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WE WILL ENDEAVOR, AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, TO KEEP OUR CUSTOMERS INFORMED OF ANY CHANGE IN LISTS, BUT WE RESERVE THE RIGHT AT ALL TIMES TO REVISE LISTS OR PRICES WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL CONTRACTS OR AGREEMENTS MADE BY US ARE CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES, ACCIDENTS, OR OTHER CAUSES BEYOND OUR CONTROL. THE BURNET CO. \ CATALOGUE NO. I. THIS CATALOGUE IS REGISTERED WITH US NO TELEPHONE, 199 JOHN, CABLE ADDRESS, "BURLANE." LOOK Through this Catalogue and get an idea of some things we sell, and may be just what you want *S» rA 4 tfxft I *A 3 8 ftxfti frA 3v 3 v.A, 4 A 8 A 16 tt*ft -ftx f -ft 32 X jf Ms lv.I,v 2. 8 A lt> A 8 §fx| H*& i .J *ft i*i 1 xJxtV A X A 8 A 4 fxi -ft tt*i i**A lAx-,% X i »x* «xA 1 iMi lixft lizfzii iftxA ?x| 3 4 Ux| lAxf 1A X | X.| UxJi ***? 1 8 Iftx f 1*** lfxixj lftxJt • lixi 1 lAx| 2 x* 2 xlxl Ifx* Uxl H l}£xl OIv.S, ii If Hi a*x# if 2,WI A ii 2 A xli " 4 AI 8 The heads of Lag Screws, Skein Screw > and Tap Bolts will be made of same dimensions as given above for Square Head Bolts. Manufacturers' Standard List of BLANK BOLTS With Either Spuare or Round Heads, Finished Points. PRICE PER IOO. Diameter. i 4 16 3 8 TtS i f S &| 4 8 1 H - - - $1.20 $1.40 $1.60 $2.00 $2.50 $4.00 $5.00 $7.80 $10.40 2 - 1.30 1.52 1.74 2.18 2.74 4.36 6.10 8.50 11.30 at - 1.40 1.64 1.88 2.36 2.98 4.72 6.60 9.20 12.20 3 -' - 1.50 1.76 2.02 2.54 3.22 5.08 7.10 9.90 13.10 3i - - - 1.60 1.88 2.16 2.72 3.46 5.44 7.60 10.60 14.00 4 -.- 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.90 3.70 5.80 8.10 11.30 14.90 4£ - 1.80 2.12 2.44 3.08 3.94 6.16 8.60 12.00 15.80 5 - 1.90 2.24 2.58 3.26 4.18 6.52 9.10 12.70 16.70 U ... 2.00 2.36 2.72 3.44 4.42 6.88 9.60 13.40 17.60 H 6 -.- 2.10 2.48 2.86 3.62 4.66 7.24 10.10 14. 10 18.50 a 6i ... 2.20 2.60 3.00 3.80 4,90 7.60 10.60 14 80 19.40 a 7 ... 2.30 2 72 3.14 3.98 5.14 7.96 11.10 15.50 20.30 7* ... 2.40 2.84 3.28 4.16 5.38 8.32 11.60 16.20 2120 8 ... 2.50 2.96 3.42 4.34 0.62 8.68 12.10 16.90 22 10 w 9 ... 2.70 3.20 3.70 4.70 6 10 9.40 13.10 18.30 23.90 p 10 ... 2.90 3 44 3.98 5.06 6.58 10.12 14 10 19.70 25.70 a 11 ... 3 10 3 68 4.26 5.42 7.06 10.84 15.10 21.10 27.50 •j 12 ... 3.30 3.92 4 54 5.78 7.54 11.56 16.10 22.50 29.30 13 ... , . 4 82 6.14 8.02 12.28 17.10 23.90 31.10 14 ... , 5.10 6.50 8.50 13.00 18.10 25.30 32.90 15 ... . 5.38 6 86 8.98 13 72 19.10 26.70 34.70 16 ... 5.66 7 22 9.46 14.44 20.10 28.10 36.50 17 - - - 9.94 15.16 21.10 29.50 38.30 18 ... 10.42 15 88 22.10 30.90 40.10 19 ... 10.90 16 60 23.10 32.30 41.90 20 ... 11.38 17.32 24.10 33.70 43.70 Tlie following extras are to be understood as a part of this list: Blank Bolts with Hexagon Heads, Tee Heads, Askew Heads, and Eccentric Heads, 10 percent, extra. WEICHT OF SQUARE HEAD BLANK BOLTS. Average Weight per Hundred. Diam. | ,- e A i ! 1 1 1* H li J 5.6 8.7 11.2 1 6.4 9.7 12.6 23. H 7-2 10.7 14. 24.9 39.5 li 8. 11.7 15 4 27.1 42.5 63 l| 8.8 12.7 16.8 29. 45.5 67. 90 2 9.6 13.7 18.2 31. 48.5 71. 95 2i 10.4 14.7 19.6 33. 51.5 75.2 100 141 ... n 11.2 15.7 21. 35. 54.5 79.4 105 149 .... 2| 12. 16.7 22.4 37. 57.5 83.7 110 157 .... 3 12.8 17.7 23.8 39. 60.5 88. 115 165 215 370 3£ 14.4 19.7 26.6 43.5 66.5 96.3 125 180 232 392 4" 16. 21.7 29.4 48. 72.7 104.5 13H 195 249 414 4£ 17.5 23.7 31.2 52.5 78.9 112.8 147 210 266 437 5 19. 25.7 35. 56.5 85.1 121. 158 225 283 461 5£ 20.5 27.7 37.8 60.5 91.3 129.3 169 240 300 485 6 22. 29.7 40.6 64.6 97.5 137.5 180 265 317 510 7 25. 33.7 46. 72.8 109. 154. 202 290 351 560 8 28. 37.7 51.5 81. 121. 171. 223 315 386 610 9 . . 41.7 56.7 89. 133. 188. 245 340 420 660 10 . . 45.7 62. 97. 145. 205. 267 365 453 710 11 . . . . 67.5 105. 157. 222. 288 390 488 760 12 ... 73. 114. 170. 239. 310 415 523 810 K Manufacturers' Standard List of BOLT ENDS. Fitted with Square Nuts. Fig. 14. Size of iron, - - 5-16 | 7-16 * | 4 t 1 Length in inches, 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 Approximate weight of 100, - 15* 244 331 50 85 143 211 308 List price per pound, - - $0.20 .18 .16 .14 .12 .10 .10 .10 Size of iron, - - - 14 H If 1+ 1* H 2 Length in inches, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Approximate weight of 100, - 423 568 732 937 1162 1429 1731 2075 List price per pound, - - $0.10 .11 .11 .11 .12 .12 .12 .12 Upset or enlarged ends at special prices. Bolt Ends with Hexagon Nuts, 10 per cent extra. Bolt Ends cut with right or left hand threads. Belt Ends ordered shorter than above standard lengths, will be charged at the price per hundred of machine bolts of same length, subject to same discount. Wood Screw Ends cut to order at special prices. PLOW BOLTS. F lg . 15. Fig. 16. Fig 17. Fig. 18. Price per Hundred —Finished Points, Right or Left Hand Thread , Length over all i&ft 3 8 ft i ft&i 4 ]^ iuches. 1.70 2.00 2.60 3.00 4.50 7.00 1* 4 i 1.80 2.10 2.75 3.00 4.50 7.00 H a 1.90 2.20 2.90 3.15 4.75 7.50 2 a 2.00 2.30 3.05 3.30 5.00 8.00 2i (f 2.10 2.40 3.20 3.45 5.25 8.50 4 a 2.20 2.50 3 35 3.60 5.25 8.50 n a 2.30 2.60 3.50 3.75 5.50 9.00 3 a 2.40 2.70 3.65 3.90 5.50 9.00 3i a 2.50 2.80 3.80 4.05 5.75 9.50 H a 2.60 2 90 3.95 4.20 5.75 9.50 3£ a 2.70 3.00 4.10 4.35 6.00 10.00 4 it 2.80 3.10 4.25 4.50 6.00 10.00 ^ tt 3.00 3.35 4.55 4 80 6.30 10.50 5 a 3.25 3.60 4.85 5.15 6 60 11.00 H tt . 5.20 5.50 7 00 11.50 6 it . . . 5.55 5.85 7.50 12.00 7 a . . 6.60 8.50 13.00 8 tt • • 7.30 9.50 14.00 Unless otherwise specified, Fig. 16 Bolt will be furnished. 6 BRIDGE AND ROOF BOLTS. Fig. 19. Price per Pound, with Both Ends Upset and Fitted with Hexagon Nuts. Length | to 1£ Diam. li to U Diam. 1| to 2 Diam 2| to 3 Diam 4 to 8 feet .12.0 cts .12.4 cts. .13.2 cts. .14.4 cts. 8 to 12 u .11.0 " .11.4 " .12.2 & t .13.2 " 12 to 16 u .10.0 " .10.4 " .11.2 cc .12.4 " 16 to 20 ii .09.2 " .09.6 " .10.4 £E .11.6 •' Dimensions of Upset Ends on Round Iron. Diam. Diam. Length. Threads Diam. Diam. L ength Threads of Bar. of Upset of Upset. per Inch. of Bar. of Upset. of Upset. per Inch. a 1 2f 8 If H 5* Q 1 1* 3 7 1* H 5f H 1 1+ 8i 7 2 2f 6 4 1* If 3* 6 % 2f H 4 li H 4 6 2i 2| n 4 if If 4* 5 2§ 2f 7 4 i* 1* 5 5 2| 2| 7+ 3} if 2 H 5£ 2| 3 8 3£ We are prepared to make Upset rods up to 3 in. diameter from best refined iron or steel, possessing all the standard requisites as to tensile strength, elastic limit and elongation. BRIDGE AND ROOF BOLTS. Fig. 30. Price per Pound, with Square Head on One End and Square Nut on the Other, or Square Nut on Each End, as Preferred. Length. | Diam. j to 1£ Diam. li to 1$ Diam. If to 2 Diam 20 inches to 4 feet .09.2 .08.8 .09.2 .10.0 4 feet to 8 " .08.8 .08.4 .08.8 .09.4 8 " to 12 " .08.4 .08.0 .08.4 .08.8 12 " to 20 " .08.0 .07.6 .08.0 .08.4 , ) Fig. 21. STRUCTURAL BOLTS. We make structural bolts, with the neces- sary -wrought or cast washers; also bolts with countersunk heads to fit into cast header washers, as shown in cut. Prices quoted on receipt of specifications. 7 BELT OR ELEVATOR BOLTS. The Countersunk Heads will always be sent unless specially ordered otherwise. Fig. 22 Countersunk Head. Diameter. A A Fig. 23 Button Heed. Length Price per 100. 3 $3.00 1 i 3.25 li or H 3.50 l 3.50 li or H 3.75 If or 2 4.00 H 4.20 H 4.50 If 4.80 2 5.10 STUD BOLTS. Rough Iron, Without Nuts. Fig. 24. Price Per IOO. Diani. 3 8 16 I 16 1 3 4 7 8 1 1* H I 8 No. Threads 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 -, 6 li $3.35 $4.05 $4.40 $5.10 . 1* 3.50 4.20 4.60 5.30 $6.10 , . . . . . . - If 3.65 4.35 4.80 5.50 6.30 . . . 2 3.80 4.50 5.00 5.70 6.50 $8.80 . . a H 3.95 4.65 5.20 5.90 6.70 9.10 • , . . O S* 4.1C 4.80 5.40 6.10 6.90 9.40 $12.00 . , » 2f 4.25 4.95 5.60 6.30 7.10 9.70 12.50 9 . . o 3 4.4C 5.10 5 80 6.50 7-30 10.00 13.00 $17-00 $21.00 , a a 8i 5.25 6 00 6.70 7-50 10.30 1350 17.75 22.00 . 3i 5.40 6-20 6.90 7.70 10.60 14.00 18.50 23.00 $27.00 3f 6.40 7.10 7.90 10-90 14.50 19.25 24.00 28.00 . 4 6.60 7.30 8.10 11.20 15.00 20 00 *5.00 29.00 $33.00 44 7.50 8.40 11.65 15.75 21.00 26.50 30.50 34.50 5 7.70 8.70 12.10 16.50 22.00 28.00 32.00 36.00 H 9.00 12.55 17.25 23.00 29.50 33.50 37.50 e 13 00 18.00 24.00 31. 00 « 5.00 i .9.00 STUD BOLTS. Rough Iron, with Chamfered and Trimmed Hexagon Nuts. Fig. 25. No, Hi < K > O H f- a Price per IOO. Diameter. 3 S i 16 1 A f 1 i 1 Threads. 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 H $4.00 $5.10 $5.50 if 4.10 5.25 5.65 . 2 4.20 5.40 5.b0 $8.50 $8.50 $12.40 2$ 4.30 5.55 5.95 8.75 8.75 12.70 H 4.40 5.70 6.10 9.00 9.00 13.00 $18.00 n 4.50 5.85 6.25 9.25 9.25 13.30 18-50 3 4.60 6.00 6.40 9.50 9.50 13.60 19.00 $27.80 n 4.70 6.15 6.55 9.75 9.75 13.90 19.50 28.40 H 4.80 6.30 6.70 10.00 10 00 14 20 20.00 29.00 3f 4.90 6.45 6.85 10.25 10.25 14.50 20 50 29.60 4 5.00 6 60 7.00 10.50 10 50 14.80 21.00 30 20 4* 5 25 6.90 7.30 11.00 11.00 15.40 22.00 31.40 5 . # . , 7.60 11.50 11.50 16.00 23.00 32.60 H , , , 8.00 12.00 12.00 16.60 24 00 33.80 6 , . , 8.45 12.50 12.50 17.20 25.00 35.00 7 . , . • • 13.60 13 60 18.60 27.00 37.50 8 14.80 14.80 20.10 29.10 40.10 Milled Studs, 15 per cent, extra. In ordering give length of thread wanted on each end and length of body. WEICHT OF COMMON CARRIAGE BOLTS. Average Weight per Hundred. Dia. I 4 5. IS 3 6 h £ 8 28.0 Dia 1 I if 3 3 i 16 i 8 1 2.8 4.8 6.9 9.4 14.5 6 9. ) 13.8 20.8 29.3 42.0 68.0 If 3.1 5.2 7.6 10.4 15.9 30.0 6* 9. 7 14.7 21.2 31.2 44.8 72.0 l{ 3.4 5.7 8.3 11.4 17.3 32.0 7 10. i 15.6 23.6 33.2 47.5 76.0 If 3.7 6.1 9.0 12.4 18.6 34.0 ■ n io. ) 16.5 25.0 35.2 50.3 80.0 S 2 4.0 6.6 9.7 13.3 20.0 36.0 a 8 11. 5 17.4 26.4 37.2 53.0 84.0 g s 4.4 7.0 10.4 14.3 21.4 38.0 o H ■ 18.4 27.8 39.2 55.8 88.0 65 4.7 7.5 11.1 15.3 22.8 40.0 H 9 . 19.8 29.2 41.2 58.5 92.0 2? 5.0 7.9 11.8 16.3 24.2 42.0 9i . 20.2 30.6 43.1 61.3 96.0 as 15 3 5.3 8.4 12.5 17.3 25.5 44.0 H 10 . 21.0 32.0 45.1 64.0 100.0 3* 5.9 9.3 13.9 19.3 28.3 48.0 K 10£ . 33.4 47.1 66.8 104.0 w Hi 4 6.6 10.2 15.3 21.3 31.0 52.0 M 11 . 34.8 49.1 69.5 108.0 4* 7.2 11.1 16 7 23.3 33.8 56.0, 11* • 36.2 51.0 72.3 112 5 7.8 12.0 18.0 25.3 36.5 60.0 12 . , 37 5 53.0 75 116 5* 8.4 12.9 19.4 27.3 39.3 64.0 Diameter 1* If 2 2i f 8i 3i 3f 4 4i 4* 4| 5 5i 6 6* 7 7i » 8 8i 9 9} 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H U o S3 a EH IS $1.00 1.04 108 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.24 1.28 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.64 1.72 1.80 1.88 1.96 2-04 2.12 2,20 2.28 2.36 2-52 2.68 2.84 3-00 3. 1 6 3-32 3.48 3.64 3.80 3.96 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2-50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.10 3-30 3.50 3-70 3-90 4.10 4.30 4.50 4.70 4.90 $1.50 1.57 1.64 1.71 1.78 1.85 1.92 1.99 2.06 2.13 2.20 2.27 2.34 2.48 2.62 2.76 2.90 3.04 3.18 3.34 3.46 3.60 3.74 4.02 4.30 4.58 4.86 5.14 5.42 5.70 5.98 6.26 6.54 $2.20 2.28 2.36 2-44 2.52 2.60 2.68 2.76 2.84 2.92 3.00 3.08 3.16 3.32 3.48 3.64 3.80 3.96 4.12 4.28 4.44 4.60 4.76 5.08 5.40 5.72 6.04 6.36 6.68 7.00 7.32 7.64 7.96 $3.00 3-10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4-60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.20 6.60 7.00 7.40 7-80 8-20 8.60 9.00 9.40 9.80 $5.00 5.15 5.30 5.45 5.60 5.75 5.90 6.05 6.20 6.50 6.80 7.10 7.40 7-70 8.00 8.30 8.60 8.90 9.20 9.80 10.40 11.00 11.60 12.20 12.80 13.40 14.00 14.60 15.20 $7.20 7-40 7.60 7-80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.60 8.80 9.20 9.60 10.00 10.40 10.80 11.20 11.60 12.00 12.40 12.80 13.60 14.40 15.20 16-00 16.80 17.60 18.40 19.20 20.00 20.80 COMMON TIRE BOLTS. Hi H o is n Fig. 27. Price per IOC t. Dla. A 1 A 1 Dii. A i A 1 $0.60 $0.80 , , . 3* $0.95 $1.15 $1.52 u .60 .80 , . CO 8i 1.00 1.20 1.59 n .60 .80 $1.10 . a 3f 1.05 1.25 1.66 ii .65 .85 1.10 ■ 55 i— i 4 1.10 1.30 1.73 2 .70 .90 1.17 $2.20 ^ # , 1.40 1.87 2i .75 .95 1.24 2.30 a" 5 1.50 2.01 H .80 1.00 1.31 2,40 S5 5* # , , , 2.15 H .85 1.05 1.38 2.50 6 , , , , 2.29 3 .90 1.10 1.45 2.60 $2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3 20 3 40 3 60 3.80 10 STOVE BOLTS. Fig. 28 Fisr. 29 FLAT HEAD. Price Per Hundred. ROUNDHEAD. Price Per Hundred. Length & ft & ft ft i 4 16 3 8 Length ih & ft ft i 4 ft 3 8 3 $0.75 3 8 $0.85 $0.90 I " .75 $0.80 $0.85 . . * .85 .90 $0.95 | .75 .80 .85 . I 8 .85 .90 .95 i .75 .80 .85 $1.20 $2.25 3 4 .85 .90 .95 $1.35 $2.50 .80 .85 .90 1.30 2.30 7 8 .90 .95 1.00 1.40 2.55 i 8 .80 .85 .90 1.30 2.35 1 .90 .95 1.00 1.45 2.60 If .85 .90 .95 1.40 2 45 H .95 1.00 1.05 1.50 2.65 .85 .90 .95 1.40 2.45 H .95 1.00 1.05 1.55 2.70 if .90 .95 1.00 1.50 2.55 if 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.60 2.75 l* .90 .95 1.00 1.50 2.55 if 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.65 2.80 if .95 1.00 1.05 1.55 2.65 if 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.70 2.85 2 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.60 2.75 2 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.75 2.90 24 1 05 1.10 1.15 1.65 2.85 84 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.80 3.00 2h 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.70 2.95 n 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.85 3.10 2f 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.75 3.05 2J 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.90 3.20 3 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.80 3.15 3 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.95 3.30 34 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.85 3.25 34 1.35 1.40 1.45 2.00 340 3i 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.90 3.35 3i 1.40 1.45 1.50 2.05 3.50 3| 1.35 1.45 1.95 3.45 3| 1.45 1.55 2.10 3.60 4 1.40 1.50 2.00 3.55 4 1.50 1.60 2.15 3.70 44 1.45 1.55 2.05 3.65 44 1.55 1.65 2.20 3.80 4J 1.50 1.60 2.10 3.75 ±k 1.60 1.70 2.25 3.90 1.55 1.65 2.15 3.85 4} 1.65 1.75 2.30 4.00 4 5 1.60 1.70 2.20 3.95 5 1.70 1.80 2.35 4.10 H 1.65 1.75 2.25 4.05 54 1.75 1.85 2.40 4.20 51 1.70 1.80 2.30 4.15 5* 1.80 1.90 2.45 4.30 5| 1.75 1.85 2.35 4.25 5| 1.85 1.95 2.50 4.40 4 6 1.80 1.90 2.40 4.35 6 1.90 2.00 2.55 4.50 Nickel Plated Stove Bolts, add One Dollar to above List Prices. DISCOUNTS. FLAT HEAD • • - per cent. | FLAT HEAD, Nickel Plated ROUND HEAD - "I ROUND HEAD, Nickel Plated per cent. STOVE BOLT NUTS-TAPPED; COLD PRESSED. Diameter of Bolt. Threads. Per 100. Diameter of Bolt. Threads. Per 100. ^inch 24 $0.18 " inch 18 $0.28 24 24 20 .20 .22 16 3 8 18 18 18 J inch Fig. 30 Diameter of Bolt— Inch Threads Per 100 . . . . inun Fig. 34 18 42 8 .18 .58 STAY BOLTS. MADE FROM SOFT STEEL. PRICE PER IOO, Length. 4 ±k 5 5* 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Longer than 12 inches, per lb, Fig. 35. n $16.45 17.20 17.95 18.70 19.45 20.20 20.95 21.70 22,50 24.00 25.50 27.00 28.50 .18 Tff " 8 $23.80 24.80 25.80 26.80 27.80 28.80 29.80 30.80 31.80 33.80 35.80 37.80 39.80 .16 $34 00 35.30 36.60 37.90 39.20 40.50 41.80 43.10 44.40 47.00 49.60 52.20 54.80 .15 Threads on Stay-Bolts are cut 12 threads to the inch, unless otherwise ordered. BOILER PATCH BOLTS. Fig. 36. Diameter, inches, - \ Milled and threaded, - $3.00 Blank forgings, - - $2.00 Fig. 37. PRICE PER IOO. I 4 00 2.75 4 £ 1 1* 1* 5.50 7.50 10.00 13.00 16.00 | 3.75 5.00 6.75 9.00 12.00 The length of Patch Bolts is understood to be from the greatest diameter of countersunk head to the point. Patch Bolts will be cut with 12 threads to the incb, unless otherwise ordered. If ordered with special thread, in small quantities, a special price will be charged. The angle of countersunk head in all Boiler Patch Bolts will be 45 degrees. 12 COACH, LAG, SKEIN AND FETTER DRIVE SCREWS. Fig. 39. Square Head, Gimlet Pointed Coach Screw . Fig. 40. Square Head, Lag Screw. Fig. 41. Skein Screw. Manufacturers' Standard List of Fig. 43 _ Fetter Drive Screw. COACH AND LAC SCREWS WITH SQUARE HEADS. Adopted September 20, 1899, to take effect October 1, 1899. PRICE PER HUNDRED. Diameter. & 3 8 A i ft*f 3 4 7 8 * 1| $2.2 5 $2.70 $-3.15 $3.75 , , •z 2 45 2.96 3.47 4.11 $5 00 2h 4 65 3.22 3.79 4.47 5 50 $7.90 . . , # 3 2.85 3.48 4.11 4.83 6.00 8.60 $12 50 ^2 3 05 3.74 4.43 5.19 6.50 9 30 13.50 $18.20 02 4 3 2 5 4.00 4.75 5.55 7.00 10.00 14.50 19.50 w 4* 3 45 4 26 5.07 5.91 7.50 10.70 15.50 20.80 fc 5 3.65 4.52 5.39 6.27 8.00 11.40 16.50 22. 10 |z; 6* 3.85 4.78 5.71 6.63 8.50 12.10 17.50 23.40 M 6 1.05 5.04 6.03 6.99 9.00 12.80 18.50 24.70 H H 6* 6.35 7.35 9 50 13.50 19.50 26.0 i i l 6 3 tn 63 G3 1 co O 63 63 63 63 2 co O t3 63 63 63 63 65 3 co O 63 63 63 63 64 67 73 80 90 4 m o 63 63 63 63 65 70 76 83 95 • IS O 63 64 67 70 75 80 91 100 120 130 145 175 6 CQ O 64 66 72 77 82 87 98 105 125 135 150 180 320 260 7 O 71 76 78 82 87 93 105 11- 133 140 155 185 225 2C5 8 CO O 80 80 85 88 92 98 110 12;. 140 150 160 190 230 270 350 440 9 o 84 , 84 88 92 95 105 115 125 145 10 CO O 87 91 97 105 115 120 130 150 11 DO a 92 95 105 110 120 130 140 12 co O 100 100 no 115 125 140 155 13 CO o 105 115 125 140 155 170 185 205 220 240 14 CO O 115 125 135 160 75 190 205 235 246 26o 15 CO U 140 160 185 200 220 235 265 286 305 325 340 435 520 665 800 990 16 O 165 185 210 230 245 265 295 325 340 365 3S5 460 535 690 840 1060 17 CO 18 CO 20 22 co o 24 CO O so to o u o o 26 m O 215 220 230 240 255 2*0 312 345 380 420 460 510 615 2 240 250 270 300 345 375 405 445 500 555 670 2| 285 300 325 375 400 430 480 530 610 725 24 345 355 365 400 425 475 510 585 665 790 2f 460 , . 540 . 730 875 3 500 • • 620 805 915 NICKEL-PLATED WOOD SCREWS. FLAT AND ROUND HEAD BRASS. No. 4 Cts. 165 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 16 17 18 20 In. Cts. 170 Cts. 180 Cts. Cts. Cts. Ct=. "ts. Cts. Cis. Cts. i Cts. Ctf. Cts. CteCis. i 190 205 215 245 1 4 170 175 190 200 215 240 270 305 350 I 8 175 185 200 210 235 255 290 330 375 420 485 ' * 210 230 255 275 310 355 405 450 515 585 660 1 220 240 270 295 335 380 430 480 540 620 700 H 260 270 300 330 375 430 485 545 620 700 785 870 950 ft 325 335 370 420 480 545 610 1 095 780 880 970 1060 1265 4 395 405 465 530 600 675 . 765 865 965 1065 1170 1390 2 495 510 580 660 740 840 945 1055 1165 1275 1520 H 685 700 720 805 915 1025 1145 1265 1385 1645 900 930 935 955 985 1105 1230 1360 1490 1775 1600 1900 1705 2030 DISCOUNTS. Flat Head, Nickel Plated on Iron Round Head, Nickel Plated on Iron Flat Head, Nickel Plated on Brass Round Hean, Nickel Plated on Brass 16 Per cent. BOUND HEAD. Fig. 46. IRON MACHINE SCREWS PER CROSS. THREADS PEE INCH. FLAT HEAD. Fig. 47. 56 48 % 36 30 ; 32 24. 30, 33 20 24 16 18 20 16, 18 14, 16 No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 30 22 34 26 28 30 Id. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. C .- 3 25 25 25 39 29 35 35 43 43 j_ 25 25 25 29 29 35 35 43 43 55 68 5 27 27 27 31 31 38 38 46 46 59 74 95 3. 27 27 27 31 31 38 38 46 4S 59 74 95 105 130 7 29 29 39 33 33 41 41 49 49 59 74 95 110 135 i 39 29 29 33 33 41 41 49 49 59 74 95 110 125 145 170 A 33 33 33 36 36 46 46 54 54 66 81 100 115 135 165 190 8 33 33 33 36 36 46 46 54 54 66 81 100 115 135 165 190 235 i 8 37 37 37 42 42 52 52 63 63 74 88 110 130 155 175 300 245 330 400 . . 48 48 48 48 60 60 72 72 85 100 120 140 165 190 330 270 330 425 1 . . . . 55 55 55 70 70 85 85 97 115 135 155 180 210 255 310 375 450 M .... 75 75 75 85 85 105 105 125 145 165 185 210 250 300 360 435 525 14 .... 75 75 75 85 85 105 105 125 145 165 185 210 250 300 360 435 525 4 . . . . 100 100 100 115 115 135 135 160 180 200 220 250 300 360 430 510 600 1* . . . . 100 100 100 115 115 135 135 160 180 200 220 250 300 360 430 510 600 1 a 125 135 135 170 170 180 205 240 255 290 345 410 485 570 665 3 150 165 165 200 300 210 230 275 290 335 395 465 545 635 735 24- , , 200 230 330 250 275 340 325 370 435 500 585 690 800 24 235 275 275 300 325 345 365 415 490 575 670 775 890 2* 375 325 325 340 365 385 415 475 555 645 745 860 985 3 335 375 375 390 435 465 515 ■ 575 650 745 850 970 1100 BRASS MACHINE SCREWS.-PER CROSS. Threads pkr jnch. kr aq 1 S3 36 56 48 40 1 Oi 9(1 1 1 1° 30, 32 oo 20 24 18 | 20 16, 18 14 16 No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 16 IS Cts. 20 Cts. 22 Cts. 24 Cts. 26 Cts. 38 Cts. 30 In. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Ct*. Cts. Cts. 32 32 32 40 40 58 58 86 86 32 33 32 40 40 58 58 86 86 90 115 155 35 35 35 43 43 62 63 86 86 100 155 200 ,3 35 35 35 43 43 62 63 86 86 100 155 200 255 300 1 39 39 39 48 48 68 68 95 95 115 170 210 300 360 ^ 39 39 39 48 48 68 68 95 95 115 170 210 300 360 460 600 ii 48 48 48 57 57 77 77 105 105 130 190 235 325 390 490 630 ft 48 48 48 5T 57 77 77 105 105 130 190 235 335 390 490 630 a . . 60 60 70 70 90 90 115 115 150 310 260 350 430 540 670 810 1 .... 72 80 80 105 105 135 135 180 230 290 375 470 595 740 900 1125 1 .... 80 90 90 120 120 155 155 210 260 320 400 520 670 850 1060 1300 1575 M . . . . 100 120 120 150 150 190 190 355 310 370 450 600 775 990 1245 1540 1875 14 . . . . 100 120 130 150 150 190 190 355 310 370 450 600 775 990 1245 1540 1875 ii . . . . 150 170 190 210 310 250 350 300 360 430 500 680 890 1155 1470 1835 2250 u . . . . 150 170 190 210 310 250 250 300 360 430 500 680 890 1155 1470 1835 2250 1 J 250 330 270 350 270 370 450 600 650 750 310 400 500 650 700 800 310 400 500 650 750 850 350 440 550 700 800 900 415 490 600 750 900 1000 500 575 665 800 1000 1100 » 550 650 750 900 1100 1250 750 825 925 1050 1300 1400 985 1060 1180 1250 1400 1600 1270 1355 1495 1550 1700 1900 1605 1710 1870 1980 2180 3410 2040 2180 2305 2535 2750 2970 2425 3 2600 21 2800 2£ 3050 3300 R 4 3600 17 M ACH.NE SCREW NUTS-TAPPED, COLD PRESSED. IBON AMD BRASS SQUARE NUTS. No. Fig. No. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 4. 48. Threads. 32, 36, 40 30, 32 30, 32 24, 30, 32 20, 24 20, 24 16, 18, 20 Fig. 50. Fig. 51. Per Gross. Iron. Brass. — ' -■ — 1 o No. 14 and inch. Fig. 53. Nos. 16 and 18. Fig. 54. (.23 .23 .26 .29 .32 .36 .48 $0.72 .72 .80 .87 .94 1.08 1.44 No. 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Threads. 16, 18 16, 18 16, 18 14, 16 14, 16 14, 16 14, 16 Per Gross. Iron. Brass. $0.62 .82 .93 1.06 1.20 1.35 1.50 2.45 2-70 3.17 3-60 4.10 4.55 HEXAGON IRON AND HEXAGON BRASS NUTS. TAPPED, COLD PRESSED. Nos. 4 and 6. Fig. 57. No. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 No . 8. No. 10. No. 12. No. 14 and Nos. 16 Fig. 58. Fig. 59. Fig. 60. Fig. 61. Fig. 62. Nos. 20 and 22. Fig. 63 No. 24. Fig. 64. Threads. 32, 36, 40 30, 32 30, 32 1, 30, 32 20,24 20, 24 16, 18, 20 Per Gross Iron. $0.36 .36 Per Gross. .40 .43 .48 .55 .72 Brass. $1.08 1.08 1.22 1.30 1.44 1.66 2-16 No. 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Threads. 16, 18 16, IS 16, 18 14, 16 14, 16 14, 16 14, 16 Iron. $0.94 1.22 1.44 1.58 1.80 2.02 2.30 Brass. $2-81 3.67. 4.32 4.7 5 5.40 6.05 6.91 18 IRON SET SCREWS. Fig. 65. Regular Round Point. Fig. 66. PRICE PER IOO. Cup Point, Diameter of Screw. 1 4 A 3 s A 1 9 « 3 4 7 8 1 1* 1* 4^ 3 2.00 2.2 ) 2.50 2.90 3.40 4.25 5.00 a 1 2.15 2.3 5 2.65 3.10 3.60 4.25 5.00 7.00 Ph H 2.30 2.5 ) 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.50 5.25 7.00 11.30 fin 3.40 4 00 4 70 5 75 7.70 ! Ck IX •5 75 3 10 3 65 4 20 4 95 fi . 05 7 70 10 50 IIP D 1% o pn 3 30 3 85 4 45 5.25 6.35 8 25 10 50 14,00 IX 2 2X 3.05 5.25 3 511 3.50 3.70 4.00 4 10 4.35 4 65 4.70 4.95 5 25 5.55 5.90 6 30 6.65 7.05 7.55 8.TO 9.40 10 10 11.10 11.80 12.60 14.80 15.70 16.70 18.00 19.00 20.20 22.50 24. CO 30.00 gj o gL' 3.75 4 35 5.00 5.00 6.75 8.15 10.90 13.50 17.80 21.60 25. 80 32 00 39.00 2M 4 DO 4 70 5 45 fi o:) 7 25 8 R5 11.80 14.60 19.10 23.10 27.90 34.20 41.50 ■pf ca 3 4 25 5 05 5 00 fi 55 7.80 9.(15 12.80 15.90 20.60 25.00 30.50 37.00 45 00 SEr- * 3K 5.40 li 35 7 10 8.45 10.55 14.00 17.40 22.40 27 .30 33.50 40 50 49.00 3}£ fi 80 7. fin 9.10 11.45 15.20 18 90 24 . 20 29.00 36 50 44.00 53.00 B& * ri 3% 8 20 9 75 12 35 16.40 20.40 2B.O0 31 90 39 50 47.50 57.00 .67. § 4 M 4K 4J£ 5 10.40 13.25 14.15 17.60 18.80 20.00 21. SO 23.40 24.90 26 40 27.80 29 60 31.40 33.20 35.00 34.20 30.50 38.80 41.10 43- 40 42.50 45.50 48.50 51 . 60 54.50 51.00 54.50 58.00 61.50 C5.00 61.00 65.00 t9 00 Fig 73.(0 77 00 Threads to inch. 20 18 35 16 45 14 55 12 65 12 90 11 1.20 10 l.:o 9 1.80 8 2.30 7 3 00 7 3.50 6 Add fo ir r each }i ch. 25 4.00 HEXAGON HEAD CAP SCREWS. PRICE PER IOO. Diameter of Head. ft Vl ft Vb % H % 1 1% IX 1% Vi Length of Head. u ft % ft X A ft % % % 1 IK V4 rmm Diameter of Screw. % ft % ft 14 ft % % Vs 1 IK IX liilllllll .5 'o Pn u a 4> w o. « V X hi U -a a s .a tc a •4 1 IK Vi IX 2M 2>£ 2Ji 3 sx 3K 4 iH iX 5 $ 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4 55 4.85 5.15 5.45 $ 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.60 5.00 5.40 5 80 6.20 6.60 $ 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5 05 5.40 5. SO 6.30 6.80 7.30 7.80 $ 4.40 4.70 5.00 5.30 5.60 5.95 6.35 6.80 7.30 7.90 8.50 9.10 9.70 % 5.50 5.70 6.00 6.30 6.60 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.60 9.30 10.10 10.90 11.70 12.50 9 7.00 7 00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9 10 9.70 10.40 11.20 12.10 13.10 14.10 15.10 16.10 17.10 9 % $ $ $ $ i ill 9.50 9.50 10.00 10.60 11.20 11 90 12.70 13 60 14 70 16.00 17.30 18.60 19.90 21.20 22.50 IS 12.20 12.20 12 80 13.40 14.10 14.90 15.90 17.00 18.60 20.20 21.80 23.40 25.00 26(50' 28.20 16 00 16.60 17.20 17 90 18.60 20.00 2180 23 80 25.£0 27.80 29.80 31.80 33 80 35.80 37.80 C^^BM^ 21 20 22.30 23 60 55.10 26.90 29 00 31.40 33.80 36.20 38.60 41.00 43.40 45.80 48.20 ft 29 00 30.50 32.30 34.40 37 00 40.00 43.00 46.00 49.00 52.00 55.00 58.00 61.00 37.50 39.30 41 40 44.00 47.50 51.50 55.50 *££^rr" 59.50 ^wc^' 63.50 "iw^JJS 67.50 -*±c30* 71.50 F g. 68. 75.50 79 50 Threads to inch. 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 Add for each i inch. 30 40 50 60 80 1.00 1 30 1.60 2.00 2 40 3.00 4.00 Steel Cap Screws 25 per cent, additional. 20 FLAT HEAD CAP SCREWS. MILLED FROM SOLID BAR. PRICE PER (OO. Fig . 69. Fig. 70. Flat H>a\ French Head. Diameter o Head. i 3 8 32 5 S 3 4 IS l 8 1 14 14 *8 Diameter o Screw. H A 1 •1 5 3 S 7 IB h A 8 3 4 3 • 4 2.25 3.50 3.10 4.00 5.00 3 * 3.50 2.75 3.35 4.25 5.30 oleo - u 3.75 3.00 3.60 4.50 5.60 6.90 9!o6 > if 3.00 3.25 3.85 4.75 5.90 7.20 9.50 i2!oo 3.25 3.50 4.10 5.00 6.20 7.50 10.00 12.50 i4!so ° 2 , , 8.75 4.35 5.50 6.75 8.00 10.75 13.00 15.25 19i20 2 Ol , . , . 4.75 6.00 7.35 8.50 11.50 13.75 16.00 20.20 1 3 * , , . . , , 6.50 7.75 9.00 12.00 14.50 16.75 21.35 1 2J , , , , . . 7.00 8.35 9.50 12.75 15.25 17.50 33.40 J 3 . . . . • • • • 8.75 10.00 13.50 16.00 18.30 33.60 Threads to inch. 40 24 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 10 Add for each i inch. 25 25 40 50 50 50 50 75 1.00 1.25 BUTTON HEAD CAP SCREWS MILLED FROM SOLID BAR. Fig. 71. PRICE PER IOO. Diameter o: Head. *A. Full A 7 IE A 1 3 4 U tt 1 n Diameter ol Body. i 8 A 1 4 A 3 8 A i A t 3 4 a J 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 , t t . . a« i 2.50 2.75 3.35 3.75 4.25 5.30 6.60 , , w§ 1| 2.75 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.60 6.90 9!oo . . , , «£ it 3.00 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.90 7.20 9.50 13.00 , . gal} p « 2 1 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.20 7.50 10.00 13.50 18.20 . t 3.75 4.35 5.00 5.50 6.75 8.00 10.75 13.00 19.20 . , . , 4.75 5.50 6.00 7.25 8.50 11.50 13.75 20.20 a« 2* , , . . , , 6.00 6.50 7.75 9.00 12.00 14.50 21.25 ; H 2f Kb 3 w , t , , , t , . 7.00 8.25 9.50 12.75 15.35 22.40 8.75 10.00 13.50 16.00 23.60 Threads to inch. 40 24 20 18 16 14 12 13 11 10 Add for each 3g £ inch. 35 40 50 50 50 50 75 75 1.15 No. 4 Wire. Price of Steel Screws 25 per cent, above the pr ice of I •on Screws 21 ROUND AND FILISTER HEAD CAP SCREWS. Fig. 72. Price per IOO. Fig. 73. Diameter 9 4 3 U l 1 u lj of Head. J 6 4 8 I "6 lb 8 Lengh of 11. ad. J. 8 _3. 1 t> 1 4 16 3 8 .7- 16 i A 8 3 4 X 8 1 Di-i meter of Screw. 1 8 & 1 4 5. 3 8 A i A 8 3 4 7 8 1 "S a $2 00 $2 25 $2 50 13 00 $3 50 $4 00 $5 00 o 1 2 25 2 50 2 75 3 25 3 75 4 25 5 30 16 60 ^ lj 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 60 6 90 $9 00 £ 15 2 75 3 00 3 25 3 75 4 25 4 75 5 90 7 20 9 50 $12 00 3 00 3 25 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 00 6 20 7 50 10 00 12 50 $15 25 £ 2 3 25 3 50 3 75 4 35 5 00 5 50 6 75 8 00 10 75 13 00 16 00 819 2D X i o 2i 3 50 3 75 4 00 4 75 5 50 6 00 7 25 8 50 11 50 13 75 16 75 20 21 3 75 4 00 4 25 5 15 G 00 6 50 7 75 9 00 12 00 14 50 17 50 21 25 ~ 3 a 4 25 4 50 5 55 6 50 7 00 8 25 9 50 12 75 15 25 18 30 22 4i T3 q 4 4 75 5 95 7 00 7 50 8 75 10 00 13 50 16 00 19 10 23 60 QJ Ql u 3 * 6 35 7 50 8 00 9 25 10 50 14 25 16 75 20 00 24 S5 8 00 8 50 9 75 11 00 15 00 17 50 21 00 26 10 1 3 I 9 00 10 25 11 50 15 75 18 25 22 00 27 35 □ 4 10 75 12 00 16 50 19 00 23 00 28 60 3 4i 12 50 17 25 19 75 24 00 29 85 5 4i 18 00 2 i 50 25 00 31 10 2? 4J 21 25 26 00 32 35 0) 5 i-l 27 00 33 60 Threads to inc . 40 24 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 10 9 8 Add lore c ^ inch. 25 25 25 40 50 50 50 50 75 75 1 00 1 25 Manufacturers' Standard Lit.t of FORGED SET SCREWS AND TAP Squart, Heads Price pe' IOO. BOLTS. Diam. of Sor^w. Fig. 74. Length. 13 2 oi ^4 2* *4 3 H u f $1.00 SI. 15 1.05 1.21 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.27 1.33 1.39 1.45 1.51 1.57 3 8 7 lb' i 9 "1JT 3 4" 7 a $1.35 81.60 $2.00 S3.00 4.20 $6.00 1.42 1.69 2.10 3.12 4.35 6.20 1.49 1.78 2.20 3.24 4.50 6.40 1.56 1.87 2.30 3.36 4.65 6.60 1.63 1.96 2.40 3.48 4.80 6.80 1.70 2.05 2,50 3.60 4.95 7.00 1.77 2.14 2.60 3.72 5.10 7.20 1.84 2.23 2.70 3.84 5.25 7.40 1.91 2.32 2.80 3.96 5.40 7.60 1 • ■ 2.41 2.90 4.08 5.55 7.80 1 . . 3.00 4.20 5.70 8.00 $8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10,50 Fig-. 75. With Hexagon Hea. s 10 percent, extra Heads of Hexagon Tap Bolts are made finished size of United States Standard Nuts for same diameter. 22 PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. WITH RIGHT AND LEFT STUB BOLT ENDS. Fig. 76. Inside Outside Total Length of Buckle with Diameter of Opening of Length L Of Price Stub Ends. Buckle Buckle. Stud Ends in. Each. § inch. 4f inches. 6| inches. 17 inches. $0.40 A " 4f < 64 ' 17 ' i .42 4 " 6 ' 8 ' 21 ' - .45 1 " 6 ' 81 ' 23 ' .50 8. a 4 6 ' 84 ' 23 ' .63 * " 6 ' 9 ' 23 ' .75 1 " 6 9 23 ' .88 -Ii " 6 < 9i < 23 ' 1.00 ll " 1 4, 6 ' 94 ' 23 ' 1.25 If " 6 ' 9f " 23 < 1.38 14 " H ' 104 ' 25 ' 1.50 if " «i ' 114 ' 26 ' 2,00 Prices for lai ■ger si zes Turnbuckles quoted on application. Longei • Turnbuckle s are made to ore er at s pecial prices. Turnbuckles with s wivel in one end : 'urnish ed to order. • PIPE SWIVELS. r "is - -r ----=, - _- — ! Illlll Hf^^J E UMl. THE BU RNET CO. Fig . 77. WITH RICH T /: kND LEFT HAND THREADS AND STUB ENDS. Length Outside List Diam. of Length between Len gth of Diam. of Thickness Price. Screw. of Swivel. : Nuts. IS uls. Pipe. of Pipe. Each. | 5 3| 6 .840 .109 $0.60 4 54 3f I 1.050 .113 .80 I 7 4f 14 1.315 .134 1.00 a 4: 7 4 14 1.315 .134 1.25 | 8 54 ii 1.G60 .140 1.50 1 91 64 14 1.900 .145 2.00 J* 94 64 if 1.900 .145 2.50 ii Hi 8 if 2.375 .154 3.00 if H4 8 n 2.375 .154 3.50 i* 134 84 24 2.875 .204 4.00 if 134 84 *4 2.875 .204 4.£0 if 134 84 24 • 2.875 .204 5.00 4 15 94 2f 3.500 .217 5.50 2 15 94 n 3.500 .217 6.00 List prices of Sleeve Nuts same as above. 23 PLATE WASHERS, MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD LIST. Fig. 78. Size of Thickness Wire Number in Diameter. Hole. Gauge. Size of Bolt. Price per lb. 100 lbs. ft i 4 No. 18 ft 14.0 45000 i> & ' 16 i 4 12.2 13900 1 1 3 g ' 16 h 11.4 11250 is ' 14 3 8 10.5 C800 H i ' 14 ft 9.7 4300 if 2 16 ' 12 * 9.2 2600 lj 1 ' 12 ft 9.1 2250 if 16 ' 10 I 9.0 1310 2 .Li ' 10 3 4 8.8 1010 2A ' 9 2 8 8.8 867 24 1A ' 9 1 8.8 634 2J 14 ' 9 1* 8.8 500 3 if ' 9 14 9.0 367 34 i* ' 8 if 9.0 300 3J if • 8 li 9.2 267 3f if ' 8 if 9.2 247 4 1 8 ' 8 if 9.5 224 H 2 ' 8 if 9.5 200 44 2* « 8 2 9.5 180 ROUND CAST WASHERS. Regular sizes carried in stock. WEIGHT PER IOO. Prices on application. Fig. 79. Countersunk for bolt head. Fig. 80. Round Washer. Diameter, inches Thickness, inches Size bolt . . . Weight per 100 . Price per lb. $ . • 1* 2 24 J- 3 1 16 8 2 3 1 1 8 2 8 . 84 22 45 72 34 4 44 5 54 6 7 74 f I 1 14 14 If 1* H it 14 li • If 14 If 2 115 180 215 320 425 525 1150 15o0 Fig. 81. Square Beveled. BEVELED CAST WASHERS. Prices 0:1 application. We are prepared to furnish any style of cast washers on receipt of pattern or de- scription. 24 Fig. 82. Round Beveled. U. S. STANDARD HOT-PRESSED SQUARE AND HEXAGON NUTS AND HOT-PRESSED REAMED SQUARE AND HEXAGON NUTS. Adopted as the Standard of the United States Government. F12;. 83. Fig. 84. S3 en Square. Hexagon. 3 Price per Pound. Price per Pound. c3 a Hole. <4-i s O Hot Pressed. Reamed Hot Pressed. Reamed O ZD Blauk. Blank. 53 Blank. Tapped. Blank Tapped. i J- .I85 = ^j- scant. I 13.0 15.0 13.8 20.0 22.5 21.0 2 1 1 4 X .)340 = | scant. s T"6 12.0 13.5 12.8 18.0 20.0 19.0 1 b 5 .294 = if scant. .344 =£4 .400=4| scant. .454 = 11 8 10.5 11.6 11.0 14.0 15.6 14 / 18 25 8 1 1 TW 10.0 10.9 10.5 13.0 14.3 13.7 " 3 I l 1 2 9.0 9.7 9.3 11.2 12.2 11.5 ~8 31 8 9 9.0 9.6 9.3 11.2 12.1 11.5 T2~ It 1 - & .507= 4 full. ft 8.7 9.2 8.9 10.5 11.2 10.7 X T6 l4 8 .620= § scant. 4 8.5 8.9 8-6 10.0 10. G 10.2 J 4 1-A- 4 7 .731 = ft scant. f 8.4 8.8 8.6 9.9 10.5 10 2 x l 6 1ft 14-4 8" 1 .83 7 = f4 scant. 1 8.2 8.6 8.4 9.7 10.3 10.0 14 .940 = H fu11 - 14 8.2 8.6 8.4 9.7 10.3 10.0 2 -*-8 1.065= 1 T V full. ii 8.4 8.8 8.8 9.9 10.5 10.5 •2-K * 4 11 1.160 = Infill. if 8.5 9.0 8.8 10.0 10.7 10.5 *i u 21 x 8 14 1.284 = 1 3% full. n 8.8 9.4 9.6 10.3 11.1 11 3 *8 9 9 ■* 2 if if 1.389 = Iff scant - ift 9.0 9.7 9.6 10.5 11.4 11.3 ^T6 2f 1.491 = 14 scant. if 9.3 10.0 10.2 10.8 11.7 12.1 015. l| 1.616= if scant. 1* 9.5 10.3 10.2 11.0 12.0 12.1 *1 6 34 2 1.712 = If | scant. 2 9.7 10.6 10.6 11.2 12.3 12.6 u 8 q 5 24 1.836 = Iff scant. 24 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.7 12.9 13.0 "16 34 2i 1.962 = 1-fi scant. 8i 10.0 11.1 11.5 11.7 13.0 13.5 2ft 2.086 = 2^ scant. 2| 10.3 11.5 12.0 12.2 13.6 14.0 "16 3i 24 2A 24 10.5 11.8 12.2 12.4 13.9 14.2 ,J 8 -l4 2i 2f 11.0 12.4 12.7 13.0 14.6 15.0 ^4 4ft & 4. 3 ID 01 1 ^T6 3 11 5 13.0 13.2. 13.5 15.2 I 15 6 For less than keg lots (200 pounds) of a size the following extras will bo charged. lr iz -• At the rate of 20 cents per 100 pounds for 100 pounds or more. At the rate of 50 cents per 100 pounds for less than 100 pounds, 25 U. S. STANDARD CHAMFERED, TRIMMED AND REAMED NUTS. SQUARE AND HEXAGON. HOT AND COLD PUNCHED. Fig. 85. Fig. 86. aa n « a HOLE. Size of Bolt. SQUARE. iitX G-JA. a a 5 Price per lb. Blank. 20.0 Price per lb. Tapped. 22.0 ■ A verage Number in 100 lbs. Blank. Price per lb. Blank. Price p«r lb. Tapped. Avemg" Nulutji-r in 100 M.s. Blank. 1 l 4 .185= T s s scaat. l 4 7400 27.0 29.5 8880 i n 11 5 .240= 5 scant. 1 6 18.0 19.5 4000 24.0 26.0 4800 3 ■ 8 .294= £| scant. 3 8 14.5 15.6 2730 18.5 20.1 3276 16 25 7. 7 •344= H h 14.0 14.9 1700 18.0 19.3 2040 ± .400= if scant. A 11.3 12.0 1160 14.0 15.0 1392 8 31 9 T7T •454= ff 9 ■ 16 11.3 11.9 900 14.0 14.9 1080 1 .507= i full. 1 10.0 10.5 653 12.5 13.2 784 4 .620= | scant. 4 9.4 9.8 386 10.9 11.5 463 1 ' 1* 1 B .731= ff scant. l 8 9.4 9.8 260 10.9 11.5 312 1 .837= || scant. 1 9.4 9.8 170 10.9 11.5 204 4 .940= £f full. 1* 9.4 9.8 122 10.9 11.5 146 2 4 1.065=l T Vfull. 14 10.1 10.5 90 11.5 12.1 108 2 T \ If 1.160=1^ full. if 10.3 10.8 69 12.0 12.7 83 2f H 1.284= 1& full. 4 10.7 11.3 54 12.6 13.4 65 9 9 2f If 1.389=lf4 scant. , if 11.1 11.8 43 13.2 14.1 52 If 1.491=li scant. if 11.5 12.2 35 14.0 14.9 U 91 5 3ft* 1-1 ^8 1.616=1| scant. ^8 12.0 12.8 29 14.5 15.5 35 2 1.712=lf§ scant 2 12.0 12.9 24 14.5 15.6 29 3i 6 .' H 1.836=1§J scant. 8* 12.5 13.5 20i 15.0 16.2 26 3£ 84 1.962=lf| scant v 24 12.5 13.6 17 15.0 16.3 23 3H 3f 2| 2.080=2^ full. 03 ^8 13.5 14.7 15 16.0 17.4 20 2J 2.176=2^- full. 2A 13.5 14.8 12 16.0 17.5 16 Thes9 are extra fine unfinished nuts, cupped and trimmed outside to exact dimensions, and have reamed holes, at right angles to their bases, to suit U. S. Standard Taps, and are in all respect a superior article. We make both Hot-Punched and Cold-Punched Chamfered, Trimmed, and Beamed Nuts ; and the above list applies to both kinds. For less than keg lots (200 pounds) of a size the following extras will be charged, viz.: At the rate of 20 cents per 100 pounds for 100 pounds or more. At the rate of 50 cents per 100 pounds for less than 100 pounds. 26 UNITED STATES STANDARD SIZES. n Fig. 87. PLAIN GOLD PUNCHED NUTS. Square and Hexagon. Wide. Thick. 1 T 1 3 TB" 11 s _ 3T TS ¥ 1 31 ST liV 5 H s i* i if 1 US H 2 H 2A if 93 u » ~TB" 11 2f If 2P- It 3£ 2 8A 2 1 8 : » 2 1 Hole. .185: .240: .294 .344= .400 .454= .507= .620: 731: .837= .940: 1.065= 1.160= 1.284: 1.389= 1.491= 1.616= 1.712: 1.836= 1.962= T 3 y scant. -} scant. ££ scant. 1 1 TS == If scant. _ 29 = A full. = | scant. = £| scant. . = fj scant. = if full. =1 X V full. =1* full. ==l&full. =1=11 scant. =lj scant. =lf scant. =lff scant. =lff scant. =lfi scant. Bolt. SQUARE. 1 H H if li if if if o 2A 9.1 Price per lb. Blink 13.8 12.8 11.0 10.5 9.3 9.3 8.9 8.6 8.6 S.4 8.4 8.8 8.8 9.6 9.6 10.2 10.2 10.6 11.0 11.5 Price per lb. Tapped. 15.8 14.3 12.1 11.4 10.0 9.9 9.4 9.0 9.0 8.8 8.8 9.2 9.3 10.2 10.3 10.9 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.6 Average Xumber it) 100 His. Hluuk. 6700 4100 2400 1550 1100 825 580 348 228 156 122 88 65 54 42 33 27 23 19 17 Fig. 88. Price per 1>>. Blank. Price per lb. Tap ed. A vernge Number in 100 lbs. Ulank. 21.0 23.5 7500 19.0 21.0 4700 14.7 16.3 2800 13.7 15.0 1830 11.5 12.5 1300 11.5 12.4 990 10.7 11.4 700 10.2 10.8 438 10.2 10.8 290 10.0 10.6 19S 10.0 10.6 140 10.5 11.1 103 10.5 11.2 77 11.3 12.1 63 11.8 12.2 50 12.1 13.0 39 12.1 13.1 31 12.6 13.7 28 13.0 14.2. 24 13.5 14.8 20 For less than keg lots (200 pounds) of a size the following extras will be charged, viz. ; At the rate of 20 cents per 100 pounds for 100 pounds or more. nf 50 cpnta r»*=>v 100 nAnnila fr»r lpca tlmn 100 nnnnrk .Li-u v±±\j ±mv\j ./. /jv ^v.lii,=3 jjci iw JJL»u Ji»_iO itii xw j;uumw ui jiivji^. At the rate of 50 cents per 100 pounds for less than 100 pounds. 27 Manufacturers' Standard List. HOT PRESSED SQUARE AND HEXAGON NUTS. Fig. 8i>. Pig. 90. Sqtjahe. Hexagon. Short Thick- Hole. Size of Price p. rib. Blank. Price Short Thick- Hole. Size of Price per lb. Price per lb. Diam. ness. Bolt. Tapped. Diam. ness. Bolt. Blank. Tapped. 1 5" 1 7 8~S x 13.0 15.0 i l 7 TS i 4 20.0 22.5 5 8~ 16 9 T2" 5 IS 11.5 13.0 B A 9 TS 5 16.0 18.0 4 3 e 1 1 TS 1 10.0 11.1 3 4 3 a ■ 11 3 8 13.0 14.6 1 a J-- 16 25 3T 7 TS 9.2 10.1 7 8 7 ts £4 «7 . A 11.4 12.7 1 £ 7 IS 1 8.7 9.4 1 1 7 TS * 10.5 11.5 1* 16 1 2 9 TS 8.6 9.2 1* A 1 9 TS 10.4 11.3 H i T 9 «r 1 8.5 9.0 14 1 9 TJ f 10.1 10.8 U 3_ 21 3 4 8.4 8.8 it it 4 21 "37 4 9.9 10.5 if x 25 T2 7 8 8.3 8.7 if 1 8 25 TS 7 8 9.8 10.4 2 1 2 1 8.2 8.6 if 1 7 8 1 9.7 10.3 °4 1* 31 TS 1* 8.2 86 2 H 31 TS 14 9.7 10.3 n. H 1 8 14 8.3 8.7 24 if 1-ij 'IS 14 9.8 10.4 n if 1 » 1 T* if 8.5 9.0 21 H 1 3 n 10.0 10.7 3 H 1 5 H 8.7 9.3 2=1 If 1 5 1 TS H 10.2 11.0 H If 1 7 If 8.9 9.6 3 If 1 1 If 10.4 11.3 u n 1 9 1! 9.2 9.9 34 li x 8 1 9 1 TS- If 10.7 11.6 8} 1 8 111 1* 9.4 10.2 3i 2 111 IX i 8 10.9 11.9 4 2 113 ■"•If g 9.6 10.5 3A 2 113 1 TSf 2 11.1 12.2 4 2i 1i x 8 2* 9.7 10.7 3f 2* 1i 1 8 24 11.4 12.6 44 2i -'4 2 24 9.9 11.0 3f 24 2 24 11.6 12.9 44 2f 2* 3* 10.1 11.8 4 03 ■*8 2* 3* 12.0 13.4 4A 2A »i 2£ . . 4{ 2i 24 H . . 4f 8} »A 2f U 22 •^4 2A 2f . . . . 5 3 an 3 4f 3 24* 3 . . . . 5j 34 2if 3* . . 5 34 oi r. "'is 34 . . . . 6 3i H 8* • • 54 3A 3* 34 HOT-PRESSED SQUARE NUTS. FOR STEAMBOAT STIRRUP BOLTS. Short Diameter. Thickness. Hole. Size of Bolt. Price per lb. Blank. Price per lb . Tapped. 14 f 9 f 8.6 9.1 if 1 9 16 f 8.6 9.1 if 3 4 21 TS 3 4 8.6 9.0 2 3 4 21 TS 3 4 8.6 9.0 2 1 8 25 TS 7 8 8.6 9.0 For less than keg lots (200 pounds) of a size the following extras will be charged, viz. At the rate of 20 cents per 100 pounds for 100 pounds or more. At the rate of 50 cents per 100 pounds for less than 100 pounds. ?8 Manufacturers' Standard Sizes PLAIN COLD PUNCHED NUTS. SQUARE AND HEXAGON. Fig. 91. Tig. HZ. Square. Hexagon Short Thick Bole. Bolt. Price per 1 ■•. Price ppr lb. Short Diam. Thick Hole. Bolt. Price per lb. Price per lh. DUui. ne-s. B ank. 13.8 Capped. 15.8 ness. Blank. Tapped. i i 4 A 1 4 4 1 4 7 S3 1 4 21.0 23.5 ft 5 A 3 T8 12.3 13.8 i "1 1» A A 17.5 19.5 3 4 8 H 3 3 10.8 11.9 3 4 3. 3 1 1 1 13.8 15.4 1 8 iV U T^ 9.3 10.2 4 A 13 55 T 11.5 12.8 7 g 1 7 l 9.3 10.0 7 8 4 7 T7 4 11.5 12.5 l 4 T IB 1 9.0 9.7 1 4 A 4 11.0 12.0 14 9 J _fl 8.8 9.4 1 A 7 4 11.0 12.0 ift 1 ft 8.8 9.3 14 9 16 4 A 10.6 11.5 u ft A ft 8.5 9.0 14 8 9 J 10.6 11.3 If 3 4 fi 3 4 8.5 8.9 14 3 4 9 TS | 10.6 11.3 1* 3 4 21 3 4 8.2 8.6 U ft 9 IT 1 10.1 10.8 li 7 8 25 7 8 8.5 8.9 4 3 4 A I 10.1 10.8 If 7 8 25 i 8 8.2 8.6 if 2 4 n 1 10.1 10.7 If 7 8 25 "5~2" 7 8 8.2 8.6 if 1 8 ft 1 10.1 10.7 If 1 4 1 8.2 8.6 14 3 4" ¥2" & 4 9.7 10.3 2 1 7 1 8.2 8.6 14 1 8 21 S~2" 4 9.7 10.3 2 14 Tli 14 8.2 8.6 14 7 8 2S 3-S 1 8 10.1 10.7 H 14 1 5 14 8.2 8.6 li 1 25 ■5"2" i 10.1 10.7 H li 1A H 8.6 9.0 ift 7 8 25 T2" 7 s 9.7 1C.3 24 n 1A it 8.6 9.0 if 1 25 1 8 9.7 10.3 2J 1a 8 1A if 8.6 9.1 ii 1 1 8 1 9.7 10.3 3 H 1A li 9.2 9.8 if 14 7 5 1 9.7 10.3 H 1ft 1A if 9.2 9.9 2 H 1 5 TS 14 9.7 10.3 u If 1 9 if 9.8 10.5 34 If 1A ii 10.1 10.7 3| 8 1 11 ii 1-8 9.8 10.6 24 H 1A If 10.1 10.8 4 2 113 1 T3" 2 9.8 10.7 2a ^4 1ft 1A 14 10.3 11.1 , . , , 3 If 1A 1ft 10.9 11.8 34 X 8 1A If 10.9 11.8 , . 34 O 144 1i 1-8 11.5 12.5 84 2 lis. •■■T6 2 11.5 12.G • • 3i 24 1.1 3 '■TS 2 12.0 13.1 For leas than keg lots (200 pounds) of a size following extras will be charged, viz. 1 At the rate of 20 cents per 100 for 100 pounds or more. At the rate of 50 cents per 100 pounds for less than 100 pounds. 29 Manufacturers' Standard SQUARE AND HEXAGON HOT PRESSED NUTS. NARROW CAUCE SIZES. SQTIAEE. Short Diain. Thick, ness. Hole. A 7 A U 3H 7 ? II 7 if A 1 s" •'tit Size of Bolt. Price peril). Blank 4 l 14 20.0 13.7 12.3 10.7 10.0 9.0 8.7 8.6 8.4 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.5 88 Price per lb. rapp'd 24.5 15.7 13.8 11.8 10.9 9.7 9.3 9.1 8.8 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.8 9.0 9.4 HEXAGON. Short Diain. H H i 3 !! 1* if 2 84 2} 2k Thick- Hole. 8 -h -ft t ! i It It -■ i 6 -i r.4 rV 4 H lft nV lft Size of Bolt. 1 Price per lb. Blank. Price per ih. TappM 14.0 13.0 11.2 10.5 10.4 10.1 9.9 9.8 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.3 15.6 14.3 12.2 11.4 11.1 10.7 10.5 10.4 10.4 10.5 10.7 11.1 Pig. 93. Case Hardened Nut. FINISHED CASE HARDENED AND SEMI-FINISHED HEXACON NUTS. The Thread and Outside of each Fin- ished Case-Hardened Nut are made to an accurate gauge, and to the standard adopted by the U. S. Government. The Semi-Finished Nuts are our reg- ular Chamfered and Trimmed United States Standard Hexagon Nuts, tapped and faced true on the bottom. Pig. 94. Semi-Finished Nut. Thickness. Numbers of Threads. 20 18 16 14 13 or (12) 12 if 11 11 T 10 7 8 9 1 8 ft 7 I* 7 1^ if 6 6 If 5i n 5 ii 5 2 u 2i H Finished Case Hard- ened Nuts. Price each. .06 07 .08 .09 .10 .12 .15 .17 .18 .22 .30 .35 .45 .55 .65 .80 i.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 Semi-Fin- Semi-Fin- ished with ished Nuts. Double Price each. Chamfer Price each. .02 .02£ .024 .03 .034, .04 • 03J .044 .04 • 04J .05 .06* .05* .06.4 .06.4 .07f .074 .08a .10 -111 .13* .154 .17 .194 ,24 .27 .34 .38 44 .48 54 .60 .70 .78 .90 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.80 30 LIGHT STEEL 8 lbs. to the yard, 12 " << it 16 " it a 20 " a a . 25 " a it 30 " a a 35 " a a in " it ■£ "T" RAIL. per gross ton, FLAT STEEL RAILS. PUNCHED AND COUNTERSUNK. 1£ lo 2 by £ to £ inch, 11 by f and 7-16 inch, l| by |, 7-16 and £ inch, if and 1| by £ inch, per lb., <« FOLLOWER PLATES. 6x1 inch, Sawed to Length, . 6 x 1|, 1J, If and 1^ inch, Sawed to Length, 6x1 inch, Sawed and Punched, 6 x 1J, 1£, If and 1^, Sawed and Punched, ■ 6x1, Forged and Punched to Pattern, 6 x 1£, 1£, If and 1\, Forged and Punched to Pattern, per lb., $ PERFECTION TIE PLUG. (Actual Size.) Pig. 95. Made from Cedar, they will outlast any tie ; and with a taper that makes them perfect as a plug, they add life, and permit respiking without injury to the ties, aad cost less than any Railroad Company can make them fur. "When desired they will be made from Elm, Pine, Basswood, or any of the ordi- nary woods suitable for the purpose. Cedar is especially recommended. Price $ per 1,000, delivered on line of road, in lots of 100,000 or over. THE PATENT VERONA NUT LOCK. Fig. 96. Fig. 97. Size for Bolt, inches, . %, f, Price per 1,000, Fig. 97, . . $5.00 5.50 Packed in boxes of 1,000 or 1,500 as desired. For the Patent Improved Nut Lock with "Tail " add §1 00 per 1,000 to each of above sizes. 4> 6.65 7.25 1, 8.25 IV 31 RAILROAD TRACK BOLTS. ESTIMATED WEIGHT OF IOOO TRACK BOLTS. With Hutton Heads and Oval Necks as Per Cut. WEIGHT OF 1000 Square Nuts. Hexagon Nuts. Size of Nuts. Pounds. Dimensions of Bolts. U2 Ax2i T"ffX2| £x2i £x2? |x8 1x4 ! x 4| |x3 Jx4 8 X ^8 1 x3i x ■X i 1 xi 1 X± i^ X A' _ l| x A x i l*x| x£ 1 s x I x T \ U. S. Standard 260 293 365 388 485 506 556 818 880 899 1040 1334 1366 1350 Pounds. 244 277 337 360 452 483 533 788 840 870 983 1279 1310 1285 Fig;. 98 Square Nut. Fig. 99. Hexagon Nut. Iii quoting price of Track Bolts, it will be understood, when not otherwise expressed, that the quotation refers to Track Bolts with Button Heads and Oval Necks as per cuts. In ordering Track Bolts giv diameter of nut. Prices quoted on application. RAILROAD SPIKES. Fig. 100. Size Measured under Av. No. per keg. No. to lay 1 mile track, 4 to tie. Rail used. Weight per yard. Price Head. 200 lbs. Ties 2 feet from centre to centre. per pound. 5£ x 9-16 inches 360 5800 lbs. =29 kegs 45 and over $ 5 x9-16 ' 400 5170 • =25^ ■ 40 to 56 4* x k 530 3900 ' =19| i 35 to 40 4 x£ 3£x£ < 600 680 3520 ' 3110 ' =17 3-5 =15 3-5 i 30 to 35 4* x 7-16 C 680 3110 ' =15 3-5 } 28 to 30 4 x7-16 ( 840 2560 ' =12 4-5 t 3£ x 7-16 * 900 2350 * = 11 t = 9| = 4 t 20 to 28 3*xf 3 x| 2£x| ! 1180 1370 1780 ' 1540 ' i c \ 16 to 20 ■ 1600 1320 ' = 6 3-5 1 12 2k x 5-16 • 2160 1000 ' = 5 • 8 — 1 9,8, Rev, rsp Points Extra. FROST OR SHIMMING SPIKES. STREET RAILWAY SPIKES. inch square, countersunk head is k 8 per pound, $ per pound, $ BARCE SPIKES. inch square, 5 to 12 inches long per pound * " " 4 to 6 " " " " ' Shorter than 4 inches \ cent extra. Prices quoted on application. 32 f in £ " 8 * " A" BOAT Square, 12 to 24 incliea length, 8 to 16 6 to 16 " " 6 to 12 4 to 12 SPIKES. per lb., Oval Head, 4 to 4 to 3 to 3i f and T 5 F shorter than 4-inch, i cent extra. DOCK OR WHARF SPIKES. (DRIFT BOLTS.) Countersunk Head, Fig. 102. Per lb., $ Fig. 103. Headless, Per lb., $ Fig. 104. Nail Head, Ragged, Per lb., $ PEIOBS QUOTED ON APPLICATION. Points made wedge shape or conical as preferred. The above illustrations show the ordinary styles— shapes of heads are varied according to requirement of specifications. Dock Spikes are made from round iron when so specified. Inquiries or orders should describe the style wanted. FISH PLATES AND BOLTS FOR ONE MILE SINGLE TRACK. FOUR BOLTS PER JOINT. Length of Rail. 24 'eet, 25 (t 26 i< 27 it 28 tt 30 u No. Fish Plates Required. 844 812 782 754 704 No. Bolts per Mile. No. of Rails or Complete Joints. 1760 1688 1624 1564 1508 1408 440 422 406 391 377 352 Plain, 8 and 10 lbs., 12, 16 and 20 lbs SPLICE BARS. per lb., $ I Angle, SPLICE JOINTS COMPLETE FOR LICHT each, $ I 25 and 30 lbs., " $ I 35 and 40 lbs., 33 per lb., RAILS. each, $ BOILER RIVETS. Oval Head. * inch diameter 106. Cone Head. per pound, $ and larger BRIDCE AND CAR RIVETS. inch diameter per pound, $ ' " and larger . AVERAGE NUMBER OF Diameter Lengths. 3 I 1 H i 2 2; 9 8 f 5 5* 6 7 CONE-HEAD BOILER RIVETS IN IOO POUNDS. i ii a I 1965 1848 1692 1437 1300 1200 1100 999 945 900 828 779 743 715 1429 1335 1222 1036 949 900 789 721 682 650 598 562 536 513 1092 1027 940 797 730 693 608 555 525 500 460 433 413 395 944 846 763 691 624 553 511 491 475 443 411 379 352 341 326 298 270 244 223 198 665 597 538 487 440 390 360 347 335 312 290 267 248 241 230 210 190 172 157 140 450 389 357 325 297 280 265 242 224 212 201 192 184 171 161 151 140 125 356 280 262 243 232 220 206 197 180 169 160 158 146 135 124 115 100 Iron Rivets in Bulk. TANK RIVETS. Any Style Head. 228 180 169 156 149 141 133 127 115 108 102 99 94 87 80 74 64 PRICE PER POUND. Length of Rivets. Size. I 15 7 1-3. 3 8 ii 3T 5 9 i 4 7 ^3" s 5 i 8 A 7 an 15 15 15 A 15* 16* 16* 16* 16* l 15* 16* 16* 16* 16* 16*. 2 15*. 16*. 16* 16* 16* 17 17 3 15* 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 l 15* 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 4 15* 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 5 16 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 6 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 23 24 r\ 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7 16* 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 84 25 26 8 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 35 26 27 9 18 19 20 20 21 21 23 23 23 24 5(5 27 29 30 10 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 28 30 33 35 37 38 11 20 22 24 26 27 28 30 31 31 33 37 40 43 45 12 21 24 26 28 29 30 32 34 , 35 36 41 45 50 55 13 2S 27 30 33 34 35 37 39 40 41 45 50 55 60 14 27 30 35 38 40 45 50 52 55 58 58 60 63 65 U^* Rivets made from smaller wire than No. 34 14, all lengths, 70 cents per pound. IRON RIVETS. Fig. 107 In Packages of 1,000, Price per 1,000. Size. Black. Tinned. 8 oz. $0.20 $0 24 10 oz. .22 .25 1 13 oz. .24 .28 » 14 oz. .26 .30 1 1 lb. .27 .33 1 l!^lb. .29 .37 1 l^lb. .33 .42 m lb. .37 .48 2 lb. .42 .54 &A lb. .55 .69 t 3 lb. .60 .78 1 3^ lb. .70 .81 4 lb. .76 1.00 : 5 lb. .90 1.20 . 6 lb. 1.08 1.44 7 lb. 1.26 1.68 » 8 lb. 1.44 1.92 » 9 lb. , 1.53 2.07 J 10 lb. 1.75 2.35 E 12 lb. 1.98 2.70 • 14 lb. 2.31 3.15 I 16 lb. 2.64 3.60 Black. $0.38 .34 .31 .29 .26 .23 .22 .21 .20 .20 .19 .19 .18 .17 .17 .17 .17 .16 .16 .15* .15| • 15* Above prices are forconmon flat hea-l regular size rivets only. ds or extra lengths 5 cents per 1,000 added to above prices. COPPER RIVETS AND BURRS. « n h ' h TTTT In Bulk, Price Per Pound. Tinned. $0.45 .40 .37 .35 .33 .29 .28 .27 .26 .26 .25 .25 .24 .23 .23 .23 .23 .22 .22 .21* .21* .21*. Oval or countersunk /2 T ai Fi2. 108. Fig. 109. Fi° Nos. 7 8 9 10 Per ib. $0.49 .50 .52 .54 Bi 1' and hose rive's a^e packed as fo'lows: . 110. Fig. 111. Fig. 112. 11 13 13 14 .56 .o ( .60 .65 Rivels uiily in 4 1b. or 1 lb. paper boxes. , ■ _ -* .T_ i ii- I r» 15 .70 tivets and buns mixfcd (equal quantit^s of eac 1 "), in 1 (b. or * lb. paper boxes. Brrrs ouly in 1 i". boxes. For rivets and burrs, uniform lengths, in * lb. boxes, add 3 cents per pound to list For rivets and burrs, assorted (§ to jM, in 1 lb. boxes, add 3 cents per pound to list. » |), in * lb. boxes, ad J 6 cents per lb. to list. 35 J.^1 nvcio <*uu in..!.-., .1.-..-.U1 ii-n ^g 1/U -X). For rivets and burrs, assorted (f to f). /" — ~" > \ z^ - ** - ^X /-SE?\ /^Z^N /2L . / ^AMa^^feA / .^taMMfeM^ V / ■fct- ,\ / .„, J^H^«QMife\ ° S v. O ft EH M g'2o ttJ • P/d .§§ ft* M*- o g" .„ v i; o c bo c -.' • "^ a c g - o 3-10 o 4 1- 1- 8 1- 11 1-4 2 1-2 2 1 2 13-4 2 3-4 1-; l o 3 1-J 5 1-2 6 1-4 2 3- 5 9 l-£ 12 15 19 20 1 1-2 3-4 1 1-4 o 3 3 1-2 4 1-2 5 1-2 7-8 1 1-2 2 1-2 4 7 3-4 9 11 5-8 1 1 1-2 2 1-1 3 1-4 4 5 2 3 4 1-2 7 8 1-2 10 13 1-1 5-16 3-S r-16 1-2 14 3 1-8 15 19 26 4 1-2 5 1-2 9 9-16 ' STUD LINK. 11 £-8 24 7 11 13 1-2 11 10 20 8 1-4 14 32 7 14 32 7 1-4 15 32 8 1-2 10 1-4 3-4 34 10 1-8 10 37 8 16 37 8 3-4 18 37 10 20 13-10 40 11 7-8 18 42 9 1-2 19 12 9 1-2 20 42 11 1-2 21 7-8 44 14 21 48 10 20 ■ 48 11 22 48 13 21 15-10 51 15 8-10 24 55 12 24 55 12 1-2 25 55 14 1-2 27 1 59 18 27 03 13 20 63 14 28 1-2 63 10 30 1-2 1 1-10 06 20 3-10 31 70 14 ;s 70 10 32 1-2 70 17 1-2 H 1-2 1 1-8 75 22 3-4 35 79 10 30 79 18 30 79 20 39 1 3-16 82 25 3-8 38 33 13 30 S8 20 40 88 23 11 1 1-4 91 28 1-8 43 38 21 42 38 22 14 98 25 1-2 17 1-2 1 5-16 103 31 47 105 23 16 105 24 8 105 27 58 1 3-8 113 34 51 LIS 25 50 118 26 1-2 ; 4 118 29 1 7-16 120 37 1-8 50 27 27 )4 27 29 J 8 127 31 ( 1 1 1-2 132 40 5-10 59 38 £0 ] 38 31 ( 2 138 33 1-2 ( 7 1 9-16 143 43 9-10 02 1 51 32 ( i i 51 33 £ 6 151 35 1-4 : 1 1 5-8 1 11-16 156 162 47 5-10 51 1-1 55 1-8 07 1 60 35 i 60 36 ? 2 160 38 1-2 7 7 1 3-4 175 78 1 13-16 189 59 1 8 83 1 7-8 205 63 1-4 89 MANUFACTURERS' ACE NTS FOR 1 15-16 2 2 1-10 2 1 8 2 3-10 222 240 2=0 280 300 67 5-10 72 76 5-10 81 1-4 86 1-8 95 101 108 114 121 High Class Ship's Cables, Crane, Mining Chains for Differential Pulley Blocl Chains, Steel and Iron Dredg all sizes Machine Chains and Rigging Chains, s, Special Crane ng Chains, , etc. 2 1-4 325 91 1-8 128 2 3-8 2 1-2 375 1 01 5-10 12 5-10 143 158 Special Prices quoted on specification s for Brake Chain. 36 BLACK DIAMOND Per lb. Base, $ CRESCENT. Per lb. Base, $ TOOL STEEL. SILVER STEEL. Per lb. Base, $ CRESCENT EXTRA. Per lb. Base, $ c. per lb. extra. ROUND, SQUARE AND OCTAGON. Base sizes, § to 2 inches. The following are extra prices charged above Base price; Annealed, Jc EXTRA SPECIAL Per lb. Base, $ CRESCENT SPECIAL Per lb. Base, $ Extra per lb. Extra per lb. Extra per lb. h in., L8.0c U in., 2.0c. 2& to 3 in. i.Oc. ft " 10 Oc. § " - - 1.0c. 34 to 4 a 1.5c. A " 5 0c. .1 a 16 - - l.(K 4&t>5 ct 2.0c. 1 " 3.0c. 4 " - " 0.5c. 54 to 6 n 2.5c. ft " 3.0c. 16 - - 0.5c. 64 to 7 it 3.0c. A " 2.0c. FLATS. 74 to 8 a 3.5c. Base size s | to 2 in. thick x A to 2 in. wide. Extra per lb. Extra per lb. Extra per lb. 4x A ZO.Oc. A x 24 to 7 1.0c. | to 2 in. x 24 to 7 in .1.0c. ix* - 15.0c. A x 74 to 8 2.0c. ftolf x 74 to 8 1.0c. J x A - 8.0c. 1 x A to § 2.0c. l|to2 x 74 to 8 1.5c. 1 Y 4 8 X § 4.0c. i x A to 2 1.5c. *4 to 3 x 24 to 5 1.0c. & x A to 4 3.0c, i x 24 to 7 1.0c. 24 to 3 x 54 to 8 1.5c. & x A to 7 2.0c. |x7ito8 A x § to f 2.0c. 34 to 4 x 34 to 6 1.5c. £ x '. 4 to 8 3.0c. 1.5c. 34 to 4 x64to8 2.0c. Ax i ■ 5.0c. A x H to 8 1.0c. 44 to 5 x44to7 2.0c. A x A 4.0c. | x A to 8 1.0c. 44 to 5 x74to8 2.5c A x | 3.0c. A x J to 8 1.0c. 54 to 6 64 to 7 x 54 to 8 2.5c" A x A to | 2.0c. 4 x A to 8 1.0c. x 64 to 7 3.0c* AxHto2 1.5c. A x 24 to 8 1.0c. 64 to 8 x7jto8 3.5c' Cutting to multiples or specified lengths, 4c per lb. for over 24 in. ; under, according to contract. CLASSIFICATION OF SPRING STEEL. ROUND AND SQUARE. I to li in. 4 to A in. 1 to A in. A 1 4 . li to 4 in. 1 to 14 in. 1 to 3 in. ftoif in. x No. x No. x No. x No. J to 3 4 gauge to 1 gauge to 5 gauge to 1 gauge to 1 gauge to FLATS. 4 in. inclusive, 4 gauge 7 gauge 7 gauge 7 gauge Eitraper lb. Base. 0.2c. 0.5c. 1.0c. 1.5c. Extra per lb. in. x No, in. x No. 8 gauge to 10 gauge : i U « in. x No. 11 gauge to 16 gauge Cutting to lengths 24 inches and over, Ac. per lb. according to agreement. Titanic, per lb., $ MUSHET STEEL. Self -hardening, per lb., $ 37 0.2c. 0.5c. 0.5c. 1.0c. 1.0c. 1.5c. extra; under 24 inches, Special, per lb., $ } to 3 inches Standard Classification of Extras for MILD BESSEMER STEEL. Adopted Novomber 10th, 1899. ROUNDS AND SQUARES. to to H 9 IT i and A Per 100 lbs. $0.10 extra. .20 .40 .50 .60 .70 100 2.00 81. 4A 6} 6f to 3i inclies ■to 4" " to U " to5 to 5* " to 6 to.6£ to 74 For intermediate sizes, the nex 1 ; highest extra to be charged. We do not make squares larger than 4 inches. FLAT BARS AND HEAVY BANDS. 1 to inches x f to 1 inch 1 to 6 tt to tf fJ to a A ai "l £ A and | I incl x ^ and T \ xf to | x 4 and & x # to i x I and A x | and A x ^ and 15 iucli Per 100 lbs. 10.20 extra. .40 .50 .50 .70 .90 1.10 ^1 and inches x " x x | and A" X l^r to 1A " x 11 to 1£ " xlf to2£ " x 3 to 4 inch For intermediate sizes, the next highest extra to be charged. LIGHT BARS AND BANDS. l£t°6 inch x Nos. 7, 8, 9 and A inch 14 to 6 1 1ol T V 1 tol* If to tf Handjf n it 2 1 1 A A A X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X 10, 11 12 *nd jjinch 7, 8, 9 and -ft inch 10, 11, 12 and £ inch 7, 8, 9 and & inch 10, 11, 12 and £ inch 7, 8, 9 and T \ inch " 10, 11, 12 and i inch " 7, 8, 9 and T \ inch " 10, 11, 12 and £inch " 7, 8, 9 and T \ inch " 10, 11, 12 and £ inch " 7, 8, 9 and A inch " 10, 11, 12 and £ inch " 7, 8, 9 and T \ inch " 10, 11, 12 and £ inch For intermediate sizes, the next highest extra to be charged. Per 100 lbs Base. Per 100 lbs #0.30 extra. .50 " .60 " .80 " 1.00 - 1.50 " 2.00 " 2.50 " Per 100 lbs. Base. Per 100 lbs. $1.00 extra. 1 20 1.50 .10 .20 ,30 .40 Per 100 lbs. f 0.40 extra. .60 • .50 •' .70 " .70 " .80 '• 1.00 " 1.20 " 1.20 " 1.30 " 1.30 •' 1.50 " 1.80 •■ 2.10 " 1.90 " 2.40 " 1 is itojj, .80 f to A 1.00 I to A 1.10 OVALS. Sizes, inches. £ to 14 a to n Extra per 100 lbs. $0.40 .50 .60 For intermediate sizes, the next highest extra to be charged. HALF OVALS AND HALF ROUNDS. Sizes, inches. £ to 2 a to H l to U i to A Extra per 100 lbs. $0.50 .60 .70 * 90 For intermediate sizes, the next highest extra to be ciiarged. EXTRA FOR CUTTING ORDINARY BARS TO SPECIFIC LENGTHS Machine cutting, specified lengths, above 24 inches, T % cent per lb extra Machine cutting, to specified lengths, 12 to 24 inches^ cen per lb extra Machine cutting, to specified lengths, less than 12 inches accordine to o nn , T „nt . * less than A cent per lb. on each size extra ' accorclln S t0 contract, but not Hot sawing or shearing, 24 inch and longer bars, T V cent per lb. extra. Hot sawing or shearing, 12 to 24 inches, & cent oer lb. extra Hot shearing, 6 to 12 inches, ^ cent per pound extra. 38 6 C I * a r a p NATIONAL BAR IRON MANUFACTURERS' SCHEDULE Minimum Extra Prices above the Base Bar Price, to be Charged foi Extra Sizes of Iron. Adopted March 16, 1899. Babb Pbiob, peb Lb., $ ROUNDS AND SQUARES. TI ft i to ft< f to A to - to 2ft extra. 14 .1 1 TiT 9 it TTJ 7 »( To" S it Ttr TTj to ft to H ft 1 TO" extra. to % . . to 1| Base sizes no extra, to 2§ .... A extra, to 3* .... A " 3$ to 4 *£ to U 4 to 5 54 to 6 «* to 6i 6* to 1* . ft extra. . lc. 1 s • J-T7Y TTj FLATS. I to J to J to I to I to i to I to 1 to 1 1 1 u l a 2 2 to ljV to If to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 x Ift to xl| to x2£ to Flats ^ thick than same size of lc. per lb. extra. to re to ft 1 4 2 3 ftc. per lb Flats. All Ift extra, lc. " T7T 8 it TU a TV 6 1. Tff (( TS u TV 2 i t TV 1 t; TV 2 (( TV ase no extra 16 5 TT 6 TT higher than \ to 4i H *i 7 ei «* 6i Si- Si 8* 8* to to to to to to to to to to to to 10 to 10 to 10 C» 6 6 6 6 6*x 8 x 8 8 8 10 X i tO ft x I to 1 x Ift to 1 J x 1 I to 2 x 2 | to 3 I to A i to A x f to 1 i x if to 2 x 2£ to 3 x | to ft x f to 1 X 1 ft to 1 £ x 1 I to 2 " ft extra ♦ '.' ft " 6 er Square Foot in Pounds Avoirdu- 0000000 pois. 20.00 000000 18.75 00000 17.50 0000 16.25 000 15. 00 13.75 12.50 1 • 11.25 2 10.625 3 10. 4 9.375 5 8.75 6 8.125 7 7.5 8 6.875 9 6.25 10 5.625 11 5. 12 4.375 13 3.75 14 3.125 15 2.8125 16 2.5 17 2.25 18 2. 19 1.75 20 1.50 21 1.375 22 1.25 23 1.125 24 1. 25 .875 26 .75 27 .6875 28 .625 29 .5625 30 .5 Weight Approxi- Approxi- per Square mate mate Foot Thickness Thickness in Ounces in Frac- in Decimal Avoirdu- tions of Parts of pois. an Inch. an Inch. 320 1-2 .5 300 15-32 .46875 280 7-16 .4375 260 13-32 .40625 240 3-8 .375 220 11-32 .34375 200 5-16 .3125 180 •9-32 .28125 170 17-64 .265625 160 1-4 .25 150 15-61 .234375 140 7-32 .21875 130 13-64 .203125 120 3-16 .1875 110 11-64 .171875 100 5-32 .15625 90 9-64 .140625 80 1-8 .125 70 7-64 .109375 60 3-32 .09375 50 5-64 .078125 45 9128 .0703125 40 1-16 .0625 36 9-160 .05625 32 1-20 05 28 7-160 .04375 24 3-80 .0375 22 11-320 .034375 20 1-32 .03125 18 9-320 .028125 16 1-40 .025 14 7-320 .021875 12 3-160 .01875 11 11-640 .0171875 10 1-64 .015625 9 9-640 .0140625 8 1-80 .0125 Price per Pound EXTREME SIZES AND GAUGES WE CAN ROLL PLATES AND SHEETS. PLATES. WIDTH. THICKNESS. 64 62 60 58 56 54 50 48 42 36 30 24 i . . . . 114 120 120 126 132 138 144 156 168 192 240 288 7 120 120 132 138 144 156 156 168 192 228 252 288 £ 126 126 156 156 168 180 192 200 216 264 288 288 5 132 144 168 180 192 216 228 240 264 288 288 288 X 132 168 210 240 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 s 132 168 240 240 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 Nos. 8 aud 9 120 144 168 180 192 240 252 252 288 288 288 288 Nos.lOandll 120 132 144 156 168 200 240 240 264 288 288 288 No 12 . . . 120 120 144 144 156 180 180 132 220 240 288 288 SHEETS. WIDTH. GAUGE. WIDTH. GAUGE. _50 144 144 144 120 48 156 144 144 120 44 156 144 144 120 40 180 156 144 144 36 180 168 144 144 30 24 48 44 40 144 96 96 36 30 24 13 and 14. 15 to 17 . . 18 and 19. 20 to 22 . . 192 156 144 144 216 144 144 144 23 and 24 . 25 aud 26 . 27 and 28 120 96 120 96 141 120 120 144 144 120 144 120 120 43 CORRUGATED SHEETS. BLACK, CALVANBZED AND KALAMEINED, 25lH. , PLAIN OR PAINTED. Width of sheet after corrugating, 27£ inches. Covering surface, allowing one corrugation for lap, 25 inches. Size of corrugation from crown to crown, Z\ \ WW% inches. B.&&1 Depth of corrugation, f inch. Hi Standard widths and lengths, 2?£x 96 inches. lm«'l Extreme widtbs and len g tbs > 44 i x 120 ^ y^iWI 1T1CI16S. Pig. 121. The above shows the style of our 2A inch Corrugated Sheets. 11 Corrugations. BLACK SHEETS. U. S. Standard Approximate Weight per Approximate Weight per P p^ n ? er Gauge. Sq. Foot Flat. Sq. Corrugated. Pound. No. 16 2.50 273 1b. $ No. 18 2. 218 No. 20 1-50 164 No. 22 1-25 137 No. 24 1-00 109 No. 26 -75 82 No. 27 -6875 75 No. 28 -625 68 GALVANIZED SHEETS. No. 16 2.66 290 $ No. 18 2.16 236 No. 20 1-66 181 No. 22 1.41 155 No. 24 1.16 127 No. 26 .91 99 No. 27 -85 92 No. 28 .78 85 BOILER PLATES. Flange, per pound, $ Fire-box Flange, per pound, $ PRICES QUOTED UPON RECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS. We furnish only the VERY BEST PLATES and guarantee to Specifications. EXTRA FOR FLANGED HEADS. 12 to 60 inches, inclusive diameter, each, $ 61 to 70 inche-, iuclusive diameter, each, 71 to 75 inches, inclusive diameter, each, 76 to SO inches, inclusive diameter, each, 81 to 85 inche-', inclusive diameter, each, 86 to 90 inches, inclusive diameter, each, When ordering Boiter Plates, designate Quality or Tensile Strength required. PRICES QUOTED UPON RECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS. 44 ESTIMATED WEICHT PER SHEET. W. DEWEES WOOD CO.'S PATENT PLANISHED LOCOMOTIVE JACKET IRON. NO. I 8.=1 20th inch= .05. 28 x 48=17£ to 18 lbs. 30 x 4S=l&i to 19 lbs. 28 x 56=20|- to 21 " 30 x 56=2l£ to 22 " 28 x 60=2±4 to 21f " 30x60=23 to 23f " 28x7 250 lbs. 45 Nog. Fig. 123. i and 3 Lead Strap WEDGE-SHAPED RAILROAD TRACK TORPEDOES. PATENTED. THE WEDGE-SHAPED TORPEDO is the most practical Torpedo ever brought out. The narrow edge presented to the wheel prevents its being knocked or shoved from the rail. In the winter when the snow shoves in front of the wheel, the thin edge of the Wedge-shaped Torpedo allows the snow to pass ove'-, which is not the case with any other shape. The con- struction of the Wedge-shaped Torpedo is such that it will not explode when run over by a hand car. This feature cannot be found in any other Torpedo and is a sufficient recommend in itself, for it is very important to know that the protection is not spoiled by the shift- ing of track men. The Wedge-shaped Torpedo is hermetically sealed water proof, will keep for a. life time in any climate, and is always to be relied upon. Some of these Tor- pedoes were out on the ground in all kinds of weather for more than a year, and when tried proved to be as loud and as strong as ever. The Wedge-shaped Torpedoes are the standard on more than one hundred of the leading roads, foreign and domestic. We can make any style, shape or size of Torpedo or Fusee your road may require as a standard. When we say a standard we mean an article that you can us > and buy over and over again and it is always just the same and your faith in its reliability to do just what you require of it is never shaken. Thus you are for- ever relieved from worry and the everlasting testing lo see if you are getting what you ordered. Fig. 123. No. 4, 8 in. Tin Strap. Fig. 124. R. R. W. S. 6 in. Heavy Lead Strap. ALL OF OUR TORPEDOES ARE PUT TOGETHER WITH WATER PROOF CEMENT. $3.25 2.75 2.25 2.25 1.75 2.00 1.50 PRICES PER CROSS No 1 Wedge-shaped 2 8 inch 6 " Heavy Lead a it Strap a .< n 3 " " 4 6 " 8 " Light " Tin a 1 1 E( tt it R.R. " XX Oblong " a a it 6 " 6 " 6 " Heavy Lead U It Light " tt it 46 RAILROAD TRACK TORPEDOES. Fig. 125. No. 6 Wedge-shape Torpedo Three-stbap Fastening, Patented. No. 6 K. R. and Wedge-shape Three-atrap Fastening has an eighfc-inch leader which extends from the torpedo along the rail. This leader being caught by the approaching wheel makes it impossible for the torpedo to get away. It is Safe and Sure and is standard on several railroads. Fig. 127. No. 7 R. R. Torpedo, Four-strap Fasten- ing, Patented. No. 7 Four-strap Fastening is some- what more effective than the No. 6 Fastening, and is very heavy. Is used largely in Canada as well as many other roads. Fig. 126. Shows No. 6 Round-shape Three-strap in Place on Kail. PRICES PER CROSS No. 7 R. R. 4-strap .... No. 6 wedge-shape, 3-strap No. 6 round-shape, 3-strap Common R. R. torpedo $4.50 3.00 2.50 1.50 All Torpedoes are put together with water-proof cement. 47 Fig. 128. Common R. R. Torpedo Reliable, economical fe< and loud in report. 4, "Waterproof. , Fig. 131. Torpedo Adjuster, RAILROAD TRACK. SPRING CLAMP TORPEDOES. PATENTED. Tig. 129. No. 5, Round Shape, Spring Strap. yij, 130. No. 5, Wedge Shape, Spring Strap. THE SPRING CLAMP is the most secure and safest fastening in use. These Torpedoes can be used with or without the adjusters. By means of the adjuster they can be securely placed on the rail from the train, even when running at a high rate of speed. They are especially recom- mended in emergencies and in all cases when a sure fastening is demanded. The clamp is made of best spring steel, not hoop iron. PRICE PER GttOSS. No. 5, Round Shape Spring, No. 5, Wedge Shape Spring, Price Torpedo Adjuster, each, RED LIGHT SIGNAL FUSEES. $4.50 4.50 3.50 Pig. 132 Per Gross. -nr diameter, hard head, black case, iron plug, $28.00 H "crimped" head, pink case, iron plug, 22- 0J " wood plug, 21.00 " wood plug, 16.00 " red case, iron plug, 38.00 " white case, iron plug, 16.00 " wood plug, 11.00 " red ease, iron plug, 2S 00 Our Fusees cannot be extinguished by rain, wind or snow. Each torch is provided with the latest imnroved water-proof lighter. To light, remove the button and scratch head of Fusee with inner end improved Our Fusees are mide strong and dmal.le, from the best material to be had. 48 No. 1, 10 Minute Fusees, 15 IT No. 2, 10 it 15 "IT No. 3, 10 it 15 IT No. 4, 10 a IS IT Mam. 10 it 1* No. 2, 5 (( if No. 4, 5 it IS T6~ Mam. 5 It 11 LOCOMOTIVE SPARK PLATE. I , > > ■ ■ > F g. 133. Fig. 134. It can be furnished i sheets of any desired thickness and size. Blank margins can be left for bolts and fastenings. This plate does not buckle or warp under the intluenoe of intense heat. It is absolutely uniform iu the character of the perforations, and preserves its mesh until the last. The following information is usually necessary iu order to enable .us to execute orders promptly: First. — State the exact dimensions, in inches, of tiie sheets required. Second. — State thickness of plate by Birmingham Wire Gauge. Third. — State whether or not blank margins or selvage edges are required, of what widths and on which sides; state all particulars as to size and location of bolt holes in the margin; send sketch if possible. Fourth. — If possible, send template or drawing where sheets are irregular iu size, or man- hole or exhaust nozzle openings are required, with position of bolt holes marked. Fifth. — Send a sample of any plate which it may be desired to duplicate for perforations and thickness of plate. Sixth. — State whether the perforations are to be round, square or oblong ; give approxi- mately the distance from center to center, if there is any preference in this direction; state whether the holes are to be staggered or in line both ways; and specify, in case of oval holes, the direction of the plate in which the holes are to run. Seventh. — State whether or not the sheets are to be curved ; to what diameter and in what direction. PRICE QUOTED UPON RECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS. CRIMPED LOCOMOTIVE SPARK WIRE CLOTH OF STEEL OR IRON WIRE. Fig. 13S. No. I Mesh, No. U Wire. TWILLED SPARK WIRE CLOTH. No. No. Per sq. ft. 4 Mesh, 17 Wire . 22 cts. 5 it 18 " 22 6 " 19 ■' 22 8 " 21 " 22 10 a 23 " . 22 12 a 24 " . 22 ■.■■_■■:■■_■ ■ ■ ■_■ ■■.■.'■.-*■■■ Fig. 138.— No. 10 Mesh, No. 19 Wire. Fig. 137 No. 8 Mesh, No. 18 Wire. No length less than 100 feet shall be understood to be a roll. 49 I Condensed Price List of all Meshes and Grades of IRON OR STEEL WIRE CLOTH. No length less than 100 feet shall be considered to be a Eoll. 10, 11, 22, 60, 11, GO, 17 34. 12, 4, 18, 17, No. Meshes per in. . 1, 1, 1, 1, No. of Wire 3, 4, 5, 6, Price per square foot 84, 73 60, 48, No. Meshes per in. .. J< 2. 3, 4, No. of Wire 9, Price per square foot 32, 27, No. MeBhes per in... f, j$ No. of Wire 16, 17, Price per square foot 10, 8. No. Meshes per in... 2J, 2(, 2i, No. of Wire 13, 14, 15, Price per square foot 27, 22, 18, No. Meshes per in. . . 3, No.ofWire 20. Price per square foot 8, No. Meshes per in. . . 4, No. of »ire 16, Price per square foot 27, No. Meshes per in. . . 4£, '5, 5 No. of Wire 22, 13, 14 Price per square foot 9, 60, 48, No. Meshes per in... 6. 6, 6, 6, C No. of Wire 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Price per square foot 17, 14, 12, 10, 8, No. Meshes per ia. .. I No. of Wire 1 Price per square foot 48, 38. 32, 2' No. Meshes per in. . 9. 9, No. of Wire 25, Price per square foot 12, 10, No. MeBhes per in. .. 12, 12, 12, No.ofWirn 20, 21, 22, Price per square foot 48. 38, 32, No. Meshes per iu... 14. 14, 14, No. of Wire 25, 26, 27, Price per square foot 22, 17, 15, No. Meshes per in .. 16. 16 16, No. of Wire 31. 32, 33, 34, Price per square foot 11, 10, 9, 8, No. Meshes per in... 20 20, 20, 21 No. of Wire 24. 25. 28, 27. Price per square foot 62. 52 43, 35, No. Meshes per in... 22. 22, 22, 22, No. of Wire 31, 32, 33, 34, Price per square foot 22. 19, 17, 15. 1, 1, 1. 7, 8, 9, 38, 32, 27, , 13, 14, , 14, 12, 15, 10, 2, 2, 10, 11, 38, 32, 2, 12, 27, , 2A, 2i 17, 18 . 12, 10 2J, 19, 8, 3J. 34, 13, 14, 38, 32, Si, 15, 27, 4, 4, 19, 20, 14, 12, 4, 21, 10, , 5, 5, , 16, 17, , 32, 27, 5, 18, 22, 1, 10, 22, 3 ( 16, 2, 13, 22, 3, 10, 60, 3J, 16, 22, 4, 1. 1, 1 .12, 13, 14, 14, 12, 10, *• !• i 6, 7, 8 73, 60, 48 2, 2, 2, 4, 15, 7. 14, 3, 3, 12, 11 48, 34, 17, 17, 4i, 13, 57, 3}, 18, 14, 4J, 14, 45, 16, 12, 3, 13, 82, 3}. 19, 12, 4}, 15, 6, 25, 17, 7, 7, 15, 16, 60, 48, 5, 5, 19, 20, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 22, 17, 14, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10. 10, 26, 27, 28', 18, 19, 20, 21 5, 21, 12, 18,' 32, 8, 26, 5, 22, 10, 7. 19, 1, 15, 8, 9, 38, 2, 17, 10. 3, 14, 27, 3J, 20. 10, 44, 16, 29, 5, 24, 5. 73, 6. 60, 7, 48, 10, 11, 12, 13, 32, 27, 22, 17, 2. 2f, 2}, 9, 60, 3, 16, 17, 4, 12, 60, 4i, 18, 19, 18, 8, 3, 15, 22, Si, 21, 44, 1", 24, 6, 14, 10, 48, 3, 17, 14, 4, 13, 48, 4i, 19, 15, 14, 14, at 38, 3, 18, 12, 4, 14, 38, 4J, 20, 13, 6, 6, 15, 16, 6, 60, 48, 38, 32, 20, 21, 22, 17, 60, 48, 12, 12, 12, 23, 24, 25, 27, 22, 17, 14, 14, 14, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 13, 12, 11. 10 16, 18 18, 18 23 24. 25 60, 38, 32, 20, 20 23, 29. 38. 32, 12, 26. 14, 10, 23, 22, 9. 17, 60, 10, 24, 17, 27, 22, 35, 13, 24 22, 36. 12, 10, 22, 27, 12, 12, 12, 27, 28, 29, 12, 10, S, 14, 14, 16, 16, 16, 32, 33, 22, 23. 24, 9, 8, 60, 38, 32, 18 18. IS 18 13 26, 27 28, 29 30 27. 22. 17, 15, 20, 20. 20 32. 15. 24. 28, 46, 31 17. 24, 27, 55, 33, 13, 24. 13 20. 34, 12. 24. 30, 30 18, 48, ; 10. 25, 14, 12. 30, 7, 16, 25, 27, 13. 31. 12, 20. 35, 10, 24. 31, 26 14, 9, 19. 38. 10, 26, 12, 14, 20, 60, 16. 26, 22 18. 32. 11. 20 36 8 24, 32, 22, 23, 24, 12, 10, 9, 9, 20, 21, 32, 27. 10, 27, 10, 14, 21, 48, 16, 27 1~,' 18 33, 10 9, 22, 22, 10. 28, 8, 14, 16, 28, 15, 18, 34, 46, 24, 33, 19, 6, 18, 27, 26, 9, 23, 17, 10, 29, 14, 23, 32, 16, 29, 13, 18, 35, 8, 22, 29, 30 24. 35. 15, 8, 33, h 15, 12, 2|, 12, 32, 3, 19, 10, 4, 15, 32, 44, 21, H, 6, 19. 22, 8, 16, 60, 9, 24, 14, 12, 19, 60, 14, 24, 27 16 30, 12, 18, 36. 7. 22 30, 26, 24, 36, 13, 12 to 48 inches kept in stock Can make up to 72 inches wide. Table Giving Mesh, Size of Wire and Price per foot of all Grades BRASS AND COPPER WIRE CLOTH. of 45, 17 14. 250, 8, IS, 159, 14, 80, 4, 14, 150, 6, 15, 200, 15, 60, 4, 15, 110, 19. 110, 80, No. Meshes per ii .. . 2, 2, 2, 2, No. or Size of Wir.'... 10, 11, 12, 13, Price per square foot 250, 200, 150, 110, No. Meshes per in. . . 3, 3, 3. 4, 4, No or Size of Wire. .. 15, 16, 17, 12, 13, Price per square foot 80, 60, 50, 230, 200, No. Meshes per in. .. 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6 No. or Size of Wire... 16, 17, Is, 19, 20, Price per square foot 110, 80, 60, 50, No. Meshes per in. . . 7. 7, 7, 8, No. or Size of Wire... 20, 21, 22, 16, Price per square foot 65, 55, 45, No. Meshes per in. .. 10. 10, 10, 10, No. or Size of Wire... 21, 22, 23, 24, Price per tquare foot 80, 60, 50, 45, No. MesheB per in. .. 14, 14, 14, 16, No. or Size of Wire. . . 25, 26,' 27, 24, Price per square foot 50, 45, 40, 80, No. Meshes per in... 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 No. or Size of Wire. . . 26, 27. 28, 29 30, 31, 32, 33, Price per square foot 80, No. MeBhes per in . . . 24, No. or Mze of Wire . . 29, Price per square foot 60, No. MeBhes per in. .. 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, No. or Size of Wire.. 34, 34, 35, 36, 35, 36, Price per square foot 48, 75, 58, 50, 78, 60, 250, 200, 10, 12, 12, 25, 19, 20, 40, 200, 150, 16, 16, 10, 16 25, 26, 27, 28 60, 50, 45, 20, 20, 20, 20 29 30, 31, 32, 60, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 27, 24, 24, 34, 35, 16, 150, 8, 20, 21 16, 50, 4, 16. 80, 6, 17, 110, 3, 11, 250, 4, 17, 60, 6, 18, 6, 19, 60, 3, 12, 20}, 5, 13, 250, 6, 3, 13, 150, 5, 14, 200, 20, 50, 40, 12, 21, 110, 16, 29, 35, 22, 63, 5), 45, 12, 12, 12 23, 24, 40, 23, CO, 18, 16, 30, 30, 80, 24, 24, 24, 30, 31, 32, 50, 45, 40. 30, 27, 34, 27, 25, 80, 30, 30. 65, 52, 28, 60, 24. ^0, 18, 26. 60, 22, 29, 50, 4"), 13. 12, 26, 40. 18, 27, 28, 50, 45, 22, 22, 30, 31, 6, 21, 45, 10. 18, 200, 14, 2, 110, 18, 30, 30, 30, 31, 32, 33, 47, 42, 45, 30, 34, 40, 30, 35, 29, 40, 22, 32, 35, 36, 32, 55, 18, 115, 10, 19, 150, 14, 23, 80, 18, 30, 35, 2° 33| 30, 40, 32, 70, 14, 110, 5, 15, 150, 19* 85, 10, 20, 110, 14, 24, CO, 18, 31, 30, 24, 28, 80, 40, 33, 55, 60, 37, 52, 70, 37, 70, 80, 38, 90, 90, 100. 39, 40. 110, 130. 50 Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents MeBh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mesh Wire Cents Mash Wire Cents -I x 1 PI CD c 2 m H O O s ■0 > ■< o m a LOCOMOTIVE AND ELLIPTIC SPRINGS. -DIMENSIONS OF. ,. , — R PRlNnR |, CENT ERS LOADED CENTCTS'UGHT... u 2^. =Q LOAD, LBS. T Q z < NO. OF PLATES. ,_._.,..., SIZE OF STEEL Jf> STYLE. OF BAN D_ :^J(E STYLE OF HANGER . STYLE 0F_SL0T DIMENSIONS OF Fig. 139, ....SPRINGS. WEIGHT OF CAR BODY ._ LBS. LOAD... „. LBS. DISTANCE BETWEEN 8ANDS.L0ADED AUXILIARY PLATES , „.... NO. OF SPRINGS PER BUNDLE FREIGHT TANK BAGGAGE PASSENGER FOURWHEELTRUCK SIXWHEELTRUCK. Fig. 140. The above plates used 1)? permission of National Car Spring Co. DRAFT SPRINGS. BOLSTER SPRINCS. Fig. 141. Fig. 142. PRICES QUOTED ON APPLICATION. 51 i JOURNAL BEARINGS FOB PASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS, PONT TRUCKS AND TENDERS. LOCOMOTIVE DRIVING AND SIDE ROD BRASSES. Fig. 143. Brass Castings Made to Order of any Description. prices on application. We Buy Scrap Brass and Copper. THE "EASY" CAR PUSHER. Length, 5£ feet. Weight, 20 lbs. PRICE, $5.00. Extra Steels, 20 cts. Each. STEEL SCREW PUNCHES. Thickness Size of No. of IroD. Rive 00 3 IS | 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 3. 4 3 3. 4 3l 4 3* 4 3. 4 Gap. 1* H 2 24 4 Weight. Lbs. 8i 17 27 40 60 90 145 Price. $20 24 30 40 60 75 90 Fig. 145. Prices for Extra Punches and Dies for Screw Punches Per Pair. No. 00 1 2 3 31 4 Pi ice, $3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 When ordering Punches and Dies it is only necessary to give the size of rivet for which they are to be used, as they are made to punch holes about 1-16 over size marked on them, which allows proper clearance to admit rivet. HYDRAULIC HEAD PUNCH For Boiler Makers, Bridge Builders and Sheet Iron Workers. Adapted for the same use as Screw Punches, but being much easier and quicker worked, thus requiring but one man to operate it. Thickness Size of Weight. Ho. of Iron. Rivet. Gap. Lbs. Price. 2 i I 2 85 % 85 3 J J 2i 130 110 4 I f ' 2£ 160 140 Extra Punches and Dies Pbr Pair. No. 2 3 4 ' Price, $2.00 2.50 3.00 52 a BELL BOTTOM JACK SCREWS. These Jack Screws have cast iron barrels, with steel screws and steel collars. For Workmanship and Durability they cannot be excelled. All Screws are warranted to carry the weight specified. Fi£c. 147 I : ( E Diam. of Screw. 1^ inch 1* inch If inch 2 inch Height of Hci( Stand. over ( 4 in. 7 i | 6 in. ! 8 in. 1 10 in. 9 i 11 i 13 i ! 12 in. 15 i 1 14 in. 17 i f 4 in. 7*i 6 in. 9*i Sin. 11* i * 10 in. 13 i 12 in. 15 i 14 in. 17 i L 16 in. 19 i f 5 in. 8 i 6 in. 9 i 8 in. 11 i 10 in. 13 i ^ 12 in. 15 i 14 m. 17 i 16 in. 19 i L 18 in. 21 i f 5 in. 9 ii 6 in. 10 i Sin. 12 i 10 in. 14 ii 12 in. 16 h 14 in. 18 i 16 in. 20 ii 18 in. 22 i 20 in. 24 i 22 in. 26 i 1 24 in. 28 i ght All. U . n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n.' n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. u. n. n. Lifting Capacity. 10 tons. 10 tons. 10 tons. 10 tons. 10 tons. 10 tons. 12 tons. 12 tons. 12 tons. 12 tons. 12 tons. 12 tons. 12 tons. 16 tons. 16 tons. 16 tons. 16 tons. 16 tons. 16 tons. 16 tons. 16 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. 20 tons. Price. $3.00 3 10 3.40 3.80 4.20 4.60 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.25 6.00 6.75 4.25 4.50 5.00 5.75 6.25 6.75 7.50 8.50 5.00 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.50 12.50 13.50 Diam. or Screw 3i inch 2$ inch He-ght of Stand. | m 8 m. I 10 m, I 12 in. j 14 in. i 16 in. 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. t. 24 in. 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12 in. 14 in. 16 in. 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in. 28 in. 32 iu. Height over All. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 10* in. 12i in. 14* in. 16} in. 18£ in. 20* in. 22* in. 24* in. 26* in. 28* in. 32* it . 36* in. 3 inch f 16 in, 21 in, i 18 in. 23 in. I 20 in. 25 in. I 24 iu. 29 in. Lifting Capacity, 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons. 24 tons, 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 28 tons. 35 tons. 35 tons. 35 tons. 35 tons. Price $6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.25 14.50 15.75 7.75 8.75 9.75 10.75 12.00 13.25 14.50 15.75 17.00 18.25 22.00 26.00 20.75 22.00 23.25 25.75 Levers or Handle Bars Extra. Fig. 148. CAR BOX JACK SCREWS. Diam. of Height of Diam. of Height of Screw. f Stand. 6 in. Price. $4.25 Screw . r Stand. 8 in. Price. $ 8.0 > 1^ inch 8 in. 4.75 10 in. 8.75 1 10 in. 5.25 2± inch 12 in. 9.50 1 12 in. 5.75 i 14 in. 10.50 r 6 in. 5.00 i 16 in. 11.50 ljf inch 8 in. 5.50 r 8 in. 9.25 i I 10 in. 6.25 1 10 in. 10.25 12 in. 6.75 2*. inch *! 12 in. 11.25 r i 6 in. 5.75 1 14 in. 12.50 Sin. 6.50 i 16 in. 13.75 2 inch \ 10 in. 7.25 These Jac t Screws art made with ] 12 in. 8.00 swivel caps of the same diameter as L 14 in. 8.75 the head. 53 VERONA TRACK JACK. Weight, 51 pounds; height of bar when down, 21 inches ; lift of rack bar, 14 inches ; ca- pacity, 10 tons ; size of base, 7 x 12 inches, as recommended by Eoadmasters' Association of America. Load can be drop- ped instantly and with cer- tainty by the lower pawl. No small "trip." Necessary load can be let down one tooth at a time when required. Peioe, §23.00 Fig. 149. MAXON, NO. 20, DROP TRACK JACK. This Jack was designed by some of the best and most practical roadmasteis of this country. They have been in use and thoroughly tested in every way with entire satisfaction. With it perfect control is always had of the track without any dan- ger of slipping. The bar has 7-16 inch teeth ; can be raised or low- ered one or two notches at a time. A perfect Sure Drop Track Jack that can be relied upon in any emergency. Size of the base is 7 x 12 inches. The ratchet bar is reinforced by a f inch wrought iron bolt, which increases its strength. Cold-rolled steel pins are used. Capacity, 10 tons. Rise, 11 1-2 inches. Weight, 50 lbs. Prick, $30.00 2 PI I m o o 3 > mi < o so MAXON JACKS. No. 3, CAR AND GENERAL PURPOSE JACK. The height of this Jack is 19 inches, the rise of the bar being 11 inches. Weight of the Jack 60 lbs., with a capacity of 8 tons, with foot lift. It is used for track work also. The Katchet bar is reinforced the full langth by a f -inch wrought iron bolt, to which the head is screwed. Each Jack has two small handles, one on each side. HARDENED STEEL BUSHINGS AND PINS USED. Price, ---.. $16.00 No. 14, HEAVY JACK. It is used for heavy track and yard work. The height of this Jack is 24 inches, the rise of the bar being 15 inches. It is strong and durable. Weight of the Jack 70 lbs., with a capacity of 10 tons. Small handles on each side. Price, - $25 00 No. 15 JACK. The height of this Jack is 28 inches, the rise of the bar being 15 inches. Weight of Jack, 115 lbs.; capacity, 15 tons. It is a car and heavy yard Jack. One small handle on each side. Will not slip under load. Price, ----- $35.00 No. 16 JACK. STRONGEST AND MOST POWERFUL JACK IN USE. HARDENED STKEL BUSHINGS AND PINS USED. The height of this Jack is 34 inches, the rise of the bar being 21 inches. Weight of Jack, 125 lbs.; capacity, 15 tons. It is a heavy wrecking and coach Jack. Price, AXLE Fig. 152. No. 17, JOURNAL OR BOX JACK. This is the only successful and practical Ratchet Jack ever made for car inspecting and journal box re- pairing. Its height is adapted to standard journal boxes. It is very strong and powerful, quick and ready in movement, and excels all other jacks for like work. Carried on en- gine or caboose, it is a Jack that is very useful. Height of Jack 11| inches, the rise of the bar being 5 inches. Weight of Jack, 48 lbs.; capacity, 6 tons. It is used for Truck or Axle Box Jack. Price, - -v - - $16.00 $35,00 55 Fig. 153. SURE DROP" TRACK JACK. 15 Style. Fig. 156 Fig. 154 Fig. 155 9c£Ri] Fig. 154. Ton Jack. Capacity. 10 Ton 15 Ton 15 Ton Fig. 155. 15 Ton Jack. Rise of Base. 15 in. 20 in. 10 in. Height Down. 24 ic. 30 in. 22 in. Size Base. xlf Weight. 60 lbs. 95 lbs. 75 lbs. 2 lfxli PEICE LIST OF TRACK JACK PARTS. Fig. 156 Fig. 154 Part. Track Jack. Track Jack No. 1. Frame, $4.00 $5.00 2. Steel Bar, 5.00 7.00 3. Lever Socket, 2.00 3.00 4. Jaw, 1.00 1.50 5. Link, .25 .25 6. Lifting Pawl, 1.C0 2.00 7. Top of Bar, .50 .50 8. Bolt, .25 .25 9. Holding Pawl, .75 1.00 10. Steel Ring, .50 .50 GAR INSPECTOR'S OR JOURNAL JACK. THE MO£T POWEBFT/L SHORT LIFT JACKS ON THE MABKET. 156. Jack. Price. $14.25 28.00 20.00 Fig. 155 Track Jack. $4.00 5.00 3.00 1.50 .25 2.00 .50 .25 1.00 .50 Fig. 157. 15 Ton Jack. Style. Fig. 157 Fig. 158 Fig. 159 Height 11 in. 11 in. 10 in. Rise. 5 in. 5 in. 5 in. Fig. 158. 10 Ton Jack. Weight. 45 lbs. 40 lbs. 21 lbs. 56 Capacity. 15 Tons 10 Tons 8 Tons Fig. 150. 8 Ton Jack. List Price. $22.00 20.00 18.00 3 c MAXON JACKS. No. 9, RATCHET SCREW JACK. Steel Screws and Gun Metal Nuts. STRONGEST AND MOST POWERFUL JACKS IN USE. Hardened Steel Bushings and Pius used c" each Jack. Height, 31 inches ; rise, 21 inches ; weight, 100 pounds ; capacity, 30 tons ; Gun Metal Nut, 4 inches deep ; Steel Screw, 2^ inches in diameter ; closed Ratchet. Head and Stand made of the best Air Fur- nace Malleable Iron. Fiff. 160. Price, $60.03 Fiar. 161. No. 12, FOOT LIFT SCREW JACK. Height of Jack, 31 inches ; run of Screw, 18 inches diameter of Screw, 2£ inches; weight, 115 pounds capacity, 30 tons ; foot lift, 10 tons j Gun Metal Nut Steel Screw and a Malleable Iron Frame and Ratchet. Price, - - - $75.00 No. 13, FOOT LIFT SCREW JACK. Height, 26 inches; run of Screw, 13 inches; diam- eter of Screw, 2\ inches; weight, 100 pounds; capa- city, 30 tons; foot lift, 10 tons; Gun Metal Nut, Steel Screw and Mailable Iron Frame and Ratchet. Price, ..... $75.90 57 MAXON JACKS No. 19 POWER JACK. This Jack is designed for heavy work, such as hand- ling coaches, loaded cars, shop work, etc., and is pro- vided with safety points. The lifting pawl has ten strong teeth. The up and down movement of the lever of this Jack is less than of any other Jack made, starting to lift the load with the lever at an angle of 35 degrees. Strongest and most powerful Jack made. The Ratchet Bar is reinforced the full length by a 1-inch wrought iron bolt, to which the head is screwed. This gives the bar more rigidity and streogth. HARDENED STEEL BUSHINGS AND PINS USED. Height, 28 inches; rise, 15 inches; weight, 120 lbs.; capacity 20 tons. Price, - - - - $40.00 Fig. 162. We offer an unexcelled line of Screw Jacks. They are in use on many of the leading rail- roads and in many car shops in our country, and everywhere give entire satisfaction. No. 6, BUILDING AND BRIDCE JACK. Height, 16 inches; rise, 9 inches; weight, 28 lbs.; capacity, 20 tons. Steel Screw 2 inch diameter. Gun Metal Nut. Price, $22.00 Fis;. 164. No. 7, LOCOMOTIVE JACK. Height, 12 inches. Rise, 6 inches. "Weight, 27 pounds. Capacity, 20 tons. Fig. 163. Iron Nut instead of Gun Metal Nut. Steel Screw 2 ^ h ,f ,"J diameter - Ratchet Box, Head and Stand of Malleable Iron. v Price ' ; T • - s^-go No. 8, same as No. 7, except that it has Gun Metal Nut. Pnce > " $20.00 58 * MAXON JACK REPAIRS. Repairs for No. 3. i ■Ml o lllil Repairs for No. 14. in •Hff va l: ! ! II In ordering parts of Jacks from this page give page number, also figure number. Repairs for No. 15. Repairs for No 16. 59 Repairs for No. 19 Power MAXON JACK REPAIRS. Repairs for No. 20 Track Jack. DETAILS OF VERONA TRACK JACK. B. Rack bar. C. Lever. D. Top Catch. E. Pawl. id 10 0) LD m u TNI N! L |J| MAXON JACK. Repairs for No. 17 Jack. 9 c a In ordering parts of Jacks from this page give page number, also figure or letter number. 60 BALL-BEARING COMPOUND BRIDGE JACKS. 15 TO 70 TONS. 70-to n Bi dge Jack. 25-ton Bridge Jack. 15-toil Bridge Jack. 40-t onBi- dge Jack. Kg. 165. Fig. 166. DIAMETER Fig. 167. DIAMETER Fig 168 LIST CAPACITY. HEIGHT. RISE. OF BASE. OF HEAD. WEIGHT. PRICE. 15 tons. 22 in. 12 in. 8x9 in. 54 in. 90 lbs. $ 60.00 20 " 22 " 12 " 8x9 " 5i " 90 " 80.00 25 " 26 " 13 " 8x9 " 5J " 110 ' 96 00 25 " 22 " 10 " 8x9 " 5A " 100 ' 90.00 35 " 22 " 10 " 104x8 " 6* " 125 ' 130.00 40 " 21 i-' • 10 " 8x9 " 8 " 180 • 140.00 50 " 27 " 13 " 14 ' 10* " 200 ' 150.00 60 " 26 " 12 " 14 " 104 " 300 ' 175.00 70 " 26 " 12 " 14 " lOi " 300 ' 200.00 These Jacks are designed for extra heavy bridge and other work, and are made with great care from the best material, and the capacity is fully guaranteed. When raising light load (30 to 40 tons) on compound Geared Jacks, use ratchet on upper shaft, which gives more speed. When full power of Jack is required, use ratchet on lower shaft. 35-TON BALL-BEARING STYLE C. JACK. STYLE. HEIGHT CLOSED. RISE. DI/>.\[. OF BASE. WEIGHT. CAPA- CITY. LIST PRICE. O c 26 in. 31 " 14 in. 18 " 12 in. 12 •' 165 lbs. 190 - 35 tons 35 " #125.00 135.00 Hoo k extra. $8.00. Style C. 81-inch. Fig. 169. This Jack is designed for heavy locomotive and wrecking car service, pulling well pipes and all other heavy work 61 Style C. 26-inch. Fig. 170. BALL-BEARING JACK, STYLE N. A., 25 TONS. WITH HOOK FOR GROUND LIFT. This Jack with square base at same price. Style. Height. Rise. Diameter of Base. Weight. Capa- city. List Price. Hook Bstra. N. A. N. A. 26 in 2 i " 13 in. 9 " 10 in. 10 " 105 lbs. 95 " 25 tons. 25 " *90 00 80 00 •§6.00 6.00 The construction of the Norton Jack is such that it can be car- ried on locomotives for months at a time, exposed to the coal-dirt and action of the weather, and be found ready for service when needed. SB Fig. 171. BALL-BEARING JACKS, 15 AND 20 TON. Style B. 15 and 20 ton; Square Base. Foot-lift. Fig. 173. Style B. 15 and 20 tons. Plain Bound Base Fig. 174. Style A. 15 and 20 tons. Round Base. Fig. 175. Style M. 15 and 20 tons. Square Base. Fig. 176. In ordering, specify Fig. Number, Capacity and Style Base required All Jacks furnished with Square or Bound Base at same price. yle. Capacity. Height. Rise. Diarn. of Base. We glit. List Price. Hook Extm. A 15 ton. 26 in. 13 in. 10 in. 90 lbs. $70.00 $6 00 A 20 1 1 26 " 13 " 10 " 90 c 80.00 6.00 M 15 it 26 " 13 " 6x6 " 90 a 70.00 6 00 M 20 it .26 " 13 " 6x6 " 90 a 80.00 6.00 B 15 t i 22 " 12 " 10 " 80 it 60.00 6.00 B 20 ( t 22 " 12 " 10 " 80 a 70.00 6 00 B 15 i i 22 " 12 " 10 " 85 a 65.00 Foot cast on B 20 1 1 22 " 12 " 10 " 85 n 75.00 « i ■ t R 15 it 20 " 9 " 12 •' 80 a 60.00 $5.00 R 20 it 20 " 9 " 12 " 80 a 70.00 5.00 62 10-TON CONE-BEARING RATCHET JACKS. STYLE N. J. These Jacks are made with square or round base at same price. Pig. 177. Fig. 178. Fig. 179. Style N. J. 10 ton. 20 in. Style N. J. 10 ton. 14 in. 3tyle N. J. Bridge Base. 10 ton. 20 in. Style. Height Over' All. Height of Foot from Ground. Rise. Size of Base. Weight. Capacity. List Price. N.J. N. J. 1 Sq. , Front Base N.J. 20 in. 20 " 14 " 3 in. 3 " 3 " 10 in. 10 " Sin. 6x8 in. 6x10 in. 60 lbs. 60 " 40 " 10 tons 10 " 10 " $24.00 34.00 22 00 This Jack is designed for Electric and Street Railway service. It is equally well adapted for Carpenters and Builders, Boiler Makers, Truckmen, or'for any other work that can be done with Jacks. These Jacks are made of malleable iron and steel, and have hardened tool steel bearing for end of screw. 15-TON CARPENTERS' AND BUILDERS' CONE-BEARING JACKS. STYLE C. Style Height Rise Base Weight Capacity List Price Hook Extra G G 22 in. 22 " 12 in. 12 " 10 in.' 10 " 80 lbs. 85 " 15 tons 15 " $25.00 28.00 $5.00 Foot cast on Shell. Made from best quality malleable iron and steel throughout. In ordering, specify what style base is wanted and whether with or without hook. 63 BALL AND CONE-BEARINC TRAVERSING JACKS, COMPLETE. BALL-BEABINC TRAVERSING JACK "C" 35 Tons, 20 in. Traverse. STEEL TRAVERSING BASE. Fig. 184. 15-in. Traversing Base. Height 4 in. Traverse. 20 inches. 15 " Weight. 124 pounds. 60 " List Price. $40.00 35.00 BALL-BEARING TRAVERSING JACKS, COMPLETE. Style of Jack. Capacity. 15 tons 15 " CONE-BEARING Height over all. 30 inches 28 bO 24 30 30 31 30 24 Rise. 14 inches 10 " 14 " 9 " 14 " 14 " 13 " 12 " 9 " Traverse 15 inches 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " List Price. $ 95.00 100.00 120.00 120.00 130.00 165.00 190.00 215.00 110.00 Kg. 185. TRAVERSING JACKS, COMPLETE. Capacity. Height over all. Traverse. List Price. 10 tons 24 inches 15 inches $59.00 15 " 26 " 15 " 60.00 10 " 26 " 15 " 55.00 These Jacks can be taken off the bases and used separately if desired. It is the most Complete Tool Car Outfit in the market. Jacks are Self- Lubricating and require no attention whatever when left in car or shop for months at a time, winter or summer. Any size, Height or Capacity Jack fitted to either base. DOUBLE-SPEED BALL-BEARING JACK. Style F. 15 Tons with Ground Lift. Diameter Style. Height. Rise. of Base. Weight. Capacity. List Price. F 24 in. 10 in. 10 in. 115 lbs. 15 tons. $60.00 This Jack has large gear on ratchet shaft, giving it doublt speed. It is malleable iron and steel throughout, extra strong, and is especially adapted to Electric Plants, power houses on Electric Railways, and for handling heavy machinery, stone, etc. 6i RELIANCE" HYDRAULIC JACKS. Fig. 186. Fig. 187. Fig. 188. BROAD BASE, SQUARE BASE AND FLAT BASE PATTERN. 10 ton, to rise 12 in. 10 15 15 30 20 30 30 18 " 12 " 18 " 12 " 18 " 12 " 18 " Height when Closed. 26£ in. 33 27£ 33i 27* ' 34i ' 27| ' 33i ' Diameter of Base. 19 Weight 13 13 13 13 108 lbs 10A <* 141 it 164 ( 173 (C 199 (( 217 it 246 List. $125.00 135.00 150.00 165.00 175.00 190.00 200.00 225.00 10 ton, to rise 12 in. 10 15 15 20 20 30 30 18 12 18 12 18 12 18 Fig. 189. CROUN Height when Height of Diam. Claw eter from of (closed. Ground. Base. 26£ in. 5k in. 5J in. 33 " 5£ " 5f " 27* " 5J " 6 " 33 i " 5*. " 6 •' 28 " 6J " 6£ " 35 " 6* " 6*. " 28 " 6 " 7£ " 35 " 6 " 7i " Weight. 