1920 Copy 1 rir>ieM. Lamblln Torto-Riche vC.et>r>ies^ Franct>isi-'s luck C;FRMANY: FttUuiler vKiirF-Altruism von Hofmunsthal vHu^o'Miidonna \>>dekind i.Fn\nk' The Tenor C;RF AT BRITAIN: Bonnoft Arnold A Cood\>oman 1 nldoron .George -The Little Stone House l.imn:in .Cilbort -Mary's Weddlnjl Oowson Ernest The IMerrot of the Minute Fills .Mrs. Havelock^-The Subjection of Ke/la Ihinkln ^St. John^ The Constant Lover INDIA: Mukorjl Ohan Copcil' The Jud^- nient of India IREL.\NT): Grejiory Lady The Workhouse Ward HOLLAND: Spveenhoff ^J. H.^-Louis.- HITS GARY: Biro Lajos'>-The Grandmother ITALY: Glacosa vGiuseppe''-The Ri>lhts of the Soul Rl SSL\: Andrevev (.Leonid^ - Love of One's Neijihbor Tchekoff , Anton' -The Boor Benevente (,Jaclnto>-Love Shocks Ouinteros - Morninit SWEDEN: Strindberil *, August V The Strontter Wied vGustaveV Autumn Fires ITXITED STATES: Beach ^.Lewis'*- Brothers Cowan vSada'^-ln the Morgue Gjocier vBosworthWThe Baby Gar- rlnfte CronjTi (.Geooie W.VA Death in Fever Flat Davies i,Marycarol\Ti"^-The Slave with Two Faces Day ^Frederic L.)-The Slump Flanner vHilde^iurdeUManslons Glaspell Susjin -Trifles (;erstenber>i (.Alice The Pot BoUer Helburn ^Theresa '-Enter the Hero Hudson TIolland)-The Shepherd in the Distance Kemp Tlsirry^ - Boccaccio's Untold Tale Laniiner \L;iMreuce> - Another Way Out Millav vEdna St. Vincent -Arlo del Gap.i MvK^'ler iPhll!p Helena's Husband Miviher vJohn Chapia -Sauce for the Emperor O'Neil (.Euiiene -He Stevens Tliomas Wood)-The Niu-sery Maid of Heaven Stevens ^.Wallace) -Three Travelers Watch a Sunrise Tompkins Fr.»nk G.i-Sham W alker ^ Stuart -The Medicine Show W oilman Rira^-For All Time Wilde ^Percivali-The Finger of God YIDDISH: Ash Sholom -Night Pinski .E>avid -Forgotten Souls dorh. Gilt top VET $5.00 Turkev Morocco NET $12.00 STEWART & KIDD COMPANY PUBLISHERS :-: CINCINNATI. U. S. A. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■m. 015 928 573 Q Hollinger Corp.