.5 [AC LEDGER their Subscribers. 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 i: 1! 2! 1! 2; 31 MERCANTILE LIBRARY, it Corner of Fifth and Library Streets. Open daily, from 9 A. M M. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, md Spruce, and Eighth and Ninth Streets ; entrance on Eighth Street. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, iladelphia, between Market Steeet and Haverford Koad. Open to aily, except Saturday Afternoon, from 10 A. M. till sunset. Market m run direct to the Hospital. CEMETERIES. Hill — Kidge Avenue, near the Falls, on the Schuylkill. Take Eidge iars. nd Cemetery — On the west bank of the Schujlkill. Take "Walnut Market Street Cars and Darby Eoad. al Cemetery — Lancaster Turnpike — Vine St. Hestonville Cars. ■>d Cemetery — Eidge Avenue Cars to Islington Lane. Vernon Cemetery — Opposite Laurel Hill — Eidge Avenue Cars. moment Cemetery — Broad Street, above Montgomery Avenue. The Odd Fellows' Cemetery — 24th Street and Isli The American Mechanics' Cemetery — Islington I Mt. Moriah Cemetery — Darby Turnpike, 3 miles Ronaldson Cemetery — Ninth and Shippen Streets Machpelah Cemetery — Washington Avenue, fron Lebanon Cemetery — Passyunk Eoad, west of Bro Philadelphia Cemetery — Passyunk Eoad, west of Philanthropic Cemetery — -Passyunk Eoad, below Lafayette Cemetery — Ninth to Tenth, and from ] St. Mary's Cemetery — Buck Eoad, east of Passyi Olive Cemetery — Lancaster Avenue, West Philac Mount Sinai Cemetery — Bridesburg. Friends' Cemetery — West Chester Eoad. Fair Hill Cemetery — Germantown Turnpike and Hebrew Cemetery — Frankford. Cedar Hill Cemetery — Frankford. Leverington Cemetery — Eoxborough. Beth-el-Emeth Cemetery — Fisher's Avenue and ]V Old Oaks Cemetery — Township Line Eoad and !N Mount Peace Cemetery — Eidge Avenue, near Lai !ORGE W. CHILDS, Proprietor. Visitors will be shown through the building at all hours of the day 01 AT THE PUBLIC LEDGER JOB PRINTING- OFFICE. .5" PUBLIC INSTITUTIONe J^nd other Places of Interest in Philadelphia. STATE HOUSE, (Independence Hall,) Situated on tbo south side of Chestnut Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets. The east room, on the first floor, (Independence Hull,) was occupied by tbo Continental Congress when it adopted the Dccliinitiuiit.il' Independence, July 4th, 1776. The room and its fixtures remain as it was on that memorable occasion. Open to visitors daily, except .Sunday, bi-tween the hours of 10 nnd 4 o'clock. UNITED STATES MINT, On the north side of Chestnut Street, between Thirteenth nnd Broad Streets. Open to visitors daily, (except Saturday nnd Sunday) between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock. STATE PENITENTIARY. Thi- institution, conducted on tlm Pennsylvania »r .-eparate syslem, is on Coates Street, west of Twenty-first Street. Visitors enn take the Green nnd Coates Street Cars, which cross Chestnut Street at Eighth Street. Tickets of ad- mission can he obtained at the Public Ledger Office. MOYAMENSING PRISON, Situated on Pasayunk Road nnd Tenth Street. Tenth Street Cars run direct to the Prison. Tickets at the Public Ledger Office. «» .». »» HOUSE OF REFUGE, On Girard Avenue nnd Twenty-second Streets. Visitors can reach it by the Eighth Street nnd Girard Avenue Cars. Tickets of admission can be had on application at tbo Public Ledger Office. GIRARD COLLEGE, On Ridge Avenue, north of Girard Avenue. Take Ridgo Avenue Cars at Ninth and Arch Streets, or Eighth Street and Girard Avenue Cars. Tickets can be obtained at the Public Ledger Office. NAVY YARD, On Front Street, below "Wa-hiiigtoii Avenue, entrance from the tV>t of Federal Street. Take the Second Street, or the Seventh Street Union Pa.-senger Rail- way Cars. Open to visitor.-, daily, except Sunday, and except between the hours of 12 nnd 1 o'clock. UNITED STATES NAVAL ASYLUM, On Gray's Ferry Road, helow South Street. Take Spruce and Pine Street Cnrs. INSTITUTION FOR INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF AND DUMR, Situated on the N. W. Corner of Broad and Pine Streets. Take Pine Street Cars. ALMS HOUSE, "West Philadelphia, on the Darby Road. Take eithe Street, or Market Street Cars, and procure Exchang which pass tho entrance of the Institution. Open Sunday. Tickets to be had at tho Ledger Office. FAIRMOUNT WATER-WORK Situated on tho east shore of tho Schuylkill River. Tn Street, Race and Vine Street, Arch Street, the Seven! Pino Street nnd Schuylkill