124 lbs. 140 154 182 188 218 238 270 The best fluid for the Jacks is made of one part water, six parts whisket, akd part of good oil, well shaken together before puttiug in jack. Never use coal oil, oohol or water in filling, as theT;wo former destroy the packing, and the latter will cylinder in freezing weather, and rusts the metal. 65 List. $135.00 150.00 162.00 175.00 190.00 205.00 225.00 250.00 ONE-HALF WOOD AL- burst the DODCEON'S LATEST IMPROVED HYDRAULIC JACKS. U Fig. 190. PLAIN JACK. For use in presses, or where there is a firm foundation or support. BASE JACK. For railroad work, or where a broad base, insuring stability, is required. CLAW OR GROUND LIFTING JACK. For machine shops, and for work that will not permit the head to be placed under the load. TONS ETJN HEIGHT SIZE WEIGHT PBICE LIFT OUT BOTTOM 4 12 24 4 sq. 46 $ 60 7 12 25 a " 64 70 7 18 32 4& " 72 73 7 24 38 ±k " 80 75 10 12 25 6 " 80 80 10 18 32 6 " 98 95 10 24 39 6 " 110 110 15 12 26 H " 102 100 15 18 33 6k " 130 135 15 24 39 6k " 140 150 30 12 26 7 " 127 120 20 18 33 7 " 155 145 30 24 39 7 " 180 170 30 9 33 8 rd. 146 150 30 12 36 8 " 194 175 30 18 33 8 " 260 310 40 12 27 9 " 280 310 40 18 34 9 " 330 350 TONS LIFT BUN OTJT HEIGHT DIAM. BASE WEIGHT PBICE 4 13 23 9k in. 61 § 60 7 12 25 10 " 82 80 7 18 31 10 " 100 85 7 24 38 10 " 120 90 10 12 25 11 " 109 95 10 18 31 11 " 135 110 10 34 39 11 " 145 125 15 12 35 12 " 135 125 15 18 33 12 " 158 150 15 24 39 13 " 176 175 30 12 36 13 " 169 150 30 18 33 13 " 198 175 20 24 39 13 " 228 200 30 9 22 14 " 210 170 30 12 36 14 " 259 200 30 18 33 14 " 300 235 40 13 27 14i " 320 240 40 18 33 14* " 360 380 TOKS BUN SIZE HEIGHT WEIGHT PBIOE LIFT OUT BOTTOM 4 13 24 4 sq. 64 $ 60 7 12 25 # " 90 85 7 18 31 4* " 110 88 7 24 38 4* " 123 90 10 13 25 6 " 123 100 10 18 32 6 " 144 120 10 34 39 6 " 170 145 15 13 26 U " 162 150 15 18 33 6* " 189 185 30 13 36 7 " 207 200 30 18 33 7 " 345 240 30 12 26 8 rd. 310 250 Special Sizes to Order. 66 DUDGEON'S HYDRAULIC SQUARE BASE HORIZONTAL JACK. With or without Removable Wrought Iron Jaw. SQUARE BASE. Fig. 193. This style Jack is used where there is a firm foundation, and is especially adapted for use horizontally, as there is no projecting round base to iuterfere with placing the Jack on its side. Made in this style up to twenty tons ca- pacity. Above twenty tons, the Oval Base style is used. Horizontal Jacks, so called, as they will run out as far horizontally as vertically. While standing about five inches less Over all will lift the same distance as those on preceding page. A removable Wrought Iron Claw which comes nearer to the ground may be used. All work- ing parts are within the cistern, perfectly protected from injury, while the valves are stil« easy of access. ROUND BASE HORIZONTAL JACK. Tons Run Out Height Size of Round base Weight Price ( 12 20 11 lOi $ 80 7 18 26 11 120 85 10 12 20 12 135 95 10 18 26 12 166 110 10 24 32 12 196 130 15 12 21 12 150 125 15 18 26 12 187 150 15 24 32 12 200 175 20 12 21 13i 197 150 20 18 27 13| 242 175 20 24 33 I3| 255 200 ROUND BASE Fig. 194. This style Jack is used for railroad work, and where a firm foundation is difficult to ob- tain ; also where a long lift with a low height over all is required. Made up to and including twenty t ins capacity. 67 OVAL BASE HORIZONTAL JACK. Price Tods Eun Out. Height Size of Oval Base Weight Price with Claw. 30 12 22 in. 12A X 9 234 S200 >240 30 18 28 " 12} X 9 285 235 285 40 12 22 " 13} x 10 320 240 290 40 18 28 " 13* x 10 355 280 340 50 12 22 " 14" x 12 335 260 320 50 18 28 " 14 x 12 380 310 380 60 9 17 " 14 x 12 320 250 310 60 12 20 " 14 x 12 350 275 340 60 18 26 " 14 x 12 410 350 / 80 9 19 " 16 x 13 425 310 80 12 22 " 16 x 13 450 335 rS 80 18 28 " 16 x 13 525 385 0) 100 9 19 " 17 x m 520 375 100 12 22 " 17 x 14} 570 400 i o 100 18 28 " 17 x 14i 660 475 ;-. ""* 125 9 19 " 18 x 16" 535 425 C QJ 125 12 22 " 18 x 16 585 450 tn ~ 125 18 28 " 18 x 16 685 525 s3 "" 150 12 23 " 20 x 17i 920 500 Q 150 18 29 " 20 x 17} 1160 575 \ 200 12 24 " 20 x 17} 950 600 200 18 30 " 20 x 17} 1240 700 250 12 25 " 20 x 17} 1400 725 250 18 31 " 20 x 17} 1650 850 Oval Base, Fig. 195. Horizontal Jacks of 30 tons and over are made with this st3']e Base. Rams are supplied with either large head (as shown in Figures Nos. 193 and 194) or with loose Cap, as here shown, as preferred. When Claws are used, the large head is necessary. Jacks of this style are pro- vided with removable Wrought Iron Claws, when ordered. In this case a support and cuide for the lower end of the Claw is cast on the Cistern. (Not shown in cut). TRAVERSE JACK. Ions. 10 15 20 30 Run Out. 12 in. 12 " 12 " 12 " Fig. 196. Height. 30 in. 30 " 31 " 32 " Weight. 250 275 310 425 Price. $150 185 225 285 CAR BRASS JACK. Fig. 197. Tons. 7 10 Run a-. .. Out. H6 '6 ht - 5 11 5 12 Size of Bot. 8x5 8x5 Weight. Price. 56 $75 60 90 This Jack is uspd by Car Inspectors for removing Brasses ; also by those requiring a Jack of limited height. •4 Z m m c mi PI $ ■< O 68 MORSE TAPER OR STRAIGHT SHANKS, TAPER LENGTH. MLjjj.^f Fig. 198. 1 Socket for Socket for Diameter in Length in Standard Diameter in Length in Standard Inches. Price Each. Inches. or Morse Taper . Inches. Price Each. Inches. or Morse Taper. 1-4 $0.60 6 1-8 ~ 1 9-64 $ 4.00 11 7-8 ~" 17-64 65 6 1-4 1 5-32 4.00 11 7-8 z 9-32 65 6 1 4 1 11-64 4.20' 12 19-64 70 6 3 8 1 3-16 4.20 12 w 5-16 70 6 3-8 1 13-64 4.40 12 1-8 21-64 75 6 1-2 1 7-32 4.40 12 1 8 11-32 75 6 1 2 1 15-64 4.50 12 1-2 01 23-64 80 6 34 1 1-4 4.50 12 1-2 p 3-8 80 6 34 z 25-64 85 7 O 1 17-64 4.65 14 1-8 ~ 13-32 85 7 ■ 1 9-32 4.65 14 1-8 27-64 90 7 1-4 mm 1 19-64 4.80 14 1-4 7-16 90 7 1-4 a» 1 5-16 4.80 14 1-4 29-64 95 7 12 ~ 1 21-64 5.00 14 3-8 15-32 95 7 1-2 10 o 1 11-32 5.00 14 3-8 31-64 1.00 7 3-4 1 23-64 5.20 14 1-2 1-2 1.00 7 3-4 1 3-8 5.20 14 1 2 33-64 1.10 8 1 25-64 5.40 14 5-8 17-32 1.10 8 1 13-32 5.40 14 5-8 35 64 1.20 8 1-4 1 27-64 5.60 14 3-4 9-16 1.20 8 1-4 1 7-16 5.60 14 3-4 37-64 1.30 8 1-2 1 29-64 5.80 14 7-8 z p 19-32 1.30 8 1-2 1 15-32 5.80 14 7-8 1 31-64 6.00 15 jk 39 64 1.40 8 3-4 1 1-2 6.00 15 5-8 1.40 8 3-4 1 17-32 6.30 15 1-8 t 41-64 1.50 9 1 9-16 6.60 15 1-4 b 21-32 1.50 9 1 19-32 6.90 15 3-8 p 43-64 1.60 9 1-4 1 5-8 7.20 15 1-2 11-16 1.60 9 1-4 1 21-32 7.50 15 5-8 45-64 1.70 9 1-2 1 11-16 7.80 15 3-4 23-32 1.70 9 12 z 1 23-32 8.10 15 7-8 47-64 1.85 9 3-4 1 3-4 8.40 16 3 4 1.85 9 3-4 { S 3 1 25-32 8.60 16 1-8 49-64 2.00 9 7-8 » 1 13-16 8.80 16 1-4 25 32 2.00 9 7-8 1 27-32 9.00 16 3-8 51-64 2.15 10 00 1 7-8 9.20 16 1-2 13-16 2.15 10 p 129 32 9.35 16 1-2 53-64 2.30 10 1-4 1 15-16 9.50 16 1-2 27-32 2.30 10 1-4 1 31-32 9.65 16 1-2 55-64 2.45 10 1-2 2 1 9.80 16 1-2 - 7-8 2.45 10 1-2 57-64 2.60 10 5-8 2 1-32 10.20 16 1-2 29-32 2.60 10 5-8 - 2 1-16 2 1-8 10.60 11.20 17 17 59-64 2.75 10 3-4 - 2 3-16 12.00 17 15-16 2.75 10 3-4 2 1-4 12.80 17 1-2 z 61-64 2.90 10 7-8 2 5-16 13.60 17 1-2 p 31-32 2.90 10 7-8 z 2 3-8 14.40 18 01 63-64 3.00 11 2 7-16 15.00 18 1-2 1 3.00 11 ■ 2 1-2 15.60 19 01 1 1-64 3.20 11 1-8 W 2 9-16 16.20 19 1-4 1 1-32 3.20 11 1-8 \ <* 2 5-8 16.80 19 1-2 p 1 3-64 3.40 11 1-4 JO 211-16 17.60 20 1 1 16 3.40 11 1-4 en p 2 3-4 19.00 20 1-2 1 5-64 3.60 11 1-2 2 13-16 aO.OO 20 1-2 1 3-32 3.60 11 1-2 2 7-8 21.00 21 1 7-64 3.80 11 3-4 2 15-16 23.00 21 1 1-8 3.80 11 3-4 3 25.00 22 , 69 DRILLS FOR BLACKSMITHS" DRILL PRESSES. Diameter . Length, inch Price, each Diameter . Length inch Price each Diameter . Length inch Price, each i $0.45 iX 6 G $1-60 4£ .48 9 TI 6 .90 SI 6 1.70 5| .50 1 A 6 .95 1 6 1.80 vs 5| .55 I 6 1.05 1* 6 1.90 Fig. 199. 6 .00 2 1 TS 6 1.10 iiV 6 2.00 6 .65 6 .15 : l j 37 6 .10 6 .70 2 S 6 .20 1* G .20 6 73 ■i •f 6 25 6 .75 25 e" .30 3 Iff 6 .30 6 6 1.35 1* 6 2.35 .80 27 6 1.40 li 6 2 40 T2 - 6 .83 2 8 6 .45 A 6 .50 6 .85 2!) F3 6 1.50 6 2.60 The above drills have shanks 24, in. long and $ in. diameter. 3 r o, e STRAIGHT SHANK DRILLS. Fig. 200. f £ JOBBERS' AND MACHINISTS 1 SETS. LETTER S " Diarp'" er Price per Price Length in Diameter. Decimals Price per Price Each. Length in in Inches. Dozen. Each. Inches. of Inch. Dozen. Inches. 1-16 $1 00 $0 09 2 1-2 A .234 $2 90 $0 26 3 13-16 5-G4 1 10 10 2 5-8 B .238 3 00 27 3 13-16 3-32 1 20 11 2 3-4 C .242 3 10 28 3 13-16 7-64 1 30 12 2 7-8 D .246 3 20 29 3 13-16 1-8 1 45 13 3 E .250 3 30 30 3 13-16 9-64 1 60 15 3 1-8 F .257 3 40 30 4 1-4 5-32 1 80 16 3 1-4 G .261 3 50 31 4 1-4 11-64 2 00 18 3 3-8 H .266 3 60 32 4 1-4 3-16 2 20 20 3 1-2 I .272 3 70 33 4 14 13-64 2 40 21 3 5-8 J .277 3 80 34 4 1-4 7-32 2 65 23 3 3-4 K .281 3 90 35 4 1-4 15-64 2 90 26 3 7-8 L .290 4 00 36 4 1-4 1-4 3 15 28 4 M .295 4 10 36 4 1-4 17-64 3 40 30 4 1-8 N .302 4 20 37 4 1-4 9-32 3 65 32 4 1-4 O .316 4 30 38 4 1-4 19-64 3 90 35 4 3-8 P .323 4 40 39 4 5-8 516 4 20 37 4 1-2 Q .332 4 60 40 4 34 21-64 4 50 40 4 5-8 R .339 4 80 42 4 3-4 11-32 4 80 42 4 3-4 8 .348 5 00 44 4 7-8 23-64 5 10 45 4 7-8 T .358 5 20 45 4 7-8 3-8 5 40 48 5 U .368 5 40 47 5 25-64 5 70 50 5 1-8 V .377 5 60 49 5 13-32 6 00 53 5 1-4 w .386 5 80 51 5 1-8 27-64 6 40 55 5 3-8 X .397 6 00 53 5 1-4 7-16 6 80 59 5 1-2 T .404 6 40 55 5 1-4 29-64 15-32 7 20 7 50 63 65 5 5-8 Z .413 6 80 59 5 3-8 5 3-4 31-64 7 75 67 5 7-8 "ST For very exact work, a ;auge plaii ly marked 1-2 8 00 70 6 should accompany an order. I X. 70 STUBS' STEEL WIRE GAUGE DRILLS. Numbers by Price per Price Length Numbers by Price per Price Length Gauge. Dozeu. Eacb. iu Inches. Gauge. Dozeu. Each. in Inches. 1 to 5 13.35 $0.33 4 31 to 35 $1.40 $0.14 2 5-8 6 " 10 2.25 .21 3 11-16 36 " 40 1.35 .12 2 7-16 11 " 15 3.10 .20 3 1-3 41 "45 1.10 .10 2 1-4 16 " 20 1.95 .19 3 1-4 46 " 60 .95 .09 2 1-16-1 3-4 21 " 25 1.75 .17 3 1-16 61 " 70 .90 .08 1 1-2 26 " 30 1.55 .15 3 13-16 71 " 80 1.00 .09 1 5-16-3-4 TAPER SQUARE SHANK DRILLS, FITTINC RATCHETS. Fig. 201. Shanks 5-8 in by 3-8 in., and li- iu. long ; and Shanks 3-4 in. by 1-2 in., and If in. long. Diameter Price Each. Length iu Inches Diameter Price Each. Length in Inches | Diameter Price Each. Length in Inches. 1-4 $1.00 5 11-16 $1.45 6 1-2 11-8 $3.10 9 9-33 1.05 5 23-33 1.50 6 1-3 1 5-33 3.25 9 5-16 1.10 5 3-4 1.55 6 1-3 1 3-16 3.40 9 11-33 1.15 5 25-32 1.65 6 1-3 1 7-33 3.55 9 3-8 1.20 6 13-16 1.75 7 11-4 3.75 9 1-3 13-33 1.25 6 1-4 27-32 - 1.90 7 1 9-32 3.95 9 1-3 7-16 1.25 6 1-4 7-8 2.05 7 1-3 1 5-16 4.20 9 1-3 15-32 1.30 6 1-4 29-32 2.15 7 1-3 1 11-33 4.45 9 1-3 1-2 1.30 6 1-2 15-16 3.30 8 13-8 4.70 10 17-32 1.35 6 1-3 31-32 3.45 8 1 13-32 4.95 10 9-16 1.35 6 1-2 1 2.55 8 1-3 1 7-16 5.25 10 19-32 1.40 6 1-3 1 1-32 2.70 8 1-3 1 15-32 5.50 10 5-8 1.40 6 1-2 1 1-16 2.85 8 1-3 1 1-3 5.75 10 21-32 1.45 6 1-3 1 3-32 3.00 8 1-3 * STRAIGHT FLUTED STRAIGHT SHANK DRILLS. Fig. 202. Diameter. Price per Dozen. Price Each. Length in Inches. Diameter. Price per Dozen. Price Each. Length in Inches. 1-16 $1.00 $0.09 2 1-2 19-64 $3.90 $0.35 4 3-8 5-64 1.10 .10 2 5-8 5-16 4.20 .37 4 1-2 3-32 1.20 .11 2 3-4 21-64 4.50 .40 4 5-8 7-64 1.30 .12 2 7-8 11-32 4.80 .42 4 3-4 1-8 1.45 .13 3 23-64 5.10 .45 4 7-8 9-64 1.60 .15 3 1-8 3-8 5.40 .48 5 5-32 1.80 .16 3 1-4 25-64 5.70 .50 5 1-8 11-64 2.00 .18 3 3-8 13-32 6.00 .53 5 1-4 3-16 2.20 .20 3 1-2 27-64 6.40 .55 5 3-8 13-64 2.40 .21 3 5-8 7-16 6.80 .59 5 1-3 7-32 2.65 .23 3 3-4 29-64 7.20 .63 5 5-8 15-64 2.90 .26 3 7-8 15-32 7.50 .65 5 3-4 1-4 3.15 .28 4 31-64 7.75 .67 5 7-8 17-64 3.40 .30 4 1-8 1-2 8.00 .70 6 9-32 3.65 .32 4 1-4 ■ 1 71 BIT STOCK DRILLS. FOR METAL OR WOOD. ***«i2? ^m Pig. 203 Diameter. Price per Dozen. Price Each. Diameter. Price per Dozen. Price Eacli. 2-32 in. SI. 50 $0.14 14-32 in. $8.80 $0.75 3-32 ' 1.65 .16 15-32 '■ 9.60 .82 4-32 ' 2.10 .20 16-32 ' 10.30 .87 5-32 • 2.60 .24 17-32 ' 11.00 .92 6-32 ' 3.10 .29 9-16 ' 14.35 1.20 7-32 ' 3.60 .33 5-8 ' 16.15 1.35 8-32 ' 4.10 .38 11-16 ' 17.95 1.50 9-32 • 4.70 .43 3-4 ' 19.75 1.65 10-32 ' 5.40 .48 13-16 ' 21.55 1.80 11-32 ' 6.30 .54 7-8 ' 23.35 1.95 12-32 ' 7.20 .62 15-16 ' 25.75 2.15 13-32 ' 8.00 .68 1 ' 28.15 2.35 EXTRA LENGTH WOOD BORING BRACE DRILLS. Fig. 204. FOR BELLHANCERS, ELECTRICIANS, TELEPHONE AND TELECRAPH WORK. These Drills will go through plastering, nails and even brick walls, and can be sharpened when dull. No. 12-INCH. 18-INCH. 24 INCH. 30- INCH. 30 INCH. Per Doz . Each. Per Doz . Each. Per Doz . Each. Per Doz . Each. Per Doz Each. 6 $5.00 $0.50 $7.00 $0.70 $9.00 $0.90 #11.00 $1.10 $13.00 $1 30 8 5.00 .50 7.00 .70 9.00 .90 11.00 1.10 13.00 1.30 10 5.50 .55 7.50 .75 9.50 .95 12.00 1.20 13.00 1.30 12 6 00 .60 8.00 .80 10.00 1.00 13.00 1.20 13.00 1.30 14 7.00 .70 9.00 .90 11.00 1.10 13.00 1.30 14.00 1.40 16 8.00 .80 10.00 1.00 12.00 1.20 14.00 1.40 15.00 1.50 18 9.00 .90 11.00 1.10 13.00 1.30 15.00 1.50 16.00 1.60 20 10.00 1.00 12.00 1.20 14.00 1.40 15.00 1.50 16.00 1.60 22 11.00 1.10 13.00 1.30 15.00 1.50 16.00 1.60 17.00 1.70 24 12.00 1.20 14.00 1.40 16.00 1.60 17.00 1.70 18.00 1.80 26 13.00 1.30 15.00 1.50 17.00 1.70 18.00 1.80 18.00 1.80 28 14.00 1.40 16.00 1.60 18.00 1.80 19.00 1.90 19.00 1.90 30 15.00 1.50 17.00 1.70 1 19 00 1.90 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 32 16.00 1.60 18.00 1.80 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 20.00 2.00 WOOD BORING BRACE DRILLS. No. Per Doz 2 $1.60 3 1.60 4 1.60 5 1.75 6 2.00 7 2.50 8 3.00 Each. ^W PWI lMjp BB^- '^^^ No. Fig. 205. Per Doz. 15 9 $3.50 15 10 3.50 15 li 4.00 18 12 4.00 20 13 4.50 22 14 4.50 25 15 5.00 cb. No. Per Dcz. Each. 30 16 $5.00 $0.45 30 17 5.50 .50 35 18 5.50 . .50 35 20 6.00 .55 40 22 6.50 .55 40 24 7.00 .60 45 The numbers indicate the Sizes in 32ds of an inch. 72 STEEL SOCKETS FOR TAPER SHANK DRILLS, $1.20 1.80 2.50 Pig. 206, or ROUGH. No. 4, Holds li£j to 2 in. inclusive . . $4.00 No. 5, Holds 2 T V to 3 in. inclusive . . 7.50 No. 1, Holds | to }% in. inclusive No. 2, Holds | to ff in. inclusive No. 3, Holds if to 1£ in. inclusive Fig. 207. FITTED SOCKET. No. 1, With Shank fitted to No. 2 or 3 Socket $2 00 No. 2, With Shank fitted to No. 3 Socket . . ' o'go No. 3, With Shank fitted to No. 4 Socket ... ' 3'on No. 4, With Shank fitted to No. 5 Socket ....'...'..'. 4.80 Fig. 208. SLEEVE. No. 1, Fitted to No. 2 or 3 Socket . .$1.80 No. 2, Fitted to No. 3 Socket . . . 2.40 No. 3, Fitted to No. 4 Socket . . . 3.00 No. 4, Fitted to No. 5 Socket . . . 4.40 TAPER REAMERS FOR DRILL SOCKETS. For Taper of Morse Drill Socket No, 1 . . $2.00 For Taper of Morse Drill Socket No. 4 . . $ 4.20 ' " " " '■ 2 . . 2.60 " " " " ' 5 . . 6.60 " •' ' 3 . . 3.40 " " ' " 6 . 12.09 STANDARD TAPER PIN REAMERS. ^m^">fi^.'-J^^~, .. :a ^___. .. .":. "- '.■, <-.i^a$ Fi S- 209 - Taper { inch per foot. Size No. 1 2 3 4 5 Price Each. 11.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Diam. at Small End. 0.125 0.146 0.162 0.183 0.208 0.240 Length of Flute, in Inches. 1 1-2 1 3-4 2 2 2 3 Total Length in Inches. 1-4 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-2 Size No. 6 7 8 9 10 Price Each. $2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 Diam. at Small End. 0.279 0.331 0.398 0.482 0.581 Length of Flute in Inches. 5-8 1-2 1-4 1-8 Total Length, in Inches. 5 6 6 3-4 These Reamers have the same taper, and each will overlay in convenient measure the size next smaller. Special sizes made to order. TAPER REAMERS FOR LOCOMOTIVE WORK. Fig. 210. Taper ^ or £ per foot. Diameter at End, Price Each. Length of Flute, Total Length, Diameter Price Each. Length of Flute, Total LengSi. in Inches. in Inches. in Inches. at End. in Inches. in Inches. 1-4 $2.20 4 5 5-16 13-16 $4.50 9 11 1-4 9-32 2.20 4 5 5-16 7-8 4.80 9 11 1-4 5-16 2.25 4 5 5-16 15-16 5.10 9 11 1-4 11-32 2.25 4 5 5-16 1 5.40 9 11 1-4 3-8 2.30 5 6 5-16 1 1-16 5.70 9 11 1-4 , 13-32 2.40 5 6 5-16 1 1-8 6.20 10 12 1-4 7-16 2.55 6 7 5-16 1 3-16 6.60 10 12 1-4 15-32 2.70 6 7 5-16 1 1-4 7.00 10 12 1-4 1-2 3.00 7 8 5-8 1 5-16 7.60 12 14 1-2 9-16 3.20 8 9 5-8 1 3-8 8.00 12 14 1-2 5-8 3.50 8 9 7-8 1 7-16 8.50 12 14 1-2 11-16 3.80 o 9 7-8 1 1-2 9.00 12 14 1-2 3-4 4.10 8 9 7-8 73 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3. No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No 13 PRICES OF DRILLS IN SETS. Set of Taper Shank Drills, i to 1 in. , varying by 16ths , . $20, Set of Taper Shank Drills, § to 14 in., varying by 16ths 34. Set of Taper Shank Drills, f to \ in., by 32ds, J to \\ i n - by 16tlls 42 Set of Taper Shank Drills, f to | in., by 32ds, J to 2 in. by 16ths, 131, Set Drills, Straight Shanks, T V to \ in., by 64ths, mounted 10, Set Drills, Straight Shanks, T V to Jin., by 32ds, mounted 5, Set Drills, from No. 60 to fin., mounted, 9 Set Drills, Steel Wire Gauge, from. No. 1 to CO, mounted 8, Half Set Drills, alternate Nos. from 1 to 59, mounted 4. Jewelers' Set of 36 Drills, No. 30 Q in.) to No. 65, Steel Wire Gauge, mounted in a. Mahogany case with cap 4. Set of Taper Shank Drills, f to 2 in., by 32ds, 240. Set Machine Bits, £ in. to Jin., mounted, varying by 32ds, 7. Set Bit Stock Drills, ^ to \ by 32ds, \ to f by 16ths, boxed 2 STANDARD HAND REAMERS. 00 50 00 00 00 40 00 10 30 25 00 00 00 Diameter. Price Each. Length in Inches. Length of Flute in Inches. Diameter. Price Each. Length in Inches. Length of Flute in Inches. 1-8 in. $1.00 3 1 12 111-32 in. $5.40 12 17-32 6 17-64 5-32 " 1.10 3 1-4 1 5-8 1 3-8 " 5.60 12 5-8 6 5-16 3-16 " 1.20 3 1-2 1 3-4 1 13-32 " 5.80 12 23-32 6 23-64 7-32 " 1.30 3 3-4 1 7-8 1 7-16 " 6.00 12 13-16 6 13-32 1-4 " 1.40 4 2 1 15-32 " 6.20 12 29-32 6 29-64 9-32 •' 1.45 4 1-4 2 1-8 11-2 " 6.40 13 6 1-2 5-115 " 1.50 4 1-2 2 1-4 1 17-32 " 6.60 13 6 1-2 11-32 " 1.55 4 3-4 2 3-8 1 9-16 " 6.80 13 6 1-2 3-8 " 1.60 5 2 1-2 1 19-32 " 7.00 13 6 1-2 13-32 " 1.70 5 1-4 2 5-8 1 5-8 " 7.20 13 6 1-2 7-16 " 1.75 5 1-2 2 3-4 1 21-32 " 7.40 13 1-2 6 3-4 15-32 " 1.85 5 3-4 2 7-8 1 11-16 " 7.60 13 1-2 6 3-4 1-2 " 1.90 6 3 1 23-32 " 7.80 13 1-2 6 3-4 17-32 " 1.95 6 1-4 3 1-8 1 3-4 " 8.00 13 1-2 6 3-4 9-16 " 2.00 6 1-2 3 1-4 1 25-32 " 8.20 13 1-2 6 3-4 19-32 " 2.10 6 3-4 3 3-8 1 13-16 " 8.40 13 1-2 6 3-4 5-8 " 2.20 7 3 1-2 127 32 " 8.60 13 1-2 6 3-4 21-32 " 2.30 7 11-32 3 43-64 1 7-8 - S.80 14 7 11-16 " 2.40 7 11-16 3 27-32 1 29-32 " 9.00 14 7 23-32 " 2.50 8 1-8 4 1-16 1 15-16 " 9.20 14 7 3-4 " 2.60 8 3-8 4 3-16 1 31-32 " 9.40 14 7 25-32 " 2.70 8 23-32 4 23-64 2 9.60 14 7 13-16 " 2.80 9 1-16 4 17-32 2 1-16 " 10.00 14 1-2 7 1-4 27-32 " 2.95 9 3-8 4 11-16 2 1-8 " 10.40 14 1-2 7 1-4 7-8 " 3.10 9 11-16 4 27-32 2 3-16 " 10.80 15 7 1-2 29-32 " 3.25 10 3-32 5 3-64 2 1-4 " 11.30 15 7 1-2 15-16 " 3.40 10 1-4 5 1-8 2 5-16 " 11.80 15 7 1-2 31-32 " 3.55 10 11-16 5 11-32 2 3-8 " 12.30 15 7 1-2 1 3.70 10 7-8 5 7-16 2 7-16 " 12.80 15 1-2 7 3-4 1 1-32 " 3.85 11 1-16 5 17-32 2 1-2 " 13.40 15 1-2 7 3-4 1 1-16 " 4.00 11 1-4 5 5-8 2 9-16 " 14.00 15 1-2 7 3-4 1 3-32 " 4.15 11 7-16 5 23-32 2 5-8 " 14.60 16 8 1 1-8 " 4.30 11 5-8 5 13-16 2 11-16 " 15.40 16 8 1 5-32 " 4.45 11 13-16 5 29 32 2 3-4 " 16.20 16 8 1 3-16 " 4.60 12 6 2 13-16 " 17.00 16 1-2 8 1-4 1 7-32 " 4.75 12 1-8 6 1-16 2 7-8 " 17.80 16 1-2 8 1-4 11-4 " 4.90 12 1-4 6 1-8 2 15-16 " 18.60 161-2 8 1-4 1 9-32 " 5.05 12 11-32 6 11-64 3 19.40 16 1-2 8 1-4 1 5-16 " 5.20 12 7-16 6 7-32 i 1 \ 74 STANDARD SHELL REAMERS. Diameter in Inches. 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 9-16 5-8 11-16 3-4 13-16 7-8 15-16 1-16 1-8 3-16 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 9-16 5-8 11-16 3-4 13-16 7-8 15-16 1-16 1-8 3-16 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 9-16 5-8 11-16 3-4 IV. SIS. Price Each. $1.10 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.50 3.80 4.10 4.40 4.70 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.80 7.00 7.30 7.60 8.00 Length in Inches. 1 1-2 1 1-2 1 3-4 1 3-4 2 1-4 2 1-4 2 1-2 2 1-2 2 1-2 2 1-2 2 3-4 2 3-4 2 3-4 2 3-4 2 3-4 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 8-4 Size Hole in Inches. 1-8 1-8 3-16 3-16 1-4 1-4 3-8 3-8 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-8 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-4 1 1-4 1 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1-4 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-2 Fig. 213. Diameter in Inches. Price Each. 13-16 7-8 15-16 1-16 1-8 3-16 14 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 9-16 5-8 3 11-16 3 3-4 3 13-16 3 7-8 3 15-16 1-16 1-8 3-16 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 9-16 4 5-8 4 11-16 3-4 13-16 7-8 15-16 1-4 1-2 3-4 $8.40 8.80 9.20 9.60 9.90 10.20 10.60 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 17.00 18.00 18.30 18.60 19.00 19.40 19.8) 20.20 20.60 21.00 21.60 22.20 22.80 23.40 24.00 24.60 25.20 26.00 30.00 34.00 38.00 42.00 Length in Inches. 4 4 4 4 4 1-2 4 1-2 4 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 o 5 5 5 5 5 1-2 5 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 Size Hole ia Inches. 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 3-4 1 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1 2 ARBORS FOR SHELL REAMERS. Full Full No. Fitting Sizes. Length. Price Each. No. Fitting Sizes. Length Price Each Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches, 1 i to A I to A 6 $1.20 8 IB to 2 12 $2.70 2 7 1.40 9 2 T V to 2* 13 3.00 3 J to A 8 1.60 10 2 r % to 3 14 3.40 4 5 irt 11 9 1.80 11 3 T V to 8$ 15 5.00 5 3 + rt 15 i 4 toiF 9* 2.00 12 3 T \ to 4 16 7.00 6 10 2.20 13 4 T V to 4* 17 8.50 7 h\ to If 11 2.40 14 4-« to 5 18 11.50 75 ROSE CHUCKING REAMER, MORSE TAPER SHANK. Fig. 214. FLUTED CHUCKING REAMER. MORSE TAPER SHANKS. ,,.Mi -.:^-' — r =?| ( '•' ■"*/ Fig. 215. Length Length Length Length Diam- eter. Price Each. Full Length. of Flutes. Bone Reamer. of Flute. Fluted Reamer Socket for Morse Taper. Diam- eter. Price Each. Full Length. of Flutes. Rose Reamer of Flute. Fluted Reamer Socket for Taper. 1 4 $1.20 6 in. 14. in. 8 U $3.50 114, in. 3 in. li TS 1.20 6 " 1J " 7 8 i* 3.70 114" 3 " 11 G 1.30 6 " 14 " 7 8 if 3.95 12 " 3| " 2 1 1 T2" 1.30 6 " 1* " 8 1A 4.15 12 " 8i«- 2 2 I P 3 8 1.45 7 " If « 1 H H 4.40 124" 34 " 24 *>. i a 1.50 7 " If '■ 1 > I i* 4.60 124 " 34 " 2i *8 tt 1.55 7 " 13 ft ± 4 1 if 4.85 13" " 3f " 2i 15 32 1.60 7 " if " 1 m 5.10 13 " 3f " 2*. 4 1.65 8 " 2 " H if 5.30 13J " 4 " 23 8 1 7 TS 1.70 8 " 2 " H IIS 5.50 134 ■' 4 " 2S 9 TS" 1.75 8 " 2 " n 1^- 5.70 14 " 4J " 24 1 9 TS 1.80 8 " 2 " 14" 115 . l Tg 5.95 14 ' H " 24 i 1.90 9 •' Ol II *4 li 2 6.20 14 " 41 ,< 24 si TS 1.95 9 " "'4 H 2rV 6.50 144 •' 44 " 2f 11 2.00 9 " 2| « li 2f 6.80 i4" 44 » 33 23 2.10 9 " Ol i; *4 H S2j 3 7.10 144 •' 44 " 3 4 2.20 94" 24 " if o SO 21 7.40 144" u •■ 25 TS 2.30 9j» 84 " 1a '8 2A 7.70 15 ' : 4f " 4f - 4f " 3 !zl 13 TS" 2.40 94" 2J " 1i '8 2^ ^8 8.00 15 " 3 ► -° 27 TS 2.50 94 " 24 " J 8 a* 8.40 15 " 3 P* 7 2.55 10" " 8| " n 2i 8.80 15 " 4f '• 3 29 TS 2.60 10 •' 2£ " n 4 9.20 154" 5 " 34 15 T5" 2.65 10 " 3* " ii* 2f 9.60 15|" 5 " 4 34 tt 2.70 10 " 2f " 14 »H 10.00 154" 5 " 4 34 l 2.75 10.1" 2| » ii 2? 10.40 154" 5 " "4 34 i* 2.80 104" 02 it ~'4 n o Ol 3 10.80 16 '■ 5| " "4 34 i* 2.85 104" oa u ^4 H 21 *8 11.20 16 •• H " 3.4 34 34 i* 2.95 10i '• oa i. if CO 01 5 11.60 16 " Si " 5> " i* 3.10 if '• 02 ■. ~8 If 3 12.00 16 " i* 3 20 11 " 07 II ^8 if * - i* 3.30 11 •■ 02 .i ~8 if ** 3.40 11 •' »i '• if J 74 * r 5 3 3* H 3f 3A 3* m 91 6 8 4 Pitch or No. Thread . 4 4 4 3i 3A 3i H H H 3 3 3 U. S. STANDARD THREAD. ALSO KNOWN AS FRANKLIN INSTITUTE STANDARD. Fig. 217. The above cut illustrates the style of U. S. Standard, threads having same angle as V Standard thread, i. e., 60 degrees, but has flat top and bottom, equal to one- eighth of the pitch. The following table gives the Standard Pitch for the same : Diameter, inches . Pitch or No. Thread Diameter, inches . Pitch or No. Thread Diameter, inches . Pitch or No. Thread 1 4 5 TB" 3 8 IB i 9 lt> 1 1 1 4 13 1 if 8 tf i 20 18 16 14 13 12 n 11 10 10 9 9 8 1* U I 8 H 1| h H 2 2i 2i ^4 01 21 7 7 6 6 5i 5 5 4i 4+ u 4 4 2-5- Oil 2£ 3 H H 3f 3i 3| 3| 07 °8 4 4 4 n U 3* u H H 3* 3 3 3 Fig. 218. WHITWORTH STANDARD THREAD. This cut illustrates the Whitworth style of thread, and the following table gives the Standard Pitch for same: Diameter, inches . Pitch or No. Thread Diameter, inches . Pitch or No. Thread Diameter, inches . Pitch or No. Thread 1 4 1% 3 6 re i 9 i 1 1 15" 3 4 13 TS" 8 1 5 15" . . . 20 18 16 14 12 12 ii n 10 10 9 9 . • . 1* H 14 H If If 1 s 2 91 21 ^4 03 2i 7 7 6 6 5 4 V U 4i 4 4 4 2i "a 21 2i w 8 3 3£ H 3| 3' f 3f «* 3| 4 . . . 4 3i 3* 3k 3i Si Si 8i 3* 3 3 3 Taps with Whitwoith's Standard threads are made fo order, at same list prices as Taps with V and United States Standard threads. 77 MACHINISTS' HAND TAPS. _A/VWVV \:V\ V\ A" ----- Fig. 219. Taper. Plug. Bottoming. M4H *4444444**+4*W Fig. 221. Taper, Plug and Bottoming comprise a Set of Taps. Standard No. V U. S. Standard Inches. Threads to Inch. No. of Threads. V Threads also Furnished. Price Each. Set. 1 20 20 16, 18, 22, 24. 26, 28, 32 $ 0.45 $ 1.35 A 18 18 16, 20 22, 24, 26, 28 .50 1.50 3 16 16 14. 18, 20, 22, 24. 26. 28 .55 1.65 rV 14 14 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 .60 1.80 i 12 13 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 .70 2.10 91 12 12 14, 20, 22 24 26 .80 2.40 1 11 11 10, 12, 20, 22, 24, 26 .90 2.70 1 1 11 11 10, 12, 20, 22, 24, 26 1.05 3.15 10 , 10 12, 20, 22, 24. 26 1.20 3.60 18 W 8 10 10 12 1.40 4.20 9 9 10, 12, 20, 22, 24, 26 1.60 4.80 T¥ 9 9 1.80 5.40 1 8 8 12, 20, 22, 24, 26 2.00 6.00 if 7 7 8 2.25 6.75 7 7 2.60 7.80 J 8 6 6 3.00 9.00 U 6 6 3.50 10.50 If 5 5* 4.20 12.60 1* 5 , 5.00 15.00 1J U 5 5.80 17.40 H 4i 6.70 20.10 it ~4 U 4* 8.00 24.00 4 U 9.20 27.60 "8 H 4 10.50 31.50 2k 4 4 11.50 34.50 2f 4 4 13.00 39.00 4 4 14.00 42.00 4 3i 15.50 46.50 3 It 3£ 3* 34 si 17.00 18.75 51.00 56.25 3 > 3i 34 20.50 61.50 3| 34 3f 3^ 31 4 3i 8* 22.00 66.00 Si- 3i 24.00 72.00 Si ' 3i 26.00 78.00 3 3 28.50 85.50 3 3 30.00 90.00 3 3 32.50 97.50 J to 2 inches diameter, at same list price Hand Taps, with left-hand threads, as right-hand threads In ordering Taps always specify if V Thread or U. S. Standard Thread is de sired. laps ordered over-size, up to A of an inch will be charged as regular siz< s 78 *1 C Fig. 322.— Taper. MACHINISTS' HAND TAPS. WITH V THREADS. Tapeb, Plug and Bottoming Taps Comprise a Sit. Fig. 233.— Plug. Fig. 224.— Bottoming. Diameter Standard No. V. Inches. Threads to Inch l TS" 73 5 ■5T 73 3 TS 56 MT 56 1 40 A 40 5 TS" 33 H 33 3 34 13 "ST 34 A 24 1 5 24 20 1 7 20 Threads also Furnished. 60 and 64 56 60 and 64 48, 50, 53, 54 and 60 48, 50 and 60 32, 36, 44 and 48 30, 32 and 36 30, 36 and 40 36 and 40 22, 28, 32 and 36 22, 28. 32 and 36 28, 30, 32 and 36 28, 33 and 36 18, 33, 24, 26, 28 and 32 18, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 32 Price Each. $0.35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .45 .45 MACHINISTS' HAND TAPS. WITH UNITED STATES STANDARD FORM OF THREAD. Fig. 225.— Taper. Prict per Set. $1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.35 1.35 Fig. 226.— Plug. Fig. 227.— Bottoming. Diameter. Standard No. of Threads to Inch. Threads also Price Price Inches. Furnished. Each. per Set. A 64 60 $0.35 $1.05 A 50 48, 56 and 60 .35 1.05 I 40 44 and 48 .35 1.05 5 36 32 and 40 .35 1.05 S 32 22, 24 and 36 .35 1.05 28 24, 32 and 36 .35 1.05 4 20 18, 32. 24 and 26 .45 1.35 MACHINE SCREW TAPS. l*HM&£A\>\s. \ V\ iW?> '^-"V^, Size of Approxi- Screw mate Size Gauge. in Inches. No. 1 TS 2 A 4 A 6 A 8 A 10 tV 12 A 14 i 16 H 18 A 20 24 * s JJH.IJJUJJJ-UJ.Uni! i/w*Www** v Fig. 228. Standard Threads No. of also Threads. Furnished. 56, 60, 64, 73 56 48, 64 36 30 32, 40, 42, 44, 48 32 30, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48 32 24, 30, 36, 40, 44 24 20, 22, 28, 30, 32, 36 24 20 ,33 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 20 16, 18, 22, 24, 26 18 16, 20 22, 24, 26 18 16, 30, 22, 24, 26 16 18, 20, 23, 34 16 14, 18, 30, 33, 34 Price Price Each. Doz. $0.35 $4.00 .35 4.00 .35 4.00 .35 4.00 .35 4.00 .35 4.00 .35 4.00 .38 4.40 .38 4.40 .38 4.40 .45 5.30 .45 5.30 Less than six Taps of a size and thread will be charged as single Taps. 79 MACHINE OR NUT TAPS. ^rrr*^rffr* 1 nu J-J^ S ** . Diameter. Standard No. of V U. S. Stan Inches Threads to Inch. No. of Thr i 20 20 S VIS 18 18 1 16 16 7 14 14 4 12 13 A 12 12 1 11 11 ii Tif 11 11 f 10 10 H 10 10 1 9 9 IS 9 9 1 8 8 ii 7 7 ii 7 7 if 6 6 ii 6 6 H 5 54 if 5 5 n 44 5 2 44 44 H 44 44 n 44 44 n 44 4 24 4 4 2* 4 4 2f 4 4 2£ 4 34 3 34 34 34 34 34 9i 34 34 3| 3i 3i 34 3i 3i 31 3i 3i 3f 3 3 3* 3 3 4 3 3 Fig. 229. idard V Threads also Length over All. Furnished. 16, 18 16 14, 18 12, 16 14 14 10, 12 12 10 8 8 Inches. 5 54 64 7 74 9 94 10 104 n 114 12 124 13 134 14 144 15 154 16 164 17 174 18 184 19 194 20 204 204 21 21 21 21 21 Price Each. $ 0.60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.60 1.80 2.L0 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.70 4.20 4.70 5.30 6.00 6.80 7.70 9.00 10.20 11 50 12.50 14.00 15.00 16.50 18.00 19.75 21.50 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.50 31.00 33.50 Nut Taps, with left-hand threads, J to 2 inches diameter, are listed at same price as right-hand threads. In ordering always specify if V Thread or II. S. Standard Thread is desired. Also in ordering V Thread state if over-size or even size is wanted. Taps ordered over-size, up to A of an inch, will be charged as regular sizes. 80 vu m imnn iii in is STOVE-BOLT TAPS. Fig. 230. Diameter, inches . No. Threads to inch Price each " per dozen 28 $0.35 4.00 ft 24 .35 4.00 22 .35 4.00 i 18 .38 4.40 Less than six Taps of a size will be charged as single Taps. A 18 .38 4.40 I 16 .45 5.30 BIT-BRACE TAPS. Fig. 231. Diameter, inches .... T \ l ^3 No. Threads to inch ... 24 20 18 16 Price each $0.50 .50 .55 .60 All Bit-Brace Taps are sent even-size, unless over size is called for on the order. A i 14 12&13 .70 -80 waaAM^kjAfrU^ PATCH-BOLT TAPS. Fig. 232. Diameter, inches .... J A £ i£ No. Threads to inch ... 12 12 12 12 Price each $0.70 .80 .90 1.05 These Taps are made especially for boiler-makers. for the purpose of making the bolt a steam-tight fit. m>»mmfi mmmm«t»tim iimm ms BRAZED BRASS TUBING TAPS. Right or Left Hand. a is 7 i* i f TS % IT A 12 12 12 12 12 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2 00 They are slightly tapered, x 2 27 Fig. 233. Diameter, inches, .... £ ts s j-l No. Threads to inch . . . 27 27 27 27 Price each $0.45 .50 .55 .60 .70 These Taps cut a straight thread. 4 -3- i 1 27 27 27 27 .90 1.20 1.60 200 BLACKSMITHS' TAPER TAPS. Diameter, iDehes. i 8 No £ Fig of Threads to Inch. 18, 20 and 24 16, 18 and 20 14, 16 and 18 14, 16 and 18 12, 14 and 16 12 and 14 10. 11 and 12 Price Each. $0.30 .30 .35 .40 .40 .50 .50 Diameter, Inches. a 4 7 11 No. of Threads to Inch. 10 and 12 9 and 10 8 7 and 8 7 and 8 6 Price Each. $0.65 .90 1.25 1.50 1.75 3.00 81 PIPE TAPS, HOBS AND REAMERS. ^^PKWP^Wi Fie 236. Diameter. i i I 4 a. 1 li 14 2 3 H 4 Price Each. $1.12 1.25 1.50 1.87 2.50 3.12 3.75 4.62 6.25 10.50 15.00 22.00 33.00 Fig. 237. All Pipe Taps are sent with Right-hand Threads, unless Left-hand is specified on order. COMBINED PIPE DRILL TAP AND FOR TAPPING CAS WATER PIPES. Fig. 238. Diameter, inches i I 4 z H 1J Length, inches 3£ 4 4+ U 4f 5 5| Price, each $1.50 1.75 2.20 3.00 3.80 4.80 5.80 Shanks for sizes | to 1£ inches are {§ inch by £ inch, and If inches long. Shanks for sizes 2 and 2k inches are 1 inch by 'i inch, and 2 inches long. STAY-BOLT TAPS. THREAD REAMER : TAPER -STRAIGH T! Fig. 239. AND 5} 7.60 2k 10.00 K. A >• PRICE EACH. DIAMETER. 16 in. 18 in. 21 in. 24 in. 27 in. 30 in. 33 in. 36 in. 39 in. 42 in. 48 in. 54 in. 2 IS l( n 4' T5> 8 m - $ 5.60 i$ 7 20 $ 8.00 $ 8.80 $10.90 $13.00 $14.00 $15.00 $16.50 $18.00 $19.00 $20.00 IB 1 K TS> 1 6.60 8.50 9.35 10.20 12.25 14.25 15.40 16.50 18.00 19.75 21.00 22.25 1ft- 1J " 7.60 9.50 10.35 11.20 13.25 15.25 16.40 17.50 20.00 22.00 23.50 25.00 ift. ii " 9.00 10.50 12.00 12.75 14.75 16.50 18.00 19.50 22.00 24.00 25.50 27.00 ift, if " 11.00 12.50 14.00 15.00 17.00 18.50 20.00 21.50 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 lft- li " 13.00 14.50 16.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 22.00 23.50 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 All orders for these taps should give exact diameter and number of threads per inch, also length of parts A, B, C, D, and E. Unless otherwise ordered, we shall send these taps with twelve threads to the inch. Stay-Bolt Taps carried in stock are f , J and 1 inch diameter, twelve threads to the inch, 16, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 inches long. 82 Pig. 340. waemMumnaiajlxr 'MMMgMM^M^U^M& SHORT HOB TAPS. For Cutting Open Dies. HOB OR MASTER TAPS For Cutting Solid Dies. 0E : a a i in x I- Diameter. Inches. 3 8 7 i IT 1 ^8 1J If If 11 o Standard No. of V Threads to Inch. 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 44 44 Fig. 241. Length V Threads over All. also Short Furnished. Hob Taps. 16 and 18 2f 16 34 14 16 13 and 14 10 and 12 12 8 8 5* 34 3| 4 44 4f 5 54 of 6 6* 6i 7 7 1 8 84 9 9J Price Each. Short Hob Taos. ?0.60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.60 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.70 4.20 4.70 5.30 6.00 6.80 7.70 Length over All. Hob or Master Taps. 4 4| 54 64. 64 61 71 'I 81 91 9f 10 10| 10i 11* 111 124 Price Each. Hob or Master Taps. 1.00 1.12 1.25 1.44 1.62 1.81 2.00 2.25 2.62 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.62 5.25 5.87 6.62 7.50 8.50 9.62 Over-size Hobs 'will Hob or Master Taps be charged on next higher list. are sent even-size, unless over-size is called for. Size Die. MACHINE OR SOLID BOLT DIES. Cutting Size. Threads. Each. i 20, 18 $1.80 18, 16 1.80 16, 14 1.80 14, 12 1.80 12, 13 1.80 12 1.96* 10, 11, 12 2.00 10, 12 2.25 9, 10, 12 .40 8, 12 2.70 7 3.00 7 3.30 Fig. 242. " J A 4 We also make Solid Dies ; outside dimensions, 3x J, 3x 1, 4xf , 4x1 in ; cutting sizes, 4 to 14 All Solid Bolt Dies will be sent even-size, unless over-size is specified on the order. 83 16 3 8 A 4 A i 3 4 1 8 1 11 11 Fig. 342 to 245. SCREW PLATES. SV 242. SET A, 3-16 to 7-16 Inch ; Stock 10 inches long and 5 sizes Taps, Dies and Guides, 3 16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16 inch. Price, complete in case, $8.00 Fig. 243. SET A, Stock 10 inches long; and Screw Gauge, sizes of Taps. Dies and Guides, Nos. 14, 16, 18, 20, 24. Price, complete in case, $8.00 Diameter of Dies in these sets, 1 5-16 inches. Fig. 244. Like Fig. 242, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, . $10.35 Fig. 245. Like Fig. 243, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, . 10.35 •EfiEEN RIVER MACHINE, SCREW PLATE. . WITH 7 SI2-E i NOS. 10. 12. 14, 16, 18, KPta? : - : Fig. 246 247. Fig. 246. SET A, with 7 sizes, Nos. 10 to 24. Stock 10 inches long ; and Screw Gauge sizes Nos. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 24. Price, complete in case $10 00 Diameter of Dies in this set, 1 5-16 inch. Fig. 247. SET A, as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, $12.35 Fig. 248. SET Al. 3-16 to 7-16 inch. Stock 10 inches long; Bit Brace Holder and Nut Wrenches. 5 sizes Taps, Dies, Guides and Nut Wrenches, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16 inches. Price in case $10.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, 1 5-16 inch. Prices of Single Parts for Sets A and Al : Dies, all regular sizes, each $1.00 Guides, each .20 1.50 .75 Stocks (10 inches long), each, Holders for use in bit brace (see cut below), Holders for use in lathe (see cut below), Nut Wrenches to fit in stock or holders, each, .20 Fig. 248. HOLDERS FOR DIES IN SETS "A" AND "A I. To use in Machine or Bit Brace. Fig. 249.— Each, $0.75. Fig. 250. Each, $0.75. Fig. 251-254. Fig. 251. SET AA, 3-16 to 1-2 inch. Stock 18 inches long. 6 sizes, 3-16, 1-4, 5 16, 3-8, 7-16, 1-2 inch Taps, Dies and Collets. Price, complete, ...... $13.50 Diameter of Collets in this set, 2 3-16 inches. Fig. 252. SET A A, as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, $15. 85 Fig. 253. 1-4 to 3-4 inch. Stock 23 inches long, 5 sizes, 1-4, 3-8, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4 inch Taps, Dies and Collets. Price, complete, ± . . $13.00 Diameter of Collets in this set, 2 3-4 inches. Fig. 254. Same as Fig. 253, but with Adjustable Tap Wrench, .... 16.00 Fig. 255. SET B, 1-4 to 3-4 inch. Stock 23 inches long. 7 sizes, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4 inch Taps, Dies and Collets. Price, complete, $16.00 Diameter of Collets in this set, 2 3-4 inches. Fig. 256. SET B, as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench $19.00 Fig. 255-256. Will send above sets 1-32 oversize, V thread, unless otherwise ordered 84 H XI m n C; 30 2 PI o o 3 ■o > PI * THE LIGHTNING SCREW PLATES. »■ _ . i _, -^_^>^^ =^ Fig. 257. SET C, 1-2 to 1 inch. Stock 29 J- ''jT 'W sr^S =sa.'\ inches long. 5 sizes, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, 7-8, 1 in. Taps, | | |jp pL v '-"r' ;: (^ J^ > ! Dies and Collets. ' f fe^3 ■ |r _^-^ ~I£glj' Bi "^ jA Price, complete $18.50 ^SHSgis^^g^^a Diameter of Collets in this set, 2 3-4 in. ^j g 357 Fig. 258. SET C, 1-2 to 1 in. , as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench $22.50 r.ljL mj .__: , J ^ J . : ■ .g jzzzri Fig. 259. SET C, 3-8 to 1 inch. Stock 29 inches long. 7 sizes, 3-8, 7-16, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, 7-8, 1 inch Taps, Dies and Collets. ^|jHp Price, complete $22.00 «« m v ■ HHmnmwJ r P? am ^ r 6 J5f^ f* s . et ' 3 "J?" .„ Fig. 260. SET C. 3-8 to 1 in., as above, with Flg- 259 " Adjustable Tap Wrench $26.00 Fig. 261. SET C, 1-4 to 1 inch. Stock 29 inche3 long. 9 sizes, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, 7-8, 1 inch Taps, Dies and Collets. s||||||ggi Price, complete $25.50 - -,- „ r-^-T- f rgJr^ i Diameter of Collets in this set, 2 3 4 in. Fi 261 Fig. 262. SET C, 1-4 to 1 in., as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrenches . . . $31.85 Fig. 263. SET D, 7-8 to 1 1-2 inch. Stock, 53 iuche-s long. 6 sizes, 7-8. 1, 1 1-8, 1 1-4, 1 3-8, 1 1-2 in. Taps, Dies and Collets. Price complete $45.00 Diameter and Collets in this set, 4 1-4 in. Adjustable Tap Wrench . . . $8.00 Fig. 263. Fig. 264. Fig. 260 Fig. 264. SET K, 1-4 to 3-4 in. 7 sizes. Two Stocks, one 18 inches long, and one 23 inches long ; and 1-4, 5-16, 3-8. 7-16, 1-2, 5-8. 3-4 inch Taps, Dies and Collets. Price complete $18.00 Diameter of Collets in this set 7-16 inch, and under, 2 3-16 in. Diameter of Collets in this set, 1-2 in. and over, 2 3-4 in. Fig. 265. SET K, as above, with Ad- justable Tap Wrench $21.00 Fig. 266. SET L, 1-4 to 1 inch. 9 sizes. Two Stocks, one 18 inches long, and one 29 inches long, and 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, 7-8, 1 inch Taps, Dies and Collets. Price complete . . . $27.50 Diameter of Collets in this set, 7-16 in. anS under, 2 3-16 in. Diameter of Collets in this set, 1-2 in. and over, 2 3-4 in. Fig. 267. SET L, as above , with Adjustable Tap Wrenches $33.85 85 THE NEW FULL-MOUNTED LIGHTNING SCREW PLATE. A STOCK TO EACH DIE. Fig. 268. Instead of having but a single stock to a set of several Dies, each. Die is furnished complete with its own stock of suitable size and weight. The time and trouble in fitting and changing Dies for each occasion is saved. All the Dies in a set can be used at the same time. J J 1 inch Fig. 268. T \ to £ inch. A stock to each Die. 6 sizes, T \ { T \ f T \ J inch Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case I Fig. 269. Same as Fig. 268, but with Adjustable Tap Wrench .... Fig. 270. 1 to f inch. A stock to each Die. 5 sizes, | f A § f inch Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case ......... Fig. 271. Same as Fig. 270, but with Adjustable Tap Wrench Fig. 272. Set BB. j to J inch. A stock to each Die. 7 sizes, ? n I w H J incl1 Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case ...... Fig. 273. Same as Fig. 272, but with Adjustable Tap Wrench Fig. 274. Set CE. £ to 1 inch. A stock to each Die. 5 sizes, i f f f 1 inch Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case ....... Fig. 275. Same as Fig. 274, but with Adjustable Tap Wrench Fig. 276 Set C.C. J to 1 inch. A stock to each Die. 7 sizes, f Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case Fig. 277. Same as Fig. 276, but with Adjustable Tap Wrench . Fig. 278. SetCCC. J to 1 inch. A stock to each Die. 9 sizes, 1 inch Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case . Fig. 279. Same as Fig. 278, but with 2 Adjustable Tap Wrenches Fig. 280. J to 1£ inches. A stock to each Die. 7 sizes, £ f J f Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case ....... Fig. 281. Same sizes as in Fig. 280, but with case holding sizes 1 inch and under only (1| and lj inch not being held in the case). Price Fig. 282. | to 14 inches. A stock to each Die. 9 sizes, | A H H ! H H incn Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case Fig. 283. Same sizes as in Fig. 282, but with case holding sizes 1 inch and under only (ljj- to !£ inch not being heid in the case). Price Fig. 284. 4 to H inches. A stock to each Die. 13 sizes, i A I n H ! I J !» H If 1| inch Taps, Dies and Stocks. Complete, in case .... Fig. 285. Same sizes as in Fig. 284, but with case holding sizes 1 inch and under only (sizes 1£ to 1£ inch not being held in the case). Price .... Note.— Will send above sets ^j over-size, V Thread, unless otherwise ordered. H2.00 14.35 1 1£ 1| inch Taps, 12.50 15.50 16.00 19.00 18.50 22.50 22.00 26.00 25.50 31.85 34.75 31.50 37.50 35.00 60.00 55.75 Rfi "X" SCREW PLATE. (ADJUSTABLE D1ES ; 5-8 INCH DIAMETER.) (WITHOUT GUIDES.) PRICES OF SINGLE PARTS OF "X" SETS. mmmri stock 10 40 ® ta>i &}—\ Dies, each 40 Taps. •• 40 1 Tap Wrench (fitting in stock) 40 I Elastic Die Holders, Figs. 297 and 298, each . . 50 Figs. 286 to 293. Fig. 287. Case containing Stock, Tap Wrench (fitting in stock) and 5 sizes of Taps and Dips, ^ ^ T s ¥ .fa \ inch. Price, complete $4 25 Fig. 288. Case containing Stock, Tap Wrench (fitting in stock) and 5 Screw Gauge sizes of Taps and Dies, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Price, complete . . . . 4 25 Fig. 289. Case containing Stock, Tap Wrench (fitting in stock) and 7 sizes of Taps and Dies n ^ A A is h i inch. Price, complete 5 75 Fig. 290. Case containing Stock Tap Wrench (fitting in stock) and 7 Screw Gauge sizes of Taps and Dies Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. Price, complete . . 5 75 Fig'. 291. Case containing Stock, Tap Wrench (fitting in stock) and 10 s zes of Taps and Dies, A AAA! A A A A i inch - Price, complete . . . . 7 50 Fig. 292. Case containing Stock, Tap Wrench (nuing in stock) and 10 Screw Gauge sizes of Taps and Dies, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10. 12, 14, 16. Price complete . 7 50 Fig. 293. Case containing Stock, Tap Wrench (fitting in stock) and 12 sizes of Taps and Dies A A A * A A ii A 4iA 4# * iDCh - Price - complete . . . 9 00 Fig. 286. Case containing Stock, Tap Wrench (titting in stock) and 15 sizes of Taps and Dies, A A A A*AA4iA41A4*iUA in ch. Pi ice, complete . 11 00 ADJUSTABLE DIE Fig. 294. Fig. 295. TAP WRENCH Fig. 296. Elastic Die Holders. Form of Tap Furnished With All Above Plates. r-LWTTNIN^ Fig. 299. These Dies are n^ade 1o thread Brazed Brass Tubing wh'ch is quite thin and therefore requires a fine thread. All that we supply regularly cut 27 threads to the inch, and cut straight, not tapering. The Tubing is measured by its outside diameter. The stock is made to take a long guide. The Dies are 2J inches outside diam- Fig. 301. Consisting of Stock 35 inches long and 7 sizes of Dies (right or left), and Gui' es. i A f A 4 f ani | inch, all 27 threads. Fig. 300. Complete, in substantial c.-se, $15 75 8 sizes • ■ •. ■ ,• • , 19 25 Consisting of Stock 35 inches long and 5 sizes of D es (right or left), and Guides, 4, f, J, f and 1 inch, all 27 threads. Complete, in substantial case . 1*45 LIGHTNING SCREW PLATE. FOR PLUMBERS' DRAWN BRASS PIPE. These Dies cut a tapering thread for water or steam-tight fit on Pmmbers Drawn Brass Pipe, which is measured by its outside d'ameter. Fig. 303. Consisting of Stock 35 inch s long and 5 sizes of Di-s right or left), and Guides, 1, J, i, 1 and 1| inch, complete, as above, in substantial ojw» . . *}\™ The number of threads to the inch (pitch^ is as follows : 5-8", 3-4", 7-8", l 18 , 1 1-4 1S . Parts, separately : Stock, |3.50 ; Dies, $1.50 each ; Guides, $0.2o each. 87 Fig. 300. Fig. 302 PRICES OF PARTS OF THE GREEN RIVER SCREW PLATE. The cut shows Patent Elastic Stock used with all of "Green River" and "Light- ning" Screw Plates, excepting the Full Mounted, Pipe and X Plates. In ordering Elastic Stocks give length? Fig. 304. PRICES OF PARTS OF ALL CREEN RIVER CREEN RIVER SCREW PLATES. SCREW PLATES EXCEPT FICS . 306 & 307. Dies, all FICS. 306 AND 307. Sizes. Taps, Dies and Dies. Taps. Guides. No. of regular sizes, each, . $1.00 Guides Guides, each .20 Taps, (see table) Stock 1 fi» 3-10 $1.77 $1.35 $0.45 $0.25 24 1-4 1.77 1.25 .45 .35 10,18,20 5-16 1.80 1.25 .50 .35 16, 18 3-8 7-16 1-2 2.08 2.11 2.17 2.33 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 .55 .60 .70 .80 .25 .25 .25 .25 14,16,18 12,14,16 12,13,14 12. 14 PRICES OF STOCKS FOR SETS FICS. 306 TO 328. 9-16 Leugth Price 1 iam - Fies. of sets in whirih 5-8 11-16 3.54 3.78 3.97 1.75 1.90 2.00 .90 1.05 1.20 .35 .25 .25 10.11,12 11, 12 10, 13 Stocks. Each. Focket. contained. 3-4 10 in. $1.50 1 5-16 300. 307 13-10 3.34 2.25 1.40 .25 10 18 " 2.00 2 3-16 308. 309 7-8 15-10 1 3.71 4.08 4.45 2.50 2.75 3.00 1 60 1.80 2.00 .25 .25 .25 9, 10 9 8 33 " 33 " 2.00 2.00 2 3-16 2 3-4 (310,311,312,313. 1325.326,327,328 314. 315 11-8 1 1-4 1 3-8 5.10 5.81 6.55 3.50 4.00 4.50 2.25 2.60 3.00 .35 .25 ,35 7, 8 7 6 29 " 35 " 2.00 4.00 2 3-4 2 3-4 (316,317,318.319, (320.321,325,326 322, 323, 324, 327 1 1-2 7.35 5.00 3.50 .25 6 53 " 6.00 3 7-16 328 These Dies and Taps and all Screw Plates (excep ing Nos. and X for wire sizes) will he sent 1-32 over-size (for rou"h iron) with threa Is V form, unless otherwise ordered. Left hand, extra price. All Dies stamped with a star are1-32inch over-size. V form of thread. Can supoly Screw Plates with exa t sizes V, TJ. S. Standard, or Franklin Institute and Whitworth form of thread at regular prices. All parts of Screw Plates can he duplicated from stock. I'i, ordering Dies. Guides. Cntlets or Stocks for Screw Mates, care should be taken to givt number, letter or figure of set for which par's are wanted. PRICES OF PARTS OF THE LIGHTNING SCREW PLATE. FOR SETS FICS. 242 TO 246. Sizes. ; l L 3-16 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 9-16 5-8 11-16 3-4 13-16 7-8 15 16 1 Taps. Dies & Dies. Taps. Collets. Collets. $1.77 $1.00 $0.45 $0.50 1.77 1.00 .45 .50 1.80 1.00 .50 .50 1.98 1.15 .00 .50 2.16 1.80 .60 .50 3.43 1.50 .70 .50 2.58 1.60 .80 .50 2.79 1 75 .90 .50 3.03 1.90 1.05 .50 3.22 2.00 1.20 .50 3.59 2.25 1.40 .50 3.96 2.50 1.60 .50 4.33 a. 75 1.80 .50 4.70 3.00 2.00 .50 No of Threads, 24 16.18,20 16,18 14,16 18 12.14,16 12,13,14 12, 14 10,11,12 11,12 10, 12 10 9, 10 9 8 Sizes. These Dies and Taps will be sent 1-32 over- size (for rough iron), with threads type Vforni. unless otherwise ordered. Left hand, extra price. f 7-8 I 15-16 1 i 11 1 1-4 I 13-8 I 11- Taps, Dies& Collets. $4 46 4.83 5.20 5.85 6.56 7.30 8.10 $3.50 2.75 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 Taps. Collets $1.60 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.60 3.00 3.50 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 No of Threads. 9, 10 9 8 7,8, 7 6 6 PRICES OF STOCKS FOR SETS. FICS. 242 TO 246. Le gth of Stocks. 18 in. 23 " 29 " Price Each. $2.00 2.00 2.00 Ijiam. of Socket. 2 3 16 2 3-4 2 3-4 Figs, of sets in which contained. 251, 252, 264, 265, 366, 367 253, 254, 255, 256, 264, 265 ( 203, 304, 357. 358. 259. 1 260. 261, 262, 266. 267 Give leng hs and, if possible, state also for which Hg. Fig. 305. Form of Hand Nut TVizw furnished with all the Lightning and Geebn Riveh Screw Plates (except No. and " X" plates for wire sizes). For prices see page 78, for list and sizes. 88 THE GREEN RIVER SCREW PLATES. Fig. 306. SEr No. 1. 3-16 to 7-16inch. Stock 10 inches long. With both Stock and Brace Holder for Dies. 5 sizes. 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16 inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case . . $8.75 Diameter of Dies in this set, 1 5-16 inch. Brace Holders (or Lathe Holders) to take Dies in this set, each $0.75 Fig. 307. SET No. 1, as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench $11.10 Fig. 308. SET No. 1 1-4. 3-16 to 1-2 in. Stock 18 in. long. 6 sizes, 3-16, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 1-3 in. Taps, Dies, and Guides. Complete, in case, .... $11.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2 316 in. SET H°VA ST0CK-I8 IN. LONG'j : Fig. 308-309. SETNSIK'. STOCK'22in. LONG-. Fig. 312-313. Fig. 309. SET No. 1 1-4, as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, $13.35 Fig. 310. 1-4 to 3-4 inch. Stock 22 inches long. 5 sizes, 1-4, 3-8, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4 inch Taps. Dies and Guides. Complete, in case, ....'.... . $10 °5 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2 3-16 inches. Fig. 311. Same as Fig. 310, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, ..... $13.25 Fig. 312. SET No. 1 1-2. 1-4 to 3-4 inch. Stock 22 inches long. 7 siz?s, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 1 2, 5-8, 3-4 in. Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case. . $13.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2 3-16 inches. Fig. 313. SET No. 1 1-2. 1-4 to 3-4 inch, with Ad- justable Tap Wrench No. 3. 7 sizes, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, inch Taps, Dies and Guide*. St-v-k 23 ■'■ . loDg. Complete, in case, ^16.00 Fig-. 314. SET No. 2. 1-4 to 3-4 inch. Stock 23 in. long. 7 sizes, 1-4, 5-16, 3-8, 7-16, 1-3, 5-8, 3-4 inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case, $15.25 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2 3-4 in. Fig. 315. SET No. 2, as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, $18.25 Fig. 316. SET No. 3. 1-2 to 1 inch. Stock 29 inches long. 5 sizes, 1-2, 5-8, 3-4, 7-8, 1 inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Com- plete, in case, .... $17.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2 3-4 in. Fig. 317. SET No. 3, as above, with Adjustable Tap Wrench, . . $21.00 Fig. 318. SET No. 4. 3-8 to 1 inch. Stock 29 inches long. 7 sizes, 3-8, 7-16, 1-2 5-8, 3-4, 7-8, 1 inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in cases, .... $20.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2 3-4 in. Fig. 319. SET No. 4. 3-8 to 1 in., with Adjustable Tap Wrench, 7 sizes 3-8 7-16, 1-2. 5-8, 3-4, 7-8. 1 in. Taps, Dies and Guides. Fi°\ 318-319. Stock 29 in. long. Complete, in case, $24.00 Will send above sets 1-32 over-size, V thread, unless otherwise ordered. 89 Fig. 314-315. Fig. 316-317. THE GREEN RIVER SCREW PLATES. Fig. 320. Set No. 5. £ to 1 in. Stock 29 inches long. 9 sizes, £ T \- f W £ £ f £ 1 inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case .... $23.00 Diameter of Dies in this set 2f in. Fig. 321. Set No. 5, as above, with Two Adjustable Tap Wrenches, $29.35 Fig. 322. Set No. 6. £ to l£inch. Stock 35 inches long. 7 sizes, £ £ £ £ 1 1£ 1£ inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case . . $26.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2f in. Fig. 320 and 321. A $30.00 Fig. 322 to 324. Fig. 323. Set No. 7. f to 1£ inch. Stock 35 inches long. 9 sizes, £ £ £ £ 1 1£ 1£ inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case. Diameter of Dies in this set, 2£ inch. Fig. 324. Set No. 8. £ to 1£ inch. Stock 35 in. long. 11 sizes, £ & f tV £ £ f i 1 1£ 1£ inch Taps, Dips and Guides. Complete, in case . . $3400 Diameter of Dies in this set, 2£ in. Fig. 325 to 327. ■ Fig. 325. Set No. 13. £ to 1 inch, 9 sizes. Two stocks, one 22 inches and one 29 inches long, and£^§^L.£§£4l inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case $25.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, £ in. and under, 2A inches. £ in. and over, 2f in. Fig. 326. Set No. 13, as above, with two Adjustable Tap Wrenches . . $31.35 Fig. 327. Set No. 16. £ to l£ inch, 11 sizes. Two stocks, one 22 inches long and one 35 inches long, and l^f-A£t|JllJ 1£ inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case $36.00 Diameter of Dies in this set, £ in. and under, 2 A inches. ■§ in. and over, 2£ in. Fig. 328. Set No. 25. £ to 1£ inch, 13 sizes. Two stocks, one 22 inches long and one 53 inches long, and £ A t t\ i f f £ 1 1£ 1£ If 1£ inch Taps, Dies and Guides. Complete, in case $53. CO Diameter of Dies in this set, £ id. and under, 2& inches. Diameter of Dies in this set, £ in. and over, 3t'(T in. 1 GREEN RIVER. SCREW PLATE No. 25 1 J 'A IN.TQ |!4 in- 13 SIZES WITHTWO STOCKS.* i % 5 43/ B ?f 6 Vz %% IN SMALL STOCK 7 ! I ■% Y\% m lN:LARGESirjCK':fl Fig. 328. Will Thread, 90 send above sets A over-size, unless otherwise ordered. LITTLE CIANT" SCREW PLATES. ' NEWLITTLEGIANTSCREWPLATE FIC. 329. TVIRE SIZES. Has Stock, Tap Wrench, Taps, Dies and Collets. sa# Cuts i a A A i $ 6.50 Fig. 329. FIC. 330. WIRE SIZES. ps^ i Has Stock, Tap Wrench, Taps, Dies and Collets. Cuts AiAAAAi $ 8.oo FIC. 331. WIRE SIZES. C E 5 ADJUSTABLE FOR Fig. 331. Has Stock, Tap Wrench, Taps, Dies and Collets. • Cuts AJAAttAHAHi $ 10 -50 FIC. 332. WITH ADJUSTABLE TAP WRENCH. Complete in Box. CutS £ 8 ° -jV 8 I 16 TV* i 1 ' 2 - ■ ■ ■ $ 12 - 00 Length of stock, 14£ inches. Collets are 2 inches in diameter. Fig. 332 FIC. 333. WITH ADJUSTABLE TAP WRENCH. Complete in Box. Cuts i-° | 16 -I 12 I 11 f 10 . . . $13.50 Length of stock, 23 inches. Diameter of Collets, 2f inches. Fig. 333. Will send above sets over size V thread unless otherwise ordered. 91 LITTLE CIANT" SCREW PLATES. FIC. 334. With Adjustable Tap Wrench, Complete iu Box, | Cuts I 11 f 10 F l 9 $15.00 Length of stock, 26 inches. Diameter of collets, 2g inches. BJIIIgl ^ Fie. 334. FIC. 335. With Adjustable Tap Wrench, Complete in Box. ;i Cuts | 13 f 11 I 10 ¥ I 8 $!7-50 Length of stock, 26 inches. Diameter of collets, 2f inches. Fig. 336. Fig. 337. tE MEW LiTTlie GVAMTi Fin'. 338. FIC. 336. With Adjustable Tap Wrench, Com- plete in Box. CutS £20^18 116^14 11^11 I 1 " $16.00 Length of stock, 23 inches. Diameter of collets, 2| inches. FIC. 337. With Adjustable Tap Wrench, Complete in Box. f! tu 41 6 11 4 11 2 ill SI 19 18 ^ ln 8 T¥ 2 8 4 8- 1 - $22.00 Length of stock, 26 inches. Diameter of collets, 2f inches. FIC. 338. With Two Adjustable Tap Wrenches, Comjalete in Box. Outs J-2 _5 18 416^14 112 511 ^ ULS 4 1¥ 8 16 2 8 f 10 | 9 l 8 $25.50 Length of ftock, 26 inches. Diameter of collets, 2f inches. IBIBMMMiMl Will send above sets over-size. V Thread, unless otherwise ordered. 92 a LITTLE GIANT" SCREW PLATES. FIC. 839. With Adjustable Tap Wrench. Complete in Box. Ontai" t y 8 - fie, ^14,^11, ft 11 , f ls ■ . . . $18.00 Fig. 339. Has two stocks: 14J inches long for the first four sizes; 26 inches long for the larger sizes. Diameter of Collets, 2 and 2f inches. FIC. 340. With Two Adjustable Tap Wrenches. Complete in bos. ■MMICIIIIM^^^ I 11 ,! 10 , l\ I s $27.50 Fig. 340. Has two stocks : 144; inches long for the first four sizes ; 29 inches long for the larger sizes. Diameter of Collets, 2 and 2f inches. FIC. 341. With Adjustable Tap Wrench. $35.00 FIC. 342. With Adjustable Tap Wrench. Cuts IMMiMiMfMi*, $45.00 Fig. 341. FIC. 343. With Adjustable Tap Wrench. Cuts 1£ 7 , 14/, If 6 , 1J 6 .... $37.50 Fig. 341 has stock 40 inches long. Figs. 342 and 343 have stocks 52 ins. long. Diameter of Collets, No. 20, 4 inches. Diameter of Collets, Nos. 25 and 30, 4| inches. FIC. 344. With Two Adjustable Tap Wrenches. Complete in Box. CutS J" J ¥ 18 ; §", T V^, £ 13 , $", rMM 8 , ii\ w $40.00 Has two stocks : 23 inches kmg for the first seven sizes ; 40 inches long for the largest sizes. Diameter of Col- lets, 2f and 4 inches. Will send above sets over- size V thread unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 344. 93 "LITTLE GIANT" SCREW PLATES. ASSORTMENT NO. 50. WITH TWO ADJUSTABLE TAP WRENCHES COMPLETE IN BOX. SI 6 7 14 IIS i 8 IF Cuts i 20 A 1 I li 11 3.10 79 $60.00 Has two stocks. 26 inches long for the first nine sizes. 52 inches long for the largest sizes. Diameter of Collets, 2f and 4£ inches. Pig. 345. ADJUSTABLE TAP WRENCHES. No Fig. 346. PRICE EACH 0. 5 inches long; fitting Taps A to fir $1.00 1. 7| inches long ; fitting Taps ^ to § 1.50 1£. 10 inches long ; fitting Taps A to £ ■ 2.00 2. 12 inches long; fitting Taps | to | . 2.00 '3. 14 inches long ; fitting Taps £ to f 3.00 4. 19 inches long; fitting Taps § to lj . . . 4.00 5. 24 inches long ; fitting Taps £ to 1J 5.25 ADJUSTABLE TAP WRENCHES. Emms Fig. 347. No. 1 Holds Taps to No. 14 or tf $0 50 " 2 " " " " 16 " A ....... '75 /4 i? 1.00 " Length 7 inches for Taps, A to J i 50 " 5 " io * " - " a » * . : : . ; : : ; : : ; 2 - 00 " 6 " 15 " " " i " a. "." " 7 << 20 « " •■" . i » i* ; ; : •■ 3 S „ " 8 " 42 " " m t" 1 * ....'.; : : : : : ^ 94 Size Die Guide Stock Tap Size Die Guide Stock Tap "LITTLE CIANT" FULL STOCKED SCREW PLATES. PRICE LIST OF PARTS. i ft $1.00 .20 .50 .35 $2.00 .20 .75 1.20 1.00 .20 .50 .45 H 2.00 .20 1.00 1.40 5 TS 1.00 .20 .50 .50 i 2.75 .20 1.00 1.60 1.25 .20 .50 .55 tf 2.75 .20 1.00 1 80 j 16 1.25 .20 .75 ,60 1 2.75 .20 1.00 2.00 i 1.50 .20 .75 .70 ii 4.00 .50 1.75 2.25 9 1.50 .20 .75 .80 li 4.00 .50 1.75 2.60 I 1.75 .20 .75 .90 5.00 .50 2.25 3,00 H 1.75 .20 .75 1.05 1* 5.00 .50 2.25 3.50 Number of Die . . Size of Dies .... Diameter of Collet, inches Price of Guide . . . Price of Cap .... Price, complete . . Number of Stock . . , Length of Stock, in inches For Diameter of Collets Price PRICE LIST OF COLLETS. ft to I $0.15 .25 .40 itoj O «v .20 .30 .50 3 £tol 8f 20 .30 .50 4 fitoli 4 .50 1.00 1.50 5 li to 1J 4i .50 1.00 1.50 PRICE LIST OF STOCKS. . . 1 2 3 14£ 23 2 2f 1.50 2.00 li .... $0.70 MACHINISTS' 4 26 l. 00 2.00 o 29 n 6 40 4 6.00 7 52 4* 8.00 SCREW PLATES. mm Fig. 348. No. 1£. 9 inches long, 4 pair Dies, 4 Taps. Cutting Nos. 6, 32 ; 8, 30 ; 10, 24; 14, 20 $3.25 No. \l\. 9 inches long, 4 pair Dies, 4 Taps. Cutting, ^,32; A, 30; A, 24; I, 20 3.25 No. 111£. 9 inches long, 3 pair Dies, 4 Taps Cutting Nos. 14, 20 ; 16, 18 ; 18, 18 ; 20, 16; 3.40 Pig. 349. No. 00. 6 inches long, 4 pair Dies, 4 Taps. Cutting Nos. 2, 64; 3, 56 ; 4, 48 ; 6, 40 $2.50 No. 00 A. 6 inches long, 3 pair Dies, 4 Taps. Cutting Nos. 4, 36; 6, 32; 8, 32; 10, 24 . 2.50 No. 0. 7 A, inches long, 4 pair Dies, 4 Taps. Cutting Ncs. 4,48; 6,40; 10, 32 ; 14, 24 3.00 No. N. 7^ inches long, 4 pair Dies, 4 Taps. Cutting, j\, 24 ; A, 24 ; £,20;^, 18 3.25 These Plates are furnished with Plug Machine Screw Taps. 95 MACHINISTS' SCREW PLATES. Pig. 350. No. %\. \\\ inches long, 3 pair Dies, 3 Taps; cutting \, 20; f, 16; \, 12 . No. %\ A. \\\ inches long, 3 pair Dies, 3 Taps ; cutting £. 20; ^, 18; f, 16 No. 2£ C. 11^ inches long, 5 pair Dies, 5 Taps ; cutting J, 20; &, 18; |, 16 &> 14; J, 12 No. 3. 14 inches long, 3 pair Dies, 3 Taps ; cutting f, 16; T V, 14; J, 12 No. 3 A. 14 inches long, 3 pair Dies, 3 Taps ; cutting |, 16; \, 12; f, 11 ... No. 3 D. 14 inches long, 6 pair Dies, 6 Taps ; cutting J, 20; &, 18; f, 16; &, 14; \, 12; f, 11 No. 4 B. 19 inches long, 7 pair Dies, 7 Taps ; cutting £, 20; A, 18; f, 16; A 14; i, 12; I, 11; f, 10 Machinists' Taper Hand Taps are sent with the above Plates. $5.00 4 SO -I 3 7.50 5.50 gi] a 5.80 aft 9 60 13.50 BLACKSMITHS' SCREW PLATES. * : < These Plates are the same as our Machinists' Screw Plates, illustrated above, J ml except that we furnish them with Blacksmiths' Taper Taps. If No. 2£ D. 11^ inches long, 3 pair Dies and 3 Taps; cutting £, 20; f\- 18; f, 16 No. 2£ E. ll£ inches long, 3 pair Dies and 3 Taps; cutting J, 20; f, 16; |, 12 . No. 2^ F. ll£ inches long, 5 pair Dies and 5 Taps ; cutting 4, 20; A- 18; |, 16; tV» 14; J, 12 No. 3 E. 14 inches long, 3 pair Dies and 3 Taps ; cutting |, 16; \, 12; & 11 No. 3 F. 14 inches long, 4 pair Dies and 4 Taps ; cutting |, 16; T V 14; \, 12; f, 11 . No. 4. 19 inches long, 3 pair Dies and 4 Taps ; cutting 4, 16; \, 12; f, 12; f, 10 . No. 7. 27 inches long, 3 pair Dies and 4 Taps ; cutting i 12; f, 12; J, 10; 1, 8 . No. 8. 30 inches long, 3 pair Dies and 6 Taps ; cutting f, 10; |, 10; {, 9; 1, 9; l£, 8; l£, 96 $4.65 c aS| 4.85 ^ 6.85 5.10 6.25 6.00 8.25 10.50 ARMSTRONG'S ADJUSTABLE STOCKS ARRANGED WITH BOLT DIES. AND WITH AND WITHOUT HAND TAPS, AND WITH DIES FOR THREADING PIPE. SIZE No. 1 STOCK. No. 1 Stock " 1 " " 1 " " 1 " 7 Bolt Dies, itof $ 15 . 4 Pipe and 7 Bolt Dies 20.00 7 Bolt Dies, '1 Taps j to J , \ \ \ \ 2o!oO 4 Pipe Dies, 7 Colt Dies, 7 Taps 24^80 Sizes furnished in Dolt Dies, \, T \, f, &, |, £, j. This Stock will not take Bolt sizes smaller than ^-inch nor larger than f-inch. Sizes furnished in PIPE DIES, i, ±, §, J inch. The above Assortments put up in Cases. SIZE No. 2 STOCK. No. 2 Stock, 7 Bolt Dies, £ to 1\ inch '' 2 " 7 Bolt Dies, I to l| inch, and 5 Pipe Dies, | to 1 inch " 2 " 7 Bolt Dies, 7 Taps, i to 1+ inch, ... . . " 2 " 7 Bolt Dies, 7 Taps, I to 1^ inch, and 5 Pipe Dies { to 1 inch $20.00 28.50 30.00 38.75 PRICES OF PARTS OF ARMSTRONG'S STOCKS AND DIES. STOCKS, WITH SCREWS, HANDLES AND WRENCH. No. Stock, 1 2 2* 3 6 Price, $1.50 $3.25 $4.00 $4."50 js7.00 $25.00 Takes Bolt Dies . . £ to $ £ lo f £ to 1± — " Pipe " . . - J o-k |tol i-tol{ 4-to2 2ito3 " Brass Pipe Dies, — £ to 1^ — — — — $30.00 24 to 4 PRICE OF DIES FOR ARMSTRONG'S STOCKS. No. 0. 0. 1. 1. 2. Dies 5, y B 5 , §. T j, i, |, or | complete with i.'ollet, " i< A. 1. is- h #> or 1- without Collet, h tb, I, or re- R'ffnt Hand 1,1, or }, ior|, iiorl, li, or 1\, Bolt Dies, Left Hand, will be furnished at same pric^ each, $1.95 1.00 1.50 1.75 2.0O 2.00 " 2.25 PRICES FOR PARTS OF DIES FOR ARMSTRONG'S STOCKS. Either No. 1 or No. 2 half of No. 1 Die for pipe, 1 " "2 " " 1 " bolt, < ii J ■■ " 2 " " 2 " pipe, ' '' 1 " " 2 " " 2 " brass, • '• 1 " " 2 " " 2 " bolt, ■ A" B " " 2h " pipe, << 1 " " 2 " " 3 " " . A" B " " 6 " " . ' A, B, C or D quarter of No. 7 " " . When ordering, please state which part of Die is wanted. $0.75 0.90 0.90 1.25 1.25 1.75 8.0J 5.00 BUSHINGS FOR ARMSTRONG'S STOCKS. Stock No. Price, each, Stock No. Price, each, Stock No. Price, each, 1 $0.20 1 $0.12 1 $0.10 2 2^ 3 $0.25 $0.40 $0.50 No. Collets without Dies, $0.95. COLLAR SCREWS. 2 2i 3 $0.12 $0.15 $0.15 ADJUSTING SCREWS. 2 3* 3 $0.10 $0.15 $0.1.5 97 G $1.00 6 $0.25 6 $0.20 $1.50 $0.25 $0 20. V ARMSTRONG'S ADJUSTABLE STOCK AND DIES. FOR THREADINC PIPE SIZE NO. I. No. 1 Stock, 4 Right hand Pipe Dies, £ to £, each . . $9.00 No. 1 Stock, 4 each Right and Left Pipe Dies, & to \ . 14.00 This Stock will also take Bolt g Hill Dies as follows : C } I 2 I Fig. 351. SIZE NO. 2. No. 2 Stock 5 Pipe Dies, Right, \ to I No. 2 Stock 6 Pipe Dies, Right, £ to 1 No. 2 Stock 5 Pipe Dies, Right and Left, J to 1 No. 2 Stock 6 Pipe Dies, Right and Left, J to 1 $12.00 14.00 20.00 23.00 This Stock will also take Bolt Dies, as follows: £, g, f, f, 1, 1&, lj; and Brass Dies, as follows : f, f, ^, 1, l£. SIZE NO. 2 1-2. FOR THREADING PIPE. No. 2| Stock, 4 Dies, cutting \, f, 1 and \\ in. Right Hand $12.00 No. 2^ Stock and Dies, cut- ting J to \\ in. Right and Left 18 00 Fig. 352. PRICE OF EXTRA PIPE DIES FOR ABOVE NOS. I, 2 AND 2 1-2 PIPE STOCKS. No. 1. For pipe J, J, f or £, either Right or Left . . . Each, $1.25 No. 2. For pipe £,£,§,£, f or 1, Right or Left .... " 1.50 No. 2. For brass pipe f, f, f, 1 or \\, Right or Left ... " 2.00 No. 2£. For pipe, double ends, \ x f or 1 x \\, either Right or Left " 3.25 Prices for Dies quoted mean set of two pieces numbered 1 and 2. 98 ARMSTRONG'S ADJUSTABLE STOCK, NO. 3, AND PIPE DIES. 6 E >tOC± :, 6 sizes s ripe . Dies, li to 2, J *ight, .... . $20.00 3 4 " " 1 to 2, ii . 24.00 3 5 " (£ " f to 2, a . 28.50 3 3 " " li to 2, " and Left, . . 32.00 3 4 " f£ " 1 to 2, a a . 40 00 3 5 " f to 2, a a . 48.50 Style of No. 3 Stock is same as No. 2£ Pipe Stock. ARMSTRONG'S ADJUSTABLE STOCK, NO. 6, AND DIES FOR THREADING PIPE, 2 1-2 AND 3 INCH. SW3 No. 6 Stock and Die cutting 2j x 3 Right hand, . No. 6 Stock and Die cutting 2£ x 3 Right and Left hand, $40.00 55.00 The change from 2\ to 3-inch is made by simply reversing the Dies end for end when they will cut to standard sizes without further adjustment. ARMSTRONG'S ADJUSTABLE STOCK, NO. 7, AND DIES FOR THREADING PIPE; 2 1-2, 3, 3 1-2 AND 4 INCH. These Dies come in sets of four pieces. Each piece being double-ended. They have the same Adjustable features and Double Taper as other Dies. No. 7 Stock cutting 2j, 3, 3|, 4, Right, $60.00 7 7 7 7 2\ and 3, 3} <• 4, ... 2| " 4, " and Left, . 2| and 3 or 3£ and 4, R. and L., The No. 7 Stock has 4 arms. No. PRICES OF EXTRA PIPE DIES FOR ABOVE NOS. 3, 6 AND 7. 3. For pipe f, 1, li, li or 2-in., Right or Left, each, . 6. " " double ends, 2£x3-in., " " " " . iy t. i' tl it 2i X 3 " " " " " jy <( it a it 3^x4 " " " " " 45.00 45.00 92.00 60.00 $4.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 V ARMSTRONG'S NO. O, MACHINISTS' SCREW PLATE. No. Stock with Dies and Taps for threading bolts and nuts, 7 sizes, itof, $20.00 99 I ■:■. - 1 f» 1. 1* 1. Ii, li Outside dimensions of dies 2xi 2£xf 3x| 3xf 3x| Complete with R. H. dies . Extra guides „ " die holders . . . " dies, right or left $ 6 50 20 1 00 $10 00 25 1 50 $ 8 00 25 2 00 $10 00 30 40 2 00 $12 00 40 40 2 25 3 3 ii, i*. 2 4x1 3A 4 ii, i*. 2 li, U, 2 2*, 3 Outside dimensions of dies . . . 4x| .4x1 5x li Complete with R. H. dies Extra conides .... . . . . $15 00 50 50 3 00 $16 00 50 50 3 25 $18 00 50 50 3 25 $40 00 1 00 " die holders ....... " dies, right or left 100 10 00 Nos. 3, 3A patent stock, and No. 4 have leader screw attachment. No. 4 is provided with 4 sockets for the loose handles to fit into. ASHCROFT PIPE STOCKS AND DIES. Numbers Pipe size of dies Dimension of dies Complete with R. H. dies Stocks only Extra dies, right or left " bushings . . . . Die frames .... h h I i 2x1. 9 50 3 50 1 50 25 b 1 £ 1 2i 4* 2|xf $15 00 5 00 2 00 35 30 n h i, n 3x£ $13 50 6 00 2 50 45 40 Numb* rs Pipe size of dies Dimension of dies Complete with R. H. dies Stocks only .... Extra dies, right or left " bushings . . . Die frames .... If 1*4 3xf $13 50 6 00 2 50 45 40 2 lj, 1*, 2 H Nos. 2 and 3 stocks have leader screw attachment. 100 $20 00 9 50 3 50 60 50 2j 3 4|xli $43 00 25 00 9 00 1 00 60 COPPER-PLATED STEEL OILERS. Used by the leading machinists and railroads. Heavily copper-plated inside, outside perfectly resembles 14-carat gold. The U z y E < s h u z cc D a ui x h Fig. 356. — Railboad Oilee. Nos. 10, 11. Pig. 357. Nos. 14, 14 B, 16. Steel Oiler, Fig. 358. Nos. 13, 13, 13A, 14A, 14AA, 15, 15A. Diameter. 2§ inch H 3| 3| 3| 3| 3f H Nozzle. 2£ inch 3" " 5 " 9 3 '.' 5 " 9 " 3 " 5 " 9 " Per Doz. $4.50 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.25 9.75 10.50 111. RAILROAD OILERS. 1-pint Railroad Oiler, 3| in. diameter, 5 in. high, 12 in. nozzle, . per doz., $14.00 1-quart Railroad Oiler, 4J in. diameter, 6 in. high, 18 in. nozzle, . pel doz., 118.00 2-quarts, 5 in. diameter, 8 in. high, 10 in. or 14 in . nozzle, . . par doz, $20.00 101 \ ENGINEERS' FILLERS. Steel Fillers, Copper Plated. jq- _ Diameter. 19 1-pint ±h in - 19A 1* " 4| " 210 1-quart .5 " 211 % " 6 " High. Per doz. 3£in. $14.00 4 " 17.00 5 " 20.00 6 " 24.00 Fin. 359. ENCINEERS' SETS. Steel. Copper and Nickel-Plated. With Bound Tray. No. 30 Five Pieces, Copper-plated, $ 5.00 40. Six " " " 7.00 50 Five " Nickel " 7.00 60'. Six » " " 10.00 With Oval Tray. No. 35 Five Pieces, Copper-plated, $ 7.00 45 ; Six « " » 10.00 55 Five " Nickel " 8.00 65'. Six " " " H.OO Fig. 360. MALLEABLE IRON OILERS. Old Style. Brass Bottom. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, $3.60 per doz 4.00 " 4.40 " New Improved Patent. Brass Bottom. No. 11, No. 12, No. 13, $3.60 per doz. 4.00 " 4.40 " Extra Tubes, $1.80 per doz. 2 V s Fig. 361. New Pattern. 102 CHACE'S OILERS. CAPACITY. No. Gills. 00 I per doz. ZINC. ZINC. BRASS. COFR. Tin Bot. Brass Bot. Brass Bot. $1.00 $1.25 $2.00 $2.25 I a. 4= 1 If Li 2 3 4 4* 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.75 3.50 4.50 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.50 5.50 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.75 6.00 7.50 2.50 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 5.00 6.25 8.00 Nos. 00, 0, and 1, one dozen in a box ; other Nos., half dozen. Fig. 362. PARAGON OILERS. ZINC. ZINC. BRASS. COP'R. No. Tiu Bot. Brass Bot. Brass Bot per doz. $2.00 $2.25 $3.00 $3.25 1 n « 2.25 2.50 3.50 3.75 1* St (( 2.50 3.00 4.00 4.25 2 iC ft 3.00 3.50 4.50 4.75 3 (C Ct 3.25 4.00 5.25 5.50 4 C( (< 3.75 4.50 6.00 6.25 5 C< (( 4.50 5.50 7.00 7.25 6 IC ti 5.50 6.50 8.50 8.75 BOLT AND RIVET CLIPPERS. Fig. 363. Fig. 364. eaoh. No. 1. For i-inch bolt or less, for carriage work, harness makers, etc., . . . $7.50 No. 2. For |-inch " " wheelwrights, machinists, founders, etc., . . 9.00 No. 3. For I inch " " car builders, and heavy work generally, . . 12.00 No. 4. REGULAR to cut J-inch, 15.00 The above Clippers cut flush with the work. " SPECIAL No. 4," to cut J-inch $15.00 It cuts a J-inch bolt or stay -rod £-inch above the surface of the work through which it pro- jects, thus always leaving £ inch for riveting. When No. 4 is wanted, specify whether " Special " or "Regular." Each tool is tested and guaranteed right in every respect. 103 1 STEEL WIRE NAILS. Length Inches. No. Per Pound. Length Inches. No. Per Pound. Length Inches. No. Per Pound. Length IneheB No Per ?ouud. i r 19 1 20 1 21 $1.00 1.25 1.55 1 r is 17 i 18 $0.36 40 43 f 6 7 8 JO. 28 28 28 H { 12 1 13 ( 14 $0.27 28 29 1 22 1.90 1 19 53 9 28 ^ ""* L 20 64 10 28 r 5 25 r is 80 IS 11 28 6 25 f 19 . 20 21 22 r i^ 90 1.00 1.25 1.55 55 1* r 1° 11 12 13 . 14 15 30 30 30 31 32 32 x 4 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 28 29 30 32 38 3 7 8 • ,! 11 12 25 25 25 25 26 27 17 60 16 35 13 28 18 65 17 40 - 7 27 14 29 i ^ I 9 75 18 43 8 27 20 21 22 85 1.00 1.25 19 53 9 ID 11 27 27 . 28 r 6 7 8 25 35 25 f I 4 43 r 8 9 29 29 2 • 12 13 28 28 H 9 -, 10 35 35 15 45 10 29 14 29 11 26 16 17 50 52 11 12 29 29 15 16 30 35 12 13 27 28 f ■ 18 19 20 58 65 75 H < 13 14 15 30 31 33 17 38 - 14 29 21 22 85 1.10 16 17 34 39 f 6 7 27 27 6 7 8 - 9 25 25 25 35 r 1 3 36 L 18 43 8 27 3i 13 14 15 38 38 42 r s 9 29 29 2-L ^4 9 10 • 11 12 13 14 15 16 27 27 28 28 28 29 30 35 10 11 12 25 26 37 4 1 ' 16 1 17 18 19 20 43 46 52 60 70 if 10 11 12 • 13 14 29 29 29 30 31 4 " 6 • I 25 25 25 35 21 85 15 32 1 10 25 16 34 r 6 26 I 11 26 r 11 33 17 39 7 26 12 13 33 34 18 43 8 9 26 26 26 27 27 " 5 6 25 25 1 14 15 35 36 r 6 29 *k 10 1 11 12 4 « 7 8 25 25 ' 16 39 7 29 9 25 17 18 43 45 8 9 29 29 13 14 28 29 30 r 5 35 19' . 20 56 67 10 11 29 29 I 15 5 \ 5 35 25 i* - 12 29 l 8 35 r 10 30 13 29 r e 26 1 11 30 14 30 1 7 26 5£ { I 25 1 12 "1 13 30 31 15 16 31 33 2| I 8 1 9 26 26 25 14 32 17 38 10 26 6 \ i 25 I 15 33 18 43 L 11 37 25 For Barbed Nails, add 2 cents per lb. to list. For Special Heads, add 3 cents per lb to list. For Special Points, add 2 cents per lb. to list. For Annealing, add 2 cents per lb. to list. For Nails, combining Special Heads and Points, add for each. Discount, Prices subject to change without notice. 104 Nails packed in \ lb. papers, add 4 cents to list. Nails packed in \ lb. papers, add 8 cents to list. Nails, in 25 or 50 lb. boxes, deduct 1 cent from list. Nails, in 100 lb. kegs, deduct 2 cents from list Tinned or Galvanized Nails at Special Prices. Pee Cent. STANDARD STEEL WIRE NAILS AND CUT NAILS. PRICE LIST. a,„ Length of t , A £d to Sim. jf u the Stand- ard Base. COMMON, PENCE, FLOORING BRADS AND SHINGLE NAILS. 60d . . . 50d . . . 30d and 40d 20d . . . 12d and 16d lOd . . . 8d and 9d 6d and 7d 4d and 5d 3d . . . 2d . . . 6 inch . . 5£ inch 4£ in. and 5 in 4 inch . . 3£ in. and 31 in 3 inch . . 2h in. and 2f in. 2 in. and 2^ in 1J in. and If in 1£ inch . . 1 inch . . Base. Base. Base. Base. 10.05 .10 .20 .30 .45 .70 BARBED CAR AND COMMON. 15c. per keg advance over common. CASING, SMOOTH BOX. 20d and 40d . . U in. and 5 in 30d 4 inch .' . 12d and 16d . . 3J in. and 3i in lOd 3 inch . . 8d and 9d . . 3i in. and 2} in 6d and 7d . . 2 in. and 2| in 5d If inch . . 4d li inch . . 3d ljinch . . 2d 1 inch . . (Barbed Box, 15c. additional.) SMOOTH FINISHING NAILS. JO. 15 .15 .15 .15 .25 .35 .50 .50 .70 1.00 2d . . . 3d . . . 4d . . . 5d . . . 6d and 7d 8d and 9d lOd . . . 12d and 16d 20d . . . 1 inch . . lj inch . . lj inch . . If inch . . 2 in. and 2| in 2* in. and 2f in 3 inch . . 3| in. and 3i in, 4 inch . . $1.15 .85 .65 .65 .45 .35 .25 .25 .25 Barbed Finishing Nails, 15c. additional.) FINE NAILS. 2d 1 inch . . 3d l^inch . . 4d li inch . . LINING NAILS, inch . . i inch 1 inch 11.00 .50 .50 11.20 1.00 .80 Size. Le ?S th of Nail. BARREL NAILS. f inch | inch 1 inch 1£ inch l| inch If inch li inch Add to the Stand- ard Base. $1.00 .85 .70 .60 .50 .40 .30 SLATING NAILS. 2d 1 inch . . 3d liinch . . . 4d l| inch . . . 5d If inch . . . 6d 2 inch . . . BARBED ROOFING NAILS. 2d 3d f inch § inch 1 inch li inch 4d l| inch 5d If inch 6d 2 inch 4d and 5d 6dand 7d 8d and 9d lOd . . . TOBACCO NAILS. H in. and If in. in. and 2^ in. in. and 2f in. inch . . . CLINCH NAILS. 2d . . . 3d . . . 4d and 5d 6dand 7d 8dand 9d lOd . . . 12d and lod 20d . . . 1 inch . . lj inch . . lj in. and If in, 2 in. and 2i in. 2i in. and 2f in 3 inch . . 3^ in. and 3f in, 4 inch . . All sizes WIRE SPIKES. . . 3 in. to 9 in. $0.80 .60 .40 .40 .30 $0.75 .65 .60 .55 .45 .45 .35 $0.30 .20 .10 .05 $1.05 .85 .65 .55 .45 .36 .35 .35 $0.10 NAIL PULLERS. Large or No. 2.— Weight 5 pounds, 3 doz. in a aaae. Small or No. 3.— Weight 3 pounds, 1 doz. in a case. 105 List, per doz., $18.00. List, per doz., 15.00. V Oz., 3 LINING NAILS. 6 8 10 12 14 ttttttT Fig. 366. SILVEE OR JAPANNED HEADS, 3 to 13 oz., full count (100) per paper, $0.08 " " " 14 to 24 " " " (100) " " .09 « « " " 3 to 12 " short " (75) " " .06 u u tt it 14 to 24 « [ ( ., ( 75 ) u « >07 Twenty papers in a package. Short count will be sent unless otherwise ordered. FINISHING NAILS. Inch, | J f | 1 1* 4 . If 2 ai Fig. 367 In half and one pound papers or in bulk. Inch, . iff | 1 14 l£ lft If % Per Pound, $0.39 $0.32 $0.27 $0.24 $0 23 $0.23 $0.23 $0.23 $0.23 $0-23 For \ pound papers, add 4 cents per pound to list. DOUBLE POINTED TACKS. Nos. Blued (100 count), Tinned (100 " ), 9 10 11 Twelve Papers in a Package. Fig. ! per dozen, $1.20 $1.35 In Bulk. 10 $1.30 $1.45 11 $1.40 $1.60 12 12 $1.60 $1.85 14 14 $1.85 $2.15 Nos. . Blued . Tinned 10 $0.42 $0.51 11 $0.41 $0.50 12 $0.40 $0.49 14 $0.39 $0.48 per pound, $0.46 $0.55 100 pounds each size in case. In 25.pound boxes, add 1 cent per pound to list : in 10-pound boSes add 3 cents. 106 CUT TACKS, OZ. 14 f F ? T Oz. 14 16 J One dozen papers in a package. SWEDES IRON CUT TACKS AND UPHOLSTERERS' TACKS. 10 T 24 Pig. 369. AMERICAN IRON CUT TACKS. Per Dozen Papers. Ounce, 1, 1£, 2, H, 3, 4, 6, 8. Half weight, $0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.80 2.20 Ounce, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24. Half weight, $3.60 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.20 4.60 5.00 5.40 J 3 er dozen papers. Ounce, . 1, ii 2, «k 3, 4, 6, 8, Full weight, $2.85 3.05 3.25 3.45 3.80 4.40 5.60 6.80 Half weight, 1.55 1.65 1.75 1.85 2.00 2.30 2.90 3.50 " " Tinned, 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 3.10 3.80 4.70 Ounce, . 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, Full weight, $8.00 9.20 10.40 11.60 12.80 14.00 15.40 16.80 Half weight, 4.10 4.70 5.30 5-90 6.50 7.10 7.80 8.50 Half " Tinned, 5.60 6.50 7-40 8-30 9-20 10.10 11.10 12.10 One dozen papers in a package. Ounce, MINERS' TACKS. 4, 6, 8, Same list as Swedes Tacks. 10, 12, ESTABLISHED LENGTHS OF TACKS. COPPER, AMERICAN AND SWEDES IRON TACKS. Ounce, 1, 11 2, 2£, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, Inch, f-r A i\ A A A A » tt « « tt 44 Tf H CIMP AND LACE TACKS. Ounce, 1, li, 2, 2£, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, Inch, AAAAAAAiSH « if if 107 18, 20, TS LARGE HEAD CARPET TACKS. Oz. 8 10 12 14 TTTTT Fig. 370. Swedes Iron Carpet Tacks, With Flat Heads. Per dozen papers. Ounce, ... 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Half weight, . . $2.30 2.90 3.50 4.10 4.70 5.30 5.90 " " Tin'd, 3.10 3.80 4.70 5.60 t 6.50 7.40 8.30 One dozen papers in a package. American Iron Carpet Tacks, With Flat Heads. Per dozen papers. Ounce, 4 6 8 10 ■ 12 Half weight, . . . $1.50 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.00 " " Tin'd, . 2.10 2.50 3.00 3.65 4.30 Quarter " " . .85 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 One dozen papers in a package. Steel Carpet Tacks, With Flat Heads. Per dozen papers. Ounce, 6 8 10 12 2 oz. papers, .... $1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 4 " " .... 2.20 2.20 2.i0 2.20 Tinned Steel Carpet Tacks, With Flat Heads. Per dozen papers. Ounce, 6 8 10 12 2 oz. papers, .... $1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 4 " " .... 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 One dozen papers in a package. Copper Tacks. Per dozen papers. Ounce, 1 li 2 2j 3 4 Full weight, .... $1.12 1.30 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 GIMP TACKS. LACE Oz., 2 2* 3 4 6 8 2 2J 3 Hffff TI 18 20 6.50 7.10 9.20 10.10 14 16 3.40 3.80 4.95 5.60 1.80 3.00 14 16 1.20 1.20 2.20 2.20 14 16 1.60 1.60 3.00 3.00 6 8 2.52 3.36 TACKS . 4 6 8 Fig. 371. Ounce, ... Half weight, . . Tin'd Ounce, .... Half weight, . " Tin'd Gimp and Lace Tacks. Per dozen papers. 1 $1.85 2.75 8 $4.10 5.05 1* 2.05 2.85 10 4.75 6.10 2 2.20 3.00 12 5.45 7.15 2.40 3 10 14 6.10 8.20 One dozen papers in a package, 108 3 2.55 3.35 16 6.90 9.30 Fig. 372. 4 2.85 3.65 18 7.70 10.50 6 3.45 4.35 20 8.50 11.70 SPRING COTTERS. Pig. 373. PRICE PER THOUSAND. All measurements are made under the eye. Wire Gauge 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 Diame'er. 3 "S3 Vt 1 "5 9 5T 5 3S 1 1 6T 3 Iff 1 3 iTI 12 1 5 T6 7 1 % J.cngth. S3. 75 4.-10 5.00 5.60 6.20 6.80 T.40 $4.25 4.00 5 50 6.10 6.70 7.30 7.00 $4.75 5.50 6.25 7.00 7.75 8.50 9.25 10.0,1 10.75 $5 00 5.80 6.60 • 7.40 8.20 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 $5.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 O.CO 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 $6.00 7.20 8.40 9.60 10.80 12.00 13.20 14.40 15.60 % $7.50 8. SO 10.10 11.40 13.70 14.00 15.30 16.80 18.30 19.80 $8-00 0.50 11.00 12. CO 14.01 15.ro 17.011 18,50 20. CO 22.50 1 $12.00 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.00 19.50 21. CO 23.50 25.00 $15.00 16.50 18.00 20. CO 22.00 24.00 26.25 28.00 30.00 32.00 34.00 36.50 39.00 S20.50 22.75 25.00 27.25 29.50 31.75 34.00 36.75 39.75 42.75 45.00 47.25 49.50 l« 1« $28.50 30.75 33.50 36.00 38.75 40.50 43.25 46.00 48.75 51.75 54.75 IX $39 00 43.50 47.25 51.00 54.75 58.50 62.25 66.00 69.75 73.50 88.50 2 S52.50 57.75 63.00 68.00 73.50 78.75 84. CO 89.25 94.50 115.50 136.00 ~H Wt 3 $112.50 118 50 3 ' 4 •3K 124. CO 33i 130.50 136.50 160.50 184 50 C CELLAR BOX PINS OR COTTERS. PRICE PER THOUSAND. DIAMETER. 3 8 7 i 8 3 4 'th 7 Inches . . . $ 65.00 $ 84.00 $108.00 $146.00 $263.00 8 75.00 99.00 125.00 169.00 293.00 1 9 85.00 114.00 142.00 192.00 323.00 10 " 95.00 129.00 159.00 215.00 353.00 ! 11 " 105.00 144.00 176.00 238.00 383.00 , 13 " 115.00 159 00 193.00 261.00 413.00 , 13 125.00 174.00 210.00 284.00 443.00 , 14 '■' 135.00 189 00 227.00 307.00 473.00 , 1.1 145.00 204.00 244.00 330.00 503.00 1 16 •' 155.00 219.00 261.00 353.00 533.00 , 17 " 165.00 234.00 278.00 376.00 533.00 ' 18 " 175.00 249.00 295.00 399 00 593.00 -I 'A' ^*&$jtr Fig. 374. RIVETED FLAT KEYS. Over forty iliffere' t sizes and patterns. Prices upon application. Always give measurements as per illustration and thick- ness of key required. 109 FLAT SPRING KEYS. Length H if Fig. 375. PRICE PER l,000. 2 2-1 % n H 3J Width I $14.00 $15.75 $17.50 $19.25 $21.00 $22-75 $24.50 $26.25 ft 3. 21.00 22.75 24.50 26.25 26.25 28.00 34 25 28.00 30.75 36 75 29.75 33.25 39.25 31.50 33.25 .... 36.00 38.50 $41.25 $43.75 42.00 44.75 47.25 50.00 CHAMOIS SKINS IN KIPS (30 PIECES). These Goods are Cut and Trimmed, Each Skin the Same Size. SIZES AND PRICES PER KIP. Fig. 376. . ROUGE OR POLISHING CHAMOIS. FOR POLISH1NC METAL AND PLATED WARE WITHOUT SCRATCHING. The best polisher known, always ready for use, put up iu oue dozen P acka S es - " 61. 8x10 . . . . " 62. 10x13 . . . . " 63. 12x14 . . . . " 64. 13x17 . . . " 65. 16x21 . . . " 66. 19x25 . • Per Do/.. $0 50 75 1 2c 1 75 3 00 4 50 6 00 No. 22 — 7x 9 . . $ 1 25 per Kip " 22^— 8x10 . . 1 65 tt 1*1 « 22|— 9x11 . . 1 90 Li " " 224— 10x13 . . 2 20 " 22f— 11x131 . . 2 60 tt f " 23 —12x14 . . 3 00 1 1 c " 23|— 12x16 • 4 00 i 1 I " 24 —13x16 - 4 50 T " 24i-13xl7 • 5 00 1 ' J " 24^— 14x18 ■ 6 00 ki J " 24J— 15x20 • 6 75 J '• 25 —16x21 • 7 50 - " 25^—17x23 . 8 75 i i " 26 —19x25 • 10 00 t " 26*— 20x26 • 12 50 i 6 P " 27 —23x26 . 15 00 i 6 4 " 27^— 2bx28 • 18 00 i i \ " 28 —28x32 • 22 50 tt ' " 29 —32x40 . . 30 00 b i " 30 —36x44 . . 40 00 i i 110 STEEL WIR1 CASTING BRUSH1S. Fig. 377. Fig. 378. Fig. 379. Per Doz. Per Doz. 4 rows 2 iuch wire $5.50 5 rows 3 inch tv i i e . . $ 7.50 4 " 2.V " " 6.00 5 ' 3A > " 8.00 4 " 3 " '• 6.50 5 ' 4 1 " 8.50 4 " 3A " " 7.00 5 ' U ■ '■ 9.00 4 " 4 " .( 7.50 5 ' 5 ■ " 9.50 4 " 4A " " 8.00 6 • Q O " 9.00 4 " 5 " " 8.50 6 ' 4 t < 10.50 5 " 2 . t " 6.50 6 • 5 ' " 12.00 5 " 2i mv 2i nch i •' 7.00 Per 1 vire doz., $3.00 2 " 2t " '■ " 4.00 a " 2i " < ■ " 5.00 4 " 2 A " " " 6.00 5 " 2i " 1 1 Fer rl 7.00 4.1 oz., | 7.0T 6 " " '• 9.00 8 it " (1 ong handles) . " 12.00 HARD FOUNDRY BRUSHES. With handle Without handle Per doz., $7.50 7.00 Fit;. 380. SOFT FOUNDRY BRUSHES. llilillillllililllllllUuir.il Fie. 381. No. . . • Iuch Block Per Dozen . . 35 55 45 65 75 . . 8 9 9 9 10-i . |7.25 8.00 8.50 9.60 12.80 Fin-. 382. FOUNDRY BENCH BRUSHES. No. 3x Per doz., $6.00 STANDARD RATTAN BROOMS. — ^><»tf< > « , " r f fwM I •'■ Fig. 383. 12 inch 4Pu ws Pei doz. $4.50 14 •• 4 ' '• •' 5.00 14 " 5 ■ '■ '• 5.50 14 " 6 c tt ■' 6.00 16 '■ 4 ' ... a " 5.50 16 " 5 t " * ; 6.00 16 " 6 < it t < 6.50 14 " 4 ' extra full, with wire staples " ' 5.50 16 " 4 i .i ii i " t 6.00 16 " 4 Boston style, round back it a 600 16 " 4 ' Corporation . tt a 8 50 I 2 inch Block, 4 rows . .4 " " 4 " . 6 ■• " 4 " STEEL BROOMS. Per doz., $12.00 12 inch Block, 6 rows . . Per doz., $14.00 « .. 14.00 14 " " 6 " . . " " 16.00 " " 16.00 16 '■ " 6 " . . " " 18.00 %F Wheu liandles are required, add 40 cents per dozen net — extra. Ill \ UPRICHT BROOMS. Split Rattan Railroad Brooms "A" Rattan ..... " AA" Rattan . . Upright Steel Broom, 10 inch, 4 Row 13 " 4 " XCorn Brooms, 26 pounds to dozei XX " " 30 " " " XXX " " 30 ". " " Ficr. 384. Whisk Brooms, per dozen Per Doz. $ 5 50 5 50 6 00 7 50 8 50 3 00 3 75 4 00 .fl 00 to $3 00 ALDEN UPRICHT RATTAN AND BASS BROOMS. Alden Rattan " Bass . Per Doz. $6 00 8 00 SWITCH BROOMS. Per Doz. Steel Wire, 12 inches $8 00 Alden Hickory Fibre 8 00 Switch, short and stubby, 32 pounds, sewed to 4 inches from end 5 50 COIR OR BASS BROOMS. Per Doz. Per Doz. 9 inch Pavement . $4 50 lfi inch 5 rows . $ 8 00 14 •' 6 8 00 14 " 4 " . . . 5 50 16 " (i " . . 12 00 16 " 4 " . . . 6 00 18 " 6 " . . 15 00 14 " 5 " . . . 6 00 2) " 6 18 00 Pig. 386. ■STWhen handles are required add 40c per dozen. Net — Extra. ROUND YACHT BROOM. Upright Round Bass ....... " " Rattan Per Doz. $8 00 7 00 Pig. 387. CLAMP SCRUB BRUSH. DECK SCRUB BRUSH. m Pig. 388. Bass, per doz. . $4 50 Tampico " . . 4 00 Bristle " . . 8 50 Handles included. COTTON MOPS. 8, 10, 12, li, 16 and 18 pounds to dozen Mops, per pound . . Car Mops are usually used 8 and 12 pounds Fig. 389. Bass, per doz. . $6 00 Handles included. With Fastenings, per dozen iOP STICKS. 112 $0 12 $1 50 SCRUB BRUSHES. One Piece. Solid Block. PACKED ONE DOZEN IN A BOX. Fig. 390. No. 31. Single end, 8 inch block, all white, No. 33. Single end, 10 inch block, all white, No. 20. Single end, all white, No. 47. Double end, all white, No. 53. Double end, all white, No. 2G. Double end, all white, No. 208. Double end, all white, No. 600. Double end, all gray, No. 29. Double end, gray, very stiff, TWO-PIECED, HAND MADE. No. 11G Extra gray bristle*, . No. 117. Extra gray bristles, . MCLAUGHLIN'S RAILROAD CAR-WASHER. Nos. 1 and 2 for Steam Boads, Nos. 3 and 4 for Electric Boads. No. 12 3 4 Per doz., $30.00 24.00 21.00 15.00 ROUND CAR WASHERS. Made of tha best quality of bristles, fastened with copper wire. The block is also surrounded by a i ubber band. No. 14 15 16 Per doz., $37 50 47.50 52.50 No. 112. Mixed gray stock, . Doz., $28,25 OBLONG CAR WASHER. Per cloz. $0.75 a .SO it 1.25 it .95 it 1.25 it 1.60 it 1.50 it 1.50 it 1.75 Per doz. $4 50 i t 5.00 flfifct ^^^v^7£'.v.~.: ; . £ "Z i:^ Fi»-. 3U2. Many of the Leading Railroads use these Car Washers. A I COPPER-FASTENED BLOCKS, WATERPROOF. No. 80. No. 95. Extra. No. 90. No. 100 All gray bristles, Black Horse Hair, Gray bristles cased with white, Black Horse Hair. . Black Horse Hair, . P°r doz, $J3.75 37 50 41.25 43.25 50.00 113 \ FLAT VARNISH BRUSHES. Fig. 393. QUALITY C. CEDAR HANDLES. A good brush, perfectly made, and suitable for all ordinary varnishing. Size Inches, 1 lj 2 %i 3 3| * Per dozen, $175 $2.80 $3.85 $5.25 $7.25 $12.50 $lb.75 FLAT VARNISH BRUSHES. QUALITY E-E. Chiseled edg >. D juble thick. SENSIBLE CEDAR HANDLES. Size Inches, Per Dozen, FLAT VARNISH 2 2£ 3 $8.40 $10.50 $14.00 BRUSHES. $19.00 4 $28.00 •rx--^ QUALITY PALACE. Made of fine French bristles, ex- tra heavy, chiseled edges. Brass ferrules. Doubled nailed. POLISHED HANDLES. Size Inches, Per Dozen, Fig. 395. 5.75 $8.40 $10.50 2* $14.75 3 $21.00 No. Per Doz. Fig. 6 5 4 3 1 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.60 10.50 12.00 OVAL PAINT OR VARNISH BRUSHES. QUALITY E-F. All white bristles. Pine qual- ity. Beaver tail handles. Nar- row ferrules. Wire bound. -0 14.00 10.7 OVAL 3-0 19.50 4-0 23.00 5 30.00 6 7-0 34.00 42.00 80 48.00 No. Per Dozen, VARNISH BRUSHES. QUALITY SABLE. CHISELED. Made of best black bristles, soft aud very elastic. Suitable for finest work. Large Sizes. NICKEL, FERRULES. 3 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-0 514 50 $18.00 $21.00 $27.00 $33.00 114 No. 6, 5, 4, Per Doz., $4.00 5.25 6.35 No. 2-0, 3-0, 4-0, Per Doz., $15.75 18.00 23.00 PAINT BRUSHES. Quality B. This we warrant a good brush, free from Tarupico, and a brand which we warrant to give perfect satisfaction. GOOD FOR SHIP USE. 3, 2, 8.00 9.75 5-0, 6-0, 26.50 33.00 PAINT BRUSHES. Quality E-E. Made from all fine white Russia Bristles. Suitable for railroads. IEE BOUND. 1, 0, 11.00 13.50 7-0, 8 0, 36.50 44.00 No. Per Doz., Fig-. 0, $17.00 399. 2-0, 21.00 WIRE BOUND. 3-0, 25.50 40, 30.00 5-0, 37.00 PAINT 6-0, 44 00 7-0, 50-00 8-0, 59.00 BRUSHES. Fig-. 400. No. Per Doz., •4-0, $37-00 No. Per Doz., Fig. 401. 1. ?, H.95 2.85 3, 3.50 4, 4.25 Quality D-X-X. Made from selected Russia stock, and war- ranted to give satisfaction to painters. twine or wire bound. 5-0, 6-0, 7 0, 43.00 52.00 58.00 SASH TOOLS.— Quality Gloss. The finest sash tool made. TWINE BOUND. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 5.00 6.15 6.75 8.40 9.50 11.75 WALL OR FLAT PAINT BRUSHES. Quality Russia. Made of pure foreign bristles, all wh te. Fig. 402. Size, Inches, H, 3, 3£, 4, ±h 5, 5$, Per Doz., $12.50 14.50 17.50 22.50 25.50 28.50 34.50 WALL OR FLAT PAINT BRUSHES. Quality Stucco. Made of pure white Russia br sties. LEATHER BOUND. Per Doz., Fig. 403. No. 0, 3 in. $21.00 No. 1, 3£-in. 25.00 115 No. 2, 4-in. 31.00 No. 3, 4i-in. 36.00 Size. 6 inch KALSOMINE BRUSHES QUALITY C-B. Made of all white stock. Per Doz. $23 00 ao oo QUALITY C-C. 35 00 Per Doz. $11 00 13 50 16 50 WHITEWASH HEADS. QUALITY B. Gray center, cased with fine white bristles Leather Bound. Fig. 405. No. 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 iTches. 5 5* 6i 7 ?i 8 8} 9 9* 10 30* Per Doz. $5.50 6.25 ?.00 S.00 9-U0 10.00 11.50 12-50 13.50 15.50 16 50 Fig. 406 No. 8 9" 9* WHITEWASH HEADS. QUALITY D-C. Made of gray mixed stock, extra long. Cased with pure gray biistles. Leather Bound. Width of Brush. Per Doz. 7 inch $15 00 1\ " 16.50 8 " 19.00 8J " ..... 21 50 9 " 24.00 WHITEWASH HEADS. QUALITY C-M. All white stock, cased with fine white bristles. "Will always be sent metal bound unless other- wise ordered. Width of Brush. . . 7 inch Per Doz. $27.00 33.00 40.00 Pig. 407. i!6 WHITEWASH BRUSHES. Quality Russia. Made of long stock, cased with un- bleached Russia bristles. Leather Bound. Size 6 inch, Size 7 Size 7Jr '•' Size 8 " Per doz., $13.00 " lb. 00 " 19.00 21.00 Quality B. Made of gray mixed stock, cased with white bristles. Leather Bound No. 6 Width, Inches, 5^ Per. doz., $9.00 7 6 10.50 8 11.50 9 7 12.50 10 71 1 2 11 8 15.00 12 8i 13 9 19.00 14 21.00 Size, Per doz., 14.00 15.00 17.00 ROOF BRUSHES. Quality B. 2 Enols. 3 Knots. 4 Knots. $16.80 22.50 31.00 Quality C. 2 Knots. 3 Knots. 4 Knots. 22.00 28.00 36.00 Quality Extra. 2 Knots. 3 Knots. 4 Knots. $33.00 44.00 5S.00 Nailed flat roof brushes always in stock. SHORT HANDLE TAR BRUSHES. Per dcz., $6.80 7.80 LONG HANDLE TAR BRUSHES. Per doz., $ 8.00 " 10.00 STENCIL BRUSHES. Quality G. Gray Bristles. No. 9 10 11 12 14 .70 4 00 4 60 5.25 8.40 F5g._4l3. 4. 5 6 7 8 U50 1 00 1.85 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.90 3.25 3. Pel d0Z "' $1 ' 5 — MARKING BRUSHES " BEST." Round or Flat. Fig 41S. No. 1 2 Per gross, $15.20 17.75 Assorted, 1 to 6, round or flat, Yellow Polished Handles. Nothing Better Made. q 4 5 ° 90 30 23.00 25.00 29.20 ~ J _ . . Per gross, $25.00 117 1 IJ " > PAINTERS' DUSTERS. No. 17. Long stock, wLi e outside. Per Dozen . . . . $11.00 No. 4. All bristles, gray m'd- dle, cased with unbleached. Fi "- 4I4 - Per Dozen . . . . $14 75 No. 55. All white bristles, per dozen 17 50 No. 0. Gray bristles, cased with white, per dozen .... 23 50 DUSTINC BRUSHES. Quality A. All bristles, gray middle, cased with white. Polished Block. No. . Per Dozen . Fig. 415. 1 .6.90 3 $7 25 .7o 4 $9-80 ^s x. Fi■ u z < a. S o o }- u ^•ll§Il FLOOR BROOMS. All our brooms are made on polished blocks, with threaded handles. Single or double hole blocks. Fig. 420. No. 22, 15 inch block Per Dozen, $52.50 No. 25, 12 " " heavy No. 26, 14 " No. 50. 14 " No. 60, 16 " No. 70,18 " " " " No. 300, 14 " " " for Janitors' use No. 260, 14 " .". " " All Bristles Double Hole Block . 58.75 70.00 56.25 82.50 91.25 58.75 80.00 m i//iW!Tf'fflT!^n^ Fisr. 421. m WIRE DRAWN FLOOR BROOMS. WIRE FASTENED. Size x 12 inch Gray middled cased with gray hair . x 14 '• " " ' ' " " " " .... x 16 " " " " .... No. 132. 12 " blocks, all black hair, polished double hole blocks No. 134, 14 " " " " No. 136, 16 " " " " " " '• " The following are all hair, black middle, white outside. Polished double hole blocks : No. 112, 12 inch blocks . Per Dozen, $23.75 Per Dozen, $15.00 17.50 20.00 17.50 21.50 '• " 25.0 No. 114, 14 No. 116, 16 30.00 33 75 OSTRICH FEATHER DUSTERS. BELL DUSTERS.- FULL CENTRE. The size number des •mates the length of feat iers in inches. -To. 5 . Per d oz. , $ 2,50 No. 13 . Per doz. $22.50 •' 6 " 3.75 ■'■ 14 . 27.00 •• 7 " " 5.00 " 15 . " " 28.00 " 8 " • " 6.25 " 16 . •• 30.00 •■ 9 it '■ 7.50 " 18 . " •■ 32.00 '■ 10 " " 11.00 '• 23 . " " 35.00 " 11 " " 14.00 "22 " " 37.00 ■' 12 tt " 18.00 " 24 . it " 40.00 CARRIAGE DUSTERS. Made very heavy for railroad cars and janitors' use. No. 1, 11 inch . . . . '.' . . . Per doz., $42.00 2, 13 3, 15 4, 17 5, 19 Size, inches Per Dozen TURKEY FEATHER DUSTERS. 10 11 12 13 14 15 $4.50 5.00 6.00 119 7.00 8.00 8.50 16 9.50 54.00 60.00 66.00 72.00 18 11.50 No. 115. " 72. " 736. <• 230. " 335. Army Pattern, round face, ' ; Honest" All Stump Bristles, All Stump Bristles, All Bronze Bristles, flat face, LEATHER-BACK HORSE BRUSHES. "We make any style, quali'y or quantity to order quick'y. Per Dozen, $4.25 " " 7.00 10.00 " " 17.00 24.00 DANDY BRUSHES. HORSES' HOOF, MANE OR TAIL BRUSHES. No. 401. Sea Boot, .... 443. Hindoo India Fibre, 929. Sea Boot, .... 