•p. 4 4- ^ -.c*" A V ^. ' o », •■ ^O .-^^ "t^ ' • • « .0 Cl 'O , , * A N * < o • ,^'\ 4^ o o " ° * <^ n^ ^0. v^^ ' -^ ^ •'■• aV^ °,i. *r7o^ .0-' ^. " " ° ,0 "^ ' NINE MUSTER ROLLS OF Rhode Island Troops Enlisted During The Old French M^ar To which is added The Journal of Captain William Rice in 'The Expedition of IJ46 Issued at the Annual Court of the Society of 'I Colonial Wars in the State of Rhode Island a?id Providence Plantations^ by its Governor, George Leander Shepley, Esquire and the Council of the Society December 30, 191 5 Providence : Printed for the Society by the Standard Printing Co. from original MSS. in the Library of the R. I. Historical Society FRANCE claimed the whole territory west of the Alleghany Mountains. The English settlers had already, by the middle of the eighteenth century, begun to push their way through into the Ohio Valley, and the inevitable clash came at the Great Meadows, May 27, 1754. The Old French War had begun. It was a struggle for the possession of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, and the colonies were involved before the Mother Country, since the Seven Years War was not formally declared until 1756. The Southern colonies were drawn in before those of New England. Rhode Island raised many companies during this French and Indian War, and of nine of these the mus- ter rolls are here printed for the first time. Some of the names may occur in other printed lists, but the whole company rolls have never before appeared beyond the original MSS. The journal of Captain Rice, apart from its interest as a daily record of colonial soldiering, sheds some light on an almost unknown episode, the unfinished expedi- tion, as it might be called, against Canada in 1746, in which participated the three Rhode Island companies, the rolls of which the Society issued at its General Court in August, 19 15. William Rice, the captain of one of the three com- panies, was born in Warwick, March 25, 1708. He was the son of John Rice and grandson of John, the first of the name in Rhode Island. [3] He was married December lo, 1730, by Rouse Helme, Assistant, to Phebe Tripp of South Kingstown, who died in 1753. He was admitted a freeman of the Colony at New- port, May 2, 1732, and became a man of some property, and a good deal of position and influence. Twice Deputy from Warwick, he was three times chosen Assistant for the same town, and served on several com- mittees of the Assembly. His military experience began early, for we find him cornet of the Providence County Troop of Horse in 1734. In 1746 he was commissioned captain of the Second Company from Providence County, which then included the present county of Kent. He sailed with the company for Annapolis, and on the voyage kept the journal which is here for the first time printed from the MS. in the library of