LBio'ff TEACHING BOYS AND GIRLS HOW TO STUDY P. J. Zimmers Teaching Boys and Girls How to Study Being a brief treatment of the subjed: of the training of pupils in right habits of ^udy through proper condudt of the class period D P. J. ZIMMERS SUPERINTENDENT OF CITY SCHOOLS MANITOWOC, WIS. D The Parker Educational Co. Publishers Madison, Wisconsin Price twenty cents **To me the end of education for the classroom is more and more clear. It should be straight thinking. The power to think clearly and straight comes from proper training. It is most successful when that training is obtained through self-help, which underlies the best work."— C. S. Armstrong. i 0-^ Copyright 1917 By The Parker Educational Co. FEB 15 1917 ©CI.A458050 INTRODUCTION CHE article by Mr. Zimmers of Manitowoc seems well worth putting in more avail- able form than that in which it was first printed. I think no one will resent the state- ment that with some notable exceptions superin- tendents and principals, not only in Wisconsin but everywhere, have been falling far short of 100 percent, efficiency in the matter of super- vision of grade work. The difficulty has been that most superintendents and principals have not been trained for it and do not know how to supervise, and not knowing how to supervise elementary work, and not being exactly willing to admit to themselves that such was the case, it is an easy matter to come to the conclusion that they do not have time to do it. Such is the subtlety of the human mind; such the manner in which we deceive ourselves. I welcome and wish to encourage everywhere the attempt at real supervision, and it matters little by what route one travels in arriving at the goal. 3 Mr. Zimmers gets his inspiration from McMurray, Ear hart, Strayer, and others. This is a splendid source of inspiration. Mr. Zimmers finds that efficiency in the class room in his schools has been greatly increased by the efforts of himself and his corps of teachers, through a persistent and intelligent effort to se- cure greater self -activity on the part of pupils and less (in the class hour) on the part of teach- ers. He believes, and I am confident that he is right about it, that the pupils of the Manitowoc schools now organize their knowledge better, that they develop more initiative, and that the results upon the whole are much better than in the past. There is no doubt in my mind that the teachers in the schools of Wisconsin are working con- scientiously and earnestly for the welfare and progress of their pupils; they are doing the best they can under the present order of things. There is little doubt in my mind, however, that they are falling below a possible standard of efficiency by at least 25 per cent. I could easily name many sorts of hindrance to the best results, but probably the chief one is the attempt to ac- complish more than children's minds can proper- ly assimilate. The result is a stuffing procsss, a memorizing process, in which teachers work at feverish heat to drive home the instruction. The next important step in the progress of our city schools is the application of scientific (stan- dardized) tests, so that superintendents may be able to form an accurate judgment as to the actual pogress made in the classroom. It will be noted that Mr. Zimmers has applied some of these tests. I have no doubt Mr. Zimmers' article here re- printed will prove helpful to many. State Superintendent. Madison, Wis., January, 1917. TEACHING BOYS AND GIRLS HOW TO STUDY The Schools Still Defective BLTHOUGrH the public schools are better and more efficient than they have ever been in their history, there is general dissatisfaction with them. From all sides shafts of criticism are hurled at them for their failure to do thorough work in the fundamentals and to train pupils in proper habits of study. Eecent surveys of the school systems in New York City; Butte, Montana; Portland, Oregon, and Cleveland, Ohio, indicate that the teaching in general is mediocre; that the teacher does far too much of the work, and that the pupils are trained to dependence and inactivity rather than to inde- pendence and self-activity. The investigation of the habits of study of thousands of school children in the United States made by Lida B. Earhart clearly shows that the schools are not training pupils in right methods of study, thus failing in one of their most funda- mental purposes. The Courtis tests, given so widely in the schools of the United States, show the effort made to measure in a definite way the character of the pupils^ activity. The results of these tests were an eye-opener to superintendents, principals, and teachers, as pupils were found to be slow and inaccurate. A Self-SuiTey of the Manitowoc Methods. These widespread criticisms, so insistent and general, coming as they have from school officials and laymen, finally influenced this study of the underlying causes which prompted them. In this study it was the good fortune of the writer to work under a teacher who presented an entirely new viewpoint in regard to school work, and it was due to his influence that this research work in the Manitowoc schools was undertaken. Whatever growth I have made, whatever help and inspiration have been given to the teachers, what- ever development the pupils have attained, not only mentally but