757. Sea Boot, packed one brush in a box, 1515. Sea Boot, packed one brush in a box, " 5000. Sea Boot, Palmetto outside, one brush in a box, WADING PANTS AND LECCINS. With Boots. Rubber or Cork Soles. color— dead grass. Mackintosh Pants, with Bubber Soles. Weight, 6 lbs. 5 oz., per pair, . . $14.00 Mackintosh Pants, with Cork Soles. Weight, 6 lbs. 4 oz., per pair, . . $14 00 Mackintosh Leggins, with Bub- ber Soles. Weight, 3 lbs. 14 oz, per pair, . . $10.00 Mackintosh Leggins, with Cork Soles. Weight, 3 lbs. 12 oz., per pair, . . $10.00 Dull finish Wading Pants, Heavy Drill, coated on one side with Bubber, with Boots. Weight, 7 lbs., price, per pair, . . $9.50 120 Per Dozen, $2.25 3.20 3.50 5.00 5.75 6.75 Fig. 425. 3 P c 2 c 5 Fig. 436. THE JEWETT PATENT FILTER AND COOLER. FOR RAIN, RIVER, AND HYDRANT WATER. COMBINES WITH NEW FILTERING BED. First — A Separate Vessel containing the Filtering Medium. Second — An Outer Case, fitted to receive said vessel, with cover. Third— A. Porcelain Lined Cooler. K O HI > z «t a. > o o s» iu z x PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS. Fie. 427. No. Price, Each. Capacity Porcelain Cooler. Extreme Height DlAM. OF Base. Weight Boxed. 161 $6 25 4i qts. 25 in. 10 in. 50 lbs. 162 8.25 n " 29 " Hi " 65 " 163 10.00 ii '• 33 " 13 " 90 " 164 ]2 00 16 " 36 " 15 " 125 " 165 14.00 26 " 41 " 17 " 175 " 427. - Oak- Grained. PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS. Fie. 428. 171 172 173 174 175 Price, Each. $6.75 8.75 10.50 12.50 14.50 Capacity Porcelain Cooler 4i q*s. 7* " 11 " 16 " 26 " Extreme Height. 25 in. 29 " 33 " 36 " 41 " DlAM OF Base. 10 in. 11*" 13 15 17 Weight Boxed 50 lbs. 65 " 90 " 125 " 175 " Fig. 428.— Ornamental. Assorted Colors. 121 WATER COOLERS. Fig. 429. THE RUBY. Porcelain-Lined Reservoir, Charcoal Filled, Nickel Plated Self-Closing Faucet, No. 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 410 Nos. Assorted Colors and Decorations. Extreme Capacity. 2 gallons 3 4 5 6 7 Height. 20 inches 214- " 24 254- " 26£ " *8 301 a 32 Diameter of Base. Hi inches Hi " Price, Ea--h. $4.75 5.50 7.00 e.50 9.50 10.50 12.50 8 15.00 10 THE KUBY— OA.K GRA.INED. Same price and dimensions. 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 13J 15 151 16 161 171 140S EXTRA LARGE Weight, Boxed. 35 lbs. 40 " 50 " 70 " 80 " 85 " 9o " 110 •' 1410 PUBLIC SIZES FOR DEPOTS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND PLACES. Porcelain-Lined Reservoir, Nickel-Pitted Self-C osing Faucet, Charcoal Filled. NOTE. — These Large Coolers are Painted, Decorated or Lettered, as desired, without extra charge. Please give instructions on order. No. 12 14 16 20 Price, ,-, ., Extreme Each. Capacity. Heiglu _ $22.00 12 gallons 34 inches 26.00 14 " 36 " 32 00 16 " 38 " 40.00 20 " 40 " NOTE. — These Coolers, with Two Faucets, add to List $5.00, and state on order if Opposite or on Quarter. 122 Diameter Weight, of Base. Boxed. 19£ inches 130 lbs 20 " 150 " 2"0i " 240 " »ii " 270 " H X m\ a c » 2 m H O O s ■o > 2 < 2 m so WATER COOLERS. THE DAKOTA. Galvanized Iron Reservoir, Charcoal Filled, Nickel Plated Self-Closing Faucet, As- sorted Colors and Decorations. Price Capacity. Extreme Diameter No. Each. Height of Base. 702. $3.00 2 gallons l»i in. 10£ in. 703. 3.75 3 tt 21 in. 11 in. 704. 4.30 4 a 23 in. 12 in. 706. 5.16 6 tt 24£iu. 15 in. 708 6.25 8 a 2SJ in. 16i in. 710. 7.25 10 a 31J iii. 16f in. 712. S. 25 12 1 1 32| in. 18 in. OAKED CHAINED. Same Pi ice and Di uiensions No. 702. ■W eight Boxed, 20 lbs. No. 703. <• n ... 24 " No. 704. a n . . . 30 " No. 706. ( t a . . * 40 " 1 No. 708. a tt 50 " f No. 710. 1 1 a . . 65 " No. 712. a a , . . 70 " COOLER STAND AND DRAINER. Grained Mahogany or Oak, Cast Iron Top and Feet, Hard Maple Post; can be taken apart t ) pack. N1AHOCANY GRAINED. Diatni ler of Top Est' erne Price Inside Rim . Height. Shipping No. Each. Inches. Inches. Weight. o $3.50 m 27 65 lbs. 4 4.00 15 27 75 " 5.00 18 27 85 " I Oak Grained same Price and Dimensions. RED OAK STAND AND DRAINER. Square Cast-Iron or Oak Top, Finished Antique Oak, four legs. Price No. Size Top, Inside Rim. Each. 116 16 iuches square, $ 8.00 119 ISf " 9.00 122 22 10.50 Fie. 431. 123 No. 4. 9 in. di xni , 11 in. high insi 5. 9 a 13 a it 6. 12 it 10$ a it S. 10. 12 12 a '1 12 14 a a it n Fig. 432. INDURATED FIBRE ICE WATER JARS. Perfectly Plain Jar with Nickel Plated Self-closing Faucet. Per Dozen. $13.80 16.80 19 80 22.80 25-80 Nos. 4 and 5 are packed quarter dozen in crata. Nos. 6, 8 and 10 packed one-sixth dozen in crate. INDURATED FIBRE ICE WATER BUCKET. Perfectly Plain, with Self-closing Faicet. Per Dozen. It in. diam. at top, in. deep inside . . $9.00 11 " " 11 " " . . 12.00 12J " " 13 " " 15. 0U Packed one quarter dozen in a crate. Or nest d one each size in a crate. Per nest, $3. 00. INDURATED FIBRE PAILS. Per Crate Dozen. Coulams. Star, Standard Size . 12 quarts . $3.00 £ dozen Deck, Heavy Bail and Ears, 12 " . 3.60 £ " Kailroad . . . 14 " . 4.20 I " Factory . . . . li " . 4.20 I " Covers, for Star, Railroad or Round Bottom pails, $1 60doz Fig. 434,-Stap.. Pails, Stenciled "For Fire Only.". Per Doz. Star . .12 quarts $3.20 Railroad . 1-t " 4 20 Factory . ]4 " 4 20 Round Bottom 12 " 4.20 Defp . .10 " 4 80 Fig. 435.— Hound Bottom: Fike Pail. Fig. 436.— DekpFtrb Pail. To hang up. Rod baud painted around top of any above Fire Pails, add to 1st price 60 cents per dozen 124 GALVANIZED FIRE BUCKETS. Fig. 438. 1-iir. 440. No. Inches . Per Dozen No. 10 12 14 16 Quarts ... . 10 12 14 16 Per Dozen $4.50 $3.00 $3.50 $7.50 Painted Red, $1.00 per Dozen Net Extra. GALVANIZED ROUND BOTTOM FIRE BUCKETS. No 410 413 414 Quarts 10 12 14 Per Dozen $6.75 $7.25 $7.50 Painted Red, $1.00 per Dozen Net Extra. COVERS FOR GALVANIZED FIRE BUCKETS. No 10 12 14 16 Per Dozen. $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $3.00 Painted Red, 25c. per Dozen Net Extra. GALVANIZED PAILS. Heavy. With Iron-clad Bottom. JNo 210 212 214 216 220 Quarts 10 12 14 16 20 Per Dozen $5.50 $6.00 $6.25 $9.50 816.00 COVERS FOR GALVANIZED PAILS. No 210 212 214 216 220 Per Dozen $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $3.00 $4 00 GALVANIZED FAILS. Extra Heavy. Heavy Wrought Iron Ears. Bottom Reinforced with Band Iron Straps No 314 Qua-is 14 Per Dozen. $12.00 COVERS FOR EXTRA HEAVY CALVANIZED PAILS. No 314 Per Dozen $2.50 MORTAR OR CEMENT PAILS. Aqueduct Pattern. Galvanized. No 614 Quarts ............. 14 Per Dozen $26.' BLACK IRON. No G24 Quarts 14 Per Dozen $24.00 CALVANIZED DIPPERS. Wo 10 20 Quarts 1 2 Inches 54x2 J 64x22 Per Dozen . ' • I 1 - 38 * 1 ' 38 Case Lots, 1 Gross of a Size. 442. ENAMELED DRINKING CUPS. 8 3 10 11 12 ^ a3,is 4x1+ 4-LvOl 44v2t 54x2+ $2.75 $3.0J $3.50 $4.75 $4.50 Case Lots. 12 dozen of a size Fig. 443 125 No. 1. " 2. "»3. Nested No. 1. INDURATED FIBRE SPITTOONS ATT TTTPT? (T. J ' ALL FIBRE. 5A in. high, 13 in. diani. si •' ■-• 11'- " 41 " " y " one each size, Tops alone, . The cover per nest Per Crate Doz. Contains . $6.00 I doz. . 4.80 i " . 4.20 1 " , 1.25 2 nest . 2.00 2 doz. . 1.80 2 " . l.liO 2 " lifts off. BRASS CUSPIDORS. SELF RICHTINC CUSPIDORS. Patented. 1. Polished Brass, 6k in. diameter 1. Nickel Plated, 2. Polished Brass, 7h in 2. Nickel Plated, " 3. Polished Brass, Si in. diametei 3. Nickel Plated, " 4. Polished Brass, 1H in 4. Nickel Plated, " 4| in. deep, diameter, 5'i in. deep, a "i " Gi in. deep, Hotel Size; diameter, (if in, " Per. Dozen $8.00 9 00 10.50 12.00 18.00 20.00 24.00 27.00 No. 14. 14. 20. 20. DEEP PATTERN. Brass, SixS^in., . Nickel S^x 5^ in., . Brass, lHx(5 in., • Nickel, !Hx6 in., . EMBOSSED PATTERN. Per Dozen. $15.50 17.00 20.00 22.50 Fie. 446. RAILROAD CAR PATTERN. Fig. 447. No. 10. Brass. 7ix3in., 10. Nickel, 7ix 3 in., 12.' Brass, 8ix3in.. Nickel, Six Sin. , 12 Per Dozen. $9.00 10.00 12.00 13.50 Fig. 448. No. 15. 7 in. diameter, 4 in. deep. Per Doz. Nickel, $15.00 Brass, 13.50 126 ENAMELED HOTEL SPITTOONS. 20 . 9|x4 . $15.00 2 doz. No. Inches, Per doz., "Case Lot Fig. 450. ENAMELED No. Inches, Per doz., . " Case Lots,' CUSPIDORS. 2 3 . 7x4 8x4i . $8.00 $9.00 2 doz. of a size. H X PI, EC C 5) PI <\ o Fisr. 451. CORRUGATED CUSPIDOR OR PITCHER MAT. Per Dozen No. 1. 10 inches in diameter, . . . $5.00 No. 2. 12 " ... 7.00 No. 3. 15 " " ... 9.00 No. 4. 18 " ... 11.00 Tliese Mats can be made with heavy raised "border, at slight additional cost. DIAMOND MATS. £&f!/5^ ■£.£& t\!\: VS'^' A C }-Q : X l '' l/ ^ A V>ff 0>' A -O E-ts^s^ar^B. f^^^-"^^^' ^c^ : •CJ'i?^**'*■' r ~<^'55■C.^-'?<3''^•*~^'^;'°' : Pig. 452. WITH BOP.DEB. Fia;. 453. 'without border. RUBBER CORRUGATED STAIR TREADS. Fig. 454. old pattern. Fii;. OLD OR NEW PATTERN. 455. NEW PATTERN. Per doz. Fer doz. In. Size 1-8 in. .1-3-2 in. No. Size Inches. Thick. Thick. 1 iches. 1 4 x23 $3.35 $2.75 13 7 1 ,' x 42 o 4 x24 3. SO 3 00 14 7\ < x48 3 4 x ?9 5.50 4.70 15 S x 18 a* 5 x40 7.35 0.00 Hi 8 x 20 4 fi x 18 4 00 3 30 17 8 x22 5 fi x 20 4 40 3. B0 18 8 x24 6 fi x24 5.25 4.35 19 8 x 27 7 fi x48 10. ',0 8.50 20 8 x30 R 7 xl8 4 . HO 3.75 21 8 x 35 1 7 x24 fi 00 5.00 22 8 x36 10 7 x28 7 0) 5 85 23 8 x52 11 7 x 40 10 Oil 8.30 24 y xl8 12 t;s x :o 5 51 4.50 25 y s 23 $11.0:) 12.50 5.25 5.85 6.60 7-00 7.90 S 80 10.25 10.55 14.60 5.95 3-3-2 in. Thick. $ 9.10 10 40 4.35 4.80 5.50 COO 6.48 7.20 8 40 S.65 12.15 4.85 6.35 NEW PATTERN ONLY. So. Size Inches. Per doz. 1-' in. Thick. Per doz. 3-32 In. Thick. No. Size Inches. Per c 1-8 Thit 83 40 11 6 x22 9 X24 9 X31 $4 f5 7.90 11.20 $4.00 6.50 9 25 42 43 41 9 X 30 9 x27 7 x29 ?y. s. Size Inches. 26 2~ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 x28 x 32Ji x f5 x 36 x -10 x'S x54 x56 x24 10M x 56 It x 56 12 x 36 12 x 45 Pel doz. 1-8 in. Thick. $ 9.24 10.80 11.55 31. f5 12. iO 15.00 16.80 18.50 8.40 21.55 22.60 15.85 19.80 Per doz. 3-32 in. Thick. $ 7.55 8.85 9.45 9.75 10.40 12.50 14.00 15.10 7.00 17.65 18 50 13 00 16.20 nz. k. Per doz. 3-32 ill. Thick. No. Size Inches. Per doz. ■ 1-8 in. Thick. Per dnz 3-32 in. Thick. 10 90 $8.10 7.30 45 46 5 xl6 6 x20>£ $2.90 4 50 $2 40 3.75 15 6. 10 127 NEW PATTERN MATTINC. w Made in rolls about forty yards Ions. With border it is one yard wide. Without border three quarters yard wide. Cut Lo order any length. Price per lb., $0.40 3-33 inch thick, weighs 7A lbs. per sq. yard. 1-8 3-J6 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 1-2 9A 14A 19" 24 28* 33 38 Fig. 456 Fin. 457. Kg. 458. IM- PERFORATED MATS. Plain or Corrugated. .NO. 1, OR HEXA.GOX. Crescent Border. inch thick per sq. ft. $0.75 " " " 1.00 '• " " 1.25 Lettering, 25 cents per letter extra. Red or white letters 50 cents per letter extra. Small sizes carried in stock. Hats made to order of any size or shape. Monogram Mats Made to Order. Prices on Application. Sketch Submitted if Desired. CORRUGATED RUBBER MATS. New Pattern. & Inoh Thick. 3 4 5 6 5= 7 K 8 OS H 9 <* H 10 . < 11 E>0P4 P* O 13 hi 14 o 15 INCHES 15S 15 18x 18 17x 31 24 x 24 23x 36 24x 70 24x103 24x120 lOx 32 18x 36 38x 48 42x 96 42x 48 2lxlS6 36x 72 18x 54 36x 96 32x113 PER DOZ. $9.00 11.00 18.50 20.00 28.50 56 50 86.00 96.00 18. CO 21 .50 61.00 135.00 68.00 150.011 87.00 33.00 116.00 122.00 NO. INCHES 16 24 x 34 17 17 x 29 18 22>£x 36 19 24 x 48 20 25%x 54Ji 21 20 x 30 22 36 X156 2.3 24 x 72 24 36 x 77 25 19 x 36 26 16 x 30 2? 36 x 40 28 37 x 4I?i 29 28 x 42 30 31 x 42 31 36 x 42 32 24 x Oil 33 14,'ix 24 PER DOZ. $27.25 16.75 27.90 40.00 46.75 20.00 205.75 63.35 101.65 25.10 17.60 52.80 56.60 43.10 47.75 55.45 52.80 12.75 128 In stock or made Lo order at short notice. Any size Mats varying from the ones on the Price List can be made by special order, with a slight advance charge for the first dozen. Fig-. 460. F s. 461. Fil PI -< o Fii;. 477. REGULAR INSIDE IRON STRAPPED BLOCKS. SINGLE. Loose Hook and Becket. Fig. 478. DOUBLE. Loose Hook and Becket. Fig. 479. TRIPLE. Loose Hook and Becket. Fig. 4S0. SINGLE- Loose Hook. DOUBLE- — Loo=e Hook. TRIPLE— Loose Hook. F ig. 481. F g. 482. Fig. 483. DIMENSIONS. IRON BUSHED. I. 1RROVEE Net Extra Galvanized S' FOR Roller jius 'RAPS. S ze Sheave. Dia. Rope. Size Shell. Single Double Triple Single Double Triple Single Double Triple 15v Ivi 3. 3 in. $ 0.70 $ 1.30 § 1.75 $ 1.10 § 2.00 $ 2.90 $ 0.04 $ 0.06 #0.10 2 X hx- ^t 3i " .75 1.45 2.00 1.15 2.20 3.15 .04 .(16 .10 2J-V 5vi! 3 x Jx§ i 4 " .85 1.60 2.15 1.20 2.25 3.25 .05 .07 .11 ji 5 " .90 1.75 2.25 1.25 2.35 3.50 .015 .08 .12 3ixl xi- I 6 " 1.10 2.00 2.90 1.50 2.85 4.40 .10 .12 .15 4±xl xi j- 7 " 1.30 ' 2.40 3.50 1.70 3.35 5.00 .12 .15 .18 4JxUx& 1 8 " 1.65 2.85 4.25 2.25 4.15 6.00 .16 .21 .30 5£xl|xf 1 9 " 1.85 3.40 4.75 2.50 4.70 7.25 .22 .28 .38 6{xlixf 1* 10 " 2.75 4.50 6.25 3.50 6.00 8.50 .28 .38 .50 7±xl£x3 H 11 " 4.45 7.50 10.65 5.30 9.20 13.20 .35 .45 .60 8 xlfxj 9 xHxf H 12 " 4.45 7.50 10.65 5.30 9.20 13.20 .35 .45 .60 H 13 " 7.00 10.50 15.00 8.15 12.80 18.45 .55 .75 1.00 9ixlfxi If 14 '■ 7.00 10.50 15.00 8.15 12.80 18.45 .55 .75 1.00 10 xlfxj 14 15 " 8.00 13.00 18.00 9.25 15.50 21.75 .75 .95 1.25 11 xlj*xj 14 1 1 16 " 10.00 15.00 22.00 11.50 18.00 26.50 .85 1.20 1.50 133 1 REGULAR INSIDE IRON STRAPPED BLOCKS. HARCOUBT S PATENT. SINGLE. Loose Hook and Becket. Fig. 434. DOUBLE. Loose Hook and Becket. Fig. 485. TRIPLE. Loose Hook and Becket. Fie. 486. SINGLE. -Loose Hook DOUBLE - Loose Hook. Tl JPLE. - J.oosellook. Fig. 487. Fig. 488. Fig. 489. DIMENSIONS. PHOSPHOR BRONZE OR METALINE BOSHED SELF-LUBRICATING. NET EXTRA FOR GALVANIZED STRAPS. Size Sheaves. For Dia Rope. Size Shell. Single. Double. Triple. Single. Double. Triple. 2+x |x| 3 x *xf l I 4 incl 5 les. $1.50 1.78 $2.90 3.35 $4.15 4.75 $0.05 .06 $0.07 .08 $0.11 .12 3Axl x| ii 6 2.20 4.00 5. SO .10 .12 .15 4jxl xj 7. 7 2.50 4.50 6.70 .12 .15 .18 4*xUx* 1 8 3.25 5.70 8.50 .16 .21 .30 5Jxl^xi 1 9 3.70 6.75 10.00 .22 .28 .38 Gixli.xf 1* 10 4.75 8.50 12.50 .28 .38 .50 7|xHx| 8 xlfxf 9 xHxf 1* 11 6.75 12.50 18.50 .35 .45 .60 1* 12 6.75 12.50 18.50 .35 .45 .60 n 13 9.75 17.00 25.00 .55 .75 1.00 9ixlfxJ if 14 9.75 17.00 25.00 .55 .75 1.00 10 xlfxf ■ U 15 11.00 19.50 28.50 .75 .95 1.25 We recommend the Self-Lubricating Bushed Blocks for rap d and heavy work. They work smoothly, with little wear or friction, and in points of easy running aud durability soon pay for their increased cost. 134 TACKLE BLOCKS. Haroourt's Patent. WITH LOOSE SWIVEL HOOKS, SINGLE. Fie. 490. TRIPLE. Fie. 492. WITH LOOSE SWIVEL HOOKS AND BECKETS. SINGLE. riff. 493. DOUBLE. Fi^. 494. TRIPLE. Fie,-. 495. For Block, with Loose Swivel Hooks, add to lists on pages 133 and 134 as follow 1 Size Hook . For Block, Single For Block, Double For B'.ock, Triple 3. i 6 5 9 8 7 li 10 9 8 12 10 9 13 12 10 14 13 12 If 2 Inch. 15 16 " 14 15 " 13 14 " Add riLt :io.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.20 175 2.50 3.00 3. 50 Each. 135 STEEL TACKLE BLOCKS. WITH LOOSE HOOKS. SINGLE. F.ff. 496. DOUBLE. Fiff. 497. TRIPLE. F ■ u z > z ;< ID. IS o III z K 13 BURR. Fig. 523. Fig. 524. Fie;. 525. For Phosphor Net Extra for SIZE SHEAVE. Lia. Size Shell. Iron Bushed. Improved Bronze or Galvanized Rope. Roller Bushed. Motaline Bushed. Straps. 3 xl£x A 7. 6 iuclies $ 4.00 $ 4.65 $ 5.25 $ 0.20 3Jx1{x 4 7 7 " 4.75 5.50 6.00 25 44xlfx | 5" x if x I 1 8 " 5.75 6.60 7.25 35 !! 9 " 6.75 7.75 8.50 40 6§x2£x § 8 x2{x | 10 " 8.50 10.00 11.00 65 14 12 " 10 00 11.50 13.00 90 if 14 " 13.00 15.00 16.50 1.20 9 x 2f x 1 2 16 " 17.00 20.00 22.00 10 x 3 x 1 01 18 " 25.00 28.50 31.00 11 x 3:1x1} 24 20 " 38.00 43.00 46.00 llf x U x 14 12$ x 44 x 14 3 22 " 55.00 03.00 68.00 34 24 " 70.00 78.H0 86.00 DROP LINK. STEEL SHELL SNATCH BLOCKS. BURR. SIZE SHEAVE. For Bia. Rop a . Size Shell. Iron Bushed. Phosphor Bvod ze or Metaline lushed. 3 xljx 4 7 8 6 inches $ 4.75 $ 5.50 34 x 1} x 4 7 S 7 " 5.25 50 4\xlfx f 1 8 " 6.35 7.G5 5 xl|x f 1* 9 " 7.50 9.00 Sfxljx J H 10 " 9.00 10.50 6fx2£x f 14 12 " 11.00 13 00 8 x2|x | 1? 14 " 14.00 16.25 •9 x 2f x 1 2 10 " 19.00 21.75 10 x 3 x 1 2J- 18 " 25.00 28.00 11 x 34 x 1} 24 20 " 36.00 39.50 llf x 4} x 14 3 22 " 52.00 60.50 124. x4» x 14 3* 24 ' ' 72.C0 S5.00 Fig. 526. 143 Fig. 527. ^ WROUCHT IRON CIN BLOCKS FOR WIRE ROPE. PHOSPHOR BRONZE, SELF-LUBRICATINC BUSHED. STIFF SWIVEL HOOKS. SINGLE Fig. 528. Size Sheave. 10 iu diameter 12 " (( 14 " a 1G " it 20 DOUBLE. Fur. 529. For Rope. ■§ in. diameter. 1 Description. < Sin ale ( Double Single Double \ Single ( Double t Single 1 Double j Single ( Double ( Single 1 Double Price, Each. $11.00 18.00 12.50 20.00 15.00 23.00 18.00 27.00 23.00 32.00 28.00 38.00 Fig. 530. WROUGHT IRON CIN BLOCKS FOR MANILA ROPE. Diameter of Sheave .6 7 8 9 10 11 For Rope, Diameter .11 1 1 1 1 Price, Iron Bush, each $3.15 $3.50 $3.85 $4.20 $4.55 $5.25 " Rol. Bush, each 4.00 4.40 4 70 5.40 5.75 6.55 " Self-Lubricating, 4.75 5.15 5.50 6.20 6.55 7.35 Diameter of Sheave . 12 14 16 18 20 22 For Rope, Diameter .1 1£ 1J H H U Price, Iron Bush, each $5.80 $6.30 $8.40 $9.80 $11.90 $13.30 " Rol. Bush, each 7.10 7.60 9.70 11.10 13.00 14.40 " Self-Lubricating 7.90 8.50 ' 10.70 12.10 14.00 15.50 144 I € C c s 1 a HOISTING CRABS OR WINCHES. SINCLE PURCHASE. Fis?. 531. No. To lift with aid of 2 and 3 Sheave Blocks. Lift Direct on Barrel. S'ze of Barrel. Approximate Weight. Price with Lever Brake. Price with Screw Brake. 1 2 3 4 2 tons. 3 " 4 " 5 " 8 cwt. 12 " 16 " 20 " 12x4^ in. 14x4£ " J6x4i " 18x4i " 244 lbs. 274 " 342 " 392 " $29.00 31.00 36.00 42.00 $32 50 34.50 39 50 45 50 DOUBLE PURCHASE. Fig. 532. . =. s : : _„ ■ ; JM*=— - No. To Lift with 2 and 3 Sheave Blocks. L ft Direct on Barrel. Size of Barrel. Approximate Weight. Price Price with with Lever j Screw Brake. Brake. 12 13 15 17 6 tons. 10 " 15 " 20 " 24 cwt. 40 " 60 " 80 " 19x5 io. 21x6 " 26x7 " 30x7 " 572 lbs. 760 " 1100 '•' 1600 " $61.00 77.00 109.00 189.00 $66.00 87.00 119.00 199 00 145 SURE-CRIP STEEL TACKLE BLOCK. WILL HOLD LOAD AT ANY POINT WITHOUT FASTENING THE ROPE. Fig. 533. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REEVINC. Enter rope at A, pass wedge, and follow arrows as shown in cut. It will be noticed the two center ropes coming in contact with wedge always travel in same direction at same time. Take twist out of rope. No. 3. To be used with 3-8 inch rope. No. 4. To be used with 1-2 inch rope. Ko. 5. To be used with 5-8 inch rope. No. G. To be used with 3-4 inch rope. No. 4i. To be used with 1-2 inch rope. No. 5h- To be used with 5-8 inch rope. No. 6i. To be used with 3-4 inch rope. One man can lift 300 lbs. One man can lift 350 lbs. One man can lift 400 lbs. One man can lift 450 lbs. One man can lift 600 lbs. One man can lift 700 lbs. One man can lift 850 lbs. Can supply Overhead Track ; also Trolleys and Hangers for same. Prices Above Inolude Lower Block. 146 Capacity, 600 lbs. $ 3.00 Capacity, 1000 lbs. 5.50 Capacity, 1800 lbs. 7.00 Capacity, 2500 lbs. 8.50 Capacity, 3000 lbs. 10.00 Capacity, 3503 lbs. 12.00 Capacity, 5000 lbs. 14.00 ■4 X m p c 2! m H O © 1 > Z ■< © THE YALE WESTON TRIPLEX BLOCKS. SPUR GEARED. JOS © III >» HZ 'o. o jo I*- 111 Fig. 534. Pig. 535. These have an actual efficiency of 80 per cent., far exceeding that of an}' other block on the market. This means that only 20 per cent, of the operator's labor is wasted in overcoming friction, showing that this type of block has twice the efficiency of blocks of the Screw-Gear type and triple the efficiency of those of the Differential type. This can be seen by comparing the chain pulls as given in the tables herewith. 3 to LI X h Capacity in Tons. Price Complete *Hoist in Feet. Extra Hoist Price per Foot. Minimum Distance between Hooks. Net Weight, in Lbs. JChain Pull. Lbs. TRIPLEX-FIC. 534. 1 $35.00 8 $0.90 15 in. 51 62 21 1 45.00 8 .95 17 " 89 82 31 n 60.00 8 1.00 19* " 133 110 35 2 70.00 9 1.05 24 " 203 120 42 TRIPLEX- FIC. 535. 3 90.00 10 1.50 32 in. 206 114 69 4 110.' 10 1.60 37 " 307 124 84 5 140.00 12 2.15 45 " 397 110 126 6 165.00 12 2.15 46 " 417 130 126 8 200.00 12 2.70 51 " 505 135 168 10 240.00 12 3.25 57 " 622 140 210 12 300.00 12 4.30 57 " 800 260 126 16 360 00 12 5.40 61 " 1,000 270 168 20 425 00 12 6.50 77 " 1,150 280 210 * X See Page 148. 147 V THE IMPROVED HARRINGTON HOIST. Weight of Extra T.ift Machine Lift To Raise Price per ft. 35 lbs. 8 ft. 500 lbs. $32.50 $1.C0 53 '! 8 ( i 1,000 25.00 1.20 65 " g " 3,000 30.00 1.50 76 " 8 a 3,000 40.00 1.75 140 •' 9 " 4,000 50.00 2.00 336 • ' 10 . i 6,000 75.00 2.20 358 " 10 1 1 8,000 95.00 2.40 625 " 13 " 10,000 140.00 3.00 750 " 13 if 12,000 180.00 3.75 875 " 13 " 16,000 210.00 4.00 935 " 13 " 20,000 " 275.00 4.25 SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN HOOKS OF 500-lbs. Hoist is 144 inches ■ 6,000-lb. Hoist is 28 inches 1,000 " ft 16 " 8,000 " 31 " 3,000 " tt 17 " 10,000 " 39 it 3,000 " tt 30 " 12,000 " 39 it 4,000 " it 23 i< 16,000 " 20,000 " " 40 61 a tt THE YALE DUPLEX BLOCKS SCREW GEARED. PATENTED. Pie. 536. Capacity Price Complete . *Hoist in Feet. Extra Hoist Price per Foot. Minim urn Distance be- tween Hooks Net Weight iu lbs. 43 X Chain Pull. in Tons. Lbs. Feel. l $25.00 8 $1.25 13 in. 68 ■ 40 1 30.00 8 1.30 16 " 57 87 59 11 40.00 8 1.35 19 " 76 94 80 2 50.00 9 1.40 31 " 104 115 93 3 70.00 10 1.50 25 " 200 132 126 31 80.00 10 1.90 26 " 210 140 138 4 95.00 10 1.95 29 " 225 142 155 5 125.00 12 2.00 31 " 340 145 195 6 150.00 12 2.80 33 " 360 145 252 7 175.00 12 3.00 34 " 370 160 275 8 200.00 12 3.10 36 " 390 160 310 10 250.00 12 3.20 45 " 570 160 390 m * Figures denote height in feet which, blocks, with regular lengths of chain, will hoist from level on which operator stands. X Figures denote tho pull in pounds required to lift the full load, and the number of feet of hand chain which must be handled to lift the load one foot. Fig. 537. The improved chain guides permit the use of the block in a horizontal or inclined position. The gearing, composed of a worm-wheel and- screw, is enclosed in an oil- tight housing, and the working parts are thus always immersed in oil, insuring smooth action and thorough lubrication. 148 PI 3 ■< o SPEIDEL'5 IMPROVED ECONOMIC SAFETY HOIST. Fisc. 538. Hoist showing Lower Block in Position for Regular or Slow Speed. Fig. 539. Hoist showing Lower Block in Position for the Fast Speed PRICES, LIFTINC CAPACITY, WEICHT AND HEIGHT OF LIFT. Safe "Working Price, Complete Regular Height. Weight, Complete Price for Each Ft Shortest Dis- Capacity in Lbs. with Chain , of Lift. witn Chain of Ex*ra Lift, in- tance between for Regular Lift. for Kegular Lift. cluding 4 Chains. InsideofHooks. 1,000 125.00 8 ft. 47 lbs. $0.90 16 in. 2,000 30.00 8 " 58 " 1.00 19 - 3,000 40.00 8 " 78 " 1.20 2H " 4,000 55.00 9 '• 110 " 1.30 24 " 6,000 75.00 10 " 160 " 1.50 2 ft. 4 '■ 8,000 95.00 10 " 210 " 1.65 2 '• 8 " 10,000 120.00 13 " 285 " 1.90 3 " " 12,000 140.00 12 " 300 " 2.20 3 " " 16,000 175.00 12 " 400 " 2.50 3 '• 5 " 20,000 225.00 12 " 600 " 2.60 4 '• U " 30,000 300.00 12 " 775 " • 3.50 4 •' 4 " The novel feature of the lower block is the simple and ingenious method of securing two speeds, which is of great value where variable loads have to be lifted. Fig. 538 of above cuts shows the lower block in position for the regular or slow speed, while in Fig. 539 the pawl is locking the hoisting chain to the sheave, thus lifting the load only on one chain This device is selMisengagiug when the load has been hoisted at the fast speed and is lowered below the point from which it has been raised. 149 !i WESTON'S DIFFERENTIAL PULLEY BLOCKS. M Capacity Price *Hoist in tExtra Hoist Mia. Distance Between Net Weight {Chain Pull. in Tons. plete. Feet. Price per iu Lbs. Foot. Hooks. Pounds. Feet. i. $18.00 5 $2.80 16 iu. 11 35 15 i 18.00 6 2.80 17 " 22 72 18 j. 21.00 7 2.80 21 " 30 122 24 1 28.00 8 3.00 26 " 51 216 30 H 36.00 8i 3.20 32 " 81 246 36 2 45.00 9 3.40 39 " 122 308 42 3 60.00 n 4.00 44 " 180 557 3S * Figures denote height in feet which blocks, with regular leugths of chain, will hoist above level on which operator stands. t Each additional foot of hoist requires 4 feet of additional chain. {Figures denote the pull in pouuds required to lift the full load, and the num- ber of feet of chain which must be handled to lift the load one foot. PRICES OF PARTS. Regular Sheaves. Yokes and Hooks. P us. Chains Capacity Complete. iu Tons. Top. Bottom. Top. Bottom. Top. Bottom. Each. l $3.60 $0.90 $3.00 $2.25 $0.40 $0.30 $10.50 i 4.80 1.30 3.75 3.00 .50 .40 12.50 1 6.00 1.50 4.50 3.75 .50 .40 17.00 11 8.40 1.90 5.50 4.50 .60 .50 21.5) 2 12.00 2.25 7.50 5.50 .60 .50 27.00 3 15.60 3.75 11.00 8.00 .70 .60 36.00 HAND TRAVELING CRANE, WITH SINCLE "I" BEAM. 540. Fig. 541. Cut shows Crane with geared bridge and Trolley. The bridge is made of a single " I " beam with trolley running on its lower flange. All motions are effected by endless hand chains from the floor and are as follows : Hoisting anil lowering, two speeds ; bridge travel, one speed; trolley travel, one speed. Bridge and trolley wheels are turned in the grooves, have anti-friction roller bearings, and work very freely without a jar. These cranes are built strong and durable and cause no vibration. Light cranes of the single " I" beam style are made without gearing, the bridge and trolley being moved by pushing the load ; this latter type is the kind of cranes used in ice factories. For traveling cranes state maximum load, distance from floor to top of rails and from top of rail to ceiling or roof truss, also distance from centre to centre of rails and distance between walls or posts. Special Prices According to Requirements. 150 OVERHEAD TROLLEYS SINGLE TRAOK, FLAT IRON KAIL, Wrought Iron Hanger and Plain Trolley. The rail and hangers are made of wrought iron, and are to be bolted directly to the ceiling or overhead tim- bers. Trolleys have large and Fig. 542— Braced Hanger, well fitted s'eel pins, and the wheels are large and running on anti-friction rollers, re- ducing friction to a minimum. Where obstructions are in the way, the braced hangers (shown to the right), can be made deep enough to clear shaft- Short Hangers. in g, pipes, belts, etc. PRICE, CAPACITY AND LENGTHS BETWEEN HANCERS. Capacity in Largest Distance Price of Rail Price o 6 Price of Price of Price of Switch Pounds. C to C Hangers. Per Ft g-er, Each Trolley. Each Curve. Lift of Hoist. 500 8 ft. ins $0.30 $0.90 $ 9.75 $0.75 $27.75 1,000 G " " .40 1.00 10.50 .85 28.50 1,500 G " " .50 1.15 11.25 1.10 29.25 2,000 6 " 6 " .65 1.40 12.00 1.50 30.00 3,000 5 " " • 75 1.70 13.50 1.50 31.50 4,000 5 " 6 " .90 2.00 15.00 1.85 33.75 5,000 5 " " 1.00 2.20 16.50 2.00 34.25 6,000 5 " " 1.10 2.40 18.00 2.25 35.00 IMPROVED OVERHEAD TRAMWAY SWITCH. To be used in Connection with Either Style of Track. Fig. 543.— End View. Fig. 543. — Side View. 151 \ SPEIDEL'S IMPROVED OVERHEAD TRAMWAY TURN TABLE. SPECIAL PRICES QUOTED. OVERHEAD TRAMWAYS. Single Track with Plain Traveler and Overhead Tramway with Channel Beam Rail. This style of tramway can be bolted directly to the celling, and is a very convenient form for warehouses, mills, factories, etc. The trolleys have large and well- iiU' d steel pins, and the wheels run on anti-friction rollers, reducing friction lo a minimum. Prices, Capacity and Lengths for Channel Beam Rails, as Given Below. Pig. 545. Side View. Fie. 545. End View. Capacity in Pounds. Largest Distauce between Hanger Bolts. Price per Foot. Price Trolley. Price of Each Curve. Price of Switch. for Regular Lift of Hoist. 500 6 ft. 10.30 $8.50 $2.50 $26.25 1,000 5 " 0.35 9.00 2.75 27.00 1 500 6 " 0.40 10,00 3.25 27.75 2,000 5 " 0.45 11.00 3.50 28.50 3,000 6 " 0.50 12.75 3.75 29.25 4,000 5 " 0.55 13.50 4.00 30.00 5,000 6 " 0.65 16.50 4.50 31.50 6,000 5 " 0.75 18.00 5.00 33.00 152 OVERHEAD TRAMWAYS. SINCLE OVERHEAD TRACK TRAMWAY WITH CEARED TRAVELER AND "I" BEAM RAIL. Fig. 546 — Plain Traveler. Fig. 547 — Geared Traveler. The tramways can be bolted directly to the ceiling or supported on trussels, and are well adapted for foundries, machine shops, warehouses, stone yards, ship yards, etc. These types are made with either plain or geared trolley ; for loads upward of two or three tons it is best to use the geared trolleys, and where load-i have to be moved carefully and without jerking, as iu foundries in handling moulds, etc., the geared trolley is a necessity. The geared trolley is moved and operated by an endless hand chain from the floor. In writing for prices, give maximum load to be carried and distance from centre to centre of supports, if such are given, and the distance from floor to ceiling or overhead limbers. PRICES AND CAPACITIES. Plain Teavelee. capacity in PRICE op POUNDS. TEAVELEE. 500 |12.75 1,000 13.50 1.500 14.25 2,000 16.00 3,000 18.00 4,000 20.25 5 000 24.00 6,000 33.75 8,000 36.00 10,000 37.50 Geared Teavelee. capacity in pounds. 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 PRICE of TEAVELEE. J 57.50 60.00 62.50 67.50 75.00 87.00 93.75 112.50 120.00 Prices for switches same as for Channel and " I " Beam rails. Prices of geared travelers apply to length of chain suitable for hoists with regular height of lift. For extra height add 40c. for each foot of additional lift. When ordering or writing for prices of overhead tramways, please state which style of track is desired and give maximum load to be handled ; where long hangers are required give the distance between overhead timbers and trolley wheels, clearing all obstructions; state length of track required, whether straight or curved, in the latter case showing on a plain sketchlo. cation of the curves, etc, 153 V "CUM-OLEO." (trade mark.) A Wire Rope Lubricant and Preservative. FOR ELEVATOR USE. Is a Neutral Product. It Prevents and Destroys Rust. Keeps the Ropes Always Pliable. Prevents Strand Friction. Reduces Drum and Sheave Friction. Prolongs the Life of Rope. Odorless. DIRECTIONS FOR USINC " CUM-OLEO." 1. Apply with a Brush. 2. Do not use in excess and let a reasonable time elapse between applications. 3. In a short time the rope will be filled internally and coated externally, thereby preventing strand aud dram friction. 4. Aftfr the rope is coated, keep the coating fresh by an occasional application. 5. KEEP YOUR DRUMS CLEAN! If the coating adheres to the drum, it indi- cates an excessive use of the material. Sold in One Gallon Cans only, . . . . Per Gallon, $2.00 BURNET IMPROVED CABLE COATING. For the protection and preservation of Wire Ropes and Cables under any condition of use or idleness on Traction Roads, Tramways, Power Transmission, Mine Haulage and Hoists, Standing Rigging, Etc. Burnet Cable Coating if properly applied will render perfect service at a merely nominal expense. 1. It is a neutral product, free of grit or extraneous matter of any kind. 2. It is uniform in quality and consistency, and requires no manipulation or ad- dition of other oils. 3. It prevents rust and destroys and eliminates rust already formed. 4. It fills the rope internally, and coats it completely externally, preventing strand friction and decreasing drum and sheave friction. 5. Its use prolongs the life of the rope. DIRECTIONS FOR USINC ON WIRE CABLE. 1. Feed in a small stream about the size of a broom straw on the outgoing cable, using any simple device as a spre'ader to make it cover evenly, and to prevent over feeding. Continue this operation for one or two turns at a -time. 2. On a vertical rope apply with a brush, or waste. jj 3. Used in this way the cable fills slowly but surely, and will present a smooth ? surface. 4. After outside coat is formed, use only sufficient quantity to keep it smooth and moist ; special care must be taken not to use it in excess. 5. "When the cable is wet do not apply the coating. 6. Drums and Sheaves must be kept perfectly clean at all times. 7. Any signs of "Gumming, Fluffing or Peeling off" of coating, indicates one or more of the following conditions : FIRST.— That too much material is bsing used. SECOND.— That the cable was wet when applied. THIRD.— That the Sheaves are not clean. Sold in Barrel Lots only, ..... Per Gallon, $0.30 154 APPROXIMATE WEICHT, STRENCTH AND LENGTH OF ROPE Strength of Manila Rope, Tarred Size in Ci rcu nif e ren c e . Size in Diameter. Weight of 1000 feet. Weight per fathom lbs. Si>al Rope about 25 percent less Number of feet in one pouud. Hemp Eope, Weight of 1000 feet. Weight per fathom. Feet inches f i 30 - . . . 300 75 1 A 35 .... 540 60 a 4t i 45 780 40 54 1 A 55 1000 30 69 H t 65 .... 12&0 23 73 li A 75 .... 1560 16 8 86 i* j 85 1 2250 12 9 98 $ o f 9 TB' 110 3 3060 9 8 135 3 I 2 1 140 4 4000 7 6 162 ~5 1 : 21 4 170 1 S 5000 6 214 li > n H 200 li 6250 5 263 4 1 » 2f | 240 If 7500 4 3 290 ITT If 3 1 275 1! 9000 3 8 347 4 2 lA 325 2 10500 3 2 400 21 O 1 ■ *k 3{ 1* 360 21 12250 2 10 455 2| iA 4L0 21 14000 2 5 526 3 4 ii 460 3 16000 2 3 620 H 4i if 510 31 18000 2 719 3f 41 iA 585 si 20250 1 8 781 * ! 4f i* 640 4i 22500 1 7 870 5 J 5 i| 720 ±1 25000 1 5 932 51 L H if 835 5f 30250 1 3 1190 61 S 6 ]| 1050 bf 36000 HI 1400 8 ' 7 2 1150 71 39000 iof 1525 81 91 *8 1250 8 42250 9| 1688 9 2} 1425 H 49000 8^ 1906 10 7 i 2i 1700 io§ 56250 71 2188 121 8 I 8i 2 A. 2000 12i 64000 51 2562 14 oa 2300 13-i 72250 5 2875 16 2 9 n 2650 16 81000 41 3312 20 B 91 3 3000 17f 90250 4 3625 22 3 10 3A 3400 20 100000 31 4187 24 a n 31 4000 241 118000 Q-9 5094 28 12 •.a 3 4700 284 135000 21 5938 35 1 13 5650 34 156000 21 7060 41 C 14 4i 6500 391 211000 If 8190 48 15 5j* 7500 45} 230000 1A 9438 56 Weights of Rope are liable to vary, either way. The Working Strain is about one-third of the Breaking Strain. Basis is price for fy inch diameter (1J^ inch circumference) and upwards. THE FOLLOWING ARE EXTRA ABOVE BASIS. 12 Thread or | inch diameter i cent, per pound. 6 and 9 thread, j and T % inch diameter 1 . " " •' (i Thread or T " F inch diameter 1& " ' " 6 " " | «■ " 2" " " Bolt rope (Manila) H " " " TRANSMISSION ROPE. Standard sizes 1 1| 1£ If H If 3 HOISTING ROPE. Standard sizes 1 H H If 4 If H Transmission ami Hoisting Rope is made from the best selected Cebu Manila Hemp, especially prepared for the transmission of Power and Hoi ting purposes, the former, for transmission of Power, to run at high speed, the latter, for hoisting purposes of every description, coal falls, derrick and quarry rope, pile driving, etc. PBICES ON APPLICATION. 155 STANDARD HOISTING ROPE. Composed of G Strands aud a Hemp Centre. Nineteen Wires to the Strand. Fig. 548. SWEDISH IRON. Ap. breaking Allowable Trade Price in cts Diameter in Ap. circum- Weight per strain in work strain Min. size of Number per foot. inches. ference in foot in lbs. tons of in tons of drum or inches. 2,000 lbs. 2,000 lbs. sheave in ft. 170 2 a 9 8 11.95 114 22.8 16 140 2i 9.85 95 18.9 15 "l ' 117 H 8.00 78 15.60 13 2 93 2 6.30 62 12.40 12 80 If 5£ 4.85 48 9.60 10 4 63 If 5 4.15 42 8.40 8i 5 57 1* 41 4 3.55 36 7.20 n 5i 48 3.00 31 6.20 7 6 40 4 2.45 25 5.00 64. 7 33 8i 2.00 21 4.20 6" 8 26 l 3 1.58 17 3.40 54 9 20 i 1 1 2f 1.20 13 2.60 4 10 16 24 0.89 9.7 1.94 4" 10£ 12 2 0.63 6.8 1.36 34 10* 10 Tff If 0.50 5.5 1.10 2| 10* 8 1 2 14 0.39 4.4 0.88 24 10a 7* 7 14 0.30 3.4 0.68 2 10* 7" 1 | g l* 0.22 2.5 0.50 n 10c 6$ tV l 0.15 • 1.7 0.34 i lOd H i 4 3 4 0.10 1.2 0.24 3 4 Note — Siemens-Martin Steel 1 ope, same price as Iron Rope. CAST-STEEL. , 210 2'± A/ 4 7^ 8 11.95 228 45.6 10 'l ' 175 142 a* 24 9.85 8.00 190 156 37.9 31.2 94 si 2 111 2 6.30 124 24.8 s" 3 93 If 54 4.85 96 . 19.3 74 4 74 11 5 4.15 84 16.8 64 5 66 1* 4f 3.55 72 14.4 5f 5j 56 *t 44 3.00 62 12.4 5i 6 46 H 4 2.45 50 10.0 5 7 38 l* 3h 2.00 43 8.40 4* 8 30 l 3 1.58 34 6.80 4 9 23 7 R 2$ 1.30 26 5.30 34 10 18 3 4 24 0.89 19.4 3.88 3" 104 14 1 2 0.63 13.6 2.72 2 1 10b 12 9 If 0.50 11.0 2.20 If 10$ 11 * 14 0.39 8.8 1.76 14 10a 10 7 TiT 14 0.30 6.8 1.36 14 10* 9i 3 8 i* 0.22 5.0 1.00 l 10c 94 5 l 0.15 3.4 0.ti8 1 10<2 9 1 4 3 4 0.10 2.4 0.48 I Note. —When the Iron or Steel Eope named above is Galvanized or Tinned, add 10 per cent, to list price per foot- When made with Wire Centre, add 10 per cent, to list price per foot. itrands. 1 his rope is almost universally employed for hoisting purposes on account of its flexibility. It is made of six str each of which is formed by twisting nineteen wires together, and a hemp core or center. Sometimes the hemp center is replaced by a wire strand, which adds from seven to ten per cent to the strength of the rope ; but the wear on tlie center is as great as on the outside strands, and its use is not generally advised. The Standard Hoisting kope is very pliable, and will wind on moderate-sized drumsand pass over reasonably small sheaves without injury. Wh-re it is possible, drums and sheaves larger than those indicated in tnelists should be adopted, particularly when high speeds are employed or when the working strain isgrealer ihan one-fifth of the breaking strain, be- cause the bending of a rope around a sheave is more destructive the heavier the strain on the rope and the smaller ihesheave. In substituting steel for iron, it is well to use the same size of rope, thereby taking full advantage of the increased wearing capacity of steel over iron. The best si eel is the only one to use, as inferior grades are not as serviceable as good iron, because the constant vibrations to which ropes are subjected cause the poor steel to become brittle and unsafe. 156 Trade Number, 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 12 13 14 15 1(5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TRANSMISSION OR HAULAGE ROPE. COARSE-LAID ROPE. Composed of 6 Strauds and a Hemp Center. 7 Wires to the Strand. Fig. 549. SWEDISH IRON. Price in Cents per Foot. 51 43 36 29 23 17* 14" 12 10 8 6* 5i U 3j 3+ Diam- eter in Iiiches. i* if H l 9 Approximate Circumfer- ence in luches, ? 3i 3" a* »4 2 1} H H i* Weight per Foot ill Pounds. 3.55 3.00 2.45 2.00 1.58 1.20 0.89 0.75 0.62 0.50 0.39 0.30 0.22 0.15 0.125 Approximate Breaking Strain in Tons of 2000 Pounds. 34 29 24 20 16 12 9.3 7.9 6.6 5.3 4.2 3.3 2.4 1.7 1.4 Allowable Workiug Strain in Tons of 2000 Pounds. 6.80 5.80 4.80 4.00 3.20 2.40 1.86 1.58 1.32 1.00 0.84 0.66 0.48 0.34 0.28 60 51 43 36 28 22 16 13i 11" 9 7i 6* 5i 4" Note. — Siemens-Mart'n Steel Rope, same price as Iron Rope. CAST-STEEL. 3.55 3.00 H If H H l Tcf 43 44 4 dh 3 »i 2 t 2£ 2 1* H H i* i i 2.45 2.00 1.58 1.20 0.89 0.75 0.62 0.50 0.39 0.30 0.22 0.15 0.125 68 58 48 40 32 24 18.6 15.8 13.2 10.6 8.4 6.6 4.8 3.4 2.8 13.6 11.6 9.60 8.00 6.40 4.80 3.72 3.16 2.64 2.12 1.68 1.32 0.96 0.68 0.56 Minimum Size of Drum or Sheave in Feet. 13 12 10f 8j 7i 6| 6 4j 4 34 8} 2i 9.1 8i 64 5} 5 U 4" 3" 2i 4 2 II Note. — When the Iron or Steel Rope named ahove is Galvanized or Tinned, add 10 per cent, to list price per foot. When made with Wire centre, add 10 per cent, to list price per foot. This rope is much stiffer than Standard Hoisting Rope. It is made of six strauds, each of which is composed of seven wires, and a hemp core or centre. It may have, if it is so desired, a wire centre, which adds from seven to ten per cent, to its strength, but it is then open to the objections already noted in remarks about Standard Hoisting Rope. The wires of this variety of rope are one and two-third times greater in diameter than those of the Standard Hoisting Rope, and hence the rope is much less pliable and will not bend around as small sheaves. It is well adapted for haulages and transmissions, because the wires are large and are not quickly worn through. It will resist the rough usuage of mine haulages and the great wear due to passing over a large number of pulleys and rollers. The wires are fewer in number, however, and a greater factor of safety is desirable than for hoisting rope, because tbe breakage of one or two wires takes away a considerable amount of the total strength. In using steel, instead of iron rope, it is necessary to have the best quality. For transmissions, the sizes from 1^ inch diameter down give excellent satisfact on, when properly selected. Both the regular and Lang constructions are extensively used for haulages and inclined planes. 157 !V ==i=^S Fig. 550. Price in Diam- App roximate Trade Cents per eter in Circumfer- Number. Foot. Inches. ence in Inches. 255 23 if 8 f ' i 210 170 I 5j 2 134 2 3 115 4 91 5" 5 80 H 4f 51 67 If 4 6 55 if 4 7 45 1* 3i S 36 1 3 9 28 7 I 2| 10 22 8* '10i 16* 2 10J 10| 14" m 9 Y 2 11 10a ni 7 H 10S n" 3 8 4 10c 10f A i lOd lOi 1 4 4 EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST -STEEL ROPE. C3mposed of 6 strands and a Hemp Cen- tre; 19 Wires to the Strand. Weight per Foot, in Pounds. 11.95 9.85 8.00 6.30 4.85 4.15 3.55 3.00 2.45 2.00 1.58 1.20 0.89 0.62 0.50 0.39 0.30 0.22 0.15 0.10 Approximate Allowable Work- BreakingStrain ing Strain in in Tons of Tons of 2000 Pounds. 2000 Pounds. 266 222 182 144 112 97 84 72 58 49 39 30 22 15.8 12.7 10.1 7.8 5.78 4.05 2.70 53 45 36.4 28.8 22.4 19.4 16.8 14.4 11.6 9.60 7.80 6.00 4.40 3.16 2.54 2.02 1.56 1.15 0.81 0.54 Minimum Size of Drum or Sheave in Feet. 10 9i 8| 8 k 5" 4 3i 3" 2 \ lir H I 5 Fig. 551. Approximate Allowable Work- Price in Diam- Approximate "Weight per Breaking Strain ing Strain in rade Gents per eter in Circumfer- Foot in Tons of Tons of rnber Foot. Inches. ence in Inches. in Pounds. 2000 Pounds. 2000 Pounds. ii 75 1£ 4! 3.55 79 15.8 12 64 if 4? 3.00 68 13 6 13 53 if 4 2.45 56 11.2 14 44 i£ 3^ 2.00 46 9.20 15 34 i 3" 1.58 37 7.40 16 26 7 a 2f 4 1.20 28 5.60 17 20 1 4 0.89 21 4.20 18 17 11 4 0.75 18.4 3.68 19 14 I 2 0.62 15.1 3.02 20 Hi 9 TIT If 0.50 12.3 2.46 21 9* i H 0.39 9.70 1.94 22 H 7 n 0.30 7.50 1.50 23 6 ¥ 0.22 5.58 1.11 24 5i i 0.15 3.88 0.77 25 5" 9 7 8 0.125 3.22 0.64 EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST-STEEL ROPE. Composed of 6 Strands and a Hemp Centre; 7 Wires to the Strand. Minimum Size of Drum or Sheave in Feet. 7i 4 8j 3 8* 2 n c * »i 2! IT C c I -1 2 pi c Note. — When the Rope named above is Galvanized or Tinned, add 10 per cent, to list price per foot. When made with Wire centre, add 10 per cent, to list price per foot. This variety of rope is regularly made with seven or nineteen wires to the strand. It may, however, be ordered with any number of strands and wires desired. It possesses great strength and toughness, occupying a place intermediale between standard crucible steel rope and plough-steel rope. It is made of a high grade of crucible cast-steel, especially prepared, so as to give tensile strength and other physical properties, which fit it for heavy work. 158 I TELLER ROPE. Composed of 6 Ropes and a Hemp Centre. Each Rope consisting of 6 Stands of 7 Wires each and a Hemp Core. Fig. 552. Price in Cents perTToot. Iron. Cast steel. 33 43 27 36 22 30 17 24 14 19 11 17 10 15 9 14 8 12* 7* 11 Tiller Ropes are used for steering ropes on river steamers, for hand ropes on elevators, and in any place where a smooth and extremely flexihle rope is required. Tliey are compo ed of 252 wires, and are made up of a hemp core, around which are twisted six ropes, each of which con- sists of six strands, inclosing a hemp centre. They will pass around very small pulleys and sheaves. The wires are necessarily very fine, and should not be subjected to scraping of any kind or much frictional wear. GALVANIZED IRON WIRE ROPE FOR SHIPS' RICCSNC AND DERRICK CUYS. Composed of 6 Strands and a Hemp Centre, 7 or 12 Wires to the Strand. Approximate Circumference in Approximate circumference Weight per Breaking Strain in Inches of New Diameter in Inches. Diameter in Approx mate CircTim- "Weight per Foot in Inches. ference in Inclies. PoudcU. 1 3 1.10 7 4 23 8 0.84 0.62 g 2 0.43 t If 0.35 H 0.28 7 IS" H 0.21 3 8_ l| 0.16 Tl> 1 0.11 l 4 3 4 0.07 Price in Cents per Foot. With 7 Wires to With 12 Wires the Strand. to the Strand •±6 43 40 37 33 29 25 22 19 17 15 If Hi 1* if li 1* 1# i i a 1 3 ¥ in Inches. Footin Pounds Tons of 2000 Manila Rope of Pounds. Equal Strength. 5'J 4.85 44. 11 H 4.40 40. 10* 5 4.00 36. 10 4J 3.60 32. 9* . 4* 3.25 29. 9" H 2.90 546. 8* 4 2.55 23. 8 3J 2.25 20. 7* 3| 1.95 18. 6i si- 1.70 15. 6" s'' 1.44 13. 5| 8$ 1.21 11. 2£ 1.00 9.0 5 H 0.81 7.3 4f 2 0.64 5.8 4* If 49 4.4 3f H 0.36 3.2 3 li 0.25 2.3 2* l| 0.20 1.8 2} 1 0.16 1.4 2 7. 0.123 1.1 If 3 090 0.81 1 0.063 0.56 4 7T 0.040 0.36 i| 44 41 , 38 35 31 27 24 21 18 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3* 5 Strands, 7 Wires Each. 3 2* oi 2 Note. — When made with tcire centre, add 10 per cent, to p- ice per foot. Galvanized rope is much better for guys for derricks thau hemp rope or rods linked together. If galvanized rope of greater strength thau that men ioned in the table it desired, we are prepared to furnish open-hearth, cast-steel or plough-steel wire rope, suitably galvanized, instead of iron wire rope. 159 \ Fig. 554. Trade Price in Cents Diameter Number. per Foot. in IncheB. . . 300 2f . . 250 24 1 200 2} 2 156 2 3 135 If 4 108 If 5 93 14 54 77 If 6 63 l| 7 52 1$ 8 43 1 9 34 i 10 26 I 104 19 I 104 16 j\ 101 14 4 10(i 13 T 'i 10* 124 f 10c 12l T 5 S lOrZ 12 4 PLOW STEEL ROPE. Composed of 6 Strands and a Hemp Center, 19 Wires to the Strand. Approximate Circumference in Inches. 7i 4 54 5" 4J 34 3 4 2 s u 1* 1 Approximate Allowable Minimum Breaking Working Size of (eight per Strain in Strain in Drum or Foot in Tons of 2000 Tons of 2000 Sheave in Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Feet. 11.95 305 61.0 11 9.85 254 50.8 10 8.00 208 41.6 9 6.30 165 33.0 8 4.85 128 25.6 74 4.15 111 22.2 6" 3.55 96 19.2 54 3.00 82 16.4 H 2.45 67 13.4 5 2.00 56 11.2 44 1.58 44 8.80 4i 1.20 34 6.80 3f 34 0.89 25 5.00 0.62 18 3.60 3" 0.50 14.5 2.90 24 0.39 11.4 2.28 2' 0.30 8.85 1.77 14 0.22 6.55 1.31 1 0.15 4.50 0.90 7 B 0.10 3.00 0.60 2 "5" PLOUGH-STEEL ROPE. Composed of 6 Strands and a Hemp Centre. "-"T^fri^ F g. 555. Seven Wires Approximate Breaking to the Stranc Allowable Working Minimum Size of Trade Price in Cents Diameter Approximate Weight per TToot in Strain in Strain in Drom or Number. per Foot. in Inches. Circumference Tons of 2000 Tons of 2000 Sheave in in Inches. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Feet. 11 90 14 4f 3.55 91 18.2 84 12 75 1^ il 4 3.00 78 15.6 8" 13 61 4 2.45 64 12.8 n 14 51 H 34 2.00 53 10.6 H 15 41 1 3" 1.58 42 8.40 54 16 32 7 8* 3| 1.20 32 6.40 5 17 25 3 0.89 24 4.80 4 18 20 11 16 2£ 0.75 21 4.20 34 19 17 1 2 0.62 17 3.40 3 20 14 9 lj 0.50 14 2.80 2f 24 21 11 2 0.39 11 2.20 22 8 7 TIT li 0.30 8.55 1.71 2" 23 64 A 5 3 1* 0.22 6.35 1.27 14 24 6" 5 1 0.15 4.35 0.87 li 25 54 9 82 1 s 0.125 3.65 0.73 1 Note.— When the Rope named above is Galvanized orTinned.addlOper cent, to list price per foot. "When made with wire center, add 10 per cent, to list price per foot. Plough-Steel "Wire is made from a high grade of crucible cast-steel, and will stand a strain of from 95 to 175 tons per square inch, according to the variety of steel used, the size of wire and tbe method of manufacturing and improving tbe wire. Plough-Steel Ropes are used instead of cast-steel or iron where it is necessary to reducethe dead weight, as, for in- stance, with heavy or extremely long ropes, when the weight of the rope itself becomes a large item. They are also fre- quently employed when the load on the rope of an existing plant has been materially increased and the sheaves and drums cannot be altered to meet the new requirements. In this case tbe same size of rope, but made of plough steel, can be used with an increase in strength of 50 to 100 per cent. Plougn-Steei Rope derives its name from the purposefor which it was originally intended— the p oughing of fields, an engine moving the rope to which the plough was attached. The ordinarv iron and steel ropes were so quickly cut to pieces by stones and grit that something stronger and harder had to be obtained. Plough-steel is, therefore, applicable to conditions involving great wear and rough usage. It is advisable to reduce all bends to a minimum and to use somewhat larger drams and sheaves than are suitable for the ordinary cast-steel rope, having a strength of 60 to 80 tons per square inch. 160 Fig. 55G. Price in Cents per .Foot. Tran. 22 20 17 14i Hi 9" 8 7 U 6" 5.V Cast-steel. 30 27 23 19 15 12 10 9 8i Approximate Diameter in Inches. ItV 1 1 8 13 Tg" Circumfer- ence iu Inches. 31 3 2J 24 2l 2 If H U l GALVANIZED IRON AND CAST-STEEL RUNNING ROPE. Composed of 6 Strands and a Hemp Centre, each Strand consisting of 12 Wires and a Hemp Core. "Weight per Foot in Pouuds. 1.14 0.97 0.81 0.67 0.54 0.43 0.33 0.24 0.17 0.11 Approximate Breaking St •ain iu Tous of 2000 Pounds. Iron. Cast-steel. 12.0 24.0 10.7 21.5 8.21 16.4 7.20 14.4 6.13 12.3 4.29 8.58 3.47 6.94 2.78 5.56 2.15 4.30 1.14 2.28 Galvanizd Flexible Running Ropes are similar iu construction to Galvanized Hawsers. They are composed of six strands inclosing a hemp core, each strand being made of twelve wires and a hemp centre. They are quite as flexible as nianila running rope ; much stronger and more durable. CAST-STEEL SWITCHING ROPES AND WRECKING ROPES. Hook PRICE, EACH. and thimble in one end ; thimble and link in other end. Length in / Di AMETER IN INCHES. - * Feet. H 1* 1 i 3 4 20 $24.00 $20.00 $16.50 $14.00 $11.50 25 26.25 22.00 18.00 15.15 12.40 30 28.50 24.00 19.50 16.30 13.30 35 30.75 26.00' 21.00 17.45 14.20 40 33.00 28.00 22.50 18.60 15.10 45 35.25 30.00 24.00 19.75 16.00 50 Hook 37.50 thimble and lin 32.00 25.50 20.90 uks in oth er eL 16.90 c in one end; thimble and two li d. PRICE, EACH. 20 $27.00 $22.50 $18.50 $15.75 $13.00 25 29.25 24.50 20.00 16.90 13.90 30 31.50 26.50 21.50 18.05 14.80 35 • 33.75 28.50 23 00 19.20 15.70 40 36.00 30.50 24.50 20.35 16.60 45 38.25 32.50 26.00 21.50 17.50 50 40.50 34.50 27.50 22.65 18.40 iameter of rope n 1* 1 i 1 a reaking strain in tons of 2000 lbs. 50 42 34 26 LIST FOR LABOR OF SPLICIHO ROPZ TO MAKE ENDLESS. Diameter of Kope in Inches. List for Splicing. D ameterof Rope in Inches. List for Splicing. H to U $4.00 A to # T5" ',: tO $2.50 2.00 $4.00 ljto i 3.50 J to | 3.00 The charge named to be in addition to the charge made for rope used in making the splice. The prices named to apply only on wire ropes spliced at the works of the manufacturer Special charge will be made for splicing done elsewhere ■, such charge depending on the circumstances of each individual case. 161 \ CALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS. Composed of 6 Strands and a Hemp Centre, each Strand Consisting of 13 Wires and a Hemp Core. Price in Cents per Foot, 85 73 62 56 50 45 40 36 33 30 37 23 19 15 Approximate Diameter in Inches If 1H if ij If if 1 3 ft ¥ Cii'cu inference in Inches. 5$ 5j 5 4| 4$ 4 3| 3* 31 3 2| 2* 94- "Weight per Foot in Pounds. 3.25 2.95 2.70 3.42 2.18 1.94 1.72 1.51 1.32 1.14 0.97 0.81 0.67 0.54 Approximate Breaking Strain in Tons of 2000 Pounds. 61. 57. 53. 45. 42. 39. 32. 29. 27. 24. 21.5 16.4 14.4 12.3 Circumference in Inches cf New Manila Hawser of Equal Strength. 13$ 13 12$ 12" Hi- ll 10 6i 6" 5i CALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS. Composed of 6 Strands and a Hemp P g. 559. Approximate Breaking Strain in To^s rice in Cents Approximate Circumference Weight per Foot of 2000 Pounds per Foot. Diameter in Inches. in Inches. in Pounds. Cast-Steel. Special. . . . 2 H 6.25 128 166 If 5k 4.85 101 131 • if 5 4.00 84 109 if 4| 3.60 76 99 if 4 2.90 62 81 • 4 2.55 55 73 14 3i 1.95 43 55 i 3 1.44 31 40 Prices on application. These Hawsers combine great strength with pliability. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE STRAND. For Smokestack Guys, Signal Strand, Trolley Line, Span Wire and Other Purposes. Composed of 7 Wires Twisted Together. 3 2 c c s ■< >• , s PI c Diameter, inches . . $ Weight per 100 ft. pounds 53 Approximate Breaking Strain in pounds . 8320 Price in cents per 100 feet .... 315 Fig. 560 7 40 3 8 30 A 32 6000 4700 3300 350 300 162 160 8 i 3* 13 8 5 3$ 2i 1750 ■ 1000 700 375 320 115 80 60 45 35 Fig. 561. Diam . Oircum . itope in of Rope in inches. Inches. 2i *"4 7* 2 6i n 5* If 5" li 4f If 4± ij 4 H 3* 1 3" 8 M 3 4 a* 5 2 9 1 If 7" H 3 8 1* 5 1 Fig. 502. 01 *4 2 If n if 1* 1 7A 6 5} 5" 4J H 4 3J 3" n 2 is 1 WIRE ROPE FASTENINGS. Made of the Best Forged Wrought Iron. CLOSED SOCKETS. For Cast-Steel Rope . Loose. Fastened. $19.00 $22.00 17.00 19.75 14.50 16.75 12.00 14.00 10.00 12.00 8.00 9.75 6.00 7.75 4.50 6.00 3.75 5.00 3.00 4.25 2.50 3.75 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.60 2.50 1.60 2.50 1.35 2.10 1.35 • 2.10 1.35 2 10 OPEN SOCKETS 522.00 19.50 17.00 14.00 11.75 9.75 7.50 5.50 4 50 3.75 3.25 2.60 2.60 2.20 2.20 1.90 1.90 1.90 $25.00 22.25 19.25 16.00 13.75 11.50 9.25 7.00 5.75 5.00 4.50 3.60 3.60 3.10 3 10 2.65 2.65 2.65 r _ -. -^"f _: EBES TSffli Fig. 561. ^wi-^ For Iron Rope. Loose. Fastened. $15.00 $18.00 12.00 14.75 10.00 12.25 8.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 4.75 6.50 3.75 5.50 3.00 4.50 2.75 4.00 2.50 3.75 2.00 3.25 1.50 2.50 1.50 2.50 1.25 2.15 1.25 2.15 1.10 1.85 1.10 1.85 1.10 1.85 ffeflplll^ai 3SSS Fig. 563. $18.00 $21.00 15.00 17.75 12.50 14.75 10.00 12.00 7.75 9.75 6.25 8.00 5.00 6.75 4.00 5.50 3.50 4.75 2.75 4.00 2 50 3.75 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.70 2.60 1.70 2.60 1.50 2.25 1.50 2.25 1.50 2.25 SWIVEL HOOK AND SOCKET. 304. 2i ^4 2 it l* if ii 1* 1 51 5" 4i 4 Zk 3" 2| 2 l! If 1* 1 $29.00 $32.00 $23.00 $26.00 25.00 27.75 19.00 21.75 21.50 23.75 16.00 18.25 17.50 19.50 13.00 15.00 15.00 17 00 10.00 12.00 12.50 14.25 8.50 10.25 10.00 12.25 7.25 9.00 8.50 10.00 6.25 7.75 7.50 8.75 5.75 7.00 6.50 7.75 5.25 6.50 5.50 6.75 4.50 5.75 4.50 5.50 3.75 4.75 4.50 5.50 3.75 4.75 3.60 4.50 3.25 4.15 3.60 4.50 3.25 4.15 3.00 3.75 2.80 3.55 3.00 3.75 2.80 3.55 3.00 3.75 2.80 3.55 163 it HOOK AND SOCKET. Diam. of Circum. hove of Rope in Inches. in Inches H 45 4 If 4 3.V 1 3 i 21 .( al 1 ~'4 2 l a * ^ lj 7 8 1* 1* ♦ 1 3 4 4 n 4f 4 14 4 4 ij 3i i 3" i 22 § *4 2 2 9 l a i if 7 1-L X5" x 4 3 1A 8 5 J 8 1 "1 Fig. 565. For Cast-Steel Rope Loose. $14.00 11.50 9.50 7.50 6.50 5.50 4.50 3.50 3.50 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.25 2.25 Fastened. $16.00 13.25 11.25 9.00 7.75 6.75 5.75 4 50 4.50 3.65 3.65 3.00 3.00 3.00 For Iron Rope. Loose. Fastened. $9.00 $11-00 7.50 9-25 6.25 8.00 5.25 6.75 4.75 6.00 4.25 5.50 3.50 4.75 2.75 3.75 2.75 3.75 2.40 3.30 2.40 3.30 2.00 2.75 2.00 2.75 2.00 2.75 SISTER HOOKS AND THIMBLE. Fig. 566. $10.00 8.75 8.00 6.75 5.75 5.00 4.15 3.30 3.30 2.50 2.50 2.20 2.20 2.20 $12.00 10.50 9.75 8.25 7.00 6.25 5.40 4.30 4.30 3.40 3.40 3.95 2.95 2.95 $7.50 6.75 6.00 5.25 4.50 3.85 3.25 2.75 2.75 2.30 2.30 1.90 1.90 1.90 HOOK AND THIMBLE. Fig. 567. $12.00 10.50 9.75 8.25 7.00 6.25 5.40 4.30 4.30 3.40 3.40 2.95 2.95 2.95 $7.50 6.75 6.00 5.25 4.50 3.85 3.25 2.75 2.75 2.30 2.30 1.90 1.90 1.90 $9.50 8.50 7.75 6.75 5.75 5.10 4.50 3.75 3.75 3.20 3.20 2.65 2.65 2.65 $9.50 8.50 7.75 6.75 5.75 5.10 4.50 3.75 3.75 3.20 3.20 2.65 2.65 2.65 STEEL WIRE ROPE THIMBLES, galvanized. Width of Score, . J Circumference of Rope, - Price per Dozen, . $1.10 Width of Score, . 1 Circumference of Rope, 3 Price per Dozen, . $2.25 l 8 1.15 1* 2.50 1 1.20 H 3 4 3.25 u 1.30 I 8 4 4.00 H 1.40 H U 4.50 1.60 If 5 5.50 1.75 n 5i 6.50 2- 2.00 2 6 9.00 OPEN (ROUND) THIMBLES. Galvanized, . . . %, I, H inch, per Dozen, $0.28. If to 6 inch, $0.21 Japanned, . . . |. 1, 1{ " " " .24. If to 6 " .17 To get the size, measure across the hole in the Thimble, from edge to edge, giving full diameter. 164 x 2 m H G O s > n 5 < q b z So- fS ° ui ta ir THIMBLE SPLICED ON ROPE. Fis. 570. Diameter of Rope Circumference of For Cast Steel For Iron Rope in Inches. Rope in Inches. Rope. H 4f $6.00 14.50 If 4 5.25 4.00 n 4 4.50 3.50 H 3* 3.75 3.00 1 3 3.00 2.50 I 2} 2.50 2.10 3i 2.15 1.75 2 1.80 .1.50 9 If 1.80 1.50 4 it 1.60 1.35 8 li 1.60 1.35 1* 1.40 1.15 5 1 1.40 1.15 1 4 4 1.40 1.15 ^^ THE " JUPITER" V Diameter of Rope in Indies. H • 5| i i Fig. 571. Circumference of Rope in Inches. 4| *4 4 3i 3" 23 -4 WIRE ROPE CLIP. Compact, Inexpensive, Simple. The " Jupiter " Clip is practically in one piece. It is applied by simply loosening the nut, swinging back the bolt, putting rope to be secured into score, and then swinging the bolt forward to its former po- sition and tightening the nut. Price in Cents. 60 55 50 50 50 45 Diameter of Rope iu Inches. Circumference of Rope in Inches. 21 2" li 1* 1 Price in Cents, 40 35 30 25 25 Diameter of Rope in Inches. 24 ^4 2 n If if H H Fig. 572. Circumference of Rope in Inches. 4 5i 4f 4 4 THE "CROSBY" DROP FORCED WIRE ROPE CLIP. Light, Durable and Convenient. Can't be broken. The safest clip on the market. Die forged of 60,000-pound T. S. steel. Will stand hammering, bending and frost. You can't make them slip or break. Diameter of Circumference Price in Cents. Rope in Inches. of Rope in Inches. Price Cent 600 1 3 50 500 7 4 23 ~4 45 400 H 40 350 1 • 2 35 60 X H 30 55 3 8 H 25 50 ft 1 25 50 i 4 3 4 25 165 iV PATENT WIRE ROPE CLAMP. Made with either two or three Bolts. ill 15 m IE 1 IBl Fig 573. SUPENSION BRIDCE CAST IRON Price Diam. of Gii cum Price Diam. of Circnm in Rope of in Rope of Cents iu la. Rope iu In. Cents. in In. Rope in In 800 2£ 7* 60 1 Q 500 2 4 50 1 n 400 If 300 If 5£ 5" 45 40 4-£ 2* 2l 100 l^i U 35 f 3 no i| 4 33 9 f !! 90 1A 75 4 3 8 J 30 38 1 TB H 65 1A 8i 35 6 l D CABLE -WAY SOCKETS m c[ _r SOCKET WITH TURN BUCKLE. IH© Fig. 576. Prices according to size and weight. Fig. 574. CLOSED SOCKET. Prices on applications Fi-g. 575. OPEN SOCKET. Prices on application. SOCKET WITH CHAIN. Fig. 577. Prices according to size and length of chain. SOLID IRON SHEAVES. FOR ELEVATORS AND DERRICKS. Pric* Bored to Diam in Inches Diam. In In. Fit Shaft, at Bot of Groove. over all. Approximate Weight in Pounds. Diameter of Largest Rope Fitting Groove in laches. SI 2.00 11.00 10.00 9.00 7.00 5.50 4.50 3.50 3.75 3.00 1.75 1.50 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 33 31 29 27 25 23 2 2 mi *| i -< o Fig. 58' 168 PORTABLE VALVE SEAT ROTARY PLANING MACHINE. Size. Weight. Price. 18-inch 210 lbs. net $225.00 235 240.00 26 " 350 " 260.00 CYLINDER BORING BAR. This Boring Bar is intended for boring locomotive cylinders be- fore or afler they are placed in position, and only needs a trial to be appreciated. Price $285.00 Fig. 589. IMPROVED PORTABLE LOCOMOTIVE CYLINDER BORING BAR AND FIXTURES. Fia:. 590. This Portable Boring Bar and Fixtures is designed to bore out Locomotive Cylinders in place. The fixlures that go with the Bar allow cylinders to be bored where it is not desirable to take off the cylinder and guides. 2k Inch Bar Weight, Boxed 487 lbs. 3 " 3| " 709 938 Price, $290.00 360.00 169 PATENT PLAIN BACK EXTRA RAILROAD SHOVELS. Extra Heavy, Solid Crucible Cast-steel, Socket Strap Shovels and Spades, Especially Adapted for Mining and Kailroad Purposes. 5 $20.00 Fig. 591. D or Long Handles. Square or Round Points, CRIFFITHS. Size number . . 2 3 4 Black, per dozen . . $18.50 $19.00 $19.50 Patent Socket Straps, Solid Cast-steel Shovels and Spades. DOUGLAS. C. H. BARTLETT. DENIN. Size number . . 2 3 4 5 Black, per dozen . $17.00 $17.50 $18.00 $18.50 PATENT PLAIN BACK. Patent Socket Straps, Solid Cast-steel Shovels and Spades. SAXTON. BOARDMAN. BAXTER. 2 3 4 5 6 7 $15.50 $16.00 $16.50 $17 00 $17.50 $18.00 Size number . Black, per dozen 6 $20.50 6 $19.00 8 $18.50 Sze number . Black, per dozen WEBBER. . 5 6 $15.50 $16.00 7 $16.50 WEBSTER. ROWLAND 2 3 4 $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 For polished add 50 cents per dozen to above lists. PLAIN BACK CAST-STEEL RAILROAD SHOVELS AND SPADES. D or Long Handles. Square or Round Points. 8 $17.00 Fit Size number Black, per dozen . Size number . Black, per dozen S ; ze number Black, per dozen . Size number Black, per dozen PFEIFER 2 . $17.00 KING. 2 3 $15 50 $16.00 JOHNSON. NICHOLS 2 . $14.00 DYE. 2 . $13.00 502. SCRANTON. 3 $17.50 NILEB. 4 $1650 3 $14 50 4 $18.00 5 $18.50 5 $17.00 EMPIRE 3 $13.50 For polished add 50 cents per dozen to above lists. 170 6 $17.50 ROWLAND. 4 $15.00 XXX. 4 $14.00 7 $18.00 5 $15.50 5 $14.50 6 $19.00 $18.50 6 $16.00 6 $15.00 -i = 1 m m * 2' m 2' PI 1 « ■< RAILROAD PATENT PLAIN BACK SOLID CAST-STEEL SHOVELS AND SPADES. EXTRA WIDE STRAPS. D ok Long Handles. Square ok Round Points. Fig. 594. GRIFFITHS. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen . . . $18.50 $19-00 $19.50 $20.00 $20.50 $21.00 DANFORTH. Size number 2 Black, per dozen $17.00 JACKSON. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen . . . $15.50 $16.00 $16.50 $17.00 $17.50 $18.00 HARLAN. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen . . . $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 $15.50 $16.00 $16.50 PENN. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen . . . $13.00 $13 50 $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 $15.50 For polisbed, add 50 cents per dozen to above lists. PATENT NARROW MOUTH LOCOMOTIVE AND NO. NARROW GAUGE FURNACE SCOOP. PLAIN BLACK, CRUCIBLE CAST-STEEL. $21.50 3 $17.50 $18.50 8 $17.00 8 $16.00 o Fig. 595. Size number and 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black, per dozen . . . $19.00 $19.70 $20.40 $21.10 $21.80 $22.50 $23.20 PITTSBURG SOCKET OR HOLLOW BACK COAL AND LOCOMOTIVE SCOOP. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black, per dozen . . . $18.00 $18.70 $19.40 $20.10 $23.80 $21.50 $22.20 BACK STRAP EXTRA CAST-STEEL LOCOMOTIVE SCOOPS. NORTHEvSTON PATTERN. Size number -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Polisbed, per dozen . . $20.50 $21.00 $21.50 $22.00 $22.50 $23.00 $23.50 $24.50 Fiuisbed in Black, 50 cents per dozen less. 171 V PLAIN BACK, EXTRA SOLID STEEL SHOVELS AND SPADES. Plain ok Socket Straps Size number Black, per dozen Size number Black, per dozen Size number Black, per dozen Size number Black, per dozen Fig. 597. PENNSYLVANIA. EXTRA SOLID STEEL 2 3 4 $35 50 $36.75 $3S.OO 5 $39.25 OLIVER, 2 $34.00 NEWTON 2 $31.00 CREY. 2 $29.00 SOLID STEEL. 3 4 $35 25 $36.50 SOLID STEEL. o 4 $32.25 $33.50 SOLID STEEL. 3 4 $30.25 $31.50 o $37.75 5 $34.75 5 $32.75 6 $40.50 6 $39.00 6 $36.00 6 $34 00 MANHATTAN. SOLID STEEL. PLAIN STRAPS ONLY. Size number 2 3 4 5 Black, per dozen $27.50 $28.75 $30.00 $31.25 "EX." SOLID STEEL. PLAIN STRAPS ONLY. Size number 2 3 4 5 Black, per dozen $26.00 $27.25 $28.50 $29.75 In above lists round point sizes are Nos. 2, 3 and 4. For polished sbovels aud spades add to above lists $1.25 per dozen. PATENT PLAIN BACK, SOLID CRUCIBLE CAST-STEEL SHOVELS AND SPADES. Squaee and Round Point. 6 $32.50 6 $31.00 5 r I c 2 Size number B!ack, per dozen Fig. 598. 2 3 4 $37.00 $38.50 $40.00 172 5 $4150 6 $43.00 7 $44.50 OLIVER AMES & SONS' CORPORATION SHOVELS. PLAIN BACK HANDLE, SQUARE POINT. O. AMES. Cast-steel Edge, Plated. The Blade and Straps are Swede Steel, with Crucible Cast-steel Edge. Number Size Black, } per doz. , J Polished, per doz 21 1 $11.75 2 12.00 23 24 25 26 3 4 5 6 12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 No. 21, Size 1, $12.50. No, T. M. PORTER. PLAIN BACK, STEEL-EDCE PLATED, SQUARE 31 11 32 12 27 28 29 30 7 8 9 10 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.50 20.50 22.50 22, Size 2, $12.75. No. 23, Size 3, $13.25 Number Size Black, per dozeu, Polished, " 113 2 POINT. 118 7 13.50 119 8 14.00 No. 236, Size 2. No. 237, No. 228, No. 228, No. 314, No. 315, No. 329, No. 330, Pig. 600. O. AMES, Black, " Polished, B. C. BLAIR, CARTER, PATENT PLAIN BLACK SOLID CAST-STEEL SHOVELS. SQUARE POINT. Per dozen, $12.75 13.50 13.50 14.00 10.75 11.25 " 10.50 11.00 R. C. BLAIR and CARTER Black Shovels, 25 cents less per dozen, net. PATENT PLAIN BACK SOLID STEEL SHOVELS. SQUARE POINT. No. 846, Size 2. A. LEE, Black, No. 838, " 2. Polished, No. 866, " 2. W. HADWIN, Per dozen, $9.25 9.75 9.00 W. HADWIN Black Shovels, 25 cents less per dozen, net. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Pig. 601. 357, Size 2. O. AMES, Polished, 2. A. STONE. 2. O. A. DAY, " 2. SANDERSON. " 3. SANDERSON, " 2. C. H. REED (Steel), 2. LINDSAY, BACK STRAP CAST-STEEL SHOVELS, SQUARE POINT. 423, 457, 491, 492, 548. 561. Per dozen, $12.50 k . " 11.00 i t 10.00 , , (t lo.eo n 10.50 i< 9.25 it 9.00 Black Shovels 25 cents net less per dozen, except O. AMES, which is 50 cents list. 173 OLIVER AMES SONS' CORPORATION SHOVELS. PLAIN BACK D HANDLE. ROUND POINT. Cast-steel Edge, Plated. The blade and shape are Swede Steel, with Crucible Cast-steel Edge. No. 39, Size 2. O. AMES, Black .... No. 68, " 2. " Polished .... No. 128. " 2. T. M. PORTER, Black No. 153, "2. " Polished . PATENT PLAIN BACK SOLID CAST-STEEL. No. 238, Size 2. O. AJIES Bln< Per dozen. 512.25 13.00 10.50 11.25 o. 230, " 2. o. 239, " 3. o. 231, " 3. o. 316. " 2. o. 331, " 2. Polished Black Polished R. C.BLAIR, ' CARTER R. C. BLAIli and CARTER Black Shovels 25 ccnls h-ss p ROUND POINT. Per dozeu. dozen, net. PATENT PLAIN BACK SOLID STEEL. No. 848, Size 2. A. LEE, Black .... No. 840, " 2. '■ Polished .... No. 868, " 2. W. HADWIN, Polished . BACK STRAP CAST-STEEL. O. AMES, Polished A. STONE " O. A. DAY " SANDERSON, Polished ROUND POINT. Per dozen. ROUND POINT. Per dozen. No. 365, Size 2. No. 431. •' 2. No. 465, " 2. No. 497, '• 2. No. 498, " 3. No. 551, " 2. C. H. REED (Steel), Polished No. 564. " 2. LINDSAY Black Shovels 25 cents net less per dozen, except O. AMES, which is 50 cents list. $13.50 14.00 14.00 14.50 11.25 11.00 $9.50 10.00 9.25 $13.01 11.50 10.50 10.50 11.00 9.50 9.25 -I'! XI mi i PI' 1 HI O O > No. 703 704 Size 2 3 Doz. $14.50 14.75 O. 705 706 4 5 15.25 15.50 Fig. 603. AMES CAST-STEEL POLISHED. 707 708 709 710 711 712 6 7 8 9 10 11 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.75 18.50 19.00 713 12 20.00 714 13 21.00 No. Size Per doz. 730 2 $12.75 No. Size Per doz, 741 2 $10.75 SANDERSON'S 731 732 733 3 4 5 13.00 13.25 13.00 NAYLOR'S 742 743 3 4 11.00 11.25 BEST STEEL. 734 735 6 7 13.50 13.75 POLISHED 736 737 8 9 14.00 14.50 738 10 14.50 739 11 15.00 STEEL. 744 5 11.50 174 POLISHED. 745 746 11.75 12.00 747 8 12.25 748 9 12.75 715 14 22.00 740 12 15.50 749 10 13.00 PI o 30 SACK STRAP EXTRA CAST-STEEL SHOVELS AND SPADES. . D or Long Handle. Square or Round Point. Fig. 605. Round Point Shovel. BACK-STRAP. EXTRA HEAVY. CRIFFITHS. HALFMAN. STERLING. Size number .... 1 and 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 10 12 Black, per dozen . . $16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 20.00 21.00 BACK STRAP CAST-STEEL. GRIFFITHS. HALFMAN. YANKEE. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black, per dozen . . . $14.53 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 BALDWIN. PFEIFER. TROJAN. ROWLAND. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black, per dozen . . . $14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 LANE. MOORE. ARROW. THOMAS. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 8 Black, per dozen . . . $13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 16.00 STONE. FREY. ROYAL. MOON. S ze number 2 3 4 5 6 Black, per dozen . . . $12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 Round Point Sizes, 2, 3 and 4. For Polished add 50 cents per dozen to above lists. HUSSEY, BINNS & CO. BACK STRAP EXTRA CRUCIBLE CAST-STEEL. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 Black, per dozen . . . $33.75 35.25 36.75 38.25 39.75 Bound Points, Nos. 2 3 and 4. THE PITTSBURC SOCKET OR HOLLOW BACK CRUCIBLE CAST-STEEL. Size number ..... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black, per dozen . . . $34.00 35.50 37.00 88.50 40.00 41.50 43.00 Round Points, Nos. 2 and 3. THE PITTSBURC SOCKET OR HOLLOW BACK CRUCIBLE CAST-STEEL COAL SHOVEL. Size number 1 2 3 '4 5 Black, per dozen . . . $27.75 28.75 29.75 30.75 32.75 Nos. 1, 2 and 3 also made with long handle. HUSSEY, BINNS & CO. PLAIN BACK CRUCIBLE CAST- STEEL COAL SHOVEL. Size number 1 2 3 Black, per dozen $27.75 28.75 29.75 175 EXTRA HEAVY BACK STRAP, SOCKET STRAPS, SHOVELS AND SPADES. Especially Adapted for Minisg and Railroad Purposes. DOUGLASS. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 Black, per dozen . . . $16.00 #16.50 $17.00 $17.50 $18.00 For Polished add 50 cents per dozen. BACK STRAP, CAST-STEEL SOCKET STRAP SHOVELS AND SPADES. SaXTON. 3 3 4 5 6 $15.00 $15.50 $16.00 $16.50 $17.0) WEBSTER. 2 3 4 5 6 7 $13.50 $14.00 $14.50 $15.00 $15.50 $16 00 PLAIN BACK SOLID CAST-STEEL MOULDERS Size number . . Polished, per dozen Size number . . , Polished, per dozen Fig. 606. DANFORTH. SCRANTON. BARTLETT. BENIN. PFEIFER. Size number 2 5 Polished, per dozen $17.50 $19.00 JACKSON. NILEB. BOARDMAN. BAXTER. KING. Size number 2 5 Polished, per doze i . . . . . $16.00 $17.50 WEBBER. ROWLAND. JOHNSON. Size number 2 Polished, per dozen $14.50 Patent Dirigo Handles put in all above Moulders' Shovels when so ordered. SOLID CAST-STEEL SOCKET STRAP TAMPING SHOVEL. SIZE NO. 2, BLACK. Fig. 607 . . $17.00 PITTSBURG, per dozen . $19.00 . . 17.00 SAXTON, " " . . 17.50 . . 15.50 WEBSTER, " " . 14.00 . . 20.50 DOUGLASS, " " . . 19.00 . . 19.00 WILSON, " " . . 15.50 MONONGAHELA per dozen 0. H. BARTLETT, " " . BOARDMAN, " " . GRIFFITHS, " " . UORDON, " " . SOLID CAST-STEEL PLAIN STRAP TAMPING SHOVEL. SIZE NO. 2, BLACK. ROWLAND, rer dozen .... HUSSEY, BINN & CO., per dozen Fig. 608. $14.00 SCRANTON, per dozen 20.50 NILEB " " . 176 $19.00 17.50 H X n n c z m H O O 3 ■o > PI ■< o CLEVELAND PATTERN SHOVELS AND SPADES. Fig. 609. Fig. 610. Fig. 611. Fig. 612. Square Point Shovel. Round Point Shovel. Spade. Coal Shovel. EXTRA CAST-STEEL HOLLOW BACK. D ok Long Handle, Square or Round Point. . GEORGE GRIFFITH?. PFEIFER. LACKAWANNA. HOLMES. Size Dumber 2 3 4 5 6 8 Black, per dozen .... f 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.50 BEST CAST-STEEL HOLLOW BACK. D or Long Handle, Square or Round Point. BAIRD. PENN. ATLAS. CORDON. Size number . . 2 3 4 5 6 8 Black, per dozen .... $15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 18.00 CAST-STEEL HOLLOW BACK. D or Long Handle, Square or Round Point. PACKER. WYOMING. WILSON. Size number 2 8 4 5 6 8 Black, per dozen .... $13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.50 For Polished add 50 cents per dozen to all tlie above. SOLID STEEL HOLLOW BACK. D or Long Handle, Square or Round Point. SELLERS. BOSS. DIAMOND. METEOR. Size number ..... 2 3 4 5 6 8 Black, per dozen .... $12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.50 BEST CAST-STEEL HOLLOW BACK COAL SHOVELS. Western Pattern, D or Long Handle. BAIRD. PE*N. Size number 1 2 3 Black, per dozen $17.00 17.50 18.00 For Half Polislied add 50 cents per dozen. SOLID STEEL PATTERN, HOLLOW BACK COAL SHOVELS. Western Pattern, D or Long Handle. SELLERS. BOSS. Size number ,.'. 1 2 3 Black, per dozen $14.50 15.00 15.50 For Half Polished add 50 cents per dozen. 177 HOLLOW-BACK COAL AND COKE SHOVELS. WESTERN PATTERN. . 613. CRUCIBLE CAST -STEEL SOCKET COAL SHOVELS. Black. D ok Long Handle. LACKAWANNA. G. GRIFFITHS. HOLMES. Size 1 2 3 5 Per dozen, EXTRA 2 19.00 CAST Size, Per dozen, SOLID $18.50 STEEL SOCKET Black. D oe Long Handle. ATLAS. BAIRD, GORDON 1 2 $17.00 17.50 CAST -STEEL SOCKET COAL Black. D ok Long Handle. WYOMING. PACKER. WILSON. 19.50 20.50 COAL SHOVELS. 3 18.00 5 19.00 SHOVELS. Size, Per dozen, Size, Per dozen, 5.50 16.00 COAL 3 16.50 5 17.50 SHOVELS. SOLID STEEL SOCKET Black. D ok .Long Handle. DIAMOND. SELLERS. CLEVELAND or METEOR. 1 2 $14.50 15.00 3 15.50 5 16.50 6 18.50 6 17.00 6 15.50 6 14.50 Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of all the above are Bituminous Coal Shovels. No. 5 of all the above are Coke Shovels. No. 6 of all the above are Anthracite Coal Shovels. Sizes and Dimensions of Blades. No. 1. Bituminous, . . Width, 13J inches No. 2. Bituminous, . . . . . " 14j No. 3. Bituminous, ..... . " 14f No. 5. Coke, "15 No. 6. Anthracite, " 12| No. 6 Anthracite is Round Point. For Half Polished add 50 cents to above lists. Dihensions of Blades, Hollow Back, D Handle Shovels, Square Point, Size No. . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 Width, Inches, . 9| 10± 10J 11§ 114 12J Length, 144 inches. " 14| '• " 15f " " 17 " 14 Length, Inches, 113 121 12- m 14 14* Dimensions of Blades, Hollow Back, D Handle, Round Point. Size No. .... Width, Inches, .... Length, . , . Dimensions of Blades, Size No. .... Width, Inches, .... Length, Inches, .... Hollow Back, Long Handle 2 9* 13 Round Point. 2 12 Dimensions of Hollow Back Coal and Locomotive Scoops, Eastern Pattern. Size No. ..... 234567 Width, Inches, 10| 11J 11* 12J 13 13i Length, Inches, 14£ 15 15l- 16£ 16J 174, 178 - 8 12i 15" 3 n 13f 3 12* 8 13J 173 PI 00 c SJ 2 PI H O o s ■o > PI ■< o DIMENSIONS OF SOLID STEEL AND BACK STRAP D HANDLE SHOVELS, SQUARE POINT. Size number . ■ 2 3 4 5 g 7 Width, inches, ! 10 Hi 11 11* 12 12* Length, " 12 13| 13i 13 J 14* 15 D HANDLE, ROUND POINT. Size number, 2 3 Dimensions, inches '.'.'.'.'.'. 9$xl2i 10Jxl2* LONG HANDLE, ROUND POINT. Size number, 2 3 Dimensions, inches, 91x12 9£xl2* DIMENSIONS SOLID STEEL AND BACK STRAP SCOOPS, EASTERN PATTERN. Size number, ..2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Width, inches, . . H| 11* 11| 12* 12* 13| 18$ 14$ 15 15$ Length, " . 15 15* 111 16£ 16$ 17 17} 18 18* 19$ PATENT PLAIN BACK SOLID CAST-STEEL SPADES. BRICK SPADE. Fig. 614. Size No. 2. Black D Handle Brick Spade, Extra, Per dozen, $15.00 13.50 DRAIN SPADES. Fig. 615. D Handle Concave Drain Spade, Polished, Extra, 14 inches 14 « DITCHING AND POST SPADES. ' ' #■ \ Per dozen, $19.50 17.50 Fig. 016. I) Handle Concave Ditching and Post Spade, black, 14 inches, FIRE SHOVELS, SHORT HANDLE. Per dozen, $19.50 Fig. 617. MEDIUM. No. 2. Japanned, size 4*x7xl5 inches, per dozen, $1.00 No. 2. Galvanized, " " " " 1.25 HEAVY. No. 5. Japanned, size 4£x8xl6 inches, per dozen, $1.25 No. 5. Galvanized, " " " 1.75 FIRE SHOVELS, LONC HANDLE. MEDIUM. No. 3. Japanned, size 5x8x23 inches, per dozen, $1.50 No. 3. Galvanized, " " " 2.00 HEAVY. No. 7. Japanned, size 5x8x23 inches, per dozen, $2.10 No. 7. Galvanized, " " " 3.00 179 CLEVELAND PATTERN D OR LONG HANDLE SCOOPS. EASTERN PATTERN. 8 21.00 Fig. 618. EXTRA CAST-STEEL HOLLOW BACK SCOOPS. GEORGE CRIFFITHS. PFEIFER. LACKAWANNA. HOLMES. Si7G limn "be r • • • ■ * " Black, per dozen .... $18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 BEST CAST-STEEL HOLLOW BACK SCOOPS. BAIRD. PENN. ATLAS. CORDON. Size number, ...... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Black, per dozen .... $16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.50 CAST-STEEL HOLLOW BACK SCOOPS. PACKER. WYOMING. WILSON. Size number, 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen .... $15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 SOLID STEEL HOLLOW BACK SCOOPS. SELLERS. BOSS. DIAMOND. METEOR. Size number 3 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen .... $14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 For Half Polislied add 20 cents, Full Polished add 50 cents per dozen to above lists. For Western Pattern Cleveland Pattern Scoops add $1.00 per dozen to above lists. BACK-STRAP PHILADELPHIA OR EASTERN PATTERN SCOOPS, EXTRA CAST-STEEL. 8 18.00 8 17.00 Fig. 619. HALFMAN. C. H. BARTLETT. PETTEBONE-EXTRA. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen .... $18.50 19.00 19.50 20.00 20.50 21.00 BACK-STRAP CAST-STEEL SCOOPS. LANE. MOORE. BAXTER. TROJAN. Size number 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen . ... . $15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.00 BACK-STRAP STEEL SCOOPS. STONE. FREY. ROYAL. ROWLAND. ARROW. Size number, 2 3 4 5 6 7 Black, per dozen .... $14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 For Halt Polished add 20 cents, Full Polislied add 50 cents per dozen to above lists. SAWDUST SCOOPS, BLACK. D or Long Handle Cast-steel, Per dozen $22.50 180 21.50 18.50 17.50 H X PI PI H O o s •a > ■< o TELEGRAPH SHOVELS, SOLID CAST-STEEL, PLAIN BACKS. Fig. G20. C. GRIFFITHS. Length of Handles, feet Per doz. Black 6 $20.50 22.50 BARTLETT. Length of Handles, feet Per dozen, Black DANFORTH. BOARDMAN. WYOMING. 5 6 7 $19.00 19.00 21.00 JACKSON. Length of Handles, feet Per dozen, Black 5 6 7 ........ $17.50 17.50 19.50 Add for Long Straps $4.00 per dozen additional to list. 24.50 23.00 21.50 TELEGRAPH SPOONS, SOLID CAST-STEEL, PLAIN BACK. CRIFFITHS. Length of Handles, teet Per dozen, Black Fig. 621. BARTLETT. WYOMING. 6 7 . $22.50 22.50 24.50 CAST-STEEL, BACK STRAP, MALLEABLE SHANK. Fig. 622. CRIFFITHS. ROWLAND. WYOMING. Length of Handles, feet 6 Per dozen, Black $20.50 Add for Long Straps $4.00 per dozen additional to lists. SOLID STEEL SOCKET SNOW SHOVEL. 7 20.50 3.50 Fig. 62b. This Shovel is made from one piece of Steel, particularly strong Shovel, correct in shape and of comparatively light weight, and is particularly adapted to railways. Finished in Black. Size. Blades 10J inches wide by 14 inches long. Total length of Shovel 5 feet. Price $7.00 per dozen D Handle Snow Shovels, same size blade . 10.00 per dozen 181 V "EAGLE ANVIL." STANDARD DIMENSIONS. Fig. 694. 100 lbs. to 800 lbs., 9 cents per lb. SMALLER ANVILS" MINIMS." WEIGHING ABOUT. No. 000. 12 3 * lb. 8 lbs. 20 lbs. 30 lbs $1.00 No. 5 50 lbs. 3.50 PRICE. 4.00 4.30 WEIGHING ABOUT. 60 lbs. 70 lbs. 80 lbs. *!5.00 5.50 PRICE. 6.00 .00 4 40 lbs. 4.50 9 90 lbs. 8.00 Face. Horn. Weight. Length. Width. Outter-Hole, Square. Length. Pound a. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 100 12 34 3 & 4 84 110 12} 34 84 120 3| I 8* 130 134 8* 84 140 14 4 84 150 144 4 2 1 10" 150 15 4 10 160 15 4? 10 170 15 4 ; 10 180 154 4v 10 200 164 4j li 114 225 164 4j V 114 250 174 5- 114 275 17| 5^ ' 114 300 19 5; 114 350 20 6 i : 8 13 400 21 6 1 3 a 13 500 23 64 14 144 600 23 64 14 144 PETER WRIGHT ANVILS. Weights from 84 to 500 lbs. " 70 to 84 " advance, " " 60 to 70 " " " " 50 to 60 " " " ' ; under 50 " " VULCAN BELLOWS. Base, cts. per lb. a. i n " l£ " 2 " 3 " Size, Inches. 24 26 Price, Each. $12.00 13.00 Size, inches . Price, each . 28 30 14.00 16.00 18.00 Fig. 625. BLACKSMITHS' EXTRA. 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Size, inches . . Price, per dozen Size, inches . . Price, per dozen 34 22.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 28.00 34.00 38.00 44.00 50.00 60.00 DOUBLE EXTRA. 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 24.00 28.01 32.00 38.00 44.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 FOUNDRY OR MOULDERS. 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 ' $15.00 17.00 20.00 24. 00 26.00 28.00 33.00 HAND BELLOWS. 6 7 8 9 10 12 $6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 182 ■< O BLACKSMITHS' MANDRELS. DESCRIPTION AND PRICES. No. Size of Base. Height. Price. 1 10 in. 36in. $6.00 2 10 " 46 " 7.75 3 12 " 48 " 11.00 4 16 " 62 " 16.00 Fig. 626. SWAGE BLOCKS We make these Mandrels in sizes as shown. They are flat- tened on one side to permit work to be grasped firmly with tongs. They have square bases, which keep them from being so easily tipped over. When ordering, mention the number of Mandrel wanted. FOR MACHINE AND BLACKSMITHS' SHOPS. ^i waBi'O Not Planed . Planed Both Sides $11.00 $13.00 7.00 8.50 4.00 5.00 Fig. 638 Fig. 629 Fig. 630 PRICE LIST AND SIZES. Fig. 628, Swage Block, 18 x 18 x 4 " 629, " "15x15x4 " 630 " "11x11x4 "We also furnish Swage Blocks with base as represented. Swage Block and base are cast in one piece. When edges are used base can be tipped so that edge needed will come on upper side. PRICE LIST AND SIZES. No. Not Planed. Planed. 11, 18 x 18 x 4 x 16 high, . . $15.50 $17.50 12, 15 x 15 x 4 x 16 " . . 12.00 13.50 13, 11 x 11 x 4 x 16 " , . 7.25 8.25 Fig 631. Unless otherwise ordered, Swage Blocks will be sent not planed. 183 BLACKSMITHS' TONCS. STRAIGHT LIP. Fig. 632. VERONA, . Per lb., $0-40 CURVED LIP, FLUTED JAW. -S Fig. 633. VERONA, . Perlb.,*0.40 STRAIGHT LIP.-Fig. 632. . No, Length. Do,. Price. Nos. Length. Doz. Price. Nos. Length. Doz 1 nee. ass* ts ass* s.» s^ *§ IS 16 << 7!?5 1,336 24 " .12.50 1,339 30 " 17.50 L333 18 " 8.75 CURVED LIP, FLUTED JAW.-Fig. 633. Nos Length. Doz. Price. Nos. Length. Doz. Price. Length. 1,340 12 in. $6.50 1,344 20 in. $10.50 1 341 14 " 7.50 1.345 22 " 12.00 1^342 16 " 8.50 i;346 24 " 13.50 1,343 18 " 9.50 1.347 26 in. 1.348 28 " 1.349 30 " $15.00 17.00 19.00 CAD. Fig. 634. Per lb., . . $0.40 SINGLE PICK UP. Fig. 635. Per lb., . . $0.40 DOUBLE PICK UP. Fig. 636. Per lb., . . $0.40 ROUND JAW OR BAND. Fin. 637. Per lb., Per lb., Per lb., BOLT. Fig. 638. RIVET. Fig. 639. $0.40 $0.40 $0.60 LATHE TOOL. Fig. 640. Per lb., . . $0.60 PICK. Fig. 641. Per lb., . . $0.60 ANCLE JAW. Fig. 642. Per lb., . . $0.60 BAND OR CLEVIS. Fig. 643. Per lb., . . $0.60 CLIP. Fig. 644. Per lb., . . $1.20 1 PI, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS. Fig. G45. Fig. 646. BOTTOM FULLER. TOP FULLER. ^ to 3 in. J to 3 in. Per lb., $0.50. Per lb., $0.50. No. 38, Verona, per lb., $0.30. Fig. 647. Fig. 648. TOP SWAGE OTTOM SWAGE. £ to 4J in. 4/ to 4£ in. Per lb., $0.50. Per lb., $0.50. No. 39, Verona, per lb., $0.30. Fig. 649. SQUARE FLATTER. 1 to 41 in. Per lb., $0.50. No. 37, Verona . per lb., $0.30. Fig. 650. ROUND FLATTER. 1 to 4i in. Per lb., $0.50. Fig. 651. ADZE-EYE CREASER. Doz. price, $10. Fig. 652. SET HAMMER. 1 to 2£ in. Per lb., $0.50. 185 Fig. 653. HARDIE. Shanks, h to 1 J in. Per lb.^ $0.50. No. 61, Verona . $0.30 It ROCK DRILL SHARPENINC TOOLS. DOLLY. Fig. 654. Weight, 4 lb. 12 oz. Lb. price, $0.80. Fig. 654. Fig-. 656. TOP SPREADER. 31b. 8 oz., $0.80. DOLLY. Fig. 655. Weight, 6 lb. Lb. price, $0.80. Fig. .655. Fig. 657. BOTTOM SPREADER. Weight, 2 lb. 8 oz. Lb. price, $0.80. Fig. 658. SET HAMMER. Weight, 3 lb. 8 oz. Lb. price, $0.80. il'l'll Fig. 659. CAT HEAD HAMMER For sharpening drills. Per lb., $0.40. 186 BIB ..■' 3 Fig. 660. SOW. Weight, 8 lb. 12 oz. Lb. price, $0.80. 3 BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS. COLD CHISEL. 1 to 3 lb., per lb., No. 40 Verona, " Fig. 661. 8" .' ' '?)» HOT CHISEL. 1 to 3 lb., per lb., No. 41 Verona, " $0.50 .25 $0.50 .25 Fig. 662. I Fig. 663. ROUND PUNCHES. J to 1 in., per lb., 0.55 SQUARE PUNCHES. I to 1 in., per lb., $0.55 Fig. 665. HEADING TOOLS. Assorted. I to li in., Lb. Price. $0.50 PRITCHELS (Farriers'). No. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. Fig. 666. Size of Face. (Square.) . . 2 in . . . . . 3 .. 4 " ... ... 4* "... Per lb. BLACKSMITHS' STAKES. Price Each .$1.75 . 2.50 . 3.75 . 4.50 No. 5.. 6.. 7.. Size of Face. (Square.) .5 in . . . H $0.60 Price Each ,....$5.50 6.50 8.00 MSfflfflliBSiSB Fig. 667. C ffi i|S|ifl| ill \ Fig. 668. CAPE CHISEL. Per lb., $0.60 HAND CHIPPING. Per lb., $0.50 181 BUFFALO PORTABLE FORGES. CLOSED HOOD FORCE. Fig. 669 Forge. — With closed hood ; height, 29 in. ; fan, 10 in. ; hearth, 21 x 27 in. ; weight, 150 lbs. Price, $42.00. The closed hoods are strongly made of steel, completely enclosing the fire- place, and are fitted with a large slid- ing door in front and small one in rear, for manipulating fire, etc. Thus equipped, the escape of sparks, fumes and smoke is prevented, and adapts them for use in annealing and refin- ing metals, and in 2)laning mills, fur- niture factories, saw mills, oil refin- eries, sugar works, etc. H X PI Bf C ro z mi 'Fie;. G69. Tig. 670. BOILER MAKERS' FORCE. Fig. 670 Forge. — With dash ; height, 29 in. ; fan, 10 in. ; hearth, 21 x 27 in. ; weight, 140 lbs. Price, $36.00. No boiler shop is completely equip- ped without this forge, which is es- pecially intended for tbe use of iron bridge and ship builders, railroad contractors and general out-door work. They have received the endorse- ment of some of the most prominent users, as being far superior to any- thing ever produced. 188 TOOL MAKERS' FORCE. RAILROAD AND BRIDGE BUILDERS' FORGE. height, 33 in.; ■weight, 75 lbs. Fig. 671. Fig. 671. —Half-open hood; size of hearth, 18 in. diameter; Price, #27.00. Fig. 671. — With closed hood; height, 33 in.; hearth, 18 in. diameter ; weight, 80 lbs. Price, 130.00. For use in heating and tempering small tools. Fig. 673, Fig. 672.— Size of hearth, 18 in. diameter; height, 32 in.; weight, 110 lbs. Price, $32.00. This forge is designed especially for railroad track and bridge work, structural iron and ship builders, pipe lines, lank builders, etc. It is practically impossible for breakages to occur, as all the machinery is protected by a steel drum or barrel, and it will withstand any amount of hard usage without injury. RIVETERS' PORTABLE FORGE. STATIONARY BLAST FORCE. Fig. 673. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES : Fire Pan, 46ix47 ; Coal Box, length, 23i; width, 12; depth, 10; Water Tank, length, 27$; width, 12; depth, 10; Height of Forge, 26|; weight, 722 lbs. . Price, $70.00. Fig. 673. — Stationary Blast Forge is designed for the heaviest kind of blacksmith and shipsniil.il work. The dimensions given afford an idea of its adapt- ability to the heavy class of work for which it was designed, and which lias made it a popular pattern for railroad shop, ship smithing, etc. 189 Fig. 674. Fig. 674 — With dash; height, 33 in.: size of hearth, 18 in. diameter; weight, 70 lbs. Price, $24.00. \ BUFFALO BLACKSMITHS WITH STEEL HOOD. Fig. 776. ' FORCE. FIC. 675, FORCE COMPLETE. With Hand Lever. Height, 30 in.; size of hearth. 28 x 40 in. ; fan, 14 in. diameter ; weight, 250 lbs. ; with water tank, 300 lbs. Price .... $50.00 " with water tank 54.00 This Forge is guaranteed to produce a welding heat on 3-inch iron in 5 minutes, and on i inch iron in 10 minutes. Sold only on guaranteed merit. FIC. 676, POWER FORCE. Height, 30 in.; size of hearth, 28x40 in.; fan, 14 in. diameter; weight, 250 lbs.; with water tank, 3001bs. PRICES. Fig. 676. — Without water tank . . $51.00 " " With water tank. . . . S8.00 " " With hand-power attach- ments 88.00 " " With hand-power attach- ments and water tank 62 00 r Built complete, with tight and loose pul- s leys ; also, cut-off for the blast, by which the tire cau be regulated to any degree. The hand attachments are a very con- venient feature for use in case of break- downs or when engine is stopped. MACHINISTS' PORTABLE FORCE. Fig. 677. Fokqb.— With half-open hood; height, 29 in. ; fan, 10 in. ; hearth, 21 x Vl in. ; weight, 145 lbs. Price ' $40. On These forges are guaranteed to produce a welding heat on 2J to 3-iuch iron in from 5 to 10 minutes, and will do heavier work if required. FIC. 678, POWER FORCE. Height, 29 iu. ; fan, 10 in. diameter; hearth, 21 x27iu. ; weight, 140 lbs. PRICES. 678.— Without water tank . . $45.00 " " With water tank . . . 49.00 " " With hand-power attach- ments 48.00 " " With water tank and hand- power attachments . 52.00 For general work in machine shops, mills, or wherever power is available, this forge is especially adapted. The hand-power attachments wdl be found particularly serviceable in all cases of breakdowns or repairs after hours, when it is not desirable to run the engine to drive the forge fan. 190 Fig. 678. BLACKSMITHS' CRANK HAND BLOWER. BLACKSMITHS' HORIZONTAL HAND BLOWER. Fig. 678. Price, with tuyere complete, $32.00 Price, without tuyere . . 80.00 Pig. 679. Price, with tuyere complete, $36.00 Price, without tuyere . . 34.00 Tuyekes. Price, each . $3.50 Blowee. Fig. 678.— Size of fan. 14 in.; height, 35 in.; length, 32 in.; weight, 1301bs.; with tuyere, 150 lbs. Blowee. Fig. 679.— Size of fan, 17 in.; height, 35 in; length, 35 in.; weight, 2001bs.; with tuyere, 2251bs. This Blower is designed for extra heavy work, as boilermakers' flange fires, heavy ship-smithing, etc. Fig. 680. Size of fan, 14 in.; height, 47 in.; weight, 105 lbs.; with tuyere, 125 lbs. Price, with tuyere, $20.00. Price, without tuyere, $18.00. Tuyeres, price, each, $3.50. Blower, Fig. 680, is designed to meet requirements where, for convenience, a Crank Blower is desirable. In its construction we have embodied our Patent Rachet Crank, which does not continue to revolve whtn released by the operator, but falls in the position indicat' d in the cut, which is most convenient in starting tne Blower. AtSOturnsof crank per minute, this blower will blow strong enough to heat 3 to 4-inch iron in from 5 to 10 minutes. Fig. 680. — Made nnlv right hand. BLACKSMITHS' UPRIGHT HAND BLOWER. Fig. 681. Size of fau, 14 in. diameter; height, 47 in.; weight, 115 lbs.; with tuyere, 130 lbs. Price, with tuyere complete, . . $25.00 Price, without tuyere, .... 23.00 Tuyeres, price, each, .... 3.5J Fig. 681 JV ACME HAND BLOWER Suitable for one ordinary blacksmith's ^ Suitable 'for two ordinary blacksmith's fires . * rfJ - 5U The above are made either for right or left hand fires. Allow 60 cubic feet per minute for each ordinary blacksmith's fire. No. 3 is guaranteed to give blast equal to a 60-inch bellows. ACME PORTABLE FORCE. Fig. 683. Capacity per Revo- Diam. lulioTi. of No. Cubic in. Outlet. 3 172 li in. 3 J 325 2 " 4 648 3 " 8 10 No. 1 2 3 4 5 Size Hearth. 2Hxl3iu. 24 xl6 " 20 x30 " 37Jx25 " 46ix31 " Pis:. 684. SIZES AND PRICES. Size Bellows Kcinal to *Weiglit. 30 in. 145 lb? 40 " 170 " 50 " 250 " 60 " 300 '• Prices, f. o. t>. New York- $33.00 37.00 41.00 45.00 53.00 *In shipping order. 192 Size of Pulley. 5ixlf x2 x3 Medium Speed. . . 450 . 400 . 350 Dimensions of Blowers. 10 x 10ixl6 inches. 11x13 x23 " 12x16 x26 " , Weights. . Net. Gross. 55 lbs. 75 lbs. 85 " 210 " 188 " 215 " 3 made with top dis- charge only. No. 3£ and No, 4 with top or side dis- charge. Price of Fig- 683 on appli- cation. No. 3 4 No. PI D C » 2 mi Hi o| Ol s > 2- Hiii m IE 21! Pl!3 i Fig. 687. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORCE. (patented.) Fig. 685. With Down-Draft Smoke Exhaust Hood; also Anti-Clinker Dumping Tuyere. Size of Fire Pan, 24 in. x36i in. Coal Box, length, 27| in.; width, 9 in.; depth, 6k in. "Water Tank, length, 27^ in.; width, 9 in.; depth, 6 J- in. Height of Forge, 29 in.; weight, 470 lbs. Price, $65.00. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORCE. (patented.) Adapted to Moderate and Heavy Work. Fig. 686. With Down-Draft SmokeExhaust Hood ; also Anti-Clinker Dumping Tuyere, Blast Gate, and Coal and Water Boxes. Size Fire Pan, 37 in. x 41 in. Coal Box, length, 35 J in.; width, 7f in.; depth, 3^ in. Water Tank, length, 27^ in. ; width, 9 in.; depth, 6| in. Height of Forge, 27£ in. Weight, 550 lbs. Price, $70.00. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE. (patented.) For Moderate and Heavy Work. Steel Plate Construction. Fig. 687. With Down-Draft Smoke Exhautt Hood, Anti-Clinker Dumping Tuyere and Blast Gate. Size Fire Pan, 36 in. diameter. Height of Forge, 26 in. Weight, 330 lbs. Price, $75.00. 193 BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORCE. (patented.) For Moderate and Heavy Work. Steel Plate Construction. Fig. 688. Witii Down draft Smoke Exhaust Hood, Anti-clinker Dumping Tuyere, Blast Gate, and Coal and Water Boxes. Size Fire Pan, 36 in. diameter; Coal Box, length, 15i in. ; width, 10 in. ; depth, 15 in. Water Tank, length, 18£ in. ; width, 10 in. ; depth, 15 in. Height of Forge, 26 in. Weight, 410 lbs. Price, $100.00 BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE. (patented.) For Extra Heavy Work in Eail- road Rerjair Shops, etc. Fig. 689. With Down-draft Smoke Exhaust Hood and Blast Gate. Size of Fire Pan, 42 in. x 42 in. Height of Forge, 24 in. Weight, 1,540 lbs. PRICE ON APPLICATION. Fig. 689. SPECIAL BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST HEATING FORGE. With Down-draft Exhaust Hoods for Removing Gases and Fumes. Designed -for Large Railroad Work. H X m a c 2 m H O O s •o > 2 PI O Fig. 690. PRICE ON APPLICATION. 194 IMPROVED COUNTER-SHAFTS FOR STEEL PRESSURE BLOWERS. PRICE LIST, SIZES AND DIMENSIONS. Fig. 691. Nos. 1 to 6 regularly have but one driving pul- ley; Nos. 7 to 12 have two driving pulleys Addi- tional pulleys, also tight and loose pulleys, may be furnished on these counter-shafts at a small addi- ditional price. IMPROVED BLAST j, >i C » 2% O f-t □ w CM to §»■■« P « s O * if go, fe &0 go £ 60 P 1 12 4 i $8.00 2 14 5 1 10.00 3 16 6 n 12.00 4 18 * H 16.00 5 21 8 i# 20.00 G 26 9 if 25.00 7 30 .10 30.00 135.00 8" 32 12 2 40.00 45.00 36 14 21 50.00 60.00 10 40 16 2J- 70.00 80.00 11 42 17 Oil 80.00 90.00 m 44 18 3 90.00 100.00 12 44 18 3 100.00 110.00 Cast Fig. 692 GATES, SLIDE PRICE LIST WITH Material, on with steel slide, PATTERN. SIZES. Price. $1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 12.00 16.00 18.(0 21.00 These Gates are designed especially for regulating the supply of air in pipes from Buffalo Blowers and Exhaust Fans. The lever pattern of Blast Gates can also be furnished at same prices, but their use is not generally convenient or desirable. ACME FIRE-BED AND TUYERE. FOR USE IN BRICK FORCE. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 3, 14! i u - square x 11^- deep. Weight, 63 lbs. Price, $5.70. No. 4, 18 in. square x 12 deep. Weight, 80 lbs. Price, $6.50. Fis. C93. Directions foe Setting. Construct forsre with inside cross walls 12h inches in the clear for No. 3 and 16 inches in the clear for No. 4. The space below fire-bed must be left entirely open to permit free circulation of 'air. After fire-bed is placed, the hearth should be joined up to it on all sides as high as the top. 195 \ THE BUFFALO STEEL PRESSURE BLOWER, FOR CUPOLA AND FORCE FIRES. (A u ^ ADJUSTABLE BED rt a o . U C o *■■ .J o a; .*, 3 o H ■SS J3 'U .3 2-*= ■S-2« £~ 'wi So Mft u rt » o ■c o > O Jff U rt £ h ■-So M ft ft ft " rau 1 m Si 2 J if $12.00 $20.00 2 15 4 2i a* 18.00 28.00 3 20 4| B-f 25 26.00 38.00 4 24 5* 4 3 36.00 52.00 5 26 5* 4{ 3 44.00 64.00 6 HO 2 H 2 Pt •4 c a 196 ROOTS' BLOWERS FOR CUPOLAS. Fig. 695. SPEEDS AND CAPACITIES. No. 1 Blower. — A-dapted to a cupola 23 to 27 inches inside lining. Discharges 3 cubic feet per revolution. 250 revolutions per minute will melt lw tons per hour. 280 " " " " l| " " " g25 * ' " ( ' " 1 9 " " " No. 2 Blower. — Adapted to a cupola 28 to 30 inches inside lining. Discharges 5 cubic feet per revolution. 250 revolutions per minute will melt 2i tons per hour. 275 " " " " 2"^ " " " 300 " " '■ " 3 " " " No. 3 Blower. —Adapted to a cupola 30 to 32 inches inside lining. Discharges 8 cubic feet per revolution 225 revolutions per minute will melt 3f tons per hour. 250 " " " " 4 " " " 275 " " " " 4| " " " No. 4 Blower. —Adapted to a cupola 33 to 42 inches inside lining. Discharges 13 cubic feet per revolution. 200 revolutions per minute will melt 5| tons per hour. 225 " " " " 5£ " " " 250 " " " " 6* " " " No. 5 Blower. — Adapted to a cupola 43 to 48 inches inside lining. Discharges 22 cubic feet per revolution. 175 revolutions per minute will melt 7 T \j tons per hour. 200 " " " " 8| " " " 225 " " " " 9A " " " No. 6 Blower. —Adapted to a cupola 48 to 60 inches inside lining. Discharges 37 cubic feet per revolution. 150 revolutions per minute will melt 11-^ tons per hour. 175 " " " " 12& " " " 200 a a a << 14| " " " No. 7 Blower.— Adapted to a cupola 78 or two cupolas 54 inches inside lining. Discharges 63 cubic feet per revolution. 120 revolutions per minute will melt 15 tons per hour. ii it ti it 17s n z z n k o PRICES OF COVERS. 1 10 cents each. 2 10 " 3 10 " 4 10 " 5 10 " 6 15 " 7 , • . .15 " No. 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 and upward, 1 cent per No The above prices are subject to change without notice. 198 15 cents each. 15 15 18 18 18 DIAMOND RAPPING PLATES AND DRAW SCREWS. Price per IOC . ^ inch Plates, $3.25 4 4 25 1 u a 5.75 li " 8 50 11 " " 12.75 Fig. 697. Only One Size Draw Screw Eequired — finch Draw Screws, $12.75 per 100. FRASER'S RAPPING PLATES. Bfc 1 tapped f in. iin. $r Doz, No. $ .50 11 tappi .50 12 .50 13 " .60 14 .60 15 .70 16 .75 17 .85 18 .90 19 1.00 20 Fig. 699. Fig. 698. Made of Malleable Iron with Rapping Holes, Tapped Draw Holes and Screw Holes. LIFTERS. f in., per doz. $1.80 2.25 " " 2.70 " " 3.30 FLEXIBLE METALLIC FILLET. Not affected by heat, cold, or moisture. Will work around short- est curves. Put up in 100-foot Reels. Size number Price per foot Fig. 701. .04 .05 .06 .08 5 B .10 4 .12 .15 1 .20 BELDING LEATHER FILLET. JK m Size Price -— "~~^ Fig. 702. This cut shows measurements in inches, angle measure. Price per 100 feet. $1.00 1.50 sft) 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 a 6.00 l 7.00 1 8.00 199 \ PATTERN LETTERS AND FIGURES. MEASURE ON FACE. A f-inch Letter or Figure will measure 7-16 on the back. ROMAN STYLE. Size, inches . ^ Price, each, cts. .02 Fig. 703. f inch Face Measure. Size, inches Price, each, cts Size, inches Price, each, cts 3 IT .02 .02 \ .03 1} li .06 .08 09 i .02 .03 If .02 a .03 I .04 2 ty .10 .14 .02| Fig. 704. T \ inch Face Measure. SHARP COTHIC STYLE. Fig. 705. J inch Face Measure. Size, inches Price, each, cts Size, inches Price, each, cts Size, inches Price, each, cts 1 3 1 8 IT 4 .02 .02 .02 ■X 3 T6 8 .02 .02£ • 02£ IAS II .02| .03 .03 .03| .04 li ,06 1* .08 If .09 2 .10 21 .14 .041 3 .15 Fig. 707. A inch Face Measure Price, each, cts. Size, inches Price, each, cts. Size, inches Price, each, cts. 3 16 .02 16 .03 li .06 ROUND FACE COTHIC. These are lighter and thinner than the sharp face Size, inches . A i tV I tV .02 .02 .02J .02£ I f I .03 .03£ .04 1* 2 2J .08 .10 .14 Fig. 706. £ inch Face Measure. COTHIC STYLE FLAT FACE. Fig. 709. 1 inch Face Measure. Size, inches Price, each, cts. Size, inches Price, each, cts. Size, inches Price, each. cts. i 8 .02 I •02i .08 6 TS .02 .5 H .03 If .09 i .02 .08J 2 .10 TF .02 .04 .14 Fig. 708. 1 inch Face Measure. tV .02 J I .021 1 .04£ 3 .15 li .06 FANCY LETTERS AND FIGURES. Fig. 710. J inch Face Measure, Size, inches § Price, each, cts .03 Size, inches 1 Price, each, cts. .06 200 -I X m D C JO z m H O o s ■o > PI ■< o .03 S .04 a 4 .05 i •05J li 08 .10 2 .12 Fig. 711. 1 inch Face Measure. PATTERN LETTERS AND FIGURES. Measure on the Face. SKELETON GOTHIC. These are lighter and thinner than the Kound Gothic. Fig. 712 i inch. Face Measure. Size, inches Price, each, cts. Size, inches Price, each, cts. Size, inches . Price, each, cts. i .02 tV .03 1* .06 .02 6 ¥ .03 H .08 i .02 a. .031 If .09 5 TB" .02 7 .04 .10 ■02* 1 •04£ 2* .14 .02* EXTRA THICK SHARP COTHIC. Size, inches Price, each, cts Size, inches . Price, each, cts. i i 3 8 .03 i .03 05 .07 .09 These are also made with Flat Top at same list price. ■03* If .10 Fig. 713. } inch. Face Measure. HEAVY BLOCK LETTERS AND FICURES. Fig. 714. Face 1 Measure TheSe are desirable where otters on face of castings are planed off. Fig. 715. J inch. Face Measure. r |E < X E o t- ui OS 3 LU X Size, inches Price, eacb, cts. Size, inches Price, each, cts. Fig. 716. i inch. .04 .09 FRACTIONALS. .05 14 .11 4 .06 2 .13 1 .07 To match all sizes of figures of Bonian, Sharp Gothic, Bound Gothic and Flat Gothic styles. Fig. 717. Fig. 718. Fig. 719. Fig. 720. Price of each Fractional double the price of same size figure. That is, price of \ inch figure is 2* cents — fractional to match would be 5 cents, etc. ROMAN STYLE BRANDING LETTERS. (Reversed.) For making Cast Iron Branding Irons. \ inch deep. Size, inches ■ ■ i I 2 f Price, each, cts. . . .03 .03 .04 .05 list- 3. 4 .06 1 .07 Fig. 721. GOTHIC STYLE, EXTRA DEEP BRANDING LETTERS. (Reversed.) All 5-16 inch deep. Size, inches . Price, each, cts. \ I .05 .06 f 1 .07 .08 li .10 1* .11 201 Fig 722. V BEST STEEL LETTERS AND FIGURES. Figures, per Figures, Set of 9. Single, Each. $1.25 $0.20 1.13 .20 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 .90 .15 1.13 .16 1.25 .18 1.40 .20 1.50 .20 1.75 .25 2,j50 .35 3.50 .45 4.50 .50 11.50 1.75 21.00 3.25 These letters ana figures are made of the best steel, are correctly shaped, hard- ened, and the temper carefully drawn. These are variously used, according to size, for stamping Key Checks, Jewelers' Checks, Baggage Checks, Iron, Steel, "Wood, Leather, Patented Articles, etc., etc. Every set is put up in a neat, compact, dust-proof wooden box, properly labeled — handy alike to the dealer and the person using them. Letters, per Letters, Set of 28. Single, Each. Size, i ¥3 inch it 1 3JJ a it A it it A a it A tt it 1 Til a CI it 5 it it A tt it A it It i a 11 6 Iff (1 it 1 tt a A it u h cc u I (1 Size, aV inch, ST 1 1 TS 3 T2 I 3 1 3. 4 $3.75 3.39 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 3.39 3.75 4.20 4.50 5.25 7.50 10.50 13.50 34.50 C3.00 10.20 .20 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .16 .18 .20 .20 .25 .35 .45 .50 1.75 3.25 m n c 2 PI H O o s ■o > 2 PI < O a Fig. 724. We furnish also hollow-faced steel stencil dies for letters and figures, all sizes ; malleable iron case-hardened stencil dies, f and 1 inch ; steel stamping dies for let- ters and figures to \ inch. 202 NEW LINE OF S WRENCHES. HEXAGON. The size of finished openings on list shows the largest size the openings can be finished. Fin-. 725. » TjPTlO-fll Thickness i Finished. 1 i Unfinished. ^ iNO - Inches. of Head. Inches. Size of Opening. Price. Size of Opening. Price. 70 4 j. 4 § and T \ $0.20 5 and f $0.10 71 5 A i " A .30 7 15 " A .15 72 6 3 8 1 " if .40 A " 1 .20 73 7 7 Tff i "1 .50 , 1 1 15 4 .25 74 8 i 1 " li .60 13 I? ii 1 8 .30 75 9 3 T3- 1A " H .70 15 " 1 .35 We also finish these Wrenches to following sizes for Standard nuts : No. 71 . i anc I if Price, $0.30 No. 72 , . • T5 SU . .( .40 No. 73 1 a 81 33 . a .50 No. 74 31 CI lA , tt .60 No. 75 . . ii < <: u . , , a .70 In ordering finished Wrenches state which sizes are wanted, the regular or Standard SQUARE. Cut is full size of No. 76 Wrench. Fig. 726. New line of Double End Wrenches to finish for Standard hexagon, or square nuts. This line of Wrenches are lighter than any before made, and are intended to meet the wants of customers for a light Wrench. Length Inches. Thickness For Standard , Finished 1 , Unfinish ED. , No. of Head. Inches. Hex. Nuts for Bolts. Size of Opening. Price. Size of Opening. Price. 76 4i i 4 3 and 1 I and i $0.30 f and j\ $0.15 77 5f 9 TS" a 3 8 19 It 11 .40 9 1 1 i, .20 78 7 5 3 8 " i 11 a 1 10 8 .50 11 ti 13 15 Tit .25 79 8 11 A 25 ii 31 33 WS .60 3 ,. 15 4 Tu .30 80 H 3 8 9 TB~ it 5. ti U "1A .70 1 "1 .35 81 ioi 7 TB" 1 H 1 8 1A "1A 80 1A " 1A .40 203 ^ 15° ANGLE DOUBLE END WRENCHES. DROP FORCED OF STEEL. For United States Standard Nuts for Bolts from J- inch to 2| inches diameter, inclusive. All Wrenches, either in forged state or finished, have Milled Openings. Bolls, Milled Openings Price, Price, H >To. of Size for Extreme ues3 each, in each, in U.S. Standard U. S. Standard Lengtli of Head. Forged Finished X Isuts. Nuts. State. State. PI 285 i and T \ tV and ii 3 iV and ^ $0.12 $0.24 5>S6 i ■g " i 5 lTf " k 4 3 T"6" (< 3 IT .14 .28 CD 287 _3 1 1) " i if " 1 2 4 3 TB" tf 3 .15 .30 C 283 3 " tV if if 5 X 4 t c i .17 .34 33 289 i T6 4 " M 5 1 4 cc i .18 .H6 2 290 J. 4 " 4 i 2 " tt 51 9 3^ ££ A .20 .40 PI 291 5 TTT 11 3 1 9 T2 '' 11 16 51 9 * i A .21 .42 H 292 lV " JL_ T6~ « " If 6i fV 66 A .23 .46 293 " A ii Ii 2 5 it 64 3 16 66 A .25 .50 o 294 ii 8 " * 16 " 1 7 f 66 3 8 .30 .60 o s 295 tV " I 25- " I 7 f 66 f .30 .60 296 tV " A 2 5 " u- 9 tV 66 tV ,33 .66 297 1 2 11 9 1 6 7" * ii 31 T2 9 7 T6 66 fV .35 .70 ■o 298 i " * I "ItV 10|- £ 66 1 2 .40 .80 > 299 9 " « tt "ItV 10| 1 2 66 4 .43 .86 z 300 9 IT 4 -3J "ii 12 9 TB" 66 9 IT .45 .90 ■< 301 f i' a 4 ItV "ii 12 9 6 6 9 I 8 " .50 1.00 m 302 f " 1 ItV ll i 7 j ttt 13 tV 61 3 4 .58 1 16 2 PI 303 ii 4 " i ii "h\ 13f 9 1 6 (6 ii 4 .65 1.30 304 ii 4 "1 U "If 14| 3. 4 66 ii 4 .75 1.50 305 7 5 "1 ifV "If 15f ii 4 ** ii 4 .80 1.60 306 7 5 "14 ifV 11113 -Tir 16| ii 4 6 6 tt .90 1.80 307 1 "ii If x 16 1?4 ii 4 66 H 1 00 2 00 < 308 1 "ii If "2 181 ii 4 ' 6 44 TiT 1 12 a. 24 o 309 1* "ii lit "2 is4 1 5 16 66 14- l¥ 1 25 2 50 so 310 3* 1 8 lii -M6 '10 3 *TtT 201 1 6 U H 1.40 2.80 K 311 3i ] 8 2 "2tV 21+. 1 6 %£ H ].60 3.20 • 312 U "H 2 "2f 221 14 ITT t( H 1.80 3.60 313 If "i* 2A ii 94 *8 oql H Ct H 2 00 4 00 314 If "if 2fV 1*9 9 24 J n • £ ifV 2.25 4.50 315 H "if 2f u O 9 *T6~ 25 H I 4 ^tV 2 50 5 00 316 i* "if 21 "2f 26 H 66 itV 2 75 5.50 317 if "if 2A "2§ 27 JfV 66 3tV 3 00 6.00 318 if "i£ 2tV H015 *T¥ 28 i- 3 - -■■1 6 i 6 if 3.25 6.50 319 if II 7 5 2f 11015 *16 29 1* * 6 31 3.50 7.00 320 if "2 2f "34 30 1A 6 ■ If 4.00 8.00 32 L H ' 2 2{i '1 PI 31 If 6 If 4.50 9.00 322 4 "&i 2H "3£ 32 If 66 li" 5.00 10.00 323 2 "2i 3* "3| 33 1| 66 li 5.75 11.50 204 15° ANCLE; SINGLE END WRENCHES. DROP FORCED OF STEEL. Fisr. 728. For United States Standard Nuts for Bolts from J inch to 2f inches diameter, inclusive. All Wrenches, either in forged state or finished, have Milled Openings . No. ot Wrench. Size Bolts. TJ. S. Standard Nuts. Milled Openings for U.S. Standard Nuts. Extreme Length. Thick- uess of Head. Price each, in Forced State. Price, each, in Finished State. 262 .* A n O 5 35 $0.08 $0.16 263 s r? 13 ITS 31 G 35 .03 .18 264 A 4 * 5 1 4 .10 .20 265 B ft, u 51 I 3 .12 .24 266 3 8 a 61 5 .14 .28 267 A *t n S .17 .34 268 i x 8f 7 IS .20 .40 269 A 31 5H 9i 7 IS .25 .50 270 f 1A 10 A .32 .64 271 .1 1? 111 9 15 .40 .80 272 7 1A 134 3 4 .50 1.00 273 1 If 141 3 4 .65 1.30 274 ii lit 16f 11 .85 1.70 275 ii 2 18i If 1.10 2.20 276 if 2A 20i H 1.40 2.80- 277 n 21 22 1 1* 1.75 3.50 278 n 2A 25 1A 2.10 4.20 279 ii 2f 28 In 2.50 5.00 280 U 211 31 it 3.00 6.00 281 2 3* 34 if 3.50 7.00 282 H 3* 37 1 J 2 4.50 9.00 -283 •H 31 40 11 6 00 12.00 284 2| 41 44 ii 8.0.0 16.00 205 COE'S WRENCHES KNIFE HANDLE. Fig. 729 6 8 10 12 15 18 21 Coe's Black Knife Handle. . . per doz. " Polished Kuife Handle . . " P. S. & W. Black Solid Handle " " Polished Solid Handle . " $ 9.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 #10.00 11.00 10.00 11.00 #12.00 14.00 12.00 14.00 #14.00 16.00 14.00 16.00 $24.00 26.00 24.00 26.00 $30.00 32.00 30.00 32.00 #36.00 38.00 36.00 38.00 BEMIS & CALL COMBINATION WRENCHES. Bright, with Long Nut. Inch . . 10 12 15 18 Per dozen $25.25 28 50 40.50 72 00 Bright, with Shor ; Nut. Inch . . 10 12 15 Per dozen $23.00 26 00 37.00 18 66.00 ALLIGATOR WRENCHES. No. ...... Holds Pipe, inch . " Round Iron, inch j to f Lengtb, inch . . Per dozen .... Pocket Wrenches, 4 inch, per dozen BAXTER'S "S" WRENCHES. Inch Per dozen 4 = 6 $6.00 9.00 Half dozen in a package. 206 8 12.00 10 18.00 12 24.00 X PI m -i o >< STILLSON PIPE WRENCH. • Fisi. 734. Length, open. . . . inches Takes Pipe from ... 6 i to h s 10 a to 1 14 itoH 18 { to 2 24 ito24 36 ito3i 48 1 to 5 Price , Each Jaws, " Frames, " Nuts 42.00 .67 .25 .20 $2.00 .67 .25 .20 $2.25 .75 .33 .27 $3.00 1 00 45 .35 $4.00 1.33 .55 .42 $6.00 3.00 .65 .50 $13.00 4.00 .75 .65 $18.00 6.ro 1.00 .80 TRIMO PIPE WRENCH. Length, open, Ineue- 6 8 10 14 18 24 1 36 48 Takes Pipe from " a to J ltd 3 £to 1 itolj ito 2 \ to 2i'| to 3£ 1 to 5 Price, .... Each $3.00 $2.00 $3.25 $3.00 $4.00 $6.00 $12.00 $18.00 Jaws, .... " .67 .67 .75 1.00 1.33 2.00 4.00 6.00 Nuts, .... " .20 .20 .27 .35 .42 .50 .65 .80 Inserted Jaws, " .25 .25 .33 .50 .55 .65 1.00 1.25 Frames. .... " .25 .25 .33 .45 .55 .65 .75 1.00 SAUNDERS' ONE-WHEEL AND ROLLER PIPE-CUTTER. No. 1 cuts pipe it o a " 3 .. 4 No. 1. '• 2 •• 3~ " 4, Fig. 735. All its parts can be duplicated, to 1 inch inclusive, $3.00 to 3 4.50 to 3 . 11.00 to 4 18.00 Cutter Wheels. Block and Wheel. Rollers. Pins. 34 cts. $1.25 24cts. 10 cts. 33 " 1.75 32 " 10 " 60 " 2.75 50 " 15 " 60 " 3.50 50 " 15 " SAUNDERS' PATENT THREE-WHEEL PIPE-CUTTER. Fig. 736. No. 1 cuts pipe £ to 1 inch, "2 " ' 1 to 3 " " 3 3 to 3 " "4 •' 3A to 4 " • Price of parts same as the one-wheel Cutter above. 207 $3.00 4.50 11.00 18.00 BARNES' THREE-WHEEL PIPE CUTTER PRICES No. 1 Pipe Cutter, 2 3 4 5 6 7 ito It ito 2 14- to 3 24 to 4 4" to G 6 to 8 9 to 12 rich $4.50 6.00 10-00 20.00 30-00 40.00 50.00 Cutter Weels, No. 1 c " "2 " " " 3 • ii ii " 4 . » " " 5, 6 or 7 . Wheel Taper Pins. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 10c. each, per doz., $1.00 Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7, 18c. each, " 2.00 $0.25 .30 .40 .50 .75 COMMON PIPE TONGS. Size, inches Price, each .60 .65 .70 .75 .90 1-10 1~30 1.50 1-90 2.50 4.25 5.2~5 6.25 8.00 BROWN'S EXTENSION PIPE TONCS. r' Fig. 789. SJ pipe from, ins. J to f | to* 1 * to 1* Ito ,2 l|to3 2jto 4 3 to 5 4 to 7 Price, each . . $L-30 1.65 2.00 3.U0 6.00 11-00 2o.00 o5-00 CAS PIPE AND BURNER PLYERS. BURNER All bright. 5 in. long, solid sted 6 in. " " " 7 in. " " " PLYERS. Per doz. $6.00 7-00 8.00 CAS PLYERS. Half bright. 8 in. long, solid steel 9 in. " 10 in. " 12 in. " 14 in. " " " Per doz. $9.25 10.25 12-50 14.50 16.50 208 CHAMPION CHAIN PIPE WRENCH. Fig. 741. Size ' No. 0. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Price, each . . . $3.50 3.50 5.50 7.50 11.00 18.00 Capacity .... £ to j[ ill. jj to H in. i to 2| J to 6 in. H to 8 in. 3 to 12 in. Length .... min. 19* in. 28 in. 38^ in. 50i in. 65 in. Weight .... * 1J lbs. 4| lbs. 8f lbs. 16 lbs. 29 lbs. 49 lbs. Extra Chain, eacli $ .75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 $4.00 $6.00 Extra Jaws, pair . 1.00 1.75 2.75 4.00 5.50 7.50 THE VULCAN PATENT DROP-FORCED CHAIN PIPE WRENCH. For Gripping, Turning or Holding Pipe, Bolts, Bars, Shafts, etc., from J to 18 Inches Diameter. Fig. 743. With Flat Link Chain No. 10 $2.50 No 11. 3.50 No. 12. 5.00 No. 13. 7.00 No. 13{. 9. CO No. 14 11.00 No. 15. 18.00 No. 16. Price, with flat link chain, each 40.00 Price, with cable chain, each . . $2.25 3.25 4.60 6.25 7.75 9.50 16.00 40.00 i to fin. 133- in. Jtoliin. 20 in. i to 2* in. 27 in. f to 4 in. 3? in. 1 to 6 in. 441 in. 11 to 8 In. 50J in. • 2 to 12 in . 64J in. 4 to 18 in. 87 in. Weight 1J lbs. $ .75 4J lbs. 1.00 8} lbs. 1.50 10 lbs. 2.50 21 lbs. 3.25 29 lbs. 4.00 49 lbs. 6.00 130 lbs. 13.00 $ .50 .75 l.oo 1.75 2.00 2.50 4.00 13.00 $1.00 94- in. 1.75 ISi in. 2.75 17J in. 4.00 22A in. 4.75 31 in. 6.50 39 in. 7.50 54i in. 16.00 74Jin- 91 in. 3 000 lbs. Hi in. 5,500 lbs. 18 in. 9,500 lbs. 27 in. 11,000 lbs. 33 .Jin. 13,000 lbs 42 in. 15,000 lbs. 67 in. 20,000 lbs. 76 in. Breaking Btrain, flat link chain 40,000 lbs. Breaking strain, cable chain. .. 1,200 lbs. 4,000 lbs. 6,000 lbs. 10,500 lbs. 12,500 lbs. 15,000 lbs. 19,000 lbs. 40,000 lbs. Size iron in cable chain 3-16 in. 9-32 lbs. 11-32 in. 7-16 in. 15-32 in. 33-64 in. 37-64 in. 13-16 iu. No. 16 has rim on end of handle for use with tad can always be ROBBIN'S CHAIN P Nos 3 . Length of Lever, feet 2} Takes Tine from (inches) .... 1 to 2 Price . ". 15.50 209 :le. All parts are interchangeable ; repairs had. IPE WRENCH. 3 4 5 G 3 4 5 6 \\ to 4 2 to 6 2£ to 8 4 to 10 6.35 9.00 12.50 16.00 \ PIPE VISES. Fijr. 744 PIPE VISE WITH ANCLE PLATE. No. 1. To bold pipe from J to '2 inches diameter . . . $12.00 No. 2. To bold pipe from £ to 3 incbes diameier . . . 16.00 Fig. 745. IMPROVED PIPE VISE. No. 1. To bold pipe from -| to 2 incbes diameter No. 2. To bold pipe from \ to 3 incbes diameter No. 3. To hold pipe from | to 4 incbes diameter 815.0f' 22.00 3400 Fig. 746. MALLEABLE IRON IMPROVED Hi OR OPEN JAW PIPE VISE. NCE Fig. 747. MALLEABLE IRON PIPE VISES. No. 1. Holds £ to 2 in. . Price, $10.00 No. 2. a 1 to 3 in. . it 13.00 No. 3. a £ to 4 in. . a 24.00 No. 4. a 2 to 6 in. . a 30.00 No. 5. a 2J to 8 in. t i 45.00 No. 1 No. % Holds pipe. Weight. Price. i to 2 in. J to 3 in. 15 lbs. $8.00 30 lbs. 12.00 mi I 2 210 PARKER'S PATENT COMBINATION PIPE VISES. No. 87. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 41 lbs. For holding 2 inch pipe and under. Length of Jaws, 3f inches . . . Each, $16.00 No. 88. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 59 lbs. For holding 3 inch pipe and under. Length of Jaws, 4|incbei . . . Each, $20.00 No, 2884-. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 105 lbs. For holding 4 inch pipe and under. Length of Jaws, 4| inches . . . Each, $28.00 J No. 2894. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 155 lbs. gj For holding 6 inch pipe and under. Length of Jaws, 5f inches . . . Each, $35.00 The Steel Faces of these Vises are Milled and fitted to Fi°-. 748. l ' ie J aws , aU( l are renewable at a trifling cost. WITHOUT PARKER'S IMPROVEMENTS. SWIVEL BOTTOM. No. 187. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 41 lbs. For holding 2 inch pipe and under Each, $16.00 No. 188. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 59 lbs. For holding 3 inch pipe and under Each, $20.00 No. 1884. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 94 ibs. For holding 4 inch pipe and under. Length of Jaws, 4f inches . . . Each, $28 00 No. 1894. Round and Pipers' Jaws, weight 141 lbs. For holding 6 inch pipe and under. Length of Jaws, 5| inches Each, $35.00 Fig. 719- The Steel Faces of these Vises are welded on, and not tinted and renewable as on Nos. 2884 and 2894. PARKER'S PATENT VISES. WITH INTERCHANGEABLE JAWS. Fig. 750. Above illustration shows No. 86 Vise Complete. No. 81. Same as illustration, but with Round Jaws only . Both Jaws Swivel. Weight, 60 lbs. No. 82. Same as illustration, but with Pipers' Jaws only . Both Jaws Swivel. Weight, 63 lbs. No. 86. See illustration . . . . • ■ Both Jaws Swivel. Weight, 76 lbs. No. 83. Same as illustration, and has Coach Makers' Jaws m addition to Round and Pipers' Jaws - ,•„.", t D , ;, Both Jaws Swivel. Weight, 91 IDS. 211 Each, $12.50 Each, 12.50 Each, 14.75 Each, 16.00 UNIVERSAL COMBINATION PIPE AND METAL WORKERS' VISE. No. 102. Universal Combination Pipe and Metal Workers' Vise, 3-inch length of jaw, opens 4^ inches, and will take pipe from § to 2 inches in diameter ; weight, 52 lbs. Price, $12.00. No. 103. 4|-inch length of jaw, opens 44, inches and will take pipe from f to 3 inches in diameter ; weight, 80 lbs. Price, $15.00. Fiff. 751. PARALLEL BENCH VISE. Fig. 753. NEW STYLE CHANNEL BAR BENCH VISE. FIXED. ngth of Jaw. Weight. 2 inches 7 lbs 2k " 12 " 3" " 21*. " 3* " 30* " 4" " 46i « 4* " 58" " 5 '• 88 " 5J " 1101 " SWIVEL No. Length of Jaw. Weigl $4.00 20 2 inches 8 11 5.00 25 01 •■ 13 ' G.25 30 3" ' 24 ' 7.00 35 3i •• 34 ' 9.00 40 4" " 50 ' 11.75 45 4* " 63 • 16.25 50 5" " 96 ' 20.00 55 5+ " 118* ' $4.50 5.75 7.00 8.25 10.75 14.00 19.25 23.50 212 H X PI n c 30 2 PI H O O 3 ■o > Fig. 752. 2 FIXED. SWIVEL. PI Length of Jaw Weight. No. Length of Jaw. Weight. £ 3 inches 25* lbs. . . $5.50 00 2 inches 7* lbs. . $4.00 3* " 31* " . 6.50 3 " 31* " 6.25 4 " 41" " . 8.50 1 3* " 38* '■ 8.00 ■< O 4i '■ 52* " . . 10.75 2 4" " 48" " 10.00 5 93" " . . 16.00 Q O 4* '■ 61 - ; 13.25 6 113* " . . 23.75 4 5" " 104* " 18.50 3D 7 ' ' 184 " . . 34.50 5 6 " 129" " 26.00 6 7 " 194 •' 36.00 PRICE LIST OF REPAIRS FOR PARKER VISES. No. of Vice. 5a s * M>-= P O ■°>-=w % . > a CO CO™' S a S8> a g PS* A 1.25 1.50 1.50 35 35 B 1.25 1.75 1.50 35 35 C 1.60 2.00 1.50 35 35 D 1.75 2,50 1.75 35 35 E 2.60 3.60 2.00 35 35 F 3.60 4.50 2.00 35 35 G 5.50 6.50 2.00 35 35 AA 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.50 3.50 5.60 2.00 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.50 6.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 2 00 1.60 35 35 35 36 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 25 30 50 .50 50 50 50 25 25 '25 25 35 35 35 BB CO DD EE FF GG ooox 50 IX 2.50 3.50 1.50 35 35 50 2X 3.00 4.50 1.50 35 35 50 3X 4.50 5.00 1.75 35 35 50 4X 6.00 8.50 2. on 35 35 50 5X 10.75 13.25 2.00 50 65 21X 2.00 3.00 1.50 35 35 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1,00 22X 3.50 3.50 1.50 35 35 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 1.00 23X 3.75 6.00 1.50 35 35 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 1.00 24X 4 25 5.00 1.75 35 40 50 25 25 25 50 50 50 25 50 25 1.25 25X 6.75 12.00 2.00 35 40 50 25 25 25 50 50 50 25 50 25 1.25 26X 12 75 15.00 2.00 40 50 25 50 50 50 19 1 50 1.75 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.25 3.00 3.50 .75 .75 1.50 1.50 35 35 35 85 35 35 35 35 "so" 50 25 25 25 25 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 20 21 22 Fig. 754. PARKER'S PATENT PARALLEL SWIVEL VISES. Parker's Patent Cast-steel Anvil. Round Jaws. Swivel. No. ■Weight. Length of Jaws. Each. 19 8 lbs. 2 Inches $4.00 20 8J Ids. 2| inches 5.00 21 23 lbs. 3^ inches ?.oo 22 35 lbs. 3j inches 8.75 PARKER'S PATENT FILERS' VISES. No. 42. Length of Jaws, 4 inches. "Weight, 33 lbs. Each $7.25 No. 42A Length of Jaws, Z\ inches. Weight, 30 lbs. ' Each $6.75 SWIVEL FILERS' VISE. No. 44. Length of Jaws, 4 inches. Weight, 37 lb». Each $8.75 The Steel Faces of these Vises are Milled and fitted to the Jaws, and are renewable at" a trifling cost. Fig 755. 213 PARKER'S PATENT PARALLEL VISES. 756. No. "Weight. Length of Jaws OOOX. 28 lbs. 3^ inches IX. 45 " 3f « 4 .. 2X. 58 " 3X. 74 " 4f " 4X. 104 " 5* " 5X. 134 " 6± " PARKER'S PATENT SWIVEL VISES. Fig. 75 1 ; No. Weight. Length of Jaws. Vise Opens. Price Fach. 21X. 32 lbs. 3i inches 4{ inches $7.00 22X 50 " 3f 65 " 4{ 1 i 5.^ " 8.75 23X. a U " 11.00 24X. 87 " 4f 130 " 5j (i 8j " 14.50 25X. a 9k " 20.50 26 X. 160 " 6|- i i 10J " 30.00 The steel faces of these Vises are millid and fitted to the Jaws, arjd are renewable at a small cost. 214 H X m Vise Opens. P rice Each. « 4j inches $6.25 PI 5k " 7.00 H &i " 9.00 8* " 11.75 ft 9£ " 16 25 */ 10| " 24.00 O s > pi ■< o PARKER'S PARALLEL VISES, WITHOUT PARKER'S IMPROVEMENTS. They are equal in strength to any Vise in mar- ket, with the exception of Parker's first quality. For the purchaser's protection, these Vises are pninted green so they can be easily distinguished from the regular Vises. sngth of Jaws. Weight. Each. 34; inches 23 lbs. $5.50 3f " 31J « 6.50 H " 4l| " 8.50 4f " 59 J " 10.75 of " 83 " 1600 6i " 120 " 23 75 Fi2. 758. The Steel Faces of these Vises are Milled and fit- ted to the Jaws and are renewable at a trifling cost. o >■ in < a. S o o »- in z OS 3 HI X PARKER'S SWIVEL VISES, WITHOUT IMPROVEMENTS. Length of Jaws. PARKER'S Each. $4.00 6.25 8.00 10.00 13.25 No. Length of Jaws. Weight. 2000 2j inchts 8^- lbs. 2100 31 " 23" " 2200 3| " 35 " 2300 4| " 48 " 2400 4f " 63^ " The Steel Faces of these Vises are Milled and fitted to the Jaws, and are renewable at a tiifling cost. PARKER'S PATENT SWIVEL VICTOR VISES. PARKERS PATENT PARALLEL VICTOR VISES. Fig . 760. No. Length of Jaws Weight. 370 3^ inches 25 lbs. 371 H " 39 " 372 4£ " 57 " 373 5 73 " ;j74 «i " 98 " 375 6i " 150 " Each. $ij.50 7.00 10.00 14.00 17.00 24 00 The Steel Faces of these Vues are Mi able at a trifling cost. 215 Fig. 761. No. Length of Jaws. Weight. Each. 270 3J inches 30 lbs. $7.00 271 3ft a 42 " 8.50 272 ii a. 60 " 12.50 273 5 it 78 " 16.00 274 5J a no '• 19.00 275 6i c< 165 " 27.00 d ant fitted t o the Jaws, and are renew- PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING JAW VISES. MACHINISTS' STATIONARY BOTTOM VISES. Fig. 70S. Fi"-. 764. No. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. List Price 1 2# in. 3iin. 13i lbs. $5.50 2 3* " 4f " 28 " 7.00 H 4 " 5i " 41 " 9.00 3 ±i " 6 " 54 " 10.50 4 5| " 8 " " 96 " 17.00 5 6 " 9 " 146 " 24.00 6 7 " 11 " 184 " 30.00 MACHINISTS' PATENT SWIVEL BOTTOM VISES, No. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. List Price 18 2f in. 3£in. 17 lbs. $6.75 19 Si " 4f " 32 " 8.50 191 4 « 5+ " 46 " 10.50 20 4£ " 6 " 65 " 12.50 21 fij " 8 " 109 " 19.00 22 6 " 9 " 168 " 27.00 23 7 " 11 " 207 " 35.00 No. 42 ^ % 27 M 26 Pig. 767. FILERS' STATIONARY BOTTOM VISE. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. List Price. 4^ in. 5'} in. 42 lbs. $8.00 Eough-cut or smooth jaws, as ordered. FILERS' PATENT SWIVEL BOTTOM VISE. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. List Price. Ai in. 5j in. 47 lbs. $10-00 Rough-cut or smooth jaws, as ordered. COACH-MAKERS' STATIONARY BOTTOM VISE. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. List Price. 3£in. 7 in. 30 lbs. $8-00 4i " 9£ " 59 " 11.00 Jaws are finished perfectly smooth COACH-MAKERS' PATENT SWIVEL BOTTOM VISE. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. List Price. 3£ in 7 in. 34 lbs. $9.50 4£ " 9£ " 67 " 13.00 Jaws are finished perfectly smooth. 216 PI CO c so z PI H o o s > 2 ■< •a 2 PI * ■< O a: o >■ III z >■ z < a. S o a t- ui z OS 3 x NEW "BULL DOC" VISES. MACHINISTS' SOLID JAW, FIC. 768, STATIONARY BOTTOM, PARALLEL VISE. Width Jaw. 3* 3i in. 4| " 4f " 5 " 5| " Opens. 4 in. 5 " 5i " 6£ " 7 " 8£ " 9* " Weight. 22 lbs. 28 " 42 " 52 ' ; 72 " 100 " 135 " Price. $6.00 7.00 8.50 10.00 13.00 18.50 25.00 MACHINISTS' SOLID JAW, FIC. 769, SWIVEL BOTTOM, PARALLEL VISE. No. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. Price. 90 31 in. 4 in. 28 lbs - $7.50 91 °8 5 " 36 " 8.75 92 4* " 5£ " 52 ' ; 10.50 93 4f " 6i " 64 " 12.50 94 5 " •V ti 85 " 16.00 95 5£ " 8i " 115 " 22.00 96 6 " 0* " 155 " 30.00 COACH-MAKERS' SOLID JAW, FIC. 770, STATIONARY BOTTOM, PARALLEL VISE. No. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. Price. 59 4|in. 9 in. 48 lbs. $9.50 No. 99 COACH-MAKERS' SOLID JAW, FIC. 771, SWIVEL BOTTOM, PARALLEL VISE. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. Price. 9 in. 58 lbs. $11.50 4J in. Fig. 771. NEW STEEL (CHANNEL) BAR FILERS' VISES. The Wrought Steel (Channel) Sliding Bar renders it possible to construct this Vise with the Highest Jaws and Largest Throat Opening of any Vise ever before offered, thus holding the largest work. Eough-cut or Smooth Jaws, as ordered. Fig. 772. SWIVEL BOTTOM FILERS' VISE. No. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. Price. 48 4 in. 6 in. 45 lb. $8.00 Fig. 773. STATIONARY BOTTOM FILERS' VISE. No. Width Jaw. Opens. Weight. Price. 43 4 in. 6 in. 37 lbs. $7.00 217 Fis PRENTISS' HEAVY CHIPPING VISE. This is the Largest and Heaviest Vise in the market, for use by Rail- road and Machine Shops, Foundries, Glass Works, Mills and large Manu- factories. No. 58. 8^ inch Jaws. Opens 12 inches. Weight, 275 lbs. Price. $50.00. Swivel Bottom Attach- ment for this Vise, $5.00 extra. 775 PARKER'S HEAVY RAILWAY VISE. This vise is specially adapted for use by Railways and Machine Shops; requiring a trusty tool for heavy work. STATIONARY BOTTOM. No. 600. Length of Jaws, 8£ inches; Weight, 240 lbs.; each, $45.00. SWIVEL BOTTOM. No. 160. Length of Jaws, 8^ inches; Weight, 250 lbs. ; each, $50 00- Opens 12£ inches. The Steel Faces of these Vises are Milled and fitted to the Jaws, and are renewable at a trifling cost. PARKER'S PATENT PARALLEL VICTOR VISES. Foe Extra Heavy Work. For use of Railroads, Ma- chine Shops, Car Builders, etc. STATIONARY BOTTOM SWIVEL BACK JAWS. No. 340. Length of Jaws, 7J incLus; Weight, 185 lbs.; each, $30.00. SWIVEL BOTTOM SWIVEL BACK JAWS. No. 240. Length of Jaws, 7 \ inches; Weight, 200 lbs. ; each, $35.00. Opens 12 inches. The Steel Faces of these Vises are Mided and fitted to the Jaws, and are renewable at a trifling cost. H X PI n c z pi H O o s > 2 PI 3 ■< o VULCAN VISES. Pig. 777. Solid Steel Faced Jaws. Extra Strong Slide and Screw. Designed to supply the requirements for a Strong, Durable, Medium Priced Vise. PATENT PARALLEL STATIONARY PATENT PARALLEL SWIVEL VISES. VISES. No Weight. Vise Opens. Length of Jaws. Each. No. Weigh U Vise Opens. Length of Jaws Each. A. 25 lbs 4^ in. 3f in. $6.00 A. A. 28 lbs . 4| in. 3£ in. $7.50 B: 28 " 5 " 3ft " 7.00 B. B. 37 " 5 " 3ft " 8.75 C. 46 " 6* " 4*" 8.50 C. C. J^ 2 h\ " ±h " 10.50 D. 60 " 6i " 4ft " 10.00 D. D. 66 " 61 " 4ft " 12 50 E. 74 " 7 " 5 " 13.00 E. E. S6 " ty ' c 5 " 16.00 F. 100 " *>i " °2 18.50 F. F. 115 " si " Kl " °2 22.00 G. 135 " H " 6 " 25.00 G. G. 156 li 9£ " 6 " 30 00 PARKER'S OVAL SLIDE VISES. Fie. 773. No. Weight. Jaws. Each 30. 8& lbs. H inches long. $2 50 31. 13 " 3 i . 3.00 32. 19 " ^ i i i 1 1 4 25 00. 22 " °2 a a 4.75 34. 28 " 4 a it 6.50 35. 35 " if < i t.i 9 50 36. 62 " 5i i i i t 12 00 219 DOUBLE SCREW PARALLEL LEG VISE. Fully Warranted against Breakage of any part, and of such superior material and construction that constant use for years will not produce any appreciable wear. The cut fully illustrates its action. It is really the old-fashioned Leg Vise, but made Parallel by caus- ing the lower end of the front jaw to have the same movement in' and out with the upper part, instead of opening on a hinge, thus always bringing a Square Pull on the Thread of the back jaw, solid and immovable. No. *2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 779. Weight about 65 lbs. 90 " 120 " 150 " 160 '• *NOTE.- Jaws. 4£ in. x 1 in. 6i 6i 7 8 " " 1& m. " "ljin. " " ljin. " " 11 in, Screws. 1£ in. diarn. 1± " " u " " if " " if " '■ Lever. ]3 in. long. 16 " " 19 " " 24 " " 26 " " Opens. 5*in. H " U " 9 " 10 " -Leg for No. 2 is unnecessary, therefore omitted. Price. $10.50 16.00 20.50 27.00 30.00 PATENT SOLID BOX LEG VISES. 35 Vises 40 Weight. 35 lbs. each 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 160 170 180 190 200 Size of Jaw. 3f inch 4i 4f 5 5 6i 6i 54 H 6 6 6 6 6£ 6* Ci H 7 7 7 •yl n $8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.50 18.50 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27-50 29.00 31.50 33.00 35.00 36.00 41.50 44.50 47.00 53.00 56.00 Fig. 780 With Swivel Attachment. List same as regular S. B. Vises, adding $1.00 net on each Vise for Swivel attachment. 220 D C 33 2 P! | H j i O O S i ■o f > ; n < o 31 GRINDSTONES MOUNTED ON WOOD FRAMES. SPECIAL. Mounted on Heavy Hardwood Frames. 50 lbs., 18 in ch diameter, each $5.50 60 " 20 ' 5.75 80 " 22 ' 6.25 100 " 24 ' 7.00 120 " 26 ' 7.50 140 " 28 ' 8.00 160 " 30 ' ' x2£ to 3 in. " 8.75 225 " 30 ' ' x4 inch 11.00 325 " 36 ' ' x4 inch " 15.00 Knocked down for export when required. Fig 781. THE SAMSON. Mounted with Specially Selected Stone. Price Per Doz. No. 3, Weight 40 to 50 lbs. . $54.00 " 2, " 70 to 80 " . 60.00 " 1, " 100 to 110 " . 72.00 Fig-. 782. HEAVY WOOD FRAME FOR POWER. $14.00 20.00 28.00 Fig. 783. 221 MACHINISTS' GRINDSTONES. MOUNTED ON IRON FRAMES. Stone Expressly Selected and Warranted. Fig-. 7S4. 23 inch, $14.00. Shield and Water Bucket, $1.50 extra. Fig-. 785. 30 inch Light, $22.50. 30 inch Heavy, $26. OO; 36 inch Heavy, $40. OO. Shield and Water Bucket, $2.00 extra. 36 Inch Heavy, $40. OO. H X n 03 C 30 2 D H O O s > 2 ■< . <* 2 PI ■< Fig. 787. 222 A PATENT POWER GRINDSTONE FRAME. Arranged with Pulley for Power. With pulley for power, to swing" stone 30x4| in. Price, $15.00. Arranged with pu'ley and treadle for power and foot. Price, $16.00. For size to swing stone 48x6 in., with pulley for power. Price, $50.00. Fig. 788. HAND OR FOOT CRINDSTONE FRAME. The cut shows Fig. 789 without the pulley for power and with foot treadle and handle, adapting it for use either by pedal or manual power. We can recommend this Frame as far ahead of the wooden article which, where durability and true economy is a factor, it is fast superseding. Fig. 789, Patent Cast-iron Grindstone ag Frame, arranged to be worked by hand or foot. Suitable to swing 30x4^ in. stone. Price, $13 00 Fig. 789. PATENT GRINDSTONE SHAFT. Fig. 790 shows Patent Grind, stone Shaft, to be driven by power, with flanges, nuts, screws, and fast and loose pulleys. The flanges are adjustable to fit ^ttggjgSgj^^^ Fig. 790. any t Prices. mcKness oi scone. Suitable for Diameter of As shown in Cut, "With one Stone. Pulleys. Face. with two Pulleys. Pulley. 36x4 inch. 12 inch. 3 inch. $9.00 $8.00 48x6 " 3 " 25.00 24.00 48x8 " 12 " 3 " 35.00 34.00 223 iifiiiiiji/ GRINDSTONE ARBORS. Each $10.50 " 12.50 " 16.50 Fig. 791. GRIND STONES. FOR MACHINISTS AND MANUFACTURERS. Expressly Selected and Warranted. Independence, per lb. . . . $ ' Nova Scotia, per lb. ... $ Araherat, " ... Newcastle, ' ... Berea, " ... When ordering please slate for what purpose the Stone is required ; by so doing you will get the proper grit. SHIP STONES. 12 inch Each $2.50 Ct 2.75 (( 3.00 C( 3.25 Fig. 792. \'urubers Per ream Width . 24 inches ;;o " :S0 " 40 " 42 " 48 " FLINT SAND In Sheets 0H0 to n $5.90 PAPER-OUR 9 x 11 laches. 2 24 5.50 6.00 BEST. 3 6.50 7.00 STAR FLINT SAND PAPER. All Numbers to 3 and Assorted Sheets 8f x 10j inches, EXTRA FLINT PAPER In Rolls 50 Yards Long, per Roll. per ream, $4.25. Numbers 00 to 2, per roll Numbers Per ream Nos. 00 to I }, No. 2 $ 5.50 $ 6.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 17.00 SAND In Rolls 14 Inches 110.00 EMERY In Sheets, 9 No. 2k No. 3 $ 6.50 $ 7.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 CLOTH. Wide, 50 Yards Long. Numbers 2i and 3, per roll PAPER. x 11 Inches. No. 3i I 8.00" 13.(10 15.00 17.00 18.00 23.00 4 8.00 No. 4 $ 9.00 15.00 Numbers Per roll Numbers Per ream Width 9 inches 18 " 27 " FF to 1 $20.00 00 to 1| 2 $7.00 8.00 EMERY PAPER. 4 Inches Wide and 50 Yards Lon 00 to U 2 $7.50" 9.00 EMERY CLOTH. In Sheets, 9 x 11 Inches. S- 2 2i 3 22.00 26."00 28.00 EMERY CLOTH. 50 Yards Long, per Roll. . Nos. 00 to H 2 $ 7.00 $ 8.00 $ 14.00 16.00 21.00 24.00 224 2i 10.00 11.00 u 30.00 2i I 9.50 19.00 28.50 3 12.00 3 13.00 $12.50 3i 14:00 3* 15.00 Crocus cloth. 20.00 3 $11.00 22.00 33.00 3i $13". 00 26.00 39.00 STUBS' FILES. (All Hand-Cut.) SAW FILES, TAPER OR BLUNT, SINGLE OR DOUBLE CUT. Length, iuclies Per dozen 1 to 2 $1.80 3 2.20 .30 4 44 2.50 2.80 .40 54 3.00 6 3.80 4.25 4.05 8 6.20 .20 10 8.10 KNIFE FILES. Length, inches 2 24 3 34 Bastard, per dozen |1.85 1.85 2.25 2.35 Smooth " " 2.10 2.10 2 50 2.60 Super " " 2.85 2.85 3.20 3.45 SQUARE FILES. Length, inches 2 24 3 34 Bastard, per dozen fl.85 1.85 2.25 2.35 Smooth '• " 2.10 2.10 2.50 2.70 Super " •' 2.85 2.85 3.20 3.45 Larger sizes same as Taper Flat. 4 2.50 2.90 3.70 4 2.50 2.90 3.90 4* 2.75 3.35 4.30 44 2.8"0 3.35 4.30 5 3.40 4.00 5.00 5 3.40 4.00 5.00 6 4.25 4.85 5.85 6 4.25 4.90 5.85 TAPER FLAT, Length, inches 1 to 3 Bastard per dozen .... $2. 15 Smooth " •' .... 2.35 Su er «"".... 3.10 PILLAR AND COTTER FILES. 2.15 2.35 3.10 4 2.50 2.90 3.70 44 2.75 3.35 4.30 5 3.40 4.00 4.95 6 4.25 4.85 5.85 5.35 6.20 7.15 8 5.80 6.65 8.00 9 6.65 7.50 8.90 10 12 7.50 8.80 8.80 10.50 9.75 13.15 HAND OR POTTANCE FILES. Length, inches . . . . 3 34 4 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Bastard, per dozen . . . $2.35 2.35 2.50 2.80 3.40 4.25 5 35 6.20 7.05 7.90 9.65 Smooth " " ... 2.60 2.60 2.90 3.30 4.00 4.85 6.20 7.05 7.90 8.80 11.35 Super " " ... 3.45 3.45 3.85 4.30 5.00 5,85 7.15 8.45 9.75 10.50 14.30 TAPER THREE-SOUARE FILES. Leno-th, inches .. 2 to 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Bastard per dozen . $1.80" 2.15 2.25 2.50 2.60 3.40 3.80 4.90 6.20 7.05 7.90 9.65 Smooth " " . 2.10 2.45 2.70 2.90 3.10 4.00 4.45 5.80 7.05 7.90 8.80 11.35 Super " " . 2.40 2.80 3.15 3.40 3.85 4.75 5.65 7.15 8.00 9.75 10.60 13.15 ROUND FILES, TAPER. Leno-th, inches . . 2 to 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 ^ 8 9 10 12 Bastard, per dozen *1.85 2.25 2.35 2.50 2.70 3.40 3.80 4.90 5.80 6.65 7.50 8.80 Smooth « " 2.30 2.70 2.90 3.10 3.30 4.00 4.85 6.20 7.05 8.35 9 65 12.20 Super •' " 3.05 3.45 3.65 4.05 4.50 5.40 6.70 8.45 8.90 10.60 11.45 15.00 HALF ROUND, ROUND EDGE JOINT, AND FLAT BACK HALF ROUND FILES. Lenoth, iDches 2 to 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 8 10 12 Bastard, per dozen *2.10 2.50 2.70 3.10 3.30 4.00 4.85 6.20 8.35 10.50 Smooth " " 3.30 2.70 3.00 3.35 3.50 4.45 5.30 7.05 9.65 12.20 Super " " 3.05 3.45 3.65 4.05 4.50 5.40 6.20 8.90 11.45 15.00 EQUALLING FILES. Length, inches 2 to 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 8 10 12 Bastard, per dozen $2.10" 2.50 2 50 2.70 2.90 3.60 4.00 5.80 7.90 9.65 Smooth " " 2.30 2.70 2.70 2.90 3.35 4 00 4.85 7.05 8.80 11.35 Super " " 3.05 3.45 3.45 3.85 4.30 5.00 5.85 8.50 10.60 14.35 WARDING FILES. Length, inches 2 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 Bastard, per dozen $1.85 1.85 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.60 3.15 4.00 Smooth '' " ..... 2.10 2.10 2.50 2.50 2.75 3.10 4.30 4.65 Buper •' " .... 3.05 3.05 3.45 3.45 3.65 4.05 5.00 5.85 225 LIST OF FILES AND RASPS. list adopted MILL AND ROUND. . NOVEMBER 1st, 1899. Leugtli inches. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Bastard, per doz. $3.00 3.20 3.50 3.90 4.30 4.90 5.60 7.50 2d Cut, " 3.50 3.80 4.00 4.60 4.90 5.80 6.40 8.60 Smooth. " 3.90 4.10 4.50 4 90 5.40 6.30 7.00 9.40 Mill Blunt Dbl. Cut, advance 2 iu. Mill Dbl. Cut, advance 1 in. 13 14 16 9.40 10.70 14.70 10.70 12 20 16.80 11.70 13.10 17.90 Mill Narrow Point, 18 20 20.20 27.40 22.70 30.70 24.30 32.90 advance 1 in. MILL. One Round Edge. Length, inches. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bastard, per doz., $3.40 3.60 3.90 4.40 4.80 5.50 6.30 2d Cut. " 3.90 4.30 4.50 5.20 5 50 6.50 7.20 Smooth, " 4.40 4.60 5.10 5.50 6.10 7.10 7.90 12 13 14 8.40 10.60 12.00 9.70 12.00 13.70 L0.60 13.20 14.70 16 16.50 18.90 20.10 18 22.70 25.50 27.30 Length, inches. 4 5 6 Bast-trd, per doz., $3.80 4.00 4.40 2d Cut, " 4.40 4.80 5.00 Smooth, " 4.90 5.10 5.60 MILL. Two Round Edges. 7 8 9 10 12. 13 14 16 18 4.90 5.40 6.10 7.00 9.40 11.80 13.40 18.40 25.30 5.80 6.10 7.30 8.00 10.80 13.40 15.30 21.00 28.4G 6.10 6.80 7.90 8.80 11.80 14.60 16.40 22.40 30.40 FLAT. Length, inches. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 Bastard, per doz., $3.70 3.90 4.30 4.80 5.30 6.30 7.00 9.70 11.80 2d Cut, " 4.30 4.60 4.80 5.50 6.10 7.20 8.10 11.00 13.60 Smooth, " 4.70 4.90 5.30 6.10 6.60 7.90 8.70 12.10 14.70 Cant (Blunt) Dbl. Cut, advance 2 in. 14 16 13.30 17.80 15.30 20.10 16.70 22.30 Length, inches. 4 5 Bastard, per doz., $3.80 4.10 2d Cut, " 4.60 4.80 Smooth, " 4.90 5.30 6 4.60 5.10 5.50 5.10 5.80 6.30 SQUARE. 8 9 5.50 6.60 6.30 7.70 7.00 8.30 10 7.40 8.50 9.10 12 10.20 11.50 12.80 13 12.50 14.30 15.40 14 13.90 16.10 17.50 18 20 23.90 31.50 36.80 35.30 29.20 38.30 16 18.70 21.20 23.30 18 20 25.10 32.80 28.20 36.70 30.40 39 30 Square Blunt, advance 1 in. Z m 09 c JO 2 PI H C o s ■0 > 2 ■< HAND AND PILLAR. Length, inches. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 Bastard, per doz., $3.70 3.90 4.30 4.90 5.40 6.70 7.50 10.70 13.30 15.00 20.10 2d Cut, " 4.30 4.70 5.10 5.80 6.30 7.80 8.70 12.30 15.20 17.00 22.80 Smooth, " 4.80 5.30 5 60 6.30 6.70 8.30 9.40 13.50 16.20 18.20 24.20 Slotting (Bit.), advance 2 in. Cotter Blunt or Taper, advance 2 in. HALF ROUND AND THREE SQUARE. Length, inches. Bastard, per doz 2d Cut, Smooth 4 $4.80 5.60 6.10 Ginsaw, take Bastard price. Crossin Tumbler, advance 2 in. 5 5.40 6.10 6.40 6 6 10 6.70 7.10 7.00 7.70 8.20 8 7.50 8.30 b.90 8.50 9.40 9 90 10 9.10 10.10 10.70 12 11.80 13.00 13.90 13 14.10 15.40 16.60 14 15.50 17.00 18.30 16 20.60 22.50 24.20 18 26.80 29.90 31.50 IS 27.50 29.90 32.00 , advance 2 iu. Feather Edge (Bluiitj, advance 2 High 13;iclc Half Round, advance 2 in. 20 35.10 39.20 41.60 20 36.20 39.40 .42.30 in. in $ < o Length, inches. Bastard, per doz. 2d Cut, " Smooth, " Length, inches. Bastard, per doz. 2d Cut, " Smooth, " 4 $4.00 4.80 5.10 4 $5.40 6.10 6.40 5 4.50 5.30 5.80 5 6.10 6.70 7.10 WA3CI 7 4.90 5.90 5.90 6 90 6.40 7.50 8 6.40 7.50 8.20 KNIFE. 6 6 90 7.50 7.90 7.80 8 50 8.90 S.50 9.10 9.50 9 7.80 9.00 9.90 9 9.40 10.60 11.30 10 8.70 10.10 11.00 10 10.10 11.50 12.30 11 10.90 12.70 13.70 11 12.20 13.70 14.60 12 12.30 14.30 15.40 12 13.70 15.20 16.10 1? 15.20 17.40 18.70 13 16.30 17.90 19.20 14 17.00 19.-10 21.00 14 18.20 19.90 21.20 LIST OF FILES AND RASPS.-Continued. TAPERS Length, inches, 3 3i 4 44 5 5i 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 Single Cut, doz. , $3.10 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.60 3.00 3.40 4.30 5.40 6.60 8 10 12.50 18.20 Double " " 2.50 2.50 2.90 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.70 5.60 6.70 8.10 9.70 14.70 30.60 SLIM TAPERS. Length, inches, 3 3? 4 4* 5 5J 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 Single Cut, doz. , $3.10 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.50 2.90 3.10 3.80 4.50 5.40 6.40 9.50 13.80 Double " " 2.50 2.50 2.60 3.00 3.20 3.50 3.90 4.50 5.30 6.30 7.50 11.00 15.40 BANDSAW, BLUNT AND TAPER. Length, inches, 3 3i 4 4i 5 5£ 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 Regular, doz., $3.50 2.50 2.90 3.10 3.50 4.00 4.70 5.60 6.70 8.10 9.70 14.70 20.60 Slim 2.50 2.50 2.60 3.00 3.20 WOOD 3.50 3.90 4.50 FILES. 5.30 6.30 7.50 11.00 15.40 Length, inches, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 Flat, doz., $4.80 4.80 5.30 6.30 7.00 8.60 9.70 11.80 ' 13.30 16.00 17.80 23.90 Half round, dz. 6.10 7.00 7.50 8.50 9.10 10.70 11.80 14.10 15.50 18.50 20.60 27.50 Cabinet, " 8.10 9 30 10.10 : 2.20 13.70 16.80 18.70 22.40 24.80 29.70 32.9) 43.60 WOOD RASPS. Length, inches 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 Flat, doz., $7.40 8.60 9.4C 11.40 12. SO 15.50 17.50 20.90 23.20 27.80 30.80 40.90 Half round, dz. 8.10 9.30 10.10 12.20 13. rO 16.80 18.70 a2.40 24.80 29.70 32.90 43.60 Cabinet, " 10.10 11.70 12.80 15.50 17.50 20.70 23.80 SINCLE-CUT FILES. 26.80 29.60 33.90 36.90 46.90 Length, inches, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Pit Saw, doz., $4.80 5.40 6.10 7.00 7.50 8.50 9.1C 10.70 11.80 Cant Saw, doz. 4.30 4.70 5.40 6.10 6.40 7.80 8.70 10.40 11.40 Cross Cat, " 4.80 5.40 6.10 7 00 7.50 8.50 9.1C 1070 11.80 Hook Tooth, doz., . 6.70 7.70 8.30 9.40 10.10 11.80 13.00 Planer Knife, i 6.40 • ■ 8.60 12.10 DOUBLE-ENDED TAPER. Length, inches 6 7 8 9 10 Per dozen tjpO 50 3 50 3.90 4.40 4.90 Sizes below 4 inches, not extended, take 4 inch price. Ha'f inches not specified, take nest higher full inch price. Dead Smooth, double the price of Bastard Cut. EMERY (GRAIN ). Numbers .....'.. 4 to 46 50 to 180 Flour 10 lb. Cans, per lb $0.10 .10 .08 50 " " " .09 .09 .07* \ Kegs about 100 lbs , per lb. .08 .08 .07 i " " 175 "".... .07 .07 .0 h Kegs " 350 " . • . .06 .06 052 227 GRINDING ANO POLISHING MACHINES. Wifl run two Wheels, 6 inches Diameter. Size of Arbor between Flanges, i inch. Size of Pulley on Spindle, 2x1 J inches. Price Head * 6.00 " Column .... 10.00 " Countershaft . . . 10.00 Fig. 794. Will run two Wheels 6 inches in Diameter. Size of Arbor between "Ehanges, i inch. Size of Pulley on Spindle 2xH inches. Price Head $ 8.50 " Column . . . . 10.00 " Countershaft . . . 10.00 Fig. 795. Will run two Wheels 9 in. Diameter. Size of Pulley, 3x2^ inches. Size of Arbor between Flanges, J in. Price Head . . . $10.00 " Column . . . 12.00 " Countershaft . . 12.00 Fig. 795. Fig. 790. PATENT COUNTERSHAFT. WITHOUT PATENT BELT SHIETEK. Used with Grinding Machines, Figs. 793, 794,795. This is a convenient Countershaft for aiij r light machinery. The- drop of hangers is 7 inches. The size of tight and loose pulleys is 6 inches in diam- eter, 2i in. face. Diameter of driving pulley, 12 inches. 2j inch face; diameter of shaft, -J inch. Length of shaft, 18 inches. AVe also furnish larger sizes of tins hanger. Price as shown .... $10.00 Fig. 797. IRON COLUMN WITH WATER POT. For mounting Grinding Machines Figs. 793, 794. Size of Iron Table . . 16 x 10 inches Size of Kase of Column 16 x 13 Height from floor . . 30 " Weight of Column ... 100 pounds Price with Water Pot . . . . * 10.00 X n n c 2 m H O O s ■o > pi ■< o Fig 795 12.00 228 GRINDING ANi Fig. 799. POLISHING MACHINES. This Machine will run two wheels up to 12 inches in dia- meter. Size of Arbor between Flanges, 1 inch; size of Pulley, 4x3^ inches. Price of Machine, Stand and Driving Shaft, as illustrated, $60.00 Price Grinding Head . 28.00 ' ' Frame with Water Pot, 17.00 Price Driving Shaft and Belt Shifter attached . 15.00 Weight of Stand . . 175 lbs. " with Stand and counter- shaft .... 300 lbs. Weight complete boxed for ex- port .... 375 lbs. This Machine will run two wheels up to 14 inches diameter. Size of Arbor between Flanges, 1 inch; size of Cone Pulley, 4£ and 3^x3^ inches. Price on column, as illustrated, with Countershaft . $65.00 Price of Grinding Head . 33.00 Price of Column and Table with Water Pot . . . 15.00 Price of Countershaft with Cone — Pulley and Belt Shifter 17.00 Price of Surface Attachment 25.00 229 GRINDING MACHINE. This machine will run two wheels up 1o 16 inches in diameter. The Countershaft has light and loose pulleys 8x4j inches, and cone pulley 12 and 13x4J inches. Drop of hangers is 10 inches, and shaft is 32 inches long. Countershaft should run 630 revolutions per minute. Tais will give the spindle, on the slowest speed, 1,200 revolutions; on the quickest speed. 1,560 revolutions per minute. Price on Column with Counter- shaft .... 180.00 Price of Head only . . . 46.00 Countershaft . . 17.50 Iron Pedestal.wilh Table 16.50 '■ Adjustable Surface Ta- ble Attachment . Weight on Column as shown Weight Complete, with Coun- tershaft boxed for export . 30.00 500 lbs. 675 lbs. FIC. SOOtf GRINDING MACHINE. New Pattern, Improved and Enlarged. This machiue is designed to run two wheels up to 20 inches diameter. In other respects inches- 6 Length of Bearings, Diam. Spindle in Bearings, Diam. Spin. bet. Flanges, Size Cone Pulley on Spin- dle, . . 6 and 7x4J Length of Spindle, . . 39j Iff the description of this machine is same as Fig. 800, illustrated above Size of Base on Head, . . 18x12 inches. Height from Table to center of Spindle, 15 " Height from Floor to top of Iron Table, 19 " Height from Floor to centre of Spindle, 34 " Distance between Wheels. . . 26 " Dimensions of Iron Table, . 26x20 " Dimensions of Base of Column, 26x24 " Weight complete, with Countershaft 7501b Weigiit complete, with Countershaft, boxed for export, . . . 880 " Price on Column, with Countershaft, ......... Price of Head only, ............. " Countershaft, ......... .... " Iron Column, with Table, . . ...... " Surface Table Attachment, . : S 108.00 70.00 20.00 18.00 35.00 Fig. 801. COUNTERSHAFT for Machines is here shown with Hadley's Patent Belt Shifter at- tached. It has tight and loose pul- leys, 8x5i Cone pulleys, 17 and 18x42. The drop of banners is 10 in. En- tire length of shaft. 34 in. For Ma- chine the Countershaft should run 400 revolutions per minute-. This will give to the spindle, on the slow- est speed, about 970 revolutions; on the quickest speed, about 1,200 revo- lutions per minute. PI D C 2 PI H O O 3 ■o > -< o 230 SINGLE WHEEL TOOL GRINDERS. No. 5. 36x4 An arrange- jb'ig. ov^. No. 1 No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Size of Wheels . . 14 x 2 20 x 2£ 24 x 3£ 30 x 4 The machine bas tanks located inside of column, easily accessible, ment patented draws the water by siphon from the upper to the lower tank. Engii e lithe boxes are used, protected at each end by patented dust excluding device. The water is di tributed on the wheel directly in front of the tool being ground. On the inside of the hood a raised surface is cast, which is the outside diameter of the flanges used, and which leads all spray or water from the inside of the hood to the column, keeping it entirely from the spindle and boxes. The rests are movable to and from the wheel, without the use of wrench. The collars, steel spindles, pulleys, and all running parts are turned accurately to obtain a well balanced, smooth running machine. The truing device is permanently attached to the rest. By turning a screw the device is brought to the wheel, which is thus kept perfectly true and sharp. The Tool Grinder with an Automatic Pump and separate water tanks, with patented siphon arrangement for separating the clean water from the dirt and sediment, with the power to control or regulate the flow of water over the wheel and tool, when being ground by the operator, will always have an advantage over any machine of this class that uses the same water over and over, mixed with the sediment from the wheel, from which no provision has been made to separate the same, or to regulate the flow of it upon the wheel. For Description See Page 232. 231 No. I TOOL GRINDER. EMERY WHEEL 14 x 2 x H INCHES. Size of Base, . . . . 21 x 17 in. Diam. of Spindle between Flanges, . H in. Height from floor to centre Spindle, . 38 " Size of Pulley on Spindle, . 6 x Si in. Bearings, . . 5 in. long x 1^ in. diara. Weight, 400 lbs. Weight with Countershaft boxed for export 580 lbs. Dimensions with Countershaft boxed for export, 28 in. x 36 in. x 52 in. Price, complete with Countershaft and Truing Device, .... $87.50 Tielvt and loose pulleys on Countershaft, 7 in. diameter. Driving Pulley on Countershaft, 15 in. diameter. Countershaft should run 300 revolutions per minute. No. 2 TOOL GRINDER. EMERY WHEEL 20 x 2i x If INCHES. Size of Base, . . . . 24 x 27 in. Diam. of Spindle between Flanges, . If in. Height from floor to centre Spindle, 38 in. Diam. of Cone Pulley on Spindle, 5 and 6 xSiin. H Bearings, . . 7 in. long x li in. diam. Weight, 800 lbs. j; Weight with Countershaft boxed for export, . . . 1100 lbs. Dimensions with Countershaft boxed for export, . 34 x 44 x 56 in. Price, complete with Countershaft and Truing Device, . . . . $137.50 Countershaft has tight and loose pulleys, 8 x 3£ in. Cone Pulley, 12 and 13 in. diam. It should run 250 revolutions per minute, giving the spindle 500 to 600 revolutions per minute. No. 3 TOOL GRINDER. EMERY WHEEL 24 x Si x 10 INCHES. No. 4 TOOL GRINDER. EMERY WHEEL 30 x 4 x 16 INCHES. m CO c 2 HI H Size of Base, . . . . 26 x 40 in. Diam. of Spindle in Bearings, . If in. Height from floor to centre Spindle, 36 in. Diam. of Spindle between Flanges, 2 in. () Bearings, . . 8 in. long x If in. diam. Diam. of Pulley on Spindle, 10 in., 5 in. face. Weight, . 1200 lbs. J Weight with Countershaft boxed for export 1400 lbs. Dimensions with Countershaft boxed for export, . . 34 x 48 x 57 in. _ Price, complete with Countershaft and Truing Device, .... $225.00 j> 2 ■< Countershaft should run 280 revolutions per minute, giving the Spindle a speed of 476 revolu- mt tions per minute. Countershaft has tight and loose Pulleys, 10 x 5j in. Driving pulley, 17x6 in. 2 m Size of Base, . . . . 28 x 45 in. Diam. of Spindle between Flanges, 3 in. < Height from, floor to centre Spindle, 37 in. Diam of Pulley on Spindle, 14 in., 6 in. face. ^ Bearings, . . 9 in. long x 2f in. diam. Weight 2000 lbs. Weight with Countershaft, boxed for export, .... 2500 lbs. "K Dimensions with Countershaft boxed for export, . , 36 x 56 x 60 in. Q Price, complete with Countershaft and Truing Device, .... $275 00 a Countershaft has tight and loose Pulleys, 10 in. x 6 in. Driving Pulley, 18 in. x 6 in. jc Countershaft should run 280 revolutions per minute, giving the Spindle a speed of 360 and m upwards revolutions per minute. No. 5 TOOL CRINDER. EMERY WHEEL 36 x 4 x 21 INCHES. Size of Base, . . . . 28 x 51 in. Diam. of Spindle between Flanges, . 3 in. Height from floor to Centre Spindle, 37 in. Diam. of Pulley on Spindle, 10 in., 6 in. face. Bearings, . 10 in. long x 2f in. diam. Weight, 2500 lbs. Weight with Countershaft boxed for export 3000 Ids. Dimensions with Countershaft boxed for export, . 36 x 56 x 60 in! Price, complete with Countershaft and Truing Device, . . . . $325.00 The Countershaft has the same dimensions as for No. 4 machine, and should run £60 revo- lutions per minute, giving to the machine a speed of 292 revolutions per minute. For illustrations see page 231. 232 PRICE LIST EMERY WHEELS. THICKNESS OF WHEELS IX INCHES REVOLU- TIONS IN INCHES 1 4 i f a 4 1 "l-l J 4 4 2 n 3 .3£ 4 $ l.io PER MINUTE 1>< $ .30 $ .40 $ .45 $ .45 $ .50 5 .55 $ .60 $ .70 $ .to $ .90 5 1 00 14000 2 .35 .50 .55 .55 .60 .65 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 l.£0 10000 2X .40 .65 .70 .75 .85 .95 1.05 1.25 1.45 1.65 1.85 2.05 8500 3 .50 .80 .90 .95 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.30 2.60 2.90 7000 3!4 .60 .95 1.05 1.15 1.35 1.55 1.75 2.15 2.55 2.95 3 35 3.75 6035 4 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.60 1.85 2.10 2.60 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.60 5300 4>£ .90 1.25 1.40 1.55 1.85 2.15 2.45 3.05 3.65 4.25 4.85 5.45 4700 5 1.00 1.40 1.65 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.00 3.80 4.60 5.40 6.20 7.00 4200 6 1.40 1.75 2.10 2.40 3.05 3.70 4.35 5.65 6.95 8.25 9.55 10.85 3500 1.85 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.85 •4.70 5.55 7.25 8.95 10.65 12.35 14.05 3000 8 2.10 2.60 3.10 3.60 4.60 5.60 6.60 8.60 10.60 12.60 14.60 16.60 2C0J 9 2.50 3.10 3.70 4.25 5.40 6.55 7.70 10. CO 12.30 14.60 16.90 19.20 2300 10 3.00 3.65 4.35 5.00 6.35 7.70 9.05 11.75 14.45 17.15 19.85 22.55 2100 12 3.TO 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.40 9.00 10.70 14,00 17.40 20.75 24.25 27.50 1800 11 4.05 6 25 7.30 8.45 10.65 12.85 15.05 19.45 23.85 28.25 32.65 37.05 1500 16 8.00 9.45 10.85 13.70 16.55 19 40 25.00 30.80 36.50 42.20 47.90 1300 18 13 25 15.75 17.00 20.25 25.00 29.00 35.00 20.75 24 75 31.00 36.00 43.00 50.00 24.50 29.25 37.00 43.00 51 00 61.00 95 00 32.00 38.25 49.00 57.00 67.00 83.00 126 01 160.00 185. CO 39.50 47.25 61.00 71.00 83.00 105.00 157.00 190.00 220.00 47.00 56.25 73.00 85.00 99.00 127.00 188.00 225.05 265.00 54.50 65.25 85.00 99.00 115.00 149.C0 219.00 2li0 . 00 300.00 62.00 74.25 97.00 113.00 131.00 171.00 250.00 300.00 SCO. 00 1150 1050 22 950 24 850 26 775 30 700 36 525 42 401 48 350 For the convenience of users the different grades are divided into the following classes : CLASS 1.— Coarse and very hard For grinding heavy castings. (,LASS 2.— Coarse and medium hard. For grinding sprues from castings, stove fitting, etc. CL\S$ 3.— Medium coarse and medium hard. For general machine shop use, lathe toolB, small castings, wrought and malleable iron and steel. CLASS 4.— Cwse soft. For surfacing iron and steel. CLASS 5 —Very soft wheel. For gumming saivi and sharpening wood-workers tools. CLASS fi —Fine and medium soft. For grinding tools and surfacing iron, brass or steel. CLASS 7.— Very fine and medium hard. For grinding taps, cutters, drills, etc., where a corner is to be held up, and whe'e little metal is to be removed ZINC & RUBBER AND BRONZE & RUBBER WEATHER STRIP. Specially adapted to the Doors and Windows of Palace Cars, Railroad Coaches, Steamships, and all doors and windows having semi-circular or elliptic heads where Wood and Rubber Weather Strips cannot be well applied. SINGLE EDGE. CUSHION EDGE. Fig. 803. Price per foot Fig. 806. Price per foot $ Fis. 805. All Metal Strips manufactured in 7-foot Lengths. Price per foot 233 Capacity Lbs 2,000 X I 1,5' x i 1,200 x 1,000 x 800 x 600 x 400 x PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES. With Brass Beam And Sliding Poise. WITH WHEELS. WITHOUT WHEELS. Platform Inches. 25x33 25 x 3 i 21 x28 20 x 28 17x26 17 x 26 16 x 25 15 x21 Price. $85.00 75.00 56.00 49.00 43.00 38.00 33 00 26.00 No. 1100. 1102. 1104. 1106. 1108. 1110. 1112. 1114. Price. $80.00 70.00 52.00 45.00 39.00 34.00 30.00 23.00 Scales, lOOu lb. and larger, Lave pillar braces. PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES. WITH WHEELS AND DROP LEVER. With Brass Beam and Sliding Poise. Capacity Lbs. 2,500 x I 2,000 x | 1,500 x i 1,200 x | 1,000 xi Platform Inches. 25 x 33 25x33 21x28 20x28 17x26 Price. $94.00 82.00 70.00 59.00 51.00 WHEELBARROW SCALES. Made Entirely of Iron, for Weighing Coal, Ore or Other Substances in Barrows. Furnished with Set of Inclines. With Brass Beam and Sliding P ise. WITHOUT WHEELS. WITH WHEELS. Capacity Lbs. 1,000 X 1 1,500 X 1 Platform Inches. Price. 42 x 30 $70 00 42 x 30 80 00 No. Price. 1384. $75.00 5389. 85 00 PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES. Foundry Scale. Extra Heavy. With Brass Beam and Sliding Poise. WITH WHEELS. Capacity Lbs. 3.000 4,000 6.000 Platform Inches. 31 x40 31 x40 31 x40 WHEELS AND . 3,000 . 4,000 . 6,000' Price. $125.00 140.00 165.00 DROP LEVER. 31x40 $125 00 31 x 40 140 00 31 x 40 165.00 X PI 09 C 2 m H O O s > 2 m 3 DORMANT WAREHOUSE SCALES. With Single "Wood Pillar. Brass Sliding Poise. Capacity Platform No. Lbs. Inches. Price. 1036 . 5,000x1 48x48 $150 00 1038 . 3,500x£ 42x44 105.00 1040 . 2,500x1 46x37 92.00 5044 . l,500x* 42x30 85.00 Above Scales furnished with. Drop Lever if de- sired, but for ordinary use we recommend Scales without it. DORMANT WAREHOUSE SCALES. With Two Iron Pillars. Double Brass Beam and Sliding Poises. No. Capacity Lbs. Piatform Inches. Price. .046 . 5,000xJf 48x48 $170.00 1048 . . 3,500x1 42x44 125 00 050 . . 2,500x1 46x37 105.00 5054 Fisr. 813. 1,500x1 42x30 MINERS' AND TRANSPORTATION SCALES. Capacity Platform. ^ 5 ft.x4ft. 6 ft.xbft. 10 in. 8 ft.x4t't. 5 ft.x4ft. 6 ft..\4ft. 10 ft.x4ft. 5 ft.x4ft. 6 ft.x4ft. 7 ft.x4ft. 6Mt.x4ft. lOfin. 6 l't.x4ft. ll|in. 6Aiu. llj n. l|in. Hi n. 9im. Price Single Beam. $135.00 155.00 155.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 185.00 185.00 205.00 240.00 270.00 100.00 Price Dorible Beam. $143.50 163.50 163.50 180.00 180.00 180 00 195.00 195.00 215.00 250.00 280.00 Fiii-. 814. The sizes of Platforms of these Scales may be varied somewhat from the above dimensions and without increasing cost of the Scale. Above prices are exclusive of lumber and founda- tion, which are to be furnished by the purchaser. RAILROAD DEPOT SCALES. Price Price No. Capaci ty Platfo 'm. Single Double To us beam. Keam. 6262 10 12 ft.xSft. 10 in. $330.00 $345.00 2264 6 10 ft.x9ft. 2{in. 2S0.OO 295.00 6272 6 8 ft.xGft. 0#,n. 280.00 295.00 6274 6 6 ft.x5Ct. 280.00 295.00 2266 4 9 ft.x6ft. 11 in. 230.00 240.00 6278 4 6 ft.x5f'. 230 00 240.00 6276 4 5 ft.x4ft. 230.00 240.00 2268 3 6 ft.x4ft. llim. 210.00 218.50 2270 2 7ift.x4Ct. 8Mo. 168.00 176.50 Above prices are exclusive of timber and foundation. SINGLE BEAM FOR RAILROAD TRACK SCALE. ENTIRE CAPACITY INDICATED ON BEAM. Fig. 816. DOUBLE BEAM FOR RAILROAD TRACK SCALE. Fig. 817. Double Beam for Track Scales, extra . $20.00 TRIPLE BEAM FOR RAILROAD TRACK SCALES. Fig. 818. The Triple Beam is favored by coal and mine operators. The lower beam can be used for tare or weight of empty railroad car, and the front beam for weighing contents of small mine cars, giving credit to each individual miner, and the ujsper beam as a check and to register total weight. Triple Beam for Track Scales, extra ........ $35.00 GRIDIRON BEAM FOR RAILROAD TRACK SCALE. 819. The Gridiron Beam is especially adapted for coal mines. Weight or Tare of empty railroad car is taken on lower beam and weight t f coal from each small car is noted on a separate beam, giving credit to individual miners. When car is loaded total weight is taken on upper beam. Gridiron Beam for Track Scales, with 12 Coal Beams, extra . . . $75.00 Each Coal Beam above twelve, extra . . . . , . . . 5.00 236 PI CO c 2 PI H O O 3 > Z ■< PI $ -< O / The record case of IRON FRAME RAILROAD TRACK SCALES. Capacity from 15 tons to 150 tons. Length of Platform, 6 to 130 feet. Prices quoted upon receipt of Specifica- tions. Scales furnished with cither Single, Double or Triple Beams. Prices quoted will be exclusive of Timber and Foundations, which are furnished at purchaser's expense. RECORDING ATTACHMENT. FOR SCALE BEAMS. Prices on application. The Recording Attachment shown in this illustration is the most satisfactory device yet invented for obtaining a correct record of weights. Its simplicity of construction, absolute accuracy of record of the weight at one operation, cannot be surpassed. Its movement is not affected by dirt, dust or weather. correct weight can be had iu less time than by reading the beam, and a is obtained which can be referred to at any time, and is valuable evidence in disputed weights. The attachment can be applied to any make of Scales. WEIGHMASTERS' BEAMS. WITH POISES. Capacity. Lbs. 100 150 '200 250 300 400 500 600 Prices on Best Japanned. No. Price. Fij Best Polished. 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 $ 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 12.50 14.00 15.50 No. 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 Price $11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 16.50 18.50 20.00 822. Capacity. Lbs." 700 800 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 "W eighmasters' Frames, suitable for above TRACK GAUGE, Best Best Japanned. Polished. No. Price. No. Price. 118 $19.00 uu $24.00 120 22.00 121 27.00 122 24.50 123 30.00 124 27.00 125 33.00 126 32.00 127 40.00 12S 41.00 129 50 00 130 48 00 131 58.00 132 55.00 133 67.00 beams, quoted on ap plication . Huntington Track Gauge Per dozen, $21.00 237 ECCENTRIC RAIL BENDER. Fig 824. WILL BEND 56 TO 90 LB. RAIL. Operating Lever is made of Pipe. Weight, 140 to 190 lbs. MANNING RAIL BENDER Price, »50.00. WILL BEND 56 TO 90 LB. RAIL. Weight Price Fig. 825. SCREW RAIL BENDERS OR JIM CROWS. O) =4H ^j -a S-S .a -t3 3 3 ft 50 O o3 "a! «5 CQ Ph y If 14 45 14 $19.00 1 2 16 65 20 21.(0 2 H 20 100 45 30 00 3 H 24 140 65 42 00 3* n 24 155 75 50 00 4 2£ 24 185 90| 59 00 Fig. 828. 238 TRACK DRILL. Fig. 827 For drilling titles 1 hrough nils for electric hording wires, and for binding rods, etc. Engineers and others familiar with the work the Drill is intended lor will at a gKcce see its utility and convenience. Two sets of gears go with each drill, making it either speeded or geared back. Twist Drills, with h inch shank fit the hole in spindle. A chuck is furnished with each machine which will hold Drills smaller than \ inch. It weighs 68 lbs., and will carr. drills up to 1 inch, Price $25.00 THE "IXL" TRACK DRILL AND CLAMP. PRICE, COMPLETE, $8.00. Fig. 828 ALEXANDER CAR REPLACER. N-. 1, Weight, perpair, 1201bs-. 6 inch Eail. Price, per pair, $17.00. No. 2, Weight, per pair, 100 lbs., 5 inch Rail. Price, per pair, §16.00. No. 3, Wf ight, per pair, 50 lbs. For Traction Roads. Price, pf r pair, $12.00. 239 Fig. 829. RAILROAD TRACK TOOLS. TRACK PUNCH, ROUND POINT. For Punching Kails. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 25 cts. Made of Special Steel, carefully tempered and tested. "Warranted. Fig. 830. Fig. 831. Fig. 832. TRACK PUNCH, SQUARE POINT. For Punching Rails. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 25 cts. Best Tool Steel. Warranted. TRACK CHISEL. For Cutting Rails. Best Tool Steel. Verona. Per lb , 25 cts. Being made of Special Steel, and carefully tempered and tested, we guarantee it the best ever made. SPIKE MAUL, NEW PATTERN. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 16 cts. Any desired pattern or weight will be made, carefully tempered, and warranted. SPIKE MAUL, OLD STYLE. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 16 cts. Any desired pattern or weight will be made, carefully tempered, and warranted. Fig. 834. Fig. 835. Fig. 836. RAIL TONGS. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 20 cts. Warranted. No. 1590 "YP" Tongs, per lb., 30 cts. Weight 15 lbs. RAIL FORK. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 20 cts. No. 1600 "YP" Fork, per lb., 30 cts. Weight, 14 lbs. 240 RAILROAD 1MOND POINTED. Fig. 848. ired. Carefully tempered. Warranted. Size of Eye, 3 x ItV inch, nond Point .... Per doz., $10.00 EST REFINED IRON AND STEEL POINTS. 'rice. i.00 jlS.50 19.00 20.00 MINERS' Nos. 2034 2035 2036 CURVED Weight. 9 lbs. 91 lbs. 10 lbs. Doz. Price. $21.00 22.00 23.00 Number. 173 174 175 176 Fig. 849. ny weight desired, and warranted as to temper and quality. Solid Eye. Size of Eye, 3 x ItV inch, na, Miners' Pick, Curved, any weight , . . Per lb.. 20 cts. DRIFTING. Weight. 3 lbs. 4 lbs. 4* lbs. BEST REFINED Doz Price. $12.50 14.00 15.00 IRON AND STEEL POINTS. Nob. 1753 1754 Size. 4 5 Weight. 5 lbs. 6 lbs. Doz. Price. $16.00 17.50 MINERS' PICK. SURFACE. 1 20. Fig. 850. Made any weight desired, and warranted as to temper and quality. Solid Eye. Size of Eye, 3 x 1 T V inch. Verona, Miners' Pick, Surface, any weight . . . Per lb., 20 cts. 'YP" SURlFACE. BEST REFINED IRON AND STEEL POINTS. One End Clay Pick, the other Diamond Point. .-Jos. Srze. Weight. Doz. Price Foa. Size. Weight. Doz. Price. .740 1 4 lbs. $14.00 1744 5 6 lbs. $18.00 1741 9 4i lbs. 15.00 1745 6 61 lbs. 19.00 1742 3 5 lbs. 16.00 1746 t 7 lbs. 20.00 1743 4 5$ lbs. 17.00 LOCOMOTIVE COAL PICK. ISTo. 26, Fig. 851. Made any desired weight. Warranted. Verona, Locomotive Coal Pick, any weight . 243 Per lb., 17 cts. RAILROAD TRACK TOOLS. BAR. Fig. 830. Fig. 831. Fig. 832. Fig. 834. Fig. 835. Fig. 836. 31. Verona . Per lb., 10 cts. Solid Steel. Any weight. 650. "IP" . Per lb., 15 cts. ttrht, 20 to 24 lbs. Pound Point. TRA. . . . Per lb., 10 cts. olid Steel. Any weight. Sol "YP" Pinch Bar Per lb., 12 cts. Best To^ M ' 12 to 30 lbs - TRAv. . Per lb., 12 cts. For Cut Steel. Best Tool Steel. Tamping Per lb , 1 Per lb > 18 cts. Being made of Sp" 1S lbs> carefully tempered guarantee it the best SPIKE MAUL, NEW > Solid Steel. V Per lb., 16 cts. Any desired pattern or we be made, carefully tempore warranted. $12.00 12.00 SPIKE MAUL, OLD STYLE, 4. Solid Steel. Verona. Price Per lb., 16 cts. 7.00 Any desired pattern or weight 100 be made, carefully tempered, ;.00 warranted. RAIL TONGS. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 20 cts. Warranted. No. 1590 "YP" Tongs, per lb., 30 cts. Weight 15 lbs. RAIL FORK. Solid Steel. Verona. Per lb., 20 cts. No. 1600 "YP" Fork, per lb., 30 cts. Weight, 14 lbs. H X m 01 c 2 PI H O O s > 2 ■< 2 m < o so 240 CLAY PICK. DIAMOND POINTED. No. Fig. 848. Made any weight or size desired. Carefully tempered. Solid Eye. Size of Eye, 3 x Irs inch. 17. Verona, Clay Pick, Diamond Point .... Warranted. Per doz., $10.00 *YP" CONTRACTORS' BEST REFINED Nos. 2030 2031 2032 2033 Wtight. 7 lbs. 7i lbs. 8 lbs. 8* lbs. Doz. Price. $18.00 18.50 19.00 20.00 MINERS IRON Nos. 2034 2035 2036 CURVED. AND STEEL Weight. 9 lbs. 9£ lbs. 10 lbs. POINTS. Doz. Price. $21.00 22.00 23.00 No. 19 Nos. 1750 1751 1752 Fig. 849. Made any weight desired, and warranted as to temper and quality, Solid Eye. Size of Eye, 3 x 1 T V inch. Verona, Miners' Pick, Curved, any weight , . . Per lb. "YP" DRIFTING. Size. Weight. 1 3 lbs. 2 4 lbs. 20 cts. BEST REFINED Doz Price. 4£ lbs. $12.50 14.00 15.00 IRON AND STEEL POINTS. Nos. 1753 1754 Size. 4 5 Weight. 5 lbs. 6 lbs. Doz. Price. $16.00 17.50 MINERS' PICK. SURFACE. Fig. 830. Made any weight desired, and warranted as to temper and quality. Solid Eye. Size of Eye, 3 x 1 T V inch. No. 20. Verona, Miners' Pick, Surface, any weight . . . Per lb., 20 cts. "YP" SURFACE. BEST REFINED IRON AND STEEL POINTS. One End Clay Pick, the other Diamond Point. Nos. Srze. Weight. Doz. Price Fos. Size. Weight. Doz. Price. 1740 1 4 lbs. $14.00 1744 5 6 lbs. $18.00 1741 2 4^ lbs. 15.00 1745 6 6£lbs. 19.00 1742 3 5 lbs. 16.00 1746 7 7 lbs. 20.00 1743 4 SJ lbs. 17.00 LOCOMOTIVE COAL PICK. No. 26, Fig. 851. Made any desired weight. Warranted. Verona, Locomotive Coal Pick, any weight , 243 Per lb., 17 cts. COAL PiCK. No. 21. Fig. 852. Made any weight. Warranted. Verona Coal Pick, any weight, per lb. 25 cts Fie;. 853. Fig. 854. Fig. 855. 856. 857 COAL WEDGE. No. 42. Verona Coal Wedge, per lb. . . 10 cts. COAL MAUL. No. 9. Verona Coal Maul, per lb. 16 cts. Solid Steel, 4 to 10 lbs. Warranted to stand the hardest usage. Made any pattern or weight desired. NAPPING HAMMER. Verona Solid Steel. No. 8. Napping Hammer, 4 lbs. and over, per lb. . 16 cts. No. 8. Napping Hammer, under 4 lbs., per lb. . 20 cts. Made any desired pattern or weight. Warranted. HAND-DRILLING HAMMER. Verona Solid Steel. No. 14. Hand - Drilling Ham- mer, 4 lbs. and over, per lb. . . 16 cts. No. 14. Hand - Drilling Ham- mer, under 4 lbs., per lb. . . 20 cts. Mide any weight desired, and war- ranted as to temper and quality. STRIKING HAMMER. Verona Solid Steel. N> 52. 4 lbs. and over, per lb. 16 cts. No. 52. Under 4 lbs., per lb. 20 cts. Any weight desired, and warranted. DOUBLE-FACE STRIKING S. LEDGE. F g. S58. Verona Solid Steel. No. 15. 6 to 40 lbs., per lb. . 16 cts. Any size, from 3 to 40 lbs. Fig. 858. » yp> BLACKSMITHS' FACE SLEDGE. Solid Cast-Steel. DOUBLE- No. Weight. Per Lb. 1060 Under 3 lbs. $0.45 1060 3 to 5 lbs. -36 1060 5 lbs. and above .30 Fig. 859. "YP" BLACKSMITHS' S Cross Pein. No. Weight. Per Lb. 1030 Under 3 lb. $0.45 1030 3 to 5 lb. .36 1030 5 lb. arid above. .30 I Nos. 280 281 282 BLACKSMITHS' SLEDGE. Verona. Cross Pein. Solid Steel. Warranted. No. 28. Smith Sledge, 6 to. 26 lbs.; per lb. 1G cts. Weil balanced. Made any size or weight. Cross or Straight Pein as desired. SLEDGES. SOLID CAST-STEEL. Straight Pein. No. Weight. Per Lb. 1040 Under 3 lb. $0.45 1040 3 to 5 lb. .36 1040 5 lb. and above. .30 BLACKSMITH HAND HAMMER. Verona. Solid Steel. No. 60. Blacksmiths' Hand Hammer. Per lb., 20 cts. Any weight to order. Pig. 880. YP" BLACKSMITHS' HAND HAMMERS, WITH HANDLES Per Doz. Nos. Size Size. Weight. Per Doz. Nos. 1 lb. 10 oz. $13.00 283 3 1 2 1b. 14.00 " : 284 4 2 2 lb. 10 oz. 15 00 285 5 Wei hts do not include Handles. Weight. 3 1b. 3 lb. 8 oz. 4 lb. 8 oz. Per Doz. $16.00 17.00 19.00 YP" ENGINEERS' HAMMERS. WITH HANDLES. Solid Cast-Steel. Size. Weight. 1 lb. 2 oz. 1 1 lb. 10 oz. 2 2 lb. 3 2 lb. 8 oz. 4 3 lb. 5 3 lb. 8 oz. 6 4 lb. 8 oz. ' Per Doz. $12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 19.00 Fiij. 861. Weights do not include handles. 245 li YP" ENGINEERS' DOUBLE FACE HAMMERS WITH HANDLES. Solid Cast Steel. Size. 1 2 3 4 Weight. 1 lb. 8 oz. 2 1b. 2 lb. 6 oz. 3 lb. 3 lb. 10 oz. Per Doz. $14.50 15.50 16.50 18.00 19.50 Weights do not include handles . Fig. 862. DOUBLE FACE STONE HAMMER. Verona. Warranted. No. 11 Double Face, 4 lbs. and over, per lb . 19 cts. No. 11 Double Face, under 4 lbs , per lb 22 cts. Made any weight or size desired. Care- fully tempered. j I Kg. 863. Fig. 864. Fig. 865. 0^~- MASON'S STONE HAMMER. Verona. Solid Steel. No. 10 Stone Hammer, 4 lbs. and over, per lb. . . . .19 cts. No. 10 Stone Hammer, under 4 lbs., per lb 22 cts. QUARRY SLEDGE. Cutting Edge. Verona. Solid Steel. Oval Eye. No. 12 Quarry Sledge, 6 to 24 lbs., per lb 16 cts. Made any desired weight. Warranted the best. STONE SLEDGE. it Verona. Solid Steel. Oval Eye. No. 13. Stone Sledge, 6 to 24 lbs., per lb 16 cts. ^^jii Made any desired pattern or weight. Warranted. Fig. 866. " YP" STONE SLEDGES. -Solid Cast Steel. No. Weight. Per Lb 920 Under 3 lb. $0.45 920 3 to 5 lb. .36 920 5 lb. and above. 246 .30 H X PI CO c a 2 PI H O o s •o > PI $ ■< o Fig. 868. CAPPING OR SORTING HAMMER. Verona. N j. 63. Capping or Sorting Ham- mer, . . per lb., $0.25 Double or Single Pace. Any weight. STONE AXE. Verona. Solid Steel. No. 43. Stone Axe, . per lb., $0.19 Any weight desired. "Warranted. STONE WEDGE. inniiii! ■■■'* 1 Solid Cast Steel. ii "iiiiiliiiisi No. Weight. Per Lb. iiy BU. 1520 2 to 6 lb. $0.25 Fie. 869. BOILERMAKERS' HAMMERS. Round Pattern. Solid Cast Steel. Pig. 870. No. Weight. Per Lb. 110 2 to 3 lb $0.50 Fig. 870. BOILERMAKERS' RIVETING HAMMERS. Octagon Pattern Face and Pein. Solid Cast Steel. Fig. 871. No. Size. Weight. Per Doz. 2600 1 lib. 8oz. $14.50 2601 2 2 1b. 16.50 2602 3 2 lb. 8 oz. 19.00 2603 4 3 lb. 22.00 "Weights do not include handles. 247 Fig. 871. / , ADZE-EYE RIVETING HAMMERS. Solid Cast steel. Size. 1 2 3 4 5 Weight. G oz. 9 oz. 12 oz. lib. 1 lb. 4 oz. Doz. Price. $7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 Fig. 872. Weights do not include handles ^ PLAIN EYE RIVETING HAMMERS. Solid Cast-steel. si Nos. Size. Weight. Doz. Price. 1- Jj ^^Bm 250 4 oz. $5 50 ~~°Tf 251 1 7oz. 5.75 H3HJI ■ 252 2 3 9 oz. 12 oz. 6.00 s 253 6.25 ■ i - ■f 254 4 15 oz. 6.50 L m 255 5 lib. 2 oz. 7.00 III 256 6 lib. 6 oz. 7.50 lip 257 7 1 lb. 1( ) oz. 8.00 Fig. 873. Fig. 874. Weights do not include handles. CHIPPING HAMMERS. Solid Cast-steel. Weight. lib. 1 lb. 4 oz. 1 lb. 8 oz. 21b. 2 lb. 8 oz. 2 lb. 14 oz. Weights do not include handles. 248 Nos. Size 300 301 1 302 2 303 3 304 4 305 5 Doz. Price. $12.50 13 00 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 H X PI n c X 2 PI H O O S ■o > 2 ■< 2 PI -< o 7) Fig. 875. Me;. 876. MACHINISTS' BALL PEIN HAMMERS. ROUND PATTERN. Full Polished. Solid Cast-steel. Nos. Size. Weight. Per Doz. 330 00 8 oz. $15.00 331 12 oz. 15.00 332 1 1 lb. 8 oz. 17.50 333 2 21b. 19.50 334 3 2 lb. 4 oz. 20.50 335 4 2 lb. 8 oz. 22.00 336 5 3 1b. 25.00 337 6 3 lb. S oz. 27.00 Weights do not include bandies. MACHINISTS' STRAIGHT PEIN HAMMERS. ROUND PATTERN. Full Polished. Solid (Jasi-steel. Size. 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 Weights do not include handles. MACHINISTS' CROSS PEIN HAMMERS. ROUND PATTERN. Full Polished Solid Cast steel. Weisht. 8 oz. Per Doz. $15.00 12 oz. 15.00 1 lb. 8 oz. 17.50 2 1b. 19.50 2 lb. 4 oz. 20.50 2 lb. 8 oz. 22.00 3 1b. 25.00 31b. 8 oz. 27.00 Per Nos. Size. Weight. Doz. 350 00 8 oz. $15.00 351 12 oz. 15.00 352 1 1 lb. S oz. 17.50 353 2 2 1b. 19.50 354 3 2 lb. 4 oz. 20.50 355 4 2 8 oz. 22.00 356 5 3 1b 25.00 357 6 3 lb. 8 oz. 2703 1'iff. 877. Weights do not include handles. 249 MACHINISTS' HAMMERS, SOLID CAST-STEEL. OCTAGON Nos. Size. Weight PATTERN. Per Doz. $12.00 12.00 6 oz 8 oz. 12 oz. lib. lib. 4 oz. (lib. ~ |8oz. oj lib. I ° 1 12 oz. f Polished Sides 12.00 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 Nob. 377 378 379 3S0 381 382 BALL PEIN. Size. 4 6 'i 8 Weight. 2 1b. 2 1b.) 4oz. j j 2 lb. ) 1 8 oz. f 2 lb. [ 12 oz. [ 3 1b. j 3 lb. (8oz. Face and Pein. Per Doz. $16.50 17.50 19.00 20.50 22.00 24.00 Fia,'. 878. Weights clo not include handles. MACHINISTS' HAMMERS, SOLID CAST-STEEL. OCTAGON PATTERN. CROSS Per Nob. Size. Weight. Doz $12.00 12.00 A 3_ 12 00 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 Nob. 417 418 Size. 4 5 419 6 6 oz. 8 oz. 12 oz. lib. lib.) 4oz. f lib. \ 8oz f 1 lb.) 12 oz. j Polished Sides, Face and Pein Wei a; uts do not include handles. PEIN. Weight. 2 1b. $ 420 421 422 (21b.) ( 8 oz. [ 21b. 4oz. 2 lb. 8oz. 21b.) 12 oz. \ 3 1b. 3 1b.) 8oz. X Per Doz. 116.50 17.50 19.00 20.50 22.00 24.00 Fig. 879. MACHINISTS' HAMMERS, SOLID CAST-STEEL. OCTAGON PATTERN. Nob. Size. Weight. Per Doz G OZ 8 oz. 12 oz. lib. lib. 4 oz. lib. 8 oz. lib. 12 oz $12.00 12 00 12.00 12.50 13.50 14.50 15 50 lb) oz. j STRA8GHT PE1U. Nob. Size Weight. Per Doz 2 1b 2 1b 4 2 1b 8 oz. 21b. 12 oz. 3 1b. 3 1b. 8 oz. 397 4 398 5 399 6 400 401 402 $16.50 17.50 19 00 20.50 22.00 24.00 Polished Sides, Face and Pein. Weights do not include handles. 250 X n a c 2 m H O O s ■o > 2 < 2 PI % < O Fisr. 881. Fia;, 882. 93 94 3 4 llb.2oz. 1 lb. 8 oz 7.00 8.00 "YP" PLAIN EYE NAIL HAMMERS. Solid Cast-steel. Nos. . 90 91 92 Size .01 2 Weight, 7oz. 12 oz. 15 oz. Per Doz. $6.25 6.50 6.75 Weights do not include handles. VULCAN PLAIN EYE NAIL HAMMERS. Solid Cast-steel. 122 Nos. Size Weight Per Doz. 120 1 12oz. $5.50 121 2 15 oz. 5.75 lib 6.00 o 2oz. 123 4 1 lb. 8 oz. 7.00 Weights do not include handles. "YP" ADZE-EYE NAIL HAMMERS. Solid Cast-steel Nos. Size 70 71 1 72 1* Weight, 1 lb. 12 oz. lib. 4oz. lib. m Doz. Price, $12.50 9.00 8.50 73 2 13 oz. 8.00 74 o o 7oz. 7 50 Weights do not include handles. H 2 3 lib. 13 rz. %oz. 8.00 7.50 6.75 MAYDOLE'S ADZE-EYE HAMMERS. Solid Cast-steel. No. . 1 Weight, 1 lb. 10 oz. 1 lb. 4 oz. Per Doz. $11.50 8.75 Above weights do not include handles. SHINGLING HATCHETS. Cast steel. Warranted. Nob. Size. Weight. 590 13 OZ 591 1 llb.l oz. 592 2- 1 lb. 7 oz 693 3 lib. 13 oz. 594 4 2 lb. 3 oz. Width of I, it, 3J in. \ 31 "2 4 in. 4 $ in. 4 fin. in. Dcz. Price. 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 Fie. 888. Weights 3o?iot include handles LATH HATCHETS. No. . Length of cut, inch Per dozen 1 2 3 2* 2J 3 $8.00 8.50 9.00 HALF HATCHETS. No 1 Length of cut, inch . 3j Per dozen . . $8.50 9.00 9.50 32 3 4i 251 CLAW HATCHETS. Solid Cast-Steel. Width of Per Nos.Size. Weight. Bit. Doz. 510 1 1 lb. 3 oz. 3% in. $11.50 511 2 lib 9 cz 4 in. 12.00 512 3 lib. 15 oz. 4£in. 12 50 Weights do not include handles OGDEN CLAW No. . . Length of cut, inch Per dozen . HATCHETS. 1 . $9.00 a* 9.50 3 10.00 "~~\ BROAD HATCHETS. Cast-Steel. Fig. 885, Nos. Size Weight • . Width of bit Per doz. 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 lib. lib. 21b. 21b. 21b. 3 1b. 31b. 41b. 8 oz. 12 oz. 2oz. 8 oz. 14 oz. 4 oz. 12 oz. 4oz. 4 in. 4-| m. 5 in. 5i in. 6 in. 64 in. 7 in. 7 J in. $10.50 11.50 13.00 14.50 16.50 18.00 19.50 22.00 Weights do not include handles. BROAD AXES, OHIO PATTERN. Cast-Stee l'. 3 Assorted. 5 to 6^ lb. 6 to 7 lb. 64 to 74 lb. 7 to 8 lb. 74 to 84 lb. 7 to 9 lb. 8 to 9 lb. 84 to 94 lb. 8 to 10 lb. Weights assorted as wanted. Per Doz. $32.00 32.00 32.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 Fig. 880. WESTERN PATTERN 54 to 7 lbs. Per doz.n PENNSYLVANIA Per dozen . Cut illustrates New York pattern 252 £32. 00 OR NEW YORK PATTERN. 5 to 7 lbs. Per dozen PITTSBURGH PATTERN. 6 to 74 lbs $32.00 $32.00 BEST CAST-STEEL AXES. YANKEE. WESTERN. KENTUCKY. Fig. 887. Fig. 888. Fig. 889. 3 to 4, 8£ to 4.^. 3k to 4k pounds, per dozen - $ 3f to 4f , 4 to 5, 4j to 5j " " 4* to 5?, 4i to 6 " " ............. 5"to6 " " " HANDLED AXES. Fig. 890. 3k to 4k, 4 to 5 pounds, per dozen . $16.50 4Ho5f " " 17 - 00 Solid Steel, 3k to 4i, 4 to 5 pounds, per dozen 20.00 HUNTERS' HANDLED CAST-STEEL AXES. m os Size. Weight. Per Doz. 67 ' 1 1 lb. 8 oz. $10.00 671 2 1 lb. 12 oz. 11.00 Weights do not include handles. D. & B. SCYTHE SNATHS. % No. 45. Brass Trimmed, per doz. . $12.75 No. 75. Brass Trimmed, per doz. . $10.00 « 50. Iron " " ■ 13.00 " 80. Iron . 9-50 Fig. 894. Fig. 895. DOUBLE RINC BUSH. No. 100. Iron Trimmed, per doz. PATENT LOOP BUSH 12.50 No. 105. Iron l'rimmed, per doz. . $13.50 253 pmimrmiUiiMLmmmi»LmLjii»ji^mimwmiuuiiiu7T^r:r^^ CRASS AND WEED SCYTHES. BUSH SCYTHES. BfPP 8 ^ Fig. 897. CRASS SCYTHES. No 23. Clipper, Polished "Web, per dozen * J - UU No. 22. Clipper, Bronzed "Web, per dozen 8.75 No. 26. Dutchman, per doz. . o.5U One dozen in a box. Lengths, 24 to 42 inch. Stock assortments, 32 to 36 inch, 3b to 40 inch, 38 to 42 incb. WEED SCYTHES. No. 52. Eed, Cast Steel, per doz. $8.22 " 052. E. & M., German Steel, per doz . . . - o.OO BUSH SCYTHES. No. 50. Eed or Green, Cast Steel, per doz 8.22 No. 050. E. & M., German Steel, per doz. ... . 6.00 Half dozen in a bundle. H X PI 00 c 2 PI H O O 3 > 2 Win/ iisr Fig. 898. BUSH HOOK AXE Cast Steel. HANDLE. Nos. Weight. Per Doz. 790 Light. $14.50 791 Medium. 15.00 792 Extra Heavy. 17.00 Price includes handle. 1 ^H Fig. 899. BUSH HOOK. Two Eirjgs, Cast Steel. No. 810, per doz. . . . $14.00 Fisr. 900. GRUB HOE. Best Eefined Iron and Steel Bits. Nos. Size. Average Weight. Size Hoe. Per Doz. 1820 3 lbs. 10£ x 31 in. $10.50 1821 1 31 lbs. 10f x 3| in. 11.00 1822 2 4 lbs. 11£ x 4 in. 11.50 1823 3 4£ lbs. Ill- x 4i in. 12.00 254 MATTOCKS. LONC AND SHORT CUTTER. Fig. 901. Best Kefined Iron and Steel Cutters. L;ong Cutter, Short " Fig. 901. Long Cutter, Short " Nos. 1790 1800 Nos. 2040 2050 Average Weight. Size Hoe. 8J x 4£ in. $1 x 4i in. LICHT PATTERN. Fig. 901. Size Hoe. 6 lbs. o| lbs. Average Weight. 5 lbs. 5 lbs. Si x 3J in. 8J x 31 in. Size Cutter. 6 x 3^ in. 4| x 3i in. Size Cutter. 5f x 3 in. 4ix 6 in. Per Doz. $16.00 15.50 Per Doz. $15.00 15.00 MATTOCK PICK. Fig. 902. Best Refined Iron with Steel Point and Cutter. 4£1m No. Average Weight. Size Hoe. Size Pick End. Per Doz. «^f 1810 6 lbs S^xljin. 84 in. $16.00 Fig 902. STONE OR BALLAST FORK. Solid Steel Shanks, Patent Solid Ends, Strapped Capped Ferrules. Fig. 903. Number of Tines . 8 10 12 14 Length " " inches . 15 15 15 15 Per dozen $20.00 25.00 30.00 33.00 COKE FORKS. Number of Tines 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 Length " " inches . 171 17* 171 174 18 174 17i Width of Forks, " 144 18 16 18 204 18 194 Per dozen. $24.00 28.00 28.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 40.00 To get width of Fork measure across at the centre. TANNERS' FORKS. OVAL BRICHT. Number of Tines Per dozen 10 £26.00 12 30.00 255 CARPENTERS' ADZES. CARPENTERS' FULL HEAD, STEEL POLES. Width of Cut. 34 to 4 in. PerDoz. $24 00 CARPENTERS* HALF HEAD, STEEL POLES. ™ of PerDoz. Cut. 34- to No. 740 44 in. $24.00 Fig. 905. RAILROAD ADZES. RAILROAD, FULL HEAD, STEEL POLES. .. Width of No - Out. 770 5 to 5* 771 5| to 6 126.00 27.00 RAILROAD, HALF HEAD, STEEL POLES. Width of Cut. 5 to 54 5J t 'MS E-< O hH S-f O (D N 73 Extra for each Addi- tional Gaugi (Heavier). 1 21 3 a $0.50 $0.01 32 10 11 $20.00 $1.00 1} 24 I .55 .01 34 9 If 22.50 1.20 2 23 3 8 .60 .014 36 9 If 25.50 1.40 H 22 3 8 .65 .02 38 9 If 30.00 1.75 3 21 1 9. .70 .023- 40 9 2 35.00 2.00 3£ 20 i .80 .03 4-4 8 2 42.00 2.50 4 19 2. 4 1.00 .03 44 8 2 50.00 3.00 5 19 4 1 20 .04 46 8 2 60.00 3 50 6 18 4 1.40 .05 48 8 2 70.00 4 00 7 18 ii 4 1.70 .06 50 7 2 80.00 4.50 8 18 f 2.00 .08 52 7 2 90.00 5.00 9 17 s 2 50 .10 54 7 2 100.00 6.00 10 16 1 3.00 .12 56 7 2 115.00 7.00 11 16 1 3.50 .14 58 7 2 130.00 8.00 12 15 1 3.75 .17 60 6 2 145.00 9.00 14 15 1* 4.50 .21 62 6 2 160 00 10.00 16 14 i* 5.50 .25 64 6 2 180.00 12.00 18 13 H 7.00 .30 66 6 2 200.00 15.00 20 13 iA 8.50 .35 68 5 2 225.00 18.00 22 12 J lTT 10 00 .45 70 5 9 255.00 21.00 24 11 x 8 12.00 .55 72 5 2 290.00 24.00 26 1L ^ 14.00 .65 74 2 330.00 27.00 28 10 1* 16 00 .80 76 5 2 375.00 30.00 30 10 H 18.00 .90 Grooving Saws, s No extra charge for without extra charge and size of hole. pecial prices. Circular Saws to cut Bone or Ivory, 50 per cent, advance. Saws one guage thicker than List. Circular Saws beveled one gauge When not otherwise specified, Saws wdl always be sent of above gauge 259 CROSS-CUT SAWSo •iiiti^ Fig. 918. No. 1. Champion. 4 gauges thinner on back than on teeth < t o t < o " " " " Per foot, $0.60 " " 0.54 8! ;i -^-^nwfc'/wu- Fig. 919. Great American. 4 gauges thinner on back than on teeth . Per foot, CHAMPION TOOTH ONE MAN SAWS. $0.68 Vw ^iWlM^l!Y^ MUW ^y Feet Each Fig. 920. 3 31 4 4i 5 $2.25 2.60 3.00 3.35 3.70 Plain, Tuttle, and Tenon tooth, same price as Champion 5£ 4.10 C 4.45 GREAT AMERICAN ONE MAN SKEW-BACK SAWS. ^'* v *»tfwWkfl?n! '^W^WlvAii^^ Fig. 921. Feet Each $2.64 31 3.03 4 3.52 44 3.96 5 4.40 4.84 6 5.28 PRICES FOR BAND SAWS. Set, Sharpened and Joined Complete. Width, inches . 2 Gauge . . 18 Price, per foot $0. 50 Width, inches . 5^ Gauge . . 16 Price, per foot $1.65 ~4 18 .60 6 16 1.80 91 ~2 18 .65 7 16 2.15 3 Q 4 4* 5 17 17 16 16 16 .80 1.00 120 1.35 1.50 S 9 10 11 12 16 16 14 to 16 14 to 16 14 to 16 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.20 5.00 When ordering, state whether to be set, sharpened and joined. Toothed blanks are same price as finished saws. Band Saw Blanks, either bright or black furnished to order, but are not warranted. Band Saws of any Width, Length, and Tooth, Set, Sharpened and Joined Complete. 260 H X Fl n c 2 PI H O O n < o CROSS-CUT SAW HANDLES. Fig. 922. LOOP. Fig. 923. PLAIN Per pair 3.24 Per pair 3.14 Fig. 926. SUPPLEMENTARY HANDLES FOR ONE MAN SAW. Per dozen Fig. 924. CHAMPION. -Perpair, $0 24. Fif. 925.— Per pair, $0.24. Fig. 928.— Per pair, $0.2S. Fig. 929.-Per pair, $0.36. 261 ||lpflJ|!iii» Fi . ! 27. CLIMAX.- erpair, DANDY. - $0.40. 0.30. Fig. 930.— Per pair, $0.40. POLISHED HICKORY HANDLES. Length, inches. Extra, per dozen Excelsior " No. 1 No. 2 Fig. 931. AXE HANDLE. 28 30 32 34 36 38 $2.00 2.85 2.85 3.20 3.20 3.50 1.80 2.20 2.20 2.50 2.50 2.70 1.50 1.70 1.70 2.15 215 2.15 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.80 1.70 OCTAGON AND OVAL HAND-SHAVED. Length, inches ... 32 34 36 38 40 XXX, per dozen . . . $3.50 3.50 3.50 3.75 4.00 XX " ... 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 X " ... 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.30 Straight Lumberman's XXX 3.50 3 75 XX 3.00 3.00 Broad Axe Handles, No. 1, 26-inch, per dozen . . . $3-00 DOUBLE BSTTED AXE HANDLES. Length, inches Extra, per dozen Excelsior " No. 1 ' Fig. 932. PICK HANDLES. 34 $3.20 2.50 2.10 36 3.20 2.50 2.10 Fig. 933. Pick Handles— Surface or R. R., 36 inch, . . Per doz. " Drifting, 32. 34 and 36 inch . Poll, 32, 34 and 36 inch . . " Coal Miners' Small Eye, 3x|, 34 inch, " " Medium Eye, 3x|, 34 inch " " " Large Eye, 3^xJ, 34 inch " CARPENTER, SHIP AND RAILROAD ADZE HANDLES. Extra. Exlcr. No. 1 : No. 2. #4.50 3.50 2.50 1.80 3.50 3.00 2.10 3.50 3.00 2.10 2.30 1.80 1.50 1.25 2.30 1.80 1.50 1.25 2.30 1.80 1.50 1.25 Length, inches Extra, per dozen Excelsior " No. 1 Fig. 934. 32 $4.00 3.50 2.10 NAPPINC, SLEDGE, TOOL AND MAUL HANDLES. 34 4.00 3.50 2.10 Length, inches. Extra, per dozen No. 1 ' " No. 2 24 & 26 $1.25 1.00 75 Fig. 935. 28 &30 160 1.25 1.00 32 1.75 1.45 1.10 34 &36 2.10 1.75 1.20 38 2.25 1.80 135 Hand-shaved Sledge, add 40 cents per dozen to above prices. 40 2.50 2.00 1.60 262 POLISHED HICKORY HANDLES. G B Fig. 936. HAMMER HANDLE Length, inches ■ . . 11 Fig. 937. HATCHET HANDLE. Machinists' Hammer . Per (loz. Blacksmiths' Hammer . Riveting Hammer . . Hammer, A. &. R. E. Hatchet, Broad or Bench, " Shingle . . . 60 60 60 12 60 60 60 60 13 60 60 60 60 14 60 60 60 65 15 60 60 60 65 16 70 70 70 17 70 70 70 18 80 80 80 19 85 85 85 20 90 90 90 22 24 95 1.05 95 1.05 95 1.05 70 75 95 1.00 1.00 . . 60 60 65 65 . . . Handles packed in 2 to 12 dozen cases. "D" HANDLES. Shovel, $3.25. Fig. 938. Spade, $3.35. No. 50, Soft Wood. 51, " " . Fork, $3.00 per dozen FILE HANDLES. Brass Ferrules, assorted, per gross " Large, per gross Quarter gross in a box. 14.00 4.50 SOLDERING COPPER HANDLES. With Wire Ferrules. Per gross . . - . $5.25 Fig. 940. CAST-STEEL DIVIDERS. Made of the Best Material. Size, inches, 5 Per dozen, $5.50 6 5.50 7 6.50 Fig. 941. 8 9 7.50 9.00 10 10.00 12 12.00 15 18.00 18 25.00 24 36.00 CAST-STEEL COMPASSES. Size, inches Per dozen $3.12 Fig. 942. 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 3.50 4.00 4.75 5.50 10.75 12.00 13.00 Dividers and Compasses half dozen in a box. 263 SWAN'S PATENT SCREW-DRIVERS. WITH STRONG MALLEABE IRON FERRULES. All superior quality and fully warranted. F s. 943. Size, inches Per dozen Fio-. 944. Fig. 945. Fig. 946. All the above same lists. 3 4567 89 10 12 ,s.00 3.50 4.25 5.00 6.00 7-00 S.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 2* SWAN'S PATENT SCREW-DRIVERS. H X PI 09 C ZJ 2 PI H O S > 2 PI 3 ■< o 947 In Sets (4) 3 to 6 inches, per dozen sets . . . One set in a wooden box, as illustrated. $15.00 264 EXTRA SCREW DRIVER BITS. Fig. 948. Per dozen, No. 2 . $1.50 IMPROVED SCREW DRIVER BITS. Width of Blades, f, ^, £ inch. Made from extra quality of Steel and carefully tempered. Pull polished. $2.00 Per dozen, No. 1 Assorted SCREW DRIVERS. Fig. 950. Plat Blade, Pbonized Handle, Nickeled Ferrule. Made of Pine Grade Steel. Size, inches . 2 3 45 678 10 12 Per dozen . $2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 5.50 8.50 9.5( Ebonized Handle Size, inches . Per dozen Nickeled Ferrule. 3 4 $S.50 3.00 Fig. 951. Forged from a fine quality of Steel. Warranted. 5 6 7 8 10 12 4.50 4.00 5.00 5.50 8.50 9.50 Round Handle, Nickeled Ferrule. Size, inches. Diameter Per dozen Fig. 95a. Best Forged Cast-steel Blade. Warranted. Fig. 958. This is a single Pall Ratchet Screw Driver. It drives a screw in or out with the Ratchet, or may be made stationary. The whole length is eleven iuches. The handle is Cocobola, both bit ami handle highly polished, and the bit nickel-plated as well as the metal part of the handle. Price, with one bit Per doz., $12.00 265 AUTOMATIC SCREW DRIVERS. r " .,nji ■■' Has a patent revolving sleeve which the left hand grasps when the tool Is working. While this sleeve is a great advantage in driving screws, it also enables the tool to be used as an automatic drill. The only additional expense is for the drill points. There is also a locking device which prevents the screw driver from falling out of engagement when held perpendicular. All the metal parts are highly polished and heavily nickel plated. The handle is of Cocobola. Pull length, ex. tended, 17 inches. The three screw-driver bits which go with each tool are 4 inches long, and made to fit screws of varying sizes. Price of No. 11, without Drill Points, but with 3 screw driver bits, per doz., $15.00 " " 12, with 8 Drill Points and 3 screw driver bits, " " 21.00 Fig. 955. WITH CAST INTERCHANGEABLE METAL NUT. Price, No. 20, with 3 Screw Driver Bits, 9 in. long, 13 in. extended, per doz , $12.00 14.00 BII11IIII1II8 Fig. 956. This cut represents our latest and best lieversible Screw Driver. One of the grooves being deeper cut than the other, preserves the entire individuality of each. It is simple in construction and simple to operate, the mere turning of the shell near the handle shifting the movement from right to left, or vice versa. By turning the shell half way it locks the spiral so that it can be used as an ordinary driver, and at different lengths. With each tool we put up three bits, two of them double end, giving five points in all. Price per dozen . . . . . . . . *jg qq All above packed one in a box. 266 X PI m c 2 PI H O O S > Z PI € •< o BARBER IMPROVED BRACES. These Braces possess the following points of superiority; The Sweep is made from Steel. The Jaws are forged from Steel The Wood Handle has brass rings inserted in each end so it cannot split off. The Chuck has a hardened Steel anti- friction washer between the two sockets, thus reducing the wear. The head has a bearing of steel balls, running on hardened steel plates, so no wear can take place, as the friction is reduced to the minimum. The Brace is heavily Nickel-plated and warranted in every particular. Fig. 957. Per Doz. Per Doz. No. 10, 14 inch sweep $33,00 No. 13, 8 inch sweep . $24.00 " 11, 12 30.00 " 14, 6 21.00 " 12, 10 27.00 ' 15, 4 20.00 BARBER IMPROVED RATCHET BRACES. No. Per Doz. Per Doz. 30, 14 inch sw«ep . $42.00 No. 33, 8 inch sweep . . $33,00 31, 12 " . 39.00 " 34, 6 " . . 30.00 32, 10 . 36.00 PATENT UNIVERSAL ANGULAR BIT STOCK. Fig. 959. To be used iu connection with a Brace and a Bit for boring holes in places where the Brace and Bit alone could not be used. Per dozen, $24.00. 