Class ^ UBaMJU Book_ A'VIS--^ Copyist N" . COPYRIGHT DEPOSnV LESSONS PSYCHOLOGY E. HELEN HANNAHS, A. B. Teacher of Psychology IN THE New York State Normal College, Albany PRESS OF BRANDOW PRINTING COMPANY ALBANY, N. Y. 1908 U^VOS"! W IwoOoplB* rtetuj.^.' APh 30 lyOB Copyright, igo8 By E. Helen Hannahs J- A, PREFACE THE lessons are designed particularly for the use of teachers and those who are studying to be teachers. The principles of psychology, however, as here presented show the bearing of the subject in the affairs of daily life, and for this reason it is hoped that the book will be of interest as well to others. Though it has not been customary to follow the plan of the Lesson-Unit in teaching above the grades, I have ventured to arrange my material according to it, since that material is for the most part elementary. And long experience has confirmed my opinion that it is helpful in all work in the classroom to follow in spirit, at least, each day the general plan of the three steps of preparation, pre- sentation, and application. In using the lessons in the classroom teachers will find many of them as given too long for one day 's work. A week is not too much time to spend in reaching, for example, the law of associations here developed in the first lesson. For the formulation of this law pupils will be interested to trace in class and outside many trains of association and to talk about them familiarly as they do about the facts of nature or mathematics. And in most of the subjects, indeed, pupils may spend profitably a much longer time than one lesson in watching, giving, and discussing their experience before they are led to generalize. A great amount of practice is necessary, moreover, to accustom one's self, say, to trace trains of association, to find first members, to realize when one has omitted mem- bers, — in short, to become really familiar with the process of watching the stream of thought from the standpoint of 4 Preface associations and to establish the habit of observation. The lessons are quite without meaning unless this detailed ob- servation is persistently continued. Psychology to be of value to a teacher or to any one else must be a habit of mind. Such a knowledge as one gains in reading a technical book on the subject when one says of a fact, " Yes; that is true; I'll remember it," might be called an assenting knowledge. A few facts gained in this way no doubt become available in guiding daily life, but not a large enough number to pay for the time spent in this mode of study. If, on the other hand, a person sets earnestly to work to master his own thought processes, the ways of his mind, he will soon accumulate a mass of observations, which in- deed '* are not in themselves science, but without which there is no science " for him. The kind of knowledge of psychology that he can make out of this material is the kind that is valuable, the kind that is available daily and hourly in the schoolroom and everywhere. It is not just formal, academic information about a text-book, it is rather knowledge of the subject in our hearts and lives- willed, professional wisdom. The lessons are offered then, not with the aim to present theories of psychology, nor yet to record the progress that has been made in the science. There has been no attempt even to classify the material logically. The purpose of the book is rather to indicate one way in which by the study of his own experience a person may gain a working idea of some of the simple, general, and commonly accepted truths of mind. CONTENTS CHAPTER I Associations Lesson I, The Law of Associations. 10; Lesson II, A Study of Identical Elements in Trains of Association, 11; Lesson III, Analysis of Associations, 18; Lesson IV, Correlations, 21; Lesson V. Defini- tion of Associations, 24. CHAPTER II Sensations Lesson I, Definition of Sensations, 29; Lesson II, The Sense of Sound, 35; Lesson III, The Sense of Sight, 41; Lesson IV, Taste and Smell, 50; Lesson V, Touch, Muscular, Temperature, and Organic Sensations, 55. CHAPTER III Perception Lesson I, Definition of Perception, 63; Lesson II, The Outer and Inner Orders of the Stream of Thought, 68; Lesson III, Inferences in Perception, 73. CHAPTER IV Memories Lesson I, Retention, 80; Lesson II, Reproduction, 86; Lesson III Recognition, 91; Lesson IV, Memory Training, 95. CHAPTER V Apperception Lesson I, Definition of Apperception, 102; Lesson II, Learning, 106; Lesson III, Teaching, 111; Lesson IV, The Lesson-Unit, 116; Lesson V, Training the "Powers of Observation," 122. 6 Contents CHAPTER VI Thought Lesson I, The Syllogism, 125; Lesson II, Valid Syllogisms, 131; Lesson III, Conception, 134; Lesson IV, Induction and Deduction, 145. CHAPTER VII Attention Lesson I, Definition of Attention, 153; Lesson II, Control of the Atten- tion, 160. CHAPTER VIII Imagination Lesson I, Imaging and Imagination, 168; Lesson II, Cultivating Imagi- nation, 172. CHAPTER IX Will Lesson I, Will Action, 184; Lesson II, Feelings, 190; Lesson III, Desires 196; Lesson IV, Character, 203. Lessons in Psychology CHAPTER I ASSOCIATIONS Lesson I THE LAW OF ASSOCIATIONS Preparation Step.— I. There is no better place to begin the study of psychology than your own mind, and no bet- ter method to follow than that of constant observation of what takes place there. Suppose then that you study your stream of thought, say, from the standpoint of the law of associations. II. Surely you have noticed occasional trains of asso- ciation. To gain a working idea, however, of the law, you must make a business of watching what passes through your mind. For convenience in analyzing it, regard your stream of consciousness as though it were all made up of successive trains of associations, each one interrupting the preceding one, and trace, trace, trace your fleeting thoughts morning, noon, and night ! III. After having observed these trains of associations for a time, begin to write out lists of them. Recall the ideas that have helped to make your stream of thought for the last half hour and write them out somewhat in this way: (I just looked to see what time it was.) (1.) A visual image of the clock-face; (2. Thought words) Eight o'clock; I must do^ my errands ; 8 Lessons in Psychology (3.) A secondary (recalled) visual image of a shop I must visit. Another series : (1.) Temperature sensations of hot coffee in my mouth and throat; (2, Thought words) How good this hot coft'ee is! (3. Thought words) It is such a luxury to have it hot. A third series: (1.) ' Organic sensations in my lungs; (2. Thought words) This room is very close; (3. Thought words) I'll open the window; (4.) Group of secondary (recalled, in- ner) muscular sensations mak- ing the idea of myself as turning and opening the window. A fourth series: - (1.) A group of sound sensations; (2. Thought words) Miss S. is opening the door; (3.) Group of secondary color sensations making an image of Miss S. opening the door; (4. Thought words) She always opens the doOr so gently. Trace in this way twenty trains of association an hour. IV. For convenience in tracing your thoughts count each outer experience as No. 1. Almost always No. 2 will be thought words naming, or identifying No. 1. Then may follow secondary visual images or images in the terms of any sense or more thought words. We may have any number almost of trains of association on the same subject, and also Associations 9 we may change the subject in each successive member of a train of associations. You will notice, moreover, that sometimes the series are very long, sometimes so short and quick, so fleeting that they hardly seem to have been in consciousness at all. V. What the relation is between brain and mind nobody has ever determined. It seems certain that when thoughts are in the mind the blood is circulating in the brain, and for given thoughts in consciousness the same part of the brain apparently is always flushed and stimulated. Do you re- member the appearance in the sky of the aurora horealis? A recent writer has likened to the motion of this flitting, quivering light the shimmer and play of the activity of blood in the brain and of its accompanying mentality, one as subtle as the other. But though the relation between brain and mind cannot be explained, one must realize that the sensation blue is different from the vibration of brain-cells, that a mental state is different from the activity of matter. Presentation Step.— I. When we examine the parts of one of these trains of association we are led to the question, why should one group of sensations follow another? Why, for example, should a certain group of color sensations which makes the clock face be followed by the thought words. It is eight o'clock? AA'^hy did I not think instead, It rains, or China ? The reason seems to be that sometime in the past I have had this certain grouping of color sensations in my mind before with the thought words, It is eight o'clock. Some- time before, also, I had thought, At eight o'clock I shall go out to do some errands. So now that I think. Eight o'clock, the thought follows, I must do my errands. And as I examine the members two and two of my trains of association, I find in each ease that some or all of the ele- 10 Lessons in Psychology ments composing them have been in my mind together before; I have been conscious of them as near in previous time relations. The law of associations then is, Mental elements that have been together in mind before will return together when some of them return, or, " When part of an idea appears in consciousness, the whole appears." II. Whatever other relations may be superadded, all thought seems to be governed by this law. But though stated in the terms of ideas, the law is really a description of the way in which the elements of the brain and the body are stimulated and respond. As Professor Titchener says, " When two or three parts of the brain have been excited together, in perception, a habit of co-excitation or joint excitation is set up; so that if, later on, one of the parts is excited alone the others will be involved also,— and involved the more certainly, the more habitual the connec- tion has been in perception." The law is fundamentally one governing bodily elements, the Law of Habit. Application Step.— I. Watch your thoughts constantly; jot down lists and think the law of associations with each list. You cannot do this work by accident— you have to think about it and make an effort to do it. II. Watch different people to see how different their response is under apparently the same stimulus. Watch evidences of associations in children as shown in their speech and acts. Watch animals to see to what extent they are governed by the law of associations. III. In sleep the minimum of blood is sent to the brain and the mind is least active. We have not so many asso- ciations, " we are only a fraction of ourselves." Trace the associations in dreams. ^ Associations 11 IV. Observe associations in conversations that you carry- on and overhear. How much could you understand or say if it were not for associations! V. In the terms of associations, what is the process of reading? Is it not the process of having trains of asso- ciation, the first member of each of which is a visual image of one or more script or printed words'? There is no thought in a book, surely, no mental states like those in a mind — "All we get from a book is what we bring to it " arranged in new relations. VI. Think over the gifts or photographs you have given to friends lately. From the standpoint of associations, why did you give them? VII. Observe the kind of sensations that make up the members of the trains of association. Are there visual images, or groups of color sensations— so many that you think habitually in the terms of sight? In other woras, are you eye-minded? Or do you think more often in thought words, that is, groups of secondary sound or touch sensations? Determine whether your type is visual, audi- tory, or tactual. Lesson II A STUDY of identical ELEMENTS IN TRxUNS OF ASSOCIATION Preparation Step. — I. There will be suggestions for our work in the schematic representation of the associations between mental states. Let us picture these relations. II. Recall and write lists of trains of association that you have had to-day about the weather, the temperature, the appearance of the sky, of the mountains; those that you have thought about your meals, your food; those starting in aches and pains, in hunger and thirst ; those that you have noticed in connection with conversations. 12 Lessons in Psychology III. ^Yrite lists of the sensations that make up each member of the trains of associations : For example, (1. Sound sensations,; < noisy, crunching (made by wheels on snow), creaking, s(|ueaking, loud sounds, high pitched; r Words incipiently spoken (2. Thought words, ) How J in the terms of the mus- cold it must be ! (3. Secondary visual image, ) cles of the throat and tongue ; r Grays, J reds, "^ browns ( so grouped as to form the snow-covered street). and so on, for many trains. IV. What do you mean when you say that A's portrait is a good likeness, that it looks like his face? The face, to you, is really a group of color sensations arranged, or grouped in a definite way ; the portrait also is a group of color sensations combined as nearly as the artist can combine them in the same way that the similar colors are grouped to make A's face. There are certain colors and arrangements that are identical in your mind to the two. In an oil painting, for example, there are probably both colors and arrangements that are common to face and portrait. In a blue-print, on the other hand, there are no colors in comm(m, but the arrangement of blues may have so much that is identical with the arrange- ment of colors in the face that it is an excellent likeness. Associations 13 When we say that two different people resemble each other, we really mean that their faces, reduced to color elements and grouping, have certain points in common, certain sensations or arrangements that are identical. And so it is with all experiences that we call similar. All similarity reduces to few or many identical elements among diverse elemenfs. Presentation Step.— I. Write (a) the lists and (6) the elements for several trains of association somewhat as follows : (a) List: (1.) Visual image of a calendar; (2. Thought words) The eighth; I must send something ior M 's birthday ; (3.) What shall I send? (4.) Secondary visual image of a box of souvenirs ; (5.) I might send that pillow-cover. (&) The elements of this list in the order and relation that they came to my mind are : (Stream of Thought.) (1. Visual image of a calendar:) (3. Thought words:) (5. Thought words:) f Grays I reds, I (so grouped as [ to form 8.) f The eighth. I must send something for M's birthday. What shall I send? f Greens, grays, reds, browns I might send that [ pillow-cover. (2. Thought words:) (4. Secondary sight sensations making a box of souvenirs:) 14 Lessons in Psychology That is, I have now in mind as a primary experience a visual image of a calendar. This image is composed of grays so grouped as to form a figure eight. When I have had that grouping in mind before it was part of another mental state which was then completed by the thought words, " The eighth, I must send something for M's birth- day." The. thought of sending a gift had before been in my mind as part of another mental state which was then completed by the thought of deciding what I should send. So that now when I think, " I must send something," the thought follows, " AVhat shall I send?" and so on. The elements identical to two mental states are pictured as common to two braces. II. A second graphic analysis: (1. Visual Image of a stranger's face:) (3. Thought words:) (Stream of Thought.) f grays, flesh tints, I browns, grays (so I grouped as to make I part of Ruth S's face.) flesh colors, grays, light browns (so grouped as to make the rest ■ of Ruth's face.) Ruth S. She's in New York. She can't be here; (2. Visual image of Ruth S's face:) (4. Thought words:) I'll look again more carefully. ■In the above series I saw a stranger whose face resembled Ruth S's face, that is, had elements in common with it. When I saw the first face, ' ' quick as thought ' ' Ruth 's face flashed into my mind with the thoughts that followed. Associations 15 III. A third graphic analysis: (Stream of Thought.) (1. Sound sensatioDs:) (3. Secondary visual image of the snowy street:) (2. Thought words:) IV. Each train of associations reduces to the general formula, fa (I.)' I I (2.) (3.) (4.) and so on. The thoughts b, c, d, e, are the results in mind of the excitation of the brain cells b', c', d', e'. The excitation of the brain cells follows the path established by the law of habit. Application Step.— I. This plan of tracing and analyz- ing trains of association leads to closer observation of thoughts than that followed in the first lesson. By that plan members and elements may often be omitted or overlooked. By studying out always the elements of identity between each two groups, one finds a larger number of thoughts and thus learns more about his mind. II. Professor Titchener calls these identical elements ' ' stepping stones, " as it is by means of them that we pass from one idea to another. Thomas Hobbes, a great Eng- lish philosopher, showed that it is by these common ele- ments that we may ' ' perceive the way of this wild ranging 16 Lessons in Psychology of the mind, and the dependence of one thought upon another. ' ' III. I may have had a hundred or more visual images of the capitol. But though I speak of them all as " the capitol," each one differs in some details from all the others. I do not think the same thoughts after any two of them. Each different visual image that I call " the capi- tol " has elements that have been in my mind before with thought words, — sometimes, perhaps, with " the east front ; ' ' again with, ' ' How badly discolored the south walls are ! ' ' And still again with, ' ' I must return that book to the capitol library," and so on. In each case the elements making the dift'erent visual images of the capitol had been in my mind before with the thought words that followed. Graphically I thought. (1. Visual image of the capitol,) grays. (grouped to make the east front.) (2. Thought words.) (1. Visual image of the capitol,) The east front f grays, ! (grouped to make I the discolored I south side,) The south side is badly dis- colored (2. Thought words;) (1. Visual image of the capitol,) grays, (grouped to make the library windows.) I must return that book to the capitol library. (2. Thought words,) IV. We have, in other words, what might be called mul- tiple associations with the capitol', and not only with the capitol but with many, many other facts, people, and ex- periences of all kinds. The business of education may be regarded as to develop proper multiple associations. Study each day's lesson Associations 17 that you teach with the idea of establishing the material in many trains of association, of " multiplying cues." V. What is the explanation of forgetting, say, a person 's name? Is it not that we cannot recall a thought having elements identical with the mental state of which the name forms a part, that we cannot get on the right train of as- sociation ? In other words we cannot come upon a thought that has been in mind before with the name. In our endeavor to find an identical element we go over the alphabet, recall the scenes and circumstances of meet- ing the person and all we know about him. Then perhaps an hour later, when we are thinking apparently of some- thing wholly different, we come upon the identical element, and there is the name ! As the witty woman in " Dr. North and his Friends " said, our thoughts are like Bo-Peep's sheep. " Let 'em alone and they'll come home, a-bringin' their tales behind them." VI. It is convenient in observing and analyzing our thoughts to speak of them as though they were separate entities, just as w^e think of the separate atoms of matter, Our stream of thought, however, is not broken or divided into units, it is itself a unit; as Professor James says, ' ' Thought is not jointed, it flows. ' ' VII. I must urge you to persevere in the practice of trac- ing trains of association and, also, artificial as it may seem at first, 'in seeking the identical elements between their different members. There is no kind of observation and study that shows us so much about our mind as this study of associations. If you were learning botany you would not find it trivial or irksome to analyze many plants minutely. Put the same amount of effort and patience in this work. 18 Lessons in Psychology Lesson III ANALYSIS OF ASSOCIATIONS Preparation Step.— L By describing and making ex- plicit the condition and process which make possible your present thoughts you can vary your observation of as- sociations. II. Recall trains of association that you have had about music heard recently; about people's voices, sounds in the street, in the house. Recall what you have thought while reading newspapers, magazines, signs, bill-boards, letters; on seeing pictures, buildings, landscape, a river, a hill, a tree, a head, a face, mannerisms, expressions, gestures. Watch the association of acts with thoughts; as, (1.) Visual image of a letter; (2.) I must mail that letter; (3.) I'll put it where I can see it when I go out; (4.) Sec- ondary muscular sensations of placing the letter on the desk. (1.) Primary muscular sensations of rising; (2.) Secondary muscular sensations of reaching out my hand and placing the letter on the desk. (1.) Smell sensations of smoke; (2.) What can be burning? (3.) I'll see. (1.) Muscular sensations of rising; (2.) I'll look in the outer hall first, — and so on. III. Do you remember the first time you saw moving pictures? An automobile? An electric launch? Recall your first experience in hearing a phonograph, a pianola, a telharmonium. How did you identify these experiences? Did not some one have to tell you what each one was? Or, had you not read about a pianola, for example, picturing as you read how it would look and sound, so that when you saw some- thing that looked like the picture you could think the word with the image again? Associations 19 Presentation Step.— I. Write (a) the list and (&) the schematic analysis of several series. For example, (a) (1.) Sound sensations of wheels creaking in the snow; (2. Thought words:) How cold it must be! (3.) Secondary visual image, the frosty street outside. 1^ noisy sounds, crunching, (&) (1.) J creaking, loud, high in I pitch, squeaking; J How cold it must be ! grays, reds, browns. (2. Thought words : ) II. To make explicit the process by which it is possible for me to have these thoughts : Long ago in my childhood and many times since, I re- member to have heard this peculiar creaking, crunching sound of wheels in the snow when I have heard some one say and have thought, How cold it must be ! Now that I hear sounds of this peculiar quality again, I think (not, red chimneys, nor anything else, but just the thought that has been with this peculiar quality of sound before) How cold it must be! When I have thought. How cold it must be! before, I have seen the street as it looks on a frosty morn- ing. So now that I think the words. How cold it must be ! they are at once followed by a secondary visual image of the frosty street. III. Again, I have the series, (1. A song in parts) musi- cal sounds; (2.) Incipient humming of one of the parts 20 Lessons in Psychology with the singer; (3. Thouoht words) This humming is what listening is. I'm listening to one part. I once learned that the process of hearing sounds, of listening is one of incipiently imitating the sounds in the throat. When I heard one part of the musical sounds, I incipiently reproduced the sounds in my throat ; When I had had the thought of hearing that voice before at a certain time I had thought, I '11 listen to it ; so now that I hum to myself with the voice, I think, This hunmiing is listening. I'm listening to one part. IV. Analyze thus many trains of association explaining with each two members that it is possible for them to come back together now because they have been together before and recall if possible the certain definite time when they were together formerly. Application Step.— I. Think out associations in which you image different acts. The thoughts, for example, of the words that I am to write are followed by inconceivably fleeting secondary groups of touch, muscular, and joint sensations that make before I write each word the image of my act in writing. These associations were established when I learned to write. II. Our muscles perform many acts for us as a result of established bodily associations, or habit, without conscious direction or with only a little thought. Watch these bodily associations constantly. III. What have you thought recently on seeing a flag? A steeple? College colors"? Recall the time when these associations were established. IV. Why build church steeples? What do they mean? Why put out flags? Of what value would a visible symbol be if nobody had any associations with it? Associations 21 V. If there were no visible signs, monuments, memorials of people, events, and ideals, from the standpoint of asso- ciations what should we miss? VI. What is the value of associations to us emotionally and as related to interests? VII. What difference does the work of Burns, Scott, and Carlyle make in our interest in Scotland! What associa- tions have writers added to places in our own country? What associations has history established around places and people that you know ? VIII. " The man who, from poverty of mental back- ground, is stirred by none of these things " (associations that come on a visit to the homes of Milton, Wordsworth, and Shakespeare, to Stirling Castle,) " misses an influence on character and a stimulus to conduct which are of incal- culable value. A soldier whom I met some time ago told me that, when he was a young subaltern, and was getting slack, as he expressed it, he was pulled together by a pithy but effective remark of his superior officer. ' Take care,' he said: 'you're forgetting Wellington, and the history and traditions of the army.' There's many a lad who has been spurred to his best endeavor and restrained from a mean or ignoble act, by the flashing across his mind of the name and figure of one of his heroes in history or in fiction." (" Psychology for Teachers," C. Lloyd Morgan.) Lesson IV CORRELATIONS Preparation Step.— I. The law of habit governs the way in which our thoughts come back always. There is often, moreover, besides the relationship of mere con- tiguity, or nearness between mental states, another relation superadded. 