also morally, through this new method of conducting class work, is largely due to the inspiration of this great teacher. Incidentally it may be said that school condi- tions in Manitowoc were good, the teaching was average, there was a very good corps of teachers and splendid co-operation, and results attained here could be duplicated in any city. In the first place, before attempting any radical changes in the methods of teaching, an investi- gation was made of the teaching in the city schools and it was found that while in some cases the work was exceptional, in a general way subjects were being handled as they had been for years previous. The teachers were doing most of the work and the pupils were not doing the kind of work, either in preparing their lessons or in recit- ing, that would develop right habits of study. Out of a large number of recitations which were heard, three have been chosen — one in geography, 8 one in arithmetic, and one in language — which bring out very forcibly the kind of work that was being done. It might be said here that a casual visitor would not see these conditions, as the first recitation cited clearly shows. Observation of a Geography Class. October 13, 1912, a fifth grade class in geog- raphy reciting on the chapter The Countries of North America was visited. The pupils appeared to be doing good work; they were interested and asked one another questions which were well answered. The next day observation was again made of the geography work in this grade. During these two recitations the pupils finished the chapter, which was brief and easy. At the close of the second recitation this question was put to the class : ^^What is the important thing in this chapter ? In other words, what is there in this chapter worth remembering?" One pupil said the important thing was the discovery of America. This fact was incidentally mentioned in the chapter, but was of very minor importance. Another thought the Eevolutionary War was the important thing. This was also mentioned, but was of little impor- tance. A third said the important thing was Russia selling Alaska to the United States, which also occurred in the chapter, but was not vital. Finally the pupils were asked to open their books, to do anything they chose in order to state the important thing in the chapter. One pupil finally said that the important thing was "the countries of North America." A boy was asked to step to a map, to name and point to the countries of North America. He named Alaska, Canada, the United States, the Mississippi Valley, and the Eocky Mountains. Here was a class that had spent two days on a simple chapter in geography, had mechanically memorized everything in it without thought, had completed the work, but had failed to get the one important thing — they could not name the coun- tries of North America, which was perhaps the only thing worth remembering. In other words, they did not know how to study, and the char- acter of this class work did not require them to study. The work done these two days may be analyzed more definitely as follows: Teacher activity 70% Pupil activity 30% Number of questions (estimated) 108 Memory questions (estimated) 102 Organization by pupils Consideration of relative values by pu- pils Pupil initiative Good Aim of lesson Knowledge Accomplishment of aim Poor A Language Class. Another concrete example of class period in- efficiency was a sixth grade in language dealing with the irregular verbs lie and lay. The pupils learned and recited the principal parts of these 10 verbs and then filled out the blank sentences in the text-book with the proper forms. The next day the pupils were tested on their knowledge of these same verbs in specific situations. A book was placed on the desk and the question asked: ''What have I done with the book?" Twenty out of thirty-six pupils said, "You have laid the book on the desk," and sixteen said, *'You have lain the book on the desk." Then this question was asked : "Suppose the book has been on the desk two hours; how would you express it?" Twenty-two said, "The book has been lying on the desk two hours," and fourteen said, "The book has been laying on the desk two hours." This showed in- effective teaching, because after completing the study of these verbs the pupils were unable to use them correctly in definite situations. This lan- guage period may be analyzed as follows : Teacher activity 60% Pupil activity 40% Number of questions (estimated) 42 Thought questions 2 Memory questions 40 Organization by pupils Pupil initiative Poor Aim of lesson Knowledge Accomplishment of aim Poor A Class in Arithmetic. An opportunity came one morning to determine the habits of study of pupils in a seventh grade. The teacher of this grade had just announced that her pupils had covered thoroughly the subject of 11 percentage. These simple questions were then put to the class, ample time being given for thought: What is 300% of $2? Only one gave the cor- rect result. What is 1/8% of $16 ? :Nrot one gave the correct result. %% was confused with 12%%. The pupils were asked to write the following per cents in a column as decimals, with the decimal points under one another as though adding: 25% ; 21/2%; 250%; l^%. Hardly a pupil could do this correctly. Here was a class which had finished percentage but