267 BARBER IMPROVED PATENT BRACE. These Bract s are intended to occupy a place midway between the highest and lowest price Grip Braces. They are made of steel, polished but not nickel-plated. The heads and handles are stained in imitation of Cocobola. They also have the new anti-friction steel collar. The threads are all lathe-cut, and all parts of the Brace are made for durability. Fig. 960. (Cut shows Plain Brace.) No. 21, Plain, 12 in. sweep, perdoz., $11.00 22, " 10 " " 10.00 23, " 8 " " 9.00 No. 122, Ratchet, 10 in. sweep, per doz., $18.00 123, " 8 " " 17.00 BARBER BRACES. X m D C 3 2 m H O 3 > 2 ■< 2 PI < No. 222, Plain, 10 inch, 223. " S " Fig. 9G1. (Cut shows Ratchet Brace.) No. per doz., $5.35 4.75 322, Ratchet, 10 inch, per d z., $10.40 323, " S " " ■ 9.75 BARBER EXTENSION BIT HOLDER. Price, all lengths, Fig. 962. 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 inches. 268 per dozen, $15.00 / FRAY'S PATENT BRACES. Maple Head and Handle, No. 129. 10-inch Steel Sweep, Per dozen, $14.00. NICKEL-PLATED STEEL SWEEP, BLACK WALNUT HEAD AND HANDLE. No. 179. 10-inch sweep, per dozen ..... . $18 00 No. 181. 12-inch " " ...... 22^00 All above |- dozen in a package. 269 IMPROVED BORINC MACHINES. Fig. 966. Fig. 967. Nos. 3, 4 and 5. Nos. 1 and 2. These Machines are well made and warranted to bore true, as the Best Wood Frame Machine in the Market. PRICES, WITHOUT AUGERS. Angular, Polished Gear, They are offered Fig. 967, No. 1. '• 967, No. 2. " 966, No. 3. " 966, No. 4. " 966, No. 5. Upright, Polished Gear, Each, $10.00 a 6.75 tt 8.50 a 7.50 VL 5.50 BORING MACHINE AUGERS. Size, Inches, Per Dozen, Size, Inches, Per Dozen, $10.00 1 $12.00 13 8 00 16.00 17.00 If 20.00 10.00 2 24.00 SINGLE TWIST BORING MACHINE SHIP AUGERS. l $8.25 ft 10.00 Fig. 969. 1 15.00 1L50 13.25 Size, Inches, Per Dozen, In Sets of 18 quarters, $6.25; 23 quarters, Augers are designed for hard wood. 270 16.50 18.20 H 23.10 If 28.00 r.75; 41 quarters, $13.75. 2 34.50 These POWER MACHINE BITS. DOUBLE TWIST MACHINE BITS. WsmmitmMss. y MsM Fig. 070. ACME POINT MACHINE BITS. Fig. 971. SHIP AUGER MACHINE BITS. Fig. 972. SINGLE TWIST MACHINE BITS. Fig. 973. Twist 8 to 6 In. Twist 6 to 9 In. Twist 9 to 12 In Twist 12 to 15 In Twist 15 to 20 In. Long. Long. Long Long. Lo ng. Per Dozen Each Per Dozen. Each. Per Dozen. Each. Per Dozen. Each Per r ozen . Each. 4-16 $6.00 $0.55 $6.60 $0.60 $7.20 $0.65 $7.80 $0.70 $8.40 $0.80 5-16 6.50 .60 7.15 .65 7.80 .75 8.60 .80 9.10 .85 6-16 7.00 .65 7.70 .75 8.40 .SO 9.10 .85 9.80 .90 7-16 8.25 .75 9.10 .85 9.90 .90 10.70 1.00 11.60 1.05 8-16 9.50 .85 10.50 .95 11.40 1.05 12.40 1.10 13.30 1.20 9-16 10.50 .95 11.50 1.05 12.60 1.15 13.70 1.25 14.70 1.35 10-16 11.50 1.05 12.65 1.15 13.80 1.25 15.00 1.35 16.10 1.50 11-16 12.50 1.15 13.75 1.25 15.00 1.35 16.25 1.50 17.50 1.60 12-16 14.00 1.25 15.40 1.40 16.80 1.50 18.20 1.65 19.60 1.75 13 16 15.50 1.40 17.00 1.55 18.60 1.65 20.20 1.80 21.70 1.95 14-16 16.75 1.50 18.50 1.65 20.10 1.80 21.80 1.95 23.50 2.10 15-16 18.00 1.60 19.80 1.75 21.60 1.95 23.40 2.10 25.20 2.25 16-16 19.50 1.70 21.50 1.90 23.40 2.10 25.40 2.20 27.30 2.40 17-16 21.00 1.85 23.10 2.05 25.20 2.25 27.30 2.40 29.40 2.60 18 16 22.50 2,00 24.75 2.20 27.00 2.35 29.25 2.60 31.50 2.75 19-16 24.00 2.10 26.40 2.30 28.80 2.50 31.20 2.75 33.60 2.95 20-16 25.50 2.25 28.00 2.50 30.60 2.70 33.20 2.95 35 70 3.15 21-16 27.00 2.35 29.70 2.60 32.40 2.85 35.20 3.05 37.80 3.30 22-16 28.50 2.50 31.40 2.75 34.20 3.00 37.00 3.26 40.00 3.50 23-16 30.00 2.60 33.00 2.85 36.00 3.15 39.00 3.35 42.00 3.60 24-16 31.50 2.75 34.70 3.00 37.80 3.30 41.00 3.H0 44.10 3.85 25-16 33.00 2.85 36.30 3.15 39.60 3.40 43.00 3.70 46.20 4.00 26-16 34.50 3.00 38.00 3.30 41.40 3.60 45.00 3.90 48.30 4.20 27-16 36.00 3.10 39.60 3.40 43.20 3.75 46.80 4.05 50.40 4.35 28-16 37.50 3.25 41.25 3.55 45.00 3.90 48.75 4.25 52.50 4.55 29-16 39.00 3.35 43.00 3.70 46.80 4.05 50.70 4.40 54.60 4.70 30-16 40.50 3.50 44.50 3.85 48.60 4.20 52.70 4 55 56.70 4.90 31-16 42.00 3.60 46.25 4.00 50.40 4.35 54.60 4.70 58.80 5.05 32-16 43.50 3.75 48.00 4.15 52.20 4.50 56.60 4.90 61.00 5.25 Kegular style Machine Bits 6 and 12-inch twist by J-inch shank, common sizes, carried in stock. 271 SNELL'S SHIP AUGERS, WITH AND WITHOUT SCREWS. They are so finished as to bore endwise or with the grain as readily as across it, or through the knottiest timber without swerving. Size in 8ths. Price per doz., Size in 8ths, Price per doz., Size in 8ths, Price per doz. , Size in 8ths, Price per doz , Size in 8th-:, Price per doz. , 2 to 4 $7.50 8*. to 9 $15.00 13.1 and 14 125.50 18J and 19 $72.00 22* and 23 $120.00 4 and 4* 9.00 9J- and 10 16.50 14* and 15 "27.00 5* and 6 10.50 10* and 11 "18.00 15* and 1G "31.50 19* and 20 "84.00 23* and 24 "132.00 20i 6* and 7 "12.00 11* and 12 "21.00 16* and 17 "48.00 and 21 96.00 29* and 30 "204.00 7* and 8 " 13.50 12* and 13 "24.00 17* and 18 "60.00 21* and 22 108.00 35* aud 36 276.00 SWELL'S SHIP AUGERS, WITH EXTRA LENGTH TWIST. Length of Twist and Pkiob pee Dozen. Size in 8ths, 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in. 30 in. 36 in. 4 and under, . $9.60 $11.52 $13.44 $15.63 $17.28 $19.20 4* 10.80 12.96 15.12 17.28 19.44 21.60 5 12.00 14.40 16.80 19.20 21.60 24.00 5* 13.20 15.84 18.48 21.12 23.76 26.40 6 14.40 17.28 20.16 23.04 25.92 28.80 6* 15.60 18.72 21.84 24.96 28.08 31.20 7 16.80 20.16 23.52 26.88 30.24 33.60 H 18.00 21.60 25.20 28.80 32.40 36.00 8 19.20 23.04 26.88 30.72 34.56 38.40 8* 20.40 24.48 2S.56 32.64 36.62 40.80 9 21.60 25.92 30.24 34.56 38.88 43.20 9j 22.80 27.36 31.92 36.48 41.04 45.60 10 24.00 28.80 33.60 38.40 43.20 48.00 10* 25.20 30.24 35.28 40.32 45.36 50.40 11 26.40 31.68 36.96 42.24 ' 47.52 52.80 "* 27.60 33.12 38 64 44.16 49.69 55.20 12 28.80 34.56 40.32 46.08 51.84 57.60 12* 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 60.00 13 31.20 37.44 43.68 49.92 56.16 62.40 13* 32.40' 38.88 45.36 51.84 58.32 64.80 14 33.60 40.32 47.04 53.76 60.48 67.20 14* 34.80 41.76 48.72 55.68 62.64 69.60 15" 36.00 43.20 50.40 57.60 64.80 72.00 15* 37.20 44 64 52.08 59.52 66.96 74.40 16 38.40 46.08 53.76 61.44 69.12 76.80 En ordering these goods be particular to state whether with or without Screws. 272 SNELL'S SHIP AUGER PATTERN CAR BITS. Fig. 976. Twelve Inch Twist. Size in Sths Per doz. Size in Sths Per doz Size in 8ths Per doz. 34 H 3 $8.50 9.00 7 7* $13.00 14.00 14.50 114 12 $21.50 22.00 44 5* 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 10 17.50 14 15.50 1** 9 94 16.00 17/>0 13 134 6 12.00 104 64 12.50 11 18.50 19.00 144 15 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.50 28.00 SNELL'S SHIP AUGERS WITH RINGS. Size in 8ths ' . 4 and under. 44 and 5 54 and 6 64 and 7 74 and 8 Per doz. . ■ $8.25 9.90 11.55 13.20 14.85 Size in 8ths, 84 & 9 94 & 10 10J & 11 llj & 12 124 & 13 134 & 14 Per doz. $16.50 18.15 Size in 8ths Per doz. Size in Sths Per doz. Size in Sths Per doz. 14| & 15 $29.70 19J & 20 $92.40 19 80 154 & 16 34.65 204 & 21 105.60 23.10 164 & 17 52 80 214 & 22 118.80 26.40 174 & 18 66 00 224 & 23 13a. 00 25 and 30 $224.40 28 05 184 & 19 79.20 234 & 24 145.20 354 and 36 303.60 These Augers are designed esp cially for boring hard icood. In ordering be particular to state whether wanted with or without screws SNELL'S SHIP AUGER BITS. WITH AND WITHOUT SCREWS. Size in 8ths Per doz. Size in 8ths Per doz. 2 to 4 $6.00 74 and 8 $"l2.00 Fig. 977. 44 and 5 54 and 6 7.50 9.00 84 and 9 13.50 Ship Auger Bits in Sets — one each from 2 to 8 8ths Fig. 978. Ship AuGEr.. Size, inches Per dozen TRENAIL AUGERS. 1 1* li .00 12,00 13.50 273 If 15.00 64 and 7 10.50 94 and 10 15.00 $9.00 per set. 14 a 16.50 22.00 SWELL'S JENNINGS' PATTERN CAR BITS. TWELVE INCH TWIST. Size in 16ths, Per Dozen, Size in 16ths, Per Dozen, 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 $6.00 6.S0 7.60 8.80 9.60 10.40 11.20 12.20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 $13.20 14 40 15.60 16.80 18.00 19.20 20.40 22.80 SNELL'S CAR BITS. TWELVE INCH TWIST. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16.50 6.50 7.50 9.00 10.25 11.25 12-75 11 13.25 Size in 16ths, Per Dozen, Sizeinl6ths, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 Per Dozen, $15.50 16.50 17-75 18.75 20-50 24.00 27.00 30.00 In seta of 21 quarters, $9.50; in sets of 24 quarters, $10.50; in sets of 32^ quarters, $14.00. These Car Bits are used by all the large Car Manufacturers of the United States. They are superior to all others in quality, and enjoy the highest reputation. SNELL'S SOLID CAST STEEL LONG MILLWRIGHT AUGERS. Size in Inches, Per Dozen, Size in Inches, Fig. 979. Per Dozen, S'ze in Inches, Per Dozen. i $12.00 i i; 15.00 4-4- 15.00 18.00 1 3 TB" 1 s 1 6 $21.00 21.00 24.00 24 00 12 INCH TWIST CAR BIT 1-2 U 14 26 00 a 4 1S.00 li 30.00 9. ii if $36.00 38.50 41.00 42 00 45.00 48.00 In sets of 28 quarters, $18.00; in 41 quarters, $24.00. For Kings, add $1.50 to list. LONG RAFTING AUGERS. SNELL'S SOLID CAST STEEL. Size in Inches, Per Dozen, Size in Inches, Per Dozen, $27.00 $60.00 ii 30.00 1 4 36.00 9S 63.00 2 42.00 3 70.00 50.00 4 Fig.'QSO. MILL- 04. UU AUGEB. 274 SNELL'S SUPERIOR QUALITY EXTRA CAST-STEEL AUGER BITS. Fig. 981. Size in 16ths .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Per dozen . $4.00 3.50 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.00 4.35 4.50 5.00 5.50 Size in 16ths . 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 30 32 24 Per dozen . . $6.00 6.50 7.35 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 13.00 14 00 In Sets of 18 quarters, $3 25 ; in Sets of 21 quarters, $3.50 ; in Sets of 24 quarters, $4.25 ; in Sets of 32J- quarters, #5.75. SNELL'S RUSSELL JENNINGS' PATTERN AUGER BITS. In Sets of 24 quarters, $4. 75. In Sets of 32£ quarters, $6.25. Fig. 982. Size in 16ths . 3 456789 10 11 13 Per dozen $3.40 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.40 4.80 5.30 5.60 6.10 6.60 Size in 16ths . 13 14 15 16 17 18 30 32 34 Per dozen $7.30 7.80 8.40 9.00 9.60 10.25 11.50 13.60 14.50 BATES M'F'G CO. DOUBLE SPUR FIRST QUALITY AUGER BITS. Patent Rolled Twist, Superior Cast-steel. Size in 16ths Per dozen Size in 16ths Per dozen Fig. 983. 3 4 5 14.00 3.50 3.50 ; 13 14 15 . $6.00 6.50 7.35 i 7 8 75 3.75 4.00 16 17 8.00 9.00 9 4.35 18 10.00 10 4.50 20 11.00 11 5.00 22 12.00 12 5.50 24 14.00 Iu Sets of 18 quarters, $3.25; in Sets of 21 quarters, $3.50; in Sets of 24 quarters, $4.35; in Sets of 32^ quarters, $5.75. SNELL'S FIRST 'QUALITY SOLID CAST-STEEL CARPENTERS' NUT AUCERS. Size in inches f 1 a a i i ii ii 2 8 4 8 1 1 B 1 4 la n If Per dozen $6.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 Size in inches . 3 31 Zi 2k 3| 3 3± 3§ S 4 4 Per dozen $33.00 38.00 49.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 130.00 These Augers lire ma ufactured of the Best Quality of Cast-steel and Warranted. They are unequalled in quality and excellency of finish and manufacture. 275 C. E. JENNINGS' NEW PATTERN S9NGLE TWIST AUGER BITS. Fig. 984. 3 $6.00 9 $7.50 15 $12.00 4 6.00 10 7.50 16 12.00 5 6.00 11 9.00 17 13.50 6 6.00 12 9.00 18 13.50 7 6.00 13 10.50 19 15.00 8-16 inch. 6.00 per dozen. 14-16 inch. 10.50 per dozen. 20-16 inch. 15.00 per dozen. ASSORTED IN SETS. 6 Bits, 14 qrs 4 to 16-16ths. ( 1 each, 4, 6, 8, 10, 4 1 " 12, 16-16ths. ( Per set, $3.3!i 13 Bits, Tie 32| qrs. ■< 1 4 to 16-16ths. ( 9 Bits, 18 qrs. 4 to 12 ach, 4, 5, " 11, 13, Per se f 1 each, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 < 1 " . 9, 10, 11, 12-16ths. -16ths. ( Per set, $5.25 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 13, 14. 15, 16-16ths. ,, $9.00 We will furnish these sets of Bits in Upright Model Bit Box or Birdseye Maple Bit Box, or in flexible Canvas Bit Roll, without extra charge. These Auger Bits are especially adapted for bard wood and end boring, and will bore equally well in soft wood. Every Bit is tested before leaving the factory and is fully warranted. These Bits are packed in boxes of one-half dozen each. DOUBLE-CUT GIMLET BITS. ¥»**«^ A-''a>aiBgsjjsi8gjsjf| No. Per dozen Fig. 985. All Tempered and Extra Finished. 12 3 4 $1.00 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.37 5 1.50 6 1.62 i * E ! PATTERN BITS. Fig. 986. Made from Best Cast-steel, Hardened and Tempered. No. . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per dozen . $1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.25 1.25 Assorted, 4 to 8-32, $1.10. 11 1.50 12 1.50 "OUR EXTRA" GERIVIAN PATTERN BITS. A high-grade German Pattern Bit, made from an extra quality of steel, and carefully tempered. All selected Bits, w th. hand-filed points No. . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Per dozen . $1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.50 276 1.50 STEEL AND IRON SQUARES. J v l ' Z] . 3\ ' 4| 5| ' 6| 7] ' s| ' 9| ' l|o ' ]l) lb ' lb ' lit lb lis lb I l I l I ill I I I i I I jAl! i i i i i ii ii i i lLIlLlL 1 1 1 110 111 i_ 12 fo fll Cs Z.1 ^> en 9E o- at m a> i-j ~ t-> ■w ="« EL rO <-* ?.T. f* ~ U . •=^ — 1-1 01 in r 1 R [-»' in f? L/l r^ ^ Z. - -pr— in . I - * <* 01 ="■ £ _ rs N V _ — _H OJ K pi B c» . CM 1 — J- Fig. 987. No. 3. Number Per dozen No. 100 STEEL SQUARES. Width, Inches. 9 10 11 12 15 Cast Steel — Improved " " Drafting, " Finish, Framing Sup. Sup. Extra Sup. Extra . Extra . A, Brace B, . Extra Plain Extra, 1 foot . Plain, 1 " . Cast-steel, 1 foot Bridge Builders ( A> tV' Ai tV> i "with Brace Measure, J,S square and T ^,jth scale, and Essex's (Board Measure. ( y S , T V, t)> "with Brace Measure, 8 square - and j^jj scale, and Essex's Board Meas- (ure. 5 tu> tV' i> i' "with Brace Measure, 8 (square scale, and Essex's Board Measure. Framing, -jL, £, both Sides and Edges. ( ts' tV> i> with Brace Measure, and ) Essex's Board Measure. | A> 5> i> "with Brace Measure, and (Essex's Board Measure. f 5, i, with Brace Measure, and 14 1* 1* "(Essex's Board Measure. f 5, j-, with Brace Measure, and Essex's "(Board Measure. ^, 5. and Essex's Board Measure. 5 tz< h i> i ucu au d Essex's Board (Measure. Number Pol' shed. 100 5, 4, slot in centre, 1 inch wide. 3 4 5 6 I- Pol shed, ) per doz., f $40.00 33.00 30.00 28.00 27.50 26.50 25.50 24.50 p_ ^_ Polished, I B „ "*- per doz. ,j Nickel plated,) per doz., ) Number . . . Polished, per Nickel plated, { per doz., J $50.00 42.00 42.00 36.00 35.00 34.00 33.00 32.00 7 S 9 10 11 12 15 $23.50 24.00 22.00 20.00 19.00 23.00 300.00 .$31.00 31.50 29.50 26.00 25.00 29.00 325.00 Nos. 100 to 5 furnished with lS-inch tongue, unless otherwise ordered. AMERICAN BLUE STEEL SQUARES. 100 B IB 3 B 10 B $40.00 33.00 27.50 20.00 Add for Bluing $3.00 per dozen net. 12 B 23.00 13 14 A Brace B " Width. Inches. 2 Q EACLE SQUARES. d Measure A, \, with Brace Measure and Essex Be g, 5, " Essex Board Measure . Nickel Plated Extra. Steel Squares j dozen in a box. Iron Squares j dozen in a box. 577 14 B 23.00 Polished, Per Doz. $23.50 23.00 METALLIC MEASURING TAPES. Tape H inch wide made of best woven linen, with metallic warp. Hard leather cases, folding handles with brass trimmings. 12ths. lOths. Per Doz. No. 500 No. 500D 25 ft. $20.40 " 501 ■' 501D 33 " 24.00 " 502 " 502D 40 " 26.40 " 503 " 5031) 50 " 30.00 '• 504 " 504D 66 " 33.60 " 505 •' 505D 75 " 37.20 '• 506 " 506D 100 " 46.80 12rhs and lOlhs and Links. Links. Per Doz. No. 500L No. 500DL 25 ft. $21.60 ■' 501 L " 501DL 33 '• 25.20 " 502L " 502DL 40 " 27.60 " 503 L " 503DL 50 " 31.20 " 504L " 504DL 66 " 36.00 •' 505L " 505DL 75 " 39.60 " 506L " 506DL 100 " 50.40 Tape % inch wide, made of best woven linen with metallic warp. Hard leather ca : es, with double folpinq; flush handles, opened by pressing pin on opposite side. Nickel-plated trimmings. 12ths. lOihs. Per Doz. No. 600 No. 600D 25 ft. $24.00 ' 601 " 601 D 33 " 27.60 " 602 " 6021) 40 " 30.00 " 603 '" 603 D 50 '■ 33.60 ' 604 " 604D 66 •' 37.20 '• 605 " 605 D 75 " 40.80 •• 606 " 606 D 100 " 50.40 12ths and lOths and Links. Links Per Doz. No. 600L No. 600DL 25 ft. $25.20 - 601L •■ 601DL 33 " 28.80 " 602 L " 602 DL 40 ' 31.20 " 603L " 603 OL 50 " 34.80 •' 604L " 604DL 66 " 39.60 " 605 L " 605 DL 75 " 43.20 ' 606L " 606 DL 100 " 54.00 Fig. 989. POCKET STEEL TAPES. German Silver Cases, Spring Wind, with Stop. Marked one side U. S. Standard. Graduated in ^tbs. Per Doz. $14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 23.00 25.00 32.00 36.00 No. 153. 3 ft. i inch Tape " 154. 4 " '' " '• . " 155. 5 " " " ' . •' 156. 6 ' " " '• . " 157. 7 " " " " . " 158. 8 " " " " . •' 1510. 10 " A li " . " 1512. 12 " " " " . Tapes marked on back in feet instead of links when wanted, at same price. 278 H X PI n c ' 2 PI Fisj. 990 MEASURING TAPES. COMMON ASSES' SKIN CASE, WITH 1-2 INCH COTTON TAPE. Brass Bound Cases, Brass Folding Handles and Trimmings. Fi r. 991. Nos. 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 Length, feet . 25 30 40 50 66 75 100 Per dozen $3.75 4.00 One- 4 50 5.00 half dozen in a box. 6.00 7.50 9.00 BOXWOOD RULES. ONE FOOT, FOUR FOLD, NARROW. No. 69 Fio- 992. Bound Joint, Middle Plates, Sths and 16ths of inches, -§ inch wide, per dozen . $3.00 No. 64. Square Joints, Middle Plates, Sths and 16ths of inches, f ioch IsBBp wide, per dozen . $3.50 Fia;. 993. BOXWOOD RULES. TWO FEET, FOUR FOLD, NARROW. No. 68. Bound Joint, Middle Plates, 8ths and 16ths of inches, 1 inch wide, per dozen $1 00 No. 63. Square Joint, Middle Plates, 8ths, lOths, 12ths and lGths of inches, Drafting Scales, 1 inch wide, per dozen . . . . .7.00 No. 68, 1 dozen in a box. No. 63, -J dozen in a box. 279 STANLEY'S PLUMBS AND LEVELS. No _ Fig. 994. Per Dozen. 104. Plumb and Level, Arch Top Plate, Two Side Views, Polished, Assorted, 12 to IS inches, U Mahogany Plumb and Level, Arch Top Plate, Two Side Views, Polished, Assorted, 18 to 24 inches, is. Same as No. 1|, except is Brass Lipped Side Views, Polished and Tipped, Assorted, 12 to 18 inches, ADJUSTABLE PLUMBS AND LEVELS. $14.00 16.50 27.00 No. 1. 10. 11. g- t- Q) ,*wKw??s=Brc!35?r*£^!E=^!^?HTO^^a?^ STANLEY Fig. 995. Patent Adjustable Mahogany Plurub and Level, Arch Top Plate, Two Side Views, Polished, Assorted, 24 to 30 inches, . Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, Arch Top Plate, Two Brass Lipped Side Views, Polished, Assorted, 24 to 30 inches, Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, Arch Top Plate, Two Side Views, Polished and Tipped, Assorted, 18 to 24 in. , 24 to 30 in. , Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, Arch Top Plate, Two Ornamental Brass Lipped Side Views, Polished, Assorted, 24 to 30 inches, Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, Triple Stock, Two Ornamental Brass Lipped Side Views, Arch Top Plate, Polished and Tipped, 24 to 30 inches, ......... Patent Adjustable Rosewood Plumb and Level, Arch Top Plate, Two Ornamental Brass Lipped Side Views, Polished and Tipped, PROVED LEVEL CLASSES. Per Dozen. $27.00 27.00 30.00 48.00 60.00 90.00 Fig. 996. Made of extra thick tubing. By a patented process each Level Gla 3 8 5i 6 1.65 3.60 li 3i 2.35 5.25 1 n 4 9 10 3.45 6.70 If 4i 10 lSJi 12 14 4.70 6.10 9.75 15.00 2* H 4| 11 20A 5J 12 HEAVY T HINGES. Fig. 1018. 10 12 14 16 18 5.00 7.00 9.60 11.70 12.50 8.25 13.75 19.50 21.00 23.00 2 2j \ 31 31 31 4J 5i 6 6 6 11 12 13 14 14 18i 31 46 EXTRA HEAVY T HINGES. Fisr. 1019. No. Per doz. pairs lbs., Above Galvanized Hin Peril)., $0.24 •' " .38 2 K 11 19* ;es have Galvanized Steel Pins. 286 8 10 12 .23 .21 .21 .38 .35 .32 8ft 3£ 3f 5h 7 7f 13 14 16 32 54 81 14 16 .21 .21 .30 .28 03 Q3 °S °S '4 '4 17 17 87 94 STRAP HINGES. LICHT STRAP HINGES. I Size, inches Plain steel, per doz. pairs . Galvanized, with solid steel pins pel - doz. pairs Width at joint, inches Size screw. No. . Weight, per doz. pairs, lbs. Fig. 1020. 8 4 5 8 10 12 $1.35 1.80 2.20 2.85 4.00 5.50 8.00 1.85 2.50 3.40 4.25 7.10 8.70 16.00 14- 1^ 1 5 19 17 a 1 m 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 3 5+ 7 9 Ui 21 33 14 10.50 18.50 HEAVY STRAP HINGES. Size, inches Plain steel, per doz. pairs Galvanized, with solid steel pins, per dozen pairs Width at joint, inches Size of screw, No. . Weight, per doz. pairs, lbs. «SaS!M!||l Fig. 1021. 4 5 6 8 $2 45 3.50 per lb. .23 .21 3.40 4.60 perils. .38 .38 h\ HI 3J T 3 9 10 11 12 G lOi 19 34 10 12 j-4 16 .20 .20 .20 .20 .35 .32 .32 -30 8* 4 4? 4* 14 16 16 16 50 77 88 HOOK HINGES, WOOD SCREW HOOK. Size, inches Price, per lb. U j^gpS-tfitffiy jMjga Irs $0.06 .05| 287 u Fig. 1022. 6, 8, 10, 12 14, 16, 18, 20 22. 24, 26, 28, 30, 3G .05i a PERFECT HASPS AND PATENTED. STAPLES. Size 8 8h 1 ea oT, y- Per single dozen, with staples , $1.10 l.oO No. of hasps in paper box ....... 1 doz. Csingle) 1 doz. (single). It cannot be opened accidentally, as the weight of the head and shape of slot hold it securely in place. It can be locked with padlock same as any other hasp. It can be used on either right or left hand doors. HINGE HASPS Size, inches Plain Steel . Galvanized . AVidth at joint, inches Size of Screw No. Per single doz. Per doz. pairs Fig. 1024. 3 $0.85 $3.35 U 1.05 4.25 7 6 1.35 6.00 14 9 8 1.80 9.50 •\i 1 s 10 10 2.60 13.25 2ft 10 12 3.55 22 *4 12 i-f^^— WROUCHT STEEL BACK FLAPS. Bkight. PATENT RIVETED. Size, inches . Per dozen pairs Width, open, inches Size of Screw No. Square, per doz. pairs Width, open, inches $0?70 .75 2 3 913 "4 "■fir 6 6 1 H H "la H ^ 2 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.45 1.70 2* 3 3ft 3ft 9 7 a TiT 4 A3 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 $0.75 .80 .90 1.00 1.05 1.30 1.40 2 2i 2Jv "TS 2A n 3ft QT 1 6 ns All Back Flaps have 6 screw holes. 288 WROUGHT STEEL NARROW BUTTS. LIST OF HEAVY NARROW BUTTS. Fig. 1026. Length, Inches. n if oi "4 91 oa ~4 3i 3i 3! 4 5 61 Bright Steel. Per Doz. Pairs. $0 40 .50 .65 .80 .90 1.05 1.10 1.30 1.45 1.70 2.00 2.70 2.85 3.70 4 60 6.00 7.10 Galvanized, with Brass Pins, Per Doz. Pair-). $L40 2.00 2.60 3.15 4 80 6.50 8.00 10.00 Width Open, Inches. li ItV li 1- 9 -T- 2. J 4 w n ''it 24 9 J. "4 i?- 9 - H 2* 3 3| 91 3 "IT 4A Size ^ cr , ew ot - Holes Screw in No. Each Butt. 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 13 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 LIST OF LICHT NARROW BUTTS. Length, Inches. 1 li n if 2f 3i 3f 4 5 fright Steel, Per Dozen Pairs. Planished and Bronzed, Per Dozen Pairs, with Screws. Galvanized with Brass Pins, Per Dozen Pairs. Width, Open, Inches. Size of Screw No. Screw Holes in Eacl Butt. $0 40 $0.50 11 16 2 4 .40 .65 1 3 4 .50 .70 ItV 3 4 .65 .75 $1.30 ItV 5 4 .80 .83 ItV 5 4 .90 .92 1.85 6 4 1.05 1.03 2.15 1JJL •M6 6 6 1.10 1.13 2 40 Til ± 16 6 6 1.30 1.20 1 7 7 6 1.45 1.25 3.00 9 7 6 1.70 1.60 21 9 6 2.00 1 90 4.40 2i 9 6 2.70 2.25 9_9_ ~1 6 10 6 2.85 2.50 6.00 H 10 8 3.70 3.35 3 11 8 4.60 4.20 3iV 12 8 289 CAST LOOSE PIN BUTTS. Fi s . 1027. STEEPLE TIPS. Length aud Width Open, Steeple Tips, Inches. Per Doz. Pairs. 2 x2 SI. 00 2 x'4 1.10 . 2£x2 1.20 )^x2£ 1.35 r*SQjiLO 1.50 3 x2^ 1.60 3 x3 1.75 3 x3£ . 1.95 3^x3 2.15 3ix3i 2.35 3£x4 2.50 4 x3£ 2.70 4 x4 2.90 4 x4i 3 20 4 XD 4.00 4£x4 3.50 4ix4i 4.00 4^x5 4.20 5 x5 5.50 5 x5£ 5.70 5 x6 6 50 5|x5| (3 50 6 x6 7.60 Fig. 1028. Ball Tips are same ] dozen pairs in a box; 3x3£ to 5x5 an dozen in a box. Fig. 1028. BALL TIPS, Japanned Steeple Tips, Per Doz. Pairs. Size of Screw. No. Screw Holes in Eacli Butt. $2.00 8 4 2.15 8 4 2.30 8 (i 2.50 8 6 2.65 8 6 2.80 9 6 3.00 9 6 3.25 9 6 3.45 9 6 3.70 9 6 4.00 12 6 4.25 12 h 4.50 12 8 5.00 12 8 5.40 12 8 5.30 12 8 5.50 12 8 6.20 12 8 7.00 14 10 7.50 14 10 b.00 14 10 8.50 14 10 10.50 14 10 st as Steeple Tip packed J dozen S 2x2 to 3x3, p in a box; 5x5j acked one and up, J WROUCHT STEEL LOOSE PIN BUTTS. Fig. 1029. Fig. 1030. WITH STEEPLE TIPS. WITH BALL TIPS. Length and Bright Japanned Size of Screw Holes Width Open, Steeple Tips, Steeple Tips, Screw. in each iDches. Per Doz. Pairs. Per Doz. Pairs. No. Butt. 2 x2 $3.50 $2.50 7 4 2 x2i 4.00 2.80 7 4 4.00 2.90 8 6 9l X 9l 4.30 3.00 8 6 4.80 ■ 3.30 9 6 3 x3 5.00 3.50 9 6 3 x3i 5.60 3.65 9 6 3jx3 5.70 3.80 10 6 3|x3i 6.00 4.00 10 6 3£x4 6.60 4.40 10 6 4 x3^ 6.80 4.70 10 8 4 x4 7.40 5.00 10 8 4 x4j 8.00 5.40 10 8 4£x4 8.30 5.70 11 8 4 xo 8.50 5.80 10 8 4^x4| 8.90 6.00 11 8 4^x5 9.80 6.60 11 8 5 x5 11.40 7.50 12 8 5 x6 12.50 8.50 12 8 5 x7 15.50 10 00 12 8 5J-xoi 14.50 9.00 13 8 6 x6 16.70 11.00 13 8 Fig. 1030 With Ball T ips same list as Steeple Tips. 2x2 to 5x 5 packed \ dozen pairs in a box. 5x6 and up £ doz. in a box. 291 POLISHED STEEL REVERSIBLE LOOSE PIN BUTTS. Cut Shows 3x3 Butt. Size open . Per doz. pairs Size of Screw No. of Screws Size open . Per doz. pairs Size of Screw No. of Screws Size open . Per doz. pairs Size of Screw No. of Screws 2*x3 3x2* 2.20 2 40 8 9 6 6 4x3* 4x4 4.60 4.70 10 10 8 8 35 X5 2 6x6 9.60 11.40 13 13 8 8 PADLOCK, DESCRIPTION. Fie. 1032. All Bronze Metal, Highly Polished; Spring Self-locking, Spring Shackle, two Bronze Metal Drilled Barrel Keys. Size Across Case. Per Doz. Fig. 1032. 1H inches $3 50 Fig. 1033. With 9-inch Japanned German Coil Chain .... Fig. 1034. If inchrs Fig. 1035 With 9-inch Japanned German Coil Chain . . Fig. 1036. 2 inches Fig. 1037. With 9-inch Japanned German Coil Chain . . . .7.00 292 5.50 4.25 6.25 5.00 n c 2 PI H O O s ■o > 2 < Fig. 1038. 8-LEVER PADLOCKS. All Highest Grade. DESCRIPTION. Highest Grade; Very Heavy; Light, Fla' ; Cut Push Levers; Thousands of ft Key Changes; Phosphor-bronze Springs; Wk Matrixed Bolt; Exterior Machine Pin- ||| ished, with Depres-ed Parts Finished in |l Brown Enamel ; entire Lock and Interior if/ Works of Gun Metal Bronze ; Spring j!' Shackle, Spring Self-locking. Two Boiled Steel Keys, Milled and Plated. Size Across Case. Fig. 1038, 2i inches Fig. 1039, with 9-inch Japanned German Coil Chain V Per Doz. $9.50 11.50 6-LEVER PADLOCKS. Same Style as Above Illustration. Description. All Bronze Metal; Spring Sliding Shackle; all Parts Very Heavy ; Push-key; Spring Self-locking ; Phosphor-bronze Springs ; Three Cast Bronze Arm Levers ; Two points of Key Contact on each Lever. Two Boiled Steel Nickel-plated Keys. Fig. 1040. Size 2 inches across case Per doz., $8.00 " 1041. With 8-inch German Coil Chain, J, panned, . . '"' " 10 00 PADLOCK. All Parts Bronze Metal, Highly Polished; Spring Self -locking; Spring Shackle ; Spring Key-hole Drop. Bi'onze Metal Drilled Barrel Key, Two-keyed. Size Across Case. Per Doz. Fig. 1042 l-§ inches $5.80 a 1043 with Chain 7.75 q l 1044 1| inches G.75 t i 1045 with Chain 8.50 (. t 1046 2ij inches 7.50 a 1047 with Chain 9.50 Illustration Exact Size, Fig. 1042 Fi"- 1042 293 i PADLOCKS. Patented. FIG. 1048. Description. All parts Aluminum Bronze, Highly Polished ; Spring Shackle; Spriug Self- Locking. Two Flat Steel Keys to Lock. Fig. 1048 " 1049 " 1050 S ze Across Case. If iuches n " Per Doz. $2.10 2 35 2.50 FIG. 1051. All parts Bronze Metal, Highly Polished, High Grade, Spring Self-Lccking, Spring Shackle, Shackle Hole PluDger. Two Rolled Steel Keys, Polished. Illustration Exact Size. Fig. 1051 Size Across Case. 1§ inches Per Doz. $5.40 Fig. 1051. FIG. 1052. Highest Grade; all parts Gun Metal Bronze, Highly Polished ; Phosphor-Bronze Springs ; Spring- Self Locking, SpriDg Shackle; Secure Tumblers; Extra Large Number cf Stock Changes ; Spring Plunger ; Revolvable Key Cylinder. Two Rolled Steel Nickel-Plated Keys. Fig. 1052. Fig. 1053. Fig. 1054. >' 1055. " 1056. If inches across case ..... With 8-inch Japanned Welded Link chain . Illustation Exact Size Fig. 1052. 2 inches across case .... 2£ " " " 2| " " " ... Furnished with 8 inch Welded Japanned Chain, 294 Fig. 1053. Per doz., $8.00 10.00 Per doz., $ extra price. I?. 1057. PADLOCKS. Fig ]057. DESCRIPTION. Iron and Steel. High- Grade, Key-Locking Black Enameled Case and Polished Shackle; Boiled Steel Tumblers, cut; two Boiled Steel Polished Kejs. Size Across Case. ] If inches. With 9-inch Coil Chain. Fig Fier 1057. 1058. 1059. Fig. 1060. Fig. 1061. 1-J inches. With 9-inch Coil Chain. 2£ inches. Doz. &3.10 3.90 3.60 4.60 4.00 5.00 Fig. 1062. With 9 inch Coil. Chain. Illustration exact size Fig. 1057. Fig. 1063. DESCRIPTION. All Steel; Nickeled Shackle, Bu ; t-Proof Case; Brass Interior Works; Spring Self-Locking; Spring Shackle; two Cast Steel Drilled Keys. Fig. Fig. Fier. 1063. 1064. 1065. Size Across Case. If inches. If inches. 2 inches. Per Doz. $2.10 2.35 2.90 Fit. 1063. Illustration exact size Fig. 1063. Fin. 1066. Fig. 1066. DESCRIPTION. All Bronze Metal, Highly Polished; Spring Self-Locking; Spring Shackle; Milled Key Bush- ing; two Boiled Steel Keys. Size Across Case. Per Doz. Fig. 1066. If inches. $6.60 Fig. 1067. With 8-inch Steel Chain. 8.15] Fig. 1068. 1^ inches. 7.*60 Fig. 1069. With S-inch Steel Chain. 9.15 Fig. 1070. 2 inches. 8.70 Fig. 1071. With 8-inch Steel Chain. 11.00 Illustration exact size 1066. 295 SWITCH LOCKS. SPECIAL R. R. SWITCH OR CAR - DOOR LOCK, MADE TO FIT ANY KEY FURNISHED, AND WITH INITIALS OF ANY COMPANY EITHER CAST OR STAMPED ON THE LOCK. Fig. 1072. Size across case, 2^ inches. DESCRIPTION. Extra heavy; all Gun Metal Bronze; Spring Shackle, Spring Self-locking ; extra heavy Cast Bronze Tumblers, Bolt and Shackle-throw ; heavy Spring-drop Keyhole Cover ; German Coil Chain. Price per dozen for Locks without Keys . $10.50 Fis. 1072. til %# Fig. 1073 same as Fig. 1072, but without Chain, per dozen . . . $8.80 Self-cleaning Barrel, all Bronze Metal, machine finished keys, per dozen . $2.10 Ordinary Barrel, machine finished, all Bronze Metal " " " . 1.70 SPECIAL R. R. SWITCH OR CAR -DOOR LOCK, MADE TO FIT ANY KEY FURNISHED, AND WITH INITIALS OF ANY COMPANY EITHER CAST OR STAMPED ON THE LOCK. Fig. 1074. Size across case, 2J inches. DESCRIPTION. All parts best Gun Metal Bronze; Tumblers and Shackle-throw very heavy and stout; Phosphor- bronze indestructible Springs ; Spring-drop Keyhole Cover ; Spring Shackle, Spring Self-locking ; heavy German Coil Chain, Japanned. Price per dozen for Locks without Keys . $12.85 Fig. 1074. Self-cleaning Barrel, all Bronze Metal, machine finished keys, per dozen . $2.10 Ordinary Barrel, machine finished, all Bronze Metal " " " . 1.70 SPECIAL R. R. SWITCH OR CAR-DOOR LOCKS, MADE TO FIT ANY KEY FURNISHED AND WITH INITIALS OF ANY COMPANY EITHER CAST OR STAMPED ON THE LOCK. Fig. 1075. Size across case, 2f inches. DESCRIPTION. Highest grade; extra heavy and strong; all parts of Aluminum-nickel-bronze Alloy, patented; 40,000 lbs. tensile strength; Phosphor-bronze Springs; heavy Tumblers and Bolts; Shackle Hole Plunger, automatically closing Shackle Opening when Shackle is disengaged from interior mechanism, thereby Fig. 1075. excluding cinders and other foreign matter from the interior of Lock; Drain Hole in bottom of Lock to permit water to run therefrom ; heavy Spring-drop Keyhole Cover ; Spring Shackle, Spring Self-locking ; 9-inch Welded Link Japanned Iron Chain. Price per dozen for Locks without Keys $12.85 Fig. 1076. 2| inches, same as Fig. 1075, but all parts Gun Metal Bronze 12.35 Fig. 1077. 2| inches, same as Fig. 1075, but without Chain . . . 11.60 Fig. 1078- 2f inches, same as Fig. 1076, but without Chain . . 11.10 Self-cleaning Barrel, all Bronze Mefal, machine finished keys, per dozen . $2.10 Ordinary Barrel, machine finished, all Bronze Metal " " " . 1.70 29G SWITCH LOCKS. SWITCH AND CAR-DOOR LOCKS, IF DESIRED, MADE TO FIT ANY KEY FURNISHED. Size across case ..... 24- inches DESCRIPTION. All Gun Metal Bronze; Heavy Brooze Metal Sliding Boll; Pivoted Tumblers; Spring-Drop Keyhole Cover; Phosphor-Bronze Springs; Spring Self-Locking, Spring- Shackle; Bough Body finish; 9 inch Welded Link German Coil Chain, Japanned, attached to each Lock. Per dozen without keys .... " with one key to each lock " with two keys to each lock Fig. 1077. $8.75 10.00 11.25 Per Pig. 1078 same as above, but without chain, dozen, without keys .... .... " with one key to each lock . ..... " with two keys to each lock .... . Kind ot Keys. Friction Finished, Side-Bit, Bronze Metal Drilled Keys. $8.15 9.40 10.60 SWITCH AND CAR-DOOR LOCKS, IF DESIRED MADE TO FIT ANY KEY FURNISHED. Size across case . .... 24 inches DESCRIPTION. All Gun Metal Bronze; Extra Secure and Durable; Heavy Bolt; Pivoted Tumblers; Phosphor Bronze Springs; Spring Keyhole Drop Cover; Spring Self- Locking, Spring Shackle; Polished as illustration: 9-inch Welded Link German Coil Chain, Japanned, attached to each Lock. Per dozen, without keys . . . $10.00 " with one key to each lock . H 25 " with two keys to each lock . 12.50 Fig. 1079. Fig. 1080 same description as above, but without chain. Per dozen, without keys $8.75 " with one key to each lock 10.00 " with two keys to each lock ....... 11.25 Kind of Keys. Friction-Finished Side- Bit, Bronze Metal Drilled Keys. BRASS SWITCH AND CAR PADLOCKS. Size, No. Inches. . 1081. 2J Self-Locking, Spring Shackle and Drop, per doz. . . $13.65 1082. 2j Self-Locking Spring Shackle and Drop, with Iron Chain, per doz. . . . .15.60 Fig. 1081. 297 SALOON LOCK AND LATCH. Key operates Slide Bolt from outside the door with screw- less knobs. BRASS. f-inch Bolt, with Slide Bolt, size 4fx3§ inches, with oval Brass Knob and escutcheon. No. 145. Per Doz. $72.00 Centre of Hub to front, 2f inches. Centre of Hub to Keyhole, If inches. This lock is furnished with either Brass or Steel Kevs. Fig. 1082. CAR DOOR KNOBS. No. 182, Fig. 1083. -Inch Plain Spindle. Diameter, Inches. Per Doz. Pairs. Nickel Plated ■ $20.00 Brass 14>00 Mineral Knob Japanned Shank and Bose 1. 50 Porcelain " " " " 2^00 Fi S' 1084. Fig _ 1Q85 _ REAL BRONZE POLISHED NATURAL COLOR. f-lNeit Spindle. Fig. 1084. Diameter, inches, 2} Fig. 1085. " " yi Per doz. pairs, $12.00 15.00 298 SALOOI LATCHES. Ilirfiiiiirl Fie: 1086. Fig. 1087. JAPAN NED. | inch Hub. Iron Bolt with Stop. :,-' III 1 _ 1 I kb Size, 4x4 inches. No. 260 Per Doz. $13.50 Centre of Hub to front, 2-J inches. BRASS AND NICKEL PLATED. •§ inch Hub. Size, 3f x 3J inches. No. 261. Brass Bolt with Stop. 263. " " " Slide Bolt. Centre of Hub to front 24 inches. No. 261 263 Fig. 1088. No 264 Iron Latch Bolt, with Stop with Kuobs, Fig. 1084 " 265. Brass " " " " " " " " u 266. " " " without " " " " " Illustrations half size. 299 Brass. Nickel Plated. Per Doz. Per Doz. $36.00 $40.00 36.00 40.00 ORNAMENTED, REAL BRONZE, POLISHED NATURAL COLOR. | inch Hub. Size, 3f x 3| inches. Centre of Hub to front, 2-J- inches. For knobs, see page 298. Car locks furnished to order to fit any key de- sired. Per doz., $54.00 " " 60.00 " " 54.00 CAR BLIND LIFTS AND PULLS. Fig. 1089. Fig. 1090. Fig . 1091. Fig. 1092. Fie 1093 No. Size , Inches. Per Doz. Fig. 1089. 2i Real Bronze, polished . $2.00 Fig. 1090. n cc a 2.75 Fig. 1091. 3 it t •' 2.50 Fig. 1092. 3 it i i. 2.50 Fig. 1093. 3 11 1 1 2.75 CAR WINDOW LIFTS. Fig. 1094. Fig. 1095. No. Size, Inches. Fig. 1094. 2i*l| Fig. 1095. i**ii Fig. 1096. f*if Fig. 1097. 1^2| PUSH CAR WINDOW 1 Fig. 1096. Real Bronze, polished Fig. 1097. Per Doz. $2.00 . 2.25 . 1.80 . 2.75 CAR BLIND BOLT. No. Fig. 1098. Fig. 1099. Fig. 1098. Fig ; 10 99. Size, Inches. 3|xl§ Real Bronze, polis-hed 3 x | " « All the above are one dozen in a box, packed with screws. 300 Per Doz. $3.50 5.00 CAR WINDOW LOCKS, WITHOUT STOPS. mi 2) Fisr. 1100. Fig. 1101. No. Size, Inches. Fig. 1100. 3 xl£. Real Bronze Polished, Fig. 1101. 2|xlf. " " . Fig. 1102. ljx^f. " " " Stops (Fig. 1103) for Car Window Looks (Figs. 1100, 1101, 1102) Fig. 1102. Fi g. 1103. • Per Dozen. $6.00 4.50 4.50 , 1102) . 1.25 HOME DOOR CHECK F< Fig. 1104. This Check has been in successful operation on many prominent railways for several years, and is the only check which successfully meets the severe demands of car service. PNEUMATIC. No. 302. Bronze Plated with Nickel-plated Cylinder, ..... One in a box. Packed with screws. Full directions for putting on packed with each. 301 Each. $5 45 COLUMBIA PNEUMATIC DOOR CHECK AND SPRING. COLD BRONZE FINISH. Fie;. 1105. ATTACHED TO DOOR, AND EXERTING A PUSHINC ACTION. No. Each. 450. For light inside doors $6.50 451. " inside doors, not more than 3 ft. wide, and for outside doors not more than 2J ft. wide .... 452. For heavy inside doors ...... 453. " outside doors, not more tban 3 ft. wide . 454. " heavy outside doors ...... 455. " " " (extra sti'ODg spring) 8.15 8.80 9.75 13.20 13.20 ATTACHED TO DOOR AND EXERTING A PULLINC ACTION. 1450. 1451. 1452. 1453. 1454. 1455. For light inside doors .... . . . " inside doors, not more than 3 ft. wide, and for outside doors, not more than 2| ft. wide .... For heavy inside doors ...... " outside doors, not more than 3 ft. wide . " heavy outside doors ..... " • " " (extra strong spring) 2450-2450S. For light inside doors .... 2451-2451S. " inside doors, not more than 3 ft. wide, and doors, not more than 2£ ft. wide . 2452-2452S. For heavy inside doors .... 2453-2453S. " outside doors, not more than 3 feet wide 2454-2454S. " heavy outside doors .... 2455-2455S. " " " (extra strong spring) for outside $6.50 8.15 8.80 9.75 13.20 13.20 $7.50 9.10 9.75 10.75 14.15 14.15 These door checks and springs may be used for either right or left hand doors. Full directions' for applying and reversing are packed with each check. Nos. 450 to 455. Applied to right hand door hinge side. " 1450 to 1455. " " " casing " " 2450 to 2455. " to left " " 2450S to 2455S. " to right Numbers with "S" added have bracket to go on casing. 302 DOOR PULLS. Illustrations Half Size. Fig. 1106. No. Size, Inches. Fig. 1106. 51 Fig. 1107. 6 CAST METAL. Real Bronze finish Fig. 1107. Fig. 1108. P» DOOR HANDLES, JAPANNED. Per Doz. $7.35 11.40 Either Eight or Left Hand 5 Complete with Latch Guide and Oitch. No. Size, Inches. Per Doz. ig. 1108. 8xl| $3.60 303 WROUGHT STEEL UPRIGHT RIM KNOB LOCKS. Janus Face, Reversible Latch Bolt, Steel Tumblers, Nickel- plated Keys, with stop. IVORY BLACK CASES. Size, 4x3g Inches. No. Bolts. Tumblers. Changes. 3800 Iron 3804 Brass 4 4 Centre of hub to keyhole, 2\ in. " " front, 2W " To change the hand, take off the cap and turn over the latch. PEICE. Fig. 1109. No. 3800 3804 Per Dozen. $4.10 5.20 WROUGHT STEEL UPRIGHT RIM KNOB LOCKS. Fig. 1110. Janus Face, Reversible Latch Bolt, Steel Tumblers, Nickel- plated Solid Keys. IVORY BLACK CASES. With Steel Solid Bolt. Size, 4 J s 3f Inches. No. Bolts. Tumblers. Changes. 3830 Steel 1 12 3834 Brass 1 12 Centre of hub to keyhole, 2 T % in. " " front, 2^ " To change the Land, take off the cap and turn over the latch PRICE. No. Per Dozen. 3830 . . . $7.15 3834 . . . 9.45 Illustrations Half Size. 304 Fig. 1111. WROUGHT STEEL PRIGHT RIM KNOB LOGICS. Janus Face, Keversible Latch Bolt, Solid Keys. WITH STOP. Size, . 4x3 Inches. No. 1888. Iron Bolts, '. Per doz., $2.75 No. 0888. Brass " . . " " 5. 20 Centre of hub to front, 2r£ inches. To change hand, take off cap, and turn over latch and hub. WITH SLIDE BOLT. No. 855. Iron Bolts, . Per doz., 13.60 No. 0857- Brass " . " " 6.20 Illustration half size. SCS^OB LOCKS, No. Size, Inche 3200 4|x3| 3204 4ix3j Changes. Per Dozen. 4 $4.40 4 5.55 No. 3249 Fig. 1113. Janus Face, Reversible Latch Bolt, Steel Tumblers, Solid Keys. WITH STOP. IVORY BLACK CASES. Bolts. Tumblers. Steel 1 Brass 1 Nickel-plated Keys. Centre of hub to front, 3J--I- inches. WITHOUT STOP. "City Pattern" Hub and Keyhrle in Horizontal Alignment. Size, Inches. Bolts. Tumblers. Changes. Per Dozen. Brass 1 6 $6.05 Centre of hub to front, 4j inches. Illustration half size. 305 4|s3 WROUCHT STEEL HORIZONTAL RIM CLOSET OR DEAD LOCKS. NICKEL-PLATED SOLID KEYS. IVORY BLACK CASES. Size, 2fx2 inches. No. Bolt. Changes. Per Doz. 3600. Iron. 4 $2. CO 3606. Brass. 12 4.40 Double-throw Bolts. Size, 3^x2^ inches. No. Bolt. Change. Per Doz. 3610. Iron. 4 $4 10 Key-hole to front, 2^ inches. NICKEL-PLATED SOLID STEEL KEYS. Size, 3£x2J inches. No. Bolt. Tumblers. Changes. Per Doz. 1607. Iron. 1 12 $3.90 Key-hole to front, 2J inches. NICKEL-PLATED SOLID STEEL KEYS. Size, 5x3§ inches. No. Bolt. Chang< s. Per Doz. 1613. Iron. 6 $8.15 Key-hole to front, 2 T 'V inches. SECRET CATE LATCHES. Size, 2^x2 inches. No. Case. Bolt. Per Doz. 556. Iron Japanned. Iron. $10.90 656. Bronze. Bronze. 21.15 Above illustrations half size. 306 Fig. 1116. WROUGHT STEEL HORIZONTAL life.. Fig. 1117. WROUGHT STEEL HORIZONTAL R1SVS KNOB LATCHES. IVORY BLACK CASES. Iron Bolt and Hub. Size, 4x2^ Inches. No. 3550. Per Dozen, $2 45 With Steel Slide Bolt. Iron Bolt and Hub, Brass Knob. No. 3552. Per Dozen, $3.25 Centre of hub to front, 2f in. RlfVI NIGHT LATCHES. No. 3765 For Bight or Left Hand Doors. Two Nickel-plated Solid Steel Keys, WITH STOP. IVORY BLACK CASES. Size. Inches. Bolt. Turn Knob. Tumbler. Changes. Per Dozen. 4x2J Iron Biass 1 6 $8.80 Key to front, 2-g- inches. REAL BRONZE PLATE ESCUTCHEONS, TWO NICKEL-PLATED STEEL KEYS, WITH CYLINDER AND STOP. For 1 to 2 inch Eight or Left Hand Doors. No. 3767 3768 Size, Inches. ~Bo. 4x2| Iron 4x2i Brass Key to front, 2-g inches Turn Knob. Tumblers. Changes. Per Dozen. Brass 3 21 $10.60 Brass 3 34 ] 2 20 Above illustrations half size. 307 HORIZONTAL RIIVS MIGHT LATCHES, WITH CYLINDER. Eeal Bronze Plate, Escutcheon, two Nickel plated Steel Keys For 1 to 2 inch right or left hand doors. Fig. 1120. No. Size, Inches. Bolt. Slide Knob. Tumblers. Changes. PerDoz. 669. 3jx2£ Iron. Nickel-Plated. 3 21 $8.15 Key to front, 2-J inches. RUSSWIN HORIZONTAL RIM NIGHT LATCHES, PIN TUMBLER, For right or left hand doors. Fig. 1121. THREE GOLD-PLATED GERMAN SILVER KEYS, WITH STOP. Adjustable, for 1^ to 3 inch doors. No. Size, Inches. Per Doz. P1290. 3§x2f. Japanned Case, Bronze Bolt and Turn Knob r $30.90 Key-hole to edge of door, 2 A inches. Above illustrations half size. 303 UPRIGHT RIM DEAD LOCKS. Janus Face, for Narrow Style Doors Two Nickel-plated Folding Stetl Keys. Size, 4x2£ Inches. Bolt. Tumblers. Iron 1 Per dozen, $14.65 Key to front, 1^ Inches. Changes. 12 Size, 5x3^ Inches. Jp No. Bolt. Tumblers. Changes II, 2490 Iron 1 Per dozen, $15.45. Key to front, 2§ Inches. 20 Fig. 1122. WROUGHT STEEL MORTISE KNOB LOCKS. Reversible Latch Bolt, Nickel-plated Solid Keys. Thickness of Case, A- Inch. Size of front, 5|xl Inch. Oroide Finish Cases. No. 1730. Size, 3ix3 Inches. Oroide Finish Steel Front. Oroide Finish Iron Bolts. 4 Changes. Per dozen, . . . . $4.10 No. 1734. Size, 3|x3 Inches. Polished Brass Front and Bolts. Per dozen, . . . . $7.14 Fig. 1123. WROUGHT STEEL MORTISE KNOB LOCKS. EASY SPRING. Reversible Latch Bolt, Nickel-plated Solid Steel Keys. Wrought Steel Hub and Tumblers. Thickness of Case, £ Inch. Size of Front, 5^x1 Inch, Oroide Finish Cases. No. Size, Inches. Front and Bolls. Tumblers. Chauges. Per Dozen. 1789 3£x3 Brass 1 12 $8.95 1789f 3£x3 Brass 3 24 12.20 Centre of Hub to Front, 2| Inches. Centre of Hub to Key-hole, 2-{\ Inches. To change the Hand, take off the Cap and turn over the Latch. 319 MORTISE KNOB LOCKS, REVERSIBLE LATCH BOLT, SOLID KEYS. No. 2065 Size Inches. 31x31 Size of Front, Inches. 51 x£ Front and Bolts Brass, Nickel-plated Steel Keys. Price per Dozen, $5.85. Centre of Hub to Front " " " " Keyhole 21 in. 2£" To Change the Hand, take off the Cap and turn over the Latch. Thickness of Case, § inch. Fig. 1124. MORTISE KNOB LOCKS, EASY SPRING. Real Bronze Front and Bolts. Reversible Latch Bolt, Nickel-plated Solid Keys. Thickness of Case, -§ inch. No. 380 380f Size, Inches. 31 x 3£ 31x3* Size of Front, Inches. 5|xl 51 xl Tumblers. Change. 1 24 3 48 Per Dozen. $16.25 18.70 Centre of Hub to Front, 2| inches. Centre of Hub to Keyhole, 2 T 3 F inches. To Change the Hand, take off the Cap and turn over the Latch. 310 H X m CO c z pi H O o s > ■< O WROUGHT STEEL HORIZONTAL MORTISE DEAD LOCKS. IVORY BLACK CASE. Nickel-plated, Solid Keys. Thickness of case J inch Size of front . of si inch Size of case . 1^x3 J inches No. Front and Bolts. Changes. Per Doz. 1070. Lacquered Steel. 4 $5.70 1073f. Brass. 24 12.70 Key-hole to front, 2^ inches. Sm Pis:. 1126. WROUGHT STEEL MORTISE KMOB LATCHES. Thickness of case .... Size of front ..... " case ...... No. Oroide Finish Cases. 1030. Oroide Finish Front and Bolt Fig. 1127. WROUGHT STEEL RIM LOCK SETS. •§ inch 3x£ inch l£x3 inch Per Doz. $1.65 Fig. 1128. Fig. 1129. Fig. 1130. WITH WROUGHT METAL ESCUTCHEONS, JET KNOBS. Set No. Lock No. Page. Escutcheons. Per Doz. Sets. Fig 11 9 8 3800-4 304 Bronze Plated. $10.60 Fig. 1129". " " " 10-60 Fig. 1130. " " Oroide Finish. 9.45 Size of Knobs, 2j inches. 311 WROUGHT STEEL KNOB LATCH SETS. Pis-. 1131, Knob No. 7850. Rose 7853. Fig. 1132. En ob No. 7850. Rose 7853. Fig. 1133. Knob No. 7385. Rose 7852. Set No. Latch No. Knobs. Rose. Rose No. Per Doz. Fig. 1131 1030 7-850 Bronze-plated 7853 $6 50 Fig. 1132 1030 7850 (< a. 7852 7.00 Fig. 1133 1030 7385 cc cc ■ 7852 9.45 Size of Knobs, , 24; inches. DOOR Size of Roses, KNOBS. 3xi^ inches Fig. 1134. Japanned Shank and Rose. Plain Spindles. MINERAL. Rim. Mortise. Diam. of Knob. 4.00R 400M 24; inches, ^ Spindle PORCELAIN. 300R 300M 2i inch • , -^ Spindle. , rPer Dozen Pairs.- , Without Rose. With Rose. $1.95 $1.95 $2.15 PLATE ESCUTCHEONS. WROUGHT WIETAL. $2.15 Size, Inches. iini Size, Inches. Ifxll Fig. 1137. Kahala Bronze BRONZE-PLATED. Wrought Metal 312 Per Dozen. $0.40 Per Dozen. $0.60 CAR DOOR ESCUTCHEONS. For Brass Keys. Fig. 1138 " 1138 Fi■ ! y Hi . IU Fig. 1147. c Strikes. — Altliough the rounded ends are distinctive in themselves they are of less note than the Gaxiging Strike, a feature absolutely unique. The projections upon the edge of the strike and the distances of its openings are so planned that the strike serves as a gauge to mark the centres for boring mortises and to determine the positions of knob and keyhole. If the directions packed with each lock be carefully followed the merest novice in carpentry can fit these locks quickly and exactty. To Fit Lock. — Having marked the centre of the edge of the door, use the prongs on the back of the strike (A-l to A-t>) to locate centres for boring mortise. Use a f-inch bit. The holes at the ends should be bored to a depth of T * B -inch ; the others, 3^ inches deep. To Find Keyhole Centre. — Square from centre of lowest boring in edge of door to a point 2^ inches back from edge of door, which point may be gauged by the distance (C-l to C-2J from lower edge of lip of strike to prong near its end. If the door is beveled, allowance must be made for the bevel in find- ing this point. Measure up from this point 1 3 inches (the length of the opening of the lower hole in the strike, B-l to B-2) and so find the centre for the key pin. Use a f-rceh bit. To Find Centre for Knob.— The centre for the knob will be found at a point 2J inches above the centre already found for the key pin, which may be gauged by the distance (B-l to B-3) from the bottom of the lower hole in the strike to the top of the upper hole. To Fit Strike. — The strike, being of the same size as the front of the lock, is fitted in the same manner as the lock, all the holes being bored to the depth of y ff inch with a J-inch bit. Price, Fig. 1147, Locks, Knobs and Escutcheons, per dozen, $10.60. 319 RAPID-MORTISE WROUGHT STEEL ROUND END KNOB LOCKS. Easy Spring. Illustration Half Size. PATENT APPLIED FOE. ■ Nos. 2730 to 2734? Fig, 1148. REVERSIBLE LATCH BOLT, NICKEL-PLATED SOLID KEYS. Thickness of Case, A inch ; Size of Front, 5|x| inch. OROIDE FINISHED CASES. No. Size, inches. 2730 3|x3 2731 3£x3 2734 31x3 2734f 31x3 Oroide Finish, Steel Front ) " Iron Bolts j " Steel Front [ Iron Bolts \ Polished Brass Front and Bolts Key biers. ges. rrer dozen. Iron 1 4 $4.10 Steel 1 12 4.90 u 1 12 7.14 h i 3 24 12.20 Half dozen in a box. Packed complete with screws and escutcheons. No. Size, inches 02731 3^x3 BRONZE-PLATED CASES, POLISHED FRONTS. Key. Tumblers. Changes. Per dozen. Steel 1 12 $ Bronze-Plated Steel Front ) " Iron Bolts f Brouze Front and Bolts 02734 3£x3 Brooze Front and Bolts " 1 12 02734f 31x3 " " " " " 3 24 Half dozen in a box. Packed with screws. Centre of hub to front, 2-^ inches. Centre of hub to keyhole, 2-J inches. To change the hand, take off the cap and turn over the latch. Any combined Koses and Escutcheons for 3^ inch Mortise Locks may be used with these locks. MASTER-KEYED LOCKS. No. Size, inches. Front and Bolts. KeyClassNo. Tumblers. Changes. Per dozen. 31x3 Brass. Steel 4171 3 25 $ 31x3 Bronze. " 417* 3 25 2734fM 02734|M They can be furnished in two sets of 25 (or less) each, with steel master-key to fit each set of 25. 320 COPYING PRESSES, RAILROAD PATTERNS. FIC. I 149. SHORT ARCH. Eeceives a book 14x18 inches. Finished in Black Japan. No Ornamentation. Price, $15.00. Finished in Black Japan. Bronze Ornamenta- tion. Price, $16.50. Finished in Carmine and Black Japan. With Gold Leaf and Bronze Ornamentation. Nickel-plated Posts. Price, $20.00. Fig. 1149. FIG. I ISO. SHORT ARCH. Receives a book 16x20 inches. Finished in Black Japan. No Ornamentation. Price, $18.00. Finished in Black Japan. Bronze Ornamenta- tion. Price, $20.00. Finished in Carmine and Black Japan. Gold Leaf and Bronze Ornamentation. Nickel- plated Posts. Price, $24.00. Fig. 1150 FSC. 1151. SHORT ARCH. Receives a book 18x23 inches. Finished in Black Japan. No Orna- mentation. Price, $26.00. Finished in Black Japan. Bronze Or- namentation. Price, $28.00 Finished in Carmine and Black Japan, Gold Leaf and Bronze Ornamenta- tion. Nickel-plated. Price, $32 00. Fig. 1151. FIC. 1152. Receives a book 15x20 inches. Finished in Black Japan. No Orna- mentation. Price, $18.00. Finished in Black Japan. Bronze Or- namentation. Price, $20.00. Finished in Carmine and Black Japan. Gold Leaf and Bronze Ornamenta- tion. Price, $22.00 321 Fig. 1152. COPYING PRESSES, RAILROAD PATTERNS. FIC. I 153. Receives a Book 15x20 Inches. Finished in Black Japan. Bronze Or- namentation. Nickel-plated Posts. Price, $25.00. Finished in Carmine and Black Japan . Gold Leaf and Bronze Ornamentation. Nickel-plated Posts and Cap. Price, $27.00. Fig. 1153. FIC. I 154. Receives a Book 17x22 Inches. Finished in Black Japan. Bronze Ornamentation. Nickel-plated Posts. Price, $33.00. Finished in Carmine and Black Japan. Gold Leaf and Bronze Or- namentation. Nickel-plated Posts and Cap Price, $36.00. Fig. 1154. FIC. I 155. Receives a Book 22x24 Inches. FinishedinB'ack Japan. Bronze Ornamentation Nickel-plated Posts. Price, $43.00. Finished in Carmine and Black Japan. Gold Leaf and Bronze Or- namentation. Nickel-plated Posts and Cap. Price, $51.00. Fig. 1155. FIC. I 156. Receives a Book 20x27i Inches. Finished in Black Japan. Bronze Ornamentation. Nickel-plated Posts. Price, $50 00. Finished in Carmine and Black Japan. Gold Leaf and Bronze Or- namentation. Nickel-plated Posts an. I Cap. Price, $53.00. H X pi m c 33 2 PI H O O 3 ■o > 2 PI -< o X Fig. 1150. 322 COPYING PRESSES, PHOENIX PATTERNS. No. Finished in Black Japan. No Ornamentation. 16 receives a book 10x12 in., price, $5.25 1 18 19 20 20* 21 814 22 23 23* 10x15 in., 11x16 in., 12x18 in , 15x20 in., 16x20 in., 18x22 in., 20x24 in., 22x24 in., 20x27 in., 22x30 in., 6.00 9.00 11.75 18.00 23.00 25.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 56.00 COPY PRESS STANDS. Fig. 1158. Finished in Oil. One Drawer and Slide for Book. Dimensions of top . . . 17x24 inches Drawer, inside . . . 14x16x2* " No. 1, Walnut, price . . , $S 00 No. 10, Oak, "... 7.50 Finished in Oil, with Slide for Book, but without Drawer. Dimensions of top . . . 17x24 inches No. 0, Walnut, price . . . $5.50 No. 00, Oak, " ... 5.25 Fig. 1158. RAILROAD COPY PRESS STAND. Fig. 1159. Very Heavy. Finished in Oil or Varnished. One Drawer and Slide for Book. Dimensions of top . 24x37 inches Drawer, inside . 19x26x2* " No. 90, Oak, price . . $14.00 Fi Fig. 1164. No. 361. Dixon's Lumber Pencil, 4| in. long, Hn. in diameter, hexagon shape, japanned three grades — hard, regular and soft. Per gross, $ METAL WORKERS' CRAYONS. >JS>WO fi/<£ ' Fig. 1165. 524. Sawed out of solid soapstone, flat shape, chisel point. Packed in 4- gross boxes. Per gross, $3 25. DIXON'S ARTISTS' PENCILS. Packed in handsome white watered paper, gilt-trimmed boxes, with black and gold labels. One dozen in a box. three dozen in a carton. They are made in hexagon shape only, beautifully finished in the natural' color of the cedar wood, and are in eleven grades of leads, as follows, viz.: 2 PI < o 31 Nos. Grade Stamps. Nos. 210. V VS— Verv, very soft. 216. 211. VS— Very soft, 217. 212. S— Soft. 218. 213. . SM— Soft medium. 219. 214. MB— Medium black. 219-V. 215. M— Medium. These leads are extra fine and perfectly graded. The hard grades are perfect for architects draughtsmen and engineers. Per gross, $9.00. 324 Grade Stamps. MH— Medium hard. H— Hard. VH— Very hard. VVH — Very, very hard. VVVH— Very, very, very hard. DIXON'S FINE OFFICE PENCILS. ROUND SHAPE, Fl Grade Stamps Trade Numbeis Fig. 1166. ISHED IN THE NATURAL COLOR OF THE CEDAR WOOO. Grade Stamps Trade Numbers Grade Stamps . Trade Numbers Grade Stamps . Trade Numbers Grade Stamps Trade Numbers S 141 SM 143 ROUND SHAPE, S 151 SB 151A SM 152 MB 1424 'SATIN M B 152A M 143 FINISH. M 153 M H 143*. MH 153A ROUND SHAPE, FINE MAROON FINISH. ROUND SHAPE, CLOSSY BLACK FINISH. II 144 H 154 SM 111 SM 106 HEXACON SHAPE, F Grade Stamps Trade. Numbers All the above $ 0.00 per gross. INISHED IN THE NATURAL COLOR VH 145 VH 155 M 113 M 107 S SM MB 133 123 123A. HEXACON SHAPE, "SATIN B SB S M MB 166 1664 167 1U7A OF THE M MH 134 124* CEDAR WOOD. FINISH M 168 HEXACON SHAPE, FINE MAROON MH 168* FINISH. II 125 H 160 SM 116 VH 136 VH 170 M 117 Grade Stamps Trade Numbers All the above Hexagon shape $6.75 per gross. The above four styles of finish of Round Gilt, and three of Hexagon Gilt, comprise the assortment of Dixon's American Graphite Pencils, of the very finest style and quality, known to the trade as '-flue goods.' They are put up in Dixon's patent dozen package (see above cut), and are packed in £_ gross boxes. Fig. 1167. Cut shows full diameter, but reduced length. These Pencils are made in Round shape and Hexagon shape, stamped in Gold, with No. 2 and No. 3 leads of high grade. They are fitted with Nickel Tips, having a screw-thread and carrying an Erasive Rubber of superior quality. They are finished in Black, Satin, Cedar and Maroon. Round, per gross, $ 3.35; Hexagon, per gross, $3.75. Fig. 1168. ROUND SHAPE, COLD STAMP, "DIXON'S BEST," HIGHLY FINISHED. 349. 7 inch, red lead ) p er er0 |g 00 350. 7 " blue " \ Packed * gross in box, with Dixon's patent dozen package. 325 ,V DIXON'S FELT ERASIVE RUBBERS. | DIXON'S FELT RUBBER Fig. 1169. Full Size. 12 to 120 in lb. Per lb., $1.00. Full Size. 1 doz. on a card, 6 cards in a box. Per gross, $5.00. DIXON'S STANDARD GRAPHITE CREASE. This is recommended for gears, for loose fitting journals and bearings, or wherever the conditions are such that an ordinarily stiff grease can be introduced. This grease is not intended for use in an oil cup, but will feed nicely through a tallow cup. WATER-PROOF GRAPHITE GREASE. For gears exposed to the action of water, for chains, cables, and wire ropes used in mines, quarries, etc. , which are exposed to water, and for all other uses calling for a lubricant not affected by even running water. For railroad switches, interlocking?, etc , it is without an equal. PRICES OF STANDARD AND WATER-PROOF CREASE. 10 pound package 25 $1.50 50 pound package 3.50 100 Barrels of 400 lbs., 10 cents per lb. $6.50 12.00 GRAPHITED WOOD GREASE. FOR ELECTRIC CARS. It does not cake in the gear cases, and it keeps the gears constantly and thoroughly lubricated, and at the same time prevents all drippiugs from the gear cases. Price. Barrels, about 300 lbs. Five barrel lots 6 cents per lb 5 " " GRAPHITE CURVE GREASE. This grease is made to meet the demand of trolley car companies for a durable lubricant for curves and switches at a low price. Flake graphite is used, and the affinity for metal possessed by graphite makes it superior to any other form of lubricant. It is furnished in barrels of 400 to 5u0 pounds. Prices on application. 326 DIXON'S EVERLASTING GRAPHITE AXLE CREASE. i V W. ^ 3= /^ s^ n M® ^0 ^m Jfes Fig. 1171. 000 1 lb. bos $0.15 each 601 2 " 25 " 603 10 lb. pail 1.20 " 624 25 lb. kegs 2.75 " 625 50 5.00 " 626 100 9.00 " 627 bbls. ab't 350 ] bs., .08* ner lb DIXON'S »«. TRACTION b elt Dressing DIXON'S BELT DRESSING. It absolutely prevents a belt from slipping, thoroughly preserves the leather, and protects the elasticity of the belt. L EATHE R PRESE RVATIVE NO BELT CAN SLIP j| AFT ER THIS IS PROPERLY APPl- 1 "- II ^'xonCrucirlf Company, J£g^ No. Per lb 665 10 lb. pail 30 els 666 25 25 " 667 50 22 " 668 . 1001b. keg 20 " 669 Bbls., about 375 lb 18 " Fig. 1172. SOLI D Fig. 1173. DIXON'S SOLID BELT DRESSING. Made especially for those who prefer a solid dressing to the soft or paste dressing. Is put up in one pound bars in paper boxes. Twenty- five one pound bars in a case. Price per case, $6.00 Fig. 1174. Par better and cheaper than Ped Lead. No. Per lb. No. Per lb. 693 . 1 lb. package . . . 20 cents. 696 . 25 lb. package . 14 cents 694 5 . . 18 " 697 .50 • is* " 695 .10 " . . 15 " 698 . 100 . 13 " 327 DIXON'S FOUNDERS' PERFECT CORE WASH. MAKES SOUND, SMOOTH AND PERFECT CASTINGS. It makes a hard skin or veneer on the mold, which will not rub off nor run before the hot metal. Intended for heavy as well as light work. Specially useful for steel castings. Boxes of 25, 50 and 100 lbs., ..... 10 cents per lb. Barrels of 300 lbs , . . . . . . 8 " ' " " DIXON'S PLUMBAGO FACINGS, CALLED INDIA SILVER LEAD. How to Order. One kind works with dry sand and is used as a wash. Another works with green sand and through a shake-bag. Still another with green sand, and is put ou by the brush. Some facings recpaire, for perfect lines, a little dusting of powdered charcoal Some brands will "slick" — others not. So if the foundry superinten- dent will specify the kind of work he uses the facing on, his order can be more per- fectly filled. LEADING KINDS AND PRICES. Description. Use. Price per lb. iu barrel lots. Plumbago Pacing . . Common Work .... $0.03i German Bohemian Lead, Flat Molding . . . .04 Stove Plate, Printing and Copying Press, .06 Light Casting .... .06 Ordinary Job Work . . . .06 Heavy Casting aud Steel Casting . .10 Trade No 660. 659. 604. 618. 619. 621. Ex Ex Plumbago Facing India Silver Lead India Silver Lead X X Plumbago Is, $0.10 In bulk. .12 LAMP BLACK. STAR CERMANTOWN. Assorted. Assorted. £s, Is, £s and £s, is and £s, .14 ' .12 .13 Put up in card-board boxes and paper bags. NO. I. VULCAN. Per pound, Packages extra at cost. DIXON'S AMERICAN FLAKE GRAPHITE, PERFECT LUBRICANT. is 18 per lb. $0 08* ?s«S5e^ No. 630. \ lb. paper cans, $0.10 each. IpKSlBrS?! No - 631- \ " " " . .15 " siiSa rsTxojj's 1 No. 632. 1 " .20 " AMERICA vomer No 633. 5 " tin cans, screw top, I No. 634. 10 " " " " " .85 '• 1.60 " iUBRICA^- No. 644. 25 " boxes, J No. 645. 50 '• .14 per lb .13 " i== ==::: ^ No. 646. 100 " kegs, .12 " Fig. 1175. No. 647. 350 " barrels, .10 " These are the trade numbers of our regular Fhike. If finely pulverized Graph- ie numbers, as No. 2. ite is recpiired, it should be specified, in addition to the tra 1*' m. 'fiWHHHfel For the introduction of pure Flake Graphite into the cylinders of Stationary Engines, we know of no better de- vice than this O.l Pump here illustrated. 328 DIXON'S SILLICA-GRAPHITE PAINT. For Metal or Wood-work, Roofs, Bridges, Telegraph and Trolley Poles, Smoke- stacks, Boiler Fronts and lion Construction Work of Buildings. PACKACES AND PRICES. 10 lbs. in Tin Pail, Thick, Ground in Oil 15 cents per lb 25 " 14 " 50 " Keg, 13i " -] r\r\ a a tc a a 13 " 450 " Barrel, " " " 12 " 5 gals. Keg, Thinned, Beady Mixed . $1.:J0 per gal. 10 1.25 25 " " " 1.20 " 50 1.15 A gallon ready mixed for the brush will cover about 600 square' feet, one coat, on metal surfaces in good condition. For very high heat, and for surfaces,, ex posed to the constant action of water, we recommend Dixon's Ready-Mixed Smoke stack Paint. ASPHALTUNI LIQUID PAINTS IN ALL COLORS. Colors, Nos. 7, 9, 15, 16, 17, 21, 41, Barrels " 7 9, 15, 16, 17, 21, 41. Half Barrels . " " 7 9, 15, 16, 17, 21, 41, in Pails " No. 31, Bright Red, and No. 59, Purple, Barrels " 31, " " 59, " Half Barrels " 31, " " 59, " in Pails ' ' " 2 and 6, Blue and Green, Barrels " 2 and 6, " Half Barrels " " 2 and 6, " in Pads " " 76, Outside White, Barrels '■ "76 " Half Barrels . " " 76, " iu Pails . Per gallon, $0.75 .80 .85 .85 " .90 .95 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.25 1.30 1.35 All other colors (unless otherwise mentioned), at one uniform price, bbls., $1.10; half bis., $1.15; We can recommend these paints to give entire satisfaction and are Al in every respect. Samples sent on application. including No. 76 inside White, pails, $1.20 per garon. WHITE LEAD. In 25, 50 and 100 lb. kegs Market prices. RAILROAD VARNISHES. Per lb., $ Car Inside Finishing, per gallon $ Locomotive Finishing, per gallon $ '• Outside " " " Rubbing, " Rubbing " " "Ebonite," " 3.00 "NONPAREIL" JAPAN. For a Dryer and Gold Size, put up in 1 gallon cans . . Per gallon, $2.25 This is one-third stronger than any other Dryer on the market. Put up in 1 gallon cans RAILWAY COACH JAPAN. 329 Per gallon, $2.25 PATENT WELDLESS COLD-DRAWN STEEL TUBES. Price per Foot in Cents. -Thickness of Walls- Outside diameter, Inches. 3-16 or 18 or 20 W. G. 1-16 or 16 W. G. 15 W. G. 6-64 or 14 W G. 3-32 or 13 W G. 12 W. G. 1 8 or 11 W. G. 10 W. G. 3 16 1-4 5-16 3-8 7-16 ■ 1 2 3 8 30 30 31 32 33 Aori 30 30 31 32 33 35 37 A or f 33 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 43 1.1 or a 34 34 36 38 39 41 43 45 47 55 i 8 36 36 38 40 42 44 47 50 54 68 1 38 38 42 44 46 50 53 58 64 75 1* 41 41 44 47 50 54 58 66 73 87 98 H 44 44 47 50 54 59 64 73 ■ 81 98 109 121 n 47 47 51 54 58 65 70 80 90 108 121 137 148 1* 50 50 54 58 62 72 76 84 100 122 136 154 170 181 if 53 53 57 61 66 76 80 90 107 130 147 167 185 200 If 55 55 60 65 69 79 84 96 114 139 157 ISO 200 216 -'s 58 63 68 73 83 89 101 120 148 169 193 214 233 2 61 66 72 77 87 93 108 125 156 180 206 228 250 2| 72 77 81 92 99 114 133 166 194 220 242 268 2i 77 81 85 96 104 122 141 176 208 233 255 285 2-2 -'s 85 90 107 111 128 148 187 221 248 273 303 aj 89 94 112 118 131 154 198 233 263 290 320 2| 94 98 118 123 138 163 207 245 377 308 338 2J 98 102 120 127 144 171 216 256 391 325 355 3 110 130 137 156 187 233 278 319 356 390 SJ 117 138 144 162 198 242 290 333 371 407 Si 134 145 150 168 304 250 301 347 386 433 31 130 150 156 174 212 259 313 361 4m 441 3* 135 155 101 180 220 267 325 375 416 458 3J 174 198 237 290 350 403 446 493 4 189 214 255 312 375 431 478 527 The above prices are for outside diameters. The bore of Tube can be ascer- tained by deducting thickness of walls from the given outside diameter. These Tubes are round, true to size, and smooth inside and out. The maximum length is 16 feet for sizes up to 3 inches outside diameter, and Tubes can be furnished of any length desired within that figure and without charge for cutting, except on Tubes shorter than 2 feet. In Tubes up to 1| inch outside diameter we can fur- nish 22 gauge at 2 cents per foot ; over 20 gauge and 24 gauge at 6 cents per foot ; over 20 gauge on order. Sizes not in stock it takes ordinarily about 90 days for order and importation. 330 SEAMLESS COPPER TUBING. Outside Diameter. Stubs' Gauge the Standard. Prices in cents per pound. O.G. N.G. i 4 E 3 S 7 i ft A 3 •1 7 S 1 H U 1* 2 2-1 4 4 to 8 3 to 6 26 25 23 22 21 20 20 9 7 27 26 25 23 22 21 20 20 10 8 31 29 28 27 26 25 23 22 21 20 20 11 9 31 29 28 27 26 25 23 22 21 20 20 12 10 35 33 31 29 28 27 26 25 23 22 21 20 20 13 11 35 33 31 29 28 27 26 25 23 32 21 21 21 14 12 39 35 33 31 29 28 27 26 25 23 22 21 21 21 15 13 40 36 34 31 30 29 28 27 26 24 23 22 22 22 16 14 41 37 35 32 31 30 29 28 27 24 23 23 23 23 17 15 42 38 36 33 32 31 30 29 28 25 24 24 24 24 18 16 79 59 44 40 37 34 33 32 30 29 28 26 25 25 25 25 19 17 84 GO 45 41 38 35 34 33 32 31 30 28 27 26 26 26 20 18-19 89 62 47 42' 39 37 36 35 34 33 32 30 29 28 28 28 21 20 94 64 49 44 41 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 30 30 30 22 21 99 69 54 46 42 40 39 38 37 36 35 35 34 32 32 33 23 22 104 74 59 48 44 42 41 40 39 38 37 37 37 35 35 36 24 23 114 79 64 51 46 44 43 42 41 39 38 ' 3S 39 39 39 40 25 24 129 84 69 54 49 47 45 44 43 42 41 42 43 Outside Diameter. O.G. N.G. 2k 2J 3 3| 3£ 3J 4 4± U 4J 5 5± 5i 5J 6 6+ 6.V 6? 7 74. 74 7J 4 to 8 3 to 6 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 9 7 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 10 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 11 9 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 12 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 .38 13 11 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 39 14 13 21 21 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 82 33 34 85 36 38 40 15 13 22 22 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 41 16 14 23 28 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 41 43 17 15 24 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 45 18 16 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 47 19 17 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 49 20 18-19 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 48 44 45 46 47 49 51 21 20 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 22 21 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ■ 41 23 22 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 24 23 40 IRON PIPE SIZES. Si/.es, inches . & i f £ i 1 H ■ U 2 2i 3 3i 4 4j 5 6 Price, per pound, 34 30 27 25 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 21 21 23 25 29 For price of Brass Tubing deduct 3 cents per pound from above lists. Note. — For diameters of the fractional parts of an inch where no price is given, take the column to the left of where such size would appear if designated In ordering, be careful to state whether Tube is wanted O.G. (which is Stubs'), or N.G. (which is Brown & Sharpe's). The above Tubing is in 12-foot lengths. 331 SEAMLESS BRASS TUBINC. for plumbing. This Tubing is made in 11 or 13 feet lengths, not threaded. Outside diameter, in. . . Thickness by Stubs' Gauge No. Prire per lb., cents i 3 i 1 1* n « 2 1o 15 15 14 13 13 13 13 36 .35 .34 .33 .30 .19 .18 .18 Tinning, three cents per pound extra, net. BRAZED BRASS TUBINC. Brown & Sharpe's Gauge the Standard. Outside Diameter Plain Round Tube. f in. and up to 3 in., to No. 19 Gauge, inclusive, per lb. inclusive, Smaller than £ in Special Over 3 in. to 3-Hn., to No. 19 2 in. and up to 3 in. , to No. 19, inclusive, $0.38 Over 3i in. to No. 19, inclusive 3 in. to No. 19, inclusive 40 For Gauges thinner than No. 19, B. & S. Gauge, add to list as follows No 20 31 22 23 24 25 Perlh .02 .04 .06 .08 .12 .16 Thinner than No. 26, B. & S. Gauge, special prices. PRICE LIST OF CUTTING BRAZED TUBINC TO SPECIAL LENGTHS. $0.35 .36 .38 .41 .48 .65 1.00 1.50 $0.45 .50 26 .20 Longer than 12 inches Over 6 inches to 12 inches " 4 " 6 " Add to list as follows : Per lb. lc. Over 2 inches to 4 inches 3c. '* 1 '■■ 2 " 3c. Per lb. 4c. 6c. BRASS ESCUTCHEON PINS. ROUND HEADS. PACKED IN ONE POUND PAPER BOXES. Price in Cents per Pound. luch. 3 i •i 3 8 1 2 I 3 4 7 8 1 1* ii li If 2 10 75 73 72 71. 70 69 68 67 66 65 65 a 11 76 74 73 73 7.1 70 69 68 67 66 66 * 13 77 75 74 73 73 71 70 69 68 67 67 a 1S § 14 78 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 69 69 90 83 80 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 70 70 § 15 95 85 82 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 72 72 72 O 16 100 90 85 83 80 78 76 75 74 74 74 74 75 « 17 110 100 92 89 87 85 83 81 80 80 80 81 82 £ "18 120 110 100 96 94 93 90 90 90 92 92 93 95 ^ 19 135 120 115 110 105 100 100 103 103 103 105 30 155 135 125 120 115 110 110 115 115 31 175 155 145 135 130 130 135 135 22 300 175 160 145 140 IRON ESCUTCHEON PINS, flat or round heads. Price in Cents per Pound. Inch.. 3 Tif i 3 8 i 5 8 3 4 7 8 1 1* li li ii 2 10 29 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 17 17 16 « 11 29 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 17 17 16 1 12 32 38 26 24 23 22 21 19 18 17 17 as 14 34 30 28 26 24 23 22 20 19 19 19 37 33 30 27 24 23 23 21 30 20 20 5 15 44 40 36 32 28 25 24 24 23 33 23 22 O 16 47 42 37 33 29 26 25 25 24 24 24 24 « 17 49 44 39 35 31 28 27 27 26 26 36 26 S 18 52 47 42 37 33 30 29 29 38 28 28 28 fc 19 63 52 47 42 37 3d 35 35 35 35 20 102 83 67 5? 47 42 42 42 42 43 . . . . 21 122 103 87 77 62 57 57 57 22 132 112 97 87 72 72 In ordering Iron or Steel Pins please state if Hard or Soft Pins are required. 332 TABLE OF WEIGHTS OF SHEET COPPER And Thickness by Stubs' or Birmingham Gauge. WEICHT IN POUNDS PER SHEET. Sheets 14 inch x 48 inch to 48 inch x 72 inch. Specific Gravity, 8,608. Weight per cu. ft., 543.6 lbs., Soft Rolled. CoWtT o - 1t? 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When ordering Sheet Copper, always state whether you require Soft or Cold Rolled or "Mirror Finish." °If you require sheets, Tinned on one side or plain on both sides, give length and width desired. Give thickness by weight to square foot, or in parts of an inch, or by gauge ; if by gauge, state whether by Stubs' or Brown & Sharpe's gauge. Where an advance is charged, on account of thickness, quality, or size of sheet, the advance stated in list is to be added to the " Base" price. Sizes of Sheets. 64 oz. and over, 50 lb. sheet,30x60 and heav'r 32 oz. to 64 oz. 25 to 501b. sheet, 30 x 60. 24 oz. to 32 oz. 18'M to 251b.sh.eet, 30 X 60. 16 oz. to 24 oz. 12!* to ISM lb. sheet.80x60 14 oz. and 15 oz. 11 to 12]4 lb. sheet,3Ox60 12 oz. and 10 oz. and 13 oz. 9% to 11 oz. ~H to 111b. 9J6 lb. sheet. EOxfio -1 t .30x60 8oz. and 9 oz.6U 1" TKlb.sb't 30 x 60. "WIDTHS. LENGTHS. CENTS PEE POUND. Notlongerthan72ins. Base Base Base Base 1 2 3 G Not wider Longer than 72 ins. Not longer than 96 ins. Base Base Base Base 1 3 6 9 Longer than 96 ins. Base Base Base Base 2 6 Base Base Base Base 2 4 7 Not longer than 72 ins. 10 Wider than 30 ins. Longer than 72 ins. Not longer than 96 ins. Longer than 96 ins. Not longer than 121) in. Base Base Base Base 2 G 9 but not wider than 36 ins. Base Base Base 1 3 Longer than 120 ins. Base Base 1 Not longer than 72 ins. Base Base 1 2 4 7 10 Wider than 36 ins. but not wider than 48 ins. Longer than 72 ins. Not longer than 96 ins. Base Base 1 3 5 8 Longer than 96 ins. Not longer than 120 in. Base Base 2 4 8 Longer than 120 ins. Base 1 3 Nut longer than 72 ins. Base Base 1 3 G 11 Wider than 48 ins. but nut wider than 60 ins. Longer than 72 ins. Not longer than 96 ins. Base Base 2 4 9 Longer than 96 ins. Nut lunger than 120 in. Base 1 3 (5 Longer than 120 ins. 1 2 4 8 Wider Not longer than 96 i ns. Base 1 3 8 than60ins. but not wider Longer than 96 ins. Not longer than 120 in. Base 2 5 10 than 72 ins. Longer than 120 ins. 1 3 8 Wider than 72 ins. but not wider than 108 in. Not longer than 96 ins. 1 2 3 Longer than 96 ins. Nutlongerthanl20in. 4 7 Longer than 120 ins. 3 5 o Wider tii an Not longer than 132 in. 4 108 ins. Longer than 132 iass. 5 8 1 COPPER CIRCLES, SEGMENTS AND PATTERN SHEETS. 3c. per lb. advance over price of sheets required to cut them from. COLD OR HARD ROLLED COPPER. 14 oz. per square foot, ami heavier, lc. per lb. advance over the above prices. Lighter than 14 oz. per square foot, 2c. per lb. advance over the above prices. STAR BRAND, COLD ROLLED "MIRROR FINISH" COPPER. For Sheets up to and including 20 inches wide, add lc. per lb. to price of Cold Rolled Copper of same thickness. For Sheets wider than 20 inches, add 2c. per lb. to price of Cold Rolled Copper of same thickness. ROUND BOLT COPPER. | inch diameter and over, Base price. \ inch diameter, 2c. lb. advance over Base price. £ and T \- in. diameter, 3c. lb. advance over Base price. Carried in stock in lengths of about 10 feet all sizes from £ to Ik in. diameter, hard draven. 334 Brown & Sharpe's Gauge the Standard. • ROLL AND SHEET BRASS. Prices in Cents per pound. Common) in. IN. IN. IN. IN. IN. IN. IN. IN. IN. IN. IN IN. IN. IN. IN. High ,- Wider than and 2 Brass. ) including . 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 14 16 IS 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 To No. 20. inclusive . .22 .23 .25 .27 .29 .31 .33 .36 .39 .42 .46 .50 .55 .60 .65 Special Nos. 21, 22. 23 and 24 . .22 .24 .26 .28 .30 .32 .34 .37 .40 .43 .47 .51 .56 .61 • 68 JIT „ " 25 and 26 . . . .23 .24A .27 .29 .31 .33 .35 .38 .41 .44 .48 .52 .57 .63 ■>'■ than " 27 and 28 . . . .23 .25 .28 .30 .32 .34 .36 .39 .42 .45 .49 .53 .58 .65 .75 80 cents. Low Brass, 4 cents per lb. more than common High Brass. The terms " High " and " Low " refer to the quality of the Brass and not the temper. Low Brass contains a larger percentage of Copper. Add i cent per 11). additional for each number thinner than Nos. 28 to 38 inclusive. Add 7 cents per lb. for sheets cut to particular lengths, not sawed, of proportionate width. Add for polishing on one side, 40 cents per square foot; on both sides, double this price. Brazins, Spinning and Spring Brass, 1 cent more than common High Brass. Extra Quality Brazing, Spinning and Spring Brass 2 cents more than common High Brass. All segments, pattern sheets and irregular shape b.auks S'lall be charged at a price which will represent actual metal used at full price, accounting for full amount of scrap made at Asso- ciation price, with full cost of labor added. Circles cut from above metal of proportionate width, No. 10 and thinner 6 cents per lb. additional. Circles cut from above metal of proportionate width, thicker than No. 10, 10 cents per lb. additional. All metal heavier than No. 6, B. & S. gauge, listed and charged as sawed metal, whether slit or sawed. HIGH BRASS, BRONZE, AND LOW BRASS RODS. PRICE LIST OF HIGH BRASS ROD. Brown & Sharpe's Gau e the Standard. \ inch to 1 inch diameter, both inclusive, not less than 2 feet lengths . . . Per lb.. No. 8, and less than i inch diameter . " " " " 24c. 26c. 27c. 30c. Over 1 inch diameter . . . . " " " " Smaller than No. 8 to No. 11, inclusive . " " " " Smaller than No. 11, see Wire List. Hexagon, Octagon and Square, 2 cents per pound ad vance over Round Rods. Rods less than 2 ft. lengths, add to above prices for cutting: 12 in. to 24 in. . 2c. 4 in. to 6 in. . 5c. 9 in. to 12 in. . 3c. 2 in. to 4 in 6 in. to 9 in. . 4c. 1 in. to 2 in. . 12c. Shorter than 1 inch, special. fiiLDiNG and Bronze Rods, add to above prices Low Brass Rods, add to above prices We can furnish Round Brass and Bronze Rod up to If in. diam., 18 feet Ions diam., 14 feet long diam., 7 feet long. up to 2j in. diam., 10 feet long ; up to ! 8c. Per lb., 8c. " " 4c. up to 2 in. diam., 8 feet long ; up to 3 in. BRASS AND COPPER WIRE IN COILS. Brown & Sharpe's Gauge. Old English or Loudon Gauge. to „7 P -C n — 5- & 1 2t3 % S3 6 Brown & Sharpe's Gauge. AllNos.toNo. 10 Old En London glish or Gauge. = •&? t 5 1§I C5 u AllNos.toNo 10 AllNos.toNo.12 $0 23 S0 25 $0.27 S0.28 All os- toN'.. 12 No. 10 -=.101o9 '• 12= .109 .23 .25 27 .28 No. 25}— .0169 No. 28 .. .0165 $.35 $0 37 $0.39 $0.43 " 11 " .0907J " 13-" .095 .23) .25} '.27* .28} •' 26 " .0159 " 29 " .0155 .35 .37 .39 .43 " 12 " .0S081 " 14 " .083 .23} .25} .27i .28} '* 27 " .0142 •• 30 '■ .0135 .38 .10 .42 .46 " 13 " .07196 " 15 " .072 .231 .25} .27} .28} '• 28 " .01^6 " 31 ' .012:5 42 .44 .46 .51 " 14 " .00108 " 16 " .065 .231 .25} .27} .28} " 29 " .01125 " 32 ' .0:1 !.", .45 .47 .49 .51 " 15 " .05707 " 17 " .058 .m .25 J .27} .28.! " 30 " .010 " 33 ' .01025 .48 .50 .52 .62 " 16 ' .0.-.082 " 18 " .049 .23} .25} .27} .28} " 31 " .CO) " 35 ' .009 .51 .53 .55 .67 " 17 " .01526 " 181 ".045 .24 .26 .28 .32 " 32 " .008 " 35} ' .0IS£5 .55 .57 .59 .7.3 " 18 " .04C3 " 19 " .042 .24 .26 .28 .32 " 33 " .0071 " 36 ' .0075 .59 .61 .63 .82 " 19 " 036 " 20 " .035 .25 .27 .29 .33 " 34 " .0063 " 37 ' .0065 .64 .66 .68 .95 " 20 " .01196 " 21 " .03 5 .25 .27 .29 .33 " 35 " .0056 " 38 ' .00575 .70 72 .74 1.30 " 21 " .0285 " 22 " .02E5 .26 ^28 .30 .34 " 36 " .005 " 39 ' .005 .76 !~8 .80 1.50 " 21}" .027 " 23 " .027 .27 .29 .31 .35 " 37 " .00445 " 40 ' .0045 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.70 " 22 " .0253 " 24 " .025 .27 .29 .31 .35 " 38 " .004 1.30 1.32 1.34 2 00 " 23 " .0226 " 25 " .023 '.h .30 .32 .36 " 39 " .00353 2.00 2 02 2.04 3.25 " 24 " .0201 " 26 " 0205 30 .32 .34 .38 " 40 " .00314 2.60 2.62 2.64 5.75 •' 25 " .0179 " 27 " .01875 .32 .34 .36 .40 Spring Wire, 2 cents per lb. advance. When ordering Brass Wire, state whether Soft, Hard or Spring Wire is wan'ed. Brass and Copper Wire to No. 21 inclusive, are numbered by Stubs' Gauge. °No. 22 and finer by London Gauge. All orders in which the Gauge is not stated will be tilled accordingly. 335 DOUBLE GALVANIZED TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE WIRE. Of the Highest Electrical Qualities. No. Birming- Diam in inches. Weight in Lbs. per Mile. Put up in Bundles of Approximate Breaking T >, . ii ikK: Strain in Steel? Average Resista , Ohms at 68° E. B. B. E. B. ace in ham Gauge. E. B. B. B. B. 'steel. 4 .225 730 1 tnile. 2,190 2,409 2,701 6.44 7.53 8.90 6 .192 540 1 3 a 1,620 1,782 1,998 8.70 10.19 12.04 8 .162 380 i it 1,140 1,254 1,406 12.37 14.47 17.10 9 .148 320 i a 960 1,056 1,184 14 69 17.19 20.31 10 .135 260 1 2 tt 780 858 962 18.08 21.15 25.00 11 .120 214 1 2 it 642 706 792 21.96 25.70 30.37 12 .105 165 1 2 a 495 545 611 28.48 33.33 39.39 14 .080 96 1 2 a 288 317 355 48.96 57.29 67 71 Price Quoted on Application. The values given in this table are averages of a large number of tests. Tbey are within the limits of the specifications of the Western Union Telegraph Company. Tbe average value of the mile-ohm is 4,700 for E. B. B. wire. The average value of the mile-ohm is 5,500 for B. B. wire. The average value of the mile ohm is 6,500 for Steel wire. HARD-COPPER TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE WIRE. Sizes, Weights and Strengths of Hard-copper Telegraph and Telephone Wire. Resistance in fproximate Size. International ^"J™ 6 *"™ <*au B e of E. B. B. Iron Wire of Equal Resistance. 2 3 4 6 6* 8 9 10 Prices on Application. FOR ELECTRIC WIRES OF ALL KINDS, SEE OUR ELECTRIC CATALOGUE. Number B. & S. Gauge. Diameter in Inches. "Weight in Pounds per Mile. Breaking Strain in Pounds. Internatio Ohms per at 75° F 9 .114 208 653 4.39 10 .102 166 540 5.49 11 .091 132 426 • 6.90 12 .081 105 334 8.70 13 .072 83 274 11.01 14 .064 65 220 13.94 15 .057 52 174 17.57 16 .051 42 139 21.95 IRON AND STEEL WIRE. Bright Market Wire. Annealed Market Wire. Nos. 8 and 9. Annealed Bessemer Steel Wire Coppered Market Wire. Coppered Furniture Sprin Fence Wire. GALVANIZED MARKET WIRE. 0000 to 9 10 and 11 12 13 and 16 Annealed Fence Wire, Bright Charcoal Wire. Wire. Galvanized Numbers Per lb. . Numbers Per lb. . Numbers Per lb. $0.10 to 9 $0.15 .11 .Hi • 12£ 15 and 16 .14 17 .15 TINNED WIRE. 10 and 11 12 io 14 15 and 16 STRAIGHTENING . 00000 to 5 $0.01 .16 .17 AND CUTTINC .171 17 .18 18 .16 18 18* 6 to 9 .02 Cut into lengths under 20 ins , per lb., 336 WIRE TO LENGTHS. 10 and 11 12 to 16 17 to 20 .03 .04 .05 Cut into lengths over 20 ins., per lb IMPERIAL" ALL ASBESTOS PIPE COVERINGS. Fig. 1177. Fig. 1178. Fig. 1179. Fig. 1180. PRICE LIST OF ' COVERING. Sizes. CoT'g Ells. Tees. Valves. s zes. Cov'g. Ells. Tees. Valves. i to J inch, $f .22 $0.23 $0.30 $0.30 4* inch, $0.50 $0.57 $0.76 $0.76 I to li " !25 .25 .32 .32 5" 1 1 .55 .65 .88 .88 H .27 .27 .35 .35 6 < t .61 .72 1.00 1.00 2 " .29 .29 .40 .40 7 tl .69 .82 1.15 1.15 2i .33 .35 .45 .45 8 < t .77 .95 1 30 1.30 3" .37 .40 .50 .50 9 i c .88 1.10 1.50 1.50 3* .41 .45 .58 .58 10 1 1 1.00 1.25 1.75 1.75 4" .46 .50 .GO .66 12 11 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.00 The covering and fittings staples being supplied with asbestos felt, -wive stitched at ASBESTOS are furnished read}' for application, a sufficient quantity of small each shipment. It is made of successive layers of pure indented tlie edges and covered with a heavy canvas jacket. MAGNESIA MOULDED COVERING. Fig. 1181. Fig. 1182. Fig. 1183. This covering is made of asbestos fibre and other light non-conductive materials. It is very strong, is absolutely fire-proof and is adapted for highest steam pressure. It will not crack and is made to fit pipes of all diameters from one-half inch upward. The fittings are furnished of the same materials and fit perfectly. It can be easily applied to hot or cold pipes by any prac- tical man. We always send with this covering sufficient metal bauds to fasten it securely. PRICE LIST OF ASBESTOS MAGNESIA MOULDED COVERING. Sizes Cov'g. Ells. i to J inch, $0.20 $0.24 i to H " - 31 - 24 li- " .23 .24 2" " .26 .27 2i " .29 .29 3" " .32 .32 3i " .35 .35 4" " .38 .38 "EUREKA" PIPE COVERING. For all low pressure steam pipes and hot water pipes, ||| filling all requirements. \ It is made of wool felt and ^ asbestos. Fittings take same list as W. B. Covering. Tees $0.27 .30 .33 .36 .39 .45 .50 .55 Valves. $0.20 22 24 27 39 45 50 55 Sizes. 4i inch, 5" " 6 " 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 " 12 ." Cov'g. Ells. Tees. Valves $0.43 $0.43 $0.61 $0.61 .49 .49 .67 .67 .56 .56 .73 .73 .64 .64 .82 .82 .70 .70 .91 .91 .77 .77 1.03 1.03 .85 .85 1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.30 B. PIPE COVERING. Is composed of consecu- tive layers of asbestos about the pipe. Outside of this the wool felt with a canvas cover or jacket. 1 H 2 01 3 U 4" Sizes, to J inch, to H " Cov'g. $0.20 .23 .25 .27 .30 .34 .42 Sizes, inch, £ to J, Cov'g, per ft. $0.18 PRICE Ells. $0.25 .25 .25 .27 .30 .34 .38 .42 PRICE 1 to li, .20 LIST Tees. $0.27 .30 .33 .3S .43 .49 .56 .64 LIST OF ' H, 2, 2i, .22 .24 .27 Fig. 1184 OF "W. Valves. $0.25 B Sizes . ii inch, COVERING. Cov'g. $0.46 Ells. £0.40 .50 5 " .50 .33 6 " .58 .58 .38 7 " .6") .65 .43 8 " .72 .72 .49 9 " .80 .80 .56 10 " .89 .89 .64 12 " 1.00 1.00 "EUREKA" COVERING. 3, 3i, 4, 4i, 5, 0, 7, .31 .35 .39 .43 .47 .53 .60 337 .65 Ters. $0.72 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.35 1.50 , 9, .70 Valves. $0.72 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.35 1.50 10, .77 12, .85 V ^k STANDARD STEAM, CAS AND WATER PIPE. BLACK AND GALVANIZED. Adopted February 15, 1900. Size inside diameter X 8 l 4 3 8 h 3 4 1 1-1 li Price, per foot $0.05* .05* .05* .08*. .11* .16* .22* 27 Thickness .068 .088 .091 .109 .113 .134 .140 .1-15 Nominal weight, per foot 0.24 0.42 0.56 0.84 1.12 1.67 2.24 2.68 Number of threads 27 18 18 14 14 11* Hi 11* Size inside diameter 2 2* 3 3* 4 4* 5 Price, per foot $0.36 .57| .75* .95 1.08 1.30 1.45 Thickness .... .154 .204 .217 .226 .237 .246 .259 Nominal weight, per foot . 3.61 5.74 7.54 9.00 10.66 12.49 14.50 Number of threads Hi 8 8 8 8 8 8 Size, inside diameter . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Price, per foot $1.88 2.35 2.82 3.40 4.25 4.75 5.20 Thickness .... .280 .301 .322 .344 .366 .375 .375 Nominal weight, per foot . 18.76 23.27 28.18 33.70 40.00 45.00 49.00 Number of threads TTnl*saa nf.ViAvroiaA nrr Avorl 1VI 8 av»lr -nir 8 »a run 8 rlnm li 8 }no-r.lis_ 8 8 f.Virftn.rls 8 mi m couplings will be shipped. For cut lengths an extra charge will be made above random lengths. For pipe smoothed on the inside, known as plugged and reamed, an extra charge will be made above regular pipe. For galvanized pipe an extra charge will be made above black. For asphalted pipe an extra charge will be made above black. EXTRA STRONG STEAM, CAS AND WATER PIPE. Size, inches i i 3 S * 3 4 1 11 1* 2 Actual outside diameter . .405 .540 .675 .840 1.05 1.315 1.66 1.90 2.375 Nominal inside diameter .205 .294 .421 .542 .736 .951 1.272 1.494 1.933 Thickness .100 .123 .127 .149 .157 .182 .194 .203 .221 Nominal weight, per foot .29 .54 .74 1.09 1.39 2.17 3.00 3.63 5.02 Price, per foot . $0.11 .11 .11 .12 .15 .22 .30 .36 .50 Size, inches 2* 3 3J 4 *i 5 6 7 8 Actual outside diameter . . 2.875 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.563 6.625 7.625 8.625 Nominal inside diameter . 2.315 2.892 3.358 3.818 4.280 4.813 5.750 6.625 7.625 Thickness .283 .304 .321 .341' .360 .375 .437 500 .500 Nominal weight, per foot 7.67 10.25 12.47 14.97 18.22 20.54 28.58 37.67 43.00 Price, per foot $0.81 1.05 1 33 1.50 1.95 2.16 2.90 3.80 4.30 Extra Strong Pipe will be shipped in random lengths and plain ends unless otherwise ordered. For pipe fitted with threads and couplings an extra charge will be made above regular. For cut lengths an extra charge will be made above random lengths. For galvanized or asphalted an extra charge will be made above black. 338 DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. Size, Inches . ^ 3 4 l 1| 1* 2 2* 3 Actual Outside Diameter .84 1.05 1.315 1.66 1.90 2.375 2.875 3.50 Nominal Inside Diameter .244 .422 .587 .885 1.088 1.491 1.755 2.284 Thickness .298 '.314 .364 .388 .406 .442 .560 .608 Nominal Weight, per foot . 1.70 2.44 3.65 5.20 6.40 9.02 13.68 18.56 Price, per foot . $0.25 .30 .37 .52 .65 .95 1.37 1.92 Size, Inches . Q 3} 4 4* 5 6 7 8 Actual Outside Diameter 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.563 6.625 7.625 8.625 Nominal Inside Diameter 2.716 3.136 3.564 4.063 4.875 5.875 6.875 Thickness .... .642 .682 .718 .75 .875 .875 .875 Nominal Weight, per foot . 22.75 27.48 32.53 38.12 53.11 62.38 71.62 Price, per foot $2.45 2.85 3.30 3.80 5.30 6.25 7.20 Double Extra Strong 1 J ipe will be shi sped in random lengths an d plain ends unless other- wise ordered. For pipe tilted with threads and couplings an extra charge will be made above regular. For cutting lengths an extra charge will be made above random lengths. For gal- vanized or asphalted an extra charge will be made above black. ARCH PIPES. Price per lb., $ , WATER GRATES. Price per lb., f SAFE ENDS. Schedule of Net Prices for Each Safe End. DRY PIPES. Price per lb., $ Outside Thickness 1 Lengt i m Inches. — i Diameter, B'g'm 6 and ij. 8 9 10 11 12 Indies. wTg. Under. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. ( 12 14 164 18} 20} 33 251 27* 1 to If Ul 151 17* 19} 23 24| 36* 28} Inclusive. (10 iej 18| 21 234, 35} 27} 30 (12 - 11 13 15 17 19 31 33 25 2 14 16 18 20 22 34 26 (10 15 17 19 21 23 35 27 (12 14 16i 18* 20} 23 351: 27* 2- Is 15j 17* 19} 32 244 26* 28i 16* 181 21 334 35} 27} 30 15 16 18} 21 33* 26 28* 31 2^ 18 20* 23 25* 28 30} 33 ( 11 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 2} &3 ho 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 i'S 22 254, 28} 31} 35 381 41* H 25+ 38} 31} 35 381 41* 41} \ 10 25 28* 32 35} 39 42* 46 3} ( 9 m 32" 35} 39" 42} 46" 49* S 10 27 30| 34* 38i 42 45} 49* m \ 9 30} 34* 384 42 45} 49* 534, ( 9 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 4 I 8 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 ( 9 32 36* 41 45* 50 54* 59 4* 1 3 36} 41" 45* 50" 54} 59" 63} i 8 ( 7 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 5 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 ( 7 45 51 57 63 69 75 81 6 1 * 1 6 51 57 63 69 75 81 87 THREADING STAY TUBES. For Threading 2} inches and smaller tubes, for a length up to 3 inches, 12 cents per em\. For Threading 3 to 5 inches, inclusive, tubes, for a length up to 3 inches, 20 cents , er end. Longer threads in same proportion. 339 STANDARD LAP-WELDED BOILER TUBES. Outside Diameter, . . Inches, 1 l£ 1\ If' 2 2| 2£ Price, . . . per Foot, $0.30 .28 .27 .22 .20 .24 .28 Thickness, . . . Inches, .095 .095 .095 0.95 .095 .095 .109 Thickness nearest B. W. G., . . 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 Nominal Weight, . per Foot, .90 1.15 1.40 1.66 1.91 2.16 2.75 Outside Diameter, . Inches, 2f 3 3| 2>\ 3f 4 4| Price, . . . per Foot, $0.34 .35 .40 .44 .50 .55 .63 Thickness, . . Inches, .109 .109 .120 .120 .120 .134 .134 Thickness nearest B. W. G., . . 12 .12 .11 .11 .11 .10 .10 Nominal Weight, . per Foot, 3.04 3.33 3.96 4.28 4.60 5.47 6.17 Outside Diameter, . . Inches, 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price, . . . per Foot, $0.75 1.00 120 1.50 1.70 2.10 2.90 Thickness, . . . Inches, .148 .165 .165 .165 .180 .203 .229 Thickness nearest B. W. G., . . 9 8 8 8 7 6 4£ Nominal Weight, . per Foot, 7.58 10.16 1190 13.65 16.76 21.00 28 50 The above prices are for Tubes up to 22 feet long — for tubes in excess of that length, ten per cent, will be added to net of invoice. EXTRA WIRE GAUCE BOILER TUBES. For extra wire gauge boiler tubes, away from standard not exceeding four wire gauges, one cent for each inch in diameter of tube for each additional gauge will be charged and added to net of invoice. Tubes more than four wire gauges heavier than standard will be charged by the pound the same as plain end stay tubes, arch pipes, dry pipes and water grates. SWELLINC ENDS OF BOILER TUBES UP TO 1-4 INCH LARGER IN DIAMETER. Net Pricks foe .Any Quantity. 2 in. 2|in. 2| in. 2f in. Sin. 3j in. 3^ in. 3fin. 4 in. Per end, . $0.05 .05 .08 .08 .08 .10 .10 .10 .10 External Diam. in inches. UPSETTINC ENDS OF BOILER STAY TUBES. It 1 a ~\1 2 21 2 1 2S 2 L 23. 2i 3 3 J- 3i 32 4 4-L 4i 42 x 2 ^4 1 S "' ~'H -4 "'S "2 ~'4 "8 ° °1 °2 °4 * *4 *2 *? P " C in P tiiick d ' $ " 52 - 54 - 58 - 60 - 66 - 75 - 80 - 90 ' 96 1 - 05 115 Price per_ end, _ m M AQ _ 4g ^ _ gl _ G0 _ 69 _ 7g _ 7g _ gl _ 90 9( , 10g tQ ~ 1 n 1 2Q 13g 1 gQ Price per end, g4 36 36 AQ u A7 g g _ 6g _ ?0 _ 73 76 _ gg 9Q _ 9g j Qg j n 1 2Q x 3g 15Q T 5 j m. thick. CJpsetting Tubes over -f-% inch thick, same price as T 6 ¥ inch thick. When the length of the Upset exceeds 2| inches, add 20 cents to the list for every J inch of extra length. "DIAMOND LOCOMOTIVE" BRAND BOILER TUBES. SOLID DRAWN CHARCOAL HAMMERED IRON. Outside Diameter, . Inches, Standard Gauge for this Brand, . Price . . . Per Foot, Outside Diameter, . Inches, Standard Gauge for this Brand, . Price . . . Per Foot, "SALAMANDER" BRAND takes same list of prices, sizes, etc., as the '-Dia- mond Locomotive" Brand. 340 1 H n If 2 2± 13 13 13 12 12 12 $0.38 .36 .34 .32 .32 .35 2i 2f 3 H 3* 3f 4 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 $0.38 .42 .45 .51 .58 .64 .72 PURE SHEET COPPER SEAMLESS BOILER TUBE FERRULES. Fist. 1185. Fig. 1186. PRICE LIST PER HUNDRED OF PURE SHEET COPPER SEAMLESS BOILER TUBE FERRULES WITHOUT FLANCE. Inside iameter. 1 in. Widih. i I 8 { 1 $5.00 ' 5.50 3 7.00 7.50 — Thickness i 9.00 9.50 of Copper ft 10.50 11.00 3 12.00 12.50 7 13.00 13.50 1 14.00 14.50 11 in. 1 2 £ 8 6.00 6.50 8 00 8.50 10.00 10.50 11.50 12.00 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 liin. 1 I 8 6.50 7..00 8.50 9.00 10.50 11.00 12.00 12.50 13.50 14.00 14.50 15 00 15.50 16.00 If in. 1 2 1 ;j 4 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.00 9.50 10.00 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.00 16.50 17.U0 liin. 1 i s 1 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.50 10.50 . 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.50 12.50 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.50 14.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 15.00 16.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.50 17.50 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.50 18.50 16.50 17.00 17.50 18.50 19.50 2 in. 1 1 a ■A A 1 8 1 8.00 8.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 10.00 10.50 11.00 12.00 13.00 12.00 12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.50 16.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 17.00 18.00 16.00 16.50 17.00 18.00 19.00 17.00 17.50 18.00 19.00 20.00 2|in. 8 3 4 1 10.50 11.00 12.00 13.00 12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 14.50 15.00 16.00 17.00 16.00 16.50 17.50 18.50 17.50 18.00 19.00 20.00 18.50 19.00 20.00 21.00 19.50 20.00 21.00 22.00 2i in. 1 12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 14.50 15.00 16.00 17.00 16.50 17.00 18.00 19.00 18.00 18.50 19.50 20.50 19.50 20.00 21.00 22.00 20.50 21.00 22.00 23.00 21.50 22.00 23.00 24.00 3 in. 3 I s 16.00 17.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 20.00 21.00. 22.00 21.50 22.50 23.50 23.00 24.00 25.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 2b. 00 27.00 3i in. t 8 1 19.00 20.00 21.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 24.50 25.50 26.50 26.00 27.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 28.00 29.00 30.00 3i in. 3 1 8 1 22.00 23.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 26 00 27.00 28.00 27.50 28.50 29.50 29.00 30.00 31.00 30.00 31 00 32.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 4 in. 7 8 1 l.T 27.00 28.00 29.00 29.00 30 00 31.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 32.50 33.50 34.50 34.00 35.00 36.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 36.00 37.00 38.00 For price of Flanged Ferrules add $2.00 per 1,000. Price quoted per lb. on application. 341 SPIRAL RIVETED PIPE. Cat shows Plain Ends. Fig. 1187. NO. 26. BIRMINGHAM WIRE CAUCE, THICKNESS, .018 Price Per Lineal Foot, Plain or Crimped End. INCH. Diameter. 