;^;::<:»jll«'i;>ft?i»«iii .S^c •^t-. ^ ^p-^^. ^ -y ^^\' ■^-.x-v -v\\\I^- •^^ .-t,^:^ 3, * o « o ' .0 '^^^'^ ^-y A a? % ^^^•^-<. ^ .0 > .s^^ >^^. ^:^^^i* "^ ■ V ^ ^'^ v-^^ .-iS"^ co'-.^^*'. % »'^' > v^ %<** '<"\ fr*^* .<:>% '* « ■..4«»' . ^^ A -^^ c » " " « <^. ^> .■^^r ■y ^ 0^ V)0 o 'bV" ^^'^o "'>^^° .^S'-: \^ ^.- ^^%^v '^-^ "^ ^." O 'o . » • '\ <• ■ o V li ,Si. ,. ^ ^^^^^,^ \' '^V ''^<^. /^' .^^^^A,"-" '^^ •P .0' -^^0^ . N. Y. Mod. European hist., esp. French Rev. Andrews, Matthew Page, 849 Park ave., Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M. ; editor, author, publicist; mem. INId. Hist. Soc, Sulgrave Inst. Am. hist., col. Anjou, Gustave, Rice ave.. West New Brighton, N. Y. Ph. D. Antonia McHugh, Sister, College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minn. A. B., A. M. ; pres., Coll. of St. Catherine; mem. Minn. Ed. Assn., N. E. A., North Central Assn. Hist. Teachers. Mod. hist. 356 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Appleton, William W., 35 W. 32(1 st., New York, N. Y. Publisher; chm. Board of Directors, D. Appleton and Co. Archibald, Wilberforce Ewing, 435 W. Washington St., Springfield, 111. A .B. ; H. S. teacher. Am. hist. Arnold, Benjamin William, jr., Randolph-JIacon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; hd. dept. hist. Mod. hist. Arnold, Rev. Charles london, 292 Hancock ave., W., Detroit, Mich. A. B., A. M. ; clergyman; mem. Mich. Authors Assn. (pres. ). Arragon, Reginald F., Cohasset, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; traveling fellow of Harvard Univ. Latin-Am., hist., dipl. Asakawa, Kan-Ichi, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. L. B., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. Japanese hist. Ashbrook, William Sinclair, 4431 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; agency sec, Provident Life and Trust Co., Phila. Ashley, Roscoe lewis, 685 Prospect sq., Pasadena, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; teacher and author ; hd. dept. soe. sci., Pasadena H. S. ; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., S. Calif. Soc. Sci. Teachers Assn., S. Calif. Teachers Assn., Pasadena Teachers Assn. "Teaching of past in the present to high school students." Askowith, Dora, 617 W. 152d .st.. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; instr. In hist., Hunter Evening Coll. European hist., med. and mod. *Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude Franklin, care Fretlerlck A. Stokes Co., New York, N. Y. Author. Atkinson, Agnes Jessie, 100 S. Buckeye St., Crooksville, Ohio. A. B.. A. M. ; prin., Crooksville H. S. ; mem. Ohio St. Teachers Assn., Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn., N. E. A. Am. lii.st., dipl. Atkinson, John Clark, Paris Island, S. C. A. M. ; clergyman; welfare specialist, U. S. naval hospital and prison ; mem. Hist. Soc. N. Ga., Ga. Teachers Assn. Pol. hist. Attig, Chester Jacob, Naperville, 111. A. B. ; prof, hist., Northwestern Coll.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Old Northwest. Atwood, Edward Stanley, INIonmouth Hills, Ilighliinds. N. .L A. B., A. M. ; retired; mem. Monmouth Co. Hist. Assn. (sec). Ault, Warren Ortman, 688 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof., hd. dept. hist., Boston Univ. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Eng. hist. Austin, Franklin D., Barneveld, N. Y. Notary and accountant and local historian. Austin, Harriet, 2646 Fremont ave. n., Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., A. M. ; teacher mod. European hist.. North H. S. ; mem. Twin City Hist. Teachers Club. U. S. hist. Austin, James, jr., 727 Oakwood ave., Toledo, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; judge, mu- nicipal court of Toledo; mem. Hist. Soc Northwestern Ohio, Maumee Valley Pioneers Assn. U. S. hist. Avery, Elizabeth Huntington, 209 Dakota ave. s., Redfield, S. Dak. A. B., A. M. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. U. S. hist. Avery, Elroy McKendree, New Port Richey, Florida. Ph. B., Ph. JI.. Ph. D., LL. D., D. C. L. ; author; mem. We.«;tern Reserve Hist. Soc. (life), Ohio Hist. and Arch. Soc. (life), Minn. St. Hist. Soc. (hon.), Am. Econ. Assn. (life), Avery Lib. and Hist. Soc. (pres.), U. S. hist. DlREdTOKY. 357 Avery, Enoch Thaddeus, Croton Falls, Westchester Co., N. Y. Aydelotte, Frank, ftlassachusetts InsUtute of Technology, Cambridge, 39, Mass. A. B., A. M., Litt. B. ; prof, of Eng. ; mem. N. E. Assn. of Teachers, of Eng. (pres.), IMotl. Lang. Assn. English, 16th century. Aydelotte, James Ernest, Springlielrl, Tenn. A. B. ; teacher and first asst. supt., Springfield city schools. Am. hist. ♦Ayer, Edward E., 1515 Railway exchange bldg., Chicago, 111. Capitalist. Ayer, Joseph Ciillen, jr., 2(X) St. Mark's sq., Philadelphia, Pa. A. M., Ph. D., D. B., D. D., S. T. D. ; clergyman and prof. eccl. hist., Divinity School of P. E. Church, Phila. ; mem. Am. Soe. Chnrcli Hist. Med. and Eng. Church hist., and canon law. Ayrault, Guy, Groton School, Groton, Mass. BABB, James Elisha, Lewiston, Idaho. S. B., LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Acad, of Soc. and Pol. Sci. Pol. and soc. sci. Babcock, Earle B., University Heights, New York, N. Y. Ph. B., Ph. D. ; prof. and hd. of dept. Romance langs. and lits., New York Univ. ; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., Am. Philolog. Assn., Mod. T>ang. Assn. French hist. Babcock, Kendric Charles, 1204 W. Nevada st, Urbana, 111. L. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; dean. Coll. of Liberal Arts and Sci., Univ. of 111. ; mem. Minn. Hist. Soc. (corresp.). Am. hist, 1800-1860. Babcock, Willoughby M., jr., 2504 Lake of Isles blvd., Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., A. M. ; cur. of museum, Minn. Hist. Soc. Bacon, Caroline T, (Mrs. George W.), 23 W. 67th St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; mem. board of directors, New School for Social Research. Mod. European hist. Bacot, Daniel Huger, jr., 1727 Cambridge St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; grad. student. Harvard, instr. Simmons Coll. ; mem. S. C. Hist, and Geneal. Soc. Am. hist. Baensch, Emil, Manitowoc, Wis. Pres., East Wis. Trustee Co. ; chni.. Wis. Lib. Comm., pres., Manitowoc Lib. Bd. ; mem. Manitowoc Local Hist. Soc. (pres.), Miss. Valley Hist. Soc. St. Hist. Soc. Wis., German-Am. Hist. Soc. (v. pres.). Am. hist., col. and Rev. Bailey, Louis J., Public Library, Gary, Ind. S. B., B. L. S. ; librarian. Baillieu, Olive Latham, Collins House, Melbourne, Australia. M. A. ; barrister at law, Inner Temple. Soc. econ. hist. Baird, Andrew Browning, 247 Colony st., Winnipeg, Canada. D. D. ; prof. ch. hist, Manitoba Coll. Baird, Mildred, Sharon Hill, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; teacher. Am. hist. mod. Baker, Alfred Landon, Lake Forest, 111. Broker. Baker, Charles Chaney, care W. P. Tarpey, agt. Pierce Navigation Co., Texas City, Texas. Shipping dept. Pierce Oil Corporation, Tampico, Mex.; mem. Hist. Soc. So. Calif., Va. Hist. Soc, Am. Orient. Soc, Royal Asiatic Soc, Am. Mus. of Nat. Hist., Am. Geog. Soc, Arch. Inst of Am., Soc War of 1812. U. S. hist., so. Calif. Baker, Col. D. J., jr., Camp Dix, N. J, Col. U. S. Army. Baker, Helen, 1619 Monument ave., Richmond, Va. A. M. ; teacher and hd. of Collegiate School for Girls'; mem. Va. Assn. of Colleges and Schools. Mod. European hist 358 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Baker, Newman F., 105 S. 6th st., Columbia, Mo. A. B. ; instr. hist., Univ. of Mo. Balch, Ernest Alanson, 1339 Maple St., Kalamazoo, Mich. A. B. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Kalamazoo College ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mich. School- masters Club. Mod. European and French hist. *Balch, Thomas Willing, 1412 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., L. H. D. ; lawyer and writer ; mem. Am. Philos. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Antiq. Soc, Wyo. Hist, and Geol. Soc. (corresp. ), Col. Soc. of Mass. (corresp.), Hist. Soc. of Pa. (v. pres.). U. S. hist. Pa., and internat. law. Baldwin, Alice Mary, The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; hd. dept. hist. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Am. Geog. Soc. Eng. const, hist. Baldwin, Edith C, 1517 S. Main St., Princeton, 111. A. B. ; teacher hist., Prince- ton Township H. S. Mod. hist. Baldwin, Frances E., 147 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore, Md. Baldwin, James Fosdick, Vassar College, Pouglikeepsie, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. : mem. Eng. Manorial Soc, Dutchess Co. Hist Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Eng. hist. ^Baldwin, Simeon E., 69 Church st.. New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; lawyer; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc. (corresp.). Col. Soc. of Mass. (corresp.), Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Philos. Soc, Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters. Const, and internat. hist. Ballon, Hosea Starr, Winthrop road, Brookline, Mass. Financier ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Universalist Hist. Soc. (pres.), Mass. Soc. Col. Wars. Econ. and racial problems. Baltzell, Ernest Roscoe, Queen's College, Oxford, England. A. B. Rhodes scholar. Baltzly, Alexander, 89 St. Botolph st, Boston, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist, Mass. Inst. Tech. ; mem. Memorial Soc, Harv. Univ. European hist., 1500- 1800. Bamberger, Stella H., 2408 Linden ave., Baltimore, Md. Teacher Prep. School No. 49. Bancroft, Frederic, Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. Ph. D., LL. D. ; his- torian. Barber, Charles Marr, 100 S. 14th St., Albuquerque, N. Mex. Ph. B. ; wholesale automobiles and trucks. Anc and mod. European hist. Barber, Solon Ray, 338 N. 4th East St., Logan, Utah. B. S. Barbour, Violet, 145 College ave., Pouglikeepsie, N. Y. Ph. D. ; asst. prof., Vassar Coll. Eng. hist. Barclay, Thomas Swain, 4411 McPherson ave., St. Louis, Mo. A. B., A. M. ; instr. pol. sci., Univ. of Mo. ; mem. Mo. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist., recent. Barker, Eugene Campbell, 2220 San Gabriel st., Austin, Texas. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist., Univ. of Texas ; mem. Texas St. Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. U. S. hist.. Southwest. Barnard, Arthur Fairchild, 6007 Woodlawn ave., Chicago, 111. A. B. ; instr. hist.. School of Education, Univ. of Chicago. Anc. and mod. European hist. Barnes, Demass Ellsworth, Morristown, N. 1. A..B., A. M. ; instr. hist, Morris- town School. Am. hist. DIRECTORY. 359 Barnes, Donald G.. Millon Acndciiiy, Milton, Mass. A. I?., A. M. Barnes, Harry Elmer, CliirU ITiilvei'sit.v, Worcester, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; iiioin. Am. Sociol. Soc, Acad. Pol. Sci., N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. Historioj^raphy, social and intellectual hist. Barnes, Viola Florence, Mt. Ilolyoke Collof^e, South Hadley, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; instr. hist. Am. hist., col. Barnum. William Milo. 10 ^Vall St., New York, N. Y. A. B., LL. B. ; lawyer. Barnwell, Joseph Walker, 54 Broad St., Charleston, S. C Pres. S. C. Hist. Soc. Barrett, Florence, 56 Fenway, Boston, Mass. A. B. Barss, Katharine Gunter, 402 Golden Hill St., Bridseport, Conn. A. B. ; teacher hist., H. S. Barstow, Charles Lester, 34 Graniercy park. New York, N. Y. A. B. ; editor. Bartholomay, Henry, 1212 First Nat. Bank bldg., Chicago, 111. LL. B. Bartlett, Marguerite G., 1138 S. r)2d st., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; ti'acher hist, and acad. head, Prep. School; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Pol. and Soc. Sci. Am. hist., const. Barton. Alvin Lester, 1404 Hazelwood ave., Detroit, Mich. A. B. ; teacher hist., NortluM-n H. S. ; mem. IMich. State Teachers Assn. Anc. hist. Bassett, John Spencer, 58 Pomeroy terrace, Northampton, Mass. Ph D., LL. D. ; hd. dept. hist., Smith Coll. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc. U. S. hist., recent. Basye, Arthur Herbert, Hanover, N. H. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist., Dartmouth Coll. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Eng. hist, and Am. col. hist. Batcheller, Robert, 723 15th St. nw., Washington, D. C. Bates, Albert Carlos, Hartford, Conn. Libn., Conn. Hist. Soc. ; mem. Conn. Hist. Soc, New London Co. Hist. Soc U. S. hist., New Eng. and Conn. Bates, M. S., Hiram, Ohio. Battle, George Gordon, 37 Wall st.. New York, N. Y. Attorney-at-law. Baxter, James Phinney, 61 Deering st., Portland, Me. A. M., Litt. D. ; author ; mem. Me. Hist. Soc. (pres.), N. E. Historic-Geneal. Soc. (pres.). Am. Antiq. Soc. (councillor). Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. (fellow), Mass. Hist. Soc, R. I. Hist Soc, Old Colony Hist. Soc Baxter, James Phinney, 3d, 1205 AVood ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. A. B. ; student. Am. hist. Bayard, Thomas F., 9 Red Oak road, Wilmington, Del. A. B. ; attorney at law ; mem. Del. Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci. Beach, Myron Hawley, 849 Erie ave., San Antonio, Texas. LL. D. Beach, William Harrison, Seneca Falls, N. Y. A. M. ; mem. G. A. R., Loyal Legion, N. Y\ Gen. and Biog. Soc. U. S. hist., local. Bean. Charles D., Masonic Temple, Geneva, N. Y. S. B., Ph. B., A. M., LL. D. ; lawyer; mem. Delphian Hist. Soc. (pres.), Geneva Masonic Hist. Soc. (sec), S. of A. II., N. Y. St. Hist. Assn.. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., N. Y. St. Geog. Soc, Genesee Hist. Fed. Biography. Beard, Charles A., New Milford, Conn. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; dir., N. Y. Bureau of Municipal Research; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Nat. Municipal League. Am. econ. and pol. hist. 360 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Beardslee, Sara Eliza, 1536 N. 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B. ; instr. hist, and Eng., Temple Univ. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. U. S. hist. •I Beaumont, John W,, 1124 Ford bldg., Detroit, Mich. B. S. Beaver, Mildred, P. O. box 209, Patterson, Calif. A. B. ; teacher hist., civics, econ. and Spanish, Pntterson Union H. S. Beazley, Charles Eaymond, The University, Edmund St., Birmingham, England. M. A., U. Litt. (Oxuii.) ; prof. hist. Univ. of Birmingham. Bechtel, George Gerald, 2062 W. Grand blvd., Detroit, Mich. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; prin., Detroit Northern H. S. ; mem. Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mich. Schoolmasters Club, Mich. St. Teachers Assn., N. E. A. Am. hist. Beck, Margaret Milne, 19 W. 93d St., New York, N. Y. A. B. ; student. Eng. I)()l. anil const, hist. Becker, Carl L., Upland road. Ithaca, N. Y. L. B., Ph. D. ; prof. mod. Euro- pean hist.. Cornell Univ. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. Mod. European, ISth century, and Rev. Bedell, Eev. Frederick M. C, Trinity Episcopal Church, Shamokin, Pa. Rector Trinity Church; chm. Social Service Comm., Diocese of Harrisburg. Beeckman, Florence Louise, 141 W. 104th St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist., Eastern District H. S. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Mod. European hist.. Am. hist. Beer, William, Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, La. Librarian ; mem. Am. Antiquarian Soc, Am. Sociol. Soc, La. Hist. Soc, Chicago Hist. Soc, Sf. Louis Hist. Soc, Assn. for Advancement of Sci., New Orleans Acad, of Sci. Hist, of La. Bell, Hazel A., 2117 M st.. Sacramento, Calif. A. B.; high-school teacher. Bell, Herbert Clifford, 80 Federal St.. Brunswick, Me. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, hist, Bowdoin Coll. Mod. European hist. Bell, James Christy, jr., 337 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y. A. B. ; student.- Am. hist., 19th cent. Bell, J. I., Bismarck, N. Dak. V. pres. 1st Nat. Bank, treas. State Hist. Soc. Belote, Theodore Thomas, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M. ; curator division of hist. Bemis, Samuel Flagg, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. A. M., Ph. D. Am. (lipl. hist. Benjamin, Gilbert Giddirgs, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mom. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., State Teachers Assn. of Iowa, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., State Hist Soc. of Iowa, Soc. Sci. Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist. Benns, F. Lee, 331 S. Grant st., Bloomington, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; teacher ; Am. Antiq. Soc. fellow in hist., Clark Univ. Latin-Am. hist. Benton, Elbert Jay, 193S E. 116th St., Cleveland, Ohio. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist., W(>stern R(^serve Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Western Reserve Hist. Soc, Ohio State Teachers Assn. Am. hist., col., 18th cent. Benton. George W., 100 Washington sq., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; chief, ^'i\. (h'pt.. Am. Book ('(». Bernd, Florence, 109 Laur(>l ave.. Macon, Ga. A. B. ; teacher hist, Lanier H. S. ; mem. Ga. Hist. Assn., (Ja. Edn. Assn., Bibb Co. Teachers Assn. Mod. hist. DlllECTORY. 361.; Bernheim, Isaac Wolfe, Intin-Southorn bldjx., Louisville, Ky. lletirod mer- chant; iiiein. Am. .lewi.sh Hist. Soc, Miss. Vall(\v Hist. As.sn. Berringer, Edwin John, Hi.i;h School, Stockton, Calif. L. B., Ij. M. ; mem. Calif. Teachers Assn. ; II. S. Teachers Assn. U. S. hist. Bestor, Arthur E., Chautauqua, N. Y. A. B., LL. D. ; pres., Chautauqua Insti- tution. Betten, Rev. Francis Sales, St. Ignatius C/ollege, Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher hist. ■Med. hist., esp. 9th cent. Bever, James, 614 Ivy st., Bellinjiham, Wash. B. IN d., A. M. ; hd. dept. hist, and sociol., State Nor. Sch. Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, 4164 Washington blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. A. M., LL. I). ; writer ; mem. iMas.s. Hist. Soc, Miss. V'alley Hist. Assn., Ind. Hist. Soc. Va. Hist. Soc. Biography, .John Marshall. *Beyer. H. Otley, 929 calle Santol, Manila, P. I. A. M. Biddle, Edward, 308 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Bieber, Ralph Paul, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. Am. hist. Am. hist. Bier, M. Elmira, 660 K st. ne., Washington, D. C. Clerk in internal revenue. ♦Bigelow, Frank Gordon, 1929 Dupont ave. s., Minneapolis, Minn. Retired. Bigelow, Lt. Col. John, 1836 Jefferson pi., Washington, D. C. Lieut, col., U. S. A., ret. U. S. hist. *Bigelow, Melville Madison, Ashburton place, Boston, Mass. Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof. Boston Univ. Law Sch. ; mem. Am. Acad, of Arts and Sci. ♦Bigelow. Poultney, Maldeu-on-Hudson, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; author ; mem. Royal Geog. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc, N. Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn.. Royal LTnited Service Instn. (hon.). Biggar, Henry Perclval, 19 Victoria st., London, S. W. 1, England. B. A., B. Litt. (Oxon.) ; European rep. of the Public Archives of Canada; mem. Royal Hist. Soc. [Eng.], Hist. Assn., Hist. Soc. of Ontario. Early Am. hist. •Bingham, Hiram, drawer A, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., Litt. D. ; explorer and prof. Latin-Am. hist., Yale Univ. ; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc. Nat. Acad. Hist, of Colombia, Hisp. Soc. of Am., Royal Geog. Soc, Royal Anthrop. Inst. Latin-Am. hist. Blnkley^ William Campbell, School of Government University of Texas, Austin, Texas. A. B., A. M. ; chief asst. in hist., Univ. of Calif. Western Am. hist, Latin-Am. hist. Blrdwell, Alton William, San Marcos, Texas. A. M. ; prof, hist., Southwest Texas. State Nor. Sch. Birge, Rev. John Klngsley, International College, Smyrna, Asia Minor. A. B., D. B. : clergyman ; prof, in charge of Turkish dept. Birks, Lila, Franklin School, Melrose Highlands, Mass. Bishop, Arthur Giles, Flint, Mich. A. B. ; banker ; pres., First Nat. Bank and Genesee Co. Savings Bank. ♦Bishop, Cortlandt F., room 3009, 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y. A, M., Ph. D., LL. B. Bishop, William Warner, 715 Church St.. Ann Arbor, Mich. A. M. ; libn., Univ. of Mich. ; mem. A. L. A., Am. Lib. Inst., Blbliog. Soc. Am., Mich. School- masters' Club. Anc. hist, and early church hist. 362 AMERICAN HISTgmCAL. ASSOCIATION. Bissell, John Henry, Bank Chambers, 80 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. A. M. ; lawyer ; mem. Am. Bar. Assn. Am. hist. Bissett, Clark Prescott, 914 24th ave. n., Seattle, Wash. A. M., LL. B. Bixby, William Keeney, Kings Highway and Lindell ave., St. Louis, Mo. A. M., LL. D. ; retired manufacturer ; pres. City Art Museum, v. pres. AVashington Univ.; mem. Mo. Hist. Soc. (v. pres.), Am. Archaeol. Soc. (hon. pres. of branch soc). Am. Antiq. Soc., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Mass. Hist. Soc, N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. U. S. hist. Black, Elizabeth Janet, Ivanhoe, Sampson Co., N. C. Writer, investigator, genealogist; mem. Arran Soc. (Glasgow; hon. life), Arran-on-Black River Literary and Hist. Soc. (permanent sec). Local N. C. hist. ; hist, of Scottish highlands. Black, James Churchill, 304 W. 13th St., Anderson, Ind. Pd. B., Pd. M., Pd. D. ; hd. hist. dept. Anderson H. S. ; mem. State Teachers Assn., State Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., N. E. A. Am. hist, and civics. Black, James William, 56 Pleasant St., Waterville, Me. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci., Colby Coll. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Me. Hist. Soc, Md. Hist. Soc (corresp.) Am. hist. Blair, Gist, 1651 Pennsylvania ave. nw., Washington, D. C. Blakeslee, George H., Clark University, Worcester, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and internat. rel. ; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc (council), Mass. Hist. Soc, Soc. Internat. Law. Internat. rel. Blatchford, Paul, 333 N. Euclid ave., Oak Park, 111. A. B. ; manufacturer and professional sec. ; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, 111. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Hist, of Chicago and Illinois. Bleekman, John Ebenezer, Ditmars ave.. East Elmhurst, New York, N. Y. In- vestment securities ; mem. Lawyers' Club of N. Y., Cincinnati Engineers Soc, Am. Engineers Soc. Am. hist., esp. const. Bliss, W. P., State Norman School, San Diego, Calif. Sc B., L. B., A. M. ; hd. dept. hist, and econ. and v. pres. ; mem. N. E. A., State Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist. Bloom, Kev. Lansing Bartlett, Santa Fe, N. Mex. A. B., A. M. ; clergyman, hist, research ; sec, State Board of Hist. Service ; assoc in hist.. School of Am. Research ; mem. State Edn. Assn., Hist. Soc. N. Mex., Am. Assn. Teachers of Spanish, Archaeol. Inst. Am. Southwestern and Spanish-Am. hist. Blount, Bertha, Wang Lang, Bangkok, Siani. A. B., A. M. ; teacher, actg. prin., Wang Lang Girls' Acad. U. S. hist., southwestern. Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly, 815 Forest ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. Prof, anc hist., Univ. of Mich. Later Roman and Byzantine hist. Bogardus, Frank Smith, Terre Haute, Ind. A. B. ; prof, hist., Ind. State Nor- mal School. Mod. European hist. Boisseau, Oscar G., Holden, Mo. Abstracts and loans ; mayor ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., and state hist. socs. of Ark., 111., Ind., Iowa, Kans., La., Mich., Minn., Mo., Neb., N. Mex., N. C, N. D., Okla., Ore, S. D., Tenn., Tex., Vt., Wis. Am. and pol. hist. Bolin, John Siegfried, 1547 Shattuck ave., Berkeley, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; instr. in edn., Univ. of Calif. DIRECTORY. 363 Bolton, Herbert Eugene, lU'rkoley, Calif. I^ B., Ph. D. ; I'rof. Am. hist., chra. clept. liist, Univ. of Calif. ; curator, Bancroft Lib. ; nieiii. Cal. Hist. Comm., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Texas State Hist. Assn., Am. Antiq. Soc, Socieclad de Hist, Geos. y Estodistica (Mex.). Spanish-Am. :uid western Am. hi.st. Bonaparte, Charles Joseph, Baltimore, Md. A. B., LL. B. ; lawyer. Bond, Beverley W., jr., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist. ; mem. Md. Hist, Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ind. Hi.st. Teachers Assn. Am. hist., col. Bond, James A. C, Westminster, Md. Lawyer ; div. counsel, B. and O. R. R. ; mem. Md. Hist. Soc. AnthropolOfjy. Bonham, Milledge I., jr., Hamiltoe Collejie, Clinton, N. Y. Litt. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist.; mem. INIiss. Valley Hist. Assn., La. Hist. Soc, Hist. Soc. of E. and W. Baton Roui^e, La., Professional Teachers League. Am. hist. Bonnard, Annette Y., 92 Prospect St., Passaic, N. J. A. M. ; tchr. Am. hist., N. Y. Pub. Schools. Bonney, Clinton Howard. Hackley School, Tarrytown, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist. Mod. Am. and European hist. Booth, Russell G., 517 W. 113th St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher; student, Columbia Univ.. Mod. European hist., hist. European thought and culture. Bosley, William B.. 1978 Vallejo st., San Francisco, Calif. A. B., LL. B. ; attor- ney for Pacific Gas and Elec Co. Bostian, Frederick Hilton, Jacksonville, Ala. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist, Ala. State Nor. Sch. ; mem. Ala. Hist. Teachers Assn., Ala. Edn. Assn. Mod. and Am. hist. Boucher, Chauncey Samuel, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Bourne, Henry Eldridge, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. A. B., B. D., L. H. D. ; prof, and hd. of dept. hist. Coll. for Women, Western Reserve Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci., Western Reserve Hist. Soc. French Rev. Bovard, George Finley, 801 AV. 34th st.. Los Angeles, Calif. A. B., A. M., D. D., LL. D. ; pres., Univ. of Southern California ; mem. So. Calif. Hist. Assn., N. E. A., Calif. Teachers Assn., Archaeol. Inst, of Am., Internat. Geog. Soc. Mod. European hist. Bowden, Witt, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- phia, Pa. A. B., Ph. D. Mod. econ. hist. ♦Bowen, Clarence Winthrop, 5 E. 63d st., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; publisher, retired; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc, R. I. Hist. Soc. (corresp.), Col. Soc. Mass. (corresp.), Conn. Hist. Soc. (v. pres.), N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. (pres.), N. E. Soc. in the City of N. Y. (v. pres.), N. Y. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Bowes, Anne Harriet, GOO liinooln ave.. E. E., Pittsburgh, Pa. S. B. ; teacher hist., Latimer Junior H. S. ; mem. N. E. A. Am. hist. Bowles, Harriett, Imperial, Calif. Bowman, H. M., GO Church st.. Kitchener, Ont., Canada. Ph. D. Bowman, J. N., 2103 E. 52d St., Seattle, Wash. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; supervisor of placement. Federal Board for Vocational Edn. ; mem. Am. Assn. for Ad- vancement of Sci. Mod. hist., methodology. 364 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Boyce, Mrs. Eleanor Day, 207 St. Clair St., Portland, Oreg. Boyce, Helen, 3735 Grand bvd., Chicago, 111. Ph. D. ; teacher ; mem. Chicago Archaeol. Soc. Mod. European hist. Boyce, William T., Fullerton Union High School, FuUerton, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist, and econ. Boyd, Allen Richards, 1751 Corcoran .st. uw., Washington, D. C. Library of Congress. Mil. hist. Boyd, Edward Mayer, Auburn, Nemaha Co., Nebr. A. B. Boyd, William Kenneth, Durham, N. C. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Trinity Coll. Hist, of N. C. and the South. ♦Brackett, Jeffrey Richardson, 200 Marlborough st., Boston, Mass. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. soc. econ., Simmons Coll., and dir. School of Social Work ; mem. Nat. Conf. of Soc. Work. ♦Bradford, Rev. John Ewing, IS Wood St., Oxford, Ohio. A. M. ; clergyman ; prof, hist., Miami Univ., actg. cor. sec. United Presbyterian Bd. of Edn. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc. U. S. hist., Ohio Valley. Bradley, Glenn D., 2111 Putnam st., Toledo, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist, and hd. hist, dept., Toledo Univ. ; mem. Kans. Plist. Soc, Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. Am. hist. Bramhall, Edith Clementine, Ticknor Hall, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. Brand, Carl Fremont, 5 Fruit st., Northampton, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist. Smith Coll. Eng. in 19th cent. Brandenburg, Samuel J., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Ph. M. ; librarian. Brandt, Lida Roberts, 4387 Larchwood ave., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; teacher Latin, Washington Seui., Washington, Pa. Auc. hist. Brandt, Walther I., Adelbert Hall, W^estern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. A. B., A. M. Am. hist. Brantly, William Theophilus, 921 17th st., nw., Washington, D. C. LL. B. Breasted, James Henry, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; teacher, writer, investigator; prof. Oriental hist., chm. dept. Oriental languages and literature, dir, Haskell Oriental Museum and of Oriental Inst. ; mem. Am. Oriental Soc, Am. Philos. Soc, Am. Acad. Soc. ScL, Soc. Ajitiquaries (London), Archaeol. Inst. Am. Hist, of Near East. Brehaut, Ernest, R. F. D. no. 2, Creamridge, N. J. A. M. Bretz, Julian P., 3 Central ave., Ithaca, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. Am hist., Cornell Univ. Am. hist. Brewer, Luther A., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A. B., A. M. ; pres.. Republican Ptg. Co., and Torch Press ; mem. hist. socs. 111., Iowa, Kans., Mo., Nebr., Linn Co. (Iowa) Hist. Soc, Bibliophile Soc. Am. hist., local. Briggs, Elizabeth, 509 W. 121st St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher, Horace Mann School, Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. Am. hist. Briggs, Katherine, Woodsville, N. H. A. B. ; teacher ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teach- ers Assn., Ammonoosuc Valley Teachers Assn. European hist. Briggs, Lawrence Palmer, Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec, Canada A. B., Ph. M. ; U. S. consul. Briggs, Mitchell Pirie, High School, Fresno, Calif. A. M. ; instr., Fresno Junior Coll.; mem. Iowa St. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. DIRECTORY. 365 Brigham, Clarence S., 34 Cedar St., Worcester, Mass. A. B., A. M. (lion.); llbn., Am. Antiq. Soc. Early Anierlcana. Brigham. Herbert Olin, State Library, Providence, It. I. State librarian, State Ileconl Coimnr. Bristol, Edward N„ 19 W. 44tli St., New Yorlc, N. Y. Publisher. Broadhead, Stella Florine, 130 S. Main St., Jamestown, N. Y. A. P..; N. Y. State ItcKcnt D. A. II., mem, N. Y. State Hist. Soc, Chautauqua Co. Hist. Soc. Am hist. Broek, Bernard W., 6200 Stony Island ave., Cliicago, III. Ph. B. ; instr. Hyde l';irU II. S. Am. liist. Brooks, Robert Preston, Athens, Ga. A. B., Pli. D. ; Dean, Sch. of Commerce, Univ. of Ga. ; mem. (Ja. Hist. Soc. Am. hist., southern, local. Brooks, Viola, 1212 W. Green St., Uibana, III. A. B., A. M. ; teacher of hist. Brown, Ashmun Norris, GOT Ilibbs bid;?., Washington, D. C. Corresp. and mag. writer. Am. hist., l';icittc Northwest. Brown, Everett Somerville, 127 N. Itugby St., Huntington Park, Calif. L. B., I.. M., I'll. D. ; teacher. Am. hist. Brown, Kev. Frederick Warner, P. O. ho.x 320, Icwa City, Iowa. Ph. B., a. M. ; clergyman; mem. Ohio State Teachers Assn. Mod. List. Brown. Henry John, 4 Trafalgar sq.. I.ondmi, W. C. 2, England. Proprietor of Messrs. B. F. Stevens and Brown, Am. l.iby. and Literary Agts. ; niciii. Am. Lib.v. Assn.. Lihy. Assn. of the United Kingdom, Bil.liog. Soc. (Eiig.), Bibliog. Soc. (U. S.), Md. Hist. Soc. (conesp.). Amor. Bcw. period. Brown, Louise Fargo, 203 Mill st., Ponghkcepsie, N. Y. Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist., V:tssar Coll. Jlod. European hist. Brown, Marshall S., 10 Fairviow st.. Yoiikors, N. Y. Ph. B.. A. M. ; prof. hist. and pol. sci., dean, New York Univ. ; mom. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn..' Am. Assn.* Intt rnat. Law, As.sn, Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. Inst. Brown, Richard De Mille. care Corn Exchange Bank, 13 William st, New York, N. Y. ^'.-pres. Corn Exch. Baidc. Brown. Samuel Hulme, Friends' Boarding School, Westtown, Pa. A. B., A. M ; hd. hist. dept. U. S. hist. Brown. Rev. William Fiske, 704 Park ave.. P.elnit. Wis. A. M., D. D. ; retired Presl)yteri:in clergyman; mem. St. Hist. Soc. Wis., III. St. Hist. Soc. Hist, of Wis. and of Proshyteriaiiisni. Brownell. Henry Chase, Canton Cliristlan College, Canton, China. B. A. ; assoc. prof. hist. Brownson, Mary Wilson, Washington, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; mom. Assn. Hist. Te:ichoi-s Middle States ami .Aid., Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci. Am. dipl. hist., internat. law. •Bruce, Kathleen EveJeth, 4G Shepard St., Cambridge, 38, Mass. A B A M • student at Ka deli He Coll. Bruce, Robert, Clinton. Oneida Co., N. Y. Editor and compiler. Brummer. Sidney D., l.T'.O M:ulison nve.. New York, N. Y. A. M., Ph D • te.Klier, Boys' H. S., Brooklyn. Am. hist. Brush. Charles Francis, 372.^. Euclid ave., Cleveland. Oldo. I^I. E.. S. M., Ph. D., So. P.. LL. p.; .scientist; mem. Am. A.ssn. Advancement .Sci. (fellow), Am.' Inst. Electrical Engrs.. Archaeol. Inst. Am., Am. Philos. Soc, Am. Acad.' Arts nnd .Sria.e, Ohio. Phy..ieian. airnes, Laura Jeannette. 1216 W. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md. A. B ■ teacher T^'irrs Sle'sMl""" "". mS "^"- '''■ '''''■ ^^'^^'^^ ^--- ^^^- Aeublic schools; mem. N. E. A., Hist. Club of Phila., I'a. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Coulter, E. Merton, 297 Hancock ave., .Athens. Ga. A. B.. A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof., Univ. of Ga. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ga. Hist. Soc Am. hist., Civil War. Courtney. Edwin Hill, 1719 E. Cary St., Richmond, Va. Cowan, Robert Ernest, SG7 Treat ave., San Francisco, Calif. Libn. with W. A. Clark, jr.; mem. Calif. Lib. A.ssn. U. S. hist., local. Cowdin, Winthrop, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. A. B. ; farmer. Mod. European and Am. hist. Cowles, Israel Towne, Union Trust bldg., Detroit, Mich. A. B. ; attorney at law. Cox, Isaac Joslin, Northwestern University, Evanston, HI. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, liist. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Texas St. Hist. Assn., Ohio St. Archaeol. and Hist. Soc, Hist, and Philos. Soc. of Ohio (corresp.), Chicago Hist. Soc. (corresp. ). Hisp.-Am. hist. Cox, Mary Belle, 715 N. Lafontaine st., Huntington, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; liead hist. dept.. Huntington H. S. ; mem. Ind. St. Teachers Assn., Ind. Fed. Litt. Clubs, Nat. Drama League. Mod. European hist. 374 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Cox, Mrs. William RufRn, 609 W. Grace st., Richmond, Va. Mem. Col. Dames of Am. in the State of Va. (pres.), Nat. Soc. Col. Dames of Am. (hon. pre^. ), Order of the Crown of Am. (hon. vice pres. gen.), Assn. for Preserva- tion of Va. Antiquities (vice pres.), D. A. R., United Daughters of the Con- federacy; Confederate Memorial Litt. Soc. (vice regent), Va. Hist. Soc, Ar- chaeol. Inst, of Am. Am. col., Rev., and Confederate hist. Coy, Owen Cochran, 2847 Fulton st., Berkeley, Calif. Ph. D. ; teacher, sec. and archivist of Calif. Hist. Survey Comm. Am. hist., western and local. Coyle, Susan Edmond, 1326 19th st. nw., Washington, D. C. A. B. ; tchr. hist., Miss Madeira's sch. Craik, Elmer le Eoy, 1200 E. Euclid St., McPherson, Kans. A. B., A. M. ; head dept. hist, and pol. sci., McPherson Coll. ; mem. Kans. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Cram, Robert Vincent, 710 13th ave. se., Minneapois, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; instr. Latin, Univ. of Minn. Anc. hist. Crandall, Mrs. lulu Donnell, 401 Fulton st., The Dalles, Oreg. Undertaking business; mem. Oreg. Hist. Soc, Oreg. Pioneer Assn., D. A. R., Daughters of 1812. Local Northwest hist. Crane, Ella E., 2015 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. S. B., A. M. ; teacher hist, and civics, Erasmus Hall H. S. ; mem. N. Y. Acad. Pol. Sci., Assn. Hist. Teach- ers Middle States and Md. Am. hist, and civics. Crane, Verner Winslow, BrowTi University, Providence, R. I. A. M., Ph. D. Am. hist., col. Craven, Avery 0., 820 Grove ave., Emporia, Kans. Craven, Mrs. Thomas I., Cravenhurst, Salem, N. J. Mem. N. J. St. Hist. Soc, Salem Co. (N. J.) Hist. Soc, Hist. Soc of Pa., N. J. Soc Col. Dames, ''Old Barracks " Soc. of N. J., Soc. of Rev. Relics. Crawford, Clarence Cory, 1530 Kentucky st., Lawrence, Kans. Ph. D. ; assoa prof. European hist., Univ. of Kans. Eng. hist, const, and legal. Crawford, Finla G., 751 Ostrom ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Ph. B., A. M. ; prof. pol. sci. Hist, of Civil War. Crawford, Frank Erskine, Berkshire School, Sheffield, Mass. A. B. ; head hist, dept. Mod. hist. Crawford, William Henry, 291 S. Marengo ave., Pasadena, Calif. A. M., LL. D., D. D. ; college president. Cribbs, George Arthur, 680 Hartshorn St., Alliance, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Mount Union Coll. Am. hist. Critchley, Bertha M., 1832 Beersford pi.. East Cleveland, Ohio. A. B. ; teacher hist.. East Senior H. S., Cleveland ; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist. Crofts, Frederick S., care of Harper and Brothers, Franklin sq., New York, N. Y. Pub. business. Cross, Arthur Lyon, 705 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Ph. D. ; prof. Eng. hist, Univ. of Mich. ; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mich. School- masters Club, Univ. of Mich. Research Club. Eng. hist. Cross, Cecil M. P., 319 Central ave., Norwich, Conn. A, B., A. M. ; clerk. Sur- plus Property Div., Z. S. O., War Dept., Washington. Mod. col. hist. Crossman, Leland Earl, Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio. Ph. D. ; prof. pol. sci. and econ. Am. hist. DIIIKCTORY. 