22 Lessons in Psychology II. The following lists will serve to illustrate this kind of relation : a. (1.) Smell sensations; (2. Thought word) perfumery; (3.) Where does it come from? (4.) Ill look around the car to see. 6. (1.) Visual image; (2.) That is a young Italian girl in the seat back of me. (3.) Maybe she has some perfumery on. c. (1.) Sound sensations; (2. Thought words) What sweet voices those Italians have ! d. (1.) Visual image of bent handle of a mirror; (2.) That must be to rest the mirror on. e. (1.) Visual image of a young lady; (2.) Secondary visual image of Ruth S. ; (3. Thought words) Ruth S. ; But Ruth S. is in New York. She can't be here; (4.) I'll look again more closely. /". (1.) Visual image of the same young lady; (2.) No style about her hair and hat; (3.) Ruth is so good looking ! (4.) This is surely not she. g. (1.) Visual image of part of a pin; (2.) Secondary visual image of the rest of it. Presentation Step.— I. In a, between 1 and 2, the re- lation in my thought is more than just that of contiguity; it is one of cause and effect. Between 2 and 3, there is superadded the relation of source, and also in &, 2 and 3 ; between a, 3 and 4, the relation is purpose; between c, 1 and 2, substance and attribute ; between d, 1 and 2, design ; Associations 23 between e, 1 and 2, resemblance ; between /, 2 and 3, con- trast, and between g, 1 and 2, subordination (part and whole). II. In mere nearness, contiguity of mental states, there is no real relation. The correlations indicated above, on the other hand, are real mental relations. III. As to their nature, they have been regarded by some writers as differing from contiguity in kind; by others, as complex evolutions of simple contiguity. Whatever their origin may be, correlations are real experiences, and they are the relations, the associations, of the higher forms of thought. IV. Because these associations face both ways (we may pass from cause to effect or effect to cause, from part to whole or whole to part) they are correlations. The principal correlations that the intelligence finds among its objects are those of: 1. Coexistence 2. Succession 3. Subordination <; 4. Resemblance 5. Causation 6. Design-utility. time coinherence time space '^ genus and species essence and property whole and part quantity proportion r resemblance ' identity I difference (J. ]\r. Baldwin, Psychology.") Hand-book of 24 Less<,)Ns in Psychology Application Step.— I. Watch constantly for correla- tions in your trains of association. II. Imagine a mind whose thoughts are governed by con- tiguity only, a stream of thought in which there are no correlations. III. Which kind of associations, contiguity or correla- tions, enables a parrot to talk! A child"? An adult? IV. Which kind is involved in learning to spelH In learning the facts of history, of aesthetics? In the process of muscular training? In playing the piano? In house- keeping? In banking? Which kind is involved in passing an examination? Which is required for scientific knowledge? Which kind is it more valuable to make, more educative? V. Compare your memory for facts merely contiguous in time and space, such as the number of days in the month, the position of Batavia on the map of Java, with your memory for facts really correlated, such as your knowledge of the science you know and love best. VI. Read all the books on psychology to which you have access on the subject of associations, not so much to learn the book as to learn the subject. Lesson V DEFINITION OF ASSOCIATIONS Preparation Step.— Here are some lists I have just noticed : a. ( 1. ) A group of color sensations ; (2. Thought words,) Blue pencil. &. (1.) Sound sensations; (2. Thought words,) Miss P. ; Associations 25 (3.) Secondary visual image of Miss P. in another room; ^4. Thought words,) She must be working. c. (1.) Sound sensations; (2, Thought words,) She said " Don't close the door. ' ' (3.) I '11 leave it open ; (4.) I'll ask her what mail there was. • d. (1.) Sound sensations of my own voice ; (2. Thought words) Was there any mail? e. (1.) Sound sensations (of Miss P's voice) ; (2. Thought words) Not for you. (A little time ago I had this one :) /, (1.) Visual image of a calendar. (2. Thought words) The eighth. I must send some- thing for M 's birthday ; (3.) AVhat shall I send? (4.) Secondary visual image of a box of souvenirs; (5.) I might send that pillow-cover. Presentation Step.— I. How many of these thoughts could I have had without associations? In a I could not have known the name of the object. In 6 I could not have " known " the sounds, nor could I have thought of the person. In c I could not have planned to do as I did. In d and e I could not have asked the question, nor could I have understood the answer. II. In general, without associations a person could not think of the name of anything he saw or of any person ; he could not converse with people, as he could not think what to say in answer to their questions, nor could he even understand what they said; he could not read; he 26 Lessons in Psychology would not know his own name, his own home, and friends ; he could not remember what he had done, nor could he make plans for the future. III. To contrast our imagined condition without asso- ciations with our real condition with associations always present : we should have a succession of isolated, discon- nected primary sensations coming along like so many beads dropping one by one from a box, instead of the con- nected flow that we do have, in which the sensations come in a previously established, organized, interrelated net- work of infinite complexity. Our stream of thought seems to be made up of first, a primary group of sensations of sight, sound, or some other sense, followed by one or more secondary groups in previously established relations, in- terrupted by another primary group, which in turn is fol- lowed by secondary groups, always ordered, connected, continuous all day long, all night long, and all our lives long. All elements of our stream of thought are related, none is isolated. We may then formulate this definition : IV. The relations between the elements of our mental life that secure for us continuity of thought are associations. Application Step.— I. It is this fact of association that makes us educable. If our organism were not governed by its law, we should be worse off than animals and even than plants, both of which are governed by the same law. And indeed the atoms of inorganic matter must be conceived as ordered in the same manner, for does not. a well-worn gar- ment become trained to fit us? As Professor James says, " Your pupils, whatever else they are, are at any rate little pieces of associating machin- ery. Their education consists in the organizing within them of determinate tendencies to associate one thing with an- other, — impressions with consequences, these with reactions, Associations 27 those with results, and so on indefinitely. The more copious the associative systems, the completer the individual's adaptations to the world. " The teacher can formulate his function to himself therefore in terms of ' association ' as well as in terms of ' native and acquired reaction.' It is mainly that of huilding up useful systems of association in the pupil's mind. This description sounds M'ider than the one I began by giving. But, when one thinks that our trains of associa- tion, whatever they may be, normally issue in acquired reactions or behavior, one sees that in a general way the same mass of facts is covered by both formulas. * * * ' Those laws ru)i. the mind.' " To grasp these factors clearly gives one a solid simple understanding of the psychological machinery. The ' nature,' the ' character,' of an individual means really nothing but the habitual form of his associations. To break up bad associations or wTong ones, to build others in, to guide the associative tendencies into the most fruitful channels, is the educator's principal task." (" Talks to Teachers. ' ' ) II. Some one has said, and I think that was Professor James, too, that an uneducated man is nonplused by all but the most usual circumstances. This statement means, for one thing, that the uneducated man has not been caused to interrelate, correlate, and as- sociate in right relations, or classify what knowledge he has, so that his thought can be nimble, flexible, supple. What he knows is not readily available, here to become a resource, there to point a .joke, and again for use in an emergency. III. " * * * association of ideas is intimately related to strength of character; when close connection is established among an abundance of related thoughts, one is likely to 28 Lessons in Psychology be quicker, safer and firmer in the decisions he reaches. When we reflect that life consists of a continual debate, that in all matters, whether of morals or business, men are called upon to weigh evidence, to balance pros and cons, then to act, we see the extent to which the relationship among ideas must influence conduct. No matter how much a man may know, if he cannot think of it when it is needed, if he cannot mass it quickly against a temptation, or if he cannot have the benefit of it all in passing a judgment, he practically knows less and is a weaker man than he might be. ' ' School education can help to remedy that defect. Since the rapidity and completeness of reproduction of ideas are known to depend upon the closeness of relationship among them, upon the extent to which they are built into chains, or series, or networks, one of the first duties of the in- structor is to weave the knowledge that he imparts into one web. Thereby character is greatly strengthened." (Frank McMurry, Ph.D., Concentration, " The First year Book of the Herbart Society.") CHAPTER II SENSATIONS Lesson I DEFINITION OF SENSATIONS Preparation Step. — The different parts, or members of trains of association are groups of sensations. In this les- son we shall study these elements. I. As a preparation for the study, name the sensations in the objects about you and in your thoughts somewhat like this: The sensations that make my table now are browns, grab's, greens, and yellows. I hear the children in the street ; the elements that make this experience are sounds of the peculiar quality of chil- dren's voices, high in pitch, shrill, loud, and sometimes musical. The sounds of the electric car that I recall hear- ing yesterday are harsh, loud, metallic, and noisy. The temperature sensation of some beads near my hand is cool ; my pen, warm. The touch of the beads is smooth in places, rough in other places. I recall the organic sensations connected with a church that I entered; they are close, stuffy, and stale. Notice every hour and write lists of many sensations, both primary and recalled, in your stream of thought. II. We may think of the nervous system as a single organ made up in general of two parts, (1) the lines of nerve-fibres radiating in pairs to all organs of the body and to every part of its surface from (2) the spinal and cere- bral centres. 30 Lessons in I^sychology The function of the lines of nerve-fibres is to carry ex- citation, or " nerve impulse " to and from the end organs on the one hand and on the other, the spinal and cerebral centres. In the cerebral centres are effected the redistri- bution of impulses. AVhat the nature of nerve change in conduction is is not fully known. It seems probable that it is mechanical (vibratory), chemical, and electrical, all three. III. If the air were colored red so that you could see it, would it not seem to be more really matter! It is some- times difficult to realize that this invisible substance all around us has weight, that it is impenetrable, inert, and, in short, is as really matter as is the table, the house, or the Avater of the river. Yet such a realization will help you very much in studying what precedes sensations. IV. To think the conditions of the Atomic Theory into matter about you will also be a help to you. Try to realize that the ink and paper of the book, your hand, your clothing, and everything in the room as well are each and all actually made of minute particles, no two of which are in intimate contact, and all of which are in a state of vibration. If you quicken the rate of vibration of the molecules, you will raise the temperature and increase the volume. If this rate is increased still further, the par- ticles will be driven farther and farther apart till, unless chemical change takes place, a solid becomes a liquid and the liquid, a gas. If chemical change does take place, the elements resulting from decomposition become liquid or gaseous. If the rate of vibrati(m of the molecules in a given gas be decreased, its temperature will fall and its volume grow less until its form becomes liquid and finally solid. Study concretely all matter about you in the terms of this theory. In how many states may each kind exist? Sensations 31 V. The Atomic Theory says that no two molecules of matter, as the paper, are in close contact. In the spaces between the molecules, called pores, is supposed to be an imponderable substance, ether, which, though it has none of the properties of matter, we think as existing. Ether seems to occupy all the spaces that are not filled by matter, those between us and the heavenly bodies as well as in- termolecular spaces. Presentation Step.— I. I just heard a bell ring, that is, I had a group of sound sensations. Think what had to take place before I could hear these sounds: The first thing was the striking together of two pieces of metal, the clapper and the bell, in such a way that vibra- tions of a rapid rate were started in both the bell and the clapper. Next, these vibrations, or waves were transmitted in straight lines by means of the air and other matter in all directions from the bell. Imagine these spheres of mo- tion moving out from the bell as a centre through the air, the walls, the earth, and everything in their way. In the course of time some of this motion reaches my ear-drums, is transmitted through the parts of my ears to my auditory nerves, and thus to certain cells in the tem- poral lobes of my brain. So far there have been only vibrations of matter. Now, apparently, a wholly new result takes place, in that I have a sensation of sound in my mind. No one has yet explained how vibrations of matter are turned into a mental state, a sensation. We have to accept the experience as a fact without any explanation. The re- sult then of this particular kind of brain excitation is a sensation of sound in my mind. II. Let us study next a sensation of smoothness, the touch of my pen : 32 Lessons in Psychology As my finger tip moves over the pen, changes take place in the terminals of the nerves of touch in my skin. This excitation is transmitted along the length of the nerves of touch through my arm, body, and spinal cord to certain brain cells, and the result in my mind is sensations of smoothness. III. What takes place in order that we may have a sen- sation of color is rather more complex. It is perhaps some- what as follows : I see the color green of my blotter. The vibrations we are concerned with here originate in the solid particles of carbon in a lamp flame. As compared with those that vi- brate when the result is sound, these particles are vibrating at an intense rapidity. The waves thus started are trans- mitted in straight lines in all directions from the vibrating particles in the flame by the medium ether. Some of the vibrations are reflected from the blotter, though at a changed rate, through my eye, — its lenses and humors to the retina. Excitation is set up in the optic nerve and brain cells, and the result in my mind is the sensation green. It is probable, also, that when the source of vibration is the sun or any other body in intense enough vibration, the process and medium are the same. IV. We have studied what takes place when we have sensations of sound, touch, and color only. W^hat occurs in case of the other kinds of sensation is probably anal- ogous. When the sensations are secondary, (recalled, inner) though the end organs and nerves seem not to be excited, the brain-cells are active. In each case noticed the analysis of what precedes a sen- sation ends with the words. " the result in mind (of the cerebral excitation) is a sensation of sound, color, or touch. " Sensations 33 A generalized form of this statement may be accepted as the definition of a sensation : The result in mind of cerebral excitation is a sensation. Application Step. — I. Imagine your condition without color sensations. In what terms must a blind man do his thinking'? How would you think the thoughts of the last hour without sound sensations'? Suppose that you had no sensations at all ! II. Observation of the sensations that you use in think- ing will soon show you that there are many more kinds than just those of the five senses of the older psychology. The ' ' five gates of Mansoul ' ' are no longer adequate to furnish our complex mental life. Besides the sensations of these senses, we have those from the organs of the body, that is, organic sensations (such as tooth-ache, closeness, fatigue, hunger), sensations of temperature, pressure, and those from the tendons and joints. III. The body is like a quivering, sensitized sounding- board, each sense of which responds to its own rate of stim- ulus. Though not all stimuli result in active consciousness as discriminated sensations, or mental states, each modifies the others -and is in turn modified by them, so that the stream of thought at any moment is the resultant of all the bodily stimuli. IV. The fact that different sensations are the mental results of different rates of vibration in matter seems to indicate that the different senses had a common origin. And indeed such is apparently the case. The spinal cord and the entire nervous system are be- lieved to have developed from the external embryological layer, the skin, and all the higher senses have arisen as gradually differentiated and specialized forms of touch, the "mother tongue" of the senses, 3 34 Lessons in Psychology V. Why do we not hear sounds from the sun,, Jupiter, or the " morning stars?" VI. Suppose your auditory nerve had always vibrated at the same rate : Would there have been a sensation result- ing from this particular excitation ? We must think that there would not. Change seems to be necessary to attract our attention. In fact, all sensation might be defined as " consciousness of change." " The chain of consciousness is a sequence of ditferents " (S. Hodgson, " The Philosophy of Reflection "). VII. Here again, as in the study of associations, the cau- tion is necessary that, though for convenience in analysis we have spoken of sensations as if they were separate real- ities, perhaps somewhat like the atoms of matter, they must not be thought of as such. " No one of them " (mental elements) " can live out of that particular thought, any more than my head can live off of my particular shoulders. In a sense a soap-bubble has parts; it is a sum of juxtaposed spherical triangles. But these triangles are not separate realities; neither are the 'parts' of the thought separate realities. Touch the bubble and the triangles are no more. Dismiss the thought and out go its parts. You can no more make a new thought out of 'ideas' that have once served than you can make a new bubble out of old triangles. Each bubble, each thought, is a fresh organic unity, sui generis." ("Psychol- ogy," Vol. I, W. James.) VIII. Study your stream of thought as though it were made entirely of sensational elements, that is, as though all thinking and experience were in the terms of colors, sounds, touches, tastes, smells, temperatures, and organic sensa- tions. "All thought is the action and interaction of sensations." Sensations 35 Someone has likened sensations to the letters of the al- phabet, which have spelled out all of literature ; so our sen- sations spell out for us all our experience, both inner and outer, or primary and secondary. Learn by daily study this alphabet of mental life;— name and make lists of the elements of many trains of association. Make lists also under each sense of as many sensations as you notice, and analyze what precedes each. Lesson II THE SENSE OF SOUND Preparation Step.— I. Name the sounds you have no- ticed during the last hour. II. The analysis of what precedes the sound sensations of a piano I hear is as follows : Hammers controlled by means of a mechanism through the keys of the piano are caused to strike the wdres stretched over a sounding-board in the piano case. The wires vibrate as a result, and the air transmits the motion from them in all directions. Some of the waves strike the sounding-board which so collects and reflects them that they are intensified. As reflected these waves travel in all directions through matter, that is, the air, the floor, and the walls of the room and the house, and some of them finally reach my ear. Excitation is set up in the auditory nerve and brain-cells, and there is a result in mind of sensations of sounds. Go over again and again some similar analysis for your- self, imagining vividly what takes place and tracing with your finger the lines of vibration that come to your ears. III. Analyze what precedes many different sounds, as voices, the wind, the rain. 36 Lessons in Psychology IV. How many people do you know by their voices? Name all the differences you notice between voices, talking and singing; between different bird notes, musical instru- ments, bells, whistles, horns, doors, foot-steps, cars, ve- hicles, machines. V. Notice how accurately you can tell by sounds the di- rection of objects, their distance, size, and material. VI. What is the range of your speaking voice ! Of your singing voice? How many octaves has your piano? VII. How much do you care for music ? M^^hat are your favorite songs? Musical instruments'? Recall what you know about harmony. VIII. Start separate lists of all the songs you know that stir and inspire feelings of patriotism, courage ; of love of home, nature, God. Classify other songs as those of war, love, the cradle; folk-songs, children's songs, work songs. What instrumental music has power to move you emo- tionally ?— name the compositions and instruments. Objects in PRESENTATION Step. — I. In the analysis of what prcccdcs which vibra- • t i \ • i tionsthat souuds you must havc noticed that a) sometnnes the waves result in sound ■, n tt / • -i originate. are Started m each of two solids struck together, (as m the clapper and the bell) ; b) sometimes in liquids falling into liquids, (as in a water- fall) ; and c) again, in a gas imping- ing a gas, (as in thunder). Observe also that the vibrations may originate d) from contact of any two different states of matter, as when a solid and a liquid are set in motion by contact (rain falling on the roof). The objects in which vibrations originate that result in sound are of matter in solid, liquid, or gaseous form. Media for jj ^5. there must be some form of matter to vibrate in waves that re- sult in sound, order to start the motion that results in sound, so there must be some form of matter to carry the vibrations. Since, for example, the piano was in another house, the waves to Sensations 37 reach my ear had to travel through both the air and the solid walls. Strike the brush and soap together under water. Can you hear them? The liquid must transmit the vibrations part of the way. Close the air passages of the ears with cotton for half an hour. Do not vibrations from the house and street still come to your auditory system through the ground, the building, and the bony framework of your body? Do not confuse -the jarring motions with sound oscillations. Accustom yourself to detect the media for the different vibrations that aft'ect your ear. Matter in some form, solid, liquid, or gaseous is necessary to transmit waves that result in sound. III. The organ of the sense of hearing is composed of The organ of .....,, , , • 1 11 t^^ sense of three easily distniguishable parts, the outer, the middle, hearing, and the inner ear. Of these, the outer ear, a fold of skin and cartilage, re- flects the air-waves and air-shocks into the hollow tube which is closed by the tympanic membrane. This membrane is thrown into vibration by the motion of the air particles, and its motion is transmitted to a series of three bones within the middle ear, a hollow in the tem- poral bone. Next adjoining the middle ear is the inner ear, a series of hollows also in the temporal bone, a very minute struc- ture and wonderfully complicated. In some way excitation transmitted to the inner ear is communicated to the auditory nerve and finally to ter- minals in the temporal lobes of the brain. The ear has been fancifully likened to a tiny piano with a keyboard for the air to play on. IV. All the knowledge that we get through the sense of hearing is included under the term sounds. 38 Lessons in Psychology Probably all of the sounds that you have noticed are complex, that is, they are made up both of noisy and musical elements, and, depending upon the preponderance of one or the other, are called noises or music. 1. Sounds the result in mind of a slow and irregular rate of vibration are noises, (as, the pop of a soap-bubble, the sound of a footstep) ; 2. Those, the result of rapid and regular ones are musi- cal. Among the differences that should be noticed in musical sounds are those in a) pitch, b) intensity, c) vol- ume, and d) quality. a). In pitch a sound is acute or grave. This character- istic is found to depend on the number of vibrations in a given time necessary to produce the sound, — the greater the number, the higher the pitch. The gravest musical sound audible is the result of about sixteen regular vibra- tions the second. Jars or shocks slower than this rate are not heard at all. The highest estimate of the limit of acuteness places it at fifty thousand vibrations the second. From the fact that there is a certain definite proportion in the rate of vibration for musical tones, the science of harmony is possible. Though the ear- is susceptible to 11000 differences in pitch, only about ninety are used in the musical scale, which falls well within the vibration rates of 64 to 5000 per sec- ond. The range of the music that we know is relatively not many octaves higher and lower than that of the lipman voice, perhaps because it all evolved from singing. Among the great operas Lohengrin is interesting as the only one written chiefly in the higher register. b). By the intensity of a sound is meant its loudness or softness. The amplitude of the waves in the vibrating source determines this characteristic. The distance of the vibrating Sensations 39 source also makes a difference in the loudness or softness of it. c). The sounds you have noticed differ also in volume, that is, in their amount, fullness, or quantity. One voice, for example, is of less volume than a hundred voices— an organ tone has greater volume than that of a piano. d). But perhaps the most interesting difference in musi- cal sounds to the amateur observer is that in quality. The pitch and intensity of two voices may be the same, but it is the peculiar quality of each that identifies it for us. The explanation of this characteristic of sound is in the fact that every vibrating body moves as a whole and at the same time also in parts. The vibration of a body as a whole results in its fundamental tone ; that of its parts, in over- tones. The effect of the blending of these tones, different for every substance, is the quality, or timhre of sounds. Application Step. — I. How many differences in sounds did you name in the Preparation-Step ? Classify those dif- ferences now in something like this list : Differences in sounds in 1. Pitch : High, low, shrill, grave, soprano, alto, con- tralto, baritone, bass, flat, sharp, piercing, acute, deep. 2. Intensity: Penetrating, loud, soft, heavy, faint, strong, powerful, timid, bold, strident, piano, forte. 