the Rhode Island Historical So- ciety, to which our thanks are due for allowing us to use not only the MS. of the journal, but those of the muster rolls as well. There was, as the journal shows, a good deal of sick- ness among the soldiers, and Captain Rice seems to have fallen a victim, for the MS. ends abruptly. He died January 22, 1746-7, according to the muster roll of his company. A lieutenant of Captain Joshua Sayer's company was appointed to succeed him May 6, 1747. Captain Rice left no will, but from the Warwick deeds we can see that he sold all his land before he went to the [4] front, thus turning his estate into money. His inven- tory, as recorded at Apponaug, shows that ;^ 988-2-0 in Rhode Island money was due him for wages as a cap- tain in the King's service. Among the other items recorded were a " Silver-hilted sword and Belt," and a " Scarlet Velvet cap trimmed with Gold." The total value was ^1833-0-0. Captain Rice left the following children, whose births are recorded in Warwick, where he seems to have lived in Apponaug, on the Fulling Mill Cove. Abigail, February 20, 1730-1 Mahitable, September 25, 1732 Elizabeth, October 10, 1734 James, February 20, 1736-7; d. July 22, 1744 Hannah, April 22, 1739 John, May 26, 1741 Mary, June 18, 1743; d. July 28, 1743 James, June 28, 1744 Mary, April 24, 1746 Edwin Aylsworth Burlingame Norman Morrison I sham Charles Edward Cannon [s] An Ace of Cash paid Colo' Christopher Harris' Company Providence December 21''^ Viz*. No. I Prince Gould £ SI 2 James Hunter 100 3 William Maxwell 108 4 Joseph Conner 63 5 Samuel Weatherbee 84 6 Aaron Salisburry S8 7 Samuel Comstock 105 8 Stephen Gully 89 9 Francisco 103 10 Simion Thayer 121 1 1 Nicholas Brown 103 1 2 William Vinfant 78 13 William Olney '4 14 Simion Stevens 5' 15 Thomas Herenton 116 16 John Jones >^ his wages 60 17 Samuel Kilton i34 18 Samuel Francks 102 19 Abraham Hogg loi 20 Daniel Weatherhead 118 21 Jefse Beaverly 81 — Abraham Hogg more 8 22 Samuel Hvmt 58 . John Jones p'^ Tho' Shippe % wag 48 18 2 8 4 9 10 18 4 8 I 4 12 I 4 9 4 II 10 II 4 7 4 4 4 16 6 16 — 8 4 13 4 19 4 6 8 I 4 16 — — 3 4 7 4 [7] No. 23 Jofeph Sprague ^103 14 24 Ebenezar Jones 25 Josiah Streeter 26 Christopher Dickerfon yi, half 27 Alexander Rofs . William Olney allowan 2 m° 28 Samuel Greene 29 John Clemont 30 John Harris 31 Samuel Whitmore 32 Theophilus Whaley 33 Jeremiah Blanchard 34 Edward SaHsburry 35 William Smith 36 Elkanah Speere 1757 37 John Barns March i^* 38 Col° Chris"^ Harris 39 Jefse Place p<* Phillip Place 40 Obadiah Mitchell p'* Experien Mitche' . . . 