River Cars : Chestnut and "Walnut Ticket for Darby Cars > visitors daily, except INSTITUTION FOR INSTRUCTION OF Situated nt the corner of Race and Twentieth Streets Street, or Arch Street Cars. Open to visitors every A\ 2£ o'clock. At 3$ o'clock there is a Concert of Vocal i and exercises with the School Apparatus, for which i charged. CARPENTERS' HALL, South sido of Chestnut, between Third and Fourth, (bi occupied by the First Continental Congress, and has a THE RLIND, Take Rnce and Vine ednesday Afternoon, at Instrumental Music, -iic.ll admission fee is 1869 w 4 11 18 2425 2627 l 2829 31 1 2 9 1516 22 23 5 6 1213 2 9 14115] ui 212223 28 29 30 1718 24;25 31 1 7 8 15 1718 19 20 2425,2627 4 5 1112 17|l8|l9 2425126 31 1 2 8 9 15|16 22 23 29 30 6 1314 2012122 27 28 29 20 21 27j28 3 4 1011 1718 2425 PRESENTED BY THE CARRIERS OF THE PUBLIC LEDGER To tlieir ©iibscribers. 1869- W 15 2122 25262728293931 1869 JULY 12 3 4 8 91011 15161718 22 23 2425 13 1415 2829 5 6 1213 1920 26 27 15 5 6 7 12 13 14ll 192021 262728. 2 3 4 2?™ 23 24 30 1 FTr 21'22 2829 7 14 21 23 4 11 18 25 2 910 161 2324 30131 89 1516 2223 2£ ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, On the N. W. Corner of Broad nnd Sansom Streets, entrance on Broad Street. Open to visitors on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 1 o'clock, P. M. till sunset. Tickets can be had at tbo Public Ledger Office. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, On Soventh Street, nhovo Chestnut Street. Open daily, from 8 A. M. till 10 P. M. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S TOMB, In Christ Church burying-g round, S. E. Corner of Fifth and Arch Streets. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, On the S. "W. Corner of Fifth nnd Arch Streets, Open for boys on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Evenings, and Saturday Afternoon; and on every afternoon oxcopt Monday, "for girls. LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, On Filth Street, below Ohest Open daily, from 10 o'clock till s MERCANTILE LIBRARY, ; Fifth and Library Streets. Open doil from 9 A. M PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, On Pine and Spruce, and Eighth and Ninth Streets ; entrunce on Eighth Street. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, West Philadelphia, between Market Stecct and Haverford Road. Open to visitors daily, except Saturday Afternoon, from 10 A. M. till sunset. Market Street Cars run direct to the Hospital. Laura Hill— Ridge Avenue, near the Falls, on tho i V venue -Jars. Woodlmd Cemetery— On the west hank of the Scl Street 01 Market Street Cars nnd Darby Road. buylkill. Take Ri.Jire jlkill. Take Walnut Avenue Cars. nsr....d - yunk Road, west of Broa ■syunk Road, below Com o Tenth, nnd from Fedei I to Wh Road, cast of Pn&eyunh I venue, West Philadi |] . slier'. Av-nue and MurM Street, dp Lire- litmd mid Xieeto vn Lane, gc Aveime, near Laurel I ill. [1 21st Street. ,hc Market St. Bridge Eleventh Streets I Street. 1 Street-. PUBLIC LEDGER BUILDING, Sixth and Chestnut Streets. GEORGE W. CHILDS, Proprietor. Visitors will be 1 through the building at all hours of the day or ev< PRINTED AT THE PUBLIC LEDGER JOB PRINTING OFFICE. • Z tZL 2Cfr b!0 ssaaoNcn jo Aawaan 5 Lst Street, Market St. Bridge. Eleventh Streets. reet. rison. Wharton Streets. Street. reet. Lane. ig- Z b£L Ztt frX0 ssaaoNOD jo Atwaan tdl UU U\i WZ 2829 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 PUB T< ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Corner of Broad and Sansom Streets, entrance on Broad Street. ors on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 1 o'clock, P. M. till sunset, e had at the Public Ledger Office. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Street, above Chestnut Street. Open daily, from 8 A. M. till 10 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S TOMB, |rch burying-ground, S. E. Corner of Fifth and Arch Streets. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY, Corner of Fifth and Arch Streets. Open for boys on Monday, riday and Saturday Evenings, and Saturday Afternoon ; and on l except Monday, for girls. LIBRARY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, , below Chestnut Street. Open daily, from 10 o'clock till sunset, PUBLIC LEDGER BUILDING, Sixth and Chestnut Streets. Soutl till 1 On I Wes visit' Stre< n Ave: IP Str& a Gt M\ T, PRIN 1 E LIBRARY OF CONGRESS in mil mm 014 432 734 2 Hollinger pH 8 J