3. Volume: Heavy, light, tiny, pipy, small, little, puny, fine, full, rich, masculine, feminine, chest and head tones, pompous, ineffective, bellowing, booming. 4. Quality: Musical, unmusical, noisy, sweet, harsh, hoarse, fine, coarse, cornet-like, throaty, aspirate, guttural, strident, flute-like, masculine, feminine, reed-like, silvery, alto, soprano, tenor, bass, rumbling, slamming, clashing, crashing, tearing, ripping, sonorous, crackling, rolling, pen- 40 Lessons in Psychology etrating, childish, bird-like, husky, rasping, nasal, chest and head tones, gay, solemn, tinny, metallic, pleasant, whining, having a tang, sharp, resonant, uncultivated, breathy, sympathetic, mellow, flat, lifeless, squeaky, dry, strained, dull. II. Of musical instruments that we know the flute has fewest overtones, and for that reason it is often regarded Avhen played alone as rather colorless. The violin on the other hand has many overtones and noise elements, and thus infinite possibilities in character. III. Analyze noises to determine tone elements (pitch) in them. Some one says that the roar of a great city is in F. IV. Think of ways in which we extend the sense of hear- ing: Explain the megaphone; the ordinary speaking-tube; the dentiphone ; the graphophone ; the electric telephone. V. Do you see now why we do not hear sounds from the heavenly bodies'? There is no air most of the way out, no matter to transmit whatever waves there are from them to us. VI. Americans are much criticized for their lack of cul- tivation in voice and speech. Richard Harding Davis tells about ' ' the high public-school voice. ' ' The French people at home, since they think we cannot speak our own lan- guage, choose the English in preference to us to teach their children English. In Henry James' judgment, " The parts of our speech, the syllables of our words, the tones of our voice, the shade of our articulation, are among the most precious of our familiar tools." Here is much food for thought for American teachers. VII. " No genius is more precocious than that for music, and with talent, progress during the early teens is often prodigious. For the average youth there is probably no such agent of educating the heart to love of God, home, nature, and hence there is no aspect of our educational life Sensations 41 more sad than the neglect or perversion of musical training from this, its supreme end. * * * Darwin holds that music, instead of originating in speech cadences, as Spencer thinks, sprung from and is reminiscent of the physchoses of old courtships of a long past age.* * * Singing is the most universal language, because it is the language of feel- ing. Piety, patriotism, all the racial and domestic senti- ments and love of nature can be thus trained. Teachers of singing have drifted very far from the intent of nature in this respect. Love, home, war, religion, country * * * it is their lirst duty to preform in the heart. The merely technical process of reading notes is a small matter com- pared with the education of the sentiments." (G, S. Hall " Adolescence.") Lesson III THE SENSE OP SIGHT Preparation Step. — I. How many colors do you know by name'? Write out the list. II. If you had always been blind, how much of the world about you should you miss ? Study it out at your leisure in detail. III. In order that I may see the red of a Christmas bell at which I am now looking vibrations started in the sun must come through the medium ether, undergo a change at a certain part of their course, reach my eye, and set up nerve impulse in my optic nerve and brain cells. Then there is a result in my mind of the color red. IV. How do different reds differ ? How is dark red made in mixing paints? Light red? pink? purple? brown? If possible, combine color disks on a wheel to analyze the com- plex color effects of the clothing you have on and of objects in the room. 42 Lessons in Psychology V. Do you ever see colors with your eyes closed 1 Recall a blue-print you saw recently ; a grove of trees. Did you not think these in blues, browns, and greens ? Study the images carefully, as it takes a little time to realize that most of us think often in the terms of secondary visual images, and that even with the eyes open. Of what use are your eyes in absolute darkness ? VI. If a flame of hydrogen is burned in an atmosphere of oxygen can you see it? Why must calcium be in- troduced ? VII. Notice the photographs mounted for a stereoscope : they are not alike, but the lenses of the instrument so com- bine them that they make one picture, and that one in perspective. How accurate is your estimate of distance by sight? Study the photograph or the painting before you as a group of colors representing distance. VIII. Speaking and writing are familiar means of ex- pression ; why might not drawing be as commonly used? What advantage would it be to you to sketch as readily and as effectively as you talk "1 What would the last letter you wrote gain by illustrations? Objects in PRESENTATION Step.— I. a. The vibratious to which the which vibra- tions that eye is sensitive may originate in solid matter (as in a glow- result in color ' • » i • n originate. iug coal ; solid particlcs of carbon m a flame of gas, oil, or alcohol; red hot iron; the carbon of an electric light,) and in certain liquids (molten glass, iron,); in certain sub- stances not in combustion said to be phosphorescent ; in a vacuum under certain electrical stimulus, and in some other conditions not understood. b. The source of most of the vibrations that make pos- sible color for us is the sun. This body is matter in a state Sensations 43 of intense vibration and it gives off its vibrations in all directions at all times. We see all sides of the sun in the course of a year, though we are on the side of the earth that is turned away from the sun half of the day. Since there was not light enough to see to follow the occupations of the daytime during this half, we as a race have formed the habit of sleeping through most of it. c. Though only a few objects originate vibrations that result in color, an innumerable number constantly reflect these waves from every point of their surface. It is, in fact, by means of reflected lines of vibration that we see everything except the so-called self-luminous objects, that is, those that are themselves originating the motion. A surface that reflects all the vibrating rays unchanged is a perfect mirror and is itself invisible. II. a. The medium for vibrations resulting in sounds is Medium matter in solid, liquid, or gaseous form. No one of these forms of matter is necessary, however, to carry the waves that result in color, though all three will allow them to pass through under certain conditions. jMatter that will allow all the vibrating ra.ys to pass through is said to be transparent, and if it does not reflect any vibrations cannot itself be seen. b. Little is known of the medium that transmits the waves to the eye. From their phenomena it seems probable that they, the waves, conform to the same laws that govern like conditions in the sense of sound, therefore we speak as though there Avere a medium analogous to matter and we call it ether. Ill a. The eye is a combination of lenses which bend the Organ, vibrating rays of ether so that they may be brought to a focus on the retina, the true nervous end organ of sight. 44 Lessons in Psychology These lenses are a development of layers of the skin. The retina, which lines the back part of the eye-ball, is a bit of the brain pushed out to meet the particular physical excita- tion to which it is sensitive. The eye-ball is moved in its socket by six strong muscles. b. The effect of having two eyes is that we see our world in perspective. A simple experiment will show you some- thing of the mechanism of this phenomenon: Hold your left hand six inches in front of your face with the palm facing toward the right, the thumb toward your face. With the left eye closed draw what the right eye sees of the hand. Next, without moving the head or hand, draw what the left eye sees. These pictures are not alike. Through the right eye you saw the thumb and palm, through the left, the thumb and back of the hand. Observe many objects in the room through each eye sep- arately, and you will find that the pictures on the two retinae are never just alike. Now these two images are always combined by the eyes in such a way that there is in the mind one image, and that is in perspective. We wear a stereoscope all the time, only it is a natural one, and as a result we say that we see a third dimension in our world. Knowledge. I^- &• The result of the stimulus of the optic nerve is in general brightness and color of varying intensity. All our visual experience may be reduced to the following simple elements : 1. Colorless light elements, white, gray, and black — (in evolution, the primitive experience, dating back to the eye-specks of jelly-fish). 2. Red, yellow, green, blue— (later, more complicated in race experience, the results of vibrations from 440 billions to 790 trillions per second). Sensations 45 b. From your observation of colors you will no doubt have been astonished at the multiplicity of them required to make your world. Most of this great number seem not to differ fundamentally from each other, but to have re- sulted from the combination of the few simple elements named above. c. A color is pure, or saturated in proportion as it is free from all admixture with other colors. The colors that we see in nature and that we use in clothing, decoration, and art are rarely pure. Without combination with both black and white a pure color would seem crude and bizarre, and usually other colors, as well, enter into the complex. d. There is no science of colors corresponding to that of musical sounds, harmony. Application Step. — I. Though we cannot hear sounds from the heavenly bodies, we can see their light. The vi- brating rays that they originate or reflect are readily trans- mitted " through ether " to us, and we see the glories of an innumerable host. II. We extend the sense of sight by the artificial lenses that we wear over our eyes, as eye-glasses and spectacles. Explain opera glasses ; a telescope ; a microscope. III. What is the influence of sight on other senses ? Com- pare your enjoyment of music when you cannot see the musicians with that when you can; of speaking when you cannot see the speaker with that when you can. It is noticeable that those who become blind lose their appetite. Think how much sight adds to our enjoyment of the table. IV. Correspondences between color and sound : a. Both are the result in mind of vibration, sound of rates from 16 up to 50,000 the second; color, of rates up in the billions and trillions. 46 Lessons in Psychology b. Sensations of simple noise in sound correspond to sen- sations of brightness in sight. c. The rapidity of the periodic rate makes the ditit'erence in the pitch of sounds ; in sight, it makes the difference in colors, the red end of the spectrum corresponding to the grave tones, the violet to the shrill tones. V. According to the theory of evolution, the race is evolving toward insensibility to the red end of the spec- trum and, on the other hand, to greater sensibility to the violet end. In support of the theory it is noticed that savage races have been found having names only for black, white, and red. They have not yet evolved to a knowledge of blue. Color blindness, moreover, is blindness to red. Savages are rarely color-blind (only one in twenty) ; civilized races are losing their sensitiveness to the red end of the spectrum (one in five of those tested for positions on railways fail through ignorance or absolute color-blindness). On the other hand artists and those trained in color see violet in all nature and as a part of all color experience. An experiment made with a group of men and women showed that of 30 men, 10 to 3 preferred blue to red ; of 30 women, 4 to 5 preferred blue to red. Since woman is more generic than man, this result was regarded as further confirmation of the theory that we are losing sensitiveness to the red end and gaining sensitiveness to the violet end of the spectrum. VI. At first thought it would seem that besides colors we see distance, form, shape, size, and position. Yet the optic nerve does not respond in different ways (that is, rates) for colors one yard away and for the same colors five yards distant; for a square object and a spherical one; for a large object and a small one. Sensations 47 We know the distance, size, and shape of the table as compared with those of the wall by the associations we have established with different groups of colors before. When the given groups of colors are in mind, we think at once. The wall is farther away than the table ; the table is not so broad as the wall and is square. VII. Remember that to be blind is not always the same as to be in darkness. Though a child sees colors he is blind to many objects, forms, and distances, because the given colors are not discriminated and correlated with other parts of his experience. A blind man on first having his " sight restored " is as blind as he was before. To be sure his optic nerve is as- sailed by as many stimuli as ours is, but he has a long and complex process of establishing associations to go through before he can have in his mind a definite group of colors followed by the thought, ' ' my cat " or " the floor. ' ' Did you ever think how convenient it is to be able to see objects at a distanced Suppose we had to depend on touch and sound alone in judging distance. We have always to remember that it is not the eye but the mind that sees. VIII. How many colors did you find that you knew by name ? It seems that naming makes a difference in knowledge of color. It was found by experiment that when three differ- ent shades of gray were exposed, the subject on seeing each one alone later readily identified it. But when two addi- tional shades were inserted among these three, making five graduated grays, the subject was not sure of any one when it was shown alone. When, however, the shades were marked 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the subject later readily identified each one. 48 Lessons in Psychology The conclusion drawn is that if we knew more color names, that is, if there were names and we learned them of more of the colors that we see, we should be able to remem- ber and use a greater number of them and should have greater thought power in everything that involves imaging in color. It is said that the workers in mosaic in the Vatican must have distinguished as many as 40,000 colors. Frederick Tracy found in his examination of child vocabularies, a few years ago, that out of 5400 words known to children only about 30 are color terms. We have not only no science of color but also no system of naming colors that is in any measure adequate to our ex- perience. It is to be hoped that some ingenious mind will devise such a system for the benefit of kindergartens and primary and intermediate grades. There is much, meantime, that can be done in training the color sense of children. IX. If one knew more, that is a larger number, of color sensations rightly correlated, what difference would it make in his ability to think? Surely he would have more power in those lines involving color and a knowledge of color. But multiplicity of sensa- tions alone, notice, does not make all the difference; their relations as well must be considered. Imagine a mind with the color discrimination of an artist, the knowledge of sounds of a musician, and the sensitiveness to touch of the blind, and all these systems adequately correlated in the higher forms of thought. What about its power? Would the person having such a mind be a better statesman, me- chanic, son, than he would be were he blind and deaf? In what ways? The two senses of sight and hearing certainly supply material greatly superior to that of the others for elabora- tion into ideational proeesses. Sensations 49 Yet education must guard against arrest of development in that stage of advancement when sensation is the pre- dominant mode of thought. Among races this condition is illustrated by the Indians. The excessive training of their senses seems to have had the effect of stultifying their later and higher power of thought. X. The study of genetic psychology shows that the best time for sense-training and development of the powers of observation (that is, supplying a large potential of sensa- tions in right relations) is probably before nine years of age. The spontaneous curiosit^^ and love of nature that characterize childhood, the ' ' native tendencies ' ' of the period offer a wonderful opportunity for such training. XI. Then again at adolescence occurs a distinctly differ- ent phase of sense development and training. The medulla- tion of new associational fibres in the brain and the almost spontaneous outburst of the great wealth of the emotional nature modify the problem of teaching here fundamentally. ' ' There is, no doubt, an important change in the relative prominence of the different senses in our psychic life at this stage (adolescence) with its new emotions, interests, and apathies. Adolescent years mark the golden age of sense, which is so prone to become sensual if uncontrolled. Then -the soul exposes most surface, as it were, to the external world. The eye gate and ear gate especially are open their widest, and not only that, but the feeling tone and the gen- eral sense feeling, so largely independent of perception, are also at their best, so that the possibilities of knowing our world and acquiring experience on the one hand, and of lapsing to a life of indulgence, are now most developed." (G. S. Hall, "Adolescence.") 50 Lessons in Psychology Lesson IV TASTE AND SMELL Preparation Step.— L To get material for the gener- alizations of this lesson, let us take the smell and taste sen- sations that go to make up a single meal— for example, breakfast : Suppose we start with grape fruit: It has a faint fra- grance, a sweet taste, a slightly bitter taste, and a some- what sour taste, also a peculiar flavor. Suppose cereal with cream comes next: The cereal has a salty taste, is sweet, and has the peculiar flavor of oatmeal ; the cream is sweet and has a flavor peculiar to it. Both have slight but char- acteristic odors. The next course is, say, bacon and baked potatoes with coffee and rolls. The bacon has a pungent odor and a smoky flavor; both it and the potatoes have a salty taste, and the potatoes have a flavor peculiar to them as well as an odor. The coffee has a characteristic odor, a flavor, and a sweet taste. II. a. In order to have the sweet taste of the sugar in the coffee particles of the solution must come in contact with the nerve terminals in the tongue. Excitation peculiar to the gustatory nerve is set up, brain-cells are changed, and the result in mind is the taste sensation sweet. b. The smell of coft'ee: When the coffee was boiled a true gas was given oft' into the air. Matter is minutely divisible and widely dift'usible, so that tiny particles often travel through small openings and long distances. Thus minute particles of the coffee traveled through several rooms, keyholes, and small cracks, and were breathed into the nostrils with the air. They came in contact with the terminals of the olfactory nerves, which are distributed in Sensations 51 the mucous membrane lining the nasal passages, set up an excitation in the nerves and brain-cells, and the result in mind is a sensation of the odor of coffee. III. After you have observed carefully many substances that have taste, make experiments with them. Try tasting meats, vegetables, and fruits (all minced, so that their peculiar resistance and touch sensations shall not identify them) with the nasal passage stopped. You will find that celery, steak, and many other foods have no "taste" left. IV. Observe carefully all the sensations in connection with what you eat at every meal. V. What difference does a cold make in your enjoyment of the table ? VI. Experiment to find the differences in sensitiveness of different parts of the tongue to svigar; to salt, vinegar, and quinine. VII. Make lists of the other substances besides foods that have tastes and smells. Presentation Step. — I. a. The tongue, especially its The sense sides and the tip and back of its upper surface, the forward organ, surface of the palate, and sometimes other parts of the mucous membrane lining the mouth cavity are sensitive to taste stimuli. b. Not all parts of the tongue furnish us given sensations with equal sensitiveness. The tip seems to be particularly sensitive to sweet and salt, the sides to sour. Some sub- stances, furthermore, such as saccharine, produce one taste in one part of the mouth and a different one in another. c. In masticating food relish for it increases from tht' tip to the back of the tongue, an inducement that has evolved with us to keep the morsel moving backwards till it is swallowed. 52 Lessons in Psychology Objects. Knowledge d. The sense of taste seems often to improve through life and sometimes to develop to an exquisite degree of sensi- bility in old age. II. To stimulate the nerve terminals in the tongue mat- ter must be soluble in water or saliva and must be in contact with the tongue. If the tongue is dry, no taste sensation is possible. III. a. There seem to be only four taste elements, salt, sour, sweet, and its opposite bitter. b. Another class of sensations peculiar to the tongue, though more complex than these four since they involve touch, are those like alkaline, astringent, fiery, acrid, metallic. c. All these sensations, however, are not enough to cover our experience with food. What we loosely speak of as different tastes are often complexes of odors, motor exper- iences, pressures, pains, visual elements, and sensations of temperature with a far more limited number of taste ele- ments than we ordinarily suppose. The sense of smell. Organ. IV. a. Because of the difficulty in localizing within the nostrils the areas of the olfactory nerve terminals, little is really known of the physiological conditions of smell. Exhaustion of the nostrils for certain continuous smells seems to show that different parts of the end organs, as in taste, are affected by distinct stimuli. b. Each nasal cavity opens at its farther end into the pharynx, and it is through this passage that gaseous par- ticles from the mouth enter the nostrils to stimulate the smell sensations, flavors, that so often seem to be a part of the taste of our food. c. The human brain is far less developed in its olfactory centres than the animal brain. The power of discrimina- Sensations 53 tion in this sense and consequent instruction and guidance by means of it are relatively great among many animals, especially carnivorous quadrupeds, like the dog. V. The fact has recently been established that the smell o^'Jects. stimulus is always a true gas. The presence of oxygen seems necessary to stimulation, since, in human beings, at least, in case the nostrils are filled with liquid no smell sen- sation results. The sense of smell has been called " taste at a distance." Yet in smell, not less than in taste, contact with the matter is necessary to stimulus. VI. a. Smell sensations may be classified as sweet, or ^"^owiedge. fragrant, (as rose, jasmine, apple,) and their opposites. b. Those odors in sympathy with the lungs have been described as fresh and close. Fresh odors have a refresh- ing, quickening, exhilarating effect on the lungs (as can de Cologne, lavender, peppermint, musk). Close or suffocat- ing odors arise from a depressed action of the lungs. (De- ficiency of oxygen, the decay of organic matter, the effluvia of crowds lower the powers of life and are accompanied by a depressing effect.) c. Many odors (like ammonia, nicotine, mustard) have a quality derived through the excitation of the nerves of touch, a sharp, stinging sensation described as pun- gency. d. The sense of smell is less acute in children than in adults. The abundance of mucous in infancy and the pres- ence of mechanical difficulties in the form of the nostrils up to seven years of age explain this obtuseness of smell sensibilities in childhood. Application Step.— I. Has the wood of your pencil taste? Can you not tell pine from cedar by tasting them? And is wood soluble in saliva? 