41 James Blanchard p"* his Master 42 Thomas Burkett Chris'' Dickerfon % Master Carried Over ^^4802 17 59 12 135 10 8 47 17 4 "3 17 4 8 120 14 — 114 18 4 49 II 160 8 112 5 4 109 I 4 103 II 4 53 13 8 214 5 8 110 13 4 882 5 38 53 3 4 54 96 8 6 59 17 4 [8] 1756 Acc° of Coloi Christopher Harris' Company paid off. Brought Over ^4802 17 2 No. 43 Isaac Rickerfon »oo 5 4 44 Samuel Savage 4^ 9 o Old Tenor .... ;£4945 ^ » 6 [9] An Ace* of Lieu' Coloi Samuel Angells Company paid 1756 off Providence. Decemb"" 20*^ 1756 Viz* Decemb'f 20 No. I Peter Norton £3^ 2 Philip Francks 56 3 Thomas Lock 69 4 Charles Killy 71 5 Lewis Eddy 102 6 Josiah Alger 6 7 William Rofs 50 8 John Spencer. Col° Angell boy 85 9 James Sambo: >^ his wages due 48 10 Ebenezar Tyler 106 11 Samfon Sifson >^ half due 19 12 X Joshua Staples 68 13 X Thomas Loring 92 14 X Samuel Sanders 107 15 X Afa Kimball 129 16 X M' Mark Noble 148 17 X John Seamans p'^ brother 75 18 X Michell Letfon no X Thomas Lock more 8 19 X John Skillian 20 X Abel Gibbs 21 X Samuel Eftlick ^ half wages X Jofhua Coggshall for Jam*^^ Sambo .... 4 8 5 4 17 6 8 8 18 10 5 10 13 5 8 4 9 18 10 6 6 16 6 15 8 II 8 132 16 133 6 8 26 8 3 36, 8 [10] 22 X John Spencer for James Spencer^ ^ 32 ii 8 X Peleg Spencer for Samfon Sifon 19 9 — 23 X Samuel Shearman 122 1 4 X Henry Tiffany for yi Samuel Estlick 36 8 3 24 X William Mattis 107 11 4 25 X Walter Morin 84 i 4 James Spencer his half wages 44 1 1 4 26 X Caefar Sambo 69 14 10 27 X Uriah Hawk 104 15 4 28 X James Jenning 125 6 8 29 X John Tower 110 17 o 30 X Samuel Steere p<* Owens Yz 35 18 4 31 X Joseph Aldrich p'^ father 55 5 4 32 X John Joyce p<^ Samuel Watfon 78 8 8 33 X William Brufsill Yz his wages 28 3 6 34 X Richard Gallop p'^ his order 25 3 7 Feby 22 X W" Brufsell ^^ his masters ^ 28 3 6 1757 35 X William Roy 104 14 8 36 X Caleb Sweet 107 2 — 37 X Conftant Cole 18 i 4 38 X Jeremiah Jennings p"^ Clay 58 i 4 39 X Josiah Westcott . 5^^ -t . 107 11 4 25 Carried Over ;^3222 [II] 1756 Ace" of Lieut Colo^ Samuel Angell Company paid off. Brought Over ;^3222 lo 3 1757 March No. 4"! 40 Jofeph Fuller p^ Jn° Aldrich £21 7 8 41 X Col" Samuel Angell 96 i 6 42 X Elisha Berry 99 19 4 43 Oliver Fry. p"* Green 72 15 2 44 X James Stone 13 18 — Old Tenor ^3526 ii 11 [12] 1756 An Ace' of Cap' John Potters Company paid off Providence December 21^' 1756 Viz' Dec' 21 No. I X Jonathan Bennett L ^~ M 2 X Jonathan Tyler 3 X John Knap 4 X Augustus Allen 5 X Cap' John Potter 6 X George Shearman 7 X Amos Brock 8 X John Whipple 9 X John Aften X Jeremiah Westcott 1 X John Hainis 2 X Isaac Broadfoot 3 X Ezekiel Brook 4 X Peter Robert 5 X William Roberts 6 X Richard Thornton 7 X Timothy Daily 8 X Benjamin Underwood Yz his wag 9 X Nicholas Brock 20 X Peter Cheese 21 X Caleb Fuller p** Westcott 22 X Peter Lee 23 X Benjamin Howard X Amos Lockwood for his boy 72 3 8 99 31 I 8 459 14 3 202 10 — 79 09 16 — 59 12 109 13 6 94 10 2 99 7 8 69 13 10 70 19 4 114 14 4 78 7 4 83 I 4 62 II 8 23 2 8 96 9 77 2 8 36 I 103 2 — 50 11 8 [13] 24 X Jeremiah Spywood yi pd Col" Water £ 72 25 X Josiah Foster 26 X John Burlingham X Jeremiah Spywood