Flemingsburg, Fleming county, Kentucky, on the 2"2d day of April, 1840. His father, Mr. James B. Harrison, removed, in Septem- ber following, to Missouri, and located, temporarily, in Callaway county. In the spring of 1841, he came to Ray county, and settled near the city of Richmond. The next year he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land, three miles west of Richmond, and removed to it with his family. On this farm our subject was reared. He finished his education with two years' study, at Richmond College, in December, 1859, and soon after went to Denver, Colorado. After spending about nine months in the Rocky mountains, he returned to his home in Ray county, but remaining but a short time. He enlisted, in the cause of the south, for the war, and was with the Confederate army until taken prisoner, on the Gasconade river, in 1862. He was held as prisoner of war, and transported from prison to prison until 1864, when he was pardoned, by President Lincoln* through the influence of ex-Governor Austin A. King. He never re-en- tered the service. After the war was over he engaged in the milling business, and then commenced farming, and has since pursued the latter calling. Mr. Harrison was married, January 16, 1867, to Miss Mary M. Magill, daughter of William Magill, Esq., of Ray county. One child, Minnie Lee, has been born of this marfiage. Both Mr. and Mrs. Har- rison are members of the M. E. Church South. He is also a Free Mason, with fellowship in Myrde Lodge No. 338, at Millville. "Mr. Harrison is an obliging and hospitable neighbor, a courteous gentleman, and a good citizen. ARTHUR B. ELLIOTT, Was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 17th day of September, 1842, and was reared and educated here. His education he received prin- cipally at Richmond College. He is a son of Richard S. Elliott, deceased. His occupation has always been farming. He entered the Confederate army at the age of fifteen years, and fought throughout the four years of civil war. Mr. Elliott was married in the year 1865, to Miss Emma King, daughter of Adriel King, deceased. One child, named Henry Lee, was born to them. Mrs. Elliott lived only a short time after her marriage, dying in 1868. Mr. Elliott was subsequently married to Miss Mattie Lyle, daughter of Mr. Whit. Lyle, deceased. They became the parents of two children, named respectively, Robert and Emma. Mr. Elliott is a prosperous, well-to-do farmer, and a respected and valuable citizen of the county of Ray. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 617 WILLIAM PINCKNEY. Was born in Durham county, England, on the 2d day of July, 1834, and was educated there. He lived in his native country until he had attained his majority. He then came to America, and has been engaged, either in coal or lead mining, ever since. Mr. Pinckney enlisted in the Union arm}- at Lexington, Missouri, and served throughout the war. He has never been married. He came to Camden, Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1881, and now holds the responsible position of superintendent of the coal mines belonging to J. C. McGrew, Esq. Mr. Pinckney is an experienced and practical miner, and is thoroughly honorable and trust- worthy, as his appointment to the position of superintendent bears testi- mony. JAMES C. ENDICOTT. The subject of this sketch was born in Clay county, Missouri, on the 22d day of November, 1835, and lived there until January, 1855, when he came to Ray county, Missouri, and has lived here ever since. Mr. Endicott was married, the first time, on the 28th day of November, 1861, to Miss Margaret Remley, a native of Ray county. They became the parents of one child, Clara B. Mrs. Endicott died in the month of March, 1877, and Mr. Endicott was married again, on the 29th of November, 1877, to Miss Amy Barbers. The issue of this marriage was one child: Amanda M. Mr. Endicott is a member of the Masonic Lodge at Rich- mond. He owns a farm of two hundred acres of excellent land, one hun- dred and fifty acres in fine state of cultivation, and his busines is very prosperous. THOMAS McGINNIS. Thomas McGinnis was born September 26, 1827, in Anderson county, Kentucky. He received his education in the common schools of the neighborhood, and at Versailles, in Woodford county. He was married in November, 1847, before he was twenty-one years of age, to Miss Rebecca Boggess, of Anderson county, Kentucky. Soon after his mar- riage with Miss Boggess, he removed to Missouri, and settled in Mont- gomery county, but remained there only one year, till he came to Ray county, January, 1848, where he has ever since resided. After locating in Ray county, Mr. McGinnis engaged in teaching school, at the same time superintending a farm in the botton near Hardin. After three years he abandoned the school-room, and devoted himself exclusively to farm- ing and dealing in live-stock. His first wife died while he was engaged as teacher, and two years after her death he married Miss Laura I. Shaw, daughter of T. L. D. W. Shaw, now deceased. His second wife died in 39 618 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. May, 1865, and he subsequent!}^ married Mrs. Lucinda M. . Duncan, widow of Mr. John Duncan, and daughter of Bennett Stratton, formerly of Ray county. From these three marriages have sprung twenty-one children, live of whom were born to his first wife, five to the second, and eleven to the third, and out of this number only fourteen are living; one of them, Sarah F., is married. She is the wife of James E. Wood, Esq. Mr. McGinnis was justice of the peace of Crooked River township for six years, having been first elected in 1870. During this time he was at once justice of the peace, merchant, and farmer. His store (one of gen- eral merchandise) was in Hardin ; his farm near that village. He also at the same time dealt somewhat extensively in live-stock. In 1876 he was elected sherifl' of Ray county on the democratic ticket, by a large major- ity over his republican competitor. He filled this office with singular efficiency, and at the general election in November, 1878, the people, appreciating his ability as an officer, and admiring him for his many excel- lent traits of character as a private citizen, demanded that he again be their sheriff, and he was elected to a second term without opposition. Captain McGinnis received at this election the largest vote ever cast in the county. By virtue of a law of the state, he was prevented- from availing himself of the general desire of his fellow-citizens to again elect him to the office of sheriff. He was succeeded in office by his son, James T. McGinnis, and retired to his home, about three miles southwest of Richmond, where he now resides on his valuable and well-improved farm, in the enjoyment of the respect and esteem of all the people of Ray county, whom he has served faithfully in important positions of public trust. Of genial disposition, courteous in manners, obliging and agree- able to all, hospitable at his home, capable in office, always sincere, frank and honest, it is not wonderful that Thomas McGinnis is universally pop- ular. No man of decent address and demeanor is denied a seat at his table; he is a generous host, a warm-hearted friend, and in every sense of the word a true gentleman. Captain McGinnis is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and also of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, and has held responsible positions in each. HARVEY HAPPY. This gentleman was born in Lexington, Kentucky, on the 5th day of March, 1831, and there he was educated and continued to live until he was grown. His father, Mr. James Happy, was also a native of the state of Kentucky, and a farmer in Fayette county. Harvey Happy was mar- ried in Boone county, Kentucky, on the 22d day of March, 1850, to Miss Sarah Ann Rosell, daughter of George Rosell, of Boone county. One child, Isabella, was born of this union, and died September 20, 1852. Mrs. Happy died on the 8th day of January, 1854, and Mr. Happy was HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 619 subsequently married to Miss Jane Rosell, sister of his first wife. The issue of this marriage was ten children, nine of whom still survive: Theodosia, wife of J. S. King; Walter, Lee Jackson, Harvey Ray, George Washington, Arthur Stephen, William Franklin, John Neil and Bud. The first child, Fillmore, by the second marriege, died at ,the age of six months. Mr. Happy came from Kentucky to Hardin, Ray county, Missouri, in 1852, and for a time after coming operated a saw mill and then merchandised for about four months at Hardin. Moved to the place he at present occupies (section twenty-one, township fifty-one, range twenty-eight) in 1868. This is a fine farm of two hundred acres of very productive land. Mr. Happy is a member of the "regular" Baptist Church and also of Ada Lodge, No. 444, A. F. & A. M., at Albany. He is a substantial, well-to-do farmer and a good citizen. JOHN P. WEIGLES. John P. Weigles is of German extraction. He was born in Centerville, Illinois, on the 20th day of May, 1855, and educated in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, whither his father moved in 1856. Here his father died and the family afterwards moved to Ray county, Missouri. Our subject has always been engaged in farming. He was married December 26, 1879, to Miss Orlenia A. Loyd. Of this union one child, John Perry, has been born. Mr. Weigles lives upon the Loyd estate, to which his wife is one of five heirs, one and a half miles west of the town of Camden. A number of the heirs are minors and partition of the property can not, in consequence, be made for some time, and in the meantime, Mr. Weigles controls and manages the place. Mrs. Weigles is a worthy member of the Fishing River Regular Baptist Church. MARTIN V. KITE. Was born in Page county, Virginia, March 28, 1837. He attended school at a place called Honeyville. At the age of twent3^-three years he enlisted in the 23d Virginia regiment of Confederate volunteers, and served in the cause of the south throughout the entire war. In the year 1869 he came to Missouri and located in Warren county, where he engaged in milling for about three years, then going to Lafayette county, he purchased a farm and pursued the business of stock-raising for four years. He sold his farm in Lafayette county in the year 1875, and com- ing to Ray county, purchased the Wolf farm, about two miles west of Camden, and has made his home here ever since. Mr. Kite was married while living in Warren county, Missouri, to Miss Jennie Kite, a distant cousin of his. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kite, five of whom are living: David, Donie Salina, Sylvester, Maggie Docia, and 6:20 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Roberta. Their eldest child died in infancy. Mrs. Kite is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, at Camden. Mr. Kite owns a valuable farm, well improved and stocked, and is in a flourishing condition. He is highly esteemed and respected by his neighbors, and is a valuable adjunct of the community in which he lives. ROBERT H. WOODROOF. Was born in Buckingham county, Virginia, on the 9th day of January, 1825. In the same year his father, Wyatt T. Woodroof, moved to St. Louis county, and after staying there one year, to St. Charles county, Missouri. After living there for five years his father died, and the family removed to Warren county, Missouri, where our subject received his edu- cation and grew to manhood. He began farming on his own account, in the year 1852, and has always followed that calling. He came to Ray county in 1869, and buying a farm from Dr. Brashear, (section 20, town- ship 51, range 28,) settled upon it and has continued living there to the present time, (April, 1881). Mr. Woodruff was married on the 22d day of May, 1872, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Mr. George Lillard. They became the parents of two sons, one of whom, Robert L., is now living. Mr. Woodroof owns a valuable farm of three hundred and three acres of excellent land, well improved, with a good comfortable residence, out houses and barn and a tine orchard. He is a leading farmer and valuable citizen of Camden township. WILLIAM COX. This gentleman was born in Hanover county, Virginia, on the 22d day of December, 1820, but was raised in Claiborne county, East Tennessee, whither his father had removed when he was but six years old. Here he grew up on his father's farm. He was engaged with the American army in the war against Mexico. He came to Missouri in 1839 and settled on Crooked river, in Ray county, about six miles northwest of the town of Richmond. His home has been in this county ever since he came first, except some time spent in Carroll county, and about nine years he lived in the state of Nebraska. In 1861 William Cox joined the Confederate army under General Price, and was engaged during the entire war, part of the time with General Price and part under General Jackson. He was also a soldier in the Indian wars in Oregon in 1854 and 1855. Mr. Cox was married in Ray county, Missouri, to Miss Elizabeth Eaton, daughter of Nathan Eaton, Esq., of Tennessee. The issue of this marriage was thir- teen children. Only six of them, three of each sex, are now living. Mr. Cox is a member of the regular Baptist Church, and also of the Farmer's Club. He has just returned to Ray count}^ from Nebraska, after nine HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 621 years so)Ourn there, and having purchased a farm in section eight, town- ship fifty-one, range twenty-eight, intends making his home in this county henceforth during his life. STANTON R. LILLARD. Stanton R. Lillard was born in Madison county, Virginia on the 8th day of May, 1834, and grew up and was educated there. He came to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1856, and was engaged for a year, after his arrival here, in teaming. He was then employed by Thomas Duvall as overseer for the negro workman on his farm. In this capacity he remained for another year, and then went back to Virginia, but staying there only during one winter, he came again to Ray county. Mr. Lillard was married on the 10th day of December, 1862, to Miss EHza J.i daughter of Christopher Allison, Esq., of Ray county. He bought a farm the same year in sections seven and eight, township fifty-one, range twenty-eight, and has lived upon it ever since. He afterwards increased the extent of his first purchase, and now owns three hundred and fifty- seven acres of fine land in Ray county. He is also engaged, to some extent, in breeding and dealing in fine stock. Twelve children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Lillard, eight of whom are living, named as follows John F., born October 11, 1866; Christopher C, born October 10, 1867 Hattie Jane, born January 17, 1870; Elizabeth C, born March 30, 1874 James W., born September 18, 1875; Ludy May, born September 23, 1877 Robert Lee and Mary Francis, twins, born February 11, 1881; George W., William R., and two unnamed infants, are dead. Mr. Lillard was slightly wounded by the terrible cyclone which passed through Richmond June 1, 1878. He is a member of the order of Patrons of Husbandry and also of a later organization called the Farmer's Club. Mr. Lillard is a practical, successful and prosperous farmer. He has made six visits to his native state since he first came away. In 1876 he made an extended tour through the east and attended the centennial exposition at the city of Philadelphia. WM. A. WHITE. William Alexander White was born in Amherst county, Virginia, in the month of May, 1820. He is of English-Irish descent. His father, Mr. Merritt M. White, removed to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1837, and settled upon a farm which he had entered, four miles north of Camden. His father died in 1861, and our subject subsequently bought the old homestead, but after a while he sold it and bought the place upon which he now resides, in sections four and nine, of township fifty-one, range twenty-eight. This farm consists of fhree hundred and thirty acres of very fertile and productive soil. Mr. White also owns another 622 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. tract, of one hundred and forty-four acres, in the same township. He has been a life long farmer, most of the time in Ray county. Wm. A. White was married in the month of November, 1842, to Miss Ann Eliza Williams, daughter of Rev. James Williams, a prominent minister of the Baptist Church, now deceased. Eleven children have been born of this union: Henry Mc, born September 22, 1843; Mary P., born May 21, 1845; George Merritt, born February 7, 1847; Sarah Elizabeth, born September 23, 1848; Martha Ellen, born June 13, 1850; Judith Rosanna, born March 7, 1852; William Andrew, born August 26, 1854; Eliza Anna, born April 5, 1857; John David, born February 25,1859; Rhoda Frances, born April 19, 1861; Lucy Jane, born August 30, 1863. William A. died September 3, 1856, and Rhoda F. died December 13, 1872. The rest are living, and all married except John D. and Lucy J. As the offspring of these various marriages, Mr. White has some thirty or more grandchildren. Both Mr. and Mrs. White have been members of the regular Baptist Church for more than thirty years. In 1876 Mr. White made an extended tour of the eastern states, and even went into Canada. At different times, during this trip, he visited his old friends in Virginia, the United States centennial exposition, Niagara Falls, and other places of interest in the east. THOMAS A. BROWN. Thomas A. Brown was born in Rutherford county, Tennessee, on the 28th day of April, 1815, His father, Thomas B. Brown, removed to Ray county, Missouri, when Thomas was but fifteen years old, and the home of the latter has been in this county ever since. In the year 1835, he entered a farm in section five, township fifty-one, range twenty-eight, and at once began to improve it. He increased the size of this place by sub- sequent purchases, until now it consists of some three hundred acres of rich and valuable land. He also owns a tract of fifty-five acres on Crooked river. Mr. Brown was married November 22, 1838, to Miss Patsy Crow- ley, the daughter of Jeremiah Crowley, Esq., of Ray county. They became the parents of fifteen children, only seven of whom are living at this time (April, 1881). Their names follow: William T., Sarah Ann, Jeremiah, John Franklin, Ellen Catharine, Henry, and Harden Alvin. The names of those dead are: Elizabeth, Mahala, James Calvin (killed at the siege of Vicksburg, during the civil war), Nancy Frances, Martha, Joseph Ashley, Thomas B., and an infant son. Mr. Brown took part in both the " Mormon war," and the " Heatherly war." Both himself and Mrs. Brown are members of the Regular Baptist Church, at New Hope. They joined the church more than thirty-five years ago. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 623 ELIJAH STOUT. Tlie subject of this sketch was born in Culpepper count}-, Virginia, ^ une 24, 1S02. When he was but three years of age, his father, Elijah Stout, Sr., removed to Shelby county, Kentucky, and there our subject was educated and grew up. At the age of thirty-four years he came to Missouri and located in Clay county, where he farmed until the year 1848, and then came to Ray county, Missouri, and bought a farm one mile west of Richmond, known as the Shotwell place. After living upon this farm for seven years, he sold it, purchasing the one upon which he now lives, about five miles southwest of Richmond, He has been all his life engaged in farming. Mr. Stout was married in the year 1826, to Mrs. Nancy Cave, of Woodford county, Kentucky. She died in 1844, and he was again married, to Miss Ann Warder, of Richmond. She, too, died, in 1868, and he was married the third time. His last wife was Miss Liz- zie Priest, daughter of Elias Priest, Esq., of Ray county. Mr. Stout belongs to the Missionar}^ Baptist Church, at Albany. He is now well advanced in years. By his enterprise and industry he has earned a com- petency, and surrounded himself, now, in his declining years, with those material comforts which serve to lengthen out a green old age, and make the evening of life bright and happy. JOHN STEVINSON. John Stevinson is a native of Kentucky. He was born in Clark county, that state, on the 18th day of May, 1827. Here he received his education, and lived until he had attained his majority. He was married in Clark county, on the 24th of August, 1848, to Miss Mary Ann Stone, daughter of Dudley Stone, Esq., of that county. He purchased a farm and Conducted business upon it until the spring of 1855, when he sold his farm in Kentucky, and removed to Jackson county, Missouri, and located near Lee's Summit. Here he resided until the war troubles of 1863 came. At this time General Thomas Ewing issued his famous "order number eleven," banishing the people from their homes, and our subject came to Ray county. After renting land for three years, Mr. Stevinson bought a farm in section six, township fifty-one, range twenty-eight, and section one, township fifty-one, range twenty-nine, and has lived there ever since. He has recovered from the losses sustained by the war, and is now in a very prosperous condition. He gives attention chiefly to grain raising, and the breeding of fine varieties of live stock. Nine children have been born to Mr. and Mrs, Stevinson, six of whom are living at the present time (April, 1881), named as follows: Mary Eliza- beth, Asa, Williamson, James, John, Sarah Mildred. Those dead are: Margaret Ann, Eliza Catherine, and an infant son. Mrs. Stevinson and the eldest daughter belong to the Christian Church. 624 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. WILLIS WORLEY. This gentleman is a native of Jefferson county, Tennessee, and was*^ born on the 17th of January, 1817. His father, Mr. William Worley, Sr., was a large land owner, and an early settler in Tennessee. At the early age of sixteen years, our subject left home and went to Kentucky. During the succeeding fourteen years he led a very nomadic life as a stock drover to the southern markets. In 1849 he went to Illinois, and farmed for one season, and then returned to Kentucky. He was married on the 27th day of September, 1849, to Miss Eliza J. Ogg, daughter of Mr. William Ogg, of Madison county, Kentucky. This estimable lady was educated in Madison county, Kentucky, and during several years of her life, was engaged in teaching school there. She was a very efficient, successful and popular teacher. Soon after his marriage, Mr. Worley returned to Illinois, and lived there until 1854. In the autumn of that year he came to Missouri, and, after stopping one winter in Lafayette county, settled on a farm three miles northeast of Orrick, in Ray county. In the year 1867 he bought the Wm. Graham farm, adjoining his place, and now has two hundred and twenty acres of valuable land, all in one tract. He added greatly to the beauty and value of his place by erect- ing, in 1868, a large and commodious dwelling house. Mrs. Worley is a leading member of the Christian Church, at High Point. L. D. PRIEST. Luke D. Priest was born in Montgomery county, Kentucky, on the 15th day of May, 1819, and there received his education. After two or three successive removals to diflerent parts of Kentucky, his father, Mr. Elias Priest, in 1835, came to Missouri. He spent the winter after his arrival in Saline county, and the next year came to Ray county and remained here until his death. Luke D. Priest was married in 1841, to Miss Sarah J. Goe, daughter of Mr. Noble Goe, of Ray county. After his marriage he farmed for two or three years near the present town of Haller, then selling his farm there, he purchased the one on which he now resides, five miles southwest of Richmond. With the exception of six years he lived near Todd's chapel, Mr. Priest has occupied his present place ever since he first bought it. He served eight years as justice of the peace in Richmond township. In the fall of 1864, he was elected by the democrats to the office of public administrator of Ray county. At the expiration of the term, two years, the law having undergone a change, he was appointed by the probate court to the office for another term. Thus he filled the office of public administrator for eight consecutive years and discharged the duties efficiently and to the entire satisfaction of his constituency. Since he retired from office, he has given his attention almost exclusively, with the exception «f one year he had a brick yard at HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 625 Richmond, to farming. Mr. Priest and wife became the parents of twelve 'children, eight of whom are now living: Margaret J., Sarah A., William D., Charles E., Catlett S., Luke M., Virginia A. and George M. Those dead are: Mary Elizabeth, Robert D., Armand and an infant son. Mr. Priest is a prosperous farmer, a good neighbor and a prominent, highly respected and influential citizen of Ray county, ELIJAH HAPPY. Was born in Fayette county, Kentucky, August 2, 1833. He received his education in the schools of his native county, and at the age of seven- teen years came with his father to Missouri, and located in Ray county. Ten years later he operated a saw mill for the space of about four years, and then, buying land a few miles southwest of Richmond, he began farming and has continued in that business ever since. Mr. Happy was married on the 21st day of April, 1853, to Miss Marcella E. Reed, daughter of Mr. Dav^id Reed, of Carroll county, Missouri. Eleven children were the issue of this union, six of whom are now living, named as follows: Harvey W., John C, James D., Augustus G., Eddie G. and Ursula Alice. Following are the names of those that are dead: Mary C, Fannie L., Virginia A., Elijah S. and George C. Mr, and Mrs. Happy, with three of their children, are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Mr. Happy is, also, a member of the Richmond Lodge of A. F. & A. M. He owns a fine farm of two hundred acres, in a good state of cultivation; and is one of the most substantial farmers, and valua- ble citizens of his neighborhood. GEORGE M. AUSTIN. The subject of this sketch was born in Garrard county, Kentucky, August 1, 1829. He remained in his native county, occupied in farming, until the year 1856, when he emigrated to Missouri and stopped first for a few months in Cass county. In the month of February, 1857, he came to Ray county, and located on a farm, southeast of the city of Richmond, where he lived until 1865, and then removed to his present place, (section 5, township 50, range 28). He owns one hundred acres of good land, one half of which is in cultivation, with a neat, comfortable residence and other buildings. Mr. Austin served in the local militia, for six months, in time of the late civil war. He was married in Cass county, Missouri, in the month of December, 1856, to Miss Martha S. Bright, a native of Lin- coln county, Kentucky. They became the parents of nine children, six of whom are now living: Jefferson, Mary E., Claudia, Katy, Lucy and Pearl. Mr. Austin and his wife are consistent members of the Christian Church. He is a well-to-do farmer, and an influential and public spirited citizen. 626 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. JAMES VANDEVEER. James Vandeveer is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born, December 28, 1850, and has lived, all his life, in this county. His father, Louis Vandeveer, is a native of Kentucky, and settled in this county in the year 1839. Mr. Vandeveer has been engaged, since leaving school, at farming. He owns a fine farm of two hundred acres, half of which is in cultivation, and well improved and stocked. He is engaged, to a con- siderable extent, in raising good breeds of live-stock. He also deals in stock. Mr. Vandeveer was married in this county, February 27, 1873, to Miss Ann Offutt, a native, also, of Ray county, Missouri. They are the parents of five children, living: Perry, Cora, Esley, and Charles. Mr. Vandeveer is a rising and prosperous young farmer and stock-raiser, and a valuable member of the community. A. B. REMLEY. Arthur B. Remley was born in Ray county, Missouri, September 12, 1866. He is the son of Adam and Pulaski H. Remley. His father was a native of Kentucky. His mother was born in Virginia, and is yet living in this county. Mr. Remley was married, in this county, April 18, 1880,, to Miss Rachel Jackson, a native of Ray county, Missouri. They became the parents of one child, Arthur R. Mrs. Remley died March 24, 1881, and her untimely death was deeply mourned by her large circle of rela- tives and friends. Mr. Remley is engaged in farming and stock-raising, and has also taught school with good success. He is an intelligent, active, enterprising young man, and enjoys the confidence and high regard of the community in which he lives. WILLIAM ARTMAN. William Artman was born in Ray county, Missouri, September 26, 1832. He attended the district schools of his father's neighborhood, and worked on the homestead farm until he attained his majority, and then went to Bates county, Missouri, where he was engaged in farming for ten years. At the expiration of that time, he removed to Moniteau county, Missouri, and after living there three years, returned to his native county and has resided here continuously ever since. In 1861, while living in Bates county, Mr. Artman enlisted in company C, 2d Confederate Missouri vol- unteers, and was in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek and others He was discharged in 1862, on account of physical disability for mili- itary service. Mr. Artman was married in this county, September 16, 1875, to Miss Letitia Vandeveer, a native of Barton county, Missouri. They have two children: Angeline and Louis. Mr. Artman is a good,, successful farmer, and a respected and valuable citizen. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 627 T. W. GORTON. Thaddeus W. Gorton was born in Steuben county, New York, April 30, 1834. He received his education and grew to manhood in his native state, and then in the year 1858, he went to Green Bay, Wisconsin, and, after remaining there for a time, went to Atchison, Kansas, where he was engaged during the spac^ of four years, in the lumber business. From Kansas he went to Idaho territory, and spent about two years prospect- ing and exploring in the Rocky mountains, at the expiration of which time he returned to Kansas, and came from there to Ray county, Mis- souri, in the autumn of 1869, and has resided in this county ever since. He is now engaged in farming and operating a large saw mill. He owns 500 acres of excellent land, 200 acres in cultivation and the balance in pasture and wood lands. He has a good, comfortable residence, and his farm is well stocked and equipped. Mr. Gorton was married August 19, 1868, to Miss Diana Black, a native of the state of Kentucky. They are the parents of one child : Charles L. Mr. Gorton devotes some con- siderable attention to stock raising, and his farm is well adapted to make that business very successful. He is a valuable member of the community an da good citizen. R. B. HALIGAN. Robert B. Haligan was born in Fayette county, Kentucky, March 11, 1856. His parents, William G. and D. A. Haligan, were also natives of the state of Kentucky. They removed, when Robert was fourteen years of age, to Ray county, Missouri, and settled upon the same farm he now occupies. His father died in 1873, and his mother the year following. Mr. Haligan was married on the 14th day of June, 1874, in this county, to Miss Martha Farris, a native of Ray county. They have one child, Robert P. The subject of this sketch has been engaged in farming and stock-raising in this county ever since leaving school. He owns a third interest in his father's homestead, a tine farm of three hundred acres of valuable land, about two hundred acres in a fine state of cultivation and enclosed by good substantial fences. This farm is improved by a com- fortable and conveniently arranged dwelling house, a substantial and roomy barn, and other buildings. It is also supplied with an abundance of water for the accommodation of stock, and has a thrifty, bearing orchard. Mr. Haligan is a rising young farmer, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him. He is now serving as justice of the peace, to which office he was appointed by the county court in March, 1881. 628 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ANDREW J. RIFFE. The gentleman whose name heads this article is a native of Casey county, Kentucky. He is the son of John and Mary Riffe, and was born on the 6th day of April, 1828. His parents removed to Missouri and set- tled in Ray county when he was eleven years of age, and he was educated and grew up in this county. In the month of April, 1850, in company with five other young men from the same vicinity, he 'went, with the hope of bettering his fortunes, to the gold mines of the far west. After spend- ing six months in a tedious overland trip, suffering great hardships, and running the gauntlet of hostile bands of Indians, he and his companions arrived in California. Mr. Rifle remained in California and other parts of the west, until July, 1851, and then returned to his home in Ray county. He owns an excellent farm of two hundred and forty acres, about one hundred and sixty acres in cultivation, forty acres in pasture, and the remainder woodland. His farm is under good substantial fences, well watered and in a fine state of productiveness. It lies conveniently near good schools, churches and markets. Mr. Rifle was married February 6, 1854, to Miss Angeline Dorton, a native of the state of Kentucky. They became the parents of eight children, only three of whom are now living: Charles, Lizzie and Archie. Mr. Rifle and his wife are active members of the Christian Church. He is a prosperous farmer and a val- uable and influential citizen. ETHBERT M. ENDSLEY. Ethbert M. Endsley was born in Ray county, Missouri, June 18, 1834. He is the son of John and Hannah Endsley. His father first came to this county about the year 1819. The subject of this sketch lived on his father's farm until the spring of 1852, when he went to California, and engaged there in mining and other pursuits during about five years, returning to this county in 1857. Having been occupied so long (nearly six months), in going to California overland, he chose the ocean route on the return trip, sailing from San Francisco to the Isthmus of Panama, and returning home from there by boat. In 1864, Mr. Endsley went to Salt Lake City, Utah, and thence to Montana Territory, where he engaged for about a year in freighting with teams, after which he came back again to this county, and has lived here ever since. Mr. Endsley owns a good stock farm of four hundred and eighty-three acres, about ninet}^ acres of tillable land, and the balance in pasture and woodlands. He is largely engaged in raising the best breeds of live stock, and pays particu- lar attention to Short-horn cattle. His farm is handsomely improved, and well arranged and conducted. It bears a thrifty and prosperous appear- ance. Mr. Endsley has been twice married. First, December 27, 1857, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 629 in this county, to Miss Eliza M. Vance, a native of the state of North Carolina. They became the parents of nine children, seven of whom are now living, viz: Amanda, Alice B., Ethbert M. , John N., Everett, Fanny, Eliza M. Mrs. Endsley died in the month of June, 1873, and he was acrain married, September 15, 1875, to Mariah L. Owens, a native of Ray county, Missouri. Both Mr. Endsley and his wife are leading members of the Christian Church. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, of the Grange and of the Farmers' Club. He is a highly esteemed citi- zen, and a valuable member of the community. ZAZA D. RALPH. Zaza D. Ralph is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born November 27, 1830. He received his education and grew up to manhood's estate in his native county. In 1864, he went to the great west and spent seven months on the plains, returning again to this county. He was mar- ried December 24, 1850, to Miss Martha A. Simpson, a native of Virginia, born February 1, 1836. They became the parents of seven children: Mary, born December 12, 1851; Jessie B., born July 20, 1854; Ella, born August 7, 1857; Lucy A., born November 10, 1860; Fanny A., born March 1, 1864; Zula D., born August 6, 1866; Laura L., born June 5, 1869. Mr. Ralph owns a fine farm of six hundred and forty acres, six hundred acres enclosed b}^ good fences and about four hundred acres in cultivation. This farm is handsomely improved and well stocked with the best breeds of horses, mules, cattle, hogs and sheep. He pays partic- ular attention to raising fine cattle and has made that branch of his busi- ness very successful and profitable. He is also engaged in buying and selling live stock. Mr. ReJph and his wife with their eldest daughter are members of the Christian Church. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Grange. Mr. Ralph is a prosperous farmer and stock dealer and influential citizen, and a man highly respected and esteemed in the community. RICHARD. W. BATES. The subject of this sketch was born in Ray count}'^, Missouri, Feb- ruary 14, 1847. His parents were William and Zerilda Bates. His father is a native of Virginia, he came from that state to Ray county, in the year 1835, and is yet living here in his sixty-seventh year. His mother (Zerilda) w^as born in the state of Kentucky. Our subject remained at home, with his parents, working on the farm in summer, and attending such schools as he could have access to, in the winter, until he attained his majority. Richard W. Bates was married in the month of January, 1871, by Rev. Mr. Newland, of the M. E. Church, to Miss Mary Miller. She lived only about eighteen months after marriage, and 630 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. her early demise was much lamented by a large circle of friends and relatives. Mr. Bates was again married March 22, 1877, by Rev. J. M. Wheeler, of the Baptist Church, to Miss P. Gaut, daughter of Joshua R. and Winnie A. Gaut, natives of the state of North Carolina. She was born in Ray county, Missouri, March 18, 1846. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Bates, named, Sallie, date of birth, October 30, 1871. Mr. Bates owns one hundred and fifty-four acres of good land, one hun- dred and fifteen acres under cultivation, the rest growing timber of good quality. He is also engaged, to a considerable extent, in raising and feed- ing live stock. Mr. Bates is a practical, successful farmer, and a good citizen. REV. WILLIAM C. GARRETT. William C. Garrett was born in Pulaski county, Kentucky, April 23, 1823, and continued to live there, with his parents, until he was fifteen years of age. The family then emigrated from Kentucky to Jackson county, Missouri, where they lived during one summer, and then removed to Buchanan county, Missouri. Mr. Garrett was married on the 20th day of February, 1840, by Reverend Benjamin Riley, of the Christian Church, to Miss Milly Kerns, who was born in Russell county, Kentucky, Janu- ary 13, 1821. Five children have been born to bless this union. Their names, with dates of birth, follow : James M., born May 25, 1841; John W., born May 2, 1843; Sarah J., born March 26, 1845; Mary A., born June 1, 1849; William F., born October 26, 1857. In the year 1845 our subject moved to Andrew county, Missouri, where he lived three years, and then went to DeKalb county, Missouri, and remained there until 1854, when he removed to Henry county, Missouri. From there he went to Jefferson county, Kansas, and thence, after a time, to Pottawattamie county, Kansas, where he lived until 1874, and then came to Ray county, Missouri, where he located permanently, and has since resided. Mr. Garrett has been an active minister of the Regular Baptist Church for more than thirty-eight years. In the discharge of his ministerial labors he has traveled thousands of miles, and often been subjected to great hardships. Often he was compelled to walk long distances — sometimes as far as sixty miles — to keep an appointment that had been made for him to preach. His life has been that of the pioneer preacher, and he has wrought well and faithfully in the vineyard where the Master assigned him work. He is a very successful preacher, and is universally respected and revered by the members of his flock. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 631 DR. H. B. HAMILTON. Henry B. Hamilton was born in Lincoln county, Kentucky, July 18, 1822. His parents, Thomas and Rachel Hamilton, were also natives of Kentucky, and immigrated from that state to Ray county, Missouri, when Henry was about ten years old. After completing the course of study taught in the schools of his adopted county, our subject returned to Ken- tucky and entered the medical department of Transylvania University, and graduated from that institution of learning in 1847. He returned to Ray county and commenced the practice of his chosen profession, and has continued it ever since with abundant success. Dr. Hamilton was married May 8, 1849, to Miss Elizabeth R. Craig, by Rev. John Walker of the Christian Union Church, in Ray county, Missouri. Mrs. Hamilton is the daughter of John and Susannah Craig. She was born December 25, 1833. Her father was a native of the state of Pennsylvania, her mother of North Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton became the parents of two children : Charles L., born October 22, 1858; Claude C, born April 17, 1866. Dr. Hamilton was engaged in merchandising in company with J. R. Green, at Hainesvill, in Clinton county, Missouri, from 1853 to 1857. He then occupied and improved a tract of land which he had- entered in Caldwell county, Missouri. This farm he exchanged for a stock of goods and engaged in merchandising again for about a year, at ftingston, Caldwell county, and then came to Richmond and engaged in the same business for the space of one year. He then returned to his farm where he has ever since lived, occupied in attending to the duties of his large practice. His son Charles L., graduated from the St. Louis Medical College in the spring of 1880, and is now associated with his father in the practice of medicine. Both father and son belong to the allopathic school of medicine. w J. O. KILLGROVE. James O. Killgrove was born in Carroll county, Arkansas, June 6, 1846. His parents were John H. and Lucinda C. Killgrove, natives of North Carolina. Our subject continued to live at home with his parents, until the commencement of the civil war. He enlisted in company A, second Arkansas volunteer cavalry, which was assigned to service in Arkansas and Missouri, against the army of the Confederate General Price. He was discharged May 17, 1865, at St. Louis. His father had removed to he Perry county, Illinois, during his term of service in the army, and hither went, after being discharged, to join the family. After living in Illinois for three years, he went back to Arkansas, and was there married, in Johnson county, to Miss Mary A. Barnett, June 9, 1872, by Rev. Mr. Canada, of the M. E. Church. Mrs. Killgrove was born January 30, 1847. She is the daughter of Josephus and Jane R. Barnett, natives of 632 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the state of Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Killgrove became the parents of five children: Ellsworth L., born March 16, 1873; T. E., born January 21, 1875; Winona A., born January 28, 1S77; Osborne E., born January 28, 1879. Ellsworth died August 19, 1874. In 1873 he immigrated to the state of Texas, where he lived for more than two years, and then returned to Ray county, Missouri, and has since lived here. Mr. Kill- grove owns a neat, nicely improved farm, and is doing a thriving business. He is highly regarded by all of the community in which he lives, and is a valuable and influential citizen. ISSA H. NATION. Is the son of W. K. and Nancy Nation. He was born in Daviess county, Missouri, January 31, 1851. His father was a native of Kentucky, and his mother of Missouri. Our subject left home at the age of nineteen years, and going to Polk county, Missouri, engaged in herding stock there, for about eighteen months, and then returned to Daviess county. Mr. Nation was married February 11, 1877, to Miss Maria McGhee, the daughter of William and Orlatha McGhee. She was born May 30, 1853. The issue of this marriage has been three children, two of whom are now living: Lorenzo, born February 11, 1878; George R., born March 14, 1881. The principal occupation of our subject has always been farm- I ing, though he has engaged at carpentering also, at different times during life. Both Mr. Nation and his wife are leading members of the Mission- ary Baptist Church at Rockfall. He is a thrifty, enterprising and suc- cessful farmer and good citizen. THOMAS S. VAUGHN. Is a native of Lincoln county, Kentucky, and was born April, 1822. His parents were Newman and Precia Vaughn, natives of the state of North Carolina. When Thomas was fifteen years of age, his parents moved to Bond county, Illinois, and resided there until 1846, when our subject returned to Kentucky, and remained there three years, and then went to California. From that state he traveled for about six years, going to the Sandwich Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, and to other places of interest. Returning once more to his native state, he remained there for a short time, and then removed to Illinois for a time. From Illinois he came to Ray county, Missouri, and located where he now lives, and pur- sued the avocation of cabinet- making for about fifteen years. Since that time he has been engaged in the business of farming. In the month of April, 1857, Mr. Vaughn was married to Miss Sarah A. McCullum, daughter of Williamson and Mary J. McCullum, natives of Tennessee. The marriage ceremony was performed by Reverend Samuel P. Johnson, of the Christian Church. The result of this union has been five children, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 633 all but one of whom are living: * Laura, born February, 1858 (now the wife of W. J. Craig); Josie E., born August, 1872; Charlie T., born February, 1875; John R., born November, 1880. Both Mr. Vaughn and his wife are members of the Christian Church, and also of the Crab Orchard Grange, P. of H. Mr. Vaughn owns a fine fertile farm, well improved, and in a good state of cultivation. He is a valuable citizen and is held in universal respect and esteem by his neighbors. LILBURN C. HARRIS. This gentleman was born in East Tennessee on the 20th day of Novem- ber, 1830. When he was only two years old, his parepts, James and Jane Harris, also natives of Tennessee, immigrated with him to Howard county, Missouri, and after a short time spent there, to Ray county, where the family located permanently, on the farm where our subject now resides. His father died when Lilburn was but fourteen years old, and the care and support of the family devolved, in a large measure, upon him. The family consisted of eight persons, and young Lilburn's duties at home were too arduous to allow him much time for attending school, and his education was, in consequence, somewhat limited. At the age of twenty years, Mr. Harris was married, in February, 1850, to Miss Mary Clark, by John E. Wells, justice of the peace. After his marriage he was engaged at farming until the outbreaking of the civil war. In 1862 he was enrolled in the militia and served until 1864, when he enlisted in com- pany B, 44th Missouri regiment of volunteer infantry. He participated in the battles of Duck River, Springhills, Franklin, Nashville, Cedar Point, and Spanish Fort. He was discharged August 15, 1865, and imme- mediately returned home to his family. His wife died in August, 1866, leaving him with seven young children. He was again married, April 10, 1867, by Judge McKissack, of Ray county, to Miss Salina J. Veach. She too, died, after becoming the mother of two children, June 29, 1869, and Mr. Harris was married the third time, November 20, 1880, to Miss; Margaret A. Clark, sister of his first wife. This ceremony was per- formed by William Brown, justice of the peace. The third Mrs. Harris was born March 30, 1832. She is the daughter of R. and Nancy Clark. Her father was a native of Kentucky, and her mother of North Carolina. Ten children have been born to Mr. Harris by his different marriages, seven of whom are now living and three dead. Their names with dates of birth are as follows: Sarah E., born July 6, 1851; Elijah J., born November 4, 1852; Margaret, born February 21, 1856; Marcus L., born July 7, 1861; Nancy E., born August 14, 1864;^Benuretta, born December 30, 1867; Willemetta, born May 30, 1869; Hannajj A., born January 13, 1858, died January 19, 1872; JuHa F., born September 30, 1854, died. May, 40 634 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 1873; Georgia A., born May 5, 1859, died July 19, 1872. Mrs. Harris is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. James Harris, father of our subject, was born January 17, 1804, and died September 25, 1844. His mother (Jane), was born August 4, 1810, and died in the month of Feb- ruary, 1878. JUDGE WILLIAM McKISSACK. William McKissack was born in Cocke county, Tennessee, September 1, 1812. His parents removed when he was only seven years old to Mis- souri, and, locating first in Saline county, lived there for three years, and then came to Ray county, and settled upon the same place where Judge McKissack now lives. Our subject was educated in the schools of this county, and remained at home with his parents until nineteen years of age, and then commenced farming on his own account. In the month of December, 1832, William McKissack was married to Miss Rachel Odell, by Elder Turnadge, of Ray county. Mrs. McKissack is the daughter of Isaac and Nancy Odell, natives of Tennessee. She was born in the month of December, 1815, in the state of Indiana, whither her parents had removed. Ten children have been born to Judge and Mrs. McKis- sack, only four of whom are now living. John enlisted in company B, 44th Missouri volunteers, and died at New Orleans April 11, 1865, and was buried there. Simon enlisted in the 3d regiment of Missouri cav- alry, in which he was orderly sergeant, and was killed June 8, 1862, at the battle of Springfield. His remains were brought home and interred in the Odell cemetery. Sarah, who married George P. Clevinger, is now deceased. Isaac is also dead. James enlisted in company B, 44th regi- ment Missouri volunteer infantry, and was killed in the engagement at Franklin, Tennessee, and buried on the battle-field. Martha married James Woods, and is now living near her father's home. WilHam is mar- ried, and lives in Vernon county, Missouri. Mary Ann married John Connerford, and now lives in Kansas. Moses is unmarried, and still at home with his parents. Two children, unnamed, died in infancy. Wil- liam McKissack was judge of the county court of this county for ten years. He has also served as justice of the peace for a number of years. He and Mrs. McKissack are leading members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Judge McKissack is one of the oldest, most highly respected, prominent and influential citizens of Ray county. J. D. ROWLAND. Jesse D. Rowland is the son of D. and Rachel Rowland, and was born in the territory of Indiana, September 6, 1816. While an infant his parents removed with him to Missouri, and located in Saline county, where they Hved for three years, and then came to Ray county and set- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 635 tied on a farm (section three, township fifty-two, range twenty-nine), where our subject resided until his marriage. He was married March 1, 1839, to Miss Mar}^ P. Lyman, by Hiram Warner, of the Christian Church. Mrs. Rowland is the daughter of Asa and Sarah Lyman, natives of the state of New Hampshire, who immigrated to Missouri in the year 1840. She was born February 7, 1818. The issue of this union was twelve children, three of whom are now dead. Their names and dates of birth follow, viz: Lyman H., born October 2, 1841; Rhoda, born M«rch 3, 1843; George R., born January 16, 1845; Willard J., born December 18, 1846; Clarissa J., born January 24, 1849; Mary E., born November 25, 1851; Jesse D., born October 2, 1852; Rachel, born October 17, 1854; Asa D., born July 7, 1860; Maria L., born April 10, 1840, and died in 1869; Milly M., born May 12, 1857, died May, 1876; Thomas E., born April 28, 1859, died August 23, 1860. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland united with the old school Baptist Church in the year 1838 and he is, also, a member of the Albany Grange, P. of H. Mr. Rowland has been a life- long farmer and now owns an excellent farm, well improved and stocked with good breeds of live stock. His business is very prosperous and he enjoys the confidence and respect of all who know him. FRANKLIN J. ROSS. The subject of this sketch was born in Casey county, Kentucky, May 17, 1831. His parents were Matthias and Adaline Ross. His father was born in Duchess county. New York, and his mother in Lincoln county, Kentucky. In the year 1833, his parents removed to Illinois, and after living in that state for ten years, to Ray county, Missouri, and settled near where the village of Albany now stands. Our subject remained at home and engaged in working on the farm until he was eighteen years of age, and then went out into the world to fight the battle of life for himself. He began at first laboring for wages upon the farms of his neighbors and continued working in this way until 1850, when he went to California and engaged there in mining for about eighteen months with fair success. He returned home by water via the Panama route. Franklin J. Ross was married March 20, 1855, to Miss Hannah Riffe. Two daughters were born of this union. Mrs. Ross died June 4, 1864, and Mr. Ross was again married October 9, 1866, to Miss Amanda Brosher. They became the parents of one daughter; and, after living about five years after her marriage the second Mrs. Ross, also died January 27, 1872. Our subject was married the third time, June 1, 1874, to Miss Alice Roselle. Mr. Ross was principally engaged in farming until 1870, when he began mer- chandising at the town of Orrick and has since continued in that business, very successfully, at the same place. He has three daughters. Mary J., was married to Mr. William Richie and is now living in Utah Territory. 636 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V. Laura died March 16, 1881. The youngest, Amanda, born March 16, 18T1, is living at home with her parents. Mr. Ross is a popular, pros- perous business man and a valuable citizen. HENRY C. PERDUE. Henry C. Perdue was born in Buckingham county, Virginia, October 12, 1836, and is the son of Josiah and Virginia Perdue, natives of the same state. The family emigrated to Missouri in the year 1845, and set- tled on a farm in Ray county. His father died in 1859, and our subject, in consequence, received only limited advantages for acquiring an educa- tion. Mr. Perdue was married on the 1st day of June, 1861, to Miss Mary E. Ballard, daughter of W. H. and Jane Ballard, natives of Albe- marle county, Virginia. Five children, now living, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Perdue. Their names, with dates of birth, are the following: Henry D., born March 3, 1863; Minnie, born February 27, 1865; Mary E., born December 12, 1868; Emmett, born August 3,1873; Melvin,born July 28, 1877. Mrs. Perdue died April 26, 1879. She was a very esti- mable lady, greatly beloved by her friends, and her death was deeply mourned by her bereaved husband and family. Prior to the year 1861, Mr. Perdue was engaged almost exclusively in farming. At the com- mencement of the war between the states, he joined his fortunes with the cause of the south, and enlisted in company A, commanded by Captain (afterward Lieutenant-Colonel) Reeves. He participated in the battles of Carthage and Wilson's Creek, besides other skirmishes. At the last named fight he received a wound, which disabled him, and he was absent, in consequence, from the command until Christmas, following the date of the battle. He was discharged at Springfield, Missouri, in January, 1862, and returned home to this county, where he was soon after taken by the Federal authorities, and thrown into prison at Lexington, from which he was subsequently paroled. Mr. Perdue is now engaged in business in company with Mr. M. S. Laforgee, at Orrick, in this county, under the firm name of Perdue & Laforgee, druggists. M. S. LEFORGEE. Milton S. Leforgee was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, October 2, 1840. His parents were Nathan and Mary Leforgee, natives of the state of Kentucky. He received his education in his native county, and remained there at home with his parents, until outbreaking of the civil war. Then he joined the Confederate army, and fought bravely through- out the entire war, in defense of the cause he honestly believed to be just, and in the interest of the sunny land he loved so well. In company C, second (Kentucky) battalion ot mounted rifles, he participated in the fol- lowing battles: Louisa, (Kentucky) Chicamauga, McMinville, Anderson's HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 637 Cross Roads, Cove Gap, King's Salt Works, Cleveland, (Tennessee,) Charleston, (Tennessee) Mt. Sterling, (Kentucky) Smithville, besides numerous skirmishes. He was discharged May 3, 1865, and at once returned to his home in Kentucky. He emigrated to Missouri, in 1869, and settled in Ray county. He is now engaged in partnership with Mr. H. C. Perdue, in the drug Ipusiness, at the town of Orrick. Messrs. Perdue and Leforgee, are thrifty, enterprising, popular and successful business men. D. A. RHODES. Dennis A. Rhodes was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, June 13, 1847. His parents were William P. and Henrietta S. Rhodes. His father was born in Montgomery county, Maryland, and his mother in Accomac county, Virginia. In the year 1857, when our subject was ten years of age, the family removed to Hagerstown, Maryland. Here, Dennis was educated at the Academy in that place, an excellent institution. After living at Hagerstown for ten years, he emigrated to Ray county, Missouri, and settled at Orrick. He engaged as clerk with J. G. Brown, a mer- chant of that place, and continued m the duties of that position for two years and a half, and then went to Richmond, Virginia, and spent three months with his brother, who was doing business in that city. At the ■end of that time his brother sold his property in the city of Richmond and came with our subject to Orrick (this county), where they*, in partnership, opened a general merchandise store, and conducted it together, for one year. Then, his brother removed to Camden, Ray county, and Dennis Rhodes continued the business alone. He was married, September 3, 1877, to Miss Isabella Roth wick, daughter of William and Matilda Roth- wick. She was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, in March, 1853. They are the parents of two children: Mareb A., born, March 8, 1879; Matilda R., born, May 20, 1880. In addition to his general merchandise business, Mr. Rhodes is also conducting a large hardware store. He carries stock to the amount of $7,000.00, and also owns the lots upon which his stores are situated. He has a comfortable and conveniently appointed home, and is in a very prosperous condition. He is a leading member of Albany lodge. No. 444, A. F, & A. M. GEORGE W. MITCHELL. The young gentleman whose name heads this sketch was born in Mason county, Kentucky, November 16, 1852. His parents were George W. and Minerva Mitchell, also natives of the state of Kentucky. The family emigrated to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1859, and located on a farm in the vicinity of the town of Orrick. In the acquisition of an educa- tion, our subject was at^brded only such advantages as the common schools 638 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. of the neighborhood possessed. After leaving school young Mitchell engaged in various avocations until two years ago, when he entered the hardware and agricultural implement trade at Orrick, in which business he has been engaged with good success ever since. He is an accommodat- ing, popular and rising merchant, and although young in years, is pos- sessed of good, practical judgment, and a degree of business acumen sel- dom seen in men of more mature years. He can not fail of abundant suc- cess in the future. ELIJAH B. BAILEY. Elijah B. Bailey was born in Casey county, Kentucky, September 27, 1829. He is the son of Samuel and Rebecca Bailey. His father was born in Lincoln county, Kentucky ; his mother, in Nelson county, Virginia. Mr. Bailey received his education, and grew up in his native state. He learned the trade of a saddler and harness-maker, in