54 Lessons in Psychology Of course it is not, but it may contain oils or gums, minute particles of which passing through the nasal pas- sages when you put the pencil in your mouth affect the sense of smell and give a characteristic flavor to the wood. In order to have the sensations of the flavor of the wood of my pencil, (taste yours and follow the analysis through with me,) small particles of an oil in the wood are set free in my mouth as the pencil touches my tongue and in the act of expiration accompanying tasting are carried into the cavities of the nose and start an excitation in the nerves of smell. The result in mind is the sensation of the flavor of wood. Resins are not soluble, for example, spruce gum. This resin contains an essential oil, however, that gives it its peculiar, agreeable flavor. II. When you place a drop of camphor on your tongue it smarts and there is precipitated a white insoluble sub- stance. This precipitate is camphor gum, an essential oil, not soluble in water, hence witiiout taste. It has, however, the strong odor and the characteristic flavor by which camphor is readily identifled. III. Determine by experiment whether the following substances have tastes or flavors, or both : Oranges, peaches, apples of different kinds, currants, olives, peanuts, butter- nuts, dates, onions, turnips, potatoes, celery, lettuce, vanilla, tea, vinegar, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, radishes, pepper, chocolate, alum, brass, rubber, paper, leather, celluloid, glue, ink, fish, turkey, and many others. IV. "The famous mosque of Saint Sophia in Constanti- nople is always fragrant with the odor of musk and has been so ever since it was built in the ninth century, the curious thing being that nothing is done to keep it per- fumed. The solution of the seeming mystery lies in the Sensations 55 fact that when it was built, over 1,000 years ago, the stones and bricks were fixed with mortar mixed with musk." This example illustrates the extraordinary degree to which some matter has the properties of divisibility and dift'usibility. V. Kipling tells about "the hair-trigger-like sensitive- ness of a Jungle nose.'' Imagine what a dog is thinking in a room full of people. Where to us it seems a multiplicity of colors and sounds, it probably seems to the dog a bewildering complex of smells. VI. "Art employs visual and auditory materials, both because they admit such numberless combinations, and be- cause, also, forms and colors are relatively permanent and sounds are readily reproducible. Odors, on the other hand, are far less capable of fusions and are neither permanent nor easily revivable, hence they are of little importance in art ; and so it comes about that the perfumer is even less likely than the cook to be reckoned among artists." ("Psychology"— Mary W. Calkins.) VII. " Taste is the door-keeper at the entrance to the alimentary canal, and the human face, including nose and eyes, which are primarily food-finders, and the jaws, which are triturators, have developed as accessories. All the higher metabolism depends upon keeping the appetite true to the needs of the body, like a somatic conscience always pointing steadfastly toward undiscovered poles, the one of nutritive need and the other of human destiny." (G. S. Hall, "Adolescence.") Lesson V TOUCH, MUSCULAR, TEMPERATURE, AND ORGANIC SENSATIONS Preparation Step.— I. Stand up for a moment: How long could you stand if the soles of your feet were com- 56 Lessons in Psychology pletely insensible? Could you rise, step, walk, run, skate? Imagine each of these movements if the hip joints were insensible to the weight of the body. II. Notice the resulting sensations when you touch fur, the bristles of a stiff brush, cold water, warm water ; notice the touch and pressure sensations of clothing on different parts of the body ; heft the weight of a book ; recall how your hat feels on your head ; press the rubber of your pencil, your collar with the muscles of your neck ; recall sensations of hunger, of the enjoyment of food, of your foot asleep, of tickling, itching, smarting, fatigue, feverishness. III. Hunger seems to be a matter of the general depletion of the blood. Perhaps because we connect sensations of repletion with the stomach, we have come to localize those of hunger in the same organ. When the nerves of the stom- ach are deranged in a certain way, the excitation is trans- mitted to the brain and the result in mind is the sensation of hunger. IV. The pressure of my collar against my neck affects the nerve terminals in the skin and muscles there, the ex- citation is carried to the brain, and the result in mind is a sensation of pressure, or resistance. V. Clench the hand firmly, but in such a manner that its surfaces do not touch each other. Pick out some one muscle of a finger or part of the palm, look at it carefully as it is strained and find out just where the sense of strain is localized. Is it not where the tendons, or fibrous cords connect the muscle with the bone? As you move the finger can you not detect also sensations of the jamming together and stretching apart of the joints and of the contraction and relaxation of the muscles ? All muscular action takes energy, and all conscious mus- cular movement takes more or less conscious effort. Notice Sensations 57 the effort required to rise from yonr chair, to walk, to talk, to write. VI. Analyze into sensations the experiences of yawning, coughing, sneezing, hiccoughing, stretching the muscles, swallowing. VII. Do you know anybody who is ever moody, irritable without outward cause? What is your habitual outlook on life, optimistic or pessimistic ? Presentation Step.— I. The organ of the sense of touch The sense of is the surface of the entire body. Not all parts of the body, however, are equally sensitive. The upper surface of the tongue is exceedingly delicate, as is also the mucous mem- brane which lines the nostrils. Parts of the eye, and the lip seem to rank next in sensitiveness to touch, and the other parts of the body, speaking very generally, in the following order: the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot, the fore- arm, leg, shoulder, breast, abdomen, back and upper part of the thigh. II. a. In order to affect the sense of touch, matter must objects, be in solid form. We do not say of water and air that they • feel smooth or rough to the touch. We know their presence by the senses of temperature and pressure rather than by touch. b. No medium is to be considered in connection with touch; actual contact with solids is necessary to stimulate the nerve terminals that one may have primary sensations of touch. III. a. The simplest knowledge through the sense of Knowledge, touch is that of contact. Next most simple is that of smooth and rough. Still more complex are classed coarse, polished, damp, sticky, oily. For all except the simplest knowledge, motion and pressure as well as contact are necessary. 58 Lessons in Psychology b. It is commonly thought that we know hardness by the sense of touch. Critically speaking, however, this is not the ease. It is true that we know certain types of hardness by the sense of resistance, but the physical quality of hardness is more complex than the simple sensation of resistance. This quality is defined as that which matter has of resistance to being scratched or having its particles torn apart. The diamond scratches glass, therefore it is harder than glass. The way to determine the hardness of a material is to test it by another material. If it is scratched by that other, it is softer than it; if it scratches the other, it is harder. The sense of touch alone, by the simple process of contact would never determine this quality of hardness or softness. The muscular jy. The muscular sense involves the muscles, skin, joints, sense. Organs. 7 7 «j 7 ligaments, and tendons. Objects. y Matter in any form, solid, liquid, or gaseous may start the excitation of the nerves that results in sensations of effort and pressure. It may be started also, by any mo- tion of the body. Knowledge. yj ^ ^hc two distiuct elements involved in movements of the muscles are first, sensations of effort and second, sensations of resistance. Through these sensations we have a knowledge of force and extension. b. The muscular sense is developed very early. It makes our ideas of the activity of the muscles of the body as con- cerned in movement and balancing. Perhaps a child's first ideas of the self as active come as soon as the limbs are moved. This experience would be the beginning of atten- tion, as well as the first knowledge of the external world, and ultimately the ideas both of mental and of physical force. Sensations 59 c. Taken alone, however, the muscular sensations give us little knowledge. Without touch and sight, movements of the body are co-ordinated in only a vague way. ******* VII. The temperature sense has its end apparatus in the '^g^p^^^^J^l skin. " Temperature spots," minute points, the terminals O'^e^"- of nerves, some for heat and others for cold, are scattered over the skin in varying degrees of nearness to each other, with consequent variations in the delicacy of perception. VIII. The stimulus of the temperature spots results in Knowledge, mind in sensations of warm and cool, hot and cold. IX. As the name organic implies, these sensations are lo- Organic sensations. calized in the different internal organs of the body, as the muscles, the nerves, the circulatory and nutritory tracts, the glands, the heart, the lungs. X. The sources of excitation of the nerves connected Mode of with these organs are often in injuries or disease, often in some form of well-being. XI. a. Some classes of organic sensations that we dis- Knowledge, criminate are : 1. Muscular: cramp, spasm, pains that are acute, intense, racking, burning, shooting, pricking, smarting, aching, stunning, rheumatic ; pains of muscular fatigue, and pleas- urable sensations of repose, falling to sleep. 2. Nervous : fatigue and exhaustion, neuralgic sensations, weakness, prostration, ennui, heaviness, dullness, exhilara- tion, elation, irritability. 3. Sensations connected with nutrition: hunger, thirst, repletion, indigestion, nausea, relish. 4. Sensations connected with circulation : those arising from stricture, from long confinement in one posture, the prickly sensations of one's foot asleep. "The sleek, fat. 60 Lessons in Psychology full-blooded temperament has its peculiar mental tone, attributable to the circulation and nutrition rather than to the quality of the nerves." (A. Bain, " Mental Science.") 5. Sensations connected with respiration are suffocation of varying degrees, grateful freshness, buoyancy, fainting, bracing. b. All organic sensations undoubtedly reduce to more or less complex groups of those we know at the surface of the body as pressure, temperature, and pains. c. The organic sensations are not of a high order intel- lectually. Yet, these vague feelings of bodily comfort or discomfort are of great value in mental life since they fonn the background of our emotional condition. " They indi- cate an elevated or depressed condition of bodily vitality and give general cast to our state of mind. The dyspeptic soon becomes unreasonable or gloomy, and biliousness in- terferes with the normal activity of the mind." (J. M. Baldwin, ''Hand-book of Psychology.") Application Step.— I. Which are harder, metals or minerals ? " Metals," did you say? No, we use minerals to scour metals, therefore minerals must be the harder. II. Study touch, pressure, and temperature sensations in connection with the identification of different kinds of food in the mouth. III. Analyze many movements of different parts of the body in the terms of joint, tendon, and muscular sensations. IV. Watch for secondary organic sensations in trains of association : as, the remembrance of the thrill that followed the sight of the flag; the qualm that followed the imagina- tion of a sharp blade drawn through the hand ; the peculiar Sensations 61 inner shudder that followed the sight or touch of a writh- ing snake. V. We extend the senses of touch and resistance (that is, we experience smooth, rough, and pressure) through the hair, the teeth, the clothing, the sleeve, the sole of the boot, the hat, the pen and paper, the walking-stick, the fishing- rod, the building — ( I can feel through resistance sensations the nature of the vehicle in the street when it passes over some pipes laid there that connect with this building). The sense of temperature is supplemented by the ther- mometer ; the sense of pressure by the scales. All machines, however simple or complicated are devices for changing the direction of force, either of the muscles or for the advantage of the muscles. VI. As might be expected in connection with so funda- mental a sense as touch, a great number of our primitive, instinctive fears are touch fears and complexes of them. Spencer's theory of the development of the eye as antici- patory touch to avoid sudden contact, and the definition of science as prevision organized to enable man to anticipate shock from afar indicate the sensitiveness of the organism during the course of evolution to injurious contacts and its wonderful power of adaptation to its environment. VII " The true beginning for a psychology essentially genetic is hunger, the first sentient expression of the will to live, which with love, its other fundamental cjuality, rules the world of life, * * * every organ is in a sense a digestive organ * * * and man is what he eats and what he completely digests * * * gH fins, legs, wings, and tails were developed either to get food or to escape finding a grave in some other creature's stomach * * * Some two-thirds or more of all the kinetie energy of the human body goes to digestion * * *. In the slow pro- 6^ Lessons in Psychology cess of cephalization by which the brain and centers develop near the month end of the alimentary canal, the first laugh, if Spencer is right, was in prospect of food." (The first nod, an affirmative biting toward food ; the first negation, a turning of the mouth away from food ; and the first kiss, a little bite.) "The great epoch marked by the descent of fire and cooking not only economized digestion and freed its energy for higher uses, but evolved hearth, home, and mealtimes * * *. Every cell and tissue has its own specific hunger, and what we call appetite is a symphony of many parts or a net algebraic result aggregated from the specified hunger of all the tissues and cells * * *. Sen- sation and perhaps thought, are in one sense functions of nutrition. If the parts and molecules latest to develop and most distinctively human, being more complex than others, * * * are broken down in the function of thought and feeling, we can well understand that the nervous system, which is the master tissue of the body, may be the seat of the highest complexity, where matter is most nearly transubstantiated into soul * * *. In a sense every disease is due to cell hunger, and old age and death are progressive starvation. Most of the diseases of middle and later life are pj-obably due to avoidable errors of diet." (G. Stanley Hall, "Adolescence.") CHAPTER. Ill PERCEPTION Lesson I DEFINITION OF PERCEPTION Preparation Step.— I. The stream of thought is a imit. We may study it, however, from many diiferent stand- points. Just as we may look at the capitol from the side of its architectural features, its use, or its history, always remembering that it is the same building, so we may con- sider the same thoughts under such' aspects as associations, sensations, memories, or attention. We must not mistake the standpoints, however, for separate " faculties," since no faculties can be separated from the action and interac- tion of sensations in the stream of thought. When we studied our thoughts from the point of view of associations, we were thinking of the relations that exist between their elements; when from that of sensations, we were thinking of the elements themselves. - Our study in this lesson will be from the standpoint of perception. II. Name the parts of the room and the objects in it. Would there be anything left of the room if all that you have named were taken away? If there would be, keep on naming till you have exhausted it alJ. Each object has a place in space and a definite relation to other objects. You think of each one now, you remember to have seen it in the past, and can imagine that you will or will not see it in the future, and thus. each one has also definite time relations. 64 Lessons in Psychology Name, next, and think of all the objects and parts of the house ; of the city ; the state ; the earth ; all your universe. Everything you have thought of is matter in space, and it all goes to make up your outer world. It all has the un- iversal properties of matter, such as weight, porosity, divisi- bility, inertia, impenetrability, indestructibility. III. In order to have the sensation of a burn on the back of my hand, the nerve terminals there must be excited, the vibrations must be carried along the length of the nerve through my arm and spinal cord to the brain, and there must be a result in mind, a sensation of pain, a burn. Suppose that the nerves and brain-cells here involved had always been excited in just the same way, would there be thinkable any sensation resulting in mind? Surely not. There must be a change in the physical condition and a con- sciousness of the change in mind in order that a sensation may be in mind. IV. Where are all the sensations that you have noticed and studied"? Is it not clear from your analysis of what precedes each one that all sensations of whatever kind are in your mind? V. And when are they all 1 Has not every one that you have ever experienced been in the present ? The burn which I remember iioiv to have had a moment ago was present then. VI. We are naively conscious of objects as units, or wholes only, until our attention is called to the fact that all objects are groups of sensations. Presentation Step.— I. What sensations does it take to make the pencil in your hand? You say it takes color sensations of red, brown, gray; sensations of touch and resistance, smoothness, weight, and Perception 65 the peculiar pressure of rubber; smell sensations of cedar and rubber; flavor sensations of cedar. That you may have sensations, consciousness of difference is necessary. But given the sensations you have named above, that is, just the results in mind of colors, touches, tastes, and smells, you could not make the pencil. In order to make it the sensations, in addition, must be grouped in time and space relations. That is, there must be a con- sciousness of whereness and whenness, or time and space, in which the sensations are definitely grouped. The red of this group, for example, is not out in the street yesterday, but in a certain definite relation to the grays and browns to make the single complex, my pencil, now. II. Analyze many objects following the order indicated above : 1. Name the sensations that make the object for the moment ; 2. In order to have these elements, there must be a con- sciousness of each sensation as difi^erent from the imme- diately preceding one ; 3. In order to have perception, time and space must be thought ; 4. The sensations must be realized as definitely grouped, associated, or synthesized in times and spaces to make ob- jects, wholes, units. III. The above order does not imply that our original experience is at first made of singular elements, that is, that in childhood we have only sensations, that then for a time we are conscious of the sensations in time and space, and finally in definite time and space relations. Nor does it imply that in making my shears I have at one moment sensations, at the next, consciousness of space, and so on. My experience from the beginning is of undistin- 5 66 Lessons in Psychology guished and undiscriminated complexity. I know my shears not as a group of sensations but as a single object. But though these dilt'erent steps are not chronologically successive, in the process of analyzing perception as a psychological fact they must be considered as logically suc- cessive and in the above definite order. That is, we cannot think of sensations as grouped till we can think time and space in which to group them. Nor can we think time and space before we think sensations to limit them. Nor again, can we know sensations in undifferentiated continuum. Though in experience the three steps are a simultaneous synthesis, in analyzing each object logically one must think them as we have outlined them. IV. We are not concerned here with the origin of the ideas of difference, time, space, and grouping. We have only to notice these forms as characteristic of all the sen- sations that make the outer world, many of the parts of which you have named and analyzed. V. All the parts of your physical world, all the congeries of objects you have thought of and named are at any and all moments made of sensuous elements. VI. The process of making our outer world out of sensa- tions in time and space relations is perception. . Application Step.— I. It is somewhat difficult to realize that anything so complicated as our experience of the outer world is really made out of sensation stuff. I must beg of you to dwell patiently on the analysis of objects and acts of all kinds and to try to realize that these same sensations are the vague undifferentiated matrix out of which all the richness of the qualitative variety in our world is elaborated. II. What is the difference between the sensation red and the perception red of my pencil ? Perception 67 The sensation red is the result in mind of the excitation of brain cells, the perception is the red-of-the-pencil-now- in-my-hand. That is, the presentative element of my experience is the sensation, and this sensation-in-its-time-and-space-relations is the percept. So far as we can think we never have sensations that have not a "whereness" and a "whenness," that is, that are not at the same time perceptions. III. You formerly thought perhaps of the "percept" of the pencil as a tixed, unchangeable, static entity, which came to mind whenever you needed it, a group of sensations that you carried about with you always the same. A little reflection on the objects of your world, however, will show you that you probably never have two thoughts of an object just alike", or two groups of sensations that are exactly similar. There seems indeed to be nothing static about consciousness. Since my "percept" is really a small part of the process of perception, the indefinitely rapid grouping of sensations in time and space relations, the term is a needless distinc- tion in psychology. IV. The stream of thought must not be understood to mean merely the superficial thoughts that flit through the mind. Since will action is one of its aspects, we have to realize that at any moment our acts are groups of sensations. For the muscles and other parts of the body are known and controlled only in the terms of mind. V. Analyze from the standpoint of perception many movements of dififerent parts of the body in the terms of joint, tendon, and muscular sensations. After you have made a thorough concrete study of the effects of insensi- bility in the joints and tendons of the ankles, knees, waist and backbone, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, and fin- 68 Lessons in Psychology gers, you will have a clearer idea of muscular movemeut as groups of sensations. Lesson II THE OUTER AND INNER ORDERS OF THE STREAM OF THOUGHT Preparation Step.— I. Imagine the cone of a searchlight on the nightboat, for example, as it sweeps over the city of Albany and the banks of the Hudson River. In the dark- ness the city does not exist in the terms of color. The searchlight, when it flashes out, makes the streets, buildings, and trees in the terms of greens, grays, browns, and reds. II. In your trains of association you have found all mem- bers after the first to be recalled, or secondary. These secondary members form your inner world, — that part of your experience that no one else shares with you. III. Ask someone to think of the color of the building in which you are : How are you ever going to find out of what he is thinking? You can never by any possibility get in- side his mind to find out, certainly. IV. You no doubt remember having learned in physics that the rainbow you see is not the same one that your neighbor makes. Think about this fact and study out its explanation. V. The stream of thought is a succession of outer and inner experiences. Of which do you have a greater number, first members or subsequent members in the trains of association ? VI. Notice that the inner groups like the outer, physical ones are made out of sensations as elements. Analyze these secondary groups in the same Avay that you have analyzed those of the outer order. VII. Recall the pencil you analyzed in the last lesson. Image as vividly as you can the colors, pressures, touches, Perception 69 and tastes that were primary then. How does the recalled color brown that you think of now differ from the primary brown of the pencil itself? The secondary brown is not so distinct as the primary, it is not so intense or lasting. Study as you may this and other sensations, about the only differences you can find between outer and inner sen- sations are those in intensity and duration ; and these dif- ferences are not always present. VIII. Sensations, whether they are primary or sec- ondary, are the result in mind of cerebral excitation. Presentation Step. — I. AYhat sensations does it take to make your paper? It takes grays, blues, reds, smoothness, and pressure in certain definite grouping in time and space. II. Now if all these grouped sensations that you have named were taken away, what would there be left ? "Why the paper, the matter," you say. But weight is one of the sensations we took away — and all the other properties of matter can be shown to be only more or less complex groups of sensations. All that we know of matter indeed is its properties, and they are all in the terms of mind. III. Think of your consciousness as like the searchlight in its action. In the darkness the city does not exist in the terms of color. The light literally makes all of it that we see out of greens, grays, browns, and reds of varying de- grees of brightness. So the mind seems to make the paper out of sensations, not of color alone, but of all kinds. (Psychology is not concerned with the consideration as to whether there is an extra-mental duplicate of the outer world always existing or with what there is "left" when sensations are not existing. 70 Lessons in Psychology Different theories of metaphysics, however, have assumed that there is something aside from mind, a "permanent potentiality of matter," a "world-mind" or a '"ding an sich." Still another theory teaches that mind is governed by unchangeable, universal laws, according to which I and everyone else under like circumstances can make the paper. Read B. P. Bown: "Metaphysics," pp. 407 ff.). IV. And thus the mind of each person makes not only the paper as it is needed, but all the physical, " describable " world of city, country, the earth, the "heavens, and all that in them is." There must be, moreover, as many papers, as many worlds, as many spaces as there are minds, but in some way we think of our outer, describable world as always existing, one hard and fast physical world, shared by all alike and alike for all. (Astounding and incomprehensible as the fact that noth- ing thinkable is left of matter if no mind makes it at first seems, do not fear or fail to realize it literally and abso- lutely. A clear comprehension of the metaphysics of it is a great help to an understanding of the psychology of perception. ) VI. Our outer world, then, is made up of sensations in time and space relations. This outer world, moreover, can be distinguished from our inner world only by the grouping of the sensations. The group that for the moment makes my pencil fits in with the stream of sensations that has been distinguished as my outer order always. A recalled image of the pencil that I may have later will not belong to the then outer order, but it will ' ' dovetail ' ' in with the inner order. VII. We have come in some way that we cannot now de- termine to form the habit of making out of sensations the same in kind without confusion the two orders of our life, outer and inner, "physical" and "mental, "—two orders Perception 71 apparently different with now one present and again the other, yet forming a single stream of thought. Application Step.