half his wages .... J demons 27 X Nathan Wade 28 X Stephen Chapman i/p'' Self 29 X Peter Allen 30 X Thomas Buffill Feb' 21^* 31 X Samu" Bennet 32 X Thomas Cheese pA9 M o To Cash p<^ Cap* John Potter for ditto Stopt out ) of Nich' Brocks wages '# acc° 4 o — ;^3653 14 [15] 1756 An Ace* of Cap* Ebenezar Jenckes Company paid off Providence Decemb'' 22*'^ 1756 Viz* Decern' N» i x Israel Hilton £ g^ 4 8 22 2 X Peleg William 51 7 2 3 X John Parker p** his order 48 13 o 4 X Abraham Haskin & Hunt 72 12 6 5 X Cap' Ebenezer Jenckes 205 17 4 6 X Joseph Sewell 74 8 — 7 X Benjamin Batty 77 10 o 8 X John Jenkes 72 11 o 9 X Thomas Avery 85 9 4 10 X Rob* Berry 32 8 4 11 X David Herenton 71 5 4 12 X Refolved Phettiplace 81 i 6 13 X Joseph Davis 48 9 o 14 X Nehemiah Thornton 76 i 8 15 X Cornelus Heavens 72 2 10 16 X Zepheniah Andrus 45 3 4 17 X Joseph Cast 59 9 8 18 X Nedibiah Smith 82 18 8 19 X Ebenezar Howard 40 9 2 20 X Jonathan Herenton 84 10 8 21 X Jacob Mowry 44 6 8 22 X Nathaniel Bowdifh 77 15 o 23 X Ichabod Brown 78 18 8 24 X Nathan Freeman 93 i 4 [16] 25 X Oliver Capron iii 26 X David Scott 163 27 X Ichabod Fuller pd bowing Yt. 2 ""^ 28 X Amos Brown 78 29 X Charles Scott pd his father % 40 30 X Enock Smith 69 31 X Josiah Fisk March 32 x Josfhua Vinfant 3 33 '^ Jonathan Tower pd father 34 X Samuel Howard 35 X Samuel Cutler pd Felshaw X Charles Scott pd his Yz to father 36 X Daniel Shepard 37 X Joseph Wilfon pd Isaac Wilfon 38 X Liue» Abner Aldrich Old Tenor ;^29o8 6 8 16 8 15 9 18 8 72 64 68 2 4 77 17 4 52 10 40 10 4 81 I 8 26 I 8 189 17 [17] 1757 An Acc° of Cash paid Cap* Ebenezar Jenckes Company — Providence Dec"^ 27 1757 Viz' Dec'' 27* No 2 29"^ 3 4 1758 5 Jan"^ 2 6 7 4 8 9 5*^ 10 II 6 12 13 7,h 14 15 9 16 17 18 lO*^ 19 20 21 22 23 24 X Ebenezar Curtis paid off |3 acc° ;^ 45 X Ezra Aldrich 53 X Captain Ebenezar Jenckes ac° 456 X Robert Berry 96 X John Hawks 105 X John Taylor 146 X Ifaac Benfou 163 X Edward Corbin 172 X Stephen Smith Jn' 89 X Jonathan Herendon 76 X John Lovell 154 X Samuel Plummer 204 X Abraham Inman 32 X John Jones 129 X Joseph Cummins 131 X Jonathan Spears 152 X Ifrael Whipple 148 X John Whipple 146 X Elijah Walker 154 X John Cummins 132 X William Potter 174 X Ebenezar Tyler 165 X Simion Stevens 43 X Samuel Sanders Enfign 333 12 6 II 3 2 2 8 5 7 8 5 4 — II 4 13 6 2 I 2 6 5 7 15 — 4 7 10 6 — 9 9 6 6 6 7 6 9 9 16 7 10 II 3 [18] 11*^ 25 X Francisco 26 X Jonathan Tyler ,., . . . 