SUPPLEMENTAL MEMBERSHIP ROLL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN S(X:iETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN THE STATE OF MAINE Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Maine jWembergftip 3Roll Supplemental to Year Book issued in 1908 ^ Portland Xefabor-STotDer Companp 1913 i ♦ i .573" The Sotti^j' AU6 l«tl Poarb of ^^QtrntQ ©Hiters, 1912-19X3 Governor CHARLES LORING ANDREWS, Augusia Deputy Governor AUGUSTINE SIMMONS. North Anson Captain PHILIP FOSTER TURNER, Portland Elder REV. JOHN CARROLL PERKINS. D,D.. Portland Secretary ELMER ANSEL DOTEN, Portland Treasurer FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL. Portland Historian PHILIP FOSTER TURNER, Portland Surgeon PHILIP PRESCOTT LEWIS. M. D.. Gorham Assistants ROSCOE CLINTON REYNOLDS. Lewiston ROSWELL CHILDS BRADFORD, Portland DAVID SIMMONS WAITE. Lewiston WILLIAM TRUE COUSENS. Portland ROSWELL FARNUM DOTEN. Portland ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Lewiston HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS. Bangor WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS, Foxcroft FREDERIC ELEAZER BOOTHBY, Portland Committees gear enbing 21 ^obemlier, 1913 Membership WILLIAM TRUE COUSENS. Portland HARLAN BARZILLAI TURNER. Portland ELMER ANSEL DOTEN. Portland Finance EDWARD ARTHUR SHAW. Portland ROSWELL CHILDS BRADFORD. Portland FREDERIC ELEAZER BOOTHBY. Portland Library JULIA CORNELIA VAILL. Portland MRS. AUGUSTUS SPAULDING THAYER. Portland MRS. FRANK WEBSTER BUTLER. Farmington Research MRS. EUGENE GESLEY CHAMBERLIN. Brunswick JANETTE MARIA RICKER. South Poland MITTIE BELCHER FAIRBANKS. Boston Entertainment FREDERICK STURDIVANT VAILL. Portland HIRAM WESTON RICKER. South Poland MRS. CLAYTON JAMES FARRINGTON. Portland 1901-1902 1902-1903 JOHN FREMONT HILL* Augusta 1903-1904 1904-1905 ARCHIE LEE TALBOT Lewiston 1905-1906 1906-1907 HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS Bangoi 1907-1908 1908-1909 WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS Foxaoft 1909-1910 1910-1911 FREDERIC ELEAZER BOOTHBY Portland 1911-1912 1912-1913 CHARLES LORING ANDREWS Augusta '''Deceased (General 0ii\ttv$ of tf}t (General ^otittp of Mavilo^atv Jies^centiants; for 19124915 Governor-General THOMAS SNELL HOPKINS, District of Columbia Secretary-General JOHN PACKWOOD TILX)EN, New York Treasurer-General HENRY HESTON BELKNAP. Pennsylvania Elder-General RT. REV. CHARLES EDWARD CHENEY, Illinois Captain-General MYLES STANDISH, M. D.. Massachusetu Surgeon-General ABIEL WARD NELSON. M. D., Connecticut Historian-General GEORGE BECKWITH STEVENS. M. D., Massachusetu (general 0tiiuvi of tfie General ^ocittp of iHapflotuer JSesfcenbantJi for 1912=1915 (CONTINUED) Deputy Governors-General RICHARD HENRY GREENE. New York L. P. WALDO MARVIN. Connecticut ASA P. FRENCH. Massachusetts J. GRANVILLE LEACH. Pennsylvania FREDERICK MORGAN STEELE. Illinois WILLIAM SHERMAN WASHBURN. District of Columbia HERBERT JENNEY. Ohio ADDISON PIERCE MUNROE. Rhode Island EDWARD CHAUNCY HINMAN. Michigan ARCHIE LEE TALBOT, Maine CHARLES MILLS GAYLEY, California (General (©fficerg of tfjc ijleneral ^ocietp of iWapflotoer JBesicenbants! for X9124915 (CONTINUED) Assistants-General FREDERICK CHANDLER SEABURY, New York WILLIAM WALDO HYDE, Connecticut G. ANDREWS MORIARTY. JR.. Massachusetts JAMES MAURAN RHODES. Pennsylvania FRANK P. CRANDON. Illinois WILLIAM L. MARSH, District of Columbia CHARLES DAVIES JONES. Ohio WILFRED HAROLD MUNRO, Rhode Island JAMES DUDLEY HAWKES. Michigan HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS, Maine MILTON LATHAM. California CLARK HOLBROOK, New Jersey PERRY E. THATCHER. Colorado HATTIE L. ALDEN, Wisconsin WARREN GREENE, Washington 10 ^menbment to |?p=Xatos! of tf}e illaine B>otittp The only change in the By-Laws since the publication of the Year