3 inch 4 » 5 " 6 " Black. Dipped in Coal Tar and Asphalt. Galvanized. Approximate Weight Per 100 Feet. $0.17 $0.20 $0.25 90 lbs. .21 .25 .33 115 " .25 :v.30 .40 140 " .28 .34 .46 165 " NO. 24. BIRMINCHAM WIRE CAUCE, THICKNESS, .022 INCH. Price Per Lineal Foot, With Plain or Crimped End, or with Sleeve for Slip-Joint. Iuches. Black. 3 . 4 .25 5 .30 6 .33 7 .37 8 • . .42 9 .48 10 .54 11 .60 12 .68 No. 26 and No. 24 G NO. 22. E SIRMI NCHAM \ Asphalted. $0.23 .29 .35 .39 .44 .50 .57 .64 .71 .80 Galvanized. $0.30 .38 .45 .50 .60 .65 .75 .85 .90 1.05 Approximate Weight Per 100 Feet. 100 lbs. 130 " 160 " 185 " 210 " 240 " 280 " 300 " 330 " 400 " NCH. 24 Gauge in lengths of 10 feet and less E CAUCE, THICKNESS, .028 Price Per Lineal Foot, With Plain or Crimped End, or with Sleeve for Slip-Joint 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L 12 13 14 No. 22 Gauge in lengths of 20 feet and less. The above approximate weights are for black pipe onh% and intended as guides for estimating freight charges; galvanized or asphalted pipe, same gauge and diameter, is from 20 to 30 per cent, heavier. In ordering pipe, the margin of safety should be at least one-half or two-thirds of the bursting pressure. 342 Approximate Weight Per IGOFeet Blaok. Asphalted. Galvanized. iiO 24 $0.a7 $0.32 130 lbs .30 .34 .43 160 " .37 .42 .53 200 " .40 .16 .60 230 " .45 .52 .65 260 " .53 .61 75 300 " .60 .69 ■ .90 340 " .65 .75 1.00 380 " .70 .81 1.10 420 '• .82 .94 1.25 490 " .90 1.03 1.35 5 JO " 1.00 1.14 1.45 575 " SPIRAL RIVETED PIPE. Fig. 1188. niiMIMi^ il i M ^iiVfiVitt&itiiiii \ h Cut Shows Crimped Enb. NO. 20, BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAUGE. THICKNESS, .035 INCH. Price per Lineal Foot. With Plain or Crimped End, or with Sleeve for Slip- Joint. Approximate Bursting Pres. in Lbs. Per Sq. Inch. 900 lbs. 700 '■ 550 " 450 " 400 " 350 " 325 " 275 " 250 " 225 " 210 " 200 " 190 " 160 '• 150 " 140 " 1*5 " 110 " The above approximate weights are for black pipe only, and intended as guides for esti- mating freight charges; galvanized or asphalted pipe, same gauge and d ameter, is from 20 to 30 per cent, heavier. NO. 18, BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAUGE. THICKNESS, .049 INCH. Price per Lineal Foot. With Plain or Crimped End, or with Sleeve for Slip-Joint. Approximate Bursting Pres. in Lbs. Per Sq. Inch. Diameter in Inches. Black. Asphalted. Galvanized Weight. Per 100 Feet 3 $0.27 $0.30 $0.38 150 lbs 4 .35 .39 .48 200 " 5 .40 .45 .60 250 " 6 .46 .52 .68 300 " 7 .51 .58 .75 325 " 8 .58 .66 .85 360 " 9 .66 .75 .97 410 " 10 .72 .82 1.05 5u0 " 11 .78 .89 1.20 550 " 12 .90 1.02 1.35 600 " 13 1.00 1.13 1.50 650 " 14 1.10 1.24 1 60 700 " 15 1.20 1.35 1.75 750 " 16 1.30 1.46 1.85 800 " 18 1.40 1.58 2.05 900 " 20 1.60 1.80 2.30 960 " 22 1.80 2.02 2.55 1040 " 24 1.95 2.19 2.85 1150 " Diameter In Inches. Black. Asphalted. Galvanized . Approximate Weight Per 100 Feet. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 W.34 .42 .50 .57 .63 .73 .82 .90 .95 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.60 1.75 2 00 2.20 2.40 K>.37 .46 .55 .63 .70 .81 .91 1.00 1.06 1.27 1.38 1.49 1.65 1.76 1.93 *.20 2.42 2 64 $0.46 .58 .70 .85 .90 05 18 30 40 65 80 95 2.10 2 25 2.55 2.90 3 10 3 35 185 lbs. 245 " 300 " 360 " 400 " 460 " 525 " 575 " 625 " 750 " 800 " .900 " 950 " 1000 " 1125 " 1250 " 1350 " 1460 " 1300 lbs. 1000 800 700 600 500 450 400 360 330 300 280 260 250 220 200 180 160 The above approximate weights are for black pipe ouly, and intended as guides for esti- mating freight charges ; galvanized or asphalted pipe, same gauge and diameter, is from 10 to °0per = centriieav.er. All the above in lengths of 2~> feet and less, black or asphalted, and of 20 f P t and less o-alvanized. Each length tested to service required. 343 SPIRAL RIVETED PIPE. Cut Shows Crimped End Pipe with Lugs. Foe Wiring Lugs, Extra Price. Fig. 1189. INCH. ice per Lineal Foot. With Plain or Crimped End, or with Sleeve for Slip- Joint. Diameter In Inches Black. Asphalted. Galvanized. Approximate Weight Per 100 Feet. Approximate Bursting Pres. in Lbs. Per 8q. Inch. 4 $0.50 $0.54 $0.70 320 lbs. ■ 1250 lbs. 5 .60 .65 .85 415 a 1000 it 6 .70 .76 1.00 500 a 800 a 7 .80 .87 1.10 550 a 700 1 1 8 .93 1.01 1.28 650 a 600 t* 9 1.08 1.17 1.47 750 a 550 a 10 1.15 1.25 1.55 800 a 500 a 11 1.20 1.31 1.70 850 i i 450 a 12 1.45 1.57 2.05 1025 a 400 a. 13 1.55 1.68 2.15 1100 i i 380 a 14 1.70 1.84 2.40 1200 a 360 a 15 1.85 2.00 2.60 1300 a 330 a 16 2.00 2.16 2.75 1375 a 300 t ; 18 2.20 2.38 3.10 1550 a 280 a 20 2.45 2.65 3.40 1675 a 250 1 1 22 2.80 3.02 3.90 1825 a 230 a 24 3.00 3.24 4.30 2000 a 210 t i NO. 14, BIRMINGHAM WIRE CAUCE. THICKNESS, .083 INCH. Price per Lineal Foot. With Plain or Crimped End, or with Sleeve for Siip-Joint. Approximate Bursting Pres. in Lbs PerSq. Inch. 1100 lbs. 950 " 825 " 750 " 650 " 600 " 550 " 500 " 470 " 450 " 400 " 370 " 325 " 300 " 275 " The above approximate weights are for black pipe only, and intended as guides for esti- mating freight charges ; galvanized or asphalted pipe, same gauge and diameter, is from 10 to 20 per cent, heavier. All the above in lengths of 25 feet and less, black or asphalted, and of 20 feet and less galvanized. Each length tested to service required. Diameter In Inches. Black. Asphalted. Galvanized. Approximate Weight Per 100 Feet. 6 $0.89 $0.95 $1.15 610 lbs. 7 1.02 1.09 1.35 700 " 8 1.15 1.23 1.50 825 " 9 1.32 1.41 1.70 925 " 10 1.40 1.50 1.80 1025 " 11 1.50 1.61 1.95 1125 " 12 1.80 1.92 2.35 1325 " 13 1.90 2.03 2.50 1125 " 14 2.10 2.24 2.70 1560 " 15 2.25 2.40 2.90 1680 " 16 2.40 2.56 3.15 1790 " 18 2.75 2.93 3.60 2000 " 20 310 3.30 4.00 2200 " 22 3.40 • 3.62 4.55 2400 " 24 3.70 3.94 4 85 2620 " Black WROUGHT IRON LUCS FOR SLIP-JOINTS. 15 cents each. Galvanized 344 18 cents each. SPIRAL RIVETED PIPE. NO. Fig. 1190. 12, BIRMINGHAM WIRE CAUCE. Cut Shows Sleeve for Slip Joint. When sleeves are furnished, same are included in lineal measurement of pipe. THICKNESS, .109 INCH. Price per Lineal Foot. With Plain or Crimped End, or with Sleeve for Slip- Joint. Diameter in Inches. Black. 6 $1.25 7 1.40 8 1.55 9 1.70 10 1.90 11 2.25 12 2.50 13 2.70 14 2.90 15 3.10 16 3.25 18 3.60 20 4.00 22 4.35 24 4.70 Asphalted. $1.31 1.47 1.63 1.79 2.00 2.36 2.62 2.83 3.04 3.25 3.41 3.78 4.20 4.57 4.94 Galvanized. $1.90 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.70 5.25 5.75 6.25 Approximate Weight Per 100 Feet. 800 lbs. 910 " 1040 " 1180 " 1300 " 1425 " 1700 " 1810 " 2010 " 2165 " 2310 " 2570 " 2830 " 3090' " 3380 " Approximate Bursting Pres. in Lbs. Per Sq. Inch. 1330 lbs. 1140 " 1000 " 880 " 800 " 725 " 660 " 615 " 570 " 530 " 500 " 440 " 400 " 365 " 335 " The above approximate weights are for black pipe only, and intended as guides for esti- mating freight charges ; galvanized or asphalted pipe, same gauge and diameter, is from 10 to 20 per cent, heav er. Iu lengths of 25 feet and less, black or asphalted, and of 20 feet and less galvanized. Each length, tested to service required. BOLTED JOINT. FOR SPIRAL RIVETED PIPE. Roots' Bolted Joint is recommended for use where the pressure is excessive, as it admits of making a perfectly tight joint by means of the rub- ber packing " C," and without the annoyance con- nected with lead-caulking. By its use one or more lengths of pipe can be taken out and replaced with- out disturbing the balance of the line, and if neces- sary the whole line can be moved and the same pipe and joints be used again, an operation not possible with leaded joints. A u A Fig. 1191. Price. 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 iches. $1.15 1.40 1.70 2.10 2.50 3.25 4.00 4.75 5.50 Approximate Weight. Diameter. 8 lbs. 12 inches 11 " 13 it 14 " 14 ti 17 " 15 it 20 " 16 t( 25 " 18 a. 30 " 20 a 36 " 22 6£ 45 " 24 CC Price Approximate Weight $6.00 50 lbs. 6.50 55 ' 7.25 60 £ 8.00 65 i 8.50 70 c 10.00 80 11.50 90 I 12.50 105 t 13.50 120 i 345 DOUBLE GALVANIZED SPIRAL RIVETED FLANCED PRESSURE PIPE. Made of galvanized iron and regalvanized after formation, thereby making all seams and laps perfectly solid. EachleDgth tested to 150 pounds Hydrostatic Pressure, suitable for Fig. 1192. EXHAUST STEAM, EXHAUST-STEAM HEATING, PUMP SUCTION, PUMP COLUMN, COMPRESSED AIR, REFRIGERATING PIPE, ETC. Approximate Inside Diam. in Inches. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 34 Price Per Lineal Foot, Including Flanges. $0 50 .70 1.00 1.30 1.40 1.70 3.00 3.60 2.85 3.15 3.60 4.00 4 40 5.15 6.40 7.95 10.00 12 00 Thickness B. W. G No. 20 No. 18 No. 16 No. 14 No. 13 Approximate Weight, Per Foot. 21 lbs. Bursting Pres. in Lbs. Per Square In 9u0 lbs. 3 i i 700 '' 4 a 550 " 5 a 700 " 6 a 600 " 7 1 1 500 " 8 a 450 " 11 a 500 " 12 i c 450 " 14 i c 400 " 15 it 380 " 20 a 470 " 32 i t 450 " 24 a 400 " 29 i i 370 " 34 a 325 " 40 c- 365 " 50 It 335 " In lengths of 20 feet and less. Pipe and Fittings gotten out to specifications and drawings when desired. Where lengths required are all 5 feet or less, they are charged as being 5 feet each. CALVANIZED CAST AND WROUGHT IRON FITTINGS. FOR SPIRAL RIVETED FLANCED PIPE. Insidf j .Reducing Reducing Diamet r. 90° Elbows. 45° Elbows. Return Bends. Tees. Tees. Y-Branches. Y-Brauches 3 inch $1.60 $1.60 st 3. 30 $2 75 $3.00 $4.40 $4.85 4 ' 3.10 3.10 4 30 3.25 3.60 5 30 5.70 5 ' 3.85 3.85 5.70 4 40 4 85 7.00 7.70 6 ' 4.10 4 10 8 30 5 70 6.30 9.10 10.00 7 ' 5 10 5.10 10.30 7.30 8 05 11.70 13.90 8 ' 6.70 6.70 13.40 9.80 10.80 15.70 17.35 9 ' 9.00 9.00 18.00 13 80 15.20 30.10 22.10 10 ' .10.00 10.00 30.00 17.60 19.35 28 10 31.00 11 ' 13 00 13.00 36.00 20.00 22 00 33.00 35.20 12 ' 15.80 15.80 31.60 22.50 24.75 36.00 39.60 13 ' 19.15 19.15 38 30 25.00 37.50 40.00 44.00 14 ' 32-30 22 30 44.60 30. 50 33.50 48.80 53.70 15 ' 36.00 26.00 52.00 37.00 40.70 59.30 65.10 16 ' 30.00 30.00 60.00 44 00 48 40 70.40 77.45 18 ' 34.00 34.00 68.00 50.00 55.00 80 00 88.00 20 ' 38.50 38.50 77.00 56.00 61.60 89.60 98 60 33 ' 43 00 42.00 84.00 60.00 66.00 96.00 105.60 24 ' 45.00 45.00 90.00 70.00 77.00 113.00 123.a0 346 GALVANIZED CAST AND WROUGHT IRON FITTINGS. FOR SPIRAL RIVETED FLANGED PIPE. Inside Double Diameter. Crosses. Reducers. Flanges. Disks. Bolts. Gaskets. Elbows. 3 inch $4.15 $ . . $0.39 $0.45 $0.04 $0.09 $3.00 4 " 5.30 3.00 .53 .65 .04 .10 3.60 5 " 6.70 3.50 .65 .78 .04 .12 4.85 6 " 8.00 4.75 .78 1.17 .04* .16 6.30 7 " 11.00 5.50 1.04 1.56 .04} .18 8.05 8 " 14.35 6.50 1.17 1.83 .04.1 .33 10.80 9 " 18.80 8.00 1.56 2.34 .04j .31 15.30 10 " 34.50 10.35 1.83 3.47 .041 .40 19.35 11 " 36.50 13.00 1.95 3.25 .04! .45 22.00 13 " 30.00 13.00 3.08 3.90 .041 .50 24.75 13 " 33.50 14.60 3.34 4.55 .041 .56 37.50 14 " 38.00 16.50 3.60 5.46 .05 .63 . 33.50 15 " 45.00 18.40 3.13 5.98 .05 .75 40.70 16 " 53.00 31.30 4.43 6.76 .05 .90 48.40 18 " 59.00 36.00 5.07 9.10 .05* 1.08 55.00 30 " 67.00 39.40 5.59 11.70 .05* 1.35 61.60 33 " 77.00 33.00 9.10 14,30 .051 1.75 66.00 31 " 87.00 37.00 9.75 16.90 .05J 2.00 77.00 BLACK CAST AND WROUGHT IRON FITTINCS. FOR SPIRAL RIVETED FLANGED PIPE. Inside 90° 45° Return Reducing Reducing Diameter. Elbows. Elbows. 3ends. Tees. Tees. Y-Branches. Y-Branches. 3 inch $1.35 $1.35 if 2.50 $1.95 3*2.15 $3.10 $3.40 4 " 1.50 1.50 3.00 2.20 3.40 3.50 3 85 5 " 2.00 2.00 4.00 3.10 3.40 5.00 5.50 6 " 3.90 2.90 5.80 3.90 4.30 6.35 6.90 7 " 3.50 3.50 7.00 5.00 5.50 8.00 8.80 8 '■ 4.50 4.50 9.00 6.60 7.25 10.50 11.50 9 " 6.30 6.30 12.40 9.25 10.15 14.80 16.30 10 " 6.80 6.80 13.60 11.50 12.65 18.40 30.25 11 •' 8.75 8.75 17.50 14.00 15.40 22.40 34.65 12 ' 10.50 10.50 21.00 15.00 16.50 34.00 36.40 13 " 13.00 12.00 24.00 16.50 18.15 26.40 29.00 14 " 13.50 13.50 27.00 18.60 20.50 29.75 32.70 15 " 15.00 15.00 30.00 22.00 24.20 35.20 38.70 16 " 17.00 17.00 34.00 25.00 27.50 40.00 44.00 18 " 30.00 20.00 40.00 39.00 31.90 46.40 51.00 20 " 23.00 23.(0 46.00 34.00 37.40 54.40 59.80 22 '• 26.00 26.00 53.00 39.00 43.00 63.40 68.60 24 " 30.00 30.00 60.00 45.00 49.50 73.00 79.20 Inside Double Diameter. Crosses. Reducei s. Flanges. Disks. Bolts. Gaskets. Elbows. 3 inch $3.00 $ . . $0.34 $0.38 $0.02* 80.09 S2.15 4 " 3.70 2.00 .33 .40 .034 .10 2.40 5 " 4.80 2.40 .40 .48 .03i .13 3.40 6 " 5.70 3.25 .48 .73 .03" .16 4.30 7 " 7.70 4.00 .64 .96 .03 .18 5.50 8 " 9.80 4.75 .73 1.13 .03 .33 7.25 9 " 13.00 5.50 .96 1.44 .03 .31 10.15 10 " 16.50 7.00 1.13 1.63 .03 .40 12.65 11 " 19.00 8.00 1.20 3.00 .03 .45 15.40 12 " 21.00 9.00 1.28 2.40 .03 .50 16.50 13 " 24.00 9.75 1.44 3.80 .03 .56 18.15 14 •' 27.00 11 00 1.60 3.36 .03* .63 20.50 15 " 31.00 12.25 1.92 3.68 .03} .75 24.20 16 '■ 34.50 14.20 2.72 4.16 .03J .90 27.50 18 " 39.00 17.40 3.12 5.60 .04" 1.08 31.90 20 " 45.00 19.60 3.44 7.30 .04 1.25 37.40 22 '" 51.00 22.00 5.60 8.80 .04 1.75 43.00 24 " 58.00 25.00 6.00 10.40 .04 3.00 49.50 Connection with, wrought iron pipe readily made by means of threaded disks. 347 STRAIGHT SEAM RIVETED PIPE AND FITTINGS. Fig. 1194. HEAVY RIVETED TEE. Manufactured of HEAVY CAUCES OF BLACK AND CALVANIZED SHEET IRON. Suitable foe VENTILATOR PIPE, AND SMOKE STACKS, ETC. Fig. 1 193. HEAVY RIVETED ELBOW. WATER, 8 inches diai eler anil larger per lb. and smaller, BLOWER, AIR, PIPE. No. 10 to 14, B. W. G., per lb. No. 15 to 17, B. W. G., No. 18 to 20, B. W. G., No. 21 to 24, B. W. G , " ELBOWS, TEES, CROSSES, ETC. No. 10 to 14, B. W. G. No. 15 to 17, B. W. G., No. 18 to 20, B. W. G.. No. 21 to 24, B. W. G., No. 18 to 20, B. W. G., No. 21 to 24, B. W. G., Fittings coated with Coal Tar and Asphalt at 300 degrees temperature, extra. No. 16, W. G., and Heavier, extranet 1 cent lb No. 17, W. G., and Lighter, " 1| Pipe A cent for each inch of diameter per lineal foot. Pipe and fittings gotten out to drawings, and specifications and estimates furnished. GALVANIZED WROUGHT IRON STRAINERS FOR PUMP SUCTIONS. Fitted with Flange, Socket and Nipple Joints, suitable for Welded, Cast Iron and Spiral Pressure Pipes. Black. 8 cts. 9 " -10 " 11 " Black. 18 cts. 19 " 21 " 26 " 24 " 31 " Galvanized. 11 cts. 12 " 14 " 16 " Galvanized 21 cts. 22 " 25 " 30 " 28 " 35 " Fig. 1196. Fig. 1197. a -i ii H 2 2J 3 3i 4 .70 .85 1.15 1.45 2.00 2.85 3.45 4.60 5.75 .75 .95 1.25 1.60 2.25 3.40 4.25 5.15 6.65 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Fig. 1195. Diam. Suction Pipe, inches . . i Screw Nipple Joint, each ' . . $0~60 Flange or Socket Joint, each . .65 Diam. Suction Pipe, inches . 5 6 Screw Hippie Joint, each . $6.85 8.00 Flange or Socket Joint, each . 8.00 9.75 11.45 The area of the perforations in each strainer exceeds the area of the suction pipe and eives full supply of water to the pump. s When ordering Flange give outside diameter of Flange. 348 14.90 20.60 23.00 26.30 28.60 40.00 Fig. 1198. CAST-IRON PIPE FOR WATER AND GAS. STANDARD WEICHT FOR WATER. Size . . Iuches, 3 Thickness . " | Weight, per foot, lbs., 15 Coated inside and out. 6 22 10 9 TiT 60 13 14 Inches, 3 45 60 75 117 Tested to 300 lbs. hydraulic pressure. Io lay 13 feet. STANDARD WEIGHT FOR CAS. 3 4 6 8 10 13 16 125 20 1 5 200 24 1 250 30 350 Weights are for pipes Size . Thickness . Weight, per foot, lbs., 13i 17 30 40 50 70 Not coated. Tested to250 lbs. hydraulic pressure. Weights are for pipe to lay 12 feet. TS" 13A 30 40 TiT 50 14 9 TiT 84 16 9 T7 100 20 11 TW 150 WEICHT OF LEAD AND HEMP USED PER JOINT IN LAYING Size . . Inches, 3 Lead, per joint . lbs., 4 Hemp " " ounces, 6 CAST-IRON PIPE. 4 6 8 10 12 14 5h 8 11 15 18 22 7~ 9 11 13 18 20 24 184 16 30 24 30 24 38 32 38 22 28 32 38 Fig. 1199. CAST-IRON FLANGED PIPE. Made in all sizes from 4 to 30 inches. Prices quoted on application. SPECIAL FOR CAST-IRON PIPE REDUCERS. Size, Inches. Weight Lipht. "Weight, t eavy. Size, Inches. Weight, Light. Weight Heavy. Size, Inches. Weight, Light. Weight, Heavy. 3x2 28 lbs 35 lbs. 12 x 10 220 lbs. 320 lbs. 16 x 10 435 lbs. 590 lbs 4x3 40 " 48 " 12x8 200 " 300 " 20 x 16 520 " 1214 " 6x4 70 " 115 £. 12x6 170 " 290 " 20 x 14 575 " 655 " 6x3 52 " 103 (( 12 x 4 150 " 250 " 20 x 12 530 " 1150 ■' 8x6 118 " 170 " 14 x 12 410 " 540 •' 24 x 30 745 " 1025 " 8x4 102 •' 145 i t 14 x 10 350 " 430 " 34 x 16 805 " 10 x 8 165 " 270 a 14 x 8 320 " 340 " 30 x 24 1585 " 10x6 135 ■' ■199 " 16 x 14 500 " 700 " 30 x 20 2010 " 10x4 128 " 180 < ( 16 x 12 470 " 620 " 30 x 16 1365 " 1NC3EASERS. Size, Inches. Weight. Size. Inches. We eht. T Sl , e Wei b Inches »"■ Inches. W «8 ht - Size, Inches. Weight 4x3 78 lbs. 8x4 163 lbs. 10 x 4 185 lbs. 10 x 8 204 lbs 12x8 318 lbs 6x4 108 " 8x6 165 " 10 x6 195 ' 12 x 6 230 " 12 x 10 332 " Y BRANCHES. All sizes. 4 to 30iucLes. Price on receipt of specifications. SLEEVES, PLUGS AND CAPS FOR CAST-IRON PIPES. Fie. 1201. Size . Sleeves Plugs Caps Iuches, weight, lbs., 3 10 IS 14 16 20 30 30 42 76 110 146 208 300 360 557 710 965 10 12 15 35 60 46 66 100 130 70 100 150 185 370 All weights approximate only. 349 SPECIALS FOR CAST-IRON PIPE. Fig. 1302. Fi g. 1203. Fig. 1204. Fig. 1205. Cross. Tee. Eighth Bend. Quarter Bend. CROSSES. Size, inches. Weight. Size, inches. Weight. Size, incheB. Weight. Size, inches. Weight. 3x3x3x3 98 lbs. 8x 8x 4x 4 290 lbs. 13x13x10x10 665 lbs. 20x20x30x30 1790 lbs. 4x4x4x4 130 " 10x10x10x10 520 " 12xl2x 8x 8 610 " 30x30x16x16 1340 " 6x6x6x6 300 " lOxlOx 8x 8 460 " 12xl2x 6x 6 580 " 34x24x24x24 2190 •' 6x6x4x4 190 " lOxlOx 6x 6 410 " 14x14x14x14 810 " 24x24x20x20 2020 " 8x8x8x8 370 " lOxlOx 4x 4 346 " 10x16x16x16 1135 " 30x30x30x30 . 3600 " 8x8x6x6 350 " 13x13x12x12 714 " 16x16x12x12 1005 " 30x30x20x20 2635 " TEES. Size, inches. Weight. Size, inches. Weight. Size, inches. Weight. Size, inches. Weight. 3x3x3 80 lbs 8x 8x 4 217 lbs. 12x12x10 525 lbs. 20x20x20 1760 lbs. 4x4x4 100 " 10x10x10 390 " 12xl2x 8 510 " 20x20x16 1500 " 6x6x6 314 " lOxlOx 8 355 " 12xl2x 6 500 " 24x24x34 3010 " 6x6x4 160 " lOxlOx 6 312 " 12xl2x 4 480 " 34x24x20 1835 " 8x8x8 385 " lOxlOx 4 300 " 16x16x16 1300 " 30x30x30 3035 " 8x8x6 337 " 12x12x12 540 " 16x16x12 1240 " 30x30x20 3300 " ONE-EIGHTH BENDS (45°). Size, inches, 3 4 6 8 10 13 14 16 20 24 30 Weight, approx., lbs 42 82 120 218 300 355 430 610 1330 1425 2450 ONE-SIXTEENTH BENDS (22 1-2°). Size, inches. 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 30 24 30 Weight, approx., lbs 33 54 100 175 250 270 400 610 932 1145 2180 QUARTER BENDS , OR ELBOWS (90 °). Size, inches, 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 30 24 30 Weight, approx., lbs 48 60 112 200 365 376 450 650 1030 1400 2280 WINDOW CLASS. Price per Box of 50 Square Feet. SIZES. SINGLE. DOUBLE . Inches. Aa A B c Aa A B 25 6x8 to 10 x 15 $17.50 $16.25 $15.50 $15.00 $23.50 $22.00 $31.00 34 40 11 x 14 I 12 x 13 i 10x26 to 14 x 20 to 16 x 24 20.00 22.00 18.50 20.00 17.35 18.50 16.50 17.75 28.50 31.25 26.25 28.50 24.50 26.35 50 54 •60 70 18 x 23 } 20 x 30 )" 15 x 36 26x28 26 x 34) 28x32!- 30 x 30) to 20 x 30 to 34 x 30 to 24 x 36 to 30 x 40 25.00 27.00 30.00 33.50 23.00 24.50 26.75 30.50 31.00 22.00 24.00 27.00 34.50 36.50 41.00 47.00 31.75 33.75 37.25 42.75 28.75 30.50 33.75 38.00 80 32 x 38] 34 x 36 j" 30 x52 30 x 56 34 x 58 36 x 60 to 30 x 50 40.00 36.50 32.00 55.00 50.50 45.50 84 90 94 100 to 30 x 54 to 34 x 56 lo 34 x 60 to 40 x 60 41.25 37.50 33.75 57.00 63.00 66.50 51.75 54.00 57.50 60 50 46.50 48.50 52.00 55.00 Sizes above 100 inches $10.00 per box extra for every 5 inches. An additional 10 per cent, will be charged for all glass more than 40 inches wide. All sizes over 52 inches in length, and not making more than 81 united inches, -will be charged in the 84 united inches bracket. To find the number of lights in a box. divide the number of square inches (73O0) in a box by the number of square inches in size of light wanted 350 YERDON'S IMPROVED DOUBLE HOSE BAND. The Metal used in these Bands will not Rust or Rot the Hose. Y" Bolts with Square Head Furnished when ordered. Special Sizes Made Upon Orders. Double Hose Band. Fig. 1306. Where Used. 1 iueh 3 ply Air Brake Hose 1 ' 4 " " . . 1 5 " . . !*•' 4 " " . ' . 1* ' 5 " " . . 2} Tank Hose . 2y ' ct i ' 2i ' 4 ply Steam Hose H ' Steam Hose Gibbs Coupler 12 ' 1 g " " Sewall's Coupler Double Hose Band with Eye. Fig. 1207. Eye Band, Sewall's Coupler Hose New Pattern Eye Band, Gold Coupler Circumference Diameter When Closed. When Closed. Per Dozen Inches. Inches. 4.79 1.52 $2.50 5.37 1.71 2.50 5.64 1.80 2.50 6.08 1.93 3.00 6.32 2.01 3.00 8.21 2.60 7.00 8.92 2.90 7.00 9.27 2.97 8.50 7.20 2.30 4.00 6.78 2.16 3.75 6.78 2.16 4.00 6.53 2.08 4.00 6.04 1.92 3.75 REDFIELD'S "SURE CRIP" HOSE CLAMPS. Wrought Steel, finished in Vienna Bronze. Size and ply plainly stamped on every Clamp. o> CLAMPS FOR COTTON bU MILL HOSE. fe Size of Hose, inches . . 1^ H 2 $3.50 Size Hose, inches Per dozen, 3 ply " 4 " " 5 " 6 " Packed : 14, and H inch, 3 dozen, and 2 irch, 2 dozen in a box. CLAMPS FOR STEAM HOSE. * I 1 U 11 $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 1.00 1.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 1.00 1.50 2,50 3.00 3.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 $5.50 5.50 Packed, A inch, 6 dozen; f, 1, l\ and U, 3 dozen; and 2 inch. 2 dozen in a box. 2A CLAMPS FOR HYDRANT HOSE. Size Hose, inches .... A i 1 lj H 2 2£ 2A 3 Per dozen, 2 ply .... $1.50 $o.o0 " . " 3, 4 and 5 ply . $1.00 1.00 1.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 7.00 10.00 Packed, i, J, 6 dozen; 1, lj, U, 3 dozen ; 2, 24;, 2A, 3 inch 2 dozen in a box. CLAMPS FOR I 1-4 INCH AIR BRAKE HOSE. 11 A Bolts, i x H, per 100, $8.00. 4 A.B Bolts, T .51 .07 3 t 4 .07 .83 TH .85 1.04 li " 1.02 1.25 n ' 1.18 1.45 n ' 1.34 1.66 O t 1.00 2.08 Ol ( "'4 2.00 2.80 01 t 3 * 5-Ply. Per ft. 6-PIy. Per ft. 7-Ply. Per ft. 8-Ply. Per ft. $0.63 $0.76 $0.89 $1.02 .83 1.00 1.17 1.34 1.03 1.24 1.45 1.66 1.30 1.56 1.82 2.(8 1.50 1.87 2.18 2.50 1.81 2.17 2.53 2.90 2.07 2.49 2.90 3.32 2.33 2.80 3.27 3.74 2.00 3.12 3.64 416 3.50 4.20 4.90 5.60 Tbree-Ply, based on 20 lbs,- Four-Ply, based on 40 lbs; Five-Ply, based on 60 lbs; Six-Ply, based on 80 lbs; Seven-Ply, based on 90 lbs; Eight-Ply, based on 100 lbs, for 1-inch hose, 353 COTTON FIRE HOSE. Fig. 1216. Fig. 1217. " Triplex" Brand. " Trinal' Brand. The two brands i lustrated, Figs. 1216 and 1217, are intended for exceptionally heavy pressure and for unusually severe duty. The " Triplex" i-s a knit hose and is like the famous " Duplex" brand with an additional jacket. The "Trinal" is a woven hose, made as the cut shows, with three separate jackets. Either will stand a pressure of 600 pounds to the square inch. 2i in internal dianWer, $1 00 per foot. 3| in. internal diameter, $1.50 per foot 1 25 Fig. 1219. It inch diameter per foot. ii 2 "MUTUAL" UNDERWRIT- ERS' COTTONFIRE HOSE. This brand of Rubber Lined Cotton Fire Hose is guaranteed to stand a pressure of 400 lbs. to the tquareinch, and is made to conform with the specifications of Mr. John Fi. Freeman, of the A-sociated Factory Mutual Insurance Companies, and has been approved and accepted as standard. 2% inch water way, per foot . $1.00 COTTON MILL HOSE. "EXTRA," "INSURANCE," "SEA ISLAND" AND "STAPLE." Adapted for Hand Engines, Factoiies, Ware- houses, Ho! els, Steamboats, Public Institutions, Railroad Shops, etc., wherever a light, durable and reliable hose for fire protection is required. The "Extra" brand is a full weight article, made in the most careful manner, and every section is mildew-proofed and guaranteed to stand a water pressure of 300 lbs. The "Insurance" brand is a closely woven fabric, mildew-proofed, and will sustain a pressure of 300 lbs. $0.45 2\ inch diameter, per foot . . $0.65 .50 2* " . . .70 " 1.00 .60 3 COTTON CARDEN HOSE. Fig. 1220. "Gulf Stream," "Sea Island," " Staple" and " Brunswick." Seamless and Rubber Lined. i inch diameter, 20 cents; j inch, 25 cents; 1 inch, 35 ceuts per fool. In Lengths of 50 Feet. All ^ and Jin. Cotton Hose is coupled before shipment 20 ceuts per set extra, net, "will be charged for coup- lings on all A and | hose ordered in 25 feet lengths. One inch couplings, net, 30 cents per set, attached. 354 COTTON FIRE HOSE. "RELIABLE" BRAND. "We make for Fire Departments or wherever a high pressure hose is required, several grades suitable for this class of service. This is an extra heavy, single body, Knit Hose. It will stand a water pressure of 400 lbs. to the square inch. Ik inch internal diameter, 2' " 2* 50 cents per foot. 60 75 "SIX LINE" BRAND. For Fire Departments or other high pressure service. This is a very heavy and strong single body circular "Woven Hose, capable of standing a water pressure of 400 lbs. to the square inch. Ik inch internal diameter, . 50 cents per foot . 2~ " " " . 60 oi i. " " 75 " "Al " BRAND. This brand is a medium weight Woven Jacket Hose, and as the name implies, is composed of two separate and distinct bodies of cotton, the outer one being pulled over the inner one. The Hose thus jacketed is rubber lined in the best manner, and is guaranteed to stand a water pressure of 400 lbs. to the square inch. It is woven with a perfect tension, and will not con- tract under pressure. 2 inch internal diameter, . 65 cents per foot. 2+ " << " . 80 Fig. 1324. "PALN1A" BRAND, This brand is a medium weight Knit Jacket Hose, and will safely stand a water pressure of 400 pounds to the square inch. The materials used are of prime grade, and the Hose is suitable for steam fire engines, or other service where a strong Hose is desired. H inch internal diameter, 60 cents per foot. o t. » " 70 " Si ■< " " 90 " ■DUPLEX" BRAND. A full weight Knit Jacket Hose, rubber lined in the best manner, and will stand a water pressure of 500 lbs. to the square inch. It is guaranteed first-class in all respects, and is adapted to the use of steam fire engines Hid other high pressure service. 1£ inch internal diameter, 2" 2k S" $0.60 per foot. .70 .90 1.10 1.30 355 IRON NIPPLES. SCORED IRON NIPPLES FOR STEAM AND SUCTION HOSE. Diameter. Length. Plain. Galvauized V S f in. 5 in. $0.35 $0.30 1 " 11" H " 6 6 6 .30 .35 ».40 .38 .44 .50 Fig. 1336. " Each, Each, Internal Each, Each, Internal Each, Each, Diani. Length. Plain. Galv. Diam. Length. Plain. Galv. Diam. Length. Plain. Galv. 8 in. $0.60 $0.75 4 in. 10 in. $3.35 $3.80 7 in. 10 in. $4.50 $5.63 3 1 " 8 " 1.00 1.35 Ah " 10 " 3.75 3.44 8 " 13 " 6.00 7.50 3" " 10 " 1.35 1.57 5 " 10 t i 3.00 3.75 10 " 13 " 10.00 13.50 3i " 10 " 1.50 1.88 6 " 10 a 4.00 5.00 13 " 15 " 15.00 18.75 For prices of Cast-iron Flanges for S uclions, see page 376. -tuorni HI mmm wBBaa III ^^■liiliBi ill iillllii Fig. 1337. "DIAMOND' 1 "AMERICAN CHIEF" FIRE HOSE. A new brand of Fire Hose. The Hose weighs only fifty pounds to the section- coupled, is as soft as a glove and will reel closer than cotton hose. As a matter of fact, a section of fifty feet, with the couplings on, can be coiled within a circle of twenty-four inches. A section of tliis hose will stand a pressure of 450 pounds to the square inch, and at working pressure the elongation would not exceed six inches. 2j inch, 4-ply, with 5-ply capped ends, per foot, coupled . .... $1.00 3 inch, 4-ply, with 5 ply capped ends, per foot, coupled .80 FIRE HOSE, FOR STEAM FIRE ENGINES. The Rubber used in the nuinufacture of this brand of Hose is the very best grade of Fine Paea. The Duck used is made from selec ed Long Fibre Cotton. We guarantee the 4-ply to stand 400 pounds to the square inch. 1.1 inch Iti ordering Hose with couplings, a sample 3 ' coupling should be sent us, that we may get the 3^ " correct thread. 3i ' ' "MUTUAL" UNDERWRITERS' LINEN FIRE HOSE. 4-Ply with 5-Ply Capped Ends. 400 lbs Water Pressure. Per Foot. 0.75 1.00 1.12 1.35 5-Ply with 6-Ply Capped End*. 500 lbs. Water Pressure. Per Foot. $0.94 1.35 1.40 1.56 6-PIy with 7-Ply Capped Enns. 000 lbs. Water Pressure. Per Foot. $1.13 1.50 1.68 1.88 To conform with the requirements of the Associated Factory Mutual Insurance Com- panies, for their lire hose protection. Guaranteed to stand a water pressure of at least 400 lbs. per square inch, and to be practically water-tight. Fig. 1239. 356 UNLIN ED AND SEAMLESS. 1 inch diame H .. 1.4 " 3" " Ol 11 1 1 2i << (< ter per foot . . $0.37 .3) .33 .43 .46 .50 SUCTION HOSE. On Spiral. On Spiral Tinned Iron Wire. Brass Wire nt. Diam, Per ft. Per ft. j inch, . . . . $0.70 $0.77 1 " . . .90 1.00 l| " . . 1.15 1.25 if " . . 1.50 1.65 i| " 1.90 2.10 2 " . . 2.30 2.50 LARGE SUCTION HOSE. Used for Wrecking and Mining Purposes, etc. On Flat Galvanized Iron Spiral. Ill Int. Per Int. Per Diam. ft. Diam. ft. 2i inch, $3.10 6i inch $10.50 3" " 4.00 7" " 12.00 3A " 4.90 7 i " 13.50 4" " 5.80 8 " 15.00 -. - =-^z=. _ _-==ia 4A " 6.70 9 " 17.50 - -~^=^--—-~~- =#B 5 " 7.60 10 " 20.00 5i " 8.50 12 " 25.00 6" " 9.50 Fig. 1231. SMOOTH BORE" SUCTION HOSE. hm#mmk int. Per Int. Per Int. P tu- Ilfwr •■ I'iam. ft. Diam. ft. Diam. ft. -§§ ]| : JH 2 inch, $2.60 5 inch, $8.50 8 inch, $16.50 ^iiiiii ~* " 3.50 5i " 9.50 9 " 19.50 IHIIh ^ " 4.50 6" " 10.50 10 " 22.50 inn '■'<'• " 5.50 U " 12.00 12 ' 27.50 wsm? 4" " 6.50 7" " 13.50 ^^^ U " 750 7* " 15.00 1232. Int. Diam. 10 inch, 12 " 14 " EXTRA HEAVY SUCTIONS For Wrecking and Dredging Purposes, Sand Pvrmps, Etc. SMOOTH BORE, CORRUGATED Per ft. $22.50 27.50 32.50 Int. Diam. 15 inch, 16 " 17 " Per ft. $35.00 37.50 40.00 SURFACE. Int. Diam. 18 inch, Per. ft. $42.50 STEEL-CLAD SUCTIONS. Int. Diam. 2 inch, s: " 3k " Int. Diam. J inch, 1 " ij. « A 4 Fig. 1233. Per ft. Int. Diam. $2.60 3.50 4.50 5.50 HARD Per ft. $0.65 .75 .93 Per ft. inch, $6.50 7.50 8.50 9.50 RUBBER Int. Diam. Xi inch, If " For Fire Engines, Mining Service, etc. The Hose is wound with flat steel wire, which protects the surface from abrasion. Int. Diam. 6 inch, 6* " 7 - « 7| " SUCTION Per ft. $1.13 1.31 1.50 Per ft. $10.50 12.00 13.50 15.00 Int. Diam 8 inch, 9 '• 10 " 12 " HOSE. Int. Diam. 2i inch, Per ft. $16.50 19.50 22.50 27.50 Per ft. $1.69 1.88 357 SEWED ,;■''"' " : !?#8WW&(ra(iS&^^ MINING AND TANK HOSE. For conducting large volumes of water long distances over unequal ground, for draining purposes and hydraulic mining. Made from the BEST QUALITY COTTON DUCK, TRIPLE STITCHED. WITHOUT RUBBER LINING. 4 inch Tank Hose . . 35 cents per foot 40 " " 50 " 55 " 60 " 70 " Tig. 1234. 10 " . 80 " " HYDRAULIC MINING SEWED HOSE. Made from Extra Heavy Cotton Duck. 6 inch Hydraulic Minin ;■ Hose 60 cents per foot 70 " " 80 " " 90 " " $1.00 " " 11 CONTINENTAL" LINEN HOSE The " Continen'al" is a reliable hose for factory fire protection, and will stand a water pressure of 400 pounds to the square inch. UNLINED AND SEAMLESS. 1 in. 15 cts. per ft. 2im , 26 cts. per ft. n " 18 " 21 " 28 " i+ " 20 " " 3 " 40 " 24 " " Fig. 1235. PATENT EXPANDED RING SCREW COUPLINCS. This style of coupling gives an unobstructed water way, thus overcoming the friction incident to the old style shank couplings. They cost only a trifle more than the old style couplings, when expense of clamps or bands are considered, and present a much neater appearance. Beside this, it makes far better work in coupling all kinds of fabric hose, and no other style of coupling should be used. When special thread is used, sample should always be sent. | inch, per set . . $0.25 net 1 " " ... .50 " ]i " " ... n " . . Fig. 1236. BREWERS' O v 2 91 (medium) (beavy) (light) (rued HOSE A inch " (heavy) COUPLINCS. Fig. 1237. H 2 2£ 3 am) l.OO - " 1.25 " 1.50 " 200 " 2.00 " 2.25 " 2.50 " $1.00 each 1.00 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.80 4.00 6.50 358 Fig. 1238. Fig. 1339. HOSE COUPLINGS, FOR RUBBER HOSE. Size i f | 1 11 H Per doz $3.00 3.00 4.50 4.50 10.00 14.00 Size If 2 21 2h 3 Per doz $20.00 30.00 48.00 48.00 76.CG STEAM HOSE COUPLINGS. Size .... a i \i u 2 2i Per doz. . . $16.00 18.00 25.00 33.00 42.00 75.00 SUCTION HOSE COUPLINGS. Size . , Each . . 2 2i 3 3i 4 4h $4.00 5.25 7.50 9.50 12.50 16.00 Fig. 1240. Size 5 5i 6 6i 7 8 Each ..... $20.00 24.00 28.00 40.00 54.00 80.00 HOSE NIPPLES. S0.30 .30 .45 11 H 2 2-i 3 3i 4 .75 .85 1.20 2.40 3.40 4.20 6.50 REVOLVING LAWN SPRINKLERS. Fig. 1241. No. 1. Four Arm, Nickel-plated No. 2. Eight " " . Each, $5.00 6.00 HOSE PIPES PLAIN. Fig. 1242. Size Length, inches . Per doz. . . . Fig. 1243. Fig 1244. | 1 11 .H' 2 U 2i 8 9 10 lOi 11 12 20 $7.00 9.00 15.00 18.00 30.00 48.00 78.00 HOSE PIPES SCREW TIP. Size . . . J 1 H U 2 2i Length, ins. 8 10 11 12 15 15 Per doz. . $8.00 10.00 18.00 25.00 39.00 75.00 HOSE PIPES. COCK ON LARGE END. Size ...|f 1 H U 2 Lengthens. 6 8 10 11 12 20 Per doz. . $11.00 13.00 20.00 36.00 55.00 110.00 359 THE "CEM" HOSE PIPES Throws either solid stream or spray. r\*"^^"^^ Fig. 1245. Size, f inch, per dozen „ Fig. 124C $10.00 12.00 SUCTION STRAINERS. Brass, size }. 1 1± 1£ 2 2i 8 3* 4 5 6 Each . . . SI. 30 1.50 2.00 4.00 5.00 9.00 16.00 20,00 30.00 40.00 Iron Plain, each . $0.30 .40 .50 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 3.75 4.75 6.50 Iron Galv'd, each . .40 .50 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.00 10.00 Fig. 1247. FLEXIBLE RUBBER PLAY PIPES. Fig. 1248. Fig. 1248. Kubber Mounted, complete, plain Butts, each, $20.00 Fig. 1249. Kubber Mouuted, complete, Metal Haudle, ea., $13 50. Fig. 1249. Fig. 1250. Fig. 1250. Kubber Mounted, complete, Leather Handles, each. $15.00. 2^-inch Rubber Play Pipe Tubes, each, $5.00. UNDERWRITERS' PLAY PIPE, WOUND AND PAINTED, WITH HANDLES. Fig. 1251 Size, inches ...... Length, inches ..... Wound and Painted, each Plain Brass, each ..... Wound and Painted, without Handles, each 360 2 2£ H ■2\ 20 24 30 30 $9.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 7.50 9.50 11.00 13.50 6.50 8.50 10.00 12.50 THE "SWINGING HOSE 1* or 2 8A Hor2 2+ RACK.'' Japanned Red. UNLINED LINEN" HOSE. full Capacity. Price 50 feet, $5.00 50 " 5.00 100 " 6.00 100 " 6.00 150 " 7.00 150 " 7.00 FOR Size of Hose, for H or 2 inch, FOR Price. $7.00 7.00 7.50 8.00 Fig. 1252. RUBBER LINED LINEN" OR "MILL" HOSE. Size of Hose. Full Capacity. 3, for U or 2 inch, 50 feet, 4, " 2£ " 50 " 5, " l|or2 " 100 " 6, " 2j " 100 " Nos. 5 and 6 will carry Heavy Hose of almost any make in 50 feet lengths. We can supply auy of the above sizes bronzed in gold, white, with gold stripe, nickel or brass plated, or solid polished brass. "THE SWINGING HOSE RACK." WITH PIPE CLAMPS. Patented la; nth, 1884. , Fig. 1253. Price List "Rack" with "Pipe Clamps." All Racks Japanned "Red ' unless otherw se ordered. Nos. Nos. Nos. Style of Finish. 00 & 0. 1&2. 3&4. No. 5. No. 6. Japanned "Red" . Each, $5.40 $6.40 $7.40 $7.90 $8.4i) "Gold" . " 6.00 7.25 8.25 9.25 9.25 While with Gold Stripe . " 6.00 7.25 8.25 9.25 9.25 Bronzed in Gold . " 5.40 6.40 7.40 7.90 8.40 Nickel-Plated, Polished (i 9.00 10.50 12.00 14.00 14.50 Brass '< 9.00 10.50 12.00 14.00 14.50 Solid Brass, " 15.00 18.00 21.00 26.00 26.00 Notice. — When yon order "Racks" with ■ Pipe CI imps" be sure and give size of pipe they are to fit. If not standard size pipe you must give Outside diameter. Also to avoid mistakes and to get the proper " Rack" when you order give Size, Kind and Length of Hose. For capacity see top of this page. 361 THE "PERFECT" AUTOMATIC HOSE REEL. Patented July 6tb, 1897. This Keel is unquestionably the best device that has ever been made for holding hose. It is stronger, more orna- mental, and occupies less space than any of the other de- vices. The Reel being attached to the stem of the valve causes the unwinding of the hose to opeu the valve and turn on the water supply gradually, thus filling the hose as rapidly as it is unreeled, and preventing it from becoming kinked or twisted. With high water pressure and favorable condi- tions water has been secured through one hundred feet of Unlined Linen Hose on one of these Keels in thirteen seconds, and with very low water pressure and under very unfavorable conditions in twenty-five seconds. Water supply can also be phut off quicker with one of these Reels than with any other. 'J his is a very important feature, as it limits water damage to a minimum in case of fire. We make them in two styles, known respectively as the " Perpendicular " and the " Forty-five Degree." As these reels do not attach to wall, the expense of "putting up" is saved. In our modern buildings this is quite au item. Valves for these Reels should be placed at height of 6^- feet from the floor. BRASS NICKEL-PLATED VALVE, WITH ALUMINUM FINISH REEL OR RACK. Capacity, Number of feet Size, 1 inch •' 2 " "2 25 $10.50 11.50 14.00 16.50 50 11.00 12.00 14.50 17.00 75 11.50 13.00 14.75 17.50 100 12.50 14.00 15.50 18.25 125 13.00 14.50 16.25 19.00 150 13.50 15.25 16.50 19.50 200 14.00 15.75 17.00 20.00 BRASS NICKEL-PLATED VALVE, WITH REEL OR RACK NICKEL-PLATED ON IRON Size, 1 iuch " H " " 2 " " 2A " .$14.00 16.00 17 50 20.75 14.50 16.50 18.25 21.25 15.00 17.00 18.75 21.50 15.50 17.25 19.25 22.00 18.00 19.75 21.50 24.25 IS 50 20.00 2 .'.00 24.50 21.50 23.00 25.00 27.75 POLISHED BRASS VALVE, WITH POLISHED BRASS REEL OR RACK. Size, 1 inch « L} " " 21 " $15.00 16.00 17.75 21.00 15.75 17.50 19.00 22.00 18.50 20.25 22.00 24.75 19.25 21.00 22.50 25.25 23.75 25.50 27.00 29 75 26.75 26.75 28.50 31.25 BRASS NICKEL-PLATED VALVE, WITH BRASS REEL OR RACK. Size, 1 inch " H " " 2 " $15.50 17.25 19.00 21.75 17 00 18.75 20.00 23.00 19.50 21.00 21.75 24.50 20.75 22.50 24.25 27.00 24.75 26.50 28 25 31.00 26.50 28.00 30.00 32 00 30.50 30.50 32.25 35.00 29.00 30.75 32.00 36.00 Price of 45° Reel is $1.00 each, net, in addition to above. Above prices do not include Hose. 362 MODERN TWO-WHEELED HOSE CARTS. FINE COACH FINISH AND BRASS TRIMMINCS. FRAMES OF WROUGHT IRON AND STEEL. Fig. 1255 NO. OO. TUBULAR STEEL FRAME HOSE CART. Weight, 80 lbs.; wheels, 40 inches in diameter ; width outside of hubs, 40 inches; capacity. 150 feet 2i-inch rubber hose, 250 feet rubber-lined cotton hose. It is constructed upon an entirely original principle, with wrought frame and wood reel. Width can be narrower if desired. Price, $25. No. Cart (not illustrated) has all iron reel and continuous frame, otherwise same as No. 00. $ 40. Fig. 1256. NO. I 1-2. TUBULAR STEEL FRAME HOSE CART. Illustration represents one of the mosi popular styles of hose cart. Wrought frame; slatted reel; tool box in front and friction roller behind; also hooks for rope. Designed especially for lumber yards, planing mills, factories, etc. Owing to its lightness and ease of running, it is also used by fire companies. Capacity, 500 feet 2A-inch unlined linen hose; 400 feet 2-§ineh rubber-lined hose: 200 feet 2-J-inch rubber hose. Wheels, 4 feet diameter; weight, 125 lbs.; width, 48 inches. Can be furnished any width narrower than named without extra cost. Price, $50. No. lj. Same style cart built with 4 ft. 4 in. wheels and for 500 feet 2A-inch mill hose. Price, $75. Weight, 145 lbs. No. 1 Cart (not illustrated) same as No. 1J, except with all iron reel. $60. "363 MODERN TWO-WHEEL HOSE CARTS. FINE COACH FINISH AND BRASS TRIMMINGS IRON AND STEEL. FRAMES OF WROUGHT Fig. 1257. NO. 2. TUBULAR STEEL FRAME HOSE CART. The illustration represents a larger size than No. 1^- hose cart. Wrought frame; slatted reel; tool box in front and friction roller behind; alsq hooks for rope, Owing to its lightness and ease of running, it is also used by fire companies. Weight, 310 lbs. ; capacity, 600 feet 2J-inch rubber-lined hose ; 800 feet 2|-inch unlined linen hose ; 400 feet 2^-inch rubber hose ; width, 48 inches ; wheels, 5 feet diameter ; tires, If. Hub caps finished brass. Price, $100. Fig. 1258. NO 2 1-2. TUBULAR STEEL FRAME HOSE CART. This cart is similar in construction to the No. 2, with 5-foot wheels, ljj- tires, 1 inch frame, 1^ inch axles, and with a brass head rcpe reel and 60 feet nianila rope. Capacity is the same as No. 2 cart. Price, $115. Weight, 380 lbs. No. 2\ F. D. (not illustrated) is arranged for fire department use, with axe and crowbar on frames and place on tongue for one or two hose pipes Price, $125. Weight, 400 lbs. 364 w ^ -r o o - ■ rr-l „ ^ o -* » - o - H.3 2? «( K* 3 SB B '5' 7 a I O o P- O o S o 3 o p 3 1 . 3' o 3" D- cr ft ■a p* n p. 5. p- p p z p o* o p cr p B. 3 =r w p in C V) P B n ct P. o 3_ o p. o 3" c P- rt P- ft P 3 a ST 3 p M *5 ^ •< > n ■- ~ z O 3 n' X o 3* 3" o CF* P O O 3. P ft ft 3" O o < > 3 o 35 3 ft ■3 3j 3' a. p' 3 p n p' 3 o ft X o P 3* o ft p p p. P p. ft cr ft P n C o T •P O •a o 3 P. O o P- o o^ cr o 3 5' P P" o a CO o o 3" > Z o" CD P o S. ft *< o "a ft S p o iff z ft o 3 f* 3 i.. ft o n 3 c w p p- P ft p. 3* P 3" 3 tr n p p. z o cr ft ~ P cr >< 3* jn i/j I ;- o p 3 3 P- p o o p *p to Pt 3* w p =1 o o p" a P P m sr "2. p o » p- p 3* 3* O o a ft 3 n p. rt" ft sj > TO o 2. -'. o P 3' H o 3 o ft ft rf I s p C a 7 ?r *a -W 3 S- -a -. p C ft D r 3" o t 3_ ft cr ft cr 3 cr cr UI o ,_ "£. ft cr ft o o y rr cr p w 3 -. K = fi S. S -m M — " ? 3 K. B 2 r- cr " PC Z ft o >< ^ fran ; iro feet lose xten 01 p ft -+- ^ jp r* 2* 3" S- D o o a ST 3 - « r^ > ^H-5-S Z car cap ned ;d b en c 1 Si cha rass nen win ain z ^ n windin (nickel-p hose, 60C ch handl hardwoo z IR iO CO C5 to & « ^ sT? 3 m open ted if eet 2- ; iron tool < M S 3 t ft m ^— *" 3" S" p- eads ed) ; rubb drum i fro z 0) m rf P p- w 3" 3- 3 Q. «j_ !-_. O . n 3" "• en 5 c.o s *! > feet di ches wi se, 400 wroug itomat. n 5* ^ S" 3 ~ " ft P 3 ter, reel 21- ron ck; MALLEABLE IRON, CAS, WATER AND STEAM FITTINGS. Adopted by the Manufacturers' Association. CLASS A PRICE, 30 CENTS PER POUND. R. and L. Couplings, A. in. Ells, R. and L. J- and | in. x i. Couplings, R. H., J in. R. and L. Return Bends, | and Elbows, %, { x £. | x Tees, &, | x i, { x |, B-PRICE, 20 CENTS PER POUND. R. and L Elbows, A in. Wasle Nuts, j in. and smal- ler. Chandelier Hooks, all sizes. Return Bends, | and A in. Return Bends, R. and L., |, 1 in. Wall Plates, all sizes. 45° Ells, A in. and smaller. Y's, i, Jin. and CLASS Elbows, f, J, J x 4;, Ax 4; in. Tpp« J- i iviavlvi a v i l ecs , 4 , g , 4 a g , g a 4 -v 4 , s a 4 , Elbows, Side Outlets, A in. and smaller. Tees, Side Outlets, A in. and smaller. Street Ells, £ and f in. Crosses, ^. ■§, A in. Reducing Crosses, 1 in. and smaller. CLASS Elbows, A and Axf. Elbows, R. and L., J, 1 in. Tees, A and A in., reducing. Elbows, Sicfe Outlets, J in. and larger. Tees. Side Outlets, J in. and larger. Street Ells, A, J, JxA, lx J iu. CLASS Elbows and Tees, J and 1 in. Crosses, 1| in an I larger. Stieet Ells, 1 iu. and larger. Caps, lj iu. and larger. Such Fittings as CLASS Elbows and Tees, lj in. and larger. . Right Hand Couplings, 1£, 2 iu. Such Fittings in this class that have outlets smaller than 1 inch to be classed " D." The run of Tees (Bullheads) gives the size for the purpose of classification, and the outlet beino- larger does not change it. Return Bends, reduced, Reluru Bends, spread, Elbows tapped on pitch, 15 per cent, added. PRICE LIST. CLASS ABC Price, per pound, Black . 30 cents. 20 cents. 16 cents. Price, " " Galvanized 40 cents. 27 cents. 28 cents. STANDARD LIST OF MALLEABLE FITTINGS. Drop Ells and Tees, A in. and smaller. Caps, \ and fin. Lock Nuts. |, § aud A in. Reducing Couplings^ j|x4_ to f x|, inclusive. Extension Pieces, f aud A in. R. and L. Couplings, y aud f in. R. Hand Couplings, 4, aud § in. C-PRICE, 16 CENTS PER Crosses, 1 and J in., straight. Drop Ells, J iu. aud larger. Drop Tees, f> iu. aud larger. Caps, A, J and 1 in. Lock Nuts, f, 1. 14, in. Reducing Couplings, JxA, to 1 in., inclusive. R. and L. Couplings, A and J in. D PRICE, 13 CENTS PER Lock Nuts, 1A in. and larger. Reducing Couplings, lj in. and larger. R. H. Couplings, 1 and 14; iu. have smaller outlets than f inch wi E PRICE, II CENTS PER POUND. POUND. R. H. Couplings. A, j in. Extension Pieces, J in. larger. "Waste Nuts, 1 in. and larger. Return Bends, f . 1 in. 45° Ells, J to 2 iu. inclusive. Y's, 1 in. and larger. Return Bends, It. aud L., lj in. and larger. POUND. Return Bends, 1 j in. and larger. R. and L. Couplings, 1 in. aud larger. 45° Elbows, 2A, iu. and larger. 11 be classed "C." D E 13 cents. 11 cents. 20 cents. 18 cenls. ELBOWS STREET Si e. £ T £ x 3 g A s A g Ivlv 3 •2 x 2 A 8 i X Ax A A X A X f f xixA 1 xAxJ fxfxf f x f x I GALVANIZED I, A, Axf, J, fxA. 1, lxj, li l|xl, lj ELLS f, A, I 1, H, 1A, 2. TEES. Size Size. UxUx J 1* X l| X 1 lJ-xlixli 1! x 1± x 1A l£xlix A lAxlJ-xU l|x ljxl* lAxlAx A lAxlix I 14x14 JxlA, 3, 3A, 4. xjxl x|x a xl x A x 3 xl xl± xl xli X2 X x i xl xl X 1 lixl l|xl COUPLINCS-R ! gh tHand . }, hi, i, 1.1}, 1} and 2. Right and Left, }, f, J, }, 1,1} H and 2 Reducing, }x}, lx}, l}xl, 14x1}, 2xlj. FEMALE DROP ELBOWS AND TEES !, i- An extra charge of 10 cents per lb. will be added to price of Galvanized Fittings not enumerated in Standard List 367 CROSSES locknuts caps-;-,}.},! Size. lAxlAxl UxlAx 14, lAxlAx 1A lAx 1A x2 2" x lAxlA 2 x2~x A 2 x 2 x } 2x2x1 2 x 2 x 1J- Straight Sizes I, }. t, 1, 1}. 1}, 1} and 2. X1J XIA x2 x 2 2Ax2 3" x 3" x 3 3A x 3A x 3 4x4x4 }■ }. 1. 1}, Hand 2. 1* and 2. 94 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS, BEADED. PIECE LIST. 45° ELBOW. fig. 1264. TEE. Fig. 1205. OKOSS. Fig. 1206. Size, iuches. Elbows Elbows, K. and I, Elbows, 45° Tees . Crosses 1 1h H Each .04 .04 .05 .06 .08 .13 .17 .24 .35 .70 1.05 1.65 2.30 .. .05 .08 .09 .10 .16 .20 .28 .45 . . .04 .04 .05 .08 .12 .21 .20 .41 .04 .05 .06 .07 .10 .15 .19 .28 .45 .85 1.25 2.15 2.40 . . .05 .07 .10 .12 .19 .23 .31 .60. 1.10 1.75 2.50 3.15 STREET ELBOW. Fig. 1267. T BRANCH. Fig. 1268. REDUCER. ig. 1209. R. & L. COUPLING. Fig. 1270. Size, inches. Street Elbows, Each Y Branches " Reducers " II and L Couplings " Caps " i f i J 1 H H 2 2| 3 3i 4 .05 .05 .07 .12 .15 .23 .32 .55 25 .40 .00 .80 1.00 1.70 2.00 3.00 3.50 4.00 .03 .04 .05 .07 .09 .11 .14 .25 .50 .70 1.10 1.40 .03 .04 .05 .07 .10 .15 .22 .30 .02 .03 .04 .05 .08 .09 .14 .19 .43 .70 1.20 1.55 MALLEABLE RETURN BENDS. Size, inches. Close Open CLOSE. Fig. 1272. Each 363 OPEN. Fig. 1273. i 3 4 1 H H o .10 .13 .22 .30 .45 .65 .11 .25 .33 .40 .50 .90 MALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS, PLAIN. PIECE LIST. ELBOW. TEE. CROSS. REDUCER. Fig. 1274. Fig. 1375. Fig. 1376. Fig. 1377. Size. Inches, i H i 4 3 8 i 3 4 1 1* n 2 Si 3 Elbows, . . Each, $0.04 .04 .05 .06 .08 .13 .17 .34 .35 .70 1.05 Tees, . " .04 .05 .00 .07 .10 .15 .19 .38 .45 .85 1.35 Crosses, . .05 .05 .07 .10 .13 .19 .33 .31 .60 1.10 1.75 Reducers. a . .. .03 .04 .05 .07 .09 .11 .14 .25 .50 .70 7 OCKN'DT. COUPLING. BUSHING. FACED BUSHING. Fig. 1378. F g. 13 79. Fig. 12 80. Fig. 1281. Size, Inches, i 4 ■i 8 3 4 1 H If 2 2i 3 Four-way Tees Each, . . |0.12 .14 .30 .35 .50 .80 . . Side Outlet Elbows, " .08 .10 .18 .30 .45 .60 Locknuts, " .01 .02 .03 .04 . .05 .07 .08 .10 .21 .38 Couplin s ( i .03 .04 .05 .07 .10 .15 .18 .26 Busbiugs, " .04 .04 .05 .00 .07 .09 .14 .31 .30 Bushings, Face <1, . (< .08 .09 .11 .13 .17 .22 .32 .48 .70 Caps, " .03 .03 .04 .05 .08 .09 .14 .19 .43 .70 MALLEABLE UNIONS igfjjj^ Size, Inches l 1 3 S i 3 4 1 U JUL Plain Each $0.18 .18 .30 .22 .27 .33 .46 Galvp nized, >i ' .27 .37 .30 .33 .40 .50 .70 iirji^ Size, Inches H 2 2-L Si 4 'i^p i Plain » Each 10.58 .75 1 .55 2.10 3.65 4.35 Fip-. 1383. Galvanized " .90 1.15 g .35 3.15 5.50 6.50 MALLEABLE IRON UNION ELLS. MALE AND FEMALE FE3 IALE. Fig. 1383. Fig. 1284. Size, . . Inches, i 3 4 1 H H 2 21 Union Ells, Male and Female. Each, $9.48 .63 .72 1.05 1.20 1.80 3.30 " " Female, i i .43 .54 .63 .90 1.05 1.55 2.S5 Gal. Union Ells, Male and Fem ale, '' .72 .93 1.08 1.60 1.80 2.70 4.95 " ' Female, > . i .63 .81 .95 1.35 1.58 2.35 4.30 369 MALLEABLE IRON UNION TEES. Mfc Jr MALE AND FEMALE Fig. 1285. Size Inches, £ J Union Tees, Male and Female, Each, $0.53 .65 '• Female, ... " .45 .57 Galvanized Union Tees, Male and Female, " .78 1.00 " " " Female, . " .68 .80 1 .80 .70 1.20 1.05 FEMALE. Fig. 1286 U 1.10 .95 1.65 1.45 1* 1.30 1.15 1.95 1.75 2 1.95 1.70 2.95 2.55 2i 3.70 3.20 5.55 4.80 ROUGH BRASS FITTINGS. -Iron Pipe Sizes. MALLEABLE IRON PATTERN. ELBOW. Fig. 1287. Size, . . Inches, Elbows, . . Each, Reducing- Elbows, " 45° Elbows . Tees, ..." Reducing Tees, . " Crosses, . . " Reducing Crosses, " Street Elbows, . " CAP. Fig. 1291. Fig. 1292. Size, . . Inches, Reducing Couplings, Each, Caps Plugs, . Locknuts, Bushings, Couplings Couplings, R. and L, Close Nipples, Long Nipples, S'ze, Price, LOCKNUT. Fig. 1294. BUSHING. COUPLING. .15 .09 .10 .10 .12 .15 ).16 .22 .32 .15 .20 .25 .10 .12 .15 .10 .12 .15 .10 .12 .14 .14 .16 .25 .17 .20 .30 .15 .20 .25 .20 .30 .35 .45 .35 .20 .20 .21 .37 .45 .30 .45 1 .65 .45 .28 .30 .38 .50 .60 .40 .60 1* .90 .60 .40 .45 .50 .60 .75 .60 .90 1* 1.12 .80 .50 .70 .67 .90 1.12 .90 1.25 Fig, 2 1.85 1.10 .90 .95 1.00 1.35 1.75 1.25 1.60 1295. 2* 3.00 2.00 1 25 1.50 1.50 2.40 2.50 3.00 RETURN BENDS. CLOSE PATTERN. Inches, £ J 1 Each, $0.60 .80 1.15 370 1.75 3 4.50 3.00 2.00 2.75 2.50 3.50 3.50 4.50 2.50 Fig. 3i 1296. 4 3.00 4 (in 3.50 EXTRA HEAVY ROUGH BRASS FITTINGS IRON PIPE SIZES. CAST-IRON PATTERN. ELBOW. Fia;. 1297. ELBOW REDUCING. Fi, 1 1* u 2 2i 3 Globe Valves, Each . $0.80 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.35" 4.6~0 7 00 14.00 20.00 Angle " " .80 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 3.35 4.00 7.00 14.00 20.00 382 STANDARD BRASS VALVES. ^CU> GLOBE. ANGLE CROSS. Fig. 1347. Fig. 1348. SCREWED. Fig. 1349. Size, inches . . t i 4 3 8 i 3 4 1 li Globe Valves, eacli $0.72 .72 .77 l.bo l 26 1.80 2.52 Angle " (t .72 .72 .77 1.00 1 .26 1.80 2 52 Cross " ti . . 1.25 1.25 1.50 2 .00 2.50 3.50 Size, inches . 1* 2 2J 3 3J 4 Globe Valves, each $3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 Angle " 1 1 3.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 Cross " ii 5.00 8.00 16.00 24.00 45.00 60 00 FLANGED. Size, inches , , i 3 4 1 H 1* Globe Valves, each $4.50 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.50 16.00 Angle " " 4.50 5 00 6.75 8.50 10.50 16.00 Cross " " 5.25 7.00 9.00 12.00 15.75 22.00 Size, inches H 3 ^ 4 5 6 Globe Valves, each $23.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 125.00 200.CO Angle " a 23.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 125.00 200/0 Cross (. 33.00 45.00 75.00 100.00 ■ • ■ • STAN DARD BRASS CHECK VALVES ■ ,»s HORIZONTAL. Fig. 1350. Size, inches .... Horizontal Check, Screwed, each Flanged, " Vertical Angle Screwed, Flanged, Screwed, Flanged, Size, inches .... Horizontal Check, Screwed, each . " '• Flanged, '■ Vertical Angle Screwed, Flanged, Screwed, Flanged, VERTICAL. ANGLE. Fig. 1351. Fig. 1352. 8 i 4 S '2 3 4 1 H n 10.65 .65 70 .90 1.15 1.60 2.25 3.15 . 4 40 4.90 6.50 8.25 2.52 10.15 3.50 .72 77 1.00 1.26 1.80 . 4 50 5.00 6.75 1.80 8.50 2.52 10.50 3.50 .72 .72 77 1.00 1.26 . . . 4.50 5.00 6.75 8.50 10.50 2 2w 3 H 4 5 6 $4.75 9X0 13.00 24.00 32.50 15.50 22.00 33.50 47.50 56.50 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 16.00 23.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 1 25.00 200.00 5.30 10.00 14.40 26.50 36.00 16.00 23.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 1 25.00 200.00 For dimensions of Valves, see page 390. 383 STANDARD EXTRA HEAVY BRASS CLOBE AND ANCLE VALVES. Size, inches . . . . i 4 3 S 1 4 1 H 5.25 13.50 5.25 13.50 7.00 16.50 7.00 16.50 2 10.50 24.00 10.50 24.00 2i 20.00 45.00 20.00 45.00 3 3£ 4 Globe Valves, screwed, each. " flanged, " Angle Valves, screwed, " " flanged, " 1.25 1.25 1.45 1.45 1.85 1.85 2.50 2.50 3.50 3.50 27.00 65.00 27.00 65.00 50.00 95.00 50.00 95.00 65.00 120.00 65.00 120.00 STANDARD IRON-BODY VALVES. BRASS MOUNTED, FLANGED. GLOBE. Fig. 1353. Size, inches . Globe Valves, flanged, each Angle " Cross 1 $3.25 3.25 3.85 3.85 4 80 4.80 WITH YOKE, FLANCED. IffiBMHNMIlHBB* GLOBE. ANGLE. Fig. 1355. Fig. 1356. Size, inches , , 2 2* 3 H 4 4£ 5 Globe Valves flanged, each $8.60 10.75 15.00 18 50 22.50 27.50 31.00 Angle ' ' i t 8.60 10.75 15.00 18.50 22.50 27.50 31.00 Cross ' ' ti " 11.00 14.50 20.00 25.00 28.50 36.00 41.00 Size, inches . 6 7 S 10 12 14 16 Globe Valves flanged, each $42.00 68.00 77.00 123.00 187.00 350.00 475.00 Angle ' ' a " 42.00 68.00 77.00 123.00 187.00 350.00 475.00 Cross " it " 54,00 85.00 100.00 175.00 265.00 , For dimensions of Flanged Globe, Angle and Cross Valves, see page 391. 384 STANDARD IRON-BODY VALVES. BRASS MOUNTED, SCREWED. GLOBE. Fig. 1357. Size, inches Globe Valves, each Angle " Cross lEJiilllllll ■ ANGLE. CROSS. Fig. 1358. Fig. 1351 . 1 li li 2 H o 2.25 2.75 3,50 5.4,0 7.35 9.80 2.25 2.75 3.50 5.40 7.35 9.80 . . . . 6.50 9.00 12.50 WITH YOKE-SCREWED m^ jfa..--ji GLOBE. ANGLE. OBOSS. Fig. 1860. Fig. 1361. Fig. 1362. Size, inches . 2 24 3 H 4 44 Globe Valves, each $7.00 9.00 12.50 15.25 19.00 24.00 Angle " i . 7.00 9.00 12.50 15.25 19.00 24.00 Cross " a 8.50 11.75 16.25 20.00 23.50 30.65 Size, inches . 5 G 7 8 10 12 Globe Valves, each $27.00 37.50 63.00 72.00 114.00 170.00 Angle " a 27.00 37.50 63 00 72 00 114.00 170 00 Cross " a 35.25 47.25 78.00 92.00 162.00 240.00 For dimensions of Valves see page 390. 385 JENKINS BROS. GLOBE, ANGLE AND CROSS VALVES. Fiff. 1363. Size Brass (llobe and Angle Valves, screwed " '" " *' flanged Brass Cross Valves, screwed ** *' flanged Brass Hose End Globe and Angle Valve Fig. 1364. x i a. x a i . 8 4 S 2 4 1 $1.10 1.10 1.35 1.60 2.20 2.80 COO 1.70 2.00 2.S5 2.50 3.25 Fig. 13G5. U H 2 2A 3 4X0 5.50 8.00 15.15 22.00 0.00 1100 16 53 25 00 34.03 4.75 6.25 9 50 20.00 27.50 8.64 11.45 15.. 22.70 32.82 44.30 3.30 4.70 6.50 9.15 17.10 il 35 JENKINS BROS. GLOBE AND ANCLE VALVES. IRON BODY, COMPOSITION MOUNTED. . 1366. Fig. 1367. 6 7 8 10 12 Size i 1 H n 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i Brass Hub, sciewcd , . $2,75 2,85 3,85 5.00 7.25 11.00 10.00 Hanged 8.50 13.00 18.00 With Yoke, screwed . . ■ 10.00 12.00 16.75 19.50 24 00 32.00 40.00 48.00 80.00 90.00 130 00 185.03 flanged 11.75 14.00 18 50 21.50 20.00 34.00 42.00 50.C0 80.00 90.00 130.00 185.C0 Cross Valves, screwed 16.0U 21.00 26.03 30.00 42.00 45.00 58.00 flanged 19.00 2100 29.00 33.00 45.00 48.00 62.00 Size Globe and Angle Valves, with Yoke, flanged 14 16 18 20 24 $334.00 400.00 511.00 573.00 1222.00 For Dimensions of Flanged Globe, Angle and Cross Valves, see page 396. 336 JENKINS BROS. GATE VALVES. Bkass Gate Valve, Stationary Spindle Screwed. Fig. 1339. Beass Hose Gate Vai.te. Size Brass Gate Valves, screwed " " " flanged . Brass Hose Gate Valves Hose Caps, rough, without chain or swive •"' " finished, with chain . $3.00 3.50 2.50 4.50 .60 1.00 1 3.25 6.00 3.70 Pig. 1370. Iron Body Gate, Composition* H 4.25 7.50 4.95 1.15 1.75 Mounted, Flanged U o.2o 10.00 6.15 1.50 2.25 7.50 14.00 8 75 2.00 3.00 2i 14.00 21.00 15.75 2.50 3.50 3 20.00 28.00 22.00 Size Gate Valves, screwed . " '* flanged . . . . Hub or Spigot Gate Valves . Diam. of flanges — Gate Valves Face to face— Gate Vfcl. bc. and flanged IRON BODY, COMPOSITION MOUNTED. 2 2'-' 3 3!-' 4 414 5 7 8 10 12 .$8.00 12.00 15.C0 lf.'O 21.00 29.00 30.00 33.C0 5D.C0 62.00 85.00 1-0 1 . 9.00 13.00 16.00 10.00 22.50 31.00 32 00 38.00 50.00 62.00 85.00 120.0 1 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.C0 29.00 30.00 36.00 50.00 62 00 85.00 120 10 6 7 7« SH 9 9M 10 n 12M 135^ 16 19 ■M 1H V's 9M 10 11 VM Size Screwed Flanged For sizes above 12 inches we furnish net prices. JENKINS ALL IRON GATE VALVES. $3.25 3.25 FOR AMMONIA, ACIDS, ETC. 2 n 8.25 10.00 10.25 11.50 11 4.50 4 5.35 i 14« o 3i 4 12.35 15.00 18.35 13.75 16.50 20.50 JENKINS BROS. ALL IRON GLOBE AND ANCLE VALVES. FOR AMMONIA, ACIDS, ETC. Size . i 2 Screwed . .jpo.. Flanged . . 4.1 Size Screwed . Flanged . 25 3.50 4.25 3? 15.50 16.75 Please note that the discs list grinding, as it is not metal against metal. For dimensions of Valves, see page 390. 337 1 H H 2 2i 3 3.75 4.00 4.25 5.25 11.00 13.25 4.50 4.75 5.25 6.50 12.50 14.50 4 4? 5 6 7 8 17.50 25.75 27.00 33.25 43 35 52.00 19.25 27 50 29.00 35.50 •16.35 56.25 these valves are warran ted to stand ammonia. No re- IRON BODY, COMPOSITION MOUNTED DOUBLE CATE VALVES. These Valves are operated by a two-inch square nut on spindle, unless other- wise ordered. The bodies, caps, nuts, stuffing boxes and glands are made of cast iron; the gates are also cast-iron, faced with composition. The seats are of composition, firmly held to the body according to the most approved practice. The stems are large and strong, to prevent twisting, and of solid gun-metal com- position, and are all interchangeable. These Valves are specially constructed for street mains, and are extra strong, to withstand rough usage. 3 Fig. 1371. Diameter of opening, inches 2 End to end of pipe when laid in bell . . . . 3 3| Diameter of bell socket . 3& 4j 10 12 14 10 18 20 4 5 5 5f 6J 7f Price List. 54 6 10 12 Diameter of opening, inches Hell or spigot end 6 |10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 53.00 70.00 95.00 6J 74 7£ 8i 8J 9i 14+ 16+ 18£ 20* 22J 26§ 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 COMPOSITION WEDGE CATE VALVES WITH SOLID BRONZE SEATS. STATIONARY OR RISING SPINDLES. FOR STEAM AND WATER. These Valves have a straightway passage the full diameter of connecting pipes. Diameter of opening, inches Face to face, screw ends Fare to face, flange ends Diameter of flanges Screw ends, each Flange ends " Fig. 1372. Diameter of opening, inches Face to face, screw ends Face to face, flange ends Diameter of flanges Screw ends, each Flange ends, " 1 3 3 4 ¥3:25 5.00 |1.20 9 95 H 4" *A 5 4.25 6 6.25 7.50 10.00 5* 5| 7 11.50 16.00 3 1.30 2.50 3 6+ 7" 7 16.00 20.00 3 3 1.75 3.00 3h 8| 8i 8i 30:00 39.00 1 3f Q n d is 4 2.25 4.00 4 «i 82 9 38.00 46.00 GLOBE, ANCLE AND CROSS VALVES FOR HIGH STEAM PRESSURE. WITH IMPROVED COMPOSITION DISC. Diam. of opening, inches . + f h | 1 11 1+ 2 2£ 3 Globe and Angle, screw ends §1.10 1.25 1.00 2.20 2.80 4.00 5.50 8.00 15.75 22.00 Globe and Angle, flange ends 6.00 9.00 11.00 16.50 25.00 34 00 Cross Valves, screw ends 1.70 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.25 4.75 6.25 9.50 20.00 27.50 Discs for Valves .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .12 .16 .24 .32 40 Fig. 1373. 388 COMPOSITION STANDARD WEDCE GATE VALVES. STATIONARY SPINDIJE. Fig. 1374. WITH EITHER SCREW OR FLANCE ENDS. FOR STEAM R WATER. Either Stationary or Rising Spindles, as ordered. The gates or pings of these Valves are constructed of one piece, guided in the body by ribs or splines, which take the strain, thus preventing contact till seated. These gates can easily be renewed should it become necessary, at a slight expense all parts being interchangeable. Either end can be used for inlet or outlet. Diameter of opening, inches Face to face, screw ends Face to face, flange ends Diameter of flanges PRICE LIST. 3 4 1 H li 2 2i 3 3| 4 5 ti 2^ 3 »i 4 H 4J 41 4 G 7 3 3 3i 4 ^ 5j G H 7 8 9 3 4 4 5 6 6i 7 % 9 10 11 Diam. of opening, inches f ■£' f 1 1J 1$ 2 2^ 3 3i 4 5 6 Screw ends . . $1.40 1.40 1.80 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.50 14.00 20.00 32.00 40.00 55.00 78.00 Flange ends . . 2.50 2.75 3.50 4.50 5.50 7.50 12.00 18.00 25.00 40.00 48.00 66.00 94.00 IRON BODY COMPOSITION MOUNTED DOUBLE CATE VALVES. Steam and Water Valves to bear heavy pressure either side of gate. The bodies, caps and wheels of these Valves are made of cast-iron and composit on stuffing boxes and spindles. The gates are also of cast-iron, faced with best com- position metal. Diameter of opening, inches Face to face, screw ends . Face to face, flange ends . Diameter of flanges . BOLTED TOP. H 2 2J 3 3i 4 4i 5 G 4 15 6 61 4 7 7| 8 8f 51 6 8* 71 71 8i 8i 91 n 5 6 7 8 8A 9 9J 10 11 Fig. 1375. Diameter of opening, inches Face to face, screw ends . Face to face, flange ends . Diameter of flanges . 7 8 9 10 10i 1U lOjj 11 11| 12 13 15 PRICE LIST. 4 4i 10 11. V 121 16 12 131 131 18 It 141 21 1G 141 23 18 151 25 20 24 Diameter of open- 2 2 i 3 3:1 4 4i 5 7 8 9 ino- inches. Screw ends . f 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 20.00 23.00 25.00 30.00 43.00 53.00 G0.00 Flange ends 10.00 12.50 15.50 19.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 32.00 43.00 53.00 60.00 WITH SLIDINC STEM AND LEVER. Diam. of opening inches 2i 3 3.V 4 4i 5 6 7 9 Qcrevr ends . $16.00 20.00 22.00 25.00 28.00 30.00 35.00 48.00 58.00 65.00 7 Flange ends . 18-00 20.00 22.50 25.00 28.50 33.00 37.00 48.00 5S.00 65.00 Prices on all size Valves from 12 to 4S inches given on application. 389 16 27 10 171 31 12 ro.oo 95.00 (0.00 95.00 10 12 75.00 100.00 75.00 100.00 DIMENSIONS OF JENKINS BROS. VALVES. IRON BODY VALVES. Size, inches , (Screwed A ^Flanged p (Screwed u JFlai C . D. E . 'langed 2 24 3 31 4 44 5 6 64 8 9| 10 HI is" 131 16 7" 7* 9± 10 ll| 124 13 16 31 31 4H 5 rri 5 «A 6f 8 H « 4| °8 «* (34 8 6 7 74 84 9 91 10 11 3 4 1 a 7 lli 8 1 5 1 1A 4 1 81 104 124 13 14§ 151 16| 17 7 8 9 10 12 16i is| 201 214 25? 16 184 20 21| 24 1 8{ 9f 10 8 9^ 10 124 134 15 1i 15 13 x 4 i TB' I 8 17| 20A 21 1 224 244 304 m 105 ■joi 12| 16 19 1* 1A BRASS VALVES. Size, inches 4 a 1 4 l 11 14 2 2-L 3 34 4 44 5 C . (Screwed A "(Flanged 03 ^4 °TT "IT *8 4ff *t 65 84 10 111 13" 13i 16 3A 3A4 41 5if m 7A10 11* 124 13 16 R (Screwed "(Flanged is 14 14! 2A 21 01 3 "TV" °4 H 5 511 6A 65 8 O 1 "'IT 2-3- 2^ ^8 ^8 ^is 3A 3f 4 4-fi, 53 51 6i 64 8 C . 3 34 4 44 5 6 64 74 84 9 91 10 11 D . 3 8 13 7 S~3" H 1 5 3"2 i 1 7 3^ 5 1 5 1 iA il 1A E . *8 4| 54 u 8 7 si 91 91 13 141 16J 165 1^5 A — Face to Face, Globe and Check. B — Centre to Face, Angle and Check. C — Diameter of Flanges. I) — Thickness of Flanges. E — Height when open — Centre of pipe to top of hand- wheel. DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD IRON BODY CLOBE VALVES. Size, inches Diameter of Flanges, inches Distance Face to Face, " 2 6 5f 34 4 4+56 78 10 12 84 9 91 10 11 124 134- 16 19 9f 11 11 12 134 16 16" 194 224 DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD IRON BODY ANCLE VALVES. Size, inches Diameter of Flanges, inches Dis'ance Centre to Face, " 2 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 7 8 10 12 6 7 74 84 9 91 10 11 124 134 16 19 31 44 45 5f 51 S{ 6f 71 7} 8* 94 11 DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD IRON BODY CROSS VALVES. Size, inches .... Diameter of Flanges, inches . Distance Face to Face, " Distance Centre to Inlet, inches 6 5-5 44 3 34 4 44 5 6 8 74 84 9 91 10 11 134 73 '8 9f 11 11 12 134 16 4& *8 5f °8 51 61 7i §1 DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD IRON BODY CHECK VALVES. Size, i: ehes .... Diameter of Flanges, inches . Distance Face to Face of Hori-) zontal or Vertical, inches ) Distance Centre to Face ) of Angle, inches ) 34 4 44 5 6 7 8 10 12 84 9 91 10 11 124 134. 16 19 of 7f 7f 9f 11 11 12 ysi ib ig 194 224 3.1 44 4f 5| of 51 6f 7£ 7J 81 94 11 390 STANDARD IRON-BODY CHECK VALVES, Brass Mounted. HORIZONTAL. ANGLE. VERTICAL. Fig. 1376. Fig. 1 377. Fig. It 78. SCREWED. Size, inches 1 li 14 24 3 34 4 Horizontal, each $1.50 2.20 2.65 3.60 6.50 8.90 12.25 14.25 Angle, " 1 50 2.20 2.65 3.60 6.50 8.90 12.25 14.25 Vertical " 7.00 9.50 12.50 17.00 21.00 Size, inches 44 5 6 7 8 10 12 Horizontal, ea<'h $19.00 22.00 30.00 45.00 57.00 105.00 155.00 Angle, 19.00 22.00 30.00 45.00 57.00 105.00 155.00 Vertical, " 30.00 33.00 40.00 62.00 73.00 FLANCED. Size, inches 1 H 14 2 24 3 34 4 44 Horizontal, each $2.50 3.25 4.00 5.25 8.25 11.50 15.50 18.00 22.50 Angle, " 2.50 3.25 4.00 5.25 8.25 11.50 15.50 18.00 22.50 Vertical, 8.75 11.50 15.00 20.00 25.00 33.50 Size, inches 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 Horizontal, each $26.00 35.00 50.00 62.00 115.00 175.00 300.00 425.00 Angle, 26.00 35.00 50.00 62.00 115.00 175.00 Vertical,. " 37.00 45.00 67.00 78.00 JENKINS BROS. CHECK VALVES. Fig. 1379. Fig. 1380. HORIZONTAL, BRASS SCREWED. HORIZONTAL IRON BODY FLANCED. Size, inches ... i f 4 | 1 1| 14 2 24 3 Brass, Horizontal, Angle and Vertical, screwed . $1.10 1.20 1.30 1.90 2.60 3.00 5.00 7.50 13.50 20.50 Brass, Horizontal, Angle and Vertical, flanged 4.75 5.50 7.80 9.80 15.00 22,80 32.40 Size, inches 24 3 34 4 Iron Body, Horizontal. Angle and Vertical, screwed $10.50 14.00 17.00 20.00 Tron bodv. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical, flanged . . . ■ ■ • • • 12-5° 16 - 50 20.00 25.00 For dimensions of Flanged Check Valves see page 390. 39i 30.00 40.00 33.00 43.00 SAFETY VALVES. BRASS. Size, . Inches, i s i Globe or Angle . $2.20 2.50 3.25 Size, . Inches, l£ 14. 2 Globe or Angle . $7,15 9.00 12.50 Fig. 13 81. IRON BOG Size, . Inches, Globe or Angle, Screwed, Each, Globe or Angle, Flanged, a BODY SAFETY VALVES. Size, .... Globe or Argle, Screwed, Globe or Angle, Flanged, $3.50 Inches, 3£ 1 4.00 5.50 5.00 6.75 4* n 2 5.80 7.80 7.75 10 25 3.90 22 50 13.25 10.00 1 4.70 3 33.50 3 17.25 21.50 Each, $23.00 28.75 34.50 41.50 57.75 93.50 132.00 27.50 34.00 40.00 48.00 65.00 100.00 140.00 Size, Screwed, Flanged, Size, Screwed, Flanged, IRON BODY BACK-PRESSURE VALVES. Inches, H 2 2* 3 31 4 41 5 Each, $9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 19.00 22.50 28.50 33.50 a 10.50 12.75 15.00 17.50 22.00 2G.00 32 00 37.00 14 16 Inches, 6 7 8 10 12 Each, $43.00 70.00 85.00 120.00 180.00 " 47.00 75.00 90.00 130.00 200.00 350.00 475.00 DAVIS NOISELESS BACK-PRESSURE VALVES. Size, Screwed, Flanged, Diam. of Flanges Size, Flanged, Diam. of Flanges, Indies, Each, Inches, Inches, 2 114.00 14.00 2 A 16.00 10.00 10 18.00 18.00 12 3J- 22.00 2. '.00 8 14 4 25.00 25.00 8A 16 4i 30.00 30.00 9 18 40.00 40.00 10 20 60.00 60.00 11 7 80.00 80.00 13 Each, $100.00 145.00 220.00 345.00 465.00 600.00 750.00 900.00 1050.00 Inches, 14 17 19 20 23 27 29 32 V:'^:::; :■';.■:•'.. ,' l,: .' - . ' ■ 1 , ■'■ '■■ '■ i ^ . J / 1 i ■ ■''''- \'-' ' ■- ' JENKINS BROS. SAFETY VALVES. Fig. 1382. Size Brass so. . Size Iron Body sc. Size Iron Body se. Size Iron Body fl' 'd Size Iron Body fl'g'd ; Size . . 2 Diam offl'g. 6 $4.12 H % 4.95 1 5.50 1M lH 8.25 10.15 J4.i 1 la U£ 2 4 50 0.25 T.25 10.25 3 -M i 4H 5 $22.00 31.00 38.00 46.50 55.00 2 2M 3 . . 12.25 19.00 25.50 4 m 5 41.50 51.75 02.00 2!^ 7 3 1% 3H' 4)4 9« 5 10 2 15.40 2% 10.75 73.00 3k: 34.H0 80 00 6 11 sn BRASS STEAM COCKS. bQUAKE 11EA: . Fig 1383. Size, ( Square Head, . Steam Cocks, < Flat Head, ( Tee Handle, . " " with Check, " " Male and Female, " 3-Way, " Flanged '• 3- Way, Flanged, . " •' Extra Heavy. Screwed " " Extra Heavy, Flanged Inches, Each, 3-WAY. Fig 1385. 1 8 i 4 8 1 4 1 H 0.85 .85 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.35 3.70 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.40 1.90 2.55 3.95 1.35 1.35 1.45 2.00 2.50 3.00 5 35 2.50 3.00 3.75 5.75 4.75 5.50 7.30 9.70 7.75 8.75 11.25 14.75 1.80 1.30 1.50 2.00 2.85 4.00 6.75 G.50 7.75 10.00 14.25 Size ( Square Head, . Steam Cocks, ■! Flat Head, ( Tee Handle, . " " with. Check , " " Male and Female, " 3-Way, " " Flanged, " 3-Way Flanged, . " " Extra Heavy, Screwed •' " Extra Heavy, Flanged, Inches, H 2 2i 3 3i 4 5 > $4.85 7.30 14.50 22.50 38.50 50.00 Each 5.15 7.65 15.00 23.25 6.75 9.85 17.50 25.75 7.15 11.00 18.75 26.00 50.00 70.00 11.75 18.00 27.50 43.00 62.00 84.00 150.00 275.00 17.75 37.00 38.25 57.00 85.00 121.00 8.50 13.50 25.00 37.00 54.00 75.00 17.25 27.00 41.00 63.00 84.00 120.00 BRASS STEAM COCKS. With Long Ikon Handle. Size, Price, Inches, . Each, 1.85 1 2.60 1 T 4.10 H 5 25 7.80 BRASS SERVICE COCKS. Inches, ^ Square Head, ) Flat Head, [Each, #0.75 .75 Tee Handle, ) Size, Gas, Service, Gas Cock's, Extra Heavy, U 3 S J 4 L X i .85 .95 1.15 1 50 2.25 3.10 5.00 11.00 16.00 85 ,95 1.05 1.30 1.70 2.60 3.60 6.50 12.00 18:00 393 COMPRESSION BIBBS SCREWED FOR IRON PIPE. FINISHED. HOSE. Fig, 1389. PLAIN. Size, . For Iron Pipe, For Lead Pipe, Size, . For Iron Pipe, For Lead Pipe, Inches, fit! 1 li li 2 Per doz., $U.OO 13 00 15.00 20.00 37.00 56.00 86.00 170.00 " " 10.00 11.00 13.00 18.00 3100 52.00 80.00 160.00 HOSE. Indies a i # a 1 l£ l 1 2 Per doz.,' $1400 15 (0 17.00 22*00 40.00 60*00 92.00 180.00 12 00 13 00 15.00 20.00 37.00 56.00 86.00 170.00 SELF-CLOSING PLAIN BIBBS. (TELEGRAPH FAUCETS.) Telegraph Handle. Screwed for Iron Pipe. Size, . Inches, fill Finished, Per doz., $16.00 18.00 21.00 28.00 Nickel-plated, " 18.00 20.50 23.50 30.50 Flange and Thimble. Size, . Inches, fill Finished, Per doz, $22.00 26.00 30.00 42.00 Nickel-plated, " 24.00 28.50 32.50 44.50 COMPRESSION GAUGE COCKS. V'OOD WHEEL WITH STUFFING BOX. Fig. 1390. WOOD WHEEL WITHOUT STUFFING BOX. Fig. 1391. hes, | £ 3 4 Size, . Inch es, 3 f h a 4 ach, $1.35 1.50 1 70 Price, . Each, $1.10 1.20 1 35 LI IBRICATORS. (BRASS.) Diameter of Body. Pipe Size, Each inches, 1 3 $2 8 00 3 8 2.20 li i 2.40 J 4 1 2.60 2 i 2.90 Diameter of Body, Pipe Size, Each, inches, n a $3*25 91 2 a i 3 75 o a 4 4.75 31 a 7*00 4 a 10.00 Fig. 1392. Iron Wheel on Valve Stem wil. be furnished when so ordered. 394 THE " LACKAWANNA' Fig. 1393. PLAIN. Fig. 1394. Diam. of Cup, inches, Size Iron Pipe Thread, Plain, . . Each, Locomotive Elbow Shank, PATENT CREASE CUP. Price List. Capacity .... . JOz. 1 Oz. 2 Oz. Brass, . . . Each, $1.25 1.85 2.25 Prass, Polished, . " 1 50 2.25 2.75 Size of Shanks, Pipe Thread, I in fin. lin. Diameter Through Bore ]£in. 2 in. aim. Capacity .... i Oz. 6 Oz. 8 0z. Brass, . . . Each, $2.80 3.15 3.50 Brass, Polished, . . ' ; 3.25 3.75 4.50 Size of Shanks, Pipe Thread, £ in. f in. f in. Diameter Through Bore 3 in. 3|in. 3jin. Nickel Plating Charged Extra at Cost. All orders filled with polished cups unless other- wise ordered. Cups can be furnished with blank shanks of any diameter desired without extra charge. An additional charge of 10 per cent, for shanks with special threads All parts are made to gauge and are thoroughly interchangeable. OIL CUPS. LOJOMOTIVE. Fie. 1395. ELBOW SHANK. Fig. 1396. 1 n .50 i| n 9i 02 1.25 .30 .35 .40 40 .50 . . 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.00 2.80 3.60 4.60 395 .60 .90 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.50 4.00 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 "THE SAFETY" ROD OIL CUP. (patented ) The Oil Cup shown herewith is adapted for Main Eods, Side Rods and Eccentrics. The cup is of best bronze, and cast solid with the base is the steel shack, with a square head, as shown in the cut. This steel shank being cast with and forming an integral part of the oil cup, does away with the great source of expense resulting from the loss of nine-tenths of all other rod cups, from the shanks breaking in service, and the cups being thrown off and lost. It is most economical with oil, having a loose valve that works up and clown, similar to a check valve, when the engine is in motion. The lift of valve is regulated by adjusting screw and lock-uut, as c' early shown in cut. Cup is filled without changing the regulation, and when closed is absolutely dust-proof. No. ... Outside diameter of Cup Height of Cup Capacity Size of Shank, blank . Price, each . GUIDE 1 2 2.A ins. 2j\- ins. 4g ins. 4 T V ins. 5 ozs. 2| ozs £ in- £ in- $4 00 3.50 OIL CUP. AND BEARING (PATENTED.) The cup shown herewith is made of best bronze, extra heavy, strong and nicely finished. The construction and feed is clearly shown in illustration. Fine needle valve ad- justment and rim of body notched to receive spring catch, carried on valve-stem, so that the feed may be locked at any desired position. No 3 Outside diameter of Cup 2J; ins. Height of Cup . . 41 ius. Capacity . . . 44 ozs. Size of Shank, blank . 1 in. Pi ice, each . . $4.00 4 1J ins. 2f ins. 2 ozs. £ i n - 3.50 Fig- 1398. WICK OILER. The tip shown herewith is deuigued for use, will the Guide Cup illustrated above, for oiling valve-stem or piston rod. A cored passage allows free flow of oil to the wick, and the wick furnishes constant lubrication to the rod or valv. -stem. The tip may be secured in position on gland stud tLrough hole just above wick. Price $1.25 396 Pig. 1399 CLASS BODY OIL CUP, WITH QUICK STOP DROP LEVER AND SIGHT FEED. As a Signal Cup there is none equal to it. They are pro- vided with a reliable and simple attachment whereby the cup may be started or stopped instantly, and the engineer can also tell at a glance whether the cup is feeding or not. They are easily flushed by simply pulling up the lever. Size. Capacity. Diameter of Glass. 1 ounce. H inche il " J-2 if it 01 " "■ 5 2 ll '\^ " 9l ll of H 4f " s* ll 8 " 3 LL 1 pint. 3f LL H " 3* LL PRICE LIST. Sizeof Shank. Brass Nickel Extra Th ■ead. Finished. Plated. Glass. Iron Pipe. Each. Each. Each. s. 1 inch $2.75 $3.00 $0.10 3 a LL 3.10 3.40 .10 I LL 3.50 3.90 .12 3 8 LL 4.00 4.40 .15 3 8 LL 5.00 5.50 .25 2 LL 7.00 7.60 .35 1 2 6 L 8.00 8.75 .50 'A 4 LL 9.00 10.00 .65 Fia;. 1400. CLASS OIL CUPS, WITH STOP LEVER. Fig. 1401, Glass Oil Cups are constructed the same as Fig. 1404, except they are not provided with a sight feed. These cups are easily and quickly taken apart for cleaning without a wrench, and feed uniformly at all times. PRICE LIST. Diainetcsr of Glass. Size of Hliank Brass Nickel Extra Size. Capacity . Thread. Finished. Plated. Olass. Iron Piyje. Each. Each. Each. 2 A 1 oz. 14 in. Jin. $2.20 $2.45 $0.10 2i B 11 " J 2 If " 3 !( a 2.40 2.70 .10 3 C 2i " 2 " 8 2.80 3.20 .12 4 D H " 2 1 " 1 " 3.25 3.65 .15 5 E H " Ol " ^2 g 4.25 4.75 .25 6 F 8 " 3 " 4 " 5.80 6.40 .35 6*G 1 pt 51 " °2 1 «< 2 7.00 7.75 .50 7 H H" 3£ " 4 8.00 9.00 .65 CLASS BODY OIL CUP. Fig. 1401. WITH QUICK STOP DROP LEVER. Same as our Fig. 1400, except that they are not provided with a sight ieed. They are finely finished and give the best satisfaction. The cup can be flushed without disturbing the the feed adjustment and does not become disturbed by jarring. PRICE LIST. Diameter of Glass. Size of Shank Brass Nickel- Extra Size. Capacity. Thread Finished. Plated. Glass. Iron Pipe. Each. Each. Each. 2 1 OZ. Ii in. i in. $2.20 $2.45 $0.10 4 1* " If " 3 a ' R 2.40 2.70 .10 6 2± " 2 " ii " 8 2.80 3.20 .12 8 3k " 2| " 8 3.25 3.65 .15 10 44 " 01 " ^2 3 it 8 4.25 4.75 .25 12 8 " 3 " i " 5.80 6.40 .35 14 1 pt. 3J » * " 7.00 7.75 .50 16 ii " 3i " 3. " 4 8.00 9.00 .65 Cups are sent regular pipe thred shanks, as per above list, Fisr. 1403. uuless otherwise specified. 397 IMPROVED AUTOMATIC CRANK-PIN OILER. Feeds Oil at every revolution of the Crank. StojDS Feeding when the Engine Stops. The Feed is adjusted by turning the regulating stem, to which is attached a lock nut to fasten same when properly adjusted. The construction of this Cup is such that it insures feed on high or low speed engines. "When the engine stops the valve drops to the bottom and closes the outlet, stopping the flow of oil automaticallv. Size, No. Capacity, Diameter of Glass, Size of Shank, Iron Pipe, Brass Finished, Eacb, Nickeled, . Each, Extra Glasses, Each, CUPS, WITH STOP LEVER. made. Feed can be adjusted to suit with thumb nut, and locked with screw ; then can be instantly stopped or started with the lever shown in the cut. These Cups can be readily flushed without interfering with the feed adjustment, and will not become moved or disturbed by jarring. They are made heavy and strong and finely finished. PRICE LIST. Fig. 1403. GLASS OIL Finest Oil Cups PRICE LIS! 2 3 5 6 H 7 1 oz. 2^ oz. 4 & oz. 8oz. Ipt. ] A pt. l^in. 2 in. 21 in. 3 in. 3j in. 3|in. fin. | in. fin. i in. i in. fin. 12.20 2.80 4.25 5.80 7-00 8.00 2.45 3.20 4.75 6.40 7-75 9.00 .10 .12 ■ .25 .35 .50 .65 Capacity . Size of Shank Thread. Iron Pipe. 111. Brass Finished. Each. $2.75 3.10 3.50 4.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 Nickeled, Each. $3.00 3.40 3.90 4.40 5.50 7.60 8.75 10.00 CLASS The Cups 1404. OIL CUPS, WITH INDEX FEED. are simple, reliable and handsomely finished. The adjusting valve is held under spring pressure, and when set for a desired feed will not be moved or disturbed by jarring. They are a very substantial and reliable article at a low price. ° PRICE LIST. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6J 7 Capacity. f i* 8 " 1 pt. Diameter of Glass. l|in. 14 " if " 2 " 2i " 24 " 3 " H " Size of Shank Thread. Iron Pipe. I 1 m. Brass Fiuished. Each. Nickeled. Each. Extra Glasses. Each. $1.60 $1.80 $0.08 1.80 2.00 .10 2.10 2.35 .10 2.50 2 80 .12 2.90 3.25 .15 3.90 4.30 .25 5.00 5.60 .35 6.00 6.75 .50 7.90 8.65 .65 Cups will be sent regular pipe thread shanks as per above list unless otherwise specified. 398 Fig. 1405 Size. J- inch i H To increase pressure, turn THE MASON THE MASON REDUCING VALVES. This Valve is designed to reduce the water pressure or air pressure, regardless of the initial pressure. It will automatically reduce boiler pressure for steam- beating coils, dry-rooms, paper-making machinery, slashers, dye kettles and all places where it is desirable io use lower pressure than tbat of the boiler. The dashpot, which immediately fills with condensation, prevents all chattering or pounding, and requires no attention. No extra lock up attachment is needed, as the pressure is regulated by a key, which the engineer retains. The sizes, up to and including 2 inch, are made of the best composition, and above that, of cast iron, with composition linings. In the larger sizes the composition lining is hung up in the valve, leaving a sjjace between the iron and composition for the unequal expansion of the metals; thus there is no possibility of the piston sticking when the valve is heated. Price. Size. Price. $18.00 3 inch .... $72.00 18 00 3£ " .... 85 00 22.00 4 " .... 100.00 28.00 5 " .... 135.00 35.00 6 " .... 180.00 44.00 8 " . . . . 250.00 57.00 he Key in the direction taken by the hands of a watch. PUMP PRESSURE RECULATOR. For fire, tank, elevator, air and water works pumps, or any class of pumping machinery where it is necessary to maintain a constant pressure. The regulator may be in- stantly adjusted to any pressure desired by simply turning the key as shown in the cut. The especial feature of this regulator .is that the pressure chamber into which the water enters is entirely removed and separate from the steam and all working parts. The long cylinder at the bottom of the regulator is a dashpot, tbe piston of which is connected with the main valve of the regulator, thereby preventing sudden and violent "jumping" of the pump when the jjressure suddenly changes. These regulators are made in all the pipe sizes; those up to and including 2 inch, of the best steam metal; the largest sizes of cast-iron lined with steam metal. The springs are made of the finest tool steel, tempered. Each size, up to and including 2 inch, is furnished with couplings. Fis Price. Price. Size Pipe, i inch $20.00 Size Pipe, 2 inch $55.00 n a .< 20.00 2i " 68.00 1 " 25.00 3 " 85.00 '.: 3 » : 30.00 3i " 100.00 42.00 4 " 115.00 399 ROSS PATENT REDUCING VALVES. For Water. SCREW TOP, WITH COUPLINGS Pig. 1407. Size of Pipe. Price. finch .... $7.00 1 " . . . . 10.00 l-[ " . . . . 14.00 if " . . . . 20.00 Above 2-inch Valves are made with screw sockets or flanges. Fig. 1407. SCREW SOCKET OR FLANGED. For Water. Fig. 1408. Siz e of Pipe. Price. 2 inch, Screw Socket or Flange $24.00 H ££ tt 66 45.00 3 ft a It GO. 00 4 66 a 66 85.00 5 66 te tc 100.00 Fig. 1408. ROSS PATENT REDUCING VALVES. FOR STEAM. Lever and weight for low pressure, or vacuum. With brass couplings. Fig. 1409. Size of Pipe. Price. j in., Iron body, brass mounted, brass couplings §15.00 15.00 18.00 23.00 flanged couplings 30.00 ' 45.00 60.00 85.00 100.00 150.00 Fig. 1400. For Vacuum, r 400 everse lever and weight. FOSTER "CLASS Q." PRESSURE REGULATOR. FOR LOW PRESSURES. Not Exceeding 15 lbs. Delivery. PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS. Fis;. 1410 Screwed Ends. $20 24 28 35 40 48 55 70 85 120 Steam Gauge Shown in Cut, $3.00 Extra. Flanged Ends. $38 43 52 60 75 90 125 200 300 350 FOSTER PISTON ACTUATED PUMP GOVERNOR. With Compensating Spring. Controlled Solely by the Discharge Pressure. The Valve is made throughout of the best steam- metal composition, in all sizes up to 2-inch inclusive. Larger sizes have iron bodies with brass trimmings. Steam inlet is at A and outlet leading to the Pump at B. Connection is made at pipe 2 between the Gov- ernor and pump discharge, or pressure tank (prefer- ably the latter), with a J-inch pipe, if not longer than 12 feet, or a -|-inch pipe for greater length. The power of the spring is regulated by adjusting nut K — to the right to increase the discharge j)ressure and to the left to diminish it. Orders should specify approximately the required pump discharge pressure. Size, inches Price . 4 PRICE LIST. 1 ]£ li 2 21 3 4 5 $18.00 20.00 22.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 65.00 401 THE FOSTER PRESSURE REGULATOR AND PUMP REGULATOR, For Regulating Pressures of Steam, Water, Gas and Air. Fig. 1412. Fi g. 1413. SECTIONAL VIEW OF 1-2 TO 2 IN. PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF 2 1-2 IN. TO 6 IN. PRICE LIST AND Dl NIENSIONS. Diameter Distance — Approximate Weigp, TS. Size, Screwed Flanged of Between Iron. Composition. Indies. Ends. Ends. Flanges.* . Face s.* Screwed . Flanged. Sere wed . Flanged a $20.00 $22.00 3f in. 4i in. , . , 11 lbs. 13 lbs. 1 22.00 24.00 4i " 5f a , , , , 12 a 16 " H 28.00 30.00 5 " 5* cc 19 lbs 23 lbs. 21 a 26 " i* 35.00 37.00 tS it a 22 it 28 a 26 tt 32 " 2 44.00 46.00 6 " 7 a 40 tt 50 tt 51 a 60 " 2* 57.00 60.00 ty a 9 a 60 it 75 1 1 70 a 87 " 3 72.00 75.00 7i " 10 tt 73 tt 80 a 84 tt 95 '• H 90.00 95.00 8i " 11 a 84 it 100 a 94 tt 112 " 4 100.00 105.00 9 " 12 a 139 it 160 a 155 it 180 " 4* 120.00 125.00 9i " 14 1 1 154 a 174 it . , 193 " 5 135.00 140.00 10 " 15 a 180 a 191 it . 209 " 6 180.00 185.00 11 " 17 t i 233 a 275 it , 324 " 7 § , 220 00 i2i " 18} a , , 390 it a 480 " 8 m 260.00 13* " 20| a . , 450 a . # , 10 , 350.00 16 " 23* a , , 575 a . . , 12 450.00 19 " 27i it • s 1050 a . „ . 14 575.00 21 " 31 a , 1375 it . , „ 16 . 700.00 23* " 34 a , , 1600 t i . „ # 18 • 875.00 25 " 37* tt . . 1900 a . . , *These are standard dimensions. Flanges with different dimensions, or distances between faces, 'are made only to order, for which an additional price is charged. Drilling flanges extra. Companion flanges, bolted to Regulators furnished at reasonable prices. Special Valves, made throughout of Government Composition — such as we furnish for the United States Navy— are only made to special order, and at an extra net price of 35 cts. per lb. gross weight of Regulator. This extra charge is to cover the extra cost of the metal and the additional expense incident to making one or a few valves at a time, and affords no additional profit to the manufacturer. Notb. — Unless otherwise specified, all Regulators will be provided with a spring' capable of delivering any pressure between 10 and 60 lbs. If required for a higher or for lower pressures than this, the order should so state. 402 WATSON'S NEW DIAPHRAGM REDUCING VALVE. INSIDE VIEW. Fig. 1414. Fig. 1415. State in ordering for what purpose it is wanted, also about what the pressure on high side is, and about what is wanted on the reduced side. Sizes and Prices. ALL BRASS MADE SCREWED ENDS ONLY. Size, f inch • a • Price, $17.00 " 1 " . . • . tt 20.00 a li " ■ • ■ • t<" 25.00 ft li " . a 30.00 IRON BODIES, FLANGED ENDS Size, 2 inch Price, $38.00 1 1 n " • • a 55.00 a O ii o • • * a 70.00 a 4 • a 90.00 cc 5 " Li 110.00 < t G " • ■ • a 150.00 DIRECTIONS FOR OPERATING. 1. Screw the regulating screw all the way up. 2. Have lock nut all the way up. 3. Apply the wrench on regulating screw to screw down, until your gauge shows the reduced pressure required. 4. Then screw the lock nut down to hold the set and prevent tampering. Fig. 1416. If for use on Water, Air, Gas or Vacuum Heating System give notice in order, as the Valves will be made for the purpose. 403 WATSON'S SPRING PRESSURE REGULATOR. FOR STEAM PUMPS, ENGINES, STEAM VESSELS AND WATER, CAS AND AIR, Fitr. 1417. ALL BRASS, SCREWED ENDS ONLY. Size, inches 4 1 n 2 91 3 4 Price, each . $14.00 17.00 22.00 28.00 38.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 IRON BODY AND BRASS LINED, FLANGED. These are also tapped for screwing and can be used either flanged or screwed. Size, inches .... 2 2^ 3 4 5 6 Price, each . $38.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 110.00 150.00 WATSON'S PRESSURE REGULATOR. WITH LEVER AND WEICHT. Fig. 1418. SIZES AND PRICES SAME AS ABOVE. 404 Fig. 1430. Size No. of Trap . Pipe, size inlet and outlet Number of feet, 1 inch pipe, Price .... "McDANIEL" STEAM TRAP. A good continuous drainer, and does not discharge at intervals or throw out any steam with the condensation. Low Pressure Traps, all sizes, made to work from 1 lb. to 20 lbs. steam pressure. Regular Pressure Traps, all sizes, made to work from 1 lb. to 100 lbs. steam pressure. When not otherwise ordered, Regular Pressure Traps will be sent. it will drain 1 2 3 4 5 1 li H 2 2:V 3500 7000 14000 20000 25000 $30.00 40.00 6x00 75.00 100.00 McDANIEL'S EXTRA HEAVY STEAM TRAPS. per square inch. They are made For working Steam Pressure above 100 lbs. to 150 lbs from Special Patterns and tested to a pressure of 250 lbs. Size No. of Trap Size of inlet and outlet .... £ Drains No. of feet 1 inch pipe . . 1000 " " sq. ft. heating surface 333 Price $24.00 In ordering Extra Heavy Steam Traps, we should know the Highest Boiler Pressure at which the Trap will be used, as that determines the Size of Valve Outlet; otherwise we will send it made to work from 1 lb. up to 150 lbs. working pressure. 1 2 3 4 5 1 li li 2 2.7 3500 7000 14000 20000 25000 1160 2333 4606 6666 8333 40.00 55.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 Fig. 1421. Size No. of Trap Pipe size of inlet and outlet . No. of feet of 1 inch pipe it will drain Price CHAPMAN'S SELF-REGULATING STEAM TRAP. Regular Pressure are made to work from 1 lb. up to 75 lbs. Steam Pressure. No. 1 size can only be made to work up to 75 lbs. and no higher. Nos. 2, 3 and 4, regular sizes, can be made to work up to 100 lbs., but must be specially ordered, stating pressure wanted. Low Pressure are made to work from 1 lb. up to 20 lbs. only. 1 2 3 4 1 H li 2 1500 3000 7000 10000 S25.00 35.00 60.00 70.00 Fig. 1422. "RELIABLE" STEAM TRAP. For small drainage, that can be sold at a low priee. No. weighs 35 lbs.; No. 00 weighs 30 lbs. Both sizes work at from lib. to 100 lbs., steam pressure only, and no higher. Size of Drains No. of Inlet and No. of Feet Trap. Outlet. of 1 in. Pipe. Price. 0. J inch. 1000 $12.00 00. i << 2 450 8.00 405 McDANIEL'S SUCTION TEE. REGULAR TEES, IOO LBS. Size, J in. 1 in. 1^ in. 1J in. Price, $0.80 1.00' 1.25 a in. 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 EXTRA HEAVY TEES, 250 LBS. lin. •12.00 3 in. $9.00 li in. 2.50 3Jin. 12.00 H in. 3.00 4 in. 15.00 3 in. 4.00 5 in. 24.00 2i in. 6.00 6 in. 34.00 This is a Fitting that will make all bad jobs cf Steam Pleating work well, and stop the snap- ping and backing up of one return on another. Wherever two returns back up on another, it will stop the same — by using the shortest one, getting its steam first at B, and the other and weaker one at A, as by this means the stronger one will act as an ejeclor, and cause the weaker one to circulate freely. All can then be con- nected at D, and carried on to the main waste or return. The Suction Tee can be used to ad- vantage in making all connections on healing jobs. Where condensation returns to the boilers, put it on wherever two returns come together. SEAMLESS COPPER BALL FLOATS. Size, inch, . 4 . 4A Weight, each, 12 oz. 13 oz. Price, per doz., $23.00 23.00 12|- in., \8i lb., $14.50 5 5| 6 14; lb. Hlb. 2ilb. 27.00 27.00 34.00 15 in., 33 lbs., $28.50 10 9V lb. 7 8 9 3£ lb. U lb. 5j lb. 49.00 6400 79.00 105.00 128.00 16 in., 39 lbs., $31.25 each. 11 13| lb. We guarantee all our floats not to fill or collapse under a pressure of 300 lbs. per square inch, unless otherwise specified, for a period of one year from date of shipment. In ordering, be sure to specify the dimensions of nipple, and whether male or female. KEYSTONE EXHAUST PIPE HEAD. Made without the Cast-iron Top. inch Iron Pipe, Screwed, Fig. 1424 MoDaniel. 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 Flanged, $14.00 16.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 43.00 50.00 S5.00 100.00 Fig. 1425. Keystone, McDANIEL'S EXHAUST PIPE HEADS. Diameter of ) "Exhaust Pipe,) Dia. Flanges on ) Exhaust Heads J Number of [ Drips, \ Size of ) Drip Pipes, j Price, each, OAST IKON TOP. 3A 4 5 Sc'd 1 Sc'd 1 1 Sc'd 1 1 Sc'd 1 li Sc'd 1 12 1 6 12 1 7 13 1 H 8 14 1 14 1 10 12 16 18 2 2 2 2h 20.00 150.00 $25.00 27.50 30.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 6X00 70.00 85.00 105.00 1 14, 15, 16, 18, 20 and 24 inch quoted on application. Can ship any size of Exhaust Heads up to and including 8-inch out of stock; other sizes made to order on short notice. 406 Sectional View. JENNINGS' COMBINE SEPARATOR. FOR EXHAUST OR LIVE STEAM. HORIZONTAL FORM. $40.00 50.00 00.00 70.00 80.00 95.00 110.00 140.00 160.00 200.00 240.00 9 iuck Fig. 1426. Separators from 2 inch to inclusive are made of fast-iron. Above prices are for either horizontal or vertical type. JENNINGS' COMBINE SEPARATOR. BUILT ENTIRELY OF STEEL. ~ 2* sa 5 02 s §> " CO S 3 0) H o3 o H o <£ 10 17$ 42 Ol 34 78| $330.00 12 20 444 2. j 331 86i 450.00 14 23 474 3 36f 94 j- 600.00 16 25 51 3 391 1024. 800.00 18 274 55 3* 42} 110} 1000.00 20 29 59$ 3* 46 1184 1200.00 Patented. Fig. 1427. For excessively high pressures, producing- quadruple effect. THESE PRICES ARE FOR SEPARATORS WORKING UP 125 LBS. PRESSURE. Au additional charge of 10 per cent, of list price for pressures above 125 lbs. We are pre- pared to build Separators of special design to meet peculiar requirements. Always Give Highest Boiler Pressure. 407 THE ASHTON LOCK-UP POP SAFETY VALVE. NO. 3 STYLE. Specially Adapted for Boilers in Mills, Factories, Electric Light and Power Stations. Size Valve, inches 2 2\ 3 3h 4 4| 5 5A 6 Price . . . $30.00 40.00 55.00 64.00 70.00 80.00 85.00 105.00 125.00 Diameter of Inlet) „ g 9 10 10 13 12 14 14 Flange, inches, ) Always state in ordering whether flanged or screw end valve is desired. 1428. Always mention on order the highest working pressure carried. THE ASHTON POP SAFETY VALVE. FOR SMALL STATIONARY AND PORTABLE BOILERS. These Valves, made entirely of high grade composition metal, finely finished, the springs of Jessop's Steel. They have beveled seats, encased spring chamber, pivoted spring discs, and give great efficiency and durability. PRICE LIST. Fig:. 1429. Size inches ...... Fig. 1432, Valve, without Cap . " 1429, " Cap only . " 1431, " lock-up Cap and Lever " 1430, " " and pipe outlet ^ 11-11+2 $4.50 6.50 8.50 10.00 20.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 10.50 20.50 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 22.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 14.00 25.00 Fig. 1430. Iu ordering always mention Fig. No. of style wanted, and give highest working pressure carried. Every valve is tested at factory before shipment. 1431. Fig. 1432. CAM LEVER MARINE POP SAFETY VALVES. WITH LOCK-UP ATTACHMENT. These valves have beveled seats at an angle of 45° and with the powerful cam lever is arranged lo lift the valve off its seat one-eighth the diameter of the valve opening, thus fully complying with the rules and regulations of the U. fcj. Board of Supervising Inspectors of Sleam Vessels. These marine valves have been accepted by the Chief Engineer of the U. S. Navy Department and are in use on many of the latest Cruisers and Battleships. The working parls are made of high-grade compo- comp. yaiii sition metal; the springs of Jessop's Steel. Sizeincb.es ... J 1 1* 1£ 2 2i 3 3A 4 Fig. 1434, Valve, each $7.20 9.60 12,00 14i40 25.00 40.00 . . . ." . . " 1433, " " ... $48.00 66. Inlet Flange diam. inches . . . . „ 8 9 Outlet Flange " " . . . . 7 7A IRON MARINE VALAB. Fig. 1433. Fig. 1434. 4i 5 5i 70. LO 8 84. 95. 102. 125. 150. 10 12 12 14 14 8i 9 91 10 lOi Testing clamps furnished by us at no extra expense. Unless otherwise stated, all marine valves above 2 inch size are made with flanged inlet and outlet. THE ASHTON IMPROVED LOCOMOTIVE POP SAFETY VALVE. Size, ..... Inches, 2J MUFFLER Price $85.00 GO. 00 3 95.00 SPECIAL NOTICE. These Locomotive Pop Safety Valves are not made in sizes larger than three inches, as we guarantee our 3-iuch muffler or 3-inch open pop, to give perfect relief 1435. to any locomotive boiler iu the world. 