27 X Samuel Spacks /. .... la*'' 28 X Timothy Williams 29 X Phillip Smith 30 X Arthur Fenner 13 31 -X John Cole 32 X Ezekiel Bifhop Decfd p"* father 33 - X Solomon Smith 34 - X Jonathan Hoyt 35 - X Joseph Page 36 - X Thomas Mowry 14 37 - X John Beav^erly 38 - X EUsha Mitchell 17 39 X W^ Howell p'' John Cummins 40 X Stephen Chipman 41 X David Hill 42 X Nathan Day 23 43 X Rufus Franck of Jn" Whiting Company . Carried Over ^S7i3 184 14 4 154 8 II 159 17 II 102 9 — 40 2 3 185 — 153 15 3 121 ID 7 209 10 I 159 13 II 2 I — 75 15 — 114 6 8 124 10 8 40 8 I 85 7 2 145 12 2 103 8 6 43 19 4 [19] 1757 Brought Over ^57i3 4 2 1758 J any No 28 44 X Abner Bifhop 67 8 8 45 X Samfon Siifson yi pd master 44 — — 46 X James Mowry 44 o 2 47 X Daniel Weatherhead 165 i 2 48 X Pero Prince / pd Nath' Grimwood / 37 4 7 49 X Ebenez Plumer / pd Drefser 1756 / 54 7 2 50 X Jonathan Bullock 132 4 3 51 X John Edwards 202 19 i 52 X James Sambo 120 4 6 53 X Elkanah Spears 150 16 7 54 X William Emerfon 44 3 9 55 X John Inman / pd Jeremiah D / 24 3 7 56 X Ananias Herenden 129 13 — 57 X Timothy Thurber 132 13 1 Ap 58 X Michell DoUas 250 9 i 5 59 ^ Refolved Phettiplace 46 9 — X Samfon Sifson on acc° his >^ ^ 43 17 11 60 X in Garrison & ( 48 — — 8* 61 X Jofhua Staples 173 8 9 62 X Palmer Tanner 77 4 10 63 X Samuel Kilton 248 4 8 64 X Joliah Westcott 124 12 7 65 X Ifaac Arnold 175 2 13 66 X M'- Mark Noble 695 3 o 67 X Silas Tucker 47 4 3 68 X Elisha Inman 73 16 4 69 X Israil Herenden 82 16 8 70 X Samuel Merithew 49 5 9 18 71 X Afa Kimball 299 6 — 72 X John Kimball 104 16 8 73 X Charles Bartlett p Fisk 81 18 6 Sutlers acc° & Cloathing Belonging to ( Col" Angell drawd out p"" all y'' above S [20] 74 X Thorny Herenton 70 lo 4 75 X Charles Lefbrock 29 14 6 Sspt' 10 76 X Ebenezar Streeter 120 14 5 1758 77 X Michell Ifaacs 1755 Soldier 4° 13 4 ;^9945 12 7 [21] 1758 An Acc° of Cash p^ Cap' Daniel Walls Compey. Providence, Jan"" 12 1758 Jan' 12 I X Benjamin Howard 14 2 X Peter Norton 3 X Ruel Remington^ 4 - X Samuel Spywood p^ Dan' Green 5 - X Benjamin Alfworth 6 - X Thomas Loring Corporal 7 - X Wilfon Tory 8 - X Cap' Danie Walls 9 - X Peleg Remington 10 - X Amos Sweet 11 - X W™ Kears 27 12 X John Thomas 13 X Benj Rowfe / p<^ Green / 14 - X Richard Gallop 15 -X Zebulon Wood 16 X Ebenezar Lewis 17 X John Briggs p^ father 18 - X Silas Heavins • 19 - X Tho' Mathewfon 20 X Benjamin Colegrove 21 X Jacob Caefar past 22 X Pardon Daily 23 X Henry Straight 24 X Richard Roy 25 X Ifaac Nichos 91 3 I 130 3 7 118 17 — 157 II 6 152 5 10 237 II 5 215 7 — 853 10 3 221 — — 223 10 2 241 6 — 177 18 2 126 8 6 71 8 144 4 172 I — 116 2 — 173 — II 207 9 — 170 II — 90 — — 175 8 — 151 II 6 III — 197 2 10 [22] 26 X Abel Gibbs p^" Caleb Green 27 X Ruben Peirce / pd D Wall / 28 X Caefar Sambo / pd D Wall / 29 X Caleb Weft / pd D Wall / 30 X John Garzitte / pd D Wall / 31 X Caleb Sweet 32 X Robert Love 33 X Zacheriah Mathewfon 34 X Conftant Cole 35 X Joseph Palmer / pd Tho' Loring / ... 