Book of 1 908 has been the following : At the Annual Meeting of 22 November, 1909, an amendment to Section 4 of Article XIII, of the By-Laws, was adopted, so that said Section shall read as follows : "Sec. 4. The name of any member whose annual dues shall remain unpaid for one year may aher due notice be dropped from the roll of membership at the discretion of the Board of Assistants. The name and record of ancestry of every member who dies in good standing shall be forever retained on the roll of member- ship in this Society, and the date and place of his or her death shall be recorded and the full record shall be published in every membership book of the Society the same as if living, the only change being the additional statement of death. 11 tuttt Pilgrim ^ncesstrp The maiden surname of married women is printed in parenthesis. Generations in descent repeated, indicates separate and distinct lines. State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 136 FRANCES AMELIA ATKINS Portland 3300 Elected 10 December, 1910. Sixth in descent (rom John Alden. Seventh in descent from William Mullins. Seventh in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Sixth in descent from Priscilla- Mullins. Died 20 May, 1913, at Portland, Maine. 124 LAURA HERBERT BAILEY Brookline, Mass. 3141 Elected 30 October. 1909. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 147 HARRIET (ROBIE) BARKER Mrs. Clark Hyde Barker Portland 3692 Elected 12 April, 1913. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. 13 State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 131 HENRIETTA MYRICK (HOPKINS) BARNARD Mrs. James Otis Barnard Gardiner 3254 Elected 8 June, 1910. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Sixth in descent from Gyles^ Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Constance^ Hopkins. Elighth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 133 CATHERINE ATWOOD (HARDY) BATES Mrs. John Kimball Bates Portsmouth, N. H. 3256 Elected 8 June, 1910. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mciry ( ) Brewster. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Constance^ Hopkins. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 139 ALICE (SMITH) BUTLER Mrs. Frank Webster Butler Farmington 3435 Elected 22 September. 1911. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth'-^ Tilley. 129 CHARLES BAILEY CLARKE Portland 3213 Elected 24 March, 1910. Eleventh in descent from William Brewster. Eleventh in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 14 State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 128 KATHERINE (DILLINGHAM) CLARKE Mrs. Charles Davis Clarke Portland 32 1 2 Elected 24 March, 1910. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. 137 GEORGE FARMER DREW Brunswick 3359 Elected 28 March, 1911. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 140 HELEN ANDREWS (LORING) DRISCOLL Mrs. Daniel Driscoll Portland 3450 Elected 2 November, 191 1. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eighth in descent from Joseph^ Rogers. 132 FANNIE PEARSON (HARDY) ECKSTORM Mrs. Jacob Andreasen Eckstorm Brewer 3255 Elected 8 June, 1910. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent hom Constance'-^ Hopkins. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla2 Mullins, 126 LIZZIE HILLMAN (NORTON) FRENCH Mrs. George Foster French Portland 3154 Elected 22 November, 1909, Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 15 Stale Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 145 HERMIA (JACKMAN) HANSON Mrs. Melvin Hubbard Hanson South Windham 3615 Elected 16 November, 1912. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 138 CHARLOTTE WHEELER HARDY Brewer 3413 Elected 10 August, 191 1. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Constance^ Hopkins. Elighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 141 ZELIA FRANCES (COBB) HAWKES Mrs. Hiram Chase Hawkes South Windham 3504 Elected 1 March, 1912. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 122 ADDIE LEE (FROST) HISCOCK Mrs. James Everett Hiscock Wilton 3 1 02 Elected 29 May, 1909. Ninth in descent from John Billington. Ninth in descent from Eleanor ( ) Billington. Eighth in descent from Francis^ Billington. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. 16 State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 146 MARIAN CURTIS JORDAN Portland 3652 Elected 18 January, 1913. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 144 CAROLINE MATILDA KYES Mrs. Ebenezer Sylvester Kyes North Jay 3607 Elected 2 1 October. 1912. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 118 VIOLET HOPKINS LEIGHTON Bangor 3023 Elected 2 January, 1909. Tenth in descent from Stephen f-Iopkins. Ninth in descent from Gyles^ Hopkins. 123 PHILIP PRESCOTT LEWIS, M. D. Gorham 3137 Elected 9 October, 1909. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth''^ Tilley. 127 KITTIE (PERKINS) LIBBY Mrs. Jesse Myles Libby Mechanic Falls 3 1 78 Elected 29 December, 1909. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. 1 30 SAMUEL CONY MANLEY Augusta 3242 Elected 19 May, 1910. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Muilins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla2 Mullins. Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Ninth in descent from Mary ( Norris ) Allerton. Eighth in descent from Remember^ Allerton. 17 State Nos. Names 121 EDWARD HALSEY MARTIN Elected 24 April. 1909. Ninth in descent from Edward Fuller, Ninth in descent from ( ) Fuller. Eighth in descent from Samuel^ Fuller. Addressss General Nos. Burlington. Vt. 3087 120 HENRY FOLLETT MARTIN Elected 27 March. 1909. Eighth in descent from Edward Fuller. Eighth in descent from ( -) Fulle Swanton, Vt. 3073 Seventh in descent from Samuel^ Fuller. 50 EUNICE LORING (BUCK) NASH Mrs. Charles Jalerson Nash Elected 19 May. 1913. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. Lewiston 3695 151 STEPHEN MORTIMER NASH Elected 19 May. 1913. Tenth in descent from Myles Standish. Lewiston 3696 149 JOSEPHINE VIRGINA NYE Elected 19 May. 1913. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Waterville 3694 142 HENRY CHARLES PRINCE Elected 26 June. 1912. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Augusta 3569 18 State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 1 34 MOSES HENRY SAMPSON Portland 3293 Elected 19 November, 1910. Seventh in descent from Henry Samson. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. 125 ANNIE LUELLA SAWYER Windham 3147 Elected 6 November. 1909. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 119 GEORGE SHORKLEY, M. D. Camden 3043 Elected 13 February, 1909. Eighth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Eighth in descent from Mary ( Norris) Allerton. Seventh in descent from Mary2 Allerton. 148 REUEL WASHBURN SMITH Auburn 3693 Elected 12 April, 1913. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 16 HELEN FRANCES (ANDREWS) SPEAR Mrs. Albert Moore Spear Gardiner 3007 Elected 14 November. 1908. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. 19 State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 143 WILLIAM WIGGIN TALBOT Bangor 3595 Elected 10 September, 1912. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth''^ Tilley. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth'^ Tilley. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from Peter Brown. Tenth in descent from Degory Priest. Tenth in descent from Degory Priest. Tenth in descent from Degory Priest. 35 DELIA CAROLINE (ATKINS) TOBIE Mrs. Charles Morgridge Tobie Portland 3299 Elected 10 December, 1910. Sixth in descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from William Mullins. Seventh in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Sixth in descent from Priscilla'^ Mullins. 