— I. Though most psychologists admit that the sensuous material of the outer and the inner order is qualitatively one and the same, it is customary to limit the application of the term perception to the formation of the outer order. There seems to be no difference in kind, however, on which to base this distinction. The question is of importance here only when one strives to realize that the whole stream of thought is the action and interaction of sensations the same in kind. II. Groups of sensations may be now of the inner order, now of the outer, and again mixed, or fused. Of the differ- ent groups that are my pencil, for example, one may be at the same time an object, the first member of a train of as- sociation; another of the inner order only. The group always has enough sensations that have been in my mind before with the thought, "my pencil," so that I can recog- nize it each time. I have as many different "perceptions" of the pencil, then, as I have experiences with it or thoughts about it. III. Is it not strange that though the secondary members of trains of association, that is, inner thoughts outnumber outer ones overwhelmingly, is it not strange, that, as one thinks over uncritically the last hour it seems to be made up of outer experiences only? IV. What parts of your world do you habitually make in the terms of taste, smell, touch, resistance, and temperature sensations? In the terms of touch and resistance sensa- tions? In what terms do you think of the inside of the toe of your boot ? Of your hat on your head ? Of the inside of your pocket ? 72 Lessons in Psychology V. The stream of thought, whatever else it is, seems to be the "epiphenomenon" of the brain condition, and this condition is a resultant blended of all the factors of the present stimuli as modified by the brain's past history, individual, ancestral, and racial. "All we know of submaximal nerve-irritations, and of the summation of apparently ineffective stimuli, tends to show * * * ^jjg^ presumably »o -changes in the brain are bare of psj^chological result." (James, "Psychology," Vol. I.) VI. Do you see that each person makes not only his own rainbow, but in just the same way, his own house, city, world, body, acts, friends, everything? Dwell on the fact of how individual a matter a mind is. "No man" indeed "knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of the man that is in him." VII. Can we ever really, know another person ? Every one about us is for "us body and soul, our own creation and construction. What the incitement is that makes us make different people as we do is a question with which we are not here concerned. The important matter is the comprehension of the fact that we do so make them. VIII. To the ordinary consciousness there is the mind within and the great world of hard and fast facts outside. And to the psychologist the same is true, except that the psychologist realizes that both are made of the same kind of stuff. The fact that the outer order is mental should not make it seem any the less real, stable, reliant, orderly. It is never capricious. Since it is as I make it, I might think that, if I wished, I could have a goldpiece in my hand now. I must not think it, however, for no matter how hard I try, my imagination will not make it there as a group of sensations Perception 73 fitting in with my present outer order. I know as a result of lifelong experience what must be in my physical world, and ordinarily I do not try to make other things there. IX. By the processes of perception and thought each in- dividual guided by the discoverer builds up and formulates for himself the sciences of physics, astronomy, and all other groups of classified knowledge, out of this world that we make. We can never get outside our minds to find out what the laws that govern us really are— they are as unattainable as Plato's "types laid up in heaven," or as the German "things in themselves," but the sciences that are formu- lated are the human mind's best guesses at these laws and attempts to classify them. Lesson III INFERENCES IN PERCEPTION Preparation Step.— Some of the inferences that have been assumed in the study of perception should be made explicit. I. Notice some of the facts that you say you see in con- nection with the space relations of objects: You say you see that the reading-glass is round ; that its lense is curved ; its handle cylindrical ; that it is large. You "see" that the shears are pointed ; that the book has angles ; that the table is round. You "see" that the window-seat is two feet wide; that the wall is ten feet distant; that there is space between the houses across the street. You "see," also, that it rains; that the car moves; that the wind blows ; that the bread is done ; that the reading- glass is made of wood, nickel, and glass ; that the table is polished; that fruit looks good; that a friend looks ill. A little thought will show you that you do not literally see one of these thinas. 74 Lessons in Psychology II. You say that you hear a car passing in the street ; that you hear your name called ; that you hear a person say that it rains. And here again you do not literally say what you mean. III. The perspective of scenery in the theatre, the fres- coes on the walls of many buildings, deceive us easily,— the distance is inferred from the representation of depth on a flat surface. IV. I heard some music yesterday. To-day is a holiday, but to-morrow will not be a holiday. Last year at this time there was snow on the ground. I am going to the play Sat- urday night, and it is now Monday. These events are all thought of as belonging to a more or less definite time. V. Go over your own thoughts tracing the trains of as- sociation involved in experiences similar to those given above; for example, (1). A group of colors; (2. Thought words) It rains. — (1). A group of sounds; (2. Thought words) It rains. — (1). A group of temperature and press- ure sensations; (2. Thought words) It rains. You would ordinarily say in these cases, first, "I see that it rains;" second, "I hear it rain," and third, "I feel the rain." Presentation Step. — I. AVhen one says that he sees that the knife is sharp, what does he really see 1 Is sharpness a result in mind from the excitation of the optic nerve? Of course not. It is a result of the excitation of the nerves of touch. In this person 's mind a certain group of color sensations, (steel color, lustre, grays) that has been in consciousness before with the touch sensations and the thought word, sharp, is now followed by the same thoughts. Therefore he says that he "sees" that the knife is sharp. Perception 75 In the same way he may infer by association from a group of colors that the lamp is spherical ; that it is two feet dis- tant ; that it is in front of him ; that it is symmetrical, grace- ful in shape ; that it is one yard from the window. He may infer by associations before established with a group of sound sensations that the can of the lamp is filled ; that the shade is of glass ; that it is near and in front of him. Practically all our knowledge of space relations, such as the distance, direction, extent of movement, shape, size, and position of objects is a matter of the association of touch, muscular sensations, colors, and sounds among themselves and with words. II. I say that I heard my name spoken. What I really heard was a group of sound sensations only. These by pre- viously established association were followed by the thought word, "Cousin." Thus it is with all language we hear spoken. It is only sounds, absolutely meaningless except as we supply mean- ing by association. In reading, also, all that we see is color sensations,— we must supply all the thoughts. III. We also associate with color, sound, and touch groups, the names of objects, materials, qualities, quantities, acts, events to a degree incredible to us until we have made a study of these inferences. IV. How do I know that the music I heard yesterday was sung yesterday and not two years ago ? I know that I heard it yesterday because every hour not only of yesterday, but of my whole life has been known as time only by being filled with events, groups of sensuous elements, my stream of thought. Whatever time has not been filled has not existed for me. The stream of thought that made the time of yesterday has in many places the thought of Christmas Day, not Sat- urday. Nor do I go to church on Friday. Two years ago 76 Lessons in 1'svchology I went to church, but I did not hear the Neidlinger Carol sung. The group of sounds that makes the music fits in with other sensations, that, all together, make the duration of yesterday, sensations, any part of which I recognize or recall as belonging to yesterday. In five days it will be New Year's Day. The ideas that make that day do not fit in with any that have made an outer order in the past, therefore I judge that it will be in the future. The actual present, the meeting-place between the past and the future, has no duration. We know an event as present, in the same way that we know the past and the future, from the relations of ideas. All our knowledge of time relations, that is, time, rhythm, frequency, rate is a matter of the association of ideas. V. Thus we see that only a small part of our so-called knowledge of the outer world is direct perception. Follow- ing primary sensations there flash into our minds associa- tions about space and time relations as well as a bewilder- ing multiplicity of identifying associations that make the primary sensations usable by us. Application Step.— I. Watch the experience of a child in learning distances and shapes, that is, in establishing associations among groups of colors, touches, arm 's lengths, paces, and words. I know a child who cried for the moon. She really thought it was against the Avindow. Certain colors had been in her mind before with the ten-paces-distant window, so that a visual image of these colors again was followed by the in- ference that the moon was in the window. A man told me that when he was a little chap he lived where he could see railwav trains cross a river bridge at Perception 77 some distance from his home. These trains, of course, looked small to him though they did not seem far away. They later passed his home, but he could not see where the tracks turned, and so did not know that they, the cars, were the same. He often wondered, he said, why those little trains that he saw on the bridge, trains like the toy-cars he dragged around the yard after him, never came by his house. You see he had not associated the distance of six city blocks with the sight complexes that made the trains on the bridge. Try to realize by constant concrete observation how com- plex a composite the space relations of your outer world that you have built up hour by hour since childhood— try to realize how complex a composite these relations are. II. What advantage would it be to us to be more accurate and adequate in our associations of space measurements? to estimate, for example, at a glance the size of the park as seventy acres ; to be able to imagine how an animal five feet high would look; a fall of water two hundred feet high; a mountain 5000 feet high, a bird four inches long. III. As we grow up and grow older the function of pri- mary sensations becomes more and more merely to "touch off" the complexes. Only a few elements of our experience are of the outer order ; the rest of a group is supplied from the inner order. A good example of this fact is our experience in reading : Cover the lower half of a line of print and read it. Then cover the upper half of another line and read it. Which of the two did you read more readily"? Unless your experience differs from that of others, you will have read the first more easily. In hasty reading we form the habit of making only the tops of the letters as of the outer order and supplying the rest as secondary, though we are not conscious of this fact 78 Lessons in Psychology till attention is called to it. 'Slost adults would say that they see the whole word on the page. Because they so rarely do, children make better proof-readers than adults. IV. It is thought that in early mental evolution con- sciousness was primary, all outer. As experience grew, secondary ideas appeared, and as they were found useful to supplement the primary experience their store increased. Lastly, as language developed, the mere symbol came to take the place of the group of sensations. And as we grow older our stream of thought comes to be in some instances almost entirely in the terms of language. V. Though ordinarily we make our inner and our outer order without confusion and with apparent truth, we are sometimes inadequate to our outer world. As we occasion- ally fill out the rest of a word or a sentence in reading in- correctly, so we make mistakes now and then in filling out other groups. A young lady recently entered a room where she saw a small parcel done up in oiled paper. After a few minutes she said, ' ' I smell violets. How sweet they are ! ' ' The flowers in the paper were odorless mountain daisies. There was perhaps about them some little fragrance of the green house, and Miss S. had completed the few outer elements — by secondary elements, so that she smelled violets distinctly. VI. This odor was an illusion, and the experience may be taken as a type of illusions. It is probable that there are always some few sensations that touch off the complex, and perhaps far oftener than we realize, our per- ceptions are filled out in the wrong way. Make a study of the extent to which emotions, desires, moods, the fixedness of an idea, and prepossessions influence our illusions. VII. "The whole world of reality, as well as that of knowledge, may be considered as one system, embracing Perception 79 within the unity of its totality all the various systems with their complicated parts. From this point of view every- thing bears relations to everything else in the universe." "Inference (in higher thought) consists in interpreting the implications of the system to which the given in con- sciousness belongs." "He only sees well who sees the whole in the parts and the parts in the whole. ' ' A child at first sees only immediate relations. His chief business is the collection of material in which he feels only the more necessary and obvious connections. With advancing maturity he is able to feel relations more and more remote. "It is therefore the w^ell-furnished mind which sees things as most widely related, and discerns the potential as well as the actual manifestation, which will prove the most fer- tile in accurate inference, in prophetic suggestion, and in inventive resource." (J. G. Hibben, "Inductive Logic.) CHAFER IV MEMORIES Lesson I RETENTION Preparation Step.— I. Recall a face that you saw yes- terday on the street ; image it vividly. Recall the sounds of a band that you heard last summer; the smell and flavor of the coffee that you drank for breakfast; the touch and pressure of fur that you wore at some particular time last winter ; the temperature and organic sensations of the last over-heated room you entered ; the sensations of a burn, an electric shock, a headache. Recall at your leisure definite scenes and experiences in the terms of as many senses as possible from each year of your life as far back as you can remember. Take time to get a definite idea in each case and image each one vividly. II. Notice that the secondary image of the face that you saw yesterday on the street, (as well as all the other secon- dary images recalled above) is a group of sensations definitely arranged, and that it has the definite time, space, and other relations to other groups that the primary image had. One face, for example, that I recall having seen is that of a young woman : the flesh tints, a definite group of color sensations, are surrounded by the grays of her prematurely white hair; I recall that she wore a black suit; I saw her against the background of a shop window; the time was in the morning — and so on. — I may reproduce a large number of relations in which this Tiarticular visual image was set. Memories 81 All the groups of sensations that you have recalled have, in the same way, the same settings that they had as primary groups. III. The law of associations from the standpoint of brain- cells, you remember, states, that ' ' brain-cells that have been excited together tend the more readily to fall into a like state of commotion when part of them is again excited." The law describes the mode of action not of brain-cells alone, but of the elements of the whole body as well. IV. Recall what your physiology taught you about the three parts of your brain. Point out as definitely as you can in your own skull the medulla oblongata, the cerebellum, and the cerebrum, and imagine their successive evolution from the spinal cord. V. Matter, both inorganic and organic, is modified by every slightest change in it. The effects of every change, moreover, are permanent. In the case of bodily modification, where the elements are undergoing perpetual renewal, the form persists. An insignificant scar on the skin, for ex- ample, remains throughout life. An indefinite number of bodily changes too minute for the senses to detect yet in their effects last always. Presentation Step. — I. Let us take for concrete study your memory of the music of a band that you heard last summer. Recall the sounds clearly, and get back as much of the setting as possible. Where has this group of sound sensations been since that day? "In my memory," you say. But where is that"? What do you think of when you think of your memory? Perhaps of a sort of receptacle filled with pigeon-holes. But where are the pigeon-holes of memory *? 6 82 Lessons in Psychology "In my mind," you say, "in unconsciousness or sub- consciousness. ' ' But how do you know this fact? No one has ever been in his unconscious or sub-conscious mind to see that there is such a place. Is it not, after all, in order to account for the presence of these sounds in your mind now that you are so sure that they have been somewhere? If, then, we can account for the secondary image of the music in some other way, you will no longer need to think of mental states as carried about in unconsciousness. And we can so account for the recalled sounds. The only answer you can give, then, to the question where the sounds have been, is, "I don't know. They went out of existence, so far as I can tell, when they left my con- sciousness that day." II. To understand how you can recall the music now, think of what took place that you might hear the sounds last summer : Vibrations reached and excited the auditory nerve, and this excitation was transmitted to brain-cells with the result in mind of the melody. Some one said to you, "Music in the Gardens — the band is playing." The entire group of sensations fitted together with others making a stream of thought, any part of which is recognized as last summer's experience. III. When the brain-cells resulting in the thought words, "Music last summer," are now stimulated in connection with my request, according to the law of habit the cells that vibrated before with them are excited again with the result in mind of sound sensations like those you then heard. Such is the process by which the secondary or ' ' recalled ' ' material of the stream of thought is made. For convenience in analysis, I shall classify the steps of the process loosely Memories 83 as those of Retention, Reproduction, and Recognition. ( The last two are considered in Lessons II and III.) IV. First as to Retention : The word means to keep, to hold from escape. What is it that is kept, and where is it keptt The sounds of the music when you ceased to be conscious of them, or forgot them went out of existence, so that they are not retained; the brain, however, has been so modified by the original stimulus that its cells have the disposition, when some of them are restimulated, to respond again in the same way as at first. The place of retention is, then, the brain. And as to what is retained or kept, it is neither secsations nor mental states, but it is the tendency, or disposition of the elements of the body. Retention, then, is a matter of the disposition of elements of the brain that have been modified together at some pre- vious time, when a part of them is stimulated again to respond together. Application Step.— I. It is thought that retention (the physical tendencies) is perfect for everybody. Is it not strange, then, that we have so little use in thought of the great wealth of its stores ? That we forget so much and so often? II. A little closer approach to the problem of nerve and brain structure will show us something of the economy of forgetting. The nerve cell, the ultimate center of nervous activities, is the storehouse of nervous energy. It is exceedingly minute in size and in almost infinite numbers composes the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord. This cell is a mass of protoplasm, grayish in color; it contains a nucleus 84 Lessons in Psychology and branches out into infinitely numerous processes, or fibres of two kinds. Those of one kind, long and medullated are the afferent and efferent nerves ; those of the other kind are short and non-medullated. Each central nerve cell, with its fibrillar offshoots, is an isolated entity. As to the process of functioning, each filament jutting out from a cell is held to be a transmitter of impulses that operates intermittently, like a telephone wire that is not always "connected," and like that wire, the nerve fibril operates by contact and not by continuity. Under proper stimulation of nerves from the sense organ the ends of the fibrils reach out, come in contact with other end fibrils of other cells, and conduct their destined impulse. Again they retract, and communication ceases for the time between those particular cells. Fibrils thus connected, however, seem to retain the tendency to touch again on the occasion of a similar restimulus of one of them. Meantime, by a different arrangement of the various conductors, different sets of cells are placed in communica- tion, different associations of nervous impulses induced, different trains of thought result. According to this conception "one can imagine, for ex- ample, by keeping in mind the flexible nerve prolongations, how new trains of thought may be engendered through novel associations of cells ; how facility of thought or of action in certain directions is acquired through the habitual making of certain nerve-cell connections ; how certain bits of knowledge may escape our memory, and refuse to be found for a time, because of a temporary incapacity of the nerve cells to make the proper connections; and so on indefinitely." (Henry Smith Williams, M. D. "The Cen- tury's Progress in Experimental Psychology." — Harper's Magazine, September, 1899. Read also, Henry Herbert Donaldson, "The Growth of the Brain.") Memories 85 III. All writers on the subject are now agreed that there is no such thing- as formal memory training. Nor is there any bump in the brain by enlarging which we can gam better or more retentive memories. IV. If it is true, moreover, that the law of contiguity governs not only the brain, but also the entire physical structure, then the whole body as well as the brain is the seat of retention. In the human organism, however, excita- tion of the hemispheres is the essential cerebral condition of memory and foresight. If all retention were obliterated in the cerebrum alone, one could recall no conscious sensations, none of the thoughts involved in higher intelligence and volition. If retention were obliterated in the cerebellum, also, one would have forgotten the co-ordination of muscular contraction. The staggering of drunkenness, for example, is due to the partial paralysis of the cerebellum. In the medulla originate the nerves controlling the most vital functions of the body, so that if retention here were obliterated our nerves would forget to control the lungs for breathing and to beat the heart, thus life could not continue. The fact is practically established that in fatigue, brain- fag, and with advancing years it is the sensitive higher centres that are atrophied first. The tendencies that have been longest established are, in general, retained most persistently. V. Make a study of habits. The eifect of repetition is to establish in the body dispositions, or tendencies to ever more ready response to a given stimulus with constant fad- ing of the accompanying mentality, so that, in time, our nerves and muscles alone do many things for us that before required consciousness. VI. Make a study of the relation between retention and heredity. 86 Lessons in Psychology Heredity has been defined as race-retention. By it modes of structure in a parent organism -are transmitted to the off- spring, in the sense that (according to one theory of hered- ity) a tendency is imparted to embryonic cell structure to grow and develop into a structure like that of the parents. A member of a given family, no matter where he is brought up, will have the physical characteristics of his progenitors. The results in mind of the stimulus of similar organisms must be similar, and so one hears the remark that "Mary has her mother's disposition," or "John has his grandfather 's orderly ways. ' ' Trace the evolution of the human body ; of the brain and special senses. "Each present brain-state is a record in which the eye of Omniscience might read all the foregone history of its owner." (James, "Psychology," Vol. I.) ' ' The whole nervous system is a single organ of sensation and its present state is a history of its life and the life of its progenitors. ' ' VII. It has been said that the children of uneducated races have to learn anew from the beginning ; those of edu- cated races have but to remember. What does the saying mean ? Lesson II REPRODUCTION Preparation Step.— I. If one has only the passive modifications of the body, retention, he has nothing in his mind, he is not thinking. Another step is necessary in order to think, that of Reproduction. II. Recall events that occurred when you were a child: Did you ever move from one house to another? From one city or place to another? What do you recall of houses, gardens, journeys, frocks, people, voices, plays, games? Memories 87 What do you remember of your first day at school"? Of early schoolrooms and teachers? Recall early fears, as of the dark, getting lost, falling from high places, smothering. Can you recall among these early experiences many that are made of sound sensations? Of organic, muscular, smell, or temperature sensations ? III. I am thinking of a fireboard that I saw when I was a child. Retention has made it possible for me to keep the tendency then established in the brain cells to a certain sort of excitation. Let us say the line of excitation as shown by the resulting train of association is somewhat like this: a' b' c' d' and the train of association in mind, a. Visual image of paper; b. I must write more reminis- cences; c. I have often recalled Grandfather's house; d. Visual image of the fireboard there. IV. The result in mind of the excitation of brain cells, no matter how, is sensation. That is, the brain cells may be stimulated from the nerves and end organs, or, on the other hand, they may be excited in the course of associations. The result in mind is apparently the same in kind in both cases, a sensation. Presentation Step.