did not know the FUNDAMENT- ALS of the subject. No one was more surprised than the teacher herself at the inability of these pupils to apply what they were supposed to know of percentage. After a conference the teacher asked for a month in which to TEACH the sub- ject. At the end of that time another test was given and the results were truly surprising. Incidentally it may be said that the above teachers were normal school graduates and were regarded as good, average teachers. A Test in the Hygiene Class. As a part of this investigation the following test on the systematic study of an ordinary lesson in hygiene was given to the pupils in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades: What is the subject of this lesson? Write a list of the principal topics in it. What do you think is the most important thing in this lesson? What are your reasons for thinking this so im- portant ? 12 What other facts do you know about any of these topics? What questions would you ask in regard to anything in this lesson that is not clear to you or that you would like to know more about? The following are the results of the test : Sixty-two per cent of the pupils found the most important thing in the lesson and sixty-five per cent found the list of principal topics. This simple test again showed that the pupils were not being trained in proper habits of study. Ck>rrecting the Errors Observed Through Teachers' Meetings. After this investigation of classroom work a series of eight general teachers' meetings was held, at which but one topic was discussed: Training pupils in habits of purpose, organization, initia- tive, independence, and self-activity — through the right conduct of the recitation or class period; in other words, training boys and girls in right habits of study. The following books were the basis of study : How to Study and Teaching How to Study, by F. M. McMurry; Teaching Children to Study, by Lida B. Earhart; A Brief Course in the Teaching Process, by George D. Stray er. The following are two typical lists of problems studied by teachers in advance and then discussed at these meetings, the responsibility being thrown upon the teachers: A. 1. (a) Be prepared to give a two-minute talk 13 on the value of specific purposes; (b) name three recently used by you. 2. If you were conducting this meeting what would be your leading question on the chapter on Organization in McMurry? 3. Why is a class period in which the teacher asks sixty questions which test the pupils' knowl- edge of facts recorded in the book not ver^^ valu- able? 4. Distinguish fully between "qualitative and quantitative thoroughness." 5. (a) Explain definitely how the conduct of the class period determines largely the habits of study of pupils; (b) what is the purpose of most class periods? 6. Give five questions which will aid pupils to grow in self-reliance and initiative. B. 1. State one thing you are now doing in your class work which you did not do before your study of McMurry. In other words, what have you applied to your own class work? 2. Should methods of study have precedence over the other aims of the school, even over the acquisition of knowledge? 3. What is the effect of teaching pupils to study properly: (a) On the crowded curriculum? (b) on the pupil? (c) on the teacher? (d) on the general spirit and discipline of the school ? 4. Discuss what seems to you the most valuable of the five divisions of The Basis for Judging Classroom Instruction. 14 5. Memorizing: (a) What is the relation be- tween thinking and memorizing? (b) "Memoriz- ing is a by-product of thinking instead of a sub- stitute for it''; explain this statement fully; (c) give three suggestions for teaching pupils to mem- orize properly. 6. Explain definitely the moral value of train- ing in overcoming intellectual difficulties. In other words^ is there any relation between methods of instruction and moral development? In addition to these general meetings, in each building school was dismissed at recess in the afternoon at least once a year and a demonstration recitation conducted by one of the best teachers in the building, showing how to develop right habits of study in pupils. This class period was then thoroughly discussed by the teachers of the build- ing and the strong points brought to light. If it had not been for these building meetings and classes taught before the teachers this kind of teaching could never have become so successful in Manitowoc. The following is a typical list of questions discussed at one of these meetings : 1. Give one illustration connecting your school- room work with real life. 2. (a) What is the fundamental weakness of the average recitation? (b) How should the cus- tomary recitation be modified? 3. *Elements of a good question: (1) Stimu- lates reflection; (2) adapted to the experience of pupils; (3) has "motor power" in drawing forth a *The Question as a Measure of Efficiency in Instruction, by Romiett Stevens. 15 complete thought. Discuss the above and give illustrations. 4. What is the most significant thing to you in the chapter , The Using of Ideas as a Sixth Fac- tor in Study ? Why ? 