36 X Lu« Nathaniel Peck 37 X Nathan Bardine 38 X Richard Windman X Jacob Caefar pd Elisha Whitman / . . • 39 X Nehemiah Spywood / pd Col" Watson half / 40 X Carder Case pd father • 316 19 5 123 17 — 116 16 — 160 9 — 170 9 — 210 16 3 108 — "3 i8 — 157 4 3 74 14 9 440 12 210 15 — 174 13 6 98 18 8 56 2 — 33 16 8 i^7294 [23] 175^ Brought Over ^7294 i[sic]3 Feb"" 27 27 No. 41 X Edward Talbe 2 Lie* 457 18 6 42 X Barnett Salisburry 216 o — 43 ^ John Wilfon 136 44 X Samuel Lepcomb 162 45 X William Lawlefs • 198 46 X Benjamin Wood / p^ D Wall / 87 47 X Tho^ Winright/ pd D Wall / 109 48 X Robert Alfworth 177 49 X Alexander Rofs / pd W" Cole / — 190 50 X Peter Chese / pd Th" Week yi half / . . . , 19 51 X Benjamin Negro / pd Benj. Smith / — ... 184 52 X Jonathan Lawran / pd May %, half 70 53 X Benjamin Capwell 195 54 X Thomas Clois / pd E Learnard / 164 55 X Robert J oils / pd father / • . 151 56 X Thomas Wilcox / pd Sam' Young / i66 57 X Jeremiah Auften / pd father / 185 X Jonathan Lawran / pd W™ Lawran yi j — . 70 58 X Wilham Calver 178 Ap' X Peter Chese his half wage / to Self 19 4 59 X Clemont Mathewfon 113 X Nehimiah Spywood Yt Wages ^ Self ... 56 13 9 5 — 15 — 8 9 4 II 9 16 8 6 ID 3 9 17 14 7 3 9 8 6 3 5 7 5 17 IS 7 6 10 14 8 I I ^4] 60 - X George Brock pd Master }4 • . . 21 George Brock pd Self his ^ 21 61 X Amos Brock 68 62 X John Spencer 127 63 X Nehemiah Spywood 2 acc° pd Col° Waters . 35 64 X James Underwood / pd his Master ^ / . . . 25 65 X Ezekiel Bennet pd Self 218 X James Underwood / pd his half / 24 66 X John Rowfe 221 67 - X Benjamin Wood / pd Self winter / 56 68 - X James East / pd self one half / 31 69 - X Thomas Roberts .."... • 163 ^11622 Sutlers acc° & Cloathing of Col° Angells dravv"^ ) out this day May 16, 1758 all y« above. C 70 - X Pafco Whitford pd Cap* D W^all / 7 1 X Robert Smith / pd his father / 72 X Ifaac Colegrove pd Self 73 - X Caleb Roy pd Self 31 day of may 74 - X Benjamin Cahoon 75 ~ ^ Jeremiah Green / pd Jun 6 i:i2378 12 14 9 17 3 10 14 15 2 16 204 J3 — 154 9 I 167 4 — 83 3 II 54 92 13 12 ? [25] 1758 Bro* over 12378 6 — 76 - X John Gazettee / pd D Wall / 65 16 4 77 - X Thomas Windright / pd D Wall / 65 3 4 James East / half pd D Wall for his master / 33 9 4 78 - X George Royn olds Decfd / pd his wife .... 151 i 2 79 X Peter Gromock / pd D Wall / 56 — — 80 X Shibnah Roynolds / pd Col" John Andruw ^ his ) father order Lawfull mony > 188 8 4 ;^ 10 9 4 Old Tenor ) 81 X Gideon Potter Decfd / pd Wife 44/6 Lawfull or 40 o o 82 X Timothy OBryant pd Self for y« year 1756 62 10 o /13040 14 [26] 1759 ^^ Acc" of Cap* Ebenezer Jenckes Decf'^ Wages paid to y« lo day of Jan"" 1759 Viz* Jany lo"" No. i Peleg Williams £9 9 6 2 Lewis Eddy 9 6 — 3 John Beaverly 14 12 11 4 Peleg Slocum 10 14 2 5 Mofes Bowdifh 16 15 8 6 Nedebiah Smith 15 3 7 7 James Mowry ,9 8 6 8 Jonathan Tower n 4 10 9 John Stevens 9 '9 4 10 John Reniff 7 19 — 11 John Jones n i i 12 Abram Smith 10 5 6 13 Peris Luther 8 9 2 14 Ebenezar Tyler 912 2 15 Jonathan Tyler 13 '9 4 16 Palmer Tanner 12 18 — 17 Abram Salisburry . ,' 12 5 9 18 James Hunter 8 2 — 19 Arthur Fanner 12 9 4 20 Nicholas Brown 11 18 — 21 Jonathan