408 THE ASHTON LOCOMOTIVE OPEN POP SAFETY VALVE. Size Price 2|- inch $40.00 3 inch $48.00 Fig. 1486. THE ASHTON CAM LEVER LOCOMOTIVE OPEN POP SAFETY VALVE. This Cam Lever Open Pop Valve, as shown, is virtually the Fig. 1436 Valve, shown at top of this page, with the addition of the Cam Lever at- tachment on top. This valve is oftentimes used on locomotives as an auxiliary to Fig. 1436 Open Pop or Fig. 1435 Muffler Valve. In such cases this Cam Lever Valve is usually set to work at a few pounds higher pressure. The Cam Lever makes it possible to trip the valve easily by hand, or by means of a rod attached to the lever it is possible to trip the 1437. valve from the cab. Price, 2 J inch, $45.00; 3 inch, $55 00. THE ASHTON WATER RELIEF VALVE. For Fire Pumps, Hydraulic Elevators, Water Works, Pumping Stations and Stand Pipes. Fig. 1430 style is termed the Underwriters' Pattern, having been competitively tested and ac- cepted by the Associated Factory Insurance Com- panies. This valve is made with extra long spring, giving large relief. It is furnished with large wheel- top for easy adjustment. The working parts are of high grade composition metal. The springs of Jes- State style sop's steel. wanted and -pig. 143S valve is made in sizes from J to 2| whether screwed ^ inclusive and is entirely of composition metal, . , . °j finely finished, the spring of Jessop's steel. Fig. 1438. IRON WATEE RELIEF VALVE. 1439. COMP. WATER VALVE. Give pre s- s ur e at which valve is to work Size f 1 Fig. 1438, price $7.00 9.00 Fig. 1439, '•' Inlet Flange Price List. 1- l 1 2 2.t 12.50 16.50 23^00 4a"00 30.00 40.00 60.00 8 3i 4i 75.00 9 80.00 85.00 105.00 125.00 150.00 10 10 12 12 14 LOCOMOTIVE CONCS. FIG. 1440. Size, iuchts . 6 7 8 9 1() Each . . $2.50 3 50 4.50 5.50 6.50 GONG BELLS. Size, in., 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 Each $2.00 2.45 2.95 3.70 5.60 7.90 13.50 22 00 2S 80 TRIP GONGS. S'ze, inches . . 13 15 18 25 Each . . . $16.00 22.00 27.00 to ordn- Large Pulls Each $1.75 Extra Large Pulls . . " 2.25 409 STEAM CHIME WHISTLES. B^chU 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 Pipe size, " 4 f 1 1{ U 2J Fig. 1441 12 S- 1 ^ i1 ' I $5.00 8.00 14.00 22.00 38.00 85.00 150.00 260.00 Bach J | 7.00 11.00 18.00 28.00 42.00 100.00 1S0.00 300.00 Fig. 1442, Each \v.:hoot valve. Fig. 1441, PLAIN WHISTLES. Diam. of Bell, inches, Pipe Size, Fig. 1443, . Each, Fig- 1444, . Each, 1 U i i 4 t |2.20 2.75 3.10 3.75 1£ ji 8 3.00 4.00 4.35 5.50 3 4" 5.25 6.50 3 1 7.25 8.50 Diam. of Bell, wri'Hour valve. Pipe Size, Fig. 1443. Fig. 1443, Fig. 1444, Inches, Each, °2 1 $9.50 11.50 n 12.00 15.00 5 li 19.00 22.50 6 8 2 2h 24.00 70.00 33.00 95.00 WHISTLE VALVES. WITH ViLVE Fig. 1444. Size, Inches, J jf 1 1|- Price, Each, $2.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 U 2 2A 3 6.00 9.00 18.00 27.00 Fig. 1445. RELIANCE SAFETY WATER COLUMNS. Number 1 1| 2 5 6 7 9 11 13 15 Style . H.iL. H.iL. Low. HiL. Low. H.iL. H.iL. H.iL. H.iL. H.iL. Japanned , without Gauge Cocks or Water M „ Gauge, Each, $28.00 28.00 25.00 30.00 28.00 35.00 40.00 42.50 45.00 50.00 Japanned, with Gauge IpjpMP Sauge! nd Each" 35.00 35.00 32.00 40.00 38.00 45.00 50.0) 55.C0 65.00 70.00 Finished Bras-s, without Gauge Cocks or Water Gauge, Each, Finished Brass, with Gauge Cocks and W r ater Gauge, Each, 70.00 65.00 80.00 75.00 Number Dimensions Over All Diameter Boiler (Maximum) Steam Pressure, Lbs., (Maximum Size Boiler Connections Variations Between Alarms, inches Length of Glass Distance between Gauge Cocks Size Trimmings 1 3»x23t.j 5t 150 1 6 12 3 85.00 . . 80.00 100.00 95.00 . . . DESCRIPTION. 2.5 6 7 •>4x23i- 4 - 4«x29J^ 4Mx27« 5i.jX36 60 Any Diam. Any Diam. 150 AnyPres. Any Pree. 1 1« Ik' 5x28i 4 ' 51 200 VA 6 12 3 a 9 11 13 15 5i 4 x44 5x58 5x64 5x70 12 3 16 4 16 4 1-H 12 19 6 H 18 24 9 u 1M U& lVa 24 30 36 30 36 42 12 15 18 'Si H % Number 9, 11, 13 and 15 are for use on vertical boilers ; all other sizes for horizontal boilers, 410 JENNINGS' SIGHT INDICATOR. A tell-tale on Separator aud Trap with Automatic Stop Water Gauge. Neat and attractive. A preventive of disastrous results. Pipe Size, inches f 1 1J 1| .2 2A Distance from centre to centre of Water Gauge, inches 10 Length from end to end. inches . . . 14J Price $14. In case a glass breaks, the steam is shut off hy t lie automatic water gauges, and no danger of scalding the attendant. This device places the Separator under the control of the attendant, and gives ample time to open the by-pass in case the trap fails to work, or is not equal to the flood of separated water when, priming, or from other causes of excess water which will show in the water glass. »l 13i 14f 16$ 18 17* 194 2ii 24± 26* 16. 20. 20. 22. 24. Fig. 1447. RUBBER As many buyers experience a difficulty in ordering valves and Pure Gum 'o suit their requirements, we give here a number of grades with a brief description of each, which may be of service in making selections. We have small samples of eacli grade, numbered to corres- pond with this list, which we will gladly forward lo any one requiring them. absolutely pure valve made entirely from Pine Para No. 1. Rubber. VALVES. An No. 2. A very fine High Grade Valve, very soft and light. No. 3. A High Grade Valve made from prime stock, and is soft and pliable. No, 4. A High Grade Valve made from prime stock, but more solid and firm than No. 3. Makes an excel- lent pump valve. No. 5. Very similar to No. 4, but not of so high a grade. .No. 6. A semi-hard Hot Water and Oil Valve, made in three degrees of hardness, as follows : No. 6a, a stiff valve which can be slightly depressed with the finger nail. No. 6b, the same slock, vulcanized at higher beat, and is slightly flexible. No. 6o, same stock, vul- canized at still higher heat, aud not flexible. No. 7. A soft medium priced stock. No. 8. A medium priced valve, somewhat harder than No. 7. No. 9. A very soft medium priced stock. No. 10. A medium soft low priced stock. No. 11. A medium soft lower priced stock. No. 12. Alow priced Hot Water and Oil Valve. A very low priced stock. A still lower priced stock. A very high grade red valve. A good grade red valve. A very "hard Hot Water and Oil Valve ; would break before it would bend. No. 18. A double faced Pump Valve, very hard on one side and soft on the other. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. JENKINS BROS. PUMP VALVES. These valves are especially adapled for pumping hot water, syrups, beer and other destructive fluids, also muddy and gritty water. When rubber valves have been found useless, these valves have given entire satisfaction. For mining and high pressure service Jenkins Bros. No. 8S Pump Valvesare in use on 450 pounds pressure, and are giving entire satisfaction. They also manufacture a fine grade of Rubber Valves for cold water aud air service. When order- ing valves, please state for what purpose you desire to Fig. 1449. use them. Price, $1.00 per pound. Ill ordering Pump Valves, give Diameter, Thickness and Size of Hole. 41i SIPHONS AND COCKS. Fin-. 1450. Fig. 1451. Fig. 1452. T Handle Steam Gauge Cook. Fig. 1453. Price List, Siphons and Cocks. Common Iron Pipe Siphon, each Fig. 1456 " Brass " " Fig. 1456 T Handle, Brass Cock Fig. 1452 Heavy " " Fig. 1452 Small Unior, Brass Cock . . Fig. 1455 Large " " Fig. 1455 Straight Siphon, without Cock, Fig. 1450 . Elbow '• " Fig. 1451 . Straight " with Cock, Pig. 1453 Elbow " " Fig. 1454 Fig. 1454. Levek Handle Union Steam Gauge Cock. Brass. N. P. $0.25 . , 1.00 $1.50 .50 .75 1.00 1 50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.75 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 Fig. 145H. SIPHON. A Siphon should be used in connecting fdeam gauge. Before connecting gauge, first iill siphon with water, thus preventing the steam from coming in contact with spring of gauge. No steam gauge is warranted unless connected with Siphon. LEVER PUMP AND TEST GAUGE. Fig. 1457. Thig Pump is compact, net and durable. It occupies only a space of nine inches square. Prices. 1457, Pump and Gauge camplete, nickel-plated, in velvet lined black walnut box, with lock, key and handles, nickel-plated trim- miugs, and small tools . .... $75.00 1458, Pump only, nickel-plated 50.00 1459, " plain brass . .' . . 40.00 412 WATER GAUGES. Fig. 1458 FOR EXPANSION TANK. Fig. 1459. ROUGH BODY, IRON WHEEL. Fig. 1460. FINISHED ROUND VODY. WOOD WHEEL. Fig. 1461. FINISHED SQUARE BODY. WOOD WHEEL Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 1458 1459 1460 1461 1461 1461 Size of Pipe. Inches. 1 2 i i 2 4 4 Size of Glass. Inches. * x 12 £ xl2 £xl2 txia fxl6 Number of Guards. 2 2 2 4 4 9 Price Each. $2.60 3.25 5.75 7.50 10.00 8.00 MONCRIEFF'S GENUINE SCOTCH External Diameter. GLASS TUBES. Length, .... Inches, \ and f 3. 4 7 5 1 10 .... Per doz. $3.00 $3.60 $5.04 $6.12 11 .... ' " 3.24 3.96 5.64 6.72 12 .... ' " 3.60 4.32 6.12 7.32 13 .... ' " 3.84 4.80 6.60 7.92 14 .... ' " 4.20 5.16 7.08 S.52 15 .... ' " 4.44 5.52 7.56 9.12 16 .... ' " 4.80 5.8S 8 16 9.72 17 .... ' " 5.04 6.24 8.64 10.32 18 .... ' " 5.40 6.60 9.12 10.92 19 .... ' " 5.64 7.08 9.60 11.52 20 . . - . ' " 6.00 7.44 10.20 12.12 22 .... ' " 6.60 8.16 11.16 13.44 24 ' " 7-20 8.88 12.12 14.04 HO .... • ■' D.00 11.16 15.24 18.24 36 .... ' " 10.80 13.44 18.24 21.96 48 ... ' " 14.52 18.00 24.36 29.16 60 .... ' " 18.12 22.56 ' l 30.48 36 48 72 .... ' " 21.84 27.12 ■' 36.48 43.80 60 x 1{- inches, $60.00 per dozen. SIGHT FEED LUBRICATOR GLASSES. External diameter, . . Inches. \ £ Per dozen $1.00 1.00 2£ to 3i inches long. " 413 L00 LOCOMOTIVE STEAM GAUGES. Springs op Solid Drawn ok Brazed Tube. PRICES, INCLUDING COCK. Iron Case, Iron Case, Brass N. P. Size. Japanned. N.P.Ring. Case. Case. 6f inch Dial, $18.00 $13.60 $22.00 $24.00 6 " 15.00 15.50 18.00 19.50 5 " 11.00 11.20 13.00 14.00 Fig. 1462. IMPROVED SINGLE SPRING BOURDON PRESSURE OR VACUUM GAUGE. Springs op Solid Drawn or Brazed Tube. These gauges are graduated to any desired pressure not exceeding 500 pounds. All gauges are graduated from an open column of mercury, and are warranted correct. NAME ON DIAL OF GAUGES FREE OF CHARGE. Fi g. 1463. PRICES, INCLUDING COCK. Brass Deep N.P.Deep Iron Case, Iron Case, Case.O.G.or Case.O.G.or Size Brass Ring. N. P. Ring Brass Case. N. P. Case. Oct. Ring. Oct. Ring. 12 in. Dial, $50.00 $51.50 $75.00 $79.00 $80.00 $84.00 10 ' 32.00 33.00 40.00 43.00 44.00 47.00 8i ' 22.00 22.75 30.00 32 50 33.50 36.00 6f < 16.00 16.60 20.00 22.00 23.00 25.00 G 13.00 13.50 16.00 17.50 18.50 20.00 5* ' 10.00 10.25 12.00 13.25 •13.75 15.00 5 8.00 8.20 11.00 12.00 12,50 13 50 ih ' 8.00 8.20 10.00 11.00 11.50 12.50 84 ' 7.00 7.18 9.00 9.75 10.25 11.00 3 6.00 6.15 8.00 8.60 9.25 9.75 H ' 6.00 6.15 8.00 8.60 . 2 6.00 6.15 8.00 8.60 . . DOUBLE SPRING BOURDON PRESSURE GAUGE. Springs of Solid Drawn or Brazed Tube. Gauges graduated for steam or water pressure, as desired. PRICES, INCLUDING COCK. Brass Deep N.P.Deep Iron Case, Iron Case, Case.O.G.or Case,O.G.or Size. Japanned. N. P. Ring. Brass Case. N. P. Case. Oct. Ring. Oct. Ring. li in. Dial, $55.00 $56.50 $80.00 $84.00 $85.00 $89.00 10 " 37.00 38.00 45.00 48.00 49.00 52.00 84 " 25.00 25.75 34.00 36.50 37.50 40.00 Gf " 18.00 18.60 22.00 24.00 25.00 27.00 (i 15.00 15.50 18.00 19.50 20.75 22.25 54 " 12.00 12.25 14.00 15.25 16.25 17.50 5" " 11.00 11.20 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 44 " 10.00 10.20 12.00 13.00 13.75 14.75 414 Fig. 1464 Size. 12 inch Dial, 10 it it 8i " " 6* ({ tt 6 ft tt 5 tt a 4A tt tt 3A a ({ THE HYDRAULIC GAUGE. These Hydraulic Gauges are made with special steel tuhe for high pressures, and are accurately and carefully tested. When ordering, state maximum pressure required, and if dial is to show pressure in tons on ram, give exact diameter of ram. No extra charge for marking tons on ram on dials. Hydraulic check valves and cocks extra. For maximum hands add $5.00 to list price, gauges for pressure not over 1000 pounds. Iron Case, Iron Case, Brass Ring. N. P. Ling. Brass Case. N. P. Case. $110.00 $111.50 $125.00 1129.00 90.00 91.00 100.00 103.00 70.00 70.75 80.00 82.50 50.00 50.60 60.00 62.00 35.00 35.50 40.00 41.50 30.00 30.50 35.00 36.00 25.00 25.50 30.00 31.00 22.00 22.50 26.00 26.75 No extra charge for marking tons on ram on dials. Special prices on Bourdon brass tube hydraulic COMBINATION WATER PRESSURE GAUGES. v For Indicating Pressure of Water in pounds per Square Inch and Corresponding Height of Water Column. Springs of Solid Drawn Tube. PRICES, INCLUDING COCK. Size. inch Dial, Iron Case, Japanned . Iron Case, N. P. Ring. Brass Case. Tt.P. Case. $60.00 $61.50 $80.00 $84.00 40.00 41.00 50.00 53.00 30.00 30.75 40.00 42.50 20.00 20.60 25.00 . 27.00 16.00 16.50 20 00 21.50 14.00 14.25 16.00 17.25 Fig. 1465. In ordering, state maximum height of water pressure ever attained where it is applied. IMPROVED COMPOUND PRESSURE AND VACUUM GAUGE. This Gauge is for indicating both pressure and vacuum; pressure being marked in pounds per square inch, and vacuum in inches of mercury column. If a pressure exceeding fifteen pounds is required, it should be stated in ordering. Springs of Solid Drawn Tube. PRICES, INCLUDING COCK. Fig. 1466. 12 10 8k 6| 6 5i u 3i Inch Dial, Iron Case, Japanned. $60.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 Iron Case, N. P. Ring. $61.50 41.00 30.75 20.60 16.50 14.25 12.20 10.18 Brass Case. $80.00 50.00 40.00 25.00 20.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 N. P. Case. $84.00 53.00 42.50 27.00 2150 17.25 15.00 12.75 Fig. 1467. DUPLEX AIR BRAKE GAUCES. Tiie two hands are of different colors, the one in red indicating Reservoir pressure, and the other in black indicating Train-Line pressure. We not only recommend,- but we guarantee, this gauge to be superior to any duplex gauge manufactured, for accuracy, durability, compactness and finish. These gauges are used on all the principal roads. Price, ..... $20.00. 415 V AMMONIA GAUGE. These Gauges have all interior parts of iron ex- cepting the spring, which is of steel, to withstand ammonia or any other gas or acid which attacks the ordinary Bourdon spring. Iron Case and Ring. $45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 Size. 8 or 8£ in. 6f Dial, 6 5 H it Iron Case N. P. Ring. $45.75 40.60 35.50 30.00 25.00 25.00 STANDARD TEST GAUGES. SPRINCS OF SOLID DRAWN OR BRAZED TUBES. Each Gauge most carefully adjusted, tested and graduated in one pound marks. Size. Brass Case. N. P. Case 10 in. Dial, . $50.00 $53.00 8* " 40 00 42.50 6f 30.00 32.00 6 25.00 26.50 . 5h " 20.00 21.25 4i " 16.00 17.00 H 14.00 14.75 3 14.00 14.60 REVOLUTION COUNTERS. WARRANTED. LOCOMOTIVE AND MARINE CLOCKS. Fig 1471. ,x Size. AT Brass Case. P., O. G. or Oct. Ring. 1 I 12 in. Dial 8 Wheels, $110.00 $114.00 10 tt 8 a 95.00 98.00 1 f— JjjjT ' H it 8 tt 80.00 82.50 i$i 12 it 6 a 100.00 104.00 // J 10 it 6 a 85.00 88.00 7/ w 11 1 8* it 6 tt 70.00 72.50 i -Pipe Connections. — O p. Price. Steam P essures. SI earn. Su cliou. De lvery. o rerflow. 35 P 125 lbs. 310 lbs . Iron. Cupper. Irou Copper. Iron. Copper. Iron. Copper 5 A $75.00 1,103 gals. 1,210 gal *• H ii ii li H li 11 li 5 B 75.00 1,102 " 1,210 ■ ' u n h If ii n li If 6 A 90.00 1,500 " 1.G47 " 4 ij H li H li 11 li 6 B 90.00 1,500 " 1,047 " i£ if li -If H n li If 7 A 110 00 1,958 " 2,151 " li if li If n n li If 7 B 110.00 1,958 " 3,151 ' li if H if li n li If S A 125.00 2,479 " 3,723 " 2 2 2 2i 1*4 2 2 u If 8 B 125.00 2,479 " 3,723 " 2 2 2 2-L ^4 2 3 li If 9 A 140.00 2,703 " 3,034 ' 2 3 9 01 *4 2 O li If 9 B 140.00 2,703 " 3,034 " 2 2 2 Oi w 4 2 2 1* If 10 A 160.00 3,098 " 4,068 " 3 ~4 21 22 *4 2 »1 li If 10 B 100.00 3,098 " 4,068 ' o 1 ~4 2i 03 "4 2 OJ_ ~^4 li If 419 THE HANCOCK LOCOMOTIVE INSPIRATOR. PRICE LIST, CAPACITIES AND PIPE CONNECTIONS. CONTI NUED. . qj — Capacity Per Hode- -Pipe Connections.— 1 5 H Price. Steam P ressures. Ste am. Suction. Delivery. Overflow. 135 lbs. 310 lbs. Iron. Copper. Iron Copper. Iron Copper. Iron. Cop per e 3 C $55.00 765 gals. 840 gals. 1* H 14 If 11 14 11 14 4 C 60.00 1,013 " 1,113 " 11 1* 14 If 11 14 11 14 5 C 75.00 1,103 " 1,210 " U 14 1* If 11 U 11 14 6 D 90.00 1,500 " 1,647 " u n 11 14 11 14 11 14 7 D 110 00 1,958 " 3,151 " h if n 1 If 1* if 14 If 8 D 135.00 3,479 " 2,733 " i* if 4 14 if 14 If 9D 140.00 3,763 " 3,034 " 2 2| 2 % 2 21 14 If DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING. Give the size and type of any other make of Injector with which a Locomotive Inspirator is ordered to interchange. Special Cab Lever Extensions are furnished for Inspirators to be located outside the Cab. Specify if Nipples and Coupling Nuts are required for Steam, Suction, Delivery or Overflow Connections; also whether Nipples are to be used with iron or copper pipe. With orders for Repair Parts give both the name and number of the part required, and the size and shop number of the Inspirator, which is stamped on the top of the Body. THE HANCOCK INSPIRATOR, TYPES "A" AND "C." FOR STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS. PRICE LIST, CAPACITIES AND PIPE CONNECTIONS. Tms List Adopted Mat 1, 1900. ,— Pipe Connections— c— Capacities Pee Hour- , — HOESB Power * For the On a Basis of ts) 02 Prices Types A and C. CD 02 a 02 > is "P CD > O ly it! 60 Lbs. Steam Pressure. "With 100 Lbs. Steam Pressure. Ordinary Type of Boiler and Engine. 30 Lbs. Evaporation per H. P. per Hour. 10 C $30.00 3 5 4 3 i 4 3 4 130 gals. 135 gals. 8 to 15 12 to 20 134 C 35.00 3 i 4 320 (( 345 it 15 to 30 20 to 40 15 c 30.00 i 4 3 4 300 ll 340 tt 30 to 45 40 to 55 174 c 40.00 1 1 l" 420 (i 475 " 45 to 65 55 to 80 20" c 45.00 1 1 1 540 ll 610 tt 65 to 80 80 to 110 35 A 60.00 H 11 11 11 900 ll 1020 tt 80 to 130 110 to 180 30 A 75.00 14 14 14 14 1360 1 c 1430 n 130 to 170 180 to 235 35 A 90.00 14 ij 14 14 1740 it 1975 it 170 to 330 235 to 300 40 A 110.00 2 3" 2" 14 3330 Ik 2530 a 330 to 300 300 to 400 45 A 125.00 2 2 3 14 3830 a 3200 tt 300 to 375 400 to 500 50 A 150.00 2 2^ «2 2 14 3480 a 3950 it 375 to 500 500 to 650 55 A 200.00 2 n 2 14 3650 a 4140 a 500 to 600 650 to 750 Note.— The special "Regulating Valve" is not applied to the 10, 124 ail d 15 sizes of Type " C" Inspirators. The capacities of Types "A" and " C " Inspirators increase as the steam pressure increases, and are guaranteed to be actual as listed with feed water at a temperature of 75° Fahrenheit on a 4-ft. lift. ,The Horse Power Ratings given are based upon Centennial Standard of an evaporation of 30 lbs. of water per Horse Power per hour. For the ordinary throttling engine deduct one-third f rom the Horse Power Rating of the Inspirator given in the above list. 420 THE "LOFTUS" AUTOMATIC OR RESTARTING INJECTOR, FOR STATIONARY AND PORTABLE BOILERS, TRACTION AND HOISTING ENGINES, STEAM YACHTS AND TOW BOATS. Is guaranteed to perform any ser- vice for which an injector of this type is adapted. Restarts instantly if either steam or water supply is interrupted from any cause. The Horse Power Eatings given below are based upon Centennial Standard of an evaporation of 30 lbs. of water per Horse Power per hour. For the ordinary throttling engine deduct one-third from the Horse Power Eating of the Inspirator given in the list below- Fig. 147G. PRICE LIST, CAPACITIES AND PIPE CONNECTIONS. Pipe Connections Steam, Suction, Size. Price. Delivery and Overflow. $20.00 X 4 1 15.00 3 8 2 16.00 I 3 18.00 i 4 20.00 k 5 25.00 4 G 30.00 a 4 7 40.00 1 8 45.00 1 9 55.00 li 10 60.00 ii •Capacity per Hour with 80 Lbs. Steam Pressure. 25 gals. 60 90 120 180 260 355 510 600 800 1000 -Hokse Power.- For the Ordinary Type of Boiler and Engine. 1 to 3 to 6 to 8 to 15 to 20 to 30 to 45 to 65 to 80 to 100 100 to 130 15 20 30 45 65 80 On a Basis of 80 Lbs. Evaporation per H. P. per Hour. 1 to 5 5 to 8 8 to 12 12 to 20 20 to 28 28 to 40 40 to 55 55 to SO 80 to 110 110 to 145 145 to 180 ♦Capacities guaranteed to be actual as listed with feed water at a temperature of 75° Fahrenheit on a 4-ft. lift. 421 THE METROPOLITAN "1898" BNJECTOR. MODEL O. Sizes of Prices • all Sizes. Model Pipe 0. Connec- tions. 7* $40.00 1 in. 8* 45.00 1 " 9* 55.00 U " 10.V GO. 00 1.T " lit 75.00 1* " 12* 00.00 1* " 13* 110.0(1 2 " 14* 125.00 2 " 15* 150.00 2>; " 16* 200.00 21 " Size Overflow or AVaste Pipe. 1 1 1 lx Fig. 1477. Capacity Capacity Horse-power Horse-power per Hour per Hour for the on a Basis of with 100 lbs. with l ;sibs. Ordinary Type 30 lbs. Evap- Steam Steam of Boiler oration per Pressure. Pressure. and Engine. H.P. per Hour. 525 gala. GOO sals. 45 to G5 55 to 80 025 " 720 t i G5 to 80 80 to 110 835 " 950 " 80 to 100 110 to 145 1040 " 1195 ( t 100 to 130 145 to 180 1350 " 1550 i i 130 to 170 180 to 235 1800 " 2070 i t 170 to 230 235 to 300 2350 " 2G75 ■' 230 to 300 300 to 400 2900 " 3275 " 300 to 375 400 to 500 3000 " 3975 1 1 375 to 500 500 to G50 4300 " 4750 " 500 to 650 050 to 800 We send a flat strainer with sizes Nos. 7j to 10*, inclusive. FLAT STRAINERS FOR INJECTORS AND EJECTORS. Made of Brass with Brass Wire Screen. 1 U 1* 2 2* 3 4 PRICE LIST. Size of ) SSPi^S^sE^fi FovMetro- | 1 I ; An«ic[l*?4 5 - 6 7 " 8 9 " 10 n " 13 13 ~ U Injectors, J For Metropolitan D. T Injec- ) tors and Metropolitan \- . ~§-*S °-'-°-' '* °2 »*-iUs i Lat i o >^ *- *- *- OS J? £ o o o o o o pOB P ^CD on 03 Ci C2 cs rt^ - - " ■' o p co -3 -3 Oi C5 Or p p °*S,B ^ ~ ~ " p •tf CD CD ^ O OS Ol oi rf- *- CO - j ~ ^ ~ p p a> o p o p CD to cc CD p E 4 o o p g CD CD 02 02 B CD fi P P &. c-l- o >o OO Oi -a Ol 1-3 o O P CD SO P o p CD *o isoH jo jo 4 4 o o tO JO CO ^! If- Ol P P ■Qg- CO CD O! « O) CO CO CO JO JO Oi Ol o o o o o © B B a m O a Ss- a a tj w -SB p rt> < P B? oB B tb "TO S u?3 o o BB p O OS CO OS j^. to ^ ^ m. w *c » fg;g5 w © b b o © o E.asgs- O © © © © © ~ ' » p- H X m i S o n H O 1 > ° s w O w H o > w m 3) m x < D > H ^ /o O O WH taH e+- e*- p" P 4 4 • O O ^^ »o i-H ^^H o p' B°B B S- a, at B CO Cl! CO »»5J Q CO CO C n,o B hdt-1 Go ~- •< P £ K © o o o o 2-5-2.S", on o o © © m ' P a * o goB ° 3C P" M M M h-i i—" 2»SSo ^s ?o © © o © [3* ® O ^t 2 "-S "B Ol Ol Ol © © Bg-S'g r-i b *0 © b JO b JO b © © © o © OJ ■ H| tp CO CO CO CO CO CO S>oJW Ol Ol Ol © © © oi oi oi g SS S b © O © r-v^g 1 b B B a CO o a a a X m pi 2 Z PI 3 5 1 o O " 2 1 PI o w c 0> H o 3 z o _ H 3 O PI > o 3D > 2 H «» M co co oo co co S > aS' w § g g g S S s|||| o o o pi a *^ s: © © © © © © Ol o p, ^ (O CO C5 Ol Ol tf- b © © b b oi § © o o © o >B )— * CO CO - $0.20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60 a . as ^ « Si IS $0.25 .38 .50 .63 .75 .88 1.00 1.13 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.50 9.00 $0.30 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.90 4.30 4.50 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.60 7.20 7.80 9.00 10.80 $o.; hick 70 87 .05 22 .40 9 10 12 57 75 93 10 45 80 ,15 .50 .85 20 55 90 ,25 60 ,30 .00 .70 .40 '.10 ISO .60 437 WATERPROOF LEATHER BELTING. POSITIVELY NET LIST. SINGLE. Width, Inches. Price, per Foot. Width, Inches. Price per Foot. Width, Inches. Price, per Foot. Width, Inches. Price, per Foot. 1 inch. $0. 07 3 inch. $0.24 5 inch. $0.42 9 inch. $0.77 IV " .11 3i " .29 6 " .51 10 " .86 2 " .16 4 " .33 7 " .60 11 " .9a gi " .20 U " .38 8 " .68 12 " 1.04 Fig. 1512. o -. pij '7 . . 11 . . 15 1.2 8 1.4 13 1.6 17 1.7 12 1.9 '7 2.1 12 2.3 17 2.4 :2 2 .6' .2 3.0 PATENT HYDRAULIC STRETCHED RUBBER BELTING, In Three Grades, "EXTRA PARA," "RELIABLE" and "STAPLE" And ELEVATOR and MAIN BELTS. All "Widths and Plies up to 72 inches. Width 2 3 4' 6 1 8 Width, 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 Ins. Ply. Ply. Ply- Ply. Ply. Ply. Ply. Ins. Ply. Ply. Ply. Ply. Ply. Ply. Ply. 1 $0.07 $0.09 $0.13 . . 20 $1.58 $1.90 $2.26 $2.82 $3.39 $3.95 $4.52 1] .09 .11 .15 22 1.76 2.12 2.52 3.15 3.78 4.41 5.04 u .11 .13 .17 24 1.96 2.36 2.80 3.50 4.20 4.90 5.60 2 .15 .17 .21 26 2.15 2.60 3.08 3.85 4.62 5 39 6.16 2.i .18 22 28 2.35 2.84 3.36 4.20 5.04 5.88 6.72 3 .22 .26 .31 30 2.55 3.10 3.64 4.55 5.46 6.37 7.28 3h .20 .30 32 2.75 3.35 3.92 4.90 5.88 6.86 7.84 4 .30 .34 .42 34 2.95 3.60 4.20 5.25 6.30 7.35 8 40 4i .33 .39 .47 36 3.15 3.85 4.48 5.60 6.72 7.84 8.96 5 .36 .43 .52 . . 38 3.35 4.10 4.76 5.95 7.14 8.33 9.52 6 .43 .52 .62 .77 40 3.65 4.35 5.04 6.30 7.56 8.82 10.08 7 .51 .60 .73 .91 . . 42 3.75 4.60 5.32 6.65 7.98 9.31 10.64 8 .59 .70 .84 1.05 1.26 44 3.95 4.85 5.60 7.00 8.40 9.80 11.20 9 .67 .80 .95 1.18 1.42 46 4.15 5.10 5.88 7.35 8.82 10.29 11.76 10 .75 .90 1.07 1.33 1.60 1.87 4S 4.35 5.35 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.78 12.32 11 .83 1.00 1.18 1.47 1.77 2.06 50 6.44 8.05 9.66 11.27 12.88 12 .91 1.08 1.30 1.62 1.95 2.27 2.60 52 6.72 8.40 10.08 11.76 13.44 13 1.00 1.18 1.42 1.77 2.13 2.48 2.84 54 , , . 7.00 8.75 10.50 12 25 14.00 14 1.08 1.28 1.54 1.92 2.31 2.69 3.08 56 7.28 9.10 10.92 12.74 14.56 15 1.10 1.3S 1.66 2.07 2.49 2.90 3.32 58 7.56 9.45 11.34 13.23 15.12 16 1.25 1.50 1.78 2 22 2.67 3.11 3.56 60 7.84 9.80 11.76 13.72 15.68 18 1.41 1.70 2.02 2.52 3.03 3.53 4.04 PATENT BELT CLAMP. For Drawing Belts Together for the Purpose of Lacing Them. Size. Each. Size. Each. 8 inch, $14.00 24 inch, $30.00 12 " 18.00 28 " 34.00 16 " 22.00 32 " 38.00 20 " 26.00 36 " 44.00 Fig. 1513. The above cut represents one of the most complete and useful articles for those usint of a width requiring to be drawn together and laced while ou the pulleys. 438 beits it ELECTA IC" LEATHER BELTING. Positively Net List. Width, Price Width, Price Width, Price Width, Price Inches. per Foot. Inches.' per Foot. Inches. per Foot. Inches. per Foot. 1 inch $0.14 7 inch $1.19 IS inch $3.30 36 inch $7.70 n " .22 8 " 1.36 20 " 3.75 40 •' 8.60 2~ " .31 9 " 1.54 22 " 4.20 44 " 9.50 •Zh " .40 10 " 1.72 23 " 4.40 48 " 10.40 3" " .48 11 " 1.89 24 *' 4.60 52 " 11.20 3i " .57 12 " 2.07 26 " 5.10 56 " 12.10 4- .. .66 13 " 2.24 28 " 5.50 60 " 13.00 4i " .75 14 " 2.42 30 " 6.10 64 " 13.90 5" " .84 15 " 2.64 32 " 6.60 68 " 14.80 G " 1.02 16 " 2.86 34 " 7.15 72 " 15.80 These Belts are all double-ply. When desired they are perforated for swift running with- out extra charge. When ordering state if Belts run at a high or low speed. BEST OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING. SINGLE. Width, Price Width, Price Width, Price Width, Price Inches. per Foot. In ches. per Foot. Inches. per Foot. Inches. per Foot. 1 inch $0,14 5 inch $0.91 17 inch $3.15 34 inch $6.29 H " .19 U " 1.01 18 c< 3.33 36 1 1 6.66 H " .24 6" 1 1 1.11 19 ei 3.52 40 a 7.40 If " .29 6i (t 1.20 20 it 3.70 44 tt 8.14 2 " .34 7" it 1.30 21 a 3.89 48 a 8.88 01 << .39 8 (< 1.48 22 " 4.07 50 a 9.25 21 " .43 9 a 1.67 23 1 1 4.20 52 a 9.62 oi tt .48 10 " 1.85 24 t ( 4.44 56 1 1 10.36 3* " .53 11 11 2.04 25 1 1 4.63 60 1 1 11.10 3± " .58 12 " 2.22 26 tt 4.81 64 it 11.84 3£ " .63 13 a 2.41 27 a 5.00 68 " 12.58 3| " .67 14 " 2.59 28 1 1 5.18 72 tt 13.32 4 " .72 15 1 ( 2.78 30 " 5.55 t , 41 " .82 16 " 2.96 32 " 5.92 " . . DOUBLE BELTS TWICE THE PRICE OF SINGLE. Intermediate willhs at proportionate prices. Extra heavy Belts extra prices. ROUND LEATHER BELTING. Size, inches . 1 3 1 4 tV 3 s 1 i. 8 a 4 1 a Solid, per foot $0.05 .07 .10 .14 .18 Twisted, " .06 .10 .14 .18 .22 .30 .36 .46 .60 CUT BELT LACING. BOTH TANNED AND RAW HIDE. 7 A i 3 1 TS 2 4 8 1.75 2.00 2.75 3.25 4.00 Size, inch i -fs 5 Price per 100 feet . . . $1.00 1.25 1.50 Put up in 100 feet bundles. LACE LEATHER. Tanned, per square foot Raw hide, " " .....•■• HARNESS LEATHER. Light, about IS lbs., per lb Medium, " 20 " tt it tyy> tt tl . . Heavy, *« 439 READY TO APPLY FINISHED JOINT Fig. 1514. BRISTOL'S PATENT STEEL BELT LACINC. Packed 100 inches in a box. Assorted lengths. Following prices are for 100 inches. No. 00. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. 100. " 10. i i 11. a 13. n 13. a 14. 1 1 15. FOR LEATHER BELTS. For Split Leather and Extra Light Belts, from A in. " " " Light Belts, from ^ in. to T 3 ff in. thick . " Ordinary Single Leather Belts, from A in. to £ in. thick . " Extra Heavy and Wide Single Leather Belts, from \ in. to {' z in. thick " Double Leather Belts, from T % in. to f in. thick .... " Heavy Double Leather Belts, from § in. to j\ in. thick " Extra Heavy Double Leather Belts, from -fa in. to A in. thick FOR RUBBER, COTTON AND WOVEN BELTS. a \ Packed 100 inches in a box. READY to apply finished joint Assorted Lengths. Fig. 1015. For Lightest Rubber and Cotton Belts, from A in. to £ in. thick " 2-Ply Rubber and Cotton Belts, from £ in. to A in. thick " 3-Ply " " " " ts iu - t0 i m - thick " 4-Ply '■ " " " Jin. to A in.' thick '• 5-Ply " " " " T r V in. to f in. thick " 6-Ply " " " " fin. to T 7 ? in. thick " 7 and 8-Ply Rubber and Cotton Belts, from T 7 ¥ in. to A in. $1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 $1.10 1.10 1.G5 2.20 2.75 3.30 3.85 READY TO APPLY Fig. 151G. FINISHED JOINT FOR LEATHER, RUBBER, COTTON AND WOVEN BELTS. Packed 100 inches in a box. Assorted Lengths. No. 111. For general use on ordinary Single Leatlier and Rubber or Cotton Belts, from ■fg in. to ^ in. thick, assorted or regular length, from one to three inches . $1.05 No. 113. For general use on Double Leather Belts and 5-Ply Rubber or Cotton Belts, from A in. to f in. thick, assorted lengths only ...... 2.75 No. 115. For general use on Extra Heavy Double Leather Belts and 7 or 8-Ply Rubber and Cotton Belts, assorted lengths only 3.85 IMPROVED POINTED BELT HOOKS. Fig. 1517. No. Per 1000. No. Per 1000. No. Per 1000. 16 $2.00 9 $4.00 2 $20.00 15 2.00 8 5.00 1 30.00 14 2.40 7 G.00 2-h in. 50.00 13 2.60 6 8.50 3 " 60.00 12 2.80 5 11.00 3* " 70.00 11 3.00 4 14.00 4 " 80.00 10 3.50 3 16.00 • * o • 440 Id x BLAKES IMPROVED BELT STUDS. Per AWL AND PLIERS COMBINED. Box. $o.co .70 .80 .90 Patented May 3, 1887. Fiff. 1010. The Awl at one end of this tool is to spread the 1 „_ slit and pliers at the other end are convenient for inserting the stud. 2_gg Awl and Pliers combined, each . . $0.40 RUBBER AND LEATHER CUTTERS. 2.00 2.50 Fig. 1520. Large Cutters for Rubber Belts, each Fig. 1518. Small " Leather $1.25 .90 REVOLVING PUNCH. No. 18, 4 tubes, per doz. \ dozen in a box. $18.00 Fig. 1521. No. 180, 4 tubes, large, per doz. $30.00 Handles 12 inches long. Size of Tubes, No. 10, 12, 14, 16. One in a box. REVOLVING PUNCH. No. 19, G tubes, per doz. . $21.00 \ dozen in a box. EXTRA TUBES. For No. 18, ISO and 19. Per dozen, $2.00. SPRING PUNCHES. No. 21. Length, 5 inch, per dozen \ dozen in a box. Fig. 1523. EXTRA TUBES FOR NO. 21 SPR1NC PUNCHES. Per dozen 5 inch, $1.75 441 7 inch, $1.90 $4. SO 5 50 S.00 9 inch, $2.10 ROUND PUNCHES. CAST STEEL, FORCED. TlTOMffl Eig. 1524. Diameter, inches, Price pel' dozen, Diameter, inches, Price per dozen, Diameter, inches, Price each, . . U TS $9.50- 1 $14.00 1! 10.00 16.00 3.50 IS ¥ 10.50 11.00 J-ff X IS 18.00 20.00 2 8* 8* S.-90 4.30 4.80 TS 11.50 u 22.00 2- 5.40 No. . . Per dozen, No. . Gauge, £2.95 3.20 ROUND PUNCHES. CAST STEEL, FORCED. Fig. 1525. .... 00 1 to 6 7 to 9 .... $2.40 2.20 2.00 2.50 Sizes Pee Twist Dkill Gauge. 00 0123456789 10 52 46 40 35 30 25 20 14 8 2 if \ One dozen in a Box. OVAL PUNCHES. CAST STEEL. FORCED a 12.00 24.00 S* 6.10 1 3 IS 12.50 1 26.00 2f 6.80 i IS IS 1 13.00 13.50 ± 8 1* 0- 29.00 32.00 3 7.50 8.35 0.00 10 to 12 3.00 13 to 16 5.00 11 12 13 14 15 16 TS S3 Price, Fig. 1526. 1.00 per dozen advance over Round Punches, Fig. 1525. One dozen in. a Box. BELT BORERS. Fig. 1527. Cast Steel, forged, one dozen in a box, per dozen, $2.50. BELT BORERS. 3 (i c a a p H C! G 3 Tl 2 PI < O aj Fig. 1528. Cast Steel, one dozen in a box, per dozen, $2.00. BELT AWLS. Fig. 1529. Cast Steel, one dozen in a box, per dozen, $1.75. 442 TICKET PUNCHES. Fig. 1530. Packed | dozen in a box. Fig. 1531. Packed J dozen in a box. FANCY HOLES. J inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, . Per dozen, $11.50 Polished, ... " 10.00 With round holes, $1.00 per dozen less. DESIGNS. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FANCY HOLES. J inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, . Per dozen, $9.50 Polished, ... " 8.00 With round holes, $1.00 per dozen less. DESIGNS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FANCY HOLES. |- inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, Polished, . Per dozen, $12.50 11.00 Fig. 1532. With round holes, $1.00 per dozen less. Packed \ dozen in a box. DESIGNS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FANCY HOLES. 1^ inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, . Per dozen, $16.50 Polished, . . " 15.00 1 inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, . Per dozen, $13.50 Polished, . " 12.00 With round holes, $1.00 per doz. less. Packed A dozen in a box. Fi 1536. Punches with a capacity of 1 J inch and 2 inches. Prices quoted on applica- tion, stating quantity desired. FANCY HOLES. lj inch Capacity. Nickel plated, per doz. . . . $26.00 Polished, " " ... 24.25 1 inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, per doz. . . . $21.00 Polished, " " ... 19.25 With round holes, $1.50 per doz. less. Packed \ doz. in a box. FANCY HOLES. 1 inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, per doz. . . . $26.00 Polished, " "... 24.00 With round holes, $1.50 per doz. less. Packed \ doz. in a box. This Punch is also furnished with Reservoir that opens automatically when Punchings are well packed. Price extra Nickel-plated, $2.00 per doz. DESIGNS. , # # * #ir * * * ¥ ****** 1 2 8 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 €a«*v* *« ****** 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 84 35 86 37 38 39 4U 41 42 43 41 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 A1C1FIJKL TSTVWZ 58 59 B0 61 62 63 64 05 GO 67 68 GO 70 71 72 $fl234567S4X 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8384 Any design not represented here made to order at reasonable price. 444 TICKET PUNCHES. FANCY HOLES. 1 inch Capacity. Nickel-plated, . Per dozen, $16.50 Polished, . . " 15.00 With round holes, $1.00 per dozen less. Packed \ dozen in a box. Fie. 1537. DESIGNS. 1 2 3 i 5 & 1 8« 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 WASHER CUTTERS. The cutters of this tool are made of the best steel, and fastened with one screw only, which holds thein better in the required place than any other washer cutter with square or flat cutters and more screws. This tool can in a moment be changed into a so- called double cutter. No. 31. Large, . Per dozen, $14.00 " 31. Usual, . " 11.00 No. 31. Large. Will cut washers to S inch diameter. " 31. Usual. Will cut washers to 6 inch diameter. \ dozen in box. Fis;. 1538. LACE CUTTER. It is made to cut any width from 3-16 to f J| inch by an adjustable nickel-plated gauge and thumb screw. " Per dozen, . .... $6.00 Fig. 1539. MORAN'S IMPROVED STEEL BELT COUPLINGS. Size, inches, £ Per dozen, $3.00 Size, inches, \ Per dozen, $4.00 3.00 5.00 Fig. 1540. 2.50 7 12 2.50 2.00 3 : !oo 3. 3.00 7 3^50 s 6. 8 00 1 i 7.50 9*00 7 r£ oo 1 18.00 22.00 1* 2K.O0 445 RIVET SETS. (Cast-steel, Forged.) 11' 1 \jjl|jjjl§liliiip Fig. 1541. No. ... 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 For Belt Eivets, No. 1 2 3 4&S6&7 8 9 10 & 12 13 14 Per dozen . . $9.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4 50 SINGLE SPEED INDICATOR. Fiir. 1542. Single Speed Indicator, price, each $0.75 WEISS DOUBLE SPEED ALARM INDICATOR. Fig. 1543 shows the exact size of the Indicator and front view. The bell rings when either hand is at its zero and afterwards at every hundred revolutions of the spindle. A shaft turning to the left is registered by the shorter hand stamped L and the inner dial. A shaft turning to the right by the longer hand marked B and the outer dial. It is always in the proper position to be applied to the shaft and requires no turning to zero. Price, each, $1.50, 446 SEAL PRESS. Fig. 1544. This Press we furnish with Large Dies to press Hemp or Metallic Cording Seals • also with Small D le s to press any size of Lead Seals and Wires in use. g 1S ' alS0 Wltl1 Price, including the Engravings on Dies, $4.00 Each. CORDING LEAD SEAL. Used by the United States Government for sealing packages in bond. No. 1, $3.00 per 1000. No. 2, $4.00 per 1000. Fig. 1547. Fig . lg4a WIRE LEAD SEALS. f inch Size, $2.75 per 1000. | inch Size, $2.25 per 1000. Tig. 1549. ^ Size. Fig. 1550. 4 Size. Fig. 1545. Cast Inlaid Wire Seals. Per 1000, $2.50. Fig. 1546. Cut showing Cast Inlaid Wire Seal be- fore being Pressed. Fig. 1551. i Size. 5 inch Size, $2.00 per 1000. f inch Size, $1.50 per 1000. Fig. 1552. i Size. Single Flat Wire, 2-Pty Iron " PRICES STRAND TWISTED WIRES. Per lb., $0.15 4-Ply Tinned Wire, . . Per lb., $0.25 .15 5 ' . . " .22 .15 6 " " " . . " .20 On Spools, $1.75 per 1000 ft. 6" " " On Spools, $2.50 per 1000 ft. PRICES LAID WIRE CORDS. Per lb.. $0.25 3-Ply Imp'd Iron Laid, .- Per lb., $0.25 .30 6-Ply Tinned, Braided, 4 " " " . " .30 2 6-Ply Tin Braided, on Spools, $3.00 per 1000 feet. PRICE SEALS COMPLETE WITH WIRES, PER IOOO, No. 1, | Inch Seal, with 6-Ply Tinned Wire. 7 Indies, 1, "R 3, J) 3, _L 1, 5 if 1, * 3, 3. 2 6 " 10 (i it ii 'M Fie:. 1555. Fig. 155G. SMITH'S BLOW TORCH. Best and Cheapest in the Market. AUTOMATIC. Price each, $5,00 For Painters, Plumbers, etc., and for any purpose where a hot, Smokeless Flame is required. Fig- 1557. 449 Fig. 1558. *LPijiEiToi(i hoiks; BLASTING MACHINES. "PULL UP" BLASTING MACHINE. Made in Three Sizes. No. 3 will fire 20 to 30 holes, ..... Price, $25.00 No. 4 will fire 40 to 50 holes, " 50.00 No. 5 will fire 75 to 100 holes, " 75.00 UNITED STATES STANDARD BLASTING MACHINE. Made in Two Sizes. No. 3 will fire 1 to 20 holes, No. 4 will fire 40 to 50 holes, Price, $25.00 50.00 i^tilItWAS;^ Wiiiuuuiuiu! Fig. 1559 The above machines are the strongest and most powerful ever made for Electric Blasting. They are especially adap- ted for submarine blasting, large railroad quarrying and mining works. VICTOR BLASTING MACHINE. One Size Only. No. 1 will fire 5 to 8 holes, . ..... Price, $15.00 Weighs only 15 pounds; adapted for prospecting, stump blasting, well sinking, etc. Fig. 1560. PRICE LIST. Victor Leading Wire Reel • . . . $4. 00 Connecting Wire Holder 2.00 Battery Testing Lamp, with Stand Complete 3 59 " " " without Stand . . . . 1.75 Connecting Wire (on 2 lb. Spools) 40c. per lb. Leading Wire (in large coils) 40c. per lb. Leading Wire (measured to exact length ordered) lc_ p er ft_ Insulating Tape (half lb. packages) . . . . „ $1.50 per lb. TROISDORF CERMAN BLASTING CAPS, Triple Quadruple Quintuple Strength. Strength. Strength. Per 1000 Per 1000 Per 1000 $5.50. $6.00 $7.00. Special Price in case lots of 25,000 each. Hemp. Per 1000 feet. $2.80 TAPE FUSE. Cottou. Siugle Tape. Double Tape. Per 1000 feet. Per 1000 feet. Per 1000 feet. $3.10 $4.15 $5.15 450 VICTOR ELECTRIC PLATINUM FUSES. IMPROVED WATERPROOF INSULATION. Patented December 11, 1S8S. Superior to all others for exploding any make of dynamite or blasting powder. Each fuse folded separately and packed in neat paper boxes of 50 each. All tested and warranted. Single and double strength, with any length of wires. Each fuse connected for the blast should be of equal resist- ance, to insure a simultaneous explosion ; consequently fuses made by different manufacturers should not be used together in the same blast. Each Victor Fuse is warranted equal in resistance. This important advantage is not claimed by other manufacturers. The Fuses are packed by folding each separately and putting them up in strong- paper boxes of 50 each, which is a great protection agaiust dampness or change of climate, as well as a convenience in handling. Fig. 1561. Fig. 1562. 4 ; c 8 10 12 14 10 18 20 22 24 2G 28 30 et wires Single Strength. Ordinary Quality. Equal to Quiutuple Force. Per 100. $3.00 3.54 408 462 5.16 5.70 6.24 6.78 7.32 8 32 9.32 10.32 11.32 12.32 Double Strength. Extra Quality. Equal to Double Quintuple Force. Per 100. $3.75 4.29 4.83 5.37 5.91 6.45 6.99 7.53 8.07 9.07 10.07 11.07 12.07 13.07 RUBBER TUBINC. Fig. 1563. Int. Diain. J inch _3 it *J 1 " 4 _S_ " 1 (i PLAIN OR Per ft. $0.08 .12 .16 .18 .20 RIBBED. Iut. Diani. \ inch Per ft. $0.25 .30 .35 .45 Made in any thickness of wall. We carry in stock three grades — light, medium and heavy. CLOTH INSERTION. -White or Red. Int. Diam. Int. Diam. inch 1 8 3 1 ti X 4 5 1 6 Per ft $0.10 .14 .18 .20 .23 i inch Per ft. £0.28 .33 .38 .50 451 SCIOTO" RAILROAD OR CANAL BARROWS. Fig. 1564. With No. 13x Lewis Steel Spoke Wheel. Painted Black. Diameter of wheel, 1CJ inches; tire, Ifxf inches ; spokes, § inch round ; \ inch axle bolt. Knocks down completely for shipping and is easily set up. Weight per dozen, 594 pounds. Price, per dozen, .... $ FIC. 1565. Same as above, except furnished with Jacobs' No. 2 Wood Wheel. Unpainted. Diameter of wheel, 17 iuches ; spokes, ^xl inch ; tire, l^x ^ inches ; \ inch axle bolts. Weight per dozen, 57C pounds. Price, per dozen, .... $ THE "BOSS" BOLTED R. R„ OR CANAL BARROW. Fig. 1566. With No 13-x Lewis Steel Spoke Wheel. Painted Black. Diameter of wheel, 1 6^ inches ; tire, If xf inches ; spokes, -g inch round ; \ inch axle bolt. Weight per dozen, (350 pounds. Price, per dozen, .... $ FIC. 1567. Same as the above, except furnished with Jacob's Patent No. 2 Wood Wheel. Unpainted. Diameter of wheel 17 inches ; spokes, ^xl inch; \ inch axle bolt. Painted Weight per dozen, 600 pounds. Price per dozen, .... $ SAWDUST, TANBARK OR STABLE BARROW. Not Illustrated. For Mills, Tanneries, Stockmen, and Livery Stables. Double Frame Removable sides. Wood wheel, 21 inches diameter. Weight, 80 pounds. Capacity, 10 cubic feet. Painted green and varnished. Price, per dozen, .... $ 452 STEEL TRAY WHEELBARROWS. SOLID STEEL TRAYS AND STEEL-SPOKE WHEELS. For Mills, Furnaces, Farms and Railroads. Length on Top. Fig. 1569 Fig. 1570 Fig. 1571 32 in 35J" 41* " TABLE OF DIMENSIONS, CAPACITY AND WEIGHT. Weight. 65 in. 19 in. 3 cubic ft. 57A lbs. Width Depth at on Top. Wheel. Depth at Greatest Greatest ~ -. Handle. Length. Height. <- a P aclt y- 29 in. 28£ " 33 _ " 7 in. 8i " Hi" Handle. 5 in. 6 " 65 65 20* 24 59 66 No. 13-X Lewis Patent Round Spoke Steel "Wheel, 16A inches diameter; tire lfxf inches. Tray and wheel"painted black ; frame, brown. All Trays No. 15 Steel. THE PAN-AMERICAN STEEL TRAY BARROW. SPECIALLY DESICNED FOR THE EXPORT TRADE. Fig. 1572. With Jacobs' Patent No. 2 Wood Wheel. The Tray of No. 14 Best Steel Pressed from a single sheet, without joint, seam or rivet. Size of Tray, 32 inches long ; 33 inches wide; 11 inches deep at wheel end ; 7| inches deep at handle end. Wood wheels, 17 inches diameter ; tire, 1£ x ■& inches. Price, ... $ FIC. 1573. Same as above, except furnished with Lewis Patent Steel Wheel, 16 inches diameter ; tire, inches ; Steel Spokes, § inch round. Price, 453 STEEL BARROWS. FOUNDRY BARROWS. No. 1. 2. 3. Pig. 1574. Tray. 3 cube feet. No. 13 3 " " 12 4 " " 12 "VVhe Is, 16 in. diameter. Handles. No. ](l " 10 " 10 spension Braces. Price. Weight, 85 $14.00 " 100 15.00 " 110 16.50 All parts extra heavy. r~ ^^^^sl 1 )&/ ~ Ti No. SMELTING FURNACE BARROW. No. 1. Capacity 325 lbs. ay, Handles, Weight, 12. No. 10. 130 lbs. Price, $25.00 Wheels 16 in. diam. parts extra heavy. Suspension Braces. PIG METAL AND INGOT BARROW. C No. I. All Bed, No. 12. Handles, No. 10. Weight, 120 lbs. Price, $18.00 Wheels 16 in. diam. Extra heavy Bed, Front and Front Braces of one Plate. Suspension Brace. BRICK BARROWS. Suspension Braces, largely Used, and lias uo superior ' "'*'•— s** - lib"'" Bed. No. 14 " 14 " 14 Handles. No. 10 " 10 " 10 ■WheelB. "Weight. 16 in. diameter 95 pounds. 20 in. " 115 " 20 in. " 135 No. 1. " 2. " 3. Fig. 1577. Solid Bed, Rigid Bearings. Open " " " Spring " Price. $14.00 17.00 20.00 454 STEEL BARROWS. Fig. 1578. MINING BARROW. No. D, Export Barrow Capacity, 3 cubic feet. Weight, 60 pounds. Tray, No. 16 Steel. Size of Tray, 33| inches long, 29 inches wide, 6f inches deep. Price, $10.00. Fig. 1579. MININC BARROWS. No. Capacity. Tray. Handles. Weight. Price. Al. 3 cubic feet. No. 15 No. 12 68 pounds. $11.50 A'*/. 3 t t " 14 " 12 74 " 12.00 A3. 3 « " 13 " 12 80 " 12.50 A4. 3 a " 12 " 10 86 " 14.00 A5. 4 n " 12 " 10 92 " 15.00 A6. 4 a " 10 " 10 130 " 22.00 Wheels, 16 inches diameter. Fi g. 1580. COAL BARROWS. No. Capaaity. Tr ay. Handles. Weight. Price. Bl. 200 pounds. No. 14 No. 12 78 pounds. $14.50 B2. 250 a tt 14 " 12 84 1 1 15.00 B3. 325 it a 14 " 12 90 a 16.00 B3i 325 tt tt 12 " 10 105 > t 20.00 B4. 400 a a 11 " 10 130 tt 22.00 Wheels, 16 inches diameter. Each Barrow of the above is put up with Bolts. The parts of Barrows of same size are interchangeable and loss or breakage of any part is readily replaced. The Barrows can be taken apart for shipment, packed compactly, and again set up with- out difficulty. The Axles are stationary, being threaded and screwed into the Brackets, thus bracing the handles and becoming bearings for the wheels. In ordering state whether "Standing " or " Knocked Down " for shipment. 455 TWO-WHEELED STEEL BARROW. Coal or Coke. Fig. 1581. No. Cubic Ft. Lbs. Coal. Bottom. Sides. Price . 1 8 400 No. 12 No. 14 $40.00 2 10 500 " 12 « 14 45.00 3 12 600 " 12 " 14 47.50 4 16 800 " 10 " 12 50.00 5 20 1000 " 10 " 12 52.50 Perfect!}' balanced, is light running, and has no equal. Wheels, 24 to 30 inches diameter. TUBULAR STEEL WHEELBARROWS. WITH WHEEL GUARD. Fig. 1582. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS, CAPACITY , WEIGHT AND PRICE. No. Gauge of Hteel in Tray. Length on Top. Width on Top. Depth at Wheel Depth at Handle. Greatest Height. Cubic Capacity. Weight. Price, Each. 4 15 32 in. 29 in. 7 in. 5 in. 19* in. 3 ft. 70 lbs. $10.75 4* 14 32 " 29 " 7 " 5 " 19l " 3 '• 75 " 11.50 5 14 35* " 28* " 8'* " 6 " 21* " 4 " 78 " 13.50 6 14 32" " 29 " 7" " 5 " 19* ■« 3 " • 83 " 12.25 7 14 35* " 28* " 8*. " 6 " 21* '• 4 " 88 " 14.25 8 12 32" " 29" " 7" " 5 " 19* " 3 " 95 " 14.00 9 12 35*. » 28 J " 8*. " 6 " 21* " 4 " 98 " 16.00 10 13 41* " 33 " 11* " 8 " 25* " 6 " 109 " 20.00 12 15 41* " 33 " 11* " 8 •' 2oJ " 6 " 93 " 18.50 Greatest Length of all Barrows, 67* inches. Greatest Width of all Barrows is width on top of Tray. Nos. 4, 4* and 5 are Dirt Barrows. Nos. 6 and 7 are Coal or Mining Barrows. No. 7 has Coal capacity 215 to 250 lbs. Nos. 8 and 9 are Foundry Barrows. No. 10, Coal Barrows. No. 12, Coke or Charcoal Barrows. Cut shows No. 12 Coke Barrow. 456 Fig. 1583. LIGHT BACCACE BARROW. A cheap and handy Barrow for use at small stations. Frame, best seasoned ash or oak ; length, 7 feet; width, 2 feet. Not ironed on top. Painted green and varnished. Cast iron wheels. 14 inches diameter, 21 inch face. Axle. 1^ inch round steel, 3 feet long. All irons painted black. Weight, 200 pounds. Price, .... $25.00 BACCACE BARROWS. PAINTED VERMILION. IRONS BLACKED. Improved Staggered Wrought Spoke Wheels. Length, Width, Feet. Inches, 10 13 24 27 29 Height over Wheels— Floor to top of Platform , Inches. 231 23i 24' Wheel, Inches. 20x2 345 $40.00 20x2 356 45.00 20x2 425 55.00 PAINTED CREEN, IRONS BLACKED. „ Length, Width, ""■ Feet. Inches. , — Height at — , Bear Front Wheel, Leg. Leg, Inches. Inches Inches. 9 24 27 30 191 24" 25 16 171x2 211 20 x2 211 20 x2 "L Price. 217 $33.00 300 40.00 340 55.00 Fig. 1585. Sloping Back Pattern. All wheels on these Barrows are bored true to centre, and axles turned as carefully as a buggy axle. BACCACE WAGON. With Spoke Improved Staggered Wrought Wheels, Steel Axles. Wrought Iron Fifth Wheel, 20 inches in di- ameter. Front Wheels, 20 inches in diameter ; Rear Wheels, 22 inches. No. 1 Fig. 1586 Weight- Length. 7 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. Width. 26 in. 27 in. 32 in. Dash. 28 in. long. 35 in. long. 44 in. long. Price. $70.00 80.00 90.00 No.l, 475 lbs.; No. 2, 600 lbs.; No. 3. 725 lbs. Baggage Wagons furnished with " Sarven Patent" or "K. & J." Wood Wheels when desired. EXPRESS WACONS. Improved Pattern. Express Wagon with " Sarven Patent" Wood Wheels, Steel Axles. Also furnished with "K. & J." Wood or American Pattern Iron Wheels. Wrought Iron Fifth Wheel, 20 inches in di- ameter; Front Wheels, 28 inches in diameter; Bear Wheels, 31 inches in diameter; Platform, 10 feet long, 39 inches wide, 35 inches high. Weight, 670 lbs. Price, $100.00 Fig. 1587. These Wa-ons are of new and improved pattern. All material carefully selected. Thoroughly ironed and "raced ; well finished; painted vermilion and green, and striped and varnished. 457 "K. & J." EXPRESS WAGON. TUBULAR AXLES. With K. & J. Improved "Wood Wheels. Platform, 10 feet long by 40 inches wide by 35 inches high; painted green. Front wheels, 28x3^ inches. Fi". 1588. Rear wheels, 31x3^ inches. Steel fifth wheel, 20 inches diameter. Wheels and running-gear painted bright red. Weight, 590 lbs. Price, $90.00. DOUBLE END EXPRESS WAGON. Wrought Iron Fifth Wheel, 20 inches in Diameter. STEEL AXLES. Size, 38£ inches by 12 feet; height from floor, 34 inches. Stand- ards, 45 inches high, and furnished with check-hooks. " Sakven Patent " Wood Wheels ; 28 inch diameter ; tire 3^x£ inches. Weight, 750 pounds. Pig 1589. Price $125.00. NEW ENGLAND EXPRESS WAGON. STEEL AXLES. CAST FIFTH WHEEL. The demand for a smaller Express Wagon, of lighter and cheaper pattern, led to make this new wagon, which is very serviceable at small stations, where baggage traffic is not heavy. Strongly constructed of the best material. Now made with Improved Steel Stake Pockets, holding stakes perfectly rigid and doing away with end straps. Platform, 7 feet long, 2^ feet wide, 22 inches high. Fig. 1590. _ End Eacks 3 feet high, with three check- hooks on each. Improved staggered wrought spoke wheels 17j inches in diameter, 2 inch face. Steel axles lj inch square. Painted vermilion and green and var- nished. Wheels blacked. Weight, 375 pounds. Also made with 20 and 22 inch wheels. Price, $60.00. SKIDS. Fig. 1591. We also make to order special sizes, and Marine and Railway Skids, heavily ironed at both ends, as shown in cut. Price, Light Pattern, per ft. $1.00 " Heavy " " 1.25 ngth, Side Rails, No. of We isht in eet. Kind. Inches. Cross-Bars. Lbs.. Ea. 6 Light. I£x2f 2 24 6 Heavy. ljx3 2 36 7 Light. lix2f 2 28 7 Heavy. lfx3i 2 40 8 Light. Hx2f 3 30 8 Heavy. lfx3i 3 48 9 lfx3i 3 52 10 lfx3| 3 58 12 lfx4 4 90 458 Fig. 1592. HALF IE02\ T ED. Fig. 1593. FULL IRONED. WAREHOUSE AND STORE TRUCKS. Axles Turned .and Wheels Bored Steel Nose, Side Straps, Axle and Legs WESTERN PATTERN. HALF Diameter Length of Handle. Ft. In. 3 6 3 11 4 4 4 8 3 3 4 4 RONED. 6 11 4 Width. Inches. 19 19 20 22 FULL 19 19 20 22 of Wheel. Weight. Inches. Pounds. 6£ pi I IRONED. 6f 'I 81 42 44 56 77 49 50 66 87 Price. $6.00 7.00 9.00 13.00 $7.00 8.00 10.50 15.00 Fig. 1594. HALF STEAPPED. Fig. 1595. FULL STEAPPED. No. 1 2 3 4 5 BOSTON PATTERN. Steel Nose and Hide Straps. Steel Axle HALF STRAPPED. Width at Up- per Bar. Inches. Length of Han die . Ft. In 4 4 4 5 6 4 4 4 5 6 6 Width at Nose. Inches. 12 13 14-2 15 15* 18 19 20i 21 a 235 Diameter of wheel. Inches. 4 10f 12 Weight, Lbs. 43 55 85 FULL STRAPPED. 12 18 6£ 13 19 7} 14} 20i 8 | 15 21} 10f 15* 23f 12 m 25 12 60 90 98 120 135 Diameter of Wheel. Weight. Boston Pattern Trucks, wheels inside, 10 per cent, advance over above prices. NEW YORK PATTERN. Steel Nose and Axle. Width at Upper Bar. Inches. 16 19$ aii aii 82f 2ii Weights given are for half strapped This Truck meets the demand for heaper Truck tbau Boston or Western Pattern. 18* Inches. 6 6i 7| 8f lOf lOf Lbs. 36 54 66 80 100 120 Half Strap- ped. $4.85 6 00 7.00 8.00 9.50 11.50 Price. $6.50 8.50 11.00 14.00 17.50 $7.50 10.00 12.50 15.50 18.50 24.00 Full Strap- ped. $6.50 S.00 9.00 10.00 11.50 13.50 lighter and Fig. 1596. HALF STEAPPED. 459 Fie. 1597. Fig. 1598. RAILROAD, STEVEDORE OR CARGO TRUCK. STEEL NOSE AND CROSS BARS. STEEL AXLE. The strongest and best Truck made for Railway and Steamer use . Heavily ironed. Four curved steel bars, the wide one at nose extending as a shield over wheels. All steel parts thor- oughly bolted on. Axles turned, wheels bored. Length of Handle, 5 feet ; width of nose, 17 inches ; width at upper bar, 20j inches ; wheels, 9f inches in diameter, 3-inch face ; axle, l£ inches square ; weight, 125 lbs. Price, .... $24.00. STEAMBOAT TRUCK. STEEL NOSE AND CROSS-BARS. STEEL AXLE. Especially designed for the use of transportation com- panies in handling freight. The strongest and best Truck made for stevedoring and wharf-boat use. Truck solidly bolted together ; heavily ironed. Four curved steel cross- bars, with an extra straight cross-bar under upper one Cross braces on legs. Axles turned. Wheels bored. Length of handle, 5 feet ; wheels, 12 inches in diame- ter, 3-inch face ; nose, 9 inches long ; width at nose, 17 inches ; width at upper bar, 21 inches ; axle, lj inches square ; weight, 140 lbs. Price, .... $26.00. BARREL TRUCK. NEW YORK PATTERN. Steel Nose, Side Straps and Cross-Bars Steel Axle. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Length of Width at ^£J5L at ^-Haiidle^ Nose, SJ'P. er Inches. Ft. In. 5 7 11 4 13 14| 15f 16 17* Bar. Inches. 16 19A «i 21± —Wheels— > „, . , , ,. . Dia. Tread Wel 6 ht ' Pnce - 6 n Si 22| 10f If 2 21 23 ~'4 ax 50 65 92 100 $7.00 9.50 10.00 12.00 12C 13.00 Fie. 1599. For all Iron Slats add $1.00 to list. These trucks are made of the best selected hickory, oak or ash lumber. Bolts pass through straps, tenons and handles. Axles turned, wheels bored, and all parts made in the most approved way. Finished with best agricul- tural coach varnish. Iron parts blacked. 460 R. R. Full Ironed. Fio-. 1600. RAILROAD AND PACKING HOUSE TRUCKS. WESTERN PATTERN. Extra Heavy. Cross-Bars and Straps Bolted through Handles. Axles Turned and Wheels bored. Steel Nose and Side Straps. Steel Axle. No. 4. Length of Handle, 5 feet; widtb, 24 inches; diameter of wheel, 10J inches ; weight, 120 lbs., .... Price, $20.00 No. 5. Length of Handle, 5^ feet ; width, 25 inches ; diameter of wheel, 12 inches ; weight, 150 lbs , . . . . Price, $24.00 Extra R.R. Full Ironed. Fiir. 1601. No. 4 Extra. Length of Handle, 5 ft.; width, 24 inches ; diameter of wheel, lOf inches ; weight, 126 lbs., . . . Price, $22.00 Centre Strap Welded to Nose. These Trucks are made of the best selected second growth hickory, ash or oak lumber. Iron on cross pieces extends through to outside of handles, with bolts passing through iron, tenons and handles. All steel parts are heavier than iron parts ordinarily used. Axle and collar forged from one piece. All parts made in the most substantial manner, and will stand the roughest usage. HEAVY RAILROAD TRUCK. No. 4XX. EXTRA HEAVY. Two Centre Straps Welded to Nose. The Strongest and Most Durable Truck ever made for general use in Railway Freight Houses. It has been adopted by many leading railroads of the United States as their Standard Truck. This Truck has two centre straps welded to the nose instead of one, and the dash, sides AND CENTRE STRAPS ARE EXTRA HEAVY. Weight, 137 pounds. Fie. 1602. Price, 461 $28.00 CALIFORNIA" LUMBER TRUCK. Fie;. 1603. Length, 76 inches; width, 31 inches; sills, 3x12 inches, end-bars, 3x6 inches- ; center-bar, 2x6 inches; axle blocks, lfxl2 inches; steel axle,2 inches square ; staggered spoke Iron Wheels, 24 inches diameter, with extra Wrought Tires, 4 inches tread; Hub, 5 inches long. Wood Tar- nished. Wheels blacked. Weight, 500 pounds. Price, $35.00. il "WISCONSIN" LUMBER BUGGY. This is similar to above cut, but the frame is lighter and cross-bars at ends ex- tend outside of frame, so as to form handles. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet; has " K. & J." Improved Wood Wheels, 40 inches in diameter, 3 inch tread. Steel axle, If inch square by 5 feet long. Painted Venetian red. Weight, 300 pounds. Price, $30.00. OHIO LUMBER TRUCK. The most economical way of handling lumber in large yards. All bolt heads in iron straps on top of frame are countersunk to avoid scratching smooth lumber. The frame is 8 feet long, but is made shorter if de- sired. Widtb, 36 inches; height, 24 inches. Wheels, 40 inches in diameter; tires, 2x§ inches. Steel axle, If inches 3£ inches in diameter. Pain'ed square, axle boxes, Fig. 1604. l-j|x9 inches. Wooden Koller, Venetian red. Weight, 300 pounds. Price, $35.00. TIMBER DOLLY. The Standard Timber Dolly, used in log- ging regions, either as a Truck, as shown in cut, or as a Roller when bottom side up. Mortised frame of hardwood, with beveled edges; size, 19£ inches wide by 26 inches long; varnished. Heavy cast iron roller, 12 | inches long, 6 inches diameter, with jour- nals fitted in cast iron boxes which are firmly bolted through side rails of frame; weight, 58 lbs. Price, $8.00. Also make a smaller size: Frame 15f by 18f inches; ends square, not beveled; roller, 10 inches long, 6 inches diameter; weight, 42 lbs. Price, $6.00. 462 Fig. 1605. CANT HOOKS. ■ » ? . ift |,|| SELECTED HICKORY HANDLES. '" v With Steel Pointed Hooks, . Each, $3.00 With All Steel Hooks, . . " 3.50 Fig. 1606. CANT AND PEAVEY HOOKS, DUCK BILL. Drop Forged. Best Cant Hook Steel. ^* Price, Each, $0.72 Fig. 1607. CANT AND PEAVEY HOOK - ^Wg^n ROUND BILL. Drop Forged. Best Cant Hook Steel. Price, Each, $0.72 Fig. 1608. iPllff^ pilWJfc) CANT OR PEAVEY HOOK CLASP. Mn" 1/llBwiHl Drop Forged. Sizes. 2| to :3 inches. Ii'lM-lM Price, Each, $0.60 Fig. 1609. CANT OR PEAVEY HOOK CLASP. Drop Forged. Sizes, 2£ to 3 inches. Price, Each, $0.60 Fig. 1610. CANT AND PEAVEY PIKES. Made of Best Cant Hook Steel. Price, Per lb., $0.36 "Eig. 1611. 463 "COLUMBUS" SOLID STEEL SCRAPER. THE LEADING ALL-STEEL DRAG SCRAPER. No. Ife^ 1. Without runners, carries 7 feet of earth. Used for long haul or down grade. Size of bowl: Top of back to cutting edge, 33£ inches; width, 32 inches; depth, 11 1 inches; weight, 102 pounds. Price . . $ Price, with run- ners Price, with double bottom a BOSS Fig. 1612. SOLID STEEL DRAG SCRAPER. Fig. 161 No. 1. Capacity, 7 cubic feet; weight without runners, 00 lbs.; price " 2. " 5 " " " 80 " '" Fig. 1614. No. 1. Capacity, 7 cubic feet; weight with runners, 98 lbs.; price . " 2. " 5 " " ■" 83 " " . " 1„ " 7 " " with boitom plate, 105 lbs.; price "2 " 5 " " " " 95 " " Fig. 1614 shows Bottom Plate. We always ship Scraper without rur bottom plate, unless otherwise ordered. 464 THE NEW IMPROVED "K. & J." PRESSED BOWL WHEEL SCRAPERS. WITH "BETENDORF" METAL WHEELS-TIRES 4 INCHES WIDE. Fig. 1615. No. 2. Capacity, 13 cubic feet; wheels, 40 inches in diameter; tire, 4x1 inches. 13* '2 inches- -all No. Size of box: length, 30 inches; width, 38 inches; depth, inside measurement. Tracks, 4 feet 7 inches. Weight, C93 pounds. 3. Capacity, 17 cubic feet; wheels, 46 inches in diameter; tire, 4x J inches. Siza of box: length, 42 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 16 inches— all in- side measurement. Tracks, 5 feet 2 inches. "Weight, 850 pounds. . . $ No. 3 has draft rod for "snatch team." No. 2 sent with draft-rod only when specially ordered. We also can furnish "K. & J.'' Wood Wheels, wiih hardened cast hubs, on these Scrapers when so specified; they are much superior to the old style wooden hub wheels with which other wheel scrapers are made, being more durable and running easier. Whiffletrees and Neck-yokes are never furnished with Wheel Scrapers, unless specially ordered, and are always charged extra. TONGUE SCRAPER. Fig. 1616. THE DRIVER FILLS AND DUMPS H8S OWN LOAD WITH EASE. No 1 Scraper and Ditcher, 48 inches wide, weight 123 lbs., list price. . . $14.00 No'. 2 " " " 36 " " " .113 " " " • . 13.00 All our Scrapers have Steel Bottoms, with Ground Edges and Best Steel Shoes. No Whiffletrees or Neck-yokes furnished with Scrapers. 465 SURFACE GRADER. Steel Blade, \ Inch Thick. 15 In. Wide and 30 In. Long. Weight, CO Lbs. Price $ Fig. 1617. ROAD LEVELER. Steel Blade, £ Inch Thick by 4x72 In., and Stamped Steel Seat. Weight, 150 Lbs. Fig. 1618. Price, . $ GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD OR GRADING PLOWS. The Best Grading Plows You Can Buy. Fig. 1619. TWELVE-HORSE PLOW, No. 103. The Standard, Mold-Board and Point are made of Extra Quality of Wrought Steel. The Mold-Board and Point are made of the Best Plow Steel, and both double shinned. The Handles and Beam are of the best second-growth hardwood lumber, with Handholds Solid Steel. Plows Nos. 101 and 103 are also provided with a heavy improved Steel Shoe, or runner, upon the side lo protect the Handles when the Plow is dragging. Made in four sizes, and Right or Left Hand. All sizes are provided with Best Reversible Steel Cutters. The principal strain is carried by heavy Steel Draft Rod underneath the Beam, and the entire Plow is constructed to stand the very hardest usage. They cut 12 inches with Light Draft. FOUR-HORSE PLOW, No. 105. This Plow is medium size between Nos. 101 and 106. It cuts 10 inches, and while not in- tended for extremely hard material, is strong enough for any material that four horses can break. In ordering, please specify whether Right or Left Hand Plow is wanted. It is a great favorite with contractors. Peiok List see Page 467. 466 GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD OR GRADING PLOWS. Fig. 1630. * TWO-HORSE PLOW, No. 106. This Plow is Ironed same as the larger 'sizes and is stronger and more durable than the Plows offered by other manufacturers at same price. It is a good Township Plow. In ordering any Plows in this list, jtjs,necessary to State the size by Number, and whether they are desired Rie:ht or Left Hancl.'^IXj^- We can supply Contractors on any kind of work with just such a plow as they desire, they deciding for themselves how large a Plow their work requires. . Prices for Plows include One Extra Landside Point. A Wrench Goes with every Plow. TABL E OF SIZES , WEIGHTS AND PRICES No. Horse Tower. Weight. Price. . Landside Points. , Weight. Price. 106 3 to 4 135 lbs. $35.00 19 lbs. $4.50 105 4 to 6 170 " 30.00 21 " 5.00 101 6 to 8 330 " 38.00 33 " 6.00 103 13 to 14 300 " 45.00 43 " 7.50 Our Twelve-Horse Plow, No. 103, is strong enough for fourteen horses. It will work in the hardest material for months without injury, except the wear on the Share, Mold-Board, etc., incident to that kind of work. We recommend No. 103 Plow for hard-pan, frost, loose rock. etc. Our Six-Horse Plow, No. 101, is really strong enough for eight horses. No. 105 is our Four-Horse Plow, and strong enough for use in any material that number of horses can break. No. 106 Plow, for light soil, re- quiring only two horses, but strong enough for four, cutting 10 inches, gives universal satisfaction. 40 Price List of Parts FOR Name of Part, GREAT WESTERN Figs. 1619 and 1630 No. of Part. Kg. 1621, 47 51 43 44 43 46 52 PLOWS. . Number of Plow.— 106 105 101 $3.00 $3.50 $4.35 : 2.25 2.50 1.25 .75 .40 .65 2. 70 3.00 1.25 .75 .40 .65 3.00 3.75 1.50 1.00 .50 .75 103 5.25 4.35 5.00 1.50 1.00 .50 .75 40&41 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 Fig. 1631. Landside Point Standard and Cap Mold-board . Cutter . Shoe or Slide Shoe Clamp . Clevis and Rings Handles with Handhold; Handles, Wood only, 49 .75 Iron Handhold . 48 1.00 Drag Iron . . 45 .60 In ordering, be particular to state size of Plow and whether Right or Left Hand, and also the number of the Part as given above corresponding to cut of same. 467 .75 1.00 .60 .75 1.00 .60 .75 1.00 CONTRACTORS' LIGHT AND HEAVY DUMP CARTS. Heavy Cart, Capacity, 24 Cubic Feet. Weight, 800 pounds. Light Cart, Capacity, 21 Cubic Feet. Weight, 050 pounds. The Cart is painted Venetian lied: The AVheels are set to Standard Wide Track, 5 feet 2 inches. Strong, Substantial, Durable. Made throughout of Hardwood, Strongly Bolted and Braced. Specially adapted for the hardest usage, in hauling Rock, Gravel Claj r , and other Heavy Material. Parts easily replaced when worn out. Heavy Cart: Bed— Size of inside, 66 inches long, 44 inches wide, 14 inches deep. Light Cart: Same length and width, 13 inches deep. Steel Axle— 2^ inches square. Wheels: 54 inches diameter. Spindle— 2^x10 inches. Hubs: 9 inches diameter, 12 inches long. Wood Axle Bed— 3^x8 inches. Spokes: Fourteen 2A inch best second-growth oak. Tires: 3xJ inch. Shafts — Oak or Ash, 2Jx3^ inches, with heavy Cross-Bar, 2ix8 inches. Supplied with necessary Chains and Hooks as in cut. The Bed has two heavy Sills, 2Jx4 inches, witli heavy Cross-Piece, 2f x3 inches at rear end. The Sides, Ends and Bottom are all If inches thick. The front end Board has Cross-Piece on top, ljx4 inches, bolted down through the Sills, and these bolts firmly bifld together the front end of the bed. There are also four heavy anchor bolts inside on each Side Board, firmly securing them to the Side Sills, and the Side Boards have heavy iron straps along the upper edges. The rear ends of Sides and the Tail Gate have heavy iron braces. Heavy Cart with Wing-Boards or Hopper, weight, 890 pounds. Price ... $ MEXICAN OX CART. Size of Bed, 6 feet long, 40 inches wide, 18 inches deep, inside measure, Front and Buck Boards removable. Heavy Wood Hub Wheels, 48 inches diameter; Tire, 3ixi inches; Skein Boxes, If x9 inches. Steel Axles, 2 inches square; Tongue or Pole, 6i feet long by 5 inches in diameter at rear, and 3 inches where Ox-yoke attaches. Bed painted green. Wheels and gear vermilion. Capacity, 30 cubic feet; weight, 800 pounds. Price, $ 468 CONTRACTORS' DUMP CARS. 3-Yard, Class E, Two-way Dump Steam Shovel Car, 36 in. Gauo- e . Fig. 1(334. CARRYING POSITION. I Fig. 1625. DUMPING POSITION. The above cuts show the improved Class E, Two-way Dump Cars, with heavy Wooden Sills, Boxes bolted direct to SilH Inside Dimensions of Bed — Length, 9G in.; width, 72 in.; depth, 20 in. Total length from end to end of coupler, 141 in. Total width over all, 78 in. Chilled Plate Wheels — 16 in. diameter; weight, 130 pounds each. Axles — 2§ in. Bound Steel. Bronzed Journal Bearings, 2^x7 inches. Height — From top of rail to centre of draw-bar, 27 in.; from to}} of rail to floor, 40 in.; from top of rail to top of bed, 60 in. Weight of Car — Approximately, 3, 000 pounds. Eight to a carload. Furnished with Brakes when so ordered. 469 SEATS FOR DEPOTS, HALLS, HOTELS, ETC. Fig. 1027. Backs can be perforated and seat left plain, or both back and seat perforated ii required, without change of price. SEATS FOR DEPOTS, HAf.LS, HOTELS, ETC. Fig. 1629. The frames are made of ash, maple or birch, and fin- ished natural color, antique, imita- tion mahogany or cherry. The veneer seat is made of birch, and perfor- ated or left plain, and finished in any of the above colors. Prices on applica- tion. Fig. 1630. Height, 34 inches; width, 34 inches. LEATHER COVERED NAILS. Fig. 1632. Fig. 1633. Fig. 1634 Fig. 1635. Per M, $3.00 Per M, $3.25 Per M, $5.50 Per M, $3.50 NOTE. — Eegular length of Nails, one-half inch, put up 1,000 in a box. Special lengths and new patterns prepared when desired on large contracts. PATENT SOLID LEATHER TUFTING BUTTONS. THE STRONGEST, MOST DURABLE AND BEST IN THE MARKET. Fig. 1636. Per Gross, $0.45 Fig. 1637. Per Gross, $0.45 Fig. 1638. Per Gross, $0. 55 Fig. 1639. Per Gross, $0.55 These goods made in all leather colors, and in gold, silver, copper or colored , bronze HAM'S NO. 9 TUBULAR BURNER. NEW STYLE. Fig. 1640. Takes No. 3 or D Wick, lj inch. Used in the following Tubular Lamps of Ham's manufacture: No. 5 Triangu- lar, Nos. 7 and 8 Square, No. 9 Hanging, No. 9 Street Lamp, No. 10 Square Street Lamp. Price, „ Per doz., $6.00 472 BANNER BURNER. Takes Sun Chimney. No. 0. 1. 2. Banner- et Per Doz. $0.66 .78 1.11 1641. Fia;. 1043. Bronze Finish, 10 cents dozen extra, net. NO. I CLIMAX BURNER. Takes No. 1 Sun Chimney; fits No. 1 Collar; takes B or No. 2 Wick. No. Per Doz. 1 . $1.66 NO. 2 SLIP. ^ 0/^ Takes No. 2 Sun Chimney; fits Nos. 2 and 3 Collars; takes Dor No. 3 Wick. No Per Doz. 2. Slip . . . $2.00 Bronze Finish, 10 cents dozen extra, net. Fig. 1642 shows No. 2 Climax Slip. MOEHRINC ARCAND BURNER. Takes Moehring Chimney; fits No. 2 Collar; takes Moehr- ing Wick. This Burner is well known to the trade. No. Per Doz. 3. B Collar, Moehring, Brass . . . $9.60 3. B Collar, Moehring, Nickel . . . 12.00 3. Railroad, Moehring, Brass . . .9.60 12 dozen in case. Fig. 1643. 473 m Vr liiilAffllSIIIIISIIS'^iail" ' ■: in,,,- HEAVY OIL BURNERS. FOR RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT USE. DOUBLE SPRING CAR BURNER. No. B Wick, Brass, per doz. .... $5.00 Takes No. 2 Lip Chimney Fig. 1C44. THE DUAL BURNER. With two Wick Tubes. 1. With Screw, Dual . 1. Single Springs, Dual 2. Double " 2. Single " " 2. With Screws, Per Doz. $3.88 3.88 4.44 4.44 4.44 Takes Lip Chimney, Common. Fig. 1645. w Fig. 1646. ORIGINAL NO. 3 DUAL BURNER. Takes No. 3 Dual. " " 3 H. & S. " "3 Oxford Chimney. Takes No. 3 Dud Wick. Fits Special Dual Collar. For Mineral Sperm and other heavy Oils. Specially adapted for Bailroad and Steam- boat uses. No. 3, Dual, no Skirt, per doz. $8.64 474 ORIGINAL EXCELSIOR SUN HINGE BURNER. (E) Excelsior Sun Hinge Burners, 1 (A) " " " " a (B) " " " 3 (D) " " " " Sun Hinge Burners, with Skirt, 1 it ill a a n n a c c n ti n Brass, Per Doz. $1.63 1.80 2.70 6.30 Brass, Per Doz. $3.13 3.75 5.00 Above Burners take Excelsior Sun Hinge Chimneys, NIAGARA BURNERS. Furnished with Wicks. No. I. No. 1 Fits No. 2 or B Collar. Takes No. 1 Miller Chimney. Takes No. 1 Rochester Chimney. Tak< s No. 1 Niagara Chimney. No. 1 (B) Niagara Burners, Brass, per doz., $13.50 No. 2. No. 2 Fits No. 3 D Collar. Takes No. 2 Miller Chimney. Takes No. 2 Rochester Chimney. Takes No. 2 Niagara Chimney. No. 2 Niagara Burners, Brass, per doz., $16.20 No. 2 OXFORD BURNER. Takes No. 3 Dual Chimney Fits No. 2 Collar. Takes No. 3 Dual Wick. i Burns Kerosene, Mineral Sperm and other heavy Oils. No. P er Doz. 2 B Collar, Oxford, . $5.40 2 B " " for Rail- road use, . . 6.90 |j^^SB"lg Bronze Finish, 10 Cents Dozen Extra, Net. Fig. 1049. 475 RAILROAD LANTERN LARD OIL BURNERS. Fig. 1650. No. I RATCHET BURNER. finch Wick. Lard Oil. Per doz., $0.75. Fig. 1651. No. I EXTRA RATCHET BURNER. § inch Wick. Lard Oil. Per doz , $1.00. Fig. 1653. NO. I EXTRA FLAT COPPER BURNER. i inch Wick. Lard Oil. Per doz., $0.75. Fig. 1653. NO. I FLAT COPPER BURNER. f inch Wick. Lard Oil. Per doz., $0.60. Fig. 1654. NO. I TWO TUBE TIN BURNER. Lard Oil. Per doz., $0.35. Fig. 1655. BEACON BURNER. B Wick, fits A Collar. Per doz., $1.00. Fig. 1656. SIMPLEX LANTERN BURNER. No. Shaft. Per Doe. 1 A Wick, 1$ inches, $0.90. 2B " 2| " 1.50. 476 RAILROAD LANTERN KEROSENE BURNERS. Fig. 1657. NO. I, CONVEX BURNER. | in. Wick, Kerosene, per doz , $0.75. Fig. 1658. NO. 2, CONVEX BURNER. | in. Wick, Kerosene, per doz., $1.25. Fig. 1659. No. 1, "Sangsfcer," f inch Wick. Per doz., $0.75. Fig. 1059. TUBULAR LANTERN BURNERS. Fig. 1660. NO. O, 1-2 INCH TUBULAR BURNER. For Gem or No. 00 Lantern. NO. I, 5-8 INCH TUBULAR BURNER. For No. Lantern. Per doz., $0.75. Fig. 1661. NO. 2, I INCH TUBULAR BURNER. For Nos. 2, 4, 6, 12 and 17 Lanterns. Per doz., $1.75. Fig. 1662. REFLECTOR LAMP BURNER. Fig. 1662. No. 1, § inch High Cone Hood, per doz. . $1.75 477 BURNERS. Marct's Patent HEAVY HINGE BURNER. E Wick. Brass. Per Dozen $1.50 A " " " " 1.63 B " " " " 2.25 Fig. 1664. No. 3. SCREW BURNER. DWick. Brass. Per Dozen $4.38 All the above Burners take Old Style Lip Chimneys. | VENUS BURNER. No. 0. E Wick. Brass. Per Dozen $1.00 " 1. A " " " " 1.13 " 2. B " " " " 1.50 Takes Sun Chimney. Fig. 1665. Fig. 1667. CALENDER LANTERN BURNER. With Long oe Short Shafts. No. Wick. 00 E E 1 A Length of Shaft. 1 5 If II Per Dozen. $1.00 1.00 1.13 Special Lengths of Shafts made to order. 478 OIL SCREWS, TUBED. FOR BURNING LARD OIL. Fig. 1668. No. 3 3 Thread Diameter. f inch, 7 ii Kerosene Size, 1 Tube, 2 " 1 " Per 1000. Tin Tube. Copper Tube $16.50 $27.60 18.00 28.50 18.00 27.00 7 ii 1 " ii ii Common, a " 2 " 18.75 21.00 30.00 2 1 " H " lj " Extra Size, Kerosene Size, 3 " 2 " 2 " 22.50 27.00 30.00 52.50 60.00 Two hundred and fifty in a box. BRASS TORCH BURNERS, WITH HOOPS. Length of Tube. No. lg-inch. lj-inch. 2-inch. 2Jj-inch. 3-inch. Per 1000. 1 Kerosene Size, $32.50 36.00 36.00 45.00 54.00 1 Extra, 37.80 41.40 41.40 50.40 59.40 4 ?2.50 (With Tin Tube.) No. 1 2 1 2 FEEDER SCREWS AND HOOPS. Feeder Screws and Solid Hoops, Diam. It (I it tl *t It " Butted " II If It tl it tl Five hundred in a box. Per 1000. ^ inch. $13.50 9 ii 14.25 1 i* 11.25 9 ii II 12.00 Fig. 1670. Solid Hoop. Fig. 1671. Butted Hoop. Fig. 1672. No. 1 2 3 OILER SCREWS AND HOOPS. Per 1000. Diameter A inch, Oiler Hoop. Oiler Screw. $7.00 $9.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 Five hundred in a box. OIL SCREWS. No. 1 Oil Screws, Extra, Blank or Pierced, Fig. 1673. Common Size, Blank or Pierced, Keroseue Feeder Screws, Per 1000. Diameter 1J inch, $18.00 16.50 15.00 18 00 13.50 12.00 7.15 7.90 ¥ 1* 8 T 1 1 Tl 1 2 A Five hundred in a box. 479 NAVY SCREWS AND HOOPS. Diameter of Threads 1# inch Fig. 1674. BUTTED HOOPS. In Box. Per 1000. Screws only. Hoops only. Plates only. 250 " $40.00 $25.00 $9.00 Plates can be furnished with 3, 4 or 5 Copper Tubes. Fig. 1675. SOLID HOOPS. No. 1] 1 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 Extra Size, Common Size, Thread Dlam. 1^ inch 15 ti. ft , Per 1000. Butted Hoop. Solid Hoop $11.25 $12.00 10.50 9.00 Kerosene " I " 7.50 7.50 a a Feeder, 1* " f " 11 it 5.25 15.00 7.50 (E) Feeder, 1 1 a TB" 4.15 12.00 6.25 a A " 4.15 6.25 Fig. 1676. REDUCING COLLARS. Five hundred in a box. EXPANDING SCREWS. Fig 1677. Diameter of Threads. No. 2 (B) to 1 (A), 1^ to I inch, 3(D) to 1(A), If to | " 3(D) to 2(B), If tolj " One-half gross in a box. Brass, Per Doz. $0.45 .90 .90 No. 2 (B) to 3 (D), 1 (A) to 2 (B), Fig. 1678. Diameter of Threads. 1| to If inch 1 to lft " Bras a, Per Doz. $0.90 .45 One-half gross in a box. LANTERN HOOP. No. 1, Solid Lantern Hoop, No. 1, Ex. No. 2, No. . • Per 1000, $5.00 . . u a 8.00 . . a cc 10.00 VIP COLLARS. Diameter of Threads. lj inch Brass Light. $0.14 .23 , Per Dozen. Heavy. 1 3 it If " 2£ " J3. it for A Burner, .14 .23 .60 .45 $0.20 .33 .75 .45 4 " « B " .75 .75 480 PORCELAIN SHADES OR CONES. p.* i*\ Fig. 1681. PLAIN TOP. 4§x9 inch Cones, Plain Top. per doz. 5x10 " " " ' " 5x10 " Domes, " " Fig. 1682. RING TOP, 10 inch Cones, Eing Top, per doz. 11 10 Domes, Fig. 1683. White, per dozen Green, " Blue, Ruby, "White, per dozen Green, " Blue, Ruby, LANTERN GLOBES. No. 39. White, per dozen " 39. Green, " " 39. Blue, " " 39. Ruby, '•" Conductors' Globe, White, per dozen " " Half Colored, per dozen Fig. 16844. NO. O TUBULAR. Packed 5 dozen in bbl $1.25 7.00 7.00 11.00 3.00 30.00 Fig. 1684. NO. I TUBULAR. Packed i\ dozen in bbl. . " $1.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 LAKE AND RIVER CLOSES. Old Style. White, per dozen Green " Ruby, Blue, New Style White, per dozen Green, " Ruby, Blue, " For measurements of Globes see page 483. Fig. 1684. $2.00 10 00 14.00 10.00 $2 00 f 10.00 |, 14.00 10.00 * Fig. 1685. No. 7, Old Style Lake and River Globe. Fig. 1686. No. 7, (New) Government Pattern Globe. 481 BEST FLINT HAND-MADE CONDUCTORS' LANTERN GLOBES. ham's \ glla At N? " \ M'i f ill *"* — • l S:f~f Fig. 1689. Fig. 1687. Fig. 1688. N0 . I , "QUEEN" CON- NEW NO. 39, MILL AND NO. 39, R. R. GLOBE. DUCTOR GLOBE. FIRE DEPT. GLOBE. With Bull's Eye. Per Doz. Per Doz. Per Doz. White, . . . §6.00 White, $2.00 White, $3.00 Ruby, Green or Blue, 18.00 % Ruby, Green or Blue, 30.00 fltil jlH fe-,1 '"SI If 'if \ lijf n w Fig. 1690. Fig. 1691. Fig. 1692. NO. 3, COND'R GLOBE. NO. 3, COND'R GLOBE. NO. 6, COND'R CLOBE. Per Doz. Per Doz. White $6.00 One-Half Colored, White, .... $6.00 Ruby, .... 18.00 Per doz., $30.00. Ruby, .... 18.00 Green or Blue, . . 18.00 Green or Blue, . . 18.00 h Ruby, Green or Blue, 30.00 i Ruby, Green or Blue, 30.00 STREET AND HANGING LAMP GLOBES. "Will |||«i! tail . .t;« Millillliiiiuili iliii'liir' i- Fig. 1693. Fig. 1694. NO. 9, STREET AND HANGING LAMP CLOBE. NO. 4. HANCINC LAMP CLOBE. Per Doz. White, . . $6.40 Blue, Green, . . 50.00 Ruby, . Per Doz. . $50.00 . 60.00 Per Doz. White, $4.8u For measurements of Globes see page 483. 482 TUBULAR LANTERN GLOBES. hm HAM s " : ""' i N 9 COLO BLASJ Fig. 1695. No. 0, "Cold Blast" Tubular Globe. Vhite, . Per doz., $1.40 Packed 4A doz. in bbl. Fig. 1696. No. 0, Tubular "Bull's Eye" Globe. White, . Per doz., $1.92 Packed 5 doz. iu bbl. f Fig. 1697. No. 00 or "Gem" Globe. Per doz., $0.90 Packed 8 doz. iu bbl. MEASUREMENTS OF GLOBES. OUTSIDE MEASUREMENTS. Figure No. 1684£, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1684, 1693, 1694, 1683, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1685, 1686, Globes Illustrated on Pages 481, 482 and above. EXTRAS FOR LANTERNS. Pages 492-493. Extra Pots, with No. 1 or No. 1 Extra Tube Burners, .... Per dozen, $4.50 Glass Founts— Lanterns, Frames, or Extra Pots, when furnished with Glass Fouuts, " 1.20 Spike Bottom — Lanterns, Frames or Extra Pots, when furnished with Spike Bottom, add " 1.00 Numbering Frames — Lanterns or Frames when Numbered, add .....'< .50 BURNERS. When other than the No. 1 or No. 1 Extra Tube Burners are desired, add to prices on Pages 492-493 Frames or Extra Pots as follows: For No. 1 Lard Oil Ratchet Burner Per dozen, $0.50 " No. 1 Extra Lard Oil Ratchet Burner, " 1.00 " Beacon Burner, 100 483 Top. Bottom. Height. Bulge m 1X1. 3| Q. 6| in. U in n tt 3i 5 E " 6| K 4f " 2}f i i 34. (( ^ a U » H a 2? it 5h a 31 " 2f i t 34 a t~i 1 1 4* " 5| a 6^ n 10* " 8g » H ti 5 a 8* ( i 6J " 2| it H a 5| tt 4f ■' 2h a H it 5f ti 4f " 2| u H a 5| it 4f " H ( ( »A a 5 tt *A" 2* ti H i t 5 a Q9'( °I5 2£ t 1 2f ti 5 it "A* 2ft a 913 a 54 n 3J" 2| ■ < 3J a 6? tt 5 " 3 a *4 a 4 a ^ a 6 " CHIMNEYS. HAM'S SPECIAL HEADLICHT. Diameter of Bottom Height Per dozen Fig. 1698. HALL HEADLICHT. Size . . • No. 1 Diameter of Bottom . 2| inches Diameter of Bulb - . n " Height . 10 " Per dozen . $ • Packed as follows: In boxes of 3 or G dozen. STANDARD HEADLICHT. Size No. 1 Diameter of Bottom * • • 2J inches Diameter of Bulb . 2§ " Height . • • • 10 " Per dozen . $ 1-J-jj inches 10 Packed as follows: In boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen. No. 2 2f inches 3| " 10 " No. 2 2f inchd s 3 " 10 " Fiff. 1700. Diameter of Base " Bulb " " Top . Height Per dozen . Packed as follows: In boxes of 3 or 6 dozen . Outside dimensions are given for all measurements. MAGNUM CHIMNEYS. 3§ iuches 5i " 3| " 9f " Packed 2 dozen in barrel. 484 Fig. 1701. Fis. 1702. Fiff. 1703. Fie;. 1701. No. Rochester Miller Jimo B. &H. Macbeth CHIMNEYS. No. Niagara Royal Meteor Victor Keystone No. Trenton Merideu Bristol Haida Diameter of Bottom, Diameter of Bulb, Diameter of Top, Height, Price, . . • Packed as follows: In boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen, and barrels of 11 dozen. No. 2 Rochester 2 inches 3 " Itt " 8 " Per doz., $ No, 2 Miller 2 Juno 2 Royal 2 Victor 2 Meteor 2 Niagara 8 Macbeth , 2 Wheeling 2 Gladstone 2 Wellington 2 Meriden 2 Bristol 2 Haida 2 Pittsburg No. 2 Parker 2 American Trenton Rival Admiral Manhattan Smokeless 2|j inches 9 Per doz., $ Diameter of Bottom, Diameter of Bulb, .... Diameter of Top, .... Height, ...... Price, . . . , . Packed as follows : In boxes of 3 or 6 dozen, and barrels of 7 dozen. NO. 2 ROCHESTER, EXTRA LONG. No. 2 Niagara, extra long. No. 2 B. & H , 10 inches high. Diameter of Bottom, ...... 2§ inches Diameter of Bulb, 3± " Diameter of Top, l| " Height, 10J, 12 and 14 " To be used with Globes. Price, Per doz., $ Packed as follows: 10£ inch, in boxes of 3 or C dozen, and in barrels of 6 dozen. 12 14 3 or 6 3 or 6 5 4 2| inches SUN BULB. For all Sun Burners. Size, .... No. No. 1 Diameter of Bottom, 2 inches Diameter of Bulb, 3£ " 3& Height, . . 6| " n Per doz , $ Per doz. , $ Per doz. , $ Packed as follows: No. 0, in boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen. " 1, " of 3, 6 or 12 " " 2, " of 3 or 6 " Outside dimensions are given for all measurements above. 485 No. 2 3 inches 4 " 8i " CHIMNEYS. ELECTRIC. For Electric and Banner Lamps. Grand, Little Giant, Sun Duplex, Climax and other No. 3 Wick Burners. Size Diameter of Bottom " Bulb . Height . Per dozen Packed as follows: No. 1, in boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen, and barrels of 7£ dozen. " 2, in " of 3 or 6 " " of 5 " NO. 2 ELECTRIC FOR CLOBE. No. 1 No. 2 2^ inches 3 inches H " 4 " 8f " 10 " Fisr. 1705. Diameter of Bottom Diameter of Bulb . Height regular Height extra long . Per dozen 3 inches 10 •' 12 Packed as follows: 10 inch in boxes of 3 or 6 dozen, and barrels of (i dozen. 12 " in " 3 or 6 " " of 5 " BELGIAN. No 00 Belgian. a 00 Liberty. it 3 PI lmwood a 3 Dr esden. tt 5B. & H. Radiant. No. 1 No. 00 21- i iches 3 inches 3 a 31 « . lOf u 12 " Fig. 1706. No. 1 Belgian. " 1 Liberty. " 2 Plumwood. " 2 Dresden. " 4B. &H. Radiant. Size Diameter of Bottom Diameter of Bulb . Height . Per dozen May be cut to any other length desired. Packed as follows: No. 1 in boxes of 3 or 6 dozen, and barrels of 6 dozen. " 00 in " of 3 or 6 " " " 4 " Fig. 1707. 3f BUFFALO HEADLICHT. Diameter of Bottom . . . . . . . ■ 2§ inches Diameter of Bulb .... .... Height . 10 Per dozen ■ $ EUREKA HEADLICHT. Diameter of Bottom ....... 2| inches Diameter of Bulb • . . . . . . . 3£ " Height . . 10 " Per dozen . .......$ Packed as follows: In boxes of 3 or 6 dozen. Outside dimensions are given for all measurements. 486 CHIMNEYS. DUAL AND LIP. Fia:. 1708. No. 0, 1, 2 and 3 Lip " 0, 1, 2 and 3 Ives Size Diameter of Bottom Diameter of Bulb Height No. 0. If ins. a« " 6 " No. 0, 1 and 2 Dual " 0, 1 and 2 Richmond No. 1. lfj ins. 3 " 7 " No. H No. 3 Lip. 2g ins. 4 " 9i " Per dozen . ... $ $ $ For special orders these chimneys are made of any length or diameter of bulb required. Always give dimensions wanted. Packed as follows: No. in boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen. " 1 in " of 3, G or 12 " " 2 in " of 3 or 6 " " 3 in " of 3 or 6 " NO. 3 DUAL. For Railroad Car Lamps. No. 3 Dual. No. 3 Hicks & Smith. No. 3 Oxford. Diameter of Bottom . 2-J- inches Diameter of Bulb 3ff " Height 10& " Per dozen . $ Packed as follows: In boxes of 3 or 6 dozen. Fit;. 1709. Fig. 1710. NO. 2 DUPLEX. Round or Oval. For American and Imported Duplex Burners. Diameter of Bottom 2J inches Diameter of Bulb 3£ " Height 10 Per dozen .........$ Packed as follows: In boxes of 3 or 6 dozen, and barrels of 6 dozen. Outside dimensions are given for all measurements. "MICA" HEADLIGHT CHIMNEYS. Price, per gross $37.50 487 No. 0, " 1, CHIMNEYS. ROUND OR OVAL, FOR SUN HINGE BURNERS. Size .... Diameter of Bottom Diameter of Bulb . Height .... Special Size for Globe i Diameter of Bulb . ) Price per dozen Packed as follows: in boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen. No. 2, in boxes of 3 or 6 dozen, in " of 3, 6 or 12 " " 3, in " of 3 or 6 " No. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 1| ins. 2f ins. 2$ ins. 3i ins 3 " H " 3| " H " 6 " 74 " 81 » 9J " • • i t $ $ $ $ FOR CAS BURNERS. Welsbach. Diameter . lj| and 2 inches Length, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 " Made with either plain or Frosted Bottom. Per dozen . . $ Packed as follows: In boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen. MOEHRING. For Moehring and Harvard Burners. Diameter of Bottom . 2 inches Diameter of Bulb . 2 J " Height . 5£, ?£ or 10 " Per dozen . . $ Packed as follows: In boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen. Fig. 1713. Fig. 1713. Fig. 1714. NO. I I POSTAL CAR. Diameter of Bottom, 2\ inches Diameter of Bulb . 2| " Height . . . 12 " Per dozen . . $ Packed as follows: In boxes of 3 or C dozen. Size. STUDENT. No. 1 No. 2 Princess Student. Student or Victor. No. ] or Perfection Brilliant Diam. of Boltom 1^ iu. Diam. of Top . 1 in. If in. 1| in. Height . 7i " lOi " 10A " Per doz. $ $ $ Packed as follows: In boxes of 3, 6 or 12 dozen. 1| in. If iu. Fig. 1715. Outside dimensions are given for all measurements. 488 1 or A. WICKS. No or E. Width, inches, ... | s Per gross, .... $0.60 .75 Brilliant, Argand and Crystal Light, Dietz § inch wide, 8 inches long, .... B. Wick, Double Thick, The above Wick in 32-yard pieces at same price. D. Dual, 10 inches long, No. 3, Moehring, 2§ inches wide, Duplex and Oxford, 10 inches long, Nos. 1 and 2 German Student, Gem, J inch wide, No. 1 Kochester, No. 2 Kochester, No. 3 Rochester, No. 1 Banner, No. 2 Banner, No. 3 Banner, No. 1 Niagara, 7£ inches long, No. 2 Niagara, 8 inches long, No. 1 Belgian, No. 00 Belgian, No. 2 Electric, No. 2 Miller, Sun Duplex, Eureka, HEADLIGHT Width, inches, Per gross, WICK $7.00 (FELT) 7.00 2orB. 3orD. 1 H 1.10 1.75 Per gross, $2.00 ti, a .90 C© it 2.50 Per gross, $3.00 a 3.00 a 3.00 a 1.10 u .60 it 1.25 a 1.75 a 6.00 a 1.25 a 2.00 a 4.75 a 2.75 tt 9.50 t i 3.00 a 3.50 a 2.50 a 2.00 a 1.00 a 1.25 li n 7.50 8.00 Per pound, $0.20 CANDLE WICK. No. 2, • . Per pound, $0.18 Best, WASTE. WHITE COTTON. COLORED COTTON. Best Cop Machined, . Per lb., $ "A," Best Machined, . Per lb., .$ No. 1, 2, 3, Carpet Thrums Per lb., $ 'B," 'C," WOOL PACKING. No. 1 No. 2 Extra No. 3 Per lb., $ Per lb., $ Per lb., $ Waste put up in 100, 250 and 500 lb. Bales. We have all grades of Wiping and Packing Waste. Prices quoted and samples sent on application. 489 HAM'S TWO-PIECED TUBE TIN TUBULAR LANTERNS. NO. O, HANDY. NO. O AND NO. 2, SIDE SPRING SAFETY. Fig. 1716. PLAIN TIN ONLY. Per Doz. With White Globe, $9.00 " Ruby "... 12.00 " Green or Blue Globe, . 12.00 Has No. 1 Burner, | inch Wick, No. Globe. Adapted for contractors, and in cities about sewers, etc. Also used with Ruby Globe as a guard lantern. TIN TUBULAR. No. O— Class Fount. Price, Per Doz. With White Globe, . . $13.00 " Ruby " . . 16.00 " Green or Blue Globe, 16.00 Has No. 1 Burner, g inch Wick, No. Globe. No. 2. Price, Per Doz. With White Globe, . , $13.00 " Ruby " . . 16.00 " Green or Blue Globe, 16.00 Has No. 2 Burner, 1 inch Wick, No. Globe. Fig. 1716 packed 1 doz. cases, net weight 20 lbs., gross weight 32 lbs. Fig. 1717 " 1 " " " " No. 0, 21 lbs., gross weight 34 lbs. Fig. 1717 " 1 " " " " No. 2, 23 lbs., " " 39 lbs. Fig. 1717 is also made copper-plated, brass-plated, solid brass and solid brass nickel-plated. 490 HAM'S TWO-PIECED TUBE TIN TUBULAR LANTERNS. No. and No. 2. CLIPPER LIFT. No. 1 and No. 2. COLD BLAST. Fig. 1718. TIN TUBULAR. No. 0. Per Dozen With White Globe .... $9.50 " Kuby " 1250 " • Green or Blue . ... 12.50 Has No. 1 Burner, g-inch Wick. No. Globe. No. 2. With White Globe " Kuby " . " Green or Blue Fig. 1719. TIN TUBULAR. No. 1. With White Globe . . . " Kuby " ... " Green or Blue . . Per Dozen . $13.50 16.50 . 16.50 Has No. 1 Burner, g-inch Wick. No. "Cold Blast" Globe. Has No. 2 burner, 1-inch wick. No. Globe. Per Dozen No. 2. Per Dozen . $13.00 ! With White Globe $16.00 16.00 " Euby " 19.00 16.00 " Green or Blue .... 19.00 Has No. 2 Burner, 1-inch Wick. No. '-Cold Blast" Globe. Fig. 1718 is also made Copper-Plated, Brass-Plated, Solid Brass and Solid Brass Nickel-Plated. Fig. 1719 is also made Solid Brass and Solid Brass Nickel-Plated. Fig. 1719 is especially adapted for use in Mills, Lumber Camps and other places where there is considerable dust, as the Burner will not clog up. Also adapted for the use of Tkack Walkeus 491 HAM'S STANDARD RAILROAD LANTERNS. For Lard or Sperm Oil, also Kerosene. P3 .e3 g o Fig. 1721. Wike Bottom, Double G-uaed. Fig. 1720. Wiee Bottom, Single Guaed. DOUBLE WIRE UPRIGHT (PATENTED 1 . With White Globe " Green or Blue Globe " Ruby Globe Frames only SINGLE WIRE UPRIGHT. With White Globe . ' ' Green or Blue Globe " Euby Globe " ' Frames only The above prices are with No. 1 and No. 2 Extra Tube Burners. For other Burners see page 483. Initials of railroads stamped on Frames in lots of 10 dozen or more without extra charge. 492 Per dozen, $12 00 " " 16.50 " " 20.50 " - 10.00 Per dozen, $11.00 " " 15 50 1950 " " 9.10 HAM'S STANDARD RAILROAD LANTERNS. For Lard or Sperm Oil, also Kerosene. o _o a a o * Silver and Gold Plate. GL0BES ' vjHlt Best Flint, Hand Made. Kg. 1724. Kg. 1725. No. 3. BAYONET CATCH. No. 3. SOBEW OIL CDP. Per Dozen I Per Dozen Brass White Globe $48.00 Brass White Globe $48.00 " N. P. " " 54.00 " N. P. '■ " 54.00 Brass i Ruby, Greeu or Blue . 78.00 j Brass h Ruby, Greeu or Blue . 78.00 " N.P.-" " " " " • 84.00 " N.P.'"' " " " " . 84.00 Furnished in White, Ruby, Green, Blue, Half Green, Half Ruby, Half Blue Globes. Made Extra Strong. Tig. 1726. No. 1. SCREW OIL CDP. (TaJie Fig. 1689 Globe.) I \ Per Dozen Brass White Globe $60.00 " N. P. " " 66.00 Brass + Ruby, Green or Blue . 90.00 " N. P. " " " " " . 96.00 494 Fig. 1727. No. 3. WIRE BOTTOM. Per Dozen Brass White Globe $48 00 " N.P. '■ " 54.00 Brass J Ruby, Green or Blue . 78.00 " N.P.-' '< •' « ■< . 84.00 FINELY FINISHED BRASS, NICKEL, SILVER AND COLD-PLATED CONDUCTORS' LANTERNS. For Lard or Sperm Oil. Made Extra Strong. Globes, Best Flint, Hand Made Furnished m White, Ruby, Green, Blue, Half Green, Half Ruby, Half Blue Globes.' Fig. 1728. No. 6. Bayonet Catoh. Fig. 1728, Brass, White Globe Fig. 1729. No. 39. Batonet Catoii. 1728, a 1728, (i 1728, a 1729, it 1729, ii 1729, it 1729, a 1730, a 1730, a 1730, it 1730, a Nickel-plated, White Globe J Ruby, Green or Bluo Nickel-plated, \ Ruby, Green or Blue " 1 it a a 2 \ Ruby, Green or Blue White Globe Nickel-plated, White Globe it a White Globe \ Ruby, Green or Blue Nickel-plated, J Ruby, Green or Blue Fig. 1730. No. 6. Screw Oil Cup. Per doz. $54.00 60.00 84.00 90.00 66.00 " 60.00 " 30.00 " 36.00 60.00 54.00 84.00 90.00 NO. 7, NEW LAKE AND RIVER LANTERN. Hinge Top. (Government Pattern). With No. 1 Extra Flat Copper Burner. For Sperm or Lard Oil and Kerosene. With With With White Green or Ruby Globe. Blue Globe, Globe, Per doz., Per doz , Per doz., $13.00. $18.50. $22.50. If wanted with No. 2 "Index" Kei •osene Burners add, per dozen, $0.50. 6 inch Globes. 495 LAKE AND RIVER, LARD OIL, TIN LANTERNS. No. 7, Old Lake and River Lantern. Regular Pattern. "With With With White Green or Ruby Globe Blue Globe Globe Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. $12.00 $17.50 $31.50 Fitted with No. 1 Extra Flat Copper Burners. If wanted with No. 2 "Index" Kerosene Burners, add 50c dozen. Fig. 1732. Hinge Bottom. Fig. 1733. Hinge Top. These Lanterns are built very strong and finely finished. Used principally on River and Lake Steamers and Vessels. POLE TARGET LAMPS (RAILROAD), OR MAST HEAD LAMPS. WITH IMPROVED BOTTOM. Burns Kerosene. With "White, Green or Ruby Fresnel. "Will not blow out. iiHE5-=l» u Fig. 1734. With White Fresnel Globe " Green " " " Blue " " " Ruby " " 496 Each, $8.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 FIREMAN'S LANTERNS. ,jtafc j Fig. 1735. Solid Brass . Nickel-plated N o ,Q o o o ■ NO. IO, NEW IMPROVED SQUARE TUBULAR STREET LAMP. ^"•J-uJ'^ Outside Wick Regulator. Automatic Extinguisher. Fig-. 1746. Patent Wind-break. lj inch Wick. The above cut represents the new Improved No. 10 Square Tubular Street Lamp, which is constructed on the same princijule as the celebrated No. 9 Globe Street Lamp, and is equal in every respect to the Globe Street Lamp in its burning qualities. It will not freeze up in cold weather, and will not smoke or blow out in the hardest winds. Gives a very bright light and entirely free from flickering. The burner is set corner-wise across the lamp so that the flat side of the flame is shown from each of the four sides of the lamp, thereby giving an equal light in all direc- tions, and which also prevents the flame from striking the top lights of glass, which in other lamps is a serious defect, causing excessive breakage. By use of the Auto- matic Extinguisher the lamp can be set, when lighted, to burn a certain number of hours. It ■will then go out of its own accord, thus saving the trouble and expense of extinguishing. Packed in cases of 1 each. Net weight, 12 lbs.; gross weight, 35 lbs.; weight of posts, 25 lbs. net. Fig. 1747. No. 10 Square Tubular Street Lamp, each $8.00 Also furnished with colored glass if wanted, and glass lettered (painted on) at additional cost. Posts for the above, Turned Wood, each $2.00 BRACKETS. No. 106. Iron Brackets, 24 inches long Each, $1.00 '< 107. '• 19f " ornamental " 1.00 '< 108. " ll| ' " L0 ° 501 LOCOMOTIVE HEAD LIGHTS. 23 inch, Signal No. $ 23 " Plain 20 " Signal No 20 " Plain 18 " Signal No 18 " Plain 18 " Signal No Round Door in side . 18 inch, Plain Round Door in side . 16 inch, Signal No 16 " Plain 16 " Signal No Round Door in side . 16 inch, Plain. Round Door in side . Fig. 1748. We make any size or kind, with or without Signal Numbers, or to Blue Prints. 18-inch Signal Number Special DRUM HEAD LIGHT. Door opens on the side. We make all sizes, with or without Signal Numbers. The above Head Lights are all I made plain black cases unless other- wise ordered. Price, each ... $ Fig. 1749. 502 LOCOMOTIVE HEAD LIGHTS. 18-INCH PLAIN SPECIAL DRUM HEAD LICHT. Closed. Door Opens on the Side. We Make All Sizes. Fig, 1750. Fisr. 1751. I8-SNCH PLAIN SPECIAL DRUM HEAD LIGHT. Opened. Showing the Inside, or Manner of Drawing from the Case, with Door Open on the Side. Each, $ 503 LOCOMOTIVE HEAD LIGHTS. 