5. (a) What is the most significant thing to you in the monograph, The Modernization of Arithmetic? Why? (h) what omissions in arith- metic would you recommend ? Near the close of the series of meetings the topic, *The Basis for Judging Classroom Instruc- tion, was taken up and thoroughly studied by all the teachers. At the last meeting the following was given to each teacher in typewritten form and thoroughly discussed, witli the announcement that it was to serve as the basis for judging the class- room work of teachers: 1. Purpose of the class period. 2. Attention to relative values. 3. Organization. 4. Provision for developing initiative, independ- ence, and self-activity in pupils. 5. Personal characteristics of pupils: voice, manner, personal appearance. Establishing a Standard. This standard serves two purposes: (1) as a basis for teachers in judging their own work ; and (2) as a basis for supervisors in judging the work of the teachers. This standard is based on the ACTIVITIES of pupils. The important thing is not what the teacher is doing but what the ♦See McMurry Standards. 16 pupils are doing. The most common criticism of our school practice is that it does nothing but transmit facts; that it does not develop the ability to think. In the above standard '^the acquisition of knowledge is made subordinate to the develop- ment in pupils of the power to work independ- ently, intelligently, and economically." The schools should give a training for life that will fit the individual to do well the things he undertakes, no matter what that thing may be. 1. As the character of the class period deter- mines to a large extent the habits of study of pupils, it is logical to assume that a standard for judging it should have some relation to the factors of study. If the class period calls simply for facts^ then only memory work on the part of pupils is required. If, however, "the class period affords a fresh, sharp problem, the solution of which may be found in the lesson assigned for study, then it tests the pupils' ability to analyze and organize the subject matter of the book." They must then employ the factors of study, and memor}^ work cannot be made such a prominent factor. The first factor of study, then, is the recognition of a problem, pur- pose, or motive. All people, young or old, if they work effectively, must have an incentive. We only think when we have a problem, the solution of which is worth while to us, is the pur- port of Dewey's work. This theon^ maintains that thinking ability is secured by ha\dng problems to think about and that thinking is tied up with the immediately useful. It places emphasis on the 17 immediate end, which Horace Mann advocated in 1842. As the first factor in study is the recognition of a problem, so the class period should also deal with a problem or purpose. The purpose of most class periods must be to teach pupils how to study through the right conduct of the class period. 2. The. class period should make provision for the appreciation of the relative value of things. This means the cultivation of good judgment, which is one of the most important abilities for pupils to acquire for successful living. Successful living means good selection, and good selection depends on good judgment. The class period should give ample opportunity for weighing values. If a teacher recognizes in primary reading that symbols are subordinate to thought, relative values have been considered. The two have been weighed, and the thought side has been decided on as the more important to the pupil. The purpose becomes the basis for judging relative values. 3. Organization insures thoroughness of com- prehension. It signifies getting the main points, together with the supporting details, with the elimination of unrelated and unimportant details. To have organization, the class period must deal in large units and must avoid isolated things. Broad questions should be put to the pupils, not detailed questions, which break up the thought. A class period in which the teacher asks sixty questions which test the pupils^ knowledge of facts recorded in the book is not very valuable, because they depend on these questions as a crutch to help 18 them along when they should be able to proceed by themselves. Pupils need to learn a subject thoroughly and to talk on topics without help from the teacher. This will cause them to organize the subject matter. Business men say that graduates of high schools and even of colleges cannot take a letter and word the one principal idea in a single sentence or two. One employer declares that it is almost impossible to find a secretary who can take two or three sentences of direction and compose a letter to embody it. It is clearly evident, there- fore, that the schools should develop in pupils the practical ability of selecting the main point and distinguishing it from unimportant details. "Teach half as much and teach it twice as well. It has the same effect as picking off half the fruit of a laden tree." 4. One of the most important functions of the class period is the development of initiative and self-reliance. These qualities are fundamental, not only in proper study, but they lie at the very basis of a democracy such as ours, and it is impor- tant that the school make provision for their de- velopment. In these days of hysteria it is essential that the future citizen be trained to stand on his own feet and to think for himself. The ordinary man never trains himself to make a move unless some