20 Supplemental Xines of Mtmhtv^ vttovhth in pear liocfe of 1908 Jf ilcb anb l^pprobcti siince tfje putilication ti^creof State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 114 ROYAL BIRD BRADFORD Turner 2982 Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Eighth in descent from V/ilHam Brewster. Eighth in descent from Mary ( ) Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love'-^ Brewster. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Tenth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Ninth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from Peter Brown. 10 HENRY NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS Bangor 1387 Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. Eighth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Seventh in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Ill MITTIE BELCHER FAIRBANKS Bangor 1675 Ninth in descent from Iiaac AUerton. Ninth in descent from Mary (Norris) AUerton. Eighth in descent from Remember''^ AUerton. 94 GEORGE LOTHROP LEWIS Wesifield. Mass. 2817 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth^ Tilley. 21 State Nos. Names Addresses General Nos. 103 EVERETT LORIN PHILOON Auburn 2834 Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Ninth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Elizabeth ( ) Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 79 ANNIE LAURIE (SOULE) THAYER Mrs. Augustus Spaulding Thayer Portland 2615 Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. Elighth in descent from Edward Doty. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins. Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. 9 CHARLOTTE FFIRTH (STURDIVANT) VAILL Mrs. Edward E. Vaill Portland 432 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Alice ( ) Mullins, Eighth in descent from Priscilla^ Mullins. Died 28 September, 1912, at Portland. 22 anil tfjetr 5®es!centiant£; ifHembers; of tfje iHaine ^ocietp JOHN ALDEN AND WIFE PRISCILLA^ (MULLINS) Frances Amelia Atkins, Caroline Atwood (Hardy) Bates, Royal Bird Bradford, Fannie Pearson (Hardy) Eckstorm, Henry Nathaniel Fairbanks, . Hermia (Jackman) Hanson, . Charlotte Wheeler Hardy, Samuel Cony Manley, Moses Henry Sampson, Annie Laurie (Soule) Thayer, Delia Caroline (Atkins) Tobie, Charlotte Ffirth (Sturdivant) Vaill, State No8. 136 133 114 132 10 145 138 130 134 79 135 9 ISAAC ALLERTON AND WIFE MARY (NORRIS) Mittie Belcher Fairbanks. . . . . . . Ill Samuel Cony Manley, . . . . . . .130 George Shorkley, . . . . . . . . 1 19 George Shorkley, MARY^ ALLERTON 119 REMEMBER=^ ALLERTON Mittie Belcher Fairbanks, Samuel Cony Manley, 111 130 23 JOHN BILLINGTON AND WIFE ELEANOR (- Addie Lee (Frost) Hiscock, ..... FRANCIS^ BILLINGTON Addie Lee (Frost) Hiscock, ..... WILLIAM BRADFORD Royal Bird Bradford. LOVE2 BREWSTER PETER BROWN -) State Nos. 122 122 George Farmer Drew. . 137 Hermia (Jackman) Hanson, ..... 145 Marian Curtis Jordan, ...... 146 Caroline Matilda Kyes, ...... 144 WILLIAM BREWSTER AND WIFE MARY ( -) Laura Herbert Bailey, ...... 124 Henrietta My rick (Hopkins) Barnard, 131 Catherine Atwood (Hardy) Bates, . 133 Royal Bird Bradford, 114 Charles Bailey Clarke, 129 Katherine (Dillingham) Clarke, 128 Fannie Pearson (Hardy) Eckstorm, 132 Charlotte Wheeler Hardy, . 138 Josephine Virginia Nye, 149 Henry Charles Prince, 142 14 Royal Bird Bradford, 114 William Wiggin Talbot, FRANCIS COOKE 143 Royal Bird Bradford, 114 Samuel Cony Manley, 130 Everett Lorin Philoon, 103 Reuel Washburn Smith, 148 William Wiggin Talbot, 143 24 EDWARD DOTY Everett Lorin PKiloon, Annie Laurie (Soule) Thayer State Nos. 103 79 EDWARD FULLER AND WIFE Edwatd Halsey Martin, Henry Follett Martin, 121 120 Edward Halsey Martin, Henry Follett Martin, SAMUEL^ FULLER 121 120 STEPHEN HOPKINS and wife ELIZABETH (- Everett Lorin Philoon, ...... 