16-incn ROUND SIGNAL NUMBER HEAD LIGHT. Door opens on the front. We make any size, with or without Signal Numbers. Each, $ Fie. 1752 Fig. 1753. ELECTRIC HEAD LIGHTS. IO-INCH ELECTRIC HEAD LIGHT. Made of Brass, Lacquered, or Tin, Painted. Heavy Copper Eeflector. Silver Plated. Malleable or Brass Supports. This is used for Hood of Car. Each, $ (O-INCH ELECTRIC HEAD LIGHT. Four inches deep. Something new to bolt on dash of car. Made of Iron, nicely Painted. Copper Eeflector. Silver Plated. Does not project beyond Bumpers, therefore not liable to be smashed in collision. Each, $ Fig. 1754. 504 ELECTRIC HEAD LIGHTS. Fig. 1755. HEAD LIGHT. Brass or Bronze Drum. 11 -inch Keflector. Each Fig. 1756. DASH LICHT. To Bolt on Dash. Furnished with Brass Door on Hinge. 8, 9 and 11-inch Keflector. Each $ DASH HEAD LIGHTS. To Hang on Dash. Fig. 1757— Closed. Fig. 1757— Opened. 10-inch 10-inch MOTER CAR OIL HEAD LIGHT OIL HEAD LIGHT. Doors Open on the Side. Showing the Inside or Manner of Hand "Wheel Outside of Case. ( Drawing from Case. Also Made 12-inch with Loco- Can Draw Beflector with tive Head Light Burner. Chimney in Place. Are not obliged to open the door to raise or lower wick. Each ..... $ 505 TEN INCH SQUARE OIL HEAD LICHT. With Dash Board Attachment. For Cable or Motor Cars. Case — 21f inches high, 12 inches wide, 9|- inches in depth . Reflector — Made of Copper and Silver Plated. 10 inches diameter, 3f inches in depth. Burner — Regular Locomotive Head-light Pattern. Takes circular "Moehring" •wick 5 inches long. Chimney — 3 inch Argand or ' ' Moehring" chimney, Ham Pattern. Each $9.00 Fie;. 1758. ELECTRIC HEAD LIGHTS. NO. 45 ELECTRIC HEAD LICHT. 11 inch Reflector. Each Front View. Fit?. 1759. Side View. Fig. 1759. Feont View. Fig. 1760. NO. 40 ELECTRIC HEAD LICHT,, 11 inch Reflector. Each .... * 506 Side View. Fig. 1760. CAB OR GAUGE LAMPS. BRASS AND NICKEL-PLATED. Brass Cab Lamp N P. " Fig. 1761. LOOSE GLOBE. . Dozen, $36.00 " 48.00 Fig. 1762. PLASTERED GLOBE. Brass Cab Lamp N. P. " " Dozen, $36.00 48.00 Fig. 1763. CAB LAMP, WITH HOOD. Per dozen .... $36. Fig. 1764. CAB LAMP, PAINTED. Per dozen .... $30.00 Per dozen CAB LAMP GLOBES. 507 $4.00 SEMAPHORE LENSES. -Measure diameter from JAese points - Smooth Face Semaphore S The number in. this f ~\ ring fin the uut -.{■]<■ zoua gives the Focua* «, Lamp Fig. 1765. SMOOTH FACE SEMAPHORE. F g. 1766. Net prices each. Diameter in. Flint . . Green . Blue . . Ruby . . 3 3f $0.10 .13 . $0.15 .18 . $0.15 .18 $0.33 .38 3| 4 .14 .14 .20 .20 .30 .20 .30 .30 4* H 4J 5 5| 6 6f 7 7| 8 8f .15 .15 .17 .20 .22 .33 .38 .55 .66 .77 .82 .22 .22 .24 .30 .33 .50 .55 .70 .80 .95 1.00 .22 .22 .24 .30 .33 .50 .55 .70 .80 .95 1.00 .33 .33 .35 .40 .45 .60 .65 1.00 1.25 1.45 1.55 9 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.90 'V'i^M, wmfes. PLAIN BULL'S EYES. Net prices each. F ig. 1767. Inches . . Flint . . . Green . . Ruby . . . . . 2 . . $0.06 . . $0.09 . . $0.30 3| .07 .10 .23 3i 3| 3 Si 34 3f .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .26 .30 .34 .38 .42 .46 Net prices each. 4 .14 .17 .50 4£ .15 .19 .53 A 3 .17 .21 .54 Inches . . Flint . . . Green . . . Ruby . . - 4J U $0 20 .25 $0.35 .30 $0.56 .60 5 .35 .55 .70 of 6 6| 7 7| .50 .70 .85 1.00 1.20 .70 .85 .95 1.15 1.35 .90 1.10 1.30 1.55 1.80 8 1.40 1.60 2.10 8-2. 1.65 3.00 3.50 9 2.00 2.50 3.00 SILVERED CLASS REFLECTORS. Inches . . . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 Per dozen . . . $3.75 4.00 4.2 5 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.25 10.75 12.50 36.00 60.00 NICKEL- PLATED REFLECTORS. Inches . . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Per dozen . . $2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.50 FRESNELS AND SECTIONS. In Whole, Half, Third and Quarter Sections. Prices quoted on application, 508 GASKETS. i^TMkjK PLAIN, MIXED, AND PURE CASKETS AND RINCS. Sgi Plain or cloth insertion, Gaskets and Eings. Eegular ^sfc* ■■ shapes and sizes, MB 2iypiff°V n 1 ff inch or less in thickness, per lb., .... $1.25 ~~Fig. 1768. -5 3 F inch and upwards, 1.00 There is one-ply of cloth to every T 1 ¥ inch thickness. Five cents per pound additional will be charged for each extra ply of cloth. The cloth, whether used as an insertion or on the outside, counts as one-ply. MIXED OR FIBROUS GASKETS AND RINCS. Regular Shapes and Sizes. | inch or less in thickness, per lb ., $0.90 -jV inch and upwards, .......... .80 PURE CASKETS AND RINCS. Regular Shapes and Sizes. Per lb., ... . $1.50 Gaskets and Rings, either plain, mixed, or pure, of unusual size, thickness, etc., made to order at special prices . THE ECLIPSE SECTIONAL RAINBOW CASKET. Will Fit any Hand or Man-Hole. Length and "Weight per Box; § inch diam. 36 feet, 3^ lbs. PATENTED 0fe N0V.3.IS91 ) ) | \\ \\ % \\ f f 'J § inch for Pipe Unions. \ inch for Hand-Hole Plates, f and f inch for Man-Hole Plates. Fig. 1769. Price, per lb., . $1.00 A special size of 4} inch Eclipse . 43 feet, in box, weight about 1 lb. Price, per lb., $2.00. femmsm^^ can screws ^W2_5!^ WITH TIN INSIDE SCREWS AND ZINC OUTSIDE mjBjBBmfil^f^tj SCREW CAPS. ^T^- - i- l .. . i . ■ _ • ■ ' ' ^'i'.l-'i $7.30 $9.30 ^Wmta^* S^Si^^ Treated Felt Paper Lining 5.15 6.10 6.95 8.65 PP"" Treated Wood Pulp Lining, 5.10 6.05 6.90 8.60 Wax Paper Lining, . 4.95 5.85 6.50 8.10 *% Size, inches, lj If 2 ^ Cork Lining, . . . $11.00 $15.35 *19.35 Treated Felt Paper Lining, 10.45 14.30 17.10 Treated Wood Pulp Lining, 10.25 14.05 17.55 ■-■-_„._,, _,-, Jjk Wax Paper Lining, . . 9.60 13.15 16.45 /Mtittl - 1&& '*■"*■ RECULAR TIN SCREWS. With Flange on Outside Screw Cap. Wllmf ' J^ Size, inches, i } 1 1* 1£ ■■IS,;^^^ No Lining, $2.95 $3.65 $4.05 $5.45 $6.25 Fig. 1770. S RECULAR TIN SCREWS. Without Flange on Outside Screw Cap. 1 8- 1 l 1 It Cork Lining " '. $3.65 $4*. 50 $5.05 $6*90 $7.95 Treated Felt Paper Lining, . 3.30 4.15 4.75 6.25 7.40 Wax Paper Lining, . . . 3.15 3.90 4.30 5.75 6.55 TreatedWood Pulp Lining, . 3.25 4.10 4-75 6.20 7.20 509 CORRUGATED COPPER GASKETS. Three to sis corrugations are all that are necessary, so that the space within the bolt holes usually determines the width of the Gasket. In cases where the flanges are thin, and for this reason liable to bend when the bolts are tightened, it is advisable to extend the copper Gasket to the full width of flange. This will, of course, require the cutting of bolt holes in the Gasket. Fig. 1771. Standard Size. 1 inch i* 2 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 List of Standard Size Corrugated Copper Gaskets. Inside Bolt Line (Narrow). Iix2j lfx 2f 2fx If Six 54 3fx 6 4£x 6i 4fx 7 5£x 7f 6*x 8£ 7|xl0 8^x11 94*12i 10lxl3g 124xl5| 14jxl7| 154x19 Cost of One Gasket. $0.04 .07 .20 • .23 .31 .35 .38 .42 .46 .574 .69 .77 .94 1.181 1.384 1.65 1.90 Full Width of Flange. l£x 4 lfx 44 2£x 6 2fx 3£x 71 3fx 8i 4£x 9 4|x 9+ 54x10 6|xll 74x1 24 84x134 9^x15 10|xl5 124x19 14|x31 154x22i Cost of One Gasket. $0.23 .27 .49 .65 .71 .91 .99 .99 1.09 1.24 1.57 1.73 2.11 2.29 3.22 3.63 4.01 VULCABESTON ROUND PRESSED ROPE GASKETS. Made expressly for Com- panion Flange Joints of standard sizes. Ready use; no waste. No. Size Pipe or Valve. 2 24 3 34 4 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 Inside Diani. 3f 5£ 5£ 51 6ft 7$ 8« n io£ lif 144 154 161 17| 19 2l£ 23| 254 Outside Diam. Thickness. 4 4| 5i 6£ 6ft H 8fi 91 10I 12| 13J 16 m 181 201 214 23f 251 28 order at proportionate costs. 510 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 A- 3 A i i i i i i i Price per Gasket. $0.17 .18 .19 .21 .22 .23 .24 .26 .44 .48 .54 .58 .72 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.40 MINERAL WOOL. Kind. Ordinary Slag Wool Selected " Extra " Ordinary Kock Wool Selected " Extra " For removing Paint, per lb. Pounds Square Per per foot, Cubic feet Per 100 lbs. Cubic Cubic 1 inch. to Ton. iu Ton Lots. Foot at Foot. Thick. Factory. 12 1 lb. 166 $1.25 $0.12 9 3. " 4 223 1.92 .15 6 2 333 4.25 .24 12 1 " 166 2.25 .24 8 ! " 250 4.25 .32 6 i " 333 7.25 .42 STEEL WOOL HAIR FELT. In Bales 300 Square Feet. 3 Feet and 6 Feet Wide. Thickness, inches £ £ f i | llj .04 .04f .05 i .06f Per sq. foot 1 $0.(W 03 J .03f ASBESTOS MILL BOARD. 1* ,08 170 .101 Fig. 1773. Fireproof and acid proof. Made soft, medium and hard. Stock size, 40x40 inches, 42x44 inches and 44x48 inches. Special sizes to order. Thickness, inches . ^, &, t l &, J, ft, £, f, \ Case lots, per lb. .07 Broken cases, per lb. .](j Cases weigh about 250 lbs. ASBESTOS ROLL MILL BOARD. In rolls of -gV to h incn i nc l us i ve i°- thickness, 36 to 44 inches wide, per lb., 10 cents. ASBESTOS BUILDING FELT. Made of of the best quality of Asbestos Fibre. Possesses the highest fireproof and non-conducting qualities, odorless, acid and vermin proof and invaluable as a protection against fire. Used for lining passenger and freight cars, sheathing bouses, lining be- tween floors and under slate, tin and iron roofs, also for wrapping furnace pipes. In rolls weighing 75 to 100 pounds, 36, 40 and 42 inches wide. Weighing from 6 to 16 pounds to 100 square feet. Fi°-. 1774. ^ >er lb- • ........ 8 cents ROOFING MATERIALS AND COAL TAR PRODUCTS. 2-ply Boofing, 108 square feet to the roll, per roll $0.80 3-ply " 108 " " " ..... 1.10 Tarred Single Felt, 324 " " " (40 lbs.), per net ton . . 36.00 " Slaters " 500 " " " (30 lbs.), " . . 45.00 Bosin Sized Sheathing, 500 square feet to the roll, " . . 40.00 Boof Coating, in barrel lots, per gal .15 " Paint, Black, " " . .30 Black Varnish, " ....... .35 Boofing Pitch " per bbl. ..... . 2.25 511 ASBESTOS CORD. Strong hard finished 4 Strand Cord, £ inch diameter. Put up in 1 lb. Balls, and 5 and 101b. Reels. About 130 feet to pound. Acid and Fire Proof, ' Per lb., $0.80 VULCABESTON SHEET PACKING. For Joints for Steam, Gas, Hot Air, Oil and Ammonia Fittings. This Packing is made in sheets 35 in. x 35 in. and in rolls. In ordering, care should be taken to specify in what shape the packing is wanted, as unless specified " in rolls," sheets will be furnished. Packing for hot air and ammonia is especially made for the purpose, and if to be used for either of these purposes, mention should be made to this effect in ordering. In Sheets 35 x 35 Inches. •sV inch thick, jV mcn thick, £ inch thick, T 3 H inch thick, ± inch thick, Per sheet, $2.40. Per sheet, $3.00. Per sheet, $4.60. Per sheet, $7.00. Per sheet, $8.00. Soft Sheet Packing is supplied for very rough joints. JENKINS' STANDARD '96 PACKING. A Perfect Joint Packing. It is made one yaed wide, and in thickness sVi A> A. s. A and i incl1 - ■Jz thick weighs about 3 lbs. per square yard, A " " " 6 " " A " "• " 9 " <■ 8 1 ~ J T \ " " " 18 '• " j. ii i- ii 24 '' '■ *' Fig, 1775. Price per lb., $0.80. VULCABESTON MOULDED RINGS FOR RAILROAD WORK. Concave and Convex Moulded Packing Rings for use on valve stems, pis- ton-rods, air-brake pumps, etc. Many of the large railroad systems have adopted these packing rings for steam and air ends of Westinghouse and New York air brake pumps, and for locomotive valve stems and piston-rods. Brake Pump rings are : No. 102i, Plain Split Ring, 1[| in. x 1^ in. x f in. for Westinghouse Air Brake passenger service 6 in. and 8 in. pumps. No. 400, Concave and Convex Rings, l^f in. x 1| in. for same service, 6 in. and 8 in. pumps. No. 544, Concave and Convex Rings, 2Jg x If in. for W. A. B. Co. freight service, 9i in. pumps. No. 168, Concave and Convex Rings, 2 in. x 1£ in. for New York Air Brake Co., all sizes pumps. Price per set (4 rings) .... $0.22. PKIOES OF OTHER SIZES ON EECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS. ii | | i i|ii|rc|iimi»»- J »«>■* JENKINS' DISCS FOR VALVES. r Fig. 1776. OlZe, .4 8 2 4 1 a 4 d 2 " •"£ " Price, Ba., $0.03 .04 .04 .05 .06 .09 .12 .18 .24 .33 Size, . 3J 4 ii 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price, Ea., $0.45 .52 .60 .68 .90 .9S 1.20 1.75 2.25 Will stand Steam, Oils or Acids. HAED DISCS FOE STEAM. SOFT DISCS FOE COLD WATEE. 512 Fig. 1777. Fig. 1778. Pig. 1779. ASBESTOS PISTON ROD PACKING. Made of the finest long fibre Asbestos, and spun and twisted into ropes of any desired size from \ inch to 2 inches in diameter. This pack- ing is very pliable, the best and most durable known for locomotives, marine engines, etc. Not affected by acids, dampness or heat. Put up on reels 10, 25 and 50 pounds each. Price per lb., 35 cents. ASBESTOS WICK PACKING. Used for packing around small steam valves, pumps, valve stems, etc. The strands can be easily separated. Acid and fire-proof. Put up in \, \ and 1 lb. balls. Price per lb., 35 cents. ASBESTOS BRAIDED PACKING. This is composed of a pliable, elastic, twisted core covered with a heavy Asbestos braid, thus keeping the inside strands from loosening, or the packing from getting out of shape. Sizes, £ to 1 inch or larger. Put up on reels of 10, 15, 25 and 50 lbs. each. Price per lb., 35 cents. Fig. 1780. ASBESTOS BRAIDED RUBBER CORE PACKING. This packing is of the same construction as Asbestos Braided Packing, excepting the core is of best quality rubber instead of asbestos core. The rubber core adds somewhat to its pliability. Put up same as regular piston packing. Price per lb., 35 cents. ASBESTOS WOUND CLOTH PACKINGS. Pig. 1781. Fig. 1782. Fig. 1783. Fig. 1734. These packings are made in several different styles, with or without rubber core, also with metallic insertion. They are formed of successive layers of Asbestos Cloth, each layer having a thin coat of rubber composition to make the layers adhere to each other. When tiie cloth is wound to form a certain size or thickness the packing is given a coating of India rubber solu- tion. These packings are very firm and elastic, absolutely waterproof, not affected by heat, frictionless and very efficient. Used for all kinds of high pressure work generally and also where moisture will be encountered. Especially recommended for marine work. Put up in coils or on reels, also in boxes 6 to 8 lbs. each. Price, rouud or square, per lb., 75 cents. INDRUBESTOS PACKING. This packing is composed of asbestos so combined with India rubber and materials as to form a packing that will always remain pliable and make a tight joint. It is so constructed that the lubricating composition permeates the entire packing, thus rendering it doubly useful, and as the exposed surface is worn by friction it always remains the same until the packing is taken out. In sizes from \ inch to 2 inches. Put up on reels. Price per lb., 75 cents. Fig. 1785. VULCANIZED ASBESTOS PISTON-ROD PACKING. This is a flexible rope packing braided from strong twisted strands of pure Asbestos com- bined with India Rubber and vulcanized. It is an improvement upon our Pure Asbestos Pack- ings, and is superior to all others for piston-rods, valve stems, pump valves, etc., where high pressure steam, hot water, oils, acids, ammonia, etc., are used, and for locomotive, stationary aud marine engines. Round, all sizes from ^ to 2 inches diameter on reels, 10 to 50 lbs., per lb. . . . $1.00 Sizes \, x\ and \ inch on \, A and 1 lb. spools, per lb 1.00 " T V and 3 \ inch on i i and lib. " 1.25 "Number of feet of the different sizes round Packiug to the pound, bize, mcnes t«i as k ts a jh s l> « * a ± 1 t x » « No. of feet . 450 225 128 50 25 20 10 9 U 5£ 4 3 2£ if 1 513 Fig. 1786. ' ; ,..-'.; ' ' : fill ' Fig. 1788. Garlock's Spiral Packing . " Ring " " Sectional Ring Packing PACKING. CUM CORE PACKING. No. 1 Diamond is made oblong iu shape, with pure rubber core and best quality of flax yarn. We guarantee this brand of packing to be of the best. Per pound $0.60 No. 2 Diamond is made round in shape, with pure rubber core and best quality flax yarn. Per pound f 0.50 Put up in boxes of five to ten pounds each, or on reels 25 to 50 pounds. Both packings are thoroughly lubricated. SQUARE FLAX PACKINC. Made on improved braiding machines, from long line Russian flax; this packing is per- |j fectly constructed and thoroughly lubri- cated, no better goods are produced. No. 1 Per lb., $0.50 "2 " .45 Both are put up in boxes of five to ten lbs. each. CARLOCK PACKINC. RAINBOW PACKINC. USUDURIAN PACKINC. Usudurian Sheet, Tl ' 5 to .j inch thick . . . . . HEMP PACKINC. In 25, 50 and 100 lb. Coils. Italian "A" "B" " "X" American Russia Square Hemp Braided ......... DIACONAL PACKINC. For Mine Pumps, etc., all sizes "EUREKA" PISTON PACKINC. For Steam. Oval, with rubber centre, all sizes In 5 lb. Boxes. CLOSE PACKINC. Sizes j inch and less .......... " over h inch .......... ECONOMY PACKINC. All sizes Per lb., $1.20 1.20 " 1.20 Per lb., $0.80 Per lb., .$0.80 Per lb., $0.15 .14 .12 .15 .25 .30 Per lb., $1.00 Per lb., $0.80 Per lb., $1.20 1.00 . Per lb., $0.60 CLIMAX PACKINC. All sizes Per lb., $0.15 EAGLE PACKINC. All sizes Per lb., $0.15 AJAX PACKINC. All sizes Per lb., $0.12 EMPIRE PACKINC. All sizes Per lb., $0.30 514 Fig. 1790. Pig. 1791. PEERLESS SPIRAL PISTON AND VALVE ROD PACKING. Put up in paper boxes, weights and lengths as follows: Diam. Feet. Pounds. Diameter. Feet. Pounds. i 84 3 7 4 24 7f 1 72 3i 1 5 24 84 72 44 1 24 10 A 60 4 H 12 64 i 2 36 44 ii 12 7i 36 54 if 12 8* f 36 7 li 12 10 H 24 5 if 12 12| 4 24 61 if 12 14f 1 3 16 24 64 2 12 18 "When first put in, screw glands up with wrench to shape packing, take 2 or 3 turns; release glands; then screw them up with thumb and forefinger only until packing is fully expanded. Excellent for high speed engines. Price, per lb. , 80 cents. HONEST JOHN HYDRAULIC RAINBOW CORE PACKING. For "Water and Hydraulics. Put up in Boxes. "Weights and lengths as follows: Diameter. Contents. Weight. £ inch 48 feet 2f lbs. | " 48 C< 4i " 4 " 48 i£ ty i i | " 24 ii 5f " f " 24 iSli Prices — Complete with Screws: ^ ^gg^L^-^-^T-i^SKiBs Japanned (mal. iroHj . . $0.60 cts. per doz. hooks Fig. 1800. Nickel-plated (brass) . . 1.50" " " Directions — Draw the end of the Cord through the Coupling, and insert the screw far enough to bury its head. Then pull the Cord back into place. SILVER LAKE PACKING. Silver Lake Packing requires no oil, which with hemp packing is a source of much expense and waste. It requires less attention and fewer renewals than hemp; does not cause such frequent annoyance by giving out at the wrong time; and does not score the rods — -a great objection to hemp. Silver Lake Packing is very light weight, making its cost per foot less than other manufactured packings. Put up in coils of about 100 lbs. each, . 20 cts. per lb. LOCOMOTIVE PACKING Is a modification of Silver Lake Packing, being saturated with a material which fits it for the needs of those engineers who want a cotton packing containing grease, and particularly adapts it for either pumps, valve stems or piston rods. Put up in coils of about 100 lbs each, 20 cts. per lb. 517 BURLAPS. 7 oz. 8 oz. 9 oz. 10 oz. 11 oz, 12 oz Weight Price per yard, 40-inch . . . $ it £C £« AQ 11 " " " 76 " ... WEBBING. Width, inches If Price per piece, 75 yards . . . . . $ TOW. Choice N. Y. State, in 300 lb. bales No. 1 Western, " 100 " " TWINE. Stitching Twine, Nos. 37 and 47 Ossawan " " " 14 " 12 " it a a in it Spring " Best Russian Hemp " " India Laid . HEMP TWINES. Size 4£ C.X.Russian Per lb., $0.14 C. X. American . . . . . " " .13 D. India ......."" .Hi SPONGES. Best Selected, large ........ Selected, medium ......... Common .......... RATTAN GAR SEAT BEATERS Large ........... Medium H Per lb., $ Per lb., $0.54 " " .45 " " .35 " " .22 " " .16 5 .15 .14 A2\ 6 .14 .13 .iii . Per lb., % HI s: pi 6i c: 3 2 in 4 o o 3 •v > it a tl a Per doz., $6.00 r a a 4.00 a it a it a te WOOD ALCOHOL. Extra Refined, 95 per cent Per gal., Special 97 " " Alcholene Columbian Spirit SPIRITS, TURPENTINE. In Barrels, shipping order ........ Per gal., $ Spirits, in cases, "Pine Tree" Brand, two 5-gal. cans . . . " " LINSEED OIL. Raw Per gal., $ Boiled " " CASTOR OIL FOR LUBRICATING. In Barrels . Per gal., $ In 5-gal. Cans " " O Packed two 5-gal. cans and four 5-gal. cans in a case. 518 WIDE DUCK LIST. Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 26 in. $0.40 $0.38 $0.35 $0.33 $0.31 $0.39 $0.27 $0.27 $0 25 $0.23 $0.21 $0.19 $0.17 28 " .43 .40 .38 .36 .34 .31 .29 .29 .27 .25 .22 .21 .19 30 " .46 .43 .41 .38 .36 .34 .31 .31 '.28 .27 .24 .22 .20 32 " .49 .46 .44 .41 .38 .36 .33 .33 .30 .28 .26 .24 .21 34 " .52 .49 .46 .44 .41 .38 .35 .35 .32 .30 .27 .25 .33 3G " .55 .52 .49 .46 .43 .40 .38 .37 .34 .32 .29 .26 .24 38 " .58 .55 .52 .49 .46 .43 40 .39 .36 .84 .30 .28 .25 40 " .61 .58 .54 .51 .48 .45 .42 .41 .38 .35 .32 .29 .26 42 " .64 .60 .57 .54 .50 .47 .44 .43 .40 .37 .34 .31 .28 44 " .67 .63 .60 .56 .53 .49 .46 .45 .42 .39 .35 .32 .29 46 " .70 .66 .62 .59 .55 .51 .48 .47 .43 .41 .37 .34 .30 48 " .73 .69 .65 61 .58 .54 .50 .49 .45 .43 .38 .35 .32 50 " .70 .72 .68 64 .60 .56 .52 .51 .47 .44 .40 .37 .33 52 " .79 .75 .71 66 62 .58 .54 .53 .49 .46 .41 .38 .34 54 " .82 .78 73 .69 .65 .60 .56 .55 .51 .48 .43 .40 .36 56 " .85 .80 .76 .72 .67 .63 .58 .58 .53 .50 .45 .41 .37 58 " .88 .83 .79 .74 .69 .65 .60 .60 .55 .51 .46 .42 .38 60 " .91 .86 .81 .77 .72 .67 .62 .62 .57 .53 .48 .44 .40 62 " .94 .89 .84 .79 .74 .69 .64 .64 .58 .55 .49 .45 .41 64 " .97 .92 .87 .82 , .77 .72 .66 .66 .00 .57 .51 .47 .42 66 •' 1.00 .95 .90 .84 .79 .74 .69 .68 .62 .58 .53 .48 .44 72 " 1.09 1.03 .98 .92 .86 .80 .75 .74 .68 .64 .57 .53 .47 74 " 1.12 1.06 1.00 .94 .89 .83 .77 .76 .70 .65 .59 .54 .49 76 " 1.15 1.09 1.03 .97 .91 .85 .79 .78 .72 .67 .61 .56 .50 80 " 1.21 1.15 1.08 1.02 .96 .89 .83 .82 .75 .71 .64 .58 .53 84 " 1.32 1.25 1.18 1.11 1 .04 .97 .90 .89 .82 .77 .69 .63 .57 92 " 1.54 1.46 1.38 1.30 1 .22 1.14 1.06 1.04 .96 .89 .80 .74 .66 96 " 1.71 1.62 1.53 1.44 1 .35 1.26 1.17 1.15 1.05 .98 .88 .81 .73 1"8 " 1.93 1.83 1.73 1.03 1.53 1.42 1.32 1.29 1.19 1.11 1.00 .92 .82 120 " 2.14 2.03 1.92 1.80 1 .69 1.58 1.47 1.44 1.32 1.23 1.11 1.05 .95 ENAMELED DUCK ■ Black. Green. B rown. 38 inch es wide , per yard $0.23 $0.33 $0.33 45 50 a .25 .27 .35 .37 .35 .37 54 " tt .30 .40 .40 60 i i (i .45 .55 .55 MOHAIR PLUSH. FOR RAILROADS AND CAR BUILDERS. Samples and prices on application. Furnished in crimson, scarlet, green and old gold, and either low pile, medium pile or high pile, as desired. Prices per piece of 40 yards, $45 to $100, 24 inches wide. Other widths to order, 28, 30 and 36 inch. ugs, rope picked CURLED HAIR. Gray, No. 1 Drawings, picked, $0.45 Black, Sup. Extra Draw " 1 " rope picked .40 " A picked 4X picked 37 4X " 3-0 " 36 " 000A" 33 " 1A special . BLACK CURLED TAMPICO. To take the place of Moss for parties requiring something better. MOSS. Perlb. < Best Double Ginned La., XXXX, per lb. . " XXX, " . . . 150 lbs. in a bale. $0.50 .45 .40 .36 .33 0.10 0.07A .064 519 PINE TAR. Per Barrel .... " " Iron Hooped In cases, two 5-gal. cans, per case COAL TAR. PITCH.' In Oil Barrels . In Barrels, 200 lbs, 220 lbs., 240 lbs ROSIN. P. Good, No. 2, about 500 lbs. in bbl. .... ROSIN OIL. First Kun .. . Second " .......... Third " BONE BLACK. Small Lumps, Carbonized for Case Hardening, about 230 lbs. to bbl Powdered In Barrels In small lots PLASTER PARIS. In Boxes, 36 lbs. In J, J and 1 Gross Boxes In \ Gross Boxes PEARLINE. BON-AMI. SAPOLIO. . $5. 00 In £ Gross Boxes BABBITT'S SOAP. Best," 100 Cakes in a box, weight 75 lbs. Per bbl , $ Per bbl., $ Per 280 lbs., $ Per gal., $ Per lb , $0.00 .03 Per lb., $0 03 .03£ Per box, $ Per gross, $ $2.50 Per box, $ LePAGE'S LIQUID CLUE. Patent Tin Cans for Mechanics. •|-Pints, 2 doz. in case Pints 1 Quarts 1 it a Per doz., $3.25 5.50 9.50 In Tin Cans for Mechanics and Manufacture! s. i Gallons, £ doz. in case .... Per doz., $15.00 1 Gallon, J « " " . . . . " » 27.00 Fig. 1801. PUTZ LIQUID POLISH. J-Pint size, per dozen . . $2.00 £-Pint size, per gross . . $22 00 "TRIUMPINE" POLISHING PASTE. In Boxes, pounds . • 2 1 2£ Per lb $0.30 .30 .30 30 In lots of 50 lbs. . . $ 100 lbs., $ 200 lbs., $ 500 lbs, $ PUTZ POMADE, "KAISER BRAND." In Boxes, pounds . . \ 1 5 Per lb $0.20 .20 20 In lots of 50 lbs. . . $ 100 lbs., $ 200 lbs,, $ 500 lbs , $ OAKUM. Brands "Navy" "U. S. Navy" "Best" Per lb $ $ $ In 50 lb. Bales. 520 TINNED GLUE POTS. No. . . . 0000 Capacity . . 1 gill Per dozen . $4 50 No. . 2 hi Capacity, quart 1 m a Per dozen . $8.40 000 00 1 ^ pint 3 gills 1 pint 1^ pint 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.75 li 1! 5 2 Fia;. 1802. 10.26 12.42 14.58 GLUE BRUSHES. 6 16.04 Fig. 1803. Made of gray bristles with iron ferrule pinned to the handle. No 6 5 4 3 2 1 Perdoz $4.25 5.00 5.60 7.20 10.00 11.00 Assorted 1 to 6, one doz. in a box, per doz., $7.12. CLUE SRUSHES-IHON HANDLES. All Bristles, Brass Ferrules. No 20 30 40 50 60 70 Per dozen .... $5 00 6.00 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.60 Assorted, 20 to 70, one doz in a box, per doz., $7.35. GLUE. Patternmakers', white, in bbls. about 130 to 150 lbs., per lb. . . $ Cabinetmakers', in bbls about 175 lbs., per lb Carpenters', " " 200 " Common, " * " 275 " PURE GROUND AND BOLTED PUMICE STONE. Selected Lump, "P. C," in bbls. about 100 lbs., per lb $0.12 " No. 3, " " 100 "' " . . . . .08 Ground and bolted, 1st quality, "F. F," bbls. 150 to 300 lbs., per lb. . .03* " " 2d " " " 150 to 300 " " . .02| LUMP AND CROUND ROTTEN STONE. Lump in bbls. about 100 lbs., per lb $0.10 to $0.24 Ground " " 225 " " .05 in pkg 25 " ' .06£ TRIPOLI. Lump in barrels, per lb $0.04 Ground " " ....._ 03£ In ton lots, special price. ROUGE. Kind Nickel. Hard. Soft. Per lb. . $0.20 0.50 0.60 POLISHING COMPOSITION. Red, in sticks, per lb., $0.12. White, in sticks, per lb., $0.12. 521 BORAX. Lump, in bbls., 370 to 380 lbs ' . . Per lb., $ " " cases, 50 or 100 " " Powdered, in bbls., 330 " " " " " 50 or 100 " " CHALK. White Lump, in bulk Per lb. , $0. 02£ " Carpenters, prepared Per gross, $ Eed " " Blue " " " Half gross in a box. 25 gross in a case. CHALK CRAYONS. White Per gross, $ " Empire Brand " " Dustless SPUN COTTON. Brands XL 6X 3X Per lb $ . $ $ Put up in rolls 1 to 1^ lbs., in bales of 125 lbs. BUNTING, FAST COLORS. Railway, Red, White, Green and Blue Per roll, $ Standard ........... " Army ........... " Navy Government .......... " SIGNAL FLAGS, ANY COLOR. Size 18x18 18x20 18x24 Per doz $1.35 1.40 1.50 Other sizes to order. Fin. 1804. BERGER STAR BUCKET EARS. Size, Nos. Per gross Size, Nos. Black Tinned 1 $0.35 2 50 3 .65 4 .90 5 1.30 HEAVY STAR EARS. Per lb., $ 6 1.G0 7 2.25 All Star Ears are countersunk for flush Rivet Heads. VULCABESTON MOULDED UNION WASH Fig. 1805. H in. lin. 14 in. h\ in. 1U in- SiVin. 2^ in. H in. 34 in. ±rs in - -H in. for 1 in. f in. Tti jn. in. 1 T \ in. IH'in. 2jrin. x 2U- in. x 3£ in. I in. pipe I 4 li 2 3 :rs. i thick, j s thick, Per 100. Per 100. $2.00 $1.50 2.25 1.75 2.50 2.00 2.75 2.25 3.25 2.75 4.00 3.25 5.00 3.75 5.50 4.25 8.00 6.75 10.00 8.00 522 METALS. BABBITT METAL. Original Formula. Our own Make . . . . , p er n, # * Babbitt Metals of Lower Grades Furnished to Order. Compositions of Any Formula Made to Order. «, • ,, SOLDER. Strictly Half and Half . Half and Half Plumbers' No. 1 Block Soider COPPER. "Lake" Ingot ..... Ingot BLOCK TIN Large Pigs, about 105 lbs. Small " " 30 '• " Bars, " lj " ANTIMONY Cookson's HaUet's ...].' [ LEAD. Pigs, about 80 lbs . ANTIMONIAL In Pigs, 70 to 80 lbs MAGNOLIA M In Boxes, about 56 lbs. to a bos . ; SHEET ZINC. Kegular size 36x84, No. 9, 14 lbs., per sheet, Other Sizes and Weights to Order SOLDERING COPPERS. LEAD. ETAL. Per lb., $ it U Per lb., $ Per lb., $ a a Per lb., $ tt Per lb., $ Per lb., s$ Per lb., $0.2i Per lb., $ Fig. 1806 With Square Points foe Common Use. With Flat Points for Bottoms Hatchet Coppers for Plumbers' Use. Nos 1 11 2 2| 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 -14 Weight „ . . 1 li 2 2| 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 pounds per pair. Soldering Coppers . . Per lb. SOLDERING PAN. 3.40 Soldering Pan for Tinners' Use Fig 1807. Cast Iron, Plain. 523 per dozen, $9.00 Fig. 1808. SHEARS. HAND SHEARS OR SNIPS. LEFT HAND. No. 64. Hand, cut 44 inches, each, $3.00 No. 9. Hand, cut 3 inches, each, $1.50 " 7. " "4 " " 2.50 " 10. " " 2J- " " ' 1.40 " 8. " " 34 " " 2.00 " 11. " " 2~ " " 1.25 "064. " " 44 " extra heavy, entire length, 18 inches . . 4.50 " 12. Carpenters, full length, 74 i Q .j cut, 2g in. 1.50 CIRCULAR HAND SHEARS. Fig. 1809. No. 7. Circular, Hand, each . $3.50 No. 9. Crcular, Hand, each . $2.50 " 8. " " ' "" . 3.00 "10. " " " . 2.25 STRAIGHT HANDLE SHEARS. Fig. 1810. No. 7. Hand, cut 4 inches, each, $2.50 No. 9. Hand, cut 3 inches, each, $1 50 j 2.00 " 10. " 2J " " 1.40 ROOFERS' SHEARS. No. Each. 80. Hind, cut 3| inches . $2.00 90- Hand, cut 3 inches . 1.50 100. Hand, cut 24 inches . 1.40 BENCH Fig. 1812. SHEARS. No. 00. Cut 12 inches, each " 0. " 104 " " " 2*. " 8| " " $13.50. 12.00. 8.00. 7.00. No. 3. Cut fef inches, each " 4. " 8 " " " 5. " 7 " " " 6. " Q " " $6.00 5 00 4 00 3.50 524 OIL FILLERS FEEDERS. OR Per Dozen. 1 Pint, Brass or Copper, $12. 00 14.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 ii Fig. 1813. See also page 102. o 4 '< " Above with long Spouts, Extra 1 Pint, Zinc 1* " ". 1 Quart, Zinc 1 " Tin 2 " 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 3.50 5.00 TALLOW CANS. 1 Quart, Tin with Bail Per Dozen. $9.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 1 Quart, Brass or Copper, with Bail Per Dozen. . $18.00 24.00 30.00 42.00 MEASURES. £ Pint, per doz. k " " " 1 Quart, " " q u (< <( Fii Copper, Tinned Tin. Inside. $0.80 $4.00 .90 5.00 1.20 7.00 1.50 9.00 3.00 12.00 1815. 4 Quart, per doz. 2 Gal., with Bail, each o a a a u Tin. $4.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 Copper, Tinned Inside. $17.00 3.25 4.50 6.00 525 LOCOMOTIVE OILERS. Figs. 1816 and 1818 are Sectional Views, Showing Inside. Fig. 1816. Fig. 1816. Per Dozen. 1 Pint, Brass, with Valve , $36.00 2 " a a u . , 48.00 3 " a tt a , . 60.00 1 " u No. . . 24.00 2 " a tt a , , 36.00 3 " a 66 a . , 48.00 1 " Tin, with ' ' . . 24.00 2 " 66 £C 66 . , 33.00 3 " a a a . , 45.00 1 " t i No. " ■ 6 12.00 2 " a 66 66 , . 21.00 3 " i( 66 66 • . 33.00 SPOUTS FOR UPRIGHT OILERS. Tin. Brass. 14 inches, pei dozen $5.00 $8.00 24 " a 66 8.00 10.00 30 " a a 12.00 14.00 36 ' ; (,t 66 Fisr. 1817. 16.00 18.00 WITH DETACHABLE SPOUT. The flow of oil from this can is easily regulated by the Pneumatic Thumb Valve (D). Per Dozen. 1 Pint, Tin . . . . $14.00 2 " " . 16.00 1 " Brass .... 20.00 2 " " . 24.00 Fig. 1817, Fig. 1818. Pe • Dozen. 1 Pint, Brass, with Valve . , $36.00 1 Pinf, 2 " a << it . 48.00 2 " 1 " " No a , 24.00 1 " 2 " a a cc . 36.00 2 " See also pa ge 101, 55 6 Per Tin, with Valve 66- 61 66 " No " u 46 H Dozen. $24.00 33.00 12.00 21.00 RAILROAD URINALS, Vie. 1819. Size 10^x13 inches. Fisr. 1820 Fig. 1819, No. 1. High Back, with Screw Holes .... Each, $4.25 " 1819. " 1. " " " with Lip . . " 4.75 " 1820. " 1. " " " and Tabs . . " 4.75 " 1820. " 1. " " is '« and Lip " 5 10 F e. 1821. Size 10j.\13 inches Fie. 1832. Fig. 1821. No. 1. High Back, Screw Tabs, Hood Vent and Lip . Each, $7.25 " 1821. " 1. " " " without Lip " 6.25 " 1822. " 1. " " " Lip and Vent Flue inside, each 8. SO Fig. 1822. No. 1. High Back, Screw Tabs, Hood Vent, no Lip and Vent Flue inside, each 7.00 Fig. 1823. Size, 9x9£ inches. Package Extra. No. 4. Each 2.75 527 RAILROAD URINALS. DRIP PANS. =■ Fig. 1824. Special, 9x11 inch, each, $7.25. FLOOR PIPES. Fig. 1825. No. 1. 11x11 inches, each . " 2. 12x12 " URINAL PIPES. . Fig. 1827. BENT PIPE. $3.75 3.75 Fig. 1826. Fig. 1828. Fig. 1826. Length, extremes . . . . Diameter inside ......... Diameter outside, top . . . Diameter outside, bottom ....... Price per dozen ......... Fig. 1827-1828. Diameter inside . . . . . . . Diameter outside, top ....... Diameter outside, under flange ...... Fig. 1827. Urinal Pipes, 16, IS and 20 inches long . " 1828. " ' bent, 16, 18 and 20 inches long . 9 31 4f 3| inches $16.00 1# inches Per doz., CI 524 dO 24.00 BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. LIP, HOOD AND VENT. Fig. 1829. No. 1. Corner, 12x12 incb, each " 2. " 11x11 " $12.00 10.00 ■an Fig. 1829. 528 BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. Fie:. 1830. Fig. 1830. No. 1, Flat (Lip, Hood and Vent) 1830. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1831. 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, without Li with Fig. 1831 15x17 inches, each §12.00 13x15 a 10.00 15x17. a 8.00 13x15 t t COO 12x14 it 5.00 15x17 t i 10.00 13x15 a 8.00 12x14 it 7.00 Fig. 1832. Fig. 1832. No. 1. Corner 1832. 1832. 1833. 1833. 1833. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. with Lip Fig. 1833. 12x12 inches, each, $8.00 11x11 " 6.00 10x10 " " 5.00 jip . 12x12 " " 10.00 a 11x11 " 8.00 a 10x10 " 7.00 Package Extra. 529 RAILROAD HOPPERS. Fig. 1834. Fig. 1834. Speingfifld. Fig. 1835. Height from bottom of Flange lGh inches Top inside diameter 9A " Top outside " 12| " Bottom outside, under Flange 7;jxl0 " Each $8.70 Fig. 1835. English. Height from bottom of Flange 16f inches Top outside 13|xl5i " Bottom outside, under Flange 8jxl0§ " Each $10.00 Fig. 1836. Chute. Fig. 1837. Fig. 1836. Height from bottom of Flange 17 inches Top extremes . 14|xl6| " Bottom outside, under Flange 8^xl0| " Each . . $10.80 Fig. 1837. Special Vented. Height from bottom of Flange 16 inches Top inside 9x9f " Top outside, not including vent, diameter . . . . . . . . 12 " Top over all, including vent 15i " T3r»ttrvm_ r»nt.flidp lmrlpr Flanp-e. diameter ........ 11^ " $10.00 Bottom, outside under Flange, diameter Each Package Extra. 530 RAILROAD HOPPERS. rig. 1838. Fig. 1839. Fig. 1838. Oval. Height from bottom of Flange . 14j inches Top outside H|xl6 " Bottom outside, below Flange : . . 9|xl3i " Bach $8.00 Fig. 1839. Ovai. Top and Round Bottom. Height from bottom to Flange 14 inches Top, outside 12x15* " Bottom, outside, below Flange 9| " Each ..." $8.00 16i inches Fig. 1840. Fig. 1840. Springfield. Height from bottom of Flange Top, inside diameter Top, outside diameter 12' " Bottom, outside, under Flange " 7^x10* " Each . $8.70 Fig. 1841. No. 3 " B." Height from bottom of Flange 15 inches Top, outside 11 xl6 " Top, inside 8ixl3£ " Bottom, outside, below Flange 5fx 9§ " Each $7.30 Package Extra. 531 Fig. 1845. ROUND PLUG BASINS. NO OVERFLOW. Fig. 18 i2." Size, inches, 12 13 14 Price, each, $1.00 1.00 1.00 Size, inches, 15 16 Price, each, $1.50 2.00 COMMON OVERFLOW. Fig. 1843. Size, inches, 12 13 14 Price, each, $1.00 1.00 1.00 Size, inches, 15 16 Price, each, $1.50 2.00 PATENT OVERFLOW. Fig. 1844. Size, inches, 12 13 14 Price, each, $1.25 1.25 1.25 Size, inches, 15 16 Price, each, $2.00 2.50 PATENT OVERFLOW FOR RUBBER PLUG. Fig. 1845. Size, inches, 12 13 14 Price, each, $1.50 1.50 1.50 Size, inches, 15 16 Price, each, $2.50 3.00 Outside diameters are given. Actual outside diameters are ^ inch more than given. Package extra. 532 DUOCEON IMPROVED ROLLER TUBE EXPANDER. Fig. 1846. THIS TOOL WILL EXPAND TWO SIZES UP TO TWO INCHES, AND SIZES ABOVE, AS SHOWN ON LIST. n and If inches n 1 t ^ t i n it 2 a 2, ^8 and 01 " *»4^ 2S cc 24 " 24, n J 1}£ 2 2»i %\i 3 ZVi Price Class B, Plain .... $16.00 18.00 21.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 Price Class B, Finished . . . $18.00 20.00 24,00 29.00 34.00 40.00 45.00 58.00 69.00 Price Class A, Plain $29.50 36.00 42.00 48.00 59.00 71.00 Price Class A, Finished . $33.50 40.00 47.00 53.00 67.00 80.00 Size of Governor — Diameter of Opening, 4 4}^ 5 Price Class B, Plain . .... $71.00 83.00 94.00 Price Class B, Finished . . . $81.00 94.00 106.00 Price Class A, Plain $83.00 96.00 109.00 Price Class A, Finished $93.00 107.00 121.00 6 122.00 136.00 140 00 154.00 7 150.00 166.00 170.00 186.00 185.00 202.00 210.00 227.00 9 215.00 235.00 241.00 261.00 10 240.00 260.00 270.00 290.00 1 I c 2 c I 1 TABLE OF DIMENSIONS OF CLASS "A' STANDARD COVERNORS. AND "B' Size of Governor — Diameter of Opening, Diameter of Base Flange ..... Diameter of Side Flange ..... Largest Radius of Balls From Centre to Side Flange .... From Base to Centre of Inlet . . . Extreme Height From Centre to End of Shaft .... Diameter of Pulley . "Width of Belt Number of Revolutions ..... Diam. Cylinder — 300 ft. Piston Speed, " " 400 " '• 500 " " " " 600 " " X Scr'd Scr'd 4 2i 15 300 4 3 l Scr'd Scr'd 4 24 2* 15" 9 2 li 300 5 4 34 IK Scr'd Scr'd 5 3 q 20 11 3 4 250" 6 5 44 4" m °2 Scr'd 5 4" 21 11 3 14 250" 7 6 5 44 2 7 Scr'd 6 5 5 25 13 5 2 200 9 8 7 6 2K 7 7 6 5 54 26" 13 5 2 200 10 9 8 7 2H 8 7 64 |i 28 15 5 2 200 12 10 9 3 9 8 74 6" 6 32 15 54 2 170 14 12 10 Size of Governor— Diameter of Opening, 3J4 4 4J^ 6 6 7 8 9 10 Diameter of Base Fiange .... 9 10 10 12 14 15 17 18 19 Diameter of Side Flange .... 9 10 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 Largest Radius of Balls .... 74. 8^ 84 10 11 12 12 15 15 Frcm Centre to Side Flange ... 64 64 7 74 84 9 10 11 14 From Base to Centre of Inlet . . 64 64 7 8" 8| 94 104 11 15 Extreme Height 34" 37 38 43 44" 51 53" 62 67 From Centre to End of Shaft . . 17 17 17 21 21 25 25 28 28 Diameter of Pulley 54 6 6 7 7 10 11 12 12 Width of Belt 2 24 24 3 3 3 3 3 3 Number of Revolutions .... 170 160 160 150 150 130 130 130 115 Diarn, Cylinder— 300 ft. Piston Speed 16 18 20 22 26 31 36 40 45 400 " " 14 16 18 20 23 27 31 35 39 500 " " 12 14 16 18 21 24 28 31 35 " " 600 " " 11 13 15 16 19 22 25 28 32 Prices of PICKERING, WATERS AND JUDSON COVERNORS, same List as CARDNER. 536 Fig. 1862. Class A — Spring. With Speeder, Hand Lever and Automatic Stop. GARDNER GOVERNORS. CLASS A Shows the Spring Governor with Auto- matic Stop. This also has speeder and hand lever. CLASS B Represents Spring Governor without Automatic Stop, but furnished with speeder and hand lever on all sizes. When Stop Valves are ordered with Governors, Angle Valves will in all cases be sent unless Globe Valves are specified. In ordering, state style of Valve Chamber. See foot of this page. Fig. 1863. Class B— Spring. With Speeder and Hand Lever. Size of Governor Diam. of Opening. Prioe List of Class "A" and "B" Spring Governors. H i* 91 3i 4A 5 94.00 Price, CI. B— Plain $14100 16.00 18.00 21.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 71.00 SS^.OO a Price, CI. B— Fin. $16.00 18.00 20 00 24.00 29.00 34.00 40.00 45.00 58.00 69.00 81 00 94 00 106 00 Price, CI. A— Plain $21.00 24.50 29.50 36.00 42.00 48.00 59.00 71.00 83.00 96.00 109.00 Price, CI. A— Fin $23.00 27.50 33.50 40.00 47.00 53.00 67.00 80.00 93.00 107.00 121.00 Table of Dimensions of Class "A" and "B'' Spring Governors. Size of Governor, • 3 4 1 n U 2 21 2k 3 Sk . 4 4i 5 Diam. of Base Flange. . Sc'd Sc'd Sc'd Sc'd 5i 7 7 8 9 9 _ 10 10" 12 Diam. of Side Flange, . Sc'd Sc'd Sc'd Sc'd Sc'd Sc'd 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 Height — Inches, . 12 13 13* m 23 23 24 27 29 30 35 36 37 Radius of Balls, . 2* 2k 2| U 4 4 4 5 5 5 5k 6 6 Length of Shaft, . 8" 8" 8" ll" 11 13 13 15 15 15 16" 16 18 Diameter of Pulley, . U U Ik 2 gi 2k gi Sk Sk Sk 4i 4£ U Width of Belt, . r 1 1 1* ll ll ll 2 2" 2 2k 2k 2.1 Centre to Side of Chambe r, . If n 2£ 3 3i 5" 5" 5k 6 U 6| 7" 7A Base to Centre of Chamb sr, . if »* 2k 3 4" 5 5k 5k 6 U 6* 7 8" Number of Revolutions, . . 600 600 600 450 400 400 400 350 350 350 275 275 275 Note. — The following cuts show the various styles of VALVE CHAMBERS. snnuirt Fig. 1864 Fig. 1867. Wiwiiiir ijilfflii Fig. 1865. SPRING GOVERNORS. Spring Governors were designed especially for high-speed stationary and portable engines. They are very quick and sensitive in action. In construction the}' are fully up to the best modern practice in every particular, and are made in sizes from J to 7 inches inclusive. 537 Fig. 1866. GARDNER IMPROVED GLOBE AND ANGLE STOP OR THROTTLE VALVE. They give full area of openings, have heavy Iron Bodies, are fitted with non-revolving Stems, and Phosphor-Bronze Valves and Seats. PRICE LIST AND TABLE OF DIME NSIONS. Size—Inches . . . \ li 2 24- 2£ 3 3£ 4 Price Flan .red' ' ' ' ... $8.00 9.75 11.50 12.50 18.00 22.00 25.00 ExtraW Finished Hand Wheel . • $1-50 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.50 2 50 3 50 Diameter of Flanges— Inches . . . 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 Size Inches ~ '. '■ 4i 5 6 7 8 9 10 Price Flano-ed' ' .... $32100 38.00 50.00 80.00 103.00 140.00 180.00 Extra for Finished Hand Wheel . . $3.50 4.50 4.50 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 Diameter of Flanges— Inches, . . . 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 ENGINES MOUNTED ON PORTABLE BOILERS. Fig. 1869. Por full particulars of Engine, see p:ge 539. For full particulars of Boiler, see page 553. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Horse-power as usually rated .... 10 15 20 25 35 Size of Engine Cylinder, inches ~ '. 7x10 8x10 9x13 10x12 11x13 Diameter of Boiler, inches 32 32 34 36 40 Length of Furnace, inches 38 44 52 52 52 Height of Furnace, inches 33 33 36 38 42 Width of Furnace, inches 26 26 28 30 34 Number of 3-inch Tubes 26 26 28 34 40 Length of Tubes, inches 72 78 90 96 102 Diameter of Smoke Stack, inches, . . 16 16 18 18 20 Length of Smoke Stack, feet .... 18 20 25 25 25 Shipping Weight, Pounds 5900 6800 8000 9300. 11,000 Price, Complete $580.00 665.00 790.00 900.00 1050.00 We will furnish these outfits with Pump and Heater or Injector for feeding boiler as desired. 538 IMPROVED HORIZONTAL ENGINES. Fig. 1870. This Engine is especially adapted for duty where two belts are desired. The Band Fly- Wheel being turned with crown face. Pump and Heater can be attached to the 10, 15, 20 and 25 Horse-Power of this pattern when so desired. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. H Xcf ° We ? S . US ! al ! y ( 10 15 30 25 35 50 60 75 Size of Cylinder, inches. 7x10 8x10 9x12 10x12 11x13 12x15 13x16 14x18 Revolutions per minute. 190 190 160 160 160 150 150 150 Size of Steam-Pipe, I. 11 o o 91 91 q q QI inches J * * * 3 * Size of Exhaust-Pipe, ) „ 01 01 „ „ .,, „, inches f a 2 ? ** % 3 3 4 Size of Pulley, inches. . 18x8 20x10 20x10 24x12 24x12 30x14 30x14 36x16 Size of Fly- Wh'l, inches 36x7 40x8 44x9 44x9 48 x 10 52 x 11 60x14 72x10 Diam. of Shaft, inches . 2}f 2{g o.{ 3J 3J 4J 4} 5a Leng h of Shaft, inches. 51 51 57 59 64 69 73 84 Length of Journals.inch. 8J 10 10A 11 11 12 12 13 ^d-Ha^inciL^. \ 21 x 69 2i x 76 2G x 78 28 x 91 28 x 91 30x103 30x102 34x116 W cSlete E pou n nd S . [ 170 ° 230 ° 290 ° 340 ° 4300 580 ° 7000 9 5" Pr outPiaky?r n F;-WM[ $171 - 55 f185 " 55 * 35L55 *3S8.20 $349.20 $431.55 $501.55 $599.00 Price of Pulley, . . . 6.20 7.10 7.10 10.70 10.70 13.00 13.00 2100 Price of Fly- Wheel, . 22.00 32.00 38.00 36.00 45.00 55.00 75.0:) 100.00 Price of Oil-Cups (four). 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.75 2.75 3.50 P L C uhricatoi htFeed , 3 - 50 3 - 50 3 ' 50 4 ' 25 4 ' 25 5 - 50 5,5 ° 5 - 50 P andNipp£^ al . Ve . } 1 - 75 2 - 60 2 " 60 3 - 60 3 - 60 5 - 20 5 - 20 6 - 00 Price of Governor,' .' . 23.00 27.00 27.00 35.00 35.00 47.00 47.00 65.00 ^ne^UhTrimmfngs [ & 230 - 00 $260.00 $330.00 $380.00 $450.00 $550.00 $650.00 $800.00 Price of crating for exp'rt. 6.00 6.50 7.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 14.00 Price of Pump and Heater 22.00 22.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 .... Foundation Bolts and > im 5M 5 5Q 6 Q0 6M 8M g 0Q 1L0Q YYilSllCIS) a • • • J 539 HORIZONTAL ENGINE. For isolated electric light plants, saw-mills or mill work of any description. This design is so strong that it can be adapted to very high speed, heavy duty and continuous operation. Equipped with extra heavy balance wheel, automatic stop governor and automatic oiling devices, it will run as steadily and as smoothly as any automatic engine, yet owing to its simplicity does not require the attention of an experienced engineer. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Horse-power (Based on tabulated speed and 50 pounds mean effective pressure) Size of Cylinder, inches . Diameter of Steam-Pipe, inches Diameter of Exhaust-Pipe, inches Revolutions per minute, Diam. and Face of Fly- Wheel, inches Weight of FJy Wheel, pounds Diameter of Crank-Shaft, inches Diameter of Crank-Pin, inches Diameter of Piston-Rod, inches Floor Space occupied by Base, inches Weight of complete Engine, lbs. Price of Bare Engine without Fly- Wheel Price of Fly-Wheel Price of Wiping Oil-Cups Price of Sight-Feed Lubricator Price of Angle Valves and Nipples . Price of Automatic Stop Governor . Price of Engine and Trimmings Price of Crating for Export . Price of Foundation Bolts and Washers 10 6x6 2 350 24x8 350 2H 2 ItV 30x40 1800 $158.00 22.00 11.00 4.00 1.75 28.25 25 8x8 2 300 32 x 11 800 3£ 213 ~1 6 ItV 36 x 50 3000 $240.00 50.00 11.00 4.00 2.60 37.40 50 10 x 10 2i 3 265 40x13 1300 ±\ H m 40x62 4400 $362.00 80.00 11.00 4.50 3.60 48.90 $225.00 4.50 5.00 $345.00 5.50 6.00 $510.00 7.00 8.00 75 12 xl2 3 3* 235 48 x 16 1900 4f 2 44 x74 6700 $497.00 120 00 11.00 5.50 5.20 61.30 $700.00 10.00 11.00 540 SELF-CONTAINED DISC-CRANK HORIZONTAL ENGINES. Fig. 1872. This Engine is suitable for all kinds of work where high speed and smooth running are required. The Engine being all complete on a single cast-iron base, prevents any of its working parts from becoming deranged or out of line. The material is of the best that can be obtained, and the workmanship excelled by none. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Horse-Power as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches Revolutions per minute Size of Steam- Pipe, inches Diameter of Shaft, inches . Diameter of Ely- Wheel, inches Face of Fly-Wheel, inches Floor Space required, inches Weight of Engine, pounds Price of Bare Engine Price of Oil Cups (four) Price of Sight-Feed Lubricator Price of Governor Price of Engine with Trimmings Price of Crating for export Price of Foundation Bolts and Washers 5 7 10 14 20 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 250 200 190 180 160 2. 4 1 li H 2 1_1_L ■"■IB 1 1 s 2| m 01 5 Z 1J 20 24 32 36 42 5 6 7 8 9 29x34 31x38 41x46 46x52 48x57 600 900 1300 1800 2400 . $114.30 143.50 183.50 248.50 311.50 1.70 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 r 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.25 4.25 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 27.00 i 136.00 168.00 210.00 278.00 345.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 L 3.25 3.75 4.50 5.00 1 5.50 541 DISC-CRANK VERTICAL ENGINES. This style of Engine is the most desirable form for general purposes where small powers are required. They are very strong, heavy iu construction, but well proportioned, and will stand hard work and high speed, A critical steam test of every engine is made before it leaves the factory, and the necessary ad- justments carefully made, so that the Engine is ready to run the moment it is placed in position and given steam. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Horse-power as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches Revolutions per minute Size of Steam-Pipe, inches . Diameter of Exhaust-Pipe, inches Diameter of Shaft, inches Diameter of Fly-Wheel, inches Face of Fly-Wheel, inches Ht. from Floor to Centre of Shaft, Height to Top of Cylinder . Floor Space occupied, inches Weight of Engine, pounds . Price of Bare Engine Price of Oil-Cups (four) Price of Sight-Feed Lubricator Price of Governor Price of Engine, complete . Price of Crating for Export . Price of Foundation Bolts & Washers 2.00 2.50 u 3 . 3x3 4x4 . 300 250 i ■ ift 12 3 4 1 16 3 4 ins. 9 FT. IN. . 2 6 10 FT. 3 . 13 x 23 15x28 225 350 . $52.50 1.40 $87.30 1.70 2.60 3.00 . 16.00 17.00 . $72.50 109.00 2.50 3.00 Horse-rower as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches Revolutions per minute Size of Steam-Pipe, inches Diameter of Exhaust-Pipe, inches ■ Diameter of Shaft, inches Diameter of Fly-Wheel, inches Face of Fly- Wheel, inches Ht. from Floor to Centre of Shaft, Height to Top of Cylinder Floor Space occupied, inches, Weight of Engine, pounds, Price of Bare Engine Price of Oil-Cups (four) Price of Sight-Feed Lubricator, Price of Governor Price of Engine, complete Price of Crating for Export . Price of Foundation Bolts & Washers $3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 The above style Engines are made Centre-Crank in size, 5, 7, 10, 14 and 20 horse-power, and take same list as above similar sizes. 5 7 10 14 20 25 35 60 . 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 10x10 12x12 14 x 16 250 200 190 180 160 160 160 140 3 1 1* n 2 U 3 H 1 1* l| 2 2£ 3 n 4 1 11 1+1 2* 018 015 *T8 H m 5? 20 24 32 36 42 44 48 54 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 16 ins. 13 14 18 20 24 26 28 33 FT. IN. FT. IN. FT. IN. FT. IN. FT. IN. FT. FT. IN. FT. IN. . 3 7 4 5 5 1 5 8 6 6 7 7 8 9 5 . 18x36 22x40 25x46 28x50 30x56 36x62 40x70 41x85 600 900 1300 1800 2400 3200 4400 7000 . $114.30 143.50 183.50 248.50 311.50 399.50 525.00 767.00 1.70 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.25 4.25 4.25 5.50 5.50 . -$17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 27.00 35.00 47.00 65.00 . $136.00 168.00 210.00 278.00 345.00 441.00 580.00 840.00 . $3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 8.00 12.00 542 CLASS A COMBINED VERTICAL ENGINE AND BOILER. Fig. 1874. As will be noticed, the Engine and Boiler bases are cast together, and the com bined weight of the Boiler and the water therein contained is sufficient to hold Engine rigidly to its place while performing its service up to the given capacity. This renders foundation bolts for the Engine unnecessary. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Horse-Power as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches Size of Boiler, inches No. 2-inch Tubes .... Length of Tubes, inches Height from floor to top of Boiler Floor space required, inches Shipping weight, pounds Price complete as shown Price of Crating for export . Price includes Inspirator, Engine complete ready for use as shown. 5 5x5 24x72 24 49 Ft. In. 6 8 28x44 1950 $270.00 4.50 7 6x6 30x72 42 46 Ft. In. 6 10 33x50 2700 330.00 5.00 10 7x7 30x84 42 58 Ft. In. 7 10 33x60 3350 390.00 6.00 14 8x8 36x84 60 58 Ft. In. 7 11 38x72 4300 500.00 8 00 4.0U O.UU DUU O UU and Boiler Trimmings, and pipe connections 543 CLASS B COMBINED VERTICAL ENGINE AND BOILER. Fig. 1875. We would call attention to the fact that, with all our combined outfits, we furnish a Boiler with a larger- capacity than the Engine. By this means constant attention to the Boiler, when working the Engine to its full capacity, is not so necessary. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Horse-Power as usually rated . . Size of Cylinder, inches . . Size of Boiler," inches .... Number of 2;iineh Tubes . . . Height from Floor to Top of Boiler Floor Space required, inches . Shipping "Weight, pounds . . . Price complete as shown Price of Crating for Export . . PRICE INCLUDES INSPIRATOR, ENGINE AND BOILER TRIMMINGS AND PIPE CONNECTIONS COMPLETE READY FOR USE AS SHOWN. We have patterns to combine any of the above Engines with larger Boilers if desired. S44 1* 3 5 7 10 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 20x36 24x48 27x60 30x72 36x72 16 24 30 42 60 Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. Ft. In. 4 2 4 8 6 9 6 10 6 10 22x33 27x40 31x43 36x55 42x66 650 1,600 2,100 2,900 3,600 $135.00 $215.00 $276.00 $336.00 $450.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $6.00 SINGLE CYLINDER, FRICTION DRUM, HORIZONTAL HOISTING ENCINES. WITH BOILER AND FIXTURES COMPLETE ON BED-PLATE. Fig. 1876. The Gear and Pinion on these Engines are cut from the solid metal. Specially adapted for pile driving, railroads, contractors, coal yards, docks, ships, quarries and general hoisting purposes. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Size number of Engine Horse-power as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches Diameter of Drum, inches . Diameter of Flanges, inches Length of Drum, inches Diameter of Gear-Wheel, inches Diameter of Pinion, inches . Diameter and face of Band-Wheel, inches Size of Boiler, inches Number 2-inch Tubes Floor Space required, inches Weight of suitable Pile-Driving Hammer Approximate weight, pounds Price complete as shown . Price of Crating for export 545 . ii 2 H . 5 8 12 . 5x7 6+xS 7x10 . , 10 11 14 . , 22 23 28 . . 16 21 26 3 25 261 32£ . 6 6* 8 el, inches . 20x5 24x6 2Sx7 , 27x60 30x72 36x72 , , 30 42 60 • • ■ 35x58 40x66 48x76 Hammer 800 1200 2000 . , 3300 4000 5500 > * « $500.00 630.00 800.00 ■ • • 11.00 15.00 21.00 DOUBLE CYLINDER, FRICTION DRUM HOISTING ENCINE. WITH BOILER AND FIXTURES COMPLETE ON ONE BED-PLATE. The Gear and Pinion on these Engines are cut from the solid metal. Size Number of Engine . Horse Power, as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches . Diameter of Drums, inches Diameter of Flanges, inches . Length of Drum between Flanges, inches Diameter of Gear-Wheel, inches Diameter of Pinion, inches Size of Boiler, inches Number 2-inch Tubes Floor Space required, inches . Suitable Weight for Pile-Driving Hammer Approximate Shipping Weight, lbs Price complete as shown . Price of Crating for export Fig. 1877. VISIONS AND PRICE LIST. . . 7* 8 9 10 15 25 5x7 6|x8 7x10 12 14 14 22 26 30 iches 20 24 32 25 26£ 32£ G 6* 8 30x72 36x84 42x84 55 60 84 42x60 48x70 60x81 inier 1500 2000 4000 4000- 5300 8500 $710.00 $880.00 $1120.00 o 15.00 22.00 ' 29.00 546 DOUBLE CYLINDER, DOUBLE FRICTION DRUM HOISTING ENGINES. WITH BOILER AND FIXTURES COMPLETE ON ONE BED-PLATE. Fig. 1878. The Gear and Pinion on these Engines are cut from the solid metal. Especially adapted for Quarry and Bridge wort, Building, Mason work, etc. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Size Number of Engine .... Horse Power, as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches .... Diameter of Drums, inches Diameter of Flanges, inches . Length of Drums between Flanges, inches Size of Boiler, inches .... Number 2-inch Tubes .... Floor Space required, inches . Weight Hoisted, Single Bope, usual Speed, lbs Approximate Shipping Weight, lbs . Price complete as shown .... Price of Crating for Export 547 70 70J 71 10 15 25 5x7 0^x8 7x10 . . 12 14 14 22 2G 27 20 24 32 . 30x72 36x84 42x84 55 60 84 . 42x78 48x88 60x104 !. 2000 2500 4000 5500 7000 9000 . $900.00 $1100.00 $1260.00 16.00 24.00 32.00 DOUBLE CYLINDER, FRICTION DRUM, HOISTING ENCINES. WITH LARCE DRUMS AND SECTIONAL FRAMES. Fig. 1879. The Gear and Pinion on these Engines are cut from the solid metal. These Engines will be found especially adapted for moving over the mountains or placing within the mine3. The Frames are made in sections, but securely bolted together, and all parts are well secured by dowel pins. By this means they can be taken apart and packed in a very small space for prospecting purposes, or can read ly be lowf red down a shaft for service on the levels. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Size number of Engine Horse-power as usually rated Size of Cylinders, inches . Diameter of Drum, inches . Diameter of Flanges, inches Length of Drum, inches Floor Space required, inches Weight Hoisted, Single Eope, ■ usual Speed. pounds .... Weight of Heaviest Part, pounds Approximate Shipping weight, pounds Price complete as shown . Price of Crating for export 1331 134 135 10 15 25 5x7 0^x8 7x10 16 20 24 22 29 36 .14 16 20 35x48 42x53 51x64 2000 2500 4000 279 457 660 2000 2300 3000 $475.00 550.00 650 00 10.00 14.00 18.00 548 SPECIAL EXTRA HEAVY LINK-MOTION MINING HOISTING ENGINES. Fig. 1880. These Engines are designed to stand the severe duty of deep mining. The Gear and Pinion are both half shrouded, the Pinion being made of steel. The shafts are of extra large diameter and the drums of ample size for the capacity of the cylinders. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. !, Size number of Engine .... Horse-power as usually rated Size of Cylinder, inches .... Diameter of Drum, inches . Diameter of Flanges, inches Length of Drum between Flanges, inches Diameter of Crank-Shaft, inches Diameter of Drum-Shaft, inches Weight Hoisted, Single Rope, usual Speed, pounds Approximate Shipping weight, pounds. Floor Space occupied, inches Price complete as shown .... Price of Crating for export The Engines can be equipped with at an extra cost of $42.00 for any size. 148 149 150 15 25 40 6£x8 7x10 7fxl0 28 30 32 37 41 43 20 21 22 2fi m. 3i H 3f 4f 2500 4000 6000 5000 G000 7500 58x70 G0x74 62x77 $660.00 740.00 850 00 14.00 18.00 24.00 'Throwing out Clutch" when so desired, 549 IMPROVED DOUBLE CYLINDER PATENT FRICTION SINGLE DRUM HOISTING ENGINE. WITH POWERFUL FOOT-BRAKE. Fig. 1881. Mounted 011 solid cast-iron base and fitted with Patent Friction Drum and a powerful Foot- Brake. These Engines have been found by a test of many years to be especially adapted to quarrying and mining operations. They handle heavy loads either on inclined tracks or over- head cables with great speed and are so safe and easily operated that they do not require a skilled engineer. The steam is applied only while hoisting, the lowering being done by the Foot-Brake or the friction. This feature renders the engine economical of steam and adapts them to single compartment shafts, single track inclines and all classes of hoisting where a loose drum is a convenience. The drums are of cast-iron in two sections securely bolted together in the middle. The smaller sizes are turned true, while the larger sizes are spirally grooved for wire rope. The bearings on drum-shaft are long* and admit of such thorough lubricating that the drum may revolve on the shaft while lowering with the highest speed and not show appreciable wear. Size Number Engine, . . Horse-Power as usually ) rated, f Diam. of Cylinder, . . . Stoke Cylinder, .... Diam. of Hoisting Drum, . Length of Hoisting Drum . Diam. of Wire Hope for } which Drums are V grooved, inches . . ) Number feet wire rope ) Drums will hold, j- single coil, . . . . ) Average Weight Engines j Hoist, lbs. . . . . i" Average Hoisting Speed, [ feet, per minute . . J Price, Single Drum, Fric- ) » g tion or Link, . . .$■*■••* Price, Single Drum, with [ Friction and Link, . . J ' ' ' 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 10 16 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 5 6* 7 ?j 8 9 10 10 11 12 14 6 8 8 9 10 12 12 15 16 18 18 16 18 20 25 29 32 42 46 48 54 54 22 25| 254 27 28 34 36 40 44 48 48 8 4 a ii ITS 3 4 i 8 7 S 1 H 11 164 192 213 257 309 380 452 551 553 603 225 265 275 300 350 375 400 425 450 450 603 1500 2000 3000 3250 3500 4000 4500 5500 6500 7000 9000 450 550 DOUBLE CYLINDER, DOUBLE FRICTION DRUM AND RE- VERSIBLE LINK-MOTION HOISTING ENGINE. WITH FOOT BRAKES. Fig, 1882. These Engines are especially designed and adapted for Tailrope Haulage and Double Planes. The drums are independent one from the other, loose on the Drum Shaft. r- Cylinder.— r-Dru in.— ! r- Bed Plate—, ,— Prices— , o r° 03 S Pi 03 53 is o Pm W a o 5z5 o a a s CO 0) o a t— i _a OJ p 5} Weight Hoisted on one Drum at a time, lbs. M3 Ph 33 S a) .S a t— t a 3 3 cu o a M .9 a 0) Grooved in Drum for Wire Rope. Diameter, Inches. Amount of Rope the Drum Holds. Siugle coil, Feet. ^3 I— i 02 -a a _a to a 1-3 a o . ■g -a £^ 03 .3 5 ° O a o £■§ +j , 03 ^3 O ' O Gl 32 8 10 3000 350 27 30 7 8 270 140 S3 $ $ 63 50 10 12 4500 600 42 38 1 450 167 89 63 75 12 15 7000 600 48 42 li 500 199 103 64 100 14 18 8000 600 60 60 li 900 247 125 551 "FULL LENGTH TUBE" VERTICAL TUBULAR BOILERS. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. h 2 3 £. a o> o £3 Qj & 5 > — • CD *-* CO ^ 5T U q- to CD " u o CO o "> P rt. so a o _ CD <-+■ CO 2. S- CD ~ 0^ CD, iiL CO C CD O CD p O 1 P CD P" 3 § I 5 to P" P' 2 O p - CD CD to If- p° « P. N P* CD CD to SO B CD O CD tO p 1 P CD P* P P p a 2, p p- p- CD CD B B cc a 2. gF d so p p o p: -c3 o ct i — ^ O o ^ CD B P* p p to p ■o p- CD ^ * jo -+ sr w c £ 2. 3 i-r n> -i P «< p o o o O o O O o o i § H«mmCOIOCOOi(-0'0 nso \r-* ^T 1 CO ifr. i-i ot CPV Bv i OCC O *■ O 1— oo 552 PORTABLE BOILERS, LOCOMOTIVE STYLE. WATER FRONT AND OPEN BOTTOM. Fig. 1884. Fixtures and Fittings for above Boilers comprise: Grate=, Steam Gauge, Water Gauge, Hange Cocks, Safety Valve, Blow off Valve, Check and Stop Valve, Smoke Stack and Guy Rod's (four times the length of Stack). Smoke Box is formed by extending shell. It is equipped with Stack Saddle and Smoke Doors. Anything ordered not in the above list of Fittings will be charged as an extra. TABLE OF DIMENSIONS AND PRICE LIST. Number of Size, Horse-Power as usually rated Diameter of Boiler, inches Length of Fire Box, inches Height of Fire Box, inches Width of Fire Box, inches Number of 3-inch Tubes, . Length of Tubes, inches . Thickness of Shell, inches Tniokness of Furnace } Plates, inches .... J Thickness of Tube Sheets ) and Heads, inches . . J Size of Dome, inches . . . Dia neter of Stack, inches Length of Stack, feet . . . Weigh t of BareBoiler on Skids Weight of Boiler complete, ) with Fixtures, . . . . f Price of Bare Boiler on Skids Pr.ce of Grates, Price of Water Column at- ) tached with Cocks, . . j Price of Water Gauge, . . Price of Steam Gauge, . . . Price of Safety Valve, . . . Price of Check and Stop Valve Price of Blow-oft Valve, . . Price of Stack, ..... Price of Boiler complete, ) with Fixtures, . . . . J Price of Crating for Export, . 4 12 32 38 33 26 26 72 18 x 22 14 18 3375 o 15 32 44 33 26 26 78 6 20 34 52 36 28 28 90 7 25 36 52 38 30 34 96 30 36 52 40 30 34 120 35 40 52 42 34 40 102 10 40 42 54 46 36 43 120 12 60 48 64 52 42 56 144 5 IB- IS 18 x 22 20 x 24 14 16 20 25 3625 4100 30x24 20x24 16 16 25 25 4650 4800 4125 4450 5100 5800 6000 $285.00 $334.00 $376.50 13.00 17.00 22.00 $432.00 $471.00 24.00 24.00 22 x 26 26 x 30 20 22 25 35 6500 9500 8000 11000 $505.00 $570.00 $745 00 27.00 30.00 36.03 22 x 26 20 25 5400 6700 5.00 1.50 3.00 4.00 1.50 1.25 15.75 $330.00 6.00 5.00 1.50 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 17.00 5.50 1.50 3.00 5.50 1.50 2.00 22.50 6.50 1.50 3.00 7.00 1.50 2.00 22.50 6.50 1.50 3.00 7.00 2.00 2.50 22.50 6.50 1.50 3.00 8.00 2.50 3.00 23.50 6.50 1.50 3.00 8.00 2.50 3.00 25.50 6.50 1.53 3.03 10.03 3.00 3.00 42.00 35.00 $440.00 $500.00 $540.00 $580.00 $650.00 $850.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 553 PORTABLE BOILER (LOCOMOTIVE TYPE). These Boilers are made of the best Steel, with best Flange Steel in the Furnaces. The bot- tom ring is made of 2 x 3-inch Wrought Iron Bars, giving a three-inch water space on all sides of the tire, and the Boilers are thoroughly braced and stayed. The Furnaces are large size, with ample Grate surface, and the Boilers are first-class in all respects. We put Safety Fusible Plugs in the Crown Sheets. All Boilers are tested thoroughly before shipment. Fixtures for above Boilers comprise Grates, Safety Valve, Gauge Cocks, Steam Gauge, Water Gauge, Water Column, Whistle, Stop Cock,. Blow-off Cock, Check Valve, Smoke Stack and Guy Rods. These Boilers are tested and inspected before shipment, and the purchaser will receive a Policy of Insurance for one year, issued by a responsible Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. This Policy will be made payable to the Purchaser, and will be in force and valid wherever the Boiler is located. S SPECIFICATIONS OF PORTABLE BOILERS. No. of Size Horse-Power ;is usually rated Diameter of Boiler, inches Length of Furnace " Width of Furnace " Height of Furnace " Number of 3-inch Tubes Length of Tubes, inches Diameter of Dome, " Height of Dome, " Diameter of Stack, " Length of Slack, in feet Wt. of Boiler andSmokeBox, Weight of Boiler Fixtures Wt. of Boiler& Fixtures, c'mple Pkioes Quoted on Application. 554 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 42 44 44 48 54 56 58 58 62 48 50 50 50 54 60 60 60 60 60 34 36 38 38 42 48 ; 50 52 52 56 36 40 42 42 48 54 : 56 58 58 60 34 40 44 44 54 60 66 76 76 90 96 96 102 120 126 132 144 144 168 168 22 22 24 24 26 28 28 30 30 32 26 26 28 28 30 34 34 36 36 40 18 20 22 22 24 26 26 28 28 30 24 24 30 36 36 36 40 40 50 50 . 6300 6900 7600 8100 9000 11000 12800 14000 15000 16500 . 1150 1250 1400 1500 1600 1850 2000 2150 2400 2600 ele 7450 8150 9000 9600 10600 12850 14800 16150 17400 19100 STANDARD HORIZONTAL BOILER WITH HALF-ARCH FRONT SETTING. These Boilers are built of Flange Steel 60,000 pounds T. S. Fixtures foe Half-Arch Front Boiler: These comprise Front complete, with Liners for Fire Brick, Grates, Grate Bearers, Real Arch Bars, Boiler Stand, Anchor Rods, Rear Ash Door and Frame, Safety Valve, Steam Gauge, Water Gauge fitted with Stand Pipe, three Gauge Cocks with Pipes, Whistle and Pipe, Blow- off Valve, Check and Stop Valves, Britchen, Smoke Stack and Guys (four times the length of Stack). For dimensions and prices see page 556. STANDARD HORIZONTAL BOILER WITH FULL-ARCH FRONT SETTING. Fig. 1887. — Fixtures for Full-Arch Front Boiler: These comprise Front complete, with Liners for Fire Brick, Grates, Grate Bearers, Rear Arch Bars, Rear Ash Door and Frame, two Wall Plates with Rollers, Oval Stack Plate, Binder Bars and Cross Rods, Anchor Rods for Front, Safety Valve, Steam Gauge, Water Gauge fitted with Stand Pipe, three Gauge Cocks with Pipes, Whistle and Pipe, Blow-off Valve, Check and Stop Valves, Smoke Stack and Guys (four times the length of Stack). For dimensions and prices see page 557. The 30 and 36-inch Boilers have only Single Stoking and Ash-Pit Doors. 555 HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS. HALF-ARCH FRONT SETTINC. •■d '■d '"d ^d *"d *"d *r) *tJ '"d — ^. ^ ^. ^ ^. "^ 3. 2. oo cd o cd o o cd o hd*"d*"d ^ ►-1 >-i "^ >-i o o otd p Pj c~*~ XT *-. CD C -! a? H.O 2 3 '•P CD CD CD CD CD CD CD O O O OOOOOO^O^ OJCtdOS >3 I ES i S S KiS &O* o * rr' ^ P ii es _ o M so a ^ -r-Qo . o ^ < o pr Pf CD t^ CO p- r-b t-h >TJ ^ >Tj r-rj Hrj ^-d *~d ^ o CD o 3 3cC23 trja CD a o o _ ° ° CD P CD CD ■ B o CD CO 9Sf£ p o WSJQQg^td ns ^ -i I- g ~ i-i * 2 3 §"" ffi w . w " 3 ? E? CD ItJ O 2o CO ■p £ O CD CD "! CJ P P 5= a 3 c3^ -s o ^ >-> 3 P 2 bd*P " o_o gp CD'S ►£ 5 &£. P" s a co a g P GO O eri- p ^g p 2. M CD tHGOj. TtnC c p^»: HBO O cd «r "> I :.-"»&§ ' >-■ - p s ,. 5 p era » HMO P. 2 p' o cm a ^i " p p S g B P ° 5 — ' ~ ^f ~ CD - g o 2 oo2, ° M — O — - ^ ° to tn CD OS i-OP o o ,o < i-h 1-1 i-i. CD 5j- cm* 1 EE - - c? =■ P IS C -1, CD rn w CD CD O* "> S, mm ■— • w n" »! ^=•2 P p-p CD CD CD ^ - CD 2 S - CO CO tDr. w Cr cd u to • to ^ . CO CD . €& to O Ot to O Or CO t- 1 iO GO CO — • Ci!) (Ti *— ' CO GO tO MMCO I-* CO CC :-» CO to MCO^l-iCO h-i <) rf^ hP-CJI o 600 8SSfg*-H* OOCi-3Ci-5C7lCT Q Q o o O C?f o o SS8S^|**w- ^ to co m t to J- 1 CO biOOiQO^COOrOT O OQOlOlOOO I CO cji to CO CO CO S o CO 60 J^ ^ ^mI-"I™«I» co c;i CO ^ tt Cr ^ g to M- CO bi o o co -i co Of bi g) C3 O Of O' O O '^ CO tO ^ ^ fe-fcJBeUwL. L 9!o 1-i oooco-^cooiot o O tt- f\3 Ji- ^ CJf , w i w i CJ1 Ol oi . . iso J- 1 f* O O O 00 -3 CO CI or OOOJIOIQOO w CO or to CO egfcsi"*** qoOi*- L t— "-tOi— l Q O O O tO I- 1 CO Of CO 0000000*0 4^ ^ 10 -Q o Of tO *- Or 'pH^H^H- O tO CC' CO *t,^~-i *f to to ^ Jx co l-, ^* i *c ooojix^^Gooia -3 to to Of O O O Of h^ h^ to i- 1 p ooo-oooo^o ►— CO X Of CO CTf •-' to CZ> I-*. . M pb coo:o 3: rfs*. O Cf tO ^ C7f 'X'mj H^H- O tO CO CO f$sf*cJF*aF to" COCSCO^^OTCOOCC Of h C5CCOt- l J- l C0 > - , -p O O O tO "r- 4 Of Of CO oooooooo i CO Of Ol CO Of lO Of Of 9°^! ,H,„m) m o o ^ co £---:" =--i J '-.j=" C5 CO OS l- 1 - J- 1 CO r-i ffl> t- 1 b b o to ^ or oi co o o o o o o o o oooo^oo>co o o o o o o o o co Of or co tO h£- CO O Of * Of CO o tO GO O Of tO Or Oi 55H -ML-He- oa*.co p^ttj-a^w^CT O: tO Q or (-iH_,«t-M|- COCO^j^i-iCiCOCC OCOOCO OesfKHwi'-' Gi to GO o o o to CD -3 Gi C> '-"-' ' JO .^ P ^* CD ^co- OS Or ->! to co 3 o o ^ OOOCOOf 1 Q tO GO ^ © Ol q rf-. bbbb^ootw ooooooo>o CO M050003 or -^ d co or go 22,000 895.10 55.60 or o o co o O O O GO tO .£• to O H* O O O o CICO^CT CDti^ccjutoiw COCO-J^t-J-^rrco 1 > CD o ■n 556 HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS. FULL-ARCH FRONT SETTING. 00 £* t- rn ^ j> 00 CO «l»:-5l H i^Qr, 10 10 w 10 ©HCOHHOX® ^CX)(0J-^COO5^GO00W ©HWrHHICOCO JO o CO CO 0DlCCO'^ r( - 1 CO=OCO .JojMj^a cocowo fr&*g838S {Nm**TH ra -3 OTO'COCQCOOlOOO COOCO"*©OiO«OlO 10 to IO O 00 t- CO CD O JO 00 IO Ol t-i ^ CO CO -h IO CO H ION GQ COHW COO)^ 00 JO CO o> WOCOOwOOCQ, (03 CQ CO i-H OT <0* 03 Oi ***«*.« 5 sgsg OIO©^ r «OC3 CT th CO °° X OH"00 ^ CO CO tH cv TH ■* IO h CO CO t* t- CO CO th th S co ^ M ct t- es> -w- ,|OT l to ro 00 co h 03 £> CM tH CO-CO tJ4 t> CO CO th a* >.j=: o CO „ t *- 1 CD CD r- ,__ .O Ol r- ) « il m rj,D o 1 > O^ Ctj-i c 3. £ , «*-< o . O fn o t-. i- -fl, C J) "H O J >~7 *J <- +^= CO -^ S co 2^ £^> 2 : tc £ toe fl c : g ce 1=1 C3 ^ rt ) CD „ > „ CD 0) " 3 *=: P o • o - CO ^ CO . •f co C Lf, uj c0 _ O " 4 CO CO CD t? < rl r- r- O r-t o o co^ SPt 'co '.- "5 WEHr EH CO 1-Hr 5 CO c3'o =gCOPH ©3 ° 2 to -^ CO ►--. opq 50^ . ._ Ph ~T 8 __\|-.0 eet, inches. inches. inches. inches. lbs. inches, inches. Minute. lbs. about inches. 8 14 8 6 900 $200 8 2 130 1200 40 32 x 50 12 17 10 8 1200 260 9 3 130 1500 46 36 x 54 14 17 13 8 1400 275 10 3 130 1700 60 42 x 56 18 20 15 10 1800 300 12 3* 130 2200 80 45 x 60 Tiltin g Table furnished at an additional cost. 585 PATENT SHAPER VISES. PEHECTED VISE REGULAR SHAPER VISE MOULD MAKERS HIGH JAW VISE ALL HAVE STEEL FACES RAPID VISE FQBDBILLS 5HAPERS:&.^L"ANEHS BOX VI S£ For Maobine Size, Is. 24-26 28 32 PERFECTED VISE. Takes Between Jaws, in, 15 16 16 Width Jaws, Height Jaws, in. in. 14 194 191 3 44 Weight About lbs. 260 500 500 Trice. $70.00 110.00 110.00 These vises are furnished with a pair of centres and a pair of special taper holding jaws also. RAPID VISE. Takes Between Jaws, in. 6* n hi 9* 9J Width Height Jaws, Jaws, ID. m. 1 11 H 2 2 Weight Abont lbs. 21 36 61 42 150 Price. $15.00 16.75 22.25 19.00 50.00 REGULAR SHAPER VISE. For Takes Machine Between Size, Jaws, in. in. 12 8 16 10 20 124 Width Jaws, in. ■9| 12 12 Height Jaws, in. 2-L Weight About lbs. 85 120 135 BOX VISE. For Takes Machine Between Size, Jaws, in. in. 16 6 24 11 Width Jaws, in. 8 11 Height Weight Jaws, About in. lbs. 21 100 160 HIGH JAWED VISE. For Takes Machine Between Size, Jaws, in. in. 16&20 14 34&26 14 Width 10 14 Height Weight Jaws, About in. lbs. 4 150 44 290 #35.00 45.00 50.(i0 Price. $35.00 45.00 Price. $55.00 70.00 Fig. 1972. Round Base. Fig. 1973. Sqtjabb Base. JORDAN PLANER CHUCKS. ROUND BASE. SQUARE BASE. ^» O p CD Is c3 -3 to 83 PQ J4 o p ja o o 5 CD CD is CD a Space Required Be- tween Planer Posts . M o 5 ja o O ■a CD _o 'u ft 6 11 34 10 lif S4 $25.00 "1 66 $20.00 8 11 5 llf 14 94 30.00 134, 76 25.00 10 2i 6 134 154 128 36.00 15 100 30.00 12 2i -'a 7 16 174, 158 40.00 17 140 35.00 15 2J 94 18 21 251 50.00 20 151 45.00 18 24 11 19i 24 297 60.00 23 194 55.00 24 n 16 25 29 '475 90.00 28 300 75.00 30 22 ^4 21 314 34 575 120. 00 32 400 100.00 586 FIG. 1974. 20-IN. BAND SAW. DIMENSIONS Height overall, 66 inch- es. Floor to centre of pulleys, 2Sf inches. Floor to top of table, 40 inches. Table to upper saw guide when up, 7 inches. Saw to frame at back of table, 20 inches. Band wheels, 20 inches diameter. Floor space, 24x24 inches. The table, 20x24 inches, can be tilted to any desired angle for bevel sawing — especially desirable for pattern work. PULLEYS-Tight and loose, 7 inches diameter for 3 inch belt, provided with shifter and lever, as shown; no counter- shaft required. SAW BLADES— We furnish two saws with each machine — J and f, No. 22 gauge, 10 feet 1 inch long, set and sharp- ened ready for use. SHIPPING WEIGHT— 300 lbs. SPEED-350 to 400 revolutions per min. SIZE AND PRICE. 20-inch Machine, with tight and loose pulleys .... $50.00 Extra Saw Blades, 10 feet 1 in. x J or § in. each .... 1.50 Fig. 1974. FIG. 1975. 26-IN. BAND SAW. DIMENSIONS— Diameter of band wheels, 26 inches. Face of band wheels, l£ inches. Distance clear between saw and frame, 25 inches. Distance clear under guide when raised, 10 inches. Size of table, 20x24 inches. Height of table from floor, 40 inches. TABLE— The table is made of iron and can be set level or at any angle for bevel sawing. PULLEYS-Tight and loose, 10 inches diameter for 3-inch belt. Provided with shifter and lever as shown; no countershaft required. SHIPPING WEICHT-500 lbs. SPEED— 350 to 450 revolutions per minute. Each machine is supplied with one saw blade and outfit for brazing saws. SIZE AND PRICE. 26-inch Machine, with tight and loose pulleys 26-inch Machine, with foot treadles for one or two men pulleys Extra Saw Blades, 13 ft. 9 in. x f in each ...... $80.00 including 90.00 -#BS 2.40 587 Fig. 1975. FIC. 1976. 32-INCH BAND SAW. DIMENSIONS-Diameterof band wheels, 32 inches. Face of band wheels, If inches. Distance clear between saw and frame, 31 inches. Distance clear under guide when raised, 12 inches. Size of table, 24x28 inches. Height of table from floor, 40 inches. T ABLE-The table is made of iron and can be set level or at any angle for bevel sawing. PULLEYS-Tight and loose, 13 inches diameter for 3|-inch belt. Provided with shifter and lever as shown, no countershaft required. SHIPPING WEICHT-900 lbs. SPEED -350 to 450 revolutions per minute. Each machine is supplied with one saw blade and outfit for brazing saws. SIZE AND PRICE. 32-inch Machine, with tight and loose pulleys . .~ . . $105.00 3.00 Extra Saw Blades, 16 ft. 5 in. x J in., each 36-1! FIC. 1977. iCH BAND SAW. DINIENSIONS-Diameter of band wheels, 36 inches. Face of band wheels, 2 inches. Distance clear between saw and frame, 35 inches. Distance clear under guide when Fig. 1976. raised, 15 inches. Size of (tilting) table, 28x32 inches. Material used for table, iron. Height of table from floor, 40 inches. Diameter of belt pulleys, 12 inches. "Width of belt to use, 4 inches. Length of saw blades (maximum), 18 feet 6 inches x £ inch or f inch. THE BAND WHEELS are cast iron, carefully balanced, and covered with endless rubber bands, making a rigid wheel that stays jjermanently true under all con- ditions. The Upper Wheel is adjustable in all directions. THE TABLE tills to any desired angle up to 45 degrees, for bevel or conical saw- ing, and is held rigidly at any point by means of an eccentric lever. The guides are made with hard wood surfaces, making injury to saw impossible. Tight and loose pulleys are provided with shifter lever under table where it is in easy reach, or it can be operated with the foot when more convenient to do so. Each machine is supplied with one saw blade and outfit for brazing saws. SIZE AND PRICE. ' G-inch Machine, with tight and loose pulleys . .... $130.00 Extra Saw Blades, 18 ft. 6 in. x i in., each ...... 3.70 18 " 6 " x f " " . . ; . . . 4.25 Weight of machine, 1,100 lbs. Illustration of 36-inch Band Saw sent on application. 588 SINGLE HEAD BOLT CUTTERS. Fie;. 1978. NO. I. Threads and Taps from j\ to § inch, right or left hand thread. Machine com- plete with open die head, combined hand and automatic opening and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches; six sets of case dies, oue set each, ^\, £, f, ^, § and f inch; six nut taps of same sizes as dies; and one adjustable tap chuck and stop die. Price ...........$ NO. 2. Threads and Taps from £ to 1 inch, right or left band thread. Machine com- plete with open die head, combined hand and automatic opening and clo-ing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches; seven sets of case dies, one set each ^, f, \, §, £ , \ and 1 inch; seven nut taps of same sizes as dies, and one adjustabls tap chuck and stop die. Price $ NO. 3. Threads and Taps from f to \\ inch, right or left hand thread. Machine com- plete with open die head, combined hand and automatic opening and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches; eight sets of case dies, one set each f, \, J| , |, £, ],liand 1 \ inch; eight nut taps of same siz.s as dies, and one adjustable tap chuck and scop die. Price .... .....$ NO. 4. Threads and Taps from f to 1^ inch, right or left hand thread. Machine com- plete with open die head, combined hand and automatic opening and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches; nine sots of case dies, one set each f, £, £, J, ^, 1, li, \\ and 1^ inch; nine nut taps of same sizes as dies, and one adjustable tap chuck and stop die. Price .........$ NO. 5. Threads and Taps from J to 2 inch, right or left hand thread. Machine com- plete with open die head, combined hand and automatic opening and closing device, pumD, countershaft and wrenches; eleven sets of case dies, one set each \, ^, &, ^, 1, 1^, l^r, If, \\, If and 2 inch; eleven nut taps of same siz^s as dies, and one adjustable tap chuck and stop die. Price ......$ 589 DOUBLE HEAD BOLT CUTTERS. Fig. 1979. NO. I. Threads and Taps from T \- to f inch, right or left hand thread. Machine complete with two open die heads, combined hand and automatic open- ing and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches, and 12 sets of case dies, two sets each T 3 ¥ , £, §, \, -g and f inch. Price . . $ NO. 2. Threads and Taps from | to 1 inch, right or left hand thread. Machine complete with two open die heads, combined hand and automatic oj>en- ing and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches, and 12 sets of case dies, two sets each f , T 7 F , \, |-, f and one set each | and 1 inch. Price . . $ NO. 3. Threads and Taps from § to 1^ inch, right or left hand thread. Machine complete with two open die heads, combined hand and automatic open ing and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches, and 13 sets of case dies, two sets each f , \, f , f , $, and one set each 1, 1J and 1\ inch. Price . . $ NO. 4. Threads and Taps from \ to 1£ inch, right or left hand thread. Machine complete with two open die heads, combined hand and automatic open ing and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches, and 14 sets of case die. 1 -, two sets each J, §, f, |, 1 and 1 set each 1-J, 1^, If and 1^ inch. Price . . $ NO. 5. Threads and Taps from \ to 2 inch, right or left hand thread. Machine complete with two open die heads, combined hand and automatic open- ing and closing device, pump, countershaft and wrenches and 20 sets of case dies, two sets each \, f , f , |, 1, \\, \\, If, 1£, and one set each If and 2 inch. Price . . % 590 THE FORBES' PATENT DIE STOCKS FOR HAND POWER. siSfs Fig. 1981. Fig . 1980. No. 5( i. HAND Mi VCHINE No. 30. HAND MACHINE. Ran ge, '2'r to 6 inch R. H. Range, }to2 inc i, R. and L. NET PRICE LIST FOR HAND MACHINES. imber Range. Weight Net. Weight, Gross. Price. *30 ito2 inch both Right and Lett. 138 lbs. 178 lbs. $50.00 *32 ilo2 inch for Solid Dies (without dies). 130 170 " 45.00 *34 1 to 3 inch R. H., 1 to 2 inch L. H. 155 195 " 75.00 *36 i to 3 i to inch R. H., f to 2 inch L. H. 160 200 " 85.00 *37 3 inches, R. and L. 160 200 tt 105.00 t46 . 2i to 4 i i R. H. 220 270 " 85.00 *38 Hto 4 R. H. 222 272 (( 100.00 *40 H to 4 R. and L. 225 275 it 115.00 *42 r to 4 1 1 R. H. 223 273 i ( 110.00 *44 1 to 4 " R. and L. 235 285 < 130.00 +50 4 to 6 " R. H. 298 376 i i 115.00 +52 3A to 6 " R. H. 298 376 it 130.00 +54 2.1 to 5 " R. H. 300 378 1 1 150.00 +56 2i to 6 " R. H. 303 381 " 175.00 +63 2£ to 6 " R. H. (extra heavy). 750 885 " 300.00 *58 1 to 6 it R. H. 330 408 " 190.00 *60 1 to 6 " R. and L. 348 426 ( L 235.00 *63 2A to 8 " R. and L. 625 750 It 360.00 +64 2| to 8 • i R. H. 600 725 " 325.00 +66 3|to 10 it R. H. 750 880 " 500.00 *67 2} to 10 n R. H. 760 890 " 500.00 *68 2f to 10 ■' R. and L. 800 950 i( 550.00 * Pressure feed machine, t Lead screw machine. N js. 30 to 37 have no cut-off attachment. THE CURTIS NIPPLE HOLDER. Number. 1 H 2 3 Fig. 1982. A single revolution of the hand wheel allows the nipple to be unscrewed by the fingers. Weight. Price. 35 lbs. $14.00 65 " 18.00 150 " 40.00 190 " 60.00 Range. inch to 2 inch, R. and L. " to 3 " R. and L. " to 4 " R. and L. " to 6 " R. and L. 591 THE FORBES' PATENT DIE STOCK. AS ARRANGED FOR EITHER HAND OR POWER USE, Fig., 1983. No. 78. HAND OR POWER MACHINE. Range, 2h to 4 inch, R. II. The machine is an adaptation of band machine, already described, for either band or power use. It consists of the regular baud macbiue supplied with a power base, elongated pinion, countershaft, etc., and the machine can either be worked a^ a power machine or taken from the base and carried out on outside work as a hand machine.- We also can furnish a stand when desired for either hand or power machines, to stand on the floor, for which we charge §10 extra. Number. *70 *72 *74 *76 *77 t78 *80 *82 *84 *S6 t88 t90 t92 t94 *96 *9S *99 1-100 +102 *104 *106 NET PRICE LIST FOR HAND OR POWER Range. 3 to 2 incli, R. and L. \ to 2 inch, for Solid Dies (without dies). 1 to 3 inch R. H., 1 10 2 inch L. H. | to 3 inch, R. H.. a to 2 inch L. H. J to 3 inches, R. and L. 2ito H to H to 1 to 1 to 4 to ,3J to 2i to 2ito 1 to 1 to 2i to 8 2J'to 8 2i to 10 2i to 10 2i to 10 H. H. and L. H. R. and L. R. H. R. 11. . H. II. II. » and L. and L. H. R. II. R. II. R. and L. * Pressure feed machine R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Weight, Net. 320 lbs. 315 " 340 " 343 " 348 " 515 " 516 " 517 " 516 " 527 " 635 " 640 '* 640 " 645 " 665 " 675 " 1130 " 1108 " 1510 " 1520 " 1560 "• + Lead screw machine. MACHINES. Weight, Gross. 430 lbs. 425 " 459 •' 462 " 467 " 652 " 653 " 654 " 653 " 664 ' 813 '■ 818 " 818 " • 823 " 843 " 853 •■' 1215 " 1193 " 1600 " 1600 " 1650 •' Price. $100.00 95.00 125.00 135.00 155.00 140.00 150.00 165.00 160.00 180.00 170.00 180.00 200.00 225.00 250.00 285.00 535.00 500.00 700.00 700.00 750.00 These prices include countershaft, ratchet wrench and pipe rest Nos. 70 to 77 have no cut-off attachment. 592 PRICE LIST OF FINISHED SHAFTING. CUT TO LENGTH FROM I FOOT TO 24 FEET, INCLUSIVE. Diam- Weight Per Lb eter. Per Ft. Cents. 4 .167 10 5 ¥ 8 .260 8i .370 - 7 tV .510 l .666 .843 - 6 1 1.05 ii 1.25 4 1.50 1 S 1.76 7 8 2.03 15 TU 2.34 1 2.64 1A 3.00 • 5J i* 3.33 1A 3.74 4 4.16 1A 4.61 i« 5.05 1A 5.50 14 1 s 6.00 6.52 - 5 Diam- Weight Per Lb eter. Per Ft. Cents. if 7.04 -> if* 7.60 if 8.16 m 8.78 if 9.40 m 10.00 2 10.65 »A 11.15 81 8 12.07 q a 12.80 2i ~4 13.50 !■ 5 3 A 14.00 "2^ "'8 15.07 9 T 10 15.83 34 16.68 2 9 17.55 2^ a 18.32 2H 19.31 4 20.18 013 1 ij 21.15 2i 8 22.10 2i-5 ■"is 22.96 Diam. eter. 3 3A 5» 3A 9- 3A 34 3?n 3|' 3fi 3* 2* 311 4 4A 44 4 T m 5 Weight Per Ft 24.06 24.58 26.10 27.16 2S.24 29.40 30.43 31.50 33.64 33.84 35.20 36.40 37.45 39.85 41.04 42.50 48 36 53.62 54.11 60.88 65.50 67.50 Per Lb CeutS. 5 *- 54 64. 7 All Shafts larger than 4 inch are turned and polished. EXTRAS FOR CUTTING LONG AND SHORT LENGTHS. For Shafts 6 inches to 11 J inches long, 4c. per lb. net extra. For Shafts 3 inches to 5j inches long, lc. per lb. net extra. For Shafts shorter than 3 inches, special price quoted upon application. For Shafts over 24 feet and less than 30 feet, 4c. per lb. net extra. For Shafts 30 feet and less than 35, lc. per lb. net extra. For Shafts 35 feet and longer, special price quoted upon application. LARGE TURNED SHAFTS. We are prepared to furnish Turned Shafting all sizes up to 37 feet in length. Prices quoted upon application. KEYSEATING OF SHAFTING. Location of pulley and other special keyseats should be plainly shown by sketch, and orders should designate which Shafts are to be keyseated upon both ends for couplings and i which upon one end only. DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD KEYSEATS. Diam. , Eetseat. — Iiam. , Eetseat. , Diam. , Keyseat. — of Shaft. Width. Depth of Shaft. Width. Depth. of Shaft. Width. Depth Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Iuches. Iiu'hes if to 4 i l 8 31 to 8ft 7 8 7 9 to 10& 14 4 1A to 1A i% 33^ 3| to 5j\ 1 1 m to n T ' e If ' 13 l if If to lit 3 s 3 IT, 5| to 6-ft 14 9 lc! 114 to 12-JJ- If 7 8 If to2fj 4 1 4 64 to m i* 5 8 12| to 134J 11 1 !> 2§ u>m t'V 7}tofrifi if 1 1 To 14 to 14if 2 1 H lo 8^ 3 4 3 S COMPRESSED COUPLING. KEYSEATED AND FURNISHED WITH KEY. Fig. 1984. Steong, Simple and Reliable. These Couplings can be veiy easily and quickly applied to shafts or removed therefrom, and are shipped fitted ready for use. DIMENSIONS. Number Diameter Diameier Length Length of of of of of Coupling. Shaft. Coupling. Coupling. Key. 1 H to li 4| 5* U 2 1A to ia 4f 5* 5* 3 if to 1 T \ 5f T* 6* 4 x 8 to hi 51 8 7i 5 1* to 2 r V 6 8f 7| 6 2* to2& 6 9f 9 7 03 *8 to 2 T \ 7 10* 9i 8 24 to m 'e HI 11 9 2* to 3 T V 8 12i ll a li 8 10 31 to 8ft 81 °8 121 12 11 31 to 3ft 9 121 12 12 3ft to 3U 9i 13} 13* 13 35 to 4ft n 15 14 14 4* to 4ft 11 16 15* 15 4ft to 4ft u* 161 16 1G 4* to 4| m 17J 17 IV ^8 to 5ft 13| i8i 18 PRICE LIST. Diameter Diameter of Shaft. Pi ice. of Shaft. Price. 1 G $5.00 7 §10.75 1* 5.50 oil 13.00 1* 3.70 2rf 16.50 1 7 ■"■IT 6.00 3 T \ 20.00 .111 J- Til 7.00 q 7 d TS 24.00 IIS 8.00 91 1 28.00 2J, "li 9.00 Q15 32.00 No. 4 4 4 4 4 -BOLTS- Diameter of Shaft. 4ft 4*1 °it 6ft 6« Size. * i Price. *42.00 53.00 65.00 78.00 90.00 112.00 594 FLANGE-FACED OR PLATE COUPLING. TURNED ALL OVER; KEYSEATED AND FURNISHED WITH KEYS AND BOLTS. Fig. 1985. Dimensions. No. Diameter Length Diameter No. Diameter Length Diameter of of of of of of of of Coupling. Shafts. Coupling. Flanges. Coupling. Shafts. Coupling. Flanges. 1 4 ^ l T l j 4 54 16 41 to 41f 15| 144 2 i*ioiA 5 64 17 44 to 5ft 16* 144 o If to 1ft 6 U 18 54 to 5ft "i 16 4 ii to m 6J 8f 19 5f to 5ft 18 16| 5 iy It) ^Jjr 7i 9 20 51 to 5U 18} 16} 6 24 to a* 84 9| 21 54 to 6ft 19i 174 7 2f to 2ft 9 9f 22 64 to 6& 204 174 8 2| to SH •} 101 23 6| to 6ft 21 184 9 24 to 3ft 10* 11 24 61 to 6|i 21} 181 10 34 GO —1 -3 — J O G3 ill O' Ql CJ1 *. if- if- *- it- CO OS CO CO CO CO tO til to to to to tO HJ ' -J -t ill Oi c - (— O O © © CO GO -1 -1 -5 © O Or CJT O' Oi rf* *- *- if- CO CO CO CO CO CO tO tO lO tO JO 10 tO CO J-O tO fO tO 1 — '1— ' t— ' •— l Mfc- t 1— * I— »i— 1| — i CJi O © O © 00-)*--*.CCi-'U'Ot | i-'~.iiCf)W O0iMOriit(0fflaii;O(IO ^iOOOOQfl'iblOM O © ■_ O —.OOOOOO' OCllOC O © O O OOOOOOO©© ~ ~ - ' - - -■ © -"_©■_' O' © © © O' it it. 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O' CO O — " O -■> *. (i O O X -! - 1 C. C. ;T Cr w' v. fc ifc CO W CO c WWOJH.O'WOOli-'OWCC*-M-]4i- CO © if- C J s— i ' J ' i '_i ■_ _ ■;. - — © ©©■©©' o z y. rf- v- ■ ~ i .jffiCOOOii — 3 CO ©OS >- © o © o c CO CO CO tJ> to (-■ CO CO CO to t CO CO CO tO t 00 en to so C O CO 09 'J b SOCOSDO'OCJIOC * CO SO — 1 o; CJ' 4- CO to f TCTvCOO' OI C ^oo©©c A )_1 (_l 1-1 v-l ). 1 cs O' 4- co to h CJI tOCO ti ©©■©■: - 1 © CJI » - OI «-» <0 i ; 9 o - : : co -i Oi c 1 b< riui. sop o ■: tO Oi O (O 0~> CO © © OI O? it- w n ■"■OOOO©©©©©! )0-l-3aJOl^t-CJ;ro^- , 3 O O ©■ © © © : iSO-3CS©OI4-C0oJ CI© Os OI if- CO 604 ADJUSTABLE DOUBLE-BRACED SELF-OILING DROP HANGERS. Fig. 1996. PRICE LIST. Range of Drop iu luches. 6 to 8 8 A to 10 104 to 12 124 to 14 14i to 16 164 to 18 184 to 20 204 to2~2 Length of Bearing, Inches. C3 ^15 Mr $3.20 3.85 $3.65 4.30 $4.30 4.70 $4.90 5.20 $5.35 5.60 $5.70 6.00 $6.00 6.15 $6.10 6.25 4 5 55 -1 M 4 15 4.60 5.10 5.60 5.90 6.10 6.30 6.50 5 03 M 4.50 4.95 5.35 5.85 6.25 6.40 6.70 6.90 1 i] 5.20 5 60 6.00 6.50 6.90 7.00 7.30 7.50 7 Range of Drop in Inches. 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 Length of to 9 to 12 to 15 to 18 to 21 to 24 to 27 to 30 Bearing, luches. a HI 2A $6.95 8.45 $7.60 9.35 $8.25 10.15 $8.90 10.80 $9.55 11.50 $10.20 12.50 $10.85 13.40 $11.70 14.25 8 9 <*-i 2is 10.55 11.20 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.10 16.10 17.85 10 ■ 9.1 l 13.15 13.80 15.35 16.00 16.90 18 30 20.15 22.75 11 02 91 5 3A 15.60 16.75 18.05 19.25 20.15 21.80 23.40 26.30 12 17.00 19.80 21.20 22.40 23.40 25.35 26.95 29.90 13 a> 3A 25.35 27.30 28.90 30.20 32.50 34.45 37.70 14 i 3 T f 31.20 33.15 34.80 36.10 38.35 40.95 42.90 16 ±& 42.25 42.90 43.85 45.50 47.45 50.05 53.30 16 o l*H 46.80 48.75 51.00 53.95 57.85 63.05 68.90 18 Dimensions, except length of Bearings, which are given above, see pages 606-607. These Hangers are readily convertible into Floor Stands by simply inverting the boxes. Quotations on extra heavy Hangers and on extra long drops furnished on application. 605 DIMENSIONS OF ADJUSTABLE DOUBLE BRACED DROP HANCERS. SELF-OILINC AND RINC-OILINC BEARINCS. Diameter of Shaft and No. of Hanger. Drop. B E G H length of Self -Oiling Bearings and Price List, see page 605. 606 , BOLTS— Size. No. 6J to 8 12 4* 4* 8 7 8 1 2 Hanger No. 1 8] to 10 m 4* H 8| 1 1 2 104 to 12 m 5 H 9| 1 1 2 if to 1A 12J to 14 14* 14| 5 4i 10 1 144 to 16 5 H 102 l 1 2 lf-1* 16"J to 18 151 6 4* HI 1 1' 2 i|-i* 18* to 20 1«4 6 44 12* 1 1 20S to 22 17 6 44 13* 1 1 2 234 to 25 181 6 44 14i 1 1 2 64 to 8 13* 4 43 9* 1 f 2 Hanger No. 2 81 to 10 13* 4 f 4 43 8 9f 104 1 1 2 104 to 12 141 4i if 1 2 lf-1*' 12! to 14 15 4! 11* 1 1 2 14-1* 144 to 16 15} 16} 4| 44 12 1 i 2 164 to 18 64 4* 12a ill ■ . 14} 1 4 2 if-iH 184 to 20 204 to 22 17$ 18i 64 64 5 5 : ll § 3 4 2 2 224 to 24 18} 64 5 14f 4 2 244 264 to 26 to 28 19! 80} 64 64 5* 4 154 16} 1* l* 2 2 Hanger No. 3 7 to 9 15f 54 5* lOf It 2 10 to 12 54 5 HI li 17 I IB l i 1 TTf 13 to 15 174 54 5 12* 4 2 2 -2 s» 16 to 18 18* 54 54 18} 144 15§ H 4 2 8*-«A 19 32 to 21 to 24 19* 20| 74 74 54 54 34 H 3.T U 1 y 4 4 »HA 25 to 27 21J 7| 6* 17 34 If 1 4 28 to 30 22^ ^4 7| 6 18 ; 54 l| 8 4 7 to 9 164 5 4* ll| 1^ x 8 3 4 2 Hanger No. 4 10 to 12 18 64 54 12 a isf 14| 15} 17i 14 li 13 to 15 19 73 '4 54 3f 14 4 4 2I-2A 16 to 18 20 9 5* ik 1* 3 3 i i 4 4 24-2* 19 to 21 21 9 6 li 4 4 22 to 24 224. 9* 6} 14 14 4 Oft Oil Q3 Ol 3 25 to 27 234 9* 6 I 18* 14 14 4 28 to 30 244 9* 4 19 14 14 3 4 4 31 to 33 27" 9J 8 214 14 14 4 DIMENSIONS OF ADJUSTABLE DOUBLE BRACED DROP HANGERS Continued Diameter of Shaft and 1 BOLTS ^ No. of Hanger. Drop. A B C E G H Size. No. 7 to 9 184 5 5 134 If 3 4 2 Hanger No. 5 10 to 13 18f 7 5 13s , , If 3 4 2 13 to 15 204 SI H 14! 3| U 3 4 4 Q7 Q15 16 to 18 20| 9* 6 15* 4! i* 3 4 4 3 "3yV 19 to 21 23 9| n m 5 U 3 4 4 22 to 24 24£ 9 S n isi 51 4 .3 4 4 3£-3& 25 to 27 25+ 91 H 19* 5i U 3 4 4 Ql 9 K °4~°TB' 28 to 30 264 10 u 20* 51 11 3 4 4 31 to 33 274 9! n 214 51 lj 3 4 4 34 to 36 28* 10 7 00& 51. 11 a 4 4 7 to 9 19* 5 H 14i . , n 1 2 Hanger No. 6 10 to 12 20| Sf 6i 14! 4* 1* 1 8 4 13 to 15 21 2 84- 6* 15! 4* 1A 7 8 4 03 q 7 16 to 18 22* 84- 6* 17* 4* 14 7 8 4 3i-3 T \ 19 to 21 23J 84- 6i 18! 4f n 7 8 4 22 to 24 24^ .8*" 64 19i« 4| H 7 8 4 3|-3H 25 to 27 36| 9 6| 20! 4f u 7 8 4 Q3 913 a 4 a T4 "TS 31 to 33 37 12i 10! 28 51 2§ 1 4 34 to 36 38 12i io| 29* 5! 2f 1 4 Length of Self-Oiling Bearings, page 605. 607 Price List, see page 605 ADJUSTABLE SELF-OILING POST HANGER. Diameter of Shaft. 1* 1* 111 1 Ta- il k L tt 2ft 2ft on »H 8A 311 a TTJ 311 !* 4& 4H PRICE LIST. Length Distance from Price. of Bearing. Foot to Centre. $3.80 5 4 4.30 6 4f 5.40 7 44 6.40 8 5* 8.10 9 5* 10.20 10 6 I 13.90 11 H 16.20 12 8j 20.70 13 8* 26.20 14 9f 32.10 15 9| 38.00 16 11 44.25 16 11 50.50 16 131 13} 64.50 18 78.50 20 15i Pig. 1997. DIMENSIONS OF ADJUSTABLE SELF- OILING AND RING-OILING POST HANGERS See Table below, and for Diameter of Shaft and Length of Bearing see Table in Price List above. , r , a . No. of Frame. Diameter of Shaft. A B E E Ring Oiling. Self Oiling. Ring Oiling. Self Oiling. 1 < — Bolt6 — No. Size. 1 15 Tf 4 91 3 6 I 1 1 ! . , . t 5 3 2 i J 1 1 » 'ft 4 94 3 6 , , % . 5 3 2 1 1ft 4 H 3 6 , . 5 3 2 * 2 1ft 4f m.'. 3f 4 ift -i i 1-4 5f of 3 I 3} 2 \ 2 111 1 TT 4 \ 10* 'i ift 1 1 5| 5| 2 * 3 IIS 5J 13 9 i if 7 7 H 2 I I 3 2ft 5* 13 4 9 i i* 7* 7* 4-t 4 2 4 2ft 6| 15 4} 11 « H M. 1 ft 8" 8" 2 4 on 6 t 15 4? 11- ■ 4 H 12. 3| 8 8 ^ 2 I 5 Ol G "IS 8 i m 6 ia f i| 3% 9 9* 91 H 2 I 5 Q 8 a TJ 81 17f 6 13 H 3f 9 4 2 J 6 3 T V 3H 9§ 22* 91 22* n 16 li ll 3 f 3} 3| 9 f 9 I 10} 10} 10? 7 2 4 6 H 16 ; 3| io| 7 2 7 31 5 °T^ 11 351 8 18- 4 f 5 4| 11 74 2 7 4ft 11 25* 8 18- 1 1| 43 5! 11 7* 2 8 4ft 13? 29i 8£ 22- H 11* 11? 8" 2 A 8 m 13^ 29* 8i 28- 1} 5J 5* 111 Ill 12| 8 2 1 j 9 Al 5 ^T5 13 ; 30" 8 I 33- if 5 t 4 5| 12 8 2 9 K 8 13, 30 22; n 13 12i 8 2 4 10 5ft 15; ' 35 26; 7 4 121 13| 8f 2 1 i 10 5*1 15; 35 ill 26, 7 si 12* 13A 8| 2 ] 4 1 10 5il 15, 35 n| 26; ■ ii 61 5f 12* 13* 8| 2 j Fig. 2081. Cut Full Size. Gauge numbers from 61 to 80. $1.50 Price . . . |2.00 TWIST DRILL AND STEEL WIRE CAUCE. f^i.3 -l4WpV---l o- J ,G V G^ ■fs N i: - /, ^ o* "^ \ « » ** ' ^^' &, » » , > " : ° /V £ ■ °>. " « V * ■> = •> / x ^. ,% °o «5 ■%. •P*. v» > # ,0 5 0? ,\ v V , v i j ^ - - W v % ! i o N ; - - o •" - ' \ ■--