one tells him to do so. The advancement of successful men from position to position is due largely to this faculty of doing things without being told. Successful men have the nerve and decision to act quickly and assume the initiative in times of emergency. Men who 19 are most in demand are the ones who can stand up under responsibility and be counted on to do the right thing without depending on somebody- else. How is initiative developed? Certainly not by having the teacher take all the initiative and re- sponsibility in the conduct of the class period. To DEVELOP initiative, the pupils must EXER- CISE initiative, and the class period must provide this opportunity. To secure this initiative, there must be a change in the conduct of the class period. (a) The teacher must become less prominent and the pupils more prominent. The teacher must contribute less and demand greater contri- butions from the class. In other words, the pu- pils are to do most of the thinking, planning, and executing, while the teacher directs and stimulates. If the pupils are to do most of the work DURING the class period the teacher must do most of the work BEFORE the class period. One of the most valuable things a teacher can do to increase in teaching power is to prepare two or three thought questions for one or more class periods each day. Questions such as the following develop initiative : What is the most important thing in the lesson ? What are your reasons for thinking this so im- portant ? Write a list of the principal topics in the lesson. How did you study this lesson? What interested you most? Does the point you are considering bear upon the subject we are discussing? 20 Is it important enough to justify spending much time upon it? Are we through with this lesson? What important question is answered in this paragraph ? What object do you see in studying this para- graph ? What bearing on life has it ? Word the one principal thought of a lesson in a full sentence. (b) The aim of many class periods, especially in the lower grades, must be to teach pupils to master lessons in the teacher's presence, not pri- marily for knowledge but to learn how to study properly. Often the whole class with open books can profitably spend the time selecting the prin- cipal points, giving reasons for thinking them so important; and determining the underhdng idea running all through the chapter. This kind of class period is an improvement on the mere reci- tation of text matter. Training in the right habits of study is a pupiFs greatest need and should, therefore, be the principal aim of many class periods. Training develops, but filling pupils with facts deadens. The test of a class period is not how many facts are learned, but is there growth, activity, development? Of course, all class periods should not be con- ducted in the same way. 5. On the fifth point the emphasis is pla^^ed on the pupils. The teacher may have good qualities, but the question is, are these qualities being used 21 as an influence for good on the personal qualities of the pupils? Observation of Results After Two Years of Application. After this basis of judging classroom instruction had been in operation two years the character of the class period was completely changed in most cases ; where before we had the same old-fashioned recitation, now we found an entirely different at- mosphere. The attitude not only of the pupils but also of the teachers and even of the super- visors was different. It is difficult to convey on paper any adequate conception of this marked improvement in classroom instruction, but it is easily discernible even to the casual visitor. As before, while any number of class periods could be enumerated to show this, three have been chosen which most clearly show the kind of work being done at present. The results of ten average class perijods have also been tabulated. (Table I) October 22, 1915, a seventh grade glass in geography discussed the topic Germany's Rapid Advance under two heads: 1. Nature of the advance. 2. Eeasons for it. (1) The government. (2) Education. In the thirty-five minute discussion of the sub- ject the teacher directed and stimulated, and talked not to exceed four minutes. The pupils virtually assumed responsibility, in some cases a pupil speaking for two or three minutes, and to the 22 *> 1 a 4J ■M c ® ^ -d % -d ■d -d -d 41 •d 1^ a ft o ft o a o s O § a o o S 1 X o o U u O H < uossa-i JO uiiv * ^ *» ^ ^j ^ ■M -tj ^ - ^ c a c A ;: fl C (3 X St 0) •d ^ ® _2 « 4) ■d ~< ^J % t ^ P< Rj o 3 -2 ® c c fl < S ft (D -d -d (D •d •d -d •d •d 0) i2 3 2 o o ^ o J2 g ^! 