375 Crothers, George Edward, 405 City Holl, Sun Francisco, Calif. A. B.. A. M. ; judge of superior court, chni. bd. of trustees, Stute Normal School ; mem. Calif. Schoolmasters Club, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Nat. Municipal League, Nat. Econ. League. Const, hist. Crothers, Hayes Baker, lG-1 Strathmore road, Brighton, Mass. Teacher hist. Crouch, Flora Alice, 108 N. Pulaski ave., Chicago, 111. S. B. ; teacher hist. ; Austin H. S. Am. hist. Crowther, Elizabeth, Western College for Women. Oxford, Ohio. Ph. B., A. M. ; prof, hist; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Hist. Comm. European hist., med. and mod. Cruikshank, Gen. Ernest Alexander, 53 Wilton Crescent, Ottawa, Out. LL. D. ; dir. hist, sec, General Staff; mem. Iloyal Soc. of Canada (v. pres. ), Out. Hist. Soc. (v. pres.), liundy Lane Hist. Soc. (hon. pres.), Niagara Hist. Soc. (hon. pres.). Brit, and Canad. mil. hist. Cruikshank, John Perkins, Fort Madison, Iowa. Financial agent and title exam- iner ; mem. Miss. Hist. Assn., State Hist. Soc. of Iowa. Local pioneer hist. Cudmore, Sedley Anthony, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, Canada. A. B. ; economist and statistician ; chief of Edn. Statistics ; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Statistical Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation. Econ. hist., esp. British and Am. econ. hist, since industrial rev. Cnmings, Mary M., 105 Washington St., Painesville, Ohio. A. B. ; teacher hist. and civics, Painesville H. S. ; mem. Ohio St. Teachers Assn., N. E. A., Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn. Mod. European and Am. hist. Cummings, Mary L., lock drawer 605, Warren, Mass. A. B. ; teacher hist, and Latin, Warren H. S. ; mem. N. E. Classical Assn. Eng. hist. Cundall, Frank, Kingston, Jamaica, B. W. I. Ofncier d'Academie (France) ; sec. and libn.. Institute of Jamaica, sec. Jamaica Schools Comm.; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc. (hon.), Jewish Hist. Soc, Md. Acad. Sci., Soc of Antiquaries, Royal Col. Inst., Iloyal Soc Arts. Hist, of West Indies, esp. Jamaica. Cunningham, Henry Winchester, P. O. box 1216, Boston, Mass. A. B. ; retired ; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc. (council), Col. Soc. Mass. (rec sec), Me. Hist. Soc. (corresp.), Milton (Mass.) Hist. Soc, Bostonlan Soc (a dir.), N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. U. S. hist.. New Eng., and geneal. Cure, Zachary Taylor, Jerniyn, Pa. Retired. Theolog. and science. Curti, M. E., 1 Mathews Hall, Cambridge, Mass. A. B. ; student, Harvard Univ. Curtis, Edward Ely, 7 Cottage st, Wellesley, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. hist. Wellesley Coll. Am. hist. Curtis, Eugene Newton, 31 York ct., Guilford, Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M., D. B., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., actg. dean, Goucher Coll. Mo4l. European hist. Curtiss, Charles Chauncey, 1404 Astor st., Chicago, 111. Dir., Fine Arts Bldg. ; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, Art. Inst, of Chicago, Am. Federation of Arts, Archaeol. Inst. Am., Nat. Econ. League, Art Soc of Am. Gen. hist. Cushman, Milton Saxon, Sterling, Kans. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci., coll. sec. Cooper Coll. European hist. Custer, John Sherman, 370 Sumatra ave., Akron, Ohio. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. of hist. Cutler, Mary Helen, Mills College P. O.. Oakland, Calif. A. B.. A. M. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., D. A. R., Mills Coll. Hist. Club. Mod. Eng. hist. 376 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. *DABNEY, Richard Heath, University, Va. A. M., Pli. D. ; prof, hist., dean of dept., Univ. of Va. ; mem. Southern Hist. Soc, Va. Hist. Soc, Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci. Gen. hist. Backerman, Mrs. Aratella Clippinger, 274 N, Sandusky St., Delaware, Ohio. S. I>. ; teacher hist., Delaware H. S. ; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn., St. Teachers Assn., Central Ohio Teachers Assn. Mod. hist. Daines, Franklin David, 327 Boulevard, Logan, Utah. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist., Utah Agricultural Coll.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Assn. for Advance- ment Sci. U. S. hist., western. Dale, Harrison Clifford, Laramie, Wyo. A. B., A. M. ; prof, pol, sci., Univ. of Wyoming. U. S. hist., western. D'Ancona, Edward N., room 1038, Stock Exchange, Chicago, 111. Daniel, James Walter Wright, Wesleyan College, Macon, Ga. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and econ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. SocioL Soc, Ga. Hist Soc, Ga. Teachers Assn. Mod. Eng. and European hist. Dargan, Marion, jr., State Normal School, Athens, W. Va. A. B., D. B., A. M. Darling, Arthur Burr, 8 Craigie circle, Cambridge, Mass. A. B. ; grad. student, Am. hist. Darling, May, 3340 E. 80th St., Portland, Oreg. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist., Washington H. S. French Ilev. Dart, Henry P., Canal Bank bldg.. New Orleans, La. Lawyer; mem. La. Hist. Soc, Am. Bar Assn., La. Bar Assn. Hist, of La, and Miss. Valley, Davenport, Frances Gardiner, 1140 Woodward bldg., AVashington, D. C, A, B., A. M., Ph. D, ; staff Dept. of Hist. Research, Carnegie Instn. of Wash. Dipl. hist. David, Charles Wendell, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. A. B., A. M., Ph, D. ; assoc. prof. European hist. Med. European hist. Davidson, M. Isabella, GOG Lake ave., Waseca, Wis. Davidson, Otto Conrad, Iron Mountain, Mich. Gen. supt., Oliver Iron Mining Co. ; mem. St. Hist. Soc Wis. Davidson, Roy, 1423 S. Boston ave., Tulsa, Okla. A. B. ; instr, hist., Tulsa H. S. ; mem, Okla. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Davies, George Clement, AVauscon, Ohio. A. B., A. M, ; teacher, Glenville H, S,, Cleveland ; mem. Md. Hist. Soc, Am, hist., Jeffersonian period. Davis, Alice, 112 Nagle ave., New York, N. Y. Ph. B., A, M, ; teacher hist, and civics, Wadleigh H. S. ; mem, N. Y, Hist, Soc, N. E, A. Am, hist, const. ♦Davis, Andrew McFarland, 10 Appleton St., Cambridge, Mass. S, B., A. M. retired; mem. Am. Antlq. Soc, (v, pres.), Camb, Hist. Soc. (v. pres.), Col Soc Mass. (v. pres.), Mass. Hist. Soc, Hist, of currency and paper money, Davis, Arthur Kyle, Southern College, College place, Petersburg, Va, A, M, pres, of Coll., chairman, Va. War Hist. Commission ; mem. Va. Hist, Soc Southern Assn. of College and Preparatory Schools, Assn. of Va. Colleges, Va Assn. Colleges and Schools for Girls, Archaeol. Soc Am, Hist, of Va, Davis, Jennie Melvene, Hotel St, George, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher Am. hist, and govt, Erasmus Hall H, S. ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol, Sci,, Soc, Arts and Sci., D. A. II. Hist, of govt. Davis, Leita Margarita, P. O. box 805, Sapulpa, Okla. A, B., A. M. ; head hist. dept,, H. S. ; mem. Okla, Edn, Assn. Mod. hist. DIRECTORY. 377 Davis, Margaret, 1712 E si., I.incolii, Nebr. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist, Lincoln H. S. ; iiieiu. Nebr. St. Hist. Soc, Mist 'teachers Assn. of Nebr. (sec), Nebr. St Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Davis, Rhea M., 242 E. Summit st., Alliance, Ohio, Davis, Sarah White, 103 South St., Northampton, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist. Med. Eng. econ. hist. Davis, Walter Scott, Collejje of I'ujjet Sound, Taconia. Wash. A. B.. A. M. ; state senator, and prof, hist.; mem. Wash. St. Hist. Soc. (bd. of curators). Am. hist., Fed. Davis, Warren Johnson, 324 DeKoven ave., Racino, Wis. Pres. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. ; mem. St. Hist. Soc. Wis. Davis, William Stearns, University of Minne.sota, Minneaiiolls, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist.; mem. JNIinn. St. Hist. Soc. Anc and Oriental hist Davis, William Watson, 1731 Indiana st., Lawrence, Kans. S. B.. S. M.. A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., Univ. of Kans.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Assn. Univ Professors. Contemporary dipl. hist. U. S. and Latin-Am. Davison, Ellen Scott, 44 Langdon St., Cambridge, Mass. S. B., A. M.. Ph. D. ; writing imd research. French hist., soc. and econ., esp. 12th and i;?th cents. Dawkins, Walter L, IHO Fidelity bldg., Baltimore. Md. L. B., A. U.; assoc. judgi>, supreme bench of Baltimore; mem. Rhl. Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Pol. anil Soc. Sci., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Md. Bar Assn. U. S. hist., and local. Dawson, Edgar, Hunter College, New York, N. Y. Ph. D. ; pi-of. govt. ; mem. N. Y. St Hist Assn., As.sn. Hist. Teachers Middle St:ites and Md. Hist of evolution of democracy. Day, Alice L., 1 Norwood st., Worcester, Mass. Day, Clive, 44 Highland st., New Haven, Conn. Ph. D. ; prof. econ. hist., Yale Univ.; mem. Royal Inst, of Dutch India (hon.). Batavian Soc. Arts and Sci. (corresp.). Am. Econ. Assn., Conn. Acad. European econ. hist. Day, Katharine Seymour, care Fifth Avenue Bank. N*'\v York. N. Y. Artist; mem. Conn. Soc. Col. Dames, D. A. R., Mayllower Descendants. Am. hist. Day, Richard Edwin, State Historian's Office, Albany. N. Y. A. B.. .-\. M., Litt, D. ; ed. state pubs., chief clerk; mem. Am. Soc. Sci. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Mod. Eng. and French hist. *Deats, Hiram Edmund, Flemington, N. .L Fanner; libn. and rec. sec. Hunter- don Co. Hist Soc; mem. N. J. Hist Soc. (trustee), Ya. Hist Soc U. S. hist., local, and geneal. •Deforest, Maurice Arnold, 2 rue de I'Elys^e, Paris, France. De Greef, Charles W., Big Stone City, S. Dak. De Lamothe, Father Dominique, SIS Middle st. Fall River, Mass. Dominican. De La Rue, Harry, Plaquemine, La. A. M. ; prin., Plaquemine II. S. ; mem. Ala. Hist. Soc Col. hist, social and indu.striai. Demarest, Elizabeth Baldwin, 407 S. Highland ave., Pittsburgh. P:». Instr. in hist., Margaret Morrison Carnegie Sch., Carnegie Inst, of Tech. Demura, Ko, North Japan College, Sendai, Japan. D. B. ; prof, cluirch hist., Theol. Sem. Dept., North Japan Coll. Denham, Edward, 128 School St., New Bedford, Mass. Retired nif r. ; mem. X. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Bostonian Soc, Moravian Hist. Soc. Hist. socs. of Pa.. Va., La., and Iowa, corresp. mem. of Quebec, Maine, and Wis. hist. socs. Hist, of ■ N. Am. 378 AMERICAN HIST9EICAL ASSOCIATION. Dennis, Alfred L. P., care G. B. Hawes, 24 Bowdoin St., Cambridge, Mass. Pti. D. De Puy, Henry Farr, Easton, Md. C. E., A. B. ; farmer ; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc, Hist. Soc. of Pa., Am. Antiq. Soc, St. Hist. Soc. Wis., Am. Fisheries Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Am. hist. Derby, Samuel Carroll, 93 15th ave., Columbus, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; prof. Latin, Ohio State Univ. ; mem. Am. Philog. Assn., N. H. Hist. Soc, Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc. European hist. Devitt, Rev. Edward I., S. J., Georgetown College, Washington, D. C. D. D. ; ai'chivist, prof. hist. ; mem. Am. Cath. Hist. Soc Col. hist., Md. Dewell, James S., Missouri Valley, Iowa. S. B., LL. B. ; lawyer, v. pres. State Savings Bank, sec. bd. of edn. ; mem. St. Hist. Soc of Iowa. Pol. and econ. hist., sociol. Dexter, Henry Clinton, Central Falls, R. I. Pres. Warwick Lace Works, River- point ; mem. R. I. Hist. Soc Am. hist. Deyo, Rev, John Maurice, 2 Chapel pi., Danbury, Conn. A. B., S. T. B., A. M. ; minister, First Cong. Church ; mem. Asiatic Soc Anc and Am. hist. Dickerson, Oliver Morton, care State Normal School, Moorhead, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Minn. Edn. Assn. Am. hist. Dickson, G. A., Oceanside, Calif. Teacher. - Dielman, Louis Henry, Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md. A. M., Ph. G. ; librarian, pharmaceutical chemist ; ex. sec, Peabody Inst., ed. Maryland Hist. Magazine ; mem. Md. Hist. Soc. Am. hist., local. Dielman, Reta Hazel, 802 E. 8th st., Winfield, Kans. A. M. Dietz, Frederick C, 13 Monroe st., Northampton, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist., Smith Coll. Eng. hist., gen. and econ. DiffenderfFer, Frank Ried, 542 N. Duke st, Lancaster, Pa. Litt. D. ; ed., retired ; mem. Lancaster Co. (Pa.) Hist. Soc. (1st v. pres.), St. Comm. for the Preser- vation of Pub. Recs. Pa. hist, and biog. Diggs, Eleanor, 104 W. Oakdale road, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M. ; research clerk. Mil. Intelligence Div., General Staff, War Dept. Mod. dipl. hist. Dilks, Clara Gilbert, 6126 Jefferson st.. West Philadelphia, Pa. A. B. ; teacher hist., Phila. H. S. for Girls ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Phila. Teach- ers Assn., Phila. Teachers Club, Phila. Soc. for Promotion of Liberal Studies, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle Atlantic States, Phila. Hist. Club. European hist. Dilks, Thomas Bruce, East Gate, Bridgewater, England. B. A. ; mem. Royal Hist. Soc. (fellow), Selden Soc, Eng. Hist. Assn., Somersetshire Archaeol. Soc. Eng. med. town hist. ; U. S. hist. Dillon, Augustus Reynolds, 6154 Evnns ave., Chicago, 111. A. B. ; prin., Mark Sheridan School; mem. N. E. A., Chicngo Principals Club. Med. and mod. hist. Dilworth, James Francis, 147 N. Craig st., Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., Univ. of Pittsburgh. Eng. med. hist. Dimock, Mrs. Henry Farnam, Scott circle, Washington, D. C. DIKECTORY. 379 Bodd, William E., 5757 Blackstone are., Chicago, 111. rii. D. ; prof. Am. hist., Univ. of Chicago. Am. hist, 1750-1010. Dodge, Esther F., 936 N. Hud.son ave., Pucailena, Calif. A. B.; teacher H. S. Dodge, Robert Gray, 53 State St.. Boston, Mas.s. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer. Doggett, Samiiel Bradlee. 2018 Conunonwoallh ave., Boston, Mass. Dolan, Sarah, 3 I.innaeau st., Canibridije, :\Iass. A. B. ; instr. hist, and Latin, Cambridge Latin School; mom. Classical Clnb of Greater Boston, Cambridge Teachers Club. Gen. hist. Dole, Sara L., 2008 La Salle ave., Los Angeles, Calif. A. B. ; vice prin.. Manual Arts H. S. ; mem. So. Calif. Hist. Assn., Calif. 1'eachers A.ssn. (dir., council), N. E. A., Nat. Vocational Assn. Pedagogy. Donnan, Elizabeth, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. A. B. ; usst. prof. econ. and sociol. Econ. hist. Donovan, Herbert Darius Augustine, 121 Decatur st., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; instr. hist., Commercial H. S. ; mem. Am.-Irish Hist. Soc. Am. pol. hist. Donovan, John Joseph, 1201 Garden st., Bellingham, Wash. S. B., C. E. ; civil eng. ; v. pres. and mgr. Woods Dept., Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, and v. pres. First Nat. Bank ; mem. Am. Soc. C. E., Montana Soc. Engrs., St. Univ. Hist. Soc, Irish-Am. Hist. Soc. Am. and European hist. Dorman, Lewy, Cayton, Ala. A. M. ; graduate student in hist., Univ. of Chicago. Dougherty, Rev. M. Angelo, Cambridge, Mass. A. M. Douglas, Charles H., 239 W. 39th st.. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Litt. D. ; ed. in chief, D. C. Heath and Co.; mem. N. B. A., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Econ. Assn., Math. Assn. of Am. Med. and mod. hist. Douglas, Samuel Townsend, 2d, Detroit, Mich. Ph. D. Dow, Earle Wilbur, 554 Thompson St., Ann Arbor, Mich. A. B. ; prof. European hist., Univ. of Mich. Med. and early mod. hist. Dow, George Francis, Topsfield, Mass. Ed., curator of Soc. for the Preservation of N. E. Antiquities; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Museum Assn., Walpole Soc, Topsfield Hist. Soc. Early Am. hist, and New Eng. Downer, Edward I., 40 Vine St., Ashtabula, Ohio. Doyle, John W., 42 Jane St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist, and civics, Julia Richman H. S. Doysi6, Abel Desire, 12 rue Lagarde, Paris, France. A. B. ; hist, research, Dept. Hist. Research, Carnegie Instn. ; mem. Soci<5t6 des Pontes Franqais. Franco- Am. hist. Drane, Rev. Robert Brent, Edenton, N. C. A. M., D. D. ; rector of St. Paul's Parish ; mem. N. C. Litt. and Hist. Assn., Roanoke Colony Memorial Assn., N. C. Soc. Sons of Rev., Am. Church Hist. Soc. Early Am. church hist. Draper, Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos 6.), Hotel Richmond, Washington, D. C. Gene- alogist; abstracting N. H. Rev. pension applications; mem. N. H. Hist Soc, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Am. Rev. hist. Drennen, Lester William, Shenandoah, Iowa. A. B. ; ed. Shenandoali World. Am. hist. Drewry, Patrick Henry, 200 S. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Member of Con- gress. Droitcour, Mrs. Georgiana T., 672 Summit ave., St. Paul, Minn. A. B. ; teaching fellow in hist.. Univ. of Minn. Eng. hist. 380 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Drum, John S., 1 Grant ave., San Francisco, Calif. Pres, Savings Union Banlc and Trust Co. Dudley, Mary V. C. (Mrs. Charles B.), Gulph road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. A. B. Dulles, Rev. Joseph Heatly, Princeton, N. J. A, B., A. M. ; Presbyterian clergy- man ; lilm. Princeton Theol. Sem. Eccl. hist. Dunaway. Wayland Fuller, 435 W. 119th St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., D. B., Th. M. ; instr. Columbia Univ. Am. hist. Dunbar, Louise Burnham, 1101 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M. ; teacher fellow in liist., Univ. of HI. Am hist. Duncalf, Frederic, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Am. Oriental Soc. Med. hist. Duncan, David Shaw, 2174 S. Columbine St., Denver, Colo. Ph. B., A. B., A. M., D. II., Ph. D. ; prof, hist, and pol. sei., head of dept., Univ. of Denver ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Asiatic Soc, Denver Philos. Soc. Pol. sci. Duniway, Clyde Augustus, 24 College pi., Colorado Springs, Colo. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; pres. Colo. Coll. ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Antiq. Soc, St. Hist. Soc. Wis., Oreg. Hist. Soc, Colo. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Dunn, William Edward, University station, Austin, Texas. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. Latin-Am. hist., Univ. of Texas; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Texas St. Hist. Assn. Latin-Am. hist. ♦Dunning, William Archibald, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Ph. D., LL. I)., Litt. D. ; pi'of. hist, and pol. philos.; mem. Mass. Hist Soc. (corresp.), N. Y. Hist. Soc, N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. (life). Am. hist. Durand, John Stewart, 81 Fulton St., New York, N. Y. A. B., LL. B. ; lawyer. Dutcher, George Matthew, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. A. B., I'll. D. ; v. pres. and prof, hist.; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Conn. Hist. Soc. Jliddlesex Co. Hist. Soc. (v. pres), N. E. Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Scliools, Societe d'Histoire Moderne. Mod. European hist. Dynes, Sarah A., State Normal School, Trenton, N. J. Ph. B. ; head dept. hist. EAGLE, Marvin E., Kentucky Wesleyan College, Winchester, Ky. A. B., A. M. ; prof, of hist. Am. hist. Eagleton, Clyde, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. A. B., A. M. ; nssoc i)rof. European hist. Mod. internat. relations. Earle, Edward Mead, Hamilton hall, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. A. M. Eckhardt, Carl Conrad, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Ph. B., A. M., I'll. 1).; assoc prof, hist.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Colo. St. Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist. Eddy, George W., 1!551 Brownlee ave.. Pine Hollow station, Youngstown, Ohio. A. I>., .\. M. ; tencher European hist; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn., N. E. Ohio Teachers Assn., N. E. A. European and Am. hist. Eddy, William Woodbridge, 5005 22nd ave. ne., Seattle, Wash. A. B., A. M. ; Mod. European and Near East hist. *Edes, Henry Herbert, 30 State St., Boston, Mass. A. M. ; insurance, trustee, treas.. liteniture; mgr. Conveyancers Title Ins. Co., e., A. M. (hon.) ; state libn. trustee, Wesleyan Univ.: mem. A. L. A., Conn. Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. (v. pres.). Conn. Soc. Pounders and Patriots of Am. Hist of New Eng. and of Conn. Gold, Mary Sydney, 131 G 7th St. se., Minneapolis, Minn. Teaching asst., Univ. of Miim. Golder, Frank Alfred, College station, Pullman, Wash. A. B., Ph. D, ; prof. hist. St. Coll. of Wash, Mod. European, Russian, and Far Eastern hist. Goldfrank, Fred, Cherry Lawn School, Darien, Conn. A. B., M. D. ; teacher ; dir. Cherry Lawn School. Gomph, Anna M., 20 Ketchem pi., Elmhurst, N. Y. A. B. Goodrich, Frank, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. A. B., Ph. D., L. H. D. ; prof. European hist. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Period of the Refor- mation. Goodwin, Cardinal I., 3030 E. 17th St., Oakland, Calif. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist.. Mills Coll. ; mem. Texas St. Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. Hist., western. Goodykoontz, Colin Brummitt, 79 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., Litt. M. Am. hist. Gordon, Armistead Churchill. 405 E. Beverley St., Staunton. Va. LL. D. ; lawyer and writer; mem. Va. Hist. Soc. (ex. com.), Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci., New Spalding Club of Aberdeen, Scotland. Pol. blog. Gordon, Jeannette Munford, 1115 Dale ave., Oklahoma City, Okla. A. B. ; head dept. hist.. Central H. S. : mem. Okla. Hist. Teachers Assn. Mod. hist. Gordy, Wilbur Fisk, 104 Gillett St., Hartford, Conn. A. M. ; educator, historian. Gottschall, Rev. Robert Jacob, Pennsburg, Pa. A. B., A. M., D. B. ; minister of Norristown Schwenkfelder Church, instr. hist, and Spanish, Perkiomen School, Penn.sburg; mem. Montgomery Co. (Pa.) Hist. Soc., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, Religious Edn. Assn. Am. hist. Gotwald, William Kurtz, Newberry, S. C. A. B., A. M., D. B. ; prof. hist, and econ., Newberry Coll. Med. hist. 390 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Gould, Clarence Pembroke, Chestertown, Md. A. B., Ph. D. ; teacher ; pres. Washington Coll. ; mem. Md. Hist. See. Am. hist., col., gen. econ. Gould, Clifford M., R. F. D. no. 4, Horseheads, N. Y. A. B. ; teacher ; prin.. Van Etten union school ; mem. N. E. A. Am. hist. Goulder, Harvey Danforth, Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Grady, Eleanor Hunsdon, 550 W. 140th St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., Hunter Coll. Anc. hist. Gram, Jesse P., 34 Nassau St., New York, N. Y. Ph. B., LL. B. ; law dept, Mutual Life Insurance Co. Grant, Mary, Winona, Minn. Libn., Winona St. Normal School. Grant, William lawson, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Canada. A. M. ; prin. of Coll.; mem. Ont. Hist. Soc, Ont. Edn. Assn., Royal Col. Inst. Hist, of Canada and the British colonies. Gras, Norman Scott Brien, 712 10th ave. se., Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. econ. hist., Univ. of Minn. ; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Minn. Hist. Soc. Eng. and Am. econ. hist. Gratiot, Dr. Charles C, Shullsburg, Wis. M. D. ; physician and surgeon; mem. St. Hist. Soc. Wis. Graves, Lucy Josephine, St. Marys' Hall, Shanghai, China. Teacher hist. Gray, Helen Louise, Oxford College, Oxford, Ohio. A. M. ; prof. hist. Gray, Howard Levi, Bryu Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. A. B., A. M., Ph. D, ; prof. hist. Eng. hist. Gray, John Henry, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. A. B., Ph. D. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Statistical Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Assn. Univ. Profs., Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation. Mod. hist. Gray, William Dodge, 22 Round Hill, Northampton, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., Smith Coll. ; mem. Am. Philol. Assn., N. E. Classical Assn. Greek and Roman hist. Greely, Col. John Nesmith, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. A. B. ; Army officer; col. Field Artillery, Hist. Branch, W. P. D., Gen. Staff, War Dept. Current hist. Green, Carrol Gardner, 715 6th ave., Brookings, S. Dak. S. B. ; grad. student, Univ. of Wis. Am. hist. Green, Charles A., 186 Emerson pi., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. M. ; prof. hist, and econ., Polytech. Inst, of Brooklyn. Green, Frank Emerson, Story City, Iowa. A. B., A. M. ; city supt. schools ; mem. Iowa St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Greene, Evarts Boutell, 315 I^incoln Hall, Urbana, 111. Ph. D. ; prof. hist. Univ. of 111., pres., Bd. of Trustees, 111. St. Hist. Lib. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Am. Church Hist. Soc, Royal Hist. Soc, Chicago Hist. Soc. (corresp.), Minn. Hist. Soc. (corresp.), Col. Soc. of Mass. (corresp.). Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Am. hist. ♦Greene, John, Bradstreet's, New York, N. Y. LL. B. ; ed. in ch., Bradstreet's. Greene, Richard Henry, 235 Central Park w.. New York, N. Y. A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer, retired: mem. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. (corresp.). N. Y. hist., geneal., and biog. Greenfield, Kent Roberts, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. A. B., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. European hist. Mod. Eui'opean hist. DIRECTORY. 391 Oreenough, Flora M., 210 Xewbeny St., Back Bay, Boston, Mass. S. B. ; instr. bist. tlept., State Normal School, Framinghani Center; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Mass. Normal Teachers Assn. Am. hist, and methods of teaching. Gregg, Frank M., 189S E. SOth St., Cleveland, Ohio. Greve, Charles Theodore, 530 Maxwell ave., Veruonville, Cinciimati, Ohio. A. B., LL. B. ; lawyer ; referee in bankruptcy, sec. Cincinnati Sinking Fund ; mem. Hist, and Philos. Soc. Ohio, Ohio Archaeol. and Hist Soc, State Hist. Soc. Wis.. Miss Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn. Hist, in gen. Grey. Grace J., Los Angeles, Calif. A. B. ; teacher, Jefferson H. S. ; mem. Calif. Teachers Assn. Griffin, Appleton P. C, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Chief asst. libn. ; mom. Colonial Soc. of Mas.s., Bunker Hill Monument x\ssn. Griffin. Eldon, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. A. B. ; mem. Japan Soc. (N. Y.), Asiatic Soc. of Japan, Mod. Language Assn. of Am. Am. -Oriental relations. Griffin. Juliette J. L., 4211 Harney St.. Omaha, Nebr. Ph. B. ; teacher of hist., Central H. S. Anc. hist. *Griffis, Rev. William Elliot, 504 E. Buffalo St., Ithaca, N. Y. A. M., D. D., L. H. I>. ; author, lecturer, student ; mem. of the learned societies of Leyden, Middleburg, and Leeuwarden, and Asiatic societie.s of Japan and Korea. Dutch. Am., Japanese, and Korean hist. Griffith, Elmer Cummings, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist.; mem. Mo. Hist. Soc, Mo. Baptist Hist. Soc. Euro- pean and Am. hist. *Griscom, Rev. Acton, 37 5th ave., New York, N. Y. A. M. Grizzell, Emit Duncan, 3611 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; prin., Cheltenham H. S. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Pa. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Grose, Clyde Leclare, 715 Foster st., Evanston, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. mod. European hist., Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. IMod. western Europe and England (17th century). Grosvenor, Edwin Augustus, 7 College St., Amherst, Mass. A. B., A. M., L. H. D., LL. D. ; author; prof. mod. govt, and Internat. law, Amherst Coll.; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc., Syllogos of Med. Researches (Constantinople), Parnassus (Athens, Greece), Philologie Syllogos (Constantinople). Contemporary hist Grouard, Maria Louise, P. O. box 285, Warrenton, Va. Asst. prin., Warrenton School : mem. N. H. Soc. of Col. Dames. Med. hist. Guilday, Rev. Peter Keenan, 1234 Monroe st. ne., Washington, D. C. A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, church hist.. Catholic Univ. of Am., ed. Catholic Hist. RericK; mem. Md. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. church hist. Guise, L. Curtis, Madura, South India. Guittard, Francis Gevrier, 1401 S. 7th St., Waco, Texas. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist., Baylor Univ. ; mem. Texas St. Teachers Assn. European hist. Guitteau, William Backus, care Board of Education, Toledo, Ohio. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; supt, Toledo schools; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci. U. S. hist. Gutsch, Milton R., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; adj. prof. European hist., dir., Texas War Records Collection ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Southwestern Pol. Sci. Assn., Texas St. Teachers Assn., Asiatic Soc. Nat. Assn. St. War Hist. Organizations. Eng. hist, and the Great War. 392 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. HACKETT, Charles Wilson, University Station, Austin, Texas. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; adj. prof. Latin- Am. hist., Univ. of Texas ; mem. Hisp. Soe. of Am. (corresp.), Am. Geog. See, Texas St. Hist. Assn., Hist. Soc. of N Mex. (lion.). Latin-Am. liist. Hadley, Arthur T., New Haven, Conn. A. B., Ph. D., LL. D. ; pres. Yale Univ. ; mem. Internat. Inst, of Statistics, Am. Philos. Soc, British Academy (fellovv^). Econ. and institutional hist. Hail, William James, 1222 Yale station. New Haven, Conn. A. M., D. B. ; dean and teacher hist., Prep. Dept., Coll, of Yale in China, Changsha. Haines, Jane Bowne, Cheltenham, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; mem. Hist. Soc. of Pa. (life). Hale, H. Louise, SO E. Elm St., Greenwich, Conn. A. B., A. M. ; head hist, dept., Greenwich H. S. Hall, Clifton Rumery, 1148 Bayard lane, Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist., Princeton Univ. U. S. hist. Hall, Lt. Col. J. De Camp, Historical Branch, War Plans Division, Washington, D. C. Lt. Col., U. S. A. Hall, Mary A., 597 West End ave.. New York, N. Y. Teacher hist.. Manual Training H. S., Brooklyn ; mem. N. Y. H. S. Teachers Assn. Mod. hist. Hall, Robert Green, Cuthbert, Ga. A. B. Hall, Walter Frothingham, 40 Tyler ave.. West Medford, 56, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; head hist, dept., Winchester H. S. ; mem. Winchester Teachers' Club. Am. hist. Hall, Walter P., Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Hall, Wilmer Lee, 113 Sherman st., Albany, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; sub-librarian in hist., N. Y. State Liby. Am. hist. Halleck, Reuben Post, 1154 S. 3d ave., Louisville, Ky. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; author, lecturer ; mem. N. E. A., Nat. Soc. for Study of Edn., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Ky. Edn. Assn. Am. hist. Hamer, Philip May, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist. Am. hist. Hamersley, William, Hartford, Conn. Judge ; retired. Hamilton, J. G. de Roulhac, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. A. M., Ph. D. ; alumni prof. hist, and govt. ; mem. N. C. Lit. and Hist. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist. Hamilton, Peter J., San Juan, Porto Rico. Hamlin, Charles Sumner, 1751 New Hampshire ave., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; mem. Federal Reserve Board. Hamlin, Frank, 35 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. A. M., LL. B. ; attorney; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, 111. St. Hist. Soc, Geog. Soc. of Chicago. Americana. Hammond, Otis Grant, 125 School st.. Concord, N. H. A. M. ; supt, N. H). Hist. Soc. ; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc, Col. Soc. of Mass., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. U. S. hist., local. Hanaway, Roy Clark, 14 Hollywood ave.. East Orange, N. J. Hance, John A., 311 W. 106th St., New York, N. Y. Handley, William H., box 381, Yreka, Calif. A. M. Hanna, Mrs. Marcus Alonzo, 1155 16th st. nw., Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY. 393 Harden. William, 22G W. Pivsident St., Savaimiih. G.i. Libn., Ga. Hist. Soc, ed. Ga. Hist. Quarterly ; mem. Am. Autiq. Soc, X. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Chicago Hist. Soc Am. hist., gen. and local. Harding, Samuel Bannister, r>4]3 Woodlawn ave., Chicago, 111. Ph. D. ; editorial M'ork. Harford, Crystal, 2425 Durant ave., Berkeley, Calif. Jj. B. ; teacher; asst. supervisor of soc. studies, Univ. H. S. Haring. Clarence Henry, 339 Willow st.. New Ha\'en. Conn. Litt. B., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist., Yale Univ. Hisp.-Am. hist. Harlow, Ralph Volney, Boston University, 688 Boylston st , Boston, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. Am. hist. Harmon, Ralph Le Verne, 621 Johns(m ave.. White Bear Lake, Minn. A. B. ; sec. to pres. nud publicity nigr., I']quity Cooperative Exchange. ^Harper, Lillie Du Puy Van Culin(Mrs. Thomas R.), 1021 N. 12th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Geneal. research worker; nieni. City Hist. Soc. of Phila. (life), Geneal. Soc of Pa. (life). Hist. Soc. Pa. (life). Hist. Soc Salem County, N. J., New Century Club of Phila. (life), Swedish Col. Soc. Soc. of Arts and Letters of Phila., Geneal. Soc. of London, Col. Dames, D. A. R. Hist, of Swedish set- tlements and settlers on the Del., and of the Friends in Pa. and N. J. Harrington, Eleanor E., 749 Church st., Berlin, Wis. Harris, Mrs. Adah S., 415 8th st., Baldwin City, Kans. A. B. Harris, Fielder Bouie, Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio. A. B., S. B., S. M. ; supt. county schools; mem. Am. Geog. Soc, Miami Valley Schoolmasters Club, Ohio State Teachers Assn., N. E. A. Am. hist., for. relations. Harris, Norman Dwight, 1134 Forest ave., Evanston, 111. Ph. B., Ph. D. ; prof. diplomacy and iuternat. law, Northwestern Univ. ; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Geog. Soc. Mod. hist, and world politics. Harris. Thomas Le Grand, Baker University, Baldwin City, Kan.s. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist. Am. hist. Harris, Wilmer Carlyle, Butler College, Indianapolis, Ind. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, and head dept. hist. ; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Church hist. Harrison, Fairfax, Belvoir, Fauquier Co., Va. Harrison, Phebe Mary, 505 S. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio. Hart, Albert Bushnell, 19 Craigie st, Cambridge. Mass. A. B., Ph. D., LL. D., Litt. D. ; prof, civil govt.. Harvard Univ. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Pa. Hist. Soc, Minn. Hist. Soc, Iowa St. Hist. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., etc Dipl. hist. ; recent Am. hist. Hart, W. 0., 134 Carondelet st.. New Orleans, La. Lawyer ; Comm. on Uniform State Laws for La., sec. Vicksburg Park ^Memorial Comm. ; mem. La. Hist. Soc, La. Hist. Assn., hist. socs. of Ala., 111., Iowa, Miss., N. Y., Texas, Wis. La. hist., const., pol., and contemporary. Harvey, Dorothy Bulkeley, Constantino, Mich. A. B. ; teacher hist., Constan- tine H. S. ; mem. Mich. St. Teachers Assn. Eng. hist. Haskell, Daniel Carl, New York Public Library, 476 5th ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B. ; asst. libn. Am. hist. Haskins, Charles Homer, 23 University Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Ph. D., Litt. D., LL. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci.. Harvard Univ. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, St. Hist. Soc Wis., N. E. Hist Teachers Assn., Royal Hist. Soc. (corrcsp.), acad- emies of Rouen, Caen, Barcelona, Soci6t6 des Antiquaires de Normandie. Med. hist. 394 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Hatch, Josie A., 1606 K st. n\v., Washington, D. C. A. B. ; clerk. Treasury Dept. Hatch, Louis Clinton, 18 N. High St., Bangor, Me. A. B., Ph. D. ; writer ; menu Me. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Hatcher, J. Wesley, 2749 Purdue are., Columbus, Ohio. Havre, Jean Baptiste, 916 Kohl bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Merchant. Asiatic- Med. hist. Hawley, Willis Chatman, 467 House Office bldg., Washington, D. C. (home ad- dress, Salem, Oreg.). S. B., A. B., LL. B., A. M., LL. D. ; Member of Cong. Pol. and const, hist. Haworth, Paul Leland, West Newton, Ind. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; author ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Geog. Soc. Recent Am. hist. Hay, Alma S. (Mrs. William Sherman), 645 Sheridan road, Winnetka, 111. A. B. ; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, Art Inst, of Chicago. U. S. hist.. Civil War period. Hay, Thomas Robson, 5727 Elwood st., Pittsburgh, Pa. S. B., E. E. ; sales engi- neer, Ellicott Co. ; mem. Soc. of Col. Wars, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist. 1820-18S0. Hayden, Joseph Ralston, 1613 S. University ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Teacher. Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist.; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Acad, of Pol. Sci. (N. Y.)^ Am. Assn. for Labor Legislation, Assn. of Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Mod. European hist. Haynes, George Henry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. econ. and pol. sci. ; mem. Am. Autiq. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Recent Am. hist., esp. party. Hayward, Alice, 1806 Park ave., Chicago, 111. Ph. B. ; teacher ; mem. Geog. Soc. of Chicago, 111. St. Teachers Assn. Med. and mod. hist. Hayward, M. L., Hartland, N. B., Canada. B. C. L. ; town clerk. Hazard, Blanche Evans, 811 E. State st., Ithaca, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teaching and lecturing ; prof, home economics, N. Y. St. College of Agr., Cornell Univ. ; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. Am. hist., econ. and civic phases. Hazard, Caroline, Peace Dale, R. I. A. M. (hon.), Litt. D. (hon.), LL. D. ; trustee Wellesley Coll., visitor R. I. State Coll., trustee Ga. Industrial and Normal Training School, Albany, Ga. ; mem. R. I. Hist. Soc (life.), N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. (life), Newport Hist. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Religious Edn. Assn., Industrial Edn. Soc, Col. Dames of R. I., elector Hall of Fame. Am. hist., col.. New Eng. Hazeltine, Harold Dexter, Grithow field, Madingley road, Cambridge, England. LL. B., A. M. Hazen, Rev. Azel Washburn, 37 Lawn ave, Middletown, Conn. A. M., D. D. ; clergyman ; pastor emeritus. First Cong. Church ; mem. Middlesex Co. Hist. Soc. (pres.). U. S. hist., local. Hazen, Charles Downer, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Ph. D. ; prof. of hist. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Soc. Int. Law. Healy, Rev. Patrick Joseph, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. D. D. ; prof, church hist. ; mem. Am. Soc Church hist., Am. -Irish Hist. Soc. Church hist. Hearon, Cleo, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Ga. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. DIRECTORY. 