— I. The picture on the fireboard is a group of sensations, blues, reds, and grays, representing two children playing by a stream. For some reason it ap- pealed to my childish imagination and I have always re- membered it. These colors result in mind now from the stimulus of the same brain-cells that were excited when I saw it. The com- motion is set up in them according to the law of habit. Let a', b', c', and d' represent the groups of brain cells involved 88 Lessons in Psychology and the order of their stimulus. I say that I reproduce the visual image of the fireboard in its place d among the sec- ondary members of a train of associations, each member of which is the result in mind of the restimulus respectively of a', b', c', d', which are now vibrating according to the law of associations. To reproduce means to form again. The "reproduced" image, a result in mind of the restimulus of the same brain elements, seems really to be created anew each time we think of the experience. Reproduction is the process of restimulating certain brain-cells on the occasion of the re-excitation of brain-cells that were stimulated with them before, with a result in mind of sensations similar to those then experienced. Application Step. — I. Compare the reproduced images with the primary ones as to size, duration, clearness, dis- tinctness, adequacy. II. Animals retain experience only in accordance with the complexity of their structure,— thus they have not the power of free recall that enables the complex human mind to think, reflect, and act. III. One reason why we forget may be in the fact that the nerve cells are incapacitated to make proper con- nections. But there are certain indications that our inability to "recall" desired mental states is not always due to de- fective retention. The hypnotist, for example, has the art to cause his subject to repursue even lightly established paths of associations, such as would not result in mind ordinarily. Records of prodigies of memory performed by persons in delirium and impossible to ordinary consciousness also show the perfection even in severe illness of retention in Memories 89 the nerve cells. Such facts as these seem to indicate that one cause of dilficulty in recalling is in the process of stim- ulating the brain paths. Schools, moreover, force us to "learn" so much material and to learn it so rapidly that only few and fleeting ten- dencies are established, and as a result we cannot find "cues" from the side of consciousness to start lines of stimulation. It seems probable that in proportion as mental effort in learning is merely formal, mechanical, or as it fails to in- volve interests, instincts, and dynamic factors in us, it blunts, instead of develops, the power to establish and to use the stores of retention and the consequent ability to think and act. IV. The body seems to go on doing work for us when the mind is not discriminating the thoughts. If we study to learn a song or a piece of poetry at night, even though we cannot remember to have recited it through the night, we can reproduce it in the morning more perfectly than we could when we left it last the night before. It is noticeable that in the spring one can ride a wheel, for example, better than one could at the close of the autumn before. The Germans have a proverb which says that ' ' we learn to swim in the winter and to skate in the simimer. ' ' These and kindred phenomena have been explained by the theory that the blood circulating in the tracts where association paths have been lightly established confirms these paths by refreshing and nourishing the cells. Thus the body working without explicit direction of the mind gains skill for us. V. The study of children shows that during the periods of infancy and childhood muscular co-ordination and men- tal development proceed hand in hand. In right-handed people many more co-ordinations of mus- 90 Lessons in Psychology cles are established on the right side of the body than on the left side. It is also true that more thinking is done with the left hemisphere of the brain, which is the one that controls the right side of the body, than with the right. It is inferred from facts like these that perfect and com- plete muscular co-ordination exercises a profound influence on the development of the mind. This theory is one of the strongest arguments advanced for the introduction in schools of the right sort of manual training and all around physical training. VI. Suppose we could read the modifications of other people's brains and nervous systems. We might know all they thought, indeed be within their mind— a tempting con- ception to fiction. This fascinating accomplishment of sharing each others thoughts was possessed, you remember, by Peter Ibbetson and the Duchess. And Grant Allen wrote the tale of a youth who read consciously not only the brain records of other people, but also those remains estab- lished in his own organism by heredity from ancestors all the way back to the "hairy anthropoids on the jungle-clad banks of some tropical stream!" VII. Notice how subtle some of our ways of communica- tion are. We say that "a glance spoke volumes." "The turn of a hair," the contraction of a muscle, a fleeting ex- pression of the face may tell us a great deal. No doubt much that masks under the name of telepathy can be ex- plained in the terms of the senses and associations. VIII. When we think of it, all we know and are at any moment, all there is of any individual is just an infinitely complex succession of related sensations, a stream of thought, a constantly shifting present. Yet, in a sense, all one's life is now completely present ; try to realize anew that the mental condition of this moment is the complete liistory of one's past, individual, ancestral, and racial. Memories 91 IX. Make a study in this connection of the responsibility of teachers in the matter of training children and estab- lishing in them lofty and etfective ideals. Lesson III RECOGNITION Preparation Step.— I. Recall some recent time when you walked in the street ; rode on a car, a train ; glanced in a shop-window; asked a question; shook hands with some one ; talked of the weather ; dined out. Recall the best time you have had recently. Image vividly the above experiences and analyze quickly the processes of association, retention, and reproduction by which it is possible for you to think each one. They are each and all groups of secondary sensations in time and space relations, the results in mind of the restimu- lus of brain-cells according to tendencies formerly established. II. With us all a great part of our daily experiences is never recalled. We remember what we need and the rest, though permanent in its influence, is lost in time to con- scious recall. Presentation Step.— Suppose for a minute that your thoughts came back in wrong time and space relations : that your recent "best time" was placed, say, in a dentist's chair instead of in a pew; that the last dinner out seemed to have been on Christmas Day instead of on New Year's Day; that it was thought of as at a hotel instead of at a friend 's home ; that a song sung to you was recalled as ad- dressed to some one else. With relationships changed in this way, should ,you recog- nize your "best time" or your last dinner out? Of course 92 Lessons in Psychology you coiild not. Each group must be reinstated in its former relations to seem familiar. The last dinner out, say, must be thought of as on New Year's Day at Dr. B's with Miss B., her father, mother, and Mile I. only present. It was in the evening in a certain room and was followed by some music. And not only must the groups "dove-tail" with other groups but the sensations of each group must be reinstated in the same relations as before that we may know it again as a former experience. Professor James somewhere says that something seems "to click" when we recognize a thought. The color and other sensations that make the people, the lighted table, the flowers, the dishes, and the food must all be grouped in the same time and space relations (and logi- cal relations, or correlations, also) as formerly. The effect of all this reinstating of the elements of secondary exper- ience is that you recognize these ideas as the reproduction of your experience the last time you dined out. The feeling of familiarity in the process of reinstating sensations in their former relations is Recognition. Application Step.— I. One caution should be observed in your practice in analyzing memories, namely, do not confuse the steps : Retention is not reproduction, nor is it recognition. Reproduction is not recognition. Each step is logically distinct. II. Analyze your memories of many secondary thoughts daily somewhat in this way: I recall band music that I heard last summer. In order that I might hear it then, vi- brations from the instruments set the air in motion, this motion reached my ears, and excited my auditory nerve and successive brain-cells, with the result in mind of a melody played by a band. In order that I may think the same mel- Memories ' 93 ody now, the same braiu-cells must be excited again. They are now excited in accordance with the law of habit, and the following mental states result in my stream of thought : (a) I saw my paper, (b) I thought I must write one com- plete analysis of memories, (c) I'll use the "band music," (d) secondary sounds of band music, (e) secondary visual image of a park and people. The elements of the secondary sounds are remstated m their former relations, these groups fit in with those of the scenes and people, and I recognize the tune as that played by the Highland Band in West Princes Street Gardens last summer. Retention was in the tendency of my brain-cells to be active as they were last summer even though I am no longer in Edinboro. The process of restimulating those brain-cells because others now active were active with them then, with the re- sult in mind of exactly similar sound sensations is Reproduction. The feeling accompanying the process of reinstating the sensations in their former relations is Recognition. (I must ask you to pardon so much repetition— but my excuse for it is that it is only in the constant analysis of different mental experiences that one can become familiar with the facts of psychology. I can promise you that the longer you work at it the more fascinating it becomes. ) III. Recognition is a relative matter. There are all de- grees of reinstatement of sensations in their former rela- tions, hence all degrees of recognition. I hummed to my- self, for example, the other day vaguely part of an air. It came to my mind several times afterward, when more and more sensations were reinstated and I decided that it was Gluck's aria, Euridice. I kept at work recalling more and more about it and reinstating all the material in its former relations, till I had the relatively complete recognition of 94 Lessons in Psychology the aria as sung by Miss W. at the D. Club at Miss- M's house three years ago. Thus all thought is characterized by dift'erent degrees of recognition from the vaguest, most tieetiug recognition that the object before one is a child, not a chair — to the complete consciousness of all that is known of the given image. IV. Though the recognition of secondary experience only has been spoken of, the recognition of primary groups of sensations is a process the same in kind. V. The parts of all thought as it flows along are associ- ated with other parts, consequently recognized. An isolated thought is unthinkable. The fact that our mental life is coherent is perhaps the basis of our feeling of selfhood. It is by recognition through association that objects and experiences have meaning for us. "When a complex pro- cess holds together it has meaning. ' ' VI. Reproduction and Recognition in memory are just the process of Perception looked at from the aspect of the inner order. VII. The evolution of the process of recognition is interesting : "The mood of at-homeness or confidence is a weakened form of the emotion of relief. Fear of strange things and strange people is instinctive with man ; and it is a survival of fear unfulfilled, of relief, that we experience when we recognize * * *. It follows that every recognition is inherently pleasant. Oftentimes, it is true, the pleasantness of the at-home mood is outweighed by the unpleasantness of the associated ideas: we may recognize a person whom we particularly want to avoid." ("A Primer of Psychol- ogy," E. B. Titchener.) Memories 95 Lesson IV MEMORY TRAINING Preparation Step.— I. It is the commonly accepted opin- ion that there is no such thing as formal memory training. To apply the generalizations of these lessons, however, to many particular cases, to look at mental life from many standpoints is desirable. And there are still several con- siderations of interest in connection with memories, which, with no implications as to formal training, can well be grouped under the above general head. II Why should one have a good memory! To have forgotten, say, the experienceSi of all the fore- noons of one 's life would be manifestly inconvenient. Think how much this loss would have troubled you to-day about the house, in the street, in all your relationships. But it would be more than inconvenient. Forgetfulness is fatal, in proportion as one suffers from it, to the attainment of his ideals, to his power of accom- plishment. It is not what one has in his note-books, or what he knows where to find in books of reference or from people, but what is available at the moment from his own potential mental store, what he can remember in the terms of thought and muscles that gives him ability, power to do. In fact, one measure of a person's ability at any moment is the readiness with which he has the use of his past exper- ience. In a sense we are limited in what we would do to what our memories of the past enable us to do. It is quite important, then, that one have potentially available all the wealth of knowledge in right relations and of muscular co-ordinations of his past that will make him a wise and capable man, or, in other words, that he have "a, good memory. ' ' 96 Lessons in Psychology III. What are the qualities of a good memory'? If you could have your wish, what qualities would you choose? It would be of advantage to have a memory that is tenacious, retentive, ready, spontaneous, vivid, accurate, detailed, logical for some facts, mechanical for others— such are a few qualities usually named as belonging to a good memory. IV. In what respects is your memory good? In what, poor? Analyze it critically. V. Recall the loudest sound that you ever heard; the brightest light. In an experience with many students I have seldom found one who could recall these conditions. At first thought one is likely to say that intensity of sen- sations makes the difference in our memory for them. It is doubtful, however, whether it does. VI. Observe from concrete instances what difference con- ditions of rest and fatigue make in your memories; health and sickness; youth and age. VII. What subjects did you like best in school and col- lege? How many memories have you of these as compared with other subjects? Presentation Step. — I. Though one speaks of his mem- ory as if it were a faculty separate from mental content, there is really no such general faculty. You must see from your observation that what we have is memories rather than memory. II. Pick out the facts that you have remembered all your life, that have come back whenever you needed them, and analyze them to find the reason why you have remem- bered them so well : Let us say, a long time ago when you were away from home some one said to you, "Your house burned to the ground last ni-ght." You did not have to repeat that fact Memories 97 ten times in order to remember it, or to have it written on the black-board or in your note-book. Notice the knowledge, the associations involved to make this fact, "your house burned to the ground last night." The thought of your home is a part of many complexes. You can hardly start out to think on any subject that you do not come upon some thought of the house^ the occupants, rooms, furniture, books, pictures, sounds, occupations, in- terests, pleasures, and sorrows connected with it. You know that "burned to the ground" means complete de- struction; that last night is a definite past time. All this wealth of material is brought into new relations, rear- ranged to make the reality, "My home was burned to the ground last night." Suppose, again, I could tell you, and it would be true, "You are the heir to a million dollars." I should not need to give you a text-book to explain the fact, or to keep you after school to be sure that you would remember it till examination time. Thoughts of denials, missed opportunities, what you would do for yourself and others if you had more money, — there is much material here, too, to make into the idea, "I am the heir to a million dollars." Both these thoughts would thus be inevitably in many trains of association; they would be interesting, because each involves a large amount of related material. That which is in many trains of association, interesting, made out of rich material is best remembered. The mem- ory for such facts is retentitive, and the facts are available when needed. III. So much for the nature of the mental material in- volved to secure retentive memories. A second matter of great importance in remembering facts is that of the relations between them. 7 98 Lessons in Psychology Science is classified knowledge, and it is with this kind that schools are concerned. "The best i)ossible sort of system into which to weave an object, mentally, is a rational system, or what is called a science. Place the thing in its pigeon-hole in a classifi- catory series ; explain it logically by its causes, and deduce from it its necessary ett'ects * * *. a science is thus the greatest of labor-saving contrivances. It relieves the memory of an immense number of details, replacing, as it does, merely contiguous associations by the logical ones of identity, similarity, or analogy." (James, "Talks to Teachers. ' ' ) But learning sciences in the right way is only another way of describing the process of mental growth. It is indeed literally true that "the only way to improve the memory is to nnprove the mind." Application Step.— I. What can one do to improve a poor memory ? Misled by the fallacy of formal training, many people begin to study systems designed to improve the memory. These systems are usually adaptations of Professor Edward Pick's work on memories. They are often helpful to the untrained as they suggest new and ingenious kinds of as- sociations, they classify material, and stimulate an inert mind to more vigorous effort. AVith the same amount of work, however, expended in the search for logical rela- tions, for scientific classification, the results would be, no doubt, more satisfactory. The mechanical parts of memory systems "may sometimes be crutches, but in the end we have to carry our crutches." II. As for helping one's self to remember the many small matters of daily tasks, one forgets here largely be- cause he is not willing to work hard enough to remember, -»^ >" .: Memories 99 to go through the drudgery involved in always remem- bering. Though much sentimentality is wasted in vain wishes for a ' ' good memory, ' ' we are not enough in earnest to give the persistent, constant thought necessary to re- member to mail letters and to do trivial errands in the time of them, until perhaps some day we wake up quite helpless in these matters and almost beyond improvement. Mme. D., a well-known teacher of physical culture, is wont to tell her would-be patient of the indolent type, "I can do nothing for you, you have no mind ! ' ' What she means is that the luckless applicant has not sufficient will power, control, to work at her exercises daily, hourly, patiently, and persistently forever ! And in remembering the trivial requirements of daily life it is, in the same way, largely a matter of control, of "keeping up the loose end-s, " of the ingrained habit of a lifetime of doing the thing that ought to be done when it ought to be done, of being responsible. III. Suppose you forgot all the subjects that you studied in, for example, the high school ; suppose that literally all traces there made in the brain-cells and nerves were oblit- erated: Could you learn the same subjects more readily a second time! Under these conditions, surely not. Suppose, again, that only a few of the brain tendencies were obliterated — those established, let us say, by your study of arithmetic : Could you learn algebra again as easily as you did at first? Or with geography forgotten, could you learn history as easily? It seems to be true that one school subject is a help, a mental discipline for an- other in proportion as the two use the same brain paths, or as they have material in common. We literally "learn with all we have learned." But the matter of mental discipline involves more than learning as it is generally understood. We seem to be LOfC 100 Lessons in Psychology limited in our ability to do to what we have done. Suppose for a third case, that a person forgot all his knowledge, all his mental content : how much ability to act would he have left f All the conceivable terms in which he does his think- ing, planning, and executing are gone, and if there is any such thing as "formal discipline" left to help him, it is too attenuated and intangible a matter to be understood. IV. Is it not truly appalling to think how much time is wasted in schools under this false notion that ability gained - in the mechanical study of no matter what subjects is still transferable when the content is forgotten! Perhaps this notion has arisen to justify formal, per- functory ways of teaching. Luckily there is no place left in modern pedagogical ideals for formal teaching of any kind. Teachers are beginning to realize that, in proportion as learning is formal, it is stultifying. The great millen- nium, however, when there will be a proper appreciation of all the wealth of human culture that should be taught in schools and taught to be remembered and used in daily life, every fact of it, still seems very far away. Yet ideals are surely present that involve not memory for the sake of memory, but mental growth by the acquisition at the ripe time of knowledge in right relations, real growth in wisdom. V. There is probably some one time in school life when each of the subjects usually taught in schools is most con- genial, interesting, and readily understood. If the given subject were taught then, its facts would be retained and available for later resource and power. As most subjects are now taught, however, that is, out of place and formally, pupils have for them only a mechanical memory, which is likely to be but fleeting and irresponsible. A whole science of teaching might be formulated (and much has been done) 1) from research in the contents of Memories 101 children's minds and observation of their successive in- stinctive interests and tendencies as determining the time for specific teaching and training, and 2) from the estab- lishment of right relations between different subjects and parts of the same subject taught. VI. It is perhaps going too far to press the question, should anything be taught in schools that is not to be re- membered "? Yet the only consistent answer psychologically is, No. Herbert Spencer showed in his chapter on "What Knowl- edge is of Most Worth 'I ' ' the great value, necessity, even, in daily life, of the facts of many sciences, mathematics, and, in a measure, of history. An estimate of the wonderful value of the facts of history from a different standpoint is presented by the Herbartians. Contrasted with all this wealth of knowledge for pleas- ure, guidance, and inspiration, the barren results of the formal book training for examinations common to some schools seem barren indeed. It is often thought too much to require that one should be able to recall at any time for pleasure or use particular facts, "to pass an examination" on all one has learned in schools. Yet the daily requirements of life are our "ex- aminations," the opportunities that we improve or miss depending on the availability of our wisdom,— these are the tests of memory and consequent power. CHAPTER V Apperception Lesson I DEFINITION OF APPERCEPTION Preparation Step.— I. Look through a kaleidoscope. What is the explanation of the figures that you see"? The instrument is usually a hollow prism lined with re- flectors. Small pieces of glass are so confined at one end against a translucent disc as to move freely. The eye of the observer looks through the other end at these pieces of glass and their reflections. As the prism is turned or jarred slightly, with the constant rearrangement of per- haps only ten pieces of glass, figures of an almost infinite variety are formed. II. Still think of the stream of thought, consciousness, as made up of sensations all the same in kind, some of which form the outer order (the first, or primary members of trains of associations), the rest of which form the inner order (the other members of trains of associations). III. Think, also, of the sensations not as carried about in "memory," but as always a present result in mind of the stimulus of brain-cells, — the sensations primary when the stimulus is from the end organs, secondary when by the law of habit. IV. The stream of thought is an individual matter. Ask several persons to sketch quickly the front of the building in which you are. Compare the drawings: Why should they be so different ? Pronounce to several persons the words Empire State, 2b, cobblestones. West Point : then ask each person what he thought when he heard each word. Why did not all think Apperception 103 of the same thing, the 2b, for example, that was in your mind 1 Each one, you answer, gave the associations established by his past experience. If two of these persons had had the same past experiences, could they then have made exactly similar drawings, or would they have had the same asso- ciations '? If they were brothers brought up always in the same family, would both think the same thought, have the same opinions? It does not take much reflection to show you that to have thoughts that are really alike two persons must be more nearly similar than even brothers. V. Let your imagination play for a moment on the prob- lem under what circumstances two persons could have ex- actly similar thoughts, the same associations: These persons must have had not only the same individ- ual past, but also the same heredity ; they must be the same as to their bodies, atom for atom and must have been always in the same place at the same time — but the conditions are getting beyond even imagination ! And there are per- haps other factors not physical and not now calculable, that would still contribute to the difference in response that any two people make to apparently the same stimulus. The present conditions, physical and mental, of each per- son are a resultant of his past, and the past for each in- dividual is necessarily different from that of all others. Therefore the stream of thought is for each person an in- dividual matter, and it is inconceivable that any two per- sons should have exactly similar associations and per- ceptions. Presentation Step.