0) o o (B o a> o O X 5^ ^ ^^ H W H o p^l^8aI^:^sa S ananj Xq «D § ^ w ■* S 05 Ca< ■<* «o CD -* 00 S 00 S Xaouiaj^ S suoit^ean^ U5 ■^ 00 o 00 § 00 CJ 00 (M H 1 :m3noHX rH S S 1 M aaqoBBX vtq ® Buo^:^s^n^ «D 00 $3 «D ?; 8 g§ § % g 1 jaquinis[ A:^IAI:^^V g g 8 §8 g § § S § ^ ^:HAi:iov CX5 ^ o S ■* 10 ■* aaqoBax r-l iH I-H Cvl (M tH IM N § CQ -a II 02 +J be c o (D a; %^ -d OS -d 01 -d OS 5:2 ■=5ffi og 5o feO -J 02 E (0 H 5S) ll og 5o X a> mO 23 point. Education was given the most consider- ation. One boy talked fully three minutes on the continuation schools of Germany, although this was not in the text-book at all, showing that they were supplementing what was in the lesson. In this connection the continuation schools and phy- sical education in Manitowoc were fully discussed, showing that pupils were putting their ideas to use. The discussion waxed warm, the pupils talk- ing directly to one another. Analysis of class period : Teacher activity 10% Pupil activity (estimated) 90% Number of questions by teacher 5 Thought questions 4 Memory questions 1 Number of questions by pupils 30 Organization by pupils Excellent Consideration of relative values by pu- pils Good Pupil initiative Excellent Aim of lesson — to develop in pupils "the power to work independentl}^, economically, and intelligently." Accomplishment of aim Complete This teaching was on a high plane, because pu- pils were actually solving a problem which to them seemed worth while, and were thus being trained in right habits of study. Moreover, they were happy, active, and enthusiastic in this work, and as a result the discipline was splendid, there being neither time nor inclination for extraneous 24 affairs. Incidentally it may be said that this teacher was not a normal school graduate. November 11, 1915, another seventh grade un- der another teacher was visited when there was a class period on the topic The Industries of Eng- land. The pupils divided this subject into five topics and assumed much of the responsibility. Analysis of this class period : Teacher activity 12% Pupil activity 88% Number of questions by pupils (esti- mated) 40 Thought questions (estimated) 24 Memory questions 16 Organization by pupils Excellent Consideration of relative values by pu- pils Good Pupil initiative Excellent Aim of lesson — to develop in pupils "the power to work independently, intelligently, and economically." Accomplishment of aim Complete In this same room the pupils gave work in oral arithmetic to their classmates which v/as on a par with the work usually done by teachers. However, there was more life and virility be- cause the pupils themselves did the work. October 22, 1915, a third grade class in lan- guage was visited. The class period was devoted to the study, description, and naming of a picture, The Two Mothers and Their Familips, by Eliza- beth Gardner. The general aim of the lesson was 25 2 2*^ »^< 2 O ^ o t» ►^ «?^ •C 1-1 CO 3 o ^ rt a fo 3 2^ (D M n> 2.'0 2 O O rt 2.S~ to "0 f^ 5-S. to JO 04 bo O bo -q bo M 00 CO bo CO O at M 00 CO to to H' II"- m 5*10 5-2. to <5> to 00 to to 00 OJ p w o bo HI to 00 00 Ilk. (0 en 00 CT> hi p to 00 bo p to -fl o r, S^S^2 aSS g ^'^r l-» ^ to to go.S a> •*>■ s?» ofO Ji tt't" 3 a ^1 h-" CD 00 o Jo H 2o 4k. o c^^ u 2 ?>■ •<1 Hi H 00 o l> to CO «§ » j3 «3 g p h-1 00 "sS H CO ^g ^s >3 to 1§ bO M S? >u -a -s-;^ a\ ^^ t> (t> p bo p °l2 i « M SJO 4^ -4 -gf CO CO ff 19 OS n go &3 CD n < ft 3 (19 H CO » p c r/3 p 5- R a H H p o o 5- 3 ^ CD P IT' H p" ^" 3 s- "< ^ 26 to interest pupils in good pictures and the special aim to teach them to tell stories from pictures. The picture was shown to the class, keeping the name concealed, and each pupil had an opportunity to study it. Then the question was asked : "What do you see in the picture?" "What story have you to tell about what you have just seen ?'^ There were eight stories told, several very good ones, stories that required thought. One of the best was as follows: "The mother is sitting by the cradle. There is a little baby in the cradle. A little girl about three years old is standing near her mother. The mother is talking and telling the little girl something. The little girl is pointing to a hen and her flock of chickens that are very near the cradle. The moth- er is telling the little girl to be kind to the chick- ens, never to harm them; to take good care of them, for they have as much right to live as we have, and the mother hen would feel just as sorry if something happened to her little chicks as her mother would if harm should come to the little one in the cradle. I think they are very poor, be- cause the little girl does not seem to have much clothing." After all the stories had been given the question was asked: "Which story do you like the best, and why?'^ After this discussion the teacher asked the class to name the picture. After a short time one pupil gave the name The Two Families. It was decided that the name given was a good one and the class preferred it to the one Elizabeth Gardner had given. The questions asked by this teacher in the third grade threw the responsibility on the pupils, causing them to or- ganize the subject matter. The pupils showed by their faces and actions that there v»^as life, en- thusiasm, happiness, and fine spirit because they 27 were doing something worth while. Analysis of the class period: Teacher activity 35% Pupil activity 65% Number of questions by teacher (esti- mated) 22 Thought questions 14 Memory questions 8 Number of questions by pupils 10 Organization by pupils Good Consideration of relative values by pu- pils Excellent Pupil initiative Excellent In addition to the investigation of the classroom work concrete tests were given to discover im- provements in the habits of study of pupils. For instance^ March 1, 1916, a test on the systematic study of an ordinary lesson was given to four hundred pupils in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, witli the result that this time eighty-two per cent found the most important thing in the lesson and eighty-five per cent