the town of Danville, Kentuck}^, and in the year 1853, emigrated to Missouri, and, finally, located at Orrick, in Ray county, and has ever since lived there. Mr. Bailey was first married, August 12, 1855, to Miss Miriam T. Stanley, the daughter of Larkin and Elizabeth Stanley, natives of the state of North Carolina. Mrs. Bailey died in January, 1861, and Mr. Bailey was again married, in September, of that year, to Mrs. Betty S. Ross, daughter of Thomas and Nancy Anderson, natives of Tennessee. The second Mrs. Bailey lived twelve years after her marriage, dying December 18, 1873. Mr. Bailey was married the third time, September 17, 1874, to Mrs. Eliza- beth Good, daughter of William and Sallie Roberts, natives of Adair county, Kentucky. Mr. Bailey has seven children living, and two dead. Their names, with dates of births and deaths, follow: George L., born June 18, 1860; Edmond S., born December 22, 1862; William T., born February 6, 1865; Kate L., born February 10, 1868; Beltie B., born March 25, 1871; Lucetta G., born December 9, 1873; Dora, born Sep- tember 4, 1876; Benjamin F., died in 1876, and Jennie in 1879. In the year 1869 Mr. Bailey made a visit to Kentucky, and spent two years in that state. He is now engaged in the saddle and harness manufacturing business at Orrick. He commands a large patronage, and is an excellent workman. W. R. ERWIN. William R. Erwin was born in Oneida county. New York, on the 5th day of February, 1847. At the early age of fourteen years, he enlisted in company K, 146th New York regiment of Zouave volunteers, as a pri- vate, and was engaged in the battles of Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville, second Bull Run, Culpepper C. H., Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania C. H., Fort Wagoner, Cold Harbor, Fort Fisher, and numerous miSTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 639 skirmishes. He was discharged in the month of June, 1865, at Raleigh, North Carolina, and returned to his home in the state of New York, Soon after, he went to Montana Territory, and engaged as clerk in a store there, for two years. He then went to the state of Texas, and, after staying there for a short time, to Colorado. From there he came to Kansas City, Missouri, in the year 1870, and the same year he went to Indian Territory, where he remained for two years, and then, returning to Missouri, located at the town of Orrick, in this county, where he has since resided. Mr. Erwin was married, in the month of February, 1877, to Miss Sarah E. Sheppard, daughter of David and Mariah Sheppard, natives of the state of Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin have one child, Lawrence, born April 14, 1879. Mr. Erwin is now dealing in groceries and provisions, at Orrick, and commands a good patronage. N. B. PIGG. The subject of this sketch is a native of Ray county, Missouri, and was born January 12, 1847. His parents were W. J. and Julia A. Pigg. His father was born in the state of Kentucky. N. B. Pigg was educated in the schools of this county, and lived with his parents, working on the farm until he was twenty-five years of age. He was married, December 25, 1874, to Miss Mary Embree, daughter of Benjamin and S. E. Embree, natives of the state of Kentucky. She was born July 4, 1854. From 1870 to 1873, Mr. Pigg clerked in the dry goods store of E. T. Dardon. His father then bought an interest in the store, and our subject was employed to conduct it one year longer. At the expiration of that time he returned to the farm, and was engaged in farming during about six years. He then engaged in the general merchandise and agricultural trade at Orrick, and is still successfully conducting that business. Mr. and Mrs. Pigg have one child Alice, born November 17, 1875. Mr. Pigg is a member of Ada Lodge, No. 444, A. F. and A. M. He is a staunch business man, and a highly respected and valuable citizen of the town of Orrick. ' WILLIAM A. WELLS. This gentlemen was born in Ray county, Missouri, July 24, 1843. He is the son of John and Sarah Wells, His father was born in North Car- olina and his mother in Tennessee. Our subject attended the schools of this county in his youth, and worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-eight years of age, and then clerked in a store for four years, at the end of which time he opened a family grocery store on his own account, and conducted it for three years. He then returned to farming for about a year, and then served as constable, to which office he had been elected, for two years. He then returned to mechandising, at Orrick, and is yet so engaged. Mr. Wells was married January 16, 1873, to Miss Cor- 640 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. nelia B. Sheppard, daughter of D. B. and Minerva Sheppard, natives of the state of Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Wells have adopted Anna, daugh- ter of Andrew J. and Lorena Wells. ELLA S. DORTON. The subject of this sketch was born in Knox county, Kentucky, April 6, 1837. Her parents were James B. and Sallie B. Dorton. Her father was a native of Virginia, and her mother of the state of Kentucky. The family came to this county when our subject was twelve years of age, and settled upon a farm, (section twenty-three, township fifty-one, range twenty-nine), where Orrick is now situated. Schools were few and far apart in those days, and such as were accessible to Miss Dorton, did not come up to the standard of excellence since established in the county, but she made the most of her advantages, and her naturally strong arid vigorous mind, supplied by close and diligent application, the inefficienc}- of teach- ers, and the want of better books and more modern " aids to education." Having exhausted the course in the schools of her father's neighborhood, and carefully studied such books as came within her reach, she began to teach, in the district schools, for the laudable purpose of securing means sufficient to defray the expenses of higher education. She taught school for two years in the district where she now resides, and then entered the Catholic school of the Sacred Heart, an excellent institution, at St. Joseph, Missouri. After she had attended this school for two years, her further education was interrupted and permanently broken off, by the death of her father, which occurred April 30, 1863. She left the school of the Sacred Heart, and entered upon the honorable profession of teach- ing as her life work, and she has ever since battled nobly in the cause of popular education. She has met with very flattering success in the school room, and her services are much sought after. Miss Dorton inherited, and now owns a portion of her father's homestead. R. H. McWHORTER. Richard H. McWhorter is a native of Adair county, Kentucky, and was born September 7, 1844. He received his education and remained at home on a farm until eighteen years of age, and then enlisted in company C, 13th regiment of Kentucky cavalry, commanded by Col. J. W. Weth- erfold, army of the Cumberland. He participated in the battles of King's saltworks, Virginia; Perry ville, Kentucky, and Lebanon, Tennessee, besides many skirmishes. He was discharged January 10, 1865, at Camp Nelson, Kentucky, and went home to Adair county and engaged in farm- ing for about five years. He then went, for a time, to Collin county^ Texas, whence he came to Ray county, Missouri. Mr. McWhorter was married August 13, 1871, to Miss Laura Brasher, daughter of A. D. and HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 641 Elizabeth Brasher. She was born in Ray county, Missouri, January 27, 1851. The issue of this union was two children: Elizabeth S., born December 2, 1873; Charles A., born March 9, 1875. Our subject is the son of R. W. and Elizabeth McWhorter, natives of the state of Kentucky. He is a member of Ada Lodge No. 444, A. F. & A. M. D.B. SHEPARD. David B. Shepard was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, March 13, 1832. He is the son of Robert and Lydia Shepard, also natives of the state of Kentucky. He lived in his native state until the year 1865, and then immigrated to Marion county, Indiana. After remaining there for about three years he came to Ra}' county, Missouri, and has ever since resided here. Mr. Shepard was married December 9, 1853, to Miss Minerva Todd, daughter of John and Mary Todd. Her father was a native of Ireland, and her mother of the state of Kentucky. Mrs. Shep- hard was born in 1834, in Kentucky. Our subject was reared on a farm and continued in the business of farming until 1860, when he began keep- ing hotel, etc. At the commencement of the civil war he enlisted in com- pany C, second Kentucky mounted rifles, and engaged in the battles of Louisa, Kentucky, Cove Gap, Chicamauga, McMinville, and Anderson's Cross Roads, where he was captured and imprisoned at Camp Morton, for nineteen months. He was finally released from prison and returned to his family. He lost all his property by the war. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard have four children living, one dead: Lydia, Cordelia B., Mary F., Sallie. and Martha dead. Mr. Shepard was mayor of the town or Orrick for three years, and is at present a member of the city council of that town. M. G. TAYLOR. M. G. Taylor is a native of Ray county, Missouri, born September 28, 1838. He is the son of Daniel and Hannah Taylor. His father was born in the month of September, 1802, in Halifax county, Virginia. His mother was born in Missouri. Our subject was reared on a farm and continued living and working at home until he was twenty-four years of age and then went to learn the business of milling in the Albany mills. Mr. Tay- lor was married March 18, 1873, to Miss Mary Brasher, daughter of A. D. and Elizabeth Brasher. She was born in the year 1842, in Ray county, Missouri. The issue of this marriage was the following children: Ollie, born January 12, 1864; Alice, born April 11, 1866; Lucy, born December 1, 1869; Lena, born February 9, 1873; Edna, born February—, 1876; Maud, born December 11, 1874, died in February, 1875; Herbert, born May 25, 1878. Mr. Taylor is a member of Ada Lodge, No. 444, A. F. & A. M., and also a member of the Christian Church. He is, also, in 642 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. addition to his, milling business, conducting a general merchandise and hardware store, at Albany. His business is in a highly prosperous con- dition and Mr. Taylor is universally popular with his large circle of friends, respected and esteemed by the community at large. T. A. ROTHROCK. Thomas A. Rothrock was born in the city of New York, July 2, 1855. His parents were Alexander and Ellen Rothrock. His father was a native of New York and his mother of the state of Pennsylvania. The family immigrated from New York to Ray county, Missouri, when Thomas was only five years old. He was educated in this county, and after leaving school, engaged in clerking for different stores for a number of years. Mr. Rothrock was married November 22, 1874, to Miss Florence Wall, daughter of Van and Margaret Wall. Her father was born in Ray county and her mother in Boone county, Missouri. She was born July 22, 1857, in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Rothrock have three children: Bessie, born April 9, 1875; Clardie, born November 18, 1876; Ernest, born April 26, 1880. Alexander Rothrock, father of our subject, was born November 12, 1815, and died February 3, 1881, at Albany. Thomas A. Rothrock is conducting a drug and grocery store at Albany.. He commands a good trade and is doing well. EDWARD T. DORTON. Is a native of Russell county, Virginia, and was born on the 3d day of August, 1830. His parents were Joseph and Martha Dorton, natives of Virginia. His father was born July 19, 1795; died July 20, 1870. His mother was born April 15, 1807, and died February 12, 1871. Our sub- ject finished his education at Emery and tlenry College, and then began teaching school. In the year 1852 he came to Missouri, first living four years in Calloway county, and then settling permanentl}' in Ray county. June 17, 1861, Mr. Dorton enlisted in company A, 15th Arkansas volun- teer infantry, and participated in the battles of Pea Ridge and Wilson's Creek. At the latter fight he was captured by the enemy, and taken to Camp Douglass at Chicago; was afterward exchanged at Jackson, Miss- issippi. He was again taken prisoner at Walnut Grove, Arkansas, but was fortunate in escaping from his captors. He was paroled, April 12, 1865, at Pea Ridge, and went to Illinois, where he remained about ten months, and then came back to Ray county, where he has lived ever since. Mr. Dorton was married April 16, 1867, to Miss Pauline Dorton, daughter of James B. and Sallie Dorton. She was born May 15, 1849, in Knox county, Kentucky. The issue of this marriage has been one child: Clementina, born November 8, 1868. Soon after his marriage Mr. Dor- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 643 ton opened a general merchandise store at Albany, and continued the business there for one year, and then moved to Sibley, Jackson county, and, after keeping store in that place for about twelve months, removed to Orrick, Ray county, and has ever since conducted the business v^ith good success and prosperity there. Mr. Dorton is a member of Ada Lodge, No. 844, A. F. i& A. M., at Albany. WILLIAM N. KIRKHAM. Was born in Montgomery county, Missouri, November 1, 1847. He is the son of David and Ann Kirkham, natives of the state of Virginia. His father was born in the month of February, 1820, and died May 8, 1873 Our subject was engaged at work for his father, who was a manufacturer of tobacco, until he attained his majority. Mr. Kirkham was married December 22, 1869, to Miss Susan A. Gooch, daughter of Alexander and Nancy Gooch, natives of the state of Kentucky. She was born October 2, 1852. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham are the parents of three children living, and two dead. Their names and dates of birth are as follows: Emma, born January 5, 1875; Archie, born January 18, 1877; Maggie, born January 9, 1879; Charles A., born December 29, 1870, died March 31, 1872, and one other, an infant, died in 1873. After his marriage, Mr. Kirkham resided, for a time, on a farm north of the town of Albany, then removed to one in section 31, township 28, range 51, and in the year 1880, came to his present location, section 36, township 51, range 29. Here he owns 150 acres of very rich and productive land, well improved and cul- tivated, with a neat, comfortable residence and good orchard. Mr. Kirk- ham is a thriftv, industrious and successful farmer and stock raiser, and a valuable adjunct to the community in which he resides. S. H. DEGRAFFENREID. Stephen H. Degraffenreid was born in Jasper county, Missouri, April 2, 1848. He is the son of Vincent and Lucretia Degraffenreid, natives of Pennsylvania. His parents died when he was but three years old, and he was reared by his grandmother. At the age of nineteen years he left home, and began battling alone for a livelihood. He worked at various occupations until the commencement of the civil war, and then enhsted, September, 1863, in company C, 2d Ohio cavalry, and was assigned to the department of the west. He participated in the battle at Sugar Creek, and a great number of skirmishes besides. He was discharged in October, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kansas, and went, for a short time to the territory of New Mexico. From there he went to Colorado, and to Kansas, returning thence to Ray county, Missouri, where he has since resided. Mr. Degraffenreid was married on the 17th day of March, 1878, to Mrs. Angeline Tucker, daughter of Thomas and Margaret 644 HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. McMuUen, natives of Virginia, now deceased. He owns ninety-six acres of choice bottom land in an excellent state of cultivation, well improved, with neat, comfortable, and convenient buildings, good fences, orchard, etc. Mr. Degraffenreid is a member of Ada lodge. No. 444, at Albany. He is a successful farmer and a good citizen. ANDERSON D. LOYD. Anderson D. Lpyd is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born March 22, 1851. His parents were Henry and Nancy Loyd, natives of Tennessee. Our subject received the advantages of a common school education, and spent the time until he was grown, on the farm of his father. Mr. Loyd was married August 24, 1871, to Miss Milly Conyers, daughter of D. and Louisa Conyers. She was born December 15, 1849, in Ray county, Missouri. Her father was a native of Kentucky, and her mother of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd have four children: Buford A., born February 3, 1873; Bertie, born March 21, 1874; Richard, born February 8, 1876; Emma J., born January 19, 1878. Mr. Loyd owns and occupies the old homestead that was settled by his father. The place comprises one hundred and fifty-five acres of land, which, for fer- tility and productiveness, is unexcelled, perhaps, by any in the county. Mr. Loyd is a prosperous and successful farmer, and a well respected and esteemed member of the community. ABRAHAM ALLEN. Abraham Allen was born in Ray county, Missouri, September 4, 1827. He is the son of Reuben and Rhoda Allen, natives of the state of Tennes- see. Our subject attended the subscription schools of his father's neigh- borhood, in the winter, and in the summer worked on the farm. In this way he was enabled to obtain a fair common school education. In the year 1849, he left his father's farm and went as a teamster in a govern- ment wagon train, to New Mexico, spending about ninety days on the route to Santa Fe. After spending more than two years in the employ of the government, he was discharged from the wagon train, and was soon after employed by Quartermaster Reynolds, for some months, at Santa Fe. He was, subsequently,, in the employ of Quartermaster Sibley, at Fort Union. Again an order was issued to discharge all citizen teamsters, and Mr. Allen went, for a short time, to the placer gold-diggings. Soon after, he enlisted in company H, 2d U. S. dragoons, commanded by Lieutenant Johnson, and was assigned to the ninth department of New Mexico, where he was frequently engaged in skirmishes with the Indians, and was several times slightly wounded. At the battle of the mines on Gila riv^er, he received a shot through the chin and mouth, which carried HISTORY OF KAY COUNTY. 645 away a part of his ton. His father, Mr. Ira Carter, was a farmer and stock-raiser of that county, and the possessor of considerable property. Ira Carter removed with his family to the state of Illinois, and there our subject was educated. His father died when James was sixteen years of age, and the next year he came to Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, and began clerking in the general merchandise store of Carter & McGhee. The senior partner of this firm was his half-brother. After remaining in this position for about eighteen months, he went, at the heat of the gold excitement in 1849, to California, where he spent a year at mining, and then went to Oregon, and engaged in the lumber business. This enter- prise was very successful, and in ]852 Mr. Carter returned to Missouri. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 751 He located at Albany, Ray county, and engaged in merchandising and milling with his brother, Mr. Eli Carter. He continued the business until 1859, when J. M. Carter sold his interest to his brother and others, and bought, in partnership with Mr. W. R. Shotwell, the mill located at the town of Millville. They operated this mill together until Mr. Carter went to Colorado, in 1860. In Colorado, Mr. Carter operated a saw-mill for another party, for about one year, and then came for his famil}', and took them to Colorado with him, leaving Mr. Shotwell again in charge of the mill they owned in partnership. During the time he was in the state of Colorado Mr. Carter engaged in farming and stock-raising, and by his industry and enterprise made the business very successful. He returned to Millville, Ray county, Missouri, in the autumn of 1865. Mr. Carter was married on the Ith da}^ of May, 1854, to Miss Susan R. Har- rison. They became the parents of seven children, two sons and five daughters, all now living. One daughter, Ida B., is the wife of Mr. John A. Fletcher. The others are at home with their parents. Mr. Carter resides at Millville, where he owns and operates a large flouring-mill. He is a leading member of the M. E. Church South, and belongs to the Masonic lodge at Millville. His business is very prosperous, and he has a handsome home, surrounded by modern conveniences and comforts. As a man and a citizen he is highly esteemed and respected by all who know him. W. M. QUARLES, M. D. William M. Quarles was born in Wilson count}-, Tennessee, on the 19th day of September, 1840, and lived there until he was eleven years of age. He then came with his father in March, 1851, to Ray county. Missouri, and has lived here ever since. His father received the appointment of postmaster at Richmond, and lived there until the outbreak of the civil war, conducting a small farm half a mile from town, in connection with the postoffice. Our subject worked on this farm during summer, and attended Richmond College in winter. He received the greater part of his education at this school. In the year 1856, he began clerking in the dry goods store of Hughes, Wasson & Stewart, at Richmond, and con- tinued with them for two years. Becoming imbued with the determina- tion to fit himself for the practice of medicine, he entered the drug store of Dr. Mosby, and remaining with him two years, devoted the time to studying his chosen profession. At the beginning of the civil war he espoused the cause of the south, and responded promptly to Governor Jackson's call for volunteers by enlisting in the 1st Missouri cavalry. At the expiration of the time, six months, for which he had enlisted in the state guards, he entered the regular Confederate service for three years, in Colonel Reeves' 3d Missouri regiment of volunteers. In the spring of 752 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 1862 he was sergeant and ensign, and afterwards was promoted to a first lieutenantcy. He served with great credit throughout the entire war, and was paroled after the surrender, on the 16th day of May, 1865. He at once returned to his home in Richmond, Missouri, and again entered Dr. Mosby's drug store as clerk, and resumed the study of medicine. By close economy he after awhile, saved money enough from his salary to defray the expense of a course of lectures. He accordingly entered the St. Louis Medical College for the term of 1866-7. At the expiration of the lecture course in the spring of 1867, he went to Millville, Ray county, and began the practice of his profession with such success that in about a 3'ear and a half he had secured means enough to return to college, which he did, graduating in the spring of 1869, from the St. Louis Medical Col- lege with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Quarles was married on the 17th day of March, 1868, to Miss Octavia Fowler, daughter of T. B. Fowler, Esq. Five children have been born of this union, two sons and three daughters. Their first son and one daughter, died in infancy, the others are living at this time, April, 1881. In 1874 Dr. Quarles engaged in partnership with his father-in-law, in the dry goods business at Mill- ville. He employed a clerk in the store to enable him to give his indivi- dual attention to his professional labors. Mr. Fowler was soon after elected to the office of county collector, and they sold the dry goods store to John P. Grimes. Dr. Quarles then went to Richmond, and engaged in the drug business with Dr. Holman, in connection with the practice of his profession. This partnership was broken up by the election of Dr. Hol- man county treasurer, and Dr. Quarles returned to Millville. Here he now enjoys a large and remunerative practice. AMI HUGHES. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a native of Ray county, Missouri, and was born on the old homestead of the Hughes fam- ily, June 5, 1857. He laid the foundation of his education in the common schools of his neighborhood, and then entered Richmond College, from which institution he graduated, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, on his birthday, 1877. He spent the first year after leaving college, at home with his father, in Richmond, occasionally assisting with work on the farm in the county. In March, 1879, then in his twenty-second year, was given the entire management and control of the large farm owned by his father, Mr. James S. Hughes, of Richmond. He conducted the business of this place alone, until his brother, Allen, who had been doing busines in St. Louis, came to his assistance, and they now operate the farm together. This place, consisting of 880 acres of excellent land, is situ- ated eight miles northeast of the town of Richmond. In fertility of soii» abundance of water, woodland and pasture, it is not surpassed by any in HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 753 the county. It is well improved, havincr a commodious and handsome brick dwelling house, a large, roomy and conveniently constructed barn, and a tine, thrifty bearing orchard. Mr. Hughes and his brother are devoting special attention to stock raising, and have now some of the best varieties of fine-bred stock upon their farm. Mr. Hughes, though young in years, is a practical farmer, and bids fair to gain, in after years, wealth, and a position of great usefulness in the community. He is a courteous, afiable gentleman, and highly esteemed by all who know him, for his many excellent qualities of head and heart. JULIUS A. MADDUX. Julius Augustus Maddux was born in Ray county, Missouri, three miles southeast of Millville. His father had been a farmer in Ray county some fort3^-four years at the time of his death. Mr. Maddux was educated in the district schools and grew up on his father's farm, and has ever since followed the business of farming. He was married in the year 1860, to Miss Mary Fields. The issue of this union was one child Nancy W., now the wife of Mr. John Manley. Mrs. Maddux died when her child was but ten days old, and, in the spring of 1863, Mr. Maddux was married to Martha J. Turnadge, daughter of John Turnadge. They became the parents of seven children, five of whom, one girl and four boys, are living at this time, April, 1881. Four years after his mar- riage, Mr, Maddux bought a farm on Crooked river, and lived upon it three years. He then traded it for a place near where he was born. After living there for about three years, he removed to his present loca- tion, sectiorfs fifteen and twenty-two, township fifty-three, range twenty- eight. Mr. Maddux is a member of Charter Oak Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, and also of the Farmers' Club. He is a practical farmer, and takes great interest in everything pertaining to agriculture. R. B. ELLIS, M. D. Robert B. Ellis was born in Sussex county, Virginia, December 4, 1812. When but six years old his father removed with him to Kentucky. Here he was educated, chiefly in Transylvania University, at Lexington, from the literary and classical department of which institution he gradu- ated with high honor. After leaving college he began the study of medi- cine, with the distinguished Doctor Benjamin Dudley for preceptor. He subsequently went through the usual course of instruction, and received the degree of doctor of medicine from the Pennsylvania Medical College. He soon after began to practice the healing art. Doctor Ellis came to Ray county in the year 1837, and, locating at Richmond, opened his doc- tor's ofhce there. Here he soon made a host of friends, and rapidly built up a good practice. His success as a physician was such that he gained 754 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the conlidence of the people all over the county, and his services were in almost constant demand. He possessed the happy faculty of making himself pleasant and agreeable to all classes, and rapidly rose in the popu- lar esteem in consequence. His fame as a physician spread throughout the state, and the extent of his practice was not excelled, perhaps, by that of any physician, at that time, in Missouri. After staying at Richmond for four years. Doctor Ellis removed to the suburbs of the town of Galla- tin, Missouri, at that time just being built up, and improving a fine farm, established his home upon it, and always afterward, during his residence in northwest Missouri, though frequently away traveling with his wife for the benefit of her health, he kept his home upon this farm. Doctor Ellis was twice elected to the higher branch of the general assembly of Mis- souri, and was a member of the national democratic convention that nom- inated James K. Polk for the presidency, at Baltimore, in 1844. His first wife died at Jefferson City, in 1842, whither she had accompanied her husband, who was there in attendance, as a member, upon the session of the state senate. During his second term as state senator. Doctor Ellis was married again, at Jefferson City. The lady becoming his wife this time, was a daughter of Hiram P. Goodrich, D. D., a distinguished educator and divine ot Missouri. After the expiration of the senatorial session, Dr. Ellis returned, with his bride, to his home at Gallatin. Here he remained for one year, and then moved to St. Louis, and practiced his profession in that city for some time. During his residence there, he delivered a course of lectures to the students of the McDowell Medical College, upon "Cholera; its Origin, Progress, and Treatment," with partic- ular reference to its ravages, at that time, in this country. These lectures were delivered during the years 1848-9. As an evidence of appreciation of his valuable services, the college conferred the honorary degree of M. D. upon Doctor E., already a graduate of two popular institutions. In 1849 he went to California, and pursued the practice of medicine at the city of Sacra- mento. Here the second Mrs. Ellis died. The doctor remained at Sacra- mento until about the year 1860. During this time he was married again, to Miss Sarah J. Buckner. About the year 1860, Doctor Ellis removed from Sacramento to Carson City, Nevada. Here, eight years after her marriage, the third Mrs. Ellis died, and her husband was again left alone, and remained unmarried until his death. He was a member of the California legislature, and, at one time, was president of the medical university of that state. The issue of his first marriage was three children: Robert H., Mary E., and Adrian C; of his second, two: Sallie and Rosa G.; and of the third, four: Paris B., Ada M., John G., and William W. Dr. R. B. Ellis died at Carson City, Nevada, in the month of January, 1873, and was buried with Masonic honors, and the legislature adjourned out of respect HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 755 to the memory of the man who had figured so prominently in the affairs of the state, and attended the funeral in a body. ROBERT H. ELLIS. Is the eldest son of Doctor R. B. Ellis, whose biography appears in this work, and was born near Paris, in Bourbon county, Kentucky, Janu- ary 8, 1836. His father removed with him to Missouri in 1837, and he received his early education at the towns of Richmond and Gallatin. When his father went to live in St. Louis, he was placed under the charge and instruction of Doctor Goodrich, then a prominent educator of that city. In 1850 he accompanied his father to California, and there finished his education. After spending seven years in the state of California, he returned to Richmond, Missouri, and engaged in merchandising until the war began, in 1861. He enhsted under the first call of Governor C. F. Jackson, and remained as long as General Sterling Price was in Missouri, though he did not, after the state guard w^as disbanded enter the regular Confederate service. In 1860 Captain Ellis was a candidate on the Breck- enridge democratic ticket for representative of Ray county in the general assembly, and was defeated by a majority of only thirty-five votes. Except four years spent in the state of California, Mr. Ellis has lived con- tinuously, since the war, in Ray county. In i860 he was married to Miss Emma Mansur, daughter of Charles Mansur, Esq., of Ray county. Five children are the result of this imion, all of whom are now living. Mr» Ellis was admitted to practice law at the bar of Richmond in 1867, and pursued the legal calling for about two years, but preferring a farmer's life, he quit the law and became a tiller of the soil. Captain Ellis is des- cended from one of the best of old Virginia's families, and is a gentleman in every way worthy of his ancestry. LEONIDAS DUVALL. Is descended from the early French settlers of the "Old Dominion state.'