395 Heath, Rev. Edwin J., Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C. A. B., D. B., A. M. Heckel, Albert Kerr, College Campus, Easton, Pa. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and dean, Lalayette Coll.; mem. Assn. of Coll. and Sec. Schools of Middle States and Jld., Northampton Co. (Pa.) Ilist. Soc. Am. hist. Hecker, Frank J., 915 Union Trust bldg., Detroit, Mich. Retired. Gen. hist. Hedger, George Andrews, 202 Wood st., C>xford, Ohio. A. B., I'h. D. ; actg. prof. European hist., Miami Univ. Eng. hist., 19th cent. Heller, E. S., Nevada Bank bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Helmich, Rev. Frank, SI Stewart ave., Uniontown, Pa. Presbyterian clergy- man. European hist. Hemmeter, John C, 739 University parkway, Baltimore. M(\. M. D., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof, in Univ. of Md. Eempsted, Joanna King, 138 I'utnam ave., Detroit, Mich. Uitt. B. ; head hist. dept., Westn. H. S. Am. hist. Henderson, Archibald, Chapel Hill, Orange Co., N. C. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., D. C. L. ; prof, pure math., Univ. of N. C. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., St. Lit. and Hist. Assn. of N. C, Sons of the Rev. Am. hist., col.. Rev. and westward exp. in the Old Southwest. Henderson, Ernest F., Monadnock, N. H. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., L. H. D. ; edn. writer; mem. N. E. Plist. Teachers Assn. Civics. Henderson, John Brooks, 16th st. and Florida, ave., Washington, D. C. A. B., LL. B. ; research, Smithsonian Instn. ; mem. Columbia Hist. Soc, Archael. Inst. Am. Hist, of Am. for. rel. Henry, Howell Meadors, Emory, Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and econ., and dean, Emory and Henry Coll. IT. S. hi.'^t.. Southern slavery. Henshaw, Miss Lesley, 1928 Bigelow St., Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; special worker, Ohio and W. Va. Field Com., Y. W. C. A. U. S. hist, Ohio Valley. ♦Herrick, Cheesman A., Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. Ph. B., Ph. D., LL. D. ; pres. of Coll. ; mem. Pa. Hist. Soc, Presbyterian Hist. Soc Econ. liist. Herron, Stella, 1933 Elysian Fields, New Orleans, La. A. M. ; teacher, N. O. Normal School ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, La. Hist. Assn., N. E. A. U. S. hist, southern. Hershey, Amos Shartle, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. A. B., Ph. D. ; educator ; prof. pol. sci. and internat. law, Indiana Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law. Am. hist., and the Far East. Hesseltine, William Best, box 149, Lexington, Va. Heusinger, Edward W., P. O. box 1056, San Antonio, Tex. Dir. Scientific Soc of San Antonio ; mem. Royal Geog. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc, Texas St. Hist. Assn., Hawaiian Hist. Soc, Am. Anthrop. Assn., Am. Folk-Lore Soc, Sociol. Soc. of London, Am. Numismatic and Archaeol. Soc. U. S. hist., local. Hickey, Rev. Edward J., Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. Student. Hickman, Emily, Wells College, Aurora, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist. ; mem. Assn. Hist Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. hist. Hicks, John Donald, Hamline University, St. Paul, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Hamline Univ. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Minn. Hist. Soc Am. hist., since 1860. Hidley, Clarence A., 557 Mercer st., Albany, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; asst, prof, hist, N. Y. State Coll. for Teachers; mem, N. Y. St. Teachers Assn. Mod. Euro- pean hist. 396 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Higby, Chester Penn, 334 Park st, Morgantown, W. Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D,; asst. prof., W. Va. Univ. European hist. Higby, Clinton David, 523 W. 10th st., Erie, Pa. Ph. D. ; lawyer ; mem, Erie Co. Hist. Assn., Erie Co. Bar Assn., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Econ. and pol. hist. Higgins, Capt. Lawrence, 1800 K st, Washington, D. C. A. B. ; capt., inf., U. S. A. ; archivist, Hist. Branch, General Staff. Mil. hist. Higginson, Francis Lee, 274 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; retired. General hist. Hilditch, Isabella Harrison, box 233, National City, Calif. A. B., A. M, ; head hist, work H. S. ; mem. Calif. St. Teachers Assn., Secondary Teachers Assn. San Diego Co. Hildt, John C, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. A. B., Ph. D, ; prof. hist. European hist. Hill, Albert Clark, 865 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; in- spector of schools, St. Edn. Dept. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. Am. hist. Hill, David Jayne, 1745 Rhode Island ave., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M., LL. D., Docteur es Lettres ; historian and adviser ; pres., Nat. Assn. for Con- stitutional Govt. ; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., Am. Soc. of In- ternat. Law, Am. Philos. Soc, Rochester Hist. Soc. European diplomacy. Hill, Henry Wayland, 471 Linwood ave., Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., A. M., LL. D.; lawyer; pres. N. Y. State Waterways Assn.; mem. Buffalo Hist. Soc. (pres.), Nat. Legion of Honor of France (knight). Bibliophile Soc. of Boston. Euro- pean and Am. hist. Hill, Howard Copeland, Faculty Exchange, bos 130, School of Education, Uni- versity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M. ; head hist, dept., Univ. of Chicago H. S. ; mem. Miss. "Valley Hist. Assn., N. E. A. Am. hist. Hill, John Leonard, Georgetown, Ky. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and govt., and dean of Georgetown Coll. ; mem. Filson Club, Ky. Baptist Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Hill, Roscoe R., Alta Comision, Managua, Nicaragua. A. B. ; mem. Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Sci., N. M. Edn. Assn. Latin-Am. hist. Hilles, William S., Du Pont bldg., Wilmington, Del. Hilts, Miss Douglas, Gooding, Idaho. Teacher, 4A grade ; mem. Idaho Teachers Assn. Am. col. hist. Himes, George Henry, 253 Market St., Portland, Oreg. Asst. sec, Oregon Hist. Soc; mem. Oreg. Pioneer Assn. (sec). Wis. Archaeol. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist.. Pacific Northwest, and Coast. Hinsdale, Mary L., Grand Rapids, Mich. Supt. Grandville (Mich.) schools. Hinsdale, Mildred, Grand Rapids, Mich. lustr. in Grand Rapids Junior Coll. Hirsch, Arthur H., 244 N. Washington st, Delaware, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D.; head hist, dept., Ohio Wesleyan Univ. ; mem. S. C. Hist. Soc, Huguenot Soc of S. C, Am. Church Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Acad. Sci. Am. hist. Hoagland, Horace Wilson, 179 Fern ave., Collingwood, N. J. S. B. Hoar, David Blakely, 161 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; trusts; mem. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Hobe, Sophia Adelaide, box 82, R. F. D. no. 1, Menlo Park, Calif. L. B. ; teacher hist, dept.. Girls H. S. ; mem. Asiatic Assn. Gen. hist. DIRECTORY. 397 Hockett, Homer C, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. L. B., Ph. D. ; re- search ; prof. Am. hist., Ohio State Univ. ; mom. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Aswn., Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc, Am. Assn. of Univ. Profs. Am. hist., const., and westward movement. Hodder, Frank Heywood, 11J5 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kans. Ph. M. ; prof. Am. hist., Univ. of Kansas; mem. Kansas Hist. Soc, Kansas Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Hodder, Mrs. Mabel Elisabeth, 11 Leighton road, Wellesley, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. 1 ). : prof, hist., Wellesley Coll. Med. hist. Hodgdon, Frederick Crosby, 70 5th ave., New York, N. Y. A. B. ; edn. pub. firm of Ginn and Co. Hodges. Maj. Campbell Blackshear, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. A. M., F. R. G. S. Hodgson. Caspar Wistar, 313 Park Hill ave., Yonkers, N. Y. A. B. ; edn. pub. ; mgr. World Book Co. ; mem. Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Sociol. Soc, Am, Econ. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci. Econ. hist. Hoekstra. Peter, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; ])rof. hist. Dutch and Am. hist. Hogue. Rolla Martin, 1212 Broadway, Vincennes, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; teacher mod. and U. S. hist., Senior H. S. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ind. Hist. Soc U. S. hist. Holbrook, Lettie De Voe, 1100 Williams ave, Portland, Oreg. A. B. ; teacher Jefferson H. S. ; mem. Oregon Hist. Soc, Oreg. State Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Holdom, Jesse, 30 N. Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. Judge of Circuit Court and justice of Appellate Court of 111.; mom. Am. Bar Assn., 111. State Bar Assn., Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Hist. Soc HoUaday, Mildred M., 41 Dinwiddee St., Portsmouth, Va. Hollenbach, Charles Raymond, 9 N. Sacramento ave., Ventnor City, N. J. S. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., Atlantic City H. S. ; mem. N. J. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Hollstein, Susie Harman, 843 University parkway, Baltimore, Md. Teach hist., Western H. S. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Md. Hist. Teachers Assn. U. S. hist. Holtzoff, Alexander, 27 Pine St., New York, N. Y. A. R., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer ; mem. firm of Windels and Holtzoff. Am. hist. Homrighausen, George Alonzo, P. O. box 492, Fillmore, Calif. A. B. ; mem. Hist. Soc. of So. Calif. Eng. hist. Hooper, Alice Forbes Perkins (Mrs. William), Manchester, Ma.ss. Hoover, Thomas Nathanael, Athens, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist., Ohio Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc. Am. hist. Hopkins, Arthur Thomas, 191 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn. S. B. ; mgr. service dept., U. S. Rubber Co. ; mem. New Haven Col. Hist. Soc, Am. Soc Mech. Engrs., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Inst. Chemical Engrs., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Sci. Am. hist., mod. European hist. •Hopkins, George Bates, 52 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Horr, Rev. George Edwin, Newton Center, Mass. A. B., D. D., LL. D. ; pres, Newton Theol. Sem. ; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Church hist. 136908—21 1 398 AMERICAltiT HISTOEICAL. ASSOCIATIOIT. Horton, Katharine Pratt (Mrs. John Miller H.) , 477 Delaware ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mem. Niagara Frontier Landmarks Assn. (pres.), Buffalo Chapter, D. A. R. (regent), Daughters of 1812 (regent), Buffalo Hist. Soc, Soc. Natural Sci. (hon.). Naval lore and patriotic edn. endeavors. Horwitz, Max, 5 Nassau St., New York, N. Y, Hoskins, Halford I., Ballou Hall 3, Tufts College, 57, Mass. A. B. Hoskins, James Dickason, 1315 Fremont St., Knoxville, Tenn. S. B., A. M., LL. B. ; dean, asst. to pres., prof, hist., Univ. of Tenn. ; mem. St. Hist. Teach- ers Assn., E. Tenn. Edn. Assn., Irving Club of Knoxville, Hist, of mod. Europe. Hosmer, George S., 51 Eliot st., Detroit, Mich. A. B., LL. D. ; judge, third judicial circuit of Mich. Houghton, Clement S., 60 State St., Boston, Mass. Trustee; mem. Am. Assoc. Advancement Sci., Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Soc. Natural Hist., Bostonian Soc, Naval Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Col. Soc Mass., Soc Preservation N. E. Antiquities. Am. hist. House, Robert Burton, N. C. Historical Corttnission, Raleigh, N. C. Hovrud, Nora, Cando, N. Dak. A. B. ; teacher hist., Cando H. S. ; mem. N. E. A., N. Dak. Teachers Assn. Am, hist, Howard, Joel Thomas, 2908 S. Ervay St., Dallas, Texas. Pres. Dallas Cotton Mills. Howden, George, 2756 B st., Selma, Calif. L. B., A. M. ; teacher hist, and ath- letics ; mem. Calif. H. S. Teachers Assn. Am. hist., western. Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe, 26 Brimmer st., Boston, Mass. A. B,, Litt. D., A. M. ; editor and writer, with Atlantic Monthly Co. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Col. Soc. of Mass., R. I. Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters. Am. biography. Howe, Samuel Burnett, 926 Union St., Plainfield, N. J. A. M. ; head dept. hist, and soc. sci., Newark (N. J.) Junior Coll. European hist. Howe, Sheldon Jenckes, 363 Cuyler Hall, Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist, and pol., Princeton Univ. Mod. European hist. Howe, W. F. H., American Book Co., 300 Pike St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Howland, Arthur Charles, 4118 Baltimore ave., Philadelphia, Pa, A. B,, Ph. D. ; prof. med. hist., Univ. of Pa. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Am. Soc. Church Hist. Med. hist., esp. church and law. Hubbard, Arthur I., 117 E. Madison st. South Bend, Ind. Hubbard, H. A., Tucson, Ariz. Assoc, prof, hist., Univ. of Ariz. Hubbard, Robert F., Cazenovia, N, Y, Hubbell, George Allen, Harrogate, Tenn. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; pres. Lincoln Memorial Univ. ; mem. N. E. A., Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., Religious Edn. Assn., E. Tenn. Edn. Assn. Am. hist, Hiihner, Icon, 320 Central Park w., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. (curator), N. Y. Co. Lawyers Assn., N. Y. Classical Club, The Round Table. Am. hist., col. and Rev. Huff, Virginia, 2411 4th st. w., Seattle, Wash. A. B.; tchr. in Fouchhet (Wash.) H. S. Mod. European and Am. hist. Hughes, Adrian, 4104 Maine ave., W. Forest Park, Baltimore, Md. A. M. ; law- yer ; mem. Am. Soc. for Judicial Settlement Internat. Disputes, Md. Hist. Soc, Am. Bar Assn., Md. St. Bar Assn., Bar Assn. of Baltimore City, Sons of Am. Rev. Hist of internat. rel. DIRECTORY. 399 Hughes, Ray 0., 0047 Stnnton ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B. ; teacher civics and Am. hist., Peabody H. S. ; mem. Edn. Assn. of Western Pa. Am. hist. Hulbert, Archer Butler, 9 E. Cache I^a Poiidre, Colorado Springs, Colo. A. B., A. M. ; lecturer in Am. hist, Clark Univ. and Clark Coll. ; mem. Ohio Philos. and Hist. Soc. (lion.), Pittsburgh Economic Club (hon.). Increasing debt of hist, to natural sciences. Hulen, Bertram Dyer, care Associated Press, 7 Water st., Boston, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; ed., Associated Press, Boston. Hist, of the Far East. Hull, Charles Henry, 244 Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. Ph. B., Ph. D.; prof. Am. hist., Cornell Univ. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Assn. Hist. Teach- ers Middle States and Md. Am. hist, econ., West Indies. Hull, Isabella Harriet, 942 John road, Detroit, Mich. A. B. ; 1st asst. hist dept.. Central H. S. ; mem. Woman's Hist. Club, St. Teachers Assn., N. E. A. Am. hist Hull, William Isaac, Swarthmore, Pa. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, hist and internat. rel., Swarthmore Coll. ; mem. Hist. Soc. of Pa., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Hist. Am. diplomacy. Hulme, Edward Maslin, Moscow, Idaho. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist., Univ. of Idaho. Hist, of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, Hulst, Nelson P., 300 Knapp St., Milwaukee, Wis. Ph. D. Humphrey, Edward Frank, 16 Park terrace, Hartford, Conn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci.. Trinity Coll. ; mem. Conn. Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Jeremiah AVadsworth Soc. S. A. R., Conn. Soc. of Pounders and Patriots, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci. Am. hist. Humphrey, Mary Helen, Simsbury, Conn. Ph. B. ; teacher hist., Simsbury H. S. ; mem. D. A. R., Simsbury Hist. Soc. Humphreys, Mary C, Lanes Mills, Pa. A. B. Hundley, J. T. T., Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Va. President of college. Hung, William, 600 W. 122nd st, New York, N. Y. Hunt, Agnes, 203 N. Bay St., Manchester, N. H. A. B., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist.. Smith Coll. Latin-Am. hist Hunt, Gaillard, Department of State, Washington, D. C. Litt. D., LL. D. ; historian; .special ofRcer, State Dept.; mem. Va. Hist. Soc, Huguenot Soc. of S. C. Am. hist Hunt, Rockwell Dennis, Route 1, Inglewood, Calif. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; dean of grad. school and prof, econ., Univ. of Southern Calif. ; mem. Hist. Soc of Southern Calif, (pres.), Am. Econ. Assn., Calif. Teachers Assn. (council). Hist, of Calif, and the Pacific Slope. Hunter, William Columbus, Muskingum College, New Concord, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and econ. Am. hist., period of confederation. ♦Huntington, Archer Milton, 15 W. 81st St., New York, N. Y. A. M. (hon.), Litt D. ; author; mem. Hispanic Soc. of Am. (pres.). Am. Geog. Soc. (council), Royal Spanish Acad, (corresp.), Am. Federation of Arts, Am. Numismatic Soc (hon. pres.), Am. Museum Nat Hist Hutchinson, Charles L., 2709 Prairie ave., Chicago, 111. A. M. ; banker ; treas- urer. Univ. of Chicago; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, Art Inst, (pres.), Huttman, Maude Aline, Barnard College, New York, N. Y. S. B., A. M., Pli. D. ; asst. prof. Med., Eng., and northern European hist. 400 AMERICAN HIS^^ORICAL ASSOCIATION.. Hyde, Arthur May, 1534 Boswell ave., Topeka, Kans. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist, and econ., Washburn Coll. : niera. Kans. Hist. Soc, Kans. St. Teachers Assn. Eng. and European hist, 18th and 19th centuries. *Hyde, James Hazen, 18 rue Adolphe-Yvon, Paris (XVI), Prance. A. B., M. A. (hon.), Docteur en droit (hon., Univ. of Rennes) ; OfRcier de la Legion d'Honneur, Officier de I'lnstruction Publique, Medaille {V^ classe) de la Reconnaissance Frangaise, Officer of the White Elephant of Siam, Great Cross of the Order of Nicham-Iftikhai', of Tunis ; mem. Am. Oriental Soc, Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Geog. Soc, Mod. Lang. Assn. of Am., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Naval Hist. Soc, Am. Jewish Hist. Soc, hist. socs. of R. I., N. Y., N. J., Penn., Md., Va., S. C, Ga., III., Wis., Minn,, la., Nebr., Texas, Chicago, etc. History of U. S. and France, Franco-American histori- cal relations. Hyde, Laura Hutchinson, 401 N. Allen ave., Richmond, Va. S. B., A. M. ; head dept. of hist.. Collegiate School for Girls. ICHIHASHI, Yamato, Stanford University, Calif. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. hist, and lecturer on econ., Leland Stanford Univ. ; mem. Am. Econ. i Assn. Japanese hist. ! Jckler, Lydia Martha, 648 Delaware ave., St. Paul, Minn. Teacher hist, and civics, H. S. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Minn. Hist. Soc, Twin City Hist. Teachers Club, Minn. Edn. Assn. Am. hist, and civics. *Iles, George, Public Library, Ottawa, Canada. Author ; mem. Authors Club of N. Y. Invention and discovery. Ilmonen, Rev. Solomon, 715 43d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B. ; pastor of Finnish i| Evangelical Lutheran Church. Hist, of Finnish settlements in Am. i *Ingram, 0. H., Eau Claire, Wis. InsuU, Samuel, 72 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Irby, Anna Louise, Furnald Hall, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. A. B. Am. hist. Irish, Florence Catherine, 813 W. Main st., Norristown, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; tutor. Am. hist. Irons, Margaret Hill (Mrs. Walter Stokes), Rhode Island Normal School, Providence, R. I. A. B., A. M. ; head. hist. dept. ; mem. R. I.- Assn. Women Teachers, R. I. Hist. Teachers Assn., N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. to 1789. JACK, Theodore Henley, Emory University, Georgia. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist., dean of grad. school ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ga. Hist. Soc. An>. hist. Jackson, Elizabeth Fuller, 113 2d St., Troy, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; teacher hist. Jackson, Rev. Frederick John Foakes, Dana place, Englewood, N. J. A. B., A. M., D. B., D. D. ; theologian ; Briggs graduate prof. Christian instns., fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge Univ.; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, Royal Lit. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Early church and med. hist. Jackson, Joseph F. A., 113 S. 43d st., Philadelphia, Pa. Journalist; mem. Hist. Soc of Pa. (life). City Hist. Soc. of Phila. Am. hist., and local. Jackson, Leroy Freeman, Burnsville, N. C. A. B., Ph. M. ; mem. Northwestern Assn. of Hist., Govt, and Econ. Teachers (sec. treas.). Wash. St. Hist. Soc. (bd. of curators). Am. hist., soc. and econ. Jackson, Walter Clinton, N. C. College for Women, Greensboro, N. C. DIRECTORY. 401 Jacobs, Dr. Henry Barton, 11 Mt. Vernon place, Baltimore, Md. A, B., M, D, ; retired pbysician ; trustee of Peabody Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital, and Maryland Institute; mem. Md. Hist. Soc., Johns Hopkins Hist. Soc., Soc. Medical Hist. (Paris). Medical hist. Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 7301 Germantown ave., Philadelphia, Pa. D. D., S. J. D., LL. D. ; prof, systematic theol., and dean of faculty, Lutheran Theol. Sem. Jacobsen, Gertriide Anne, 912 College ave., Wooster, Ohio. James, Alfred Procter, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prof. hist. Am. and mod. European hist. James, Elden Valerius, box 66, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kans. A. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof. hist, and civics; mem. Kaus. Hist. Soc, Kans. Teachers Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Eng. and Spanish-Am. hist. James, James Alton, 2127 Orrington ave., Evanston, 111. L. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist., dean of grad. school, Northwestern Univ. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn.. Arcliaeol. Soc. Am., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Chicaga Hist. Soc. Am. hist. *Jameson, John Franklin, 1140 Woodward bldg., Washington, D. C. Ph. U.^ LL. D., Litt. D. ; dir., Dept. of Hist. Research, Carnegie Inst, of Wash. ; mem. Am. Autiq. Soc, Naval Hist. Soc, Columbia Hist. Soc, Am. Philos. Soc. (corresp.) ; mem. British Academy, Hist. Genootschap (hon.), Royal Acad, of Belgium, Royal Hist. Soc. Mass. Hist. Soc, Col. Soc. Mass., Hispanic Soc Am., Minn. Hist. Soc, Am. Jewish Hist. Soc, hon. mem. Chicago, R. I., S. C, hist, socs., and Am. Cath. Hist. Assn. ♦Janney, Robert M., 1015 Pennsylvania bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Jaiidon, Virgil Hardin, Colonial court, 508 Maple blvd., Kansas City, Mo, IX. D. ; prin., Emerson School ; mem. Schoolmasters Club of Kans. City, Mo. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. *Jenckes, Adaline L., 611 1st ave., Asbury Park, N. J. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. Jenkins, Hopkin, 694 Marshall st., Portland, Oreg. A. B., LL. B., A. M. ; prin. Jefferf^ou H. S. Pol. and const, hist. *Jenks, Rev. Henry Fitch, 45 Spring lane. Canton, Mass. A. M. Jenks, Leland Hamilton, 107 Comeragh road, London, w. 14, England. A. B., A. M. Jenks, William lee. Port Huron, Mich. A. B., A. M. (hon.) ; lawyer; mem.. Mich. Hist. Comm. (pres.), St. Clair Co. Pioneer and Hist. Soc, Mich. Soc- S. A. R. (historian). U. S. hist, local. Jensen, Adolph ladru, Brigham Young College, Logan, Utah. A. B. ; asst. prof.- hist. Jensen, Christen, 225 East, 6th North St., Provo, Utah. A. M. ; prof, hi.st. and- pdl. sci., Brigham Young Univ. Jensen, Maud L., Hot Springs, S. Dak. Ph. B. ; grad. student, Columbia Univ. Jernegan, Marcus Wilson, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M'.,. Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist. Am. soc. and industrial hist. Jervey, Theodore Dehon, 23 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. C. E. ; lawyer ; city recorder; mem. S. C. Hist. Soc, Charleston Lit. Soc. Ethnological histi Jewett, James Richard, 44 Francis ave., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. Arabic, Harvard Univ.; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Oriental Soc, Soc. of Biblical Lit. and Exegesis. Oriental hist. 402 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Johns, Clarence Durward, 706 College St., Bel ton, Texas. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and econ., Baylor Coll. ; mem. Texas St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Johnson, Allen, 169 Bishop St., New Haven, Conn. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist., Yale Univ. ; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Me. Hist. Soc. (eorresp.), N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Hist, of Am. polity as determined by econ. and soc. conditions. Johnson, Beulah I., box 15, Kingsport, Tenn. A. B. Johnson, Benjamin Franklin, 1223 K st. nw., Washington, D. C. Book pub- lisher; pres. B. F. Johnson (Inc.) ; mem. State hist. socs. of Md., Va., N. C, S. C, and Miss., Columbia Hist. Soc. Biography and family hist. Johnson, Byron T., Electra, Texas. A. B., S. B. ; mem. Mo. Hist. Soc. Pol. and econ. Tist. of Middle West. Johnson, Rev. Edward Payson, 7 Seminary place, New Brunswick, N. J. A. B., A. M., D. D. ; prof, sacred and eccl. hist.. Theological Sem. ; mem. Am. Church Hist. Soc. Hist, of the Christian church. Johnson, Henry, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. L. B., A, M. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. hist. Johnson, I. Eleanor, 937 Bay View ave.. East Oakland, Calif. B. Litt. ; instr. hist, Oakland H. S. Johnson, Winifred, Cape Girardeau, Mo. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist.. State Teach- ers Coll. ; mem. Mo. St. Teachers Assn., S. E. Mo. Teachers Assn., Mo. Hist. Soc, Mass. Soc. Mayflower Descendants, D. A. R. Eng. and mod. European hist. Jones, Breckinridge, 45 Portland place, St. Louis, Mo. A. B. ; banker ; pres. Miss. Valley Trust Co.; mem. Mo. Hist. Soc. (treas.), La. Purchase Hist. Assn. (treas.). Am. hist, col. Jones, Cecil Knight, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Litt. B. Jones, Guernsey, Station A, Lincoln, Nebr. Ph. B., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., actg. chm. of dept., Univ. of Nebr.; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, Hist. Assn. (Great Britain), Selden Soc, Nebr. Hist. Teachers Assn. Eng. hist., esp. 17th cent. dipl. Jones, Harry Stuart Veddar, 419 Lincoln Hall, Urbana, 111. Ph. D. Jones, Leonard Chester, the Hanover Inn, Hanover, N. H. S. B., A. M., D. gs L. ; instr. hist., Dartmouth Coll. ; mem. Soc. for the Promotion of Liberal Studies, Soci6t§ d'Histoire et d'Archeologie de GenSve. French hist., 16th cent. Jones, Louis Thomas, 306 College ave., Richmond, Ind. A, M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. hist. Earlham Coll. *Jones, M. Louise, box 295, Bay View, Mich. A. M. Jones, Matt Bushnell, 50 Oliver St., Boston, Mass. A. B., LL. B. ; pres. New England Telephone and Telegraph Co. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Vt. Hist. Soc. Jones, Paul Van Brunt, 907 W. Illinois St., Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist, Univ. of 111. Gen. European hist.. Renaissance and Reforma- tion. Jones, Theodore Francis, New York University, University Heights, New York, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; asst. prof.. New York Univ. Mod. European hist. Jopling, Alfred Owen, Marquette, Mich. DIRECTORY. 403 Joranson, Einar, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. M., Ph. D. Jordan, John Woolf. 1300 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. LL. D. ; libn.. Hist. Soc. of Pa,; uiem. Fed. of I'a. Hist. Socs., Pa. Soc. Sons of Rev. (registrar), Col. Soc. of Pa. (registrar), Swedish Col. Soc. of Pa. (v. pres.), comnir. of Valley Forge Park, Pa. Soc. of the Cincinnati, and various co. hist. socs. Am. hist.. Rev., local. Judson, Harry Pratt, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; pres. of the Univ. Era of discovery, 15th and 16th centuries; expansion of Europe, 18th and 19th centuries. Judson, Katharine Berry, 9507 Euclid a,ve., Cleveland, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; librarian and author ; cataloguer, Western Reserve Hist. Assn. ; mem. Oregon Hist. Soc. Hist, of Northwest, and the Hudson's Bay Co. ♦Jusserand, Jean Jules, French Embassy, Washington, D. C. French ainbao- sador. KAHN, Montifiore G., Times building, New York, N. Y. Economist. Kaiser, Katherine, Newman, Calif. L. B. ; teacher hist, and bookkeeping. Mem. No. Calif. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Kane, Elizabeth Galloway, 191 Buckingham st, Waterbury, Conn. A. B. ; head hist, dept., Crosby H. S. ; mem. Conn. Assn. Classical and H. S. Teachers, N. E. Assn. Coll. and Secondary Schools, Conn. Teachers League, Mattatuck Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Karpovich, Michael M., Russian Embassy, Washington, D. C. Dipl. service, actg. first .sec. of embassy. Mod. Russian hist. Kaye, Percy Lewis, Baltimore City College, Baltimore, Md. Ph. D. ; head dept. hist. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Md. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. and mod. European hist. Kean, Mrs. Anne Hughes, Cisco, Texas. A. B., L. M. ; teacher hist. ; mem. Texas St. Hist. Assn., Texas St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist, southwestern. Keen, Gregory Bernard, 1300 Locust st, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; curator. Hist. Soc. of Pa. ; mem. Am. Philos. Soc. Keene, Francis Bowler, American Consulate, Rome, Italy. A. B. ; consul general of the U. S., Ifome ; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law, State Hist. Soc. Wis., British and Am. Archaeol. Soc. of Rome (pres.). Keep, Austin Baxter, Livingston Hall, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Keep, Chauncey, 112 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Mem. Chicago Hist. Soc. (trustee), John Crerar Lib. (trustee). Keith, Charles Alexander, Richmond, Ky. A. B. ; head dept. hist, and soc. sci., Eastern Ivy. St. Normal School ; mem. Ky. Edn. Assn. European hist. Kellar, Herbert Arthur, 679 Rush st, Chicago, 111. A. B. Kellen, William V., 390 Commonwealth ave., Boston, Mass. LL. D. ; lawyer; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc. Gen. hist. Kelley, Malcolm F., Foochow, China. A. B. ; teacher. Mod. European hist. Kelley, Robert Francis, 24 John A. Andrews St., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; 1st lieut., 5th Infantry, U. S. A. ; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law. Mod. European hist. Kellogg, Clara Louise, Shorter College, Rome, Ga. Ph. B., A. M. ; head dept. hist. European hist. Kellogg, Louise Phelps, State Historical Society Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Ph. D. ; research assoc, St. Hist. Soc. Wis. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Wis. Archaeol. Soc. Am. hist. 404 AMERICAN HISTORICAL, ASSOCIATION. *Kelsey, Francis Willey, 826 Tappan st, Ann Arbor, Mich. LL. D. Kelsey, Rayner Wickersham, Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. Ph. B., L. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. Am. hist. ; mem. Hist. See. Pa., Historians' Club, Phila., Friends' Hist. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. hist. Kendall, John Wesley, 632 W. 1st st., Marion, Ind. A. B. ; principal Peru H. S. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ind. Hist. Soc, Kendrick, Benjamin Burks, 205 Puritan ave.. Forest Hills, Long Island, N. Y. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist, Columbia Univ. Recent Am. hist. Kennedy, Katherine B. W. (Mrs. Joseph W.), 5711 Northumberland ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Kennedy, Sinclair, 1080 Beacon st., Brookline, Mass. A. B., LL. B. ; writer and lecturer; mem. Am. Geog. Soc. ' (fellow), Nat. Assn. Const. Govt. English- speaking civilization. Kenney, James Francis, Public Archives, Ottawa, Canada. A. B., A. M. ; ar- chival and ed. work, hist, research and writing; ed., Public. Archives of Canada; mem. Am. Folk-Lore Soc. Canadian hist., early Irish. Keogh, Andrew, 49 Huntington st.. New Haven, Conn. A. M. ; libn., Yale Univ. ; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. (dir. ), A. L. A. (council), Eng. Lib. Assn., Am. Lib. Inst, (sec), Bibliog. Soc. Am. (councillor). Kepner, P. Tyler, 49 Hastings Hall, Cambridge, 38, Mass. A. B. ; student. Har- vard Univ. 1 Keppel, Anna Kremer (Mrs. Herbert G.), 511 Helen ave., Detroit, Mich. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist., Northwestern H. S. ; mem. Mich. St. Teachers Assn. Am, hist. i Kerner, Robert Joseph, 107 Willis ave., Columbia, Mo. A. B., A. M., Ph. D, ; " assoc. prof. mod. European hist., Univ. of Mo. ; mem. 111. St. Hist. Soc, Mo. St. Hist. Soc, Soc. for the Advancement of Slavonic Study. Mod. European and i Slavic hist. Kidger, Horace, 82 Madison ave., Newtonville, Mass. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; head hist, dept., Newton Technical H. S. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. (sec. treas.). Am. hist. :j Kieifer, Rev. George linn, Rosedale, Long Island, N. Y. A. B. Kientzle, John Philip, 256 E. 11th st., Erie, Pa. Kile, Jessie Jeune, 1549 E. 65th st., Chicago, 111, A. B., A. M. ; research asst, I ed. writer, F. E. Compton Co. Am. hist. I Kilgore, Carrie B., 518 Walnut St., Swarthmore, Pa. A. M, | Kilgore, Maud Chase, box 132, Osborne, Kans. A. B., A. M. ; mem. Kans. St. Teachers Assn., Kans. Univ. Hist. Club. Am. hist. Kimball, Edith May, Northeastern High School, Detroit, Mich. Ph. B. ; 1st asst., hist. dept. ; mem. Mich. Schoolmasters Club, Gen. hist., 20th cent. Kimball, Elizabeth Gardner, 311 W. Hansbury st., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B. ; teacher hist., Germantown H. S. ; mem. Phila. Hist Teachers Club, Phila. Teachers Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. Eng. hist. Kimball, George Edwin, Oxford, Mass, A. B. ; prin. Somerset H. S. ; mem. Bristol Co. Teachers Assn. Am. and Eng. hist, Kimball, Fiske, West Range, University, Va, Ph. D., M. Arch.; architect writer; prof, art and architecture, Univ. of Va. ; mem. Am. Inst, of Archi- tects (historian), Archaeol. Inst of Am. Hist of Am. art Kincaid, Marion Blanche, 44 Wiufield ave., Mt. Vernon, N, Y. A. B. DIRECTORY. 405 King, Harold Lee, Oberlin, Ohio. Asst. prof, hist., Oberlln Coll. Kirkland, James Hampton, Nashville, Tenn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D., D. C. L. ; chancellor, Vanderbilt Univ. Kittle, William, Madison, Wis. A. M. ; sec. Board of Regents of Wis. Normal Schools. Am. hist. Klein, Julius, 20 Forest st., Cambridge, Mass. Litt. B., Litt. M., A. M., Ph. D.; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Sociedad Chilena de Historia y Geografln, Hispanic Soc. Am. Latin-Am. hist. Kleinsmid, Rufus Bernhard von, Tucson, Ariz. A. B., A. M., Sc. D., J. D. ; pres., Univ. of Arizona. Am. hist., southwestern. Kline, Allen Marshall, Middleburg, Vt. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; lueni. Santa Clara Hist. Soc. Am. hist, and internat. relations. Klingberg, Frank J., Southern Branch, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., lecturer in Calif. Extension Div. ; mem. So. Calif. Hist. Soc, So. Calif. Soc. Sci. Assn. (pres.), Southern Sociol. Cong. Eng. and mod. European hist. Klingenhagen, Anna M., 9 S. Professor st., Oberlin, Ohio . Dean of College Women, Oberlin Coll. Klinger, A. Conn, 37 Oak Hill ave., Delaware, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof. hist., Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Med. European and church hist. Knaplund, Paul, University Club, Madison, Wis. Ph. D. ; instr. European hist., Univ. of Wis. Mod. European hist. Knapp, Charles M., 1737 Sedgwick ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; teacher ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Soc, N. J. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Knauss, James Owen, 121 N. Gill st., State College, Pa. A. B., A. M., Ph. D.; asst. prof. hist. Pa. State Coll. ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Pa. Ger- man Soc Mod. European hist. ♦Knight, George Wells, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist., dean of College of Edn. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., N. E. A., Soc of Coll. Teachers of Edu., Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc, Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn., Ohio Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Knight, lucian lamar, Atlanta, Ga. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; state historian ; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., Ga. Hist. Soc, Royal Soc Arts (Eng.). U. S. hist, Ga. Knipfing, John R., 60 Alabama ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B. ; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn. Ancient and church hist. Knott, Rev. James Proctor, care W. S. Knott, suite 829 California bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; clergyman ; prof, hist., Pasadena Univ., pastor of Emmanuel Church of the Nazarene. Med. and mod. hist. Knowlton, Daniel Chauncey, 646 Park ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; teacher hist, and civics, Lincoln School of Teachers Coll.; mem. Assn. Hist Teachers Middle States and Md. (N. Y. City Conf.). Mod. hist Knox, Frances Ada, Macatawa, Mich. A. B. Koch, Flora M., 29 Claremont ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; student, Co- lumbia Univ. Koch, Julie Frotscher, 917 Post St., Ottawa, 111. A. B., A. M. Kohler, Max J., 52 William st., New York, N. Y. S. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc, Am. Jewish Hist. Soc. (council). Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., German-Am. Hist. Soc. of 111. Jewish hist, immigration, dipl. and internat law. 406 AMERICA!^ HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Kohlmeier, Albert Ludwig, 408 S. Grant St., Bloomington, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof, hist., Indiana Univ. Am. hist. Konkle, Burton Alva, Swarthmore, Pa. A. M. ; historian, writer, editor ; mem. Hist. Soc. Pa. Hist, of Pennsylvania's relation to U. S. ; const, hist. Konta, Alex, 42 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y, Koontz, louis K., Sheperdstown, W. Va. A. B., A. M. ; teacher ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn. Latin-Am. hist., colonial Va. Krehbiel, Edward, 1140 38th St., Sacramento, Calif. A. B., Ph. D. ; industrial ox'ganizer ; sales mgr., Weinstock, Lubin, and Co. ; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law, League to Enforce Peace. Mod. European hist. Krey, August Charles, 324 Walnut St. se., Minneapolis, Minn. Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., Univ. of Minn. ; mem. Minn. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Med. European hist. Krout, John Allen, 240 S. Washington St., Tiffin, Ohio. A. B. ; student. Kruckemeyer, Dora, 581 Terrace ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Zuhlman, Charles, R. F. D. 3, Billings, Mont. Ph. D. ; farmer. French Rev. Kuhn, Arthur K., 308 W. 92d St., New York, N. Y. A. M., LL. B., Ph. D. ; lawyer ; mem. Am, Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Bar Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law. Internat. relations. Kull, Irving Stoddard, 203 Lincoln ave.. New Brunswick, N. J. A. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof, hist., Rutgers Coll. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers of Middle States and Md., New Brunswick Hist. Soc. U. S. hist. ; the church in development of Am. hist. Kunz, George Frederick, 409 5th ave.. New York, N. Y. A. M., Sc. D., Ph. D. ; vice pres.. Tiffany and Co. ; mem. Am. Scenic and Hist. Preservation Soc. (pres.), N. Y. Mineral Club (pres.), Am. Metric Assn. (pres.), City Hist. Club (v. pres.), N. Y. Acad. Sci., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Geog. Soc. London (fellow). Am. hist.; aboriginal Am. Indians. Kuykendall, Ralph Simpson, 1433 Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif. A. M. ; asst. in hist.. University of Calif. ; mem. Texas St. Hist. Assn. Am. hist., western. lACHER, John Henry Alois, 411 McCall St., Waukesha, Wis. Sales counsellor; member of advisory board and curator of State Hist. Soc. of Wis., custodian of the Waukesha Hist. Soc; mem. St. Hist. Soc of Wis. (life). Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc, German-Am. Hist. Soc. of 111., German-Ajn. Hist. Soc. of Pa. U. S. hist.. Miss. Valley, and local. lachman, Samson, 313 W. 106th St., New York, N. Y. A. B. ; lawyer; mem. N. Y. State Bar Assn., Bar Assn. of N. Y. City. Ladd, Rev. Horatio Oliver, 63 Middletown St., Jamaica, N. Y. A. B., A. M., S. T. D. ; teacher and author ; rector emeritus of Grace Prot. Episcopal Church. Am. and Epis. church hist., scientific thought in respect to religion. Ladd, Rev. William Palmer, Middletown, Conn. A. B., A. M., D. D. ; clergyman ; dean, Berkeley Divinity School, and prof, church hist. Church hist. Lamott, Rev. John H., Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Mt. Washington station, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. S. T. D., licencie es sciences morales et historiques; clergy- man ; prof. hist. Eccles. hist. Lancaster, Lane W., 4042 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; fellow in hist., Univ. of Pa. Lance, Marian E., St. Timothy's School, Catonsville, Md. A. B. Lander, Charles A., box 123, Chillicothe, Ohio. A. B. ; H. S. instr. Eng. hist. DIRECTORY. 407 *Landfield, Jerome Barker, Burlingame, Calif. A. B. ; writer and lecturer ; sec. Russian Economic League, N. Y. ; mem. Am. Inst. Mining and Metallurgical Engi's., Royal Geog. Soc, Imperial Russian Geog. Soc. Russian hist. Landis, Charles Israel, 140 N. Duke st, Lancaster, Pa. Judge, 2d judicial dist. of Pa. ; mem. Hist. Soc. of Pa., Pa. German Soc, Lancaster Co. Hist. Soc. (pres.), Fed. of Hist. Socs. of Pa. (4th v.-pres.), Lancaster Public Lib. (pres.). Hist., biog., and travel. Landnim, C. H., Lansing, Mich. State historian, lane, Frederick Johnstone, 5323 Dorchester ave., Clilcago, 111. A. B. ; principal of public school ; mem. N. E. A., 111. State Teachers Assn., Chicago Principals' Club. Med. hist. Lansing, Gerrit Yates, 82 State St., Albany, N. Y. Lapham, Martha, 933 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Teacher, Cleveland Heights H. S. lapham, Ruth, 933 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Student, Northwestern Univ. La Piana, George P., 116 Appleton St., Cambridge, Mass. S. T. M., Ph. D. ; instr. church hist.. Harvard Univ. ; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Early church hist,, Middle Ages. laprade, William Thomas, box 621, Durham, N. C. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, hist.. Trinity Coll. ; mem. N. C. St. Lit. and Hist. Assn. Mod. Eng. hist, lapsley, GalUard, Trinity College, Cambridge, England. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., M. A. (hon.), fellow, lecturer, tutor, Trinity Coll.; mem. Royal Hist. Soc. (Royal Fel.), Selden Soc, Cambridge Autiq. Soc. Const, hist, of Eng. (med.). larsen, Miss Karen, Northfield, Minn. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., St. Olaf Coll. Larson, Laurence Marcellus, 301 Armory ave., Champaign, 111. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Univ. of 111. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Soc. for the Advance- ment of Scandinavian Study. Eng. hist. Larzelere, Claude Sheldon, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Litt. B., A. M., Pd. M. ; head hist, dept.. Central Mich. Normal School ; mem. Mich. St. Teachers Assn., Mich. Schoolmasters Club, Mich. Pioneer and Hist. Soc, Mich. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Latane, John HoUaday, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. A. B., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof. Am. hist., dean of Coll. Faculty ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc Internat. Law (council). Am. Antiq. Soc, Md. Hist. Soc. Am. dipl. hist. Lathrop, Kirke, 44 Bramham Gardens, London, sw., England. B. L. Latourette, Kenneth Scott, Denison University, Granville, Ohio. S. B., A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Oregon Hist. Soc, Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn., Conn. Acad., Royal Asiatic Soc (N. China Br.), Asiatic Soc. (Japan Br.). Hist, of Far East. Latta, Maud Abigail, River Falls, Wis, A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist.. State Normal School ; mem. Wis. Hist. Teachers Assn. European hist. Lauer, Ernest, 822 Poster st, Evanstou, 111. A. M. ; hist, teacher. Med. hist. Laughlin, Sceva Bright, Canton, IMo. A. B., A. M. ; prof, and head dept. of hist. and soc sci., Culver-Stockton Coll. ; mem. Am, Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist. Law, Jessie May, 26 Greenleaf st., Springfield, Mass. A. B., Ph. D. ; head hist. dept., Central H. S., instr. in Junior Coll. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist 408 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. * Lawler, Thomas Bonaventure, 70 5th ave., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; publisher, firm of Ginn and Co.; mem. Am. Geog. Soc. (fellow). U. S. hist. Lawley, Marsden, Terminal apts., no. 305, 69th and Market sts., Philadelphia, Pa. S. B., A. M. Lawrence, Bertha, Belvidere, N. J. Teacher hist., Belvidere H. S. U. S. hist. Lawrence, George Appleton, 590 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, 111. A. B., LL, D. ; banker, lawyer, farmer; pres. First Nat. Bank; mem. 111. St. Hist. Soc. (1st v. pres.), Miss Valley Hist. Assn. Americana and 111. legal hist. Lawrence, Henry Wells, jr., 135 Mohegan ave.. New London, Conn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; Soc. hist., Europe since 1815. Lawton, Alexander Rudolf, box 727, Savannah, Ga. A. B. ; lawyer and railway executive; mem. Ga. Hist. Soc. (pres.). U. S. hist., local. Lawton, Frederick, 29 Commonwealth ave., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; judge of the superior court of Mass. Lea, Arthur Henry, 960 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B. ; retired ; mem. Am. Philos. Soc, Hist. Soc. of Pa. Leadbetter, Florence E., 867 South St., Roslindale, Boston, Mass. Master, Trade School for Girls; mem. Mass. Teachers Assn., Harvard Teachers Assn. Anc. hist. Leake, James Miller, 206 Court st., Gainesville, Fla. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, and head dept. hist, and economics, Univ. of Florida; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Fla. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Lear, J. Merritt, Farmville, Ya. A. M. ; head dept. hist., State Normal School; mem. Va. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. *Learned, Dwight Whitney, Kyoko, Japan. A. B., Ph. D., D. D. ; teacher of church hist., Doshisha Univ. Church hist. Learned, Henry Barrett, 2123 Bancroft pi. nw., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; research worker, writer ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist, and administration. ♦Leavenworth, Charles S., 71 Howe st.. New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M. ; retired; ' mem. Royal Asiatic Soc. (N. China Br.), Japan Soc. (London). Philos. of hist. Leavitt, Orpha Euphemia, 1413 Mound St., Madison, Wis. Lee, Ambrose, 830 E. 230th st.. New York, N. Y. Assoc, in Arts (Oxford) ; supervising inspector. Tenement House Dept.; mem. Tenn. Hist. Soc. (hou.)» Florida Hist. Soc, S. C. Hist. Soc. Southern hist, and literature. Lee, Guy Carleton, 168 W. High St., Carlisle, Pa. A. B., A. M., LL. B., L. M., LL. D., Ph. D., Litt. D. ; pres. Nat. Soc for Broader Education; mem. Am. Econ, Assn. Soc. and econ. hist. Lee, John Thomas, 401 Tower bldg., Chicago. 111. Sec. and treas. Nash Sales Co., mem. Am. Antiq. Soc, St. Hist. Soc of Wis., 111. Hist. Soc. French col. hist., early New Eng. hist. Lee, Thomas Zanslaur, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. A. B., LL. B., LL. M., LL. D. ; counsellor at law, Lee, Boss, and McCanna ; mem. Am. Bar Assn., Am. Irish Hist. Soc, R. I. Bar Assn., R. I. Hist. Soc, Masters Club of Boston Univ., Bureau of Comparative Law. Am. hist., early New Eng. Leebrick, K. C, 2510 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif. Professor, DIRECTORY. 409 leech, Wilmer R., New York Public Libr:iry. New York, N. Y. LL. B. ; asst. in MS. Div. Am. hist. Leet, Grant, 723 14th st., nw., Washington, D. C. Photographer; pres. Leet Bros. ; mem. Columbia Hist. Soc. leffingwell, Georgia W., 582 New Britain ave., Hartford, Conn. A. M., Ph. D. ; publicity work. General Board of Promotion, Northern Baptist Convention. Anc. hist. leitch, Mrs. Kathryn, Van Nuys, Calif. S. B., A. B.; teacher hist, and algebra, Van Nuys H. S. Am. doc. and pol. hist. Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1140 Woodward bldg., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M. ; hist, research ; staff, Dept. of Hist. Research, Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington ; mem. Maine Hist. Soc. (corresp.), Ontario Hist. Soc. Am. hist., archive econ. lentz. Florence, 232 W. 4th St., Marysville, Ohio. Ph. B., A. M. Leonard, Rt. Rev. William Andrew, 3054 Euclid ave., Cleveland, Ohio. D. D., LL. D. ; bishop of Ohio ; mem. Western Reserve Hist. Soc, Soc. of Col. Wars (chaplain gen.). Eccl. hist. Lerch, Alice Hollister, 600 Madison ave.. New York, N. Y. Librarian ; asst. Am. hist, div., N. Y. Public Lib. ; mem. A. L. A., Bibliog. Soc. Am., N. Y. Lib. Club. Americana. Lesh, John Andrew, 2146 N. Park ave., Philadelphia, Pa. A. M., Ph. D. ; head dept. pol. and soc. sci.. Temple Univ. ; mem. N. E. A., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Acad. Pol. Sci., Am. Econ. Assn. Am. econ. hist. Levermore, Charles Herbert, 70 5th ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; edu- cator ; sec. N. Y. Peace Soc, World Court League, and League of Nations Union ; mem. Am. Geog. Soc Pol., religious, and Am. col. hist. Lewis, Anna, Chickasha, Okla. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist., Okla. College for Women. Am. hist. Lewis, Byron Ray, Bridgeport, III. A. B. ; pi'in. Bridgeport Township H, S. ; mem. N. E. A., Asiatic Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc. State and co. hist. Lewis, Ernest Dorman, Evander Childs High School, 184th st. and Creston ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist. ; mem. N. Y. C. High School Teachers Assn., Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. and mod. European hist. Lewis, Hallie Mae, Chincoteague, Va. A. B. ; instr., hist, and Eng., Chiuco- teaguo H. S. Am. hist. *Lewis, Isaac Newton, Lewis Park ave.. East Walpole, Mass. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. East Walpole Hist. Soc. (pres.). Sons Am. Rev. (pres. of chapter), N. E. Hist. Geueal. Soc. (life). Am. hist., gen. and local. Lewis, John James, 515 N. Kirkwood road, Kirkwood, Mo. A. B., LL. B. ; instr. hist., William McKinley H. S., St. Louis; mem. Mo. State Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Lewis, Neil Madison, box 345, Terrell, Texas. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and soc sci., and dean of Texas Mil. Coll. Am. hist., econ., Civil War and reconstr. Libby, Orin Grant, Grand Forks, N. Dak. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Univ. of North Dakota ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., St. Hist. Soc of N. Dak., N. Dak. Edn. Assn. Hist, of the Northwest and Canada. Libby, Walter, 1144 S. Negley ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lecturer on hist, of medi- cine. 410 AMERICAN HISTOKICAL, ASSOCIATION. lightner, William Hurley, 212 Eiidicott bldg., St. Paul, Minn. A. B. ; lawyer ; clir., Federal Reserve Bank of Minu'Papolis: mem. Minn. Hist. Soc. Hist. of French Rev. Lincoln, Charles Henry, 22 Dean St., Worcester, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; research worker; mem. Worcester Hist. Soc, Naval Hist. Soc, Worcester Econ. Club. U. S. naval hist., MS. collections. Lincoln, Waldo, 49 Elm St., Worcester, Mass. A. B. ; retired ; mem. Antiq. Soc. Col. Soc. of Mass., Mass. Hist. Soc. Genealogy. Lindley, Harlow, 302 College ave., Richmond, Ind. A. M. ; prof. hist, and govt, Earlham Coll., dir. Dept. of Hist, and Archives, Ind. St. Lib., sec. Ind. Hist. Comm. ; mem. Am. Pol, Sci, Assn,, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Ind, Hist. Soc, Ind, St. Hist, Teachers Assn. Am, hist. Lindsey, Edward, Warren, Pa. LL. B. ; lawyer ; mem. Warren Co. Hist. Soc, Am. Bar Assn., Am. Assn. Internat. Law, Am, Pol, Sci, Assn., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Sociol, Soc Anc and med, hist. Lines, Rt, Rev, Edwin S., 21 Washington st, Newark. N. J, A. B., D. D. ; Bishop of Newark. Lingelbach, William E., 4304 Osage ave., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. European hist., Univ. of Pa. ; mem. Hist. Soc Pa., Geog. Soc. Phila., Am. Philos. Soc. Lingley, Charles R., IS Occom Ridge, Hanover, N. H. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Dartmouth Coll. Am, hist,, esp. since 1783. Linn, Mrs. Frances Burns, Santa Barbara Free Public Library, Santa Barbara, Calif. Librarian. Linnemann, Rev. Alex., Collegeville, Ind. Clergyman ; libn. St. Joseph's Coll. Littell, Rev. John Stockton, West Hartford, Conn. A, B., A, M,, D. D. ; rector of St. James Church, sec. Am, Soc. of Church Lit, and Church Missions Pub. Co. Hist, of Christianity. Livingston, Noel Brooks, 6 Duke St., Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. Lawyer; mem, Inst, of Jamaica. Local genealogy. Livingston, W. Ross, Pomona College, Claremont, Calif. A. B., A. M. Ljungstedt, Milnor (Mrs. Olof Axel), Bethesda, Md., R. 1, Locke, G-eorge Herbert, Public Reference Library, Toronto, Canada. A. B., A, M. ; librarian of the P, R, Lib.; mem, N. E. A., Ont. Hist. Soc. (pres.), Canad. Methodist Hist. Assn. (pres.), Royal Canad. Inst. (v. pres.), A. L. A. (v.-pres.). Canadian hist, Loeb, Isidor, University of Missouri, Columbia. Mo. S. B., S. M., LL. B., Ph. D. ; prof. pol. sci, and public law, dean of faculty of Business and Public Adm. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn.. Am. Econ. Assn., St. Hist. Soc of Mo., Mo. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Loesch, Frank J., 4247 Hazel ave., Chicago, 111. LL, B. ; laM'yer; gen. counsel, Chicago Union Station Co. ; mem. Chicago Hist, Soc, Chicago Lit. Club. Eug. and U. S. hist. Loetscher, Rev, Frederick William. Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. M., D. B., Ph. D., D. D., LL. D. ; prof, church hist., Princeton Theol. Seminary ; mem. Am. Soc. of Church Hist, Presbyterian Hist. Soc, Period of the Reformation. Logan, James, 222 Salisbury st., Worcester, Mass, A, M, (hon.) ; gen. mgr., U, S. Envelope Co. Logan, John Hubbard, box 24, New Brunswick, N, J, Prof, hist, and head dept., Rutgers Coll, ; mem. N, B, Hist. Club, N. J. St Hist. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Med. hist. DIRECTORY. 411 Long, Leslie Owen, 17 W. 94tli st., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., teacluM- liist., Do Witt Clinton H. S. Mod. hist. Longyear, John Munro, Marquette, Mich. Timber, mineral, and agr. lands; mem. Soc. for tlie Promotion of Engr. Edu., Marquette Co. Hist. Soc. (pres.). Mich. Pioneer and Hist. Soc. U. S. hist., local. Lonn, Ella, Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Md. Hist. Soc, Md. St. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Loomis, Louise Ropes, Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y. A. M., Ph. D. ; re- search work. Med. and mod. European hist. Lord, Arthur, room 53, 70 State St., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; lawyer ; Pilgi-im Ter- centenary Comm. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc. (treas.), Pilgrim Soc. (pres.), Am. Antiq. Soc, Col. Soc of Mass., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Hist, of the Pilgrims. Lord, Edward, 597-599 5th ave.. New York, N. Y. Gen. mgr. edn. dept., Chas. Sci'ibner's Sons. Lord, Eleanor Louisa, The Bancroft, 509 W. 121st St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and dean, Goucher College ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Hist. Teachers Assn. Md. Anc. Oriental hist. ; Grecian and European hist, after 1400. Lord, Livingston C, Charleston, 111. A. M., LL. D. ; pres. State Normal School. Lord, Robert Howard, 22 Westmorly court, Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist., Harvard Univ. ; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, London, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. European hist., 19th cent., and Russian. Loring, Arthur, R. F. D. 2, Laconia, N. H. Farmer. U. S. hist., relations with the Indians. Lothrop, Daniel J., 4742 Thackeray pi., Seattle, Wash. A. M. ; head dept. hist., Lincoln H. S. Am. hist. Lough, Susan M., Westhampton College, Richmond, Va. Loughridge, Albert, 1433 Court St., Salem, Oreg. LL. D. Love, F. S., Louisburg College, Louisburg, N. C. A. M. Lovejoy, Herman Samuel, Brauford, Conn. S. B., A. M. ; H. S. prin. ; mem. Conn. St. Teachers Assn., Conn. Assn. of Classical and H. S. Teachers, N. E. Mod. Language Assn., I'Aliance Frangaise. Am. hist. Low, J. Herbert, 177 Woodruff ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; prin., Eras- mus Hall II. S. ; mem. Brooklj-n Inst, of Arts and Sci., H. S. Principals Assn., Brooklyn Teachers Assn., N. E. A. Am. and Eng. hist. Low, Maj. Theodore H., Star bldg., Washington, D. C. Maj. U. S. Marine Corps, retired ; official historian U. S. Marine Corps. Lowber, Rev. James William, 1706 Brazos st, Austin, Texas. A. M., Ph. D., Sc D., LL. D., Litt. D. ; author, educator, clergyman; mem. Royal Geog. Soc, Royal Soc. of Arts, Royal Scot. Geog. Soc, Royal Soc of Antiquaries, Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., French Acad. Inter- nat. Hist. Internat. hist. Lowe, Walter Irenaeus, Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Eng. hist. Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, 17 Quincy St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., LL. B., LL. D. ; pros. Harvard Univ. ; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Letters, Mass. Hist. Soc Lowrance, Winnie Davis, College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Texas. A. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof, of languages. Anc. hist. 412 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. towrey, Lawrence Tyndale, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist.; mem. So. Calif. Hist. Soc. Am. and Eng. hist, lum, Dr. William Tappan, Alameda, Calif. M. D. ; physician. France, Na- poleonic and Rev. period. Lunt, William E., Haverford College, Haverford, Pa. A. B., A. M., Ph. D.; prof, of Eng. const, hist. Eng. hist, and the papacy. Lutz, Ralph Haswell, Department of History, Stanford University, Calif. A. B., LL. B., A. M., Ph. D. 19th cent. European hist. Lybyer, Albert Howe, 1109 W. California ave., Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Univ. of Illinois ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Royal Hist. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Hist, of the Near East, lydenberg, Harry Miller, Hartsdale, N. Y. A. B. ; chief ref. libn., N. T. Public Lib. Lynch, William 0., 408 S. Grant st., Bloomington, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; mem. Ind. St. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Delaware Co. (Ind.) Hist. Club. Am. hist. Lynskey, Elizabeth M., Spooner, Minn. A. B. ; asst. H. S. prin. and hist. teacher ; mem. Minn. Edn. Assn. Mod. hist. MacALLISTER, Edward Benjamin, Rockland, Me. Lawyer. Gen, hist. McAneny, George, 229 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. LL. D, ; exc mgr.. New York Times; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. Soc. Sci., Soc. Arts and Sci., Nat. Inst. Soc Sci., Public Edn. Assn., Japan Soc. N. Y. city and State hist. McArdle, Mary, Craftou station, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B. ; head teacher, Irwin Ave. H. S., chm., hist, dept., Junior H. S. ; mem. Western Pa. Edn. Assn. Am. hist., mod. McCain, J. R., Agues Scott Coll., Decatur, Ga. Professor Am. hist. McCallie, Spencer Jarnagin, the McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tenn. A. M. McCann, Sister Mary Agnes, Mount St. Joseph, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; teacher, writer, archivist ; mem. Catholic Hist. Assn. Am. church hist. McCarthy, Charles, 1109 University ave., Madison, Wis. Ph. D., L. H. D. ; chief, Legislative Ref. Lib. ; mem. St. Hist. Soc. Wis., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist. McCarthy, Charles Hallan, 3419 12th St., Brookland, D. C. Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist.. Catholic Univ. of Am. Eng. and Am. hist. McClellan, Maj. Edwin North, Headquarters, U. S. Mariiie Corps, Washington, D. C. L. B. ; major of mai'ines. Hist, of Marine Corps and Navy. McClellan, Effie G., 212 Pittston ave., Scranton, Pa. Ph. B. ; head. hist, dept, Tech. H. S. McClure, Clarence Henry, Warrensburg, Mo. S. B., A. M. ; head dept. hist, and govt.. Central j\Io. St. Teachers Coll, ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mo. St. Hist. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc. Am. hist., Nat. and State. McConnell, John Preston, East Radford, Va. A. M., Ph. D. ; educator; pres. State Normal School for Women; mem. Va. St. Teachers Assn., N. E. A., Va. Hist. Soc, Va. AVar Hist. Comm., Va. Soc for the Study of Edn. (pres.), Southern Edn. Soc. (pres.). Am. hist.. Civil War and subsequent period. McCormac, Eugene Irving, 1404 Hawthorne terrace, Berkeley, Calif. Ph. D. ; prof, Am. hist.. Univ. of Calif. Am. hist. McCorvey, Thomas Chalmers, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. A. M. DIEECTORY. 413 McCrackan, William Denison, box 253, Jerusalem, Palestine. A. M. ; author: mem. Authors Club (N. Y.), N. Y. Press Club. Hist, of Switzerland and Palestine. McCnlloch, Mrs. Delia A., Point Pleasant, W. Va. MacDonald, William, 40S W. 20th St., New York, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; assoc, ed. of the Nation; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Contemporary pol. hist. McDougle, Ivan Eugene, Sweet Briai-, Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; head dept. econ. and socio].. Sweet Briar Coll. Econ. hist., internat. rel. McDowell, Henry B., 116 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B. ; consulting engr. ; chm. ex. com., Pan-Am. Soc. of U. S. ; mem. Mass. Chamber of Commerce, Twentieth Cent. Club, Boston. Revolutionary and Civil wars. McDuffie, Penelope, 128 Avant ave., Spartanburg, S. C. S. B., A. M. ; teacher. Am. hist. Mace, William Harrison, 127 ColU-ge place, Syracuse, N. Y. L. B., L. M., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; emeritus prof, hist., author ; mem. N, Y. St. Hist. Assn., Sons Am. Rev., N. E. A. Am. hist. McElroy, Robert M., Princeton, N. J. Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist., Princeton Univ. ; mem. Monmouth Co. Hist. Soc. of N. J. (hon. ), Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci. Am. hist. Macfarlane, Charles William, the Ritz-Carlton, Philadelphia, Pa. McFayden, Rev. Donald, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. A. B., A. M., S. T. B., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. hist. Anc. hist. McGiffert, Rev, Arthur Cushman, 80 Claremont ave., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., D. D., LL. D. ; clei'gyman ; pres. and prof, church hist., Union Theol. Sem. ; mem. Philos. Soc, Am. Soc. Church Hist., Oxford Hist. Soc. (hon.). Hist, of Christian thought. McGill, Harry Albert, P. O. box 352, Poplar Bluff, Mo. McGill, Margaret, 82 Madison ave., Newtonville, Mass. A. B. ; head hist, dept., Newton H. S. ; raeni. N. PI Hist. Teachers Assn., Every Saturday Club of Newton. Am. hist. McQrane, Reginald Charles, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B., A. M.. Ph. D. ; asst. prof. hist. ; mem. Miss. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. McGraw, E. Leona, 1202 Monroe St., Sullivan, 111. A. B. *McGraw, Maria L. (Mrs. Thomas S.), 81 Alfred St., Detroit, Mich. A. B. ; mem. United Audubon Socs., Nantucket Maria Mitchell Memorial Soc. U. S. hist. McGregor, James Clyde, 212 East Maiden St., Washington, Pa. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci., Washington and .Tefferson Coll.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. U. S. hist, since 186.5. McGuire, Constantine Edward, Inter-American High Commission, room 153, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. sec, U. S. Section, Inter-Am. High Commission. Hist, of legal instns. MacHarg, John Brainerd, Appleton, Wis. C. E., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Lawrence Coll. ; mem. St. His). Soc. Wis., World Court I>eague, Wis. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. McHugh, William Douglas, room 1.S00, 606 S. Michigan avi\, Chicago, 111. General counsel, International Harvester Company. Mcllwain, Charles Howard, 3 Concord ave., Cambridge, Mass. A. M. Mcllwaine, Henry Read, Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va. A. B., Ph. D. ; State Librariiin; mem. Va. Hist. Soc, War Hist. Comm. of Va., A. L. A. Am. hist., local. 136908—21 5 414 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Mcintosh, Kenneth, Graham, Texas. A. B. ; business. Am., S. Am., and med. hist. Mackall, Leonard Leopold, 420 Riverside drive. New York, N. Y. A. B. ; bibliog., hist., and lit. research; mem. Ga. Hist. Soc. (hon.). Am. Antiq. Soc, Bibliog. Soc. (London), Bibliog. Soc. of Am., Mod. Language Assn. Ga. hist. and bibliog. Mackay, Dorothy Louise, 166 Saturn St., San Francisco, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; teacher ; mem. Am. Federation of Teachers. Med. hist. McKendrick, Norman Shaw, 7 Spring st., Exeter, N. H. A. M. ; teacher hist. McKinley, Albert Edward, G901 Germantown ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Ph. D. : prof, hist.. University of Pa. ; mem. Hist. Soc. of Pa,., Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., City Hist. Soc. (Phila.), Site and Relic Soc, of Germantown. Recent Am. hist. McLaughlin, Andrew C, University of Chicago, Chicago, HI. A. M., LL, B., LL. D. ; prof, hist.; mem. Mass. Plist. Soc. (corresp. ), Am. Antiq. Soc, Royal Hist. Soc. Am. hist. McLaughlin, Rev. Robert W., 253 Garlield place, Brooklyn, N. Y. D. B., D. D. ; pastor, Park Slope Cong. Church. Const, hist. McLaughlin, William M., 734 Tappan ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Asst. prof. French, Univ. of Mich. McLean, Angus Wilton, liUmberton, N. C. Dir. War Finance Corporation. McLean, Ross Hanlin, 33 McLendon st., Atlanta, Ga. A. B. ; asst. prof. European hist., Emory Univ. Europe and the Far East ; ante-bellum South. MacLear, Anne Bush, 118 Cottage ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist.. Hunter Coll. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. hist. McMahon, Edward, 4026 10th ave. ne., Seattle, Wash. Ph. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof. hist. Am. hist. McMaster, John Bach, 2109 De Lancey st., Philadelphia, Pa. Litt. D., LL. D. ; prof. Am. hist., Univ. of Pa. ; mem. Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters, Mass. Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc, Hist. Soc. of Pa., Minn. Hist. Soc, Del. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. McMichael, Thomas H., Monmouth, 111. A. B., A. M., D. D. ; pres. Monmouth Coll. Macmillan, Kerr Duncan, Aurora, N. Y. A. B., D. B., S. T. D. ; pres.. Wells CoU- ; mem. Am. Soc Church Hist., N. E. A. Church hist., Babylonian hist. McMurry, Donald LeCrone, 723 E. Washington st., Iowa City, Iowa. A. M. ; asst. in hist., Vanderbilt Univ. MacNair, H. F., St. John's University, Shanghai, China. A. M. McNeal, Edgar Holmes, 2085 luka ave., Columbus, Ohio. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. European hist., Ohio State Univ. ; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn. Hist, of med. France. McNitt, Esther Uhl, State Library, Indianapolis, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; librarian ; asst. dept. Ind. hist, and archives, Ind. State Lib. Hist, of Northwest and Indiana. MacNutt, Francis Augustus, 191 9th ave.. New York, N. Y. ]Mem. Hispanic Soc. of Am. Early Spanish-Am. hist. McPherson, John Hanson Thomas, 625 Milledge ave., Athens, Ga. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci., Univ. of Ga. ; mem. Ga. Hist. Soc, Am. hist. DIRECTORY. 415 MacVeagh, Franklin, 333 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. A. B., LL. B., LL. D. Madeira, Louis C, 000 North American bUlg., PhiUidelphia, Pa. S. B. ; coal milling and shipping; mem. Pa, Hist. Soc. Magoffin, Ralph Van Deman, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md, A. B., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist. ; mem. Am. Philol. Assn., Archael. Inst, of Am.. Classical Assn. Atlantic States, Md. St. Hist. Teachers Assn. Near East classical hist. Malcom, Roy, 619 S. Carondelet st., Los Angeles, Calif. Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci., Univ. of Southern Calif. Malin, James C, 116 W. 9th st, Oklahoma City, Okla. A. I\I. ; H. S. iiistr. Mod. European hist., French Rev. ; Am. hist.. Miss. Valley. Malone, Carroll B., Tsinghua College, Peking, China. Teacher hist. Manhart. George Born. TOG S. Locust St., Greencastle, lud. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., DePauw Univ. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., A. L. A., Ind. St. Teach- ers Assn. European hist. Mann. Isabel Roome, G Norwood ave., Summit, N. J. A. B. ; teacher Eng. and hist., Kent Place School. Am. hist. Mannhardt, Rev. Francis, St. Louis University, Grand ave. and W. Pine blvd., St. Louis, Mo. S. J. ; prof, church hist. Manning, Helen Taft (Mrs. Frederick J.) New Haven, Conn. A. B. Mod. Eng. hist. Manning, Frederick Johnson, S Edgewootl ave., New Haven, Cuim. A. B. ; instr. ShofReld Scientific School, Yale Univ. Manning, William R., 4701 Fcssenden st. nw., Washington, D. C. Ph. B. ; re- gional ocononiist for Latin-Am. countries, Dept. of State; mem. Am. Soc. for Internat. Law. Latin-Am. hist. Manson, Grace Evelyn, 536 S. Liberty St., Winston-Salem, N. C. A. B., A. M. ; teacher; head dept. of edn., Salem Coll.; mem. N. C. St. Teachers Assn. Hist, of edn. Margesson, Helen Pearson, 100 Melville ave., Dorchester Center, Mass. A. B. ; clim.. Club Com., Grad. Council, Wellesley Coll. ; mem. Old South Hist. Soc, Am. Fe. ; teacher hist., Bryan St. II. S., Dallas; mem. Dallas H. S. INjachers Assn., State II. S. Teach- ers Assn. Roman hist. Merk, Frederick, G4 Wendell St., Cambridge, Mass. Merrill, Ethel Louise, The League House, 2344 Prospect ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Instr. in Eng. and hist. Merriman, Roger Bigelow, 175 Brattle st., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M., I'll. D., Litt. B. ; prof, hist.. Harvard Univ. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Royal Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Spain and England, 14th-18th centuries. Merritt, Elizabeth, 3402 W. North ave., Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M. ; indexer and compiler. Library of Congress. Hist, of S. C. ; U. S. hist., gen. Merryweather, George, Park lane, Highland Park, 111. Retired ; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc. (v. pres.), Art Inst, (life), Caxton Club, 111, St. Hist. Soc, Am. Numismatic Soc (life), Grolier Club, Duulap Soc, Bibliophile Soc. Messmer, Rev. Sebastian Gebhard, 2000 Grand ave., Milwaukee, Wis. D. D.. D. C. L. ; archbishop of Milwaukee ; mem. Catholic Hist. Soc Am., Am. Cath. Hist, soc, St. Hist. Soc Wis. Am. Cath. Church hist. Metcalf, Frank J., 901 Ingraham St., Washington, D. C. A. B. ; clerk. Adj. Gen. Oflice, War Dept. Hist, of sacred music. Metzger, Charles Henry, St. Louis Univex'sity, St. Louis, Mo. A. B., A. M. ; student of theol. Mod. European and Am. hist. *Weyerholz, Charles Henry, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; head dejtt. govt, and econ., Iowa State Teachers Coll.; mem. N. E. A., Am. Pol. Soi. Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Iowa St. Hist. Soc, Iowa St. Teachers' Assn. Pol. and soc hist. Middlebush, Frederick Arnold, 1 Gordon st, Gordon sq., London, England. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. Mod. European hist. Mierow, Charles Christopher, 216 E. Espanola St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Ph. D. Mikkelsen, Michael A., route 2, box 68, Danbury, Conn. Ph. D. Miller, Albert Ossar, jr., 198 Passaic ave., Passaic, N. J. A. B., LL. M., D. C. L. Miller, Charles R., Wilmington, Del. L. B., LL. B., LL. D. ; pres. Farmers Bank of Del. and of Del. State Board of Charities, trustee of Del. College, pres. Union League of Philadelphia; mem. Del. Hist. Soc. (director), Am. Geog. Soc Hist, and geog. Miller, Elmer I., State Normal School, Chico, Calif. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci. ; mem. Calif. St. Teachers Assn., N. E. A., Am. Acad, Pol. and Soc. Sci. Am. hist, and govt. Miller, Marian A., 513 E. Allegheny ave,, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B. European hist.. Near East. Miller, May E., box 933, Arroyo Grande, Calif. Miller, Thomas Condit, 1329 Pennsylvania ave., Fairmont, W. Va. A. M. ; teacher; mem. W. Va. Hist. Soc, Marion Co. Hist. Soc, N. E. A., W. Va. Edn. Assn. Hist, of Ohio Valley and Trans-Allegheny region. Mills, Lt. Col. Dudley A., Drokes, Beaulieu, Hants, England. Lt. col.. Royal Engineers, retired; mem. Champlain Soc, Nova Scotia Hist. Soc. Am, hist. 418 AMERICAN HISTpRICAL, ASSOCIATION. Mims, Stewart Lea, care J. Walter Thompson Co., 244 Madison ave., New York, N. Y. Minatra, C. C, Haskell, Texas. Supt. of public schools; mem. N. E. A., Texas St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Minor, Van Lieu, 631 De Witt St., Kalamazoo, Mich. A. B. Minrow, Maude Elizabeth, 1114 Neosho St., Emporia, Ivans. A. B., A. M. ; prin., Senior H. S., head soc. sci. dept., Normal Training H. S., Kans. St. Normal School; mem. Kans. St. Teachers Assn., Kans. St. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Mischkind, Rev. louis A., box 725, Wheeling, W. Va, Mitchell, Edwin Knox, 57 Gillett st., Hartford, Conn. A. B., D. B., A. M., D. D. ; prof. Greco-Roman and Eastern church hist., Hartford Theol. Sem. ; mem. Conn. Hist. Soc, Am. Soc. Church Hist. Early centuries of Christian era. Mitchell, James, Alma, Mich. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist, and pol. sci., dean, Alma Coll.; mem. Mich. Acad. Sci. Hist, of Europe since 1815. Mitchell, Kirkwood, 215 W. Grace St., Richmond, Va. Mem. Va. Hist. Soc. Mil. and pol. hist. Mitchell, Langdon, Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. Litt. D. Mitchell, Margaret J., 468 Elm st., Norman, Okla. Ed. B., Ed. M., Ph. B., A. M. ; asst. prof, hist., dir., Univ. of Okla. ; mem. Okla. St. Hist. Teachers Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Mitchell, Samuel Chiles, Richmond College, Richmond, Va. A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; teacher. Mod. European hist. Mitchell, Sydney K., 273 Norton St., New Haven, Conn. Prof, hist., Yale Univ. Mitchell, William Hugh, Acworth, N. H. A. B., A. M. ; mem. N. H. Hist. Soc, Am, Pol. Sci. Assn. Moffett, Edna V., 594 Washington st., Wellesley, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc prof, hist., Wellesley Coll. ; mem. Va. Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. IMed. and early mod. hist Moffitt, James Kennedy, 86 Seaview ave., Piedmont, Calif. S. B. ; banker. Mohr, Henry J., Alexandria, S. Dak. Attorney at law. Mohr, Walter H., box 246, George School, Bucks Co., Pa. A. B. ; teacher, hist. dept. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist. Molera, Eusebius Joseph, 625 Clunie bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Lieut, of Royal Engineers (Spain) ; Civil Engineer and Architect, retired; mem. Calif. Acad. of Sci., Astron. Soc of the Pacific, Technical Soc, Civil Engineers Soc of San Francisco. Anc Mexican hist. Molyneux, George Tyler, 1401 E. 60th st., Chicago, 111. Research worker ; mem. Soc. of Oriental Research, Am. Oriental Soc Mod. European hist. Monroe, Paul, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. S. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof. hist, of Edn., dir. School of Edu. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci. (fellow), N. E. A., Gesellschaft fiir Hochschulpadagogik. Hist, of edu. Montero Diaz, Santiago, Calle Abades no. 16, Sevilla, Spain. Moody, V. Alton, State Normal School, Murfreesboro, Tenn. A. B., A. M. ; head dept. hist, and econ. Am. hist.. South. Moon, Parker Thomas, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. S. B. ; instr. hist. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Mod. European hist. Moore, Albert Burton, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. S. M., A. M. ; asst. prof. hist. ; mem. Iowa St. Hist. Soc. Industrial hist. DIRECTORY. 419 *Moore, Cecelia B. McElroy (Mrs. A, 0.), P. O. box 402, Highland Park, 111. Moore, Charles, Cosmos Club, Wasliington, D. C. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; actg. chief. Manuscript Div., Library of Congress; mem. Harvard Comm. on West- ern Hist.. Am. Acad, in Rome (life). Am. Inst, of Architects (hon.). Hist of Old Northwest. Moore, Clifford Herschel, 112 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., Ph. D., Litt. D. ; prof. Latin, Harvard Univ.; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. I'hilol. Assn. Anc. hist. Moore, Clifford Homer, Ripon, Wis. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist., head dept. hist., Ripon Coll. Am. hist., 1876-1896. Moore, David Richard, 155 Elm St., Oherlin, Ohio. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. med. and mod. European hist., Oberlin Coll. Mod. European and Latin-Am. hist. Moore, Edward Caldwell, 21 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., Ph. D., D. D. ; prof. Christian morals. Harvard Univ. ; mem. Col. Soc. Mass., Am, Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Philos. Assn., Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci. Church hist, since the Reformation. Moore, John Bassett, Kent Hall, Columbia Univ., New York, N. Y. LL. D. *Moore, Joseph, jr., 1821 W'alnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. M., F. R. G. S. ; pres. Pa. Salt Mfg. Co. ; mem. Am. Geog. Soc, Royal Scottish Geog. Soc, Royal Geog. Soc. (London), Soc. of Geog. (Paris), Drexel Inst, (trustee). Hist, of Egj^pt and India. Moore, Joseph Roswell Hawley, 114 S. Ritter ave., Indianapolis, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; head hist, dept., Emmerick Manual Training H. S. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Ind. State Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Moore, Laura McAllister, 414 N. 21st St., Corsicana, Texas. A. B., A. M. Am. tariff. Moores, Charles Washington, 1300 Fletcher Trust bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. A. B„ A. M., Litt. 1)., LL. B. ; attorney ; U. S. Commr. ; mem. Ind. Hist. Comm., Ind. Hist. Soc. (v. pres.). Abraham Lincoln. Moran, Katharine M., 1515 S. Figueroa st, Los Angeles, Calif. Head dept. hist., Lincoln H. S. ; mem. So. Calif. Teachers Assn., Assn. of Soc Sci. Teachers of So. Calif., Nat. Municipal League. Econ. hist. Moran, Thomas Francis, 24 Russell St., West Lafayette, Ind. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and econ., Purdue Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ind. St. Teachers Assn. Am. Hist., and some phases of Eng. hist. Morey, Elizabeth May, box 37 a, R. F. D. 7, San Antonio, Texas. A. B. ; head hist, dept.. Main Avenue PI. S. ; mem. Texas St. Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Morey, William Carey, 94 Oxford st., Rochester, N. Y. A. M., Ph. D., D. C. L. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc Internat. Law. Roman, const., and internat. law. Morgan, De Witt Schuyler, Arsenal Technical Schools, Indianapolis, Ind. A. M. Morgan, Edwin Vernon, American Embassy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A. B., A. M. ; diplomatist ; Am. ambassador to Bra.'dl ; mem. Instituto Historico e Geographico Brazileiro. Am. continental hist. Morgan, Williams Thomas, box 228, Bloomington, Ind. I'h. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. European hist., Indiana Univ. 18th cent, hist., esp. Eng. Moriarty, George Andrew, Ridgemere, LeRoy ave., Newport, R. I. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer, firm of Hale and Dorr, Boston; mem. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Newport Hist. Soc, Essex Inst., SuflColk (Eng.) Archaeol. Soc, Hist Socs. of R. I., Va., and S. C. Col., West Indian, and Eng. hist. (17th cent.). 420 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Morison, John Lyle, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. A. M., Litt. D. ; prof. col. liist. ; mem. Glasgow Royal Philos. Soc, Ontario Hist. Soc. Development of Canad. const. ; Renaissance in Eng. Morison, Samuel Eliot, Concord, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; teacher and writer ; lecturer c>n hist., Harvard Univ. ; mem, N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Mass. Hist. Soc, Col. Soc. Mass., Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Am. and Russian hist. Morley, George Vernon, Clyde, Kans. Type operator, the Voice-Republican ; mem. Kans. St. Hist. Soc Spanish expl. in Am. ; Kans. hist. Money, William Thomas, 362 Riverside drive, New York, N. Y. A. M. *Morris, Edward, 4800 Drexel blvd., Chicago, 111. Morris, Henry C, 1155 Hyde Park blvd., Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M. ; lawyer, retired ; mem. 111. Hist. Soc, Chicago Hist. Soc, Am. Bar Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Peace Soc. (dir.), Chicago Peace Soc. (pres.), Nat. Econ. League (council). Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Sci., Nat. Municipal League, Am. Civic Assn. Hist, of colonization. Morris, Seymour, 112 W. Adams st., Chicago, 111. Trustee and administrator; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc. (sec), N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. (life). New Eng. town hist, and geneal. Morris, William Alfred, 5G23 Oakgrove ave., Berkeley, Calif. A. B., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. Eng. hist. Univ Calif. Eng. const, hist. Morrison, Alexander F., Crocker hldg., San Francisco, Calif. A. B., LL. B. ; lawyer. Morrison, Prances Julia, 1422 Park ave., Indianapolis, Ind. A. B. Renaissance and French Rev. Morrison, Olin D., 1207 W. Main St., Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M. ; hist. dept. Champaign (111.) H. S. Morriss, Margaret Shove, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. Am. hist, teacher. Morrow, Dwight Whitney, 23 Wall St., New York, N. Y. A. B. ; banker. Morse, Anson Ely, 269 Nassau st., Princeton, N. J. Ph. D. Morse, C. K., Curtis, Nebr. Supt. Nebr. Sch. of Agric. Morse, Edward L. C, 7650 Saginaw ave., Chicago, 111. A. B., LL. B. ; teacher; prin. Phil. Sheridan School; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Mod. European and Sp.-Am. hist. Morse, Horace Henry, 27 Hudson st., Somerville, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; head hist. dept., Mt. Hermon School ; mem. Old South Hist. Soc, Somerville Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Assn. of N. E. Prep. Schools and Colleges, N. E. A. Am. hist. Morse, John Torrey, 16 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass. A. B., Litt. D. ; la\\'yer, retired ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Morse, I. Lucile, 15 Temple St., Arlington, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; teacher. Morton, Franklin W., 105 Fleet place, Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., LL. B., J. D. ; lawyer. Morton, Joy, Lisle, 111. Pres. Lisle Farm Co., Inc. Morton, Richard Lee, box 205, Williamsburg, Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist, and pol. sci., Coll. of William and Mary ; mem. Va. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. DIRECTORY. 421 Jffiosby, Margaret Shepherd, 1415 AniK^x ave., Dallas, Texas. S. B. ; instr. hist., H. S. ; mom. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Texas St. Teachers Assn., D. A. II. Am. hist. Mosenthal, Philip J., 1 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. S. B., S. M. ; insurance ; pres., II. Mosenthal and Son, Inc. ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Met. INIiiseum of Art, Am. Museum Nat. Hist., Municipal Art Soc. European pol. hist. Moses. Armida, 14 S. Washington st., Sumter, S. C. A. B., A. M. Moses, Bernard, Cosmos Club, AVashington, D. C. Ph. D., LL. D. Moses, Mabelle L., 2 Alden ave., Troy, N. Y. A. B. ; A. M. ; prof. hist, and econ., and head dept., Russell Sage Coll. Mod. European hist. Moulton, Augustus F., 98 Exchange st., Portland, Me. A, B., A. M. ; counsellor at law; mem. Me. Hist. Soc, Me. Hist and Geneal. Soc. Gen. and local hist. Mowbray, Ralph Howard, 745 Riverside drive. New York, N. Y. Ph. B. ; sales- man, Allyn and Bacon. Mod. European hist. Mueller, Henry R., 119 N. West St., AUentown, Pa. A. B., A. M. Am. hist. Mueller, Marguerite C, 4644 Dover st., Chicago, 111. S. B., A. M. Munger, George G., 605 Snow bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. A. B. ; lawyer. Munro, Annette Gardner, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. A. M. ; educator; dean for women; mem. Roch. Hist. Soc, Archael. Inst, of Am. Mod. hist. Munro, Dana Carleton, Princeton, N. .T. L. H. D. ; prof. mod. hist., Princeton Univ. ; mem. St. Hist. Soc Wis., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Am. Philos. Soc Med. hist. Munro, Harriet Bennett, Bishopthorpe Manor, South Bethlehem, Pa. A. B. ; pre- ceptress, Bishopthorpe Manor School. Mod. hist. Munro, Wilfred Harold, 115 Butler ave.. Providence, R. I. A. B., A. M., L. H. D. ; educator, author ; emeritus prof. European hist., Brown Univ. ; mem. R. I. Hist. Soc (pres.), Barnard Club, Am. Antiq. Soc, Minn. Hist. Soc, St. Hist. Soc, Wis., Providence School Com., R. I. Hist. Teachers Assn. Spani-sh hist. Munro, William Bennett, 774 Widener Memorial Library, Cambridge, Mass. A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; educator; prof, municipal govt., Harvard Univ.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. French Canad. hist. Munson, Raymond Burton, box .504, Collegeville, Pa. Ph. B., A. M. ; prof. hist. and pol. sci., Ilrsinus Coll.; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Sliddle States and Md. Am. hist. ; mod. European hist. Murdoch, Kenneth R., Chino, Calif. A. B. ; student. Murphey, Kermon King, Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; instr. econ. ; mem. Am. Econ. Assn. Am. hist. Murphy, Retta, 412 W. Hopkins St., San Marcos, Texas. A. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof, hist.. Southwest Texas St. Normal Coll. ; mem. Texas St. Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist. Murray, Effingham C, 531 Birch St., Richmond Hill, New York, N. Y. A. B. Murray, Margaret Piersol (Mrs. Robinson), 23 Brighton ave., Kirklyn, Upper Darby P. O., Pa. A. B., A. M. Mod. European hist. Murray, Robert Cornelius, 625 W. 113th st. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., Riverdale Country School ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Schoolmasters Assn. of N. Y. Mod. European hist. 422 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. » Musser, John, New York University, University Heiglits, New York, N. Y. A. B., A. ]M., Pli. D. ; asst. prof. Am. hist. Muzzey, David Saville, 492 Van Cortlandt Park ave., Yonlcers, N. Y. A. B., D. P.., Phi. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ. Am. hist. Myers, Albert Cook, Kentuiore Lodge, Moylan, Pa. L. B., L. M. ; hist, writer and editor; mem. Hist. Soc. Pa., Friends Hist. .Soc. of England (consultative councillor for Am.), Friends Hist. Soc. of Pliila., Historians Club of Phila. Life and times of William Penn. Myers, Clifford R., Capitol annex, Charleston, W. Va. A. B., A. M. ; teacher; state historian and archivist; mem. Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., W. Va. Edn. Assn., N. E. A., Am. Legion. Hist, of the Trans-Allegheny region. Myers, Denys Peter, 40 Mount Vernon st, Boston, 9, Mass. Myers, Irene T., Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. Ph. D. ; teacher, dean of women. S. Am. hist. Myers, Philip Van Ness, College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. A. B., LL. D. ; hon. lecturer in hist., Univ. of Cincinnati. Ane. hist. Myers, William Starr, 104 Bayard lane, Princeton, N. J. A. B., Ph. D. ; teacher and journalist ; prof, pol., Princeton Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Md. Hist. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. hist., 1848-1898, and gen. pol. NAGORSKI, Francis Thomas, 522 E. 10th st., Erie, Pa. LL. B. ; lawyer ; supt. accounts iind finance, city of Erie. Gen. hist. Nanes, Philip, 473 Hancock st, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ph. B., A. M. ; teacher hist, Bushwick H. S. ; mem. N. Y. H. S. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Nash, Francis, Raleigh, N. C. Lawyer ; asst. atty. gen. of N. C. ; mem. St. Lit. and Hist. Assn. U. S. hist.. State and local. Nash, Lyman Junius, Manitowoc, Wis. A. M. ; reviser of Wis. statutes ; mem. St. Hist Soc, Wis. Const, law. Neale, Sidney Chapman, 1208 F st. nw., Washington, D. C. L. B. ; lawyer ; counsel for corporations ; mem. Va. Hist. Soc, Columbia Hist. Soc. Neeb, George Frederick, 335 19th ave., Columbus, Ohio. A. B., A. M. Neely, Rt. Rev. Thomas B., 4513 Chester ave., Philadelphia, Pa. D. D., Ph. D., LL. D. ; bishop. Neeser, Robert Wilden, American Embassy, Paris, France. A. B., A. M. ; author and historian. Am. and gen. naval hist. Neff, Harold Alpha, Winnei', S. Dak. A. B. ; H. S. teacher. Am. hist. Neff, Jesse Case, Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. Neilson, Miss N., Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Selden Soc. Early Eng., legal, and econ. hist. Nelson, Ernest William, 307 Stewart ave., Ithaca, N. Y. A. B. Nelson, Peter, 143 N. Pine ave., Albany, N. Y. A. B. ; librarian ; chief, MSS. section. New York St. Lib. ; mem. A. L. A. N. Y. State hist. New, Chester William, McMaster University, Toronto, Ont., Canada. A. B., D. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. Med. church hist. ; Eng. and Canada, early 19th cent. DIRECTORY. 423 Newcomb, Rexford, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. A. M., S. B. ; asst. prof. architectural List.; mem. Kaus. St. Hist. Soc, Hist. Soc. of So. Calif., Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., Soc. for Promotion of Engr. Edn. Hist, of art and architecture; Spanish renaissance. Newcombe, Alfred Watts, 71 W. Losey st, Galesburg, 111. A. B„ D. B., asst. prof. European hist., Knox Coll. ; mem. Chicago Church Hist. Club. Mod. European hist. Newcomer, Waldo, National Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. A. B. ; pres. of bank ; mem. Md. Acad, of Sci. Newhall, Richard Ager, 353 Ellsworth ave., New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; iustr. hist., Yale Univ. French med. hist. Newman, Jacob, 473S Woodlawn ave., Chicago, 111. A. M. Nichols, Henry A., care Houghton Mifflin Co., 4 Park st., Boston, Mass. Nichols, Royal Franklin, 439 W. 123d St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; grad. student, Columbia Univ. ; mem. Sons Am. Rev. Am. hist. Nichols, Walter Hammond, 1845 Webster st, Palo Alto, Calif. S. B., A. M. ; prin., Palo Alto Union H. S. ; mem. N. E. A., Calif. St. Teachers Assn., Calif. Schoolmasters Club. Nicolay, Helen, The Woodward, 2301 Connecticut ave., Washington, D. C. Writer. Am. hist. Nightingale, John Trowbridge, care A. N. Hood, 18 Treniont st., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; treas. and mfr. Noe, Sydney Philip, care American Numismatic Society, Broadway at 156th St., New York, N. Y. S. B., A. M. ; sec. and libn. Anc, and Am, col. hist. Norcross, Grenville Howland, 35 Congress st., Boston, Jlass. A. B., LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Bostonian Soc. (pros.), Am. Antiq. Soc, N. H. Hist. Soc Nordlie, Herman Clarence, Moorhead, Minn. A. B., A. M. ; head hist, dept, Concordia Coll. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Mod. and recent European and Am. hist. Northcutt, Clarence Linwood, 2073 E. 5th ave., Knoxville, Teun. Head dept. hist., Knoxville H. S. Northrop, Amanda Carolyn, 15 E. 38th st.. New York, N. Y. Asst. prof, hist., Hunter Coll. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., N. Y. C. Hist. Teachers Assn. Eng. hist. Northrop, George Norton, 60 E. 61st St., New York, N. Y. L. B., A. M. ; mem. Mod. Language Assn. Early 17th cent. hist. Norton, Mrs. Charles F., 510 N. Broadway, Lexington, Ky. Ph. B. ; libn. Transyl- vania Coll. Norton, David Z., 68 Wade bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Norton, Margaret Cross, 1000 University ave., Columbia, Mo. Ph. B., A. M., L. S. B.; librarian; mem. A. L. A. Am. and Eng. hist. Norton, William J., 501 5th ave.. New York, N. Y. IM. E. ; engineer, firm of Norton, Bird, and Whitman ; mem. Am. Inst, of Electrical Engrs. Naval hist. Norwood. J. Nelson, Alfred University. All'red, N. Y. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. an;l pol. sri. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist, since 1800. Notestein, Wallace, 237 Goldwin Smith Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. A. B., A. M.. Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, Minn. St. Hist. Soc Mod. Eng. hist. Novotuy, Vincent Thomas, St. Procopius College, Lisle, 111. A. B. 424 AMERICAN HISTORICAL, ASSOCIATION. Noyes, Arthur Herbert, 479 14tli ave., Columbus, Ohio. A. B. Noyes, Charles P., 89 Virginia ave., St. Paul, Minn. Wholesale druggist ; pres., Noyes Bros, and Cutler, Inc. ; mem. Minn. St. Hist. Soc. Noyes, Edmund S., Kensington, Md. A. B. ; teacher hist., Central H. S., Wash- ington. Mod. European hist. Noyes, Elizabeth Browning, Lindsay, Calif. L. D., L. M. ; vice prin. and teacher of soc. studies, Lindsay H. S. Nusshaum, Frederick L., 1314 S. 57th st, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Temple Univ. P'rench Rev. ; 19th cent. hist. Nute, Grace Lee, 53 Garden st., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; student at Radcliffe Coll. Am. hist. Nutt, Harry D., 1618 S. University ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. OAKES, George W. Ochs, The Times, New York, N. Y. Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, 2113 Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ph. D. ; ed. and author. Am. hist. O'Brien. Mary F., 384 Jefferson ave., Detroit, Mich. Oestreich, Kev. Tliomas, Belmont, N. C. O. S. D. ; v. pres. Belmont Abbey Coll. Ogg, Frederic A., 1715 Kendall ave., Madison, Wis. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. pol. sci., Univ. of Wis.; mem. State Hist. Soc. Wis., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. (sec- treas.), Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law., N. Y. Acad. Pol. Sci. Mod. European hist. Ogilby, Rev. Remsen B., Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. A. M., D. B. Oglozinski, Francis B.. care American Red Cross., 58 E. Washington st., Chicago, 111. Oldfather, Charles Henry, Mills pi., Crawfordsville, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; prof. Greek and ancient hist, Wabash Coll. ; mem. Am. Philos. Assn., Classical Assn. Middle West. Greek and Roman hist. Oldfather, William Abbott, 804 W. Green st., Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, classics, Univ. of 111. ; mem. Am. Philol. Assn., Arch^.eol. Inst, of Am., Classical Assn. Middle West and South. Anc. hist. Oliveira Lima, Manoel de, Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. Writer; mem. Royal Soc. Lit. (London), Brazilian Acad. Letters, Spanish Royal Acad. Hist, and Languages, Portuguese Acad. Sci., Junta de Historia of Buenos Aires, Acad. Hist, of Caracas, Hist, institutes of Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paulo, Peruambuco, etc. Dipl. hist. Oliver, John William, Indianapolis, Ind. I)ir. Ind. Hist. Comm. Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck, 611 W. Oregon st, Urbana, 111. Ph. D. ; prof, hist, curator. Oriental Museum, Univ. of 111. ; mem. Am. Oriental Soc. (dir., sec- treas. Western Br.), Soc. of Bibl. Lit, Soc. of Bibl. Research, Classical Assn. Middle West and South, Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Anc. Near East, esp. Assyria. Babylonia, Asia Minor, Palestine. Olmsted, William Beach, Pomfret School, Pomfret, Conn. A. M., L. H. D. ; head master. Olsen, Nils Andreas, Office of Farm Management, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. A. M. ; asst. agricultural economist. Am. agrarian hist.; Anglo-Baltic commercial hist. O'Neill, Anne Wade, 701 S. 6th st, Chickasha, Okla. A. M. ; prot hist, head dept., Okla. Coll. for Women; mem. Nat Edn. Assn., Okla. Edn. Assn., United Daughters of the Confederacy. Hist. Fed. Govt. n DIRECTORY. 425 O'Neill, Rev. Thomas Lantry, 2630 Ridge road, Berkeley, Calif. A. B., Ph. D. ; rector of Newman Hall. Orbison, Inez, box 37, station H, Cleveland, Ohio. Head dept. hist., Glen- ville H. S. Orvis, Julia Swift, S Summit road, Wellesley, Mass. A. B., I'h. D. ; prof, hist., Wellesley College. Mod. European hist. Osborn, Benjamin Franklin, Rippey, Iowa. S. B., A. M. ; pharmacist ; County Bonrd of Edn. ; mem. Iowa St. Hist. See. (life), Greene County Hist. Soc. (chm.). Pol. hist, and geneal. Osborn, Mary George, 90 Prospect St., Pawtucket, R, I. A. B., A. M., head hist. dept, Pawtucket H. S. ; mem. 11. I. Teachers Inst, ,R. I. Teachers Hist. Assn. Eng. and U. S. hist Osborne, Hattie, Baldwin, Kans. Librarian, Baker Univ. ; mem. A. L. A., Kans, Lib. Assn, Osborne, James Harvey, Crawfordsville, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; prof, and assoc. libn., Wabash Coll. Am. hist. Osgood, Ellen Louise, 20 W. 10th st. New York, N. Y. A. B. ; teacher hist. ; co- ordinator of the Julia Richman H. S. ; mem. Assn. Hist Teachers Middle States and Md. (N. Y. conf.). Industrinl hist. Ott, Mary Castle, 323 N. Market St., Frederick, Md. Assoc, in hist. Hood Coll. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers IMiddle States aiid Md., H. S. Teachers Hist. Assn. of Frederick Co., Frederick Co. Hist. Assn. Anc., med., and mod. European hist. ; Am. hist. Owen, Thomas M., jr., Dept. of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala. Owens, J. Louise, R. 1, no. 39, Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. S. B., A. M.; asst teacher hist., Boys' High School, New York. PACKARD, Laurence Bradford, University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. A. B. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Rochester Hist. Soc. Mod. European hist. Packard, Sidney R., American Express Co., London, England. A. B., A. M. ; traveling fellow. Harvard Univ. Med. France. Paetow, Louis John, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. L. B., L. M., Ph. D. ; prof. med. hist. Intellectual hist, of Middle Ages. Page, Alice Emily, 1606 2d ave. e.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Ph. B. ; asst prof, hist., Coe Coll. European hist. Page, Edward Carlton, 322 Augusta ave., DeKalb, 111. A. B. ; prof, hist.. Northern 111. St. Normal School ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Hist. Assn. (Eng.), Am. Assn. of Museums. Am. hist.; teaching of hist Page, Thomas Nelson, 1759 R st nw., Washington, D. C. Litt. D., LL. D. Page, Thomas Walter, University, Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prot econs. ; chairman, U. S. Tariff Commission. Econ. hist. Pahlow, Edwin William, Lawrenceville, N. .T. L. B., A. INI., Ph. D. ; head hist. dept., Lawrenceville School; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Mod. European hist. Paine, Frederick Holmes, 185 Gates ave., Bi-ooklyn, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher ; chm., dept. hist.. Eastern Dist. H. S. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Schoolmasters Assn. of N. Y, and Vicinity, H. S. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. 426 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Painter, Carl Franklin, Middletown, Incl. A. B. ; teacher in H. S. Palm, Franklin Charles, Plaza Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist., Colorado Coll. Palmer, Herriott C, Franklin, Ind. S. B., A. M. ; prof. Am. hist, and pol. sci. ; mem. Ind. State Teachers Assn. (pres. ). Am. hist. Palmer, Irene B., Elizabeth College, Salem, Va. Prin. and teacher hist. Palmer, Mary J., .528 14th ave se., Minneapolis, Minn. A. B. Paltsits, Victor Hugo, 48 Whitson St., Forest Hills Gardens, Long Island, N. Y. Librarian ; chief, Am. hist, div., keeper of MSS., custodian of Spencer Coll., N. Y. Pub. Lib.; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci. (fellow), Am. Ethn. Soc. (fellow), N. Y. Hist. Soc, N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Prince Soc. of Boston, Am. Anthrop. Assn., A. L. A., Bibliog. Soc. of Am., Bibliog. Soc. of Eng., Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci., Me. and N. J. hist. socs. (corresp.). Am. hist. Parish, John Carl, State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. ed.. State Hist. Soc. ; mem. Iowa St. Hist. Soc, 111. St. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Park, James, 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Park, Joseph H., New York University, University Heights, New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. Park, Julian, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., dean. Coll. of Arts and Sci. ; mem. Buffalo Hist. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. European hist. Park, Orville Augustus, 556 College St., Macon, Ga. Attorney at law. Parker, Norman S., 1410 Marquette bldg., Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; patent attorney, firm of Parker and Carter. Med. and mod. European hist. Parmenter, James Parker, Courthouse, Boston, Mass. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; justice, municipal court; mem. Arlington Hist. Soc. (pres.), Bay State Hist. League. Gen. European hist. Parrish, Mary Alice Hanna (Mrs. J. C), Vaudalia, Mo. A. B., S. B., A. M., Ph. D. Eng. and Am. hist., 18th cent. Patten, Frank Chauncy, Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas. Librarian; mem. A. L. A., Texas Lib. Assn., N. E. A., Texas St. Hist. Assn., Texas Hist. Soc, Galveston, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Ecou. Assn., Nat. Municipal League, So. Edn. Soc. Patten, Henry J., Ill W. Jackson blvd., Chicago, 111. Ph. B. ; retired; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc. (trustee), Evanston Hist. Soc. (trustee). Patterson, David Leslie, 1135 Ohio st., Lawrence, Kans. S. B. ; prof, hist., asst. dean. Coll. of Liberal Arts and Sci., Univ. of Kansas ; mem. Kans. St. Hist. Soc. Med. European hist. Patterson, James Kennedy, Lexington, Ky. Ph. D., LL. D. ; pres. emeritus, Univ. of Ky. ; mem. Authors Club. Royal Hist. Soc, Soc. Antiquaries of Scot- land. Eng. and allied hist. Pattison, Salem Griswold, Coe College. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A. B., A. M.,. LL. D. ; i)rof. hist. ; mem. N. E. A., Iowa Teachers Assn. Am. and Eng. hist. Patton, Sarah S. M. (Mrs. Henry W.), Hoquiam, Wash. Mem. Oregon St. Hist. Soc, D. A. R., Wash. St. Plist. Soc, Calif. Geneal. Soc. Soc. Mayflower De- scendants. Am. hist. DIRECTORY. 427 ♦Paullin, Charles Oscar, 917 19th st. nw., Washington, D. C. Ph. D. ; historical research ; stuff, Dept. of Hist. Research, Caruef^ie Institution of Washington ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Naval Hist. Soc, U. S. Naval Inst. Am. hist. geog. ; Am. naval hist. Pautz, William Carl, Berea, Ohio. Teacher. Paxson, Frederic Logan, 2122 Van Hise ave., Madison, Wis. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Univ. of Wis. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., St. Hist. Soc. Wis. (v. pres., curator). U. S. hist., recent, and western. Payne, Charles Edward, Grinnell, Iowa. A. M. ; prof. European hist, Grinnell Coll. Hist. Brit. Empire. Peake, James Frederick, Itandolph-Macon Wom.ui's College, Lynchburg, Va. A. B., A. M. ; prof. pol. sci.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Const, hist. Pearson, Charles Cliilton, Wake Forest, N. C. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. pol. sci., Wake Forest Coll. ; mem. N. C. Hist, and Lit. Soc. U. S. hist, since 1860. Pearson, George Edward, 325 Highland ave., W. Somerville, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; teacher; submaster, Somerville H. S. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Tufts Coll. Teachers Assn. Am. hist, and govt. Pearson, Henry Greenleaf, Dudley road, Newton Center, Mass, A. B. ; head dept. Eng. and hist, Masa Inst, of Tech.; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, N. E. Assn. Colleges and Prop. Schools, N. E. Assn. Teachers of Eng. U. S. hist., Civil W;ir. Pease, Mary Everett, 164 Cherry st., Burlington, Vt. A. B. Pease, Theodore Calvin, University Club, Urbana, 111. Ph. B., Ph. D. ; assoc. in hist.. Univ. of 111. : mem. Miss. "N'alley Hist. Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc. Eng. and Am. hist. Pease, William Arthur, 4136 N. Kedvale ave., Chicago, 111. A. B. ; teacher, Crane Technical H. S. and Junior Coll. European hist Peck, Beatrice, 400 The Monterey, Chester ave. and 43d St., Philadelphia, Pa. I'h. B. ; teacher hist, West Phihidelphia H. S. for Girls. Peck, Paul Frederick, 913 High St., Grinnell, Iowa. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, hist, Grinnell Coll. ; mem. Iowa State Hist. Soc., 111. State Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Iowa State Teachers Assn. Am. and Latin-Am. hist. Peine, Arthur Frederick, Manhattan, Kans. A. B., A. M., asst. prof. hist, and civics., Kans. State Agr. Coll. Am. industrial hist. Peirce, Harold, 222 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. S. B. ; life ins. agt. ; mem. Chester Co. Hist. Soc, Bucks Co. Hist. Soc, Montgomery Co. Hist. Soc, Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci. (fellow). Am. and Eng. hist Peisch, Archie M., box 434, station A, Ames, Iowa. A. B. ; assoc. prof, econ., Iowa State Coll. Pence, Mrs. Gwen Jones, 519 W. North st., Lima, Ohio. A. B. ; teaclier hist.. Central H. S. ; mem. Ohio Teachers Assn., Northwestern Ohio Teachers Assn., N. Fj. a., Ohio Vajley Hist. Assn. Anc, med., and commercial hist Pennypacker, Isaac R., 31 Wyoming ave., Ardmore, Pa. Litt D. ; editor, au- thor, director ; Meade Memorial Comm. ; mem. Hist. Soc. of Pa. U. S. hist., Civil War. Percy, Lord Eustace, 3 Southwick crescent, London, England. A. M., D. H. L. ; secy. British diplomatic service. Perkins, Clarence, University, N. Dak. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. European hist. ; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist., e.sp. mod. Eng- land. 428 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOlSr. Perrin, John William, Case Library, Cleveland. Ohio. A. M., Ph. D. ; librarian. Am. hist. Perring, Louise F., .5426 Angora terrace, apt. B, Philadelphia, Pa. S. B.; A. M. ; teacher ; supervising prin., Phila. Public Schools ; mem. Phila. Geog. Soc. Am. hist. Perry, Mrs. Mary N., 1224 Madison ave., Baltimore, Md. Peskind, Dr. Arnold, 2414 E. 55th st., Cleveland, Ohio. M. D. ; surgeon ; pres., E. 55th St., Hospital Co. ; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Sociol. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Gen. hist. Peterson, Arthur Everett, Evander Childs High School, New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; teacher and ed. ; cbm., hist. dept. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., N. E. A., N. Y. C. H. S. Teachers Assn., Assn. Coll. and Prep. Schools Middle States and Md. Hist. N. Y. City. Peterson, Conrad Albin, 625 St. Paul st., St. Peter, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Gustavus Adophus Coll. ; mem. Minn. Edu. Assn., Minn. Hist. Soc, Soc. for Advancement of Scandinavian Study. Mod. hist. ; Scandi- navian (Swedish) hist. Petrie, George, Auburn, Ala. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and dean of Acad. Faculty, Ala. Polytechnic Inst. ; mem. Ala. Hist. Teachers Assn., Ala. Edu. Assn., Ala. Centenary Comm. Am. hist. Pettihone, John, New Milford, Conn. Ph. B. ; supt. of schools. Am. hist. Pf eiffer, Laura B., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc prof. European hist. ; mem. Nebr. St. Hist. Soc, Nebr. St. Teachers Assn. French Rev. Phelan, James Duval, Phelan bldg., San Francisco, Calif. A. B. ; banker ; U. S. senator ; mem. of Soc. Calif. Pioneers. Hist, of Pacific Coast. Phelan, Mary Ionise, 2150 Washington st., San Francisco, Calif. Philbin, Patrick Ambrose, Archbald, Pa. Bank teller; mem. Am.-Irish Hist. Soc, Lackawanna Inst, of Hist. Am. hist. Philbrick, Francis S., Northwe.stern University Law School, Chicago, 111. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, law ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Acad. Pol. Sci. (N. Y.), Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Bar Assn., Nebr. St. Hist. Soc Hist, of soc institutions. Phillips, James Duncan, 4 Park st., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; publisher; treas., Houghton Mifflin Co.; mem. Essex Inst., Topsfield (Mass.) Hist. Soc, N. E. A. Am. and mod, European hist. Phillips, Paul C, State University of Montana, Missoula, Mont. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Hist. of Northwest. Phillips, TJlrich Bonnell, 1954 Cambridge road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist., Univ. of Mich. ; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, Ga. Hist. Assn., Ga. Hist. Soc. (hon.). Am. hist. Phyfe, Robert Eston, 233 Sargeant st., Hartford, Conn. A. B. ; vice prin., Hart- ford Public H. S. ; mem. Conn. Hist. Soc, Headmasters Club of Central Conn. (pres.). Textbooks for secondary schools. , Piatt, Richard H., box 236, Santa Maria, Calif. A. B. Am. hist., western. Pierce, Elizabeth Denny, Vassnr College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; instr. in art, asst. curator of Art Gallery ; mem. Archaeol. Inst. Am., Am. Philol. Soc. Anc. hi.st. DIRECTORY. 429 Pierce, Henry Clay, 15 E. 57tli St., New York, N. Y. Chairman and pres., Pierce Oil Corp. Pioneer explorationi5. Pieters, Aleida Johanna, IMilwaukee-Downor College, Milwaukee, Wis. A. B., A. M. Pierson, William Whatley, jr., Chapel Hill, N. C. Ph. B., A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., Univ. of N. C. Am. hist. Pike, Charles Sherman Bentley, box 053, Williamstown, Mass. Student, Wil- liams Coll. Mod. European hist. Pingrey, Jennie L., Proctor, Vt. A. B. Pitman, Frank Wesley, 150 Edgehill road. New Haven, Conn. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, hist., Yale Univ. ; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. British col. hist., British West Indies. Platner, John Winthrop, Audover Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Mass. A. P.., A. M., D. D. ; prof, church hist. Church hist. Platner, Samuel Ball, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. A. B., I'll. i;>. ; prof. Latin ; mem. Am. Phllol. Soc, Archael. Inst. Am. Roman hist. Pletcher, Nuba Mitchel, Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. B. ; head hist. dept. ; mem. Am. Geog. Soc. Mod. hist., commercial ; Great War. Plimpton, George Arthur, 70 5th ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B. ; publisher ; treas. Barnard Coll. Plum, Harry Grant, Iowa City, Iowa. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. European hist.. State Univ. of Iowa; mem. Iowa Social Sci. Soc, Iowa St. Teachers Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Eng. hist. Poffenbarger, Livia Simpson (Mrs. George), Point Pleasant, W. Va. LL. D. ; realtor, historian, and genealogist ; mem. of Charleston Real Estate Board and Chamber of Commerce ; mem. Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc, Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Sons and Daughters of Pilgrims, D. A. R., Colonial Dames, Woman's Xat. Press Assn. (v. ]n-es.l. Hist, of W. Va. and Va. ; Am. Rev., and col. period ; geneal. Pollard, Annie A., Grand Rapids, Mich. Pomeroy, Oscar Sherman, State Hospital, Pontiac, Mich. Nurse at State hospital. Pomeroy, Rev. Ralph B., 175 9th ave., New York, N. Y. A. M., D. B. ; prof. eccl. polity and law. Gen. Tlieol. Sem. Mod. eccl. hist. Ponce de Leon, Julio C, Archivo Nacionai, Ilabana, Cuba. Asst. chief, Nat. ArL'hlves. Pooley, William V., 2253 Sherman ave., Evanston, 111. Ph. D. ; instr. in Eur. hist.. Northwestern Univ. Porcher, Isaac de C, Pinopolis, S. C. Post, Abram S., SI Fultttn St., New York, N. Y. C. E. ; real estate ; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc Gen. hist. Potter, Emery Davis, 1131 Nicholas bldg, Toledo, Ohio. LL. B. Potter, Mary, 10001 Euclid ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher, I^aurel School. Aiic, med., and mod. hist. Pouge, George Rawlings, Paris, ilo. Ph. B., A. M. Pousland, Caroline Loring, Farmington, Conn. A. B. ; teacher. Miss Porter's School. Powell, Anna Irion, 172 W. Oak St., Denton, Texas. A. B. 13600,S— 21 6 430 AMERICAN HIgTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. I Powell, Fred Wilbur, 1815 Belmont road, Wasliington, D. C. A. B., A. M., Pb. D. ; economist; trade commr. (London), Bureau of For. and Domestic Commerce; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Nat. Municipal League. Am, econ. hist. Powell, Thomas Reed, Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. A. B., LL. P... Vh. I).; assoc. prof, const, law; mem. Vt. Hist. Soc, Am. Econ. Assn., ' Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. const, hist. Power, Mary Fairman, 163 Canfield ave. w., Detroit, Mich. Ph. B. ; teacher hist.. Central H. S. ; mem. Mich. St. Teachers Assn., Mich. Schoolmasters Club. Am. hist. Powers, Marion Louise, 315 Lyon st, Grand Kapids, Mich. A. B. ; teacher of Latin and hist.. Central H. S. ; mem. Mod. Language Assn., Classical Assn, Middle West and South, Mich. St. Teachers Assn., Mich. Schoolmasters Club, Grand Rapids Teachers Club. Am. hist. Pratt, Jennie A., South Glastonbury, Conn. Teacher, Hartford Pub. H. S. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Anc, med., Eng. hist. Pray, Carl E., Ypsilanti, Mich. A. M. ; prof, hist., head hist, dept., Mich. State Normal Coll.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mich. St. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. const, hist. * Prentice, E. Parmalee, 35 Wall St., New York, N. Y. _ Prentice, William Kelly, 12 Nassau st., Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. M., Ph. D.;, prof. Greek, Princeton Univ.; mem. Am. Philol. Soc, Archaeol. Inst. Am., N. J. Hist. Soc, Am. Assn. Univ. Professors. Anc. hist. Prescott, A. C, 1626 N. 8th st., Sheboygan, Wis. Ph. B. ; lawyer. Preston, Harry Boynton, Henuiker, N. H. A. B. ; instr., Kimball Union Academy, Meriden ; mem. N. H. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Preston, Helen Gertrude, 20 Ketcham place, Elmhurst, N. Y. Ph. B., Ph. D.; teacher; chm., dept. hist., Newton H. S. Mod. European and Am. hist. ♦Preston, Howard Willis, 98 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. A. B., A. M. ; bookseller; mem. R. I. Hist. Soc. (sec), Newport Hist. Soc Am. col. hist. Price, Ralph Ray, 826 Houston st., Manhattan, Kans. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and civics, Kansas St. Agricultural Coll.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Agr. Hist. Soc, Kans. St. Hist. Soc (life, dir.). Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Kans. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. and agr. hist. Price, Ruth, 302 Thorn st, San Diego, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; teacher, H. S. an(^ Junior Coll.; mem. San Diego Teachers Assn., Calif. Teacliers Assn. Am hist. Prichard, Walter, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Lti. A. B., A. M. actg. prof. hist. Am. hist. Priddy, Mrs. Bessie Leach, 502 Forest ave., Ypsilanti, Mich. Ph. B., A. B. A. M., Ph. D. ; dean of women and assoc prof, hist., M*ich. State Normal Coll. mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Mich. St. Teachers Assn., Mich. Schoolmasteri Club. Am. and European hist. Priestley, Herbert Ingram, 1425 Arch St., Berkeley, Calif. A. M., Ph. D. ; asst prof. Mexican hist., libn. Bancroft Lib., Univ. of Calif.; mem. Sociadad di Geografia y Estodistica, Mexico (corresp). Hisp.-Am. hist. Prince, Benjamin Franklin, 644 N. Wittenberg ave., Springfield, Ohio. A. B A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci., Wittenberg Coll. ; mem. Ohio Archseo. and Hist. Soc, Am. Econ. Assn. Am. hist., 1789-1880. DIRECTORY. 431 Puckett, Erastus Paul, Fayette, Mo. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and dean. Central Coll. ; mom. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Mo. St. Hist. Soc, Mo. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Puig, Louise Margarita, 1270 Carroll St., Broolilyn, N. Y. A. B. ; teacher hist., Manual Training H. S. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci. (Columbia Univ.), Am. Geog. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Midde States and Md., N. Y. C. H. S. Teachers Assn., Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sci. Renais- sance and Reformation; mod. European and Am. hist., inc. local N. Y. Pulcifer, Mrs. Pauline, 52G E. Mitchell ave., Turlock, Calif, B. L. Pulschen, Louise Armstrong, 85 Meadow lane. New Rochelle, N. Y. Teacher Latin, New Rochelle H. S. U. S. hist. Pulsifer, William E., 239 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. A. M. ; edn. pub.; pres. D. C. Heath and Co. ; mem. Econ. Club of N. Y., N. E. A. Pol. hist. Purcell, Richard J., 321 I st. ne., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; instr. hist.. Catholic Univ. Am. and Eng. hist. Purmort, Lillian M. B. (Mrs. Henry C), 3430 Prairie ave., Chicago, 111. Mem. Soc. INIayflower Descendants, 111. (life, historian), D. A. R., Daughters of 1812. Putnam, Bertha Haven, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. A. B., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist. ; mem. Seldou Soc, London, Royal Hist. Soc, Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Eng., legal, and econ. hist., later I\Kddle Ages. Putnam, Eben, Wellesley Farms, Mass. Genealogist ; dept. historian, Mass, Dept. Am. Legion ; mem. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Suffolk lust. Archaeol. (Eug.), Calif. Hist.-Geneal. Snc Local col. hist.; Eng. hist, and geneal. prior to 1040. Putnam, Elizabeth Whitney, care Bankers Trust Co., 16 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Putnam, Harrington, 404 Washington ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B., LL. D. ; lawyer; ju.stice supreme court of N. Y. ; mem. L. I. Hist. Soc. (trustee), N. Y. St. Hist. Assu. N. Y. hist, col. and Rev. periods. Putnam, Herbert, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. A. B., Litt. D., LL. D.; Librarian of Congress; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc, Col. Soc, Mass. All fields of hist. Putnam, Mary Burnham, 314 Forest ave., Ypsilanti, Mich. Ph. B., Ph. M., Pd. M. ; assoc prof. pol. sci. and econ., State Normal Co'.l. ; mem. Mich. St. Teachers Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Sci. Mod. hist. Putnam, Ruth, 2025 O st., Washington, D. C. A. B. ; student in liist. ; mem, Soc. of Dutch Letters, Leiden, Hispanic Soc. Am. West of the Rhine, from the Netherlands to Switzerland. Pyne, M. Taylor, Princeton, N. .T. A. B., A. M., LL. B.. L, H. D. ; lawyer ; trustee, Princeton TTniv., chm.. New Jersey Public Lib. Conuu. ; mem. N. J. Hist. Soc, N. Y. Hist. Soc, A. L. A., Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Anthrop. Soc, Am. Classical Assn., N. Y. Acad. Sci. Medieval hist. ftllAIFE, Milo Milton, State Historical Library, Madison, Wis. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. I>. : historian and libr.-irian ; mem. Am. Antiq. Sue, Chicago Hist. Soc, 111. St. Hist. Soc Am. hist. Quick, Charlotte Ferguson, Bona Thonqison Memorial, Butler College I^ibrary, Indianapolis, Ind. 432 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RADEBATJGH, William. 6537 Perry ave., Chicago, 111. A. M. f| Rahr, Reinhardt, Manitowoc, Wis. Ph. C. Rammelkamp, Charles Henry, Illinois College, Jacksonville. 111. Ph. B., Ph. D. ; educator; pres. coll.; mem. 111. St. Hist. Lib. (trustee), Morgan Co. (111.) Hist. Soc. (pres.), 111. St. Teachers Assn. Hist, of N. Y. and 111. Ramsdell, Charles William, University station, Austin, Texas. A. B., A. M.. Ph D • prof. Am. hist., Univ. of Texas; mem. INIiss. Valley Hist. Assn., Texas St.* Hist. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. Sci., Texas St. Teachers Assn. U. S. hist., southern, and Civil War. Ranck, Samuel H., Public Library, Grand Rapids, Mich. A. B., A. M. ; librarian, G. R. Pub. Lib.; mem. Md. Hist. Soc, Mich. Pioneer and Hist. Soc. (hon. life),' Am. Econ. Assn., Bibl. Soc. Am., Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. U. S. hist., Mich, and Lancaster Co., Pa. Rand, Benjamin, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M.. Ph. D. ; , author; libn., Philosophical Lib., Harvard T'niv. ; mem. Boston Authors Club, ' Copley Soc, Am. Folk-Lore Soc, English Speaking Union, Harvard Canadian Club. Relations of Canada and the U. S. Rand, Charles F., 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Mine owner; mem. United Engineering Soc. (pres.). Am. Inst. Mining Engineers. Randall, James Garfield, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; mem. Va. St. Teachers Assn., Va. Hist. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist, , Civil War and subsequent period. Randolph, Bessie Carter, 2129 Hanover ave., Richmond, Va. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist. ; mem. Va. Soc. Hist. Teachers, Va. St. Teachers Assn. Internat. law and govt. Raney, William Francis, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. A. B., Ph. D. European hist., 19th cent. Ranger, Walter Eugene, 39 Oriole ave.. Providence, R. I. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; : teacher; state commr. of pub. schools; mem. R. I. Hist. Soc, N. E. A., Am. Inst, of Instruction, R. I. Inst, of Instruction, Barnard Club, A L. A. Am. hist. Ratcliffe, Emory, 1375 Glenn ave., Fresno, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; head dept. hist., Fresno St. Normal School; mem. N. E. A., Calif. St. Teachers Assn.. Fresno Co. Hist. Soc. (sec). Am. hist., western. ; Raymond, Mrs. Dora Neill, 430 W. 118th st. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M.^! research student, Columbia Univ. Mod. European hist. Rea, E. Kate, 224 E. Broadway, Anaheim, Calif. L. B., L. M. ; teacher U. S. hist., Santa Anna H. S. U. S. hist. Read, Benjamin M., Santa Fe, N. Mex. Read, Conyers, 211 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M., Lltt. B., Ph. D. Eng. hist., since 1485. Reece, R. J., Cayuga, Ind. A. B. ; teacher ; supt. of schools. U. S. hist. Reed, Alfred Zantzinger,. 522 5th ave., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. LM teacher- staff, Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching; mem. Am Pol. Sci. Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Sci. Reed, Charles L., Mechanic Arts High School, Boston, Mass. Ph. B-, A. M head dept. hist.; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. and industrial hist. Reed, Rachel, 54 Mills st., Morristown, N. J. A. B. DIRECTORY. 4^3 Rees, John E., Salmon, Lemhi Co., Idaho. S. B., lawyer ; mem. Oregon Hist. Soc, Wash. Univ. St. Hist. Soc, Hist. Soc. Idaho Pioneers, Lemhi Hist. Soc. Idaho pioneer hist, Rees, Col. Robert I., War I'lans Division, Gen. Staff, War Department, Wash- ington, I). C. Col., U. S. Army. Reese, Albert, Piatt ave., Scarsdale, N. Y. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; lawyer. Reeve, Zelma Cora, 2515 Webster St., Berkeley, C^lif. S. B., L. M. ; teacher. Reeves, Jesse S., 1945 Cambridge road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Ph. D. ; prof. pol. sci., Univ. of Mich.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Assn. Univ. Professors. Am. dipl. hist. Reid, Ida C, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Ph. B., Ph. M. ; asst. prof, hist. ; mem. Arizona St. Hist, and Archaeol. Soc. Am. hist. Reilly, Drusilla M., 722 W. Market St., Lima, Ohio. Teacher Am. hist., Lima IL S. Relf , Frances Helen, Lalce Erie College, Painesville, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and govt. Eug. Pari, hist., 1G03-1629. Renich, Katharine Louise, 422 W. Main st., Clinton, 111. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., Clinton H. S. European hist., med. Renninger, Warren D., Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M., I'h. D. ; prof, hist; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Assn. Plist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Montgomery Co. (Pa.> Hist. Assn. Mod. European hist. Renter, Bertha Ann, Franklin College, Frankli:i, Ind. A. M. ; prof. hist. Revir, Irwin, 108 S. La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Ph. B. ; retired ; trustee North- western Univ. ; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc, Am. Assn. Advancement Sci., Archaeol. Inst. Am., Evanston Hist. Soc. Am. hist. * Reynolds, Dorrance, Wilkesharre. I'a. A. B., LL. B. ; lawyer; lieut. col.. Inf. Kes. Corps, U. S. A. ; mem. Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc, Am. Statistical Assn., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Am. and Eng. hist. Rhodes, Charles Barker, Hennessey, Okla. A. M. ; traveling rep., AUyn and Bacon, publishers ; mem. Kans. St. Hist. Soc, State teachers assns. of Ivans., Colo., and Okla. Am. hist. * Rhodes, James Ford, 392 Beacon st, Boston, Mass. LL. D., D. Litt. ; writer of hist. ; mem. INIass. Hist. Soc, Nat lust. Arts and Letters, Am. Acad. Arts and letters. Am. Philos. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. (fellow), British Acad. (fellow), Cambridge Hist Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc U. S. hist., 1S50-1S96. Rice, Emily J., 5526 Blackstone ave., Chicago, 111. Ph. B. Rice, Frederick A., 20 2d st., San Francisco, Calit A. B. ; publisher, with Ginn and Co. Am. hist. Richards, Oron E., 10 I-]. Lexington .st., Baltimore, Md. A. B., .V. M. Am. hist. Richards, Robert Haven, 4026 du Pont bldg., Wilmington, Del. A. B. ; lawyer ; iiieni. Hisl. Sue. Del., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Sci. U. S. hist.; biography. Richards, William H., .525 Florida ave. nw., Washington, D. C. Richardson, David C, City Hail, Ivichnioml, Va. LL. P..; lawyer; judge of Hustings Court; mem. Va. Hist. Soc. (life, rec. sec). Am. hist. Richardson, Ernest Gushing, Princeton, X. J. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; librarian, Princeton Univ. ; mem. X. J. Hist Soc, Societi Ligure di Storia Patria (corresp.), A. L. A. Documentary criticism, 13th cent.; European war. 434 AMERICAN HISJOEICAL ASSOGIATION. Xlichardson, Lillie, Newcomb College, New Orleans, La. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist; mem. La. Hist. Soc. Eng. hist. Richardson, Lula McDowell, box 202, Port Deposit, Md. A, B. Richardson, Mary W., 1020 Rayner st., Memphis, Tenn. Teacher hist.. Central H. S. ; mem. Memphis Teachers Assn. Mod. hist. Richardson, Oliver Huntington, 4717 19th ave. ne., Seattle, Wash. A. B., A. M., Th. D. ; prof. European hist, Univ. of Wash. Mod. European and Eng. hist. Richardson, Robert Kimball, 829 Church st,, Beloit, Wis. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Beloit Coll. ; mem. St. Hist. Soc. Wis. Med. hist. Ridgate, Thomas H., sr., room 70, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Clerk, U. S. Govt. Govt. hist, records. Riegel, Robert Edgar, 17 N. Bassett St., Madison Wis. A. B. ; asst Eng. hist, > Univ. of Wis. Mod. U. S. hist. Rieman, Mrs. Charles Ellet, 10 E. Mt. Vernon pi., Baltimore, Md. Chairman Pub. Com., Nat. Soc. Colonial Dames of Am. ; mem. Md. Soc. Col. Dames of Am., D. A. R., Daughters of 1812, Daughters of the Confederacy, Md. Hist Soc. Hist, research and preservation. Riggs, Sara M., 219 W. 13th St., Cedar Falls, Iowa. L. B. ; head hist, dept., Iowa State Teachers Coll.; mem. Iowa St. Hist Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. | Assn., Iowa St. Teachers Assn. Mod. hist. Riker, Thad W., University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Litt. B. ; assoc. prof. mod. European hist. ; mem. Am. Asiatic Assn. Mod. European hist., esp. 18th cent Riley, Franklin I., Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof. hist, and head dept. ; mem. La. Hist. Soc, Mo. Hist. Soc, Ala. Hist. Soc, Va. Edn. Assn. Am. hist Rippy, J. Fred, 48 Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M. Ripton, Benjamin Henry, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. A. B., A. M.. Ph. D.. . LL. D.; prof, hist; mem. Schenectady Co. Hist. Soc, Am. Assn. Univ. Pro- fessors. European and Eng. hist. | Robb, J. Irwin, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Head dept. hist.. Northeast H. S., Philadelphia. U. S. hist Robbins, Charles I., 1049 Woodlawn, Iowa City, Iowa. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, education, State Univ. of Iowa; mem. Am. Sociol. Soc, Nat Soc for Study of Edn., N. E. A. Am. hist. Roberts, Frank H. H., East Las Vegas, N. Mex. Pd. B., Ph., B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; pres.. New Mexico Normal Univ. ; mem. State Teachers Assn., School- masters Club, Santa Fe Soc of Archa^ol. Inst. Am., Colo. Schoolmasters Club, N. E. A., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Assn. for Teaching Spanish. Am. hist.; French Rev. Roberts, Martin Arnold, 2841 Saint Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Library of Con- gress. Med. and dipl. hist. Robertson, Gabrielle, 1357 College st.. Bowling Green, Ky. Asst. dept. hist. Western Ky. State Normal School. Robertson, James Alexander, 1422 Irving st. ne., Washington, D. C. Ph. B., L. H. D. ; govt clerk, with rank of chief; research div.. Bureau of For. and Domestic Commerce ; manag. ed., Hispanic-American Hist. Review ; mem. Am Pol. Sci. Assn., Asiatic Soc. of Japan, Philippine Acad, (chancellor emeritus) Hispanic Soc. Am. (corresp.). Miss. Valley Hist Assn. Hisp.-Am. hist., anc the Philippines. DIRECTORY. 435 Robertson, James Rood, Berea, Ky. Ph. D. ' Robertson. William Spence, 80G Michigan ave., Urbana, 111. Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist., University of 111.; uieni. Hisp. Soc. Am. (corre.sp.), Nat. Acatl. Hist. of Venezuela (corresp.), Nat. Acad. Hist, of Colombia (hon.). Am. and Hisp.-Ani. hist. Robins, Florence Eustis, 1330 19th St., Washington, D. C. A. B. ; tchr. hist., Miss Madeira's School. Robins, George D., The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. A, B., LL. B. ; head hist. :iltb ave., Boslon, Mass. A. B., IMi. I).; mem. Koyal Hist. Soc. Eng. hist., 15th cent. Scoggin, Gilbert Campbell. Felton Hall, Cambridge, JIass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. Greek and oomi). philol., Univ. of Mo. ; mem. Classical Assn. Middle West and South (v. pres.), Bibliog. Soc. Eng., Am. Oriental Soc, Bibllog. Soc. Am. Anc. and med. hist. * Scott, Albert Lyon, fiO Federal St., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; engineer; vice pres., Lockwood, Greene and Co. Scott, Arthur P., Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M., D. B., Ph. D. ; asist. prof., Univ. of Chicago. Mod. European hist.; expansion of Europe. * Scott, Austin, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. LL. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. scl. Scott, Clarence Watkins, Durham, N. H. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; prof, hist., N. H. Coll. Scott, Franklin William, 803 Michigan ave., Urbana. III. A. P.., A. M., Ph. D. ; as.st. prof. Eng., Univ. of 111.; mem. 111. St. Hist. Soc, Mod. Language Assn. of Am., Nat. Council Teachers of Eng. Eng. and Am. journalism, and hist, of Centrar West. Scott, Harold Lorain, Robert College. Constantinople, Turkey. A. M. ; asst. prof. hist. Mod. European hist. * Scott, Henry Edwards, 9 Asliburton place, Boston, Mass. A. B. ; ed. of pubs. and rec sec, New England Hist. Geneal. Soc. ; mem. Soc. of Mayflower De- scendants, Soc of Col. Wars, Medford (Mass.) Hist. Soc. Am. and Eng. hist, and geneal. Scott, Margaret Gale, 2 Berkeley place, Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; teacher; grad. student in hist, Itadcliffe Coll. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Phila. Hist. Teachers Club, Phila. Teachers Assn. Am. hist, Scott, Nancy Elnora, 43 Cowles Hall, Elmira College, Elmira, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, sociol. and hist. ; mem. Am, Sociol. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Eng. hist, and the Renaissance. Scott, William Wallace, Gordonsville, Va. L. B. Seabury, John Alden, 124 Pulaski st, Brooklyn, N. Y, Seal, Harvey C, Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb, 111. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prof. hist. ; mem. 111. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Sears, Louis Martin, 120 Andrew place. West La Fayette, Ind. A. B., A, M. ; teacher; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. U. S. hist. * Sedgwick, Lee M., care Coates House, Broadway and 10th st, Kansas City, Mo. Seekell, G. Edith, G26 Ethel ave. se., Grand Rapids, Mich. Seiders, Charles A., 15.33 Nicholas bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Lawyer; mem. North- western Ohio Hist. Soc, Maumee Valley Pioneer and Hist. Assn, Am. hist. Seligman, Edwin Robert Anderson, 324 W. S6th St., New York, N, Y, A. B., A. M., LL. B., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof. pol. econ., Columbia Univ.; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Brit. Royal Econ. Soc, Soci^te d'Econonn'e Politique, Am. Statist. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Assni. for Labor Legislation. Econ. hist. Seliskar, John, St. Paul Seminary. Grovoland t'ark, St. Paul, Minn. Ph. D. ; prof, philos. Sell, Martha Ertach, 30G N. Lake st., Madison, Wis. A. P.: teacher hist, H. S. Sellers, James L., 337 W. Mifflin st., Madison, Wis. A. B. ; fellow in hist., Univ. of Wisconsin. Am. hist., reconst period. 440 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Sellery, George Clarke. 2021 Van Hise st., Madison, Wis. Pli. D. ; pi'of. European Iiist., Univ. of AVis. * Severance. Allen Dudley, 8S21 Euclid are., Cleveland, Ohio. A. M., D. B. ; assoc. prof, churcb hist., Adelbert Coll. Severance, Frank Hayward, 150 Jewett ave., Buffalo, N. Y. S. B., L. H. D. ; sec.-treas., Buffalo Hist. Soc. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. (trustee and v. pres. ), Ontario Hist. Soc. Hist. Great Lakes and Niagara region. Seybolt, Robert Francis, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Pb. B., A. M., Pb. D. ; assoc. prof. bist. of edn. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Wi.s. Acad. Arts, Letters, and Sci. Hist, of edn., with esp. ref. to tbe metl. and Am. col. fields. Seymour, Arthur H., 1518 S. Grant St., Aberdeen, S. Dak. A. M. Seymour, Charles, 127 Everit St., New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M., Pb. D. ; prof, hist., Yale Univ. Mod. European bist. Shahan, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas Joseph, Catholic University of America, Wash- ington, D. C. D. D.. LL. D. ; rector of the Univ. Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, Iowa City, Iowa. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, and head dept. of pol. sci., St. Univ. of loAva ; supt. and ed. of tbe St. Hist. Soc. of Iowa ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Iowa hist, and hist, of Miss. Valley. Shanks, Caroline Lewis (Mrs. L. P.), Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. A. B., Pb. D. U. S. hist. Shannon, Richard Cutts, Brockport, N. Y. LL. D. Sharon, John A., 2216 Bellfield ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher hist, and civics, Cleveland H. S. of Edn. Shaw, Albert, 30 Irving place, New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; ed.. Review of Reviews; mem. Bureau of Municipal Research, N. Y. (trustee), Acad. Pol. Sci. (v. pres.), Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statist. Assn. Shaw, Caroline Barnard, 10 Avon St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; asst. to treas., Radcliffe College; mem. Old South Hist. Soc. Am. bist. Shaw, Joseph Lawrence, Geneseo, 111. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer ; mem. 111. St. Bar Assn., Am. Geog. Soc. U. S. hist. Shaw, Oliver W., Austin, Minn. Pres. First Nat. Bank ; mem. Minn. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Shearer, Augustus Hunt, Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; librarian, Grosvenor Lib., lecturer, Univ. of Buffalo ; mem. Buffalo Hist. Soc, N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc, A. L. A., N. Y. Lib. Assn., Bibliog. Soc Am. Am. bist. Shearer, John Louis, 133 Forest ave., Lexington, Ky. A. M. ; educator ; retired ; mem. Am. Geog. Soc, Navy League. Hist, of commerce and industi'y, and local. Sheldon, Addison Erwin, Station A, Lincoln, Nebr. A. B., A. M., Pb. D. ; lecturer, Univ. of Nebr., dir.. Legislative Ref. Bureau, sec, St. Hist. Soc. ; mem. Nebr. Acad. Sci., Sons Am. Rev. Am. hist., western, and ethnol. Shelton, William Henry, 47 5tb ave., New York, N. Y. Shepard, Walter James, 203 S. Gai'tb ave., Columbia, Mo. A. B. ; prof. pol. sci., Univ. of ]Mo. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci., Mo. Hist. Soc. Am. bist. DIRECTORY. 441 Shepardson, Francis Wayland, Slatehoiise, Springfield, 111. A. R., A. M., Ph. D., IJi. I).; (lir., Kegistration iiiul Kdn., St. of 111.; niein. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Asiatic Soc., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc, 111. Soc. Sons Am. Rev. Am. hist. Sheplierd, William R., Columbi.i University, New York, N. Y. A. M., Ph. D., L. li. D. ; prof, hist.; mem. Si)anish Royal Acatl. hist, (corresp.), Nat. Acad. Hist, of Venezuela (corresp.), x^cad. Hist, of Cuba (corresi).), Argentine Scientitic Soc. (corresp.), Hisp. Soc. Am., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci. Mod. Enrojiean, and Hisp.-Am. hist. Sherman, Alda, CmO Buckinghaiii pi., Chicago, 111. A. B. ; teacher, Lawrenceville H. S. IT. S. hist. Sherman, Gordon Edward, ;>."> Ogdcu pi., Morristown, N. J. Ph. P., LL. B. ; retired; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Acad. Pol. Sci., Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Bar Assn., N. Y. Bar Assn., Morris Co. Bar Assn. Const, hist, and internat. law. Sherman, William Roderick, 7 Congdon st.. Providence, R. I. A. B., A. M. ; instr. econ.. Brown T'niv. Am. dipl. hist. Sherwell, Guillermo A., room 155, Treasury Building, Washington, D. C. Ph. D. ; juristic expert, Internat. High Commission, head prof. Spanish, Georgetown Univ. ; mem. N. B. A., Am. Assn. Teachers of Spanish, Hispanic Soc. Am., Acad. State of Vera Cruz, Spanish-Am. Athenaenm of Wash. (pres.). Spanish and Spanish-Am. hist. Sherwood, Henry Noble, 15 N. Edward St., Franklin, Ind. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and dean, Franklin Coll.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Sherwood, Homer Deming, 39 King st., Worcester, Mass. A. B. ; teacher. Shilling, David Carl, 205 X. 9th st., Monmouth, III. Pd. B., A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and head dept., Monmouth Coll.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hi.st. Shine, Joseph Bernard, 7708 S. Grei'u st., Chicago, 111. Ph. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., Lindblom H. S. ; mem. 111. St. Hist. Soc, 111. St. Teachers Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. As.sn., X. E. A. Am. and mod. European hist. Shipman, Henry Robinson, Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. ]M., Ph. I).; assoc. prof. hist, and pol., Princeton Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci., Am. Asiatic Assn. ]\lod. European and P^ng. const, hist. Shippee, Lester Burrell, 141 Bedford st. se., Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., A. M., Ph. 1).; asst. prof, hist., Univ. of Minn.; mem. Minn. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist, nat. period, and western. Shores, Venila Lovlna, 325 E. 1st st., Jacksonville, Fla. A. B., A. M. ; mem. AVonien Teachers Assn. of Vt., Winooski Valley Teachers Assn., D. 'A. R., U. S. Daughters of 1812. Am. hist. Short, Edward Marion. Wymore, Nehr. A. B. ; supt. of schools. Am. hist. Shortridge, Wilson Porter, 140G Hepburn ave., Louisville, Ky. A. B., A. M., I'h. I).; prof. hist, and head dept, I.^niv. of Louisville; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Minn. Ili.st. Soc. Am. hist. Shortt, Adam, Board of Historical Publications, Ottaw.i, Ont., Canada. A. M., LL. D. ; chm. of board. Public Archives of Canada ; mem. Royal Soc. of Canada (fellow), Ont. Hist. Soc, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., iToyal Colonial Inst, of London (fellow). Canad. hist., pol. and econ, Shotwell, James Thomson, Columbia University, New York, N. Y, Ph. D. ; prof. hist. 442 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Shryock, Richard Harrison, 4509 Regent St., Philadelphia, Pa. S. B. ; grad. student and asst. instr., hist, dept, Univ. of Pa.; mem. Schoolmasters Club of Phila. Am. hist, col. and TJ. S. Siebert, Wilbur Henry, 182 W. 10th ave., Columbus, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; prof. European hist.. Ohio State Univ. ; mem. Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Archaeol. and Hist. Soc, Ohio Hist. Teachers A.ssn., Royal Soc. of Canada (corresp. ), Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci. Sinsabaiigh, Henrietta, 191 High st., Springfield, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist, and civics, H. S. of Commerce; mem. Vassar Alumnae Hist. Assn., N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Springfield Teachers Club. Am. hist. Sioussat, Annie Leakin (Mrs. Albert), Lake Roland P. O., Baltimore Co., Md. Historian, Md. Soc. Colonial Dames of Am. Sioussat, St. George Leakin, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist. ; mem. Md. Hist. Soc, Tenn. Hist. Soc, R. I. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ohio Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Acad. Pol. Sci., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Sci. Am. hist, esp. of the South and West. Skeel, Emily E. F. (Mrs. Roswell, jr.), 133 E. 40th st, New York, N. Y. Mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Bibliography. Skinner, Avery W., State Education Department, Albany, N. Y. A. B. Slade, Louis Palmer, New Britain, Conn. A. B., A. M. ; prin.. Pub. H. S. ; mem. Headmasters Assn., Headmasters Club of Conn. Am. hist. Slade, William Adams, 1667 Monroe st. nw., Washington, D. C. Ph. B. * Slattery, John Richard, 14"'^ rue Montaigne, Paris, France. Slease, Anna May, 3119 Kelvin St., Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B., A. JI. ; instr. hist., Schenley H. S. ; mem. Western Pa. Secondary School Assn. Am. hist. * Sloane, William Milligan, Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., Litt. D., L. H. D., LL. D. ; writer ; prof, hist., Columbia Univ. ; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Letters, Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters, N. Y. Hist. Soc. (v. pres.), Mass. Hist. Soc. Contemporary hist Smith, Charles Augustus, 1812 Ray st., Madison, Wis. A. M. ; asst. prof, hist, Univ. of Wis.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., St. Hist. Soc. Wis., Wis. Teachers Assn. Eng. hist. Smith, Charles Henry, 461 S. Goodman st., Rochester, N. Y. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; prof, emeritus Am. hist., Yale Univ. ; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., Me. Hist. Soc. (hon.). New London Co. Hist. Soc. (hon.) ; Am. hist Smith, Charlotte J., 45 Camp st.. New Britain, Conn. A. B., A. M. ; instr. Am. hist.. Vocational H. S. ; mem. Conn. St. Teachers Assn. Mod. and Am. hist. Smith, Donald E., 211 W. 13Sth st.. New York, N. Y, Ph. D. Smith, Edward Conrad, Weston, W. Va. A. B., A. M. ; grad. student, Harvard Univ.; mem. IMonongahela Valley Teachers Assn. Am. pol. hist Smith, Edwin B., 1905 10th ave., Greeley, Ohio. S. B., A. M. ; pro! hist, and pol. sci., Colorado Teachei's Coll. Smith, Ernest Ashton, Salt Lake City, Utah. A. B., Ph. D. ; supt. of schools ; mem. N. E. A. Mod. and Am. hist. Smith, Ernest Emmons, 180 Maple St., Brooklyn, N. Y. A. B. ; head hist, dept.; Manual Training H. S. ; mem. Assn. Hist Teachers Middle States and Md., N. Y. C. High School Teachers Assn., Brooklyn Teachers Assn. Am. hist. DIEECTOKY. 443 Smith, Franklin Hans, 414 W. 120tli St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; asst. teacher, Wadleigh H. S. ; mem. N. Y. H. S. Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist. Smith, Henry A, M., 26 Meeting St., Charleston, S. C. A. B., LL. D. ; dist. judge, eastern dist. of S. C. : mem. S. C. Hist. Soc. Local hist, of S. C Smith, Hermon Hale, Lamoni, Iowa. A. M. ; liead dept. liist., Graceland Coll. ; asst. historian. Latter Day Saint Church; ed. Journal of Hist. Smith, Irene Kirschstein (Mrs. Lewis E.), 2451 Park ave., Lincoln, Nebr. A. B., A. M. ; tchr. hist., Lincoln II. S. ; mem. Nebr. Teachers Assn. Anc. and med. hist. Smith, John Weitzel Forney, 816 4th st. nw., Washington, D. C. D. C. L. Smith, Justin Harvey, 7 W. 43d St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; historical writer; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Mass. Mil. Hist. Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc, N. H. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Smith, Kendall Kerfoot, 129 Hope St., Providence, R. I. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. Greek lit. and hist., Brown Univ. ; mem. R. I. Hist. Soc, Brown Univ. Teachers Assn. Anc. and mod. Greek hist. Smith, Madorah E., Salida, Colo. A. B., A. M. Smith, Mary Shannon, Woman's University Club, 106 E. 52d St., New York, N. Y. A, B., A. M. ; teacher, research work ; mem. N. C. Lit. and Hist. Assn., D. A. R. Am. and industrial hist. Smith, Paul Sydney, 5 Conaut Hall, Cambridge, Mass. A. M. . Smith, Preserved, 20 Prescott St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; writer and lecturer ; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist. 16th cent. hist. Smith, Richard Roy, the Macmillan Co., 66 5th ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B. ; publisher ; mgr. of college dept. ; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., Mod. Language Assn., Soc. for Promotion of Engr. Edn., Math. Assn. of Am. Smith, Theodore Clarke, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist.; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. and recent Eng. hist. Smith, Walter McMynn, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. A. B. ; libra- rian of the univ. ; mem. St. Hist. Soc. Wis., Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, A. L. A. Am. hist. Smith, Warren Brownell, 234 Elm St., Ripon, Wis. Ph. B.; real estate broker. Am. col. hist. Smith, W. Roy, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn INIawr, Pa. Ph. D. ; prof. hist. Smither, Harriet Wingfield, Georgetown, Texas. A. B., teachei-. Smyser, Fanny Alice, 1416 11th St., Sacramento, Calif. A. B. ; teacher civics, Junior II. S. ; mem. Calif. Teachers Assn., N. E. A., Nat. Soc. for Study of Edn. Civics. Smyth, Robert Lacy, 2509 Hearst ave., Berkeley, Calif. Snowden, Louise Hortense, 2205 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. S. B. ; instr. hist. ; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Med. and mod. hist. Soliday, George W., 3732 High lane, Seattle, Wa.sh. Sones, Dr. Calvin 0., Panora, Iowa. M. D. Soper, Alexander Coburn, 801 Forest ave., Lakewood, N. J. A. M. ; retired; tru.stee of Hamilton Coll. U. S. hist. Sotendahl, Rev. Mons, New London, Minn. Clergj'raan. Souby, Armand Max, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. A. B. 444 AMERICAN HISXOKICAL ASSOCIATION. Sparks, Edwin Erie, State College, Pa. A. B., A. ^T., Fh. D., LL. D. ; prof, in Pa. State College; mem. 111. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Sparks, Rev. Thomas Ayres, 175 9th ave.. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., D. B. ; clergyman ; Mayo fellow. General Theol. Sem. ; mem. Acad. Pol. Sci. Hist. of thought and culture. Sparrow, Caroline Lambert, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Va. Hist. Soc. Am. hist., 1760-1830. Spaulding, Lieut. Col. Oliver Lyman, jr., The Brighton, Washington, D. C. A. B., LL. B. ; officer, U. S. A. ; chief. Hist. Branch, War Plans Div., • Gen. Staff. Military hist. Spencer, Abraham Lincoln, G129 Chestnut st., I'hiladelphia, Pa. Ph. B. ; prof. hist, Central II. S. ; mem. Phila. Teachers Assn., The Hist. Club (Phila. H. S. teachers). Spencer, Charles Worthen, University of Nevada, Reno, Nev. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. pol. sci. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn.. N. Y. Acad. Pol. Sci., N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. Am. col. hist., esp. N. Y. Spencer, Effie B., 1118 Avery st., Parkerslmrg, W. Va. Teacher European hist., H. S. ; mem. W. Va. Teachers Assn. European hist. Sperry, Earl Evelyn, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Ph. D. Spiegelberg, F., 36 W. 76th st.. New York, N. Y. Spielman, William Carl, Carthage College, Carthage, 111. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and soc. sci. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist.. Middle West. Spofford, Ernest, 1300 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Asst. libn.. Hist. Soc. of Pa., libn., Gilpin Lib.; mem. Geneal. Soc. of Pa. (rec. sec), Numismatic and Antiq. Soc. of Phila. (rec. .sec). Pa. Fed. of Hist. Socs. Pa. hist. Sprague, Edith, 2019 Cedar st, Berkeley, Calif. L. B., L. M. * Sprague, Rufus F., Greenville, Montcalm Co., Mich. Stagg, Pauline H., 384 Valley road. West Orange, N. J. Teacher, Thurston Prep. School, Pittsburgh; mem. Vassal- Alumnae Hist. Assn., Pittsburgh Hist. Soc, Maria Mitchell Assn. Am. hist. Stanclift, Henry Clay, Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. Ph. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Soc. Internat. Law. ]\Iod. European and Am. hist, and related field of pol. sci. Staples, Thomas Starling, Conway, Ark. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist., Heudrix Coll. ; mem. Axn. Pol. Sci. Assn., Ark. Hist. Teachers Assn. Recent Am. hist. Start, Cora Angeline, 58 Fruit st, Worcester, Mass. A. B., A. M. Am. hist. Start, Edwin Augustus, 1708 Ravenna blvd., Seattle, Wash. A. B., A. M. ; dir. Univ. Extension Service, Univ. of Wash. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Steefel, Lawrence D., 110 Merriman st., Rochester, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law. Hist, of Europe since 1815. Steele, Esther Clarkson Mayer, The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Ph. B. ; dir. and teacher hist. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. U. S. hist., Va. Steele, Rev. James Dallas, 15 Grove terrace, Passaic, N. J. Ph. D., D. D. ; clergyman, I'^rst Presbyterian Church; mem. Am. Oriental Soc Church hist., Eng. and Am. Steiner, Bernard Christian, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. B.; lawyer; librarian; mem. Md. Hist Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc. Am. hist. DIRECTORY. 445 Stephens, Ernest, 135 Nabant St., Lyiui, Mass. A. B. ; asst. siipt. schools; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Mod. Euroi)eaii, and U. S. hist. Stephens, Frank Fletcher, Columbia, Mo. Ph. B., Pb. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. Am. hist., Univ. ol' Mo.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., St. Hist. Soc. Mo., Mo. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Stephens, George Arthur, Moline, 111. Retired mfr. ; co. ohm., war savings or- ganization; mem. Art Alliance of Am., Central States Div. (pres.). U. S. hist. Stephenson, Carl, Department of History, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. Med. hist. Stephenson, George Malcolm, 55 Melbourne ave. se., Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., S. B., A. M., Pb. D. ; instr. hist. Univ. of Minn. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Minn. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright, Charleston, S. C. A. B. ; prof, hist.. Coll. of Charleston. Stevens, Ernest Nichols, 3 5 Ashburton pi., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; asst. to ed.-iu- cbief, Ginn and Co. ; mem. Mod. Language Assn. of Am. Am. hist. Stevens, Wayne Edson, 1624 19tb st. n\v., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M., Pb, D. Am. hist. Stevenson, Edward Luther, 17 Lake ave., Yonkers, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Pb. D., LL. D. ; literary work; actg. dir., Hispanic Society of Am.; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc, New Brunswick Hist. Soc. Mod. hist. ; bist. geog. Stevenson, Helen G., 13G 2d ave., Newark, N. J. Pb. B. Stevenson, Lillian, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. A. B., A. M. ; assoc. prof. bist. ; mem. Texas Hist. Teachers Assn., Texas St. Teachers Assn., D. A. li. Recent Am. bist. Steward, Helen Rebecca, Elon College, N. C. A. B. ; dean of women and prof. hist., Elon Coll. Am. col. hist. Stewart, Anna, S52 V\'. 35tb place, Los Angeles, Calif. Head dept. bist., Los Angeles K. S. Stewart, Frank H., Old Mint bldg., 37 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pres., Frank H. Stewart Electric. Co.; mem. Gloucester Co. (N. J.) Hist. Soc. (pres.), Sons Am. Rev. ( Gloucester Co. chapter, pres.), Geneal. Soc. Pa. (dir.). Hist. of west New Jersey. Stewart, H. Louise, 49 Warren St., Ellenville, N. Y. A. B. Stewart, Jesse Eloise, 912 ,Tay St. se., Aberdeen, S. Dak. V. prin. Aberdeen H. S. Stewart, John, Chambersburg, Pa. LL. D. Stewart, Lispenard, 31 Nassau st.. New York, N. Y. A. B., LL. B. ; treas., Rbinelander Real Estate Co. Stewart, Watt, Summersville, W. Va. A. B. Stiiler, Susan Reed (Mrs. W. W.), Peking Union Medical College, Peking, China. A. B., Pb. D. Am. col. bist. Stilwell, Lewis Dayton, 8 School St., Hanover, N. H. A. B., A. :M. ; instr. hist., Dartmouth Coll. Am. bist. Stimsou, Dorothy, Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky. A. B., A. M., Pb. D. ; Prof. hist, and pol. sci., dean of women; mem. N. E. A. Med. and mod. European bist. 13G908— 21 7 446 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOIsr. • Stock, leo Francis, 3737 Michigan ave. ne., Wasliington, D. C. A. M., Pli. D. ; researcli asst. Dept. Hist. Research, Carnegie Institution of Washington. Am. pol. hist. Stoddard, Theodore lothrop, 1768 Beacon st., Brooliline, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., J. B. ; author; nieiu. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, Acad. Pol. Sci., Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci. Mod. world hist. * Stoeckel, Carl, Norfolk, Conn. A. M. ; retired ; mem. Archaeol. Inst. Am. (life), Am. Assn. Advancement Teaching (life), Conn. Hist. Soc. (life), Litchfield Hist. Soc. (life), Ptoyal Soc. Arts (London), Am. Geog. Soc. (life, fellow), N. Y. Acad. Sci. (life), N. British Acad. Arts (life, fellow). Gen. hist. Stokes, Rev. Anson Phelps, Woodbridge Hall, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M., D. B., D. D. ; edu. adm., and clergyman ; sec, Yale Univ. ; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. New Eng. col. hist. * Stokes, William E. D., 73d st. and Broadway, New York, N. Y. Stone, Alfred Holt, Dunleith, Miss. LL. B. ; cotton planter ; writer ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, Am. Econ. Assn., Miss. Hist. Soc. Stone, Edna Harriet, 5303 Lawton ave., Oakland, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; super- visor of teacher training ; head dept. of social studies, Univ. H. S. ; mem. Iowa St. Hist. Soc, N. E. A., Calif. Hist. Teachers Assn., Calif. St. Teachers Assn., Oakland Teachers Assn., Oakland H. S. Teachers Assn. Hist, in gen. Stone, Mrs. Mary Hanchett, Rose Lawn, Saginaw, W. S., Mich. Lecturer. Storms, Albert B., Baldwin Wallace College, Berea, Ohio. President of college. Stout, Amanda, 163 Lafayette ave.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Teacher, dept. of hist., Central H. S. ; mem. Grand Rapids Teachers Club, Hist. Soc. Grand Rapids, Asiatic-Euglish-Speaking Union. Mod. European hist. Stowe, Rev. Walter Herbert, 175 9th ave., New York, N. Y. A. B., D. B. ; priest- hood of the Epis. Church; fellow, graduate work in General Theological Seminary. Mod. secular and eccl. hist. Stowell, Ellery Cory, 3734 Oliver St., Washington, D. C. A. B., Licenci6 en droit; lawyer; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Soc. Interuat. Law. Dipl. hist. Stowell, Roy Sherman, 132 Warwick ave., Rochester, N. Y. A. M. ; head dept. hist., West H. S. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. and mod. European hist. Straus, Oscar S., 5 W. 76th st.. New York, N. Y. A. M., Litt. D., LL. D. Straus, Percy S., care of R. H. Macy and Co., Herald square. New York, N. Y. A. B. ; merchant ; v. pres., R. H. Macy and Co. Strauss, Percival Smith, 6012 Morton st., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. S. B. ; dept. hist.. Germantown H. S. * Streeter, Dr. Edward Clark, 280 Beacon st, Boston, Mass. A. B., M. D. ; physician. Hist, of sci. Streeter, Floyd Benjamin, 728 E. Franklin ave., Lansing, Mich. A. B., S. B., A. M. Streeter, Frank Sherwin, 234 N. Main St., Concord, N. H. A. B. Strittmatter, Eugene J., 325 34th St., Woodcliff-on-Hudson, N. J. A. B. ; stu- dent ; traveling fellow in Columbia Univ. ; mem. Chicago Classical Club. Anc. and med. hist. Stroock, Solomon Marcuse, 19 W. 76th St., New York, N. Y. S. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Geog. Soc. DIKECTOEY. 447 Stroud, Clifton, Fenton, Mich. Teacber. Stubbert, Mary R. W., Hillside, Chesterton lane, Cambridge, England. "■Sullivan, Francis John, 2323 Hyde ave., San Francisco, Calif, LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. Calif. Pioneers, Native Sons Golden West. Sullivan, James, State Education bldg., Albany, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D, ; state historian ; dir., div. archives and hist., Univ. of the State of N. Y. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. U. S. hist., N. Y. Summers, Beatrice Marie, Phoenix High School, Phoenix, Ariz. A. B. ; head dept. hist. Sumner, George Stedman, Claremont, C;ilif. A. B., PIi. D. ; prof, econ., Pomona Coll. ; Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, So. Calif. Pol. Sci. Assn. Econ. hist. Sumner, John Osborne, The Charlesgate, 535 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. A. B. ; prof, hist., ]Mass. Inst, of Tech. Surrey, Mrs. N. M. Miller, 593 Riverside drive. New York, N. Y. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; calendar work. Am. hist. Sutfin, Charles Ide, 703 W. 23d St., Wilmington, Del. S. B. Sutliff, Phebe Temperance, 234 High St., Warren, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; mem. :\Iahouing Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Assn. for Interuat. Conciliation. Mod. hist. Sutphen, Ethel, 1392 Belle ave., Lakewood, Ohio. Sutton, Ethel Lillian Brewster, .59 Howe ave., Middletown, Conn. A. B. ; teacher hist. Swain, Joseph Ward, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; instr. hist. Mod. European and church hist. Swanson, Frederick Curtis, 4.34 Temple St., New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M. ; instr. hist., Yale Univ. Sweeney, John D., Red Bluff, Calif. Supt. of schools; mem. Acad. Pacific Coast Hist., N. E. A., Northern Calif. Teachers Assn. (treas.), Calif. Schoolmasters Club, Schoolmaster Club of Northern Calif. Hist, of Calif.; Am. hist. Sweet, Alfred H., University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. A. M., Ph. D. ; mem. Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Med. hist., esp. Eng. Sweet, Eev. Charles F., 1839 Shirao, Tokyo, Japan. Clergyman ; prof, theol., Trinity Divinity School; mem. Asiatic Soc. of Japan. itweet, William Warren, G32 E. Washington St., Greencastle, Ind. A. B., D. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., DePauw Univ. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Soc. Church Hist., Ind. Hist. Soc. Am. church hist. Swem, Earl Gregg, The Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. A. B., A. M. ; librarian; mem. A. L. A., Va. Hist. Soc. Am. hist., Va. Swenson, Harold, New Ijondon, Minn. Swetland, Roger Williams, Peddie Institute, Hightstown, N. J. A. M.. prin. Peddie Inst. Swisher, Charles Clinton, 1810 Kalorama road, Washington, D. C. Ph. D., LU. D. ; prof, of comparative polities, School of Jurisprudence and Diplomacy, George Washington Univ. *Sze, Sao-Ke Alfred, 49 Portland pi., London, W. 1, England. A. B., A. M. ; govt. oJficial ; Chinese minister to the Court of St. James. Mod. European hist. 448 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. TAKAGT, Yasaka, Felton Hall, Cambildge, Mass. Student at Harvard Univ.; asst. prof., Law Coll., Imperial Univ. of Tokio Am. hist. * Talbot, Marion, Green Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. B., S. B., A. M., LL. D. ; dean of women, and prof. ; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sei. (fellow), Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci., Am. Assn. Univ. Professors. Talbott, Mrs. laura Osborne, care of Dr. G. Wright, Forest Glen, Md. Talkington, Henry Leonidas, 902 9th ave., Lewiston, Idaho. A. B., A. M. ; head dept. hist. State Normal School ; mem. Northwestern Hist. Soc, Inland Empire Teachers Assn. Hist, of Pacific Northwest. Tall, Lida Lee, Maryland State Normal School, Towson, Md. S. B. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., N. Y. Hist. Teachers Assn., N. E. A., N. Y. Soc. for the Study of Experimental Edn. Am. hist. Tanner, Edwin Piatt, 524 Ostrom ave., Syracuse, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist, Syracuse Univ. ; mem. L. I. Hist. Soc, N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Tansill, Charles C, 1251 Kearney st., Brookland, D. C. Ph. D. Tarbell, Ida Minerva, 132 E. 19th St., New York, N. Y. Writer and lecturer; mem. Am. Ecou. Assn. Am. hist., pol. and econ., since 1S50 ; French Ilev. Taussig, Rudolph J., 1521 Van Ness ave., San Francisco, Calif. Retired; regent, Univ. of Calif.; mem. Acad, of Sci. (treas.). Early Spanish- Am. hist. Taylor, Annie M., 32S Summer St., Stamford, Conn. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist. and econ., Stamford H. S. Mod. hist. Taylor, Charles Henry, 4402 Greenwood ave., Chicago, 111. Retired mcht ; mem. Chicago Hist Soc Am. hist., 1776-1865. Taylor, Henry Osborn, 135 E. 66th st., New York, N. Y. A. B., LL. B., Litt. D. ; author ; mem. Mo ss. Hist. Soc. Universal hist. Taylor, Jane I., 58 W. 126th St., New York, N. Y. S. B. ; teacher hist., Wad- leigh H. S. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., N. Y. C. H. S. Teachers Assn., N. Y. C. Teachers Assn., Am. Asiatic Soc, Teachers Inter- borough Assn., Harlem Council for Women. U. S. hist. Taylor, Col. John R. M., Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. Oflicer U. S. A., retired. Gen. hist. Taylor, Joseph E., Doane College Library, Crete, Nebr. Teggart, Frederick John, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. A. B. ; prof. hist. Temple, Henry Willson, 1520 H St., Washington, D. O. A. B.. A. M., LL. D. ; college prof. ; member of Congress ; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Western Pa. Hist. Soc. Am. Hist., esp. frontier, in col. and Rev. period. Tennant, Jeanette, 328 Garland ave., Detroit, Mich. A. B. * Tenney, Henry Allen, 47 Claremont ave., New York, N. Y. L. B. Terry, Arthur Gi;y, 624 Clark st., Evanston, 111. Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist. Northwestern Univ. Terry, Benjamin S., 5496 Hyde Park blvd., Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof. Eng. hist., Univ. of Chicago. Med. Eng. hist. Textor, Lucy Elizabeth, Vassar College, PoughkeepsJe, N. Y. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist. Russian hist. DIRECTORY. 449 Thallon, Ida Carleton, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y, A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, hist.; mem. Archaeol. Inst. Am., Classical Assn. (British), Classical Assn. Atlantic States, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Anc. hist. Thatcher, Oliver Joseph, Beaumont, Calif. A. B., Ph. D. ; rancher. Thayer, William Roscoe, 8 Berkeley St., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M., Litt. D., L. H. D., LL. D. ; historian; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc. (cor. sec). Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. (fellow). Am. Acad. Arts and Letters (fellow), Royal Brit. Hist. Soc, Royal Acad, of Sci., Rome, Cambridge Hist. Soc. (pres.). Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Philos. Soc. Italian and recent Am. hist. Thomas, Allen C, Haverford, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist., libn. emeritus, Ilaverford Coll.; mem. Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Soc. Church Hist. Am. church hist., esp. of Quakers. Thomas, David Yancey, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci. Thomas, Winfield Scott, 2337 Eunice St., Berkeley, Calif. A. B. ; univ. examiner of schools and asst. prof, edn., Univ. of Calif.; mem. Calif. St. Teachers Assn., Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., Nat. Council of Teachers of Eng., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. and European hist, teaching. Thome, Frances Margaret, 219 S. 5th St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Ph. B. ; teacher hist.. Salt Lake H. S. U. S. hist. * Thompson, Anna Boynton, Thayer Academy, South Braintree, Mass. A. M., Litt. D. Thompson, Benjamin Franklin, 207 Bay st., Springfield, Mass. Bookkeeper; mem. Conn. Valley Hist. Soc Am. hist. Thompson, Charles Manfred, 104 Commerce bldg., Urbana, 111. A. B., A. M., I'h. D. ; dean, Coll. of Commerce and Business Adm., prof, econ., Univ. of 111. ; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. econ. hist. Thompson, C. Mildred, A'assar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof. hist. ; mem. Ga. Hist. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Recent Am. hist, and Anglo-Am. relations. Thompson, Frederic Lincoln, 63 S. Pleasant St., Amherst, Mass. A. M. ; prof. hist., Amherst Coll. Thompson, Henry B., Greenville, Del. Thompson, Holland, College of the City of N. Y., New York, N. Y. Ph. D. ; asst. prof. Thompson, James Westfall, box 72, Univer.sity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. med. hist. Med. hist. Thompson, Rev. Robert Ellis, 2125 De Lancey St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M., S. T. D., Ph. D., LL. D. ; teacher, lecturer, author, clergyman ; pres. Central H. S. Scotch, Irish, and Am. hist. Thompson, Thomas Clarkson, 715 Hameth National Bank, Chattanooga, Tenn. LL. D. ; gen. agt., life insurance. Am. hist. Thorndike, Lynn, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hi.st. Med. hist., and hist, of sci. Thome, Anna Buzby, The Newport, Philadelphia, Pa. A. ^^. ; teacher hist. and literature, Whittier School ; mem. Phila. Teachers Assn. European hist. Thorpe, Dr. Edward E., 711 Boylston nt., Boston, Mass. M. D. 450 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Thruston, Rogers Clark Ballard, 1000 Columbia bldg., Louisville, Ky, Ph. B. ; mem. Filson Club (v. pres.), Ky. St. Hist. Soc, St. Hist. See. Wis. Am. hist., Rev. and Old Northwest. Thuner, Edna, 2501 Burns ave., Detroit, Mich. A. B., A. M. ; prin., Eastern Liggett School; mem. Archaeol. Inst. Am. Am. hist. Thurber, Charles Herbert, 15 Ashburton place., Boston, Mass. Ph. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; editor ; head editorial dept., Ginn and Co. ; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., N. E. A., Am. Philol. Assn., Modern Language Assn., Framingham Hist. Soc. Thwing, Charles Franklin, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. A. B, ; pres. of the Univ. ; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci., Carnegie Foun- dation for Advancement of Teaching. Rel. of hist, to edn. Tidball, Rev. Thomas Allen, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. D. D. ; prof, eccles. hist. Tighe, Ambrose, Pioneer bldg., St. Paul, Minn. A. B., A. M. ; lawyer. Tihen, Rt. Rev. J. Henry, 1536 Logan st., Denver, Colo. D. C. ; bishop. Tilghman, Mrs. Bell Montgomery, Marion, S. C. A. B-, A. M. Am. hist. Tilton, Asa Currier, 126 W. 85th st, New York, N. T. A. B., Ph. D. ; librarian ; asst, MSS. Div., New York Pub. Lib. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Bibliog. Soc. Am., N. H. Hist. Soc, St. Hist. Soc. Wis. Am. hist. Tingley, Helen Eloise Boor (Mrs. Claude S.), 25 W. Michigan ave., De Land, Fla. S. B., A. M. ; mem. D. A. R. Tirrell, Wintlirop, High School of Conmierce, Boston, Mass. A. B. ; head dept. econ. and hist. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Am. Econ. Assn., Harvard Teachers Assn. Econ. and industrial hist. Toll, Jane Louise Bean (Mrs. A. C), Bayamon, I'orto Rico. A. B. Tompkins, Hamilton Bullock, 11 Redwood St., Newport, R. I. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer ; mem. Newport Hist. Soc, N. Y. Hist. Soc, A. L. A., R. Lib. Assn., N. Y. St. Lib. Assn., N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. Am. hist.. State and local. Townsend, Andrew J,, 1615 Elberon ave., East Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher. Townsend, Horace R., Hamilton, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; prin., Hamilton, H. S. Townsend, Howard, 15 E. S6th St., New York, N. Y. A. B. ; lawyer. Mil. hist. Townsend, Mary Evelyn, 194 Riverside drive. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. iustr. hist.. Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. Mod. European hist. Townsend, Prescott Winson, Indiana L^niversity, Bloomington, Ind. A. B. ; instr. European hist. Townsend, Salome. 245 E. 4th St., Tucson, Ariz. Vd. B. ; teacher hist., pub. school ; mem. Arizona Hist, and Archaeol. Soc, Arizona St. Teachers Assn. Tracy, Howard M., 403 Oakland ave., Staten Island. N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; teacher. *■ Tracy, Dr. Ira Otis, Long Island State Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. M. D., LL. B. ; physician: mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Soc, N. Y. Hist. Soc, L. I. Hist. Soc, Kings Co. Hist. Soc, N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc' Local hist. Treat, Payson Jackson, Stanford University, Calif. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist., Leland Stanford Univ.; mem. Asiatic Soc of Japan, Chinese Pol. and; Soc. Sci. Assn., Am. Geog. Soc, Sons Am. Rev. Hist, of Far East. Tre Fethren, Eugene Byron, Ipswich, S. Dak. A. B., D. B. Tremain, Eloise Ruthven, Ferry Hah, Lake Forest, 111. A. B. ; principal. Anc and mod. hist. DIRECTORY. 451 Tremain, Mary Adell, 440 S. 15tli st., Liuooln, Nebr. S. B., A. M. ; instr. hist, Lincoln H. S. ; mem. Nat. Eiln. Assn., Nebr. State Teachers Assn., Assn. of Nebr. Teachers of Hist., Nebr. Women's Educational League, Lincoln Teachers Assn., Nebr. State Hist. Soc. Hist, of Eng. and U. S. Trenholme, Norman Maclaren, 104 Westwood ave., Columbia, Mo. A. B., A. M., rh. D, : prof. hist, and teacher of hist., Univ. of Mo. ; mem. State Soc. of Mo., Mo. State Teachers Assn. Eng. med. hist. Trent. William Peterfield, 139 W. 78th St., New York, N. Y. A. M., LL. D., D. C. L. Trever, Albert Augustus, 466 Altou St., Appletou, Wis. Ph. D. ; prof. anc. and metl. hist., Lawrence Coll. Trevvett, Frances, Glen Allen, Va. A. B., A. M. Am. hist. Trimble, William Joseph, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Ph. D. Trotter, Reginald George, Stanford University, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prof. Eug. hist., Leland Stanford Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Canadian hist. Troutman. Joseph Carl, lioswell, N. Mex. A. B., A. M. ; priu. N. Mex. Military Inst. ; mem. N. MeX: Archaeol. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and IMd. Southwestern U. S. hist. True, Rodney H., Bureau of Plant Industry, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. S. B., S. M., Ph. D. ; physiologist. Truesdell, Winfred Porter, 154 E 3Sth St., New York, N. 1". Tryon, Rolla Milton, 1329 E. 54th St., Chicago, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof, of hist., Univ. of Chicago; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Assn. Hist. Teachers aiiddle States and Md., N. E. A. Teaching of hist. Tschan, Francis Joseph, bos 148, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ph. D. ; asst. prof., academic faculty; mem. 111. St. Hist. Soc. Med. hist. * Tubbs, Frank Dean, 129 Wood St., Lewiston, Me. A. B., A. M., S. T. D. ; prof, geology and astronomy. Bates Coll.; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Geog. Soc, Me. Hist Soc, Old Colony Hist Soc, N. E. A. Mil. hist. * Tucker, George Fox, 614 Barristers' Hall, Boston, Mass. A. B., LL. B., Ph. D. ; attorney, author; mem. Bostonian Soc. luternat. law. Tucker, Rev. Robert Leonard, 439 Ellsworth ave.. New Haven, Conn. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; clergyman and teacher; pastor of Summerfiold M. E. Church; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Mod. P]uropean hist. Tuckerman, Bayard, Ipswich, Mass. A. B. ; trustee. Am. hist. Tuckerman, Dr. Frederick, Amherst, Mass. S. B., A. M., M. D., Ph. D. ; physi- cian, retired ; mem, Amherst Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. European hist. Tuell, Harriet E., 40 Viual ave., Somerville, IMass. A. B., Ph. D. ; head dept hist, Somerville H. S. ; meai. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn., Wellesley College Teachers Assn., Somerville Hist. Soc, Milton (Mass.) Hi.st Soc. European hist. Turner, Edward Raymond, 113t Fair Oaks parkway, Ann Arbor, Mich. A. B., I'h. I).; prof. European hist., Univ. of Mich.; mem. Koyal Hist Soc Eng. and mod. European hist. Turner, Frederick Jackson, 7 Phillips place, Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D., Litt. D. ; prof, hist.. Harvard Univ. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc., Col. Soc Mass., Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., St Hist Soc Wis., 111. St Hist. Soc, Minn. St. Hist Soc Am. hist. 452 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Turner, Morris Kimble, State Normal School, Fairmont, W. Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; head dept. hist. ; mem. W. Va. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Turrill, Charles Beebe, 57 Sanchez st., San Francisco, Calif. Mem. Calif. Pioneers, Calif. Geneal. Soc, Pacific Numismatic Soc. (v. pres.). Calif, and Pacific Coast hist. Tuttle, Julius H., 838 High St., Dedham, Mass. Librarian, Mass. Hist. Soc. ; mem. Mass. Hist. Soc, Col. Soc. Mass., Am. Antiq. Soc, Dedham Hist. Soc. (pres.). Am. hist., col and local; bibliog. Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, 711 Traveler's bldg., Richmond, Va, A. M., LL. D. ; lawyer, educator ; pres. emeritus, William and Mary Coll. ; mem. Va. St. Lib. Board, Va. Hist. Soc. (v. pres.), Mass. Hist. Soc, Maryland Hist. Soc, S. C. Huguenot Assn. U. S. hist. Tyler, Victor Morris, P. O. drawer 1790, New Haven, Conn. ■ULLRICK, Laura T., 714 Foster st., Evanston, 111, A, B., A, M. ; head hist, dept., New Trier Township H. S , Kenilworth ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Latin-Am. hist. Underwood, Lula, 615 Travis ave.. Fort Worth, Texas. Upham, Warren, 2170 Carter ave., St. Paul, Minn. A. B., A. M., S. D. ; geologist, historian ; archaeologist, Minn. Hist. Soc. ; mem. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci. (fellow), Geol. Soc. of Am., Victoria Inst, of London, Minn. St. Hist. Soc, N. 11. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Archaeol, Soc of Am. Early hist, of Minn, and the Northwest to the present time. Usher, Roland Greene, 5737 Cates ave., St. Louis, Mo. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist, and head of dept., Washington Univ. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci., Mo. Hist, Soc. Eng. hist. Utley, George Burwell, Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. Ph, B. ; libn., New- berry Library, Chicago; mem. A. L. A., Bibliog. Soc. Am., N. E. A., Geog. Soc. of Chicago, N. T. Lib. Assn., HI. Lib. Assn. Am. hist. VAIL, Henry Hobart, Woodstock, Vt. A. B., LL. D. Van Bibber, Lena C, 129 E. North ave., Baltimore, Md. S. B. ; teacher hist, and civics, Md. St. Normal School; mem. Md. Hist. Soc, Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Md. St. Teachers Assn., N. E. A. Mod. European hist. Van Cleef, Henry Howell, Villa Champfleuri, Cannes, A. M., France. Van Cleve, Thomas Curtis, 234 Maine st, Brunswick, Me. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prof, hist., Bowdoin Coll. Med. hist. Vander Vilda, Alice, 225 Lyon st. ne., Grand Rapids, Mich. Instr., Grand Rapids Central H. S. Van de Voort, Alice M., 1730 Arlington ave., Bessemer, Ala. S. B., S. M. ; teacher Bessemer H. S. Van Doren, Carl, 351 W. 114th St., New York, N. Y. Ph. D. ; lit. ed.. The Nation ; a soc in Eng., Columbia Univ. van Dyke, Rev. Paul, Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. M., D. D. ; prof, hist., Prince- ton Univ. ; mem. N. J. Hist. Soc, Nat. Inst. Soc. Sci., Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Hist, of the 16th cent. Van Home, Dr. Byron 6., Englewood, N. J. Physician; mem. N. J. Hist, Soc, Bergen Co. Hist. Soc, N, Y, Acad. Med., Am. Med. Assn. Am. hist., gen, and local, van Laer, Arnold J. F., 433 Western ave., Albany, N. Y. M. E. ; archivist, Univ. of the State of N. Y. Hist, of New Netherlands. DIRECTORY. 453 Vannier, W. Webster, 153 S. Hermosa, Sierra Madre. Calif. Van Nostrand, John James, jr., University of California, Berkeley, Calif. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof. anc. bist. Auc. Rouiau hist. Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold (Mrs. Schuyler), 9 W. 10th st, New York, N. Y. Litt. D. ; author; nieiu. American Inst. Architects (hon.). Hist, of N. Y. City, van Schaick, Rev. John, jr., 1417 Massachusetts ave. nw., Washington, D. C. A. B., I). D., M. D. ; mem. N. E. A. Am. hist. Van Slyck, De Forest, 251 Edwards St., New Haver, Conn. A. B. Van Tyne, Claude Halstead, Ann Arbor, Mich. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof, and head dept. hist., Univ. of Mich.; mem. Roj^al Hist. Soc, Mich. Hist. Comm., Miss. Valley Hist. xVssn. Am. hist. Van Vleck, George Washington, 92d st. and 7th ave., New York, N. Y. S. B., Pd. M., A. M. ; head hist, dept.. Polytechnic Prep. Country Day School of Brooklyn; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Schoolmasters Assn. of N. Y. C. Am. hist. Varrell, Harry Maxv/ell, 102 Avon Hill st., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. prof., Simmons Coll. ; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Eng. bist. Vaughan, John Henry, State College, N. Mex. A. B., A. M. ; prof. hist, and econ., dean School of Gen. Science, N. Mex. Coll. of Agr. and Mechanic Arts; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., N. Mex. Hist. Soc, N. Mex. Edn. Assn. South- western hist. Vaughn, Earnest Van Court, Newark, Del. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and pol. sci., Delaware Coll.; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Am. Acad. I'ol. and Soc. Sci., Del. Hist. Soc. Eng. hist. Vejar, Antonio Rafael, 409 Alisky bldg., Portland, Ore. Velazquez de la Cadena, Mariana, 28 S. Maple ave., East Orange, N. J. Vickery, Mabel Slade, IS E. Division St., Chicago, 111. Teacher. Vignaud, Henry, 2 rue de la Mairie, Bagneux, Seine, France. LL. D. ; mem. Soci^te de Americanistes of Paris (pres.). Cartography and anthropology. Viles, Jonas, 513 Rollins st, Columbia, Mo. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist, Univ. of Mo. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., St. Hist. Soc. Mo. Am. hist., esp. western. Villard, Oswald Garrison, 20 Vesey st, New York, N. Y. A. P.., A. M., Litt D., LL. D. ; ed.. The Nation; mem. Kans. Hist Soc, N. Y. Hist. Soc. Civil War, slavery, .Tohn Brown. Vincent, John Martin, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. A. B., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof. European hist.; mem. Md. Hist. Soc. (council), Md. Hist. Teachers Assn., Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md., Institut National Genevois (corresp.), Sociol. Soc, London (corresp.), Japanese Acad. Soc. Sci. (Tokyo), Nat. Inst Soc. Sci., Am. Geog. Soc. European soc. and econ. hist, esp. of Switzerland. Vincent, M. Olive, Milford, Del. Violette, Eugene Morrow, 6031A McPherson ave., St. Louis, IMo. A. B., A. M. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., St. Hist. Soc. of aio., Adair Co. (Mo.) Hist. Soc, Mo. St. Teachers Assn. European and Mo. hist Vosburgh, Royden Woodward, 13 Lenox place. New Brighton, Stateu Island, N. Y. Historian and archivist, N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Holland Soc. of N. Y. N. Y. State church hist. 454 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vrooman, Albert Edward, Arcol;i, Saskatchewan, Canada. A. B. ; lawyer; igt. of Attorney General of .Saskatchewan. Greek, Jewish, Eng., and Oanad'an hist. WACKER, Charles H., 134 S. La. Salle St., Chicago, 111. Wade, Jeptha H,, Wade bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. A. M. ; chm., Citizens Savings-/ and Trust Co. ; mem. Western Reserve Hist. See, Ohio Hist, and Philos. Soc, | N. E. Hist. Geneal, Soc. Genealogy. " Wadsv/orth, Alice E., 1414 Hinman ave., Evanston, 111. L. B. ; teacher hist, Evanston Township H. S. ; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Anc. and mod. hist. Waldo, Dwight Bryant, Kalamazoo, Mich. A. M., LL. D. ; pres. State Normal j School; mem. Mich. Hist. Soc. U. S. hist. Waldron, Charles Newman, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. S. B. ; instr., U. S. hist, sec. Graduate Council of Union Coll.; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Schenectady Hist. Soc. U. S. hist. Walker, Curtis Howe, Rice Institute, Houston, Texas. A. B., Ph. D. ; lecturer European hist. Eng. med. hist, 11th and 12th centuries. Walker, William Isaac, 11 Mt. Morris Park w.. New Y^'ork, N. Y. Manufac- turer ; treas., Church and Dwight Co. ; mem. N. Y. Geneal. and Eiog. Soc. (v. pres.). Walker, Williston, 281 Edwards st, New Haven, Conn. Ph. D., D. D., L. H. D. ; prof. eccl. hist., Yale Univ. ; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Conn. Hist. Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc, Col. Sec. Ma.«s., N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Chutch hist Wall, Alexander James, 170 Central Park w.. New Y'ork, N. Y. Asst. libn. New York Hist. Soc. ; mem. N. Y. Hist Soc, N. Y. St Lib. Assn., N. Y. Lib. Club. Am. hist. Wall, Isaac Dickson, 531 St. Anthony st.. Baton Rouge, La. A. B. ; commr. on uniform state laws of La. ; v.-pres. La. State Univ. and Agr. and Mech. Coll. Wallace, David Duncan, Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist, and econ. ; mem. S. C. Hist. Soc. Am. hist., Rev. and State. Walmsley, James Elliott, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. A. B. A M. Ph. D. ; prof, hist.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., N. E. A. (S. C. dir.). Am. const, hist. Walsh, Annetta C, 14S Buttles ave., Columbus, Ohio. A. B. ; teacher hist., Columbus H. S. ; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn. Walter, Ella Catherine, .520 Franklin st., Johnstown, Pa. Head hist, dept., Johnstown H. S. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Am. hist. Walton, Elizabeth Cheatham, 815 6th st. ne., Washington, D. C. A. B.; lil». Dept. of Agr. Ward, Estelle Frances, 1725 Hinman ave., Evanston, 111. Editor and writer ; ed., monthly pub. of Woman's City Clnb of Chicago. Eng. hist., period of restoration ; Am. hist., 1765-1800. Ward, Laura Adelina, Bear River, Nova Scotia. A. B., A. M. ; instr. Eng. and hist, Halifax Ladies' Coll.; mem. [Eng.] Hist. Assn. Eng. const, hist. Ware, Edith E., 419 E. 22d st, Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; teacher Am. hist. Am. hist. Ware, Sedley lynch, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. A. B., LL. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. French Rev., Eng. hist., and contemporary civilization. DIRECTORY, 455 Warfield, Ethelbert D., Wilson College, Cluunbersburg:, Pa. D. D., LL. D., Litt. D. ; pn-s. Wilson Coll. ; mem. Am. Philos. Assn., Kittoditinny Hist. See. of Chambersburg. Eng. and Am. const, hist. Waring, Thomas Richard, 25 LamboU St.. Charleston, S. C. Litt. P>. ; ed. daily- newspaper; mem. S. C. Hist. See. Warner, Clarence M., 19 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Bond broker ; curator of Canadian hist, and literature. Harvard Coll. Lib.; mom. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., Buffalo Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Ontario Hist. Soc, Niagara Hist. Soc, Lennox and Addington Hist. Soc, Champlain Soc. Canadian liist. Warren, Charles, 1527 ISth St., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. INI.; lawyer; mem. Dedham (Mass.) Hist. Soc. Legal hist. Washburn, Albert H., Hanover, N. H. Washburn, Carl DeWitt, 34 E. Northwood ave., CoUunbns, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; head hist, dept.. North H. S. ; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn., Ohio St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist, 1876-1910. Washburn, Rev. Henry Bradford, 7 Francis ave., Cambridge, Mass. A. B., D. B., D. D. ; clergyman and teacher; prof. eccl. hist. Episcopal Theol. School; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist, Cambridge Hist. Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc. Church hist. Washburne, George Adrian, 65 W. 11th st, Columbus, Ohio. A. B., A. M. Washington, Patty Willis, 216 A st. se., Washington, D. C. Watrous, George Button, 121 Church St., New Haven, Conn. A. B., LL. E., L. M., D. C. L. ; lawyer ; mem. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc. Legal hist. Watson, Alice Dare, 234 78th st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher hist. * Watson, Paul Barron, 5 Hutchinson st, Milton, Mass. A. B. Watts, Jenny Chamberlain, 6 Exeter Park, Cambridge. 40, Mass. A. B., A. M. Way, Royal Brunson, 616 Harrison ave., Beloit, Wis. Ph. D. ; prof. Am. hist. Wayland, John Walter, Harrisonburg, Ya A. B., Ph. D. ; teacher hist, and soc. sci., head dept. hist.. State Normal School ; mem. N. E. A., Va. Hist. Soc, Yix. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Weaks, Mabel C, box 47, Paducah, Ky. A. M. ; mem. Pilson Club. Am. hist. Webb, Margiierite Jeannette, Hensley, Ark. A. B. ; teacher and prin. ; mem. Ark. St Teachers As.sn., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Econ. and dipt hist. Weber, Hilmar Hermann, ISll La Loma ave., Berkeley, Calif. A. B., A. M. Weber, Mrs. Jessie Palmer, Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, 111. Librarian, sec.-treas., and ed.. Journal of 111. St. Hist. Soc ; mem. 111. St. Hist. Soc (dir. and sec), D. A. R., Daughters of 1812, A. L. A., 111. Library Assn. Am. hist., Illinois and western. Weber, Rev. Nicholas Aloysius, Marist College, Brookland, D. C. S. T. B., S. T. L., S. T. D. ; assoc. prof, hist., Catholic Univ. of Am., prof, hist.. Trinity Coll., as.soc ed.. Catholic Hist. Review. Gen. European hist. * Webster, Hutton, Station A, Lincoln, Nebr. A. B., Ph. D. ; writer ; prof. soc. anthrop., Univ. of Nebr. Weed, Rt. Rev. Edwin Gardner, Jacksonville, Fla. D. L). ; bishop, dioce.se of Fla. ; mem. Florida Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist Assn., Victoria Inst, London. Am. hist. Weinstock, Harris, 19 Presidio terrace, San Francisco, Calif. Merchant. Weissert. Charles A., Hastings, Mich. 456 AMERICAN HISTORICAL, ASSOCIATION. Welch, Jane Meade, The Algonquin, 76 Johnson Park, Buffalo, N. Y. Mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn., D. A. R., Buffalo Hist. Soc, Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., Buffalo Colony Nat. Soc. New Eng. Women. Am. hist. Weld, Stephen Mlnot, Wareham, Mass. A. M. Wellington, Raynor Greenleaf, 401 Park ave., Vermilion, S. Dak. A. B., A. M. ; prof. Am. hist., Univ. of S. Dak. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Miss. Valley Hist. Soc, S. Dak. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist, and govt. Wells, Florence Ada, 1302 Main st., Racine, Wis. A. B. ; teacher hist., College Prep. School, and in charge of academic work. Wells, Frederick Latimer, 101 S. Clinton St., Chicago, 111. Wells, Louis R., Cutler ave., Cambridge, Mass. A. M. Welsh, Helen Dorothy, 721 Reservoir St., Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M. ; asst. in hist, dept., Goucher Coll. Am. hist., esp. dipl. Wendel, Hugo Christian Martin, Faculty Club, New York University, University Heights, New Y^ork, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; instr. European hist., lecturer in church hist. ; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hist. Mod. European hist. Wendell, Barrett, 358 Marlborough st., Boston, Mass. A. B., Litt. D. ; retired ; prof, emeritus of Eng., Harvard Univ. ; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Mass. Hist. Soc. Am. Antiq. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Letters. Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, 111 Fitz Randolph road, Princeton, N. J. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof., Princeton Univ. Am. col. hist. Wertheimer, Mildred S., Kaukauna, Wis. A. B., A. M. ; student. Mod. European hist., social. West, Allen Brown, Norton, Mass. Ph. D. West, Elmer J., Glens Falls, N. Y. Pres., Adirondack Electric Power Corp. ; mem. N. Y. St. Hist. Assn. West, Warren Reed, 658 5th st. ne., Washington, D. C. A. B. ; grad. student at Johns Hopkins Univ. Am. hist. Westergaard, Waldemar, Claremont, Calif. A. B., L. M., Ph. D. ; head hist, dept, Pomona Coll.; mem. So. Calif. Hist. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc. (fellow). Col. hist.; hist, of northern Europe, mod. Westermann, William Linn, 116 Schuyler place, Ithaca, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; mem. Classical Assn. of Middle West and South. Anc. hist. Westfall, Edith, 238 S. Main st., Charlotte, Mich. Wetherbee, Blanche G., West Roxbury High School, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Teacher hist. ; mem. Marshfield Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Assn., Harvard Teach- ers Assn., H. S. Teachers Assn., Boston Teachers' Club. Mod. hist. * Wetmore, George Peabody, Newport, R. I. A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; Republican mem. Lincoln Memorial Comm., chairman Comm. for Extension and Com- pletion of the Capitol Bldg., Washington. Wheeler, Benjamin Ide, 2425 Ridge road, Berkeley, Calif. A. B., A. M., Ph. D.. LL. D., L. H. D. ; educator ; pres. emeritus, Univ. of Calif. ; mem. Am. Philol. Assn., Archaeol. Inst. Am., Am. Oriental Soc. Greek hist. Wheeler, Benjamin Webb, 2425 Ridge road, Berkeley, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; teach- ing fellow in hist, Univ. of Calif. Anc. hist. Wheeler, Horace L., Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass. A. B., A. M., D. B. ; librarian ; head dept. statistics and documents, and libn. Am. Statistical Assn. ; mem. Vt. Hist. Soc, N. H. Hist Soc, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Am. Numismatic Soc, Am. Geog. Soc Bostonian Soc, Bunker Hill Monument Assn., Boston Numismatic Soc. (pres.), Vt Soc. Sons Am. Rev. Am. and Eng. hist. DIRECTORY. 457 Wheeler, Samuel H., IISS Main at., Bridgeport, Conn. Wheelock, Arthur Newhall, 143 St. Andrews blvd., Riverside, Calif. A. M. ; supt. of Riverside schools. U. S. hist. Whinery, Charles C, 912 S. Sheridan road, Highland Park, III. S. B., A. M. ; publisher and etlitor; sec, Encyclopedia Britaunica Corp. Whinery, Leta J., 1836 W. 21st St., Los Angeles, Calif. Ph. B. ; teacher hist., Manual Arts H. S. ; mem. N. E. A. Mod. European hist. Whipple, Mary Ella, 656 Main st., Worcester, Mass. A. B., A. M. ; teacher, H. S. of Commerce; mem. N. E. Hist. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Whitaker, Ruth, 1122 Taylor St., Topeka, Kans. A. B. ; tea-her hist, and Latin, Oakland H. S. ; mem. Kans. St. Teachers Assn. Eng. and European hist. White, Albert Beebe, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Minn. Hist. See. Eng. hist. White, Elizabeth Brett, Pennsylvania College for Women, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist. dept. ; student, Clark Univ., Worcester. Mod. European hist. ; Latin-Am. hist. White, Henry Alexander, Columbia, S. C. A. M., Ph. D., D. D., LL. D. ; clergy- man and teacher; prof. New Testament literature and exegesis, Columbia Theol. Sem. ; mem. Va. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. * White, Julian Leroy, 2400 North ave. w., Baltimore, Md. A. M. White, Laura A., 1001 Custer st., Laramie, Wyo. A. M., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Univ. of Wyoming. U. S. hist., southern. White, Melvin Johnson, Tulaue University, New Orleans, La. S. B., A. M., Ph. D;. prof, hist.; mem. Miss. Valley Hist. Assn., Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Am. hist. Whitehead, John Meek, 646 Garfield ave., Janesville, Wis. A. B. ; lawyer. Am. hist. Whitelaw, William Menzies, 600 W. 122d st. New York, N. Y. A. B., D. B. ; student; traveling fellow, Union Theol. Sem. Canadian hist. Whitley, Rev. William Thomas, 2 Ombersley St., Droitwich, England. A. M., LL. M, LL. D. ; clergyman; pastor of Droitwich Baptist church; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, Baptist Hist. Soc. (hon. sec), Worcestershire Hist. Soc, Worces- tershire Archacol. Soc. Eng. hist., Stuart period. Whitman, Carroll Nunn, 217 West ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Whitney, Charles W., 1028 Elmwood ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Ph. M. Whitney, Eli, 800 Whitney ave.. New Haven, Conn. A. M. Whitney, Williams, 1S32 Crawford road, Cleveland, Ohio. Dir. of personnel, Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co. Whittaker, Annie Eikel, 209 N. Magdalen st, San Angelo, Texas. A. B. ; H. S. teacher. Am. hist. Whittington, G. Purnell, Alexandria, La. Lawyer. U. S. and local hist. Whittlesey, Derwent Stainthorpe, Itosenwald Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Ph. B., A. M. ; instr., dept. of geog. Hist. geog. Wichers, Wynand, Holland, Mich. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist, Hope Coll. Eng. hist. Wiebe, William, 117 W. Sth St., Newton. Kans. A. B. ; instr. hist., H. S. ; mem. Kansas St. Teachers Assn. Mod. European hist. Wier, Jeanne Elizabeth, 844 N. Center st, Reno, Nev. D. B., A. B. ; prof, hist, Univ. of Nevada; mem. Nevada Hist. Soc. (sec). Am. hist., western. 458 AMERICAN HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION. Wight, William Ward, 1020 Wells blclg., Milwaukee, Wis. A. M., LL. B. ; lawyer; mem. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. (life), St. Hist. Soc. Wis. (life), ParK- man Club of Milwaukee, Milwaukee-Dowuer College Corp. (pres. ). French hist., Rev. period. Wilby, Joseph, 604 Neave blclg., Cinciimati, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; lawyer; mem. Hist, and Philos. Soc. of Ohio (pres.), Soc. of Col. Wars. Hist, of Ohio, State and local. Wilcox, Helen Chapman, 27 N. 10th ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. A. B., A. M. Wilcoxson, Rachel Marian, 3320 Main St., Stratford, Conn. A. B. ; teacher, Stratford H. S. Mod. Eng. hist. Wilde, Frederick Erdman Jesse, Lakewood High School, Lakewood, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; head dept. hist. Med. hist. Wilder, Gerald Gardner, Brunswick, Me. A. B. ; librarian, Bowdoin Coll. ; mem. Me. Hist. Soc, N. E. Hist. Geneid. Soc, Me. Lib. Assn., A. L. A. European hist. ; Am. hist., local. Wilgus, James Alva, 534 W. INIineral st, I'latteville, Wis. A. M. ; teacher hist. and pol. sci. * Wilgns, William John, 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Consulting engineer ; mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Am. Inst. Consulting Engrs., Am. Ry. Engr. Assn., Inst. Civil Engrs. (Great Britain), Am. Inst. Architects (lion.), St. Paul Soc. Civil Engrs. U. S. hist., colonial. Wilkinson, William John, box 1405, Middletown, Conn. Litt. B., A. M. ; lecturer in hist., Wesleyan Univ. Mod. European hist. Will, Joseph Stanley, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Willard, Chauncey Cloud, 1421 E. 67th place, Chicago, 111. Ph. B. ; teacher. Lane Technical H. S. Am. hist. Willard, James Field, 1101 Aurora ave., Boulder, Colo. S. B., Ph. D. ; prof, hist., Univ. of Colo. ; mem. Royal Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Eng. med. hist. Willcox, Eleanor C, 414 W. 121st St., New York, N. Y. Willcox, Walter Francis, 3 South ave., Ithaca, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. B., LL. D. ; prof. econ. and statistics, Cornell Univ. ; mem. Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Statist. Assn., Am. Sociol. Soc, Am. Assn. Advancement Sci., Royal Statist. Soc, Internat. Statist. Inst. Hist, of statistics. Williams, Charles Richard, Princeton, N. J. A. M., Ph. D., L. H. D. ; writer; retired; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci., Am. Philol. Assn. Biog. Williams, Clarence Russell, St. Stephen's Coll., Annandale-on-Hudson, N. Y. Ph. D. ; prof. hist. Williams, Cornelia d'Auby, 10 Hopper st., Utica, N. Y. Williams, Edward Thomas, 1410 Scenic ave., Berkeley, Calif. A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; prof, oriental langs. and lit., Univ. of Calif. Williams, Francis, Sheboygan, Wis. Williams, Frederick Wells, 155 Whitney ave.. New Plaven, Conn. A. B. ; asst. prof, hist,, Yale Univ. ; mem. Am. Oriental Soc, New Haven Colony Hist. Soc, Oneida Co. Hist. Soc, Am. Geog. Soc, China Soc. (N. Y.), Oriental Inst., Royal Asiatic Soc (N. China Br.), Asiatic Soc of Japan, Royal Asiatic Soc (Korean Br.), Auc and Asiatic hist. Williams, Rt. Rev. Gershom Mott, 12 Southgate ave., Annapolis, Md. A. M., D. D. ; clergyman; bishop of Marquette. Am. and eccl. hist. DlJtECTORY. 459 Williams, Kenry Smith, 120 W. 'S'la st., New York, N. Y. LL. J). Williams, Judith B., Wellesley Collef;e, Wellesley, 81, Mass. I'h. D. Williams, Mary Wilhelmine, Goucber College. Baltimore, Md. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; assoc. ])rof. hist.: mem. Soc. for Advancement of Scaudinavian Study, Hispanic-Am. hist. Williams, Samuel Cole, EiDory Universitj% Ga. LL. B., LL. D. ; dean, Lamar School of Liiw; mem. Tenn. Hist. Soc, Am. Bar Assn. Am. hist., local, early travels, and Am. Indians. Williamson, Oliver R., ftOD S. Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Publisher; mom. 111. St. Hist. Soc, Presbyterian Hist. Soc. U. S. hist., Civil War period. Willits, Dr. Isaac Pearson, 31 W. Walnut lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. A. M., M. 1)., I'h. I).; physician; mem. Gerniiintown Site and Relic Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Wills, Rev. Joshua E., Daretown, Salem Co., N. J. D. D. ; clergyman ; pastor, Pittsgrove Baptist Church; mem. Baptist Hist. Soc, Chester Co. (Pa.) Hist. Soc Civil and church hist. Willson, Ila Leonard (Mrs. William Jesse), Reidville, S. C. A. B. ; postmaster; mem. D. A. U. (regent, and St. genealogist). Am. hist. Wilson, Amy Anita, Lyndon Center, Vt. A. B. ; teacher European and anc. hist. Wilson, George Grafton, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. A. B., A. M., Ph. D., LL. D. ; prof, internat. law, Harvard Univ. and U. S. Naval War Coll.; mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Inst. Internat. Law, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. Dipl. hist. Wilson, Maj. Gen. James Harrison, 1305 Rodney St., Wilmington, Del. LL. D. , U. S. A., retired. Am. hist. Wilson, James Southall, University, Va. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. Eng., Univ. of Va. Eng. hist. Wilson, Jean Watson, 4334 Pacific ave., Detroit, Mich. L. B. ; teacher; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Mich. Schoolmasters Club, Mich. St. Teachers Assn. Eng. and Am. hist. Wilson, Lucy Lamb, 5039 Dorchester ave., Chicago, 111. A. B. ; teacher hist., McKinley H. S. Wilson, Milton D., 136 Broadway, Bartow, Fla. LL. P,. ; lawyer. Col. hist., Southern States, Wilson, Philip Sheridan, Newton, N. J. A. B., A. M. ; prin., Newton Academy; mem. N. J. Hist. Soc, Sussex Co. Hist. Soc. Wilson, Thomas H., 1918 E. 73d St., Cleveland, Ohio. V. pres., First Nat. Bank. Eng. and Am. hist. Wilson, Hon. Woodrow, The White House, Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M., LL. D., Lift. D. ; President of the U. S. Wilt, J. Andrew, 107 Chestnut St., Towanda, Pa. Lawyer; pres.. Business Men's Mutual Fire Ins. Co., pres.. City School Board ; mem. Pa. Federated Hist. Socs., Bradford Co. Hist. Soc, St. and Co. Edn. Assns. Hist and edn. Wing, Herbert, jr., 129 W. South .St., Carlisle, Pa. A. B., A. M,, Ph. D. ; assoc, prof, Greek language and literature, Dickinson Coll. ; mem. Am. Philol, Assn,, Archaeol. Inst. Am., Classical Assn. Atlantic States. Anc. hist. Wing, Lucy Madeira (Mrs, David L,), 1322 19th st. nw., Washington, D. C, A, B. ; head mistress, Miss JIadeira's School ; mem. Head Mistresses Assn., Nat. Edn. Assn. 460 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. • Winkler, Ernest William, 1007 Guadalupe st., Austin, Texas. Litt. B., A. M. ; ref. libn. and curator, Uuiv. of Texas Lib., member of ex. com., Littlefield Fund for Southern Plist. ; mem. Texas St. Hist. Assn., Texas St. Teachers Assn., Texas Lib. Assn. Hist, of Texas and the Southwest. Winnia, Lieut. Col. Charles C, 1805 Acklen ave., Nashville, Tenn. Lieut. Col. U. S. Army. Winship, George Parker, Charles River, Mass. A. B., A. M., Litt. D. ; libn., Harry Elkins Widener Collection, Harvard Univ. Lib. ; mem. Mass. Hist. See, Col. Soc. of Mass., Am. Antiq. Soc, Dover (Mass.) Hist. Soc. * Winslow, Rev. William Copley, 525 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Ph. D., LL. D., D. C. L. ; archaeologist, writer ; v. pres. Egyptian Research Account Soc. ; mem. Me. Hist. Soc. (hon.), N. H. Hist. Soc. (hon.), Vt. Hist. Soc. (hon.), R. I. Hist. Soc. (hon.) Conn. Hist. Soc. (hon.), New Eng. hist., esp. of the Pilgrims. Winston, James Edward, Sophie Newcomb College, New Orleans, La. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; prof. hist. ; mem. Miss. Hist. Soc, Texas Hist. Soc. Eng. med. hist. ; early Miss. hist. Winston, Robert Watson, Raleigh, N. C. A. B., L. B., LL. D. ; lawyer ; mem. St. Literary and His^t. Assn., Am. Bar Assn., St. Bar Assn. Pol. hist and biog. Winterbotham, John Miller, 2303 Strand, Galveston, Texas. Investments; mem. St. Hist. Soc. Wis., Miss. Valley Hist. Assn. Am. hist. Wise, Milton Bigler, 1417 AV. Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; prof, hist.. Central H. S. ; mem. Hist. Soc. of Pa., Phila. Teachers Assn., Assn. of Men Teachers in the Higher Schools. Wise, W. Arthur, 8G2 Drexel ave., Detroit, Mich A. B. ; student. Withey, Hettie Alice, 11.58 Columbia ave., Ontario, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist, dept., Chaffey Union II. S. and Junior Coll.; mem. Calif. Teachers Assn. Eng. hist. Wittke, Carl, 205 E. Livingston ave., Columbus, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; instr. dept. Am. hist, Ohio State Univ.; mem. Ohio Hist. Teachers Assn. (sec.-treas.). Am. hist. Wolf, Morris, 1319 N. 29th st, Philadelphia, Pa. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; instr. hist., Girard Coll. ; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. European hist. Wolfson, Arthur M., 155 W. 65th St.. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; priu., H. S. of Commerce. Am. hist. Wolkins, George Gregerson, 95 Lincoln st., Newton Highlands, Ma.ss. Business ; mem. Old South Assn., Old South Hist. Soc, Prince Soc, Essex Inst, N. E. Hist Geneal. Soc. Am. hist., col. Wood, Dr. Casey Albert, Tropical Research Station, Kartabo, British India. D. G. L. ; prof, emeritus of ophthalmology, Uuiv. of 111. ; mem. Chicago Medi- cal Hist. Soc, Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Am. Ornithologists Union, Annals of Medical Hist. (ed.). Medical hist Wood, Elizabeth C, 100 Morningside drive. New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. ; 1st asst. and chm., dept. of. hist and civics, Wadleigh H. S. Wood, George Arthur, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. A. B., A. M. ; instr. Am. hist. ; mem. Ohio St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist., col. Wood, Harlan N., Hudson, Ohio. Instr. hist. Western Reserve Univ. Wood, Harry Warren, Extension Division, Indiana University, Bloomiugton, Ind. A. B., A. M. ; mem. Ind. Acad. Sci., N. E. A. Hist, of sci. DIRECTORY. 461 Wood, Vaden Thomas, CiUilou, Mo. A. li. ; iiistr. (Uilvt'r Stncktini (Joll. Anu hist. Wood, William Hamilton, ;{ Ck'Uiont lond, lI:inovor. X. II. A. B., D. B., A. M., I'll. J).; prof, iiiiil rhaplaiu, Dartmoiitli Coll.; meui. Biblical Teachers Assn.^ Am. Oriental Soc, Assn. Univ. ("oil. I'rofessors. Biblical hist. Woodburn, James Albert, 519 N. Collejie avc, Bloomingtun, Ind. A. B., A. M.,. Ph. D., Lli. D. ; prof. Am. hist., Indiana Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Nat Municipal I^er.gius Nat. Econ. [.cMjiue, Ind. Hist. Soc, Miss. Valley Hist. Assn.. Ohio A'j'lley Hist. Assn., Ind. Teachers Assn., Ind. Literary Club. Am. pol. hist., 17Sl-10L'(t. Woodbury, Margaret, !)2 Jefferson a\(', ('(>luiii!>us. (>hi«.> A. I?. Wooddy. Carroll Hill. Heed Co!le,i;e, Portland, Oreg. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prof. hist. U. S. hist., ITST-ISCO. Woodfin, Maude Hewlett, Westlianipton College, Kichniond, \'i\. A. M. ; asst- prof. hist. Woodhouse, Edward James, Kil Prospect st., Xoithampton, Mass. A. B., LL. B. - asst. iirof. govt.. Smith Coll.: iiicni. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn. Anglo-Am. const, and legal hi.st. Woodman, Anna Sophia, Kent place, Sununit, N. J. A. B. ; assoc. prin., Kent Place School; meui. Headmistresses Assn. Am. hist. Woodruff, George Morris, Litchfield, Conn. A. P>, A. ^I. ; lawyer; mem. Conn, Hist. Soc, Litchfield Hist. Soc, Archaeol. Inst. Am., Am. Bar Assn., Conn, Bar Assn., Conn. Civil Service Assn. Woods, Dr. Frederick Adams, St. Botolph Club, 4 Newbury st., Boston, Mass, M. D. : author; lecturer on biology, Mass. Inst. Tech.; mem. Am. Acad. Arts- and Sci. (fellow). Am. Psychol. Assn., Am. Statist. Assn., Am. Soc. Natui'alists,. N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Geneal. and biog., the evolutionary aspects of hist, Woodson, Carter Godwin, 121G U st. nw., Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M.,. Ph. 1).; dean, school of liber.al arts, Howard l-niv., ed.. Journal of Negro Hist. ; mem. Southern Sociol. Cong., Assn. for Study of Negro Life and Hist. Am.' hist. Woodward, Frank Ernest, 4S Abbott road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Merchant ;: mem. Maiden Hist. Soc, A. L. A., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc (council). Eng. and Am. Rev. hist., and local. Woodward, Samuel Bayard, 58 Pearl st., Worcester, Mass. A. B., S. M. Woody, Thomas, box 11, College Hall, LTniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia^ Pa. Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, Ne\v Haven, Conn. A. B., LL. B., A. M., LL. D. - prof, emeritus, Yale Univ. ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., New Haven Col. Hist, Soc. Dipl. hist. Wrench, Jesse Erwin, 1S15 University ave., Columbia, Mo. A. B. ; assoc. prof. Eurojiean hist. ; mem. Mo. Hist. Soc, Mo. St. Teachers Assn., Am. Oriental Soc. Mu.slim hist., esp. during Middle Ages. Wright, Albert Hazen, McGraw Hall, Corn(>ll University, Ithaca, N. Y. A. B.^ A. M., Ph. D. ; asst. prof, zoology; mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. (fellow)^ Am. Zool. Soc, Am. Soc. Ichthyologists, Biol. Soc. of Wash., N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc. N. Am. travels prior to 1S70. Wright. Allen Henry, City Hall, San Diego. Calif. City cleric; mem. 111. St. Hist. Soc, Am. Asiatic Assn., League for Constructive Immigration Legis- lation. Lincolniana and Pacific Coast hist. 136908—21 8 462 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOlSr. Wright, C. T. Hagberg, London Library, 14 St. James square, London, S. W., England. Librarian. • Wright, Henry Burt, 20 Livingston st , New Haven, Conn. A. B., Ph. D. ; prof. of Christian methods, Yale Univ. ; mem. Am. Soc. Church Hi.st., N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, Oakham Hist. Sec. (sec). Hist, of religious movements. * Wright, Henry 0., 315 Investment bidg., Los Angelos, Calif. Salesman, Nat. Life Ins. Co., U. S. A. Wright, John Kirtland, care American Geographical Society, Broadway at 15Gth St., New York, N. Y. A. B., A. M. Hist, geog., hist, of geog. sci. Wright, Maj. John Womack, General Staff, War Department, Washington, D. C. LL. B. ; major in U. S. Armj-. U. S. mil. hist. Wright, Dr. Jonathan, Pleasantville, Westchester County, N. Y. A. B., M. D. ; writer; mem. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (fellow), Am. Assn. Advancement Sci., Am. Geog. Soc, Am. Antlirop. Assn., Am. Sociol. Assn., Archaeol. Inst. Am. Medical hist. Wriston Henry Merritt, 63 Howe ave., Middletown, Conn, (until June, 1921, 29 Fairmont ave., West Somerville, Mass.) A. B., A. M. ; assoc prof, hist., Wes- leyau Univ., on leave of absence as ex. sec, Wesleyan Endowment Campaign ; mem. Am. Pol. Sci. Assn., Middlesex Co. Hist. Soc. U. S. dipl. hist. Wrong, George MacKinnon, 467 Jarvis st., Toronto, Canada. A. M. ; prof, hist., Univ. of Toronto; mem. Royal Hist. Soc of Canada (fellow). Royal Hist. Soc, Am. Antiq. Soc. Canadian hist. Wroth, Lawrence C, 215 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. A. B. ; 1st asst. libn., Enocli Pratt Free Lib. ; mem. Md. Hist. Soc Am. hist., local, pioneer, and Indian ; Am. biog. Wyckoff, Charles Truman, 216 S. Glenwood ave., Peoria, 111. A. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; dean of men, and head dept. hist, Bradley Polytechnic Inst. Mod. European and econ. hist. Wylie, Jessie Ionise, box 49, Utica, 111. A. B. ; teacher hist, and French ; mem. 111. St. Teachers Assn. U. S. hist., mod. const. Wynne, John J., 23 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y. A. B., S. J.; ed. Cath. En- cyclopedia; libn. Fordham Univ. Wynne, John Peter, Agricultural College, Miss. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prof. edn. and sociol. ; mem. Miss. Hist. Soc. Am. hist. ' *YAGER, Arthur, Georgetown, Ky. Ph. D., LL. D. Yeager, V7illiam Allison, 528 N. Charlotte St., Pottstown, Pa. A. B., A. M. ; head dejtt. hist, Pottstown H. S. ; mem. Pa. St. Teachers Assn. Am. hist. Young, Helen Louise, 50 Morningside drive, New York, N. Y. A. B., Ph. D. ; as.soc prof.. Hunter Coll. ; mem. Assn. Hist. Teachers Middle States and Md. Mod. European hist. Young, Miss Jeffie, 1715 Grand ave., Chickasha, Okla A. B. ; tchr. hist. Prep. School, Okla. Coll. for Women. Am. hist. Young, Levi Edgar, Salt Lake City, Utah. S. B., A. M. Young, Walter Stevens, 24 Oread st, Worcester, Mass. S. B. ZELI&SON, Maurice M., IS, The Appollo, 1902 E. 59th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Ph. D. ; corresp. sec, Am. Institute of Anthropology; mem. Societe d'Anthropologie (Paris), Institut de P.sychologie (P;iris), Societe de la Revolution Fraucaise. J'rench Rev. DIRECTORY. 465 Zeller. Julius C, Bolivar Ctuinty Aj;riciiltural School, Cleveluiul, Miss. A. B., (). B., D. B., A. Mm D. D., D. C. L. ; educator, planter, Stale senator; rural welfare work; mem. Am. Soc. Pol. and Soc. Sci., N. E. A., 111. St. Hist. Soc, Miss. St. Hist. Soc. Hist, of state edn. legislation. Zembrod, Alfred Charles, 456 W. 4th St., Lexington, Ky. A. M. ; head dept. Itomance languages, Univ. of Ky. ; mem. Mod. Language Assn. of N. Am., N. E. A. Euro])ean hist., and hist, of civilization. Zimmerman, Joseph Louis, Rue Frederic Lint 17, Louvain, Belgium. Zook, George Frederick, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. A. B., A. M.^ I'll. I).: dir.. Division of Higher Education. Mod. European and Eng. hist. INSTITUTIONS. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auhuin, Ahi. Tempe Normal School Library, Tempe, Ariz. Hendrix College Library, Conway. Ark. Alameda Free Public Library. Alameda, Calif. The Library, University of California, Berkelej", Calif. Southern Branch, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. Occidental College Library. Los Angeles, Calif. Pasadena Public Library, Pasadena, Calif. California State Library, Sacramento, Calif. San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, Calif. Leland Stanford Junior University Library, Stanford T^niversity, Calif. The Public Library, Colorado Springs, Colo. Wesleyan University Library, Middletown, Conn. Yale Historical Seminary, 25 University Librarj' bldg., New Haven, Conn. The Choate School, Wallingford, Conn. Wilmington Institute Free Library, Wilmington, Del. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2 Jackson place, Washington, D. C. Public Library of the District of Cohimbia, Washington, D. C. University of Georgia Library, Athens, Ga. Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. Carnegie Public Library, Boise. Idaho. Chicago Historical Society, 632 Dearborn ave., Chicago, 111. Chicago Public Library, Chicago, 111. Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111. Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. University of Chicago Library, Chicago, 111. Virginia Library, McCormiek Theological Seminary, 2330 N. Halsted st., Chicago, 111. Haish Library, Northern Illinois State Normal School, De K:ilb, 111. Elmhurst College Library, Elndiurst. 111. Evanston Public Library, Eviiiiston, 111. 464 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIOX. Northwestern University Library, Evanston, 111. Cralesburg Free Public Library, (Jalesburg, 111. Illinois College Library, Jacksonville, 111. The Library, Western Illinois State Normal School, Macomb, 111. Illinois Stats Normal University, Normal, 111. Hockford College Library, Rockforcl, 111. Hockford Public Library, Itoekforcl, 111. Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, 111. XTniversity of Illinois Library, Urbana, 111. Indiana University Library, Blooniington, Incl. Tranklin College Library, Franklin, Ind. De Paiiw University Library, Greencastle, Ind. Indiana State Library, State Capitol, Indianapolis, Ind. Xogan?port Public Library, Logansport, Ind. 'The Public Library, Mnncie, Ind. Iowa State College Library, Ames, Iowa. 3owa State Teachers College Library, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Davenport Public Library, Davenport, Iowa. Drake University Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Simpson College Library, Indianola, Iowa. P. M. Musser Public Library, Muscatine, Iowa. Morningside College Library, Sioux City, Iowa. Ilmporia Free Library, Emporia, Kans. Kansas State University Library, Lawrence, Kans. Kansas State Agricultural College Library, Manhattan, Kans. Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kans. Wichita City Library, Wichita, Kan.s. The Library, State University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. The Filson Club, 404 Keller bldg., Louisville, K.v. Xibrary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 500 W. Broadway, Louis- ville, Ky. Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, La. Tulane University Library, St. Charles ave.. New Orleans, La. Maine State Library, Augusta, Me. University of Maine Library, Orono, Me. Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Md. Goucher College Library, Baltimore, Md. Maryland State College Library, College Park, Md. Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md. Boston Athenaeum. lOi Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Library of Boston University, G88 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Congregational Library, 14 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. :Simmons College Library, the Fenway, Boston, Mass. DIllECTOKY. 465 Social Law Library, Boston, 9, Mass. State Library of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass. The Public Library, Brookline, Mass. Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass. Hadcliffe College Library, 10 Garden st., Cambridge, Mass. Public Library, Greenfield, Mass. Haverhill Public Library, Haverhill, Mass. Lee Library Association, Lee, Mass. Maiden Public Library, Maiden, Mass. Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass. Smith College Library, Northampton, Mass. Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Salem Public Library, Salem, Mass. Mount Holyoke College Library, South Hadley, Mass. City Library Association, Springfield, Mass. Tufts College Library, Tufts College, Mass. Free Public Library, Watertown, Mass. Williams College Library, Willinmstown, Mass. Free Public Library, 12 Elm st., AVorcester, Mass. College Library, Albion, Mich. The Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. Western State Normal School, Kalamazoo, Mich. Michigan State Library, Lansing, Mich. Peter White Public Library, Marquette, Mich. Central State Normal School Library, Mount Pleasant, Mi( h. Michigan State Normal College Library, Ypsilanti, Mich. Minneapolis Athenaeum, Minneapolis, Minn. University of Minnesota Library, Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul Public Library, St. Paul, Minn. Southeast Missouri State Teachers College, Cape Giianlcan, AIo. State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. University of Missouri Library, Columbia, Mo. Central College Library, Fayette, Mo. William Jewell College Library, Liberty, Mo. Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Mo. Washington University Library, St. Louis, Mo. Missoula Public Library, Missoula, Mont. University of Montana Library, Missoula, Mont. Lincoln City Library, Lincoln, Nebr. University of Nebraska Library, Lincoln, Nebr. 136908—21 9 466 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. m Omaha Public Library and Museum, Omnli;',, Xebr. University Library, Reno, Nev. New Hampshire State Library, Concord, N. H. New Hampshire College Library, Durham, N. H. Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, N. 11. Laconia Public Library, Laconia, N. H. City Library, Manchester, N. H. Free Public Library, Montclair, N. J. Newark Free Public Library, Newark, N. J. Rutgers College Library, New Brunswick, N. J. The Public Library, riainfiekl, N. J. Princeton University Library, Princeton, N. J. New York State Library, Albany, N. Y. State College for Teachers. Albnny, N. Y. Alfred University Reading Room, Alfred, N. Y. Wells College Libraiy. Aurora, N. Y. Pratt Institute Free Library, Kyerson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Buffalo Historical Society. Historical bldg., Delaware Park, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo Public Library. Buffalo. N. Y. Herring Library. St. I-awrence University, Canton, N. Y. Hobart College Library, Geneva, N. Y. Queens Borough Public Library, 402 Fulton St., .Taniaica, Long Island. N. Y. Bryson Library, Teachers College, Columbia University. New Y'ork, N. Y. Mercantile Library, Astor place. New Y'ork, N. Y. Nev7 York Public Library, 476 5th ave.. New Y'ork, N. Y. New York Society Library. 109 rni\er,sity ilace. New York, N. Y. New York University Library, T'niversity Heights. New York, N. Y'. Union Theological Seminary. Broadway at ]26tli St., New York, N. Y. Vassar College Library. Pouchkeejisie, N. Y. Syracuse University Historical Association, Hall of Languages, Syracuse, N. Y. University of North Carolina Libraiy, Chipcl Hill, N. C. Trinity College Library, Dui-bam, N. C. Meredith College Library, I{alei,i-4i, N. C. North Carolina State Library, Raleigh, N. C. The Library University of North Dakota, University, N. Dak. The Municipal University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. Ohio University Library. Athens, Ohio. University of Cincinnati Library, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland Public Library, Reference Department, 1375 Euclid ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio State University Library, Columbus, Ohio. Marietta College Library, Marietta, Ohio. Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio. Brumback Library, Yan Wert. <)'i'V> i)n;i:('TOJiv. 4()7 Wooster University Library, ^\■ousU'r, Oliio. Antioch College Library, Yellow Spriiias, Ohio. Oklahoma Historical Society, ( »kliili<>iii;i City, ()kl;i. University of Oregon Library, Eu,i;;eiu', Oreic. Library Association of Portland, roill.ind. Ui'e.^. Altoona Mechanics' Library, AltoouM, X':\. Bryn Mawr College Library, Bryn Mawr, l';!. Wilson College Library, ("hnuibcrsburg, I'n. The Library, Lafayette College, Easton, Pu. Carnegie Free Library, Grove City College, Grove City, Pa. Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg, Pa. Meadville Theological School Library, ileadville. Pa. The Free Public Library of Philadelphia, loth ami Locust sts., I'liiladclpbia, Pa. Friends Free Library, GeniiantoNMi, Phihulelphia, Pa. University of Pennsylvania Library, I'hihuielpbia, I'a. Carnegie Library, Pittslnirgb, Pa. The Library, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Scbenley Park, Pittsl)iiigli, L*a University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Philippine Library and Museum, Mniiila, I'. I. '•' Naval War College, Newport, R. I. Library of Brown University, Ea.st Side Station, Providence, K. I. Providence Athenaeum, I'rovidence, K. I. University of South Carolina Library, Colunibin, S. C. University of South Dakota Library, VeruiilKon, S. Dak. Texas State Library, Austin, Texas. The Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Houston Lyceum and Carnegie Library, Houston, Texas. The Carnegie Library, San Antonio, Texas. The Public Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Fgbert Starr Library, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. Norwich University Library, Northfield, Vt. Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Ya. State Normal School Library, East Iladford, Ya. The Library, Hampden-Sidney College, Hanipden-Sldney, Va. Charles L. Cocke Memorial Library, Ilollius College, HoUins, Va. Richmond College Library, Richmond, Va. Virginia State Library. Richmond, Va. Library of the University of Virginia, University, Va. Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Wash. Bethany College Library, Bethany, W. Va. West Virginia University Library, Morgantown, W. Va. Samuel Appleton Library, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis. 468 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Beloit College Library, Beloit, Wis. State Normal School, La Crosse, Wis. The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. State Normal School, JNIilwaukee, Wis. Superior Public Library, Superior, Wis. Queen's University Library, Kingston, Out., Canada. The Public Library, London, Ont., Canada. Western University Library, London, Ont., Canada. McGill University Library, Montreal, Queb., Canada. Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. The Public Archives, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. The Provincial Library of British Columbia, Victoria, B. C, Canada. Bibilioteca Nacional, Habana, Cuba. Public Record Office Library, Chancery lane, Loudon, W. C. 2, England. The Royal Historical Society, 22 Russell square, London, W. C, England. Bibliotheque de I'Universite, rue Jean Bart, Lille (Nord), France. Bibliotheque Universitaire et Regionale, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Historisch Genootschap, care Prof. Dr. B. C. de Savornia Lohm-ui, Willeni de Zwijgerstraat 1, Utrecht, Holland. The Norwegian Nobel Institute, Dramniensvei 19, Kristiania, X()r\\uy. Members Added November 1, 1920, to January 15, 1921. Allen, Katharine, 228 Langdon st., Madison, Wis. Ph. D. ; asst. prof. Latin, J Univ. of Wis. Andressohn, John Carl, 803 State St., Madi.son, Wis. A. M. ; asst. in hist., Univ. of Wis. Barbour, George Willis, 308 N. Adams ave.. Mason City, Iowa. A. B., A. M.; head dept. hist., Mason City .Junior Coll. ; instr. in hist., Mason City H. S. Berdahl, Clarence A., 105 E. Healey St., Champaign, 111. Ph. D. ; instr. in pol. sci., Univ. of 111. Bjork, David K., 1328 Oxford St., Berkeley, Calif. A. B., A. M. ; asst. in hist, Univ. of Calif. Bridges, Samuel G., 2109 Walnut .St., Cedar Falls, Iowa. A. M. ; prof. hist. Brock, Pope Furman, 308 Georgia Casualty bldg., Macon, Ga. Carter, Maj. Gen. William Harding, 2125 Bancroft pi. nw., Washington, D. C. Ma.i. Gen., U. S. Army, retired. Christian, Rev. William Asbury, Blackstone College, Blackstone, Va. A. M., D. B., D. D. ; pres. Blackstone Coll. Clark, Allen C, 816 14th st. nw., Washington, D. C. Clark, Elise Thomson, 91G W. Grace St., Richmond, Ya. Clarkson, Jesse Dxmsmore, Hartley Hall, Columbia Univ., New YOrk, N. Y. A. B., A. M. Collier, I"rank W., Fioi-ence Court w., Washington, D. C. A. B., S. T. B., Ph. D. ; dir. of res. and prof, philos., American Univ. Collins, Rev. Ross William, Union Theological Seminary, 600 W. 122d st, New York, N. Y. Philip Schaff asst. in Church hist. Collord, James H., Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. A. B. Grouse, Neilis M., 200 Overlook road, Ithaca, N. Y. DIRECTORY. 469 Decker. Charles, box 56. Narberth, Pa. Duncan, Rev. George S., 2900 7tli st. ne., Washington, D. C. Ph. D. Eckenrode. Hamilton James, Westmoreland Club, Richmond, Va, Ph. D. ; Sec. So. Hist. Soc. mom. \a. War Hist. Connu. Eriksson. Erik McKinley. liox 52, Iowa City, Iowa. A. B. ; student, dept. hist., Univ. uf Iowa. Falck, Grace Beatrice, Cannon Falls, Minn. A. B., A. M. ; teacher hist.. Coll. Prep, and (Jradnate Schools. The IMary Lyon School, Swarthmore, Pa. Ferrell. Clyde Miser, 722 >\'. Johnson St., ^Madison. Wis. A. B. ; asst. in hist., Univ. oi Wis. Gazley, John G., 704 Hamilton liall, Columbia T'niv. New York, N. Y. A. M. ; asst. in hist. Gerlough, L. S., 3711 ^Mississippi st., San l>ie.t;o. Calif. Head dept. hist., San Pic',ai> H. S. and .Tunior Coll. Gould. Florence Louise, Straight Collejie, New Oriean.s, La. Instr. in hist, and supervisoi'. Graves. William Brooke. noC) Dryden road, Itliaca. N. Y. Student and asst. in Am. hist.. Cornell Univ. Green, Clarence, 109 N. Broadway, Butler, Iiid. A. B. Hall. Courtney Robert, University School, Cleveland. Ohio. A. B.; master of hist.. Univ. Schnol : irraduate student in iiist.. Western Re.serve Univ. Harrison. M. Ella, 1G17 I<:utaw pL, Baltimore, Md, Ph. B.. A. M. ; teacher hist., A\'estern H. S. Hartman, Amos William. 410 S. Madison st.. Iowa City. Iowa. A. B. ; student in hist.. State Univ. of Iowa. Heathcote, Charles William, 430 S. 4th st., Darby, Pa. Ph. D. ; prof. Church hist, and relijiious edn., Temple Univ. Hoif. Eula. 3519 Front St., San Diego, Calif. High school student. Ketcham. Eugene Paul. 141 E. North ave., Baltimore, Md. Kilness, Gideon W., University Club, Madison, Wis. Kinnicutt, Lincoln Newton, 72 Cedar st, Worcester, Mass. Korff. Baron Serge Alexander, 1021 15th st. nw.. Washington, D. C. LL. D. ; professor. Leffler. Emil, 719 Lexington ave., New York, N. Y. A. B. * Lichtenstein, Gaston, 2.527 Stuart ave., Richmond, Va. B. H. L. ; cor. sec, Matthew Fontaine Alatu'y Assn. Louderback, Fannie E., Shenandoah, Page Co.. Va. Teacher hist., Shenandoah IT. S. Mauelshagen, Carl, jr., 403 Montgomery St., Pullman. Wash. S. B., A. M. ; actg. asst. I'rof. European hist.. Wash. State (JoU. Mitchell. Alanson Dook, ."01 Minnesota ave. Ciiicka.sha, Okla. A. B. ; prin. Seinor H. S. Myrick, Stephen Stanton, 20.50 Vine st., Los Angeles, Calif. Head dept. soc. sci., Hollywood II. S. ; lecturer in foreign trade, Univ. of So. Calif. Nash. John W., 2202 Van Hise ave., Madison, Wis. A. I\I. ; Adams fellow, mod. European hist., Univ. of Wis. Owen, Mrs. Marie B. Department of Archives .-uiil History. Montgomery, Ala. Dir. Dept. of Archives and Hist. Parmenter, Eleanor. Normal School, Trenton, N. J. S. B. ; teacher hist. Pierce. Bessie I., 1139 E. Court st., Iowa City, Iowa. Assoc, in dept. hist.. State Uinv. of Iowa; head dept. hist.. University H. S. Pratt. Julius William, Department of Englsh, I'niteil Stat<"s Naval Academy, Annapolis, iMd. A. B.. A. M. ; asst. prof. 470 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Prince, L. Bradford, 20 Broadway, Flusbing, N. Y. LL. B., LL. D. ; mem. Am Numismatic Soc (lion.), Mo. Hist. Soc. (hon. ), Kansas Hist. Soc. (hon.). Wis. Hist. Soc. (hon.), Texas Hist. Soc. (cor.), Minn. Hist. Soc. (cor.). South- western hist., Spanish-Am. hist. Putney, Albert H., 1907 F st. nw., Washington, D. C. A. B., Ph. D., LL. B., D. C. L., LL. D. ; Dean, School of Diplomacy, Jurisprudence and Citizenship, Am. Univ. Richardson, Mrs. Hester Dorsey, The Donald Hotel, 1012 13th st. nw., Washing- ton, D. C. Robbins, Fannie E. W. (Mrs. S. B), 17 W. Uintah st., Colorado Springs, Colo. Pd. M., A. IM. Royce, Rev. G. Monroe, " Nepahwln," r. d. 3, Newburgh, N. Y. Sands, Alexander H., 1518 West ave., Riclimond, Va. Attorney at law. Santo, Hisato Asbury, 88 University of Illinois P. O., Urbana, 111. A. B. ; grad- uate student, Univ. of 111. Schieber, Clara Eve, Kingfisher College. Kingfisher, Okla. S. B., A. M., Ph. D. ; head dept. hist, and sociol. Seymour, Charles Francis, Long Beach High School, Long Beach, Calif. A. M.,. D. B. ; head dept. soc. sci. Shire, Ann Matilda, Wisconsin High School, Madison, Wis. A. B. ; staff teacher. Smith, C. Henry, Bluffton College. Bluffton, Ohio. Ph. D. Stockton, Rear Admiral Charles Herbert, 2017 O st. nw., Washington, D. C. Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy, retired. Stubbs, T. J., jr., John Marshall High School, Richmond, Ya. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prin. and head dept. hist. Sturdy, Henry Francis, Department of English, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. A. B., A. M. ; asst. prof. Theodosius, Sister, 2209 Monroe St., Madison, Wis. A. B. ; prin. Sacred Heart Acad. Valle, Prof. Rafael Heliodoro, box 3294, U st. P. O., Washington, D. C. Sec. Honduras Special Mission. Williams, Lewis C, r. f. d. Cary st. road, Richmond, Ya. A. B., A. M. ; lawyer. Wilson, J. Scott, 2827 W. Grace St., Richmond, Ya. Student, Univ. of Richmond. Wright, Mary Edmondson, box 73, Ashland, Ya. Librarian. Yoder, Bertha A., 122.5 Euclid st. nw., Washington, D. C. A. B. ; teacher dept. hist., Western H. S. Young, Indiana Constance, Edgewood apartments, S Ohio St., South Norfolk, Ya. Teacher hist, and sci., South Norfolk H. S. School District No. 1, Missoula, Missoula Co., Mont. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. The Public Library, Tacoma, Wash. o I I ' » . s .^'% ^"-'<^. A * .^^ -^ .-p U ^^J^'. v^. <(> »'.A^v?l%. -^x. .'\^ .0^ 0°" '^^^^ c^" .* ^r J^ ^'' <'. o " " * *0 ^■"'/ ^0 ":;^_^ '>^^.' ,^y r-^ '^'fOlT''^ ^0 ^. * o , o ' %,** .-i^v^h \,,^^ .-: o 0' 'bv •^ ^'^ ^\^ -u % <"^.Ji' (^ A < o 4 ^V V-, ^^^ v-^ •' .^' rr-?-?^^ ■' ^% rO^' ■"'• .0-' ^"•^^. ^0^ > .0^ <*. 'o.» ■'•^. .^* '^^ .<^^> ..." .^ ■AieC7 6 i>R-^ ^.. c3' "^X /:>" ^\