found a list of the principal topics. When this same test was given to thousands of school children in various cities of the United States by Miss Earhart a few years ago only twenty-seven pupils out of every hundred found the most important thing in the lesson and only thirty-three out of every hundred made an ade- quate list of the principal topics, although the test was on a simple lesson in geography. Effects of This Work in the Manitowoc Schools. This concerted action of all the teachers of 28 Manitowoc to train pupils in proper habits of study has had an effect: (1) on the pupils; (2) on the teacher; (3) on the course of study; (4) on the general spirit and discipline of the schools. (1) The character of this work engenders re- sponsibility and self-activity on the part of the pupils. They are doers. Instead of looking and listening they are planning, working, and execut- ing, while the teacher directs and stimulates. They develop mental habits and mental and moral fiber instead of being filled with an enormous, crushing weight of useless facts, not more than one-fourth of which will be of any value to them in later life. This kind of work trains to thoroughness, accu- racy, and self -discipline. It develops good, strong character — one of the main purposes of education under a democracy. It means ^^a live pupil in a live school, learning to live by living each day in the school." March 1, 1916, the pupils in one of the seventh grades were asked to write their reaction on this new way of conducting classroom instruction, and the following are some of their statements : "It makes us use our minds during the recita- tion." "It makes me study more." "It teaches me to think for myself." "I get more out of my lesson." "We learn to ask questions that have some meaning." "Pupils find out things for themselves." "It teaches me to find the most important things." 29 "I like to hear the things others have read in other books and tell.'^ "It helps me to be accurate." "It makes me use all the time I have/' "I learn to use good English." "I am glad to hear things that others get out of a lesson that I did not get." (2) Under this plan of teaching the pupils largely assume the responsibility and initiative for the conduct of the class work, thus supplying the steam. One reason for the breakdown of many teachers is that they assume everything and as a result very little is left for pupils to do, and they become listless and active in things not pertaining to class work. The teachers say that the work is hard under this new plan, but that it is interest- ing, vitalizing, refreshing work that brings results. (3) Much is said at present throughout the United States, and truthfully, that the course of study is overcrowded and that the fundamentals are neglected. The overcrowded course has come to stay and every generation will add to it. There is but one remedy, and that is teaching boys and girls how to study. The teachers are trained to select the large, vital topics and the pupils are trained in the class period to select the basic, salient facts with the details necessary to support them and then to eliminate the rest. This trains their judgment to determine the essentials from the non-essentials. In these days of wildcat specu- lation it is important to train pupils to detect the spurious from the genuine. Under this plan the teaching is more effective, 30 because pupils cover the ground about ONE- HALF as fast as formerly, but spend TWICE as much time upon a topic. Teachers and pupils have learned that the only condition under which any topic is really digested is that the mind dwell upon it for some time. This means assimilation, and assimilation always takes time, and as a result there is usually not enough time to cover a course of study, thus forcing teachers and pupils to select the essentials. (4) This kind of work has a beneficial effect on the general spirit and atmosphere of the school. When pupils are engaged in activities which to them are worth while they are fully occupied in their work and as a result there is no problem of discipline. 31 Bibliography Betts, G. H The Recitation. Bryan, E. B The Basis of Practical Teach- ing. Coffman, Lotus D. . .Supervision: Its Nature and Scope. School and Home Education, February, 1915. Dewey, John Moral Principles in Educa- tion. Dewey, John Democracy and Education. Earhart, Lida B . . . . Types of Teaching. Earhart, Lida B . . . . Teaching Children to Study. Eliot, Charles W . . . . The Concrete and Practical in Education. Hamilton, Samuel. . . The Recitation. James, William Talks to Teachers on Psy- chology. King, Irving Education for School Effi- ciency. McMurry, P. M Elementary School Standards. McMurry, F. M How to Study and Teaching How to Study. McMurry, C. A Conflicting Principles of Teaching. McMurry, C. A Handbook of Practice for Teachers. McMurry, C. A Elements of General Method. McMurry, F. M.-C. A.The Method of the Recitation. Moore, E. C What Is Education? O'Shea, M. V Everyday Problems in Teach- ing. Parker, S. C Methods of Teaching in High Schools. Spencer, Herbert. .. .Education. Strayer, G. D A Brief Course in the Teach- ing Process. Thorndike, E. L. . . .Principles of Teaching. Whitney, W. T The Socialized Recitation. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS H 021 336 521 6 ^