Daily 10 17 10 22 Prince Gould ii 7 10 23 Johnjide 13 9 5 24 Solomon Smith 13 19 o 25 James Olney 11 3 8 26 John Wood 13 6 2 [27] No. 27 Zacheriah Mathewfon £ ^3 28 Richard Smith 29 Lieu* Benjamin Eddy 30 Thomas Wafsamogg 31 Oliver Weftcott 32 Corneluus Youngman 33 Richard Smith 34 Caleb Nichols 35 Jeremiah Blanchard 36 Jedediah Sprague 37 Samuel Ladd 38 Joseph Cafs 39 John Lovell 40 John Shillian 41 Benjamin Green 42 Isaac Price pd master >^ Wages pd Isaac Price Ballance acc° 43 Waymouth Ham 44 Daniel Sprague 45 Jonathan Sweet 46 Henry Stevens Carried forward ^;^554 '5 £ 13 6 9 12 6 17 16 2 14 4 II 14 8 2 II 2 10 14 5 2 7 13 2 17 8 I 16 II 6 II I 10 13 6 I 5 12 8 13 6 9 II 4 10 4 9 6 I 2 9 9 12 10 14 18 3 23 5 2 ID M 3 [28] 1759 Brought up D"- ;^ 554 an' 23'!' No. 47 Refolved Phetteplace 10 48 Lieu' Col° John Potter 39 49 Rufus Francks 7 50 John Spencer ^ 51 Ezekiel Fuller »o 52 Stephen Belloue ^ 53 Jacob Benfon '^ 54 John Hambleton 3 55 Cap' Thomas Burkitt 23 pd acc° 2 months pd ditto 17 56 John Mathewfon Jn' 18 57 Francis Sweet *' 58 Rufus M'^Kentire ^~ 59 Samuel Bennett ^° 60 Obadiah Herenton 9 61 Stephen Nichols '3 62 William Yaw Decfd 3 63 Thomas Collins M 64 Thomas Aylsworth Liu' 3° 65 Uriah Stafford 9x 66 Timothy Andrews 9 67 Jonathan Fairbanck 8 68 Rufus Francks [crossed out] 69 Judah Bennett Decfd 5 70 Joseph Bennett Decfd 4 71 Baraciah Herenton '- 72 Aaron Cook Defd ' 73 Afajohnfon '5 74 John Aylworth *^ 75 John Rufsell '3 15 8 •3 5 7 — 3 8 4 2 3 4 2 I 3 6 16 3 6 8 I 6 10 19 I 13 5 8 6 4 ID 7 18 9 II 8x 4 8 2 I 6 7 — 13 I 16 9 10 5 3 4 10 3 [29] 76 John Galium Decfd ^ 'i 3 77 Henry Jones Decfd 3 4 78 Thomas Howard 8 19 79 Rufus M"=Kentire Jn' 8 14 80 John Mathewfon 11 o 81 Lieu* Col» Jn" Potter 714 &c *12 81 Barney Hix pd [illegible] 2 8 82 David Staples 4 7 Jun 6"' 83 Richard Smith Jn' 6 2 84 Sampfon Sifon % Wages f pd Sp [?] 1757 E Jencks Copy > 2 12 No 60 ) i:976 [30] Acc" Continued & Brougt Over £ 9i(> 4 6 No. 84 Levi Weatherhead % p^ Briggs 211 6 Ditto pd Yz [ ]ard Weathered 211 6 85 Tho' Felix pd Nath' Smith — 2 8 86 Ebenezar Curtis Decfd pd Wife 2 7 6 87 Nath' Healy Decfd pd widow 6 10 — ;^ 990 7 8 88 Enfign Augustus Allen for his Ballance 7 iii 997 9 7 Deduct an error overcaft 7 18 — ^ 989 " 7 [31] 1759 An Acc of Cash p^ Officers & Soldiers Belonging December to y^ Cap' Burkitt & Eddys Company as ^ their acc" 26'^ Stated. Providence Dec'' 26 1759 Began to pay Lawful! money Dec 26th No. I Oliver Weftcott ;^ 12 18 4 2 John Roynolds 11 11 4 3 John Briggs 6 18 — 4 Nathan Armftrong 612 4 5 James Dennie 4 9 3 6 William Laythorne 7 3 — 7 Ebenezar Tyler 9 6 i 8 Lieu' Thomas Collins 25 12 10 9 Simon Froft 14 13 6 10 John Jackfon 10 18 8 27*** II Zacheriah Mathewfon 10 4 — 12 Henry Hudfon 11 2 8 13 Benjamin Capwell 9 4 9 14 William Roberts 10 i — 15 Nathnil Potter 12 14 3 16 James