— I. But if each person's present is the resultant of his past you will ask, do we never have an experience that is wholly new? 104 Lessons in Psychology Think of something that seemed a wholly new experience and analyze it. Think, for example, of the last new book you read : you say you gained new thoughts from the book — did mental states fly through the air from the page to your mind? Surely not! In what sense is it, then, that you gained new thoughts? Suppose you read the sentence, ' ' For several years there has been an unmistakable diminution of the public interest in oratorio." All these words were known to you before, but not in just these relations. As you perceived each word or group of words it was followed by trains of association, and the sentence had meaning to you depending on the nature of these associations and their present relations. All you gained from the book, then, was what you brought to it somewhat rearranged. Analysis of all so-called new experience will show that the content is invariably "old" or secondary, and that what is new is as invariably the arrangement. II. But, you will ask, is there not in. the beginning of life some wholly new experience? Suppose, in answer, that a person who has been totally blind to the age of twenty years suddenly receives his sight. He can see at first only what the structure of his eyes, optic nerve, and brain as determined by heredity and individual growth enables him to see. There is never a time, moreover, when it is thinkable that something comes from without to within the mind, when something the elements of which at least were not potentially in the mind before is introduced. And the colors and touches, even the primary ones that you make into the print of the book and the book itself; those, also, that the man formerly blind, or the little child makes into objects about him, instead of being something added to the mind from without it, — all are only those sen- Apperception 105 sations that the past of each, individual and racial, enables him to make out of components potentially there. According to the theory of evolution an individual life cannot be isolated from parental and ancestral lives. As cell life in each organism develops, it is thinkable that constant readjustments of elemental mental conditions make possible in the course of time the stream of thought as we know it. III. Think of the action of the mind as somewhat like that of the kaleidoscope, with the sensations corresponding to the pieces of glass. As the kaleidoscope is turned, new designs are formed that are the rearrangements of the same pieces of glass. Somewhat thus with each new stimulus, sensations created anew, yet secondary, for each moment of the present, take new relations, and these newly ar- ranged groups make up the stream of thought at every moment. The mind, however, seems almost limitless in the number of its possible elements. Its possible combinations, also, seem infinite, and each new combination, beeause of memory, becomes a possibility, an added potentiality for future thought. The gain at each rearrangement, more- over, is not only in the complexity of material, the content, but also in the nature of the relations established. This last matter, however, is another story which you will study about from the standpoint of Thought. IV. When we look at the stream of thought under the aspect of the rearrangement of secondary mental material into higher forms of relation, the standpoint is that of Apperception. Application Step. — I. With the idea in mind that each one's stream of thought from moment to moment is the progressive rearrangement of his own secondary mental material, think over again the conditions that would make 106 Lessons in Psychology it conceivable for two persons to have exactly similar asso- ciations. Is it not remarkable that we are as much alike, even, as we seem to be? Compare as to relative similarity your own thoughts and those of an Esquimo on the one hand, and, on the other, your own now with those that you had at ten years of age. Which two would be more nearly alike? Suggest other conditions for comparison. II. In the terms of apperception what is the process of reading? When you read the statement about oratorio, a rapid series of associations followed every perceived word or group of words so far as you understood what you read. Secondary thoughts were brought together of which you had never before been conscious in this relation. When the first member of the trains of association is a written or printed word, the process of rearranging secondary ma- terial is reading. III. Some one has said, "We do not judge a book, it judges us." What did he mean? IV. The interpretation of character from the standpoint of apperception is a favorite study with authors— see, for example, Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone," "The Schon- berg-Cotta Family," Kate Douglas Wiggin's "The Affair at the Inn," Robert Browning's "The Ring and the Book." In these books different persons relate the same series of events as each made them, thereby revealing each his own character. Lesson II LEARNING Preparation Step.— I. Take for analysis any random facts that you have learned to-day, such as 1) that it is possible to travel nearly all the way from Portland, Maine, Apperception 107 to Lincoln, Nebraska by trolley; 2) that there is a cemetery for clogs at Stratf ord-on-Avon ; 3 ) that the Post Office De- partment of the United States does not pay, is not self- supporting; 4) that a child of three by his heroism in res- cuing his baby sister from a burning house is a candidate for the Carnegie medal; 5) that the temperature this morning was 14 degrees below zero; 6) that you have a letter; and so on. Since all mental action is apperceptive, these facts must have been made out of secondary material. What did it take to make into each fact? Suppose one had never heard of Portland, or a trolley car — the first statement would not mean much. On the other hand, if you knew at least vaguely the direction and location of these cities, the distance by steam cars in hours between them, and in general, the route followed by trolley from place to place ; if you knew what it means to ride through the country by trolley ; if you knew perhaps that between two cities on the route in New York State there is no trol- ley line, if, I say, you had all this secondary material, you would have enough then to learn with ordinary intelligence the fact that you can travel nearly all the way from Port- land to Lincoln by trolley. Again, you knew what the condition is in a business that does not earn so much as it expends; you thought of the Post Office Department of the United States in the terms of visual images of the local Post Office, the postman, mail trains, and of thought words about collecting, transport- ing, and distributing the mail from city and country, and the complexity and cost of all this labor. Putting all these ideas together in new relations you learned that "the Post Office Department of the United States does not pay.'" II. Hunt out the secondary material that it takes to learn many other facts that you have learned recently. 108 Lessons in Psychology Presentation Step. — When we are looking at the process of rearranging secondary material in the stream of thought under the aspect of acquiring "new" ideas, the standpoint is that of Learning. Application Step.— I. From how much of our experience do we learn ? Rearrangements are taking place every mo- ment, and the tirst member of every train of association involves the bringing together of material that has never been together before. Clearly in spite of ourselves we must be learning all the time. Now you can sympathize with M. Jourdain's surprise when he found that he had been speaking prose all his life! IL But though we are learning all the time, not all that we learn is of equal value. The ordinary haphazard ac- quisition of children outside of school is not usually esti- mated as very precious. In the case of school learning, however, the teachers' aim should be to cause pupils so to learn that the result will be systematized knowledge, science, available for daily use and pleasure,— knowledge, moreover, that as efifective motives to lofty achievement in ecuiduct vitalizes character, that stimulates to research for further knowledge, not only for self-realization, but also to add to the general sum of human achievement. III. Suppose that the little chap who saved his sister's life was a member of your own family; that you were ac- tually concerned in the administration of postal matters; that you were expecting a letter of great interest to you; that you had been over the route from Portland to Lincoln by steam cars, also from Lincoln to some eastern city per- haps by trolley. AVould it make any difference in your learning of the facts"? Would you comprehend them more intelligently than you do now"? AVhat difference would Apperception 109 these considerations make in your interest, in the number of associations, and consequent memory and availability of the facts"? What, in the degree to which they are understood ? What difference in short, does the nature and amount of the secondary material rearranged in the process of learn- ing make? It makes all the difference in the world. In the degree that learning is formal, perfunctory, a matter of words and symbols, not involving a rich and full mental content is it deadening. On the other hand, to make the applica- tion to school learning, only as the act involves the greatest wealth of mental content, that is, the interests and dynamic factors instinctive to the dift'erent periods of a child's growth as he recapitulates race advancement, is it spontan- eous and consequently educative. IV. The systematic and scientific study of children has sHfted emphasis from the problem of teaching to that of learning. To find the contents of learners' minds, that is, their native interests, tendencies, and reactions has thus become the vital consideration for teachers. This matter disre- garded, even though a teacher may be learned in his "sub- ject matter," his work is weak in proportion; this matter determined, he has an intelligent guide to what, when, and how to teach. "Knowledge of the subject-matter and a sense of humor" doubtless go a long way toward making a good teacher. Much good work has been done, moreover, em- pirically and through sympathy, but how much better work might teachers do, if at the same time that they have knowl- edge, a sense of humor, and warm sympathy, they could teach intelligently and scientifically ! 110 Lessons in Psychology The following vigorous protest against over-teaching makes one think seriously : "Is pedagogy an art with a science at its foundation, or is it only a species of opportunism which should merely stand by and occasionally smooth out a difficulty, humbly conscious of the fact that all the motive force must come from the learner"? In other words, can the teacher think for the pupil, or must the pupil do his own thinking"? Is not the conventional relation of pupil and teacher a pal- pably artificial one, an irksome ligament which wears fear- fully on both? Why, if this is not true, do so many chil- dren who love to learn hate school? and why are most teachers, especially most women teachers, sick, crabbed, and cynical? Has the modern method of substituting a ghastl}^ imitation of play for work, and of feeding the pupil predigested knowledge, helped matters much ? Why, then, did a rebellious kindergarten pupil recently announce that . she wanted to get into the first grade at once, because she was so tired of having to play all the time, and wanted to learn something? Why should children learn to count, read, and Avrite before they can understand the necessity and object of such processes, and years before they have any practical use for them? Is not building bridges the only way of learning how to build bridges, and is not deal- ing with people the only way of learning how to influence people? Why should a man who knows how to do things himself waste his time telling other people how to do them, especially as it is futile to tell another person how to do things'? How much influence would Napoleon have wielded if he had been a professor of military tactics instead of a practical strategist? Finally, would it not be better for the world if there were less teaching and more learning?" (R. T. House.) Apperception 111 Lesson III TEACHING Preparation Step.— I. Many aims have been posited in education. Perhaps the most satisfactory one as a guide and test of the daily work in the schoolroom is that of character. II. Try to realize anew the conception of your stream of thought as in some way a unit which has two aspects, now the outer, and again the inner, the two the same in kind. Think of the ever shifting present of consciousness as the rearrangement of secondary sensuous elements in time, space, and higher relations into ever more adequate gen- eralizations and abstractions. III.- 1 wish you to learn a certain fact that can be made out of the following secondary material : How many times a day do you wash your hands ? You answer, "I wash them many times." What do you use in washing them? "I use water and soap, hand-sapolio sometimes."' Once at the seashore I saw a lady dust her silk ruffles with handfuls of the clean dry sand on which she wa-^ sitting. Imagine that some one asks you to examine a dainty book, delicately colored. Your first thought is perhaps, "I must not soil it." You thereby show that you care for the quality of the book, have deference, respect to its beauty. We have come to show respect in many cases in a figur- ative way, by symbols alone : One raises his hat to an ac- quaintance, bows to those he knows, rises to greet an older person, waits to allow him to pass first, kneels in prayer. What other symbolism do you use constantly? 112 Lessons in Psychology Think how you would feel without any work — suppose you never had done anything toward a purpose. We have a proverb which says, "Satan always finds some work for idle hands to do," that is, our work keeps us out of mis- chief. The report of a certain prison in Pennsylvania states that eighty-three and one-half per cent of its inmates have no trades, were idlers. But the good results of work are not merely negative, they are indeed positive in usefulness, virtue, and happiness. Imagine as you look out that instead of trolley cars, buildings, and trees you saw a rolling waste of sand and sparse vegetation stretching away to the horizon in every direction, with not a drop of water for miles and miles, hours and hours. There is never any rain, the sun shines all the long day with an intense heat, and it is always summer. Imagine it vividly, as though you were actually walking along in the desert. Point in the direction of Arabia. If you really went in the direction you are pointing, you would come to a star, would you not! "Come down to the earth" and remem- ber that you must consider the shape of the earth, its cur- vature, in pointing to Arabia. Picture, also, instead of the smartly-dressed Americans whom you see in the street, such a group of^warthy Arabs winding their way across the desert that you have made, — such a group as you have seen in Schreyer's pictures, per- haps. Imagine them as of middle stature and powerful make, dressed in loosely draped white or colored garments, with their heads protected from the sun by large turbans. ' ' The Arabs express in their features dignity and pride. They are naturally active, intelligent, and courteous, with a character marked by temperance, bravery, and hospital- ity, along with a strong propensity for poetry." Apperception 113 These people of the desert are, according to their lights, devout, good people. As to religion, they are worshipers of God whose prophet they believe to be Mohammed. A Mohammedan, you remember, has fixed hours for prayer, and, no matter where he is, at those times he turns his face toward the Holy City and prays. The other day just at dusk, as I was walking along the almost deserted street, I suddenly became conscious that there was some one coming on the pavement just back of me. I glanced around and what was my amazement to see a camel ! Then I remembered that Ben Hur was in town and decided that the cainel and his attendant must be bound for the theatre a little way farther on. But for the moment it was inexpressibly strange to see a camel stalking along the city street — it quite transported me to another and very different scene— the long line of a cara- van crawling over the desert. Now the fact that I wanted to teach you is this one : "The Arabs far from water wash their hands in the sands of the desert before prayer. So the dust of labor purifies us." (Auerbach.) Presentation Step. — I. In learning this fact, you have brought together several groups of secondary material that had not been together before. In considering what teach- ing is, the standpoint is changed. How did you come to make these rearrangements 1 You made them because something or someone stimulated them : Teaching is the process of stinuilating rearrangements of secondary material in some one's mind. II. If we learn from all our experience, haphazard and chance as well as directed, then every moment we must be taught. In school teaching, however, there is a definite aim : 8 114 Lessons in Psychology School teaching is a process of stimulating in a pupil's mind the rearrangement of secondary material into syste- matized, scientitic knowledge available for guidance and effective in enriching and energizing character. Application Step.— I. Of late "methods" of teaching have come somewhat into disrepute. This is as it should be in so far as they were formal or "cut and dried." A recent critic is indeed quite right to inveigh against labored, artificial "method" as suggesting the work of "the mediae- val barber's apprentice, who could set up for himself only when lie could whip two ounces of soap into barrels of lather." In so far, however, as the mind acts in certain definite ways, should not these ways be observed and taken as guides in this most important of all occupations, teaching? The fact, moreover, that "method" has been abused, that it has subordinated content and substance to form and made learning about as empty as it was when the teacher merely heard pupils recite text-books is no reason for in- veighing against all method. II. It is urged, also, that teachers do not know psychol- ogy, therefore it cannot be of use to them. But the fact that one does not know psychology is no reason why one should not study it. Psychology is not a more difficult subject to learn than many others if one is only willing to work patiently at jt in the detailed way, for example, that one works at mathematics or the study of birds. III. Though there are certain qualities in every good teacher that were born with him, much may still be done toward "making" him. It is an advantage indeed to be well born as to health, emotional capacity, and will potential, yet most young people of average endowment in these respects can be made Apperception 115 into fairly intelligent and enthusiastic teachers. Knowl- edge of subject matter alone, however, will not do it, nor, of course, will knowledge of psychology alone. You may have known, say, an excellent and enthusiastic teacher of science who had attained his high success with- out professional training. Yet was his enthusiasm for the process of teaching, for the science he was imparting, or for young people? The chances are that it was not for the first. If in addition then to the mastery of his science he could have had a mastery of the "reasons why" in teach- ing, might not his success have been higher still? IV. You have thought about the difference in response by different people to the given stimulus. How individual a matter must learning in schools then be ! Most teaching is addressed to the "average" pupil. The really defective type has little chance in ordinary schools and is usually provided for in a special school ; the slow working type is perhaps best helped by a plan like that originated at Ba- tavia, thus those who are clever above the average are doubtless the ones who suffer most from teaching in general. V. No doubt classes are too large, particularly in pri- mary and intermediate grades, in most city schools. Yet in spite of the fact of the difference in response to the same stimulus, I have seen really close individual work done throughout primary and intermediate grades, no one of which numbered less than thirty pupils, such work made possible by the choice of a rich content of myth and his- tory with all their suggestions for other content and form subjects suited to the children's ages. Teachers here with a "keen scent for pairts in laddies" had abundant chance to discover individual aptitudes, and the pupils did not come out of those grades "all just alike." VI. Can any lesson, any subject be taught at any time? Since the contents of a pupil 's mind determine finally what 116 Lessons in Psychology he can learn and since this material differs with each year of life as instincts and race tendencies appear and ripen, not all subjects or lessons are of equal interest or can be learned at all times. VII. Since all there is to character in young children is instincts, education ought to be the process of making instinctive reactions into conscious ones and of correlating spontaneous acts into the reasoned ones of later character. A suggestion as to how the school programme can ac- complish this result (a suggestion happily followed by an increasing number of schools in this country), comes from the study of the contents of children's minds and charac- teristic modes of thought and action, a study Mdiich shows that the instincts ripening at different periods in a child's life cause him to feel an essential sympathy with the life and conditions of the corresponding • race period. In a sense, the child remembers his racial past in the order in which it was lived. How better, then, can complete ad- vantage be taken of the child's native impulses than by guiding him to liye with vigor and truth freely through the best in successive periods of race development? For "In order that the heroic impulses of boyhood may neither dis- appear without serving a purpose nor degenerate, but rather lead on to the period of reason, they need an ideal presentation of such men as achieve what the boy would like to achieve, and who at the same time reveal the more suitably the transition to a higher order. ' ' Lesson IV THE LESSON UNIT Preparation Step.— I. Through custom and convenience our schools are fixed in the habit of devoting from thirty to sixtv minutes of the day during each term oi- year to Apperception 117 each of the several subjects taught. The lesson is usually made up of one fact or a number that are related so as to form one whole. II. One might ask in connection with the teaching of the fact about the Arabs, why not just tell it? What is to be gained by "lashing up so much lather?" Couldn't one learn, remember, and use the fact just as well without all that preparation? The answer of psychology to all three is, No. If teaching is the process of stimulating the rearrange- ment of secondary material, then there is a distinct gain, and several gains, in calling up the secondary material before it is brought into new relations. Some of these gains are : a) It takes time to learn, that is, to recall all the sec- ondary material that one may have potentially at com- mand. A preparation step gives time. b) The Preparation Step brings a larger amount of secondary material to mind than could return if the new thought were given or read without preparation. c) The Preparation Step, since it stimulates a greater amount of secondary material than would be in mind without it, makes possible a clearer understanding of the new fact. We "understand with all we know." d) Since the Preparation Step brings up a large amount of secondary material to make into the new fact, it, the fact, will thus be in a larger number of trains of associa- tion and therefore more readily available. This means that the memory for it will be better. e) The Preparation Step gives the teacher a chance to stimulate interesting and rich material, to take advantage of instincts and dynamic factors that make learning pleasurable. And only as learning is spontaneous is it educative. 118 Lessons in Psychology f ) We are said to be only relatively awake any of the time, so that it is of advantage to be able to start a recita- tion with material that will wake pupils up to a lively interest. They have perhaps just come from play or from another recitation, and they cannot spring at once into the thought of this one without help. g) The Presentation Step, moreover, in its logical ar- rangement may begin in a relatively uninteresting place. III. It is hard, perhaps, to realize from just one illus- tration that one does learn a fact more intelligently be- cause of the preparation, the consideration of the secondary matter to be made into it — and yet when one considers the whole school life, the gain day by day of having a real con- tent, what is intrinsically interesting stimulated into right relations, something of the value of preparation in the long run is seen. Presentation Step.— Psychology suggests the divi- sion of each day's lesson, the lesson whole, or Lesson Unit into ^^ the Preparation Step, the purpose of which is to call up secondary material and give the chance to meditate upon it, and '-^^ the Presentation Step, where the secondary material is brought into new relations. (A third step of the lesson-unit, the Application Step, will be considered in the chapter on Thought.) Application Step.