1175 33 opy 1 eirpi^e^. ' *■ ' ■^m^jgH^:..'^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf ....(4_'3.3> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. t a^ i^oss y'fia(©ies. cri5 i^oss ^^pRcgies BY / PALMER D. HATCH. Fancy, high commission' d : send her? She has vassals to attend her : She will bting, in spite of frost. Beauties, that the earth has lost. HARD & PARSONS NEW YORK. / / / 6 7 / 'n%%V \ A /0RDS as bnabt as alowina leaves, (^9ouar)ts like precious autumn sf^eaves, (^rul9 as pure as winter snow, nancies liabt as blossoms blow, ^onas witf} loy and beauty filled,. lOy i\)e love of nature tfjnlled. Palmer D. Hatch. FROST WORK. HESE winter niapts, aaamst my window pane rtature witp busy pencil draws desians yf ferns and blossoms and fine spray of pines, W91C9 sl^e will make wr)en summer comes aaain — ■Quaint arabesques in arnent, flat and cold, Qil^e curious o^inese etc.*?inas ' " Dy and by, Walking my leafy c^anden as of old, (^)9ese frosty fantasies sl^all cl^arm my eye 9n azure, damask, emerald and ^old. T. B. Aldkich. Om; HE l^ills are often wf^Ite witf) snow-powder, black spnnn-tennpesfs rusl^ fiercely down fronn tl^em, and 1ben aaam tl^e sky looks fortl? witl? a pale pure bnpt^tness, — like Qternity from bel^ind ^ime. (^I;e sky, wi^en cne tl^mks of it, is always blue, pure cl;ancieless a^une, rams and tempests are only for \\)e little dwellma wl^ere men abide. Qet us tbmk of tl^is too. Thomas Cari.yle; THE PAGEANT. osV S0UND as If from bells of silver, Wn elfin cymbals smitten clear, >l;)roual7 ti^e frost-pictured panes I l;ear Wbat miracle of weird tnansformma 3n tl}!s wild work of frost and lial^t, '^i^is alimpse of alory infinite. ^\)Q jewels loosen on tl^e branches, 0nd llabtly, as tl^e soft winds blow, Hall, tinblina, on ti^e ice below. THE PAGEANT. E\T tl^e stranae frost worl^ sinl^ and crumble, yncl let tl^ie loosened tree-bou^ps swing, ^ill all tl;eir bells of sliver nn^. ^9me warmly down, tr)ou sun of noon-time Wn tpis C91II paaeant, melt ana move ^\)Q Winters frozen [;eart v>/itl; love. Mnd, soft and low, tpou wind soutp-blowmn Dreatr^e tl^rouaf) a veil of tenderest \)^IQ^ (^9y prophecy of summer days. WUITTIKK. THE QUESTION. DREAM&D ibat, as ^ wandered by tl^e way, Bare Winter was cl^anped suddenly to ^prlnp, Qnd aentle odors led my steps astray, FRixed witb t^e sound of waters murmuring, Qlona a sl^elvy banh^ of turf, wbicb lay ^nder a copse, and l^ardly dared to flinp ^ts areen arms round tl^e bosom of t^e stream, Butb^Issedltandtbenfled.astbou mipbtest in a dream. THE QUESTION. V ETH0UGHT ti^at of tf;ese visionary flowers, 3 made a noseaay, bound m sucl^ a way (^bat fr;e same pues, wyicr? in tpeir natural bowers Were mmaled or opposed, tl^e lil?e array /r\ept tpese imprisoned cbildnen of tl^e Hours Within my ^and — and ipen, elate and aay, c) fastened to tpe spot whence a l;ad come, (^^at 3 miapt tpere present it! yf?, to w9om? SlIEM.EV. ABSENCE. ^'HESE nuaaed, wintry days ^ scarce could bear, w Bid ^ not h^now, tl^at, In tl^e early sprlnp, Wben wild FRarcb winds upon tbeir errands sinp, ^\)ow wouldst return, bursting on tl^is siill aiP, bibe tbose same winds, w^en, startled fronn t^eir lair, ^bey bunt up violets, and free swift broof^s From icy cares, even as tby clear lool^s Bid my beart bloom, and sinp, and breal^ all care. Lowell. ABSENCE, HEN drops witl^ welcome ram \\)Q Wpnl day, fifty flowers sl^all find ti^eir ypnl in limine eyes, ^ave there tl^e rain \x\ dreamy clouds doti; stay, Ws loath to fall out of those happy sbies ; Yet sure, my love, thou art most like to rrfoay, »hat comes with steady sun when Opnl dies Lowell. THE CLEAR VISION. DID but dream! 3 never l^new Wl-^at charms our sternest season wore, Was never yet tr}e sky so blue, Was never eantl; so bnar^t before. 5 never saw tl^e al ^•ill now ^ never saw ow 0f sunset on yon l^ills of snow, nd never learned t[}e bouai} s designs 0f beauty in its leafless lines. Whittier. AN ALPINE PICTURE. ^^ii^TAND \)Q?Q and look and softly l^old your breall) Qest ti^e vast avalanche come cras9ma down I Mow many miles away is yonder town ®et flower-wise in the valley? Par beneath — y scimitar r^alf drawn from out its sbeatr; — (^)9e riven curves t^rou^l} meadows newly mown ; ^\)Q ancient water courses are ail strown Witp drifts of snow, fantastic wreatp on wreatl^ W tell me, love, if tnis be Switzerland — ' ' ■' V (J) or IS it but tl^e frost-worl? on tl^e pane? T. B. Al.DKlCH. AFTERWARDS. PT times come blessinas in dispuise 0f troubles, as from sullen sl^ies ^l;e wbite snow flutters silently, ^ill neatly \\)Q sun tf^at radiantly t lenjtb burst fortl;^, tl^e fair eartl} lies, • plendid before our opened eyes. Palmer D. Hatch. ■i MltaiiiM^Arfi^Ml^Afl^^^A^ii iiM 11 I A Bijai M^n ■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 978 755 9 '