103 STEPHEN HOPKINS Henrietta Myrick (Hopkins) Barnard, Catherine Atwood (Hardy) Bates, Fannie Pearson (Hardy) Eckstorm, Charlotte Wheeler Hardy, Violet Hopkins Leighton, 131 133 132 138 118 CONSTANCE^ HOPKINS Henrietta Myrick (Hopkins) Barnard, Catherine Atwood (Hardy) Bates, Fannie Pearson (Hardy) Eckstorm, . Charlotte Wheeler Hardy, 131 133 132 138 GYLES' HOPKINS Henrietta Myrick (Hopkins) Barnard, Violet Hopkins Leighton, 131 118 25 State Noa. JOHN HOWLAND AND WIFE ELIZABETH^ (TILLEY) Alice (Smith) Butler, ....... 139 Lizzie Hillman (Norton) French, . . . . . .126 Zelia Frances (Cobb) Hawkes, ...... 141 George Lothrop Lewis, ....... 94 Philip Prescott Lewis, . • . . . .123 Annie Luella Sawyer, . . . . . . .125 William Wiggin Talbot 143 WILLIAM MULLINS AND WIFE ALICE (- Frances Amelia Atkins, Caroline Atwood (Hardy) Bates, Royal Bird Bradford. Fannie Pearson (Hardy) Eckstorm, Henry Nathaniel Fairbanks, Hermia (Jackman) Hanson, Charlotte Wheeler Hardy, . Samuel Cony Manley, Moses Henry Sampson, Annie Laurie (Soule) Thayer, Delia Caroline (Atkins) Tobie, Charlotte Ffirth (Sturdivant) Vaill. 136 133 114 132 10 145 136 J30 134 79 135 9 DEGORY PRIEST William Wiggin Talbot, 143 THOMAS ROGERS Helen Andrews (Loring) DriscoU, 140 JOSEPH^ ROGERS Helen Andrews (Loring) DriscoU, 140 26 HENRY SAMSON Moses Henry Sampson, State Nos. 134 MYLES STANDISH Hennia (Jackman) Hanson, ..... 145 Kittie (Perkins) Libby, ..... 127 Eunice Loring (Buck) Nash, .... 150 Stephen Mortimer Nash, ..... 151 Moses Henry Sampson, ..... 134 JOHN TILLEY Alice (Smith) Butler, Lizzie Hi'.lman (Norton) French, Zelia Frances (Cobb) Hawkes, George Lothrop Lewis, Philip Prescott Lewis, Annie Luella Sawyer, William Wiggin Talbot, 139 126 141 94 123 125 113 RICHARD WARREN Harriet (Robie) Barker, .... 147 Royal Bird Bradford. .... 114 Hermia (Jackman) Hanson, 145 Addie Lee (Frost) Hiscock, 122 Helen Frances (Andrews) Spear, 116 27 in iWemoriam State No. 95 GUY ANDREW HUBBARD Elected 20 November. 1907. Died at New York, 28 December, 1908. 46 HILAND LOCKWOOD FAIRBANKS Elected 16 July, 1904. Died at Bangor, 15 February, 1909. 1 1 ABBY ANNAH (WOODWORTH) FAIRBANKS Mrs. Henry Nathaniel Fairbanks Charter Member. Died at Bangor, 12 April, 1909. 89 SUSAN BRADFORD (COOK) GILKEY Mrs. Alphonso Livingstone Gilkey Elected 29 June, 1907. Died at Portland, 13 December, 1909. 105 WILLIAM APPLETON RUST BOOTHBY Elected 15 February, 1908. Died at Boston, 1 5 December, 1 909. 108 REV. GEORGE LEWIS Elected 29 February, 1908. Died at South Berwick, 16 February, 1910. 93 EVERETT BLANCHARD NORTON Elected 13 November, 1907. Died at Farmington, 22 June, 1910. 42 HELEN SOPHIA (MILLER) COBURN Mrs. Stephen Coburn Elected 27 June, 1903. Died at Skowhegan, 27 June, 1910. 29 State No. 49 ELISHA HOPKINS, M. D. Elected 21 September. 1904. Died at Searsport, 6 October, 1911. 91 LYMAN MUNSON COUSENS Elected 13 November, 1907. Died at Portland, 9 October, 1911. 78 HERBERT WARREN SEARS Elected 1 September, 1906. Died at Portland, 1 1 January, 1912. 104 FREDERICK ROBIE Elected 15 February. 1908. Died at Gorham, 2 February, 1912. 2 JOHN FREMONT HILL Charter Member. Died at Boston, 16 March, 1912. 9 CHARLOTTE FFIRTH (STURDIVANT) VAILL Mrs. Edward E. Vaill Charter Member. Died at Portland, 28 September, 1912. 109 KATHARINE BIGELOW LEWIS (MCLELLAN) LEWIS Mrs. George Lewis Elected 29 February, 1908. Died at Gorham, 31 March, 1913. 136 FRANCES AMELIA ATKINS Elected 10 December, 1910. Died at Portland, 20 May. 1913. 88 MARY ELLEN (WAITE) SABINE Mrs. Henry Sabine Elected 22 April, 1907. Died at Lewiston, 17 May, 1913. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiii Hill mil mil mil Hill mil mil mil II 012 608 699 4