* He was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, on the 26th day of September, 1838. His father, Isaac Duvall, removed with him to Ray county, Mis- souri, in the fall of ISM. He received his early education at the common schools, attending, as was the custom of the boys of the neighborhood, during the winter months, and assisting his father on the farm through the summer. In 1859, he entered the new college at the town of Richmond, and here completed his education. Mr. Duvall was married on the 26th day of November, 1865, to Mrs. Mary Gross, a widow lady, w'hose maiden name was Nuckols. She only lived about a year, and in Septem- ber, 1871, Mr. Duvall was again married to Miss Virginia M. Payne, of Clinton county, Missouri. Of this union two children, twins, were born, on the 9th day of February, 1877. They were named respectively i 756 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Albert Payne and Willie Payne, in honor of their grandfather. Mr. Duvall owns a fine farm of 200 acres of good, fertile, land, chiefly devoted to growing grass, and raising cattle and fine stock. He has been a trader in mules since 1860, and in this business has accumulated the prin- cipal part of his property. He owns the fine draft stallion, Loch Fergus Chief, of the celebrated Clydesdale stock, imported from Scotland in 1879, at a cost of more than a thousand dollars, and also is the owner of the large black jack, Bourbon Chief, purchased in Kentucky, at a cost of one thousand dollars. Mr. Duvall is making laudable efforts for the improve- ment of the live stock of the county. Mr. Duvall's farm lies near the old oil wells of the St. Louis Petroleum Company, and the entire place and adjacent lands were pronounced by Prof. Swallow, then state geolo- gist, to be underlaid with coal. He is a member in good standing of the Richmond Lodge, of the order of Free Masons, and one of Ray's most progressive, practical and successful farmers, and occupies an enviable position in the respect of the good people of the section in which he resides. J. F. DUVALL. Was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, on the 20th day of February, 1840. He came to Missouri with his father who immigrated to Ra}' county in the year 1844. Mr. Duvall obtained the greater part of his education in the common schools of his neighborhood; he did, however, attend the college at Richmond for the space of eighteen months. After leaving this institution, Mr. Duvall began working at the saddle-maker's trade at Richmond, and continued in this work for four years. At the outbreak of the great civil war, he responded to the first call of Gov- ernor Jackson for volunteers, and when the six months for which he joined the state guards had expired, he entered the regular Confederate army for the war, in the Third regiment of Missouri infantry. He fought in every battle in which his regiment was engaged, except two. After the surrender of the Confederate army in 1865, Mr. Duvall returned to Ray county and resumed work on the farm with his father, until he was married. His marriage to Miss Kate Forbes, daughter of John Forbes, Esq., of Ray county, Missouri, took place on the 20th of February, 1873. Of this union three children, Isaac, Fannie and Bettie, have been born to them. Mr. Duvall occupies and owns a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, all in an excellent state of cultivation, except about twenty acres of woodland. He is also a stock raiser and takes great pride in his good breed of live stock, more especially of hogs and cattle. He is not a member of any religious denomination, but he belongs to the brotherhood of A. F. & A. M. He has held the position of worshipful master of his lodge at Millville for some years. Mrs. Duvall HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 757 belongs to the congregation of the Mount Hope M. E. Church. Mr. Duvall is a prosperous farmer, a highly respected citizen, a kind neigh- bor and an honorable gentleman. ANDREW WELLS. A native of Ray county, Missouri, was born six miles south of the town of Richmond, on the 10th day of November, 1833. He lived here and continued at work on the farm with his father until the outbreak of the gold fever, and consequent rush to California. Our subject left home in 1853, and went to the gold fields of the great west. In California, Mr. Wells was chiefly engaged in mining, though he also operated a saw mill and possessed a hog ranch while there. He returned home in 1857, hav- ing been so successful in his quest of wealth as to enable him to buy a comfortable home. On the 9th day of December of the same year, he was married to Miss Susan F. Endsley, a daughter of Mr. John Endsley, of Ray county. Mr. Wells remained on his farm in Ray county until 1864, when he removed to Virginia City, Montana territory. While there he engaged in a trade in flour during the winter season, and mined in summer. Mrs. Wells accompanied him in his travels through the west, and they finally returned to Ray county and spent some months at the home of her father, after which they again took possession of their old home near Millville. Mr. Wells has been a member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge at Millville since 1870. He is a highly respected citizen, and a good, practical farmer. J. H. HAYNES. J. H. Haynes was born in Ray county, Missouri, five miles north of Richmond, August 29, 1849. He is a son of J. P. Haynes, Esq., whose biography we give elsewhere in this work. Mr. Haynes received his education, chiefly, in the common schools of his native county. In 1872, Mr. Haynes was married to Miss Sophronia E. McCuistion, daughter of William McCuistion, Esq., of Ray county. She was born upon the place where they now reside, in 1856. Their union has been blessed by the birth of two children: Bessie Ethel and William Elbert. Mr. Haynes is a member of Crooked River Grange, No. 1005, Patrons of Husbandry, and has given his lifelong attention to agricultural pursuits. He is engaged to a considerable extent in raising fine stock. He feeds and ships to market large numbers of hogs and cattle. Mrs. Haynes is a consistent member of the Christian Church, and of the order of Patrons of Hus- bandry. She was elected to the office of " Ceres " in the grange to which she belongs, a year ago, and yet, April, 1881, occupies that position. Mr. Haynes has been very fortunate and successful in his business affairs, and 75S HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. to-dav is in a highly prosperous condition. His excellent farm is well supplied with everything necessary to his comfort and happiness, and he is highly respected and esteemed by his fellow citizens. H. C. SMITH. Henry Clay Smith is a native of Kentucky, born in Woodford county, on the 1-ith day of October, 1820. His father emigrated from Maryland to Kentucky at an early day. He died soon after the birth of our sub- ject, leaving his widow, with seven young children, in very straitened circumstances. Henry's advantages for obtaining an education were, in consequence of his father's death and the family's poverty, quite limited. He remained with his mother, working for the common support of the family, until his twenty-first year, when the whole family removed to Ray county, Missouri, and stopped for about a year on a farm near Rich- mond. This was in 1841. In 1842 Mr. Smith and his brother, B. F., bought a tract of land near the town of Millville. This land was in a wild state, covered with dense forest and underbrush. By their indomit- able industry the brothers cleared and inproved this place, and made a living for themselves and their mother's family. They continued to clear and improve the place until, in 1849, Henry bought out the interest of his brother, and thus gained entire control of the place. His mother continued to reside with him until her death, which occurred in 1859. Mr. Smith was married in the autumn of 1870 to Miss Cynthia A. Smith, daughter of Peyton T. Smith, a prominent farmer of Ray county. Though their names were the samt, they are not in anyway related to one another by ties of consanguinity. Two children were born of this union: Nora Belle and Lucy Rachel. Mr. Smith still resides on the farm which himself and brother improved. He has added to it from time to time until it now comprises some four hundred and forty acres. His residence, a large and handsome frame building, occupies a conspicu- ous location near the point where the Richmond, Russell ville, Millville, and Tinney's Point roads intersect one another. Since the war Mr. Smith has turned his attention mostly to the raising of stock. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Millville M. E. Church. Mr. Smith is a self-made man, and one of the most properous and successful farmers in the county. J. S. MATHENA. Jeptha S. Mathena was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 17th of September, 1847. His father was Robert Mathena, a native of Ken- tucky, who had emigrated to Missouri in the early historv of Ray county. Our subject was educated in the common schools of Ray county. Mr. Mathena was married on the eighth day of February, 1877, to Miss Mol- lie Hutchinson, daughter of William J. Hutchinson, of Ray county. The HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 759 issue of this union is one child, Eva, born November 35, 1878, He is not a member of any church or secret organization except the Patrons of Husbandry, which order he joined in January, 1874. Mrs. Mathena is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, which worships at Liberty school house. Mr. Mathena is a thriving, prosperous young farmer, and contemplates soon the purchase of an addition to his already valuable farm, from a neighbor. He is a good, kind-hearted, accommodating neighbor, and a highly esteemed citizen of Grape Grove township. JOHN GUY. This gentleman, one of the most successful farmers and stock-raisers of his neighborhood, was born in Anderson county, Kentucky, in the year 1829. When he was but ten years old his father moved to Missouri, and settled in Ray county, and two years later died, leaving a widow and seven children. John continued living with his mother for about two 3'-ears after his father's death, and then he began to work for one John McGhee, for the purpose of learning the tinner's trade. McGhee subse- quently failed, and young Guy was thrown out of work. In his nineteenth year he commenced to learn the trade of a blacksmith, under John Light- ner, at Richmond. He mastered this trade, and in the year 1850, went with Mr. Lightner to the state of California. Here Mr. Guy mined for a short time, and then, going to Sacramento City, he again engaged at his trade, and continued it during the remainder of his sojourn in the Golden State. Having accumulated some money, he returned in 1858, to Richmond, Ray county, and entered the seminary to finish his education. Leaving school he opened a shop in the town of Richmond, and w^orked at his trade for about a year. He then moved upon a farm in the county, near Liberty school house, and erecting a shop continued the work of a neighborhood blacksmith, with farming. Here he lived until 1863, when, to avoid the war troubles with which the country was at that time rife, he went to Colorado, where he worked for a while at his trade, and then commenced freighting with wagons between Atchison, Kansas, and Denver, Colorado, This business was very remunerative, but Mr. Guy was compelled to abandon it on account of the hostility of Indians. He sold his wagons and teams at a very handsome profit over the amount paid for them, and returning to Ray county, bought a farm with the proceeds of his labors in the west. Mr. Guy was married in the month of March, 1853, to Miss Susan B. Mizner, daughter of Jerry Mizner, Esq., formerly of Ray county, now deceased. Nine children were born of this union, seven of whom are still living. Mrs. Guy died from the result of injuries received by a fall through a bridge over a small stream near Millville. Mrs. Guy was in a wagon with seven other persons, and as they were crossing the bridge, it gave way, precipitating the wagon and its load of human 760 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. freight to the bottom of the stream. Several of the party were severely injured, though none mortally but the wife of Mr. Guy. This accident occurred on the 4th of August, 1874. Mr. Guy was married again, April 30, 1878, to Miss Susan C. Mathena. By her he has one child, an infant son. Mr. Guy has been a consistent member of the M. E. Church South, for about six yearrs, and the present Mrs. Guy for twelve years. Mr. Guy has a good farm, and is pleasantly and happily situated to enjoy a long life and green old age. W. H. BRIGHT. William H. Bright was born in Lincoln county, Kentucky, October 10, 1839. His father was a farmer, and young Bright was reared on a farm and taught to work. His education was acquired in the manner common with so many farmers' sons, by attending school during the winter and working on the farm in the summer. When he reached his twenty-first year, Mr. Bright left Kentucky, in company with two brothers and a number of other persons, to come to Missouri. They came overland with a train of wagons direct to Ray county, and here our subject com- menced farming for himself. Mr. Bright was not engaged on either side during the war of the rebellion. He was drafted for the Union service just before the close of the war, but was never ordered out for duty. He was married in the year 1864, to Miss Nannie Frazier, daughter of Mr. James Frazier, a resident of Ray county. The issue of this union was seven children, five of whom, four girls and one boy, are now living. Mr. Bright and his excellent lady are both worthy members, and ha;ve been for many years, of the Christian Church. Mr. Bright is a good, prac- tical, intelligent, and industrious farmer, and has done much toward the improvement of that branch of industry to which he belongs. ISAIAH MANSUR. This gentleman is one of the largest land owners, and was one of the earliest settlers of this county. He was born in Ludlow, Windsor county, Vermont, February 19, 1815. His father, Stephen Mansur, was a native of New Hampshire, born December 18, 1773. The grandfather of our subject was a soldier in the old French and Indian wars, and also the war of the Revolution, entering the latter war with the battle of Lexington, and fighting until peace was declared and the freedom of the American states established. The maiden name of Isaiah Mansur's mother was Miss Hannah Felt. His parents were of Scotch-English descent, and their family consisted of eight sons and four daughters, whose names with dates of birth follow: Stephen, born August 25, 1799; Alvah, born March 25, 1801; J. T. Gilman, March 12, 1803; Charles, November 24, 1805, Moody, February 3, 1808; Harriet Augusta, May 22, 1811; Isaiah, (ri^ ^ O. t/rvtUf, t^^^^i^f-^ HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 761 February 19, 1815; Mary Catherine, June 12, 1817; Stilman January 17, 1820; Porter, April 4, 1822, and Harriet Newell, August 17, 1826. Five only of these are now (April, 1881) living, of whom Dr. Moody Mansur is the oldest. Isaiah Mansur received his education in the country schools of Vermont and New Hampshire. He removed to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1836, and for about one year was in charge of his brother Charles' drug store there. This was the first drug store opened on Third street, in that city. The business was very prosperous under Mr. Mansur's manage- ment, but the brothers, preferring life in the country, sold out their busi- ness in St. Louis, and removing to Ray county, began merchandising in a country store, located upon what is now known as the " old Nuckols place. " The brothers continued this business till 1842, when they dis- solved partnership, and divided the lands, which they had entered, and purchased during their association in business. To Isaiah's share, fell chiefly, the unimproved lands, and he was compelled to clear the timber and brush away, in order to make fields, and build a home. Mr. Mansur farmed until about the year 1849, when he again opened a store on the farm now owned by Mr. R. H. Ellis. He conducted this store until 1852 when he built a store house in the town of Millville, and removed his stock of goods to it. This store he operated until the war, keeping a clerk in the store, while he remained on the farm. During the war, Mr. Mansur was a Union man, and voted for delegates to the Union conven- tion held at Jefferson City. Though strongly opposed to the rebellion, he took no active part in the war, and did all in his power to preserve peace and harmony among his neighbors and friends, and keep them out of diffi- culties arising from their strong partisans feelings and sentiments. Mr. Mansur was married, first, in the year 1844, in Ra}' county, Missouri, to Miss Susan Smith. They became the parents of seven children, four sons and three daughters, six of whom are still living, and all but one married. Mrs. Mansur died on the first day of June, 1856, and Mr. Mansur was; married again, on the 3d day of January, 1871, to Miss Mary E. Lane, of Atchison, Kansas. By her he is the father of three children, Julia, Har- riet and Isaiah. Mr. Mansur has been a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church for the space of thirty-five years. His first wife also belonged to that church. The present Mrs. Mansur belongs to the Episcopal Church. Mr. Mansur is a prominent citizen of his community, a successful business man, and is highly esteemed for his good qualities as a neighbor and a gentleman. 48 762 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTV RALPH OLIPHANT. A native of Ray county, Missouri, was born on the 20th day of Septem- ber, 1840. He is of Scotch-Irish extraction, his father having been born in Scotland and his mother in Ireland. His father, Alexander Oliphant, came to Ray countv in the vear 1838. His business in the Old World not pay- ing as he desired, he resolved to emigrate to the United States. Land- ing at New Orleans, he at once turned his face toward the great north- west, and coming to Ray county bought the farm upon which our subject at this time resides. Here he planted a vineyard which was the second in the county, only one having been previously planted within its borders Upon this farm Mr. Alexander Oliphant died, in the year 1878, and his son, Ralph, who had finished his education and been for some years in charge of the place, succeeded him as its owner. Here he still continues to reside, cultivating and improving his fine place of four hundred acres. Mr. Oliphant was married on the 7th day of December, 1869, to Miss Catharine Mansur, daughter of Isaiah Mansur, a prominent farmer of the county. The result of this marriage has been four children, two boys and two girls. Their parents take great pride in these children, and intend having them well educated and trained, especially in that much neglected accomplishment, the knowledge of music. Mr. Oliphant's aged mother resides with her son upon the old homestead. He is one of Ray's most sterhng citizens, and a successful, prosperous farmer, blessed with a prom- ising happy family, and a handsome, comfortable home. MICHAEL W. CRISPIN. Was born in Fayette county, Ohio, September 4, 1844. His father removed, when he was five years of age, to Highland county, in the same state, and engaged there in farming and operating a distillery. In this part of the state Mr. Crispin acquired his education in the common schools. At the age of tifteen years our subject began the battle of life for himself, working for various farmers until the beginning of the war of the rebellion. In 1863 he enlisted in the 2d Ohio regiment of Union troops. Colonel Gibson commanding, and served until after the surrender of the Confederate armies. After the war he again returned to Ohio, and continued farming. Mr. Crispin was married on the 14th day of February, 1867, to Miss Eliza E. White, daughter of Mr. Joseph L. White, of Highland county, Ohio. Determined to try his fortune in the new country west of the Mississippi river, Mr. Crispin, immediately after his marriage, started with his bride to Missouri. He landed from a steamboat at Lexington, Missouri, and rented a farm about seven miles northeast of Richmond, in Ray county. The following summer he bought land on the road from Richmond to Utica, which he soon after sold and purchased HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 763 the place upon which he now resides, two and a half miles southeast of the town of Millville. This place Mr. Crispin has improved until it is one of the best farms and most pleasant and comfortable homes in the county. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Crispin, three of each sex, all now living. Mr. Crispin was one of the charter members of the Ray Grange, P. of H., which was afterward consolidated with Crooked River and Morton Granges. Mrs. Crispin is a worthy member of the M. E. Church. Mr. Crispin owns three hundred acres of well- improved land, and is one of the most energetic, industrious, and success- ful farmers and stock-raisers in Grape Grove township. He is also a practical and experienced trader and dealer in live stock. CHARLES F. BATES, SR. The subject of the following sketch was born in Halifax county, Vir- ginia, on the 6th day of June, 1830. His father died when Charles was but four years of age, and in 1838, the whole family removed Missouri, set- tling in Ray county, where his mother purchased a farm, three and a half miles west of Richmond. This farm young Charles and his brothers worked, maintaining the family. Their mother died here about 1847, and the brothers continued to conduct the place and support the family for about two years longer, when our subject went to live with a brother- in-law. Himself and this brother-in-law, Mr. Henry E. Owen, pur- chased the old homestead and farmed there, in partnership, until Mr. Bates was married. His marriage took place November 18, 1852, Miss Melissa A. Elliott, daughter of Richard S. Elliott, of Ray county, becoming his bride. He remained on the old homestead one year after marriage, and then seUing his interest to Mr. Owen, he rented a farm for one year. At the expiration of this time he purchased and improved the place upon which he has since lived. This farm is seven miles north of Richmond. Mrs. Bates, after becoming the mother of three children, died in 1868, and Mr. Bates was subsequently married to Miss Mary V. Lamar, by whom he is the father of three children. Mr. and Mrs. Bates are both members of the M. E. Church South. When he was nineteen years old Mr. Bates gave ten dollars, half of all he had in the world, to help in building Todd's Chapel. Mr. Bates has been a hard worker, and justl}?^ merits the success in his business that he has achieved. He is a kind husband and an indulgent parent, greatly interested in the educa- tion of his children, to whom it is his chief desire to leave the priceless inheritance of a thorough education. 764 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. KEDAR WALL. An old settler and prominent farmer of Ray county. Was born in Anderson county, Kentucky, on the 26th of July, 1830. His father, who was a farmer, sold his property and removed to Ray county, Missouri, in 1833, and settled on a farm two miles and a half northeast of Richmond. Here he lived for about two years, and then removed to the farm upon which Kedar Wall now lives, seven miles northeast of Richmond. Mr. Wall enjoyed such opportunities as the schools of the neighborhood at that time afforded, for acquiring an education. He inherited the old homestead at his mother's death, and has worked industriously to improve it, and to enhance its value. The original tract contained about fwo hun- dred and forty acres, but he has continued to extend it by purchasing additional land from time to time, and it now comprises about four hun- dred acres of most excellent farming lands. In December, 1855, Mr. Wall was married to Miss Sarah E. Pugh, a daughter of Henry H. Pugh, Esq., of Ray county. Of this union eleven children have been born, only seven of whom are now living. The eldest child, Henry, is now in his twenty-third year Mr. Wall was one of the charter mem- bers of the Millville Lodge, No. 338, of the order of A. F. and A. M. Mrs. Wall is a very worthy member of the M. E. Church South, and worships with the congregation at Liberty school house. Mr. Wall has never taken much interest or a prominent part in politics, preferring to live quietly in the discharge of his domestic duties. AMBROSE YOUNG. Ambrose Young was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 16th day of May, 1831, and has always been a resident of his native county. He was educated in the common schools, often walking the distance of four or five miles to reach the school-house, and frequently not reaching home on his return until long after dark. Mr. Young lived on the place that his father settled until his marriage. He was married on the 29th day of September, 1853, to Miss Frances Graham, daughter of William Graham, Esq., a resident of Carroll county. Five children were born to bless this union; three boys and one girl are yet living, Odus G. Young, the eldest son, is a practicing attorney-at-law in Carrollton, Missouri, and Alonzo F., the second. son, is in charge of his father's farm, both doing well. Mr. Young is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Lodge at Millville, and both himself and his wife are members of the M. E. Church South at that place. He was for three years postmaster at Millville, and was also, during the same time, engaged with Fletcher Graham in merchandising there. His fine farm of three hundred acres of good land lies two and a half miles south of Millville, on the Richmond road. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 765 SEBRON S. YOUNG. This gentleman was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 8th day of February, 1829, about two miles from the present town of Morton. Soon after his birth his father entered a large tract of land, something over eleven hundred acres, eight miles north of the town of Richmond, and moved upon it. Mr. Young received his education in the log school- houses of that primitive time in the manner common with the sons of farmers. He spent about sixteen years on the farm with his father, and then went to Richmond and began clerking in the dry goods store of J. S. Lightner. He remained in this position about three years, and then, in 1849, he went with a party of gold hunters to California. He lived in California only about a year, and then returned home to Ray county. His father and Isaiah Mansur formed apartnership about this time, and began selling goods at Millville, and he was employed as clerk in their store. At this business he continued for about three years, and until the death of his father, when he gave his attention to farming, and this has been his principal occupation ever since. He has taught school some during the winter in connection with his farming. Mr. Young was married on the 16th of November, 1851, at Millville, to Miss Catherine C. Rainwater, ■daughter of Rev. Moses F. Rainwater, now of St. Louis. They became the parents of ten children, all but one of whom still live. He is a mem- ber of the order of Free Masons, and both himself and Mrs. Young belong to the M. E. Church South, at Millville. In 1862 he took the contract for carrying the mails between Richmond and Utica, which was, on account of the war troubles, a perilous undertaking, but Mr. Young accomplished the task, and discharged every duty in a manner highly sat- isfactory to the officials of the national postal service. Since the war Mr. Young has given his undivided attention to farming, and is to-day a pros- perous business man and a useful citizen. JOHN TAYLOR YOUNG. Although the gentleman whose name heads this page has been dead for nearly twenty-seven years, the part that he so well performed in the early settlement and improvement of the county, justly claims a place in her history. John Taylor Young was born in Fayette county, Kentuck}-, January 12, 1800, and lived in his native state until he was cfbout twenty- seven years of age, when he resolved to seek a home in Missouri, at that time comparatively a new state. He first came to Independence, in Jackson county, and remained there for about a year, when he removed to the Ray county bottom, and entering a small body of land, improved it and estab- lished his home, for a short time, upon it, In 1829, he removed about €ight miles north of Richmond to a tract of about eleven hundred and 766 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. sixty acres of land which he had acquired by entry and purchase. Here, after greatly improving his farm, Mr. Young continued to reside until the time of his death. He was married on the 10th day of May, 1828, to Miss Louisa, daughter of John Sneed, Esq., of Clay county. Eight chil- dren were born to them, but only four are now living: Sebron, Ambrose, Eliza, wife of H. C. Kell, and Warren, who lives with his family on the old homestead. Mr. Young was, for a number of years prior to his death, a consistent and worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died on the 7th of August, 1854, loved and honored by his children, and respected by his neighbors and friends. MARION M. CRITHFIELD. Is a native of Tennessee, born in Claiborne county, on the 8th day of August, 1827. His father, Joshua Crithfield, removed to Ra}' county, Missouri, in the year 1844, and settled on a farm about three miles west of Millville. Mr. Crithfield received only limited opportunities for obtaining an education, being compelled, as soon as he was large enough, to work upon the farm. When the storm of civil war broke over the land Mr. Crithfield left home to espouse the cause of the land of his birth. He enlisted in the 11th Missouri regiment of Confederate infantry, and fought throughout the entire war. After peace was declared he returned to his old home in Ray county. In the month of February, 1870, Mr. Crithfield was married to Miss Lizzie J. Hanna. Three children were born from this union, only one of whom, a bright little girl of eight years, named Ruth Ezzado, now lives. Immediately after his marriage Mr. Crithfield removed with his bride to a place he had purchased, one mile from Millville, and here he has made his home ever since. Mrs. Crith- field lived only five years after her marriage, dying May 12, 1875, and Mr. Crithfield has never married again. His sister, Mrs. Schooler, lives with and keeps house for him. She and her brother are both members of the M. E. Church South. Mr. Crithfield, like many another of Ray's best citizens, has, by his own efforts and industry, acquired a good home, and everything necessary to spending his life in comfort, and with the esteem and respect of his neighbors. NATHAN H. SCHOOLER. A prominent farmer and old settler of this county. Was born in Bed- ford county, Tennessee, on the 31st day of March, 1828. Eight years afterward his father, Nathan H. Schooler, Sr., emigrated from Tennessee to Missouri, locating on a farm one mile and a half west of Millville, Ray county. Upon this farm our subject spent the time until the year 1850, when, fired by the gold excitement, he went to California. Here and in . HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. • 767 Oregon, together, he spent about two years, and then returned to his father's farm in Ray county, where he lived until the death of his father, which occurred in the month of July, 1854. In November, of the same year, Mr. Schooler was united in marriage with Miss Sarah, daugh- ter of Henry F. Graham, Esq., of Ray county. The issue of this mar- riage was four children: Luther Scott, Altie, Addie, and Ella. The last named died in infancy. The others are yet living, and all of them are married. Mrs. Schooler died on the 17th of July, 1861, and the war being- then in progress, Mr. Schooler determined to drown the poignancy of his grief for her loss in the activity and excitement of the soldier's life. He joined the Confederate army, and remained in the war until its close, receiving a wound, the effects of which he still feels at times. After the surrender of the southern forces Mr. Schooler returned to Ray county, and resumed the management of his farm. Mr. Schooler is a member of the order of Patrons of Husbandry, and. also a Good Templar. He con- tinues to reside upon and superintend operations upon his farm, which he has finely improved and stocked with everything necessary to successful farming. He enjo3^s the esteem and respect of his neighbors, and is a good citizen, and an honorable, upright gentleman. WARREN YOUNG. Warren Young is the youngest living son of John T. Young, a pioneer settler of Ray county, whose biograph}^ is given upon another page of this work. He was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 22d day of September, 1838, and received such an education as the schools of the times afforded. He earl}' began work on his father's large farm, about eight miles north of Richmond, and has been all his life engaged in the same occupation. Mr. Young was married November 26, 1865, to Miss Harriet, daughter of Mr. William Foushee, now a resident of Richmond. The issue of this marriage was seven children, all of whom are now, April, 1881, living. Mr. Young's mother, now quite old, resides with her son on the old homestead, which he inherited from his father's estate. Mr, Young has been in every way successful in the management of his business affairs, and is doing a good work for the advancement and improvement of the agricultural interests of the grand old county of Ray- ROBERT A. WOOD. The subject of this sketch is a Kentuckian. He was born in Woodford county on the 26th da}- of September, 1821. His father was Edward B. Wood, an extensive farmer and slave owner, who had emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky. He acquired his education in the schools of his native state. His father died while he was a small boy, and after his death our subject resided upon the plantation, assisting his mother in its 768 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. management until her death in 1836. Then when but seventeen years of age, with the consent of his guardian and his relatives who were inter- ested, he rented the homestead from the other heirs, and began its man- agement for himself. When he attained his majority, Mr. Wood purchased several of the interests of his brothers and sisters, and thus gained control of the estate and greatly improved and beautified his home. Mr. Wood inherited a number of slaves from his father's estate, and purchased others whom he brought with him when he came to Missouri, and of course lost them, with the exception of a few who died, and some sold under the amnesty proclamation of 1863. Mr. Wood was married on the 15th day of October, 1844, to Miss Sarah A., daughter of James L. Keas, Esq., of dark county, Kentucky. Twelve children were born of this marriage, five sons and seven daughters, all now living. Four daughters and two sons are married, and Mr. Wood is the happy grandfather of some twelve children, the issue of their marriages. In the spring of 1852, Mr. Wood came to Missouri on a visit and prospecting tour, and he was so well pleased with what he saw of the country, especially of Ray county, that on his return to Kentucky he closed up his business there, and the follow- ing summer removed with his family and slaves to this county. He rented land when he first came while looking around for a suitable and available place to buy. His wife's health failing she grew dissatisfied and despon- dent, and longed for a return to the old Kentucky home, and Mr. Wood after having been but about a year here, returned to Kentuck}'. But his heart was fixed upon making his home in Missouri, and in the autumn following his return to Kentucky, Mrs. Wood having recovered her wonted health and strength, Mr. Wood came again with his family to Ray county, and purchased the farm upon which he has ever since resided. This farm approaches within less than a mile of Millville on the west, and comprises five hundred and eighty acres, all inone body, of as fine, fertile, rolling upland as can be found any where else in the county. Since losing his slaves, Mr. Wood has turned his attention chiefly to stock- raising, and has converted his farm mostly into pasture lands. Mr. Wood is assisted in the management and direction of his large estate by his eldest son, James E., a well educated and intelligent young gentleman. Mr. Wood made a trip to the state of Texas, in 1879, on business »:on- nected with some land which his brother, Edward B., formerly a soldier of the Mexican war, now a prominent lawyer of Kentucky, possessed there. Both Mr. and Mrs. Woods were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, before leaving Kentucky, and although they have never transferred their membership to any church here, they still cling firmly to the tenets of that denomination. Mr. Wood is one of the largest and most successful farmers and stock raisers in the county. Untiring industry and HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 769 energy, unimpeachable honesty and veracity, boundless hospitality and gen- erosity, have characterized his life and made the name of John A. Wood to be honored among his fellow men. JACOB STANLEY. Jacob Stanley was born in Campbell county, East Tennessee, September 15, 1806, and was educated in the schools of that state. His occupation has always been farming. Mr. Stanley was married in his native state, in his twenty-fifth year, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Moad, Esq., a near neighbor of Mr. Stanley's father. Soon after his marriage, our subject, in company with his father and father-in-law's families, removed to Ray county, Missouri, first stopping during the summer about two miles west of Richmond. Then he removed to a small farm two miles southwest of Millville. He has since greatly improved and extended his place by entry and purchase, until it now numbers some five hundred ?and twenty acres. Upon this farm Mr. Stanley lived until the day of his death, June 22, 1879. Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, six sons and five daughters, who are all living except one son, the eldest, and two daughters; and all but Thomas M. and Henry J. are married. Thomas M., the elder of the unmarried sons, has the management of the old homestead, and lives upon it with his mother. Mr. Stanley, at the time of his death, had been twenty-two years a consistent member of the M. E. Church South. He was a kind-hearted man, a good neighbor, and an upright, fair-minded, honest man. JOHN S. FLOURNOY. Well and prominently known throughout Ray county. Is of Scotch- Irish descent, his ancestors having emigrated from Scotland to America at a very early day. His father, James Flournoy, was a native of Mer- cer county, Kentucky, and a large farmer and slave-owner of that state. John S. Flournoy was born in Washington county, Kentucky, April 25, 1823. The foundation of his education was laid in the common schools of his father's neighborhood, though he afterwards received the advantages of the more extended course taught at St. Mary's College, a Catholic institutition of Marion county. Mr. Flournoy's mind was early trained to receive the Protestant faith and religion, and he imbibed no Casholic doc- trines from his attendance upon their school. Mr. Flournoy's mother, whose maiden name was Martha O. Halloway, was a native of Jessamine county, Kentucky. She had been, at the time of her death, a devout Methodist for half a century. This excellent lady, who lived to the advanced age of eighty years, always exercised the greatest care in the intellectual and moral training of her children. To this early training of his mother, John S. Flournoy is indebted for the foundation of that ster- 770 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. ling character, which, in after years, won for him the respect and support of his fellow citizens. After leaving college, Mr. F. taught school for several years during the winter months, and assisted upon the farm in summer. On the 28th day of February, 1851, John S. Flournoy was united in marriage to Miss Nancy C. M., daughter of Mr. James Keel, of Warren county, Kentucky, a lady of intelligence, culture and elegant taste. Two months after his marriage Mr. Flournoy removed, with his father-in-law, to Missouri, stopping temporarily in Clay county, but in the tbllowing October came to Ray county, and, in partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. H. C. Keel, purchased what was known as Carpen- ter's mill, and farm consisting of 360 acres of land, situated on the east fork of Crooked river. Mr. Flournoy soon became possessed of the whole tract, by the purchase of his brother-in-law's interest, and subse- quently selling 100 acres of the north part of the farm, reduced its size to 260 acres, which he soon improved into a productive and valuable farm, where he has since made his home. In 1858 Mr. Flournoy was appointed by the county court of Ray county, to assess range No. tiT. This duty he discharged in a very acceptable manner, and also made a perfect plat of the congressional townships in his territory, range 27. Mr. A. Spen- cer appointed him deputy assessor, and he assessed and made a plat, the first of the entire county. He afterwards served as deputy assessor for Lilburn McLaughlin, and also for A. P. Craven. In 1871 he was a can- didate before the democratic convention for the office of county assessor, but was defeated by Mr. Craven. Nothing daunted he ran again in 1876, and was elected. Bringing years of ripe experience to the discharge of the duties of the office, his official service met with universal satisfaction and approbation from his constituents and he was re-elected by a large majority. At the close of his second term the county official newspaper closed a very complimentary article upon him and his services with these words: " He retires with honors justly deserved." Mr. and Mrs. Flour- noy became the parents of ten children, all living but one, who died in infancy. Their son, Thomas M. is now, April, 1881, deputy county clerk, in the office at Richmond. Two daughters and the oldest son are mar- ried. John S. Flournoy is a model farmer, a devoted father, a firm friend and a highly respected and valuable citizen. ALEXANDER MAITLAND. Was born in Toronto, now Ontario, Canada, June 13, 1839. He is of Scotch extraction, both of his parents being natives of Scotland. His father, Alexander, sen., came first to the United States in the year 1835, but remaining only two years, returned to Canada. Here he was mar- ried to Miss Helen Skirring, about the year 1836. Our subject was the second child and oldest son of this union. He received his education in HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 771 the excellent schools of Canada, finishing at Knox College, Toronto, with the exception of a short time he attended school at St. Louis, after coming to Missouri. In 1852 Mr. Maitland accompanied his father to the United States, and made his home for about a year in the city of St. Louis, Mis- souri. The next year his father moved to Ray county, and was employed for a year as business manager by Colonel William Moore. Colonel Moore died in 1854, and Mr. Maitland and J. Lightner, of Lexington, Missouri, rented his property and continued the business for another year. He then rented a farm in the Ray county bottom, upon which he resided with his family until the year 1860. In that year Alexander, Jr., left home and began life for himself. Going to the mountains of Colorado, he engaged in gold mining for about six months, but not meeting with encouraging "luck," he left ofl' mining and returned to Ray county. Not having been naturalized, he was yet a British subject, and in consequence, did not suffer molestation from any source during the stormy times after his return, until 1865. On the 4th day of March, 1865, Mr. Maitland was married to Miss Mary G. Oliphant, daughter of Alexander Oliphant, deceased, formerly of Ray county. Mr. Maitland continued the occupation of farming after his marriage, and has not since engaged in any other business. In 1867 he built a house upon a tract of land belong- ing to his wife, and, improving it also otherwise, made his residence upon it. To this tract he has continued to add purchases from time to time, until now his farm includes three hundred and twenty acres of excellent and very valuable land. Mr. Maitland is one of the leading stockmen of his section of the county, paying considerable attention to the breed- ing and raising of the better grades of live stock. He has some very fine pedigreed young heifers, and his Cotswold sheep are among the best in that locality. Mr. Maitland and wife have seven children, the eldest, a boy of fifteen years, the youngest an infant. All are bright, intelligent and promising children, and their parents are exercising great care and pains to have them properly and well educated. Though raised a Pres- byterian, Mr. Maitland is now a Methodist in religious belief. He is a genial, courteous, hospitable gentleman, a successful, prosperous business man and a good citizen. DANIEL CRAMER. A native of Germany, was born near the village of Geharde, in Hano- ver, May 16, 1817. His father was a farmer of that province and with him our subject lived, working on the farm, until he was about eighteen years of age. A short time previous his brother had gone to America, and wrote back such glowing accounts of the new world beyond the great waters, that young Daniel determined to go and try his fortune there, and at the same time escape military service in his native country. 772 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. He sailed from Bremen in the month of April, 1835, and the following June landed on the American shore at Baltimore, where he worked in a cotton factory for two years. He then went to Pennsylvania and was employed on a boat plying the Schuylkill river, until the year 1844. In the spring of that year he came to Ray county, Missouri, and entering one hundred and sixty acres, two miles northwest of Millville, established his home there and has never removed from it, but has bought and improved more land, from time to time, until now he has a large farm of four hundred acres of very fertile land. Mr. Cramer was married in Pennsylvania, on the 19th day of December, 1841, to Miss Louisa Litzenger. They became the parents of live children, three girls and two boys. All are married except Frank, the \'oungest, now business partner of J. P. Grimes, at Millville. The youngest daughter, who was the wife of Mr. Owen, is dead, and her three boys live with their grandfather, Mr. Cramer. Our subject took no part in the war of the rebellion, and was bitter!}' opposed to it. He has always been a good, 103'al citizen of his adopted country. In 1864 Mr. Cramer was appointed justice of the peace by the county court, and served till 1866, when he was elected to that office, and discharged its duties until 1868, when he resigned to qualify for the office of judge of the county court, to which he had been elected by his fellow citizens. Mr. Cramer was reared in the faith of the Lutheran Church, but as there has been no organization of that denomination in his locality, has never connected himself with the church here. Mrs. Cramer is a worthy member of the M. E. Church at Millville. Mr. Cramer is a prosperous farmer, a good neighbor, and an honorable and a valuable citizen of his adopted county. JAMES VANBEBBER. This gentleman was born in East Tennessee, and spent the earlier part of his life in that state. Here he was engaged extensively in farming, and that was his lifelong occupation. When about twenty-five years of age he was married to Miss Elizabeth Yocum, daughter of Isaac Yocum, Esq., of Tennessee. Ten children, five of each sex, were born of this union. Eight of them are now living. In the year 1884, Mr. Vanbebber moved from Tennessee to Missouri, and settled in Ray county, in the river bottom near the present town of Hardin. Here he lived for about two years, and then buying and entering some two hundred acres of land thirteen miles north of Richmond, removed with his family to it, and lived there for the space of twenty-five years. He then sold his farm and removed to Caldwell county, Missouri, where he died in 1874. His widow is still living with her son in Caldwell county. The oldest son, William H. Vanbebber, is now living a short distance south of the place his father settled in Ray county. He has a good farm, a neat residence, and is HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 773 doing well. He is the father of three promising boys. Himself and his excellent lady are both members of the Methodist Church at Millville. RICHIE KINCAID. Was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 15th day of March, 1839. He was educated in the common schools of his native county, and has always been, since leaving school, engaged in farming. He was married first on the 16th day of December, 1860. His wife, after becoming the mother of nine children, six boys and three girls, died August 4, 1879. Mr. Kincaid was married the second time, October 13, 1880, to Mrs. Eliz- abeth Wild, widow of Henry W. Wild, deceased. The present Mrs. Kincaid is a member of the Christian Church. The former wife was a Methodist. Mr. Kincaid owns a good farm of one hundred and four acres, with a neat, comfortable home, and is doing well in his business. JAMES KINCAID. James Kincaid was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, on the 28th day of August, 1804. His father removed to Campbell county. East Tennessee, when he was but eight years old. Here he was educated, and worked with his father on the farm until he was twenty-four years of age. In the year 1828 he was married to Miss Sarah Craven, daughter of Richard Craven, Sr., and two years later he removed to Missouri, and settled in Ray county, four miles west of the town of Richmond. Enter- ing one hundred and sixty acres, eleven miles north of Richmond, he removed upon it the next year, and lived there until the time of his death. He subsequently purchased more land, and increased the size of his place to six hundred and forty acres. Grain and hemp were the principal pro- ducts of his farm. He lost several valuable slaves by the war. Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid were the parents of fourteen children, nine of whom, eight boys and one girl, are yet living. Mr. Kincaid, in religious belief, inclined to Methodism, though he was not a member of any church. He died December 14, 1868, deeply lamented by his family, and respected by all who had known him. ALFRED C. KINCAID. Was born in Ray county, Missouri, December 31, 1843, and educated and reared here. He began work on his father's farm early in life, and has followed farming ever since as the chosen calling of his life. He served thirteen months in the Federal army during the civil war, under compulsion, having been drafted. Alfred C. Kincaid was married on the 16th day of April, 1866, to Miss Rachel Grimes. They became the parents of six children, only two of whom, both girls, are now living. 774 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid are members of the Methodist Episcopal ■Church South, at Millville. He is also a member of the King Hiram Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at Knoxviile. JAMES N. GRIMES. This gentleman is the son of Henry C. Grimes, and brother of J. P. Grimes, of Millville. He was born in Campbell county, Tennessee. He left his native state when eleven years old, and came to Ray county, Mis- souri, where he was married, on the 2d day of September, 1862, to Miss Abigail Stemley. The issue of this union was five children. Ten years after her marriage Mrs. Grimes died, and Mr. Grimes was married again, in January, 1873, to Miss Sophronia Magill, of Ray county. By her he has three children. Mr. Grimes belongs to the M. E. Church South, as did his former wife, and also his present lady. He is also a member of the Millville Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He was engaged for two years, 1873-4, in merchandising, at Millville. Mr. Grimes has always been a farmer, in which occupation he has been very successful. JOSEPH PETTUS. Was born in the state of Virginia. When still a small boy, his parents removed to Lincoln county, Kentucky, and here Joseph grew up, work- ing on his father's farm. He was married in the month of October, 1829, to Miss Mary Ann Hamilton, daughter of Thomas Hamilton, Esq., now deceased. They became the parents of sixteen children, ten sons and six ■daughters, fourteen of them, nine sons and five daughters, still survive. In October, 1833, Mr. Pettus left Kentucky and came to Ray county, Missouri, settling one and a half miles southeast of Elkhorn, in the then almost unbroken wilderness, where he had entered three hundred and sixty acres of land. He afterward bought eighty acres more, making in all four hundred and forty acres of rich land. Here he lived until the time of his death, 1857. He was occupied with his business, and took no active part in politics. In religion, both himself and his wife were what have been termed Kellyites. Mr. Pettus' remains were interred upon his farm. He was successful with his business, because he was industrious and economical. All that he acquired of wealth he made by his own indomitable pluck, perseverance, and unremitting labor. His eflforts were accredited their due measure of approbation, and he was greatly respected by his neighbors. JOHN H. CRAMER. This gentleman was born near the town of Geharde, in the province of Hanover, Germany, on the 15th day of May, 1810. He was educated at the schools of Geharde. His father was a farmer, and in the choice of a HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 775 calling, the son followed his example. In 1834 our subject immigrated to the United States, landing at the port of Baltimore, in the month of May. In this city he remained eleven years, employed in a copirnission house. Here he was married the same year of his arrival, to Miss Ann A. Strodt- mann. Of this union one son was born, John Henry, now a practicing phvsician of Mandeville, in Carroll count}-, Missouri. Mr. Cramer came to Ray county in June, 1845, first landing at the town of Camden. Ten days after his arrival he bought the same farm upon which he now lives, except that he has since enlarged it by additional purchases. It numbers now five hundred and forty acres, with good, comfortable, and roomy house, large, substantial barn, and other necessary out-buildings, and a fine orchard. Mrs. Cramer died June 18,. 1858, and Mr. Cramer was subse- quently married to Miss Ruth E. Crithfield. Six children were the result of this union, but three of whom are now living with their father, the others having died. In religion, Mr. Cramer is a Lutheran, but as there has been no church convenient, he has never connected himself with his brethren in this county. Mrs. Cramer is a member of the M. E. Church South, at Knoxville. All his children are educated in English, and his eldest son, Doctor Cramer, in both German and English. Mr. Cramer is a suc- cessful farmer, a kind-hearted neighbor, and a good citizen of the county of Ray. WILLIAM M. SCHOOLER. Was born in the state of Tennessee, on the 2d day of January, 1818. During his infancy his parents removed to Madison county, Kentucky. Here our subject received his education, and learned the carpentering trade. In the year 1843 our subject made a tour of inspection through the state of Missouri, in search of a place to make his home. While in Chariton, Missouri, he met and wooed and won for his bride Miss Mildred Gooch, daughter of Gideon Gooch, Esq., a resident of that place. They were married, and Mr. Schooler took his bride back with him to Ken- tucky. But he was so well pleased with what he had seen of Missouri that he could not content himself to remain in Kentucky, and his wife was continually pining for her Missouri home. So, the verv next year, Mr. Schooler removed to Missouri, settling, when he first came, in Linn county, about nine miles from the town of Linneus, on the Chillicothe road. Here he continued to reside until the year 1847, when he came to Ray county, and located on a place about three miles west of Millville. Here Mr. Schooler continued to reside until his death. Thirteen children were born to Mr. Schooler and wife. Nine of them are now living, and five are married. Mr. John A. Schooler, who is yet unmarried, conducts the old homestead for his mother, the widow of our subject. Mrs. Cramer is a consistent and worthy member of the Christian Church, and most of 776 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. the children belong to that church. One of the daughters is a regular Baptist. Mr. Cramer died January 22, 1869, and is buried in the ceme- tery near his old home, and men remember him as an upright, honorable man, a good neighbor, and an orderly citizen. REV. JAMES DUVAL. James Duval was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, on the 8th day of March, 1804. He was the second son and fourth child of a large family. He was educated in the schools of his native state, and was an apt and industrious pupil. Always passionately fond of books, and of research for knowledge, he never ceased, to the day of his death, being a hard student. Early in life Mr. Duval was converted to the Christian religion, and connected himself with the Old School Baptist Church. The conviction that it was his duty to "go into all the world and preach the gospel," was so strong upon him, that he, soon after his conversion, was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry, and gave his lifelong service to it. Mr. Duval was married in the month of November, 1836, to Miss Lydia Russell, of Frederick county, Virginia, and in the autumn of 1848, removed with his family to Missouri. He located in Ray county, SIX miles north of Richmond, where he purchased, and entered together, more than seven hundred acres of land, and when not engaged in his ministerial labors, Mr. Duval devoted his time to the successful manage- ment of his large farm. Mr. Duval was an inveterate reader, and pos- sessed a remarkable memory. He never forgot what he read, and was regarded as the best informed man in his section of the county. Eight children were born of his union with Miss Russell, seven sons and one daughter. Three sons were killed in battling for the south. Lieutenant William Duval was killed at Corinth, Mississippi, while gallantly planting the Confederate flag on the Union breastworks. He was the third man killed while trying to plant the southern colors on the defenses of the "boys in blue" in that sanguinary struggle. Thomas and Henderson were killed at the battle of Baker's Creek, Mississippi. Mr. Duval lost his wife in September, 1874. She was an excellent lady, and a fitting companion for her husband. Her death was deeply mourned by her many friends. James Duval died on the 6th day of April, 1881, after having been pastor of Marion Church, near Knoxville, for more than thirty years. His loss was greatly lamented by his congregation, and his memory is honored and revered by the entire community. He was a kind-hearted, modest, pious and godly ma.n, generous and charitable to the erring. His death leaves a void in the ministry and in the community not easy to be filled. HISTORY OP' RAY COUNTY. 