— I. If you chance to be a teacher, analyze every day's lessons into a lesson-unit. Accustom yourself to make this analysis till you do so simply and naturally, almost instinctively, the moment you think of material to be taught. Try to arrange the material of nar- rations, letters, anecdotes, lectures after the same plan. II. If it has been your custom merely to hear pupils re- cite what they have committed of the assignment of the Apperception 119 previous day, ''Learn five pages more of your text-book," if this plan has been your custom, then try one somewhat like the following: Notice what "the next five pages of the text-book" con- tain ; give the preparation step for that material before assigning the lesson, and let the work at home on the "five pages" be a part of the Presentation Step. The repetition and added generalizations in class the next day can com- plete the Presentation Step. The Application Step may follow, partly in class and partly as assigned work to be done at home the next night. III. It is hoped that the following suggestions on the two steps considered will be found helpful : A. On the Preparation Step : 1. The preparation step (I hesitate to write it with capitals — it seems to make so formal a thing of it) is designed not as an introduction, a preface, a foreword to lead up to the new idea, — its aim is rather a very different one, that is, to call up all the secondary material that is to be made into the new idea. 2. State the aim of the lesson to the class. (This state- ment must not tell too much [the whole lesson], nor yet too little.) 3. Consider the beginning place. ( Call up first the most interesting, rich, and striking concrete, even homely, sec- ondary material.) 4. Make directions definite and concrete. 5. Do not confuse Presentation (new) material with Preparation (old, or secondary) material. 6. Prepare, in general, for all of the Presentation Step in the Preparation Step. ^That is, call up all the sec- ondary material needed to make the new ideas.) 120 Lessons in Psychology 7. All of the material in the Preparation Step is in gen- eral "old," or secondary. Sometimes, however, new mate- rial that does not belong to the Presentation Step, yet is necessary to an understanding of it, must be given here. 8. Do not call up more material in the Preparation Step than you need to use in the Presentation, and do not call up irrelevant material. 9. The form of the Presentation Step may be free ques- tion and answer, an informal, spontaneous conversation to bring vividly to mind the secondary material needed and to stimulate the imagination. The order of procedure should be psychological rather than logical. (Often the teacher may do most of the talking, for it does not follow that because pupils are not talking, they are not thinking to the best possible advantage.) 10. Often the best material for preparation is concrete material recalled from experience at home, at play, in every-day life wholly outside of school. 11. The material brought to mind in the Preparation Step should be as near to instinctive interests as possible. 12. It is often a help to pupils to have the teacher sum up at the close in outline the secondary material involved. B. On the Presentation Step : 1. Arrange the new material in a short series of clear, numbered steps. (The teacher must have determined with perfect definiteness upon the material for the Presentation Step before either the Preparation or the Application Step can be planned.) 2. Consider ^) the completeness, ^^ the unity, *^' the pro- portion, and ^^ the progressive order of the Presentation Step. 3. Fix the material by a sufficient number of repetitions. (The purpose of the Application Step is sometimes mis- Apperception 121 taken to be repetition. All of the mere repetition of the new material may well come in the Presentation Step.) 4. xVll of the matter of the Presentation Step is, in gen- eral, new. IV. The objection may be made that there would not be time in the school courses as they are now to teach by lesson-units. In answer, it may seem more expeditious to teach chil- dren to say the words. In proportion, however, as the words are merely formal, involve only the tongue muscles, they are deadening and not educative. On the other hand, in proportion to the wealth of secondary material, past experience involved, learning is worth while. ''Festina leiite * * * should be printed in letters of gold over the doorposts of every school room, but whether or not teachers regard the motto, nature takes care that her best advice is attended to without the formality of a sign- board." No matter how much a teacher may flatter her- self that, because the little tongues can recite the words glibly, the children have learned, nature sees to it that the poor children have to pay for the violation of her laws. It takes time to learn and even though our formal devices may seem to be short-cuts to knowledge, they are in reality nothing of the sort. Here as elsewhere "the longest way round is often the shortest way home." V. There is danger here, as in the "method" inveighed against by critics, that a teacher will become mechanical and sacrifice all considerations to the form of the Lesson- Unit. The danger is lessened, however, in proportion as one keeps near to his psychology which gives the true rea- son for each step. Some one has called psychology the teacher's "Black- stone." (Yet imagine a lawyer who goes back to his Black- stone as seldom as most teachers go to their psychology.) 122 Lessons in Psychology It is more than that— it is his very life. Only as he keeps near it, is his enthusiasm glowing and his work intelligent. In proportion as he is ignorant of it, lacks a working idea of it, or fails to use it as a basis for all thought and pro- cedure is his work the weaker. To be sure, sheer human sympathy and tact may make a good teacher and may seem a substitute to a degree for ex- plicit science, but human sympathy and tact are only true psychology empirically applied. VI. A master of his subject, inspired and vitalized by a knowledge of the psychology of teaching, will come to teach with ease and to impart not a text-book, but large truths in a large way. His work, in time, will conceal the "bones," the "skeleton" of any studied form— it will be- come a matter, not of the letter, but of the spirit. One thus able and energized will guide pupils naturally and intelligently and will attain that high ideal of teaching, the stimulation of the learner to spontaneous self-activity, independent thought, and effective actualization of lofty ideals of character— teaching that will "extend the pupil's knowledge of things worth while, broaden and deepen his sympathies, and force him to feel and be and live his better self." Lesson V TRAINING THE "POWERS OF OBSERVATION" Preparation Step. — I. A musician is able to pick out a dissonant voice in a large group of singers. In an orches- tra he can attend to the quality and pitch of each separate instrument. He is not likely to be equally observing of plant life, of conditions of health and disease, or of bridges. The moment a bank clerk touches a counterfeit paper or coin he knows that it is spurious. The blind also are Apperception 123 very observing in the terms of touch, and their sense of smell is developed with wonderful acuteness. An artist is sensitive to colors. Most women are more observing of colors than most men. II. Imagine a group of persons on the day-boat passing West Point. They are, say, an engineer, a historian, a young girl, a West Pointer, a farmer : What will each one observe ? III. In what lines are you observing'? In what, not? IV. How often, when we have our attention called to a certain thing, we see repeated instances of it though we had never before noticed any ! We have become observing of the matter. Presentation Step. — I. In our "powers of observation" we are limited to what our past experience makes it possi- ble for us to observe. To all else we are literally blind, deaf, callous. The musician has potentially an indefinitely complex arid rich mental content of highly discriminated, emotionally colored, and scientifically classified knowledge of sounds. The artist has the same sort of knowledge of colors. And in the same way the peculiar training of the bank clerk has brought about a mental content that makes him observing in his own particular interests to a degree inconceivable to the ordinary man. AA^e observe with all we have observed. II. It follows then that no one kind of knowledge makes a person observing in all directions. The Indian, the type instance of acute sensitiveness to surroundings, though he is vastly learned in forest lore and wise in the interpretation of all of nature's signs, should he look with his marvel ously trained eyes into a micro- scope could see little. His eyes are acute to see only what his thoughts enable him to see. Pie is observing only in a few limited directions. 124 Lessons in Psychology Should a blind man receive his sight, though no longer blind he is still unable to see. Pie has not correlations of colors to lit the new circumstances and his complex cor- relations in touch, muscular sense, and smell are not trans- ferable to sight. No formal training of the "powers of observation" is possible. Application Step. — I. "He that would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry out the wealth of the Indies. ' ' ' ' The only things that we commonly see are those which we preperceive. " (W. James, "Psychology.") "The difference" (in observation) "lies in the mind, not in the brute fact." (John Adams, "Herbartian Psy- chology.") II. Sherlock Holmes criticizes a colleague: "He pos- sesses two out of three qualities necessary for the ideal de- tective. He has the power of observation and that of de- duction. He is only wanting in knowledge * * *" but that lack is fatal. The knowledge of Sherlock Holmes, on the other hand, is wide. He is observing in very many directions. III. In what ways can training in school help children to observe! What suggestions can psychology give to teachers here? "To cultivate observation, then, is not to train the eye, the ear, the hand to extreme sensitiveness, but rather to work up well-organized knowledge within the mind itself. If we desire minute observation in a definite direction, we must cultivate special knowledge to correspond. If we wish to encourage general observation, we can only succeed by eultivatinff wide interests." ("Herbartian Psychology Ap- plied to Education," John Adams.) CHAPTER VI THOUGHT Lesson I THE SYLLOGISM Preparation Step.— I. What is the object you have in your hand? It is a book, you say. (Notice the train of associations here and the correlations.) II. How do you know that this object is a book? Because it has printed leaves bound together. The reason that you have given is much condensed. Ex- pand it into all that you imply. All books, you say, have printed leaves bound together; this object has printed leaves bound together, therefore, it is a book. (Yon have not said just what you meant, but for the moment, let it pass.) III. Think in a similar way how you know other objects. And how do you know that this is to-day? That a certain color is blue? In answer to the last you say, all blues are the result of a certain affection of my eye and optic nerve ; this color is the result of such an affection, therefore it is blue. Presentation Step.— I. The group of sentences that you gave in answer to the last question we shall call a syllogism. II. How many sentences are there in this syllogism? There are three. What is a sentence? It is the expression of a thought in words. What are the parts of a sentence? They are the subject and the predicate. 126 Lessons in Psychology What is the predicate of the last sentence in the syllo- gism ? " ( is ) blue ' ' is the predicate. Notice that it, the term "blue" occurs once again as the subject of the first sentence. Write x over it in each place. What is the predicate of the first sentence '1 It is " result of a certain affection." How many times does this term occur in the syllogism? It occurs twice. Write y over it in each case. In all, how many different terms are there in the syllo- gism "? There are three. A'Vrite z over the remaining third term. How many times does each occur? Writing out the letters instead of the terms we have; X y z y Z X All thought can in general be reduced to the form of the syllogism made up of three sentences and of three terms. This statement does not mean that we think con- sciously in syllogistic figures, but only that this movement is the natural one in apperception. III. In logic (the science of the forms of thought) the sentences of the syllogism are called propositions. In making the proposition "all snow is frozen water," I have a train of associations. The two terms of the proposition are associated or related not only by contiguity, but also by a correlation, that of identity. I assert identity between the two terms. Looked at from the standpoint of thought, the mental assertion of the degree of relationship arrived at in the process of thought between two terms is a Judgment. The expression of a judgment in words is a Proposition. Thought 127 IV. How is it possible to express the degree of relation between the two terms of the third proposition in each of the syllogisms in the Preparation Step i I can say that this object is a book because I have com- pared both "this object" and "book" with the same idea, "has printed leaves bound together," and I have found the relation to be , such in each case that I can say, this object is a book. The mental assertion of the relation between two terms depending on their relatiou to a common third term is a Syllogism. The expression of the reasoning is also called a Syllogism. The process of Thought is that of seeing relationships. V. A little way back it was noticed that you had not said just what you meant. The syllogism given was : 1. All books have printed leaves bound together; 2. This object has printed leaves bound together, 3. Therefore, this object is a book. Suppose we represent these three terms and their rela- tions graphically: Let us picture "all books" as enclosed in a small circle, "somewhat as sheep might be in a pinfold, this circle containing all the 'books' and nothing else." Let a greater circle contain the class of "objects with printed leaves bound together. ' ' Now the first propo- sition says that "all books" belong to the class of "objects with printed leaves bound together." The picture of that proposition would then be : No books could get outside the larger circle because all have printed leaves bound together. 128 Lessons in Psychology The second proposition says, "This object has printed leaves bound together." Represent "this object" by a third circle and show its relation to "objects that have printed leaves bound together." Clearly it can go any- where within the large circle. Suppose we put it in like this: Does it follow that "this object" must come within the circle "all books?" Evidently not. It may or it may not. There is no reason why it should— all that the second propo- sition says is that "this object" must belong to "objects that have printed leaves." Then, you see, it does not follow that "this object" is a book, — we are not "driven to the conclusion" from the reasoning, therefore the syllo- gism is not a valid one. VI. Is not what you really meant to say this syllogism? y X 1. All object made of printed leaves bound together are, books ; z y 2. This object is made of printed leaves bound together, Z X 3. Therefore, this object is a book. X y y X Now instead of z y we have z y Testing this syllo- Z X Z X gism by the circles we have, 1. All y's are x's 2. All z's are y's 3. Therefore, all z's are x's. Thought 129 Since all z's are y's, they surely must be x's, for all y's are x's. This syllogism, then, is valid. The second syllogism in the preparation step to be valid must then be : 1. The result in my mind of a certain affection of my eye and optic nerve is blue; 2. This color is the result of such an affection ; 3. Therefore it is blue. Application Step.— I. I dwell upon this fallacy (or in- valid course of reasoning) because it is so conunon. As I was writing this lesson I noticed the following advertise- ment of an insurance company : "Savages do not insure their lives; Morose and cranky people do not, — Wife and children haters do not,— Misers do not — Persons whose sense of personal responsibility is feebly developed, do not— People who are hanged, seldom or never leave life in- surance. Victims of swelled heads, do not — The meanest man you know, safe to say, has no life in- surance, and does not want it." The implication is that if we do not insure, we shall be classed with these people. But we need not come under any of the classes according to the reasoning. If the ad- vertisement read, "Those who do not insure their lives are savages," then it would follow, that one who did not insure his life was' a savage. The study of logic helps one to be critical of his lan- guage, to say what he means. II. There is a theory that all thought is condensed syllogisms. It is difficult to determine this fact from 9 130 Lessons in Psychology watching one's self, so difficult that many writers doubt whether we do think in this way. III. From the observation of children it is evident that their reasoning is syllogistic, but it is also evident that their experience is so limited that they seem from the standpoint of the mental content of adult minds to "jump at conclu- sions." They judge from premises which to adults are insufficient. (Read "The Psychology of Reasoning," Th. Ribot, and other books on Thought.) IV. Notice the predicate, "blue" of the third proposi- tion : because it is a wider, or greater, or major term than the subject it is called the major term. The subject is the minor term. The term with which these two are compared is the medium, the common measure, the middle term. It, of course, does not occur in the third proposition. This third proposition is a jconclusion drawn from the comparison of the major and minor terms with the middle term. It is always spoken of as the conclusion. The propo- sition in which the major term occurs is the major premise, that in which the minor term occurs is the minor premise. In a strictly correct syllogism, the major premise stands before the minor, but in ordinary wanting and speaking this rule is seldom observed. Correct reasoning, however, may always be reduced to the correct syllogistic form'. V. Expand where it is necessary and rearrange the fol- lowing arguments, then show what is wrong with them : His imbecility of character might have been inferred from his proneness to favorites; for all weak princes have this failing. (De Morgan.) Every one desires virtue, because every one desires happiness. VI. The syllogism by which we learn is apparently an invalid one. For example, I have (1) a group of grays and Thought 131 drabs, (2) Thought words, grays and drabs, (3) Whistler's portrait of Carlyle. This train of associations expanded is: This portrait is painted in grays and drabs ; But Whistler's Carlyle is painted in grays and drabs. Therefore this portrait must be Whistler's Carlyle. Then I confirm my conclusion point by point by valid syllogisms. Lesson II valid syllogisms Preparation Step.— m. 1. All horseback riders should keep to the bridle-path ; 2. Those children are horseback riders; 3. Therefore, they should keep to the bridle-path. n. 1. All stars are self-luminous; 2. No planets are self-luminous; 3. Therefore, no planets are stars. o. 1. Mercury is not solid; 2. Mercury is a metal, 3. Therefore, some metals are not solid. p. 1. No Americans are Europeans; 2. Some Europeans are progressive people; 3. Therefore, there are progressive people who are not Americans. Presentation Step.— I. A glance shows you that in form not any two of these syllogisms are alike. For con- venience in studying them, letter the terms with x, y, and z. Always mark the predicate of the conclusion, the major term, x, the minor term z. The term which is left, the 132 Lessons in rsYciioLOGv middle term, mark y. The lettering of these four syllo- gisms is: 1 2 3 4 yx xy yx xy zy zy yz yz zx zx zx zx These four are the only combinations of subject and predicate that can be made with the three terms in the syllogism when the conclusion is zx. They are called the four figures of the syllogism. II. Notice that not all the propositions are like N. 1. Contrast N. 1 with O. 3, as to the distribution of their subjects: ■ N. 1. All stars are self-luminous. 0. 3, Some metals are not solid. In N. 1, the proposition affirms the predicate to belong to the whole of the subject. That sort of proposition is called a universal proposition. In contrast to N. 2, it is affirmative. For convenience in speaking of it in logic it is represented by A. Examples of A are M. 1, 2, and 3 ; N. 1 ; 0. 2. N. 2, no planets are self-luminous. This proposition, also, is universal but negative. It is represented by E. In contrast to the universal affirmative A, is the propo- sition, Some Europeans are progressive people, a particular affirmative, represented by I. The particular negative proposition, Some progressive people are not Americans, is represented by O. Affirmative A r Universal Propositions. -< Particular V. Negative E Affirmative I Negative O Thought 133 Application Step.— I. Test each syllogism of the Prepa- ration Step. The test for the last is : X y 1. No Americans are Europeans ;=E=xy X z 2. Some Europeans are progressive people,=^'I=yz z 3. Therefore, some progressive people are not Ameri- X xy cans.=:0=zx, EIO in yz zx o The second proposition says that some y's are z's, there- fore the circle containing the y's overlaps that of the z's and the syllogism is valid. II. How many different syllogisms of three propositions each is it possible to make out of the four propositions A, E, I, and ? You can have AAA AEA AAE then AIA and so on. AAI AOA AAO If you work them all out, you will find that you can make in all sixty-four. Each one of these must be tested in each of the four figures, and this multiplication makes 256 syllogisms. III. For the sake of familiarizing yourself with the propositions and the figures, test all 2.56 by the circles. You 134 Lessons in Psychology will come out with the following valid syllogisms iu each figure : First. Second. Third. Fourth. AAA E A E A A I A A I E A E A E E I A I A E E All E I A I I I A I E I A E A E A (A A I) (E A 0) A E I (E A 0) (A E 0) E I i(A E 0) IV. Expand into syllogistic form and test the validity of the following arguments : No Athenians could have been Helots ; for all Helots were slaves, and all Athenians were free men. Ireland is idle and therefore starves; she starves, and therefore rebels. V. Watch to see how much of your thought is in the form of judgments and syllogisms, filled out or condensed, incipient or complete. Lesson III CONCEPTION Preparation Step.— I. Each syllogism contains three terms. We are now ready to analyze the stream of thought from the standpoint of the changes that are ever taking place in the meaning of terms. II. How extensive a traveler are you? How much do you enjoy travel 1 Think out the reasons for your answer. Let us suppose you have spent four years in a high school. Now imagine that, instead of spending these years in school, you had spent them in travel: Compare the results in the two cases as to health, knowledge, general intelligence, integrity of mind, maturity, character, breadth and number of interests, resources, manners, memory, Thought 135 power to observe and reason, capability to earn your own living and get on with people, to give pleasure to others. III. Did you ever mistake, say, any verses for poetry which you afterward found were not poetry t Think of some definite time when you did. Your idea of poetry was changed by the experience. Recall instances of mistaking one person for another; one object for another, as a box for a book, a grapefruit for an orange ; one voice for another. IV. Think of cases of uncertainty in identifying objects, as when one is doubtful whether a tree is of one kind or another ; doubtful as to the use of a knife at table, as to a snatch of melody. V. Recall how at certain definite times you have changed other ideas such as those of teaching, learning, success, beauty, right, wrong, duty, selfishness, hardness, pleasure. Every change of this sort is surely expressed in language, that is, in condensed propositions and syllogisms. VI. By analysis is meant the process of loosing, of sep- arating what is complex into its elements. Synthesis, on the other hand, means the uniting of elements. VII. What is a circle ? a basket ■? a crab ? distance 1 steel ? a college settlement? a joke? Have you defined each term adequately! Yet you have no trouble in using these terms. In how many different senses have you ever used the term joke, for example? Presentation Step. — I. Our ideas are constantly chang- ing as a result of our reading, our contact with people, and our thinking — in general, as a result of our experience. Think how different your idea of amusement is from what it was ten or twenty years ago. Define it in each case. II. All thinking is thus a process of classification, of subsuming our concrete experience under one or another 136 Lessons in Psychology class, or excluding it from a class, according to the laws of , association. By each concrete experience some class, as poetry, is made broader or narrower in its extension, and more definite in its own peculiar meaning, or intension. All the changes that take place in our ideas come under one of four kinds : Take, for example, some of the changes that have taken place in my idea of desk. I formerly thought that any object upon which one might write was a desk, a) When I found that a desk must have a slanting top, many objects that before were included in the class desk (such as tables, shelves) had to be excluded. Thus my notion of desk is both narrowed and made more definite. Again, b) I had to drop the idea that the top was tilted to display the or- namentation, thus excluding a table with the top so turned. c) At another time I added the quality that desks may be used in churches, thereby including the lectern in the class desk, d) I later dropped from the class desk the quality that they must have legs, thereby including in the class the sloping shelf-like desk in a bank. These changes are onh^ types of those taking place every time I have an experience with a desk or think of one. They may be briefly classified as follows: a ) By synthesis, when I added the characteristic, "Must have slanting top," thereby exclud- ing certain tables for writing that I had before called desks; b) By analysis, when I dropped the characteristic "slanted to display the top," and excluded a mosaic table from the class desk. narrowed the range or extension of my