Robinfon 8 i 4 17 Nathan Stone 12 3 o 18 Andrew Dexter 7 4 — 19 Robert Hix pd fath 9 13 10 20 John Whipple 15 10 8 21 John Wood 11 2 — [32] 28 22 Amos Brock £ ^3 12 23 Thomas Herenton 12 5 24 Samuel Peirce 6 11 25 Afa Johnfon 10 2 26 James Blackmore 12 16 27 Robert Berry 28 Cornelius Heavens 29 William Page 30 Josiah Wef tcott pd Brother 31 Ezra Day 32 John Ide 29 33 Refolved Phettiplace 34 Uriah Hawk 35 Benjamin Prefton 36 Neal M<^Neal 37 Richard Smith 38 Christopher Moore 39 Christopher Harry 40 Henry Stevens 41 Nedebiah Smith Carried Over £ 450 9 at 14 7 9 12 Q 6 II 6 I II I 3 14 3 10 12 10 6 14 I 5 6 10 — 9 I 9 8 8 3 II 4 II 13 2 I 7 10 II II 13 2 10 5 10 [33] 1759 Brought Over £ 450 9 8 Dec 29*^ 42 Rufus Francks 217 o 31 43 William Weaver 10 8 2 44 Abram Smith 10 o 8 45 David Scott 12 15 9 46 Stephen Wright 12 5 6 47 Cornelius Youngman 10 6 o 48 John Stevens 9 14 6 49 Thomas Avery • 11 13 3 50 Simon Heavens 12 6 6 Jan I*'' 51 Thomas Stafford 9 19 6 1760 52 John Andrus 12 i 3 53 David Valett 12 9 3 54 James Mowrj^ 9 18 i 55 Palmer Tanner 14 12 2 56 James Herenton 12 9 o 57 Thomas Movvry ii 4 2 2**" 58 Olney John 17 7 — 59 Philimon Hines 10 12 3 60 Thomas Howard 12 16 4 61 Stephen Herenton ' * 7 19 9 62 Fran[c]is Sweet 12 17 — 63 William Shippee 10 8 9 5*i> 64 Daniel Hudfon 8 11 ii 65 Jeremiah Blanchard 17 6 6 7*'' 66 Ebenezar Shearman 5 5 4 g*"* 67 Afa Kimball Enfign 27 18 3 [34] 68 Philamon Kimball ;^ 12 13 i ,^'^ 69 John Alfworth Jn' lo 14 9 70 Peter Doyel 8 i 2 71 Elisha Hamblin 12 19 — 1760 Mar 27 72 Elisha Mitchell 7 13 6 28 73 John Andrews for Timothy Decfd 11 11 — 74 Benjamin Carpenter 5 5 5 April 22"^ 75 Robert Williams 10 10 9 To Benjamin Cummins . 7 8 7 Advanc7 8 129 Joshua Andrews 13 3 4 130 William Andrews 7 o 8 131 Caleb Rogers 12 i 9 132 Benjamin Belknap 13 9 10 133 Gideon Martin 13 9 o 134 Elisha Mitchell 8 4 o 135 Jeremiah Ladd p 1746 about 12 at night Buried at old town on marthas Vineyard Robbort Fish Died December y« S^^ 1746 about 10 at night Buryed old town afore said. Jonathan Logan Died December y^ iS^'^ 1746 8 at night Buried as afore said Samel Whals Died December the 21'^ 1746 about 12 at night Buried as afore said John SoHsbery. Died December the 22°'* 1746 at 2 in the afternoon Buried as afore said. [54] H 3 •^ 6 J .0' ' ^ %. """ ^- vO-7-^ l0-7\ o " o , %^ 0^ *--• .V '^O' * ^ ' ^H ^^^v • Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. * /!*> *^ « ^^^^^J^ o Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide ■• k^ '^MIa'^^* * Treatment Date; - j- i^'% 1997 JBBKKEEPER PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. INC. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 (412)779-2111 HECKMAN |±l1 :^^^ °«-^^^° ^^"^^ l'^^>' ^"^ "^^ BINDERY INC. PI cv '>^^- <<> % *^^f/ ^K o N. MANCHESTER, W^ ' ^ ^'^ * -f^ INDIANA 46 962 ' ^™JJ»^^ •■ -rwC^ ,.^^ ■ •'• .o