777 ISAAC DUVAL. Was a native of Virginia. He was born in Culpepper county, that state, July 16, 1806. Received the advantages of such schools as the times afforded, and was reared to be a farmer, and always pursued that calling. Isaac Duval was married in his native county, on the 6th day of November, 1837, to Miss Sarah M. Jeffreys. The issue of this marriage was three boys and one girl. He moved to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1844, and settled in Richmond township. His wife died July 3, 1845, and he was was afterwards married to Mrs. Rebecca Mausur, relict of Charles Mausur, Senior. Mr. Duval removed about the year 1849, to Grape Grove township, and purchased the farm upon which he lived at the time of his death. He was inclined to Lutheranism m religious views, though he was not a member of any denomination. He was a member of the Millville Lodge of A. F. & A. M. Isaac Duval died, November 17, 1879, highly respected by all who knew him. A good man and valuable citizen is gone. HIRAM P. SETTLE. Is a Virginian. He was born in Fauquier county, Virginia. When he was three months old his father died. His mother subsequently married and went to Ohio, and he was left to the care of his grandfather's family, by whom he was raised. After leaving school, at the age of about four- teen years, he began to learn the trade of a tailor, at Fairfax, in Culpep- per county. He served out his apprenticeship, and at the age of twenty- one commenced business for himself, and continued for a year or so work- ing at his trade, and then gave up tailoring for the more congenial occu- pation of farming, and has never since engaged in any other calling, Hiram P. Settle\vas married in the year 1834, to Miss Juliet A. DuvaL They became the parents of seven children, three only of whom, two sons and a daughter, survive. The latter, Elizabeth S., is now the wife of D. C. Allen, Esq., of Liberty, Missouri. In the year 1844 Mr. Settle came to Missouri in company with Isaac Duval, Esq. He first located near Richmond, and remained there about one year. In the month of March, 1846, he purchased part of the farm where he now lives, six miles northeast from Richmond, and moved his family to it. He extended this farm by entry and purchase, from time to time, until now it comprises five hundred and twenty acres of excellent land in a high state of cultivation, and well improved. Mr. Settle is in the front ranks of successful, prom- inent farmers and stock-raisers of Ray county. He claims to have raised the fastest horse ever bred in the county. This horse was sold and taken to New Mexico in the year 1878. Mr. Settle has now (April, 1881,) as fine a herd of blooded cattle as can be found in the county. Red Duke 49 778 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. a thoroutThbred bull, stands at the head of the herd. He is also largely engaged in breeding fine hogs and sheep. Of the latter he keeps the long wool Cotswold and Southdown varieties. His hogs are mostly of the Poland-China breed. For the trouble and expense he incurs in his laud- able efforts to improve the stock ol the county, great credit is due Mr. Settle. Hiram P. Settle is truly a self-made man. When he began life he had nothing, now he is the possessor of a competence, and continually growing wealthier. By his untiring energy and industry he has accom- plished it all. His example should be a valuable lesson to the youth of the land. For ten years prior to the civil war, Mr. Settle was one of the board of directors of the Ray county agricultural and mechanical asso- ciation. He is a member of the Richmond Lodge of A. F. & A. M. As a citizen and a farmer, Hiram P. Settle stands among the foremost of those interested in the development and progress of Ray county. He, the architect of his own fortune and character, truly builded well. DAVID A. THOMPSON. Was born in Russell county, Virginia, on the 25th day of February, 1821. He was the youngest son of a family of nine children. His father, Richard Thompson, w^as an extensive property holder and farmer of his native countv. But before our subject was grown his father was entirely ruined financially, by the payment of large sums of money to discharge debts of some friends for whom he w as security. When young Thomp- son was eighteen years old, his father removed from Virginia with the hope of reviving his shattered fortunes in Missouri. He settled in Ray county, where he entered a tract of land. David A. Thompson soon after left home and began for himself the hard struggle of a poor boy for a livelihood. He first hired to chop wood in the river bottom opposite Lex- ington. He was economical and saved his wages so well that when he arrived at the age of twenty -two years, he had the neat sum of two hun- dred dollars. Young calves were cheap and Mr. Thompson invested the whole sum in them, buying fifty-two. He placed his calves upon good pasturage and allowed them to grow until they were three years old, and then sold them at a large profit and invested the proceeds of their sale in land. He continued at intervals to enter land until his farm now includes three hundred and seventy-four acres of valuable land. Mr. Thompson's early history teaches practically, how important it is to economize in small matters, and what good results may come from the judicious investment of even a small sum of money. David A. Thompson was married in the year 1854, to Miss EveUne Mayberry, of Ray county. Of this union one son was born: George W., yet living. Mrs. Thompson died about three years after her marriage, and Mr. Thompson was afterward married to Miss M. J. Lozier, of Ray county. By her he became the father of eleven HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 779 children, seven boys and four j^irls. Two, George W., and David R., are married. Mr. Thompson is a worthy member of the Old School Bap- tist Church, as is the present Mrs. T.; his former wife was a Presbyterian. David A. Thompson has made all that he has, and accomplished all that he is, by his own efforts. Iron will, indomitable pluck, and ceaseless indus- try, have characterized his life work. He is highly respected tor his many excellent qualities by his fellow citizens. LORENZO S. MAGILL. Son of Judge L. H. Magill, was born April 2, 1856, and raised in Ray county, Missouri, near the town of Knoxville, on his father's farm. He finished his education at the Richmond College, and at the age of eigh- teen years engaged in teaching school for about three years, after which he went to farming. Mr. Magill was married on the 5th day of October, 1880, to Miss Emma Dale, daughter of M. G. Dale, of Ray county. She was born in October, 1863. He and his father-in-law have recently pur- chased a farm of one hundred and seventy acres, about eight miles north of Richmond, and known as the Anderson place. Here Mr. Magill has established himself with his fair young bride, and here he will doubtless make a successful farmer and a valuable citizen. J. W. C. WILSON, Sr. James W. C. Wilson, Sr., was born in Campbell county, Tennessee, on the 16th day of February, 1808. His father, Levi Wilson, Esq., was a prominent farmer and large land owner of that state. Mr. Isaac Wilson, uncle of our subject, was one of Ray county's earliest pioneers, having come to the county more than sixty years ago. The subject of this arti- cle was reared and educated in his native state. In the year 1829, his father removed to Ray county, Missouri, but remaining then only tempo- rarily, went to Clay county and remained there for about four years. He then returned to Ray county and lived here, the remaindei- of his life. Mr. James W. C. Wilson has never had his home changed from Ray county since he first came here, at the age of twenty-two years, except during the year 1830, when he lived in Clay county, Missouri. When Mr. Wilson commenced life for himself, he had not a dollar in the world. He hired to work on the farm of William Carlisle, of Ray county, for ten dollars per month; at that time considered high wages, and only paid to the very best farm hands. At the end of two years Mr. Wilson had saved from his wages the sum of one hundred and one dollars. Of this sum he paid one hundred dollars, half its price, for a farm of eighty acres, for which he had bargained, the remaining one hundred dollars of the price of the farm, to be paid in less than eleven months from the time 780 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY of ihe first payment. He now had just one dollar left. He possessed besides, five acres of corn, which he had ^rown in Clay county, and from the sale of it realized the sum of fifty dollars, selling at seventeen and a half cents per bushel of corn and fifty cents per hundred bundles for the fodder. This sum he also paid upon the price of the farm, and in consid- eration of paying in advance, of the stipulated time, received credit for sixty instead of fift}'^ dollars. Mr. Wilson worked until he had the remaining forty dollars, and then paying the balance due on the place, received a deed to it. Thus he first became a land-holder, and laid the foundation for his future success and usefulness. He now owns a farm of 895 acres, ten miles north of Richmond, on the Kingston road; 800 acres of this place are under fence, about 340 acres of pasture lands, and 460 acres in a high state of cultivation. This is the largest and most valuable farm in the township. Mr. Wilson has always been a Benton democrat, and formerly took considerable interest in politics. He has repeatedly been a delegate to the democratic convention of his county and congressional district. He has never sought or desired office at the hands of his party, though he has never failed to support the nominees of both state and national conventions, except the nomination of Horace Greeley for the presidency, in 1872. Mr. Wilson did not regard him as a proper choice for a democratic convention to make, and did not support him. Mr. Wilson has never married, and his mother, now ninety-four years of age, lives with him, and despite her son's efforts to restrain her from attempting any household cares, she insists still upon superintending the domestic affairs of the house. Her health is good, and for one so old, she is remarkably strong and active. Mr. Wilson is one of Ray county's most substantial farmers and best citizens, and the perusal of his life's history should inspire the poor youth of the county to emulate his example in the acqui- sition of property. . JOHN C. GARNER. John Campbell Garner was born in Clarke county, Kentucky, January 21, 1811. His father. Colonel Jesse W. Garner, was a carpenter, archi- tect and draughtsman, and is known here as the original contractor and builder of the Missouri penitentiary at Jefferson City. His father came to Missouri some years before the subject of this article, and young John was reared by his uncle, John Campbell, after whom he was named. John Campbell was a revolutionary soldier and served through the entire war. He held the rank of lieutenant. Mr. Garner's uncle left his nephew, at his death, a handsome legacy, by will, of one hundred and sixty acres of land, and two valuable slaves. After the death of his uncle he took charge of the farm for his aunt. This aunt was the sister of Governor Clark, of Kentucky. Mr. Garner never married, and his aunt HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 781 and a cousin were his housekeepers, until 1854, when the former died. He then sold his farm for seventy-five dollars per acre, and the next year came to Missouri. He had been very successful in dealing in horses, mules and cattle, in Kentuck\-, and he brought about twenty-five thou- sand dollars away with him from that state. After coming to Missouri he first stopped near Morton, in Ray county, but remaining there only a few months, he removed, in March, 1857, to the place where he now resides, on the Kingston road, nine miles north of Richmond. Here he purchased six hundred and forty acres of land, and at once began improving it by fencing and building a dwelling house and barn. Mr. Garner had just gotten his place improved, and was ready to commence business in earnest, when the war came and his slaves were taken from him. Mr. Garner spent most of his time during the war in Richmond. He has never engaged in any but agricultural pursuits, and owns now about nine hundred and thirty-eight acres of excellent land,' all lying near his homestead. Though Mr. Garner has never been a candidate for office, he has always taken a great interest, and kept himself well informed in political affairs. While he was living in Kentucky he organized the second Know-nothing council in Clarke county. Formerly he was a whig, but since dissolution of that party he has acted with the democracy. He has been, for a number of years, a member of the M. E. Church South, at Richmond. Although Mr. Garner did not enjoy many advantages for getting an education in his youth, he has read so much and so diligently and attentively, that his vigorous and retentive memory is well stored with valuable knowledge. His health has not been good for some time, and he is kept much indoors. This gives him a better opportunity to indulge his taste for reading. Mrs. Smith, his sister, keeps house for him. John C. Garner has been very successful as a farmer and stock raiser; he is an obliging neighbor, an honorable gen- tleman, and a highly respected citizen of the county of Ray. A. D. CLARK, M.D. The subject of this sketch was born in Clay county, Kentucky, on the 7th day of February, 1827. When he was four years of age his father removed to Ray county, Missouri, and he received his education partly in the common schools and partly at Richmond College. He began the study of medicine in the office of his father, Doctor Hiram Clark, at the age of nineteen years. Four years later, 1851, at the age of twenty- three, he began to practice his profession in Knoxville township. The next year he bought a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, about a mile and three-quarters north of Knoxville, where he resided until 1859. Then he moved a short distance south of his former home, to a farm he had purchased, and there he has since resided. This farm now comprises 420 782 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. acres. Dr. Clark was married in August, 1852, to Miss Amanda Jones, daughter of Solomon Jones, Esq., of Ray county. The issue of this union was seven children, only three of whom, one son and two daugh- ters, are now living. The son and one daughter are married; the other still lives with her father. Mrs. Clark is a member of the M. E. Church South, at Knoxville. Doctor Clark is a member of the order of A. F. & A. M., and was one ot the charter members of King Hiram Lodge No. 309, of Knoxville. He continues to live upon his farm and superintend its management in connection with the practice of his profession. He is a very successful and popular ph^^sician, and enjoys a large practice. HIRAM J. CLARK. Was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the farm where he now resides in the year 1843. His father was Dr. Hiram Clark, a practicing physi- cian of Knoxville, and the father of a family of five children, of whom our subject is the youngest. Mr. Clark received his education in the schools of Ray county. His father having died, he bought the interests of the other heirs, and became the sole possessor of the old homestead at the age of nineteen years. Soon after, in 1862, he started west and went to Oregon, where he remained about five months, and then came back as far as Idaho territory. Here he lived about the same length of time as in Oregon, and then returned to Ray county. During the first year after his return he was engaged very profitably, trading in cattle. The next year he took possession of his farm, and has made his home there ever since. Mr. Clark w^as married on the 28th day of June, 1865, to Miss Elizabeth Thomas, daughter of Mr. John Thomas, a resident of Ray county. Seven children were bore to them, five boys and two girls, all now living. Since the war, Mr. Clark has prospered greatly with his farming, and has extended his landed possessions, until now he is the owner of the north half of section one, township 53, range twenty-eight, He is a member of the old school Baptist Church, and also of lodge No. 309, A. F. & A. M., at Knoxville. JACOB T. CRAVEN. Is a native of North Carolina. He was born in Randolph county, that state, in the month of May, 1831. He was educated in the district schools of his father's neighborhood, and, after leaving school, began the work of farming, and this has been his chief occupation. In 1853 Mr. Craven was married to Miss Sarah Wright, also of Randolph county, North Carolina. They became the parents of four children, all now living, and two mar- ried. Three years after his marriage he removed to Nodaway county, Missouri, and entering and improving a farm there, lived upon it till the outbreak of the great civi! war. Mr. Craven was among the first to HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 783 respond to Governor Jackson's call for state troops, and, when the time for which he had enlisted in the Missouri guard had expired, he joined the regular Confederate army, and went to the war with Colonel Gates* first regiment of Missouri cavalry. He was in every battle and skir- mish in which his regiment was engaged, till he was wounded at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, in 1863. After the fight of Pea Ridge his brigade was transferred to the department of war east of the Mississippi, and here Mr. Craven followed all the movements of the army. He was twice wounded and once taken prisoner. When the war was over, Mr. Craven went to the state of Illinois, where his wife joined him, and lived there for four years. In 1869, having sold his farm in Nodaway county^ Missouri, he came to Ray county, and has ever since lived here, upon a farm he bought, south of the town of Knoxville. Mr. Craven is a mem- ber of Marion (Baptist) Church, and also a member of the Masonic Lodge, at Knoxville, which he joined by demit fi-om the lodge of which he had been a member, in North Carolina. Mr. Craven was a brave sol- dier, has been a successful farmer, and is now a useful and highly respected citizen of the community in which he lives. JEREMIAH CAMPBELL. Was born in Campbell county, Tennessee, in the year 1802. He received the advantages of such schools as his native county at that time aflbrded. He was married at about the age of twenty-two years, to Miss Elizabeth Vanderpool. Eight children were born to them as the result of this union, four of each sex. Five of them are still living. Jeremiah Campbell was a soldier in the Black Hawk war. He removed from Ten- nessee to Ray county, Missouri, in the year, 1S36, and settled about ten miles northeast of Richmond. Both Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were con- sistent members of the " old school " Baptist Church. Mr. Campbell died in July, 1875. In life he was greatly respected by all who knew him. JAMES G. COLLIER. J. G. Collier was born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, March 6, 184L Here he received the principal part of his education. When he was four- teen years of age, his parents came to Missouri and located, for a time, in Saline county, where he engaged in farming. He went mto the Confed- erate army from Sahne county, with General Marmaduke, in the autumn of 1864. He was at the battle oi Independence, Missouri, and also engaged in several minor battles during the war. He received his dis- charge from the army at Shreveport, Louisiana, and returned to farming, in Saline county, Missouri. He was, at one time, the owner of the " Bruce farm, " one of the best in the county of Sahne. Moved to Car- roll count}', in 1876, and remained one year there. Then he came to Ray 784 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. county, and has ever since lived here. Mr. Collier was married on the 14th day of May, 1871, to Miss Kate Miles, of Ray county. They became the parents of four children, John U., William K., Lizzie and an infant, which has not yet (April, 1881) been named. He owns a fine farm, of rich land, well improved. His residence is a brick house, dis- tmguished from the fact of its being the only one of that character in Crooked River township. He is a practical, successful farmer, and an intelligent and prominent citizen of his community. EPHRAIM D. FERREE. Is a blacksmith and wagon-maker, and was born on the 10th day of April, 1827, in Franklin county, Pennsylvania. He received the privileges of the public schools of his native state, and in them acquired his educa- tion. He served an apprenticeship of two years and a half in the shop of his brother, in Franklin county, three miles west of Greencastle, Pa. At , the expiration of this time he immigrated to Missouri, arriving at Lexing- ton, Lafayette county, on the 20th day of October, 1846. Here he went to work at his trade and remained five years. He then came to Rich- mond, Ray county, and continued the business of blacksmithing and wagon-making. In the spring of 1857 he went to Daviess county, Mis- souri, but the following year came back to Ray county and located at what was then called " Shaw's Shop," now the enterprising town of Mor- ton. Mr. Ferree was married in December, of the year 1850, to Miss Mary A. Griffin, of Lafayette county, a native of the state of Kentucky. The issue of this union is six children: William W., Margaret A., Charles W., John W., Frank Y., and George C, now living. Mr. Ferree is a most excellent workman in his branch of business, and is the recipi- ent of a large and lucrative custom. He is a good and substantial citi- zen, and one that the people of Morton and vicinity would be very sorry to lose from their midst. JAMES JOHNSON. The subject of this sketch was born two miles north of the town of Richmond, in Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1833. He received his <;ducation in the common schools, and after leaving school began work on his father's farm. He purchased the farm upon which he now lives, in 1861. This land was originally entered for twelve and a half cents per acre. It is now worth at least forty dollars per acre. Mr. Johnson spent most of the time during the civil war in the state of Illinois. He was married on the 3d day of March, 1861, to Miss Mollie Pugh, an excellent lady and a good wife. He has travelled extensively through the south and west, and visited almost every point of interest in these sections of the country. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 785 Mr. Johnson owns a farm of one hundred and ninety acres, which, in the quality and value of the land is absolutely unsurpassed by any in the county. SAMUEL O. McGUIRE. A native of Kentucky, was born in Anderson county, January 22, 1843, and received his education there. He was employed as a clerk at Law- renceburg, Kentucky, after leaving school for two years. He left Ken- tucky in 1801, and came to Ray count}-, Missouri, and in the month of June, the same year, he enlisted under Colonel Reeves in the Confederate army. He was at the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, luka, Corinth, Champion Hills and Big Black River. At the last men- tioned fight he was captured by the enemy and taken to Ft. Delaware and thence to Point Lookout, Mar3dand. Here he was kept six months, and then having been exchanged, he again entered the regular service. He made the trip from Independence, Missouri, to the Red River of the south, in 1864, with neither salt nor bread with his rations. Mr. McGuire was paroled at Alexandria, Louisiana, in July, 1865. After the war he went out on the plains of Nebraska and Dakota, and engaged at teaming for four years. He was in a battle with the Indians in Dakota. Four hun- dred of the savages surrounding the party's camp to which Mr. McGuire belonged, setting fire to the long dry prairie grass, attacked the train and killed four of his comrades, besides wounding and killing stock. Mr. Mc- Guire fortunately escaped without a scratch, and returned to Missouri. He stopped in Kansas City for about a year, and then going to Vernon county, Missouri, was employed herding cattle for about eighteen months. At the expiration of that time he returned to Ray county, Missouri, and has made his home here ever since. Mr. McGuire was married Decem- ber 22, 1870, to Miss Frances Wall, of Ray county, Missouri. They have two children living: James B. and Claude O. Mr. McGuire has mingled much with the world, and is an intelligent, practical minded man, a sub- stantial farmer and an influential citizen. JEREMIAH H. BRYAN. Jeremiah H. Bryan is a native of Virginia. He was born in Green county, on the 18th day of December, 1840, and received his education in the schools of Rockingham county, near Harrisburg. He followed farm- ing for awhile, and also taught school for about three years in Virginia. He then learned the carpentering trade, at which he still works at inter- vals. He was a soldier in the army of Virginia, under General Stonewall Jackson, and participated in the following named battles: Second Man- assas, Gettysburg, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Port Republic, Cross Keys, 786 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Seven Pines, Petersburg, Hatcher's Run, Richmond, and Appomattox, besides many other minor engagements. Mr. Bryan was wounded at the battle of Jourdan Ridge. He surrendered with the army ol Virginia at Appomattox court house, April 9, 1865, having served bravely and well in defense of the cause he believed to be just and right. Per- haps no other man now living in this section of the country was in so many of the principal and hard-fought battles of the war, and followed so closely the fortunes of the side he had espoused. When the banner of "stars and bars" he had followed to so many battle-fields, and learned to love so well, was " furled forever," Mr. Bryan returned to the quiet walks of peaceful life, and resumed the cultivation of his farm. He was mar- ried in the month of April, 1867, to Miss Fannie Fridley, of Rockingham county, Virginia. Three children were the issue of this marriage, but one of whom, Birdie, is now living. Mr. Bryan owns a fine farm of one hundred acres in Crooked River township, Ray county. He is a sub- stantial and prosperous farmer, and enjoys the universal esteem and respect of all who know him. JOHN F. CUNNINGHAM. The gentleman whose history follows is a native of Muskingum county, Ohio, and was born on the 14th day of March, 1848. His parents immi- grated to Missouri in 1854, stopping in Chariton county, where he made his home until 1879. His educational advantages were unusually good, being given a five years' course in the literary department of the Wes- leyan University of Ohio. After leaving school he returned to Chariton county, Missouri, and entered the drug busmess. He was also engaged at the railroad business for about twelve years, being station agent and telegraph operator at different points. He was operator in the office at Hardin for about a year, and then established the drug and grocery trade, in which he is now engaged. He entered the Union army from Chariton county, in 1861, and was with General Grant at the battle of Shiloh, where he was so severely wounded as to necessitate his discharge from the service. This was in April, 1862. He came home, and, recovering from the effects of his injury, joined the state militia, and participated in several skirmishes. He was discharged with the 35th regiment of Mis- souri volunteers, at Laclede, Missouri, and returning home again, resumed the business that was broken off by his going to the war. Mr. Cunning- ham was married, June 14, 1868, at Keytesville, Chariton county, Mis- souri, to Miss Bettie L. Grubbs. Their union is blessed by four children : Arthur W., Jennie E., John F., Jr., and an infant. Mr. Cunningham's father, a native of New York, is yet living in Chariton county, Missouri. He, too, is a druggist, as well as an extensive land owner there. In poli- tics, our subject is a prominent republican, and raised the first republican HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY, 787 banner in the county after the war. He is a leadin^j member of the I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 134, Brunswick, and also of the Encampment. He is highly respected by the good citizens of Hardin, among whom he lives, and is well and favorably known throughout the county. L. B. WRIGHT. Few indeed, are those who accord to the man who spends his life in the cause of common education, his due measure of credit and praise. L. B. Wright was born in Owen county, Kentucky, December 5, 1838, about twenty miles northeast of Frankfort. His parents came to Missouri, in 1849, and settled in Lafayette county. Here he finished the course taught in the neighboring schools, and then entering Nelson's Commercial College at Cincinnati, graduated in 1864. He returned home, and lived with his parents until his 21st year. Since then he has been engaged in teaching, and other branches of work connected with schools. He was commissioner of public schools of Ray county for four years. He has taught during almost every winter, for twenty-two years, engaging m- " That delightful task, to rear the tender thoughts, To teach the young- idea how to shoot, x\nd pour fresh instructions o'er the mind, " from four to nine months in each year. He has taught in Lafayette, Carroll and Ray counties, and also in Kentucky. Taught live years in the schools of Morton. During the civil war he was attending commercial schools at Cincinnati, Ohio, and was in consequence, engaged but a short time in the Confederate service. After he left school there he was book-keeper for a time in the establishment of Messrs. Smith & Shaw, wholesale grocers, of Cincinnati. He left that city in April, 1866, and spent the following sum- mer traveling, principally on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. Mr. Wright came from Lafayette county to Ray, m the fall of 1869, and has had his home here since that time. He was married October 11, 1868, to Miss Kittie Renick, of Lafayette county. They became the parents of four promising children: James S., Kate R., John A. and Ora E. Mr. Wright enlisted under General Sterling Price, in the Confederate army, in July, 1862, and belonged to General Raines' division. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Lexington, Missouri, and placed at the disposal of General Lane, who banished him to Indiana, from whence, having obtained a pass from the governor, he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, until after the cessation of hostilities, when he returned home to Missouri. Mr. Wright owns and conducts a good farm in conjunction with his teaching* He has done a good work for the upbuilding of schools, and educational advancement in this, the county of his adoption. 788 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. JOHN H. BOWMAN. Was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, on the 8th day of x\pril, 1845. His father left Virginia in 1857, coming directly to Ray county, Missouri. He was principally educated in the schools of his native state. He is now, and always has been, a farmer. In 1864, he enlisted in the Union army, under General Smith, from Ray county, and engaged in the battles of Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee, and Mobile, Alabama. He was discharged from the service at St. Louis, Missouri, August 15, 1865. Miss Fannie Vantrump, of Ray county, a native of Rockingham county, Virginia, became the wife of Mr. Bowman, on the 3d day of June, 1866. She is the mother of three children: Joseph F., John D. and Ida Virginia. Mr. Bowman owns a good farm of ninety acres, well improved, a fine residence, good outbuildings and fences, and a young and thrifty orchard of bearing trees. His farm is in a most excellent state of cultivation. Mr. Bowman is a good man and a worthy citizen. THOMAS H. KEYES. The subject of this sketch was born in Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1849, and educated in the schools of his native county. Since he attained to manhood's estate, his occupation for the greater part of the time has been farming and stock-raising. During two years he was engaged in the nursery business. Mr. Keyes owns a farm of one hun- dred and twenty acres of excellent land, well improved and cultivated, with a neat, comfortable dwelling house, good barn and thrifty orchard. He was married, in the month of November, 1870, to Miss Sarah C. King, of this county. They have four children, named as follows, viz: Thomas A., John C, Laertis B. and Allen T. Mr. Keyes is a leading member of the Masonic Lodge at Hardin, and is a highly respected and valuable citizen. ISAIAH METTS. Isaiah Metts was born in the year 1822, in Champaign county, Ohio. He attended the district schools of his father's neighborhood, and after leaving school engaged in farming in his native state, until 1868, when he came to Missouri and settled in Ray county, where he has ever since resided, occupied in the avocation of farming and stock-raising. Mr. Metts owns a neat, comfortable homestead on Crooked river, and is doing well in business. He was married in Ohio, in the month of August, 1847, to Miss Elizabeth Boothe, a native of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Metts have eight children, viz: Laurette, Sarah C, Samantha I., Jeanette, Lemuel, Mary E., Ara and Martha H. Mr. Metts is an industrious man of steady habits and good morals, and is much esteemed by his neighbors. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 789 JOHN T. BANKSTON. John T. Bankston was born in the state of Tennessee, January 26, 1835. At the age ©£ sixteen years he came to Missouri, and settled near the town of Carthage, where he lived during seven years, engaged in farming. In 1859 he went to Jackson county, Missouri, and lived there on a farm until 1863, and then came to this county. The first year, after coming to Ray county, he lived in the city of Richmond; the next three years on a farm about two miles northeast of that place. At the expiration of that time he purchased and removed to his present place, where he has since resided, occupied in farming and stock-raising. Mr. Bankston was married in Jasper county, Missouri, in 1854, to Miss Mary M. Peak. The issue of this union has been eleven children: George N., Giles B., Sarah E., John S., Hettie A., Austin G., James P., Charles A., Mary E., William F., Emily P. Mr. Bankston owns a good farm and is a prosperous, well-to-do farmer, and a useful citizen. H. J. SITTERMAN. Henry J. Sitterman is a native of Franklin county, Missouri, and was born on the 5th day of March, 1850. In 1865 he went to St. Louis, and learned the trade of carriage making, which business he still follows to some extent. He staid in the city of St. Louis until 1873, and then went to Kansas City, Missouri, and thence to Johnson county, working all the time at his trade. From Johnson county he came to this county, and engaged in the Sharondale mills, at Richmond and Lexington Junction of the Wabash railroad, and continued in the milling business until the year 1878, since which time he has been actively occupied in buying and ship- ping grain. This business he has made very successful and profitable by his sound judgment and good management. Mr. Sitterman was married October 14, 1873, to Miss Minnie Voss, of Wyandotte, Kansas, a native of Franklin county, Missouri, They have two children: Ida K. and John H. Mr. Sitterman's parents are natives of Germany. They are both yet living in Franklin county, Missouri. His father was born February 7, 1800, and is now the oldest settler living in Franklin county. Mr. Sitter- man is a good business man and a valuable citizen. W. A. WILLIAMS. The subject of this sketch is a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born in the town of Camden, August 16, 1856. He received his education here, and has resided all his life in this county. He was reared on a farm, and spent the earlier part of his life in farming. In the year 1874 he entered the drug trade at the town of Hardin, and continued it there until 1879, when he removed to R. &. L. Junction. He has been 790 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. conducting a drug store very successfully, in that place ever since. His is the only business of its character at the junction, and he receives all the patronage that comes to the town. Mr. Williams is an intelligent, active, voung gentleman, and the outlook for him is one of great promise. R. H. GEORGE. Reuben H. George was born in Iredell county, North Carolina, June 16, 1847. His parents were natives of North Carolina, and his father represented Iredell county in the general assembl}^ during two terms of office, and was also a member of the state constitutional convention after the war. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, and received his education in his native county. In the year 1867, he engaged in mer- cantile business in the town of Wilkesborough, Wilkes county, North Carolina, and remained in that place until 1869, when he immigrated to Missouri, and settled in Ray county, where he has since resided. He engaged at R. & L. Junction in merchandising, in company with Mr. Chenault, during two years, and then his partner having withdrawn, he continued the business for a number of years alone. Mr. Chenault again entered the business and they now conduct the store in partnership, and do a fine business. Mr. George was married in the month of July, 1872, to Miss Eucy Campbell, of Ray county. They have three children: William Everett, Joseph Clinton, Julia. Mr. George is a rising young merchant, a good business man, and a popular gentleman. ALEXANDER STARR. Was born December 1.5, 1823, in Highland county, Ohio, and received his education there. He early began the work of a farmer, and has always followed that calling. He removed from Ohio to Illinois, and lived there for about sixteen 3'ears. He came from Illinois to Missouri in 1865, and settled in Ray county, where he has always since lived. He was married in the year 1812, to Miss Isabella A. Campbell, a native of the state of Pennsylvania. They became the parents of six children, now living: James C, John A., Marilla J., Rebecca A., Mattie, and Anna Belle. Mr. Starr took no active part in the civil war, preferring to remain quietly at home in the discharge of his domestic duties. His oldest son, James C, was in the Union army for about eighteen months. Mr. Starr owns a comfortable home of seventy acres, well improved and stocked with good breeds of the different varieties of live stock. He is a good citizen, and a highly respected man. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 791 JOHN A. STARR. Is a native of Illinois. He was born in Knox county, that state, on the 8th day of December, 1857. His father, Alexander Starr, removed to Ray county before he was ten years old, and in the excellent public schools of this county he received his education. Mr. Starr is now (April, 1881), engaged at work on his father's farm. He is a very intelligent and promising young man. F. J. WALKER. F. J. Walker was born in Woodford county, Kentucky, on the 25th day of September, 1843. His father removed to Missouri, when he was but twelve years old, stopping for a time in Clay county, but afterwards settling permanently in Ray county. Here he received his education, and has since made his home. He enlisted in the Confederate army at Lexington, Missouri, December 10, 1861, and was with General Price for nearly two years, then crossing the Mississippi he was engaged,, under General Van Dorn and others, in the battles of the eastern campaign. Mr. Walker participated in the battles of Elkhorn, Corinth, luka, Baker's Creek and Grand Gulf Mississippi, at Farmington and many other points. He was engaged for three months in the closely contested campaign of Georgia. Received a severe wound at Corinth, Mississippi, in 1862. He was discharged, when the war was over, at Meridian, Mississippi, May 4, 1865, and returned home to Ray county, Missouri, where he has ever since made his home and occupied his time in farming and stock raising. Mr. F. J. Walker was married on the 9th day of February, 1870, to Miss Martha J. Hudson, of Ray county. Their chil- dren are three: Albert Curry, Emma Lelia and Alice. This gentleman is the owner of one hundred and eighty acres of good land, has a com- fortable home, is a very successful and prosperous farmer, and a pro- gressive, spirited and highly respected citizen. JOHN R. GOSNEY. Is a Kentuckian, born in the year 1841, in Kenton county. He received a common school education in the neighborhood of his birth. Soon after leaving school he entered the Confederate army for the great civil war, enlisting in September, 1862, under General Buckner. This division of the Confederate forces was ordered east to West Virginia, and was chiefly occupied with operations in that state. Mr. Gosney was engaged in the battles of Chicamauga, Blountsville, Jonesville, and a great many minor engagements, sometimes skirmishing for many days. He was a member of company C, Third Kentucky cavalry, and was paroled at Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, in the month of April, 1865. Imme- 792 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. diately he returned to Kenton county and began to farm, in which occu- pation he continued there for about four years. In the fall of 1869, he immigrated to Lafayette county, Missouri, and soon after to Ray, loca- tinir about one mile from the town of Hardin, where he lived for ten years. He then moved into Hardin and yet lives there. In the year 1865, Mr. Gosney was married to Miss Arabella Daugherty, a native of Kenton county, Kentucky. The progeny of this union is three children, living: Olive May, Franklin R. and Charles. Mr. Gosney is the happy possessor of a fine, fertile farm of two hundred and forty acres, well improved and stocked, and is one of the best and most substantial men of his community. GEORGE W. LAVELOCK. Was born in Ray county, Missouri, on the 15th day of January, 1860. He attended the common schools of his native county until he completed the course usually taught in them, and then entered the State University at Columbia, Missouri. He is now a member of the class of 1882, in the law department of that excellent institution. When he has finished his legal studies he will enter the office of his brother, F. M. Lavelock, Esq., who is a prominent attorney of Richmond. Mr. Lavelock is an intelligent industrious student, and his future is bright and promising. No doubt he will rise to a position of distinction in his chosen profession, and be a credit and honor to his family and to his county in the years to come. WILLIAM W. FERREE. Was born in Lafayette county, Missouri, November 18, 1851. His parents came to Richmond, Ray county, when he was yet a small child. They lived at Richmond for about five years, and then moved to Daviess county, Missouri, where they remained for two years. They then came again to Ray county and located in the town of Morton, then known as Shaw's Shop, where Mr. Ferree was educated. After leaving school he learned the trade of blacksmithing, and has always worked at that busi- ness since. Mr. Ferree was married on the 3d day of February, 1876, to Miss Louise J. Weeks, a resident of Caldwell county, Missouri, and a native of Virginia. The offspring of this marriage is two children: Fred W., and Urah Pearl. Mr. Ferree is an excellent mechanic, and enjoys the proceeds of a large and constantly increasing patronage. He also con- ducts a wagon manufactory' in connection with his blacksmith shop. He is a good citizen, and an indispensable adjunct to the town of Morton. HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 795 OLIVER S. CUNNINGHAM. This gentleman is one of Missouri's sons, born in Clay county, on the 30th day of October, 1845. He finished his education at the schools of Richmond, Ray county, Missouri, and after leaving there, taught school for three years. In the year 1866 he began the work of a farmer, and has ever since devoted his time to that branch of industry. He was married in December, 1865, to Miss Martha L. Martin, of Ray county. The issue of this marriage is one child, Hving: William Edward. In 1881 Mr. Cunningham purchased the farm upon which he has established a comfortable home, and is prospering finely. He is a rising farmer, and a valuable accession to the reliable, industrious and substantial men of the neighborhood. AUSTIN THOMPSON. Was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, in the month of November, 1836, and received his education there in the common schools. After growing up he was, for some time, a trader in live stock. Leaving his native state, he spent about six months in Richmond, Virginia. He came to Missouri in November, 1856, landing at Lexington, Lafayette county. He engaged with Thomas A. Brown, of Ray county, as an overseer of negroes and general farm manager for two years, after which he pur- chased the place upon which he has since been engaged in farming. Mr. Thompson was in the Missouri state guard, under command of General Sterling Price, for six months, at the beginning of the rebellion. During this time he participated i n the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek and Dry Wood. He was discharged at Osceola, Missouri, in the fall of 1861,, having served the time for which he enlisted. Austin Thompson was married on the 2d day of November, 1861, to Miss Adelia T. Hudson, of Ray county. The issue of this union is three children: Leonora, Wil- liam K. and Lula M. Mr. Thompson traveled extensively through the west, in the years 1864 and 1865. He was, during this time, " boss " of several large wagon trains*. He now owns a farm of 200 acres of rich, productive soil in Crooked River township, in this county, and is in a very prosperous condition. He is well esteemed and respected among his fellow men. NATHAN A. LENTZ. Is a farmer and stock-raiser. He was born in May, 1836, in Bedford county, Tennessee, and was educated in the common schools, and trained to the farmer's vocation. His parents removed from Tennessee to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1850, and settled the homestead now owned and occupied by our subject. Mr. Lentz continued his farming until the 50 7I>J- HISTORY OP^ RAY COUNTY. summer of 1861, when he entered the Confederate army under Colonel Slack, who was commanding at that time a regiment of state troops, Mr. L. was at the battles of Carthage, Springfield, and Lexington, and then, the six months for which he had enlisted having expired, he was dis- charged at Osceola, Missouri. Going south to Fort Smith, he volunteered for the war, entering General Parsons' division of the regular Confederate army. This was in June, 1862. He was engaged at the siege of Little Rock, Arkansas, in the autumn of 1863; at Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, and at Jenkins' Ferry. At the latter battle he suffered an accident which dis- abled and rendered him unfit for active service with the army. He was, in consequence, given work in the blacksmithing department of the mili- tary laboratory near Marshall, Texas. Recovering his wonted strength, he returned to the army. The division to which Mr. Lentz belonged o-ave up their arms to the Union commander at Shreveport, Louisiana, and were ordered to report at Alexandria, Louisiana, where the con- ditions of their surrender were entered- into June, 1865. He took the oath of allegiance to the Union at St. Louis, Missouri, and returned home to Ray county. Mr. Lentz was married on the 16th day of January, 1860, to Miss Mildred Cox, daughter of Mr. L. Cox, of Ray county. They have four children living: May, Minnie, Ella, and Neva. Since returning fron*i the war, Mr. Lentz has devoted himself to his farming, and is now the owner of a farm of one hundred and eight acres, with a nice residence, good fences, and other valuable improvements. He is one of the most substantial farmers and oldest citizens of his community. MARSHALL M. SPURLOCK, A prominent farmer of Ray county, was born in Cabell county, Vir- ginia (now West Virginia), in the year, 1826. He was educated in the common schools of his father's neighborhood, and spent his vacations working on the farm. In 1833 both his father and mother died, with cholera, which was, at that time, sweeping through the country, carrying death and desolation to many a happy home. Six years afterward he left Virginia, with his brother-in-law's family, and came to Ray county, Mis- souri, where he has, all the time since, been engaged in farming, with the exception of a few years given to merchandising, in the town of Morton. Mr. Spurlock was first married, in 1845, to Miss Eliza Bates, then liv- ing in Ray county, Missouri, but who had been reared and educated in the state of Kentucky. They became the parents of four children: John W., James IL, Onysky, and Urmanella, all of whom are still living except John W., who died on the 17th day of April, 1881. He had been circuit clerk of Ray county for the space of six years, and his memory is held in universal respect and honor by all who knew him. Mrs. Eliza Spurlock died, deeply lamented b\- a large circle of relatives and friends, and Mr. S. HISTORY OF RAV COUNTY. 795 was again married, in 1S5H. The lady becoming his bride this time, was Miss Margaret Morris, a native of Ray county. By her he became the father of five children. Their names are: Kate, Mattie, Virginia, Lucy, and Benjamin. Mr. Spurlock owns a good farm of two hundred acres of very productive land, with a fine residence and other substantial improve- ments. He also deals quite e:^tensively in live stock. He is one of Ray's most enterprising men and best citizens. JAMES F. BATES. Was born in Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1851. He attended the public schools of his native county, and in them received his education. His father owned a large farm, the same upon which Mr. Bates now lives, and after leaving school he commenced work on his father's farm, in which business he has ever since continued. He was married in 1876, to Miss Ella Morrison, a native of Ray county, and a most excellent young lady. The issue of this marriage is two children: Edward T. and Emily V. Mr. Bates owns one of the very best farms in the county of Ray, comprising four hundred acres of most excellent land, highly improved, having a handsome, commodious dwelling house, a good roomy barn, a fine orchard, and all in a fine state of cultivation, under good and substan- tial fencing. He is also extensively engaged in breeding and raising fine stock, and yearly feeds and ships large numbers of cattle and hogs to the eastern markets. Mr. Bates is highly esteemed in the community in which he lives, for his many excellent qualities as a neighbor and a citi- zen. He has done a good work tor the improvement and advancement of the agricultural interests of the count\\ JAMES T. YATES. The subject of this article is a Kentuckian, having been born at Shelby- ville, in that state, on the 15th day of November, 1851. His parents removed from Shelby county to Scott county, when he was quite young. He attended school for a time at Stamping Ground, in his native state. Then his parents immigrated to Ray county, Missouri, and located upon the same farm where Mr. Yates now resides. He has been a farmer all his life, and is now the owner of a fine and v^ry valuable farm upon which he is at present making great improvements, which will add much to the beauty and comfort of his home, as well as very greatly enhancing its value. James T. Yates was married on the 8th day of February, 1876, to Miss Janie Richardson, a native of Hart county, Kentucky. This union is blessed with two promising children: William F. and Mary E. Mr. Yates is a brother of Doctor Yates, of this county, and is rapidly advancing to the front ranks among the substantial farmers and promi- nent citizens of his adopted county. 796 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. JOHN C. PORTER. John C. Porter is a native of Lexington, Lafayette county, Missouri, where he was born on the 12th day of December, 1854. He had the advantages of the excellent public schools of his native state for the acquirement of an education. He entered upon the work of farming, and, after some time spent in pursuit of this calling, he went west with the tide of emigration in 1874, and was engaged for about two years in the cattle business in Colorado. He afterward returned to Missouri, to the county of his birth, and, becoming the possessor of a fine farm, again went to farming, in Clay township, near Wellington. He removed to Ray county in 1880, and has since made his home and been engaged in farm- ing here. Mr. Porter was married on the 23d day of September, 1880, to Miss Mary D. Mallory. He is, a rising, prosperous young farmer, an industrious and honorable man, well thought of and popular among his friends, of whom he has scores. ROSS P. BELL. The gentleman whose name heads this article is a native of the Old Dominion state. He was born at Harper's Ferry, Jefferson county, Vir- ginia, in the year 1852. His parents removed with him to Ray county, Missouri, in 1860, and here he acquired his education in the public schools. After attaining his majority he was occupied for a considerable time in farming. Then he went to Texas, and, during the years 1872-'73 and '74, was engaged in the cattle trade in that state. Returning to Ray county, he again devoted his time and attention to farming for the space of about two years. Subsequently he went into the mercantile business in the town of Hardin, where he is yet engaged in a prosperous and lucrative trade. Mr. Bell was married to Miss Ella Johnson, a native of Ray county, on the 24th day of Februarv, 1879. They have two children, Frank and Susan, who are twins. He is a rising, public-spirited, and pop- ular young man. JOHN H. GROVE. John H. Grove is a farmer and stock-raiser. He was born in Highland county, Ohio, in the year 1839. He received the advantages of a com- mon school education in his youth, at home, and was reared in the man ner usual with the sons of farmers in those days; and followed in after- life, of choice, the avocation to which he had been reared. He owned a fine, well-stocked farm in Ohio, and was also engaged for a number of -years as a stock-dealer. Mr. Grove was married in the year 1859, to Miss Lydia R. Cownlan, also a native of Ohio. They became the happy parents of six children: Laura V., Eva M., Charles Grant, Maggie, HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 797 Mattie, and John, who are at present living. He removed to Ray county, Missouri, in 1871, purchased land, improved and beautified his home, and has lived here ever since in the enjoyment of the fruits of his industry, surrounded by a happy family and many warm friends. Mr. Grove has been justice of the peace for several years, and yet holds that office in his township. He is one of Ray's best and most substantial farmers. GEORGE H. BUSH. A native of the state of Kentucky. Was born in the month of Sep- tember, 1847, in Hart county. He attended the schools of his father's neighborhood, and in them received his education. After he was grown he devoted his time to farming in his native state until about the year 1864. In the month of October of that year he emigrated from Kentucky to Missouri, and estabhshed his home in Ray county, since which time he has been engaged in his favorite avocation of farming. Miss Amy D. Lentz, of Ray county, became the wife of Mr. Bush on the 27th day of September, 1866. The result of this union is nine children, still living. Their names are as follows: Mary L., James H., George E., Elmer N., Myrtie A., Charles T., Philip W., Houston A., and Monroe P. Mr. Bush received the substantial evidence of his popularity among the peo- ple of his township by receiving their almost unanimous support for the office of constable, which position he now holds. Mr. Bush has a good, comfortable, and handsome home, a fine productive farm, and is highly regarded by his friends and neighbors. GEORGE B. HINMAN. George B. Hinman is a native of the state of Illinois, born in Pike county, in the year 1839. His early education was received in the district schools, and in the schools of Quincy, and finished by a commercial course in one of the best business colleges of Chicago. After leaving school he was occupied for some time in buying and shipping stock from Pike county, Illinois, to St. Louis. Subsequently he came to Ray county and bought the farm where he now lives, and where he has been engaged since, in tilling the soil, and in feeding and shipping live stock to market. Mr. Hinman was married on the 9th day of April, 1863, to Miss Arabella Lindsay, of Elizabethtown, Hardin county, Kentucky. The issue of this marriage was seven children: Arthur B., Anna M., George W., Fred L., Lena B., Ella M. and Mary F., now living. Mr. Hinman owns one of the largest, best, and most desirable farms in Ray county. It is well sit- uated, high, rolling and fertile, in a healthful section of the country, with a fine large residence, and other necessary improvements upon it. He is a good neighbor, an honorable man, and a good citizen. '98 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY THOMAS M. DEACY The subject of this sketch is a public school teacher, and a native of Ray county, Missouri. He was born on the 3d day of March, 1851. The foundation of his education was laid in the common schools of this county, where he early evinced a fondness for books, and established a reputation for studious habits. After leaving school he entered the pro- fession of teaching and continued his studies unaided by teacher, during tlie evenings and such leisure times as he could find to devote to them. He has ever since, engaged almost constantly, at his chosen profession in his native county. The fact that he has taught school almost interrupt- edly, in one district for eight years, and is now engaged for the succeed- ing year, is a strong proof of his popularity and efficiency as a teacher. He was, in 1877, elected to the honorable and responsible office of com- missioner of public schools for Ray county, and discharged the duties so well and so acceptably that he was re-elected in 1879, and again, by a handsome majority, in 1881. Mr. Deacy was married December 23, 1875, to Miss E. Hawkins, a native of Ray county, and a lady in every way worthy of her excellent husband. They are the parents of one child, named James M. Mr. Deacy is a rising, justly popular, and highly esteemed young man, with a bright future ahead of him. WM. H. FLOURNOY. Was born on the 23d day of December, 1824, in Washington county, Kentucky. He received his education at Springfield Seminary, and spent his youth and early manhood in his native state. In the spring 1843 he immigrated to Missouri, settled in Ray county, and engaged in the pursuit of farming. About two years and a half afterwards he returned to Ken- tucky and remained there for some time. Again in 1846, he left Kentuck}'^ and came back to Ray county, Missouri. In the summer of the same year, he volunteered under Colonel Price, in the American army for the war against Mexico. After arriving in Mexico, General Price ordered a detail of one hundred men as escort to conduct him to conference with General Wool, supposed to be at that time quartered at Chihuahua. Ten of these men were from the company to which Mr. Flournoy belonged, and he himself was one of them. This little band met with General Doniphan, then their commander-in-chief, one hundred and fifty miles south of Santa Fe, who ordered them to halt and wait for him to tlnish preparations to join them. Proceeding on with Doniphan they fought two battles, one at Brazito, near El Paso, and the other at Sacra- mento, near Chihuahua. When they reached the last named place, they found that General Wool had not arrived there, and sent to General Tay- lor at Monterey, for further orders, which when received, were found to HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 799 the effect that they should report as soon as possible to him at that place. From there Mr. F.'s company was sent to New Orleans, Louisiana, and discharged. Chartering Captain Chamber's boat, they came up the Mis- sissippi to St, Louis, and thence Mr. Flournoy returned to Ray county by river. The company to which he belonged captured nine peices of artil- lery at the battle of Chihuahua, which were afterwards distributed to dif- ferent points on the Missouri river. One of them, a nine pound gun, was bored out and made a twelve pounder for use in the civil war. It was called the Sacramento, from the name of the place where it was captured. One of the ingredients in its composition was $8,000 worth of silver. It was cast in Spain more than 300 years ago. To prevent the enemy from capturing it at the battle of Corinth, the Confederates, then its owners, dismounted and sunk it in the river, and it has never been recovered. Mr. Flournoy was married in the year 1849, to Miss Malinda Clark, a niece of the late General John B. Clark; two children, the result of this union, are yet living: Matthias and HughC. After the Mexican war Mr. Flournoy was engaged in farming until the breaking out of the rebellion in 1861, when he volunteered under the "stars and bars," entering General Price's army to battle for the cause of the south. His health failing, he, was not kept regularly on duty, but engaged in some battles, and remained in the service to the end of the war, being discharged at St. Louis, Missouri, in 1865. Returning home to Ray county, he found his house had been burned, and his fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres, confiscated. He then went west and spent one year upon the plains of Nebraska, after which he came back to Ray county, and has been farming here ever since. He was married the second time, in 1868, to Mrs. Louisa Hawkins, of Ray county. The}" have one child: Nannie F. Mr. Flournov now owns a fine farm, and is in a highly prosperous condition. HENRY BOGGESS. A native of Kentuck\^, was born twelve miles southwest of Frankfort, Anderson county, on the 23d day of February, 1805. His advantages for early education were limited to the common schools, but being possessed of a strong intellect, a practical turn of mind, and gifted with the facult}^ of imbibing knowledge from passing events, from mingling with men and intercourse with the world, Mr. Boggess has become more thoroughly educated than would have been possible, perhaps, by the superficial course usually taught in our high schools and colleges. He followed the business of farming, to which he was reared, and in the year 1833, came to Ray county, Missouri, where, purchasing a farm, he settled, and has continued ever since to live, except one 3'ear he spent in the state of Illi- nois. Mr. Boggess was -married before leaving Kentucky, in the year 1830, to Miss Lucinda Wall, also a native of Anderson count}-, that state. 800 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. Five children came to biess this union, Wade, Thomas A., William V., Nancy and Sallie. Mr. B. lived for twenty-one years in the river bottom, seven miles below Lexington, occupying the farm now owned by Mr. G. Frazier. He owned eight hundred and seventy acres of land, in township 54, range 27, upon which the great oil well was situated. Mr. Boggess is .one of the oldest and best farmers in his section of the county, and owns one of the best and most highly improved farms in the county. Although now advanced in years, he is still strong and active, and his memory remarkably good. He yet retains a vivid recollection of many incidents of interest connected with the war of 1812. In politics Mr. Boggess is a staunch and life long democrat. He voted for General Jackson both times he was a candidate, and was elected to the presidency of the United States. He is highly esteemed, and regarded for his * excellent qualities of head and heart, " by all who know him. LOUIS C. BOHANNON. Louis C. Bohannon was born October 24, 1812, in Green county, Ken- tucky, but his father removing to Woodford county when he was quite 3'-oung, the greater part of his early life was spent in the latter county. He received his education chiefly at Pisgah, which was the oldest high school in the state of Kentucky, afterwards called Transylvania Univer- ty, and now located at Lexington. He afterwards began a course of study with the view of entering the legal profession, but, becoming dis- gusted with some forms of malpractice that came under his observation, he renounced all connection with the practice of law, and determined to become a farmer. He at once threw away his law books, and turned his attention to farming, and salt making. This business he followed for a number of years, and was also, during this time, justice of the peace. He was afterwards appointed, by the governor, brigadier general of the 18th brigade of Kentucky militia; raised a regiment for the Mexican war, and, reporting with them for duty, was informed that the requisition had been filled by the call for twelve months men. The governor bade him hold his regiment in order, and at the next call he should have preference. The next proclamation was issued for volunteers for three years, and as Mr. Bohannon's regiment had only enlisted for twelve months he could not, of course, force them into three years service, so he did not go to the war at all. Colonel Bohannon was married in 1833, to Miss Cynthia Haddix, of Kentucky. From this union seven children were born, five of whom, Sarah A., Mary D., Nancy D., Simeon and Susan, are now living. In the 3''ear 1847 he removed to Missouri, stopping for a short time in Pettis county, but in the latter part of the same year settling in Ray county, upon the farm where he now resides. He has been three times elected to rep- resent Kay county in the state legislature. In the political canvass of his HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 801 adopted county, he has been very successful, once beating the distin- guished Governor King for representative. He served through six ses- sions of the legislature, one adjourned and two called sessions in addition to the regular work of the legislature. When the troubles of 1861 came, he joined his fortunes with the cause of the south, entering the Confeder- ate service in the Missouri state guard, with the rank of captain. He was soon promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and when the time for which he first enlisted, six months, had expired, he entered the regular service as colonel, and remained to the close of the war. He was engaged in many battles, the hardest fought being those at Independence and Lone Jack. Subsequently he was sent from Arkansas as one of a party of six recruit- ing officers, to Missouri, four of whom. Colonel J. T. Hughes, Major Hart, Colonel Boyd and Captain Clark, were killed; and one, Colonel Thompson, wounded; Colonel Bohannon himself being the only one of the party to escape unhurt. Finally he was wounded in an engagement in Arkansas, and was, in consequence, discharged at Little Rock, from the service. He went from there to Texas until after the surrender and restoration of the country to peace, when he came back home to Ray county, and has ever since occupied and tilled his farm here. Colonel Bohannon owns about 440 acres of excellent land, a finely improved home, and is one of the oldest and most highly influential and respected citizens of Ray county, and has done much to assist in her upbuilding and advancement. CHARLES W. BROWN. Was born in Carroll county, Missouri, on the 9th day of January, 1831. He received his education in the district schools of his native state, and early began the occupation of farming with his father, then a prominent farmer of Carroll county. This vocation he followed for some years. He removed to Breckenridge, Caldwell county, Missouri, in 1875, and engaged in merchandising with Messrs. McWilliams & Russell. Three years later he left Caldwell county, going to Kansas City, and entered the wholesale hat and cap business, with McWilliams, Crook & Co. He -afterwards bought Defevers & Sons' dry goods store in the town of Morton, four miles north of the line of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad, and has ever since conducted that branch of business there. Mr. Brown was married on the 24th of February, 1881, to Miss Rosie E. Keyes, of Ray county, Missouri. Mr. Brown is doing a large and lucrative business at Morton, and is highly respected for the fair, hon{»rable and impartial treatment he gives to all alike, and for his many good qualities as a man. 802 HISTORY OF RAY COUNT V ROBERT V. WALL. The subject of this sketch is a native Missourian. He was born July 1, 1849, in Ray county. His father owned a large farm four miles north of Morton, where the son was raised with the advantages of the schools of the neighborhood for getting an education. Here he worked on the farm for a number of years. In the month of June, 1874, he came to Morton and entered the drug business, in which he is at present engaged. Mr. Wall owns the only drug store in the town of Morton, and is doing a flourishing business. He was married in September of the year of 1876, to Miss Ella B. Yates, daughter of Dr. Yates. This union has been blessed by the birth of one child, Donald Leslie by name. Mr. Wall holds the position of postmaster at Morton, the duties of which office he has discharged very efficiently and satisfactorily for the last seven years. He has always been a resident of Ray count}', and by his industry and close attention to business, has built up a good and lucrative trade. He is one of the prominent and influential citizens of his section of the county. WM. F. YATES. To the honest, efficient, able, and thoroughly qualified man, of what- ever profession, the respect and gratitude of the people of the commu- nity in which he moves, is due. This is particularly true of the physician^ and of none more so than of Wm. F. Yates, who is a native of the state of Kentucky, and was born on the 5th day of March, 1833. He received an academic education at Shelbyville, in his native state, and then began the study of medicine with Dr. George S. Burbridge, of Scott county,, Kentuck}', for his preceptor. Entering the Louisville College of Medicine, he finished the course, graduating with honor in 1854, when not yet quite twenty-one years of age. After leaving college he practiced his profes- sion some two or three years in Kentucky, then came to Missouri and established himself where he now resides, in Ray county. Dr. Yates was married the first time, on the 13th day of December, 1856, to Miss Susan J. Nelson, a native of Kentuck3^ Of this union were born three chil- dren: Ella B., Maggie B., and Flora C, who are still Hving. Mrs. Yates died, greatly lamented by her numerous friends, and the doctor was subsequently married, November 1, 1876, to Mrs. Mary R. Mayfield, a very estimable, intelligent, and accomplished lady of St. Joseph, Mis- souri. Dr. Yates owns a fine farm near Morton, and upon it has erected a large, commodious and beautiful residence. His farm is in a high state of cultivation, finely improved, well stocked with horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep, of the best breeds, and equipped with all necessary machinery of approved and modern kind. He devotes his attention chiefly to the prac- HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 803 tice of his profession, in which he is so successful and popular that his constant efforts can hardly meet the demand for his services. The doc- tor is just in the prime of life now, and his active outdoor exercise and horseback riding, in going about among his patients, joined with a natu- rally strong and robust constitution, will, no doubt, prolong his life even past the three score and ten years allotted to man to live, and give the benefits and blessings of his professional skill and experience to the sick of his commnnity. Dr. Yates is one of the very best phj'^sicians in Ray county, and well and favorably known far and wide. As a man and a citizen his character is irreproachable. RILEY V. SEWARD. The subject of this sketch is a native of Indiana, having been born in Mt. Vernon, Posey county, in the year 1850. His parents immigrated to Missouri when he was but three years old. After growing up he was engaged in farming until 1873, when he entered the State Normal School at Kirksville, in which excellent institution he spent two consecutive years. At the end of that time he was, like many another worthy young man has been, compelled to leave and teach school to secure the money neces- sary to finish his education. He taught for a year, and then return- ing to Kirksville, graduated in 1877, with honor. Afterwards he went to California, and was for two years principal of the graded school in Trinity county, that state. Returning to Missouri, he settled at Har- din, in Ray county, and opened a drug store. Here, by strict attention to business, polite, gentlemanly bearing, and fair and honorable dealing withal, his business has rapidly grown in extent, and he, to-day, though yet a young man, is one of the leading business men of the county, and highly esteemed for his many excellent qualities as a citizen and a man. Mr. Seward may properly be termed a self-made man, and with the enviable position he has already won for himself, his future can be but pregnant with abundant success. JAMES H. LENTZ. A native of Ray county, Missouri. Was born October 21, 1850. He was reared on a farm, and, until he attained his majority, was engaged in the performance of the duties common to the sons of farmers. He was educated at Carrollton, and, after leaving school, taught for four years in the common schools of Ray county, receiving a salary of fifty dollars per month. After serving an apprenticeship with Rogers & Co., apothe- caries, of Carrollton, he became a retailer of dry goods for two years. He then entered the drug business at Hardin, Ray county, where he still conducts a drug store. Mr. Lentz was united in marriage to Miss Katie 804 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. E. Sinclair, of Ray county, February 18, 1877. Two children, Myrtle and Hale, have been sent to bless their lives, both of whom still live. Mr. L,entz is rapidly winning a position in the front ranks of the staunch busi- ness men and respected citizens of his native county. JOHN S. KING. John S. King was born in Ray county, Missouri, September 5, 1852. His early life was spent on a farm, and his education acquired in the dis- trict schools of his father's neighborhood. He followed farming for some time, and then turned his attention to buying and selling grain. Later he entered the dry goods and general merchandise trade at Hardin, in which he is now engaged. Mr. King was married in the year 1876, to Miss Theodosia Happ}-. One child, named Ford, is the result of this union. The subject of this article is one of the first business men of the town of Hardin, and is held in high esteem for his many good qualities by those who know him. He is comparatively a young man, and his past achieve- ments show that he will fight well and truly the battle of life, which opens before him. ROBERT A. KING. This gentleman is a native of Missouri, born in Ray county, July 22, 1854, where he has ever since resided. Mr. King early displayed a taste for books, and rapidly progressed with his studies when at school. After finishing the course as usually taught in the common schools of the county, he continued his studies without the aid of a teacher, and in this way acquired a good, practical education. He has taught school at Mor- ton, Hardin, and various other places in the county. Mr. King is now connected with his brother in running a grocery store at Hardin, under the firm name of King Bros. Mr. King, being engaged in the high and honorable vocation of teaching, is one of Ray's most worthy sons, and in future years will, no doubt, win for himself, by his energy and industry, a high position among her citizens. JAMES B. PROCTOR. In the year 1843, this gentleman was born, in Hendricks county, Indiana. He was educated at the Northwestern Christian University at IndianapoHs, When the great civil war commenced, in 1861, Mr. Proc- tor enlisted under the "stars and stripes" to do battle for the Union. He was assigned to duty in Colonel A. D. Streight's regiment, which was engaged at Murfreesboro and Chattanooga, Tennessee, as well as in several other battles. He was finally taken prisoner at Rome, Georgia, by Generals Forrest and Roudy, the 3d of May, 1863. From there he HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 805 was taken to Atlanta, Georgia, thence to Belle Island, and from there to Annapolis, Maryland, where he was exchanged. He then embarked for Baltimore, and from that point he went to Columbus, Ohio, whence he soon returned home to Indiana. From there he was ordered south, first to Nashville, Tennessee, then to New Orleans, and from there to the state of Texas. After the return of his regiment from the south, he was discharged at Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr. Proctor was married on the 19th of May, 1868, to Miss Jennie Voorhees, a cousin of the distinguished United States Senator Voorhees, of Indiana. Our subject, soon after his marriage, immigrated with his young bride, to Missouri, settling in Ray county, where he has ever since resided. For a number of years he farmed, then entered the drug business, in which he is at present engaged. He is also postmaster at Hardin, the village where he lives. Mr. Proctor is a prominent citizen, ripe in experience and in years, and highly esteemed and honored by all. WILLIAM J. ROACH. Is a native of England, having been born in London, in the year 1841. He left home at the early age of nine years, immigrating to the new world, and settling in Canada. Here he lived to his eighteenth year. Then, crossing into the United States, he remained for a time in Michi- gan. Leaving there, he came to Ray county, Missouri, 1870, where he has since made his home. His occupation is that of a shoemaker, and at his present location, Hardin, he finds his trade sufficiently lucrative to support his family in comfortable style. Mr. Roach was educated in the schools of London, England. He is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being at present secretary of his lodge. He was married in 1870, to Miss Margaret Wilson. They have four children: Elizabeth A., Margaret M., WiUiam C, and James A., all of whom still live. Mr. Roach is a ver}'^ industrious man, a good citizen, and a credit to the town in which he lives. JOHN W. HALL, Is a Virginian. He was born in Rockingham county, October 21, 1832. His education was limited to the advantages to be derived from the common schools of his native state. His father owned an extensive farm in the Blue Ridge mountains, and the son was early, trained to that vocation. Our subject immigrated to Ray county, Missouri, in the year 1857. He was married, in the autumn of 1859, to Miss Mary C. Ware. Their union has resulted in the birth of nine children. In 1879 Mrs. Hall died, leaving this large family to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother. Mr. Hall has followed his favorite occupation, that of farming,. g06 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. . ever since he has been in Ray county. He owns a good farm and com- fortable home, about a mile and a half west of the town of Hardin. He is one of the best and most substantial farmers of the county. B. B. BABCOCK. An enterprising and progressive man is respected and honored in what- ever sphere or walk of life he may be found. B. B. Babcock was born in Ohio, in March, 1832. Educated at Woodward College, Cincinnati. He was married to Miss Lucetta V. Fillmore, whose father was a cousin of Millard Fillmore, at Cincinnati, in the year 1858. Mrs. Babcock is the mother of six children, only three of whom, Elizabeth J., Mattie F., and Lucetta V., survive to bless the declining years of their parents' lives. Mr. B. immigrated to Illinois in 1859, and followed the trade of a carpen- ter for awhile, and afterward, he was for three years in charge of Reed & Mann's extensive foundry and machine shops, at Cairo, Illinois. From there he went to Decatur, in the same state, where he was engaged for ten years in the Union Iron Works. From 1875 to 1880, he w^as travel- ing contractor for the last named firm, for mills and elevators, taking ten contracts in Missouri, and three in Illinois, during four months in the fall of 1880. This is a strong evidence of his industry and enterprise. Mr. Babcock came to Ray county, Missouri, in June, 1880, buying the eleva- tor and other property at Hardin, where he is now in business as a grain dealer. He ships on an average ten thousand bushels of wheat per month, and corn and other grains in proportion. Since he has taken charge he has made some veiv valuable and permanent improvements in the eleva- vator and other property at Hardin. He contemplates making other and extensive improvements at an early day, which, when done, will make him the owner of the model elevator on the Wabash road. Mr. B. favors improvement and progression, and leaves nothing in his power undone in favor of their furtherance. He has done as much, perhaps, as any other man, for the improveinent of the localit}' in which he lives. THOMAS J. PORTERFIELD. Has been a life-long farmer. He was born on the 8th day of February, 1844, in Jackson county, Missouri. He was afforded no other advantages for getting an education than those of the district schools in his native county. He was born and reared on a farm, and became, when quite young, so much attached to that kind of life that no other calling has ever had any attractions for him. He removed to Ray county in 1862, and has never changed his home from that time to the present (April, 1881). Loving peace rather than war, he remained quietly on his farm, and took no active part in the civil war. Mr. Porterfield was married, in 1867, to HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 807 Miss Mary E. Johnson, of Lafayette county, Missouri. They became the parents of four children, only two of whom are yet alive: Thomas E. and Arry B. He owns a fine farm, one mile south of Hardin, and is one of the best farmers of Ray county. HENRY C. BOGGESS. A native of the state of Kentucky, was born in December, of the year 1835. When he was but three years old his father moved to Ra}- county, Missouri, and purchased a farm. His grandfather, Bilas Boggess, also purchased a farm of four hundred acres in Ray county, the same year, 1838. A part of this same tract is now owned by the subject of this sketch. Mr. Boggess received the advantages of a common school edu- cation, and followed the vocation of farming. In 1867, he was married to Miss Laurinda Frazier, of Ray county, a daughter of Mr. George Frazier, and a most estimable lady. They have but one child, "Viro-ie, who is yet living. Mr. Boggess has always had his home in Ray county, and been constantly engaged in his favorite occupation of farming. He took no active part in the late civil war. B3- strict attention to businesi, proverbial honesty and hospitality, and confirmed habits of industry- and economy, he has become justly popular, and has surrounded his home with comforts and conveniences. He is a highly influential and substan- tial citizen in his neighborhood. WILLIAM B. CREER. A native of Liverpool, England, was born the 9th day of February, 1836. He received a good education in his native country. He left home for the west, landing at New Orleans, w^hen seventeen years of age. From there he came to St. Louis, Missouri, by boat, and was employed with Messrs. Stone & Boorner, who were at that time engaged in build- ing bridges for various railroads. In this work he continued for three years. He then went for a short time to Lafayette county, thence to Carroll county, and from there came to Ray county, in the spring of 1856, working in these various localities, all the time at his occupation, which is that of carpentering. At the breaking out of the late civil war, he was enrolled in the Missouri state guard for six months, at the expira- tion of which time he enlisted under General Sterling Price, and fought, throughout the war, the battles of the south. In Missouri he was engaged in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek, Dry Wood and Lexington, In 1862, under Van Horn, he fought at Pea Ridge, Arkansas, Bruett, luka and Corinth, Mississippi. Again in 1863, on the 7th of March, at Thompson Station, Middle Tennessee. On the 26th of April, he engaged with the Federal gunboats, in command of General Elliott, on the Ten- nessee river. Then with General Johnson, at Jackson, Mississippi. After 808 HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. • the fall of Vicksburg and the siege of Jackson, fought Sherman from Jackson to Brandon. The next engagement was in the celebrated raid across the state, in the month of August, against General Sherman. He was then sent to Dalton, Georgia. He fought through the campaign in that state, with General Johnson. He was then transferred to the com- mand of General Hood, and did meritorious service and hard fighting at the siege of Atlanta. Was with General Hardee at the battle of Jones- boro, where the army fell back to Lovejoy, and were, in the words of Mr. Creer himself, " knocked about hke a ship in a storm." The next and last battle of importance in which Mr. Creer was engaged, was with General Forrest at Egypt Station, on the Ohio & Mobile railroad, in Jan- uary, 1865. After this engagement Mr. C. was given a furlough for ninety days. Before his leave expired, the war had ended, and peace was declared. Mr. Creer was paroled with General Dick Taylor's command, by General Canby, at Jackson, Mississippi. It is worthy of remark that though Mr. Creer was in the war from its very beginning to the last, and was in the thickest of the fight on some of the most closely con- tested and bloody battle fields, he came out of it without a wound. Per- haps his experience in this respect is without a parallel. In the army Mr. Creer held the rank of sergeant. He was married on the 4th of Decem- ber, 1870, to Miss Sarah M. Mallory. The result of this union has been five children, four of whom are living. Their names are as follows: Wal- ter I., Hugh E., Paul C. and Ralph E. Mr. C. has been in Ray county ever since the war, except during the time of a visit to Colorado in 1879. He is the best carpenter in his section of the country, a highly respected gentleman and a good citizen. JOHN F. BRUMFIELD. Is a native Missourian, born in Pulaski county, on the 14th day of December, 1854. His parents came to Ray county, when he was but two years old. Mr. Brumfield received a good education in the district schools of his father's neighborhood, and since leaving school has been occupied entirely in milling. He was engaged for four years in the Egypt mills at Norborne, Carroll county, Missouri. Returning to Ray county he formed a partnership with Mr. Moore, and they became the proprie- tors of the Telegraph mills at Hardin, under the firm name of Brumfield & Moore. Mr. Brumfield is universally popular, a very good miller, especially for so young a man, and an excellent citizen. JOHN J. MOORE. Is a Virginian, having been born in Washington county, in May, 1834. He was educated in the common schools. By occupation he is a carpen- ter and miller. On leaving Virginia he went, first, to Alabama, in the HISTORY OF RAY COUNTY. 809 year 1857, and remained four years, engaged in milling. In 1861 became to Missouri, and settled in Ra}^ county, where he immediately engaged ir> his customary occupation of milling. His home has been here ever since, though he spent one year subsequently in Kansas City, from which place he returned to Richmond, and was employed by Houston & Gates, owners of the old Davis mill. After the close of this engagement he operated a saw mill for Messrs. Harbison & Moore for two years. After- ward he built a flouring mill at Camden ; thence he went to Norborne, Carroll county, and engaged in the Egypt mills at that place. Returning to Ray county, he formed a co-partnership with Mr. Brumfield, and they purchased the property known as the Telegraph mills, and one of the best, if not the ver}^ best mills north of the Missouri river. Mr. Moore was married to Miss Alice Harbison, of Ray county. They are the parents of five children : Linea, Laura, Jessie, Bessie, and Sallie. The last two are twins. Mr. Moore is an enterprising and prosperous business man, and a high credit to the county of his adoption. LEWIS H. NOBLE. The subject of this sketch was born in Indiana, on the 19th day of September, 1849, His father immigrated to Ray county, Missouri, in 1854:. Shortly after his arrival here, the elder Mr. Noble died, and the son was left to the care of his uncle, who trained him to the business of farming. His education was acquired in the common schools of Ray county. At the age of twenty-three years he left his uncle's home, and started out to travel in the west with the hope of improving his health which had begun to fail. He visited Kansas, the Indian Territory, "Wyoming and Idaho, spending three years altogether in his wanderings out west. He became possessed of a claim in the state of Kansas, and occupied some time in improving it; later he sold out his propertv there and returned to Ray county, which he always regarded as his home. He made several successive trips through the territories named above, and thus became familiar with those sections of the great west. On the 26th day of March, 1876, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Campbell, of Ray county. The result of this union was three children, all of whom are still living. Their names are: Annie A., Charles W. and Susan M. The last named two are twins. Mr. Noble has had many and varied experiences during his wild life in the west, which the limits of this work will not admit of mentioning. He is a prominent and ver}^ influential citizen of the section in which he lives, being at present, marshal of the town of Hardin. He is highly esteemed by all who know him, for his sterling qualities of heart and head. 51 SIO HISTORY OF RAY COUM'i. CYRUS W. CLAMPITT. This